path: root/tex/context/base/lpdf-mis.lua
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tex/context/base/lpdf-mis.lua')
1 files changed, 161 insertions, 77 deletions
diff --git a/tex/context/base/lpdf-mis.lua b/tex/context/base/lpdf-mis.lua
index 174d17427..a1b12d8c0 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/lpdf-mis.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/lpdf-mis.lua
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['lpdf-mis'] = {
-- course there are a couple of more changes.
local next, tostring = next, tostring
-local format, gsub = string.format, string.gsub
+local format, gsub, formatters = string.format, string.gsub, string.formatters
local texset = tex.set
local backends, lpdf, nodes = backends, lpdf, nodes
@@ -41,8 +41,17 @@ local pdfverbose = lpdf.verbose
local pdfstring = lpdf.string
local pdfflushobject = lpdf.flushobject
local pdfflushstreamobject = lpdf.flushstreamobject
+local pdfaction = lpdf.action
+local formattedtimestamp = lpdf.pdftimestamp
+local adddocumentextgstate = lpdf.adddocumentextgstate
+local addtocatalog = lpdf.addtocatalog
+local addtoinfo = lpdf.addtoinfo
+local addtopageattributes = lpdf.addtopageattributes
+local addtonames = lpdf.addtonames
local variables = interfaces.variables
+local v_stop = variables.stop
local positive = register(pdfliteral("/GSpositive gs"))
local negative = register(pdfliteral("/GSnegative gs"))
@@ -59,8 +68,8 @@ local function initializenegative()
local negative = pdfdictionary { Type = g, TR = pdfreference(pdfflushstreamobject("{ 1 exch sub }",d)) }
local positive = pdfdictionary { Type = g, TR = pdfconstant("Identity") }
- lpdf.adddocumentextgstate("GSnegative", pdfreference(pdfflushobject(negative)))
- lpdf.adddocumentextgstate("GSpositive", pdfreference(pdfflushobject(positive)))
+ adddocumentextgstate("GSnegative", pdfreference(pdfflushobject(negative)))
+ adddocumentextgstate("GSpositive", pdfreference(pdfflushobject(positive)))
initializenegative = nil
@@ -68,8 +77,8 @@ local function initializeoverprint()
local g = pdfconstant("ExtGState")
local knockout = pdfdictionary { Type = g, OP = false, OPM = 0 }
local overprint = pdfdictionary { Type = g, OP = true, OPM = 1 }
- lpdf.adddocumentextgstate("GSknockout", pdfreference(pdfflushobject(knockout)))
- lpdf.adddocumentextgstate("GSoverprint", pdfreference(pdfflushobject(overprint)))
+ adddocumentextgstate("GSknockout", pdfreference(pdfflushobject(knockout)))
+ adddocumentextgstate("GSoverprint", pdfreference(pdfflushobject(overprint)))
initializeoverprint = nil
@@ -91,8 +100,6 @@ function nodeinjections.negative()
return copy_node(negative)
-- function codeinjections.addtransparencygroup()
-- -- png: /CS /DeviceRGB /I true
-- local d = pdfdictionary {
@@ -100,7 +107,7 @@ end
-- I = true,
-- K = true,
-- }
--- lpdf.registerpagefinalizer(function() lpdf.addtopageattributes("Group",d) end) -- hm
+-- lpdf.registerpagefinalizer(function() addtopageattributes("Group",d) end) -- hm
-- end
-- actions (todo: store and update when changed)
@@ -125,10 +132,10 @@ end
local function flushdocumentactions()
if opendocument then
- lpdf.addtocatalog("OpenAction",lpdf.action(opendocument))
+ addtocatalog("OpenAction",pdfaction(opendocument))
if closedocument then
- lpdf.addtocatalog("CloseAction",lpdf.action(closedocument))
+ addtocatalog("CloseAction",pdfaction(closedocument))
@@ -136,12 +143,12 @@ local function flushpageactions()
if openpage or closepage then
local d = pdfdictionary()
if openpage then
- d.O = lpdf.action(openpage)
+ d.O = pdfaction(openpage)
if closepage then
- d.C = lpdf.action(closepage)
+ d.C = pdfaction(closepage)
- lpdf.addtopageattributes("AA",d)
+ addtopageattributes("AA",d)
@@ -168,37 +175,37 @@ local function setupidentity()
if not title or title == "" then
title = tex.jobname
- lpdf.addtoinfo("Title", pdfunicode(title), title)
+ addtoinfo("Title", pdfunicode(title), title)
local subtitle = identity.subtitle or ""
if subtitle ~= "" then
- lpdf.addtoinfo("Subject", pdfunicode(subtitle), subtitle)
+ addtoinfo("Subject", pdfunicode(subtitle), subtitle)
local author = or ""
if author ~= "" then
- lpdf.addtoinfo("Author", pdfunicode(author), author) -- '/Author' in /Info, 'Creator' in XMP
+ addtoinfo("Author", pdfunicode(author), author) -- '/Author' in /Info, 'Creator' in XMP
local creator = identity.creator or ""
if creator ~= "" then
- lpdf.addtoinfo("Creator", pdfunicode(creator), creator) -- '/Creator' in /Info, 'CreatorTool' in XMP
+ addtoinfo("Creator", pdfunicode(creator), creator) -- '/Creator' in /Info, 'CreatorTool' in XMP
- lpdf.addtoinfo("CreationDate", pdfstring(lpdf.pdftimestamp(lpdf.timestamp())))
+ local currenttimestamp = lpdf.timestamp()
+ addtoinfo("CreationDate", pdfstring(formattedtimestamp(currenttimestamp)))
local date = or ""
- local pdfdate = lpdf.pdftimestamp(date)
+ local pdfdate = formattedtimestamp(date)
if pdfdate then
- lpdf.addtoinfo("ModDate", pdfstring(pdfdate), date)
+ addtoinfo("ModDate", pdfstring(pdfdate), date)
-- users should enter the date in 2010-01-19T23:27:50+01:00 format
-- and if not provided that way we use the creation time instead
- date = lpdf.timestamp()
- lpdf.addtoinfo("ModDate", pdfstring(lpdf.pdftimestamp(date)), date)
+ addtoinfo("ModDate", pdfstring(formattedtimestamp(currenttimestamp)), currenttimestamp)
local keywords = identity.keywords or ""
if keywords ~= "" then
keywords = gsub(keywords, "[%s,]+", " ")
- lpdf.addtoinfo("Keywords",pdfunicode(keywords), keywords)
+ addtoinfo("Keywords",pdfunicode(keywords), keywords)
local id =
- lpdf.addtoinfo("ID", pdfstring(id), id) -- needed for pdf/x
+ addtoinfo("ID", pdfstring(id), id) -- needed for pdf/x
done = true
-- no need for a message
@@ -225,7 +232,7 @@ local function flushjavascripts()
a[#a+1] = pdfstring(name)
a[#a+1] = pdfreference(pdfflushobject(j))
- lpdf.addtonames("JavaScript",pdfreference(pdfflushobject(pdfdictionary{ Names = a })))
+ addtonames("JavaScript",pdfreference(pdfflushobject(pdfdictionary{ Names = a })))
@@ -234,67 +241,93 @@ lpdf.registerdocumentfinalizer(flushjavascripts,"javascripts")
-- -- --
local pagespecs = {
- [variables.max] = { "FullScreen", false, false },
- [variables.bookmark] = { "UseOutlines", false, false },
- [] = { "UseNone", false, true },
- [variables.doublesided] = { "UseNone", "TwoColumnRight", true },
- [variables.singlesided] = { "UseNone", false, false },
- [variables.default] = { "UseNone", "auto", false },
- [] = { "UseNone", "auto", false },
- [variables.none] = { false, false, false },
+ [variables.max] = { mode = "FullScreen", layout = false, fit = false, fixed = false, duplex = false },
+ [variables.bookmark] = { mode = "UseOutlines", layout = false, fit = false, fixed = false, duplex = false },
+ [] = { mode = "UseNone", layout = false, fit = true, fixed = false, duplex = false },
+ [variables.doublesided] = { mode = "UseNone", layout = "TwoColumnRight", fit = true, fixed = false, duplex = false },
+ [variables.singlesided] = { mode = "UseNone", layout = false, fit = false, fixed = false, duplex = false },
+ [variables.default] = { mode = "UseNone", layout = "auto", fit = false, fixed = false, duplex = false },
+ [] = { mode = "UseNone", layout = "auto", fit = false, fixed = false, duplex = false },
+ [variables.none] = { mode = false, layout = false, fit = false, fixed = false, duplex = false },
+ -- new
+ [variables.fixed] = { mode = "UseNone", layout = "auto", fit = false, fixed = true, duplex = false }, -- noscale
+ [variables.landscape] = { mode = "UseNone", layout = "auto", fit = false, fixed = true, duplex = "DuplexFlipShortEdge" },
+ [variables.portrait] = { mode = "UseNone", layout = "auto", fit = false, fixed = true, duplex = "DuplexFlipLongEdge" },
local pagespec, topoffset, leftoffset, height, width, doublesided = "default", 0, 0, 0, 0, false
+local pdfpaperheight = tex.pdfpageheight
+local pdfpaperwidth = tex.pdfpagewidth
function codeinjections.setupcanvas(specification)
local paperheight = specification.paperheight
local paperwidth = specification.paperwidth
local paperdouble = specification.doublesided
if paperheight then
+ pdfpaperheight = paperheight
if paperwidth then
+ pdfpaperwidth = paperwidth
pagespec = specification.mode or pagespec
topoffset = specification.topoffset or 0
leftoffset = specification.leftoffset or 0
- height = specification.height or tex.pdfpageheight
- width = specification.width or tex.pdfpagewidth
+ height = specification.height or pdfpaperheight
+ width = specification.width or pdfpaperwidth
if paperdouble ~= nil then
doublesided = paperdouble
local function documentspecification()
+ if not pagespec or pagespec == "" then
+ pagespec = variables.default
+ end
+ -- local settings = utilities.parsers.settings_to_array(pagespec)
+ -- local spec = pagespecs[variables.default]
+ -- for i=1,#settings do
+ -- local s = pagespecs[settings[i]]
+ -- if s then
+ -- for k, v in next, s do
+ -- spec[k] = v
+ -- end
+ -- end
+ -- end
local spec = pagespecs[pagespec] or pagespecs[variables.default]
- if spec then
- local mode, layout, fit = spec[1], spec[2], spec[3]
- if layout == then
- if doublesided then
- spec = pagespecs[variables.doublesided] -- to be checked voor interfaces
- if spec then
- mode, layout, fit = spec[1], spec[2], spec[3]
- end
- else
- layout = false
+ if spec.layout == "auto" then
+ if doublesided then
+ local s = pagespecs[variables.doublesided] -- to be checked voor interfaces
+ for k, v in next, s do
+ spec[k] = v
+ else
+ spec.layout = false
- mode = mode and pdfconstant(mode)
- layout = layout and pdfconstant(layout)
- fit = fit and pdfdictionary { FitWindow = true }
- if layout then
- lpdf.addtocatalog("PageLayout",layout)
- end
- if mode then
- lpdf.addtocatalog("PageMode",mode)
- end
- if fit then
- lpdf.addtocatalog("ViewerPreferences",fit)
- end
- lpdf.addtoinfo ("Trapped", pdfconstant("False")) -- '/Trapped' in /Info, 'Trapped' in XMP
- lpdf.addtocatalog("Version", pdfconstant(format("1.%s",tex.pdfminorversion)))
+ local layout = spec.layout
+ local mode = spec.mode
+ local fit =
+ local fixed = spec.fixed
+ local duplex = spec.duplex
+ if layout then
+ addtocatalog("PageLayout",pdfconstant(layout))
+ end
+ if mode then
+ addtocatalog("PageMode",pdfconstant(mode))
+ end
+ if fit or fixed or duplex then
+ addtocatalog("ViewerPreferences",pdfdictionary {
+ FitWindow = fit and true or nil,
+ PrintScaling = fixed and pdfconstant("None") or nil,
+ Duplex = duplex and pdfconstant(duplex) or nil,
+ })
+ end
+ addtoinfo ("Trapped", pdfconstant("False")) -- '/Trapped' in /Info, 'Trapped' in XMP
+ addtocatalog("Version", pdfconstant(format("1.%s",tex.pdfminorversion)))
-- temp hack: the mediabox is not under our control and has a precision of 4 digits
@@ -302,21 +335,21 @@ end
local factor = number.dimenfactors.bp
local function boxvalue(n) -- we could share them
- return pdfverbose(format("%0.4f",factor * n))
+ return pdfverbose(formatters["%0.4F"](factor * n))
local function pagespecification()
- local pageheight = tex.pdfpageheight
+ local pageheight = pdfpaperheight
local box = pdfarray { -- can be cached
- lpdf.addtopageattributes("CropBox",box) -- mandate for rendering
- lpdf.addtopageattributes("TrimBox",box) -- mandate for pdf/x
- -- lpdf.addtopageattributes("BleedBox",box)
- -- lpdf.addtopageattributes("ArtBox",box)
+ addtopageattributes("CropBox",box) -- mandate for rendering
+ addtopageattributes("TrimBox",box) -- mandate for pdf/x
+ -- addtopageattributes("BleedBox",box)
+ -- addtopageattributes("ArtBox",box)
lpdf.registerpagefinalizer(pagespecification,"page specification")
@@ -337,34 +370,85 @@ local map = {
characters = "a",
+-- local function featurecreep()
+-- local pages, lastconversion, list = structures.pages.tobesaved, nil, pdfarray()
+-- local getstructureset = structures.sets.get
+-- for i=1,#pages do
+-- local p = pages[i]
+-- if not p then
+-- return -- fatal error
+-- else
+-- local numberdata = p.numberdata
+-- if numberdata then
+-- local conversionset = numberdata.conversionset
+-- if conversionset then
+-- local conversion = getstructureset("structure:conversions",p.block,conversionset,1,"numbers")
+-- if conversion ~= lastconversion then
+-- lastconversion = conversion
+-- list[#list+1] = i - 1 -- pdf starts numbering at 0
+-- list[#list+1] = pdfdictionary { S = pdfconstant(map[conversion] or map.numbers) }
+-- end
+-- end
+-- end
+-- if not lastconversion then
+-- lastconversion = "numbers"
+-- list[#list+1] = i - 1 -- pdf starts numbering at 0
+-- list[#list+1] = pdfdictionary { S = pdfconstant(map.numbers) }
+-- end
+-- end
+-- end
+-- addtocatalog("PageLabels", pdfdictionary { Nums = list })
+-- end
local function featurecreep()
- local pages, lastconversion, list = structures.pages.tobesaved, nil, pdfarray()
- local getstructureset = structures.sets.get
+ local pages = structures.pages.tobesaved
+ local list = pdfarray()
+ local getset = structures.sets.get
+ local stopped = false
+ local oldlabel = nil
+ local olconversion = nil
for i=1,#pages do
local p = pages[i]
if not p then
return -- fatal error
+ end
+ local label = p.viewerprefix or ""
+ if p.status == v_stop then
+ if not stopped then
+ list[#list+1] = i - 1 -- pdf starts numbering at 0
+ list[#list+1] = pdfdictionary {
+ P = pdfunicode(label),
+ }
+ stopped = true
+ end
+ oldlabel = nil
+ oldconversion = nil
+ stopped = false
local numberdata = p.numberdata
+ local conversion = nil
+ local number = p.number
if numberdata then
local conversionset = numberdata.conversionset
if conversionset then
- local conversion = getstructureset("structure:conversions",p.block,conversionset,1,"numbers")
- if conversion ~= lastconversion then
- lastconversion = conversion
- list[#list+1] = i - 1 -- pdf starts numbering at 0
- list[#list+1] = pdfdictionary { S = pdfconstant(map[conversion] or map.numbers) }
- end
+ conversion = getset("structure:conversions",p.block,conversionset,1,"numbers")
- if not lastconversion then
- lastconversion = "numbers"
+ conversion = conversion and map[conversion] or map.numbers
+ if number == 1 or oldlabel ~= label or oldconversion ~= conversion then
list[#list+1] = i - 1 -- pdf starts numbering at 0
- list[#list+1] = pdfdictionary { S = pdfconstant(map.numbers) }
+ list[#list+1] = pdfdictionary {
+ S = pdfconstant(conversion),
+ St = number,
+ P = label ~= "" and pdfunicode(label) or nil,
+ }
+ oldlabel = label
+ oldconversion = conversion
+ stopped = false
- lpdf.addtocatalog("PageLabels", pdfdictionary { Nums = list })
+ addtocatalog("PageLabels", pdfdictionary { Nums = list })