path: root/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/cld
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23 files changed, 10074 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/cld/cld-abitoflua.tex b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/cld/cld-abitoflua.tex
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e61507929
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/cld/cld-abitoflua.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,869 @@
+% language=uk
+\startcomponent cld-abitoflua
+\environment cld-environment
+\startchapter[title=A bit of Lua]
+\startsection[title=The language]
+Small is beautiful and this is definitely true for the programming language \LUA\
+(moon in Portuguese). We had good reasons for using this language in \LUATEX:
+simplicity, speed, syntax and size to mention a few. Of course personal taste
+also played a role and after using a couple of scripting languages extensively
+the switch to \LUA\ was rather pleasant.
+As the \LUA\ reference manual is an excellent book there is no reason to discuss
+the language in great detail: just buy \quote {Programming in \LUA} by the \LUA\
+team. Nevertheless I will give a short summary of the important concepts but
+consult the book if you want more details.
+\startsection[title=Data types]
+The most basic data type is \type {nil}. When we define a variable, we don't need
+to give it a value:
+local v
+Here the variable \type {v} can get any value but till that
+happens it equals \type {nil}. There are simple data types like
+\type {numbers}, \type {booleans} and \type {strings}. Here are
+some numbers:
+local n = 1 + 2 * 3
+local x = 2.3
+Numbers are always floats \footnote {This is true for all versions upto 5.2 but
+following version can have a more hybrid model.} and you can use the normal
+arithmetic operators on them as well as functions defined in the math library.
+Inside \TEX\ we have only integers, although for instance dimensions can be
+specified in points using floats but that's more syntactic sugar. One reason for
+using integers in \TEX\ has been that this was the only way to guarantee
+portability across platforms. However, we're 30 years along the road and in \LUA\
+the floats are implemented identical across platforms, so we don't need to worry
+about compatibility.
+Strings in \LUA\ can be given between quotes or can be so called long strings
+forced by square brackets.
+local s = "Whatever"
+local t = s .. ' you want'
+local u = t .. [[ to know]] .. [[--[ about Lua!]--]]
+The two periods indicate a concatenation. Strings are hashed, so when you say:
+local s = "Whatever"
+local t = "Whatever"
+local u = t
+only one instance of \type {Whatever} is present in memory and this fact makes
+\LUA\ very efficient with respect to strings. Strings are constants and therefore
+when you change variable \type {s}, variable \type {t} keeps its value. When you
+compare strings, in fact you compare pointers, a method that is really fast. This
+compensates the time spent on hashing pretty well.
+Booleans are normally used to keep a state or the result from an expression.
+local b = false
+local c = n > 10 and s == "whatever"
+The other value is \type {true}. There is something that you need
+to keep in mind when you do testing on variables that are yet
+local b = false
+local n
+The following applies when \type {b} and \type {n} are defined this way:
+\NC b == false \NC true \NC \NR
+\NC n == false \NC false \NC \NR
+\NC n == nil \NC true \NC \NR
+\NC b == nil \NC false \NC \NR
+\NC b == n \NC false \NC \NR
+\NC n == nil \NC true \NC \NR
+Often a test looks like:
+if somevar then
+ ...
+ ...
+In this case we enter the else branch when \type {somevar} is either \type {nil}
+or \type {false}. It also means that by looking at the code we cannot beforehand
+conclude that \type {somevar} equals \type {true} or something else. If you want
+to really distinguish between the two cases you can be more explicit:
+if somevar == nil then
+ ...
+elseif somevar == false then
+ ...
+ ...
+if somevar == true then
+ ...
+ ...
+but such an explicit test is seldom needed.
+There are a few more data types: tables and functions. Tables are very important
+and you can recognize them by the same curly braces that make \TEX\ famous:
+local t = { 1, 2, 3 }
+local u = { a = 4, b = 9, c = 16 }
+local v = { [1] = "a", [3] = "2", [4] = false }
+local w = { 1, 2, 3, a = 4, b = 9, c = 16 }
+The \type {t} is an indexed table and \type {u} a hashed table. Because the
+second slot is empty, table \type {v} is partially indexed (slot 1) and partially
+hashed (the others). There is a gray area there, for instance, what happens when
+you nil a slot in an indexed table? In practice you will not run into problems as
+you will either use a hashed table, or an indexed table (with no holes), so table
+\type {w} is not uncommon.
+We mentioned that strings are in fact shared (hashed) but that an assignment of a
+string to a variable makes that variable behave like a constant. Contrary to
+that, when you assign a table, and then copy that variable, both variables can be
+used to change the table. Take this:
+local t = { 1, 2, 3 }
+local u = t
+We can change the content of the table as follows:
+t[1], t[3] = t[3], t[1]
+Here we swap two cells. This is an example of a parallel assigment. However, the
+following does the same:
+t[1], t[3] = u[3], u[1]
+After this, both \type {t} and \type {u} still share the same table. This kind of
+behaviour is quite natural. Keep in mind that expressions are evaluated first, so
+t[#t+1], t[#t+1] = 23, 45
+Makes no sense, as the values end up in the same slot. There is no gain in speed
+so using parallel assignments is mostly a convenience feature.
+There are a few specialized data types in \LUA, like \type {coroutines} (built
+in), \type {file} (when opened), \type {lpeg} (only when this library is linked
+in or loaded). These are called \quote {userdata} objects and in \LUATEX\ we have
+more userdata objects as we will see in later chapters. Of them nodes are the
+most noticeable: they are the core data type of the \TEX\ machinery. Other
+libraries, like \type {math} and \type {bit32} are just collections of functions
+operating on numbers.
+Functions look like this:
+function sum(a,b)
+ print(a, b, a + b)
+or this:
+function sum(a,b)
+ return a + b
+There can be many arguments of all kind of types and there can be multiple return
+values. A function is a real type, so you can say:
+local f = function(s) print("the value is: " .. s) end
+In all these examples we defined variables as \type {local}. This is a good
+practice and avoids clashes. Now watch the following:
+local n = 1
+function sum(a,b)
+ n = n + 1
+ return a + b
+function report()
+ print("number of summations: " .. n)
+Here the variable \type {n} is visible after its definition and accessible for
+the two global functions. Actually the variable is visible to all the code
+following, unless of course we define a new variable with the same name. We can
+hide \type {n} as follows:
+ local n = 1
+ sum = function(a,b)
+ n = n + 1
+ return a + b
+ end
+ report = function()
+ print("number of summations: " .. n)
+ end
+This example also shows another way of defining the function: by assignment.
+The \typ {do ... end} creates a so called closure. There are many places where
+such closures are created, for instance in function bodies or branches like \typ
+{if ... then ... else}. This means that in the following snippet, variable \type
+{b} is not seen after the end:
+if a > 10 then
+ local b = a + 10
+ print(b*b)
+When you process a blob of \LUA\ code in \TEX\ (using \type {\directlua} or \type
+{\latelua}) it happens in a closure with an implied \typ {do ... end}. So, \type
+{local} defined variables are really local.
+\startsection[title=\TEX's data types]
+We mentioned \type {numbers}. At the \TEX\ end we have counters as well as
+dimensions. Both are numbers but dimensions are specified differently
+local n = tex.count[0]
+local m = tex.dimen.lineheight
+local o = tex.sp("10.3pt") -- sp or 'scaled point' is the smallest unit
+The unit of dimension is \quote {scaled point} and this is a pretty small unit:
+10 points equals to 655360 such units.
+Another accessible data type is tokens. They are automatically converted to
+strings and vice versa.
+tex.toks[0] = "message"
+Be aware of the fact that the tokens are letters so the following will come out
+as text and not issue a message:
+tex.toks[0] = "\message{just text}"
+\startsection[title=Control structures]
+Loops are not much different from other languages: we have \typ {for ... do},
+\typ {while ... do} and \typ {repeat ... until}. We start with the simplest case:
+for index=1,10 do
+ print(index)
+You can specify a step and go downward as well:
+for index=22,2,-2 do
+ print(index)
+Indexed tables can be traversed this way:
+for index=1,#list do
+ print(index, list[index])
+Hashed tables on the other hand are dealt with as follows:
+for key, value in next, list do
+ print(key, value)
+Here \type {next} is a built in function. There is more to say about this
+mechanism but the average user will use only this variant. Slightly less
+efficient is the following, more readable variant:
+for key, value in pairs(list) do
+ print(key, value)
+and for an indexed table:
+for index, value in ipairs(list) do
+ print(index, value)
+The function call to \type {pairs(list)} returns \typ {next, list} so there is an
+(often neglectable) extra overhead of one function call.
+The other two loop variants, \type {while} and \type {repeat}, are similar.
+i = 0
+while i < 10 do
+ i = i + 1
+ print(i)
+This can also be written as:
+i = 0
+ i = i + 1
+ print(i)
+until i = 10
+i = 0
+while true do
+ i = i + 1
+ print(i)
+ if i = 10 then
+ break
+ end
+Of course you can use more complex expressions in such constructs.
+Conditions have the following form:
+if a == b or c > d or e then
+ ...
+elseif f == g then
+ ...
+ ...
+Watch the double \type {==}. The complement of this is \type {~=}. Precedence is
+similar to other languages. In practice, as strings are hashed. Tests like
+if key == "first" then
+ ...
+if n == 1 then
+ ...
+are equally efficient. There is really no need to use numbers to identify states
+instead of more verbose strings.
+Functionality can be grouped in libraries. There are a few default libraries,
+like \type {string}, \type {table}, \type {lpeg}, \type {math}, \type {io} and
+\type {os} and \LUATEX\ adds some more, like \type {node}, \type {tex} and \type
+A library is in fact nothing more than a bunch of functionality organized using a
+table, where the table provides a namespace as well as place to store public
+variables. Of course there can be local (hidden) variables used in defining
+ mylib = { }
+ local n = 1
+ function mylib.sum(a,b)
+ n = n + 1
+ return a + b
+ end
+ function
+ print("number of summations: " .. n)
+ end
+The defined function can be called like:
+You can also create a shortcut, This speeds up the process because there are less
+lookups then. In the following code multiple calls take place:
+local sum = mylib.sum
+for i=1,10 do
+ for j=1,10 do
+ print(i, j, sum(i,j))
+ end
+As \LUA\ is pretty fast you should not overestimate the speedup, especially not
+when a function is called seldom. There is an important side effect here: in the
+case of:
+ print(i, j, sum(i,j))
+the meaning of \type {sum} is frozen. But in the case of
+ print(i, j, mylib.sum(i,j))
+The current meaning is taken, that is: each time the interpreter will access
+\type {mylib} and get the current meaning of \type {sum}. And there can be a good
+reason for this, for instance when the meaning is adapted to different
+In \CONTEXT\ we have quite some code organized this way. Although much is exposed
+(if only because it is used all over the place) you should be careful in using
+functions (and data) that are still experimental. There are a couple of general
+libraries and some extend the core \LUA\ libraries. You might want to take a look
+at the files in the distribution that start with \type {l-}, like \type
+{l-table.lua}. These files are preloaded.\footnote {In fact, if you write scripts
+that need their functionality, you can use \type {mtxrun} to process the script,
+as \type {mtxrun} has the core libraries preloaded as well.} For instance, if you
+want to inspect a table, you can say:
+local t = { "aap", "noot", "mies" }
+You can get an overview of what is implemented by running the following command:
+context s-tra-02 --mode=tablet
+{\em todo: add nice synonym for this module and also add helpinfo at the to so
+that we can do \type {context --styles}}
+You can add comments to your \LUA\ code. There are basically two methods: one
+liners and multi line comments.
+local option = "test" -- use this option with care
+local method = "unknown" --[[comments can be very long and when entered
+ this way they and span multiple lines]]
+The so called long comments look like long strings preceded by \type {--} and
+there can be more complex boundary sequences.
+Sometimes \type {nil} can bite you, especially in tables, as they have a dual nature:
+indexed as well as hashed.
+local n1 = # { nil, 1, 2, nil } -- 3
+local n2 = # { nil, nil, 1, 2, nil } -- 0
+context("n1 = %s and n2 = %s",n1,n2)
+results in: \getbuffer
+So, you cannot really depend on the length operator here. On the other hand, with:
+local function check(...)
+ return select("#",...)
+local n1 = check ( nil, 1, 2, nil ) -- 4
+local n2 = check ( nil, nil, 1, 2, nil ) -- 5
+context("n1 = %s and n2 = %s",n1,n2)
+we get: \getbuffer, so the \type {select} is quite useable. However, that function also
+has its specialities. The following example needs some close reading:
+local function filter(n,...)
+ return select(n,...)
+local v1 = { filter ( 1, 1, 2, 3 ) }
+local v2 = { filter ( 2, 1, 2, 3 ) }
+local v3 = { filter ( 3, 1, 2, 3 ) }
+context("v1 = %+t and v2 = %+t and v3 = %+t",v1,v2,v3)
+We collect the result in a table and show the concatination:
+So, what you effectively get is the whole list starting with the given offset.
+local function filter(n,...)
+ return (select(n,...))
+local v1 = { filter ( 1, 1, 2, 3 ) }
+local v2 = { filter ( 2, 1, 2, 3 ) }
+local v3 = { filter ( 3, 1, 2, 3 ) }
+context("v1 = %+t and v2 = %+t and v3 = %+t",v1,v2,v3)
+Now we get: \getbuffer. The extra \type {()} around the result makes sure that
+we only get one return value.
+Of course the same effect can be achieved as follows:
+local function filter(n,...)
+ return select(n,...)
+local v1 = filter ( 1, 1, 2, 3 )
+local v2 = filter ( 2, 1, 2, 3 )
+local v3 = filter ( 3, 1, 2, 3 )
+context("v1 = %s and v2 = %s and v3 = %s",v1,v2,v3)
+\startsection[title={A few suggestions}]
+You can wrap all kind of functionality in functions but sometimes it makes no
+sense to add the overhead of a call as the same can be done with hardly any code.
+If you want a slice of a table, you can copy the range needed to a new table. A
+simple version with no bounds checking is:
+local new = { } for i=a,b do new[#new+1] = old[i] end
+Another, much faster, variant is the following.
+local new = { unpack(old,a,b) }
+You can use this variant for slices that are not extremely large. The function
+\type {table.sub} is an equivalent:
+local new = table.sub(old,a,b)
+An indexed table is empty when its size equals zero:
+if #indexed == 0 then ... else ... end
+Sometimes this is better:
+if indexed and #indexed == 0 then ... else ... end
+So how do we test if a hashed table is empty? We can use the
+\type {next} function as in:
+if hashed and next(indexed) then ... else ... end
+Say that we have the following table:
+local t = { a=1, b=2, c=3 }
+The call \type {next(t)} returns the first key and value:
+local k, v = next(t) -- "a", 1
+The second argument to \type {next} can be a key in which case the
+following key and value in the hash table is returned. The result
+is not predictable as a hash is unordered. The generic for loop
+uses this to loop over a hashed table:
+for k, v in next, t do
+ ...
+Anyway, when \type {next(t)} returns zero you can be sure that the table is
+empty. This is how you can test for exactly one entry:
+if t and not next(t,next(t)) then ... else ... end
+Here it starts making sense to wrap it into a function.
+function table.has_one_entry(t)
+ t and not next(t,next(t))
+On the other hand, this is not that usefull, unless you can spent the runtime on
+function table.is_empty(t)
+ return not t or not next(t)
+We have already seen that you can embed \LUA\ code using commands like:
+ print("this works")
+This command should not be confused with:
+ print("this works")
+The first variant has its own catcode regime which means that tokens between the start
+and stop command are treated as \LUA\ tokens, with the exception of \TEX\ commands. The
+second variant operates under the regular \TEX\ catcode regime.
+Their short variants are \type {\ctxluacode} and \type {\ctxlua} as in:
+\ctxluacode{print("this works")}
+\ctxlua{print("this works")}
+In practice you will probably use \type {\startluacode} when using or defining % \stopluacode
+a blob of \LUA\ and \type {\ctxlua} for inline code. Keep in mind that the
+longer versions need more initialization and have more overhead.
+There are some more commands. For instance \type {\ctxcommand} can be used as
+an efficient way to access functions in the \type {commands} namespace. The
+following two calls are equivalent:
+\ctxlua {commands.thisorthat("...")}
+\ctxcommand {thisorthat("...")}
+There are a few shortcuts to the \type {context} namespace. Their use can best be
+seen from their meaning:
+\cldloadfile #1{\directlua{context.loadfile("#1")}}
+\cldcontext #1{\directlua{context(#1)}}
+\cldcommand #1{\directlua{context.#1}}
+The \type {\directlua{}} command can also be implemented using the token parser
+and \LUA\ itself. A variant is therefore \type {\luascript{}} which can be
+considered an alias but with a bit different error reporting. A variant on this
+is the \type {\luathread {name} {code}} command. Here is an example of their
+\luascript { context("foo 1:") context(i) } \par
+\luathread {test} { i = 10 context("bar 1:") context(i) } \par
+\luathread {test} { context("bar 2:") context(i) } \par
+\luathread {test} {} % resets
+\luathread {test} { context("bar 3:") context(i) } \par
+\luascript { context("foo 2:") context(i) } \par
+These commands result in:
+\startpacked \getbuffer \stoppacked
+% \testfeatureonce{100000}{\directlua {local a = 10 local a = 10 local a = 10}} % 0.53s
+% \testfeatureonce{100000}{\luascript {local a = 10 local a = 10 local a = 10}} % 0.62s
+% \testfeatureonce{100000}{\luathread {test} {local a = 10 local a = 10 local a = 10}} % 0.79s
+The variable \type {i} is local to the thread (which is not really a thread in
+\LUA\ but more a named piece of code that provides an environment which is shared
+over the calls with the same name. You will probably never need these.
+Each time a call out to \LUA\ happens the argument eventually gets parsed, converted
+into tokens, then back into a string, compiled to bytecode and executed. The next
+example code shows a mechanism that avoids this:
+\startctxfunction MyFunctionA
+ context(" A1 ")
+\startctxfunctiondefinition MyFunctionB
+ context(" B2 ")
+The first command associates a name with some \LUA\ code and that code can be
+executed using:
+The second definition creates a command, so there we do:
+There are some more helpers but for use in document sources they make less sense. You
+can always browse the source code for examples.
diff --git a/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/cld/cld-afewdetails.tex b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/cld/cld-afewdetails.tex
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6c0cf3afa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/cld/cld-afewdetails.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,398 @@
+% language=uk
+\startcomponent cld-afewdetails
+\environment cld-environment
+\startchapter[title=A few Details]
+\index{user interface}
+Normally it makes most sense to use the English version of \CONTEXT. The
+advantage is that you can use English keywords, as in:
+context.framed( {
+ frame = "on",
+ },
+ "some text"
+If you use the Dutch interface it looks like this:
+context.omlijnd( {
+ kader = "aan",
+ },
+ "wat tekst"
+A rather neutral way is:
+context.framed( {
+ frame = interfaces.variables.on,
+ },
+ "some text"
+But as said, normally you will use the English user interface so you can forget
+about these matters. However, in the \CONTEXT\ core code you will often see the
+variables being used this way because there we need to support all user
+Context carries a concept of modes. You can use modes to create conditional
+sections in your style (and|/|or content). You can control modes in your styles
+or you can set them at the command line or in job control files. When a mode test
+has to be done at processing time, then you need constructs like the following:
+context.doifmodeelse( "screen",
+ function()
+ ... -- mode == screen
+ end,
+ function()
+ ... -- mode ~= screen
+ end
+However, often a mode does not change during a run, and then we can use the
+following method:
+if tex.modes["screen"] then
+ ...
+ ...
+Watch how the \type {modes} table lives in the \type {tex} namespace. We also
+have \type {systemmodes}. At the \TEX\ end these are mode names preceded by a
+\type {*}, so the following code is similar:
+if tex.modes["*mymode"] then
+ -- this is the same
+elseif tex.systemmodes["mymode"] then
+ -- test as this
+ -- but not this
+Inside \CONTEXT\ we also have so called constants, and again these can be
+consulted at the \LUA\ end:
+if tex.constants["someconstant'] then
+ ...
+ ...
+But you will hardly need these and, as they are often not public, their
+meaning can change, unless of course they {\em are} documented as public.
+\startsection[title={Token lists}]
+There is normally no need to mess around with nodes and tokens at the \LUA\ end
+yourself. However, if you do, then you might want to flush them as well. Say that
+at the \TEX\ end we have said:
+\toks0 = {Don't get \inframed{framed}!}
+\typebuffer \getbuffer
+Then at the \LUA\ end you can say:
+and get: \ctxluabuffer\ In fact, token registers are exposed as strings so here,
+register zero has type \type {string} and is treated as such.
+context("< %s >",tex.toks[0])
+This gives: \ctxluabuffer. But beware, if you go the reverse way, you don't get
+what you might expect:
+tex.toks[0] = [[\framed{oeps}]]
+\typebuffer \ctxluabuffer
+If we now say \type{\the\toks0} we will get {\tttf \the\toks0} as
+all tokens are considered to be letters.
+\startsection[title={Node lists}]
+If you're not deep into \TEX\ you will never feel the need to manipulate node
+lists yourself, but you might want to flush boxes. As an example we put something
+in box zero (one of the scratch boxes).
+\setbox0 = \hbox{Don't get \inframed{framed}!}
+\typebuffer \getbuffer
+At the \TEX\ end you can flush this box (\type {\box0}) or take a copy
+(\type{\copy0}). At the \LUA\ end you would do:
+but this works as well:
+So we get: \ctxluabuffer\ If you do:
+you also need to make sure that the box is freed but let's not go into those
+details now.
+Here is an example if messing around with node lists that get seen before a
+paragraph gets broken into lines, i.e.\ when hyphenation, font manipulation etc
+take place. First we define some colors:
+\typebuffer \getbuffer
+Next we define a function that colors nodes in such a way that we can see the
+different processing stages.
+local enabled = false
+local count = 0
+local setcolor = nodes.tracers.colors.set
+function userdata.processmystuff(head)
+ if enabled then
+ local color = "mynesting:" .. (count % 3)
+ -- for n in node.traverse(head) do
+ for n in node.traverse_id(nodes.nodecodes.glyph,head) do
+ setcolor(n,color)
+ end
+ count = count + 1
+ return head, true
+ end
+ return head, false
+function userdata.enablemystuff()
+ enabled = true
+function userdata.disablemystuff()
+ enabled = false
+\typebuffer \getbuffer
+We hook this function into the normalizers category of the processor callbacks:
+nodes.tasks.appendaction("processors", "normalizers", "userdata.processmystuff")
+\typebuffer \getbuffer
+We now can enable this mechanism and show an example:
+Node lists are processed \hbox {nested from \hbox{inside} out} which is not
+what you might expect. But, \hbox{coloring} does not \hbox {happen} really
+nested here, more \hbox {in} \hbox {the} \hbox {order} \hbox {of} \hbox
+\par \getbuffer \par
+The \type {\par} is needed because otherwise the processing is already disabled
+before the paragraph gets seen by \TEX.
+\blank \getbuffer \blank
+nodes.tasks.disableaction("processors", "userdata.processmystuff")
+Instead of using an boolean to control the state, we can also do this:
+local count = 0
+local setcolor = nodes.tracers.colors.set
+function userdata.processmystuff(head)
+ count = count + 1
+ local color = "mynesting:" .. (count % 3)
+ for n in node.traverse_id(nodes.nodecodes.glyph,head) do
+ setcolor(n,color)
+ end
+ return head, true
+nodes.tasks.appendaction("processors", "after", "userdata.processmystuff")
+nodes.tasks.disableaction("processors", "userdata.processmystuff")
+Disabling now happens with:
+\typebuffer \getbuffer
+As you might want to control these things in more details, a simple helper
+mechanism was made: markers. The following example code shows the way:
+\typebuffer \getbuffer
+Again we define some colors:
+\typebuffer \getbuffer
+The \LUA\ code like similar to the code presented before:
+local setcolor = nodes.tracers.colors.setlist
+local getmarker = nodes.markers.get
+local hlist_code =
+local traverse_id = node.traverse_id
+function userdata.processmystuff(head)
+ for n in traverse_id(hlist_code,head) do
+ local m = getmarker(n,"mymarker")
+ if m then
+ setcolor(n.list,"mymarker:" .. m)
+ end
+ end
+ return head, true
+nodes.tasks.appendaction("processors", "after", "userdata.processmystuff")
+nodes.tasks.disableaction("processors", "userdata.processmystuff")
+\typebuffer \getbuffer
+This time we disabled the processor (if only because in this document we don't
+want the overhead.
+nodes.tasks.enableaction("processors", "userdata.processmystuff")
+Node lists are processed \hbox \boxmarker{mymarker}{1} {nested from \hbox{inside}
+out} which is not what you might expect. But, \hbox {coloring} does not \hbox
+{happen} really nested here, more \hbox {in} \hbox \boxmarker{mymarker}{2} {the}
+\hbox {order} \hbox {of} \hbox \boxmarker{mymarker}{3} {processing}.
+nodes.tasks.disableaction("processors", "userdata.processmystuff")
+The result looks familiar:
+% We don't want the burden of this demo to cary on:
+% {\em If there's enough interest I will expand this section with some basic
+% information on what nodes are.}
diff --git a/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/cld/cld-backendcode.tex b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/cld/cld-backendcode.tex
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9c1284baa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/cld/cld-backendcode.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,388 @@
+% language=uk
+\startcomponent cld-backendcode
+\environment cld-environment
+% derived from hybrid
+\startchapter[title={Backend code}]
+\startsection [title={Introduction}]
+In \CONTEXT\ we've always separated the backend code in so called driver files.
+This means that in the code related to typesetting only calls to the \API\ take
+place, and no backend specific code is to be used. Currently a \PDF\ backend is
+supported as well as an \XML\ export. \footnote {This chapter is derived from an
+article on these matters. You can find nore information in \type {hybrid.pdf}.}
+Some \CONTEXT\ users like to add their own \PDF\ specific code to their styles or
+modules. However, such extensions can interfere with existing code, especially
+when resources are involved. Therefore the construction of \PDF\ data structures
+and resources is rather controlled and has to be done via the official helper
+\startsection [title={Structure}]
+A \PDF\ file is a tree of indirect objects. Each object has a number and the file
+contains a table (or multiple tables) that relates these numbers to positions in
+a file (or position in a compressed object stream). That way a file can be viewed
+without reading all data: a viewer only loads what is needed.
+1 0 obj <<
+ /Name (test) /Address 2 0 R
+2 0 obj [
+ (Main Street) (24) (postal code) (MyPlace)
+For the sake of the discussion we consider strings like \type {(test)} also to be
+objects. In the next table we list what we can encounter in a \PDF\ file. There
+can be indirect objects in which case a reference is used (\type{2 0 R}) and
+direct ones.
+It all starts in the document's root object. From there we access the page tree
+and resources. Each page carries its own resource information which makes random
+access easier. A page has a page stream and there we find the to be rendered
+content as a mixture of (\UNICODE) strings and special drawing and rendering
+operators. Here we will not discuss them as they are mostly generated by the
+engine itself or dedicated subsystems like the \METAPOST\ converter. There we use
+literal or \type {\latelua} whatsits to inject code into the current stream.
+\startsection [title={Data types}]
+There are several datatypes in \PDF\ and we support all of them one way or the
+\NC \bf type \NC \bf form \NC \bf meaning \NC \NR
+\NC constant \NC \type{/...} \NC A symbol (prescribed string). \NC \NR
+\NC string \NC \type{(...)} \NC A sequence of characters in pdfdoc
+ encoding \NC \NR
+\NC unicode \NC \type{<...>} \NC A sequence of characters in utf16
+ encoding \NC \NR
+\NC number \NC \type{3.1415} \NC A number constant. \NC \NR
+\NC boolean \NC \type{true/false} \NC A boolean constant. \NC \NR
+\NC reference \NC \type{N 0 R} \NC A reference to an object \NC \NR
+\NC dictionary \NC \type{<< ... >>} \NC A collection of key value pairs
+ where the value itself is an (indirect) object.
+ \NC \NR
+\NC array \NC \type{[ ... ]} \NC A list of objects or references to
+ objects. \NC \NR
+\NC stream \NC \NC A sequence of bytes either or not packaged with
+ a dictionary that contains descriptive data. \NC \NR
+\NC xform \NC \NC A special kind of object containing an reusable
+ blob of data, for example an image. \NC \NR
+While writing additional backend code, we mostly create dictionaries.
+<< /Name (test) /Address 2 0 R >>
+In this case the indirect object can look like:
+[ (Main Street) (24) (postal code) (MyPlace) ]
+The \LUATEX\ manual mentions primitives like \type {\pdfobj}, \type {\pdfannot},
+\type {\pdfcatalog}, etc. However, in \MKIV\ no such primitives are used. You can
+still use many of them but those that push data into document or page related
+resources are overloaded to do nothing at all.
+In the \LUA\ backend code you will find function calls like:
+local d = lpdf.dictionary {
+ Name = lpdf.string("test"),
+ Address = lpdf.array {
+ "Main Street", "24", "postal code", "MyPlace",
+ }
+Equaly valid is:
+local d = lpdf.dictionary()
+d.Name = "test"
+Eventually the object will end up in the file using calls like:
+local r = lpdf.immediateobject(tostring(d))
+or using the wrapper (which permits tracing):
+local r = lpdf.flushobject(d)
+The object content will be serialized according to the formal specification so
+the proper \type {<< >>} etc.\ are added. If you want the content instead you can
+use a function call:
+local dict = d()
+An example of using references is:
+local a = lpdf.array {
+ "Main Street", "24", "postal code", "MyPlace",
+local d = lpdf.dictionary {
+ Name = lpdf.string("test"),
+ Address = lpdf.reference(a),
+local r = lpdf.flushobject(d)
+We have the following creators. Their arguments are optional.
+\NC \bf function \NC \bf optional parameter \NC \NR
+\NC \type{lpdf.null} \NC \NC \NR
+\NC \type{lpdf.number} \NC number \NC \NR
+\NC \type{lpdf.constant} \NC string \NC \NR
+\NC \type{lpdf.string} \NC string \NC \NR
+\NC \type{lpdf.unicode} \NC string \NC \NR
+\NC \type{lpdf.boolean} \NC boolean \NC \NR
+\NC \type{lpdf.array} \NC indexed table of objects \NC \NR
+\NC \type{lpdf.dictionary} \NC hash with key/values \NC \NR
+%NC \type{} \NC indexed table of operators \NC \NR
+\NC \type{lpdf.reference} \NC string \NC \NR
+\NC \type{lpdf.verbose} \NC indexed table of strings \NC \NR
+\ShowLuaExampleString{tostring(lpdf.string("just a string"))}
+\ShowLuaExampleString{tostring(lpdf.unicode("just a string"))}
+\ShowLuaExampleString{tostring(lpdf.array { 1, lpdf.constant("c"), true, "str" })}
+\ShowLuaExampleString{tostring(lpdf.dictionary { a=1, b=lpdf.constant("c"), d=true, e="str" })}
+\startsection[title={Managing objects}]
+Flushing objects is done with:
+Reserving object is or course possible and done with:
+local r = lpdf.reserveobject()
+Such an object is flushed with:
+We also support named objects:
+A delayed object is created with:
+local ref = pdf.delayedobject(data)
+The data will be flushed later using the object number that is returned (\type
+{ref}). When you expect that many object with the same content are used, you can
+local obj = lpdf.shareobject(data)
+local ref = lpdf.shareobjectreference(data)
+This one flushes the object and returns the object number. Already defined
+objects are reused. In addition to this code driven optimization, some other
+optimization and reuse takes place but all that happens without user
+intervention. Only use this when it's really needed as it might consume more
+memory and needs more processing time.
+\startsection [title={Resources}]
+While \LUATEX\ itself will embed all resources related to regular typesetting,
+\MKIV\ has to take care of embedding those related to special tricks, like
+annotations, spot colors, layers, shades, transparencies, metadata, etc. Because
+third party modules (like tikz) also can add resources we provide some macros
+that makes sure that no interference takes place:
+\pdfbackendsetcatalog {key}{string}
+\pdfbackendsetinfo {key}{string}
+\pdfbackendsetname {key}{string}
+\pdfbackendsetpageattribute {key}{string}
+\pdfbackendsetpageresource {key}{string}
+\pdfbackendsetextgstate {key}{pdfdata}
+\pdfbackendsetcolorspace {key}{pdfdata}
+\pdfbackendsetpattern {key}{pdfdata}
+\pdfbackendsetshade {key}{pdfdata}
+One is free to use the \LUA\ interface instead, as there one has more
+possibilities but when code is shared with other macro packages the macro
+interface makes more sense. The names of the \LUA\ functions are similar, like:
+Currently we expose a bit more of the backend code than we like and
+future versions will have a more restricted access. The following
+function will stay public:
+lpdf.addtopageresources (key,value)
+lpdf.addtopageattributes (key,value)
+lpdf.adddocumentpattern (key,value)
+lpdf.adddocumentshade (key,value)
+lpdf.addtocatalog (key,value)
+lpdf.addtoinfo (key,value)
+lpdf.addtonames (key,value)
+\startsection [title={Annotations}]
+You can use the \LUA\ functions that relate to annotations etc.\ but normally you
+will use the regular \CONTEXT\ user interface. You can look into some of the
+\type {lpdf-*} modules to see how special annotations can be dealt with.
+\startsection [title={Tracing}]
+There are several tracing options built in and some more will be added in due
+ [backend.finalizers,
+ backend.resources,
+ backend.objects,
+ backend.detail]
+As with all trackers you can also pass them on the command line, for example:
+context --trackers=backend.* yourfile
+The reference related backend mechanisms have their own trackers. When you write
+code that generates \PDF, it also helps to look in the \PDF\ file so see if
+things are done right. In that case you need to disable compression:
+The \type {epdf} library that comes with \LUATEX\ offers a userdata interface to
+\PDF\ files. On top of that \CONTEXT\ provides a more \LUA-ish access, using
+tables. You can open a \PDF\ file with:
+local mypdf = lpdf.epdf.load(filename)
+When opening is successful, you have access to a couple of tables:
+\NC \type{pages} \NC indexed \NC \NR
+\NC \type{destinations} \NC hashed \NC \NR
+\NC \type{javascripts} \NC hashed \NC \NR
+\NC \type{widgets} \NC hashed \NC \NR
+\NC \type{embeddedfiles} \NC hashed \NC \NR
+\NC \type{layers} \NC indexed \NC \NR
+These provide efficient access to some data that otherwise would take a bit of
+code to deal with. Another top level table is the for \PDF\ characteristic \type
+{Catalog}. Watch the capitalization: as with other native \PDF\ data structures,
+keys are case sensitive and match the standard.
+Here is an example of usage:
+local MyDocument = lpdf.epdf.load("somefile.pdf")
+ local pages = MyDocument.pages
+ local nofpages = pages.n
+ context.starttabulate { "|c|c|c|" }
+ context.NC() context("page")
+ context.NC() context("width")
+ context.NC() context("height") context.NR()
+ for i=1, nofpages do
+ local page = pages[i]
+ local bbox = page.CropBox or page.MediaBox
+ context.NC() context(i)
+ context.NC() context(bbox[4]-bbox[2])
+ context.NC() context(bbox[3]-bbox[1]) context.NR()
+ end
+ context.stoptabulate()
diff --git a/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/cld/cld-callbacks.tex b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/cld/cld-callbacks.tex
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c449af864
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/cld/cld-callbacks.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
+% language=uk
+\startcomponent cld-callbacks
+\environment cld-environment
+\startsection [title={Introduction}]
+\index {callbacks}
+The \LUATEX\ engine provides the usual basic \TEX\ functionality plus a bit more.
+It is a deliberate choice not to extend the core engine too much. Instead all
+relevant processes can be overloaded by new functionality written in \LUA. In
+\CONTEXT\ callbacks are wrapped in a protective layer: on the one hand there is
+extra functionality (usually interfaced through macros) and on the other hand
+users can pop in their own handlers using hooks. Of course a plugged in function
+has to do the right thing and not mess up the data structures. In this chapter
+the layer on top of callbacks is described.
+\startsection [title={Actions}]
+\index {nodelists}
+Nearly all callbacks in \LUATEX\ are used in \CONTEXT. In the following list the
+callbacks tagged with \type {enabled} are used and frozen, the ones tagged \type
+{disabled} are blocked and never used, while the ones tagged \type {undefined}
+are yet unused.
+% \ctxlua{callbacks.table()} % \ctxlua{}
+Eventually all callbacks will be used so don't rely on undefined callbacks not
+being protected. Some callbacks are only set when certain functionality is
+It may sound somewhat harsh but if users kick in their own code, we cannot
+guarantee \CONTEXT's behaviour any more and support becomes a pain. If you really
+need to use a callback yourself, you should use one of the hooks and make sure
+that you return the right values.
+All callbacks related to file handling, font definition and housekeeping are
+frozen and cannot be overloaded. A reason for this are that we need some kind of
+protection against misuse. Another reason is that we operate in a well defined
+environment, the so called \TEX\ directory structure, and we don't want to mess
+with that. And of course, the overloading permits \CONTEXT\ to provide extensions
+beyond regular engine functionality.
+So as a fact we only open up some of the node list related callbacks and these
+are grouped as follows:
+\NC \bf category \NC \bf callback \NC \bf usage \NC \NR
+\NC \type{processors} \NC \type{pre_linebreak_filter} \NC called just before the paragraph is broken into lines \NC \NR
+\NC \NC \type{hpack_filter} \NC called just before a horizontal box is constructed \NC \NR
+\NC \type{finalizers} \NC \type{post_linebreak_filter} \NC called just after the paragraph has been broken into lines \NC \NR
+\NC \type{shipouts} \NC \type{no callback yet} \NC applied to the box (or xform) that is to be shipped out \NC \NR
+\NC \type{mvlbuilders} \NC \type{buildpage_filter} \NC called after some material has been added to the main vertical list \NC \NR
+\NC \type{vboxbuilders} \NC \type{vpack_filter} \NC called when some material is added to a vertical box \NC \NR
+%NC \type{parbuilders} \NC \type{linebreak_filter} \NC called when a paragraph is to be broken into lines \NC \NR
+%NC \type{pagebuilders} \NC \type{pre_output_filter} \NC called when a page it fed into the output routing \NC \NR
+\NC \type{math} \NC \type{mlist_to_hlist} \NC called just after the math list is created, before it is turned into an horizontal list \NC \NR
+Each category has several subcategories but for users only two make sense: \type
+{before} and \type {after}. Say that you want to hook some tracing into the \type
+{mvlbuilder}. This is how it's done:
+function third.mymodule.myfunction(where)
+ nodes.show_simple_list(tex.lists.contrib_head)
+nodes.tasks.appendaction("processors", "before", "third.mymodule.myfunction")
+As you can see, in this case the function gets no \type {head} passed (at least
+not currently). This example also assumes that you know how to access the right
+items. The arguments and return values are given below. \footnote {This interface
+might change a bit in future versions of \CONTEXT. Therefore we will not discuss
+the few more optional arguments that are possible.}
+\NC \bf category \NC \bf arguments \NC \bf return value \NC \NR
+\NC \type{processors} \NC \type{head, ...} \NC \type{head, done} \NC \NR
+\NC \type{finalizers} \NC \type{head, ...} \NC \type{head, done} \NC \NR
+\NC \type{shipouts} \NC \type{head} \NC \type{head, done} \NC \NR
+\NC \type{mvlbuilders} \NC \NC \type{done} \NC \NR
+\NC \type{vboxbuilders} \NC \type{head, ...} \NC \type{head, done} \NC \NR
+\NC \type{parbuilders} \NC \type{head, ...} \NC \type{head, done} \NC \NR
+\NC \type{pagebuilders} \NC \type{head, ...} \NC \type{head, done} \NC \NR
+\NC \type{math} \NC \type{head, ...} \NC \type{head, done} \NC \NR
+\startsection [title={Tasks}]
+\index {tasks}
+In the previous section we already saw that the actions are in fact tasks and
+that we can append (and therefore also prepend) to a list of tasks. The \type
+{before} and \type {after} task lists are valid hooks for users contrary to the
+other tasks that can make up an action. However, the task builder is generic
+enough for users to be used for individual tasks that are plugged into the user
+Of course at some point, too many nested tasks bring a performance penalty with
+them. At the end of a run \MKIV\ reports some statistics and timings and these
+can give you an idea how much time is spent in \LUA.
+The following tables list all the registered tasks for the processors actions:
+Some of these do have subtasks and some of these even more, so you can imagine
+that quite some action is going on there.
+The finalizer tasks are:
+Shipouts concern:
+There are not that many mvlbuilder tasks currently:
+The vboxbuilder perform similar tasks:
+In the future we expect to have more parbuilder tasks. Here again there are
+subtasks that depend on the current typesetting environment, so this is the right
+spot for language specific treatments.
+The following actions are applied just before the list is passed on the the
+output routine. The return value is a vlist.
+{\em Both the parbuilders and pagebuilder tasks are unofficial and not yet meant
+for users.}
+Finally, we have tasks related to the math list:
+As \MKIV\ is developed in sync with \LUATEX\ and code changes from experimental
+to more final and reverse, you should not be too surprised if the registered
+function names change.
+You can create your own task list with:
+\starttyping"mytasks",{ "one", "two" })
+After that you can register functions. You can append as well as prepend them
+either or not at a specific position.
+nodes.tasks.appendaction ("mytask","one","bla.alpha")
+nodes.tasks.appendaction ("mytask","one","bla.beta")
+nodes.tasks.appendaction ("mytask","one","bla.whatever","bla.alpha")
+Functions can also be removed:
+As removal is somewhat drastic, it is also possible to enable and disable
+functions. From the fact that with these two functions you don't specify a
+category (like \type {one} or \type {two}) you can conclude that the function
+names need to be unique within the task list or else all with the same name
+within this task will be disabled.
+nodes.tasks.enableaction ("mytask","bla.whatever")
+The same can be done with a complete category:
+nodes.tasks.enablegroup ("mytask","one")
+There is one function left:
+This function returns a function that when called will perform the tasks. In this
+case the function takes two extra arguments in addition to \type {head}.
+\footnote {Specifying this number permits for some optimization but is not really
+Tasks themselves are implemented on top of sequences but we won't discuss them
+\startsection [title={Paragraph and page builders}]
+Building paragraphs and pages is implemented differently and has no user hooks.
+There is a mechanism for plugins but the interface is quite experimental.
+\startsection [title={Some examples}]
+{\em todo}
diff --git a/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/cld/cld-contents.tex b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/cld/cld-contents.tex
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..132da7dff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/cld/cld-contents.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+\startcomponent cld-contents
+\environment cld-environment
+ \placelist[chapter,section][criterium=text,aligntitle=yes]
diff --git a/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/cld/cld-ctxfunctions.tex b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/cld/cld-ctxfunctions.tex
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..11600b847
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/cld/cld-ctxfunctions.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,786 @@
+% language=uk
+\startcomponent cld-ctxfunctions
+\environment cld-environment
+\startchapter[title={The \LUA\ interface code}]
+There is a lot of \LUA\ code in \MKIV. Much is not exposed and a lot of what is
+exposed is not meant to be used directly at the \LUA\ end. But there is also
+functionality and data that can be accessed without side effects.
+In the following sections a subset of the built in functionality is discussed.
+There are often more functions alongside those presented but they might change or
+disappear. So, if you use undocumented features, be sure to tag them somehow in
+your source code so that you can check them out when there is an update. Best
+would be to have more functionality defined local so that it is sort of hidden
+but that would be unpractical as for instance functions are often used in other
+modules and or have to be available at the \TEX\ end.
+It might be tempting to add your own functions to namespaces created by \CONTEXT\
+or maybe overload some existing ones. Don't do this. First of all, there is no
+guarantee that your code will not interfere, nor that it overloads future
+functionality. Just use your own namespace. Also, future versions of \CONTEXT\
+might have a couple of protection mechanisms built in. Without doubt the
+following sections will be extended as soon as interfaces become more stable.
+% not discussed:
+% characters.filters.utf.addgrapheme()
+% characters.filters.utf.collapse()
+% characters.getrange()
+% characters.bidi[]
+% tex.uprint()
+% utf.string()
+% characters.flush()
+There are quite some data tables defined but the largest is the character
+database. You can consult this table any time you want but you're not supposed to
+add or change its content if only because changes will be overwritten when you
+update \CONTEXT. Future versions may carry more information. The table can be
+accessed using an unicode number. A relative simple entry looks as follows:
+Much of this is rather common information but some of it is specific for use with
+\CONTEXT. Some characters have even more information, for instance those that
+deal with mathematics:
+Not all characters have a real entry. For instance most \CJK\ characters are
+virtual and share the same data:
+You can also access the table using \UTF\ characters:
+A more verbose string access is also supported:
+Another (less usefull) table contains information about ranges in this character
+table. You can access this table using rather verbose names, or you can use
+collapsed lowercase variants.
+\ShowLuaExampleTableHex{characters.blocks["CJK Compatibility Ideographs"]}
+Some fields can be accessed using functions. This can be handy when you need that
+information for tracing purposes or overviews. There is some overhead in the
+function call, but you get some extra testing for free. You can use characters as
+well as numbers as index.
+The category is normally a two character tag, but you can also ask for a more
+verbose variant:
+The more verbose category tags are available in a table:
+There are several fields in a character entry that help us to remap a character.
+The \type {lccode} indicates the lowercase code point and the \type {uccode} to
+the uppercase code point. The \type {shcode} refers to one or more characters
+that have a similar shape.
+\ShowLuaExampleString{characters.shape ("ä")}
+\ShowLuaExampleString{characters.shape (100)}
+You can use these function or access these fields directly in an
+entry, but we also provide a few virtual tables that avoid
+accessing the whole entry. This method is rather efficient.
+As with other tables, you can use a number instead of an \UTF\ character. Watch
+how we get a table for multiple shape codes but a string for multiple shape
+\ShowLuaExampleTable {characters.shcodes[0x00C6]}
+These codes are used when we manipulate strings. Although there
+are \type {upper} and \type {lower} functions in the \type
+{string} namespace, the following ones are the real ones to be
+used in critical situations.
+A rather special one is the following:
+\ShowLuaExampleString{characters.lettered("Only 123 letters + count!")}
+With the second argument is true, spaces are kept and collapsed. Leading and
+trailing spaces are stripped.
+\ShowLuaExampleString{characters.lettered("Only 123 letters + count!",true)}
+Access to tables can happen by number or by string, although there are some
+limitations when it gets too confusing. Take for instance the number \type {8}
+and string \type {"8"}: if we would interpret the string as number we could never
+access the entry for the character eight. However, using more verbose hexadecimal
+strings works okay. The remappers are also available as functions:
+In addition to the already mentioned category information you can also use a more
+direct table approach:
+In a similar fashion you can test if a given character is in a specific category.
+This can save a lot of tests.
+Another virtual table is the one that provides access to special information, for
+instance about how a composed character is made up of components.
+The outcome is often similar to output that uses the shapecode information.
+Although not all the code deep down in \CONTEXT\ is meant for use at the user
+level, it sometimes can eb tempting to use data and helpers that are available as
+part of the general housekeeping. The next table was used when looking into
+sorting Korean. For practical reasons we limit the table to ten entries;
+otherwise we would have ended up with hundreds of pages.
+local data =
+local map = characters.hangul.remapped
+local first, last = characters.getrange("hangulsyllables")
+last = first + 9 -- for now
+context.definedfont { "file:unbatang" }
+context.starttabulate { "|T||T||T||T||T|" }
+for unicode = first, last do
+ local character = data[unicode]
+ local specials = character.specials
+ if specials then
+ context.NC()
+ context.formatted("%04V",unicode)
+ context.NC()
+ context.formatted("%c",unicode)
+ for i=2,4 do
+ local chr = specials[i]
+ if chr then
+ chr = map[chr] or chr
+ context.NC()
+ context.formatted("%04V",chr)
+ context.NC()
+ context.formatted("%c",chr)
+ else
+ context.NC()
+ context.NC()
+ end
+ end
+ context.NC()
+ context(character.description)
+ context.NC()
+ context.NR()
+ end
+\getbuffer \typebuffer
+% not discussed (as not too relevant for users):
+% cache cache_version
+% nomath
+% units units_per_em
+% direction embedding encodingbytes
+% boundarychar boundarychar_label
+% has_italic has_math
+% tounicode sub
+% colorscheme (will probably become a hash)
+% language script
+% spacer
+% MathConstants and a few split_names
+% tables.baselines
+There is a lot of code that deals with fonts but most is considered to be a black
+box. When a font is defined, its data is collected and turned into a form that
+\TEX\ likes. We keep most of that data available at the \LUA\ end so that we can
+later use it when needed. In this chapter we discuss some of the possibilities.
+More details can be found in the font manual(s) so we don't aim for completeness
+A font instance is identified by its id, which is a number where zero is reserved
+for the so called \type {nullfont}. The current font id can be requested by the
+following function.
+The \type {fonts.current()} call returns the table with data related to the
+current id. You can access the data related to any id as follows:
+local tfmdata = fonts.identifiers[number]
+Not all entries in the table make sense for the user as some are just meant to
+drive the font initialization at the \TEX\ end or the backend. The next table
+lists the most important ones. Some of the tables are just shortcuts to en entry
+in one of the \type {shared} subtables.
+\NC \type{ascender} \NC number \NC the height of a line conforming the font \NC \NR
+\NC \type{descender} \NC number \NC the depth of a line conforming the font \NC \NR
+\NC \type{italicangle} \NC number \NC the angle of the italic shapes (if present) \NC \NR
+\NC \type{designsize} \NC number \NC the design size of the font (if known) \NC \NR
+\NC \type{size} \NC number \NC the size in scaled points if the font instance \NC \NR
+\NC \type{factor} \NC number \NC the multiplication factor for unscaled dimensions \NC \NR
+\NC \type{hfactor} \NC number \NC the horizontal multiplication factor \NC \NR
+\NC \type{vfactor} \NC number \NC the vertical multiplication factor \NC \NR
+\NC \type{extend} \NC number \NC the horizontal scaling to be used by the backend \NC \NR
+\NC \type{slant} \NC number \NC the slanting to be applied by the backend \NC \NR
+\NC \type{characters} \NC table \NC the scaled character (glyph) information (tfm) \NC \NR
+\NC \type{descriptions} \NC table \NC the original unscaled glyph information (otf, afm, tfm) \NC \NR
+\NC \type{indices} \NC table \NC the mapping from unicode slot to glyph index \NC \NR
+\NC \type{unicodes} \NC table \NC the mapoing from glyph names to unicode \NC \NR
+\NC \type{marks} \NC table \NC a hash table with glyphs that are marks as entry \NC \NR
+\NC \type{parameters} \NC table \NC the font parameters as \TEX\ likes them \NC \NR
+\NC \type{mathconstants} \NC table \NC the \OPENTYPE\ math parameters \NC \NR
+\NC \type{mathparameters} \NC table \NC a reference to the \type {MathConstants} table \NC \NR
+\NC \type{shared} \NC table \NC a table with information shared between instances \NC \NR
+\NC \type{unique} \NC table \NC a table with information unique for this instance \NC \NR
+\NC \type{unscaled} \NC table \NC the unscaled (intermediate) table \NC \NR
+\NC \type{goodies} \NC table \NC the \CONTEXT\ specific extra font information \NC \NR
+\NC \type{fonts} \NC table \NC the table with references to other fonts \NC \NR
+\NC \type{cidinfo} \NC table \NC a table with special information for the backend \NC \NR
+\NC \type{filename} \NC string \NC the full path of the loaded font \NC \NR
+\NC \type{fontname} \NC string \NC the font name as specified in the font (limited in size) \NC \NR
+\NC \type{fullname} \NC string \NC the complete font name as specified in the font \NC \NR
+\NC \type{name} \NC string \NC the (short) name of the font \NC \NR
+\NC \type{psname} \NC string \NC the (unique) name of the font as used by the backend \NC \NR
+\NC \type{hash} \NC string \NC the hash that makes this instance unique \NC \NR
+\NC \type{id} \NC number \NC the id (number) that \TEX\ will use for this instance \NC \NR
+\NC \type{type} \NC string \NC an idicator if the font is \type {virtual} or \type {real} \NC \NR
+\NC \type{format} \NC string \NC a qualification for this font, e.g.\ \type {opentype} \NC \NR
+\NC \type{mode} \NC string \NC the \CONTEXT\ processing mode, \type {node} or \type {base} \NC \NR
+The \type {parameters} table contains variables that are used by \TEX\ itself.
+You can use numbers as index and these are equivalent to the so called \type
+{\fontdimen} variables. More convenient is is to access by name:
+\NC \type{slant} \NC the slant per point (seldom used) \NC \NR
+\NC \type{space} \NC the interword space \NC \NR
+\NC \type{spacestretch} \NC the interword stretch \NC \NR
+\NC \type{spaceshrink} \NC the interword shrink \NC \NR
+\NC \type{xheight} \NC the x|-|height (not per se the heigth of an x) \NC \NR
+\NC \type{quad} \NC the so called em|-|width (often the width of an emdash)\NC \NR
+\NC \type{extraspace} \NC additional space added in specific situations \NC \NR
+The math parameters are rather special and explained in the \LUATEX\ manual.
+Quite certainly you never have to touch these parameters at the \LUA\ end.
+En entry in the \type {characters} table describes a character if we have entries
+within the \UNICODE\ range. There can be entries in the private area but these
+are normally variants of a shape or special math glyphs.
+\NC \type{name} \NC the name of the character \NC \NR
+\NC \type{index} \NC the index in the raw font table \NC \NR
+\NC \type{height} \NC the scaled height of the character \NC \NR
+\NC \type{depth} \NC the scaled depth of the character \NC \NR
+\NC \type{width} \NC the scaled height of the character \NC \NR
+\NC \type{tounicode} \NC a \UTF-16 string representing the conversion back to unicode \NC \NR
+\NC \type{expansion_factor} \NC a multiplication factor for (horizontal) font expansion \NC \NR
+\NC \type{left_protruding} \NC a multiplication factor for left side protrusion \NC \NR
+\NC \type{right_protruding} \NC a multiplication factor for right side protrusion \NC \NR
+\NC \type{italic} \NC the italic correction \NC \NR
+\NC \type{next} \NC a pointer to the next character in a math size chain \NC \NR
+\NC \type{vert_variants} \NC a pointer to vertical variants conforming \OPENTYPE\ math \NC \NR
+\NC \type{horiz_variants} \NC a pointer to horizontal variants conforming \OPENTYPE\ math \NC \NR
+\NC \type{top_accent} \NC information with regards to math top accents \NC \NR
+\NC \type{mathkern} \NC a table describing stepwise math kerning (following the shape) \NC \NR
+\NC \type{kerns} \NC a table with intercharacter kerning dimensions \NC \NR
+\NC \type{ligatures} \NC a (nested) table describing ligatures that start with this character \NC \NR
+\NC \type{commands} \NC a table with commands that drive the backend code for a virtual shape \NC \NR
+Not all entries are present for each character. Also, in so called \type {node}
+mode, the \type {ligatures} and \type {kerns} tables are empty because in that
+case they are dealt with at the \LUA\ end and not by \TEX.
+% \startluacode
+% local tfmdata = fonts.current()
+% context.starttabulate{ "|l|pl|" }
+% for k, v in table.sortedhash(tfmdata) do
+% local tv = type(v)
+% if tv == "string" or tv == "number" or tv == "boolean" then
+% context.NC()
+% string.tocontext(k)
+% context.NC()
+% string.tocontext(tostring(v))
+% context.NC()
+% context.NR()
+% end
+% end
+% context.stoptabulate()
+% \stopluacode
+% \ShowLuaExampleTable{table.sortedkeys(fonts.current())}
+Say that you run into a glyph node and want to access the data related to that
+glyph. Given that variable \type {n} points to the node, the most verbose way of
+doing that is:
+local g = fonts.identifiers[].characters[n.char]
+Given the speed of \LUATEX\ this is quite fast. Another method is the following:
+local g = fonts.characters[][n.char]
+For some applications you might want faster access to critical
+parameters, like:
+local quad = fonts.quads [][n.char]
+local xheight = fonts.xheights[][n.char]
+but that only makes sense when you don't access more than one such variable at
+the same time.
+Among the shared tables is the feature specification:
+As features are a prominent property of \OPENTYPE\ fonts, there are a few
+datatables that can be used to get their meaning.
+There is a rather extensive font database built in but discussing its interface
+does not make much sense. Most usage happens automatically when you use the \type
+{name:} and \type {spec:} methods of defining fonts and the \type {mtx-fonts}
+script is built on top of it.
+\ctxlua{fonts.names.load()} % could be metatable driven
+You can load the database (if it's not yet loaded) with:
+When the first argument is true, the database will be rebuild. The second
+arguments controls verbosity.
+Defining a font normally happens at the \TEX\ end but you can also do it in \LUA.
+local id, fontdata = fonts.definers.define {
+ lookup = "file", -- use the filename (file spec name)
+ name = "pagella-regular", -- in this case the filename
+ size = 10*65535, -- scaled points
+ global = false, -- define the font globally
+ cs = "MyFont", -- associate the name \MyFont
+ method = "featureset", -- featureset or virtual (* or @)
+ sub = nil, -- no subfont specifier
+ detail = "whatever", -- the featureset (or whatever method applies)
+In this case the \type {detail} variable defines what featureset has to be
+applied. You can define such sets at the \LUA\ end too:
+fonts.definers.specifiers.presetcontext (
+ "whatever",
+ "default",
+ {
+ mode = "node",
+ dlig = "yes",
+ }
+The first argument is the name of the featureset. The second argument can be an
+empty string or a reference to an existing featureset that will be taken as
+starting point. The final argument is the featureset. This can be a table or a
+string with a comma separated list of key|/|value pairs.
+Nodes are the building blocks that make a document reality. Nodes are linked into
+lists and at various moments in the typesetting process you can manipulate them.
+Deep down in \CONTEXT\ we use quite some \LUA\ magic to manipulate lists of
+nodes. Therefore it is no surprise that we have some tracing available. Take the
+following box.
+\setbox0\hbox{It's in \hbox{\bf all} those nodes.}
+\typebuffer \getbuffer
+This box contains characters and glue between the words. The box is already
+constructed. There can also be kerns between characters, but of course only if
+the font provides such a feature. Let's inspect this box:
+This tracer returns the text and spacing and recurses into nested lists. The next
+tracer does not do this and marks non glyph nodes as \type {[-]}:
+A more verbose tracer is the next one. It does show a bit more detailed
+information about the glyphs nodes.
+The fourth tracer does not show that detail and collapses sequences of similar
+node types.
+The number of nodes in a list is identified with the \type {countall} function.
+Nested nodes are counted too.
+There are a lot of helpers in the \type {nodes} namespace. In fact, we map all the
+helpers provided by the engine itself under \type {nodes} too. These are described
+in the \LUATEX\ manual. There are for instance functions to check node types and
+node id's:
+local str = node.type(1)
+local num ="vlist")
+These are basic \LUATEX\ functions. In addition to those we also provide a few more
+helpers as well as
+mapping tables. There are two tables that map node id's to strings and backwards:
+\NC \type{nodes.nodecodes} \NC regular nodes, some fo them are sort of private to the engine \NC \NR
+\NC \type{nodes.noadcodes} \NC math nodes that later on are converted into regular nodes \NC \NR
+Nodes can have subtypes. Again we have tables that map the subtype numbers onto
+meaningfull names and reverse.
+\NC \type{nodes.listcodes} \NC subtypes of \type {hlist} and \type {vlist} nodes \NC \NR
+\NC \type{nodes.kerncodes} \NC subtypes of \type {kern} nodes \NC \NR
+\NC \type{nodes.gluecodes} \NC subtypes of \type {glue} nodes (skips) \NC \NR
+\NC \type{nodes.glyphcodes} \NC subtypes of \type {glyph} nodes, the subtype can change \NC \NR
+\NC \type{nodes.mathcodes} \NC math specific subtypes \NC \NR
+\NC \type{nodes.fillcodes} \NC these are not really subtypes but indicate the strength of the filler \NC \NR
+\NC \type{nodes.whatsitcodes} \NC subtypes of a rather large group of extension nodes \NC \NR
+Some of the names of types and subtypes have underscores but you can omit them
+when you use these tables. You can use tables like this as follows:
+local glyph_code = nodes.nodecodes.glyph
+local kern_code = nodes.nodecodes.kern
+local glue_code = nodes.nodecodes.glue
+for n in nodes.traverse(list) do
+ local id ==
+ if id == glyph_code then
+ ...
+ elseif id == kern_code then
+ ...
+ elseif id == glue_code then
+ ...
+ else
+ ...
+ end
+You only need to use such temporary variables in time critical code. In spite of
+what you might think, lists are not that long and given the speed of \LUA\ (and
+successive optimizations in \LUATEX) looping over a paragraphs is rather fast.
+Nodes are created using \type {}. If you study the \CONTEXT\ code you
+will notice that there are quite some functions in the \type {nodes.pool}
+namespace, like:
+local g = nodes.pool.glyph(fnt,chr)
+Of course you need to make sure that the font id is valid and that the referred
+glyph in in the font. You can use the allocators but don't mess with the code in
+the \type {pool} namespace as this might interfere with its usage all over
+The \type {nodes} namespace provides a couple of helpers and some of them are
+similar to ones provided in the \type {node} namespace. This has practical as
+well as historic reasons. For instance some were prototypes functions that were
+later built in.
+local head, current = nodes.before (head, current, new)
+local head, current = nodes.after (head, current, new)
+local head, current = nodes.delete (head, current)
+local head, current = nodes.replace(head, current, new)
+local head, current, old = nodes.remove (head, current)
+Another category deals with attributes:
+nodes.setattribute (head, attribute, value)
+nodes.unsetattribute (head, attribute)
+nodes.setunsetattribute (head, attribute, value)
+nodes.setattributes (head, attribute, value)
+nodes.unsetattributes (head, attribute)
+nodes.setunsetattributes(head, attribute, value)
+nodes.hasattribute (head, attribute, value)
+% context(typesetters.hpack("Hello World!"))
+% context(typesetters.hpack("Hello World!",1,100*1024*10))
+% nodes.firstchar
+% nodes.firstcharinbox
+% maybe node-tst
+% tasks and so
+% number.points (to numbers)
+% \startsection[title={Core}]
+% {\em todo}
+% \stopsection
+All \IO\ is handled by functions in the \type {resolvers} namespace. Most of the
+code that you find in the \type {data-*.lua} files is of litle relevance for
+users, especially at the \LUA\ end, so we won't discuss it here in great detail.
+The resolver code is modelled after the \KPSE\ library that itself implements the
+\TEX\ Directory Structure in combination with a configuration file. However, we
+go a bit beyond this structure, for instance in integrating support for other
+resources that file systems. We also have our own configuration file. But
+important is that we still support a similar logic too so that regular
+configurations are dealt with.
+During a run \LUATEX\ needs files of a different kind: source files, font files,
+images, etc. In practice you will probably only deal with source files. The most
+fundamental function is \type {findfile}. The first argument is the filename to
+be found. A second optional argument indicates the file type.
+The following table relates so called formats to suffixes and variables in the
+configuration file.
+context.starttabulate { "|lp|lp|l|" }
+context.NC() context.bold("variable")
+context.NC() context.bold("format")
+context.NC() context.bold("suffix")
+context.NC() context.NR()
+for k, v in table.sortedpairs(resolvers.relations.core) do
+ local names = v.names
+ local variable = v.variable
+ local suffixes = v.suffixes
+ context.NC()
+ if variable then
+ context.type(variable)
+ end
+ context.NC()
+ if names then
+ for i=1,#names do
+ context.type(names[i])
+ context.par()
+ end
+ end
+ context.NC()
+ if suffixes then
+ context.type(table.concat(suffixes, " "))
+ end
+ context.NC()
+ context.NR()
+There are a couple of more formats but these are not that relevant in the
+perspective of \CONTEXT.
+When a lookup takes place, spaces are ignored and formats are normalized to
+\ShowLuaExampleString{file.strip(resolvers.findfile("lmsans10-bold","opentype fonts"),"tex/")}
+The plural variant of this function returns one or more matches.
+% table.print(resolvers.instance.environment)
+% table.print(resolvers.instance.variables)
+% table.print(resolvers.instance.expansions)
+% resolvers.expandbraces
+% resolvers.expandpath
+% resolvers.expandvar
+% resolvers.showpath
+% resolvers.var_value
+% resolvers.getenv
+% resolvers.variable()
+% resolvers.expansion()
+% resolvers.is_variable
+% resolvers.is_expansion
+% resolvers.unexpandedpathlist(str)
+% resolvers.unexpandedpath(str)
+% resolvers.cleanpathlist
+% resolvers.expandpath
+% resolvers.expandedpath
+% resolvers.expandedpathlistfromvariable
+% resolvers.expandpathfromvariable
+% resolvers.expandbraces
+% resolvers.findpath
+% resolvers.findgivenfiles
+% resolvers.findgivenfile
+% resolvers.findwildcardfiles
+% resolvers.findwildcardfile
+% resolvers.showpath
+% data-tre as example
+% schemes (data-she)
+% caching (containers)
+% findbinfile (open|load)
+% variables / environment
+% findtexfile opentexfile loadtexfile
+% file://
+% supp
+\startsection[title={Mathematics (math)}]
+ {\em todo}
+\startsection[title={Graphics (grph)}]
+ {\em is a separate chapter}
+\startsection[title={Languages (lang)}]
+ {\em todo}
+\startsection[title={MetaPost (mlib)}]
+ {\em todo}
+\startsection[title={Lua\TeX\ (luat)}]
+ {\em todo}
+\startsection[title={Tracing (trac)}]
+ {\em todo}
diff --git a/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/cld/cld-environment.tex b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/cld/cld-environment.tex
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1355110bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/cld/cld-environment.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
+% language=uk
+\startenvironment cld-environment
+ [width=middle,
+ height=middle,
+ backspace=2cm,
+ topspace=1cm,
+ footer=0pt,
+ bottomdistance=1cm,
+ bottom=1cm,
+ bottomspace=2cm]
+ [alternative=doublesided]
+\definecolor[darkred] [r=.5]
+\definecolor[darkblue] [b=.5]
+\definecolor[red] [darkred]
+\definecolor[blue] [darkblue]
+ [boldtypebig]
+ [style=\ttbfa]
+ [boldtype]
+ [style=\ttbf]
+ [smalltyping]
+ [bodyfont=small]
+ [color=blue]
+ [color=blue]
+ [palatino,11pt]
+ [chapter]
+ [style=\bfc,
+ color=blue]
+ [section]
+ [style=\bfb,
+ color=blue]
+ [summary]
+ [subsubsubsubject]
+ [summary]
+ [style=,
+ deeptextcommand=\boldtypebig,
+ color=blue]
+ [subsummary]
+ [subsubsubsubsubject]
+ [subsummary]
+ [style=,
+ before=\blank,
+ after=\blank,
+ deeptextcommand=\type,
+ command=\MySubSummaryHead,
+ color=blue]
+ {\framed
+ [frame=off,
+ bottomframe=on,
+ offset=0cm]
+ {#2}}
+ {\framed
+ [frame=off,
+ bottomframe=on,
+ offset=0cm]
+ {#2}}
+ [big]
+ []
+ []
+ [{\getmarking[chapter]\quad\pagenumber}]
+ [{\pagenumber\quad\getmarking[chapter]}]
+ []
+ [color=darkblue]
+ [chapter,title]
+ [color=darkblue,
+ style=bold]
+ [style=\bfx,
+ color=darkred]
+ [preliminary, uncorrected version -- \currentdate]
+% special functions
+ {\bgroup
+ \obeyluatokens
+ \startsubsummary[title={#1.#2(#3)}]
+ \ctxlua{table.tocontext(#3)}
+ \stopsubsummary
+ \egroup}
+ {\bgroup
+ \obeyluatokens
+ \startsubsummary[title={#1.#2(#3)}]
+ \ctxlua{table.tocontext(#1.#2(#3))}
+ \stopsubsummary
+ \egroup}
+ {\bgroup
+ \obeyluatokens
+ \startsubsummary[title={#1.#2(#3)}]
+ \ctxlua{string.tocontext(tostring(#1.#2(#3)))}
+ \stopsubsummary
+ \egroup}
+ {\bgroup
+ \obeyluatokens
+ \startsubsummary[title={t=#3 #1.#2(t#4)}]
+ \ctxlua{local t = #3 #1.#2(t#4) table.tocontext(t)}
+ \stopsubsummary
+ \egroup}
+ {\bgroup
+ \obeyluatokens
+ \startsubsummary[title={#1.#2}]
+ \ctxlua{string.tocontext(tostring(#1.#2))}
+ \stopsubsummary
+ \egroup}
+ {\bgroup
+ \obeyluatokens
+ \startsubsummary[title={#1.#2(#3)}]
+ \ctxlua{string.tocontext(#1.#2(#3))}
+ \stopsubsummary
+ \egroup}
+ {\bgroup
+ \obeyluatokens
+ \startsubsummary[title={#1.#2(#3)}]
+ \ctxlua{string.tocontext(table.concat({#1.#2(#3)}," "))}
+ \stopsubsummary
+ \egroup}
+ {\bgroup
+ \obeyluatokens
+ \startsubsummary[title={#1}]
+ \ctxlua{table.tocontext(#1,false)}
+ \stopsubsummary
+ \egroup}
+ {\bgroup
+ \obeyluatokens
+ \startsubsummary[title={#1}]
+ \ctxlua{table.tocontext(#1,false,false,true,true)} % name, reduce, noquotes, hex
+ \stopsubsummary
+ \egroup}
+ {\bgroup
+ \obeyluatokens
+ \startsubsummary[title={#1}]
+ \ctxlua{string.tocontext(#1)}
+ \stopsubsummary
+ \egroup}
+ {\bgroup
+ \obeyluatokens
+ \startsubsummary[title={#1}]
+ \ctxlua{boolean.tocontext(#1)}
+ \stopsubsummary
+ \egroup}
+% interaction
+ [state=start,
+ color=,
+ contrastcolor=]
+ [chapter,section]
+ [interaction=all]
diff --git a/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/cld/cld-files.tex b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/cld/cld-files.tex
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..38a7322b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/cld/cld-files.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+% language=uk
+\startcomponent cld-macros
+\environment cld-environment
+Although this option must be used with care, it is possible to preprocess files
+before they enter \TEX. The following example shows this.
+local function showline(str,filename,linenumber,noflines)
+ logs.simple("[lc] file: %s, line: %s of %s, length: %s",
+ file.basename(filename),linenumber,noflines,#str)
+local function showfile(str,filename)
+ logs.simple("[fc] file: %s, length: %s",
+ file.basename(filename),#str)
+Preprocessors like this are rather innocent. If you want to manipulate the
+content you need to be aware of the fact that modules and such also pass your
+code, and manipulating them can give unexpected side effects. So, the following
+code will not make \CONTEXT\ happy.
+local function foo()
+ return "bar"
+But, as we pass the filename, you can base your preprocessing on names.
+There can be multiple handlers active at the same time, and although more
+detailed control is possible, the current interface does not provide that, simply
+because having too many handlers active is asking for trouble anyway. What you
+can do, is putting your handler in front or after the built in handlers.
+resolvers.installinputfilehandler("after", showfile)
+Of course you can also preprocess files outside this mechanism, which in most
+cases might be a better idea. However, the following example code is quite
+efficient and robust.
+local function MyHandler(str,filename)
+ if file.suffix(filename) == "veryspecial" then
+ logs.simple("preprocessing file '%s',filename)
+ return MyConverter(str)
+ else
+ return str
+ end
+In this case only files that have a suffix \type {.veryspecial} will get an extra
diff --git a/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/cld/cld-gettingstarted.tex b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/cld/cld-gettingstarted.tex
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5c7e1c263
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/cld/cld-gettingstarted.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,437 @@
+% language=uk
+\startcomponent cld-gettingstarted
+\environment cld-environment
+\startchapter[title=Getting started]
+\startsection[title=Some basics]
+I assume that you have either the so called \CONTEXT\ standalone (formerly known
+as minimals) installed or \TEXLIVE. You only need \LUATEX\ and can forget about
+installing \PDFTEX\ or \XETEX, which saves you some megabytes and hassle. Now,
+from the users perspective a \CONTEXT\ run goes like:
+context yourfile
+and by default a file with suffix \type {tex}, \type {mkvi} or \type {mkvi} will
+be processed. There are however a few other options:
+context yourfile.xml
+context yourfile.rlx --forcexml
+context yourfile.lua
+context yourfile.pqr --forcelua
+context yourfile.cld
+context --forcecld
+context --forcemp
+When processing a \LUA\ file the given file is loaded and just processed. This
+options will seldom be used as it is way more efficient to let \type {mtxrun}
+process that file. However, the last two variants are what we will discuss here.
+The suffix \type {cld} is a shortcut for \CONTEXT\ \LUA\ Document.
+A simple \type {cld} file looks like this:
+context.chapter("Hello There!")
+So yes, you need to know the \CONTEXT\ commands in order to use this mechanism.
+In spite of what you might expect, the codebase involved in this interface is not
+that large. If you know \CONTEXT, and if you know how to call commands, you
+basically can use this \LUA\ method.
+The examples that I will give are either (sort of) standalone, i.e.\ they are
+dealt with from \LUA, or they are run within this document. Therefore you will
+see two patterns. If you want to make your own documentation, then you can use
+this variant:
+context("See this!")
+\typebuffer \ctxluabuffer
+I use anonymous buffers here but you can also use named ones. The other variant
+context("See this!")
+This will process the code directly. Of course we could have encoded this
+document completely in \LUA\ but that is not much fun for a manual.
+\startsection[title=The main command]
+There are a few rules that you need to be aware of. First of all no syntax
+checking is done. Second you need to know what the given commands expects in
+terms of arguments. Third, the type of your arguments matters:
+\NC \type{nothing} \EQ just the command, no arguments \NC \NR
+\NC \type{string} \EQ an argument with curly braces \NC \NR
+\NC \type{array} \EQ a list between square backets (sometimes optional) \NC \NR
+\NC \type{hash} \EQ an assignment list between square brackets \NC \NR
+\NC \type{boolean} \EQ when \type {true} a newline is inserted \NC \NR
+\NC \EQ when \type {false}, omit braces for the next argument \NC \NR
+In the code above you have seen examples of this but here are some more:
+context.chapter("Some title")
+context.chapter({ "first" }, "Some title")
+context.startchapter({ title = "Some title", label = "first" })
+This blob of code is equivalent to:
+\chapter{Some title}
+\chapter[first]{Some title}
+\startchapter[title={Some title},label=first]
+You can simplify the third line of the \LUA\ code to:
+context.startchapter { title = "Some title", label = "first" }
+In case you wonder what the distinction is between square brackets and curly
+braces: the first category of arguments concerns settings or lists of options or
+names of instances while the second category normally concerns some text to be
+Strings are interpreted as \TEX\ input, so:
+and if you don't want to escape:
+are both correct. As \TEX\ math is a language in its own and a de-facto standard
+way of inputting math this is quite natural, even at the \LUA\ end.
+\startsection[title=Spaces and Lines]
+In a regular \TEX\ file, spaces and newline characters are collapsed into one
+space. At the \LUA\ end the same happens. Compare the following examples. First
+we omit spaces:
+\typebuffer \ctxluabuffer
+Next we add spaces:
+context(" middle ")
+\typebuffer \ctxluabuffer
+We can also add more spaces:
+context("left ")
+context(" middle ")
+context(" right")
+\typebuffer \ctxluabuffer
+In principle all content becomes a stream and after that the \TEX\ parser will do
+its normal work: collapse spaces unless configured to do otherwise. Now take the
+following code:
+context("word 1")
+context("word 2")
+context("word 3")
+\typebuffer \ctxluabuffer
+Here we get no spaces between the words at all, which is what we expect. So, how
+do we get lines (or paragraphs)?
+context("line 1")
+context("line 2")
+context("line 3")
+\typebuffer \ctxluabuffer
+This does not work out well, as again there are no lines seen at the \TEX\ end.
+Newline tokens are injected by passing \type {true} to the \type {context}
+context("line 1") context(true)
+context("line 2") context(true)
+context("line 3") context(true)
+\typebuffer \ctxluabuffer
+Don't confuse this with:
+context("before") context.par()
+context("line 1") context.par()
+context("line 2") context.par()
+context("line 3") context.par()
+context("after") context.par()
+\typebuffer \ctxluabuffer
+There we use the regular \type {\par} command to finish the current paragraph and
+normally you will use that method. In that case, when set, whitespace will be
+added between paragraphs.
+This newline issue is a somewhat unfortunate inheritance of traditional \TEX,
+where \type {\n} and \type {\r} mean something different. I'm still not sure if
+the \CLD\ do the right thing as dealing with these tokens also depends on the
+intended effect. Catcodes as well as the \LUATEX\ input parser also play a role.
+Anyway, the following also works:
+context("line 1\n")
+context("line 2\n")
+context("line 3\n")
+\startsection[title=Direct output]
+\index{direct output}
+The \CONTEXT\ user interface is rather consistent and the use of special input
+syntaxes is discouraged. Therefore, the \LUA\ interface using tables and strings
+works quite well. However, imagine that you need to support some weird macro (or
+a primitive) that does not expect its argument between curly braces or brackets.
+The way out is to precede an argument by another one with the value \type
+{false}. We call this the direct interface. This is demonstrated in the following
+This results in:
+Here, the first call results in three \type {*} being passed, and \type {#1}
+picks up the first token. The second call to \type {bla} gets \type {{***}}
+passed so here \type {#1} gets the triplet. In practice you will seldom need the
+direct interface.
+In \CONTEXT\ for historical reasons, combinations accept the following syntax:
+\startcombination % optional specification, like [2*3]
+ {\framed{content one}} {caption one}
+ {\framed{content two}} {caption two}
+You can also say:
+ \combination {\framed{content one}} {caption one}
+ \combination {\framed{content two}} {caption two}
+When coded in \LUA, we can feed the first variant as follows:
+To give you an idea what this looks like, we render it:
+So, the \type {direct} function is basically a no|-|op and results in nothing by
+itself. Only arguments are passed. An equivalent but bit more ugly looking is:
+ context(false,"one","two")
+ context(false,"one","two")
+If you are familiar with the inner working of \TEX, you will know that characters
+can have special meanings. This meaning is determined by their catcodes.
+This gives: \ctxluabuffer\ because the dollar tokens trigger inline math mode. If
+you think that this is annoying, you can do the following:
+Now we get: \ctxluabuffer. There are several catcode regimes of
+which only a few make sense in the perspective of the cld
+\NC ctx, ctxcatcodes, context \NC the normal \CONTEXT\ catcode regime \NC \NR
+\NC prt, prtcatcodes, protect \NC the \CONTEXT\ protected regime, used for modules \NC \NR
+\NC tex, texcatcodes, plain \NC the traditional (plain) \TEX\ regime \NC \NR
+\NC txt, txtcatcodes, text \NC the \CONTEXT\ regime but with less special characters \NC \NR
+\NC vrb, vrbcatcodes, verbatim \NC a regime specially meant for verbatim \NC \NR
+\NC xml, xmlcatcodes \NC a regime specially meant for \XML\ processing \NC \NR
+In the second case you can still get math:
+When entering a lot of math you can also consider this:
+Module writers of course can use \type {unprotect} and \type {protect} as they do
+at the \TEX\ end.
+As we've seen, a function call to \type {context} acts like a print, as in:
+context("test ")
+context(" first")
+\typebuffer \ctxluabuffer
+When more than one argument is given, the first argument is considered a format
+conforming the \type {string.format} function.
+context("%s = %0.5f",utf.char(0x03C0),math.pi)
+\typebuffer \ctxluabuffer
+This means that when you say:
+the variables \type {b} till \type {f} are passed to the format and when the
+format does not use them, they will not end up in your output.
+context("%s %s %s",1,2,3)
+The first line results in the three numbers being typeset, but in the second case
+only the number~1 is typeset.
diff --git a/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/cld/cld-goodies.tex b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/cld/cld-goodies.tex
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d5b4b5c9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/cld/cld-goodies.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,621 @@
+% language=uk
+\startcomponent cld-macros
+% \usemodule[man-01]
+% \setvariables[document][title=Font Goodies, author=Hans Hagen]
+% \setups[titlepage]
+\environment cld-environment
+\startchapter[title=Font goodies]
+One of the interesting aspects of \TEX\ is that it provides control over fonts
+and \LUATEX\ provides quite some. In \CONTEXT\ we support basic functionality,
+like \OPENTYPE\ features, as well as some extra functionality. We also have a
+mechanism for making virtual fonts which is mostly used for the transition from
+\TYPEONE\ math fonts to \OPENTYPE\ math fonts. Instead of hard coding specific
+details in the core \LUA\ code, we use so called \LUA\ Font Goodies to control
+them. These goodies are collected in tables and live in files. When a font is
+loaded, one or more such goodie files can be loaded alongside.
+In the following typescript we load a goodies file that defines a virtual Lucida
+math font. The goodie file is loaded immediately and some information in the
+table is turned into a form that permits access later on: the virtual font id
+\type {lucida-math} that is used as part of the font specification.
+\starttypescript [math] [lucida]
+ \loadfontgoodies[lucida-math]
+ \definefontsynonym[MathRoman][lucidamath@lucida-math]
+Not all information is to be used directly. Some can be accessed when needed. In
+the following case the file \type {dingbats.lfg} gets loaded (only once) when the
+font is actually used. In that file, there is information that is used by the
+\type {unicoding} feature.
+ [dingbats]
+ [mode=base,
+ goodies=dingbats,
+ unicoding=yes]
+In the following sections some aspects of goodies are discussed. We don't go into
+details of what these goodies are, but just stick to the \LUA\ side of the
+\startsection[title=Virtual math fonts]
+A virtual font is defined using the \type {virtuals} entry in the \type
+{mathematics} subtable. As \TYPEONE\ fonts are used, an additional table \type
+{mapfiles} is needed to specify the files that map filenames onto real files.
+return {
+ name = "px-math",
+ version = "1.00",
+ comment = "Goodies that complement px math.",
+ author = "Hans Hagen",
+ copyright = "ConTeXt development team",
+ mathematics = {
+ mapfiles = {
+ "",
+ },
+ virtuals = {
+ ["px-math"] = {
+ { name = "texgyrepagella-regular.otf", features = "virtualmath", main = true },
+ { name = "rpxr.tfm", vector = "tex-mr" } ,
+ { name = "rpxmi.tfm", vector = "tex-mi", skewchar=0x7F },
+ { name = "rpxpplri.tfm", vector = "tex-it", skewchar=0x7F },
+ { name = "pxsy.tfm", vector = "tex-sy", skewchar=0x30, parameters = true } ,
+ { name = "pxex.tfm", vector = "tex-ex", extension = true } ,
+ { name = "pxsya.tfm", vector = "tex-ma" },
+ { name = "pxsyb.tfm", vector = "tex-mb" },
+ { name = "texgyrepagella-bold.otf", vector = "tex-bf" } ,
+ { name = "texgyrepagella-bolditalic.otf", vector = "tex-bi" } ,
+ { name = "lmsans10-regular.otf", vector = "tex-ss", optional=true },
+ { name = "lmmono10-regular.otf", vector = "tex-tt", optional=true },
+ },
+ }
+ }
+Here the \type {px-math} virtual font is defined. A series of fonts is loaded and
+combined into one. The \type {vector} entry is used to tell the builder how to
+map the glyphs onto \UNICODE. Additional vectors can be defined, for instance:
+fonts.encodings.math["mine"] = {
+ [0x1234] = 0x56,
+Eventually these specifications wil be replaced by real \OPENTYPE\ fonts, but
+even then we will keep the virtual definitions around.
+\startsection[title=Math alternates]
+In addition to the official \type {ssty} feature for enforcing usage of script
+and scriptscript glyphs, some stylistic alternates can be present.
+return {
+ name = "xits-math",
+ version = "1.00",
+ comment = "Goodies that complement xits (by Khaled Hosny).",
+ author = "Hans Hagen",
+ copyright = "ConTeXt development team",
+ mathematics = {
+ alternates = {
+ cal = {
+ feature = 'ss01',
+ value = 1,
+ comment = "Mathematical Calligraphic Alphabet"
+ },
+ greekssup = {
+ feature = 'ss02',
+ value = 1,
+ comment = "Mathematical Greek Sans Serif Alphabet"
+ },
+ greekssit = {
+ feature = 'ss03',
+ value = 1,
+ comment = "Mathematical Italic Sans Serif Digits"
+ },
+ monobfnum = {
+ feature = 'ss04',
+ value = 1,
+ comment = "Mathematical Bold Monospace Digits"
+ },
+ mathbbbf = {
+ feature = 'ss05',
+ value = 1,
+ comment = "Mathematical Bold Double-Struck Alphabet"
+ },
+ mathbbit = {
+ feature = 'ss06',
+ value = 1,
+ comment = "Mathematical Italic Double-Struck Alphabet"
+ },
+ mathbbbi = {
+ feature = 'ss07',
+ value = 1,
+ comment = "Mathematical Bold Italic Double-Struck Alphabet"
+ },
+ upint = {
+ feature = 'ss08',
+ value = 1,
+ comment = "Upright Integrals"
+ },
+ }
+ }
+These can be activated (in math mode) with the \type {\mathalternate} command
+\startsection[title=Math parameters]
+Another goodie related to math is the overload of some parameters (part of the
+font itself) and variables (used in making virtual shapes).
+return {
+ name = "lm-math",
+ version = "1.00",
+ comment = "Goodies that complement latin modern math.",
+ author = "Hans Hagen",
+ copyright = "ConTeXt development team",
+ mathematics = {
+ mapfiles = {
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ },
+ virtuals = {
+ ["lmroman5-math"] = five,
+ ["lmroman6-math"] = six,
+ ["lmroman7-math"] = seven,
+ ["lmroman8-math"] = eight,
+ ["lmroman9-math"] = nine,
+ ["lmroman10-math"] = ten,
+ ["lmroman10-boldmath"] = ten_bold,
+ ["lmroman12-math"] = twelve,
+ ["lmroman17-math"] = seventeen,
+ },
+ variables = {
+ joinrelfactor = 3, -- default anyway
+ },
+ parameters = { -- test values
+ -- FactorA = 123.456,
+ -- FactorB = false,
+ -- FactorC = function(value,target,original) return 7.89 * target.factor end,
+ -- FactorD = "Hi There!",
+ },
+ }
+In this example you see several virtuals defined which is due to the fact that
+Latin Modern has design sizes. The values (like \type {twelve} are tables defined
+before the return happens and are not shown here. The variables are rather
+\CONTEXT\ specific, and the parameters are those that come with regular
+\OPENTYPE\ math fonts (so the example names are invalid).
+In the following example we show two wasy to change parameters. In this case we
+have a regular \OPENTYPE\ math font. First we install a patch to the font itself.
+That change will be cached. We could also have changed that parameter using the
+goodies table. The first method is the oldest.
+local patches = fonts.handlers.otf.enhancers.patches
+local function patch(data,filename,threshold)
+ local m = data.metadata.math
+ if m then
+ local d = m.DisplayOperatorMinHeight or 0
+ if d < threshold then
+"DisplayOperatorMinHeight(%s -> %s)",d,threshold)
+ m.DisplayOperatorMinHeight = threshold
+ end
+ end
+ "after",
+ "check math parameters",
+ "asana",
+ function(data,filename)
+ patch(data,filename,1350)
+ end
+local function less(value,target,original)
+ return 0.25 * value
+return {
+ name = "asana-math",
+ version = "1.00",
+ comment = "Goodies that complement asana.",
+ author = "Hans Hagen",
+ copyright = "ConTeXt development team",
+ mathematics = {
+ parameters = {
+ StackBottomDisplayStyleShiftDown = less,
+ StackBottomShiftDown = less,
+ StackDisplayStyleGapMin = less,
+ StackGapMin = less,
+ StackTopDisplayStyleShiftUp = less,
+ StackTopShiftUp = less,
+ StretchStackBottomShiftDown = less,
+ StretchStackGapAboveMin = less,
+ StretchStackGapBelowMin = less,
+ StretchStackTopShiftUp = less,
+ }
+ }
+We use a function so that the scaling is taken into account as the values passed
+are those resulting from the scaling of the font to the requested size.
+We still have to deal with existing \TYPEONE\ fonts, and some of them have an
+encoding that is hard to map onto \UNICODE\ without additional information. The
+following goodie does that. The keys in the \type {unicodes} table are the glyph
+names. Keep in mind that this only works with simple fonts. The \CONTEXT\ code
+takes care of kerns but that's about it.
+return {
+ name = "dingbats",
+ version = "1.00",
+ comment = "Goodies that complement dingbats (funny names).",
+ author = "Hans Hagen",
+ copyright = "ConTeXt development team",
+ remapping = {
+ tounicode = true,
+ unicodes = {
+ a1 = 0x2701,
+ a10 = 0x2721,
+ a100 = 0x275E,
+ a101 = 0x2761,
+ .............
+ a98 = 0x275C,
+ a99 = 0x275D,
+ },
+ },
+The \type {tounicode} option makes sure that additional information ends ip in
+the output so that cut|-|and|-|paste becomes more trustworthy.
+Some font collections, like antykwa, come with so many variants that defining
+them all in typescripts becomes somewhat of a nuisance. While a regular font has
+a typescript of a few lines, antykwa needs way more lines. This is why we provide
+a nother way as well, using goodies.
+return {
+ name = "antykwapoltawskiego",
+ version = "1.00",
+ comment = "Goodies that complement Antykwa Poltawskiego",
+ author = "Hans & Mojca",
+ copyright = "ConTeXt development team",
+ files = {
+ name = "antykwapoltawskiego", -- shared
+ list = {
+ ["AntPoltLtCond-Regular.otf"] = {
+ -- name = "antykwapoltawskiego",
+ weight = "light",
+ style = "regular",
+ width = "condensed",
+ },
+ ["AntPoltLtCond-Italic.otf"] = {
+ weight = "light",
+ style = "italic",
+ width = "condensed",
+ },
+ ["AntPoltCond-Regular.otf"] = {
+ weight = "normal",
+ style = "regular",
+ width = "condensed",
+ },
+ .......
+ ["AntPoltExpd-BoldItalic.otf"] = {
+ weight = "bold",
+ style = "italic",
+ width = "expanded",
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ typefaces = { -- for Mojca (experiment, names might change)
+ ["antykwapoltawskiego-light"] = {
+ shortcut = "rm",
+ shape = "serif",
+ fontname = "antykwapoltawskiego",
+ normalweight = "light",
+ boldweight = "medium",
+ width = "normal",
+ size = "default",
+ features = "default",
+ },
+ .......
+ },
+This is a typical example of when a goodies file is loaded directly:
+A bodyfont is now defined by choosing from the defined combinations:
+ [name=mojcasfavourite,
+ preset=antykwapoltawskiego,
+ normalweight=light,
+ boldweight=bold,
+ width=expanded]
+ [mojcasfavourite]
+This mechanism is a follow up on a discussion at a \CONTEXT\ conference, still
+somewhat experimental, and a playground for Mojca.
+\startsection[title=Font strategies]
+This goodie is closely related to the Oriental \TEX\ project where a dedicated
+paragraph optimizer can be used. A rather advanced font is used (husayni) and its
+associated goodie file is rather extensive. It defines stylistic features,
+implements a couple of feature sets, provides colorschemes and most of all,
+defines some strategies for making paragraphs look better. Some of the goodie
+file is shown here.
+local yes = "yes"
+local basics = {
+ analyze = yes,
+ mode = "node",
+ language = "dflt",
+ script = "arab",
+local analysis = {
+ ccmp = yes,
+ init = yes, medi = yes, fina = yes,
+local regular = {
+ rlig = yes, calt = yes, salt = yes, anum = yes,
+ ss01 = yes, ss03 = yes, ss07 = yes, ss10 = yes, ss12 = yes, ss15 = yes, ss16 = yes,
+ ss19 = yes, ss24 = yes, ss25 = yes, ss26 = yes, ss27 = yes, ss31 = yes, ss34 = yes,
+ ss35 = yes, ss36 = yes, ss37 = yes, ss38 = yes, ss41 = yes, ss42 = yes, ss43 = yes,
+ js16 = yes,
+local positioning = {
+ kern = yes, curs = yes, mark = yes, mkmk = yes,
+local minimal_stretching = {
+ js11 = yes, js03 = yes,
+local medium_stretching = {
+ js12=yes, js05=yes,
+local maximal_stretching= {
+ js13 = yes, js05 = yes, js09 = yes,
+local wide_all = {
+ js11 = yes, js12 = yes, js13 = yes, js05 = yes, js09 = yes,
+local shrink = {
+ flts = yes, js17 = yes, ss05 = yes, ss11 = yes, ss06 = yes, ss09 = yes,
+local default = {
+ basics, analysis, regular, positioning, -- xxxx = yes, yyyy = 2,
+return {
+ name = "husayni",
+ version = "1.00",
+ comment = "Goodies that complement the Husayni font by Idris Samawi Hamid.",
+ author = "Idris Samawi Hamid and Hans Hagen",
+ featuresets = { -- here we don't have references to featuresets
+ default = {
+ default,
+ },
+ minimal_stretching = {
+ default,
+ js11 = yes, js03 = yes,
+ },
+ medium_stretching = {
+ default,
+ js12=yes, js05=yes,
+ },
+ maximal_stretching= {
+ default,
+ js13 = yes, js05 = yes, js09 = yes,
+ },
+ wide_all = {
+ default,
+ js11 = yes, js12 = yes, js13 = yes, js05 = yes, js09 = yes,
+ },
+ shrink = {
+ default,
+ flts = yes, js17 = yes, ss05 = yes, ss11 = yes, ss06 = yes, ss09 = yes,
+ },
+ },
+ solutions = { -- here we have references to featuresets, so we use strings!
+ experimental = {
+ less = {
+ "shrink"
+ },
+ more = {
+ "minimal_stretching",
+ "medium_stretching",
+ "maximal_stretching",
+ "wide_all"
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ stylistics = {
+ ......
+ ss03 = "level-1 stack over Jiim, initial entry only",
+ ss04 = "level-1 stack over Jiim, initial/medial entry",
+ ......
+ ss54 = "chopped finals",
+ ss55 = "idgham-tanwin",
+ ......
+ js11 = "level-1 stretching",
+ js12 = "level-2 stretching",
+ ......
+ js21 = "Haa.final_alt2",
+ },
+ colorschemes = {
+ default = {
+ [1] = {
+ "Onedotabove", "Onedotbelow", ...
+ },
+ [2] = {
+ "Fathah", "Dammah", "Kasrah", ...
+ },
+ [3] = {
+ "Ttaa.waqf", "SsLY.waqf", "QLY.waqf", ...
+ },
+ [4] = {
+ "ZeroArabic.ayah", "OneArabic.ayah", "TwoArabic.ayah", ...
+ },
+ [5] = {
+ "Ayah", "Ayah.alt1", "Ayah.alt2", ...
+ }
+ }
+ }
+Discussion of these goodies is beyond this document and happens elsewhere.
+The \type {compose} features extends a font with additional (virtual) shapes.
+This is mostly used with \TYPEONE\ fonts that lack support for eastern european
+languages. The type {compositions} subtable is used to control placement of
+accents. This can be done per font.
+local defaultunits = 193 - 30
+-- local compose = {
+-- DY = defaultunits,
+-- [0x010C] = { DY = defaultunits }, -- Ccaron
+-- [0x02C7] = { DY = defaultunits }, -- textcaron
+-- }
+-- fractions relative to delta(X_height - x_height)
+local defaultfraction = 0.85
+local compose = {
+ DY = defaultfraction, -- uppercase compensation
+return {
+ name = "lucida-one",
+ version = "1.00",
+ comment = "Goodies that complement lucida.",
+ author = "Hans and Mojca",
+ copyright = "ConTeXt development team",
+ compositions = {
+ ["lbr"] = compose,
+ ["lbi"] = compose,
+ ["lbd"] = compose,
+ ["lbdi"] = compose,
+ }
+You can hook postprocessors into the scaler. Future versions might provide more
+control over where this happens.
+local function statistics(tfmdata)
+ commands.showfontparameters(tfmdata)
+local function squeeze(tfmdata)
+ for k, v in next, tfmdata.characters do
+ v.height = 0.75 * (v.height or 0)
+ v.depth = 0.75 * (v.depth or 0)
+ end
+return {
+ name = "demo",
+ version = "1.00",
+ comment = "An example of goodies.",
+ author = "Hans Hagen",
+ postprocessors = {
+ statistics = statistics,
+ squeeze = squeeze,
+ },
diff --git a/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/cld/cld-graphics.tex b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/cld/cld-graphics.tex
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..93ab80c2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/cld/cld-graphics.tex
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+% language=uk
+\startcomponent cld-graphics
+\environment cld-environment
+\startsection[title=The regular interface]
+If you are familiar with \CONTEXT, which by now probably is the case, you will
+have noticed that it integrates the \METAPOST\ graphic subsystem. Drawing a
+graphic is not that complex:
+context [[
+ draw
+ fullcircle scaled 1cm
+ withpen pencircle scaled 1mm
+ withcolor .5white
+ dashed dashpattern (on 2mm off 2mm) ;
+ ]]
+We get a gray dashed circle rendered with an one millimeter thick line:
+So, we just use the regular commands and pass the drawing code as strings.
+Although \METAPOST\ is a rather normal language and therefore offers loops and
+conditions and the lot, you might want to use \LUA\ for anything else than the
+drawing commands. Of course this is much less efficient, but it could be that you
+don't care about speed. The next example demonstrates the interface for building
+graphics piecewise.
+context([[fill fullcircle scaled 5cm withcolor (0,0,.5) ;]])
+context.MPdrawing("pickup pencircle scaled .5mm ;")
+context.MPdrawing("drawoptions(withcolor white) ;")
+for i=0,50,5 do
+ context.startMPdrawing()
+ context("draw fullcircle scaled %smm ;",i)
+ context.stopMPdrawing()
+for i=0,50,5 do
+ context.MPdrawing("draw fullsquare scaled " .. i .. "mm ;")
+This gives:
+I the first loop we can use the format options associated with the simple \type
+{context} call. This will not work in the second case. Even worse, passing more
+than one argument will definitely give a faulty graphic definition. This is why
+we have a special interface for \METAFUN. The code above can also be written as:
+local metafun = context.metafun
+metafun("fill fullcircle scaled 5cm withcolor %s ;",
+ metafun.color("darkblue"))
+metafun("pickup pencircle scaled .5mm ;")
+metafun("drawoptions(withcolor white) ;")
+for i=0,50,5 do
+ metafun("draw fullcircle scaled %smm ;",i)
+for i=0,50,5 do
+ metafun("draw fullsquare scaled %smm ;",i)
+Watch the call to \type {color}, this will pass definitions at the \TEX\ end to
+\METAPOST. Of course you really need to ask yourself \quotation {Do I want to use
+\METAPOST\ this way?}. Using \LUA\ loops instead of \METAPOST\ ones makes much
+more sense in the following case:
+local metafun = context.metafun
+function metafun.barchart(t)
+ metafun.start()
+ local t =
+ for i=1,#t do
+ metafun("draw unitsquare xyscaled(%s,%s) shifted (%s,0);",
+ 10, t[i]*10, i*10)
+ end
+ metafun.stop()
+local one = { 1, 4, 6, 2, 3, }
+local two = { 8, 1, 3, 5, 9, }
+ context.combination(metafun.delayed.barchart { data = one }, "one")
+ context.combination(metafun.delayed.barchart { data = two }, "two")
+We get two barcharts alongside:
+local template = [[
+ path p, q ; color c[] ;
+ c1 := \MPcolor{darkblue} ;
+ c2 := \MPcolor{darkred} ;
+ p := fullcircle scaled 50 ;
+ l := length p ;
+ n := %s ;
+ q := subpath (0,%s/n*l) of p ;
+ draw q withcolor c2 withpen pencircle scaled 1 ;
+ fill fullcircle scaled 5 shifted point length q of q withcolor c1 ;
+ setbounds currentpicture to unitsquare shifted (-0.5,-0.5) scaled 60 ;
+ draw boundingbox currentpicture withcolor c1 ;
+ currentpicture := currentpicture xsized(1cm) ;
+local function steps(n)
+ for i=0,n do
+ context.metafun.start()
+ context.metafun(template,n,i)
+ context.metafun.stop()
+ if i < n then
+ context.quad()
+ end
+ end
+context.hbox(function() steps(10) end)
+Using a template is quite convenient but at some point you can loose track of the
+replacement values. Also, adding an extra value can force you to adapt the
+following ones which enlarges the change for making an error. An alternative is
+to use the template mechanism. Although this mechanism was originally made for
+other purposes, you can use it for whatever you like.
+local template = [[
+ path p ; p := fullcircle scaled 4cm ;
+ draw p withpen pencircle scaled .5mm withcolor red ;
+ freedotlabel ("%lefttop%", point 1 of p,origin) ;
+ freedotlabel ("%righttop%", point 3 of p,origin) ;
+ freedotlabel ("%leftbottom%", point 5 of p,origin) ;
+ freedotlabel ("%rightbottom%",point 7 of p,origin) ;
+local variables = {
+ lefttop = "one",
+ righttop = "two",
+ leftbottom = "three",
+ rightbottom = "four" ,
+ context.metafun(utilities.templates.replace(template,variables))
+Here we use named placeholders and pass a table with associated values to the
+replacement function. Apart from convenience it's also more readable. And the
+overhead is rather minimal.
+To some extent we fool ourselves with this kind of \LUA fication of \METAPOST\
+code. Of course we can make a nice \METAPOST\ library and put the code in a macro
+instead. In that sense, doing this in \CONTEXT\ directly often gives better and
+more efficient code.
+Of course you can use all relevant commands in the \LUA\ interface, like:
+ context("draw origin")
+ for i=0,100,10 do
+ context("..{down}(%d,0)",i)
+ end
+ context(" withcolor \\MPcolor{darkred} ;")
+to get a graphic that has its own page. Don't use the \type {metafun} namespace
+here, as it will not work here. This drawing looks like:
+ context("draw origin")
+ for i=0,100,10 do
+ context("..{down}(%d,0)",i)
+ end
+ context(" withcolor red ;")
+\startsection[title=The \LUA\ interface]
+Messing around with graphics is normally not needed and if you do it, you'd
+better know what you're doing. For \TEX\ a graphic is just a black box: a
+rectangle with dimensions. You specify a graphic, in a format that the backend
+can deal with, either or not apply some scaling and from then on a reference to
+that graphic, normally wrapped in a normal \TEX\ box, enters the typesetting
+machinery. Because the backend, the part that is responsible for translating
+typeset content onto a viewable or printable format like \PDF, is built into
+\LUATEX, at some point the real image has to be injected and the backend can only
+handle a few image formats: \PNG, \JPG, \JBIG\ and \PDF.
+In \CONTEXT\ some more image formats are supported but in practice this boils
+down to converting the image to a format that the backend can handle. Such a
+conversion depends on an external programs and in order not to redo the
+conversion each run \CONTEXT\ keeps track of the need to redo it.
+Some converters are built in, for example one that deals with \GIF\ images. This
+is normally not a preferred format, but it happens that we have to deal with it
+in cases where organizations use that format (if only because they use the web).
+Here is how this works at the \LUA\ end:
+figures.converters.gif = {
+ pdf = function(oldname,newname)
+ os.execute(string.format("gm convert %s %s",oldname,newname))
+ end
+We use \type {gm} (Graphic Magic) for the conversion and pass the old and new
+names. Given this definition at the \TEX\ end we can say:
+Here is a another one:
+figures.converters.bmp = {
+ pdf = function(oldname,newname)
+ os.execute(string.format("gm convert %s %s",oldname,newname))
+ end
+In both examples we convert to \PDF\ because including this filetype is quite
+fast. But you can also go to other formats:
+figures.converters.png = {
+ png = function(oldname,newname,resolution)
+ local command = string.format('gm convert -depth 1 "%s" "%s"',oldname,newname)
+"running command %s",command))
+ os.execute(command)
+ end
+Instead of directly defining such a table, you can better do this:
+figures.converters.png = figures.converters.png or { }
+figures.converters.png.png = function(oldname,newname,resolution)
+ local command = string.format('gm convert -depth 1 "%s" "%s"',oldname,newname)
+"running command %s",command))
+ os.execute(command)
+Here we check if a table exists and if not we extend the table. Such converters
+work out of the box if you specify the suffix, but you can also opt for a simple:
+In this case \CONTEXT\ will check for all known supported formats, which is not
+that efficient when no graphic can be found. In order to let for instance files
+with suffix \type {bmp} can be included you have to register it as follows. The
+second argument is the target.
+At some point more of the graphic inclusion helpers will be opened up for general
+use but for now this is what you have available.
diff --git a/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/cld/cld-introduction.tex b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/cld/cld-introduction.tex
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+% language=uk
+\startcomponent cld-introduction
+\environment cld-environment
+Sometimes you hear folks complain about the \TEX\ input language, i.e.\ the
+backslashed commands that determine your output. Of course, when alternatives are
+being discussed every one has a favourite programming language. In practice
+coding a document in each of them triggers similar sentiments with regards to
+coding as \TEX\ itself does.
+So, just for fun, I added a couple of commands to \CONTEXT\ \MKIV\ that permit
+coding a document in \LUA. In retrospect it has been surprisingly easy to
+implement a feature like this using metatables. Of course it's a bit slower than
+using \TEX\ as input language but sometimes the \LUA\ interface is more readable
+given the problem at hand.
+After a while I decided to use that interface in non|-|critical core \CONTEXT\
+code and in styles (modules) and solutions for projects. Using the \LUA\ approach
+is sometimes more convenient, especially if the code mostly manipulates data. For
+instance, if you process \XML\ files of database output you can use the interface
+that is available at the \TEX\ end, or you can use \LUA\ code to do the work, or
+you can use a combination. So, from now on, in \CONTEXT\ you can code your style
+and document source in (a mixture of) \TEX, \XML, \METAPOST\ and in \LUA.
+In the following chapters I will introduce typesetting in \LUA, but as we rely on
+\CONTEXT\ it is unavoidable that some regular \CONTEXT\ code shows up. The fact
+that you can ignore backslashes does not mean that you can do without knowledge
+of the underlying system. I expect that the user is somewhat familiar with this
+macro package. Some chapters are follow ups on articles or earlier publications.
+Some information (and mechanism) show up in more than one chapter. This is a side
+effect of \LUA\ being integrated in many places, so an isolated discussion is a
+bit hard.
+In the meantime most of the code is rather stable and proven. However, this
+manual will never be complete. You can find examples all over the code base, and
+duplicating everything here makes no sense. If you find errors, please let me
+know. If you think that something is missing, you can try to convince me to add
+it. It's hard to keep up with what gets added so input is welcome.
+Hans Hagen
+Hasselt NL
+2009 \emdash\ 2016
diff --git a/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/cld/cld-logging.tex b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/cld/cld-logging.tex
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+++ b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/cld/cld-logging.tex
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+% language=uk
+% maybe this will become a section instead
+\startcomponent cld-logging
+\environment cld-environment
+Logging and localized messages have always been rather standardized in \CONTEXT,
+so upgrading the related mechanism had been quite doable. In \MKIV\ for a while
+we had two systems in parallel: the old one, mostly targeted at messages at the
+\TEX\ end, and a new one used at the \LUA\ end. But when more and more hybrid
+code showed up, integrating both systems made sense.
+Most logging concerns tracing and can be turned on and off on demand. This kind
+of control is now possible for all messages. Given that the right interfaces are
+used, you can turn off all messages:
+context --silent
+This was already possible in \MKII, but there \TEX's own messages still were
+visible. More important is that we have control:
+context --silent=structure*,resolve*,font*
+This will disable all reporting for these three categories. It is also possible
+to only disable messages to the console:
+context --noconsole
+In \CONTEXT\ you can use directives:
+As all logging is under \LUA\ control and because this (and other) kind of
+control has to kick in early in the initialization the code might look somewhat
+tricky. Users won't notice this because they only deal with the formal interface.
+Here we will only discuss the \LUA\ interfaces.
+Messages related to tracing are done as follows:
+local report_whatever = logs.reporter("modules","whatever")
+report_whatever("not found: %s","this or that")
+The first line defined a logger in the category \type {modules}. You can give a
+second argument as well, the subcategory. Both will be shown as part of the
+message, of which an example is given in the second line.
+These messages are shown directly, that is, when the function is called. However,
+when you generate \TEX\ code, as we discuss in this document, you need to make
+sure that the message is synchronized with that code. This can be done with a
+messenger instead of a reporter.
+local report_numbers = logs.reporter("numbers","check")
+local status_numbers = logs.messenger("numbers","check")
+status_numbers("number 1: %s, number 2: %s",123,456)
+report_numbers("number 1: %s, number 2: %s",456,123)
+Both reporters and messages are localized when the pattern given as first
+argument can be found in the \type {patterns} subtable of the interface messages.
+Categories and subcategories are also translated, but these are looked up in the
+\type {translations} subtable. So in the case of
+report_whatever("found: %s",filename)
+report_whatever("not found: %s",filename)
+you should not be surprised if it gets translated. Of course the category and
+subcategory provide some contextual information.
diff --git a/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/cld/cld-luafunctions.tex b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/cld/cld-luafunctions.tex
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b2760e05b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/cld/cld-luafunctions.tex
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+% language=uk
+% table.unnest : only used in special cases
+% table.derive : set metatable if unset
+% table.compact : remove empty subtables
+\environment cld-environment
+\startcomponent cld-luafunctions
+\startchapter[title=Lua Functions]
+When you run \CONTEXT\ you have some libraries preloaded. If you look into the
+\LUA\ files you will find more than is discussed here, but keep in mind that what
+is not documented, might be gone or done different one day. Some extensions live
+in the same namespace as those provided by stock \LUA\ and \LUATEX, others have
+their own. There are many more functions and the more obscure (or never being
+used) ones will go away.
+The \LUA\ code in \CONTEXT\ is organized in quite some modules. Those with names
+like \type {l-*.lua} are rather generic and are automatically available when you
+use \type {mtxrun} to run a \LUA\ file. These are discusses in this chapter. A
+few more modules have generic properties, like some in the categories \type
+{util-*.lua}, \type {trac-*.lua}, \type {luat-*.lua}, \type {data-*.lua} and
+\type {lxml-*.lua}. They contain more specialized functions and are discussed
+Before we move on the the real code, let's introduce a handy helper:
+Whenever you feel the need to see what value a variable has you can insert this
+function to get some insight. It knows how to deal with several data types.
+\startsummary[title={[lua] concat}]
+These functions come with \LUA\ itself and are discussed in detail in the \LUA\
+reference manual so we stick to some examples. The \type {concat} function
+stitches table entries in an indexed table into one string, with an optional
+separator in between. If can also handle a slice of the table
+local str = table.concat(t)
+local str = table.concat(t,separator)
+local str = table.concat(t,separator,first)
+local str = table.concat(t,separator,first,last)
+Only strings and numbers can be concatenated.
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {table} {concat} {{"a","b","c","d","e"}}
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {table} {concat} {{"a","b","c","d","e"},"+"}
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {table} {concat} {{"a","b","c","d","e"},"+",2,3}
+\startsummary[title={[lua] insert remove}]
+You can use \type {insert} and \type {remove} for adding or replacing entries in
+an indexed table.
+value = table.remove(t,position)
+The position is optional and defaults to the last entry in the table. For
+instance a stack is built this way:
+local top = table.remove(stack)
+Beware, the \type {insert} function returns nothing. You can provide an
+additional position:
+table.insert(list,"injected in slot 2",2)
+local thiswastwo = table.remove(list,2)
+\startsummary[title={[lua] unpack}]
+You can access entries in an indexed table as follows:
+local a, b, c = t[1], t[2], t[3]
+but this does the same:
+local a, b, c = table.unpack(t)
+This is less efficient but there are situations where \type {unpack}
+comes in handy.
+\startsummary[title={[lua] sort}]
+Sorting is done with \type {sort}, a function that does not return a value but
+operates on the given table.
+The compare function has to return a consistent equivalent of \type {true} or
+\type {false}. For sorting more complex data structures there is a specialized
+sort module available.
+\ShowLuaExampleFour {table} {sort} {{"a","b","c"}} {}
+\ShowLuaExampleFour {table} {sort} {{"a","b","c"}} {,function(x,y) return x > y end}
+\ShowLuaExampleFour {table} {sort} {{"a","b","c"}} {,function(x,y) return x < y end}
+The built|-|in \type {sort} function does not return a value but sometimes it can be
+if the (sorted) table is returned. This is why we have:
+local a = table.sorted(b)
+% table.strip
+\startsummary[title={keys sortedkeys sortedhashkeys sortedhash}]
+The \type {keys} function returns an indexed list of keys. The order is undefined
+as it depends on how the table was constructed. A sorted list is provided by
+\type {sortedkeys}. This function is rather liberal with respect to the keys. If
+the keys are strings you can use the faster alternative \type {sortedhashkeys}.
+local s = table.keys (t)
+local s = table.sortedkeys (t)
+local s = table.sortedhashkeys (t)
+Because a sorted list is often processed there is also an iterator:
+for key, value in table.sortedhash(t) do
+ print(key,value)
+There is also a synonym \type {sortedpairs} which sometimes looks more natural
+when used alongside the \type {pairs} and \type {ipairs} iterators.
+\ShowLuaExampleTwo {table} {keys} {{ [1] = 2, c = 3, [true] = 1 }}
+\ShowLuaExampleTwo {table} {sortedkeys} {{ [1] = 2, c = 3, [true] = 1 }}
+\ShowLuaExampleTwo {table} {sortedhashkeys} {{ a = 2, c = 3, b = 1 }}
+\startsummary[title={serialize print tohandle tofile}]
+The \type {serialize} function converts a table into a verbose representation.
+The \type {print} function does the same but prints the result to the console
+which is handy for tracing. The \type {tofile} function writes the table to a
+file, using reasonable chunks so that less memory is used. The fourth variant
+\type {tohandle} takes a handle so that you can do whatever you like with the
+table.serialize (root, name, reduce, noquotes, hexify)
+table.print (root, name, reduce, noquotes, hexify)
+table.tofile (filename, root, name, reduce, noquotes, hexify)
+table.tohandle (handle, root, name, reduce, noquotes, hexify)
+The serialization can be controlled in several ways. Often only the first two
+options makes sense:
+\ShowLuaExampleOne {table} {serialize} {{ a = 2 }}
+\ShowLuaExampleOne {table} {serialize} {{ a = 2 }, "name"}
+\ShowLuaExampleOne {table} {serialize} {{ a = 2 }, true}
+\ShowLuaExampleOne {table} {serialize} {{ a = 2 }, false}
+\ShowLuaExampleOne {table} {serialize} {{ a = 2 }, "return"}
+\ShowLuaExampleOne {table} {serialize} {{ a = 2 }, 12}
+\ShowLuaExampleOne {table} {serialize} {{ a = 2, [3] = "b", [true] = "6" }, nil, true}
+\ShowLuaExampleOne {table} {serialize} {{ a = 2, [3] = "b", [true] = "6" }, nil, true, true}
+\ShowLuaExampleOne {table} {serialize} {{ a = 2, [3] = "b", [true] = "6" }, nil, true, true, true}
+In \CONTEXT\ there is also a \type {tocontext} function that typesets the table
+verbose. This is handy for manuals and tracing.
+\startsummary[title={identical are_equal}]
+These two function compare two tables that have a similar structure. The \type
+{identical} variant operates on a hash while \type {are_equal} assumes an indexed
+local b = table.identical (one, two)
+local b = table.are_equal (one, two)
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {table} {identical} {{ a = { x = 2 } }, { a = { x = 3 } }}
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {table} {identical} {{ a = { x = 2 } }, { a = { x = 2 } }}
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {table} {are_equal} {{ a = { x = 2 } }, { a = { x = 3 } }}
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {table} {are_equal} {{ a = { x = 2 } }, { a = { x = 2 } }}
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {table} {identical} {{ "one", "two" }, { "one", "two" }}
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {table} {identical} {{ "one", "two" }, { "two", "one" }}
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {table} {are_equal} {{ "one", "two" }, { "one", "two" }}
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {table} {are_equal} {{ "one", "two" }, { "two", "one" }}
+\startsummary[title={tohash fromhash swapped swaphash reversed reverse mirrored}]
+We use \type {tohash} quite a lot in \CONTEXT. It converts a list into a hash so
+that we can easily check if (a string) is in a given set. The \type {fromhash}
+function does the opposite: it creates a list of keys from a hashed table where
+each value that is not \type {false} or \type {nil} is present.
+local hashed = table.tohash (indexed)
+local indexed = table.fromhash(hashed)
+The function \type {swapped} turns keys into values vise versa while the \type
+{reversed} and \type {reverse} reverses the values in an indexed table. The last
+one reverses the table itself (in|-|place).
+local swapped = table.swapped (indexedtable)
+local reversed = table.reversed (indexedtable)
+local reverse = table.reverse (indexedtable)
+local mirrored = table.mirrored (hashedtable)
+\ShowLuaExampleTwo {table} {tohash} {{ "a", "b", "c" }}
+\ShowLuaExampleTwo {table} {fromhash} {{ a = true, b = false, c = true }}
+\ShowLuaExampleTwo {table} {swapped} {{ "a", "b", "c" }}
+\ShowLuaExampleTwo {table} {reversed} {{ "a", "b", "c" }}
+\ShowLuaExampleTwo {table} {reverse} {{ 1, 2, 3, 4 }}
+\ShowLuaExampleTwo {table} {mirrored} {{ a = "x", b = "y", c = "z" }}
+\startsummary[title={append prepend}]
+These two functions operate on a pair of indexed tables. The first table gets
+appended or prepended by the second. The first table is returned as well.
+table.append (one, two)
+table.prepend(one, two)
+The functions are similar to loops using \type {insert}.
+\ShowLuaExampleTwo {table} {append} {{ "a", "b", "c" }, { "d", "e" }}
+\ShowLuaExampleTwo {table} {prepend} {{ "a", "b", "c" }, { "d", "e" }}
+\startsummary[title={merge merged imerge imerged}]
+You can merge multiple hashes with \type {merge} and indexed tables with \type
+{imerge}. The first table is the target and is returned.
+table.merge (one, two, ...)
+table.imerge (one, two, ...)
+The variants ending with a \type {d} merge the given list of tables and return
+the result leaving the first argument untouched.
+local merged = table.merged (one, two, ...)
+local merged = table.imerged (one, two, ...)
+\ShowLuaExampleTwo {table} {merge} {{ a = 1, b = 2, c = 3 }, { d = 1 }, { a = 0 }}
+\ShowLuaExampleTwo {table} {imerge} {{ "a", "b", "c" }, { "d", "e" }, { "f", "g" }}
+% \ShowLuaExampleTwo {table} {merged} {{ a = 1, b = 2, c = 3 }, { d = 1 }, { a = 0 }}
+% \ShowLuaExampleTwo {table} {imerged} {{ "a", "b", "c" }, { "d", "e" }, { "f", "g" }}
+\startsummary[title={copy fastcopy}]
+When copying a table we need to make a real and deep copy. The \type {copy}
+function is an adapted version from the \LUA\ wiki. The \type {fastopy} is faster
+because it does not check for circular references and does not share tables when
+possible. In practice using the fast variant is okay.
+local copy = table.copy (t)
+local copy = table.fastcopy(t)
+A nested table can be unnested using \type {flattened}. Normally you will only
+use this function if the content is somewhat predictable. Often using one of the
+merge functions does a similar job.
+local flattened = table.flatten(t)
+\ShowLuaExampleTwo {table} {flattened} {{ a = 1, b = 2, { c = 3 }, d = 4}}
+\ShowLuaExampleTwo {table} {flattened} {{ 1, 2, { 3, { 4 } }, 5}}
+\ShowLuaExampleTwo {table} {flattened} {{ 1, 2, { 3, { 4 } }, 5}, 1}
+\ShowLuaExampleTwo {table} {flattened} {{ a = 1, b = 2, { c = 3 }, d = 4}}
+\ShowLuaExampleTwo {table} {flattened} {{ 1, 2, { 3, { c = 4 } }, 5}}
+\ShowLuaExampleTwo {table} {flattened} {{ 1, 2, { 3, { c = 4 } }, 5}, 1}
+The name says it all: this function returns a new table with the keys being lower
+case. This is handy in cases where the keys have a change to be inconsistent, as
+can be the case when users input keys and values in less controlled ways.
+local normalized = table.loweredkeys { a = "a", A = "b", b = "c" }
+\ShowLuaExampleTwo {table} {loweredkeys} {{ a = 1, b = 2, C = 3}}
+This function works with indexed tables. Watch out, when you look for a match,
+the number \type {1} is not the same as string \type {"1"}. The function returns
+the index or \type {false}.
+if table.contains(t, 5 ) then ... else ... end
+if table.contains(t,"5") then ... else ... end
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {table} {contains} {{ "a", 2, true, "1"}, 1}
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {table} {contains} {{ "a", 2, true, "1"}, "1"}
+When a table (can) contain duplicate entries you can get rid of them by using the
+\type {unique} helper:
+local t = table.unique { 1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2, 5, 6 }
+\ShowLuaExampleTwo {table} {unique} { { "a", "b", "c", "a", "d" } }
+The name speaks for itself: this function counts the number of entries in the
+given table. For an indexed table \type {#t} is faster.
+local n = table.count(t)
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {table} {count} {{ 1, 2, [4] = 4, a = "a" }}
+Normally, when you trace a table, printing the serialized version is quite
+convenient. However, when it concerns a simple table, a more compact variant is:
+print(table.sequenced(t, separator))
+% beware: by default sequences has | as separator
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {table} {sequenced} {{ 1, 2, 3, 4}}
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {table} {sequenced} {{ 1, 2, [4] = 4, a = "a" }, ", "}
+In addition to the built-in math function we provide: \type {round}, \type {odd},
+\type {even}, \type {div}, \type {mod}, \type {sind}, \type {cosd} and
+\type {tand}.
+At the \TEX\ end we have a helper \type {luaexpr} that you can use to do
+ \luaexpr{1 + 2.3 * 4.5 + math.pi} = \cldcontext{1 + 2.3 * 4.5 + math.pi}
+Both calls return the same result, but the first one is normally faster than the
+\type {context} command which has quite some overhead.
+\blank \getbuffer \blank
+The \type {\luaexpr} command can also better deal with for instance conditions,
+where it returns \type {true} or \type {false}, while \type {\cldcontext} would
+interpret the boolean value as a special signal.
+This function returns the number one or zero. You will seldom need this function.
+local state = boolean.tonumber(str)
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {boolean} {tonumber} {true}
+When dealing with configuration files or tables a bit flexibility in setting a
+state makes sense, if only because in some cases it's better to say \type {yes}
+than \type {true}.
+local b = toboolean(str)
+local b = toboolean(str,tolerant)
+When the second argument is true, the strings \type {true}, \type {yes}, \type
+{on}, \type {1}, \type {t} and the number \type {1} all turn into \type {true}.
+Otherwise only \type {true} is honoured. This function is also defined in the
+global namespace.
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {string} {toboolean} {"true"}
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {string} {toboolean} {"yes"}
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {string} {toboolean} {"yes",true}
+This function is somewhat similar to the previous one. It interprets the strings
+\type {true}, \type {yes}, \type {on} and \type {t} as \type {true} and
+\type{false}, \type {no}, \type {off} and \type {f} as \type {false}. Otherwise
+\type {nil} is returned, unless a default value is given, in which case that is
+if is_boolean(str) then ... end
+if is_boolean(str,default) then ... end
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {string} {is_boolean} {"true"}
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {string} {is_boolean} {"off"}
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {string} {is_boolean} {"crap",true}
+\LUA\ strings are simply sequences of bytes. Of course in some places special
+treatment takes place. For instance \type {\n} expands to one or more characters
+representing a newline, depending on the operating system, but normally, as long
+as you manipulate strings in the perspective of \LUATEX, you don't need to worry
+about such issues too much. As \LUATEX\ is a \UTF-8 engine, strings normally are
+in that encoding but again, it does not matter much as \LUA\ is quite agnostic
+about the content of strings: it does not care about three characters reflecting
+one \UNICODE\ character or not. This means that when you use for instance the
+functions discussed here, or use libraries like \type {lpeg} behave as you
+Versions later than 0.75 are likely to have some basic \UNICODE\ support on board
+but we can easily adapt to that. At least till \LUATEX\ version 0.75 we provided
+the \type {slunicode} library but users cannot assume that that will be present for
+ever. If you want to mess around with \UTF\ string, use the \type {utf} library
+instead as that is the one we provide in \MKIV. It presents the stable interface to
+whatever \LUA\ itself provides and|/|or what \LUATEX\ offers and|/|or what
+is there because \MKIV\ implements it.
+\startsummary[title={[lua] byte char}]
+As long as we're dealing with \ASCII\ characters we can use these two functions to
+go from numbers to characters and vise versa.
+\ShowLuaExampleSeven {string} {byte} {"luatex"}
+\ShowLuaExampleSeven {string} {byte} {"luatex",1,3}
+\ShowLuaExampleSeven {string} {byte} {"luatex",-3,-1}
+\ShowLuaExampleSeven {string} {char} {65}
+\ShowLuaExampleSeven {string} {char} {65,66,67}
+\startsummary[title={[lua] sub}]
+You cannot directly access a character in a string but you can take any slice you
+want using \type {sub}. You need to provide a start position and negative values
+will count backwards from the end.
+local slice = string.sub(str,first,last)
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {string} {sub} {"abcdef",2}
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {string} {sub} {"abcdef",2,3}
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {string} {sub} {"abcdef",-3,-2}
+\startsummary[title={[lua] gsub}]
+There are two ways of analyzing the content of a string. The more modern and
+flexible approach is to use \type {lpeg}. The other one uses some functions in
+the \type {string} namespace that accept so called patterns for matching. While
+\type {lpeg} is more powerfull than regular expressions, the pattern matching is
+less powerfull but sometimes faster and also easier to specify. In many cases it
+can do the job quite well.
+local new, count = string.gsub(old,pattern,replacement)
+The replacement can be a function. Often you don't want the number
+of matches, and the way to avoid this is either to store the result
+in a variable:
+local new = string.gsub(old,"lua","LUA")
+or to use parentheses to signal the interpreter that only one value
+is return.
+Patterns can be more complex so you'd better read the \LUA\ manual if you want to
+know more about them.
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {string} {gsub} {"abcdef","b","B"}
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {string} {gsub} {"abcdef","[bc]",string.upper}
+An optional fourth argument specifies how often the replacement has to happen
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {string} {gsub} {"textextextex","tex","abc"}
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {string} {gsub} {"textextextex","tex","abc",1}
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {string} {gsub} {"textextextex","tex","abc",2}
+\startsummary[title={[lua] find}]
+The \type {find} function returns the first and last position of the match:
+local first, last = find(str,pattern)
+If you're only interested if there is a match at all, it's enough to know that
+there is a first position. No match returns \type {nil}. So,
+if find("luatex","tex") then ... end
+works out okay. You can pass an extra argument to \type {find} that indicates the
+start position. So you can use this function to loop over all matches: just start
+again at the end of the last match.
+A fourth optional argument is a boolean that signals not to interpret the pattern
+but use it as|-|is.
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {string} {find} {"abc.def","c\letterpercent.d",1,false}
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {string} {find} {"abc.def","c\letterpercent.d",1,true}
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {string} {find} {"abc\letterpercent.def","c\letterpercent.d",1,false}
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {string} {find} {"abc\letterpercent.def","c\letterpercent.d",1,true}
+\startsummary[title={[lua] match gmatch}]
+With \type {match} you can split of bits and pieces of a string. The parenthesis
+indicate the captures.
+local a, b, c, ... = string.match(str,pattern)
+The \type {gmatch} function is used to loop over a string, for instance the
+following code prints the elements in a comma separated list, ignoring spaces
+after commas.
+for s in string.gmatch(str,"([^,%s])+") do
+ print(s)
+A more detailed description can be found in the \LUA\ reference manual, so we
+only mention the special directives. Characters are grouped in classes:
+\NC \letterpercent a \NC letters \NC \NR
+\NC \letterpercent l \NC lowercase letters \NC \NR
+\NC \letterpercent u \NC uppercase letters \NC \NR
+\NC \letterpercent d \NC digits \NC \NR
+\NC \letterpercent w \NC letters and digits \NC \NR
+\NC \letterpercent c \NC control characters \NC \NR
+\NC \letterpercent p \NC punctuation \NC \NR
+\NC \letterpercent x \NC hexadecimal characters \NC \NR
+\NC \letterpercent s \NC space related characters \NC \NR
+You can create sets too:
+\NC [\letterpercent l\letterpercent d] \NC lowercase letters and digits \NC \NR
+\NC [^\letterpercent d\letterpercent p] \NC all characters except digits and punctuation \NC \NR
+\NC [p-z] \NC all characters in the range \type {p} upto \type {z} \NC \NR
+\NC [pqr] \NC all characters \type {p}, \type {q} and \type {r} \NC \NR
+There are some characters with special meanings:
+\NC \letterhat \NC the beginning of a string \NC \NR
+\NC \letterdollar \NC end of a string \NC \NR
+\NC . \NC any character \NC \NR
+\NC * \NC zero or more of the preceding specifier, greedy \NC \NR
+\NC - \NC zero or more of the preceding specifier, least possible \NC \NR
+\NC + \NC one or more of the preceding specifier \NC \NR
+\NC ? \NC zero or one of the preceding specifier \NC \NR
+\NC ( ) \NC encapsulate capture \NC \NR
+\NC \letterpercent b \NC capture all between the following two characters \NC \NR
+You can use whatever you like to be matched:
+\NC pqr \NC the sequence \type {pqr} \NC \NR
+\NC my name is (\letterpercent w) \NC the word following \type {my name is} \NC \NR
+If you want to specify such a token as it is, then you can precede it with a
+percent sign, so to get a percent, you need two in a row.
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {string} {match} {"before:after","^(.-):"}
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {string} {match} {"before:after","^([^:])"}
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {string} {match} {"before:after","bef(.*)ter"}
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {string} {match} {"abcdef","[b-e]+"}
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {string} {match} {"abcdef","[b-e]*"}
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {string} {match} {"abcdef","b-e+"}
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {string} {match} {"abcdef","b-e*"}
+Such patterns should not be confused with regular expressions, although to some
+extent they can do the same. If you really want to do complex matches, you should
+look into \LPEG.
+\startsummary[title={[lua] lower upper}]
+These two function spreak for themselves.
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {string} {lower} {"LOW"}
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {string} {upper} {"upper"}
+\startsummary[title={[lua] format}]
+The \type {format} function takes a template as first argument and one or more
+additional arguments depending on the format. The template is similar to the one
+used in \CCODE\ but it has some extensions.
+local s = format(format, str, ...)
+The following table gives an overview of the possible format directives. The
+\type {s} is the most probably candidate and can handle numbers well as strings.
+Watch how the minus sign influences the alignment. \footnote {There can be
+differences between platforms although so far we haven't run into problems. Also,
+\LUA\ 5.2 does a bit more checking on correct arguments and \LUA\ 5.3 is more
+picky on integers.}
+\NC integer \NC \letterpercent i \NC 12345 \NC \cldcontext{string.format("\letterpercent i", 12345 )} \NC \NR
+\NC integer \NC \letterpercent d \NC 12345 \NC \cldcontext{string.format("\letterpercent d", 12345 )} \NC \NR
+\NC unsigned \NC \letterpercent u \NC -12345 \NC \cldcontext{string.format("\letterpercent u", 12345 )} \NC \NR
+\NC character \NC \letterpercent c \NC 123 \NC \cldcontext{string.format("\letterpercent c", 89 )} \NC \NR
+\NC hexadecimal \NC \letterpercent x \NC 123 \NC \cldcontext{string.format("\letterpercent x", 123 )} \NC \NR
+\NC \NC \letterpercent X \NC 123 \NC \cldcontext{string.format("\letterpercent X", 123 )} \NC \NR
+\NC octal \NC \letterpercent o \NC 12345 \NC \cldcontext{string.format("\letterpercent o", 12345 )} \NC \NR
+\NC string \NC \letterpercent s \NC abc \NC \cldcontext{string.format("\letterpercent s", "abcd")} \NC \NR
+\NC \NC \letterpercent -8s \NC 123 \NC \cldcontext{string.format("\letterpercent -8s", 123 )} \NC \NR
+\NC \NC \letterpercent 8s \NC 123 \NC \cldcontext{string.format("\letterpercent 8s", 123 )} \NC \NR
+\NC float \NC \letterpercent 0.2f \NC 12.345 \NC \cldcontext{string.format("\letterpercent 0.2f",12.345)} \NC \NR
+\NC exponential \NC \letterpercent 0.2e \NC 12.345 \NC \cldcontext{string.format("\letterpercent 0.2e",12.345)} \NC \NR
+\NC \NC \letterpercent 0.2E \NC 12.345 \NC \cldcontext{string.format("\letterpercent 0.2E",12.345)} \NC \NR
+\NC autofloat \NC \letterpercent 0.2g \NC 12.345 \NC \cldcontext{string.format("\letterpercent 0.2g",12.345)} \NC \NR
+\NC \NC \letterpercent 0.2G \NC 12.345 \NC \cldcontext{string.format("\letterpercent 0.2G",12.345)} \NC \NR
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {string} {format} {"U+\letterpercent 05X",2010}
+The \type {striplines} function can strip leading and trailing empty lines,
+collapse or delete intermediate empty lines and strips leading and trailing
+spaces. We will demonstrate this with string \type {str}:
+local str = table.concat( {
+" ",
+" aap",
+" noot mies",
+" ",
+" ",
+" wim zus jet",
+"teun vuur gijs",
+" lam kees bok weide",
+" ",
+"does hok duif schapen ",
+" ",
+}, "\n")
+document.TempString = str
+function document.ShowStrippedString(str)
+ str = string.gsub(str," ","\\allowbreak<sp>\\allowbreak ")
+ str = string.gsub(str,"([\010])","\\allowbreak<lf>\\allowbreak ")
+ context.startalign { "flushleft,verytolerant" }
+ context("{\\tttf %s}",str)
+ context.stopalign()
+function document.ShowStrippedBuffer(name,str)
+ context.tobuffer(name,str)
+ context.typebuffer( { name }, { numbering = "line" })
+ context.resetbuffer { name }
+function document.ShowStrippedCommand(option)
+ context.type( { style = "ttbf" }, [[utilities.strings.striplines(str,"]] .. option .. [[")]])
+context.blank { "big" }
+The different options for stripping are demonstrated below, We use verbose
+descriptions instead of vague boolean flags.
+local str = document.TempString ; document.TempString = nil
+for option in table.sortedhash(utilities.strings.striplinepatterns) do
+ local s = utilities.strings.striplines(str,option)
+ context.blank()
+ document.ShowStrippedCommand(option)
+ context.blank { "big,samepage" }
+ document.ShowStrippedString(s)
+ context.blank { "big,samepage" }
+ document.ShowStrippedBuffer(option,str)
+You can of course mix usage with the normal \type {context} helper commands, for
+instance put them in buffers. Buffers normally will prune leading and trailing
+empty lines anyway.
+context.typebuffer( { "dummy" }, { numbering = "line" })
+The \type {format} function discussed before is the built|-|in. As an alternative
+\CONTEXT\ provides an additional formatter that has some extensions. Interesting
+is that that one is often more efficient, although there are cases where the
+speed is comparable. As we run out of keys, some extra ones are a bit counter
+intuitive, like \type {l} for booleans (logical).
+\start \setuptype[color=]
+\NC utf character \NC \letterpercent c \NC 322 \NC \cldcontext{"\letterpercent c",322} \NC \NR
+\NC string \NC \letterpercent s \NC foo \NC \cldcontext{"\letterpercent s","foo"} \NC \NR
+\NC force tostring \NC \letterpercent S \NC nil \NC \cldcontext{"\letterpercent S",nil} \NC \NR
+\NC quoted string \NC \letterpercent q \NC foo \NC \cldcontext{"\letterpercent q","foo"} \NC \NR
+\NC force quoted string \NC \letterpercent Q \NC nil \NC \cldcontext{"\letterpercent Q",nil} \NC \NR
+\NC \NC \letterpercent N \NC 0123 \NC \cldcontext{"\letterpercent N","0123"} \NC \NR
+\NC automatic quoted \NC \letterpercent a \NC true \NC \cldcontext{"\letterpercent a",true} \NC \NR\NC \NR
+\NC \NC \letterpercent A \NC true \NC \cldcontext{"\letterpercent A",true} \NC \NR\NC \NR
+\NC left aligned utf \NC \letterpercent 30< \NC xx½xx \NC \cldcontext{"\letterpercent 30<","xx½xx"} \NC \NR\NC \NR
+\NC right aligned utf \NC \letterpercent 30> \NC xx½xx \NC \cldcontext{"\letterpercent 30>","xx½xx"} \NC \NR\NC \NR
+\NC integer \NC \letterpercent i \NC 1234 \NC \cldcontext{"\letterpercent i",1234} \NC \NR
+\NC integer \NC \letterpercent d \NC 1234 \NC \cldcontext{"\letterpercent d",1234} \NC \NR
+\NC signed number \NC \letterpercent I \NC 1234 \NC \cldcontext{"\letterpercent I",1234} \NC \NR
+\NC rounded number \NC \letterpercent r \NC 1234.56 \NC \cldcontext{"\letterpercent r",1234.56} \NC \NR
+\NC stripped number \NC \letterpercent N \NC 000123 \NC \cldcontext{"\letterpercent N","000123"} \NC \NR
+\NC comma/period float \NC \letterpercent m \NC 12.34 \NC \cldcontext{"\letterpercent m",12.34} \NC \NR
+\NC period/comma float \NC \letterpercent M \NC 12.34 \NC \cldcontext{"\letterpercent M",12.34} \NC \NR
+\NC hexadecimal \NC \letterpercent x \NC 1234 \NC \cldcontext{"\letterpercent x",1234} \NC \NR
+\NC \NC \letterpercent X \NC 1234 \NC \cldcontext{"\letterpercent X",1234} \NC \NR
+\NC octal \NC \letterpercent o \NC 1234 \NC \cldcontext{"\letterpercent o",1234} \NC \NR
+\NC float \NC \letterpercent 0.2f \NC 12.345 \NC \cldcontext{"\letterpercent 0.2f",12.345} \NC \NR
+\NC formatted float \NC \letterpercent 2.3k \NC 12.3456 \NC \cldcontext{"\letterpercent 2.3f",12.3456} \NC \NR
+\NC checked float \NC \letterpercent 0.2F \NC 12.30 \NC \cldcontext{"\letterpercent 0.2F",12.3} \NC \NR
+\NC exponential \NC \letterpercent .2e \NC 12.345e120 \NC \cldcontext{"\letterpercent 0.2j",12.345e120} \NC \NR
+\NC \NC \letterpercent .2E \NC 12.345e120 \NC \cldcontext{"\letterpercent 0.2J",12.345e120} \NC \NR
+\NC sparse exp \NC \letterpercent 0.2j \NC 12.345e120 \NC \cldcontext{"\letterpercent 0.2j",12.345e120} \NC \NR
+\NC \NC \letterpercent 0.2J \NC 12.345e120 \NC \cldcontext{"\letterpercent 0.2J",12.345e120} \NC \NR
+\NC autofloat \NC \letterpercent g \NC 12.345 \NC \cldcontext{"\letterpercent 0.2J",12.345} \NC \NR
+\NC \NC \letterpercent G \NC 12.345 \NC \cldcontext{"\letterpercent 0.2J",12.345} \NC \NR
+\NC unicode value 0x \NC \letterpercent h \NC ł 1234 \NC \cldcontext{"\letterpercent v \letterpercent v", "ł",1234} \NC \NR
+\NC \NC \letterpercent H \NC ł 1234 \NC \cldcontext{"\letterpercent V \letterpercent V", "ł",1234} \NC \NR
+\NC unicode value U+ \NC \letterpercent u \NC ł 1234 \NC \cldcontext{"\letterpercent u \letterpercent u", "ł",1234} \NC \NR
+\NC \NC \letterpercent U \NC ł 1234 \NC \cldcontext{"\letterpercent U \letterpercent U", "ł",1234} \NC \NR
+\NC points \NC \letterpercent p \NC 1234567 \NC \cldcontext{"\letterpercent p",1234567} \NC \NR
+\NC basepoints \NC \letterpercent b \NC 1234567 \NC \cldcontext{"\letterpercent b",1234567} \NC \NR
+\NC table concat \NC \letterpercent t \NC \arg{1,2,3} \NC \cldcontext{"\letterpercent t",{1,2,3}} \NC \NR
+\NC \NC \letterpercent *t \NC \arg{1,2,3} \NC \cldcontext{"\letterpercent *t",{1,2,3}} \NC \NR
+\NC \NC \letterpercent \arg{ AND }t \NC \arg{a=1,b=3} \NC \cldcontext{"\letterpercent +{ AND }T",{a=1,b=2}} \NC \NR
+\NC table serialize \NC \letterpercent T \NC \arg{1,2,3} \NC \cldcontext{"\letterpercent *t",{1,2,3}} \NC \NR
+\NC \NC \letterpercent T \NC \arg{a=1,b=3} \NC \let|\relax\cldcontext{"\letterpercent T",{a=1,b=2}} \NC \NR
+\NC \NC \letterpercent +T \NC \arg{a=1,b=3} \NC \cldcontext{"\letterpercent [+T]",{a=1,b=2}} \NC \NR
+\NC boolean (logic) \NC \letterpercent l \NC "a" == "b" \NC \cldcontext{"\letterpercent l","a"=="b"} \NC \NR
+\NC \NC \letterpercent L \NC "a" == "b" \NC \cldcontext{"\letterpercent L","a"=="b"} \NC \NR
+\NC whitespace \NC \letterpercent w \NC 3 \NC \obeyspaces\vl\cldcontext{"\letterpercent w",3}\vl \NC \NR
+\NC \NC \letterpercent 2w \NC 3 \NC \obeyspaces\vl\cldcontext{"\letterpercent 2w",3}\vl \NC \NR
+\NC \NC \letterpercent 4W \NC \NC \obeyspaces\vl\cldcontext{"\letterpercent 4W"}\vl \NC \NR
+\NC skip \NC \letterpercent 2z \NC 1,2,3,4 \NC \obeyspaces\vl\cldcontext{"\letterpercent s\letterpercent 2z\letterpercent s",1,2,3,4}\vl \NC \NR
+The generic formatters \type {a} and \type {A} convert the argument into a string
+and deals with strings, number, booleans, tables and whatever. We mostly use
+these in tracing. The lowercase variant uses single quotes, and the uppercase
+variant uses double quotes.
+A special one is the alignment formatter, which is a variant on the \type {s} one
+that also takes an optional positive of negative number:
+context.verbatim("[[% 30<]]","xxaxx") context.par()
+context.verbatim("[[% 30<]]","xx½xx") context.par()
+context.verbatim("[[% 30>]]","xxaxx") context.par()
+context.verbatim("[[% 30>]]","xx½xx") context.par()
+context.verbatim("[[%-30<]]","xxaxx") context.par()
+context.verbatim("[[%-30<]]","xx½xx") context.par()
+context.verbatim("[[%-30>]]","xxaxx") context.par()
+context.verbatim("[[%-30>]]","xx½xx") context.par()
+\typebuffer \getbuffer
+There are two more formatters plugged in: \type {!xml!} and \type {!tex!}. These
+are best demonstrated with an example:
+local xf = formatter["xml escaped: %!xml!"]
+local xr = formatter["tex escaped: %!tex!"]
+print(xf("x > 1 && x < 10"))
+print(xt("this will cost me $123.00 at least"))
+weird, this fails when cld-verbatim is there as part of the big thing:
+catcodetable 4 suddenly lacks the comment being a other
+The \type {context} command uses the formatter so one can say:
+context("first some xml: %!xml!, and now some %!tex!",
+ "x > 1 && x < 10", "this will cost me $123.00 at least")
+This renders as follows:
+\blank \getbuffer \blank
+You can extend the formatter but we advise you not to do that unless you're sure
+what you're doing. You never know what \CONTEXT\ itself might add for its own
+However, you can define your own formatter and add to that without interference.
+In fact, the main formatter is just defined that way. This is how it works:
+local MyFormatter =
+utilities.strings.formatters.add (
+ MyFormatter,
+ "upper",
+ "global.string.upper(%s)"
+Now you can use this one as:
+context.bold(MyFormatter["It's %s or %!upper!."]("this","that"))
+\blank \ctxluabuffer[definition,usage] \blank
+Because we're running inside \CONTEXT, a better definition would be this:
+local MyFormatter =
+utilities.strings.formatters.add (
+ MyFormatter,
+ "uc",
+ "myupper(%s)",
+ -- "local myupper = global.characters.upper"
+ { myupper = global.characters.upper }
+utilities.strings.formatters.add (
+ MyFormatter,
+ "lc",
+ "mylower(%s)",
+ -- "local mylower = global.characters.lower"
+ { mylower = global.characters.lower }
+utilities.strings.formatters.add (
+ MyFormatter,
+ "sh",
+ "myshaped(%s)",
+ -- "local myshaped = global.characters.shaped"
+ { myshaped = global.characters.shaped }
+context(MyFormatter["Uppercased: %!uc!"]("ÀÁÂÃÄÅàáâãäå"))
+context(MyFormatter["Lowercased: %!lc!"]("ÀÁÂÃÄÅàáâãäå"))
+context(MyFormatter["Reduced: %!sh!"]("ÀÁÂÃÄÅàáâãäå"))
+The last arguments creates shortcuts. As expected we get:
+\blank \ctxluabuffer \blank
+Of course you can also apply the casing functions directly so in practice you
+shouldn't use formatters without need. Among the advantages of using formatters
+\startitem They provide a level of abstraction. \stopitem
+\startitem They can replace multiple calls to \type {\context}. \stopitem
+\startitem Sometimes they make source code look better. \stopitem
+\startitem Using them is often more efficient and faster. \stopitem
+The last argument might sound strange but considering the overhead involved in
+the \type {context} (related) functions, doing more in one step has benefits.
+Also, formatters are implemented quite efficiently, so their overhead can be
+In the examples you see that a formatter extension is itself a template.
+local FakeXML =
+utilities.strings.formatters.add(FakeXML,"b",[["<" ..%s..">" ]])
+utilities.strings.formatters.add(FakeXML,"e",[["</"..%s..">" ]])
+utilities.strings.formatters.add(FakeXML,"n",[["<" ..%s.."/>"]])
+context(FakeXML["It looks like %!b!xml%!e! doesn't it?"]("it","it"))
+This gives: \ctxluabuffer. Of course we could go over the top here:
+local FakeXML =
+local stack = { }
+function document.f_b(s)
+ table.insert(stack,s)
+ return "<" .. s .. ">"
+function document.f_e()
+ return "</" .. table.remove(stack) .. ">"
+context(FakeXML["It looks like %1!b!xml%0!e! doesn't it?"]("it"))
+This gives: \ctxluabuffer. Such a template look horrible, although it's not too
+far from the regular format syntax: just compare \type {%1f} with \type {%1!e!}.
+The zero trick permits us to inject information that we've put on the stack. As
+this kind of duplicate usage might occur most, a better solution is available:
+local FakeXML =
+utilities.strings.formatters.add(FakeXML,"b",[["<" .. %s .. ">"]])
+utilities.strings.formatters.add(FakeXML,"e",[["</" .. %s .. ">"]])
+context(FakeXML["It looks like %!b!xml%-1!e! doesn't it?"]("it"))
+We get: \ctxluabuffer. Anyhow, in most cases you will never feel the need for
+such hackery and the regular formatter works fine. Adding this extension
+mechanism was rather trivial and it doesn't influence the performance.
+In \CONTEXT\ we have a few more extensions:
+utilities.strings.formatters.add (
+ strings.formatters, "unichr",
+ [["U+" .. format("%%05X",%s) .. " (" .. utfchar(%s) .. ")"]]
+utilities.strings.formatters.add (
+ strings.formatters, "chruni",
+ [[utfchar(%s) .. " (U+" .. format("%%05X",%s) .. ")"]]
+This one is used in messages:
+context("Missing character %!chruni! in font.",234) context.par()
+context("Missing character %!unichr! in font.",234)
+This shows up as:
+\blank \getbuffer \blank
+If you look closely to the definition, you will notice that we use \type {%s}
+twice. This is a feature of the definer function: if only one argument is
+picked up (which is default) then the replacement format can use that two
+times. Because we use a format in the constructor, we need to escape the
+percent sign there.
+This function removes any leading and trailing whitespace characters.
+local s = string.strip(str)
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {string} {strip} {" lua + tex = luatex "}
+\startsummary[title={split splitlines checkedsplit}]
+The line splitter is a special case of the generic splitter. The \type {split}
+function can get a string as well an \type {lpeg} pattern. The \type
+{checkedsplit} function removes empty substrings.
+local t = string.split (str, pattern)
+local t = string.split (str, lpeg)
+local t = string.checkedsplit (str, lpeg)
+local t = string.splitlines (str)
+\start \let\ntex\relax % hack
+\ShowLuaExampleTwo {string} {split} {"a, b,c, d", ","}
+\ShowLuaExampleTwo {string} {split} {"p.q,r", lpeg.S(",.")}
+\ShowLuaExampleTwo {string} {checkedsplit} {";one;;two", ";"}
+\ShowLuaExampleTwo {string} {splitlines} {"lua\ntex nic"}
+\startsummary[title={quoted unquoted}]
+You will hardly need these functions. The \type {quoted} function can normally be
+avoided using the \type {format} pattern \type {%q}. The \type {unquoted}
+function removes single or double quotes but only when the string starts and ends
+with the same quote.
+local q = string.quoted (str)
+local u = string.unquoted(str)
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {string} {quoted} {[[test]]}
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {string} {quoted} {[[test"test]]}
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {string} {unquoted} {[["test]]}
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {string} {unquoted} {[["t\"est"]]}
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {string} {unquoted} {[["t\"est"x]]}
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {string} {unquoted} {"\'test\'"}
+The function \type {count} returns the number of times that a given pattern
+occurs. Beware: if you want to deal with \UTF\ strings, you need the variant that
+sits in the \type {lpeg} namespace.
+local n = count(str,pattern)
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {string} {count} {"test me", "e"}
+This function can be handy when you need to print messages that can be rather
+long. By default, three periods are appended when the string is chopped.
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {string} {limit} {"too long", 6}
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {string} {limit} {"too long", 6, " (etc)"}
+A string considered empty by this function when its length is zero or when it
+only contains spaces.
+if is_empty(str) then ... end
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {string} {is_empty} {""}
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {string} {is_empty} {" "}
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {string} {is_empty} {" ? "}
+\startsummary[title={escapedpattern topattern}]
+These two functions are rather specialized. They come in handy when you need to
+escape a pattern, i.e.\ prefix characters with a special meaning by a \type {%}.
+local e = escapedpattern(str, simple)
+local p = topattern (str, lowercase, strict)
+The simple variant does less escaping (only \type {-.?*} and is for instance used
+in wildcard patterns when globbing directories. The \type {topattern} function
+always does the simple escape. A strict pattern gets anchored to the beginning
+and end. If you want to see what these functions do you can best look at their
+% strings.tabtospace(str,n)
+% strings.striplong
+We used to have the \type {slunicode} library available but as most of it is not
+used and because it has a somewhat fuzzy state, we will no longer rely on it. In
+fact we only used a few functions in the \type {utf} namespace so as \CONTEXT\
+user you'd better stick to what is presented here. You don't have to worry how
+they are implemented. Depending on the version of \LUATEX\ it can be that a
+library, a native function, or \LPEG is used.
+\startsummary[title={char byte}]
+As \UTF\ is a multibyte encoding the term char in fact refers to a \LUA\
+string of one upto four 8|-|bit characters.
+local b = utf.byte("å")
+local c = utf.char(0xE5)
+The number of places in \CONTEXT\ where do such conversion is not that large:
+it happens mostly in tracing messages.
+\starttyping"panic","the character U+%05X is used",utf.byte("æ"))
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {utf} {byte} {"æ"}
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {utf} {char} {0xE6}
+If you need to take a slice of an \UTF\ encoded string the \type {sub} function
+can come in handy. This function takes a string and a range defined by two
+numbers. Negative numbers count from the end of the string.
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {utf} {sub} {"123456àáâãäå",1,7}
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {utf} {sub} {"123456àáâãäå",0,7}
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {utf} {sub} {"123456àáâãäå",0,9}
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {utf} {sub} {"123456àáâãäå",4}
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {utf} {sub} {"123456àáâãäå",0}
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {utf} {sub} {"123456àáâãäå",0,0}
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {utf} {sub} {"123456àáâãäå",4,4}
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {utf} {sub} {"123456àáâãäå",4,0}
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {utf} {sub} {"123456àáâãäå",-3,0}
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {utf} {sub} {"123456àáâãäå",0,-3}
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {utf} {sub} {"123456àáâãäå",-5,-3}
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {utf} {sub} {"123456àáâãäå",-3}
+There are probably not that many people that can instantly see how many bytes the
+string in the following example takes:
+local l = utf.len("ÀÁÂÃÄÅàáâãäå")
+Programming languages use \ASCII\ mostly so there each characters takes one byte.
+In \CJK\ scripts however, you end up with much longer sequences. If you ever did
+some typesetting of such scripts you have noticed that the number of characters
+on a page is less than in the case of a Latin script. As information is coded
+in less characters, effectively the source of a Latin or \CJK\ document will not
+differ that much.
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {utf} {len} {"ÒÓÔÕÖòóôõö"}
+\startsummary[title={values characters}]
+There are two iterators that deal with \UTF. In \LUATEX\ these are extensions to
+the \type {string} library but for consistency we've move them to the \type {utf}
+The following function loops over the \UTF\ characters in a string and returns
+the \UNICODE\ number in \type {u}:
+for u in utf.values(str) do
+ ... -- u is a number
+The next one returns a string \type {c} that has one or more characters as \UTF\
+characters can have upto 4 bytes.
+for c in utf.characters(str) do
+ ... -- c is a string
+\startsummary[title={ustring xstring tocodes}]
+These functions are mostly useful for logging where we want to see the \UNICODE\
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {utf} {ustring} {0xE6}
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {utf} {ustring} {"ù"}
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {utf} {xstring} {0xE6}
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {utf} {xstring} {"à"}
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {utf} {tocodes} {"ùúü"}
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {utf} {tocodes} {"àáä",""}
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {utf} {tocodes} {"òóö","+"}
+\startsummary[title={split splitlines totable}]
+The \type {split} function splits a sequence of \UTF\ characters into a table
+which one character per slot. The \type {splitlines} does the same but each slot
+has a line instead. The \type {totable} function is similar to \type {split}, but
+the later strips an optionally present \UTF\ bom.
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {utf} {split} {"òóö"}
+This function counts the number of times that a given substring occurs in a
+string. The patterns can be a string or an \LPEG\ pattern.
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {utf} {count} {"òóöòóöòóö","ö"}
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {utf} {count} {"äáàa",lpeg.P("á") + lpeg.P("à")}
+\startsummary[title={remapper replacer substituter}]
+With \type {remapper} you can create a remapping function that remaps a given
+string using a (hash) table.
+local remap = utf.remapper { a = 'd', b = "c", c = "b", d = "a" }
+print(remap("abcd 1234 abcd"))
+A remapper checks each character against the given mapping table. Its cousin
+\type {replacer} is more efficient and skips non matches. The \type {substituter}
+function only does a quick check first and avoids building a string with no
+replacements. That one is much faster when you expect not that many replacements.
+The \type {replacer} and \type {substituter} functions take table as argument
+and an indexed as well as hashed one are acceptable. In fact you can even do
+things like this:
+local rep = utf.replacer { [lpeg.patterns.digit] = "!" }
+This function returns false if the argument is no valid \UTF\ string. As \LUATEX\
+is pretty strict with respect to the input, this function is only useful when
+dealing with external files.
+function checkfile(filename)
+ local data = io.loaddata(filename)
+ if data and data ~= "" and not utf.is_valid(data) then
+"error","file %q contains invalid utf",filename)
+ end
+% not that relevant:
+% -- utf.filetype
+% -- string.toutf
+\startsection[title=Numbers and bits]
+In the \type {number} namespace we collect some helpers that deal with numbers as
+well as bits. Starting with \LUA\ 5.2 a library \type {bit32} is but the language
+itself doesn't provide for them via operators: the library uses functions to
+manipulate numbers upto 2\high{32}. In the latest \LUATEX\ you can use the new
+bit related operators.
+% For advanced bit manipulations you should use the \type {bit32} library, otherwise
+% it's best to stick to the functions described here.
+% \startsummary[title={hasbit setbit clearbit}]
+% As bitsets are numbers you will also use numbers to qualify them. So, if you want to
+% set bits 1, 4 and 8, you can to that using the following specification:
+% \starttyping
+% local b = 1 + 4 + 8 -- 0x1 + 0x4 + 0x8
+% local b = 13 -- or 0xC
+% \stoptyping
+% However, changing one bit by adding a number to an existing doesn't work out that well
+% if that number already has that bit set. Instead we use:
+% \starttyping
+% local b = number.setbit(b,0x4)
+% \stoptyping
+% In a similar fashion you can turn of a bit:
+% \starttyping
+% local b = number.clearbit(b,0x4)
+% \stoptyping
+% Testing for a bit(set) is done as follows:
+% \starttyping
+% local okay = number.hasbit(b,0x4)
+% \stoptyping
+% \stopsummary
+% \startsummary[title={bit}]
+% Where the previously mentioned helpers work with numbers representing one or more
+% bits, it is sometimes handy to work with positions. The \type {bit} function
+% returns the associated number value.
+% \ShowLuaExampleThree {number} {bit} {5}
+% \stopsummary
+There is no format option to go from number to bits in terms of zeros and ones so
+we provide a helper: \type {tobitsting}.
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {number} {tobitstring} {2013}
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {number} {tobitstring} {2013,3}
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {number} {tobitstring} {2013,1}
+% \startsummary[title={bits}]
+% If you ever want to convert a bitset into a table containing the set bits you can
+% use this function.
+% \ShowLuaExampleTwo {number} {bits} {11}
+% \stopsummary
+% \startsummary[title={toset}]
+% A string or number can be split into digits with \type {toset}. Beware, this
+% function does not return a function but multiple numbers
+% \starttyping
+% local a, b, c, d = number.toset("1001")
+% \stoptyping
+% The returned values are either numbers or \type {nil} when an valid digit is
+% seen.
+% \ShowLuaExampleSeven {number} {toset} {100101}
+% \ShowLuaExampleSeven {number} {toset} {"100101"}
+% \ShowLuaExampleSeven {number} {toset} {"21546"}
+% \stopsummary
+This function can be used to check or convert a number, for instance in user
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {number} {valid} {12}
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {number} {valid} {"34"}
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {number} {valid} {"ab",56}
+\startsection[title=\LPEG\ patterns]
+For \LUATEX\ and \CONTEXT\ \MKIV\ the \type {lpeg} library came at the right
+moment as we can use it in lots of places. An in|-|depth discussion makes no
+sense as it's easier to look into \type {l-lpeg.lua}, so we stick to an overview.
+\footnote {If you search the web for \type {lua lpeg} you will end up at the
+official documentation and tutorial.} Most functions return an \type {lpeg}
+object that can be used in a match. In time critical situations it's more
+efficient to use the match on a predefined pattern that to create the pattern new
+each time. Patterns are cached so there is no penalty in predefining a pattern.
+So, in the following example, the \type {splitter} that splits at the asterisk
+will only be created once.
+local splitter_1 = lpeg.splitat("*")
+local splitter_2 = lpeg.splitat("*")
+local n, m = lpeg.match(splitter_1,"2*4")
+local n, m = lpeg.match(splitter_2,"2*4")
+\startsummary[title={[lua] match print P R S V C Cc Cs ...}]
+The \type {match} function does the real work. Its first argument is a \type
+{lpeg} object that is created using the functions with the short uppercase names.
+local P, R, C, Ct = lpeg.P, lpeg.R, lpeg.C, lpeg.Ct
+local pattern = Ct((P("[") * C(R("az")^0) * P(']') + P(1))^0)
+local words = lpeg.match(pattern,"a [first] and [second] word")
+In this example the words between square brackets are collected in a table. There
+are lots of examples of \type {lpeg} in the \CONTEXT\ code base.
+local p = anywhere(pattern)
+\ShowLuaExampleTwo {lpeg} {match} {lpeg.Ct((lpeg.anywhere("->")/"!")^0), "oeps->what->more"}
+\startsummary[title={splitter splitat firstofsplit secondofsplit}]
+The \type {splitter} function returns a pattern where each match gets an action
+applied. The action can be a function, table or string.
+local p = splitter(pattern, action)
+The \type {splitat} function returns a pattern that will return the split off
+parts. Unless the second argument is \type {true} the splitter keeps splitting
+local p = splitat(separator,single)
+When you need to split off a prefix (for instance in a label) you can use:
+local p = firstofsplit(separator)
+local p = secondofsplit(separator)
+The first function returns the original when there is no match but the second
+function returns \type {nil} instead.
+\ShowLuaExampleTwo {lpeg} {match} {lpeg.Ct(lpeg.splitat("->",false)), "oeps->what->more"}
+\ShowLuaExampleTwo {lpeg} {match} {lpeg.Ct(lpeg.splitat("->",false)), "oeps"}
+\ShowLuaExampleTwo {lpeg} {match} {lpeg.Ct(lpeg.splitat("->",true)), "oeps->what->more"}
+\ShowLuaExampleTwo {lpeg} {match} {lpeg.Ct(lpeg.splitat("->",true)), "oeps"}
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {lpeg} {match} {lpeg.firstofsplit(":"), "before:after"}
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {lpeg} {match} {lpeg.firstofsplit(":"), "whatever"}
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {lpeg} {match} {lpeg.secondofsplit(":"), "before:after"}
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {lpeg} {match} {lpeg.secondofsplit(":"), "whatever"}
+\startsummary[title={split checkedsplit}]
+The next two functions have counterparts in the \type {string} namespace. They
+return a table with the split parts. The second function omits empty parts.
+local t = split (separator,str)
+local t = checkedsplit(separator,str)
+\ShowLuaExampleTwo {lpeg} {split} {",","a,b,c"}
+\ShowLuaExampleTwo {lpeg} {split} {",",",a,,b,c,"}
+\ShowLuaExampleTwo {lpeg} {checkedsplit} {",",",a,,b,c,"}
+\startsummary[title={stripper keeper replacer}]
+These three functions return patterns that manipulate a string. The \type
+{replacer} gets a mapping table passed.
+local p = stripper(str or pattern)
+local p = keeper (str or pattern)
+local p = replacer(mapping)
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {lpeg} {match} {lpeg.stripper(lpeg.R("az")), "[-a-b-c-d-]"}
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {lpeg} {match} {lpeg.stripper("ab"), "[-a-b-c-d-]"}
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {lpeg} {match} {lpeg.keeper(lpeg.R("az")), "[-a-b-c-d-]"}
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {lpeg} {match} {lpeg.keeper("ab"), "[-a-b-c-d-]"}
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {lpeg} {match} {lpeg.replacer{{"a","p"},{"b","q"}}, "[-a-b-c-d-]"}
+One of the nice things about \type {lpeg} is that it can handle all kind of
+balanced input. So, a function is provided that returns a balancer pattern:
+local p = balancer(left,right)
+\ShowLuaExampleTwo {lpeg} {match} {lpeg.Ct((lpeg.C(lpeg.balancer("{","}"))+1)^0),"{a} {b{c}}"}
+\ShowLuaExampleTwo {lpeg} {match} {lpeg.Ct((lpeg.C(lpeg.balancer("((","]"))+1)^0),"((a] ((b((c]]"}
+The \type {counter} function returns a function that returns the length of a
+given string. The \type {count} function differs from its counterpart living in
+the \type {string} namespace in that it deals with \UTF\ and accepts strings as
+well as patterns.
+local fnc = counter(lpeg.P("á") + lpeg.P("à"))
+local len = fnc("äáàa")
+\startsummary[title={UP US UR}]
+In order to make working with \UTF-8 input somewhat more convenient a few helpers
+are provided.
+local p = lpeg.UP(utfstring)
+local p = lpeg.US(utfstring)
+local p = lpeg.UR(utfpair)
+local p = lpeg.UR(first,last)
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {utf} {count} {"äáàa",lpeg.UP("áà")}
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {utf} {count} {"äáàa",lpeg.US("àá")}
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {utf} {count} {"äáàa",lpeg.UR("aá")}
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {utf} {count} {"äáàa",lpeg.UR("àá")}
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {utf} {count} {"äáàa",lpeg.UR(0x0000,0xFFFF)}
+The following patterns are available in the \type {patterns} table in the \type
+{lpeg} namespace:
+context.startalignment { "flushleft" }
+local done = false
+for k, v in table.sortedpairs(lpeg.patterns) do
+ if done then
+ else
+ done = true
+ end
+ context.type(k)
+There will probably be more of them in the future.
+The \type {io} library is extended with a couple of functions as well and
+variables but first we mention a few predefined functions.
+\startsummary[title={[lua] open popen...}]
+The IO library deals with in- and output from the console and
+local f =
+When the call succeeds \type {f} is a file object. You close this file
+Reading from a file is done with \type {f:read(...)} and writing to a file with
+\type {f:write(...)}. In order to write to a file, when opening a second argument
+has to be given, often \type {wb} for writing (binary) data. Although there are
+more efficient ways, you can use the \type {f:lines()} iterator to process a file
+line by line.
+You can open a process with \type {io.popen} but dealing with this one depends a
+bit on the operating system.
+\startsummary[title={fileseparator pathseparator}]
+The value of the following two strings depends on the operating system that is
+\ShowLuaExampleFive {io} {fileseparator}
+\ShowLuaExampleFive {io} {pathseparator}
+\startsummary[title={loaddata savedata}]
+These two functions save you some programming. The first function loads a whole
+file in a string. By default the file is loaded in binary mode, but when the
+second argument is \type {true}, some interpretation takes place (for instance
+line endings). In practice the second argument can best be left alone.
+Saving the data is done with:
+When a table is given, you can optionally specify a string that
+ends up between the elements that make the table.
+\startsummary[title={exists size noflines}]
+These three function don't need much comment.
+\startsummary[title={characters bytes readnumber readstring}]
+When I wrote the icc profile loader, I needed a few helpers for reading strings
+of a certain length and numbers of a given width. Both accept five values of
+\type {n}: \type {-4}, \type {-2}, \type {1}, \type {2} and \type {4} where the
+negative values swap the characters or bytes.
+io.characters(f,n) --
+The function \type {readnumber} accepts five sizes: \type {1}, \type {2}, \type
+{4}, \type {8}, \type {12}. The string function handles any size and strings zero
+bytes from the string.
+Optionally you can give the position where the reading has to start:
+In practice you will probably make your own variant of the following function,
+but at least a template is there:
+For example:
+local answer = io.ask("choice", "two", { "one", "two" })
+The file library is one of the larger core libraries that comes with
+\startsummary[title={dirname basename extname nameonly}]
+We start with a few filename manipulators.
+local path = file.dirname(name,default)
+local base = file.basename(name)
+local suffix = file.extname(name,default) -- or file.suffix
+local name = file.nameonly(name)
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {file} {dirname} {"/data/temp/whatever.cld"}
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {file} {dirname} {"c:/data/temp/whatever.cld"}
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {file} {basename} {"/data/temp/whatever.cld"}
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {file} {extname} {"c:/data/temp/whatever.cld"}
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {file} {nameonly} {"/data/temp/whatever.cld"}
+\startsummary[title={addsuffix replacesuffix}]
+These functions are used quite often:
+local filename = file.addsuffix(filename, suffix, criterium)
+local filename = file.replacesuffix(filename, suffix)
+The first one adds a suffix unless one is present. When \type {criterium} is
+\type {true} no checking is done and the suffix is always appended. The second
+function replaces the current suffix or add one when there is none.
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {file} {addsuffix} {"whatever","cld"}
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {file} {addsuffix} {"whatever.tex","cld"}
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {file} {addsuffix} {"whatever.tex","cld",true}
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {file} {replacesuffix} {"whatever","cld"}
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {file} {replacesuffix} {"whatever.tex","cld"}
+\startsummary[title={is_writable is_readable}]
+These two test the nature of a file:
+\startsummary[title={splitname join collapsepath}]
+Instead of splitting off individual components you can get them all in one go:
+local drive, path, base, suffix = file.splitname(name)
+The \type {drive} variable is empty on operating systems other than \MSWINDOWS.
+Such components are joined with the function:
+The given snippets are joined using the \type {/} as this is
+rather platform independent. Some checking takes place in order
+to make sure that nu funny paths result from this. There is
+also \type {collapsepath} that does some cleanup on a path
+with relative components, like \type {..}.
+\ShowLuaExampleSix {file} {splitname} {"a:/b/c/d.e"}
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {file} {join} {"a","b","c.d"}
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {file} {collapsepath} {"a/b/../c.d"}
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {file} {collapsepath} {"a/b/../c.d",true}
+\startsummary[title={splitpath joinpath}]
+By default splitting a execution path specification is done using the operating
+system dependant separator, but you can force one as well:
+The reverse operation is done with:
+Beware: in the following examples the separator is system dependent so
+the outcome depends on the platform you run on.
+\ShowLuaExampleTwo {file} {splitpath} {"a:b:c"}
+\ShowLuaExampleTwo {file} {splitpath} {"a;b;c"}
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {file} {joinpath} {{"a","b","c"}}
+In workflows filenames with special characters can be a pain so the following
+function replaces characters other than letters, digits, periods, slashes and
+hyphens by hyphens.
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {file} {robustname} {"We don't like this!"}
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {file} {robustname} {"We don't like this!",true}
+\startsummary[title={readdata writedata}]
+These two functions are duplicates of functions with the
+same name in the \type {io} library.
+There is not much to comment on this one:
+\startsummary[title={is_qualified_path is_rootbased_path}]
+A qualified path has at least one directory component while a rootbased path is
+anchored to the root of a filesystem or drive.
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {file} {is_qualified_path} {"a"}
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {file} {is_qualified_path} {"a/b"}
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {file} {is_rootbased_path} {"a/b"}
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {file} {is_rootbased_path} {"/a/b"}
+The \type {dir} library uses functions of the \type {lfs} library that is linked
+into \LUATEX.
+This returns the current directory:
+\startsummary[title={glob globpattern globfiles}]
+% not yet documented: dir.collectpattern(path,patt,recurse,result) -- collects tree
+The \type {glob} function collects files with names that match a given pattern.
+The pattern can have wildcards: \type {*} (oen of more characters), \type {?}
+(one character) or \type {**} (one or more directories). You can pass the
+function a string or a table with strings. Optionally a second argument can be
+passed, a table that the results are appended to.
+local files = dir.glob(pattern,target)
+local files = dir.glob({pattern,...},target)
+The target is optional and often you end up with simple calls like:
+local files = dir.glob("*.tex")
+There is a more extensive version where you start at a path, and applies an
+action to each file that matches the pattern. You can either or not force
+The \type {globfiles} function collects matches in a table that is returned at
+the end. You can pass an existing table as last argument. The first argument is
+the starting path, the second arguments controls analyzing directories and the
+third argument has to be a function that gets a name passed and is supposed to
+return \type {true} or \type {false}. This function determines what gets
+With \type {makedirs} you can create the given directory. If more than one
+name is given they are concatinated.
+This function tries to resolve the given path, including relative paths.
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {dir} {expandname} {"."}
+\startsummary[title={split hashed construct}]
+This is a specialized library. You can split an \type {url} into its components.
+An \URL\ is constructed like this:
+\NC scheme \NC foo:// \NC \NR
+\NC authority \NC \NC \NR
+\NC path \NC /alpha/beta \NC \NR
+\NC query \NC gamma=delta \NC \NR
+\NC fragment \NC epsilon \NC \NR
+A string is split into a hash table with these keys using the following function:
+or in strings with:
+The hash variant is more tolerant than the split. In the hash
+there is also a key \type {original} that holds the original \URL\
+and and the boolean \type {noscheme} indicates if there is a
+scheme at all.
+The reverse operation is done with:
+\ShowLuaExampleTwo {url} {hashed} {"foo://"}
+\ShowLuaExampleTwo {url} {hashed} {"alpha/beta"}
+\ShowLuaExampleTwo {url} {split} {"foo://"}
+\ShowLuaExampleTwo {url} {split} {"alpha/beta"}
+\startsummary[title={hasscheme addscheme filename query}]
+There are a couple of helpers and their names speaks for themselves:
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {url} {hasscheme} {""}
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {url} {hasscheme} {""}
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {url} {addscheme} {"","http://"}
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {url} {addscheme} {""}
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {url} {filename} {""}
+\ShowLuaExampleTwo {url} {query} {"a=b&c=d"}
+\startsummary[title={[lua luatex] env setenv getenv}]
+In \CONTEXT\ normally you will use the resolver functions to deal with the
+environment and files. However, a more low level interface is still available.
+You can query and set environment variables with two functions. In addition there
+is the \type {env} table as interface to the environment. This threesome replaces
+the built in functions.
+\startsummary[title={[lua] execute}]
+There are several functions for running programs. One comes directly from \LUA,
+the otheres come with \LUATEX. All of them are are overloaded in \CONTEXT\ in
+order to get more control.
+\startsummary[title={[luatex] spawn exec}]
+Two other runners are:
+os.exec (...)
+The \type {exec} variant will transfer control from the current process to the
+new one and not return to the current job. There is a more detailed explanation
+in the \LUATEX\ manual.
+\startsummary[title={resultof launch}]
+The following function runs the command and returns the result as string.
+Multiple lines are combined.
+The next one launches a file assuming that the operating system knows
+what application to use.
+\startsummary[title={type name platform libsuffix binsuffix}]
+There are a couple of strings that reflect the current machinery: \type {type}
+returns either \type {windows} or \type {unix}. The variable \type {name} is more
+detailed: \type {windows}, \type {msdos}, \type {linux}, \type {macosx}, etc. If
+you also want the architecture you can consult \type {platform}.
+local t = os.type
+local n =
+local p = os.platform
+These three variables as well as the next two are used internally and normally
+they are not needed in your applications as most functions that matter are aware
+of what platform specific things they have to deal with.
+local s = os.libsuffix
+local b = os.binsuffix
+These are string, not functions.
+\ShowLuaExampleFive {os} {type}
+\ShowLuaExampleFive {os} {name}
+\ShowLuaExampleFive {os} {platform}
+\ShowLuaExampleFive {os} {libsuffix}
+\ShowLuaExampleFive {os} {binsuffix}
+\startsummary[title={[lua] time}]
+The built in time function returns a number. The accuracy is
+implementation dependent and not that large.
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {os} {time} {}
+\startsummary[title={[luatex] times gettimeofday}]
+Although \LUA\ has a built in type {os.time} function, we normally will use the
+one provided by \LUATEX\ as it is more precise:
+There is also a more extensive variant:
+This one is platform dependent and returns a table with \type {utime} (use time),
+\type {stime} (system time), \type {cutime} (children user time), and \type
+{cstime} (children system time).
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {os} {gettimeofday} {}
+\ShowLuaExampleTwo {os} {times} {}
+More interesting is:
+which returns the time spent in the application so far.
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {os} {runtime} {}
+Sometimes you need to add the timezone to a verbose time and the following
+function does that for you.
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {os} {timezone} {}
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {os} {timezone} {1}
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {os} {timezone} {-1}
+A version 4 UUID can be generated with:
+The generator is good enough for our purpose.
+\ShowLuaExampleThree {os} {uuid} {}
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+% language=uk
+\startcomponent cld-macros
+\environment cld-environment
+You can skip this chapter if you're not interested in defining macros or are
+quite content with defining them in \TEX. It's just an example of possible future
+interface definitions and it's not the fastest mechanism around.
+Right from the start \CONTEXT\ came with several user interfaces. As a
+consequence you need to take this into account when you write code that is
+supposed to work with interfaces other than the English one. The \TEX\ command:
+and the \LUA\ call:
+context.setupsomething { key = value }
+are equivalent. However, all keys at the \TEX\ end eventually become English, but
+the values are unchanged. This means that when you code in \LUA\ you should use
+English keys and when dealing with assigned values later on, you need to
+translate them of compare with translations (which is easier). This is why in the
+\CONTEXT\ code you will see:
+if somevalue == interfaces.variables.yes then
+ ...
+instead of:
+if somevalue == "yes" then
+ ...
+\startsection[title={User interfacing}]
+Unless this is somehow inhibited, users can write their own macros and this is
+done in the \TEX\ language. Passing data to macros is possible and looks like
+\def\test#1#2{.. #1 .. #2 .. } \test{a}{b}
+\def\test[#1]#2{.. #1 .. #2 .. } \test[a]{b}
+Here \type {#1} and \type {#2} represent an argument and there can be at most 9
+of them. The \type{[]} are delimiters and you can delimit in many ways so the
+following is also right:
+\def\test(#1><#2){.. #1 .. #2 .. } \test(a><b)
+Macro packages might provide helper macros that for instance take care of
+optional arguments, so that we can use calls like:
+and alike. If you are familiar with the \CONTEXT\ syntax you know that we use
+this syntax all over the place.
+If you want to write a macro that calls out to \LUA\ and handles things at that
+end, you might want to avoid defining the macro itself and this is possible.
+function test(opt_1, opt_2, arg_1)
+ context.startnarrower()
+ context("options 1: %s",interfaces.tolist(opt_1))
+ context.par()
+ context("options 2: %s",interfaces.tolist(opt_2))
+ context.par()
+ context("argument 1: %s",arg_1)
+ context.stopnarrower()
+interfaces.definecommand {
+ name = "test",
+ arguments = {
+ { "option", "list" },
+ { "option", "hash" },
+ { "content", "string" },
+ },
+ macro = test,
+test: \test[1][a=3]{whatever}
+An example of a definition and usage at the \LUA\ end is:
+The call gives:
+local function startmore(opt_1)
+ context.startnarrower()
+ context("start more, options: %s",interfaces.tolist(opt_1))
+ context.startnarrower()
+local function stopmore(opt_1)
+ context.stopnarrower()
+ context("stop more, options: %s",interfaces.tolist(opt_1))
+ context.stopnarrower()
+interfaces.definecommand ( "more", {
+ environment = true,
+ arguments = {
+ { "option", "list" },
+ },
+ starter = startmore,
+ stopper = stopmore,
+} )
+more: \startmore[1] one \startmore[2] two \stopmore one \stopmore
+If you want to to define an environment (i.e.\ a \type {start}||\type {stop}
+pair, it looks as follows:
+This gives:
+The arguments are know in both \type {startmore} and \type {stopmore} and nesting
+is handled automatically.
+\startsection[title=Looking inside]
+If needed you can access the body of a macro. Take for instance:
+\typebuffer \getbuffer
+The following example demonsttaies how we can look inside these macros. You need
+to be aware of the fact that the whole blob of \LUA\ codes is finished before we
+return to \TEX, so when we pipe the meaning of \type {TestB} back to \TEX\ it
+only gets expanded afterwards. We can use a function to get back to \LUA. It's
+only then that the meaning of \type {testC} is changed by the (piped) expansion
+of \type {TestB}.
+ context(tokens.getters.macro("TestA"))
+ context(tokens.getters.macro("TestB"))
+ context(tokens.getters.macro("TestC"))
+\typebuffer \getbuffer
+Here is another example:
+if tokens.getters.macro("fontstyle") == "rm" then
+ context("serif")
+ context("unknown")
+Of course this assumes that you have some knowledge of the \CONTEXT\ internals.
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@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+% language=uk
+% author : Hans Hagen
+% copyright : PRAGMA ADE & ConTeXt Development Team
+% license : Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 4.0 International
+% reference : | | texlive (related) distributions
+% origin : the ConTeXt distribution
+% comment : Because this manual is distributed with TeX distributions it comes with a rather
+% liberal license. We try to adapt these documents to upgrades in the (sub)systems
+% that they describe. Using parts of the content otherwise can therefore conflict
+% with existing functionality and we cannot be held responsible for that. Many of
+% the manuals contain characteristic graphics and personal notes or examples that
+% make no sense when used out-of-context.
+% comment : Some chapters might have been published in TugBoat, the NTG Maps, the ConTeXt
+% Group journal or otherwise. Thanks to the editors for corrections. Also thanks
+% to users for testing, feedback and corrections.
+% \disabledirectives[]
+% \disabledirectives[paragraphs.normalize.local]
+% \usemodule[s-lan-03]
+% \ctxlua{languages.words.tracers.showwords()} % no run check yet
+% \page
+% \setupspellchecking[state=start,method=2]
+% \enabletrackers[structures.export.spaces]
+% \enabletrackers[structures.export.showtree]
+% \enabletrackers[export.trace]
+% \enabletrackers[export.trace.spacing]
+% \enabletrackers[export.lessstate]
+% \enabletrackers[export.comment]
+% \enablemode[export]
+ \setupbackend
+ [export=yes]
+ \setupexport
+ [hyphen=yes,
+ width=60em]
+ [title=Context Lua Documents,
+ %subtitle=preliminary version,
+ author=Hans Hagen]
+\startproduct cld-mkiv
+\environment cld-environment
+\component cld-titlepage
+ \component cld-contents
+ \component cld-introduction
+ \component cld-abitoflua
+ \component cld-gettingstarted
+ \component cld-moreonfunctions
+ \component cld-afewdetails
+ \component cld-somemoreexamples
+ \component cld-graphics
+ \component cld-macros
+ \component cld-verbatim
+ \component cld-logging
+ \component cld-luafunctions
+ \component cld-ctxfunctions
+ \component cld-callbacks
+ \component cld-backendcode
+ \component cld-goodies
+ \component cld-nicetoknow
+ %\component cld-xml
+ \component cld-summary
+ \component cld-specialcommands
+ \component cld-files
+% \startbackmatter
+% \component cld-index
+% \stopbackmatter
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@@ -0,0 +1,354 @@
+% language=uk
+\startcomponent cld-moreonfunctions
+\environment cld-environment
+\startchapter[title=More on functions]
+\startsection[title=Why we need them]
+In a previous chapter we introduced functions as arguments. At first sight this
+feature looks strange but you need to keep in mind that a call to a \type
+{context} function has no direct consequences. It generates \TEX\ code that is
+executed after the current \LUA\ chunk ends and control is passed back to \TEX.
+Take the following code:
+context.framed( {
+ frame = "on",
+ offset = "5mm",
+ align = "middle"
+ },
+ context.input("knuth")
+We call the function \type {framed} but before the function body is executed, the
+arguments get evaluated. This means that \type {input} gets processed before
+\type {framed} gets done. As a result there is no second argument to \type
+{framed} and no content gets passed: an error is reported. This is why we need
+the indirect call:
+context.framed( {
+ frame = "on",
+ align = "middle"
+ },
+ function() context.input("knuth") end
+This way we get what we want:
+The function is delayed till the \type {framed} command is executed. If your
+applications use such calls a lot, you can of course encapsulate this ugliness:
+mycommands = mycommands or { }
+function mycommands.framed_input(filename)
+ context.framed( {
+ frame = "on",
+ align = "middle"
+ },
+ function() context.input(filename) end
+Of course you can nest function calls:
+ "caption",
+ function()
+ context.framed( {
+ frame = "on",
+ align = "middle"
+ },
+ function() context.input("knuth") end
+ )
+ end
+Or you can use a more indirect method:
+function text()
+ context.framed( {
+ frame = "on",
+ align = "middle"
+ },
+ function() context.input("knuth") end
+ )
+ "none",
+ function() text() end
+You can develop your own style and libraries just like you do with regular \LUA\
+code. Browsing the already written code can give you some ideas.
+\startsection[title=How we can avoid them]
+As many nested functions can obscure the code rather quickly, there is an
+alternative. In the following examples we use \type {test}:
+\typebuffer \getbuffer
+context.test("test 1 ",context("test 2a")," test 3")
+This gives: \ctxluabuffer. As you can see, the second argument is executed before
+the encapsulating call to \type {test}. So, we should have packed it into a
+function but here is an alternative:
+context.test("test 1 ",context.delayed("test 2a")," test 3")
+Now we get: \ctxluabuffer. We can also delay functions themselves,
+look at this:
+context.test("test 1 ",context.delayed.test("test 2b")," test 3")
+The result is: \ctxluabuffer. This feature also conveniently permits the use of
+temporary variables, as in:
+local f = context.delayed.test("test 2c")
+context("before ",f," after")
+Of course you can limit the amount of keystrokes even more by
+creating a shortcut:
+local delayed = context.delayed
+context.test("test 1 ",delayed.test("test 2")," test 3")
+context.test("test 4 ",delayed.test("test 5")," test 6")
+So, if you want you can produce rather readable code and readability of code is
+one of the reasons why \LUA\ was chosen in the first place. This is a good
+example of why coding in \TEX\ makes sense as it looks more intuitive:
+\test{test 1 \test{test 2} test 3}
+\test{test 4 \test{test 5} test 6}
+There is also another mechanism available. In the next example the second
+argument is actually a string.
+local nested = context.nested
+context.test("test 8",nested.test("test 9"),"test 10")
+There is a pitfall here: a nested context command needs to be flushed explicitly,
+so in the case of:
+context.nested.test("test 9")
+a string is created but nothing ends up at the \TEX\ end. Flushing is up to you.
+Beware: \type {nested} only works with the regular \CONTEXT\ catcode regime.
+\startsection[title=Trial typesetting]
+\index {prerolls}
+\index {trial typesetting}
+Some typesetting mechanisms demand a preroll. For instance, when determining the
+most optimal way to analyse and therefore typeset a table, it is necessary to
+typeset the content of cells first. Inside \CONTEXT\ there is a state tagged
+\quote {trial typesetting} which signals other mechanisms that for instance
+counters should not be incremented more than once.
+Normally you don't need to worry about these issues, but when writing the code
+that implements the \LUA\ interface to \CONTEXT, it definitely had to be taken
+into account as we either or not can free cached (nested) functions.
+You can influence this caching to some extend. If you say
+ context("whatever")
+the function will be removed from the cache when \CONTEXT\ is not in the trial
+typesetting state. You can prevent removal of a function by returning \type
+{true}, as in:
+ context("whatever")
+ return true
+Whenever you run into a situation that you don't get the outcome that you expect,
+you can consider returning \type {true}. However, keep in mind that it will take
+more memory, something that only matters on big runs. You can force flushing the
+whole cache by:
+An example of an occasion where you need to keep the function available is in
+repeated content, for instance in headers and footers.
+context.setupheadertexts {
+ function()
+ context.pagenumber()
+ return true
+ end
+Of course it is not needed when you use the following method:
+Because here \CONTEXT\ itself deals with the content driven by the keyword \type
+The \type {context} commands are accumulated within a \type {\ctxlua} call and
+only after the call is finished, control is back at the \TEX\ end. Sometimes you
+want (in your \LUA\ code) to go on and pretend that you jump out to \TEX\ for a
+moment, but come back to where you left. The stepper mechanism permits this.
+A not so practical but nevertheless illustrative example is the following:
+ context.stepwise (function()
+ context.startitemize()
+ context.startitem()
+ context.step("BEFORE 1")
+ context.stopitem()
+ context.step("\\setbox0\\hbox{!!!!}")
+ context.startitem()
+ context.step("%p",tex.getbox(0).width)
+ context.stopitem()
+ context.startitem()
+ context.step("BEFORE 2")
+ context.stopitem()
+ context.step("\\setbox2\\hbox{????}")
+ context.startitem()
+ context.step("%p",tex.getbox(2).width)
+ context.startitem()
+ context.step("BEFORE 3")
+ context.stopitem()
+ context.startitem()
+ context.step("\\copy0\\copy2")
+ context.stopitem()
+ context.startitem()
+ context.step("BEFORE 4")
+ context.startitemize()
+ context.stepwise (function()
+ context.step("\\bgroup")
+ context.step("\\setbox0\\hbox{>>>>}")
+ context.startitem()
+ context.step("%p",tex.getbox(0).width)
+ context.stopitem()
+ context.step("\\setbox2\\hbox{<<<<}")
+ context.startitem()
+ context.step("%p",tex.getbox(2).width)
+ context.stopitem()
+ context.startitem()
+ context.step("\\copy0\\copy2")
+ context.stopitem()
+ context.startitem()
+ context.step("\\copy0\\copy2")
+ context.stopitem()
+ context.step("\\egroup")
+ end)
+ context.stopitemize()
+ context.stopitem()
+ context.startitem()
+ context.step("AFTER 1\\par")
+ context.stopitem()
+ context.startitem()
+ context.step("\\copy0\\copy2\\par")
+ context.stopitem()
+ context.startitem()
+ context.step("\\copy0\\copy2\\par")
+ context.stopitem()
+ context.startitem()
+ context.step("AFTER 2\\par")
+ context.stopitem()
+ context.startitem()
+ context.step("\\copy0\\copy2\\par")
+ context.stopitem()
+ context.startitem()
+ context.step("\\copy0\\copy2\\par")
+ context.stopitem()
+ context.stopitemize()
+This gives an (ugly) itemize with a nested one:
+As you can see in the code, the \type {step} call accepts multiple arguments, but
+when more than one argument is given the first one is treated as a formatter.
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+++ b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/cld/cld-nicetoknow.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+% language=uk
+\startcomponent cld-nicetoknow
+\environment cld-environment
+\startchapter[title=Nice to know]
+As we like to abstract interfaces it is no surprise that \CONTEXT\ and
+therefore it's \LUA\ libraries come with all kind of helpers. In this
+chapter I will explain a few of them. Feel free to remind of adding more
+{\em Eventually we will move this to the utilities section.}
+When dealing with data from tables or when order matters it can be handy
+to abstract the actual data from the way it is dealt with. For this we
+provide a template mechanism. The following example demonstrate its use.
+require("util-ran") -- needed for this example
+local preamble = [[|l|l|c|]]
+local template = [[\NC %initials% \NC %surname% \NC %length% \NC \NR]]
+context.starttabulate { preamble }
+ for i=1,10 do
+ local row = utilities.templates.replace(template, {
+ surname = utilities.randomizers.surname(5,10),
+ initials = utilities.randomizers.initials(1,3),
+ length = string.format("%0.2f",math.random(140,195)),
+ })
+ context(row)
+ end
+This renders a table with random entries:
+The nice thing is that when we change the order of the columns, we don't need to
+change the table builder.
+local preamble = [[|c|l|l|]]
+local template = [[\NC %length% \NC %initials% \NC %surname% \NC \NR]]
+The \type {replace} function takes a few more arguments. There are also a some
+more replacement options.
+replace("test '%[x]%' test",{ x = [[a 'x'  a]] }))
+replace("test '%[x]%' test",{ x = true }))
+replace("test '%[x]%' test",{ x = [[a 'x'  a]], y = "oeps" },'sql'))
+replace("test '%[x]%' test",{ x = [[a '%y%'  a]], y = "oeps" },'sql',true))
+replace([[test %[x]% test]],{ x = [[a "x"  a]]}))
+replace([[test %(x)% test]],{ x = [[a "x"  a]]}))
+The first argument is the template and the second one a table with mappings from
+keys to values. The third argument can be used to inform the replace mechanism
+what string escaping has to happen. The last argument triggers recursive
+replacement. The above calls result in the following strings:
+test 'a 'x' \127 a' test
+test 'true' test
+test 'a ''x''  a' test
+test 'a ''oeps''  a' test
+test a \"x\" \127 a test
+test "a \"x\" \127 a" test
+These examples demonstrate that by adding a pair of square brackets we get
+escaped strings. When using parenthesis the quotes get added automatically. This
+is somewhat faster in case when \LUA\ is the target, but in practice it is not
+that noticeable.
+% replace(str,mapping,how,recurse)
+\startsection [title=Extending]
+Instead of extending tex endlessly we can also define our own extensions. Here
+is an example. When you want to manipulate a box at the \LUA\ end you have the
+problem that the following will not always work out well:
+local b = tex.getbox(0)
+-- mess around with b
+So we end up with:
+local b = node.copy_list(tex.getbox(0))
+-- mess around with b
+The reason is that at the \TEX\ end grouping plays a role which means that values
+are saved and restored. However, there is a save way out by defining a function
+that cheats a bit:
+function tex.takebox(id)
+ local box = tex.getbox(id)
+ if box then
+ local copy = node.copy(box)
+ local list = box.list
+ copy.list = list
+ box.list = nil
+ tex.setbox(id,nil)
+ return copy
+ end
+Now we can say:
+local b = tex.takebox(0)
+-- mess around with b
+In this case we first get the box content and then let \TEX\ do some housekeeping.
+But, because we only keep the list node (which we copied) in the register the
+overhead of copying a whole list is gone.
+% require("util-sto") require("char-def") require("char-ini")
+% local myformatter =
+% string.addformatter("upper", [[upper (%s)]],[[local upper = characters.upper ]]) -- maybe handy
+% string.addformatter("lower", [[lower (%s)]],[[local lower = characters.lower ]]) -- maybe handy
+% string.addformatter("shaped", [[shaped(%s)]],[[local shaped = characters.shaped]]) -- maybe handy
+% utilities.strings.formatters.add("upper", [[lpegmatch(p_toupper,%s)]],[[local p_toupper = lpeg.patterns.toupper]]) -- maybe handy
+% utilities.strings.formatters.add("lower", [[lpegmatch(p_tolower,%s)]],[[local p_tolower = lpeg.patterns.tolower]]) -- maybe handy
+% utilities.strings.formatters.add("shaped", [[lpegmatch(p_toshape,%s)]],[[local p_toshape = lpeg.patterns.toshape]]) -- maybe handy
+% print("\n>>>",string.formatters["Is this %s handy or not?"](characters.upper("ÀÁÂÃÄÅàáâãäå")))
+% print("\n>>>",string.formatters["Is this %!upper! handy or not?"]("ÀÁÂÃÄÅàáâãäå"))
+% print("\n>>>",string.formatters["Is this %!shaped! handy or not?"]("ÀÁÂÃÄÅàáâãäå"))
diff --git a/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/cld/cld-somemoreexamples.tex b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/cld/cld-somemoreexamples.tex
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a282be4e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/cld/cld-somemoreexamples.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,753 @@
+% language=uk
+\startcomponent cld-somemoreexamples
+\environment cld-environment
+\startchapter[title=Some more examples]
+Before we give some more examples, we will have a look at the way the title page
+is made. This way you get an idea what more is coming.
+\typefile {cld-mkiv-simple-titlepage.cld}
+This does not look that bad, does it? Of course in pure \TEX\ code it looks
+mostly the same but loops and calculations feel a bit more natural in \LUA\ then
+in \TEX. The result is shown in \in {figure} [fig:cover]. The actual cover page
+was derived from this.
+\startplacefigure[location=here,reference=fig:cover,title={The simplified cover page.}]
+ \doiffileexistselse {cld-mkiv-simple-titlepage.pdf} {
+ \externalfigure
+ [cld-mkiv-simple-titlepage.pdf]
+ [height=.5\textheight]
+ } {
+ \scale
+ [height=.5\textheight]
+ {\cldprocessfile{cld-mkiv-simple-titlepage.cld}}
+ }
+\startsection[title=A few examples]
+As it makes most sense to use the \LUA\ interface for generated text, here is
+another example with a loop:
+context.startitemize { "a", "packed", "two" }
+ for i=1,10 do
+ context.startitem()
+ context("this is item %i",i)
+ context.stopitem()
+ end
+Just as you can mix \TEX\ with \XML\ and \METAPOST, you can define bits and
+pieces of a document in \LUA. Tables are good candidates:
+local one = {
+ align = "middle",
+ style = "type",
+local two = {
+ align = "middle",
+ style = "type",
+ background = "color",
+ backgroundcolor = "darkblue",
+ foregroundcolor = "white",
+local random = math.random
+context.bTABLE { framecolor = "darkblue" }
+ for i=1,10 do
+ context.bTR()
+ for i=1,20 do
+ local r = random(99)
+ context.bTD(r < 50 and one or two)
+ context("%2i",r)
+ context.eTD()
+ end
+ context.eTR()
+ end
+\placetable[top][tab:random]{A table generated by \LUA.}{\ctxluabuffer}
+Here we see a function call to \type {context} in the most indented line. The
+first argument is a format that makes sure that we get two digits and the random
+number is substituted into this format. The result is shown in
+\in{table}[tab:random]. The line correction is ignored when we use this table as
+a float, otherwise it assures proper vertical spacing around the table. Watch how
+we define the tables \type {one} and \type {two} beforehand. This saves 198
+redundant table constructions.
+Not all code will look as simple as this. Consider the following:
+ "caption",
+ function() context.externalfigure( { "cow.pdf" } ) end
+Here we pass an argument wrapped in a function. If we would not do that, the
+external figure would end up wrong, as arguments to functions are evaluated
+before the function that gets them (we already showed some alternative approaches
+in previous chapters). A function argument is treated as special and in this case
+the external figure ends up right. Here is another example:
+context.placefigure("Two cows!",function()
+ context.bTABLE()
+ context.bTR()
+ context.bTD()
+ context.externalfigure(
+ { "cow.pdf" },
+ { width = "3cm", height = "3cm" }
+ )
+ context.eTD()
+ context.bTD { align = "{lohi,middle}" }
+ context("and")
+ context.eTD()
+ context.bTD()
+ context.externalfigure(
+ { "cow.pdf" },
+ { width = "4cm", height = "3cm" }
+ )
+ context.eTD()
+ context.eTR()
+ context.eTABLE()
+In this case the figure is not an argument so it gets flushed sequentially
+with the rest.
+Say that you want to typeset a word in a bold font. You can do
+that this way:
+context("This is ")
+Now imagine that you want this important word to be in red too. As we have
+a nested command, we end up with a nested call:
+context("This is ")
+context.bold(function() context.color( { "red" }, "important") end)
+context("This is ")
+context.bold(context.delayed.color( { "red" }, "important"))
+In that case it's good to know that there is a command that combines both
+context("This is ") { style = "bold", color = "red" }, "important")
+But that is still not convenient when we have to do that often. So, you can wrap
+the style switch in a function.
+local function mycommands.important(str)
+ { style = "bold", color = "red" }, str )
+context("This is ")
+mycommands.important( "important")
+context(", and ")
+mycommands.important( "this")
+context(" too !")
+Or you can setup a named style:
+context.setupstyle( { "important" }, { style = "bold", color = "red" } )
+context("This is ") { "important" }, "important")
+context(", and ") { "important" }, "this")
+context(" too !")
+Or even define one:
+context.definestyle( { "important" }, { style = "bold", color = "red" } )
+context("This is ")
+context(", and ")
+context(" too !")
+This last solution is especially handy for more complex cases:
+context.definestyle( { "important" }, { style = "bold", color = "red" } )
+context("This is ")
+context(", and ")
+context(" too !")
+\startsection[title=A complete example]
+One day my 6 year old niece Lorien was at the office and wanted to know what I
+was doing. As I knew she was practicing arithmetic at school I wrote a quick and
+dirty script to generate sheets with exercises. The most impressive part was that
+the answers were included. It was a rather braindead bit of \LUA, written in a
+few minutes, but the weeks after I ended up running it a few more times, for her
+and her friends, every time a bit more difficult and also using different
+arithmetic. It was that script that made me decide to extend the basic cld manual
+into this more extensive document.
+We generate three columns of exercises. Each exercise is a row in a table. The
+last argument to the function determines if answers are shown.
+local random = math.random
+local function ForLorien(n,maxa,maxb,answers)
+ context.startcolumns { n = 3 }
+ context.starttabulate { "|r|c|r|c|r|" }
+ for i=1,n do
+ local sign = random(0,1) > 0.5
+ local a, b = random(1,maxa or 99), random(1,max or maxb or 99)
+ if b > a and not sign then a, b = b, a end
+ context.NC()
+ context(a)
+ context.NC()
+ context.mathematics(sign and "+" or "-")
+ context.NC()
+ context(b)
+ context.NC()
+ context("=")
+ context.NC()
+ context(answers and (sign and a+b or a-b))
+ context.NC()
+ context.NR()
+ end
+ context.stoptabulate()
+ context.stopcolumns()
+This is a typical example of where it's more convenient to write the code in
+\LUA\ that in \TEX's macro language. As a consequence setting up the page also
+happens in \LUA:
+context.setupbodyfont {
+ "palatino",
+ "14pt"
+context.setuplayout {
+ backspace = "2cm",
+ topspace = "2cm",
+ header = "1cm",
+ footer = "0cm",
+ height = "middle",
+ width = "middle",
+This leave us to generate the document. There is a pitfall here: we need to use
+the same random number for the exercises and the answers, so we freeze and
+defrost it. Functions in the \type {commands} namespace implement functionality
+that is used at the \TEX\ end but better can be done in \LUA\ than in \TEX\ macro
+code. Of course these functions can also be used at the \LUA\ end.
+ local n = 120
+ commands.freezerandomseed()
+ ForLorien(n,10,10)
+ ForLorien(n,20,20)
+ ForLorien(n,30,30)
+ ForLorien(n,40,40)
+ ForLorien(n,50,50)
+ commands.defrostrandomseed()
+ ForLorien(n,10,10,true)
+ ForLorien(n,20,20,true)
+ ForLorien(n,30,30,true)
+ ForLorien(n,40,40,true)
+ ForLorien(n,50,50,true)
+ [here]
+ [fig:lorien]
+ {Lorien's challenge.}
+ {\startcombination
+ {\externalfigure[cld-005.pdf][page=1,width=.45\textwidth,frame=on]} {exercises}
+ {\externalfigure[cld-005.pdf][page=6,width=.45\textwidth,frame=on]} {answers}
+ \stopcombination}
+A few pages of the result are shown in \in {figure} [fig:lorien]. In the
+\CONTEXT\ distribution a more advanced version can be found in \type
+{s-edu-01.cld} as I was also asked to generate multiplication and table
+exercises. In the process I had to make sure that there were no duplicates on a
+page as she complained that was not good. There a set of sheets is generated
+moduledata.educational.arithematic.generate {
+ name = "Bram Otten",
+ fontsize = "12pt",
+ columns = 2,
+ run = {
+ { method = "bin_add_and_subtract", maxa = 8, maxb = 8 },
+ { method = "bin_add_and_subtract", maxa = 16, maxb = 16 },
+ { method = "bin_add_and_subtract", maxa = 32, maxb = 32 },
+ { method = "bin_add_and_subtract", maxa = 64, maxb = 64 },
+ { method = "bin_add_and_subtract", maxa = 128, maxb = 128 },
+ },
+The fact that we can define functionality using \LUA\ code does not mean that we
+should abandon the \TEX\ interface. As an example of this we use a relatively
+simple module for typesetting morse code.\footnote {The real module is a bit
+larger and can format verbose morse.} First we create a proper namespace:
+moduledata.morse = moduledata.morse or { }
+local morse = moduledata.morse
+We will use a few helpers and create shortcuts for them. The first helper loops
+over each \UTF\ character in a string. The other two helpers map a character onto
+an uppercase (because morse only deals with uppercase) or onto an similar shaped
+character (because morse only has a limited character set).
+local utfcharacters = string.utfcharacters
+local ucchars, shchars = characters.ucchars, characters.shchars
+The morse codes are stored in a table.
+local codes = {
+ ["A"] = "·—", ["B"] = "—···",
+ ["C"] = "—·—·", ["D"] = "—··",
+ ["E"] = "·", ["F"] = "··—·",
+ ["G"] = "——·", ["H"] = "····",
+ ["I"] = "··", ["J"] = "·———",
+ ["K"] = "—·—", ["L"] = "·—··",
+ ["M"] = "——", ["N"] = "—·",
+ ["O"] = "———", ["P"] = "·——·",
+ ["Q"] = "——·—", ["R"] = "·—·",
+ ["S"] = "···", ["T"] = "—",
+ ["U"] = "··—", ["V"] = "···—",
+ ["W"] = "·——", ["X"] = "—··—",
+ ["Y"] = "—·——", ["Z"] = "——··",
+ ["0"] = "—————", ["1"] = "·————",
+ ["2"] = "··———", ["3"] = "···——",
+ ["4"] = "····—", ["5"] = "·····",
+ ["6"] = "—····", ["7"] = "——···",
+ ["8"] = "———··", ["9"] = "————·",
+ ["."] = "·—·—·—", [","] = "——··——",
+ [":"] = "———···", [";"] = "—·—·—",
+ ["?"] = "··——··", ["!"] = "—·—·——",
+ ["-"] = "—····—", ["/"] = "—··—· ",
+ ["("] = "—·——·", [")"] = "—·——·—",
+ ["="] = "—···—", ["@"] = "·——·—·",
+ ["'"] = "·————·", ['"'] = "·—··—·",
+ ["À"] = "·——·—",
+ ["Å"] = "·——·—",
+ ["Ä"] = "·—·—",
+ ["Æ"] = "·—·—",
+ ["Ç"] = "—·—··",
+ ["É"] = "··—··",
+ ["È"] = "·—··—",
+ ["Ñ"] = "——·——",
+ ["Ö"] = "———·",
+ ["Ø"] = "———·",
+ ["Ü"] = "··——",
+ ["ß"] = "··· ···",
+ = codes
+As you can see, there are a few non \ASCII\ characters supported as well. There
+will never be full \UNICODE\ support simply because morse is sort of obsolete.
+Also, in order to support \UNICODE\ one could as well use the bits of \UTF\
+characters, although \unknown\ memorizing the whole \UNICODE\ table is not much
+We associate a metatable index function with this mapping. That way we can not
+only conveniently deal with the casing, but also provide a fallback based on the
+shape. Once found, we store the representation so that only one lookup is needed
+per character.
+local function resolvemorse(t,k)
+ if k then
+ local u = ucchars[k]
+ local v = rawget(t,u) or rawget(t,shchars[u]) or false
+ t[k] = v
+ return v
+ else
+ return false
+ end
+setmetatable(codes, { __index = resolvemorse })
+Next comes some rendering code. As we can best do rendering at the \TEX\ end we
+just use macros.
+local MorseBetweenWords = context.MorseBetweenWords
+local MorseBetweenCharacters = context.MorseBetweenCharacters
+local MorseLong = context.MorseLong
+local MorseShort = context.MorseShort
+local MorseSpace = context.MorseSpace
+local MorseUnknown = context.MorseUnknown
+The main function is not that complex. We need to keep track of spaces and
+newlines. We have a nested loop because a fallback to shape can result in
+multiple characters.
+function morse.tomorse(str)
+ local inmorse = false
+ for s in utfcharacters(str) do
+ local m = codes[s]
+ if m then
+ if inmorse then
+ MorseBetweenWords()
+ else
+ inmorse = true
+ end
+ local done = false
+ for m in utfcharacters(m) do
+ if done then
+ MorseBetweenCharacters()
+ else
+ done = true
+ end
+ if m == "·" then
+ MorseShort()
+ elseif m == "—" then
+ MorseLong()
+ elseif m == " " then
+ MorseBetweenCharacters()
+ end
+ end
+ inmorse = true
+ elseif s == "\n" or s == " " then
+ MorseSpace()
+ inmorse = false
+ else
+ if inmorse then
+ MorseBetweenWords()
+ else
+ inmorse = true
+ end
+ MorseUnknown(s)
+ end
+ end
+We use this function in two additional functions. One typesets a file, the other
+a table of available codes.
+function morse.filetomorse(name,verbose)
+ morse.tomorse(resolvers.loadtexfile(name),verbose)
+function morse.showtable()
+ context.starttabulate { "|l|l|" }
+ for k, v in table.sortedpairs(codes) do
+ context.NC() context(k)
+ context.NC() morse.tomorse(v,true)
+ context.NC() context.NR()
+ end
+ context.stoptabulate()
+We're done with the \LUA\ code that we can either put in an external file or put
+in the module file. The \TEX\ file has two parts. The typesetting macros that we
+use at the \LUA\ end are defined first. These can be overloaded.
+ {\dontleavehmode
+ \vrule
+ width \MorseWidth
+ height \MorseHeight
+ depth \zeropoint
+ \relax}
+ {\dontleavehmode
+ \vrule
+ width 3\dimexpr\MorseWidth
+ height \MorseHeight
+ depth \zeropoint
+ \relax}
+ {\kern\MorseWidth}
+ {\hskip3\dimexpr\MorseWidth\relax}
+ {\hskip7\dimexpr\MorseWidth\relax}
+ {[\detokenize{#1}]}
+The dimensions are stored in macros as well. Of course we could provide a proper
+setup command, but it hardly makes sense.
+\def\MorseWidth {0.4em}
+Finally we have arrived at the macros that interface to the \LUA\ functions.
+\def\MorseFile #1{\ctxlua{moduledata.morse.filetomorse("#1")}}
+\def\MorseTable {\ctxlua{moduledata.morse.showtable()}}
+\Morse{A more advanced solution would be to convert a node list. That
+way we can deal with weird input.}
+A string is converted to morse with the first command.
+This shows up as:
+Reduction and uppercasing is demonstrated in the next example:
+This gives:
+\startsection[title=Using helpers]
+The next example shows a bit of \LPEG. On top of the standard functionality
+a few additional functions are provided. Let's start with a pure \TEX\
+ [colored]
+ [foregroundcolor=red,
+ foregroundstyle=\underbar,
+ offset=.1ex,
+ location=low]
+\typebuffer \getbuffer
+\processisolatedwords {\input ward \relax} \colored
+\typebuffer \blank \getbuffer \blank
+Because this processor macro operates at the \TEX\ end it has some limitations.
+The content is collected in a very narrow box and from that a regular paragraph
+is constructed. It is for this reason that no color is applied: the snippets that
+end up in the box are already typeset.
+An alternative is to delegate the task to \LUA:
+local function process(data)
+ local words = lpeg.split(lpeg.patterns.spacer,data or "")
+ for i=1,#words do
+ if i == 1 then
+ context.dontleavehmode()
+ else
+ end
+ context.colored(words[i])
+ end
+\typebuffer \blank \getbuffer \blank
+The function splits the loaded data into a table with individual words. We use a
+splitter that splits on spacing tokens. The special case for \type {i = 1} makes
+sure that we end up in horizontal mode (read: properly start a paragraph). This
+time we do get color because the typesetting is done directly. Here is an
+alternative implementation:
+local done = false
+local function reset()
+ done = false
+ return true
+local function apply(s)
+ if done then
+ else
+ done = true
+ context.dontleavehmode()
+ end
+ context.colored(s)
+local splitter = lpeg.P(reset)
+ * lpeg.splitter(lpeg.patterns.spacer,apply)
+local function process(data)
+ lpeg.match(splitter,data)
+This version is more efficient as it does not create an intermediate table. The
+next one is comaprable:
+local function apply(s)
+ context.colored("%s ",s)
+local splitter lpeg.splitter(lpeg.patterns.spacer,apply)
+local function process(data)
+ context.dontleavevmode()
+ lpeg.match(splitter,data)
+ context.removeunwantedspaces()
+Sometimes can save a bit of work by using formatters. By default, the \type {context}
+command, when called directly, applies a given formatter. But when called as table
+this feature is lost because then we want to process non|-|strings as well. The next
+example shows a way out:
+context("the current emwidth is %p",\number\emwidth)
+context.formatted("the current emwidth is %p",\number\emwidth)
+context.bold(string.formatters["the current emwidth is %p"](\number\emwidth))
+context.formatted.bold("the current emwidth is %p",\number\emwidth)
+The last one is the most interesting one here: in the subnamespace \type
+{formatted} (watch the \type {d}) a format specification with extra arguments is
diff --git a/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/cld/cld-specialcommands.tex b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/cld/cld-specialcommands.tex
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..37ecf45c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/cld/cld-specialcommands.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
+% language=uk
+\startcomponent cld-specialcommands
+\environment cld-environment
+\startchapter[title=Special commands]
+There are a few functions in the \type {context} namespace that are no
+macros at the \TEX\ end.
+Another useful command is:
+There are a few tracing options that you can set at the \TEX\ end:
+A few macros have special functions (overloads) at the \LUA\ end. One of them is
+\type {\char}. The function makes sure that the characters ends up right. The
+same is true for \type {\chardef}. So, you don't need to mess around with \type
+{\relax} or trailing spaces as you would do at the \TEX\ end in order to tell the
+scanner to stop looking ahead.
+Other examples of macros that have optimized functions are \type {\par},
+\type{\bgroup} and \type {\egroup}. Or take this:
+1: \ctxlua{commands.doif(true)}{one}
+2: \cldcommand{doif("a","a","two")}
+3: \ctxcommand{doif(true)}{three}
+% added and extended in sync with an article about a generic 'execute'
+% feature
+We already mentioned the stepper as a very special trick so let's give
+some more explanation here. When you run the following code:
+ context.startitemize()
+ context.startitem()
+ context("BEFORE 1")
+ context.stopitem()
+ context("\\setbox0\\hbox{!!!!}")
+ context.startitem()
+ context("%p",tex.getbox(0).width)
+ context.stopitem()
+ context.stopitemize()
+You get a message like:
+[ctxlua]:8: attempt to index a nil value
+10 context("\\setbox0\\hbox{!!!!}")
+11 context.startitem()
+12 >> context("%p",tex.getbox(0).width)
+due to the fact that the box is still void. All that the \CONTEXT\ commands feed
+into \TEX\ happens when the code snippet has finished. You can however run a
+snippet of code the following way:
+ context.stepwise (function()
+ context.startitemize()
+ context.startitem()
+ context.step("BEFORE 1")
+ context.stopitem()
+ context.step("\\setbox0\\hbox{!!!!}")
+ context.startitem()
+ context.step("%p",tex.getbox(0).width)
+ context.stopitem()
+ context.stopitemize()
+ end)
+and get:
+A more extensive example is:
+ context.stepwise (function()
+ context.startitemize()
+ context.startitem()
+ context.step("BEFORE 1")
+ context.stopitem()
+ context.step("\\setbox0\\hbox{!!!!}")
+ context.startitem()
+ context.step("%p",tex.getbox(0).width)
+ context.stopitem()
+ context.startitem()
+ context.step("BEFORE 2")
+ context.stopitem()
+ context.step("\\setbox2\\hbox{????}")
+ context.startitem()
+ context.step("%p",tex.getbox(2).width)
+ context.startitem()
+ context.step("BEFORE 3")
+ context.stopitem()
+ context.startitem()
+ context.step("\\copy0\\copy2")
+ context.stopitem()
+ context.startitem()
+ context.step("BEFORE 4")
+ context.startitemize()
+ context.stepwise (function()
+ context.step("\\bgroup")
+ context.step("\\setbox0\\hbox{>>>>}")
+ context.startitem()
+ context.step("%p",tex.getbox(0).width)
+ context.stopitem()
+ context.step("\\setbox2\\hbox{<<<<}")
+ context.startitem()
+ context.step("%p",tex.getbox(2).width)
+ context.stopitem()
+ context.startitem()
+ context.step("\\copy0\\copy2")
+ context.stopitem()
+ context.startitem()
+ context.step("\\copy0\\copy2")
+ context.stopitem()
+ context.step("\\egroup")
+ end)
+ context.stopitemize()
+ context.stopitem()
+ context.startitem()
+ context.step("AFTER 1\\par")
+ context.stopitem()
+ context.startitem()
+ context.step("\\copy0\\copy2\\par")
+ context.stopitem()
+ context.startitem()
+ context.step("\\copy0\\copy2\\par")
+ context.stopitem()
+ context.startitem()
+ context.step("AFTER 2\\par")
+ context.stopitem()
+ context.startitem()
+ context.step("\\copy0\\copy2\\par")
+ context.stopitem()
+ context.startitem()
+ context.step("\\copy0\\copy2\\par")
+ context.stopitem()
+ context.stopitemize()
+ end)
+which gives:
+A step returns control to \TEX\ immediately and after the \TEX\ code that it
+feeds back is expanded, returns to \LUA. There are some limitations due to the
+input stack but normally that is no real issue.
+You can run the following code:
+for i=1,2000 do
+ context.incrementnumber { "LineCounter" }
+ context.getnumber { "LineCounter" }
+ context.par()
+You will notice however that the number is not right on each page. This is
+because \TEX\ doesn't know yet that there is no room on the page. The next will
+work better:
+ for i=1,2000 do
+ context.testpage { 0 }
+ context.incrementnumber { "LineCounter" }
+ context.getnumber { "LineCounter" }
+ context.par()
+ context.step()
+ end
+Instead of the \type {testpage} function you can also play directly with
+registers, like:
+if tex.pagegtotal + tex.count.lineheight > tex.pagetotal then
+but often an already defined helper does a better job. Of course you will
+probably never need this kind of hacks anyway, if only because much more is going
+on and there are better ways then.
diff --git a/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/cld/cld-summary.tex b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/cld/cld-summary.tex
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2b62597fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/cld/cld-summary.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,841 @@
+% language=uk
+\startcomponent cld-summary
+\environment cld-environment
+\startchapter[title=A sort of summary]
+In this chapter we summarize the functionality provided by the \type {context}
+namespace. We repeat some of what has been explained in other chapter so that in
+fact you can start with this summary.
+If you have read this manual (or seen code) you know that you can access all the
+core commands using this namespace:
+context.somecommand("some argument")
+context["somecommand"]("some argument")
+These calls will eventually expand \type {\somecommand} with the given argument.
+This interface has been around form the start and has proven to be quite flexible
+and robust. In spite of what you might think, the \type {somecommand} is not
+really defined in the \type {context} namespace, but in its own one called \type
+{core}, accessible via \type {context.core}.
+Next we describe the commands that are naturally defined in the \type {context}
+namespace. Some have counterparts at the macro level (like \type {bgroup}) but
+many haven't (for instance \type {rule}). We tried not to polute the \type
+{context} namespace too much but although we could have put the helpers in a
+separate namespace it would make usage a bit more unnatural.
+\startsection[title=Access to commands]
+\startsummary[title={context(".. some text ..")}]
+The string is flushed as|-|is:
+.. some text ..
+The first string is a format specification according that is passed to the \LUA\
+function \type {format} in the \type {string} namespace. Following arguments are
+passed too.
+The numbers (and following numbers or strings) are flushed without any
+123... (concatenated)
+An explicit \type {endlinechar} is inserted, in \TEX\ speak:
+Strings and numbers are flushed surrounded by curly braces, an indexed table is
+flushed as option list, and a hashed table is flushed as parameter set.
+multiple {...} or [...] etc
+The node (or list of nodes) is injected at the spot. Keep in mind that you need
+to do the proper memory management yourself.
+\startsummary[title={context["command"] context.core["command"]}]
+The function that implements \type {\command}. The \type{core} table is where
+these functions realy live.
+The value (string or number) is flushed as a curly braced (regular) argument.
+\command {value}...
+\startsummary[title={context["command"]({ value },...)}]
+The table is flushed as value set. This can be an identifier,
+a list of options, or a directive.
+\command [value]...
+\startsummary[title={context["command"]({ key = val },...)}]
+The table is flushed as key|/|value set.
+\command [key={value}]...
+An explicit \type {endlinechar} is inserted.
+\command ^^M
+The node(list) is injected at the spot. Keep in mind that you need to do the
+proper memory management yourself.
+\command {node(list)}
+The value is flushed without encapsulating tokens.
+\command value
+\startsummary[title={context["command"]({ value }, { key = val }, val, false, val)}]
+The arguments are flushed accordingly their nature and the order can be any.
+\command [value][key={value}]{value}value
+The arguments are interpreted the same as if \type {direct} was a command, but no
+\type {\direct} is injected in front. Braces are added:
+regular \expandafter \bold \ctxlua{"bold")} regular
+black \expandafter \color \ctxlua{{"red"})}{red} black
+black \expandafter \color \ctxlua{{"green"},"green")} black
+The \type {\expandafter} makes sure that the \type {\bold} and \type {\color}
+macros see the following \type{{bold}}, \type {[red]}, and \type {[green]{green}}
+The arguments are interpreted the same as in a \type {context} call, but instead
+of a direct flush, the arguments will be flushed in a next cycle.
+The arguments are interpreted the same as in a \type {command} call, but instead
+of a direct flush, the command and arguments will be flushed in a next cycle.
+This command returns the command, including given arguments as a string. No
+flushing takes place.
+This command returns the arguments as a string and treats them the same as a
+regular \type {context} call.
+This command returns the command that will pass it's arguments to the string
+formatter. When the first argument is a number, then it is interpreted as a
+catcode regime.
+This command passes it's arguments to the string formatter. When the first
+argument is a number, then it is interpreted as a catcode regime.
+This starts a \METAFUN\ (or \METAPOST) graphic.
+This finishes and flushes a \METAFUN\ (or \METAPOST) graphic.
+The argument is appended to the current graphic data but the string formatter is
+used on following arguments.
+This namespace does the same as \type {context.delayed}: it wraps the code in such
+a way that it can be used in a function call.
+\startsection[title=Building blocks]
+\startsummary[title={context.bgroup() context.egroup()}]
+These are just \type {\bgroup} and \type {\egroup} equivalents and as these are
+in fact shortcuts to the curly braced we output these instead.
+This one directly maps onto \type {\space}.
+This one directly maps onto \type {\par}.
+\startsection[title=Basic Helpers]
+\startsummary[title={context.rule(wd,ht,dp,direction) context.rule(specification)}]
+A rule node is injected with the given properties. A specification is just a
+table with the four fields. The rule gets the current attributes.
+\startsummary[title={context.glyph(fontid,n) context.glyph(n)}]
+A glyph node is injected with the given font id. When no id is given, the current font
+is used. The glyph gets the current attributes.
+\startsummary[title={context.char(n) context.char(str) context.char(tab)}]
+This will inject one or more copies of \type {\char} calls. You can pass a
+number, a string representing a number, or a table with numbers.
+\startsummary[title={context.utfchar(n) context.utfchar(str)}]
+This injects is \UTF\ character (one or more bytes). You can pass a number
+or a string representing a numbers. You need to be aware of special
+characters in \TEX, like \type {#}.
+This is a table that hosts a couple of functions. The following \type {new}
+ones are available:
+local n = newdimen (name)
+local n = newskip (name)
+local n = newcount (name)
+local n = newmuskip(name)
+local n = newtoks (name)
+local n = newbox (name)
+These define a register with name \type {name} at the \LUA\ end and \type {\name}
+at the \TEX\ end. The registers' number is returned. The next function is like
+\type {\chardef}: it defines \type {\name} with value \type {n}.
+local n = newchar(name,n)
+It's not likely that you will use any of these commands, if only because when
+you're operating from the \LUA\ end using \LUA\ variables is more convenient.
+Normally we operate under the so called \type {context} catcode regime. This
+means that content gets piped to \TEX\ using the same meanings for characters as
+you normally use in \CONTEXT. So, a \type {$} starts math. In \in {table}
+[tab:catcodes] we show the catcode regimes.
+\startplacetable[location=page,title={Catcode regimes},reference=tab:catcodes]
+ \showcharactercatcodes
+The \type {context.catcodes} tables contains the internal numbers of the
+catcode tables used. The next table shows the names that can be used.
+\BC name \BC mnemonic \BC \TEX\ command \NC \NR
+\NC context \NC ctx \NC ctxcatcodes \NC \NR
+\NC protect \NC prt \NC prtcatcodes \NC \NR
+\NC plain \NC tex \NC texcatcodes \NC \NR
+\NC text \NC txt \NC txtcatcodes \NC \NR
+\NC verbatim \NC vrb \NC vrbcatcodes \NC \NR
+This function defines a new indexer. You can think of the context command itself
+as an indexer. There are two (extra) predefined indexers:
+context.verbatim = context.newindexer(context.catcodes.verbatim)
+context.puretext = context.newindexer(context.catcodes.text)
+\startsummary[title={context.pushcatcodes(n) context.popcatcodes()}]
+These commands switch to another catcode regime and back. They have to be used
+in pairs. Only the regimes atthe \LUA\ end are set.
+\startsummary[title={context.unprotect() context.protect()}]
+These commands switch to the protected regime and back. They have to be used in
+pairs. Beware: contrary to what its name suggests, the \type {unprotect} enables
+the protected regime. These functions also issue an \type {\unprotect} and \type
+{\protect} equivalent at the \TEX\ end.
+\startsummary[title={context.verbatim context.puretext}]
+The differences between these are subtle:
+ context.verbatim.bold("Why do we use $ for math?") context.par()
+ context.verbatim.bold("Why do we use { as start?") context.par()
+ context.verbatim.bold("Why do we use } as end?") context.par()
+ context.puretext.bold("Why do we use {\\bi $} at all?")
+Verbatim makes all characters letters while pure text leaves the backslash and
+curly braces special.
+\startpacked \getbuffer \stoppacked
+The protected namespace is only used for commands that are in the \CONTEXT\
+private namespace.
+\startsummary[title={context.escaped(str) context.escape(str)}]
+The first command pipes the escaped string to \TEX, while the second one just
+returns an unescaped string. The characters \typ {# $ % \ \ { }} are escaped.
+\startsummary[title={context.startcollecting() context.stopcollecting()}]
+These two commands will turn flushing to \TEX\ into collecting. This can be handy
+when you want to interface commands that grab arguments using delimiters and as
+such they are used deep down in some table related interfacing. You probably
+don't need them.
+In addition to the regular template mechanism (part of the utilities) there is a
+dedicated template feature in the \type {context} namespace. An example demonstrates
+its working:
+ local MyTable = [[
+ \bTR
+ \bTD \bf %one_first% \eTD
+ \bTD %[one_second]% \eTD
+ \eTR
+ \bTR
+ \bTD \bf %two_first% \eTD
+ \bTD %[two_second]% \eTD
+ \eTR
+ ]]
+ context.templates[MyTable] {
+ one_first = "one",
+ two_first = "two",
+ one_second = "just one $",
+ two_second = "just two $",
+ }
+This renders:
+ \getbuffer
+You can also use more complex tables. Watch the space before and after the keys:
+ local MyOtherTable = [[
+ \bTR
+ \bTD \bf % ['one']['first'] % \eTD
+ \bTD %[ ['one']['second'] ]% \eTD
+ \eTR
+ \bTR
+ \bTD \bf % ['two']['first'] % \eTD
+ \bTD %[ ['two']['second'] ]% \eTD
+ \eTR
+ ]]
+ local data = {
+ one = { first = "one", second = "only 1$" },
+ two = { first = "two", second = "only 2$" },
+ }
+ context.templates[MyOtherTable](data)
+ context.templates(MyOtherTable,data)
+We get:
+ \getbuffer
+This is private table that hosts managament of functions. You'd better leave this
+one alone!
+Normally you will just use \type {context(<somenode>)} to flush a node and this
+private table is more for internal use.
+\startsection[title=String handlers]
+These two functions implement handlers that split a given string into lines and
+do something with it. We stick to showing their call. They are used for special
+purpose flushing, like flushing content to \TEX\ in commands discussed here. The
+\XML\ subsystem also used a couple of dedicated handlers.
+local foo = newtexthandler {
+ content = function(s) ... end,
+ endofline = function(s) ... end,
+ emptyline = function(s) ... end,
+ simpleline = function(s) ... end,
+local foo = newverbosehandler {
+ line = function(s) ... end,
+ space = function(s) ... end,
+ content = function(s) ... end,
+ before = function() ... end,
+ after = function() ... end,
+The low level \type {tex.print} function pipes its content to \TEX\ and thereby
+terminates at at \type {\r} (cariage return, \ASCII\ 13), although it depends on
+the way catcodes and line endings are set up. In fact, a line ending in \TEX\ is
+not really one, as it gets replaced by a space. Only several lines in succession
+indicate a new paragraph.
+ tex.print("line 1\n line 2\r line 3")
+This renders only two lines:
+ context("line 1\n line 2\r line 3")
+However, the \type {context} command gives all three lines:
+The \type {context.printlines} command is a direct way to print a string in a way
+similar to reading from a file. So,
+Gives one line, while:
+gives them all, as does:
+as does a na\"ive:
+But, because successive lines need to become paragraph separators as bit more
+work is needed and that is what \type {printlines} and \type {context} do for
+you. However, a more convenient alternative is presented next.
+This function locates and loads the file with the given name. The leading and
+trailing spaces are stripped.
+This function locates and processes the file with the given name. The assumption
+is that it is a valid \LUA\ file! When no suffix is given, the suffix \type {cld}
+(\CONTEXT\ \LUA\ document) is used.
+The \type {data} is saved to a (pseudo) file with the optional name \type {tag}
+and read in again from that file. This is a robust way to make sure that the data
+gets processed like any other data read from file. It permits all kind of
+juggling with catcodes, verbatim and alike.
+For documentation or tracing it can be handy to serialize a variable. The \type
+{tocontext} function does this:
+context.tocontext({ "foo", "bar" },true)
+context.tocontext({ this = { foo , "bar" } },true)
+Beware, \type {tocontext} is also a table that you can assign to, but that might
+spoil serialization. This property makes it possible to extend the serializer.
+With this function you can put content in a buffer, optionally under a catcode
+This function splits the string in lines and flushes them one by one. When the
+second argument is \type {true} leading and trailing spaces are stripped. Each
+flushed line always gets one space appended.
+The \type {tex.fprint} is just there to complement the other flushers in the
+\type {tex} namespace and therefore we also have it in the \type {context}
+\startsummary[title={context.settracing(true or false))}]
+You can trace the \TEX\ code that is generated at the \TEX\ end with:
+The \LUA\ function sets the tracing from the \LUA\ end. As the \type {context}
+command is used a lot in the core, you can expect some more tracing that the code
+that you're currently checking.
+\startsummary[title={context.pushlogger(fnc) context.poplogger() context.getlogger()}]
+You can provide your own logger if needed. The pushed function receives one string
+argument. The getter returns three functions:
+local flush, writer, flushdirect = context.getlogger()
+The \type{flush} function is similar to \type {tex.sprint} and appends its
+arguments, while \type {flushdirect} treats each argument as a line and behaves
+like \type {tex.print}. The \type {flush} function adds braces and paranthesis
+around its arguments, apartt from the first one, which is considered to be a
+command. Examples are:
+flush("one",2,"three") -- catcode, strings|numbers
+writer("\\color",{"red"},"this is red")
+writer(context.catcodes.verbatim,"\\color",{"red"},"this is red")
+There are several ways to implement alternative code paths in \CONTEXT\ but modes
+and conditionals are used mostly. There area few helpers for that.
+\startsummary[title={context.conditionals context.setconditional(name,value)}]
+Conditionals are used to keep a state. You can set their value using the setter,
+but their effect is not immediate but part of the current sequence of commands
+which is delegated to \TEX. However, you can easily keep track of your state
+at the \LUA\ end with an extra boolean. So, after
+if context.conditionals.whatever then
+ context.setconditional("dothis",false)
+ context.setconditional("dothat",true)
+the value of \type {dothis} and \type {dothat} conditions are not yet set in
+\startsummary[title={context.modes context.setmode(name,value)}]
+As with conditionals, you can (re)set the modes in \LUA\ but their values
+get changes as part of the command sequence which is delayed till after the
+\LUA\ call.
+\startsummary[title={context.systemmodes context.setsystemmode(name,value)}]
+The same applies as for regular modes.
+This function returns \type {true} if we're in trial typesetting mode (used when
+for instance prerolling a table).
+The stepper permits stepwise processing of \CONTEXT\ code: after a step contyrol
+gets delegated to \CONTEXT\ and afterwards back to \LUA. There main limitation of
+this mechanism is that it cannot exceed the number of input levels.
+\startsummary[title={context.stepwise() context.step([str])}]
+Usage is as follows:
+context.stepwise (function()
+ ...
+ context.step(...)
+ ...
+ context.step(...)
+ ...
+ context.stepwise (function()
+ ...
+ context.step(...)
+ ...
+ context.step(...)
+ ...
+ end)
+ ...
+ context.step(...)
+ ...
+ context.step(...)
+ ...
diff --git a/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/cld/cld-titlepage.tex b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/cld/cld-titlepage.tex
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..926a98952
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/cld/cld-titlepage.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+\startcomponent cld-titlepage
+\environment cld-environment
+% \cldprocessfile{cld-mkiv-titlepage.cld}
+ \externalfigure[cld-mkiv-titlepage.pdf]%
+\stopTEXpage % faster during writing
diff --git a/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/cld/cld-verbatim.tex b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/cld/cld-verbatim.tex
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2007f7d73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/cld/cld-verbatim.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,470 @@
+% language=uk
+\startcomponent cld-verbatim
+\environment cld-environment
+If you are familiar with traditional \TEX, you know that some characters have
+special meanings. For instance a \type {$} starts and ends inline math mode:
+If we want to typeset math from the \LUA\ end, we can say:
+This is in fact:
+However, if we want to typeset a dollar and use the \type {ctxcatcodes} regime,
+we need to explicitly access that character using \type {\char} or use a command
+that expands into the character with catcode other.
+One step further is that we typeset all characters as they are and this is called
+verbatim. In that mode all characters are tokens without any special meaning.
+\startsection[title=Special treatment]
+The formula in the introduction can be typeset verbatim as follows:
+This gives:
+You can also do things like this:
+Which gives:
+So, within the \type {verbatim} namespace, each command gets its arguments
+context.verbatim.inframed({ offset = "0pt" }, "$e=mc^2$")
+Here we get: \ctxluabuffer. So, settings and alike are processed as if the user
+had used a regular \type {context.inframed} but the content comes out verbose.
+If you wonder why verbatim is needed as we also have the \type {type} function
+(macro) the answer is that it is faster, easier to key in, and sometimes the only
+way to get the desired result.
+\startsection[title=Multiple lines]
+Currently we have to deal with linebreaks in a special way. This is due to the
+way \TEX\ deals with linebreaks. In fact, when we print something to \TEX, the
+text after a \type {\n} is simply ignored.
+For this reason we have a few helpers. If you want to put something in a buffer,
+you cannot use the regular buffer functions unless you make sure that they are
+not overwritten while you're still at the \LUA\ end.
+Another helper is the following. It splits the string into lines and feeds them
+piecewise using the \type {context} function and in the process adds a space at
+the end of the line (as this is what \TEX\ normally does.
+Catcodes can get in the way when you pipe something to \TEX\ that itself changes
+the catcodes. This happens for instance when you write buffers that themselves
+have buffers or have code that changes the line endings as with \type
+{startlines}. In that case you need to feed back the content as if it were a
+file. This is done with:
+The string can contain newlines. The string is written to a virtual file that is
+input. Currently names looks like \type {virtual://virtualfile.1} but future
+versions might have a different name part, so best use the variable instead.
+After all, you don't know the current number in advance anyway.
+\startsection[title=Pretty printing]
+In \CONTEXT\ \MKII\ there have always been pretty printing options. We needed it
+for manuals and it was also handy to print sources in the same colors as the
+editor uses. Most of those pretty printers work in a line|-|by|-|line basis, but
+some are more complex, especially when comments or strings can span multiple
+When the first versions of \LUATEX\ showed up, rewriting the \MKII\ code to use
+\LUA\ was a nice exercise and the code was not that bad, but when \LPEG\ showed
+up, I put it on the agenda to reimplement them again.
+We only ship a few pretty printers. Users normally have their own preferences and
+it's not easy to make general purpose pretty printers. This is why the new
+framework is a bit more flexible and permits users to kick in their own code.
+Pretty printing involves more than coloring some characters or words:
+\startitem spaces should honoured and can be visualized \stopitem
+\startitem newlines and empty lins need to be honoured as well \stopitem
+\startitem optionally lines have to be numbered but \stopitem
+\startitem wrapped around lines should not be numbered \stopitem
+It's not much fun to deal with these matters each time that you write a pretty
+printer. This is why we can start with an existing one like the default pretty
+printer. We show several variants of doing the same. We start with a simple clone
+of the default parser. \footnote {In the meantime the lexer of the \SCITE\ editor
+that I used also provides a mechanism for using \LPEG\ based lexers. Although in
+the pretty printing code we need a more liberal one I might backport the lexers I
+wrote for editing \TEX, \METAPOST, \LUA, \CLD, \XML\ and \PDF\ as a variant for
+the ones we use in \MKIV\ now. That way we get similar colorschemes which might
+be handy sometimes.}
+local P, V = lpeg.P, lpeg.V
+local grammar = visualizers.newgrammar("default", {
+ pattern = V("default:pattern"),
+ visualizer = V("pattern")^1
+} )
+local parser = P(grammar)
+visualizers.register("test-0", { parser = parser })
+\typebuffer \ctxluabuffer
+We distinguish between grammars (tables with rules), parsers (a grammar turned
+into an \LPEG\ expression), and handlers (collections of functions that can be
+applied. All three are registered under a name and the verbatim commands can
+refer to that name.
+Test 123,
+test 456 and
+test 789!
+Nothing special happens here. We just get straightforward verbatim.
+Next we are going to color digits. We collect as many as possible in a row, so
+that we minimize the calls to the colorizer.
+local patterns, P, V = lpeg.patterns, lpeg.P, lpeg.V
+local function colorize(s)
+ context.color{"darkred"}
+ visualizers.writeargument(s)
+local grammar = visualizers.newgrammar("default", {
+ digit = patterns.digit^1 / colorize,
+ pattern = V("digit") + V("default:pattern"),
+ visualizer = V("pattern")^1
+} )
+local parser = P(grammar)
+visualizers.register("test-1", { parser = parser })
+\typebuffer \ctxluabuffer
+Watch how we define a new rule for the digits and overload the pattern rule. We
+can refer to the default rule by using a prefix. This is needed when we define a
+rule with the same name.
+Test 123,
+test 456 and
+test 789!
+This time the digits get colored.
+In a similar way we can colorize letters. As with the previous example, we use
+\CONTEXT\ commands at the \LUA\ end.
+local patterns, P, V = lpeg.patterns, lpeg.P, lpeg.V
+local function colorize_lowercase(s)
+ context.color{"darkgreen"}
+ visualizers.writeargument(s)
+local function colorize_uppercase(s)
+ context.color{"darkblue"}
+ visualizers.writeargument(s)
+local grammar = visualizers.newgrammar("default", {
+ lowercase = patterns.lowercase^1 / colorize_lowercase,
+ uppercase = patterns.uppercase^1 / colorize_uppercase,
+ pattern =
+ V("lowercase")
+ + V("uppercase")
+ + V("default:pattern"),
+ visualizer = V("pattern")^1
+} )
+local parser = P(grammar)
+visualizers.register("test-2", { parser = parser })
+Test 123,
+test 456 and
+test 789!
+Again we get some coloring.
+It will be clear that the amount of rules and functions is larger when we use a
+more complex parser. It is for this reason that we can group functions in
+handlers. We can also make a pretty printer configurable by defining handlers at
+the \TEX\ end.
+ [MyDigit]
+ [style=bold,color=darkred]
+ [MyLowercase]
+ [style=bold,color=darkgreen]
+ [MyUppercase]
+ [style=bold,color=darkblue]
+\typebuffer \getbuffer
+The \LUA\ code now looks different. Watch out: we need an indirect call to for
+instance \type {MyDigit} because a second argument can be passed: the settings
+for this environment and you don't want that get passed to \type {MyDigit} and
+local patterns, P, V = lpeg.patterns, lpeg.P, lpeg.V
+local pattern = visualizers.pattern
+local verbatim = context.verbatim
+local MyDigit = verbatim.MyDigit
+local MyLowercase = verbatim.MyLowercase
+local MyUppercase = verbatim.MyUppercase
+-- local handler = newhandler("default, {
+-- digit = function(s) MyDigit (s) end,
+-- lowercase = function(s) MyLowercase(s) end,
+-- uppercase = function(s) MyUppercase(s) end,
+-- } )
+local handler = {
+ digit = function(s) MyDigit (s) end,
+ lowercase = function(s) MyLowercase(s) end,
+ uppercase = function(s) MyUppercase(s) end,
+local grammar = visualizers.newgrammar("default", {
+ digit = pattern(handler,"digit", patterns.digit ^1),
+ lowercase = pattern(handler,"lowercase", patterns.lowercase^1),
+ uppercase = pattern(handler,"uppercase", patterns.uppercase^1),
+ pattern =
+ V("lowercase")
+ + V("uppercase")
+ + V("digit")
+ + V("default:pattern"),
+ visualizer = V("pattern")^1
+} )
+local parser = P(grammar)
+visualizers.register("test-3", { parser = parser, handler = handler })
+Test 123,
+test 456 and
+test 789!
+We get digits, upper- and lowercase characters colored:
+You can also use parsers that don't use \LPEG:
+local function parser(s)
+ visualizers.write("["..s.."]")
+visualizers.register("test-4", { parser = parser })
+\typebuffer \ctxluabuffer
+Test 123,
+test 456 and
+test 789!
+The function \type {visualizer.write} takes care of spaces and newlines.
+We have a few more helpers:
+\NC \type{visualizers.write} \NC interprets the argument and applies methods \NC \NR
+\NC \type{visualizers.writenewline} \NC goes to the next line (similar to \type {\par} \NC \NR
+\NC \type{visualizers.writeemptyline} \NC inserts an empty line (similer to \type {\blank} \NC \NR
+\NC \type{visualizers.writespace} \NC inserts a (visible) space \NC \NR
+\NC \type{visualizers.writedefault} \NC writes the argument verbatim without interpretation \NC \NR
+These mechanism have quite some overhead in terms of function calls. In the worst
+case each token needs a (nested) call. However, doing all this at the \TEX\ end
+also comes at a price. So, in practice this approach is more flexible but without
+too large a penalty.
+In all these examples we typeset the text verbose: what is keyed in normally
+comes out (either or not with colors), so spaces stay spaces and linebreaks are
+local function parser(s)
+ local s = string.gsub(s,"show","demonstrate")
+ local s = string.gsub(s,"'re"," are")
+ context(s)
+visualizers.register("test-5", { parser = parser })
+\typebuffer \ctxluabuffer
+This is just some text to show what we can do with this mechanism. In
+spite of what you might think we're not bound to verbose text.
+We can apply this visualizer as follows:
+This time the text gets properly aligned:
+It often makes sense to use a buffer:
+This is just some text to show what we can do with this mechanism. In
+spite of what you might think we're not bound to verbose text.
+\typebuffer \getbuffer
+Instead of processing the buffer in verbatim mode you can then
+process it directly:
+Which gives:
+\start \getbuffer \stop
+In this case, the space is a normal space and not the fixed verbatim space, which
+looks better.