path: root/scripts/context/ruby/graphics/gs.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts/context/ruby/graphics/gs.rb')
1 files changed, 631 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/context/ruby/graphics/gs.rb b/scripts/context/ruby/graphics/gs.rb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e9ad2a07f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/context/ruby/graphics/gs.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,631 @@
+# module : graphics/gs
+# copyright : PRAGMA Advanced Document Engineering
+# version : 2002-2005
+# author : Hans Hagen
+# project : ConTeXt / eXaMpLe
+# concept : Hans Hagen
+# info :
+# www :
+# ['base/variables','../variables','variables'].each do |r| begin require r ; rescue Exception ; else break ; end ; end
+# ['base/system', '../system', 'system' ].each do |r| begin require r ; rescue Exception ; else break ; end ; end
+require 'base/variables'
+require 'base/system'
+class GhostScript
+ include Variables
+ @@pstopdfoptions = [
+ 'AntiAliasColorImages',
+ 'AntiAliasGrayImages',
+ 'AntiAliasMonoImages',
+ 'ASCII85EncodePages',
+ 'AutoFilterColorImages',
+ 'AutoFilterGrayImages',
+ 'AutoPositionEPSFiles',
+ 'AutoRotatePages',
+ 'Binding',
+ 'ColorConversionStrategy',
+ 'ColorImageDepth',
+ 'ColorImageDownsampleThreshold',
+ 'ColorImageDownsampleType',
+ 'ColorImageFilter',
+ 'ColorImageResolution',
+ 'CompatibilityLevel',
+ 'CompressPages',
+ #'ConvertCMYKImagesToRGB', # buggy
+ #'ConvertImagesToIndexed', # buggy
+ 'CreateJobTicket',
+ 'DetectBlends',
+ 'DoThumbnails',
+ 'DownsampleColorImages',
+ 'DownsampleGrayImages',
+ 'DownsampleMonoImages',
+ 'EmbedAllFonts',
+ 'EncodeColorImages',
+ 'EncodeGrayImages',
+ 'EncodeMonoImages',
+ 'EndPage',
+ 'FirstPage',
+ 'GrayImageDepth',
+ 'GrayImageDownsampleThreshold',
+ 'GrayImageDownsampleType',
+ 'GrayImageFilter',
+ 'GrayImageResolution',
+ 'MaxSubsetPct',
+ 'MonoImageDepth',
+ 'MonoImageDownsampleThreshold',
+ 'MonoImageDownsampleType',
+ 'MonoImageFilter',
+ 'MonoImageResolution',
+ 'Optimize',
+ 'ParseDCSComments',
+ 'ParseDCSCommentsForDocInfo',
+ 'PreserveCopyPage',
+ 'PreserveEPSInfo',
+ 'PreserveHalftoneInfo',
+ 'PreserveOPIComments',
+ 'PreserveOverprintSettings',
+ 'SubsetFonts',
+ 'UseFlateCompression'
+ ]
+ @@methods =
+ @@methods['raw'] = '1'
+ @@methods['bound'] = '2'
+ @@methods['bounded'] = '2'
+ @@methods['crop'] = '3'
+ @@methods['cropped'] = '3'
+ @@methods['down'] = '4'
+ @@methods['downsample'] = '4'
+ @@methods['downsampled'] = '4'
+ @@methods['simplify'] = '5'
+ @@methods['simplified'] = '5'
+ @@tempfile = 'gstemp'
+ @@pstempfile = @@tempfile + '.ps'
+ @@pdftempfile = @@tempfile + '.pdf'
+ @@bboxspec = '\s*([\-\d\.]+)' + '\s+([\-\d\.]+)'*3
+ def initialize(logger=nil)
+ unless logger then
+ puts('gs class needs a logger')
+ exit
+ end
+ @variables =
+ @psoptions =
+ @logger = logger
+ setvariable('profile', 'gsprofile.ini')
+ setvariable('pipe', true)
+ setvariable('method', 2)
+ setvariable('force', false)
+ setvariable('colormodel', 'cmyk')
+ setvariable('inputfile', '')
+ setvariable('outputfile', '')
+ @@pstopdfoptions.each do |key|
+ @psoptions[key] = ''
+ end
+ reset
+ end
+ def reset
+ @llx = @lly = @ulx = @uly = 0
+ @oldbbox = [@llx,@lly,@urx,@ury]
+ @width = @height = @xoffset = @yoffset = @offset = 0
+ @rs = Tool.default_line_separator
+ end
+ def supported?(filename)
+ psfile?(filename) || pdffile?(filename)
+ end
+ def psfile?(filename)
+ filename =~ /\.(eps|epsf|ps|ai\d*)$/io
+ end
+ def pdffile?(filename)
+ filename =~ /\.(pdf)$/io
+ end
+ def setpsoption(key,value)
+ @psoptions[key] = value unless value.empty?
+ end
+ def setdimensions (llx,lly,urx,ury)
+ @oldbbox = [llx,lly,urx,ury]
+ @llx, @lly = llx.to_f-@offset, lly.to_f-@offset
+ @urx, @ury = urx.to_f+@offset, ury.to_f+@offset
+ @width, @height = @urx - @llx, @ury - @lly
+ @xoffset, @yoffset = 0 - @llx, 0 - @lly
+ end
+ def setoffset (offset=0)
+ @offset = offset.to_f
+ setdimensions(@llx,@lly,@urx,@ury) if dimensions?
+ end
+ def resetdimensions
+ setdimensions(0,0,0,0)
+ end
+ def dimensions?
+ (@width>0) && (@height>0)
+ end
+ def convert
+ inpfile = getvariable('inputfile')
+ if inpfile.empty? then
+ report('no inputfile specified')
+ return false
+ end
+ unless FileTest.file?(inpfile) then
+ report("unknown input file #{inpfile}")
+ return false
+ end
+ outfile = getvariable('outputfile')
+ if outfile.empty? then
+ outfile = inpfile
+ outfile = outfile.sub(/^.*[\\\/]/,'')
+ end
+ outfile = outfile.sub(/\.(pdf|eps|ps|ai)/i, "")
+ resultfile = outfile + '.pdf'
+ setvariable('outputfile', resultfile)
+ # flags
+ saveprofile(getvariable('profile'))
+ begin
+ gsmethod = method(getvariable('method')).to_i
+ report("conversion method #{gsmethod}")
+ rescue
+ gsmethod = 1
+ report("fallback conversion method #{gsmethod}")
+ end
+ debug('piping data') if getvariable('pipe')
+ ok = false
+ begin
+ case gsmethod
+ when 0, 1 then ok = convertasis(inpfile,resultfile)
+ when 2 then ok = convertbounded(inpfile,resultfile)
+ when 3 then ok = convertcropped(inpfile,resultfile)
+ when 4 then ok = downsample(inpfile,resultfile,'screen')
+ when 5 then ok = downsample(inpfile,resultfile,'prepress')
+ else report("invalid conversion method #{gsmethod}")
+ end
+ rescue
+ report('job aborted due to some error')
+ begin
+ File.delete(resultfile) if test(?e,resultfile)
+ rescue
+ report("unable to delete faulty #{resultfile}")
+ end
+ ok = false
+ ensure
+ deleteprofile(getvariable('profile'))
+ File.delete(@@pstempfile) if test(?e,@@pstempfile)
+ File.delete(@@pdftempfile) if test(?e,@@pdftempfile)
+ end
+ return ok
+ end
+ # private
+ def method (str)
+ if @@methods.key?(str) then
+ @@methods[str]
+ else
+ str
+ end
+ end
+ def pdfmethod? (str)
+ case method(str).to_i
+ when 4, 5 then return true
+ end
+ return false
+ end
+ def pdfprefix (str)
+ case method(str).to_i
+ when 4 then return 'lowres-'
+ when 5 then return 'normal-'
+ end
+ return ''
+ end
+ def psmethod? (str)
+ ! pdfmethod?(str)
+ end
+ def insertprofile (flags)
+ for key in flags.keys do
+ replacevariable("flag.#{key}", flags[key])
+ end
+ end
+ def deleteprofile (filename)
+ begin
+ File.delete(filename) if FileTest.file?(filename)
+ rescue
+ end
+ end
+ def saveprofile (filename)
+ return if filename.empty? || ! (ini = open(filename,"w"))
+ @@pstopdfoptions.each do |k|
+ str = @psoptions[k]
+ # beware, booleans are translated, but so are yes/no which is dangerous
+ if str.class == String then
+ if ! str.empty? && (str != 'empty') then
+ str.sub!(/(.+)\-/io, '')
+ str = "/" + str unless str =~ /^(true|false|none|[\d\.\-\+]+)$/
+ ini.puts("-d#{k}=#{str}\n")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ ini.close
+ debug("gs profile #{filename} saved")
+ end
+ def gsstream # private
+ if getvariable('pipe') then '-' else @@pstempfile end
+ end
+ def gscolorswitch
+ case getvariable('colormodel')
+ when 'cmyk' then '-dProcessColorModel=/DeviceCMYK '
+ when 'rgb' then '-dProcessColorModel=/DeviceRGB '
+ when 'gray' then '-dProcessColorModel=/DeviceGRAY '
+ else
+ ''
+ end
+ end
+ def gsdefaults
+ defaults = ''
+ begin
+ defaults << '-dAutoRotatePages=/None ' if @psoptions['AutoRotatePages'].empty?
+ rescue
+ defaults << '-dAutoRotatePages=/None '
+ end
+ return defaults
+ end
+ def convertasis (inpfile, outfile)
+ report("converting #{inpfile} as-is")
+ @rs = Tool.line_separator(inpfile)
+ debug("platform mac") if @rs == "\r"
+ arguments = ''
+ arguments << "\@gsprofile.ini "
+ arguments << "-q -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dNOPAUSE -dNOCACHE -dBATCH "
+arguments << "#{gsdefaults} "
+ arguments << "#{gscolorswitch} "
+ arguments << "-sOutputFile=#{outfile} #{inpfile} -c quit "
+ debug("ghostscript: #{arguments}")
+ unless ok ='ghostscript',arguments) then
+ begin
+ report("removing file #{outfile}")
+ File.delete(outfile) if FileTest.file?(outfile)
+ rescue
+ debug("file #{outfile} may be invalid")
+ end
+ end
+ return ok
+ end
+ def convertbounded (inpfile, outfile)
+ report("converting #{inpfile} bounded")
+ begin
+ return false if FileTest.file?(outfile) && (! File.delete(outfile))
+ rescue
+ return false
+ end
+ arguments = ''
+ arguments << "\@gsprofile.ini "
+ arguments << "-q -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dNOPAUSE -dNOCACHE -dBATCH -dSAFER"
+ arguments << "#{gscolorswitch} "
+arguments << "#{gsdefaults} "
+ arguments << "-sOutputFile=#{outfile} #{gsstream} -c quit "
+ debug("ghostscript: #{arguments}")
+ debug('opening input file')
+ @rs = Tool.line_separator(inpfile)
+ debug("platform #{mac}") if @rs == "\r"
+ return false unless tmp = open(inpfile, 'rb')
+ debug('opening pipe/file')
+ if getvariable('pipe') then
+ return false unless eps = IO.popen(System.command('ghostscript',arguments),'wb')
+ debug('piping data')
+ unless pipebounded(tmp,eps) then
+ debug('something went wrong in the pipe')
+ File.delete(outfile) if test(?e,outfile)
+ end
+ debug('closing pipe')
+ eps.close_write
+ else
+ return false unless eps =, 'wb')
+ debug('copying data')
+ if pipebounded(tmp,eps) then
+ eps.close
+ debug('processing temp file')
+ begin
+ ok ='ghostscript',arguments)
+ rescue
+ ok = false
+ # debug("fatal error: #{$!}")
+ ensure
+ end
+ else
+ eps.close
+ ok = false
+ end
+ unless ok then
+ begin
+ report('no output file due to error')
+ File.delete(outfile) if test(?e,outfile)
+ rescue
+ debug('file',outfile,'may be invalid')
+ end
+ end
+ debug('deleting temp file')
+ begin
+ File.delete(@@pstempfile) if test(?e,@@pstempfile)
+ rescue
+ end
+ end
+ tmp.close
+ return FileTest.file?(outfile)
+ end
+ # hm, strange, no execute here, todo ! ! !
+ def getdimensions (inpfile)
+ # -dEPSFitPage and -dEPSCrop behave weird (don't work)
+ arguments = "-sDEVICE=bbox -dSAFER -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH #{inpfile}"
+ debug("ghostscript: #{arguments}")
+ begin
+ bbox ='ghostscript',arguments,true,true)
+ rescue
+ bbox = ''
+ end
+ resetdimensions
+ debug('bbox spec', bbox)
+ if bbox =~ /(Exact|HiRes)BoundingBox:#{@@bboxspec}/mois then
+ debug("high res bbox #{$2} #{$3} #{$4} #{$5}")
+ setdimensions($2,$3,$4,$5)
+ elsif bbox =~ /BoundingBox:#{@@bboxspec}/mois
+ debug("low res bbox #{$1} #{$2} #{$3} #{$4}")
+ setdimensions($1,$2,$3,$4)
+ end
+ return dimensions?
+ end
+ def convertcropped (inpfile, outfile)
+ report("converting #{inpfile} cropped")
+ convertbounded(inpfile, @@pdftempfile)
+ return unless test(?e,@@pdftempfile)
+ arguments = " --offset=#{@offset} #{@@pdftempfile} #{outfile}"
+ unless ok ='cropcrap',arguments) then
+ report('cropping failed')
+ begin
+ File.delete(outfile)
+ rescue
+ end
+ begin
+ File.move(@@pdftempfile,outfile)
+ rescue
+ File.copy(@@pdftempfile,outfile)
+ File.delete(@@pdftempfile)
+ end
+ end
+ return ok
+ end
+ def pipebounded (eps, out)
+ epsbbox, skip, buffer = false, false, ''
+ debug('stripping preamble crap')
+ while str = eps.gets(rs=@rs) do
+ if str =~ /%!PS/mois
+ str = str.sub(/(.*)%!PS/mois, "%!PS")
+ out.puts(str)
+ break
+ elsif str =~ /%PDF\-\d+\.\d+/mois
+ debug("looks like a pdf file, so let\'s quit")
+ return false
+ end
+ end
+ debug('locating boundingbox')
+ # why no BeginData check
+ while str = eps.gets(rs=@rs)
+ case str
+ when /^%%Page:/io then
+ break
+ when /^%%(Crop|HiResBounding|ExactBounding)Box:#{@@bboxspec}/mois then
+ debug('high res boundingbox found')
+ setdimensions($2,$3,$4,$5)
+ break
+ when /^%%BoundingBox:#{@@bboxspec}/mois then
+ debug('low res boundingbox found')
+ setdimensions($1,$2,$3,$4)
+ end
+ end
+ eps.rewind
+ while str = eps.gets(rs=@rs) do
+ if skip then
+ skip = false if str =~ /^%+(EndData|EndPhotoshop|BeginProlog).*$/o
+ out.puts(str) if $1 == "BeginProlog"
+ elsif str =~ /^%(BeginPhotoshop)\:\s*\d+.*$/o then
+ skip = true
+ elsif str =~ /^%%/mos then
+ if ! epsbbox && str =~ /^%%(Page:|EndProlog)/io then
+ out.puts(str) if $1 == "EndProlog"
+ debug('faking papersize')
+ out.puts("<< /PageSize [#{@width} #{@height}] >> setpagedevice\n")
+ out.puts("gsave #{@xoffset} #{@yoffset} translate\n")
+ epsbbox = true
+ elsif str =~ /^%%BeginBinary\:\s*\d+\s*$/o then
+ debug('copying binary data')
+ out.puts(str)
+ while str = eps.gets(rs=@rs)
+ if str =~ /^%%EndBinary\s*$/o then
+ out.puts(str)
+ else
+ out.write(str)
+ end
+ end
+ elsif str =~ /^%AI9\_PrivateDataBegin/o then
+ debug('ignore private ai crap')
+ break
+ elsif str =~ /^%%EOF/o then
+ debug('ignore post eof crap')
+ break
+ # elsif str =~ /^%%PageTrailer/o then
+ # debug('ignoring post page trailer crap')
+ # break
+ elsif str =~ /^%%Trailer/o then
+ debug('ignoring post trailer crap')
+ break
+ elsif str =~ /^%%Creator.*Illustrator.*$/io then
+ debug('getting rid of problematic creator spec')
+ str = "% Creator: Adobe Illustrator ..."
+ out.puts(str)
+ elsif str =~ /^%%AI.*(PaperRect|Margin)/io then
+ debug('removing AI paper crap')
+ elsif str =~ /^%%AI.*Version.*$/io then
+ debug('removing dangerous version info')
+ elsif str =~ /^(%+AI.*Thumbnail.*)$/o then
+ debug('skipping AI thumbnail')
+ skip = true
+ else
+ out.puts(str)
+ end
+ else
+ out.puts(str)
+ end
+ end
+ debug('done, sending EOF')
+ out.puts "grestore\n%%EOF\n"
+ # ok = $? == 0
+ # report('process aborted, broken pipe, fatal error') unless ok
+ # return ok
+ return true
+ end
+ def downsample (inpfile, outfile, method='screen')
+ # gs <= 8.50
+ report("downsampling #{inpfile}")
+ doit = true
+ unless getvariable('force') then
+ begin
+ if f = then
+ f.binmode
+ while doit && (data = f.gets) do
+ if data =~ /\/ArtBox\s*\[\s*[\d\.]+\s+[\d\.]+\s+[\d\.]+\s+[\d\.]+\s*\]/io then
+ doit = false
+ end
+ end
+ f.close
+ end
+ rescue
+ end
+ end
+ if doit then
+ arguments = ''
+ arguments << "-dPDFSETTINGS=/#{method} -dEmbedAllFonts=true "
+ arguments << "#{gscolorswitch} "
+arguments << "#{gsdefaults} "
+ arguments << "-q -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dNOPAUSE -dNOCACHE -dBATCH -dSAFER "
+ arguments << "-sOutputFile=#{outfile} #{inpfile} -c quit "
+ unless ok ='ghostscript',arguments) then
+ begin
+ File.delete(outfile) if FileTest.file?(outfile)
+ report("removing file #{outfile}")
+ rescue
+ debug("file #{outfile} may be invalid")
+ end
+ end
+ return ok
+ else
+ report("crop problem, straight copying #{inpfile}")
+ File.copy(inpfile,outfile)
+ return false
+ end
+ end