path: root/tex/context/base/mkiv/lang-mis.mkxl
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 586 deletions
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/lang-mis.mkxl b/tex/context/base/mkiv/lang-mis.mkxl
deleted file mode 100644
index de15ec526..000000000
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/lang-mis.mkxl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,586 +0,0 @@
-%D \module
-%D [ file=lang-mis,
-%D version=1997.03.20, % used to be supp-lan.tex
-%D title=\CONTEXT\ Language Macros,
-%D subtitle=Compounds,
-%D author=Hans Hagen,
-%D date=\currentdate,
-%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
-%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
-%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
-%C details.
-%D This one will be updated stepwise to \LMTX. See lang-mis.mkiv for previous
-%D implementations and removed code.
-\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Language Macros / Compounds}
-%D More or less replaced.
-%D \gdef\starttest#1\stoptest{\starttabulate[|l|l|p|]#1\stoptabulate}
-%D \gdef\test #1{\NC\detokenize{#1}\NC\hyphenatedword{#1}\NC#1\NC\NR}
-%D One of \TEX's strong points in building paragraphs is the way hyphenations are
-%D handled. Although for real good hyphenation of non||english languages some
-%D extensions to the program are needed, fairly good results can be reached with the
-%D standard mechanisms and an additional macro, at least in Dutch.
-%D \CONTEXT\ originates in the wish to typeset educational materials, especially in
-%D a technical environment. In production oriented environments, a lot of compound
-%D words are used. Because the Dutch language poses no limits on combining words, we
-%D often favor putting dashes between those words, because it facilitates reading,
-%D at least for those who are not that accustomed to it.
-%D In \TEX\ compound words, separated by a hyphen, are not hyphenated at all. In
-%D spite of the multiple pass paragraph typesetting this can lead to parts of words
-%D sticking into the margin. The solution lays in saying \type
-%D {spoelwater||terugwinunit} instead of \type {spoelwater-terugwinunit}. By using a
-%D one character command like \type {|}, delimited by the same character \type {|},
-%D we get ourselves both a decent visualization (in \TEXEDIT\ and colored verbatim
-%D we color these commands yellow) and an efficient way of combining words.
-%D The sequence \type{||} simply leads to two words connected by a hyphen. Because
-%D we want to distinguish such a hyphen from the one inserted when \TEX\ hyphenates
-%D a word, we use a bit longer one.
-%D \hyphenation {spoel-wa-ter te-rug-win-unit}
-%D \starttest
-%D \test {spoelwater||terugwinunit}
-%D \stoptest
-%D As we already said, the \type{|} is a command. This commands accepts an optional
-%D argument before it's delimiter, which is also a \type{|}.
-%D \hyphenation {po-ly-meer che-mie}
-%D \starttest
-%D \test {polymeer|*|chemie}
-%D \stoptest
-%D Arguments like \type{*} are not interpreted and inserted directly, in contrary to
-%D arguments like:
-%D \starttest
-%D \test {polymeer|~|chemie}
-%D \test {|(|polymeer|)|chemie}
-%D \test {polymeer|(|chemie|)| }
-%D \stoptest
-%D Although such situations seldom occur |<|we typeset thousands of pages before we
-%D encountered one that forced us to enhance this mechanism|>| we also have to take
-%D care of comma's.
-%D \hyphenation {uit-stel-len}
-%D \starttest
-%D \test {op||, in|| en uitstellen}
-%D \stoptest
-%D The next special case (concerning quotes) was brought to my attention by Piet
-%D Tutelaers, one of the driving forces behind rebuilding hyphenation patterns for
-%D the dutch language.\footnote{In 1996 the spelling of the dutch language has been
-%D slightly reformed which made this topic actual again.} We'll also take care of
-%D this case.
-%D \starttest
-%D \test {AOW|'|er}
-%D \test {cd|'|tje}
-%D \test {ex|-|PTT|'|er}
-%D \test {rock|-|'n|-|roller}
-%D \stoptest
-%D Tobias Burnus pointed out that I should also support something like
-%D \starttest
-%D \test {well|_|known}
-%D \stoptest
-%D to stress the compoundness of hyphenated words.
-%D Of course we also have to take care of the special case:
-%D \starttest
-%D \test {text||color and ||font}
-%D \stoptest
-%D \macros
-%D {installdiscretionaries}
-%D The mechanism described here is one of the older inner parts of \CONTEXT. The
-%D most recent extensions concerns some special cases as well as the possibility to
-%D install other characters as delimiters. The prefered way of specifying compound
-%D words is using \type{||}, which is installed by:
-%D \starttyping
-%D \installdiscretionary | -
-%D \stoptyping
-%D Some alternative definitions are:
-%D \startbuffer
-%D \installdiscretionary * -
-%D \installdiscretionary + -
-%D \installdiscretionary / -
-%D \installdiscretionary ~ -
-%D \stopbuffer
-%D \typebuffer
-%D after which we can say:
-%D \start \getbuffer
-%D \starttest
-%D \test {test**test**test}
-%D \test {test++test++test}
-%D \test {test//test//test}
-%D \test {test~~test~~test}
-%D \stoptest
-%D \stop
-%D \macros
-%D {compoundhyphen}
-%D Now let's go to the macros. First we define some variables. In the main \CONTEXT\
-%D modules these can be tuned by a setup command. Watch the (maybe) better looking
-%D compound hyphen.
-% hm why ex
- \permanent\protected\def\compoundhyphen{\hbox{-\kern-.10775\emwidth-}} % .25\exheight
-%D The last two variables are needed for subsentences |<|like this one|>| which we
-%D did not yet mention. We want to enable breaking but at the same time don't want
-%D compound characters like |-| or || to be separated from the words. \TEX\ hackers
-%D will recognise the next two macro's:
-\ifx\prewordbreak \undefined \permanent\protected\def\prewordbreak {\penalty\plustenthousand\hskip\zeropoint\relax} \fi
-\ifx\postwordbreak\undefined \permanent\protected\def\postwordbreak {\penalty\zerocount \hskip\zeropoint\relax} \fi
-\ifx\hspaceamount \undefined \def\hspaceamount#1#2{.16667\emwidth} \fi % will be overloaded
-%frozen\protected\def\permithyphenation{\ifhmode\prewordbreak\fi} % doesn't remove spaces
-\permanent\protected\def\permithyphenation{\ifhmode\wordboundary\fi} % doesn't remove spaces
-%D \macros
-%D {beginofsubsentence,endofsubsentence,
-%D beginofsubsentencespacing,endofsubsentencespacing}
-%D In the previous macros we provided two hooks which can be used to support nested
-%D sub||sentences. In \CONTEXT\ these hooks are used to insert a small space when
-%D needed.
-%D The following piece of code is a torture test compound handling. The \type
-%D {\relax} before the \type {\ifmmode} is needed because of the alignment scanner
-%D (in \ETEX\ this problem is not present because there a protected macro is not
-%D expanded. Thanks to Tobias Burnus for providing this example.
-%D \startformula
-%D \left|f(x_n)-{1\over2}\right| =
-%D {\cases{|{1\over2}-x_n| &for $0\le x_n < {1\over2}$\cr
-%D |x_n-{1\over2}| &for ${1\over2}<x_n\le1$ \cr}}
-%D \stopformula
- {\setevalue{\??discretionarymath\detokenize{#1}}{\detokenize{#1}}% ?
- \setvalue {\??discretionarytext\detokenize{#1}}{#2}%
- \setvalue {\??discretionaryboth\detokenize{#1}}{\lang_discretionaries_command#1}%
- \scratchcounter\expandafter`\detokenize{#1}%
- \expandafter\uedcatcodecommand\expandafter\ctxcatcodes\expandafter\scratchcounter\csname\??discretionaryboth\detokenize{#1}\endcsname}
-\permanent\protected\def\installdiscretionaries#1#2{\writestatus\m!system{use \string \installdiscretionary}} % obsolete
-\permanent\protected\def\obeydiscretionaries {\discretionarymode\plusone}
- {% if direct if, we need \relax for lookahead in math mode
- \csname\??discretionarymode
- \ifcase\discretionarymode
- n%
- \orelse\ifmmode
- m%
- \else
- t%
- \fi
- \endcsname}
-\setvalue{\??discretionarymode n}#1%
- {\detokenize{#1}}
-%D The macro \type{\lang_discretionaries_check_before} takes care of loners like
-%D \type{||word}, while it counterpart \type {\lang_discretionaries_check_after} is
-%D responsible for handling the comma.
-\newsignal\d_lang_discretionaries_breakpoint % todo: never consulted so maybe obsolete
-\def\lang_discretionaries_check_before %i sused grouped
- {\ifvmode
- \dontleavehmode
- \fi
- \ifhmode
- %\begingroup
- %\setbox\scratchbox\lastbox
- %\ifzeropt\wd\scratchbox
- % \box\scratchbox\relax
- % \endgroup
- % \let\postwordbreak\prewordbreak
- %\else
- % \box\scratchbox\relax
- % \endgroup
- %\fi
- \fi}
- {\setfalse\punctafterdiscretionary
- \setfalse\spaceafterdiscretionary
- \ifx\blankspace\nexttoken \settrue \spaceafterdiscretionary \orelse
- \ifx\space \nexttoken \settrue \spaceafterdiscretionary \orelse
- \ifx .\nexttoken \settrue \punctafterdiscretionary \orelse
- \ifx ,\nexttoken \settrue \punctafterdiscretionary \orelse
- \ifx :\nexttoken \settrue \punctafterdiscretionary \orelse
- \ifx ;\nexttoken \settrue \punctafterdiscretionary \fi}
-\letvalue{\??discretionarymode m}\handlemathmodediscretionary
-\setvalue{\??discretionarymode t}#1%
- {\bgroup
- \let\nextnextnext\egroup
- \def\next##1#1%
- {\def\next{\activedododotextmodediscretionary#1{##1}}%
- \futurelet\nexttoken\next}%
- \next}
-\let\discretionarytoken \relax
- {\edef\discretionarytoken{\detokenize{#2}}%
- \def\textmodediscretionary{\handletextmodediscretionary{#1}}%
- \lang_discretionaries_check_after
- \ifempty\discretionarytoken
- \ifx#1\nexttoken % takes care of ||| and +++ and ......
- \ifcsname\??discretionaryaction\string#1\endcsname
- \lastnamedcs
- \orelse\ifconditional\spaceafterdiscretionary
- %\prewordbreak\hbox{\string#1}\relax
- \wordboundary\hbox{\string#1}\relax
- \orelse\ifconditional\punctafterdiscretionary
- %\prewordbreak\hbox{\string#1}\relax
- \wordboundary\hbox{\string#1}\wordboundary
- \else
- %\prewordbreak\hbox{\string#1}\prewordbreak
- \wordboundary\hbox{\string#1}\wordboundary
- \fi
- \def\nextnextnext{\afterassignment\egroup\let\next=}%
- \else
- \lang_discretionaries_check_before
- % the next line has been changed (20050203)
- % \prewordbreak\hbox{\textmodediscretionary\nexttoken}\postwordbreak
- % but an hbox blocks a possible \discretionary
- \ifcsname\??discretionaryaction\endcsname
- \lastnamedcs
- \orelse\ifconditional\spaceafterdiscretionary
- %\prewordbreak\textmodediscretionary\relax
- \wordboundary\textmodediscretionary\relax
- \orelse\ifconditional\punctafterdiscretionary
- %\prewordbreak\textmodediscretionary\relax
- \wordboundary\textmodediscretionary\relax
- \else
- %\prewordbreak\textmodediscretionary\prewordbreak
- \wordboundary\textmodediscretionary\wordboundary
- \fi
- \fi
- \orelse\ifcsname\??discretionaryaction\discretionarytoken\endcsname
- \lastnamedcs
- \else
- \lang_discretionaries_check_before
- \ifconditional\spaceafterdiscretionary
- %\prewordbreak\hbox{#2}\relax
- \wordboundary\hbox{#2}\relax
- \orelse\ifconditional\punctafterdiscretionary
- %\prewordbreak\hbox{#2}\relax
- \wordboundary\hbox{#2}\relax
- \else
- %\prewordbreak\discretionary{\hbox{#2}}{}{\hbox{#2}}\postwordbreak
- \wordboundary\discretionary{\hbox{#2}}{}{\hbox{#2}}\wordboundary
- %\discretionary options \plusthree{\hbox{#2}}{}{\hbox{#2}}%
- \fi
- \fi
- \nextnextnext}
-%D \macros
-%D {directdiscretionary}
-%D In those situations where the nature of characters is less predictable, we can
-%D use the more direct approach:
- {\csname\??discretionarymode
- \ifcase\discretionarymode
- n%
- \else
- d%
- \fi
- \endcsname}
- {\csname\??discretionarymode
- \ifcase\discretionarymode
- n%
- \else
- i%
- \fi
- \endcsname}
-\setuvalue{\??discretionarymode d}#1%
- {\edef\discretionarytoken{\detokenize{#1}}%
- \let\textmodediscretionary\compoundhyphen
- \ifcsname\??discretionaryaction\discretionarytoken\endcsname
- \expandafter\lastnamedcs
- \else
- \expandafter\indirectdiscretionary
- \fi{#1}}
-\setuvalue{\??discretionarymode i}#1%
- %{\prewordbreak\discretionary{\hbox{#1}}{}{\hbox{#1}}\postwordbreak}
- {\wordboundary\discretionary{\hbox{#1}}{}{\hbox{#1}}\wordboundary}
- %{\discretionary options \plusthree{\hbox{#1}}{}{\hbox{#1}}}
-\permanent\protected\def\definetextmodediscretionary #1
- {\setvalue{\??discretionaryaction\detokenize{#1}}}
-% \start \hsize 1mm
-% test |||test test|||, test\blank
-% test test|-|, test|-| and test|-|test\blank
-% test test|_|, test|_| and test|_|test\blank
-% test cd|'|tje\blank
-% test |(|test test|)|, test\blank
-% test test test|x|, test\blank
-% test|~|test
-% test|^|test
-% \stop
-% x\discretionary{1}{2}{3}xxxxxxx
-% xxxxxxx\discretionary{1}{2}{3}x
-% xxx3xxx
-% xxx1<newline>2xxx
- {\ifconditional\spaceafterdiscretionary
- %prewordbreak\hbox{#1}\relax
- \wordboundary\hbox{#1}\relax
- \orelse\ifconditional\punctafterdiscretionary
- %prewordbreak\hbox{#1}\relax
- \wordboundary\hbox{#1}\relax
- \else
- %\prewordbreak#2\postwordbreak % was prewordbreak
- \wordboundary#2\wordboundary
- \fi}
-\definetextmodediscretionary {}
- {\lang_discretionaries_hyphen_like\textmodehyphen\textmodehyphendiscretionary}
-\definetextmodediscretionary -
- {\lang_discretionaries_hyphen_like\normalhyphen\normalhyphendiscretionary}
-\definetextmodediscretionary _
- {\lang_discretionaries_hyphen_like\composedhyphen\composedhyphendiscretionary}
-\definetextmodediscretionary )
- {\lang_discretionaries_hyphen_like{)}{\discretionary{-)}{}{)}}}
-\definetextmodediscretionary (
- {\ifdim\lastskip>\zeropoint
- %(\prewordbreak
- (\wordboundary
- \else
- %\prewordbreak\discretionary{}{(-}{(}\prewordbreak
- \wordboundary\discretionary{}{(-}{(}\wordboundary
- %\discretionary options \plusthree{}{(-}{(}%
- \fi}
-\definetextmodediscretionary ~
- %{\prewordbreak\discretionary{-}{}{\thinspace}\postwordbreak}
- {\wordboundary\discretionary{-}{}{\thinspace}\wordboundary}
- %{\discretionary options \plusthree{-}{}{\thinspace}}
-\definetextmodediscretionary '
- %{\prewordbreak\discretionary{-}{}{'}\postwordbreak}
- {\wordboundary\discretionary{-}{}{'}\wordboundary}
- %{\discretionary options \plusthree{-}{}{'}}
-\definetextmodediscretionary ^
- %{\prewordbreak\discretionary{\hbox{\normalstartimath|\normalstopimath}}{}{\hbox{\normalstartimath|\normalstopimath}}%
- % \postwordbreak} % bugged
- {\wordboundary
- \discretionary{\hbox{\normalstartimath|\normalstopimath}}{}{\hbox{\normalstartimath|\normalstopimath}}%
- \wordboundary} % bugged
- %{\discretionary options \plusthree{\hbox{\normalstartimath|\normalstopimath}}{}{\hbox{\normalstartimath|\normalstopimath}}}
-\definetextmodediscretionary <
- %{\beginofsubsentence\prewordbreak\beginofsubsentencespacing
- {\beginofsubsentence\wordboundary\beginofsubsentencespacing
- \aftergroup\ignorespaces} % tricky, we need to go over the \nextnextnext
-\definetextmodediscretionary >
- {\removeunwantedspaces
- %\endofsubsentencespacing\prewordbreak\endofsubsentence}
- \endofsubsentencespacing\wordboundary\endofsubsentence}
-\definetextmodediscretionary =
- {\removeunwantedspaces
- %\prewordbreak\midsentence\prewordbreak
- \wordboundary\midsentence\wordboundary
- \aftergroup\ignorespaces}
-% french
-%definetextmodediscretionary : {\removeunwantedspaces\prewordbreak\kern\hspaceamount\empty{:}:}
-%definetextmodediscretionary ; {\removeunwantedspaces\prewordbreak\kern\hspaceamount\empty{;};}
-%definetextmodediscretionary ? {\removeunwantedspaces\prewordbreak\kern\hspaceamount\empty{?}?}
-%definetextmodediscretionary ! {\removeunwantedspaces\prewordbreak\kern\hspaceamount\empty{!}!}
-\definetextmodediscretionary : {\removeunwantedspaces\wordboundary\kern\hspaceamount\empty{:}:}
-\definetextmodediscretionary ; {\removeunwantedspaces\wordboundary\kern\hspaceamount\empty{;};}
-\definetextmodediscretionary ? {\removeunwantedspaces\wordboundary\kern\hspaceamount\empty{?}?}
-\definetextmodediscretionary ! {\removeunwantedspaces\wordboundary\kern\hspaceamount\empty{!}!}
-%definetextmodediscretionary * {\prewordbreak\discretionary{-}{}{\kern.05\emwidth}\prewordbreak}
-\definetextmodediscretionary * {\wordboundary\discretionary{-}{}{\kern.05\emwidth}\wordboundary}
-% spanish
-%definetextmodediscretionary ?? {\prewordbreak\questiondown}
-%definetextmodediscretionary !! {\prewordbreak\exclamdown}
-\definetextmodediscretionary ?? {\wordboundary\questiondown}
-\definetextmodediscretionary !! {\wordboundary\exclamdown}
-%D \installdiscretionary | +
-%D \installdiscretionary + =
-\installdiscretionary | \defaultdiscretionaryhyphen % installs in ctx and prt will fall back on it
-%D \macros
-%D {fakecompoundhyphen}
-%D In headers and footers as well as in active pieces of text we need a dirty hack.
-%D Try to imagine what is needed to savely break the next text across a line and at
-%D the same time make the words interactive.
-%D \starttyping
-%D \goto{Some||Long||Word}
-%D \stoptyping
- {\enforced\permanent\protected\def\|{\mathortext\vert\lang_compounds_fake_hyphen}}
- {\enforced\permanent\protected\def##1|%
- {\doifelsenothing{##1}\compoundhyphen{##1}%
- \kern\d_lang_discretionaries_breakpoint
- \allowbreak}}
-%D \macros
-%D {midworddiscretionary}
-%D If needed, one can add a discretionary hyphen using \type
-%D {\midworddiscretionary}. This macro does the same as \PLAIN\ \TEX's \type {\-},
-%D but, like the ones implemented earlier, this one also looks ahead for spaces and
-%D grouping tokens.
- {\futurelet\nexttoken\lang_discretionaries_mid_word}
- {\ifx\nexttoken\blankspace\orelse
- \ifx\nexttoken\bgroup \orelse
- \ifx\nexttoken\egroup \orelse
- \discretionary{-}{}{}%
- \fi}
-%D \macros
-%D {disablediscretionaries,disablecompoundcharacter}
-%D Occasionally we need to disable this mechanism. For the moment we assume that
-%D \type {|} is used.
-\let\disablediscretionaries \ignorediscretionaries
-%D \macros
-%D {normalcompound}
-%D Handy in for instance XML. (Kind of obsolete)
-\ifdefined\normalcompound \else \let\normalcompound=| \fi
-%D \macros
-%D {compound}
-%D We will overload the already active \type {|} so we have to save its meaning in
-%D order to be able to use this handy macro.
-%D \starttyping
-%D so test\compound{}test can be used instead of test||test
-%D \stoptyping
- \catcode\barasciicode\activecatcode
- \permanent\protected\gdef\compound#1{|#1|}
- \doglobal \appendtoks
- \enforced\permanent\protected\def|#1|{\ifx#1\empty\empty-\else#1\fi}%
- \to \everysimplifycommands
-%D Here we hook some code into the clean up mechanism needed for verbatim data.
- %\disablecompoundcharacters
- \disablediscretionaries
-\to \everycleanupfeatures
-%D Here:
-%D \startbuffer
-%D {\red somelongword}{\blue \compounddiscretionary}{\green somelongword}
-%D \stopbuffer
-%D \typebuffer \blank {\hsize3mm\getbuffer\par} \blank
- {\discretionary
- options \plusthree
- {\ifnum\prehyphenchar >\zerocount\char\prehyphenchar \fi}%
- {\ifnum\posthyphenchar>\zerocount\char\posthyphenchar\fi}%
- {\ifnum\posthyphenchar>\zerocount\char\posthyphenchar\fi}}
-\protect \endinput