path: root/scripts
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts')
2 files changed, 688 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/context/lua/scite-ctx.lua b/scripts/context/lua/scite-ctx.lua
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b9291fd00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/context/lua/scite-ctx.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,686 @@
+-- version : 1.0.0 - 07/2005
+-- author : Hans Hagen - PRAGMA ADE -
+-- copyright : public domain or whatever suits
+-- remark : part of the context distribution
+-- todo: name space for local functions
+-- loading:
+-- # environment variable
+-- #
+-- # CTXSPELLPATH=t:/spell
+-- #
+-- # auto language detection
+-- #
+-- # % version =1.0 language=uk
+-- # <?xml version='1.0' language='uk' ?>
+-- ext.lua.startup.script=$(SciteDefaultHome)/scite-ctx.lua
+-- # extension.$(file.patterns.context)=scite-ctx.lua
+-- # extension.$(file.patterns.example)=scite-ctx.lua
+-- # ext.lua.reset=1
+-- #
+-- # ext.lua.startup.script=t:/lua/scite-ctx.lua
+-- ctx.menulist.default=\
+-- wrap=wrap_text|\
+-- unwrap=unwrap_text|\
+-- sort=sort_text|\
+-- document=document_text|\
+-- quote=quote_text|\
+-- compound=compound_text|\
+-- check=check_text
+-- ctx.spellcheck.language=auto
+-- ctx.spellcheck.wordsize=3
+-- ctx.spellcheck.wordpath=ENV(CTXSPELLPATH)
+-- ctx.spellcheck.wordfile.all=spell-uk.txt,spell-nl.txt
+--*=CTX Action List
+-- command.subsystem.21.*=3
+-- command.21.*=show_menu $(ctx.menulist.default)
+-- command.groupundo.21.*=yes
+-- command.shortcut.21.*=Shift+F11
+--*=CTX Check Text
+-- command.subsystem.22.*=3
+-- command.22.*=check_text
+-- command.groupundo.22.*=yes
+-- command.shortcut.22.*=Ctrl+L
+--*=CTX Wrap Text
+-- command.subsystem.23.*=3
+-- command.23.*=wrap_text
+-- command.groupundo.23.*=yes
+-- command.shortcut.23.*=Ctrl+M
+-- # command.21.*=check_text
+-- # command.21.*=dofile e:\context\lua\scite-ctx.lua
+-- generic functions
+local crlf = "\n"
+function traceln(str)
+ trace(str .. crlf)
+ io.flush()
+table.len = table.getn
+table.join = table.concat
+function table.found(tab, str)
+ local l, r, p
+ if string.len(str) == 0 then
+ return false
+ else
+ l, r = 1, table.len(tab)
+ while l <= r do
+ p = math.floor((l+r)/2)
+ if str < tab[p] then
+ r = p - 1
+ elseif str > tab[p] then
+ l = p + 1
+ else
+ return true
+ end
+ end
+ return false
+ end
+function string.grab(str, delimiter)
+ local list = {}
+ for snippet in string.gfind(str,delimiter) do
+ table.insert(list, snippet)
+ end
+ return list
+function string.join(list, delimiter)
+ local size, str = table.len(list), ''
+ if size > 0 then
+ str = list[1]
+ for i = 2, size, 1 do
+ str = str .. delimiter .. list[i]
+ end
+ end
+ return str
+function string.spacy(str)
+ if string.find(str,"^%s*$") then
+ return true
+ else
+ return false
+ end
+function string.alphacmp(a,b,i) -- slow but ok
+ if i and i > 0 then
+ return string.lower(string.gsub(string.sub(a,i),'0',' ')) < string.lower(string.gsub(string.sub(b,i),'0',' '))
+ else
+ return string.lower(a) < string.lower(b)
+ end
+function table.alphasort(list,i)
+ table.sort(list, function(a,b) return string.alphacmp(a,b,i) end)
+function io.exists(filename)
+ local ok, result, message = pcall(,filename)
+ if result then
+ io.close(result)
+ return true
+ else
+ return false
+ end
+function os.envvar(str)
+ if os.getenv(str) ~= '' then
+ return os.getenv(str)
+ elseif os.getenv(string.upper(str)) ~= '' then
+ return os.getenv(string.upper(str))
+ elseif os.getenv(string.lower(str)) ~= '' then
+ return os.getenv(string.lower(str))
+ else
+ return ''
+ end
+function string.expand(str)
+ return string.gsub(str, "ENV%((%w+)%)", os.envvar)
+function string.strip(str)
+ return string.gsub(string.gsub(str,"^%s+",''),"%s+$",'')
+function string.replace(original,pattern,replacement)
+ local str = string.gsub(original,pattern,replacement)
+ print(str) -- indirect, since else str + nofsubs
+-- support functions, maybe editor namespace
+--~ function column_of_position(position)
+--~ local line = editor:LineFromPosition(position)
+--~ local oldposition = editor.CurrentPos
+--~ local column = 0
+--~ editor:GotoPos(position)
+--~ while editor.CurrentPos ~= 0 and line == editor:LineFromPosition(editor.CurrentPos) do
+--~ editor:CharLeft()
+--~ column = column + 1
+--~ end
+--~ editor:GotoPos(oldposition)
+--~ if line > 0 then
+--~ return column -1
+--~ else
+--~ return column
+--~ end
+--~ end
+--~ function line_of_position(position)
+--~ return editor:LineFromPosition(position)
+--~ end
+function extend_to_start()
+ local selectionstart = editor.SelectionStart
+ local selectionend = editor.SelectionEnd
+ local line = editor:LineFromPosition(selectionstart)
+ if line > 0 then
+ while line == editor:LineFromPosition(selectionstart-1) do
+ selectionstart = selectionstart - 1
+ editor:SetSel(selectionstart,selectionend)
+ end
+ else
+ selectionstart = 0
+ end
+ editor:SetSel(selectionstart,selectionend)
+ return selectionstart
+function extend_to_end() -- editor:LineEndExtend() does not work
+ local selectionstart = editor.SelectionStart
+ local selectionend = editor.SelectionEnd
+ local line = editor:LineFromPosition(selectionend)
+ while line == editor:LineFromPosition(selectionend+1) do
+ selectionend = selectionend + 1
+ editor:SetSel(selectionstart,selectionend)
+ end
+ editor:SetSel(selectionstart,selectionend)
+ return selectionend
+function getfiletype()
+ local firstline = editor:GetLine(0)
+ if editor.Lexer == SCLEX_TEX then
+ return 'tex'
+ elseif editor.Lexer == SCLEX_XML then
+ return 'xml'
+ elseif string.find(firstline,"^%%") then
+ return 'tex'
+ elseif string.find(firstline,"^<%?xml") then
+ return 'xml'
+ else
+ return 'unknown'
+ end
+-- banner
+print("loading scite-ctx.lua definition file")
+print("- see for configuring info")
+print("- ctx.spellcheck.wordpath set to " .. props['ctx.spellcheck.wordpath'])
+if string.find(string.lower(props['ctx.spellcheck.wordpath']), "ctxspellpath") then
+ if os.getenv('ctxspellpath') then
+ print("- ctxspellpath set to " .. os.getenv('CTXSPELLPATH'))
+ else
+ print("- 'ctxspellpath is not set")
+ end
+ print("- ctx.spellcheck.wordpath expands to " .. string.expand(props['ctx.spellcheck.wordpath']))
+print("- ctx.wraptext.length is set to " .. props['ctx.wraptext.length'])
+if props['ctx.helpinfo'] ~= '' then
+ print("- key bindings:")
+ print("")
+ print(string.replace(string.strip(props['ctx.helpinfo']),"%s*\|%s*","\n")) -- indirect, since else str + nofsubs
+--~ print("") -- why not needed?
+print("- recognized first lines:")
+print("xml <?xml version='1.0' language='nl'")
+print("tex % language=nl")
+-- text functions
+-- written while listening to Talk Talk
+local magicstring = string.rep("<ctx-crlf/>", 2)
+function wrap_text()
+ -- We always go to the end of a line, so in fact some of
+ -- the variables set next are not needed.
+ local length = props["ctx.wraptext.length"]
+ if length == '' then length = 80 else length = tonumber(length) end
+ local startposition = editor.SelectionStart
+ local endposition = editor.SelectionEnd
+ if startposition == endposition then return end
+ editor:LineEndExtend()
+ startposition = editor.SelectionStart
+ endposition = editor.SelectionEnd
+ -- local startline = line_of_position(startposition)
+ -- local endline = line_of_position(endposition)
+ -- local startcolumn = column_of_position(startposition)
+ -- local endcolumn = column_of_position(endposition)
+ --
+ -- editor:SetSel(startposition,endposition)
+ local startline = props['SelectionStartLine']
+ local endline = props['SelectionEndLine']
+ local startcolumn = props['SelectionStartColumn'] - 1
+ local endcolumn = props['SelectionEndColumn'] - 1
+ local indentation = string.rep(' ', startcolumn)
+--~ local selection = string.gsub(editor:GetSelText(),"[\n\r][\n\r]+", ' ' .. magicstring .. ' ')
+ local selection = string.gsub(editor:GetSelText(),"[\n\r][\n\r]", "\n")
+ local selection = string.gsub(selection,"\n\n+", ' ' .. magicstring .. ' ')
+ local replacement = ''
+ local templine = ''
+ selection = string.gsub(selection,"^%s", '')
+ for snippet in string.gfind(selection, "%S+") do
+ if snippet == magicstring then
+ replacement = replacement .. templine .. "\n\n"
+ templine = ''
+ elseif string.len(templine) + string.len(snippet) > length then
+ replacement = replacement .. templine .. "\n"
+ templine = indentation .. snippet
+ elseif string.len(templine) == 0 then
+ templine = indentation .. snippet
+ else
+ templine = templine .. ' ' .. snippet
+ end
+ end
+ replacement = replacement .. templine
+ replacement = string.gsub(replacement, "^%s+", '')
+ if endcolumn == 0 then
+ replacement = replacement .. "\n"
+ end
+ editor:ReplaceSel(replacement)
+function unwrap_text()
+ local startposition = editor.SelectionStart
+ local endposition = editor.SelectionEnd
+ if startposition == endposition then return end
+ editor:HomeExtend()
+ editor:LineEndExtend()
+ startposition = editor.SelectionStart
+ endposition = editor.SelectionEnd
+ local magicstring = string.rep("<multiplelines/>", 2)
+ local selection = string.gsub(editor:GetSelText(),"[\n\r][\n\r]+", ' ' .. magicstring .. ' ')
+ local replacement = ''
+ for snippet in string.gfind(selection, "%S+") do
+ if snippet == magicstring then
+ replacement = replacement .. "\n"
+ else
+ replacement = replacement .. snippet .. "\n"
+ end
+ end
+ if endcolumn == 0 then replacement = replacement .. "\n" end
+ editor:ReplaceSel(replacement)
+function sort_text()
+ local startposition = editor.SelectionStart
+ local endposition = editor.SelectionEnd
+ if startposition == endposition then return end
+ -- local startcolumn = column_of_position(startposition)
+ -- local endcolumn = column_of_position(endposition)
+ --
+ -- editor:SetSel(startposition,endposition)
+ local startline = props['SelectionStartLine']
+ local endline = props['SelectionEndLine']
+ local startcolumn = props['SelectionStartColumn'] - 1
+ local endcolumn = props['SelectionEndColumn'] - 1
+ startposition = extend_to_start()
+ endposition = extend_to_end()
+ local selection = string.gsub(editor:GetSelText(), "%s*$", '')
+ list = string.grab(selection,"[^\n\r]+")
+ table.alphasort(list, startcolumn)
+ local replacement = table.concat(list, "\n")
+ editor:GotoPos(startposition)
+ editor:SetSel(startposition,endposition)
+ if endcolumn == 0 then replacement = replacement .. "\n" end
+ editor:ReplaceSel(replacement)
+function document_text()
+ local startposition = editor.SelectionStart
+ local endposition = editor.SelectionEnd
+ if startposition == endposition then return end
+ startposition = extend_to_start()
+ endposition = extend_to_end()
+ editor:SetSel(startposition,endposition)
+ local filetype = getfiletype()
+ local replacement = ''
+ for i = editor:LineFromPosition(startposition), editor:LineFromPosition(endposition) do
+ local str = editor:GetLine(i)
+ if filetype == 'xml' then
+ if string.find(str,"^<%!%-%- .* %-%->%s*$") then
+ replacement = replacement .. string.gsub(str,"^<%!%-%- (.*) %-%->(%s*)$", "%1\n")
+ elseif not string.spacy(str) then
+ replacement = replacement .. '<!-- ' .. string.gsub(str,"(%s*)$", '') .. " -->\n"
+ else
+ replacement = replacement .. str
+ end
+ else
+ if string.find(str,"^%%D%s+$") then
+ replacement = replacement .. "\n"
+ elseif string.find(str,"^%%D ") then
+ replacement = replacement .. string.gsub(str,"^%%D ", '')
+ else
+ replacement = replacement .. '%D ' .. str
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ editor:ReplaceSel(string.gsub(replacement, "[\n\r]$", ''))
+function quote_text()
+ local filetype, leftquotation, rightquotation = getfiletype(), '', ''
+ if filetype == 'xml' then
+ leftquotation, rightquotation = "<quotation>", "</quotation>"
+ leftquote, rightquote = "<quotation>", "</quote>"
+ else
+ leftquotation, rightquotation = "\\quotation {", "}"
+ leftquote, rightquote = "\\quote {", "}"
+ end
+ local replacement = editor:GetSelText()
+ replacement = string.gsub(replacement, "\`\`(.-)\'\'", leftquotation .. "%1" .. rightquotation)
+ replacement = string.gsub(replacement, "\"(.-)\"", leftquotation .. "%1" .. rightquotation)
+ replacement = string.gsub(replacement, "\`(.-)\'", leftquote .. "%1" .. rightquote )
+ replacement = string.gsub(replacement, "\'(.-)\'", leftquote .. "%1" .. rightquote )
+ editor:ReplaceSel(replacement)
+function compound_text()
+ local filetype = getfiletype()
+ if filetype == 'xml' then
+ editor:ReplaceSel(string.gsub(editor:GetSelText(),"(>[^<%-][^<%-]+)([-\/])(%w%w+)","%1<compound token='%2'/>%3"))
+ else
+ editor:ReplaceSel(string.gsub(editor:GetSelText(),"([^\|])([-\/]+)([^\|])","%1|%2|%3"))
+ end
+-- written while listening to Alanis Morissette's acoustic
+-- Jagged Little Pill and Tori Amos' Beekeeper after
+-- reinstalling on my good old ATH-7
+local language = props["ctx.spellcheck.language"]
+local wordsize = props["ctx.spellcheck.wordsize"]
+local wordpath = props["ctx.spellcheck.wordpath"]
+if language == '' then language = 'uk' end
+if wordsize == '' then wordsize = 3 else wordsize = tonumber(wordsize) end
+local wordfile = ""
+local wordlist = {}
+local worddone = 0
+-- we use wordlist as a hash so that we can add entries without the
+-- need to sort and also use a fast (built in) search
+--~ function kpsewhich_file(filename,filetype,progname)
+--~ local progflag, typeflag = '', ''
+--~ local tempname = os.tmpname()
+--~ if progname then
+--~ progflag = " --progname=" .. progname .. " "
+--~ end
+--~ if filetype then
+--~ typeflag = " --format=" .. filetype .. " "
+--~ end
+--~ local command = "kpsewhich" .. progflag .. typeflag .. " " .. filename .. " > " .. tempname
+--~ os.execute(command)
+--~ for line in io.lines(tempname) do
+--~ return string.gsub(line, "\s*$", '')
+--~ end
+--~ end
+function check_text()
+ local dlanguage = props["ctx.spellcheck.language"]
+ local dwordsize = props["ctx.spellcheck.wordsize"]
+ local dwordpath = props["ctx.spellcheck.wordpath"]
+ if dlanguage ~= '' then dlanguage = tostring(language) end
+ if dwordsize ~= '' then dwordsize = tonumber(wordsize) end
+ local firstline, skipfirst = editor:GetLine(0), false
+ local filetype, wordskip, wordgood = getfiletype(), '', ''
+ if filetype == 'tex' then
+ wordskip = "\\"
+ elseif filetype == 'xml' then
+ wordskip = "<"
+ wordgood = ">"
+ end
+ if props["ctx.spellcheck.language"] == 'auto' then
+ if filetype == 'tex' then
+ -- % version =1.0 language=uk
+ firstline = string.gsub(firstline, "^%%%s*", '')
+ firstline = string.gsub(firstline, "%s*$", '')
+ for key, val in string.gfind(firstline,"(%w+)=(%w+)") do
+ if key == "language" then
+ language = val
+ traceln("auto document language " .. "'" .. language .. "' (tex)")
+ end
+ end
+ skipfirst = true
+ elseif filetype == 'xml' then
+ -- <?xml version='1.0' language='uk' ?>
+ firstline = string.gsub(firstline, "^%<%?xml%s*", '')
+ firstline = string.gsub(firstline, "%s*%?%>%s*$", '')
+ for key, val in string.gfind(firstline,"(%w+)=[\"\'](.-)[\"\']") do
+ if key == "language" then
+ language = val
+ traceln("auto document language " .. "'" .. language .. "' (xml)")
+ end
+ end
+ skipfirst = true
+ end
+ end
+ local fname = props["ctx.spellcheck.wordfile." .. language]
+ local fsize = props["ctx.spellcheck.wordsize." .. language]
+ if fsize ~= '' then wordsize = tonumber(fsize) end
+ if fname ~= '' and fname ~= wordfile then
+ wordfile, worddone, wordlist = fname, 0, {}
+ for filename in string.gfind(wordfile,"[^%,]+") do
+ if wordpath ~= '' then
+ filename = string.expand(wordpath) .. '/' .. filename
+ end
+ if io.exists(filename) then
+ traceln("loading " .. filename)
+ for line in io.lines(filename) do
+ if not string.find(line,"^[\%\#\-]") then
+ str = string.gsub(line,"%s*$", '')
+ rawset(wordlist,str,true) -- table.insert(wordlist,str)
+ worddone = worddone + 1
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ traceln("unknown file '" .. filename .."'")
+ end
+ end
+ traceln(worddone .. " words loaded")
+ end
+ reset_text()
+ if worddone == 0 then
+ traceln("no (valid) language or wordfile specified")
+ else
+ traceln("start checking")
+ if wordskip ~= '' then
+ traceln("ignoring " .. wordskip .. "..." .. wordgood)
+ end
+ local i, j, lastpos, startpos, endpos, snippet, len, first = 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0
+ local ok, skip, ch = false, false, ''
+ if skipfirst then first = string.len(firstline) end
+ for k = first, editor.TextLength do
+ ch = editor:textrange(k,k+1)
+ if wordgood ~= '' and ch == wordgood then
+ skip = false
+ elseif ch == wordskip then
+ skip = true
+ end
+ if string.find(ch,"%w") and not string.find(ch,"%d") then
+ if not skip then
+ if ok then
+ endpos = k
+ else
+ startpos = k
+ endpos = k
+ ok = true
+ end
+ end
+ elseif ok and not skip then
+ len = endpos - startpos + 1
+ if len >= wordsize then
+ snippet = editor:textrange(startpos,endpos+1)
+ i = i + 1
+ if wordlist[snippet] or wordlist[string.lower(snippet)] then -- table.found(wordlist,snippet)
+ j = j + 1
+ else
+ editor:StartStyling(startpos,INDICS_MASK)
+ editor:SetStyling(len,INDIC2_MASK) -- INDIC0_MASK+2
+ end
+ end
+ ok = false
+ elseif wordgood == '' then
+ skip = (ch == wordskip)
+ end
+ end
+ traceln(i .. " words checked, " .. (i-j) .. " errors")
+ end
+function reset_text()
+ editor:StartStyling(0,INDICS_MASK)
+ editor:SetStyling(editor.TextLength,INDIC_PLAIN)
+-- menu
+local menuactions = {}
+local menutrigger = 12
+function UserListShow(menuspec)
+ local menuentries = {}
+ local list = string.grab(menuspec,'[^%|]+')
+ props["ctx.menulist.saved"] = menuspec
+ for i=1, table.len(list) do
+ if list[i] ~= '' then
+ for key, val in string.gfind(list[i],"%s*(.+)=(.+)%s*") do
+ if not string.find(val,"%(%)$") then
+ val = val .. "()"
+ end
+ table.insert(menuentries,key)
+ rawset(menuactions,key,val)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ editor.AutoCSeparator = string.byte('|')
+ editor:UserListShow(menutrigger,table.join(menuentries,'|'))
+ editor.AutoCSeparator = string.byte(' ')
+function DoOnUserListSelection(trigger,choice,redoonerror)
+ if trigger == menutrigger then
+ if menuactions[choice] then
+ assert(loadstring(menuactions[choice]))()
+ elseif redoonerror then -- handy when reloaded lua script
+ -- traceln("unknown action '" .. choice .. "', retrying")
+ UserListShow(props["ctx.menulist.saved"])
+ DoOnUserListSelection (trigger,choice,false)
+ end
+ end
+function OnUserListSelection(trigger,choice)
+ DoOnUserListSelection(trigger,choice,true)
+function show_menu(menulist)
+ UserListShow(menulist)
diff --git a/scripts/context/ruby/mpstools.rb b/scripts/context/ruby/mpstools.rb
index 6dc0c35ad..534bfb95b 100644
--- a/scripts/context/ruby/mpstools.rb
+++ b/scripts/context/ruby/mpstools.rb
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
# todo
+# this script will replace mptopdf and makempy
puts("This program is yet unfinished, for the moment it just calls 'mptopdf'.\n\n")