path: root/tex/context/base/mkiv/lang-url.mkxl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tex/context/base/mkiv/lang-url.mkxl')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 167 deletions
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/lang-url.mkxl b/tex/context/base/mkiv/lang-url.mkxl
deleted file mode 100644
index bb51f838a..000000000
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/lang-url.mkxl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,167 +0,0 @@
-%D \module
-%D [ file=lang-url,
-%D version=2008.01.22, % used to be lang-mis
-%D title=\CONTEXT\ Language Macros,
-%D subtitle=Language Options,
-%D author=Hans Hagen,
-%D date=\currentdate,
-%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
-%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
-%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
-%C details.
-%D Traditionally this code is in the language namespace as
-%D hyphenation relates to languages.
-%D \macros
-%D {hyphenatedurl}
-%D For those who want to put full \URL's in a text, we offer
-%D \startbuffer
-%D \hyphenatedurl{http://optimist.optimist/optimist/optimist.optimist#optimist}
-%D \stopbuffer
-%D \typebuffer
-%D which breaks at the appropriate places. Watch the \type{#}
-%D hack.
-%D When passed as argument, like in \type {\goto}, one needs
-%D to substitute a \type {\\} for each \type{#}.
-%D \startbuffer
-%D \hyphenatedurl{}
-%D \stopbuffer
-%D \typebuffer
- \resetfontfeature
- \resetcharacterspacing
- %
- \enforced\let\&\letterampersand
- \enforced\let\#\letterhash
- \enforced\let\~\lettertilde
- \enforced\let\\\letterbackslash
- \enforced\let\$\letterdollar
- \enforced\let\^\letterhat
- \enforced\let\_\letterunderscore
- \enforced\let\{\letterleftbrace
- \enforced\let\}\letterrightbrace
- \enforced\let\|\letterbar
- \enforced\let~=\lettertilde
- \enforced\let|=\letterbar
- \enforced\let\Ux\eUx
-\to \everyhyphenatedurl
-\let\hyphenatedurlseparator \empty % \periodcentered
-\setnewconstant\hyphenatedurllefthyphenmin \plusthree
-\def\lang_url_d {\lang_url_more\discretionary{\lang_url_show}{\lang_url_show}{\lang_url_show}}
-\permanent\protected\def\showhyphenatedurlbreaks % for old times sake
- {\let\lang_url_show\lang_url_trac}
- {languages.url}
- {\let\lang_url_show\lang_url_trac}
- {\let\lang_url_show\relax}
-\permanent\protected\def\sethyphenatedurlafter #1{\clf_sethyphenatedurlcharacters{#1}{\v!after }}
-% \sethyphenatedurlafter{ABCDEF}
- {\dontleavehmode
- \begingroup
- \the\everyhyphenatedurl
- \normallanguage\zerocount % \nohyphens in mkiv
- \scratchskipone\zeropoint\s!plus\dimexpr\emwidth/12\s!minus\dimexpr\emwidth/24\relax % 1.00pt @ 12pt
- \scratchskiptwo\zeropoint\s!plus\dimexpr\emwidth/48\s!minus\dimexpr\emwidth/96\relax % 0.25pt @ 12pt
- \unprotect
- \normalexpanded{\noexpand\clf_hyphenatedurl
- {\noexpand\detokenize{#1}}%
- \hyphenatedurllefthyphenmin
- \hyphenatedurlrighthyphenmin
- {\hyphenatedurldiscretionary}%
- }%
- \protect
- \endgroup}
-%D \macros
-%D {hyphenatedfilename}
-%D For the moment we treat filenames in a similar way,
-%D \starttyping
-%D \hyphenatedfilename{here/there/filename.suffix}
-%D \stoptyping
-\ifx\hyphenatedfilename\undefined \aliased\let\hyphenatedfilename\hyphenatedurl \fi
-% \def\test#1%
-% {\dontleavehmode
-% \begingroup
-% \tttf
-% \hyphenatedurl {%
-% \letterampersand #1\letterampersand #1\letterampersand #1\letterampersand #1\letterampersand
-% \letterhash #1\letterhash #1\letterpercent #1\letterslash #1\letterampersand
-% }%
-% \endgroup}
-% \dorecurse{100}{\test{a} \test{ab} \test{abc} \test{abcd} \test{abcde} \test{abcdef}}
-\protect \endinput
-% \setuppapersize[A7]
-% \protected\def\WhateverA#1%
-% {\dontleavehmode
-% \begingroup
-% \prehyphenchar"B7\relax
-% \setbox\scratchbox\hbox{\tttf#1}%
-% \prehyphenchar`-\relax
-% \unhbox\scratchbox
-% \endgroup}
-% \protected\def\WhateverB#1%
-% {\dontleavehmode
-% \begingroup
-% \tttf
-% \prehyphenchar\minusone
-% % \localrightbox{\llap{_}}%
-% \localrightbox{\llap{\smash{\lower1.5ex\hbox{\char"2192}}}}%
-% \setbox\scratchbox\hbox{#1}%
-% \prehyphenchar`-\relax
-% \unhbox\scratchbox
-% \endgroup}
-% \begingroup \hsize1cm
-% \WhateverA{thisisaboringandverylongcommand}\par
-% \WhateverB{thisisaboringandverylongcommand}\par
-% \endgroup