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"Umathinnerpunctspacing", "Umathinnerrelspacing", "Umathlimitabovebgap", "Umathlimitabovekern", "Umathlimitabovevgap", "Umathlimitbelowbgap", "Umathlimitbelowkern", "Umathlimitbelowvgap", "Umathnolimitsubfactor", "Umathnolimitsupfactor", "Umathopbinspacing", "Umathopclosespacing", "Umathopenbinspacing", "Umathopenclosespacing", "Umathopeninnerspacing", "Umathopenopenspacing", "Umathopenopspacing", "Umathopenordspacing", "Umathopenpunctspacing", "Umathopenrelspacing", "Umathoperatorsize", "Umathopinnerspacing", "Umathopopenspacing", "Umathopopspacing", "Umathopordspacing", "Umathoppunctspacing", "Umathoprelspacing", "Umathordbinspacing", "Umathordclosespacing", "Umathordinnerspacing", "Umathordopenspacing", "Umathordopspacing", "Umathordordspacing", "Umathordpunctspacing", "Umathordrelspacing", "Umathoverbarkern", "Umathoverbarrule", "Umathoverbarvgap", "Umathoverdelimiterbgap", "Umathoverdelimitervgap", "Umathpunctbinspacing", "Umathpunctclosespacing", "Umathpunctinnerspacing", 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"Umathinnerpunctspacing", "Umathinnerrelspacing", "Umathlimitabovebgap", "Umathlimitabovekern", "Umathlimitabovevgap", "Umathlimitbelowbgap", "Umathlimitbelowkern", "Umathlimitbelowvgap", "Umathnolimitsubfactor", "Umathnolimitsupfactor", "Umathopbinspacing", "Umathopclosespacing", "Umathopenbinspacing", "Umathopenclosespacing", "Umathopeninnerspacing", "Umathopenopenspacing", "Umathopenopspacing", "Umathopenordspacing", "Umathopenpunctspacing", "Umathopenrelspacing", "Umathoperatorsize", "Umathopinnerspacing", "Umathopopenspacing", "Umathopopspacing", "Umathopordspacing", "Umathoppunctspacing", "Umathoprelspacing", "Umathordbinspacing", "Umathordclosespacing", "Umathordinnerspacing", "Umathordopenspacing", "Umathordopspacing", "Umathordordspacing", "Umathordpunctspacing", "Umathordrelspacing", "Umathoverbarkern", "Umathoverbarrule", "Umathoverbarvgap", "Umathoverdelimiterbgap", "Umathoverdelimitervgap", "Umathpunctbinspacing", "Umathpunctclosespacing", "Umathpunctinnerspacing", 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diff --git a/context/data/scite/context/ b/context/data/scite/context/
index 4017f82df..862de6286 100644
--- a/context/data/scite/context/
+++ b/context/data/scite/context/
@@ -215,17 +215,17 @@ luaparameterset definenamedlua obeylualines obeyluatokens startluacode \
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ctxfunction startctxfunctiondefinition stopctxfunctiondefinition installctxfunction installctxfunctioncall \
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+Umathbotaccent righttolefthbox lefttorighthbox righttoleftvbox lefttorightvbox \
+righttoleftvtop lefttorightvtop rtlhbox ltrhbox rtlvbox \
+ltrvbox rtlvtop ltrvtop autodirhbox autodirvbox \
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+nospace nospacing dospacing naturalhbox naturalvbox \
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+start stop
diff --git a/context/data/scite/context/ b/context/data/scite/context/
index e83313132..a37e64b87 100644
--- a/context/data/scite/context/
+++ b/context/data/scite/context/
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+passarrayvariable tostring topair format formatted \
+quotation quote startpassingvariable stoppassingvariable eofill \
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--- a/doc/context/documents/general/qrcs/setup-ro.pdf
+++ b/doc/context/documents/general/qrcs/setup-ro.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/doc/context/scripts/mkiv/mtx-fonts.html b/doc/context/scripts/mkiv/mtx-fonts.html
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+<!-- compare with lmx framework variant -->
+ filename : context-base.xml
+ comment : companion to mtx-server-ctx-startup.tex
+ author : Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL
+ copyright: PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team
+ license : see context related readme files
+<html xmlns="" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
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+ <title>ConTeXt Font Database Management 0.21</title>
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+ </style>
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+ </head>
+ <body>
+ <div id="top"> <div id="top-one">
+ <div id="top-two">ConTeXt Font Database Management 0.21 </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div id="bottom"> <div id="bottom-one">
+ <div id="bottom-two">wiki: | mail: | website:</div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div id="left"></div>
+ <div id="right"></div>
+ <div id="main">
+ <div id='main-settings'>
+ <h1>Command line options</h1>
+ <tr><th style="width: 10em">flag</th><th style="width: 8em">value</th><th>description</th></tr>
+ <tr><th/><td/><td/></tr>
+ <tr><th>--convert</th><td></td><td>save open type font in raw table</td></tr>
+ <tr><th>--unpack</th><td></td><td>save a tma file in a more readable format</td></tr>
+ <tr><th/><td/><td/></tr>
+ <tr><th>--reload</th><td></td><td>generate new font database (use --force when in doubt)</td></tr>
+ <tr><th>--reload</th><td></td><td>--simple:generate luatex-fonts-names.lua (not for context!)</td></tr>
+ <tr><th/><td/><td/></tr>
+ <tr><th>--list</th><td></td><td>--name: list installed fonts, filter by name [--pattern]</td></tr>
+ <tr><th>--list</th><td></td><td>--spec: list installed fonts, filter by spec [--filter]</td></tr>
+ <tr><th>--list</th><td></td><td>--file: list installed fonts, filter by file [--pattern]</td></tr>
+ <tr><th/><td/><td/></tr>
+ <tr><th>--pattern</th><td>str</td><td>filter files using pattern</td></tr>
+ <tr><th>--filter</th><td>list</td><td>key-value pairs</td></tr>
+ <tr><th>--all</th><td></td><td>show all found instances (combined with other flags)</td></tr>
+ <tr><th>--info</th><td></td><td>give more details</td></tr>
+ <tr><th>--trackers</th><td>list</td><td>enable trackers</td></tr>
+ <tr><th>--statistics</th><td></td><td>some info about the database</td></tr>
+ <tr><th>--names</th><td></td><td>use name instead of unicodes</td></tr>
+ <tr><th>--cache</th><td>str</td><td>use specific cache (otl or otf)</td></tr>
+ </table>
+<tt>mtxrun --script font --list somename (== --pattern=*somename*)</tt>
+<br/><br/><tt>mtxrun --script font --list --name somename</tt>
+<br/><tt>mtxrun --script font --list --name --pattern=*somename*</tt>
+<br/><br/><tt>mtxrun --script font --list --spec somename</tt>
+<br/><tt>mtxrun --script font --list --spec somename-bold-italic</tt>
+<br/><tt>mtxrun --script font --list --spec --pattern=*somename*</tt>
+<br/><tt>mtxrun --script font --list --spec --filter="fontname=somename"</tt>
+<br/><tt>mtxrun --script font --list --spec --filter="familyname=somename,weight=bold,style=italic,width=condensed"</tt>
+<br/><tt>mtxrun --script font --list --spec --filter="familyname=crap*,weight=bold,style=italic"</tt>
+<br/><br/><tt>mtxrun --script font --list --all</tt>
+<br/><tt>mtxrun --script font --list --file somename</tt>
+<br/><tt>mtxrun --script font --list --file --all somename</tt>
+<br/><tt>mtxrun --script font --list --file --pattern=*somename*</tt>
+<br/><br/><tt>mtxrun --script font --convert texgyrepagella-regular.otf</tt>
+<br/><tt>mtxrun --script font --convert --names texgyrepagella-regular.otf</tt>
+<br/><br/> </div>
+ </div>
+ </body>
diff --git a/doc/context/scripts/mkiv/ b/doc/context/scripts/mkiv/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c27731e33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/context/scripts/mkiv/
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+.TH "mtx-fonts" "1" "01-01-2018" "version 1.00" "ConTeXt Font Database Management"
+.B mtx-fonts
+.B mtxrun --script fonts [
+.B ] [
+.B ]
+.B ConTeXt Font Database Management
+.B --convert
+save open type font in raw table
+.B --unpack
+save a tma file in a more readable format
+.B --reload
+generate new font database (use --force when in doubt)
+.B --reload
+--simple:generate luatex-fonts-names.lua (not for context!)
+.B --list
+--name: list installed fonts, filter by name [--pattern]
+.B --list
+--spec: list installed fonts, filter by spec [--filter]
+.B --list
+--file: list installed fonts, filter by file [--pattern]
+.B --pattern=str
+filter files using pattern
+.B --filter=list
+key-value pairs
+.B --all
+show all found instances (combined with other flags)
+.B --info
+give more details
+.B --trackers=list
+enable trackers
+.B --statistics
+some info about the database
+.B --names
+use name instead of unicodes
+.B --cache=str
+use specific cache (otl or otf)
+More information about ConTeXt and the tools that come with it can be found at:
+.B "maillist:" /
+.B "webpage:"
+ /
+.B "wiki:"
diff --git a/doc/context/scripts/mkiv/mtx-fonts.xml b/doc/context/scripts/mkiv/mtx-fonts.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d001f4f9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/context/scripts/mkiv/mtx-fonts.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+ <metadata>
+ <entry name="name">mtx-fonts</entry>
+ <entry name="detail">ConTeXt Font Database Management</entry>
+ <entry name="version">1.00</entry>
+ </metadata>
+ <flags>
+ <category name="basic">
+ <subcategory>
+ <flag name="convert"><short>save open type font in raw table</short></flag>
+ <flag name="unpack"><short>save a tma file in a more readable format</short></flag>
+ </subcategory>
+ <subcategory>
+ <flag name="reload"><short>generate new font database (use <ref name="force"/> when in doubt)</short></flag>
+ <flag name="reload"><short><ref name="simple"/>:generate luatex-fonts-names.lua (not for context!)</short></flag>
+ </subcategory>
+ <subcategory>
+ <flag name="list"><short><ref name="name"/>: list installed fonts, filter by name [<ref name="pattern"/>]</short></flag>
+ <flag name="list"><short><ref name="spec"/>: list installed fonts, filter by spec [<ref name="filter"/>]</short></flag>
+ <flag name="list"><short><ref name="file"/>: list installed fonts, filter by file [<ref name="pattern"/>]</short></flag>
+ </subcategory>
+ <subcategory>
+ <flag name="pattern" value="str"><short>filter files using pattern</short></flag>
+ <flag name="filter" value="list"><short>key-value pairs</short></flag>
+ <flag name="all"><short>show all found instances (combined with other flags)</short></flag>
+ <flag name="info"><short>give more details</short></flag>
+ <flag name="trackers" value="list"><short>enable trackers</short></flag>
+ <flag name="statistics"><short>some info about the database</short></flag>
+ <flag name="names"><short>use name instead of unicodes</short></flag>
+ <flag name="cache" value="str"><short>use specific cache (otl or otf)</short></flag>
+ </subcategory>
+ </category>
+ </flags>
+ <examples>
+ <category>
+ <title>Examples</title>
+ <subcategory>
+ <example><command>mtxrun --script font --list somename (== --pattern=*somename*)</command></example>
+ </subcategory>
+ <subcategory>
+ <example><command>mtxrun --script font --list --name somename</command></example>
+ <example><command>mtxrun --script font --list --name --pattern=*somename*</command></example>
+ </subcategory>
+ <subcategory>
+ <example><command>mtxrun --script font --list --spec somename</command></example>
+ <example><command>mtxrun --script font --list --spec somename-bold-italic</command></example>
+ <example><command>mtxrun --script font --list --spec --pattern=*somename*</command></example>
+ <example><command>mtxrun --script font --list --spec --filter="fontname=somename"</command></example>
+ <example><command>mtxrun --script font --list --spec --filter="familyname=somename,weight=bold,style=italic,width=condensed"</command></example>
+ <example><command>mtxrun --script font --list --spec --filter="familyname=crap*,weight=bold,style=italic"</command></example>
+ </subcategory>
+ <subcategory>
+ <example><command>mtxrun --script font --list --all</command></example>
+ <example><command>mtxrun --script font --list --file somename</command></example>
+ <example><command>mtxrun --script font --list --file --all somename</command></example>
+ <example><command>mtxrun --script font --list --file --pattern=*somename*</command></example>
+ </subcategory>
+ <subcategory>
+ <example><command>mtxrun --script font --convert texgyrepagella-regular.otf</command></example>
+ <example><command>mtxrun --script font --convert --names texgyrepagella-regular.otf</command></example>
+ </subcategory>
+ </category>
+ </examples>
diff --git a/doc/context/sources/general/fonts/fonts/fonts-demo-rule.lua b/doc/context/sources/general/fonts/fonts/fonts-demo-rule.lua
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..667d1e43c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/context/sources/general/fonts/fonts/fonts-demo-rule.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+local startactualtext = backends.codeinjections.startunicodetoactualtext
+local stopactualtext = backends.codeinjections.stopunicodetoactualtext
+return function(specification)
+ local features = specification.features.normal
+ local name = features.original or "dejavu-serif"
+ local option = features.option -- we only support "line"
+ local size = specification.size -- always set
+ local detail = specification.detail -- e.g. default
+ if detail then
+ name = name .. "*" .. detail
+ end
+ local f, id = fonts.constructors.readanddefine(name,size)
+ if f then
+ =
+ = true
+ f.fonts = {
+ { id = id },
+ }
+ for s in string.gmatch("aeuioy",".") do
+ local n = utf.byte(s)
+ local c = f.characters[n]
+ if c then
+ local w = c.width or 0
+ local h = c.height or 0
+ local d = c.depth or 0
+ if option == "line" then
+ f.characters[n].commands = {
+ { "special", "pdf:direct:" .. startactualtext(n) },
+ { "rule", option == "line" and size/10, w },
+ { "special", "pdf:direct:" .. stopactualtext() },
+ }
+ else
+ f.characters[n].commands = {
+ { "special", "pdf:direct:" .. startactualtext(n) },
+ { "down", d },
+ { "rule", h + d, w },
+ { "special", "pdf:direct:" .. stopactualtext() },
+ }
+ end
+ else
+ -- probably a real bad font
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return f
diff --git a/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/luatex/luatex-enhancements.tex b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/luatex/luatex-enhancements.tex
index e9fd951fc..8d53852ae 100644
--- a/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/luatex/luatex-enhancements.tex
+++ b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/luatex/luatex-enhancements.tex
@@ -56,11 +56,14 @@ chapters on fonts and math we discuss a few more new ones.
There are three new primitives to test the version of \LUATEX:
+\unexpanded\def\VersionHack#1% otherwise different luatex and luajittex runs
+ {\cldcontext{(string.gsub(string.match("\luatexbanner","(.+)\letterpercent("),"jit",""))}}
\DB primitive \BC value
\BC explanation \NC \NR
-\NC \lpr {luatexbanner} \NC \cldcontext{string.match("\luatexbanner","(.+)\letterpercent(")}
+\NC \lpr {luatexbanner} \NC \VersionHack{\luatexbanner}
\NC the banner reported on the command line \NC \NR
\NC \lpr {luatexversion} \NC \the\luatexversion
\NC a combination of major and minor number \NC \NR
@@ -78,10 +81,10 @@ The official \LUATEX\ version is defined as follows:
its use with \prm {the} depending on the context.
- The minor version is the two-digit result of \lpr {luatexversion} modulo 100.
+ The minor version is the two|-|digit result of \lpr {luatexversion} modulo 100.
- The revision is the given by \lpr {luatexrevision}. This primitive expands to
+ The revision is reported by \lpr {luatexrevision}. This primitive expands to
a positive integer.
@@ -113,7 +116,7 @@ always converted to a suitable graphic representation of that character in a
specific font. However, while processing a list of to|-|be|-|typeset nodes, its
contents may still be seen as a character. Inside \LUATEX\ there is no clear
separation between the two concepts. Because the subtype of a glyph node can be
-changed in \LUA\ it is up to the user: subtypes larger than 255 indicate that
+changed in \LUA\ it is up to the user. Subtypes larger than 255 indicate that
font processing has happened.
A few primitives are affected by this, all in a similar fashion: each of them has
@@ -121,15 +124,15 @@ to accommodate for a larger range of acceptable numbers. For instance, \prm
{char} now accepts values between~0 and $1{,}114{,}111$. This should not be a
problem for well|-|behaved input files, but it could create incompatibilities for
input that would have generated an error when processed by older \TEX|-|based
-engines. The affected commands with an altered initial (left of the equals sign)
-or secondary (right of the equals sign) value are: \prm {char}, \prm {lccode},
+engines. The affected commands with an altered initial (left of the equal sign)
+or secondary (right of the equal sign) value are: \prm {char}, \prm {lccode},
\prm {uccode}, \lpr {hjcode}, \prm {catcode}, \prm {sfcode}, \lpr {efcode}, \lpr
{lpcode}, \lpr {rpcode}, \prm {chardef}.
As far as the core engine is concerned, all input and output to text files is
\UTF-8 encoded. Input files can be pre|-|processed using the \type {reader}
callback. This will be explained in \in {section} [iocallback]. Normalization of
-the \UNICODE\ input is on purpose not built|-|in can be handled by a macro
+the \UNICODE\ input is on purpose not built|-|in and can be handled by a macro
package during callback processing.
Output in byte|-|sized chunks can be achieved by using characters just outside of
@@ -184,7 +187,7 @@ commands are:
Because font memory management has been rewritten, character properties in fonts
-are no longer shared among fonts instances that originate from the same metric
+are no longer shared among font instances that originate from the same metric
@@ -247,7 +250,7 @@ lines are broken into paragraphs, the lines are a linked list of \nod {hlist}
We will see more of these nodes later on but for now that should be enough to be
-able to follow the rest oof this chapter.
+able to follow the rest of this chapter.
\subsection{Box attributes}
@@ -455,10 +458,9 @@ sequence is fully expanded.
Most often, this command is not actually the best way to deal with the
-differences between the \TEX\ and \LUA. In very short bits of \LUA\
-code it is often not needed, and for longer stretches of \LUA\ code it
-is easier to keep the code in a separate file and load it using \LUA's
-\type {dofile}:
+differences between \TEX\ and \LUA. In very short bits of \LUA\ code it is often
+not needed, and for longer stretches of \LUA\ code it is easier to keep the code
+in a separate file and load it using \LUA's \type {dofile}:
\directlua { dofile('mysetups.lua') }
@@ -500,6 +502,33 @@ in the following example the number \type {8} gets typeset.
The \lpr {luafunctioncall} primitive does the same but is unexpandable, for
instance in an \prm {edef}.
+\subsection{\lpr {luabytecode} and \lpr {luabytecodecall}}
+Analogue to the function callers discussed in the previous section we have byte
+code callers. Again the call variant is unexpandable.
+\directlua {
+ lua.bytecode[9998] = function(s)
+ tex.sprint(s*token.scan_int())
+ end
+ lua.bytecode[5555] = function(s)
+ tex.sprint(s*token.scan_dimen())
+ end
+This works with:
+\luabytecode 9998 5 \luabytecode 5555 5sp
+\luabytecodecall9998 5 \luabytecodecall5555 5sp
+The variable \type {s} in the code is the number of the byte code register that
+can be used for diagnostic purposes. The advantage of bytecode registers over
+function calls is that they are stored in the format (but without upvalues).
\section {Alignments}
\subsection{\lpr {alignmark} and \lpr {aligntab}}
@@ -517,8 +546,8 @@ catcode regime in a single statement. You can have a practically unlimited numbe
of different tables. This subsystem is backward compatible: if you never use the
following commands, your document will not notice any difference in behaviour
compared to traditional \TEX. The contents of each catcode table is independent
-from any other catcode tables, and their contents is stored and retrieved from
-the format file.
+from any other catcode table, and its contents is stored and retrieved from the
+format file.
\subsection{\lpr {catcodetable}}
@@ -664,7 +693,7 @@ When set to a non|-|zero value the following command will not issue an error:
We will cover math extensions in its own chapter because not only the font
subsystem and spacing model have been enhanced (thereby introducing many new
primitives) but also because some more control has been added to existing
-functionality. Much of this relates to the differences approaches of traditional
+functionality. Much of this relates to the different approaches of traditional
\TEX\ fonts and \OPENTYPE\ math.
@@ -799,7 +828,7 @@ expand the passed general text.
These are somewhat special. The \prm {csstring} primitive is like
\prm {string} but it omits the leading escape character. This can be
-somewhat more efficient that stripping it of afterwards.
+somewhat more efficient than stripping it afterwards.
The \lpr {begincsname} primitive is like \prm {csname} but doesn't create
a relaxed equivalent when there is no such name. It is equivalent to
@@ -822,7 +851,7 @@ is one that should be used with care. The above example could be written as:
This is slightly more efficient than constructing the string twice (deep down in
\LUATEX\ this also involves some \UTF8 juggling), but probably more relevant is
-that it saves a few tokens and can make code a bit more more readable.
+that it saves a few tokens and can make code a bit more readable.
\subsection{\lpr {clearmarks}}
@@ -844,7 +873,7 @@ This primitive can be used to assign a meaning to an active character, as in:
\def\foo{bar} \letcharcode123=\foo
-This can be a bit nicer that using the uppercase tricks (using the property of
+This can be a bit nicer than using the uppercase tricks (using the property of
\prm {uppercase} that it treats active characters special).
\section{Boxes, rules and leaders}
@@ -874,7 +903,7 @@ The \prm {vsplit} primitive has to be followed by a specification of the require
height. As alternative for the \type {to} keyword you can use \type {upto} to get
a split of the given size but result has the natural dimensions then.
-\subsection[sec:imagedandforms]{Images and Forms}
+\subsection[sec:imagedandforms]{Images and reused box objects}
These two concepts are now core concepts and no longer whatsits. They are in fact
now implemented as rules with special properties. Normal rules have subtype~0,
@@ -890,7 +919,7 @@ should treat them as such and check for the current output mode if applicable.
\DB command \BC explanation \NC \NR
\NC \lpr {saveboxresource} \NC save the box as an object to be included later \NC \NR
-\NC \lpr {saveimageresource} \NC save the image as an object to be includes later \NC \NR
+\NC \lpr {saveimageresource} \NC save the image as an object to be included later \NC \NR
\NC \lpr {useboxresource} \NC include the saved box object here (by index) \NC \NR
\NC \lpr {useimageresource} \NC include the saved image object here (by index) \NC \NR
\NC \lpr {lastsavedboxresourceindex} \NC the index of the last saved box object \NC \NR
@@ -924,7 +953,7 @@ a \type {/Matrix}.
Because introducing a new keyword can cause incompatibilities, two new primitives
were introduced: \lpr {nohrule} and \lpr {novrule}. These can be used to
reserve space. This is often more efficient than creating an empty box with fake
\subsection{\lpr {gleaders}}
@@ -950,7 +979,7 @@ the value with the language.
\subsection{\prm {boundary}, \prm {noboundary}, \prm {protrusionboundary} and \prm {wordboundary}}
-The \prm {noboundary} commands used to inject a whatsit node but now injects a normal
+The \prm {noboundary} command is used to inject a whatsit node but now injects a normal
node with type \nod {boundary} and subtype~0. In addition you can say:
@@ -1035,6 +1064,137 @@ You can now open upto 127 files with \prm {openout}. When no file is open
writes will go to the console and log. As a consequence a system command is
no longer possible but one can use \type {os.execute} to do the same.
+\subsection{\lpr {expanded}, \lpr {immediateassignment}, \lpr {immediateassigned}}
+\topicindex {expansion}
+The \lpr {expanded} primitive takes a token list and expands it content which can
+come in handy: it avoids a tricky mix of \prm {expandafter} and \prm {noexpand}.
+You can compare it with what happens inside the body of an \prm {edef}. But this
+kind of expansion it still doesn't expand some primitive operations.
+\def\TestMe{\advance\NumberOfCalls1 }
+\edef\Tested{\TestMe foo:\the\NumberOfCalls}
+\edef\Tested{\TestMe foo:\the\NumberOfCalls}
+\edef\Tested{\TestMe foo:\the\NumberOfCalls}
+The result is a macro that has the not expanded code in its body:
+Instead we can define \tex {TestMe} in a way that expands the assignment
+immediately. You need of course to be aware of preventing look ahead interference
+by using a space or \tex {relax} (often an expression works better as it doesn't
+leave an \tex {relax}).
+\def\TestMe{\immediateassignment\advance\NumberOfCalls1 }
+\edef\Tested{\TestMe foo:\the\NumberOfCalls}
+\edef\Tested{\TestMe foo:\the\NumberOfCalls}
+\edef\Tested{\TestMe foo:\the\NumberOfCalls}
+This time the counter gets updates and we don't see interference in the
+resulting \tex {Tested} macro:
+Here is a somewhat silly example of expanded comparison:
+ {\immediateassignment\edef\tempa{#1}%
+ \immediateassignment\edef\tempb{#2}%
+ \ifx\tempa\tempb
+ \immediateassignment\def\next{#3}%
+ \else
+ \immediateassignment\def\next{#4}%
+ \fi
+ \next}
+ {(\expandeddoifelse{abc}{def}{yes}{nop}/%
+ \expandeddoifelse{abc}{abc}{yes}{nop})}
+It gives:
+A variant is:
+ {\immediateassigned{
+ \edef\tempa{#1}%
+ \edef\tempb{#2}%
+ }%
+ \ifx\tempa\tempb
+ \immediateassignment\def\next{#3}%
+ \else
+ \immediateassignment\def\next{#4}%
+ \fi
+ \next}
+The possible error messages are the same as using assignments in preambles of
+alignments and after the \prm {accent} command. The supported assignments are the
+so called prefixed commands (except box assignments).
+\subsection{\lpr {ifcondition}}
+\topicindex {conditions}
+This is a somewhat special one. When you write macros conditions need to be
+properly balanced in order to let \TEX's fast branch skipping work well. This new
+primitive is basically a no||op flagged as a condition so that the scanner can
+recognize it as an if|-|test. However, when a real test takes place the work is
+done by what follows, in the next example \tex {something}.
+ {\edef\tempa{#1}%
+ \edef\tempb{#2}
+ \ifx\tempa\tempb}
+ \ifcondition\something{a}{a}%
+ true 1
+ \else
+ false 1
+ \fi
+ \ifcondition\something{a}{a}%
+ true 2
+ \else
+ false 2
+ \fi
+If you are familiar with \METAPOST, this is a bit like \type {vardef} where the macro
+has a return value. Here the return value is a test.
diff --git a/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/luatex/luatex-fonts.tex b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/luatex/luatex-fonts.tex
index 8480d7f2f..189e3295e 100644
--- a/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/luatex/luatex-fonts.tex
+++ b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/luatex/luatex-fonts.tex
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ the table are as follows:
\NC \type{header} \NC yes \NC no \NC no \NC string \NC header comments, if any \NC \NR
\NC \type{hyphenchar} \NC no \NC no \NC yes \NC number \NC default: \TEX's \prm {hyphenchar} \NC \NR
\NC \type{parameters} \NC no \NC yes \NC yes \NC hash \NC default: 7 parameters, all zero \NC \NR
-\NC \type{size} \NC no \NC yes \NC yes \NC number \NC loaded (at) size. (default: same as designsize) \NC \NR
+\NC \type{size} \NC no \NC yes \NC yes \NC number \NC the required scaling (by default the same as designsize) \NC \NR
\NC \type{skewchar} \NC no \NC no \NC yes \NC number \NC default: \TEX's \prm {skewchar} \NC \NR
\NC \type{type} \NC yes \NC no \NC yes \NC string \NC basic type of this font \NC \NR
\NC \type{format} \NC no \NC no \NC yes \NC string \NC disk format type \NC \NR
@@ -62,11 +62,11 @@ the table are as follows:
\NC \type{cache} \NC no \NC no \NC yes \NC string \NC This key controls caching of the \LUA\ table on the
\TEX\ end where \type {yes} means: use a reference to
the table that is passed to \LUATEX\ (this is the
- default), and no \type {no} means: don't store the
+ default), and \type {no} means: don't store the
table reference, don't cache any \LUA\ data for this
font while \type {renew} means: don't store the table
reference, but save a reference to the table that is
- created at the first access to one of its fields in
+ created at the first access to one of its fields in the
font. \NC \NR
\NC \type{nomath} \NC no \NC no \NC yes \NC boolean \NC This key allows a minor speedup for text fonts. If it
is present and true, then \LUATEX\ will not check the
@@ -225,17 +225,20 @@ The following top|-|level keys can be present inside a character hash:
The values of \type {top_accent}, \type {bot_accent} and \type {mathkern} are
-used only for math accent and superscript placement, see the \at {math chapter}
-[math] in this manual for details. The values of \type {left_protruding} and
-\type {right_protruding} are used only when \lpr {protrudechars} is non-zero.
-Whether or not \type {expansion_factor} is used depends on the font's global
-expansion settings, as well as on the value of \lpr {adjustspacing}.
-The usage of \type {tounicode} is this: if this font specifies a \type {tounicode=1} at the top level, then \LUATEX\ will construct a \type {/ToUnicode}
-entry for the \PDF\ font (or font subset) based on the character|-|level \type {tounicode} strings, where they are available. If a character does not have a
+used only for math accent and superscript placement, see \at {page} [math] in
+this manual for details. The values of \type {left_protruding} and \type
+{right_protruding} are used only when \lpr {protrudechars} is non-zero. Whether
+or not \type {expansion_factor} is used depends on the font's global expansion
+settings, as well as on the value of \lpr {adjustspacing}.
+The usage of \type {tounicode} is this: if this font specifies a \type
+{tounicode=1} at the top level, then \LUATEX\ will construct a \type {/ToUnicode}
+entry for the \PDF\ font (or font subset) based on the character|-|level \type
+{tounicode} strings, where they are available. If a character does not have a
sensible \UNICODE\ equivalent, do not provide a string either (no empty strings).
-If the font level \type {tounicode} is not set, then \LUATEX\ will build up \type {/ToUnicode} based on the \TEX\ code points you used, and any character-level
+If the font level \type {tounicode} is not set, then \LUATEX\ will build up \type
+{/ToUnicode} based on the \TEX\ code points you used, and any character-level
\type {tounicodes} will be ignored. The string format is exactly the format that
is expected by Adobe \CMAP\ files (\UTF-16BE in hexadecimal encoding), minus the
enclosing angle brackets. For instance the \type {tounicode} for a \type {fi}
@@ -276,7 +279,7 @@ Each of those components is itself a hash of up to five keys:
The \type {kerns} table is a hash indexed by character index (and \quote
{character index} is defined as either a non|-|negative integer or the string
-value \type {right_boundary}), with the values the kerning to be applied, in
+value \type {right_boundary}), with the values of the kerning to be applied, in
scaled points.
The \type {ligatures} table is a hash indexed by character index (and \quote
@@ -369,7 +372,9 @@ If no special care is needed, \LUATEX\ falls back to the mapfile|-|based solutio
used by \PDFTEX\ and \DVIPS, so that legacy fonts are supported transparently. If
a \quote {wide} font is used, the new subsystem kicks in, and some extra fields
have to be present in the font structure. In this case, \LUATEX\ does not use a
-map file at all. These extra fields are: \type {format}, \type {embedding}, \type {fullname}, \type {cidinfo} (as explained above), \type {filename}, and the \type {index} key in the separate characters.
+map file at all. These extra fields are: \type {format}, \type {embedding}, \type
+{fullname}, \type {cidinfo} (as explained above), \type {filename}, and the \type
+{index} key in the separate characters.
The \type {format} variable can have the following values. \type {type3} fonts
are provided for backward compatibility only, and do not support the new wide
@@ -399,7 +404,8 @@ Valid values for the \type {embedding} variable are:
The other fields are used as follows. The \type {fullname} will be the
\POSTSCRIPT|/|\PDF\ font name. The \type {cidinfo} will be used as the character
set: the CID \type {/Ordering} and \type {/Registry} keys. The \type {filename}
-points to the actual font file. If you include the full path in the \type {filename} or if the file is in the local directory, \LUATEX\ will run a little
+points to the actual font file. If you include the full path in the \type
+{filename} or if the file is in the local directory, \LUATEX\ will run a little
bit more efficient because it will not have to re|-|run the \type {find_*_file}
callback in that case.
@@ -430,7 +436,7 @@ table from \cbk {define_font} as a virtual font:
- Set the top|-|level key \type {type} to \type {virtual}. I most cases it's
+ Set the top|-|level key \type {type} to \type {virtual}. In most cases it's
optional because we look at the \type {commands} entry anyway.
@@ -469,11 +475,11 @@ fonts = {
-The the first referenced font (at index~1) in this virtual font is \type
-{ptrmr8a} loaded at 10pt, and the second is \type {psyr} loaded at a little over
-9pt. The third one is previously defined font that is known to \LUATEX\ as font
-id~38. The array index numbers are used by the character command definitions that
-are part of each character.
+The first referenced font (at index~1) in this virtual font is \type {ptrmr8a}
+loaded at 10pt, and the second is \type {psyr} loaded at a little over 9pt. The
+third one is a previously defined font that is known to \LUATEX\ as font id~38.
+The array index numbers are used by the character command definitions that are
+part of each character.
The \type {commands} array is a hash where each item is another small array,
with the first entry representing a command and the extra items being the
@@ -555,7 +561,7 @@ commands = {
The default value for \type {font} is always~1 at the start of the
\type {commands} array. Therefore, if the virtual font is essentially only a
-re|-|encoding, then you do usually not have create an explicit \quote {font}
+re|-|encoding, then you do usually not have created an explicit \quote {font}
command in the array.
Rules inside of \type {commands} arrays are built up using only two dimensions:
@@ -642,7 +648,7 @@ each time when a character is output.
\topicindex {fonts+library}
The font library provides the interface into the internals of the font system,
-and also it contains helper functions to load traditional \TEX\ font metrics
+and it also contains helper functions to load traditional \TEX\ font metrics
formats. Other font loading functionality is provided by the \type {fontloader}
library that will be discussed in the next section.
@@ -670,9 +676,6 @@ The number is a bit special:
-The internal structure of the metrics font table that is returned is explained in
-\in {chapter} [fonts].
\subsection{Loading a \VF\ file}
\topicindex {fonts+vf}
@@ -699,8 +702,8 @@ font.fonts[n] = { ... }
<table> f = font.fonts[n]
-See \in {chapter} [fonts] for the structure of the tables. Because this is a
-virtual array, you cannot call \type {pairs} on it, but see below for the \type {font.each} iterator.
+Because this is a virtual array, you cannot call \type {pairs} on it, but see
+below for the \type {font.each} iterator.
The two metatable functions implementing the virtual array are:
@@ -709,9 +712,10 @@ The two metatable functions implementing the virtual array are:
font.setfont(<number> n, <table> f)
-Note that at the moment, each access to the \type {font.fonts} or call to \type {font.getfont} creates a \LUA\ table for the whole font. This process can be quite
-slow. In a later version of \LUATEX, this interface will change (it will start
-using userdata objects instead of actual tables).
+Note that at the moment, each access to the \type {font.fonts} or call to \type
+{font.getfont} creates a \LUA\ table for the whole font. This process can be
+quite slow. In a later version of \LUATEX, this interface will change (it will
+start using userdata objects instead of actual tables).
Also note the following: assignments can only be made to fonts that have already
been defined in \TEX, but have not been accessed {\it at all\/} since that
@@ -742,9 +746,8 @@ You can define your own font into \type {font.fonts} by calling this function:
The return value is the internal id number of the defined font (the index into
-\type {font.fonts}). If the font creation fails, an error is raised. The table
-is a font structure, as explained in \in {chapter} [fonts]. An alternative call
+\type {font.fonts}). If the font creation fails, an error is raised. The table is
+a font structure. An alternative call is:
<number> i =
diff --git a/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/luatex/luatex-introduction.tex b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/luatex/luatex-introduction.tex
index 911a30653..b931cfcf6 100644
--- a/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/luatex/luatex-introduction.tex
+++ b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/luatex/luatex-introduction.tex
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ It took about a decade to reach stable version 1.0, but for good reason.
Successive versions brought new functionality, more control, some cleanup of
internals. Experimental features evolved into stable ones or were dropped.
Already quite early \LUATEX\ could be used for production and it was used on a
-daily basis by the authors. Successive versions sometimes demanded a adaption to
+daily basis by the authors. Successive versions sometimes demanded an adaption to
the \LUA\ interfacing, but the concepts were unchanged. The current version can
be considered stable in functionality and there will be no fundamental changes.
Of course we then can decide to move towards version 2.00 with different
@@ -51,13 +51,13 @@ code in \TEX\ engines (especially code that is not needed any longer).
We started out with most of \PDFTEX\ version 1.40.9. The code base was
converted to \CCODE\ and split in modules. Experimental features were
- been removed and utility macros are not inherited because their
- functionality can be programmed in \LUA. The number of backend interface
- commands has been reduced to a few. The so called extensions are
- separated from the core (which we try to keep close to the original \TEX\
- core). Some mechanisms like expansion and protrusion can behave different
- from the original due to some cleanup and optimization. Some whatsit
- based functionality (image support and reusable content) is now core
+ removed and utility macros are not inherited because their functionality
+ can be programmed in \LUA. The number of backend interface commands has
+ been reduced to a few. The so called extensions are separated from the
+ core (which we try to keep close to the original \TEX\ core). Some
+ mechanisms like expansion and protrusion can behave different from the
+ original due to some cleanup and optimization. Some whatsit based
+ functionality (image support and reusable content) is now core
functionality. We don't stay in sync with \PDFTEX\ development.
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ code in \TEX\ engines (especially code that is not needed any longer).
We try to keep upcoming versions compatible but intermediate releases can contain
-experimental features. A general rule is that versions that end up on \TEX live
+experimental features. A general rule is that versions that end up on \TEXLIVE\
and|/|or are released around \CONTEXT\ meetings are stable. Future versions will
probably become a bit leaner and meaner. Some libraries might become external as
we don't want to bloat the binary and also don't want to add more hard coded
diff --git a/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/luatex/luatex-languages.tex b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/luatex/luatex-languages.tex
index f7413a409..10ccc335f 100644
--- a/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/luatex/luatex-languages.tex
+++ b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/luatex/luatex-languages.tex
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ indicating whether this ligature was the result of a word boundary, and it was
stored in the same place as other nodes like boxes and kerns and glues.
In \LUATEX, these two types are merged into one, somewhat larger structure called
-a \nod {glyph} nodes. Besides having the old character, font, and component
+a \nod {glyph} node. Besides having the old character, font, and component
fields there are a few more, like \quote {attr} that we will see in \in {section}
[glyphnodes], these nodes also contain a subtype, that codes four main types and
two additional ghost types. For ligatures, multiple bits can be set at the same
@@ -79,25 +79,25 @@ time (in case of a single|-|glyph word).
not set.
- \type {ligature}, for constructed ligatures bit 1 is set
+ \type {ligature}, for constructed ligatures bit 1 is set.
- \type {ghost}, for so called \quote {ghost objects} bit 2 is set
+ \type {ghost}, for so called \quote {ghost objects} bit 2 is set.
\type {left}, for ligatures created from a left word boundary and for
- ghosts created from \lpr {leftghost} bit 3 gets set
+ ghosts created from \lpr {leftghost} bit 3 gets set.
\type {right}, for ligatures created from a right word boundary and
- for ghosts created from \lpr {rightghost} bit 4 is set
+ for ghosts created from \lpr {rightghost} bit 4 is set.
The \nod {glyph} nodes also contain language data, split into four items that
-were current when the node was created: the \prm {setlanguage} (15 bits), \prm
-{lefthyphenmin} (8 bits), \prm {righthyphenmin} (8 bits), and \prm {uchyph} (1
+were current when the node was created: the \prm {setlanguage} (15~bits), \prm
+{lefthyphenmin} (8~bits), \prm {righthyphenmin} (8~bits), and \prm {uchyph}
Incidentally, \LUATEX\ allows 16383 separate languages, and words can be 256
characters long. The language is stored with each character. You can set
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ characters long. The language is stored with each character. You can set
an ignored hyphenation language.
The new primitive \lpr {hyphenationmin} can be used to signal the minimal length
-of a word. This value stored with the (current) language.
+of a word. This value is stored with the (current) language.
Because the \prm {uchyph} value is saved in the actual nodes, its handling is
subtly different from \TEX82: changes to \prm {uchyph} become effective
@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ Here are some examples (we assume that French patterns are used):
Carrying all this information with each glyph would give too much overhead and
-also make the process of setting up thee codes more complex. A solution with
+also make the process of setting up these codes more complex. A solution with
\type {hjcode} sets was considered but rejected because in practice the current
approach is sufficient and it would not be compatible anyway.
@@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ of \prm {savinghyphcodes} at the moment the format is dumped.
A boundary node normally would mark the end of a word which interferes with for
instance discretionary injection. For this you can use the \prm {wordboundary}
-as trigger. Here are a few examples of usage:
+as a trigger. Here are a few examples of usage:
@@ -188,17 +188,17 @@ as trigger. Here are a few examples of usage:
\typebuffer \startnarrower \dontcomplain \hsize 1pt \getbuffer \par \stopnarrower
We only accept an explicit hyphen when there is a preceding glyph and we skip a
-sequence of explicit hyphens as that normally indicates a \type {--} or \type
+sequence of explicit hyphens since that normally indicates a \type {--} or \type
{---} ligature in which case we can in a worse case usage get bad node lists
later on due to messed up ligature building as these dashes are ligatures in base
-fonts. This is a side effect of the separating the hyphenation, ligaturing and
+fonts. This is a side effect of separating the hyphenation, ligaturing and
kerning steps.
-The start and end of a characters is signalled by a \nod {glue}, \nod {penalty},
-\nod {kern} or \nod {boundary} node. But by default also a \nod {hlist}, \nod
-{vlist}, \nod {rule}, \nod {dir}, \nod {whatsit}, \nod {ins}, and \nod {adjust}
-node indicate a start or end. You can omit the last set from the test by setting
-\lpr {hyphenationbounds} to a non|-|zero value:
+The start and end of a sequence of characters is signalled by a \nod {glue}, \nod
+{penalty}, \nod {kern} or \nod {boundary} node. But by default also a \nod
+{hlist}, \nod {vlist}, \nod {rule}, \nod {dir}, \nod {whatsit}, \nod {ins}, and
+\nod {adjust} node indicate a start or end. You can omit the last set from the
+test by setting \lpr {hyphenationbounds} to a non|-|zero value:
\DB value \BC behaviour \NC \NR
@@ -396,7 +396,7 @@ there are a few exceptions.
- The \prm {accent} primitives creates nodes with subtype \quote {glyph}
+ The \prm {accent} primitive creates nodes with subtype \quote {glyph}
instead of \quote {character}: one for the actual accent and one for the
accentee. The primary reason for this is that \prm {accent} in \TEX82 is
explicitly dependent on the current font encoding, so it would not make much
@@ -534,22 +534,24 @@ different from the one in \TEX82.
After expansion, the argument for \prm {patterns} has to be proper \UTF8 with
individual patterns separated by spaces, no \prm {char} or \prm {chardef}d
-commands are allowed. The current implementation quite strict and will reject all
-non|-|\UNICODE\ characters. Likewise, the expanded argument for \prm
+commands are allowed. The current implementation is quite strict and will reject
+all non|-|\UNICODE\ characters. Likewise, the expanded argument for \prm
{hyphenation} also has to be proper \UTF8, but here a bit of extra syntax is
- Three sets of arguments in curly braces (\type {{}{}{}}) indicates a desired
+ Three sets of arguments in curly braces (\type {{}{}{}}) indicate a desired
complex discretionary, with arguments as in \prm {discretionary}'s command in
normal document input.
- A \type {-} indicates a desired simple discretionary, cf.\ \type {\-} and \type {\discretionary{-}{}{}} in normal document input.
+ A \type {-} indicates a desired simple discretionary, cf.\ \type {\-} and
+ \type {\discretionary{-}{}{}} in normal document input.
- Internal command names are ignored. This rule is provided especially for \prm {discretionary}, but it also helps to deal with \prm {relax} commands that
+ Internal command names are ignored. This rule is provided especially for \prm
+ {discretionary}, but it also helps to deal with \prm {relax} commands that
may sneak in.
@@ -647,7 +649,7 @@ words is very different from the ones in \TEX82, and that means there are some
noticeable differences in handling as well.
First and foremost, there is no \quote {compressed trie} involved in hyphenation.
-The algorithm still reads \PATGEN-generated pattern files, but \LUATEX\ uses a
+The algorithm still reads pattern files generated by \PATGEN, but \LUATEX\ uses a
finite state hash to match the patterns against the word to be hyphenated. This
algorithm is based on the \quote {libhnj} library used by \OPENOFFICE, which in
turn is inspired by \TEX.
@@ -803,6 +805,8 @@ the top-level discretionary that resulted from the first hyphenation point.
Here is that nested solution again, in a different representation:
\DB \BC pre \BC \BC post \BC \BC replace \BC \NC \NR
@@ -834,9 +838,9 @@ the first node).
One can observe that the \type {of-f-ice} and \type {off-ice} cases both end with
the same actual post replacement list (\type {i}), and that this would be the
-case even if that \type {i} was the first item of a potential following ligature
-like \type {ic}. This allows \LUATEX\ to do away with one of the fields, and thus
-make the whole stuff fit into just two discretionary nodes.
+case even if \type {i} was the first item of a potential following ligature like
+\type {ic}. This allows \LUATEX\ to do away with one of the fields, and thus make
+the whole stuff fit into just two discretionary nodes.
The mapping of the seven list fields to the six fields in this discretionary node
pair is as follows:
@@ -881,7 +885,7 @@ approach.
\section{Breaking paragraphs into lines}
-\topicindex {line breaks}
+\topicindex {linebreaks}
\topicindex {paragraphs}
\topicindex {discretionaries}
@@ -889,7 +893,7 @@ This code is almost unchanged, but because of the above|-|mentioned changes
with respect to discretionaries and ligatures, line breaking will potentially be
different from traditional \TEX. The actual line breaking code is still based on
the \TEX82 algorithms, and it does not expect there to be discretionaries inside
-of discretionaries. But, as patterns evolve and fonts handling can influence
+of discretionaries. But, as patterns evolve and font handling can influence
discretionaries, you need to be aware of the fact that long term consistency is not
an engine matter only.
diff --git a/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/luatex/luatex-lua.tex b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/luatex/luatex-lua.tex
index 226ece56d..165bdb614 100644
--- a/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/luatex/luatex-lua.tex
+++ b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/luatex/luatex-lua.tex
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ In this mode, \LUATEX\ is exactly like \type {luac} from the stand alone \LUA\
distribution, except that it does not have the \type {-l} switch, and that it
accepts (but ignores) the \type {--luaconly} switch. The current version of \LUA\
can dump bytecode using \type {string.dump} so we might decide to drop this
-version if \LUATEX.
+version of \LUATEX.
\subsection{Other commandline processing}
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ any other \WEBC|-|based typesetting engine, except that \LUATEX\ has a few extra
switches and lacks some others. Also, if the \type {--lua} option is present,
\LUATEX\ will enter an alternative mode of command line processing in comparison
to the standard \WEBC\ programs. In this mode, a small series of actions is taken
-in order.
+in the following order:
@@ -160,6 +160,8 @@ in order.
\LUA\ commands that can easily be abused by a malicious document. At the
moment, \type {--safer} \type {nil}s the following functions:
+ \blank
\DB library \BC functions \NC \NR
@@ -171,18 +173,20 @@ in order.
+ \blank
Furthermore, it disables loading of compiled \LUA\ libraries and it makes
\type {} fail on files that are opened for anything besides reading.
- When \LUATEX\ starts it set the locale to a neutral value. If for some reason
- you use \type {os.locale}, you need to make sure you \type {nil} it
- afterwards because otherwise it can interfere with code that for instance
- generates dates. You can nil the locale with
+ When \LUATEX\ starts it sets the \type {locale} to a neutral value. If for
+ some reason you use \type {os.locale}, you need to make sure you \type {nil}
+ it afterwards because otherwise it can interfere with code that for instance
+ generates dates. You can ignore the \type {locale} with:
- os.setlocale(nil.nil)
+ os.setlocale(nil,nil)
The \type {--nosocket} option makes the socket library unavailable, so that \LUA\
@@ -296,19 +300,19 @@ the command line option \type {--luaonly} was not given), it will only run the
four functions above if the matching \type {texmf.cnf} variable(s) or their \type
{texconfig} (see \in {section} [texconfig]) counterparts allow execution of the
requested system command. In \quote {script interpreter} runs of \LUATEX, these
-settings have no effect, and all four functions function as normal.
+settings have no effect, and all four functions have their original meaning.
-Some libraries have a few more functions, either coded in \CCODE\ or in \LUA.
-For instance, when we started with \LUATEX\ we added some helpers to the \type
+Some libraries have a few more functions, either coded in \CCODE\ or in \LUA. For
+instance, when we started with \LUATEX\ we added some helpers to the \type
{luafilesystem} namespace \type {lfs}. The two boolean functions \type
{lfs.isdir} and \type {lfs.isfile} were speedy and better variants of what could
be done with \type {lfs.attributes}. The additional function \type
{lfs.shortname} takes a file name and returns its short name on \type {win32}
platforms. Finally, for non|-|\type {win32} platforms only, we provided \type
{lfs.readlink} that takes an existing symbolic link as argument and returns its
-name. However, the \type library evolved sop now we dropped these in favour of
-pure \LUA\ variants. The \type {shortname} helper is considered obsolete and now
-just returns the name.
+name. However, the \type library evolved so we have dropped these in favour of
+pure \LUA\ variants. The \type {shortname} helper is obsolete and now just
+returns the name.
The \type {string} library has a few extra functions like \type
{string.explode(s[,m])}. This function returns an array containing the string
@@ -514,7 +518,7 @@ The \type {os} library has a few extra functions and variables:
\type {os.uname()} returns a table with specific operating system
information acquired at runtime. The keys in the returned table are all
- string valued, and their names are: \type {sysname}, \type {machine}, \type
+ string values, and their names are: \type {sysname}, \type {machine}, \type
{release}, \type {version}, and \type {nodename}.
@@ -627,7 +631,7 @@ complementary entry \type {use_utc_time} in the \type {texconfig} table.
There is some control possible, for instance prevent filename to be written to
the \PDF\ file. This is discussed elsewhere. In \CONTEXT\ we provide the command
-line argument \type {--nodates} that does bit more disabling of dates.
+line argument \type {--nodates} that does a bit more disabling of dates.
diff --git a/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/luatex/luatex-math.tex b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/luatex/luatex-math.tex
index 5f82eb142..9f99c7ab3 100644
--- a/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/luatex/luatex-math.tex
+++ b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/luatex/luatex-math.tex
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ possible, \LUATEX\ adds the new primitive: \lpr {mathstyle}. This is a \quote
not set.
The returned value is between 0 and 7 (in math mode), or $-1$ (all other modes).
-For easy testing, the eight math style commands have been altered so that the can
+For easy testing, the eight math style commands have been altered so that they can
be used as numeric values, so you can write code like this:
@@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ two now allow for a 21-bit character argument on the left hand side of the equal
Some of the new \LUATEX\ primitives read more than one separate value. This is
-shown in the tables below by a plus sign in the second column.
+shown in the tables below by a plus sign.
The input for such primitives would look like this:
@@ -229,13 +229,12 @@ Specifications typically look like:
The new primitives that deal with delimiter|-|style objects do not set up a
\quote {large family}. Selecting a suitable size for display purposes is expected
-to be dealt with by the font via the \lpr {Umathoperatorsize} parameter (more
-information can be found in a following section).
+to be dealt with by the font via the \lpr {Umathoperatorsize} parameter.
For some of these primitives, all information is packed into a single signed
integer. For the first two (\lpr {Umathcharnum} and \lpr {Umathcodenum}), the
lowest 21 bits are the character code, the 3 bits above that represent the math
-class, and the family data is kept in the topmost bits This means that the values
+class, and the family data is kept in the topmost bits. This means that the values
for math families 128--255 are actually negative. For \lpr {Udelcodenum} there
is no math class. The math family information is stored in the bits directly on
top of the character code. Using these three commands is not as natural as using
@@ -304,9 +303,9 @@ are described as follows:
In \LUATEX\ one can set the styles in more detail which means that you sometimes
-have to set both normal and cramped styles to get the effect you want. If we
-force styles in the script using \prm {scriptstyle} and \lpr {crampedscriptstyle}
-we get this:
+have to set both normal and cramped styles to get the effect you want. (Even) if
+we force styles in the script using \prm {scriptstyle} and \lpr
+{crampedscriptstyle} we get this:
@@ -330,7 +329,7 @@ Now we set the following parameters
-This gives:
+This gives a different result:
@@ -355,7 +354,7 @@ Now we get:
In \LUATEX, the font dimension parameters that \TEX\ used in math typesetting are
now accessible via primitive commands. In fact, refactoring of the math engine
-has resulted in many more parameters than were accessible before.
+has resulted in many more parameters than were not accessible before.
\DB primitive name \BC description \NC \NR
@@ -433,7 +432,7 @@ needed.
The injection of \prm {abovedisplayskip} and \prm {belowdisplayskip} is not
symmetrical. An above one is always inserted, also when zero, but the below is
-only inserted when larger than zero. Especially the later makes it sometimes hard
+only inserted when larger than zero. Especially the latter makes it sometimes hard
to fully control spacing. Therefore \LUATEX\ comes with a new directive: \lpr
{mathdisplayskipmode}. The following values apply:
@@ -463,7 +462,7 @@ case no attention is paid to which family is being assigned to: the \type
{MathConstants} tables in the last assigned family sets all parameters.
In the table below, the one|-|letter style abbreviations and symbolic tfm font
-dimension names match those using in the \TeX book. Assignments to \prm
+dimension names match those used in the \TeX book. Assignments to \prm
{textfont} set the values for the cramped and uncramped display and text styles,
\prm {scriptfont} sets the script styles, and \prm {scriptscriptfont} sets the
scriptscript styles, so we have eight parameters for three font sizes. In the
@@ -574,7 +573,7 @@ scaled point more than the initial attempt's size, so that always the \quote
{first next} will be tried, just like in \TEX82.
Note 7: The \lpr {Umathradicaldegreeraise} is a special case because it is the
-only parameter that is expressed in a percentage instead of as a number of scaled
+only parameter that is expressed in a percentage instead of a number of scaled
Note 8: \type {SubscriptShiftDownWithSuperscript} does not actually exist in the
@@ -593,10 +592,10 @@ There are two extra math parameters \lpr {Umathnolimitsupfactor} and \lpr
{Umathnolimitsubfactor} that were added to provide some control over how limits
are spaced (for example the position of super and subscripts after integral
operators). They relate to an extra parameter \lpr {mathnolimitsmode}. The half
-corrections are what happens when scripts are placed on above and below. The
+corrections are what happens when scripts are placed above and below. The
problem with italic corrections is that officially that correction italic is used
for above|/|below placement while advanced kerns are used for placement at the
-right end. The question is: how often is this implemented, and if so, does the
+right end. The question is: how often is this implemented, and if so, do the
kerns assume correction too. Anyway, with this parameter one can control it.
@@ -678,10 +677,10 @@ math is bound to fuzzy rules. So, control is the solution.
\topicindex {math+kerning}
\topicindex {math+scripts}
-If you want typeset text in math macro packages often provide something \type
+If you want to typeset text in math macro packages often provide something \type
{\text} which obeys the script sizes. As the definition can be anything there is
-a good change that the kerning doesn't come out well when used in a script. Given
-that the first glyph ends up in an \prm {hbox} we have some control over this.
+a good chance that the kerning doesn't come out well when used in a script. Given
+that the first glyph ends up in a \prm {hbox} we have some control over this.
And, as a bonus we also added control over the normal sublist kerning. The \lpr
{mathscriptboxmode} parameter defaults to~1.
@@ -769,7 +768,7 @@ The \lpr {mathdelimitersmode} primitive is experimental and deals with the
following (potential) problems. Three bits can be set. The first bit prevents an
unwanted shift when the fence symbol is not scaled (a cambria side effect). The
second bit forces italic correction between a preceding character ordinal and the
-fenced subformula, while the third bit turns that subformula into a ordinary so
+fenced subformula, while the third bit turns that subformula into an ordinary so
that the same spacing applies as with unfenced variants. Here we show Cambria
(with \lpr {mathitalicsmode} enabled).
@@ -791,7 +790,7 @@ that the same spacing applies as with unfenced variants. Here we show Cambria
So, when set to 7 fenced subformulas with unscaled delimiters come out the same
as unfenced ones. This can be handy for cases where one is forced to use \prm
{left} and \prm {right} always because of unpredictable content. As said, it's an
-experimental features (which somehow fits in the exceptional way fences are dealt
+experimental feature (which somehow fits in the exceptional way fences are dealt
with in the engine). The full list of flags is given in the next table:
@@ -799,7 +798,7 @@ with in the engine). The full list of flags is given in the next table:
\NC \type{"01} \NC don't apply the usual shift \NC \NR
\NC \type{"02} \NC apply italic correction when possible \NC \NR
-\NC \type{"04} \NC force a ordinary subformula \NC \NR
+\NC \type{"04} \NC force an ordinary subformula \NC \NR
\NC \type{"08} \NC no shift when a base character \NC \NR
\NC \type{"10} \NC only shift when an extensible \NC \NR
@@ -896,7 +895,7 @@ They are all initialized by \type {initex} to the values mentioned in the table
in Chapter~18 of the \TEX book.
Note 1: for ease of use as well as for backward compatibility, \prm {thinmuskip},
-\prm {medmuskip} and \prm {thickmuskip} are treated especially. In their case a
+\prm {medmuskip} and \prm {thickmuskip} are treated specially. In their case a
pointer to the corresponding internal parameter is saved, not the actual \prm
{muskip} value. This means that any later changes to one of these three
parameters will be taken into account.
@@ -940,7 +939,7 @@ accentee. The accent will be shifted horizontally such that its own \type
followed by its italic correction is used instead.
The vertical placement of a top accent depends on the \type {x_height} of the
-font of the accentee (as explained in the \TEX book), but if value that turns out
+font of the accentee (as explained in the \TEX book), but if a value turns out
to be zero and the font had a \type {MathConstants} table, then \type
{AccentBaseHeight} is used instead.
@@ -1115,7 +1114,7 @@ will return:
[2] [3] [4]
-These commands are provides as convenience. Before they came available you could
+These commands are provides as convenience. Before they come available you could
do the following:
@@ -1153,7 +1152,7 @@ The syntax used here is:
where the options can be \type {noaxis} and \type {exact}. By default we add half
the axis to the shifts and by default we zero the width of the middle character.
-For Latin Modern The result looks as follows:
+For Latin Modern the result looks as follows:
\def\ShowA#1#2#3{$x + { {#1} \Uskewed / #3 {#2} } + x$}
\def\ShowB#1#2#3{$x + { {#1} \Uskewedwithdelims / () #3 {#2} } + x$}
@@ -1276,7 +1275,7 @@ requested math family is used.
\topicindex {math+spacing}
-Inline math is surrounded by (optional) \prm {mathsurround} spacing but that is fixed
+Inline math is surrounded by (optional) \prm {mathsurround} spacing but that is a fixed
dimension. There is now an additional parameter \lpr {mathsurroundskip}. When set to a
non|-|zero value (or zero with some stretch or shrink) this parameter will replace
\prm {mathsurround}. By using an additional parameter instead of changing the nature
@@ -1358,11 +1357,11 @@ fields in a node when applicable in the first occasion that checks them
Normally you will force delimiters to certain sizes by putting an empty box or
rule next to it. The resulting delimiter will either be a character from the
stepwise size range or an extensible. The latter can be quite differently
-positioned that the characters as it depends on the fit as well as the fact if
+positioned than the characters as it depends on the fit as well as the fact if
the used characters in the font have depth or height. Commands like (plain \TEX
s) \type {\big} need use this feature. In \LUATEX\ we provide a bit more control
-by three variants that supporting optional parameters \type {height}, \type
-{depth} and \type {axis}. The following example uses this:
+by three variants that support optional parameters \type {height}, \type {depth}
+and \type {axis}. The following example uses this:
\Uleft height 30pt depth 10pt \Udelimiter "0 "0 "000028
@@ -1406,7 +1405,7 @@ We have three parameters that are used for this fixed anchoring:
When we set \lpr {mathscriptsmode} to a value other than zero these are used
for calculating fixed positions. This is something that is needed for instance
-for chemistry. You can manipulate the mentioned variables to achive different
+for chemistry. You can manipulate the mentioned variables to achieve different
@@ -1479,17 +1478,15 @@ to limit tracing. Only when \type {tracingassigns} and|/|or \type
The logic in the math engine is rather complex and there are often no universal
solutions (read: what works out well for one font, fails for another). Therefore
-some variations in the implementation will be driven by options for which a new
-primitive \lpr {mathoption} has been introduced (so that we don't end up with
-many new commands). The approach of options also permits us to see what effect a
-specific solution has.
+some variations in the implementation are driven by parameters (modes). In addition
+there is a new primitive \lpr {mathoption} which will be used for testing.
\subsubsection {\type {\mathoption old}}
This option was introduced for testing purposes when the math engine got split
code paths and it forces the engine to treat new fonts as old ones with respect
to italic correction etc. There are no guarantees given with respect to the final
-result and unexpected side effects are not seens as bugs as they relate to font
+result and unexpected side effects are not seen as bugs as they relate to font
@@ -1497,71 +1494,83 @@ properties.
The \type {oldmath} boolean flag in the \LUA\ font table is the official way to
-force old treatment as it's bound to fonts.
-\subsubsection {\type {\mathoption noitaliccompensation}}
-This option compensates placement for characters with a built|-|in italic
-Gives (with computer modern that has such italics):
- \switchtobodyfont[modern]
- \startcombination[nx=2,ny=2,distance=5em]
- {\mathoption noitaliccompensation 0\relax \mathematics{\getbuffer}}
- {\nohyphens\type{0:inline}}
- {\mathoption noitaliccompensation 0\relax \mathematics{\displaymath\getbuffer}}
- {\nohyphens\type{0:display}}
- {\mathoption noitaliccompensation 1\relax \mathematics{\getbuffer}}
- {\nohyphens\type{1:inline}}
- {\mathoption noitaliccompensation 1\relax \mathematics{\displaymath\getbuffer}}
- {\nohyphens\type{1:display}}
- \stopcombination
-\subsubsection {\type {\mathoption nocharitalic}}
-When two characters follow each other italic correction can interfere. The
-following example shows what this option does:
+force old treatment as it's bound to fonts. Like with all options we may
+temporarily introduce with this command this feature is not meant for production.
-Gives (with computer modern that has such italics):
+\subsubsection {Obsolete options}
- \switchtobodyfont[modern]
- \startcombination[nx=2,ny=2,distance=5em]
- {\mathoption nocharitalic 0\relax \mathematics{\getbuffer}}
- {\nohyphens\type{0:inline}}
- {\mathoption nocharitalic 0\relax \mathematics{\displaymath\getbuffer}}
- {\nohyphens\type{0:display}}
- {\mathoption nocharitalic 1\relax \mathematics{\getbuffer}}
- {\nohyphens\type{1:inline}}
- {\mathoption nocharitalic 1\relax \mathematics{\displaymath\getbuffer}}
- {\nohyphens\type{1:display}}
- \stopcombination
+The following options are gone: \typ {noitaliccompensation}, \typ {nocharitalic},
+\typ {useoldfractionscaling}, and \typ {umathcodemeaning}.
-\subsubsection {\type {\mathoption useoldfractionscaling}}
-This option has been introduced as solution for tracker item 604 for fuzzy cases
-around either or not present fraction related settings for new fonts.
+% % obsolete:
+% \subsubsection {\type {\mathoption noitaliccompensation}}
+% This option compensates placement for characters with a built|-|in italic
+% correction.
+% \startbuffer
+% {\showboxes\int}\quad
+% {\showboxes\int_{|}^{|}}\quad
+% {\showboxes\int\limits_{|}^{|}}
+% \stopbuffer
+% \typebuffer
+% Gives (with computer modern that has such italics):
+% \startlinecorrection[blank]
+% \switchtobodyfont[modern]
+% \startcombination[nx=2,ny=2,distance=5em]
+% {\mathoption noitaliccompensation 0\relax \mathematics{\getbuffer}}
+% {\nohyphens\type{0:inline}}
+% {\mathoption noitaliccompensation 0\relax \mathematics{\displaymath\getbuffer}}
+% {\nohyphens\type{0:display}}
+% {\mathoption noitaliccompensation 1\relax \mathematics{\getbuffer}}
+% {\nohyphens\type{1:inline}}
+% {\mathoption noitaliccompensation 1\relax \mathematics{\displaymath\getbuffer}}
+% {\nohyphens\type{1:display}}
+% \stopcombination
+% \stoplinecorrection
+% % obsolete:
+% \subsubsection {\type {\mathoption nocharitalic}}
+% When two characters follow each other italic correction can interfere. The
+% following example shows what this option does:
+% \startbuffer
+% \catcode"1D443=11
+% \catcode"1D444=11
+% \catcode"1D445=11
+% P( PP PQR
+% \stopbuffer
+% \typebuffer
+% Gives (with computer modern that has such italics):
+% \startlinecorrection[blank]
+% \switchtobodyfont[modern]
+% \startcombination[nx=2,ny=2,distance=5em]
+% {\mathoption nocharitalic 0\relax \mathematics{\getbuffer}}
+% {\nohyphens\type{0:inline}}
+% {\mathoption nocharitalic 0\relax \mathematics{\displaymath\getbuffer}}
+% {\nohyphens\type{0:display}}
+% {\mathoption nocharitalic 1\relax \mathematics{\getbuffer}}
+% {\nohyphens\type{1:inline}}
+% {\mathoption nocharitalic 1\relax \mathematics{\displaymath\getbuffer}}
+% {\nohyphens\type{1:display}}
+% \stopcombination
+% \stoplinecorrection
+% % obsolete:
+% \subsubsection {\type {\mathoption useoldfractionscaling}}
+% This option has been introduced as solution for tracker item 604 for fuzzy cases
+% around either or not present fraction related settings for new fonts.
diff --git a/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/luatex/luatex-modifications.tex b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/luatex/luatex-modifications.tex
index 58280aaac..4e90f064e 100644
--- a/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/luatex/luatex-modifications.tex
+++ b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/luatex/luatex-modifications.tex
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-% language=uk
+4% language=uk
\environment luatex-style
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ most of the adapted ones.
Besides the expected changes caused by new functionality, there are a number of
not|-|so|-|expected changes. These are sometimes a side|-|effect of a new
-(conflicting) feature, or, more often than not, a change neccessary to clean up
+(conflicting) feature, or, more often than not, a change necessary to clean up
the internal interfaces. These will also be mentioned.
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ most still comes from the original. But we divert a bit.
The current code base is written in \CCODE, not \PASCAL. We use \CWEB\ when
possible. As a consequence instead of one large file plus change files, we
now have multiple files organized in categories like \type {tex}, \type
- {pdf}, \type {lang}, \type {font}, \type {lua}, etc. There are some artefacts
+ {pdf}, \type {lang}, \type {font}, \type {lua}, etc. There are some artifacts
of the conversion to \CCODE, but in due time we will clean up the source code
and make sure that the documentation is done right. Many files are in the
\CWEB\ format, but others, like those interfacing to \LUA, are \CCODE\ files.
@@ -143,38 +143,38 @@ which in turn triggered renaming primitives.
For compatibility reasons we still refer to \type {\pdf...} commands but \LUATEX\
has a different backend interface. Instead of these primitives there are three
-interfacing primitives: \lpr {pdfextension}, \lpr {pdfvariable} and
-\lpr {pdffeedback} that take keywords and optional further arguments. This way
-we can extend the features when needed but don't need to adapt the core engine.
-The front- and backend are decoupled as much as possible.
+interfacing primitives: \lpr {pdfextension}, \lpr {pdfvariable} and \lpr
+{pdffeedback} that take keywords and optional further arguments (below we will
+still use the \tex {pdf} prefix names as reference). This way we can extend the
+features when needed but don't need to adapt the core engine. The front- and
+backend are decoupled as much as possible.
The (experimental) support for snap nodes has been removed, because it is
much more natural to build this functionality on top of node processing and
- attributes. The associated primitives that are gone are: \type
- {\pdfsnaprefpoint}, \type {\pdfsnapy}, and \type {\pdfsnapycomp}.
+ attributes. The associated primitives that are gone are: \orm
+ {pdfsnaprefpoint}, \orm {pdfsnapy}, and \orm {pdfsnapycomp}.
The (experimental) support for specialized spacing around nodes has also been
- removed. The associated primitives that are gone are: \type
- {\pdfadjustinterwordglue}, \type {\pdfprependkern}, and \type
- {\pdfappendkern}, as well as the five supporting primitives \type
- {\knbscode}, \type {\stbscode}, \type {\shbscode}, \type {\knbccode}, and
- \type {\knaccode}.
+ removed. The associated primitives that are gone are: \orm
+ {pdfadjustinterwordglue}, \orm {pdfprependkern}, and \orm {pdfappendkern}, as
+ well as the five supporting primitives \orm {knbscode}, \orm {stbscode}, \orm
+ {shbscode}, \orm {knbccode}, and \orm {knaccode}.
A number of \quote {\PDFTEX\ primitives} have been removed as they can be
- implemented using \LUA: \type {\pdfelapsedtime}, \type {\pdfescapehex}, \type
- {\pdfescapename}, \type {\pdfescapestring}, \type {\pdffiledump}, \type
- {\pdffilemoddate}, \type {\pdffilesize}, \type {\pdfforcepagebox}, \type
- {\pdflastmatch}, \type {\pdfmatch}, \type {\pdfmdfivesum}, \type
- {\pdfmovechars}, \type {\pdfoptionalwaysusepdfpagebox}, \type
- {\pdfoptionpdfinclusionerrorlevel}, \type {\pdfresettimer}, \type
- {\pdfshellescape}, \type {\pdfstrcmp} and \type {\pdfunescapehex}
+ implemented using \LUA: \orm {pdfelapsedtime}, \orm {pdfescapehex}, \orm
+ {pdfescapename}, \orm {pdfescapestring}, \orm {pdffiledump}, \orm
+ {pdffilemoddate}, \orm {pdffilesize}, \orm {pdfforcepagebox}, \orm
+ {pdflastmatch}, \orm {pdfmatch}, \orm {pdfmdfivesum}, \orm {pdfmovechars},
+ \orm {pdfoptionalwaysusepdfpagebox}, \orm {pdfoptionpdfinclusionerrorlevel},
+ \orm {pdfresettimer}, \orm {pdfshellescape}, \orm {pdfstrcmp} and \orm
+ {pdfunescapehex}.
@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ The front- and backend are decoupled as much as possible.
The experimental snapper mechanism has been removed and therefore also the
primitives \orm {pdfignoreddimen}, \orm {pdffirstlineheight}, \orm
- {pdfeachlineheight}, \orm {pdfeachlinedepth} and \orm {pdflastlinedepth}
+ {pdfeachlineheight}, \orm {pdfeachlinedepth} and \orm {pdflastlinedepth}.
@@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ The front- and backend are decoupled as much as possible.
- Two extra token lists are provides, \orm {pdfxformresources} and \orm
+ Two extra token lists are provided, \orm {pdfxformresources} and \orm
{pdfxformattr}, as an alternative to \orm {pdfxform} keywords.
@@ -390,39 +390,39 @@ we say next applies to both these programs.
- The extended 16-bit math primitives (\type {\omathcode} etc.) have been
+ The extended 16-bit math primitives (\orm {omathcode} etc.) have been
The \OCP\ processing has been removed completely and as a consequence, the
- following primitives have been removed: \type {\ocp}, \type {\externalocp},
- \type {\ocplist}, \type {\pushocplist}, \type {\popocplist}, \type
- {\clearocplists}, \type {\addbeforeocplist}, \type {\addafterocplist}, \type
- {\removebeforeocplist}, \type {\removeafterocplist} and \type
- {\ocptracelevel}.
+ following primitives have been removed: \orm {ocp}, \orm {externalocp}, \orm
+ {ocplist}, \orm {pushocplist}, \orm {popocplist}, \orm {clearocplists}, \orm
+ {addbeforeocplist}, \orm {addafterocplist}, \orm {removebeforeocplist}, \orm
+ {removeafterocplist} and \orm {ocptracelevel}.
- \LUATEX\ only understands 4~of the 16~direction specifiers of \ALEPH: \type
- {TLT} (latin), \type {TRT} (arabic), \type {RTT} (cjk), \type {LTL}
- (mongolian). All other direction specifiers generate an error.
+ \LUATEX\ only understands 4~of the 16~direction specifiers of \ALEPH: \orm
+ {TLT} (latin), \orm {TRT} (arabic), \orm {RTT} (cjk), \orm {LTL} (mongolian).
+ All other direction specifiers generate an error. In addition to a keyword
+ driven model we also provide an integer driven one.
The input translations from \ALEPH\ are not implemented, the related
- primitives are not available: \type {\DefaultInputMode}, \type
- {\noDefaultInputMode}, \type {\noInputMode}, \type {\InputMode}, \type
- {\DefaultOutputMode}, \type {\noDefaultOutputMode}, \type {\noOutputMode},
- \type {\OutputMode}, \type {\DefaultInputTranslation}, \type
- {\noDefaultInputTranslation}, \type {\noInputTranslation}, \type
- {\InputTranslation}, \type {\DefaultOutputTranslation}, \type
- {\noDefaultOutputTranslation}, \type {\noOutputTranslation} and \type
- {\OutputTranslation}.
+ primitives are not available: \orm {DefaultInputMode}, \orm
+ {noDefaultInputMode}, \orm {noInputMode}, \orm {InputMode}, \orm
+ {DefaultOutputMode}, \orm {noDefaultOutputMode}, \orm {noOutputMode}, \orm
+ {OutputMode}, \orm {DefaultInputTranslation}, \orm
+ {noDefaultInputTranslation}, \orm {noInputTranslation}, \orm
+ {InputTranslation}, \orm {DefaultOutputTranslation}, \orm
+ {noDefaultOutputTranslation}, \orm {noOutputTranslation} and \orm
+ {OutputTranslation}.
- Several bugs have been fixed an confusing implementation details have been
+ Several bugs have been fixed and confusing implementation details have been
sorted out.
@@ -475,7 +475,7 @@ we say next applies to both these programs.
- The promotion of primitives to core primitives as well as the removed of all
+ The promotion of primitives to core primitives as well as removing of all
others means that the initialization namespace \type {aleph} that early
versions of \LUATEX\ provided is gone.
@@ -548,7 +548,7 @@ order to separate the backend specific primitives in de code these commands are
now replaced by only a few. In traditional \TEX\ we only had the \DVI\ backend
but now we have two: \DVI\ and \PDF. Additional functionality is implemented as
\quote {extensions} in \TEX\ speak. By separating more strickly we are able to
-keep the core (fontend) clean and stable and isolate these extensions. If for
+keep the core (frontend) clean and stable and isolate these extensions. If for
some reason an extra backend option is needed, it can be implemented without
touching the core. The three \PDF\ backend related primitives are:
@@ -563,7 +563,7 @@ a (kind of) register and can be read and written, while a feedback is reporting
something (as it comes from the backend it's normally a sequence of tokens).
In order for \LUATEX\ to be more than just \TEX\ you need to enable primitives. That
-has already be the case right from the start. If you want the traditional \PDFTEX\
+has already been the case right from the start. If you want the traditional \PDFTEX\
primitives (for as far their functionality is still around) you now can do this:
@@ -669,7 +669,7 @@ macro:->[internal backend integer]
macro:->[internal backend tokenlist]
-The \prm {edef} can also be an \prm {def} but it's a bit more efficient
+The \prm {edef} can also be a \prm {def} but it's a bit more efficient
to expand the lookup related register beforehand. After that you can adapt
the defaults; these are:
@@ -1199,14 +1199,9 @@ structures, some of the macros have been duplicated. For instance, there are now
{token_info}. All access to the variable memory array is now hidden behind a
macro called \type {vmem}. We mention this because using the \TEX book as
reference is still quite valid but not for memory related details. Another
-significate detail is that we have double linked node lists and that most nodes
+significant detail is that we have double linked node lists and that most nodes
carry more data.
-The implementation of the growth of two arrays (via reallocation) introduces a
-potential pitfall: the memory arrays should never be used as the left hand side
-of a statement that can modify the array in question. Details like this are
-of no concern to users.
The input line buffer and pool size are now also reallocated when needed, and the
\type {texmf.cnf} settings \type {buf_size} and \type {pool_size} are silently
diff --git a/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/luatex/luatex-nodes.tex b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/luatex/luatex-nodes.tex
index 4a36151a6..fa5f924d7 100644
--- a/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/luatex/luatex-nodes.tex
+++ b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/luatex/luatex-nodes.tex
@@ -10,8 +10,8 @@
\topicindex {nodes}
-\TEX's nodes are represented in \LUA\ as userdata object with a variable set of
-fields. In the following syntax tables, such the type of such a userdata object
+\TEX's nodes are represented in \LUA\ as userdata objects with a variable set of
+fields. In the following syntax tables, such as the type of such a userdata object
is represented as \syntax {<node>}.
The current return value of \type {node.types()} is:
@@ -103,10 +103,10 @@ present in all nodes regardless of their type, these are:
-The \type {subtype} is sometimes just a stub entry. Not all nodes actually use
-the \type {subtype}, but this way you can be sure that all nodes accept it as a
-valid field name, and that is often handy in node list traversal. In the
-following tables \type {next} and \type {id} are not explicitly mentioned.
+The \type {subtype} is sometimes just a dummy entry because not all nodes
+actually use the \type {subtype}, but this way you can be sure that all nodes
+accept it as a valid field name, and that is often handy in node list traversal.
+In the following tables \type {next} and \type {id} are not explicitly mentioned.
Besides these three fields, almost all nodes also have an \type {attr} field, and
there is a also a field called \type {prev}. That last field is always present,
@@ -167,18 +167,19 @@ also use rules to store reuseable objects and images. User nodes are invisible
and can be intercepted by a callback.
-\DB field \BC type \BC explanation \NC \NR
+\DB field \BC type \BC explanation \NC \NR
-\NC \type{subtype} \NC number \NC \showsubtypes {rule} \NC \NR
-\NC \type{attr} \NC node \NC list of attributes \NC \NR
-\NC \type{width} \NC number \NC the width of the rule where the special value
- $-1073741824$ is used for \quote {running} glue dimensions \NC \NR
-\NC \type{height} \NC number \NC the height of the rule (can be negative) \NC \NR
-\NC \type{depth} \NC number \NC the depth of the rule (can be negative) \NC \NR
-\NC \type{left} \NC number \NC shift at the left end (also subtracted from width) \NC \NR
-\NC \type{right} \NC number \NC (subtracted from width) \NC \NR
-\NC \type{dir} \NC string \NC the direction of this rule, see~\in[dirnodes] \NC \NR
-\NC \type{index} \NC number \NC an optional index that can be referred to \NC \NR
+\NC \type{subtype} \NC number \NC \showsubtypes {rule} \NC \NR
+\NC \type{attr} \NC node \NC list of attributes \NC \NR
+\NC \type{width} \NC number \NC the width of the rule where the special value
+ $-1073741824$ is used for \quote {running} glue dimensions \NC \NR
+\NC \type{height} \NC number \NC the height of the rule (can be negative) \NC \NR
+\NC \type{depth} \NC number \NC the depth of the rule (can be negative) \NC \NR
+\NC \type{left} \NC number \NC shift at the left end (also subtracted from width) \NC \NR
+\NC \type{right} \NC number \NC (subtracted from width) \NC \NR
+\NC \type{dir} \NC string \NC the direction of this rule, see~\in[dirnodes] \NC \NR
+\NC \type{index} \NC number \NC an optional index that can be referred to \NC \NR
+\NC \type{transform} \NC number \NC an private variable (also used to specify outline width) \NC \NR
@@ -192,7 +193,9 @@ the auto settings also happen in the backend). For a vertical rule \type {left}
affects the height and \type {right} affects the depth. There is no matching
interface at the \TEX\ end (although we can have more keywords for rules it would
complicate matters and introduce a speed penalty.) However, you can just
-construct a rule node with \LUA\ and write it to the \TEX\ input.
+construct a rule node with \LUA\ and write it to the \TEX\ input. The \type
+{outline} subtype is just a convenient variant and the \type {transform} field
+specifies the width of the outline.
\subsubsection{\nod {ins} nodes}
@@ -218,8 +221,8 @@ There is a set of extra fields that concern the associated glue: \type {width},
These are all numbers.
A warning: never assign a node list to the \type {head} field unless you are sure
-its internal link structure is correct, otherwise an error may be result. You can use
-\type {list} instead (often in functions you want to use local variable swith similar
+its internal link structure is correct, otherwise an error may result. You can use
+\type {list} instead (often in functions you want to use local variable with similar
names and both names are equally sensible).
\subsubsection{\nod {mark} nodes}
@@ -256,7 +259,7 @@ This node comes from \prm {vadjust} primitive.
A warning: never assign a node list to the \type {head} field unless you are sure
-its internal link structure is correct, otherwise an error may be result.
+its internal link structure is correct, otherwise an error may be the result.
\subsubsection{\nod {disc} nodes}
@@ -299,7 +302,7 @@ Otherwise you can end up with an invalid internal perception of reality and
\LUATEX\ might even decide to crash on you. It also means that running forward
over for instance \type {pre} is ok but backward you need to stop at \type {pre}.
And you definitely must not mess with the node that \type {prev} points to, if
-only because it is not really an node but part of the disc data structure (so
+only because it is not really a node but part of the disc data structure (so
freeing it again might crash \LUATEX).
\subsubsection{\nod {math} nodes}
@@ -347,7 +350,7 @@ accessible fields:
The effective width of some glue subtypes depends on the stretch or shrink needed
to make the encapsulating box fit its dimensions. For instance, in a paragraph
-lines normally have glue representing spaces and these stretch of shrink to make
+lines normally have glue representing spaces and these stretch or shrink to make
the content fit in the available space. The \type {effective_glue} function that
takes a glue node and a parent (hlist or vlist) returns the effective width of
that glue item.
@@ -426,18 +429,18 @@ accumulation of \type {club}, \type{widow} and other relevant penalties.
\subsubsection[glyphnodes]{\nod {glyph} nodes}
\topicindex {nodes+glyph}
-\topicindex {glyph}
+\topicindex {glyphs}
-These are probably the mostly used nodes and although you can push on tin the
-list with for instance \prm {char} \TEX\ will normally do it for you when it
-considers some input to be text.
+These are probably the mostly used nodes and although you can push them in the
+current list with for instance \prm {char} \TEX\ will normally do it for you when
+it considers some input to be text.
\DB field \BC type \BC explanation \NC \NR
-\NC \type{subtype} \NC number \NC bitfield \NC \NR
+\NC \type{subtype} \NC number \NC bit field \NC \NR
\NC \type{attr} \NC node \NC list of attributes \NC \NR
-\NC \type{char} \NC number \NC the chatacter index in the font \NC \NR
+\NC \type{char} \NC number \NC the character index in the font \NC \NR
\NC \type{font} \NC number \NC the font identifier \NC \NR
\NC \type{lang} \NC number \NC the language identifier \NC \NR
\NC \type{left} \NC number \NC the frozen \type {\lefthyphenmnin} value \NC \NR
@@ -455,7 +458,7 @@ considers some input to be text.
The \type {width}, \type {height} and \type {depth} values are read|-|only. The
-\type {expansion_factor} is assigned in the parbuilder and used in the backend.
+\type {expansion_factor} is assigned in the par builder and used in the backend.
A warning: never assign a node list to the components field unless you are sure
its internal link structure is correct, otherwise an error may be result. Valid
@@ -517,7 +520,7 @@ This node relates to the \prm {noboundary}, \prm {boundary}, \prm
\topicindex {nodes+paragraphs}
\topicindex {paragraphs}
-This node in inserted a the start of a paragraph. You should not mess
+This node is inserted at the start of a paragraph. You should not mess
too much with this one.
@@ -536,7 +539,7 @@ too much with this one.
A warning: never assign a node list to the \type {box_left} or \type {box_right}
field unless you are sure its internal link structure is correct, otherwise an
-error may be result.
+error may result.
\subsubsection[dirnodes]{\nod {dir} nodes}
@@ -560,13 +563,13 @@ Direction specifiers are three|-|letter combinations of \type {T}, \type {B},
- the first is the direction of the \quote{top} of paragraphs.
+ the first is the direction of the \quote{top} of paragraphs
- the second is the direction of the \quote{start} of lines.
+ the second is the direction of the \quote{start} of lines
- the third is the direction of the \quote{top} of glyphs.
+ the third is the direction of the \quote{top} of glyphs
@@ -643,7 +646,7 @@ the \type {head} points to a \quote {normal} vbox or hbox. For \nod {sub_mlist},
the \type {head} points to a math list that is yet to be converted.
A warning: never assign a node list to the \type {head} field unless you are sure
-its internal link structure is correct, otherwise an error may be result.
+its internal link structure is correct, otherwise an error is triggered.
\subsubsubsection{\nod {delim} subnodes}
@@ -662,12 +665,12 @@ before, the \type {next} and \type {prev} fields are unused.
The fields \type {large_char} and \type {large_fam} can be zero, in that case the
-font that is sed for the \type {small_fam} is expected to provide the large
+font that is set for the \type {small_fam} is expected to provide the large
version as an extension to the \type {small_char}.
\subsubsection{Math core nodes}
-First, there are the objects (the \TEX book calls then \quote {atoms}) that are
+First, there are the objects (the \TEX book calls them \quote {atoms}) that are
associated with the simple math objects: ord, op, bin, rel, open, close, punct,
inner, over, under, vcent. These all have the same fields, and they are combined
into a single node type with separate subtypes for differentiation.
@@ -749,7 +752,7 @@ be prefixed by \type {cramped}.
Warning: never assign a node list to the \type {display}, \type {text}, \type
{script}, or \type {scriptscript} field unless you are sure its internal link
-structure is correct, otherwise an error may be result.
+structure is correct, otherwise an error can occur.
\subsubsubsection{\nod {radical} nodes}
@@ -770,7 +773,7 @@ structure is correct, otherwise an error may be result.
Warning: never assign a node list to the \type {nucleus}, \type {sub}, \type
{sup}, \type {left}, or \type {degree} field unless you are sure its internal
-link structure is correct, otherwise an error may be result.
+link structure is correct, otherwise an error can be triggered.
\subsubsubsection{\nod {fraction} nodes}
@@ -790,7 +793,7 @@ link structure is correct, otherwise an error may be result.
Warning: never assign a node list to the \type {num}, or \type {denom} field
unless you are sure its internal link structure is correct, otherwise an error
-may be result.
+can result.
\subsubsubsection{\nod {fence} nodes}
@@ -813,7 +816,7 @@ the process.
\subsection{whatsit nodes}
-Whatsit nodes come in many subtypes that you can ask for by running
+Whatsit nodes come in many subtypes that you can ask for them by running
\type {node.whatsits()}:
for id, name in table.sortedpairs(node.whatsits()) do
@@ -881,7 +884,7 @@ will simply step over such whatsits without ever looking at the contents.
The \type {type} can have one of six distinct values. The number is the \ASCII\
-value if the first character if the type name (so you can use string.byte("l")
+value if the first character of the type name (so you can use string.byte("l")
instead of \type {108}).
@@ -959,7 +962,7 @@ Possible mode values are:
-The higher the number, the less checking and the more you can run into troubles.
+The higher the number, the less checking and the more you can run into trouble.
Especially the \type {raw} variant can produce bad \PDF\ so you can best check
what you generate.
@@ -1031,7 +1034,7 @@ what you generate.
\subsubsubsection{\whs {pdf_action}}
-These are a special kind of item that only appears inside \PDF\ start link
+These are a special kind of items that only appear inside \PDF\ start link
@@ -1185,8 +1188,7 @@ Each node has at least the three fields \type {next}, \type {id}, and \type {sub
The other available fields depend on the \type {id} (and for \quote {whatsits},
-the \type {subtype}) of the node. Further details on the various fields and their
-meanings are given in~\in{chapter}[nodes].
+the \type {subtype}) of the node.
Support for \nod {unset} (alignment) nodes is partial: they can be queried and
modified from \LUA\ code, but not created.
@@ -1203,7 +1205,8 @@ call the node freeing functions yourself when you are no longer in need of a nod
(list). Nodes form linked lists without reference counting, so you have to be
careful that when control returns back to \LUATEX\ itself, you have not deleted
nodes that are still referenced from a \type {next} pointer elsewhere, and that
-you did not create nodes that are referenced more than once.
+you did not create nodes that are referenced more than once. Normally the setters
+and getters handle this for you.
There are statistics available with regards to the allocated node memory, which
can be handy for tracing.
@@ -1309,13 +1312,11 @@ actually a node, and it has the field.<number> id, <number> subtype)
-Creates a new node. All of the new node's fields are initialized to either zero
-or \type {nil} except for \type {id} and \type {subtype} (if supplied). If you
-want to create a new whatsit, then the second argument is required, otherwise it
-need not be present. As with all node functions, this function creates a node on
-the \TEX\ level.
-This function accepts string \type {id} and \type {subtype} values as well.
+The \type {new} function creates a new node. All its fields are initialized to
+either zero or \type {nil} except for \type {id} and \type {subtype}. Instead of
+numbers you can also use strings (names). If you create a new \nod {whatsit} node
+the second argument is required. As with all node functions, this function
+creates a node at the \TEX\ level.
\subsubsection{\type {} and \type {node.flush_node}}
@@ -1601,7 +1602,7 @@ This function also accept string \type {id}'s.
\subsubsection{\type {node.traverse}}
-<node> t =
+<node> t, id, subtype =
node.traverse(<node> n)
@@ -1647,7 +1648,7 @@ If the above is unclear to you, see the section \quote {For Statement} in the
\subsubsection{\type {node.traverse_id}}
-<node> t =
+<node> t, subtype =
node.traverse_id(<number> id, <node> n)
@@ -1674,14 +1675,36 @@ See the previous section for details. The change is in the local function \type
\subsubsection{\type {node.traverse_char}}
-This iterators loops over the glyph nodes in a list. Only nodes with a subtype
-less than 256 are seen.
+This iterator loops over the \nod {glyph} nodes in a list. Only nodes with a
+subtype less than 256 are seen.
-<node> n =
+<node> n, font, char =
node.traverse_char(<node> n)
+\subsubsection{\type {node.traverse_glyph}}
+This iterator loops over a list and returns the list and filters all glyphs:
+<node> n, font, char =
+ node.traverse_glyph(<node> n)
+\subsubsection{\type {node.traverse_list}}
+This iterator loops over the \nod {hlist} and \nod {vlist} nodes in a list.
+<node> n, id, subtype, list =
+ node.traverse_list(<node> n)
+The four return values can save some time compared to fetching these fields but
+in practice you seldom need them all. So consider it a (side effect of
+experimental) convenience.
\subsubsection{\type {node.has_glyph}}
This function returns the first glyph or disc node in the given list:
@@ -1699,8 +1722,8 @@ This function returns the first glyph or disc node in the given list:
Looks for and returns the next \type {math_node} following the \type {start}. If
-the given node is a math endnode this helper return that node, else it follows
-the list and return the next math endnote. If no such node is found nil is
+the given node is a math end node this helper returns that node, else it follows
+the list and returns the next math endnote. If no such node is found nil is
\subsubsection{\type {node.remove}}
@@ -1796,7 +1819,7 @@ node.unprotect_glyphs(<node> n,[<node> n])
Subtracts 256 from all glyph node subtypes. This and the next function are
helpers to convert from \type {characters} to \type {glyphs} during node
-processing. The second argument is option and indicates the end of a range.
+processing. The second argument is optional and indicates the end of a range.
\subsubsection{\type {node.protect_glyphs} and \type {node.protect_glyph}}
@@ -1809,7 +1832,7 @@ Adds 256 to all glyph node subtypes in the node list starting at \type {n},
except that if the value is 1, it adds only 255. The special handling of 1 means
that \type {characters} will become \type {glyphs} after subtraction of 256. A
single character can be marked by the singular call. The second argument is
-option and indicates the end of a range.
+optional and indicates the end of a range.
\subsubsection{\type {node.last_node}}
@@ -1827,9 +1850,9 @@ that node, or \type {nil} if the current list is empty.
node.write(<node> n)
-This is an experimental function that will append a node list to \TEX's \quote
-{current list} The node list is not deep|-|copied! There is no error checking
+This function that will append a node list to \TEX's \quote {current list}. The
+node list is not deep|-|copied! There is no error checking either! You mignt need
+to enforce horizontal mode in order for this to work as expected.
\subsubsection{\type {node.protrusion_skippable}}
@@ -1865,7 +1888,7 @@ When a list node is passed, you set the glue, order and sign instead.
\subsubsection{\type {node.getglue}}
-The next call will return 5 values (or northing when no glue is passed).
+The next call will return 5 values or nothing when no glue is passed.
<integer> width, <integer> stretch, <integer> shrink, <integer> stretch_order,
@@ -1974,7 +1997,7 @@ usage.
When you fool around with disc nodes you need to be aware of the fact that they
have a special internal data structure. As long as you reassign the fields when
you have extended the lists it's ok because then the tail pointers get updated,
-but when you add to list without reassigning you might end up in troubles when
+but when you add to list without reassigning you might end up in trouble when
the linebreak routien kicks in. You can call this function to check the list for
issues with disc nodes.
@@ -1997,9 +2020,10 @@ field when set.
\subsubsection{\type {node.family_font}}
-When you pass it a proper family identifier the next helper will return the font
-currently associated with it. You can normally also access the font with the normal
-font field or getter because it will resolve the family automatically for noads.
+When you pass a proper family identifier the next helper will return the font
+currently associated with it. You can normally also access the font with the
+normal font field or getter because it will resolve the family automatically for
<integer> id =
@@ -2010,7 +2034,7 @@ font field or getter because it will resolve the family automatically for noads.
You can set and query the synctex fields, a file number aka tag and a line
number, for a glue, kern, hlist, vlist, rule and math nodes as well as glyph
-nodes (although this last one are not used in native synctex).
+nodes (although this last one is not used in native synctex).
node.set_synctex_fields(<integer> f, <integer> l)
@@ -2027,15 +2051,15 @@ some assumptions (heuristics).
\topicindex{direct nodes}
-Deep down in \TEX\ a node has a number which is an numeric entry in a memory
+Deep down in \TEX\ a node has a number which is a numeric entry in a memory
table. In fact, this model, where \TEX\ manages memory is real fast and one of
the reasons why plugging in callbacks that operate on nodes is quite fast too.
Each node gets a number that is in fact an index in the memory table and that
-number often gets reported when you print node related information.
+number often is reported when you print node related information.
There are two access models, a robust one using a so called user data object that
provides a virtual interface to the internal nodes, and a more direct access which
-uses the node numbers directly. The first model provide key based access while
+uses the node numbers directly. The first model provides key based access while
the second always accesses fields via functions:
@@ -2044,19 +2068,19 @@ getfield(nodenumber,"char")
If you use the direct model, even if you know that you deal with numbers, you
-should not depend on that property but treat it an abstraction just like
+should not depend on that property but treat it as an abstraction just like
traditional nodes. In fact, the fact that we use a simple basic datatype has the
penalty that less checking can be done, but less checking is also the reason why
it's somewhat faster. An important aspect is that one cannot mix both methods,
but you can cast both models. So, multiplying a node number makes no sense.
So our advice is: use the indexed (table) approach when possible and investigate
-the direct one when speed might be an real issue. For that reason we also provide
-the \type {get*} and \type {set*} functions in the top level node namespace.
-There is a limited set of getters. When implementing this direct approach the
-regular index by key variant was also optimized, so direct access only makes
-sense when we're accessing nodes millions of times (which happens in some font
-processing for instance).
+the direct one when speed might be a real issue. For that reason \LUATEX\ also
+provide the \type {get*} and \type {set*} functions in the top level node
+namespace. There is a limited set of getters. When implementing this direct
+approach the regular index by key variant was also optimized, so direct access
+only makes sense when nodes are accessed millions of times (which happens in some
+font processing for instance).
We're talking mostly of getters because setters are less important. Documents
have not that many content related nodes and setting many thousands of properties
@@ -2097,7 +2121,7 @@ Some accessors are used frequently and for these we provide more efficient helpe
\DB function \BC explanation \NC \NR
\NC \type{getnext} \NC parsing nodelist always involves this one \NC \NR
-\NC \type{getprev} \NC used less but is logical companion to \type {getnext} \NC \NR
+\NC \type{getprev} \NC used less but a logical companion to \type {getnext} \NC \NR
\NC \type{getboth} \NC returns the next and prev pointer of a node \NC \NR
\NC \type{getid} \NC consulted a lot \NC \NR
\NC \type{getsubtype} \NC consulted less but also a topper \NC \NR
@@ -2106,7 +2130,7 @@ Some accessors are used frequently and for these we provide more efficient helpe
\NC \type{getwhd} \NC returns the \type {width}, \type {height} and \type {depth} of a list, rule or
(unexpanded) glyph as well as glue (its spec is looked at) and unset nodes\NC \NR
\NC \type{getdisc} \NC returns the \type {pre}, \type {post} and \type {replace} fields and
- optionally when true is passed also the tail fields. \NC \NR
+ optionally when true is passed also the tail fields \NC \NR
\NC \type{getlist} \NC we often parse nested lists so this is a convenient one too \NC \NR
\NC \type{getleader} \NC comparable to list, seldom used in \TEX\ (but needs frequent consulting
like lists; leaders could have been made a dedicated node type) \NC \NR
@@ -2134,7 +2158,7 @@ directmode setter \type {setlink} takes a list of nodes and will link them,
thereby ignoring \type {nil} entries. The first valid node is returned (beware:
for good reason it assumes single nodes). For rarely used fields no helpers are
provided and there are a few that probably are used seldom too but were added for
-consistency. You can of course always define additional accessor using \type
+consistency. You can of course always define additional accessors using \type
{getfield} and \type {setfield} with little overhead.
\def\yes{$+$} \def\nop{$-$}
diff --git a/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/luatex/luatex-preamble.tex b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/luatex/luatex-preamble.tex
index 98837e98d..1daef3c4d 100644
--- a/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/luatex/luatex-preamble.tex
+++ b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/luatex/luatex-preamble.tex
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
This is a reference manual, not a tutorial. This means that we discuss changes
relative to traditonal \TEX\ and also present new functionality. As a consequence
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ hook in your own code to manipulate lists, this can interfere with the macro
package that you use.
When you read about nodes in the following chapters it's good to keep in mind their
-commands that relate to then. here are a few:
+commands that relate to then. Here are a few:
\DB command \BC node \BC explanation \NC \NR
diff --git a/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/luatex/luatex-statistics.tex b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/luatex/luatex-statistics.tex
index ad3c12488..efd7f1c75 100644
--- a/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/luatex/luatex-statistics.tex
+++ b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/luatex/luatex-statistics.tex
@@ -8,6 +8,8 @@
+ The following fonts are used in this document:
diff --git a/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/luatex/luatex-style.tex b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/luatex/luatex-style.tex
index 5245723c4..c588763a6 100644
--- a/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/luatex/luatex-style.tex
+++ b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/luatex/luatex-style.tex
@@ -411,4 +411,6 @@
\unexpanded\def\whs#1{\doifmode{*bodypart}{\nodeindex [#1]{\type {#1}}}\type{#1}}
\unexpanded\def\noa#1{\doifmode{*bodypart}{\nodeindex [#1]{\type {#1}}}\type{#1}}
diff --git a/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/luatex/luatex.tex b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/luatex/luatex.tex
index 370092624..fe41cf6e3 100644
--- a/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/luatex/luatex.tex
+++ b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/luatex/luatex.tex
@@ -36,10 +36,13 @@
% after adding primitives: context mult-prm.mkiv
\environment luatex-style
-% \environment luatex-book
-\environment luatex-logos
-% \switchtobodyfont[small]
+ \environment luatex-style-book
+\environment luatex-logos
+\environment luatex-private
@@ -50,7 +53,7 @@
- version=1.08.0]
+ version=1.09]
\component luatex-titlepage
diff --git a/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/onandon/onandon-modern.tex b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/onandon/onandon-modern.tex
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..65b5d0490
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/onandon/onandon-modern.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,1284 @@
+% language=uk
+% 284 instances, 234 shared in backend, 126 common vectors, 108 common hashes, load time 1.343 seconds
+%setupversion[alternative=concept,text={not corrected yet}]
+\setupversion[alternative=file,text={not corrected yet}]
+\startcomponent onandon-modern
+\environment onandon-environment
+\startchapter[title={Modern Latin}]
+In \CONTEXT, already in \MKII, we have a feature tagged \quote {effects} that can
+be used to render a font in outline or bolder versions. It uses some low level
+\PDF\ directives to accomplish this and it works quite well. When a user on the
+\CONTEXT\ list asked if we could also provide it as a font feature in the
+repertoire of additional features in \CONTEXT, I was a bit reluctant to provide
+that because it operates at another level than the glyph stream. Also, such a
+feature can be abused and result in a bad looking document. However, by adding a
+few simple options to the \LUATEX\ engine such a feature could actually be
+achieved rather easy: it was trivial to implement given that we can influence
+font handling at the \LUA\ end. In retrospect extended and pseudo slanted fonts
+could be done this way too but there we have some historic ballast. Also, the
+backend now handles such transformations very efficient because they are combined
+with font scaling. Anyway, by adding this feature in spite of possible
+objections, I could do some more advanced experiments.
+In the following pages I will demonstrate how we support effects as a feature in
+\CONTEXT. Instead of simply applying some magic \PDF\ text operators in the
+backend a more integrated approach is used. The difference with the normal effect
+mechanism is that where the one described here is bound to a font instance while
+the normal mechanism operates on the glyph stream.
+\startsection[title={The basics}]
+Let's start with a basic boldening example. First we demonstrate a regular Latin
+Modern sample (using \type {ward.tex}):
+ \definedfont[DemoSerif*default]
+ \samplefile{ward}
+This font looks rather thin (light). Next we define an effect or \type {0.2} and
+typeset the same sample:
+ [effect-1]
+ [effect=.2]
+\typebuffer \getbuffer
+ \definedfont[DemoSerif*default,effect-1]
+ \samplefile{ward}
+This simple call gives reasonable default results. But you can have more control
+than this. The previous examples use the following properties:
+{\definedfont[DemoSerif*default,effect-1] \showfonteffect}
+ [effect-2]
+ [effect={width=.3}]
+\typebuffer \getbuffer
+ \definedfont[DemoSerif*default,effect-2]
+ \samplefile{ward}
+This time we use:
+{\definedfont[DemoSerif*default,effect-2] \showfonteffect}
+ [effect-3]
+ [effect={width=.3,delta=0.4}]
+\typebuffer \getbuffer
+ \showfontkerns
+ \definedfont[DemoSerif*default,effect-3]
+ \samplefile{ward}
+We have now tweaked one more property and show the fontkerns in order to see what
+happens with them:
+{\definedfont[DemoSerif*default,effect-3] \showfonteffect}
+ [effect-4]
+ [effect={width=.3,delta=0.4,factor=0.3}]
+\typebuffer \getbuffer
+ \showfontkerns
+ \definedfont[DemoSerif*default,effect-4]
+ \samplefile{ward}
+An additional parameter \type {factor} will influence the way (for instance)
+kerns get affected:
+{\definedfont[DemoSerif*effect-4] \showfonteffect}
+There are four effects. Normally a font is rendered with effect \type {inner}.
+The \type {outer} effect just draws the outlines while \type {both} gives a
+rather fat result. The \type {hidden} effect hides the text.
+ [effect-5]
+ [effect={width=0.2,delta=0.4,factor=0.3,effect=inner}]
+\typebuffer \getbuffer
+ \showfontkerns
+ \definedfont[DemoSerif*default,effect-5]
+ \samplefile{ward}
+An inner effect is rather useless unless you want to use the other properties of
+this mechanism.
+ [effect-6]
+ [effect={width=.2,delta=0.4,factor=0.3,effect=outer}]
+\typebuffer \getbuffer
+ \showfontkerns
+ \definedfont[DemoSerif*default,effect-6]
+ \samplefile{ward}
+ [effect-7]
+ [effect={width=.2,delta=0.4,factor=0.3,effect=both}]
+\typebuffer \getbuffer
+ \showfontkerns
+ \definedfont[DemoSerif*default,effect-7]
+ \samplefile{ward}
+ [effect-8]
+ [effect={width=.2,delta=0.4,factor=0.3,effect=hidden},
+ boundingbox=yes] % to show something
+\typebuffer \getbuffer
+We also show the boundingboxes of the glyphs here so that you can see what you're
+missing. Actually this text is still there and you can select it in the viewer.
+ \showfontkerns
+ \showglyphs
+ \definedfont[DemoSerif*default,effect-8]
+ \samplefile{ward}
+\startsection[title=The logic]
+In order to support this I had to make some choices. The calculations involved
+are best explained in terms of \CONTEXT\ font machinery.
+ \Delta _{\text{wd}} = \text{effect} _{\text{wdelta}}
+ \times \text{parameter}_{\text{hfactor}}
+ \times \text{effect} _{\text{width}}
+ \times 100
+ \Delta _{\text{ht}} = \text{effect} _{\text{hdelta}}
+ \times \text{parameter}_{\text{vfactor}}
+ \times \text{effect} _{\text{width}}
+ \times 100
+ \Delta _{\text{dp}} = \text{effect} _{\text{ddelta}}
+ \times \text{parameter}_{\text{vfactor}}
+ \times \text{effect} _{\text{width}}
+ \times 100
+The factors in the parameter namespace are adapted according to:
+ \Delta _{\text{factor}} = \text{effect} _{\text{factor}}
+ \times \text{parameters}_{\text{factor}}
+ \Delta _{\text{hfactor}} = \text{effect} _{\text{hfactor}}
+ \times \text{parameters}_{\text{hfactor}}
+ \Delta _{\text{vfactor}} = \text{effect} _{\text{vfactor}}
+ \times \text{parameters}_{\text{vfactor}}
+The horizontal and vertical scaling factors default to the normal factor that
+defaults to zero so by default we have no additional scaling of for instance
+kerns. The width (wd), height (ht) and depth (dp) of a glyph are adapted in
+relation to the line width. A glyph is shifted in its bounding box by half the
+width correction. The delta defaults to one.
+\startsection[title=About features]
+This kind of boldening has limitations especially because some fonts use
+positioning features that closely relate to the visual font properties. Let's
+give some examples. The most common positioning is kerning. Take for instance
+these shapes:
+ def SampleShapes(expr dx, offset, pw, k) =
+ picture p ; p := image (
+ draw fullcircle scaled 1cm ;
+ draw fullsquare scaled 1cm shifted (dx+k,0) ;
+ draw point 8 of (fullcircle scaled 1cm) withcolor white ;
+ draw point 3.5 of (fullsquare scaled 1cm) shifted (dx+k,0) withcolor white ;
+ ) shifted (offset,0) ;
+ draw p withpen pencircle scaled pw ;
+ draw boundingbox p withcolor white ;
+ enddef ;
+ SampleShapes(15mm, 0mm,1mm,0mm) ;
+ SampleShapes(15mm, 40mm,2mm,0mm) ;
+ SampleShapes(17mm, 80mm,2mm,0mm) ;
+The first one is that we start with. The circle and square have a line width of
+one unit and a distance (kern) of five units. The second pair has a line width of
+two units and the same distance while the third pair has a distance of seven
+units. So, in the last case we have just increased the kern with a value relative
+to the increase of line width.
+ SampleShapes(15mm, 0mm,1mm,0mm) ;
+ SampleShapes(15mm, 40mm,2mm,2mm) ;
+ SampleShapes(17mm, 80mm,2mm,2mm) ;
+In this example we have done the same but we started with a distance of zero. You
+can consider this a kind of anchoring. This happens in for instance cursive
+scripts where entry and exit points are used to connect shapes. In a latin script
+you can think of a poor|-|mans attachment of a cedilla or ogonek. But what to do
+with for instance an accent on top of a character? In that case we could do the
+same as with kerning. However, when we mix styles we would like to have a
+consistent height so maybe there scaling is not a good idea. This is why we can
+set the factors and deltas explictly for vertical and horizontal movements.
+However, this will only work well when a font is consistent in how it applies
+these movements. In this case, if could recognize cursive anchoring (the last
+pair in the example) we could compensate for it.
+ def SampleShapes(expr dx, offset, pw, k) =
+ picture p ; p := image (
+ draw fullcircle scaled 1cm ;
+ draw fullsquare scaled 1cm shifted (dx+k,0) ;
+ draw point 8 of (fullcircle scaled 1cm) withcolor white ;
+ draw point 3.5 of (fullsquare scaled 1cm) shifted (dx+k,0) withcolor white ;
+ ) shifted (offset,0) ;
+ draw p withpen pencircle scaled pw ;
+ draw boundingbox p withcolor white ;
+ enddef ;
+ SampleShapes(10mm, 0mm,1mm,0mm) ;
+ SampleShapes(10mm, 40mm,1mm,1mm) ;
+ SampleShapes(10mm, 80mm,2mm,0mm) ;
+ SampleShapes(10mm,120mm,2mm,2mm) ;
+So, an interesting extension to the positioning part of the font handler could be
+to influence all the scaling factors: anchors, cursives, single and pair wise
+positioning in both directions (so eight independent factors). Technically this
+is no big deal so I might give it a go when I have a need for it.
+\startsection[title=Some (extreme) examples]
+The last decade buying a font has become a bit of a nightmare simply because you
+have to choose the weights that you need. It's the business model to not stick to
+four shapes in a few weights but offer a whole range and each of course costs
+Latin Modern is based on Computer Modern and is meant for high resolution rendering.
+The design of the font is such that you can create instances but in practice that
+isn't done. One property that let the font stand out is its bold which runs rather
+wide. However, how about cooking up a variant? For this we will use a series of
+ [effect={width=0.2,delta=0}]
+ [effect={width=0.2,delta=0.3}]
+ [effect={width=0.2,delta=0.6}]
+ [effect={width=0.4,delta=0}]
+ [effect={width=0.4,delta=0.3}]
+ [effect={width=0.4,delta=0.6}]
+ [effect={width=0.8,delta=0}]
+ [effect={width=0.8,delta=0.3}]
+ [effect={width=0.8,delta=0.6}]
+ [effect={width=0.8,delta=0.6,factor=0.2}]
+ [effect={width=0.8,delta=0.6,factor=0.4}]
+\typebuffer \getbuffer
+And a helper macro:
+\starttexdefinition ShowOneSample #1#2#3#4
+ %\testpage[5]
+ %\startsubsubsubject[title=\type{#1}]
+ \start
+ \definedfont[#2*#3 @ 10pt]
+ \setupinterlinespace
+ \startlinecorrection
+ \showglyphs \showfontkerns
+ \scale[sx=#4,sy=#4]{effective n\"ots}
+ \stoplinecorrection
+ \blank[samepage]
+ \dontcomplain
+ \showfontkerns
+ \margintext{\tt\txx\maincolor#1}
+ \samplefile{ward}
+ \par
+ \stop
+ %\stopsubsubsubject
+\typebuffer \getbuffer
+\starttexdefinition ShowSamples #1
+ \startsubsubject[title=#1]
+ \start
+ \ShowOneSample{no effect} {#1}{default} {5}
+ \ShowOneSample{width=0.2\\delta=0} {#1}{default,effect-2-0-0}{5}
+ \ShowOneSample{width=0.2\\delta=0.3} {#1}{default,effect-2-3-0}{5}
+ \ShowOneSample{width=0.2\\delta=0.6} {#1}{default,effect-2-6-0}{5}
+ \ShowOneSample{width=0.4\\delta=0} {#1}{default,effect-4-0-0}{5}
+ \ShowOneSample{width=0.4\\delta=0.3} {#1}{default,effect-4-3-0}{5}
+ \ShowOneSample{width=0.4\\delta=0.6} {#1}{default,effect-4-6-0}{5}
+ \ShowOneSample{width=0.8\\delta=0} {#1}{default,effect-8-0-0}{5}
+ \ShowOneSample{width=0.8\\delta=0.3} {#1}{default,effect-8-3-0}{5}
+ \ShowOneSample{width=0.8\\delta=0.6} {#1}{default,effect-8-6-0}{5}
+ \ShowOneSample{width=0.8\\delta=0.6\\factor=0.2}{#1}{default,effect-8-6-2}{5}
+ \ShowOneSample{width=0.8\\delta=0.6\\factor=0.4}{#1}{default,effect-8-6-4}{5}
+ \stop
+ \stopsubsubject
+We show some extremes, using the font used in this document. so don't complain
+about beauty here.
+ \setupalign[flushleft,broad,nothyphenated,verytolerant]
+ \texdefinition{ShowSamples}{Mono}
+The quality of the result depends on how the font is made. For instance,
+ligatures can be whole shapes, replaced glyphs and|/|or repositioned
+glyphs, or whatever the designer thinks reasonable. In \in {figure}
+[fig:ligature-effects-mess] this is demonstrated. We use the following
+feature sets:
+ [demo-1]
+ [default]
+ [hlig=yes]
+ [demo-2]
+ [demo-1]
+ [effect=0.5]
+\typebuffer \getbuffer
+\startplacefigure[title={The effects on ligatures.},reference=fig:ligature-effects-mess]
+ \startcombination[1*3]
+ { \scale [scale=5000] {
+ \definedfont[texgyrepagellaregular*demo-1]fist effe
+ \par
+ \definedfont[texgyrepagellaregular*demo-2]fist effe
+ } } {
+ texgyre pagella regular
+ } { \scale [scale=5000] {
+ \definedfont[cambria*demo-1]fist effe
+ \par
+ \definedfont[cambria*demo-2]fist effe
+ } } {
+ cambria
+ } { \scale [scale=5000] {
+ \definedfont[ebgaramond12regular*demo-1]fist effe
+ \par
+ \definedfont[ebgaramond12regular*demo-2]fist effe
+ } } {
+ ebgaramond 12 regular
+ }
+ \stopcombination
+Normally the artifacts (as in the fi ligature in ebgaramond as of 2018) will go
+unnoticed at small sized. Also, when the user has a low res display, printer or
+when the publishers is one of those who print a scanned \PDF\ the reader might
+not notice it at all. Most readers don't even know what to look at.
+\startsection[title=A modern Modern]
+So how can we make an effective set of Latin Modern that fits in todays look and
+feel. Of course this is a very subjective experiment but we've seen experiments
+with these fonts before (like these cm super collections). Here is an example of
+a typescript definition:
+ \definefontfeature[lm-rm-regular][effect={width=0.15,delta=1.00}]
+ \definefontfeature[lm-rm-bold] [effect={width=0.30,delta=1.00}]
+ \definefontfeature[lm-ss-regular][effect={width=0.10,delta=1.00}]
+ \definefontfeature[lm-ss-bold] [effect={width=0.20,delta=1.00}]
+ \definefontfeature[lm-tt-regular][effect={width=0.15,delta=1.00}]
+ \definefontfeature[lm-tt-bold] [effect={width=0.30,delta=1.00}]
+ \definefontfeature[lm-mm-regular][effect={width=0.15,delta=1.00}]
+ \definefontfeature[lm-mm-bold] [effect={width=0.30,delta=1.00}]
+ \starttypescript [serif] [modern-latin]
+ \definefontsynonym
+ [Serif] [file:lmroman10-regular]
+ [features={default,lm-rm-regular}]
+ \definefontsynonym
+ [SerifItalic] [file:lmroman10-italic]
+ [features={default,lm-rm-regular}]
+ \definefontsynonym
+ [SerifSlanted] [file:lmromanslant10-regular]
+ [features={default,lm-rm-regular}]
+ \definefontsynonym
+ [SerifBold] [file:lmroman10-regular]
+ [features={default,lm-rm-bold}]
+ \definefontsynonym
+ [SerifBoldItalic] [file:lmroman10-italic]
+ [features={default,lm-rm-bold}]
+ \definefontsynonym
+ [SerifBoldSlanted] [file:lmromanslant10-regular]
+ [features={default,lm-rm-bold}]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [sans] [modern-latin]
+ \definefontsynonym
+ [Sans] [file:lmsans10-regular]
+ [features={default,lm-ss-regular}]
+ \definefontsynonym
+ [SansItalic] [file:lmsans10-oblique]
+ [features={default,lm-ss-regular}]
+ \definefontsynonym
+ [SansSlanted] [file:lmsans10-oblique]
+ [features={default,lm-ss-regular}]
+ \definefontsynonym
+ [SansBold] [file:lmsans10-regular]
+ [features={default,lm-ss-bold}]
+ \definefontsynonym
+ [SansBoldItalic] [file:lmsans10-oblique]
+ [features={default,lm-ss-bold}]
+ \definefontsynonym
+ [SansBoldSlanted] [file:lmsans10-oblique]
+ [features={default,lm-ss-bold}]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [mono] [modern-latin]
+ \definefontsynonym
+ [Mono] [file:lmmono10-regular]
+ [features={default,lm-tt-regular}]
+ \definefontsynonym
+ [MonoItalic] [file:lmmono10-italic]
+ [features={default,lm-tt-regular}]
+ \definefontsynonym
+ [MonoSlanted] [file:lmmonoslant10-regular]
+ [features={default,lm-tt-regular}]
+ \definefontsynonym
+ [MonoBold] [file:lmmono10-regular]
+ [features={default,lm-tt-bold}]
+ \definefontsynonym
+ [MonoBoldItalic] [file:lmmono10-italic]
+ [features={default,lm-tt-bold}]
+ \definefontsynonym
+ [MonoBoldSlanted] [file:lmmonoslant10-regular]
+ [features={default,lm-tt-bold}]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [math] [modern-latin]
+ \loadfontgoodies[lm]
+ \definefontsynonym
+ [MathRoman] [file:latinmodern-math-regular.otf]
+ [features={math\mathsizesuffix,lm-mm-regular,mathextra},
+ goodies=lm]
+ \definefontsynonym
+ [MathRomanBold] [file:latinmodern-math-regular.otf]
+ [features={math\mathsizesuffix,lm-mm-bold,mathextra},
+ goodies=lm]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [modern-latin]
+ \definetypeface [\typescriptone]
+ [rm] [serif] [modern-latin] [default]
+ \definetypeface [\typescriptone]
+ [ss] [sans] [modern-latin] [default]
+ \definetypeface [\typescriptone]
+ [tt] [mono] [modern-latin] [default]
+ \definetypeface [\typescriptone]
+ [mm] [math] [modern-latin] [default]
+ \quittypescriptscanning
+ \stoptypescript
+We show some more samples now for which we use\type {zapf.tex}.
+ {\tf\samplefile{zapf}}\blank {\bf\samplefile{zapf}}\blank
+ {\it\samplefile{zapf}}\blank {\bi\samplefile{zapf}}\blank
+ {\sl\samplefile{zapf}}\blank {\bs\samplefile{zapf}}\blank
+ \start
+ \switchtobodyfont[modern-latin,rm,10pt]
+ \getbuffer
+ \stop
+ \start
+ \switchtobodyfont[modern-latin,ss,10pt]
+ \getbuffer
+ \stop
+ \start
+ \switchtobodyfont[modern-latin,tt,10pt]
+ \setupalign[flushleft,broad,nothyphenated,verytolerant]
+ \getbuffer
+ \stop
+In practice we only need to compensate the width but can leave the height
+and depth untouched. In the following examples we see the normal bold next
+to the regular as well as the boldened version. For this we will use a couple
+of definitions:
+ [lm-bold]
+ [effect={width=0.25,hdelta=0,ddelta=0,effect=both},
+ extend=1.10]
+ [pg-bold]
+ [effect={width=0.25,hdelta=0,ddelta=0,effect=both},
+ extend=1.00]
+ [dj-bold]
+ [effect={width=0.35,hdelta=0,ddelta=0,effect=both},
+ extend=1.05]
+\definefont[lmbald][Serif*default,lm-bald sa d]
+\definefont[pgbald][Serif*default,pg-bald sa d]
+\definefont[djbald][Serif*default,dj-bald sa d]
+\definefont[lmbold][Serif*default,lm-bold sa d]
+\definefont[pgbold][Serif*default,pg-bold sa d]
+\definefont[djbold][Serif*default,dj-bold sa d]
+\typebuffer \getbuffer
+We can combine the extend and effect features to get a bold running as wide as a
+normal bold. We limit the height and depth so that we can use regular and bold in
+the same sentence. It's all a matter of taste, but some control is there.
+ \BC
+ \tt modern \BC
+ \tt pagella \BC
+ \tt dejavu \NC
+ \type{\tfd} \NC
+ \switchtobodyfont [modern,24pt]\strut\ruledhbox{\tfd ABC}\NC
+ \switchtobodyfont[pagella,24pt]\strut\ruledhbox{\tfd ABC}\NC
+ \switchtobodyfont [dejavu,24pt]\strut\ruledhbox{\tfd ABC}\NC
+ \type{\..bald} \NC
+ \switchtobodyfont [modern,24pt]\strut\ruledhbox{\lmbald ABC}\NC
+ \switchtobodyfont[pagella,24pt]\strut\ruledhbox{\pgbald ABC}\NC
+ \switchtobodyfont [dejavu,24pt]\strut\ruledhbox{\djbald ABC}\NC
+ \type{\bfd} \NC
+ \switchtobodyfont [modern,24pt]\strut\ruledhbox{\bfd ABC}\NC
+ \switchtobodyfont[pagella,24pt]\strut\ruledhbox{\bfd ABC}\NC
+ \switchtobodyfont [dejavu,24pt]\strut\ruledhbox{\bfd ABC}\NC
+ \type{\..bold} \NC
+ \switchtobodyfont [modern,24pt]\strut\ruledhbox{\lmbold ABC}\NC
+ \switchtobodyfont[pagella,24pt]\strut\ruledhbox{\pgbold ABC}\NC
+ \switchtobodyfont [dejavu,24pt]\strut\ruledhbox{\djbold ABC}\NC
+Let's take another go at Pagella. We define a few features, colors
+and fonts first:
+ [pg-fake-1]
+ [effect={width=0.25,effect=both}]
+ [pg-fake-2]
+ [effect={width=0.25,hdelta=0,ddelta=0,effect=both}]
+\definefont[pgregular] [Serif*default]
+\definefont[pgbold] [SerifBold*default]
+\definecolor[color-pgregular] [t=.5,a=1,r=.6]
+\definecolor[color-pgbold] [t=.5,a=1,g=.6]
+\typebuffer \getbuffer
+When we apply these we get the results of \in {figure} [fig:pagella-compared]
+while we show the same overlayed in \in {figure} [fig:pagella-overlayed]. As you
+can see, the difference in real bold and fake bold is subtle: the inner shape of
+the \quote {o} differs. Also note that the position of the accents doesn't change
+in the vertical direction but moves along with the width.
+\def\SampleWord{\^o\"ep\c s}
+\startplacefigure[title={Four pagella style variants compared.},reference=fig:pagella-compared]
+ \startcombination[2*2]
+ {
+ \scale [scale=7500] {
+ \ruledhbox{\showglyphs\pgregular \SampleWord}
+ }
+ } {
+ regular (red)
+ } {
+ \scale [scale=7500] {
+ \ruledhbox{\showglyphs\pgbold \SampleWord}
+ }
+ } {
+ bold (green)
+ } {
+ \scale [scale=7500] {
+ \ruledhbox{\showglyphs\pgfakebolda \SampleWord}
+ }
+ } {
+ fakebolda (blue)
+ } {
+ \scale [scale=7500] {
+ \ruledhbox{\showglyphs\pgfakeboldb \SampleWord}
+ }
+ } {
+ fakeboldb (yellow)
+ }
+ \stopcombination
+\startplacefigure[title={Four pagella style variants overlayed.},reference=fig:pagella-overlayed]
+ \startcombination[2*3]
+ {
+ \scale [scale=7500] {
+ \startoverlay
+ {\color[color-pgregular] {\pgregular \SampleWord}}
+ {\color[color-pgbold] {\pgbold \SampleWord}}
+ \stopoverlay
+ }
+ } {
+ bold over regular
+ } {
+ \scale [scale=7500] {
+ \startoverlay
+ {\color[color-pgregular] {\pgregular \SampleWord}}
+ {\color[color-pgfakeboldb]{\pgfakeboldb \SampleWord}}
+ \stopoverlay
+ }
+ } {
+ fakebolda over regular
+ } {
+ \scale [scale=7500] {
+ \startoverlay
+ {\color[color-pgregular] {\pgregular \SampleWord}}
+ {\color[color-pgfakebolda]{\pgfakeboldb \SampleWord}}
+ \stopoverlay
+ }
+ } {
+ fakeboldb over regular
+ } {
+ \scale [scale=7500] {
+ \startoverlay
+ {\color[color-pgbold] {\pgbold \SampleWord}}
+ {\color[color-pgfakeboldb]{\pgfakeboldb \SampleWord}}
+ \stopoverlay
+ }
+ } {
+ fakeboldb over bold
+ } {
+ \scale [scale=7500] {
+ \startoverlay
+ {\color[color-pgfakebolda]{\pgfakebolda \SampleWord}}
+ {\color[color-pgfakeboldb]{\pgfakeboldb \SampleWord}}
+ \stopoverlay
+ }
+ } {
+ fakeboldb over fakebolda
+ } {
+ \scale [scale=7500] {
+ \startoverlay
+ {\color[color-pgregular] {\pgregular \SampleWord}}
+ {\color[color-pgbold] {\pgbold \SampleWord}}
+ {\color[color-pgfakebolda]{\pgfakebolda \SampleWord}}
+ {\color[color-pgfakeboldb]{\pgfakeboldb \SampleWord}}
+ \stopoverlay
+ }
+ } {
+ all four overlayed
+ }
+ \stopcombination
+\startsection[title=The code]
+The amount of code involved is not that large and is a nice illustration of what
+\LUATEX\ provides (I have omitted a few lines of tracing and error reporting).
+The only thing added to the font scaler elsewhere is that we pass the \type
+{mode} and \type {width} parameters to \TEX\ so that they get used in the backend
+to inject the few operators needed.
+local effects = {
+ inner = 0,
+ outer = 1,
+ both = 2,
+ hidden = 3,
+local function initialize(tfmdata,value)
+ local spec
+ if type(value) == "number" then
+ spec = { width = value }
+ else
+ spec = utilities.parsers.settings_to_hash(value)
+ end
+ local effect = spec.effect or "both"
+ local width = tonumber(spec.width) or 0
+ local mode = effects[effect]
+ if mode then
+ local factor = tonumber(spec.factor) or 0
+ local hfactor = tonumber(spec.vfactor) or factor
+ local vfactor = tonumber(spec.hfactor) or factor
+ local delta = tonumber( or 1
+ local wdelta = tonumber(spec.wdelta) or delta
+ local hdelta = tonumber(spec.hdelta) or delta
+ local ddelta = tonumber(spec.ddelta) or hdelta
+ tfmdata.parameters.mode = mode
+ tfmdata.parameters.width = width * 1000
+ = {
+ effect = effect, width = width,
+ wdelta = wdelta, factor = factor,
+ hdelta = hdelta, hfactor = hfactor,
+ ddelta = ddelta, vfactor = vfactor,
+ }
+ end
+local function manipulate(tfmdata)
+ local effect =
+ if effect then
+ local characters = tfmdata.characters
+ local parameters = tfmdata.parameters
+ local multiplier = effect.width * 100
+ local wdelta = effect.wdelta * parameters.hfactor * multiplier
+ local hdelta = effect.hdelta * parameters.vfactor * multiplier
+ local ddelta = effect.ddelta * parameters.vfactor * multiplier
+ local hshift = wdelta / 2
+ local factor = (1 + effect.factor) * parameters.factor
+ local hfactor = (1 + effect.hfactor) * parameters.hfactor
+ local vfactor = (1 + effect.vfactor) * parameters.vfactor
+ for unicode, char in next, characters do
+ local oldwidth = char.width
+ local oldheight = char.height
+ local olddepth = char.depth
+ if oldwidth and oldwidth > 0 then
+ char.width = oldwidth + wdelta
+ char.commands = {
+ { "right", hshift },
+ { "char", unicode },
+ }
+ end
+ if oldheight and oldheight > 0 then
+ char.height = oldheight + hdelta
+ end
+ if olddepth and olddepth > 0 then
+ char.depth = olddepth + ddelta
+ end
+ end
+ parameters.factor = factor
+ parameters.hfactor = hfactor
+ parameters.vfactor = vfactor
+ end
+local specification = {
+ name = "effect",
+ description = "apply effects to glyphs",
+ initializers = {
+ base = initialize,
+ node = initialize,
+ },
+ manipulators = {
+ base = manipulate,
+ node = manipulate,
+ },
+The real code is slightly more complex because we want to stack virtual features
+properly but the principle is the same.
+It is tempting to test effects with arabic but we need to keep in mind that for
+that we should add some more support in the \CONTEXT\ font handler. Let's define
+some features.
+ [bolden-arabic-1]
+ [effect={width=0.4}]
+ [bolden-arabic-2]
+ [effect={width=0.4,effect=outer}]
+ [bolden-arabic-3]
+ [effect={width=0.5,wdelta=0.5,ddelta=.2,hdelta=.2,factor=.1}]
+\typebuffer \getbuffer
+ [righttoleft]
+ [1.5]
+ \definedfont[arabictest*arabic,bolden-arabic-1 @ 30pt]
+ \samplefile{khatt-ar}\par
+ \definedfont[arabictest*arabic,bolden-arabic-2 @ 30pt]
+ \samplefile{khatt-ar}\par
+ \definedfont[arabictest*arabic,bolden-arabic-3 @ 30pt]
+ \samplefile{khatt-ar}\par
+With \MICROSOFT\ Arabtype the \type {khatt-ar.tex} looks as follows:
+\typebuffer \start \definefontsynonym[arabictest][arabtype] \getbuffer\stop
+And with Idris' Husayni we get:
+\typebuffer \start \definefontsynonym[arabictest][husayni] \getbuffer\stop
+Actually, quite okay are the following. We don't over do bold here and to get
+a distinction we make the original thinner.
+\definefontfeature[effect-ar-thin] [effect={width=0.01,effect=inner}]
+\typebuffer \getbuffer
+ \setupalign
+ [righttoleft]
+ \setupinterlinespace
+ [1.5]
+ \definedfont[husayni*arabic,effect-ar-thin @ 30pt]
+ \samplefile{khatt-ar}\par
+ \definedfont[husayni*arabic,effect-ar-thick @ 30pt]
+ \samplefile{khatt-ar}\par
+The results are acceptable at small sizes but at larger sizes you will start to
+see kerning, anchoring and cursive artifacts. The outline examples show that the
+amount of overlap differs per font and the more overlap we have the better
+boldening will work.
+ def DrawShapes(expr how) =
+ def SampleShapes(expr offset, pw, xc, xs, xt, yc, ys, yt, txt, more) =
+ numeric l ; l := pw * mm ;
+ picture p ; p := image (
+ draw fullcircle scaled 10 ;
+ draw fullcircle scaled 3 shifted (-3+xc ,8+yc) withcolor "darkred" ;
+ draw fullsquare scaled 3 shifted ( 6+xs ,7+ys) withcolor "darkblue";
+ draw fulltriangle scaled 4 shifted ( 6+xt+5,6+yt) withcolor "darkgreen";
+ ) shifted (offset,0) scaled mm ;
+ draw p
+ withpen pencircle
+ if how = 2 :
+ xscaled l yscaled (l/2) rotated 30 ;
+ else :
+ scaled l ;
+ fi ;
+ draw boundingbox p
+ withcolor "darkyellow" ;
+ draw textext(txt)
+ shifted (xpart center p, -8mm) ;
+ draw textext(more)
+ shifted (xpart center p, -11mm) ;
+ enddef ;
+ SampleShapes( 0,1, 0,0,0, 0, 0, 0, "\tinyfont \setstrut \strut original", "\tinyfont \setstrut \strut ") ;
+ SampleShapes( 25,2, 0,0,0, 0, 0, 0, "\tinyfont \setstrut \strut instance", "\tinyfont \setstrut \strut ") ;
+ SampleShapes( 50,2,-1,1,0, 0, 0, 0, "\tinyfont \setstrut \strut mark", "\tinyfont \setstrut \strut x only") ;
+ SampleShapes( 75,2,-1,1,1, 0, 0, 0, "\tinyfont \setstrut \strut mark + mkmk","\tinyfont \setstrut \strut x only") ;
+ SampleShapes(100,2,-1,1,1, 1, 1, 1, "\tinyfont \setstrut \strut mark + mkmk","\tinyfont \setstrut \strut x and y") ;
+ SampleShapes(125,2,-1,2,2,-1/2,-1/2,-1/2,"\tinyfont \setstrut \strut mark + mkmk","\tinyfont \setstrut \strut x and -y") ;
+ enddef ;
+In arabic (and sometimes latin) fonts the marks (or accents in latin) are
+attached to base shapes and normally one will use the \type {mark} to anchor a
+mark to a base character or specific component of a ligature. The \type {mkmk}
+feature is then used to anchor marks to other marks. Consider the following
+ [width=\textwidth]
+ {\startMPcode DrawShapes(1) ; \stopMPcode}
+We start with \type {original}: a base shape with three marks: the red circle and
+blue square anchor to the base and the green triangle anchors to the blue square.
+When we bolden, the shapes will start touching. In the case of latin scripts,
+it's normal to keep the accents on the same height so this is why the third
+picture only shifts in the horizontal direction. The fourth picture demonstrates
+that we need to compensate the two bound marks. One can decide to move the lot up
+as in the fifth picture but that is no option here.
+Matters can be even more complex when a non circular pen is introduced. In that
+case a transformation from one font to another using the transformed \OPENTYPE\
+positioning logic (values) is even more tricky and unless one knows the
+properties (and usage) of a mark it makes no sense at all. Actually the sixths
+variant is probably nicer here but there we actually move the marks down!
+ [width=\textwidth]
+ {\startMPcode DrawShapes(2) ; \stopMPcode}
+For effects this means that when it gets applied to such a font, only small
+values work out well.
+Math is dubious as there is all kind of positioning involved. Future versions
+might deal with this, although bolder math (math itself has bold, so actually
+we're talking of bold with some heavy) is needed for titling. If we keep that
+in mind we can actually just bolden math and probably most will come out
+reasonable well. One of the potential troublemakers is the radical (root) sign
+that can be bound to a rule. Bumping the rules is no big deal and patching the
+relevant radical properties neither, so indeed we can do:
+ {\sqrt{\frac{\sqrt{2}}{\sqrt{2}}}}}
+\switchtobodyfont [modernlatin,17.3pt]
+ \mr \darkblue \getbuffer[mathblob] \quad
+ \mb \darkgreen \getbuffer[mathblob]
+\typebuffer \blank \start \getbuffer \stop \blank
+Where the \type {mathblob} buffer is:
+Here you also see a fraction rule that has been bumped. In display mode we
+ \mr \darkblue \getbuffer[mathblob] \quad
+ \mb \darkgreen \getbuffer[mathblob]
+\typebuffer \blank \start \getbuffer \stop \blank
+Extensibles behave well too:
+\switchtobodyfont [modernlatin,17.3pt]
+\dostepwiserecurse {1} {30} {5} {
+ $
+ \mr \sqrt{\blackrule[width=2mm,height=#1mm,color=darkblue]}
+ \quad
+ \mb \sqrt{\blackrule[width=2mm,height=#1mm,color=darkgreen]}
+ $
+\typebuffer \blank \start \getbuffer \stop \blank
+\definecolor[colormr] [t=.5,a=1,b=.6]
+\definecolor[colormb] [t=.5,a=1,g=.6]
+In \in {figure} [fig:regular-over-bold] we overlay regular and bold. The result
+doesn't look that bad after all, does it? It took however a bit of experimenting
+and a fix in \LUATEX: pickup the value from the font instead of the currently
+used (but frozen) math parameter.
+\startplacefigure[title={Modern Latin regular over bold.},reference=fig:regular-over-bold]
+ {\color[colormb]{$\mb\sqrt{\frac{1}{x}}$}}
+ {\color[colormr]{$ \sqrt{\frac{1}{x}}$}}
+In case you wonder how currently normal Latin Modern bold looks, here we go:
+ \mr \darkblue \getbuffer[mathblob] \quad
+ \mb \darkgreen \getbuffer[mathblob]
+\typebuffer \blank \start \getbuffer \stop \blank
+ {\switchtobodyfont[#1,14.4pt]%
+ \mathematics{%
+ \mr \darkblue \getbuffer[mathblob] \quad
+ \mb \darkgreen \getbuffer[mathblob]
+ }}
+ {\switchtobodyfont[#1]%
+ #1:
+ $
+ {\mr2\enspace \scriptstyle2\enspace \scriptscriptstyle2}
+ \enspace
+ {\mb2\enspace \scriptstyle2\enspace \scriptscriptstyle2}
+ $}
+ {\ShowMathSample {dejavu}} {\ShowMathCaption{dejavu}}
+ {\ShowMathSample{pagella}} {\ShowMathCaption{pagella}}
+ {\ShowMathSample {termes}} {\ShowMathCaption{termes}}
+ {\ShowMathSample {bonum}} {\ShowMathCaption{bonum}}
+ {\ShowMathSample {schola}} {\ShowMathCaption{schola}}
+ {\ShowMathSample{cambria}} {\ShowMathCaption{cambria}}
+I must admit that I cheat a bit. In order to get a better looking pseudo math
+we need to extend the shapes horizontally as well as squeeze them a bit vertically.
+So, the real effect definitions more look like this:
+ [boldened-30]
+ [effect={width=0.3,extend=1.15,squeeze=0.985,%
+ delta=1,hdelta=0.225,ddelta=0.225,vshift=0.225}]
+and because we can calculate the funny values sort of automatically, this gets
+simplified to:
+ [boldened-30]
+ [effect={width=0.30,auto=yes}]
+We leave it to your imagination to figure out what happens behind the screens.
+Just think of some virtual font magic combined with the engine supported \type
+{extend} and \type {squeeze} function. And because we already support bold math
+in \CONTEXT, you will get it when you are doing bold titling.
+ {\overbrace{2 +
+ \sqrt{\frac{\sqrt{\frac{\sqrt{2}}{\sqrt{2}}}}
+ {\sqrt{\frac{\sqrt{\underbar{2}}}{\sqrt{\overbar{2}}}}}}}}
+ [mysubject]
+ [subject]
+ [mysubject]
+ [style=\tfc,
+ color=darkblue,
+ before=\blank,
+ after=\blank]
+ [mysubject]
+ [style=\bfc,
+ color=darkred]
+\mysubject{Bold \quad$\MathSample\quad\mb\MathSample$}
+Of course one can argue about the right values for boldening and compensation if
+dimensions so don't expect the current predefined related features to be frozen
+For sure this mechanism will create more fonts than normal but fortunately it
+can use the low level optimizations for sharing instances so in the end the
+overhead is not that large. This chapter uses 36 different fonts, creates 270
+font instances (different scaling and properties) of which 220 are shared in the
+backend. The load time is 5 seconds in \LUATEX\ and 1.2 seconds in \LUAJITTEX\ on
+a somewhat old laptop with a i7-3840QM processor running 64 bit \MSWINDOWS. Of
+course we load a lot of bodyfonts at different sizes so in a normal run the extra
+loading is limited to just a couple of extra instances for math (normally 3, one
+for each math size).
+So what can we conclude? When we started with \LUATEX, right from the start
+\CONTEXT\ supported true \UNICODE\ math by using virtual \UNICODE\ math fonts.
+One of the objectives of the \TEX Gyre project is to come up with a robust
+complete set of math fonts, text fonts with a bunch of useful symbols, and
+finally a subset bold math font for titling. Now we have real \OPENTYPE\ math
+fonts, although they are still somewhat experimental. Because we're impatient, we
+now provide bold math by using effects but the future will learn to what extent
+the real bold math fonts will differ and be more pleasant to look at. After all,
+what we describe he is just an experiment that got a bit out of hands.
+% And if you wonder if this kind of messing with fonts is okay? Well, you don't
+% know what specs we sometimes get (and then ignore).
diff --git a/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/onandon/onandon.tex b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/onandon/onandon.tex
index 60b626a5e..593de3e75 100644
--- a/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/onandon/onandon.tex
+++ b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/onandon/onandon.tex
@@ -34,23 +34,39 @@
\component onandon-decade
\component onandon-ffi
% \startchapter[title=Variable fonts] First published in user group magazines. \stopchapter
\component onandon-variable
\component onandon-emoji
\startchapter[title={Children of \TEX}] First published in user group magazines. \stopchapter
% \component onandon-children
\component onandon-performance
\component onandon-editing
\startchapter[title={Advertising \TEX}] First published in user group magazines. \stopchapter
% \component onandon-perception
\startchapter[title={Tricky fences}] First published in user group magazines. \stopchapter
% \component onandon-fences
% \component onandon-media
- \startchapter[title={From 5.2 to 5.3}] Maybe first published in user group magazines. \stopchapter
+ \startchapter[title={From 5.2 to 5.3}] First published in user group magazines. \stopchapter
% \component onandon-53
- \startchapter[title={Executing \TEX}] Maybe first published in user group magazines. \stopchapter
+ \startchapter[title={Executing \TEX}] First published in user group magazines. \stopchapter
% \component onandon-execute
+ \component onandon-modern
+ \startchapter[title={More expansion}] Maybe first published in user group magazines. \stopchapter
+ % \component onandon-expansion
diff --git a/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-mlib.mpiv b/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-mlib.mpiv
index 115fe63ae..28a9ebfc5 100644
--- a/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-mlib.mpiv
+++ b/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-mlib.mpiv
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ enddef ;
def spotcolor(expr name, v) =
withprescript "sp_type=spot"
- withprescript "sp_name=" & name
+ withprescript "sp_name=" & name
withprescript "sp_value=" & colordecimals v
enddef ;
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ enddef ;
def transparent(expr a, t)(text c) = % use withtransparency instead
(1) % this permits withcolor x intoshade y
- withprescript "tr_alternative=" & decimal transparency_alternative_to_number(a)
+ withprescript "tr_alternative=" & decimal transparency_alternative_to_number(a)
withprescript "tr_transparency=" & decimal t
withcolor c
enddef ;
@@ -1596,7 +1596,18 @@ def nofill text t = fill t withpostscript "collect" enddef ;
% so we can do: withcolor "red"
-vardef resolvedcolor primary s =
+% vardef resolvedcolor primary s =
+% % % conflicts with macro namedcolor
+% % % okay but, can also be
+% %"NamedColor",s) % which gives expansion mess
+% if string s :
+% runscript("mp.NamedColor('" & s & "')") % faster anyway
+% else :
+% s
+% fi
+% enddef ;
+def resolvedcolor primary s = % no vardef
% % conflicts with macro namedcolor
% % okay but, can also be
%"NamedColor",s) % which gives expansion mess
diff --git a/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-tool.mpiv b/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-tool.mpiv
index 75706e09b..e2cd3e363 100644
--- a/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-tool.mpiv
+++ b/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-tool.mpiv
@@ -3554,3 +3554,32 @@ enddef ;
vardef tocycle(suffix p)(text t) =
topath(p,t) t cycle
enddef ;
+% reimplemented to support paths and pictures
+def drawdot expr p =
+ if pair p :
+ addto currentpicture doublepath p
+ withpen currentpen _op_
+ elseif path p :
+ draw image (
+ for i=0 upto length p :
+ addto currentpicture doublepath point i of p
+ withpen currentpen _op_ ;
+ endfor ;
+ )
+ elseif picture p :
+ draw image (
+ save pp ; path pp ;
+ for i within p :
+ if stroked i or filled i :
+ pp := pathpart i ;
+ for j=0 upto length pp :
+ addto currentpicture doublepath point j of pp
+ withpen currentpen _op_ ;
+ endfor ;
+ fi ;
+ endfor ;
+ )
+ fi
+enddef ;
diff --git a/scripts/context/lua/mtx-pdf.lua b/scripts/context/lua/mtx-pdf.lua
index 7e05a9f74..ca0d2ea6b 100644
--- a/scripts/context/lua/mtx-pdf.lua
+++ b/scripts/context/lua/mtx-pdf.lua
@@ -75,28 +75,30 @@ function
local pages = pdffile.pages
local nofpages = pages.n -- no # yet. will be in 5.2
- report("filename > %s",filename)
- report("pdf version > %s",catalog.Version)
- report("number of pages > %s",nofpages)
- report("title > %s",info.Title)
- report("creator > %s",info.Creator)
- report("producer > %s",info.Producer)
- report("creation date > %s",info.CreationDate)
+ report("filename > %s",filename)
+ report("pdf version > %s",catalog.Version)
+ report("major version > %s",pdffile.majorversion or "?")
+ report("minor version > %s",pdffile.minorversion or "?")
+ report("number of pages > %s",nofpages)
+ report("title > %s",info.Title)
+ report("creator > %s",info.Creator)
+ report("producer > %s",info.Producer)
+ report("creation date > %s",info.CreationDate)
report("modification date > %s",info.ModDate)
local width, height, start
for i=1, nofpages do
local page = pages[i]
- local bbox = page.CropBox or page.MediaBox
+ local bbox = page.CropBox or page.MediaBox or { 0, 0, 0, 0 }
local w, h = bbox[4]-bbox[2],bbox[3]-bbox[1]
if w ~= width or h ~= height then
if start then
- report("cropbox > pages: %s-%s, width: %s, height: %s",start,i-1,width,height)
+ report("cropbox > pages: %s-%s, width: %s, height: %s",start,i-1,width,height)
width, height, start = w, h, i
- report("cropbox > pages: %s-%s, width: %s, height: %s",start,nofpages,width,height)
+ report("cropbox > pages: %s-%s, width: %s, height: %s",start,nofpages,width,height)
@@ -117,17 +119,33 @@ function scripts.pdf.metadata(filename,pretty)
+local expand = lpdf.epdf.expand
local function getfonts(pdffile)
local usedfonts = { }
- for i=1,pdffile.pages.n do
- local page = pdffile.pages[i]
- local fontlist = page.Resources.Font
- if fontlist then
- for k, v in next, lpdf.epdf.expand(fontlist) do
- usedfonts[k] = lpdf.epdf.expand(v)
+ local function collect(where,tag)
+ local resources = where.Resources
+ if resources then
+ local fontlist = resources.Font
+ if fontlist then
+ for k, v in next, expand(fontlist) do
+ usedfonts[tag and (tag .. "." .. k) or k] = expand(v,k)
+ end
+ end
+ local objects = resources.XObject
+ if objects then
+ for k, v in next, expand(objects) do
+ collect(v,tag and (tag .. "." .. k) or k)
+ end
+ for i=1,pdffile.pages.n do
+ collect(pdffile.pages[i])
+ end
return usedfonts
@@ -135,7 +153,8 @@ local function getunicodes(font)
local cid = font.ToUnicode
if cid then
cid = cid()
- local counts = { }
+ local counts = { }
+ local indices = { }
-- for s in gmatch(cid,"begincodespacerange%s*(.-)%s*endcodespacerange") do
-- for a, b in gmatch(s,"<([^>]+)>%s+<([^>]+)>") do
-- print(a,b)
@@ -151,18 +170,20 @@ local function getunicodes(font)
for i=first,last do
local c = i + offset
counts[c] = counts[c] + 1
+ indices[i] = true
for s in gmatch(cid,"beginbfchar%s*(.-)%s*endbfchar") do
for old, new in gmatch(s,"<([^>]+)>%s+<([^>]+)>") do
+ indices[old] = true
for n in gmatch(new,"....") do
local c = tonumber(n,16)
counts[c] = counts[c] + 1
- return counts
+ return counts, indices
@@ -171,11 +192,17 @@ function scripts.pdf.fonts(filename)
if pdffile then
local usedfonts = getfonts(pdffile)
local found = { }
+ local common = table.setmetatableindex("table")
for k, v in table.sortedhash(usedfonts) do
- local counts = getunicodes(v)
- local codes = { }
- local chars = { }
- local freqs = { }
+ local basefont = v.BaseFont
+ local encoding = v.Encoding
+ local subtype = v.Subtype
+ local unicode = v.ToUnicode
+ local counts,
+ indices = getunicodes(v)
+ local codes = { }
+ local chars = { }
+ local freqs = { }
if counts then
codes = sortedkeys(counts)
for i=1,#codes do
@@ -184,30 +211,42 @@ function scripts.pdf.fonts(filename)
chars[i] = c
freqs[i] = format("U+%05X %s %s",k,counts[k] > 1 and "+" or " ", c)
+ if basefont and unicode then
+ local b = gsub(basefont,"^.*%+","")
+ local c = common[b]
+ for k in next, indices do
+ c[k] = true
+ end
+ end
for i=1,#codes do
codes[i] = format("U+%05X",codes[i])
found[k] = {
- basefont = v.BaseFont or "no basefont",
- encoding = v.Encoding or "no encoding",
- subtype = v.Subtype or "no subtype",
- unicode = v.ToUnicode and "unicode" or "no unicode",
+ basefont = basefont or "no basefont",
+ encoding = encoding or "no encoding",
+ subtype = subtype or "no subtype",
+ unicode = tounicode and "unicode" or "no unicode",
chars = chars,
codes = codes,
freqs = freqs,
- if environment.argument("detail") then
+ if environment.argument("detail") or environment.argument("details") then
for k, v in sortedhash(found) do
- report("id : %s",k)
- report("basefont : %s",v.basefont)
- report("encoding : %s",v.encoding)
- report("subtype : %s",v.subtype)
- report("unicode : %s",v.unicode)
- report("characters : %s", concat(v.chars," "))
- report("codepoints : %s", concat(," "))
+ report("id : %s", k)
+ report("basefont : %s", v.basefont)
+ report("encoding : %s", v.encoding)
+ report("subtype : %s", v.subtype)
+ report("unicode : %s", v.unicode)
+ report("characters : % t", v.chars)
+ report("codepoints : % t",
+ report("")
+ end
+ for k, v in sortedhash(common) do
+ report("basefont : %s",k)
+ report("indices : % t", sortedkeys(v))
@@ -229,42 +268,42 @@ end
-- this is a quick hack ... proof of concept .. will change (derived from luigi's example) ...
-- i will make a ctx wrapper
-local qpdf -- just call qpdf, no need for a lib here
-function scripts.pdf.linearize(filename)
- qpdf = qpdf or swiglib("qpdf.core")
- local oldfile = filename or environment.files[1]
- if not oldfile then
- return
- end
- file.addsuffix(oldfile,"pdf")
- if not lfs.isfile(oldfile) then
- return
- end
- local newfile = environment.files[2]
- if not newfile or file.removesuffix(oldfile) == file.removesuffix(newfile)then
- newfile = file.addsuffix(file.removesuffix(oldfile) .. "-linearized","pdf")
- end
- local password = environment.arguments.password
- local instance = qpdf.qpdf_init()
- if,oldfile,password),qpdf.QPDF_ERRORS) ~= 0 then
- report("unable to open input file")
- elseif,newfile),qpdf.QPDF_ERRORS) ~= 0 then
- report("unable to open output file")
- else
- report("linearizing %a into %a",oldfile,newfile)
- qpdf.qpdf_set_static_ID(instance,qpdf.QPDF_TRUE)
- qpdf.qpdf_set_linearization(instance,qpdf.QPDF_TRUE)
- qpdf.qpdf_write(instance)
- end
- while qpdf.qpdf_more_warnings(instance) ~= 0 do
- report("warning: %s",qpdf.qpdf_get_error_full_text(instance,qpdf.qpdf_next_warning(qpdf)))
- end
- if qpdf.qpdf_has_error(instance) ~= 0 then
- report("error: %s",qpdf.qpdf_get_error_full_text(instance,qpdf.qpdf_get_error(qpdf)))
- end
- qpdf.qpdf_cleanup_p(instance)
+-- local qpdf -- just call qpdf, no need for a lib here
+-- function scripts.pdf.linearize(filename)
+-- qpdf = qpdf or swiglib("qpdf.core")
+-- local oldfile = filename or environment.files[1]
+-- if not oldfile then
+-- return
+-- end
+-- file.addsuffix(oldfile,"pdf")
+-- if not lfs.isfile(oldfile) then
+-- return
+-- end
+-- local newfile = environment.files[2]
+-- if not newfile or file.removesuffix(oldfile) == file.removesuffix(newfile)then
+-- newfile = file.addsuffix(file.removesuffix(oldfile) .. "-linearized","pdf")
+-- end
+-- local password = environment.arguments.password
+-- local instance = qpdf.qpdf_init()
+-- if,oldfile,password),qpdf.QPDF_ERRORS) ~= 0 then
+-- report("unable to open input file")
+-- elseif,newfile),qpdf.QPDF_ERRORS) ~= 0 then
+-- report("unable to open output file")
+-- else
+-- report("linearizing %a into %a",oldfile,newfile)
+-- qpdf.qpdf_set_static_ID(instance,qpdf.QPDF_TRUE)
+-- qpdf.qpdf_set_linearization(instance,qpdf.QPDF_TRUE)
+-- qpdf.qpdf_write(instance)
+-- end
+-- while qpdf.qpdf_more_warnings(instance) ~= 0 do
+-- report("warning: %s",qpdf.qpdf_get_error_full_text(instance,qpdf.qpdf_next_warning(qpdf)))
+-- end
+-- if qpdf.qpdf_has_error(instance) ~= 0 then
+-- report("error: %s",qpdf.qpdf_get_error_full_text(instance,qpdf.qpdf_get_error(qpdf)))
+-- end
+-- qpdf.qpdf_cleanup_p(instance)
+-- end
-- scripts.pdf.metadata("e:/tmp/oeps.pdf")
@@ -281,8 +320,8 @@ elseif environment.argument("metadata") then
elseif environment.argument("fonts") then
-elseif environment.argument("linearize") then
- scripts.pdf.linearize(filename)
+-- elseif environment.argument("linearize") then
+-- scripts.pdf.linearize(filename)
elseif environment.argument("exporthelp") then
diff --git a/scripts/context/lua/mtxrun.lua b/scripts/context/lua/mtxrun.lua
index 58a6175f5..927d3de0e 100644
--- a/scripts/context/lua/mtxrun.lua
+++ b/scripts/context/lua/mtxrun.lua
@@ -1946,7 +1946,7 @@ do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
package.loaded["l-table"] = package.loaded["l-table"] or true
--- original size: 40547, stripped down to: 23820
+-- original size: 40782, stripped down to: 23986
if not modules then modules={} end modules ['l-table']={
@@ -2871,12 +2871,19 @@ end
local function sequenced(t,sep,simple)
if not t then
return ""
+ elseif type(t)=="string" then
+ return t
local n=#t
local s={}
if n>0 then
for i=1,n do
- s[i]=tostring(t[i])
+ local v=t[i]
+ if type(v)=="table" then
+ s[i]="{"..sequenced(v,sep,simple).."}"
+ else
+ s[i]=tostring(t[i])
+ end
@@ -6131,7 +6138,7 @@ do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
package.loaded["util-str"] = package.loaded["util-str"] or true
--- original size: 39663, stripped down to: 22608
+-- original size: 40074, stripped down to: 22776
if not modules then modules={} end modules ['util-str']={
@@ -6691,6 +6698,10 @@ local format_L=function()
return format("(a%s and 'TRUE' or 'FALSE')",n)
+local format_n=function()
+ n=n+1
+ return format("((a%s %% 1 == 0) and format('%%i',a%s) or tostring(a%s))",n,n,n)
local format_N=function()
return format("tostring(tonumber(a%s) or a%s)",n,n)
@@ -6791,6 +6802,7 @@ local builder=Cs { "start",
@@ -6820,6 +6832,7 @@ local builder=Cs { "start",
+ ["n"]=(prefix_any*P("n"))/format_n,
@@ -17779,7 +17792,7 @@ do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
package.loaded["data-res"] = package.loaded["data-res"] or true
--- original size: 68263, stripped down to: 47789
+-- original size: 68261, stripped down to: 47789
if not modules then modules={} end modules ['data-res']={
@@ -21430,8 +21443,8 @@ end -- of closure
-- used libraries : l-lua.lua l-macro.lua l-sandbox.lua l-package.lua l-lpeg.lua l-function.lua l-string.lua l-table.lua l-io.lua l-number.lua l-set.lua l-os.lua l-file.lua l-gzip.lua l-md5.lua l-url.lua l-dir.lua l-boolean.lua l-unicode.lua l-math.lua util-str.lua util-tab.lua util-fil.lua util-sac.lua util-sto.lua util-prs.lua util-fmt.lua trac-set.lua trac-log.lua trac-inf.lua trac-pro.lua util-lua.lua util-deb.lua util-tpl.lua util-sbx.lua util-mrg.lua util-env.lua luat-env.lua lxml-tab.lua lxml-lpt.lua lxml-mis.lua lxml-aux.lua lxml-xml.lua trac-xml.lua data-ini.lua data-exp.lua data-env.lua data-tmp.lua data-met.lua data-res.lua data-pre.lua data-inp.lua data-out.lua data-fil.lua data-con.lua data-use.lua data-zip.lua data-tre.lua data-sch.lua data-lua.lua data-aux.lua data-tmf.lua data-lst.lua util-lib.lua luat-sta.lua luat-fmt.lua
-- skipped libraries : -
--- original bytes : 881109
--- stripped bytes : 318732
+-- original bytes : 881753
+-- stripped bytes : 319042
-- end library merge
diff --git a/scripts/context/stubs/install/ b/scripts/context/stubs/install/
index 11af49233..71fe32c16 100644
--- a/scripts/context/stubs/install/
+++ b/scripts/context/stubs/install/
@@ -17,9 +17,23 @@ cpu=`uname -m`
case "$system" in
# linux
+ if command -v ldd >/dev/null && ldd --version 2>&1 | grep -E '^musl' >/dev/null
+ then
+ libc=musl
+ else
+ libc=glibc
+ fi
case "$cpu" in
- i*86) platform="linux" ;;
- x86_64|ia64) platform="linux-64" ;;
+ i*86)
+ case "$libc" in
+ glibc) platform="linux" ;;
+ musl) platform="linuxmusl" ;;
+ esac ;;
+ x86_64|ia64)
+ case "$libc" in
+ glibc) platform="linux-64" ;;
+ musl) platform="linuxmusl-64" ;;
+ esac ;;
# a little bit of cheating with ppc64 (won't work on Gentoo)
ppc|ppc64) platform="linux-ppc" ;;
@@ -138,8 +152,8 @@ fi
# download or update the distribution
# you may remove the --context=beta switch if you want to use "current"
# you can use --engine=luatex if you want just mkiv
-env PATH="$PWD/bin:$CONTEXTROOT/texmf-$platform/bin:$PATH" \
-./bin/mtxrun --script ./bin/mtx-update.lua --force --update --make --context=beta --platform=$platform --texroot="$CONTEXTROOT" $@
+env PATH="$PWD/bin:$CONTEXTROOT/texmf-$platform/bin:$PATH" MTX_PLATFORM="$platform" \
+./bin/mtxrun --script ./bin/mtx-update.lua --force --update --make --context=beta --platform="$platform" --texroot="$CONTEXTROOT" $@
echo "When you want to use context, you need to initialize the tree by typing:"
diff --git a/scripts/context/stubs/mswin/mtxrun.lua b/scripts/context/stubs/mswin/mtxrun.lua
index 58a6175f5..927d3de0e 100644
--- a/scripts/context/stubs/mswin/mtxrun.lua
+++ b/scripts/context/stubs/mswin/mtxrun.lua
@@ -1946,7 +1946,7 @@ do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
package.loaded["l-table"] = package.loaded["l-table"] or true
--- original size: 40547, stripped down to: 23820
+-- original size: 40782, stripped down to: 23986
if not modules then modules={} end modules ['l-table']={
@@ -2871,12 +2871,19 @@ end
local function sequenced(t,sep,simple)
if not t then
return ""
+ elseif type(t)=="string" then
+ return t
local n=#t
local s={}
if n>0 then
for i=1,n do
- s[i]=tostring(t[i])
+ local v=t[i]
+ if type(v)=="table" then
+ s[i]="{"..sequenced(v,sep,simple).."}"
+ else
+ s[i]=tostring(t[i])
+ end
@@ -6131,7 +6138,7 @@ do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
package.loaded["util-str"] = package.loaded["util-str"] or true
--- original size: 39663, stripped down to: 22608
+-- original size: 40074, stripped down to: 22776
if not modules then modules={} end modules ['util-str']={
@@ -6691,6 +6698,10 @@ local format_L=function()
return format("(a%s and 'TRUE' or 'FALSE')",n)
+local format_n=function()
+ n=n+1
+ return format("((a%s %% 1 == 0) and format('%%i',a%s) or tostring(a%s))",n,n,n)
local format_N=function()
return format("tostring(tonumber(a%s) or a%s)",n,n)
@@ -6791,6 +6802,7 @@ local builder=Cs { "start",
@@ -6820,6 +6832,7 @@ local builder=Cs { "start",
+ ["n"]=(prefix_any*P("n"))/format_n,
@@ -17779,7 +17792,7 @@ do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
package.loaded["data-res"] = package.loaded["data-res"] or true
--- original size: 68263, stripped down to: 47789
+-- original size: 68261, stripped down to: 47789
if not modules then modules={} end modules ['data-res']={
@@ -21430,8 +21443,8 @@ end -- of closure
-- used libraries : l-lua.lua l-macro.lua l-sandbox.lua l-package.lua l-lpeg.lua l-function.lua l-string.lua l-table.lua l-io.lua l-number.lua l-set.lua l-os.lua l-file.lua l-gzip.lua l-md5.lua l-url.lua l-dir.lua l-boolean.lua l-unicode.lua l-math.lua util-str.lua util-tab.lua util-fil.lua util-sac.lua util-sto.lua util-prs.lua util-fmt.lua trac-set.lua trac-log.lua trac-inf.lua trac-pro.lua util-lua.lua util-deb.lua util-tpl.lua util-sbx.lua util-mrg.lua util-env.lua luat-env.lua lxml-tab.lua lxml-lpt.lua lxml-mis.lua lxml-aux.lua lxml-xml.lua trac-xml.lua data-ini.lua data-exp.lua data-env.lua data-tmp.lua data-met.lua data-res.lua data-pre.lua data-inp.lua data-out.lua data-fil.lua data-con.lua data-use.lua data-zip.lua data-tre.lua data-sch.lua data-lua.lua data-aux.lua data-tmf.lua data-lst.lua util-lib.lua luat-sta.lua luat-fmt.lua
-- skipped libraries : -
--- original bytes : 881109
--- stripped bytes : 318732
+-- original bytes : 881753
+-- stripped bytes : 319042
-- end library merge
diff --git a/scripts/context/stubs/setup/setuptex b/scripts/context/stubs/setup/setuptex
index 9808140e4..fb65788b6 100644
--- a/scripts/context/stubs/setup/setuptex
+++ b/scripts/context/stubs/setup/setuptex
@@ -24,9 +24,23 @@ cpu=`uname -m`
case "$system" in
# linux
+ if command -v ldd >/dev/null && ldd --version 2>&1 | grep -E '^musl' >/dev/null
+ then
+ libc=musl
+ else
+ libc=glibc
+ fi
case "$cpu" in
- i*86) platform="linux" ;;
- x86_64|ia64) platform="linux-64" ;;
+ i*86)
+ case "$libc" in
+ glibc) platform="linux" ;;
+ musl) platform="linuxmusl" ;;
+ esac ;;
+ x86_64|ia64)
+ case "$libc" in
+ glibc) platform="linux-64" ;;
+ musl) platform="linuxmusl-64" ;;
+ esac ;;
# a little bit of cheating with ppc64 (won't work on Gentoo)
ppc|ppc64) platform="linux-ppc" ;;
diff --git a/scripts/context/stubs/setup/setuptex.csh b/scripts/context/stubs/setup/setuptex.csh
index c1160675f..62ca03569 100644
--- a/scripts/context/stubs/setup/setuptex.csh
+++ b/scripts/context/stubs/setup/setuptex.csh
@@ -82,6 +82,19 @@ switch ( $system )
set platform="unknown"
+ # OpenBSD
+ case OpenBSD:
+ switch ( $cpu )
+ case i*86:
+ set platform="openbsd"
+ breaksw
+ case amd64:
+ set platform="openbsd-amd64"
+ breaksw
+ default:
+ set platform="unknown"
+ endsw
+ breaksw
# cygwin
case CYGWIN:
switch ( $cpu )
diff --git a/scripts/context/stubs/unix/mtxrun b/scripts/context/stubs/unix/mtxrun
index 58a6175f5..927d3de0e 100644
--- a/scripts/context/stubs/unix/mtxrun
+++ b/scripts/context/stubs/unix/mtxrun
@@ -1946,7 +1946,7 @@ do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
package.loaded["l-table"] = package.loaded["l-table"] or true
--- original size: 40547, stripped down to: 23820
+-- original size: 40782, stripped down to: 23986
if not modules then modules={} end modules ['l-table']={
@@ -2871,12 +2871,19 @@ end
local function sequenced(t,sep,simple)
if not t then
return ""
+ elseif type(t)=="string" then
+ return t
local n=#t
local s={}
if n>0 then
for i=1,n do
- s[i]=tostring(t[i])
+ local v=t[i]
+ if type(v)=="table" then
+ s[i]="{"..sequenced(v,sep,simple).."}"
+ else
+ s[i]=tostring(t[i])
+ end
@@ -6131,7 +6138,7 @@ do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
package.loaded["util-str"] = package.loaded["util-str"] or true
--- original size: 39663, stripped down to: 22608
+-- original size: 40074, stripped down to: 22776
if not modules then modules={} end modules ['util-str']={
@@ -6691,6 +6698,10 @@ local format_L=function()
return format("(a%s and 'TRUE' or 'FALSE')",n)
+local format_n=function()
+ n=n+1
+ return format("((a%s %% 1 == 0) and format('%%i',a%s) or tostring(a%s))",n,n,n)
local format_N=function()
return format("tostring(tonumber(a%s) or a%s)",n,n)
@@ -6791,6 +6802,7 @@ local builder=Cs { "start",
@@ -6820,6 +6832,7 @@ local builder=Cs { "start",
+ ["n"]=(prefix_any*P("n"))/format_n,
@@ -17779,7 +17792,7 @@ do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
package.loaded["data-res"] = package.loaded["data-res"] or true
--- original size: 68263, stripped down to: 47789
+-- original size: 68261, stripped down to: 47789
if not modules then modules={} end modules ['data-res']={
@@ -21430,8 +21443,8 @@ end -- of closure
-- used libraries : l-lua.lua l-macro.lua l-sandbox.lua l-package.lua l-lpeg.lua l-function.lua l-string.lua l-table.lua l-io.lua l-number.lua l-set.lua l-os.lua l-file.lua l-gzip.lua l-md5.lua l-url.lua l-dir.lua l-boolean.lua l-unicode.lua l-math.lua util-str.lua util-tab.lua util-fil.lua util-sac.lua util-sto.lua util-prs.lua util-fmt.lua trac-set.lua trac-log.lua trac-inf.lua trac-pro.lua util-lua.lua util-deb.lua util-tpl.lua util-sbx.lua util-mrg.lua util-env.lua luat-env.lua lxml-tab.lua lxml-lpt.lua lxml-mis.lua lxml-aux.lua lxml-xml.lua trac-xml.lua data-ini.lua data-exp.lua data-env.lua data-tmp.lua data-met.lua data-res.lua data-pre.lua data-inp.lua data-out.lua data-fil.lua data-con.lua data-use.lua data-zip.lua data-tre.lua data-sch.lua data-lua.lua data-aux.lua data-tmf.lua data-lst.lua util-lib.lua luat-sta.lua luat-fmt.lua
-- skipped libraries : -
--- original bytes : 881109
--- stripped bytes : 318732
+-- original bytes : 881753
+-- stripped bytes : 319042
-- end library merge
diff --git a/scripts/context/stubs/win64/mtxrun.lua b/scripts/context/stubs/win64/mtxrun.lua
index 58a6175f5..927d3de0e 100644
--- a/scripts/context/stubs/win64/mtxrun.lua
+++ b/scripts/context/stubs/win64/mtxrun.lua
@@ -1946,7 +1946,7 @@ do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
package.loaded["l-table"] = package.loaded["l-table"] or true
--- original size: 40547, stripped down to: 23820
+-- original size: 40782, stripped down to: 23986
if not modules then modules={} end modules ['l-table']={
@@ -2871,12 +2871,19 @@ end
local function sequenced(t,sep,simple)
if not t then
return ""
+ elseif type(t)=="string" then
+ return t
local n=#t
local s={}
if n>0 then
for i=1,n do
- s[i]=tostring(t[i])
+ local v=t[i]
+ if type(v)=="table" then
+ s[i]="{"..sequenced(v,sep,simple).."}"
+ else
+ s[i]=tostring(t[i])
+ end
@@ -6131,7 +6138,7 @@ do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
package.loaded["util-str"] = package.loaded["util-str"] or true
--- original size: 39663, stripped down to: 22608
+-- original size: 40074, stripped down to: 22776
if not modules then modules={} end modules ['util-str']={
@@ -6691,6 +6698,10 @@ local format_L=function()
return format("(a%s and 'TRUE' or 'FALSE')",n)
+local format_n=function()
+ n=n+1
+ return format("((a%s %% 1 == 0) and format('%%i',a%s) or tostring(a%s))",n,n,n)
local format_N=function()
return format("tostring(tonumber(a%s) or a%s)",n,n)
@@ -6791,6 +6802,7 @@ local builder=Cs { "start",
@@ -6820,6 +6832,7 @@ local builder=Cs { "start",
+ ["n"]=(prefix_any*P("n"))/format_n,
@@ -17779,7 +17792,7 @@ do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
package.loaded["data-res"] = package.loaded["data-res"] or true
--- original size: 68263, stripped down to: 47789
+-- original size: 68261, stripped down to: 47789
if not modules then modules={} end modules ['data-res']={
@@ -21430,8 +21443,8 @@ end -- of closure
-- used libraries : l-lua.lua l-macro.lua l-sandbox.lua l-package.lua l-lpeg.lua l-function.lua l-string.lua l-table.lua l-io.lua l-number.lua l-set.lua l-os.lua l-file.lua l-gzip.lua l-md5.lua l-url.lua l-dir.lua l-boolean.lua l-unicode.lua l-math.lua util-str.lua util-tab.lua util-fil.lua util-sac.lua util-sto.lua util-prs.lua util-fmt.lua trac-set.lua trac-log.lua trac-inf.lua trac-pro.lua util-lua.lua util-deb.lua util-tpl.lua util-sbx.lua util-mrg.lua util-env.lua luat-env.lua lxml-tab.lua lxml-lpt.lua lxml-mis.lua lxml-aux.lua lxml-xml.lua trac-xml.lua data-ini.lua data-exp.lua data-env.lua data-tmp.lua data-met.lua data-res.lua data-pre.lua data-inp.lua data-out.lua data-fil.lua data-con.lua data-use.lua data-zip.lua data-tre.lua data-sch.lua data-lua.lua data-aux.lua data-tmf.lua data-lst.lua util-lib.lua luat-sta.lua luat-fmt.lua
-- skipped libraries : -
--- original bytes : 881109
--- stripped bytes : 318732
+-- original bytes : 881753
+-- stripped bytes : 319042
-- end library merge
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/cont-new.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/cont-new.mkii
index b00d14298..16b089e82 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkii/cont-new.mkii
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/cont-new.mkii
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
%C details.
-\newcontextversion{2018.04.19 15:53}
+\newcontextversion{2018.05.12 00:07}
%D This file is loaded at runtime, thereby providing an
%D excellent place for hacks, patches, extensions and new
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/context.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/context.mkii
index 118a48a35..d37888100 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkii/context.mkii
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/context.mkii
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
%D your styles an modules.
\edef\contextformat {\jobname}
-\edef\contextversion{2018.04.19 15:53}
+\edef\contextversion{2018.05.12 00:07}
%D For those who want to use this:
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/anch-pgr.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/anch-pgr.lua
index ca5a5a8af..7b1746582 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/anch-pgr.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/anch-pgr.lua
@@ -61,8 +61,6 @@ local pdfgetpos = pdf.getpos -- why not a generic name !
local a_textbackground = attributes.private("textbackground")
local nuts = nodes.nuts
-local tonut = nodes.tonut
-local tonode = nodes.tonode
local new_latelua = nuts.pool.latelua
local new_rule = nuts.pool.rule
@@ -82,7 +80,7 @@ local localpar_code = nodecodes.localpar
local insert_before = nuts.insert_before
local insert_after = nuts.insert_after
-local processranges = nodes.processranges
+local processranges = nuts.processranges
local unsetvalue = attributes.unsetvalue
@@ -213,10 +211,8 @@ end
nodes.handlers.textbackgrounds = function(head,where,parent) -- we have hlistdir and local dir
-- todo enable action in register
- head = tonut(head)
index = index + 1
- local head, done = processranges(a_textbackground,flush,head,parent)
- return tonode(head), done
+ return processranges(a_textbackground,flush,head,parent)
interfaces.implement {
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/back-exp.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/back-exp.lua
index 26efe6aad..fd86217b1 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/back-exp.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/back-exp.lua
@@ -129,9 +129,8 @@ local isglyph = nuts.isglyph
local getkern = nuts.getkern
local getwidth = nuts.getwidth
-local traverse_id = nuts.traverse_id
-local traverse_nodes = nuts.traverse
+local nexthlist = nuts.traversers.hlist
+local nextnode = nuts.traversers.node
local references = structures.references
local structurestags = structures.tags
@@ -2749,10 +2748,7 @@ end
local function collectresults(head,list,pat,pap) -- is last used (we also have currentattribute)
local p
--- for n in traverse_nodes(head) do
--- local c, id = isglyph(n) -- 14: image, 8: literal (mp)
--- if c then
- for n, id in traverse_nodes(head) do
+ for n, id in nextnode, head do
if id == glyph_code then
local c = getchar(n)
local at = getattr(n,a_tagged) or pat
@@ -3073,12 +3069,12 @@ function nodes.handlers.export(head) -- hooks into the page builder
report_export("%w<!-- stop flushing page -->",currentdepth)
- return head, true
+ return head
-function builders.paragraphs.tag(head)
+function builders.paragraphs.tag(head) -- traverse_list
noftextblocks = noftextblocks + 1
- for n in traverse_id(hlist_code,tonut(head)) do
+ for n in nexthlist, head do
local subtype = getsubtype(n)
if subtype == line_code then
@@ -3089,6 +3085,22 @@ function builders.paragraphs.tag(head)
return false
+if LUATEXVERSION >= 1.090 then
+ function builders.paragraphs.tag(head) -- traverse_list
+ noftextblocks = noftextblocks + 1
+ for n, subtype in nexthlist, head do
+ if subtype == line_code then
+ setattr(n,a_textblock,noftextblocks)
+ elseif subtype == glue_code or subtype == kern_code then -- no need to set fontkerns
+ setattr(n,a_textblock,0)
+ end
+ end
+ return false
+ end
local xmlcollected = xml.collected
@@ -3795,19 +3807,14 @@ local htmltemplate = [[
- local appendaction = nodes.tasks.appendaction
local enableaction = nodes.tasks.enableaction
function structurestags.initializeexport()
if not exporting then
report_export("enabling export to xml")
- -- not yet known in task-ini
- appendaction("shipouts","normalizers", "nodes.handlers.export")
- -- enableaction("shipouts","nodes.handlers.export")
+ enableaction("shipouts","nodes.handlers.export")
enableaction("math", "noads.handlers.tags")
- -- appendaction("finalizers","lists","builders.paragraphs.tag")
- -- enableaction("finalizers","builders.paragraphs.tag")
exporting = true
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/buff-ini.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/buff-ini.lua
index 1c7912773..970042c1b 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/buff-ini.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/buff-ini.lua
@@ -645,7 +645,10 @@ local function gettexbuffer(name)
end = runbuffer
+buffers.get = getbuffer
+buffers.getmkiv = getbuffermkiv
+buffers.gettexbuffer = gettexbuffer = runbuffer
implement { name = "getbufferctxlua", actions = loadcontent, arguments = "string" }
implement { name = "getbuffer", actions = getbuffer, arguments = "string" }
@@ -708,3 +711,18 @@ do
+-- moved here:
+function buffers.samplefile(name)
+ if not buffers.exists(name) then
+ buffers.assign(name,io.loaddata(resolvers.findfile(name)))
+ end
+ buffers.get(name)
+implement {
+ name = "samplefile", -- bad name, maybe rename to injectbuffercontent
+ actions = buffers.samplefile,
+ arguments = "string"
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/char-act.mkiv b/tex/context/base/mkiv/char-act.mkiv
index 6b2ca51e2..ff4dc621f 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/char-act.mkiv
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/char-act.mkiv
@@ -78,12 +78,17 @@
% \unexpanded\def\ignorepages{\catcode\formfeedasciicode \ignorecatcode}
% \unexpanded\def\ignoreeofs {\catcode\endoffileasciicode\ignorecatcode}
-\unexpanded\def\obeytabs {\catcode\tabasciicode \activecatcode\letcharcode\tabasciicode \obeyedtab }
-\unexpanded\def\obeylines {\catcode\endoflineasciicode\activecatcode\letcharcode\endoflineasciicode\obeyedline}
-\unexpanded\def\obeypages {\catcode\formfeedasciicode \activecatcode\letcharcode\formfeedasciicode \obeyedpage}
+\def\_obeyed_tab_ {\obeyedtab}
+\def\_obeyed_line_ {\obeyedline}
+\def\_obeyed_page_ {\obeyedpage}
-\unexpanded\def\ignoretabs {\catcode\tabasciicode \activecatcode\letcharcode\tabasciicode \obeyedspace}
+\unexpanded\def\obeytabs {\catcode\tabasciicode \activecatcode\letcharcode\tabasciicode \_obeyed_tab_ }
+\unexpanded\def\obeylines {\catcode\endoflineasciicode\activecatcode\letcharcode\endoflineasciicode\_obeyed_line_}
+\unexpanded\def\obeypages {\catcode\formfeedasciicode \activecatcode\letcharcode\formfeedasciicode \_obeyed_page_}
+\unexpanded\def\ignoretabs {\catcode\tabasciicode \activecatcode\letcharcode\tabasciicode \_obeyed_space_}
\unexpanded\def\ignorepages{\catcode\formfeedasciicode \ignorecatcode}
\unexpanded\def\ignoreeofs {\catcode\endoffileasciicode\ignorecatcode}
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/cldf-ini.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/cldf-ini.lua
index 86dec0209..8e4f2e729 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/cldf-ini.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/cldf-ini.lua
@@ -1224,34 +1224,39 @@ do
-function context.runfile(filename)
- local foundname = resolvers.findtexfile(file.addsuffix(filename,"cld")) or ""
- if foundname ~= "" then
- local ok = dofile(foundname)
- if type(ok) == "function" then
- if trace_cld then
- report_context("begin of file %a (function call)",foundname)
- end
- ok()
- if trace_cld then
- report_context("end of file %a (function call)",foundname)
+ local findtexfile = resolvers.findtexfile
+ local findfile = resolvers.findfile
+ function context.runfile(filename)
+ local foundname = findtexfile(file.addsuffix(filename,"cld")) or ""
+ if foundname ~= "" then
+ local ok = dofile(foundname)
+ if type(ok) == "function" then
+ if trace_cld then
+ report_context("begin of file %a (function call)",foundname)
+ end
+ ok()
+ if trace_cld then
+ report_context("end of file %a (function call)",foundname)
+ end
+ elseif ok then
+ report_context("file %a is processed and returns true",foundname)
+ else
+ report_context("file %a is processed and returns nothing",foundname)
- elseif ok then
- report_context("file %a is processed and returns true",foundname)
- report_context("file %a is processed and returns nothing",foundname)
+ report_context("unknown file %a",filename)
- else
- report_context("unknown file %a",filename)
-function context.loadfile(filename)
- context(stripstring(loaddata(resolvers.findfile(filename))))
+ function context.loadfile(filename)
+ context(stripstring(loaddata(findfile(filename))))
+ end
+ function context.loadviafile(filename)
+ viafile(stripstring(loaddata(findfile(filename))))
+ end
-- some functions
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/cldf-ini.mkiv b/tex/context/base/mkiv/cldf-ini.mkiv
index 27ce42aa2..0cf3b892c 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/cldf-ini.mkiv
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/cldf-ini.mkiv
@@ -49,6 +49,7 @@
\def\cldloadfile #1{\directlua{context.loadfile("#1")}}
+ \def\cldloadviafile#1{\directlua{context.loadviafile("#1")}}
\def\cldcontext #1{\directlua{context(#1)}}
\def\cldcommand #1{\directlua{context.#1}}
% \def\cldverbatim #1{\directlua{context.verbatim.#1}} % maybe make verbatim global
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/colo-ini.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/colo-ini.lua
index 921612b0f..f423346b4 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/colo-ini.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/colo-ini.lua
@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ local texsetattribute = tex.setattribute
local texgetattribute = tex.getattribute
local texgetcount = tex.getcount
local texgettoks = tex.gettoks
+local texgetmacro = tokens.getters.macro
local a_color = attributes.private('color')
local a_transparency = attributes.private('transparency')
@@ -698,7 +699,8 @@ local paletnamespace = getnamespace("colorpalet")
local function namedcolorattributes(name)
local space = texgetattribute(a_colormodel)
- local prefix = texgettoks("t_colo_prefix")
+ ----- prefix = texgettoks("t_colo_prefix")
+ local prefix = texgetmacro("currentcolorprefix")
local color
if prefix ~= "" then
color = valid[]
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/colo-ini.mkiv b/tex/context/base/mkiv/colo-ini.mkiv
index daee8ada6..7ecb05d23 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/colo-ini.mkiv
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/colo-ini.mkiv
@@ -592,22 +592,22 @@
% \the\everysetuppalet
% \colo_helpers_initialize_maintextcolor}
-\newtoks\t_colo_prefix % used in mp interface
+% \newtoks\t_colo_prefix % used in mp interface
% seems to be a reset
- \t_colo_prefix\emptytoks
+ %\t_colo_prefix\emptytoks
- \t_colo_prefix\expandafter{\currentcolorprefix}%
+ %\t_colo_prefix\expandafter{\currentcolorprefix}%
- \t_colo_prefix\emptytoks
+ %\t_colo_prefix\emptytoks
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/cont-new.mkiv b/tex/context/base/mkiv/cont-new.mkiv
index 9fa8f68a4..105bd1ccf 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/cont-new.mkiv
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/cont-new.mkiv
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
%C details.
-\newcontextversion{2018.04.19 15:53}
+\newcontextversion{2018.05.12 00:07}
%D This file is loaded at runtime, thereby providing an excellent place for
%D hacks, patches, extensions and new features.
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/context.mkiv b/tex/context/base/mkiv/context.mkiv
index 24482906c..1d44fefd0 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/context.mkiv
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/context.mkiv
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
%D has to match \type {YYYY.MM.DD HH:MM} format.
\edef\contextformat {\jobname}
-\edef\contextversion{2018.04.19 15:53}
+\edef\contextversion{2018.05.12 00:07}
\edef\contextkind {beta}
%D For those who want to use this:
@@ -274,7 +274,6 @@
-%loadmarkfile{spac-adj} % no longer needed
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/data-res.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/data-res.lua
index 9fb33f88d..9f5e3a8ac 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/data-res.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/data-res.lua
@@ -1875,7 +1875,7 @@ function resolvers.booleanvariable(str,default)
function resolvers.dowithfilesintree(pattern,handle,before,after) -- will move, can be a nice iterator instead
- local hashes = instance.hashes
+ local hashes = instance.hashes
for i=1,#hashes do
local hash = hashes[i]
local blobtype = hash.type
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/file-job.mkvi b/tex/context/base/mkiv/file-job.mkvi
index e1ea405c0..f1f2d126f 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/file-job.mkvi
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/file-job.mkvi
@@ -347,12 +347,15 @@
% Bonus:
+% \installcorenamespace{samplefile}
+% \unexpanded\def\samplefile#1%
+% {\ifcsname\??samplefile#1\endcsname \else
+% \setxvalue{\??samplefile#1}{\cldloadfile{#1}}%
+% \fi
+% \lastnamedcs}
- {\ifcsname\??samplefile#1\endcsname \else
- \setxvalue{\??samplefile#1}{\cldloadfile{#1}}%
- \fi
- \lastnamedcs}
+ {\clf_samplefile{#1}}
\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-chk.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-chk.lua
index 4e7bf939b..5bd85fe66 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-chk.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-chk.lua
@@ -66,14 +66,15 @@ local hpack_node = node.hpack
local nuts = nodes.nuts
local tonut = nuts.tonut
-local tonode = nuts.tonode
local getfont = nuts.getfont
local getchar = nuts.getchar
local setchar = nuts.setchar
-local traverse_id = nuts.traverse_id
+----- traverse_id = nuts.traverse_id
+local nextglyph = nuts.traversers.glyph
local remove_node = nuts.remove
local insert_node_after = nuts.insert_after
@@ -281,7 +282,7 @@ end
local function placeholder(font,char)
local tfmdata = fontdata[font]
- local category = chardata[char].category
+ local category = chardata[char].category or "unknown"
local fakechar = mapping[category]
local slot = getprivateslot(font,fakechar)
if not slot then
@@ -295,15 +296,14 @@ checkers.placeholder = placeholder
function checkers.missing(head)
local lastfont, characters, found = nil, nil, nil
- head = tonut(head)
- for n in traverse_id(glyph_code,head) do -- faster than while loop so we delay removal
+ for n in nextglyph, head do -- faster than while loop so we delay removal
local font = getfont(n)
local char = getchar(n)
if font ~= lastfont then
characters = fontcharacters[font]
lastfont = font
- if font > 0 and not characters[char] and is_character[chardata[char].category] then
+ if font > 0 and not characters[char] and is_character[chardata[char].category or "unknown"] then
if action == "remove" then
onetimemessage(font,char,"missing (will be deleted)")
elseif action == "replace" then
@@ -340,7 +340,7 @@ function checkers.missing(head)
-- maye write a report to the log
- return tonode(head), false
+ return head
local relevant = {
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-col.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-col.lua
index 8aad4d7d5..e5fd37b1b 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-col.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-col.lua
@@ -19,15 +19,14 @@ local fastcopy = table.fastcopy
local formatters = string.formatters
local nuts = nodes.nuts
-local tonut = nuts.tonut
local getfont = nuts.getfont
local getchar = nuts.getchar
local setfont = nuts.setfont
-local traverse_id = nuts.traverse_id
-local traverse_char = nuts.traverse_char
+----- traverse_char = nuts.traverse_char
+local nextchar = nuts.traversers.char
local settings_to_hash = utilities.parsers.settings_to_hash
@@ -311,8 +310,7 @@ local function monoslot(font,char,parent,factor)
function collections.process(head) -- this way we keep feature processing
- local done = false
- for n in traverse_char(tonut(head)) do
+ for n in nextchar, head do
local font = getfont(n)
local vector = vectors[font]
if vector then
@@ -329,7 +327,6 @@ function collections.process(head) -- this way we keep feature processing
- done = true
local fakemono = vector.factor
if trace_collecting then
@@ -342,11 +339,48 @@ function collections.process(head) -- this way we keep feature processing
- done = true
- return head, done
+ return head
+if LUATEXVERSION >= 1.090 then
+ function collections.process(head) -- this way we keep feature processing
+ for n, char, font in nextchar, head do
+ local vector = vectors[font]
+ if vector then
+ local vect = vector[char]
+ if not vect then
+ -- keep it
+ elseif type(vect) == "table" then
+ local newfont = vect[1]
+ local newchar = vect[2]
+ if trace_collecting then
+ report_fonts("remapping character %C in font %a to character %C in font %a%s",
+ char,font,newchar,newfont,not chardata[newfont][newchar] and " (missing)" or ""
+ )
+ end
+ setfont(n,newfont,newchar)
+ else
+ local fakemono = vector.factor
+ if trace_collecting then
+ report_fonts("remapping font %a to %a for character %C%s",
+ font,vect,char,not chardata[vect][char] and " (missing)" or ""
+ )
+ end
+ if fakemono then
+ setfont(n,vect,monoslot(vect,char,font,fakemono))
+ else
+ setfont(n,vect)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return head
+ end
function collections.found(font,char) -- this way we keep feature processing
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-con.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-con.lua
index 73e9ffe22..d6fe55c65 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-con.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-con.lua
@@ -768,12 +768,15 @@ function constructors.scale(tfmdata,specification)
local t = { }
for i=1,#vv do
local vvi = vv[i]
- t[i] = {
- ["start"] = (vvi["start"] or 0)*vdelta,
- ["end"] = (vvi["end"] or 0)*vdelta,
- ["advance"] = (vvi["advance"] or 0)*vdelta,
- ["extender"] = vvi["extender"],
- ["glyph"] = vvi["glyph"],
+ local s = vvi["start"] or 0
+ local e = vvi["end"] or 0
+ local a = vvi["advance"] or 0
+ t[i] = { -- zero check nicer for 5.3
+ ["start"] = s == 0 and 0 or s * vdelta,
+ ["end"] = e == 0 and 0 or e * vdelta,
+ ["advance"] = a == 0 and 0 or a * vdelta,
+ ["extender"] = vvi["extender"],
+ ["glyph"] = vvi["glyph"],
chr.vert_variants = t
@@ -783,12 +786,15 @@ function constructors.scale(tfmdata,specification)
local t = { }
for i=1,#hv do
local hvi = hv[i]
- t[i] = {
- ["start"] = (hvi["start"] or 0)*hdelta,
- ["end"] = (hvi["end"] or 0)*hdelta,
- ["advance"] = (hvi["advance"] or 0)*hdelta,
- ["extender"] = hvi["extender"],
- ["glyph"] = hvi["glyph"],
+ local s = hvi["start"] or 0
+ local e = hvi["end"] or 0
+ local a = hvi["advance"] or 0
+ t[i] = { -- zero check nicer for 5.3
+ ["start"] = s == 0 and 0 or s * hdelta,
+ ["end"] = e == 0 and 0 or e * hdelta,
+ ["advance"] = a == 0 and 0 or a * hdelta,
+ ["extender"] = hvi["extender"],
+ ["glyph"] = hvi["glyph"],
chr.horiz_variants = t
@@ -902,7 +908,7 @@ function constructors.scale(tfmdata,specification)
chr.commands = vc
- chr.index = nil
+ -- chr.index = nil
targetcharacters[unicode] = chr
@@ -912,7 +918,7 @@ function constructors.scale(tfmdata,specification)
- constructors.trytosharefont(target,tfmdata)
+ constructors.trytosharefont(target,tfmdata)
-- catch inconsistencies
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-ctx.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-ctx.lua
index 68191143b..f24686106 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-ctx.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-ctx.lua
@@ -79,6 +79,9 @@ local aglunicodes = nil -- delayed loading
local nuts = nodes.nuts
local tonut = nuts.tonut
+----- traverse_char = nuts.traverse_char
+local nextchar = nuts.traversers.char
local getattr = nuts.getattr
local setattr = nuts.setattr
local getprop = nuts.getprop
@@ -583,12 +586,11 @@ local function presetcontext(name,parent,features) -- will go to con and shared
features = { }
elseif type(features) == "string" then
features = normalize_features(settings_to_hash(features))
- for key, value in next, features do
- if type(value) == "string" and find(value,"=") then
- local t = settings_to_hash(value)
+ for key, value in next, features do
+ if type(value) == "string" and find(value,"[=:]") then
+ local t = settings_to_hash_colon_too(value)
if next(t) then
--- features[key] = sequenced(normalize_features(t),",")
- features[key] = t -- sequenced(normalize_features(t),",")
+ features[key] = sequenced(normalize_features(t),",")
@@ -2635,8 +2637,6 @@ do
local unsetvalue = attributes.unsetvalue
- local traverse_char = nuts.traverse_char
local a_color = attributes.private('color')
local a_colormodel = attributes.private('colormodel')
local a_state = attributes.private('state')
@@ -2660,11 +2660,14 @@ do
[states.pstf] = "font:5",
+ -- todo: traversers
+ -- todo: check attr_list so that we can use the same .. helper: setcolorattr
local function markstates(head)
if head then
head = tonut(head)
local model = getattr(head,a_colormodel) or 1
- for glyph in traverse_char(head) do
+ for glyph in nextchar, head do
local a = getprop(glyph,a_state)
if a then
local name = colornames[a]
@@ -2715,7 +2718,7 @@ do
function methods.nocolor(head,font,attr)
- for n in traverse_char(head) do
+ for n in nextchar, head do
if not font or getfont(n) == font then
@@ -3247,3 +3250,109 @@ do
+-- handy, for now here:
+function fonts.helpers.collectanchors(tfmdata)
+ local resources = tfmdata.resources -- todo: use shared
+ if not resources or resources.anchors then
+ return resources.anchors
+ end
+ local anchors = { }
+ local function set(unicode,target,class,anchor)
+ local a = anchors[unicode]
+ if not a then
+ anchors[unicode] = { [target] = { anchor } }
+ return
+ end
+ local t = a[target]
+ if not t then
+ a[target] = { anchor }
+ return
+ end
+ local x, y = anchor[1], anchor[2]
+ for k, v in next, t do
+ if v[1] == x and v[2] == y then
+ return
+ end
+ end
+ t[#t+1] = anchor
+ end
+ local function getanchors(steps,target)
+ for i=1,#steps do
+ local step = steps[i]
+ local coverage = step.coverage
+ for unicode, data in next, coverage do
+ local class = data[1]
+ local anchor = data[2]
+ if anchor[1] ~= 0 or anchor[2] ~= 0 then
+ set(unicode,target,class,anchor)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ local function getcursives(steps)
+ for i=1,#steps do
+ local step = steps[i]
+ local coverage = step.coverage
+ for unicode, data in next, coverage do
+ local class = data[1]
+ local en = data[2]
+ local ex = data[3]
+ if en then
+ set(unicode,"entry",class,en)
+ end
+ if ex then
+ set(unicode,"exit", class,ex)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ local function collect(list)
+ if list then
+ for i=1,#list do
+ local entry = list[i]
+ local steps = entry.steps
+ local kind = entry.type
+ if kind == "gpos_mark2mark" then
+ getanchors(steps,"mark")
+ elseif kind == "gpos_mark2base" then
+ getanchors(steps,"base")
+ elseif kind == "gpos_mark2ligature" then
+ getanchors(steps,"ligature")
+ elseif kind == "gpos_cursive" then
+ getcursives(steps)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ collect(resources.sequences)
+ collect(resources.sublookups)
+ local function sorter(a,b)
+ if a[1] == b[1] then
+ return a[2] < b[2]
+ else
+ return a[1] < b[1]
+ end
+ end
+ for unicode, old in next, anchors do
+ for target, list in next, old do
+ sort(list,sorter)
+ end
+ end
+ resources.anchors = anchors
+ return anchors
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-dsp.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-dsp.lua
index c896aa711..6279dda89 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-dsp.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-dsp.lua
@@ -68,12 +68,13 @@ local reversed = table.reversed
local sort = table.sort
local insert = table.insert
local round = math.round
-local settings_to_hash_colon_too = table.settings_to_hash_colon_too
+local settings_to_hash = utilities.parsers.settings_to_hash_colon_too
local setmetatableindex = table.setmetatableindex
local formatters = string.formatters
local sortedkeys = table.sortedkeys
local sortedhash = table.sortedhash
+local sequenced = table.sequenced
local report = logs.reporter("otf reader")
@@ -324,7 +325,7 @@ end)
-- wght:400,wdth:100,ital:1
local function axistofactors(str)
- local t = settings_to_hash_colon_too(str)
+ local t = settings_to_hash(str)
for k, v in next, t do
t[k] = tonumber(v) or v -- this also normalizes numbers itself
@@ -349,10 +350,6 @@ function helpers.normalizedaxis(str)
return hash[str] or str
-local function axistofactors(str)
- return settings_to_hash_colon_too(str)
-- contradicting spec ... (signs) so i'll check it and fix it once we have
-- proper fonts
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-gbn.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-gbn.lua
index 8f1acac65..e2d245860 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-gbn.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-gbn.lua
@@ -47,8 +47,8 @@ local setprev = nuts.setprev
local n_ligaturing = node.ligaturing
local n_kerning = node.kerning
-local ligaturing = nuts.ligaturing
-local kerning = nuts.kerning
+local d_ligaturing = nuts.ligaturing
+local d_kerning = nuts.kerning
local basemodepass = true
@@ -69,15 +69,30 @@ function node.kerning(...)
return n_kerning(...)
+function nuts.ligaturing(...)
+ if basemodepass and l_warning then
+ l_warning()
+ end
+ return d_ligaturing(...)
+function nuts.kerning(...)
+ if basemodepass and k_warning then
+ k_warning()
+ end
+ return d_kerning(...)
+-- direct.ligaturing = nuts.ligaturing
+-- direct.kerning = nuts.kerning
function nodes.handlers.setbasemodepass(v)
basemodepass = v
--------- nodes.handlers.nodepass(head)
-function nodes.handlers.nodepass(head,groupcode,size,packtype,direction)
+local function nodepass(head,groupcode,size,packtype,direction)
local fontdata = fonts.hashes.identifiers
if fontdata then
- local nuthead = tonut(head)
local usedfonts = { }
local basefonts = { }
local prevfont = nil
@@ -85,7 +100,7 @@ function nodes.handlers.nodepass(head,groupcode,size,packtype,direction)
local variants = nil
local redundant = nil
local nofused = 0
- for n in traverse_id(glyph_code,nuthead) do
+ for n in traverse_id(glyph_code,head) do
local font = getfont(n)
if font ~= prevfont then
if basefont then
@@ -147,8 +162,8 @@ function nodes.handlers.nodepass(head,groupcode,size,packtype,direction)
for i=1,#redundant do
local r = redundant[i]
local p, n = getboth(r)
- if r == nuthead then
- nuthead = n
+ if r == head then
+ head = n
@@ -167,7 +182,7 @@ function nodes.handlers.nodepass(head,groupcode,size,packtype,direction)
- for d in traverse_id(disc_code,nuthead) do
+ for d in traverse_id(disc_code,head) do
local _, _, r = getdisc(d)
if r then
for n in traverse_id(glyph_code,r) do
@@ -205,16 +220,16 @@ function nodes.handlers.nodepass(head,groupcode,size,packtype,direction)
local start = range[1]
local stop = range[2]
if start then
- local front = nuthead == start
+ local front = head == start
local prev, next
if stop then
next = getnext(stop)
- start, stop = ligaturing(start,stop)
- start, stop = kerning(start,stop)
+ start, stop = d_ligaturing(start,stop)
+ start, stop = d_kerning(start,stop)
prev = getprev(start)
- start = ligaturing(start)
- start = kerning(start)
+ start = d_ligaturing(start)
+ start = d_kerning(start)
if prev then
@@ -222,41 +237,65 @@ function nodes.handlers.nodepass(head,groupcode,size,packtype,direction)
if next then
- if front and nuthead ~= start then
- head = tonode(start)
+ if front and head ~= start then
+ head = start
- return head, true
- else
- return head, false
+ return head
-function nodes.handlers.basepass(head)
+local function basepass(head)
if basemodepass then
- head = n_ligaturing(head)
- head = n_kerning(head)
+ head = d_ligaturing(head)
+ head = d_kerning(head)
- return head, true
+ return head
-local nodepass = nodes.handlers.nodepass
-local basepass = nodes.handlers.basepass
+local protectpass =
local injectpass = nodes.injections.handler
-local protectpass = nodes.handlers.protectglyphs
+-- This is the only official public interface and this one can be hooked into a callback (chain) and
+-- everything else can change!@ Functione being visibel doesn't mean that it's part of the api.
+function nodes.handlers.nodepass(head,...)
+ if head then
+ return tonode(nodepass(tonut(head),...))
+ end
+function nodes.handlers.basepass(head)
+ if head then
+ return tonode(basepass(tonut(head)))
+ end
+function nodes.handlers.injectpass(head)
+ if head then
+ return tonode(injectpass(tonut(head)))
+ end
+function nodes.handlers.protectpass(head)
+ if head then
+ protectpass(tonut(head))
+ return head
+ end
function nodes.simple_font_handler(head,groupcode,size,packtype,direction)
if head then
+ head = tonut(head)
head = nodepass(head,groupcode,size,packtype,direction)
head = injectpass(head)
if not basemodepass then
head = basepass(head)
- return head, true
- else
- return head, false
+ head = tonode(head)
+ return head
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-imp-effects.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-imp-effects.lua
index cb7cf10d3..578c8bc10 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-imp-effects.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-imp-effects.lua
@@ -22,8 +22,10 @@ local settings_to_hash = utilities.parsers.settings_to_hash_colon_too
local helpers = fonts.helpers
local prependcommands = helpers.prependcommands
local charcommand = helpers.commands.char
+local leftcommand = helpers.commands.left
local rightcommand = helpers.commands.right
local upcommand = helpers.commands.up
+local downcommand = helpers.commands.down
local dummycommand = helpers.commands.dummy
----- constructors = fonts.constructors
@@ -244,7 +246,8 @@ local function setmathcharacters(tfmdata,characters,mathparameters,dx,dy,squeeze
local character = characters[0x221A]
- if character then
+ if character and then
+-- print("base char",0x221A,table.sequenced(character))
local char = character
local next =
@@ -253,6 +256,7 @@ local function setmathcharacters(tfmdata,characters,mathparameters,dx,dy,squeeze
char = characters[next]
+-- print("next char",next,table.sequenced(char))
next =
if char then
@@ -260,7 +264,9 @@ local function setmathcharacters(tfmdata,characters,mathparameters,dx,dy,squeeze
if v then
local top = v[#v]
if top then
- htpatch(characters[top.glyph])
+ local char = characters[top.glyph]
+-- print("top char",top.glyph,table.sequenced(char))
+ htpatch(char)
@@ -269,8 +275,9 @@ end
-- local show_effect = { "lua", function(f,c)
-- report_effect("font id %i, char %C",f,c)
+-- inspect(fonts.hashes.characters[f][c])
-- end }
-- local show_effect = { "lua", "print('!')" }
local function manipulateeffect(tfmdata)
@@ -288,7 +295,7 @@ local function manipulateeffect(tfmdata)
local ddelta = effect.ddelta * vfactor * multiplier
local vshift = effect.vshift * vfactor * multiplier
local squeeze = effect.squeeze
- local hshift = wdelta -- / 2
+ local hshift = wdelta / 2
local dx = multiplier * vfactor
local dy = vshift
local factor = (1 + effect.factor) * factor
@@ -299,7 +306,6 @@ local function manipulateeffect(tfmdata)
local oldwidth = character.width
local oldheight = character.height
local olddepth = character.depth
if oldwidth and oldwidth > 0 then
character.width = oldwidth + wdelta
local commands = character.commands
@@ -335,10 +341,10 @@ local function manipulateeffect(tfmdata)
if oldheight and oldheight > 0 then
- character.height = oldheight + hdelta
+ character.height = oldheight + hdelta
if olddepth and olddepth > 0 then
- character.depth = olddepth + ddelta
+ character.depth = olddepth + ddelta
if mathparameters then
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-nod.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-nod.lua
index cdceb98a2..b98534f38 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-nod.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-nod.lua
@@ -32,6 +32,10 @@ nodes.tasks = tasks
local handlers = nodes.handlers or { }
nodes.handlers = handlers
+local nuts = nodes.nuts
+local tonut = nuts.tonut
+local tonode = nuts.tonode
local injections = nodes.injections or { }
nodes.injections = injections
@@ -52,10 +56,6 @@ local kern_code = nodecodes.kern
local dir_code = nodecodes.dir
local localpar_code = nodecodes.localpar
-local nuts = nodes.nuts
-local tonut = nuts.tonut
-local tonode = nuts.tonode
local getfield = nuts.getfield
local getnext = nuts.getnext
local getprev = nuts.getprev
@@ -78,9 +78,11 @@ local setsubtype = nuts.setsubtype
local copy_node_list = nuts.copy_list
local hpack_node_list = nuts.hpack
local flush_node_list = nuts.flush_list
-local traverse_nodes = nuts.traverse
local protect_glyphs = nuts.protect_glyphs
+local nextnode = nuts.traversers.node
+local nextglyph = nuts.traversers.glyph
local nodepool = nuts.pool
local new_glyph = nodepool.glyph
@@ -101,7 +103,7 @@ local properties =
-- direct.set_properties_mode(true,true) -- default
local function freeze(h,where)
- for n in traverse_nodes(tonut(h)) do -- todo: disc but not traced anyway
+ for n in nextnode, h do -- todo: disc but not traced anyway
local p = properties[n]
if p then
local i = p.injections if i then p.injections = fastcopy(i) end
@@ -114,7 +116,6 @@ local function freeze(h,where)
function char_tracers.collect(head,list,tag,n)
- head = tonut(head)
n = n or 0
local ok, fn = false, nil
while head do
@@ -137,17 +138,17 @@ function char_tracers.collect(head,list,tag,n)
-- skip
-- local pre, post, replace = getdisc(head)
-- if replace then
- -- for n in traverse_id(glyph_code,replace) do
+ -- for n in nextglyph, replace do
-- l[#l+1] = { c, f }
-- end
-- end
-- if pre then
- -- for n in traverse_id(glyph_code,pre) do
+ -- for n in nextglyph, pre do
-- l[#l+1] = { c, f }
-- end
-- end
-- if post then
- -- for n in traverse_id(glyph_code,post) do
+ -- for n in nextglyph, post do
-- l[#l+1] = { c, f }
-- end
-- end
@@ -220,12 +221,12 @@ function char_tracers.start()
function handlers.characters(head)
local n = #list
- local h, d = npc(tonode(head)) -- for the moment tonode
+ head = npc(head) -- for the moment tonode
if #list > n then
list[#list+1] = { }
- return h, d
+ return head
function char_tracers.stop()
tracers.list['characters'] = list
@@ -391,7 +392,7 @@ function,command,space)
if w then
- for c, id in traverse_nodes(w) do
+ for c, id in nextnode, w do
if id == glyph_code then
@@ -408,7 +409,7 @@ function,command,space)
if id == glyph_code then
elseif id == dir_code or id == localpar_code then
- context("[%s]",getdir(c))
+ context("[%s]",getdir(c) or "unset")
elseif id == disc_code then
local pre, post, replace = getdisc(c)
if pre or post or replace then
@@ -451,13 +452,12 @@ end
function step_tracers.check(head)
if collecting then
- local h = tonut(head)
- local n = copy_node_list(h)
+ local n = copy_node_list(head)
- injections.keepcounts(n) -- one-time
+ injections.keepcounts() -- one-time
local l = injections.handler(n,"trace")
if l then -- hm, can be false
- n = tonut(l)
+ n = l
collection[1] = n
@@ -468,13 +468,12 @@ function step_tracers.register(head)
if collecting then
local nc = #collection+1
if messages[nc] then
- local h = tonut(head)
- local n = copy_node_list(h)
+ local n = copy_node_list(head)
- injections.keepcounts(n) -- one-time
+ injections.keepcounts() -- one-time
local l = injections.handler(n,"trace")
if l then -- hm, can be false
- n = tonut(l)
+ n = l
collection[nc] = n
@@ -499,10 +498,7 @@ local threshold = 65536 -- 1pt
local function toutf(list,result,nofresult,stopcriterium,nostrip)
if list then
--- for n in traverse_nodes(tonut(list)) do
--- local c, id = isglyph(n)
--- if c then
- for n, id in traverse_nodes(tonut(list)) do
+ for n, id in nextnode, tonut(list) do
if id == glyph_code then
local c = getchar(n)
local components = getcomponents(n)
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-osd.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-osd.lua
index 51f644ad1..32d791b48 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-osd.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-osd.lua
@@ -6,6 +6,9 @@ if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['font-osd'] = { -- script devanag
license = "see context related readme files"
+-- we need to check nbsphash (context only)
-- A few remarks:
-- This code is a partial rewrite of the code that deals with devanagari. The data
@@ -96,8 +99,6 @@ local otffeatures = fonts.constructors.features.otf
local registerotffeature = otffeatures.register
local nuts = nodes.nuts
-local tonode = nuts.tonode
-local tonut = nuts.tonut
local getnext = nuts.getnext
local getprev = nuts.getprev
@@ -152,47 +153,27 @@ replace_all_nbsp = function(head) -- delayed definition
return replace_all_nbsp(head)
-local xprocesscharacters = nil
+local processcharacters = nil
if context then
- xprocesscharacters = function(head,font)
- xprocesscharacters = nodes.handlers.characters
- return xprocesscharacters(head,font)
+ local fontprocesses = fonts.hashes.processes
+ function processcharacters(head,font)
+ local processors = fontprocesses[font]
+ for i=1,#processors do
+ head = processors[i](head,font,0)
+ end
+ return head
- xprocesscharacters = function(head,font)
- xprocesscharacters = nodes.handlers.nodepass -- generic
- return xprocesscharacters(head,font)
+ function processcharacters(head,font)
+ local processors = fontdata[font].shared.processes
+ for i=1,#processors do
+ head = processors[i](head,font,0)
+ end
+ return head
-local function processcharacters(head,font)
- return tonut(xprocesscharacters(tonode(head))) -- can be more efficient in context, just direct call
--- to be tested:
--- local processcharacters = nil
--- if context then
--- local fontprocesses = fonts.hashes.processes
--- function processcharacters(head,font)
--- local processors = fontprocesses[font]
--- for i=1,#processors do
--- head = processors[i](head,font,0)
--- end
--- return head, true
--- end
--- else
--- function processcharacters(head,font)
--- local processors = fontdata[font].shared.processes
--- for i=1,#processors do
--- head = processors[i](head,font,0)
--- end
--- return head, true
--- end
--- end
-- We can assume that script are not mixed in the source but if that is the case
-- we might need to have consonants etc per script and initialize a local table
-- pointing to the right one. But not now.
@@ -2067,7 +2048,6 @@ end
-- a lot. Common code has been synced.
local function method_one(head,font,attr)
- head = tonut(head)
local current = head
local start = true
local done = false
@@ -2262,14 +2242,13 @@ local function method_one(head,font,attr)
head = replace_all_nbsp(head)
- return tonode(head), done
+ return head, done
-- there is a good change that when we run into one with subtype < 256 that the rest is also done
-- so maybe we can omit this check (it's pretty hard to get glyphs in the stream out of the blue)
local function method_two(head,font,attr)
- head = tonut(head)
local current = head
local start = true
local done = false
@@ -2358,7 +2337,7 @@ local function method_two(head,font,attr)
head = replace_all_nbsp(head)
- return tonode(head), done
+ return head, done
for i=1,nofscripts do
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-ota.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-ota.lua
index de626c120..fd58a6e43 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-ota.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-ota.lua
@@ -42,7 +42,6 @@ local getsubtype = nuts.getsubtype
local getchar = nuts.getchar
local ischar = nuts.is_char
-local traverse_id = nuts.traverse_id
local end_of_math = nuts.end_of_math
local nodecodes = nodes.nodecodes
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-otj.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-otj.lua
index a728163ce..8d1b540be 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-otj.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-otj.lua
@@ -97,8 +97,11 @@ local setlink = nuts.setlink
local setwidth = nuts.setwidth
local getwidth = nuts.getwidth
-local traverse_id = nuts.traverse_id
-local traverse_char = nuts.traverse_char
+----- traverse_id = nuts.traverse_id
+----- traverse_char = nuts.traverse_char
+local nextchar = nuts.traversers.char
+local nextglue = nuts.traversers.glue
local insert_node_before = nuts.insert_before
local insert_node_after = nuts.insert_after
@@ -562,7 +565,7 @@ end
local function showsub(n,what,where)
report_injections("begin subrun: %s",where)
- for n in traverse_char(n) do
+ for n in nextchar, n do
show(n,what,where," ")
@@ -632,7 +635,6 @@ end
-- +D-replace +D-replace
local function inject_kerns_only(head,where)
- head = tonut(head)
if trace_injections then
@@ -708,7 +710,7 @@ local function inject_kerns_only(head,where)
local done = false
if pre then
-- left|pre glyphs|right
- for n in traverse_char(pre) do
+ for n in nextchar, pre do
local p = rawget(properties,n)
if p then
local i = p.injections or p.preinjections
@@ -724,7 +726,7 @@ local function inject_kerns_only(head,where)
if post then
-- left|post glyphs|right
- for n in traverse_char(post) do
+ for n in nextchar, post do
local p = rawget(properties,n)
if p then
local i = p.injections or p.postinjections
@@ -740,7 +742,7 @@ local function inject_kerns_only(head,where)
if replace then
-- left|replace glyphs|right
- for n in traverse_char(replace) do
+ for n in nextchar, replace do
local p = rawget(properties,n)
if p then
local i = p.injections or p.replaceinjections
@@ -775,11 +777,10 @@ local function inject_kerns_only(head,where)
if trace_injections then
- return tonode(head), true
+ return head
local function inject_positions_only(head,where)
- head = tonut(head)
if trace_injections then
@@ -882,7 +883,7 @@ local function inject_positions_only(head,where)
local done = false
if pre then
-- left|pre glyphs|right
- for n in traverse_char(pre) do
+ for n in nextchar, pre do
local p = rawget(properties,n)
if p then
local i = p.injections or p.preinjections
@@ -907,7 +908,7 @@ local function inject_positions_only(head,where)
if post then
-- left|post glyphs|right
- for n in traverse_char(post) do
+ for n in nextchar, post do
local p = rawget(properties,n)
if p then
local i = p.injections or p.postinjections
@@ -932,7 +933,7 @@ local function inject_positions_only(head,where)
if replace then
-- left|replace glyphs|right
- for n in traverse_char(replace) do
+ for n in nextchar, replace do
local p = rawget(properties,n)
if p then
local i = p.injections or p.replaceinjections
@@ -1006,7 +1007,7 @@ local function inject_positions_only(head,where)
if trace_injections then
- return tonode(head), true
+ return head
local function showoffset(n,flag)
@@ -1017,7 +1018,6 @@ local function showoffset(n,flag)
local function inject_everything(head,where)
- head = tonut(head)
if trace_injections then
@@ -1348,7 +1348,7 @@ local function inject_everything(head,where)
local done = false
if pre then
-- left|pre glyphs|right
- for n in traverse_char(pre) do
+ for n in nextchar, pre do
local p = rawget(properties,n)
if p then
local i = p.injections or p.preinjections
@@ -1379,7 +1379,7 @@ local function inject_everything(head,where)
if post then
-- left|post glyphs|right
- for n in traverse_char(post) do
+ for n in nextchar, post do
local p = rawget(properties,n)
if p then
local i = p.injections or p.postinjections
@@ -1410,7 +1410,7 @@ local function inject_everything(head,where)
if replace then
-- left|replace glyphs|right
- for n in traverse_char(replace) do
+ for n in nextchar, replace do
local p = rawget(properties,n)
if p then
local i = p.injections or p.replaceinjections
@@ -1518,7 +1518,7 @@ local function inject_everything(head,where)
if trace_injections then
- return tonode(head), true
+ return head
-- space triggers
@@ -1607,7 +1607,7 @@ end
local function injectspaces(head)
if not triggers then
- return head, false
+ return head
local lastfont = nil
local spacekerns = nil
@@ -1617,7 +1617,6 @@ local function injectspaces(head)
local threshold = 0
local leftkern = false
local rightkern = false
- local nuthead = tonut(head)
local function updatefont(font,trig)
leftkerns = trig.left
@@ -1627,7 +1626,7 @@ local function injectspaces(head)
factor = getthreshold(font)
- for n in traverse_id(glue_code,nuthead) do
+ for n in nextglue, head do
local prev, next = getspaceboth(n)
local prevchar = prev and ischar(prev)
local nextchar = next and ischar(next)
@@ -1665,12 +1664,8 @@ local function injectspaces(head)
if trace_spaces then
report_spaces("%C [%p + %p + %p] %C",prevchar,lnew,old,rnew,nextchar)
- local h = insert_node_before(nuthead,n,italickern(lnew))
- if h == nuthead then
- head = tonode(h)
- nuthead = h
- end
- insert_node_after(nuthead,n,italickern(rnew))
+ head = insert_node_before(head,n,italickern(lnew))
+ insert_node_after(head,n,italickern(rnew))
local new = old + (leftkern + rightkern) * factor
if trace_spaces then
@@ -1685,7 +1680,7 @@ local function injectspaces(head)
if trace_spaces then
report_spaces("%C [%p + %p]",prevchar,old,new)
- insert_node_after(nuthead,n,italickern(new)) -- tricky with traverse but ok
+ insert_node_after(head,n,italickern(new)) -- tricky with traverse but ok
local new = old + leftkern * factor
if trace_spaces then
@@ -1704,7 +1699,7 @@ local function injectspaces(head)
if trace_spaces then
report_spaces("%C [%p + %p]",nextchar,old,new)
- insert_node_after(nuthead,n,italickern(new))
+ insert_node_after(head,n,italickern(new))
local new = old + rightkern * factor
if trace_spaces then
@@ -1718,7 +1713,8 @@ local function injectspaces(head)
triggers = false
- return head, true
+ return head
@@ -1744,6 +1740,6 @@ function injections.handler(head,where)
return inject_kerns_only(head,where)
- return head, false
+ return head
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-ots.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-ots.lua
index ac50ad00e..faee293f6 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-ots.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-ots.lua
@@ -176,8 +176,6 @@ registertracker("otf.sample", "otf.steps","otf.substitutions","otf.positi
registertracker("otf.sample.silent", "otf.steps=silent","otf.substitutions","otf.positions","otf.analyzing")
local nuts = nodes.nuts
-local tonode = nuts.tonode
-local tonut = nuts.tonut
local getfield = nuts.getfield
local getnext = nuts.getnext
@@ -215,7 +213,7 @@ local find_node_tail = nuts.tail
local flush_node_list = nuts.flush_list
local flush_node = nuts.flush_node
local end_of_math = nuts.end_of_math
-local traverse_nodes = nuts.traverse
+----- traverse_nodes = nuts.traverse
----- traverse_id = nuts.traverse_id
local set_components = nuts.set_components
local take_components = nuts.take_components
@@ -226,6 +224,8 @@ local copy_only_glyphs = nuts.copy_only_glyphs
local setmetatable = setmetatable
local setmetatableindex = table.setmetatableindex
+local nextnode = nuts.traversers.node
----- zwnj = 0x200C
----- zwj = 0x200D
@@ -3430,7 +3430,7 @@ local function k_run_single(sub,injection,last,font,attr,lookupcache,step,datase
a = getattr(sub,0)
if not a or (a == attr) then
- for n in traverse_nodes(sub) do -- only gpos
+ for n in nextnode, sub do -- only gpos
if n == last then
@@ -3595,7 +3595,7 @@ local function k_run_multiple(sub,injection,last,font,attr,steps,nofsteps,datase
a = getattr(sub,0)
if not a or (a == attr) then
- for n in traverse_nodes(sub) do -- only gpos
+ for n in nextnode, sub do -- only gpos
if n == last then
@@ -3843,8 +3843,6 @@ do
-- attr = false
-- end
- local head = tonut(head)
if trace_steps then
@@ -3852,8 +3850,7 @@ do
local initialrl = direction == "TRT" and -1 or 0
-- local initialrl = (direction == 1 or direction == "TRT") and -1 or 0
- local done = false
- -- local datasets = otf.dataset(tfmdata,font,attr)
+ -- local done = false
local datasets = otfdataset(tfmdata,font,attr)
local dirstack = { } -- could move outside function but we can have local runs
sweephead = { }
@@ -3883,9 +3880,9 @@ do
-- are not frozen as we might extend or change this. Is this used at all apart from some
-- experiments?
local h, ok = handler(head,dataset,sequence,initialrl,font,attr) -- less arguments now
- if ok then
- done = true
- end
+ -- if ok then
+ -- done = true
+ -- end
if h and h ~= head then
head = h
@@ -3918,7 +3915,7 @@ do
local ok
head, start, ok = handler(head,start,dataset,sequence,lookupmatch,rlmode,skiphash,step)
if ok then
- done = true
+ -- done = true
@@ -3961,9 +3958,9 @@ do
if a then
local ok
head, start, ok = handler(head,start,dataset,sequence,lookupmatch,rlmode,skiphash,step)
- if ok then
- done = true
- end
+ -- if ok then
+ -- done = true
+ -- end
if start then
start = getnext(start)
@@ -3987,9 +3984,9 @@ do
start, ok = comprun(start,c_run_single, font,attr,lookupcache,step,dataset,sequence,rlmode,skiphash,handler)
- if ok then
- done = true
- end
+ -- if ok then
+ -- done = true
+ -- end
start = getnext(start)
@@ -4033,7 +4030,7 @@ do
local ok
head, start, ok = handler(head,start,dataset,sequence,lookupmatch,rlmode,skiphash,step)
if ok then
- done = true
+ -- done = true
elseif not start then
-- don't ask why ... shouldn't happen
@@ -4064,9 +4061,9 @@ do
start, ok = comprun(start,c_run_multiple, font,attr,steps,nofsteps,dataset,sequence,rlmode,skiphash,handler)
- if ok then
- done = true
- end
+ -- if ok then
+ -- done = true
+ -- end
start = getnext(start)
@@ -4090,12 +4087,12 @@ do
nesting = nesting - 1
- head = tonode(head)
- return head, done
+ -- return head, done
+ return head
- -- This is not an official helpoer and used for tracing experiments. It can be changed as I like
+ -- This is not an official helper and used for tracing experiments. It can be changed as I like
-- at any moment. At some point it might be used in a module that can help font development.
function otf.datasetpositionprocessor(head,font,direction,dataset)
@@ -4129,7 +4126,6 @@ do
local steps = sequence.steps
local nofsteps = sequence.nofsteps
- local head = tonut(head)
local done = false
local dirstack = { } -- could move outside function but we can have local runs
local start = head
@@ -4192,7 +4188,7 @@ do
- return tonode(head) -- , matches
+ return head
-- end of experiment
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-sol.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-sol.lua
index 8967d88e6..73f7252d1 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-sol.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-sol.lua
@@ -54,8 +54,6 @@ local settings_to_hash = utilities.parsers.settings_to_hash
local tasks = nodes.tasks
local nuts = nodes.nuts
-local tonut = nuts.tonut
-local tonode = nuts.tonode
local getfield = nuts.getfield
local getnext = nuts.getnext
@@ -78,13 +76,15 @@ local find_node_tail = nuts.tail
local flush_node = nuts.flush_node
local flush_node_list = nuts.flush_list
local copy_node_list = nuts.copy_list
-local traverse_nodes = nuts.traverse
-local traverse_ids = nuts.traverse_id
local hpack_nodes = nuts.hpack
local insert_node_before = nuts.insert_before
local insert_node_after = nuts.insert_after
local protect_glyphs = nuts.protect_glyphs
+local nextnode =
+local nexthlist = nuts.traversers.hlist
+local nextwhatsit = nuts.traversers.whatsit
local repack_hlist = nuts.repackhlist
local nodes_to_utf = nodes.listtoutf
@@ -237,7 +237,6 @@ local function convert(featuresets,name,list)
fs = contextsetups[feature]
fn = fs and fs.number
--- inspect(fs)
if fn then
nofnumbers = nofnumbers + 1
numbers[nofnumbers] = fn
@@ -345,9 +344,7 @@ directives.register("", funct
function splitters.split(head)
- -- quite fast
- head = tonut(head)
- local current, done, rlmode, start, stop, attribute = head, false, false, nil, nil, 0
+ local current, rlmode, start, stop, attribute = head, false, nil, nil, 0
cache, max_less, max_more = { }, 0, 0
local function flush() -- we can move this
local font = getfont(start)
@@ -393,7 +390,7 @@ function splitters.split(head)
local m = #solution.more
if l > max_less then max_less = l end
if m > max_more then max_more = m end
- start, stop, done = nil, nil, true
+ start, stop = nil, nil
while current do -- also ischar
local next = getnext(current)
@@ -439,14 +436,14 @@ function splitters.split(head)
nofparagraphs = nofparagraphs + 1
nofwords = nofwords + #cache
- return tonode(head), done
+ return head
local function collect_words(list) -- can be made faster for attributes
local words, w, word = { }, 0, nil
if encapsulate then
- for current in traverse_ids(whatsit_code,list) do
- if getsubtype(current) == userdefined_code then -- hm
+ for current, subtype in nextwhatsit, list do
+ if subtype == userdefined_code then -- hm
local user_id = getfield(current,"user_id")
if user_id == splitter_one then
word = { getfield(current,"value"), current, current }
@@ -584,21 +581,20 @@ local function doit(word,list,best,width,badness,line,set,listdir)
noftries = noftries + 1
local first = copy_node_list(original)
if not trace_colors then
- for n in traverse_nodes(first) do -- maybe fast force so no attr needed
+ for n in nextnode, first do -- maybe fast force so no attr needed
setattr(n,0,featurenumber) -- this forces dynamics
elseif set == "less" then
- for n in traverse_nodes(first) do
+ for n in nextnode, first do
setnodecolor(n,"font:isol") -- yellow
- for n in traverse_nodes(first) do
+ for n in nextnode, first do
setnodecolor(n,"font:medi") -- green
-first = tonode(first)
local font = found.font
local setdynamics = setfontdynamics[font]
if setdynamics then
@@ -610,7 +606,6 @@ first = tonode(first)
report_solutions("fatal error, no dynamics for font %a",font)
first = inject_kerns(first)
-first = tonut(first)
if getid(first) == whatsit_code then
local temp = first
first = getnext(first)
@@ -753,7 +748,7 @@ function splitters.optimize(head)
if trace_optimize then
report_optimizers("preroll %a, variant %a, criterium %a, cache size %a",preroll,variant,criterium,nc)
- for current in traverse_ids(hlist_code,tonut(head)) do
+ for current in nexthlist, head do
line = line + 1
local sign = getfield(current,"glue_sign")
local dir = getdir(current)
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-vfc.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-vfc.lua
index cac225de6..3e48422d6 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-vfc.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-vfc.lua
@@ -50,7 +50,8 @@ end
-- todo: maybe indirect so that we can't change them
local char = setmetatableindex(function(t,k)
- local v = { "char", k }
+ -- local v = { "char", k }
+ local v = { "slot", 0, k }
t[k] = v
return v
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/good-ctx.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/good-ctx.lua
index 00e4ed78d..c4c632ae9 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/good-ctx.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/good-ctx.lua
@@ -29,14 +29,13 @@ local registerotffeature = fonts.handlers.otf.features.register
local fontgoodies = fonts.goodies or { }
-local glyph_code = nodes.nodecodes.glyph
local nuts = nodes.nuts
local tonut = nuts.tonut
local getfont = nuts.getfont
local getchar = nuts.getchar
local getattr = nuts.getattr
-local traverse_id = nuts.traverse_id
+local nextglyph = nuts.traversers.glyph
-- colorschemes
@@ -128,68 +127,9 @@ local function setcolorscheme(tfmdata,scheme)
local fontproperties =
local a_colorscheme = attributes.private('colorscheme')
local setnodecolor = nodes.tracers.colors.set
--- function colorschemes.coloring(head)
--- local lastfont, lastscheme
--- local done = false
--- for n in traverse_id(glyph_code,tonut(head)) do
--- local a = getattr(n,a_colorscheme)
--- if a then
--- local f = getfont(n)
--- if f ~= lastfont then
--- lastscheme = fontproperties[f].colorscheme
--- lastfont = f
--- end
--- if lastscheme then
--- local sc = lastscheme[getchar(n)]
--- if sc then
--- done = true
--- setnodecolor(n,"colorscheme:"..a..":" -- slow
--- end
--- end
--- end
--- end
--- return head, done
--- end
--- seldom used, mostly in manuals, so non critical .. anyhow, somewhat faster:
--- function colorschemes.coloring(head)
--- local lastfont = nil
--- local lastattr = nil
--- local lastscheme = nil
--- local lastprefix = nil
--- local done = nil
--- for n in traverse_id(glyph_code,tonut(head)) do
--- local a = getattr(n,a_colorscheme)
--- if a then
--- if a ~= lastattr then
--- lastattr = a
--- lastprefix = "colorscheme:" .. a .. ":"
--- end
--- local f = getfont(n)
--- if f ~= lastfont then
--- lastfont = f
--- lastscheme = fontproperties[f].colorscheme
--- end
--- if lastscheme then
--- local sc = lastscheme[getchar(n)]
--- if sc then
--- setnodecolor(n,lastprefix .. sc) -- slow
--- done = true
--- end
--- end
--- end
--- end
--- return head, done
--- end
--- ok, in case we have hundreds of pages colored:
-local cache = { } -- this could be a weak table
+local cache = { } -- this could be a weak table
local v = { }
@@ -207,8 +147,7 @@ function colorschemes.coloring(head)
local lastattr = nil
local lastcache = nil
local lastscheme = nil
- local done = nil
- for n in traverse_id(glyph_code,tonut(head)) do
+ for n in nextglyph, head do
local a = getattr(n,a_colorscheme)
if a then
local f = getfont(n)
@@ -224,16 +163,46 @@ function colorschemes.coloring(head)
local sc = lastscheme[getchar(n)]
if sc then
setnodecolor(n,lastcache[sc]) -- we could inline this one
- done = true
- return head, done
+ return head
+if LUATEXVERSION >= 1.090 then
+ function colorschemes.coloring(head)
+ local lastfont = nil
+ local lastattr = nil
+ local lastcache = nil
+ local lastscheme = nil
+ for n, f, char in nextglyph, head do
+ local a = getattr(n,a_colorscheme)
+ if a then
+ if f ~= lastfont then
+ lastfont = f
+ lastscheme = fontproperties[f].colorscheme
+ end
+ if a ~= lastattr then
+ lastattr = a
+ lastcache = cache[a]
+ end
+ if lastscheme then
+ local sc = lastscheme[char]
+ if sc then
+ setnodecolor(n,lastcache[sc]) -- we could inline this one
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return head
+ end
function colorschemes.enable()
- nodes.tasks.appendaction("processors","fonts","fonts.goodies.colorschemes.coloring")
+ nodes.tasks.enableaction("processors","fonts.goodies.colorschemes.coloring")
function colorschemes.enable() end
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/grph-epd.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/grph-epd.lua
index 7855ce891..ae0358b36 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/grph-epd.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/grph-epd.lua
@@ -8,18 +8,18 @@ if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['grph-epd'] = {
local variables = interfaces.variables
local settings_to_hash = utilities.parsers.settings_to_hash
+local codeinjections = backends.pdf.codeinjections
--- todo: page, name, file, url
+local trace = false trackers.register("figures.merging", function(v) trace = v end)
--- I have some experimental code for including comments and fields but it's
--- unfinished and not included as it was just a proof of concept to get some idea
--- about what is needed and possible. But the placeholders are here already.
-local codeinjections = backends.codeinjections
+local report = logs.reporter("backend","merging")
local function mergegoodies(optionlist)
local options = settings_to_hash(optionlist)
local all = options[variables.all] or options[variables.yes]
+ if next(options) then
+ report("% t",table.sortedkeys(options))
+ end
if all or options[variables.reference] then
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/grph-inc.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/grph-inc.lua
index f2d7847eb..87afb8683 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/grph-inc.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/grph-inc.lua
@@ -1371,6 +1371,7 @@ function checkers.generic(data)
local conversion = dr.conversion
local resolution = dr.resolution
local arguments = dr.arguments
+ local scanimage = dr.scanimage or scanimage
if not conversion or conversion == "" then
conversion = "default"
@@ -1471,6 +1472,8 @@ function includers.generic(data)
-- width = dr.width,
-- height = dr.height,
-- }
+ local copyimage = dr.copyimage or copyimage
+ local cloneimage = dr.cloneimage or cloneimage
if figure == nil then
figure = ds.private
if figure then
@@ -2038,3 +2041,73 @@ implement {
+-- This is an experiment. The following method uses Lua to handle the embedding
+-- using the epdf library. This feature will be used when we make the transition
+-- from the pre 1.10 epdf library (using an unsuported low level poppler api) to a
+-- new (lightweight, small and statically compiled) library. More on that later.
+-- The method implemented below has the same performance as the hard coded inclusion
+-- but opens up some possibilities (like merhing fonts) that I will look into some
+-- day.
+local function pdf_checker(data)
+ local request = data.request
+ local used = data.used
+ if request and used and not request.scanimage then
+ local openpdf =
+ ----- closepdf = lpdf.epdf.image.close
+ local querypdf = lpdf.epdf.image.query
+ local copypage = lpdf.epdf.image.copy
+ request.scanimage = function(t)
+ local pdfdoc = openpdf(t.filename)
+ if pdfdoc then
+ used.pdfdoc = pdfdoc
+ -- nofpages
+ end
+ local info = querypdf(pdfdoc,
+ local bbox = info.boundingbox
+ return {
+ filename = filename,
+ -- page = 1,
+ pages = pdfdoc.nofpages,
+ width = bbox[3] - bbox[1],
+ height = bbox[4] - bbox[2],
+ depth = 0,
+ colordepth = 0,
+ xres = 0,
+ yres = 0,
+ xsize = 0,
+ ysize = 0,
+ rotation = 0,
+ orientation = 0,
+ }
+ end
+ request.copyimage = function(t)
+ return copypage(used.pdfdoc,
+ end
+ end
+ return checkers.generic(data)
+ if v then
+ report("%s Lua based PDF inclusion","enabling")
+ checkers.pdf = pdf_checker
+ else
+ report("%s Lua based PDF inclusion","disabling")
+ checkers.pdf = nil
+ end
+-- directives.enable("graphics.pdf.uselua")
+-- local filename = "luatex.pdf"
+-- for i=1,240 do
+-- context(function()
+-- context.startTEXpage()
+-- context.externalfigure( { filename }, { page = i } )
+-- context.stopTEXpage()
+-- end)
+-- end
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/grph-pat.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/grph-pat.lua
index 89b29906d..1b5f1fd29 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/grph-pat.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/grph-pat.lua
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ interfaces.implement {
if not name or name == "" then
- nodes.handlers.finalize(box,"object")
+ nodes.handlers.finalizebox(number)
names[name] = lpdf.registerpattern {
number = number,
width = specification.width or box.width,
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/l-table.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/l-table.lua
index 788d1511f..04c318792 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/l-table.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/l-table.lua
@@ -1239,13 +1239,20 @@ end
local function sequenced(t,sep,simple)
if not t then
return ""
+ elseif type(t) == "string" then
+ return t -- handy fallback
local n = #t
local s = { }
if n > 0 then
-- indexed
for i=1,n do
- s[i] = tostring(t[i])
+ local v = t[i]
+ if type(v) == "table" then
+ s[i] = "{" .. sequenced(v,sep,simple) .. "}"
+ else
+ s[i] = tostring(t[i])
+ end
-- hashed
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/lang-dis.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/lang-dis.lua
index 65a53a702..1e46cbd36 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/lang-dis.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/lang-dis.lua
@@ -17,9 +17,6 @@ local nuts = nodes.nuts
local enableaction = tasks.enableaction
local setaction = tasks.setaction
-local tonode = nuts.tonode
-local tonut = nuts.tonut
local setfield = nuts.setfield
local getnext = nuts.getnext
local getprev = nuts.getprev
@@ -40,10 +37,11 @@ local isglyph = nuts.isglyph
local copy_node = nuts.copy
local remove_node = nuts.remove
-local traverse_id = nuts.traverse_id
local flush_list = nuts.flush_list
local flush_node = nuts.flush_node
+local nextdisc = nuts.traversers.disc
local new_disc = nuts.pool.disc
local nodecodes = nodes.nodecodes
@@ -69,7 +67,7 @@ local check_regular = true
local setlistcolor = nodes.tracers.colors.setlist
function languages.visualizediscretionaries(head)
- for d in traverse_id(disc_code,tonut(head)) do
+ for d in nextdisc, head do
if getattr(d,a_visualize) then
local pre, post, replace = getdisc(d)
if pre then
@@ -83,6 +81,7 @@ function languages.visualizediscretionaries(head)
+ return head
local enabled = false
@@ -129,13 +128,9 @@ end
local wiped = 0
-local flatten_discretionaries = node.flatten_discretionaries -- todo in nodes
+local flatten_discretionaries = nuts.flatten_discretionaries -- todo in nodes
-if flatten_discretionaries then
- -- This is not that much faster than the lua variant simply because there is
- -- seldom a replace list but it fits in the picture. See luatex-todo.w for the
- -- code.
+-- if flatten_discretionaries then
function languages.flatten(head)
local h, n = flatten_discretionaries(head)
@@ -143,45 +138,44 @@ if flatten_discretionaries then
return h, n > 0
- local function wipe(head,delayed)
- local p, n = getboth(delayed)
- local _, _, h, _, _, t = getdisc(delayed,true)
- if p or n then
- if h then
- setlink(p,h)
- setlink(t,n)
- setfield(delayed,"replace")
- else
- setlink(p,n)
- end
- end
- if head == delayed then
- head = h
- end
- wiped = wiped + 1
- flush_node(delayed)
- return head
- end
- function languages.flatten(head)
- local nuthead = tonut(head)
- local delayed = nil
- for d in traverse_id(disc_code,nuthead) do
- if delayed then
- nuthead = wipe(nuthead,delayed)
- end
- delayed = d
- end
- if delayed then
- return tonode(wipe(nuthead,delayed)), true
- else
- return head, false
- end
- end
+-- else
+-- local function wipe(head,delayed)
+-- local p, n = getboth(delayed)
+-- local _, _, h, _, _, t = getdisc(delayed,true)
+-- if p or n then
+-- if h then
+-- setlink(p,h)
+-- setlink(t,n)
+-- setfield(delayed,"replace")
+-- else
+-- setlink(p,n)
+-- end
+-- end
+-- if head == delayed then
+-- head = h
+-- end
+-- wiped = wiped + 1
+-- flush_node(delayed)
+-- return head
+-- end
+-- function languages.flatten(head)
+-- local delayed = nil
+-- for d in nextdisc, head do
+-- if delayed then
+-- head = wipe(head,delayed)
+-- end
+-- delayed = d
+-- end
+-- if delayed then
+-- return wipe(head,delayed), true
+-- else
+-- return head, false
+-- end
+-- end
+-- end
function languages.nofflattened()
return wiped -- handy for testing
@@ -198,7 +192,7 @@ function nodes.handlers.flatten(head,where)
if head and (where == "box" or where == "adjusted_hbox") then
return flatten(head)
- return true
+ return head
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/lang-exp.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/lang-exp.lua
index 70fad48b0..e7543c4de 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/lang-exp.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/lang-exp.lua
@@ -172,23 +172,23 @@ languages.expanders = expanders
----- expand_explicit = expanders and expanders[explicit_code]
----- expand_automatic = expanders and expanders[automatic_code]
-if LUATEXVERSION < 1.005 then -- not loaded any more
- expanded = function(head)
- local done = hyphenate(head)
- if done then
- for d in traverse_id(disc_code,tonut(head)) do
- local s = getsubtype(d)
- if s ~= discretionary_code then
- expanders[s](d,template)
- done = true
- end
- end
- end
- return head, done
- end
+-- if LUATEXVERSION < 1.005 then -- not loaded any more
+-- expanded = function(head)
+-- local done = hyphenate(head)
+-- if done then
+-- for d in traverse_id(disc_code,head) do
+-- local s = getsubtype(d)
+-- if s ~= discretionary_code then
+-- expanders[s](d,template)
+-- done = true
+-- end
+-- end
+-- end
+-- return head, done
+-- end
+-- end
-- if id == disc_code then
-- if expanded then
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/lang-hyp.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/lang-hyp.lua
index e29446b65..d01f8b581 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/lang-hyp.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/lang-hyp.lua
@@ -632,7 +632,6 @@ if context then
local regular_code = disccodes.regular
local nuts = nodes.nuts
- local tonut = nodes.tonut
local tonode = nodes.tonode
local nodepool = nuts.pool
@@ -666,7 +665,9 @@ if context then
local remove_node = nuts.remove
local end_of_math = nuts.end_of_math
local node_tail = nuts.tail
- local traverse_id = nuts.traverse_id
+ local nexthlist = nuts.traversers.hlist
+ local nextdisc = nuts.traversers.disc
local setcolor = nodes.tracers.colors.set
@@ -1028,9 +1029,7 @@ featureset.hyphenonly = hyphenonly == v_yes
function traditional.hyphenate(head)
- local first = tonut(head)
+ local first = head
local tail = nil
local last = nil
local current = first
@@ -1585,7 +1584,7 @@ featureset.hyphenonly = hyphenonly == v_yes
- return head, true
+ return head
@@ -1619,8 +1618,8 @@ featureset.hyphenonly = hyphenonly == v_yes
local stack = { }
local function original(head)
- local done = hyphenate(head)
- return head, done
+ hyphenate(tonode(head))
+ return head
local getcount = tex.getcount
@@ -1637,13 +1636,13 @@ featureset.hyphenonly = hyphenonly == v_yes
forced = false
return usedmethod(head)
- return head, false
+ return head
return usedmethod(head)
- return head, false
+ return head
@@ -1729,13 +1728,12 @@ featureset.hyphenonly = hyphenonly == v_yes
function nodes.stripdiscretionaries(head)
- local h = tonut(head)
- for l in traverse_id(hlist_code,h) do
- for d in traverse_id(disc_code,getlist(l)) do
+ for l in nexthlist, head do
+ for d in nextdisc, getlist(l) do
- return tonode(h)
+ return head
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/lang-mis.mkiv b/tex/context/base/mkiv/lang-mis.mkiv
index eb7dc7d80..17149b37a 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/lang-mis.mkiv
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/lang-mis.mkiv
@@ -202,8 +202,8 @@
- {\discretionarymode\zerocount}
+\unexpanded\def\obeydiscretionaries {\discretionarymode\plusone}
{% if direct if, we need \relax for lookahead in math mode
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/lang-rep.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/lang-rep.lua
index a5c4d97c8..93509d82a 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/lang-rep.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/lang-rep.lua
@@ -42,8 +42,6 @@ local report_replacement = logs.reporter("languages","replacements")
local glyph_code = nodes.nodecodes.glyph
local nuts = nodes.nuts
-local tonut = nuts.tonut
-local tonode = nuts.tonode
local getnext = nuts.getnext
local getprev = nuts.getprev
@@ -217,9 +215,7 @@ local function tonodes(list,template)
function replacements.handler(head)
- head = tonut(head)
local current = head
- local done = false
local overload = attributes.applyoverloads
while current do
if getid(current) == glyph_code then
@@ -327,14 +323,13 @@ function replacements.handler(head)
if overload then
- done = true
-- we're one ahead now but we need to because we handle words
current = getnext(current)
- return tonode(head), done
+ return head
local enabled = false
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/lang-url.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/lang-url.lua
index 95d959206..17ad15cd8 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/lang-url.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/lang-url.lua
@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['lang-url'] = {
local utfcharacters, utfvalues, utfbyte, utfchar = utf.characters, utf.values, utf.byte, utf.char
local min, max = math.min, math.max
-local concat = table.concat
local context = context
@@ -77,9 +76,10 @@ urls.righthyphenmin = 3
urls.discretionary = nil
urls.packslashes = false
- urls.packslashes = v
+directives.register("hyphenators.urls.packslashes",function(v) urls.packslashes = v end)
+local trace = false trackers.register("hyphenators.urls",function(v) trace = v end)
+local report = logs.reporter("hyphenators","urls")
-- local ctx_a = context.a
-- local ctx_b = context.b
@@ -153,8 +153,10 @@ local function action(hyphenatedurl,str,left,right,disc)
local pack = urls.packslashes
local length = 0
local list = utf.split(str)
+ local size = #list
+ local prev = nil
- for i=1,#list do
+ for i=1,size do
local what = nil
local dodi = false
local char = list[i]
@@ -162,7 +164,7 @@ local function action(hyphenatedurl,str,left,right,disc)
char = mapping[char] or char
if char == disc then
dodi = true
- elseif pack and char == "/" and list[i+1] == "/" then
+ elseif pack and char == "/" and (list[i+1] == "/" or prev == "/") then
what = "c"
local how = characters[char]
@@ -192,9 +194,13 @@ local function action(hyphenatedurl,str,left,right,disc)
list[i] = "\\" .. what .. "{" .. utfbyte(char) .. "}"
+ prev = char
+ end
+ if trace then
+ report("old : %s",str)
+ report("new : %t",list)
- list = concat(list)
- context(list)
+ context("%t",list)
-- urls.action = function(_,...) action(...) end -- sort of obsolete
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/lang-wrd.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/lang-wrd.lua
index 7363dbb31..9fbced2ce 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/lang-wrd.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/lang-wrd.lua
@@ -31,7 +31,6 @@ local numbers = languages.numbers
local registered = languages.registered
local nuts = nodes.nuts
-local tonut = nuts.tonut
----- getfield = nuts.getfield
local getnext = nuts.getnext
@@ -43,8 +42,8 @@ local setattr = nuts.setattr
local getlang = nuts.getlang
local ischar = nuts.ischar
-local traverse_nodes = nuts.traverse
------ traverse_ids = nuts.traverse_id
+local nextnode = nuts.traversers.node
+----- nextglyph = nuts.traversers.glyph
local wordsdata =
local chardata =
@@ -145,14 +144,13 @@ end
-- there is an n=1 problem somewhere in nested boxes
local function mark_words(head,whenfound) -- can be optimized and shared
- local current, language, done = tonut(head), nil, nil, 0, false
+ local current, language = head, nil, nil, 0
local str, s, nds, n = { }, 0, { }, 0 -- n could also be a table, saves calls
local function action()
if s > 0 then
local word = concat(str,"",1,s)
local mark = whenfound(language,word)
if mark then
- done = true
for i=1,n do
@@ -198,7 +196,7 @@ local function mark_words(head,whenfound) -- can be optimized and shared
-- n = n + 1
-- nds[n] = current
-- --
- -- for current in traverse_ids(glyph_code,r) do
+ -- for current in nextglyph, r do
-- local code = getchar(current)
-- n = n + 1
-- nds[n] = current
@@ -217,7 +215,7 @@ local function mark_words(head,whenfound) -- can be optimized and shared
if s > 0 then
- return head, done
+ return head
local methods = { }
@@ -285,7 +283,7 @@ local function sweep(language,str)
methods[1] = function(head)
- for n in traverse_nodes(head) do
+ for n in nextnode, head do
setattr(n,a_color,unsetvalue) -- hm, not that selective (reset color)
return mark_words(head,sweep)
@@ -380,7 +378,7 @@ local function sweep(language,str)
methods[3] = function(head)
- for n in traverse_nodes(head) do
+ for n in nextnode, head do
return mark_words(head,sweep)
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/lpdf-ano.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/lpdf-ano.lua
index 3a86b22ca..9fdb0913c 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/lpdf-ano.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/lpdf-ano.lua
@@ -253,6 +253,9 @@ end)
local function pdfnametree(destinations)
local slices = { }
+ if not next(destinations) then
+ return
+ end
local sorted = table.sortedkeys(destinations)
local size = #sorted
@@ -285,18 +288,22 @@ local function pdfnametree(destinations)
local function collectkids(slices,first,last)
- local k = pdfarray()
- local d = pdfdictionary {
- Kids = k,
- Limits = pdfarray {
- slices[first].limits[1],
- slices[last ].limits[2],
- },
- }
- for i=first,last do
- k[#k+1] = slices[i].reference
+ local f = slices[first]
+ local l = slices[last]
+ if f and l then
+ local k = pdfarray()
+ local d = pdfdictionary {
+ Kids = k,
+ Limits = pdfarray {
+ f.limits[1],
+ l.limits[2],
+ },
+ }
+ for i=first,last do
+ k[#k+1] = slices[i].reference
+ end
+ return d
- return d
if #slices == 1 then
return slices[1].reference
@@ -307,14 +314,24 @@ local function pdfnametree(destinations)
local size = #slices
for i=1,size,maxslice do
local kids = collectkids(slices,i,min(i+maxslice-1,size))
- temp[#temp+1] = {
- reference = pdfreference(pdfflushobject(kids)),
- limits = kids.Limits,
- }
+ if kids then
+ temp[#temp+1] = {
+ reference = pdfreference(pdfflushobject(kids)),
+ limits = kids.Limits,
+ }
+ else
+ -- error
+ end
slices = temp
- return pdfreference(pdfflushobject(collectkids(slices,1,#slices)))
+ local kids = collectkids(slices,1,#slices)
+ if kids then
+ return pdfreference(pdfflushobject(kids))
+ else
+ -- error
+ return
+ end
@@ -323,7 +340,9 @@ end
local function pdfdestinationspecification()
if next(destinations) then -- safeguard
local r = pdfnametree(destinations)
- pdfaddtonames("Dests",r)
+ if r then
+ pdfaddtonames("Dests",r)
+ end
if not log_destinations then
destinations = nil
@@ -786,7 +805,9 @@ pdfregisterannotation = lpdf.registerannotation
function lpdf.annotationspecification()
if annotations then
local r = pdfdelayedobject(tostring(annotations)) -- delayed so okay in latelua
- pdfaddtopageattributes("Annots",pdfreference(r))
+ if r then
+ pdfaddtopageattributes("Annots",pdfreference(r))
+ end
annotations = nil
@@ -1179,11 +1200,12 @@ local function build(levels,start,parent,method,nested)
local variant = "unknown"
if reftype == "table" then
-- we're okay
- variant = "list"
- block = reference.block
+ variant = "list"
+ block = reference.block
+ realpage = reference.realpage
elseif reftype == "string" then
local resolved = references.identify("",reference)
- local realpage = resolved and structures.references.setreferencerealpage(resolved) or 0
+ realpage = resolved and structures.references.setreferencerealpage(resolved) or 0
if realpage > 0 then
variant = "realpage"
realpage = realpage
@@ -1284,7 +1306,6 @@ end
function codeinjections.addbookmarks(levels,method)
if levels and #levels > 0 then
--- inspect(levels)
local parent = pdfreserveobject()
local _, m, first, last = build(levels,1,pdfreference(parent),method or "internal",false)
local dict = pdfdictionary {
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/lpdf-epa.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/lpdf-epa.lua
index 89b2c6e0e..ee3b6d43d 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/lpdf-epa.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/lpdf-epa.lua
@@ -6,47 +6,72 @@ if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['lpdf-epa'] = {
license = "see context related readme files"
--- This is a rather experimental feature and the code will probably change.
+-- Links can also have quadpoint
-local type, tonumber = type, tonumber
-local format, gsub, lower = string.format, string.gsub, string.lower
+local type, tonumber, next = type, tonumber, next
+local format, gsub, lower, find = string.format, string.gsub, string.lower, string.find
local formatters = string.formatters
+local concat, merged = table.concat, table.merged
local abs = math.abs
local expandname = file.expandname
local allocate =
+local bor, band = bit32.bor,
local isfile = lfs.isfile
------ lpegmatch, lpegpatterns = lpeg.match, lpeg.patterns
+local trace_links = false trackers.register("figures.links", function(v) trace_links = v end)
+local trace_comments = false trackers.register("figures.comments", function(v) trace_comments = v end)
+local trace_fields = false trackers.register("figures.fields", function(v) trace_fields = v end)
+local trace_outlines = false trackers.register("figures.outlines", function(v) trace_outlines = v end)
-local trace_links = false trackers.register("figures.links", function(v) trace_links = v end)
-local trace_outlines = false trackers.register("figures.outliness", function(v) trace_outlines = v end)
+local report_link = logs.reporter("backend","link")
+local report_comment = logs.reporter("backend","comment")
+local report_field = logs.reporter("backend","field")
+local report_outline = logs.reporter("backend","outline")
-local report_link = logs.reporter("backend","link")
-local report_comment = logs.reporter("backend","comment")
-local report_field = logs.reporter("backend","field")
-local report_outline = logs.reporter("backend","outline")
+local nodeinjections = backends.pdf.nodeinjections
-local epdf = epdf
-local backends = backends
-local lpdf = lpdf
-local context = context
+local pdfarray = lpdf.array
+local pdfdictionary = lpdf.dictionary
+local pdfconstant = lpdf.constant
+local pdfreserveobject = lpdf.reserveobject
+local pdfreference = lpdf.reference
-local loadpdffile = lpdf.epdf.load
+local pdfcopyboolean = lpdf.copyboolean
+local pdfcopyunicode = lpdf.copyunicode
+local pdfcopyarray = lpdf.copyarray
+local pdfcopydictionary = lpdf.copydictionary
+local pdfcopynumber = lpdf.copynumber
+local pdfcopyinteger = lpdf.copyinteger
+local pdfcopystring = lpdf.copystring
+local pdfcopyconstant = lpdf.copyconstant
-local nameonly = file.nameonly
+local pdfgetpos = lpdf.getpos
-local variables = interfaces.variables
-local codeinjections = backends.pdf.codeinjections
------ urlescaper = lpegpatterns.urlescaper
------ utftohigh = lpegpatterns.utftohigh
-local escapetex = characters.filters.utf.private.escape
+local hpack_node = nodes.hpack
-local bookmarks = structures.bookmarks
+local epdf = epdf
+local backends = backends
+local lpdf = lpdf
+local context = context
-local maxdimen = 0x3FFFFFFF -- 2^30-1
+local loadpdffile = lpdf.epdf.load
+local nameonly = file.nameonly
+local variables = interfaces.variables
+local codeinjections = backends.pdf.codeinjections
+----- urlescaper = lpegpatterns.urlescaper
+----- utftohigh = lpegpatterns.utftohigh
+local escapetex = characters.filters.utf.private.escape
+local bookmarks = structures.bookmarks
+local maxdimen = 0x3FFFFFFF -- 2^30-1
+local bpfactor = number.dimenfactors.bp
local layerspec = { -- predefining saves time
- "epdflinks"
+ "epdfcontent"
local collected = allocate()
@@ -66,6 +91,68 @@ end
+local function validdocument(specification)
+ if figures and not specification then
+ specification = figures and figures.current()
+ specification = specification and specification.status
+ end
+ if specification then
+ local fullname = specification.fullname
+ local expanded = lower(expandname(fullname))
+ -- we could add a check for duplicate page insertion
+ tobesaved[expanded] = true
+ --- but that is messy anyway so we forget about it
+ return specification, fullname, loadpdffile(fullname) -- costs time
+ end
+local function getmediasize(specification,pagedata)
+ local xscale = specification.xscale or 1
+ local yscale = specification.yscale or 1
+ ----- size = specification.size or "crop" -- todo
+ local mediabox = pagedata.MediaBox
+ local llx = mediabox[1]
+ local lly = mediabox[2]
+ local urx = mediabox[3]
+ local ury = mediabox[4]
+ local width = xscale * (urx - llx) -- \\overlaywidth, \\overlayheight
+ local height = yscale * (ury - lly) -- \\overlaywidth, \\overlayheight
+ return llx, lly, urx, ury, width, height, xscale, yscale
+local function getdimensions(annotation,llx,lly,xscale,yscale,width,height,report)
+ local rectangle = annotation.Rect
+ local a_llx = rectangle[1]
+ local a_lly = rectangle[2]
+ local a_urx = rectangle[3]
+ local a_ury = rectangle[4]
+ local x = xscale * (a_llx - llx)
+ local y = yscale * (a_lly - lly)
+ local w = xscale * (a_urx - a_llx)
+ local h = yscale * (a_ury - a_lly)
+ if w > width or h > height or w < 0 or h < 0 or abs(x) > (maxdimen/2) or abs(y) > (maxdimen/2) then
+ report("broken rectangle [%.6F %.6F %.6F %.6F] (max: %.6F)",a_llx,a_lly,a_urx,a_ury,maxdimen/2)
+ return
+ end
+ return x, y, w, h, a_llx, a_lly, a_urx, a_ury
+local layerused = false
+local function initializelayer(height,width)
+ if not layerused then
+ context.definelayer(layerspec, { height = height .. "bp", width = width .. "bp" })
+ layerused = true
+ end
+function codeinjections.flushmergelayer()
+ if layerused then
+ context.flushlayer(layerspec)
+ layerused = false
+ end
local f_namespace = formatters["lpdf-epa-%s-"]
local function makenamespace(filename)
@@ -182,79 +269,48 @@ local function link_file(x,y,w,h,document,annotation)
+-- maybe handler per subtype and then one loop but then what about order ...
function codeinjections.mergereferences(specification)
- if figures and not specification then
- specification = figures and figures.current()
- specification = specification and specification.status
- end
- if not specification then
- return ""
- end
- local fullname = specification.fullname
- local expanded = lower(expandname(fullname))
- -- we could add a check for duplicate page insertion
- tobesaved[expanded] = true
- --- but that is messy anyway so we forget about it
- local document = loadpdffile(fullname) -- costs time
+ local specification, fullname, document = validdocument(specification)
if not document then
return ""
- local pagenumber = or 1
- local xscale = specification.yscale or 1
- local yscale = specification.yscale or 1
- local size = specification.size or "crop" -- todo
+ local pagenumber = or 1
local pagedata = document.pages[pagenumber]
local annotations = pagedata and pagedata.Annots
local namespace = makenamespace(fullname)
local reference = namespace .. pagenumber
if annotations and annotations.n > 0 then
- local mediabox = pagedata.MediaBox
- local llx = mediabox[1]
- local lly = mediabox[2]
- local urx = mediabox[3]
- local ury = mediabox[4]
- local width = xscale * (urx - llx) -- \\overlaywidth, \\overlayheight
- local height = yscale * (ury - lly) -- \\overlaywidth, \\overlayheight
- context.definelayer( { "epdflinks" }, { height = height.."bp" , width = width.."bp" })
+ local llx, lly, urx, ury, width, height, xscale, yscale = getmediasize(specification,pagedata,xscale,yscale)
+ initializelayer(height,width)
for i=1,annotations.n do
local annotation = annotations[i]
if annotation then
- local subtype = annotation.Subtype
- local rectangle = annotation.Rect
- local a_llx = rectangle[1]
- local a_lly = rectangle[2]
- local a_urx = rectangle[3]
- local a_ury = rectangle[4]
- local x = xscale * (a_llx - llx)
- local y = yscale * (a_lly - lly)
- local w = xscale * (a_urx - a_llx)
- local h = yscale * (a_ury - a_lly)
- if subtype == "Link" then
+ if annotation.Subtype == "Link" then
local a = annotation.A
if not a then
report_link("missing link annotation")
- elseif w > width or h > height or w < 0 or h < 0 or abs(x) > (maxdimen/2) or abs(y) > (maxdimen/2) then
- report_link("broken link rectangle [%.6F %.6F %.6F %.6F] (max: %.6F)",a_llx,a_lly,a_urx,a_ury,maxdimen/2)
- local linktype = a.S
- if linktype == "GoTo" then
- link_goto(x,y,w,h,document,annotation,pagedata,namespace)
- elseif linktype == "GoToR" then
- link_file(x,y,w,h,document,annotation)
- elseif linktype == "URI" then
- link_uri(x,y,w,h,document,annotation)
- elseif trace_links then
- report_link("unsupported link annotation %a",linktype)
+ local x, y, w, h = getdimensions(annotation,llx,lly,xscale,yscale,width,height,report_link)
+ if x then
+ local linktype = a.S
+ if linktype == "GoTo" then
+ link_goto(x,y,w,h,document,annotation,pagedata,namespace)
+ elseif linktype == "GoToR" then
+ link_file(x,y,w,h,document,annotation)
+ elseif linktype == "URI" then
+ link_uri(x,y,w,h,document,annotation)
+ elseif trace_links then
+ report_link("unsupported link annotation %a",linktype)
+ end
- elseif trace_links then
- report_link("unsupported annotation %a",subtype)
elseif trace_links then
report_link("broken annotation, index %a",i)
- context.flushlayer { "epdflinks" }
-- moved outside previous test
context.setgvalue("figurereference",reference) -- global
@@ -270,43 +326,520 @@ function codeinjections.mergeviewerlayers(specification)
if true then
- if not specification then
- specification = figures and figures.current()
- specification = specification and specification.status
+ local specification, fullname, document = validdocument(specification)
+ if not document then
+ return ""
- if specification then
- local fullname = specification.fullname
- local document = loadpdffile(fullname)
- if document then
- local namespace = makenamespace(fullname)
- local layers = document.layers
- if layers then
- for i=1,layers.n do
- local layer = layers[i]
- if layer then
- local tag = namespace .. gsub(layer," ",":")
- local title = tag
- if trace_links then
- report_link("using layer %a",tag)
- end
- attributes.viewerlayers.define { -- also does some cleaning
- tag = tag, -- todo: #3A or so
- title = title,
- visible = variables.start,
- editable = variables.yes,
- printable = variables.yes,
- }
- codeinjections.useviewerlayer(tag)
- elseif trace_links then
- report_link("broken layer, index %a",i)
- end
+ local namespace = makenamespace(fullname)
+ local layers = document.layers
+ if layers then
+ for i=1,layers.n do
+ local layer = layers[i]
+ if layer then
+ local tag = namespace .. gsub(layer," ",":")
+ local title = tag
+ if trace_links then
+ report_link("using layer %a",tag)
+ attributes.viewerlayers.define { -- also does some cleaning
+ tag = tag, -- todo: #3A or so
+ title = title,
+ visible = variables.start,
+ editable = variables.yes,
+ printable = variables.yes,
+ }
+ codeinjections.useviewerlayer(tag)
+ elseif trace_links then
+ report_link("broken layer, index %a",i)
--- new: for taco
+-- It took a bit of puzzling and playing around to come to the following
+-- implementation. In the end it looks simple but as usual it takes a while
+-- to see what the specification (and implementation) boils down to. Lots of
+-- shared properties and such. The scaling took some trial and error as
+-- viewers differ. I had to extend some low level helpers to make it more
+-- comfortable. Hm, the specification is somewhat incomplete as some fields
+-- are permitted even if not mentioned so in the end we can share more code.
+-- If all works ok, we can get rid of some copies which saves time and space.
+local commentlike = {
+ Text = "text",
+ FreeText = "freetext",
+ Line = "line",
+ Square = "shape",
+ Circle = "shape",
+ Polygon = "poly",
+ PolyLine = "poly",
+ Highlight = "markup",
+ Underline = "markup",
+ Squiggly = "markup",
+ StrikeOut = "markup",
+ Caret = "text",
+ Stamp = "stamp",
+ Ink = "ink",
+ Popup = "popup",
+local function copyBS(v) -- dict can be shared
+ if v then
+ -- return pdfdictionary {
+ -- Type = copypdfconstant(V.Type),
+ -- W = copypdfnumber (V.W),
+ -- S = copypdfstring (V.S),
+ -- D = copypdfarray (V.D),
+ -- }
+ return copypdfdictionary(v)
+ end
+local function copyBE(v) -- dict can be shared
+ if v then
+ -- return pdfdictionary {
+ -- S = copypdfstring(V.S),
+ -- I = copypdfnumber(V.I),
+ -- }
+ return copypdfdictionary(v)
+ end
+local function copyBorder(v) -- dict can be shared
+ if v then
+ -- todo
+ return copypdfarray(v)
+ end
+local function copyPopup(v,references)
+ if v then
+ local p = references[v]
+ if p then
+ return pdfreference(p)
+ end
+ end
+local function copyParent(v,references)
+ if v then
+ local p = references[v]
+ if p then
+ return pdfreference(p)
+ end
+ end
+local function copyIRT(v,references)
+ if v then
+ local p = references[v]
+ if p then
+ return pdfreference(p)
+ end
+ end
+local function copyC(v)
+ if v then
+ -- todo: check color space
+ return pdfcopyarray(v)
+ end
+local function finalizer(d,xscale,yscale,a_llx,a_ury)
+ local q = d.QuadPoints or d.Vertices or d.CL
+ if q then
+ return function()
+ local h, v = pdfgetpos() -- already scaled
+ for i=1,#q,2 do
+ q[i] = xscale * q[i] + (h*bpfactor - xscale * a_llx)
+ q[i+1] = yscale * q[i+1] + (v*bpfactor - yscale * a_ury)
+ end
+ return d()
+ end
+ end
+ q = d.InkList or d.Path
+ if q then
+ return function()
+ local h, v = pdfgetpos() -- already scaled
+ for i=1,#q do
+ local q = q[i]
+ for i=1,#q,2 do
+ q[i] = xscale * q[i] + (h*bpfactor - xscale * a_llx)
+ q[i+1] = yscale * q[i+1] + (v*bpfactor - yscale * a_ury)
+ end
+ end
+ return d()
+ end
+ end
+ return d()
+local validstamps = {
+ Approved = true,
+ Experimental = true,
+ NotApproved = true,
+ AsIs = true,
+ Expired = true,
+ NotForPublicRelease = true,
+ Confidential = true,
+ Final = true,
+ Sold = true,
+ Departmental = true,
+ ForComment = true,
+ TopSecret = true,
+ Draft = true,
+ ForPublicRelease = true,
+local function validStamp(v)
+ local name = "Stamped" -- fallback
+ if v then
+ local ok = validstamps[v]
+ if ok then
+ name = ok
+ else
+ for k in next, validstamps do
+ if find(v,k.."$") then
+ name = k
+ validstamps[v] = k
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ -- we temporary return to \TEX:
+ context.predefinesymbol { name }
+ context.step()
+ -- beware, an error is not reported
+ return pdfconstant(name), codeinjections.analyzenormalsymbol(name)
+local annotationflags = lpdf.flags.annotations
+local function copyF(v,lock) -- todo: bxor 24
+ if lock then
+ v = bor(v or 0,annotationflags.ReadOnly + annotationflags.Locked + annotationflags.LockedContents)
+ end
+ if v then
+ return pdfcopyinteger(v)
+ end
+-- Speed is not really an issue so we don't optimize this code too much. In the end (after
+-- testing we end up with less code that we started with.
+function codeinjections.mergecomments(specification)
+ -- local specification, fullname, document = validdocument(specification)
+ -- if not document then
+ -- return ""
+ -- end
+ -- local pagenumber = or 1
+ -- local pagedata = document.pages[pagenumber]
+ -- local annotations = pagedata and pagedata.Annots
+ -- if annotations and annotations.n > 0 then
+ -- local llx, lly, urx, ury, width, height, xscale, yscale = getmediasize(specification,pagedata,xscale,yscale)
+ -- initializelayer(height,width)
+ -- --
+ -- local lockflags = specification.lock -- todo: proper parameter
+ -- local references = { }
+ -- local usedpopups = { }
+ -- for i=1,annotations.n do
+ -- local annotation = annotations[i]
+ -- if annotation then
+ -- local subtype = annotation.Subtype
+ -- if commentlike[subtype] then
+ -- references[annotation] = pdfreserveobject()
+ -- local p = annotation.Popup
+ -- if p then
+ -- usedpopups[p] = true
+ -- end
+ -- end
+ -- end
+ -- end
+ -- --
+ -- for i=1,annotations.n do
+ -- -- we keep the order
+ -- local annotation = annotations[i]
+ -- if annotation then
+ -- local reference = references[annotation]
+ -- if reference then
+ -- local subtype = annotation.Subtype
+ -- local kind = commentlike[subtype]
+ -- if kind ~= "popup" or usedpopups[annotation] then
+ -- local x, y, w, h, a_llx, a_lly, a_urx, a_ury = getdimensions(annotation,llx,lly,xscale,yscale,width,height,report_comment)
+ -- if x then
+ -- local voffset = h
+ -- local dictionary = pdfdictionary {
+ -- Subtype = pdfconstant (subtype),
+ -- -- common (skipped: P AP AS OC AF BM StructParent)
+ -- Contents = pdfcopyunicode(annotation.Contents),
+ -- NM = pdfcopystring (annotation.NM),
+ -- M = pdfcopystring (annotation.M),
+ -- F = copyF (annotation.F,lockflags),
+ -- C = copyC (annotation.C),
+ -- ca = pdfcopynumber (,
+ -- CA = pdfcopynumber (annotation.CA),
+ -- Lang = pdfcopystring (annotation.Lang),
+ -- -- also common
+ -- CreationDate = pdfcopystring (annotation.CreationDate),
+ -- T = pdfcopyunicode(annotation.T),
+ -- Subj = pdfcopyunicode(annotation.Subj),
+ -- -- border
+ -- Border = pdfcopyarray (annotation.Border),
+ -- BS = copyBS (annotation.BS),
+ -- BE = copyBE (annotation.BE),
+ -- -- sort of common
+ -- Popup = copyPopup (annotation.Popup,references),
+ -- RC = pdfcopyunicode(annotation.RC) -- string or stream
+ -- }
+ -- if kind == "markup" then
+ -- dictionary.IRT = copyIRT (annotation.IRT,references)
+ -- dictionary.RT = pdfconstant (annotation.RT)
+ -- dictionary.IT = pdfcopyconstant (annotation.IT)
+ -- dictionary.QuadPoints = pdfcopyarray (annotation.QuadPoints)
+ -- -- dictionary.RD = pdfcopyarray (annotation.RD)
+ -- elseif kind == "text" then
+ -- -- somehow F fails to view : /F 24 : bit4=nozoom bit5=norotate
+ -- dictionary.F = nil
+ -- dictionary.Open = pdfcopyboolean (annotation.Open)
+ -- dictionary.Name = pdfcopyunicode (annotation.Name)
+ -- dictionary.State = pdfcopystring (annotation.State)
+ -- dictionary.StateModel = pdfcopystring (annotation.StateModel)
+ -- dictionary.IT = pdfcopyconstant (annotation.IT)
+ -- dictionary.QuadPoints = pdfcopyarray (annotation.QuadPoints)
+ -- dictionary.RD = pdfcopyarray (annotation.RD) -- caret
+ -- dictionary.Sy = pdfcopyconstant (annotation.Sy) -- caret
+ -- voffset = 0
+ -- elseif kind == "freetext" then
+ -- dictionary.DA = pdfcopystring (annotation.DA)
+ -- dictionary.Q = pdfcopyinteger (annotation.Q)
+ -- dictionary.DS = pdfcopystring (annotation.DS)
+ -- dictionary.CL = pdfcopyarray (annotation.CL)
+ -- dictionary.IT = pdfcopyconstant (annotation.IT)
+ -- dictionary.LE = pdfcopyconstant (annotation.LE)
+ -- -- dictionary.RC = pdfcopystring (annotation.RC)
+ -- elseif kind == "line" then
+ -- dictionary.LE = pdfcopyarray (annotation.LE)
+ -- dictionary.IC = pdfcopyarray (annotation.IC)
+ -- dictionary.LL = pdfcopynumber (annotation.LL)
+ -- dictionary.LLE = pdfcopynumber (annotation.LLE)
+ -- dictionary.Cap = pdfcopyboolean (annotation.Cap)
+ -- dictionary.IT = pdfcopyconstant (annotation.IT)
+ -- dictionary.LLO = pdfcopynumber (annotation.LLO)
+ -- dictionary.CP = pdfcopyconstant (annotation.CP)
+ -- dictionary.Measure = pdfcopydictionary(annotation.Measure) -- names
+ -- dictionary.CO = pdfcopyarray (annotation.CO)
+ -- voffset = 0
+ -- elseif kind == "shape" then
+ -- dictionary.IC = pdfcopyarray (annotation.IC)
+ -- -- dictionary.RD = pdfcopyarray (annotation.RD)
+ -- voffset = 0
+ -- elseif kind == "stamp" then
+ -- local name, appearance = validStamp(annotation.Name)
+ -- dictionary.Name = name
+ -- dictionary.AP = appearance
+ -- voffset = 0
+ -- elseif kind == "ink" then
+ -- dictionary.InkList = pdfcopyarray (annotation.InkList)
+ -- elseif kind == "poly" then
+ -- dictionary.Vertices = pdfcopyarray (annotation.Vertices)
+ -- -- dictionary.LE = pdfcopyarray (annotation.LE) -- todo: names in array
+ -- dictionary.IC = pdfcopyarray (annotation.IC)
+ -- dictionary.IT = pdfcopyconstant (annotation.IT)
+ -- dictionary.Measure = pdfcopydictionary(annotation.Measure)
+ -- dictionary.Path = pdfcopyarray (annotation.Path)
+ -- -- dictionary.RD = pdfcopyarray (annotation.RD)
+ -- elseif kind == "popup" then
+ -- dictionary.Open = pdfcopyboolean (annotation.Open)
+ -- dictionary.Parent = copyParent (annotation.Parent,references)
+ -- voffset = 0
+ -- end
+ -- if dictionary then
+ -- local locationspec = {
+ -- x = x .. "bp",
+ -- y = y .. "bp",
+ -- voffset = voffset .. "bp",
+ -- preset = "leftbottom",
+ -- }
+ -- local finalize = finalizer(dictionary,xscale,yscale,a_llx,a_ury)
+ -- context.setlayer(layerspec,locationspec,function()
+ -- context(hpack_node(nodeinjections.annotation(w/bpfactor,h/bpfactor,0,finalize,reference)))
+ -- end)
+ -- end
+ -- end
+ -- else
+ -- -- report_comment("skipping annotation, index %a",i)
+ -- end
+ -- end
+ -- elseif trace_comments then
+ -- report_comment("broken annotation, index %a",i)
+ -- end
+ -- end
+ -- end
+ -- return namespace
+local widgetflags = lpdf.flags.widgets
+local function flagstoset(flag,flags)
+ local t = { }
+ if flags then
+ for k, v in next, flags do
+ if band(flag,v) ~= 0 then
+ t[k] = true
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return t
+-- BS : border style dict
+-- R : rotation 0 90 180 270
+-- BG : background array
+-- CA : caption string
+-- RC : roll over caption
+-- AC : down caption
+-- I/RI/IX : icon streams
+-- IF : fit dictionary
+-- TP : text position number
+-- Opt : array of texts
+-- TI : top index
+-- V : value
+-- DV : default value
+-- DS : default string
+-- RV : rich
+-- Q : quadding (0=left 1=middle 2=right)
+function codeinjections.mergefields(specification)
+ -- local specification, fullname, document = validdocument(specification)
+ -- if not document then
+ -- return ""
+ -- end
+ -- local pagenumber = or 1
+ -- local pagedata = document.pages[pagenumber]
+ -- local annotations = pagedata and pagedata.Annots
+ -- if annotations and annotations.n > 0 then
+ -- local llx, lly, urx, ury, width, height, xscale, yscale = getmediasize(specification,pagedata,xscale,yscale)
+ -- initializelayer(height,width)
+ -- --
+ -- for i=1,annotations.n do
+ -- -- we keep the order
+ -- local annotation = annotations[i]
+ -- if annotation then
+ -- local subtype = annotation.Subtype
+ -- if subtype == "Widget" then
+ -- local parent = annotation.Parent or { }
+ -- local name = annotation.T or parent.T
+ -- local what = annotation.FT or parent.FT
+ -- if name and what then
+ -- local x, y, w, h, a_llx, a_lly, a_urx, a_ury = getdimensions(annotation,llx,lly,xscale,yscale,width,height,report_field)
+ -- if x then
+ -- x = x .. "bp"
+ -- y = y .. "bp"
+ -- local W, H = w, h
+ -- w = w .. "bp"
+ -- h = h .. "bp"
+ -- if trace_fields then
+ -- report_field("field %a, type %a, dx %s, dy %s, wd %s, ht %s",name,what,x,y,w,h)
+ -- end
+ -- local locationspec = {
+ -- x = x,
+ -- y = y,
+ -- preset = "leftbottom",
+ -- }
+ -- --
+ -- local aflags = flagstoset(annotation.F or parent.F, annotationflags)
+ -- local wflags = flagstoset(annotation.Ff or parent.Ff, widgetflags)
+ -- if what == "Tx" then
+ -- -- DA DV F FT MaxLen MK Q T V | AA OC
+ -- if wflags.MultiLine then
+ -- wflags.MultiLine = nil
+ -- what = "text"
+ -- else
+ -- what = "line"
+ -- end
+ -- -- via context
+ -- local fieldspec = {
+ -- width = w,
+ -- height = h,
+ -- offset = variables.overlay,
+ -- frame = trace_links and variables.on or,
+ -- n = annotation.MaxLen or (parent and parent.MaxLen),
+ -- type = what,
+ -- option = concat(merged(aflags,wflags),","),
+ -- }
+ -- context.setlayer (layerspec,locationspec,function()
+ -- context.definefieldbody ( { name } , fieldspec )
+ -- context.fieldbody ( { name } )
+ -- end)
+ -- --
+ -- elseif what == "Btn" then
+ -- if wflags.Radio or wflags.RadiosInUnison then
+ -- -- AP AS DA F Ff FT H MK T V | AA OC
+ -- wflags.Radio = nil
+ -- wflags.RadiosInUnison = nil
+ -- what = "radio"
+ -- elseif wflags.PushButton then
+ -- -- AP DA F Ff FT H MK T | AA OC
+ -- --
+ -- -- Push buttons only have an appearance and some associated
+ -- -- actions so they are not worth copying.
+ -- --
+ -- wflags.PushButton = nil
+ -- what = "push"
+ -- else
+ -- -- AP AS DA F Ff FT H MK T V | OC AA
+ -- what = "check"
+ -- -- direct
+ -- local AP = annotation.AP or (parent and parent.AP)
+ -- if AP then
+ -- local im = { filename = fullname }
+ -- AP = img.immediatewriteobject(im,document.__xrefs__[AP])
+ -- end
+ -- local dictionary = pdfdictionary {
+ -- Subtype = pdfconstant("Widget"),
+ -- FT = pdfconstant("Btn"),
+ -- T = pdfcopyunicode(annotation.T or parent.T),
+ -- F = pdfcopyinteger(annotation.F or parent.F),
+ -- Ff = pdfcopyinteger(annotation.Ff or parent.Ff),
+ -- AS = pdfcopyconstant(annotation.AS or (parent and parent.AS)),
+ -- AP = AP and pdfreference(AP),
+ -- }
+ -- local finalize = dictionary()
+ -- context.setlayer(layerspec,locationspec,function()
+ -- context(hpack_node(nodeinjections.annotation(W/bpfactor,H/bpfactor,0,finalize)))
+ -- end)
+ -- --
+ -- end
+ -- elseif what == "Ch" then
+ -- -- F Ff FT Opt T | AA OC (rest follows)
+ -- if wflags.PopUp then
+ -- wflags.PopUp = nil
+ -- if wflags.Edit then
+ -- wflags.Edit = nil
+ -- what = "combo"
+ -- else
+ -- what = "popup"
+ -- end
+ -- else
+ -- what = "choice"
+ -- end
+ -- elseif what == "Sig" then
+ -- what = "signature"
+ -- else
+ -- what = nil
+ -- end
+ -- end
+ -- end
+ -- end
+ -- end
+ -- end
+ -- end
-- Beware, bookmarks can be in pdfdoc encoding or in unicode. However, in mkiv we
-- write out the strings in unicode (hex). When we read them in, we check for a bom
@@ -471,16 +1004,6 @@ function codeinjections.mergebookmarks(specification)
--- placeholders:
-function codeinjections.mergecomments(specification)
- report_comment("unfinished experimental code, not used yet")
-function codeinjections.mergefields(specification)
- report_field("unfinished experimental code, not used yet")
-- A bit more than a placeholder but in the same perspective as
-- inclusion of comments and fields:
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/lpdf-epd.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/lpdf-epd.lua
index cf02b5a22..7bfdf57bc 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/lpdf-epd.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/lpdf-epd.lua
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['lpdf-epd'] = {
-- already was unicode).
local setmetatable, rawset, rawget, type, next = setmetatable, rawset, rawget, type, next
-local tostring, tonumber = tostring, tonumber
+local tostring, tonumber, unpack = tostring, tonumber, unpack
local lower, match, char, byte, find = string.lower, string.match, string.char, string.byte, string.find
local abs = math.abs
local concat = table.concat
@@ -67,13 +67,27 @@ local xref = registry["epdf.XRef"]
local catalog = registry["epdf.Catalog"]
local pdfdoc = registry["epdf.PDFDoc"]
+if not (object and dictionary and array and xref and catalog and pdfdoc) then
+"fatal error","invalid pdf inclusion library (%s)",1)
+ os.exit()
local openPDF =
+local getMajorVersion = pdfdoc.getPDFMajorVersion
+local getMinorVersion = pdfdoc.getPDFMinorVersion
+local getXRef = pdfdoc.getXRef
+local getRawCatalog = pdfdoc.getCatalog
+if not (openPDF and getMajorVersion and getMinorVersion and getXRef and getRawCatalog) then
+"fatal error","invalid pdf inclusion library (%s)",2)
+ os.exit()
local getDict = object.getDict
local getArray = object.getArray
local getReal = object.getReal
local getInt = object.getInt
-local getNum = object.getNum
local getString = object.getString
local getBool = object.getBool
local getName = object.getName
@@ -81,38 +95,60 @@ local getRef = object.getRef
local getRefNum = object.getRefNum
local getType = object.getType
-local getTypeName = object.getTypeName
+if not (getDict and getArray and getReal and getInt and getString and getBool and getName and getRef and getRefNum and getType) then
+"fatal error","invalid pdf inclusion library (%s)",3)
+ os.exit()
local streamReset = object.streamReset
local streamGetDict = object.streamGetDict
local streamGetChar = object.streamGetChar
+local streamGetAll = object.streamGetAll
+if not (streamReset and streamGetDict and streamGetChar) then
+"fatal error","invalid pdf inclusion library (%s)",3)
+ os.exit()
local dictGetLength = dictionary.getLength
local dictGetVal = dictionary.getVal
local dictGetValNF = dictionary.getValNF
local dictGetKey = dictionary.getKey
+if not (dictGetLength and dictGetVal and dictGetValNF and dictGetKey) then
+"fatal error","invalid pdf inclusion library (%s)",4)
+ os.exit()
local arrayGetLength = array.getLength
local arrayGetNF = array.getNF
local arrayGet = array.get
+if not (arrayGetLength and arrayGetNF and arrayGet) then
+"fatal error","invalid pdf inclusion library (%s)",5)
+ os.exit()
-- these are kind of weird as they can't be accessed by (root) object
local getNumPages = catalog.getNumPages
local getPageRef = catalog.getPageRef
-local getXRef = pdfdoc.getXRef
-local getRawCatalog = pdfdoc.getCatalog
local fetch = xref.fetch
local getCatalog = xref.getCatalog
local getDocInfo = xref.getDocInfo
+if not (getNumPages and getPageRef and fetch and getCatalog and getDocInfo) then
+"fatal error","invalid pdf inclusion library (%s)",6)
+ os.exit()
-- we're done with library shortcuts
local report_epdf = logs.reporter("epdf")
-local typenames = { [0] =
+local typenames = { [0] =
@@ -208,30 +244,28 @@ local function prepare(document,d,t,n,k,mt,flags)
local kind = getType(v)
if kind == null_code then
-- ignore
- else
+ elseif kind then
local key = dictGetKey(d,i)
- if kind then
- if r and getType(r) == ref_code then
- local objnum = getRefNum(r)
- local cached = document.__cache__[objnum]
- if not cached then
- cached = checked_access[kind](v,document,objnum,mt)
- if cached then
- document.__cache__[objnum] = cached
- document.__xrefs__[cached] = objnum
- end
- end
- t[key] = cached
- else
- local v, flag = checked_access[kind](v,document)
- t[key] = v
- if flag and flags then
- flags[key] = flag -- flags
+ if r and getType(r) == ref_code then
+ local objnum = getRefNum(r)
+ local cached = document.__cache__[objnum]
+ if not cached then
+ cached = checked_access[kind](v,document,objnum,mt)
+ if cached then
+ document.__cache__[objnum] = cached
+ document.__xrefs__[cached] = objnum
+ t[key] = cached
- report_epdf("warning: nil value for key %a in dictionary",key)
+ local v, flag = checked_access[kind](v,document)
+ t[key] = v
+ if flag and flags then
+ flags[key] = flag -- flags
+ end
+ else
+ report_epdf("warning: nil value for key %a in dictionary",key)
fatal_error("error: invalid value at index %a in dictionary of %a",i,document.filename)
@@ -245,6 +279,42 @@ local function prepare(document,d,t,n,k,mt,flags)
return t[k]
+-- local function prepare(document,d,t,n,k,mt,flags)
+-- for i=1,n do
+-- local v = dictGetValNF(d,i)
+-- if v then
+-- local key = dictGetKey(d,i)
+-- local kind = getType(v)
+-- if kind == ref_code then
+-- local objnum = getRefNum(v)
+-- local cached = document.__cache__[objnum]
+-- if not cached then
+-- local v = dictGetVal(d,i)
+-- local kind = getType(v)
+-- cached = checked_access[kind](v,document,objnum,mt)
+-- if cached then
+-- document.__cache__[objnum] = cached
+-- document.__xrefs__[cached] = objnum
+-- end
+-- end
+-- t[key] = cached
+-- else
+-- local v, flag = checked_access[kind](v,document)
+-- t[key] = v
+-- if flag and flags then
+-- flags[key] = flag -- flags
+-- end
+-- end
+-- end
+-- end
+-- if mt then
+-- setmetatable(t,mt)
+-- else
+-- getmetatable(t).__index = nil
+-- end
+-- return t[k]
+-- end
local function some_dictionary(d,document)
local n = d and dictGetLength(d) or 0
if n > 0 then
@@ -326,6 +396,37 @@ local function prepare(document,a,t,n,k)
+-- local function prepare(document,a,t,n,k)
+-- for i=1,n do
+-- local v = arrayGetNF(a,i)
+-- if v then
+-- local kind = getType(v)
+-- if kind == ref_code then
+-- local objnum = getRefNum(v)
+-- local cached = document.__cache__[objnum]
+-- if not cached then
+-- local v = arrayGet(a,i)
+-- local kind = getType(v)
+-- cached = checked_access[kind](v,document,objnum)
+-- document.__cache__[objnum] = cached
+-- document.__xrefs__[cached] = objnum
+-- end
+-- t[i] = cached
+-- else
+-- t[i] = checked_access[kind](v,document)
+-- end
+-- end
+-- end
+-- local m = getmetatable(t)
+-- if m then
+-- m.__index = nil
+-- m.__len = nil
+-- end
+-- if k then
+-- return t[k]
+-- end
+-- end
local function some_array(a,document)
local n = a and arrayGetLength(a) or 0
if n > 0 then
@@ -376,23 +477,53 @@ end
-- todo: collect chunks
-local function streamaccess(s,_,what)
- if not what or what == "all" or what == "*all" then
- local t, n = { }, 0
- streamReset(s)
+-- local function streamaccess(s,_,what)
+-- if not what or what == "all" or what == "*all" then
+-- local t, n = { }, 0
+-- streamReset(s)
+-- while true do
+-- local c = streamGetChar(s)
+-- if c < 0 then
+-- break
+-- else
+-- n = n + 1
+-- t[n] = char(c)
+-- end
+-- end
+-- return concat(t,"",1,n)
+-- end
+-- end
+local function getstream(s)
+ streamReset(s)
+ if streamGetAll then
+ return streamGetAll(s)
+ else
+ local t, b, n = { }, { }, 0
while true do
local c = streamGetChar(s)
if c < 0 then
n = n + 1
- t[n] = char(c)
+ b[n] = c
+ end
+ if n == 2000 then
+ t[#t+1] = char(unpack(b,1,n))
+ n = 1
+ t[#t+1] = char(unpack(b,1,n))
return concat(t)
+local function streamaccess(s,_,what)
+ if not what or what == "all" or what == "*all" then
+ return getstream(s)
+ end
local function get_stream(d,document)
if d then
@@ -562,16 +693,19 @@ end
-- with but it won't win a beauty contest.
local function getpages(document,Catalog)
- local __data__ = document.__data__
- local __xrefs__ = document.__xrefs__
- local __cache__ = document.__cache__
- local __xref__ = document.__xref__
+ local __data__ = document.__data__
+ local __xrefs__ = document.__xrefs__
+ local __cache__ = document.__cache__
+ local __xref__ = document.__xref__
+ --
+ local rawcatalog = getRawCatalog(__data__)
+ local nofpages = getNumPages(rawcatalog)
- local rawcatalog = getRawCatalog(__data__)
- local nofpages = getNumPages(rawcatalog)
+ local majorversion = getMajorVersion(__data__)
+ local minorversion = getMinorVersion(__data__)
- local pages = { }
- local metatable = { __index = Catalog.Pages } -- somewhat empty
+ local pages = { }
+ local metatable = { __index = Catalog.Pages } -- somewhat empty
for pagenumber=1,nofpages do
local pagereference = getPageRef(rawcatalog,pagenumber).num
@@ -580,6 +714,7 @@ local function getpages(document,Catalog)
if pagedata then
-- rawset(pagedata,"number",pagenumber)
pagedata.number = pagenumber
+ pagedata.object = pageobject
pages[pagenumber] = pagedata
__xrefs__[pagedata] = pagereference
__cache__[pagereference] = pagedata
@@ -590,7 +725,10 @@ local function getpages(document,Catalog)
pages.n = nofpages
- document.pages = pages
+ document.pages = pages
+ document.majorversion = majorversion
+ document.minorversion = minorversion
+ --
return pages
@@ -637,6 +775,8 @@ function lpdf_epdf.load(filename)
document.Catalog = some_dictionary(getDict(getCatalog(__xref__)),document)
document.Info = some_dictionary(getDict(getDocInfo(__xref__)),document)
+ --
+ document.nofpages = getNumPages(getRawCatalog(__data__))
document = false
@@ -735,14 +875,14 @@ local fromunicode = (
)^1 * Carg(1)
-local function analyzefonts(document,resources) -- unfinished
+local function analyzefonts(document,resources) -- unfinished, see mtx-pdf for better code
local fonts = document.__fonts__
if resources then
local fontlist = resources.Font
if fontlist then
for id, data in expanded(fontlist) do
if not fonts[id] then
- -- a quck hack ... I will look into it more detail if I find a real
+ -- a quick hack ... I will look into it more detail if I find a real
-- -application for it
local tounicode = data.ToUnicode()
if tounicode then
@@ -836,7 +976,7 @@ function lpdf_epdf.getpagecontent(document,pagenumber)
--- This is also an experiment. When I really neet it I can improve it, fo rinstance
+-- This is also an experiment. When I really need it I can improve it, for instance
-- with proper position calculating. It might be usefull for some search or so.
local softhyphen = utfchar(0xAD) .. "$"
@@ -925,3 +1065,247 @@ end
-- local destination = document.__data__:findDest(name)
-- return destination and destination.number
-- end
+-- This is experimental code that we need for testing the transition from
+-- poppler to a new lightweight library. Don't rely on this code to remain
+-- as it is now. Interesting is that performance of this variant is the same
+-- as the natural page includer.
+if img then do
+ local copydictionary = nil
+ local copyarray = nil
+ local ref_code = typenumbers.ref
+ local boolean_code = typenumbers.boolean
+ local integer_code = typenumbers.integer
+ local real_code = typenumbers.real
+ local string_code = typenumbers.string
+ local name_code =
+ local null_code = typenumbers.null
+ local array_code = typenumbers.array
+ local dictionary_code = typenumbers.dictionary
+ local stream_code =
+ local cmd_code = typenumbers.cmd
+ local pdfreserveobject = lpdf.reserveobject
+ local pdfflushobject = lpdf.flushobject
+ local pdfflushstreamobject = lpdf.flushstreamobject
+ local pdfreference = lpdf.reference
+ local pdfconstant = lpdf.constant
+ local pdfarray = lpdf.array
+ local pdfdictionary = lpdf.dictionary
+ local pdfunicode = lpdf.unicode
+ local pdfstring = lpdf.string
+ local pdfnull = lpdf.null
+ local report = logs.reporter("backend","xobjects")
+ local factor = 65536 / (7200/7227) -- 1/number.dimenfactors.bp
+ local newimage =
+ local function scaledbbox(b)
+ return { b[1]*factor, b[2]*factor, b[3]*factor, b[4]*factor }
+ end
+ local function copyobject(xref,copied,kind,r,v)
+ if kind == null_code then
+ return pdfnull()
+ elseif r and getType(r) == ref_code then
+ local objnum = getRefNum(r)
+ local r = copied[objnum]
+ if r then
+ -- report("%s object %i is reused",kind,objnum)
+ else
+ local o
+ r = pdfreserveobject()
+ copied[objnum] = r
+ if kind == array_code then
+ local a = copyarray(xref,copied,fetch(xref,objnum,0))
+ pdfflushobject(r,tostring(a))
+ elseif kind == dictionary_code then
+ local d = copydictionary(xref,copied,fetch(xref,objnum,0))
+ pdfflushobject(r,tostring(d))
+ elseif kind == stream_code then
+ local f = fetch(xref,objnum,0)
+ local d = copydictionary(xref,copied,false,streamGetDict(f))
+ local s = getstream(f)
+ --
+ d.Filter = nil
+ d.Length = nil
+ d.DecodeParms = nil
+ d.DL = nil
+ --
+ pdfflushstreamobject(s,d,true,r)
+ else
+ report("reference not done: %s", kind)
+ end
+ end
+ return pdfreference(r)
+ elseif kind == array_code then
+ return copyarray(xref,copied,v)
+ elseif kind == dictionary_code then
+ return copydictionary(xref,copied,v)
+ elseif kind == integer_code then
+ return getInt(v)
+ elseif kind == real_code then
+ return getReal(v)
+ elseif kind == name_code then
+ return pdfconstant(getName(v))
+ elseif kind == string_code then
+ local s = getString(v)
+ if not s or s == "" then
+ return ""
+ end
+ local u = lpegmatch(u_pattern,s)
+ if u then
+ return pdfunicode(s)
+ end
+ return pdfstring(s)
+ elseif kind == boolean_code then
+ return getBool(v)
+ elseif kind == stream_code then
+ -- hm ...
+ return getStream(v)
+ else
+ report("object not done: %s", kind)
+ end
+ end
+ copyarray = function (xref,copied,object)
+ local a = getArray(object)
+ local n = a and arrayGetLength(a) or 0
+ if n > 0 then
+ local target = pdfarray()
+ for i=1,n do
+ local v = arrayGet(a,i)
+ if v then
+ local kind = getType(v)
+ local r = arrayGetNF(a,i)
+ target[i] = copyobject(xref,copied,kind,r,v)
+ end
+ end
+ return target
+ end
+ end
+ copydictionary = function (xref,copied,object,d)
+ local d = d or getDict(object)
+ local n = d and dictGetLength(d) or 0
+ if n > 0 then
+ local target = pdfdictionary()
+ for i=1,n do
+ local v = dictGetVal(d,i)
+ if v then
+ local kind = getType(v)
+ local key = dictGetKey(d,i)
+ local r = dictGetValNF(d,i)
+ target[key] = copyobject(xref,copied,kind,r,v)
+ end
+ end
+ return target
+ end
+ end
+ local function copy_resources(pdfdoc,xref,copied,pagedata)
+ local object = pagedata.object
+ if object then
+ local d = getDict(object)
+ local n = d and dictGetLength(d) or 0
+ for i=1,n do
+ local k = dictGetKey(d,i)
+ if v and k == "Resources" then
+ local v = dictGetVal(d,i)
+ local kind = getType(v)
+ local r = dictGetValNF(d,i)
+ return copyobject(xref,copied,kind,r,v)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ local function openpdf(filename)
+ local pdfdoc = lpdf_epdf.load(filename)
+ if pdfdoc then
+ pdfdoc.__copied__ = pdfdoc.__copied__ or { }
+ pdfdoc.filename = filename
+ return pdfdoc
+ end
+ end
+ local function closepdf(pdfdoc)
+ if pdfdoc then
+ lpdf_epdf.unload(pdfdoc.filename)
+ end
+ end
+ local function querypdf(pdfdoc,pagenumber)
+ if pdfdoc then
+ if not pagenumber then
+ pagenumber = 1
+ end
+ local root = pdfdoc.Catalog
+ local page = pdfdoc.pages[pagenumber]
+ if page then
+ local mediabox = page.MediaBox or { 0, 0, 0, 0 }
+ local cropbox = page.CropBox or mediabox
+ return {
+ filename = pdfdoc.filename,
+ pagenumber = pagenumber,
+ nofpages = pdfdoc.nofpages,
+ boundingbox = scaledbbox(cropbox),
+ cropbox = cropbox,
+ mediabox = mediabox,
+ bleedbox = page.BleedBox or cropbox,
+ trimbox = page.TrimBox or cropbox,
+ artbox = page.ArtBox or cropbox,
+ }
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ local function copypage(pdfdoc,pagenumber,attributes)
+ if pdfdoc then
+ local root = pdfdoc.Catalog
+ local page = pdfdoc.pages[pagenumber or 1]
+ local pageinfo = querypdf(pdfdoc,pagenumber)
+ local contents = page.Contents
+ local xref = pdfdoc.__xref__
+ local copied = pdfdoc.__copied__
+ --
+ local xobject = pdfdictionary {
+ Type = pdfconstant("XObject"),
+ Subtype = pdfconstant("Form"),
+ -- image attributes
+ FormType = 1,
+ BBox = pageinfo.cropbox,
+ -- MetaData = copy(xref,copied,root,"MetaData"),
+ -- Group = copy(xref,copied,page,"Group"),
+ -- LastModified = copy(xref,copied,page,"LastModified"),
+ -- Metadata = copy(xref,copied,page,"Metadata"),
+ -- PieceInfo = copy(xref,copied,page,"PieceInfo"),
+ Resources = copy_resources(pdfdoc,xref,copied,page),
+ -- SeparationInfo = copy(xref,copied,page,"SeparationInfo"),
+ }
+ if attributes then
+ for k, v in next, expand(attributes) do
+ page[k] = v -- maybe nested
+ end
+ end
+ return newimage {
+ bbox = pageinfo.boundingbox,
+ stream = contents(),
+ attr = xobject(),
+ }
+ end
+ end
+ lpdf_epdf.image = {
+ open = openpdf,
+ close = closepdf,
+ query = querypdf,
+ copy = copypage,
+ }
+end end
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/lpdf-ini.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/lpdf-ini.lua
index 8af1fb409..89b87ed11 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/lpdf-ini.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/lpdf-ini.lua
@@ -362,8 +362,10 @@ local f_key_dictionary = formatters["/%s << % t >>"]
local f_dictionary = formatters["<< % t >>"]
local f_key_array = formatters["/%s [ % t ]"]
local f_array = formatters["[ % t ]"]
-local f_key_number = formatters["/%s %F"]
-local f_tonumber = formatters["%F"]
+----- f_key_number = formatters["/%s %F"]
+local f_key_number = formatters["/%s %n"]
+----- f_tonumber = formatters["%F"]
+local f_tonumber = formatters["%n"]
local tostring_a, tostring_d
@@ -734,12 +736,13 @@ function lpdf.flushobject(name,data)
-function lpdf.flushstreamobject(data,dict,compressed) -- default compressed
+function lpdf.flushstreamobject(data,dict,compressed,objnum) -- default compressed
if trace_objects then
report_objects("flushing stream object of %s bytes",#data)
local dtype = type(dict)
return pdfdeferredobject {
+ objnum = objnum,
immediate = true,
compresslevel = compressed == false and 0 or nil,
type = "stream",
@@ -748,12 +751,13 @@ function lpdf.flushstreamobject(data,dict,compressed) -- default compressed
-function lpdf.flushstreamfileobject(filename,dict,compressed) -- default compressed
+function lpdf.flushstreamfileobject(filename,dict,compressed,objnum) -- default compressed
if trace_objects then
report_objects("flushing stream file object %a",filename)
local dtype = type(dict)
return pdfdeferredobject {
+ objnum = objnum,
immediate = true,
compresslevel = compressed == false and 0 or nil,
type = "stream",
@@ -905,13 +909,12 @@ if not callbacks.register("finish_pdfpage", lpdf.finalizepage) then
return head, true
- nodes.tasks.appendaction("shipouts","normalizers","backends.pdf.nodeinjections.finalizepage")
+ nodes.tasks.enableaction("shipouts","backends.pdf.nodeinjections.finalizepage")
callbacks.register("finish_pdffile", lpdf.finalizedocument)
-- some minimal tracing, handy for checking the order
@@ -1127,12 +1130,12 @@ do
return Y and format("D:%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s'%s'",Y,M,D,h,m,s,Zs,Zh,Zm)
- function
+ function
local banner = environment.jobname or tex.jobname or "unknown"
- if nodate then
+ if not date then
return banner
- return format("%s.%s",banner,timestamp)
+ return format("%s | %s",banner,timestamp)
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/lpdf-nod.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/lpdf-nod.lua
index e3c1778f2..d41aa0bee 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/lpdf-nod.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/lpdf-nod.lua
@@ -10,6 +10,9 @@ local type = type
local formatters = string.formatters
+local nodecodes = nodes.nodecodes
+local whatsit_code = nodecodes.whatsit
local whatsitcodes = nodes.whatsitcodes
local nodeinjections = backends.nodeinjections
@@ -26,16 +29,16 @@ local register = nodepool.register
local literalvalues = nodes.literalvalues
-local pdforiginliteral = register(new_node("whatsit", whatsitcodes.pdfliteral)) setfield(pdforiginliteral,"mode",literalvalues.origin)
-local pdfpageliteral = register(new_node("whatsit", whatsitcodes.pdfliteral)) setfield(pdfpageliteral, "mode",
-local pdfdirectliteral = register(new_node("whatsit", whatsitcodes.pdfliteral)) setfield(pdfdirectliteral,"mode",
-local pdfrawliteral = register(new_node("whatsit", whatsitcodes.pdfliteral)) setfield(pdfrawliteral, "mode",literalvalues.raw)
+local pdforiginliteral = register(new_node(whatsit_code, whatsitcodes.pdfliteral)) setfield(pdforiginliteral,"mode",literalvalues.origin)
+local pdfpageliteral = register(new_node(whatsit_code, whatsitcodes.pdfliteral)) setfield(pdfpageliteral, "mode",
+local pdfdirectliteral = register(new_node(whatsit_code, whatsitcodes.pdfliteral)) setfield(pdfdirectliteral,"mode",
+local pdfrawliteral = register(new_node(whatsit_code, whatsitcodes.pdfliteral)) setfield(pdfrawliteral, "mode",literalvalues.raw)
-local pdfsave = register(new_node("whatsit", whatsitcodes.pdfsave))
-local pdfrestore = register(new_node("whatsit", whatsitcodes.pdfrestore))
-local pdfsetmatrix = register(new_node("whatsit", whatsitcodes.pdfsetmatrix))
------ pdfdest = register(new_node("whatsit", whatsitcodes.pdfdest)) setfield(pdfdest,"named_id",1) -- xyz_zoom untouched
------ pdfannot = register(new_node("whatsit", whatsitcodes.pdfannot))
+local pdfsave = register(new_node(whatsit_code, whatsitcodes.pdfsave))
+local pdfrestore = register(new_node(whatsit_code, whatsitcodes.pdfrestore))
+local pdfsetmatrix = register(new_node(whatsit_code, whatsitcodes.pdfsetmatrix))
+----- pdfdest = register(new_node(whatsit_code, whatsitcodes.pdfdest)) setfield(pdfdest,"named_id",1) -- xyz_zoom untouched
+----- pdfannot = register(new_node(whatsit_code, whatsitcodes.pdfannot))
local variables = interfaces.variables
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/lpdf-tag.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/lpdf-tag.lua
index dc7d038fe..b3d117c4b 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/lpdf-tag.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/lpdf-tag.lua
@@ -51,8 +51,6 @@ local a_tagged = attributes.private('tagged')
local a_image = attributes.private('image')
local nuts = nodes.nuts
-local tonut = nuts.tonut
-local tonode = nuts.tonode
local nodepool = nuts.pool
local pdfpageliteral = nodepool.pdfpageliteral
@@ -68,9 +66,10 @@ local setlink = nuts.setlink
local setlist = nuts.setlist
local copy_node = nuts.copy
-local traverse_nodes = nuts.traverse
local tosequence = nuts.tosequence
+local nextnode = nuts.traversers.node
local structure_stack = { }
local structure_kids = pdfarray()
local structure_ref = pdfreserveobject()
@@ -324,10 +323,9 @@ function nodeinjections.addtags(head)
local last = nil
local ranges = { }
local range = nil
- local head = tonut(head)
local function collectranges(head,list)
- for n, id in traverse_nodes(head) do
+ for n, id in nextnode, head do
if id == glyph_code then
-- maybe also disc
local at = getattr(n,a_tagged)
@@ -441,17 +439,17 @@ function nodeinjections.addtags(head)
--- if literal then
--- if list and getlist(list) == start then
--- setlink(literal,start)
--- setlist(list,literal)
--- else
--- setlink(getprev(start),literal,start)
--- end
--- -- use insert instead:
--- local literal = copy_node(EMCliteral)
--- setlink(stop,literal,getnext(stop))
--- end
+ -- if literal then
+ -- if list and getlist(list) == start then
+ -- setlink(literal,start)
+ -- setlist(list,literal)
+ -- else
+ -- setlink(getprev(start),literal,start)
+ -- end
+ -- -- use insert instead:
+ -- local literal = copy_node(EMCliteral)
+ -- setlink(stop,literal,getnext(stop))
+ -- end
top = taglist
noftop = noftags
@@ -459,8 +457,7 @@ function nodeinjections.addtags(head)
- head = tonode(head)
- return head, true
+ return head
@@ -471,7 +468,7 @@ end
-- local last, ranges, range = nil, { }, nil
-- local function collectranges(head,list)
--- for n, id in traverse_nodes(head) do
+-- for n, id in nextnode, head do
-- if id == glyph_code then
-- local at = getattr(n,a_tagged)
-- if not at then
@@ -503,7 +500,6 @@ end
-- initializepage()
--- head = tonut(head)
-- collectranges(head)
-- if trace_tags then
@@ -610,8 +606,7 @@ end
-- finishpage()
--- head = tonode(head)
--- return head, true
+-- return head
-- end
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/math-act.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/math-act.lua
index 77a355b22..a847b78c6 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/math-act.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/math-act.lua
@@ -23,6 +23,12 @@ local mathematics = mathematics
local texsetdimen = tex.setdimen
local abs = math.abs
+local helpers = fonts.helpers
+local upcommand = helpers.commands.up
+local rightcommand = helpers.commands.right
+local charcommand = helpers.commands.char
+local prependcommands = helpers.prependcommands
local sequencers = utilities.sequencers
local appendgroup = sequencers.appendgroup
local appendaction = sequencers.appendaction
@@ -237,7 +243,6 @@ function mathematics.overloaddimensions(target,original,set)
local factor = parameters.factor
local hfactor = parameters.hfactor
local vfactor = parameters.vfactor
- local addprivate = fonts.helpers.addprivate
-- to be sure
target.type = "virtual" = true
@@ -257,7 +262,8 @@ function mathematics.overloaddimensions(target,original,set)
local height = data.height
local depth = data.depth
if trace_defining and (width or height or depth) then
- report_math("overloading dimensions of %C, width %a, height %a, depth %a",unicode,width,height,depth)
+ report_math("overloading dimensions of %C, width %p, height %p, depth %p",
+ unicode,width or 0,height or 0,depth or 0)
if width then character.width = width * hfactor end
if height then character.height = height * vfactor end
@@ -270,25 +276,26 @@ function mathematics.overloaddimensions(target,original,set)
if d then
xoffset = - d.boundingbox[1] * hfactor
character.width = character.width + xoffset
- xoffset = { "right", xoffset }
+ xoffset = rightcommand[xoffset]
+ else
+ xoffset = nil
- elseif xoffset then
- xoffset = { "right", xoffset * hfactor }
+ elseif xoffset and xoffset ~= 0 then
+ xoffset = rightcommand[xoffset * hfactor]
+ else
+ xoffset = nil
- if yoffset then
- yoffset = { "down", -yoffset * vfactor }
+ if yoffset and yoffset ~= 0 then
+ yoffset = upcommand[yoffset * vfactor]
+ else
+ yoffset = nil
if xoffset or yoffset then
- if character.commands then
- if yoffset then
- insert(character.commands,1,yoffset)
- end
- if xoffset then
- insert(character.commands,1,xoffset)
- end
+ local commands = characters.commands
+ if commands then
+ prependcommands(commands,yoffset,xoffset)
- -- local slot = { "slot", 1, addprivate(target,nil,fastcopy(character)) }
- local slot = { "slot", 0, addprivate(target,nil,fastcopy(character)) }
+ local slot = charcommand[unicode]
if xoffset and yoffset then
character.commands = { xoffset, yoffset, slot }
elseif xoffset then
@@ -297,7 +304,6 @@ function mathematics.overloaddimensions(target,original,set)
character.commands = { yoffset, slot }
- character.index = nil
elseif trace_defining then
report_math("no overloading dimensions of %C, not in font",unicode)
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/math-dir.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/math-dir.lua
index 759f1e797..0543937f5 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/math-dir.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/math-dir.lua
@@ -60,7 +60,6 @@ local a_mathbidi = attributes.private('mathbidi')
local function processmath(head)
local current = head
- local done = false
local start = nil
local stop = nil
local function capsulate()
@@ -69,7 +68,6 @@ local function processmath(head)
if trace_directions then
report_directions("reversed: %s",nodes.listtoutf(start,false,false,stop))
- done = true
start = false
stop = nil
@@ -100,7 +98,6 @@ local function processmath(head)
if trace_directions then
report_directions("mirrored: %C to %C",char,mirror)
- done = true
@@ -108,11 +105,8 @@ local function processmath(head)
elseif not start then
-- nothing
if id == hlist_code or id == vlist_code then
- local list, d = processmath(getlist(current))
+ local list = processmath(getlist(current))
- if d then
- done = true
- end
elseif start == stop then
start = nil
@@ -121,11 +115,8 @@ local function processmath(head)
-- math can pack things into hlists .. we need to make sure we don't process
-- too often: needs checking
if id == hlist_code or id == vlist_code then
- local list, d = processmath(getlist(current))
+ local list = processmath(getlist(current))
- if d then
- done = true
- end
current = getnext(current)
@@ -137,21 +128,18 @@ local function processmath(head)
- return head, done
+ return head
local enabled = false
function directions.processmath(head) -- style, penalties
if enabled then
- local h = tonut(head)
- local a = getattr(h,a_mathbidi)
+ local a = getattr(head,a_mathbidi)
if a and a > 0 then
- local head, done = processmath(h)
- return tonode(head), done
+ return processmath(head)
- return head, false
function directions.setmath(n)
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/math-fen.mkiv b/tex/context/base/mkiv/math-fen.mkiv
index a32ea410e..3a32f9fb8 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/math-fen.mkiv
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/math-fen.mkiv
@@ -65,14 +65,19 @@
% we need the direct use of \Udelimiter because of { etc
-\newconditional\c_math_fenced_mirror \settrue\c_math_fenced_mirror
+\newconditional\c_math_fenced_mirror \settrue \c_math_fenced_mirror
+\newconditional\c_math_fenced_sized \setfalse\c_math_fenced_sized
- \edef\p_factor{\mathfenceparameter\c!factor}%
+ \ifconditional\c_math_fenced_sized
+ \let\p_factor\v!fixed
+ \else
+ \edef\p_factor{\mathfenceparameter\c!factor}%
+ \fi
@@ -97,7 +102,11 @@
% #2%
- \scratchdimen\dimexpr\p_factor\bodyfontsize/2\relax
+ \ifx\p_factor\v!fixed
+ \scratchdimen\scaledpoint
+ \else
+ \scratchdimen\dimexpr\p_factor\bodyfontsize/2\relax
+ \fi
@@ -121,16 +130,14 @@
- % \normalleft\ifx\p_left\empty.\else\Udelimiter\plusfour\fam\p_left\relax\fi
- {\mathfenceparameter\c!middle}%
+ {\mathfenceparameter\c!middle}%
- % \normalmiddle\ifx\p_middle\empty.\else\Udelimiter\plusfour\fam\p_middle\relax\fi
@@ -147,7 +154,6 @@
- % \normalright \ifx\p_right\empty.\else\Udelimiter\plusfive\fam\p_right\relax\fi
@@ -194,16 +200,60 @@
+ {\attribute\mathsizeattribute\numexpr#1*\plushundred+#2\relax}
+% \unexpanded\def\math_fenced_fenced_indeed[#1]#2%
+% {\iffirstargument\setupcurrentmathfence[#1]\fi
+% \math_fenced_fenced_common
+% \edef\p_size{\mathfenceparameter\c!size}%
+% \ifx\p_size\empty
+% \setfalse\c_math_fenced_sized
+% \else
+% \settrue\c_math_fenced_sized
+% \math_fenced_force_size\bigmathdelimitervariant\p_size
+% \fi
+% \math_fenced_left
+% #2%
+% \math_fenced_right
+% \stopusemathstyleparameter
+% \endgroup
+% \advance\c_math_fenced_nesting\minusone}
- \math_fenced_left
- #2%
- \math_fenced_right
- \stopusemathstyleparameter
+ \edef\p_size{\mathfenceparameter\c!size}%
+ \ifx\p_size\empty
+ \expandafter\math_fenced_fenced_indeed_adapt
+ \else
+ \expandafter\math_fenced_fenced_indeed_fixed
+ \fi}
+ {\stopusemathstyleparameter
+ {\math_fenced_force_size\bigmathdelimitervariant\p_size
+ \settrue\c_math_fenced_sized
+ \math_fenced_left
+ \setfalse\c_math_fenced_sized
+ #1%
+ \settrue\c_math_fenced_sized
+ \math_fenced_right
+ \setfalse\c_math_fenced_sized
+ \math_fenced_fenced_indeed_finish}
+ {\setfalse\c_math_fenced_sized
+ \math_fenced_left
+ #1%
+ \setfalse\c_math_fenced_sized
+ \math_fenced_right
+ \math_fenced_fenced_indeed_finish}
\to \everymathematics
@@ -591,7 +641,7 @@
- \attribute\mathsizeattribute\numexpr\bigmathdelimitervariant*\plushundred+#1\relax
+ \math_fenced_force_size\bigmathdelimitervariant{#1}\relax
\math_fenced_step#2{\vpack to\csname\??mathbig\number#1\endcsname\bodyfontsize{}}%
@@ -621,7 +671,7 @@
- \attribute\mathsizeattribute\numexpr\plushundred+#1\relax
+ \math_fenced_force_size\plusone{#1}%
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/math-ini.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/math-ini.lua
index b79ef8c8c..d301b0065 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/math-ini.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/math-ini.lua
@@ -641,7 +641,7 @@ function mathematics.big(tfmdata,unicode,n,method)
- else
+ elseif method == 3 then
local size = 1.33^n
if method == 4 then
size = tfmdata.parameters.size * size
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/math-noa.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/math-noa.lua
index 20f77411e..bb0817d9a 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/math-noa.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/math-noa.lua
@@ -88,7 +88,6 @@ local a_exportstatus = privateattribute("exportstatus")
local nuts = nodes.nuts
local nodepool = nuts.pool
local tonut = nuts.tonut
-local tonode = nuts.tonode
local nutstring = nuts.tostring
local setfield = nuts.setfield
@@ -102,6 +101,8 @@ local setsubtype = nuts.setsubtype
local setattr = nuts.setattr
local setattrlist = nuts.setattrlist
local setwidth = nuts.setwidth
+local setheight = nuts.setheight
+local setdepth = nuts.setdepth
local getfield = nuts.getfield
local getnext = nuts.getnext
@@ -114,6 +115,9 @@ local getfont = nuts.getfont
local getfam = nuts.getfam
local getattr = nuts.getattr
local getlist = nuts.getlist
+local getwidth = nuts.getwidth
+local getheight = nuts.getheight
+local getdepth = nuts.getdepth
local getnucleus = nuts.getnucleus
local getsub = nuts.getsub
@@ -299,7 +303,7 @@ local function process(start,what,n,parent)
start = getnext(start)
if not parent then
- return initial, true -- only first level -- for now
+ return initial -- only first level -- for now
@@ -376,15 +380,14 @@ local function processstep(current,process,n,id)
local function processnoads(head,actions,banner)
- local h, d
if trace_processing then
report_processing("start %a",banner)
- h, d = process(tonut(head),actions)
+ head = process(head,actions)
report_processing("stop %a",banner)
- h, d = process(tonut(head),actions)
+ head = process(head,actions)
- return h and tonode(h) or head, d == nil and true or d
+ return head
noads.process = processnoads
@@ -776,40 +779,38 @@ do
local method, size = div(a,100), a % 100
local delimiter = getfield(pointer,"delim")
- local chr = getfield(delimiter,"small_char")
+ local chr = getchar(delimiter)
if chr > 0 then
- local fam = getfield(delimiter,"small_fam")
+ local fam = getfam(delimiter)
local id = font_of_family(fam)
if id > 0 then
- setfield(delimiter,"small_char",mathematics.big(fontdata[id],chr,size,method))
+ local data = fontdata[id]
+ local char = mathematics.big(data,chr,size,method)
+ local ht = getfield(pointer,"height")
+ -- local ht = getheight(pointer) -- LUATEXVERSION >= 1.090
+ local dp = getfield(pointer,"depth")
+ -- local dp = getdepth(pointer) -- LUATEXVERSION >= 1.090
+ if ht == 1 or dp == 1 then -- 1 scaled point is a signal
+ local chardata = data.characters[char]
+ if ht == 1 then
+ setfield(pointer,"height",chardata.height)
+ -- setheight(pointer,chardata.height) -- LUATEXVERSION >= 1.090
+ end
+ if dp == 1 then
+ setfield(pointer,"depth",chardata.depth)
+ -- setdepth(pointer,chardata.depth) -- LUATEXVERSION >= 1.090
+ end
+ end
+ if trace_fences then
+ report_fences("replacing %C by %C using method %a and size %a",chr,char,method,size)
+ end
+ setchar(delimiter,char)
- -- will become:
- -- resize[math_fence] = function(pointer)
- -- local subtype = getsubtype(pointer)
- -- if subtype == left_fence_code or subtype == right_fence_code then
- -- local a = getattr(pointer,a_mathsize)
- -- if a and a > 0 then
- -- local method, size = div(a,100), a % 100
- -- setattr(pointer,a_mathsize,0)
- -- local delimiter = getfield(pointer,"delim")
- -- local chr = getchar(delimiter)
- -- if chr > 0 then
- -- local fam = getfam(delimiter)
- -- local id = font_of_family(fam)
- -- if id > 0 then
- -- setchar(delimiter,mathematics.big(fontdata[id],chr,size,method))
- -- end
- -- end
- -- end
- -- end
- -- end
function handlers.resize(head,style,penalties)
return true
@@ -1038,7 +1039,7 @@ do
function handlers.autofences(head,style,penalties)
if enabled then -- tex.modes.c_math_fences_auto
-- inspect(nodes.totree(head))
- processfences(tonut(head),1)
+ processfences(head,1)
-- inspect(nodes.totree(head))
@@ -1136,7 +1137,6 @@ do
function handlers.unscript(head,style,penalties)
- -- processnoads(head,checkers,"checkers")
return true
@@ -2177,7 +2177,7 @@ end
-- just for me
function handlers.showtree(head,style,penalties)
- inspect(nodes.totree(head))
+ inspect(nodes.totree(tonut(head)))
@@ -2192,7 +2192,7 @@ do
local visual = false
- applyvisuals(tonut(head),visual)
+ applyvisuals(head,visual)
@@ -2213,7 +2213,7 @@ do
-- end)
function builders.kernel.mlist_to_hlist(head,style,penalties)
- return mlist_to_hlist(head,style,force_penalties or penalties), true
+ return mlist_to_hlist(head,style,force_penalties or penalties)
implement {
@@ -2226,41 +2226,15 @@ do
--- function builders.kernel.mlist_to_hlist(head,style,penalties)
--- print("!!!!!!! BEFORE",penalties)
--- for n in node.traverse(head) do print(n) end
--- print("!!!!!!!")
--- head = mlist_to_hlist(head,style,penalties)
--- print("!!!!!!! AFTER")
--- for n in node.traverse(head) do print(n) end
--- print("!!!!!!!")
--- return head, true
--- end
- {
- name = "math",
- arguments = 2,
- processor = utilities.sequencers.nodeprocessor,
- sequence = {
- "before",
- "normalizers",
- "builders",
- "after",
- },
-tasks.freezegroup("math", "normalizers") -- experimental
-tasks.freezegroup("math", "builders") -- experimental
local actions = tasks.actions("math") -- head, style, penalties
local starttiming, stoptiming = statistics.starttiming, statistics.stoptiming
function processors.mlist_to_hlist(head,style,penalties)
- local head, done = actions(head,style,penalties)
+ head = actions(head,style,penalties)
- return head, done
+ return head
callbacks.register('mlist_to_hlist',processors.mlist_to_hlist,"preprocessing math list")
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/math-spa.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/math-spa.lua
index 92ee662b9..69f70ded5 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/math-spa.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/math-spa.lua
@@ -8,22 +8,22 @@ if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['math-spa'] = {
-- for the moment (when testing) we use a penalty 1
-local penalty_code = nodes.nodecodes.penalty
-local glue_code = nodes.nodecodes.glue
+local penalty_code = nodes.nodecodes.penalty
+local glue_code = nodes.nodecodes.glue
-local nuts = nodes.nuts
-local tonut = nodes.tonut
-local tonode = nodes.tonode
-local getid = nuts.getid
-local getnext = nuts.getnext
-local getwidth = nuts.getwidth
-local setglue = nuts.setglue
-local getpenalty = nuts.getpenalty
-local setpenalty = nuts.setpenalty
+local nuts = nodes.nuts
+local tonut = nodes.tonut
+local tonode = nodes.tonode
+local getid = nuts.getid
+local getnext = nuts.getnext
+local getwidth = nuts.getwidth
+local setglue = nuts.setglue
+local getpenalty = nuts.getpenalty
+local setpenalty = nuts.setpenalty
-local traverse_id = nuts.traverse_id
local get_dimensions = nuts.dimensions
+local nextglue = nuts.traversers.glue
local texsetdimen = tex.setdimen
@@ -33,9 +33,8 @@ local v_auto =
local method = v_none
local distance = 0
-function noads.handlers.align(l)
+function noads.handlers.align(h)
if method ~= v_none then
- local h = tonut(l)
if method == v_auto then
local s = h
while s do
@@ -56,13 +55,12 @@ function noads.handlers.align(l)
- for n in traverse_id(glue_code,h) do
+ for n in nextglue, h do
-- texsetdimen("global","d_strc_math_indent",0)
- return l, true
interfaces.implement {
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/math-tag.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/math-tag.lua
index 9837dec35..868c2b661 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/math-tag.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/math-tag.lua
@@ -38,7 +38,8 @@ local getsub = nuts.getsub
local getsup = nuts.getsup
local set_attributes = nuts.setattributes
-local traverse_nodes = nuts.traverse
+local nextnode = nuts.traversers.node
local nodecodes = nodes.nodecodes
@@ -248,101 +249,101 @@ process = function(start) -- we cannot use the processor as we have no finalizer
elseif id == math_box_code or id == hlist_code or id == vlist_code then
-- keep an eye on math_box_code and see what ends up in there
local attr = getattr(start,a_tagged)
-if not attr then
- -- just skip
- local specification = taglist[attr]
- if specification then
- local tag = specification.tagname
- if tag == "formulacaption" then
- -- skip
- elseif tag == "mstacker" then
- local list = getlist(start)
- if list then
- process(list)
- end
- else
- if tag ~= "mstackertop" and tag ~= "mstackermid" and tag ~= "mstackerbot" then
- tag = "mtext"
- end
- local text = start_tagged(tag)
- setattr(start,a_tagged,text)
- local list = getlist(start)
- if not list then
- -- empty list
- elseif not attr then
- -- box comes from strange place
- set_attributes(list,a_tagged,text) -- only the first node ?
+ if not attr then
+ -- just skip
+ else
+ local specification = taglist[attr]
+ if specification then
+ local tag = specification.tagname
+ if tag == "formulacaption" then
+ -- skip
+ elseif tag == "mstacker" then
+ local list = getlist(start)
+ if list then
+ process(list)
+ end
- -- Beware, the first node in list is the actual list so we definitely
- -- need to nest. This approach is a hack, maybe I'll make a proper
- -- nesting feature to deal with this at another level. Here we just
- -- fake structure by enforcing the inner one.
- --
- -- todo: have a local list with local tags that then get appended
- --
- local tagdata = specification.taglist
- local common = #tagdata + 1
- local function runner(list,depth) -- quite inefficient
- local cache = { } -- we can have nested unboxed mess so best local to runner
- local keep = nil
- -- local keep = { } -- win case we might need to move keep outside
- for n, id in traverse_nodes(list) do
- local mth = id == math_code and getsubtype(n)
- if mth == 0 then
- -- insert(keep,text)
- keep = text
- text = start_tagged("mrow")
- common = common + 1
- end
- local aa = getattr(n,a_tagged)
- if aa then
- local ac = cache[aa]
- if not ac then
- local tagdata = taglist[aa].taglist
- local extra = #tagdata
- if common <= extra then
- for i=common,extra do
- ac = restart_tagged(tagdata[i]) -- can be made faster
- end
- for i=common,extra do
- stop_tagged() -- can be made faster
+ if tag ~= "mstackertop" and tag ~= "mstackermid" and tag ~= "mstackerbot" then
+ tag = "mtext"
+ end
+ local text = start_tagged(tag)
+ setattr(start,a_tagged,text)
+ local list = getlist(start)
+ if not list then
+ -- empty list
+ elseif not attr then
+ -- box comes from strange place
+ set_attributes(list,a_tagged,text) -- only the first node ?
+ else
+ -- Beware, the first node in list is the actual list so we definitely
+ -- need to nest. This approach is a hack, maybe I'll make a proper
+ -- nesting feature to deal with this at another level. Here we just
+ -- fake structure by enforcing the inner one.
+ --
+ -- todo: have a local list with local tags that then get appended
+ --
+ local tagdata = specification.taglist
+ local common = #tagdata + 1
+ local function runner(list,depth) -- quite inefficient
+ local cache = { } -- we can have nested unboxed mess so best local to runner
+ local keep = nil
+ -- local keep = { } -- win case we might need to move keep outside
+ for n, id, subtype in nextnode, list do
+ local mth = id == math_code and subtype
+ if mth == 0 then -- hm left_code
+ -- insert(keep,text)
+ keep = text
+ text = start_tagged("mrow")
+ common = common + 1
+ end
+ local aa = getattr(n,a_tagged)
+ if aa then
+ local ac = cache[aa]
+ if not ac then
+ local tagdata = taglist[aa].taglist
+ local extra = #tagdata
+ if common <= extra then
+ for i=common,extra do
+ ac = restart_tagged(tagdata[i]) -- can be made faster
+ end
+ for i=common,extra do
+ stop_tagged() -- can be made faster
+ end
+ else
+ ac = text
- else
- ac = text
+ cache[aa] = ac
- cache[aa] = ac
+ setattr(n,a_tagged,ac)
+ else
+ setattr(n,a_tagged,text)
- setattr(n,a_tagged,ac)
- else
- setattr(n,a_tagged,text)
- end
- if id == hlist_code or id == vlist_code then
- runner(getlist(n),depth+1)
- elseif id == glyph_code then
- -- this should not be needed (todo: use tounicode info)
- runner(getcomponents(n),depth+1)
- elseif id == disc_code then
- local pre, post, replace = getdisc(n)
- runner(pre,depth+1) -- idem
- runner(post,depth+1) -- idem
- runner(replace,depth+1) -- idem
- end
- if mth == 1 then
- stop_tagged()
- -- text = remove(keep)
- text = keep
- common = common - 1
+ if id == hlist_code or id == vlist_code then
+ runner(getlist(n),depth+1)
+ elseif id == glyph_code then
+ -- this should not be needed (todo: use tounicode info)
+ runner(getcomponents(n),depth+1)
+ elseif id == disc_code then
+ local pre, post, replace = getdisc(n)
+ runner(pre,depth+1) -- idem
+ runner(post,depth+1) -- idem
+ runner(replace,depth+1) -- idem
+ end
+ if mth == 1 then
+ stop_tagged()
+ -- text = remove(keep)
+ text = keep
+ common = common - 1
+ end
+ runner(list,0)
- runner(list,0)
+ stop_tagged()
- stop_tagged()
elseif id == math_sub_code then -- normally a hbox
local list = getlist(start)
if list then
@@ -551,12 +552,10 @@ end
function noads.handlers.tags(head,style,penalties)
- head = tonut(head)
local v_mode = getattr(head,a_mathmode)
local v_math = start_tagged("math", { mode = v_mode == 1 and "display" or "inline" })
- return true
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/mlib-lua.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/mlib-lua.lua
index 189f207c7..60ad9477b 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/mlib-lua.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/mlib-lua.lua
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ function mp._f_()
-local f_code = formatters["%s return mp._f_()"]
+local f_code = formatters["%s return mp._f_()"]
local f_numeric = formatters["%.16f"]
local f_integer = formatters["%i"]
@@ -128,6 +128,8 @@ local function mpvprint(...) -- variable print
+mp.cleaned = function(s) return lpegmatch(p,s) or s end
mp.print = mpprint
mp.vprint = mpvprint
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/mult-aux.mkiv b/tex/context/base/mkiv/mult-aux.mkiv
index a1aecc354..9ba09af41 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/mult-aux.mkiv
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/mult-aux.mkiv
@@ -180,6 +180,10 @@
+ {\if#2@}
@@ -389,6 +393,43 @@
+% \unexpanded\def\mult_interfaces_install_define_handler#1#2#3#4#5#6#7#8#9% why is \expanded still needed in clones
+% {\ifx#4\relax\let#4\empty\fi % see \defineregister
+% \unexpanded\def#2{\dotripleempty#5}%
+% \newtoks#6%
+% \newtoks#7%
+% \unexpanded\def#5[##1][##2][##3]% [child][parent][settings] | [child][settings] | [child][parent] | [child]
+% {\let#9#4%
+% \edef#4{##1}%
+% \ifthirdargument
+% \the#6% predefine
+% \edef#8{##2}%
+% \mult_check_for_parent{#1}{#3}#4#8%
+% \expandafter\edef\csname#1#4:\s!chain\endcsname{\mult_interfaces_chain#1{##2}##1}%
+% \expandafter\edef\csname#1#4:\s!parent\endcsname{#1##2}%
+% \mult_interfaces_get_parameters{#1#4:}[##3]%
+% \else\ifsecondargument
+% \the#6% predefine
+% \ifcondition\expandafter\mult_check_for_assignment_indeed_begin_\detokenize{##2}=@@\_end_
+% \edef#8{##2}%
+% \mult_check_for_parent{#1}{#3}#4#8%
+% \expandafter\edef\csname#1#4:\s!chain\endcsname{\mult_interfaces_chain#1{##2}##1}%
+% \expandafter\edef\csname#1#4:\s!parent\endcsname{#1##2}%
+% \else
+% \let#8\empty
+% \expandafter\edef\csname#1#4:\s!chain\endcsname{##1}%
+% \expandafter\edef\csname#1#4:\s!parent\endcsname{#3}%
+% \mult_interfaces_get_parameters{#1#4:}[##2]%
+% \fi
+% \else
+% \the#6% predefine
+% \let#8\empty
+% \expandafter\edef\csname#1#4:\s!chain\endcsname{##1}%
+% \expandafter\edef\csname#1#4:\s!parent\endcsname{#3}%
+% \fi\fi
+% \the#7%
+% \let#4#9}}
@@ -466,7 +507,7 @@
% \mult_check_for_assignment{##1}%
- \expandafter\mult_check_for_assignment_indeed\detokenize{##1}=@@\_end_
+ \expandafter\mult_check_for_assignment_indeed\detokenize{##1}=@@\_end_
% \setuplayout[key=value]
@@ -496,6 +537,54 @@
#2\zerocount % mode is always zero at the end
+% \unexpanded\def\mult_interfaces_install_switch_setup_handler_b#1#2#3#4#5#6#7#8#9%
+% {\newtoks#5%
+% \newconstant#2%
+% \newtoks#8%
+% \newtoks#9%
+% \ifx#6\relax\let#6\empty\fi
+% \unexpanded\def#4[##1][##2]% maybe helper
+% {\ifsecondargument % no commalist here
+% % \setuplayout[whatever][key=value]
+% \let#7#3%
+% \let#6#3%
+% \edef#3{##1}%
+% #2\doingrootsetupnamed
+% \mult_interfaces_get_parameters{#1#3:}[##2]%
+% \the#5%
+% \ifx#3#6\the#8\fi % only switchsetups if previous == current
+% \let#3#7%
+% \else\iffirstargument
+% % \mult_check_for_assignment{##1}%
+% \ifcondition\expandafter\mult_check_for_assignment_indeed_begin_\detokenize{##1}=@@\_end_
+% % \setuplayout[whatever]
+% \let#6#3% % previous becomes current
+% \edef#3{##1}% this will catch reset so one needs to test for it
+% #2\doingrootsetnamed
+% \the#5% % we can check for previous vs current
+% \the#8% switchsetups
+% \else
+% % \setuplayout[key=value]
+% \let#7#3%
+% \let#6#3%
+% \let#3\empty
+% #2\doingrootsetuproot
+% \mult_interfaces_get_parameters{#1:}[##1]%
+% \the#5%
+% \the#8% switchsetups
+% \let#3#7%
+% \fi
+% \else
+% % \setuplayout
+% \let#6#3% % previous becomes current
+% \let#3\empty % current becomes empty
+% #2\doingrootsetroot
+% \the#5%
+% \the#8% switchsetups
+% \fi\fi
+% #2\zerocount % mode is always zero at the end
+% \the#9}}
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/mult-fun.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/mult-fun.lua
index 9b7062605..1ee593be4 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/mult-fun.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/mult-fun.lua
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ return {
"shadedinto", "withshadecolors",
"withshadedomain", "withshademethod", "withshadefactor", "withshadevector",
"withshadecenter", "withshadedirection", "withshaderadius", "withshadetransform",
- "withshadestep", "withshadefraction",
+ "withshadestep", "withshadefraction", "withshadeorigin", "shownshadevector", "shownshadeorigin",
"cmyk", "spotcolor", "multitonecolor", "namedcolor",
"drawfill", "undrawfill",
"inverted", "uncolored", "softened", "grayed", "greyed",
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/mult-ini.mkiv b/tex/context/base/mkiv/mult-ini.mkiv
index ef9dcd249..117ac768c 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/mult-ini.mkiv
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/mult-ini.mkiv
@@ -343,17 +343,17 @@
%D These will become obsolete:
\unexpanded\def\startmessages #1 library: #2 %
- {\bgroup
+ {\begingroup
- \catcode\endoflineasciicode\activecatcode
+ \catcode\endoflineasciicode\othercatcode
- \egroup}
+ \endgroup}
- {\egroup}
+ {\endgroup}
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/mult-low.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/mult-low.lua
index e10a8e6fa..f425f3a32 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/mult-low.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/mult-low.lua
@@ -410,7 +410,7 @@ return {
"installctxscanner", "installctxscannercall",
"installprotectedctxscanner", "installprotectedctxscannercall",
- "cldprocessfile", "cldloadfile", "cldcontext", "cldcommand",
+ "cldprocessfile", "cldloadfile", "cldloadviafile", "cldcontext", "cldcommand",
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/mult-prm.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/mult-prm.lua
index 6351df180..1bf5bb526 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/mult-prm.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/mult-prm.lua
@@ -261,6 +261,8 @@ return {
+ "immediateassignment",
+ "immediateassigned",
@@ -826,4 +828,4 @@ return {
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/node-acc.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/node-acc.lua
index 03f6d7476..8d9acaf9b 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/node-acc.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/node-acc.lua
@@ -28,8 +28,9 @@ local setsubtype = nuts.setsubtype
local getwidth = nuts.getwidth
local setwidth = nuts.setwidth
------ traverse_nodes = nuts.traverse
-local traverse_id = nuts.traverse_id
+local nextglyph = nuts.traversers.glyph
+local nextnode = nuts.traversers.node
----- copy_node = nuts.copy
local insert_after = nuts.insert_after
local copy_no_components = nuts.copy_no_components
@@ -77,12 +78,11 @@ local function injectspaces(head)
p = n
n = getnext(n)
- return head, true -- always done anyway
+ return head
nodes.handlers.accessibility = function(head)
- local head, done = injectspaces(tonut(head))
- return tonode(head), done
+ return injectspaces(head)
statistics.register("inserted spaces in output",function()
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ end)
-- local function compact(n)
-- local t = { }
--- for n in traverse_id(glyph_code,n) do
+-- for n in nextglyph, n do
-- t[#t+1] = utfchar(getchar(n)) -- check for unicode
-- end
-- return concat(t,"")
@@ -107,8 +107,7 @@ end)
-- local function injectspans(head)
-- local done = false
--- for n in traverse_nodes(tonuts(head)) do
--- local id = getid(n)
+-- for n, id in nextnode, tonuts(head) do
-- if id == disc then
-- local r = getfield(n,"replace")
-- local p = getfield(n,"pre")
@@ -138,8 +137,7 @@ end)
-- local function injectspans(head)
-- local done = false
--- for n in traverse_nodes(tonut(head)) do
--- local id = getid(n)
+-- for n, id in nextnode, tonut(head) do
-- if id == disc then
-- local a = getattr(n,a_hyphenated)
-- if a then
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/node-aux.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/node-aux.lua
index 5e85ead1c..cdd3403ac 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/node-aux.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/node-aux.lua
@@ -51,8 +51,10 @@ local setprev = nuts.setprev
local setcomponents = nuts.setcomponents
local setattrlist = nuts.setattrlist
-local traverse_nodes = nuts.traverse
-local traverse_id = nuts.traverse_id
+----- traverse_nodes = nuts.traverse
+----- traverse_id = nuts.traverse_id
+local nextnode = nuts.traversers.node
+local nextglyph = nuts.traversers.glyph
local flush_node = nuts.flush
local flush_list = nuts.flush_list
local hpack_nodes = nuts.hpack
@@ -154,7 +156,7 @@ function nodes.repackhlist(list,...)
local function set_attributes(head,attr,value)
- for n, id in traverse_nodes(head) do
+ for n, id in nextnode, head do
if id == hlist_node or id == vlist_node then
@@ -163,7 +165,7 @@ local function set_attributes(head,attr,value)
local function set_unset_attributes(head,attr,value)
- for n, id in traverse_nodes(head) do
+ for n, id in nextnode, head do
if not getattr(n,attr) then
@@ -174,7 +176,7 @@ local function set_unset_attributes(head,attr,value)
local function unset_attributes(head,attr)
- for n, id in traverse_nodes(head) do
+ for n, id in nextnode, head do
if id == hlist_code or id == vlist_code then
@@ -285,7 +287,7 @@ function nuts.firstcharacter(n,untagged) -- tagged == subtype > 255
if untagged then
return first_glyph(n)
- for g in traverse_id(glyph_code,n) do
+ for g in nextglyph ,n do
return g
@@ -294,7 +296,7 @@ end
local function firstcharinbox(n)
local l = getlist(getbox(n))
if l then
- for g in traverse_id(glyph_code,l) do
+ for g in nextglyph, l do
return getchar(g)
@@ -428,9 +430,9 @@ = function(list,currentfont,currentattr,head,tail)
local function locate(start,wantedid,wantedsubtype)
- for n, id in traverse_nodes(start) do
+ for n, id, subtype in nextnode, start do
if id == wantedid then
- if not wantedsubtype or getsubtype(n) == wantedsubtype then
+ if not wantedsubtype or subtype == wantedsubtype then
return n
elseif id == hlist_code or id == vlist_code then
@@ -553,7 +555,7 @@ function nuts.count_components(n,marks)
if components then
if marks then
local i = 0
- for g in traverse_id(glyph_code,components) do
+ for g in nextglyph, components do
if not marks[getchar(g)] then
i = i + 1
@@ -592,7 +594,7 @@ end
function nuts.copy_only_glyphs(current)
local head = nil
local previous = nil
- for n in traverse_id(glyph_code,current) do
+ for n in nextglyph, current do
n = copy_node(n)
if head then
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/node-bck.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/node-bck.lua
index 995620710..8174888ee 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/node-bck.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/node-bck.lua
@@ -27,9 +27,6 @@ local cell_code = listcodes.cell
local nuts = nodes.nuts
local nodepool = nuts.pool
-local tonode = nuts.tonode
-local tonut = nuts.tonut
local getnext = nuts.getnext
local getprev = nuts.getprev
local getid = nuts.getid
@@ -49,13 +46,15 @@ local setprop = nuts.setprop
local takebox = nuts.takebox
local findtail = nuts.tail
-local traverse = nuts.traverse
-local traverse_id = nuts.traverse_id
+local nextnode = nuts.traversers.node
+local nexthlist = nuts.traversers.hlist
+local nextlist = nuts.traversers.list
local flush_node_list = nuts.flush_list
local new_rule = nodepool.rule
local new_kern = nodepool.kern
+local new_hlist = nodepool.hlist
local privateattributes = attributes.private
local unsetvalue = attributes.unsetvalue
@@ -84,6 +83,8 @@ trackers.register("backgrounds.alignments",function(v) trace_alignment = v end)
-- For color only we can get away with it with an extra attribute flagging a row
-- but for more complex stuff we can better do as we do here now.
+local overshoot = math.floor(65781/5) -- could be an option per table (just also store it)
local function colored_a(current,list,template,id)
local width, height, depth = getwhd(current)
local total = height + depth
@@ -101,8 +102,8 @@ local function colored_a(current,list,template,id)
if not rule then
rule = new_rule(width,height,depth)
- local back = new_kern(-((id == vlist_code and total) or width))
+ local back = new_kern(-((id == vlist_code and total) or width))
return setlink(rule,back,list)
@@ -123,11 +124,16 @@ local function colored_b(current,list,template,id,indent)
if not rule then
- rule = new_rule(width-indent,height,depth)
+ rule = new_rule(width-indent,height+overshoot,depth+overshoot)
- local back = new_kern(-((id == vlist_code and total) or width))
- return setlink(fore,rule,back,list)
+ if overshoot == 0 then
+ local back = new_kern(-((id == vlist_code and total) or width))
+ return setlink(fore,rule,back,list)
+ else
+ rule = new_hlist(rule)
+ return setlink(fore,rule,list)
+ end
@@ -137,11 +143,11 @@ local enabled = false
local alignments = false
local function add_alignbackgrounds(head,list)
- for current in traverse_id(hlist_code,list) do
+ for current in nexthlist, list do
if getsubtype(current) == cell_code then
local list = getlist(current)
if list then
- for template in traverse_id(hlist_code,list) do
+ for template in nexthlist, list do
local background = getattr(template,a_alignbackground)
if background then
local list = colored_a(current,list,template)
@@ -166,11 +172,11 @@ end
local function add_backgrounds(head,id,list)
if list then
- for current, id in traverse(list) do
+ for current, id, subtype in nextnode, list do
if id == hlist_code or id == vlist_code then
local list = getlist(current)
if list then
- if alignments and getsubtype(current) == alignment_code then
+ if alignments and subtype == alignment_code then
local l = add_alignbackgrounds(current,list)
if l then
list = l
@@ -197,16 +203,75 @@ local function add_backgrounds(head,id,list)
+if LUATEXVERSION >= 1.090 then
+ -- local function add_alignbackgrounds(head,list)
+ add_alignbackgrounds = function(head,list)
+ for current, id, subtype, list in nextlist, list do
+ if list and id == hlist_code and subtype == cell_code then
+ for template in nexthlist, list do
+ local background = getattr(template,a_alignbackground)
+ if background then
+ local list = colored_a(current,list,template)
+ if list then
+ setlist(current,list)
+ end
+ setattr(template,a_alignbackground,unsetvalue) -- or property
+ end
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ local template = getprop(head,"alignmentchecked")
+ if template then
+ list = colored_b(head,list,template[1],hlist_code,template[2])
+ flush_node_list(template)
+ templates[currentrow] = false
+ return list
+ end
+ end
+ -- local function add_backgrounds(head,id,list)
+ add_backgrounds = function(head,id,list)
+ if list then
+ for current, id, subtype, list in nextlist, list do
+ if list then
+ if alignments and subtype == alignment_code then
+ local l = add_alignbackgrounds(current,list)
+ if l then
+ list = l
+ setlist(current,list)
+ end
+ end
+ local l = add_backgrounds(current,id,list)
+ if l then
+ list = l
+ setlist(current,l)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if id == hlist_code or id == vlist_code then
+ local background = getattr(head,a_background)
+ if background then
+ list = colored_a(head,list,head,id)
+ -- not needed
+ setattr(head,a_background,unsetvalue) -- or property
+ return list
+ end
+ end
+ end
function nodes.handlers.backgrounds(head)
- local h = tonut(head)
- add_backgrounds(h,getid(h),getlist(h))
- return head, true
+ add_backgrounds(head,getid(head),getlist(head))
+ return head
function nodes.handlers.backgroundspage(head,where)
if head and where == "alignment" then
- local head = tonut(head)
- for n in traverse_id(hlist_code,head) do
+ for n in nexthlist, head do
local p = getprop(n,"alignmentchecked")
if not p and getsubtype(n) == alignment_code then
currentrow = currentrow + 1
@@ -218,25 +283,27 @@ function nodes.handlers.backgroundspage(head,where)
- return head, true
+ return head
function nodes.handlers.backgroundsvbox(head,where)
if head and where == "vbox" then
- local head = tonut(head)
- for n in traverse_id(hlist_code,getlist(head)) do
- local p = getprop(n,"alignmentchecked")
- if not p and getsubtype(n) == alignment_code then
- currentrow = currentrow + 1
- local template = templates[currentrow]
- if trace_alignment then
- report_alignment("%03i %s %s",currentrow,"vbox",template and "+" or "-")
+ local list = getlist(head)
+ if list then
+ for n in nexthlist, list do
+ local p = getprop(n,"alignmentchecked")
+ if not p and getsubtype(n) == alignment_code then
+ currentrow = currentrow + 1
+ local template = templates[currentrow]
+ if trace_alignment then
+ report_alignment("%03i %s %s",currentrow,"vbox",template and "+" or "-")
+ end
+ setprop(n,"alignmentchecked",template)
- setprop(n,"alignmentchecked",template)
- return head, true
+ return head
-- interfaces.implement {
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/node-fin.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/node-fin.lua
index 975eb0bec..f7e2c7904 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/node-fin.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/node-fin.lua
@@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ local next, type, format = next, type, string.format
local attributes, nodes, node = attributes, nodes, node
local nuts = nodes.nuts
-local tonode = nuts.tonode
local tonut = nuts.tonut
local getnext = nuts.getnext
@@ -34,6 +33,8 @@ local copy_node = nuts.copy
local insert_node_before = nuts.insert_before
local insert_node_after = nuts.insert_after
+local nextnode = nuts.traversers.node
local nodecodes = nodes.nodecodes
local whatcodes = nodes.whatcodes
local rulecodes = nodes.rulecodes
@@ -44,6 +45,7 @@ local glue_code = nodecodes.glue
local rule_code = nodecodes.rule
local hlist_code = nodecodes.hlist
local vlist_code = nodecodes.vlist
+local localpar_code = nodecodes.localpar
local states = attributes.states
local numbers = attributes.numbers
@@ -82,37 +84,34 @@ local finalizer = plugin.finalizer
local flusher = plugin.flusher
if not processor then
return function(head)
- return head, false
+ return head
elseif initializer or finalizer or resolver then
return function(head)
- local done, used, ok, inheritance = false, nil, false, nil
+ local used, inheritance
if resolver then
inheritance = resolver()
if initializer then
- head, ok = processor(namespace,attribute,head,inheritance)
- if ok then
- if finalizer then
- head, ok, used = finalizer(namespace,attribute,head)
- if used and flusher then
- head = flusher(namespace,attribute,head,used)
- end
+ head = processor(namespace,attribute,head,inheritance)
+ if finalizer then
+ head, used = finalizer(namespace,attribute,head)
+ if used and flusher then
+ head = flusher(namespace,attribute,head,used)
- done = true
- return head, done
+ return head
return function(head)
- local head, done = processor(namespace,attribute,head)
+ head = processor(namespace,attribute,head)
- return head, done
+ return head
nodes.plugindata = nil
@@ -126,7 +125,7 @@ end
-- the injectors
local nsdata, nsnone, nslistwise, nsforced, nsselector, nstrigger
-local current, current_selector, done = 0, 0, false -- nb, stack has a local current !
+local current, current_selector = 0, 0 -- nb, stack has a local current !
local nsbegin, nsend, nsreset
function states.initialize(namespace,attribute,head)
@@ -138,7 +137,6 @@ function states.initialize(namespace,attribute,head)
nstrigger = triggering and namespace.triggering and a_trigger
current = 0
current_selector = 0
- done = false -- todo: done cleanup
nsstep = namespace.resolve_step
if nsstep then
nsreset = namespace.resolve_reset
@@ -151,7 +149,6 @@ end
function states.finalize(namespace,attribute,head) -- is this one ok?
if current > 0 and nsnone then
- head = tonut(head)
local id = getid(head)
if id == hlist_code or id == vlist_code then
local content = getlist(head)
@@ -164,20 +161,114 @@ function states.finalize(namespace,attribute,head) -- is this one ok?
head = insert_node_before(head,head,copy_node(nsnone))
- return tonode(head), true, true
+ return head, true
- return head, false, false
+ return head, false
-- we need to deal with literals too (reset as well as oval)
+-- local function process(attribute,head,inheritance,default) -- one attribute
+-- local stack = head
+-- local check = false
+-- local leader = nil
+-- while stack do
+-- local id = getid(stack)
+-- if id == glyph_code or id == disc_code then
+-- check = true -- disc no longer needed as we flatten replace
+-- elseif id == glue_code then
+-- leader = getleader(stack)
+-- if leader then
+-- check = true
+-- end
+-- elseif id == hlist_code or id == vlist_code then
+-- local content = getlist(stack)
+-- if content then
+-- -- begin nested --
+-- local list
+-- if nstrigger and getattr(stack,nstrigger) then
+-- local outer = getattr(stack,attribute)
+-- if outer ~= inheritance then
+-- list = process(attribute,content,inheritance,outer)
+-- else
+-- list = process(attribute,content,inheritance,default)
+-- end
+-- else
+-- list = process(attribute,content,inheritance,default)
+-- end
+-- if content ~= list then
+-- setlist(stack,list)
+-- end
+-- -- end nested --
+-- end
+-- elseif id == rule_code then
+-- check = getwidth(stack) ~= 0
+-- end
+-- -- much faster this way than using a check() and nested() function
+-- if check then
+-- local c = getattr(stack,attribute)
+-- if c then
+-- if default and c == inheritance then
+-- if current ~= default then
+-- head = insert_node_before(head,stack,copy_node(nsdata[default]))
+-- current = default
+-- end
+-- elseif current ~= c then
+-- head = insert_node_before(head,stack,copy_node(nsdata[c]))
+-- current = c
+-- end
+-- if leader then
+-- local savedcurrent = current
+-- local ci = getid(leader)
+-- if ci == hlist_code or ci == vlist_code then
+-- -- else we reset inside a box unneeded, okay, the downside is
+-- -- that we trigger color in each repeated box, so there is room
+-- -- for improvement here
+-- current = 0
+-- end
+-- -- begin nested --
+-- local list
+-- if nstrigger and getattr(stack,nstrigger) then
+-- local outer = getattr(stack,attribute)
+-- if outer ~= inheritance then
+-- list = process(attribute,leader,inheritance,outer)
+-- else
+-- list = process(attribute,leader,inheritance,default)
+-- end
+-- else
+-- list = process(attribute,leader,inheritance,default)
+-- end
+-- if leader ~= list then
+-- setleader(stack,list)
+-- end
+-- -- end nested --
+-- current = savedcurrent
+-- leader = false
+-- end
+-- elseif default and inheritance then
+-- if current ~= default then
+-- head = insert_node_before(head,stack,copy_node(nsdata[default]))
+-- current = default
+-- end
+-- elseif current > 0 then
+-- head = insert_node_before(head,stack,copy_node(nsnone))
+-- current = 0
+-- end
+-- check = false
+-- end
+-- stack = getnext(stack)
+-- end
+-- return head
+-- end
+-- states.process = function(namespace,attribute,head,default)
+-- return process(attribute,head,default)
+-- end
local function process(attribute,head,inheritance,default) -- one attribute
- local stack = head
- local done = false
local check = false
local leader = nil
- while stack do
- local id = getid(stack)
+ for stack, id in nextnode, head do
if id == glyph_code or id == disc_code then
check = true -- disc no longer needed as we flatten replace
elseif id == glue_code then
@@ -189,33 +280,19 @@ local function process(attribute,head,inheritance,default) -- one attribute
local content = getlist(stack)
if content then
-- begin nested --
+ local list
if nstrigger and getattr(stack,nstrigger) then
local outer = getattr(stack,attribute)
if outer ~= inheritance then
- local list, ok = process(attribute,content,inheritance,outer)
- if content ~= list then
- setlist(stack,list)
- end
- if ok then
- done = true
- end
+ list = process(attribute,content,inheritance,outer)
- local list, ok = process(attribute,content,inheritance,default)
- if content ~= list then
- setlist(stack,list)
- end
- if ok then
- done = true
- end
+ list = process(attribute,content,inheritance,default)
- local list, ok = process(attribute,content,inheritance,default)
- if content ~= list then
- setlist(stack,list)
- end
- if ok then
- done = true
- end
+ list = process(attribute,content,inheritance,default)
+ end
+ if content ~= list then
+ setlist(stack,list)
-- end nested --
@@ -230,12 +307,10 @@ local function process(attribute,head,inheritance,default) -- one attribute
if current ~= default then
head = insert_node_before(head,stack,copy_node(nsdata[default]))
current = default
- done = true
elseif current ~= c then
head = insert_node_before(head,stack,copy_node(nsdata[c]))
current = c
- done = true
if leader then
local savedcurrent = current
@@ -247,33 +322,19 @@ local function process(attribute,head,inheritance,default) -- one attribute
current = 0
-- begin nested --
+ local list
if nstrigger and getattr(stack,nstrigger) then
local outer = getattr(stack,attribute)
if outer ~= inheritance then
- local list, ok = process(attribute,leader,inheritance,outer)
- if leader ~= list then
- setleader(stack,list)
- end
- if ok then
- done = true
- end
+ list = process(attribute,leader,inheritance,outer)
- local list, ok = process(attribute,leader,inheritance,default)
- if leader ~= list then
- setleader(stack,list)
- end
- if ok then
- done = true
- end
+ list = process(attribute,leader,inheritance,default)
- local list, ok = process(attribute,leader,inheritance,default)
- if leader ~= list then
- setleader(stack,list)
- end
- if ok then
- done = true
- end
+ list = process(attribute,leader,inheritance,default)
+ end
+ if leader ~= list then
+ setleader(stack,list)
-- end nested --
current = savedcurrent
@@ -283,23 +344,19 @@ local function process(attribute,head,inheritance,default) -- one attribute
if current ~= default then
head = insert_node_before(head,stack,copy_node(nsdata[default]))
current = default
- done = true
elseif current > 0 then
head = insert_node_before(head,stack,copy_node(nsnone))
current = 0
- done = true
check = false
- stack = getnext(stack)
- return head, done
+ return head
states.process = function(namespace,attribute,head,default)
- local head, done = process(attribute,tonut(head),default)
- return tonode(head), done
+ return process(attribute,head,default)
-- we can force a selector, e.g. document wide color spaces, saves a little
@@ -308,14 +365,106 @@ end
-- state changes while the main state stays the same (like two glyphs following
-- each other with the same color but different color spaces e.g. \showcolor)
+-- local function selective(attribute,head,inheritance,default) -- two attributes
+-- local stack = head
+-- local check = false
+-- local leader = nil
+-- while stack do
+-- local id = getid(stack)
+-- if id == glyph_code or id == disc_code then
+-- check = true -- disc no longer needed as we flatten replace
+-- elseif id == glue_code then
+-- leader = getleader(stack)
+-- if leader then
+-- check = true
+-- end
+-- elseif id == hlist_code or id == vlist_code then
+-- local content = getlist(stack)
+-- if content then
+-- -- begin nested
+-- local list
+-- if nstrigger and getattr(stack,nstrigger) then
+-- local outer = getattr(stack,attribute)
+-- if outer ~= inheritance then
+-- list = selective(attribute,content,inheritance,outer)
+-- else
+-- list = selective(attribute,content,inheritance,default)
+-- end
+-- else
+-- list = selective(attribute,content,inheritance,default)
+-- end
+-- if content ~= list then
+-- setlist(stack,list)
+-- end
+-- -- end nested
+-- end
+-- elseif id == rule_code then
+-- check = getwidth(stack) ~= 0
+-- end
+-- if check then
+-- local c = getattr(stack,attribute)
+-- if c then
+-- if default and c == inheritance then
+-- if current ~= default then
+-- local data = nsdata[default]
+-- head = insert_node_before(head,stack,copy_node(data[nsforced or getattr(stack,nsselector) or nsselector]))
+-- current = default
+-- end
+-- else
+-- local s = getattr(stack,nsselector)
+-- -- local s = nsforced or getattr(stack,nsselector)
+-- if current ~= c or current_selector ~= s then
+-- local data = nsdata[c]
+-- head = insert_node_before(head,stack,copy_node(data[nsforced or s or nsselector]))
+-- current = c
+-- current_selector = s
+-- end
+-- end
+-- if leader then
+-- -- begin nested
+-- local list
+-- if nstrigger and getattr(stack,nstrigger) then
+-- local outer = getattr(stack,attribute)
+-- if outer ~= inheritance then
+-- list = selective(attribute,leader,inheritance,outer)
+-- else
+-- list = selective(attribute,leader,inheritance,default)
+-- end
+-- else
+-- list = selective(attribute,leader,inheritance,default)
+-- end
+-- if leader ~= list then
+-- setleader(stack,list)
+-- end
+-- -- end nested
+-- leader = false
+-- end
+-- elseif default and inheritance then
+-- if current ~= default then
+-- local data = nsdata[default]
+-- head = insert_node_before(head,stack,copy_node(data[nsforced or getattr(stack,nsselector) or nsselector]))
+-- current = default
+-- end
+-- elseif current > 0 then
+-- head = insert_node_before(head,stack,copy_node(nsnone))
+-- current, current_selector = 0, 0
+-- end
+-- check = false
+-- end
+-- stack = getnext(stack)
+-- end
+-- return head
+-- end
+-- states.selective = function(namespace,attribute,head,default)
+-- return selective(attribute,head,default)
+-- end
local function selective(attribute,head,inheritance,default) -- two attributes
- -- local head = head
- local stack = head
- local done = false
local check = false
local leader = nil
- while stack do
- local id = getid(stack)
+ for stack, id in nextnode, head do
if id == glyph_code or id == disc_code then
check = true -- disc no longer needed as we flatten replace
elseif id == glue_code then
@@ -327,33 +476,19 @@ local function selective(attribute,head,inheritance,default) -- two attributes
local content = getlist(stack)
if content then
-- begin nested
+ local list
if nstrigger and getattr(stack,nstrigger) then
local outer = getattr(stack,attribute)
if outer ~= inheritance then
- local list, ok = selective(attribute,content,inheritance,outer)
- if content ~= list then
- setlist(stack,list)
- end
- if ok then
- done = true
- end
+ list = selective(attribute,content,inheritance,outer)
- local list, ok = selective(attribute,content,inheritance,default)
- if content ~= list then
- setlist(stack,list)
- end
- if ok then
- done = true
- end
+ list = selective(attribute,content,inheritance,default)
- local list, ok = selective(attribute,content,inheritance,default)
- if content ~= list then
- setlist(stack,list)
- end
- if ok then
- done = true
- end
+ list = selective(attribute,content,inheritance,default)
+ end
+ if content ~= list then
+ setlist(stack,list)
-- end nested
@@ -369,9 +504,6 @@ local function selective(attribute,head,inheritance,default) -- two attributes
local data = nsdata[default]
head = insert_node_before(head,stack,copy_node(data[nsforced or getattr(stack,nsselector) or nsselector]))
current = default
- if ok then
- done = true
- end
local s = getattr(stack,nsselector)
@@ -379,43 +511,25 @@ local function selective(attribute,head,inheritance,default) -- two attributes
if current ~= c or current_selector ~= s then
local data = nsdata[c]
head = insert_node_before(head,stack,copy_node(data[nsforced or s or nsselector]))
- -- head = insert_node_before(head,stack,copy_node(data[s or nsselector]))
current = c
current_selector = s
- if ok then
- done = true
- end
if leader then
-- begin nested
+ local list
if nstrigger and getattr(stack,nstrigger) then
local outer = getattr(stack,attribute)
if outer ~= inheritance then
- local list, ok = selective(attribute,leader,inheritance,outer)
- if leader ~= list then
- setleader(stack,list)
- end
- if ok then
- done = true
- end
+ list = selective(attribute,leader,inheritance,outer)
- local list, ok = selective(attribute,leader,inheritance,default)
- if leader ~= list then
- setleader(stack,list)
- end
- if ok then
- done = true
- end
+ list = selective(attribute,leader,inheritance,default)
- local list, ok = selective(attribute,leader,inheritance,default)
- if leader ~= list then
- setleader(stack,list)
- end
- if ok then
- done = true
- end
+ list = selective(attribute,leader,inheritance,default)
+ end
+ if leader ~= list then
+ setleader(stack,list)
-- end nested
leader = false
@@ -425,22 +539,19 @@ local function selective(attribute,head,inheritance,default) -- two attributes
local data = nsdata[default]
head = insert_node_before(head,stack,copy_node(data[nsforced or getattr(stack,nsselector) or nsselector]))
current = default
- done = true
elseif current > 0 then
head = insert_node_before(head,stack,copy_node(nsnone))
- current, current_selector, done = 0, 0, true
+ current, current_selector = 0, 0
check = false
- stack = getnext(stack)
- return head, done
+ return head
states.selective = function(namespace,attribute,head,default)
- local head = selective(attribute,tonut(head),default)
- return tonode(head), true
+ return selective(attribute,head,default)
-- Ideally the next one should be merged with the previous but keeping it separate is
@@ -454,7 +565,6 @@ end
local function stacked(attribute,head,default) -- no triggering, no inheritance, but list-wise
local stack = head
- local done = false
local current = default or 0
local depth = 0
local check = false
@@ -472,36 +582,24 @@ local function stacked(attribute,head,default) -- no triggering, no inheritance,
local content = getlist(stack)
if content then
-- the problem is that broken lines gets the attribute which can be a later one
+ local list
if nslistwise then
local a = getattr(stack,attribute)
if a and current ~= a and nslistwise[a] then -- viewerlayer / needs checking, see below
local p = current
current = a
head = insert_node_before(head,stack,copy_node(nsdata[a]))
- local list = stacked(attribute,content,current) -- two return values
- if content ~= list then
- setlist(stack,list)
- end
+ list = stacked(attribute,content,current) -- two return values
head, stack = insert_node_after(head,stack,copy_node(nsnone))
current = p
- done = true
- local list, ok = stacked(attribute,content,current)
- if content ~= list then
- setlist(stack,list) -- only if ok
- end
- if ok then
- done = true
- end
+ list = stacked(attribute,content,current)
- local list, ok = stacked(attribute,content,current)
- if content ~= list then
- setlist(stack,list) -- only if ok
- end
- if ok then
- done = true
- end
+ list = stacked(attribute,content,current)
+ end
+ if content ~= list then
+ setlist(stack,list) -- only if ok
elseif id == rule_code then
@@ -515,16 +613,12 @@ local function stacked(attribute,head,default) -- no triggering, no inheritance,
head = insert_node_before(head,stack,copy_node(nsdata[a]))
depth = depth + 1
current = a
- done = true
if leader then
- local list, ok = stacked(attribute,content,current)
+ local list = stacked(attribute,content,current)
if leader ~= list then
setleader(stack,list) -- only if ok
- if ok then
- done = true
- end
leader = false
elseif default > 0 then
@@ -533,7 +627,6 @@ local function stacked(attribute,head,default) -- no triggering, no inheritance,
head = insert_node_before(head,stack,copy_node(nsnone))
depth = depth - 1
current = 0
- done = true
check = false
@@ -543,24 +636,22 @@ local function stacked(attribute,head,default) -- no triggering, no inheritance,
head = insert_node_after(head,stack,copy_node(nsnone))
depth = depth - 1
- return head, done
+ return head
states.stacked = function(namespace,attribute,head,default)
- local head, done = stacked(attribute,tonut(head),default)
- return tonode(head), done
+ return stacked(attribute,head,default)
-- experimental
local function stacker(attribute,head,default) -- no triggering, no inheritance, but list-wise
--- nsbegin()
+ -- nsbegin()
local stacked = false
local current = head
local previous = head
- local done = false
local attrib = default or unsetvalue
local check = false
local leader = false
@@ -576,35 +667,23 @@ local function stacker(attribute,head,default) -- no triggering, no inheritance,
elseif id == hlist_code or id == vlist_code then
local content = getlist(current)
- if not content then
- -- skip
- elseif nslistwise then
- local a = getattr(current,attribute)
- if a and attrib ~= a and nslistwise[a] then -- viewerlayer
- head = insert_node_before(head,current,copy_node(nsdata[a]))
- local list = stacker(attribute,content,a)
- if list ~= content then
- setlist(current,list)
+ if content then
+ local list
+ if nslistwise then
+ local a = getattr(current,attribute)
+ if a and attrib ~= a and nslistwise[a] then -- viewerlayer
+ head = insert_node_before(head,current,copy_node(nsdata[a]))
+ list = stacker(attribute,content,a)
+ head, current = insert_node_after(head,current,copy_node(nsnone))
+ else
+ list = stacker(attribute,content,attrib)
- done = true
- head, current = insert_node_after(head,current,copy_node(nsnone))
- local list, ok = stacker(attribute,content,attrib)
- if content ~= list then
- setlist(current,list)
- end
- if ok then
- done = true
- end
+ list = stacker(attribute,content,default)
- else
- local list, ok = stacker(attribute,content,default)
if list ~= content then
- if ok then
- done = true
- end
elseif id == rule_code then
check = getwidth(current) ~= 0
@@ -622,13 +701,9 @@ local function stacker(attribute,head,default) -- no triggering, no inheritance,
head = insert_node_before(head,current,tonut(n)) -- a
attrib = a
- done = true
if leader then
-- tricky as a leader has to be a list so we cannot inject before
- local list, ok = stacker(attribute,leader,attrib)
- if ok then
- done = true
- end
+ local list = stacker(attribute,leader,attrib)
leader = false
@@ -647,13 +722,13 @@ local function stacker(attribute,head,default) -- no triggering, no inheritance,
- return head, done
+ return head
states.stacker = function(namespace,attribute,head,default)
- local head, done = stacker(attribute,tonut(head),default)
+ local head = stacker(attribute,head,default)
- return tonode(head), done
+ return head
-- -- --
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/node-fnt.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/node-fnt.lua
index f846f996d..044be8ca8 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/node-fnt.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/node-fnt.lua
@@ -40,8 +40,6 @@ local nodecodes = nodes.nodecodes
local handlers = nodes.handlers
local nuts = nodes.nuts
-local tonut = nuts.tonut
-local tonode = nuts.tonode
local getattr = nuts.getattr
local getid = nuts.getid
@@ -62,9 +60,12 @@ local setprev = nuts.setprev
local isglyph = nuts.isglyph -- unchecked
local ischar = nuts.ischar -- checked
-local traverse_id = nuts.traverse_id
-local traverse_char = nuts.traverse_char
-local protect_glyph = nuts.protect_glyph
+----- traverse_id = nuts.traverse_id
+----- traverse_char = nuts.traverse_char
+local nextboundary = nuts.traversers.boundary
+local nextdisc = nuts.traversers.disc
+local nextchar = nuts.traversers.char
local flush_node = nuts.flush
local disc_code = nodecodes.disc
@@ -172,7 +173,7 @@ local function start_trace(head)
report_fonts("checking node list, run %s",run)
- local n = tonut(head)
+ local n = head
while n do
local char, id = isglyph(n)
if char then
@@ -212,10 +213,8 @@ function handlers.characters(head,groupcode,size,packtype,direction)
local basefont = nil
local prevfont = nil
local prevattr = 0
- local done = false
local variants = nil
local redundant = nil
- local nuthead = tonut(head)
local lastfont = nil
local lastproc = nil
local lastnone = nil
@@ -296,7 +295,7 @@ function handlers.characters(head,groupcode,size,packtype,direction)
- for n in traverse_char(nuthead) do
+ for n in nextchar, head do
local font = getfont(n)
-- local attr = (none and prevattr) or getattr(n,0) or 0 -- zero attribute is reserved for fonts in context
local attr = getattr(n,0) or 0 -- zero attribute is reserved for fonts in context
@@ -361,7 +360,7 @@ function handlers.characters(head,groupcode,size,packtype,direction)
-- but we need to get rid of those nodes in order to build ligatures
-- and kern (a rather context thing)
- for b in traverse_id(boundary_code,nuthead) do
+ for b in nextboundary, head do
if getsubtype(b) == word_boundary then
if redundant then
r = r + 1
@@ -379,8 +378,8 @@ function handlers.characters(head,groupcode,size,packtype,direction)
for i=1,r do
local r = redundant[i]
local p, n = getboth(r)
- if r == nuthead then
- nuthead = n
+ if r == head then
+ head = n
@@ -411,7 +410,7 @@ function handlers.characters(head,groupcode,size,packtype,direction)
-- basefont is not supported in disc only runs ... it would mean a lot of
-- ranges .. we could try to run basemode as a separate processor run but
-- not for now (we can consider it when the new node code is tested
- for d in traverse_id(disc_code,nuthead) do
+ for d in nextdisc, head do
-- we could use first_glyph, only doing replace is good enough because
-- pre and post are normally used for hyphens and these come from fonts
-- that part of the hyphenated word
@@ -420,7 +419,7 @@ function handlers.characters(head,groupcode,size,packtype,direction)
local prevfont = nil
local prevattr = nil
local none = false
- for n in traverse_char(r) do
+ for n in nextchar, r do
local font = getfont(n)
local attr = getattr(n,0) or 0 -- zero attribute is reserved for fonts in context
if font ~= prevfont or attr ~= prevattr then
@@ -466,26 +465,14 @@ function handlers.characters(head,groupcode,size,packtype,direction)
elseif u == 1 then
local attr = a > 0 and 0 or false -- 0 is the savest way
for i=1,#lastproc do
- local h, d = lastproc[i](head,lastfont,attr,direction)
- if d then
- if h then
- head = h
- end
- done = true
- end
+ head = lastproc[i](head,lastfont,attr,direction)
-- local attr = a == 0 and false or 0 -- 0 is the savest way
local attr = a > 0 and 0 or false -- 0 is the savest way
for font, processors in next, usedfonts do -- unordered
for i=1,#processors do
- local h, d = processors[i](head,font,attr,direction,u)
- if d then
- if h then
- head = h
- end
- done = true
- end
+ head = processors[i](head,font,attr,direction,u)
@@ -495,26 +482,14 @@ function handlers.characters(head,groupcode,size,packtype,direction)
local font, dynamics = next(attrfonts)
for attribute, processors in next, dynamics do -- unordered, attr can switch in between
for i=1,#processors do
- local h, d = processors[i](head,font,attribute,direction)
- if d then
- if h then
- head = h
- end
- done = true
- end
+ head = processors[i](head,font,attribute,direction)
for font, dynamics in next, attrfonts do
for attribute, processors in next, dynamics do -- unordered, attr can switch in between
for i=1,#processors do
- local h, d = processors[i](head,font,attribute,direction,a)
- if d then
- if h then
- head = h
- end
- done = true
- end
+ head = processors[i](head,font,attribute,direction,a)
@@ -527,7 +502,7 @@ function handlers.characters(head,groupcode,size,packtype,direction)
local start = range[1]
local stop = range[2]
if (start or stop) and (start ~= stop) then
- local front = nuthead == start
+ local front = head == start
if stop then
start = ligaturing(start,stop)
start = kerning(start,stop)
@@ -535,9 +510,8 @@ function handlers.characters(head,groupcode,size,packtype,direction)
start = ligaturing(start)
start = kerning(start)
- if front and nuthead ~= start then
- -- nuthead = start
- head = tonode(start)
+ if front and head ~= start then
+ head = start
@@ -547,7 +521,7 @@ function handlers.characters(head,groupcode,size,packtype,direction)
local start = range[1]
local stop = range[2]
if start then -- and start ~= stop but that seldom happens
- local front = nuthead == start
+ local front = head == start
local prev = getprev(start)
local next = getnext(stop)
if stop then
@@ -565,19 +539,369 @@ function handlers.characters(head,groupcode,size,packtype,direction)
-- till here
- if front and nuthead ~= start then
- nuthead = start
- head = tonode(start)
+ if front and head ~= start then
+ head = start
if trace_characters then
+ end
+ return head
+if LUATEXVERSION >= 1.090 then
+ function handlers.characters(head,groupcode,size,packtype,direction)
+ -- either next or not, but definitely no already processed list
+ starttiming(nodes)
+ local usedfonts = { }
+ local attrfonts = { }
+ local basefonts = { }
+ local basefont = nil
+ local prevfont = nil
+ local prevattr = 0
+ local variants = nil
+ local redundant = nil
+ local lastfont = nil
+ local lastproc = nil
+ local lastnone = nil
+ local a, u, b, r, e = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
+ if trace_fontrun then
+ start_trace(head)
+ end
+ -- There is no gain in checking for a single glyph and then having a fast path. On the
+ -- metafun manual (with some 2500 single char lists) the difference is just noise.
+ local function protectnone()
+ protect_glyphs(firstnone,lastnone)
+ firstnone = nil
+ end
+ local function setnone(n)
+ if firstnone then
+ protectnone()
+ end
+ if basefont then
+ basefont[2] = getprev(n)
+ basefont = false
+ end
+ if not firstnone then
+ firstnone = n
+ end
+ lastnone = n
+ end
+ local function setbase(n)
+ if firstnone then
+ protectnone()
+ end
+ if force_basepass then
+ if basefont then
+ basefont[2] = getprev(n)
+ end
+ b = b + 1
+ basefont = { n, false }
+ basefonts[b] = basefont
+ end
+ end
+ local function setnode(n,font,attr) -- we could use prevfont and prevattr when we set then first
+ if firstnone then
+ protectnone()
+ end
+ if basefont then
+ basefont[2] = getprev(n)
+ basefont = false
+ end
+ if attr > 0 then
+ local used = attrfonts[font]
+ if not used then
+ used = { }
+ attrfonts[font] = used
+ end
+ if not used[attr] then
+ local fd = setfontdynamics[font]
+ if fd then
+ used[attr] = fd[attr]
+ a = a + 1
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ local used = usedfonts[font]
+ if not used then
+ lastfont = font
+ lastproc = fontprocesses[font]
+ if lastproc then
+ usedfonts[font] = lastproc
+ u = u + 1
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ for n, char, font in nextchar, head do
+ -- local attr = (none and prevattr) or getattr(n,0) or 0 -- zero attribute is reserved for fonts in context
+ local attr = getattr(n,0) or 0 -- zero attribute is reserved for fonts in context
+ if font ~= prevfont or attr ~= prevattr then
+ prevfont = font
+ prevattr = attr
+ variants = fontvariants[font]
+ local fontmode = fontmodes[font]
+ if fontmode == "none" then
+ setnone(n)
+ elseif fontmode == "base" then
+ setbase(n)
+ else
+ setnode(n,font,attr)
+ end
+ elseif firstnone then
+ lastnone = n
+ end
+ if variants then
+ if char >= 0xFE00 and (char <= 0xFE0F or (char >= 0xE0100 and char <= 0xE01EF)) then
+ local hash = variants[char]
+ if hash then
+ local p = getprev(n)
+ if p then
+ local char = ischar(p) -- checked
+ local variant = hash[char]
+ if variant then
+ if trace_variants then
+ report_fonts("replacing %C by %C",char,variant)
+ end
+ setchar(p,variant)
+ if redundant then
+ r = r + 1
+ redundant[r] = n
+ else
+ r = 1
+ redundant = { n }
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ elseif keep_redundant then
+ -- go on, can be used for tracing
+ elseif redundant then
+ r = r + 1
+ redundant[r] = n
+ else
+ r = 1
+ redundant = { n }
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if firstnone then
+ protectnone()
+ end
+ if force_boundaryrun then
+ -- we can inject wordboundaries and then let the hyphenator do its work
+ -- but we need to get rid of those nodes in order to build ligatures
+ -- and kern (a rather context thing)
+ for b, subtype in nextboundary, head do
+ if subtype == word_boundary then
+ if redundant then
+ r = r + 1
+ redundant[r] = b
+ else
+ r = 1
+ redundant = { b }
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if redundant then
+ for i=1,r do
+ local r = redundant[i]
+ local p, n = getboth(r)
+ if r == head then
+ head = n
+ setprev(n)
+ else
+ setlink(p,n)
+ end
+ if b > 0 then
+ for i=1,b do
+ local bi = basefonts[i]
+ local b1 = bi[1]
+ local b2 = bi[2]
+ if b1 == b2 then
+ if b1 == r then
+ bi[1] = false
+ bi[2] = false
+ end
+ elseif b1 == r then
+ bi[1] = n
+ elseif b2 == r then
+ bi[2] = p
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ flush_node(r)
+ end
+ end
+ if force_discrun then
+ -- basefont is not supported in disc only runs ... it would mean a lot of
+ -- ranges .. we could try to run basemode as a separate processor run but
+ -- not for now (we can consider it when the new node code is tested
+ for d in nextdisc, head do
+ -- we could use first_glyph, only doing replace is good enough because
+ -- pre and post are normally used for hyphens and these come from fonts
+ -- that part of the hyphenated word
+ local _, _, r = getdisc(d)
+ if r then
+ local prevfont = nil
+ local prevattr = nil
+ local none = false
+ for n, char, font in nextchar, r do
+ local attr = getattr(n,0) or 0 -- zero attribute is reserved for fonts in context
+ if font ~= prevfont or attr ~= prevattr then
+ prevfont = font
+ prevattr = attr
+ local fontmode = fontmodes[font]
+ if fontmode == "none" then
+ setnone(n)
+ elseif fontmode == "base" then
+ setbase(n)
+ else
+ setnode(n,font,attr)
+ end
+ elseif firstnone then
+ -- lastnone = n
+ lastnone = nil
+ end
+ -- we assume one font for now (and if there are more and we get into issues then
+ -- we can always remove the break)
+ break
+ end
+ if firstnone then
+ protectnone()
+ end
+ -- elseif expanders then
+ -- local subtype = getsubtype(d)
+ -- if subtype == automatic_code or subtype == explicit_code then
+ -- expanders[subtype](d)
+ -- e = e + 1
+ -- end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if trace_fontrun then
+ stop_trace(u,usedfonts,a,attrfonts,b,basefonts,r,redundant,e,expanders)
+ end
+ -- in context we always have at least 2 processors
+ if u == 0 then
+ -- skip
+ elseif u == 1 then
+ local attr = a > 0 and 0 or false -- 0 is the savest way
+ for i=1,#lastproc do
+ head = lastproc[i](head,lastfont,attr,direction)
+ end
+ else
+ -- local attr = a == 0 and false or 0 -- 0 is the savest way
+ local attr = a > 0 and 0 or false -- 0 is the savest way
+ for font, processors in next, usedfonts do -- unordered
+ for i=1,#processors do
+ head = processors[i](head,font,attr,direction,u)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if a == 0 then
+ -- skip
+ elseif a == 1 then
+ local font, dynamics = next(attrfonts)
+ for attribute, processors in next, dynamics do -- unordered, attr can switch in between
+ for i=1,#processors do
+ head = processors[i](head,font,attribute,direction)
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ for font, dynamics in next, attrfonts do
+ for attribute, processors in next, dynamics do -- unordered, attr can switch in between
+ for i=1,#processors do
+ head = processors[i](head,font,attribute,direction,a)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if b == 0 then
+ -- skip
+ elseif b == 1 then
+ -- only one font
+ local range = basefonts[1]
+ local start = range[1]
+ local stop = range[2]
+ if (start or stop) and (start ~= stop) then
+ local front = head == start
+ if stop then
+ start = ligaturing(start,stop)
+ start = kerning(start,stop)
+ elseif start then -- safeguard
+ start = ligaturing(start)
+ start = kerning(start)
+ end
+ if front and head ~= start then
+ head = start
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ -- multiple fonts
+ for i=1,b do
+ local range = basefonts[i]
+ local start = range[1]
+ local stop = range[2]
+ if start then -- and start ~= stop but that seldom happens
+ local front = head == start
+ local prev = getprev(start)
+ local next = getnext(stop)
+ if stop then
+ start, stop = ligaturing(start,stop)
+ start, stop = kerning(start,stop)
+ else
+ start = ligaturing(start)
+ start = kerning(start)
+ end
+ -- is done automatically
+ if prev then
+ setlink(prev,start)
+ end
+ if next then
+ setlink(stop,next)
+ end
+ -- till here
+ if front and head ~= start then
+ head = start
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ stoptiming(nodes)
+ if trace_characters then
+ end
+ return head
- return head, true
-handlers.protectglyphs = function(n) protect_glyphs (tonut(n)) return n, true end
-handlers.unprotectglyphs = function(n) unprotect_glyphs(tonut(n)) return n, true end
+handlers.protectglyphs = protect_glyphs
+handlers.unprotectglyphs = unprotect_glyphs
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/node-ltp.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/node-ltp.lua
index 865f69c2c..c51298b4e 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/node-ltp.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/node-ltp.lua
@@ -191,7 +191,6 @@ local parameters = fonthashes.parameters
local nuts = nodes.nuts
local tonut = nuts.tonut
-local tonode = nuts.tonode
local getfield = nuts.getfield
local getid = nuts.getid
@@ -2148,8 +2147,6 @@ local dcolor = { [0] = "red", "green", "blue", "magenta", "cyan", "gray" }
local temp_head = new_temp()
function constructors.methods.basic(head,d)
- head = tonut(head)
if trace_basic then
report_parbuilders("starting at %a",head)
@@ -2455,7 +2452,7 @@ function constructors.methods.basic(head,d)
par.best_line = par.best_bet.line_number
local asked_looseness = par.looseness
if asked_looseness == 0 then
- return tonode(wrap_up(par))
+ return wrap_up(par)
local r = n_active
local actual_looseness = 0
@@ -2478,7 +2475,7 @@ function constructors.methods.basic(head,d)
until r == p_active
par.best_line = par.best_bet.line_number
if actual_looseness == asked_looseness or par.final_pass then
- return tonode(wrap_up(par))
+ return wrap_up(par)
@@ -2498,7 +2495,7 @@ function constructors.methods.basic(head,d)
par.final_pass = true
- return tonode(wrap_up(par))
+ return wrap_up(par)
-- standard tex logging .. will be adapted ..
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/node-met.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/node-met.lua
index 4141c8b66..3ec03458d 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/node-met.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/node-met.lua
@@ -88,65 +88,69 @@ end
nodes = nodes or { }
local nodes = nodes
-local nodecodes = nodes.nodecodes
-nodes.tostring = node.tostring or tostring
-nodes.copy = node.copy
-nodes.copy_node = node.copy
-nodes.copy_list = node.copy_list
-nodes.delete = node.delete
-nodes.dimensions = node.dimensions
-nodes.rangedimensions = node.rangedimensions
-nodes.end_of_math = node.end_of_math
-nodes.flush = node.flush_node
-nodes.flush_node = node.flush_node
-nodes.flush_list = node.flush_list =
-nodes.insert_after = node.insert_after
-nodes.insert_before = node.insert_before
-nodes.hpack = node.hpack =
-nodes.tail = node.tail
-nodes.traverse = node.traverse
-nodes.traverse_id = node.traverse_id
-nodes.traverse_char = node.traverse_char
-nodes.slide = node.slide
-nodes.vpack = node.vpack
-nodes.fields = node.fields
-nodes.is_node = node.is_node
-nodes.setglue = node.setglue
-nodes.first_glyph = node.first_glyph
-nodes.has_glyph = node.has_glyph or node.first_glyph
-nodes.current_attr = node.current_attr
-nodes.has_field = node.has_field
-nodes.last_node = node.last_node
-nodes.usedlist = node.usedlist
-nodes.protrusion_skippable = node.protrusion_skippable
-nodes.check_discretionaries = node.check_discretionaries
-nodes.write = node.write
-nodes.count = node.count
-nodes.length = node.length
-nodes.has_attribute = node.has_attribute
-nodes.set_attribute = node.set_attribute
-nodes.find_attribute = node.find_attribute
-nodes.unset_attribute = node.unset_attribute
-nodes.protect_glyph = node.protect_glyph
-nodes.protect_glyphs = node.protect_glyphs
-nodes.unprotect_glyph = node.unprotect_glyph
-nodes.unprotect_glyphs = node.unprotect_glyphs
-nodes.kerning = node.kerning
-nodes.ligaturing = node.ligaturing
-nodes.mlist_to_hlist = node.mlist_to_hlist
-nodes.effective_glue = node.effective_glue
-nodes.getglue = node.getglue
-nodes.setglue = node.setglue
-nodes.is_zero_glue = node.is_zero_glue
+local nodecodes = nodes.nodecodes
+nodes.tostring = node.tostring or tostring
+nodes.copy = node.copy
+nodes.copy_node = node.copy
+nodes.copy_list = node.copy_list
+nodes.delete = node.delete
+nodes.dimensions = node.dimensions
+nodes.rangedimensions = node.rangedimensions
+nodes.end_of_math = node.end_of_math
+nodes.flush = node.flush_node
+nodes.flush_node = node.flush_node
+nodes.flush_list = node.flush_list =
+nodes.insert_after = node.insert_after
+nodes.insert_before = node.insert_before
+nodes.hpack = node.hpack =
+nodes.tail = node.tail
+nodes.traverse = node.traverse
+nodes.traverse_id = node.traverse_id
+nodes.traverse_char = node.traverse_char
+nodes.traverse_glyph = node.traverse_glyph
+nodes.traverse_list = node.traverse_list
+nodes.slide = node.slide
+nodes.vpack = node.vpack
+nodes.fields = node.fields
+nodes.is_node = node.is_node
+nodes.setglue = node.setglue
+nodes.uses_font = node.uses_font
+nodes.first_glyph = node.first_glyph
+nodes.has_glyph = node.has_glyph or node.first_glyph
+nodes.current_attr = node.current_attr
+nodes.has_field = node.has_field
+nodes.last_node = node.last_node
+nodes.usedlist = node.usedlist
+nodes.protrusion_skippable = node.protrusion_skippable
+nodes.check_discretionaries = node.check_discretionaries
+nodes.write = node.write
+nodes.flatten_discretionaries = node.flatten_discretionaries
+nodes.count = node.count
+nodes.length = node.length
+nodes.has_attribute = node.has_attribute
+nodes.set_attribute = node.set_attribute
+nodes.find_attribute = node.find_attribute
+nodes.unset_attribute = node.unset_attribute
+nodes.protect_glyph = node.protect_glyph
+nodes.protect_glyphs = node.protect_glyphs
+nodes.unprotect_glyph = node.unprotect_glyph
+nodes.unprotect_glyphs = node.unprotect_glyphs
+nodes.kerning = node.kerning
+nodes.ligaturing = node.ligaturing
+nodes.mlist_to_hlist = node.mlist_to_hlist
+nodes.effective_glue = node.effective_glue
+nodes.getglue = node.getglue
+nodes.setglue = node.setglue
+nodes.is_zero_glue = node.is_zero_glue
nodes.tonode = function(n) return n end
nodes.tonut = function(n) return n end
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/node-mig.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/node-mig.lua
index b3820a7d8..32b09a186 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/node-mig.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/node-mig.lua
@@ -89,12 +89,11 @@ local function locate(head,first,last,ni,nm)
function nodes.handlers.migrate(head,where)
- local done = false
if head then
if trace_migrations then
report_nodes("migration sweep %a",where)
- local current = tonut(head)
+ local current = head
while current do
local id = getid(current)
-- inserts_too is a temp hack, we should only do them when it concerns
@@ -124,13 +123,12 @@ function nodes.handlers.migrate(head,where)
- done = true
current = last
current = getnext(next)
- return head, done
+ return head
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/node-nut.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/node-nut.lua
index 282a37e2e..b970a46af 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/node-nut.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/node-nut.lua
@@ -96,6 +96,7 @@ local fastcopy = table.fastcopy
local nodecodes = nodes.nodecodes
local hlist_code = nodecodes.hlist
local vlist_code = nodecodes.vlist
+local glyph_code = nodecodes.glyph
local nuts = nodes.nuts or { }
nodes.nuts = nuts
@@ -174,17 +175,25 @@ if not direct.getdirection then
+if not or not then
- local getnext = direct.getnext
- local getid = direct.getid
+"system","using fake node list traversers")
+ local getnext =
+ local getid =
+ local getsubtype =
+ local getchar =
+ local getfont =
+ local getlist =
local function iterate(h,n)
if n then
- local n = getnext(n)
- return n, getid(n)
- elseif h then
- return h, getid(h), getnext(h)
+ n = getnext(n)
+ else
+ n = h
+ end
+ if n then
+ return n, getid(n), getsubtype(n)
@@ -192,68 +201,147 @@ if LUATEXFUNCTIONALITY < 6695 then
return iterate, h
+ function,h)
+ local function iterate(h,n)
+ if n then
+ n = getnext(n)
+ else
+ n = h
+ end
+ while n do
+ if getid(n) == id then
+ return n, getsubtype(n)
+ else
+ n = getnext(n)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return iterate, h
+ end
+ local function iterate(h,n)
+ if n then
+ n = getnext(n)
+ else
+ n = h
+ end
+ while n do
+ if getid(n) == glyph_code then
+ return n, getfont(n), getchar(n)
+ else
+ n = getnext(n)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ function
+ return iterate, h
+ end
+ local function iterate(h,n)
+ if n then
+ n = getnext(n)
+ else
+ n = h
+ end
+ while n do
+ if getid(n) == glyph_code and subtype(n) < 256 then
+ return n, getfont(n), getchar(n)
+ else
+ n = getnext(n)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ function
+ return iterate, h
+ end
+ local function iterate(h,n)
+ if n then
+ n = getnext(n)
+ else
+ n = h
+ end
+ while n do
+ local id = getid(n)
+ if id == hlist_code or id == vlist_code then
+ return n, id, getsubtype(n), getlist(n)
+ else
+ n = getnext(n)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ function
+ return iterate, h
+ end
-local nuts = nodes.nuts
-nuts.tostring = direct.tostring
-nuts.copy = direct.copy
-nuts.copy_node = direct.copy
-nuts.copy_list = direct.copy_list
-nuts.delete = direct.delete
-nuts.dimensions = direct.dimensions
-nuts.rangedimensions = direct.rangedimensions
-nuts.end_of_math = direct.end_of_math
-nuts.flush = direct.flush_node
-nuts.flush_node = direct.flush_node
-nuts.flush_list = direct.flush_list =
-nuts.insert_after = direct.insert_after
-nuts.insert_before = direct.insert_before
-nuts.hpack = direct.hpack =
-nuts.tail = direct.tail
-nuts.traverse = direct.traverse
-nuts.traverse_id = direct.traverse_id
-nuts.traverse_char = direct.traverse_char
-nuts.slide = direct.slide
-nuts.writable_spec = direct.writable_spec
-nuts.vpack = direct.vpack
-nuts.is_node = direct.is_node
-nuts.is_direct = direct.is_direct
-nuts.is_nut = direct.is_direct
-nuts.first_glyph = direct.first_glyph
-nuts.has_glyph = direct.has_glyph or direct.first_glyph
-nuts.count = direct.count
-nuts.length = direct.length
-nuts.find_attribute = direct.find_attribute
-nuts.unset_attribute = direct.unset_attribute
-nuts.current_attr = direct.current_attr
-nuts.has_field = direct.has_field
-nuts.last_node = direct.last_node
-nuts.usedlist = direct.usedlist
-nuts.protrusion_skippable = direct.protrusion_skippable
-nuts.check_discretionaries = direct.check_discretionaries
-nuts.write = direct.write
-nuts.has_attribute = direct.has_attribute
-nuts.set_attribute = direct.set_attribute
-nuts.unset_attribute = direct.unset_attribute
-nuts.protect_glyph = direct.protect_glyph
-nuts.protect_glyphs = direct.protect_glyphs
-nuts.unprotect_glyph = direct.unprotect_glyph
-nuts.unprotect_glyphs = direct.unprotect_glyphs
-nuts.ligaturing = direct.ligaturing
-nuts.kerning = direct.kerning
+local nuts = nodes.nuts
+nuts.check_discretionaries = direct.check_discretionaries
+nuts.copy = direct.copy
+nuts.copy_list = direct.copy_list
+nuts.copy_node = direct.copy
+nuts.count = direct.count
+nuts.current_attr = direct.current_attr
+nuts.delete = direct.delete
+nuts.dimensions = direct.dimensions
+nuts.end_of_math = direct.end_of_math
+nuts.find_attribute = direct.find_attribute
+nuts.first_glyph = direct.first_glyph
+nuts.flatten_discretionaries = direct.flatten_discretionaries
+nuts.flush = direct.flush_node
+nuts.flush_list = direct.flush_list
+nuts.flush_node = direct.flush_node =
+nuts.get_synctex_fields = direct.get_synctex_fields
+nuts.has_attribute = direct.has_attribute
+nuts.has_field = direct.has_field
+nuts.has_glyph = direct.has_glyph or direct.first_glyph
+nuts.hpack = direct.hpack
+nuts.insert_after = direct.insert_after
+nuts.insert_before = direct.insert_before
+nuts.is_direct = direct.is_direct
+nuts.is_node = direct.is_node
+nuts.is_nut = direct.is_direct
+nuts.kerning = direct.kerning
+nuts.last_node = direct.last_node
+nuts.length = direct.length
+nuts.ligaturing = direct.ligaturing =
+nuts.protect_glyph = direct.protect_glyph
+nuts.protect_glyphs = direct.protect_glyphs
+nuts.protrusion_skippable = direct.protrusion_skippable
+nuts.rangedimensions = direct.rangedimensions
+nuts.set_attribute = direct.set_attribute
+nuts.set_synctex_fields = direct.set_synctex_fields
+nuts.slide = direct.slide
+nuts.tail = direct.tail
+nuts.tostring = direct.tostring
+nuts.traverse = direct.traverse
+nuts.traverse_char = direct.traverse_char
+nuts.traverse_glyph = direct.traverse_glyph
+nuts.traverse_id = direct.traverse_id
+nuts.traverse_list = direct.traverse_list
+nuts.unprotect_glyph = direct.unprotect_glyph
+nuts.unprotect_glyphs = direct.unprotect_glyphs
+nuts.unset_attribute = direct.unset_attribute
+nuts.unset_attribute = direct.unset_attribute
+nuts.usedlist = direct.usedlist
+nuts.uses_font = direct.uses_font
+nuts.vpack = direct.vpack
+nuts.writable_spec = direct.writable_spec
+nuts.write = direct.write
if not direct.mlist_to_hlist then -- needed
local n_mlist_to_hlist = node.mlist_to_hlist
function nuts.mlist_to_hlist(head)
- return tonode(n_mlist_to_hlist(tonut(head)))
+ return n_mlist_to_hlist(tonut(head))
@@ -825,115 +913,3 @@ function nuts.copy_properties(source,target,what)
return newprops -- for checking
--- here:
-nuts.get_synctex_fields = direct.get_synctex_fields
-nuts.set_synctex_fields = direct.set_synctex_fields
--- for now
-nodes.uses_font = nodes.uses_font
-nuts.uses_font = direct.uses_font
-if not nuts.uses_font then
- local glyph_code = nodecodes.glyph
- local getdisc = nuts.getdisc
- local getfont = nuts.getfont
- local traverse_id = nuts.traverse_id
- local tonut = nodes.tonut
- function nuts.uses_font(n,font)
- local pre, post, replace = getdisc(n)
- if pre then
- -- traverse_char
- for n in traverse_id(glyph_code,pre) do
- if getfont(n) == font then
- return true
- end
- end
- end
- if post then
- for n in traverse_id(glyph_code,post) do
- if getfont(n) == font then
- return true
- end
- end
- end
- if replace then
- for n in traverse_id(glyph_code,replace) do
- if getfont(n) == font then
- return true
- end
- end
- end
- return false
- end
- function nodes.uses_font(n,font)
- return nuts.uses_font(tonut(n),font)
- end
--- for the moment (pre 6380)
-if not nuts.unprotect_glyph then
- local protect_glyph = nuts.protect_glyph
- local protect_glyphs = nuts.protect_glyphs
- local unprotect_glyph = nuts.unprotect_glyph
- local unprotect_glyphs = nuts.unprotect_glyphs
- local getnext = nuts.getnext
- local setnext = nuts.setnext
- function nuts.protectglyphs(first,last)
- if first == last then
- return protect_glyph(first)
- elseif last then
- local nxt = getnext(last)
- setnext(last)
- local f, b = protect_glyphs(first)
- setnext(last,nxt)
- return f, b
- else
- return protect_glyphs(first)
- end
- end
- function nuts.unprotectglyphs(first,last)
- if first == last then
- return unprotect_glyph(first)
- elseif last then
- local nxt = getnext(last)
- setnext(last)
- local f, b = unprotect_glyphs(first)
- setnext(last,nxt)
- return f, b
- else
- return unprotect_glyphs(first)
- end
- end
- local getfield = nuts.getfield
- local setfield = nuts.setfield
- function nuts.getboxglue(n,glue_set,glue_order,glue_sign)
- return
- getfield(n,"glue_set"),
- getfield(n,"glue_order"),
- getfield(n,"glue_sign")
- end
- function nuts.setboxglue(n,glue_set,glue_order,glue_sign)
- setfield(n,"glue_set", glue_set or 0)
- setfield(n,"glue_order",glue_order or 0)
- setfield(n,"glue_sign", glue_sign or 0)
- end
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/node-ppt.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/node-ppt.lua
index 5ebfca87d..0124f885b 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/node-ppt.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/node-ppt.lua
@@ -30,8 +30,9 @@ local getfield = nuts.getfield
local getlist = nuts.getlist
local setlist = nuts.setlist
local removenode = nuts.remove
-local traverse = nuts.traverse
-local traverse_id = nuts.traverse_id
+local nextnode = nuts.traversers.node
+local nextwhatsit = nuts.traversers.whatsit
local nodecodes = nodes.nodecodes
local whatsitcodes = nodes.whatsitcodes
@@ -193,7 +194,7 @@ end
-- maybe actions will get parent too
local function delayed(head,parent) -- direct based
- for target in traverse(head) do
+ for target, id in nextnode, head do
local p = propertydata[target]
if p then
-- local deferred = p.deferred -- kind of late lua (but too soon as we have no access to pdf.h/v)
@@ -244,7 +245,6 @@ local function delayed(head,parent) -- direct based
-- end
- local id = getid(target)
if id == hlist_code or id == vlist_code then
local list = getlist(target)
if list then
@@ -268,14 +268,13 @@ function properties.delayed(head) --
if nofdelayed > 0 then
-- if next(propertydata) then
- head = delayed(tonut(head))
+ head = delayed(head)
- return tonode(head), true -- done in shipout anyway
-- else
-- delayed = 0
- -- end
+ -- end
- return head, false
+ return head
-- more explicit ones too
@@ -317,102 +316,203 @@ table.setmetatableindex(anchored,function(t,k)
return v
-function properties.attach(head)
+-- function properties.attach(head)
+-- if nofslots <= 0 then
+-- return head
+-- end
+-- local last = nil
+-- starttiming(properties)
+-- for source in nextwhatsit, head do
+-- if getsubtype(source) == userdefined_code then
+-- if last then
+-- removenode(head,last,true)
+-- last = nil
+-- end
+-- if getfield(source,"user_id") == property_id then
+-- local slot = getfield(source,"value")
+-- local data = cache[slot]
+-- if data then
+-- cache[slot] = nil
+-- local where = data[1]
+-- local target = anchored[where](source)
+-- if target then
+-- local first = data[2]
+-- local method = type(first)
+-- local p_target = propertydata[target]
+-- local p_source = propertydata[source]
+-- if p_target then
+-- if p_source then
+-- for k, v in next, p_source do
+-- p_target[k] = v
+-- end
+-- end
+-- if method == "table" then
+-- for k, v in next, first do
+-- p_target[k] = v
+-- end
+-- elseif method == "function" then
+-- first(target,head,where,p_target,unpack(data,3))
+-- elseif method == "string" then
+-- actions[first](target,head,where,p_target,unpack(data,3))
+-- end
+-- elseif p_source then
+-- if method == "table" then
+-- propertydata[target] = p_source
+-- for k, v in next, first do
+-- p_source[k] = v
+-- end
+-- elseif method == "function" then
+-- propertydata[target] = p_source
+-- first(target,head,where,p_source,unpack(data,3))
+-- elseif method == "string" then
+-- propertydata[target] = p_source
+-- actions[first](target,head,where,p_source,unpack(data,3))
+-- end
+-- else
+-- if method == "table" then
+-- propertydata[target] = first
+-- elseif method == "function" then
+-- local t = { }
+-- propertydata[target] = t
+-- first(target,head,where,t,unpack(data,3))
+-- elseif method == "string" then
+-- local t = { }
+-- propertydata[target] = t
+-- actions[first](target,head,where,t,unpack(data,3))
+-- end
+-- end
+-- if trace_setting then
+-- report_setting("node %i, id %s, data %s",
+-- target,nodecodes[getid(target)],serialize(propertydata[target],false))
+-- end
+-- end
+-- if nofslots == 1 then
+-- nofslots = 0
+-- last = source
+-- break
+-- else
+-- nofslots = nofslots - 1
+-- end
+-- end
+-- last = source
+-- end
+-- end
+-- end
+-- if last then
+-- removenode(head,last,true)
+-- end
+-- stoptiming(properties)
+-- return head
+-- end
- if nofslots <= 0 then
- return head, false
- end
+if LUATEXVERSION >= 1.090 then
+ function properties.attach(head)
- local done = false
- local last = nil
- local head = tonut(head)
+ if nofslots <= 0 then
+ return head
+ end
- starttiming(properties)
+ local last = nil
- for source in traverse_id(whatsit_code,head) do
- if getsubtype(source) == userdefined_code then
- if last then
- removenode(head,last,true)
- last = nil
- end
- if getfield(source,"user_id") == property_id then
- local slot = getfield(source,"value")
- local data = cache[slot]
- if data then
- cache[slot] = nil
- local where = data[1]
- local target = anchored[where](source)
- if target then
- local first = data[2]
- local method = type(first)
- local p_target = propertydata[target]
- local p_source = propertydata[source]
- if p_target then
- if p_source then
- for k, v in next, p_source do
- p_target[k] = v
+ starttiming(properties)
+ for source, subtype in nextwhatsit, head do
+ if subtype == userdefined_code then
+ if last then
+ removenode(head,last,true)
+ last = nil
+ end
+ if getfield(source,"user_id") == property_id then
+ local slot = getfield(source,"value")
+ local data = cache[slot]
+ if data then
+ cache[slot] = nil
+ local where = data[1]
+ local target = anchored[where](source)
+ if target then
+ local first = data[2]
+ local method = type(first)
+ local p_target = propertydata[target]
+ local p_source = propertydata[source]
+ if p_target then
+ if p_source then
+ for k, v in next, p_source do
+ p_target[k] = v
+ end
- end
- if method == "table" then
- for k, v in next, first do
- p_target[k] = v
+ if method == "table" then
+ for k, v in next, first do
+ p_target[k] = v
+ end
+ elseif method == "function" then
+ first(target,head,where,p_target,unpack(data,3))
+ elseif method == "string" then
+ actions[first](target,head,where,p_target,unpack(data,3))
- elseif method == "function" then
- first(target,head,where,p_target,unpack(data,3))
- elseif method == "string" then
- actions[first](target,head,where,p_target,unpack(data,3))
- end
- elseif p_source then
- if method == "table" then
- propertydata[target] = p_source
- for k, v in next, first do
- p_source[k] = v
+ elseif p_source then
+ if method == "table" then
+ propertydata[target] = p_source
+ for k, v in next, first do
+ p_source[k] = v
+ end
+ elseif method == "function" then
+ propertydata[target] = p_source
+ first(target,head,where,p_source,unpack(data,3))
+ elseif method == "string" then
+ propertydata[target] = p_source
+ actions[first](target,head,where,p_source,unpack(data,3))
+ end
+ else
+ if method == "table" then
+ propertydata[target] = first
+ elseif method == "function" then
+ local t = { }
+ propertydata[target] = t
+ first(target,head,where,t,unpack(data,3))
+ elseif method == "string" then
+ local t = { }
+ propertydata[target] = t
+ actions[first](target,head,where,t,unpack(data,3))
- elseif method == "function" then
- propertydata[target] = p_source
- first(target,head,where,p_source,unpack(data,3))
- elseif method == "string" then
- propertydata[target] = p_source
- actions[first](target,head,where,p_source,unpack(data,3))
- else
- if method == "table" then
- propertydata[target] = first
- elseif method == "function" then
- local t = { }
- propertydata[target] = t
- first(target,head,where,t,unpack(data,3))
- elseif method == "string" then
- local t = { }
- propertydata[target] = t
- actions[first](target,head,where,t,unpack(data,3))
+ if trace_setting then
+ report_setting("node %i, id %s, data %s",
+ target,nodecodes[getid(target)],serialize(propertydata[target],false))
- if trace_setting then
- report_setting("node %i, id %s, data %s",
- target,nodecodes[getid(target)],serialize(propertydata[target],false))
+ if nofslots == 1 then
+ nofslots = 0
+ last = source
+ break
+ else
+ nofslots = nofslots - 1
- if nofslots == 1 then
- nofslots = 0
- last = source
- break
- else
- nofslots = nofslots - 1
- end
+ last = source
- last = source
- end
- if last then
- removenode(head,last,true)
- end
+ if last then
+ removenode(head,last,true)
+ end
- stoptiming(properties)
+ stoptiming(properties)
- return head, done
+ return head
+ end
+local tasks = nodes.tasks
@@ -420,9 +520,6 @@ local tasks = nodes.tasks
-- maybe better hard coded in-place
--- tasks.prependaction("processors","before","")
--- tasks.appendaction("shipouts","normalizers","")
statistics.register("properties processing time", function()
return statistics.elapsedseconds(properties)
@@ -430,7 +527,7 @@ end)
-- only for development
-- local function show(head,level,report)
--- for target in traverse(head) do
+-- for target in nextnode, head do
-- local p = propertydata[target]
-- if p then
-- report("level %i, node %i, id %s, data %s",
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/node-pro.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/node-pro.lua
index ad4553b56..ad1035bbc 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/node-pro.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/node-pro.lua
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ do
local n = 0
local function reconstruct(head) -- we probably have a better one
- local t, n, h = { }, 0, tonut(head)
+ local t, n, h = { }, 0, head
while h do
n = n + 1
local char, id = isglyph(h)
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ do
return concat(t)
- function processors.tracer(what,state,head,groupcode,before,after,show)
+ function processors.tracer(what,head,groupcode,before,after,show)
if not groupcode then
groupcode = "unknown"
elseif groupcode == "" then
@@ -57,9 +57,9 @@ do
n = n + 1
if show then
- report_nodes("%s: location %a, state %a, group %a, # before %a, # after %s, stream: %s",what,n,state,groupcode,before,after,reconstruct(head))
+ report_nodes("%s: location %a, group %a, # before %a, # after %s, stream: %s",what,n,groupcode,before,after,reconstruct(head))
- report_nodes("%s: location %a, state %a, group %a, # before %a, # after %s",what,n,state,groupcode,before,after)
+ report_nodes("%s: location %a, group %a, # before %a, # after %s",what,n,groupcode,before,after)
@@ -74,28 +74,22 @@ do
local has_glyph = nodes.has_glyph
local count_nodes = nodes.countall
- function processors.pre_linebreak_filter(head,groupcode) -- ,size,packtype,direction
+ local function pre_linebreak_filter(head,groupcode) -- ,size,packtype,direction
local found = force_processors or has_glyph(head)
if found then
if trace_callbacks then
local before = count_nodes(head,true)
- local head, done = actions(head,groupcode) -- ,size,packtype,direction
+ head = actions(head,groupcode) -- ,size,packtype,direction
local after = count_nodes(head,true)
- if done then
- tracer("pre_linebreak","changed",head,groupcode,before,after,true)
- else
- tracer("pre_linebreak","unchanged",head,groupcode,before,after,true)
- end
- return done and head or true
+ tracer("pre_linebreak",head,groupcode,before,after,true)
- local head, done = actions(head,groupcode) -- ,size,packtype,direction
- return done and head or true
+ head = actions(head,groupcode) -- ,size,packtype,direction
elseif trace_callbacks then
local n = count_nodes(head,false)
- tracer("pre_linebreak","no chars",head,groupcode,n,n)
+ tracer("pre_linebreak",head,groupcode,n,n)
- return true
+ return head
local function hpack_filter(head,groupcode,size,packtype,direction,attributes)
@@ -103,26 +97,21 @@ do
if found then
if trace_callbacks then
local before = count_nodes(head,true)
- local head, done = actions(head,groupcode,size,packtype,direction,attributes)
+ head = actions(head,groupcode,size,packtype,direction,attributes)
local after = count_nodes(head,true)
- if done then
- tracer("hpack","changed",head,groupcode,before,after,true)
- else
- tracer("hpack","unchanged",head,groupcode,before,after,true)
- end
- return done and head or true
+ tracer("hpack",head,groupcode,before,after,true)
- local head, done = actions(head,groupcode,size,packtype,direction,attributes)
- return done and head or true
+ head = actions(head,groupcode,size,packtype,direction,attributes)
elseif trace_callbacks then
local n = count_nodes(head,false)
- tracer("hpack","no chars",head,groupcode,n,n)
+ tracer("hpack",head,groupcode,n,n)
- return true
+ return head
- processors.hpack_filter = hpack_filter
+ processors.pre_linebreak_filter = pre_linebreak_filter
+ processors.hpack_filter = hpack_filter
@@ -130,11 +119,8 @@ do
local hpack = nodes.hpack
function nodes.fullhpack(head,...)
- local ok = hpack_filter(head)
- if not done or done == true then
- ok = head
- end
- local hp, b = hpack(ok,...)
+ head = hpack_filter(head)
+ local hp, b = hpack(head,...)
return hp, b
@@ -147,54 +133,41 @@ do
local hpack = nuts.hpack
function nuts.fullhpack(head,...)
- local ok = hpack_filter(tonode(head))
- if not done or done == true then
- ok = head
- else
- ok = tonut(ok)
- end
- local hp, b = hpack(...)
+ local head = tonut(hpack_filter(tonode(head)))
+ local hp, b = hpack(head,...)
return hp, b
- callbacks.register('pre_linebreak_filter', processors.pre_linebreak_filter, "all kind of horizontal manipulations (before par break)")
- callbacks.register('hpack_filter' , processors.hpack_filter, "all kind of horizontal manipulations (before hbox creation)")
+ callbacks.register('pre_linebreak_filter', pre_linebreak_filter, "horizontal manipulations (before par break)")
+ callbacks.register('hpack_filter' , hpack_filter, "horizontal manipulations (before hbox creation)")
+ -- Beware, these are packaged boxes so no first_glyph test needed. Maybe some day I'll add a hash
+ -- with valid groupcodes. Watch out, much can pass twice, for instance vadjust passes two times,
local actions = tasks.actions("finalizers") -- head, where
local count_nodes = nodes.countall
- -- beware, these are packaged boxes so no first_glyph test
- -- maybe some day a hash with valid groupcodes
- --
- -- beware, much can pass twice, for instance vadjust passes two times
- --
- -- something weird here .. group mvl when making a vbox
- function processors.post_linebreak_filter(head,groupcode)
+ local function post_linebreak_filter(head,groupcode)
if trace_callbacks then
local before = count_nodes(head,true)
- local head, done = actions(head,groupcode)
+ head = actions(head,groupcode)
local after = count_nodes(head,true)
- if done then
- tracer("post_linebreak","changed",head,groupcode,before,after,true)
- else
- tracer("post_linebreak","unchanged",head,groupcode,before,after,true)
- end
- return done and head or true
+ tracer("post_linebreak",head,groupcode,before,after,true)
- local head, done = actions(head,groupcode)
- return done and head or true
+ head = actions(head,groupcode)
+ return head
- callbacks.register("post_linebreak_filter", processors.post_linebreak_filter,"all kind of horizontal manipulations (after par break)")
+ processors.post_linebreak_filter = post_linebreak_filter
+ callbacks.register("post_linebreak_filter", post_linebreak_filter,"horizontal manipulations (after par break)")
@@ -218,9 +191,9 @@ do
if line and getsubtype(line) == line_code then
local head = getlist(line)
if head then
- local okay, done = actions(head,groupcode,line)
- if okay and okay ~= head then
- setlist(line,okay)
+ local result = actions(head,groupcode,line)
+ if result and result ~= head then
+ setlist(line,result)
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/node-ref.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/node-ref.lua
index 1ec77e83d..287112cc8 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/node-ref.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/node-ref.lua
@@ -404,8 +404,8 @@ local function inject_areas(head,attribute,make,stack,done,skip,parent,pardir,tx
local list = getlist(current)
if list then
- local h, ok
- h, ok, pardir, txtdir = inject_areas(list,attribute,make,stack,done,r or skip or 0,current,pardir,txtdir)
+ local h
+ h, pardir, txtdir = inject_areas(list,attribute,make,stack,done,r or skip or 0,current,pardir,txtdir)
if h ~= current then
@@ -441,48 +441,9 @@ local function inject_areas(head,attribute,make,stack,done,skip,parent,pardir,tx
if reference and (done[reference] or 0) == 0 then
head = inject_range(head,first,last,reference,make,stack,parent,pardir,firstdir)
- return head, true, pardir, txtdir
+ return head, pardir, txtdir
--- local function inject_area(head,attribute,make,stack,done,parent,pardir,txtdir) -- singular !
--- if not pardir then
--- pardir = "==="
--- end
--- if not texdir then
--- txtdir = "==="
--- end
--- local current = head
--- while current do
--- local id = getid(current)
--- if id == hlist_code or id == vlist_code then
--- local r = getattr(current,attribute)
--- if r and not done[r] then
--- done[r] = true
--- inject_list(id,current,r,make,stack,pardir,txtdir)
--- end
--- local list = getlist(current)
--- if list then
--- local h = inject_area(list,attribute,make,stack,done,current,pardir,txtdir)
--- if h ~= current then
--- setlist(current,h)
--- end
--- end
--- elseif id == dir_code then
--- txtdir = getdir(current)
--- elseif id == localpar_code then
--- pardir = getdir(current)
--- else
--- local r = getattr(current,attribute)
--- if r and not done[r] then
--- done[r] = true
--- head, current = inject_range(head,current,current,r,make,stack,parent,pardir,txtdir)
--- end
--- end
--- current = getnext(current)
--- end
--- return head, true
--- end
-- tracing: todo: use predefined colors
local register_color = colors.register
@@ -672,11 +633,9 @@ end
function nodes.references.handler(head)
if head and topofstack > 0 then
- local head = tonut(head)
- local head, done = inject_areas(head,attribute,makereference,stack,done)
- return tonode(head), done
+ return (inject_areas(head,attribute,makereference,stack,done))
- return head, false
+ return head
@@ -783,21 +742,12 @@ local function makedestination(width,height,depth,reference)
--- function nodes.destinations.handler(head)
--- if head and topofstack > 0 then
--- return inject_area(head,attribute,makedestination,stack,done) -- singular
--- else
--- return head, false
--- end
--- end
function nodes.destinations.handler(head)
if head and topofstack > 0 then
- local head = tonut(head)
- local head, done = inject_areas(head,attribute,makedestination,stack,done)
- return tonode(head), done
+ return (inject_areas(head,attribute,makedestination,stack,done))
- return head, false
+ return head
@@ -907,15 +857,3 @@ statistics.register("interactive elements", function()
return nil
-function references.enableinteraction()
- enableaction("shipouts","nodes.references.handler")
- enableaction("shipouts","nodes.destinations.handler")
- function references.enableinteraction() end
-implement {
- name = "enableinteraction",
- actions = references.enableinteraction,
- onlyonce = true
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/node-res.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/node-res.lua
index a6211e80e..a33766d77 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/node-res.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/node-res.lua
@@ -147,21 +147,22 @@ nutpool.register = register_node -- could be register_nut
-- so far
-local disc = register_nut(new_nut("disc"))
-local kern = register_nut(new_nut("kern",kerncodes.userkern))
-local fontkern = register_nut(new_nut("kern",kerncodes.fontkern))
-local italickern = register_nut(new_nut("kern",kerncodes.italiccorrection))
-local penalty = register_nut(new_nut("penalty"))
-local glue = register_nut(new_nut("glue")) -- glue.spec = nil
-local glue_spec = register_nut(new_nut("glue_spec"))
-local glyph = register_nut(new_nut("glyph",0))
+local disc = register_nut(new_nut(nodecodes.disc))
+local kern = register_nut(new_nut(nodecodes.kern,kerncodes.userkern))
+local fontkern = register_nut(new_nut(nodecodes.kern,kerncodes.fontkern))
+local italickern = register_nut(new_nut(nodecodes.kern,kerncodes.italiccorrection))
+local penalty = register_nut(new_nut(nodecodes.penalty))
+local glue = register_nut(new_nut(nodecodes.glue)) -- glue.spec = nil
+local glue_spec = register_nut(new_nut(nodecodes.gluespec))
+local glyph = register_nut(new_nut(nodecodes.glyph,0))
-local textdir = register_nut(new_nut("dir"))
-local latelua = register_nut(new_nut("whatsit",whatsitcodes.latelua))
-local special = register_nut(new_nut("whatsit",whatsitcodes.special))
+local textdir = register_nut(new_nut(nodecodes.dir))
-local user_node = new_nut("whatsit",whatsitcodes.userdefined)
+local latelua = register_nut(new_nut(nodecodes.whatsit,whatsitcodes.latelua))
+local special = register_nut(new_nut(nodecodes.whatsit,whatsitcodes.special))
+local user_node = new_nut(nodecodes.whatsit,whatsitcodes.userdefined)
local user_number = register_nut(copy_nut(user_node)) setfield(user_number, "type",usercodes.number)
local user_nodes = register_nut(copy_nut(user_node)) setfield(user_nodes, "type",usercodes.node)
@@ -170,40 +171,40 @@ local user_tokens = register_nut(copy_nut(user_node)) setfield(user_tokens
----- user_lua = register_nut(copy_nut(user_node)) setfield(user_lua, "type",usercodes.lua) -- in > 0.95
local user_attributes = register_nut(copy_nut(user_node)) setfield(user_attributes,"type",usercodes.attribute)
-local left_margin_kern = register_nut(new_nut("margin_kern",0))
-local right_margin_kern = register_nut(new_nut("margin_kern",1))
+local left_margin_kern = register_nut(new_nut(nodecodes.marginkern,0))
+local right_margin_kern = register_nut(new_nut(nodecodes.marginkern,1))
-local lineskip = register_nut(new_nut("glue",skipcodes.lineskip))
-local baselineskip = register_nut(new_nut("glue",skipcodes.baselineskip))
-local leftskip = register_nut(new_nut("glue",skipcodes.leftskip))
-local rightskip = register_nut(new_nut("glue",skipcodes.rightskip))
+local lineskip = register_nut(new_nut(nodecodes.glue,skipcodes.lineskip))
+local baselineskip = register_nut(new_nut(nodecodes.glue,skipcodes.baselineskip))
+local leftskip = register_nut(new_nut(nodecodes.glue,skipcodes.leftskip))
+local rightskip = register_nut(new_nut(nodecodes.glue,skipcodes.rightskip))
-local temp = register_nut(new_nut("temp",0))
+local temp = register_nut(new_nut(nodecodes.temp,0))
-local noad = register_nut(new_nut("noad"))
-local delimiter = register_nut(new_nut("delim"))
-local fence = register_nut(new_nut("fence"))
-local submlist = register_nut(new_nut("sub_mlist"))
-local accent = register_nut(new_nut("accent"))
-local radical = register_nut(new_nut("radical"))
-local fraction = register_nut(new_nut("fraction"))
-local subbox = register_nut(new_nut("sub_box"))
-local mathchar = register_nut(new_nut("math_char"))
-local mathtextchar = register_nut(new_nut("math_text_char"))
-local choice = register_nut(new_nut("choice"))
+local noad = register_nut(new_nut(nodecodes.noad))
+local delimiter = register_nut(new_nut(nodecodes.delim))
+local fence = register_nut(new_nut(nodecodes.fence))
+local submlist = register_nut(new_nut(nodecodes.submlist))
+local accent = register_nut(new_nut(nodecodes.accent))
+local radical = register_nut(new_nut(nodecodes.radical))
+local fraction = register_nut(new_nut(nodecodes.fraction))
+local subbox = register_nut(new_nut(nodecodes.subbox))
+local mathchar = register_nut(new_nut(nodecodes.mathchar))
+local mathtextchar = register_nut(new_nut(nodecodes.mathtextchar))
+local choice = register_nut(new_nut(nodecodes.choice))
-local boundary = register_nut(new_nut("boundary",boundarycodes.user))
-local wordboundary = register_nut(new_nut("boundary",boundarycodes.word))
+local boundary = register_nut(new_nut(nodecodes.boundary,boundarycodes.user))
+local wordboundary = register_nut(new_nut(nodecodes.boundary,boundarycodes.word))
local cleader = register_nut(copy_nut(glue)) setsubtype(cleader,gluecodes.cleaders) setglue(cleader,0,65536,0,2,0)
-- the dir field needs to be set otherwise crash:
-local rule = register_nut(new_nut("rule")) setdir(rule, "TLT")
-local emptyrule = register_nut(new_nut("rule",rulecodes.empty)) setdir(rule, "TLT")
-local userrule = register_nut(new_nut("rule",rulecodes.user)) setdir(rule, "TLT")
-local hlist = register_nut(new_nut("hlist")) setdir(hlist,"TLT")
-local vlist = register_nut(new_nut("vlist")) setdir(vlist,"TLT")
+local rule = register_nut(new_nut(nodecodes.rule)) setdir(rule, "TLT")
+local emptyrule = register_nut(new_nut(nodecodes.rule,rulecodes.empty)) setdir(rule, "TLT")
+local userrule = register_nut(new_nut(nodecodes.rule,rulecodes.user)) setdir(rule, "TLT")
+local hlist = register_nut(new_nut(nodecodes.hlist)) setdir(hlist,"TLT")
+local vlist = register_nut(new_nut(nodecodes.vlist)) setdir(vlist,"TLT")
function nutpool.glyph(fnt,chr)
local n = copy_nut(glyph)
@@ -388,6 +389,26 @@ function nutpool.userrule(width,height,depth,dir) -- w/h/d == nil will let them
return n
+ local outlinerule = register_nut(new_nut(nodecodes.rule,rulecodes.outline)) setdir(rule, "TLT")
+ function nutpool.outlinerule(width,height,depth,line,dir) -- w/h/d == nil will let them adapt
+ local n = copy_nut(outlinerule)
+ if width or height or depth then
+ setwhd(n,width,height,depth)
+ end
+ if line then
+ setfield(n,"transform",line)
+ end
+ if dir then
+ setdir(n,dir)
+ end
+ return n
+ end
function nutpool.leader(width,list)
local n = copy_nut(cleader)
if width then
@@ -572,8 +593,9 @@ end
-- housekeeping
local function cleanup(nofboxes) -- todo
- if nodes.tracers.steppers then -- to be resolved
- nodes.tracers.steppers.reset() -- todo: make a registration subsystem
+ local tracers = nodes.tracers
+ if tracers and tracers.steppers then -- to be resolved
+ tracers.steppers.reset() -- todo: make a registration subsystem
local nl = 0
local nr = nofreserved
@@ -624,3 +646,45 @@ statistics.register("node memory usage", function() -- comes after cleanup !
lua.registerfinalizer(cleanup, "cleanup reserved nodes")
+-- experiment
+ local glyph = tonode(glyph)
+ local traverse_id = nodes.traverse_id
+ local traversers = table.setmetatableindex(function(t,k)
+ local v = traverse_id(type(k) == "number" and k or nodecodes[k],glyph)
+ t[k] = v
+ return v
+ end)
+ traversers.node = nodes.traverse (glyph)
+ traversers.char = nodes.traverse_char (glyph)
+ if nuts.traverse_glyph then traversers.glyph = nodes.traverse_glyph(glyph) end
+ if nuts.traverse_list then traversers.list = nodes.traverse_list (glyph) end
+ nodes.traversers = traversers
+ local glyph = glyph
+ local traverse_id = nuts.traverse_id
+ local traversers = table.setmetatableindex(function(t,k)
+ local v = traverse_id(type(k) == "number" and k or nodecodes[k],glyph)
+ t[k] = v
+ return v
+ end)
+ traversers.node = nuts.traverse (glyph)
+ traversers.char = nuts.traverse_char (glyph)
+ if nuts.traverse_glyph then traversers.glyph = nuts.traverse_glyph(glyph) end
+ if nuts.traverse_list then traversers.list = nuts.traverse_list (glyph) end
+ nuts.traversers = traversers
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/node-rul.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/node-rul.lua
index 7c4c2c2f2..39ad1cf58 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/node-rul.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/node-rul.lua
@@ -57,12 +57,13 @@ local insert_node_after = nuts.insert_after
local insert_node_before = nuts.insert_before
local find_tail = nuts.tail
local setglue = nuts.setglue
-local traverse_id = nuts.traverse_id
local list_dimensions = nuts.rangedimensions
local hpack_nodes = nuts.hpack
local current_attr = nuts.current_attr
local copy_list = nuts.copy_list
+local nexthlist = nuts.traversers.hlist
local nodecodes = nodes.nodecodes
local rulecodes = nodes.rulecodes
local gluecodes = nodes.gluecodes
@@ -122,8 +123,8 @@ local setmetatableindex = table.setmetatableindex
-local striprange = nodes.striprange
-local processwords = nodes.processwords
+local striprange = nuts.striprange
+local processwords = nuts.processwords
@@ -332,7 +333,7 @@ local function flush_ruled(head,f,l,d,level,parent,strip) -- not that fast but a
if mp and mp ~= "" then
- local r = userrule {
+ local r = usernutrule {
width = w,
height = ht,
depth = dp,
@@ -345,7 +346,7 @@ local function flush_ruled(head,f,l,d,level,parent,strip) -- not that fast but a
ca = color,
ta = transparency,
- inject(tonut(r),w,ht,dp)
+ inject(r,w,ht,dp)
local tx = d.text
if tx then
@@ -375,10 +376,8 @@ local function flush_ruled(head,f,l,d,level,parent,strip) -- not that fast but a
return head
-local process = nodes.processwords
rules.handler = function(head)
- return process(a_ruled,data,flush_ruled,head)
+ return processwords(a_ruled,data,flush_ruled,head)
function rules.enable()
@@ -431,9 +430,9 @@ local function flush_shifted(head,first,last,data,level,parent,strip) -- not tha
return head
-local process = nodes.processwords
-nodes.shifts.handler = function(head) return process(a_shifted,data,flush_shifted,head) end
+nodes.shifts.handler = function(head)
+ return processwords(a_shifted,data,flush_shifted,head)
function nodes.shifts.enable()
@@ -461,7 +460,7 @@ local function linefiller(current,data,width,location)
local ca =
local ta = data.ta
if mp and mp ~= "" then
- return tonut(userrule {
+ return usernutrule {
width = width,
height = height,
depth = depth,
@@ -473,7 +472,7 @@ local function linefiller(current,data,width,location)
ta = ta,
option = location,
direction = getdir(current),
- })
+ }
local rule = new_rule(width,height,depth)
if ca then
@@ -497,7 +496,7 @@ function nodes.linefillers.filler(current,data,width,height,depth)
local ca =
local ta = data.ta
if mp and mp ~= "" then
- return tonut(userrule {
+ return usernutrule {
width = width,
height = height,
depth = depth,
@@ -509,7 +508,7 @@ function nodes.linefillers.filler(current,data,width,height,depth)
ta = ta,
option = location,
direction = getdir(current),
- })
+ }
local rule = new_rule(width,height,depth)
if ca then
@@ -535,9 +534,8 @@ local function find_attr(head,attr)
-function nodes.linefillers.handler(head)
--- local current = tonut(head) -- when we hook into the contributers
- for current in traverse_id(hlist_code,tonut(head)) do
+function nodes.linefillers.handler(head) -- traverse_list
+ for current in nexthlist, head do -- LUATEXVERSION >= 1.090
if getsubtype(current) == line_code then
local list = getlist(current)
if list then
@@ -661,6 +659,132 @@ function nodes.linefillers.handler(head)
return head
+if LUATEXVERSION >= 1.090 then
+ function nodes.linefillers.handler(head) -- traverse_list
+ for current, subtype, list in nexthlist, head do -- LUATEXVERSION >= 1.090
+ if list and subtype == line_code then
+ -- why doesn't leftskip take the attributes
+ -- or list[linefiller] or maybe first match (maybe we need a fast helper for that)
+ local a = getattr(current,a_linefiller)
+ if a then
+ local class = a % 1000
+ local data = data[class]
+ if data then
+ local location = data.location
+ local scope = data.scope
+ local distance = data.distance
+ local threshold = data.threshold
+ local leftlocal = false
+ local rightlocal = false
+ --
+ if scope == v_right then
+ leftlocal = true
+ elseif scope == v_left then
+ rightlocal = true
+ elseif scope == v_local then
+ leftlocal = true
+ rightlocal = true
+ end
+ --
+ if location == v_left or location == v_both then
+ local lskip = nil -- leftskip
+ local iskip = nil -- indentation
+ local head = list
+ while head do
+ local id = getid(head)
+ if id == glue_code then
+ if getsubtype(head) == leftskip_code then
+ lskip = head
+ else
+ break
+ end
+ elseif id == localpar_code or id == dir_code then
+ -- go on
+ elseif id == hlist_code then
+ if getsubtype(head) == indent_code then
+ iskip = head
+ end
+ break
+ else
+ break
+ end
+ head = getnext(head)
+ end
+ if head then
+ local indentation = iskip and getwidth(iskip) or 0
+ local leftfixed = lskip and getwidth(lskip) or 0
+ local lefttotal = lskip and effective_glue(lskip,current) or 0
+ local width = lefttotal - (leftlocal and leftfixed or 0) + indentation - distance
+ if width > threshold then
+ if iskip then
+ setwidth(iskip,0)
+ end
+ if lskip then
+ setglue(lskip,leftlocal and getwidth(lskip) or nil)
+ if distance > 0 then
+ insert_node_after(list,lskip,new_kern(distance))
+ end
+ insert_node_after(list,lskip,linefiller(current,data,width,"left"))
+ else
+ insert_node_before(list,head,linefiller(current,data,width,"left"))
+ if distance > 0 then
+ insert_node_before(list,head,new_kern(distance))
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ --
+ if location == v_right or location == v_both then
+ local pskip = nil -- parfillskip
+ local rskip = nil -- rightskip
+ local tail = find_tail(list)
+ while tail and getid(tail) == glue_code do
+ local subtype = getsubtype(tail)
+ if subtype == rightskip_code then
+ rskip = tail
+ elseif subtype == parfillskip_code then
+ pskip = tail
+ else
+ break
+ end
+ tail = getprev(tail)
+ end
+ if tail then
+ local rightfixed = rskip and getwidth(rskip) or 0
+ local righttotal = rskip and effective_glue(rskip,current) or 0
+ local parfixed = pskip and getwidth(pskip) or 0
+ local partotal = pskip and effective_glue(pskip,current) or 0
+ local width = righttotal - (rightlocal and rightfixed or 0) + partotal - distance
+ if width > threshold then
+ if pskip then
+ setglue(pskip)
+ end
+ if rskip then
+ setglue(rskip,rightlocal and getwidth(rskip) or nil)
+ if distance > 0 then
+ insert_node_before(list,rskip,new_kern(distance))
+ end
+ insert_node_before(list,rskip,linefiller(current,data,width,"right"))
+ else
+ insert_node_after(list,tail,linefiller(current,data,width,"right"))
+ if distance > 0 then
+ insert_node_after(list,tail,new_kern(distance))
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return head
+ end
local enable = false
function nodes.linefillers.enable()
@@ -751,8 +875,6 @@ implement {
-- We add a bonus feature here:
-local new_rule = nodes.pool.rule
interfaces.implement {
name = "autorule",
arguments = {
@@ -772,14 +894,15 @@ interfaces.implement {
+ setattrlist(n,current_attr())
if l then
- n.left = l
+ setfield(n,"left",l)
if r then
- n.right = r
+ etfield(n,"right",r)
- context(n)
+ context(tonode(n))
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/node-scn.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/node-scn.lua
index b294b3013..62c9fecec 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/node-scn.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/node-scn.lua
@@ -12,8 +12,6 @@ local attributes = attributes
local nodes = nodes
local nuts = nodes.nuts
-local tonode = nuts.tonode
-local tonut = nuts.tonut
local getnext = nuts.getnext
local getprev = nuts.getprev
@@ -97,7 +95,7 @@ local function striprange(first,last) -- todo: dir
return first, last
-nodes.striprange = striprange
+nuts.striprange = striprange
-- todo: order and maybe other dimensions
@@ -228,17 +226,11 @@ local function processwords(attribute,data,flush,head,parent,skip) -- we have hl
-nodes.processwords = function(attribute,data,flush,head,parent) -- we have hlistdir and local dir
- head = tonut(head)
- if parent then
- parent = tonut(parent)
- end
- local head, done = processwords(attribute,data,flush,head,parent)
- return tonode(head), done
+nuts.processwords = function(attribute,data,flush,head,parent) -- we have hlistdir and local dir
+ return processwords(attribute,data,flush,head,parent)
-- works on lines !
-- todo: stack because skip can change when nested
local function processranges(attribute,flush,head,parent,depth,skip)
@@ -319,11 +311,6 @@ local function processranges(attribute,flush,head,parent,depth,skip)
-nodes.processranges = function(attribute,flush,head,parent) -- we have hlistdir and local dir
- head = tonut(head)
- if parent then
- parent = tonut(parent)
- end
- local head, done = processranges(attribute,flush,head,parent,0)
- return tonode(head), done
+nuts.processranges = function(attribute,flush,head,parent) -- we have hlistdir and local dir
+ return processranges(attribute,flush,head,parent,0)
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/node-shp.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/node-shp.lua
index 2c20d9567..74f3c4da2 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/node-shp.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/node-shp.lua
@@ -27,15 +27,14 @@ local whatsit_code = nodecodes.whatsit
local fulldisc_code = disccodes.discretionary
-local texgetbox = tex.getbox
local implement = interfaces.implement
local nuts = nodes.nuts
local tonut = nuts.tonut
local tonode = nuts.tonode
local remove_node = nuts.remove
-local traverse_nodes = nuts.traverse
+local nextnode = nuts.traversers.node
local setfield = nuts.setfield
local setlink = nuts.setlink
@@ -50,6 +49,9 @@ local getsubtype = nuts.getsubtype
local setlist = nuts.setlist
+local getbox = nuts.getbox
+local getboxnode = nodes.getbox
local removables = {
[] = true,
[whatsitcodes.close] = true,
@@ -117,6 +119,8 @@ local function cleanup_redundant(head) -- better name is: flatten_page
return head
+handlers.cleanuppage = cleanup_redundant -- nut
local function cleanup_flushed(head) -- rough
local start = head
while start do
@@ -143,26 +147,20 @@ local function cleanup_flushed(head) -- rough
return head
-function handlers.cleanuppage(head)
- return tonode(cleanup_redundant(tonut(head))), true
-function handlers.cleanupbox(head)
- return tonode(cleanup_flushed(tonut(head))), true
+function handlers.cleanupbox(box)
+ cleanup_flushed(getbox(box))
local actions = tasks.actions("shipouts")
-function handlers.finalize(head,where) -- problem, attr loaded before node, todo ...
- return actions(head,where)
+function handlers.finalizebox(box)
+ actions(getbox(box)) -- nut
--- handlers.finalize = actions
-- interface
-implement { name = "cleanupbox", actions = { texgetbox, cleanup_flushed }, arguments = "integer" }
-implement { name = "finalizebox", actions = { texgetbox, actions }, arguments = "integer" }
+implement { name = "cleanupbox", actions = handlers.cleanupbox, arguments = "integer" }
+implement { name = "finalizebox", actions = handlers.finalizebox, arguments = "integer" }
-- just in case we want to optimize lookups:
@@ -192,7 +190,7 @@ local function count(head,data,subcategory)
-- no components, pre, post, replace .. can maybe an option .. but
-- we use this for optimization so it makes sense to look the the
-- main node only
- for n, id in traverse_nodes(tonut(head)) do
+ for n, id in nextnode, tonut(head) do
local dn = data[nodecodes[id]] -- we could use id and then later convert to nodecodes
dn[subcategory] = dn[subcategory] + 1
if id == hlist_code or id == vlist_code then
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/node-syn.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/node-syn.lua
index 9d716c44a..efac2795a 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/node-syn.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/node-syn.lua
@@ -126,8 +126,6 @@ local report_system = logs.reporter("system")
local tex = tex
local nuts = nodes.nuts
-local tonut = nuts.tonut
-local tonode = nuts.tonode
local getid = nuts.getid
local getlist = nuts.getlist
@@ -623,16 +621,10 @@ end
collect = collect_max
function synctex.collect(head,where)
- if enabled then
- if where == "object" then
- return head, false
- else
- local h = tonut(head)
- h = collect(h,h)
- return tonode(h), true
- end
+ if enabled and where ~= "object" then
+ return collect(head,head)
- return head, false
+ return head
@@ -678,7 +670,7 @@ function synctex.enable()
enabled = true
set_synctex_mode(3) -- we want details
if not used then
- nodes.tasks.appendaction("shipouts", "after", "luatex.synctex.collect")
+ nodes.tasks.enableaction("shipouts","luatex.synctex.collect")
report_system("synctex functionality is enabled, expect 5-10 pct runtime overhead!")
used = true
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/node-tex.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/node-tex.lua
index c9d3091df..81ed80d15 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/node-tex.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/node-tex.lua
@@ -10,9 +10,11 @@ builders = builders or { }
local kernel = builders.kernel or { }
builders.kernel = kernel
+local nuts = nodes.nuts
local hyphenate = lang.hyphenate
-local ligaturing = node.ligaturing
-local kerning = node.kerning
+local ligaturing = nuts.ligaturing
+local kerning = nuts.kerning
kernel.originals = {
hyphenate = hyphenate,
@@ -21,18 +23,18 @@ kernel.originals = {
function kernel.hyphenation(head)
- local done = hyphenate(head)
- return head, done
+ hyphenate(head)
+ return head
function kernel.ligaturing(head)
- local head, tail, done = ligaturing(head) -- we return 3 values indeed
- return head, done
+ local head, tail = ligaturing(head)
+ return head
function kernel.kerning(head)
- local head, tail, done = kerning(head) -- we return 3 values indeed
- return head, done
+ local head, tail = kerning(head)
+ return head
callbacks.register('hyphenate' , false, "normal hyphenation routine, called elsewhere")
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/node-tra.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/node-tra.lua
index a2e5a7653..077506e46 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/node-tra.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/node-tra.lua
@@ -57,8 +57,9 @@ local flush_list = nuts.flush_list
local count_nodes = nuts.countall
local used_nodes = nuts.usedlist
-local traverse_by_id = nuts.traverse_id
-local traverse_nodes = nuts.traverse
+local nextnode = nuts.traversers.node
+local nextglyph = nuts.traversers.glyph
local d_tostring = nuts.tostring
local nutpool = nuts.pool
@@ -90,7 +91,7 @@ function nodes.showlist(head, message)
if message then
- for n in traverse_nodes(tonut(head)) do
+ for n in nextnode, tonut(head) do
@@ -98,7 +99,7 @@ end
function nodes.handlers.checkglyphs(head,message)
local h = tonut(head)
local t = { }
- for g in traverse_by_id(glyph_code,h) do
+ for g in nextglyph, h do
t[#t+1] = formatters["%U:%s"](getchar(g),getsubtype(g))
if #t > 0 then
@@ -114,8 +115,8 @@ end
function nodes.handlers.checkforleaks(sparse)
local l = { }
local q = used_nodes()
- for p in traverse_nodes(q) do
- local s = table.serialize(nodes.astable(p,sparse),nodecodes[getid(p)])
+ for p, id in nextnode, q do
+ local s = table.serialize(nodes.astable(p,sparse),nodecodes[id])
l[s] = (l[s] or 0) + 1
@@ -155,7 +156,12 @@ local function tosequence(start,stop,compact)
t[#t+1] = nodecodes[id]
elseif id == dir_code or id == localpar_code then
- t[#t+1] = "[" .. getdir(start) .. "]"
+ local d = getdir(start)
+ if d then
+ t[#t+1] = "[" .. d .. "]"
+ else
+ t[#t+1] = "[]"
+ end
elseif compact then
t[#t+1] = "[]"
@@ -180,13 +186,13 @@ end
nodes.tosequence = tosequence
nuts .tosequence = tosequence
- report_nodes("output %a, changed %a, %s nodes",status.output_active,done,count_nodes(tonut(t)))
+ report_nodes("output %a, %s nodes",status.output_active,count_nodes(t))
function nodes.packlist(head)
local t = { }
- for n in traverse_nodes(tonut(head)) do
+ for n in nextnode, tonut(head) do
t[#t+1] = d_tostring(n)
return t
@@ -198,9 +204,9 @@ function nodes.idstostring(head,tail)
local t = { }
local last_id = nil
local last_n = 0
- for n, id in traverse_nodes(head,tail) do -- hm, does not stop at tail
+ for n, id, subtype in nextnode, head do
if id == whatsit_code then
- id = whatcodes[getsubtype(n)]
+ id = whatcodes[subtype]
id = nodecodes[id]
@@ -353,10 +359,9 @@ local what = { [0] = "unknown", "line", "box", "indent", "row", "cell" }
local function showboxes(n,symbol,depth)
depth = depth or 0
symbol = symbol or "."
- for n, id in traverse_nodes(tonut(n)) do
+ for n, id, subtype in nextnode, tonut(n) do
if id == hlist_code or id == vlist_code then
- local s = getsubtype(n)
- report_nodes(rep(symbol,depth) .. what[s] or s)
+ report_nodes(rep(symbol,depth) .. what[subtype] or subtype)
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/node-tsk.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/node-tsk.lua
index 4aec3a038..b61515aed 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/node-tsk.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/node-tsk.lua
@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ function -- was: name,arguments,list
local sequence = specification.sequence
if name and sequence then
local tasklist = newsequencer {
+ name = name
-- we can move more to the sequencer now .. todo
tasksdata[name] = {
@@ -171,18 +172,26 @@ function tasks.disablegroup(name,group)
-function tasks.appendaction(name,group,action,where,kind)
+function tasks.appendaction(name,group,action,where,kind,state)
local data = validgroup(name,"append action")
if data then
- appendaction(data.list,group,action,where,kind)
+ local list = data.list
+ appendaction(list,group,action,where,kind)
+ if state == "disabled" or (state == "production" and environment.initex) then
+ disableaction(list,action)
+ end
data.runner = false
-function tasks.prependaction(name,group,action,where,kind)
+function tasks.prependaction(name,group,action,where,kind,state)
local data = validgroup(name,"prepend action")
if data then
- prependaction(data.list,group,action,where,kind)
+ local list = data.list
+ prependaction(list,group,action,where,kind)
+ if state == "disabled" or (state == "production" and environment.initex) then
+ disableaction(list,action)
+ end
data.runner = false
@@ -222,123 +231,23 @@ function tasks.actions(name) -- we optimize for the number or arguments (no ...)
if data then
local t = data.templates
if t then
+ =
return function(...)
total = total + 1 -- will go away
local runner = data.runner
if not runner then
created = created + 1
--- if trace_tasks then
- report_tasks("creating runner %a",name)
--- end
- runner = compile(data.list,data.processor,t)
- data.runner = runner
- end
- return runner(...)
- end
- end
- local n = data.arguments or 0
- if n == 0 then
- return function(head)
- total = total + 1 -- will go away
- local runner = data.runner
- if not runner then
- created = created + 1
if trace_tasks then
report_tasks("creating runner %a",name)
- runner = compile(data.list,data.processor,0)
- data.runner = runner
- end
- return runner(head)
- end
- elseif n == 1 then
- return function(head,one)
- total = total + 1 -- will go away
- local runner = data.runner
- if not runner then
- created = created + 1
- if trace_tasks then
- report_tasks("creating runner %a with %s extra arguments",name,1)
- end
- runner = compile(data.list,data.processor,1)
- data.runner = runner
- end
- return runner(head,one)
- end
- elseif n == 2 then
- return function(head,one,two)
- total = total + 1 -- will go away
- local runner = data.runner
- if not runner then
- created = created + 1
- if trace_tasks then
- report_tasks("creating runner %a with %s extra arguments",name,2)
- end
- runner = compile(data.list,data.processor,2)
- data.runner = runner
- end
- return runner(head,one,two)
- end
- elseif n == 3 then
- return function(head,one,two,three)
- total = total + 1 -- will go away
- local runner = data.runner
- if not runner then
- created = created + 1
- if trace_tasks then
- report_tasks("creating runner %a with %s extra arguments",name,3)
- end
- runner = compile(data.list,data.processor,3)
- data.runner = runner
- end
- return runner(head,one,two,three)
- end
- elseif n == 4 then
- return function(head,one,two,three,four)
- total = total + 1 -- will go away
- local runner = data.runner
- if not runner then
- created = created + 1
- if trace_tasks then
- report_tasks("creating runner %a with %s extra arguments",name,4)
- end
- runner = compile(data.list,data.processor,4)
- data.runner = runner
- end
- return runner(head,one,two,three,four)
- end
- elseif n == 5 then
- return function(head,one,two,three,four,five)
- total = total + 1 -- will go away
- local runner = data.runner
- if not runner then
- created = created + 1
- if trace_tasks then
- report_tasks("creating runner %a with %s extra arguments",name,5)
- end
- runner = compile(data.list,data.processor,5)
- data.runner = runner
- end
- return runner(head,one,two,three,four,five)
- end
- else
- return function(head,...)
- total = total + 1 -- will go away
- local runner = data.runner
- if not runner then
- created = created + 1
- if trace_tasks then
- report_tasks("creating runner %a with %s extra arguments",name,n)
- end
- runner = compile(data.list,data.processor,"n")
+ runner = compile(data.list,data.processor,t)
data.runner = runner
- return runner(head,...)
+ return runner(...)
- else
- return nil
+ return nil
function tasks.table(name) --maybe move this to task-deb.lua
@@ -368,12 +277,119 @@ function tasks.table(name) --maybe move this to task-deb.lua
--- this will move
+-- -- shipouts -- --
+-- the shipout handlers acts on boxes so we don't need to return something
+-- and also don't need to keep the state (done)
+ {
+ name = "shipouts",
+ processor = nodeprocessor,
+ sequence = {
+ "before", -- users
+ "normalizers", -- system
+ "finishers", -- system
+ "after", -- users
+ "wrapup", -- system
+ },
+ templates = {
+default = [[
+return function(head)
+ return head
+process = [[
+local tonut = nodes.tonut
+local tonode = nodes.nuts.tonode
+return function(head)
+ local nuthead = tonut(head)
+ return tonode(nuthead)
+step = [[
+ nuthead = tonut((%action%(tonode(nuthead))))
+nut = [[
+ nuthead = %action%(nuthead)
+nohead = [[
+ %action%(tonode(nuthead))
+nonut = [[
+ %action%(nuthead)
+ }
+-- -- finalizers -- --
+ {
+ name = "finalizers",
+ sequence = {
+ "before", -- for users
+ "normalizers",
+ "fonts",
+ "lists",
+ "after", -- for users
+ },
+ processor = nodeprocessor,
+ templates = {
+default = [[
+return function(head)
+ return head
+process = [[
+local tonut = nodes.tonut
+local tonode = nodes.nuts.tonode
+return function(head,groupcode)
+ local nuthead = tonut(head)
+ return tonode(nuthead)
+step = [[
+ nuthead = tonut((%action%(tonode(nuthead),groupcode)))
+nut = [[
+ nuthead = %action%(nuthead,groupcode)
+nohead = [[
+ %action%(tonode(nuthead),groupcode)
+nonut = [[
+ %action%(nuthead,groupcode)
+ }
+-- -- processors -- -- {
name = "processors",
- arguments = 5, -- often only the first is used, and the last three are only passed in hpack filter
--- arguments = 2,
processor = nodeprocessor,
sequence = {
"before", -- for users
@@ -383,56 +399,297 @@ {
"after", -- for users
+ },
+ templates = {
+default = [[
+return function(head)
+ return head
+process = [[
+local tonut = nodes.tonut
+local tonode = nodes.nuts.tonode
+return function(head,groupcode,size,packtype,direction,attributes)
+ local nuthead = tonut(head)
+ return tonode(nuthead)
+step = [[
+ nuthead = tonut((%action%(tonode(nuthead),groupcode,size,packtype,direction,attributes)))
+nut = [[
+ nuthead = %action%(nuthead,groupcode,size,packtype,direction,attributes)
+nohead = [[
+ %action%(tonode(nuthead),groupcode,size,packtype,direction,attributes)
+nonut = [[
+ %action%(nuthead,groupcode,size,packtype,direction,attributes)
} {
name = "finalizers",
- arguments = 1,
processor = nodeprocessor,
sequence = {
"before", -- for users
--- "characters",
--- "finishers",
"after", -- for users
+ },
+ templates = {
+default = [[
+return function(head)
+ return head
+process = [[
+local tonut = nodes.tonut
+local tonode = nodes.nuts.tonode
+return function(head)
+ local nuthead = tonut(head)
+ return tonode(nuthead)
+step = [[
+ nuthead = tonut((%action%(tonode(nuthead))))
+nut = [[
+ nuthead = %action%(nuthead)
+nohead = [[
+ %action%(tonode(nuthead))
+nonut = [[
+ %action%(nuthead)
} {
- name = "shipouts",
- arguments = 1,
- -- nostate = true, -- maybe but only for main ones so little gain
+ name = "mvlbuilders",
processor = nodeprocessor,
sequence = {
"before", -- for users
- "finishers",
"after", -- for users
+ },
+ templates = {
+default = [[
+return function(head)
+ return head
+process = [[
+local tonut = nodes.tonut
+local tonode = nodes.nuts.tonode
+return function(head,groupcode)
+ local nuthead = tonut(head)
+ return tonode(nuthead)
+step = [[
+ nuthead = tonut((%action%(tonode(nuthead),groupcode)))
+nut = [[
+ nuthead = %action%(nuthead,groupcode)
+nohead = [[
+ %action%(tonode(nuthead),groupcode)
+nonut = [[
+ %action%(nuthead,groupcode)
} {
- name = "mvlbuilders",
- arguments = 1,
+ name = "vboxbuilders",
processor = nodeprocessor,
sequence = {
"before", -- for users
"after", -- for users
+ },
+ templates = {
+default = [[
+return function(head)
+ return head
+process = [[
+local tonut = nodes.tonut
+local tonode = nodes.nuts.tonode
+return function(head,groupcode,size,packtype,maxdepth,direction)
+ local nuthead = tonut(head)
+ return tonode(nuthead)
+step = [[
+ nuthead = tonut((%action%(tonode(nuthead),groupcode,size,packtype,maxdepth,direction)))
+nut = [[
+ nuthead = %action%(nuthead,groupcode,size,packtype,maxdepth,direction)
+nohead = [[
+ %action%(tonode(nuthead),groupcode,size,packtype,maxdepth,direction)
+nonut = [[
+ %action%(nuthead,groupcode,size,packtype,maxdepth,direction)
} {
- name = "vboxbuilders",
- arguments = 5,
+ name = "contributers",
processor = nodeprocessor,
sequence = {
"before", -- for users
"after", -- for users
+ },
+ templates = {
+default = [[
+return function(head)
+ return head
+process = [[
+local tonut = nodes.tonut
+local tonode = nodes.nuts.tonode
+return function(head,groupcode,line)
+ local nuthead = tonut(head)
+ local nutline = tonut(line)
+ return tonode(nuthead)
+step = [[
+ nuthead = tonut((%action%(tonode(nuthead),groupcode,line)))
+nut = [[
+ nuthead = %action%(nuthead,groupcode,nutline)
+nohead = [[
+ %action%(tonode(nuthead),groupcode,line)
+nonut = [[
+ %action%(nuthead,groupcode,nutline)
+ }
+-- -- math -- --
+ {
+ name = "math",
+ processor = nodeprocessor,
+ sequence = {
+ "before",
+ "normalizers",
+ "builders",
+ "after",
+ },
+ templates = {
+default = [[
+return function(head)
+ return head
+process = [[
+local tonut = nodes.tonut
+local tonode = nodes.nuts.tonode
+return function(head,style,penalties)
+ local nuthead = tonut(head)
+ return tonode(nuthead)
+step = [[
+ nuthead = tonut((%action%(tonode(nuthead),style,penalties)))
+nut = [[
+ nuthead = %action%(nuthead,style,penalties)
+nohead = [[
+ %action%(tonode(nuthead),style,penalties)
+nonut = [[
+ %action%(nuthead,style,penalties)
@@ -458,18 +715,7 @@ {
-- }
-- } {
- name = "contributers",
- arguments = 2, -- [head] where parent
- processor = nodeprocessor,
- sequence = {
- "before", -- for users
- "normalizers",
- "after", -- for users
- }
--- for now quite useless (too fuzzy0
+-- for now quite useless (too fuzzy)
-- {
-- name = "listbuilders",
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/pack-obj.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/pack-obj.lua
index 3f2b2edfe..479c234b4 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/pack-obj.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/pack-obj.lua
@@ -26,10 +26,7 @@ local new_latelua = nuts.pool.latelua
local settexdimen = tokens.setters.dimen
-local gettexbox =
-local settexbox =
-local gettexdimen = tokens.getters.dimen
-local gettexcount = tokens.getters.count
+local getcount = tex.getcount
local implement = interfaces.implement
local setmacro = interfaces.setmacro
@@ -129,7 +126,7 @@ local objects = objects
function objects.register(ns,id,b,referenced,offset,mode)
objects.n = objects.n + 1
- nodes.handlers.finalize(gettexbox(b),"object")
+ nodes.handlers.finalizebox(b)
if mode == 0 then
-- tex
data[ns][id] = {
@@ -160,7 +157,7 @@ function objects.restore(ns,id) -- why not just pass a box number here too (ok,
if status then
local list = getlist(hbox)
local page = new_latelua(function()
- saveobject(ns .. "::" .. id,index,gettexcount("realpageno"))
+ saveobject(ns .. "::" .. id,index,getcount("realpageno"))
@@ -191,7 +188,7 @@ function objects.reference(ns,id)
- return getobjectpage(ns .."::" .. id,gettexcount("realpageno"))
+ return getobjectpage(ns .."::" .. id,getcount("realpageno"))
function objects.found(ns,id)
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/pack-rul.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/pack-rul.lua
index c9771546c..a270bffe7 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/pack-rul.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/pack-rul.lua
@@ -51,10 +51,12 @@ local setboxglue = nuts.setboxglue
local getboxglue = nuts.getboxglue
local hpack = nuts.hpack
-local traverse_id = nuts.traverse_id
local list_dimensions = nuts.dimensions
local flush_node = nuts.flush
+local nexthlist = nuts.traversers.hlist
+local nextvlist = nuts.traversers.vlist
local checkformath = false
directives.register("framed.checkmath",function(v) checkformath = v end) -- experiment
@@ -108,12 +110,12 @@ local function doreshapeframedbox(n)
local hdone = false
- for h in traverse_id(hlist_code,list) do -- no dir etc needed
+ for h in nexthlist, list do -- no dir etc needed
hdone = true
-- local vdone = false
- for v in traverse_id(vlist_code,list) do -- no dir etc needed
+ for v in nextvlist, list do -- no dir etc needed
-- vdone = true
@@ -121,7 +123,7 @@ local function doreshapeframedbox(n)
-- done)
elseif maxwidth ~= 0 then
if hdone then
- for h in traverse_id(hlist_code,list) do
+ for h in nexthlist, list do
local l = getlist(h)
if l then
local subtype = getsubtype(h)
@@ -142,7 +144,7 @@ local function doreshapeframedbox(n)
-- if vdone then
- -- for v in traverse_id(vlist_code,list) do
+ -- for v in nextvlist, list do
-- local width = getwidth(n)
-- if width > maxwidth then
-- setwidth(v,maxwidth)
@@ -164,7 +166,108 @@ local function doreshapeframedbox(n)
-local function doanalyzeframedbox(n)
+if LUATEXVERSION >= 1.090 then
+ local traverse_list =
+ local nextlist = nuts.traversers.list
+ -- local function doreshapeframedbox(n)
+ doreshapeframedbox = function(n)
+ local box = getbox(n)
+ local noflines = 0
+ local nofnonzero = 0
+ local firstheight = nil
+ local lastdepth = nil
+ local lastlinelength = 0
+ local minwidth = 0
+ local maxwidth = 0
+ local totalwidth = 0
+ local averagewidth = 0
+ local boxwidth = getwidth(box)
+ if boxwidth ~= 0 then -- and h.subtype == vlist_code
+ local list = getlist(box)
+ if list then
+ local hdone = false
+ for n, id, subtype, list in nextlist, list do -- no dir etc needed
+ local width, height, depth = getwhd(n)
+ if not firstheight then
+ firstheight = height
+ end
+ lastdepth = depth
+ noflines = noflines + 1
+ if list then
+ if id == hlist_code then
+ if subtype == box_code or subtype == line_code then
+ lastlinelength = list_dimensions(list,getdir(n))
+ else
+ lastlinelength = width
+ end
+ hdone = true
+ else
+ lastlinelength = width
+ -- vdone = true
+ end
+ if lastlinelength > maxwidth then
+ maxwidth = lastlinelength
+ end
+ if lastlinelength < minwidth or minwidth == 0 then
+ minwidth = lastlinelength
+ end
+ if lastlinelength > 0 then
+ nofnonzero = nofnonzero + 1
+ end
+ totalwidth = totalwidth + lastlinelength
+ end
+ end
+ if not firstheight then
+ -- done)
+ elseif maxwidth ~= 0 then
+ if hdone then
+ for h, id, subtype, list in nextlist, list do
+ if list and id == hlist_code then
+ if subtype == box_code or subtype == line_code then
+ local p = hpack(list,maxwidth,'exactly',getdir(h)) -- multiple return value
+ local set, order, sign = getboxglue(p)
+ setboxglue(h,set,order,sign)
+ setlist(p)
+ flush_node(p)
+ elseif checkformath and subtype == equation_code then
+ -- display formulas use a shift
+ if nofnonzero == 1 then
+ setshift(h,0)
+ end
+ end
+ setwidth(h,maxwidth)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ -- if vdone then
+ -- for v in nextvlist, list do
+ -- local width = getwidth(n)
+ -- if width > maxwidth then
+ -- setwidth(v,maxwidth)
+ -- end
+ -- end
+ -- end
+ setwidth(box,maxwidth)
+ averagewidth = noflines > 0 and totalwidth/noflines or 0
+ else -- e.g. empty math {$ $} or \hbox{} or ...
+ setwidth(box,0)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ texsetcount("global","framednoflines",noflines)
+ texsetdimen("global","framedfirstheight",firstheight or 0) -- also signal
+ texsetdimen("global","framedlastdepth",lastdepth or 0)
+ texsetdimen("global","framedminwidth",minwidth)
+ texsetdimen("global","framedmaxwidth",maxwidth)
+ texsetdimen("global","framedaveragewidth",averagewidth)
+ end
+local function doanalyzeframedbox(n) -- traverse_list
local box = getbox(n)
local noflines = 0
local firstheight = nil
@@ -180,10 +283,10 @@ local function doanalyzeframedbox(n)
lastdepth = depth
noflines = noflines + 1
- for h in traverse_id(hlist_code,list) do
+ for h in nexthlist, list do
- for v in traverse_id(vlist_code,list) do
+ for v in nextvlist, list do
@@ -228,10 +331,10 @@ local function maxboxwidth(box)
- for h in traverse_id(hlist_code,list) do -- no dir etc needed
+ for h in nexthlist, list do -- no dir etc needed
- for v in traverse_id(vlist_code,list) do -- no dir etc needed
+ for v in nextvlist, list do -- no dir etc needed
return maxwidth
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/page-imp.mkiv b/tex/context/base/mkiv/page-imp.mkiv
index c08f9856f..d4526a59f 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/page-imp.mkiv
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/page-imp.mkiv
@@ -63,9 +63,21 @@
\newbox \shipoutscratchbox
-\setnewconstant\shipoutfinalizemethod\plusone % this will be default (we will have two finalizers)
-\unexpanded\def\installshipoutmethod#1#2% % a handler takes one argument: something to be boxed
+ {\begingroup
+ \scratchtoks\emptytoks
+ \dostepwiserecurse{#1}{\numexpr#2-\plusone\relax}\plusone{\etoksapp\scratchtoks{##1,}}%
+ \xdef\pagestoshipout{\the\scratchtoks,\number#2}%
+ \doglobal\appendtoks
+ \ifnum\realpageno>\numexpr#2+\plusone\relax
+ \global\everypar{\normalend}%
+ \fi
+ \to\everyaftershipout
+ \endgroup}
+\unexpanded\def\installshipoutmethod#1#2% % a handler takes one argument: something to be boxed
{\setgvalue{\??shipoutmethod#1}##1{#2{##1}}} % and shipped out (don't depend on the exact package)
\let\installpagehandler\installshipoutmethod % will go
@@ -73,13 +85,6 @@
-% \def\page_shipouts_handle
-% {\csname\??shipoutmethod\ifcsname\??shipoutmethod\v_page_target_method\endcsname
-% \v_page_target_method
-% \else
-% \v!none
-% \fi\endcsname}
@@ -112,12 +117,14 @@
- \ifcase\shipoutfinalizemethod
+ \ifcase\shipoutfinalizemethod % not nice ... needs thinking
- \setbox\shipoutscratchbox\hpack{#1}% just in case there are objects there, hook for testing (will go away)
- \finalizeshipoutbox\shipoutscratchbox
- \page_shipouts_handle{\box\shipoutscratchbox}%
+ \setbox\shipoutscratchbox\hpack
+ {#1}% just in case there are objects there, hook for testing (will go away)
+ \page_shipouts_handle
+ {\finalizeshipoutbox\shipoutscratchbox
+ \box\shipoutscratchbox}%
\setnextrealpageno % so this comes before \everyaftershipout so in fact:
\the\everyaftershipout % at this point we're already on the next realpage
@@ -127,11 +134,12 @@
- \message
- {[\ifarrangingpages arranged \fi page
+ \writestatus\m!system
+ {\ifarrangingpages arranged \fi page
- not flushed]}%
- \setbox\scratchbox\hpack{#1}%
+ not flushed}%
+ % \setbox\scratchbox\hpack
+ % {#1}% no finalize
@@ -173,7 +181,8 @@
- \setbox\shipoutscratchbox\hpack{#1}%
+ \setbox\shipoutscratchbox\hpack
+ {#1}% finalizes
@@ -190,13 +199,14 @@
- {% \global\advance\shippedoutpages\plusone
- \begingroup
- \setbox\scratchbox\hpack
+ {\begingroup
+ \setbox\shipoutscratchbox\hpack
+ {#1}% finalizes
+ \setbox\shipoutscratchbox\hpack
- \pusharrangedpage\scratchbox
+ \pusharrangedpage\shipoutscratchbox
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/page-inj.mkvi b/tex/context/base/mkiv/page-inj.mkvi
index cabd07bac..5f48ffd13 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/page-inj.mkvi
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/page-inj.mkvi
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@
\ifx\currentpageinjectionalternative\v!none \else % increment counter but don’t generate output
- \setconstant\shipoutfinalizemethod\zerocount
+ \setconstant\shipoutfinalizemethod\zerocount % this is messy
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/page-lin.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/page-lin.lua
index a6b6a12c4..b990cb223 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/page-lin.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/page-lin.lua
@@ -79,8 +79,9 @@ local getdepth = nuts.getdepth
local setprop = nuts.setprop
local getprop = nuts.getprop
-local traverse_id = nuts.traverse_id
-local traverse = nuts.traverse
+local nexthlist = nuts.traversers.hlist
+local nextvlist = nuts.traversers.vlist
local copy_node = nuts.copy
----- hpack_nodes = nuts.hpack
local is_display_math = nuts.is_display_math
@@ -283,7 +284,7 @@ end
local function listisnumbered(list)
if list then
- for n in traverse_id(hlist_code,list) do
+ for n in nexthlist, list do -- LUATEXVERSION >= 1.090
if getsubtype(n) == line_code then
local a = getattr(n,a_linenumber)
if a then
@@ -383,7 +384,7 @@ function boxed.stage_one(n,nested)
local skip = false
local function check()
- for n in traverse_id(hlist_code,list) do -- attr test here and quit as soon as zero found
+ for n in nexthlist, list do -- LUATEXVERSION >= 1.090
local subtype = getsubtype(n)
if subtype ~= line_code then
-- go on
@@ -450,7 +451,7 @@ function boxed.stage_one(n,nested)
if not list then
- for n in traverse_id(vlist_code,list) do
+ for n in nextvlist, list do -- LUATEXVERSION >= 1.090
local p = properties[n]
if p and p.columngap then
if trace_numbers then
@@ -473,7 +474,7 @@ function boxed.stage_two(n,m)
if #current_list > 0 then
m = m or lines.scratchbox
local t, tn = { }, 0
- for l in traverse_id(hlist_code,getlist(getbox(m))) do
+ for l in nexthlist, getlist(getbox(m)) do -- LUATEXVERSION >= 1.090
tn = tn + 1
t[tn] = copy_node(l) -- use take_box instead
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/page-mix.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/page-mix.lua
index 107ac1410..192b8a30a 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/page-mix.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/page-mix.lua
@@ -69,8 +69,6 @@ local getpenalty = nuts.getpenalty
local getwidth = nuts.getwidth
local getheight = nuts.getheight
local getdepth = nuts.getdepth
-local traverse_id = nuts.traverse_id
-local traverse = nuts.traverse
local theprop = nuts.theprop
@@ -829,23 +827,6 @@ local function report_deltas(result,str)
report_state("%s, cycles %s, deltas % | t",str,result.cycle or 1,t)
--- local function xxcollectinserts(h)
--- local skips, total, order = 0, 0, 0
--- print(h)
--- if h then
--- h = getlist(h)
--- for n in traverse(h) do
--- print(tonode(n))
--- end
--- for n in traverse_id(insert_code,h) do
--- order = order + 1
--- total = total + getheight(n)
--- skips = skips + structures.notes.check_spacing(getsubtype(n),order)
--- end
--- end
--- return skips, total
--- end
local function setsplit(specification)
splitruns = splitruns + 1
if trace_state then
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/scrn-ref.mkvi b/tex/context/base/mkiv/scrn-ref.mkvi
index bace13312..df395e550 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/scrn-ref.mkvi
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/scrn-ref.mkvi
@@ -83,15 +83,15 @@
%D delayed ...
- {\ifproductionrun
- \clf_enableinteraction % only once anyway
- \glet\scrn_reference_enable_references\relax
- \fi}
- \scrn_reference_enable_references
-\to \everysetupinteraction
+% \def\scrn_reference_enable_references
+% {\ifproductionrun
+% \clf_enableinteraction % only once anyway
+% \glet\scrn_reference_enable_references\relax
+% \fi}
+% \appendtoks
+% \scrn_reference_enable_references
+% \to \everysetupinteraction
\setupinteraction % start fit page and reset form
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/scrp-cjk.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/scrp-cjk.lua
index b31dc335a..faef77eec 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/scrp-cjk.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/scrp-cjk.lua
@@ -15,14 +15,12 @@ if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['scrp-cjk'] = {
-- line would have to be a hard coded ones.
local nuts = nodes.nuts
-local tonut = nodes.tonut
-local tonode = nodes.tonode
local insert_node_after = nuts.insert_after
local insert_node_before = nuts.insert_before
local copy_node = nuts.copy
local remove_node = nuts.remove
-local traverse_id = nuts.traverse_id
+local nextglyph = nuts.traversers.glyph
local getnext = nuts.getnext
local getprev = nuts.getprev
@@ -509,9 +507,8 @@ scripts.installmethod {
function scripts.decomposehangul(head)
- local head = tonut(head)
local done = false
- for current in traverse_id(glyph_code,head) do
+ for current in nextglyph, head do
local lead_consonant, medial_vowel, tail_consonant = decomposed(getchar(current))
if lead_consonant then
@@ -526,7 +523,7 @@ function scripts.decomposehangul(head)
done = true
- return tonode(head), done
+ return head, done
-- nodes.tasks.prependaction("processors","normalizers","scripts.decomposehangul")
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/scrp-ini.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/scrp-ini.lua
index 9bd70e30a..0eee550ac 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/scrp-ini.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/scrp-ini.lua
@@ -52,8 +52,6 @@ local enableaction = nodes.tasks.enableaction
local disableaction = nodes.tasks.disableaction
local nuts = nodes.nuts
-local tonut = nuts.tonut
-local tonode = nuts.tonode
local getnext = nuts.getnext
local getchar = nuts.getchar
@@ -65,8 +63,11 @@ local isglyph = nuts.isglyph
local insert_node_after = nuts.insert_after
local first_glyph = nuts.first_glyph
-local traverse_id = nuts.traverse_id
-local traverse_char = nuts.traverse_char
+----- traverse_id = nuts.traverse_id
+----- traverse_char = nuts.traverse_char
+local nextglyph = nuts.traversers.glyph
+local nextchar = nuts.traversers.char
local nodepool = nuts.pool
@@ -417,7 +418,7 @@ scripts.categorytonumber = categorytonumber
scripts.numbertocategory = numbertocategory
local function colorize(start,stop)
- for n in traverse_id(glyph_code,start) do
+ for n in nextglyph, start do
local kind = numbertocategory[getattr(n,a_scriptstatus)]
if kind then
local ac = scriptcolors[kind]
@@ -450,13 +451,12 @@ end
-- we can have a fonts.hashes.originals
function scripts.injectors.handler(head)
- head = tonut(head)
local start = first_glyph(head) -- we already have glyphs here (subtype 1)
if not start then
- return tonode(head), false
+ return head
local last_a, normal_process, lastfont, originals = nil, nil, nil, nil
- local done, first, last, ok = false, nil, nil, false
+ local first, last, ok = nil, nil, false
while start do
local char, id = isglyph(start)
if char then
@@ -473,7 +473,7 @@ function scripts.injectors.handler(head)
- ok, done = false, true
+ ok = false
first, last = nil, nil
@@ -517,7 +517,7 @@ function scripts.injectors.handler(head)
- ok, done = false, true
+ ok = false
first, last = nil, nil
@@ -532,7 +532,7 @@ function scripts.injectors.handler(head)
- ok, done = false, true
+ ok = false
first, last = nil, nil
@@ -554,7 +554,7 @@ function scripts.injectors.handler(head)
- first, last, ok, done = nil, nil, false, true
+ first, last, ok = nil, nil, false
elseif first then
first, last = nil, nil
@@ -570,16 +570,15 @@ function scripts.injectors.handler(head)
- done = true
- return tonode(head), done
+ return head
-- kind of experimental .. might move to it's own module
-- function scripts.splitters.handler(head)
--- return head, false
+-- return head
-- end
local function addwords(tree,data)
@@ -759,9 +758,7 @@ end
local tree, attr, proc
function splitters.handler(head) -- todo: also first_glyph test
- head = tonut(head)
local current = head
- local done = false
while current do
if getid(current) == glyph_code then
local a = getattr(current,a_scriptsplitting)
@@ -792,7 +789,6 @@ function splitters.handler(head) -- todo: also first_glyph test
head, current = proc(handler,head,current,last,1)
- done = true
if trace_splitdetail then
-- could be punctuation
@@ -803,7 +799,6 @@ function splitters.handler(head) -- todo: also first_glyph test
head, current = proc(handler,head,current,last,2)
- done = true
@@ -813,7 +808,7 @@ function splitters.handler(head) -- todo: also first_glyph test
current = getnext(current)
- return tonode(head), done
+ return head
local function marker(head,current,font,color) -- could become: nodes.tracers.marker
@@ -907,7 +902,7 @@ setmetatableindex(cache_nop,function(t,k) local v = { } t[k] = v return v end)
-- playing nice
function autofontfeature.handler(head)
- for n in traverse_char(tonut(head)) do
+ for n in nextchar, head do
-- if getattr(n,a_scriptinjection) then
-- -- already tagged by script feature, maybe some day adapt
-- else
@@ -951,6 +946,53 @@ function autofontfeature.handler(head)
return head
+if LUATEXVERSION >= 1.090 then
+ function autofontfeature.handler(head)
+ for n, font, char in nextchar, head do
+ -- if getattr(n,a_scriptinjection) then
+ -- -- already tagged by script feature, maybe some day adapt
+ -- else
+ local script = otfscripts[char]
+ if script then
+ local dynamic = getattr(n,0) or 0
+ if dynamic > 0 then
+ local slot = cache_yes[font]
+ local attr = slot[script]
+ if not attr then
+ attr = mergecontext(dynamic,name,2)
+ slot[script] = attr
+ if trace_scripts then
+ report_scripts("script: %s, trigger %C, dynamic: %a, variant: %a",script,char,attr,"extended")
+ end
+ end
+ if attr ~= 0 then
+ n[0] = attr
+ -- maybe set scriptinjection when associated
+ end
+ else
+ local slot = cache_nop[font]
+ local attr = slot[script]
+ if not attr then
+ attr = registercontext(font,script,2)
+ slot[script] = attr
+ if trace_scripts then
+ report_scripts("script: %s, trigger %C, dynamic: %s, variant: %a",script,char,attr,"normal")
+ end
+ end
+ if attr ~= 0 then
+ setattr(n,0,attr)
+ -- maybe set scriptinjection when associated
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ -- end
+ end
+ return head
+ end
function autofontfeature.enable()
report_scripts("globally enabled")
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/spac-adj.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/spac-adj.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 3db59881b..000000000
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/spac-adj.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['spac-adj'] = {
- version = 1.001,
- comment = "companion to spac-adj.mkiv",
- author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license = "see context related readme files"
--- sort of obsolete code
-local a_vadjust = attributes.private('graphicvadjust')
-local nodecodes = nodes.nodecodes
-local hlist_code = nodecodes.hlist
-local vlist_code = nodecodes.vlist
-local remove_node = nodes.remove
-local hpack_node = node.hpack
-local enableaction = nodes.tasks.enableaction
-function nodes.handlers.graphicvadjust(head,groupcode) -- we can make an actionchain for mvl only
- if groupcode == "" then -- mvl only
- local h, p, done = head, nil, false
- while h do
- local id =
- if id == hlist_code or id == vlist_code then
- local a = h[a_vadjust]
- if a then
- if p then
- local n
- head, h, n = remove_node(head,h)
- local pl = p.list
- if n.width ~= 0 then
- n = hpack_node(n,0,'exactly') -- todo: dir
- end
- if pl then
- pl.prev = n
- = pl
- end
- p.list = n
- done = true
- else
- -- can't happen
- end
- else
- p = h
- h =
- end
- else
- h =
- end
- end
- return head, done
- else
- return head, false
- end
-interfaces.implement {
- name = "enablegraphicvadjust",
- onlyonce = true,
- actions = function()
- enableaction("finalizers","nodes.handlers.graphicvadjust")
- end
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/spac-adj.mkiv b/tex/context/base/mkiv/spac-adj.mkiv
deleted file mode 100644
index d29d15c17..000000000
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/spac-adj.mkiv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-%D \module
-%D [ file=spac-adj, % moved from spac-par.mkiv
-%D version=2009.10.16, % 1997.03.31, was core-spa.tex
-%D title=\CONTEXT\ Spacing Macros,
-%D subtitle=Paragraphs,
-%D author=Hans Hagen,
-%D date=\currentdate,
-%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
-%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
-%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
-%C details.
-\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Spacing Macros / Adjustments}
-% Very nasty but needed for margin stuff inside colored
-% paragraphs. Obsolete for while .
-\definesystemattribute [graphicvadjust] [public]
- {\writestatus\m!system{graphicvadjusting is no longer needed!}
- \clf_enablegraphicvadjust %once anyway
- \glet\enablegraphicvadjust\relax}
-\unexpanded\def\graphicvadjust % currently not enabled ... nasty bidi handling
- {\clf_enablegraphicvadjust % and probably no longer needed anyway
- \dowithnextboxcontentcs\forgetall\spac_vadjust_graphic_finish\vbox}
- {\vadjust
- {\vbox attr \graphicvadjustattribute \plusone
- {\unvbox\nextbox
- % corrects for one line paragraphs
- \nointerlineskip
- \kern-\struttotal
- \nointerlineskip
- \verticalstrut}}}
- {\dowithnextboxcs\spac_vadjust_faked_finish\vtop}
- {\setbox\nextbox\hpack{\llap{\lower\strutdepth\box\nextbox}}%
- \smashedbox\nextbox}
-\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/spac-ali.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/spac-ali.lua
index 640478d34..3da0e57f4 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/spac-ali.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/spac-ali.lua
@@ -63,9 +63,8 @@ local nofrealigned = 0
-- raggedright 0 0 fil
-- raggedcenter 0 + 0 + -
-local function handler(head,leftpage,realpageno)
+local function handler(head,leftpage,realpageno) -- traverse_list
local current = head
- local done = false
while current do
local id = getid(current)
if id == hlist_code then
@@ -102,7 +101,6 @@ local function handler(head,leftpage,realpageno)
elseif trace_realign then
report_realign("invalid flushing, align %a, page %a, realpage %a",align,pageno,realpageno)
- done = true
nofrealigned = nofrealigned + 1
@@ -113,14 +111,11 @@ local function handler(head,leftpage,realpageno)
current = getnext(current)
- return head, done
+ return head
function alignments.handler(head)
- local leftpage = isleftpage()
- local realpageno = texgetcount("realpageno")
- local head, done = handler(tonut(head),leftpage,realpageno)
- return tonode(head), done
+ return handler(head,isleftpage(),texgetcount("realpageno"))
local enabled = false
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/spac-chr.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/spac-chr.lua
index 0fa639f92..20b72e1b9 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/spac-chr.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/spac-chr.lua
@@ -27,9 +27,6 @@ local nodes, node = nodes, node
local nuts = nodes.nuts
-local tonode = nuts.tonode
-local tonut = nuts.tonut
local getnext = nuts.getnext
local getprev = nuts.getprev
local getattr = nuts.getattr
@@ -48,13 +45,13 @@ local setcolor = nodes.tracers.colors.set
local insert_node_before = nuts.insert_before
local insert_node_after = nuts.insert_after
local remove_node = nuts.remove
-local traverse_id = nuts.traverse_id
-local traverse_char = nuts.traverse_char
+----- traverse_id = nuts.traverse_id
+----- traverse_char = nuts.traverse_char
+local nextchar = nuts.traversers.char
+local nextglyph = nuts.traversers.glyph
local copy_node = nuts.copy
-local tasks = nodes.tasks
local nodepool = nuts.pool
local new_penalty = nodepool.penalty
local new_glue = nodepool.glue
@@ -101,8 +98,7 @@ local function inject_quad_space(unicode,head,current,fraction)
setattrlist(current) -- why reset all
- head, current = insert_node_after(head,current,glue)
- return head, current
+ return insert_node_after(head,current,glue)
local function inject_char_space(unicode,head,current,parent)
@@ -112,8 +108,7 @@ local function inject_char_space(unicode,head,current,parent)
setattrlist(current) -- why reset all
- head, current = insert_node_after(head,current,glue)
- return head, current
+ return insert_node_after(head,current,glue)
local function inject_nobreak_space(unicode,head,current,space,spacestretch,spaceshrink)
@@ -132,8 +127,7 @@ local function inject_nobreak_space(unicode,head,current,space,spacestretch,spac
head, current = insert_node_after(head,current,kern)
head, current = insert_node_after(head,current,penalty)
- head, current = insert_node_after(head,current,glue)
- return head, current
+ return insert_node_after(head,current,glue)
local function nbsp(head,current)
@@ -152,26 +146,12 @@ end
function characters.replacenbsp(head,original)
local head, current = nbsp(head,original)
- head = remove_node(head,original,true)
- return head, current
+ return remove_node(head,original,true)
--- function characters.replacenbspaces(head)
--- for current in traverse_id(glyph_code,head) do
--- if getchar(current) == 0x00A0 then
--- local h = nbsp(head,current)
--- if h then
--- head = remove_node(h,current,true)
--- end
--- end
--- end
--- return head
--- end
function characters.replacenbspaces(head)
- local head = tonut(head)
local wipe = false
- for current in traverse_id(glyph_code,head) do -- can be anytiem so no traverse_char
+ for current in nextglyph, head do -- can be anytime so no traverse_char
if getchar(current) == 0x00A0 then
if wipe then
head = remove_node(h,current,true)
@@ -184,15 +164,40 @@ function characters.replacenbspaces(head)
if wipe then
- head = remove_node(h,current,true)
+ head = remove_node(head,current,true)
+ end
+ return head
+if LUATEXVERSION >= 1.090 then
+ function characters.replacenbspaces(head)
+ local wipe = false
+ for current, font, char in nextglyph, head do -- can be anytime so no traverse_char
+ if char == 0x00A0 then
+ if wipe then
+ head = remove_node(h,current,true)
+ wipe = false
+ end
+ local h = nbsp(head,current)
+ if h then
+ wipe = current
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if wipe then
+ head = remove_node(head,current,true)
+ end
+ return head
- return tonode(head)
-- This initialization might move someplace else if we need more of it. The problem is that
-- this module depends on fonts so we have an order problem.
local nbsphash = { } setmetatableindex(nbsphash,function(t,k)
+ -- this needs checking !
for i=unicodeblocks.devanagari.first,unicodeblocks.devanagari.last do nbsphash[i] = true end
for i=unicodeblocks.kannada .first,unicodeblocks.kannada .last do nbsphash[i] = true end
@@ -319,9 +324,7 @@ local methods = {
characters.methods = methods
-- function characters.handler(head) -- todo: use traverse_id
--- head = tonut(head)
-- local current = head
--- local done = false
-- while current do
-- local char, id = isglyph(current)
-- if char then
@@ -335,28 +338,49 @@ characters.methods = methods
-- if h then
-- head = remove_node(h,current,true)
-- end
--- done = true
-- end
-- current = next
-- else
-- current = getnext(current)
-- end
-- end
--- return tonode(head), done
+-- return head
-- end
--- for current, char, font in traverse_char_data(head) will save 0.015 on a 300 page doc
-- this also works ok in math as we run over glyphs and these stay glyphs ... not sure
-- about scripts and such but that is not important anyway ... some day we can consider
-- special definitions in math
function characters.handler(head)
- local head = tonut(head)
local wipe = false
- for current in traverse_char(head) do
- local char = getchar(current)
- if char then
+ for current in nextchar, head do
+ local char = getchar(current)
+ local method = methods[char]
+ if method then
+ if wipe then
+ head = remove_node(head,wipe,true)
+ wipe = false
+ end
+ if trace_characters then
+ report_characters("replacing character %C, description %a",char,lower(chardata[char].description))
+ end
+ local h = method(head,current)
+ if h then
+ wipe = current
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if wipe then
+ head = remove_node(head,wipe,true)
+ end
+ return head
+if LUATEXVERSION >= 1.090 then
+ function characters.handler(head)
+ local wipe = false
+ for current, char in nextchar, head do
local method = methods[char]
if method then
if wipe then
@@ -370,12 +394,12 @@ function characters.handler(head)
if h then
wipe = current
- done = true
+ if wipe then
+ head = remove_node(head,wipe,true)
+ end
+ return head
- if wipe then
- head = remove_node(head,wipe,true)
- end
- return tonode(head), done
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/spac-prf.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/spac-prf.lua
index a28f30593..f4d452cbb 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/spac-prf.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/spac-prf.lua
@@ -639,7 +639,7 @@ end
local function profilelist(line,mvl)
- local current = tonut(line)
+ local current = line
local top = nil
local bot = nil
@@ -899,9 +899,8 @@ end
-- function profiling.vboxhandler(head,where)
-- if head and not ignore[where] then
--- local h = tonut(head)
--- if getnext(h) then
--- profilelist(h)
+-- if getnext(head) then
+-- profilelist(head)
-- end
-- end
-- return head
@@ -911,7 +910,7 @@ function profiling.pagehandler(head)
if head then
- return head, true
+ return head
interfaces.implement {
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/spac-ver.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/spac-ver.lua
index 8f2136f95..05055ef63 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/spac-ver.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/spac-ver.lua
@@ -116,7 +116,6 @@ local a_snapmethod = attributes.private('snapmethod')
local a_snapvbox = attributes.private('snapvbox')
local nuts = nodes.nuts
-local tonode = nuts.tonode
local tonut = nuts.tonut
local getnext = nuts.getnext
@@ -147,15 +146,16 @@ local getdepth = nuts.getdepth
local find_node_tail = nuts.tail
local flush_node = nuts.flush_node
-local traverse_nodes = nuts.traverse
-local traverse_nodes_id = nuts.traverse_id
local insert_node_after = nuts.insert_after
local insert_node_before = nuts.insert_before
local remove_node = nuts.remove
local count_nodes = nuts.countall
local hpack_node = nuts.hpack
local vpack_node = nuts.vpack
------ writable_spec = nuts.writable_spec
+local nextnode = nuts.traversers.node
+local nexthlist = nuts.traversers.hlist
local nodereference = nuts.reference
local theprop = nuts.theprop
@@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ local function validvbox(parentid,list)
local done = nil
- for n, id in traverse_nodes(list) do
+ for n, id in nextnode, list do
if id == vlist_code or id == hlist_code then
if done then
return nil
@@ -325,7 +325,7 @@ local function already_done(parentid,list,a_snapmethod) -- todo: done when only
return false
- for n, id in traverse_nodes(list) do
+ for n, id in nextnode, list do
if id == hlist_code or id == vlist_code then
-- local a = getattr(n,a_snapmethod)
-- if not a then
@@ -534,7 +534,7 @@ local function snap_hlist(where,current,method,height,depth) -- method[v_strut]
if thebox and id == vlist_code then
local list = getlist(thebox)
local lw, lh, ld
- for n in traverse_nodes_id(hlist_code,list) do
+ for n in nexthlist, list do
lw, lh, ld = getwhd(n)
@@ -570,7 +570,7 @@ local function snap_hlist(where,current,method,height,depth) -- method[v_strut]
if thebox and id == vlist_code then
local list = getlist(thebox)
local lw, lh, ld
- for n in traverse_nodes_id(hlist_code,list) do
+ for n in nexthlist, list do
lw, lh, ld = getwhd(n)
if lh then
@@ -1879,7 +1879,7 @@ do
trace_info("head has been changed from %a to %a",nodecodes[getid(oldhead)],nodecodes[getid(head)])
- return head, true
+ return head
-- alignment after_output end box new_graf vmode_par hmode_par insert penalty before_display after_display
@@ -1910,29 +1910,25 @@ do
function vspacing.pagehandler(newhead,where)
-- local newhead = texlists.contrib_head
if newhead then
- newhead = tonut(newhead)
local newtail = find_node_tail(newhead) -- best pass that tail, known anyway
local flush = false
stackhack = true -- todo: only when grid snapping once enabled
-- todo: fast check if head = tail
- for n, id in traverse_nodes(newhead) do -- we could just look for glue nodes
+ for n, id, subtype in nextnode, newhead do -- we could just look for glue nodes
if id ~= glue_code then
flush = true
- else
- local subtype = getsubtype(n)
- if subtype == userskip_code then
- if getattr(n,a_skipcategory) then
- stackhack = true
- else
- flush = true
- end
- elseif subtype == parskip_code then
- -- if where == new_graf then ... end
- if texgetcount("c_spac_vspacing_ignore_parskip") > 0 then
--- texsetcount("c_spac_vspacing_ignore_parskip",0)
- setglue(n)
- -- maybe removenode
- end
+ elseif subtype == userskip_code then
+ if getattr(n,a_skipcategory) then
+ stackhack = true
+ else
+ flush = true
+ end
+ elseif subtype == parskip_code then
+ -- if where == new_graf then ... end
+ if texgetcount("c_spac_vspacing_ignore_parskip") > 0 then
+ -- texsetcount("c_spac_vspacing_ignore_parskip",0)
+ setglue(n)
+ -- maybe removenode
@@ -1953,7 +1949,7 @@ do
if trace_collect_vspacing then report("%s > flushing %s nodes: %s",where,newhead) end
-- texlists.contrib_head = newhead
- return tonode(newhead)
+ return newhead
if stackhead then
if trace_collect_vspacing then report("%s > appending %s nodes to stack (intermediate): %s",where,newhead) end
@@ -1977,11 +1973,10 @@ do
function vspacing.vboxhandler(head,where)
- if head and not ignore[where] then
- local h = tonut(head)
- if getnext(h) then -- what if a one liner and snapping?
- h = collapser(h,"vbox",where,trace_vbox_vspacing,true,a_snapvbox) -- todo: local snapper
- return tonode(h)
+ if head and not ignore[where] and getnext(head) then
+ if getnext(head) then -- what if a one liner and snapping?
+ head = collapser(head,"vbox",where,trace_vbox_vspacing,true,a_snapvbox) -- todo: local snapper
+ return head
return head
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/status-files.pdf b/tex/context/base/mkiv/status-files.pdf
index c8ca9b98e..d2e9b687d 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/status-files.pdf
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/status-files.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/status-lua.pdf b/tex/context/base/mkiv/status-lua.pdf
index 16940503b..6cf05d9b4 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/status-lua.pdf
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/status-lua.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/strc-mar.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/strc-mar.lua
index a2cbc2ab2..bb79ac7a9 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/strc-mar.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/strc-mar.lua
@@ -29,14 +29,17 @@ local getlist = nuts.getlist
local getattr = nuts.getattr
local getbox = nuts.getbox
-local traverse = nuts.traverse
-local traverse_id = nuts.traverse_id
+local nextnode = nuts.traversers.node
local nodecodes = nodes.nodecodes
local glyph_code = nodecodes.glyph
local hlist_code = nodecodes.hlist
local vlist_code = nodecodes.vlist
+local whatsit_code = nodecodes.whatsit
+local whatsitcodes = nodes.whatsitcodes
+local latelua_code = whatsitcodes.latelua
local texsetattribute = tex.setattribute
local a_marks = attributes.private("structure","marks")
@@ -116,8 +119,9 @@ end
-- identify range
local function sweep(head,first,last)
- for n, id in traverse(head) do
- if id == glyph_code then
+ for n, id, subtype in nextnode, head do
+ -- we need to handle empty heads so we test for latelua
+ if id == glyph_code or (id == whatsit_code and subtype == latelua_code) then
local a = getattr(n,a_marks)
if not a then
-- next
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/strc-reg.mkiv b/tex/context/base/mkiv/strc-reg.mkiv
index 04fdef9ad..81acb1cf3 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/strc-reg.mkiv
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/strc-reg.mkiv
@@ -835,10 +835,12 @@
- \useregisterstyleandcolor\c!pagestyle\c!pagecolor}
+ \useregisterstyleandcolor\c!pagestyle\c!pagecolor
+ \registerparameter\c!pageleft}
- {\dostoptagged
+ {\registerparameter\c!pageright
+ \dostoptagged
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/strc-ren.mkiv b/tex/context/base/mkiv/strc-ren.mkiv
index 89aa6f55a..9db2f23e9 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/strc-ren.mkiv
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/strc-ren.mkiv
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@
- {\hbox\headreferenceattributes{\getheadsyncs}} % \hpack ?
+ {\hpack\headreferenceattributes{\getheadsyncs}}
%D \starttyping
%D \def\StretchedBox#1%
@@ -345,14 +345,14 @@
- \getheadsyncs
+ \getheadsyncs % a latelua, why not in the box
% somehow this goes ok even when we push in the margin probably because we gobble pars
% in the process of collecting index entries etc
\flushnotes % new, here since we're in par mode
- \getheadsyncs
+ \getheadsyncs % a latelua
\strc_sectioning_stay_on_this_line % test case: alternative=margintext and \startparagraph ..
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/strc-sec.mkiv b/tex/context/base/mkiv/strc-sec.mkiv
index 4e5115a7d..b3e7e46f5 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/strc-sec.mkiv
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/strc-sec.mkiv
@@ -249,7 +249,7 @@
userdata {\detokenize{#3}}% will be converted to table at the lua end
- % \currentstructuresynchronize has to be called someplace, since it introduces a node
+ % \currentstructuresynchronize has to be called someplace, since it introduces a node
@@ -755,6 +755,9 @@
+% Beware, we do need some node for anchoring marks and normally a zwnj will
+% do but it interferes so we deal with it at the \LUA\ end.
@@ -762,8 +765,8 @@
\to \everyheadsynchronization
- {\the\everyheadsynchronization
- \currentstructuresynchronize}
+ {% no, interferes: \signalcharacter
+ \the\everyheadsynchronization}
% BEWARE: \marking[section]{my text} does not work as we use list indices instead
% so we need a 'keep track of raw set option' (or maybe a funny internal prefix)
@@ -983,8 +986,8 @@
\unexpanded\def\strc_rendering_place_head_section % see hidden below
- \hpack\headreferenceattributes{}%
- \currentstructuresynchronize
+ \hpack\headreferenceattributes{}% also does the mark
+ \theheadsynchonization
\unexpanded\def\strc_rendering_place_head_hidden % maybe trialtypesetting check
@@ -994,7 +997,7 @@
\hpack\headreferenceattributes{}% otherwise no destination ... maybe tag ref as hidden and fall back on page reference
- \currentstructuresynchronize}} % and it's a node anyway
+ \theheadsynchonization}} % and it's a node anyway
\def\synchronizehead #1{\csname\??hiddenheadsync#1\endcsname}
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/supp-box.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/supp-box.lua
index 3ea16dcf8..dc680cda0 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/supp-box.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/supp-box.lua
@@ -62,10 +62,12 @@ local flush_list = nuts.flush_list
local copy_node = nuts.copy
local copy_list = nuts.copy_list
local find_tail = nuts.tail
-local traverse_id = nuts.traverse_id
local list_dimensions = nuts.dimensions
local hpack = nuts.hpack
+local nextdisc = nuts.traversers.disc
+local nexthlist = nuts.traversers.hlist
local listtoutf = nodes.listtoutf
local nodepool = nuts.pool
@@ -128,7 +130,7 @@ implement {
-- local function hyphenatedhack(head,pre)
-- pre = tonut(pre)
--- for n in traverse_id(disc_code,tonut(head)) do
+-- for n in nextdisc, tonut(head) do
-- local hyphen = getfield(n,"pre")
-- if hyphen then
-- flush_list(hyphen)
@@ -422,7 +424,7 @@ local function firstdirinbox(n)
if b then
local l = getlist(b)
if l then
- for h in traverse_id(hlist_code,l) do
+ for h in nexthlist, l do
return getdir(h)
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/syst-aux.mkiv b/tex/context/base/mkiv/syst-aux.mkiv
index ee5761af0..1b56cbd7c 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/syst-aux.mkiv
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/syst-aux.mkiv
@@ -345,6 +345,18 @@
\let\doifnextoptionalelse \doifelsenextoptional
+% fails on assignments
+% \unexpanded\def\doifelsenextoptional {\afterassignment\doifelsenextoptional_n \def\m_syst_action_yes}
+% \def\doifelsenextoptional_n {\afterassignment\doifelsenextoptional_n_n\def\m_syst_action_nop}
+% \def\doifelsenextoptional_n_n {\let\if_next_blank_space_token\iffalse
+% \futurelet\nexttoken\syst_helpers_inspect_next_optional_character}
+% \unexpanded\def\doifelsenextoptionalcs {\afterassignment\doifelsenextoptionalcs_n \let\m_syst_action_yes}
+% \def\doifelsenextoptionalcs_n {\afterassignment\doifelsenextoptionalcs_n_n\let\m_syst_action_nop}
+% \def\doifelsenextoptionalcs_n_n{\let\if_next_blank_space_token\iffalse
+% \futurelet\nexttoken\syst_helpers_inspect_next_optional_character}
@@ -728,6 +740,23 @@
+%D Slightly faster on longer arguments (0.179 downto 0.141):
+%D \testfeatureonce{100000}{\doifelse{aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa}{bbbbbbbbbbbbbbb}\relax\relax}
+% \unexpanded\def\doifelse
+% {\afterassignment\doifelse_n\edef\m_syst_string_one}
+% \unexpanded\def\doifelse_n
+% {\afterassignment\doifelse_n_n\edef\m_syst_string_two}
+% \unexpanded\def\doifelse_n_n
+% {\ifx\m_syst_string_one\m_syst_string_two
+% \expandafter\firstoftwoarguments
+% \else
+% \expandafter\secondoftwoarguments
+% \fi}
%D \macros
%D {doifempty,doifemptyelse,doifnotempty}
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/syst-ini.mkiv b/tex/context/base/mkiv/syst-ini.mkiv
index 181ec05be..ee8663293 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/syst-ini.mkiv
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/syst-ini.mkiv
@@ -214,13 +214,13 @@
\countdef \c_syst_max_allocated_read = 55 \c_syst_max_allocated_read = 16
\countdef \c_syst_min_allocated_language = 56 \c_syst_min_allocated_language = 0
\countdef \c_syst_max_allocated_language = 57 \c_syst_max_allocated_language = 255
-\countdef \c_syst_max_allocated_insert = 58 \c_syst_max_allocated_insert = 254
-\countdef \c_syst_min_allocated_insert = 59 \c_syst_min_allocated_insert = 128
+\countdef \c_syst_min_allocated_insert = 58 \c_syst_min_allocated_insert = 128
+\countdef \c_syst_max_allocated_insert = 59 \c_syst_max_allocated_insert = 254
\countdef \c_syst_min_allocated_family = 60 \c_syst_min_allocated_family = 128
\countdef \c_syst_max_allocated_family = 61 \c_syst_max_allocated_family = 255
-\countdef \c_syst_min_allocated_attribute = 62 \c_syst_min_allocated_attribute = 1024 % 127-1023 : private
-\countdef \c_syst_min_allocated_write = 63 \c_syst_min_allocated_write = 0 % luatex >= 0.82
-\countdef \c_syst_max_allocated_write = 64 \c_syst_max_allocated_write = 127 % luatex >= 0.82
+\countdef \c_syst_min_allocated_attribute = 62 \c_syst_min_allocated_attribute = 1024 % 0-1023 : private
+\countdef \c_syst_min_allocated_write = 63 \c_syst_min_allocated_write = 0
+\countdef \c_syst_max_allocated_write = 64 \c_syst_max_allocated_write = 127
\countdef \c_syst_last_allocated_count = 32 \c_syst_last_allocated_count = \c_syst_min_allocated_register
\countdef \c_syst_last_allocated_dimen = 33 \c_syst_last_allocated_dimen = \c_syst_min_allocated_register
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/syst-lua.mkiv b/tex/context/base/mkiv/syst-lua.mkiv
index ca5f9679f..3600dac34 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/syst-lua.mkiv
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/syst-lua.mkiv
@@ -19,6 +19,42 @@
\def\expdoif #1#2{\clf_doifsame {#1}{#2}}
\def\expdoifnot #1#2{\clf_doifnotsame {#1}{#2}}
+%D Here is variant using a brainwave of the 12\high{+} hour \quotation {Long Road
+%D Out of Eden}\footnote {Eden being Backo\TeX\ 2018, where the virtues of the \type
+%D {\expanded} primitive were mentioned in talks.} trip. For now I don't really see
+%D other useful applications.
+ \def\expandeddoif#1#2%
+ {\immediateassignment\edef\m_syst_string_one{#1}%
+ \immediateassignment\edef\m_syst_string_two{#2}%
+ \ifx\m_syst_string_one\m_syst_string_two
+ \expandafter\firstofoneargument
+ \else
+ \expandafter\gobbleoneargument
+ \fi}
+ \def\expandeddoifnot#1#2%
+ {\immediateassignment\edef\m_syst_string_one{#1}%
+ \immediateassignment\edef\m_syst_string_two{#2}%
+ \ifx\m_syst_string_one\m_syst_string_two
+ \expandafter\gobbleoneargument
+ \else
+ \expandafter\firstofoneargument
+ \fi}
+ \def\expandeddoifelse#1#2%
+ {\immediateassignment\edef\m_syst_string_one{#1}%
+ \immediateassignment\edef\m_syst_string_two{#2}%
+ \ifx\m_syst_string_one\m_syst_string_two
+ \expandafter\firstoftwoarguments
+ \else
+ \expandafter\secondoftwoarguments
+ \fi}
% \testfeatureonce{100000}{\doifelse{hello world}{here i am}{}} % 0.3
% \testfeatureonce{100000}{\expandabledoifelse{hello world}{here i am}{}} % 1.5
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/tabl-tbl.mkiv b/tex/context/base/mkiv/tabl-tbl.mkiv
index f80813eef..ff2c0f4e5 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/tabl-tbl.mkiv
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/tabl-tbl.mkiv
@@ -622,18 +622,18 @@
- {\doifelsenumber{#1}
- {\s_tabl_tabulate_pre#1\d_tabl_tabulate_unit\tabl_tabulate_set_preamble }
+ {\doifelsenumber{#1}%
+ {\s_tabl_tabulate_pre#1\d_tabl_tabulate_unit\tabl_tabulate_set_preamble }%
- {\doifelsenumber{#1}
- {\s_tabl_tabulate_post#1\d_tabl_tabulate_unit\tabl_tabulate_set_preamble }
+ {\doifelsenumber{#1}%
+ {\s_tabl_tabulate_post#1\d_tabl_tabulate_unit\tabl_tabulate_set_preamble }%
- {\doifelsenumber{#1}
- {\s_tabl_tabulate_pre#1\d_tabl_tabulate_unit\s_tabl_tabulate_post\s_tabl_tabulate_pre\tabl_tabulate_set_preamble }
+ {\doifelsenumber{#1}%
+ {\s_tabl_tabulate_pre#1\d_tabl_tabulate_unit\s_tabl_tabulate_post\s_tabl_tabulate_pre\tabl_tabulate_set_preamble }%
@@ -1293,7 +1293,7 @@
- {\tabulationparameter\c!after}%
+ {\tabulationparameter\c!after}
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/task-ini.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/task-ini.lua
index 27d997584..29ae69eb1 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/task-ini.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/task-ini.lua
@@ -18,226 +18,130 @@ if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['task-ini'] = {
-- not apply the font handler, we can remove all checks for subtypes 255
local tasks = nodes.tasks
-local prependaction = tasks.prependaction
local appendaction = tasks.appendaction
local disableaction = tasks.disableaction
local enableaction = tasks.enableaction
local freezegroup = tasks.freezegroup
local freezecallbacks = callbacks.freeze
-appendaction("processors", "normalizers", "languages.replacements.handler") -- disabled
-appendaction("processors", "normalizers", "typesetters.wrappers.handler") -- disabled
-appendaction("processors", "normalizers", "typesetters.characters.handler") -- always on
-appendaction("processors", "normalizers", "fonts.collections.process") -- disabled
-appendaction("processors", "normalizers", "fonts.checkers.missing") -- disabled
-appendaction("processors", "characters", "scripts.autofontfeature.handler")
-appendaction("processors", "characters", "scripts.splitters.handler") -- disabled
-appendaction("processors", "characters", "typesetters.cleaners.handler") -- disabled
-appendaction("processors", "characters", "typesetters.directions.handler") -- disabled
-appendaction("processors", "characters", "typesetters.cases.handler") -- disabled
-appendaction("processors", "characters", "typesetters.breakpoints.handler") -- disabled
-appendaction("processors", "characters", "scripts.injectors.handler") -- disabled
-------------("processors", "words", "languages.replacements.handler") -- disabled
-appendaction("processors", "words", "languages.words.check") -- disabled -- might move up, no disc check needed then
-appendaction("processors", "words", "languages.hyphenators.handler") -- always on
-appendaction("processors", "words", "typesetters.initials.handler") -- disabled -- might move up
-appendaction("processors", "words", "typesetters.firstlines.handler") -- disabled
-appendaction("processors", "fonts", "") -- experimental
-appendaction("processors", "fonts", "nodes.handlers.characters") -- maybe todo
-appendaction("processors", "fonts", "nodes.injections.handler")
-appendaction("processors", "fonts", "typesetters.fontkerns.handler")
-appendaction("processors", "fonts", "nodes.handlers.protectglyphs", nil, "nohead") -- maybe todo
-appendaction("processors", "fonts", "builders.kernel.ligaturing") -- not always on (could be selective: if only node mode)
-appendaction("processors", "fonts", "builders.kernel.kerning") -- not always on (could be selective: if only node mode)
-appendaction("processors", "fonts", "nodes.handlers.stripping") -- disabled (might move)
-------------("processors", "fonts", "typesetters.italics.handler") -- disabled (after otf/kern handling)
-appendaction("processors", "fonts", "nodes.handlers.flatten")
-appendaction("processors", "lists", "typesetters.rubies.check") -- disabled (maybe someplace else)
-appendaction("processors", "lists", "typesetters.characteralign.handler") -- disabled (we need to to this after otf appliance)
-appendaction("processors", "lists", "typesetters.spacings.handler") -- disabled
-appendaction("processors", "lists", "typesetters.kerns.handler") -- disabled
-appendaction("processors", "lists", "typesetters.digits.handler") -- disabled (after otf handling)
-appendaction("processors", "lists", "typesetters.italics.handler") -- disabled (after otf/kern handling)
-appendaction("processors", "lists", "languages.visualizediscretionaries") -- disabled
-appendaction("processors", "after", "typesetters.marksuspects")
-appendaction("shipouts", "normalizers", "typesetters.showsuspects")
-appendaction("shipouts", "normalizers", "typesetters.margins.finalhandler") -- disabled
-------------("shipouts", "normalizers", "nodes.handlers.cleanuppage") -- disabled
-appendaction("shipouts", "normalizers", "builders.paragraphs.expansion.trace") -- disabled
-appendaction("shipouts", "normalizers", "typesetters.alignments.handler") -- disabled
-appendaction("shipouts", "normalizers", "nodes.references.handler") -- disabled
-appendaction("shipouts", "normalizers", "nodes.destinations.handler") -- disabled
-appendaction("shipouts", "normalizers", "nodes.rules.handler") -- disabled
-appendaction("shipouts", "normalizers", "nodes.shifts.handler") -- disabled
-appendaction("shipouts", "normalizers", "structures.tags.handler") -- disabled
-appendaction("shipouts", "normalizers", "nodes.handlers.accessibility") -- disabled
-appendaction("shipouts", "normalizers", "nodes.handlers.backgrounds") -- disabled
-------------("shipouts", "normalizers", "nodes.handlers.export") -- disabled
-appendaction("shipouts", "normalizers", "typesetters.rubies.attach") -- disabled
-appendaction("shipouts", "finishers", "nodes.visualizers.handler") -- disabled
-appendaction("shipouts", "finishers", "attributes.colors.handler") -- disabled
-appendaction("shipouts", "finishers", "attributes.transparencies.handler") -- disabled
-appendaction("shipouts", "finishers", "attributes.colorintents.handler") -- disabled
-appendaction("shipouts", "finishers", "attributes.negatives.handler") -- disabled
-appendaction("shipouts", "finishers", "attributes.effects.handler") -- disabled
-appendaction("shipouts", "finishers", "attributes.viewerlayers.handler") -- disabled
---maybe integrate relocate and families
-appendaction("math", "normalizers", "noads.handlers.showtree", nil, "nohead")
-appendaction("math", "normalizers", "noads.handlers.unscript", nil, "nohead") -- always on (maybe disabled)
-appendaction("math", "normalizers", "noads.handlers.variants", nil, "nohead") -- always on
-appendaction("math", "normalizers", "noads.handlers.relocate", nil, "nohead") -- always on
-appendaction("math", "normalizers", "noads.handlers.families", nil, "nohead") -- always on
-appendaction("math", "normalizers", "noads.handlers.render", nil, "nohead") -- always on
-appendaction("math", "normalizers", "noads.handlers.collapse", nil, "nohead") -- disabled
-appendaction("math", "normalizers", "noads.handlers.fixscripts",nil, "nohead") -- * first-- always on
-appendaction("math", "normalizers", "", nil, "nohead") -- * last -- disabled
-appendaction("math", "normalizers", "noads.handlers.autofences",nil, "nohead") -- disabled
-appendaction("math", "normalizers", "noads.handlers.resize", nil, "nohead") -- always on
-------------("math", "normalizers", "noads.handlers.respace", nil, "nohead") -- always on
-appendaction("math", "normalizers", "noads.handlers.alternates",nil, "nohead") -- always on
-appendaction("math", "normalizers", "noads.handlers.tags", nil, "nohead") -- disabled
-appendaction("math", "normalizers", "noads.handlers.italics", nil, "nohead") -- disabled
-appendaction("math", "normalizers", "noads.handlers.kernpairs", nil, "nohead") -- disabled
-appendaction("math", "normalizers", "noads.handlers.classes", nil, "nohead") -- disabled
-appendaction("math", "builders", "builders.kernel.mlist_to_hlist") -- always on
-------------("math", "builders", "noads.handlers.italics", nil, "nohead") -- disabled
-appendaction("math", "builders", "typesetters.directions.processmath") -- disabled (has to happen pretty late)
-appendaction("math", "builders", "", nil, "nohead") -- disabled (has to happen last)
-appendaction("math", "builders", "noads.handlers.align", nil, "nohead")
-appendaction("finalizers", "lists", "typesetters.paragraphs.normalize") -- moved here
-appendaction("finalizers", "lists", "typesetters.margins.localhandler") -- disabled
-appendaction("finalizers", "lists", "builders.paragraphs.keeptogether")
-------------("finalizers", "lists", "nodes.handlers.graphicvadjust") -- todo
-appendaction("finalizers", "fonts", "") -- experimental
-appendaction("finalizers", "lists", "builders.paragraphs.tag")
--- the next can also be in contributers normalizers (when we remove the loop in the handler)
-appendaction("finalizers", "lists", "nodes.linefillers.handler")
-appendaction("contributers", "normalizers", "nodes.handlers.flattenline")
-appendaction("contributers", "normalizers", "nodes.handlers.textbackgrounds")
-appendaction("vboxbuilders", "normalizers", "nodes.handlers.backgroundsvbox")
-appendaction("mvlbuilders", "normalizers", "nodes.handlers.backgroundspage")
-appendaction("mvlbuilders", "normalizers", "typesetters.margins.globalhandler") -- disabled
-appendaction("mvlbuilders", "normalizers", "nodes.handlers.migrate")
-appendaction("mvlbuilders", "normalizers", "builders.vspacing.pagehandler") -- last !
-appendaction("mvlbuilders", "normalizers", "builders.profiling.pagehandler") -- here !
-------------("vboxbuilders", "normalizers", "typesetters.margins.localhandler")
-appendaction("vboxbuilders", "normalizers", "builders.vspacing.vboxhandler")
-appendaction("vboxbuilders", "normalizers", "builders.profiling.vboxhandler") -- here !
--- experimental too
-appendaction("mvlbuilders", "normalizers", "typesetters.checkers.handler")
-appendaction("vboxbuilders", "normalizers", "typesetters.checkers.handler")
--- rather special (this might get hardcoded):
-prependaction("processors", "before", "") -- enabled but optimized for quick abort
-appendaction ("shipouts", "normalizers", "") -- enabled but optimized for quick abort
--- speedup: only kick in when used
-disableaction("processors", "typesetters.wrappers.handler")
-disableaction("processors", "languages.replacements.handler")
-disableaction("processors", "typesetters.characteralign.handler")
-disableaction("processors", "scripts.autofontfeature.handler")
-disableaction("processors", "scripts.splitters.handler")
-disableaction("processors", "scripts.injectors.handler") -- was enabled
-disableaction("processors", "fonts.collections.process")
-disableaction("processors", "fonts.checkers.missing")
-disableaction("processors", "chars.handle_breakpoints")
-disableaction("processors", "typesetters.cleaners.handler")
-disableaction("processors", "typesetters.cases.handler")
-disableaction("processors", "typesetters.digits.handler")
-disableaction("processors", "typesetters.breakpoints.handler")
-disableaction("processors", "typesetters.directions.handler")
-disableaction("processors", "languages.words.check")
-disableaction("processors", "typesetters.initials.handler")
-disableaction("processors", "typesetters.firstlines.handler")
-disableaction("processors", "typesetters.spacings.handler")
-disableaction("processors", "typesetters.kerns.handler")
-disableaction("processors", "typesetters.italics.handler")
-disableaction("processors", "languages.visualizediscretionaries")
-disableaction("processors", "nodes.handlers.stripping")
-disableaction("processors", "")
-disableaction("processors", "typesetters.rubies.check")
-disableaction("processors", "typesetters.fontkerns.handler")
-disableaction("processors", "nodes.handlers.flatten")
-disableaction("processors", "typesetters.marksuspects")
-disableaction("shipouts", "typesetters.showsuspects")
-disableaction("shipouts", "typesetters.margins.finalhandler")
-disableaction("shipouts", "builders.paragraphs.expansion.trace")
-disableaction("shipouts", "typesetters.alignments.handler")
-disableaction("shipouts", "nodes.rules.handler")
-disableaction("shipouts", "nodes.shifts.handler")
-disableaction("shipouts", "attributes.colors.handler")
-disableaction("shipouts", "attributes.transparencies.handler")
-disableaction("shipouts", "attributes.colorintents.handler")
-disableaction("shipouts", "attributes.effects.handler")
-disableaction("shipouts", "attributes.negatives.handler")
-disableaction("shipouts", "attributes.viewerlayers.handler")
-disableaction("shipouts", "structures.tags.handler")
-disableaction("shipouts", "nodes.visualizers.handler")
-disableaction("shipouts", "nodes.handlers.accessibility")
-disableaction("shipouts", "nodes.references.handler")
-disableaction("shipouts", "nodes.destinations.handler")
-disableaction("shipouts", "nodes.handlers.backgrounds")
--------------("shipouts", "nodes.handlers.export")
-disableaction("shipouts", "typesetters.rubies.attach")
-disableaction("finalizers", "typesetters.margins.localhandler")
-disableaction("finalizers", "builders.paragraphs.keeptogether")
-disableaction("finalizers", "")
--------------("finalizers", "nodes.handlers.graphicvadjust") -- sort of obsolete
-disableaction("finalizers", "builders.paragraphs.tag")
-disableaction("finalizers", "nodes.linefillers.handler")
-disableaction("mvlbuilders", "nodes.handlers.backgroundspage")
-disableaction("math", "noads.handlers.showtree")
-disableaction("math", "noads.handlers.tags")
-disableaction("math", "noads.handlers.italics")
-disableaction("math", "noads.handlers.collapse")
-disableaction("math", "noads.handlers.kernpairs")
-disableaction("math", "")
-disableaction("math", "noads.handlers.classes")
-disableaction("math", "noads.handlers.autofences")
-disableaction("math", "")
-disableaction("math", "typesetters.directions.processmath")
-disableaction("mvlbuilders", "typesetters.margins.globalhandler")
-disableaction("mvlbuilders", "nodes.handlers.migrate")
-disableaction("mvlbuilders", "typesetters.checkers.handler")
-disableaction("mvlbuilders", "builders.profiling.pagehandler")
+appendaction("processors", "before", "", nil, "nut", "enabled" )
+appendaction("processors", "normalizers", "typesetters.periodkerns.handler", nil, "nut", "disabled" )
+appendaction("processors", "normalizers", "languages.replacements.handler", nil, "nut", "disabled" )
+appendaction("processors", "normalizers", "typesetters.wrappers.handler", nil, "nut", "disabled" )
+appendaction("processors", "normalizers", "typesetters.characters.handler", nil, "nut", "enabled" )
+appendaction("processors", "normalizers", "fonts.collections.process", nil, "nut", "disabled" )
+appendaction("processors", "normalizers", "fonts.checkers.missing", nil, "nut", "disabled" )
+appendaction("processors", "characters", "scripts.autofontfeature.handler", nil, "nut", "disabled" )
+appendaction("processors", "characters", "scripts.splitters.handler", nil, "nut", "disabled" )
+appendaction("processors", "characters", "typesetters.cleaners.handler", nil, "nut", "disabled" )
+appendaction("processors", "characters", "typesetters.directions.handler", nil, "nut", "disabled" )
+appendaction("processors", "characters", "typesetters.cases.handler", nil, "nut", "disabled" )
+appendaction("processors", "characters", "typesetters.breakpoints.handler", nil, "nut", "disabled" )
+appendaction("processors", "characters", "scripts.injectors.handler", nil, "nut", "disabled" )
+appendaction("processors", "words", "languages.words.check", nil, "nut", "disabled" )
+appendaction("processors", "words", "languages.hyphenators.handler", nil, "nut", "enabled" )
+appendaction("processors", "words", "typesetters.initials.handler", nil, "nut", "disabled" )
+appendaction("processors", "words", "typesetters.firstlines.handler", nil, "nut", "disabled" )
+appendaction("processors", "fonts", "", nil, "nut", "disabled" )
+appendaction("processors", "fonts", "nodes.handlers.characters", nil, "nut", "enabled" )
+appendaction("processors", "fonts", "nodes.injections.handler", nil, "nut", "enabled" )
+appendaction("processors", "fonts", "typesetters.fontkerns.handler", nil, "nut", "disabled" )
+appendaction("processors", "fonts", "nodes.handlers.protectglyphs", nil, "nonut", "enabled" )
+appendaction("processors", "fonts", "builders.kernel.ligaturing", nil, "nut", "disabled" )
+appendaction("processors", "fonts", "builders.kernel.kerning", nil, "nut", "disabled" )
+appendaction("processors", "fonts", "nodes.handlers.stripping", nil, "nut", "disabled" )
+appendaction("processors", "fonts", "nodes.handlers.flatten", nil, "nut", "disabled" )
+appendaction("processors", "fonts", "fonts.goodies.colorschemes.coloring", nil, "nut", "disabled" )
+appendaction("processors", "lists", "typesetters.rubies.check", nil, "nut", "disabled" )
+appendaction("processors", "lists", "typesetters.characteralign.handler", nil, "nut", "disabled" )
+appendaction("processors", "lists", "typesetters.spacings.handler", nil, "nut", "disabled" )
+appendaction("processors", "lists", "typesetters.kerns.handler", nil, "nut", "disabled" )
+appendaction("processors", "lists", "typesetters.digits.handler", nil, "nut", "disabled" )
+appendaction("processors", "lists", "typesetters.italics.handler", nil, "nut", "disabled" )
+appendaction("processors", "lists", "languages.visualizediscretionaries", nil, "nut", "disabled" )
+appendaction("processors", "after", "typesetters.marksuspects", nil, "nut", "disabled" )
+appendaction("shipouts", "normalizers", "typesetters.showsuspects", nil, "nut", "disabled" )
+appendaction("shipouts", "normalizers", "typesetters.margins.finalhandler", nil, "nut", "disabled" )
+------------("shipouts", "normalizers", "nodes.handlers.cleanuppage", nil, "nut", "disabled" )
+appendaction("shipouts", "normalizers", "builders.paragraphs.expansion.trace", nil, "nut", "disabled" )
+appendaction("shipouts", "normalizers", "typesetters.alignments.handler", nil, "nut", "disabled" )
+appendaction("shipouts", "normalizers", "nodes.references.handler", nil, "nut", "production")
+appendaction("shipouts", "normalizers", "nodes.destinations.handler", nil, "nut", "production")
+appendaction("shipouts", "normalizers", "nodes.rules.handler", nil, "nut", "disabled" )
+appendaction("shipouts", "normalizers", "nodes.shifts.handler", nil, "nut", "disabled" )
+appendaction("shipouts", "normalizers", "structures.tags.handler", nil, "nut", "disabled" )
+appendaction("shipouts", "normalizers", "nodes.handlers.accessibility", nil, "nut", "disabled" )
+appendaction("shipouts", "normalizers", "nodes.handlers.backgrounds", nil, "nut", "disabled" )
+appendaction("shipouts", "normalizers", "typesetters.rubies.attach", nil, "nut", "disabled" )
+appendaction("shipouts", "normalizers", "", nil, "nut", "production")
+appendaction("shipouts", "normalizers", "backends.pdf.nodeinjections.finalizepage", nil, "nut", "production")
+appendaction("shipouts", "finishers", "nodes.visualizers.handler", nil, "nut", "disabled" )
+appendaction("shipouts", "finishers", "attributes.colors.handler", nil, "nut", "disabled" )
+appendaction("shipouts", "finishers", "attributes.transparencies.handler", nil, "nut", "disabled" )
+appendaction("shipouts", "finishers", "attributes.colorintents.handler", nil, "nut", "disabled" )
+appendaction("shipouts", "finishers", "attributes.negatives.handler", nil, "nut", "disabled" )
+appendaction("shipouts", "finishers", "attributes.effects.handler", nil, "nut", "disabled" )
+appendaction("shipouts", "finishers", "attributes.viewerlayers.handler", nil, "nut", "disabled" )
+appendaction("shipouts", "wrapup", "nodes.handlers.export", nil, "nut", "disabled" ) -- always last
+appendaction("shipouts", "wrapup", "luatex.synctex.collect", nil, "nut", "disabled" )
+appendaction("math", "normalizers", "noads.handlers.showtree", nil, "nonut", "disabled" )
+appendaction("math", "normalizers", "noads.handlers.unscript", nil, "nonut", "enabled" )
+appendaction("math", "normalizers", "noads.handlers.variants", nil, "nonut", "enabled" )
+appendaction("math", "normalizers", "noads.handlers.relocate", nil, "nonut", "enabled" )
+appendaction("math", "normalizers", "noads.handlers.families", nil, "nonut", "enabled" )
+appendaction("math", "normalizers", "noads.handlers.render", nil, "nonut", "enabled" )
+appendaction("math", "normalizers", "noads.handlers.collapse", nil, "nonut", "disabled" )
+appendaction("math", "normalizers", "noads.handlers.fixscripts", nil, "nonut", "enabled" )
+appendaction("math", "normalizers", "", nil, "nonut", "disabled" )
+appendaction("math", "normalizers", "noads.handlers.autofences", nil, "nonut", "disabled" )
+appendaction("math", "normalizers", "noads.handlers.resize", nil, "nonut", "enabled" )
+------------("math", "normalizers", "noads.handlers.respace", nil, "nonut", "enabled" )
+appendaction("math", "normalizers", "noads.handlers.alternates", nil, "nonut", "enabled" )
+appendaction("math", "normalizers", "noads.handlers.tags", nil, "nonut", "disabled" )
+appendaction("math", "normalizers", "noads.handlers.italics", nil, "nonut", "disabled" )
+appendaction("math", "normalizers", "noads.handlers.kernpairs", nil, "nonut", "disabled" )
+appendaction("math", "normalizers", "noads.handlers.classes", nil, "nonut", "disabled" )
+appendaction("math", "builders", "builders.kernel.mlist_to_hlist", nil, "node", "enabled" ) -- mandate
+appendaction("math", "builders", "typesetters.directions.processmath", nil, "nut", "disabled" )
+appendaction("math", "builders", "", nil, "nonut", "disabled" )
+appendaction("math", "builders", "noads.handlers.align", nil, "nonut", "enabled" )
+appendaction("finalizers", "lists", "typesetters.paragraphs.normalize", nil, "nut", "disabled" )
+appendaction("finalizers", "lists", "typesetters.margins.localhandler", nil, "nut", "disabled" )
+appendaction("finalizers", "lists", "builders.paragraphs.keeptogether", nil, "nut", "disabled" )
+appendaction("finalizers", "fonts", "", nil, "nut", "disabled" )
+appendaction("finalizers", "lists", "builders.paragraphs.tag", nil, "nut", "disabled" )
+appendaction("finalizers", "lists", "nodes.linefillers.handler", nil, "nut", "disabled" )
+appendaction("contributers", "normalizers", "nodes.handlers.flattenline", nil, "nut", "disabled" )
+appendaction("contributers", "normalizers", "nodes.handlers.textbackgrounds", nil, "nut", "disabled" )
+appendaction("vboxbuilders", "normalizers", "nodes.handlers.backgroundsvbox", nil, "nut", "disabled" )
+--------("vboxbuilders", "normalizers", "typesetters.margins.localhandler", nil, "nut", "disabled" )
+appendaction("vboxbuilders", "normalizers", "builders.vspacing.vboxhandler", nil, "nut", "enabled" )
+appendaction("vboxbuilders", "normalizers", "builders.profiling.vboxhandler", nil, "nut", "disabled" )
+appendaction("vboxbuilders", "normalizers", "typesetters.checkers.handler", nil, "nut", "disabled" )
+appendaction("mvlbuilders", "normalizers", "nodes.handlers.backgroundspage", nil, "nut", "disabled" )
+appendaction("mvlbuilders", "normalizers", "typesetters.margins.globalhandler", nil, "nut", "disabled" )
+appendaction("mvlbuilders", "normalizers", "nodes.handlers.migrate", nil, "nut", "disabled" )
+appendaction("mvlbuilders", "normalizers", "builders.vspacing.pagehandler", nil, "nut", "enabled" )
+appendaction("mvlbuilders", "normalizers", "builders.profiling.pagehandler", nil, "nut", "disabled" )
+appendaction("mvlbuilders", "normalizers", "typesetters.checkers.handler", nil, "nut", "disabled" )
+-- some protection
freezecallbacks("find_.*_file", "find file using resolver")
freezecallbacks("read_.*_file", "read file at once")
@@ -255,8 +159,12 @@ freezegroup("finalizers", "normalizers")
freezegroup("finalizers", "fonts")
freezegroup("finalizers", "lists")
+freezegroup("math", "normalizers")
+freezegroup("math", "builders")
freezegroup("shipouts", "normalizers")
freezegroup("shipouts", "finishers")
+freezegroup("shipouts", "wrapup")
freezegroup("mvlbuilders", "normalizers")
freezegroup("vboxbuilders", "normalizers")
@@ -269,13 +177,10 @@ freezegroup("math", "builders")
-- new: disabled here
-disableaction("processors", "builders.kernel.ligaturing")
-disableaction("processors", "builders.kernel.kerning")
directives.register("nodes.basepass", function(v)
if v then
- enableaction("processors", "builders.kernel.ligaturing")
- enableaction("processors", "builders.kernel.kerning")
+ enableaction("processors", "builders.kernel.ligaturing")
+ enableaction("processors", "builders.kernel.kerning")
disableaction("processors", "builders.kernel.ligaturing")
disableaction("processors", "builders.kernel.kerning")
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/trac-jus.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/trac-jus.lua
index e7a030257..0acb685ed 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/trac-jus.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/trac-jus.lua
@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ local a_alignstate = attributes.private("alignstate")
local a_justification = attributes.private("justification")
local nuts = nodes.nuts
-local tonut = nuts.tonut
local getfield = nuts.getfield
local getlist = nuts.getlist
@@ -26,7 +25,8 @@ local setlink = nuts.setlink
local getwidth = nuts.getwidth
local findtail = nuts.tail
-local traverse_id = nuts.traverse_id
+local nexthlist = nuts.traversers.hlist
local list_dimensions = nuts.dimensions
local copy_list = nuts.copy_list
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ trackers.register("visualizers.justification", function(v)
function checkers.handler(head)
- for current in traverse_id(hlist_code,tonut(head)) do
+ for current in nexthlist, head do
if getattr(current,a_justification) == 1 then
setattr(current,a_justification,0) -- kind of reset
local width = getwidth(current)
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/trac-par.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/trac-par.lua
index 56291f8c8..f16078483 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/trac-par.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/trac-par.lua
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ end
builders.paragraphs.expansion = builders.paragraphs.expansion or { }
function builders.paragraphs.expansion.trace(head)
- colorize(tonut(head),true)
+ colorize(head,true)
return head
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/trac-vis.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/trac-vis.lua
index 91ee1cf7d..e744f84f2 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/trac-vis.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/trac-vis.lua
@@ -74,11 +74,12 @@ local copy_list = nuts.copy_list
local flush_node_list = nuts.flush_list
local insert_node_before = nuts.insert_before
local insert_node_after = nuts.insert_after
-local traverse_nodes = nuts.traverse
local apply_to_nodes = nuts.apply
local find_tail = nuts.tail
local effectiveglue = nuts.effective_glue
+local nextnode = nuts.traversers.node
local hpack_string = nuts.typesetters.tohpack
local texgetattribute = tex.getattribute
@@ -188,7 +189,8 @@ end
-- we can preset a bunch of bits
-local userrule -- bah, not yet defined: todo, delayed(nuts.rules,"userrule")
+local userrule -- bah, not yet defined: todo, delayed(nuts.rules,"userrule")
+local outlinerule -- bah, not yet defined: todo, delayed(nuts.rules,"userrule")
local function enable()
if not usedfont then
@@ -233,6 +235,9 @@ local function enable()
if not userrule then
userrule = nuts.rules.userrule
+ if not outlinerule then
+ outlinerule = nuts.pool.outlinerule
+ end
local function setvisual(n,a,what,list) -- this will become more efficient when we have the bit lib linked in
@@ -700,7 +705,7 @@ local ruledbox do
local wd, ht, dp = getwhd(current)
if wd ~= 0 then
local shift = getshift(current)
- local dir = getdir(current)
+ -- local dir = getdir(current)
-- if dir == "LTL" or dir == "RRT" then
-- wd, ht, dp = ht + dp, wd, 0
-- end
@@ -761,7 +766,7 @@ local ruledbox do
local info = setlink(
this and copy_list(this) or nil,
- userrule {
+ (dp == 0 and outlinerule and outlinerule(wd,ht,dp,linewidth)) or userrule {
width = wd,
height = ht,
depth = dp,
@@ -772,7 +777,7 @@ local ruledbox do
- info = new_hlist(info)
+ -- info = new_hlist(info)
if vertical then
@@ -849,10 +854,10 @@ local ruledglyph do
-- local wd = chardata[getfont(current)][getchar(current)].width
if wd ~= 0 then
local wd, ht, dp = getwhd(current)
- -- local dir = getdir(current)
- -- if dir == "LTL" or dir = "RTT" then
- -- wd, ht, dp = ht + dp, wd, 0
- -- end
+ -- local dir = getdir(current)
+ -- if dir == "LTL" or dir = "RTT" then
+ -- wd, ht, dp = ht + dp, wd, 0
+ -- end
local next = getnext(current)
local prev = previous
@@ -895,7 +900,7 @@ local ruledglyph do
-- userrules:
info = setlink(
- userrule {
+ (dp == 0 and outlinerule and outlinerule(wd,ht,dp,linewidth)) or userrule {
width = wd,
height = ht,
depth = dp,
@@ -1198,6 +1203,8 @@ do
local listcodes = nodes.listcodes
local line_code = listcodes.line
+ local cache
local function visualize(head,vertical,forced,parent)
local trace_hbox = false
local trace_vbox = false
@@ -1225,6 +1232,58 @@ do
local prev_trace_fontkern = nil
local prev_trace_italic = nil
local prev_trace_expansion = nil
+ -- local function setthem(t,k)
+ -- local v_trace_hbox = band(k, 1) ~= 0
+ -- local v_trace_vbox = band(k, 2) ~= 0
+ -- local v_trace_vtop = band(k, 4) ~= 0
+ -- local v_trace_kern = band(k, 8) ~= 0
+ -- local v_trace_glue = band(k, 16) ~= 0
+ -- local v_trace_penalty = band(k, 32) ~= 0
+ -- local v_trace_fontkern = band(k, 64) ~= 0
+ -- local v_trace_strut = band(k, 128) ~= 0
+ -- local v_trace_whatsit = band(k, 256) ~= 0
+ -- local v_trace_glyph = band(k, 512) ~= 0
+ -- local v_trace_simple = band(k, 1024) ~= 0
+ -- local v_trace_user = band(k, 2048) ~= 0
+ -- local v_trace_math = band(k, 4096) ~= 0
+ -- local v_trace_italic = band(k, 8192) ~= 0
+ -- local v_trace_origin = band(k, 16384) ~= 0
+ -- local v_trace_discretionary = band(k, 32768) ~= 0
+ -- local v_trace_expansion = band(k, 65536) ~= 0
+ -- local v_trace_line = band(k,131072) ~= 0
+ -- local v_trace_space = band(k,262144) ~= 0
+ -- local v_trace_depth = band(k,524288) ~= 0
+ -- local v = function()
+ -- trace_hbox = v_trace_hbox
+ -- trace_vbox = v_trace_vbox
+ -- trace_vtop = v_trace_vtop
+ -- trace_kern = v_trace_kern
+ -- trace_glue = v_trace_glue
+ -- trace_penalty = v_trace_penalty
+ -- trace_fontkern = v_trace_fontkern
+ -- trace_strut = v_trace_strut
+ -- trace_whatsit = v_trace_whatsit
+ -- trace_glyph = v_trace_glyph
+ -- trace_simple = v_trace_simple
+ -- trace_user = v_trace_user
+ -- trace_math = v_trace_math
+ -- trace_italic = v_trace_italic
+ -- trace_origin = v_trace_origin
+ -- trace_discretionary = v_trace_discretionary
+ -- trace_expansion = v_trace_expansion
+ -- trace_line = v_trace_line
+ -- trace_space = v_trace_space
+ -- trace_depth = v_trace_depth
+ -- end
+ -- t[k] = v
+ -- return v
+ -- end
+ --
+ -- if not cache then
+ -- cache = setmetatableindex(setthem)
+ -- end
while current do
local id = getid(current)
local a = forced or getattr(current,a_visual) or unsetvalue
@@ -1254,6 +1313,7 @@ do
trace_space = false
trace_depth = false
else -- dead slow:
+ -- cache[a]()
trace_hbox = band(a, 1) ~= 0
trace_vbox = band(a, 2) ~= 0
trace_vtop = band(a, 4) ~= 0
@@ -1390,9 +1450,9 @@ do
local function handler(head)
if usedfont then
- head = visualize(tonut(head),true)
+ head = visualize(head,true)
- return tonode(head), true
+ return head, true
return head, false
@@ -1433,7 +1493,7 @@ do
local function markfonts(list)
- for n, id in traverse_nodes(list) do
+ for n, id in nextnode, list do
if id == glyph_code then
local font = getfont(n)
local okay = used[font]
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/typo-bld.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/typo-bld.lua
index 8d349f3a6..d3dddc990 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/typo-bld.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/typo-bld.lua
@@ -264,19 +264,18 @@ end
-- do
--- local nuts = nodes.nuts
--- local tonut = nodes.tonut
--- local tonode = nuts.tonode
--- local getglue = tex.getglue
--- local getwhd = nuts.getwhd
--- local new_b_skip = nuts.pool.baselineskip
--- local new_l_skip = nuts.pool.lineskip
--- local find_tail = nuts.tail
--- local setlink = nuts.setlink
+-- local nuts = nodes.nuts
+-- local getglue = tex.getglue
+-- local getwhd = nuts.getwhd
+-- local new_b_skip = nuts.pool.baselineskip
+-- local new_l_skip = nuts.pool.lineskip
+-- local find_tail = nuts.tail
+-- local setlink = nuts.setlink
+-- local is_mirrored = nodes.is_mirrored
--- function nodes.setprevdepth(box,prevdepth) -- this will become a helper
--- local head = tonut(box)
+-- function nuts.setprevdepth(head,prevdepth) -- this will become a helper
-- local wd, ht, dp = getwhd(head)
+-- local mirrored = false -- getid(box) == hlist_code and is_mirrored(getdir(box)) -- never mirrored
-- if prevdepth > -65536000 then
-- local b_width, b_stretch, b_shrink = getglue("baselineskip")
-- local l_width, l_stretch, l_shrink = getglue("lineskip")
@@ -287,7 +286,16 @@ end
-- head = setlink(new_b_skip(correction,b_stretch,b_shrink),head)
-- end
-- end
--- return tonode(head), mirrored and ht or dp
+-- return head, mirrored and ht or dp
+-- end
+-- function nodes.setprevdepth(box,prevdepth)
+-- local h, p = nodes.prepend_prevdepth(box,prevdepth)
+-- if h then
+-- return h, p
+-- else
+-- return head, prevdepth
+-- end
-- end
-- end
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/typo-brk.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/typo-brk.lua
index 51760bbf4..34d4071aa 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/typo-brk.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/typo-brk.lua
@@ -23,7 +23,6 @@ local settings_to_array = utilities.parsers.settings_to_array
local nuts = nodes.nuts
local tonut = nuts.tonut
-local tonode = nuts.tonode
local getnext = nuts.getnext
local getprev = nuts.getprev
@@ -241,10 +240,9 @@ end
function breakpoints.handler(head)
local done = false
- local nead = tonut(head)
local attr = nil
local map = nil
- local current = nead
+ local current = head
while current do
local char, id = isglyph(current)
if char then
@@ -313,7 +311,7 @@ function breakpoints.handler(head)
if not done then
- return head, false
+ return head
-- we have hits
local numbers = languages.numbers
@@ -383,13 +381,13 @@ function breakpoints.handler(head)
if nright == cright then
local method = methods[smap.type]
if method then
- nead, start = method(nead,start,stop,smap,kern)
+ head, start = method(head,start,stop,smap,kern)
-- end
- return tonode(nead), true
+ return head
local enabled = false
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/typo-cap.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/typo-cap.lua
index 4dffd1c49..4383dc6b9 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/typo-cap.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/typo-cap.lua
@@ -18,8 +18,6 @@ local report_casing = logs.reporter("typesetting","casing")
local nodes, node = nodes, node
local nuts = nodes.nuts
-local tonode = nuts.tonode
-local tonut = nuts.tonut
local getnext = nuts.getnext
local getprev = nuts.getprev
@@ -37,10 +35,11 @@ local setfont = nuts.setfont
local copy_node = nuts.copy
local end_of_math = nuts.end_of_math
-local traverse_id = nuts.traverse_id
local insert_after = nuts.insert_after
local find_attribute = nuts.find_attribute
+local nextglyph = nuts.traversers.glyph
local nodecodes = nodes.nodecodes
local skipcodes = nodes.skipcodes
local kerncodes = nodes.kerncodes
@@ -149,13 +148,11 @@ local function replacer(start,codes)
- return start, true
elseif ifc[dc] then
- return start, true
- return start, false
+ return start
local registered, n = { }, 0
@@ -191,9 +188,9 @@ local function Words(start,attr,lastfont,n,count,where,first) -- looks quite com
if count == 1 and where ~= "post" then
replacer(first or start,uccodes)
- return start, true, true
+ return start, true
- return start, false, true
+ return start, true
@@ -203,9 +200,9 @@ local function Word(start,attr,lastfont,n,count,where,first)
local function camel(start,attr,lastfont,n,count,where,first)
- local _, done_1 = word(start,attr,lastfont,n,count,where,first)
- local _, done_2 = Words(start,attr,lastfont,n,count,where,first)
- return start, done_1 or done_2, true
+ word(start,attr,lastfont,n,count,where,first)
+ Words(start,attr,lastfont,n,count,where,first)
+ return start, true
-- local function mixed(start,attr,lastfont,n,count,where,first)
@@ -216,19 +213,16 @@ end
-- local char = getchar(first)
-- local dc = uccodes[char]
-- if not dc then
--- return start, false, true
+-- -- quit
-- elseif dc == char then
-- local lfa = lastfont[n]
-- if lfa then
-- setfont(first,lfa)
--- return start, true, true
--- else
--- return start, false, true
-- end
-- else
-- replacer(first or start,uccodes)
--- return start, true, true
-- end
+-- return start, true
-- end
local function mixed(start,attr,lastfont,n,count,where,first)
@@ -239,38 +233,33 @@ local function mixed(start,attr,lastfont,n,count,where,first)
local char = getchar(used)
local dc = uccodes[char]
if not dc then
- return start, false, true
+ -- quit
elseif dc == char then
local lfa = lastfont[n]
if lfa then
- return start, true, true
- else
- return start, false, true
- else
- if check_kerns then
- local p = getprev(used)
- if p and getid(p) == glyph_code then
- local c = lccodes[char]
- local c = type(c) == "table" and c[1] or c
- replacer(used,uccodes)
- local fp = getfont(p)
- local fc = getfont(used)
- if fp ~= fc then
- local k = fonts.getkern(fontdata[fp],getchar(p),c)
- if k ~= 0 then
- insert_after(p,p,newkern(k))
- end
+ elseif check_kerns then
+ local p = getprev(used)
+ if p and getid(p) == glyph_code then
+ local c = lccodes[char]
+ local c = type(c) == "table" and c[1] or c
+ replacer(used,uccodes)
+ local fp = getfont(p)
+ local fc = getfont(used)
+ if fp ~= fc then
+ local k = fonts.getkern(fontdata[fp],getchar(p),c)
+ if k ~= 0 then
+ insert_after(p,p,newkern(k))
- else
- replacer(used,uccodes)
- return start, true, true
+ else
+ replacer(used,uccodes)
+ return start, true
local function Capital(start,attr,lastfont,n,count,where,first,once) -- 3
@@ -284,11 +273,11 @@ local function Capital(start,attr,lastfont,n,count,where,first,once) -- 3
- local s, d, c = replacer(first or start,uccodes)
+ local s, c = replacer(first or start,uccodes)
if once then
lastfont[n] = false -- here
- return start, d, c
+ return start, c
local function capital(start,attr,lastfont,n,where,count,first,count) -- 4
@@ -296,7 +285,7 @@ local function capital(start,attr,lastfont,n,where,count,first,count) -- 4
local function none(start,attr,lastfont,n,count,where,first)
- return start, false, true
+ return start, true
local function randomized(start,attr,lastfont,n,count,where,first)
@@ -311,7 +300,7 @@ local function randomized(start,attr,lastfont,n,count,where,first)
local n = getrandom("capital lu",0x41,0x5A)
if tfm[n] then -- this also intercepts tables
- return start, true
+ return start
elseif kind == "ll" then
@@ -319,11 +308,11 @@ local function randomized(start,attr,lastfont,n,count,where,first)
local n = getrandom("capital ll",0x61,0x7A)
if tfm[n] then -- this also intercepts tables
- return start, true
+ return start
- return start, false
+ return start
register(variables.WORD, WORD) -- 1
@@ -341,10 +330,9 @@ register(variables.cap, -- clone
register(variables.Cap, variables.Capital) -- clone
function cases.handler(head) -- not real fast but also not used on much data
- local start = tonut(head)
+ local start = head
local lastfont = { }
local lastattr = nil
- local done = false
local count = 0
local previd = nil
local prev = nil
@@ -367,10 +355,7 @@ function cases.handler(head) -- not real fast but also not used on much data
local action = actions[n] -- map back to low number
if action then
- start, ok = action(start,attr,lastfont,n,count)
- if ok then
- done = true
- end
+ start = action(start,attr,lastfont,n,count)
if trace_casing then
report_casing("case trigger %a, instance %a, fontid %a, result %a",n,m,id,ok)
@@ -396,32 +381,38 @@ function cases.handler(head) -- not real fast but also not used on much data
local pre, post, replace = getdisc(start)
if replace then
local cnt = count
- for g in traverse_id(glyph_code,replace) do
+ for g in nextglyph, replace do
cnt = cnt + 1
-- setattr(g,a_cases,unsetvalue)
- local _, _, quit = action(start,attr,lastfont,n,cnt,"replace",g)
- if quit then break end
+ local h, quit = action(start,attr,lastfont,n,cnt,"replace",g)
+ if quit then
+ break
+ end
if pre then
local cnt = count
- for g in traverse_id(glyph_code,pre) do
+ for g in nextglyph, pre do
cnt = cnt + 1
-- setattr(g,a_cases,unsetvalue)
- local _, _, quit = action(start,attr,lastfont,n,cnt,"pre",g)
- if quit then break end
+ local h, quit = action(start,attr,lastfont,n,cnt,"pre",g)
+ if quit then
+ break
+ end
if post then
local cnt = count
- for g in traverse_id(glyph_code,post) do
+ for g in nextglyph, post do
cnt = cnt + 1
-- setattr(g,a_cases,unsetvalue)
- local _, _, quit = action(start,attr,lastfont,n,cnt,"post",g)
- if quit then break end
+ local h, quit = action(start,attr,lastfont,n,cnt,"post",g)
+ if quit then
+ break
+ end
@@ -441,17 +432,16 @@ function cases.handler(head) -- not real fast but also not used on much data
start = getnext(start)
- return head, done
+ return head
-- function cases.handler(head) -- not real fast but also not used on much data
--- local attr, start = find_attribute(tonut(head),a_cases)
+-- local attr, start = find_attribute(head,a_cases)
-- if not start then
-- return head, false
-- end
-- local lastfont = { }
-- local lastattr = nil
--- local done = false
-- local count = 0
-- local previd = nil
-- local prev = nil
@@ -475,10 +465,7 @@ end
-- end
-- local action = actions[n] -- map back to low number
-- if action then
--- start, ok = action(start,attr,lastfont,n,count)
--- if ok then
--- done = true
--- end
+-- start = action(start,attr,lastfont,n,count)
-- if trace_casing then
-- report_casing("case trigger %a, instance %a, fontid %a, result %a",n,m,id,ok)
-- end
@@ -504,32 +491,38 @@ end
-- local pre, post, replace = getdisc(start)
-- if replace then
-- local cnt = count
--- for g in traverse_id(glyph_code,replace) do
+-- for g in glyph_code, replace do
-- cnt = cnt + 1
-- takeattr(g,a_cases)
-- -- setattr(g,a_cases,unsetvalue)
--- local _, _, quit = action(start,attr,lastfont,n,cnt,"replace",g)
--- if quit then break end
+-- local h, quit = action(start,attr,lastfont,n,cnt,"replace",g)
+-- if quit then
+-- break
+-- end
-- end
-- end
-- if pre then
-- local cnt = count
--- for g in traverse_id(glyph_code,pre) do
+-- for g in nextglyph, pre do
-- cnt = cnt + 1
-- takeattr(g,a_cases)
-- -- setattr(g,a_cases,unsetvalue)
--- local _, _, quit = action(start,attr,lastfont,n,cnt,"pre",g)
--- if quit then break end
+-- local h, quit = action(start,attr,lastfont,n,cnt,"pre",g)
+-- if quit then
+-- break
+-- end
-- end
-- end
-- if post then
-- local cnt = count
--- for g in traverse_id(glyph_code,post) do
+-- for g in nextglyph, post do
-- cnt = cnt + 1
-- takeattr(g,a_cases)
-- -- setattr(g,a_cases,unsetvalue)
--- local _, _, quit = action(start,attr,lastfont,n,cnt,"post",g)
--- if quit then break end
+-- local h, quit = action(start,attr,lastfont,n,cnt,"post",g)
+-- if quit then
+-- break
+-- end
-- end
-- end
-- end
@@ -555,26 +548,22 @@ end
-- attr, start = find_attribute(start,a_cases)
-- end
-- end
--- return head, done
+-- return head
-- end
-- function cases.handler(head) -- let's assume head doesn't change ... no reason
--- local done = false
-- local lastfont = { }
--- for first, last, size, attr in nuts.words(tonut(head),a_cases) do
+-- for first, last, size, attr in nuts.words(head,a_cases) do
-- local n, id, m = get(attr)
-- if lastfont[n] == nil then
-- lastfont[n] = id
-- end
-- local action = actions[n]
-- if action then
--- local _, ok = action(first,attr,lastfont,n)
--- if ok then
--- done = true
--- end
+-- action(first,attr,lastfont,n)
-- end
-- end
--- return head, done
+-- return head
-- end
local enabled = false
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/typo-chr.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/typo-chr.lua
index 80497a492..1aa84f5ab 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/typo-chr.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/typo-chr.lua
@@ -17,16 +17,13 @@ if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['typo-chr'] = {
-- local nuts = nodes.nuts
-- local pool = nuts.pool
--- local tonut = nuts.tonut
--- local tonode = nuts.tonode
-- local getid = nuts.getid
-- local getprev = nuts.getprev
--- local getsubtype = nuts.getsubtype
-- local getchar = nuts.getchar
-- local getfield = nuts.getfield
-- local remove_node = nuts.remove
--- local traverse_by_id = nuts.traverse_id
+-- local nextwhatsit = nuts.traversers.whatsit
-- local signal = pool.userids.signal
@@ -36,10 +33,8 @@ if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['typo-chr'] = {
-- removepunctuation = function(head,n)
-- local prev = getprev(n)
-- if prev then
--- if getid(prev) == glyph_code then
--- if is_punctuation[getchar(prev)] then
--- head = remove_node(head,prev,true)
--- end
+-- if getid(prev) == glyph_code and is_punctuation[getchar(prev)] then
+-- head = remove_node(head,prev,true)
-- end
-- end
-- return head
@@ -51,23 +46,18 @@ if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['typo-chr'] = {
-- typesetters.signals = { }
-- function typesetters.signals.handler(head)
--- local h = tonut(head)
-- local done = false
--- for n in traverse_by_id(whatsit_code,h) do
--- if getsubtype(n) == user_code and getfield(n,"user_id") == signal and getfield(n,"type") == 115 then
+-- for n, subtype in nextwhatsit, head do
+-- if subtype == user_code and getfield(n,"user_id") == signal and getfield(n,"type") == 115 then
-- local action = actions[getfield(n,"value")]
-- if action then
--- h = action(h,n)
+-- head = action(h,n)
-- end
--- h = remove_node(h,n,true)
+-- head = remove_node(head,n,true)
-- done = true
-- end
-- end
--- if done then
--- return tonode(h), true
--- else
--- return head
--- end
+-- return head, done
-- end
-- local enabled = false
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/typo-cln.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/typo-cln.lua
index b7187eaeb..0d5e3eb5e 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/typo-cln.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/typo-cln.lua
@@ -31,7 +31,6 @@ local enableaction = nodes.tasks.enableaction
local texsetattribute = tex.setattribute
local nuts = nodes.nuts
-local tonut = nuts.tonut
local getchar = nuts.getchar
local getattr = nuts.getattr
@@ -39,7 +38,7 @@ local setattr = nuts.setattr
local setchar = nuts.setchar
-local traverse_id = nuts.traverse_id
+local nextglyph = nuts.traversers.glyph
local unsetvalue = attributes.unsetvalue
@@ -58,8 +57,8 @@ local resetter = { -- this will become an entry in char-def
-- cleaning comes first.
function cleaners.handler(head)
- local inline, done = false, false
- for n in traverse_id(glyph_code,tonut(head)) do
+ local inline = false
+ for n in nextglyph, head do
local char = getchar(n)
if resetter[char] then
inline = false
@@ -71,7 +70,6 @@ function cleaners.handler(head)
-- some day, not much change that \SS ends up here
- done = true
if trace_autocase then
@@ -80,7 +78,35 @@ function cleaners.handler(head)
inline = true
- return head, done
+ return head
+if LUATEXVERSION >= 1.090 then
+ function cleaners.handler(head)
+ local inline = false
+ for n, font, char in nextglyph, head do
+ if resetter[char] then
+ inline = false
+ elseif not inline then
+ local a = getattr(n,a_cleaner)
+ if a == 1 then -- currently only one cleaner so no need to be fancy
+ local upper = uccodes[char]
+ if type(upper) == "table" then
+ -- some day, not much change that \SS ends up here
+ else
+ setchar(n,upper)
+ if trace_autocase then
+ report_autocase("")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ inline = true
+ end
+ end
+ return head
+ end
-- see typo-cap for a more advanced settings handler .. not needed now
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/typo-dha.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/typo-dha.lua
index af01f0f0d..c12541175 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/typo-dha.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/typo-dha.lua
@@ -46,8 +46,6 @@ local trace_directions = false trackers.register("typesetters.directions.defa
local report_directions = logs.reporter("typesetting","text directions")
local nuts = nodes.nuts
-local tonut = nuts.tonut
-local tonode = nuts.tonode
local getnext = nuts.getnext
local getprev = nuts.getprev
@@ -136,7 +134,7 @@ end
local function process(start)
- local head = tonut(start) -- we have a global head
+ local head = start
local current = head
local autodir = 0
local embedded = 0
@@ -443,7 +441,7 @@ local function process(start)
- return tonode(head), done
+ return head
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/typo-dig.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/typo-dig.lua
index 61e96c6b6..51ed247fe 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/typo-dig.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/typo-dig.lua
@@ -20,8 +20,6 @@ local report_digits = logs.reporter("typesetting","digits")
local nodes, node = nodes, node
local nuts = nodes.nuts
-local tonut = nuts.tonut
-local tonode = nuts.tonode
local getnext = nuts.getnext
local getprev = nuts.getprev
@@ -111,23 +109,21 @@ actions[1] = function(head,start,attr)
head, start = nodes.aligned(head,start,start,newwidth,"middle")
- return head, start, true
+ return head, start
- return head, start, false
+ return head, start
function digits.handler(head)
- head = tonut(head)
- local done, current, ok = false, head, false
+ local current = head
while current do
if getid(current) == glyph_code then
local attr = takeattr(current,a_digits)
if attr and attr > 0 then
local action = actions[attr%100] -- map back to low number
if action then
- head, current, ok = action(head,current,attr)
- done = done and ok
+ head, current = action(head,current,attr)
elseif trace_digits then
report_digits("unknown digit trigger %a",attr)
@@ -137,7 +133,7 @@ function digits.handler(head)
current = getnext(current)
- return tonode(head), done
+ return head
local m, enabled = 0, false -- a trick to make neighbouring ranges work
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/typo-dir.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/typo-dir.lua
index 7fbf5f6d3..e405a39e8 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/typo-dir.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/typo-dir.lua
@@ -168,21 +168,21 @@ local stoptiming = statistics.stoptiming
function directions.handler(head,_,_,_,direction)
local only_one = not getnext(head)
if only_one and not one_too then
- return head, false
+ return head
local attr = getattr(head,a_directions)
if not attr or attr == 0 then
- return head, false
+ return head
local method = getmethod(attr)
local handler = handlers[method]
if not handler then
- return head, false
+ return head
- local head, done = handler(head,direction,only_one)
+ head = handler(head,direction,only_one)
- return head, done
+ return head
statistics.register("text directions", function()
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/typo-drp.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/typo-drp.lua
index 1e142280f..33c5fbdc9 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/typo-drp.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/typo-drp.lua
@@ -28,14 +28,11 @@ local enableaction = tasks.enableaction
local disableaction = tasks.disableaction
local nuts = nodes.nuts
-local tonut = nuts.tonut
-local tonode = nuts.tonode
local getnext = nuts.getnext
local getprev = nuts.getprev
local getchar = nuts.getchar
local getid = nuts.getid
-local getsubtype = nuts.getsubtype
local getattr = nuts.getattr
local getwhd = nuts.getwhd
@@ -59,8 +56,9 @@ local new_kern = nodepool.kern
local insert_before = nuts.insert_before
local insert_after = nuts.insert_after
local remove_node = nuts.remove
-local traverse_id = nuts.traverse_id
-local traverse = nuts.traverse
+local nextnode = nuts.traversers.node
+local nextglyph = nuts.traversers.glyph
local variables = interfaces.variables
local v_default = variables.default
@@ -139,7 +137,6 @@ interfaces.implement {
-- a page so this has a low priority
actions[v_default] = function(head,setting)
- local done = false
local id = getid(head)
if id == localpar_code then
-- begin of par
@@ -173,7 +170,7 @@ actions[v_default] = function(head,setting)
-- 1 char | n chars | skip first quote | ignore punct | keep punct
if getattr(first,a_initial) then
- for current in traverse(getnext(first)) do
+ for current in nextnode, getnext(first) do
if getattr(current,a_initial) then
last = current
@@ -189,10 +186,10 @@ actions[v_default] = function(head,setting)
local next = getnext(first)
if not next then
-- don't start with a quote or so
- return head, false
+ return head
last = nil
- for current in traverse_id(glyph_code,next) do
+ for current in nextglyph, next do
head, first = remove_node(head,first,true)
first = current
last = first
@@ -200,21 +197,21 @@ actions[v_default] = function(head,setting)
if not last then
-- no following glyph or so
- return head, false
+ return head
-- keep quote etc with initial
local next = getnext(first)
if not next then
-- don't start with a quote or so
- return head, false
+ return head
- for current in traverse_id(glyph_code,next) do
+ for current in nextglyph, next do
last = current
if last == first then
- return head, false
+ return head
elseif kind == "pf" then
@@ -225,7 +222,7 @@ actions[v_default] = function(head,setting)
-- maybe also: get all A. B. etc
local next = getnext(first)
if next then
- for current in traverse_id(glyph_code,next) do
+ for current in nextglyph, next do
local char = getchar(current)
local kind = category(char)
if kind == "po" then
@@ -241,7 +238,7 @@ actions[v_default] = function(head,setting)
- for current in traverse_id(glyph_code,first) do
+ for current in nextglyph, first do
last = current
if length <= 1 then
@@ -265,12 +262,12 @@ actions[v_default] = function(head,setting)
-- apply font
--- local g = nodes.copy(tonode(current))
+-- local g = nuts.copy(current)
-- g.subtype = 0
-- nodes.handlers.characters(g)
-- nodes.handlers.protectglyphs(g)
-- setchar(current,g.char)
--- nodes.flush_node(g)
+-- nuts.flush_node(g)
-- can be a helper
if ca and ca > 0 then
@@ -319,7 +316,7 @@ actions[v_default] = function(head,setting)
local hoffset = width + hoffset + distance + (indent and parindent or 0)
- for current in traverse_id(glyph_code,first) do
+ for current in nextglyph, first do
setoffsets(current,-hoffset,-voffset) -- no longer - height here
if current == last then
@@ -347,14 +344,12 @@ actions[v_default] = function(head,setting)
if indent then
- done = true
- return head, done
+ return head
function initials.handler(head)
- head = tonut(head)
local start = head
local attr = nil
while start do
@@ -377,9 +372,8 @@ function initials.handler(head)
if trace_initials then
report_initials("processing initials, alternative %a",alternative)
- local head, done = action(head,settings)
- return tonode(head), done
+ return action(head,settings)
- return tonode(head), false
+ return head
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/typo-dua.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/typo-dua.lua
index 1e48dfb91..9aaa536c9 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/typo-dua.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/typo-dua.lua
@@ -68,8 +68,6 @@ local directiondata = characters.directions
local mirrordata = characters.mirrors
local nuts = nodes.nuts
-local tonut = nuts.tonut
-local tonode = nuts.tonode
local getnext = nuts.getnext
local getid = nuts.getid
@@ -730,7 +728,6 @@ end
local function apply_to_list(list,size,head,pardir)
local index = 1
local current = head
- local done = false
while current do
if index > size then
report_directions("fatal error, size mismatch")
@@ -760,7 +757,6 @@ local function apply_to_list(list,size,head,pardir)
-- setattrlist(d,current)
head = insert_node_before(head,current,d)
enddir = false
- done = true
elseif begindir then
if id == localpar_code then
@@ -770,7 +766,6 @@ local function apply_to_list(list,size,head,pardir)
-- setattrlist(d,current)
head, current = insert_node_after(head,current,d)
begindir = nil
- done = true
if begindir then
@@ -778,7 +773,6 @@ local function apply_to_list(list,size,head,pardir)
-- setattrlist(d,current)
head = insert_node_before(head,current,d)
- done = true
local skip = entry.skip
if skip and skip > 0 then
@@ -792,24 +786,21 @@ local function apply_to_list(list,size,head,pardir)
-- setattrlist(d,current)
head, current = insert_node_after(head,current,d)
- done = true
if not entry.remove then
current = getnext(current)
elseif remove_controls then
-- X9
head, current = remove_node(head,current,true)
- done = true
current = getnext(current)
index = index + 1
- return head, done
+ return head
local function process(head)
- head = tonut(head)
local list, size = build_list(head)
local baselevel, pardir, dirfound = get_baselevel(head,list,size) -- we always have an inline dir node in context
if not dirfound and trace_details then
@@ -825,8 +816,7 @@ local function process(head)
report_directions("after : %s",show_list(list,size,"direction"))
report_directions("result : %s",show_done(list,size))
- local head, done = apply_to_list(list,size,head,pardir)
- return tonode(head), done
+ return apply_to_list(list,size,head,pardir)
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/typo-dub.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/typo-dub.lua
index d0747ae6c..206cfd9ae 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/typo-dub.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/typo-dub.lua
@@ -55,8 +55,6 @@ local mirrordata = characters.mirrors
local textclassdata = characters.textclasses
local nuts = nodes.nuts
-local tonut = nuts.tonut
-local tonode = nuts.tonode
local getnext = nuts.getnext
local getid = nuts.getid
@@ -930,7 +928,6 @@ end
local function apply_to_list(list,size,head,pardir)
local index = 1
local current = head
- local done = false
if trace_list then
report_directions("start run")
@@ -973,7 +970,6 @@ local function apply_to_list(list,size,head,pardir)
-- setattrlist(d,current)
head = insert_node_before(head,current,d)
enddir = false
- done = true
elseif begindir then
if id == localpar_code then
@@ -983,7 +979,6 @@ local function apply_to_list(list,size,head,pardir)
-- setattrlist(d,current)
head, current = insert_node_after(head,current,d)
begindir = nil
- done = true
if begindir then
@@ -991,7 +986,6 @@ local function apply_to_list(list,size,head,pardir)
-- setattrlist(d,current)
head = insert_node_before(head,current,d)
- done = true
local skip = entry.skip
if skip and skip > 0 then
@@ -1005,14 +999,12 @@ local function apply_to_list(list,size,head,pardir)
-- setattrlist(d,current)
head, current = insert_node_after(head,current,d)
- done = true
if not entry.remove then
current = getnext(current)
elseif remove_controls then
-- X9
head, current = remove_node(head,current,true)
- done = true
current = getnext(current)
@@ -1021,11 +1013,10 @@ local function apply_to_list(list,size,head,pardir)
if trace_list then
report_directions("stop run")
- return head, done
+ return head
local function process(head)
- head = tonut(head)
-- for the moment a whole paragraph property
local attr = getattr(head,a_directions)
local analyze_fences = getfences(attr)
@@ -1045,8 +1036,7 @@ local function process(head)
report_directions("after : %s",show_list(list,size,"direction"))
report_directions("result : %s",show_done(list,size))
- local head, done = apply_to_list(list,size,head,pardir)
- return tonode(head), done
+ return apply_to_list(list,size,head,pardir)
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/typo-duc.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/typo-duc.lua
index 520740190..60191bf83 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/typo-duc.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/typo-duc.lua
@@ -58,8 +58,6 @@ local mirrordata = characters.mirrors
local textclassdata = characters.textclasses
local nuts = nodes.nuts
-local tonut = nuts.tonut
-local tonode = nuts.tonode
local getnext = nuts.getnext
local getid = nuts.getid
@@ -977,7 +975,6 @@ end
local function apply_to_list(list,size,head,pardir)
local index = 1
local current = head
- local done = false
if trace_list then
report_directions("start run")
@@ -1020,7 +1017,6 @@ local function apply_to_list(list,size,head,pardir)
-- setattrlist(d,current)
head = insert_node_before(head,current,d)
enddir = false
- done = true
elseif begindir then
if id == localpar_code then
@@ -1030,7 +1026,6 @@ local function apply_to_list(list,size,head,pardir)
-- setattrlist(d,current)
head, current = insert_node_after(head,current,d)
begindir = nil
- done = true
if begindir then
@@ -1038,7 +1033,6 @@ local function apply_to_list(list,size,head,pardir)
local p = properties[d] if p then p.directions = true else properties[d] = { directions = true } end
-- setattrlist(d,current)
head = insert_node_before(head,current,d)
- done = true
local skip = entry.skip
if skip and skip > 0 then
@@ -1052,14 +1046,12 @@ local function apply_to_list(list,size,head,pardir)
local p = properties[d] if p then p.directions = true else properties[d] = { directions = true } end
-- setattrlist(d,current)
head, current = insert_node_after(head,current,d)
- done = true
if not entry.remove then
current = getnext(current)
elseif remove_controls then
-- X9
head, current = remove_node(head,current,true)
- done = true
current = getnext(current)
@@ -1068,7 +1060,7 @@ local function apply_to_list(list,size,head,pardir)
if trace_list then
report_directions("stop run")
- return head, done
+ return head
-- If needed we can optimize for only_one. There is no need to do anything
@@ -1078,7 +1070,6 @@ end
-- do have a glyph!
local function process(head,direction,only_one)
- head = tonut(head)
-- for the moment a whole paragraph property
local attr = getattr(head,a_directions)
local analyze_fences = getfences(attr)
@@ -1096,8 +1087,7 @@ local function process(head,direction,only_one)
report_directions("after : %s",show_list(list,size,"direction"))
report_directions("result : %s",show_done(list,size))
- local head, done = apply_to_list(list,size,head,pardir)
- return tonode(head), done
+ return apply_to_list(list,size,head,pardir)
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/typo-fkr.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/typo-fkr.lua
index a1135d0f3..7fe848ade 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/typo-fkr.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/typo-fkr.lua
@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['typo-fkr'] = {
local nuts = nodes.nuts
-local tonut = nuts.tonut
local getid = nuts.getid
local getnext = nuts.getnext
local getchar = nuts.getchar
@@ -32,13 +31,10 @@ local a_extrakern = attributes.private("extrafontkern")
typesetters.fontkerns = { }
function typesetters.fontkerns.handler(head)
- local kepthead = head
- local head = tonut(head)
local current = head
local lastfont = nil
local lastchar = nil
local lastdata = nil
- local done = false
while current do
local id = getid(current)
if id == glyph_code then
@@ -64,7 +60,6 @@ function typesetters.fontkerns.handler(head)
if kern ~= 0 then
head, current = insert_before(head,current,new_kern(kern))
- done = true
lastdata = data
@@ -77,7 +72,6 @@ function typesetters.fontkerns.handler(head)
local kern = getkernpair(lastdata,lastchar,char)
if kern ~= 0 then
head, current = insert_before(head,current,new_kern(kern))
- done = true
lastchar = char
@@ -94,7 +88,7 @@ function typesetters.fontkerns.handler(head)
current = getnext(current)
- return kepthead, done
+ return head
if context then
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/typo-fln.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/typo-fln.lua
index 4fb82ce44..e105b5a11 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/typo-fln.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/typo-fln.lua
@@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ local context = context
local implement = interfaces.implement
local nuts = nodes.nuts
-local tonut = nuts.tonut
local tonode = nuts.tonode
local getnext = nuts.getnext
@@ -38,7 +37,6 @@ local getprev = nuts.getprev
local getboth = nuts.getboth
local setboth = nuts.setboth
local getid = nuts.getid
-local getsubtype = nuts.getsubtype
local getwidth = nuts.getwidth
local getlist = nuts.getlist
local setlist = nuts.setlist
@@ -58,7 +56,9 @@ local glue_code = nodecodes.glue
local spaceskip_code = nodes.gluecodes.spaceskip
-local traverse_id = nuts.traverse_id
+local nextglyph = nuts.traversers.glyph
+local nextdisc = nuts.traversers.disc
local flush_node_list = nuts.flush_list
local flush_node = nuts.flush_node
local copy_node_list = nuts.copy_list
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ actions[v_line] = function(head,setting)
local linebreaks = { }
local function set(head)
- for g in traverse_id(glyph_code,head) do
+ for g in nextglyph, head do
if dynamic > 0 then
@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ actions[v_line] = function(head,setting)
- for g in traverse_id(disc_code,temp) do
+ for g in nextdisc, temp do
local pre, post, replace = getdisc(g)
if pre then
@@ -173,14 +173,12 @@ actions[v_line] = function(head,setting)
local function list_dimensions(list,start)
local temp = copy_node_list(list,start)
- temp = tonode(temp)
temp = nodes.handlers.characters(temp)
temp = nodes.injections.handler(temp)
-- temp = typesetters.fontkerns.handler(temp) -- maybe when enabled
- -- nodes.handlers.protectglyphs(temp) -- not needed as we discard
+ -- nodes.handlers.protectglyphs(temp) -- not needed as we discard
-- temp = typesetters.spacings.handler(temp) -- maybe when enabled
-- temp = typesetters.kerns.handler(temp) -- maybe when enabled
- temp = tonut(temp)
temp = hpack_node_list(temp)
local width = getwidth(temp)
@@ -264,7 +262,7 @@ actions[v_line] = function(head,setting)
if linebreak == n then
local p, n = getboth(start)
if pre then
- for current in traverse_id(glyph_code,pre) do
+ for current in nextglyph, pre do
@@ -284,7 +282,7 @@ actions[v_line] = function(head,setting)
local p, n = getboth(start)
if replace then
- for current in traverse_id(glyph_code,replace) do
+ for current in nextglyph, replace do
@@ -314,7 +312,7 @@ actions[v_line] = function(head,setting)
- return head, true
+ return head
actions[v_word] = function(head,setting)
@@ -359,13 +357,12 @@ actions[v_word] = function(head,setting)
start = getnext(start)
- return head, true
+ return head
actions[v_default] = actions[v_line]
function firstlines.handler(head)
- head = tonut(head)
local start = head
local attr = nil
while start do
@@ -388,11 +385,10 @@ function firstlines.handler(head)
if trace_firstlines then
report_firstlines("processing firstlines, alternative %a",alternative)
- local head, done = action(head,settings)
- return tonode(head), done
+ return action(head,settings)
- return tonode(head), false
+ return head
-- goodie
@@ -401,7 +397,7 @@ local function applytofirstcharacter(box,what)
local tbox = getbox(box) -- assumes hlist
local list = getlist(tbox)
local done = nil
- for n in traverse_id(glyph_code,list) do
+ for n in nextglyph, list do
list = remove_node(list,n)
done = n
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/typo-itc.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/typo-itc.lua
index 328bf1406..b85a2847e 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/typo-itc.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/typo-itc.lua
@@ -29,9 +29,6 @@ local enableaction = nodes.tasks.enableaction
local nuts = nodes.nuts
local nodepool = nuts.pool
-local tonode = nuts.tonode
-local tonut = nuts.tonut
local getprev = nuts.getprev
local getnext = nuts.getnext
local getid = nuts.getid
@@ -177,7 +174,7 @@ local textokay = false
local enablemath = false
local enabletext = false
-local function domath(head,current, done)
+local function domath(head,current)
current = end_of_math(current)
local next = getnext(current)
if next then
@@ -212,7 +209,6 @@ local function domath(head,current, done)
report_italics("%s italic between math %C and punctuation %C","removing",i,c,char)
setkern(kern,0) -- or maybe a small value or half the ic
- done = true
elseif i == 0 then
local d = chardata[f][c]
@@ -226,7 +222,6 @@ local function domath(head,current, done)
if trace_italics then
report_italics("%s italic %p between math %C and punctuation %C","setting",i,c,char)
- done = true
elseif trace_italics then
report_italics("%s italic %p between math %C and punctuation %C","keeping",k,c,char)
@@ -251,34 +246,31 @@ local function domath(head,current, done)
report_italics("%s italic %p between math %C and non punctuation %C","adding",a,getchar(glyph),char)
- done = true
- return current, done
+ return current
local function mathhandler(head)
- local nuthead = tonut(head)
- local current = nuthead
- local done = false
+ local current = head
while current do
if getid(current) == math_code then
- current, done = domath(nuthead,current,done)
+ current = domath(head,current)
current = getnext(current)
- return head, done
+ return head
local function texthandler(head)
local prev = nil
local prevchar = nil
- local prevhead = tonut(head)
+ local prevhead = head
local previtalic = 0
local previnserted = nil
@@ -300,7 +292,6 @@ local function texthandler(head)
local replaceinserted = nil
local current = prevhead
- local done = false
local lastfont = nil
local lastattr = nil
@@ -313,7 +304,6 @@ local function texthandler(head)
if previtalic ~= 0 then
if okay(data,current,font,prevchar,previtalic,char,"glyph") then
- done = true
elseif previnserted and data then
if trace_italics then
@@ -325,7 +315,6 @@ local function texthandler(head)
if replaceitalic ~= 0 then
if okay(data,replace,font,replacechar,replaceitalic,char,"replace") then
- done = true
replaceitalic = 0
elseif replaceinserted and data then
@@ -338,7 +327,6 @@ local function texthandler(head)
if postitalic ~= 0 then
if okay(data,post,font,postchar,postitalic,char,"post") then
- done = true
postitalic = 0
elseif postinserted and data then
@@ -479,7 +467,6 @@ local function texthandler(head)
previnserted = correction_glue(previtalic,current) -- maybe just add ? else problem with penalties
previtalic = 0
- done = true
if replaceitalic ~= 0 then
@@ -488,7 +475,6 @@ local function texthandler(head)
replaceinserted = correction_kern(replaceitalic,current) -- needs to be a kern
replaceitalic = 0
- done = true
if postitalic ~= 0 then
@@ -497,7 +483,6 @@ local function texthandler(head)
postinserted = correction_kern(postitalic,current) -- needs to be a kern
postitalic = 0
- done = true
@@ -510,7 +495,7 @@ local function texthandler(head)
postinserted = nil
postitalic = 0
if mathokay then
- current, done = domath(head,current,done)
+ current = domath(head,current)
current = end_of_math(current)
@@ -526,7 +511,6 @@ local function texthandler(head)
replaceitalic = 0
postinserted = nil
postitalic = 0
- done = true
if replaceitalic ~= 0 then
if trace_italics then
@@ -539,7 +523,6 @@ local function texthandler(head)
replaceitalic = 0
postinserted = nil
postitalic = 0
- done = true
if postitalic ~= 0 then
if trace_italics then
@@ -552,7 +535,6 @@ local function texthandler(head)
replaceitalic = 0
postinserted = nil
postitalic = 0
- done = true
@@ -564,25 +546,22 @@ local function texthandler(head)
report_italics("inserting %p between %s italic %C and end of list",previtalic,"glyph",prevchar)
- done = true
if replaceitalic ~= 0 then
if trace_italics then
report_italics("inserting %p between %s italic %C and end of list",replaceitalic,"replace",replacechar)
- done = true
if postitalic ~= 0 then
if trace_italics then
report_italics("inserting %p between %s italic %C and end of list",postitalic,"post",postchar)
- done = true
- return head, done
+ return head
function italics.handler(head)
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/typo-krn.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/typo-krn.lua
index 71d9736a4..5e4792f62 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/typo-krn.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/typo-krn.lua
@@ -21,9 +21,6 @@ local enableaction = nodes.tasks.enableaction
local nuts = nodes.nuts
local nodepool = nuts.pool
-local tonode = nuts.tonode
-local tonut = nuts.tonut
-- check what is used
local find_node_tail = nuts.tail
@@ -364,9 +361,7 @@ local function closest_bound(b,get)
function kerns.handler(head)
- local head = tonut(head)
local start = head
- local done = false
local lastfont = nil
local keepligature = kerns.keepligature
local keeptogether = kerns.keeptogether
@@ -418,7 +413,6 @@ function kerns.handler(head)
if inject then
-- not yet ok, as injected kerns can be overlays (from node-inj.lua)
setkern(prev,getkern(prev) + quaddata[font]*krn,userkern_code)
- done = true
elseif previd == glyph_code then
@@ -430,11 +424,9 @@ function kerns.handler(head)
local kerns = data and data.kerns
local kern = (kerns and kerns[char] or 0) + quaddata[font]*krn
- done = true
- done = true
prev = start
@@ -514,7 +506,6 @@ function kerns.handler(head)
if indeed then
- done = true
bound = false
elseif id == kern_code then
@@ -536,7 +527,6 @@ function kerns.handler(head)
-- shrink_order = 1 ?
- done = true
bound = false
@@ -547,12 +537,10 @@ function kerns.handler(head)
local b, f = closest_bound(start,getprev)
if b then
- done = true
local b, f = closest_bound(start,getnext)
if b then
- done = true
bound = false
@@ -573,7 +561,7 @@ function kerns.handler(head)
start = getnext(start)
- return tonode(head), done
+ return head
local enabled = false
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/typo-lin.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/typo-lin.lua
index ebf748a82..9d7ee359e 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/typo-lin.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/typo-lin.lua
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ local parfillskip_code = gluecodes.parfillskip
local tonut = nodes.tonut
local tonode = nodes.tonode
-local traverse_id = nuts.traverse_id
+local nexthlist = nuts.traversers.hlist
local insert_before = nuts.insert_before
local insert_after = nuts.insert_after
local find_tail = nuts.tail
@@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ function paragraphs.normalize(head,islocal)
if l_width ~= 0 or l_stretch ~= 0 or l_shrink ~= 0 then
local last = nil -- a nut
local done = false
- for line in traverse_id(hlist_code,tonut(head)) do
+ for line in nexthlist, head do -- LUATEXVERSION >= 1.090
if getsubtype(line) == line_code and not getprop(line,"line") then
if done then
last = line
@@ -280,7 +280,7 @@ function paragraphs.normalize(head,islocal)
-- normalizer
- for line in traverse_id(hlist_code,tonut(head)) do
+ for line in nexthlist, head do -- LUATEXVERSION >= 1.090
if getsubtype(line) == line_code and not getprop(line,"line") then
if done then
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/typo-mar.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/typo-mar.lua
index bc9c408c1..813993a99 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/typo-mar.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/typo-mar.lua
@@ -62,7 +62,6 @@ local nuts = nodes.nuts
local nodepool = nuts.pool
local tonode = nuts.tonode
-local tonut = nuts.tonut
local hpack_nodes = nuts.hpack
local traverse_id = nuts.traverse_id
@@ -113,7 +112,7 @@ local texgetcount = tex.getcount
local texget = tex.get
local isleftpage = layouts.status.isleftpage
-local registertogether = builders.paragraphs.registertogether -- tonode
+local registertogether = builders.paragraphs.registertogether
local paragraphs = typesetters.paragraphs
local addtoline = paragraphs.addtoline
@@ -812,9 +811,8 @@ local function handler(scope,head,group)
if trace_margindata then
report_margindata("flushing stage one, stored %s, scope %s, delayed %s, group %a",nofstored,scope,nofdelayed,group)
- head = tonut(head)
local current = head
- local done = false
+ local done = false -- for tracing only
while current do
local id = getid(current)
if (id == vlist_code or id == hlist_code) and getprop(current,"margindata") == nil then
@@ -839,11 +837,9 @@ local function handler(scope,head,group)
report_margindata("flushing stage one, nothing done, %s left",nofstored)
- return tonode(head), done
- else
- return head, false
+ resetstacked()
+ return head
local trialtypesetting = context.trialtypesetting
@@ -854,7 +850,7 @@ local trialtypesetting = context.trialtypesetting
function margins.localhandler(head,group) -- sometimes group is "" which is weird
if trialtypesetting() then
- return head, false
+ return head
local inhibit = conditionals.inhibitmargindata
@@ -862,15 +858,15 @@ function margins.localhandler(head,group) -- sometimes group is "" which is weir
if trace_margingroup then
report_margindata("ignored 3, group %a, stored %s, inhibit %a",group,nofstored,inhibit)
- return head, false
- elseif nofstored > 0 then
+ return head
+ end
+ if nofstored > 0 then
return handler(v_local,head,group)
- else
- if trace_margingroup then
- report_margindata("ignored 4, group %a, stored %s, inhibit %a",group,nofstored,inhibit)
- end
- return head, false
+ if trace_margingroup then
+ report_margindata("ignored 4, group %a, stored %s, inhibit %a",group,nofstored,inhibit)
+ end
+ return head
function margins.globalhandler(head,group) -- check group
@@ -884,7 +880,7 @@ function margins.globalhandler(head,group) -- check group
if trace_margingroup then
report_margindata("ignored 1, group %a, stored %s, inhibit %a",group,nofstored,inhibit)
- return head, false
+ return head
elseif group == "hmode_par" then
return handler(v_global,head,group)
elseif group == "vmode_par" then -- experiment (for alignments)
@@ -899,22 +895,20 @@ function margins.globalhandler(head,group) -- check group
if trace_margingroup then
report_margindata("ignored 2, group %a, stored %s, inhibit %a",group,nofstored,inhibit)
- return head, false
+ return head
local function finalhandler(head)
if nofdelayed > 0 then
local current = head
- local done = false
- while current and nofdelayed > 0 do
+ while current and nofdelayed > 0 do -- traverse_list
local id = getid(current)
if id == hlist_code then -- only lines?
local a = getprop(current,"margindata")
if not a then
elseif realigned(current,a) then
- done = true
if nofdelayed == 0 then
return head, true
@@ -924,10 +918,8 @@ local function finalhandler(head)
current = getnext(current)
- return head, done
- else
- return head, false
+ return head
function margins.finalhandler(head)
@@ -935,16 +927,12 @@ function margins.finalhandler(head)
if trace_margindata then
report_margindata("flushing stage two, instore: %s, delayed: %s",nofstored,nofdelayed)
- head = tonut(head)
- local head, done = finalhandler(head)
--- resetstacked(true)
- head = tonode(head)
- return head, done
+ head = finalhandler(head)
+ resetstacked(nofdelayed==0)
- return head, false
+ return head
-- Somehow the vbox builder (in combinations) gets pretty confused and decides to
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/typo-pag.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/typo-pag.lua
index b5759a097..05513e20c 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/typo-pag.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/typo-pag.lua
@@ -26,7 +26,6 @@ local unsetvalue = attributes.unsetvalue
local a_keeptogether = attributes.private("keeptogether")
local nuts = nodes.nuts
-local tonut = nuts.tonut
local getnext = nuts.getnext
local getprev = nuts.getprev
@@ -187,8 +186,8 @@ end
-- also look at first non glue/kern node e.g for a dropped caps
function parbuilders.keeptogether(head)
- local done = false
- local current = tonut(head)
+ local done = false
+ local current = head
while current do
if getid(current) == hlist_code then
local a = takeattr(current,a_keeptogether)
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/typo-pnc.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/typo-pnc.lua
index 1ed8d9940..1ffff991f 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/typo-pnc.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/typo-pnc.lua
@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['typo-pnc'] = {
local nodes = nodes
local fonts = fonts
-local prependaction = nodes.tasks.prependaction
local enableaction = nodes.tasks.enableaction
local nuts = nodes.nuts
@@ -23,7 +22,8 @@ local spaceskip_code = gluecodes.spaceskip
local new_kern = nuts.pool.kern
local insert_after = nuts.insert_after
-local traverse_id = nuts.traverse_id
+local nextglyph = nuts.traversers.glyph
local getchar = nuts.getchar
local getfont = nuts.getfont
@@ -68,9 +68,7 @@ local mapping = periodkerns.mapping
local factors = periodkerns.factors
function periodkerns.handler(head)
- local done = false
- local hnut = tonut(head)
- for current in traverse_id(glyph_code,tonut(hnut)) do
+ for current in nextglyph, head do
if getchar(current) == period then
local a = getattr(current,a_periodkern)
if a then
@@ -91,11 +89,10 @@ function periodkerns.handler(head)
if factor ~= 0 then
fontspace = parameters[getfont(current)].space -- can be sped up
inserted = factor * fontspace
- insert_after(hnut,current,new_kern(inserted))
+ insert_after(head,current,new_kern(inserted))
if trace then
report("inserting space at %C . [%p] %C .",pchar,inserted,nchar)
- done = true
local next3 = getnext(next2)
if next3 and getid(next3) == glue_code and getsubtype(next3) == spaceskip_code then
@@ -115,7 +112,6 @@ function periodkerns.handler(head)
- done = true
if trace then
if inserted then
@@ -136,7 +132,80 @@ function periodkerns.handler(head)
- return head, done
+ return head
+if LUATEXVERSION >= 1.090 then
+ function periodkerns.handler(head)
+ for current, font, char in nextglyph, head do
+ if char == period then
+ local a = getattr(current,a_periodkern)
+ if a then
+ local factor = mapping[a]
+ if factor then
+ local prev, next = getboth(current)
+ if prev and next and getid(prev) == glyph_code and getid(next) == glyph_code then
+ local pchar = getchar(prev)
+ local pcode = categories[getchar(prev)]
+ if pcode == "lu" or pcode == "ll" then
+ local nchar = getchar(next)
+ local ncode = categories[getchar(next)]
+ if ncode == "lu" or ncode == "ll" then
+ local next2 = getnext(next)
+ if next2 and getid(next2) == glyph_code and getchar(next2) == period then
+ -- A.B.
+ local fontspace, inserted
+ if factor ~= 0 then
+ fontspace = parameters[getfont(current)].space -- can be sped up
+ inserted = factor * fontspace
+ insert_after(head,current,new_kern(inserted))
+ if trace then
+ report("inserting space at %C . [%p] %C .",pchar,inserted,nchar)
+ end
+ end
+ local next3 = getnext(next2)
+ if next3 and getid(next3) == glue_code and getsubtype(next3) == spaceskip_code then
+ local width = getwidth(next3)
+ local space = fontspace or parameters[getfont(current)].space -- can be sped up
+ if width > space then -- space + extraspace
+ local next4 = getnext(next3)
+ if next4 and getid(next4) == glyph_code then
+ local fchar = getchar(next4)
+ if categories[fchar] ~= "lu" then
+ -- A.B.<glue>X
+ if trace then
+ if inserted then
+ report("reverting space at %C . [%p] %C . [%p->%p] %C",pchar,inserted,nchar,width,space,fchar)
+ else
+ report("reverting space at %C . %C . [%p->%p] %C",pchar,nchar,width,space,fchar)
+ end
+ end
+ setwidth(next3,space)
+ else
+ if trace then
+ if inserted then
+ report("keeping space at %C . [%p] %C . [%p] %C",pchar,inserted,nchar,width,fchar)
+ else
+ report("keeping space at %C . %C . [%p] %C",pchar,nchar,width,fchar)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return head
+ end
local enabled = false
@@ -144,7 +213,6 @@ local enabled = false
function periodkerns.set(factor)
factor = tonumber(factor) or 0
if not enabled then
- prependaction("processors","normalizers","typesetters.periodkerns.handler")
enabled = true
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/typo-rep.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/typo-rep.lua
index b6aae0cae..d29eb17b8 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/typo-rep.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/typo-rep.lua
@@ -21,8 +21,6 @@ local nodes = nodes
local enableaction = nodes.tasks.enableaction
local nuts = nodes.nuts
-local tonut = nuts.tonut
-local tonode = nuts.tonode
local getnext = nuts.getnext
local getchar = nuts.getchar
@@ -81,9 +79,8 @@ local function process(what,head,current,char)
return head, current
-function nodes.handlers.stripping(head)
- head = tonut(head)
- local current, done = head, false
+function nodes.handlers.stripping(head) -- use loop
+ local current = head
while current do
local char, id = isglyph(current)
if char then
@@ -93,7 +90,6 @@ function nodes.handlers.stripping(head)
local what = glyphs[char]
if what then
head, current = process(what,head,current,char)
- done = true
else -- handling of spacing etc has to be done elsewhere
current = getnext(current)
@@ -104,7 +100,7 @@ function nodes.handlers.stripping(head)
current = getnext(current)
- return tonode(head), done
+ return head
local enabled = false
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/typo-rub.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/typo-rub.lua
index 8c41a5611..f1f3f0403 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/typo-rub.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/typo-rub.lua
@@ -33,8 +33,6 @@ local v_auto =
local nuts = nodes.nuts
-local tonut = nodes.tonut
-local tonode = nodes.tonode
local getid = nuts.getid
local getsubtype = nuts.getsubtype
local getattr = nuts.getattr
@@ -53,7 +51,9 @@ local setwidth = nuts.setwidth
local hpack = nuts.hpack
local insert_after = nuts.insert_after
local takebox = nuts.takebox
-local traverse_id = nuts.traverse_id
+local nexthlist = nuts.traversers.hlist
+local nextvlist = nuts.traversers.vlist
local nodecodes = nodes.nodecodes
local glyph_code = nodecodes.glyph
@@ -194,7 +194,6 @@ do
function rubies.check(head)
- local head = tonut(head)
local current = head
local start = nil
local stop = nil
@@ -260,7 +259,7 @@ function rubies.check(head)
if found then
flush("flush 5")
- return tonode(head), true
+ return head, true
local attach
@@ -371,20 +370,17 @@ local function whatever(current)
-attach = function(head)
- for current in traverse_id(hlist_code,head) do
+attach = function(head) -- traverse_list
+ for current in nexthlist, head do
- for current in traverse_id(vlist_code,head) do
+ for current in nextvlist, head do
- return head, true
+ return head
-function rubies.attach(head)
- local h, d = attach(tonut(head))
- return tonode(h), d
+rubies.attach = attach
-- for now there is no need to be compact
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/typo-spa.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/typo-spa.lua
index bda139719..c49897f87 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/typo-spa.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/typo-spa.lua
@@ -23,8 +23,6 @@ local unsetvalue = attributes.unsetvalue
local v_reset = interfaces.variables.reset
local nuts = nodes.nuts
-local tonut = nuts.tonut
-local tonode = nuts.tonode
local getnext = nuts.getnext
local getprev = nuts.getprev
@@ -73,8 +71,6 @@ end
-- todo cache lastattr
function spacings.handler(head)
- head = tonut(head)
- local done = false
local start = head
-- head is always begin of par (whatsit), so we have at least two prev nodes
-- penalty followed by glue
@@ -122,7 +118,6 @@ function spacings.handler(head)
- done = true
local next = getnext(start)
@@ -159,7 +154,6 @@ function spacings.handler(head)
- done = true
@@ -172,7 +166,7 @@ function spacings.handler(head)
start = getnext(start)
- return tonode(head), done
+ return head
local enabled = false
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/typo-sus.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/typo-sus.lua
index 2d3037bdc..6c02b9291 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/typo-sus.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/typo-sus.lua
@@ -40,8 +40,6 @@ local hlist_code = nodecodes.hlist
local vlist_code = nodecodes.vlist
local nuts = nodes.nuts
-local tonut = nodes.tonut
-local tonode = nodes.tonode
local getid = nuts.getid
local getprev = nuts.getprev
@@ -164,7 +162,6 @@ local colors = {
local found = 0
function typesetters.marksuspects(head)
- local head = tonut(head)
local current = head
local lastdone = nil
while current do
@@ -254,7 +251,7 @@ function typesetters.marksuspects(head)
current = getnext(current)
- return tonode(head), found > 0
+ return head
local function showsuspects(head)
@@ -289,9 +286,9 @@ end
function typesetters.showsuspects(head)
if found > 0 then
- return tonode(showsuspects(tonut(head))), true
+ return showsuspects(head)
- return head, false
+ return head
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/typo-tal.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/typo-tal.lua
index 870d006cc..413c249fa 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/typo-tal.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/typo-tal.lua
@@ -34,7 +34,6 @@ local v_number = variables.number
local nuts = nodes.nuts
local tonut = nuts.tonut
-local tonode = nuts.tonode
local getnext = nuts.getnext
local getprev = nuts.getprev
@@ -50,7 +49,7 @@ local setchar = nuts.setchar
local insert_node_before = nuts.insert_before
local insert_node_after = nuts.insert_after
-local traverse_list_by_id = nuts.traverse_id
+local nextglyph = nuts.traversers.glyph
local list_dimensions = nuts.dimensions
local first_glyph = nuts.first_glyph
@@ -171,23 +170,22 @@ local function traced_kern(w)
return tracedrule(w,nil,nil,"darkgray")
-function characteralign.handler(originalhead,where)
+function characteralign.handler(head,where)
if not datasets then
- return originalhead, false
+ return head
- local head = tonut(originalhead)
-- local first = first_glyph(head) -- we could do that once
local first
- for n in traverse_list_by_id(glyph_code,head) do
+ for n in nextglyph, head do
first = n
if not first then
- return originalhead, false
+ return head
local a = getattr(first,a_characteralign)
if not a or a == 0 then
- return originalhead, false
+ return head
local column = div(a,0xFFFF)
local row = a % 0xFFFF
@@ -336,7 +334,7 @@ function characteralign.handler(originalhead,where)
before = before,
after = after,
- return tonode(head), true
+ return head, true
if not dataset.collected then
-- print("[maxbefore] [maxafter]")
@@ -404,5 +402,5 @@ function characteralign.handler(originalhead,where)
- return tonode(head), true
+ return head
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/typo-wrp.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/typo-wrp.lua
index 07e34cd6c..13bb5a0cc 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/typo-wrp.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/typo-wrp.lua
@@ -16,8 +16,6 @@ local parfill_skip_code = nodes.gluecodes.parfillskip
local user_penalty_code = nodes.penaltycodes.userpenalty
local nuts = nodes.nuts
-local tonut = nodes.tonut
-local tonode = nodes.tonode
local find_node_tail = nuts.tail
local getprev = nuts.getprev
@@ -51,22 +49,20 @@ local function remove_dangling_crlf(head,tail)
report("removing a probably unwanted end-of-par break in line %s (guess)",tex.inputlineno)
- return head, tail, true
+ return head, tail
- return head, tail, false
+ return head, tail
function wrappers.handler(head)
- local head = tonut(head)
if head then
local tail = find_node_tail(head)
- local done = false
- head, tail, done = remove_dangling_crlf(head,tail) -- will be action chain
+ head, tail = remove_dangling_crlf(head,tail) -- will be action chain
- return head, true
+ return head
interfaces.implement {
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/util-seq.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/util-seq.lua
index ec6ed2ceb..08f762b6a 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/util-seq.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/util-seq.lua
@@ -27,6 +27,15 @@ local allocate =
local formatters = string.formatters
local replacer = utilities.templates.replacer
+local trace_used = false
+local trace_detail = false
+local report = logs.reporter("sequencer")
+local usedcount = 0
+local usednames = { }
+trackers.register("sequencers.used", function(v) trace_used = true end)
+trackers.register("sequencers.detail",function(v) trace_detail = true end)
local sequencers = { }
utilities.sequencers = sequencers
@@ -38,6 +47,8 @@ local replacevalue = tables.replacevalue
local insertaftervalue = tables.insertaftervalue
local insertbeforevalue = tables.insertbeforevalue
+local usedsequences = { }
local function validaction(action)
if type(action) == "string" then
local g = _G
@@ -211,9 +222,19 @@ local function localize(str)
local function construct(t)
- local list, order, kind, gskip, askip = t.list, t.order, t.kind, t.gskip, t.askip
- local arguments, returnvalues, results = t.arguments or "...", t.returnvalues, t.results
- local variables, calls, n = { }, { }, 0
+ local list = t.list
+ local order = t.order
+ local kind = t.kind
+ local gskip = t.gskip
+ local askip = t.askip
+ local name = or "?"
+ local arguments = t.arguments or "..."
+ local returnvalues = t.returnvalues
+ local results = t.results
+ local variables = { }
+ local calls = { }
+ local n = 0
+ usedcount = usedcount + 1
for i=1,#order do
local group = order[i]
if not gskip[group] then
@@ -221,6 +242,11 @@ local function construct(t)
for i=1,#actions do
local action = actions[i]
if not askip[action] then
+ if trace_used then
+ local action = tostring(action)
+ report("%02i: category %a, group %a, action %a",usedcount,name,group,action)
+ usednames[action] = true
+ end
local localized
if type(action) == "function" then
local name = localize(tostring(action))
@@ -261,17 +287,16 @@ end
sequencers.tostring = construct
sequencers.localize = localize
-compile = function(t,compiler,n) -- already referred to in
+compile = function(t,compiler,...) -- already referred to in
local compiled
if not t or type(t) == "string" then
- -- weird ... t.compiled = t .. so
return false
if compiler then
- compiled = compiler(t,n)
+ compiled = compiler(t,...)
t.compiled = compiled
- compiled = construct(t,n)
+ compiled = construct(t,...)
local runner
if compiled == "" then
@@ -285,114 +310,46 @@ end
sequencers.compile = compile
--- we used to deal with tail as well but now that the lists are always
--- double linked and the kernel function no longer expect tail as
--- argument we stick to head and done (done can probably also go
--- as luatex deals with return values efficiently now .. in the
--- past there was some copying involved, but no longer)
--- todo: use sequencer (can have arguments and returnvalues etc now)
-local template_yes_state = [[
-return function(head%s)
- local ok, done = false, false
- return head, done
-local template_yes_nostate = [[
-return function(head%s)
- return head, true
-local template_nop = [[
-return function()
- return false, false
-local function nodeprocessor(t,nofarguments) -- todo: handle 'kind' in plug into tostring
- local list, order, kind, gskip, askip = t.list, t.order, t.kind, t.gskip, t.askip
- local nostate = t.nostate
- local vars, calls, args, n = { }, { }, nil, 0
- if nofarguments == 0 then
- args = ""
- elseif nofarguments == 1 then
- args = ",one"
- elseif nofarguments == 2 then
- args = ",one,two"
- elseif nofarguments == 3 then -- from here on probably slower than ...
- args = ",one,two,three"
- elseif nofarguments == 4 then
- args = ",one,two,three,four"
- elseif nofarguments == 5 then
- args = ",one,two,three,four,five"
- else
- args = ",..."
- end
- for i=1,#order do
- local group = order[i]
- if not gskip[group] then
- local actions = list[group]
- for i=1,#actions do
- local action = actions[i]
- if not askip[action] then
- local localized = localize(action)
- n = n + 1
- vars[n] = formatters["local %s = %s"](localized,action)
- -- only difference with tostring is kind and rets (why no return)
- if nostate then
- if kind[action] == "nohead" then
- calls[n] = formatters[" %s(head%s)"](localized,args)
- else
- calls[n] = formatters[" head = %s(head%s)"](localized,args)
- end
- else
- if kind[action] == "nohead" then
- calls[n] = formatters[" ok = %s(head%s) if ok then done = true end"](localized,args)
- else
- calls[n] = formatters[" head, ok = %s(head%s) if ok then done = true end"](localized,args)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- local processor = #calls > 0 and formatters[nostate and template_yes_nostate or template_yes_state](concat(vars,"\n"),args,concat(calls,"\n")) or template_nop
- -- print(processor)
- return processor
function sequencers.nodeprocessor(t,nofarguments)
- local kind = type(nofarguments)
- if kind == "number" then
- return nodeprocessor(t,nofarguments)
- elseif kind ~= "table" then
- return
- end
local templates = nofarguments
- local process = templates.process
- local step = templates.step
- if not process or not step then
+ if type(templates) ~= "table" then
+ return ""
+ end
+ --
+ local replacers = { }
+ for k, v in next, templates do
+ replacers[k] = replacer(v)
+ end
+ --
+ local construct = replacers.process
+ local step = replacers.step
+ if not construct or not step then
return ""
- local construct = replacer(process)
- local newaction = replacer(step)
local calls = { }
local aliases = { }
- local n = 0
+ local ncalls = 0
+ local naliases = 0
+ local f_alias = formatters["local %s = %s"]
local list = t.list
local order = t.order
local kind = t.kind
local gskip = t.gskip
local askip = t.askip
+ local name = or "?"
+ local steps = 0
+ usedcount = usedcount + 1
+ if trace_detail then
+ naliases = naliases + 1
+ aliases[naliases] = formatters["local report = logs.reporter('sequencer',%q)"](name)
+ ncalls = ncalls + 1
+ calls[ncalls] = [[report("start")]]
+ end
for i=1,#order do
local group = order[i]
if not gskip[group] then
@@ -400,20 +357,48 @@ function sequencers.nodeprocessor(t,nofarguments)
for i=1,#actions do
local action = actions[i]
if not askip[action] then
+ steps = steps + 1
+ if trace_used or trace_detail then
+ local action = tostring(action)
+ report("%02i: category %a, group %a, action %a",usedcount,name,group,action)
+ usednames[action] = true
+ end
+ if trace_detail then
+ ncalls = ncalls + 1
+ calls[ncalls] = formatters[ [[report(" step %a, action %a")]] ](steps,tostring(action))
+ end
local localized = localize(action)
- n = n + 1
- aliases[n] = formatters["local %s = %s"](localized,action)
- calls[n] = newaction { action = localized }
+ local onestep = replacers[kind[action]] or step
+ naliases = naliases + 1
+ ncalls = ncalls + 1
+ aliases[naliases] = f_alias(localized,action)
+ calls [ncalls] = onestep { action = localized }
- if n == 0 then
- return templates.default or construct { }
+ local processor
+ if steps == 0 then
+ processor = templates.default or construct { }
+ else
+ if trace_detail then
+ ncalls = ncalls + 1
+ calls[ncalls] = [[report("stop")]]
+ end
+ processor = construct {
+ localize = concat(aliases,"\n"),
+ actions = concat(calls,"\n"),
+ }
- local processor = construct {
- localize = concat(aliases,"\n"),
- actions = concat(calls,"\n"),
- }
+ -- processor = "print('running : " .. ( or "?") .. "')\n" .. processor
+ -- print(processor)
return processor
+statistics.register("used sequences",function()
+ if next(usednames) then
+ return table.concat(table.sortedkeys(usednames)," ")
+ end
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/util-str.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/util-str.lua
index 56c5b011c..42f126687 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/util-str.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/util-str.lua
@@ -869,7 +869,12 @@ local format_L = function()
return format("(a%s and 'TRUE' or 'FALSE')",n)
-local format_N = function() -- strips leading zeros
+local format_n = function() -- strips leading and trailing zeros and removes .0
+ n = n + 1
+ return format("((a%s %% 1 == 0) and format('%%i',a%s) or tostring(a%s))",n,n,n)
+local format_N = function() -- strips leading and trailing zeros (also accepst string)
n = n + 1
return format("tostring(tonumber(a%s) or a%s)",n,n)
@@ -999,6 +1004,7 @@ local builder = Cs { "start",
+ V("C")
+ V("S") -- new
+ V("Q") -- new
+ + V("n") -- new
+ V("N") -- new
+ V("k") -- new
@@ -1042,7 +1048,8 @@ local builder = Cs { "start",
["S"] = (prefix_any * P("S")) / format_S, -- %S => %s (tostring)
["Q"] = (prefix_any * P("Q")) / format_Q, -- %Q => %q (tostring)
- ["N"] = (prefix_any * P("N")) / format_N, -- %N => tonumber (strips leading zeros)
+ ["n"] = (prefix_any * P("n")) / format_n, -- %n => tonumber (strips leading and trailing zeros, as well as .0, expects number)
+ ["N"] = (prefix_any * P("N")) / format_N, -- %N => tonumber (strips leading and trailing zeros, also takes string)
["k"] = (prefix_sub * P("k")) / format_k, -- %k => like f but with n.m
["c"] = (prefix_any * P("c")) / format_c, -- %c => utf character (extension to regular)
["C"] = (prefix_any * P("C")) / format_C, -- %c => U+.... utf character
diff --git a/tex/context/interface/mkiv/context-en.xml b/tex/context/interface/mkiv/context-en.xml
index 67d229f4e..1d66d20df 100644
--- a/tex/context/interface/mkiv/context-en.xml
+++ b/tex/context/interface/mkiv/context-en.xml
@@ -22423,6 +22423,9 @@
<cd:parameter name="method">
<cd:constant type="auto"/>
+ <cd:parameter name="size">
+ <cd:constant type="cd:number"/>
+ </cd:parameter>
<cd:parameter name="factor">
<cd:constant type="none"/>
<cd:constant type="auto"/>
@@ -33091,6 +33094,12 @@
<cd:parameter name="pagecolor">
<cd:constant type="cd:color"/>
+ <cd:parameter name="pageleft">
+ <cd:resolve name="cd:command"/>
+ </cd:parameter>
+ <cd:parameter name="pageright">
+ <cd:constant type="cd:command"/>
+ </cd:parameter>
<cd:parameter name="n">
<cd:constant type="cd:number"/>
diff --git a/tex/context/interface/mkiv/i-context.pdf b/tex/context/interface/mkiv/i-context.pdf
index 30f792944..38ba5c02c 100644
--- a/tex/context/interface/mkiv/i-context.pdf
+++ b/tex/context/interface/mkiv/i-context.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tex/context/interface/mkiv/i-mathfence.xml b/tex/context/interface/mkiv/i-mathfence.xml
index 76151fae4..5e1abec2b 100644
--- a/tex/context/interface/mkiv/i-mathfence.xml
+++ b/tex/context/interface/mkiv/i-mathfence.xml
@@ -43,6 +43,9 @@
<cd:parameter name="method">
<cd:constant type="auto"/>
+ <cd:parameter name="size">
+ <cd:constant type="cd:number"/>
+ </cd:parameter>
<cd:parameter name="factor">
<cd:constant type="none"/>
<cd:constant type="auto"/>
diff --git a/tex/context/interface/mkiv/i-readme.pdf b/tex/context/interface/mkiv/i-readme.pdf
index d0e8abe4a..d776f503d 100644
--- a/tex/context/interface/mkiv/i-readme.pdf
+++ b/tex/context/interface/mkiv/i-readme.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tex/context/interface/mkiv/i-register.xml b/tex/context/interface/mkiv/i-register.xml
index 4d8010559..66570dd3b 100644
--- a/tex/context/interface/mkiv/i-register.xml
+++ b/tex/context/interface/mkiv/i-register.xml
@@ -162,6 +162,12 @@
<cd:parameter name="pagecolor">
<cd:constant type="cd:color"/>
+ <cd:parameter name="pageleft">
+ <cd:resolve name="cd:command"/>
+ </cd:parameter>
+ <cd:parameter name="pageright">
+ <cd:constant type="cd:command"/>
+ </cd:parameter>
<cd:parameter name="n">
<cd:constant type="cd:number"/>
@@ -544,7 +550,7 @@
<cd:index list="yes"/>
- </cd:command>
+ </cd:command>
<cd:command name="stopregister" level="document" category="structure" file="strc-reg.mkiv">
@@ -664,4 +670,4 @@
-</cd:interface> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tex/context/modules/mkiv/m-scite.mkiv b/tex/context/modules/mkiv/m-scite.mkiv
index 48f1022ad..92a498b37 100644
--- a/tex/context/modules/mkiv/m-scite.mkiv
+++ b/tex/context/modules/mkiv/m-scite.mkiv
@@ -332,6 +332,7 @@ visualizers.register("sql", visualizer)
{\scitespaceskip\interwordspace % \fontcharwd\font`0\relax % brrrrr
+ \let\slxbreak\relax
@@ -342,10 +343,12 @@ visualizers.register("sql", visualizer)
+\let\slxb \gobbleoneargument
+\let\slxe \space
+\let\slxS \buff_scite_slxs
+\let\slxF \buff_scite_slxf
diff --git a/tex/context/modules/mkiv/s-fonts-effects.mkiv b/tex/context/modules/mkiv/s-fonts-effects.mkiv
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9b712938b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/modules/mkiv/s-fonts-effects.mkiv
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=s-fonts-basics, % was s-fnt-01,
+%D version=2006.10.10, % guess
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Style File,
+%D subtitle=Listing Glyphs in Large Fonts,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D This module is just a check for \type {luatex-basics-prepare}.
+moduledata.fonts = moduledata.fonts or { }
+moduledata.fonts.effects = moduledata.fonts.effects or { }
+function moduledata.fonts.effects.showfonteffect()
+ local effect =[true].effect
+ if effect then
+ local context = context
+ local BC, NC, EQ, NR = context.BC, context.NC, context.EQ, context.NR
+ context.starttabulate { "||||||||" }
+ BC() context("id") EQ() context(font.current())
+ BC() context("factor") EQ() context(effect.factor)
+ BC() context("wdelta") EQ() context(effect.wdelta)
+ NC() NR()
+ BC() context("effect") EQ() context(effect.effect)
+ BC() context("hfactor") EQ() context(effect.hfactor)
+ BC() context("hdelta") EQ() context(effect.hdelta)
+ NC() NR()
+ BC() context("width") EQ() context(effect.width)
+ BC() context("vfactor") EQ() context(effect.vfactor)
+ BC() context("ddelta") EQ() context(effect.ddelta)
+ NC() NR()
+ context.stoptabulate()
+ end
+\installmodulecommandluasingle \showfonteffect {moduledata.fonts.effects.showfonteffect}
+ \definedfont[Serif*default,boldened] An example.
+ \showfonteffect
diff --git a/tex/context/modules/mkiv/s-fonts-shapes.lua b/tex/context/modules/mkiv/s-fonts-shapes.lua
index 748c5a92a..2c4cd445f 100644
--- a/tex/context/modules/mkiv/s-fonts-shapes.lua
+++ b/tex/context/modules/mkiv/s-fonts-shapes.lua
@@ -107,220 +107,177 @@ end
local descriptions = nil
local characters = nil
local function showglyphshape(specification)
- specification = interfaces.checkedspecification(specification)
- local id, cs = fonts.definers.internal(specification,"<module:fonts:shapes:font>")
- local tfmdata = fontdata[id]
- local charnum = tonumber(specification.character) or fonts.helpers.nametoslot(specification.character)
- local characters = tfmdata.characters
- local descriptions = tfmdata.descriptions
- local parameters = tfmdata.parameters
- local c = characters[charnum]
- local d = descriptions[charnum]
- if d then
- local factor = (parameters.size/parameters.units)*((7200/7227)/65536)
- local llx, lly, urx, ury = unpack(d.boundingbox)
- llx, lly, urx, ury = llx*factor, lly*factor, urx*factor, ury*factor
- local width, italic = (d.width or 0)*factor, (d.italic or 0)*factor
- local top_accent, bot_accent = (d.top_accent or 0)*factor, (d.bot_accent or 0)*factor
- local anchors, math = d.anchors, d.math
- context.start()
- context.dontleavehmode()
- context.obeyMPboxdepth()
- context.startMPcode()
- context("numeric lw ; lw := .125bp ;")
- context("pickup pencircle scaled lw ;")
- if width < 0.01 then
- -- catches zero width marks
- context('picture p ; p := textext.drt("\\hskip5sp\\getuvalue{%s}\\gray\\char%s"); draw p ;',cs,charnum)
- else
- context('picture p ; p := textext.drt("\\getuvalue{%s}\\gray\\char%s"); draw p ;',cs,charnum)
- end
- context('draw (%s,%s)--(%s,%s)--(%s,%s)--(%s,%s)--cycle withcolor green ;',llx,lly,urx,lly,urx,ury,llx,ury)
- context('draw (%s,%s)--(%s,%s) withcolor green ;',llx,0,urx,0)
- context('draw boundingbox p withcolor .2white withpen pencircle scaled .065bp ;')
- context("defaultscale := 0.05 ; ")
- -- inefficient but non critical
- local slant = {
- function(v,dx,dy,txt,xsign,ysign,loc,labloc)
- local n = #v
- if n > 0 then
- local l = { }
- for i=1,n do
- local c = v[i]
- local h = c.height or 0
- local k = c.kern or 0
- l[i] = formatters["((%s,%s) shifted (%s,%s))"](xsign*k*factor,ysign*h*factor,dx,dy)
- end
- context("draw ((%s,%s) shifted (%s,%s))--%s dashed (evenly scaled 1/16) withcolor .5white;", xsign*v[1].kern*factor,lly,dx,dy,l[1])
--- context("draw laddered (%s) withcolor .5white ;",table.concat(l,".."))
- context("draw laddered (%..t) withcolor .5white ;",l)
- context("draw ((%s,%s) shifted (%s,%s))--%s dashed (evenly scaled 1/16) withcolor .5white;", xsign*v[#v].kern*factor,ury,dx,dy,l[#l])
- for i=1,n do
- context("draw %s withcolor blue withpen pencircle scaled 2lw ;",l[i])
- end
- end
- end,
- function(v,dx,dy,txt,xsign,ysign,loc,labloc)
- local n = #v
- if n > 0 then
- local l = { }
- for i=1,n do
- local c = v[i]
- local h = c.height or 0
- local k = c.kern or 0
- l[i] = formatters["((%s,%s) shifted (%s,%s))"](xsign*k*factor,ysign*h*factor,dx,dy)
- end
- if loc == "top" then
- context('label.%s("\\type{%s}",%s shifted (0,-1bp)) ;',loc,txt,l[n])
- else
- context('label.%s("\\type{%s}",%s shifted (0,2bp)) ;',loc,txt,l[1])
- end
- for i=1,n do
- local c = v[i]
- local h = c.height or 0
- local k = c.kern or 0
- context('"(%s,%s)",%s shifted (0,-2bp));',k,h,l[i])
+ --
+ local specification = interfaces.checkedspecification(specification)
+ local id, cs = fonts.definers.internal(specification,"<module:fonts:shapes:font>")
+ local tfmdata = fontdata[id]
+ local characters = tfmdata.characters
+ local descriptions = tfmdata.descriptions
+ local parameters = tfmdata.parameters
+ local anchors = fonts.helpers.collectanchors(tfmdata)
+ local function showonecharacter(unicode)
+ local c = characters [unicode]
+ local d = descriptions[unicode]
+ if c and d then
+ local factor = (parameters.size/parameters.units)*((7200/7227)/65536)
+ local llx, lly, urx, ury = unpack(d.boundingbox)
+ llx, lly, urx, ury = llx*factor, lly*factor, urx*factor, ury*factor
+ local width = (d.width or 0)*factor
+ context.start()
+ context.dontleavehmode()
+ context.obeyMPboxdepth()
+ context.startMPcode()
+ context("numeric lw ; lw := .125bp ;")
+ context("pickup pencircle scaled lw ;")
+ if width < 0.01 then
+ -- catches zero width marks
+ context('picture p ; p := textext.drt("\\hskip5sp\\getuvalue{%s}\\gray\\char%s"); draw p ;',cs,unicode)
+ else
+ context('picture p ; p := textext.drt("\\getuvalue{%s}\\gray\\char%s"); draw p ;',cs,unicode)
+ end
+ context('draw (%s,%s)--(%s,%s)--(%s,%s)--(%s,%s)--cycle withcolor green ;',llx,lly,urx,lly,urx,ury,llx,ury)
+ context('draw (%s,%s)--(%s,%s) withcolor green ;',llx,0,urx,0)
+ context('draw boundingbox p withcolor .2white withpen pencircle scaled .065bp ;')
+ context("defaultscale := 0.05 ; ")
+ -- inefficient but non critical
+ local slant = {
+ function(v,dx,dy,txt,xsign,ysign,loc,labloc)
+ local n = #v
+ if n > 0 then
+ local l = { }
+ for i=1,n do
+ local c = v[i]
+ local h = c.height or 0
+ local k = c.kern or 0
+ l[i] = formatters["((%s,%s) shifted (%s,%s))"](xsign*k*factor,ysign*h*factor,dx,dy)
+ end
+ context("draw ((%s,%s) shifted (%s,%s))--%s dashed (evenly scaled 1/16) withcolor .5white;", xsign*v[1].kern*factor,lly,dx,dy,l[1])
+ context("draw laddered (%..t) withcolor .5white ;",l)
+ context("draw ((%s,%s) shifted (%s,%s))--%s dashed (evenly scaled 1/16) withcolor .5white;", xsign*v[#v].kern*factor,ury,dx,dy,l[#l])
+ for i=1,n do
+ context("draw %s withcolor blue withpen pencircle scaled 2lw ;",l[i])
+ end
- end
- end,
- }
- if math then
- local kerns = math.kerns
- if kerns then
- for i=1,#slant do
- local s = slant[i]
- for k, v in next, kerns do
- if k == "topright" then
- s(v,width+italic,0,k,1,1,"top","ulft")
- elseif k == "bottomright" then
- s(v,width,0,k,1,1,"bot","lrt")
- elseif k == "topleft" then
- s(v,0,0,k,-1,1,"top","ulft")
- elseif k == "bottomleft" then
- s(v,0,0,k,-1,1,"bot","lrt")
+ end,
+ function(v,dx,dy,txt,xsign,ysign,loc,labloc)
+ local n = #v
+ if n > 0 then
+ local l = { }
+ for i=1,n do
+ local c = v[i]
+ local h = c.height or 0
+ local k = c.kern or 0
+ l[i] = formatters["((%s,%s) shifted (%s,%s))"](xsign*k*factor,ysign*h*factor,dx,dy)
+ end
+ if loc == "top" then
+ context('label.%s("\\type{%s}",%s shifted (0,-1bp)) ;',loc,txt,l[n])
+ else
+ context('label.%s("\\type{%s}",%s shifted (0,2bp)) ;',loc,txt,l[1])
+ end
+ for i=1,n do
+ local c = v[i]
+ local h = c.height or 0
+ local k = c.kern or 0
+ context('"(%s,%s)",%s shifted (0,-2bp));',k,h,l[i])
- end
- end
- end
- local function show(x,y,txt)
- local xx, yy = x*factor, y*factor
- context("draw (%s,%s) withcolor blue withpen pencircle scaled 2lw ;",xx,yy)
- context('"\\type{%s}",(%s,%s-2bp)) ;',txt,xx,yy)
- context('"(%s,%s)",(%s,%s+2bp)) ;',x,y,xx,yy)
- end
- if anchors then
- local a = anchors.baselig
- if a then
- for k, v in next, a do
- for i=1,#v do
- local p = v[i]
- show(p[1],p[2],k .. ":" .. i)
+ end,
+ }
+ --
+ local math = d.math
+ if math then
+ local kerns = math.kerns
+ if kerns then
+ for i=1,#slant do
+ local s = slant[i]
+ for k, v in next, kerns do
+ if k == "topright" then
+ -- s(v,width+italic,0,k,1,1,"top","ulft")
+ s(v,width,0,k,1,1,"top","ulft")
+ elseif k == "bottomright" then
+ s(v,width,0,k,1,1,"bot","lrt")
+ elseif k == "topleft" then
+ s(v,0,0,k,-1,1,"top","ulft")
+ elseif k == "bottomleft" then
+ s(v,0,0,k,-1,1,"bot","lrt")
+ end
+ end
- end
- local a = anchors.mark
- if a then
- for k, v in next, a do
- show(v[1],v[2],k)
- end
- end
- local a = anchors.basechar
- if a then
- for k, v in next, a do
- show(v[1],v[2],k)
+ local accent = math.accent
+ if accent and accent ~= 0 then
+ local a = accent * factor
+ context('draw (%s,%s+1bp)--(%s,%s-1bp) withcolor blue;',a,ury,a,ury)
+ context('"\\type{%s}",(%s,%s+1bp));',"accent",a,ury)
+ context('"%s",(%s,%s-1bp));',math.accent,a,ury)
- local ba = anchors.centry
- if a then
- for k, v in next, a do
- show(v[1],v[2],k)
+ --
+ local anchordata = anchors[unicode]
+ if anchordata then
+ local function show(txt,list)
+ if list then
+ for i=1,#list do
+ local li = list[i]
+ local x, y = li[1], li[2]
+ local xx, yy = x*factor, y*factor
+ context("draw (%s,%s) withcolor blue withpen pencircle scaled 2lw ;",xx,yy)
+ context('"\\infofont %s",(%s,%s-2.75bp)) ;',txt .. i,xx,yy)
+ context('"\\infofont (%s,%s)",(%s,%s+2.75bp)) ;',x,y,xx,yy)
+ end
+ end
+ --
+ show("b",anchordata.base)
+ show("m",anchordata.mark)
+ show("l",anchordata.ligature)
+ show("e",anchordata.entry)
+ show("x",anchordata.exit)
- local a = anchors.cexit
- if a then
- for k, v in next, a do
- show(v[1],v[2],k)
- end
+ --
+ local italic = d.italic
+ if italic and italic ~= 0 then
+ local i = italic * factor
+ context('draw (%s,%s-1bp)--(%s,%s-0.5bp) withcolor blue ;',width,ury,width,ury)
+ context('draw (%s,%s-1bp)--(%s,%s-0.5bp) withcolor blue ;',width+i,ury,width+i,ury)
+ context('draw (%s,%s-1bp)--(%s,%s-1bp) withcolor blue ;',width,ury,width+i,ury)
+ context('label.lft("\\type{%s}",(%s+2bp,%s-1bp));',"italic",width,ury)
+ context('label.rt("%s",(%s-2bp,%s-1bp));',italic,width+i,ury)
+ context('draw origin withcolor red withpen pencircle scaled 2lw;')
+ context("setbounds currentpicture to boundingbox currentpicture enlarged 1bp ;")
+ context("currentpicture := currentpicture scaled 8 ;")
+ context.stopMPcode()
+ context.stop()
- if italic ~= 0 then
- context('draw (%s,%s-1bp)--(%s,%s-0.5bp) withcolor blue ;',width,ury,width,ury)
- context('draw (%s,%s-1bp)--(%s,%s-0.5bp) withcolor blue ;',width+italic,ury,width+italic,ury)
- context('draw (%s,%s-1bp)--(%s,%s-1bp) withcolor blue ;',width,ury,width+italic,ury)
- context('label.lft("\\type{%s}",(%s+2bp,%s-1bp));',"italic",width,ury)
- context('label.rt("%s",(%s-2bp,%s-1bp));',d.italic,width+italic,ury)
- end
- if top_accent ~= 0 then
- context('draw (%s,%s+1bp)--(%s,%s-1bp) withcolor blue;',top_accent,ury,top_accent,ury)
- context('"\\type{%s}",(%s,%s+1bp));',"top_accent",top_accent,ury)
- context('"%s",(%s,%s-1bp));',d.top_accent,top_accent,ury)
- end
- if bot_accent ~= 0 then
- context('draw (%s,%s+1bp)--(%s,%s-1bp) withcolor blue;',bot_accent,lly,bot_accent,lly)
- context('"\\type{%s}",(%s,%s-1bp));',"bot_accent",top_accent,ury)
- context('"%s",(%s,%s+1bp));',d.bot_accent,bot_accent,lly)
- end
- context('draw origin withcolor red withpen pencircle scaled 2lw;')
- context("setbounds currentpicture to boundingbox currentpicture enlarged 1bp ;")
- context("currentpicture := currentpicture scaled 8 ;")
- context.stopMPcode()
- context.stop()
- -- elseif c then
- -- lastdata, lastunicode = nil, nil
- -- local factor = (7200/7227)/65536
- -- context.startMPcode()
- -- context("pickup pencircle scaled .25bp ; ")
- -- context('picture p ; p := image(draw textext.drt("\\gray\\char%s");); draw p ;',charnum)
- -- context('draw boundingbox p withcolor .2white withpen pencircle scaled .065bp ;')
- -- context("defaultscale := 0.05 ; ")
- -- local italic, top_accent, bot_accent = (c.italic or 0)*factor, (c.top_accent or 0)*factor, (c.bot_accent or 0)*factor
- -- local width, height, depth = (c.width or 0)*factor, (c.height or 0)*factor, (c.depth or 0)*factor
- -- local ury = height
- -- if italic ~= 0 then
- -- context('draw (%s,%s-1bp)--(%s,%s-0.5bp) withcolor blue;',width,ury,width,ury)
- -- context('draw (%s,%s-1bp)--(%s,%s-0.5bp) withcolor blue;',width+italic,ury,width+italic,ury)
- -- context('draw (%s,%s-1bp)--(%s,%s-1bp) withcolor blue;',width,ury,width+italic,height)
- -- context('label.lft("\\type{%s}",(%s+2bp,%s-1bp));',"italic",width,height)
- -- context('label.rt("%6.3f bp",(%s-2bp,%s-1bp));',italic,width+italic,height)
- -- end
- -- if top_accent ~= 0 then
- -- context('draw (%s,%s+1bp)--(%s,%s-1bp) withcolor blue;',top_accent,ury,top_accent,height)
- -- context('"\\type{%s}",(%s,%s+1bp));',"top_accent",top_accent,height)
- -- context('"%6.3f bp",(%s,%s-1bp));',top_accent,top_accent,height)
- -- end
- -- if bot_accent ~= 0 then
- -- context('draw (%s,%s+1bp)--(%s,%s-1bp) withcolor blue;',bot_accent,lly,bot_accent,height)
- -- context('"\\type{%s}",(%s,%s-1bp));',"bot_accent",top_accent,height)
- -- context('"%6.3f bp",(%s,%s+1bp));',bot_accent,bot_accent,height)
- -- end
- -- context('draw origin withcolor red withpen pencircle scaled 1bp;')
- -- context("setbounds currentpicture to boundingbox currentpicture enlarged 1bp ;")
- -- context("currentpicture := currentpicture scaled 8 ;")
- -- context.stopMPcode()
- else
- -- lastdata, lastunicode = nil, nil
- -- context("no such shape: 0x%05X",charnum)
-moduledata.fonts.shapes.showglyphshape = showglyphshape
+ local unicode = tonumber(specification.character) or
+ fonts.helpers.nametoslot(specification.character)
-function moduledata.fonts.shapes.showallglypshapes(specification)
- specification = interfaces.checkedspecification(specification)
- local id, cs = fonts.definers.internal(specification,"<module:fonts:shapes:font>")
- local descriptions = fontdata[id].descriptions
- for unicode, description in fonts.iterators.descriptions(tfmdata) do
- if unicode >= 0x110000 then
- break
+ if unicode then
+ showonecharacter(unicode)
+ else
+ context.modulefontsstartshowglyphshapes()
+ for unicode, description in fonts.iterators.descriptions(tfmdata) do
+ if unicode >= 0x110000 then
+ break
+ end
+ context.modulefontsstartshowglyphshape(unicode, or "",description.index or 0)
+ showonecharacter(unicode)
+ context.modulefontsstopshowglyphshape()
- context.modulefontsstartshowglyphshape(unicode, or "",description.index or 0)
- showglyphshape { number = id, character = unicode }
- context.modulefontsstopshowglyphshape()
+ context.modulefontsstopshowglyphshapes()
+moduledata.fonts.shapes.showglyphshape = showglyphshape
+moduledata.fonts.shapes.showallglypshapes = showglyphshape
function moduledata.fonts.shapes.showlastglyphshapefield(unicode,name)
if not descriptions then
-- bad news
diff --git a/tex/context/modules/mkiv/s-fonts-shapes.mkiv b/tex/context/modules/mkiv/s-fonts-shapes.mkiv
index 53ed1b426..d05438f3d 100644
--- a/tex/context/modules/mkiv/s-fonts-shapes.mkiv
+++ b/tex/context/modules/mkiv/s-fonts-shapes.mkiv
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
\startsetups module:showallglyphshapes:start
- \startTEXpage[\c!offset=\exheight]
+ \startTEXpage[\c!offset=\exheight,\c!frame=\v!on]
\edef\lastshownglyphshapefieldname {##2}%
\edef\lastshownglyphshapefieldindex {##3}%
@@ -58,6 +58,15 @@
+\startsetups module:showallglyphshapes:stop
+ % nothing
+\unexpanded\def\modulefontsstopshowglyphshapes {\setups[module:showallglyphshapes:stop]}
% downward compatibility:
@@ -109,10 +118,12 @@
% \startTEXpage[offset=0pt]\ShowGlyphShape{name:cambria-math}{50bp}{0x1D45D}\stopTEXpage
% \page
+% \startTEXpage[offset=0pt]\ShowGlyphShape{file:husayninotebold.ttf}{50bp}{0xF034A}\stopTEXpage
+% \startTEXpage[offset=0pt]\ShowGlyphShape{file:husayninotebold.ttf}{50bp}{0x006DD}\stopTEXpage
% \showallglyphshapes[name=name:cambria-math,size=100bp]
+% \showallglyphshapes[name=name:arabtype,size=100bp]
% \showallglyphshapes[name=file:husayninotebold.ttf,size=100bp]
% \showallglyphshapes[name=name:dejavuserif,size=100bp]
diff --git a/tex/context/modules/mkiv/s-languages-hyphenation.lua b/tex/context/modules/mkiv/s-languages-hyphenation.lua
index 6d3cf3d3e..65fd1ab14 100644
--- a/tex/context/modules/mkiv/s-languages-hyphenation.lua
+++ b/tex/context/modules/mkiv/s-languages-hyphenation.lua
@@ -29,7 +29,8 @@ local newrule = nodepool.rule
local newglue = nodepool.glue
local insert_node_after = nuts.insert_after
-local traverse_by_id = nuts.traverse_id
+local nextglyph = nuts.traversers.glyph
local tonut = nodes.tonut
local tonode = nodes.tonode
@@ -129,7 +130,7 @@ end
local function getlanguage(head,l,left,right)
local t = { }
- for n in traverse_by_id(glyph_code,tonut(head)) do
+ for n in nextglyph, tonut(head) do
t[n] = {
@@ -148,7 +149,7 @@ function moduledata.languages.hyphenation.showhyphens(head)
local marked = { }
local cached = { }
-- somehow assigning -1 fails
- for n in traverse_by_id(glyph_code,tonut(head)) do
+ for n in nextglyph, tonut(head) do
cached[n] = {
diff --git a/tex/generic/context/luatex/luatex-basics-nod.lua b/tex/generic/context/luatex/luatex-basics-nod.lua
index 40fb9ee4e..462b665fb 100644
--- a/tex/generic/context/luatex/luatex-basics-nod.lua
+++ b/tex/generic/context/luatex/luatex-basics-nod.lua
@@ -11,8 +11,9 @@ if context then
--- Don't depend on code here as it is only needed to complement the
--- font handler code.
+-- Don't depend on code here as it is only needed to complement the font handler
+-- code. I will move some to another namespace as I don't see other macro packages
+-- use the context logic. It's a subset anyway.
-- Attributes:
@@ -74,8 +75,8 @@ local flush_node = node.flush_node
local remove_node = node.remove
local traverse_id = node.traverse_id
-nodes.handlers.protectglyphs = node.protect_glyphs
-nodes.handlers.unprotectglyphs = node.unprotect_glyphs
+nodes.handlers.protectglyphs = node.protect_glyphs -- beware: nodes!
+nodes.handlers.unprotectglyphs = node.unprotect_glyphs -- beware: nodes!
local math_code = nodecodes.math
local end_of_math = node.end_of_math
@@ -285,6 +286,7 @@ nuts.end_of_math = direct.end_of_math
nuts.traverse = direct.traverse
nuts.traverse_id = direct.traverse_id
nuts.traverse_char = direct.traverse_char
+nuts.traverse_glyph = direct.traverse_glyph
nuts.ligaturing = direct.ligaturing
nuts.kerning = direct.kerning =
@@ -480,3 +482,23 @@ if not nuts.uses_font then
+ -- another poor mans substitute ... i will move these to a more protected
+ -- namespace .. experimental hack
+ local dummy = tonut("glyph"))
+ nuts.traversers = {
+ glyph = nuts.traverse_id(nodecodes.glyph,dummy),
+ glue = nuts.traverse_id(nodecodes.glue,dummy),
+ disc = nuts.traverse_id(nodecodes.disc,dummy),
+ boundary = nuts.traverse_id(nodecodes.boundary,dummy),
+ char = nuts.traverse_char(dummy),
+ node = nuts.traverse(dummy),
+ }
diff --git a/tex/generic/context/luatex/luatex-fonts-merged.lua b/tex/generic/context/luatex/luatex-fonts-merged.lua
index f2cbe59d8..6b530e252 100644
--- a/tex/generic/context/luatex/luatex-fonts-merged.lua
+++ b/tex/generic/context/luatex/luatex-fonts-merged.lua
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-- merged file : c:/data/develop/context/sources/luatex-fonts-merged.lua
-- parent file : c:/data/develop/context/sources/luatex-fonts.lua
--- merge date : 04/19/18 15:53:45
+-- merge date : 05/12/18 00:07:56
do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference
@@ -2011,12 +2011,19 @@ end
local function sequenced(t,sep,simple)
if not t then
return ""
+ elseif type(t)=="string" then
+ return t
local n=#t
local s={}
if n>0 then
for i=1,n do
- s[i]=tostring(t[i])
+ local v=t[i]
+ if type(v)=="table" then
+ s[i]="{"..sequenced(v,sep,simple).."}"
+ else
+ s[i]=tostring(t[i])
+ end
@@ -4324,6 +4331,10 @@ local format_L=function()
return format("(a%s and 'TRUE' or 'FALSE')",n)
+local format_n=function()
+ n=n+1
+ return format("((a%s %% 1 == 0) and format('%%i',a%s) or tostring(a%s))",n,n,n)
local format_N=function()
return format("tostring(tonumber(a%s) or a%s)",n,n)
@@ -4424,6 +4435,7 @@ local builder=Cs { "start",
@@ -4453,6 +4465,7 @@ local builder=Cs { "start",
+ ["n"]=(prefix_any*P("n"))/format_n,
@@ -5350,8 +5363,8 @@ nodes.disccodes=disccodes
local flush_node=node.flush_node
local remove_node=node.remove
local traverse_id=node.traverse_id
local math_code=nodecodes.math
local end_of_math=node.end_of_math
function node.end_of_math(n)
@@ -5527,6 +5540,7 @@ nuts.end_of_math=direct.end_of_math
@@ -5694,6 +5708,17 @@ if not nuts.uses_font then
return false
+ local dummy=tonut("glyph"))
+ nuts.traversers={
+ glyph=nuts.traverse_id(nodecodes.glyph,dummy),
+ glue=nuts.traverse_id(nodecodes.glue,dummy),
+ disc=nuts.traverse_id(nodecodes.disc,dummy),
+ boundary=nuts.traverse_id(nodecodes.boundary,dummy),
+ char=nuts.traverse_char(dummy),
+ node=nuts.traverse(dummy),
+ }
end -- closure
@@ -9570,10 +9595,13 @@ function constructors.scale(tfmdata,specification)
local t={}
for i=1,#vv do
local vvi=vv[i]
- t[i]={
- ["start"]=(vvi["start"] or 0)*vdelta,
- ["end"]=(vvi["end"] or 0)*vdelta,
- ["advance"]=(vvi["advance"] or 0)*vdelta,
+ local s=vvi["start"] or 0
+ local e=vvi["end"] or 0
+ local a=vvi["advance"] or 0
+ t[i]={
+ ["start"]=s==0 and 0 or s*vdelta,
+ ["end"]=e==0 and 0 or e*vdelta,
+ ["advance"]=a==0 and 0 or a*vdelta,
@@ -9585,10 +9613,13 @@ function constructors.scale(tfmdata,specification)
local t={}
for i=1,#hv do
local hvi=hv[i]
- t[i]={
- ["start"]=(hvi["start"] or 0)*hdelta,
- ["end"]=(hvi["end"] or 0)*hdelta,
- ["advance"]=(hvi["advance"] or 0)*hdelta,
+ local s=hvi["start"] or 0
+ local e=hvi["end"] or 0
+ local a=hvi["advance"] or 0
+ t[i]={
+ ["start"]=s==0 and 0 or s*hdelta,
+ ["end"]=e==0 and 0 or e*hdelta,
+ ["advance"]=a==0 and 0 or a*hdelta,
@@ -9699,7 +9730,6 @@ function constructors.scale(tfmdata,specification)
- chr.index=nil
@@ -11061,7 +11091,7 @@ function helpers.appendcommands(commands,...)
return commands
local char=setmetatableindex(function(t,k)
- local v={ "char",k }
+ local v={ "slot",0,k }
return v
@@ -16011,11 +16041,12 @@ local reversed=table.reversed
local sort=table.sort
local insert=table.insert
local round=math.round
-local settings_to_hash_colon_too=table.settings_to_hash_colon_too
+local settings_to_hash=utilities.parsers.settings_to_hash_colon_too
local setmetatableindex=table.setmetatableindex
local formatters=string.formatters
local sortedkeys=table.sortedkeys
local sortedhash=table.sortedhash
+local sequenced=table.sequenced
local report=logs.reporter("otf reader")
local readers=fonts.handlers.otf.readers
local streamreader=readers.streamreader
@@ -16171,7 +16202,7 @@ local lookupflags=setmetatableindex(function(t,k)
return v
local function axistofactors(str)
- local t=settings_to_hash_colon_too(str)
+ local t=settings_to_hash(str)
for k,v in next,t do
t[k]=tonumber(v) or v
@@ -16190,9 +16221,6 @@ helpers.cleanname=cleanname
function helpers.normalizedaxis(str)
return hash[str] or str
-local function axistofactors(str)
- return settings_to_hash_colon_too(str)
local function getaxisscale(segments,minimum,default,maximum,user)
if not minimum or not default or not maximum then
return false
@@ -22624,8 +22652,8 @@ local setkern=nuts.setkern
local setlink=nuts.setlink
local setwidth=nuts.setwidth
local getwidth=nuts.getwidth
-local traverse_id=nuts.traverse_id
-local traverse_char=nuts.traverse_char
+local nextchar=nuts.traversers.char
+local nextglue=nuts.traversers.glue
local insert_node_before=nuts.insert_before
local insert_node_after=nuts.insert_after
@@ -23033,7 +23061,7 @@ local function show(n,what,nested,symbol)
local function showsub(n,what,where)
report_injections("begin subrun: %s",where)
- for n in traverse_char(n) do
+ for n in nextchar,n do
show(n,what,where," ")
@@ -23092,7 +23120,6 @@ local function show_result(head)
local function inject_kerns_only(head,where)
- head=tonut(head)
if trace_injections then
@@ -23161,7 +23188,7 @@ local function inject_kerns_only(head,where)
local done=false
if pre then
- for n in traverse_char(pre) do
+ for n in nextchar,pre do
local p=rawget(properties,n)
if p then
local i=p.injections or p.preinjections
@@ -23176,7 +23203,7 @@ local function inject_kerns_only(head,where)
if post then
- for n in traverse_char(post) do
+ for n in nextchar,post do
local p=rawget(properties,n)
if p then
local i=p.injections or p.postinjections
@@ -23191,7 +23218,7 @@ local function inject_kerns_only(head,where)
if replace then
- for n in traverse_char(replace) do
+ for n in nextchar,replace do
local p=rawget(properties,n)
if p then
local i=p.injections or p.replaceinjections
@@ -23223,10 +23250,9 @@ local function inject_kerns_only(head,where)
if trace_injections then
- return tonode(head),true
+ return head
local function inject_positions_only(head,where)
- head=tonut(head)
if trace_injections then
@@ -23324,7 +23350,7 @@ local function inject_positions_only(head,where)
local done=false
if pre then
- for n in traverse_char(pre) do
+ for n in nextchar,pre do
local p=rawget(properties,n)
if p then
local i=p.injections or p.preinjections
@@ -23348,7 +23374,7 @@ local function inject_positions_only(head,where)
if post then
- for n in traverse_char(post) do
+ for n in nextchar,post do
local p=rawget(properties,n)
if p then
local i=p.injections or p.postinjections
@@ -23372,7 +23398,7 @@ local function inject_positions_only(head,where)
if replace then
- for n in traverse_char(replace) do
+ for n in nextchar,replace do
local p=rawget(properties,n)
if p then
local i=p.injections or p.replaceinjections
@@ -23443,7 +23469,7 @@ local function inject_positions_only(head,where)
if trace_injections then
- return tonode(head),true
+ return head
local function showoffset(n,flag)
local x,y=getoffsets(n)
@@ -23452,7 +23478,6 @@ local function showoffset(n,flag)
local function inject_everything(head,where)
- head=tonut(head)
if trace_injections then
@@ -23691,7 +23716,7 @@ local function inject_everything(head,where)
local done=false
if pre then
- for n in traverse_char(pre) do
+ for n in nextchar,pre do
local p=rawget(properties,n)
if p then
local i=p.injections or p.preinjections
@@ -23721,7 +23746,7 @@ local function inject_everything(head,where)
if post then
- for n in traverse_char(post) do
+ for n in nextchar,post do
local p=rawget(properties,n)
if p then
local i=p.injections or p.postinjections
@@ -23751,7 +23776,7 @@ local function inject_everything(head,where)
if replace then
- for n in traverse_char(replace) do
+ for n in nextchar,replace do
local p=rawget(properties,n)
if p then
local i=p.injections or p.replaceinjections
@@ -23852,7 +23877,7 @@ local function inject_everything(head,where)
if trace_injections then
- return tonode(head),true
+ return head
local triggers=false
function nodes.injections.setspacekerns(font,sequence)
@@ -23899,7 +23924,7 @@ function injections.installgetspaceboth(gb)
local function injectspaces(head)
if not triggers then
- return head,false
+ return head
local lastfont=nil
local spacekerns=nil
@@ -23909,7 +23934,6 @@ local function injectspaces(head)
local threshold=0
local leftkern=false
local rightkern=false
- local nuthead=tonut(head)
local function updatefont(font,trig)
@@ -23917,7 +23941,7 @@ local function injectspaces(head)
- for n in traverse_id(glue_code,nuthead) do
+ for n in nextglue,head do
local prev,next=getspaceboth(n)
local prevchar=prev and ischar(prev)
local nextchar=next and ischar(next)
@@ -23955,12 +23979,8 @@ local function injectspaces(head)
if trace_spaces then
report_spaces("%C [%p + %p + %p] %C",prevchar,lnew,old,rnew,nextchar)
- local h=insert_node_before(nuthead,n,italickern(lnew))
- if h==nuthead then
- head=tonode(h)
- nuthead=h
- end
- insert_node_after(nuthead,n,italickern(rnew))
+ head=insert_node_before(head,n,italickern(lnew))
+ insert_node_after(head,n,italickern(rnew))
local new=old+(leftkern+rightkern)*factor
if trace_spaces then
@@ -23975,7 +23995,7 @@ local function injectspaces(head)
if trace_spaces then
report_spaces("%C [%p + %p]",prevchar,old,new)
- insert_node_after(nuthead,n,italickern(new))
+ insert_node_after(head,n,italickern(new))
local new=old+leftkern*factor
if trace_spaces then
@@ -23994,7 +24014,7 @@ local function injectspaces(head)
if trace_spaces then
report_spaces("%C [%p + %p]",nextchar,old,new)
- insert_node_after(nuthead,n,italickern(new))
+ insert_node_after(head,n,italickern(new))
local new=old+rightkern*factor
if trace_spaces then
@@ -24007,7 +24027,7 @@ local function injectspaces(head)
- return head,true
+ return head
function injections.handler(head,where)
if triggers then
@@ -24029,7 +24049,7 @@ function injections.handler(head,where)
return inject_kerns_only(head,where)
- return head,false
+ return head
@@ -24066,7 +24086,6 @@ local getfont=nuts.getfont
local getsubtype=nuts.getsubtype
local getchar=nuts.getchar
local ischar=nuts.is_char
-local traverse_id=nuts.traverse_id
local end_of_math=nuts.end_of_math
local nodecodes=nodes.nodecodes
local disc_code=nodecodes.disc
@@ -24475,8 +24494,6 @@ registertracker("otf.actions","otf.substitutions","otf.positions")
local nuts=nodes.nuts
-local tonode=nuts.tonode
-local tonut=nuts.tonut
local getfield=nuts.getfield
local getnext=nuts.getnext
local setnext=nuts.setnext
@@ -24511,7 +24528,6 @@ local find_node_tail=nuts.tail
local flush_node_list=nuts.flush_list
local flush_node=nuts.flush_node
local end_of_math=nuts.end_of_math
-local traverse_nodes=nuts.traverse
local set_components=nuts.set_components
local take_components=nuts.take_components
local count_components=nuts.count_components
@@ -24519,6 +24535,7 @@ local copy_no_components=nuts.copy_no_components
local copy_only_glyphs=nuts.copy_only_glyphs
local setmetatable=setmetatable
local setmetatableindex=table.setmetatableindex
+local nextnode=nuts.traversers.node
local nodecodes=nodes.nodecodes
local glyphcodes=nodes.glyphcodes
local disccodes=nodes.disccodes
@@ -27183,7 +27200,7 @@ local function k_run_single(sub,injection,last,font,attr,lookupcache,step,datase
if not a or (a==attr) then
- for n in traverse_nodes(sub) do
+ for n in nextnode,sub do
if n==last then
@@ -27336,7 +27353,7 @@ local function k_run_multiple(sub,injection,last,font,attr,steps,nofsteps,datase
if not a or (a==attr) then
- for n in traverse_nodes(sub) do
+ for n in nextnode,sub do
if n==last then
@@ -27436,12 +27453,10 @@ do
return head,false
- local head=tonut(head)
if trace_steps then
local initialrl=direction=="TRT" and -1 or 0
- local done=false
local datasets=otfdataset(tfmdata,font,attr)
local dirstack={}
@@ -27459,10 +27474,7 @@ do
local nofsteps=sequence.nofsteps
local skiphash=sequence.skiphash
if not steps then
- local h,ok=handler(head,dataset,sequence,initialrl,font,attr)
- if ok then
- done=true
- end
+ local h,ok=handler(head,dataset,sequence,initialrl,font,attr)
if h and h~=head then
@@ -27488,7 +27500,6 @@ do
local ok
if ok then
- done=true
@@ -27531,9 +27542,6 @@ do
if a then
local ok
- if ok then
- done=true
- end
if start then
@@ -27556,9 +27564,6 @@ do
- if ok then
- done=true
- end
@@ -27599,7 +27604,6 @@ do
local ok
if ok then
- done=true
elseif not start then
@@ -27628,9 +27632,6 @@ do
- if ok then
- done=true
- end
@@ -27651,8 +27652,7 @@ do
- head=tonode(head)
- return head,done
+ return head
function otf.datasetpositionprocessor(head,font,direction,dataset)
@@ -27673,7 +27673,6 @@ do
local handler=handlers[typ]
local steps=sequence.steps
local nofsteps=sequence.nofsteps
- local head=tonut(head)
local done=false
local dirstack={}
local start=head
@@ -27725,7 +27724,7 @@ do
- return tonode(head)
+ return head
local plugins={}
@@ -28011,8 +28010,6 @@ local methods=fonts.analyzers.methods
local otffeatures=fonts.constructors.features.otf
local registerotffeature=otffeatures.register
local nuts=nodes.nuts
-local tonode=nuts.tonode
-local tonut=nuts.tonut
local getnext=nuts.getnext
local getprev=nuts.getprev
local getboth=nuts.getboth
@@ -28054,21 +28051,25 @@ replace_all_nbsp=function(head)
return replace_all_nbsp(head)
-local xprocesscharacters=nil
+local processcharacters=nil
if context then
- xprocesscharacters=function(head,font)
- xprocesscharacters=nodes.handlers.characters
- return xprocesscharacters(head,font)
+ local fontprocesses=fonts.hashes.processes
+ function processcharacters(head,font)
+ local processors=fontprocesses[font]
+ for i=1,#processors do
+ head=processors[i](head,font,0)
+ end
+ return head
- xprocesscharacters=function(head,font)
- xprocesscharacters=nodes.handlers.nodepass
- return xprocesscharacters(head,font)
+ function processcharacters(head,font)
+ local processors=fontdata[font].shared.processes
+ for i=1,#processors do
+ head=processors[i](head,font,0)
+ end
+ return head
-local function processcharacters(head,font)
- return tonut(xprocesscharacters(tonode(head)))
local indicgroups=characters and characters.indicgroups
if not indicgroups and characters then
local indic={
@@ -29657,7 +29658,6 @@ local function analyze_next_chars_two(c,font)
local function method_one(head,font,attr)
- head=tonut(head)
local current=head
local start=true
local done=false
@@ -29836,10 +29836,9 @@ local function method_one(head,font,attr)
if nbspaces>0 then
- return tonode(head),done
+ return head,done
local function method_two(head,font,attr)
- head=tonut(head)
local current=head
local start=true
local done=false
@@ -29918,7 +29917,7 @@ local function method_two(head,font,attr)
if nbspaces>0 then
- return tonode(head),done
+ return head,done
for i=1,nofscripts do
@@ -33926,8 +33925,10 @@ local settings_to_hash=utilities.parsers.settings_to_hash_colon_too
local helpers=fonts.helpers
local prependcommands=helpers.prependcommands
local charcommand=helpers.commands.char
+local leftcommand=helpers.commands.left
local rightcommand=helpers.commands.right
local upcommand=helpers.commands.up
+local downcommand=helpers.commands.down
local dummycommand=helpers.commands.dummy
local report_effect=logs.reporter("fonts","effect")
local report_slant=logs.reporter("fonts","slant")
@@ -34115,7 +34116,7 @@ local function setmathcharacters(tfmdata,characters,mathparameters,dx,dy,squeeze
local character=characters[0x221A]
- if character then
+ if character and then
local char=character
@@ -34131,7 +34132,8 @@ local function setmathcharacters(tfmdata,characters,mathparameters,dx,dy,squeeze
if v then
local top=v[#v]
if top then
- htpatch(characters[top.glyph])
+ local char=characters[top.glyph]
+ htpatch(char)
@@ -34152,7 +34154,7 @@ local function manipulateeffect(tfmdata)
local ddelta=effect.ddelta*vfactor*multiplier
local vshift=effect.vshift*vfactor*multiplier
local squeeze=effect.squeeze
- local hshift=wdelta
+ local hshift=wdelta/2
local dx=multiplier*vfactor
local dy=vshift
local factor=(1+effect.factor)*factor
@@ -36369,8 +36371,8 @@ local setlink=nuts.setlink
local setprev=nuts.setprev
local n_ligaturing=node.ligaturing
local n_kerning=node.kerning
-local ligaturing=nuts.ligaturing
-local kerning=nuts.kerning
+local d_ligaturing=nuts.ligaturing
+local d_kerning=nuts.kerning
local basemodepass=true
local function l_warning() texio.write_nl("warning: node.ligaturing called directly") l_warning=nil end
local function k_warning() texio.write_nl("warning: node.kerning called directly") k_warning=nil end
@@ -36386,13 +36388,24 @@ function node.kerning(...)
return n_kerning(...)
+function nuts.ligaturing(...)
+ if basemodepass and l_warning then
+ l_warning()
+ end
+ return d_ligaturing(...)
+function nuts.kerning(...)
+ if basemodepass and k_warning then
+ k_warning()
+ end
+ return d_kerning(...)
function nodes.handlers.setbasemodepass(v)
-function nodes.handlers.nodepass(head,groupcode,size,packtype,direction)
+local function nodepass(head,groupcode,size,packtype,direction)
local fontdata=fonts.hashes.identifiers
if fontdata then
- local nuthead=tonut(head)
local usedfonts={}
local basefonts={}
local prevfont=nil
@@ -36400,7 +36413,7 @@ function nodes.handlers.nodepass(head,groupcode,size,packtype,direction)
local variants=nil
local redundant=nil
local nofused=0
- for n in traverse_id(glyph_code,nuthead) do
+ for n in traverse_id(glyph_code,head) do
local font=getfont(n)
if font~=prevfont then
if basefont then
@@ -36461,8 +36474,8 @@ function nodes.handlers.nodepass(head,groupcode,size,packtype,direction)
for i=1,#redundant do
local r=redundant[i]
local p,n=getboth(r)
- if r==nuthead then
- nuthead=n
+ if r==head then
+ head=n
@@ -36481,7 +36494,7 @@ function nodes.handlers.nodepass(head,groupcode,size,packtype,direction)
- for d in traverse_id(disc_code,nuthead) do
+ for d in traverse_id(disc_code,head) do
local _,_,r=getdisc(d)
if r then
for n in traverse_id(glyph_code,r) do
@@ -36519,16 +36532,16 @@ function nodes.handlers.nodepass(head,groupcode,size,packtype,direction)
local start=range[1]
local stop=range[2]
if start then
- local front=nuthead==start
+ local front=head==start
local prev,next
if stop then
- start,stop=ligaturing(start,stop)
- start,stop=kerning(start,stop)
+ start,stop=d_ligaturing(start,stop)
+ start,stop=d_kerning(start,stop)
- start=ligaturing(start)
- start=kerning(start)
+ start=d_ligaturing(start)
+ start=d_kerning(start)
if prev then
@@ -36536,40 +36549,57 @@ function nodes.handlers.nodepass(head,groupcode,size,packtype,direction)
if next then
- if front and nuthead~=start then
- head=tonode(start)
+ if front and head~=start then
+ head=start
- return head,true
- else
- return head,false
+ return head
-function nodes.handlers.basepass(head)
+local function basepass(head)
if basemodepass then
- head=n_ligaturing(head)
- head=n_kerning(head)
+ head=d_ligaturing(head)
+ head=d_kerning(head)
- return head,true
+ return head
-local nodepass=nodes.handlers.nodepass
-local basepass=nodes.handlers.basepass
local injectpass=nodes.injections.handler
-local protectpass=nodes.handlers.protectglyphs
+function nodes.handlers.nodepass(head,...)
+ if head then
+ return tonode(nodepass(tonut(head),...))
+ end
+function nodes.handlers.basepass(head)
+ if head then
+ return tonode(basepass(tonut(head)))
+ end
+function nodes.handlers.injectpass(head)
+ if head then
+ return tonode(injectpass(tonut(head)))
+ end
+function nodes.handlers.protectpass(head)
+ if head then
+ protectpass(tonut(head))
+ return head
+ end
function nodes.simple_font_handler(head,groupcode,size,packtype,direction)
if head then
+ head=tonut(head)
if not basemodepass then
- return head,true
- else
- return head,false
+ head=tonode(head)
+ return head
end -- closure
diff --git a/tex/generic/context/luatex/luatex-test.tex b/tex/generic/context/luatex/luatex-test.tex
index 2aa4f22d9..d472e8db6 100644
--- a/tex/generic/context/luatex/luatex-test.tex
+++ b/tex/generic/context/luatex/luatex-test.tex
@@ -147,6 +147,18 @@ $\sin{x}$
+ \font\boldera=lmroman10-regular:mode=node;liga=yes;kern=yes;
+ \font\bolderb=lmroman10-regular:mode=node;liga=yes;kern=yes;effect=0.1;
+ \font\bolderc=lmroman10-regular:mode=node;liga=yes;kern=yes;effect={width=0.1,auto=yes};
+ \boldera Just a line. \par
+ \bolderb Just a line. \par
+ \bolderc Just a line. \par
% \font\amiri=file:amiri-regular.ttf:%
% mode=node;analyze=yes;language=dflt;script=arab;ccmp=yes;%
% init=yes;medi=yes;fina=yes;isol=yes;%