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151 files changed, 7790 insertions, 5331 deletions
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}, }
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-cld.lua b/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-cld.lua index 642c469a9..9623e2efe 100644 --- a/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-cld.lua +++ b/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-cld.lua @@ -9,14 +9,12 @@ local info = { local lexer = lexer local token = lexer.token -module(...) - -local cldlexer = _M +local cldlexer = { _NAME = "cld" } local lualexer = lexer.load('scite-context-lexer-lua') -_rules = lualexer._rules_cld -_tokenstyles = lualexer._tokenstyles -_foldsymbols = lualexer._foldsymbols -_directives = lualexer._directives +cldlexer._rules = lualexer._rules_cld +cldlexer._tokenstyles = lualexer._tokenstyles +cldlexer._foldsymbols = lualexer._foldsymbols +cldlexer._directives = lualexer._directives --- _rules[1] = { "whitespace", token(cldlexer.WHITESPACE, lexer.space^1) } +return cldlexer diff --git a/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-lua-longstring.lua b/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-lua-longstring.lua index dd58dfe3b..6cc79aeb9 100644 --- a/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-lua-longstring.lua +++ b/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-lua-longstring.lua @@ -2,21 +2,21 @@ local lexer = lexer local token = lexer.token local P = lpeg.P -module(...) +local stringlexer = { _NAME = "string" } -local stringlexer = _M +local whitespace = lexer.WHITESPACE -local whitespace = stringlexer.WHITESPACE -- triggers states +local space = lexer.space +local nospace = 1 - space -local space = lexer.space -local nospace = 1 - space +local p_spaces = token(whitespace, space ^1) +local p_string = token("string", nospace^1) -local p_spaces = token(whitespace, space ^1) -local p_string = token("string", nospace^1) - -_rules = { +stringlexer._rules = { { "whitespace", p_spaces }, { "string", p_string }, } -_tokenstyles = lexer.context.styleset +stringlexer._tokenstyles = lexer.context.styleset + +return stringlexer diff --git a/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-lua.lua b/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-lua.lua index 278c6d72f..55bc30999 100644 --- a/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-lua.lua +++ b/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-lua.lua @@ -6,22 +6,24 @@ local info = { license = "see context related readme files", } +if not lexer._CONTEXTEXTENSIONS then dofile(_LEXERHOME .. "/scite-context-lexer.lua") end + local lexer = lexer local token, style, colors, exact_match, no_style = lexer.token, lexer.style, lexer.colors, lexer.exact_match, lexer.style_nothing local P, R, S, C, Cg, Cb, Cs, Cmt = lpeg.P, lpeg.R, lpeg.S, lpeg.C, lpeg.Cg, lpeg.Cb, lpeg.Cs, lpeg.Cmt local match, find = string.match, string.find local setmetatable = setmetatable -local global = _G -- beware: all multiline is messy, so even if it's no lexer, it should be an embedded lexer -module(...) +local lualexer = { _NAME = "lua" } +local stringlexer = lexer.load("scite-context-lexer-lua-longstring") -local lualexer = _M +local whitespace = lexer.WHITESPACE -_directives = { } -- communication channel +local directives = { } -- communication channel --- this will be eextended +-- this will be extended local keywords = { 'and', 'break', 'do', 'else', 'elseif', 'end', 'false', 'for', 'function', -- 'goto', @@ -91,8 +93,6 @@ local longcomment = Cmt(#('[[' + ('[' * C(equals) * '[')), function(input,index, return stop and stop + 1 or #input + 1 end) -local whitespace = lualexer.WHITESPACE -- triggers states - local space = lexer.space -- S(" \n\r\t\f\v") local any = lexer.any @@ -117,18 +117,17 @@ local shortstring = token("quote", dquote) * token("string", (escaped + (1-squote))^0) * token("quote", squote) -local longstring = token("quote", longonestart) - * token("string", longonestring) - * token("quote", longonestop) - + token("quote", longtwostart) - * token("string", longtwostring) - * token("quote", longtwostop) +----- longstring = token("quote", longonestart) +----- * token("string", longonestring) +----- * token("quote", longonestop) +----- + token("quote", longtwostart) +----- * token("string", longtwostring) +----- * token("quote", longtwostop) local string = shortstring --- + longstring +----- + longstring - local longstringlexer = lexer.load("scite-context-lexer-lua-longstring") - lexer.embed_lexer(lualexer, longstringlexer, token("quote",longtwostart), token("string",longtwostring_body) * token("quote",longtwostring_end)) +lexer.embed_lexer(lualexer, stringlexer, token("quote",longtwostart), token("string",longtwostring_body) * token("quote",longtwostring_end)) local integer = P('-')^-1 * (lexer.hex_num + lexer.dec_num) local number = token("number", lexer.float + integer) @@ -160,7 +159,7 @@ local csname = token("user", exact_match(csnames )) + ( optionalspace * token("special", P(".")) * optionalspace * token("user", validword) )^1 ) -_rules = { +lualexer._rules = { { 'whitespace', spacing }, { 'keyword', keyword }, { 'function', builtin }, @@ -178,9 +177,9 @@ _rules = { { 'rest', rest }, } -_tokenstyles = lexer.context.styleset +lualexer._tokenstyles = lexer.context.styleset -_foldsymbols = { +lualexer._foldsymbols = { _patterns = { '%l+', -- '[%({%)}%[%]]', @@ -212,7 +211,7 @@ local cstoken = R("az","AZ","\127\255") + S("@!?_") local texcsname = P("\\") * cstoken^1 local commentline = P('%') * (1-S("\n\r"))^0 -local texcomment = token('comment', Cmt(commentline, function() return _directives.cld_inline end)) +local texcomment = token('comment', Cmt(commentline, function() return directives.cld_inline end)) local longthreestart = P("\\!!bs") local longthreestop = P("\\!!es") @@ -229,7 +228,12 @@ local texcommand = token("warning", texcsname) -- * (texcommand + token("string",P(1-texcommand-longthreestop)^1) - longthreestop)^0 -- we match long non-\cs sequences -- * token("quote", longthreestop) -_rules_cld = { +-- local whitespace = "whitespace" +-- local spacing = token(whitespace, space^1) + +lualexer._directives = directives + +lualexer._rules_cld = { { 'whitespace', spacing }, { 'texstring', texstring }, { 'texcomment', texcomment }, @@ -246,3 +250,5 @@ _rules_cld = { { 'operator', operator }, { 'rest', rest }, } + +return lualexer diff --git a/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-mps.lua b/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-mps.lua index 22338b351..00cc7f8ba 100644 --- a/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-mps.lua +++ b/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-mps.lua @@ -6,15 +6,17 @@ local info = { license = "see context related readme files", } +if not lexer._CONTEXTEXTENSIONS then dofile(_LEXERHOME .. "/scite-context-lexer.lua") end + local lexer = lexer local global, string, table, lpeg = _G, string, table, lpeg local token, exact_match = lexer.token, lexer.exact_match local P, R, S, V, C, Cmt = lpeg.P, lpeg.R, lpeg.S, lpeg.V, lpeg.C, lpeg.Cmt local type = type -module(...) +local metafunlexer = { _NAME = "metafun" } -local metafunlexer = _M +local whitespace = lexer.WHITESPACE local context = lexer.context @@ -65,8 +67,6 @@ do end -local whitespace = metafunlexer.WHITESPACE -- triggers states - local space = lexer.space -- S(" \n\r\t\f\v") local any = lexer.any @@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ local special = token('special', S("#()[]{}<>=:\"")) -- or else := <> etc s local texlike = token('string', P("\\") * cstokentex^1) local extra = token('extra', S("`~%^&_-+*/\'|\\")) -_rules = { +metafunlexer._rules = { { 'whitespace', spacing }, { 'comment', comment }, { 'internal', internal }, @@ -118,9 +118,9 @@ _rules = { { 'rest', rest }, } -_tokenstyles = context.styleset +metafunlexer._tokenstyles = context.styleset -_foldsymbols = { +metafunlexer._foldsymbols = { _patterns = { "%l+", }, @@ -140,3 +140,5 @@ _foldsymbols = { ["endfor"] = -1, } } + +return metafunlexer diff --git a/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-pdf-object.lua b/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-pdf-object.lua index 1de006813..ec950c26c 100644 --- a/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-pdf-object.lua +++ b/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-pdf-object.lua @@ -9,17 +9,14 @@ local info = { local lexer = lexer local token = lexer.token local P, R, S, C, V = lpeg.P, lpeg.R, lpeg.S, lpeg.C, lpeg.V -local global = _G -module(...) +local pdfobjectlexer = { _NAME = "pdfobject" } -local objectlexer = _M +local whitespace = lexer.WHITESPACE -- triggers states local context = lexer.context local patterns = context.patterns -local whitespace = objectlexer.WHITESPACE -- triggers states - local space = lexer.space local somespace = space^1 @@ -103,13 +100,15 @@ local t_object = { "object", -- weird that we need to catch the end her whatever = V("dictionary") + V("array") + constant + reference + string + unicode + number + whatsit, } -_shared = { +pdfobjectlexer._shared = { dictionary = t_dictionary, } -_rules = { +pdfobjectlexer._rules = { { 'whitespace', t_spacing }, { 'object', t_object }, } -_tokenstyles = context.styleset +pdfobjectlexer._tokenstyles = context.styleset + +return pdfobjectlexer diff --git a/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-pdf-xref.lua b/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-pdf-xref.lua index 8988fbbb4..9fd6df992 100644 --- a/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-pdf-xref.lua +++ b/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-pdf-xref.lua @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ local info = { version = 1.002, - comment = "scintilla lpeg lexer for pdf", + comment = "scintilla lpeg lexer for pdf xref", author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license = "see context related readme files", @@ -9,33 +9,31 @@ local info = { local lexer = lexer local token = lexer.token local P = lpeg.P -local global = _G -module(...) +local pdfxreflexer = { _NAME = "pdfxref" } +local pdfobjectlexer = lexer.load("scite-context-lexer-pdf-object") -local pdflexer = _M -local objectlexer = lexer.load("scite-context-lexer-pdf-object") +local context = lexer.context +local patterns = context.patterns -local context = lexer.context -local patterns = context.patterns +local whitespace = lexer.WHITESPACE -- triggers states -local whitespace = pdflexer.WHITESPACE -- triggers states +local spacing = patterns.spacing -local space = patterns.space -local spacing = patterns.spacing +local t_spacing = token(whitespace, spacing) -local t_spacing = token(whitespace, spacing) +local p_trailer = P("trailer") -local p_trailer = P("trailer") +local t_xref = token("default", (1-p_trailer)^1) + * token("keyword", p_trailer) + * t_spacing + * pdfobjectlexer._shared.dictionary -local t_xref = token("default", (1-p_trailer)^1) - * token("keyword", p_trailer) - * t_spacing - * objectlexer._shared.dictionary - -_rules = { +pdfxreflexer._rules = { { 'whitespace', t_spacing }, { 'xref', t_xref }, } -_tokenstyles = context.styleset +pdfxreflexer._tokenstyles = context.styleset + +return pdfxreflexer diff --git a/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-pdf.lua b/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-pdf.lua index ebc3fba4f..bddcc282d 100644 --- a/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-pdf.lua +++ b/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-pdf.lua @@ -6,22 +6,21 @@ local info = { license = "see context related readme files", } +if not lexer._CONTEXTEXTENSIONS then dofile(_LEXERHOME .. "/scite-context-lexer.lua") end + local lexer = lexer local token = lexer.token local P, R, S = lpeg.P, lpeg.R, lpeg.S -local global = _G -module(...) +local pdflexer = { "pdf" } +local pdfobjectlexer = lexer.load("scite-context-lexer-pdf-object") +local pdfxreflexer = lexer.load("scite-context-lexer-pdf-xref") -local pdflexer = _M -local objectlexer = lexer.load("scite-context-lexer-pdf-object") -local xreflexer = lexer.load("scite-context-lexer-pdf-xref") +local whitespace = lexer.WHITESPACE -- triggers states local context = lexer.context local patterns = context.patterns -local whitespace = pdflexer.WHITESPACE -- triggers states - local space = patterns.space local spacing = patterns.spacing local nospacing = patterns.nospacing @@ -51,13 +50,13 @@ local t_closeobject = token("keyword", p_endobj) local t_openxref = token("keyword", p_xref) local t_closexref = token("keyword", p_startxref) -lexer.embed_lexer(pdflexer, objectlexer, t_openobject, t_closeobject) -lexer.embed_lexer(pdflexer, xreflexer, t_openxref, t_closexref) +lexer.embed_lexer(pdflexer, pdfobjectlexer, t_openobject, t_closeobject) +lexer.embed_lexer(pdflexer, pdfxreflexer, t_openxref, t_closexref) -_rules = { +pdflexer._rules = { { 'whitespace', t_spacing }, { 'comment', t_comment }, { 'rest', t_rest }, } -_tokenstyles = context.styleset +pdflexer._tokenstyles = context.styleset diff --git a/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-tex.lua b/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-tex.lua index f0929625c..812dfbb05 100644 --- a/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-tex.lua +++ b/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-tex.lua @@ -25,13 +25,16 @@ local info = { -- local interface = lexer.get_property("keywordclass.macros.context.en","") -- it seems that whitespace triggers the lexer when embedding happens, but this - -- is quite fragile due to duplicate styles + -- is quite fragile due to duplicate styles .. lexer.WHITESPACE is a number + -- (initially) -- this lexer does not care about other macro packages (one can of course add a fake -- interface but it's not on the agenda) ]]-- +if not lexer._CONTEXTEXTENSIONS then dofile(_LEXERHOME .. "/scite-context-lexer.lua") end + local lexer = lexer local global, string, table, lpeg = _G, string, table, lpeg local token, exact_match = lexer.token, lexer.exact_match @@ -39,12 +42,14 @@ local P, R, S, V, C, Cmt, Cp, Cc, Ct = lpeg.P, lpeg.R, lpeg.S, lpeg.V, lpeg.C, l local type, next = type, next local find, match, lower = string.find, string.match, string.lower -module(...) +-- module(...) -local contextlexer = _M +local contextlexer = { _NAME = "context" } local cldlexer = lexer.load('scite-context-lexer-cld') local mpslexer = lexer.load('scite-context-lexer-mps') +-- local cldlexer = lexer.load('scite-context-lexer-lua') -- test + local commands = { en = { } } local primitives = { } local helpers = { } @@ -184,7 +189,7 @@ end) local commentline = P('%') * (1-S("\n\r"))^0 local endline = S("\n\r")^1 -local whitespace = contextlexer.WHITESPACE -- triggers states +local whitespace = lexer.WHITESPACE local space = lexer.space -- S(" \n\r\t\f\v") local any = lexer.any @@ -427,7 +432,7 @@ lexer.embed_lexer(contextlexer, mpslexer, startmetafuncode, stopmetafuncode) -- Watch the text grabber, after all, we're talking mostly of text (beware, -- no punctuation here as it can be special. We might go for utf here. -_rules = { +contextlexer._rules = { { "whitespace", spacing }, { "preamble", preamble }, { "word", word }, @@ -450,14 +455,14 @@ _rules = { { "rest", rest }, } -_tokenstyles = context.styleset +contextlexer._tokenstyles = context.styleset local folds = { ["\\start"] = 1, ["\\stop" ] = -1, ["\\begin"] = 1, ["\\end" ] = -1, } -_foldsymbols = { +contextlexer._foldsymbols = { _patterns = { "\\start", "\\stop", -- regular environments "\\begin", "\\end", -- (moveable) blocks @@ -468,3 +473,5 @@ _foldsymbols = { ["user"] = folds, -- csname ["grouping"] = folds, } + +return contextlexer diff --git a/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-txt.lua b/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-txt.lua index 07dff2970..d92be8ed7 100644 --- a/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-txt.lua +++ b/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-txt.lua @@ -1,15 +1,26 @@ +local info = { + version = 1.002, + comment = "scintilla lpeg lexer for plain text (with spell checking)", + author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", + copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", + license = "see context related readme files", +} + +if not lexer._CONTEXTEXTENSIONS then dofile(_LEXERHOME .. "/scite-context-lexer.lua") end + local lexer = lexer local token = lexer.token local P, S, Cmt = lpeg.P, lpeg.S, lpeg.Cmt local find, match = string.find, string.match -module(...) +-- local textlexer = (_VERSION == "Lua 5.1" and (module(...) or true) and _M) or { } +-- (_VERSION == "Lua 5.1" and (module(...) or true) and _M) or { } -local textlexer = _M +local textlexer = { _NAME = "text" } local context = lexer.context -local whitespace = textlexer.WHITESPACE -- triggers states +local whitespace = lexer.WHITESPACE local space = lexer.space local any = lexer.any @@ -57,7 +68,7 @@ local t_rest = local t_spacing = token(whitespace, space^1) -_rules = { +textlexer._rules = { { "whitespace", t_spacing }, { "preamble", t_preamble }, { "word", t_word }, -- words >= 3 @@ -65,5 +76,6 @@ _rules = { { "rest", t_rest }, } -_tokenstyles = lexer.context.styleset +textlexer._tokenstyles = lexer.context.styleset +return textlexer diff --git a/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-xml-cdata.lua b/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-xml-cdata.lua index 71826099c..511465b01 100644 --- a/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-xml-cdata.lua +++ b/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-xml-cdata.lua @@ -1,12 +1,18 @@ +local info = { + version = 1.002, + comment = "scintilla lpeg lexer for xml cdata", + author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", + copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", + license = "see context related readme files", +} + local lexer = lexer local token = lexer.token local P = lpeg.P -module(...) +local xmlcdatalexer = { _NAME = "xmlcdata" } -local commentlexer = _M - -local whitespace = commentlexer.WHITESPACE -- triggers states +local whitespace = lexer.WHITESPACE -- triggers states local space = lexer.space local nospace = 1 - space - P("]]>") @@ -14,9 +20,11 @@ local nospace = 1 - space - P("]]>") local p_spaces = token(whitespace, space ^1) local p_cdata = token("comment", nospace^1) -_rules = { +xmlcdatalexer._rules = { { "whitespace", p_spaces }, { "cdata", p_cdata }, } -_tokenstyles = lexer.context.styleset +xmlcdatalexer._tokenstyles = lexer.context.styleset + +return xmlcdatalexer diff --git a/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-xml-comment.lua b/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-xml-comment.lua index 2d9ce66bd..151270091 100644 --- a/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-xml-comment.lua +++ b/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-xml-comment.lua @@ -1,12 +1,18 @@ +local info = { + version = 1.002, + comment = "scintilla lpeg lexer for xml comments", + author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", + copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", + license = "see context related readme files", +} + local lexer = lexer local token = lexer.token local P = lpeg.P -module(...) +local xmlcommentlexer = { _NAME = "xmlcomment" } -local commentlexer = _M - -local whitespace = commentlexer.WHITESPACE -- triggers states +local whitespace = lexer.WHITESPACE local space = lexer.space local nospace = 1 - space - P("-->") @@ -14,14 +20,14 @@ local nospace = 1 - space - P("-->") local p_spaces = token(whitespace, space ^1) local p_comment = token("comment", nospace^1) -_rules = { +xmlcommentlexer._rules = { { "whitespace", p_spaces }, { "comment", p_comment }, } -_tokenstyles = lexer.context.styleset +xmlcommentlexer._tokenstyles = lexer.context.styleset -_foldsymbols = { +xmlcommentlexer._foldsymbols = { _patterns = { "<%!%-%-", "%-%->", -- comments }, @@ -29,3 +35,5 @@ _foldsymbols = { ["<!--"] = 1, ["-->" ] = -1, } } + +return xmlcommentlexer diff --git a/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-xml.lua b/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-xml.lua index 3c7e30ce7..2ca814fef 100644 --- a/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-xml.lua +++ b/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-xml.lua @@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ local info = { -- todo: parse entities in attributes +if not lexer._CONTEXTEXTENSIONS then dofile(_LEXERHOME .. "/scite-context-lexer.lua") end + local lexer = lexer local global, string, table, lpeg = _G, string, table, lpeg local token, exact_match = lexer.token, lexer.exact_match @@ -19,14 +21,13 @@ local P, R, S, V, C, Cmt = lpeg.P, lpeg.R, lpeg.S, lpeg.V, lpeg.C, lpeg.Cmt local type = type local match, find = string.match, string.find -module(...) - -local examplelexer = _M +local xmllexer = { _NAME = "xml" } +local xmlcommentlexer = lexer.load("scite-context-lexer-xml-comment") -- indirect (some issue with the lexer framework) +local xmlcdatalexer = lexer.load("scite-context-lexer-xml-cdata") -- indirect (some issue with the lexer framework) +local whitespace = lexer.WHITESPACE -- triggers states local context = lexer.context -local whitespace = examplelexer.WHITESPACE -- triggers states - local space = lexer.space -- S(" \t\n\r\v\f") local any = lexer.any -- P(1) @@ -217,11 +218,8 @@ local p_doctype = token("command",P("<!DOCTYPE")) * p_optionalwhitespace * token("command",P(">")) -local commentlexer = lexer.load("scite-context-lexer-xml-comment") -- indirect (some issue with the lexer framework) -local cdatalexer = lexer.load("scite-context-lexer-xml-cdata") -- indirect (some issue with the lexer framework) - -lexer.embed_lexer(examplelexer, commentlexer, token("command",opencomment), token("command",closecomment)) -lexer.embed_lexer(examplelexer, cdatalexer, token("command",opencdata), token("command",closecdata)) +lexer.embed_lexer(xmllexer, xmlcommentlexer, token("command",opencomment), token("command",closecomment)) +lexer.embed_lexer(xmllexer, xmlcdatalexer, token("command",opencdata), token("command",closecdata)) local p_name = token("plain",name) @@ -280,7 +278,7 @@ local p_instruction = local p_invisible = token("invisible",invisibles^1) -_rules = { +xmllexer._rules = { { "whitespace", p_spacing }, { "preamble", p_preamble }, { "word", p_word }, @@ -296,9 +294,9 @@ _rules = { { "rest", p_rest }, } -_tokenstyles = context.styleset +xmllexer._tokenstyles = context.styleset -_foldsymbols = { -- somehow doesn't work yet +xmllexer._foldsymbols = { -- somehow doesn't work yet _patterns = { "[<>]", }, @@ -306,3 +304,5 @@ _foldsymbols = { -- somehow doesn't work yet ["<"] = 1, [">"] = -1, }, } + +return xmllexer diff --git a/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer.lua b/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer.lua index d9d5782fb..166ee96d6 100644 --- a/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer.lua +++ b/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer.lua @@ -9,8 +9,19 @@ local info = { -- The fold and lex functions are copied and patched from original code by Mitchell (see -- lexer.lua). All errors are mine. -- --- I'll probably make a whole copy and patch the other functions too as we need an extra --- nesting model. +-- I've considered making a whole copy and patch the other functions too as we need +-- an extra nesting model. However, I don't want to maintain too much. An unfortunate +-- change in 3.03 is that no longer a script can be specified. This means that instead +-- of loading the extensions via the properties file, we now need to load them in our +-- own lexers, unless of course we replace lexer.lua completely (which adds another +-- installation issue). The loading takes place with: +-- +-- if not lexer._CONTEXTEXTENSIONS then +-- dofile(_LEXERHOME .. "/scite-context-lexer.lua") +-- end +-- +-- So, where pre 3.03 we loaded that file and in that file th eoriginal lexing code, we +-- now do the reverse. -- -- Also needed: preamble scan once. Can be handled in caller below and _M.preamble. -- @@ -25,9 +36,8 @@ local info = { -- means that we need to have it frozen at the moment we load another lexer. Because spacing -- is used to revert to a parent lexer we need to make sure that we load children as late -- as possible in order not to get the wrong whitespace trigger. This took me quite a while --- to figure out (not being that familiar with the internals). BTW, if performance becomes --- an issue we can rewrite the main lex function (memorize the grammars and speed up the --- byline variant). +-- to figure out (not being that familiar with the internals). The lex and fold functions +-- hav ebeen optimized. It is a pitty that there is no proper print available. -- Maybe it's safer to copy the other methods here so that we have no dependencies, apart -- from the the library. @@ -41,7 +51,9 @@ local concat = table.concat local global = _G local type, next, setmetatable, rawset = type, next, setmetatable, rawset -dofile(_LEXERHOME .. '/lexer.lua') +if not lexer then + dofile(_LEXERHOME .. '/lexer.lua') -- pre 3.03 situation +end lexer.context = lexer.context or { } local context = lexer.context @@ -49,6 +61,8 @@ local context = lexer.context context.patterns = context.patterns or { } local patterns = context.patterns +lexer._CONTEXTEXTENSIONS = true + local locations = { -- lexer.context.path, _LEXERHOME .. "/data", -- optional data directory @@ -541,6 +555,8 @@ function context.lex(text,init_style) else for style, style_num in next, lexer._TOKENS do if style_num == init_style then + -- the name of the lexers is filtered from the whitespace + -- specification local lexer_name = match(style,'^(.+)_whitespace') or lexer._NAME if lexer._INITIALRULE ~= lexer_name then grammar = hash[lexer_name] diff --git a/context/data/scite/lexers/themes/scite-context-theme.lua b/context/data/scite/lexers/themes/scite-context-theme.lua index d9617617e..240755382 100644 --- a/context/data/scite/lexers/themes/scite-context-theme.lua +++ b/context/data/scite/lexers/themes/scite-context-theme.lua @@ -17,11 +17,12 @@ if not WIN32 then font_name = '!' .. font_name end -local global = _G - -- dofile(_LEXERHOME .. '/themes/scite.lua') -- starting point so we miss nothing -module('lexer', package.seeall) +-- module('lexer', package.seeall) + +local color = lexer.color +local style = lexer.style lexer.context = lexer.context or { } lexer.context.path = context_path diff --git a/context/data/scite/scite-context-data-context.properties b/context/data/scite/scite-context-data-context.properties index 0699862b5..b5a4d1b1f 100644 --- a/context/data/scite/scite-context-data-context.properties +++ b/context/data/scite/scite-context-data-context.properties @@ -2,10 +2,14 @@ keywordclass.context.helpers=\ startsetups stopsetups startxmlsetups stopxmlsetups \ startluasetups stopluasetups starttexsetups stoptexsetups startrawsetups \ stoprawsetups startlocalsetups stoplocalsetups starttexdefinition stoptexdefinition \ -starttexcode stoptexcode newcount newdimen newskip \ -newmuskip newbox newtoks newread newwrite \ -newmarks newinsert newattribute newif newlanguage \ -newfamily newfam newhelp then donetrue \ +starttexcode stoptexcode doifsetupselse doifsetups doifnotsetups \ +setup setups texsetup xmlsetup luasetup \ +directsetup newmode setmode resetmode newsystemmode \ +setsystemmode resetsystemmode pushsystemmode popsystemmode booleanmodevalue \ +newcount newdimen newskip newmuskip newbox \ +newtoks newread newwrite newmarks newinsert \ +newattribute newif newlanguage newfamily newfam \ +newhelp then donothing dontcomplain donetrue \ donefalse htdp unvoidbox vfilll mathbox \ mathlimop mathnolop mathnothing mathalpha currentcatcodetable \ defaultcatcodetable catcodetablename newcatcodetable startcatcodetable stopcatcodetable \ @@ -36,33 +40,34 @@ doifinstringelse doifassignmentelse tracingall tracingnone loggingall \ appendtoks prependtoks appendtotoks prependtotoks to \ endgraf empty null space obeyspaces \ obeylines normalspace executeifdefined singleexpandafter doubleexpandafter \ -tripleexpandafter dontleavehmode wait writestatus define \ -redefine setmeasure setemeasure setgmeasure setxmeasure \ -definemeasure measure getvalue setvalue setevalue \ -setgvalue setxvalue letvalue letgvalue resetvalue \ -undefinevalue ignorevalue setuvalue setuevalue setugvalue \ -setuxvalue globallet glet getparameters geteparameters \ -getgparameters getxparameters forgetparameters processcommalist processcommacommand \ -quitcommalist quitprevcommalist processaction processallactions processfirstactioninset \ -processallactionsinset unexpanded expanded startexpanded stopexpanded \ -protected protect unprotect firstofoneargument firstoftwoarguments \ -secondoftwoarguments firstofthreearguments secondofthreearguments thirdofthreearguments firstoffourarguments \ -secondoffourarguments thirdoffourarguments fourthoffourarguments firstoffivearguments secondoffivearguments \ -thirdoffivearguments fourthoffivearguments fifthoffivearguments firstofsixarguments secondofsixarguments \ -thirdofsixarguments fourthofsixarguments fifthofsixarguments sixthofsixarguments firstofoneunexpanded \ -gobbleoneargument gobbletwoarguments gobblethreearguments gobblefourarguments gobblefivearguments \ -gobblesixarguments gobblesevenarguments gobbleeightarguments gobbleninearguments gobbletenarguments \ -gobbleoneoptional gobbletwooptionals gobblethreeoptionals gobblefouroptionals gobblefiveoptionals \ -dorecurse doloop exitloop dostepwiserecurse recurselevel \ -recursedepth dofastloopcs newconstant setnewconstant newconditional \ -settrue setfalse setconstant newmacro setnewmacro \ -newfraction dosingleempty dodoubleempty dotripleempty doquadrupleempty \ -doquintupleempty dosixtupleempty doseventupleempty dosingleargument dodoubleargument \ -dotripleargument doquadrupleargument dosinglegroupempty dodoublegroupempty dotriplegroupempty \ -doquadruplegroupempty doquintuplegroupempty nopdfcompression maximumpdfcompression normalpdfcompression \ -modulonumber dividenumber getfirstcharacter doiffirstcharelse startnointerference \ -stopnointerference strut setstrut strutbox strutht \ -strutdp strutwd +tripleexpandafter dontleavehmode removelastspace removeunwantedspaces wait \ +writestatus define redefine setmeasure setemeasure \ +setgmeasure setxmeasure definemeasure measure getvalue \ +setvalue setevalue setgvalue setxvalue letvalue \ +letgvalue resetvalue undefinevalue ignorevalue setuvalue \ +setuevalue setugvalue setuxvalue globallet glet \ +getparameters geteparameters getgparameters getxparameters forgetparameters \ +processcommalist processcommacommand quitcommalist quitprevcommalist processaction \ +processallactions processfirstactioninset processallactionsinset unexpanded expanded \ +startexpanded stopexpanded protected protect unprotect \ +firstofoneargument firstoftwoarguments secondoftwoarguments firstofthreearguments secondofthreearguments \ +thirdofthreearguments firstoffourarguments secondoffourarguments thirdoffourarguments fourthoffourarguments \ +firstoffivearguments secondoffivearguments thirdoffivearguments fourthoffivearguments fifthoffivearguments \ +firstofsixarguments secondofsixarguments thirdofsixarguments fourthofsixarguments fifthofsixarguments \ +sixthofsixarguments firstofoneunexpanded gobbleoneargument gobbletwoarguments gobblethreearguments \ +gobblefourarguments gobblefivearguments gobblesixarguments gobblesevenarguments gobbleeightarguments \ +gobbleninearguments gobbletenarguments gobbleoneoptional gobbletwooptionals gobblethreeoptionals \ +gobblefouroptionals gobblefiveoptionals dorecurse doloop exitloop \ +dostepwiserecurse recurselevel recursedepth dofastloopcs newconstant \ +setnewconstant newconditional settrue setfalse setconstant \ +newmacro setnewmacro newfraction dosingleempty dodoubleempty \ +dotripleempty doquadrupleempty doquintupleempty dosixtupleempty doseventupleempty \ +dosingleargument dodoubleargument dotripleargument doquadrupleargument dosinglegroupempty \ +dodoublegroupempty dotriplegroupempty doquadruplegroupempty doquintuplegroupempty nopdfcompression \ +maximumpdfcompression normalpdfcompression modulonumber dividenumber getfirstcharacter \ +doiffirstcharelse startnointerference stopnointerference strut setstrut \ +strutbox strutht strutdp strutwd begstrut \ +endstrut keywordclass.context.constants=\ zerocount minusone minustwo plusone \ @@ -114,9 +119,11 @@ doifallmodeselse doifnotallmodes startenvironment stopenvironment environment \ startcomponent stopcomponent component startproduct stopproduct \ product startproject stopproject project starttext \ stoptext startdocument stopdocument documentvariable startmodule \ -stopmodule usemodule typescriptone typescripttwo typescriptthree \ +stopmodule usemodule enablemode disablemode preventmode \ +pushmode popmode typescriptone typescripttwo typescriptthree \ mathsizesuffix mathordcode mathopcode mathbincode mathrelcode \ mathopencode mathclosecode mathpunctcode mathalphacode mathinnercode \ mathnothingcode mathlimopcode mathnolopcode mathboxcode mathchoicecode \ -mathaccentcode mathradicalcode +mathaccentcode mathradicalcode constantnumber constantnumberargument constantdimen \ +constantdimenargument constantemptyargument continueifinputfile diff --git a/context/data/scite/scite-context-external.properties b/context/data/scite/scite-context-external.properties index 723f19889..b492e2932 100644 --- a/context/data/scite/scite-context-external.properties +++ b/context/data/scite/scite-context-external.properties @@ -3,7 +3,17 @@ import $(SciteDefaultHome)/lexers/lpeg lexer.lpeg.home=$(SciteDefaultHome)/lexers -lexer.lpeg.script=$(lexer.lpeg.home)/scite-context-lexer.lua + +# # pre 3.03: +# +# lexer.lpeg.script=$(lexer.lpeg.home)/scite-context-lexer.lua +# +# # post 3.03: +# +lexer.lpeg.script=$(lexer.lpeg.home)/lexer.lua +# +# where we load the extensions in the lexers themselves. + lexer.lpeg.color.theme=$(lexer.lpeg.home)/themes/scite-context-theme.lua # alas, only a few properties are passed (only indentation) @@ -20,8 +30,6 @@ if PLAT_GTK lexer.*.lpeg=lpeg -# an xml lexer will also be provided - lexer.$(file.patterns.metapost)=lpeg_scite-context-lexer-mps lexer.$(file.patterns.metafun)=lpeg_scite-context-lexer-mps lexer.$(file.patterns.context)=lpeg_scite-context-lexer-tex diff --git a/context/data/scite/scite-context.properties b/context/data/scite/scite-context.properties index a4c4f8f8e..1664affa1 100644 --- a/context/data/scite/scite-context.properties +++ b/context/data/scite/scite-context.properties @@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ output.code.page=65001 textwrapper.margin=4 textwrapper.length=68 +#~ textwrapper.length=80 # ConTeXt: suffixes (really needed) diff --git a/context/data/scite/scite-ctx.properties b/context/data/scite/scite-ctx.properties index 94a51aeb7..8b2651c0d 100644 --- a/context/data/scite/scite-ctx.properties +++ b/context/data/scite/scite-ctx.properties @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ ctx.menulist.example=\ check=check_text|\ reset=reset_text -ctx.wraptext.length=65 +ctx.wraptext.length=80 ctx.spellcheck.language=auto ctx.spellcheck.wordsize=4 diff --git a/metapost/context/base/mp-core.mpiv b/metapost/context/base/mp-core.mpiv index 2d1a80759..25ad04abb 100644 --- a/metapost/context/base/mp-core.mpiv +++ b/metapost/context/base/mp-core.mpiv @@ -348,6 +348,7 @@ boolean obey_multi_par_hang ; obey_multi_par_hang := true ; boolean obey_multi_par_more ; obey_multi_par_more := true ; boolean snap_multi_par_tops ; snap_multi_par_tops := true ; boolean local_multi_par_area ; local_multi_par_area := false ; +boolean use_multi_par_region ; use_multi_par_region := false ; boolean ignore_multi_par_page ; ignore_multi_par_page := false ; boolean force_multi_par_chain ; force_multi_par_chain := true ; boolean one_piece_multi_par ; one_piece_multi_par := false ; @@ -374,6 +375,9 @@ def prepare_multi_pars (expr fn,fx,fy,fw,fh,fd, pn,px,py,pw,ph,pd, rw,rl,rr,rh,ra,ri) = +% fill PlainTextArea withcolor red ; +% fill RegionTextArea withcolor green; + if span_multi_column_pars : begingroup ; save TextAreas ; path TextAreas[] ; @@ -398,6 +402,13 @@ def prepare_multi_pars (expr fn,fx,fy,fw,fh,fd, TextAreas[1] := TextAreas[0] ; TextColumns[1] := TextColumns[0] ; nxy[fpos] := nxy[tpos] := nxy[wpos] := nxy[ppos] := RealPageNumber ; + elseif use_multi_par_region : + RealPageNumber := fn ; + NOfTextAreas := 1 ; + NOfSavedTextAreas := 0 ; + TextAreas[1] := RegionTextArea ; + TextColumns[1] := RegionTextArea ; + nxy[fpos] := nxy[tpos] := nxy[wpos] := nxy[ppos] := RealPageNumber ; elseif ignore_multi_par_page : RealPageNumber := fn ; nxy[fpos] := nxy[tpos] := nxy[wpos] := nxy[ppos] := RealPageNumber ; diff --git a/metapost/context/base/mp-page.mpiv b/metapost/context/base/mp-page.mpiv index e33324b0e..ba6dcd6a5 100644 --- a/metapost/context/base/mp-page.mpiv +++ b/metapost/context/base/mp-page.mpiv @@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ def SaveTextAreas = enddef ; def ResetTextAreas = - path TextAreas[], TextColumns[] ; + path TextAreas[], TextColumns[], PlainTextArea, RegionTextArea ; numeric NOfTextAreas ; NOfTextAreas := 0 ; numeric NOfTextColumns ; NOfTextColumns := 0 ; numeric nofmultipars ; nofmultipars := 0 ; @@ -103,6 +103,15 @@ enddef ; %D We store a local area in slot zero. +def RegisterPlainTextArea(expr x,y,w,h,d) = + PlainTextArea := unitsquare xyscaled(w,h+d) shifted (x,y-d) ; +enddef ; + +def RegisterRegionTextArea(expr x,y,w,h,d) = + RegionTextArea := unitsquare xyscaled(w,h+d) shifted (x,y-d) ; +% RegionTextArea := RegionTextArea enlarged 2mm ; +enddef ; + def RegisterLocalTextArea (expr x, y, w, h, d) = TextAreas[0] := TextColumns[0] := unitsquare xyscaled(w,h+d) shifted (x,y-d) ; enddef ; diff --git a/tex/context/base/anch-bck.mkvi b/tex/context/base/anch-bck.mkvi index a20a25468..7dd190657 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/anch-bck.mkvi +++ b/tex/context/base/anch-bck.mkvi @@ -81,8 +81,6 @@ \def\MPeself {e:\MPvar{self}} \def\MPwself {w:\MPvar{self}} \def\MPparanchor {p:\number\MPparcounter} -\def\MPl #tag{\MPplus{#tag}20} % slot 2 default 0 -\def\MPr #tag{\MPplus{#tag}30} % slot 3 default 0 \def\textbackgroundoverlay#tag{\iflocalpositioning\v!local\else\v!text\fi#tag} \def\MPanchornumber {\iflocalpositioning\the\localpositionnumber\else\the\realpageno\fi} @@ -359,7 +357,7 @@ \ifx#par\relax \makeupwidth % \textwidth \else - \MPw\MPparanchor-\MPl\MPparanchor-\MPr\MPparanchor + \MPw\MPparanchor-\MPleftskip\MPparanchor-\MPrightskip\MPparanchor \fi \fi \relax} @@ -500,7 +498,7 @@ \stopuseMPgraphic \startMPpositionmethod{mpos:par} %%%%%%%%%%% will become obsolete - \MPparcounter\MPv\MPbself{1}\zerocount\relax + \MPparcounter\MPn\MPbself\relax \directsetup{mpos:par:variant:\doifpositionelse\MPwself{w}{b}} \MPpositiongraphic{mpos:par}{}% \stopMPpositionmethod @@ -517,7 +515,7 @@ \startsetups mpos:par:variant:b \startMPpositiongraphic{mpos:par}{fillcolor,filloffset,linecolor,gridcolor,linewidth,gridwidth,gridshift,lineradius} - initialize_par(\MPpos\MPbself,\MPpos\MPeself,\MPpos\textanchor,\MPpos\MPparanchor,\MPvv\MPparanchor{0pt,0pt,0pt,0pt,0,0pt}) ; + initialize_par(\MPpos\MPbself,\MPpos\MPeself,\MPpos\textanchor,\MPpos\MPparanchor,\MPpardata\MPparanchor) ; \includeMPgraphic{mpos:par:setup} ; \includeMPgraphic{mpos:par:extra} ; \includeMPgraphic{\MPvar{mp}} ; @@ -544,12 +542,23 @@ endgroup ; \stopuseMPgraphic +% we can flush 5 in one call (saved 4 lua calls) .. brrr wself .. will change + +% \def\MPposset#1{\ctxcommand{MPposset("#1")}} + \startMPpositionmethod{mpos:par:columnset} - \MPparcounter\MPv\MPbself{1}\zerocount\relax + \MPparcounter\MPn\MPbself\relax +\def\regionanchor{\MPr\MPbself}% +\ifx\regionanchor\empty + \regionpositioningfalse +\else + \regionpositioningtrue +\fi \startMPpositiongraphic{mpos:par}{fillcolor,filloffset,linecolor,gridcolor,linewidth,gridwidth,gridshift,lineradius} \includeMPgraphic{mpos:par:setup} ; \includeMPgraphic{mpos:par:extra} ; - prepare_multi_pars(\MPpos\MPbself,\MPpos\MPeself,\MPpos\MPwself,\MPpos\MPparanchor,\MPvv\MPparanchor{0pt,0pt,0pt,0pt,0,0pt}) ; + prepare_multi_pars(\MPpos\MPbself,\MPpos\MPeself,\MPpos\MPwself,\MPpos\MPparanchor,\MPpardata\MPparanchor) ; + % prepare_multi_pars(\MPposset{\MPvar{self}}) ; relocate_multipars(-\MPxy\MPanchorid) ; % inside layerpos \includeMPgraphic{\MPvar{mp}} ; \stopMPpositiongraphic @@ -566,7 +575,8 @@ %D We need to treat floats in a special way. \startMPinitializations - local_multi_par_area:=\iflocalpositioning true\else false\fi; + local_multi_par_area:=\iflocalpositioning true\else false\fi; + use_multi_par_region:=\ifregionpositioning true\else false\fi; \stopMPinitializations %D As an example we define a grid background: diff --git a/tex/context/base/anch-pgr.mkiv b/tex/context/base/anch-pgr.mkiv index 8c47581f3..8b586c5b2 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/anch-pgr.mkiv +++ b/tex/context/base/anch-pgr.mkiv @@ -121,8 +121,9 @@ %D The next macros do some housekeeping. -\def\pageanchor{page:0} % for the moment only one pagesize -\def\textanchor{text:\the\realpageno} +\def\pageanchor {page:0} % for the moment only one pagesize +\def\textanchor {text:\the\realpageno} +\def\regionanchor{region:0} % placeholder %D The first version of this module implemented head and tail %D anchors. Currently we stick to just one anchor and derive diff --git a/tex/context/base/anch-pos.lua b/tex/context/base/anch-pos.lua index bd766fa2b..60fc985a2 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/anch-pos.lua +++ b/tex/context/base/anch-pos.lua @@ -12,17 +12,30 @@ can we store much more information in <l n='lua'/> but it's also more efficient.</p> --ldx]]-- --- to be considered: store as numbers instead of string +-- plus (extra) is obsolete but we will keep it for a while + -- maybe replace texsp by our own converter (stay at the lua end) -- eventually mp will have large numbers so we can use sp there too local tostring = tostring -local concat, format, gmatch = table.concat, string.format, string.gmatch +local concat, format, gmatch, match = table.concat, string.format, string.gmatch, string.match +local rawget = rawget local lpegmatch = lpeg.match +local insert, remove = table.insert, table.remove local allocate, mark = utilities.storage.allocate, utilities.storage.mark -local texsp, texcount = tex.sp, tex.count +local texsp, texcount, texbox, texdimen, texsetcount = tex.sp, tex.count, tex.box, tex.dimen, tex.setcount ----- texsp = string.todimen -- because we cache this is much faster but no rounding +local setmetatableindex = table.setmetatableindex + +local variables = interfaces.variables + +local v_text = variables.text +local v_column = variables.column + +local new_latelua = nodes.pool.latelua +local find_tail = node.slide + local pt = number.dimenfactors.pt local pts = number.pts @@ -45,176 +58,573 @@ end job.register('job.positions.collected', tobesaved, initializer) -function jobpositions.setraw(name,val) - tobesaved[name] = val +local regions = { } +local nofregions = 0 +local region = nil +local nofcolumns = 0 +local column = nil +local nofpages = nil + +-- beware ... we're not sparse here as lua will reserve slots for the nilled + +local function setdim(name,w,h,d,extra) -- will be used when we move to sp allover + local x = pdf.h + local y = pdf.v + if x == 0 then x = nil end + if y == 0 then y = nil end + if w == 0 then w = nil end + if h == 0 then h = nil end + if d == 0 then d = nil end + if extra == "" then extra = nil end + -- todo: sparse + tobesaved[name] = { + p = texcount.realpageno, + x = x, + y = y, + w = w, + h = h, + d = d, + e = extra, + r = region, + c = column, + } +end + +local function setall(name,p,x,y,w,h,d,extra) + if x == 0 then x = nil end + if y == 0 then y = nil end + if w == 0 then w = nil end + if h == 0 then h = nil end + if d == 0 then d = nil end + if extra == "" then extra = nil end + -- todo: sparse + tobesaved[name] = { + p = p, + x = x, + y = y, + w = w, + h = h, + d = d, + e = extra, + r = region, + c = column, + } +end + +local function enhance(data) + if not data then + return nil + end + if data.r == true then -- or "" + data.r = region + end + if data.x == true then + data.x = pdf.h + end + if data.y == true then + data.y = pdf.v + end + if data.p == true then -- or 0 + data.p = texcount.realpageno + end + if data.c == true then -- or 0 + data.c = column + end + if data.w == 0 then + data.w = nil + end + if data.h == 0 then + data.h = nil + end + if data.d == 0 then + data.d = nil + end + return data +end + +local function set(name,index,val) + local data = enhance(val or index) + if val then + container = tobesaved[name] + if not container then + tobesaved[name] = { + [index] = data + } + else + container[index] = data + end + else + tobesaved[name] = data + end end -function jobpositions.setdim(name,wd,ht,dp,plus) -- will be used when we move to sp allover - if plus then - tobesaved[name] = { texcount.realpageno, pdf.h, pdf.v, wd, ht, dp, plus } - elseif wd then - tobesaved[name] = { texcount.realpageno, pdf.h, pdf.v, wd, ht, dp } +local function get(id,index) + if index then + local container = collected[id] + return container and container[index] else - tobesaved[name] = { texcount.realpageno, pdf.h, pdf.v } + return collected[id] end end -function jobpositions.setall(name,p,x,y,wd,ht,dp,plus) -- will be used when we move to sp allover - if plus then - tobesaved[name] = { p, x, y, wd, ht, dp, plus } - elseif wd then - tobesaved[name] = { p, x, y, wd, ht, dp } +jobpositions.setdim = setdim +jobpositions.setall = setall +jobpositions.set = set +jobpositions.get = get + +-- function jobpositions.pushregion(tag,w,h,d) +-- if w then +-- setdim(tag,w,h,d) +-- end +-- insert(regions,tag) +-- region = tag +-- end + +-- function jobpositions.popregion() +-- remove(regions) +-- region = regions[#regions] +-- end + +-- function jobpositions.markregionbox(n,tag) +-- if not tag or tag == "" then +-- nofregions = nofregions + 1 +-- tag = nofregions +-- end +-- local box = texbox[n] +-- local push = new_latelua(format("_plib_.pushregion(%q,%s,%s,%s)",tag,box.width,box.height,box.depth)) +-- local pop = new_latelua("_plib_.popregion()") +-- local head = box.list +-- local tail = find_tail(head) +-- head.prev = push +-- push.next = head +-- pop .prev = tail +-- tail.next = pop +-- box.list = push +-- end + +function jobpositions.b_region(tag) + local last = tobesaved[tag] + last.x = pdf.h + last.p = texcount.realpageno + insert(regions,tag) + region = tag +end + +function jobpositions.e_region() + remove(regions) + tobesaved[region].y = pdf.v + region = regions[#regions] +end + +function jobpositions.markregionbox(n,tag) + if not tag or tag == "" then + nofregions = nofregions + 1 + tag = format("region:%s",nofregions) + end + local box = texbox[n] + tobesaved[tag] = { + p = true, + x = true, + y = true, + w = box.width, + h = box.height, + d = box.depth, + } + local push = new_latelua(format("_plib_.b_region(%q)",tag)) + local pop = new_latelua("_plib_.e_region()") + local head = box.list + local tail = find_tail(head) + head.prev = push + push.next = head + pop .prev = tail + tail.next = pop + box.list = push +end + +-- here the page is part of the column so we can only save when we reassign +-- the table (column:* => column:*:*) + +function jobpositions.b_column(w,h,d) -- there can be multiple column ranges per page + local page = texcount.realpageno -- we could have a nice page synchronizer (saves calls) + if page ~= nofpages then + nofpages = page + nofcolumns = 1 else - tobesaved[name] = { p, x, y } + nofcolumns = nofcolumns + 1 + end + column = nofcolumns + if w then + set(format("column:%s:%s",page,column), { + x = true, + y = true, + w = w, + h = h, + d = d, + }) end end --- _praw_ = jobpositions.setraw --- _pdim_ = jobpositions.setdim --- _pall_ = jobpositions.setall +function jobpositions.e_column() + column = nil +end + +function jobpositions.markcolumnbox(n,column) + local box = texbox[n] + local push = new_latelua(format("_plib_.b_column(%s,%s,%s)",box.width,box.height,box.depth)) + local pop = new_latelua("_plib_.e_column()") + local head = box.list + if head then + local tail = find_tail(head) + head.prev = push + push.next = head + pop .prev = tail + tail.next = pop + else -- we can have a simple push/pop + push.next = pop + pop.prev = push + end + box.list = push +end + +function jobpositions.enhance(name) + enhance(tobesaved[name]) +end + +function commands.pos(name,t) + tobesaved[name] = t + context(new_latelua(format("_plib_.enhance(%q)",name))) +end + +local nofparagraphs = 0 + +function commands.parpos() -- todo: relate to localpar (so this is an intermediate variant) + nofparagraphs = nofparagraphs + 1 + texsetcount("global","parposcounter",nofparagraphs) + local strutbox = texbox.strutbox + local t = { + p = true, + -- c = true, + x = true, + y = true, + h = strutbox.height, + d = strutbox.depth, + hs = tex.hsize, + } + local leftskip = tex.leftskip.width + local rightskip = tex.rightskip.width + local hangindent = tex.hangindent + local hangafter = tex.hangafter + local parindent = tex.parindent + if leftskip ~= 0 then + t.ls = leftskip + end + if rightskip ~= 0 then + t.rs = rightskip + end + if hangindent ~= 0 then + t.hi = hangindent + end + if hangafter ~= 1 and hangafter ~= 0 then -- can not be zero .. so it needs to be 1 if zero + t.ha = hangafter + end + if parindent ~= 0 then + t.pi = parindent + end + local tag = format("p:%s",nofparagraphs) + tobesaved[tag] = t + context(new_latelua(format("_plib_.enhance(%q)",tag))) +end + +function commands.posxy(name) -- can node.write be used here? + tobesaved[name] = { + p = true, + -- c = true, + r = true, + x = true, + y = true, + n = nofparagraphs > 0 and nofparagraphs or nil, + } + context(new_latelua(format("_plib_.enhance(%q)",name))) +end + +function commands.poswhd(name,w,h,d) + tobesaved[name] = { + p = true, + -- c = true, + r = true, + x = true, + y = true, + w = w, + h = h, + d = d, + n = nofparagraphs > 0 and nofparagraphs or nil, + } + context(new_latelua(format("_plib_.enhance(%q)",name))) +end + +function commands.posplus(name,w,h,d,extra) + tobesaved[name] = { + p = true, + -- c = true, + r = true, + x = true, + y = true, + w = w, + h = h, + d = d, + n = nofparagraphs > 0 and nofparagraphs or nil, + e = extra, + } + context(new_latelua(format("_plib_.enhance(%q)",name))) +end + +function commands.posstrut(name,w,h,d) + local strutbox = texbox.strutbox + tobesaved[name] = { + p = true, + -- c = true, + r = true, + x = true, + y = true, + h = strutbox.height, + d = strutbox.depth, + n = nofparagraphs > 0 and nofparagraphs or nil, + } + context(new_latelua(format("_plib_.enhance(%q)",name))) +end + +function jobpositions.getreserved(tag,n) + if tag == v_column then + local fulltag = format("%s:%s:%s",tag,texcount.realpageno,n or 1) + local data = collected[fulltag] + if data then + return data, fulltag + end + tag = v_text + end + if tag == v_text then + local fulltag = format("%s:%s",tag,texcount.realpageno) + return collected[fulltag] or false, fulltag + end + return collected[tag] or false, tag +end function jobpositions.copy(target,source) - collected[target] = collected[source] or tobesaved[source] + collected[target] = collected[source] end -function jobpositions.replace(name,...) - collected[name] = {...} +function jobpositions.replace(id,p,x,y,w,h,d) +-- local t = collected[id] +-- if t then +-- t.p = p or t.p +-- t.x = x or t.x +-- t.y = y or t.y +-- t.w = w or t.w +-- t.h = h or t.h +-- t.d = d or t.d +-- else + collected[id] = { p = p, x = x, y = y, w = w, h = h, d = d } +-- end end -function jobpositions.v(id,default) - return collected[id] or tobesaved[id] or default +function jobpositions.page(id) + local jpi = collected[id] + return jpi and jpi.p or 0 end -function jobpositions.page(id) - local jpi = collected[id] or tobesaved[id] - return jpi and jpi[1] or 0 +function jobpositions.region(id) + local jpi = collected[id] + return jpi and jpi.r or false +end + +function jobpositions.column(id) + local jpi = collected[id] + return jpi and jpi.c or false end +function jobpositions.paragraph(id) + local jpi = collected[id] + return jpi and jpi.n or 0 +end + +jobpositions.p = jobpositions.page +jobpositions.r = jobpositions.region +jobpositions.c = jobpositions.column +jobpositions.n = jobpositions.paragraph + function jobpositions.x(id) - local jpi = collected[id] or tobesaved[id] - return jpi and jpi[2] or 0 + local jpi = collected[id] + return jpi and jpi.x or 0 end function jobpositions.y(id) - local jpi = collected[id] or tobesaved[id] - return jpi and jpi[3] or 0 + local jpi = collected[id] + return jpi and jpi.y or 0 end function jobpositions.width(id) - local jpi = collected[id] or tobesaved[id] - return jpi and jpi[4] or 0 + local jpi = collected[id] + return jpi and jpi.w or 0 end function jobpositions.height(id) - local jpi = collected[id] or tobesaved[id] - return jpi and jpi[5] or 0 + local jpi = collected[id] + return jpi and jpi.h or 0 end function jobpositions.depth(id) - local jpi = collected[id] or tobesaved[id] - return jpi and jpi[6] or 0 + local jpi = collected[id] + return jpi and jpi.d or 0 +end + +function jobpositions.leftskip(id) + local jpi = collected[id] + return jpi and jpi.ls or 0 +end + +function jobpositions.rightskip(id) + local jpi = collected[id] + return jpi and jpi.rs or 0 +end + +function jobpositions.hsize(id) + local jpi = collected[id] + return jpi and jpi.hs or 0 +end + +function jobpositions.parindent(id) + local jpi = collected[id] + return jpi and jpi.pi or 0 +end + +function jobpositions.hangindent(id) + local jpi = collected[id] + return jpi and jpi.hi or 0 +end + +function jobpositions.hangafter(id) + local jpi = collected[id] + return jpi and jpi.ha or 1 end function jobpositions.xy(id) - local jpi = collected[id] or tobesaved[id] + local jpi = collected[id] if jpi then - return jpi[2], jpi[3] + local x = jpi.x or 0 + local y = jpi.y or 0 + return x, y else return 0, 0 end end function jobpositions.lowerleft(id) - local jpi = collected[id] or tobesaved[id] + local jpi = collected[id] if jpi then - return jpi[2], jpi[3] - jpi[6] + local x = jpi.x or 0 + local y = jpi.y or 0 + local d = jpi.d or 0 + return x, y - d else return 0, 0 end end function jobpositions.lowerright(id) - local jpi = collected[id] or tobesaved[id] + local jpi = collected[id] if jpi then - return jpi[2] + jpi[4], jpi[3] - jpi[6] + local x = jpi.x or 0 + local y = jpi.y or 0 + local w = jpi.w or 0 + local d = jpi.d or 0 + return x + w, y - d else return 0, 0 end end function jobpositions.upperright(id) - local jpi = collected[id] or tobesaved[id] + local jpi = collected[id] if jpi then - return jpi[2] + jpi[4], jpi[3] + jpi[5] + local x = jpi.x or 0 + local y = jpi.y or 0 + local w = jpi.w or 0 + local h = jpi.h or 0 + return x + w, y + h else return 0, 0 end end function jobpositions.upperleft(id) - local jpi = collected[id] or tobesaved[id] + local jpi = collected[id] if jpi then - return jpi[2], jpi[3] + jpi[5] + local x = jpi.x or 0 + local y = jpi.y or 0 + local h = jpi.h or 0 + return x, y + h else return 0, 0 end end function jobpositions.position(id) - local jpi = collected[id] or tobesaved[id] + local jpi = collected[id] if jpi then - return jpi[1], jpi[2], jpi[3], jpi[4], jpi[5], jpi[6] + return jpi.p or 0, jpi.x or 0, jpi.y or 0, jpi.w or 0, jpi.h or 0, jpi.d or 0 else return 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 end end function jobpositions.extra(id,n,default) -- assume numbers - local jpi = collected[id] or tobesaved[id] - if not jpi then - return default - else - local split = jpi[0] - if not split then - split = lpegmatch(splitter,jpi[7]) - jpi[0] = split + local jpi = collected[id] + if jpi then + local e = jpi.e + if e then + local split = jpi.split + if not split then + split = lpegmatch(splitter,jpi.e) + jpi.split = split + end + return texsp(split[n]) or default -- watch the texsp here end - return texsp(split[n]) or default -- watch the texsp here end + return default end local function overlapping(one,two,overlappingmargin) -- hm, strings so this is wrong .. texsp - one = collected[one] or tobesaved[one] - two = collected[two] or tobesaved[two] - if one and two and one[1] == two[1] then + one = collected[one] + two = collected[two] + if one and two and one.p == two.p then if not overlappingmargin then overlappingmargin = 2 end - local x_one = one[2] - local x_two = two[2] - local w_two = two[4] + local x_one = one.x or 0 + local x_two = two.x or 0 + local w_two = two.w or 0 local llx_one = x_one - overlappingmargin local urx_two = x_two + w_two + overlappingmargin if llx_one > urx_two then return false end - local w_one = one[4] + local w_one = one.w or 0 local urx_one = x_one + w_one + overlappingmargin local llx_two = x_two - overlappingmargin if urx_one < llx_two then return false end - local y_one = one[3] - local y_two = two[3] - local d_one = one[6] - local h_two = two[5] + local y_one = one.y or 0 + local y_two = two.y or 0 + local d_one = one.d or 0 + local h_two = two.h or 0 local lly_one = y_one - d_one - overlappingmargin local ury_two = y_two + h_two + overlappingmargin if lly_one > ury_two then return false end - local h_one = one[5] - local d_two = two[6] + local h_one = one.h or 0 + local d_two = two.d or 0 local ury_one = y_one + h_one + overlappingmargin local lly_two = y_two - d_two - overlappingmargin if ury_one < lly_two then @@ -226,10 +636,12 @@ end local function onsamepage(list,page) for id in gmatch(list,"(, )") do - local jpi = collected[id] or tobesaved[id] + local jpi = collected[id] if jpi then - local p = jpi[1] - if not page then + local p = jpi.p + if not p then + return false + elseif not page then page = p elseif page ~= p then return false @@ -248,138 +660,284 @@ commands.replacepospxywhd = jobpositions.replace commands.copyposition = jobpositions.copy function commands.MPp(id) - local jpi = collected[id] or tobesaved[id] + local jpi = collected[id] if jpi then - context(jpi[1]) - else - context('0') + local p = jpi.p + if p then + context(p) + return + end end + context('0') end function commands.MPx(id) - local jpi = collected[id] or tobesaved[id] + local jpi = collected[id] if jpi then - context("%spt",jpi[2]*pt) - else - context('0pt') + local x = jpi.x + if x then + context("%spt",x*pt) + return + end end + context('0pt') end function commands.MPy(id) - local jpi = collected[id] or tobesaved[id] + local jpi = collected[id] if jpi then - context("%spt",jpi[3]*pt) - else - context('0pt') + local y = jpi.y + if y then + context("%spt",y*pt) + return + end end + context('0pt') end function commands.MPw(id) - local jpi = collected[id] or tobesaved[id] + local jpi = collected[id] if jpi then - context("%spt",jpi[4]*pt) - else - context('0pt') + local w = jpi.w + if w then + context("%spt",w*pt) + return + end end + context('0pt') end function commands.MPh(id) - local jpi = collected[id] or tobesaved[id] + local jpi = collected[id] if jpi then - context("%spt",jpi[5]*pt) - else - context('0pt') + local h = jpi.h + if h then + context("%spt",h*pt) + return + end end + context('0pt') end function commands.MPd(id) - local jpi = collected[id] or tobesaved[id] if jpi then - context("%spt",jpi[6]*pt) - else - context('0pt') + local d = jpi.d + if d then + context("%spt",d*pt) + return + end end + context('0pt') end function commands.MPxy(id) - local jpi = collected[id] or tobesaved[id] + local jpi = collected[id] if jpi then - context('(%spt,%spt)',jpi[2]*pt,jpi[3]*pt) + context('(%spt,%spt)', + (jpi.x or 0)*pt, + (jpi.y or 0)*pt + ) else context('(0,0)') end end function commands.MPll(id) - local jpi = collected[id] or tobesaved[id] + local jpi = collected[id] if jpi then - context('(%spt,%spt)',jpi[2]*pt,(jpi[3]-jpi[6])*pt) + context('(%spt,%spt)', + (jpi.x or 0) *pt, + ((jpi.y or 0)-(jpi.d or 0))*pt + ) else context('(0,0)') end end function commands.MPlr(id) - local jpi = collected[id] or tobesaved[id] + local jpi = collected[id] if jpi then - context('(%spt,%spt)',(jpi[2]+jpi[4])*pt,(jpi[3]-jpi[6])*pt) + context('(%spt,%spt)', + ((jpi.x or 0)+(jpi.w or 0))*pt, + ((jpi.y or 0)-(jpi.d or 0))*pt + ) else context('(0,0)') end end function commands.MPur(id) - local jpi = collected[id] or tobesaved[id] + local jpi = collected[id] if jpi then - context('(%spt,%spt)',(jpi[2]+jpi[4])*pt,(jpi[3]+jpi[5])*pt) + context('(%spt,%spt)', + ((jpi.x or 0)+(jpi.w or 0))*pt, + ((jpi.y or 0)+(jpi.h or 0))*pt + ) else context('(0,0)') end end function commands.MPul(id) - local jpi = collected[id] or tobesaved[id] + local jpi = collected[id] if jpi then - context('(%spt,%spt)',jpi[2]*pt,(jpi[3]+jpi[5])*pt) + context('(%spt,%spt)', + (jpi.x or 0) *pt, + ((jpi.y or 0)+(jpi.h or 0))*pt + ) else context('(0,0)') end end -function commands.MPpos(id) - local jpi = collected[id] or tobesaved[id] +local function MPpos(id) + local jpi = collected[id] + if jpi then + local p = jpi.p + if p then + context("%s,%spt,%spt,%spt,%spt,%spt", + p, + (jpi.x or 0)*pt, + (jpi.y or 0)*pt, + (jpi.w or 0)*pt, + (jpi.h or 0)*pt, + (jpi.d or 0)*pt + ) + return + end + end + context('0,0,0,0,0,0') +end + +commands.MPpos = MPpos + +function commands.MPn(id) + local jpi = collected[id] + if jpi then + local n = jpi.n + if n then + context(n) + return + end + end + context(0) +end + +function commands.MPc(id) + local jpi = collected[id] + if jpi then + local c = jpi.c + if c then + context(c) + return + end + end + context(c) -- number +end + +function commands.MPr(id) + local jpi = collected[id] if jpi then - context("%s,%spt,%spt,%spt,%spt,%spt",jpi[1],jpi[2]*pt,jpi[3]*pt,jpi[4]*pt,jpi[5]*pt,jpi[6]*pt) + local r = jpi.r + if r then + context(r) + return + end + end + -- context("") -- empty so that we can test +end + +local function MPpardata(n) + local t = collected[n] + if not t then + local tag = format("p:%s",n) + t = collected[tag] + end + if t then + context("%spt,%spt,%spt,%spt,%s,%spt", -- can be %.5f + (t.hs or 0)*pt, + (t.ls or 0)*pt, + (t.rs or 0)*pt, + (t.hi or 0)*pt, + (t.ha or 1), + (t.pi or 0)*pt + ) else - context('0,0,0,0,0,0') + context("0,0,0,0,0,0") -- meant for MP + end +end + +commands.MPpardata = MPpardata + +-- function commands.MPposset(id) -- special helper, used in backgrounds +-- local b = format("b:%s",id) +-- local e = format("e:%s",id) +-- local w = format("w:%s",id) +-- local p = format("p:%s",jobpositions.n(b)) +-- MPpos(b) context(",") MPpos(e) context(",") MPpos(w) context(",") MPpos(p) context(",") MPpardata(p) +-- end + +function commands.MPls(id) + local t = collected[id] + if t then + context((t.ls or 0)*pt) + else + context("0pt") + end +end + +function commands.MPrs(id) + local t = collected[id] + if t then + context((t.rs or 0)*pt) + else + context("0pt") end end local splitter = lpeg.tsplitat(",") function commands.MPplus(id,n,default) - local jpi = collected[id] or tobesaved[id] - if not jpi then - context(default) - else - local split = jpi[0] - if not split then - split = lpegmatch(splitter,jpi[7]) - jpi[0] = split + local jpi = collected[id] + if jpi then + local e = jpi.e + if e then + local split = jpi.split + if not split then + split = lpegmatch(splitter,jpi.e) + jpi.split = split + end + context(split[n] or default) + return end - context(split[n] or default) end + context(default) end function commands.MPrest(id,default) - local jpi = collected[id] or tobesaved[id] - context(jpi and jpi[7] or default) + local jpi = collected[id] + context(jpi and jpi.e or default) +end + +function commands.MPxywhd(id) + local t = collected[id] + if t then + context("%spt,%spt,%spt,%spt,%spt", -- can be %.5f + (t.x or 0)*pt, + (t.y or 0)*pt, + (t.w or 0)*pt, + (t.h or 0)*pt, + (t.d or 0)*pt + ) + else + context("0,0,0,0,0") -- meant for MP + end end -- is testcase already defined? if so, then local function commands.doifpositionelse(name) - commands.testcase(collected[name] or tobesaved[name]) + commands.testcase(collected[name]) end function commands.doifoverlappingelse(one,two,overlappingmargin) @@ -393,3 +951,6 @@ end function commands.doifpositionsonthispageelse(list) commands.testcase(onsamepage(list,tostring(tex.count.realpageno))) end + +commands.markcolumnbox = jobpositions.markcolumnbox +commands.markregionbox = jobpositions.markregionbox diff --git a/tex/context/base/anch-pos.mkiv b/tex/context/base/anch-pos.mkiv index a801a5763..c28747c46 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/anch-pos.mkiv +++ b/tex/context/base/anch-pos.mkiv @@ -105,11 +105,15 @@ \def\dosavepositionwhd #1#2#3#4#5#6#7{\normalexpanded{\ctxlua {_plib_.setall("#1",\number#2,\number\dimexpr#3,\number\dimexpr#4,\number\dimexpr#5,\number\dimexpr#6,\number\dimexpr#7)}}} \def\dosavepositionplus#1#2#3#4#5#6#7#8{\normalexpanded{\ctxlua {_plib_.setall("#1",\number#2,\number\dimexpr#3,\number\dimexpr#4,\number\dimexpr#5,\number\dimexpr#6,\number\dimexpr#7,"#8")}}} -\def\dosetposition #1{\normalexpanded{\ctxlatelua{_plib_.setdim("#1")}}} -\def\dosetpositionwhd #1#2#3#4{\normalexpanded{\ctxlatelua{_plib_.setdim("#1",\number\dimexpr#2,\number\dimexpr#3,\number\dimexpr#4)}}} -\def\dosetpositionplus #1#2#3#4#5{\normalexpanded{\ctxlatelua{_plib_.setdim("#1",\number\dimexpr#2,\number\dimexpr#3,\number\dimexpr#4,"#5")}}} +% \def\dosetposition #1{\normalexpanded{\ctxlatelua{_plib_.setdim("#1")}}} +% \def\dosetpositionwhd #1#2#3#4{\normalexpanded{\ctxlatelua{_plib_.setdim("#1",\number\dimexpr#2,\number\dimexpr#3,\number\dimexpr#4)}}} +% \def\dosetpositionplus #1#2#3#4#5{\normalexpanded{\ctxlatelua{_plib_.setdim("#1",\number\dimexpr#2,\number\dimexpr#3,\number\dimexpr#4,"#5")}}} -% % % +\def\dosetposition #1{\ctxcommand{posxy("#1")}} +\def\dosetpositionwhd #1#2#3#4{\ctxcommand{poswhd("#1",\number\dimexpr#2,\number\dimexpr#3,\number\dimexpr#4)}} +\def\dosetpositionplus#1#2#3#4#5{\ctxcommand{posplus("#1",\number\dimexpr#2,\number\dimexpr#3,\number\dimexpr#4,"#5")}} +\def\dosetpositionbox #1#2{\ctxcommand{poswhd("#1",\number\wd#2,\number\ht#2,\number\dp#2)}} +\def\dosetpositionstrut #1{\ctxcommand{posstrut("#1")}} \let\dosetpositionpapersize\gobbletwoarguments @@ -140,7 +144,8 @@ %D not applicable when the content floats indeed. In such %D situations one can treat positions and graphics local. -\newif\iflocalpositioning % todo: conditional +\newif\iflocalpositioning % todo: conditional +\newif\ifregionpositioning % todo: conditional %D Watch out: sometimes a pagebreak occurs inside a float %D placement, so there we need to disable local mode. @@ -150,21 +155,25 @@ \to \everyinsidefloat \appendtoks + \regionpositioningfalse \localpositioningfalse \to \everybeforepagebody %D \macros %D {MPp, MPx, MPy, MPw, MPh, MPd, -%D MPxy, MPll, MPlr, MPur, MPul, MPpos} +%D MPxy, MPll, MPlr, MPur, MPul, MPpos,MPanchor} %D %D Access to the positional information is provided by macros %D with short names that are clearly meant for \METAPOST\ but %D nowadays also used for other purposes. -\def\MPp #1{\ctxcommand{MPp("#1")}} +\def\MPp #1{\ctxcommand{MPp("#1")}} \let\MPpage \MPp +\def\MPr #1{\ctxcommand{MPr("#1")}} \let\MPregion \MPr +\def\MPc #1{\ctxcommand{MPc("#1")}} \let\MPcolumn \MPc +\def\MPn #1{\ctxcommand{MPn("#1")}} \let\MPparagraph\MPn \def\MPx #1{\ctxcommand{MPx("#1")}} \def\MPy #1{\ctxcommand{MPy("#1")}} -\def\MPw #1{\ctxcommand{MPw("#1")}} +\def\MPw #1{\ctxcommand{MPw("#1")}} % first we need to replace \MPwidth etc \def\MPh #1{\ctxcommand{MPh("#1")}} \def\MPd #1{\ctxcommand{MPd("#1")}} \def\MPxy #1{\ctxcommand{MPxy("#1")}} @@ -172,7 +181,14 @@ \def\MPlr #1{\ctxcommand{MPlr("#1")}} \def\MPur #1{\ctxcommand{MPur("#1")}} \def\MPul #1{\ctxcommand{MPul("#1")}} -\def\MPpos#1{\ctxcommand{MPpos("#1")}} +\def\MPpos#1{\ctxcommand{MPpos("#1")}} \def\MPanchor{\MPpos} +\def\MPe #1{\ctxcommand{MPe("#1")}} + +\def\MPls #1{\ctxcommand{MPls("#1")}} \let\MPleftskip\MPls % compatible feature +\def\MPrs #1{\ctxcommand{MPrs("#1")}} \let\MPrightkip\MPrs % compatible feature + +\def\MPpardata#1{\ctxcommand{MPpardata("#1")}} +\def\MPxywhd #1{\ctxcommand{MPxywhd("#1")}} %D \macros %D {MPplus, MPrest, MPv, MPvv} @@ -197,13 +213,6 @@ \def\MPplus#1#2#3{\ctxcommand{MPplus("#1",#2,"#3")}} \let\MPv \MPplus \def\MPrest #1#2{\ctxcommand{MPrest("#1","#2")}} \let\MPvv\MPrest -%D \macros -%D {MPanchor} -%D -%D For readability we define a few synonyms: - -\def\MPanchor{\MPpos} - %D There are two low level positioning macros. Both store the %D position as well as execute an action associated with that %D position. @@ -275,13 +284,33 @@ {\anch_positions_initialize \hbox to \wd\nextbox {\edef\currentposition{#1}% - \dosetpositionwhd\currentposition{\wd\nextbox}{\ht\nextbox}{\dp\nextbox}% already \the\dimexpr + \dosetpositionbox\currentposition\nextbox \traceposstring\llap\green{\currentposition>}% \setbox\positionbox\box\nextbox \dopositionaction\currentposition \box\positionbox \hss}} +\unexpanded\def\setpositionstrut + {\iftrialtypesetting + \expandafter\anch_positions_set_strut_nop + \else + \expandafter\anch_positions_set_strut_yes + \fi} + +\def\anch_positions_set_strut_nop#1% + {\strut} + +\def\anch_positions_set_strut_yes#1% + {\anch_positions_initialize + \hbox to \zeropoint + {\edef\currentposition{#1}% + \dosetpositionstrut\currentposition + \traceposstring\llap\green{\currentposition>}% + \dopositionaction\currentposition + \strut + \hss}} + \def\setpositiondataplus {\iftrialtypesetting \expandafter\gobblefivearguments @@ -324,6 +353,30 @@ \let\currentposition\s!unknown +%D A few special ones: + +\unexpanded\def\anch_mark_column_box + {\ifpositioning + \expandafter\gobbleoneargument + \else + \expandafter\anch_mark_column_box_indeed + \fi} + +\unexpanded\def\anch_mark_column_box#1% + {\ctxcommand{markcolumnbox(\number#1)}} + +\unexpanded\def\anch_mark_region_box + {\iftrialtypesetting + \singleexpandafter\gobbleoneargument + \else\ifpositioning + \doubleexpandafter\gobbleoneargument + \else + \doubleexpandafter\anch_mark_region_box_indeed + \fi\fi} + +\unexpanded\def\anch_mark_region_box#1% + {\ctxcommand{markregionbox(\number#1)}} + %D We can copy a position with: %D %D \starttyping @@ -370,33 +423,26 @@ \let\xypos\setpositiononly -\unexpanded\def\hpos#1{\dontleavehmode\setpositionbox{#1}\hbox} -\unexpanded\def\vpos#1{\setpositionbox{#1}\vbox} - -\unexpanded\def\bpos#1{\hpos{b:#1}{\strut}\ignorespaces} -\unexpanded\def\epos#1{\removelastspace\hpos{e:#1}{\strut}} +\unexpanded\def\hpos #1{\dontleavehmode\setpositionbox{#1}\hbox} +\unexpanded\def\vpos #1{\setpositionbox{#1}\vbox} -\unexpanded\def\fpos#1% - {\setpositionplus{b:#1}{\number\parposcounter}\horizontalstrut - \ignorespaces} +\unexpanded\def\bpos #1{\dontleavehmode \setpositionstrut{b:#1}\ignorespaces} +\unexpanded\def\epos #1{\removeunwantedspaces\setpositionstrut{e:#1}} +%unexpanded\def\fpos #1{\dontleavehmode \setpositionstrut{b:#1}\ignorespaces} +%unexpanded\def\tpos #1{\removeunwantedspaces\setpositionstrut{e:#1}} +\unexpanded\def\ffpos#1{\dontleavehmode \setpositionstrut{b:#1}\wpos{#1}\ignorespaces} +%unexpanded\def\ttpos#1{\removeunwantedspaces\setpositionstrut{e:#1}} -\unexpanded\def\tpos#1% - {\removelastspace - \setpositionplus{e:#1}{\number\parposcounter}\horizontalstrut} +\let\fpos \bpos +\let\tpos \epos +\let\ttpos\epos -\unexpanded\def\ffpos#1% - {\setpositionplus{b:#1}{\number\parposcounter}\horizontalstrut\wpos{#1}% - \ignorespaces} +%D Crap: -\unexpanded\def\ttpos#1% - {\removelastspace - \setpositionplus{e:#1}{\number\parposcounter}\horizontalstrut} - -\unexpanded\def\wpos#1% +\unexpanded\def\wpos#1% will be redone {\dontleavehmode\vadjust % may disappear if buried {\setbox\scratchbox\hbox{\raise\strutdp\hbox{\rawwpos{#1}}}% - \rlap - {\smashedbox\scratchbox}}} + \rlap{\smashedbox\scratchbox}}} \unexpanded\def\wwpos#1% \hsmashed{\llap{\rawwpos{#1}}} {\rlap @@ -406,9 +452,6 @@ \unexpanded\def\rawwpos#1% {\hpos{w:#1} {\strut -% \hskip-\leftskip -% \hskip\hsize -% \hskip-\rightskip}} \hskip\dimexpr\hsize-\leftskip-\rightskip\relax}} % the next macro disables par positions (in inner boxes) and @@ -454,12 +497,16 @@ \fi \fi \fi \fi} +% \def\anch_positions_register_par_options +% {\global\advance\parposcounter\plusone +% \setpositiondataplus +% {p:\number\parposcounter}\zeropoint\strutht\strutdp +% {\the\hsize,\the\dimexpr\leftskip\relax,\the\dimexpr\rightskip\relax,\the\hangindent,\the\hangafter,\the\parindent}% +% %\hbox{\registerparsymbol}% +% \iftracepositions\registerparsymbol\fi} + \def\anch_positions_register_par_options - {\global\advance\parposcounter\plusone - \setpositiondataplus - {p:\number\parposcounter}\zeropoint\strutht\strutdp - {\the\hsize,\the\dimexpr\leftskip\relax,\the\dimexpr\rightskip\relax,\the\hangindent,\the\hangafter,\the\parindent}% - %\hbox{\registerparsymbol}% + {\dontleavehmode\ctxcommand{parpos()}% \iftracepositions\registerparsymbol\fi} \unexpanded\def\traceposstring#1#2#3% @@ -486,7 +533,7 @@ % \appendtoks \registerparoptions \to \everypar -%D Eperimental code, don't use this yet: (must be sped up anyway) +%D Eperimental code, don't use this yet: (must be sped up anyway) .. obsolete \def\@@noden{node:n:} \def\@@nodeo{node:o:} @@ -638,12 +685,6 @@ \def\doifpositionsonsamepageelse#1{\ctxcommand{doifpositionsonsamepageelse("#1")}} \def\doifpositionsonthispageelse#1{\ctxcommand{doifpositionsonthispageelse("#1")}} -%D Plugins: - -\let\MPv \MPplus -\let\MPvv \MPrest -\let\MPanchor\MPpos - %D \macros %D {POSp, POSx, POSy, POSh, POSd, POSw} %D diff --git a/tex/context/base/anch-snc.mkiv b/tex/context/base/anch-snc.mkiv index 32222bb50..c7448f3a1 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/anch-snc.mkiv +++ b/tex/context/base/anch-snc.mkiv @@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ \unprotect +\ifx\s!num \undefined \def\s!num {num} \fi \ifx\s!set \undefined \def\s!set {set} \fi \ifx\s!reset \undefined \def\s!reset {reset} \fi \ifx\s!preset \undefined \def\s!preset {preset} \fi @@ -155,10 +156,14 @@ % % \appendtoks \flushsyncpositions \to \neverypar -\protect \endinput +\protect + +\continueifinputfile{anch-snc.mkiv} \starttext +\setupbodyfont[dejavu] + \definesyncpositions[1] \startuseMPgraphic{sync} @@ -185,9 +190,14 @@ \setupbackgrounds[page][background=tempoverlay] -\syncposition[1][1] \input ward \endgraf -\syncposition[1][2] \input ward \endgraf -\syncposition[1][3] \input ward \endgraf -\syncposition[1][4] \input ward \endgraf +\dorecurse {100} { + + \startchapter[title={Test #1}] + \syncposition[1][1] \dorecurse{10}{\input ward \endgraf} + \syncposition[1][2] \dorecurse{4}{\input ward \endgraf} + \syncposition[1][3] \dorecurse{7}{\input ward \endgraf} + \syncposition[1][4] \dorecurse{3}{\input ward \endgraf} + \stopchapter +} \stoptext diff --git a/tex/context/base/buff-imp-mp.lua b/tex/context/base/buff-imp-mp.lua index 24ca597e7..f219df797 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/buff-imp-mp.lua +++ b/tex/context/base/buff-imp-mp.lua @@ -16,12 +16,6 @@ if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['buff-imp-mp'] = { local P, S, V, patterns = lpeg.P, lpeg.S, lpeg.V, lpeg.patterns -local mps = dofile(resolvers.findfile("mult-mps.lua","tex")) - -local primitives = table.tohash(mps.primitives) -local plain = table.tohash(mps.plain) -local metafun = table.tohash(mps.metafun) - local context = context local verbatim = context.verbatim local makepattern = visualizers.makepattern @@ -39,7 +33,23 @@ local MetapostSnippetNamePlain = verbatim.MetapostSnippetNamePlain local MetapostSnippetNameMetafun = verbatim.MetapostSnippetNameMetafun local MetapostSnippetName = verbatim.MetapostSnippetName +local primitives, plain, metafun + +local function initialize() + local mps = dofile(resolvers.findfile("mult-mps.lua","tex")) or { + primitives = { }, + plain = { }, + metafun = { }, + } + primitives = table.tohash(mps.primitives) + plain = table.tohash(mps.plain) + metafun = table.tohash(mps.metafun) +end + local function visualizename(s) + if not primitives then + initialize() + end if primitives[s] then MetapostSnippetNamePrimitive(s) elseif plain[s] then diff --git a/tex/context/base/buff-par.mkiv b/tex/context/base/buff-par.mkiv index 02e250b81..7d35676bd 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/buff-par.mkiv +++ b/tex/context/base/buff-par.mkiv @@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ \def\doflushparalleldefault{\directsetup{\parallelparameter\c!setups}} \startsetups parallel:place:default - \hangafter1 + \hangafter\plusone \hangindent4em \dontleavehmode \hbox to 3em \bgroup diff --git a/tex/context/base/char-def.lua b/tex/context/base/char-def.lua index 4757735e8..ba844ff9b 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/char-def.lua +++ b/tex/context/base/char-def.lua @@ -60627,9 +60627,11 @@ characters.data={ [0x2212]={ adobename="minus", category="sm", +--comment="the mathclass is needed for mathsymbol remapping", description="MINUS SIGN", direction="es", linebreak="pr", +--mathclass="binary", mathspec={ { class="binary", diff --git a/tex/context/base/colo-grp.mkiv b/tex/context/base/colo-grp.mkiv index 8c6d4df6b..11b759062 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/colo-grp.mkiv +++ b/tex/context/base/colo-grp.mkiv @@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ \def\colo_groups_define_entry#1#2#3% name mode specification {\advance\c_colo_groups_n\plusone - \csname\??colorgroupsetter\ifcsname\??colorgroupssetter#2\endcsname#2\else\s!rgb\fi\endcsname[#1:\the\c_colo_groups_n][#3:0:0:0:0]} + \csname\??colorgroupsetter\ifcsname\??colorgroupsetter#2\endcsname#2\else\s!rgb\fi\endcsname[#1:\the\c_colo_groups_n][#3:0:0:0:0]} \setvalue{\??colorgroupsetter\s!gray}[#1][#2:#3]{\definecolor[#1][s=#2]} \setvalue{\??colorgroupsetter\s!rgb }[#1][#2:#3:#4:#5]{\definecolor[#1][r=#2,g=#3,b=#4]} diff --git a/tex/context/base/cont-fil.mkiv b/tex/context/base/cont-fil.mkiv index e6d69b939..db7505bcb 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/cont-fil.mkiv +++ b/tex/context/base/cont-fil.mkiv @@ -98,5 +98,6 @@ \definefilesynonym [letter] [cor-01] \definefilesynonym [memo] [cor-02] +\definefilesynonym [resume] [cor-03] \endinput diff --git a/tex/context/base/cont-new.mkii b/tex/context/base/cont-new.mkii index 6f341ac2f..fb4ee485d 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/cont-new.mkii +++ b/tex/context/base/cont-new.mkii @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ %C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for %C details. -\newcontextversion{2012.01.25 14:16} +\newcontextversion{2012.02.08 21:04} %D This file is loaded at runtime, thereby providing an %D excellent place for hacks, patches, extensions and new diff --git a/tex/context/base/cont-new.mkiv b/tex/context/base/cont-new.mkiv index ee45720fa..ebf6aa3c3 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/cont-new.mkiv +++ b/tex/context/base/cont-new.mkiv @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ %C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for %C details. -\newcontextversion{2012.01.25 14:16} +\newcontextversion{2012.02.08 21:04} %D This file is loaded at runtime, thereby providing an %D excellent place for hacks, patches, extensions and new @@ -427,13 +427,6 @@ % \startplaatsen[links] bla \stopplaatsen -% we don't register the paragraph characteristics, only the -% width - -\appendtoks - \setinnerparpositions % see "techniek" for application -\to \everytabulate - \def\startcolumnmakeup % don't change {\bgroup \getrawnoflines\textheight % teksthoogte kan topskip hebben, dus raw @@ -450,7 +443,7 @@ \wd\scratchbox\textwidth \box\scratchbox \egroup - \synchronizehsize} + \page_otr_command_synchronize_hsize} \long\def\startexternalfigure {\dotripleempty\dostartexternalfigure} diff --git a/tex/context/base/context-version.pdf b/tex/context/base/context-version.pdf Binary files differindex a4d31a83c..f1efd3a17 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/context-version.pdf +++ b/tex/context/base/context-version.pdf diff --git a/tex/context/base/context-version.png b/tex/context/base/context-version.png Binary files differindex e0bdc7a46..08b891640 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/context-version.png +++ b/tex/context/base/context-version.png diff --git a/tex/context/base/context.mkii b/tex/context/base/context.mkii index 3b58fa307..e62b4e583 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/context.mkii +++ b/tex/context/base/context.mkii @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ %D your styles an modules. \edef\contextformat {\jobname} -\edef\contextversion{2012.01.25 14:16} +\edef\contextversion{2012.02.08 21:04} %D For those who want to use this: diff --git a/tex/context/base/context.mkiv b/tex/context/base/context.mkiv index ec46764c8..eaa4c3a3c 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/context.mkiv +++ b/tex/context/base/context.mkiv @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ %D up and the dependencies are more consistent. \edef\contextformat {\jobname} -\edef\contextversion{2012.01.25 14:16} +\edef\contextversion{2012.02.08 21:04} %D For those who want to use this: @@ -243,12 +243,19 @@ \loadmarkfile{pack-obj} \loadmkvifile{strc-itm} -\loadmarkfile{strc-des} + +\loadmkvifile{strc-con} +\loadmkvifile{strc-des} +\loadmkvifile{strc-enu} + +\loadmarkfile{strc-ind} +\loadmarkfile{strc-lab} \loadmarkfile{strc-syn} \loadmarkfile{core-sys} \loadmarkfile{page-var} +\loadmkvifile{page-otr} \loadmarkfile{page-ini} \loadmarkfile{page-fac} \loadmarkfile{page-brk} @@ -262,7 +269,7 @@ \loadmarkfile{page-lay} \loadmkvifile{page-box} \loadmkvifile{page-txt} -\loadmarkfile{page-sid} +\loadmarkfile{page-sid} % when \loadmkvifile{strc-flt} @@ -412,8 +419,8 @@ \loadmarkfile{node-rul} \loadmarkfile{node-spl} -\loadmarkfile{strc-not} -\loadmarkfile{strc-lnt} +\loadmkvifile{strc-not} +\loadmkvifile{strc-lnt} \loadmarkfile{core-mis} \loadmarkfile{pack-com} diff --git a/tex/context/base/core-env.mkiv b/tex/context/base/core-env.mkiv index cc30cb8e5..1819d084d 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/core-env.mkiv +++ b/tex/context/base/core-env.mkiv @@ -370,13 +370,27 @@ \let\directsetup\syst_setups \let\texsetup \syst_setups % nicer than \directsetup and more en par with xmlsetup and luasetup -\def\doifsetupselse#1% to be done: grid +\unexpanded\def\doifsetupselse#1% to be done: grid {\ifcsname\??setup:#1\endcsname \expandafter\firstoftwoarguments \else \expandafter\secondoftwoarguments \fi} +\unexpanded\def\doifsetups#1% to be done: grid + {\ifcsname\??setup:#1\endcsname + \expandafter\firstofoneargument + \else + \expandafter\gobbleoneargument + \fi} + +\unexpanded\def\doifnotsetups#1% to be done: grid + {\ifcsname\??setup:#1\endcsname + \expandafter\gobbleoneargument + \else + \expandafter\firstofoneargument + \fi} + % \startluasetups oeps % context("DONE") % a = 1 diff --git a/tex/context/base/core-ini.mkiv b/tex/context/base/core-ini.mkiv index 0c369ff3a..75a0ed5d9 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/core-ini.mkiv +++ b/tex/context/base/core-ini.mkiv @@ -21,40 +21,59 @@ \everypar \emptytoks \neverypar \emptytoks -%appendtoks \flushnotes \to \everypar -\appendtoks \synchronizesidefloats \to \everypar - -\appendtoks \checkindentation \to \everypar -\appendtoks \showparagraphnumber \to \everypar -\appendtoks \restoreinterlinepenalty \to \everypar -%appendtoks \flushmargincontents \to \everypar -%appendtoks \flushcommentanchors \to \everypar -\appendtoks \flushnotes \to \everypar -\appendtoks \synchronizenotes \to \everypar -\appendtoks \OTRSETshowstatus \to \everypar -\appendtoks \flushpostponedbookmark \to \everypar -\appendtoks \registerparoptions \to \everypar -\appendtoks \flushsyncpositions \to \everypar -\appendtoks \flushpostponednodedata \to \everypar -\appendtoks \typo_delimited_repeat \to \everypar -\appendtoks \insertparagraphintro \to \everypar - -\appendtoks \flushpostponedbookmark \to \neverypar -\appendtoks \flushpostponedbookmark \to \everylistentry - -\appendtoks \flushnotes \to \everydisplay -\appendtoks \adjustsidefloatdisplaylines \to \everydisplay - -\appendtoks \flushsyncpositions \to \everyheadstart - -\appendtoks \flushsyncresets \to \everyendoftextbody - -\appendtoks \ignorespaces \to \everybeginofpar - -\appendtoks \removeunwantedspaces \to \everyendofpar -%appendtoks \strut \to \everyendofpar % option ? -\appendtoks \flushsyncresets \to \everyendofpar -%appendtoks \setlastlinewidth \to \everyendofpar % gone, will be done in lua -\appendtoks \endgraf \to \everyendofpar +\appendtoks + %flushnotes + \page_otr_command_synchronize_side_floats % an otr specific command + \checkindentation + \showparagraphnumber + \restoreinterlinepenalty + %flushmargincontents + %flushcommentanchors + \flushnotes + \synchronizenotes + \OTRSETshowstatus + \flushpostponedbookmark + \registerparoptions + \flushsyncpositions + \flushpostponednodedata + \typo_delimited_repeat + \insertparagraphintro +\to \everypar + +\appendtoks + \flushpostponedbookmark +\to \neverypar + +\appendtoks + \flushpostponedbookmark +\to \everylistentry + +\appendtoks + \flushnotes +\to \everydisplay + +\appendtoks + \adjustsidefloatdisplaylines +\to \everydisplay + +\appendtoks + \flushsyncpositions +\to \everyheadstart + +\appendtoks + \flushsyncresets +\to \everyendoftextbody + +\appendtoks + \ignorespaces +\to \everybeginofpar + +\appendtoks + \removeunwantedspaces + %strut % option ? + \flushsyncresets + %setlastlinewidth % gone, will be done in lua + \endgraf +\to \everyendofpar \protect \endinput diff --git a/tex/context/base/core-uti.lua b/tex/context/base/core-uti.lua index 7834be963..cfe95a6bb 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/core-uti.lua +++ b/tex/context/base/core-uti.lua @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ local report_jobcontrol = logs.reporter("jobcontrol") job = job or { } local job = job -job.version = 1.17 +job.version = 1.18 -- some day we will implement loading of other jobs and then we need -- job.jobs diff --git a/tex/context/base/data-tex.lua b/tex/context/base/data-tex.lua index c2257296c..6cb361699 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/data-tex.lua +++ b/tex/context/base/data-tex.lua @@ -19,16 +19,16 @@ local methodhandler = resolvers.methodhandler local splitlines = string.splitlines local utffiletype = unicode.filetype -local fileprocessor = nil -local lineprocessor = nil +-- local fileprocessor = nil +-- local lineprocessor = nil -local textfileactions = sequencers.reset { +local textfileactions = sequencers.new { arguments = "str,filename,coding", returnvalues = "str", results = "str", } -local textlineactions = sequencers.reset { +local textlineactions = sequencers.new { arguments = "str,filename,linenumber,noflines,coding", returnvalues = "str", results = "str", @@ -78,10 +78,10 @@ function helpers.textopener(tag,filename,filehandle,coding) elseif coding == "utf-32-le" then lines = unicode.utf32_to_utf8_le(lines) else -- utf8 or unknown (could be a mkvi file) - if textfileactions.dirty then -- maybe use autocompile - fileprocessor = sequencers.compile(textfileactions) -- no need for dummy test .. always one + local runner = textfileactions.runner + if runner then + lines = runner(lines,filename,coding) or lines end - lines = fileprocessor(lines,filename,coding) or lines lines = splitlines(lines) end elseif trace_locating then @@ -119,11 +119,9 @@ function helpers.textopener(tag,filename,filehandle,coding) -- elseif content == ctrl_d or ctrl_z then -- return nil -- we need this as \endinput does not work in prints else - if textlineactions.dirty then -- no dummy - lineprocessor = sequencers.compile(textlineactions,false,true) -- maybe use autocompile - end - if lineprocessor then - return lineprocessor(content,filename,currentline,noflines,coding) or content + local runner = textlineactions.runner + if runner then + return runner(content,filename,currentline,noflines,coding) or content else return content end diff --git a/tex/context/base/font-con.lua b/tex/context/base/font-con.lua index 9329fbb83..928099688 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/font-con.lua +++ b/tex/context/base/font-con.lua @@ -44,7 +44,6 @@ local setmetatableindex = table.setmetatableindex -- will be directives constructors.dontembed = allocate() -constructors.mathactions = { } constructors.autocleanup = true constructors.namemode = "fullpath" -- will be a function @@ -278,6 +277,14 @@ function constructors.assignmathparameters(target,original) -- simple variant, n end end +function constructors.beforecopyingcharacters(target,original) + -- can be used for additional tweaking +end + +function constructors.aftercopyingcharacters(target,original) + -- can be used for additional tweaking +end + function constructors.enhanceparameters(parameters) local xheight = parameters.x_height local quad = parameters.quad @@ -527,7 +534,7 @@ function constructors.scale(tfmdata,specification) -- local italickey = "italic" -- - -- some context specific trickery (we might move this to a plug in into here + -- some context specific trickery (this will move to a plugin) -- if hasmath then if properties.mathitalics then @@ -553,6 +560,8 @@ function constructors.scale(tfmdata,specification) -- -- end of context specific trickery -- + constructors.beforecopyingcharacters(target,tfmdata) + -- local sharedkerns = { } -- -- we can have a dumb mode (basemode without math etc) that skips most @@ -795,6 +804,9 @@ function constructors.scale(tfmdata,specification) end targetcharacters[unicode] = chr end + -- + constructors.aftercopyingcharacters(target,tfmdata) + -- return target end diff --git a/tex/context/base/font-ctx.lua b/tex/context/base/font-ctx.lua index 8031299f4..5680ee69e 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/font-ctx.lua +++ b/tex/context/base/font-ctx.lua @@ -58,6 +58,10 @@ local registerotffeature = otffeatures.register local baseprocessors = otffeatures.processors.base local baseinitializers = otffeatures.initializers.base +local sequencers = utilities.sequencers +local appendgroup = sequencers.appendgroup +local appendaction = sequencers.appendaction + specifiers.contextsetups = specifiers.contextsetups or { } specifiers.contextnumbers = specifiers.contextnumbers or { } specifiers.contextmerged = specifiers.contextmerged or { } @@ -223,81 +227,6 @@ local privatefeatures = { anum = true, } --- local function modechecker(tfmdata,features,mode) -- we cannot adapt features as they are shared! --- if trace_features then --- report_features(serialize(features,"used")) --- end --- local rawdata = tfmdata.shared.rawdata --- local resources = rawdata and rawdata.resources --- local script = features.script --- if script == "auto" then --- local latn = false --- for g, list in next, resources.features do --- for f, scripts in next, list do --- if privatefeatures[f] then --- -- skip --- elseif scripts.dflt then --- script = "dflt" --- break --- elseif scripts.latn then --- latn = true --- end --- end --- end --- if script == "auto" then --- script = latn and "latn" or "dflt" --- end --- features.script = script --- if trace_automode then --- report_defining("auto script mode: using script '%s' in font '%s'",script,file.basename(tfmdata.properties.name)) --- end --- end --- if mode == "auto" then --- local sequences = resources.sequences --- if sequences and #sequences > 0 then --- local script = features.script or "dflt" --- local language = features.language or "dflt" --- for feature, value in next, features do --- if value then --- local found = false --- for i=1,#sequences do --- local sequence = sequences[i] --- local features = sequence.features --- if features then --- local scripts = features[feature] --- if scripts then --- local languages = scripts[script] --- if languages and languages[language] then --- if found then --- -- more than one lookup --- if trace_automode then --- report_defining("forcing node mode in font %s for feature %s, script %s, language %s (multiple lookups)",file.basename(tfmdata.properties.name),feature,script,language) --- end --- features.mode = "node" --- return "node" --- elseif needsnodemode[sequence.type] then --- if trace_automode then --- report_defining("forcing node mode in font %s for feature %s, script %s, language %s (no base support)",file.basename(tfmdata.properties.name),feature,script,language) --- end --- features.mode = "node" --- return "node" --- else --- -- at least one lookup --- found = true --- end --- end --- end --- end --- end --- end --- end --- end --- return "base" --- else --- return mode --- end --- end - local function checkedscript(tfmdata,resources,features) local latn = false local script = false @@ -415,6 +344,38 @@ registerotffeature { -- }, -- } +local beforecopyingcharacters = sequencers.new { + name = "beforecopyingcharacters", + arguments = "target,original", +} + +appendgroup(beforecopyingcharacters,"before") -- user +appendgroup(beforecopyingcharacters,"system") -- private +appendgroup(beforecopyingcharacters,"after" ) -- user + +function constructors.beforecopyingcharacters(original,target) + local runner = beforecopyingcharacters.runner + if runner then + runner(original,target) + end +end + +local aftercopyingcharacters = sequencers.new { + name = "aftercopyingcharacters", + arguments = "target,original", +} + +appendgroup(aftercopyingcharacters,"before") -- user +appendgroup(aftercopyingcharacters,"system") -- private +appendgroup(aftercopyingcharacters,"after" ) -- user + +function constructors.aftercopyingcharacters(original,target) + local runner = aftercopyingcharacters.runner + if runner then + runner(original,target) + end +end + --[[ldx-- <p>So far we haven't really dealt with features (or whatever we want to pass along with the font definition. We distinguish the following @@ -672,8 +633,11 @@ end -- todo: support a,b,c +-- we need a copy as we will add (fontclass) goodies to the features and +-- that is bad for a shared table + local function splitcontext(features) -- presetcontext creates dummy here - return setups[features] or (presetcontext(features,"","") and setups[features]) + return fastcopy(setups[features] or (presetcontext(features,"","") and setups[features])) end --~ local splitter = lpeg.splitat("=") @@ -843,13 +807,13 @@ function commands.definefont_two(global,cs,str,size,inheritancemode,classfeature local lookup, name, sub, method, detail = getspecification(str or "") -- new (todo: inheritancemode) local designsize = fontdesignsize ~= "" and fontdesignsize or classdesignsize or "" - if designsize == "auto" or designsize == "default" then -- or any value - local okay = designsizefilename(name,size) - -- we don't catch detail here + local designname = designsizefilename(name,designsize,size) + if designname and designname ~= "" then if trace_defining or trace_designsize then - report_defining("remapping name: %s + size: %s => designsize: %s",name,size,okay) + report_defining("remapping name: %s, specification: %s, size: %s => designsize: %s",name,designsize,size,designname) end - local o_lookup, o_name, o_sub, o_method, o_detail = getspecification(okay) + -- we don't catch detail here + local o_lookup, o_name, o_sub, o_method, o_detail = getspecification(designname) if o_lookup and o_lookup ~= "" then lookup = o_lookup end if o_method and o_method ~= "" then method = o_method end if o_detail and o_detail ~= "" then detail = o_detail end @@ -1067,6 +1031,50 @@ function constructors.calculatescale(tfmdata,scaledpoints,relativeid) return scaledpoints, delta end +-- We overload the (generic) resolver: + +local resolvers = definers.resolvers +local hashfeatures = constructors.hashfeatures + +function definers.resolve(specification) -- overload function in font-con.lua + if not specification.resolved or specification.resolved == "" then -- resolved itself not per se in mapping hash + local r = resolvers[specification.lookup] + if r then + r(specification) + end + end + if specification.forced == "" then + specification.forced = nil + else + specification.forced = specification.forced + end + -- goodies are a context specific thing and not always defined + -- as feature, so we need to make sure we add them here before + -- hashing because otherwise we get funny goodies applied + local goodies = specification.goodies + if goodies and goodies ~= "" then + -- this adapts the features table so it has best be a copy + local normal = specification.features.normal + if not normal then + specification.features.normal = { goodies = goodies } + elseif not normal.goodies then + local g = normal.goodies + if g and g ~= "" then + normal.goodies = format("%s,%s",g,goodies) + else + normal.goodies = goodies + end + end + end + -- so far for goodie hacks + specification.hash = lower(specification.name .. ' @ ' .. hashfeatures(specification)) + if specification.sub and specification.sub ~= "" then + specification.hash = specification.sub .. ' @ ' .. specification.hash + end + return specification +end + + -- soon to be obsolete: local mappings = fonts.mappings diff --git a/tex/context/base/font-def.lua b/tex/context/base/font-def.lua index 5f7917063..10958cfbc 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/font-def.lua +++ b/tex/context/base/font-def.lua @@ -214,17 +214,6 @@ function definers.resolve(specification) else specification.forced = specification.forced end - -- for the moment here (goodies set outside features) - local goodies = specification.goodies - if goodies and goodies ~= "" then - local normal = specification.features.normal - if not normal then - specification.features.normal = { goodies = goodies } - elseif not normal.goodies then - normal.goodies = goodies - end - end - -- specification.hash = lower(specification.name .. ' @ ' .. constructors.hashfeatures(specification)) if specification.sub and specification.sub ~= "" then specification.hash = specification.sub .. ' @ ' .. specification.hash diff --git a/tex/context/base/font-gds.lua b/tex/context/base/font-gds.lua index 03eb20705..97e97a640 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/font-gds.lua +++ b/tex/context/base/font-gds.lua @@ -104,6 +104,9 @@ local function setgoodies(tfmdata,value) -- we need to check for duplicates local ok = loadgoodies(filename) if ok then + if trace_goodies then + report_goodies("assigning goodie '%s'",filename) + end goodies[#goodies+1] = ok end end @@ -472,6 +475,7 @@ local function initialize(tfmdata) -- As we want to set italic_correction (the context one) we need a -- postprocessor instead of messing with the (unscaled) descriptions. fontgoodies.registerpostprocessor(tfmdata, function(tfmdata) -- this is another tfmdata (a copy) + -- better make a helper so that we have less code being defined local properties = tfmdata.properties local parameters = tfmdata.parameters local characters = tfmdata.characters @@ -581,7 +585,7 @@ fontgoodies.designsizes = designsizes local designdata = allocate() designsizes.data = designdata -local function initialize(goodies) +local function initialize(goodies) -- design sizes are registered global local gd = goodies.designsizes if gd then for name, data in next, gd do @@ -622,21 +626,26 @@ function fontgoodies.designsizes.register(name,size,specification) end end -function fontgoodies.designsizes.filename(name,size) - local data = designdata[lower(name)] - if data then - local ranges = data.ranges - if ranges and size ~= "default" then - for i=1,#ranges do - local r = ranges[i] - if r[1] >= size then -- todo: rounding so maybe size - 100 - return r[2] +function fontgoodies.designsizes.filename(name,spec,size) -- returns nil of no match + if spec and spec ~= "" then + local data = designdata[lower(name)] + if data then + if spec == "default" then + return data.default + elseif spec == "auto" then + local ranges = data.ranges + if ranges then + for i=1,#ranges do + local r = ranges[i] + if r[1] >= size then -- todo: rounding so maybe size - 100 + return r[2] + end + end end + return data.default or (ranges and ranges[#ranges][2]) end end - return data.default or (ranges and ranges[#ranges][2]) or name end - return name end -- The following file (husayni.lfg) is the experimental setup that we used diff --git a/tex/context/base/font-ini.mkvi b/tex/context/base/font-ini.mkvi index 7351e7134..ea0c0dedc 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/font-ini.mkvi +++ b/tex/context/base/font-ini.mkvi @@ -811,7 +811,7 @@ "\m_font_fallbacks", 0\currentmathsize, \number\d_font_scaled_text_face, - "\number\relativefontid", % experiment + "\number\relativefontid", % experiment "\m_font_class_goodies", % experiment (not yet used) "\m_font_goodies", "\m_font_class_designsize", diff --git a/tex/context/base/font-set.mkvi b/tex/context/base/font-set.mkvi index 2d7a5888e..d692c6cc8 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/font-set.mkvi +++ b/tex/context/base/font-set.mkvi @@ -37,14 +37,16 @@ %D runtime we have to load the default bodyfont size just before %D we start typesetting. +\def\fallbacktypeface{modern-designsize} % at some point we might prefer just modern + \def\font_preloads_reset_nullfont % this is needed because some macro packages (tikz) misuse \nullfont - {%\dorecurse7{\fontdimen\recurselevel\nullfont\zeropoint}% keep en eye on this as: + {\dorecurse\plusseven{\fontdimen\recurselevel\nullfont\zeropoint}% keep en eye on this as: \ctxcommand{resetnullfont()}% in luatex 0.70 this will also do the previous \globallet\font_preloads_reset_nullfont\relax} \def\font_preload_default_fonts {\font_preloads_reset - \setupbodyfont[modern,\fontstyle,\fontbody]% + \setupbodyfont[\fallbacktypeface,\fontstyle,\fontbody]% \showmessage\m!fonts6{fallback modern \fontstyle\normalspace\normalizedbodyfontsize}} \def\font_preload_default_fonts_mm @@ -97,6 +99,7 @@ {\ifx\fontclass\empty \writestatus\m!fonts{preloading latin modern fonts (third stage)}% \font_preload_default_fonts + \font_preloads_reset \else \font_preloads_reset \pushmacro\fontstyle @@ -138,5 +141,4 @@ % \unexpanded\def\checkpreloadedbodyfont % no \let here % {\font_preloads_at_start_text} - \protect \endinput diff --git a/tex/context/base/java-imp-rhh.mkiv b/tex/context/base/java-imp-rhh.mkiv new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5f057f550 --- /dev/null +++ b/tex/context/base/java-imp-rhh.mkiv @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +%D \module +%D [ file=java-rhh, +%D version=2010.02.01, +%D title=\CONTEXT\ JavaScript Macros, +%D subtitle=Runtime Highlight Hack, +%D author=Hans Hagen, +%D date=\currentdate, +%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}] +%C +%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is +%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for +%C details. + +%D As hightlighting is rather intrusive it makes sense to turn it off when +%D using nice appearances. + +% app.runtimeHighlightColor = [ "T" ] ; +% +% var SavedAlwaysShowFocus = app.alwaysShowFocus ; +% app.alwaysShowFocus = true ; +% "app.alwaysShowFocus = SavedAlwaysShowFocus ; " + +\startJSpreamble RuntimeHighlightHack used now + var SavedHighlightState = app.runtimeHighlight ; + var SavedFocusRectState = app.focusRect ; + app.runtimeHighlight = false ; + app.focusRect = true ; + this.setAction("WillClose", + "app.runtimeHighlight = SavedHighlightState ; " + + "app.focusRect = SavedFocusRectState ; " + ) ; +\stopJSpreamble + +\endinput diff --git a/tex/context/base/java-ini.lua b/tex/context/base/java-ini.lua index ff9afe239..1e98de717 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/java-ini.lua +++ b/tex/context/base/java-ini.lua @@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ end function javascripts.flushpreambles() local t = { } - if used then +-- if used then -- we want to be able to enforce inclusion for i=1,#preambles do local preamble = preambles[i] if preamble[2] == "now" then @@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ function javascripts.flushpreambles() t[#t+1] = { preamble[1], preamble[3] } end end - end +-- end return t end diff --git a/tex/context/base/lpdf-ano.lua b/tex/context/base/lpdf-ano.lua index 1777f26de..1aebe4e64 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/lpdf-ano.lua +++ b/tex/context/base/lpdf-ano.lua @@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['lpdf-ano'] = { -- when using rotation: \disabledirectives[refences.sharelinks] (maybe flag links) +-- todo: /AA << WC << ... >> >> : WillClose actions etc + local next, tostring = next, tostring local rep, format = string.rep, string.format local texcount = tex.count @@ -147,7 +149,7 @@ local function link(url,filename,destination,page,actions) pdf_fit, } } - else + elseif trace_references then report_reference("invalid page reference: %s",tostring(page)) end end diff --git a/tex/context/base/lpdf-fld.lua b/tex/context/base/lpdf-fld.lua index 1ccf41823..30052538d 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/lpdf-fld.lua +++ b/tex/context/base/lpdf-fld.lua @@ -18,6 +18,42 @@ if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['lpdf-fld'] = { -- generated) MK behaviour built in. So ... hard to test. Unfortunately -- not even the default appearance is generated. This will probably be -- solved at some point. +-- +-- Also, for some reason the viewer does not always show custom appearances +-- when fields are being rolled over or clicked upon, and circles or checks +-- pop up when you don't expect them. I fear that this kind of instability +-- eventually will kill pdf forms. After all, the manual says: "individual +-- annotation handlers may ignore this entry and provide their own appearances" +-- and one might wonder what 'individual' means here, but effectively this +-- renders the whole concept of appearances useless. +-- +-- Okay, here is one observation. A pdf file contains objects and one might +-- consider each one to be a static entity when read in. However, acrobat +-- starts rendering and seems to manipulate (appearance streams) of objects +-- in place (this is visible when the file is saved again). And, combined +-- with some other caching and hashing, this might give side effects for +-- shared objects. So, it seems that for some cases one can best be not too +-- clever and not share but duplicate information. Of course this defeats the +-- whole purpose of these objects. Of course I can be wrong. +-- +-- A rarther weird side effect of the viewer is that the highlighting of fields +-- obscures values, unless you uses one of the BS variants, and this makes +-- custum appearances rather useless as there is no way to control this apart +-- from changing the viewer preferences. It could of course be a bug but it would +-- be nice if the highlighting was at least transparent. I have no clue why the +-- built in shapes work ok (some xform based appearances are generated) while +-- equally valid other xforms fail. It looks like acrobat appearances come on +-- top (being refered to in the MK) while custom ones are behind the highlight +-- rectangle. One can disable the "Show border hover color for fields" option +-- in the preferences. If you load java-imp-rhh this side effect gets disabled +-- and you get what you expect (it took me a while to figure out this hack). +-- +-- When highlighting is enabled, those default symbols flash up, so it looks +-- like we have some inteference between this setting and custom appearances. +-- +-- Anyhow, the NeedAppearances is really needed in order to get a rendering +-- for printing especially when highlighting (those colorfull foregrounds) is +-- on. local gmatch, lower, format = string.gmatch, string.lower, string.format local lpegmatch = lpeg.match @@ -71,7 +107,7 @@ local pdf_widget = pdfconstant("Widget") local pdf_tx = pdfconstant("Tx") local pdf_ch = pdfconstant("Ch") local pdf_btn = pdfconstant("Btn") -local pdf_yes = pdfconstant("Yes") +----- pdf_yes = pdfconstant("Yes") local pdf_off = pdfconstant("Off") local pdf_p = pdfconstant("P") -- None Invert Outline Push local pdf_n = pdfconstant("N") -- None Invert Outline Push @@ -88,31 +124,40 @@ function codeinjections.setformsmethod(name) submitoutputformat = formats[lower(name)] or formats.xml end -local flag = { - MultiLine = 4096, -- 13 - NoToggleToOff = 16384, -- 15 - Radio = 32768, -- 16 - PushButton = 65536, -- 17 - PopUp = 131072, -- 18 - Edit = 262144, -- 19 - RadiosInUnison = 33554432, -- 26 - DoNotSpellCheck = 4194304, -- 23 - DoNotScroll = 8388608, -- 24 - ReadOnly = 1, -- 1 - Required = 2, -- 2 - NoExport = 4, -- 3 - Password = 8192, -- 14 - Sort = 524288, -- 20 - FileSelect = 1048576, -- 21 +local flag = { -- /Ff + ReadOnly = 1, -- 1 + Required = 2, -- 2 + NoExport = 4, -- 3 + MultiLine = 4096, -- 13 + Password = 8192, -- 14 + NoToggleToOff = 16384, -- 15 + Radio = 32768, -- 16 + PushButton = 65536, -- 17 + PopUp = 131072, -- 18 + Edit = 262144, -- 19 + Sort = 524288, -- 20 + FileSelect = 1048576, -- 21 + DoNotSpellCheck = 4194304, -- 23 + DoNotScroll = 8388608, -- 24 + Comb = 16777216, -- 25 + RichText = 33554432, -- 26 + RadiosInUnison = 33554432, -- 26 + CommitOnSelChange = 67108864, -- 27 } -local plus = { - Invisible = 1, -- 1 - Hidden = 2, -- 2 - Printable = 4, -- 3 - NoView = 32, -- 6 - ToggleNoView = 256, -- 9 - AutoView = 256, -- 288 (6+9) +local plus = { -- /F + Invisible = 1, -- 1 + Hidden = 2, -- 2 + Printable = 4, -- 3 + Print = 4, -- 3 + NoZoom = 8, -- 4 + NoRotate = 16, -- 5 + NoView = 32, -- 6 + ReadOnly = 64, -- 7 + Locked = 128, -- 8 + ToggleNoView = 256, -- 9 + LockedContents = 512, -- 10, + AutoView = 256, -- 288 (6+9) } -- todo: check what is interfaced @@ -132,7 +177,7 @@ plus.auto = plus.AutoView -- some day .. lpeg with function or table -local function fieldflag(specification) +local function fieldflag(specification) -- /Ff local o, n = specification.option, 0 if o and o ~= "" then for f in gmatch(o,"[^, ]+") do @@ -142,13 +187,14 @@ local function fieldflag(specification) return n end -local function fieldplus(specification) +local function fieldplus(specification) -- /F local o, n = specification.option, 0 if o and o ~= "" then for p in gmatch(o,"[^, ]+") do n = n + (plus[p] or 0) end end +-- n = n + 4 return n end @@ -310,11 +356,17 @@ local function fieldappearances(specification) N = registeredsymbol(n), R = registeredsymbol(r), D = registeredsymbol(d), } return pdfshareobjectreference(appearance) +-- return pdfreference(pdfflushobject(appearance)) end local YesorOn = "Yes" -- somehow On is not always working out well any longer (why o why this change) -local function fieldstates(specification,forceyes,values,default) +-- beware ... maybe we should have unique /Yes1 ... we will probably +-- change this one too. +-- +-- TODO: the same as radio .. play safe and use different names. + +local function fieldstates_check(specification,forceyes,values,default,yesdefault) -- we don't use Opt here (too messy for radio buttons) local values, default = values or specification.values, default or specification.default if not values or values == "" then @@ -353,13 +405,13 @@ local function fieldstates(specification,forceyes,values,default) offn, offr, offd = off[1], off[2], off[3] end if not yesvalue then - yesvalue = yesn + yesvalue = yesdefault or yesn end if not offvalue then offvalue = offn end if forceyes == true then - forceyes = forceyes and YesorOn -- spec likes Yes more but we've used On for ages now + forceyes = YesorOn -- spec likes Yes more but we've used On for ages now else -- false or string end @@ -383,6 +435,91 @@ local function fieldstates(specification,forceyes,values,default) } end local appearanceref = pdfshareobjectreference(appearance) + -- local appearanceref = pdfreference(pdfflushobject(appearance)) + return appearanceref, default, yesvalue +end + +-- It looks like there is always a (MK related) symbol used and that +-- the appearances are only used as ornaments behind a symbol. So, +-- contrary to what we did when widgets showed up, we now limit +-- ourself to more dumb definitions. Especially when highlighting is +-- enabled weird interferences happen. So, we play safe (some nice code +-- has been removed that worked well till recently). + +local function fieldstates_radio(specification,name,parent) + local values = values or specification.values + local default = default or parent.default -- specification.default + if not values or values == "" then + -- error + return + end + local v = settings_to_array(values) + local yes, off, yesn, yesr, yesd, offn, offr, offd + if #v == 1 then + yes, off = v[1], v[1] + else + yes, off = v[1], v[2] + end + -- yes keys might be the same in the three appearances within a field + -- but can best be different among fields ... don't ask why + local yessymbols, yesvalue = lpegmatch(splitter,yes) -- n,r,d=>x + if not (yessymbols and yesvalue) then + yessymbols = yes + end + if not yesvalue then + yesvalue = name + end + yessymbols = settings_to_array(yessymbols) + if #yessymbols == 1 then + yesn = yessymbols[1] + yesr = yesn + yesd = yesr + elseif #yessymbols == 2 then + yesn = yessymbols[1] + yesr = yessymbols[2] + yesd = yesr + else + yesn = yessymbols[1] + yesr = yessymbols[2] + yesd = yessymbols[3] + end + -- we don't care about names, as all will be /Off + local offsymbols = lpegmatch(splitter,off) or off + offsymbols = settings_to_array(offsymbols) + if #offsymbols == 1 then + offn = offsymbols[1] + offr = offn + offd = offr + elseif #offsymbols == 2 then + offn = offsymbols[1] + offr = offsymbols[2] + offd = offr + else + offn = offsymbols[1] + offr = offsymbols[2] + offd = offsymbols[3] + end + if default == name then + default = pdfconstant(name) + else + default = pdf_off + end + -- + local appearance + if false then -- needs testing + appearance = pdfdictionary { -- maybe also cache components + N = pdfshareobjectreference(pdfdictionary { [name] = registeredsymbol(yesn), Off = registeredsymbol(offn) }), + R = pdfshareobjectreference(pdfdictionary { [name] = registeredsymbol(yesr), Off = registeredsymbol(offr) }), + D = pdfshareobjectreference(pdfdictionary { [name] = registeredsymbol(yesd), Off = registeredsymbol(offd) }), + } + else + appearance = pdfdictionary { -- maybe also cache components + N = pdfdictionary { [name] = registeredsymbol(yesn), Off = registeredsymbol(offn) }, + R = pdfdictionary { [name] = registeredsymbol(yesr), Off = registeredsymbol(offr) }, + D = pdfdictionary { [name] = registeredsymbol(yesd), Off = registeredsymbol(offd) } + } + end + local appearanceref = pdfshareobjectreference(appearance) -- pdfreference(pdfflushobject(appearance)) return appearanceref, default, yesvalue end @@ -433,14 +570,17 @@ local function todingbat(n) end end +-- local zero_bc = pdfarray { 0, 0, 0 } +-- local zero_bg = pdfarray { 1, 1, 1 } + local function fieldrendering(specification) local bvalue = tonumber(specification.backgroundcolorvalue) local fvalue = tonumber(specification.framecolorvalue) local svalue = specification.fontsymbol if bvalue or fvalue or (svalue and svalue ~= "") then return pdfdictionary { - BG = bvalue and pdfarray { lpdf.colorvalues(3,bvalue) } or nil, - BC = fvalue and pdfarray { lpdf.colorvalues(3,fvalue) } or nil, + BG = bvalue and pdfarray { lpdf.colorvalues(3,bvalue) } or nil, -- or zero_bg, + BC = fvalue and pdfarray { lpdf.colorvalues(3,fvalue) } or nil, -- or zero_bc, CA = svalue and pdfstring (svalue) or nil, } end @@ -775,7 +915,10 @@ local function save_kid(field,specification,d,optname) local kn = pdfreserveannotation() field.kids[#field.kids+1] = pdfreference(kn) if optname then - field.opt[#field.opt+1] = optname + local opt = field.opt + if opt then + opt[#opt+1] = optname + end end local width, height, depth = specification.width or 0, specification.height or 0, specification.depth local box = hpack_node(pdfannotation_node(width,height,depth,d(),kn)) @@ -959,7 +1102,7 @@ local function makecheckchild(name,specification) d.MK = fieldrendering(specification) return save_kid(parent,specification,d) else - local appearance, default, value = fieldstates(field,true) + local appearance, default, value = fieldstates_check(field,true) d.AS = default d.AP = appearance return save_kid(parent,specification,d,value) @@ -1034,18 +1177,78 @@ function methods.push(name,specification) end local function makeradioparent(field,specification) - specification = enhance(specification,"Radio,RadiosInUnison") +-- specification = enhance(specification,"Radio,RadiosInUnison") + specification = enhance(specification,"Radio,RadiosInUnison,Print,NoToggleToOff") +-- specification = enhance(specification,"Radio,Print,NoToggleToOff") local d = pdfdictionary { T = field.name, FT = pdf_btn, - F = fieldplus(specification), +-- F = fieldplus(specification), Ff = fieldflag(specification), - H = pdf_n, +-- H = pdf_n, V = fielddefault(field), } save_parent(field,specification,d,true) end +-- local function makeradiochild(name,specification) +-- local field, parent = clones[name], nil +-- if field then +-- field = radios[field.parent] +-- parent = fields[field.parent] +-- if not parent.pobj then +-- if trace_fields then +-- report_fields("forcing parent radio '%s'",parent.name) +-- end +-- makeradioparent(parent,parent) +-- end +-- else +-- field = radios[name] +-- if not field then +-- report_fields("there is some problem with field '%s'",name) +-- return nil +-- end +-- parent = fields[field.parent] +-- if not parent.pobj then +-- if trace_fields then +-- report_fields("using parent radio '%s'",name) +-- end +-- makeradioparent(parent,parent) +-- end +-- end +-- if trace_fields then +-- report_fields("using child radio '%s' with values '%s' and default '%s'",name,field.values or "?",field.default or "?") +-- end +-- local fontsymbol = specification.fontsymbol +-- fontsymbol="star" +-- local d = pdfdictionary { +-- Subtype = pdf_widget, +-- Parent = pdfreference(parent.pobj), +-- F = fieldplus(specification), +-- OC = fieldlayer(specification), +-- AA = fieldactions(specification), +-- H = pdf_n, +-- } +-- if fontsymbol and fontsymbol ~= "" then +-- local appearance, default, value = fieldstates_radio(field,true,false,false,name) -- false is also ok +-- specification.fontsymbol = todingbat(fontsymbol) +-- specification.fontstyle = "symbol" +-- specification.fontalternative = "dingbats" +-- d.DA = fieldsurrounding(specification) +-- d.MK = fieldrendering(specification) +-- d.AS = pdfconstant(value) -- default -- mandate when AP but confuses viewers +-- d.AP = appearance +-- return save_kid(parent,specification,d,value) +-- -- return save_kid(parent,specification,d,name) +-- else +-- -- local appearance, default, value = fieldstates_radio(field,true) -- false is also ok +-- local appearance, default, value = fieldstates_radio(field,true,false,false,name) -- false is also ok +-- d.AS = default -- mandate when AP but confuses viewers +-- d.AP = appearance +-- return save_kid(parent,specification,d,value) +-- end +-- end + local function makeradiochild(name,specification) local field, parent = clones[name], nil if field then @@ -1075,6 +1278,7 @@ local function makeradiochild(name,specification) report_fields("using child radio '%s' with values '%s' and default '%s'",name,field.values or "?",field.default or "?") end local fontsymbol = specification.fontsymbol + -- fontsymbol = "circle" local d = pdfdictionary { Subtype = pdf_widget, Parent = pdfreference(parent.pobj), @@ -1089,13 +1293,11 @@ local function makeradiochild(name,specification) specification.fontalternative = "dingbats" d.DA = fieldsurrounding(specification) d.MK = fieldrendering(specification) - return save_kid(parent,specification,d) - else - local appearance, default, value = fieldstates(field,true) -- false is also ok - d.AS = default -- needed ? - d.AP = appearance - return save_kid(parent,specification,d,value) end + local appearance, default, value = fieldstates_radio(field,name,fields[field.parent]) + d.AP = appearance + d.AS = default -- /Whatever + return save_kid(parent,specification,d,value) end function methods.sub(name,specification) diff --git a/tex/context/base/m-visual.tex b/tex/context/base/m-visual.mkii index 314630e53..ae52f6571 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/m-visual.tex +++ b/tex/context/base/m-visual.mkii @@ -226,7 +226,6 @@ %D test \type{\bodyfontgrid}\space test %D test \type{\emexgrid} \space test - \def\smashedgrid {\dosingleempty\dosmashedgrid} diff --git a/tex/context/base/m-visual.mkiv b/tex/context/base/m-visual.mkiv new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5d259f6ab --- /dev/null +++ b/tex/context/base/m-visual.mkiv @@ -0,0 +1,252 @@ +%D \module +%D [ file=m-visual, +%D version=2000.01.10, +%D title=\CONTEXT\ Extra Modules, +%D subtitle=Visualization and Faking, +%D author={Hans Hagen \& Ton Otten}, +%D date=\currentdate, +%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}] +%C +%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is +%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for +%C details. + +\unprotect + +%D This module collect a few more visual debugger features. I +%D needed them for manuals and styles. The macros are documented +%D in a my way document. + +\definecolor[fakerulecolor] [black] +\definecolor[fakebaselinecolor] [green] +\definecolor[fakeparindentcolor][blue] + +\newif\iffakebaseline \fakebaselinetrue + +\unexpanded\def\fakerule#1% + {\strut + \begingroup + \directcolored[fakerulecolor]% + \iffakebaseline + \vrule\!!height1.25ex\!!depth-.05ex\!!width#1% + \kern-#1% + \vrule\!!height-.05ex\!!depth .25ex\!!width#1% + \else + \vrule\!!height1.25ex\!!depth .25ex\!!width#1% + \fi + \endgroup + \allowbreak} + +\unexpanded\def\dorandomrecurse#1% + {\getrandomcount\scratchcounter{1}{#1}% + \dorecurse\scratchcounter} + +% can be used in hbox, so %'s are really needed + +\unexpanded\def\fakelines#1#2% min max / 3 10 + {\fakeparindent + \scratchdimen\hsize + \ifindentation + \advance\scratchdimen -\parindent + \fi + \fakerule\scratchdimen\break + \getrandomcount\scratchcounter{\ifcase0#1 3\else#1\fi}{\ifcase0#2 10\else#2\fi}% + \dorecurse\scratchcounter{\fakerule\hsize}% + \getrandomdimen\scratchdimen{.25\hsize}\hsize + \fakerule\scratchdimen + \par} % indeed + +\unexpanded\def\fakewords + {\ifvmode\fakeparindent\fi\onlyfakewords} + +\definepalet + [fakerule] + [fr1c=darkred, + fr2c=darkgreen, + fr3c=darkblue, + fr4c=darkyellow, + fr5c=darkgray] + +\unexpanded\def\onlyfakewords#1#2% min max / 10 40 + {\getrandomcount\scratchcounter{\ifcase0#1 10\else#1\fi}{\ifcase0#2 40\else#2\fi}% + \dofakewords\scratchcounter + } % no \par + +\unexpanded\def\fakenwords#1#2% words seed + {\fakeparindent + \getrandomseed\fakedwordseed + \setrandomseed{\ifcase0#2 #1\else#2\fi}% + \dofakewords{#1}% + \setrandomseed\fakedwordseed + } % no \par + +\def\dofakewords#1% + {\bgroup + \dorecurse{#1} + {\getrandomcount\scratchcounter{1}{5}% + \dorecurse\scratchcounter + {\getrandomdimen\scratchdimen{.5em}{1.25em}% + \fakerule\scratchdimen}% + \space}% + \removeunwantedspaces + \egroup} + +\def\doshowfakewords#1% + {\bgroup + \setuppalet[fakerule]% + \definecolor[fakerulecolor]% + \dorecurse{#1} + {\getrandomcount\scratchcounter{1}{5}% + \dorecurse\scratchcounter + {\getrandomdimen\scratchdimen{.5em}{1.25em}% + \color[fr\recurselevel c]{\fakerule\scratchdimen}}% + \space}% + \removeunwantedspaces + \egroup} + +\unexpanded\def\showfakewords + {\let\dofakewords\doshowfakewords} + +\unexpanded\def\fakeword + {\fakewords{1}{1}} % no \plusone + +\unexpanded\def\fakeparindent + {\noindent + \ifindentation + \ifx\dofakedroppedcaps\relax + {\fakeparindentcolor + \vrule + \!!height \strutheight % not longer .5ex + \!!depth \strutdepth % not longer 0pt + \!!width \parindent}% + \else + \dofakedroppedcaps \let\dofakedroppedcaps\relax + \fi +% \else +% \dontleavehmode + \fi} + +\let\dofakedroppedcaps\relax + +\unexpanded\def\fakedroppedcaps#1% + {\ifnum#1>0 + \def\dofakedroppedcaps + {\setbox\scratchbox\hbox + {\setbox\scratchbox\hbox{W}% + \scratchdimen#1\lineheight + \advance\scratchdimen -\lineheight + \advance\scratchdimen \dp\strutbox + \vrule + \!!width#1\wd\scratchbox + \!!height\ht\scratchbox + \!!depth\scratchdimen}% + \ht\scratchbox\ht\strutbox + \dp\scratchbox\dp\strutbox + \hangindent\wd\scratchbox + \advance\hangindent .5em + \wd\scratchbox\hangindent + \hangafter-#1\noindent + \llap{\fakeparindentcolor\box\scratchbox}}% + \fi} + +\unexpanded\def\fakefigure + {\dodoubleempty\dofakefigure} + +\def\dofakefigure[#1][#2]#3#4#5#6% [] [] minwidth maxwidth minheight maxheight + {\getvalue{\e!place\v!figure} + [#1][#2]% + {\freezerandomseed + \let\endstrut\relax + \let\begstrut\relax + \doifinsetelse{#1}{\v!left,\v!right} + {\fakewords{2}{4}} + {\fakewords{4}{10}}}% + {\doifinset{#1}{\v!left,\v!right} + {\dimen0=.75\dimen0 + \ifdim\dimen0>.6\hsize \dimen0=.5\hsize\fi + \ifdim\dimen0<.3\hsize \dimen0=.3\hsize\fi}% + \framed + [\c!width=\dimen0, + \c!height=\dimen2, + \c!frame=\v!off, + \c!background=\v!color, + \c!backgroundcolor=fakeparindentcolor] + {\bf\white#1}}% + \defrostrandomseed} + +\unexpanded\def\fakeimage#1#2#3#4% + {\getrandomdimen{\dimen0}{#1}{#3}% + \getrandomdimen{\dimen2}{#2}{#4}% + \framed + [\c!width=\dimen0, + \c!height=\dimen2, + \c!frame=\v!off, + \c!background=\v!color, + \c!backgroundcolor=fakeparindentcolor] + {}} + +\unexpanded\def\fakeformula + {\dimen0\zeropoint + \getrandomcount\scratchcounter{3}{6}% + \dorecurse\scratchcounter + {\getrandomdimen\scratchdimen{1em}{3em}% + \mathinner{\red\fakerule\scratchdimen}% + \ifnum\recurselevel<\scratchcounter+\fi + \advance\scratchdimen\dimen0}% + =\mathinner{\red\fakerule\scratchdimen}} + +\unexpanded\def\fakespacingformula + {\color[fakebaselinecolor]{\ruledbaseline}\fakeformula} + +%D test \type{\bodyfontgrid}\space test +%D test \type{\emexgrid} \space test + +\unexpanded\def\smashedgrid + {\dosingleempty\dosmashedgrid} + +\def\dosmashedgrid[#1]% + {\hsmashed + {\setbox\scratchbox=\hbox + {\basegrid + [\c!nx=10,\c!ny=10,\c!dx=1,\c!dy=1, + \c!unit=\bodyfontsize,#1]}% + \hbox to \zeropoint + {\hss\lower.5\ht\scratchbox\box\scratchbox\hss}% + \hbox to \zeropoint + {\hss + \black\vrule\!!width6\linewidth\!!height3\linewidth\!!depth3\linewidth + \hss}}} + +\unexpanded\def\bodyfontgrid + {\hbox + {{\linewidth.1pt\yellow\smashedgrid[\c!nx=30,\c!ny=30,\c!scale=.3333]}% + {\linewidth.2pt\green \smashedgrid[\c!nx=20,\c!ny=20,\c!scale=.5]}% + {\linewidth.3pt\red \smashedgrid[\c!nx=10,\c!ny=10,\c!scale=1]}}} + +\unexpanded\def\emexgrid + {\hbox + {{\linewidth.15pt\green\smashedgrid[\c!nx=20,\c!ny=20,\c!unit=ex]}% + {\linewidth.15pt\red \smashedgrid[\c!nx=10,\c!ny=10,\c!unit=em]}}} + +%D For Mojca: + +\unexpanded\def\simplethesis + {\setupsystem[random=1234] + \title{\fakewords{3}{4}} + \placelist[chapter,section] + \dorecurse{6} + {\chapter{\fakewords{5}{10}} + \dorecurse{5} + {\section{\fakewords{2}{5}} + \dorecurse{2} + {\dorecurse{3}{\fakewords{100}{200}\endgraf} + \placefigure{\fakewords{8}{15}}{\fakeimage{5cm}{3cm}{10cm}{5cm}} + \dorecurse{2}{\fakewords{100}{200}\endgraf}}}}} + +\continueifinputfile{m-visual.mkiv} + +\starttext + \simplethesis +\stoptext + +\protect \endinput diff --git a/tex/context/base/math-act.lua b/tex/context/base/math-act.lua index cc058bf60..278d323c6 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/math-act.lua +++ b/tex/context/base/math-act.lua @@ -14,23 +14,23 @@ local mathematics = mathematics local sequencers = utilities.sequencers local appendgroup = sequencers.appendgroup local appendaction = sequencers.appendaction -local mathprocessor = nil -local mathactions = sequencers.reset { +local mathfontparameteractions = sequencers.new { + name = "mathparameters", arguments = "target,original", } +appendgroup("mathparameters","before") -- user +appendgroup("mathparameters","system") -- private +appendgroup("mathparameters","after" ) -- user + function fonts.constructors.assignmathparameters(original,target) - if mathactions.dirty then -- maybe use autocompile - mathprocessor = sequencers.compile(mathactions) + local runner = mathfontparameteractions.runner + if runner then + runner(original,target) end - mathprocessor(original,target) end -appendgroup(mathactions,"before") -- user -appendgroup(mathactions,"system") -- private -appendgroup(mathactions,"after" ) -- user - function mathematics.initializeparameters(target,original) local mathparameters = original.mathparameters if mathparameters and next(mathparameters) then @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ function mathematics.initializeparameters(target,original) end end -sequencers.appendaction(mathactions,"system","mathematics.initializeparameters") +sequencers.appendaction("mathparameters","system","mathematics.initializeparameters") local how = { -- RadicalKernBeforeDegree = "horizontal", @@ -50,9 +50,9 @@ local how = { function mathematics.scaleparameters(target,original) if not target.properties.math_is_scaled then --- print("\n",target.properties.fontname) --- print(original.mathparameters.DisplayOperatorMinHeight) --- print(target.mathparameters.DisplayOperatorMinHeight) + -- print("\n",target.properties.fontname) + -- print(original.mathparameters.DisplayOperatorMinHeight) + -- print(target.mathparameters.DisplayOperatorMinHeight) local mathparameters = target.mathparameters if mathparameters and next(mathparameters) then local parameters = target.parameters @@ -70,18 +70,18 @@ function mathematics.scaleparameters(target,original) else value = value * factor end --- if name == "DisplayOperatorMinHeight" then --- report_math("f: %s, p: %s, h: %s, b: %s, a: %s",target.properties.fontname,name,h or "scaled",mathparameters[name],value) --- end + -- if name == "DisplayOperatorMinHeight" then + -- report_math("f: %s, p: %s, h: %s, b: %s, a: %s",target.properties.fontname,name,h or "scaled",mathparameters[name],value) + -- end mathparameters[name] = value end end --- print(mathparameters.DisplayOperatorMinHeight) + -- print(mathparameters.DisplayOperatorMinHeight) target.properties.math_is_scaled = true end end -sequencers.appendaction(mathactions,"system","mathematics.scaleparameters") +sequencers.appendaction("mathparameters","system","mathematics.scaleparameters") function mathematics.checkaccentbaseheight(target,original) local mathparameters = target.mathparameters @@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ function mathematics.checkaccentbaseheight(target,original) end end -sequencers.appendaction(mathactions,"system","mathematics.checkaccentbaseheight") +sequencers.appendaction("mathparameters","system","mathematics.checkaccentbaseheight") function mathematics.checkprivateparameters(target,original) local mathparameters = target.mathparameters @@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ function mathematics.checkprivateparameters(target,original) end end -sequencers.appendaction(mathactions,"system","mathematics.checkprivateparameters") +sequencers.appendaction("mathparameters","system","mathematics.checkprivateparameters") function mathematics.overloadparameters(target,original) local mathparameters = target.mathparameters @@ -149,4 +149,56 @@ function mathematics.overloadparameters(target,original) end end -sequencers.appendaction(mathactions,"system","mathematics.overloadparameters") +sequencers.appendaction("mathparameters","system","mathematics.overloadparameters") + +local function applytweaks(when,target,original) + local goodies = original.goodies + if goodies then + for i=1,#goodies do + local goodie = goodies[i] + local mathematics = goodie.mathematics + local tweaks = mathematics and mathematics.tweaks + if tweaks then + tweaks = tweaks[when] + if tweaks then + if trace_defining then + report_math("tweaking math of '%s' @ %s (%s)",target.properties.fullname,target.parameters.size,when) + end + for i=1,#tweaks do + local tweak= tweaks[i] + local tvalue = type(tweak) + if tvalue == "function" then + tweak(target,original) + end + end + end + end + end + end +end + +function mathematics.tweakbeforecopyingfont(target,original) + local mathparameters = target.mathparameters -- why not hasmath + if mathparameters then + applytweaks("beforecopying",target,original) + end +end + +function mathematics.tweakaftercopyingfont(target,original) + local mathparameters = target.mathparameters -- why not hasmath + if mathparameters then + applytweaks("aftercopying",target,original) + end +end + +sequencers.appendaction("beforecopyingcharacters","system","mathematics.tweakbeforecopyingfont") +sequencers.appendaction("aftercopyingcharacters", "system","mathematics.tweakaftercopyingfont") + +-- a couple of predefined tewaks: + +local tweaks = { } +mathematics.tweaks = tweaks + +function tweaks.fixbadprime(target,original) + target.characters[0xFE325] = target.characters[0x2032] +end diff --git a/tex/context/base/math-def.mkiv b/tex/context/base/math-def.mkiv index 96c122f51..43a511e43 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/math-def.mkiv +++ b/tex/context/base/math-def.mkiv @@ -270,7 +270,7 @@ %D Now we define all the colon relations .. needs checking with char-def.lua: -\definemathcommand [centercolon] [rel] {\mathpalette\vcenter{\hbox{$\mathsurround\zeropoint\colon$}}} +\definemathcommand [centercolon] [rel] {\mathstylevcenteredhbox\colon} \definemathcommand [colonminus] [rel] {\centercolon\colonsep\mathrel{-}} \definemathcommand [minuscolon] [rel] {\mathrel{-}\colonsep\centercolon} \definemathcommand [colonequals] [rel] {\centercolon\colonsep=} diff --git a/tex/context/base/math-ini.lua b/tex/context/base/math-ini.lua index 663f6bb1e..54452282b 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/math-ini.lua +++ b/tex/context/base/math-ini.lua @@ -134,16 +134,19 @@ local escapes = characters.filters.utf.private.escapes local setmathcharacter, setmathsynonym, setmathsymbol -- once updated we will inline them +-- beware ... we only set the math character once ... which is why we +-- have the 'done' checking below + if setmathcode then - setmathcharacter = function(class,family,slot,unicode,firsttime) - if not firsttime and class <= 7 then + setmathcharacter = function(class,family,slot,unicode) + if class <= 7 then setmathcode(slot,{class,family,unicode or slot}) end end - setmathsynonym = function(class,family,slot,unicode,firsttime) - if not firsttime and class <= 7 then + setmathsynonym = function(class,family,slot,unicode,setcode) + if setcode and class <= 7 then setmathcode(slot,{class,family,unicode}) end if class == classes.open or class == classes.close then @@ -180,14 +183,14 @@ if setmathcode then else - setmathcharacter = function(class,family,slot,unicode,firsttime) - if not firsttime and class <= 7 then + setmathcharacter = function(class,family,slot,unicode) + if class <= 7 then contextsprint(mathcode(slot,class,family,unicode or slot)) end end - setmathsynonym = function(class,family,slot,unicode,firsttime) - if not firsttime and class <= 7 then + setmathsynonym = function(class,family,slot,unicode,setcode) + if setcode and class <= 7 then contextsprint(mathcode(slot,class,family,unicode)) end if class == classes.open or class == classes.close then @@ -241,6 +244,7 @@ function mathematics.define(family) local data = characters.data for unicode, character in next, data do local symbol = character.mathsymbol + local setcode = true if symbol then local other = data[symbol] local class = other.mathclass @@ -249,7 +253,8 @@ function mathematics.define(family) if trace_defining then report(class,family,unicode,symbol) end - setmathsynonym(class,family,unicode,symbol) + setmathsynonym(class,family,unicode,symbol,setcode) + setcode = false end local spec = other.mathspec if spec then @@ -257,7 +262,8 @@ function mathematics.define(family) local class = m.class if class then class = classes[class] or class -- no real checks needed - setmathsynonym(class,family,unicode,symbol,i) + setmathsynonym(class,family,unicode,symbol,setcode) + setcode = false end end end @@ -288,7 +294,10 @@ function mathematics.define(family) end end end - setmathcharacter(class,family,unicode,unicode,i) + if setcode then + setmathcharacter(class,family,unicode,unicode) + setcode = false + end end end end diff --git a/tex/context/base/math-ini.mkiv b/tex/context/base/math-ini.mkiv index 0e65c8d28..fa29e49c2 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/math-ini.mkiv +++ b/tex/context/base/math-ini.mkiv @@ -579,6 +579,8 @@ % % \typebuffer \getbuffer +% most math fonts have messed up primes, just test this: $\prime^{\prime^{\prime}}$ + { \catcode\circumflexasciicode\othercatcode \global\let\othercircumflextoken ^ } { \catcode\circumflexasciicode\superscriptcatcode \global\let\superscriptcircumflextoken^ } @@ -589,8 +591,9 @@ \let\math_prime_indeed_normal\prime \appendtoks - \let\math_prime_indeed_normal\prime % gets defined later - \let\prime\math_prime_indeed % so this is needed + \let\math_prime_indeed_normal\prime % gets defined later + \let\mathfontprime\prime % for tracing + \let\prime\math_prime_indeed % so this is needed \to \everydump \unexpanded\def\math_prime_indeed @@ -984,6 +987,34 @@ {#1\scriptstyle {#2}}% {#1\scriptscriptstyle{#2}}} +%D Often we can use: +%D +%D \startbuffer +%D $x^{\mathstylehbox{x^{\mathstylehbox{x}}}}$ +%D \stopbuffer +%D +%D \typebuffer \getbuffer + +\unexpanded\def\mathstylehbox#1% + {\normalexpanded{\hbox\bgroup + $\triggermathstyle\normalmathstyle}\mathsurround\zeropoint#1$\egroup} + +\unexpanded\def\mathstylevbox#1% + {\normalexpanded{\vbox\bgroup + $\triggermathstyle\normalmathstyle}\mathsurround\zeropoint#1$\egroup} + +\unexpanded\def\mathstylevcenter#1% + {\normalexpanded{\vcenter\bgroup + $\triggermathstyle\normalmathstyle}\mathsurround\zeropoint#1$\egroup} + +\unexpanded\def\mathstylevcenteredhbox#1% + {\normalexpanded{\vcenter\bgroup\hbox\bgroup + $\triggermathstyle\normalmathstyle}\mathsurround\zeropoint#1$\egroup\egroup} + +\unexpanded\def\mathstylevcenteredvbox#1% + {\normalexpanded{\vcenter\bgroup\vbox\bgroup + $\triggermathstyle\normalmathstyle}\mathsurround\zeropoint#1$\egroup\egroup} + %D Something similar can be used in the (re|)|definition %D of \type {\text}. This version is a variation on the one %D in the math module (see \type{m-math} and|/|or \type diff --git a/tex/context/base/math-noa.lua b/tex/context/base/math-noa.lua index fe50b4703..8caf21cc2 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/math-noa.lua +++ b/tex/context/base/math-noa.lua @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ local trace_collapsing = false trackers.register("math.collapsing", functio local trace_goodies = false trackers.register("math.goodies", function(v) trace_goodies = v end) local trace_variants = false trackers.register("math.variants", function(v) trace_variants = v end) local trace_italics = false trackers.register("math.italics", function(v) trace_italics = v end) -local trace_italics = false trackers.register("math.families", function(v) trace_families = v end) +local trace_families = false trackers.register("math.families", function(v) trace_families = v end) local check_coverage = true directives.register("math.checkcoverage", function(v) check_coverage = v end) @@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ local mlist_to_hlist = node.mlist_to_hlist local font_of_family = node.family_font local insert_node_after = node.insert_after local free_node = node.free +local new_node = node.new -- todo: pool: math_noad math_sub local new_kern = nodes.pool.kern @@ -389,7 +390,7 @@ respace[math_char] = function(pointer,what,n,parent) -- not math_noad .. math_ch local lc = chardata[last_char] lc = lc and lc.category if lc == "nd" or lc == "ll" or lc == "lu" then - local ord = node.new(math_noad) -- todo: pool + local ord = new_node(math_noad) -- todo: pool ord.subtype, ord.nucleus, ord.sub, ord.sup, ord.attr = noad_ord, next_noad.nucleus, next_noad.sub, next_noad.sup, next_noad.attr -- next_noad.nucleus, next_noad.sub, next_noad.sup, next_noad.attr = nil, nil, nil, nil next_noad.nucleus, next_noad.sub, next_noad.sup = nil, nil, nil -- else crash with attributes ref count @@ -545,7 +546,7 @@ local function replace(pointer,what,n,parent) if start_super == stop_super then pointer.sup = start_super.nucleus else - local list = node.new(math_sub) -- todo attr + local list = new_node(math_sub) -- todo attr list.head = start_super pointer.sup = list end @@ -558,7 +559,7 @@ local function replace(pointer,what,n,parent) if start_sub == stop_sub then pointer.sub = start_sub.nucleus else - local list = node.new(math_sub) -- todo attr + local list = new_node(math_sub) -- todo attr list.head = start_sub pointer.sub = list end @@ -933,12 +934,13 @@ end tasks.new { name = "math", arguments = 2, + processor = utilities.sequencers.nodeprocessor, sequence = { "before", "normalizers", "builders", "after", - } + }, } tasks.freezegroup("math", "normalizers") -- experimental diff --git a/tex/context/base/meta-pag.mkiv b/tex/context/base/meta-pag.mkiv index 366d69d97..f117b6b3d 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/meta-pag.mkiv +++ b/tex/context/base/meta-pag.mkiv @@ -86,23 +86,17 @@ \def\MPonrightpage{true} \def\MPonoddpage {true} -% obsolete (but keep the code) -% -% \def\freezeMPpagelayout -% {\edef\MPonrightpage{\doifbothsides {tru}{tru}{fals}e}% -% \edef\MPonoddpage {\doifoddpageelse {tru}{fals}e}} -% -% \let\freezeMPlayout\relax % obsolete +\def\freezeMPpagelayout + {\edef\MPonrightpage{\doifbothsides {tru}{tru}{fals}e}% + \edef\MPonoddpage {\doifoddpageelse {tru}{fals}e}} %D We need to freeze the pagelayout before the backgrounds %D are build, because the overlay will temporarily become %D zero (overlay). -% obsolete (but keep the code) -% -% \appendtoks -% \freezeMPpagelayout -% \to \everybeforepagebody +\appendtoks + \freezeMPpagelayout +\to \everybeforepagebody %D By freezing these value every graphic, we can use layout %D variables that change halfways a page, whatever use that @@ -144,62 +138,17 @@ \newtoks\MPsavedtextareadata \newtoks\MPtextareadata \newtoks\MPlocaltextareadata +\newtoks\MPregionareadata % optimaliseren voor herhaling \newif\iftracetextareas -% \def\registerMPtextarea#1% -% {\ifpositioning -% \bgroup -% \global\advance\currentMPtextareadata\plusone -% %\hpos{gbd:\the\currentMPtextareadata}{#1}% -% \hpos{gbd:\the\currentMPtextareadata}% -% {\iftracetextareas\boxrulewidth1.5pt\ruledhbox\fi{#1}}% -% \edef\!!stringa{gbd:\the\currentMPtextareadata}% -% \edef\!!stringa{RegisterTextArea(% -% \MPx\!!stringa,\MPy\!!stringa,% -% \MPw\!!stringa,\MPh\!!stringa,\MPd\!!stringa);}% -% \@EA \doglobal \@EA \appendtoks \!!stringa \to \MPtextareadata -% \egroup -% \else -% \hbox{#1}% -% \fi} - -% \def\registerMPlocaltextarea#1% -% {\ifpositioning -% \bgroup -% \global\advance\currentMPtextareadata\plusone -% %\hpos{gbd:\the\currentMPtextareadata}{#1}% -% \hpos{gbd:\the\currentMPtextareadata}% -% {\iftracetextareas\boxrulewidth3pt\ruledhbox\fi{#1}}% -% \edef\!!stringa{gbd:\the\currentMPtextareadata}% -% \edef\!!stringa{RegisterLocalTextArea(% -% \MPx\!!stringa,\MPy\!!stringa,% -% \MPw\!!stringa,\MPh\!!stringa,\MPd\!!stringa);}% -% \global\MPlocaltextareadata\@EA{\!!stringa}% -% \egroup -% \else -% \hbox{#1}% -% \fi} - \unexpanded\def\globalregisterMPtextarea{\normalexpanded{\global\MPtextareadata{\the\MPtextareadata - RegisterTextArea(% - \MPx\currentMPtextarea,% - \MPy\currentMPtextarea,% - \MPw\currentMPtextarea,% - \MPh\currentMPtextarea,% - \MPd\currentMPtextarea% - );}}} + RegisterTextArea(\MPxywhd\currentMPtextarea);}}} \unexpanded\def\localregisterMPtextarea{\normalexpanded{\global\MPlocaltextareadata{% - RegisterLocalTextArea(% - \MPx\currentMPtextarea,% - \MPy\currentMPtextarea,% - \MPw\currentMPtextarea,% - \MPh\currentMPtextarea,% - \MPd\currentMPtextarea% - );}}} + RegisterLocalTextArea(\MPxywhd\currentMPtextarea);}}} \unexpanded\def\registerMPtextareaindeed#1#2% {\ifpositioning @@ -219,10 +168,6 @@ \unexpanded\def\resetMPlocaltextarea {\global\MPlocaltextareadata\emptytoks} -\startMPextensions - path PlainTextArea; -\stopMPextensions - \startMPinitializations ResetTextAreas; \the\MPsavedtextareadata; @@ -230,8 +175,8 @@ ResetTextAreas; \the\MPtextareadata; \the\MPlocaltextareadata; - PlainTextArea:=boundingbox(\MPxy{text:\realfolio}--\MPxy{text:\realfolio} - shifted (\MPw{text:\realfolio},\MPh{text:\realfolio})); + RegisterPlainTextArea(\MPxywhd\textanchor); + RegisterRegionTextArea(\MPxywhd\regionanchor); \stopMPinitializations \appendtoks diff --git a/tex/context/base/mlib-pdf.lua b/tex/context/base/mlib-pdf.lua index 0827b43c0..deac9d51a 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/mlib-pdf.lua +++ b/tex/context/base/mlib-pdf.lua @@ -274,9 +274,9 @@ function metapost.flush(result,flusher,askedfig) local figures = result.fig if figures then flusher = flusher or metapost.flushers.pdf - local resetplugins = metapost.resetplugins or ignore - local processplugins = metapost.processplugins or ignore - local pluginactions = metapost.pluginactions or ignore + local resetplugins = metapost.resetplugins or ignore -- before figure + local processplugins = metapost.processplugins or ignore -- each object + local pluginactions = metapost.pluginactions or ignore -- before / after local startfigure = flusher.startfigure local stopfigure = flusher.stopfigure local flushfigure = flusher.flushfigure @@ -447,7 +447,7 @@ function metapost.parse(result,askedfig) if result then local figures = result.fig if figures then - local analyzeplugins = metapost.analyzeplugins + local analyzeplugins = metapost.analyzeplugins -- each object for f=1, #figures do local figure = figures[f] local fignum = figure:charcode() or 0 diff --git a/tex/context/base/mlib-pps.lua b/tex/context/base/mlib-pps.lua index 85766a866..e6459df05 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/mlib-pps.lua +++ b/tex/context/base/mlib-pps.lua @@ -624,9 +624,9 @@ local resetter = nil local analyzer = nil local processor = nil -local resetteractions = sequencers.reset { arguments = "" } -local analyzeractions = sequencers.reset { arguments = "object,prescript" } -local processoractions = sequencers.reset { arguments = "object,prescript,before,after" } +local resetteractions = sequencers.new { arguments = "" } +local analyzeractions = sequencers.new { arguments = "object,prescript" } +local processoractions = sequencers.new { arguments = "object,prescript,before,after" } appendgroup(resetteractions, "system") appendgroup(analyzeractions, "system") @@ -654,12 +654,12 @@ local function splitscript(script) return hash end -function metapost.pluginactions(what,t,flushfigure) -- to be checked: too many 0 g 0 G +function metapost.pluginactions(what,t,flushfigure) -- before/after object, depending on what for i=1,#what do local wi = what[i] if type(wi) == "function" then -- assume injection - flushfigure(t) + flushfigure(t) -- to be checked: too many 0 g 0 G t = { } wi() else @@ -669,18 +669,23 @@ function metapost.pluginactions(what,t,flushfigure) -- to be checked: too many 0 return t end -function metapost.resetplugins() +function metapost.resetplugins() -- intialize plugins, before figure + -- plugins can have been added + resetter = resetteractions .runner + analyzer = analyzeractions .runner + processor = processoractions.runner + -- let's apply one runner resetter() end -function metapost.analyzeplugins(object) +function metapost.analyzeplugins(object) -- each object (first pass) local prescript = object.prescript -- specifications if prescript and #prescript > 0 then return analyzer(object,splitscript(prescript)) end end -function metapost.processplugins(object) -- maybe environment table +function metapost.processplugins(object) -- each object (second pass) local prescript = object.prescript -- specifications if prescript and #prescript > 0 then local before = { } @@ -1048,8 +1053,8 @@ appendaction(processoractions,"system",tr_process) -- last, as color can be rese appendaction(processoractions,"system",la_process) --- no auto here +-- we're nice and set them already -resetter = sequencers.compile(resetteractions ) -analyzer = sequencers.compile(analyzeractions ) -processor = sequencers.compile(processoractions) +resetter = resetteractions .runner +analyzer = analyzeractions .runner +processor = processoractions.runner diff --git a/tex/context/base/mult-aux.mkiv b/tex/context/base/mult-aux.mkiv index af36a1e19..b4c6ad039 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/mult-aux.mkiv +++ b/tex/context/base/mult-aux.mkiv @@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ \unexpanded\def\mult_interfaces_install_parameter_set_handler#1#2#3#4#5#6% {\ifx#2\relax\let#2\empty\fi \unexpanded\def#3##1{\expandafter \def\csname#1#2:##1\endcsname}% ##1 {##2} (braces are mandate) - \unexpanded\def#4##1{\expandafter\edef\csname#1#2:##1\endcsname}% ##1 {##2} (braces are mandate) + \unexpanded\def#4##1{\expandafter\edef\csname#1#2:##1\endcsname}% ##1 {##2} (braces are mandate) \unexpanded\def#5##1{\expandafter \let\csname#1#2:##1\endcsname}% ##1 ##2 \unexpanded\def#6##1{\expandafter \let\csname#1#2:##1\endcsname\empty}}% ##1 @@ -264,11 +264,6 @@ \edef#8{##2}% \mult_interfaces_get_parameters{#1#4:}[\s!parent=#1##2,##3]% \else\ifsecondargument -% \doifassignmentelse{##2} -% {\let#8\empty -% \mult_interfaces_get_parameters{#1#4:}[\s!parent=#3,##2]} -% {\edef#8{##2}% -% \mult_interfaces_get_parameters{#1#4:}[\s!parent=#1##2]}% \mult_check_for_assignment##2=@@\_end_ \ifassignment \let#8\empty @@ -297,11 +292,12 @@ \expandafter\noexpand\csname current#2parent\endcsname \expandafter\noexpand\csname saved_defined_#2\endcsname}} -\unexpanded\def\mult_interfaces_install_setup_handler#1#2#3#4#5#6#7% +\unexpanded\def\mult_interfaces_install_setup_handler#1#2#3#4#5#6#7#8% {\ifx#3\relax\let#3\empty\fi \unexpanded\def#2{\dodoubleempty#4}% \unexpanded\def#6{\mult_interfaces_get_parameters{#1#3:}}% no every ! don't change it \newtoks#5% + \newtoks#8% \def#4[##1][##2]% maybe helper {\let#7#3% \ifsecondargument @@ -315,7 +311,8 @@ \mult_interfaces_get_parameters{#1:}[##1]% \the#5% \fi - \let#3#7}} + \let#3#7% + \the#8}} \unexpanded\def\installsetuphandler#1#2% {\normalexpanded @@ -326,7 +323,8 @@ \expandafter\noexpand\csname setup_#2\endcsname % semi-public \expandafter\noexpand\csname everysetup#2\endcsname \expandafter\noexpand\csname setupcurrent#2\endcsname - \expandafter\noexpand\csname saved_setup_current#2\endcsname}} + \expandafter\noexpand\csname saved_setup_current#2\endcsname + \expandafter\noexpand\csname everysetup#2root\endcsname}} \let\doingrootsetupnamed\plusone % \setuplayout[name][key=value] \let\doingrootsetuproot \plustwo % \setuplayout [key=value] @@ -338,10 +336,11 @@ \unexpanded\def#2{\dodoubleempty#4}% \unexpanded\def#5{\mult_interfaces_get_parameters{#1#3:}}} -\unexpanded\def\mult_interfaces_install_switch_setup_handler_b#1#2#3#4#5#6#7#8% +\unexpanded\def\mult_interfaces_install_switch_setup_handler_b#1#2#3#4#5#6#7#8#9% {\newtoks#5% \newconstant#2% \newtoks#8% + \newtoks#9% \ifx#6\relax\let#6\empty\fi \def#4[##1][##2]% maybe helper {\ifsecondargument % no commalist here @@ -382,7 +381,8 @@ \the#5% \the#8% switchsetups \fi\fi - #2\zerocount}} % mode is always zero at the end + #2\zerocount % mode is always zero at the end + \the#9}} \unexpanded\def\installswitchsetuphandler#1#2% {\normalexpanded @@ -400,7 +400,8 @@ \expandafter\noexpand\csname everysetup#2\endcsname \expandafter\noexpand\csname previous#2\endcsname \expandafter\noexpand\csname saved_setup_current#2\endcsname - \expandafter\noexpand\csname everyswitch#2\endcsname}} + \expandafter\noexpand\csname everyswitch#2\endcsname + \expandafter\noexpand\csname everysetup#2root\endcsname}} \unexpanded\def\mult_interfaces_install_auto_setup_handler#1#2#3#4#5#6#7#8% {\ifx#3\relax\let#3\empty\fi diff --git a/tex/context/base/mult-de.mkii b/tex/context/base/mult-de.mkii index 78421a5d2..98c60cb07 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/mult-de.mkii +++ b/tex/context/base/mult-de.mkii @@ -537,6 +537,7 @@ \setinterfaceconstant{alignsymbol}{alignsymbol} \setinterfaceconstant{aligntitle}{titelausrichten} \setinterfaceconstant{alternative}{alternative} +\setinterfaceconstant{anchor}{anchor} \setinterfaceconstant{andtext}{andtext} \setinterfaceconstant{apa}{apa} \setinterfaceconstant{arrow}{pfeil} @@ -898,6 +899,7 @@ \setinterfaceconstant{reference}{referenz} \setinterfaceconstant{referenceprefix}{referenceprefix} \setinterfaceconstant{referencing}{referieren} +\setinterfaceconstant{region}{region} \setinterfaceconstant{regionin}{regionin} \setinterfaceconstant{regionout}{regionaus} \setinterfaceconstant{repeat}{wiederholen} @@ -1001,6 +1003,7 @@ \setinterfaceconstant{textcolor}{textfarbe} \setinterfaceconstant{textcommand}{textbefehl} \setinterfaceconstant{textdistance}{textdistance} +\setinterfaceconstant{textheight}{texthoehe} \setinterfaceconstant{textlayer}{textlayer} \setinterfaceconstant{textmargin}{textmargin} \setinterfaceconstant{textmethod}{textmethod} diff --git a/tex/context/base/mult-def.lua b/tex/context/base/mult-def.lua index d311452f8..1af1c969c 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/mult-def.lua +++ b/tex/context/base/mult-def.lua @@ -6449,6 +6449,10 @@ return { }, }, ["constants"]={ + ["anchor"]={ + ["en"]="anchor", + ["nl"]="anker", + }, ["buffer"]={ ["en"]="buffer", }, @@ -7529,7 +7533,7 @@ return { ["en"]="directory", ["fr"]="repertoire", ["it"]="directory", - ["nl"]="gebied", + ["nl"]="directory", ["pe"]="پوشه", ["ro"]="director", }, @@ -9589,6 +9593,10 @@ return { ["pe"]="مراجعه", ["ro"]="referinta", }, + ["region"]={ + ["en"]="region", + ["nl"]="gebied", + }, ["regionin"]={ ["cs"]="oblastuvnitr", ["de"]="regionin", @@ -10561,6 +10569,16 @@ return { ["pe"]="سبکمتن", ["ro"]="stiltext", }, + ["textheight"]={ + ["cs"]="vyskatextu", + ["de"]="texthoehe", + ["en"]="textheight", + ["fr"]="hauteurtexte", + ["it"]="altezzatesto", + ["nl"]="teksthoogte", + ["pe"]="ارتفاعمتن", + ["ro"]="inaltimetext", + }, ["textwidth"]={ ["cs"]="sirkatextu", ["de"]="textbreite", diff --git a/tex/context/base/mult-en.mkii b/tex/context/base/mult-en.mkii index 821315097..681fb2a3a 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/mult-en.mkii +++ b/tex/context/base/mult-en.mkii @@ -537,6 +537,7 @@ \setinterfaceconstant{alignsymbol}{alignsymbol} \setinterfaceconstant{aligntitle}{aligntitle} \setinterfaceconstant{alternative}{alternative} +\setinterfaceconstant{anchor}{anchor} \setinterfaceconstant{andtext}{andtext} \setinterfaceconstant{apa}{apa} \setinterfaceconstant{arrow}{arrow} @@ -898,6 +899,7 @@ \setinterfaceconstant{reference}{reference} \setinterfaceconstant{referenceprefix}{referenceprefix} \setinterfaceconstant{referencing}{referencing} +\setinterfaceconstant{region}{region} \setinterfaceconstant{regionin}{regionin} \setinterfaceconstant{regionout}{regionout} \setinterfaceconstant{repeat}{repeat} @@ -1001,6 +1003,7 @@ \setinterfaceconstant{textcolor}{textcolor} \setinterfaceconstant{textcommand}{textcommand} \setinterfaceconstant{textdistance}{textdistance} +\setinterfaceconstant{textheight}{textheight} \setinterfaceconstant{textlayer}{textlayer} \setinterfaceconstant{textmargin}{textmargin} \setinterfaceconstant{textmethod}{textmethod} diff --git a/tex/context/base/mult-fr.mkii b/tex/context/base/mult-fr.mkii index 6a9275c1a..fa545c424 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/mult-fr.mkii +++ b/tex/context/base/mult-fr.mkii @@ -537,6 +537,7 @@ \setinterfaceconstant{alignsymbol}{alignsymbol} \setinterfaceconstant{aligntitle}{alignementtitre} \setinterfaceconstant{alternative}{alternative} +\setinterfaceconstant{anchor}{anchor} \setinterfaceconstant{andtext}{andtext} \setinterfaceconstant{apa}{apa} \setinterfaceconstant{arrow}{fleche} @@ -898,6 +899,7 @@ \setinterfaceconstant{reference}{reference} \setinterfaceconstant{referenceprefix}{referenceprefix} \setinterfaceconstant{referencing}{referencing} +\setinterfaceconstant{region}{region} \setinterfaceconstant{regionin}{entreregion} \setinterfaceconstant{regionout}{regionexterieure} \setinterfaceconstant{repeat}{repete} @@ -1001,6 +1003,7 @@ \setinterfaceconstant{textcolor}{couleurtexte} \setinterfaceconstant{textcommand}{commandetexte} \setinterfaceconstant{textdistance}{distancetexte} +\setinterfaceconstant{textheight}{hauteurtexte} \setinterfaceconstant{textlayer}{calquetexte} \setinterfaceconstant{textmargin}{margetexte} \setinterfaceconstant{textmethod}{textmethod} diff --git a/tex/context/base/mult-it.mkii b/tex/context/base/mult-it.mkii index 2431539b9..34fa737e9 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/mult-it.mkii +++ b/tex/context/base/mult-it.mkii @@ -537,6 +537,7 @@ \setinterfaceconstant{alignsymbol}{alignsymbol} \setinterfaceconstant{aligntitle}{allineatitolo} \setinterfaceconstant{alternative}{alternativa} +\setinterfaceconstant{anchor}{anchor} \setinterfaceconstant{andtext}{andtext} \setinterfaceconstant{apa}{apa} \setinterfaceconstant{arrow}{freccia} @@ -898,6 +899,7 @@ \setinterfaceconstant{reference}{riferimento} \setinterfaceconstant{referenceprefix}{referenceprefix} \setinterfaceconstant{referencing}{referencing} +\setinterfaceconstant{region}{region} \setinterfaceconstant{regionin}{entraregione} \setinterfaceconstant{regionout}{esciregione} \setinterfaceconstant{repeat}{ripeti} @@ -1001,6 +1003,7 @@ \setinterfaceconstant{textcolor}{coloretesto} \setinterfaceconstant{textcommand}{comandotesto} \setinterfaceconstant{textdistance}{distanzatesto} +\setinterfaceconstant{textheight}{altezzatesto} \setinterfaceconstant{textlayer}{textlayer} \setinterfaceconstant{textmargin}{textmargin} \setinterfaceconstant{textmethod}{textmethod} diff --git a/tex/context/base/mult-low.lua b/tex/context/base/mult-low.lua index 2a68e0cc7..c08247afd 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/mult-low.lua +++ b/tex/context/base/mult-low.lua @@ -97,11 +97,17 @@ return { "starttext", "stoptext", "startdocument", "stopdocument", "documentvariable", "startmodule", "stopmodule", "usemodule", -- + "enablemode", "disablemode", "preventmode", "pushmode", "popmode", + -- "typescriptone", "typescripttwo", "typescriptthree", "mathsizesuffix", -- "mathordcode", "mathopcode", "mathbincode", "mathrelcode", "mathopencode", "mathclosecode", "mathpunctcode", "mathalphacode", "mathinnercode", "mathnothingcode", "mathlimopcode", "mathnolopcode", "mathboxcode", "mathchoicecode", "mathaccentcode", "mathradicalcode", + -- + "constantnumber", "constantnumberargument", "constantdimen", "constantdimenargument", "constantemptyargument", + -- + "continueifinputfile", }, ["helpers"] = { -- @@ -114,11 +120,19 @@ return { "starttexdefinition", "stoptexdefinition", "starttexcode", "stoptexcode", -- + "doifsetupselse", "doifsetups", "doifnotsetups", "setup", "setups", "texsetup", "xmlsetup", "luasetup", "directsetup", + -- + "newmode", "setmode", "resetmode", + "newsystemmode", "setsystemmode", "resetsystemmode", "pushsystemmode", "popsystemmode", + "booleanmodevalue", + -- "newcount", "newdimen", "newskip", "newmuskip", "newbox", "newtoks", "newread", "newwrite", "newmarks", "newinsert", "newattribute", "newif", "newlanguage", "newfamily", "newfam", "newhelp", -- not used -- "then", -- + "donothing", "dontcomplain", + -- "donetrue", "donefalse", -- "htdp", @@ -182,7 +196,7 @@ return { -- "singleexpandafter", "doubleexpandafter", "tripleexpandafter", -- - "dontleavehmode", + "dontleavehmode", "removelastspace", "removeunwantedspaces", -- "wait", "writestatus", "define", "redefine", -- @@ -228,6 +242,6 @@ return { -- "startnointerference", "stopnointerference", -- - "strut", "setstrut", "strutbox", "strutht", "strutdp", "strutwd", + "strut", "setstrut", "strutbox", "strutht", "strutdp", "strutwd", "begstrut", "endstrut", } } diff --git a/tex/context/base/mult-nl.mkii b/tex/context/base/mult-nl.mkii index f8178762b..5d1d4dc12 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/mult-nl.mkii +++ b/tex/context/base/mult-nl.mkii @@ -537,6 +537,7 @@ \setinterfaceconstant{alignsymbol}{alignsymbol} \setinterfaceconstant{aligntitle}{titeluitlijnen} \setinterfaceconstant{alternative}{variant} +\setinterfaceconstant{anchor}{anker} \setinterfaceconstant{andtext}{andtext} \setinterfaceconstant{apa}{apa} \setinterfaceconstant{arrow}{pijl} @@ -636,7 +637,7 @@ \setinterfaceconstant{depth}{diepte} \setinterfaceconstant{depthcorrection}{dieptecorrectie} \setinterfaceconstant{direction}{richting} -\setinterfaceconstant{directory}{gebied} +\setinterfaceconstant{directory}{directory} \setinterfaceconstant{display}{scherm} \setinterfaceconstant{distance}{afstand} \setinterfaceconstant{dot}{punt} @@ -898,6 +899,7 @@ \setinterfaceconstant{reference}{verwijzing} \setinterfaceconstant{referenceprefix}{referenceprefix} \setinterfaceconstant{referencing}{refereren} +\setinterfaceconstant{region}{gebied} \setinterfaceconstant{regionin}{gebiedin} \setinterfaceconstant{regionout}{gebieduit} \setinterfaceconstant{repeat}{herhaal} @@ -1001,6 +1003,7 @@ \setinterfaceconstant{textcolor}{tekstkleur} \setinterfaceconstant{textcommand}{tekstcommando} \setinterfaceconstant{textdistance}{tekstafstand} +\setinterfaceconstant{textheight}{teksthoogte} \setinterfaceconstant{textlayer}{tekstlaag} \setinterfaceconstant{textmargin}{tekstmarge} \setinterfaceconstant{textmethod}{tekstmethode} diff --git a/tex/context/base/mult-pe.mkii b/tex/context/base/mult-pe.mkii index 98bfcb4d1..5c7da3b11 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/mult-pe.mkii +++ b/tex/context/base/mult-pe.mkii @@ -537,6 +537,7 @@ \setinterfaceconstant{alignsymbol}{alignsymbol} \setinterfaceconstant{aligntitle}{عنوانتنظیم} \setinterfaceconstant{alternative}{جایگزین} +\setinterfaceconstant{anchor}{anchor} \setinterfaceconstant{andtext}{andtext} \setinterfaceconstant{apa}{apa} \setinterfaceconstant{arrow}{پیکان} @@ -898,6 +899,7 @@ \setinterfaceconstant{reference}{مرجع} \setinterfaceconstant{referenceprefix}{referenceprefix} \setinterfaceconstant{referencing}{مراجعه} +\setinterfaceconstant{region}{region} \setinterfaceconstant{regionin}{ناحیهدرون} \setinterfaceconstant{regionout}{ناحیهبیرون} \setinterfaceconstant{repeat}{تکرار} @@ -1001,6 +1003,7 @@ \setinterfaceconstant{textcolor}{رنگمتن} \setinterfaceconstant{textcommand}{فرمانمتن} \setinterfaceconstant{textdistance}{فاصلهمتن} +\setinterfaceconstant{textheight}{ارتفاعمتن} \setinterfaceconstant{textlayer}{لایهمتن} \setinterfaceconstant{textmargin}{حاشیهمتن} \setinterfaceconstant{textmethod}{روشمتن} diff --git a/tex/context/base/mult-ro.mkii b/tex/context/base/mult-ro.mkii index d16f1cc7b..2590b5eed 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/mult-ro.mkii +++ b/tex/context/base/mult-ro.mkii @@ -537,6 +537,7 @@ \setinterfaceconstant{alignsymbol}{alignsymbol} \setinterfaceconstant{aligntitle}{alinieretitlu} \setinterfaceconstant{alternative}{alternativ} +\setinterfaceconstant{anchor}{anchor} \setinterfaceconstant{andtext}{andtext} \setinterfaceconstant{apa}{apa} \setinterfaceconstant{arrow}{sageata} @@ -898,6 +899,7 @@ \setinterfaceconstant{reference}{referinta} \setinterfaceconstant{referenceprefix}{referenceprefix} \setinterfaceconstant{referencing}{referinta} +\setinterfaceconstant{region}{region} \setinterfaceconstant{regionin}{regiuneintrare} \setinterfaceconstant{regionout}{regiuneiesire} \setinterfaceconstant{repeat}{repeta} @@ -1001,6 +1003,7 @@ \setinterfaceconstant{textcolor}{culoaretext} \setinterfaceconstant{textcommand}{comandatext} \setinterfaceconstant{textdistance}{textdistance} +\setinterfaceconstant{textheight}{inaltimetext} \setinterfaceconstant{textlayer}{textlayer} \setinterfaceconstant{textmargin}{textmargin} \setinterfaceconstant{textmethod}{textmethod} diff --git a/tex/context/base/mult-sys.mkiv b/tex/context/base/mult-sys.mkiv index b9bb640e8..beb069a23 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/mult-sys.mkiv +++ b/tex/context/base/mult-sys.mkiv @@ -250,6 +250,7 @@ \definesystemconstant {counter} \definesystemconstant {single} \definesystemconstant {multi} +\definesystemconstant {indeed} \definesystemconstant {hasnumber} \definesystemconstant {hastitle} @@ -485,7 +486,6 @@ \definesystemvariable {gi} % Graphic Instance \definesystemvariable {gv} % Graphic Variable \definesystemvariable {ha} % HAng -\definesystemvariable {hf} % Helpers Framed \definesystemvariable {id} % Index \definesystemvariable {ih} % InHoudsopgave \definesystemvariable {il} % stelInvulRegelsin @@ -566,7 +566,6 @@ \definesystemvariable {xp} % XML Processing (xtag, so still needed) \definesystemvariable {za} % layout adapt % ZetspiegelAanpassing \definesystemvariable {zc} % columns -\definesystemvariable {zo} % otr % still used but defined locally diff --git a/tex/context/base/node-aux.lua b/tex/context/base/node-aux.lua index a7246e9ca..43624adfd 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/node-aux.lua +++ b/tex/context/base/node-aux.lua @@ -312,6 +312,8 @@ local function link(head,tail,list,currentfont,currentattr) tail = n end end + else + -- permitting nil is convenient end end return head, tail diff --git a/tex/context/base/node-ref.lua b/tex/context/base/node-ref.lua index b19ef5589..dc1410282 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/node-ref.lua +++ b/tex/context/base/node-ref.lua @@ -180,6 +180,7 @@ local function inject_list(id,current,reference,make,stack,pardir,txtdir) width = - width end local result, resolved = make(width,height,depth,reference) + -- todo: only when width is ok if result and resolved then if trace_backend then report_area("box: %04i %s %s: w=%s, h=%s, d=%s, c=%s",reference,pardir or "---",txtdir or "----",width,height,depth,resolved) @@ -296,7 +297,6 @@ end -- tracing - local nodepool = nodes.pool local new_rule = nodepool.rule @@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ local u_transparency = nil local u_colors = { } local force_gray = true -local function colorize(width,height,depth,n) +local function colorize(width,height,depth,n,reference,what) if force_gray then n = 0 end u_transparency = u_transparency or transparencies.register(nil,2,.65) local ucolor = u_colors[n] @@ -330,11 +330,12 @@ local function colorize(width,height,depth,n) u_colors[n] = u_color end if width == 0 then - report_area("reference %s has no horizontal dimensions: width=%s, height=%s, depth=%s",reference,width,height,depth) + -- probably a strut as placeholder + report_area("%s %s has no horizontal dimensions: width=%s, height=%s, depth=%s",what,reference,width,height,depth) width = 65536 end if height + depth <= 0 then - report_area("reference %s has no vertical dimensions: width=%s, height=%s, depth=%s",reference,width,height,depth) + report_area("%s %s has no vertical dimensions: width=%s, height=%s, depth=%s",what,reference,n,width,height,depth) height = 65536/2 depth = height end @@ -407,7 +408,7 @@ local function makereference(width,height,depth,reference) local result, current if trace_references then local step = 65536 - result = hpack_list(colorize(width,height-step,depth-step,2,reference)) -- step subtracted so that we can see seperate links + result = hpack_list(colorize(width,height-step,depth-step,2,reference,"reference")) -- step subtracted so that we can see seperate links result.width = 0 current = result end @@ -476,7 +477,7 @@ local function makedestination(width,height,depth,reference) width, height, depth = 5*step, 5*step, 0 end for n=1,#name do - local rule = hpack_list(colorize(width,height,depth,3,reference)) + local rule = hpack_list(colorize(width,height,depth,3,reference,"destination")) rule.width = 0 if not result then result, current = rule, rule diff --git a/tex/context/base/node-tsk.lua b/tex/context/base/node-tsk.lua index a78393b82..efc51913c 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/node-tsk.lua +++ b/tex/context/base/node-tsk.lua @@ -18,16 +18,18 @@ local report_tasks = logs.reporter("tasks") local allocate = utilities.storage.allocate -local nodes = nodes +local nodes = nodes -nodes.tasks = nodes.tasks or { } -local tasks = nodes.tasks +nodes.tasks = nodes.tasks or { } +local tasks = nodes.tasks -local tasksdata = { } -- no longer public +local tasksdata = { } -- no longer public -local sequencers = utilities.sequencers +local sequencers = utilities.sequencers +local compile = sequencers.compile +local nodeprocessor = sequencers.nodeprocessor -local frozengroups = "no" +local frozengroups = "no" function tasks.freeze(kind) frozengroups = kind or "tolerant" -- todo: hook into jobname @@ -38,13 +40,16 @@ function tasks.new(specification) -- was: name,arguments,list local arguments = specification.arguments or 0 local sequence = specification.sequence if name and sequence then - local tasklist = sequencers.reset() + local tasklist = sequencers.new { + -- we can move more to the sequencer now .. todo + } tasksdata[name] = { list = tasklist, runner = false, arguments = arguments, -- sequence = sequence, frozen = { }, + processor = specification.processor or nodeprocessor } for l=1,#sequence do sequencers.appendgroup(tasklist,sequence[l]) @@ -154,7 +159,7 @@ end function tasks.showactions(name,group,action,where,kind) local data = valid(name) if data then - report_tasks("task %s, list:\n%s",name,sequencers.nodeprocessor(data.list)) + report_tasks("task %s, list:\n%s",name,nodeprocessor(data.list)) end end @@ -173,8 +178,6 @@ statistics.register("node list callback tasks", function() end end) -local compile, nodeprocessor = sequencers.compile, sequencers.nodeprocessor - function tasks.actions(name) -- we optimize for the number or arguments (no ...) local data = tasksdata[name] if data then @@ -188,7 +191,7 @@ function tasks.actions(name) -- we optimize for the number or arguments (no ...) if trace_tasks then report_tasks("creating runner '%s'",name) end - runner = compile(data.list,nodeprocessor,0) + runner = compile(data.list,data.processor,0) data.runner = runner end return runner(head) @@ -202,7 +205,7 @@ function tasks.actions(name) -- we optimize for the number or arguments (no ...) if trace_tasks then report_tasks("creating runner '%s' with 1 extra arguments",name) end - runner = compile(data.list,nodeprocessor,1) + runner = compile(data.list,data.processor,1) data.runner = runner end return runner(head,one) @@ -216,7 +219,7 @@ function tasks.actions(name) -- we optimize for the number or arguments (no ...) if trace_tasks then report_tasks("creating runner '%s' with 2 extra arguments",name) end - runner = compile(data.list,nodeprocessor,2) + runner = compile(data.list,data.processor,2) data.runner = runner end return runner(head,one,two) @@ -230,7 +233,7 @@ function tasks.actions(name) -- we optimize for the number or arguments (no ...) if trace_tasks then report_tasks("creating runner '%s' with 3 extra arguments",name) end - runner = compile(data.list,nodeprocessor,3) + runner = compile(data.list,data.processor,3) data.runner = runner end return runner(head,one,two,three) @@ -244,7 +247,7 @@ function tasks.actions(name) -- we optimize for the number or arguments (no ...) if trace_tasks then report_tasks("creating runner '%s' with 4 extra arguments",name) end - runner = compile(data.list,nodeprocessor,4) + runner = compile(data.list,data.processor,4) data.runner = runner end return runner(head,one,two,three,four) @@ -258,7 +261,7 @@ function tasks.actions(name) -- we optimize for the number or arguments (no ...) if trace_tasks then report_tasks("creating runner '%s' with 5 extra arguments",name) end - runner = compile(data.list,nodeprocessor,5) + runner = compile(data.list,data.processor,5) data.runner = runner end return runner(head,one,two,three,four,five) @@ -272,7 +275,7 @@ function tasks.actions(name) -- we optimize for the number or arguments (no ...) if trace_tasks then report_tasks("creating runner '%s' with n extra arguments",name) end - runner = compile(data.list,nodeprocessor,"n") + runner = compile(data.list,data.processor,"n") data.runner = runner end return runner(head,...) @@ -315,6 +318,7 @@ end tasks.new { name = "processors", arguments = 4, + processor = nodeprocessor, sequence = { "before", -- for users "normalizers", @@ -329,6 +333,7 @@ tasks.new { tasks.new { name = "finalizers", arguments = 1, + processor = nodeprocessor, sequence = { "before", -- for users "normalizers", @@ -343,6 +348,7 @@ tasks.new { tasks.new { name = "shipouts", arguments = 0, + processor = nodeprocessor, sequence = { "before", -- for users "normalizers", @@ -354,6 +360,7 @@ tasks.new { tasks.new { name = "mvlbuilders", arguments = 1, + processor = nodeprocessor, sequence = { "before", -- for users "normalizers", @@ -364,6 +371,7 @@ tasks.new { tasks.new { name = "vboxbuilders", arguments = 5, + processor = nodeprocessor, sequence = { "before", -- for users "normalizers", @@ -371,22 +379,24 @@ tasks.new { } } ---~ tasks.new { ---~ name = "parbuilders", ---~ arguments = 1, ---~ sequence = { ---~ "before", -- for users ---~ "lists", ---~ "after", -- for users ---~ } ---~ } - ---~ tasks.new { ---~ name = "pagebuilders", ---~ arguments = 5, ---~ sequence = { ---~ "before", -- for users ---~ "lists", ---~ "after", -- for users ---~ } ---~ } +-- tasks.new { +-- name = "parbuilders", +-- arguments = 1, +-- processor = nodeprocessor, +-- sequence = { +-- "before", -- for users +-- "lists", +-- "after", -- for users +-- } +-- } + +-- tasks.new { +-- name = "pagebuilders", +-- arguments = 5, +-- processor = nodeprocessor, +-- sequence = { +-- "before", -- for users +-- "lists", +-- "after", -- for users +-- } +-- } diff --git a/tex/context/base/pack-lyr.mkiv b/tex/context/base/pack-lyr.mkiv index 68201a660..05e0df6ef 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/pack-lyr.mkiv +++ b/tex/context/base/pack-lyr.mkiv @@ -232,6 +232,7 @@ \dontcomplain \edef\p_pack_layers_option{\layerparameter\c!option}% \ifx\p_pack_layers_option\v!test + \settrue\c_pack_layers_trace \traceboxplacementtrue \fi \edef\m_pack_layers_target{#2}% @@ -541,6 +542,7 @@ \edef\p_pack_layers_method{\layerparameter\c!method}% \edef\p_pack_layers_option{\layerparameter\c!option}% \ifx\p_pack_layers_option\v!test + \settrue\c_pack_layers_trace \traceboxplacementtrue \fi \ifcase#1\relax diff --git a/tex/context/base/pack-rul.mkiv b/tex/context/base/pack-rul.mkiv index 6980f0b9d..43dcef7bf 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/pack-rul.mkiv +++ b/tex/context/base/pack-rul.mkiv @@ -169,6 +169,7 @@ \c!frameradius=\framedparameter\c!radius, \c!framedepth=\framedparameter\c!depth, %\c!component=, + %\c!region=, %\c!align=, \c!bottom=\vss, %\c!top=, @@ -191,6 +192,7 @@ \c!depth=\zeropoint, \c!offset=\v!overlay, %\c!component=, + %\c!region=, \c!radius=.5\bodyfontsize, \c!rulethickness=\linewidth, \c!corner=\v!rectangular, @@ -234,6 +236,7 @@ \let\p_framed_backgroundscreen\empty \let\p_framed_framecolor \empty \let\p_framed_component \empty +\let\p_framed_region \empty \let\p_framed_background \empty \let\p_framed_rulethickness \empty \let\p_framed_foregroundcolor \empty @@ -580,6 +583,9 @@ \def\pack_framed_background_box_content% fuzzy but needed hack, this \vss, otherwise {\vbox to \framedbackgroundheight{\vss\box\b_framed_normal\vss}} % vertical shift \backgroundheight +\def\pack_framed_add_region % experiment + {\anch_mark_region_box\b_framed_normal} + \def\pack_framed_add_background {\setbox\b_framed_normal\hbox % was vbox {\pack_framed_forgetall % can be relaxed @@ -777,7 +783,7 @@ \def\defaultframeoffset{.25ex} -\def\presetlocalframed [#1]{\letvalue{#1\s!parent}\??oi} +\def\presetlocalframed [#1]{\letvalue {#1\s!parent}\??oi} \def\inheritlocalframed[#1]#2[#3]{\setevalue{#1\s!parent}{#3}} \presetlocalframed[\??ol] @@ -857,6 +863,10 @@ {\bgroup \pack_framed_initialize{#1}% \setbox\b_framed_normal\hbox{#4}% + \edef\p_framed_region{\framedparameter\c!region}% + \ifx\p_framed_region\v!yes % maybe later named + \pack_framed_add_region + \fi \getparameters[\currentframed][#3]% no \expanded ! \edef\p_framed_rulethickness{\framedparameter\c!rulethickness}% also used in backgrounds \d_framed_frameoffset\framedparameter\c!frameoffset\relax % also used in backgrounds @@ -870,6 +880,7 @@ \fi \pack_framed_add_outline % real or invisible frame \fi \fi + \fi \ifx\p_framed_background\empty \else \edef\p_framed_backgroundoffset{\framedparameter\c!backgroundoffset}% \d_framed_backgroundoffset @@ -892,6 +903,10 @@ {\bgroup \pack_framed_initialize{#1}% \setbox\b_framed_normal\box#3% + \edef\p_framed_region{\framedparameter\c!region}% + \ifx\p_framed_region\v!yes % maybe later named + \pack_framed_add_region + \fi \edef\p_framed_rulethickness{\framedparameter\c!rulethickness}% also used in backgrounds \d_framed_frameoffset\framedparameter\c!frameoffset\relax % also used in backgrounds \edef\p_framed_frame{\framedparameter\c!frame}% @@ -1323,7 +1338,12 @@ \ifx\p_framed_empty\v!yes \pack_framed_fake_box \fi - % + \iftrialtypesetting \else + \edef\p_framed_region{\framedparameter\c!region}% + \ifx\p_framed_region\v!yes % maybe later named + \pack_framed_add_region + \fi + \fi \d_framed_applied_offset \ifconditional\c_framed_is_overlaid \zeropoint @@ -1369,6 +1389,9 @@ \egroup \egroup} +\installcorenamespace{framedlocatorbefore} +\installcorenamespace{framedlocatorafter} + \newconstant\frameddimensionstate % global state: 0=unknown 1=width 2=height 3=both \def\pack_framed_fake_box @@ -1379,19 +1402,16 @@ \setbox\b_framed_normal\box\scratchbox} \def\installframedlocator#1#2#3% - {\setvalue{\??hf:b:#1}{#2}% - \setvalue{\??hf:a:#1}{#3}} - -\def\pack_framed_locator_before#1% - {\csname\??hf:b:#1\endcsname} + {\setvalue{\??framedlocatorbefore#1}{#2}% + \setvalue{\??framedlocatorafter #1}{#3}} -\def\pack_framed_locator_after#1% - {\csname\??hf:a:#1\endcsname} +\def\pack_framed_locator_before#1{\csname\??framedlocatorbefore#1\endcsname} +\def\pack_framed_locator_after #1{\csname\??framedlocatorafter #1\endcsname} \newdimen\d_framed_locator_ht \newdimen\d_framed_locator_dp -\def\doprelocframedbox#1% +\def\pack_framed_locater_set#1% {\d_framed_locator_ht\dimexpr #1+\d_framed_linewidth \ifconditional\c_framed_has_offset @@ -1441,7 +1461,7 @@ \installframedlocator \v!high {} - {\doprelocframedbox\strutht + {\pack_framed_locater_set\strutht \setbox\b_framed_normal\hbox{\lower\d_framed_locator_dp\box\b_framed_normal}% \ht\b_framed_normal\strutht \dp\b_framed_normal\strutdp @@ -1456,7 +1476,7 @@ \installframedlocator \v!low {} - {\doprelocframedbox\strutdp + {\pack_framed_locater_set\strutdp \setbox\b_framed_normal\hbox{\lower\d_framed_locator_ht\box\b_framed_normal}% \ht\b_framed_normal\strutht \dp\b_framed_normal\strutdp @@ -1464,7 +1484,7 @@ \installframedlocator \v!top {} - {\doprelocframedbox\strutht + {\pack_framed_locater_set\strutht \setbox\b_framed_normal\hbox{\lower\d_framed_locator_dp\box\b_framed_normal}% \ht\b_framed_normal\d_framed_locator_ht \dp\b_framed_normal\d_framed_locator_dp @@ -1474,8 +1494,8 @@ {} {\scratchdimen.5\ht\b_framed_normal \setbox\b_framed_normal\hbox{\lower\scratchdimen\box\b_framed_normal}% - \ht\b_framed_normal\d_framed_locator_ht - \dp\b_framed_normal\d_framed_locator_ht + \ht\b_framed_normal\scratchdimen + \dp\b_framed_normal\scratchdimen \hbox{\box\b_framed_normal}} \installframedlocator \v!lohi @@ -1484,7 +1504,7 @@ \installframedlocator \v!bottom {} - {\doprelocframedbox\strutdp + {\pack_framed_locater_set\strutdp \setbox\b_framed_normal\hbox{\lower\d_framed_locator_ht\box\b_framed_normal}% \ht\b_framed_normal\d_framed_locator_dp \dp\b_framed_normal\d_framed_locator_ht @@ -1613,25 +1633,53 @@ \newcount\c_framed_mstyle -\unexpanded\def\mframed {\dosingleempty\pack_framed_math_display} -\unexpanded\def\inmframed{\dosingleempty\pack_framed_math_inline } +\unexpanded\def\pack_framed_math_strut + {\Ustartmath + \triggermathstyle\c_framed_mstyle + \vphantom{(}% + \Ustopmath} -\def\pack_framed_math_inline[#1]#2% - {\begingroup - \c_framed_mstyle\mathstyle - \inframed[#1]{\Ustartmath\triggermathstyle\c_framed_mstyle#2\Ustopmath}% - \endgroup} +% \unexpanded\def\mframed {\dosingleempty\pack_framed_math_display} +% \unexpanded\def\inmframed{\dosingleempty\pack_framed_math_inline } +% +% \def\pack_framed_math_inline[#1]#2% +% {\begingroup +% \c_framed_mstyle\mathstyle +% \inframed[#1]{\Ustartmath\triggermathstyle\c_framed_mstyle#2\Ustopmath}% +% \endgroup} +% +% \def\pack_framed_math_display[#1]#2% +% {\begingroup +% \c_framed_mstyle\mathstyle +% \let\normalstrut\pack_framed_math_strut +% \framed[#1]{\Ustartmath\triggermathstyle\c_framed_mstyle#2\Ustopmath}% +% \endgroup} + +\installcorenamespace{mathframed} -\unexpanded\def\funnymathstrut - {\Ustartmath\triggermathstyle\c_framed_mstyle\vphantom{(}\Ustopmath} +\installframedcommandhandler \??mathframed {mathframed} \??mathframed -\def\pack_framed_math_display[#1]#2% +\appendtoks + \setuevalue{\currentmathframed}{\pack_framed_mathframed{\currentmathframed}}% +\to \everydefinemathframed + +\unexpanded\def\pack_framed_mathframed#1% {\begingroup + \edef\currentmathframed{#1}% + \dosingleempty\pack_framed_mathframed_indeed} + +\def\pack_framed_mathframed_indeed[#1]#2% no fancy nesting supported here + {\iffirstargument + \setupcurrentmathframed[#1]% + \fi \c_framed_mstyle\mathstyle - \let\normalstrut\funnymathstrut - \framed[#1]{\Ustartmath\triggermathstyle\c_framed_mstyle#2\Ustopmath}% + \doifnot{\mathframedparameter\c!location}\v!low{\let\normalstrut\pack_framed_math_strut}% + \inheritedmathframedframed{\Ustartmath\triggermathstyle\c_framed_mstyle#2\Ustopmath}% \endgroup} +\definemathframed[mframed] +\definemathframed[inmframed][\c!location=\v!low] + %D So instead of the rather versatile \type {\framed}, we ue %D the \type {\mframed}. %D @@ -2727,6 +2775,7 @@ \c!framedepth=\framedparameter\c!depth, % %\c!component=, + %\c!region=, %\c!align=, \c!bottom=\vss, %\c!top=, diff --git a/tex/context/base/page-brk.mkiv b/tex/context/base/page-brk.mkiv index f3bdddaed..01e4beb95 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/page-brk.mkiv +++ b/tex/context/base/page-brk.mkiv @@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ \installpagebreakmethod \s!dummy {\page_otr_flush_all_floats - \gotonextpage + \page_otr_command_next_page \page_otr_insert_dummy_page} \installpagebreakmethod \v!frame @@ -135,11 +135,11 @@ \installpagebreakmethod \s!unknown {\doifinstringelse{+}\page_breaks_current_option {\page_otr_flush_all_floats - \gotonextpage + \page_otr_command_next_page \dorecurse\page_breaks_current_option\page_otr_insert_dummy_page} {\doifnumberelse\page_breaks_current_option {\page_otr_flush_all_floats - \gotonextpage + \page_otr_command_next_page \doloop {\ifnum\userpageno<\page_breaks_current_option\relax \page_otr_insert_dummy_page @@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ \installpagebreakmethod \v!yes {\ifconditional\c_page_breaks_enabled \page_otr_flush_all_floats - \gotonextpage + \page_otr_command_next_page \ifinsidecolumns % this will move to MUL \page_otr_eject_page % otherwise sometimes no change \fi @@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ \installpagebreakmethod \v!right {\page_otr_flush_all_floats - \gotonextpageX % will become \gotonextpage + \page_otr_command_next_page_and_inserts \doifbothsidesoverruled{}{}{\resetcurrentstructuremarkswithpage\page_otr_insert_dummy_page}} \installpagebreakmethod \v!even @@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ \installpagebreakmethod \v!last {\page_otr_flush_all_floats - \gotonextpageX % will become \gotonextpage + \page_otr_command_next_page_and_inserts \relax \doifbothsidesoverruled {\page_facings_flush}% hm @@ -266,16 +266,16 @@ \def\page_breaks_columns_handle_indeed#1% {\edef\page_breaks_columns_current_option{#1}% - \ifcsname\??columnbreakmethod\OTRidentifier:\page_breaks_columns_current_option\endcsname - \csname\??columnbreakmethod\OTRidentifier:\page_breaks_columns_current_option\endcsname + \ifcsname\??columnbreakmethod\currentoutputroutine:\page_breaks_columns_current_option\endcsname + \csname\??columnbreakmethod\currentoutputroutine:\page_breaks_columns_current_option\endcsname \else\ifcsname\??columnbreaks\page_breaks_columns_current_option\endcsname \expandafter\csname\page_breaks_columns_handle\??columnbreaks\page_breaks_columns_current_option\endcsname \else - \csname\??columnbreakmethod\OTRidentifier:\s!unknown\endcsname + \csname\??columnbreakmethod\currentoutputroutine:\s!unknown\endcsname \fi\fi} \def\page_breaks_columns_handle_direct#1% - {\csname\??columnbreakmethod\OTRidentifier:#1\endcsname} + {\csname\??columnbreakmethod\currentoutputroutine:#1\endcsname} \unexpanded\def\installcolumnbreakmethod#1#2#3% #1=otr-id #2=tag #3=action {\setvalue{\??columnbreakmethod#1:#2}{#3}} diff --git a/tex/context/base/page-flt.mkiv b/tex/context/base/page-flt.mkiv index 4eef6f25c..e4f4b0da4 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/page-flt.mkiv +++ b/tex/context/base/page-flt.mkiv @@ -208,10 +208,10 @@ \def\doreversesavefloat {\dofloatsresave\s!text} -\def\doflushsavedfloats % simplified \OTRONEdodoflushfloats +\def\doflushsavedfloats % simplified \OTRONEdodoflushfloats .. nothing special in otr ... in place {\doloop {\ifsomefloatwaiting - \docheckiffloatfits + \page_otr_command_check_if_float_fits \ifroomforfloat \dogetfloat \doplacefloatbox @@ -269,9 +269,6 @@ \box\floatbox \fi} -% \ifdefined\doflushfloats\else \let\doflushfloats\relax \fi -% \ifdefined\flushfloatbox\else \let\flushfloatbox\relax \fi - % temp hack, needed to prevent floatbox being forgotten during % output, this will change to using another box for flushing % diff --git a/tex/context/base/page-ini.mkiv b/tex/context/base/page-ini.mkiv index 757302518..aad08ef3e 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/page-ini.mkiv +++ b/tex/context/base/page-ini.mkiv @@ -13,276 +13,54 @@ \writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Page Macros / Initializations} -% still a dutch/english mess - -%D This class of modules implements the output routines and -%D floating body support. Although the modules are relatively -%D new, the code herein is rather old. This reordering was -%D needed when column sets were implemented and sharing code -%D started to make sense. +%D The \type {\processpage} command has become obsolete. It's original +%D purpose was to flush only parts of a document but nowadays we have +%D project structure and modes. This is just one of those very early +%D features that no longer makes sense. -%D The history shows from the code, since both column -%D mechanism use a different way of looping over columns. +%D The \type {\couplepage} command has become obsolete. It's original +%D purpose was to provide hooks for printer directives (like choosing +%D different paper trays). \unprotect -\def\m!otr{otr} - -\newbox \pagebox -\newcount \nofshipouts - -\newconstant\c_page_otr_eject_penalty \c_page_otr_eject_penalty -\plustenthousand -\newconstant\c_page_otr_super_penalty \c_page_otr_super_penalty -\plustwentythousand +%D Shipout control. -\let\ejectpenalty\c_page_otr_eject_penalty % for old times sake +\newcount\nofshipouts \appendtoks \global\advance\nofshipouts\plusone \to \everyaftershipout -\ifx\mkprocesscolumncontents\undefined\let\mkprocesscolumncontents\gobbleoneargument\fi -\ifx\mkprocesspagecontents \undefined\let\mkprocesspagecontents \gobbleoneargument\fi -\ifx\mkprocessboxcontents \undefined\let\mkprocessboxcontents \gobbleoneargument\fi - -%D As we have several fundamentally different output routines -%D available we need commands that adapt themselves to the -%D current output routine. Such commands are implemented -%D in the respective modules and prefixed: -%D -%D \starttabulate[|T|T|] -%D \NC OTRONE \NC single column \NC \NR -%D \NC OTRMUL \NC multi column \NC \NR -%D \NC OTRSET \NC columns sets \NC \NR -%D \stoptabulate -%D -%D The following macros are not to be changed by users: - -\let\OTRidentifier\empty % public -\let\OTRdefault \empty % public -\let\OTRunknown \empty -\def\OTRprefix {OTR} - -%D We keep a list of registered commands so that we can -%D bind them when we switch to a specific routine. - -\newtoks\t_page_otr_registered_commands - -\def\registerotrcommand#1% - {\t_page_otr_registered_commands\expandafter - {\the\t_page_otr_registered_commands - \page_otr_with_command#1}} - -\def\page_otr_preset_command#1% - {\expandafter\let\expandafter#1\csname\OTRprefix - \ifcsname\OTRprefix\OTRidentifier\expandafter\gobbleoneargument\string#1\endcsname - \OTRidentifier % dedicated - \else\ifcsname\OTRprefix\OTRdefault\expandafter\gobbleoneargument\string#1\endcsname - \OTRdefault % fallback - \else - \s!unknown % dummy - \fi\fi - \expandafter\gobbleoneargument\string#1\endcsname} - -\def\page_otr_activate#1#2% - {\def\OTRidentifier{#1}% - \def\OTRdefault {#2}% - \let\page_otr_with_command\page_otr_preset_command - \the\t_page_otr_registered_commands} - -\appendtoks - \page_otr_activate{ONE}\empty -\to \everydump - -%D The next commands is a direct call to a specific command but is -%D normally only used if one wants to call a command inside another -%D one or for the main (not triggered) outputroutines. - -\def\OTRcommand#1% - {\csname\OTRprefix - \ifcsname\OTRprefix\OTRidentifier\expandafter\gobbleoneargument\string#1\endcsname - \OTRidentifier % dedicated - \else\ifcsname\OTRprefix\OTRdefault\expandafter\gobbleoneargument\string#1\endcsname - \OTRdefault % fallback - \else - \s!unknown % dummy - \fi\fi - \expandafter\gobbleoneargument\string#1\endcsname} - -%D The initialization of the \type {\hsize} and \type {\vsize} -%D depends on the OTR used, as do some other commands. - -% These definitions will move to where they are introduced. - -\registerotrcommand\setvsize -\registerotrcommand\sethsize -\registerotrcommand\finalsidefloatoutput -\registerotrcommand\dopagecontents -\registerotrcommand\dosettopinserts -\registerotrcommand\dosetbotinserts -\registerotrcommand\dotopinsertions -\registerotrcommand\dobotinsertions -\registerotrcommand\dosetbothinserts -\registerotrcommand\doflushfloats -\registerotrcommand\flushfloatbox -\registerotrcommand\docheckiffloatfits -\registerotrcommand\flushsavedfloats -\registerotrcommand\synchronizehsize -\registerotrcommand\gotonextpage -\registerotrcommand\gotonextpageX - -\registerotrcommand\setfloathsize - -% \registerotrcommand\_specific_final_side_float_output % todo - -%registerotrcommand\someherefloat % not ok this way -%registerotrcommand\somefixdfloat % not ok this way -%registerotrcommand\somepagefloat % not ok this way -%registerotrcommand\sometopsfloat % not ok this way -%registerotrcommand\somebotsfloat % not ok this way -%registerotrcommand\somesidefloat % not ok this way - -% When issuing two \par\penalty-\plustenthousand's, only the first -% triggers the otr. Is this an obscure feature or an optimization? - -\newif \iftraceotr % will change -\newif \ifinotr % might change - -\newcount\c_page_otf_trigger_penalty \c_page_otf_trigger_penalty=-100010 % -10010 - -\unexpanded\def\page_otr_trigger - {\iftraceotr - \expandafter\page_otr_trigger_traced - \else - \expandafter\page_otr_trigger_normal - \fi} - -\def\page_otr_message_b#1#2% - {\writestatus\m!otr{+ #1 \number#1}} - -\def\page_otr_message_e#1#2% - {\writestatus\m!otr{- #1 \number#2}} - -\def\page_otr_message_s - {\writestatus\m!otr{c:\number\mofcolumns,v:\the\vsize,g:\the\pagegoal,t:\the\pagetotal}} - -\def\page_otr_trigger_normal#1% - {\begingroup\par\penalty#1\endgroup} - -\def\page_otr_trigger_traced#1% - {\page_otr_message_b{traced}{#1}% - \page_otr_message_s - \page_otr_trigger_normal{#1}% - \page_otr_message_s - \page_otr_message_e{traced}{#1}} - -\def\installoutputroutine#1#2% \invoke \action - {\global\advance\c_page_otf_trigger_penalty\minusone - \edef#1{\page_otr_trigger{\number\c_page_otf_trigger_penalty}}% - \setvalue{\??zo\number\c_page_otf_trigger_penalty}{#2}} - -\def\page_otr_triggered_output_routine_traced - {\page_otr_message_b{trying}\outputpenalty - \ifcsname\??zo\the\outputpenalty\endcsname - \page_otr_message_b{special}\outputpenalty - \csname\??zo\the\outputpenalty\endcsname - \page_otr_message_e{special}\outputpenalty - \else - \page_otr_message_b{normal}\outputpenalty - \the\OTRcommand\output % currently a toks but this will become a normal command - \page_otr_message_e{normal}\outputpenalty - \fi - \page_otr_message_e{trying}\outputpenalty} - -\def\page_otr_triggered_output_routine_normal - {\ifcsname\??zo\the\outputpenalty\endcsname - \csname\??zo\the\outputpenalty\endcsname - \else - \the\OTRcommand\output - \fi} +\newconditional\c_otr_shipout_enabled \settrue\c_otr_shipout_enabled -\def\page_otr_triggered_output_routine - {\iftraceotr - \expandafter\page_otr_triggered_output_routine_traced +\unexpanded\def\page_otr_shipout + {\ifconditional\c_otr_shipout_enabled + \expandafter\page_otr_shipout_yes \else - \expandafter\page_otr_triggered_output_routine_normal - \fi} - -%D Some hooks: - -\def\page_otf_set_engine_output_routine#1% - {\global\output - {\inotrtrue - \the\everybeforeoutput - #1\relax - \the\everyafteroutput}} - -\page_otf_set_engine_output_routine{\page_otr_triggered_output_routine} - -\installoutputroutine\synchronizeoutput - {\ifvoid\normalpagebox\else - \unvbox\normalpagebox - \pagediscards + \expandafter\page_otr_shipout_nop \fi} -\installoutputroutine\discardpage - {\setbox\scratchbox\box\normalpagebox} +\let\page_otr_shipout_yes\normalshipout -\def\page_otr_trigger_output_routine - {\par - \ifvmode - \penalty\c_page_otr_eject_penalty - \fi - \resetpagebreak} +\unexpanded\def\page_otr_shipout_nop + {\writestatus\m!system{ignoring shipout of real page \the\realpageno}% + \global\advance\realpageno\minusone % else no flush of resources + \dowithnextbox{\deadcycles\zerocount}} -\def\page_otr_fill_and_eject_page - {\par - \ifvmode - \vfill - \penalty\c_page_otr_eject_penalty - \fi - \resetpagebreak} +% We don't support direct user \shipouts (weird: this does not work, bug?) +% +% \let\shipout\page_otr_shipout_nop -\def\page_otr_eject_page - {\par - \ifvmode - \ifdim\pagetotal>\pagegoal \else - \normalvfil - \fi - \penalty\c_page_otr_eject_penalty - \fi - \resetpagebreak} - -\def\page_otr_eject_page_and_flush_inserts % can be an installed one - {\par - \ifvmode - \ifdim\pagetotal>\pagegoal \else - \normalvfil - \fi - \penalty\c_page_otr_super_penalty - \fi - \resetpagebreak} - -\def\page_otr_check_for_pending_inserts - {\ifnum\outputpenalty>\c_page_otr_super_penalty \else - \ifnum\insertpenalties>\zerocount - % something is being held over so we force a new page - \page_otr_force_another_page - \fi - \fi} +%D Building pages. -\def\page_otr_force_another_page - {% we should actually remove the dummy line in the otr - \hbox to \hsize{}% - \kern-\topskip - \nobreak - \vfill - \penalty\c_page_otr_super_penalty - \resetpagebreak} +\newbox\pagebox -\unexpanded\def\bye - {\writestatus\m!system{Sorry, you're not done yet, so no goodbye!}} +\ifx\mkprocesscolumncontents\undefined\let\mkprocesscolumncontents\gobbleoneargument\fi +\ifx\mkprocesspagecontents \undefined\let\mkprocesspagecontents \gobbleoneargument\fi +\ifx\mkprocessboxcontents \undefined\let\mkprocessboxcontents \gobbleoneargument\fi -% floats +%D Floats. \def\page_otr_flush_all_floats {%\flushnotes already done @@ -296,7 +74,7 @@ % when just flushing; so now we have (maybe optional): \pagebaselinecorrection % hm, needs checking, not needed when no floats % alas, this is tricky but needed (first surfaced in prikkels) - \doflushfloats + \page_otr_command_flush_floats \endgroup \fi} @@ -306,23 +84,26 @@ \page_otr_flush_all_floats \fixedspace \vfill - \gotonextpage + \page_otr_command_next_page \fi} -\def\finaloutput#1#2% - {\forgetall - \page_boxes_shipout{\page_boxes_constructed_page#1#2}% \hbox removed - \vskip\zeropoint\relax +\def\page_otr_flush_pending_content + {\vskip\zeropoint\relax % brrr .. get rid of this \ifvoid\normalpagebox \else \unvbox\normalpagebox \penalty\outputpenalty - \fi + \fi} + +\def\page_otr_construct_and_shipout#1#2% + {\forgetall + \page_boxes_shipout{\page_boxes_constructed_page#1#2}% \hbox removed + \page_otr_flush_pending_content % not really needed, replaced by \flushsavedfloats \page_otr_check_for_pending_inserts % but does not hurt either (we're still in the otr!) - \inpagebodytrue % needed for enabling \blank ! - \flushsavedfloats % was \dosetbothinserts; only otr one ! - \setvsize % this is needed for interacting components, like floats and multicolumns + \inpagebodytrue % needed for enabling \blank ! brrr + \page_otr_command_flush_saved_floats + \page_otr_command_set_vsize % this is needed for interacting components, like floats and multicolumns \doincrementpageboundcounters % should hook into an every \page_adapts_synchronize \page_otr_check_for_pending_inserts @@ -352,8 +133,6 @@ \let\flushatshipout\page_otr_add_special_content -% \def\dooutput{\finaloutput\unvbox\normalpagebox} - \maxdeadcycles=1000 \newtoks\afterpage \newtoks\aftereverypage @@ -394,15 +173,15 @@ {\ifconditional\c_page_boxes_save_page_body \global\setbox\b_page_boxes_saved_page_body \fi \vbox \bgroup \boxmaxdepth\maxdimen % new \dontcomplain - \page_marks_synchronize_page{#2}% we could consider doing this for \pagebox (needs testting) - \page_boxes_construct_content#1#2% % this one fills pagebox + \page_marks_synchronize_page {#2}% we could consider doing this for \pagebox (needs testing) + \page_boxes_construct_content \pagebox{#1}{#2}% \page_backgrounds_add_to_main \pagebox \page_boxes_apply_offsets \pagebox \page_info_add_to_box \pagebox \ifcase\pageornamentstate \page_backgrounds_add_to_paper \pagebox \fi - \anch_positions_register_page \pagebox + \anch_positions_register_page \pagebox \ifarrangingpages \page_boxes_apply_shift_paper \pagebox % \v!paper \else @@ -450,64 +229,4 @@ \the\everyafterpagebody \egroup} -%D Shipout control. - -\newconditional\c_otr_shipout_enabled \settrue\c_otr_shipout_enabled - -\def\page_otr_shipout - {\ifconditional\c_otr_shipout_enabled - \expandafter\page_otr_shipout_yes - \else - \expandafter\page_otr_shipout_nop - \fi} - -\let\page_otr_shipout_yes\normalshipout - -\unexpanded\def\page_otr_shipout_nop - {\writestatus\m!system{ignoring shipout of real page \the\realpageno}% - \global\advance\realpageno\minusone % else no flush of resources - \dowithnextbox{\deadcycles\zerocount}} - -% \let\shipout\page_otr_shipout_nop % we don't support direct user \shipouts (weird: this does not work, bug?) - -%D The \type {\processpage} command has become obsolete. It's original -%D purpose was to flush only parts of a document but nowadays we have -%D project structure and modes. This is just one of those very early -%D features that no longer makes sense. -%D -%D The \type {\couplepage} command has become obsolete. It's original -%D purpose was to provide hooks for printer directives (like choosing -%D different paper trays). - \protect \endinput - -% bewaren tvb documentatie -% -% \hbox to \hsize -% {\en -% \switchnaarkorps[5pt]% -% \emergencystretch2em -% \dimen0=\baselineskip -% \baselineskip=\dimen0 plus 1pt -% \hsize=.2\hsize -% \vsize=2\hsize -% \ruledvbox to \vsize{\input tufte \par}\hss -% \ruledvbox to \vsize{\input tufte \par\kern-\prevdepth}\hss -% \ruledvbox to \vsize{\input tufte \par\kern0pt}\hss -% \ruledvbox to \vsize{\input tufte \par\vfill}\hss -% \ruledvbox to \vsize{\input tufte \par\kern-\prevdepth\vfill}} -% -% \hbox to \hsize -% {\en -% \switchnaarkorps[5pt]% -% \emergencystretch2em -% \dimen0=\baselineskip -% \baselineskip=\dimen0 plus 1pt -% \hsize=.18\hsize -% \vsize=2.5\hsize -% \setbox0=\vbox{\input tufte\relax}% -% \ruledvbox to \vsize{\unvcopy0}\hss -% \ruledvbox to \vsize{\unvcopy0\kern-\dp0}\hss -% \ruledvbox to \vsize{\unvcopy0\kern0pt}\hss -% \ruledvbox to \vsize{\unvcopy0\vfill}\hss -% \ruledvbox to \vsize{\unvcopy0\kern-\dp0\vfill}} diff --git a/tex/context/base/page-lay.mkiv b/tex/context/base/page-lay.mkiv index 4e2c254e6..78839ea70 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/page-lay.mkiv +++ b/tex/context/base/page-lay.mkiv @@ -475,12 +475,12 @@ \global\c_page_target_paper_reverse \zerocount} \setvalue{\??layoutpaper\number\leftrotationangle }{\global\c_page_target_paper_orientation\leftrotationangle \global\c_page_target_paper_reverse \rightrotationangle} -\setvalue{\??layoutpaper\v!reset }{\global\setfalse\c_page_target_print_landscape + +\setvalue{\??layoutprint\v!reset }{\global\setfalse\c_page_target_print_landscape \global\setfalse\c_page_target_print_mirror \global\setfalse\c_page_target_print_negate \global\c_page_target_print_orientation\uprotationangle \global\c_page_target_print_reverse \uprotationangle} - \setvalue{\??layoutprint\v!landscape }{\global\settrue\c_page_target_print_landscape} \setvalue{\??layoutprint\v!mirrored }{\global\settrue\c_page_target_print_mirror} \setvalue{\??layoutprint\v!negative }{\global\settrue\c_page_target_print_negate} @@ -903,20 +903,20 @@ \def\installlayoutalternative#1#2% {\setgvalue{\??layoutalternative#1}{#2}} -\def\page_boxes_construct_content_default#1#2% #1 and #2 will become variables - {\setbox\pagebox\vbox +\def\page_boxes_construct_content_default#1#2#3% targetbox flusher box + {\setbox#1\vbox {\offinterlineskip \begingroup % needed ? \uselayoutstyleandcolor\c!style\c!color \offinterlineskip \page_layouts_insert_elements % zero size \endgroup - \page_insert_body#1#2}}% including footnotes + \page_insert_body#2#3}}% including footnotes \installlayoutalternative\v!default{\page_boxes_construct_content_default} \installlayoutalternative\v!normal {\page_boxes_construct_content_default} -\def\page_boxes_construct_content +\def\page_boxes_construct_content % targetbox flusher box {\csname\??layoutalternative\ifcsname\??layoutalternative\layoutparameter\c!alternative\endcsname \layoutparameter\c!alternative \else @@ -965,7 +965,7 @@ \global\advance\footerheight-\d_page_adepts_height \showmessage\m!layouts1{\the\d_page_adepts_height,\the\realpageno}% % this will become a better one (do we need insert correction?) - \setvsize + \page_otr_command_set_vsize \global\pagegoal\vsize % \page_backgrounds_recalculate @@ -1050,14 +1050,14 @@ \doifelselayoutsomeline\v!footer\compensatevsizefooter\donothing \page_layouts_set_modes \resetglobal - \setvsize} + \page_otr_command_set_vsize} \def\calculateglobalvsizes % name will change {\global\textheight\makeupheight \doifelselayoutsomeline\v!header\globalcompensatevsizeheader\donothing \doifelselayoutsomeline\v!footer\globalcompensatevsizefooter\donothing \page_layouts_set_modes - \setvsize} + \page_otr_command_set_vsize} \def\calculatereducedvsizes % name will change {\textheight\makeupheight @@ -1091,7 +1091,7 @@ \def\calculatehsizes % name will change {\freezetextwidth - \sethsize} + \page_otr_command_set_hsize} % The next few are better off in page-ini.mkiv diff --git a/tex/context/base/page-mis.mkiv b/tex/context/base/page-mis.mkiv index 98fd78b5f..532fdde40 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/page-mis.mkiv +++ b/tex/context/base/page-mis.mkiv @@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ \restoreglobalbodyfont % otherwise problems inside split verbatim \ctxcommand{flushpostponedblocks()}% \relax - \doflushfloats % new but potential dangerous, maybe we need a classification + \page_otr_command_flush_floats % new but potential dangerous, maybe we need a classification \egroup} % of blocks: with and without flush \def\page_postponed_blocks_flush_indeed diff --git a/tex/context/base/page-mul.mkiv b/tex/context/base/page-mul.mkiv index 0a0ba5be4..4901c1edf 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/page-mul.mkiv +++ b/tex/context/base/page-mul.mkiv @@ -11,6 +11,10 @@ %C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for %C details. +% SEE PAGE-MUL-NEW.MKIV + +% BEWARE: TEMPORARY ISSUES WITH VSIZE AND HSIZE BUT WILL BE REDONE + \writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Page Macros / Simple Multi Column} %D This module is mostly a copy from the original multi column @@ -22,149 +26,57 @@ \unprotect -% TO DO ! - -\let\OTRMULsetvsize \OTRONEsetvsize -\let\OTRMULsethsize \OTRONEsethsize -\let\OTRMULdopagecontents \OTRONEdopagecontents -\let\OTRMULfinalsidefloatoutput\OTRONEfinalsidefloatoutput % ??? -\let\OTRMULflushfloatbox \OTRONEflushfloatbox +\unexpanded\def\page_mul_command_side_float_output + {\page_otr_construct_and_shipout\unvbox\normalpagebox} -\let\OTRMULdosettopinserts \relax -\let\OTRMULdosetbotinserts \relax -\let\OTRMULdotopinsertions \relax -\let\OTRMULdobotinsertions \relax -\let\OTRMULdosetbothinserts \relax -\let\OTRMULflushsavedfloats \relax +\unexpanded\def\page_mul_command_flush_side_floats + {\page_sides_forget_floats} -\let\OTRMULflushsidefloats \forgetsidefloats % \relax -\let\OTRMULsynchronizesidefloats\forgetsidefloats % \relax +\unexpanded\def\page_mul_command_synchronize_side_floats + {\page_sides_forget_floats} -\newtoks \OTRMULoutput - -\def\OTRMULgotonextpage +\unexpanded\def\page_mul_command_next_page {\page_otr_eject_page} -\def\OTRMULgotonextpageX % will become obsolete +\unexpanded\def\page_mul_command_next_page_and_inserts {\page_otr_eject_page_and_flush_inserts} - + % check \count<insert> multiplications -%D The following macro's implement a multi||column output -%D routine. The original implementation was based on Donald -%D Knuth's implementation, which was adapted by Craig Platt to -%D support balancing of the last page. I gradually adapted -%D Platt's version to our needs but under certain -%D circumstances things still went wrong. I considered all -%D calls to Platt's \type{\balancingerror} as undesirable. - -%D This completely new implementation can handle enough -%D situations for everyday documents, but is still far from -%D perfect. While at the moment the routine doesn't support -%D all kind of floats, it does support: +%D The following macro's implement a multi||column output routine. The original +%D implementation was based on Donald Knuth's implementation, which was adapted by +%D Craig Platt to support balancing of the last page. I gradually adapted Platt's +%D version to our needs but under certain circumstances things still went wrong. I +%D considered all calls to Platt's \type{\balancingerror} as undesirable. +%D +%D This completely new implementation can handle enough situations for everyday +%D documents, but is still far from perfect. While at the moment the routine doesn't +%D support all kind of floats, it does support: %D %D \startitemize[packed] %D \item an unlimitted number of columns %D \item ragged or not ragged bottoms %D \item optional balancing without \type{\balancingerrors} -%D \item different \type{\baselineskips}, \type{\spacing}, -%D \type{\topskip} and \type{\maxdepth} +%D \item different \type{\baselineskips}, \type{\spacing}, \type {\topskip} and +%D \type {\maxdepth} %D \item left- and right indentation, e.g. within lists %D \item moving columns floats to the next column or page %D \item handling of floats that are to wide for a columns %D \stopitemize %D -%D One could wonder why single and multi||columns modes are -%D still separated. One reason for this is that \TeX\ is not -%D suited well for handling multi||columns. As a result, the -%D single columns routines are more robust. Handling one -%D column as a special case of multi||columns is posible but at -%D the cost of worse float handling, worse page breaking, -%D worse etc. Complicated multi||column page handling should -%D be done in \cap{DTP}||systems anyway. +%D One could wonder why single and multi||columns modes are still separated. One +%D reason for this is that \TeX\ is not suited well for handling multi||columns. As +%D a result, the single columns routines are more robust. Handling one column as a +%D special case of multi||columns is posible but at the cost of worse float +%D handling, worse page breaking, worse etc. Complicated multi||column page handling +%D should be done in \cap{DTP}||systems anyway. %D -%D There are three commands provided for entering and leaving -%D multi||column mode and for going to the next column: +%D There are three commands provided for entering and leaving multi||column mode and +%D for going to the next column: %D %D \interface \type{\beginmulticolumns} \\ \\ %D \interface \type{\endmulticolumns} \\ \\ %D \interface \type{\ejectcolumn} \\ \\ -%D -%D This routines are sort of stand||alone. They communicate -%D with the rest of \CONTEXT\ by means of some interface -%D macro's, which we only mention. -%D -%D \interface \type{\nofcolumns} \\ -%D the number of columns \\ -%D \interface \type{\minbalancetoplines} \\ -%D the minimum number op balanced top lines \\ -%D \interface \type{\betweencolumns} \\ -%D the stuff between columns \\ -%D \interface \type{\finaloutput{action}{box}} \\ -%D some kind of \type{\pagebody} and \type{\shipout} \\ -%D -%D \interface \type{\ifbalancecolumns} \\ -%D balancing the colums or not \\ -%D \interface \type{\ifstretchcolumns} \\ -%D ragging the bottom or not \\ -%D -%D \interface \type{\ifheightencolumns} \\ -%D fix the heigh tor not \\ -%D \interface \type{\fixedcolumnheight} \\ -%D the optional fixed height \\ -%D -%D \interface \type{\ifinheritcolumns} \\ -%D handle ragging or not \\ -%D -%D \interface \type{\ifreversecolumns} \\ -%D reverse the order in wich columns are flushed \\ -%D -%D \interface \type{\usercolumnwidth} \\ -%D the calculated width of a column \\ -%D \interface \type{\columntextwidth} \\ -%D the maximum width of a column \\ -%D \interface \type{\columntextheight} \\ -%D the minimum width of a column \\ -%D -%D \interface \type{\spacingfactor} \\ -%D the spacing factor \\ -%D \interface \type{\bodyfontsize} \\ -%D the (local) bodyfontsize \\ -%D \interface \type{\openlineheight} \\ -%D the lineheight (including \type{\spacing}) \\ -%D -%D \interface \type{\EveryBodyFont} \\ -%D communication channel to font switching routines \\ -%D -%D \interface \type{\global\settopskip} \\ -%D set \type{\topskip} \\ -%D \interface \type{\setvsize} \\ -%D set \type{\vsize} and \type{\pagegoal} \\ -%D \interface \type{\sethsize} \\ -%D set \type{\hsize} \\ -%D -%D \interface \type{\flushcolumnfloats} \\ -%D push saved column floats (next page) \\ -%D \interface \type{\flushcolumnfloat} \\ -%D push saved column floats (next column) \\ -%D \interface \type{\setcolumnfloats} \\ -%D initialize column floats \\ -%D -%D \interface \type{\finishcolumnbox} \\ -%D do something special (a hook) \\ -%D \interface \type{\postprocesscolumnpagebox} \\ -%D do something with each columnbox (also a hook) \\ -%D \interface \type{\postprocesscolumnbox} \\ -%D do something with each columnbox (also a hook) \\ -%D \interface \type{\postprocesscolumnline} \\ -%D do something with each columnline (also a hook) \\ -%D \interface \type{\currentcolumn} \\ -%D the current column \\ -%D -%D These interface macro's are called upon or initialized -%D by the multi||column macro's. - -%D A lot of footnote stuff added! \def\finalcolumntextwidth {\makeupwidth} \def\finalcolumntextheight {\textheight} @@ -181,23 +93,11 @@ \let\flushcolumnfloat \relax % in CONTEXT used for floats \let\finishcolumnbox \relax % in CONTEXT used for backgrounds -% %D In fact, the column height and width are set by means of -% %D two macro's. One can change their meaning if needed: -% -% \def\setcolumntextheight -% {\def\columntextheight{\teksthoogte}} -% -% \def\setcolumntextwidth -% {\def\columntextwidth{\zetbreedte}} - -%D Both macros are redefined in \CONTEXT\ when backgrounds -%D are applied to columns. The final values are used when -%D flushing the columns. - -\newtoks\singlecolumnout % remove that one +%D Both macros are redefined in \CONTEXT\ when backgrounds are applied to +%D columns. The final values are used when flushing the columns. -%D It's more convenient to use \type {\columnwidth} instead -%D of messing around with boxes each time. +%D It's more convenient to use \type {\columnwidth} instead of messing around +%D with boxes each time. \newdimen\columnwidth \newdimen\gutterwidth @@ -205,55 +105,31 @@ \def\determinecolumnwidth {\bgroup \setbox\scratchbox\hbox - {\setcolumnhsize + {\page_mul_command_set_hsize \global\columnwidth\usercolumnwidth \global\gutterwidth\intercolumnwidth}% \egroup} -%D Going to a new columns is done by means of a -%D \type{\ejectcolumn}. The following definition does not -%D always work. +%D Going to a new columns is done by means of a \type {\ejectcolumn}. The +%D following definition does not always work. \def\ejectcolumn {\goodbreak \showmessage\m!columns2\empty} -%D The next macro should never be called so let's deal with it. -%D There were several solutions to these kind of errors. First -%D we check for a good breakpoint before firing up the -%D multi||column routine (\type{\break} or \type{\allowbreak}). -%D We do the same at the end of the routine -%D (\type{\allowbreak}). These allowances are definitely -%D needed! -%D -%D Some on first sight redundant calls to for instance -%D \type{\setvsize} in the flushing, splitting and balancing -%D macro's can definitely not be omitted! Some are just there -%D to handle situations that only few times arise. One of -%D those can be that the output routine is invoked before -%D everything is taken care of. This happens when we -%D flush (part of) the current page with an \type{\unvbox} -%D with a \type{\pagetotal}~$\approx$ \type{\pagegoal}. One -%D simply cannot balance columns that are just balanced. -%D -%D I hope one never sees the following message. Because it -%D took me a lot of time to develop the multi||columns -%D routines, every (although seldom) warning gives me the -%D creeps! - \def\balancingerror {\showmessage\m!columns3\empty - \finaloutput\unvbox\normalpagebox} - -\def\OTRMULsometopsfloat{\showmessage\m!columns4\empty \someherefloat} -\def\OTRMULsomebotsfloat{\showmessage\m!columns5\empty \someherefloat} + \page_otr_construct_and_shipout\unvbox\normalpagebox} -\def\OTRMULsomeherefloat{\OTRONEsomeherefloat} +\def\page_mul_place_float_top {\showmessage\m!columns4\empty\page_one_place_float_here} +\def\page_mul_place_float_bottom{\showmessage\m!columns5\empty\page_one_place_float_here} +\def\page_mul_place_float_here {\page_one_place_float_here} +\def\page_mul_place_float_force {\page_one_place_float_force} -%D The local column width is available in the dimension -%D register \type{\localcolumnwidth}, which is calculated as: +%D The local column width is available in the dimension register \type +%D {\localcolumnwidth}, which is calculated as: -\def\setcolumnhsize % beware, this one is available for use in macros +\unexpanded\def\page_mul_command_set_hsize % beware, this one is available for use in macros {\setbox\scratchbox\hbox{\parindent\zeropoint\betweencolumns}% \intercolumnwidth\wd\scratchbox \localcolumnwidth\columntextwidth @@ -337,9 +213,8 @@ %D \getbuffer %D \stop -%D One should be aware that when font related dimensions are -%D used in typesetting the in||between material, these -%D dimensions are influenced by bodyfont switches inside +%D One should be aware that when font related dimensions are used in typesetting the +%D in||between material, these dimensions are influenced by bodyfont switches inside %D multi||column mode. \newdimen\mcscratchdimen @@ -368,29 +243,49 @@ \def\multicolumnovershootratio{.5} % {\ifgridsnapping0\else.5\fi} -\def\setcolumnvsize - {\getmulticolumnlines +\unexpanded\def\page_mul_command_set_vsize + {\page_one_command_set_vsize % indeed? + \getmulticolumnlines \mcscratchdimen\nofcolumnlines\openlineheight \advance\mcscratchdimen \multicolumnovershootratio\openlineheight % collect enough data \global\vsize\nofcolumns\mcscratchdimen \global\pagegoal\vsize} % let's do it only here -%D It really starts here. After some checks and initializations -%D we change the output routine to continous multi||column -%D mode. This mode handles columns that fill the current and -%D next full pages. The method used is (more or less) -%D multiplying \type{\vsize} and dividing \type{\hsize} by -%D \type{\nofcolumns}. More on this can be found in the -%D \TeX book. We save the top of the current page in box +%D It really starts here. After some checks and initializations we change the output +%D routine to continous multi||column mode. This mode handles columns that fill the +%D current and next full pages. The method used is (more or less) multiplying \type +%D {\vsize} and dividing \type {\hsize} by \type {\nofcolumns}. More on this can be +%D found in the \TeX book. We save the top of the current page in box %D \type{\precolumnbox}. %D -%D We manipulate \type{\topskip} a bit, just to be shure that -%D is has no flexibility. This has te be done every time a -%D font switch takles place, because \type{\topskip} can depend -%D on this. -%D -%D Watch the trick with the \type{\vbox}. This way we get the -%D right interlining and white space. +%D We manipulate \type {\topskip} a bit, just to be shure that is has no +%D flexibility. This has te be done every time a font switch takles place, because +%D \type{\topskip} can depend on this. + +\newconstant\c_page_mul_routine + +\setnewconstant\c_page_mul_routine_regular \zerocount +\setnewconstant\c_page_mul_routine_intercept \plusone +\setnewconstant\c_page_mul_routine_continuous \plustwo +\setnewconstant\c_page_mul_routine_balanced \plusthree +\setnewconstant\c_page_mul_routine_error \plusfour + +\unexpanded\def\page_mul_command_routine + {\ifcase\c_page_mul_routine + \page_one_command_routine + \or + \interceptmulticolumnsout + \or + \continuousmulticolumnsout + \or + \balancedmulticolumnsout + \or + \balancingerror + \fi} + +\def\interceptmulticolumnsout + {\global\setbox\precolumnbox\vbox + {\page_otr_command_flush_top_insertions\unvbox\normalpagebox}} \def\beginmulticolumns {\par @@ -428,38 +323,29 @@ \vskip-\struttotal \fi \global\savedpagetotal\pagetotal - \global\singlecolumnout\output % hm - %\global\output{\global\setbox\precolumnbox\vbox{\unvbox\normalpagebox}}% - %\global\output{\global\setbox\precolumnbox\vbox{\dotopinsertions\unvbox\normalpagebox}}% - \page_otf_set_engine_output_routine{\global\setbox\precolumnbox\vbox{\dotopinsertions\unvbox\normalpagebox}}% + \setupoutputroutine[\s!multicolumn]% + \c_page_mul_routine\c_page_mul_routine_intercept \page_otr_trigger_output_routine % no \holdinginserts=1, can make footnote disappear ! \global\precolumnboxheight\ht\precolumnbox - %\global\output{\continuousmulticolumnsout}% - \page_otf_set_engine_output_routine{\continuousmulticolumnsout}% + \c_page_mul_routine\c_page_mul_routine_continuous \setcolumnfloats - \dohandleallcolumns - {\global\setbox\currenttopcolumnbox\emptybox}% + \dohandleallcolumns{\global\setbox\currenttopcolumnbox\emptybox}% \checkbegincolumnfootnotes - \page_otr_activate{MUL}{ONE}% todo ! ! ! ! - \let\sethsize\setcolumnhsize - \let\setvsize\setcolumnvsize - \sethsize - \setvsize} - -%D When we leave the multi||column mode, we have to process the -%D not yet shipped out part of the columns. When we don't -%D balance, we simply force a continuous output, but a balanced -%D output is more tricky. - -%D First we try to fill up the page and when all or something -%D is left we try to balance things. This is another useful -%D adaption of the ancesters of these macro's. It takes some -%D reasoning to find out what happens and maybe I'm making + \page_otr_command_set_hsize + \page_otr_command_set_vsize} + +%D When we leave the multi||column mode, we have to process the not yet shipped out +%D part of the columns. When we don't balance, we simply force a continuous output, +%D but a balanced output is more tricky. +%D +%D First we try to fill up the page and when all or something is left we try to +%D balance things. This is another useful adaption of the ancesters of these +%D macro's. It takes some reasoning to find out what happens and maybe I'm making %D some mistake, but it works. %D -%D Voiding box \type{\precolumnbox} is sometimes necessary, -%D e.g. when there is no text given between \type{\begin..} -%D and \type{\end..}. The \type{\par} is needed! +%D Voiding box \type {\precolumnbox} is sometimes necessary, e.g. when there is no +%D text given between \type {\begin..} and \type {\end..}. The \type {\par} is +%D needed! \setnewconstant\multicolumnendsyncmethod\plusone % 1: old sync 2: new sync (cont-loc/project) / may fail ! ! ! ! @@ -478,34 +364,36 @@ \par \ifbalancecolumns \ifnum\multicolumnendsyncmethod=\plusone - %\global\output{\continuousmulticolumnsout}% - \page_otf_set_engine_output_routine{\continuousmulticolumnsout}% + \c_page_mul_routine\c_page_mul_routine_continuous \goodbreak \fi - %\global\output{\balancedmulticolumnsout}% - \page_otf_set_engine_output_routine{\balancedmulticolumnsout}% + \c_page_mul_routine\c_page_mul_routine_balanced \else \goodbreak \fi + % still the multi column routine \page_otr_trigger_output_routine % the prevdepth is important, try e.g. toclist in \prevdepth\zeropoint % columns before some noncolumned text text - \page_otf_set_engine_output_routine{\singlecolumnout}% - \page_otf_set_engine_output_routine{\page_otr_triggered_output_routine}% + % + \c_page_mul_routine\c_page_mul_routine_regular +% \page_otf_set_engine_output_routine{\singlecolumnout}% +% \page_otf_set_engine_output_routine{\page_otr_triggered_output_routine}% + % \ifvoid\precolumnbox\else \unvbox\precolumnbox \fi \global\precolumnboxheight\zeropoint \endgroup % here \nofcolumns\plusone - \setvsize % the outer one! + \page_otr_command_set_vsize % the outer vsize (NEEDS CHECKING) \synchronizeoutput % new may 2004 / we need to: \pagegoal\vsize \checkendcolumnfootnotes \dosomebreak\allowbreak \dopopcolumnfloats} - -%D Because some initializations happen three times, we -%D defined a macro for them. Erasing \type{\everypar} is -%D needed because we don't want anything to interfere. + +%D Because some initializations happen three times, we defined a macro for +%D them. Erasing \type{\everypar} is needed because we don't want anything +%D to interfere. \def\setmulticolumnsout {\everypar\emptytoks @@ -518,27 +406,22 @@ \boxmaxdepth\maxdepth % dangerous \emergencystretch\zeropoint\relax} % sometimes needed ! -%D Flushing the page comes to pasting the columns together and -%D appending the result to box \type{\precolumnbox}, if not -%D void. I've seen a lot of implementations in which some skip -%D was put between normal text and multi||column text. When we -%D don't want this, the baselines can be messed up. I hope the -%D seemingly complicated calculation of a correction -%D \type{\kern} is adequate to overcome this. Although not -%D watertight, spacing is taken into account and even multiple -%D mode changes on one page go well. But cross your fingers and -%D don't blame me. +%D Flushing the page comes to pasting the columns together and appending the result +%D to box \type {\precolumnbox}, if not void. I've seen a lot of implementations in +%D which some skip was put between normal text and multi||column text. When we don't +%D want this, the baselines can be messed up. I hope the seemingly complicated +%D calculation of a correction \type {\kern} is adequate to overcome this. Although +%D not watertight, spacing is taken into account and even multiple mode changes on +%D one page go well. But cross your fingers and don't blame me. %D -%D One of the complications of flushing out the boxes is that -%D \type{\precolumnbox} needs to be \type{\unvbox}'ed, otherwise -%D there is too less flexibility in the page when using -%D \type{\raggedbottom}. It took a lot of time before these -%D kind of problems were overcome. Using \type{\unvbox} at the -%D wrong moment can generate \type{\balancingerror}'s. +%D One of the complications of flushing out the boxes is that \type {\precolumnbox} +%D needs to be \type {\unvbox}'ed, otherwise there is too less flexibility in the +%D page when using \type {\raggedbottom}. It took a lot of time before these kind of +%D problems were overcome. Using \type {\unvbox} at the wrong moment can generate +%D \type {\balancingerror}'s. %D -%D One can use the macros \type {\maxcolumnheight} and \type -%D {\maxcolumndepth} when generating material between columns -%D as well as postprocessing column lines. +%D One can use the macros \type {\maxcolumnheight} and \type {\maxcolumndepth} when +%D generating material between columns as well as postprocessing column lines. \let\maxcolumnheight=\zeropoint \let\maxcolumndepth =\zeropoint @@ -607,6 +490,7 @@ \fi {\finishcolumnbox{\hbox {\ifx\finishcolumnbox\relax\else\strut\fi + \anch_mark_column_box\currentcolumnbox \box\currentcolumnbox}}% \hfil}% \unskip @@ -643,7 +527,7 @@ \fi \fi \fi \global\precolumnboxheight\zeropoint - \setvsize + \page_otr_command_set_vsize \dosomebreak\nobreak % hm, only needed when topstuff \ifgridsnapping \else @@ -709,13 +593,11 @@ \box\columnpagebox \egroup} -%D In case one didn't notice, finaly \type{\finishcolumnbox} is -%D applied to all boxes. One can use these hooks for special -%D purposes. +%D In case one didn't notice, finaly \type{\finishcolumnbox} is applied to +%D all boxes. One can use these hooks for special purposes. %D -%D Once upon a time I wanted to manipulate the individual lines -%D in a column. This feature is demonstrated in the two examples -%D below. +%D Once upon a time I wanted to manipulate the individual lines in a column. +%D This feature is demonstrated in the two examples below. %D %D \startbuffer %D \def\postprocesscolumnline#1% or \postprocesscolumnbox @@ -794,21 +676,18 @@ %D \macros %D {reversecolumnstrue} %D -%D We can force the macro that takes care of combining -%D the columns, to flush them in the revere order. Of -%D course, by default we don't reverse. +%D We can force the macro that takes care of combining the columns, to +%D flush them in the revere order. Of course, by default we don't reverse. \newif\ifreversecolumns -%D Here comes the simple splitting routine. It's a bit -%D longer than expected because of ragging bottoms or not. -%D This part can be a bit shorter but I suppose that I will -%D forget what happens. The splitting takes some already -%D present material (think of floats) into account! +%D Here comes the simple splitting routine. It's a bit longer than expected because +%D of ragging bottoms or not. This part can be a bit shorter but I suppose that I +%D will forget what happens. The splitting takes some already present material +%D (think of floats) into account! %D -%D First we present some auxiliary routines. Any material, -%D like for instance floats, that is already present in the -%D boxes is preserved. +%D First we present some auxiliary routines. Any material, like for instance floats, +%D that is already present in the boxes is preserved. \def\splitcolumn#1from \box#2to \dimen#3 top \box#4% {\bgroup @@ -829,7 +708,7 @@ \fuzzysnappedbox\unvbox0 \fakecolumnfootnotes{#1}}% \else - \ifcase\clevernotes + \ifcase\c_strc_notes_page_location \global\setbox#1\vsplit#2 to \dimen#3% \global\setbox#1\vbox {\fuzzysnappedbox\unvbox{#1}}% % or \box ? @@ -859,7 +738,7 @@ \def\fakecolumnfootnotes#1% {\relax - \ifcase\clevernotes\else + \ifcase\c_strc_notes_page_location\else \ifnum#1=\lastcolumnbox \fakenotes \fi @@ -867,7 +746,7 @@ \def\columnfootnotecorrection#1#2% {\relax - \ifcase\clevernotes + \ifcase\c_strc_notes_page_location % page notes \or \ifnum#1=\firstcolumnbox\relax @@ -883,57 +762,63 @@ \def\overlaycolumnfootnotes {\relax - \ifcase\clevernotes - % page notes - \else - \checknotepresence - \ifnotespresent - % the note box has the depth of the notefont - % because a column (i.e. first column has no depth, - % we need to anchor top down) - \bgroup - \ifcase\clevernotes\or - \getmulticolumnlines - \advance\nofcolumnlines \minustwo - \scratchdimen\nofcolumnlines\lineheight - \advance\scratchdimen \topskip - \setbox0\hbox - {\lower\scratchdimen\vbox{\placenoteinserts}}% - \ht0=\openstrutheight % \strutht - \dp0=\openstrutdepth % \strutdp - \wd0=\zeropoint - \scratchdimen\ht\firstcolumnbox - \global\setbox\firstcolumnbox\vbox to \scratchdimen - {\box\firstcolumnbox - \vskip-\scratchdimen - \box0}% - \else - % maybe here also \getmulticolumnlines - \scratchdimen\ht\firstcolumnbox - \advance\scratchdimen -\openstrutdepth % \strutdp - \getnoflines\scratchdimen - \advance\noflines \minustwo - \scratchdimen\noflines\lineheight - \advance\scratchdimen \topskip - \setbox0\hbox - {\lower\scratchdimen\vbox{\placenoteinserts}}% - \ht0=\openstrutheight % \strutht - \dp0=\openstrutdepth % \strutdp - \wd0=\zeropoint - \scratchdimen\ht\lastcolumnbox - \global\setbox\lastcolumnbox\vbox to \scratchdimen - {\box\lastcolumnbox - \vskip-\scratchdimen - \box0}% - \fi - \egroup - \fi + \ifcase\c_strc_notes_page_location + % page + \or + \checknotepresence \ifnotespresent \page_mul_notes_flush_first_column \fi + \or + \checknotepresence \ifnotespresent \page_mul_notes_flush_last_column \fi \fi} -%D Here comes the routine that splits the long box in columns. -%D The macro \type{\flushcolumnfloats} can be used to flush -%D either floats that were present before the multi||column -%D mode was entered, or floats that migrate to next columns. +\newbox\b_page_mul_notes + +\def\page_mul_notes_flush_first_column + {\begingroup + \setbox\b_page_mul_notes\vbox{\placenoteinserts}% + \ifzeropt\ht\b_page_mul_notes + % can't happen as we already checked + \else + \getmulticolumnlines + \advance\nofcolumnlines \minustwo + \scratchdimen\dimexpr\nofcolumnlines\lineheight+\topskip\relax + \setbox\b_page_mul_notes\hbox{\lower\scratchdimen\box\b_page_mul_notes}% + \ht\b_page_mul_notes\openstrutheight + \dp\b_page_mul_notes\openstrutdepth + \wd\b_page_mul_notes\zeropoint + \scratchdimen\ht\firstcolumnbox + \global\setbox\firstcolumnbox\vbox to \scratchdimen + {\box\firstcolumnbox + \vskip-\scratchdimen + \box\b_page_mul_notes}% + \fi + \endgroup} + +\def\page_mul_notes_flush_last_column + {\begingroup + \setbox\b_page_mul_notes\vbox{\placenoteinserts}% + \ifzeropt\ht\b_page_mul_notes + % can't happen as we already checked + \else + % maybe here also \getmulticolumnlines + \scratchdimen\dimexpr\ht\firstcolumnbox-\openstrutdepth\relax % \strutdp + \getnoflines\scratchdimen + \advance\noflines \minustwo + \scratchdimen\dimexpr\noflines\lineheight+\topskip\relax + \setbox\b_page_mul_notes\hbox{\lower\scratchdimen\box\b_page_mul_notes}% + \ht\b_page_mul_notes\openstrutheight + \dp\b_page_mul_notes\openstrutdepth + \wd\b_page_mul_notes\zeropoint + \scratchdimen\ht\lastcolumnbox + \global\setbox\lastcolumnbox\vbox to \scratchdimen + {\box\lastcolumnbox + \vskip-\scratchdimen + \box\b_page_mul_notes}% + \fi + \endgroup} + +%D Here comes the routine that splits the long box in columns. The macro \type +%D {\flushcolumnfloats} can be used to flush either floats that were present before +%D the multi||column mode was entered, or floats that migrate to next columns. %D Flushing floats is a delicate process. \def\continuousmulticolumnsout @@ -964,7 +849,8 @@ \vskip\openstrutdepth % \strutdp \prevdepth\openstrutdepth % \strutdp \vfill}}% - \ifbottomnotes \else + \strc_notes_check_if_bottom_present + \ifconditional\c_notes_bottom_present \else \dimen0\ht\firstcolumnbox \fi \or @@ -990,21 +876,19 @@ {\ht\currentcolumnbox\dimen0}% redundant \fi \setbox\precolumnbox\vbox{\flushcolumnedpage\zerocount}% - \finaloutput\box\precolumnbox - \sethsize - \setvsize + \page_otr_construct_and_shipout\box\precolumnbox + \page_otr_command_set_hsize + \page_otr_command_set_vsize \flushcolumnfloats \unvbox\restofpage % \penalty\outputpenalty % gaat gruwelijk mis in opsommingen \egroup} -%D And this is the balancing stuff. Again, part of the routine -%D is dedicated to handling ragged bottoms, but here we also -%D see some handling concerning the stretching of columns. -%D We set \type{\widowpenalty} at~0, which enables us to -%D balance columns with few lines. The use of \type{\box2} and -%D \type{\box4} garantees a more robust check when skips are -%D used. +%D And this is the balancing stuff. Again, part of the routine is dedicated to +%D handling ragged bottoms, but here we also see some handling concerning the +%D stretching of columns. We set \type {\widowpenalty} at~0, which enables us to +%D balance columns with few lines. The use of \type {\box2} and \type {\box4} +%D garantees a more robust check when skips are used. \def\multicolumnsbalancemax{250} % 100 is too small when floats are involved @@ -1148,8 +1032,7 @@ \showmessage\m!columns{10}\empty \global\setbox\firstcolumnbox\vbox{\unvbox0}% \fi - %\global\output{\balancingerror}% - \page_otf_set_engine_output_routine{\balancingerror}% + \c_page_mul_routine\c_page_mul_routine_error \baselinebottom % forces depth in separation rule \flushcolumnedpage\plusone \multicolumnseject @@ -1162,8 +1045,8 @@ \allowbreak }%\fi} -%D The multicolumn mechanism is incorporated in a \CONTEXT\ -%D interface, which acts like: +%D The multicolumn mechanism is incorporated in a \CONTEXT\ interface, +%D which acts like: %D %D \starttyping %D \startcolumns[n=4,balance=no] @@ -1171,8 +1054,8 @@ %D \stopcolumns %D \stoptyping %D -%D The setup is optional. The default behaviour of columns -%D can be set up with: +%D The setup is optional. The default behaviour of columns can be set +%D up with: %D %D \starttyping %D \setupcolumns @@ -1180,31 +1063,24 @@ %D balance=yes] %D \stoptyping %D -%D In this case, stretching is according to the way it's -%D done outside columns (\type{\inheritcolumnstrue}). Also -%D we can setup the \type{tolerance} within a column, the -%D \type{distance} between columns and the fixed -%D \type{height} of a column. - -%D Multi||column output: the float routines +%D In this case, stretching is according to the way it's done outside columns +%D (\type{\inheritcolumnstrue}). Also we can setup the \type{tolerance} within a +%D column, the \type{distance} between columns and the fixed \type{height} of a +%D column. %D -%D Here come the routines that handle the placement of column -%D floats. Floats that are to big migrate to the next -%D column. Floats that are too wide, migrate to the top of the -%D next page, where they span as much columns as needed. -%D Floats that are left over from outside the multi||column -%D mode are flushed first. In macro \type{\finaloutput} the -%D topfloats that are left from previous text should be set. +%D Here come the routines that handle the placement of column floats. Floats that +%D are to big migrate to the next column. Floats that are too wide, migrate to the +%D top of the next page, where they span as much columns as needed. Floats that are +%D left over from outside the multi||column mode are flushed first. In macro +%D \type{\page_otr_construct_and_shipout} the topfloats that are left from previous +%D text should be set. %D -%D When there are some floats in the queue, we inhibit the -%D flushing of floats on top of columns. The number of -%D waiting floats is preswent in \type{\savednoftopfloats} and -%D is saved. As long as there are floats waiting, the topfloats -%D are places as if we are outside multi||column mode. This is -%D neccessary for e.g. multicolumn lists. +%D When there are some floats in the queue, we inhibit the flushing of floats on top +%D of columns. The number of waiting floats is preswent in \type{\savednoftopfloats} +%D and is saved. As long as there are floats waiting, the topfloats are places as if +%D we are outside multi||column mode. This is neccessary for e.g. multicolumn lists. %D -%D When all those floats are flushed, we switch to the local -%D flushing routine. +%D When all those floats are flushed, we switch to the local flushing routine. \def\dopushcolumnfloats {\ifsomefloatwaiting @@ -1235,10 +1111,29 @@ \newconditional\onlylocalcolumnfloats % temp hack as we will redo floats (grid snapping is also messy now) -\def\OTRMULdocheckiffloatfits{\ifconditional\onlylocalcolumnfloats\docolumnroomfloat \else\relax \fi} -\def\OTRMULdosetbothinserts {\ifconditional\onlylocalcolumnfloats\relax \else\OTRONEdosetbothinserts\fi} -\def\OTRMULdotopinsertions {\ifconditional\onlylocalcolumnfloats\relax \else\OTRONEdotopinsertions \fi} -\def\OTRMULdoflushfloats {\ifconditional\onlylocalcolumnfloats\doflushcolumnfloats\else\OTRONEdoflushfloats \fi} +\unexpanded\def\page_mul_command_flush_floats + {\ifconditional\onlylocalcolumnfloats + \doflushcolumnfloats + \else + \page_one_command_flush_floats + \fi} + +\unexpanded\def\page_mul_command_check_if_float_fits + {\ifconditional\onlylocalcolumnfloats + \docolumnroomfloat + \fi} + +\unexpanded\def\page_mul_command_flush_saved_floats + {\ifconditional\onlylocalcolumnfloats\relax + \else + \page_one_command_flush_saved_floats + \fi} + +\unexpanded\def\page_mul_command_flush_top_insertions + {\ifconditional\onlylocalcolumnfloats\relax + \else + \page_one_command_flush_top_insertions + \fi} \newtoks\everylocalcolumnfloatspar @@ -1264,7 +1159,7 @@ {\bgroup \xdef\localsavednoffloats{\the\savednoffloats}% \global\savednoffloats\globalsavednoffloats - \dotopinsertions + \page_otr_command_flush_top_insertions \xdef\globalsavenoffloats{\the\savednoffloats}% \ifnum\globalsavednoffloats=\zerocount \setlocalcolumnfloats @@ -1272,14 +1167,12 @@ \global\savednoffloats\localsavednoffloats \egroup} -%D We need to calculate the amount of free space in a columns. -%D When there is not enough room, we migrate the float to the -%D next column. These macro's are alternatives (and -%D look||alikes) of \type{\doroomfloat}. When a float is to -%D wide, for one column, it is moved to the top of the next -%D page. Of course such moved floats have to be taken into -%D account when we calculate the available space. It's a pitty -%D that such things are no integral part of \TEX. +%D We need to calculate the amount of free space in a columns. When there is not +%D enough room, we migrate the float to the next column. These macro's are +%D alternatives (and look||alikes) of \type {\doroomfloat}. When a float is to wide, +%D for one column, it is moved to the top of the next page. Of course such moved +%D floats have to be taken into account when we calculate the available space. It's +%D a pitty that such things are no integral part of \TEX. \def\getcolumnstatus\column#1\total#2\goal#3\\% {\dimen0=\ifdim\pagegoal<\maxdimen \pagetotal \else \zeropoint \fi @@ -1339,10 +1232,9 @@ \fi \egroup \fi\fi} - -%D Flushing one float is done as soon as possible, i.e. -%D \type{\everypar}. This means that (at the moment) -%D sidefloats are not supported (overulled)! + +%D Flushing one float is done as soon as possible, i.e. \type {\everypar}. +%D This means that (at the moment) sidefloats are not supported (overulled)! \newif\ifflushingcolumnfloats \flushingcolumnfloatstrue @@ -1394,26 +1286,25 @@ \nobreak \fi \dofloatsflush\s!text{1}% - \flushfloatbox + \page_otr_command_flush_float_box \blank[\rootfloatparameter\c!spaceafter] \fi \fi \fi \egroup} -%D This one looks complicated. Upto \type{\nofcolumns} floats -%D are placed, taking the width of a float into account. This -%D routine can be improved on different ways: +%D This one looks complicated. Upto \type{\nofcolumns} floats are placed, +%D taking the width of a float into account. This routine can be improved +%D on different ways: %D %D \startitemize[intro,packed] -%D \item taking into account some imaginary baseline, just to -%D get the captions in line -%D \item multipass flushing until as many floats are displaced -%D as possible +%D \item taking into account some imaginary baseline, just to get the +%D captions in line +%D \item multipass flushing until as many floats are displaced as possible %D \stopitemize %D -%D When handling lots of (small) floats spacing can get worse -%D because of lining out the columns. +%D When handling lots of (small) floats spacing can get worse because of +%D lining out the columns. \def\doflushcolumnfloats {\ifpostponecolumnfloats\else @@ -1479,17 +1370,17 @@ \advance\dimen8 \dimen6 \advance\count2 \minusone \advance\count0 \minusone }% - \setvsize + \page_otr_command_set_vsize \global\advance\vsize -\dimen8 \global\pagegoal\vsize \else - %\doflushfloats % does not snap! + % \page_mul_command_flush_floats % does not snap! \fi \egroup \fi} -%D The next macro can be used to flush floats in the current -%D stream. No width checking is (yet) done. +%D The next macro can be used to flush floats in the current stream. No +%D width checking is (yet) done. \def\insertcolumnfloats {\doloop @@ -1506,11 +1397,11 @@ \exitloop \fi}} -%D This were the multi||column routines. They can and need to -%D be improved but at the moment their behaviour is acceptable. +%D This were the multi||column routines. They can and need to be improved +%D but at the moment their behaviour is acceptable. %D -%D One inprovement can be to normalize the height of floats -%D to $n\times$\type{\lineheight} with a macro like: +%D One inprovement can be to normalize the height of floats to $ n \times $ +%D \type {\lineheight} with a macro like: %D %D \starttyping %D \normalizevbox{...} @@ -1519,13 +1410,11 @@ % border case, should fit on one page % % \startcolumns -% -% 1 \input tufte \par \plaatsfiguur{}{\omlijnd[breedte=\hsize,hoogte=3cm]{1}} -% 2 \input tufte \par \plaatsfiguur{}{\omlijnd[breedte=\hsize,hoogte=3cm]{2}} -% 3 \input tufte \par \plaatsfiguur{}{\omlijnd[breedte=\hsize,hoogte=3cm]{3}} -% +% 1 \input tufte \par \placefigure{}{\framed[width=\hsize,height=3cm]{1}} +% 2 \input tufte \par \placefigure{}{\framed[width=\hsize,height=3cm]{2}} +% 3 \input tufte \par \placefigure{}{\framed[width=\hsize,height=3cm]{3}} % \stopcolumns - + \unexpanded\def\setupcolumns {\dosingleempty\dosetupcolumns} @@ -1632,19 +1521,18 @@ \fi \fi} -\installcolumnbreakmethod {MUL} \v!preference +\installcolumnbreakmethod \s!multicolumn \v!preference {\goodbreak} -\installcolumnbreakmethod {MUL} \v!yes +\installcolumnbreakmethod \s!multicolumn \v!yes {\par % todo: since {\testrulewidth\zeropoint\ruledvskip\textheight} % we misuse a \penalty-200 % side effect \vskip-\textheight }% bugged : \prevdepth-\thousandpoint} % signals top of column to \blank - -%D New: only at start of columns; may change ! Rather -%D interwoven and therefore to be integrated when the multi -%D column modules are merged. (moved from cont-new.tex) + +%D New: only at start of columns; may change ! Rather interwoven and therefore +%D to be integrated when the multi column modules are merged. \unexpanded\def\setupcolumnspan[#1]% {\getparameters[\??ks][#1]} @@ -1684,7 +1572,7 @@ \wd\b_page_columns_span\hsize \ifinsidecolumns \ifnum\@@ksn>1 - \setvsize + \page_otr_command_set_vsize \dohandleallcolumns {\ifnum\currentcolumn>\@@ksn\else \global\setbox\currenttopcolumnbox=\vbox @@ -1712,7 +1600,7 @@ \unexpanded\def\stopcolumnspan {\egroup} - + \setupcolumns [\c!n=2, \c!ntop=1, @@ -1728,7 +1616,7 @@ \c!option=, \c!rulethickness=\linewidth, \c!offset=.5\bodyfontsize] - + %D Undocumented and still under development. \unexpanded\def\startsimplecolumns @@ -1756,5 +1644,30 @@ \let\rigidcolumnlines\@@kllines \setrigidcolumnhsize\@@klwidth\@@kldistance\@@kln} +\let\page_mul_command_package_contents\page_one_command_package_contents +\let\page_mul_command_flush_float_box \page_one_command_flush_float_box + +\defineoutputroutine + [\s!multicolumn] + [\s!page_otr_command_routine =\page_mul_command_routine, + \s!page_otr_command_package_contents =\page_mul_command_package_contents, + \s!page_otr_command_set_vsize =\page_mul_command_set_vsize, + \s!page_otr_command_set_hsize =\page_mul_command_set_hsize, + \s!page_otr_command_next_page =\page_mul_command_next_page, + \s!page_otr_command_next_page_and_inserts =\page_mul_command_next_page_and_inserts, + % \s!page_otr_command_synchronize_hsize =\page_mul_command_synchronize_hsize, + % \s!page_otr_command_set_top_insertions =\page_mul_command_set_top_insertions, + % \s!page_otr_command_set_bottom_insertions =\page_mul_command_set_bottom_insertions, + \s!page_otr_command_flush_top_insertions =\page_mul_command_flush_top_insertions, + % \s!page_otr_command_flush_bottom_insertions =\page_mul_command_flush_bottom_insertions, + % \s!page_otr_command_set_float_hsize =\page_mul_command_set_float_hsize, + \s!page_otr_command_check_if_float_fits =\page_mul_command_check_if_float_fits, + \s!page_otr_command_flush_float_box =\page_mul_command_flush_float_box, + \s!page_otr_command_synchronize_side_floats =\page_mul_command_synchronize_side_floats, + \s!page_otr_command_side_float_output =\page_mul_command_side_float_output, + \s!page_otr_command_flush_floats =\page_mul_command_flush_floats, + \s!page_otr_command_flush_side_floats =\page_mul_command_flush_side_floats, + \s!page_otr_command_flush_saved_floats =\page_mul_command_flush_saved_floats + ] \protect \endinput diff --git a/tex/context/base/page-not.mkiv b/tex/context/base/page-not.mkiv index 8a0298598..06e2f3875 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/page-not.mkiv +++ b/tex/context/base/page-not.mkiv @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ \unprotect \def\checkbegincolumnfootnotes % should happen inside otr - {\ifcase\clevernotes + {\ifcase\c_strc_notes_page_location \erasenotebackup \else \flushnotes @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ \def\checkendcolumnfootnotes {\restorenotedata - \ifcase\clevernotes\else + \ifcase\c_strc_notes_page_location\else \restorenotecontent \fi} @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ % hm \def\checkbegincolumnfootnotes % should happen inside otr - {\ifcase\clevernotes + {\ifcase\c_strc_notes_page_location \erasenotebackup \else \flushnotes @@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ \def\checkendcolumnfootnotes {\restorenotedata \ifinsidecolumns - \ifcase\clevernotes\else + \ifcase\c_strc_notes_page_location\else \restorenotecontent \fi \fi} diff --git a/tex/context/base/page-one.mkiv b/tex/context/base/page-one.mkiv index 98d82f3a7..1a695e157 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/page-one.mkiv +++ b/tex/context/base/page-one.mkiv @@ -20,22 +20,21 @@ % OTRONE: basic single column -\page_otr_activate{ONE}\empty % the default otr +\newdimen\d_page_one_saved_vsize -\newtoks\OTRONEoutput - -\def\OTRONEgotonextpage +\unexpanded\def\page_one_command_next_page {\page_otr_eject_page} -\def\OTRONEgotonextpageX % will become obsolete +\unexpanded\def\page_one_command_next_page_and_inserts {\page_otr_eject_page_and_flush_inserts} -\def\OTRONEsethsize +\unexpanded\def\page_one_command_set_hsize {\global\hsize\textwidth} -\newdimen\oldvsize +\unexpanded\def\page_one_command_set_float_hsize + {\global\hsize\textwidth} -\def\OTRONEsetvsize +\unexpanded\def\page_one_command_set_vsize {\ifgridsnapping \ifcase\layoutlines \getrawnoflines\textheight @@ -47,13 +46,13 @@ \global\vsize\textheight \fi \ifdim\pagegoal<\maxdimen - \ifdim\oldvsize=\vsize + \ifdim\d_page_one_saved_vsize=\vsize % let's assume that the layout didn't change \else - \global\oldvsize\vsize + \global\d_page_one_saved_vsize\vsize \global\pagegoal\dimexpr\vsize-\topinserted-\botinserted\relax % \bgroup -% \global\oldvsize\vsize +% \global\d_page_one_saved_vsize\vsize % \advance\vsize-\topinserted % \advance\vsize-\botinserted % \global\pagegoal\vsize @@ -61,36 +60,25 @@ \fi \fi} -% can we avoid the extra vboxing here? - -\def\OTRONEregisteredtextarea#1% obsolete - {\ifconditional\c_page_areas_enabled - \setbox0\vbox{#1}% - \wd0\makeupwidth % somehow a space creeps in - \vbox{\registeredtextarea000}% - \else - #1% - \fi} - % 1 = partial page, 2 = whole page, 3 = partial page \setnewconstant\kindofpagetextareas\plustwo -\def\OTRONEregisteredtextareaA +\def\page_one_registered_text_area_a {\ifconditional\c_page_areas_enabled - \expandafter\OTRONEregisteredtextareaAindeed + \expandafter\page_one_registered_text_area_a_indeed \else \expandafter\firstofoneargument \fi} -\def\OTRONEregisteredtextareaB +\def\page_one_registered_text_area_b {\ifconditional\c_page_areas_enabled - \expandafter\OTRONEregisteredtextareaBindeed + \expandafter\page_one_registered_text_area_b_indeed \else \expandafter\firstofoneargument \fi} -\def\OTRONEregisteredtextareaAindeed +\def\page_one_registered_text_area_a_indeed {\ifcase\kindofpagetextareas \expandafter\firstofoneargument \or % partial page (experimental) @@ -101,7 +89,7 @@ \expandafter\page_areas_register_boxed \fi} -\def\OTRONEregisteredtextareaBindeed +\def\page_one_registered_text_area_b_indeed {\ifcase\kindofpagetextareas \expandafter\firstofoneargument \or % partial page (experimental) @@ -113,34 +101,51 @@ \fi} \newdimen\d_page_one_natural_depth +\newbox \b_page_one_bottom_notes +\newbox \b_page_one_contents + +\let\page_one_command_package_show_state\relax + +% \fakepagenotes ... needs checking +% +% we can also have bottom notes on top of bottom insertions -\def\OTRONEdopagecontents#1#2% \box<n> \unvbox<n> % this one will be redone (checked) +\unexpanded\def\page_one_command_package_contents#1#2% \box<n> \unvbox<n> % this one will be redone (checked) {\bgroup \strc_notes_check_if_bottom_present - \setbox0\vbox \ifconditional\c_notes_bottom_present to \textheight \fi - {\d_page_one_natural_depth\dp#2\relax - \dotopinsertions - \OTRONEregisteredtextareaA{#1#2}% + \d_page_one_natural_depth\dp#2\relax + % we need to set the height as otherwise the shrink will not kick in so the following + % no longer applies: + % + % \setbox\b_page_one_contents\vbox \ifconditional\c_notes_bottom_present to \textheight \fi + % + \setbox\b_page_one_contents\vbox to \textheight + {\page_otr_command_flush_top_insertions + % this is messy ... we will provide a more tight area (no big deal as we can + % do that at the lua end) + \page_one_registered_text_area_a{#1#2}% \unvbox <box> + % \ifgridsnapping \vskip\dimexpr\openstrutdepth-\d_page_one_natural_depth\relax \prevdepth\openstrutdepth - \dobotinsertions + \page_otr_command_flush_bottom_insertions \vfil \else\ifcase\bottomraggednessmode - % ragged + % ragged (default) \vskip\dimexpr\openstrutdepth-\d_page_one_natural_depth\relax \prevdepth\openstrutdepth - \dobotinsertions + \page_otr_command_flush_bottom_insertions \vfil \or % align (normal) - \dobotinsertions + \page_otr_command_flush_bottom_insertions \or % baseline \kern\dimexpr\maxdepth-\d_page_one_natural_depth\relax - \dobotinsertions + \page_otr_command_flush_bottom_insertions \fi\fi \fakepagenotes}% + \page_one_command_package_show_state \ifconditional\c_notes_bottom_present \ifgridsnapping \ifcase\layoutlines @@ -148,47 +153,42 @@ \else \noflines\layoutlines \fi - \advance\noflines\minusone - \scratchoffset\dimexpr\noflines\lineheight+\topskip\relax + \scratchoffset\dimexpr\numexpr\noflines-\plusone\relax\lineheight+\topskip\relax \else - \scratchoffset\ht0 + \scratchoffset\ht\b_page_one_contents \fi + \setbox\b_page_one_bottom_notes\hbox + {\checksinglecolumnfootnotes % why this check? *** + \lower\scratchoffset\vbox{\placebottomnotes}}% + \smashbox\b_page_one_bottom_notes + \ht\b_page_one_contents\zeropoint + \page_one_registered_text_area_b + {\vbox to \textheight + {\box\b_page_one_contents + \box\b_page_one_bottom_notes}}% \else - \scratchoffset\zeropoint + \ht\b_page_one_contents\textheight + \page_one_registered_text_area_b + {\box\b_page_one_contents}% \fi - \setbox2\hbox - {\checksinglecolumnfootnotes % why this check? - \lower\scratchoffset - \vbox{\placebottomnotes}}% - \smashbox2% % needed here - \OTRONEregisteredtextareaB - {\vbox to \textheight - {\ifconditional\c_notes_bottom_present - \ht0\zeropoint - \box0 - \box2 - \else - \box0 - \box2 - \vfill - \fi}}% \egroup} -\def\OTRONEfinalsidefloatoutput - {\finaloutput\unvbox\normalpagebox} +\unexpanded\def\page_one_command_side_float_output + {\page_otr_construct_and_shipout\unvbox\normalpagebox} -\OTRONEoutput{\page_sides_output_routine} % this will become a command +\unexpanded\def\page_one_command_routine + {\page_sides_output_routine} %D Insertions -\newif\iftopofinsert +\newconditional\c_page_one_top_of_insert -\def\OTRONEdosettopinserts +\unexpanded\def\page_one_command_set_top_insertions {\bgroup \ifsomefloatwaiting \noffloatinserts\zerocount \let\totaltopinserted\!!zeropoint - \OTRONEdodosettopinserts + \page_one_command_set_top_insertions_indeed \ifnum\rootfloatparameter\c!nbottom=\zerocount \ifnum\rootfloatparameter\c!nlines>\zerocount \ifdim\totaltopinserted>\zeropoint\relax @@ -202,20 +202,20 @@ \fi \egroup} -\def\OTRONEdodosettopinserts +\def\page_one_command_set_top_insertions_indeed {\ifnum\noffloatinserts<\noftopfloats \dogetfloat \ifdim\topinserted=\zeropoint - \topofinserttrue + \settrue\c_page_one_top_of_insert \else - \topofinsertfalse + \setfalse\c_page_one_top_of_insert \fi \global\advance\topinserted\dimexpr\ht\floatbox+\dp\floatbox+\floatbottomskip\relax \ifdim\topinserted<\textheight\relax \xdef\totaltopinserted{\the\topinserted}% \insert\topins {\forgetall - \iftopofinsert + \ifconditional\c_page_one_top_of_insert \topskipcorrection % [xx] new: see icare topbleed \kern-\lineskip\par \prevdepth\maxdimen @@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ %\blank[-\rootfloatparameter\c!spaceafter,\rootfloatparameter\c!spacebefore]% inserts can't look back \betweenfloatblanko \fi - \flushfloatbox + \page_otr_command_flush_float_box \blank[\rootfloatparameter\c!spaceafter]}% \ifsomefloatwaiting \advance\noffloatinserts \plusone @@ -239,19 +239,19 @@ \ifsomefloatwaiting \showmessage\m!floatblocks6{\the\noftopfloats}% \fi - \let\OTRONEdodosettopinserts\relax + \let\page_one_command_set_top_insertions_indeed\relax \fi - \OTRONEdodosettopinserts} + \page_one_command_set_top_insertions_indeed} -\def\OTRONEdosetbotinserts +\unexpanded\def\page_one_command_set_bottom_insertions {\bgroup \ifsomefloatwaiting \noffloatinserts\zerocount - \OTRONEdodosetbotinserts + \page_one_command_set_bottom_insertions_indeed \fi \egroup} -\def\OTRONEdodosetbotinserts +\def\page_one_command_set_bottom_insertions_indeed {\ifnum\noffloatinserts<\nofbotfloats\relax \dogetfloat \global\advance\botinserted \ht\floatbox\relax @@ -261,7 +261,7 @@ \insert\botins {\forgetall \blank[\rootfloatparameter\c!spacebefore]% - \flushfloatbox}% + \page_otr_command_flush_float_box}% \ifsomefloatwaiting \advance\noffloatinserts \plusone \else @@ -277,24 +277,13 @@ \ifsomefloatwaiting \showmessage\m!floatblocks7{\the\nofbotfloats}% \fi - \let\OTRONEdodosetbotinserts\relax + \let\page_one_command_set_bottom_insertions_indeed\relax \fi - \OTRONEdodosetbotinserts} - -\def\OTRONEdosetbothinserts - {\global\topinserted\zeropoint - \global\botinserted\zeropoint - \ifflushingfloats \else - \OTRONEdosettopinserts - \OTRONEdosetbotinserts - \ifsomefloatwaiting - \doif{\rootfloatparameter\c!cache}\v!no\doflushfloats - \fi - \fi} + \page_one_command_set_bottom_insertions_indeed} \newconstant\topinserttopskipmode % 1 = no topskip -\def\OTRONEdotopinsertions +\unexpanded\def\page_one_command_flush_top_insertions {\ifvoid\topins\else \ifgridsnapping \box\topins @@ -313,7 +302,7 @@ \fi \global\topinserted\zeropoint} -\def\OTRONEdobotinsertions +\unexpanded\def\page_one_command_flush_bottom_insertions {\ifvoid\botins\else \ifgridsnapping % \floatparameter\c!bottombefore @@ -328,32 +317,32 @@ \global\botinserted\zeropoint \global\nofloatpermittedfalse} -\def\OTRONEdoflushfloats +\unexpanded\def\page_one_command_flush_floats {\global\flushingfloatstrue \ifsomefloatwaiting \par % if kept, then option and definitely off in gridmode ! ! ! ! % \ifvmode \prevdepth\maxdimen \fi % prevents whitespace; problematic in icare tests - \OTRONEdodoflushfloats + \page_one_command_flush_floats_indeed \fi \global\savednoffloats\zerocount \global\somefloatwaitingfalse \global\flushingfloatsfalse} -\def\OTRONEflushfloatbox % nog verder doorvoeren en meer info in marge +\unexpanded\def\page_one_command_flush_float_box {\ifcenterfloatbox \ifdim\wd\floatbox<\hsize \global\setbox\floatbox\hbox to \hsize{\hss\box\floatbox\hss}% \fi \fi \snaptogrid\hbox{\iftestfloatbox\ruledhbox\fi{\box\floatbox}}} % was copy -\def\OTRONEdodoflushfloats % much in common with OTRSET +\def\page_one_command_flush_floats_indeed % much in common with OTRSET {\ifsomefloatwaiting \ifpackflushedfloats \centerfloatboxfalse % not needed as we do call directly \dofloatscollect\s!text{\hsize}{1em}% %% no longer (interferes with footnotes): %% - %% \OTRONEsetvsize % test 2011.06.24.001 + %% \page_one_command_set_vsize % test 2011.06.24.001 %% \global\setbox\floatbox\hbox to \hsize {\hfil @@ -379,10 +368,10 @@ % fits on a page where it was first rejected, in which case % the prevdepth is -maxdimen and we cannot obey the grid \doplacefloatbox - \expandafter\OTRONEdodoflushfloats + \expandafter\page_one_command_flush_floats_indeed \fi} -\def\OTRONEdocheckiffloatfits % vervangen ivm downward comp +\unexpanded\def\page_one_command_check_if_float_fits {\ifnofloatpermitted \global\roomforfloatfalse \else @@ -414,89 +403,184 @@ \fi \fi} -\def\OTRONEflushsavedfloats - {\dosetbothinserts} - -% TODO: TEST FIRST, NO CORRECTION NEEDED IN GRID MODE, EVT OPTION +\unexpanded\def\page_one_command_flush_saved_floats + {\global\topinserted\zeropoint + \global\botinserted\zeropoint + \ifflushingfloats \else + \page_one_command_set_top_insertions + \page_one_command_set_bottom_insertions + \ifsomefloatwaiting + \doif{\rootfloatparameter\c!cache}\v!no\page_one_command_flush_floats % could be _otr_ + \fi + \fi} -\def\OTRONEsomeherefloat[#1]% spacing between two successive must be better - {\baselinecorrection % not really needed in grid mode: - %\ifgridsnapping \else \baselinecorrection \fi % ! ! ! test test test ! ! ! ! +\def\page_one_place_float_here_indeed + {%\ifgridsnapping \else + \baselinecorrection + %\fi \doplacefloatbox \doinsertfloatinfo \dohandlenextfloatindent} -\setnewconstant\fixedfloatmethod\plusthree - -\def\OTRONEsomefixdfloat % [#1] - {% there is (in mkii) no good way to prevent a break - % so better fail than mess, we can get loose from - % heads, so be it - \showmessage\m!floatblocks9\empty - \OTRONEsomeherefloat} % [#1] - -\def\OTRONEsomesidefloat[#1]% links, rechts NOG TESTEN EN AANPASSEN - {\ifinsidecolumns - \someelsefloat[\v!here]% +\def\page_one_place_float_force + {\showmessage\m!floatblocks9\empty + \page_one_place_float_here_indeed} + +\def\page_one_place_float_side_indeed#1% + {\setbox\floatbox\vbox{\box\floatbox}% ? can go + \wd\floatbox\floatwidth + #1{\box\floatbox}% + \doifinset\v!tall\floatlocationmethod\page_sides_flush_floats_after_par} + +\def\page_one_place_float_left {\page_one_place_float_side_indeed\page_sides_process_float_left\presetindentation} +\def\page_one_place_float_right {\page_one_place_float_side_indeed\page_sides_process_float_right} +\def\page_one_place_float_margin {\page_one_place_float_side_indeed\page_sides_process_float_margin\nonoindentation} +\def\page_one_place_float_leftmargin {\page_one_place_float_side_indeed\page_sides_process_float_leftmargin} +\def\page_one_place_float_rightmargin{\page_one_place_float_side_indeed\page_sides_process_float_rightmargin} +\def\page_one_place_float_leftedge {\page_one_place_float_side_indeed\page_sides_process_float_leftedge} +\def\page_one_place_float_rightedge {\page_one_place_float_side_indeed\page_sides_process_float_rightedge} +\def\page_one_place_float_inmargin {\page_one_place_float_side_indeed\page_sides_process_float_cutspace} +\def\page_one_place_float_backspace {\page_one_place_float_side_indeed\page_sides_process_float_backspace} +\def\page_one_place_float_cutspace {\page_one_place_float_side_indeed\page_sides_process_float_cutspace} + +\def\page_one_place_float_page {\dofloatssavepagefloat \s!page \floatlocationmethod} +\def\page_one_place_float_leftpage {\dofloatssavepagefloat \s!leftpage \floatlocationmethod} +\def\page_one_place_float_rightpage {\dofloatssavepagefloat \s!rightpage\floatlocationmethod} +\def\page_one_place_float_somewhere {\dofloatssavesomewherefloat\s!somewhere\floatlocationmethod} + +\def\page_one_place_float_here {\page_one_place_float_otherwise_here} +\def\page_one_place_float_auto {\page_one_place_float_otherwise} +\def\page_one_place_float_top {\page_one_place_float_otherwise\nonoindentation} +\def\page_one_place_float_bottom {\page_one_place_float_otherwise} + +\def\page_one_place_float_otherwise + {\doifinsetelse\v!here\floatlocationmethod + \page_one_place_float_otherwise_here + \page_one_place_float_otherwise_else} + +\def\page_one_place_float_otherwise_here + {\doifinsetelse\v!always\floatlocationmethod + {\page[\v!preference]% + \page_otr_command_check_if_float_fits + \ifroomforfloat + \page_one_place_float_here_indeed + \else + \showmessage\m!floatblocks9\empty + \doreversesavefloat + \fi} + {\ifsomefloatwaiting + \dosavefloat + \else + \page[\v!preference]% + \page_otr_command_check_if_float_fits + \ifroomforfloat + \page_one_place_float_here_indeed + \else + \dosavefloat + \fi + \fi}} + +\def\page_one_place_float_otherwise_else + {\doifinsetelse\v!always\floatlocationmethod + {\page_otr_command_check_if_float_fits + \ifroomforfloat + \page_one_place_float_auto_top_bottom + \else + \showmessage\m!floatblocks9\empty + \doreversesavefloat + \fi} + {\page_otr_command_check_if_float_fits + \ifroomforfloat + \page_one_place_float_auto_top_bottom + \else + \dosavefloat + \fi}} + +\def\floatautofactor{.5} + +\def\page_one_place_float_auto_top_bottom + {\ifx\floatmethod\v!auto + \ifdim\pagetotal<\floatautofactor\pagegoal % when empty page, maxdimen + \page_one_place_float_top_indeed + \else + \page_one_place_float_bottom_indeed + \fi \else - %\checkwaitingfloats{#1}% - \setbox\floatbox\vbox{\box\floatbox}% ? can go - \wd\floatbox\floatwidth - \processfirstactioninset - [#1] - [ \v!left=>\leftfloat {\box\floatbox}, - \v!right=>\rightfloat {\box\floatbox}, - \v!inleft=>\leftmarginfloat {\box\floatbox}, - \v!inright=>\rightmarginfloat{\box\floatbox}, - \v!leftmargin=>\leftmarginfloat {\box\floatbox}, - \v!rightmargin=>\rightmarginfloat{\box\floatbox}, - \v!leftedge=>\leftedgefloat {\box\floatbox}, - \v!rightedge=>\rightedgefloat {\box\floatbox}, - \v!backspace=>\backspacefloat {\box\floatbox}, - \v!cutspace=>\cutspacefloat {\box\floatbox}, - \v!inmargin=>\cutspacefloat {\box\floatbox}]% - \doifinset\v!tall{#1}\flushsidefloatsafterpar + \ifx\floatmethod\v!top + \page_one_place_float_top_indeed + \else\ifx\floatmethod\v!bottom + \page_one_place_float_top_indeed + \else + \page_one_place_float_here_indeed + \fi\fi \fi} -\def\OTRONEsomepagefloat [#1]{\dofloatssavepagefloat {\s!page} {#1}} -\def\OTRONEsomeleftpagefloat [#1]{\dofloatssavepagefloat {\s!leftpage} {#1}} -\def\OTRONEsomerightpagefloat[#1]{\dofloatssavepagefloat {\s!rightpage}{#1}} - -%def\OTRONEsomesoemwherefloat[#1]{\dofloatssavesomewherefloat{\s!somewhere}{#1}} - -\def\OTRONEsometopsfloat[#1]% +\def\page_one_place_float_top_indeed {\ifdim\topinserted=\zeropoint - \topofinserttrue + \settrue\c_page_one_top_of_insert \else - \topofinsertfalse + \setfalse\c_page_one_top_of_insert \fi \global\advance\topinserted\dimexpr\ht\floatbox+\dp\floatbox+\floatbottomskip\relax \insert\topins {\forgetall - \iftopofinsert + \ifconditional\c_page_one_top_of_insert \topskipcorrection % [xx] new: see icare topbleed \kern-\lineskip\par\prevdepth\maxdimen \else %\blank[-\rootfloatparameter\c!spaceafter,\rootfloatparameter\c!spacebefore]% inserts can't look back \betweenfloatblanko \fi - \flushfloatbox + \page_otr_command_flush_float_box \blank[\rootfloatparameter\c!spaceafter]}% \doinsertfloatinfo} -\def\OTRONEsomebotsfloat[#1]% +\def\page_one_place_float_bottom_indeed {\global\advance\botinserted\dimexpr\ht\floatbox+\dp\floatbox+\floattopskip\relax \insert\botins {\forgetall \blank[\rootfloatparameter\c!spacebefore]% - \flushfloatbox}% + \page_otr_command_flush_float_box}% %\global\nofloatpermittedtrue \doinsertfloatinfo} -\def\OTRONEsomefacefloat[#1]% untested - {\startopposite\flushfloatbox\stopopposite} - -\def\OTRONEnextcolumn[#1]% - {} +\def\page_one_place_float_face % links, rechts, midden, hoog, midden, laag + {%\checkwaitingfloats{#1}% + \startopposite + \page_otr_command_flush_float_box + \stopopposite + }%\doinsertfloatinfo} + +\unexpanded\def\page_one_command_flush_side_floats + {\page_sides_flush_floats} + +\unexpanded\def\page_one_command_synchronize_side_floats + {\page_sides_synchronize_floats} + +\defineoutputroutine + [\s!singlecolumn] + [\s!page_otr_command_routine =\page_one_command_routine, + \s!page_otr_command_package_contents =\page_one_command_package_contents, + \s!page_otr_command_set_vsize =\page_one_command_set_vsize, + \s!page_otr_command_set_hsize =\page_one_command_set_hsize, + \s!page_otr_command_next_page =\page_one_command_next_page, + \s!page_otr_command_next_page_and_inserts =\page_one_command_next_page_and_inserts, + % \s!page_otr_command_synchronize_hsize =\page_one_command_synchronize_hsize, + \s!page_otr_command_set_top_insertions =\page_one_command_set_top_insertions, + \s!page_otr_command_set_bottom_insertions =\page_one_command_set_bottom_insertions, + \s!page_otr_command_flush_top_insertions =\page_one_command_flush_top_insertions, + \s!page_otr_command_flush_bottom_insertions =\page_one_command_flush_bottom_insertions, + % \s!page_otr_command_set_float_hsize =\page_one_command_set_float_hsize, + \s!page_otr_command_check_if_float_fits =\page_one_command_check_if_float_fits, + \s!page_otr_command_flush_float_box =\page_one_command_flush_float_box, + \s!page_otr_command_synchronize_side_floats =\page_one_command_synchronize_side_floats, + \s!page_otr_command_side_float_output =\page_one_command_side_float_output, + \s!page_otr_command_flush_floats =\page_one_command_flush_floats, + \s!page_otr_command_flush_side_floats =\page_one_command_flush_side_floats, + \s!page_otr_command_flush_saved_floats =\page_one_command_flush_saved_floats + ] + +% \setupoutputroutine +% [\s!singlecolumn] \protect \endinput diff --git a/tex/context/base/page-otr.mkvi b/tex/context/base/page-otr.mkvi new file mode 100644 index 000000000..fd96054cf --- /dev/null +++ b/tex/context/base/page-otr.mkvi @@ -0,0 +1,288 @@ +%D \module +%D [ file=page-otr, +%D version=2012.01.25, +%D title=\CONTEXT\ Page Macros, +%D subtitle=Output Routines, +%D author=Hans Hagen, +%D date=\currentdate, +%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}] +%C +%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is +%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for +%C details. + +\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Page Macros / Output Routines} + +%D This module will get some of the code from other modules. At the +%D same time we provide a bit more control. + +% When issuing two \par\penalty-\plustenthousand's, only the first +% triggers the otr. Is this an obscure feature or an optimization? + +\unprotect + +\def\m!otr{otr} % todo + +\installcorenamespace{outputroutine} + +\installswitchcommandhandler \??outputroutine {outputroutine} \??outputroutine + +\newtoks\t_page_otr_commands +\newtoks\t_page_otr_tracers + +\unexpanded\def\defineoutputroutinecommand[#name]% doing multiple on one go saves syncing + {\processcommalist[#name]\page_otr_commands_define} + +\unexpanded\def\page_otr_commands_define#name% + {\ifcsname#name\endcsname \else + \expandafter\let\csname#name\endcsname\relax + \normalexpanded{\t_page_otr_commands{\the\t_page_otr_commands\noexpand\page_otr_commands_process{#name}}}% + \fi} + +\let\page_otr_commands_process\gobbleoneargument + +\appendtoks + \let\page_otr_commands_process\page_otr_specifics_preset + \the\t_page_otr_commands + \let\page_otr_commands_process\gobbleoneargument +\to \everyswitchoutputroutine + +\unexpanded\def\page_otr_specifics_preset#1% + {\edef\page_otr_specifics_command{\strictoutputroutineparameter{#1}}% no inheritance of commands + \ifx\page_otr_specifics_command\empty + \writestatus{\currentoutputroutine}{- \expandafter\strippedcsname\csname#1\endcsname}% + \expandafter\let\csname#1\endcsname\relax + \else + \writestatus{\currentoutputroutine}{+ \expandafter\strippedcsname\csname#1\endcsname}% + \expandafter\let\csname#1\expandafter\endcsname\page_otr_specifics_command + \fi} + +\unexpanded\def\page_otr_specifics_preset_normal#1% + {\edef\page_otr_specifics_command{\strictoutputroutineparameter{#1}}% no inheritance of commands + \ifx\page_otr_specifics_command\empty + \expandafter\let\csname#1\endcsname\relax + \else + \expandafter\let\csname#1\expandafter\endcsname\page_otr_specifics_command + \fi} + +\unexpanded\def\page_otr_specifics_preset_traced#1% + {\edef\page_otr_specifics_command{\strictoutputroutineparameter{#1}}% no inheritance of commands + \ifx\page_otr_specifics_command\empty + \writestatus{\currentoutputroutine}{preset: - \expandafter\strippedcsname\csname#1\endcsname}% + \expandafter\let\csname#1\endcsname\relax + \else + \writestatus{\currentoutputroutine}{preset: + \expandafter\strippedcsname\csname#1\endcsname}% + \expandafter\let\csname#1\expandafter\endcsname\page_otr_specifics_command + \fi} + +\let\page_otr_specifics_preset\page_otr_specifics_preset_normal + +\unexpanded\def\traceoutputroutines + {\the\t_page_otr_tracers} + +\appendtoks + \let\page_otr_specifics_preset\page_otr_specifics_preset_traced +\to \t_page_otr_tracers + +%D We have a couple of output routines and the default one is +%D the single column routine. Then there is a multicolumn variant +%D that can be used mixed, and a columnset variant that is more +%D exclusive. + +\installcorenamespace{otrtriggers} + +\newconstant\c_page_otr_eject_penalty \c_page_otr_eject_penalty -\plustenthousand +\newconstant\c_page_otr_super_penalty \c_page_otr_super_penalty -\plustwentythousand +\newcount \c_page_otf_trigger_penalty \c_page_otf_trigger_penalty -100010 + +\newif \ifinotr % we keep this (name) for old times sake + +\unexpanded\def\page_otr_message_b{\page_otr_message_s+} +\unexpanded\def\page_otr_message_e{\page_otr_message_s-} + +\unexpanded\def\page_otr_message_s#1#2% + {\writestatus + \currentoutputroutine + {#1\space \space + #2\space \space + p:\the\outputpenalty,\space + r:\the\realpageno ,\space + c:\number\mofcolumns,\space + v:\the\vsize ,\space + g:\the\pagegoal ,\space + t:\the\pagetotal ,\space + \ifdim\pagetotal>\pagegoal + d:\the\dimexpr\pagetotal-\pagegoal\relax + \fi}} + +\unexpanded\def\page_otr_trigger#1% + {\begingroup + \par + \penalty#1% + \endgroup} + +\unexpanded\def\installoutputroutine#1#2% \invoke \action + {\global\advance\c_page_otf_trigger_penalty\minusone + \edef#1{\page_otr_trigger{\number\c_page_otf_trigger_penalty}}% + \setvalue{\??otrtriggers\number\c_page_otf_trigger_penalty}{#2}} + +\unexpanded\def\page_otr_triggered_output_routine_traced + {\ifcsname\??otrtriggers\the\outputpenalty\endcsname + \page_otr_message_b{special}% + \csname\??otrtriggers\the\outputpenalty\endcsname + \page_otr_message_e{special}% + \else + \page_otr_message_b{normal}% + \page_otr_command_routine + \page_otr_message_e{normal}% + \fi} + +\unexpanded\def\page_otr_triggered_output_routine_normal + {\ifcsname\??otrtriggers\the\outputpenalty\endcsname + \csname\??otrtriggers\the\outputpenalty\endcsname + \else + \page_otr_command_routine + \fi} + +\let\page_otr_triggered_output_routine\page_otr_triggered_output_routine_normal + +\appendtoks + \let\page_otr_triggered_output_routine\page_otr_triggered_output_routine_traced +\to \t_page_otr_tracers + +%D The real routine handler: + +\ifdefined\everybeforeoutput \else \newtoks\everybeforeoutput \fi +\ifdefined\everyafteroutput \else \newtoks\everyafteroutput \fi + +\def\page_otf_set_engine_output_routine#1% + {\global\output + {\inotrtrue + \the\everybeforeoutput + #1\relax + \the\everyafteroutput}} + +\page_otf_set_engine_output_routine\page_otr_triggered_output_routine + +\installoutputroutine\synchronizeoutput + {\ifvoid\normalpagebox\else + \unvbox\normalpagebox + \pagediscards + \fi} + +\installoutputroutine\discardpage + {\setbox\scratchbox\box\normalpagebox} + +% todo: \resetpagebreak -> everyejectpage + +\def\page_otr_trigger_output_routine + {\par + \ifvmode + \penalty\c_page_otr_eject_penalty + \fi + \resetpagebreak} + +\def\page_otr_fill_and_eject_page + {\par + \ifvmode + \vfill + \penalty\c_page_otr_eject_penalty + \fi + \resetpagebreak} + +\def\page_otr_eject_page + {\par + \ifvmode + \ifdim\pagetotal>\pagegoal \else + \normalvfil + \fi + \penalty\c_page_otr_eject_penalty + \fi + \resetpagebreak} + +\def\page_otr_eject_page_and_flush_inserts % can be an installed one + {\par + \ifvmode + \ifdim\pagetotal>\pagegoal \else + \normalvfil + \fi + \penalty\c_page_otr_super_penalty + \fi + \resetpagebreak} + +\def\page_otr_check_for_pending_inserts + {\ifnum\outputpenalty>\c_page_otr_super_penalty \else + \ifnum\insertpenalties>\zerocount + % something is being held over so we force a new page + \page_otr_force_another_page + \fi + \fi} + +\def\page_otr_force_another_page + {% we should actually remove the dummy line in the otr + \hbox to \hsize{}% + \kern-\topskip + \nobreak + \vfill + \penalty\c_page_otr_super_penalty + \resetpagebreak} + +%D For those who've read the plain \TEX\ book, we provide the next +%D macro: + +\unexpanded\def\bye + {\writestatus\m!system{Sorry, you're not done yet, so no goodbye!}} + +%D We define a few constants because that (1) provides some checking +%D and (2) is handier when aligning definitions (checks nicer). + +\definesystemconstant{page_otr_command_routine} +\definesystemconstant{page_otr_command_package_contents} +\definesystemconstant{page_otr_command_set_vsize} +\definesystemconstant{page_otr_command_set_hsize} +\definesystemconstant{page_otr_command_synchronize_hsize} +\definesystemconstant{page_otr_command_next_page} +\definesystemconstant{page_otr_command_next_page_and_inserts} +\definesystemconstant{page_otr_command_set_top_insertions} +\definesystemconstant{page_otr_command_set_bottom_insertions} +\definesystemconstant{page_otr_command_flush_top_insertions} +\definesystemconstant{page_otr_command_flush_bottom_insertions} +\definesystemconstant{page_otr_command_check_if_float_fits} +\definesystemconstant{page_otr_command_set_float_hsize} +\definesystemconstant{page_otr_command_flush_float_box} +\definesystemconstant{page_otr_command_side_float_output} +\definesystemconstant{page_otr_command_synchronize_side_floats} +\definesystemconstant{page_otr_command_flush_floats} +\definesystemconstant{page_otr_command_flush_side_floats} +\definesystemconstant{page_otr_command_flush_saved_floats} + +\definesystemconstant{singlecolumn} +\definesystemconstant{multicolumn} +\definesystemconstant{columnset} + +\defineoutputroutinecommand + [\s!page_otr_command_routine, + \s!page_otr_command_package_contents, + \s!page_otr_command_set_vsize, + \s!page_otr_command_set_hsize, + \s!page_otr_command_synchronize_hsize, % for columns of different width + \s!page_otr_command_next_page, + \s!page_otr_command_next_page_and_inserts, + \s!page_otr_command_set_top_insertions, + \s!page_otr_command_set_bottom_insertions, + \s!page_otr_command_flush_top_insertions, + \s!page_otr_command_flush_bottom_insertions, + \s!page_otr_command_check_if_float_fits, + \s!page_otr_command_set_float_hsize, + \s!page_otr_command_flush_float_box, + \s!page_otr_command_side_float_output, % name will change as will hooks + \s!page_otr_command_synchronize_side_floats, + \s!page_otr_command_flush_floats, + \s!page_otr_command_flush_side_floats, + \s!page_otr_command_flush_saved_floats] + +\appendtoks + \setupoutputroutine[\s!singlecolumn]% +\to \everydump + +\protect \endinput diff --git a/tex/context/base/page-plg.mkiv b/tex/context/base/page-plg.mkiv index 189228f17..798014f19 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/page-plg.mkiv +++ b/tex/context/base/page-plg.mkiv @@ -108,10 +108,12 @@ %D \stoptext %D \stoptyping +% will become an outputroutine + \unprotect -\def\page_boxes_construct_content_makeup#1#2% - {\setbox\pagebox\hbox +\def\page_boxes_construct_content_makeup#1#2#3% targetbox flusher box + {\setbox#1\hbox {\vbox to \textheight {\offinterlineskip % optie @@ -121,21 +123,16 @@ \hsize\textwidth \boxmaxdepth\maxdepth \noindent - \dopagecontents#1#2}}% - \wd\pagebox\makeupwidth - \ht\pagebox\textheight - \dp\pagebox\zeropoint + \page_otr_command_package_contents#2#3}}% + \wd#1\makeupwidth + \ht#1\textheight + \dp#1\zeropoint \hsize\paperwidth \vsize\paperheight - \setbox\pagebox\vbox -% {\doifbothsidesoverruled -% {\csname\??layoutmethod\v!page\endcsname} -% {\csname\??layoutmethod\v!rightpage\endcsname} -% {\csname\??layoutmethod\v!leftpage\endcsname}}% - {\csname\??layoutmethod\doifbothsidesoverruled\v!page\v!rightpage\v!leftpage\endcsname}% - \wd\pagebox\paperwidth - \ht\pagebox\paperheight - \dp\pagebox\zeropoint} + \setbox#1\vbox{\csname\??layoutmethod\doifbothsidesoverruled\v!page\v!rightpage\v!leftpage\endcsname}% + \wd#1\paperwidth + \ht#1\paperheight + \dp#1\zeropoint} \installlayoutalternative\v!makeup{\page_boxes_construct_content_makeup} diff --git a/tex/context/base/page-set.mkiv b/tex/context/base/page-set.mkiv index 45f6f7660..674f54831 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/page-set.mkiv +++ b/tex/context/base/page-set.mkiv @@ -54,8 +54,11 @@ \def\OTRSETmakeupwidth{\innermakeupwidth} -\let\OTRSETflushsidefloats \forgetsidefloats % \relax -\let\OTRSETsynchronizesidefloats\forgetsidefloats % \relax +\unexpanded\def\page_set_command_flush_side_floats + {\page_sides_forget_floats} + +\unexpanded\def\page_set_command_synchronize_side_floats + {\page_sides_forget_floats} \def\OTRSETgridcell #1#2{\csname \@otr@:\number#1:\number#2\endcsname} \def\OTRSETgetgridcell#1#2{\box\csname \@otr@:\number#1:\number#2\endcsname} @@ -500,7 +503,6 @@ \fi \doglobal\increment\columnsetpage \OTRSETinitializecolumns - %\OTRSETdoflushfloats \OTRSETstartnextpage \initializecolumntextareas \fi} @@ -520,16 +522,16 @@ \def\OTRSETdofinaloutput {\ifdim\ht\OTRfinalpagebox=\textheight - \bgroup % \let\OTRSETsetvsize\relax % prevents useless search for gap + \bgroup \ifcase\OTRSETbalancemethod - \finaloutput\box\OTRfinalpagebox + \page_otr_construct_and_shipout\box\OTRfinalpagebox \else\ifdim\OTRSETbalht>\zeropoint % catch a bordercase \scratchdimen\OTRSETbalht \advance\scratchdimen\lineheight\relax \ifdim\scratchdimen>\textheight % full page - \finaloutput\box\OTRfinalpagebox + \page_otr_construct_and_shipout\box\OTRfinalpagebox \else % same page \global\setbox\OTRfinalpagebox \iftracecolumnset\ruledvbox\else\vbox\fi to \OTRSETbalht @@ -538,7 +540,7 @@ \snaptogrid\vbox{\vskip\OTRSETbalht}% hack \fi \else - \finaloutput\box\OTRfinalpagebox + \page_otr_construct_and_shipout\box\OTRfinalpagebox \fi \fi \globallet\OTRSETbalht\zeropoint \egroup @@ -552,8 +554,6 @@ \newdimen \OTRSETtextsheight \let \OTRSETidentifier=\empty -\newtoks \OTRSEToutput - \def\OTRSETgetparameter#1#2{\csname\??mc\OTRSETidentifier\number#2#1\endcsname} \def\OTRSETsetparameter#1#2{\setvalue{\??mc\OTRSETidentifier\number#2#1}} @@ -568,7 +568,7 @@ \emptybox \fi} -\def\OTRSETsetvsize % snap per sectie (gap here?) +\unexpanded\def\page_set_command_set_vsize % snap per sectie (gap here?) {\ifcollectingcontent \else % can be assigndimen \OTRSETsetcolumnmaxcells % layout can be changed \OTRSETskipstart % not that well tested @@ -590,7 +590,7 @@ \textwidth\localcolumnwidth \hsize\localcolumnwidth} -\def\OTRSETsynchronizehsize +\unexpanded\def\page_set_command_synchronize_hsize {\ifcase0\getvalue{\??mc\??mc\c!width}\else % some width set \bgroup \scratchdimen\OTRSETlocalwidth\mofcolumns @@ -603,7 +603,7 @@ \fi} \def\OTRSETcheckfreelines - {\OTRSETsetvsize} + {\page_set_command_set_vsize} \def\doOTRSETcolumnseparator {\hbox to \zeropoint{\hss\red\vl\hss}} @@ -613,34 +613,6 @@ \def\showbreaks {\let\OTRSETcolumnseparator\doOTRSETcolumnseparator} -% \installcolumnbreakmethod {SET} \v!ja -% {% hmmm: -% \ifhmode -% \bgroup -% \removeunwantedspaces -% \parfillskip\zeropoint -% \OTRSETcolumnseparator -% \par -% \egroup -% \fi -% % brrr: -% \page_otr_flush_all_floats -% \page_otr_eject_page -% \OTRSETsynchronizehsize} % no \OTRSETsethsize, can be mid smaller (like tabulate) -% -% \installcolumnbreakmethod {SET} \v!forceer -% {\OTRSETgotocolumn[\v!forceer]} -% \installcolumnbreakmethod {SET} \v!eerste -% {\OTRSETgotocolumn[\v!eerste]} -% \installcolumnbreakmethod {SET} \v!laatste -% {\OTRSETgotocolumn[\v!laatste]} -% -% \installcolumnbreakmethod {SET} \v!pagina -% {\simplepagebreak % \flushnotes \executepagebreakhandler\v!ja -% \ifnum\mofcolumns>\plusone -% \OTRSETgotocolumn[\v!laatste,\v!forceer]% -% \fi} - \def\OTRSETcolumnhbreak {\ifhmode \bgroup @@ -651,21 +623,21 @@ \egroup \fi} -\installcolumnbreakmethod {SET} \v!local +\installcolumnbreakmethod \s!columnset \v!local {\OTRSETcolumnhbreak \page_otr_flush_all_floats \page_otr_eject_page % no \OTRSETsethsize, can be mid smaller (like tabulate) % also, this one should be executed at the outer level % (setting hsize inside otr does not work) - \OTRSETsynchronizehsize} + \page_set_command_synchronize_hsize} % We need to make sure that we really leave the column; mid % column we may end up in an empty gap, and we don't want to % stay there (basically such a gap is a small empty page % then). -\installcolumnbreakmethod {SET} \v!yes +\installcolumnbreakmethod \s!columnset \v!yes {\OTRSETcolumnhbreak \edef\savedmofcolumns{\the\mofcolumns}% \edef\savedrealpageno{\the\realpageno}% @@ -681,14 +653,13 @@ \else \exitloop \fi}% - \OTRSETsynchronizehsize} + \page_set_command_synchronize_hsize} -\installcolumnbreakmethod {SET} \s!unknown +\installcolumnbreakmethod \s!columnset \s!unknown {\expanded{\OTRSETgotocolumn[\@@columnspecification]}} -\installcolumnbreakmethod {SET} \v!page - {\page_otr_fill_and_eject_page - \OTRSETgotonextpage} +\installcolumnbreakmethod \s!columnset \v!page + {\page_otr_fill_and_eject_page} \newtoks\OTRSETeverystartofcolumn @@ -759,7 +730,7 @@ \else % we should not discard skips after here; tricky \fi - \OTRSETsetvsize + \page_set_command_set_vsize \fi} \def\OTRSETplacebottomnotes @@ -830,8 +801,8 @@ % we cannot adapt the hsize since it may have changed (like % inside a tabulate) so we only change it when there is a % reason to do so - \OTRSETsynchronizehsize - \OTRSETsetvsize} + \page_set_command_synchronize_hsize + \page_set_command_set_vsize} \def\OTRSETfindnextgap {\OTRSETsetfreecells\mofcolumns\columnlastcell @@ -843,7 +814,7 @@ \OTRSETdoflush \global\columnlastcell\plusone \global\columnfirstcell\zerocount - \OTRSETdoflushfloats + \page_set_command_flush_floats \else \the\OTRSETeverystartofcolumn \global\columnlastcell\plusone @@ -936,7 +907,7 @@ \ifenoughcolumncells \OTRSETsetgridcells\mofcolumns\columnfirstcell\columnhcells\columnvcells {\hbox{\copy#1}}% - \OTRSETsetvsize + \page_set_command_set_vsize \else \OTRSETsavebox{#1}% \fi} @@ -953,7 +924,7 @@ \ifenoughcolumncells \OTRSETsetgridcells\mofcolumns\columnlastcell\columnhcells\columnvcells{\copy#1}% \OTRSETfillgapsbetweencells\mofcolumns\savedcolumnlastcell % -) - \OTRSETsetvsize + \page_set_command_set_vsize \else \columnlastcell\savedcolumnlastcell \OTRSETsavebox{#1}% @@ -1168,7 +1139,7 @@ \OTRSETstoreincolumnslotindeed \mofcolumns\mofcolumns+\currenthcell \noflines\columnmaxcells+\currentvcell{#2}% - \OTRSETsetvsize} + \page_set_command_set_vsize} \def\OTRSETcheckprefered {\ifnum\preferedcolumn<\mofcolumns @@ -1246,7 +1217,7 @@ \else %\message{[flt]}% float \fi - \OTRSETsetvsize + \page_set_command_set_vsize %\message{[fnt]}% float \else %\message{[rej]}% save box @@ -1291,7 +1262,7 @@ \egroup \fi} -\def\OTRSETdocheckiffloatfits % eigenlijk moet else float anders +\unexpanded\def\page_set_command_check_if_float_fits {\global\ifnofloatpermitted\roomforfloatfalse\else\roomforfloattrue\fi} \def\OTRSETunpreparebox#1% @@ -1313,10 +1284,10 @@ {\OTRSETunpreparebox{#1}% \dofloatsresave\s!text} -\def\OTRSETflushfloatbox % nog verder doorvoeren en meer info in marge +\unexpanded\def\page_set_command_flush_float_box {\iftestfloatbox\ruledhbox\fi{\box\floatbox}} -\def\OTRSETdoflushfloats +\unexpanded\def\page_set_command_flush_floats {\bgroup \def\OTRSETsavebox##1{\!!doneafalse}% \doloop @@ -1487,7 +1458,7 @@ \definecolumnset[\s!default][\c!n=2] % fallback -\def\OTRSETgotonextpage +\unexpanded\def\page_set_command_next_page {\page_otr_fill_and_eject_page \relax\ifnum\mofcolumns>\plusone \OTRSETgotocolumn[\v!last]% @@ -1496,7 +1467,8 @@ \fi \fi} -\let\OTRSETgotonextpageX\OTRSETgotonextpage % will become obsolete +\let\page_set_command_next_page_and_inserts\page_set_command_next_page + \def\OTRSETgotocolumn {\dosingleempty\doOTRSETgotocolumn} @@ -1535,7 +1507,7 @@ \dorecurse\scratchcounter{\line{\strut}}% \fi \fi - \OTRSETsetvsize} + \page_set_command_set_vsize} \def\doOTRSETgotocolumn[#1]% yes|force|first|last|<number>|<number>*<number> {\processallactionsinset @@ -1583,7 +1555,7 @@ % \fi % \fi % \fi -% \OTRSETsetvsize} +% \page_set_command_set_vsize} \def\OTRSETgotocell#1#2% obsolete: now \column[#1*#2] {\endgraf @@ -1613,7 +1585,7 @@ \globallet\columnsetpage\!!plusone \def\currentcolumnset{#2}% \insidecolumnstrue % will be different flag in addition - \page_otr_activate{SET}{ONE}% andere naam, activate or so + \setupoutputroutine[\s!columnset]% \doifelsenothing{#1} {\globallet\OTRSETlist\s!default} {\xdef\OTRSETlist{#1}}% @@ -1657,8 +1629,8 @@ \dostopcolumnset \egroup \global\notelimittrue % brrr, untested and fuzzy - \setvsize - \sethsize + \page_otr_command_set_vsize + \page_otr_command_set_hsize \ifvoid\OTRfinalpagebox\else % probably balanced \ifdim\ht\OTRfinalpagebox<\textheight @@ -1668,7 +1640,11 @@ \fi \fi \global\setfalse\OTRSETfinish - \ifsomefloatwaiting \setvsize \pagebreak \setvsize \fi + \ifsomefloatwaiting + \page_otr_command_set_vsize + \pagebreak + \page_otr_command_set_vsize + \fi \OTRSETflushleftovers \else \egroup @@ -1758,13 +1734,13 @@ \OTRSETinitializecolumns \OTRSETcheckinsert \OTRSETcheckgrid - \OTRSETsetvsize - \OTRSETsethsize % or local ? + \page_set_command_set_vsize + \page_set_command_set_hsize % or local ? \OTRSETsetplaceholders \OTRSEThandlepreposttext \initializecolumntextareas % name ! \OTRSETcheckstartcells - \OTRSETsetvsize} + \page_set_command_set_vsize} \def\OTRSETcheckstartcells {\dorecurse\nofcolumns @@ -1777,12 +1753,12 @@ \donothing{\OTRSETsetgridcell\mofcolumns\recurselevel\copy\placeholderboxe}}% \egroup}} -\OTRSEToutput +\unexpanded\def\page_otr_set_routine {\dontcomplain % new, get rid of overfull message (to be sorted out) \doloop {\OTRSETnaturalflush %\OTRSETstartnextpage % no - \OTRSETdoflushfloats % actually belongs in \flushsavedfloats (but goes wrong) + \page_set_command_flush_floats \OTRSETcheckfreelines \ifsomefreecolumncells \exitloop @@ -1871,8 +1847,8 @@ \def\OTRSETchecksidefloat {} % {\sidefloatoutput} -\def\OTRSETfinalsidefloatoutput - {} +\unexpanded\def\page_set_command_side_float_output + {} % nothing, reset anyway \def\OTRSETcheckgrid {\topskip1\topskip @@ -1994,21 +1970,22 @@ % page contents -\def\OTRSETdopagecontents#1#2% takes two args: \box<n> \unvbox<n> +% \def\OTRSETdopagecontents#1#2% takes two args: \box<n> \unvbox<n> +\unexpanded\def\page_set_command_package_contents#1#2% \box<n> \unvbox<n> % this one will be redone (checked) {\vbox to \textheight{\forgetall#1#2}} - -\def\OTRSETsomepagefloat {\def\floatmethod{PAGE}\OTRSETsomeslotfloat} % check -\def\OTRSETsomeherefloat {\def\floatmethod{HERE}\OTRSETsomeslotfloat} % check -\def\OTRSETsomeelsefloat {\def\floatmethod{HERE}\OTRSETsomeslotfloat} % check -\def\OTRSETsomefixdfloat {\def\floatmethod{FIXD}\OTRSETsomeslotfloat} % check -\def\OTRSETsometopfloat {\def\floatmethod{TOPS}\OTRSETsomeslotfloat} % check -\def\OTRSETsomebottomfloat{\def\floatmethod{BOTS}\OTRSETsomeslotfloat} % check + +\def\page_set_place_float_page {\def\floatmethod{PAGE}\page_set_place_float_slot} % check +\def\page_set_place_float_here {\def\floatmethod{HERE}\page_set_place_float_slot} % check +\def\page_set_place_float_else {\def\floatmethod{HERE}\page_set_place_float_slot} % check / not used +\def\page_set_place_float_force {\def\floatmethod{FIXD}\page_set_place_float_slot} % check +\def\page_set_place_float_top {\def\floatmethod{TOPS}\page_set_place_float_slot} % check +\def\page_set_place_float_bottom{\def\floatmethod{BOTS}\page_set_place_float_slot} % check \def\OTRSETflushfloatbox % nog verder doorvoeren en meer info in marge {\iftestfloatbox\ruledhbox\fi{\box\floatbox}} -\def\OTRSETsomeslotfloat[#1]% - {\setbox\floatbox\vbox{\flushfloatbox}% +\def\page_set_place_float_slot + {\setbox\floatbox\vbox{\page_otr_command_flush_float_box}% \dp\floatbox\strutdp \@EA\uppercasestring\floatmethod\to\floatmethod \OTRSETstoreincolumnslot\floatmethod\floatbox @@ -2016,7 +1993,9 @@ % kind of new, looks much like OTRONE, but not entirely -\def\OTRSETdosettopinserts +\newconditional\c_page_set_top_of_insert + +\unexpanded\def\page_set_command_set_top_insertions {\bgroup \ifsomefloatwaiting \noffloatinserts\zerocount @@ -2042,20 +2021,20 @@ {\ifnum\noffloatinserts<\noftopfloats \dogetfloat \ifdim\topinserted=\zeropoint\relax - \topofinserttrue + \settrue\c_page_set_top_of_insert \else - \topofinsertfalse + \setfalse\c_page_set_top_of_insert \fi \setbox\scratchbox\vbox % kan beter ! {\forgetall - \iftopofinsert + \ifconditional\c_page_set_top_of_insert %\ifdim\OTRSETtopoffset=\zeropoint % \moveongrid[\v!top] %\fi \else \betweenfloatblanko % inserts can't look back \fi - \flushfloatbox + \page_otr_command_flush_float_box \blank[\rootfloatparameter\c!spaceafter]}% \global\advance\topinserted \ht\scratchbox\relax \ifdim\topinserted>\vsize % was \textheight\relax @@ -2081,7 +2060,7 @@ \fi \OTRSETdodosettopinserts} -\def\OTRSETdosetbotinserts +\unexpanded\def\page_set_command_set_bottom_insertions {\bgroup \ifsomefloatwaiting \noffloatinserts\zerocount @@ -2099,7 +2078,7 @@ \insert\botins {\forgetall \blank[\rootfloatparameter\c!spacebefore]% - \flushfloatbox}% + \page_otr_command_flush_float_box}% \ifsomefloatwaiting \advance\noffloatinserts \plusone \else @@ -2119,9 +2098,7 @@ \fi \OTRSETdodosetbotinserts} -\let\OTRSETdosetbothinserts\relax - -\def\OTRSETdotopinsertions +\unexpanded\def\page_set_command_flush_top_insertions {\ifvoid\topins\else \ifvoid\columntopbox\mofcolumns \columnsettopbox\mofcolumns\box\topins @@ -2135,7 +2112,7 @@ \fi \global\topinserted\zeropoint\relax} % goes away -\def\OTRSETdobotinsertions +\unexpanded\def\page_set_command_flush_bottom_insertions {\ifvoid\botins \else \columnsetbotbox\mofcolumns\box\botins % \else @@ -2275,7 +2252,7 @@ \def\flushcolumntextareas {\initializecolumntextareas - \setvsize} + \page_otr_command_set_vsize} % set ? \def\columntextlastbackspace{\backspace} @@ -2407,7 +2384,7 @@ {\!!counta#1\!!countb#2\docalculatecolumnsetspan \edef\columnsetspanhsize{\the\!!widtha}} -\def\OTRSETsetfloathsize % new, otherwise wrong spanning floats in columnset +\unexpanded\def\page_set_command_set_float_hsize {\hsize % maybe checking optional \ifdim\tempfloatwidth>\makeupwidth \makeupwidth @@ -2557,7 +2534,41 @@ % \startcolumnsetspan[two] \emptylines[5] \stopcolumnsetspan % \startcolumnsetspan[two] \input tufte \stopcolumnsetspan % \stopcolumnset - + +\unexpanded\def\page_set_command_flush_saved_floats % rather similar to _one_ ut this might change + {\global\topinserted\zeropoint + \global\botinserted\zeropoint + \ifflushingfloats \else + \page_set_command_set_top_insertions + \page_set_command_set_bottom_insertions + \ifsomefloatwaiting + \doif{\rootfloatparameter\c!cache}\v!no\page_set_command_flush_floats % could be _otr_ + \fi + \fi} + +\defineoutputroutine + [\s!columnset] + [\s!page_otr_command_routine =\page_set_command_routine, + \s!page_otr_command_package_contents =\page_set_command_package_contents, + \s!page_otr_command_set_vsize =\page_set_command_set_vsize, + \s!page_otr_command_set_hsize =\page_set_command_set_hsize, + \s!page_otr_command_next_page =\page_set_command_next_page, + \s!page_otr_command_next_page_and_inserts =\page_set_command_next_page_and_inserts, + \s!page_otr_command_synchronize_hsize =\page_set_command_synchronize_hsize, + \s!page_otr_command_set_top_insertions =\page_set_command_set_top_insertions, + \s!page_otr_command_set_bottom_insertions =\page_set_command_set_bottom_insertions, + \s!page_otr_command_flush_top_insertions =\page_set_command_flush_top_insertions, + \s!page_otr_command_flush_bottom_insertions =\page_set_command_flush_bottom_insertions, + \s!page_otr_command_set_float_hsize =\page_set_command_set_float_hsize, + \s!page_otr_command_check_if_float_fits =\page_set_command_check_if_float_fits, + \s!page_otr_command_flush_float_box =\page_set_command_flush_float_box, + \s!page_otr_command_synchronize_side_floats =\page_set_command_synchronize_side_floats, + \s!page_otr_command_side_float_output =\page_set_command_side_float_output, + \s!page_otr_command_flush_floats =\page_set_command_flush_floats, + \s!page_otr_command_flush_side_floats =\page_set_command_flush_side_floats, + \s!page_otr_command_flush_saved_floats =\page_set_command_flush_saved_floats + ] + \protect \endinput % extreme examples (1) diff --git a/tex/context/base/page-sid.mkiv b/tex/context/base/page-sid.mkiv index f95cc0bb3..dbf567f5f 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/page-sid.mkiv +++ b/tex/context/base/page-sid.mkiv @@ -92,16 +92,16 @@ \let\sidefloatalign \c_page_sides_align \let\sidefloatmethod \c_page_sides_method -\def\backspacefloat {\global\c_page_sides_float_type\plusone \page_sides_handle_float} -\def\leftedgefloat {\global\c_page_sides_float_type\plustwo \page_sides_handle_float} -\def\leftmarginfloat {\global\c_page_sides_float_type\plusthree\page_sides_handle_float} -\def\leftfloat {\global\c_page_sides_float_type\plusfour \page_sides_handle_float} -\def\rightfloat {\global\c_page_sides_float_type\plusfive \page_sides_handle_float} -\def\rightmarginfloat{\global\c_page_sides_float_type\plussix \page_sides_handle_float} -\def\rightedgefloat {\global\c_page_sides_float_type\plusseven\page_sides_handle_float} -\def\cutspacefloat {\global\c_page_sides_float_type\pluseight\page_sides_handle_float} - -\let\marginfloat \cutspacefloat +\def\page_sides_process_float_backspace {\global\c_page_sides_float_type\plusone \page_sides_handle_float} +\def\page_sides_process_float_leftedge {\global\c_page_sides_float_type\plustwo \page_sides_handle_float} +\def\page_sides_process_float_leftmargin {\global\c_page_sides_float_type\plusthree\page_sides_handle_float} +\def\page_sides_process_float_left {\global\c_page_sides_float_type\plusfour \page_sides_handle_float} +\def\page_sides_process_float_right {\global\c_page_sides_float_type\plusfive \page_sides_handle_float} +\def\page_sides_process_float_rightmargin{\global\c_page_sides_float_type\plussix \page_sides_handle_float} +\def\page_sides_process_float_rightedge {\global\c_page_sides_float_type\plusseven\page_sides_handle_float} +\def\page_sides_process_float_cutspace {\global\c_page_sides_float_type\pluseight\page_sides_handle_float} +\def\page_sides_process_float_margin {\global\c_page_sides_float_type\pluseight\page_sides_handle_float} + \let\logsidefloat \relax \newif\ifroomforfloat % shared (will change) @@ -261,11 +261,11 @@ \global\c_page_sides_n_of_lines\zerocount % here ! \fi} -\def\page_sides_flush_floats_after_par +\unexpanded\def\page_sides_flush_floats_after_par {\xdef\oldpagetotal{\the\pagetotal}% \global\let\page_sides_check_floats\page_sides_check_floats_after_par} -\def\page_sides_forget_floats +\unexpanded\def\page_sides_forget_floats {\global\d_page_sides_vsize\d_page_sides_vsize_reset \global\c_page_sides_n_of_lines\zerocount % also here if used at all \global\holdinginserts\zerocount @@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ \fi} \def\page_sides_output_routine_nop - {\finalsidefloatoutput % indirect call + {\page_otr_command_side_float_output % otr specific \global\d_page_sides_vsize\d_page_sides_vsize_reset \global\c_page_sides_n_of_lines\zerocount % we can end up in fig lock, so \global\holdinginserts\zerocount here too ? @@ -656,7 +656,7 @@ \def\iffirstsidefloatparagraph {\ifcase\c_page_sides_checks_done\or} -\def\page_sides_check_floats_set +\unexpanded\def\page_sides_check_floats_set {\scratchdimen\dimexpr\d_page_sides_progress+\strutht-\roundingeps\relax \c_page_sides_n_of_hang\scratchdimen \divide\c_page_sides_n_of_hang \baselineskip\relax @@ -708,15 +708,15 @@ \llap{\showstruts\strut\kern.25\bodyfontsize}}% \fi} -\def\page_sides_check_floats_reset +\unexpanded\def\page_sides_check_floats_reset {\global\c_page_sides_checks_done\zerocount} -\def\page_sides_synchronize_floats +\unexpanded\def\page_sides_synchronize_floats {\ifinner \else \page_sides_check_floats \fi} -\def\page_sides_check_previous_float +\unexpanded\def\page_sides_check_previous_float {\page_sides_analyse_progress \ifdim\d_page_sides_progress>\zeropoint \relax \ifconditional\c_page_sides_short @@ -785,26 +785,12 @@ % \def as they can be redefined! +% some will become obsolete + \def\checksidefloat {\page_sides_check_floats} -\def\flushsidefloats {\page_sides_flush_floats} +%def\flushsidefloats {\page_sides_flush_floats} \def\flushsidefloatsafterpar{\page_sides_flush_floats_after_par} -\def\forgetsidefloats {\page_sides_forget_floats} -\def\synchronizesidefloats {\page_sides_synchronize_floats} - -\let\OTRONEflushsidefloats \page_sides_flush_floats -\let\OTRONEsynchronizesidefloats\page_sides_synchronize_floats - -% page-set -% -% \let\OTRSETflushsidefloats \forgetsidefloats -% \let\OTRSETsynchronizesidefloats\forgetsidefloats -% -% page-mul -% -% \let\OTRMULflushsidefloats \forgetsidefloats -% \let\OTRMULsynchronizesidefloats\forgetsidefloats - -\registerotrcommand\synchronizesidefloats -\registerotrcommand\flushsidefloats +%def\forgetsidefloats {\page_sides_forget_floats} +%def\synchronizesidefloats {\page_sides_synchronize_floats} \protect \endinput diff --git a/tex/context/base/page-spr.mkiv b/tex/context/base/page-spr.mkiv index 33bd6ff16..f4768d4e9 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/page-spr.mkiv +++ b/tex/context/base/page-spr.mkiv @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ \hsize\textwidth % local variant of \sethsize \boxmaxdepth\maxdepth \noindent % content can be < \hsize - \dopagecontents#2#3}}% + \page_otr_command_package_contents#2#3}}% \dp#1\zeropoint \setbox#1\hbox to \makeupwidth {\ifinspread diff --git a/tex/context/base/page-str.mkiv b/tex/context/base/page-str.mkiv index 1808eed01..f14f2f716 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/page-str.mkiv +++ b/tex/context/base/page-str.mkiv @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ \newtoks \everyenableoutputstream \appendtoks - \flushsidefloats + \page_otr_command_flush_side_floats \to \everyenableoutputstream \def\initializeoutputstreams diff --git a/tex/context/base/page-txt.mkvi b/tex/context/base/page-txt.mkvi index 10192a028..c63f697e1 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/page-txt.mkvi +++ b/tex/context/base/page-txt.mkvi @@ -514,16 +514,19 @@ \page_layouts_left_edge_element\c!lefttext \fi \ifdim\leftmarginwidth>\zeropoint - \page_layouts_left_margin_element\c!lefttext\page_layouts_extra_at_margin_left + %\page_layouts_left_margin_element\c!lefttext\page_layouts_extra_at_margin_left + \page_layouts_left_margin_element\c!lefttext\page_layouts_extra_at_margin_right \fi \ifdim\makeupwidth>\zeropoint \page_layouts_text_body_element\c!lefttext\c!middletext\c!righttext\page_layouts_extra_at_margin_left \fi \ifdim\rightmarginwidth>\zeropoint - \page_layouts_right_margin_element\c!righttext\page_layouts_extra_at_margin_left + %\page_layouts_right_margin_element\c!righttext\page_layouts_extra_at_margin_left + \page_layouts_right_margin_element\c!righttext\page_layouts_extra_at_margin_right \fi \ifdim\rightedgewidth>\zeropoint - \page_layouts_right_edge_element\c!lefttext + %\page_layouts_right_edge_element\c!lefttext + \page_layouts_right_edge_element\c!righttext \fi}} \def\page_layouts_place_text_line_left @@ -532,16 +535,19 @@ \page_layouts_left_edge_element\c!righttext \fi \ifdim\leftmarginwidth>\zeropoint - \page_layouts_left_margin_element\c!righttext\page_layouts_extra_at_margin_right + %\page_layouts_left_margin_element\c!righttext\page_layouts_extra_at_margin_right + \page_layouts_left_margin_element\c!righttext\page_layouts_extra_at_margin_left \fi \ifdim\makeupwidth>\zeropoint \page_layouts_text_body_element\c!righttext\c!middletext\c!lefttext\page_layouts_extra_at_margin_right \fi \ifdim\rightmarginwidth>\zeropoint - \page_layouts_right_margin_element\c!lefttext\page_layouts_extra_at_margin_right + %\page_layouts_right_margin_element\c!lefttext\page_layouts_extra_at_margin_right + \page_layouts_right_margin_element\c!lefttext\page_layouts_extra_at_margin_left \fi \ifdim\rightedgewidth>\zeropoint - \page_layouts_right_edge_element\c!righttext + %\page_layouts_right_edge_element\c!righttext + \page_layouts_right_edge_element\c!lefttext \fi}} \def\page_layouts_left_edge_element#parameter% @@ -661,7 +667,7 @@ \installpagebreakmethod \v!empty {\page_otr_flush_all_floats - \gotonextpage + \page_otr_command_next_page \doifnot{\namedlayoutelementparameter\v!header\c!state}\v!stop{\setuplayoutelement[\v!header][\c!state=\v!empty]}% \doifnot{\namedlayoutelementparameter\v!footer\c!state}\v!stop{\setuplayoutelement[\v!footer][\c!state=\v!empty]}% \page_otr_insert_dummy_page} diff --git a/tex/context/base/scrn-fld.mkvi b/tex/context/base/scrn-fld.mkvi index 0554f8783..872099099 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/scrn-fld.mkvi +++ b/tex/context/base/scrn-fld.mkvi @@ -409,7 +409,7 @@ [\c!alternative=\v!normal, \c!type=\v!line, \c!width=5em, - \c!height=1em, + \c!height=\lineheight, \c!depth=\zeropoint, \c!align=\v!flushleft, \c!option=\v!printable, @@ -431,22 +431,22 @@ \def\scrn_field_setup_field[#tag][#variant][#totalsettings][#labelsettings][#fieldsettings]% {\iffifthargument - \definefieldcategory[#tag][\s!parent=\??fieldcontent#tag,#fieldsettings] + \definefieldcategory[#tag][\s!parent=\??fieldcontent#tag,#fieldsettings]% \setupfieldtotalframed [#tag][\s!parent=\??fieldtotal,\c!alternative={#variant},#totalsettings]% \setupfieldlabelframed [#tag][\s!parent=\??fieldlabel,#labelsettings]% \setupfieldcontentframed[#tag][\s!parent=\??fieldcontent,#fieldsettings]% \else\iffourthargument - \definefieldcategory[#tag][\s!parent=\??fieldcontent#tag,#labelsettings] + \definefieldcategory[#tag][\s!parent=\??fieldcontent#tag,#labelsettings]% \setupfieldtotalframed [#tag][\s!parent=\??fieldtotal,\c!alternative={#variant},#totalsettings]% \setupfieldlabelframed [#tag][\s!parent=\??fieldlabel]% \setupfieldcontentframed[#tag][\s!parent=\??fieldcontent,#labelsettings]% \else\ifthirdargument - \definefieldcategory[#tag][\s!parent=\??fieldcontent#tag,#totalsettings] + \definefieldcategory[#tag][\s!parent=\??fieldcontent#tag,#totalsettings]% \setupfieldtotalframed [#tag][\s!parent=\??fieldtotal,\c!alternative={#variant}]% \setupfieldlabelframed [#tag][\s!parent=\??fieldlabel]% \setupfieldcontentframed[#tag][\s!parent=\??fieldcontent,#totalsettings]% \else\ifsecondargument - \definefieldcategory[#tag][\s!parent=\??fieldcontent#tag,#variant] + \definefieldcategory[#tag][\s!parent=\??fieldcontent#tag,#variant]% \setupfieldtotalframed [#tag][\s!parent=\??fieldtotal]% \setupfieldlabelframed [#tag][\s!parent=\??fieldlabel]% \setupfieldcontentframed[#tag][\s!parent=\??fieldcontent,#variant]% @@ -599,6 +599,8 @@ \def\scrn_field_flush_content {\box\b_scrn_field_content} +%D todo: replace \processallactionsinset + \def\scrn_field_analyze_setups {\setfalse\fieldlabelshown \setfalse\fieldframeshown diff --git a/tex/context/base/scrn-ini.mkvi b/tex/context/base/scrn-ini.mkvi index 842d83812..daf0a1b91 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/scrn-ini.mkvi +++ b/tex/context/base/scrn-ini.mkvi @@ -120,8 +120,8 @@ %D When we're dealing with pure page references, contrast %D colors are used when we are already at the page mentioned. -\def\setlocationcolor % not grouped ! - {\ifnum\referencepagestate=\plusone +\unexpanded\def\setlocationcolorspecified#1% not grouped ! + {\ifnum#1=\plusone \edef\askedcontrastcolor{\interactionparameter\c!contrastcolor}% \ifx\askedcontrastcolor\empty \useinteractioncolorparameter\c!color @@ -132,11 +132,8 @@ \useinteractioncolorparameter\c!color \fi} -\def\setlocationfont % not grouped ! - {\useinteractionstyleparameter\c!style} - -\def\setlocationattributes % not grouped ! - {\ifnum\referencepagestate=\plusone +\unexpanded\def\setlocationattributesspecified#1% not grouped ! + {\ifnum#1=\plusone \edef\askedcontrastcolor{\interactionparameter\c!contrastcolor}% \ifx\askedcontrastcolor\empty \useinteractionstyleandcolor\c!style\c!color @@ -147,18 +144,25 @@ \useinteractionstyleandcolor\c!style\c!color \fi} -\def\setlocationcolorspec#1% \resolver - {\ifnum\referencepagestate=\plusone - \edef\askedcontrastcolor{#1\c!contrastcolor}% +\unexpanded\def\setlocationcolorspec#1#2% \resolver + {\ifnum#1=\plusone + \edef\askedcontrastcolor{#2\c!contrastcolor}% \ifx\askedcontrastcolor\empty - \doactivatecolor{#1\c!color}% + \doactivatecolor{#2\c!color}% \else \doactivatecolor\askedcontrastcolor \fi \else - \doactivatecolor{#1\c!color}% + \doactivatecolor{#2\c!color}% \fi} +\unexpanded\def\setlocationcolor {\setlocationcolorspecified \referencepagestate} +\unexpanded\def\setlocationattributes{\setlocationattributesspecified\referencepagestate} +\unexpanded\def\setlocationcolorspec {\setlocationcolorspecspecified \referencepagestate} + +\unexpanded\def\setlocationfont % not grouped ! + {\useinteractionstyleparameter\c!style} + \setupinteraction [\c!style=\v!bold, \c!color=interactioncolor, diff --git a/tex/context/base/scrn-wid.lua b/tex/context/base/scrn-wid.lua index 90e353306..6fdc4fca0 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/scrn-wid.lua +++ b/tex/context/base/scrn-wid.lua @@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ end commands.registerattachment = attachments.register function commands.insertattachment(specification) - tex.box["scrn_attachment_box_link"] = attachments.insert(specification) + tex.box["b_scrn_attachment_link"] = attachments.insert(specification) end -- Comment @@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ function comments.insert(specification) end function commands.insertcomment(specification) - tex.box["scrn_comment_box_link"] = comments.insert(specification) + tex.box["b_scrn_comment_link"] = comments.insert(specification) end -- Soundclips diff --git a/tex/context/base/scrn-wid.mkvi b/tex/context/base/scrn-wid.mkvi index 7a595cf2d..97fd1eb59 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/scrn-wid.mkvi +++ b/tex/context/base/scrn-wid.mkvi @@ -408,10 +408,10 @@ \unexpanded\def\scrn_comment_start#category% {\def\currentcomment{#category}% \doifelselocation - {\dodoubleempty\scrn_comment_start_indeed} + {\dodoubleempty\scrn_comment_start_status} {\dodoubleempty\scrn_comment_start_ignore}} -\def\scrn_comment_start_indeed +\def\scrn_comment_start_status {\doifelse{\commentparameter\c!state}\v!start {\scrn_comment_start_indeed} {\scrn_comment_start_ignore}} @@ -419,8 +419,8 @@ \def\scrn_comment_start_indeed[#title][#settings]% {\bgroup \doifassignmentelse{#title} - {\setupcurrentcomment[\currentcomment][#title]} - {\setupcurrentcomment[\currentcomment][\c!title=#title,#settings]}% + {\setupcurrentcomment[#title]} + {\setupcurrentcomment[\c!title=#title,#settings]}% \def\scrn_comment_stop{\scrn_comment_inject\egroup}% \grabbufferdatadirect\v!comment{\e!start\currentcomment}{\e!stop\currentcomment}} diff --git a/tex/context/base/spac-ver.lua b/tex/context/base/spac-ver.lua index e22cb3e84..593f60e77 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/spac-ver.lua +++ b/tex/context/base/spac-ver.lua @@ -678,7 +678,7 @@ local function nodes_to_string(head) if id == penalty_code then t[#t+1] = format("%s:%s",ty,current.penalty) elseif id == glue_code then - t[#t+1] = format("%s:%s",ty,stripzeros(topoints(current.spec.width))) + t[#t+1] = format("%s:%s",ty,glue_to_string(current)) -- stripzeros(topoints(current.spec.width))) elseif id == kern_code then t[#t+1] = format("%s:%s",ty,stripzeros(topoints(current.kern))) else diff --git a/tex/context/base/spac-ver.mkiv b/tex/context/base/spac-ver.mkiv index cbe971ca9..8df213520 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/spac-ver.mkiv +++ b/tex/context/base/spac-ver.mkiv @@ -17,6 +17,10 @@ \registerctxluafile{spac-ver}{1.001} +% todo: itemize : intro ... only when there is one or two lines preceding and then +% keep these together i.e. \blank[intro] + + % Isn't it about time to get rid of topskip i.e. make it equivalent to % \openstrutheight so that we can remove delta code. % @@ -404,7 +408,6 @@ \s_spac_whitespace_parskip#1\fi \relax} - \unexpanded\def\forgetparskip {\s_spac_whitespace_parskip\zeropoint \parskip\zeropoint @@ -1277,6 +1280,25 @@ \synchronizelocallinespecs \to \everysetuplocalinterlinespace +%D We still have to synchronize these: + +\unexpanded\def\synchronizeskipamounts + {\bigskipamount + \skipfactor\baselineskip + plus\skipgluefactor\baselineskip + minus\skipgluefactor\baselineskip + \relax + \medskipamount \bigskipamount \divide\medskipamount \plustwo + \smallskipamount\bigskipamount \divide\smallskipamount\plusfour} + +\appendtoks + \synchronizeskipamounts +\to \everysetupglobalinterlinespace + +\appendtoks + \synchronizeskipamounts +\to \everysetuplocalinterlinespace + %D Snapping. \newif\ifgridsnapping @@ -1482,11 +1504,6 @@ \attribute\skipcategoryattribute\plusone \attribute\skippenaltyattribute \attributeunsetvalue \attribute\skiporderattribute \attributeunsetvalue -% \ifgridsnapping % \ifblankflexible -% \setfalse\blankisfixed -% \else -% \settrue\blankisfixed -% \fi \ifgridsnapping \settrue\blankisfixed \else @@ -1519,7 +1536,7 @@ {\settrue\someblankdone \advance\s_spac_vspacing_temp#1\dimexpr\ifgridsnapping#3\else#2\fi\relax\relax} -\def\setblankpenalty #1% +\def\setblankpenalty#1% {\flushblankhandling \settrue\someblankdone \attribute\skipcategoryattribute \plusthree @@ -1600,13 +1617,17 @@ \def\spac_vspacing_nop_ignore {\ifmmode\else\par\fi} +% these depend on bigskipamount cum suis so we'd better sync them + \unexpanded\def\setupvspacing {\doifnextoptionalelse\setupvspacing_yes\setupvspacing_nop} \let\currentvspacing\s!default % hm, default, standard ... \def\setupvspacing_yes[#1]% - {\edef\currentvspacing{#1}} + {\edef\currentvspacing{#1}% + \spac_whitespace_setup_nop % yes or no, was forgotten + } \def\setupvspacing_nop {\ifx\empty\currentvspacing\else @@ -1634,11 +1655,11 @@ \definevspacingamount[\v!none] [\zeropoint] [\zeropoint] \definevspacingamount[\v!big] [\bigskipamount] [\bodyfontlineheight] -\definevspacingamount[\v!medium] [\medskipamount] [0.50\bodyfontlineheight] -\definevspacingamount[\v!small] [\smallskipamount] [0.25\bodyfontlineheight] +\definevspacingamount[\v!medium] [\medskipamount] [.5\bodyfontlineheight] +\definevspacingamount[\v!small] [\smallskipamount] [.25\bodyfontlineheight] \definevspacingamount[\v!line] [\openlineheight] [\bodyfontlineheight] -\definevspacingamount[\v!halfline][0.50\openlineheight][0.50\bodyfontlineheight] -\definevspacingamount[\v!formula] [\medskipamount] [0.50\bodyfontlineheight] +\definevspacingamount[\v!halfline][.5\openlineheight] [.5\bodyfontlineheight] +\definevspacingamount[\v!formula] [\medskipamount] [.5\bodyfontlineheight] \definevspacingamount[\v!white] [\parskip] [\bodyfontwhitespace] \definevspacingamount[\v!height] [\strutheight] [\bodyfontstrutheight] \definevspacingamount[\v!depth] [\strutdepth] [\bodyfontstrutdepth] diff --git a/tex/context/base/status-files.pdf b/tex/context/base/status-files.pdf Binary files differindex 5ca1a9c33..44799888e 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/status-files.pdf +++ b/tex/context/base/status-files.pdf diff --git a/tex/context/base/status-lua.pdf b/tex/context/base/status-lua.pdf Binary files differindex 7699fb29b..b46e426d3 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/status-lua.pdf +++ b/tex/context/base/status-lua.pdf diff --git a/tex/context/base/status-mkiv.lua b/tex/context/base/status-mkiv.lua index 9c20b18d4..df7b57d5a 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/status-mkiv.lua +++ b/tex/context/base/status-mkiv.lua @@ -640,7 +640,22 @@ return { status = "unknown", }, { - filename = "strc-syn", + filename = "strc-des", + marktype = "mkiv", + status = "unknown", + }, + { + filename = "strc-enu", + marktype = "mkiv", + status = "unknown", + }, + { + filename = "strc-ind", + marktype = "mkiv", + status = "unknown", + }, + { + filename = "strc-lab", marktype = "mkiv", status = "unknown", }, @@ -656,9 +671,15 @@ return { status = "unknown", }, { + filename = "page-otr", + marktype = "mkvi", + status = "okay", + }, + { filename = "page-ini", marktype = "mkiv", - status = "unknown", + status = "okay", + comment = "code might end up elsewhere", }, { filename = "page-fac", @@ -704,7 +725,8 @@ return { { filename = "page-one", marktype = "mkiv", - status = "unknown", + status = "okay", + comment = "can probably be improved", }, { filename = "page-lay", diff --git a/tex/context/base/strc-des.lua b/tex/context/base/strc-con.lua index ee5fe702b..29a1c0cb3 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/strc-des.lua +++ b/tex/context/base/strc-con.lua @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ -if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['strc-des'] = { +if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['strc-con'] = { version = 1.001, - comment = "companion to strc-des.mkiv", + comment = "companion to strc-con.mkiv", author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license = "see context related readme files" diff --git a/tex/context/base/strc-con.mkvi b/tex/context/base/strc-con.mkvi new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0ef2d8b4a --- /dev/null +++ b/tex/context/base/strc-con.mkvi @@ -0,0 +1,886 @@ +%D \module +%D [ file=strc-con, +%D version=2008.10.20, +%D title=\CONTEXT\ Structure Macros, +%D subtitle=Constructions, +%D author=Hans Hagen, +%D date=\currentdate, +%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}] +%C +%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is +%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for +%C details. + +\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Structure Macros / Constructions} + +\registerctxluafile{strc-con}{1.001} + +% todo: check if commands similar to lists +% todo: \strc_constructions_setup_counter\strc_constructions_setup_counter{#1} in setup ... synchronization +% +% ? : \def\showdnlisttext{\constructionparameter\c!listtext} % space in default +% +% maybe: pickup text and store in buffer ... +% +% \@@notemakeconstruction[##1]{}{##2}% +% \expandafter\endgroup\noteparameter\c!next}} +% +% todo: \currentconstructionattribute : can be a counter instead + + +%D Constructions are just descriptions but a bit more abstract so that +%D we can conveniently build upon them. They are not really meant for +%D users but module writers might find them useful. We mention a +%D couple of parameters but these are only mentioned because in the +%D shared code we map all resolvers to constructions. + +\unprotect + +\ifdefined\v!construction \else \def\v!construction{construction} \fi + +%D Todo: + +\installcorenamespace{construction} + +\installcommandhandler \??construction {construction} \??construction + +\let\setupconstructions\setupconstruction + +\setupconstructions[% + %c!title=, + %c!text=, + % + %c!style=, + %c!color=, + %c!command=, + %c!align=, + % + %c!headstyle=, + %c!headcolor=, + %c!headalign=, + % + %c!titlestyle=, + %c!titlecolor=, + %c!titlecommand=, + %c!titleleft=, + %c!titleright=, + % + %c!closesymbol=, + %c!closecommand=, + % + \c!alternative=\v!left, + \c!display=\v!yes, + \c!width=7em, + \c!distance=1em, + \c!titledistance=0.5em, + %c!hang=, + %c!sample=, + \c!margin=\v!no, + \c!before=\blank, + \c!inbetween=\blank, + \c!after=\blank, + %c!indentnext=, + %c!indenting=, + % + \c!expansion=\v!no, + %c!xmlsetup=, + %s!catcodes=, +] + +%D Constructions and alike uses similar structures. In order to prevent issues +%D we freeze some states. There is some overhead in the intermediate define +%D step (as we could set them directly) but this is more flexible (and looks +%D nicer). Keep in mind that descriptions, enumeration and notations are all +%D independent and that we just remap the resolvers. + +% \defineconstruction[test][handler=description,level=1] +% \defineconstruction[test][parent][handler=description,level=3] + +\installcorenamespace{constructionmain} % frozen after definition +\installcorenamespace{constructionlevel} % frozen after definition +\installcorenamespace{constructionclass} % frozen after definition + +\let\currentconstructionmain \empty +\let\currentconstructionlevel \empty +\let\currentconstructionhandler\empty + +\appendtoks + \ifx\currentconstructionparent\empty + \letvalue{\??constructionmain \currentconstruction}\currentconstruction + \definelist[\currentconstruction]% goodie + \else + \letvalue{\??constructionmain \currentconstruction}\currentconstructionparent + \definelist[\currentconstruction][\currentconstructionparent]% goodie + \fi + \setevalue{\??constructionlevel\currentconstruction}{\number\constructionparameter\c!level}% + \setevalue{\??constructionclass\currentconstruction}{\constructionparameter\s!handler}% +\to \everydefineconstruction + +\appendtoks + \setuevalue{\e!start\currentconstruction}{\strc_constructions_start{\currentconstruction}}% + \setuevalue{\e!stop \currentconstruction}{\strc_constructions_stop}% +\to \everydefineconstruction + +%D Just a basic environment (mostly for testing). We will provide a 'setup' based +%D plugin once the rest is sorted out. + +\unexpanded\def\strc_constructions_start#1% + {\begingroup + \strc_constructions_initialize{#1}% + \dodoubleempty\strc_constructions_start_regular} + +\unexpanded\def\strc_constructions_start_regular[#1][#2]% + {\strc_constructions_register[\c!label={\constructionparameter\c!text},\c!reference=,\c!title=,\c!bookmark=,\c!list=,#1][#2]% + \csname\??constructionstarthandler\currentconstructionhandler\endcsname} + +\unexpanded\def\strc_constructions_stop + {\csname\??constructionstophandler\currentconstructionhandler\endcsname + \endgroup} + +%D As we will build on top of the generic construction mechanism we +%D have handlers as a sort of plug in mechanism. In order to have +%D some consistency we share some namespaces. + +\installcorenamespace{constructioninitializer} +\installcorenamespace{constructionfinalizer} + +\installcorenamespace{constructionmainhandler} +\installcorenamespace{constructioncommandhandler} +\installcorenamespace{constructionstarthandler} +\installcorenamespace{constructionstophandler} + +\installcorenamespace{constructiontexthandler} +\installcorenamespace{constructionnotehandler} + +\unexpanded\def\strc_constructions_initialize#1% class instance + {\edef\currentconstruction{#1}% + \expandafter\let\expandafter\currentconstructionmain \csname\??constructionmain \currentconstruction\endcsname + \expandafter\let\expandafter\currentconstructionlevel \csname\??constructionlevel\currentconstruction\endcsname + \expandafter\let\expandafter\currentconstructionhandler\csname\??constructionclass\currentconstruction\endcsname + \csname\??constructioninitializer\currentconstructionhandler\endcsname} + +\unexpanded\def\strc_constructions_finalize + {\csname\??constructionfinalizer\currentconstructionhandler\endcsname + \strc_constructions_discard} + +\newconditional\c_strc_constructions_number_state +\newconditional\c_strc_constructions_title_state + +\setvalue{\??constructioninitializer\v!construction}% + {\setfalse\c_strc_constructions_number_state + \setfalse\c_strc_constructions_title_state} + +\setvalue{\??constructionfinalizer\v!construction}% + {} + +% We keep the command variant around but rather would move to the +% start-stop one. Also, passing the title as argument has some +% history so we need to keep that as well. + +\ifdefined\dotagsetconstruction \else \let\dotagsetconstruction\relax \fi + +\newtoks\everyconstruction + +\unexpanded\def\currentconstructiontext + {\begstrut + \csname\??constructiontexthandler\currentconstructionhandler\endcsname + \endstrut} + +\unexpanded\def\currentconstructionsample + {\begstrut + \constructionparameter\c!text + \constructionparameter\c!sample + \endstrut} + +\setvalue{\??constructionmainhandler\v!construction}#1% + {\iftrialtypesetting \else + \begingroup + \currentconstructionsynchronize + \attribute\destinationattribute\currentconstructionattribute\relax % todo, whole text + \signalcharacter + \endgroup + \fi#1} + +\setvalue{\??constructiontexthandler\v!construction}% + {\begingroup + \useconstructionstyleandcolor\c!headstyle\c!headcolor % move to \currentconstructiontext + \the\everyconstruction + \constructionparameter\c!headcommand + {\strut + \constructionparameter\c!text + \ctxcommand{savedlisttitle("\currentconstructionmain",\currentconstructionlistentry)}}% + \endgroup} + +\unexpanded\def\strc_constructions_stored_start + {\begingroup + \csname\??constructionstarthandler\currentconstructionhandler\endcsname + } + +\unexpanded\def\strc_constructions_stored_stop + {\csname\??constructionstophandler\currentconstructionhandler\endcsname + %\endgroup % brrr + } + +\newconstant\c_strc_constructions_nested_state % to be redone + +\def\resetconstructions % to be used in e.g. footnotes + {\c_strc_constructions_nested_state\zerocount} + +\setvalue{\??constructioncommandhandler\v!construction}% + {\endgroup} + +\setvalue{\??constructionstarthandler\v!construction}% this will be redone (reorganized) .. too much boxing + {\dostarttagged\t!construction\currentconstruction + \dotagsetconstruction + \constructionparameter\c!before + \begingroup + \doadaptleftskip{\constructionparameter\c!margin}% + \setlocalhsize % so we can use \localhsize in width assignments + \constructionsheaddistance\constructionalternativeparameter\c!distance\relax + \ifdim\constructionsheaddistance=\zeropoint + \doif{\constructionalternativeparameter\c!width}\v!broad{\constructionsheaddistance\emwidth}% + \fi + % inefficient and not always needed, for instance not with margins so we will make checkers + % per alternative + \setbox\constructionheadbox\hbox + {\forgetall + \dontcomplain + \settrialtypesetting + \doifelsenothing{\constructionparameter\c!sample} + {\csname\??constructionmainhandler\currentconstructionhandler\endcsname\currentconstructiontext}% + {\csname\??constructionmainhandler\currentconstructionhandler\endcsname\currentconstructionsample}}% + \assignwidth + {\constructionalternativeparameter\c!width} + \constructionsheadwidth + {\unhcopy\constructionheadbox} + \constructionsheaddistance + \dostarttagged\t!constructiontag\empty % todo + \setbox\constructionheadbox\hbox + {\forgetall + \dontcomplain + \doifelse{\constructionparameter\c!alternative}\v!serried % brrr, hack, will change + {\csname\??constructionmainhandler\currentconstructionhandler\endcsname\currentconstructiontext} + {\csname\??constructionmainhandler\currentconstructionhandler\endcsname{\boxedconstructionhead\currentconstructiontext}}}% + \doifelse{\constructionparameter\c!aligntitle}\v!no + {\leftconstructionskip \leftskip + \rightconstructionskip\rightskip} + {\ifcase\c_strc_constructions_nested_state + \leftconstructionskip \leftskip + \rightconstructionskip\rightskip + \fi}% + \doifsomething{\constructionparameter\c!align}{\setupalign[\constructionparameter\c!align]}% \use... + \indenting[\constructionparameter\c!indenting]% \use... + \ifcase\c_strc_constructions_nested_state + \c_strc_constructions_nested_state\plusone + \or + \c_strc_constructions_nested_state\plustwo + \fi + \strc_constructions_close_symbol_reset + % + \edef\currentconstructionalternative{\constructionparameter\c!alternative}% + \doifnotsetups {\constructionalternativeparameter\c!renderingsetup} + {\let\currentconstructionalternative\v!left}% + \directsetup{\constructionalternativeparameter\c!renderingsetup}\relax + % + \dostoptagged % tag + \dostarttagged\t!constructioncontent\empty + \ignorespaces} % args not needed + +\setvalue{\??constructionstophandler\v!construction}% + {\strc_constructions_close_symbol_place + \doifnot{\constructionparameter\c!display}\v!no\par + \dostoptagged % content + \dostoptagged % construction + \endgroup + \constructionparameter\c!after + \useindentnextparameter\constructionparameter + \strc_constructions_finalize +% \endgroup + \dorechecknextindentation} + +\def\boxedconstructionhead#1% + {\vtop + {\hsize\constructionsheadwidth + \doifsomething{\constructionparameter\c!headalign}{\setupalign[\constructionparameter\c!headalign]}% + #1}} + +\installcorenamespace{constructionalternative} +\installcorenamespace{constructionrenderings} + +% see lists: alternativemethods ... todo + +\installcommandhandler \??constructionalternative {constructionalternative} \??constructionalternative + +\setupconstructionalternative + [\c!width=\constructionparameter\c!width, + \c!distance=\constructionparameter\c!distance] + +\defineconstructionalternative + [\v!left] + [%\c!width=7em, + %\c!distance=1em, + \c!renderingsetup=\??constructionrenderings:\v!left] + +\defineconstructionalternative + [\v!right] + [%\c!width=7em, + %\c!distance=1em, + \c!renderingsetup=\??constructionrenderings:\v!right] + +\defineconstructionalternative + [\v!inmargin] + [\c!renderingsetup=\??constructionrenderings:\v!inmargin] + +\defineconstructionalternative + [\v!inleft] + [\c!renderingsetup=\??constructionrenderings:\v!inleft] + +\defineconstructionalternative + [\v!inright] + [\c!renderingsetup=\??constructionrenderings:\v!inright] + +\defineconstructionalternative + [\v!margin] + [\c!renderingsetup=\??constructionrenderings:\v!margin] + +\defineconstructionalternative + [\v!leftmargin] + [\c!renderingsetup=\??constructionrenderings:\v!leftmargin] + +\defineconstructionalternative + [\v!rightmargin] + [\c!renderingsetup=\??constructionrenderings:\v!rightmargin] + +\defineconstructionalternative + [\v!innermargin] + [\c!renderingsetup=\??constructionrenderings:\v!innermargin] + +\defineconstructionalternative + [\v!outermargin] + [\c!renderingsetup=\??constructionrenderings:\v!outermargin] + +\defineconstructionalternative + [\v!serried] + [\c!renderingsetup=\??constructionrenderings:\v!serried] + +\defineconstructionalternative + [\v!hanging] + [%\c!width=\v!fit, + \c!renderingsetup=\??constructionrenderings:\v!hanging] + +\defineconstructionalternative + [\v!top] + [\c!renderingsetup=\??constructionrenderings:\v!top, + \c!width=\localhize] + +\defineconstructionalternative + [\v!command] + [\c!renderingsetup=\??constructionrenderings:\v!command] + +\newbox \constructionheadbox +\newskip \leftconstructionskip +\newskip \rightconstructionskip +\newdimen \constructionsheadwidth % replaces \!!widtha % TODO: proper namespace dimens +\newdimen \constructionsheaddistance % replaces \!!widthb % TODO: proper namespace dimens + +\def\strc_constructions_set_hang_box#1% messy left/rightskip + {\setbox\constructionheadbox\vtop % \vbox gaat fout in hang + {\forgetall + \dontcomplain + \hsize\constructionsheadwidth + \edef\p_headalign{\constructionparameter\c!headalign}% + \ifx\p_headalign\empty + \setupalign[#1]% use fast one + \else + \setupalign[\p_headalign]% use fast one + \fi + \advance\ifx#1\v!flushleft\rightskip\else\leftskip\fi\constructionsheaddistance % only difference and wrong anyway + \ifhbox\constructionheadbox\unhcopy\else\copy\fi\constructionheadbox}% + \ht\constructionheadbox\strutht + \dp\constructionheadbox\strutdp} + +\def\strc_constructions_set_pure_box#1% default ... better set up differently + {\setbox\constructionheadbox\vtop + {\forgetall + \dontcomplain + \hsize\constructionsheadwidth + \edef\p_headalign{\constructionparameter\c!headalign}% + \ifx\p_headalign\empty + \setupalign[#1]% use fast one + \else + \setupalign[\p_headalign]% use fast one + \fi + \ifhbox\constructionheadbox\unhcopy\else\copy\fi\constructionheadbox}% + \ht\constructionheadbox\strutht + \dp\constructionheadbox\strutdp} + +\def\strc_constructions_set_hang#1% + {\edef\p_hang{\constructionparameter\c!hang}% + \ifx\p_hang\empty + \else\ifx\p_hang\v!fit + \scratchdimen\htdp\constructionheadbox + \getnoflines\scratchdimen + \hangafter-\noflines + \else\ifx\p_hang\v!broad + \scratchdimen\dimexpr\htdp\constructionheadbox+.5\strutht\relax + \getnoflines\scratchdimen + \hangafter-\noflines + \else + \hangafter-\p_hang + \fi + \relax + \hangindent\ifx#1\v!right-\fi\constructionsheadwidth} + +% The setups. These only deal with placement of the descriptor and initializing the +% environment. The wrapping happens elsewhere. + +\startsetups[\??constructionrenderings:\v!left] + \edef\p_hang{\constructionparameter\c!hang} + \doifsetupselse{\??constructionrenderings:\v!left:\p_hang} { + \directsetup{\??constructionrenderings:\v!left:\p_hang} + } { + \directsetup{\??constructionrenderings:\v!left:\v!hanging} + } +\stopsetups + +\startsetups[\??constructionrenderings:\v!right] + \edef\p_hang{\constructionparameter\c!hang} + \doifsetupselse{\??constructionrenderings:\v!right:\p_hang} { + \directsetup{\??constructionrenderings:\v!right:\p_hang} + } { + \directsetup{\??constructionrenderings:\v!right:\v!hanging} + } +\stopsetups + +\startsetups[\??constructionrenderings:\v!left:\v!none] + \let\\=\crlf + \noindent + \strc_constructions_set_pure_box\v!flushleft + \leftskip\dimexpr\leftconstructionskip+\constructionsheadwidth\relax + \rightskip\rightconstructionskip + \advance\leftskip\constructionsheaddistance + \llap { + \hbox to \leftskip { + \hskip\leftconstructionskip + \copy\constructionheadbox\hss + } + } + \useconstructionstyleandcolor\c!style\c!color + \ignorespaces +\stopsetups + +\startsetups[\??constructionrenderings:\v!left:0] + \directsetup{\??constructionrenderings:\v!left:\v!none} +\stopsetups + +\startsetups[\??constructionrenderings:\v!left:] + \directsetup{\??constructionrenderings:\v!left:\v!none} +\stopsetups + +\startsetups[\??constructionrenderings:\v!right:\v!none] + \let\\=\crlf + \noindent + \leftskip\leftconstructionskip + \rightskip\dimexpr\rightconstructionskip+\constructionsheadwidth\relax + \strc_constructions_pure_hang_box\raggedleft + \rlap { + \hskip\dimexpr\hsize-\leftskip-\rightskip\relax + \copy\constructionheadbox + \hskip\rightconstructionskip + } + \advance\rightskip \constructionsheaddistance + \useconstructionstyleandcolor\c!style\c!color + \ignorespaces +\stopsetups + +\startsetups[\??constructionrenderings:\v!right:0] + \directsetup{\??constructionrenderings:\v!right:\v!none} +\stopsetups + +\startsetups[\??constructionrenderings:\v!right:] + \directsetup{\??constructionrenderings:\v!right:\v!none} +\stopsetups + +\startsetups[\??constructionrenderings:\v!left:\v!margin]% + \let\\=\crlf + \noindent + \strc_constructions_set_pure_box\v!flushleft + \llap { + \hbox to \constructionsheadwidth { + \copy\constructionheadbox + \hss + } + \hskip\constructionsheaddistance + } + \useconstructionstyleandcolor\c!style\c!color + \ignorespaces +\stopsetups + +\startsetups[\??constructionrenderings:\v!right:\v!margin]% + \let\\=\crlf + \noindent + \strc_constructions_set_pure_box\v!flushright + \rlap { + \hskip\constructionsheaddistance + \hbox to \constructionsheadwidth { + \copy\constructionheadbox\hss + } + } + \useconstructionstyleandcolor\c!style\c!color + \ignorespaces +\stopsetups + +\startsetups[\??constructionrenderings:\v!left:\v!hanging]% + \let\\=\crlf + \dontcomplain + \advance\constructionsheadwidth \constructionsheaddistance + \strc_constructions_set_hang_box\v!flushleft + \strc_constructions_set_hang\v!left + \noindent + \llap { + \vtop to \zeropoint { + \box\constructionheadbox + } + } + \useconstructionstyleandcolor\c!style\c!color + \ignorespaces +\stopsetups + +\startsetups[\??constructionrenderings:\v!right:\v!hanging]% + \let\\=\crlf + \dontcomplain + \advance\constructionsheadwidth \constructionsheaddistance + \strc_constructions_set_hang_box\v!flushright + \strc_constructions_set_hang\v!right + \noindent + \rlap { + \hbox to \dimexpr\hsize-\leftskip-\rightskip\relax { + \hss + \vtop to \zeropoint { + \box\constructionheadbox + } + } + } + \useconstructionstyleandcolor\c!style\c!color + \ignorespaces +\stopsetups + +\startsetups[\??constructionrenderings:\v!top] + \dohandlepagebreakX\plusone + \let\\=\space + \noindent + \copy\constructionheadbox\par % copy ? + \nobreak + \doifelsenothing{\constructionparameter\c!inbetween}{\blank}{\constructionparameter\c!inbetween}% + \nobreak + \useconstructionstyleandcolor\c!style\c!color + \ignorespaces +\stopsetups + +\startsetups[\??constructionrenderings:\v!margin] + \let\\=\crlf + \noindent + \inmargin[\c!scope=\v!local]{\ifhbox\constructionheadbox\unhcopy\else\copy\fi\constructionheadbox}% + \useconstructionstyleandcolor\c!style\c!color + \ignorespaces +\stopsetups + +\startsetups[\??constructionrenderings:\v!leftmargin] + \let\\=\crlf + \noindent + \inleft[\c!scope=\v!local]{\ifhbox\constructionheadbox\unhcopy\else\copy\fi\constructionheadbox}% + \useconstructionstyleandcolor\c!style\c!color + \ignorespaces +\stopsetups + +\startsetups[\??constructionrenderings:\v!rightmargin] + \let\\=\crlf + \noindent + \inright[\c!scope=\v!local]{\ifhbox\constructionheadbox\unhcopy\else\copy\fi\constructionheadbox}% + \useconstructionstyleandcolor\c!style\c!color + \ignorespaces +\stopsetups + +\startsetups[\??constructionrenderings:\v!innermargin] + \let\\=\crlf + \noindent + \ininner[\c!scope=\v!local]{\ifhbox\constructionheadbox\unhcopy\else\copy\fi\constructionheadbox}% + \useconstructionstyleandcolor\c!style\c!color + \ignorespaces +\stopsetups + +\startsetups[\??constructionrenderings:\v!outermargin] + \let\\=\crlf + \noindent + \inouter[\c!scope=\v!local]{\ifhbox\constructionheadbox\unhcopy\else\copy\fi\constructionheadbox}% + \useconstructionstyleandcolor\c!style\c!color + \ignorespaces +\stopsetups + +\startsetups[\??constructionrenderings:\v!inmargin] + \directsetup{\??constructionrenderings:\v!margin} +\stopsetups + +\startsetups[\??constructionrenderings:\v!inleft] + \directsetup{\??constructionrenderings:\v!leftmargin} +\stopsetups + +\startsetups[\??constructionrenderings:\v!inright] + \directsetup{\??constructionrenderings:\v!rightmargin} +\stopsetups + +\startsetups[\??constructionrenderings:\v!serried] + \edef\p_width{\constructionlocationparameter\c!width}% CHECK ! ! ! wrong parameter namespace + \doifsetupselse{\??constructionrenderings:\v!serried:\p_width} { + \directsetup{\??constructionrenderings:\v!serried:\p_width} + } { + \directsetup{\??constructionrenderings:\v!serried:\v!wide} + } +\stopsetups + +\startsetups[\??constructionrenderings:\v!serried:\v!fit] + \let\\=\crlf + \noindent + \ifhbox\constructionheadbox\unhcopy\else\copy\fi\constructionheadbox + \hskip\constructionsheaddistance\relax + \useconstructionstyleandcolor\c!style\c!color + \ignorespaces +\stopsetups + +\startsetups[\??constructionrenderings:\v!serried:\v!broad] + \let\\=\crlf + \noindent + \ifhbox\constructionheadbox\unhcopy\else\copy\fi\constructionheadbox + \hskip\constructionsheaddistance \!!plus .5\constructionsheaddistance \!!minus .25\constructionsheaddistance\relax + \useconstructionstyleandcolor\c!style\c!color + \ignorespaces +\stopsetups + +\startsetups[\??constructionrenderings:\v!serried:] + \directsetup{\??constructionrenderings:\v!serried:\v!broad} +\stopsetups + +\startsetups[\??constructionrenderings:\v!serried:\v!wide] + \let\\=\crlf + \noindent + \hbox to \constructionsheadwidth { + \ifhbox\constructionheadbox\unhcopy\else\copy\fi\constructionheadbox + \hss + } + \hskip\constructionsheaddistance\relax + \useconstructionstyleandcolor\c!style\c!color + \ignorespaces +\stopsetups + +\startsetups[\??constructionrenderings:\v!hanging] + \let\\=\crlf + \noindent + \advance\leftskip-\leftskipadaption\relax + \ifdim\leftskipadaption=\zeropoint + \leftskipadaption1.5em\relax % just some default + \ifnum\c_strc_constructions_nested_state=\plusone + \ifdim\leftskip>\zeropoint \relax + \leftskipadaption\leftskip + \fi + \fi + \fi + \ifnum\c_strc_constructions_nested_state>\zerocount % was \ifnum\c_strc_constructions_nested_state=\plusone + \advance\leftskip\leftskipadaption % but we're already further on + \fi + \hskip-\leftskipadaption\relax + \ifhbox\constructionheadbox\unhcopy\else\copy\fi\constructionheadbox + \kern\ifdim\constructionsheaddistance=\zeropoint .75em\else\constructionsheaddistance\fi + \useconstructionstyleandcolor\c!style\c!color + \ignorespaces +\stopsetups + +%D \starttyping +%D \setupfootnotation[location=command,headcommand=\llap] +%D \stoptyping + +\startsetups[\??constructionrenderings:\v!command] + \noindent + \constructionparameter\c!headcommand{\ifhbox\constructionheadbox\unhcopy\else\copy\fi\constructionheadbox} + \useconstructionstyleandcolor\c!style\c!color + \ignorespaces +\stopsetups + +% you can use \placeclosesymbol or \qed to place a symbol at the end of a +% construction + +\installcorenamespace{constructionclosesymbol} + +\let\placeclosesymbol\donothing +\let\qed \donothing + +\def\strc_constructions_close_symbol_reset % no need for global + {\global\expandafter\settrue\csname\??constructionclosesymbol\currentconstruction\endcsname + \let\placeclosesymbol\strc_constructions_close_symbol_place + \let\qed \strc_constructions_close_symbol_place} + +\def\strc_constructions_close_symbol_place + {\ifconditional\csname\??constructionclosesymbol\currentconstruction\endcsname + \global\expandafter\setfalse\csname\??constructionclosesymbol\currentconstruction\endcsname + \edef\p_closesymbol{\constructionparameter\c!closesymbol}% + \ifx\p_closesymbol\empty \else + \constructionparameter\c!closecommand\p_closesymbol + \fi + \fi} + +\newif\ifnoconstructioncaption + +%D The storage macros: + +\let\currentconstructionlistentry\!!zerocount + +\def\strc_constructions_register + {\ctxcommand{doiflisthasentry(\currentconstructionlistentry)}% + \strc_constructions_register_nop + \strc_constructions_register_yes} + +% \def\strc_constructions_register{\strc_constructions_register_yes} + +\def\strc_constructions_register_nop[#1][#2]% #1=interfaced-settings, #2=optional user data + %{\writestatus{constructions}{reusing \currentconstruction: \number\currentconstructionlistentry}} + {} + +\def\strc_constructions_discard + {\iftrialtypesetting + % \writestatus{constructions}{discarding \currentconstruction: \number\currentconstructionlistentry}% + \ctxcommand{discardfromlist(\currentconstructionlistentry)}% + \fi} + +\def\strc_constructions_register_yes[#1][#2]% #1=interfaced-settings, #2=optional user data + {\begingroup % similar to structure so we might generalize this + \setupcurrentconstruction[#1]% % xdef's will become edef's + \xdef\currentconstructionexpansion {\constructionparameter\c!expansion}% + \xdef\currentconstructionxmlsetup {\constructionparameter\c!xmlsetup}% + \xdef\currentconstructioncatcodes {\constructionparameter\s!catcodes}% + \xdef\currentconstructionlabel {\constructionparameter\c!label}% + \xdef\currentconstructionreference {\constructionparameter\c!reference}% + \xdef\currentconstructionreferenceprefix{\constructionparameter\c!referenceprefix}% + %xdef\currentconstructionshownumber {\constructionparameter\c!number}% + \xdef\currentconstructionincrementnumber{\constructionparameter\c!incrementnumber}% + % + \ifx\currentconstructionexpansion\empty + \global\let\currentconstructionexpansion\v!no + \fi + % + \ifx\currentconstructionexpansion\s!xml + \xmlstartraw + \xdef\currentconstructiontitle {\constructionparameter\c!title}% + \xdef\currentconstructionbookmark{\constructionparameter\c!bookmark}% + \xdef\currentconstructionmarking {\constructionparameter\c!marking}% + \xdef\currentconstructionlist {\constructionparameter\c!list}% + \xmlstopraw + \ifx\currentconstructionlist\empty + \global\let\currentconstructionlist\currentconstructiontitle + \fi + \global\let\currentconstructioncoding\s!xml + \else + \ifx\currentconstructionexpansion\v!yes + \xdef\currentconstructiontitle {\constructionparameter\c!title}% + \xdef\currentconstructionbookmark{\constructionparameter\c!bookmark}% + \xdef\currentconstructionmarking {\constructionparameter\c!marking}% + \xdef\currentconstructionlist {\constructionparameter\c!list}% + \else + \xdef\currentconstructiontitle {\detokenizedconstructionparameter\c!title}% + \xdef\currentconstructionbookmark{\detokenizedconstructionparameter\c!bookmark}% + \xdef\currentconstructionmarking {\detokenizedconstructionparameter\c!marking}% + \xdef\currentconstructionlist {\detokenizedconstructionparameter\c!list}% + \iflocation \ifx\currentconstructionbookmark\empty + \begingroup + \simplifycommands + \xdef\currentconstructionbookmark{\detokenize\expandafter{\normalexpanded{\constructionparameter\c!title}}}% + \endgroup + \fi \fi + \fi + \ifx\currentconstructionlist\empty + \globallet\currentconstructionlist\currentconstructiontitle + \fi + \globallet\currentconstructioncoding\s!tex + \fi + % + \ifx\currentconstructiontitle\v!none % will become obsolete + \global\noconstructioncaptiontrue\global\noconstructionnumbertrue + \fi + % + \ifnoconstructioncaption % then why analyze anyway? + \endgroup + \let\currentconstructionlistnumber \relax + \let\currentconstructionsynchronize\relax + \let\currentconstructionattribute \relax + \else + \setnextinternalreferences{construction}\currentconstructionmain % plural + \relax + \scratchcounter\ctxcommand{addtolist{ % we can set a counter at the lua end + metadata = { + kind = "construction", + name = "\currentconstructionmain", + level = structures.sections.currentlevel(), + catcodes = \the\catcodetable, + % \currentdirectionparameters + }, + references = { + internal = \nextinternalreference, + order = \nextinternalorderreference, + reference = "\currentconstructionreference", + referenceprefix = "\referenceprefix", + block = "\currentsectionblock", + section = structures.sections.currentid(), + }, + titledata = { + label = \!!bs\detokenize\expandafter{\currentconstructionlabel }\!!es, + title = \!!bs\detokenize\expandafter{\currentconstructiontitle }\!!es, + \ifx\currentconstructionbookmark\currentconstructiontitle \else + bookmark = \!!bs\detokenize\expandafter{\currentconstructionbookmark}\!!es, + \fi + \ifx\currentconstructionlist\currentconstructiontitle \else + list = \!!bs\detokenize\expandafter{\currentconstructionlist }\!!es, + \fi + }, + \ifconditional\c_strc_constructions_number_state + prefixdata = { + prefix = "\constructionparameter\c!prefix", + separatorset = "\constructionparameter\c!prefixseparatorset", + conversion = \!!bs\constructionparameter\c!prefixconversion\!!es, + conversionset = "\constructionparameter\c!prefixconversionset", + set = "\constructionparameter\c!prefixset", + segments = "\constructionparameter\c!prefixsegments", + connector = \!!bs\constructionparameter\c!prefixconnector\!!es, + }, + numberdata = { + numbers = structures.counters.compact("\currentconstructionnumber",nil,true), % ! number can be cloned + separatorset = "\constructionparameter\c!numberseparatorset", + conversion = "\constructionparameter\c!numberconversion", + conversionset = "\constructionparameter\c!numberconversionset", + starter = \!!bs\constructionparameter\c!numberstarter\!!es, + stopper = \!!bs\constructionparameter\c!numberstopper\!!es, + segments = "\constructionparameter\c!numbersegments", + }, + \or + % symbol + \fi + userdata = \!!bs\detokenize{#2}\!!es % will be converted to table at the lua end + } + }\relax + % \writestatus{constructions}{registering \currentconstruction: \number\scratchcounter}% + \normalexpanded{% + \endgroup + \edef\noexpand\currentconstructionlistentry {\the\scratchcounter}% + \edef\noexpand\currentconstructionattribute {\ctxcommand {setinternalreference("\referenceprefix","\currentconstructionreference",\nextinternalreference,"\interactionparameter\c!focus")}}% + \edef\noexpand\currentconstructionsynchronize{\ctxlatecommand{enhancelist(\the\scratchcounter)}}% + }% + \fi} + +% This is not so nice, some day I'll just store the number with the entry +% and deal with all at the Lua end, but first we need to be able to set +% macros. + +\def\reinstateconstructionnumberentry#1% was xdef + {\edef\currentconstructionattribute {\ctxcommand {getinternalreference(#1)}}% + \edef\currentconstructionsynchronize{\ctxlatecommand{enhancelist(#1)}}} + +\installstructurelistprocessor{construction}{\usestructurelistprocessor{number+title}} + +\protect \endinput diff --git a/tex/context/base/strc-des.mkiv b/tex/context/base/strc-des.mkiv deleted file mode 100644 index e2e6664eb..000000000 --- a/tex/context/base/strc-des.mkiv +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1175 +0,0 @@ -%D \module -%D [ file=strc-des, -%D version=2008.10.20, -%D title=\CONTEXT\ Structure Macros, -%D subtitle=Descriptions, -%D author=Hans Hagen, -%D date=\currentdate, -%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}] -%C -%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is -%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for -%C details. - -\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Structure Macros / Descriptions} - -\registerctxluafile{strc-des}{1.001} - -%D TODO: commandhandler -%D TODO: \startxxx[reference=...] - -%D In order to be more flexible with theorems Aditya Mahajan added -%D support for titles and endsymbols. At the same time we added more -%D flexible support for inheriting numbers. -%D -%D \startbuffer -%D \defineenumeration[one] -%D \defineenumeration[two] [one] % clone one -%D \defineenumeration[three] [counter=one,style=slanted] % only use counter of one -%D \defineenumeration[four] [three] % clone three -%D \defineenumeration[five] [three] [counter=five] % clone three and use own counter -%D \defineenumeration[six] [three] [counter=four] % clone tree and use counter four (undefined) -%D -%D \startone test test 6 \stopone -%D \starttwo test test 7 \stoptwo -%D \startthree test test 8 \stopthree -%D \startfour test test 9 \stopfour -%D \startfive test test 2 \stopfive -%D \startsix test test 10 \stopsix -%D \stopbuffer -%D -%D \typebuffer \start \getbuffer \stop -%D -%D \starttyping -%D \setupenumerations[one] [prefix=yes,prefixsegments=section] -%D \setupenumerations[two] [prefix=yes,prefixsegments=section] -%D \setupenumerations[three][prefix=yes,prefixsegments=section] -%D \setupenumerations[four] [prefix=yes,prefixsegments=chapter:section] -%D \setupenumerations[five] [prefix=yes,prefixsegments=chapter:section] -%D \setupenumerations[six] [prefix=yes,prefixsegments=chapter:section] -%D \stoptyping - -% list and titles are experimental -% -% \definedescription[test] [location=left,hang=4,headalign={right},distance=1em,list=test] -% \defineenumeration[lemma][title=yes,right=:,textdistance=1em, location=top, titlestyle=\bs,list=lemma] -% \defineenumeration[ammel][title=yes,right=:,textdistance=.5em,location=left,titlestyle=\it,width=9em] -% -% \placelist[enumeration:lemma] -% \placelist[description:test][width=0pt] -% -% \starttest {something something something} \input zapf \stoptest -% \startlemma {with a title of a certain length} \input tufte \stoplemma -% \startammel {with a title} \input zapf \stopammel -% -% \defineenumeration[lemma][...] -% \defineenumeration[titledlemma][lemma][title=yes,right=:,text=lemma,list=lemma] - -\unprotect - -% description parameters - -\def\descriptionparameter #1{\csname\dodescriptionparameter{\??dd\currentdescription }#1\endcsname} -\def\descriptionmainparameter #1{\csname\dodescriptionparameter{\??dd\currentdescriptionmain }#1\endcsname} -\def\descriptionnumberparameter#1{\csname\dodescriptionparameter{\??dd\currentdescriptionnumber}#1\endcsname} - -\def\nameddescriptionparameter #1#2{\csname\dodescriptionparameter{\??dd#1}#2\endcsname} - -\def\detokenizeddescriptionparameter#1{\detokenize\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter{\csname\??dd\currentdescription#1\endcsname}} - -\def\dodescriptionparameter#1#2% - {\ifcsname#1#2\endcsname#1#2\else\expandafter\dodescriptionparentparameter\csname#1\s!parent\endcsname#2\fi} - -\def\dodescriptionparentparameter#1#2% - {\ifx#1\relax\s!empty\else\dodescriptionparameter#1#2\fi} - -\def\descriptionlocationparameter#1{\csname\dodescriptionlocationparameter{\??dd\currentdescription}#1\endcsname} - -\def\dodescriptionlocationparameter#1#2% - {\ifcsname#1#2:\descriptionparameter\c!location\endcsname - #1#2:\descriptionparameter\c!location - \else\ifcsname#1\s!parent\endcsname - \expandafter\dodescriptionlocationparameter\csname#1\s!parent\endcsname#2% - \else - \dodescriptionparameter{\??dd\currentdescription}#2% - \fi\fi} - -% description hashes (needed for style/color) - -\def\descriptionparameterhash #1{\dodescriptionparameterhash{\??dd\currentdescription }#1} -\def\descriptionmainparameterhash#1{\dodescriptionparameterhash{\??dd\currentdescriptionmain}#1} - -\def\dodescriptionparameterhash#1#2% - {\ifcsname#1#2\endcsname#1\else\expandafter\dodescriptionparentparameterhash\csname#1\s!parent\endcsname#2\fi} - -\def\dodescriptionparentparameterhash#1#2% - {\ifx#1\relax\else\dodescriptionparameterhash#1#2\fi} - -\def\usedescriptionstyleandcolor#1#2% style color - {\edef\currentstyleparameter{\descriptionparameter#1}% - \edef\currentcolorparameter{\descriptionparameter#2}% - \ifx\currentstyleparameter\empty\else\dousestyleparameter\currentstyleparameter\fi - \ifx\currentcolorparameter\empty\else\dousecolorparameter\currentcolorparameter\fi} - -% typesetting code - -\newbox \descriptionheadbox -\newskip \leftdescriptionskip -\newskip \rightdescriptionskip -\newdimen \descriptionsheadwidth % replaces \!!widtha % TODO: proper namespace dimens -\newdimen \descriptionsheaddistance % replaces \!!widthb % TODO: proper namespace dimens - -\setvalue{@@description\v!left }{\@@descriptionhang\@@descriptionleftpure \@@descriptionlefthang \@@descriptionleftmargin } -\setvalue{@@description\v!right}{\@@descriptionhang\@@descriptionrightpure\@@descriptionrighthang\@@descriptionrightmargin} - -\def\@@descriptionhang#1#2#3% \next still needed? - {\processaction - [\descriptionparameter\c!hang] - [ \v!none=>\let\next#1,% - 0=>\let\next#1,% - \v!margin=>\let\next#3,% - \s!unknown=>\let\next#2,% - \s!default=>\let\next#1]% - \next} - -\def\@@descriptionleftpure - {\def\\{\crlf}% - \noindent - \leftskip\dimexpr\leftdescriptionskip+\descriptionsheadwidth\relax - \rightskip\rightdescriptionskip - \@@makedescriptionpurebox\raggedright - \advance\leftskip\descriptionsheaddistance - \llap - {\hbox to \leftskip - {\hskip\leftdescriptionskip - \copy\descriptionheadbox\hss}}% - \@@dodescription} - -\def\@@descriptionrightpure - {\def\\{\crlf}% - \noindent - \leftskip\leftdescriptionskip - \rightskip\dimexpr\rightdescriptionskip+\descriptionsheadwidth\relax - \@@makedescriptionpurebox\raggedleft - \rlap - {\hskip\dimexpr\hsize-\leftskip-\rightskip\relax - \copy\descriptionheadbox - \hskip\rightdescriptionskip}% - \advance\rightskip \descriptionsheaddistance - \@@dodescription} - -\def\@@descriptionleftmargin - {\def\\{\crlf}% - \noindent - \llap - {\@@makedescriptionpurebox\raggedright - \hbox to \descriptionsheadwidth{\copy\descriptionheadbox\hss}% - \hskip\descriptionsheaddistance}% - \@@dodescription} - -\def\@@descriptionrightmargin % whatever this means - {\def\\{\crlf}% - \noindent - \rlap - {\hskip\descriptionsheaddistance - \@@makedescriptionpurebox\raggedright - \hbox to \descriptionsheadwidth{\copy\descriptionheadbox\hss}}% - \@@dodescription} - -\def\@@makedescriptionpurebox#1% - {\setbox\descriptionheadbox\vtop - {\dontcomplain - \hsize\descriptionsheadwidth - \leftskip\zeropoint - \rightskip\zeropoint - #1\setupalign[\descriptionparameter\c!headalign]% - \ifhbox\descriptionheadbox\unhcopy\else\copy\fi\descriptionheadbox}% - \ht\descriptionheadbox\strutht - \dp\descriptionheadbox\strutdp} - -\def\@@descriptionlefthang - {\def\\{\crlf}% - \dontcomplain - \advance\descriptionsheadwidth \descriptionsheaddistance - \hangindent\descriptionsheadwidth - \@@makedescriptionhangbox\raggedright{\advance\rightskip \descriptionsheaddistance}% - \noindent - \llap - {\vtop to \zeropoint{\box\descriptionheadbox}}% - \@@dodescription} - -\def\@@descriptionrighthang - {\def\\{\crlf}% - \dontcomplain - \advance\descriptionsheadwidth \descriptionsheaddistance - \hangindent-\descriptionsheadwidth - \@@makedescriptionhangbox\raggedleft{\advance\leftskip \descriptionsheaddistance}% - \noindent - \rlap - {\dontcomplain - \hbox to \dimexpr\hsize-\leftskip-\rightskip\relax % can be a macro - {\hss\vtop to \zeropoint{\box\descriptionheadbox}}}% - \@@dodescription} - -\def\@@makedescriptionhangbox#1#2% - {\setbox\descriptionheadbox\vtop % \vbox gaat fout in hang - {\forgetall - \dontcomplain - \hsize\descriptionsheadwidth - #1\setupalign[\descriptionparameter\c!headalign]#2% - \ifhbox\descriptionheadbox\unhcopy\else\copy\fi\descriptionheadbox}% - \ht\descriptionheadbox\strutht - \dp\descriptionheadbox\strutdp - \doifsomething{\descriptionparameter\c!hang} - {\doifinsetelse{\descriptionparameter\c!hang}{\v!fit,\v!broad} - {\scratchdimen\htdp\descriptionheadbox - \doif{\descriptionparameter\c!hang}\v!broad - {\advance\scratchdimen .5\strutht}% - \getnoflines\scratchdimen - \hangafter-\noflines} - {\hangafter-\descriptionparameter\c!hang}}} - -\setvalue{@@description\v!top}% - {%\page[\v!preference]% % Weg ermee! - %\dosomebreak{\goodbreak}% % Dit is beter en nodig! - \dohandlepagebreakX\plusone % En dit moet het maar worden. - \let\\=\space - \noindent - \copy\descriptionheadbox\par - \nobreak - %\descriptionparameter\c!inbetween % .. brrrr ... : - \doifelsenothing{\descriptionparameter\c!inbetween}{\blank}{\descriptionparameter\c!inbetween}% - \nobreak - \@@dodescription} - -\def\do@@description#1% temp hack, the scope - {\def\\{\crlf}% - \noindent - #1[\c!scope=\v!local]{\ifhbox\descriptionheadbox\unhcopy\else\copy\fi\descriptionheadbox}% - \@@dodescription} - -\setvalue{@@description\v!inmargin }{\do@@description\inmargin} -\setvalue{@@description\v!inleft }{\do@@description\inleft } -\setvalue{@@description\v!inright }{\do@@description\inright } -\setvalue{@@description\v!margin }{\do@@description\inmargin} -\setvalue{@@description\v!leftmargin }{\do@@description\inleft } -\setvalue{@@description\v!rightmargin }{\do@@description\inright } -\setvalue{@@description\v!innermargin }{\do@@description\ininner } -\setvalue{@@description\v!outermargin }{\do@@description\inouter } - -\setvalue{@@description\v!serried\v!fit}% - {\def\\{\crlf}% - \noindent - \ifhbox\descriptionheadbox\unhcopy\else\copy\fi\descriptionheadbox - \hskip\descriptionsheaddistance % toegevoegd - \@@dodescription} - -\setvalue{@@description\v!serried\v!broad}% - {\def\\{\crlf}% - \noindent - \ifhbox\descriptionheadbox\unhcopy\else\copy\fi\descriptionheadbox - \hskip\descriptionsheaddistance \!!plus .5\descriptionsheaddistance \!!minus .25\descriptionsheaddistance - \@@dodescription} - -\setvalue{@@description\v!serried\v!wide}% - {\def\\{\crlf}% - \noindent - \hbox to \descriptionsheadwidth - {\ifhbox\descriptionheadbox\unhcopy\else\copy\fi\descriptionheadbox\hss}% - \hskip\descriptionsheaddistance - \@@dodescription} - -\setvalue{@@description\v!serried}% - {\processaction - [\descriptionlocationparameter\c!width] - [ \v!fit=>\let\next\v!fit, - \v!broad=>\let\next\v!broad, - \s!unknown=>\let\next\v!wide, - \s!default=>\let\next\v!broad]% - \getvalue{@@description\v!serried\next}} - -\setvalue{@@description\v!hanging}% - {\def\\{\crlf}% - \noindent - \advance\leftskip -\leftskipadaption \relax - \ifdim\leftskipadaption=\zeropoint - \leftskipadaption1.5em\relax % just some default - \ifnum\nesteddescriptionstate=\plusone - \ifdim\leftskip>\zeropoint \relax - \leftskipadaption\leftskip - \fi - \fi - \fi - \ifnum\nesteddescriptionstate>\zerocount % was \ifnum\nesteddescriptionstate=\plusone - \advance\leftskip \leftskipadaption % but we're already further on - \fi - \hskip-\leftskipadaption - \ifhbox\descriptionheadbox\unhcopy\else\copy\fi\descriptionheadbox - \kern\ifdim\descriptionsheaddistance=\zeropoint .75em\else\descriptionsheaddistance\fi - \@@dodescription} - -%D A bonus definition -%D -%D \starttyping -%D \setupfootnotedefinition[location=command,headcommand=\llap] -%D \stoptyping - -% \setvalue{@@description\v!command}% -% {\do@@description{\executeifdefined{\descriptionparameterhash\c!headcommand}\framed}} - -\setvalue{@@description\v!command}% - {\noindent - \descriptionparameter\c!headcommand{\ifhbox\descriptionheadbox\unhcopy\else\copy\fi\descriptionheadbox}% - \@@dodescription} - -%D A new key 'headalign' in definitions. - -\newconstant\nesteddescriptionstate - -\def\resetdescriptions % to be used in e.g. footnotes - {\nesteddescriptionstate\zerocount} - -\resetdescriptions - -\def\@@dostartdescription - {\descriptionparameter\c!before - \begingroup - \doadaptleftskip{\descriptionparameter\c!margin}% - \setlocalhsize % so we can use \localhsize in width assignments - \descriptionsheaddistance\descriptionlocationparameter\c!distance\relax - \ifdim\descriptionsheaddistance=\zeropoint\relax - \doif{\descriptionlocationparameter\c!width}\v!broad{\descriptionsheaddistance=1em}% - \fi - \setbox\descriptionheadbox\hbox - {\forgetall\dontcomplain - \settrialtypesetting - \doifelsenothing{\descriptionparameter\c!sample} - {\dodescriptionhandler\currentdescriptiontext}% - {\dodescriptionhandler\currentdescriptionsample}}% - \assignwidth - {\descriptionlocationparameter\c!width} - \descriptionsheadwidth - {\unhcopy\descriptionheadbox} - \descriptionsheaddistance - \setbox\descriptionheadbox\hbox - {\forgetall\dontcomplain - \doifelse{\descriptionparameter\c!location}\v!serried % brrr, hack - {\dodescriptionhandler\currentdescriptiontext} - {\dodescriptionhandler{\boxeddescriptionhead\currentdescriptiontext}}}% - \doifelse{\descriptionparameter\c!aligntitle}\v!no - {\leftdescriptionskip\leftskip\rightdescriptionskip\rightskip} - {\ifcase\nesteddescriptionstate\leftdescriptionskip\leftskip\rightdescriptionskip\rightskip\fi}% - \doifsomething{\descriptionparameter\c!align}{\setupalign[\descriptionparameter\c!align]}% - \normalexpanded{\noexpand\indenting[\descriptionparameter\c!indenting]}% - % better a system mode - \ifcase\nesteddescriptionstate - \nesteddescriptionstate\plusone - \or - \nesteddescriptionstate\plustwo - \fi % now happens elsewhere : \noindent\ignorespaces - \@@resetdescriptionclosesymbol} - -\def\boxeddescriptionhead#1% - {\vtop - %{\hsize\dimexpr\descriptionsheadwidth-\descriptionsheaddistance\relax - {\hsize\descriptionsheadwidth - \doifsomething{\descriptionparameter\c!headalign}{\setupalign[\descriptionparameter\c!headalign]}% - #1}} - -\def\@@stopdescription - {\@@placedescriptionclosesymbol - \doifnot{\descriptionparameter\c!display}\v!no\par - \dostoptagged - \dostoptagged - \endgroup - \descriptionparameter\c!after % which currentdescription is taken here? - \useindentnextparameter\descriptionparameter - \egroup - \dorechecknextindentation} - -\def\@@dodescription - {\usedescriptionstyleandcolor\c!style\c!color - \ignorespaces} - -% starters: - -\def\@@startdescription[#1]% - {\doifelse{\descriptionparameter\c!title}\v!yes - {\permitspacesbetweengroups - \dodoublegroupempty{\dohandledescriptionstart[#1]}} - {\dohandledescriptionstart[#1]{}}} - -\def\@@description[#1]% - {\doifelse{\descriptionparameter\c!title}\v!yes - {\permitspacesbetweengroups - \dodoublegroupempty{\dohandledescriptiondo[#1]}} - {\dohandledescriptiondo[#1]{}}} - -% these call: - -\long\def\@@somedescription[#1]#2% - {\dowithpar - {\bgroup % temporary hack - \@@makedescription[#1]{#2}}% - {\@@stopdescription}} - -\long\def\@@startsomedescription[#1]#2% - {\bgroup % temporary hack - \BeforePar{\@@makedescription[#1]{#2}}% - \GotoPar} - -\ifdefined\dotagsetdescription \else \let\dotagsetdescription\relax \fi - -\def\@@dostartdescriptionindeed - {\edef\currentdescriptionlocation{\descriptionparameter\c!location}% - \ifx\currentdescriptionlocation\empty - \let\currentdescriptionlocation\v!left - \fi - \ifcsname @@description\currentdescriptionlocation\endcsname \else - \let\currentdescriptionlocation\v!left - \fi - \dostarttagged\t!description\currentdescription - \dotagsetdescription - \dostarttagged\t!descriptiontag\empty - \@@dostartdescription - \csname @@description\currentdescriptionlocation\endcsname - \dostoptagged - \dostarttagged\t!descriptioncontent\empty} % args not needed - -\def\@@makedescription[#1]#2% - {\postponenotes % new, assumes grouping - \edef\currentdescriptionreference{#1}% - \doenumerationcheckconditions - \dodescriptioncomponent[\c!reference=#1,\c!label={\descriptionparameter\c!text},\c!title={#2},\c!bookmark=,\c!list=][]% - \@@dostartdescriptionindeed} - -\def\dostartstoreddescription - {\@@dostartdescriptionindeed} - -\def\dostopstoreddescription - {\@@stopdescription} - -% % % % % % % % % % % % - -% setup descriptions - -\unexpanded\def\setupdescriptions - {\dodoubleempty\dosetupdescriptions} - -\def\dosetupdescriptions[#1][#2]% % beter: \iffirstargument - {\ifsecondargument - \dodoubleargumentwithset\dodosetupdescriptions[#1][#2]% - \else - \dodosetupdescriptions[][#1]% - \fi} - -\def\dodosetupdescriptions[#1]% [#2]% - {\getparameters[\??dd#1]} % [#2]} - -\setupdescriptions - [\c!location=\v!left, - \c!headstyle=\v!bold, - \c!titlestyle=\v!bold, - \c!style=\v!normal, - \c!color=, - \c!headcolor=, - \c!titlecolor=, - %\c!width=8em, - %\c!distance=0pt, - \c!titledistance=0.5em, - \c!hang=, - \c!sample=, - \c!align=, - \c!headalign=, - \c!margin=\v!no, - \c!before=\blank, - \c!inbetween=\blank, - \c!after=\blank, - \c!indentnext=\v!yes, - \c!indenting=\v!never, - \c!titleleft=(, - \c!titleright=), - \c!closesymbol=, - \c!closecommand=\wordright, - \c!display=\v!yes, - \c!command=, - \c!titlecommand=] - -\setupdescriptions - [\c!expansion=\v!no, - \c!xmlsetup=, - \s!catcodes=, - \c!saveinlist=\v!yes] - -\setupdescriptions - [\c!width=7em, - \c!distance=1em] - -\setupdescriptions[\c!width:\c!top=\localhsize] % undocumented, only width and distance -% \setupdescriptions[\c!width:\c!left=7em,\c!distance=1em] -% \setupdescriptions[\c!width:\c!right=7em,\c!distance=1em] -% \setupdescriptions[\c!width:\v!hanging=\v!fit] % yes or no - -% define descriptions - -\unexpanded\def\definedescription - {\dotripleemptywithset\dodefinedescription} - -\def\dodefinedescription[#1][#2][#3]% to be simplified cf enumeration - {\dodescriptioninit{#1}% - \getparameters[\??dd#1][\c!text=,\s!handler=\v!description,\c!title=\v!yes]% - \ifsecondargument\doifassignmentelse{#2}\donetrue\donefalse\else\donetrue\fi - \ifdone - \getparameters[\??dd#1][\s!parent=\??dd,\c!text=,\s!handler=\v!description,#2]% - \dodefinedescriptioncommands{#1}{\??dd}% - \else % clone - \getparameters[\??dd#1][\s!parent=\??dd#2,\c!text=,\s!handler=\v!description,#3]% clone - \dodefinedescriptioncommands{#1}{\??dd#2}% - \fi} - -\def\dodefinedescriptioncommands#1#2% - {\setuevalue {#1}{\noexpand\dodescriptioncommand{#1}}% - \setuevalue{\e!start#1}{\noexpand\dodescriptionstart {#1}}% - \setuevalue{\e!stop #1}{\noexpand\dodescriptionstop {#1}}} - -% handle descriptions - -\def\dodescriptioninit#1% - {\let\currentdescriptionmain \empty - \let\currentdescriptionlevel \empty - \edef\currentdescriptionname {#1}% - \edef\currentdescription {#1}} - -\def\dodescriptioncommand#1{\dodescriptioninit{#1}\dosingleempty\@@description} -\def\dodescriptionstart #1{\dodescriptioninit{#1}\dosingleempty\@@startdescription} -\def\dodescriptionstop #1{\dodescriptioninit{#1}\@@stopdescription} - -\def\dodescriptiontext {\csname\??dd:\descriptionparameter\s!handler:\s!handler:\s!text \endcsname} -\def\dodescriptionnumber {\csname\??dd:\descriptionparameter\s!handler:\s!handler:\s!number\endcsname} -\def\dodescriptionsymbol {\csname\??dd:\descriptionparameter\s!handler:\s!handler:\s!symbol\endcsname} -\def\dodescriptionhandler {\csname\??dd:\descriptionparameter\s!handler:\s!handler \endcsname} -\def\dohandledescriptiondo {\csname\??dd:\descriptionparameter\s!handler:\s!handler:\s!do \endcsname} -\def\dohandledescriptionstart{\csname\??dd:\descriptionparameter\s!handler:\s!handler:\s!start \endcsname} - -\def\currentdescriptiontext {\begstrut\dodescriptiontext\endstrut} -\def\currentdescriptionsample{\begstrut\descriptionparameter\c!text\descriptionparameter\c!sample\endstrut} - -% implementation - -% beware: with footnotes #2 can be something messy but then #1 is -% empty anyway, so we have an extra safeguard - -\newtoks \everydescription - -\setvalue{\??dd:\v!description:\s!handler:\s!text }{\@@dodescriptiontext} -\setvalue{\??dd:\v!description:\s!handler }{\@@dodescriptionhandler} -\setvalue{\??dd:\v!description:\s!handler:\s!do }{\@@somedescription} -\setvalue{\??dd:\v!description:\s!handler:\s!start}{\@@startsomedescription} - -\def\@@dodescriptionhandler#1% - {\iftrialtypesetting \else - \begingroup - \currentdescriptionsynchronize - \attribute\destinationattribute\currentdescriptionattribute\relax % todo, whole text - \signalcharacter - \endgroup - \fi#1} - -\def\@@dododescriptiontext - {\ctxlua{structures.lists.savedtitle("\currentdescriptionmain",\currentdescriptionnumberentry)}} - -\def\@@dodescriptiontext - {\begingroup - \usedescriptionstyleandcolor\c!headstyle\c!headcolor - \the\everydescription - \descriptionparameter\c!command{\strut\descriptionparameter\c!text\ignorespaces\@@dododescriptiontext}% probably incomplete - \endgroup} - -% setup enumerations - -\unexpanded\def\setupenumerations - {\dodoubleempty\dosetupenumerations} - -\def\dodosetupenumerations[#1][#2]% - {\doenumerationinit{#1}{1}\empty - \getparameters[\??dd#1][#2]% - \dosetupenumerationcounter{#1}} - -\def\dosetupenumerations[#1][#2]% - {\ifsecondargument - \dodoubleargumentwithset\dodosetupenumerations[#1][#2]% - \else - \getparameters[\??dn][#1]% - \fi} - -\setupenumerations - [\c!location=\v!top, - \c!text=, - \c!way=\v!by\v!text, - \c!prefix=\v!no, - \c!prefixconnector=., - \c!starter=, - \c!stopper=, - \c!number=\v!yes, % else description - \c!start=0, - \s!parent=\??dd] - -\setupenumerations - [\c!expansion=\v!no, - \c!xmlsetup=, - \s!catcodes=, - \c!saveinlist=\v!yes] - -% define enumerations - -\unexpanded\def\defineenumeration - {\dotripleemptywithset\dodefineenumeration} - -\def\dodefineenumeration[#1][#2][#3]% #2 or #3 assignment - {\doenumerationinit{#1}{1}\empty - \getparameters[\??dd#1][\c!text=#1,\c!state=\v!start,\s!handler=\v!enumeration,\c!levels=4]% - \ifsecondargument\doifassignmentelse{#2}\donetrue\donefalse\else\donetrue\fi - \ifdone % independent - \getparameters[\??dd#1][\s!counter=#1,#2]% - \dodefineenumerationcommands{#1}{1}{}{\??dn}% - \let\@@subslevel\empty - \dostepwiserecurse{2}{\descriptionparameter\c!levels}{1} - {\normalexpanded{\noexpand\dodefineenumerationcommands{#1}{\recurselevel}{\@@subslevel\v!sub}{\??dd\@@subslevel#1}}% - \edef\@@subslevel{\@@subslevel\v!sub}}% - \else % clone - \getparameters[\??dd#1][\s!parent=\??dd#2,#3]% - \let\@@subslevel\empty - \dorecurse{\descriptionparameter\c!levels} - {\normalexpanded{\noexpand\dodefineenumerationcommands{#1}{\recurselevel}{\@@subslevel}{\??dd\@@subslevel#2}}% - \edef\@@subslevel{\@@subslevel\v!sub}}% - \fi - \edef\currentdescriptioncounter{\descriptionparameter\s!counter}% - \ifx\currentdescriptioncounter\empty - \ifdone\dodefineenumerationcounter{#1}\fi - \else\ifx\currentdescriptioncounter\v!yes - \ifdone\dodefineenumerationcounter{#1}\fi - \else\ifx\currentdescriptioncounter\v!no - \ifdone\dodefineenumerationcounter{#1}\fi - \else - \letvalue{\??dd#1\s!counter}\currentdescriptioncounter % ? - %[[#1:\currentdescriptioncounter]] - \doifstructurecounterelse{\currentdescriptioncounter}{}{\dodefineenumerationcounter\currentdescriptioncounter}% - \fi\fi\fi - \dosetupenumerationcounter{#1}} % new - -\newtoks\everysetupenumerationcounter -\let\currentenumerationcountername\empty - -\def\dosetupenumerationcounter#1% - {\edef\currentenumerationcountername{#1}% only used in the token list - \edef\currentdescription{#1}% - \the\everysetupenumerationcounter} - -\appendtoks - \dostructurecountersetup\currentenumerationcountername\descriptionparameter -\to \everysetupenumerationcounter - -\def\dodefineenumerationcounter#1% todo: fast inheritance (was mainparameter - {\definestructurecounter[#1]% - \dosetupenumerationcounter{#1}} - -\def\dodefineenumerationcommands#1#2#3#4% since we use \currentdescription, we need an edef - {\setevalue{\??dd#3#1\s!parent}{#4}% - \setuevalue {#3#1}{\noexpand\doenumerationcommand {#1}{#2}{#3}}% - \setuevalue{\c!reset#3#1}{\noexpand\doresetenumerationnumber{#1}{#2}{#3}}% - %setuevalue{\c!set #3#1}{\noexpand\dosetenumerationnumber {#1}{#2}{#3}}% - \setuevalue{\e!next #3#1}{\noexpand\donextenumerationnumber {#1}{#2}{#3}}% - \setuevalue{\e!start#3#1}{\noexpand\doenumerationstart {#1}{#2}{#3}}% - \setuevalue{\e!stop #3#1}{\noexpand\doenumerationstop {#1}{#2}{#3}}} - -% handle enumeration - -\def\currentdescriptionnumber {\csname\??dd\currentdescriptionmain\s!counter\endcsname}% no edef (yet) -\def\specificdescriptionnumber#1{\csname\??dd#1\s!counter\endcsname}% no edef (yet) - -\def\doenumerationinit#1#2#3% - {\edef\currentdescriptionmain {#1}% - \edef\currentdescriptionlevel{#2}% - \edef\currentdescriptionname {#1}% - \edef\currentdescription {#3#1}} - -\def\doenumerationcommand#1#2#3{\doenumerationinit{#1}{#2}{#3}\dosingleempty\@@description} -\def\doenumerationstart #1#2#3{\doenumerationinit{#1}{#2}{#3}\dosingleempty\@@startdescription} -\def\doenumerationstop #1#2#3{\doenumerationinit{#1}{#2}{#3}\@@stopdescription} - -\def\doresetenumerationnumber#1#2#3{\strc_counters_reset_sub {\specificdescriptionnumber{#1}}{#2}} -\def\dosetenumerationnumber#1#2#3#4{\strc_counters_set_sub {\specificdescriptionnumber{#1}}{#2}{#4}} -\def\donextenumerationnumber #1#2#3{\strc_counters_increment_sub{\specificdescriptionnumber{#1}}{#2}} - -% implementation - -\newtoks \everyenumeration -\newconstant\enumerationnumberstate % 1 == enabled -\def \enumerationsignalskip {-} % 0 == disabled -\def \enumerationsignalsymbol{+} % 2 == disabled but symbol - -\appendtoks \disablepseudocaps \to \everyenumeration % sorry, uppercase causes troubles - -\setvalue{\??dd:\v!enumeration:\s!handler:\s!number}{\@@doenumerationnumber} -\setvalue{\??dd:\v!enumeration:\s!handler:\s!symbol}{\@@doenumerationsymbol} -\setvalue{\??dd:\v!enumeration:\s!handler:\s!text }{\@@doenumerationtext} -\setvalue{\??dd:\v!enumeration:\s!handler }{\@@doenumerationhandler} -\setvalue{\??dd:\v!enumeration:\s!handler:\s!do }{\@@somedescription} -\setvalue{\??dd:\v!enumeration:\s!handler:\s!start }{\@@startsomedescription} - -\let\@@doenumerationhandler\@@dodescriptionhandler - -% \def\currentenumerationfullnumber -% {\ctxlua{structures.lists.savedprefixednumber("\currentdescriptionmain",\currentdescriptionnumberentry)}} - -\def\@@doenumerationnumber - {\ctxlua{structures.lists.savedprefixednumber("\currentdescriptionmain",\currentdescriptionnumberentry)}} - -\def\@@doenumerationsymbol - {\descriptionparameter\c!symbol} - -\def\@@dodoenumerationtext - {\ctxlua{structures.lists.savedtitle("\currentdescriptionmain",\currentdescriptionnumberentry)}} - -\def\doenumerationnumber - {\descriptionparameter\c!left - \descriptionparameter\c!starter - \dodescriptionnumber - \descriptionparameter\c!stopper - \descriptionparameter\c!right} - -\def\doenumerationsymbol - {\descriptionparameter\c!left - \dodescriptionsymbol - \descriptionparameter\c!right} - -\def\@@doenumerationtext - {\ifcase\enumerationnumberstate - \doenumerationfullnumbernop - \or - \iftrialtypesetting - \doenumerationfullnumberyes - \doenumerationcouplingsymbol - \else - \doenumerationregistercoupling - \doenumerationfullnumberyes - \doenumerationcouplingsymbol - \fi - \or - \doenumerationfullnumbersymbol - \fi} - -\def\doenumerationfullnumberyes {\doenumerationfullnumber{\showdntext \doenumerationnumber\doenumerationextratext}} -\def\doenumerationfullnumbernop {\doenumerationfullnumber{\showdnpuretext \doenumerationextratext}} -\def\doenumerationfullnumbersymbol{\doenumerationfullnumber{\showdntext \doenumerationsymbol\doenumerationextratext}} - -\def\doenumerationfullnumber#1% text, title (used in notes) .. todo - {\begingroup - \usedescriptionstyleandcolor\c!headstyle\c!headcolor - \the\everyenumeration - \descriptionparameter\c!command{\strut#1}% - \endgroup} - -\def\doenumerationextratext - {\doif{\descriptionparameter\c!title}\v!yes - {\doifsomething\@@dodoenumerationtext - {\begingroup - \usedescriptionstyleandcolor\c!titlestyle\c!titlecolor - \hskip\descriptionparameter\c!titledistance - \descriptionparameter\c!titlecommand - {\descriptionparameter\c!titleleft - \begstrut\@@dodoenumerationtext\endstrut - \descriptionparameter\c!titleright}% - \endgroup}}} - -\def\doenumerationsavecounter {\strc_counters_save \currentdescriptionnumber} % can be inlined -\def\doenumerationrestorecounter {\strc_counters_restore \currentdescriptionnumber} % can be inlined -\def\doenumerationincrementcounter{\strc_counters_increment_sub\currentdescriptionnumber\currentdescriptionlevel} % can be inlined - -% to be used in for instance: -% -% coupling=questions .... coupling=answers -% -% we will provide some more control, like skipping etc or reference relates - -\def\doenumerationcheckconditions - {\doifelse{\descriptionparameter\c!number}\v!yes - {\ifx\currentdescriptionreference\enumerationsignalsymbol - \enumerationnumberstate\plustwo % symbol - \else\ifx\currentdescriptionreference\enumerationsignalskip - \enumerationnumberstate\zerocount % disabled - \else - \enumerationnumberstate\plusone % enabled - \fi\fi}% - {\enumerationnumberstate\zerocount}% % disabled - \edef\currentenumerationcoupling{\descriptionparameter\c!coupling}} - -\def\doenumerationregistercoupling - {\iflocation - % no area yet, we will provide variants some day - \fi} - -\def\doenumerationcouplingsymbol - {\iflocation \ifx\currentenumerationcoupling\empty\else - \symbolreference[order(description:\currentenumerationcoupling:\nextinternalorderreference)]% - \fi \fi} - -\def\skipenumerationcoupling[#1]% e.g. for questions with no answer - {\ctxlua{structures.references.setnextorder("description","#1")}} - -\def\showdnpuretext{\strut\descriptionparameter\c!text} % geen spatie -\def\showdnlisttext{\descriptionparameter\c!listtext} % space in default -\def\showdntext {\doifsomething{\descriptionparameter\c!text}{\descriptionparameter\c!text\removeunwantedspaces\fixedspace}} - -\unexpanded\def\structurecounterreference#1% - {[enumref: #1]} - -% you can use \placeclosesymbol or \qed to place a symbol at the end of a -% description - -\def\@@resetdescriptionclosesymbol - {\global\@EA\settrue\csname\??dd\currentdescription:mrk\endcsname - \let\placeclosesymbol\@@placedescriptionclosesymbol - \let\qed \@@placedescriptionclosesymbol} - -\def\@@placedescriptionclosesymbol - {\ifconditional\csname\??dd\currentdescription:mrk\endcsname - \global\@EA\setfalse\csname\??dd\currentdescription:mrk\endcsname - \doifsomething{\descriptionparameter\c!closesymbol}{\descriptionparameter\c!closecommand{\descriptionparameter\c!closesymbol}}% - \fi} - -\newif\ifnodescriptioncaption - -\def\doifelsedescriptioncomponent - {\ctxlua{structures.lists.doifstoredelse(currentdescriptionnumberentry)}} - -\def\dodescriptioncomponent - {\doifelsedescriptioncomponent\nododescriptioncomponent\dododescriptioncomponent} - -\def\nododescriptioncomponent[#1][#2]% #1=interfaced-settings, #2=optional user data - {} - -\def\dododescriptioncomponent[#1][#2]% #1=interfaced-settings, #2=optional user data - {\begingroup % similar to structure so we might generalize this - \getparameters[\??dd\currentdescription][#1]% - % - \xdef\currentdescriptionexpansion {\descriptionparameter\c!expansion}% - \xdef\currentdescriptionxmlsetup {\descriptionparameter\c!xmlsetup}% - \xdef\currentdescriptioncatcodes {\descriptionparameter\s!catcodes}% - \xdef\currentdescriptionlabel {\descriptionparameter\c!label}% - \xdef\currentdescriptionreference {\descriptionparameter\c!reference}% - \xdef\currentdescriptionreferenceprefix{\descriptionparameter\c!referenceprefix}% - %xdef\currentdescriptionshownumber {\descriptionparameter\c!number}% - \xdef\currentdescriptionsaveinlist {\descriptionparameter\c!saveinlist}% - \xdef\currentdescriptionincrementnumber{\descriptionparameter\c!incrementnumber}% - % - \ifx\currentdescriptionexpansion\empty - \glet\currentdescriptionexpansion\v!no - \fi - % - \ifx\currentdescriptionexpansion\s!xml - \xmlstartraw - \xdef\currentdescriptiontitle {\descriptionparameter\c!title}% - \xdef\currentdescriptionbookmark{\descriptionparameter\c!bookmark}% - \xdef\currentdescriptionmarking {\descriptionparameter\c!marking}% - \xdef\currentdescriptionlist {\descriptionparameter\c!list}% - \xmlstopraw - \ifx\currentdescriptionlist\empty - \globallet\currentdescriptionlist\currentdescriptiontitle - \fi - \globallet\currentdescriptioncoding\s!xml - \else - \ifx\currentdescriptionexpansion\v!yes - \xdef\currentdescriptiontitle {\descriptionparameter\c!title}% - \xdef\currentdescriptionbookmark{\descriptionparameter\c!bookmark}% - \xdef\currentdescriptionmarking {\descriptionparameter\c!marking}% - \xdef\currentdescriptionlist {\descriptionparameter\c!list}% - \else - \xdef\currentdescriptiontitle {\detokenizeddescriptionparameter\c!title}% - \xdef\currentdescriptionbookmark{\detokenizeddescriptionparameter\c!bookmark}% - \xdef\currentdescriptionmarking {\detokenizeddescriptionparameter\c!marking}% - \xdef\currentdescriptionlist {\detokenizeddescriptionparameter\c!list}% - \iflocation \ifx\currentdescriptionbookmark\empty - \begingroup - \simplifycommands - \xdef\currentdescriptionbookmark{\detokenize\expandafter{\normalexpanded{\descriptionparameter\c!title}}}% - \endgroup - \fi \fi - \fi - \ifx\currentdescriptionlist\empty - \globallet\currentdescriptionlist\currentdescriptiontitle - \fi - \globallet\currentdescriptioncoding\s!tex - \fi - % - \ifx\currentdescriptiontitle\v!none % will become obsolete - \global\nodescriptioncaptiontrue\global\nodescriptionnumbertrue - \fi - % - \ifcase\enumerationnumberstate - % disabled - \or - \doifelsedescriptioncomponent\donothing\doenumerationincrementcounter - \or - % symbol - \fi - % - \ifnodescriptioncaption - \glet\currentdescriptionlistnumber \relax - \glet\currentdescriptionsynchronize\relax - \glet\currentdescriptionattribute \relax - \else - %\setnextinternalreference - \setnextinternalreferences{description}\currentdescriptionname % plural - \xdef\currentdescriptionnumberentry{\ctxcommand{addtolist{ - metadata = { - kind = "description", - name = "\currentdescriptionname", - level = structures.sections.currentlevel(), - catcodes = \the\catcodetable, - % \currentdirectionparameters - }, - references = { - internal = \nextinternalreference, - order = \nextinternalorderreference, - reference = "\currentdescriptionreference", - referenceprefix = "\referenceprefix", - block = "\currentsectionblock", - section = structures.sections.currentid(), - }, - titledata = { - label = \!!bs\detokenize\expandafter{\currentdescriptionlabel }\!!es, - title = \!!bs\detokenize\expandafter{\currentdescriptiontitle }\!!es, - \ifx\currentdescriptionbookmark\currentdescriptiontitle \else - bookmark = \!!bs\detokenize\expandafter{\currentdescriptionbookmark}\!!es, - \fi - \ifx\currentdescriptionlist\currentdescriptiontitle \else % \ifx\currentdescriptionsaveinlist\v!no - list = \!!bs\detokenize\expandafter{\currentdescriptionlist }\!!es, - \fi % \fi - }, - \ifcase\enumerationnumberstate - % disabled - \or - prefixdata = { - prefix = "\descriptionparameter\c!prefix", - separatorset = "\descriptionparameter\c!prefixseparatorset", - conversion = \!!bs\descriptionparameter\c!prefixconversion\!!es, - conversionset = "\descriptionparameter\c!prefixconversionset", - set = "\descriptionparameter\c!prefixset", - segments = "\descriptionparameter\c!prefixsegments", - connector = \!!bs\descriptionparameter\c!prefixconnector\!!es, - }, - numberdata = { - numbers = structures.counters.compact("\currentdescriptionnumber",nil,true), % ! number can be cloned - separatorset = "\descriptionparameter\c!numberseparatorset", - conversion = "\descriptionparameter\c!numberconversion", - conversionset = "\descriptionparameter\c!numberconversionset", - starter = \!!bs\descriptionparameter\c!numberstarter\!!es, - stopper = \!!bs\descriptionparameter\c!numberstopper\!!es, - segments = "\descriptionparameter\c!numbersegments", - }, - \or - % symbol - \fi - userdata = \!!bs\detokenize{#2}\!!es % will be converted to table at the lua end - } - }}% - \xdef\currentdescriptionattribute {\ctxlua {tex.write(structures.references.setinternalreference("\referenceprefix","\currentdescriptionreference",\nextinternalreference,"\interactionparameter\c!focus"))}}% - \xdef\currentdescriptionsynchronize{\ctxlatecommand{enhancelist(\currentdescriptionnumberentry)}}% - \fi - \endgroup} - -% This is not so nice, some day i'll just store the number with the entry -% and deal with all at the Lua end, but first we need to be able to set -% macros. - -\def\reinstatedescriptionnumberentry#1% - {\xdef\currentdescriptionattribute {\ctxlua {structures.references.getinternalreference(#1)}}% - \xdef\currentdescriptionsynchronize{\ctxlatecommand{enhancelist(#1)}}} - -\installstructurelistprocessor{description}{\usestructurelistprocessor{number+title}} - -% labels, we could share with enumerations and forget about the text; anyhow, figure -% labels etc can use enumerations; we keep labels for compatibility reasons; we need -% the slightly different namespace; we can still define structure counters directly -% (multiple levels) and use an enumeration without following text - -% unfinished - -\unexpanded\def\setuplabels - {\getparameters[\??db]} - -\unexpanded\def\definelabel - {\dotripleargumentwithset\dodefinelabel} - -\def\dodefinelabel[#1][#2][#3]% #2 or #3 assignment - {\doenumerationinit{#1}{1}\empty - \getparameters[\??dd#1][\c!command=,\c!state=\v!start,\c!location=,\c!text=#1]% - \ifsecondargument\doifassignmentelse{#2}\donetrue\donefalse\else\donetrue\fi - \ifdone - % an independent one - \getparameters[\??dd#1][\s!counter=#1,\s!parent=\??db,#2]% - \dodefinelabelcommands{#1}{\??db}% - \dodefineenumerationcounter{#1}% - \else - \getparameters[\??dd#1][\s!counter=#1,\s!parent=\??dd#2,#3]% - \dodefinelabelcommands{#1}{\??dd#2}% - \fi} - -\def\dodefinelabelcommands#1#2% - {\setuevalue {#1}{\noexpand\dolabelnumbercommand {#1}}% - \setuevalue{\c!reset #1}{\noexpand\doresetlabelnumber {#1}}% - %\setuevalue{\c!set #1}{\noexpand\dosetlabelnumber {#1}}% [#2] or {#2} ? - \setuevalue{\e!next #1}{\noexpand\donextlabelnumber {#1}}% - \setuevalue{\e!increment#1}{\noexpand\doincrementlabelnumber{#1}}% - \setuevalue{\c!current #1}{\noexpand\docurrentlabelnumber {#1}}} - -% this is just for downward compatibility, we might drop it - -\setvalue{\??db:\c!location:\v!inmargin}{\inmargin} -\setvalue{\??db:\c!location:\v!inleft }{\inleft} -\setvalue{\??db:\c!location:\v!inright }{\inright} -\setvalue{\??db:\c!location:\v!margin }{\inmargin} - -\def\dolabelinit#1% - {\def\currentdescriptionmain{#1}% - \def\currentdescription {#1}% - \def\currentdescriptionlevel{1}} - -\def\docurrentlabelnumber #1{\dolabelinit{#1}\dosingleempty\dodocurrentlabelnumber} -\def\donextlabelnumber #1{\dolabelinit{#1}\dosingleempty\dodonextlabelnumber} -\def\dolabelnumbercommand #1{\dolabelinit{#1}\dosingleempty\dodolabelnumbercommand} - -\def\doresetlabelnumber #1{\dolabelinit{#1}\strc_counters_reset_sub \currentdescriptionnumber\currentdescriptionlevel} -\def\dosetlabelnumber #1#2{\dolabelinit{#1}\strc_counters_set_sub \currentdescriptionnumber\currentdescriptionlevel{#2}} -\def\doincrementlabelnumber #1{\dolabelinit{#1}\strc_counters_increment_sub\currentdescriptionnumber\currentdescriptionlevel} - -\def\dodocurrentlabelnumber[#1]% - {\dontleavehmode - \writestatus{!!!}{todo: reference of label}% - \dotextprefix{\descriptionparameter\c!text}% - \convertedsubstructurecounter[\currentdescriptionnumber][\currentdescriptionlevel]} - -\def\dodonextlabelnumber[#1]% todo: ref - {\strc_counters_increment_sub\currentdescriptionnumber\currentdescriptionlevel - \dodocurrentlabelnumber[\currentdescriptionnumber]} - -\def\dodolabelnumbercommand[#1]% todo: ref - {\dontleavehmode - \descriptionparameter\c!before - \begingroup - \strc_counters_increment_sub\currentdescriptionnumber\currentdescriptionlevel - \usedescriptionstyleandcolor\c!headstyle\c!headcolor - \executeifdefined{\??db:\c!location:\descriptionparameter\c!location}{\descriptionparameter\c!command}{\dodocurrentlabelnumber[#1]}% - \endgroup - \descriptionparameter\c!after} - -\setuplabels - [\s!parent=\??dn] - -%D \macros -%D {defineindentedtext, -%D setupindentedtext} -%D -%D Ok, we keep it but with a different command as it all looks too -%D much like indentation and indenting. We also assume start/stop -%D usage or some explicit par. - -\installcorenamespace{indentedtext} - -\installcommandhandler \??indentedtext {indentedtext} \??indentedtext - -%D \startbuffer -%D \defineindentedtext[one][text=one] -%D \defineindentedtext[two][text=two] -%D -%D \one test test \par -%D \subone test test \par -%D \subtwo test test \par -%D \subsubone test test \par -%D -%D \startone -%D test test -%D \startone -%D test test -%D \startone -%D test test -%D \stopone -%D \starttwo -%D test test -%D \startone -%D test test -%D \stopone -%D \stoptwo -%D \stopone -%D \stopone -%D \stopbuffer -%D -%D \typebuffer \getbuffer - -\newcount\c_strc_indentedtexts_nesting -\newdimen\d_strc_indentedtexts_width - -\appendtoks - \setuevalue {\e!start\currentindentedtext}{\strc_indentedtexts_start{\currentindentedtext}\c_strc_indentedtexts_nesting}% - \setuevalue {\e!stop \currentindentedtext}{\strc_indentedtexts_stop}% - % to be avoided ... might go away - \setuevalue {\currentindentedtext}{\strc_indentedtexts_direct{\currentindentedtext}{0}}% - \setuevalue {\v!sub\currentindentedtext}{\strc_indentedtexts_direct{\currentindentedtext}{1}}% - \setuevalue{\v!sub\v!sub\currentindentedtext}{\strc_indentedtexts_direct{\currentindentedtext}{2}}% -\to \everydefineindentedtext - -\unexpanded\def\strc_indentedtexts_start#1#2% - {\par - \begingroup - \c_strc_indentedtexts_nesting#2\relax - \edef\currentindentedtext{#1}% - \indentedtextparameter\c!before - \doifnothing{\indentedtextparameter\c!sample} - {\setindentedtextparameter\c!sample{\indentedtextparameter\c!text}}% - \assignwidth - {\indentedtextparameter\c!width} - {\d_strc_indentedtexts_width} - {\useindentedtextstyleandcolor\c!headstyle\c!headcolor - \indentedtextparameter\c!sample - \spr{\indentedtextparameter\c!separator}} - {\indentedtextparameter\c!distance}% - \advance\d_strc_indentedtexts_width \indentedtextparameter\c!distance - \setbox\scratchbox\hbox to \d_strc_indentedtexts_width - {\useindentedtextstyleandcolor\c!headstyle\c!headcolor - \strut - \indentedtextparameter\c!text - \hss - \spr{\indentedtextparameter\c!separator}% - \hskip\indentedtextparameter\c!distance}% - \parindent\zeropoint - \hskip\c_strc_indentedtexts_nesting\d_strc_indentedtexts_width - \advance\c_strc_indentedtexts_nesting\plusone - \dontleavehmode\box\scratchbox - \hangindent\c_strc_indentedtexts_nesting\d_strc_indentedtexts_width - \useindentedtextstyleandcolor\c!style\c!color} - -\unexpanded\def\strc_indentedtexts_stop - {\indentedtextparameter\c!after - \par - \endgroup} - -\let\stopindentedtext\strc_indentedtexts_stop - -\unexpanded\def\strc_indentedtexts_direct#1#2#3\par % no longer clever grabpar trickery - {\strc_indentedtexts_start{#1}{#2}#3\strc_indentedtexts_stop} - -\setupindentedtext - [\c!style=\v!normal, - \c!headstyle=\v!normal, - %\c!color=, - %\c!headcolor=, - \c!width=\v!fit, - \c!text=\unknown, - %\c!sample=, - \c!before=\blank, - \c!after=\blank, - \c!distance=1em, - \c!separator={ :}] - -\protect \endinput diff --git a/tex/context/base/strc-des.mkvi b/tex/context/base/strc-des.mkvi new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ec74a3359 --- /dev/null +++ b/tex/context/base/strc-des.mkvi @@ -0,0 +1,196 @@ +%D \module +%D [ file=strc-des, +%D version=2008.10.20, +%D title=\CONTEXT\ Structure Macros, +%D subtitle=Descriptions, +%D author=Hans Hagen, +%D date=\currentdate, +%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}] +%C +%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is +%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for +%C details. + +\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Structure Macros / Descriptions} + +\unprotect + +\installcorenamespace{description} + +\installcommandhandler \??description {description} \??description + +\let\setupdescriptions\setupdescription + +\setupdescriptions % check with old + [\c!alternative=\v!left, + \c!headstyle=\v!bold, + \c!titlestyle=\v!bold, + %\c!style=, + %\c!color=, + %\c!headcolor=, + %\c!titlecolor=, + \c!width=7em, + \c!distance=1em, + \c!titledistance=0.5em, + %\c!hang=, + %\c!sample=, + %\c!align=, + %\c!headalign=, + \c!margin=\v!no, + \c!before=\blank, + \c!inbetween=\blank, + \c!after=\blank, + \c!indentnext=\v!yes, + \c!indenting=\v!never, + \c!titleleft=(, + \c!titleright=), + %\c!closesymbol=, + \c!closecommand=\wordright, + \c!display=\v!yes, + %\c!command=, + \c!titlecommand=, + \c!expansion=\v!no, + %\c!xmlsetup=, + %\s!catcodes=, + \c!title=\v!yes, + %\c!text=, + ] + +\appendtoks + \ifx\currentdescriptionparent\empty + \defineconstruction[\currentdescription][\currentdescriptionparent][\s!handler=\v!description,\c!level=1]% + \else + \defineconstruction[\currentdescription][\s!handler=\v!description,\c!level=1]% + \fi + \setuevalue {\currentdescription}{\strc_descriptions_command{\currentdescription}}% + \setuevalue{\e!start\currentdescription}{\strc_descriptions_start {\currentdescription}}% + \setuevalue{\e!stop \currentdescription}{\strc_descriptions_stop}% +\to \everydefinedescription + +\setvalue{\??constructioninitializer\v!description}% + {\let\currentdescription \currentconstruction + \let\constructionparameter \descriptionparameter + \let\detokenizedconstructionparameter\detokenizeddescriptionparameter + \let\letconstructionparameter \letdescriptionparameter + \let\useconstructionstyleandcolor \usedescriptionstyleandcolor + \let\setupcurrentconstruction \setupcurrentdescription + \edef\p_title{\constructionparameter\c!title}% + \ifx\p_title\v!yes + \settrue\c_strc_constructions_title_state + \else + \setfalse\c_strc_constructions_title_state + \fi} + +% We keep the command variant around but rather would move to the +% start-stop one. Also, passing the title as argument has some +% history so we need to keep that as well. + +\ifdefined\dotagsetdescription \else \let\dotagsetdescription\relax \fi + +% \startdescription [reference] text \stopdescription +% \startdescription [reference]{title} text \stopdescription +% \startdescription [title=,title=,reference=] text \stopdescription + +\unexpanded\def\strc_descriptions_start#1% + {\begingroup + \strc_constructions_initialize{#1}% + \doifnextoptionalelse\strc_descriptions_start_yes\strc_descriptions_start_nop} + +\unexpanded\def\strc_descriptions_start_yes[#1]% + {\doifassignmentelse{#1}\strc_descriptions_start_yes_assignment\strc_descriptions_start_yes_reference[#1]} + +\unexpanded\def\strc_descriptions_start_yes_assignment[#1]% todo userdata + {\strc_constructions_register[\c!label={\descriptionparameter\c!text},\c!reference=,\c!title=,\c!bookmark=,\c!list=,#1][]% + \csname\??constructionstarthandler\currentconstructionhandler\endcsname} + +\unexpanded\def\strc_descriptions_start_yes_reference + {\ifconditional\c_strc_descriptions_title_state + \expandafter\strc_descriptions_start_yes_titled + \else + \expandafter\strc_descriptions_start_yes_normal + \fi} + +\unexpanded\def\strc_descriptions_start_yes_titled[#1]#2% todo userdata + {\strc_constructions_register[\c!label={\descriptionparameter\c!text},\c!reference={#1},\c!title={#2},\c!bookmark=,\c!list=][]% + \csname\??constructionstarthandler\currentconstructionhandler\endcsname} + +\unexpanded\def\strc_descriptions_start_yes_normal[#1]% todo userdata + {\strc_constructions_register[\c!label={\descriptionparameter\c!text},\c!reference={#1},\c!title=,\c!bookmark=,\c!list=][]% + \csname\??constructionstarthandler\currentconstructionhandler\endcsname} + +\unexpanded\def\strc_descriptions_start_nop + {\ifconditional\c_strc_constructions_title_state + \expandafter\strc_descriptions_start_nop_titled + \else + \expandafter\strc_descriptions_start_nop_normal + \fi} + +\unexpanded\def\strc_descriptions_start_nop_titled#1% + {\strc_constructions_register[\c!label={\descriptionparameter\c!text},\c!reference=,\c!title={#1},\c!bookmark=,\c!list=][]% + \csname\??constructionstarthandler\currentconstructionhandler\endcsname} + +\unexpanded\def\strc_descriptions_start_nop_normal + {\strc_constructions_register[\c!label={\descriptionparameter\c!text},\c!reference=,\c!title=,\c!bookmark=,\c!list=][]% + \csname\??constructionstarthandler\currentconstructionhandler\endcsname} + +\unexpanded\def\strc_descriptions_stop + {\csname\??constructionstophandler\currentconstructionhandler\endcsname} + +% \description [reference] text \par +% \description [reference] {title} text \par + +\unexpanded\def\strc_descriptions_command#1% + {\begingroup + \strc_constructions_initialize{#1}% + \doifnextoptionalelse\strc_descriptions_yes\strc_descriptions_nop} + +\unexpanded\def\strc_descriptions_yes + {\ifconditional\c_strc_constructions_title_state + \expandafter\strc_descriptions_yes_titled + \else + \expandafter\strc_descriptions_yes_normal + \fi} + +\unexpanded\def\strc_descriptions_yes_titled[#1]#2% + {\strc_constructions_register[\c!label={\descriptionparameter\c!text},\c!reference={#1},\c!title={#2},\c!bookmark=,\c!list=][]% + \csname\??constructioncommandhandler\currentconstructionhandler\endcsname} + +\unexpanded\def\strc_descriptions_yes_normal[#1]% + {\strc_constructions_register[\c!label={\descriptionparameter\c!text},\c!reference={#1},\c!title=,\c!bookmark=,\c!list=][]% + \csname\??constructioncommandhandler\currentconstructionhandler\endcsname} + +\unexpanded\def\strc_descriptions_nop + {\ifconditional\c_strc_constructions_title_state + \expandafter\strc_descriptions_nop_titled + \else + \expandafter\strc_descriptions_nop_normal + \fi} + +\unexpanded\def\strc_descriptions_nop_titled#1% + {\strc_constructions_register[\c!label={\descriptionparameter\c!text},\c!reference=,\c!title={#1},\c!bookmark=,\c!list=][]% + \csname\??constructioncommandhandler\currentconstructionhandler\endcsname} + +\unexpanded\def\strc_descriptions_nop_normal + {\strc_constructions_register[\c!label={\descriptionparameter\c!text},\c!reference=,\c!title=,\c!bookmark=,\c!list=][]% + \csname\??constructioncommandhandler\currentconstructionhandler\endcsname} + +%D Handlers: + +\expandafter\let\csname\??constructionmainhandler \v!description\expandafter\endcsname\csname\??constructionmainhandler \v!construction\endcsname +\expandafter\let\csname\??constructioncommandhandler\v!description\expandafter\endcsname\csname\??constructioncommandhandler\v!construction\endcsname +\expandafter\let\csname\??constructiontexthandler \v!description\expandafter\endcsname\csname\??constructiontexthandler \v!construction\endcsname + +\setvalue{\??constructioncommandhandler\v!description}% + {\dowithpar + {\csname\??constructionstarthandler\v!construction\endcsname}% + {\csname\??constructionstophandler \v!construction\endcsname\endgroup}} + +\setvalue{\??constructionstarthandler\v!description}% + {\BeforePar{\csname\??constructionstarthandler\v!construction\endcsname}% + \GotoPar} + +\setvalue{\??constructionstophandler\v!description}% + {\csname\??constructionstophandler\v!construction\endcsname + \endgroup} + +\protect \endinput diff --git a/tex/context/base/strc-enu.mkvi b/tex/context/base/strc-enu.mkvi new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9cacbd556 --- /dev/null +++ b/tex/context/base/strc-enu.mkvi @@ -0,0 +1,371 @@ +%D \module +%D [ file=strc-enu, % moved from strc-des +%D version=2008.10.20, +%D title=\CONTEXT\ Structure Macros, +%D subtitle=Enumerations, +%D author=Hans Hagen, +%D date=\currentdate, +%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}] +%C +%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is +%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for +%C details. + +\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Structure Macros / Enumerations} + +\unprotect + +% command -> headcommand + +%D Enumerations are just super descriptions. Therefore we implement +%D them as an extension. After all, the keys don't clash. In order +%D to be able to differentiate between specific settings we use +%D some flags. Unfortunately we have some historic differences +%D in default values. Therefore we push an extra step in the +%D parent chain (we might do the same for regular descriptions). + +%D In order to be more flexible with theorems Aditya Mahajan added +%D support for titles and endsymbols. At the same time we added more +%D flexible support for inheriting numbers. +%D +%D \startbuffer +%D \defineenumeration[one] +%D \defineenumeration[two] [one] % clone one +%D \defineenumeration[three] [counter=one,style=slanted] % only use counter of one +%D \defineenumeration[four] [three] % clone three +%D \defineenumeration[five] [three] [counter=five] % clone three and use own counter +%D \defineenumeration[six] [three] [counter=four] % clone tree and use counter four (undefined) +%D +%D \startone test test 6 \stopone +%D \starttwo test test 7 \stoptwo +%D \startthree test test 8 \stopthree +%D \startfour test test 9 \stopfour +%D \startfive test test 2 \stopfive +%D \startsix test test 10 \stopsix +%D \stopbuffer +%D +%D \typebuffer \start \getbuffer \stop +%D +%D \starttyping +%D \setupenumerations[one] [prefix=yes,prefixsegments=section] +%D \setupenumerations[two] [prefix=yes,prefixsegments=section] +%D \setupenumerations[three][prefix=yes,prefixsegments=section] +%D \setupenumerations[four] [prefix=yes,prefixsegments=chapter:section] +%D \setupenumerations[five] [prefix=yes,prefixsegments=chapter:section] +%D \setupenumerations[six] [prefix=yes,prefixsegments=chapter:section] +%D \stoptyping + +% list and titles are experimental +% +% \definedescription[test] [location=left,hang=4,headalign={right},distance=1em,list=test] +% \defineenumeration[lemma][title=yes,right=:,textdistance=1em, location=top, titlestyle=\bs,list=lemma] +% \defineenumeration[ammel][title=yes,right=:,textdistance=.5em,location=left,titlestyle=\it,width=9em] +% +% \placelist[enumeration:lemma] +% \placelist[description:test][width=0pt] +% +% \starttest {something something something} \input zapf \stoptest +% \startlemma {with a title of a certain length} \input tufte \stoplemma +% \startammel {with a title} \input zapf \stopammel +% +% \defineenumeration[lemma][...] +% \defineenumeration[titledlemma][lemma][title=yes,right=:,text=lemma,list=lemma] + +\installcorenamespace{enumeration} + +\installcommandhandler \??enumeration {enumeration} \??enumeration + +\let\setupenumerations\setupenumeration + +\setupenumerations % check with old + [\c!alternative=\v!top, + \c!headstyle=\v!bold, + \c!titlestyle=\v!bold, + %\c!style=, + %\c!color=, + %\c!headcolor=, + %\c!titlecolor=, + \c!width=8em, + \c!distance=0pt, +\c!distance=1em, + \c!titledistance=0.5em, + %\c!hang=, + %\c!sample=, + %\c!align=, + %\c!headalign=, + \c!margin=\v!no, + \c!before=\blank, + \c!inbetween=\blank, + \c!after=\blank, + \c!indentnext=\v!yes, + \c!indenting=\v!never, + \c!titleleft=(, + \c!titleright=), + %\c!closesymbol=, + \c!closecommand=\wordright, + \c!display=\v!yes, + %\c!command=, + \c!titlecommand=, + \c!expansion=\v!no, + %\c!xmlsetup=, + %\s!catcodes=, + % + \c!way=\v!by\v!text, + \c!prefix=\v!no, + \c!prefixconnector=., + %\c!starter=, + %\c!stopper=, + \c!text=\currentenumeration, + \c!number=\v!yes, % else description + \c!start=0, + \c!state=\v!start, + \c!levels=4] + +\unexpanded\def\strc_define_commands_enumeration#1#2#3% current level parent + {\doifelsenothing{#3} + {\defineconstruction[#1][\s!handler=\v!enumeration,\c!level=#2]}% + {\defineconstruction[#1][#3][\s!handler=\v!enumeration,\c!level=#2]}% + \setuevalue{\e!next #1}{\strc_enumerations_next }% + \setuevalue{\c!reset#1}{\strc_enumerations_reset }% + %setuevalue{\c!set #1}{\strc_enumerations_set }% + \setuevalue {#1}{\strc_enumerations_command{\currentenumeration}}% + \setuevalue{\e!start#1}{\strc_enumerations_start {\currentenumeration}}% + \setuevalue{\e!stop #1}{\strc_enumerations_stop }} + +\appendtoks + \ifx\currentenumerationparent\empty + % clone => parent | subclone => clone | subsubclone => subclone + \let\currentenumerationsub\empty + \strc_define_commands_enumeration + {\currentenumerationsub\currentenumeration}% + \plusone + \empty + \edef\p_levels{\enumerationparameter\c!levels}% + \dostepwiserecurse\plustwo\p_levels\plusone + {\strc_define_commands_enumeration + {\v!sub\currentenumerationsub\currentenumeration}% + \recurselevel + {\currentenumerationsub\currentenumeration}% + \edef\currentenumerationsub{\v!sub\currentenumerationsub}}% + \else + % clone => parent | subclone => subparent | subsubclone => subsubparent + \let\currentenumerationsub\empty + \edef\p_levels{\enumerationparameter\c!levels}% + \dorecurse\p_levels + {\strc_define_commands_enumeration + {\currentenumerationsub\currentenumeration}% + \recurselevel + {\currentenumerationsub\currentenumerationparent}% + \edef\currentenumerationsub{\v!sub\currentenumerationsub}}% + \fi + \edef\p_counter{\enumerationparameter\s!counter}% can inherit from parent + \ifx\p_counter\empty % + \let\p_counter\currentenumeration + \fi + \doifstructurecounterelse\p_counter\donothing{\strc_enumerations_define_counter\p_counter}% + \letenumerationparameter\s!counter\p_counter + \strc_enumerations_setup_counter\currentenumeration +\to \everydefineenumeration + +\setvalue{\??constructioninitializer\v!enumeration}% + {\let\currentenumeration \currentconstruction + \let\constructionparameter \enumerationparameter + \let\detokenizedconstructionparameter\detokenizedenumerationparameter + \let\letconstructionparameter \letenumerationparameter + \let\useconstructionstyleandcolor \useenumerationstyleandcolor + \let\setupcurrentconstruction \setupcurrentenumeration + \edef\p_number{\constructionparameter\c!number}% + \ifx\p_number\v!yes + \settrue\c_strc_constructions_number_state + \iftrialtypesetting + \strc_counters_save\currentconstructionnumber + \fi + \strc_counters_increment_sub\currentconstructionnumber\currentconstructionlevel + \else + \setfalse\c_strc_constructions_number_state + \fi + \edef\p_title{\constructionparameter\c!title}% + \ifx\p_title\v!yes + \settrue\c_strc_constructions_title_state + \else + \setfalse\c_strc_constructions_title_state + \fi} + +\setvalue{\??constructionfinalizer\v!enumeration}% + {\ifconditional\c_strc_constructions_number_state + \iftrialtypesetting + \strc_counters_restore\currentconstructionnumber + \fi + \fi} + +%D Interfaces: + +\let\strc_enumerations_command\strc_descriptions_command +\let\strc_enumerations_start \strc_descriptions_start +\let\strc_enumerations_stop \strc_descriptions_stop + +\unexpanded\def\strc_enumerations_next {\strc_counters_increment_sub{\specificconstructionnumber\currentconstruction}{\currentconstructionlevel}} +\unexpanded\def\strc_enumerations_reset {\strc_counters_reset_sub {\specificconstructionnumber\currentconstruction}{\currentconstructionlevel}} +%unexpanded\def\strc_enumerations_set #3{\strc_counters_set_sub {\specificconstructionnumber\currentconstruction}{\currentconstructionlevel}{#2}} + +%D Counters + +%D WILL MOVE: + +\newtoks\everysetupenumerationcounter +\let\v_strc_enumerations_counter_name\empty + +\def\strc_enumerations_setup_counter#1% + {\edef\v_strc_enumerations_counter_name{#1}% only used in the token list + \edef\currentconstruction{#1}% + \the\everysetupenumerationcounter} + +\def\strc_enumerations_define_counter#1% todo: fast inheritance (was mainparameter + {\definestructurecounter[#1]% + \strc_enumerations_setup_counter{#1}} + +\appendtoks + \dostructurecountersetup\v_strc_enumerations_counter_name\constructionparameter +\to \everysetupenumerationcounter + +\def\currentconstructionnumber {\constructionparameter\s!counter} +\def\specificconstructionnumber#1{\namedconstructionparameter{#1}\s!counter} + +%D Initializer: + +%D The handlers. + +\newtoks\everyenumeration + +\appendtoks + \disablepseudocaps % sorry, uppercase causes troubles +\to \everyenumeration + +\expandafter\let\csname\??constructionmainhandler \v!enumeration\expandafter\endcsname\csname\??constructionmainhandler \v!description\endcsname +\expandafter\let\csname\??constructioncommandhandler\v!enumeration\expandafter\endcsname\csname\??constructioncommandhandler\v!description\endcsname +\expandafter\let\csname\??constructionstarthandler \v!enumeration\expandafter\endcsname\csname\??constructionstarthandler \v!description\endcsname +\expandafter\let\csname\??constructionstophandler \v!enumeration\expandafter\endcsname\csname\??constructionstophandler \v!description\endcsname + +\setvalue{\??constructiontexthandler\v!enumeration}% + {\begingroup + \useconstructionstyleandcolor\c!headstyle\c!headcolor + \strc_enumerations_text + \endgroup} + +\unexpanded\def\strc_enumerations_text + {\the\everyenumeration % will become obsolete + \ifconditional\c_strc_constructions_number_state + \ifx\currentconstructionreference\!!plustoken + \strc_enumerations_full_number_symbol + \else\ifx\currentconstructionreference\!!minustoken + \strc_enumerations_full_number_nop + \else + \strc_enumerations_full_number_coupling + \fi\fi + \else + \strc_enumerations_full_number_nop + \fi} + +\unexpanded\def\strc_enumerations_inject_text_with_space + {\edef\p_text{\constructionparameter\c!text}% + \ifx\p_text\empty \else + \p_text + \removeunwantedspaces + \nobreakspace + \fi} + +\unexpanded\def\strc_enumerations_inject_extra_text + {\ifconditional\c_strc_constructions_title_state + \ctxcommand{doiflisthastitleelse("\currentconstructionmain",\currentconstructionlistentry)} + \strc_enumerations_inject_extra_text_indeed + \donothing + \fi} + +\unexpanded\def\strc_enumerations_inject_text + {\constructionparameter\c!numbercommand + {\constructionparameter\c!text}} + +% head ( number title ) + +\unexpanded\def\strc_enumerations_inject_extra_text_indeed + {\begingroup + \hskip\constructionparameter\c!titledistance % we listen to the headstyle + \useconstructionstyleandcolor\c!titlestyle\c!titlecolor + \constructionparameter\c!titlecommand + {\constructionparameter\c!titleleft + \ctxcommand{savedlisttitle("\currentconstructionmain",\currentconstructionlistentry)}% + \constructionparameter\c!titleright}% + \endgroup} + +\unexpanded\def\strc_enumerations_inject_symbol % todo check + {\constructionparameter\c!left + \constructionparameter\c!symbol + \constructionparameter\c!right} + +\unexpanded\def\strc_enumerations_inject_number + {\constructionparameter\c!left + \constructionparameter\c!starter + \ctxcommand{savedlistprefixednumber("\currentconstructionmain",\currentconstructionlistentry)}% + \constructionparameter\c!stopper + \constructionparameter\c!right} + +\unexpanded\def\strc_enumerations_inject_text_and_number + {\constructionparameter\c!numbercommand + {\strc_enumerations_inject_text_with_space + \strc_enumerations_inject_number}} + +\unexpanded\def\strc_enumerations_inject_text_and_symbol + {\constructionparameter\c!numbercommand + {\strc_enumerations_inject_text_with_space + \strc_enumerations_inject_symbol}} + +\unexpanded\def\strc_enumerations_full_number_yes + {\constructionparameter\c!headcommand + {\begstrut + \strc_enumerations_inject_text_and_number + \strc_enumerations_inject_extra_text + \endstrut}} + +\unexpanded\def\strc_enumerations_full_number_nop + {\constructionparameter\c!headcommand + {\begstrut + \strc_enumerations_inject_text + \strc_enumerations_inject_extra_text + \endstrut}} + +\unexpanded\def\strc_enumerations_full_number_symbol + {\constructionparameter\c!headcommand + {\begstrut + \strc_enumerations_inject_text_and_symbol + \strc_enumerations_inject_extra_text + \endstrut}} + +% to be used in for instance: +% +% coupling=questions .... coupling=answers +% +% we will provide some more control, like skipping etc or reference relates + +% todo + + \unexpanded\def\strc_enumerations_full_number_coupling + {\iflocation + \strc_enumerations_full_number_yes + \else + \iftrialtypesetting \else + % \doenumerationregistercoupling + \fi + \strc_enumerations_full_number_yes + \edef\p_coupling{\constructionparameter\c!coupling}% + \ifx\p_coupling\empty \else + \symbolreference[order(construction:\p_coupling:\nextinternalorderreference)]% + \fi + \fi} + + \def\skipenumerationcoupling[#1]% e.g. for questions with no answer + {\ctxlua{structures.references.setnextorder("construction","#1")}} + + \unexpanded\def\structurecounterreference#1% + {[enumref: #1]} + +\protect \endinput diff --git a/tex/context/base/strc-flt.mkvi b/tex/context/base/strc-flt.mkvi index b9a7d7990..099c6fe5f 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/strc-flt.mkvi +++ b/tex/context/base/strc-flt.mkvi @@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ \namedtaggedlabeltexts \t!floatlabel \currentfloat \t!floatnumber\currentfloat - {\ctxlua{structures.lists.savedprefixednumber("\currentfloat",\currentfloatnumber)}% + {\ctxcommand{savedlistprefixednumber("\currentfloat",\currentfloatnumber)}% \thecurrentfloatnumbersuffix}% \fi \fi \fi} @@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ {\ifnofloatcaption \else \ifx\currentfloatnumber\relax\else \dostarttagged\t!floattext\empty - \ctxlua{structures.lists.savedtitle("\currentfloat",\currentfloatnumber)}% + \ctxcommand{savedlisttitle("\currentfloat",\currentfloatnumber)}% \dostoptagged \fi \fi} @@ -410,7 +410,7 @@ \unexpanded\def\strc_floats_place#tag% {\flushnotes - \flushsidefloats % here ! + \page_otr_command_flush_side_floats % here ! \strc_floats_begin_group \strc_floats_set_current_tag{#tag}% \dodoubleempty\strc_floats_place_indeed} @@ -426,7 +426,7 @@ \unexpanded\def\placefloat {\flushnotes - \flushsidefloats % here ! + \page_otr_command_flush_side_floats % here ! \strc_floats_begin_group \dotripleempty\strc_floats_place_float} @@ -438,7 +438,7 @@ \unexpanded\def\strc_floats_start_place#tag% {\flushnotes - \flushsidefloats % here ! + \page_otr_command_flush_side_floats % here ! \strc_floats_begin_group \strc_floats_set_current_tag{#tag}% \dosingleempty\strc_floats_start_place_indeed} @@ -462,7 +462,7 @@ \unexpanded\def\startplacefloat {\flushnotes - \flushsidefloats % here ! + \page_otr_command_flush_side_floats % here ! \strc_floats_begin_group \dodoubleempty\strc_floats_start_place_float} @@ -476,7 +476,7 @@ \unexpanded\def\strc_floats_reserve#tag% {\flushnotes - \flushsidefloats % here ! + \page_otr_command_flush_side_floats % here ! \strc_floats_begin_group \strc_floats_set_current_tag{#tag}% \dotripleempty\strc_floats_reserve_indeed} @@ -494,7 +494,7 @@ \unexpanded\def\strc_floats_start_text#tag% {\flushnotes % Here indeed? - \flushsidefloats % Here indeed? + \page_otr_command_flush_side_floats % Here indeed? \strc_floats_begin_text_group \strc_floats_set_current_tag{#tag}% \dodoubleempty\strc_floats_start_text_indeed} @@ -509,7 +509,7 @@ \unexpanded\def\strc_floats_start_reserve_text#tag% {\flushnotes - \flushsidefloats + \page_otr_command_flush_side_floats \strc_floats_begin_text_group \strc_floats_set_current_tag{#tag}% \dotripleempty\strc_floats_start_reserve_text_indeed} @@ -552,7 +552,7 @@ % this was \checkwaitingfloats spread all over \doifinsetelse\v!always\floatlocation {\showmessage\m!floatblocks5\empty} - {\doifcommonelse\floatlocation\flushfloatslist\doflushfloats\donothing}% + {\doifcommonelse\floatlocation\flushfloatslist\page_otr_command_flush_floats\donothing}% % but which should be done before using box \floatbox \fi \page_margin_strc_floats_before % todo: each float handler gets a before @@ -584,7 +584,7 @@ \global\sidefloatdownshift \zeropoint \global\sidefloatextrashift\zeropoint \ifparfloat - \doifinset\v!reset\floatlocation\forgetsidefloats + \doifinset\v!reset\floatlocation\page_sides_forget_floats \doinhibitblank \fi \strc_floats_end_group} @@ -592,6 +592,8 @@ \setnewconstant\textfloatmethod\zerocount % 0=raw 1=safe (.99) 2=tight (-1pt) \setnewconstant\floatrotation \zerocount % 0 90 180 270 +% nicer is a bunch of states and one loop that sets those states + \def\strc_floats_analyze_variables_two {\doifcommonelse {\floatlocation} @@ -826,15 +828,29 @@ \endgroup} {\movedownsidefloat[#settings]}} +% \def\strc_floats_move_down#setting% +% {\processaction +% [#setting]% +% [ \v!line=>\strc_floats_move_down_line+,% +% +\v!line=>\strc_floats_move_down_line+,% +% -\v!line=>\strc_floats_move_down_line-,% +% \v!hang=>\strc_floats_move_down_hang\plusone,% +% +\v!hang=>\strc_floats_move_down_hang\plusone,% +% -\v!hang=>\strc_floats_move_down_hang\minusone]} + +\installcorenamespace{floatmovement} + +\setvalue{\??floatmovement \v!line}{\strc_floats_move_down_line+} +\setvalue{\??floatmovement+\v!line}{\strc_floats_move_down_line+} +\setvalue{\??floatmovement-\v!line}{\strc_floats_move_down_line-} +\setvalue{\??floatmovement \v!hang}{\strc_floats_move_down_hang\plusone} +\setvalue{\??floatmovement+\v!hang}{\strc_floats_move_down_hang\plusone} +\setvalue{\??floatmovement-\v!hang}{\strc_floats_move_down_hang\minusone} + \def\strc_floats_move_down#setting% - {\processaction - [#setting]% - [ \v!line=>\strc_floats_move_down_line+,% - +\v!line=>\strc_floats_move_down_line+,% - -\v!line=>\strc_floats_move_down_line-,% - \v!hang=>\strc_floats_move_down_hang\plusone,% - +\v!hang=>\strc_floats_move_down_hang\plusone,% - -\v!hang=>\strc_floats_move_down_hang\minusone]} + {\csname\??floatmovement + \ifcsname\??floatmovement#setting\endcsname#setting\fi + \endcsname} \def\strc_floats_move_down_line#sign% {\if!!donea \else @@ -866,69 +882,151 @@ {\let\extrafloatlocation#rightpagelocation}% {\let\extrafloatlocation#leftpagelocation}} -\def\strc_floats_check_extra_actions +% \def\strc_floats_check_extra_actions +% {\doifnotinset\v!text\floatlocation % fuzzy, text overloads left, since then it's a directive +% {\let\extrafloatlocation\empty +% % \sidefloatdownshift will be reset afterwards, and can +% % already be set at this point +% \processallactionsinset +% [\floatlocation] % ininner/inouter : for old times sake +% [ \v!inner=>\strc_floats_set_extra_action\v!left \v!right, +% \v!outer=>\strc_floats_set_extra_action\v!right \v!left, +% \v!innermargin=>\strc_floats_set_extra_action\v!leftmargin \v!rightmargin, +% \v!outermargin=>\strc_floats_set_extra_action\v!rightmargin\v!leftmargin, +% \v!inneredge=>\strc_floats_set_extra_action\v!leftedge \v!rightedge, +% \v!outeredge=>\strc_floats_set_extra_action\v!rightedge \v!leftedge, +% \v!backspace=>\strc_floats_set_extra_action\v!backspace \v!cutspace, +% \v!cutspace=>\strc_floats_set_extra_action\v!cutspace \v!backspace, +% % \v!margin=>\strc_floats_set_extra_action\v!cutspace \v!backspace, +% \v!left=>\strc_floats_set_extra_action\v!left \v!left, +% \v!right=>\strc_floats_set_extra_action\v!right \v!right, +% \v!line=>, % only -n*line is handled (see ***) +% \s!unknown=>{\movedownsidefloat[\commalistelement]}]% +% \ifx\extrafloatlocation\empty \else +% \edef\floatlocation{\extrafloatlocation,\floatlocation}% +% \fi}} + +\installcorenamespace{extrafloataction} + +\setvalue{\??extrafloataction \v!inner}{\strc_floats_set_extra_action\v!left \v!right} +\setvalue{\??extrafloataction \v!outer}{\strc_floats_set_extra_action\v!right \v!left} +\setvalue{\??extrafloataction\v!innermargin}{\strc_floats_set_extra_action\v!leftmargin \v!rightmargin} +\setvalue{\??extrafloataction\v!outermargin}{\strc_floats_set_extra_action\v!rightmargin\v!leftmargin} +\setvalue{\??extrafloataction \v!inneredge}{\strc_floats_set_extra_action\v!leftedge \v!rightedge} +\setvalue{\??extrafloataction \v!outeredge}{\strc_floats_set_extra_action\v!rightedge \v!leftedge} +\setvalue{\??extrafloataction \v!backspace}{\strc_floats_set_extra_action\v!backspace \v!cutspace} +\setvalue{\??extrafloataction \v!cutspace}{\strc_floats_set_extra_action\v!cutspace \v!backspace} +%setvalue{\??extrafloataction \v!margin}{\strc_floats_set_extra_action\v!cutspace \v!backspace} +\setvalue{\??extrafloataction \v!left}{\strc_floats_set_extra_action\v!left \v!left} +\setvalue{\??extrafloataction \v!right}{\strc_floats_set_extra_action\v!right \v!right} +\setvalue{\??extrafloataction \v!line}{} % only -n*line is handled (see ***) +\setvalue{\??extrafloataction \s!unknown}{\movedownsidefloat[\commalistelement]} + +\def\strc_floats_check_extra_actions % less tracingthis way ... {\doifnotinset\v!text\floatlocation % fuzzy, text overloads left, since then it's a directive {\let\extrafloatlocation\empty % \sidefloatdownshift will be reset afterwards, and can % already be set at this point - \processallactionsinset - [\floatlocation] % ininner/inouter : for old times sake - [ \v!inner=>\strc_floats_set_extra_action\v!left \v!right, - \v!outer=>\strc_floats_set_extra_action\v!right \v!left, - \v!innermargin=>\strc_floats_set_extra_action\v!leftmargin \v!rightmargin, - \v!outermargin=>\strc_floats_set_extra_action\v!rightmargin\v!leftmargin, - \v!inneredge=>\strc_floats_set_extra_action\v!leftedge \v!rightedge, - \v!outeredge=>\strc_floats_set_extra_action\v!rightedge \v!leftedge, - \v!backspace=>\strc_floats_set_extra_action\v!backspace \v!cutspace, - \v!cutspace=>\strc_floats_set_extra_action\v!cutspace \v!backspace, - % \v!margin=>\strc_floats_set_extra_action\v!cutspace \v!backspace, - \v!left=>\strc_floats_set_extra_action\v!left \v!left, - \v!right=>\strc_floats_set_extra_action\v!right \v!right, - \v!line=>, % only -n*line is handled (see ***) - \s!unknown=>{\movedownsidefloat[\commalistelement]}]% + \processcommacommand[\floatlocation]\strc_floats_check_extra_actions_step \ifx\extrafloatlocation\empty \else \edef\floatlocation{\extrafloatlocation,\floatlocation}% \fi}} +\def\strc_floats_check_extra_actions_step#step% + {\csname\??extrafloataction + \ifcsname\??extrafloataction#1\endcsname#step\else\s!unknown\fi + \endcsname} + % pas op, maxbreedte niet instellen als plaats=links/rechts +% \def\strc_floats_set_local_dimensions +% {\global\sidefloatshift \zeropoint % duplicate +% \global\sidefloatmaximum\zeropoint\relax % duplicate +% \ifdim\sidefloatdownshift=\zeropoint\else +% \global\setbox\floatbox\vbox +% {\vskip\sidefloatdownshift\nointerlineskip\box\floatbox}% +% \fi +% \doifsomething{\floatparameter\c!minwidth} +% {\scratchdimen\floatparameter\c!minwidth\relax +% \ifdim\wd\floatbox<\scratchdimen +% \global\setbox\floatbox\hbox to \scratchdimen +% {\doifnot{\floatparameter\c!location}\v!left \hss +% \box\floatbox +% \doifnot{\floatparameter\c!location}\v!right\hss}% +% \fi}% +% \doifinset\v!hanging\floatlocation +% {\doifcommonelse{\v!inleft,\v!leftmargin}\floatlocation +% {\letfloatparameter\c!maxwidth\leftmarginwidth}% +% {\doifcommon{\v!inright,\v!rightmargin}\floatlocation +% {\letfloatparameter\c!maxwidth\rightmarginwidth}}}% +% \doifsomething{\floatparameter\c!maxwidth} +% {\scratchdimen\floatparameter\c!maxwidth\relax +% \ifdim\wd\floatbox>\scratchdimen +% \doifcommonelse{\v!inright,\v!rightmargin,\v!rightedge,\v!inleft,\v!leftmargin,\v!leftedge}\floatlocation +% {\global\sidefloatmaximum\scratchdimen} +% {\global\setbox\floatbox\hbox to \scratchdimen +% {\doifcommonelse{\v!right,\v!left}\floatlocation +% {\doifnotinset\v!right\floatlocation\hss +% \box\floatbox +% \doifnotinset\v!left\floatlocation\hss}% +% {\doifnot{\floatparameter\c!location}\v!left\hss +% \box\floatbox +% \doifnot{\floatparameter\c!location}\v!right\hss}}}% +% \fi}} + \def\strc_floats_set_local_dimensions {\global\sidefloatshift \zeropoint % duplicate \global\sidefloatmaximum\zeropoint\relax % duplicate \ifdim\sidefloatdownshift=\zeropoint\else \global\setbox\floatbox\vbox - {\vskip\sidefloatdownshift\nointerlineskip\box\floatbox}% + {\vskip\sidefloatdownshift + \nointerlineskip + \box\floatbox}% \fi - \doifsomething{\floatparameter\c!minwidth} - {\scratchdimen\floatparameter\c!minwidth\relax - \ifdim\wd\floatbox<\scratchdimen - \global\setbox\floatbox\hbox to \scratchdimen - {\doifnot{\floatparameter\c!location}\v!left \hss - \box\floatbox - \doifnot{\floatparameter\c!location}\v!right\hss}% - \fi}% - \doifinset\v!hanging\floatlocation + \edef\p_minwidth{\floatparameter\c!minwidth}% + \ifx\p_minwidth\empty + % nothing + \else + \scratchwidth\p_minwidth\relax + \ifdim\wd\floatbox<\scratchwidth + \strc_floats_realign_floatbox_horizontal_two + \fi + \fi + % we can also support edges .. in that case no common but a fast loop + \doifinsetelse\v!hanging\floatlocation {\doifcommonelse{\v!inleft,\v!leftmargin}\floatlocation - {\letfloatparameter\c!maxwidth\leftmarginwidth}% - {\doifcommon{\v!inright,\v!rightmargin}\floatlocation - {\letfloatparameter\c!maxwidth\rightmarginwidth}}}% - \doifsomething{\floatparameter\c!maxwidth} - {\scratchdimen\floatparameter\c!maxwidth\relax - \ifdim\wd\floatbox>\scratchdimen - \doifcommonelse{\v!inright,\v!rightmargin,\v!rightedge,\v!inleft,\v!leftmargin,\v!leftedge}\floatlocation - {\global\sidefloatmaximum\scratchdimen} - {\global\setbox\floatbox\hbox to \scratchdimen - {\doifcommonelse{\v!right,\v!left}\floatlocation - {\doifnotinset\v!right\floatlocation\hss - \box\floatbox - \doifnotinset\v!left\floatlocation\hss}% - {\doifnot{\floatparameter\c!location}\v!left\hss - \box\floatbox - \doifnot{\floatparameter\c!location}\v!right\hss}}}% - \fi}} + {\let\p_maxwidth\leftmarginwidth}% + {\doifcommonelse{\v!inright,\v!rightmargin}\floatlocation + {\let\p_maxwidth\rightmarginwidth}% + {\edef\p_maxwidth{\floatparameter\c!maxwidth}}}}% + {\edef\p_maxwidth{\floatparameter\c!maxwidth}}% + \ifx\p_maxwidth\empty + % nothing + \else + \scratchwidth\p_maxwidth\relax + \ifdim\wd\floatbox>\scratchwidth + \doifcommonelse{\v!inright,\v!rightmargin,\v!rightedge,\v!inleft,\v!leftmargin,\v!leftedge}\floatlocation + {\global\sidefloatmaximum\scratchwidth} + {\doifcommonelse{\v!right,\v!left}\floatlocation + \strc_floats_realign_floatbox_horizontal_one + \strc_floats_realign_floatbox_horizontal_two}% + \fi + \fi} + +\def\strc_floats_realign_floatbox_horizontal_one + {\global\setbox\floatbox\hbox to \scratchwidth + {\doifnotinset\v!right\floatlocation\hss + \box\floatbox + \doifnotinset\v!left \floatlocation\hss}} + +\def\strc_floats_realign_floatbox_horizontal_two + {\global\setbox\floatbox\hbox to \scratchwidth + {\doifnot{\floatparameter\c!location}\v!left \hss + \box\floatbox + \doifnot{\floatparameter\c!location}\v!right\hss}} \unexpanded\def\placefloats - {\doflushfloats} + {\page_otr_command_flush_floats} \installinsertion\topins \installinsertion\botins @@ -936,7 +1034,6 @@ \newdimen\botinserted \newdimen\topinserted -\newif\iftopofinsert \newif\iftestfloatbox \newdimen\floatsideskip \floatsideskip 12pt @@ -989,18 +1086,9 @@ {%\forgetall % NO \whitespace \blank[\rootfloatparameter\c!spacebefore] - \flushfloatbox + \page_otr_command_flush_float_box \blank[\rootfloatparameter\c!spaceafter]} -% - -\ifdefined\someherefloat\else \let\someherefloat\doplacefloatbox \fi -\ifdefined\someslotfloat\else \let\someslotfloat\doplacefloatbox \fi -\ifdefined\somefixdfloat\else \let\somefixdfloat\doplacefloatbox \fi -\ifdefined\sometopsfloat\else \let\sometopsfloat\doplacefloatbox \fi -\ifdefined\somebotsfloat\else \let\somebotsfloat\doplacefloatbox \fi -\ifdefined\somesidefloat\else \let\somesidefloat\doplacefloatbox \fi - % test case: % % \placefigure[page,none]{}{\blackrule[width=\textwidth,height=0.9\textheight,color=green]} @@ -1009,16 +1097,16 @@ % the [#1] will go away -\def\sometextfloat[#1]% - {%\checkwaitingfloats{#1}% +\def\page_one_place_float_text % this macro should be defined elsewhere + {%\checkwaitingfloats\floatlocationmethod % todo: check if #1 is indeed \floatlocation or maybe more \global\floattextwidth\hsize \global\floatwidth\wd\floatbox \global\floatheight\ht\floatbox % forget about the depth \global\advance\floattextwidth -\floatwidth \global\advance\floattextwidth -\rootfloatparameter\c!margin\relax - \edef\floatlocation{#1}% to be sure - \doifinsetelse\v!tall{#1} + \edef\floatlocation{\floatlocationmethod}% to be sure .. why + \doifinsetelse\v!tall\floatlocationmethod {\floattextheight\pagegoal \advance\floattextheight -\pagetotal \advance\floattextheight -\bigskipamount % lelijk @@ -1088,63 +1176,6 @@ \blank[\rootfloatparameter\c!spaceafter]% \strc_floats_end_text_group \doinsertfloatinfo} - -\def\somefacefloat[#1]% links, rechts, midden, hoog, midden, laag - {%\checkwaitingfloats{#1}% - \startopposite\box\floatbox\stopopposite - \doinsertfloatinfo} - -\def\someelsefloat[#1]% - {\doifinsetelse\v!here{#1} - {\doifinsetelse\v!always{#1} - {\page[\v!preference]% - \docheckiffloatfits - \ifroomforfloat - \placesomeherefloat[#1]% - \else - \showmessage\m!floatblocks9\empty - \doreversesavefloat - \fi} - {\ifsomefloatwaiting - \dosavefloat - \else - \page[\v!preference]% - \docheckiffloatfits - \ifroomforfloat - \placesomeherefloat[#1]% - \else - \dosavefloat - \fi - \fi}} - {\doifinsetelse\v!always{#1} - {\docheckiffloatfits - \ifroomforfloat - \sometopbottomfloat[#1] - \else - \showmessage\m!floatblocks9\empty - \doreversesavefloat - \fi} - {\docheckiffloatfits - \ifroomforfloat - \sometopbottomfloat[#1] - \else - \dosavefloat - \fi}}} - -\def\floatautofactor{.5} - -\def\sometopbottomfloat[#1]% - {\doifelse\floatmethod\v!auto - {\ifdim\pagetotal<\floatautofactor\pagegoal % when empty page, maxdimen - \placesometopsfloat[#1]% - \else - \placesomebotsfloat[#1]% - \fi} - {\doifelse\floatmethod\v!top - {\placesometopsfloat[#1]} - {\doifelse\floatmethod\v!bottom - {\placesomebotsfloat[#1]} - {\placesomeherefloat[#1]}}}} \def\borderedfloatbox {\begingroup @@ -1239,8 +1270,64 @@ {\dopreparesidewidthcaption}}% \dostoptagged} +% makes sense if we preexpand more variables + +% \def\strc_floats_prepare_page_caption +% {\edef\p_caption_location{\floatcaptionparameter\c!location}% +% \edef\p_caption_width {\floatcaptionparameter\c!width}% +% \edef\p_caption_minwidth{\floatcaptionparameter\c!minwidth}% +% \edef\p_caption_align {\floatcaptionparameter\c!align}% +% \dostarttagged\t!floatcaption\empty +% \ifx\p_caption_location\v!top +% \strc_floats_prepare_page_caption_top_bottom +% \else\ifx\p_caption_location\v!bottom +% \strc_floats_prepare_page_caption_top_bottom +% \else\ifx\p_caption_width\v!fit +% \dopreparesideautocaption +% \else\ifx\p_caption_width\v!max +% \dopreparesideautocaption +% \else +% \dopreparesidewidthcaption +% \fi\fi\fi\fi +% \dostoptagged} + +% \def\strc_floats_prepare_page_caption_top_bottom +% {\ifx\p_caption_width\v!fit +% \strc_floats_prepare_page_caption_top_bottom_fit_max +% \else\ifx\p_caption_width\v!max +% \strc_floats_prepare_page_caption_top_bottom_fit_max +% \else +% \dopreparesidewidthcaption % new, special effects (see icare) +% \fi\fi} + +% \def\strc_floats_prepare_page_caption_top_bottom_fit_max +% {\ifx\p_caption_minwidth\v!fit +% \ifx\p_caption_width\v!max +% \dopreparestackcaptionmax +% \else\ifdim\wd\b_strc_floats_caption>\wd\b_strc_floats_content % wider caption +% \ifx\p_caption_width\v!fit +% \dopreparestackcaptionaut +% \else +% \dopreparestackcaptionwid +% \fi +% \else +% \dopreparestackcaptionmin +% \fi\fi +% \else +% \dopreparestackcaptionfix +% \fi} + +% \def\dopreparestackcaptionmin +% {\setbox\b_strc_floats_caption\vbox +% {\strc_floats_caption_set_align +% \hsize\wd\b_strc_floats_content +% \ifx\p_caption_align\empty +% \raggedcenter % on purpose overloads align ! +% \fi +% \strc_floats_make_complete_caption}} + \def\strc_floats_caption_set_align - {\normalexpanded{\noexpand\setupalign[\v!reset,\floatcaptionparameter\c!align]}} + {\normalexpanded{\setupalign[\v!reset,\floatcaptionparameter\c!align]}} \def\dopreparesideautocaption {\scratchdimen\dimexpr\hsize-\wd\b_strc_floats_content-\floatparameter\c!margin\relax @@ -1518,7 +1605,7 @@ \dofloatboxbetweenstack \hbox{\hbox{\box\b_strc_floats_content}}% \else - \setfloathsize + \page_otr_command_set_float_hsize \hbox{\strc_floats_locate_text_float{\box\b_strc_floats_caption}} \dofloatboxbetweenstack \hbox{\strc_floats_align_content{\box\b_strc_floats_content}}% @@ -1532,7 +1619,7 @@ \dofloatboxbetweenstack \hbox{\strc_floats_locate_side_float{\box\b_strc_floats_caption}}% \else - \setfloathsize + \page_otr_command_set_float_hsize \hbox{\strc_floats_align_content{\box\b_strc_floats_content}}% \dofloatboxbetweenstack \hbox{\strc_floats_locate_text_float{\box\b_strc_floats_caption}}% @@ -1547,7 +1634,7 @@ \vss\dofloatboxbetweenstack \hbox{\box\b_strc_floats_content}% \else - \setfloathsize + \page_otr_command_set_float_hsize \strc_floats_locate_text_float{\box\b_strc_floats_caption}% \vss\dofloatboxbetweenstack \strc_floats_align_content{\box\b_strc_floats_content}% @@ -1564,7 +1651,7 @@ \vss\dofloatboxbetweenstack \strc_floats_locate_side_float{\box\b_strc_floats_caption}% \else - \setfloathsize + \page_otr_command_set_float_hsize \strc_floats_align_content{\box\b_strc_floats_content}% \vss\dofloatboxbetweenstack \strc_floats_locate_text_float{\box\b_strc_floats_caption}% @@ -1585,7 +1672,7 @@ \vss\dofloatboxbetweenstack\vss \hbox{\box\b_strc_floats_content}% \else - \setfloathsize + \page_otr_command_set_float_hsize \strc_floats_locate_text_float{\box\b_strc_floats_caption}% \vss\dofloatboxbetweenstack\vss \strc_floats_align_content{\box\b_strc_floats_content}% @@ -1604,7 +1691,7 @@ \vss\dofloatboxbetweenstack\vss \strc_floats_locate_side_float{\box\b_strc_floats_caption} \else - \setfloathsize + \page_otr_command_set_float_hsize \strc_floats_align_content{\box\b_strc_floats_content}% \vss\dofloatboxbetweenstack\vss \strc_floats_locate_text_float{\box\b_strc_floats_caption}% @@ -1822,6 +1909,9 @@ \def\setfloatmethodvariables#1% \floatmethod \floatlabel \floatrow \floatcolumn {\ctxcommand{analysefloatmethod("#1")}} +\def\somesomewherefloat[#1]% + {\dofloatssavesomewherefloat\s!somewhere{#1}} + \def\strc_floats_get_box {\ifvisible \let\floatlabel \empty @@ -1832,97 +1922,136 @@ \ifdefined\OTRSETsetpreferedcolumnslot \OTRSETsetpreferedcolumnslot\floatcolumn\floatrow \fi - \ifcsname\??floatmethods\floatmethod\endcsname \else + \ifcsname\??floatmethods\currentoutputroutine:\floatmethod\endcsname \else \let\floatmethod\v!here \fi \ifx\forcedfloatmethod\empty \else \let\floatmethod\forcedfloatmethod \fi - \getvalue{\??floatmethods\floatmethod}[\floatmethod,\floatlocation]% + % [] will go + \edef\floatlocationmethod{\floatmethod,\floatlocation}% + \csname\??floatmethods\currentoutputroutine:\floatmethod\endcsname \fi} -\unexpanded\def\installfloatmethod#1#2% #1=keyword #2=handler - {\setvalue{\??floatmethods#1}{#2}} - -\let\installfloathandler\installfloatmethod % will go - -\def\somesomewherefloat[#1]% - {\dofloatssavesomewherefloat\s!somewhere{#1}} - -\installfloatmethod \v!here \someherefloat -\installfloatmethod \v!force \somefixdfloat -\installfloatmethod \v!left \someleftsidefloat -\installfloatmethod \v!right \somerightsidefloat -\installfloatmethod \v!text \sometextfloat -\installfloatmethod \v!top \sometopfloat -\installfloatmethod \v!bottom \somebottomfloat -\installfloatmethod \v!auto \someautofloat -\installfloatmethod \v!margin \somemarginfloat -\installfloatmethod \v!opposite \somefacefloat -\installfloatmethod \v!page \somepagefloat -\installfloatmethod \v!leftpage \someleftpagefloat -\installfloatmethod \v!rightpage \somerightpagefloat -\installfloatmethod \v!inmargin \someinmarginfloat -\installfloatmethod \v!inleft \someinleftmarginfloat -\installfloatmethod \v!inright \someinrightmarginfloat -\installfloatmethod \v!leftmargin \someinleftmarginfloat -\installfloatmethod \v!rightmargin \someinrightmarginfloat -\installfloatmethod \v!leftedge \someinleftedgefloat -\installfloatmethod \v!rightedge \someinrightedgefloat - -\installfloatmethod \v!somewhere \somesomewherefloat - -\installfloatmethod \v!backspace \somebackspacefloat -\installfloatmethod \v!cutspace \somecutspacefloat - -\installfloatmethod {tblr} \someslotfloat -\installfloatmethod {lrtb} \someslotfloat -\installfloatmethod {tbrl} \someslotfloat -\installfloatmethod {rltb} \someslotfloat -\installfloatmethod {btlr} \someslotfloat -\installfloatmethod {lrbt} \someslotfloat -\installfloatmethod {btrl} \someslotfloat -\installfloatmethod {rlbt} \someslotfloat -\installfloatmethod {fxtb} \someslotfloat -\installfloatmethod {fxbt} \someslotfloat - -% no \registerotrcommand\placesome* here!, this has to be cleaned up: - -\def\somesidefloat{\OTRcommand\somesidefloat} - -\def\someleftsidefloat [#1]{\somesidefloat[#1]\presetindentation} -\def\somerightsidefloat [#1]{\somesidefloat[#1]} -\def\sometopfloat [#1]{\someelsefloat[#1]\nonoindentation} -\def\somebottomfloat [#1]{\someelsefloat[#1]} -\def\someautofloat [#1]{\someelsefloat[#1]} -\def\somemarginfloat [#1]{\page_margin_process_float{#1}\nonoindentation} -\def\someinleftmarginfloat [#1]{\somesidefloat[#1]} -\def\someinrightmarginfloat[#1]{\somesidefloat[#1]} -\def\someinleftedgefloat [#1]{\somesidefloat[#1]} -\def\someinrightedgefloat [#1]{\somesidefloat[#1]} -\def\someinmarginfloat [#1]{\somesidefloat[#1]} -\def\someherefloat [#1]{\someelsefloat[\v!here,#1]} -\def\somebackspacefloat [#1]{\somesidefloat[#1]} -\def\somecutspacefloat [#1]{\somesidefloat[#1]} - -\unexpanded\def\placesomeslotfloat {\OTRcommand\someslotfloat} -\unexpanded\def\placesomeherefloat {\OTRcommand\someherefloat} -\unexpanded\def\placesomefixdfloat {\OTRcommand\somefixdfloat} -\unexpanded\def\placesomepagefloat {\OTRcommand\somepagefloat} -\unexpanded\def\placesomeleftpagefloat {\OTRcommand\someleftpagefloat} -\unexpanded\def\placesomerightpagefloat{\OTRcommand\somerightpagefloat} -\unexpanded\def\placesometopsfloat {\OTRcommand\sometopsfloat} -\unexpanded\def\placesomebotsfloat {\OTRcommand\somebotsfloat} -\unexpanded\def\placesomesidefloat {\OTRcommand\somesidefloat} -\unexpanded\def\placesomefacefloat {\OTRcommand\somefacefloat} -%unexpanded\def\placesomesomewherefloat{\OTRcommand\somesomewherefloat} - -\def\somefixdfloat {\placesomefixdfloat} -\def\somepagefloat {\placesomepagefloat} -\def\someleftpagefloat {\placesomeleftpagefloat} -\def\somerightpagefloat{\placesomerightpagefloat} -\def\somefacefloat {\placesomefacefloat} -\def\someslotfloat {\placesomeslotfloat} +\unexpanded\def\installfloatmethod#1#2#3% routine keyword handler + {\setvalue{\??floatmethods#1:#2}{#3}} + +\definesystemconstant{tblr} +\definesystemconstant{lrtb} +\definesystemconstant{tbrl} +\definesystemconstant{rltb} +\definesystemconstant{btlr} +\definesystemconstant{lrbt} +\definesystemconstant{btrl} +\definesystemconstant{rlbt} +\definesystemconstant{fxtb} +\definesystemconstant{fxbt} +\definesystemconstant{fixd} + +\installfloatmethod \s!singlecolumn \v!here \page_one_place_float_here +\installfloatmethod \s!singlecolumn \v!force \page_one_place_float_force +\installfloatmethod \s!singlecolumn \v!left \page_one_place_float_left +\installfloatmethod \s!singlecolumn \v!right \page_one_place_float_right +\installfloatmethod \s!singlecolumn \v!text \page_one_place_float_text +\installfloatmethod \s!singlecolumn \v!top \page_one_place_float_top +\installfloatmethod \s!singlecolumn \v!bottom \page_one_place_float_bottom +\installfloatmethod \s!singlecolumn \v!auto \page_one_place_float_auto +\installfloatmethod \s!singlecolumn \v!margin \page_one_place_float_margin +\installfloatmethod \s!singlecolumn \v!opposite \page_one_place_float_face +\installfloatmethod \s!singlecolumn \v!page \page_one_place_float_page +\installfloatmethod \s!singlecolumn \v!leftpage \page_one_place_float_leftpage +\installfloatmethod \s!singlecolumn \v!rightpage \page_one_place_float_rightpage +\installfloatmethod \s!singlecolumn \v!inmargin \page_one_place_float_inmargin +\installfloatmethod \s!singlecolumn \v!inleft \page_one_place_float_leftmargin +\installfloatmethod \s!singlecolumn \v!inright \page_one_place_float_rightmargin +\installfloatmethod \s!singlecolumn \v!leftmargin \page_one_place_float_leftmargin +\installfloatmethod \s!singlecolumn \v!rightmargin \page_one_place_float_rightmargin +\installfloatmethod \s!singlecolumn \v!leftedge \page_one_place_float_leftedge +\installfloatmethod \s!singlecolumn \v!rightedge \page_one_place_float_rightedge +\installfloatmethod \s!singlecolumn \v!somewhere \page_one_place_float_somewhere +\installfloatmethod \s!singlecolumn \v!backspace \page_one_place_float_backspace +\installfloatmethod \s!singlecolumn \v!cutspace \page_one_place_float_cutspace +\installfloatmethod \s!singlecolumn \s!tblr \page_one_place_float_top +\installfloatmethod \s!singlecolumn \s!lrtb \page_one_place_float_top +\installfloatmethod \s!singlecolumn \s!tbrl \page_one_place_float_top +\installfloatmethod \s!singlecolumn \s!fxtb \page_one_place_float_top +\installfloatmethod \s!singlecolumn \s!rltb \page_one_place_float_top +\installfloatmethod \s!singlecolumn \s!btlr \page_one_place_float_bottom +\installfloatmethod \s!singlecolumn \s!lrbt \page_one_place_float_bottom +\installfloatmethod \s!singlecolumn \s!btrl \page_one_place_float_bottom +\installfloatmethod \s!singlecolumn \s!rlbt \page_one_place_float_bottom +\installfloatmethod \s!singlecolumn \s!fxbt \page_one_place_float_bottom +\installfloatmethod \s!singlecolumn \s!fixd \page_one_place_float_force + +\installfloatmethod \s!multicolumn \v!here \page_mul_place_float_here +\installfloatmethod \s!multicolumn \v!force \page_mul_place_float_force +%installfloatmethod \s!multicolumn \v!left +%installfloatmethod \s!multicolumn \v!right +%installfloatmethod \s!multicolumn \v!text +\installfloatmethod \s!multicolumn \v!top \page_mul_place_float_top +\installfloatmethod \s!multicolumn \v!bottom \page_mul_place_float_bottom +%installfloatmethod \s!multicolumn \v!auto +%installfloatmethod \s!multicolumn \v!margin +%installfloatmethod \s!multicolumn \v!opposite +%installfloatmethod \s!multicolumn \v!page +%installfloatmethod \s!multicolumn \v!leftpage +%installfloatmethod \s!multicolumn \v!rightpage +%installfloatmethod \s!multicolumn \v!inmargin +%installfloatmethod \s!multicolumn \v!inleft +%installfloatmethod \s!multicolumn \v!inright +%installfloatmethod \s!multicolumn \v!leftmargin +%installfloatmethod \s!multicolumn \v!rightmargin +%installfloatmethod \s!multicolumn \v!leftedge +%installfloatmethod \s!multicolumn \v!rightedge +%installfloatmethod \s!multicolumn \v!somewhere +%installfloatmethod \s!multicolumn \v!backspace +%installfloatmethod \s!multicolumn \v!cutspace +%installfloatmethod \s!multicolumn \s!tblr +%installfloatmethod \s!multicolumn \s!lrtb +%installfloatmethod \s!multicolumn \s!tbrl +%installfloatmethod \s!multicolumn \s!rltb +%installfloatmethod \s!multicolumn \s!fxtb +%installfloatmethod \s!multicolumn \s!btlr +%installfloatmethod \s!multicolumn \s!lrbt +%installfloatmethod \s!multicolumn \s!btrl +%installfloatmethod \s!multicolumn \s!rlbt +%installfloatmethod \s!multicolumn \s!fxbt +%installfloatmethod \s!multicolumn \s!fixd + +\installfloatmethod \s!columnset \v!here \page_set_place_float_here +\installfloatmethod \s!columnset \v!force \page_set_place_float_force +%installfloatmethod \s!columnset \v!left +%installfloatmethod \s!columnset \v!right +%installfloatmethod \s!columnset \v!text +\installfloatmethod \s!columnset \v!top \page_set_place_float_top +\installfloatmethod \s!columnset \v!bottom \page_set_place_float_bottom +%installfloatmethod \s!columnset \v!auto +%installfloatmethod \s!columnset \v!margin +%installfloatmethod \s!columnset \v!opposite +\installfloatmethod \s!columnset \v!page \page_set_place_float_page +%installfloatmethod \s!columnset \v!leftpage +%installfloatmethod \s!columnset \v!rightpage +%installfloatmethod \s!columnset \v!inmargin +%installfloatmethod \s!columnset \v!inleft +%installfloatmethod \s!columnset \v!inright +%installfloatmethod \s!columnset \v!leftmargin +%installfloatmethod \s!columnset \v!rightmargin +%installfloatmethod \s!columnset \v!leftedge +%installfloatmethod \s!columnset \v!rightedge +%installfloatmethod \s!columnset \v!somewhere +%installfloatmethod \s!columnset \v!backspace +%installfloatmethod \s!columnset \v!cutspace +\installfloatmethod \s!columnset \s!tblr \page_set_place_float_slot +\installfloatmethod \s!columnset \s!lrtb \page_set_place_float_slot +\installfloatmethod \s!columnset \s!tbrl \page_set_place_float_slot +\installfloatmethod \s!columnset \s!rltb \page_set_place_float_slot +\installfloatmethod \s!columnset \s!fxtb \page_set_place_float_slot +\installfloatmethod \s!columnset \s!btlr \page_set_place_float_slot +\installfloatmethod \s!columnset \s!lrbt \page_set_place_float_slot +\installfloatmethod \s!columnset \s!btrl \page_set_place_float_slot +\installfloatmethod \s!columnset \s!rlbt \page_set_place_float_slot +\installfloatmethod \s!columnset \s!fxbt \page_set_place_float_slot +\installfloatmethod \s!columnset \s!fixd \page_set_place_float_force %D Local floats: @@ -1934,8 +2063,6 @@ %\c!after=\blank, \c!inbetween=\blank] -\installfloatmethod \v!local \somelocalfloat - \initializeboxstack{localfloats} \newcounter\noflocalfloats @@ -1968,4 +2095,8 @@ \def\forcelocalfloats{\let\forcedfloatmethod\v!local} +\installfloatmethod \s!singlecolumn \v!local \somelocalfloat +\installfloatmethod \s!multicolumn \v!local \somelocalfloat +\installfloatmethod \s!columnset \v!local \somelocalfloat + \protect \endinput diff --git a/tex/context/base/strc-ind.mkiv b/tex/context/base/strc-ind.mkiv new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4b65c7407 --- /dev/null +++ b/tex/context/base/strc-ind.mkiv @@ -0,0 +1,123 @@ +%D \module +%D [ file=strc-ind, % was part of strc-des, +%D version=2008.10.20, +%D title=\CONTEXT\ Structure Macros, +%D subtitle=Indented Text, +%D author=Hans Hagen, +%D date=\currentdate, +%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}] +%C +%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is +%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for +%C details. + +\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Structure Macros / Indented Text} + +\unprotect + +%D \macros +%D {defineindentedtext, +%D setupindentedtext} +%D +%D Ok, we keep it but with a different command as it all looks too +%D much like indentation and indenting. We also assume start/stop +%D usage or some explicit par. + +\installcorenamespace{indentedtext} + +\installcommandhandler \??indentedtext {indentedtext} \??indentedtext + +%D \startbuffer +%D \defineindentedtext[one][text=one] +%D \defineindentedtext[two][text=two] +%D +%D \one test test \par +%D \subone test test \par +%D \subtwo test test \par +%D \subsubone test test \par +%D +%D \startone +%D test test +%D \startone +%D test test +%D \startone +%D test test +%D \stopone +%D \starttwo +%D test test +%D \startone +%D test test +%D \stopone +%D \stoptwo +%D \stopone +%D \stopone +%D \stopbuffer +%D +%D \typebuffer \getbuffer + +\newcount\c_strc_indentedtexts_nesting +\newdimen\d_strc_indentedtexts_width + +\appendtoks + \setuevalue {\e!start\currentindentedtext}{\strc_indentedtexts_start{\currentindentedtext}\c_strc_indentedtexts_nesting}% + \setuevalue {\e!stop \currentindentedtext}{\strc_indentedtexts_stop}% + % to be avoided ... might go away + \setuevalue {\currentindentedtext}{\strc_indentedtexts_direct{\currentindentedtext}{0}}% + \setuevalue {\v!sub\currentindentedtext}{\strc_indentedtexts_direct{\currentindentedtext}{1}}% + \setuevalue{\v!sub\v!sub\currentindentedtext}{\strc_indentedtexts_direct{\currentindentedtext}{2}}% +\to \everydefineindentedtext + +\unexpanded\def\strc_indentedtexts_start#1#2% + {\par + \begingroup + \c_strc_indentedtexts_nesting#2\relax + \edef\currentindentedtext{#1}% + \indentedtextparameter\c!before + \doifnothing{\indentedtextparameter\c!sample} + {\setindentedtextparameter\c!sample{\indentedtextparameter\c!text}}% + \assignwidth + {\indentedtextparameter\c!width} + {\d_strc_indentedtexts_width} + {\useindentedtextstyleandcolor\c!headstyle\c!headcolor + \indentedtextparameter\c!sample + \spr{\indentedtextparameter\c!separator}} + {\indentedtextparameter\c!distance}% + \advance\d_strc_indentedtexts_width \indentedtextparameter\c!distance + \setbox\scratchbox\hbox to \d_strc_indentedtexts_width + {\useindentedtextstyleandcolor\c!headstyle\c!headcolor + \strut + \indentedtextparameter\c!text + \hss + \spr{\indentedtextparameter\c!separator}% + \hskip\indentedtextparameter\c!distance}% + \parindent\zeropoint + \hskip\c_strc_indentedtexts_nesting\d_strc_indentedtexts_width + \advance\c_strc_indentedtexts_nesting\plusone + \dontleavehmode\box\scratchbox + \hangindent\c_strc_indentedtexts_nesting\d_strc_indentedtexts_width + \useindentedtextstyleandcolor\c!style\c!color} + +\unexpanded\def\strc_indentedtexts_stop + {\indentedtextparameter\c!after + \par + \endgroup} + +\let\stopindentedtext\strc_indentedtexts_stop + +\unexpanded\def\strc_indentedtexts_direct#1#2#3\par % no longer clever grabpar trickery + {\strc_indentedtexts_start{#1}{#2}#3\strc_indentedtexts_stop} + +\setupindentedtext + [\c!style=\v!normal, + \c!headstyle=\v!normal, + %\c!color=, + %\c!headcolor=, + \c!width=\v!fit, + \c!text=\unknown, + %\c!sample=, + \c!before=\blank, + \c!after=\blank, + \c!distance=1em, + \c!separator={ :}] + +\protect \endinput diff --git a/tex/context/base/strc-lab.mkiv b/tex/context/base/strc-lab.mkiv new file mode 100644 index 000000000..447184fc0 --- /dev/null +++ b/tex/context/base/strc-lab.mkiv @@ -0,0 +1,96 @@ +%D \module +%D [ file=strc-lab, % was part of strc-des, +%D version=2008.10.20, +%D title=\CONTEXT\ Structure Macros, +%D subtitle=Labels, +%D author=Hans Hagen, +%D date=\currentdate, +%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}] +%C +%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is +%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for +%C details. + +\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Structure Macros / Labels} + +\unprotect + +% labels, we could share with enumerations and forget about the text; anyhow, figure +% labels etc can use enumerations; we keep labels for compatibility reasons; we need +% the slightly different namespace; we can still define structure counters directly +% (multiple levels) and use an enumeration without following text + +% unfinished ... no longer okay + +\unexpanded\def\setuplabels + {\getparameters[\??db]} + +\unexpanded\def\definelabel + {\dotripleargumentwithset\dodefinelabel} + +\def\dodefinelabel[#1][#2][#3]% #2 or #3 assignment + {\doenumerationinit{#1}{1}\empty + \getparameters[\??dd#1][\c!command=,\c!state=\v!start,\c!location=,\c!text=#1]% + \ifsecondargument\doifassignmentelse{#2}\donetrue\donefalse\else\donetrue\fi + \ifdone + % an independent one + \getparameters[\??dd#1][\s!counter=#1,\s!parent=\??db,#2]% + \dodefinelabelcommands{#1}{\??db}% + \dodefineenumerationcounter{#1}% + \else + \getparameters[\??dd#1][\s!counter=#1,\s!parent=\??dd#2,#3]% + \dodefinelabelcommands{#1}{\??dd#2}% + \fi} + +\def\dodefinelabelcommands#1#2% + {\setuevalue {#1}{\noexpand\dolabelnumbercommand {#1}}% + \setuevalue{\c!reset #1}{\noexpand\doresetlabelnumber {#1}}% + %\setuevalue{\c!set #1}{\noexpand\dosetlabelnumber {#1}}% [#2] or {#2} ? + \setuevalue{\e!next #1}{\noexpand\donextlabelnumber {#1}}% + \setuevalue{\e!increment#1}{\noexpand\doincrementlabelnumber{#1}}% + \setuevalue{\c!current #1}{\noexpand\docurrentlabelnumber {#1}}} + +% this is just for downward compatibility, we might drop it + +\setvalue{\??db:\c!location:\v!inmargin}{\inmargin} +\setvalue{\??db:\c!location:\v!inleft }{\inleft} +\setvalue{\??db:\c!location:\v!inright }{\inright} +\setvalue{\??db:\c!location:\v!margin }{\inmargin} + +\def\dolabelinit#1% + {\def\currentdescriptionmain{#1}% + \def\currentdescription {#1}% + \def\currentdescriptionlevel{1}} + +\def\docurrentlabelnumber #1{\dolabelinit{#1}\dosingleempty\dodocurrentlabelnumber} +\def\donextlabelnumber #1{\dolabelinit{#1}\dosingleempty\dodonextlabelnumber} +\def\dolabelnumbercommand #1{\dolabelinit{#1}\dosingleempty\dodolabelnumbercommand} + +\def\doresetlabelnumber #1{\dolabelinit{#1}\strc_counters_reset_sub \currentdescriptionnumber\currentdescriptionlevel} +\def\dosetlabelnumber #1#2{\dolabelinit{#1}\strc_counters_set_sub \currentdescriptionnumber\currentdescriptionlevel{#2}} +\def\doincrementlabelnumber #1{\dolabelinit{#1}\strc_counters_increment_sub\currentdescriptionnumber\currentdescriptionlevel} + +\def\dodocurrentlabelnumber[#1]% + {\dontleavehmode + \writestatus{!!!}{todo: reference of label}% + \dotextprefix{\descriptionparameter\c!text}% + \convertedsubstructurecounter[\currentdescriptionnumber][\currentdescriptionlevel]} + +\def\dodonextlabelnumber[#1]% todo: ref + {\strc_counters_increment_sub\currentdescriptionnumber\currentdescriptionlevel + \dodocurrentlabelnumber[\currentdescriptionnumber]} + +\def\dodolabelnumbercommand[#1]% todo: ref + {\dontleavehmode + \descriptionparameter\c!before + \begingroup + \strc_counters_increment_sub\currentdescriptionnumber\currentdescriptionlevel + \usedescriptionstyleandcolor\c!headstyle\c!headcolor + \executeifdefined{\??db:\c!location:\descriptionparameter\c!location}{\descriptionparameter\c!command}{\dodocurrentlabelnumber[#1]}% + \endgroup + \descriptionparameter\c!after} + +\setuplabels + [\s!parent=\??dn] + +\protect \endinput diff --git a/tex/context/base/strc-lnt.mkiv b/tex/context/base/strc-lnt.mkvi index c6224106c..dbb1dcc8b 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/strc-lnt.mkiv +++ b/tex/context/base/strc-lnt.mkvi @@ -58,7 +58,8 @@ {\dotripleempty\dodefinelinenote} \def\dodefinelinenote[#1][#2][#3]% - {\dodefinenote[#1][#2][#3]% do as we need to test for arguments +% {\dodefinenote[#1][#2][#3]% do as we need to test for arguments + {\definenote[#1][#2][#3]% \expandafter\let\csname\??vn:ln:#1\expandafter\endcsname\csname#1\endcsname % use copy command \setuvalue {#1}{\dolinenote {#1}}% \setuvalue{\e!start#1}{\dostartlinenote{#1}}% @@ -68,7 +69,7 @@ % We predefine one, namely \type {\linenote} cum suis. -\definelinenote[\v!linenote] +% \definelinenote[\v!linenote] % beware: line numbers are added later on so grouping setups is a bad idea % diff --git a/tex/context/base/strc-lst.lua b/tex/context/base/strc-lst.lua index ba91e56bc..734ca3f7e 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/strc-lst.lua +++ b/tex/context/base/strc-lst.lua @@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['strc-lst'] = { -- shared cache [we can use a fast and stupid serializer] -- todo: tag entry in list is crap +-- +-- move more to commands local format, gmatch, gsub = string.format, string.gmatch, string.gsub local tonumber = tonumber @@ -136,8 +138,24 @@ function lists.addto(t) return p end -function lists.doifstoredelse(n) - commands.doifelse(cached[tonumber(n)]) +function lists.discard(n) + n = tonumber(n) + if not n then + -- maybe an error message + elseif n == #cached then + cached[n] = nil + n = n -1 + while n > 0 and cached[n] == false do + cached[n] = nil -- collect garbage + n = n - 1 + end + else + cached[n] = false + end +end + +function lists.iscached(n) + return cached[tonumber(n)] end -- this is the main pagenumber enhancer @@ -525,7 +543,7 @@ end function lists.location(n) local l = lists.result[n] - return l.references.internal or n + return l and l.references.internal or n end function lists.label(n,default) @@ -553,35 +571,15 @@ function lists.title(name,n,tag) -- tag becomes obsolete end end -function lists.savedtitle(name,n,tag) +function lists.hastitledata(name,n,tag) local data = cached[tonumber(n)] if data then local titledata = data.titledata if titledata then - helpers.title(titledata[tag] or titledata.title or "",data.metadata) - end - end -end - -function lists.savednumber(name,n) - local data = cached[tonumber(n)] - if data then - local numberdata = data.numberdata - if numberdata then - sections.typesetnumber(numberdata,"number",numberdata or false) - end - end -end - -function lists.savedprefixednumber(name,n) - local data = cached[tonumber(n)] - if data then - helpers.prefix(data,data.prefixdata) - local numberdata = data.numberdata - if numberdata then - sections.typesetnumber(numberdata,"number",numberdata or false) + return (titledata[tag] or titledata.title or "") == "" end end + return false end function lists.haspagedata(name,n) @@ -686,7 +684,7 @@ commands.listprefixednumber = lists.prefixednumber commands.listprefixedpage = lists.prefixedpage -function commands.addtolist (...) context(lists.addto (...)) end +function commands.addtolist (...) context(lists.addto (...)) end -- we could use variables instead of print function commands.listsize (...) context(lists.size (...)) end function commands.listlocation(...) context(lists.location(...)) end function commands.listlabel (...) context(lists.label (...)) end @@ -705,12 +703,43 @@ function commands.listuserdata(...) end end --- we could also set variables +-- we could also set variables .. names will change (when this module is done) +-- maybe strc_lists_savedtitle etc -function commands.doiflisthaspageelse(...) - commands.doifelse(lists.haspagedata(...)) +function commands.doiflisthastitleelse (...) commands.doifelse(lists.hastitledata (...)) end +function commands.doiflisthaspageelse (...) commands.doifelse(lists.haspagedata (...)) end +function commands.doiflisthasnumberelse(...) commands.doifelse(lists.hasnumberdata(...)) end +function commands.doiflisthasentry (n) commands.doifelse(lists.iscached (n )) end + +function commands.savedlistnumber(name,n) + local data = cached[tonumber(n)] + if data then + local numberdata = data.numberdata + if numberdata then + sections.typesetnumber(numberdata,"number",numberdata or false) + end + end +end + +function commands.savedlisttitle(name,n,tag) + local data = cached[tonumber(n)] + if data then + local titledata = data.titledata + if titledata then + helpers.title(titledata[tag] or titledata.title or "",data.metadata) + end + end end -function commands.doiflisthasnumberelse(...) - commands.doifelse(lists.hasnumberdata(...)) +function commands.savedlistprefixednumber(name,n) + local data = cached[tonumber(n)] + if data then + helpers.prefix(data,data.prefixdata) + local numberdata = data.numberdata + if numberdata then + sections.typesetnumber(numberdata,"number",numberdata or false) + end + end end + +commands.discardfromlist = lists.discard diff --git a/tex/context/base/strc-lst.mkvi b/tex/context/base/strc-lst.mkvi index b0c2aa8c8..aa3da63e8 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/strc-lst.mkvi +++ b/tex/context/base/strc-lst.mkvi @@ -166,17 +166,40 @@ {\doif{\namedlistparameter{#tag}\c!state}\v!start {\strc_lists_inject_yes[#tag][#settings,\c!type=\s!command][\s!command={#command}]}} -\def\strc_lists_write_data_to[#tag][#settings][#userdata]% we can overload location - {\doif{\namedlistparameter{#tag}\c!state}\v!start - {\ifthirdargument - \strc_lists_inject_yes[#tag][#settings,\c!type=\s!userdata][#userdata]% - \else - \strc_lists_inject_yes[#tag][\c!type=\s!userdata][#settings]% - \fi}} +% \def\strc_lists_write_data_to[#tag][#settings][#userdata]% we can overload location +% {\doif{\namedlistparameter{#tag}\c!state}\v!start +% {\ifthirdargument +% \strc_lists_inject[#tag][#settings,\c!type=\s!userdata][#userdata]% +% \else +% \strc_lists_inject[#tag][\c!type=\s!userdata][#settings]% +% \fi}} + +\def\strc_lists_write_data_to[#tag]% we can overload location + {\begingroup + \edef\currentlist{#tag}% + \doifelse{\namedlistparameter{#tag}\c!state}\v!start\strc_lists_write_data_to_yes\gobbletwooptionals} -\def\strc_lists_write_to[#tag][#settings]#first#second% we can overload location - {\doif{\namedlistparameter{#tag}\c!state}\v!start - {\strc_lists_inject_yes[#tag][\c!location=\v!here,#settings,\c!type=\s!simple][\s!first={#first},\s!second={#second}]}} +\def\strc_lists_write_data_to_yes[#settings][#userdata]% we can overload location + {\ifthirdargument % no need to have an extra step ... used seldom + \strc_lists_inject_yes[#settings,\c!type=\s!userdata][#userdata]% + \else + \strc_lists_inject_yes[\c!type=\s!userdata][#settings]% + \fi} + +% \def\strc_lists_write_to[#tag][#settings]#first#second% we can overload location +% {\doif{\namedlistparameter{#tag}\c!state}\v!start +% {\strc_lists_inject[#tag][\c!location=\v!here,#settings,\c!type=\s!simple][\s!first={#first},\s!second={#second}]}} + +\def\strc_lists_write_to[#tag]% + {\begingroup + \edef\currentlist{#tag}% + \doifelse{\namedlistparameter{#tag}\c!state}\v!start\strc_lists_write_to_yes\strc_lists_write_to_nop} + +\def\strc_lists_write_to_nop[#settings]#first#second% + {} + +\def\strc_lists_write_to_yes[#settings]#first#second% + {\strc_lists_inject[\c!location=\v!here,#settings,\c!type=\s!simple][\s!first={#first},\s!second={#second}]} %D When placing a list either one or a set can be giving. This makes %D it possible to flush for instance an nested (or merged) table of @@ -568,6 +591,7 @@ % g : interaction \installcorenamespace{listalternative} % specific ways of rendering a list +\installcorenamespace{listrenderings} % a namespace for setups (rather local) \installcommandhandler \??listalternative {listalternative} \??listalternative @@ -713,7 +737,7 @@ % because we want to avoid redundant lua calls we expand the % location beforehand \ifx\currentlistentrylocation\empty - \edef\currentlistentrylocation{\structurelistlocation}% + \edef\currentlistentrylocation{\structurelistlocation}% needs attention \fi % because these tests happen often and because we're dealing with % rather complex composed data we have special conditionals; keep @@ -741,18 +765,17 @@ {\the\t_lists_every_renderingsetup \edef\currentlistalternative{\listparameter\c!alternative}% \directsetup{\listalternativeparameter\c!renderingsetup}\relax - \the\t_lists_every_renderingsetup} + \the\t_lists_every_renderingcleanup} % todo: provide packager via attributes \installcorenamespace{listalternativemethods} % the general wrapper of a rendering -\installcorenamespace{listrenderings} % a namespace for setups (rather local) -\startsetups[\??listrenderings:\v!none] +\startsetups[\??listrenderings:none] % nothing, nb we use the [] syntax here because we end with a \cs \stopsetups -\startsetups[\??listrenderings:\v!command] +\startsetups[\??listrenderings:command] \edef\p_command{\listalternativeparameter\c!command}% \ifx\p_command\empty [\currentlist: \currentlistentrynumber\space -- \currentlistentrytitle\space -- \currentlistentrypagenumber]% diff --git a/tex/context/base/strc-mar.lua b/tex/context/base/strc-mar.lua index 65d806a64..66ec04739 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/strc-mar.lua +++ b/tex/context/base/strc-mar.lua @@ -655,12 +655,12 @@ function marks.fetchonemark (name,range,method) fetchonemark (name,range,method) function marks.fetchtwomarks(name,range) fetchtwomarks(name,range ) end function marks.fetchallmarks(name,range) fetchallmarks(name,range ) end --- here we have a few helpers +-- here we have a few helpers .. will become commands.* function marks.title(tag,n) local listindex = match(n,"^li::(.-)$") if listindex then - lists.savedtitle(tag,listindex,"marking") + commands.savedlisttitle(tag,listindex,"marking") else context(n) end @@ -669,7 +669,7 @@ end function marks.number(tag,n) -- no spec local listindex = match(n,"^li::(.-)$") if listindex then - lists.savednumber(tag,listindex) + commands.savedlistnumber(tag,listindex) else -- no prefix (as it is the prefix) context(n) diff --git a/tex/context/base/strc-not.lua b/tex/context/base/strc-not.lua index 07cd32496..6a3f3bfad 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/strc-not.lua +++ b/tex/context/base/strc-not.lua @@ -10,7 +10,8 @@ local format = string.format local next = next local texcount = tex.count -local trace_notes = false trackers.register("structures.notes", function(v) trace_notes = v end) +local trace_notes = false trackers.register("structures.notes", function(v) trace_notes = v end) +local trace_references = false trackers.register("structures.notes.references", function(v) trace_references = v end) local report_notes = logs.reporter("structure","notes") @@ -44,7 +45,9 @@ function notes.store(tag,n) local nnd = #nd + 1 nd[nnd] = n local state = notestates[tag] - if state.kind ~= "insert" then + if not state then + report_notes("unknown state for %s",tag) + elseif state.kind ~= "insert" then if trace_notes then report_notes("storing %s with state %s as %s",tag,state.kind,nnd) end @@ -53,17 +56,19 @@ function notes.store(tag,n) context(#nd) end -local function get(tag,n) +local function get(tag,n) -- tricky ... only works when defined local nd = notedata[tag] if nd then n = n or #nd nd = nd[n] if nd then if trace_notes then - report_notes("getting note %s of '%s'",n,tag) + report_notes("getting note %s of '%s' with listindex '%s'",n,tag,nd) end -- is this right? - local newdata = lists.collected[nd] +-- local newdata = lists.collected[nd] + local newdata = lists.cached[nd] +-- local newdata = lists.tobesaved[nd] return newdata end end @@ -161,10 +166,11 @@ end local function internal(tag,n) local nd = get(tag,n) if nd then +-- inspect(nd) local r = nd.references if r then local i = r.internal ---~ return i and lists.internals[i] +-- return i and lists.internals[i] return i and references.internals[i] -- dependency on references end end @@ -210,33 +216,6 @@ function notes.checkpagechange(tag) -- called before increment ! end end -function notes.deltapage(tag,n) - -- 0:unknown 1:textbefore, 2:textafter, 3:samepage - local what = 0 - local li = internal(tag,n) - if li then - local metadata, pagenumber = li.metadata, li.pagenumber - if metadata and pagenumber then - local symbolpage = references.symbolpage or 0 - local notepage = pagenumber.number or 0 - if notepage > 0 and symbolpage > 0 then - if notepage < symbolpage then - what = 1 - elseif notepage > symbolpage then - what = 2 - else - what = 3 - end - end - else - -- might be a note that is not flushed due to to deep - -- nesting in a vbox - what = 3 - end - end - context(what) -end - function notes.postpone() if trace_notes then report_notes("postponing all insert notes") @@ -252,34 +231,79 @@ function notes.setsymbolpage(tag,n,l) local l = l or notes.listindex(tag,n) if l then local p = texcount.realpageno - if trace_notes then - report_notes("note %s of '%s' with list index %s gets page %s",n,tag,l,p) + if trace_notes or trace_references then + report_notes("note %s of '%s' with list index %s gets symbol page %s",n,tag,l,p) + end + local entry = lists.cached[l] + if entry then + entry.references.symbolpage = p + else + report_notes("internal error: note %s of '%s' is not flushed",n,tag) end - lists.cached[l].references.symbolpage = p else report_notes("internal error: note %s of '%s' is not initialized",n,tag) end end +-- function notes.getsymbolpage(tag,n) +-- local nd = get(tag,n) +-- local p = nd and nd.references.symbolpage or 0 +-- if trace_notes or trace_references then +-- report_notes("page number of note symbol %s of '%s' is %s",n,tag,p) +-- end +-- context(p) +-- end + function notes.getsymbolpage(tag,n) - local nd = get(tag,n) - local p = nd and nd.references.symbolpage or 0 - if trace_notes then - report_notes("page number of note symbol %s of '%s' is %s",n,tag,p) + local li = internal(tag,n) + li = li and li.references + li = li and (li.symbolpage or li.realpage) or 0 + if trace_notes or trace_references then + report_notes("page number of note symbol %s of '%s' is %s",n,tag,li) end - context(p) + context(li) end function notes.getnumberpage(tag,n) local li = internal(tag,n) li = li and li.references li = li and li.realpage or 0 - if trace_notes then + if trace_notes or trace_references then report_notes("page number of note number %s of '%s' is %s",n,tag,li) end context(li) end +function notes.deltapage(tag,n) + -- 0:unknown 1:textbefore, 2:textafter, 3:samepage + local what = 0 + +-- references.internals[lists.tobesaved[nd].internal] + + local li = internal(tag,n) + if li then + local references = li.references + if references then + local symbolpage = references.symbolpage or 0 + local notepage = references.realpage or 0 + if trace_references then + report_notes("note number %s of '%s' points from page %s to page %s ",n,tag,symbolpage,notepage) + end + if notepage < symbolpage then + what = 3 -- after + elseif notepage > symbolpage then + what = 2 -- before + elseif notepage > 0 then + what = 1 -- same + end + else + -- might be a note that is not flushed due to to deep + -- nesting in a vbox + end + end + context(what) +end + function notes.flush(tag,whatkind,how) -- store and postpone local state = notestates[tag] local kind = state.kind @@ -357,12 +381,12 @@ function notes.resetpostponed() end end -function notes.title(tag,n) - lists.savedtitle(tag,notedata[tag][n]) +function commands.notetitle(tag,n) + command.savedlisttitle(tag,notedata[tag][n]) end -function notes.number(tag,n,spec) - lists.savedprefixednumber(tag,notedata[tag][n]) +function commands.noteprefixednumber(tag,n,spec) + commands.savedlistprefixednumber(tag,notedata[tag][n]) end function notes.internalid(tag,n) diff --git a/tex/context/base/strc-not.mkiv b/tex/context/base/strc-not.mkiv deleted file mode 100644 index 77404ccd6..000000000 --- a/tex/context/base/strc-not.mkiv +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1423 +0,0 @@ -%D \module -%D [ file=strc-not, -%D version=2008.10.20, -%D title=\CONTEXT\ Structure Macros, -%D subtitle=Note Handling, -%D author=Hans Hagen, -%D date=\currentdate, -%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}] -%C -%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is -%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for -%C details. - -\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Structure Macros / Note Handling} - -\registerctxluafile{strc-not}{1.001} - -\unprotect - -% this needs a further cleanup ... -% -% -- set breakpoint in descriptions -% -- reset after trialtypesetting -% -- that way we can trick the symbol space - -% removed: -% -% \pushsomestates -% -% core-ins -> obsolete -% -% saveinsertiondata -% restoreinsertiondata -% saveinsertionbox -% eraseinsertionbackup -% restoreinsertionbackup - -\def\savenotedata {} % \writestatus{todo}{save note data}} -\def\restorenotedata {} % \writestatus{todo}{restore note data}} -\def\savenotecontent {} % \writestatus{todo}{save note content}} -\def\restorenotecontent{} % \writestatus{todo}{restore note content}} -\def\erasenotebackup {} % \writestatus{todo}{erase note backup}} - -% page-set: - -\def\enablenotes {\writestatus{todo}{enable notes}} -\def\disablenotes {\writestatus{todo}{disable notes}} -\def\savenotes {\writestatus{todo}{save notes}} -\def\flushsavednotes{\writestatus{todo}{flush notes}} - -% experiment: (compare scope=text and scope=page) -% -% \definenote[mynote][way=bytext,location=text,width=\leftmarginwidth,scope=page,rule=,before=,after=,factor=0] -% \setuptexttexts[margin][\vbox to \textheight{\placenotes[mynote]\vfill}][] - -%D Footnotes are can be characterized by three components: -%D -%D \startitemize[packed] -%D \item a small number \footnote {a footnote number} or -%D symbol {\setupfootnotes [conversion=set 2]\footnote -%D {a footnote}} -%D \item and a similar mark at the bottom of the page -%D \item followed by some additional text -%D \stopitemize -%D -%D Because footnotes are declared at the location of their -%D reference they can be seen as a special kind of -%D floating bodies. Their placement is postponed but has to be -%D taken into account in the pagebreak calculations. This kind -%D of calculations are forced by using \type{\insert}s and dealing -%D with all cases is not trivial. - -%D \macros -%D {notesenabled} -%D -%D We need a couple of states because at some moments we don't want -%D to mess around with inserts at all. Take for instance a table -%D of contents. And so we can temporary disable footnotes by saying -%D -%D \starttyping -%D \notesenabledfalse -%D \stoptyping - -\newif\ifnotesenabled \notesenabledtrue - -% better mark a note .. once flushed no more flushing - -%appendtoks \notesenabledfalse \to \everymarking -\appendtoks \notesenabledfalse \to \everybeforepagebody -\appendtoks \notesenabledfalse \to \everystructurelist % quick hack - -%D Often we need to process the whole set of notes and to make that -%D fast, we use a token register: - -\newtoks\tobeprocessednotes - -\unexpanded\def\processnotes#1% #1: \macro that uses \currentnote - {\def\doprocesssomenote##1{\edef\currentnote{##1}\let\currentdescription\currentnote#1}% - \the\tobeprocessednotes} - -%D Notes have their own parameter handlers. The complication here -%D is that we use descriptions to typeset the note, so we have several -%D resolvers. - -% will be commandhandler (but we need a finalizer for setup and define (just after \every) - -\let\currentnote\v!footnote - -\def\noteparameter #1{\csname\donoteparameter{\??vn\currentnote}#1\endcsname} -\def\noteparameterhash#1{\donoteparameterhash {\??vn\currentnote}#1} - -\def\namednoteparameter#1#2{\csname\donoteparameter{\??vn#1}#2\endcsname} - -\def\donoteparameter #1#2{\ifcsname#1#2\endcsname#1#2\else\expandafter\donoteparentparameter \csname#1\s!parent\endcsname#2\fi} -\def\donoteparameterhash#1#2{\ifcsname#1#2\endcsname #1\else\expandafter\donoteparentparameterhash\csname#1\s!parent\endcsname#2\fi} - -\def\donoteparentparameter #1#2{\ifx#1\relax\s!empty\else\donoteparameter #1#2\fi} -\def\donoteparentparameterhash#1#2{\ifx#1\relax \else\donoteparameterhash#1#2\fi} - -\def\detokenizednoteparameter#1{\detokenize\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter{\csname\??vn#1\endcsname}} - -\def\usenotestyleandcolor#1#2% style color - {\edef\currentstyleparameter{\noteparameter#1}% - \edef\currentcolorparameter{\noteparameter#2}% - \ifx\currentstyleparameter\empty\else\dousestyleparameter\currentstyleparameter\fi - \ifx\currentcolorparameter\empty\else\dousecolorparameter\currentcolorparameter\fi} - -\def\setnoteparameter#1{\dosetvalue{\??vn\currentnote}{#1}} - -%D \macros -%D {setupnote,setupnotedefinition} -%D -%D We can influence footnote typesetting with the setup -%D command: -%D -%D \showsetup{setupnotes} -%D \showsetup{setupnote} -%D -%D The definition command indicate that we can frame the footnote -%D area. The footnotes themselves are treated as descriptions. -%D -%D \showsetup{definenote} -%D -%D It's sort of a custom to precede footnotes by a horizontal -%D rule and although fancy rules like -%D -%D \starttyping -%D \hbox to 10em{\hskip-3em\dotfill} -%D \stoptyping -%D -%D Are quite ligitimate, we default to a simple one 20\% of the -%D text width. - -\unexpanded\def\setupnotes - {\dodoubleargument\getparameters[\??vn]} - -\setupnotes - [\c!location=\v!page, - \c!way=\v!by\v!part, - %\c!conversion=, - \c!rule=\v!on, - \c!before=\blank, - \c!bodyfont=\v!small, - %\c!style=, - %\c!color=, - %\c!after=, - %\c!rulecolor=, - \c!rulethickness=\linewidth, - \c!frame=\v!off, - \c!margindistance=.5em, - \c!columndistance=1em, - \c!distance=.125em, - \c!align=\v!normal, - \c!tolerance=\v!tolerant, - \c!split=\v!tolerant, - %\c!width=\makeupwidth, - %\c!width=\ifdim\hsize<\makeupwidth\hsize\else\makeupwidth\fi, - \c!width=\defaultnotewidth, - \c!height=\textheight, - \c!numbercommand=\high, - \c!command=, % \noteparameter\c!numbercommand, % (command in enumeration) too messy, called twice - \c!separator=,% \@@koseparator, - \c!textcommand=\high, - \c!textstyle=\tx, - %\c!textcolor=, - \c!interaction=\v!yes, - %\c!factor=, - %\c!scope=, % \v!text \v!page - \c!prefixconnector=., - %\c!next=\autoinsertnextspace, - \c!prefix=\v!no, - %\c!continue=\v!no, - \c!paragraph=\v!no, - \c!inbetween=\hskip1em, - \c!symbol=\mathematics{*}, - \c!n=1] - -\setupnotes - [\c!expansion=\v!no, - \c!xmlsetup=, - \s!catcodes=, - \c!saveinlist=\v!yes] - -\def\@@defaultnotedefloc{\v!inleft} -\def\@@defaultnotedefdis{\!!zeropoint} - -\unexpanded\def\startnotedef{\resetdescriptions\csname\e!start\??vn\??vn\currentnote\endcsname} -\unexpanded\def\stopnotedef {\csname\e!stop \??vn\??vn\currentnote\endcsname} - -\def\currentnoteins{\csname\??vn:\currentnote\endcsname} - -\newtoks \everysetupnote - -\unexpanded\def\definenote - {\dotripleempty\dodefinenote} - -\def\dodefinenote[#1][#2][#3]% note [parent] [settings] - {\edef\currentnote{#1}% - \ifcsname\??vn:\currentnote\endcsname\else - \@EA\installinsertion\csname\??vn:\currentnote\endcsname\relax - \appendtoks\doprocesssomenote{#1}\to\tobeprocessednotes - \fi - \ifsecondargument - \doifassignmentelse{#2}{\dodefinenotewithsettings{#2}}{\dodefinenotewithparent{#2}{#3}}% - \else - \dodefinenotesimple - \fi - \ctxlua{structures.notes.define("\currentnote","insert",\number\csname\??vn:\currentnote\endcsname)}% - \the\everysetupnote - \dochecknote} - -\def\dodefinenotesimple - {\defineenumeration - [\currentnote] - [\s!handler=\v!note, - \c!text=, - \c!location=\@@defaultnotedefloc, - \c!distance=\@@defaultnotedefdis, - \c!width=\v!fit, - \c!headstyle=\noteparameter\c!style, - \c!headcolor=\noteparameter\c!color, - \c!before=, - \c!after=]% - \doredefinenotecommands - \presetlocalframed - [\??vn\currentnote]% - \setupenumerations - [\currentnote] - [\s!parent=\??vn\currentnote, - \c!number=\v!yes]% no inheritance from decriptions which is okay - \getparameters - [\??vn\currentnote] - [\s!parent=\??vn]} - -\def\dodefinenotewithsettings#1% - {\defineenumeration % description - [\currentnote] - [\s!handler=\v!note, - \c!text=, - \c!location=\@@defaultnotedefloc, - \c!distance=\@@defaultnotedefdis, - \c!width=\v!fit, - \c!headstyle=\noteparameter\c!style, - \c!headcolor=\noteparameter\c!color, - \c!before=, - \c!after=]% - \doredefinenotecommands - \presetlocalframed - [\??vn\currentnote]% - \setupenumerations - [\currentnote] - [\s!parent=\??vn\currentnote, - \c!number=\v!yes]% - \getparameters - [\??vn\currentnote] - [\s!parent=\??vn,#1]} - -\def\dodefinenotewithparent#1#2% - {%setevalue{\??vn:#2:kids}{\ifcsname\??vn:#2:kids\endcsname\csname\??vn:#2:kids\endcsname,\fi#1}% - \defineenumeration - [\currentnote] - [\s!handler=\v!note, - \c!text=]% - \doredefinenotecommands - \presetlocalframed - [\??vn\currentnote]% - \setupenumerations - [\currentnote] - [\s!parent=\??dd#1, - \c!number=\v!yes]% - \getparameters - [\??vn\currentnote] - [\s!parent=\??vn#1,#2]} - -% \starttext -% text \startfootnote Test.\stopfootnote -% test \footnote{xxxx} \subfootnote{xxxx} -% test \footnote{xxxx} \subfootnote{xxxx} -% \stoptext - -\def\dodoredefinenotecommands#1#2#3% - {\unexpanded\expandafter\def\csname\e!start#3#1\expandafter\endcsname\expandafter - {\expandafter\dosingleempty\csname\s!do\e!start#3#1\endcsname}% - \unexpanded\expandafter\def\csname\s!do\e!start#3#1\expandafter\endcsname - \expandafter[\expandafter##\expandafter1\expandafter]\expandafter##\expandafter2\csname\e!stop#3#1\endcsname - {\begingroup - \doenumerationinit{#1}{#2}{#3}% - \@@notemakedescription[##1]{}{##2}% - \expandafter\endgroup\noteparameter\c!next}} % WS: added \noteparameter\c!next - -\def\doredefinenotecommands - {\normalexpanded{\noexpand\dodoredefinenotecommands{\currentnote}{1}{}}% - \let\@@subslevel\empty - \dostepwiserecurse{2}{\descriptionparameter\c!levels}{1} - {\normalexpanded{\noexpand\dodoredefinenotecommands{\currentnote}{\recurselevel}{\@@subslevel\v!sub}}% - \edef\@@subslevel{\@@subslevel\v!sub}}} - -\let\setupnotedefinition\setupenumerations - -% \def\dodowithcurrentnoteandkids#1#2% action kid -% {\pushmacro\currentnote -% \def\currentnote{#2}% -% \dowithcurrentnoteandkids{#1}% recursive -% \popmacro\currentnote}% - -\appendtoks - \setupenumerations[\currentnote][]% -\to \everysetupnote - -\unexpanded\def\setupnote - {\dodoubleempty\dosetupnote} - -\def\dosetupnote[#1][#2]% - {\edef\currentnote{#1}% - \ifsecondargument - \getparameters[\??vn\currentnote][#2]% - \the\everysetupnote - \fi - \dochecknote} - -\def\currentnoterulecommand{\csname\??vn\c!rule:c:\currentnote\endcsname} -\def\currentnoterulealign {\csname\??vn\c!rule:a:\currentnote\endcsname} - -\def\currentnoterulecommandnormal {\normalnoterule} % no let as it can be changed afterwards -\def\currentnoterulecommandunknown{\noteparameter\c!rule} - -\def\letcurrentnoterulecommand{\expandafter\let\csname\??vn\c!rule:c:\currentnote\endcsname} -\def\letcurrentnoterulealign {\expandafter\let\csname\??vn\c!rule:a:\currentnote\endcsname} - -\appendtoks - \letvalue{\??vn\c!rule:c:\currentnote}\currentnoterulecommandnormal - \letvalue{\??vn\c!rule:a:\currentnote}\lefttoright -\to \everysetupnote - -\appendtoks - \processallactionsinset[\noteparameter\c!rule] - [ \v!on=>\letcurrentnoterulecommand\currentnoterulecommandnormal, - \v!normal=>\letcurrentnoterulecommand\currentnoterulecommandnormal, - \v!left=>\letcurrentnoterulealign \lefttoright, - \v!right=>\letcurrentnoterulealign \righttoleft, - \v!off=>\letcurrentnoterulecommand\relax, - \s!default=>\letcurrentnoterulecommand\relax, - \s!unknown=>\letcurrentnoterulecommand\currentnoterulecommandunknown]% -\to \everysetupnote - -\def\currentnotepenalty - {\ifcsname\??vn\c!split:p:\noteparameter\c!split\endcsname - \csname\??vn\c!split:p:\noteparameter\c!split\endcsname - \else - \numexpr\noteparameter\c!split\relax - \fi} - -\setnewconstant\notepenaltytolerant \zerocount -\setnewconstant\notepenaltystrict 9999 -\setnewconstant\notepenaltyverystrict\maxdimen - -\letvalue{\??vn\c!split:p:\v!tolerant }\notepenaltytolerant -\letvalue{\??vn\c!split:p:\v!strict }\notepenaltystrict -\letvalue{\??vn\c!split:p:\v!verystrict}\notepenaltyverystrict -\letvalue{\??vn\c!split:p:\empty }\notepenaltytolerant - -\appendtoks - \edef\currentnotewidth{\noteparameter\c!width}% - \ifx\currentnotewidth\empty - \setnoteparameter\c!width{\hsize}% - \else - % \doifdimensionelse\currentnotewidth\donothing - % {\setnoteparameter\c!width{\hsize}}% - \fi -\to \everysetupnote - -%D The following switch can be used to disable limiting the -%D height of the footnote area, something that is needed in -%D multi column balancing. Use this switch with care. - -\newif\ifnotelimit \notelimittrue % shared - -% bottomnotes endnotes -% clevernotes - -\appendtoks - \doifsomething{\noteparameter\c!factor} - {\ifnum\noteparameter\c!factor<\zerocount\else - \count\currentnoteins\noteparameter\c!factor - \fi}% -\to \everysetupnote - -% compatibility (will go away) - -\newif\ifbottomnotes % still used in page-one.mkiv -%newif\endnotes % no longer used - -% locations: - -\def\s!noteloc{nodeloc} % 1=page 2=columns 3=lastcolumn 4=firstcolumn 5=none -\def\s!notepos{nodepos} % 0=nothing 1=high 2=bottom -\def\s!notefmt{nodefmt} % 1 text -\def\s!notecol{nodecol} - -\def\clevernotes % compatibility hack, will be redone - {\numexpr\ifcase\namednoteparameter\v!footnote\s!noteloc\or0\or2\or2\or1\else0\fi\relax} - -\def\setnotelocation #1{\expandafter\let\csname\??vn\currentnote\s!noteloc\endcsname#1\relax} -\def\setnoteposition #1{\expandafter\let\csname\??vn\currentnote\s!notepos\endcsname#1\relax} -\def\setnoteformatting#1{\expandafter\let\csname\??vn\currentnote\s!notefmt\endcsname#1\relax} - -\def\currentnofcolumns{\@@kln} - -\setvalue{\??vn @\v!page }{\setnotelocation\plusone} -\setvalue{\??vn @\v!columns }{\setnotelocation\plustwo} -\setvalue{\??vn @\v!lastcolumn }{\setnotelocation\plusthree} -\setvalue{\??vn @\v!firstcolumn}{\setnotelocation\plusfour} -\setvalue{\??vn @\v!none }{\setnotelocation\plusfive} -\setvalue{\??vn @\v!text }{\setnotelocation\plusfive \setnoteformatting\plusone} % test -\setvalue{\??vn @\v!high }{\setnoteposition\plusone} -\setvalue{\??vn @\v!bottom }{\setnoteposition\plustwo} - -\def\dosetcheckednote#1{\csname\??vn @#1\endcsname} - -\newtoks\everychecknote - -\def\dochecknote - {% node states - \setnotelocation\plusone % page - \setnoteposition\plustwo % bottom - \normalexpanded{\rawprocesscommalist[\noteparameter\c!location]}\dosetcheckednote - % compatibility hack - %ifnum\noteparameter\s!noteloc=\plusfive \endnotestrue \else \endnotesfalse \fi - \ifnum\noteparameter\s!notepos=\plustwo \bottomnotestrue \else \bottomnotesfalse \fi - % set column multiplier - \edef\currentnotenofcolumns{\noteparameter\c!n}% - \ifx\currentnotenofcolumns\empty - \let\currentnotenofcolumns\!!plusone - \fi - \ifcase\noteparameter\s!noteloc - % can't happen - \scratchcounter\plusone - \or - % page - \scratchcounter \currentnotenofcolumns - \or - % columns - \scratchcounter\ifnum\currentnofcolumns=\zerocount \plusone \else \currentnotenofcolumns \fi \relax - \or - % firstcolumn - \scratchcounter\plusone - \or - % lastcolumn - \scratchcounter\plusone - \or - % text - \scratchcounter\currentnotenofcolumns - \fi - % column factor - \ifcase\scratchcounter - \scratchcounter\plusone - \fi - \global\count\currentnoteins\plusthousand - \global\count\currentnoteins\numexpr\plusthousand/\scratchcounter\relax - % maximize height - \ifnotelimit - \global\dimen\currentnoteins\dimexpr\noteparameter\c!height*\scratchcounter\relax - \fi - % distance -> tricky as this might depend on a font switch so we need a fast checker - \dosetnotedistance - % play safe - \ifnum\noteparameter\s!noteloc=\plusfive - \ctxlua{structures.notes.setstate("\currentnote","store")}% - % text notes (e.g. end notes) but we don't use inserts anyway - \global\dimen\currentnoteins\maxdimen - \global\count\currentnoteins\zerocount - \global\skip \currentnoteins\zeropoint - \else - % nothing ? - \fi - \the\everychecknote} - -\def\dosetnotedistance - {\begingroup - \setbox\scratchbox\vbox - {\forgetall -% \setnotebodyfont - \dontcomplain - \noteparameter\c!before - \placenoterule - \noteparameter\c!after}% - \global\skip\currentnoteins\ht\scratchbox - \endgroup} - -%D A fast checker for bottom notes being used: - -\newconditional\c_notes_bottom_present - -\def\strc_notes_check_if_bottom_present_indeed - {\ifnum\noteparameter\s!notepos=\plustwo - \settrue\c_notes_bottom_present - \fi} - -\def\strc_notes_check_if_bottom_present - {\setfalse\c_notes_bottom_present - \processnotes{\ifconditional\c_notes_bottom_present\else\strc_notes_check_if_bottom_present_indeed\fi}} - -% D When \type{n} exceeds~1, footnotes are typeset in -% D multi||columns, using the algoritm presented on page~397 -% D of \TEX book. Footnotes can be places on a per page basis -% D or whereever suitable. When we set~\type{n} to~0, we get a -% D rearanged paragraph, typeset by the algoritms on pages 398 -% D and~389 (at least in \MKII). We definitely did not reinvent -% D that wheel. - -% Example of using factor: -% -% \definenote[mynote][way=bypage,location=text,width=\marginwidth,rule=,before=,factor=0] -% \setuplayout[backspace=5cm,margin=3cm,margindistance=.5cm,width=middle] -% \setuptexttexts[margin][\vbox to \textheight{\placenotes[mynote]\vfill}][] -% \starttext -% \dorecurse{10}{test \mynote{one one one one one one} \input zapf \mynote{one one one one one one} } -% \stoptext - -%D The noterule can be a graphic and therefore calling this -%D setup macro at every skipswitch is tricky (many many MP -%D runs). Let's just reserve a few points, that probably match -%D those of the stretch component. - -%D A bit messy: - -\unexpanded\def\placenoterule - {\bgroup - \currentnoterulealign - \currentnoterulecommand - \par - \egroup} - -\unexpanded\def\normalnoterule - {\ifvmode - \dontleavehmode \blackrule - [ \c!color=\noteparameter\c!rulecolor, - \c!width=.2\hsize, - \c!height=\noteparameter\c!rulethickness, - \c!depth=\zeropoint]% - \endgraf - \kern\strutdepth - \fi} - -\ifx\setnotehsize\undefined - - \unexpanded\def\setnotehsize{\hsize\noteparameter\c!width\relax} % can be overloaded - -\fi - -%D The formatting depends on the width of the table, so we -%D have to set \type {n} to zero. -%D -%D \starttyping -%D \startbuffer -%D \bTABLE -%D \bTR \bTD one \footnote{\dorecurse{10}{abcd }} \eTD \bTD two \eTD \eTR -%D \bTR \bTD three fout five six seven eight nine \eTD \bTD ten \eTD \eTR -%D \eTABLE -%D \stopbuffer -%D -%D \startlocalfootnotes[n=0,location={text,none}] -%D \placelegend[n=2]{\getbuffer}{\placelocalfootnotes} -%D \stoplocalfootnotes -%D \stoptyping - -%D \macros -%D {footnote} -%D -%D A footnote can have a reference as optional argument and -%D therefore its formal specification looks like: -%D -%D \showsetup{footnote} -%D -%D This command has one optional command: the reference. By -%D saying \type{[-]} the number is omitted. The footnote -%D command is not that sensitive to spacing, so it's quite -%D legal to say: -%D -%D \startbuffer -%D Users of \CONTEXT\ must keep both feet \footnote{Given they -%D have two.} on the ground and not get confused \footnote{Or -%D even crazy.} by all those obscure \footnote{But fortunately -%D readable.} parameters. -%D \stopbuffer -%D -%D \typebuffer -%D -%D When setting the \type{conversion} to \type{set 2} we get -%D something like: -%D -%D \bgroup -%D \startnarrower -%D \setupfootnotes[conversion=set 1] -%D \getbuffer -%D \stopnarrower -%D \egroup -%D -%D Typesetting footnotes is, at least for the moment, disabled -%D when reshaping boxes. -%D -%D The additional macro \type {\footnotetext} and the -%D associated \type {\note} macro were implemented at -%D request of users on the mailing list and a suggestion by -%D taco to split of the symbol placement. I decided to -%D merge this functionality with the existing \type {\note} -%D functionality. - -%D The next implementation runs on top of enumerations (only in \MKIV). -%D -%D \starttyping -%D \setupenumerations -%D [footnote] -%D [ style=\type{(es)}, -%D headstyle=\type{(hs)}] -%D -%D \setupnote -%D [footnote] -%D [ style=\type{(s)}, -%D command=\type{(c)}, -%D textcommand=\type{(tc)}, -%D textstyle=\type{(ts)}, -%D numberstyle=\type{(ns)}, -%D numbercommand=\type{(nc)}] -%D -%D \setuplayout[backspace=6cm,marginwidth=cm,width=middle] -%D -%D \starttext -%D \dorecurse{9}{This\footnote{Hello World #1} is a test.\par } -%D \stoptext -%D \stoptyping - -% TODO: \ifnotesenabled - -\newif\ifnotesymbol \notesymboltrue - -\newconditional\skipnoteplacement - -\unexpanded\def\setnote [#1]{\getvalue{#1}} -\unexpanded\def\setnotetext[#1]{\global\settrue\skipnoteplacement\getvalue{#1}} - -\def\domovednote#1#2#3#4% - {\ifcase\ctxlua{structures.notes.deltapage("#1",#2)}\or\symbol[#3]\or\symbol[#4]\fi} - -\setvalue{\??dd:\v!note:\s!handler:\s!text }{\@@donotetext} -\setvalue{\??dd:\v!note:\s!handler:\s!number}{\@@donotenumber} -\setvalue{\??dd:\v!note:\s!handler:\s!symbol}{\@@donotesymbol} -\setvalue{\??dd:\v!note:\s!handler }{\@@donotehandler} -\setvalue{\??dd:\v!note:\s!handler:\s!do }{\@@somenotedescription} -\setvalue{\??dd:\v!note:\s!handler:\s!start }{\@@startsomenotedescription} - -\let\@@donotehandler\@@dodescriptionhandler - -\def\@@somenotedescription {\@@notemakedescription} -\def\@@startsomenotedescription{\@@notemakedescription} - -\def\@@notemakedescription[#1]#2#3% - {\ifnotesenabled - \edef\currentdescriptionreference{#1}% - \iftrialtypesetting - \doenumerationcheckconditions - \let\currentnote\currentdescriptionmain - \typesetdummynotesymbol - \else - \begingroup - \doenumerationcheckconditions - \let\currentnote\currentdescriptionmain - \dodescriptioncomponent[\c!reference=#1,\c!label={\descriptionparameter\c!text},\c!title={#3},\c!list=,\c!bookmark=,][]% - \xdef\currentnotenumber{\ctxlua{structures.notes.store("\currentnote",\currentdescriptionnumberentry)}}% - \settrue\processingnote - \ifconditional\skipnoteplacement - \globallet\lastnotesymbol\dolastnotesymbol - \else - \iftypesettinglines % otherwise problems with \type <crlf> {xxx} - \ignorelines % makes footnotes work in \startlines ... \stoplines - \fi - \ifnotesymbol - \dolastnotesymbol - \else - \unskip\unskip - \globallet\lastnotesymbol\dolastnotesymbol - \fi - \fi - \ifconditional\postponingnotes % todo: per note class - \global\settrue\postponednote - \else\ifconditional\inlocalnotes % todo: per note class - \global\settrue\postponednote - \else - \handlenoteinsert\currentnote\currentnotenumber - \fi\fi - \endgroup - \fi - \fi - \ifconditional\skipnoteplacement - \global\setfalse\skipnoteplacement - \else - \kern\notesignal\relax % \relax is needed to honor spaces - \fi} - -\def\dolastnotesymbol - {\typesetsomenotesymbol\currentnote\currentnotenumber\currentdescriptionnumberentry} - -\ifdefined\dotagsetnotesymbol \else \let\dotagsetnotesymbol\relax \fi - -\def\dotypesetsomenotesymbol#1#2#3% running text (messy: #1 and current mixed) - {\dodonotesymbol - {\synchronizesomenotesymbol{#1}{#2}{#3}% -% \ctxlua{structures.notes.number("\currentnote",\currentnotenumber)}% \currentdescriptionnumberentry - \dostarttagged\t!descriptionsymbol\currentnote - \dotagsetnotesymbol - \ctxlua{structures.notes.number("#1",#2)}% - \dostoptagged - \domovednote{#1}{#2}\v!previouspage\v!nextpage}} - -\unexpanded\def\typesetsomenotesymbol#1#2#3% running text - {\removeunwantedspaces - \doifitalicelse\/\donothing % Charles IV \footnote{the fourth} - \ifdim\lastkern=\notesignal - \dodonotesymbol{\kern\noteparameter\c!distance}% gets the font right, hack ! - \fi - \nobreak - \doifelse{\noteparameter\c!interaction}\v!no - {\dotypesetsomenotesymbol{#1}{#2}{#3}} - {\directgotobox{\dotypesetsomenotesymbol{#1}{#2}{#3}}[page(\ctxlua{structures.notes.getnumberpage("#1",\number#2)})]}% f: - \globallet\lastnotesymbol\relax} - -\unexpanded\def\typesetdummynotesymbol % temp hack - {\removeunwantedspaces - \doifitalicelse\/\donothing % Charles IV \footnote{the fourth} - \ifdim\lastkern=\notesignal - \dodonotesymbol{\kern\noteparameter\c!distance}% gets the font right, hack ! - \fi - \nobreak - \hbox to .5em{}% - \globallet\lastnotesymbol\relax} - -\def\currentnotedescriptiontext % todo: can be other number - {\ctxlua{structures.notes.title("\currentnote",\currentdescriptionnumberentry)}} - -% \def\@@donotetext % same as \@@doenumerationtext -% {\ifcase\enumerationnumberstate -% \doenumerationfullnumbernop -% \or -% \iftrialtypesetting -% \doenumerationfullnumberyes -% \doenumerationcouplingsymbol -% \else -% \doenumerationregistercoupling -% \doenumerationfullnumberyes -% \doenumerationcouplingsymbol -% \fi -% \or -% \doenumerationfullnumbersymbol -% \fi} - -\def\@@donotetext % experiment ... we run into a problem when we migrate a note otherwise in postpone mode - {\doenumerationcheckconditions - \let\doenumerationnumber\docurrentnoteenumerationfullnumber - \let\doenumerationsymbol\docurrentnoteenumerationsymbol - \@@doenumerationtext} - -\def\@@donotenumber - {\doifelse{\noteparameter\c!interaction}\v!no - {\docurrentnoteenumerationfullnumber}% - {\directgotobox - {\docurrentnoteenumerationfullnumber}% - [page(\ctxlua{structures.notes.getsymbolpage("\currentnote",\currentdescriptionnumberentry)})]}} - -\def\@@donotesymbol - {\doifelse{\noteparameter\c!interaction}\v!no - {\docurrentnoteenumerationsymbol}% - {\directgotobox - {\docurrentnoteenumerationsymbol}% - [page(\ctxlua{structures.notes.getsymbolpage("\currentnote",\currentdescriptionnumberentry)})]}} - -\def\docurrentnoteenumerationfullnumber - {\noteparameter\c!numbercommand - {\usenotestyleandcolor\c!numberstyle\c!numbercolor - \ctxlua{structures.notes.number("\currentnote",\currentdescriptionnumberentry)}% - \domovednote\currentdescription\currentdescriptionnumberentry\v!nextpage\v!previouspage}} - -\def\docurrentnoteenumerationsymbol - {\noteparameter\c!numbercommand - {\usenotestyleandcolor\c!numberstyle\c!numbercolor - \descriptionparameter\c!symbol - \domovednote\currentdescription\currentdescriptionnumberentry\v!nextpage\v!previouspage}} - -\def\synchronizesomenotesymbol#1#2#3% called more often than needed - {\iftrialtypesetting\else - \normalexpanded{\noexpand\ctxlatelua{structures.notes.setsymbolpage("#1",#2,#3)}}% - \fi} - -\def\handlenoteinsert#1#2% tg, id - {\begingroup - \edef\currentnote{#1}% - \the\everybeforenoteinsert - \insert\currentnoteins\bgroup - \the\everyinsidenoteinsert - \doprocesslocalsetups{\noteparameter\c!setups}% experimental - \doifelse{\noteparameter\c!paragraph}\v!yes - {\nointerlineskip - \startvboxtohbox - \handlenoteitself{#1}{#2}% - % add some slack - \stopvboxtohbox} - {\handlenoteitself{#1}{#2}}% - \egroup - \the\everyafternoteinsert - \endgroup} - -\def\betweennoteitself#1% tg - {\edef\currentnote{#1}% - \doif{\noteparameter\c!paragraph}\v!yes\dobetweenparagraphnotes} - -\def\handlenoteitself#1#2% tg, id - {\edef\currentdescription{#1}% - \edef\currentnote{#1}% - \edef\currentdescriptionnumberentry{#2}% - \edef\currentdescriptionlistentry{\ctxlua{tex.write(structures.notes.listindex("#1",#2))}}% - % as we can have collected notes (e.g. in tables) we need to recover - % \currentdescriptionattribute and \currentdescriptionsynchronize - \reinstatedescriptionnumberentry\currentdescriptionlistentry % we could store the number in the entry - % - \dontcomplain % should be done in startstoreddescription instead - \dostartstoreddescription\begstrut\currentnotedescriptiontext\endstrut\dostopstoreddescription} - -\def\dostartstoreddescription - {\bgroup\@@dostartdescriptionindeed} - -\def\dostopstoreddescription - {\@@stopdescription} - -%D The main typesetting routine is more or less the same as the -%D \PLAIN\ \TEX\ one, except that we only handle one type while -%D \PLAIN\ also has something \type{\v...}. In most cases -%D footnotes can be handled by a straight insert, but we do so -%D by using an indirect call to the \type{\insert} primitive. - -%D Making footnote numbers active is not always that logical, -%D especially when we keep the reference and text at one page. -%D On the other hand we need interactivity when we refer to -%D previous notes or use end notes. Therefore we support -%D interactive footnote numbers in two ways \footnote{This -%D feature was implemented years after we were able to do so, -%D mainly because endnotes had to be supported.} that is, -%D automatically (vise versa) and by user supplied reference. - -\let\startpushnote\relax -\let\stoppushnote \relax - -\newsignal\notesignal - -\newconditional\processingnote -\newconditional\postponednote - -\newtoks\everybeforenoteinsert -\newtoks\everyinsidenoteinsert -\newtoks\everyafternoteinsert - -\appendtoks - \let\flushnotes\relax - \let\postponenotes\relax - \forgetall - \resetallattributes % new, we don't want color bleed into notes -\to \everybeforenoteinsert - -\appendtoks - \doif{\noteparameter\c!scope}\v!page{\floatingpenalty\maxdimen}% experiment - \penalty\currentnotepenalty - \forgetall - \setnotebodyfont - \redoconvertfont % to undo \undo calls in in headings etc - \splittopskip\strutht % not actually needed here - \splitmaxdepth\strutdp % not actually needed here - \leftmargindistance\noteparameter\c!margindistance - \rightmargindistance\leftmargindistance -% \ifnum\noteparameter\c!n=\zerocount % no ifcase new 31-07-99 ; always ? -% \doifnotinset{\noteparameter\c!width}{\v!fit,\v!broad}\setnotehsize % ? -% \fi -\to \everyinsidenoteinsert - -\appendtoks - \setsimplecolumnshsize[\c!distance=\noteparameter\c!columndistance,\c!n=\noteparameter\c!n,\c!width=\noteparameter\c!width]%\currentnotewidth]% -\to \everyinsidenoteinsert - -% not: \appendtoks \setnotehsize \to \everyinsidenoteinsert (spoils columns) - -\let\lastnotesymbol\relax - -%D \macros -%D {note} -%D -%D Refering to a note is accomplished by the rather short -%D command: -%D -%D \showsetup{note} -%D -%D This command is implemented rather straightforward as: - -\unexpanded\def\notesymbol - {\dodoubleempty\donotesymbol} - -\def\donotesymbol[#1][#2]% - {\bgroup - \ifnotesenabled - \edef\currentnote{#1}% - \ifsecondargument - \unskip - \dodonotesymbol{\in[#2]}% - \else - \dodonotesymbol\lastnotesymbol - \fi - \fi - \egroup} - -\def\dodonotesymbol#1% - {\noteparameter\c!textcommand{\usenotestyleandcolor\c!textstyle\c!textcolor#1}} - -%D Normally footnotes are saved as inserts that are called upon -%D as soon as the pagebody is constructed. The footnote -%D insertion routine looks just like the \PLAIN\ \TEX\ one, -%D except that we check for the end note state. - -% testcase for split bottom alignment see (a) below -% -% \dorecurse{6}{\input tufte\footnote{\input ward \input tufte \relax}} - -\unexpanded\def\placenoteinserts - {\processnotes\doplacenoteinserts} - -\unexpanded\def\unvboxed {\ifvmode\unvbox \else\box \fi} -\unexpanded\def\unvcopied{\ifvmode\unvcopy\else\copy\fi} - -% idea: tag with attr and then just flush them again - -\def\dobetweenparagraphnotes % should not be too much - {\noteparameter\c!inbetween} - -\def\doflushglobalnotes - {\doifelse{\noteparameter\c!paragraph}\v!yes - {\vbox - {\beginofshapebox - \iftrialtypesetting\unvcopied\else\unvboxed\fi\currentnoteins - \endofshapebox - %\doreshapebox{\box\shapebox}{}{}{}% get rid of penalties etc - \gdef\dodobetweenparagraphnotes{\glet\dodobetweenparagraphnotes\dobetweenparagraphnotes}% shape works reverse - \doreshapebox{\hbox{\unhbox\shapebox\dodobetweenparagraphnotes}}{}{}{}% get rid of penalties etc - \innerflushshapebox - \convertvboxtohbox}} - {\iftrialtypesetting\unvcopied\else\unvboxed\fi\currentnoteins}} - -\def\dodoplacenoteinserts - {\ifcase\noteparameter\c!n\relax - % should not happen - \or - \doglobalflushnotesnormal - \else - \doglobalflushnotescolums - \fi} - -\def\doglobalflushnotesnormal - {%\iftrialtypesetting\copy\else\box\fi\currentnoteins - \doflushglobalnotes - \obeydepth} % (a) added , since split footnotes will not align properly - -\def\doglobalflushnotescolums - {\startsimplecolumns[\c!distance=\noteparameter\c!columndistance,\c!n=\noteparameter\c!n,\c!width=\noteparameter\c!width]%,\c!width=\currentnotewidth]% - %\iftrialtypesetting\unvcopied\else\unvboxed\fi\currentnoteins % compare with local - \doflushglobalnotes - \stopsimplecolumns} - -\def\doplacenoteinserts - {\relax\ifdim\ht\currentnoteins>\zeropoint\relax - \ifnum\noteparameter\s!noteloc=\plusfive - \else - \endgraf - \ifvmode - \whitespace - \noteparameter\c!before - \fi - % \bgroup - % \setupalign[\noteparameter\c!align]% - \placenoterule % alleen in ..mode - % \par - % \egroup - \bgroup - \setnotebodyfont - \setbox\scratchbox\hbox - {\dodoplacenoteinserts}% - \setbox\scratchbox\hbox - {\localframed - [\??vn\currentnote] - [\c!location=, - \c!width=\v!fit, - \c!height=\v!fit, - \c!strut=\v!no, - \c!offset=\v!overlay] - {\ifdim\dp\scratchbox=\zeropoint % this hack is needed because \vadjust - \hbox{\lower\strutdp\box\scratchbox}% % in margin number placement - \else % hides the (always) present depth - \box\scratchbox - \fi}}% - \setbox\scratchbox\hbox{\lower\strutdepth\box\scratchbox}% - \dp\scratchbox\strutdepth % so we know that it has the note bodyfont depth - \box\scratchbox - \egroup - \endgraf - \ifvmode - \noteparameter\c!after - \fi - \fi - \fi} - -%D Supporting end notes is surprisingly easy. Even better, we -%D can combine this feature with solving the common \TEX\ -%D problem of disappearing inserts when they're called for in -%D deeply nested boxes. The general case looks like: -%D -%D \starttyping -%D \postponenotes -%D \.box{whatever we want with footnotes} -%D \flushnotes -%D \stoptyping -%D -%D This alternative can be used in headings, captions, tables -%D etc. The latter one sometimes calls for notes local to -%D the table, which can be realized by saying -%D -%D \starttyping -%D \setlocalfootnotes -%D some kind of table with local footnotes -%D \placelocalfootnotes -%D \stoptyping -%D -%D Postponing is accomplished by simply redefining the (local) -%D insert operation. A not too robust method uses the -%D \type{\insert} primitive when possible. This method fails in -%D situations where it's not entirely clear in what mode \TEX\ -%D is. Therefore the auto method can is to be overruled when -%D needed. - -\newconditional\postponingnotes - -% we need a proper state: normal, postponing, flushing - -\def\postponenotes - {\ifconditional\postponingnotes\else - \global\settrue\postponingnotes - \global\let\flushnotes\doflushnotes - \ctxlua{structures.notes.postpone()}% - \fi} - -\let\flushnotes\relax - -\def\doflushnotes - {\ifconditional\postponingnotes - \begingroup - \let\flushnotes \relax - \let\postponenotes\relax - \ctxlua{structures.notes.flushpostponed()}% this also resets the states ! - \global\setfalse\postponednote - \global\setfalse\postponingnotes - \global\let\flushnotes\relax - \endgroup - \fi} - -%D \macros -%D {startlocalfootnotes,placelocalfootnotes} -%D -%D The next two macros can be used in for instance tables, as -%D we'll demonstrate later on. -%D -%D \showsetup{startlocalfootnotes} -%D \showsetup{placelocalfootnotes} - -% todo: compatibility mode: when first arg is assignment or missing, then all - -\newtoks\everyplacelocalnotes - -\appendtoks - \let\flushnotes \relax - \let\postponenotes\relax -\to \everyplacelocalnotes - -\def\defaultnotewidth{\makeupwidth} % {\ifdim\hsize<\makeupwidth\hsize\else\makeupwidth\fi} - -\newconditional\inlocalnotes - -\unexpanded\def\startlocalnotes - {\dosingleempty\dostartlocalnotes} - -\def\dostartlocalnotes[#1]% - {\def\localnoteslist{#1}% - \settrue\inlocalnotes - \processcommacommand[\localnoteslist]\dodostartlocalnotes} - -\unexpanded\def\stoplocalnotes - {\processcommacommand[\localnoteslist]\dodostoplocalnotes - \setfalse\inlocalnotes} - -\def\dodostartlocalnotes#1% - {\doifnot{\noteparameter\c!continue}\v!yes - {\strc_counters_save{#1}% - \strc_counters_reset{#1}}% - \ctxlua{structures.notes.save("#1","store")}} - -\def\dodostoplocalnotes#1% - {\doifnot{\noteparameter\c!continue}\v!yes - {\strc_counters_restore{#1}}% - \ctxlua{structures.notes.restore("#1")}} - -\unexpanded\def\placelocalnotes - {\dodoubleempty\doplacelocalnotes} - -\def\doplacelocalnotes[#1][#2]% - {\doif{\ctxlua{structures.notes.getstate("#1")}}{store}{\dodoplacelocalnotes{#2}{#1}}} - -\def\dodoplacelocalnotes#1#2% settings note - {\begingroup - \the\everyplacelocalnotes - % beware, we cannot trust setting \currentnote here - \getparameters[\??vn#2][\c!width=\v!fit,\c!height=\v!fit,\c!strut=\v!no,\c!offset=\v!overlay,#1]% we only need a selective one - \dolocalnotealternative{#2}% - \endgroup - \dochecknote} % we need to restore the old state - -%D These commands can be used like: -%D -%D \startbuffer -%D \startlocalnotes[width=.3\hsize,n=0] -%D \placetable -%D {Some Table} -%D \placeontopofeachother -%D {\starttable[|l|r|] -%D \HL -%D \VL Nota\footnote{Bene} \VL Bene\footnote{Nota} \VL\SR -%D \VL Bene\footnote{Nota} \VL Nota\footnote{Bene} \VL\SR -%D \HL -%D \stoptable} -%D {\placelocalnotes} -%D \stoplocalnotes -%D \stopbuffer -%D -%D \typebuffer -%D -%D Because this table placement macro expect box content, and -%D thanks to the grouping of the local footnotes, we don't need -%D additional braces. -%D -%D \getbuffer - -%D \macros -%D {placefootnotes} -%D -%D We still have no decent command for placing footnotes -%D somewhere else than at the bottom of the page (for which no -%D user action is needed). Footnotes (endnotes) can be -%D placed by using -%D -%D \showsetup{placefootnotes} - -\unexpanded\def\placebottomnotes - {\processnotes\doplacenoteinserts} - -\unexpanded\def\placenotes - {\dodoubleempty\doplacenotes} - -\def\doplacenotes[#1][#2]% - {\processcommalist[#1]{\dodoplacenotes{#2}}} - -\def\dodoplacenotes#1#2% settings note - {\edef\currentnote{#2}% - \doifelse{\ctxlua{structures.notes.getstate("#2")}}{store} - \dodoplacelocalnotes - \dodoplaceglobalnotes - {#1}{#2}} - -\def\dodoplaceglobalnotes#1#2% - {\begingroup - \setupnote[#2][#1]% - \doplacenoteinserts - \endgroup - \the\everysetupnote} % to be checkes - -%D Placement - -\long\def\installnotealternative#1#2% - {\setvalue{\??vn:\c!alternative:#1}{#2}} - -\def\doifnotescollected#1% - {\ctxlua{structures.notes.doifcontent("#1")}} - -\def\dolocalnotealternative#1% - {\edef\currentnote{#1}% - \doifnotescollected\currentnote - {\endgraf - \ifvmode - \whitespace - \noteparameter\c!before - \fi - \begingroup - \setnotebodyfont - \getvalue{\??vn:\c!alternative:\noteparameter\c!alternative}% - \endgroup - \ifvmode - \noteparameter\c!after - \fi}} - -\setvalue{\??vn:\c!alternative:}{\getvalue{\??vn:\c!alternative:\v!none}} - -%D A stupid alternative is also provided: -%D -%D \starttyping -%D \setupfootnotes[location=text,alternative=none] -%D \stoptyping - -% \def\flushlocalnotes#1{\ctxlua{structures.notes.flush("#1","store")}} -\def\flushlocalnotes#1{\ctxlua{structures.notes.flush("#1","store","\noteparameter\c!criterium")}} - -\installnotealternative \v!none - {\flushlocalnotes\currentnote} - -\installnotealternative \v!grid % test if n > 0 - {\snaptogrid\hbox - {\localframed - [\??vn\currentnote] - [\c!location=] - {\flushlocalnotes\currentnote}}} - -\installnotealternative \v!fixed % test if n > 0 - {\localframed - [\??vn\currentnote] - [\c!location=] - {\flushlocalnotes\currentnote}} - -\installnotealternative \v!columns % redundant - {\localframed - [\??vn\currentnote] - [\c!location=] - {\edef\currentnotewidth{\noteparameter\c!width}% - \doifdimensionelse\currentnotewidth\donothing - {\edef\currentnotewidth{\the\hsize}}% -% \setupinmargin[\c!align=\v!left]% - \startsimplecolumns[\c!distance=\noteparameter\c!columndistance,\c!n=\noteparameter\c!n,\c!width=\currentnotewidth]% - \flushlocalnotes\currentnote - \stopsimplecolumns}} - -%D \macros -%D {fakenotes} - - % is this ok? endnotes and such - - \unexpanded\def\fakenotes - {\ifhmode\endgraf\fi\ifvmode - \calculatetotalclevernoteheight - \ifdim\totalnoteheight>\zeropoint \kern\totalnoteheight \fi - \fi} - - \unexpanded\def\fakepagenotes - {\ifhmode\endgraf\fi\ifvmode - \calculatetotalpagenoteheight - \ifdim\totalnoteheight>\zeropoint \kern\totalnoteheight \fi - \fi} - - \newdimen\totalnoteheight - - \def\doaddtototalnoteheight#1% - {\ifdim\ht#1>\zeropoint - \ifcase\count#1\else - % todo: divide by count - \advance\totalnoteheight\ht #1% - \advance\totalnoteheight\skip#1% - \fi - \fi} - - \def\docalculatetotalnoteheight - {\ifcase\clevernotes % tricky here ! ! ! to be sorted out ! ! ! - \doaddtototalnoteheight\currentnoteins - \else -% \doaddtototalnoteheight\currentbackupnoteins - \fi} - - \def\docalculatetotalclevernoteheight - {\ifcase\clevernotes \else % tricky here ! ! ! to be sorted out ! ! ! - \doaddtototalnoteheight\currentnoteins - \fi} - - \def\docalculatetotalpagenoteheight - {\doaddtototalnoteheight\currentnoteins} - - \def\calculatetotalnoteheight {\totalnoteheight\zeropoint\processnotes\docalculatetotalnoteheight} - \def\calculatetotalclevernoteheight{\totalnoteheight\zeropoint\processnotes\docalculatetotalclevernoteheight} - \def\calculatetotalpagenoteheight {\totalnoteheight\zeropoint\processnotes\docalculatetotalpagenoteheight} - - \newif\ifnotespresent - - \def\dochecknotepresence - {\ifdim\ht\currentnoteins>\zeropoint - \notespresenttrue - \fi} - - \def\checknotepresence - {\notespresentfalse - \processnotes\dochecknotepresence} - -%D Now how can this mechanism be hooked into \CONTEXT\ without -%D explictly postponing footnotes? The solution turned out to -%D be rather simple: -%D -%D \starttyping -%D \everypar {...\flushnotes...} -%D \neverypar {...\postponenotes} -%D \stoptyping -%D -%D We can use \type{\neverypar} because in most commands -%D sensitive to footnote gobbling we disable \type{\everypar} -%D in favor for \type{\neverypar}. In fact, this footnote -%D implementation is the first to use this scheme. - -%D This is a nasty and new secondary footnote flusher. It -%D can be hooked into \type {\everypar} like: -%D -%D \starttyping -%D \appendtoks \synchronizenotes \to \everypar -%D \stoptyping - - % \def\dosynchronizenotes - % {\ifvoid\currentnoteins\else\insert\currentnoteins{\unvbox\currentnoteins}\fi} - % - % \def\synchronizenotes - % {\processnotes\dosynchronizenotes} - -\let\synchronizenotes\relax - -%D When typesetting footnotes, we have to return to the -%D footnote specific bodyfont size, which is in most cases derived -%D from the global document bodyfont size. In the previous macros -%D we already used a footnote specific font setting macro. - -\def\setnotebodyfont - {\let\setnotebodyfont\relax - \restoreglobalbodyfont - \switchtobodyfont[\noteparameter\c!bodyfont]% - \setuptolerance[\noteparameter\c!tolerance]% - \setupalign[\noteparameter\c!align]} - -%D The footnote mechanism defaults to a traditional one -%D column way of showing them. By default we precede them by -%D a small line. - -\ifx\v!endnote\undefined \def\v!endnote{endnote} \fi - -\definenote [\v!footnote] -\definenote [\v!endnote ] [\c!location=\v!none] % else no break - -%D Compatibility macros: - -\unexpanded\def\setupfootnotedefinition{\setupnotedefinition [\v!footnote]} -\unexpanded\def\setupfootnotes {\setupnote [\v!footnote]} -%unexpanded\def\footnote {\setnote [\v!footnote]} -\def\footnotetext {\setnotetext [\v!footnote]} -%unexpanded\def\note {\dodoubleempty\notesymbol [\v!footnote]} % alleen footnote -\unexpanded\def\placefootnotes {\dodoubleempty\doplacefootnotes [\v!footnote]} -\unexpanded\def\placelocalfootnotes {\dodoubleempty\doplacelocalfootnotes[\v!footnote]} -\unexpanded\def\startlocalfootnotes {\startlocalnotes [\v!footnote]} % alleen footnote -\unexpanded\def\stoplocalfootnotes {\stoplocalnotes } - -\def\doplacefootnotes [#1][#2]{\ifsecondargument\placenotes [#1][#2,\c!height=\textheight]\else\placenotes [#1]\fi} -\def\doplacelocalfootnotes[#1][#2]{\ifsecondargument\placelocalnotes[#1][#2,\c!height=\textheight]\else\placelocalnotes[#1]\fi} - -\unexpanded\def\note{\dodoubleempty\donote} - -\def\donote[#1][#2]{\ifsecondargument\donotesymbol[#1][#2]\else\secondargumenttrue\donotesymbol[\v!footnote][#1]\fi} - -%D Goodies: -%D -%D \starttyping -%D \dorecurse {100} { -%D test \footnote{\doifnoteonsamepageelse[footnote]{ibidem}{aaa}} -%D } -%D \stoptyping - -\def\doifnoteonsamepageelse[#1]{\ctxlua{structures.notes.doifonsamepageasprevious("#1")}} - -%D New trickery: - -\def\ownnotesymbol#1% #1 gets number passed - {\executeifdefined{\??vn::\currentnote}\empty} - -\unexpanded\def\setnotesymbol[#1]#2#3% - {\prewordbreak % prevent lookback - \setgvalue{\??vn::#1}{#3} - \dolastnotesymbol} - -\unexpanded\def\ownnote[#1]#2#3#4% - {\setnotesymbol[#1]{#2}{#3}% - \setnotetext [#1]{#4}} - -\defineconversion - [ownnote] - [\ownnotesymbol] - -\protect \endinput diff --git a/tex/context/base/strc-not.mkvi b/tex/context/base/strc-not.mkvi new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0a1ede550 --- /dev/null +++ b/tex/context/base/strc-not.mkvi @@ -0,0 +1,1660 @@ +%D \module +%D [ file=strc-not, +%D version=2008.10.20, +%D title=\CONTEXT\ Structure Macros, +%D subtitle=Note Handling, +%D author=Hans Hagen, +%D date=\currentdate, +%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}] +%C +%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is +%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for +%C details. + +\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Structure Macros / Note Handling} + +\registerctxluafile{strc-not}{1.001} + +\unprotect + +% todo: see if we can now use \insertpenalties (>0 == some left) + +\ifdefined\v!notation \else \def\v!notation {notation} \fi +\ifdefined\v!endnote \else \def\v!endnote {endnote} \fi +\ifdefined\c!symbolcommand \else \def\c!symbolcommand{symbolcommand} \fi + +\ifdefined\dotagsetnotesymbol \else \let\dotagsetnotesymbol\relax \fi + +\unexpanded\def\unvboxed {\ifvmode\unvbox \else\box \fi} % will change or used more often +\unexpanded\def\unvcopied{\ifvmode\unvcopy\else\copy\fi} % will change or used more often + +%D Notes have two handlers: notations and notes. Although notations can +%D be defined independently it makes not much sense. In principle we can +%D treat notes as lists but they are currently done as a variant on +%D enumerations. I will provide a list variant as well. One complication is +%D that for page related notes inserts are used and therefore notes are +%D typeset immediately and descriptions are better suited for that. For +%D instance endnotes can as well be typeset using lists. + +% textcommand/textstyle/textcolor : set by note commandhandler and used for inline number + +%D \macros +%D {setupnote,setupnotedefinition} +%D +%D We can influence footnote typesetting with the setup +%D command: +%D +%D \showsetup{setupnotes} +%D \showsetup{setupnote} +%D +%D The definition command indicate that we can frame the footnote +%D area. The footnotes themselves are treated as descriptions. +%D +%D \showsetup{definenote} +%D +%D It's sort of a custom to precede footnotes by a horizontal +%D rule and although fancy rules like +%D +%D \starttyping +%D \hbox to 10em{\hskip-3em\dotfill} +%D \stoptyping +%D +%D Are quite ligitimate, we default to a simple one 20\% of the +%D text width. + +% \c!headstyle=\noteparameter\c!style, +% \c!headcolor=\noteparameter\c!color, + +\installcorenamespace{notation} + +\installcommandhandler \??notation {notation} \??notation + +\let\setupnotations\setupnotation + +% \unexpanded\def\lowllap#1{\low{\llap{#1}}} + +\definesymbol[\v!note:\v!previouspage][\llap{\low{\symbol[\v!previouspage]}}] +\definesymbol[\v!note:\v!nextpage ][\llap{\low{\symbol[\v!nextpage ]}}] + +\setupnotations % check with old + [\c!alternative=\v!inleft, + %\c!headstyle=, + %\c!titlestyle=, + %\c!style=, + %\c!color=, + %\c!headcolor=, + %\c!titlecolor=, + \c!numbercommand=\high, + %\c!symbolcommand=\lowllap, % experiment + \c!width=\v!fit, + \c!titledistance=0.5em, + \c!distance=0pt, + %\c!hang=, + %\c!sample=, + %\c!align=, + %\c!headalign=, + \c!margin=\v!no, + \c!before=, + \c!inbetween=, + \c!after=, + \c!indentnext=\v!yes, + \c!indenting=\v!never, + \c!titleleft=(, + \c!titleright=), + %\c!closesymbol=, + \c!closecommand=\wordright, + \c!display=\v!yes, + %\c!command=, + \c!titlecommand=, + \c!expansion=\v!no, + %\c!xmlsetup=, + %\s!catcodes=, + \c!way=\v!by\v!text, + \c!prefix=\v!no, + \c!prefixconnector=., + %\c!starter=, + %\c!stopper=, + \c!number=\v!yes, + \c!text=, + \c!start=0, + \c!state=\v!start, + \c!levels=3] + +% mostly the same as enumersations but we want to keep them +% isolated and at some point we might differentiate + +\unexpanded\def\strc_define_commands_notation#1#2#3% current level parent + {\doifelsenothing{#3} + {\defineconstruction[#1][\s!handler=\v!notation,\c!level=#2]}% + {\defineconstruction[#1][#3][\s!handler=\v!notation,\c!level=#2]}% + \setuevalue{\e!next #1}{\strc_notations_next }% + \setuevalue{\c!reset#1}{\strc_notations_reset }% + %setuevalue{\c!set #1}{\strc_notations_set }% + \setuevalue {#1}{\strc_notations_command{\currentnotation}}% + \setuevalue{\e!start#1}{\strc_notations_start {\currentnotation}{#1}}% + \setuevalue{\e!stop #1}{\strc_notations_stop }} + +\appendtoks + \ifx\currentnotationparent\empty + % clone => parent | subclone => clone | subsubclone => subclone + \let\currentnotationsub\empty + \strc_define_commands_notation + {\currentnotationsub\currentnotation}% + \plusone + \empty + \edef\p_levels{\notationparameter\c!levels}% + \dostepwiserecurse\plustwo\p_levels\plusone + {\strc_define_commands_notation + {\v!sub\currentnotationsub\currentnotation}% + \recurselevel + {\currentnotationsub\currentnotation}% + \edef\currentnotationsub{\v!sub\currentnotationsub}}% + \definelist[\currentnotation]% goodie + \else + % clone => parent | subclone => subparent | subsubclone => subsubparent + \let\currentnotationsub\empty + \edef\p_levels{\notationparameter\c!levels}% + \dorecurse\p_levels + {\strc_define_commands_notation + {\currentnotationsub\currentnotation}% + \recurselevel + {\currentnotationsub\currentnotationparent}% + \edef\currentnotationsub{\v!sub\currentnotationsub}}% + \definelist[\currentnotation][\currentnotationparent]% goodie + \fi + \edef\p_counter{\notationparameter\s!counter}% can inherit from parent + \ifx\p_counter\empty % + \let\p_counter\currentnotation + \fi + \doifstructurecounterelse\p_counter\donothing{\strc_enumerations_define_counter\p_counter}% + \letnotationparameter\s!counter\p_counter + \strc_enumerations_setup_counter\currentnotation +\to \everydefinenotation + +\setvalue{\??constructioninitializer\v!notation}% + {\let\currentnotation \currentconstruction + \let\constructionparameter \notationparameter + \let\detokenizedconstructionparameter\detokenizednotationparameter + \let\letconstructionparameter \letnotationparameter + \let\useconstructionstyleandcolor \usenotationstyleandcolor + \let\setupcurrentconstruction \setupcurrentnotation + \edef\p_number{\constructionparameter\c!number}% + \ifx\p_number\v!yes + \settrue\c_strc_constructions_number_state + \iftrialtypesetting + \strc_counters_save\currentconstructionnumber + \fi + \strc_counters_increment_sub\currentconstructionnumber\currentconstructionlevel + \else + \setfalse\c_strc_constructions_number_state + \fi + \edef\p_title{\constructionparameter\c!title}% + \ifx\p_title\v!yes + \settrue\c_strc_constructions_title_state + \else + \setfalse\c_strc_constructions_title_state + \fi} + +\setvalue{\??constructionfinalizer\v!notation}% + {\ifconditional\c_strc_constructions_number_state + \iftrialtypesetting + \strc_counters_restore\currentconstructionnumber + \fi + \fi} + +%D Notations (we simply needed a word that relates to notes and is +%D and sounds like description and enumeration) are a special case +%D in the sense that they are stored, rendered elsewhere and referered +%D to from where they are specified. For that reason they have a different +%D set op main commands. + +% \notation[ref]{title} +% \notation[reference=,title=] +% \startnotation[ref] title \stopnotation + +\let\strc_notations_next \strc_enumerations_next +\let\strc_notations_reset\strc_enumerations_reset +%let\strc_notations_set \strc_enumerations_set + +\unexpanded\def\strc_notations_command#1% + {\begingroup + \strc_constructions_initialize{#1}% + \doifnextoptionalelse\strc_notations_command_yes\strc_notations_command_nop} + +\unexpanded\def\strc_notations_command_nop#1% + {\strc_constructions_register[\c!label={\descriptionparameter\c!text},\c!reference=,\c!title={#1},\c!bookmark=,\c!list=][]% + \csname\??constructionnotehandler\currentconstructionhandler\endcsname + \endgroup} + +\unexpanded\def\strc_notations_command_yes[#1]% + {\doifassignmentelse{#1}\strc_notations_command_assignment\strc_notations_command_argument[#1]} + +\unexpanded\def\strc_notations_command_assignment[#1]% + {\strc_constructions_register[\c!label={\descriptionparameter\c!text},\c!reference=,\c!title=,\c!bookmark=,\c!list=,#1][]% + \csname\??constructionnotehandler\currentconstructionhandler\endcsname + \endgroup} + +\unexpanded\def\strc_notations_command_argument[#1]#2% + {\strc_constructions_register[\c!label={\descriptionparameter\c!text},\c!reference={#1},\c!title={#2},\c!bookmark=,\c!list=][]% + \csname\??constructionnotehandler\currentconstructionhandler\endcsname + \endgroup} + +\unexpanded\def\strc_notations_start#1#2% + {\begingroup + \strc_constructions_initialize{#1}% + \normalexpanded % not that efficient but also not that frequently used + {\def\noexpand\strc_pickup_yes[##1]##2\csname\e!stop#2\endcsname{\strc_notations_command_yes[##1]{##2}}% + \def\noexpand\strc_pickup_nop ##1\csname\e!stop#2\endcsname{\strc_notations_command_nop {##1}}}% + \doifnextoptionalelse\strc_pickup_yes\strc_pickup_nop} + +\unexpanded\def\strc_notations_start_yes[#1]#2% + {\strc_constructions_register[\c!label={\descriptionparameter\c!text},\c!reference={#1},\c!title={#2},\c!bookmark=,\c!list=][]% + \csname\??constructionnotehandler\currentconstructionhandler\endcsname + \endgroup} + +\unexpanded\def\strc_notations_start_nop#1% + {\strc_constructions_register[\c!label={\descriptionparameter\c!text},\c!reference=,\c!title={#1},\c!bookmark=,\c!list=][]% + \csname\??constructionnotehandler\currentconstructionhandler\endcsname + \endgroup} + +\unexpanded\def\strc_notations_stop + {} + +%D A complication is that we need to set up rather specific properties +%D of e.g. footnotes. It is for this reason that we introduce an extra +%D level of indirectness. This way notations don't bark on undefined +%D macros when used in combination. + +\setvalue{\??constructionnotehandler\v!notation}% + {\csname\??constructionnotehandler\currentconstructionhandler:\constructionparameter\c!type\endcsname} + +\setvalue{\??constructionnotehandler\v!notation:}% empty case + {[\currentconstructionhandler:\currentconstruction]} + +%D We now implement the note definer. + +\installcorenamespace{note} + +\installframedcommandhandler \??note {note} \??note + +\let\setupnotes\setupnote + +% These only concern the inline symbol/number and wrapping of the +% whole list. + +\setupnotes % not all make sense here + [\c!location=\v!page, + %\c!conversion=, + \c!rule=\v!on, + \c!before=\blank, + \c!bodyfont=\v!small, + %\c!style=, + %\c!color=, + %\c!after=, + %\c!rulecolor=, + \c!rulethickness=\linewidth, + \c!frame=\v!off, + \c!distance=.125em, % in the text between symbols + \c!columndistance=1em, + \c!margindistance=.5em, + \c!align=, % also use instead of \c!tolerance + \c!split=\v!tolerant, + \c!width=\makeupwidth, % \ifdim\hsize<\makeupwidth\hsize\else\makeupwidth\fi + \c!height=\textheight, + \c!command=, % \noteparameter\c!numbercommand, % (command in enumeration) too messy, called twice + \c!separator=,% + \c!textcommand=\high, + \c!textstyle=\tx, + %\c!textcolor=, + \c!interaction=\v!yes, + %\c!factor=, + %\c!scope=, % \v!text \v!page + \c!prefixconnector=., + %\c!next=\autoinsertnextspace, + \c!prefix=\v!no, + %\c!continue=\v!no, + \c!paragraph=\v!no, + \c!inbetween=\hskip\emwidth, + \c!symbol=\mathematics{*}, + \c!n=1] + +\setupnotes + [\c!expansion=\v!no, + \c!xmlsetup=, + \s!catcodes=] + +%D Insertions are part of notes. + +\installcorenamespace{noteinsertion} + +\def\currentnoteins{\csname\??noteinsertion\currentnote\endcsname} + +\appendtoks + \ifcsname\??noteinsertion\currentnote\endcsname\else + \expandafter\installinsertion\csname\??noteinsertion\currentnote\endcsname\relax + \normalexpanded{\t_strc_notes{\the\t_strc_notes\noexpand\strc_notes_process_list{\currentnote}}}% + \fi + \ctxlua{structures.notes.define("\currentnote","insert",\number\currentnoteins)}% + \ifx\currentnoteparent\empty + \definenotation[\currentnote][\c!type=\v!note]% + \else + \definenotation[\currentnote][\currentnoteparent][\c!type=\v!note]% + \fi +\to \everydefinenote + +\expandafter\let\csname\??constructionstarthandler \v!notation\expandafter\endcsname\csname\??constructionstarthandler \v!enumeration\endcsname +\expandafter\let\csname\??constructionstophandler \v!notation\expandafter\endcsname\csname\??constructionstophandler \v!enumeration\endcsname +\expandafter\let\csname\??constructioncommandhandler\v!notation\expandafter\endcsname\csname\??constructioncommandhandler\v!enumeration\endcsname +\expandafter\let\csname\??constructiontexthandler \v!notation\expandafter\endcsname\csname\??constructiontexthandler \v!enumeration\endcsname + +\setvalue{\??constructionmainhandler\v!notation}#1% + {\iftrialtypesetting \else + \begingroup + \currentconstructionsynchronize + \attribute\destinationattribute\currentconstructionattribute\relax % todo, whole text + \signalcharacter + \endgroup + \fi#1} + +\setvalue{\??constructionnotehandler\v!notation:\v!note}% in the running text + {\ifnotesenabled + \let\currentnote\currentconstructionmain % do be done elsewhere + \iftrialtypesetting + \strc_notes_inject_dummy + \else + \begingroup + \edef\currentnotenumber{\ctxlua{structures.notes.store("\currentnote",\currentconstructionlistentry)}}% + \settrue\processingnote + \ifconditional\c_strc_notes_skip + \globallet\lastnotesymbol\strc_notes_inject_symbol + \else + \iftypesettinglines % otherwise problems with \type <crlf> {xxx} + \ignorelines % makes footnotes work in \startlines ... \stoplines + \fi + \ifconditional\c_strc_notes_symbol + \strc_notes_inject_symbol + \else + \unskip\unskip + \globallet\lastnotesymbol\strc_notes_inject_symbol + \fi + \fi + \ifconditional\postponingnotes % todo: per note class + \global\settrue\postponednote + \else\ifconditional\inlocalnotes % todo: per note class + \global\settrue\postponednote + \else + \handlenoteinsert\currentnote\currentnotenumber % either an insert or just delayed + \fi\fi + \endgroup + \fi + \fi + \ifconditional\c_strc_notes_skip + \global\setfalse\c_strc_notes_skip + \else + \kern\notesignal\relax % \relax is needed to honor spaces + \fi} + +%D Interaction in notes is somewhat complex due to the way notes get +%D flushed. In principle it is more or less the same as lists but where +%D in lists we pack whole entries, in notes this doesn't happen. Okay, +%D in retrospect we could have made descriptions lists but that will be +%D a backward compatibility mess. At some point a completely new mechanism +%D might show up, but not now. Also, as notes are inserts there is some +%D extra mess to be kept in mind and it's easier to maintain two mechanisms +%D than to combine too much. +%D +%D Interaction is also complicated because we want to provide several variants. +%D For simple reference there is no need for anything special, as page references +%D will do and we store them in the list anyway. But if we want a destination with +%D dimensions we will use an additional destination because we can have only +%D one with the same name and we always have the number as one. + +% interaction: +% +% all : text and number +% number|yes: only number +% text : only text +% +% \dogetsimple : injects + +\installcorenamespace{noteinteractioninline} +\installcorenamespace{noteinteractiondisplay} + +\newconstant\a_strc_notes_symbol_reference +\newconstant\a_strc_notes_number_reference +\newconstant\a_strc_notes_text_reference +\newconstant\a_strc_notes_text_destination + +\def\strc_notes_interaction_check_inline + {\edef\p_interaction{\noteparameter\c!interaction}% + \csname\??noteinteractioninline + \ifcsname\??noteinteractioninline\p_interaction\endcsname\p_interaction\else\v!no\fi + \endcsname} + +\def\strc_notes_interaction_check_display + {\edef\p_interaction{\noteparameter\c!interaction}% + \csname\??noteinteractiondisplay + \ifcsname\??noteinteractiondisplay\p_interaction\endcsname\p_interaction\else\v!no\fi + \endcsname} + +\setvalue{\??noteinteractioninline\v!yes}% + {\dogetsimplepagereference{page(\ctxlua{structures.notes.getnumberpage("\currentnote",\currentnotenumber)})}% + \edef\strc_notes_get_reference_attribute_symbol{attr\referenceattribute\currentreferenceattribute}% + \let \strc_notes_set_style_color_inline \strc_notes_set_style_color_inline_yes} + +\setvalue{\??noteinteractioninline\v!all}% + {%\dogetsimplepagereference{note:\cldcontext{structures.notes.internalid("\currentnote",\currentnotenumber)}}% + \dogetsimplepagereference{note:\currentnote:\currentnotenumber}% + \edef\strc_notes_get_reference_attribute_symbol{attr\referenceattribute\currentreferenceattribute}% + \let \strc_notes_set_style_color_inline \strc_notes_set_style_color_inline_yes} + +\setvalue{\??noteinteractioninline\v!no}% + {\let\strc_notes_get_reference_attribute_symbol\empty + \let\strc_notes_set_style_color_inline \strc_notes_set_style_color_inline_nop} + +\expandafter\let\csname\??noteinteractioninline\v!number\expandafter\endcsname\csname\??noteinteractioninline\v!yes\endcsname +\expandafter\let\csname\??noteinteractioninline\v!text \expandafter\endcsname\csname\??noteinteractioninline\v!yes\endcsname + +\setvalue{\??noteinteractiondisplay\v!yes}% + {\dogetsimplepagereference{page(\ctxlua{structures.notes.getsymbolpage("\currentnote",\currentnotenumber)})}% + \edef\strc_notes_set_reference_attribute_number{\attribute\referenceattribute\currentreferenceattribute}% + \let \strc_notes_set_reference_attribute_text \donothing + \let \strc_notes_set_destination_attribute_text\donothing + \let \strc_notes_set_style_color_display \strc_notes_set_style_color_display_yes} + +\setvalue{\??noteinteractiondisplay\v!no}% + {\let\strc_notes_set_reference_attribute_number\donothing + \let\strc_notes_set_reference_attribute_text \donothing + \let\strc_notes_set_destination_attribute_text\donothing + \let\strc_notes_set_style_color_display \strc_notes_set_style_color_display_nop} + +\setvalue{\??noteinteractiondisplay\v!all}% + {\dogetsimplepagereference{page(\ctxlua{structures.notes.getsymbolpage("\currentnote",\currentnotenumber)})}% + \edef\strc_notes_set_reference_attribute_text {\attribute\referenceattribute\currentreferenceattribute}% + %\dosetsimplepagereference{note:\cldcontext{structures.notes.internalid("\currentnote",\currentnotenumber)}}% + \dosetsimplepagereference{note:\currentnote:\currentnotenumber}% + \edef\strc_notes_set_destination_attribute_text{\attribute\destinationattribute\currentdestinationattribute}% + \let \strc_notes_set_reference_attribute_number\strc_notes_set_reference_attribute_text + \let \strc_notes_set_style_color_display \strc_notes_set_style_color_display_yes} + +\setvalue{\??noteinteractiondisplay\v!text}% + {\dogetsimplepagereference{page(\ctxlua{structures.notes.getsymbolpage("\currentnote",\currentnotenumber)})}% + \edef\strc_notes_set_reference_attribute_text {\attribute\referenceattribute\currentreferenceattribute}% + %\dosetsimplepagereference{note:\cldcontext{structures.notes.internalid("\currentnote",\currentnotenumber)}}% + \dosetsimplepagereference{note:\currentnote:\currentnotenumber}% + \edef\strc_notes_set_destination_attribute_text{\attribute\destinationattribute\currentdestinationattribute}% + \let \strc_notes_set_reference_attribute_number\donothing + \let \strc_notes_set_style_color_display \strc_notes_set_style_color_display_yes} + +\expandafter\let\csname\??noteinteractiondisplay\v!number\expandafter\endcsname\csname\??noteinteractiondisplay\v!yes\endcsname + +\let\strc_notes_set_style_color_inline_nop \usenotestyleandcolor +\let\strc_notes_set_style_color_display_nop\usenotationstyleandcolor + +\unexpanded\def\strc_notes_set_style_color_inline_yes#1#2% + {\usenotestyleandcolor#1#2% + \iflocation\strc_notes_set_style_color_special\fi} + +\unexpanded\def\strc_notes_set_style_color_display_yes#1#2% + {\usenotationstyleandcolor#1#2% + \iflocation\strc_notes_set_style_color_special\fi} + +\def\strc_notes_set_style_color_special + {\iftrialtypesetting + % keep + \else\ifx\currentcolorparameter\empty + \scratchcounter\ctxlua{structures.notes.deltapage("\currentnote",\currentnotenumber)}\relax % todo calculate once + \setlocationcolorspecified\scratchcounter + \fi\fi} + +\setvalue{\??constructiontexthandler\v!notation}% + {\begingroup + % we need to retrigger the reference as otherwise it gets lost because we don't do nested + % references with the same id ... maybe some day if we can figure out a nice heuristic ... + % the problem is that normally it's no issue but here we lap into the margin, so maybe that's + % a criterium + % \strc_notes_interaction_check_display + \strc_notes_set_reference_attribute_number + \strc_notes_set_style_color_display\c!headstyle\c!headcolor + \strc_enumerations_text + \endgroup} + +\unexpanded\def\strc_notes_inject_pointer % todo calculate once + {\ifcase\ctxlua{structures.notes.deltapage("\currentnote",\currentnotenumber)}\relax + % unknown + \or + % same page + \or + \noteparameter\c!symbolcommand{\symbol[\v!note:\v!nextpage]}% + \or + \noteparameter\c!symbolcommand{\symbol[\v!note:\v!previouspage]}% + \fi} + +\unexpanded\def\strc_notes_register_note_page % called more often than needed + {\iftrialtypesetting \else + \normalexpanded{\noexpand\ctxlatelua{structures.notes.setsymbolpage("\currentnote",\currentnotenumber)}}% + \fi} + +\unexpanded\def\strc_notes_inject_symbol + {\removeunwantedspaces + \doifitalicelse\/\donothing % Charles IV \footnote{the fourth} + \ifdim\lastkern=\notesignal + \kern\noteparameter\c!distance % yes or no note font? or main text + \fi + \nobreak + \begingroup + % \currentconstructionsynchronize + \strc_notes_register_note_page % thsi registers the symbol page number (late) + \strc_notes_interaction_check_inline + \strc_notes_set_style_color_inline\c!textstyle\c!textcolor + \hbox \strc_notes_get_reference_attribute_symbol \bgroup + \dostarttagged\t!descriptionsymbol\currentnote + \dotagsetnotesymbol + \noteparameter\c!textcommand{\ctxcommand{noteprefixednumber("\currentnote",\currentnotenumber)}}% + \strc_notes_inject_pointer % this can cycle so we need to make sure it has no advance width + \egroup + \endgroup + \dostoptagged + \globallet\lastnotesymbol\relax} + +\unexpanded\def\strc_notes_inject_dummy % temp hack + {\removeunwantedspaces + \doifitalicelse\/\donothing % Charles IV \footnote{the fourth} + \ifdim\lastkern=\notesignal + \kern\noteparameter\c!distance % yes or no note font? or main text + \fi + \nobreak + \hbox to .5em{}% + \globallet\lastnotesymbol\relax} + +% this needs a further cleanup ... soon as it's a slow mechanism +% +% -- set breakpoint in descriptions +% -- reset after trialtypesetting +% -- that way we can trick the symbol space + +% removed: +% +% \pushsomestates +% +% core-ins -> obsolete +% +% saveinsertiondata +% restoreinsertiondata +% saveinsertionbox +% eraseinsertionbackup +% restoreinsertionbackup + +\def\savenotedata {} % \writestatus{todo}{save note data}} +\def\restorenotedata {} % \writestatus{todo}{restore note data}} +\def\savenotecontent {} % \writestatus{todo}{save note content}} +\def\restorenotecontent{} % \writestatus{todo}{restore note content}} +\def\erasenotebackup {} % \writestatus{todo}{erase note backup}} + +% page-set: + +\def\enablenotes {\writestatus{todo}{enable notes}} +\def\disablenotes {\writestatus{todo}{disable notes}} +\def\savenotes {\writestatus{todo}{save notes}} +\def\flushsavednotes{\writestatus{todo}{flush notes}} + +% experiment: (compare scope=text and scope=page) +% +% \definenote[mynote][way=bytext,location=text,width=\leftmarginwidth,scope=page,rule=,before=,after=,factor=0] +% \setuptexttexts[margin][\vbox to \textheight{\placenotes[mynote]\vfill}][] + +%D Footnotes are can be characterized by three components: +%D +%D \startitemize[packed] +%D \item a small number \footnote {a footnote number} or +%D symbol {\setupfootnotes [conversion=set 2]\footnote +%D {a footnote}} +%D \item and a similar mark at the bottom of the page +%D \item followed by some additional text +%D \stopitemize +%D +%D Because footnotes are declared at the location of their +%D reference they can be seen as a special kind of +%D floating bodies. Their placement is postponed but has to be +%D taken into account in the pagebreak calculations. This kind +%D of calculations are forced by using \type{\insert}s and dealing +%D with all cases is not trivial. + +%D \macros +%D {notesenabled} +%D +%D We need a couple of states because at some moments we don't want +%D to mess around with inserts at all. Take for instance a table +%D of contents. And so we can temporary disable footnotes by saying +%D +%D \starttyping +%D \notesenabledfalse +%D \stoptyping + +\newif\ifnotesenabled \notesenabledtrue + +% better mark a note .. once flushed no more flushing + +%appendtoks \notesenabledfalse \to \everymarking +\appendtoks \notesenabledfalse \to \everybeforepagebody +\appendtoks \notesenabledfalse \to \everystructurelist % quick hack + +%D Often we need to process the whole set of notes and to make that +%D fast, we use a token register: + +% we have several synchronizers: +% +% - after a definition +% - after a specific setup +% - after a general setup (inheritance of dimensions) +% - just before a note is typeset + +\newtoks\t_strc_notes + +\let\strc_notes_process_list\gobbleoneargument + +\unexpanded\def\strc_notes_process#1% argument is a \macro that uses \currentnote + {\def\strc_notes_process_list##1{\edef\currentnote{##1}\let\currentdescription\currentnote#1}% + \the\t_strc_notes} + +\newtoks\everychecknote % just before a note is typeset +\newtoks\everysynchronizenote % after a general setup has happened + +\appendtoks + \ifx\currentnote\empty \else + \setupnotations[\currentnote][]% also a synchronize + \fi +\to \everysynchronizenote + +\def\strc_notes_synchronize + {\the\everysynchronizenote} % we can speed this one up if needed by avoiding the commalist + +\appendtoks + \strc_notes_process\strc_notes_synchronize +\to \everysetupnoteroot + +\appendtoks + \the\everysynchronizenote +\to \everydefinenote + +% \starttext +% text \startfootnote Test.\stopfootnote +% test \footnote{xxxx} \subfootnote{xxxx} +% test \footnote{xxxx} \subfootnote{xxxx} +% \stoptext + +\installcorenamespace{notecommand} +\installcorenamespace{notealign} +\installcorenamespace{notepenalty} +\installcorenamespace{noterule} + +\def\currentnoterulecommand{\csname\??notecommand\currentnote\endcsname} +\def\currentnoterulealign {\csname\??notealign \currentnote\endcsname} + +\def\currentnoterulecommandnormal {\normalnoterule} % no let as it can be changed afterwards +\def\currentnoterulecommandunknown{\noteparameter\c!rule} + +\def\letcurrentnoterulecommand{\expandafter\let\csname\??notecommand\currentnote\endcsname} +\def\letcurrentnoterulealign {\expandafter\let\csname\??notealign \currentnote\endcsname} + +\appendtoks + \letvalue{\??notecommand\currentnote}\currentnoterulecommandnormal + \letvalue{\??notealign \currentnote}\lefttoright +\to \everysynchronizenote + +\def\strc_notes_set_rule + {\letcurrentnoterulecommand\relax + \processcommacommand[\noteparameter\c!rule]\strc_notes_set_rule_step} + +\def\strc_notes_set_rule_step#1% + {\csname\??noterule\ifcsname\??noterule#1\endcsname#1\else\s!unknown\fi\endcsname} + +\setvalue{\??noterule \v!on}{\letcurrentnoterulecommand\currentnoterulecommandnormal} +\setvalue{\??noterule \v!normal}{\letcurrentnoterulecommand\currentnoterulecommandnormal} +\setvalue{\??noterule \v!left}{\letcurrentnoterulealign \lefttoright} +\setvalue{\??noterule \v!right}{\letcurrentnoterulealign \righttoleft} +\setvalue{\??noterule \v!off}{\letcurrentnoterulecommand\relax} +\setvalue{\??noterule\s!unknown}{\letcurrentnoterulecommand\currentnoterulecommandunknown} + +\appendtoks + \strc_notes_set_rule +\to \everysynchronizenote + +\def\currentnotepenalty + {\ifcsname\??notepenalty\noteparameter\c!split\endcsname + \csname\??notepenalty\noteparameter\c!split\endcsname + \else + \numexpr\noteparameter\c!split\relax + \fi} + +\setnewconstant\notepenaltytolerant \zerocount +\setnewconstant\notepenaltystrict 9999 +\setnewconstant\notepenaltyverystrict\maxdimen + +\letvalue{\??notepenalty\v!tolerant }\notepenaltytolerant +\letvalue{\??notepenalty\v!strict }\notepenaltystrict +\letvalue{\??notepenalty\v!verystrict}\notepenaltyverystrict +\letvalue{\??notepenalty }\notepenaltytolerant + +\def\strc_notes_set_width + {\edef\p_width{\noteparameter\c!width}% + \ifx\p_width\empty + \setnoteparameter\c!width{\hsize}% + \fi} + +\appendtoks + \strc_notes_set_width +\to \everysynchronizenote + +%D The following switch can be used to disable limiting the height of the footnote +%D area, something that is needed in multi column balancing. Use this switch with +%D care. + +\newif\ifnotelimit \notelimittrue % shared + +\def\strc_notes_set_factor + {\edef\p_factor{\noteparameter\c!factor}% + \ifx\p_factor\empty \else + \ifnum\p_factor<\zerocount \else +% \global + \count\currentnoteins\p_factor % new: global + \fi + \fi} + +\appendtoks + \strc_notes_set_factor +\to \everysynchronizenote + +% locations: + +\installcorenamespace{notelocationvariant} +\installcorenamespace{notepositionvariant} +\installcorenamespace{notelocation} + +% \newconditional\c_strc_notes_delayed + +\setvalue{\??notelocation\v!page }{\letvalue{\??notelocationvariant\currentnote}\strc_notes_set_location_page} +\setvalue{\??notelocation\v!columns }{\letvalue{\??notelocationvariant\currentnote}\strc_notes_set_location_columns} +\setvalue{\??notelocation\v!lastcolumn }{\letvalue{\??notelocationvariant\currentnote}\strc_notes_set_location_lastcolumn} +\setvalue{\??notelocation\v!firstcolumn}{\letvalue{\??notelocationvariant\currentnote}\strc_notes_set_location_firstcolumn} +\setvalue{\??notelocation\v!none }{\letvalue{\??notelocationvariant\currentnote}\strc_notes_set_location_none} +\setvalue{\??notelocation\v!text }{\letvalue{\??notelocationvariant\currentnote}\strc_notes_set_location_text} +\setvalue{\??notelocation\v!high }{\letvalue{\??notepositionvariant\currentnote}\strc_notes_set_position_high} +\setvalue{\??notelocation\v!bottom }{\letvalue{\??notepositionvariant\currentnote}\strc_notes_set_position_bottom} + +\def\strc_notes_set_location + {\letvalue{\??notelocationvariant\currentnote}\strc_notes_set_position_page + \letvalue{\??notepositionvariant\currentnote}\strc_notes_set_position_bottom + \normalexpanded{\rawprocesscommalist[\noteparameter\c!location]\strc_notes_set_location_step}} + +\unexpanded\def\strc_notes_set_location_step#1% + {\ifcsname\??notelocation#1\endcsname + \csname\??notelocation#1\endcsname + \fi} + +\appendtoks + \strc_notes_set_location +\to \everysynchronizenote + +\newskip \s_strc_notes_distance % we need to implement stretch +\newcount\c_strc_notes_columns + +\def\strc_notes_set_distance + {\begingroup + \setbox\scratchbox\vbox % no reuse as it can mirror + {\forgetall + % \strc_notes_set_bodyfont + \dontcomplain + \noteparameter\c!before + \placenoterule + \noteparameter\c!after}% + \expandafter\endgroup\expandafter + \s_strc_notes_distance\the\ht\scratchbox\relax} + +\def\strc_notes_set_columns + {\c_strc_notes_columns\noteparameter\c!n\relax + \ifcase\c_strc_notes_columns + \c_strc_notes_columns\plusone + \fi} + +\def\strc_notes_set_location_page + {%\setfalse\c_strc_notes_delayed + \strc_notes_set_distance + \strc_notes_set_columns + \global\count\currentnoteins\numexpr\plusthousand/\c_strc_notes_columns\relax + \global\dimen\currentnoteins\ifnotelimit\dimexpr\noteparameter\c!height*\c_strc_notes_columns\relax\else\maxdimen\fi + \global\skip \currentnoteins\s_strc_notes_distance} + +\def\strc_notes_set_location_columns + {%\setfalse\c_strc_notes_delayed + \strc_notes_set_distance + \strc_notes_set_columns + \ifnum\currentnofcolumns=\zerocount + \c_strc_notes_columns\plusone + \fi + \global\count\currentnoteins\numexpr\plusthousand/\c_strc_notes_columns\relax + \global\dimen\currentnoteins\ifnotelimit\dimexpr\noteparameter\c!height*\c_strc_notes_columns\relax\else\maxdimen\fi + \global\skip \currentnoteins\s_strc_notes_distance} + +\def\strc_notes_set_location_firstcolumn + {%\setfalse\c_strc_notes_delayed + \strc_notes_set_distance + \strc_notes_set_columns + \global\count\currentnoteins\plusthousand + \global\dimen\currentnoteins\ifnotelimit\noteparameter\c!height\else\maxdimen\fi + \global\skip \currentnoteins\s_strc_notes_distance} + +\let\strc_notes_set_location_lastcolumn\strc_notes_set_location_firstcolumn + +\def\strc_notes_set_location_text % we don't use inserts anyway (e.g. endnotes) + {%\settrue\c_strc_notes_delayed + \ctxlua{structures.notes.setstate("\currentnote","store")}% + \global\dimen\currentnoteins\maxdimen + \global\count\currentnoteins\zerocount + \global\skip \currentnoteins\zeropoint} + +\let\strc_notes_set_location_none\strc_notes_set_location_text + +\def\strc_notes_set_properties + {\strc_notes_set_columns + \strc_notes_set_distance + \csname\??notelocationvariant\currentnote\endcsname} + +\let\strc_notes_set_position_high\relax + +\def\strc_notes_set_position_bottom + {\settrue\c_notes_bottom_present} + +\appendtoks + \strc_notes_set_properties +\to \everysynchronizenote + +%D A fast checker for bottom notes being used: + +\newconditional\c_notes_bottom_present + +\def\strc_notes_check_if_bottom_present_indeed % in otr ! + {\ifvoid\currentnoteins\else + \csname\??notepositionvariant\currentnote\endcsname + \fi} + +\def\strc_notes_check_if_bottom_present_step + {\ifconditional\c_notes_bottom_present\else\strc_notes_check_if_bottom_present_indeed\fi} + +\def\strc_notes_check_if_bottom_present + {\setfalse\c_notes_bottom_present + \strc_notes_process\strc_notes_check_if_bottom_present_step} + +% Example of using factor: +% +% \definenote[mynote][way=bypage,location=text,width=\marginwidth,rule=,before=,factor=0] +% \setuplayout[backspace=5cm,margin=3cm,margindistance=.5cm,width=middle] +% \setuptexttexts[margin][\vbox to \textheight{\placenotes[mynote]\vfill}][] +% \starttext +% \dorecurse{10}{test \mynote{one one one one one one} \input zapf \mynote{one one one one one one} } +% \stoptext + +%D The noterule can be a graphic and therefore calling this +%D setup macro at every skipswitch is tricky (many many MP +%D runs). Let's just reserve a few points, that probably match +%D those of the stretch component. + +%D A bit messy: + +\unexpanded\def\placenoterule + {\begingroup + \currentnoterulealign + \currentnoterulecommand + \par + \endgroup} + +\unexpanded\def\normalnoterule + {\ifvmode + \dontleavehmode \blackrule + [\c!color=\noteparameter\c!rulecolor, + \c!width=.2\hsize, + \c!height=\noteparameter\c!rulethickness, + \c!depth=\zeropoint]% + \endgraf + \kern\strutdepth + \fi} + +\ifdefined\setnotehsize \else + + \unexpanded\def\setnotehsize{\hsize\noteparameter\c!width\relax} % can be overloaded + +\fi + +%D The formatting depends on the width of the table, so we +%D have to set \type {n} to zero. +%D +%D \starttyping +%D \startbuffer +%D \bTABLE +%D \bTR \bTD one \footnote{\dorecurse{10}{abcd }} \eTD \bTD two \eTD \eTR +%D \bTR \bTD three fout five six seven eight nine \eTD \bTD ten \eTD \eTR +%D \eTABLE +%D \stopbuffer +%D +%D \startlocalfootnotes[n=0,location={text,none}] +%D \placelegend[n=2]{\getbuffer}{\placelocalfootnotes} +%D \stoplocalfootnotes +%D \stoptyping + +%D \macros +%D {footnote} +%D +%D A footnote can have a reference as optional argument and +%D therefore its formal specification looks like: +%D +%D \showsetup{footnote} +%D +%D This command has one optional command: the reference. By +%D saying \type{[-]} the number is omitted. The footnote +%D command is not that sensitive to spacing, so it's quite +%D legal to say: +%D +%D \startbuffer +%D Users of \CONTEXT\ must keep both feet \footnote{Given they +%D have two.} on the ground and not get confused \footnote{Or +%D even crazy.} by all those obscure \footnote{But fortunately +%D readable.} parameters. +%D \stopbuffer +%D +%D \typebuffer +%D +%D When setting the \type{conversion} to \type{set 2} we get +%D something like: +%D +%D \bgroup +%D \startnarrower +%D \setupfootnotes[conversion=set 1] +%D \getbuffer +%D \stopnarrower +%D \egroup +%D +%D Typesetting footnotes is, at least for the moment, disabled +%D when reshaping boxes. +%D +%D The additional macro \type {\footnotetext} and the +%D associated \type {\note} macro were implemented at +%D request of users on the mailing list and a suggestion by +%D taco to split of the symbol placement. I decided to +%D merge this functionality with the existing \type {\note} +%D functionality. + +%D The next implementation runs on top of enumerations (only in \MKIV). +%D +%D \starttyping +%D \setupenumerations +%D [footnote] +%D [ style=\type{(es)}, +%D headstyle=\type{(hs)}] +%D +%D \setupnote +%D [footnote] +%D [ style=\type{(s)}, +%D command=\type{(c)}, +%D textcommand=\type{(tc)}, +%D textstyle=\type{(ts)}, +%D numberstyle=\type{(ns)}, +%D numbercommand=\type{(nc)}] +%D +%D \setuplayout[backspace=6cm,marginwidth=cm,width=middle] +%D +%D \starttext +%D \dorecurse{9}{This\footnote{Hello World #1} is a test.\par } +%D \stoptext +%D \stoptyping + +% check what is called at the lua end + +% ugly ... + +\newconditional\c_strc_notes_symbol \settrue\c_strc_notes_symbol % not used +\newconditional\c_strc_notes_skip + + \unexpanded\def\setnote [#1]{\getvalue{#1}} + \unexpanded\def\setnotetext[#1]{\global\settrue\c_strc_notes_skip\getvalue{#1}} + +\def\handlenoteinsert#1#2% tg, id + {\begingroup + \edef\currentnote{#1}% + \the\everybeforenoteinsert + \insert\currentnoteins\bgroup + \the\everyinsidenoteinsert\relax + \doprocesslocalsetups{\noteparameter\c!setups}% experimental + \doifelse{\noteparameter\c!paragraph}\v!yes + {\nointerlineskip + \startvboxtohbox + \handlenoteitself{#1}{#2}% + % add some slack + \stopvboxtohbox} + {\handlenoteitself{#1}{#2}}% + \egroup + \the\everyafternoteinsert + \endgroup} + +\def\betweennoteitself#1% tg + {\edef\currentnote{#1}% + \doif{\noteparameter\c!paragraph}\v!yes\strc_notes_between_paragraphs} + +\def\handlenoteitself#1#2% tg, id + {\edef\currentnote{#1}% + \edef\currentnotenumber{#2}% + \edef\currentconstructionlistentry{\ctxlua{tex.write(structures.notes.listindex("#1",#2))}}% index in list cache + % as we can have collected notes (e.g. in tables) we need to recover + % \currentdescriptionattribute and \currentdescriptionsynchronize + % + %\reinstateconstructionnumberentry\currentconstructionlistentry % we could store the number in the entry + % + \dontcomplain +% \begingroup + \strc_notes_interaction_check_display + \strc_notes_set_reference_attribute_text + \strc_constructions_stored_start + \begstrut + \strc_notes_set_destination_attribute_text + \strc_notes_inject_text + \endstrut + \strc_constructions_stored_stop +% \endgroup + } + +\unexpanded\def\strc_notes_inject_text + {\ctxcommand{savedlisttitle("\currentconstructionmain",\currentconstructionlistentry)}} + +\let\startpushnote\relax +\let\stoppushnote \relax + +\newsignal\notesignal + +\newconditional\processingnote +\newconditional\postponednote + +\newtoks\everybeforenoteinsert +\newtoks\everyinsidenoteinsert +\newtoks\everyafternoteinsert + +\appendtoks + \let\flushnotes\relax + \let\postponenotes\relax + \forgetall + \resetallattributes % new, we don't want color bleed into notes +\to \everybeforenoteinsert + +\appendtoks + \doif{\noteparameter\c!scope}\v!page{\floatingpenalty\maxdimen}% experiment + \penalty\currentnotepenalty + \forgetall + \strc_notes_set_bodyfont + \redoconvertfont % to undo \undo calls in in headings etc + \splittopskip\strutht % not actually needed here + \splitmaxdepth\strutdp % not actually needed here + % brrr + \leftmargindistance \noteparameter\c!margindistance + \rightmargindistance\leftmargindistance +% \ifnum\noteparameter\c!n=\zerocount % no ifcase new 31-07-99 ; always ? +% \doifnotinset{\noteparameter\c!width}{\v!fit,\v!broad}\setnotehsize % ? +% \fi +\to \everyinsidenoteinsert + +\appendtoks % only needed when columns + \setsimplecolumnshsize[\c!distance=\noteparameter\c!columndistance,\c!n=\noteparameter\c!n,\c!width=\noteparameter\c!width]% +\to \everyinsidenoteinsert + +% not: \appendtoks \setnotehsize \to \everyinsidenoteinsert (spoils columns) + +%D Normally footnotes are saved as inserts that are called upon +%D as soon as the pagebody is constructed. The footnote +%D insertion routine looks just like the \PLAIN\ \TEX\ one, +%D except that we check for the end note state. + +% testcase for split bottom alignment see (a) below +% +% \dorecurse{6}{\input tufte\footnote{\input ward \input tufte \relax}} + +\unexpanded\def\placenoteinserts + {\strc_notes_process\strc_notes_place_inserts} + +\def\strc_notes_place_inserts + {%\ifconditional\c_strc_notes_delayed \else + \ifdim\ht\currentnoteins>\zeropoint % or a faster delayed test + \strc_notes_place_inserts_indeed + \fi} + +\def\strc_notes_place_inserts_indeed + {\relax + \ifdim\ht\currentnoteins>\zeropoint + \endgraf + \ifvmode + \whitespace + \noteparameter\c!before + \fi + % \bgroup + % \setupalign[\noteparameter\c!align]% + \placenoterule % alleen in ..mode + % \par + % \egroup + \bgroup + \strc_notes_set_bodyfont + \setbox\scratchbox\hbox + {\strc_notes_flush_inserts}% + \setbox\scratchbox\hbox + {\setupcurrentnote + [\c!location=, + \c!width=\v!fit, + \c!height=\v!fit, + \c!strut=\v!no, + \c!offset=\v!overlay]% + \inheritednoteframed + {\ifdim\dp\scratchbox=\zeropoint % this hack is needed because \vadjust + \hbox{\lower\strutdp\box\scratchbox}% % in margin number placement + \else % hides the (always) present depth + \box\scratchbox + \fi}}% + \setbox\scratchbox\hbox{\lower\strutdepth\box\scratchbox}% + \dp\scratchbox\strutdepth % so we know that it has the note bodyfont depth + \box\scratchbox + \egroup + \endgraf + \ifvmode + \noteparameter\c!after + \fi + \fi} + +\def\strc_notes_flush_inserts + {\ifcase\noteparameter\c!n\relax + % should not happen + \or + \strc_notes_flush_inserts_normal + \else + \strc_notes_flush_inserts_columns + \fi} + +\def\strc_notes_flush_inserts_normal + {%\iftrialtypesetting\copy\else\box\fi\currentnoteins + \strc_notes_flush_global + \obeydepth} % (a) added , since split footnotes will not align properly + +\def\strc_notes_flush_inserts_columns + {\startsimplecolumns[\c!distance=\noteparameter\c!columndistance,\c!n=\noteparameter\c!n,\c!width=\noteparameter\c!width]% + %\iftrialtypesetting\unvcopied\else\unvboxed\fi\currentnoteins % compare with local + \strc_notes_flush_global + \stopsimplecolumns} + +% idea: tag with attr and then just flush them again + +\def\strc_notes_between_paragraphs % should not be too much + {\noteparameter\c!inbetween} + +\def\strc_notes_between_paragraphs_first + {\glet\strc_notes_between_paragraphs_indeed\strc_notes_between_paragraphs}% shape works reverse + +\def\strc_notes_flush_global % will be done in lua instead + {\doifelse{\noteparameter\c!paragraph}\v!yes + {\vbox + {\beginofshapebox + \iftrialtypesetting\unvcopied\else\unvboxed\fi\currentnoteins + \endofshapebox + %\doreshapebox{\box\shapebox}{}{}{}% get rid of penalties etc + \let\strc_notes_between_paragraphs_indeed\strc_notes_between_paragraphs_first % shape works reverse + \doreshapebox + {\hbox{\unhbox\shapebox\strc_notes_between_paragraphs_indeed}} + {}% + {}% + {}% get rid of penalties etc + \innerflushshapebox + \convertvboxtohbox}} + {\iftrialtypesetting\unvcopied\else\unvboxed\fi\currentnoteins}} + +%D Supporting end notes is surprisingly easy. Even better, we +%D can combine this feature with solving the common \TEX\ +%D problem of disappearing inserts when they're called for in +%D deeply nested boxes. The general case looks like: +%D +%D \starttyping +%D \postponenotes +%D \.box{whatever we want with footnotes} +%D \flushnotes +%D \stoptyping +%D +%D This alternative can be used in headings, captions, tables +%D etc. The latter one sometimes calls for notes local to +%D the table, which can be realized by saying +%D +%D \starttyping +%D \setlocalfootnotes +%D some kind of table with local footnotes +%D \placelocalfootnotes +%D \stoptyping +%D +%D Postponing is accomplished by simply redefining the (local) +%D insert operation. A not too robust method uses the +%D \type{\insert} primitive when possible. This method fails in +%D situations where it's not entirely clear in what mode \TEX\ +%D is. Therefore the auto method can is to be overruled when +%D needed. + +\newconditional\postponingnotes + +% we need a proper state: normal, postponing, flushing + +\def\postponenotes + {\ifconditional\postponingnotes\else + \global\settrue\postponingnotes + \global\let\flushnotes\doflushnotes + \ctxlua{structures.notes.postpone()}% + \fi} + +\let\flushnotes\relax + +\def\doflushnotes + {\ifconditional\postponingnotes + \begingroup + \let\flushnotes \relax + \let\postponenotes\relax + \ctxlua{structures.notes.flushpostponed()}% this also resets the states ! + \global\setfalse\postponednote + \global\setfalse\postponingnotes + \global\let\flushnotes\relax + \endgroup + \fi} + +%D \macros +%D {startlocalfootnotes,placelocalfootnotes} +%D +%D The next two macros can be used in for instance tables, as +%D we'll demonstrate later on. +%D +%D \showsetup{startlocalfootnotes} +%D \showsetup{placelocalfootnotes} + +% todo: compatibility mode: when first arg is assignment or missing, then all + +\newtoks\everyplacelocalnotes + +\appendtoks + \let\flushnotes \relax + \let\postponenotes\relax +\to \everyplacelocalnotes + +\newconditional\inlocalnotes + +\unexpanded\def\startlocalnotes + {\dosingleempty\strc_notes_local_start} + +\def\strc_notes_local_start[#1]% + {\def\localnoteslist{#1}% + \settrue\inlocalnotes + \processcommacommand[\localnoteslist]\strc_notes_local_start_step} + +\unexpanded\def\stoplocalnotes + {\processcommacommand[\localnoteslist]\strc_notes_local_stop_step + \setfalse\inlocalnotes} + +\def\strc_notes_local_start_step#1% + {\doifnot{\noteparameter\c!continue}\v!yes + {\strc_counters_save{#1}% + \strc_counters_reset{#1}}% + \ctxlua{structures.notes.save("#1","store")}} + +\def\strc_notes_local_stop_step#1% + {\doifnot{\noteparameter\c!continue}\v!yes + {\strc_counters_restore{#1}}% + \ctxlua{structures.notes.restore("#1")}} + +\unexpanded\def\placelocalnotes + {\dodoubleempty\strc_notes_local_place} + +\def\strc_notes_local_place[#1][#2]% + {\doif{\ctxlua{structures.notes.getstate("#1")}}{store}{\strc_notes_local_place_indeed{#2}{#1}}} + +\def\strc_notes_local_place_indeed#1#2% settings note + {\begingroup + \edef\currentnote{#2}% is already set? + \the\everyplacelocalnotes + % beware, we cannot trust setting \currentnote here + \setupcurrentnote[\c!width=\v!fit,\c!height=\v!fit,\c!strut=\v!no,\c!offset=\v!overlay,#1]% we only need a selective one + \strc_notes_place_local_alternative + \strc_notes_set_properties % restore globals (if needed) + \endgroup + }% TODO: just restore properties \the\everychecknote} % we need to restore the old state + +%D These commands can be used like: +%D +%D \startbuffer +%D \startlocalnotes[width=.3\hsize,n=0] +%D \placetable +%D {Some Table} +%D \placeontopofeachother +%D {\starttable[|l|r|] +%D \HL +%D \VL Nota\footnote{Bene} \VL Bene\footnote{Nota} \VL\SR +%D \VL Bene\footnote{Nota} \VL Nota\footnote{Bene} \VL\SR +%D \HL +%D \stoptable} +%D {\placelocalnotes} +%D \stoplocalnotes +%D \stopbuffer +%D +%D \typebuffer +%D +%D Because this table placement macro expect box content, and +%D thanks to the grouping of the local footnotes, we don't need +%D additional braces. +%D +%D \getbuffer + +%D \macros +%D {placefootnotes} +%D +%D We still have no decent command for placing footnotes +%D somewhere else than at the bottom of the page (for which no +%D user action is needed). Footnotes (endnotes) can be +%D placed by using +%D +%D \showsetup{placefootnotes} + +\unexpanded\def\placebottomnotes + {\strc_notes_process\strc_notes_place_inserts} + +\unexpanded\def\placenotes + {\dodoubleempty\strc_notes_place} + +\def\strc_notes_place[#1][#2]% + {\processcommalist[#1]{\strc_notes_place_indeed{#2}}} + +\def\strc_notes_place_indeed#1#2% settings note + {\edef\currentnote{#2}% grouping ? + \doifelse{\ctxlua{structures.notes.getstate("#2")}}{store} + \strc_notes_local_place_indeed + \strc_notes_global_place_indeed + {#1}{#2}} + +\def\strc_notes_global_place_indeed#1#2% + {\begingroup + \setupnote[#2][#1]% + \strc_notes_place_inserts + \endgroup + \the\everysetupnote} % to be checked .. synchronize + +%D Placement + +\installcorenamespace{notealternative} + +\unexpanded\def\installnotealternative#1#2% + {\setvalue{\??notealternative#1}{#2}} + +\unexpanded\def\doifnotescollected#1% + {\ctxlua{structures.notes.doifcontent("#1")}} + +\def\strc_notes_place_local_alternative % will be a setup (wrapper) + {\doifnotescollected\currentnote + {\endgraf + \ifvmode + \whitespace + \noteparameter\c!before + \fi + \begingroup + \strc_notes_set_bodyfont + \getvalue{\??notealternative\noteparameter\c!alternative}% + \endgroup + \ifvmode + \noteparameter\c!after + \fi}} + +\setvalue{\??notealternative}{\getvalue{\??notealternative\v!none}} + +%D A stupid alternative is also provided: +%D +%D \starttyping +%D \setupfootnotes[location=text,alternative=none] +%D \stoptyping + +% setups ? + +% \def\flushlocalnotes#1{\ctxlua{structures.notes.flush("#1","store")}} +\def\flushlocalnotes#1{\ctxlua{structures.notes.flush("#1","store","\noteparameter\c!criterium")}} + +\installnotealternative \v!none + {\flushlocalnotes\currentnote} + +\installnotealternative \v!grid % test if n > 0 + {\begingroup + \setupcurrentnote[\c!location=]% + \snaptogrid\hbox + {\inheritednoteframed + {\flushlocalnotes\currentnote}}% + \endgroup} + +\installnotealternative \v!fixed % test if n > 0 + {\begingroup + \setupcurrentnote[\c!location=]% + \inheritednoteframed + {\flushlocalnotes\currentnote}% + \endgroup} + +\installnotealternative \v!columns % redundant + {\begingroup + \setupcurrentnote[\c!location=]% + \inheritednoteframed + {\edef\currentnotewidth{\noteparameter\c!width}% + \doifdimensionelse\currentnotewidth\donothing + {\edef\currentnotewidth{\the\hsize}}% + \startsimplecolumns[\c!distance=\noteparameter\c!columndistance,\c!n=\noteparameter\c!n,\c!width=\currentnotewidth]% + \flushlocalnotes\currentnote + \stopsimplecolumns}% + \endgroup} + +% 0:page 1:firstcolumn 2:lastcolumn + +\newconstant\c_strc_notes_page_location + +\unexpanded\def\strc_notes_check_locations + {\edef\p_strc_notes_location{\rootnoteparameter\c!location}% + \c_strc_notes_page_location + \ifx\p_strc_notes_location\v!firstcolumn\plusone \else + \ifx\p_strc_notes_location\v!lastcolumn \plustwo \else + \zerocount\fi\fi} + +\appendtoks + \strc_notes_check_locations +\to \everysynchronizenote + +% still semi public (but will change) + +\newif\ifnotespresent + +\unexpanded\def\checknotepresence + {\notespresentfalse + \strc_notes_process\strc_notes_check_presence} + +\def\strc_notes_check_presence + {\ifdim\ht\currentnoteins>\zeropoint + \notespresenttrue + \fi} + +%D \macros +%D {fakenotes} + + % used in page-mul + + \ifdefined\currentnofcolumns\else \def\currentnofcolumns{\@@kln} \fi + + \unexpanded\def\fakenotes + {\ifhmode\endgraf\fi\ifvmode + \calculatetotalclevernoteheight + \ifdim\totalnoteheight>\zeropoint \kern\totalnoteheight \fi + \fi} + + \unexpanded\def\fakepagenotes + {\ifhmode\endgraf\fi\ifvmode + \calculatetotalpagenoteheight + \ifdim\totalnoteheight>\zeropoint \kern\totalnoteheight \fi + \fi} + + \newdimen\totalnoteheight + + \def\doaddtototalnoteheight#1% + {\ifdim\ht#1>\zeropoint + \ifcase\count#1\else + % todo: divide by count + \advance\totalnoteheight\ht #1% + \advance\totalnoteheight\skip#1% + \fi + \fi} + + \def\docalculatetotalnoteheight + {\ifcase\c_strc_notes_page_location % tricky here ! ! ! to be sorted out ! ! ! + \doaddtototalnoteheight\currentnoteins + \else + % \doaddtototalnoteheight\currentbackupnoteins + \fi} + + \def\docalculatetotalclevernoteheight + {\ifcase\c_strc_notes_page_location \else % tricky here ! ! ! to be sorted out ! ! ! + \doaddtototalnoteheight\currentnoteins + \fi} + + \def\docalculatetotalpagenoteheight + {\doaddtototalnoteheight\currentnoteins} + + \def\calculatetotalnoteheight {\totalnoteheight\zeropoint\strc_notes_process\docalculatetotalnoteheight} + \def\calculatetotalclevernoteheight{\totalnoteheight\zeropoint\strc_notes_process\docalculatetotalclevernoteheight} + \def\calculatetotalpagenoteheight {\totalnoteheight\zeropoint\strc_notes_process\docalculatetotalpagenoteheight} + +%D Now how can this mechanism be hooked into \CONTEXT\ without +%D explictly postponing footnotes? The solution turned out to +%D be rather simple: +%D +%D \starttyping +%D \everypar {...\flushnotes...} +%D \neverypar {...\postponenotes} +%D \stoptyping +%D +%D We can use \type{\neverypar} because in most commands +%D sensitive to footnote gobbling we disable \type{\everypar} +%D in favor for \type{\neverypar}. In fact, this footnote +%D implementation is the first to use this scheme. + +%D This is a nasty and new secondary footnote flusher. It +%D can be hooked into \type {\everypar} like: +%D +%D \starttyping +%D \appendtoks \synchronizenotes \to \everypar +%D \stoptyping + +% \def\dosynchronizenotes +% {\ifvoid\currentnoteins\else\insert\currentnoteins{\unvbox\currentnoteins}\fi} +% +% \def\synchronizenotes +% {\strc_notes_process\dosynchronizenotes} + +\let\synchronizenotes\relax + +%D When typesetting footnotes, we have to return to the +%D footnote specific bodyfont size, which is in most cases derived +%D from the global document bodyfont size. In the previous macros +%D we already used a footnote specific font setting macro. + +\def\strc_notes_set_bodyfont + {\let\strc_notes_set_bodyfont\relax + \restoreglobalbodyfont + \switchtobodyfont[\noteparameter\c!bodyfont]% + \setupalign[\noteparameter\c!align]} + +%D The footnote mechanism defaults to a traditional one +%D column way of showing them. By default we precede them by +%D a small line. + +\definenote [\v!footnote] +\definenote [\v!endnote ] [\c!location=\v!none] % else no break + +%D Compatibility macros: + +\unexpanded\def\setupfootnotedefinition{\setupnotedefinition [\v!footnote]} +\unexpanded\def\setupfootnotes {\setupnote [\v!footnote]} + \def\footnotetext {\setnotetext [\v!footnote]} +\unexpanded\def\placefootnotes {\dodoubleempty\strc_notes_place_footnotes [\v!footnote]} +\unexpanded\def\placelocalfootnotes {\dodoubleempty\strc_notes_place_local_footnotes[\v!footnote]} +\unexpanded\def\startlocalfootnotes {\startlocalnotes [\v!footnote]} % alleen footnote +\unexpanded\def\stoplocalfootnotes {\stoplocalnotes } + +\def\strc_notes_place_footnotes [#1][#2]{\ifsecondargument\placenotes [#1][#2,\c!height=\textheight]\else\placenotes [#1]\fi} +\def\strc_notes_place_local_footnotes[#1][#2]{\ifsecondargument\placelocalnotes[#1][#2,\c!height=\textheight]\else\placelocalnotes[#1]\fi} + +%D Goodies: +%D +%D \starttyping +%D \dorecurse {100} { +%D test \footnote{\doifnoteonsamepageelse[footnote]{ibidem}{aaa}} +%D } +%D \stoptyping + +\def\doifnoteonsamepageelse[#1]{\ctxlua{structures.notes.doifonsamepageasprevious("#1")}} + +%D New trickery: + +%D \macros +%D {note} +%D +%D Refering to a note is accomplished by the rather short +%D command: +%D +%D \showsetup{note} +%D +%D This command is implemented rather straightforward as: + +\installcorenamespace{notesymbol} + +\let\lastnotesymbol\relax % todo: per class + +\unexpanded\def\notesymbol + {\dodoubleempty\strc_notes_symbol} + +\def\strc_notes_symbol[#1][#2]% + {\dontleavehmode + \begingroup + \edef\currentnote{#1}% + \usenotestyleandcolor\c!textstyle\c!textcolor + \ifnotesenabled + \ifsecondargument + \unskip + \noteparameter\c!textcommand{\in[#2]}% command here? + \else + \noteparameter\c!textcommand\lastnotesymbol % check if command double + \fi + \fi + \endgroup} + +\unexpanded\def\note + {\dodoubleempty\strc_notes_note} + +\def\strc_notes_note[#1][#2]% + {\ifsecondargument + \strc_notes_symbol[#1][#2]% + \else + \secondargumenttrue + \strc_notes_symbol[\v!footnote][#1]% + \fi} + +% will be redone if needed +% +% \def\ownnotesymbol#1% #1 gets number passed +% {\executeifdefined{\??notesymbol\currentnote}\empty} +% +% \unexpanded\def\setnotesymbol[#1]#2#3% +% {\prewordbreak % prevent lookback +% \setgvalue{\??notesymbol#1}{#3} +% \strc_notes_inject_symbol} +% +% \unexpanded\def\ownnote[#1]#2#3#4% +% {\setnotesymbol[#1]{#2}{#3}% +% \setnotetext [#1]{#4}} +% +% \defineconversion +% [ownnote] +% [\ownnotesymbol] + +\protect \endinput diff --git a/tex/context/base/strc-ref.lua b/tex/context/base/strc-ref.lua index f093e1275..989bf5c23 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/strc-ref.lua +++ b/tex/context/base/strc-ref.lua @@ -274,11 +274,6 @@ function references.set(kind,prefix,tag,data) end end -function references.setandgetattribute(kind,prefix,tag,data,view) -- maybe do internal automatically here - references.set(kind,prefix,tag,data) - texcount.lastdestinationattribute = references.setinternalreference(prefix,tag,nil,view) or -0x7FFFFFFF -end - function references.enhance(prefix,tag) local l = tobesaved[prefix][tag] if l then @@ -1534,6 +1529,8 @@ directives.register("references.linkmethod", function(v) -- page mixed names references.setinnermethod(v) end) +-- this is inconsistent + function references.setinternalreference(prefix,tag,internal,view) -- needs checking if innermethod == "page" then return unsetvalue @@ -1563,8 +1560,22 @@ function references.setinternalreference(prefix,tag,internal,view) -- needs chec end end +function references.setandgetattribute(kind,prefix,tag,data,view) -- maybe do internal automatically here + references.set(kind,prefix,tag,data) + texcount.lastdestinationattribute = references.setinternalreference(prefix,tag,nil,view) or -0x7FFFFFFF +end + function references.getinternalreference(n) -- n points into list (todo: registers) local l = lists.collected[n] + return l and l.references.internal or n +end + +function commands.setinternalreference(prefix,tag,internal,view) -- needs checking + context(references.setinternalreference(prefix,tag,internal,view)) +end + +function commands.getinternalreference(n) -- this will also be a texcount + local l = lists.collected[n] context(l and l.references.internal or n) end diff --git a/tex/context/base/strc-ref.mkvi b/tex/context/base/strc-ref.mkvi index b1268170b..88d491a31 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/strc-ref.mkvi +++ b/tex/context/base/strc-ref.mkvi @@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ %D For internal usage: -\def\dosetsimplepagereference#label% +\def\dosetsimplepagereference#label% beware, not that ok as it injects a dummy ... brrr {\iflocation \ctxlua{structures.references.setandgetattribute("\s!page", "\referenceprefix","#label", { diff --git a/tex/context/base/strc-sec.mkiv b/tex/context/base/strc-sec.mkiv index 2602759dc..3d7655776 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/strc-sec.mkiv +++ b/tex/context/base/strc-sec.mkiv @@ -719,7 +719,7 @@ \docheckheadlayout \fi\fi}% {\docheckheadlayout}% - \doifnot{\headparameter\c!aligntitle}\v!float\flushsidefloats + \doifnot{\headparameter\c!aligntitle}\v!float\page_otr_command_flush_side_floats \headparameter\c!before \relax % \ifpagebreakdisabled diff --git a/tex/context/base/strc-tag.mkiv b/tex/context/base/strc-tag.mkiv index a52e9b1af..61225329c 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/strc-tag.mkiv +++ b/tex/context/base/strc-tag.mkiv @@ -22,117 +22,122 @@ %D Eventually these labels will either move to the modules %D where they're used, or they will en dup in mult-tag. -\def\t!document {document} % Div - -\def\t!division {division} % Div -\def\t!paragraph {paragraph} % P -\def\t!p {p} % P -\def\t!construct {construct} % Span -\def\t!highlight {highlight} % Span - -\def\t!section {section} % Sect -\def\t!sectiontitle {sectiontitle} % H -\def\t!sectionnumber {sectionnumber} % H -\def\t!sectioncontent {sectioncontent} % Div - -\def\t!itemgroup {itemgroup} % L -\def\t!item {item} % Li -\def\t!itemtag {itemtag} % Lbl -\def\t!itemcontent {itemcontent} % LBody - -\def\t!description {description} % Li -\def\t!descriptiontag {descriptiontag} % Lbl -\def\t!descriptioncontent{descriptioncontent} % LBody -\def\t!descriptionsymbol {descriptionsymbol} % Span - -\def\t!verbatimblock {verbatimblock} % Code -\def\t!verbatimlines {verbatimlines} % Code -\def\t!verbatimline {verbatimline} % Code -\def\t!verbatim {verbatim} % Code - -\def\t!lines {lines} % Code -\def\t!line {line} % Code - -\def\t!sorting {sorting} % Span -\def\t!synonym {synonym} % Span - -\def\t!register {register} % Div -\def\t!registersection {registersection} % Div -\def\t!registertag {registertag} % Span -\def\t!registerentries {registerentries} % Div -\def\t!registerentry {registerentry} % Span -\def\t!registersee {registersee} % Span -\def\t!registerpages {registerpages} % Span -\def\t!registerpage {registerpage} % Span -\def\t!registerpagerange {registerpagerange} % Span - -\def\t!table {table} % Table -\def\t!tablerow {tablerow} % TR -\def\t!tablecell {tablecell} % TD -\def\t!tabulate {tabulate} % Table -\def\t!tabulaterow {tabulaterow} % TR -\def\t!tabulatecell {tabulatecell} % TD - -\def\t!math {math} % math -\def\t!mathtable {mtable} % Table -\def\t!mathtablerow {mtr} % TR -\def\t!mathtablecell {mtd} % TD -\def\t!mathaction {maction} % - -\def\t!list {list} % TOC -\def\t!listitem {listitem} % TOCI -\def\t!listtag {listtag} % Lbl -\def\t!listcontent {listcontent} % P -\def\t!listdata {listdata} % P -\def\t!listpage {listpage} % Reference - -\def\t!delimitedblock {delimited} % BlockQuote -\def\t!delimited {delimited} % Quote -\def\t!subsentence {subsentence} % Span - -\def\t!float {float} % Div -\def\t!floatcaption {floatcaption} % Caption -\def\t!floatlabel {floatlabel} % Span -\def\t!floattext {floattext} % Span -\def\t!floatnumber {floatnumber} % Span -\def\t!floatcontent {floatcontent} % P - -\def\t!image {image} % P - -\def\t!mpgraphic {mpgraphic} % P - -\def\t!formulaset {formulaset} % Div -\def\t!formula {formula} % Div -\def\t!formulacaption {formulacaption} % Span -\def\t!formulalabel {formulalabel} % Span -\def\t!formulanumber {formulanumber} % P -\def\t!formulacontent {formulacontent} % P -\def\t!subformula {subformula} % Div - -\def\t!link {link} % Link - -\def\t!margintext {margintext} % Span -\def\t!margintextblock {margintextblock} % Div +\def\t!document {document} % Div + +\def\t!division {division} % Div +\def\t!paragraph {paragraph} % P +\def\t!p {p} % P +\def\t!construct {construct} % Span +\def\t!highlight {highlight} % Span + +\def\t!section {section} % Sect +\def\t!sectiontitle {sectiontitle} % H +\def\t!sectionnumber {sectionnumber} % H +\def\t!sectioncontent {sectioncontent} % Div + +\def\t!itemgroup {itemgroup} % L +\def\t!item {item} % Li +\def\t!itemtag {itemtag} % Lbl +\def\t!itemcontent {itemcontent} % LBody + +\def\t!description {description} % Li +\def\t!descriptiontag {descriptiontag} % Lbl +\def\t!descriptioncontent {descriptioncontent} % LBody +\def\t!descriptionsymbol {descriptionsymbol} % Span + +\let\t!construction \t!description +\let\t!constructiontag \t!descriptiontag +\let\t!constructioncontent\t!descriptioncontent +\let\t!constructionsymbol \t!descriptionsymbol + +\def\t!verbatimblock {verbatimblock} % Code +\def\t!verbatimlines {verbatimlines} % Code +\def\t!verbatimline {verbatimline} % Code +\def\t!verbatim {verbatim} % Code + +\def\t!lines {lines} % Code +\def\t!line {line} % Code + +\def\t!sorting {sorting} % Span +\def\t!synonym {synonym} % Span + +\def\t!register {register} % Div +\def\t!registersection {registersection} % Div +\def\t!registertag {registertag} % Span +\def\t!registerentries {registerentries} % Div +\def\t!registerentry {registerentry} % Span +\def\t!registersee {registersee} % Span +\def\t!registerpages {registerpages} % Span +\def\t!registerpage {registerpage} % Span +\def\t!registerpagerange {registerpagerange} % Span + +\def\t!table {table} % Table +\def\t!tablerow {tablerow} % TR +\def\t!tablecell {tablecell} % TD +\def\t!tabulate {tabulate} % Table +\def\t!tabulaterow {tabulaterow} % TR +\def\t!tabulatecell {tabulatecell} % TD + +\def\t!math {math} % math +\def\t!mathtable {mtable} % Table +\def\t!mathtablerow {mtr} % TR +\def\t!mathtablecell {mtd} % TD +\def\t!mathaction {maction} % + +\def\t!list {list} % TOC +\def\t!listitem {listitem} % TOCI +\def\t!listtag {listtag} % Lbl +\def\t!listcontent {listcontent} % P +\def\t!listdata {listdata} % P +\def\t!listpage {listpage} % Reference + +\def\t!delimitedblock {delimited} % BlockQuote +\def\t!delimited {delimited} % Quote +\def\t!subsentence {subsentence} % Span + +\def\t!float {float} % Div +\def\t!floatcaption {floatcaption} % Caption +\def\t!floatlabel {floatlabel} % Span +\def\t!floattext {floattext} % Span +\def\t!floatnumber {floatnumber} % Span +\def\t!floatcontent {floatcontent} % P + +\def\t!image {image} % P + +\def\t!mpgraphic {mpgraphic} % P + +\def\t!formulaset {formulaset} % Div +\def\t!formula {formula} % Div +\def\t!formulacaption {formulacaption} % Span +\def\t!formulalabel {formulalabel} % Span +\def\t!formulanumber {formulanumber} % P +\def\t!formulacontent {formulacontent} % P +\def\t!subformula {subformula} % Div + +\def\t!link {link} % Link + +\def\t!margintext {margintext} % Span +\def\t!margintextblock {margintextblock} % Div % we might opt for verbose variants so this is experimental: -\def\t!label {label} % Span -\def\t!number {number} % Span +\def\t!label {label} % Span +\def\t!number {number} % Span -\def\t!ignore {ignore} % Span +\def\t!ignore {ignore} % Span -\def\t!sub {sub} % Span -\def\t!sup {sup} % Span -\def\t!subsup {subsup} % Span +\def\t!sub {sub} % Span +\def\t!sup {sup} % Span +\def\t!subsup {subsup} % Span -\def\t!unit {unit} % Span -\def\t!quantity {quantity} % Span -\def\t!number {number} % Span +\def\t!unit {unit} % Span +\def\t!quantity {quantity} % Span +\def\t!number {number} % Span -\def\t!combination {combination} % Span -\def\t!combinationpair {combinationpair} % Span -\def\t!combinationcontent{combinationcontent} % Span -\def\t!combinationcaption{combinationcaption} % Span +\def\t!combination {combination} % Span +\def\t!combinationpair {combinationpair} % Span +\def\t!combinationcontent {combinationcontent} % Span +\def\t!combinationcaption {combinationcaption} % Span % \setuptaglabeltext % [en] @@ -149,95 +154,85 @@ \def\strc_tags_set_backend[#1][#2]{\ctxcommand{settagproperty("#1","backend","#2")}} \def\strc_tags_set_nature [#1][#2]{\ctxcommand{settagproperty("#1","nature", "#2")}} -% todo: indirect macro for trialtypesetting +\installcorenamespace{tagging} + +\installsetuponlycommandhandler \??tagging {tagging} -\unexpanded\def\strc_tags_start_element +\unexpanded\def\strc_tags_element_start_yes{\dodoubleempty\strc_tags_element_start_yes_indeed} +\unexpanded\def\strc_tags_element_start_nop{\dodoubleempty\strc_tags_element_start_nop_indeed} + +\unexpanded\def\strc_tags_element_start_yes_indeed {\iftrialtypesetting - \expandafter\strc_tags_disabled_element_start + \expandafter\strc_tags_element_start_yes_indeed_yes \else - \expandafter\strc_tags_enabled_element_start + \expandafter\strc_tags_element_start_nop_indeed \fi} -\unexpanded\def\strc_tags_stop_element +\unexpanded\def\strc_tags_element_stop {\iftrialtypesetting - \expandafter\strc_tags_disabled_element_stop_indeed + \expandafter\strc_tags_element_stop_yes \else - \expandafter\strc_tags_enabled_element_stop_indeed + \expandafter\strc_tags_element_stop_nop \fi} -\unexpanded\def\strc_tags_enabled_element_start {\dodoubleempty\strc_tags_enabled_element_start_indeed} -\unexpanded\def\strc_tags_disabled_element_start{\dodoubleempty\strc_tags_disabled_element_start_indeed} +\unexpanded\def\strc_tags_element_start_yes_indeed_yes[#1][#2]% + {\ctxcommand{starttag("#1",{label="\dogetupsometaglabeltext{#1}",userdata=\!!bs#2\!!es})}} -\unexpanded\def\strc_tags_enabled_element_start_indeed[#1][#2]% - {\ctxcommand{starttag("#1",{ - label = "\dogetupsometaglabeltext{#1}", - userdata = \!!bs#2\!!es, - })}} +\unexpanded\def\strc_tags_element_stop_yes + {\ctxcommand{stoptag()}} -\unexpanded\def\strc_tags_disabled_element_start_indeed[#1][#2]% +\unexpanded\def\strc_tags_element_start_nop_indeed[#1][#2]% {} -\unexpanded\def\strc_tags_enabled_element_stop_indeed - {\ctxcommand{stoptag()}} - -\unexpanded\def\strc_tags_disabled_element_stop_indeed +\unexpanded\def\strc_tags_element_stop_nop {} +\unexpanded\def\strc_tags_enable_elements + {\setuplanguage[\s!default][\s!righthyphenchar="AD]% for the moment here + \let\startelement\strc_tags_element_start_yes + \let\stopelement \strc_tags_element_stop_yes} + +\unexpanded\def\strc_tags_disable_elements + {\let\startelement\strc_tags_element_start_nop + \let\stopelement \strc_tags_element_stop_nop} + % beware: making these unexpanded spoils tables (noalign problem) \def\strc_tags_enabled_start {\iftrialtypesetting - \expandafter\strc_tags_disabled_start_indeed + \expandafter\strc_tags_start_nop \else - \expandafter\strc_tags_enabled_start_indeed + \expandafter\strc_tags_start_yes \fi} \def\strc_tags_enabled_stop {\iftrialtypesetting - \expandafter\strc_tags_disabled_stop + \expandafter\strc_tags_stop_nop \else - \expandafter\strc_tags_enabled_stop + \expandafter\strc_tags_stop_yes \fi} -\def\strc_tags_enabled_start_indeed#1#2% - {\ctxcommand{starttag("#1",{ - label = "\dogetupsometaglabeltext{#1}", - detail = "#2", - })}} +\def\strc_tags_start_yes#1#2% we could have a fast labeltext resolver + {\ctxcommand{starttag("#1",{label="\dogetupsometaglabeltext{#1}",detail="#2"})}} -\def\strc_tags_enabled_stop_indeed +\def\strc_tags_stop_yes {\ctxcommand{stoptag()}} -\def\strc_tags_disabled_start#1#2% +\def\strc_tags_start_nop#1#2% {} -\def\strc_tags_disabled_stop +\def\strc_tags_stop_nop {} -% end of beware - -\installcorenamespace{tagging} - -\installsetuponlycommandhandler \??tagging {tagging} - -\unexpanded\def\strc_tags_enable_elements - {\setuplanguage[\s!default][\s!righthyphenchar="AD]% for the moment here - \let\startelement\strc_tags_enabled_element_start - \let\stopelement \strc_tags_enabled_element_stop } - -\unexpanded\def\strc_tags_disable_elements - {\let\startelement\strc_tags_disabled_element_start - \let\stopelement \strc_tags_disabled_element_stop} - -% this will become strc_tags_start and strc_tags_stop - \unexpanded\def\strc_tags_enable - {\let\dostarttagged\strc_tags_enabled_start - \let\dostoptagged \strc_tags_enabled_stop} + {\let\dostarttagged\strc_tags_start_yes + \let\dostoptagged \strc_tags_stop_yes} \unexpanded\def\strc_tags_disable - {\let\dostarttagged\strc_tags_disabled_start - \let\dostoptagged \strc_tags_disabled_stop} + {\let\dostarttagged\strc_tags_start_nop + \let\dostoptagged \strc_tags_stop_nop} + +%D The triggers: \newtoks\everyenableelements \newtoks\everydisableelements diff --git a/tex/context/base/supp-box.mkiv b/tex/context/base/supp-box.mkiv index 93ec8b3dd..f5433133a 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/supp-box.mkiv +++ b/tex/context/base/supp-box.mkiv @@ -19,6 +19,37 @@ % This file is partially cleaned up. +% handy to have +% +% \hbox to \hsize +% {\en +% \switchnaarkorps[5pt]% +% \emergencystretch2em +% \dimen0=\baselineskip +% \baselineskip=\dimen0 plus 1pt +% \hsize=.2\hsize +% \vsize=2\hsize +% \ruledvbox to \vsize{\input tufte \par}\hss +% \ruledvbox to \vsize{\input tufte \par\kern-\prevdepth}\hss +% \ruledvbox to \vsize{\input tufte \par\kern0pt}\hss +% \ruledvbox to \vsize{\input tufte \par\vfill}\hss +% \ruledvbox to \vsize{\input tufte \par\kern-\prevdepth\vfill}} +% +% \hbox to \hsize +% {\en +% \switchnaarkorps[5pt]% +% \emergencystretch2em +% \dimen0=\baselineskip +% \baselineskip=\dimen0 plus 1pt +% \hsize=.18\hsize +% \vsize=2.5\hsize +% \setbox0=\vbox{\input tufte\relax}% +% \ruledvbox to \vsize{\unvcopy0}\hss +% \ruledvbox to \vsize{\unvcopy0\kern-\dp0}\hss +% \ruledvbox to \vsize{\unvcopy0\kern0pt}\hss +% \ruledvbox to \vsize{\unvcopy0\vfill}\hss +% \ruledvbox to \vsize{\unvcopy0\kern-\dp0\vfill}} + %D \macros %D {dontcomplain} %D @@ -2501,6 +2532,8 @@ \prependtoks \let\vcenter\normalvcenter \to \everymath \prependtoks \let\vcenter\normalvcenter \to \everydisplay +% \appendtoks \let\vcenter\normalvcenter \to \everymathematics + %D \macros %D {frozenhbox} %D diff --git a/tex/context/base/syst-pln.mkiv b/tex/context/base/syst-pln.mkiv index fc3bdd332..248113120 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/syst-pln.mkiv +++ b/tex/context/base/syst-pln.mkiv @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ \finalhyphendemerits = 5000 %floatingpenalty = 0 %globaldefs = 0 -%hangafter = 1 +\hangafter = 1 % automatically set to 1 (no zero assignment) \hbadness = 1000 %holdinginserts = 0 \hyphenpenalty = 50 diff --git a/tex/context/base/tabl-tbl.mkiv b/tex/context/base/tabl-tbl.mkiv index 145c702d2..6e2178f39 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/tabl-tbl.mkiv +++ b/tex/context/base/tabl-tbl.mkiv @@ -345,9 +345,12 @@ \ifdefined\dotagtabulatesignal \else \let\dotagtabulatesignal\relax \fi \unexpanded\def\tabl_tabulate_check_local_color_first#1#2% + {\relax} + +\unexpanded\def\tabl_tabulate_check_local_color_second#1#2% {\relax \ifx\m_tabl_tabulate_color_local\empty - \gdef\m_tabl_tabulate_color{#1}% + \xdef\m_tabl_tabulate_color{#1}% \else \global\let\m_tabl_tabulate_color\m_tabl_tabulate_color_local \global\let\m_tabl_tabulate_color_local\empty @@ -359,9 +362,6 @@ \global\c_tabl_tabulate_localcolorspan\zerocount \fi} -\unexpanded\def\tabl_tabulate_check_local_color_second#1#2% - {\relax} - \unexpanded\def\tabl_tabulate_check_local_vrule_thickness#1% {\relax \ifcase\d_tabl_tabulate_vrulethickness_local @@ -697,7 +697,7 @@ {\tabl_tabulate_set_preamble_step\tabl_tabulate_xbskip\tabl_tabulate_xeskip} \def\tabl_tabulate_set_color_span#1#2% - {\gdef\m_tabl_tabulate_color{#2}% + {\xdef\m_tabl_tabulate_color{#2}% \global\c_tabl_tabulate_colorspan\if#1L\plusone\else\if#1M\plustwo\else\if#1R\plusthree\else\zerocount\fi\fi\fi\relax \tabl_tabulate_set_preamble} @@ -2208,4 +2208,11 @@ % \NC \digits $@@@.@@1,@@$ \NC\NR % \stoptabulatie +% we don't register the paragraph characteristics, only the +% width + +\appendtoks + \setinnerparpositions % see "techniek" for application +\to \everytabulate + \protect \endinput diff --git a/tex/context/base/tabl-xtb.lua b/tex/context/base/tabl-xtb.lua index 2f422578e..6ac5e1835 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/tabl-xtb.lua +++ b/tex/context/base/tabl-xtb.lua @@ -59,6 +59,7 @@ local new_penalty = nodepool.penalty local v_stretch = variables.stretch local v_normal = variables.normal local v_width = variables.width +local v_height = variables.height local v_repeat = variables["repeat"] local v_max = variables.max @@ -516,6 +517,28 @@ end function xtables.reflow_height() data.currentrow = 0 data.currentcolumn = 0 + local settings = data.settings + if settings.options[v_height] then + local heights = data.heights + local depths = data.depths + local nofrows = data.nofrows + local totalheight = 0 + local totaldepth = 0 + for i=1,nofrows do + totalheight = totalheight + heights[i] + totalheight = totalheight + depths [i] + end + local total = totalheight + totaldepth + local leftover = settings.textheight - total + if leftover > 0 then + local leftheight = (totalheight / total ) * leftover / #heights + local leftdepth = (totaldepth / total ) * leftover / #depths + for i=1,nofrows do + heights[i] = heights[i] + leftheight + depths [i] = depths [i] + leftdepth + end + end + end end local function showspans(data) diff --git a/tex/context/base/tabl-xtb.mkvi b/tex/context/base/tabl-xtb.mkvi index 6ddaf39e0..f6e1707e9 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/tabl-xtb.mkvi +++ b/tex/context/base/tabl-xtb.mkvi @@ -136,6 +136,7 @@ % \c!header=, \c!spaceinbetween=, \c!textwidth=\hsize, + \c!textheight=\vsize, \c!distance=\zeropoint, % individual column \c!columndistance=\zeropoint, % each column (whole table) \c!leftmargindistance=\zeropoint, % whole table @@ -240,6 +241,7 @@ \ctxcommand{x_table_create { option = "\xtableparameter\c!option", textwidth = \number\dimexpr\xtableparameter\c!textwidth, + textheight = \number\dimexpr\xtableparameter\c!textheight, maxwidth = \number\dimexpr\xtableparameter\c!maxwidth, lineheight = \number\openlineheight, columndistance = \number\dimexpr\xtableparameter\c!columndistance, diff --git a/tex/context/base/type-imp-buy.mkiv b/tex/context/base/type-imp-buy.mkiv new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9815cc44b --- /dev/null +++ b/tex/context/base/type-imp-buy.mkiv @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +%D \module +%D [ file=type-buy, +%D version=2003.07.08, % 2001.04.12, +%D title=\CONTEXT\ Typescript Macros, +%D subtitle=A Few Commercial Fonts, +%D author=Hans Hagen, +%D date=\currentdate, +%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}] +%C +%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is +%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for +%C details. + +\starttypescriptcollection[sabon] + +\starttypescript [serif] [sabon] [name] + + \definefontsynonym [Serif] [SabonMT] + \definefontsynonym [SerifItalic] [SabonMT-Italic] + \definefontsynonym [SerifSlanted] [SabonMT-Italic] + \definefontsynonym [SerifBold] [SabonMT-SemiBold] + \definefontsynonym [SerifBoldItalic] [SabonMT-SemiBoldItalic] + \definefontsynonym [SerifBoldSlanted] [SabonMT-SemiBoldItalic] + \definefontsynonym [SerifCaps] [SabonMT-RegularSC] + + \definefontsynonym[SabonMT] [sab_____] + \definefontsynonym[SabonMT-Italic] [sabi____] + \definefontsynonym[SabonMT-ItalicOsF] [saboi___] + \definefontsynonym[SabonMT-SemiBoldOsF] [sabos___] + \definefontsynonym[SabonMT-SemiBold] [sabs____] + \definefontsynonym[SabonMT-RegularSC] [sabsc___] + \definefontsynonym[SabonMT-SemiBoldItalic] [sabsi___] + \definefontsynonym[SabonMT-SemiBoldItalicOsF][sasio___] +\stoptypescript + +\stoptypescriptcollection + diff --git a/tex/context/base/type-cow.mkiv b/tex/context/base/type-imp-cow.mkiv index 1cb825a11..1cb825a11 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/type-cow.mkiv +++ b/tex/context/base/type-imp-cow.mkiv diff --git a/tex/context/base/type-ghz.mkiv b/tex/context/base/type-imp-ghz.mkiv index 0722c1dfe..0722c1dfe 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/type-ghz.mkiv +++ b/tex/context/base/type-imp-ghz.mkiv diff --git a/tex/context/base/type-hgz.mkiv b/tex/context/base/type-imp-hgz.mkiv index a3c2a7841..a3c2a7841 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/type-hgz.mkiv +++ b/tex/context/base/type-imp-hgz.mkiv diff --git a/tex/context/base/type-buy.mkiv b/tex/context/base/type-imp-informal.mkiv index bab9593d9..575a836e5 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/type-buy.mkiv +++ b/tex/context/base/type-imp-informal.mkiv @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ %D [ file=type-buy, %D version=2003.07.08, % 2001.04.12, %D title=\CONTEXT\ Typescript Macros, -%D subtitle=A Few Commercial Fonts, +%D subtitle=Informal by M. Vulis, %D author=Hans Hagen, %D date=\currentdate, %D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}] @@ -11,9 +11,7 @@ %C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for %C details. -\starttypescriptcollection[commercial fonts] - -% Informal : Vulis +\starttypescriptcollection[informal] \starttypescript [casual] [informal] \definefontsynonym [Serif] [Informal-Regular] @@ -50,33 +48,5 @@ \definetypeface[informal][mm][math] [informal][default] \stoptypescript -% Sabon - -\starttypescript [serif] [sabon] [name] - - \definefontsynonym [Serif] [SabonMT] - \definefontsynonym [SerifItalic] [SabonMT-Italic] - \definefontsynonym [SerifSlanted] [SabonMT-Italic] - \definefontsynonym [SerifBold] [SabonMT-SemiBold] - \definefontsynonym [SerifBoldItalic] [SabonMT-SemiBoldItalic] - \definefontsynonym [SerifBoldSlanted] [SabonMT-SemiBoldItalic] - \definefontsynonym [SerifCaps] [SabonMT-RegularSC] - - \definefontsynonym[SabonMT] [sab_____] - \definefontsynonym[SabonMT-Italic] [sabi____] - \definefontsynonym[SabonMT-ItalicOsF] [saboi___] - \definefontsynonym[SabonMT-SemiBoldOsF] [sabos___] - \definefontsynonym[SabonMT-SemiBold] [sabs____] - \definefontsynonym[SabonMT-RegularSC] [sabsc___] - \definefontsynonym[SabonMT-SemiBoldItalic] [sabsi___] - \definefontsynonym[SabonMT-SemiBoldItalicOsF][sasio___] -\stoptypescript - -% \definetypeface[sabon][rm][serif][sabon][default] -% \setupbodyfont[sabon] -% \starttext -% \input tufte -% \stoptext - \stoptypescriptcollection diff --git a/tex/context/base/type-imp-latinmodern.mkiv b/tex/context/base/type-imp-latinmodern.mkiv index 94195deca..a9fddad7d 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/type-imp-latinmodern.mkiv +++ b/tex/context/base/type-imp-latinmodern.mkiv @@ -11,58 +11,58 @@ %C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for %C details. -\starttypescriptcollection[fallback] - - \starttypescript [fallback] - \definetypeface [] [\s!rm] [\s!serif] [latin-modern-designsize] [\s!default] % maybe modern-base - \definetypeface [] [\s!ss] [\s!sans] [latin-modern-designsize] [\s!default] % maybe modern-base - \definetypeface [] [\s!tt] [\s!mono] [latin-modern-designsize] [\s!default] % maybe modern-base - \definetypeface [] [\s!mm] [\s!math] [latin-modern-designsize] [\s!default] % maybe modern-base - \quittypescriptscanning - \stoptypescript - -\stoptypescriptcollection +% \starttypescriptcollection[\s!fallback] +% \starttypescript [\s!fallback] +% \definetypeface [\s!fallback] [\s!rm] [\s!serif] [modern] [\s!default] +% \definetypeface [\s!fallback] [\s!ss] [\s!sans] [modern] [\s!default] +% \definetypeface [\s!fallback] [\s!tt] [\s!mono] [modern] [\s!default] +% \definetypeface [\s!fallback] [\s!mm] [\s!math] [modern] [\s!default] +% \quittypescriptscanning +% \stoptypescript +% \stoptypescriptcollection %D Here comes good old Latin Modern, the default font, based on Knuths Computer -%D Modern. +%D Modern. The design size variants is: +%D +%D modern-designsize \starttypescriptcollection[latinmodern] - \starttypescript [modern,modern-designsize] - \definetypeface [modern] [\s!rm] [\s!serif] [latin-modern-designsize] [\s!default] [\s!designsize=\s!auto] - \definetypeface [modern] [\s!ss] [\s!sans] [latin-modern-designsize] [\s!default] [\s!designsize=\s!auto] - \definetypeface [modern] [\s!tt] [\s!mono] [latin-modern-designsize] [\s!default] [\s!designsize=\s!auto] - \definetypeface [modern] [\s!mm] [\s!math] [latin-modern-designsize] [\s!default] [\s!designsize=\s!auto] + \starttypescript [modern-designsize] + \definetypeface [\typescriptone] [\s!rm] [\s!serif] [latin-modern-designsize] [\s!default] [\s!designsize=\s!auto] + \definetypeface [\typescriptone] [\s!ss] [\s!sans] [latin-modern-designsize] [\s!default] [\s!designsize=\s!auto] + \definetypeface [\typescriptone] [\s!tt] [\s!mono] [latin-modern-designsize] [\s!default] [\s!designsize=\s!auto] + \definetypeface [\typescriptone] [\s!mm] [\s!math] [latin-modern-designsize] [\s!default] [\s!designsize=\s!auto] \quittypescriptscanning \stoptypescript - \starttypescript [modern-base] - \definetypeface [modern] [\s!rm] [\s!serif] [modern] [\s!default] - \definetypeface [modern] [\s!ss] [\s!sans] [modern] [\s!default] - \definetypeface [modern] [\s!tt] [\s!mono] [modern] [\s!default] - \definetypeface [modern] [\s!mm] [\s!math] [modern] [\s!default] + \starttypescript [modern,modern-base] + \definetypeface [\typescriptone] [\s!rm] [\s!serif] [modern] [\s!default] + \definetypeface [\typescriptone] [\s!ss] [\s!sans] [modern] [\s!default] + \definetypeface [\typescriptone] [\s!tt] [\s!mono] [modern] [\s!default] + \definetypeface [\typescriptone] [\s!mm] [\s!math] [modern] [\s!default] \quittypescriptscanning \stoptypescript \starttypescript [modernvariable,modern-variable] - \definetypeface [modernvariable] [\s!rm] [\s!serif] [modern-variable] [\s!default] - \definetypeface [modernvariable] [\s!tt] [\s!mono] [modern-variable] [\s!default] - \definetypeface [modernvariable] [\s!mm] [\s!math] [modern] [\s!default] + \definetypeface [\typescriptone] [\s!rm] [\s!serif] [modern-variable] [\s!default] + \definetypeface [\typescriptone] [\s!tt] [\s!mono] [modern-variable] [\s!default] + \definetypeface [\typescriptone] [\s!mm] [\s!math] [modern] [\s!default] \quittypescriptscanning \stoptypescript \starttypescript [modernvariablelight,modern-variable-light] - \definetypeface [modernvariable] [\s!rm] [\s!serif] [modern-variable-light] [\s!default] - \definetypeface [modernvariable] [\s!tt] [\s!mono] [modern-variable-light] [\s!default] - \definetypeface [modernvariable] [\s!mm] [\s!math] [modern] [\s!default] + \definetypeface [\typescriptone] [\s!rm] [\s!serif] [modern-variable-light] [\s!default] + \definetypeface [\typescriptone] [\s!tt] [\s!mono] [modern-variable-light] [\s!default] + \definetypeface [\typescriptone] [\s!mm] [\s!math] [modern] [\s!default] \quittypescriptscanning \stoptypescript \starttypescript [modern-mono,modern-base-mono] - \definetypeface [modern] [\s!rm] [\s!serif] [modern] [\s!default] - \definetypeface [modern] [\s!ss] [\s!sans] [modern] [\s!default] - \definetypeface [modern] [\s!tt] [\s!mono] [modern-light] [\s!default] - \definetypeface [modern] [\s!mm] [\s!math] [modern] [\s!default] + \definetypeface [\typescriptone] [\s!rm] [\s!serif] [modern] [\s!default] + \definetypeface [\typescriptone] [\s!ss] [\s!sans] [modern] [\s!default] + \definetypeface [\typescriptone] [\s!tt] [\s!mono] [modern-light] [\s!default] + \definetypeface [\typescriptone] [\s!mm] [\s!math] [modern] [\s!default] \quittypescriptscanning \stoptypescript @@ -71,6 +71,7 @@ \stoptypescript \starttypescript [\s!serif] [modern,latin-modern-designsize,latin-modern] [\s!name] + \loadfontgoodies[lm] \definefontsynonym [\s!Serif] [LMRoman-Regular] [\s!features=\s!default] \definefontsynonym [\s!SerifBold] [LMRoman-Bold] [\s!features=\s!default] \definefontsynonym [\s!SerifItalic] [LMRoman-Italic] [\s!features=\s!default] @@ -82,6 +83,7 @@ \stoptypescript \starttypescript [\s!sans] [modern,latin-modern-designsize,latin-modern] [\s!name] + \loadfontgoodies[lm] \definefontsynonym [\s!Sans] [LMSans-Regular] [\s!features=\s!default] \definefontsynonym [\s!SansBold] [LMSans-Bold] [\s!features=\s!default] \definefontsynonym [\s!SansItalic] [LMSans-Oblique] [\s!features=\s!default] @@ -93,6 +95,7 @@ \stoptypescript \starttypescript [\s!mono] [modern,latin-modern-designsize,latin-modern] [\s!name] + \loadfontgoodies[lm] \definefontsynonym [\s!Mono] [LMTypewriter-Regular] [\s!features=\s!none] \definefontsynonym [\s!MonoBold] [LMTypewriter-Dark] [\s!features=\s!none] \definefontsynonym [\s!MonoItalic] [LMTypewriter-Italic] [\s!features=\s!none] @@ -105,11 +108,14 @@ \stoptypescript \starttypescript [\s!math] [modern,latin-modern-designsize,latin-modern] [\s!name] + \loadfontgoodies[lm] + \loadfontgoodies[lm-math] \definefontsynonym [\s!MathRoman] [LMMathRoman-Regular] \definefontsynonym [\s!MathRomanBold] [LMMathRoman-Bold] \stoptypescript \starttypescript [\s!serif] [modern-variable,latin-modern-variable-designsize,latin-modern-variable] [\s!name] + \loadfontgoodies[lm] \definefontsynonym [\s!Serif] [LMTypewriterVarWd-Regular] [\s!features=\s!default] \definefontsynonym [\s!SerifBold] [LMTypewriterVarWd-Oblique] [\s!features=\s!default] \definefontsynonym [\s!SerifItalic] [LMTypewriterVarWd-Oblique] [\s!features=\s!default] @@ -121,6 +127,7 @@ \stoptypescript \starttypescript [\s!mono] [modern-condensed,latin-modern-condensed-designsize,latin-modern-condensed,modern-light-condensed,latin-modern-light-condensed] [\s!name] + \loadfontgoodies[lm] \definefontsynonym [\s!Mono] [LMTypewriter-LightCondensed] [\s!features=\s!none] \definefontsynonym [\s!MonoBold] [LMTypewriter-LightCondensed] [\s!features=\s!none] \definefontsynonym [\s!MonoItalic] [LMTypewriter-LightCondensedOblique] [\s!features=\s!none] @@ -132,6 +139,7 @@ \stoptypescript \starttypescript [\s!mono] [modern-light,latin-modern-light-designsize,latin-modern-light] [\s!name] + \loadfontgoodies[lm] \definefontsynonym [\s!Mono] [LMTypewriter-Light] [\s!features=\s!none] \definefontsynonym [\s!MonoBold] [LMTypewriter-Light] [\s!features=\s!none] \definefontsynonym [\s!MonoItalic] [LMTypewriter-LightOblique] [\s!features=\s!none] @@ -145,6 +153,7 @@ % why not also [name] \starttypescript [\s!serif] [modern,latin-modern] + \loadfontgoodies[lm] \definefontsynonym [LMRoman-Regular] [\s!file:lmroman10-regular] [\s!features=\s!default] \definefontsynonym [LMRoman-Bold] [\s!file:lmroman10-bold] [\s!features=\s!default] \definefontsynonym [LMRoman-Demi] [\s!file:lmromandemi10-regular] [\s!features=\s!default] @@ -164,6 +173,7 @@ \stoptypescript \starttypescript [\s!sans] [modern,latin-modern] + \loadfontgoodies[lm] \definefontsynonym [LMSans-Regular] [\s!file:lmsans10-regular] [\s!features=\s!default] \definefontsynonym [LMSans-Bold] [\s!file:lmsans10-bold] [\s!features=\s!default] \definefontsynonym [LMSans-Oblique] [\s!file:lmsans10-oblique] [\s!features=\s!default] @@ -176,7 +186,8 @@ \definefontsynonym [LMSansQuotation-BoldOblique] [\s!file:lmsansquot8-boldoblique] [\s!features=\s!default] \stoptypescript - \starttypescript [\s!mono] [modern,latin-modern-designsize,latin-modern,modern-variable,latin-modern-variable,modern-condensed,latin-modern-condensed] + \starttypescript [\s!mono] [modern,latin-modern,modern-variable,latin-modern-variable,modern-condensed,latin-modern-condensed] + \loadfontgoodies[lm] \definefontsynonym [LMTypewriter-Regular] [\s!file:lmmono10-regular] [\s!features=\s!none] \definefontsynonym [LMTypewriter-Italic] [\s!file:lmmono10-italic] [\s!features=\s!none] \definefontsynonym [LMTypewriter-Oblique] [\s!file:lmmonoslant10-regular] [\s!features=\s!none] @@ -196,15 +207,10 @@ \definefontsynonym [LMTypewriterVarWd-DarkOblique] [\s!file:lmmonoproplt10-boldoblique] [\s!features=\s!default] \stoptypescript - \starttypescript [modern,latin-modern] - \loadfontgoodies[lm] - \loadfontgoodies[lm-math] - \stoptypescript - \starttypescript [\s!math] [modern,latin-modern] - % \loadfontgoodies[lm-math] - \definefontsynonym [LMMathRoman-Regular] [\v!file:lmmath-regular.otf] [\s!features=\s!math] - \definefontsynonym [LMMathRoman-Bold] [\v!file:lmmath-regular.otf] [\s!features=\s!math] + \loadfontgoodies[lm] + \definefontsynonym [LMMathRoman-Regular] [\v!file:lmmath-regular.otf] [\s!features=\s!math\mathsizesuffix,\s!goodies=lm] + \definefontsynonym [LMMathRoman-Bold] [\v!file:lmmath-regular.otf] [\s!features=\s!math\mathsizesuffix,\s!goodies=lm] \stoptypescript \stoptypescriptcollection diff --git a/tex/context/base/type-imp-lmnames.mkiv b/tex/context/base/type-imp-lmnames.mkiv index eea7a3560..620c5d03b 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/type-imp-lmnames.mkiv +++ b/tex/context/base/type-imp-lmnames.mkiv @@ -122,11 +122,6 @@ \definefontsynonym [LMMathRoman12-Bold] [LMMathRoman12-Regular] \definefontsynonym [LMMathRoman17-Bold] [LMMathRoman17-Regular] - % overloads lmmath.otf usage - % - % \definefontsynonym[MathRoman][LMMath10-Regular@lmroman10-math] - % \definefontsynonym[MathBold] [MathRoman] - \loadfontgoodies[lm-math] \stoptypescript diff --git a/tex/context/base/type-mac.mkiv b/tex/context/base/type-imp-osx.mkiv index e95c48649..16b8e0545 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/type-mac.mkiv +++ b/tex/context/base/type-imp-osx.mkiv @@ -10,32 +10,6 @@ %C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package. See %C mreadme.pdf for details. -\definetypescriptprefix [f:andalemono] [andalemono] -\definetypescriptprefix [f:chalkboard] [chalkboard] -\definetypescriptprefix [f:cochin] [cochin] -\definetypescriptprefix [f:comicsans] [comicsansms] -\definetypescriptprefix [f:couriernew] [couriernew] -\definetypescriptprefix [f:georgia] [georgia] -\definetypescriptprefix [f:lucidagrande] [lucidagrande] -\definetypescriptprefix [f:monaco] [monaco] -\definetypescriptprefix [f:tahoma] [tahoma] -\definetypescriptprefix [f:timesnewroman] [timesnewroman] -\definetypescriptprefix [f:trebuchet] [trebuchetms] -\definetypescriptprefix [f:verdana] [verdana] - -\definetypescriptprefix [n:andalemono] [AndaleMono] -\definetypescriptprefix [n:chalkboard] [Chalkboard] -\definetypescriptprefix [n:cochin] [Cochin] -\definetypescriptprefix [n:comicsans] [ComicSans] -\definetypescriptprefix [n:couriernew] [CourierNew] -\definetypescriptprefix [n:georgia] [Georgia] -\definetypescriptprefix [n:lucidagrande] [LucidaGrande] -\definetypescriptprefix [n:monaco] [Monaco] -\definetypescriptprefix [n:tahoma] [Tahoma] -\definetypescriptprefix [n:timesnewroman] [TimesNewRoman] -\definetypescriptprefix [n:trebuchet] [Trebuchet] -\definetypescriptprefix [n:verdana] [Verdana] - \starttypescriptcollection [macosx] % American Typewriter diff --git a/tex/context/base/type-ini.mkvi b/tex/context/base/type-ini.mkvi index 1d469b02a..8ca42854f 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/type-ini.mkvi +++ b/tex/context/base/type-ini.mkvi @@ -398,7 +398,7 @@ \settrue\autotypescripts -\unexpanded\def\trycurrentfontclass#typeface% this will move to type-ini +\unexpanded\def\trycurrentfontclass#typeface% {\ifconditional\autotypescripts \usetypescript[#typeface]% \ifcsname\??fontclassyes#typeface\endcsname @@ -488,9 +488,9 @@ \def\tsvar#key#default% undocumented and unofficial {\expandafter\ifx\csname\??ts#key\endcsname\empty - \csname\??ts#key\endcsname - \else #default% + \else + \csname\??ts#key\endcsname \fi} \def\font_typefaces_defining_stop diff --git a/tex/context/base/type-msw.mkiv b/tex/context/base/type-msw.mkiv deleted file mode 100644 index 2e741f7a0..000000000 --- a/tex/context/base/type-msw.mkiv +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -\input type-win.mkiv \endinput % could be a file synonym diff --git a/tex/context/base/type-set.mkiv b/tex/context/base/type-set.mkiv index 8a174c9b8..731e4e5e3 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/type-set.mkiv +++ b/tex/context/base/type-set.mkiv @@ -24,14 +24,14 @@ % \loadtypescriptfile[def] % meant for local usage only % \loadtypescriptfile[lua] % meant for local usage only % \loadtypescriptfile[siz] % meant for local usage only - \loadmarkfile{type-imp-latinmodern} % \usetypescriptfile[latinmodern] \usetypescriptfile[loc] - % we want these names preset - - \usetypescript[serif,sans,mono,math] [latin-modern] + % We want these names preset but they conflict with later loads so from now on + % one has to define a proper typeface if they are needed. + % + % \usetypescript[serif,sans,mono,math] [latin-modern] \else @@ -78,4 +78,7 @@ \definefilesynonym [type-imp-antykwa-poltawskiego.mkiv] [type-imp-antykwapoltawskiego.mkiv] +%definefilesynonym [type-imp-mac.mkiv] [type-imp-osx.mkiv] +%definefilesynonym [type-imp-win.mkiv] [type-imp-mscore.mkiv] + \protect \endinput diff --git a/tex/context/base/type-win.mkiv b/tex/context/base/type-win.mkiv deleted file mode 100644 index 636f6f0a5..000000000 --- a/tex/context/base/type-win.mkiv +++ /dev/null @@ -1,118 +0,0 @@ -%D \module -%D [ file=type-win, -%D version=2009.03.10, -%D title=\CONTEXT\ Typescript Macros, -%D subtitle=MS Windows Definitions, -%D author=Vyatcheslav Yatskovsky, -%D date=\currentdate, -%D copyright={Vyatcheslav Yatskovsky}] -%C -%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package. See -%C mreadme.pdf for details. - -\starttypescriptcollection[windows] - -\starttypescript [serif] [georgia,palatino,times] - \setups[font:fallback:serif] - \definefontsynonym [Serif] [\typescripttwo-Regular] [features=default] - \definefontsynonym [SerifBold] [\typescripttwo-Bold] [features=default] - \definefontsynonym [SerifItalic] [\typescripttwo-Italic] [features=default] - \definefontsynonym [SerifBoldItalic] [\typescripttwo-BoldItalic] [features=default] -\stoptypescript - -\starttypescript [serif] [sylfaen] - \setups[font:fallback:serif] - \definefontsynonym [Serif] [\typescripttwo-Regular] [features=default] -\stoptypescript - -\starttypescript [sans] [arial,trebuchet,verdana] - \setups[font:fallback:sans] - \definefontsynonym [Sans] [\typescripttwo-Regular] [features=default] - \definefontsynonym [SansBold] [\typescripttwo-Bold] [features=default] - \definefontsynonym [SansItalic] [\typescripttwo-Italic] [features=default] - \definefontsynonym [SansBoldItalic] [\typescripttwo-BoldItalic] [features=default] -\stoptypescript - -\starttypescript [sans] [arialblack,impact,lucidasans,microsans] - \setups[font:fallback:sans] - \definefontsynonym [Sans] [\typescripttwo-Regular] [features=default] -\stoptypescript - -\starttypescript [sans] [comic,tahoma] - \setups[font:fallback:sans] - \definefontsynonym [Sans] [\typescripttwo-Regular] [features=default] - \definefontsynonym [SansBold] [\typescripttwo-Bold] [features=default] -\stoptypescript - -\starttypescript [sans] [franklin] - \setups[font:fallback:sans] - \definefontsynonym [Sans] [\typescripttwo-Regular] [features=default] - \definefontsynonym [SansItalic] [\typescripttwo-Italic] [features=default] -\stoptypescript - -\starttypescript [mono] [courier] - \setups[font:fallback:mono] - \definefontsynonym [Mono] [\typescripttwo-Regular] [features=default] - \definefontsynonym [MonoBold] [\typescripttwo-Bold] [features=default] - \definefontsynonym [MonoItalic] [\typescripttwo-Italic] [features=default] - \definefontsynonym [MonoBoldItalic] [\typescripttwo-BoldItalic] [features=default] -\stoptypescript - -\starttypescript [mono] [lucidaconsole] - \setups[font:fallback:mono] - \definefontsynonym [Mono] [\typescripttwo-Regular] [features=default] -\stoptypescript - -\definetypescriptprefix [f:arial] [Arial] -\definetypescriptprefix [f:arialblack] [Arial Black] -\definetypescriptprefix [f:comic] [Comic Sans MS] -\definetypescriptprefix [f:courier] [Courier New] -\definetypescriptprefix [f:franklin] [Franklin Gothic Medium] -\definetypescriptprefix [f:georgia] [Georgia] -\definetypescriptprefix [f:impact] [Impact] -\definetypescriptprefix [f:lucidaconsole] [Lucida Console] -\definetypescriptprefix [f:lucidasans] [Lucida Sans Unicode] -\definetypescriptprefix [f:microsans] [Microsoft Sans Serif] -\definetypescriptprefix [f:palatino] [Palatino Linotype] -\definetypescriptprefix [f:sylfaen] [Sylfaen] -\definetypescriptprefix [f:tahoma] [Tahoma] -\definetypescriptprefix [f:times] [Times New Roman] -\definetypescriptprefix [f:trebuchet] [Trebuchet MS] -\definetypescriptprefix [f:verdana] [Verdana] - -\starttypescript [serif] [georgia,palatino,sylfaen,times] - \definefontsynonym [\typescripttwo-Regular] [name:\typescriptprefix{f:\typescripttwo}] [features=default] - \definefontsynonym [\typescripttwo-Bold] [name:\typescriptprefix{f:\typescripttwo} Bold] [features=default] - \definefontsynonym [\typescripttwo-Italic] [name:\typescriptprefix{f:\typescripttwo} Italic] [features=default] - \definefontsynonym [\typescripttwo-BoldItalic] [name:\typescriptprefix{f:\typescripttwo} Bold Italic] [features=default] -\stoptypescript - -\starttypescript [sans] [arial,arialblack,comic,franklin,impact,lucidasans,microsans,tahoma,trebuchet,verdana] - \definefontsynonym [\typescripttwo-Regular] [name:\typescriptprefix{f:\typescripttwo}] [features=default] - \definefontsynonym [\typescripttwo-Bold] [name:\typescriptprefix{f:\typescripttwo} Bold] [features=default] - \definefontsynonym [\typescripttwo-Italic] [name:\typescriptprefix{f:\typescripttwo} Italic] [features=default] - \definefontsynonym [\typescripttwo-BoldItalic] [name:\typescriptprefix{f:\typescripttwo} Bold Italic] [features=default] -\stoptypescript - -\starttypescript [mono] [courier,lucidaconsole] - \definefontsynonym [\typescripttwo-Regular] [name:\typescriptprefix{f:\typescripttwo}] [features=default] - \definefontsynonym [\typescripttwo-Bold] [name:\typescriptprefix{f:\typescripttwo} Bold] [features=default] - \definefontsynonym [\typescripttwo-Italic] [name:\typescriptprefix{f:\typescripttwo} Italic] [features=default] - \definefontsynonym [\typescripttwo-BoldItalic] [name:\typescriptprefix{f:\typescripttwo} Bold Italic] [features=default] -\stoptypescript - -\starttypescript [georgia,palatino,sylfaen,times] - \definetypeface [\typescriptone] [rm] [serif] [\typescriptone] [default] -\stoptypescript - -\starttypescript [arial,arialblack,comic,franklin,impact,lucidasans,microsans,tahoma,trebuchet,verdana] - \definetypeface [\typescriptone] [ss] [sans] [\typescriptone] [default] -\stoptypescript - -\starttypescript [courier,lucidaconsole] - \definetypeface [\typescriptone] [tt] [mono] [\typescriptone] [default] -\stoptypescript - -\stoptypescriptcollection - -\endinput diff --git a/tex/context/base/typo-mar.lua b/tex/context/base/typo-mar.lua index 533ee2c03..00747a585 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/typo-mar.lua +++ b/tex/context/base/typo-mar.lua @@ -110,6 +110,8 @@ local v_normal = variables.normal local v_yes = variables.yes local v_continue = variables.continue local v_first = variables.first +local v_text = variables.text +local v_column = variables.column local has_attribute = node.has_attribute local set_attribute = node.set_attribute @@ -220,22 +222,13 @@ local defaults = { dy = 0, baseline = false, inline = false, + leftskip = 0, + rightskip = 0, } } local enablelocal, enableglobal -- forward reference (delayed initialization) --- local function showstore(store,banner) --- if #store == 0 then --- report_margindata("%s: nothing stored",banner) --- else --- for i=1,#store do --- local si =store[i] --- report_margindata("%s: stored at %s: %s => %s",banner,i,si.name or "no name",nodes.toutf(si.box.list)) --- end --- end --- end - local function showstore(store,banner) if next(store) then for i, si in table.sortedpairs(store) do @@ -268,10 +261,10 @@ function margins.save(t) report_margindata("invalid scope: %s",scope) return end - if enablelocal and scope == "local" then + if enablelocal and scope == v_local then enablelocal() end - if enableglobal and scope == "global" then + if enableglobal and scope == v_global then enableglobal() end nofsaved = nofsaved + 1 @@ -312,8 +305,8 @@ function margins.save(t) local rightmargindistance = texdimen.naturalrightmargindistance t.strutdepth = texbox.strutbox.depth t.strutheight = texbox.strutbox.height - t.leftskip = tex.leftskip.width - t.rightskip = tex.rightskip.width + t.leftskip = tex.leftskip.width -- we're not in forgetall + t.rightskip = tex.rightskip.width -- we're not in forgetall t.leftmargindistance = leftmargindistance t.rightmargindistance = rightmargindistance t.leftedgedistance = texdimen.naturalleftedgedistance @@ -404,24 +397,48 @@ local function realign(current,candidate) -- in order to get it right current.width = 0 + local anchornode, move_x + + -- this mess is needed for alignments (combinations) so we use that + -- oportunity to add arbitrary anchoring - if candidate.inline then -- this mess is needed for alignments (combinations) + -- always increment anchor is nicer for multipass when we add new .. + + local inline = candidate.inline + local anchor = candidate.anchor + if not anchor or anchor == "" then + anchor = v_text + end + if inline or anchor ~= v_text then h_anchors = h_anchors + 1 - local anchor = new_latelua(format("_plib_.setraw('_mh_:%s',pdf.h)",h_anchors)) - local blob_x = jobpositions.v("_mh_:"..h_anchors) or 0 - local text_x = jobpositions.x("text:"..texcount.realpageno) or 0 - local move_x = text_x - blob_x + anchornode = new_latelua(format("_plib_.set('md:h',%i,{x=true,c=true})",h_anchors)) + local blob = jobpositions.get('md:h', h_anchors) + if blob then + local reference = jobpositions.getreserved(anchor,blob.c) + if reference then + if location == v_left then + move_x = (reference.x or 0) - (blob.x or 0) + elseif location == v_right then + move_x = (reference.x or 0) - (blob.x or 0) + (reference.w or 0) - hsize + else + -- not yet done + end + end + end + end + + if move_x then delta = delta - move_x - current.list = hpack_nodes(link_nodes(anchor,new_kern(-delta),current.list,new_kern(delta))) if trace_margindata then report_margindata("realigned: %s, location: %s, margin: %s, move: %s",candidate.n,location,margin,points(move_x)) end else - current.list = hpack_nodes(link_nodes(new_kern(-delta),current.list,new_kern(delta))) if trace_margindata then report_margindata("realigned: %s, location: %s, margin: %s",candidate.n,location,margin) end end + + current.list = hpack_nodes(link_nodes(anchornode,new_kern(-delta),current.list,new_kern(delta))) -- anchor == nil is ok in link_nodes current.width = 0 end @@ -443,39 +460,34 @@ end -- table gets saved when the v_continue case is active. We use a special variant -- of position tracking, after all we only need the page number and vertical position. -local stacked = { } -local cache = { } +local stacked = { } -- left/right keys depending on location +local cache = { } local function resetstacked() --- for i=1,#locations do --- stacked[locations[i]] = false --- end stacked = { } end -- resetstacked() -function margins.ha(tag) +function margins.ha(tag) -- maybe l/r keys ipv left/right keys local p = cache[tag] - p.r = texcount.realpageno - p.y = pdf.v - _plib_.setraw('_mv_:'..tag,p) + p.p = true + p.y = true + jobpositions.set('md:v',tag,p) cache[tag] = nil end local function markovershoot(current) - h_anchors = h_anchors + 1 - cache[h_anchors] = stacked - local anchor = new_latelua(format("typesetters.margins.ha(%s)",h_anchors)) -- todo: alleen als offset > line + v_anchors = v_anchors + 1 + cache[v_anchors] = stacked + local anchor = new_latelua(format("typesetters.margins.ha(%s)",v_anchors)) -- todo: alleen als offset > line current.list = hpack_nodes(link_nodes(anchor,current.list)) end local function getovershoot(location) - local previous = '_mv_:' .. h_anchors - local current = '_mv_:' .. (h_anchors + 1) - local p = jobpositions.v(previous) - local c = jobpositions.v(current) - if p and c and p.r and p.r == c.r then + local p = jobpositions.get("md:v",v_anchors) + local c = jobpositions.get("md:v",v_anchors+1) + if p and c and p.p and p.p == c.p then local distance = p.y - c.y local offset = p[location] or 0 local overshoot = offset - distance @@ -530,7 +542,10 @@ local function inject(parent,head,candidate) offset = offset + candidate.dy shift = shift + offset elseif stack == v_continue then - offset = offset + candidate.dy + getovershoot(location) + offset = offset + candidate.dy + if firstonstack then + offset = offset + getovershoot(location) + end shift = shift + offset end -- -- -- @@ -602,7 +617,7 @@ local function inject(parent,head,candidate) lineheight = candidate.lineheight, -- only for tracing } offset = offset + height - stacked[location] = offset + stacked[location] = offset -- weird, no table ? -- todo: if no real depth then zero if trace_margindata then report_margindata("status, offset: %s",offset) @@ -720,14 +735,14 @@ function margins.localhandler(head,group) if conditionals.inhibitmargindata then return head, false elseif nofstored > 0 then - return handler("local",head,group) + return handler(v_local,head,group) else return head, false end end function margins.globalhandler(head,group) -- check group ---~ print(group) +-- print(group) if conditionals.inhibitmargindata or nofstored == 0 then return head, false elseif group == "hmode_par" then diff --git a/tex/context/base/typo-mar.mkiv b/tex/context/base/typo-mar.mkiv index 987ce9a12..225f73cbb 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/typo-mar.mkiv +++ b/tex/context/base/typo-mar.mkiv @@ -119,6 +119,7 @@ \c!width=, % \c!stack=, \c!line=0, + \c!anchor=\v!text, \c!bottomspace=\strutdepth, % slack used for keeptogether \c!dy=\zeropoint, \c!distance=\zeropoint, @@ -185,7 +186,6 @@ \strc_references_set_page_only_destination_box_attribute\currentmarginreference\currentmarginreference \fi \edef\currentmargindatastrut{\margindataparameter\c!strut}% - \the\everymargindatacontent \dostarttagged\t!margintext\currentmargindata \ifcsname\currentmarginframedhash\s!parent\endcsname \setbox\nextbox\hbox \currentmarginreference \bgroup @@ -251,6 +251,16 @@ \ifhmode inline = true, \fi + anchor = "\margindataparameter\c!anchor", + % + % we're not in forgetall + % + % \ifzeropt\leftskip \else + % leftskip = \number\leftskip, + % \fi + % \ifzeropt\leftskip \else + % rightskip = \number\rightskip, + % \fi scope = "\margindataparameter\c!scope", align = "\margindataparameter\c!align", line = "\margindataparameter\c!line", diff --git a/tex/context/base/util-seq.lua b/tex/context/base/util-seq.lua index 3c5dc8ebb..c3361b7be 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/util-seq.lua +++ b/tex/context/base/util-seq.lua @@ -30,7 +30,9 @@ utilities.sequencers = sequencers local functions = allocate() sequencers.functions = functions -local removevalue, insertaftervalue, insertbeforevalue = tables.removevalue, tables.insertaftervalue, tables.insertbeforevalue +local removevalue = tables.removevalue +local insertaftervalue = tables.insertaftervalue +local insertbeforevalue = tables.insertbeforevalue local function validaction(action) if type(action) == "string" then @@ -45,7 +47,11 @@ local function validaction(action) return true end -function sequencers.reset(t) +local compile + +local known = { } -- just a convenience, in case we want public access (only to a few methods) + +function sequencers.new(t) -- was reset local s = { list = { }, order = { }, @@ -59,85 +65,127 @@ function sequencers.reset(t) s.arguments = t.arguments s.returnvalues = t.returnvalues s.results = t.results + local name = t.name + if name and name ~= "" then + s.name = name + known[name] = s + end end + table.setmetatableindex(s,function(t,k) + -- this will automake a dirty runner + if k == "runner" then + local v = compile(t,t.compiler) + return v + end + end) + known[s] = s -- saves test for string later on return s end function sequencers.prependgroup(t,group,where) + t = known[t] if t then local order = t.order removevalue(order,group) insertbeforevalue(order,where,group) - t.list[group], t.dirty, t.runner = { }, true, nil + t.list[group] = { } + t.dirty = true + t.runner = nil end end function sequencers.appendgroup(t,group,where) + t = known[t] if t then local order = t.order removevalue(order,group) insertaftervalue(order,where,group) - t.list[group], t.dirty, t.runner = { }, true, nil + t.list[group] = { } + t.dirty = true + t.runner = nil end end function sequencers.prependaction(t,group,action,where,kind,force) + t = known[t] if t then local g = t.list[group] if g and (force or validaction(action)) then removevalue(g,action) insertbeforevalue(g,where,action) - t.kind[action], t.dirty, t.runner = kind, true, nil + t.kind[action] = kind + t.dirty = true + t.runner = nil end end end function sequencers.appendaction(t,group,action,where,kind,force) + t = known[t] if t then local g = t.list[group] if g and (force or validaction(action)) then removevalue(g,action) insertaftervalue(g,where,action) - t.kind[action], t.dirty, t.runner = kind, true, nil + t.kind[action] = kind + t.dirty = true + t.runner = nil end end end -function sequencers.enableaction (t,action) +function sequencers.enableaction(t,action) + t = known[t] if t then - t.askip[action], t.dirty, t.runner = false, true, nil + t.askip[action] = false + t.dirty = true + t.runner = nil end end function sequencers.disableaction(t,action) + t = known[t] if t then - t.askip[action], t.dirty, t.runner = true, true, nil + t.askip[action] = true + t.dirty = true + t.runner = nil end end function sequencers.enablegroup(t,group) + t = known[t] if t then - t.gskip[group], t.dirty, t.runner = false, true, nil + t.gskip[action] = false + t.dirty = true + t.runner = nil end end function sequencers.disablegroup(t,group) + t = known[t] if t then - t.gskip[group], t.dirty, t.runner = true, true, nil + t.gskip[action] = true + t.dirty = true + t.runner = nil end end function sequencers.setkind(t,action,kind) + t = known[t] if t then - t.kind[action], t.dirty, t.runner = kind, true, nil + t.kind[action] = kind + t.dirty = true + t.runner = nil end end function sequencers.removeaction(t,group,action,force) + t = known[t] local g = t and t.list[group] if g and (force or validaction(action)) then removevalue(g,action) - t.dirty, t.runner = true, nil + t.dirty = true + t.runner = nil end end @@ -145,7 +193,7 @@ local function localize(str) return (gsub(str,"[%.: ]+","_")) end -local function construct(t,nodummy) +local function construct(t) local list, order, kind, gskip, askip = t.list, t.order, t.kind, t.gskip, t.askip local arguments, returnvalues, results = t.arguments or "...", t.returnvalues, t.results local variables, calls, n = { }, { }, 0 @@ -176,10 +224,9 @@ local function construct(t,nodummy) end end t.dirty = false - if nodummy and n == 0 then - return nil + if n == 0 then + t.compiled = "" else - -- n == 0 we could just return the variables variables = concat(variables,"\n") calls = concat(calls,"\n") if results then @@ -187,46 +234,45 @@ local function construct(t,nodummy) else t.compiled = format("%s\nreturn function(%s)\n%s\nend",variables,arguments,calls) end - return t.compiled -- also stored so that we can trace end + return t.compiled -- also stored so that we can trace end -sequencers.tostring = function(s) return construct(s,true) end +sequencers.tostring = construct sequencers.localize = localize -local function compile(t,compiler,n) +compile = function(t,compiler,n) -- already referred to in sequencers.new local compiled if not t or type(t) == "string" then -- weird ... t.compiled = t .. so return false - elseif compiler then + end + if compiler then compiled = compiler(t,n) + t.compiled = compiled else compiled = construct(t,n) end - local runner = compiled and loadstring(compiled)() - t.compiled = compiled + local runner + if compiled == "" then + runner = false + else + runner = compiled and loadstring(compiled)() + end t.runner = runner - return runner -- faster + return runner end sequencers.compile = compile -function sequencers.autocompile(t,compiler,n) -- to be used in tasks - t.runner = compile(t,compiler,n) - local autorunner = function(...) - return (t.runner or compile(t,compiler,n))(...) -- ugly but less bytecode - end - t.autorunner = autorunner - return autorunner -- one more encapsulation -end - -- we used to deal with tail as well but now that the lists are always -- double linked and the kernel function no longer expect tail as -- argument we stick to head and done (done can probably also go -- as luatex deals with return values efficiently now .. in the -- past there was some copying involved, but no longer) +-- todo: use sequencer (can have arguments and returnvalues etc now) + local template = [[ %s return function(head%s) diff --git a/tex/context/fonts/lm.lfg b/tex/context/fonts/lm.lfg index 0d082c051..406902ef2 100644 --- a/tex/context/fonts/lm.lfg +++ b/tex/context/fonts/lm.lfg @@ -4,6 +4,13 @@ return { comment = "Goodies that complement latin modern.", author = "Hans Hagen", copyright = "ConTeXt development team", + mathematics = { + tweaks = { + aftercopying = { + mathematics.tweaks.fixbadprime, -- prime is too low + }, + }, + }, designsizes = { ["LMMathRoman-Regular"] = { ["4pt"] = "LMMath5-Regular@lmroman5-math", diff --git a/tex/context/interface/cont-nl.xml b/tex/context/interface/cont-nl.xml index f60efa79e..c4ad23ba9 100644 --- a/tex/context/interface/cont-nl.xml +++ b/tex/context/interface/cont-nl.xml @@ -2466,7 +2466,7 @@ <cd:parameter name="file"> <cd:constant type="cd:text"/> </cd:parameter> - <cd:parameter name="gebied"> + <cd:parameter name="directory"> <cd:constant type="cd:text"/> </cd:parameter> <cd:parameter name="willekeur"> @@ -8534,7 +8534,7 @@ <cd:parameter name="xmax"> <cd:constant type="cd:number"/> </cd:parameter> - <cd:parameter name="gebied"> + <cd:parameter name="directory"> <cd:constant type="cd:text"/> </cd:parameter> <cd:parameter name="plaats"> @@ -9490,7 +9490,7 @@ </cd:sequence> <cd:arguments> <cd:assignments n="1" interactive="exclusive" list="yes"> - <cd:parameter name="gebied"> + <cd:parameter name="directory"> <cd:constant type="cd:text"/> </cd:parameter> </cd:assignments> diff --git a/tex/context/interface/keys-cs.xml b/tex/context/interface/keys-cs.xml index 8561fb698..3cc669006 100644 --- a/tex/context/interface/keys-cs.xml +++ b/tex/context/interface/keys-cs.xml @@ -543,6 +543,7 @@ <cd:constant name='alignsymbol' value='alignsymbol'/> <cd:constant name='aligntitle' value='zarovnejtitul'/> <cd:constant name='alternative' value='alternativa'/> + <cd:constant name='anchor' value='anchor'/> <cd:constant name='andtext' value='andtext'/> <cd:constant name='apa' value='apa'/> <cd:constant name='arrow' value='sipka'/> @@ -904,6 +905,7 @@ <cd:constant name='reference' value='odkaz'/> <cd:constant name='referenceprefix' value='referenceprefix'/> <cd:constant name='referencing' value='odkazujici'/> + <cd:constant name='region' value='region'/> <cd:constant name='regionin' value='oblastuvnitr'/> <cd:constant name='regionout' value='oblastvne'/> <cd:constant name='repeat' value='opakovat'/> @@ -1007,6 +1009,7 @@ <cd:constant name='textcolor' value='barvatextu'/> <cd:constant name='textcommand' value='textovyprikaz'/> <cd:constant name='textdistance' value='textdistance'/> + <cd:constant name='textheight' value='vyskatextu'/> <cd:constant name='textlayer' value='textlayer'/> <cd:constant name='textmargin' value='textmargin'/> <cd:constant name='textmethod' value='textmethod'/> diff --git a/tex/context/interface/keys-de.xml b/tex/context/interface/keys-de.xml index eb8faed5a..4e6959fbe 100644 --- a/tex/context/interface/keys-de.xml +++ b/tex/context/interface/keys-de.xml @@ -543,6 +543,7 @@ <cd:constant name='alignsymbol' value='alignsymbol'/> <cd:constant name='aligntitle' value='titelausrichten'/> <cd:constant name='alternative' value='alternative'/> + <cd:constant name='anchor' value='anchor'/> <cd:constant name='andtext' value='andtext'/> <cd:constant name='apa' value='apa'/> <cd:constant name='arrow' value='pfeil'/> @@ -904,6 +905,7 @@ <cd:constant name='reference' value='referenz'/> <cd:constant name='referenceprefix' value='referenceprefix'/> <cd:constant name='referencing' value='referieren'/> + <cd:constant name='region' value='region'/> <cd:constant name='regionin' value='regionin'/> <cd:constant name='regionout' value='regionaus'/> <cd:constant name='repeat' value='wiederholen'/> @@ -1007,6 +1009,7 @@ <cd:constant name='textcolor' value='textfarbe'/> <cd:constant name='textcommand' value='textbefehl'/> <cd:constant name='textdistance' value='textdistance'/> + <cd:constant name='textheight' value='texthoehe'/> <cd:constant name='textlayer' value='textlayer'/> <cd:constant name='textmargin' value='textmargin'/> <cd:constant name='textmethod' value='textmethod'/> diff --git a/tex/context/interface/keys-en.xml b/tex/context/interface/keys-en.xml index 97f3ab0dc..459a03ede 100644 --- a/tex/context/interface/keys-en.xml +++ b/tex/context/interface/keys-en.xml @@ -543,6 +543,7 @@ <cd:constant name='alignsymbol' value='alignsymbol'/> <cd:constant name='aligntitle' value='aligntitle'/> <cd:constant name='alternative' value='alternative'/> + <cd:constant name='anchor' value='anchor'/> <cd:constant name='andtext' value='andtext'/> <cd:constant name='apa' value='apa'/> <cd:constant name='arrow' value='arrow'/> @@ -904,6 +905,7 @@ <cd:constant name='reference' value='reference'/> <cd:constant name='referenceprefix' value='referenceprefix'/> <cd:constant name='referencing' value='referencing'/> + <cd:constant name='region' value='region'/> <cd:constant name='regionin' value='regionin'/> <cd:constant name='regionout' value='regionout'/> <cd:constant name='repeat' value='repeat'/> @@ -1007,6 +1009,7 @@ <cd:constant name='textcolor' value='textcolor'/> <cd:constant name='textcommand' value='textcommand'/> <cd:constant name='textdistance' value='textdistance'/> + <cd:constant name='textheight' value='textheight'/> <cd:constant name='textlayer' value='textlayer'/> <cd:constant name='textmargin' value='textmargin'/> <cd:constant name='textmethod' value='textmethod'/> diff --git a/tex/context/interface/keys-fr.xml b/tex/context/interface/keys-fr.xml index c83fcee1b..f49db065b 100644 --- a/tex/context/interface/keys-fr.xml +++ b/tex/context/interface/keys-fr.xml @@ -543,6 +543,7 @@ <cd:constant name='alignsymbol' value='alignsymbol'/> <cd:constant name='aligntitle' value='alignementtitre'/> <cd:constant name='alternative' value='alternative'/> + <cd:constant name='anchor' value='anchor'/> <cd:constant name='andtext' value='andtext'/> <cd:constant name='apa' value='apa'/> <cd:constant name='arrow' value='fleche'/> @@ -904,6 +905,7 @@ <cd:constant name='reference' value='reference'/> <cd:constant name='referenceprefix' value='referenceprefix'/> <cd:constant name='referencing' value='referencing'/> + <cd:constant name='region' value='region'/> <cd:constant name='regionin' value='entreregion'/> <cd:constant name='regionout' value='regionexterieure'/> <cd:constant name='repeat' value='repete'/> @@ -1007,6 +1009,7 @@ <cd:constant name='textcolor' value='couleurtexte'/> <cd:constant name='textcommand' value='commandetexte'/> <cd:constant name='textdistance' value='distancetexte'/> + <cd:constant name='textheight' value='hauteurtexte'/> <cd:constant name='textlayer' value='calquetexte'/> <cd:constant name='textmargin' value='margetexte'/> <cd:constant name='textmethod' value='textmethod'/> diff --git a/tex/context/interface/keys-it.xml b/tex/context/interface/keys-it.xml index 0d8f62ea9..1fc70f2dc 100644 --- a/tex/context/interface/keys-it.xml +++ b/tex/context/interface/keys-it.xml @@ -543,6 +543,7 @@ <cd:constant name='alignsymbol' value='alignsymbol'/> <cd:constant name='aligntitle' value='allineatitolo'/> <cd:constant name='alternative' value='alternativa'/> + <cd:constant name='anchor' value='anchor'/> <cd:constant name='andtext' value='andtext'/> <cd:constant name='apa' value='apa'/> <cd:constant name='arrow' value='freccia'/> @@ -904,6 +905,7 @@ <cd:constant name='reference' value='riferimento'/> <cd:constant name='referenceprefix' value='referenceprefix'/> <cd:constant name='referencing' value='referencing'/> + <cd:constant name='region' value='region'/> <cd:constant name='regionin' value='entraregione'/> <cd:constant name='regionout' value='esciregione'/> <cd:constant name='repeat' value='ripeti'/> @@ -1007,6 +1009,7 @@ <cd:constant name='textcolor' value='coloretesto'/> <cd:constant name='textcommand' value='comandotesto'/> <cd:constant name='textdistance' value='distanzatesto'/> + <cd:constant name='textheight' value='altezzatesto'/> <cd:constant name='textlayer' value='textlayer'/> <cd:constant name='textmargin' value='textmargin'/> <cd:constant name='textmethod' value='textmethod'/> diff --git a/tex/context/interface/keys-nl.xml b/tex/context/interface/keys-nl.xml index 638641a61..275e910e2 100644 --- a/tex/context/interface/keys-nl.xml +++ b/tex/context/interface/keys-nl.xml @@ -543,6 +543,7 @@ <cd:constant name='alignsymbol' value='alignsymbol'/> <cd:constant name='aligntitle' value='titeluitlijnen'/> <cd:constant name='alternative' value='variant'/> + <cd:constant name='anchor' value='anker'/> <cd:constant name='andtext' value='andtext'/> <cd:constant name='apa' value='apa'/> <cd:constant name='arrow' value='pijl'/> @@ -642,7 +643,7 @@ <cd:constant name='depth' value='diepte'/> <cd:constant name='depthcorrection' value='dieptecorrectie'/> <cd:constant name='direction' value='richting'/> - <cd:constant name='directory' value='gebied'/> + <cd:constant name='directory' value='directory'/> <cd:constant name='display' value='scherm'/> <cd:constant name='distance' value='afstand'/> <cd:constant name='dot' value='punt'/> @@ -904,6 +905,7 @@ <cd:constant name='reference' value='verwijzing'/> <cd:constant name='referenceprefix' value='referenceprefix'/> <cd:constant name='referencing' value='refereren'/> + <cd:constant name='region' value='gebied'/> <cd:constant name='regionin' value='gebiedin'/> <cd:constant name='regionout' value='gebieduit'/> <cd:constant name='repeat' value='herhaal'/> @@ -1007,6 +1009,7 @@ <cd:constant name='textcolor' value='tekstkleur'/> <cd:constant name='textcommand' value='tekstcommando'/> <cd:constant name='textdistance' value='tekstafstand'/> + <cd:constant name='textheight' value='teksthoogte'/> <cd:constant name='textlayer' value='tekstlaag'/> <cd:constant name='textmargin' value='tekstmarge'/> <cd:constant name='textmethod' value='tekstmethode'/> diff --git a/tex/context/interface/keys-pe.xml b/tex/context/interface/keys-pe.xml index 64330dc06..9a965882b 100644 --- a/tex/context/interface/keys-pe.xml +++ b/tex/context/interface/keys-pe.xml @@ -543,6 +543,7 @@ <cd:constant name='alignsymbol' value='alignsymbol'/> <cd:constant name='aligntitle' value='عنوانتنظیم'/> <cd:constant name='alternative' value='جایگزین'/> + <cd:constant name='anchor' value='anchor'/> <cd:constant name='andtext' value='andtext'/> <cd:constant name='apa' value='apa'/> <cd:constant name='arrow' value='پیکان'/> @@ -904,6 +905,7 @@ <cd:constant name='reference' value='مرجع'/> <cd:constant name='referenceprefix' value='referenceprefix'/> <cd:constant name='referencing' value='مراجعه'/> + <cd:constant name='region' value='region'/> <cd:constant name='regionin' value='ناحیهدرون'/> <cd:constant name='regionout' value='ناحیهبیرون'/> <cd:constant name='repeat' value='تکرار'/> @@ -1007,6 +1009,7 @@ <cd:constant name='textcolor' value='رنگمتن'/> <cd:constant name='textcommand' value='فرمانمتن'/> <cd:constant name='textdistance' value='فاصلهمتن'/> + <cd:constant name='textheight' value='ارتفاعمتن'/> <cd:constant name='textlayer' value='لایهمتن'/> <cd:constant name='textmargin' value='حاشیهمتن'/> <cd:constant name='textmethod' value='روشمتن'/> diff --git a/tex/context/interface/keys-ro.xml b/tex/context/interface/keys-ro.xml index 0f2a6457d..82ecda69f 100644 --- a/tex/context/interface/keys-ro.xml +++ b/tex/context/interface/keys-ro.xml @@ -543,6 +543,7 @@ <cd:constant name='alignsymbol' value='alignsymbol'/> <cd:constant name='aligntitle' value='alinieretitlu'/> <cd:constant name='alternative' value='alternativ'/> + <cd:constant name='anchor' value='anchor'/> <cd:constant name='andtext' value='andtext'/> <cd:constant name='apa' value='apa'/> <cd:constant name='arrow' value='sageata'/> @@ -904,6 +905,7 @@ <cd:constant name='reference' value='referinta'/> <cd:constant name='referenceprefix' value='referenceprefix'/> <cd:constant name='referencing' value='referinta'/> + <cd:constant name='region' value='region'/> <cd:constant name='regionin' value='regiuneintrare'/> <cd:constant name='regionout' value='regiuneiesire'/> <cd:constant name='repeat' value='repeta'/> @@ -1007,6 +1009,7 @@ <cd:constant name='textcolor' value='culoaretext'/> <cd:constant name='textcommand' value='comandatext'/> <cd:constant name='textdistance' value='textdistance'/> + <cd:constant name='textheight' value='inaltimetext'/> <cd:constant name='textlayer' value='textlayer'/> <cd:constant name='textmargin' value='textmargin'/> <cd:constant name='textmethod' value='textmethod'/> diff --git a/tex/generic/context/luatex/luatex-fonts-merged.lua b/tex/generic/context/luatex/luatex-fonts-merged.lua index 433aba544..3763c896b 100644 --- a/tex/generic/context/luatex/luatex-fonts-merged.lua +++ b/tex/generic/context/luatex/luatex-fonts-merged.lua @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ -- merged file : luatex-fonts-merged.lua -- parent file : luatex-fonts.lua --- merge date : 01/25/12 14:16:54 +-- merge date : 02/08/12 21:04:08 do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference @@ -3307,7 +3307,6 @@ local setmetatableindex = table.setmetatableindex -- will be directives constructors.dontembed = allocate() -constructors.mathactions = { } constructors.autocleanup = true constructors.namemode = "fullpath" -- will be a function @@ -3541,6 +3540,14 @@ function constructors.assignmathparameters(target,original) -- simple variant, n end end +function constructors.beforecopyingcharacters(target,original) + -- can be used for additional tweaking +end + +function constructors.aftercopyingcharacters(target,original) + -- can be used for additional tweaking +end + function constructors.enhanceparameters(parameters) local xheight = parameters.x_height local quad = parameters.quad @@ -3790,7 +3797,7 @@ function constructors.scale(tfmdata,specification) -- local italickey = "italic" -- - -- some context specific trickery (we might move this to a plug in into here + -- some context specific trickery (this will move to a plugin) -- if hasmath then if properties.mathitalics then @@ -3816,6 +3823,8 @@ function constructors.scale(tfmdata,specification) -- -- end of context specific trickery -- + constructors.beforecopyingcharacters(target,tfmdata) + -- local sharedkerns = { } -- -- we can have a dumb mode (basemode without math etc) that skips most @@ -4058,6 +4067,9 @@ function constructors.scale(tfmdata,specification) end targetcharacters[unicode] = chr end + -- + constructors.aftercopyingcharacters(target,tfmdata) + -- return target end @@ -12486,17 +12498,6 @@ function definers.resolve(specification) else specification.forced = specification.forced end - -- for the moment here (goodies set outside features) - local goodies = specification.goodies - if goodies and goodies ~= "" then - local normal = specification.features.normal - if not normal then - specification.features.normal = { goodies = goodies } - elseif not normal.goodies then - normal.goodies = goodies - end - end - -- specification.hash = lower(specification.name .. ' @ ' .. constructors.hashfeatures(specification)) if specification.sub and specification.sub ~= "" then specification.hash = specification.sub .. ' @ ' .. specification.hash |