path: root/tex/context/base/mkiv/lpdf-epd.lua
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Diffstat (limited to 'tex/context/base/mkiv/lpdf-epd.lua')
1 files changed, 207 insertions, 121 deletions
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/lpdf-epd.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/lpdf-epd.lua
index 0f62d6189..2fcd28473 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/lpdf-epd.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/lpdf-epd.lua
@@ -31,71 +31,86 @@ if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['lpdf-epd'] = {
-- a safer bet is foo("Title") which will return a decoded string (or the original if it
-- already was unicode).
-local setmetatable, rawset, rawget, type = setmetatable, rawset, rawget, type
+local setmetatable, rawset, rawget, type, next = setmetatable, rawset, rawget, type, next
local tostring, tonumber = tostring, tonumber
local lower, match, char, byte, find = string.lower, string.match, string.char, string.byte, string.find
local abs = math.abs
local concat = table.concat
local toutf, toeight, utfchar = string.toutf, utf.toeight, utf.char
+local setmetatableindex = table.setmetatableindex
local lpegmatch, lpegpatterns = lpeg.match, lpeg.patterns
local P, C, S, R, Ct, Cc, V, Carg, Cs, Cf, Cg = lpeg.P, lpeg.C, lpeg.S, lpeg.R, lpeg.Ct, lpeg.Cc, lpeg.V, lpeg.Carg, lpeg.Cs, lpeg.Cf, lpeg.Cg
-local epdf = epdf
- lpdf = lpdf or { }
-local lpdf = lpdf
-local lpdf_epdf = { }
-lpdf.epdf = lpdf_epdf
+local epdf = epdf
+ lpdf = lpdf or { }
+local lpdf = lpdf
+local lpdf_epdf = { }
+lpdf.epdf = lpdf_epdf
-local pdf_open =
+-- local getDict, getArray, getReal, getNum, getString, getBool, getName, getRef, getRefNum
+-- local getType, getTypeName
+-- local dictGetLength, dictGetVal, dictGetValNF, dictGetKey
+-- local arrayGetLength, arrayGetNF, arrayGet
+-- local streamReset, streamGetDict, streamGetChar
-local report_epdf = logs.reporter("epdf")
+-- We use as little as possible and also not an object interface. After all, we
+-- don't know how the library (and its api) evolves so we better can be prepared
+-- for wrappers.
-local getDict, getArray, getReal, getNum, getString, getBool, getName, getRef, getRefNum
-local getType, getTypeName
-local dictGetLength, dictGetVal, dictGetValNF, dictGetKey
-local arrayGetLength, arrayGetNF, arrayGet
-local streamReset, streamGetDict, streamGetChar
+local registry = debug.getregistry()
- local object = epdf.Object()
- --
- getDict = object.getDict
- getArray = object.getArray
- getReal = object.getReal
- getNum = object.getNum
- getString = object.getString
- getBool = object.getBool
- getName = object.getName
- getRef = object.getRef
- getRefNum = object.getRefNum
- --
- getType = object.getType
- getTypeName = object.getTypeName
- --
- streamReset = object.streamReset
- streamGetDict = object.streamGetDict
- streamGetChar = object.streamGetChar
- --
+local object = registry["epdf.Object"]
+local dictionary = registry["epdf.Dict"]
+local array = registry["epdf.Array"]
+local xref = registry["epdf.XRef"]
+local catalog = registry["epdf.Catalog"]
+local pdfdoc = registry["epdf.PDFDoc"]
-local function initialize_methods(xref)
- local dictionary = epdf.Dict(xref)
- local array = epdf.Array(xref)
- --
- dictGetLength = dictionary.getLength
- dictGetVal = dictionary.getVal
- dictGetValNF = dictionary.getValNF
- dictGetKey = dictionary.getKey
- --
- arrayGetLength = array.getLength
- arrayGetNF = array.getNF
- arrayGet = array.get
- --
- initialize_methods = function()
- -- already done
- end
+local openPDF =
+local getDict = object.getDict
+local getArray = object.getArray
+local getReal = object.getReal
+local getInt = object.getInt
+local getNum = object.getNum
+local getString = object.getString
+local getBool = object.getBool
+local getName = object.getName
+local getRef = object.getRef
+local getRefNum = object.getRefNum
+local getType = object.getType
+local getTypeName = object.getTypeName
+local streamReset = object.streamReset
+local streamGetDict = object.streamGetDict
+local streamGetChar = object.streamGetChar
+local dictGetLength = dictionary.getLength
+local dictGetVal = dictionary.getVal
+local dictGetValNF = dictionary.getValNF
+local dictGetKey = dictionary.getKey
+local arrayGetLength = array.getLength
+local arrayGetNF = array.getNF
+local arrayGet = array.get
+-- these are kind of weird as they can't be accessed by (root) object
+local getNumPages = catalog.getNumPages
+local getPageRef = catalog.getPageRef
+local getXRef = pdfdoc.getXRef
+local getRawCatalog = pdfdoc.getCatalog
+local fetch = xref.fetch
+local getCatalog = xref.getCatalog
+local getDocInfo = xref.getDocInfo
+-- we're done with library shortcuts
+local report_epdf = logs.reporter("epdf")
local typenames = { [0] =
@@ -139,15 +154,50 @@ local checked_access
local frompdfdoc = lpdf.frompdfdoc
-local function get_flagged(t,f,k)
- local fk = f[k]
- if not fk then
- return t[k]
- elseif fk == "rawtext" then
- return frompdfdoc(t[k])
- else -- no other flags yet
- return t[k]
+local get_flagged
+if lpdf.dictionary then
+ local pdfdictionary = lpdf.dictionary
+ local pdfarray = lpdf.array
+ local pdfconstant = lpdf.constant
+ local pdfstring = lpdf.string
+ local pdfunicode = lpdf.unicode
+ get_flagged = function(t,f,k)
+ local tk = t[k] -- triggers resolve
+ local fk = f[k]
+ if not fk then
+ return tk
+ elseif fk == "name" then
+ return pdfconstant(tk)
+ elseif fk == "array" then
+ return pdfarray(tk)
+ elseif fk == "dictionary" then
+ return pdfarray(tk)
+ elseif fk == "rawtext" then
+ return pdfstring(tk)
+ elseif fk == "unicode" then
+ return pdfunicode(tk)
+ else
+ return tk
+ end
+ get_flagged = function(t,f,k)
+ local tk = t[k] -- triggers resolve
+ local fk = f[k]
+ if not fk then
+ return tk
+ elseif fk == "rawtext" then
+ return frompdfdoc(tk)
+ else
+ return tk
+ end
+ end
local function prepare(document,d,t,n,k,mt,flags)
@@ -166,7 +216,7 @@ local function prepare(document,d,t,n,k,mt,flags)
local cached = document.__cache__[objnum]
if not cached then
cached = checked_access[kind](v,document,objnum,mt)
- if c then
+ if cached then
document.__cache__[objnum] = cached
document.__xrefs__[cached] = objnum
@@ -207,8 +257,11 @@ local function some_dictionary(d,document)
__call = function(t,k)
return get_flagged(t,f,k)
+ -- __kind = function(k)
+ -- return f[k] or type(t[k])
+ -- end,
} )
- return t
+ return t, "dictionary"
@@ -225,8 +278,11 @@ local function get_dictionary(object,document,r,mt)
__call = function(t,k)
return get_flagged(t,f,k)
+ -- __kind = function(k)
+ -- return f[k] or type(t[k])
+ -- end,
} )
- return t
+ return t, "dictionary"
@@ -260,8 +316,14 @@ local function prepare(document,a,t,n,k)
fatal_error("error: invalid value at index %a in array of %a",i,document.filename)
- getmetatable(t).__index = nil
- return t[k]
+ local m = getmetatable(t)
+ if m then
+ m.__index = nil
+ m.__len = nil
+ end
+ if k then
+ return t[k]
+ end
local function some_array(a,document)
@@ -270,10 +332,20 @@ local function some_array(a,document)
local t = { n = n }
setmetatable(t, {
__index = function(t,k)
- return prepare(document,a,t,n,k)
- end
+ return prepare(document,a,t,n,k,_,_,f)
+ end,
+ __len = function(t)
+ prepare(document,a,t,n,_,_,f)
+ return n
+ end,
+ __call = function(t,k)
+ return get_flagged(t,f,k)
+ end,
+ -- __kind = function(k)
+ -- return f[k] or type(t[k])
+ -- end,
} )
- return t
+ return t, "array"
@@ -282,12 +354,23 @@ local function get_array(object,document)
local n = a and arrayGetLength(a) or 0
if n > 0 then
local t = { n = n }
+ local f = { }
setmetatable(t, {
__index = function(t,k)
- return prepare(document,a,t,n,k)
- end
+ return prepare(document,a,t,n,k,_,_,f)
+ end,
+ __len = function(t)
+ prepare(document,a,t,n,_,_,f)
+ return n
+ end,
+ __call = function(t,k)
+ return get_flagged(t,f,k)
+ end,
+ -- __kind = function(k)
+ -- return f[k] or type(t[k])
+ -- end,
} )
- return t
+ return t, "array"
@@ -335,7 +418,7 @@ local u_pattern = lpeg.patterns.utfbom_16_be * lpeg.patterns.utf16_to_utf8_be
----- b_pattern = lpeg.patterns.hextobytes
local function get_string(v)
- -- the toutf function only converts a utf16 string and leves the original
+ -- the toutf function only converts a utf16 string and leaves the original
-- untouched otherwise; one might want to apply lpdf.frompdfdoc to a
-- non-unicode string
local s = getString(v)
@@ -344,7 +427,7 @@ local function get_string(v)
local u = lpegmatch(u_pattern,s)
if u then
- return u -- , "unicode"
+ return u, "unicode"
-- this is too tricky and fails on e.g. reload of url
-- local b = lpegmatch(b_pattern,s)
@@ -354,6 +437,10 @@ local function get_string(v)
return s, "rawtext"
+local function get_name(v)
+ return getName(v), "name"
local function get_null()
return nil
@@ -369,17 +456,17 @@ local function invalidaccess(k,document)
-checked_access = table.setmetatableindex(function(t,k)
+checked_access = setmetatableindex(function(t,k)
return function(v,document)
checked_access[typenumbers.boolean] = getBool
-checked_access[typenumbers.integer] = getNum
+checked_access[typenumbers.integer] = getInt
checked_access[typenumbers.real] = getReal
checked_access[typenumbers.string] = get_string -- getString
-checked_access[] = getName
+checked_access[] = get_name
checked_access[typenumbers.null] = get_null
checked_access[typenumbers.array] = get_array -- d,document,r
checked_access[typenumbers.dictionary] = get_dictionary -- d,document,r
@@ -468,20 +555,25 @@ local function getstructure(document)
return document.Catalog.StructTreeRoot
+-- This is the only messy helper. We can't access the root as any object (it seems)
+-- so we need a few low level acessors. It's anyway sort of simple enough to deal
+-- with but it won't win a beauty contest.
local function getpages(document,Catalog)
- local __data__ = document.__data__
- local __xrefs__ = document.__xrefs__
- local __cache__ = document.__cache__
- local __xref__ = document.__xref__
+ local __data__ = document.__data__
+ local __xrefs__ = document.__xrefs__
+ local __cache__ = document.__cache__
+ local __xref__ = document.__xref__
+ --
+ local rawcatalog = getRawCatalog(__data__)
+ local nofpages = getNumPages(rawcatalog)
- local catalog = __data__:getCatalog()
- local pages = { }
- local nofpages = catalog:getNumPages()
- local metatable = { __index = Catalog.Pages }
+ local pages = { }
+ local metatable = { __index = Catalog.Pages } -- somewhat empty
for pagenumber=1,nofpages do
- local pagereference = catalog:getPageRef(pagenumber).num
- local pageobject = __xref__:fetch(pagereference,0)
+ local pagereference = getPageRef(rawcatalog,pagenumber).num
+ local pageobject = fetch(__xref__,pagereference,0)
local pagedata = get_dictionary(pageobject,document,pagereference,metatable)
if pagedata then
-- rawset(pagedata,"number",pagenumber)
@@ -496,59 +588,53 @@ local function getpages(document,Catalog)
pages.n = nofpages
+ document.pages = pages
return pages
--- loader
-local function delayed(document,tag,f)
- local t = { }
- setmetatable(t, { __index = function(t,k)
- local result = f()
- if result then
- document[tag] = result
- return result[k]
- end
- end } )
- return t
+local function resolve(document,k)
+ local entry = nil
+ local Catalog = document.Catalog
+ local Names = Catalog.Names
+ if k == "pages" then
+ entry = getpages(document,Catalog)
+ elseif k == "destinations" then
+ entry = getnames(document,Names and Names.Dests)
+ elseif k == "javascripts" then
+ entry = getnames(document,Names and Names.JS)
+ elseif k == "widgets" then
+ entry = getnames(document,Names and Names.AcroForm)
+ elseif k == "embeddedfiles" then
+ entry = getnames(document,Names and Names.EmbeddedFiles)
+ elseif k == "layers" then
+ entry = getlayers(document)
+ elseif k == "structure" then
+ entry = getstructure(document)
+ end
+ document[k] = entry
+ return entry
--- local catobj = data:getXRef():fetch(data:getXRef():getRootNum(),data:getXRef():getRootGen())
--- print(catobj:getDict(),data:getXRef():getCatalog():getDict())
local loaded = { }
function lpdf_epdf.load(filename)
local document = loaded[filename]
if not document then
- local __data__ = pdf_open(filename) -- maybe resolvers.find_file
+ local __data__ = openPDF(filename) -- maybe resolvers.find_file
if __data__ then
- local __xref__ = __data__:getXRef()
+ local __xref__ = getXRef(__data__)
document = {
filename = filename,
__cache__ = { },
__xrefs__ = { },
__fonts__ = { },
__data__ = __data__,
- __xref__ = __xref__,
+ __xref__ = __xref__
- --
- initialize_methods(__xref__)
- --
- local Catalog = some_dictionary(__xref__:getCatalog():getDict(),document)
- local Info = some_dictionary(__xref__:getDocInfo():getDict(),document)
- --
- document.Catalog = Catalog
- document.Info = Info
- -- a few handy helper tables
- document.pages = delayed(document,"pages", function() return getpages(document,Catalog) end)
- document.destinations = delayed(document,"destinations", function() return getnames(document,Catalog.Names and Catalog.Names.Dests) end)
- document.javascripts = delayed(document,"javascripts", function() return getnames(document,Catalog.Names and Catalog.Names.JS) end)
- document.widgets = delayed(document,"widgets", function() return getnames(document,Catalog.Names and Catalog.Names.AcroForm) end)
- document.embeddedfiles = delayed(document,"embeddedfiles",function() return getnames(document,Catalog.Names and Catalog.Names.EmbeddedFiles) end)
- document.layers = delayed(document,"layers", function() return getlayers(document) end)
- document.structure = delayed(document,"structure", function() return getstructure(document) end)
+ document.Catalog = some_dictionary(getDict(getCatalog(__xref__)),document)
+ document.Info = some_dictionary(getDict(getDocInfo(__xref__)),document)
+ setmetatableindex(document,resolve)
document = false
@@ -663,7 +749,7 @@ local function analyzefonts(document,resources) -- unfinished
fonts[id] = {
tounicode = type(tounicode) == "table" and tounicode or { }
- table.setmetatableindex(fonts[id],"self")
+ setmetatableindex(fonts[id],"self")
@@ -787,7 +873,7 @@ function lpdf_epdf.contenttotext(document,list) -- maybe signal fonts
local dy = abs(last_y - ty)
if dy > linefactor*last_f then
if last > 0 then
- if find(text[last],softhyphen) then
+ if find(text[last],softhyphen,1,true) then
-- ignore
last = last + 1