path: root/tex/context/base/mkiv/mult-ini.lua
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Diffstat (limited to 'tex/context/base/mkiv/mult-ini.lua')
1 files changed, 438 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/mult-ini.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/mult-ini.lua
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c51c4c3d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/mult-ini.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,438 @@
+if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['mult-ini'] = {
+ version = 1.001,
+ comment = "companion to mult-ini.mkiv",
+ author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
+ copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
+ license = "see context related readme files"
+local format, gmatch, match = string.format, string.gmatch, string.match
+local lpegmatch = lpeg.match
+local serialize, concat = table.serialize, table.concat
+local context = context
+local commands = commands
+local implement = interfaces.implement
+local allocate =
+local mark =
+local prtcatcodes = catcodes.numbers.prtcatcodes
+local contextsprint = context.sprint
+local setmetatableindex = table.setmetatableindex
+local formatters = string.formatters
+local report_interface = logs.reporter("interface","initialization")
+interfaces = interfaces or { }
+interfaces.constants = mark(interfaces.constants or { })
+interfaces.variables = mark(interfaces.variables or { })
+interfaces.elements = mark(interfaces.elements or { })
+interfaces.formats = mark(interfaces.formats or { })
+interfaces.translations = mark(interfaces.translations or { })
+interfaces.corenamespaces = mark(interfaces.corenamespaces or { })
+local registerstorage = storage.register
+local sharedstorage = storage.shared
+local constants = interfaces.constants
+local variables = interfaces.variables
+local elements = interfaces.elements
+local formats = interfaces.formats
+local translations = interfaces.translations
+local corenamespaces = interfaces.corenamespaces
+local reporters = { } -- just an optimization
+registerstorage("interfaces/constants", constants, "interfaces.constants")
+registerstorage("interfaces/variables", variables, "interfaces.variables")
+registerstorage("interfaces/elements", elements, "interfaces.elements")
+registerstorage("interfaces/formats", formats, "interfaces.formats")
+registerstorage("interfaces/translations", translations, "interfaces.translations")
+registerstorage("interfaces/corenamespaces", corenamespaces, "interfaces.corenamespaces")
+interfaces.interfaces = {
+ "cs", "de", "en", "fr", "it", "nl", "ro", "pe",
+sharedstorage.currentinterface = sharedstorage.currentinterface or "en"
+sharedstorage.currentresponse = sharedstorage.currentresponse or "en"
+local currentinterface = sharedstorage.currentinterface
+local currentresponse = sharedstorage.currentresponse
+local complete = allocate()
+interfaces.complete = complete
+local function resolve(t,k) -- one access needed to get loaded (not stored!)
+ report_interface("loading interface definitions from 'mult-def.lua'")
+ complete = dofile(resolvers.findfile("mult-def.lua"))
+ report_interface("loading interface messages from 'mult-mes.lua'")
+ complete.messages = dofile(resolvers.findfile("mult-mes.lua"))
+ interfaces.complete = complete
+ return rawget(complete,k)
+setmetatableindex(complete, resolve)
+local function valueiskey(t,k) -- will be helper
+ t[k] = k
+ return k
+setmetatableindex(variables, valueiskey)
+setmetatableindex(constants, valueiskey)
+setmetatableindex(elements, valueiskey)
+setmetatableindex(formats, valueiskey)
+setmetatableindex(translations, valueiskey)
+function interfaces.registernamespace(n,namespace)
+ corenamespaces[n] = namespace
+local function resolve(t,k)
+ local v = logs.reporter(k)
+ t[k] = v
+ return v
+for category, _ in next, translations do
+ -- We pre-create reporters for already defined messages
+ -- because otherwise listing is incomplete and we want
+ -- to use that for checking so delaying makes not much
+ -- sense there.
+ local r = reporters[category]
+-- adding messages
+local function add(target,tag,values)
+ local t = target[tag]
+ if not f then
+ target[tag] = values
+ else
+ for k, v in next, values do
+ if f[k] then
+ -- error
+ else
+ f[k] = v
+ end
+ end
+ end
+function interfaces.settranslation(tag,values)
+ add(translations,tag,values)
+function interfaces.setformat(tag,values)
+ add(formats,tag,values)
+-- the old method:
+local replacer = lpeg.replacer { { "--", "%%a" } }
+local function fulltag(category,tag)
+ return formatters["%s:%s"](category,lpegmatch(replacer,tag))
+function interfaces.setmessages(category,str)
+ for tag, message in gmatch(str,"(%S+) *: *(.-) *[\n\r]") do
+ if tag == "title" then
+ translations[tag] = translations[tag] or tag
+ else
+ formats[fulltag(category,tag)] = lpegmatch(replacer,message)
+ end
+ end
+function interfaces.setmessage(category,tag,message)
+ formats[fulltag(category,tag)] = lpegmatch(replacer,message)
+function interfaces.getmessage(category,tag,default)
+ return formats[fulltag(category,tag)] or default or "unknown message"
+function interfaces.doifelsemessage(category,tag)
+ return formats[fulltag(category,tag)]
+local splitter = lpeg.splitat(",")
+function interfaces.showmessage(category,tag,arguments)
+ local r = reporters[category]
+ local f = formats[fulltag(category,tag)]
+ local t = type(arguments)
+ if t == "string" and #arguments > 0 then
+ r(f,lpegmatch(splitter,arguments))
+ elseif t == "table" then
+ r(f,unpack(arguments))
+ elseif arguments then
+ r(f,arguments)
+ else
+ r(f)
+ end
+-- till here
+function interfaces.setvariable(variable,given)
+ variables[given] = variable
+function interfaces.setconstant(constant,given)
+ constants[given] = constant
+function interfaces.setelement(element,given)
+ elements[given] = element
+-- the real thing:
+-- initialization
+-- function interfaces.setuserinterface(interface,response)
+-- sharedstorage.currentinterface, currentinterface = interface, interface
+-- sharedstorage.currentresponse, currentresponse = response, response
+-- if environment.initex then
+-- local nofconstants = 0
+-- for given, constant in next, complete.constants do
+-- constant = constant[interface] or constant.en or given
+-- constants[constant] = given -- breedte -> width
+-- contextsprint(prtcatcodes,"\\ui_c{",given,"}{",constant,"}") -- user interface constant
+-- nofconstants = nofconstants + 1
+-- end
+-- local nofvariables = 0
+-- for given, variable in next, complete.variables do
+-- variable = variable[interface] or variable.en or given
+-- variables[given] = variable -- ja -> yes
+-- contextsprint(prtcatcodes,"\\ui_v{",given,"}{",variable,"}") -- user interface variable
+-- nofvariables = nofvariables + 1
+-- end
+-- local nofelements = 0
+-- for given, element in next, complete.elements do
+-- element = element[interface] or element.en or given
+-- elements[element] = given
+-- contextsprint(prtcatcodes,"\\ui_e{",given,"}{",element,"}") -- user interface element
+-- nofelements = nofelements + 1
+-- end
+-- local nofcommands = 0
+-- for given, command in next, complete.commands do
+-- command = command[interface] or command.en or given
+-- if command ~= given then
+-- contextsprint(prtcatcodes,"\\ui_m{",given,"}{",command,"}") -- user interface macro
+-- end
+-- nofcommands = nofcommands + 1
+-- end
+-- local nofformats = 0
+-- for given, format in next, complete.messages.formats do
+-- formats[given] = format[interface] or format.en or given
+-- nofformats = nofformats + 1
+-- end
+-- local noftranslations = 0
+-- for given, translation in next, complete.messages.translations do
+-- translations[given] = translation[interface] or translation.en or given
+-- noftranslations = noftranslations + 1
+-- end
+-- report_interface("definitions: %a constants, %a variables, %a elements, %a commands, %a formats, %a translations",
+-- nofconstants,nofvariables,nofelements,nofcommands,nofformats,noftranslations)
+-- else
+-- report_interface("the language(s) can only be set when making the format")
+-- end
+-- end
+function interfaces.setuserinterface(interface,response)
+ sharedstorage.currentinterface, currentinterface = interface, interface
+ sharedstorage.currentresponse, currentresponse = response, response
+ if environment.initex then
+ local nofconstants = 0
+ local nofvariables = 0
+ local nofelements = 0
+ local nofcommands = 0
+ local nofformats = 0
+ local noftranslations = 0
+ local t, n, f, s
+ --
+ t, n, f, s = { }, 0, formatters["\\ui_c{%s}{%s}"], formatters["\\ui_s{%s}"]
+ for given, constant in next, complete.constants do
+ constant = constant[interface] or constant.en or given
+ constants[constant] = given -- breedte -> width
+ nofconstants = nofconstants + 1
+ if given == constant then
+ t[nofconstants] = s(given)
+ else
+ t[nofconstants] = f(given,constant)
+ end
+ end
+ contextsprint(prtcatcodes,concat(t))
+ --
+ t, n, f = { }, 0, formatters["\\ui_v{%s}{%s}"]
+ for given, variable in next, complete.variables do
+ variable = variable[interface] or variable.en or given
+ variables[given] = variable -- ja -> yes
+ nofvariables = nofvariables + 1
+ t[nofvariables] = f(given,variable)
+ end
+ contextsprint(prtcatcodes,concat(t))
+ --
+ t, n, f = { }, 0, formatters["\\ui_e{%s}{%s}"]
+ for given, element in next, complete.elements do
+ element = element[interface] or element.en or given
+ elements[element] = given
+ nofelements = nofelements + 1
+ t[nofelements] = f(given,element)
+ end
+ contextsprint(prtcatcodes,concat(t))
+ --
+ t, n, f = { }, 0, formatters["\\ui_m{%s}{%s}"]
+ for given, command in next, complete.commands do
+ command = command[interface] or command.en or given
+ if command ~= given then
+ n = n + 1
+ t[n] = f(given,command)
+ end
+ nofcommands = nofcommands + 1
+ end
+ contextsprint(prtcatcodes,concat(t))
+ --
+ for given, format in next, complete.messages.formats do
+ formats[given] = format[interface] or format.en or given
+ nofformats = nofformats + 1
+ end
+ --
+ for given, translation in next, complete.messages.translations do
+ translations[given] = translation[interface] or translation.en or given
+ noftranslations = noftranslations + 1
+ end
+ --
+ report_interface("definitions: %a constants, %a variables, %a elements, %a commands, %a formats, %a translations",
+ nofconstants,nofvariables,nofelements,nofcommands,nofformats,noftranslations)
+ else
+ report_interface("the language(s) can only be set when making the format")
+ end
+interfaces.implement {
+ name = "setuserinterface",
+ actions = interfaces.setuserinterface,
+ arguments = { "string", "string" }
+interfaces.cachedsetups = interfaces.cachedsetups or { }
+interfaces.hashedsetups = interfaces.hashedsetups or { }
+local cachedsetups = interfaces.cachedsetups
+local hashedsetups = interfaces.hashedsetups
+storage.register("interfaces/cachedsetups", cachedsetups, "interfaces.cachedsetups")
+storage.register("interfaces/hashedsetups", hashedsetups, "interfaces.hashedsetups")
+function interfaces.cachesetup(t)
+ local hash = serialize(t)
+ local done = hashedsetups[hash]
+ if done then
+ return cachedsetups[done]
+ else
+ done = #cachedsetups + 1
+ cachedsetups[done] = t
+ hashedsetups[hash] = done
+ return t
+ end
+function interfaces.interfacedcommand(name)
+ local command = complete.commands[name]
+ return command and command[currentinterface] or name
+-- interface
+function interfaces.writestatus(category,message)
+ reporters[category](message) -- could also be a setmetatablecall
+function interfaces.message(str)
+ texio.write(str) -- overloaded
+implement { name = "registernamespace", actions = interfaces.registernamespace, arguments = { "integer", "string" } }
+implement { name = "setinterfaceconstant", actions = interfaces.setconstant, arguments = { "string", "string" } }
+implement { name = "setinterfacevariable", actions = interfaces.setvariable, arguments = { "string", "string" } }
+implement { name = "setinterfaceelement", actions = interfaces.setelement, arguments = { "string", "string" } }
+implement { name = "setinterfacemessage", actions = interfaces.setmessage, arguments = { "string", "string", "string" } }
+implement { name = "setinterfacemessages", actions = interfaces.setmessages, arguments = { "string", "string" } }
+implement { name = "showmessage", actions = interfaces.showmessage, arguments = { "string", "string", "string" } }
+implement {
+ name = "doifelsemessage",
+ actions = { interfaces.doifelsemessage, commands.doifelse },
+ arguments = { "string", "string" },
+implement {
+ name = "getmessage",
+ actions = { interfaces.getmessage, context },
+ arguments = { "string", "string", "string" },
+implement {
+ name = "writestatus",
+ overload = true,
+ actions = interfaces.writestatus,
+ arguments = { "string", "string" },
+implement {
+ name = "message",
+ overload = true,
+ actions = interfaces.message,
+ arguments = "string",
+local function showassignerror(namespace,key,line)
+ local ns, instance = match(namespace,"^(%d+)[^%a]+(%a*)")
+ if ns then
+ namespace = corenamespaces[tonumber(ns)] or ns
+ end
+ -- injected in the stream for timing:
+ if instance and instance ~= "" then
+ context.writestatus("setup",formatters["error in line %a, namespace %a, instance %a, key %a"](line,namespace,instance,key))
+ else
+ context.writestatus("setup",formatters["error in line %a, namespace %a, key %a"](line,namespace,key))
+ end
+implement {
+ name = "showassignerror",
+ actions = showassignerror,
+ arguments = { "string", "string", "integer" },
+-- a simple helper
+local settings_to_hash = utilities.parsers.settings_to_hash
+local makesparse = function(t)
+ for k, v in next, t do
+ if not v or v == "" then
+ t[k] = nil
+ end
+ end
+ return t
+function interfaces.checkedspecification(specification)
+ local kind = type(specification)
+ if kind == "table" then
+ return makesparse(specification)
+ elseif kind == "string" and specification ~= "" then
+ return makesparse(settings_to_hash(specification))
+ else
+ return { }
+ end