diff options
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index aa36277b7..4c8947229 100644
--- a/context/data/scite/lexers/data/scite-context-data-context.lua
+++ b/context/data/scite/lexers/data/scite-context-data-context.lua
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
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diff --git a/context/data/scite/ b/context/data/scite/
index 37a39e1e0..39a7178a7 100644
--- a/context/data/scite/
+++ b/context/data/scite/
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+letgvalue resetvalue undefinevalue ignorevalue setuvalue \
+setuevalue setugvalue setuxvalue globallet glet \
+getparameters geteparameters getgparameters getxparameters forgetparameters \
+copyparameters processcommalist processcommacommand quitcommalist quitprevcommalist \
+processaction processallactions processfirstactioninset processallactionsinset unexpanded \
+expanded startexpanded stopexpanded protected protect \
+unprotect firstofoneargument firstoftwoarguments secondoftwoarguments firstofthreearguments \
+secondofthreearguments thirdofthreearguments firstoffourarguments secondoffourarguments thirdoffourarguments \
+fourthoffourarguments firstoffivearguments secondoffivearguments thirdoffivearguments fourthoffivearguments \
+fifthoffivearguments firstofsixarguments secondofsixarguments thirdofsixarguments fourthofsixarguments \
+fifthofsixarguments sixthofsixarguments firstofoneunexpanded gobbleoneargument gobbletwoarguments \
+gobblethreearguments gobblefourarguments gobblefivearguments gobblesixarguments gobblesevenarguments \
+gobbleeightarguments gobbleninearguments gobbletenarguments gobbleoneoptional gobbletwooptionals \
+gobblethreeoptionals gobblefouroptionals gobblefiveoptionals dorecurse doloop \
+exitloop dostepwiserecurse recurselevel recursedepth dofastloopcs \
+newconstant setnewconstant newconditional settrue setfalse \
+setconstant newmacro setnewmacro newfraction dosingleempty \
+dodoubleempty dotripleempty doquadrupleempty doquintupleempty dosixtupleempty \
+doseventupleempty dosingleargument dodoubleargument dotripleargument doquadrupleargument \
+dosinglegroupempty dodoublegroupempty dotriplegroupempty doquadruplegroupempty doquintuplegroupempty \
+nopdfcompression maximumpdfcompression normalpdfcompression modulonumber dividenumber \
+getfirstcharacter doiffirstcharelse startnointerference stopnointerference strut \
+setstrut strutbox strutht strutdp strutwd \
+begstrut endstrut
zerocount minusone minustwo plusone \
diff --git a/scripts/context/lua/mtx-context.lua b/scripts/context/lua/mtx-context.lua
index e07ecdfc7..fdca3c89a 100644
--- a/scripts/context/lua/mtx-context.lua
+++ b/scripts/context/lua/mtx-context.lua
@@ -6,11 +6,18 @@ if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['mtx-context'] = {
license = "see context related readme files"
+-- todo: more local functions
+-- todo: pass jobticket/ctxdata table around
local format, gmatch, match, gsub, find = string.format, string.gmatch, string.match, string.gsub, string.find
local quote = string.quote
local concat = table.concat
+local settings_to_array = utilities.parsers.settings_to_array
+local appendtable = table.append
+local lpegpatterns, lpegmatch, Cs, P = lpeg.patterns, lpeg.match, lpeg.Cs, lpeg.P
-local getargument = environment.argument
+local getargument = environment.getargument or environment.argument
+local setargument = environment.setargument
local basicinfo = [[
--run process (one or more) files (default action)
@@ -35,7 +42,7 @@ local basicinfo = [[
--noconsole disable logging to the console (logfile only)
--purgeresult purge result file before run
---forcexml force xml stub (optional flag: --mkii)
+--forcexml force xml stub
--forcecld force cld (context lua document) stub
--arrange run extra imposition pass, given that the style sets up imposition
@@ -50,23 +57,16 @@ local basicinfo = [[
--version report installed context version
--global assume given file present elsewhere
+--nofile use dummy file as jobname
--expert expert options
--- filter=list is kind of obsolete
--- color is obsolete for mkiv, always on
--- separation is obsolete for mkiv, no longer available
--- output is currently obsolete for mkiv
--- setuppath=list must check
--- modefile=name must check
--- input=name load the given inputfile (must check)
local expertinfo = [[
expert options:
--touch update context version number (remake needed afterwards, also provide --expert)
---nostats omit runtime statistics at the end of the run
+--nostatistics omit runtime statistics at the end of the run
--update update context from website (not to be confused with contextgarden)
--profile profile job (use: mtxrun --script profile --analyze)
--timing generate timing and statistics overview
@@ -80,13 +80,14 @@ special options:
--pdftex process file with texexec using pdftex
--xetex process file with texexec using xetex
+--mkii process file with texexec
--pipe don't check for file and enter scroll mode (--dummyfile=whatever.tmp)
local application = logs.application {
name = "mtx-context",
- banner = "ConTeXt Process Management 0.52",
+ banner = "ConTeXt Process Management 0.60",
helpinfo = {
basic = basicinfo,
extra = extrainfo,
@@ -94,159 +95,105 @@ local application = logs.application {
+-- local luatexflags = {
+-- ["8bit"] = true, -- ignored, input is assumed to be in UTF-8 encoding
+-- ["default-translate-file"] = true, -- ignored, input is assumed to be in UTF-8 encoding
+-- ["translate-file"] = true, -- ignored, input is assumed to be in UTF-8 encoding
+-- ["etex"] = true, -- ignored, the etex extensions are always active
+-- ["credits"] = true, -- display credits and exit
+-- ["debug-format"] = true, -- enable format debugging
+-- ["disable-write18"] = true, -- disable \write18{SHELL COMMAND}
+-- ["draftmode"] = true, -- switch on draft mode (generates no output PDF)
+-- ["enable-write18"] = true, -- enable \write18{SHELL COMMAND}
+-- ["file-line-error"] = true, -- enable file:line:error style messages
+-- ["file-line-error-style"] = true, -- aliases of --file-line-error
+-- ["no-file-line-error"] = true, -- disable file:line:error style messages
+-- ["no-file-line-error-style"] = true, -- aliases of --no-file-line-error
+-- ["fmt"] = true, -- load the format file FORMAT
+-- ["halt-on-error"] = true, -- stop processing at the first error
+-- ["help"] = true, -- display help and exit
+-- ["ini"] = true, -- be iniluatex, for dumping formats
+-- ["interaction"] = true, -- set interaction mode (STRING=batchmode/nonstopmode/scrollmode/errorstopmode)
+-- ["jobname"] = true, -- set the job name to STRING
+-- ["kpathsea-debug"] = true, -- set path searching debugging flags according to the bits of NUMBER
+-- ["lua"] = true, -- load and execute a lua initialization script
+-- ["mktex"] = true, -- enable mktexFMT generation (FMT=tex/tfm)
+-- ["no-mktex"] = true, -- disable mktexFMT generation (FMT=tex/tfm)
+-- ["nosocket"] = true, -- disable the lua socket library
+-- ["output-comment"] = true, -- use STRING for DVI file comment instead of date (no effect for PDF)
+-- ["output-directory"] = true, -- use existing DIR as the directory to write files in
+-- ["output-format"] = true, -- use FORMAT for job output; FORMAT is 'dvi' or 'pdf'
+-- ["parse-first-line"] = true, -- enable parsing of the first line of the input file
+-- ["no-parse-first-line"] = true, -- disable parsing of the first line of the input file
+-- ["progname"] = true, -- set the program name to STRING
+-- ["recorder"] = true, -- enable filename recorder
+-- ["safer"] = true, -- disable easily exploitable lua commands
+-- ["shell-escape"] = true, -- enable \write18{SHELL COMMAND}
+-- ["no-shell-escape"] = true, -- disable \write18{SHELL COMMAND}
+-- ["shell-restricted"] = true, -- restrict \write18 to a list of commands given in texmf.cnf
+-- ["synctex"] = true, -- enable synctex
+-- ["version"] = true, -- display version and exit
+-- ["luaonly"] = true, -- run a lua file, then exit
+-- ["luaconly"] = true, -- byte-compile a lua file, then exit
+-- }
local report =
scripts = scripts or { }
scripts.context = scripts.context or { }
--- a demo cld file:
--- context.starttext()
--- context.chapter("Hello There")
--- context.readfile("tufte","","not found")
--- context.stoptext()
+-- constants
--- l-file / todo
+local usedfiles = {
+ nop = "cont-nop.mkiv",
+ yes = "cont-yes.mkiv",
-function file.needsupdate(oldfile,newfile)
- return true
-function file.syncmtimes(oldfile,newfile)
+local usedsuffixes = {
+ before = {
+ "tuc"
+ },
+ after = {
+ "pdf", "tuc", "log"
+ },
+ keep = {
+ "log"
+ },
--- l-io
+local formatofinterface = {
+ en = "cont-en",
+ uk = "cont-uk",
+ de = "cont-de",
+ fr = "cont-fr",
+ nl = "cont-nl",
+ cs = "cont-cs",
+ it = "cont-it",
+ ro = "cont-ro",
+ pe = "cont-pe",
-function io.copydata(fromfile,tofile)
- io.savedata(tofile,io.loaddata(fromfile) or "")
+local defaultformats = {
+ "cont-en",
+ "cont-nl",
--- ctx (will become util-ctx)
-local ctxrunner = { }
-function ctxrunner.filtered(str,method)
- str = tostring(str)
- if method == 'name' then str = file.removesuffix(file.basename(str))
- elseif method == 'path' then str = file.dirname(str)
- elseif method == 'suffix' then str = file.extname(str)
- elseif method == 'nosuffix' then str = file.removesuffix(str)
- elseif method == 'nopath' then str = file.basename(str)
- elseif method == 'base' then str = file.basename(str)
--- elseif method == 'full' then
--- elseif method == 'complete' then
--- elseif method == 'expand' then -- str = file.expandpath(str)
- end
- return str:gsub("\\","/")
+-- process information
-function ctxrunner.substitute(e,str)
- local attributes =
- if str and attributes then
- if attributes['method'] then
- str = ctxrunner.filtered(str,attributes['method'])
- end
- if str == "" and attributes['default'] then
- str = attributes['default']
- end
- end
- return str
+local ctxrunner = { } -- namespace will go
-function ctxrunner.reflag(flags)
- local t = { }
- for _, flag in next, flags do
- local key, value = match(flag,"^(.-)=(.+)$")
- if key and value then
- t[key] = value
- else
- t[flag] = true
- end
- end
- return t
-function ctxrunner.substitute(str)
- return str
-function ctxrunner.justtext(str)
- str = xml.unescaped(tostring(str))
- str = xml.cleansed(str)
- str = str:gsub("\\+",'/')
- str = str:gsub("%s+",' ')
- return str
+local ctx_locations = { '..', '../..' }
return {
- ctxname = "",
- jobname = "",
- xmldata = nil,
- suffix = "prep",
- locations = { '..', '../..' },
- variables = { },
- messages = { },
- environments = { },
- modules = { },
- filters = { },
- flags = { },
- modes = { },
- prepfiles = { },
- paths = { },
+ ctxname = "",
+ jobname = "",
+ flags = { },
-function ctxrunner.savelog(ctxdata,ctlname)
- local function yn(b)
- if b then return 'yes' else return 'no' end
- end
- if not ctlname or ctlname == "" or ctlname == ctxdata.jobname then
- if ctxdata.jobname then
- ctlname = file.replacesuffix(ctxdata.jobname,'ctl')
- elseif ctxdata.ctxname then
- ctlname = file.replacesuffix(ctxdata.ctxname,'ctl')
- else
- report("invalid ctl name: %s",ctlname or "?")
- return
- end
- end
- local prepfiles = ctxdata.prepfiles
- if prepfiles and next(prepfiles) then
- report("saving logdata in: %s",ctlname)
- f =,'w')
- if f then
- f:write("<?xml version='1.0' standalone='yes'?>\n\n")
- f:write(format("<ctx:preplist local='%s'>\n",yn(ctxdata.runlocal)))
- local sorted = table.sortedkeys(prepfiles)
- for i=1,#sorted do
- local name = sorted[i]
- f:write(format("\t<ctx:prepfile done='%s'>%s</ctx:prepfile>\n",yn(prepfiles[name]),name))
- end
- f:write("</ctx:preplist>\n")
- f:close()
- end
- else
- report("nothing prepared, no ctl file saved")
- os.remove(ctlname)
- end
-function ctxrunner.register_path(ctxdata,path)
- -- test if exists
- ctxdata.paths[ctxdata.paths+1] = path
-function ctxrunner.trace(ctxdata)
- print(table.serialize(ctxdata.messages))
- print(table.serialize(ctxdata.flags))
- print(table.serialize(ctxdata.environments))
- print(table.serialize(ctxdata.modules))
- print(table.serialize(ctxdata.filters))
- print(table.serialize(ctxdata.modes))
- print(xml.tostring(ctxdata.xmldata))
-function ctxrunner.manipulate(ctxdata,ctxname,defaultname)
+function ctxrunner.checkfile(ctxdata,ctxname,defaultname)
if not ctxdata.jobname or ctxdata.jobname == "" then
@@ -269,13 +216,14 @@ function ctxrunner.manipulate(ctxdata,ctxname,defaultname)
local usedname = ctxdata.ctxname
local found = lfs.isfile(usedname)
- -- no futher test if qualified path
+ -- no further test if qualified path
if not found then
- for _, path in next, ctxdata.locations do
+ for _, path in next, ctx_locations do
local fullname = file.join(path,ctxdata.ctxname)
if lfs.isfile(fullname) then
- usedname, found = fullname, true
+ usedname = fullname
+ found = true
@@ -283,194 +231,69 @@ function ctxrunner.manipulate(ctxdata,ctxname,defaultname)
if not found then
usedname = resolvers.findfile(ctxdata.ctxname,"tex")
- found = usedname ~= ""
+ found = usedname ~= ""
if not found and defaultname and defaultname ~= "" and lfs.isfile(defaultname) then
- usedname, found = defaultname, true
+ usedname = defaultname
+ found = true
if not found then
- ctxdata.xmldata = xml.load(usedname)
+ local xmldata = xml.load(usedname)
- if not ctxdata.xmldata then
+ if not xmldata then
-- test for valid, can be text file
- xml.include(ctxdata.xmldata,'ctx:include','name', table.append({'.', file.dirname(ctxdata.ctxname)},ctxdata.locations))
- ctxdata.variables['job'] = ctxdata.jobname
+ local ctxpaths = table.append({'.', file.dirname(ctxdata.ctxname)}, ctx_locations)
- ctxdata.flags = xml.collect_texts(ctxdata.xmldata,"/ctx:job/ctx:flags/ctx:flag",true)
- ctxdata.environments = xml.collect_texts(ctxdata.xmldata,"/ctx:job/ctx:process/ctx:resources/ctx:environment",true)
- ctxdata.modules = xml.collect_texts(ctxdata.xmldata,"/ctx:job/ctx:process/ctx:resources/ctx:module",true)
- ctxdata.filters = xml.collect_texts(ctxdata.xmldata,"/ctx:job/ctx:process/ctx:resources/ctx:filter",true)
- ctxdata.modes = xml.collect_texts(ctxdata.xmldata,"/ctx:job/ctx:process/ctx:resources/ctx:mode",true)
- ctxdata.messages = xml.collect_texts(ctxdata.xmldata,"ctx:message",true)
+ xml.include(xmldata,'ctx:include','name', ctxpaths)
- ctxdata.flags = ctxrunner.reflag(ctxdata.flags)
+ local flags = ctxdata.flags
- local messages = ctxdata.messages
- for i=1,#messages do
- report("ctx comment: %s", xml.tostring(messages[i]))
- end
- for r, d, k in xml.elements(ctxdata.xmldata,"ctx:value[@name='job']") do
- d[k] = ctxdata.variables['job'] or ""
- end
- local commands = { }
- for e in xml.collected(ctxdata.xmldata,"/ctx:job/ctx:preprocess/ctx:processors/ctx:processor") do
- commands[ and['name'] or "unknown"] = e
- end
- local suffix = xml.filter(ctxdata.xmldata,"/ctx:job/ctx:preprocess/attribute('suffix')") or ctxdata.suffix
- local runlocal = xml.filter(ctxdata.xmldata,"/ctx:job/ctx:preprocess/ctx:processors/attribute('local')")
- runlocal = toboolean(runlocal)
- for files in xml.collected(ctxdata.xmldata,"/ctx:job/ctx:preprocess/ctx:files") do
- for pattern in xml.collected(files,"ctx:file") do
- preprocessor =['processor'] or ""
- if preprocessor ~= "" then
- ctxdata.variables['old'] = ctxdata.jobname
- for r, d, k in xml.elements(ctxdata.xmldata,"ctx:value") do
- local ek = d[k]
- local ekat =['name']
- if ekat == 'old' then
- d[k] = ctxrunner.substitute(ctxdata.variables[ekat] or "")
- end
- end
- pattern = ctxrunner.justtext(xml.tostring(pattern))
- local oldfiles = dir.glob(pattern)
- local pluspath = false
- if #oldfiles == 0 then
- -- message: no files match pattern
- local paths = ctxdata.paths
- for i=1,#paths do
- local p = paths[i]
- local oldfiles = dir.glob(path.join(p,pattern))
- if #oldfiles > 0 then
- pluspath = true
- break
- end
- end
- end
- if #oldfiles == 0 then
- -- message: no old files
- else
- for i=1,#oldfiles do
- local oldfile = oldfiles[i]
- local newfile = oldfile .. "." .. suffix -- addsuffix will add one only
- if ctxdata.runlocal then
- newfile = file.basename(newfile)
- end
- if oldfile ~= newfile and file.needsupdate(oldfile,newfile) then
- -- message: oldfile needs preprocessing
- -- os.remove(newfile)
- local splitted = preprocessor:split(',')
- for i=1,#splitted do
- local pp = splitted[i]
- local command = commands[pp]
- if command then
- command = xml.copy(command)
- local suf = ( and['suffix']) or ctxdata.suffix
- if suf then
- newfile = oldfile .. "." .. suf
- end
- if ctxdata.runlocal then
- newfile = file.basename(newfile)
- end
- for r, d, k in xml.elements(command,"ctx:old") do
- d[k] = ctxrunner.substitute(oldfile)
- end
- for r, d, k in xml.elements(command,"ctx:new") do
- d[k] = ctxrunner.substitute(newfile)
- end
- ctxdata.variables['old'] = oldfile
- ctxdata.variables['new'] = newfile
- for r, d, k in xml.elements(command,"ctx:value") do
- local ek = d[k]
- local ekat = and['name']
- if ekat then
- d[k] = ctxrunner.substitute(ctxdata.variables[ekat] or "")
- end
- end
- -- potential optimization: when mtxrun run internal
- command = xml.content(command)
- command = ctxrunner.justtext(command)
- report("command: %s",command)
- local result = os.spawn(command) or 0
- -- somehow we get the wrong return value
- if result > 0 then
- report("error, return code: %s",result)
- end
- if ctxdata.runlocal then
- oldfile = file.basename(oldfile)
- end
- end
- end
- if lfs.isfile(newfile) then
- file.syncmtimes(oldfile,newfile)
- ctxdata.prepfiles[oldfile] = true
- else
- report("error, check target location of new file: %s", newfile)
- ctxdata.prepfiles[oldfile] = false
- end
- else
- report("old file needs no preprocessing")
- ctxdata.prepfiles[oldfile] = lfs.isfile(newfile)
- end
- end
- end
- end
+ for e in xml.collected(xmldata,"/ctx:job/ctx:flags/ctx:flag") do
+ local key, value = match(flag,"^(.-)=(.+)$")
+ if key and value then
+ flags[key] = value
+ else
+ flags[flag] = true
- ctxrunner.savelog(ctxdata)
-function ctxrunner.preppedfile(ctxdata,filename)
- if ctxdata.prepfiles[file.basename(filename)] then
- return filename .. ".prep"
- else
- return filename
+function ctxrunner.checkflags(ctxdata)
+ if ctxdata then
+ for k,v in next, ctxdata.flags do
+ if getargument(k) == nil then
+ setargument(k,v)
+ end
+ end
--- rest
+-- multipass control
-scripts.context.multipass = {
--- suffixes = { ".tuo", ".tuc" },
- suffixes = { ".tuc" },
- nofruns = 8,
--- nofruns = 7, -- test oscillation
+local multipass_suffixes = { ".tuc" }
+local multipass_nofruns = 8 -- or 7 to test oscillation
-function scripts.context.multipass.hashfiles(jobname)
+local function multipass_hashfiles(jobname)
local hash = { }
- local suffixes = scripts.context.multipass.suffixes
- for i=1,#suffixes do
- local suffix = suffixes[i]
+ for i=1,#multipass_suffixes do
+ local suffix = multipass_suffixes[i]
local full = jobname .. suffix
hash[full] = md5.hex(io.loaddata(full) or "unknown")
return hash
-function scripts.context.multipass.changed(oldhash, newhash)
+local function multipass_changed(oldhash, newhash)
for k,v in next, oldhash do
if v ~= newhash[k] then
return true
@@ -479,126 +302,7 @@ function scripts.context.multipass.changed(oldhash, newhash)
return false
-function scripts.context.multipass.makeoptionfile(jobname,ctxdata,kindofrun,currentrun,finalrun,once)
- -- take jobname from ctx
- jobname = file.removesuffix(jobname)
- local f =".top","w")
- if f then
- local function someflag(flag)
- return (ctxdata and ctxdata.flags[flag]) or getargument(flag)
- end
- local function setvalue(flag,template,hash,default)
- local a = someflag(flag) or default
- if a and a ~= "" then
- if hash then
- if hash[a] then
- f:write(format(template,a),"\n")
- end
- else
- f:write(format(template,a),"\n")
- end
- end
- end
- local function setvalues(flag,template,plural)
- if type(flag) == "table" then
- for k, v in next, flag do
- f:write(format(template,v),"\n")
- end
- else
- local a = someflag(flag) or (plural and someflag(flag.."s"))
- if a and a ~= "" then
- for v in gmatch(a,"%s*([^,]+)") do
- f:write(format(template,v),"\n")
- end
- end
- end
- end
- local function setfixed(flag,template,...)
- if someflag(flag) then
- f:write(format(template,...),"\n")
- end
- end
- local function setalways(template,...)
- f:write(format(template,...),"\n")
- end
- --
- -- This might change ... we can just pass the relevant flags directly.
- --
- setalways("%% runtime options files (command line driven)")
- --
- setalways("\\unprotect")
- --
- setalways("%% feedback and basic job control")
- --
- -- Option file, we can pass more on the commandline some day soon. Actually we
- -- should use directives and trackers.
- --
- setfixed ("timing" , "\\usemodule[timing]")
- setfixed ("batchmode" , "\\batchmode")
- setfixed ("batch" , "\\batchmode")
- setfixed ("nonstopmode" , "\\nonstopmode")
- setfixed ("nonstop" , "\\nonstopmode")
- -- setfixed ("tracefiles" , "\\tracefilestrue")
- setfixed ("nostats" , "\\nomkivstatistics")
- setfixed ("paranoid" , "\\def\\maxreadlevel{1}")
- --
- setalways("%% handy for special styles")
- --
- setalways("\\startluacode")
- setalways("document = document or { }")
- setalways(table.serialize(environment.arguments, "document.arguments"))
- setalways(table.serialize(environment.files, "document.files"))
- setalways("\\stopluacode")
- --
- setalways("%% process info")
- --
- setalways( "\\setupsystem[inputfile=%s]",getargument("input") or environment.files[1] or "\\jobname")
- setvalue ("result" , "\\setupsystem[file=%s]")
- setalways( "\\setupsystem[\\c!n=%s,\\c!m=%s]", kindofrun or 0, currentrun or 0)
- setvalues("path" , "\\usepath[%s]")
- setvalue ("setuppath" , "\\setupsystem[\\c!directory={%s}]")
- setvalue ("randomseed" , "\\setupsystem[\\c!random=%s]")
- setvalue ("arguments" , "\\setupenv[%s]")
- if once then
- setalways("\\enabledirectives[system.runonce]")
- end
- setalways("%% modes")
- setvalues("modefile" , "\\readlocfile{%s}{}{}")
- setvalues("mode" , "\\enablemode[%s]", true)
- if ctxdata then
- setvalues(ctxdata.modes, "\\enablemode[%s]")
- end
- --
- setalways("%% options (not that important)")
- --
- setalways("\\startsetups *runtime:options")
- setfixed ("color" , "\\setupcolors[\\c!state=\\v!start]")
- setvalue ("separation" , "\\setupcolors[\\c!split=%s]")
- setfixed ("noarrange" , "\\setuparranging[\\v!disable]")
- if getargument('arrange') and not finalrun then
- setalways( "\\setuparranging[\\v!disable]")
- end
- setalways("\\stopsetups")
- --
- setalways("%% styles and modules")
- --
- setalways("\\startsetups *runtime:modules")
- setvalues("usemodule" , "\\usemodule[%s]", true)
- setvalues("environment" , "\\environment %s ", true)
- if ctxdata then
- setvalues(ctxdata.modules, "\\usemodule[%s]")
- setvalues(ctxdata.environments, "\\environment %s ")
- end
- setalways("\\stopsetups")
- --
- setalways("%% done")
- --
- setalways("\\protect \\endinput")
- f:close()
- end
-function scripts.context.multipass.copyluafile(jobname) -- obsolete
+local function multipass_copyluafile(jobname)
local tuaname, tucname = jobname..".tua", jobname..".tuc"
if lfs.isfile(tuaname) then
@@ -606,120 +310,54 @@ function scripts.context.multipass.copyluafile(jobname) -- obsolete
-scripts.context.cldsuffixes = table.tohash {
- "cld",
-scripts.context.xmlsuffixes = table.tohash {
- "xml",
-scripts.context.luasuffixes = table.tohash {
- "lua",
-scripts.context.beforesuffixes = {
- "tuo", "tuc"
-scripts.context.aftersuffixes = {
- "pdf", "tuo", "tuc", "log"
-scripts.context.errorsuffixes = {
- "log"
-scripts.context.interfaces = {
- en = "cont-en",
- uk = "cont-uk",
- de = "cont-de",
- fr = "cont-fr",
- nl = "cont-nl",
- cs = "cont-cs",
- it = "cont-it",
- ro = "cont-ro",
- pe = "cont-pe",
-scripts.context.defaultformats = {
- "cont-en",
- "cont-nl",
--- "mptopdf", -- todo: mak emkiv variant
--- "metatex", -- will show up soon
--- "metafun", -- todo: mp formats
--- "plain"
-local lpegpatterns, Cs, P = lpeg.patterns, lpeg.Cs, lpeg.P
local pattern = lpegpatterns.utfbom^-1 * (P("%% ") + P("% ")) * Cs((1-lpegpatterns.newline)^1)
-local function analyze(filename) -- only files on current path
- local f =,"tex"))
- if f then
- local t = { }
- local line = f:read("*line") or ""
- local preamble = lpeg.match(pattern,line)
+local function preamble_analyze(filename) -- only files on current path
+ local t = { }
+ local line = io.loadlines(file.addsuffix(filename,"tex"))
+ if line then
+ local preamble = lpegmatch(pattern,line)
if preamble then
for key, value in gmatch(preamble,"(%S+)%s*=%s*(%S+)") do
t[key] = value
t.type = "tex"
- elseif line:find("^<?xml ") then
+ elseif find(line,"^<?xml ") then
t.type = "xml"
if t.nofruns then
- scripts.context.multipass.nofruns = t.nofruns
+ multipass_nofruns = t.nofruns
if not t.engine then
t.engine = 'luatex'
- f:close()
- return t
- end
-local function makestub(wrap,template,filename,prepname)
- local stubname = file.replacesuffix(file.basename(filename),'run')
- local f =,'w')
- if f then
- if wrap then
- f:write("\\starttext\n")
- end
- f:write(format(template,prepname or filename),"\n")
- if wrap then
- f:write("\\stoptext\n")
- end
- f:close()
- filename = stubname
- return filename
+ return t
---~ function scripts.context.openpdf(name)
---~ os.spawn(format('pdfopen --file "%s" 2>&1', file.replacesuffix(name,"pdf")))
---~ end
---~ function scripts.context.closepdf(name)
---~ os.spawn(format('pdfclose --file "%s" 2>&1', file.replacesuffix(name,"pdf")))
---~ end
+-- automatically opening and closing pdf files
-local pdfview -- delayed loading
+local pdfview -- delayed
-function scripts.context.openpdf(name,method)
+local function pdf_open(name,method)
pdfview = pdfview or dofile(resolvers.findfile("l-pdfview.lua","tex"))
-function scripts.context.closepdf(name,method)
+local function pdf_close(name,method)
pdfview = pdfview or dofile(resolvers.findfile("l-pdfview.lua","tex"))
-local function push_result_purge(oldbase,newbase)
- for _, suffix in next, scripts.context.aftersuffixes do
+-- result file handling
+local function result_push_purge(oldbase,newbase)
+ for _, suffix in next, usedsuffixes.after do
local oldname = file.addsuffix(oldbase,suffix)
local newname = file.addsuffix(newbase,suffix)
@@ -727,8 +365,8 @@ local function push_result_purge(oldbase,newbase)
-local function push_result_keep(oldbase,newbase)
- for _, suffix in next, scripts.context.beforesuffixes do
+local function result_push_keep(oldbase,newbase)
+ for _, suffix in next, usedsuffixes.before do
local oldname = file.addsuffix(oldbase,suffix)
local newname = file.addsuffix(newbase,suffix)
local tmpname = "keep-"..oldname
@@ -739,8 +377,8 @@ local function push_result_keep(oldbase,newbase)
-local function save_result_error(oldbase,newbase)
- for _, suffix in next, scripts.context.errorsuffixes do
+local function result_save_error(oldbase,newbase)
+ for _, suffix in next, usedsuffixes.keep do
local oldname = file.addsuffix(oldbase,suffix)
local newname = file.addsuffix(newbase,suffix)
os.remove(newname) -- to be sure
@@ -748,8 +386,8 @@ local function save_result_error(oldbase,newbase)
-local function save_result_purge(oldbase,newbase)
- for _, suffix in next, scripts.context.aftersuffixes do
+local function result_save_purge(oldbase,newbase)
+ for _, suffix in next, usedsuffixes.after do
local oldname = file.addsuffix(oldbase,suffix)
local newname = file.addsuffix(newbase,suffix)
os.remove(newname) -- to be sure
@@ -757,8 +395,8 @@ local function save_result_purge(oldbase,newbase)
-local function save_result_keep(oldbase,newbase)
- for _, suffix in next, scripts.context.aftersuffixes do
+local function result_save_keep(oldbase,newbase)
+ for _, suffix in next, usedsuffixes.after do
local oldname = file.addsuffix(oldbase,suffix)
local newname = file.addsuffix(newbase,suffix)
local tmpname = "keep-"..oldname
@@ -768,313 +406,342 @@ local function save_result_keep(oldbase,newbase)
- -- filename overloads environment.files
- local files = (filename and { filename }) or environment.files
- if ctxdata then
- -- todo: interface
- for k,v in next, ctxdata.flags do
- environment.setargument(k,v)
+-- executing luatex
+local function flags_to_string(flags,prefix) -- context flags get prepended by c:
+ local t = { }
+ for k, v in table.sortedhash(flags) do
+ if prefix then
+ k = format("c:%s",k)
+ end
+ if not v or v == "" or v == '""' then
+ -- no need to flag false
+ elseif v == true then
+ t[#t+1] = format('--%s',k)
+ elseif type(v) == "string" then
+ t[#t+1] = format('--%s=%s',k,quote(v))
+ else
+ t[#t+1] = format('--%s=%s',k,tostring(v))
- if #files > 0 then
+ return concat(t," ")
+local function luatex_command(l_flags,c_flags,filename)
+ return format('luatex %s %s "%s"',
+ flags_to_string(l_flags),
+ flags_to_string(c_flags,true),
+ filename
+ )
+local function run_texexec(filename,a_purge,a_purgeall)
+ if false then
+ -- we need to write a top etc too and run mp etc so it's not worth the
+ -- trouble, so it will take a while before the next is finished
- local interface = getargument("interface")
- -- todo: getargument("interface","en")
- interface = (type(interface) == "string" and interface) or "en"
+ -- context --extra=texutil --convert myfile
+ else
+ local texexec = resolvers.findfile("texexec.rb") or ""
+ if texexec ~= "" then
+ os.setenv("RUBYOPT","")
+ local options = environment.reconstructcommandline(environment.arguments_after)
+ options = gsub(options,"--purge","")
+ options = gsub(options,"--purgeall","")
+ local command = format("ruby %s %s",texexec,options)
+ if a_purge then
+ os.execute(command)
+ scripts.context.purge_job(filename,false,true)
+ elseif a_purgeall then
+ os.execute(command)
+ scripts.context.purge_job(filename,true,true)
+ else
+ os.exec(command)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+local function validstring(s)
+ return type(s) == "string" and s ~= "" and s or nil
+ --
+ local a_nofile = getargument("nofile")
+ --
+ local files = environment.files or { }
+ --
+ local filelist, mainfile
+ --
+ if filename then
+ -- the given forced name is processed, the filelist is passed to context
+ mainfile = filename
+ filelist = { filename }
+ -- files = files
+ elseif a_nofile then
+ -- the list of given files is processed using the dummy file
+ mainfile = usedfiles.nop
+ filelist = { usedfiles.nop }
+ -- files = { }
+ elseif #files > 0 then
+ -- the list of given files is processed using the stub file
+ mainfile = usedfiles.yes
+ filelist = files
+ files = { }
+ else
+ return
+ end
+ --
+ local interface = validstring(getargument("interface")) or "en"
+ local formatname = formatofinterface[interface] or "cont-en"
+ local formatfile, scriptfile = resolvers.locateformat(formatname)
+ if not formatfile or not scriptfile then
+ report("warning: no format found, forcing remake (commandline driven)")
+ scripts.context.make(formatname)
+ formatfile, scriptfile = resolvers.locateformat(formatname)
+ end
+ if formatfile and scriptfile then
+ -- okay
+ elseif formatname then
+ report("error, no format found with name: %s, aborting",formatname)
+ return
+ else
+ report("error, no format found (provide formatname or interface)")
+ return
+ end
+ --
+ local a_mkii = getargument("mkii") or getargument("pdftex") or getargument("xetex")
+ local a_purge = getargument("purge")
+ local a_purgeall = getargument("purgeall")
+ local a_purgeresult = getargument("purgeresult")
+ local a_global = getargument("global")
+ local a_timing = getargument("timing")
+ local a_batchmode = getargument("batchmode")
+ local a_nonstopmode = getargument("nonstopmode")
+ local a_once = getargument("once")
+ local a_synctex = getargument("synctex")
+ local a_backend = getargument("backend")
+ local a_arrange = getargument("arrange")
+ local a_noarrange = getargument("noarrange")
+ --
+ for i=1,#filelist do
- local formatname = scripts.context.interfaces[interface] or "cont-en"
- local formatfile, scriptfile = resolvers.locateformat(formatname)
- -- this catches the command line
- if not formatfile or not scriptfile then
- report("warning: no format found, forcing remake (commandline driven)")
- scripts.context.make(formatname)
- formatfile, scriptfile = resolvers.locateformat(formatname)
+ local filename = filelist[i]
+ local basename = file.basename(filename)
+ local pathname = file.dirname(filename)
+ local jobname = file.removesuffix(basename)
+ local ctxname = ctxdata and ctxdata.ctxname
+ --
+ if pathname == "" and not a_global and filename ~= usedfiles.nop then
+ filename = "./" .. filename
- if formatfile and scriptfile then
- for i=1,#files do
- local filename = files[i]
- local basename, pathname = file.basename(filename), file.dirname(filename)
- local jobname = file.removesuffix(basename)
- if pathname == "" and not getargument("global") then
- filename = "./" .. filename
+ local analysis = preamble_analyze(filename)
+ --
+ if a_mkii or analysis.engine == 'pdftex' or analysis.engine == 'xetex' then
+ run_texexec(filename,a_purge,a_purgeall)
+ else
+ if analysis.interface and analysis.interface ~= interface then
+ formatname = formatofinterface[analysis.interface] or formatname
+ formatfile, scriptfile = resolvers.locateformat(formatname)
+ end
+ if not formatfile or not scriptfile then
+ report("warning: no format found, forcing remake (source driven)")
+ scripts.context.make(formatname)
+ formatfile, scriptfile = resolvers.locateformat(formatname)
+ end
+ if formatfile and scriptfile then
+ --
+ local suffix = validstring(getargument("suffix"))
+ local resultname = validstring(getargument("result"))
+ if suffix then
+ resultname = file.removesuffix(jobname) .. suffix
- -- look at the first line
- local a = analyze(filename)
- if a and (a.engine == 'pdftex' or a.engine == 'xetex' or getargument("pdftex") or getargument("xetex")) then
- if false then
- -- we need to write a top etc too and run mp etc so it's not worth the
- -- trouble, so it will take a while before the next is finished
- --
- -- context --extra=texutil --convert myfile
- else
- local texexec = resolvers.findfile("texexec.rb") or ""
- if texexec ~= "" then
- os.setenv("RUBYOPT","")
- local options = environment.reconstructcommandline(environment.arguments_after)
- options = gsub(options,"--purge","")
- options = gsub(options,"--purgeall","")
- local command = format("ruby %s %s",texexec,options)
- if getargument("purge") then
- os.execute(command)
- scripts.context.purge_job(filename,false,true)
- elseif getargument("purgeall") then
- os.execute(command)
- scripts.context.purge_job(filename,true,true)
- else
- os.exec(command)
- end
+ local oldbase = ""
+ local newbase = ""
+ if resultname then
+ oldbase = file.removesuffix(jobname)
+ newbase = file.removesuffix(resultname)
+ if oldbase ~= newbase then
+ if a_purgeresult then
+ result_push_purge(oldbase,newbase)
+ else
+ result_push_keep(oldbase,newbase)
+ else
+ resultname = nil
- else
- if a and a.interface and a.interface ~= interface then
- formatname = scripts.context.interfaces[a.interface] or formatname
- formatfile, scriptfile = resolvers.locateformat(formatname)
+ end
+ --
+ local pdfview = getargument("autopdf") or getargument("closepdf")
+ if pdfview then
+ pdf_close(filename,pdfview)
+ if resultname then
+ pdf_close(resultname,pdfview)
- -- this catches the command line
- if not formatfile or not scriptfile then
- report("warning: no format found, forcing remake (source driven)")
- scripts.context.make(formatname)
- formatfile, scriptfile = resolvers.locateformat(formatname)
+ end
+ --
+ local okay = statistics.checkfmtstatus(formatfile)
+ if okay ~= true then
+ report("warning: %s, forcing remake",tostring(okay))
+ scripts.context.make(formatname)
+ end
+ --
+ local oldhash = multipass_hashfiles(jobname)
+ local newhash = { }
+ local maxnofruns = once and 1 or multipass_nofruns
+ --
+ local c_flags = {
+ directives = validstring(environment.directives), -- gets passed via mtxrun
+ trackers = validstring(environment.trackers), -- gets passed via mtxrun
+ experiments = validstring(environment.experiments), -- gets passed via mtxrun
+ --
+ result = validstring(resultname),
+ input = validstring(filename),
+ files = concat(files,","),
+ ctx = validstring(ctxname),
+ }
+ --
+ for k, v in next, environment.arguments do
+ if c_flags[k] == nil then
+ c_flags[k] = v
- if formatfile and scriptfile then
- -- we default to mkiv xml !
- -- the --prep argument might become automatic (and noprep)
- local suffix = file.extname(filename) or "?"
- if scripts.context.xmlsuffixes[suffix] or getargument("forcexml") then
- if getargument("mkii") then
- filename = makestub(true,"\\processXMLfilegrouped{%s}",filename)
- else
- filename = makestub(true,"\\xmlprocess{\\xmldocument}{%s}{}",filename)
- end
- elseif scripts.context.cldsuffixes[suffix] or getargument("forcecld") then
- -- self contained cld files need to have a starttext/stoptext (less fontloading)
- filename = makestub(false,"\\ctxlua{context.runfile('%s')}",filename)
- elseif scripts.context.luasuffixes[suffix] or getargument("forcelua") then
- filename = makestub(true,"\\ctxlua{dofile('%s')}",filename)
- elseif getargument("prep") then
- -- we need to keep the original jobname
- filename = makestub(true,"\\readfile{%s}{}{}",filename,ctxrunner.preppedfile(ctxdata,filename))
- end
- --
- -- todo: also other stubs
- --
- local suffix, resultname = getargument("suffix"), getargument("result")
- if type(suffix) == "string" then
- resultname = file.removesuffix(jobname) .. suffix
- end
- local oldbase, newbase = "", ""
- if type(resultname) == "string" then
- oldbase = file.removesuffix(jobname)
- newbase = file.removesuffix(resultname)
- if oldbase ~= newbase then
- if getargument("purgeresult") then
- push_result_purge(oldbase,newbase)
- else
- push_result_keep(oldbase,newbase)
- end
- else
- resultname = nil
- end
- else
- resultname = nil
- end
- --
- local pdfview = getargument("autopdf") or getargument("closepdf")
- if pdfview then
- scripts.context.closepdf(filename,pdfview)
- if resultname then
- scripts.context.closepdf(resultname,pdfview)
- end
- end
- --
- local okay = statistics.checkfmtstatus(formatfile)
- if okay ~= true then
- report("warning: %s, forcing remake",tostring(okay))
- scripts.context.make(formatname)
- end
- --
- local flags = { }
- if getargument("batchmode") or getargument("batch") then
- flags[#flags+1] = "--interaction=batchmode"
- end
- if getargument("synctex") then
- -- this should become a directive
- report("warning: synctex is enabled") -- can add upto 5% runtime
- flags[#flags+1] = "--synctex=1"
- end
- flags[#flags+1] = "--fmt=" .. quote(formatfile)
- flags[#flags+1] = "--lua=" .. quote(scriptfile)
- --
- -- We pass these directly.
- --
---~ local silent = getargument("silent")
---~ local noconsole = getargument("noconsole")
---~ local directives = getargument("directives")
---~ local trackers = getargument("trackers")
---~ if silent == true then
---~ silent = "*"
---~ end
---~ if type(silent) == "string" then
---~ if type(directives) == "string" then
---~ directives = format("%s,logs.blocked={%s}",directives,silent)
---~ else
---~ directives = format("logs.blocked={%s}",silent)
---~ end
---~ end
---~ if noconsole then
---~ if type(directives) == "string" then
---~ directives = format("%s,",directives)
---~ else
---~ directives = format("")
---~ end
---~ end
- local directives = environment.directives
- local trackers = environment.trackers
- local experiments = environment.experiments
- --
- if type(directives) == "string" then
- flags[#flags+1] = format('--directives="%s"',directives)
- end
- if type(trackers) == "string" then
- flags[#flags+1] = format('--trackers="%s"',trackers)
- end
- --
- local backend = getargument("backend")
- if type(backend) ~= "string" then
- backend = "pdf"
- end
- flags[#flags+1] = format('--backend="%s"',backend)
- --
- local command = format("luatex %s %s \\stoptext", concat(flags," "), quote(filename))
- local oldhash, newhash = scripts.context.multipass.hashfiles(jobname), { }
- local once = getargument("once")
- local maxnofruns = (once and 1) or scripts.context.multipass.nofruns
- local arrange = getargument("arrange")
- for i=1,maxnofruns do
- -- 1:first run, 2:successive run, 3:once, 4:last of maxruns
- local kindofrun = (once and 3) or (i==1 and 1) or (i==maxnofruns and 4) or 2
- scripts.context.multipass.makeoptionfile(jobname,ctxdata,kindofrun,i,false,once) -- kindofrun, currentrun, final
- report("run %s: %s",i,command)
---~ print("\n") -- cleaner, else continuation on same line
- print("") -- cleaner, else continuation on same line
- local returncode, errorstring = os.spawn(command)
- --~ if returncode == 3 then
- --~ scripts.context.make(formatname)
- --~ returncode, errorstring = os.spawn(command)
- --~ if returncode == 3 then
- --~ report("ks: return code 3, message: %s",errorstring or "?")
- --~ os.exit(1)
- --~ end
- --~ end
- if not returncode then
- report("fatal error: no return code, message: %s",errorstring or "?")
- if resultname then
- save_result_error(oldbase,newbase)
- end
- os.exit(1)
- break
- elseif returncode > 0 then
- report("fatal error: return code: %s",returncode or "?")
- if resultname then
- save_result_error(oldbase,newbase)
- end
- os.exit(returncode)
- break
- else
- scripts.context.multipass.copyluafile(jobname)
- -- scripts.context.multipass.copytuifile(jobname)
- newhash = scripts.context.multipass.hashfiles(jobname)
- if scripts.context.multipass.changed(oldhash,newhash) then
- oldhash = newhash
- else
- break
- end
- end
- end
- --
- if arrange then
- local kindofrun = 3
- scripts.context.multipass.makeoptionfile(jobname,ctxdata,kindofrun,i,true) -- kindofrun, currentrun, final
- report("arrange run: %s",command)
- local returncode, errorstring = os.spawn(command)
- if not returncode then
- report("fatal error: no return code, message: %s",errorstring or "?")
- os.exit(1)
- elseif returncode > 0 then
- report("fatal error: return code: %s",returncode or "?")
- os.exit(returncode)
- end
- end
- --
- if getargument("purge") then
- scripts.context.purge_job(jobname)
- elseif getargument("purgeall") then
- scripts.context.purge_job(jobname,true)
- end
- --
- os.remove(jobname..".top")
- --
+ end
+ --
+ local l_flags = {
+ ["interaction"] = (a_batchmode and "batchmode") or (a_nonstopmode and "nonstopmode") or nil,
+ ["synctex"] = a_synctex and 1 or nil,
+ ["no-parse-first-line"] = true,
+ -- ["no-mktex"] = true,
+ -- ["file-line-error"] = true,
+ ["fmt"] = formatfile,
+ ["lua"] = scriptfile,
+ ["jobname"] = jobname,
+ }
+ --
+ if a_synctex then
+ report("warning: synctex is enabled") -- can add upto 5% runtime
+ end
+ --
+ -- kindofrun: 1:first run, 2:successive run, 3:once, 4:last of maxruns
+ --
+ for currentrun=1,maxnofruns do
+ --
+ = false
+ c_flags.kindofrun = (a_once and 3) or (currentrun==1 and 1) or (currentrun==maxnofruns and 4) or 2
+ c_flags.currentrun = currentrun
+ c_flags.noarrange = a_noarrange or a_arrange or nil
+ --
+ local command = luatex_command(l_flags,c_flags,mainfile)
+ --
+ report("run %s: %s",i,command)
+ print("") -- cleaner, else continuation on same line
+ local returncode, errorstring = os.spawn(command)
+ if not returncode then
+ report("fatal error: no return code, message: %s",errorstring or "?")
if resultname then
- if getargument("purgeresult") then
- -- so, if there is no result then we don't get the old one, but
- -- related files (log etc) are still there for tracing purposes
- save_result_purge(oldbase,newbase)
- else
- save_result_keep(oldbase,newbase)
- end
- report("result renamed to: %s",newbase)
+ result_save_error(oldbase,newbase)
- --
- if getargument("purge") then
- scripts.context.purge_job(resultname)
- elseif getargument("purgeall") then
- scripts.context.purge_job(resultname,true)
- end
- --
- local pdfview = getargument("autopdf")
- if pdfview then
- scripts.context.openpdf(resultname or filename,pdfview)
- end
- --
- if getargument("timing") then
- report()
- report("you can process (timing) statistics with:",jobname)
- report()
- report("context --extra=timing '%s'",jobname)
- report("mtxrun --script timing --xhtml [--launch --remove] '%s'",jobname)
- report()
+ os.exit(1)
+ break
+ elseif returncode > 0 then
+ report("fatal error: return code: %s",returncode or "?")
+ if resultname then
+ result_save_error(oldbase,newbase)
+ os.exit(returncode)
+ break
- if formatname then
- report("error, no format found with name: %s, skipping",formatname)
+ multipass_copyluafile(jobname)
+ newhash = multipass_hashfiles(jobname)
+ if multipass_changed(oldhash,newhash) then
+ oldhash = newhash
- report("error, no format found (provide formatname or interface)")
+ break
- break
+ --
+ end
+ --
+ if a_arrange then
+ --
+ = true
+ c_flags.kindofrun = 3
+ c_flags.currentrun = c_flags.currentrun + 1
+ c_flags.noarrange = a_arrange and true or nil
+ --
+ local command = luatex_command(l_flags,c_flags,mainfile)
+ --
+ report("arrange run: %s",command)
+ local returncode, errorstring = os.spawn(command)
+ if not returncode then
+ report("fatal error: no return code, message: %s",errorstring or "?")
+ os.exit(1)
+ elseif returncode > 0 then
+ report("fatal error: return code: %s",returncode or "?")
+ os.exit(returncode)
+ end
+ --
+ end
+ --
+ if a_purge then
+ scripts.context.purge_job(jobname)
+ elseif a_purgeall then
+ scripts.context.purge_job(jobname,true)
+ end
+ --
+ if resultname then
+ if a_purgeresult then
+ -- so, if there is no result then we don't get the old one, but
+ -- related files (log etc) are still there for tracing purposes
+ result_save_purge(oldbase,newbase)
+ else
+ result_save_keep(oldbase,newbase)
+ end
+ report("result renamed to: %s",newbase)
+ end
+ --
+ if purge then
+ scripts.context.purge_job(resultname)
+ elseif purgeall then
+ scripts.context.purge_job(resultname,true)
+ end
+ --
+ local pdfview = getargument("autopdf")
+ if pdfview then
+ pdf_open(resultname or jobname,pdfview)
+ end
+ --
+ if a_timing then
+ report()
+ report("you can process (timing) statistics with:",jobname)
+ report()
+ report("context --extra=timing '%s'",jobname)
+ report("mtxrun --script timing --xhtml [--launch --remove] '%s'",jobname)
+ report()
- end
- else
- if formatname then
- report("error, no format found with name: %s, aborting",formatname)
- report("error, no format found (provide formatname or interface)")
+ if formatname then
+ report("error, no format found with name: %s, skipping",formatname)
+ else
+ report("error, no format found (provide formatname or interface)")
+ end
+ break
+ --
-function scripts.context.pipe()
+function scripts.context.pipe() -- still used?
-- context --pipe
-- context --pipe --purge --dummyfile=whatever.tmp
local interface = getargument("interface")
interface = (type(interface) == "string" and interface) or "en"
- local formatname = scripts.context.interfaces[interface] or "cont-en"
+ local formatname = formatofinterface[interface] or "cont-en"
local formatfile, scriptfile = resolvers.locateformat(formatname)
if not formatfile or not scriptfile then
report("warning: no format found, forcing remake (commandline driven)")
@@ -1087,11 +754,16 @@ function scripts.context.pipe()
report("warning: %s, forcing remake",tostring(okay))
- local flags = {
- "--interaction=scrollmode",
- "--fmt=" .. quote(formatfile),
- "--lua=" .. quote(scriptfile),
- "--backend=pdf",
+ local l_flags = {
+ interaction = "scrollmode",
+ fmt = formatfile,
+ lua = scriptfile,
+ }
+ local c_flags = {
+ backend = "pdf",
+ final = false,
+ kindofrun = 3,
+ currentrun = 1,
local filename = getargument("dummyfile") or ""
if filename == "" then
@@ -1100,10 +772,9 @@ function scripts.context.pipe()
filename = file.addsuffix(filename,"tmp")
- scripts.context.multipass.makeoptionfile(filename,{ flags = flags },3,1,false) -- kindofrun, currentrun, final
report("entering scrollmode using '%s' with optionfile, end job with \\end",filename)
- local command = format("luatex %s %s", concat(flags," "), quote(filename))
+ local command = luatex_command(l_flags,c_flags,filename)
if getargument("purge") then
@@ -1123,11 +794,9 @@ end
local make_mkiv_format = environment.make_format
local function make_mkii_format(name,engine)
- if getargument(engine) then
- local command = format("mtxrun texexec.rb --make --%s %s",name,engine)
- report("running command: %s",command)
- os.spawn(command)
- end
+ local command = format("mtxrun texexec.rb --make --%s %s",name,engine)
+ report("running command: %s",command)
+ os.spawn(command)
function scripts.context.generate()
@@ -1140,14 +809,17 @@ function scripts.context.make(name)
if not getargument("fast") then -- as in texexec
- local list = (name and { name }) or (environment.files[1] and environment.files) or scripts.context.defaultformats
+ local list = (name and { name }) or (environment.files[1] and environment.files) or defaultformats
+ local engine = getargument("engine") or "luatex"
for i=1,#list do
local name = list[i]
- name = scripts.context.interfaces[name] or name or ""
- if name ~= "" then
+ name = formatofinterface[name] or name or ""
+ if name == "" then
+ -- nothing
+ elseif engine == "luatex" then
- make_mkii_format(name,"pdftex")
- make_mkii_format(name,"xetex")
+ elseif engine == "pdftex" or engine == "xetex" then
+ make_mkii_format(name,engine)
@@ -1155,25 +827,30 @@ end
function scripts.context.ctx()
local ctxdata =
ctxdata.jobname = environment.files[1]
- ctxrunner.manipulate(ctxdata,getargument("ctx"))
+ ctxrunner.checkfile(ctxdata,getargument("ctx"))
+ ctxrunner.checkflags(ctxdata)
function scripts.context.autoctx()
local ctxdata = nil
- local files = (filename and { filename }) or environment.files
+ local files = environment.files
local firstfile = #files > 0 and files[1]
- if firstfile and file.extname(firstfile) == "xml" then
- local f =
- if f then
- local chunk = f:read(512) or ""
- f:close()
- local ctxname = match(chunk,"<%?context%-directive%s+job%s+ctxfile%s+([^ ]-)%s*?>")
- if ctxname then
- ctxdata =
- ctxdata.jobname = firstfile
- ctxrunner.manipulate(ctxdata,ctxname)
+ if firstfile then
+ local suffix = file.suffix(firstfile)
+ if suffix == "xml" then
+ local chunk = io.loadchunk(firstfile) -- 1024
+ if chunk then
+ local ctxname = match(chunk,"<%?context%-directive%s+job%s+ctxfile%s+([^ ]-)%s*?>")
+ if ctxname then
+ ctxdata =
+ ctxdata.jobname = firstfile
+ ctxrunner.checkfile(ctxdata,ctxname)
+ ctxrunner.checkflags(ctxdata)
+ end
+ elseif suffix == "tex" then
+ -- maybe but we scan the preamble later too
@@ -1206,8 +883,8 @@ function scripts.context.metapost()
local tempname = file.addsuffix(jobname,"tex")
environment.files[1] = tempname
- environment.setargument("result",resultname)
- environment.setargument("once",true)
+ setargument("result",resultname)
+ setargument("once",true)
@@ -1238,6 +915,8 @@ function scripts.context.version()
+-- purging files
local generic_files = {
"texexec.tex", "", "texexec.tuo",
"texexec.tuc", "texexec.tua",
@@ -1262,7 +941,6 @@ local persistent_runfiles = {
local special_runfiles = {
---~ "-mpgraph*", "-mprun*", "-temp-*" -- hm, wasn't this escaped?
"-mpgraph", "-mprun", "-temp-"
@@ -1278,9 +956,6 @@ local function purge_file(dfile,cfile)
-local function remove_special_files(pattern)
function scripts.context.purge_job(jobname,all,mkiitoo)
if jobname and jobname ~= "" then
jobname = file.basename(jobname)
@@ -1335,12 +1010,14 @@ function scripts.context.purge(all,pattern,mkiitoo)
+-- touching files (signals regeneration of formats)
local function touch(name,pattern)
local name = resolvers.findfile(name)
local olddata = io.loaddata(name)
if olddata then
local oldversion, newversion = "","%Y.%m.%d %H:%M")
- local newdata, ok = olddata:gsub(pattern,function(pre,mid,post)
+ local newdata, ok = gsub(olddata,pattern,function(pre,mid,post)
oldversion = mid
return pre .. newversion .. post
@@ -1374,6 +1051,8 @@ function scripts.context.touch()
+ else
+ report("touching needs --expert")
@@ -1387,12 +1066,12 @@ function scripts.context.modules(pattern)
local found = resolvers.findfile("context.mkiv")
if not pattern or pattern == "" then
-- official files in the tree
- for _, card in ipairs(cards) do
- resolvers.findwildcardfiles(card,list)
+ for i=1,#cards do
+ resolvers.findwildcardfiles(cards[i],list)
-- my dev path
- for _, card in ipairs(cards) do
- dir.glob(file.join(file.dirname(found),card),list)
+ for i=1,#cards do
+ dir.glob(file.join(file.dirname(found),cards[i]),list)
@@ -1462,30 +1141,28 @@ end
function scripts.context.extra()
local extra = getargument("extra")
- if type(extra) == "string" then
- if getargument("help") then
- scripts.context.extras(extra)
+ if type(extra) ~= "string" then
+ scripts.context.extras()
+ elseif getargument("help") then
+ scripts.context.extras(extra)
+ else
+ local fullextra = extra
+ if not find(fullextra,"mtx%-context%-") then
+ fullextra = "mtx-context-" .. extra
+ end
+ local foundextra = resolvers.findfile(fullextra)
+ if foundextra == "" then
+ scripts.context.extras()
+ return
- local fullextra = extra
- if not find(fullextra,"mtx%-context%-") then
- fullextra = "mtx-context-" .. extra
- end
- local foundextra = resolvers.findfile(fullextra)
- if foundextra == "" then
- scripts.context.extras()
- return
- else
- report("processing extra: %s", foundextra)
- end
- environment.setargument("purgeall",true)
- local result = environment.setargument("result") or ""
- if result == "" then
- environment.setargument("result","context-extra")
- end
+ report("processing extra: %s", foundextra)
- else
- scripts.context.extras()
+ setargument("purgeall",true)
+ local result = getargument("result") or ""
+ if result == "" then
+ setargument("result","context-extra")
+ end
@@ -1493,25 +1170,27 @@ end
function scripts.context.trackers()
environment.files = { resolvers.findfile("m-trackers.mkiv") }
- scripts.context.multipass.nofruns = 1
- environment.setargument("purgeall",true)
+ multipass_nofruns = 1
+ setargument("purgeall",true)
function scripts.context.directives()
environment.files = { resolvers.findfile("m-directives.mkiv") }
- scripts.context.multipass.nofruns = 1
- environment.setargument("purgeall",true)
+ multipass_nofruns = 1
+ setargument("purgeall",true)
function scripts.context.logcategories()
environment.files = { resolvers.findfile("m-logcategories.mkiv") }
- scripts.context.multipass.nofruns = 1
- environment.setargument("purgeall",true)
+ multipass_nofruns = 1
+ setargument("purgeall",true)
+-- updating (often one will use mtx-update instead)
function scripts.context.timed(action)
@@ -1548,7 +1227,7 @@ function scripts.context.update()
local function is_okay(basetree)
for _, tree in next, validtrees do
local pattern = gsub(tree,"%-","%%-")
- if basetree:find(pattern) then
+ if find(basetree,pattern) then
return tree
@@ -1614,7 +1293,7 @@ function scripts.context.update()
for k in zipfile:files() do
local filename = k.filename
- if filename:find("/$") then
+ if find(filename,"/$") then
local data = zip.loaddata(zipfile,filename)
@@ -1652,6 +1331,23 @@ function scripts.context.update()
+-- getting it done
+if getargument("nostats") then
+ setargument("nostatistics",true)
+ setargument("nostat",nil)
+if getargument("batch") then
+ setargument("batchmode",true)
+ setargument("batch",nil)
+if getargument("nonstop") then
+ setargument("nonstopmode",true)
+ setargument("nonstop",nil)
local silent = getargument("silent")
@@ -1664,9 +1360,9 @@ do
if getargument("once") then
- scripts.context.multipass.nofruns = 1
+ multipass_nofruns = 1
elseif getargument("runs") then
- scripts.context.multipass.nofruns = tonumber(getargument("runs")) or nil
+ multipass_nofruns = tonumber(getargument("runs")) or nil
if getargument("profile") then
@@ -1674,7 +1370,6 @@ if getargument("profile") then
if getargument("run") then
--- scripts.context.timed(
elseif getargument("make") then
scripts.context.timed(function() scripts.context.make() end)
@@ -1711,10 +1406,7 @@ elseif getargument("showdirectives") or getargument("directives") == true then
elseif getargument("showlogcategories") then
-elseif getargument("track") and type(getargument("track")) == "boolean" then -- for old times sake, will go
- scripts.context.trackers()
-elseif environment.files[1] then
--- scripts.context.timed(
+elseif environment.files[1] or getargument("nofile") then
elseif getargument("pipe") then
diff --git a/scripts/context/lua/mtx-epub.lua b/scripts/context/lua/mtx-epub.lua
index 7d1c15774..000ac0670 100644
--- a/scripts/context/lua/mtx-epub.lua
+++ b/scripts/context/lua/mtx-epub.lua
@@ -263,20 +263,18 @@ function scripts.epub.make()"creating archive\n\n")
- local done = false
- local list = { }
+ local done = false
for i=1,#zippers do
local zipper = zippers[i]
if os.execute(format(zipper.uncompressed,epubfile,"mimetype")) then
done =
- else
- list[#list+1] =
+ break
@@ -285,6 +283,10 @@ function scripts.epub.make()
if done then"epub archive made using %s: %s",done,file.join(epubpath,epubfile))
+ local list = { }
+ for i=1,#zippers do
+ list[#list+1] =
+ end"no epub archive made, install one of: %s",concat(list," "))
diff --git a/scripts/context/lua/mtx-fcd.lua b/scripts/context/lua/mtx-fcd.lua
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7ab48707a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/context/lua/mtx-fcd.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,366 @@
+if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['mtx-fcd'] = {
+ version = 1.002,
+ comment = "companion to mtxrun.lua",
+ author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
+ copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
+ license = "see context related readme files",
+ comment = "based on the ruby version from 2005",
+-- This is a kind of variant of the good old ncd (norton change directory) program. This
+-- script uses the same indirect cmd trick as Erwin Waterlander's wcd program.
+-- The program is called via the stubs fcd.cmd or On unix one should probably source
+-- the file: ". fcd args" in order to make the chdir persistent.
+-- You need to create a stub with:
+-- mtxrun --script fcd --stub > fcd.cmd
+-- mtxrun --script fcd --stub >
+-- The stub starts this script and afterwards runs the created directory change script as
+-- part if the same run, so that indeed we change.
+local helpinfo = [[
+--clear clear the cache
+--clear --history [entyr] clear the history
+--scan clear the cache and add given path(s)
+--add add given path(s)
+--find file given path (can be substring)
+--find --nohistory file given path (can be substring) but don't use history
+--stub print platform stub file
+--list show roots of cached dirs
+--list --history show history of chosen dirs
+--help show this help
+ fcd --scan t:\
+ fcd --add f:\project
+ fcd [--find] whatever
+ fcd --list
+local application = logs.application {
+ name = "mtx-fcd",
+ banner = "Fast Directory Change",
+ helpinfo = helpinfo,
+local report =
+local writeln = print -- texio.write_nl
+local find, char, byte, lower, gsub, format = string.find, string.char, string.byte, string.lower, string.gsub, string.format
+local mswinstub = [[@echo off
+rem this is: fcd.cmd
+@echo off
+if not exist "%HOME%" goto homepath
+mtxrun --script mtx-fcd.lua %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
+if exist "%HOME%\mtx-fcd-goto.cmd" call "%HOME%\mtx-fcd-goto.cmd"
+goto end
+if not exist "%HOMEDRIVE%\%HOMEPATH%" goto end
+mtxrun --script mtx-fcd.lua %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
+if exist "%HOMEDRIVE%\%HOMEPATH%\mtx-fcd-goto.cmd" call "%HOMEDRIVE%\%HOMEPATH%\mtx-fcd-goto.cmd"
+goto end
+local unixstub = [[#!/usr/bin/env sh
+# this is:
+# mv fcd
+# chmod fcd 755
+# . fcd [args]
+ruby -S fcd_start.rb $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $9
+if test -f "$HOME/" ; then
+ . $HOME/ ;
+local gotofile
+local datafile
+local stubfile
+local stubdata
+local stubdummy
+local stubchdir
+if os.platform == 'mswin' then
+ gotofile = 'mtx-fcd-goto.cmd'
+ datafile = 'mtx-fcd-data.lua'
+ stubfile = 'fcd.cmd'
+ stubdata = mswinstub
+ stubdummy = 'rem no dir to change to'
+ stubchdir = 'cd /d "%s"'
+ gotofile = ''
+ datafile = 'mtx-fcd-data.lua'
+ stubfile = ''
+ stubdata = unixstub
+ stubdummy = '# no dir to change to'
+ stubchdir = '# cd "%s"'
+local homedir = os.env["HOME"] or "" -- no longer TMP etc
+if homedir == "" then
+ homedir = format("%s/%s",os.env["HOMEDRIVE"] or "",os.env["HOMEPATH"] or "")
+if homedir == "/" or not lfs.isdir(homedir) then
+ os.exit()
+local datafile = file.join(homedir,datafile)
+local gotofile = file.join(homedir,gotofile)
+local hash = nil
+local found = { }
+local pattern = ""
+local version = modules['mtx-fcd'].version
+if not lfs.isfile(gotofile) then
+ -- write error
+ os.exit()
+local function fcd_clear(onlyhistory,what)
+ if onlyhistory and hash and hash.history then
+ if what and what ~= "" then
+ hash.history[what] = nil
+ else
+ hash.history = { }
+ end
+ else
+ hash = {
+ name = "fcd cache",
+ comment = "generated by mtx-fcd.lua",
+ created =,
+ version = version,
+ paths = { },
+ history = { },
+ }
+ end
+local function fcd_changeto(dir)
+ if dir and dir ~= "" then
+ io.savedata(gotofile,format(stubchdir,dir))
+ end
+local function fcd_load(forcecreate)
+ if lfs.isfile(datafile) then
+ hash = dofile(datafile)
+ end
+ if not hash or hash.version ~= version then
+ if forcecache then
+ fcd_clear()
+ else
+ writeln("empty dir cache")
+ fcd_clear()
+ os.exit()
+ end
+ end
+local function fcd_save()
+ if hash then
+ io.savedata(datafile,table.serialize(hash,true))
+ end
+local function fcd_list(onlyhistory)
+ if hash then
+ writeln("")
+ if onlyhistory then
+ if next(hash.history) then
+ for k, v in table.sortedhash(hash.history) do
+ writeln(format("%s => %s",k,v))
+ end
+ else
+ writeln("no history")
+ end
+ else
+ local paths = hash.paths
+ if #paths > 0 then
+ for i=1,#paths do
+ local path = paths[i]
+ writeln(format("%4i %s",#path[2],path[1]))
+ end
+ else
+ writeln("empty cache")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+local function fcd_find()
+ found = { }
+ pattern = environment.files[1] or ""
+ if pattern ~= "" then
+ pattern = string.escapedpattern(pattern)
+ local paths = hash.paths
+ for i=1,#paths do
+ local paths = paths[i][2]
+ for i=1,#paths do
+ local path = paths[i]
+ if find(path,pattern) then
+ found[#found+1] = path
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+local function fcd_choose(new)
+ if pattern == "" then
+ writeln(format("staying in dir %q",(gsub(lfs.currentdir(),"\\","/"))))
+ return
+ end
+ if #found == 0 then
+ writeln(format("dir %q not found",pattern))
+ return
+ end
+ local okay = #found == 1 and found[1] or (not new and hash.history[pattern])
+ if okay then
+ writeln(format("changing to %q",okay))
+ fcd_changeto(okay)
+ return
+ end
+ local offset = 0
+ while true do
+ if not found[offset] then
+ offset = 0
+ end
+ io.write("\n")
+ for i=1,26 do
+ local v = found[i+offset]
+ if v then
+ writeln(format("%s %3i %s",char(i+96),offset+i,v))
+ else
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ offset = offset + 26
+ if found[offset+1] then
+ io.write("\n[press enter for more or select letter]\n\n>> ")
+ else
+ io.write("\n[select letter]\n\n>> ")
+ end
+ local answer = lower( or "")
+ if not answer or answer == 'quit' then
+ break
+ elseif #answer > 0 then
+ local choice = tonumber(answer)
+ if not choice then
+ if answer >= "a" and answer <= "z" then
+ choice = byte(answer) - 96 + offset - 26
+ end
+ end
+ local newdir = found[choice]
+ if newdir then
+ hash.history[pattern] = newdir
+ writeln(format("changing to %q",newdir))
+ fcd_changeto(newdir)
+ fcd_save()
+ return
+ end
+ else
+ -- try again
+ end
+ end
+local function globdirs(path,dirs)
+ local dirs = dirs or { }
+ for name in lfs.dir(path) do
+ if not find(name,"%.$") then
+ local fullname = path .. "/" .. name
+ if lfs.isdir(fullname) then
+ dirs[#dirs+1] = fullname
+ globdirs(fullname,dirs)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return dirs
+local function fcd_scan()
+ if hash then
+ local paths = hash.paths
+ for i=1,#environment.files do
+ local name = environment.files[i]
+ local name = gsub(name,"\\","/")
+ local name = gsub(name,"/$","")
+ local list = globdirs(name)
+ local done = false
+ for i=1,#paths do
+ if paths[i][1] == name then
+ paths[i][2] = list
+ done = true
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ if not done then
+ paths[#paths+1] = { name, list }
+ end
+ end
+ end
+local argument = environment.argument
+if argument("clear") then
+ if argument("history") then
+ fcd_load()
+ fcd_clear(true)
+ else
+ fcd_clear()
+ end
+ fcd_save()
+elseif argument("scan") then
+ fcd_clear()
+ fcd_scan()
+ fcd_save()
+elseif argument("add") then
+ fcd_load(true)
+ fcd_scan()
+ fcd_save()
+elseif argument("stub") then
+ writeln(stubdata)
+elseif argument("list") then
+ fcd_load()
+ if argument("history") then
+ fcd_list(true)
+ else
+ fcd_list()
+ end
+elseif argument("help") then
+else -- also argument("find")
+ fcd_load()
+ fcd_find()
+ fcd_choose(argument("nohistory"))
diff --git a/scripts/context/lua/mtx-grep.lua b/scripts/context/lua/mtx-grep.lua
index 3cbc1421a..98a97279d 100644
--- a/scripts/context/lua/mtx-grep.lua
+++ b/scripts/context/lua/mtx-grep.lua
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ function scripts.grep.find(pattern, files, offset)
if m > 0 then
nofmatches = nofmatches + m
nofmatchedfiles = nofmatchedfiles + 1
- write_nl(format("%s: %s",name,m))
+ write_nl(format("%5i %s",m,name))
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ function scripts.grep.find(pattern, files, offset)
if count and m > 0 then
nofmatches = nofmatches + m
nofmatchedfiles = nofmatchedfiles + 1
- write_nl(format("%s: %s",name,m))
+ write_nl(format("%5i %s",m,name))
diff --git a/scripts/context/lua/mtxrun.lua b/scripts/context/lua/mtxrun.lua
index 108f2a8a1..cc29845b5 100644
--- a/scripts/context/lua/mtxrun.lua
+++ b/scripts/context/lua/mtxrun.lua
@@ -1341,12 +1341,16 @@ function lpeg.split(separator,str)
function string.split(str,separator)
- local c = cache[separator]
- if not c then
- c = tsplitat(separator)
- cache[separator] = c
+ if separator then
+ local c = cache[separator]
+ if not c then
+ c = tsplitat(separator)
+ cache[separator] = c
+ end
+ return match(c,str)
+ else
+ return { str }
- return match(c,str)
local spacing = patterns.spacer^0 * newline -- sort of strip
@@ -1851,14 +1855,14 @@ else
io.fileseparator, io.pathseparator = "/" , ":"
-function io.loaddata(filename,textmode)
+function io.loaddata(filename,textmode) -- return nil if empty
local f =,(textmode and 'r') or 'rb')
if f then
local data = f:read('*all')
- return data
- else
- return nil
+ if #data > 0 then
+ return data
+ end
@@ -1880,6 +1884,45 @@ function io.savedata(filename,data,joiner)
+function io.loadlines(filename,n) -- return nil if empty
+ local f =,'r')
+ if f then
+ if n then
+ local lines = { }
+ for i=1,n do
+ local line = f:read("*lines")
+ if line then
+ lines[#lines+1] = line
+ else
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ f:close()
+ lines = concat(lines,"\n")
+ if #lines > 0 then
+ return lines
+ end
+ else
+ local line = f:read("*line") or ""
+ assert(f:close())
+ if #line > 0 then
+ return line
+ end
+ end
+ end
+function io.loadchunk(filename,n)
+ local f =,'rb')
+ if f then
+ local data = f:read(n or 1024)
+ f:close()
+ if #data > 0 then
+ return data
+ end
+ end
function io.exists(filename)
local f =
if f == nil then
@@ -3081,15 +3124,30 @@ if not md5.hex then function md5.hex(str) return convert(str,"%02x") end end
if not md5.dec then function md5.dec(str) return convert(str,"%03i") end end
-function file.needs_updating(oldname,newname,threshold) -- size modification access change
- local oldtime = lfs.attributes(oldname, modification)
- local newtime = lfs.attributes(newname, modification)
- if newtime >= oldtime then
- return false
- elseif oldtime - newtime < (threshold or 1) then
- return false
+function file.needsupdating(oldname,newname,threshold) -- size modification access change
+ local oldtime = lfs.attributes(oldname,"modification")
+ if oldtime then
+ local newtime = lfs.attributes(newname,"modification")
+ if not newtime then
+ return true -- no new file, so no updating needed
+ elseif newtime >= oldtime then
+ return false -- new file definitely needs updating
+ elseif oldtime - newtime < (threshold or 1) then
+ return false -- new file is probably still okay
+ else
+ return true -- new file has to be updated
+ end
- return true
+ return false -- no old file, so no updating needed
+ end
+file.needs_updating = file.needsupdating
+function file.syncmtimes(oldname,newname)
+ local oldtime = lfs.attributes(oldname,"modification")
+ if oldtime and lfs.isfile(newname) then
+ lfs.touch(newname,oldtime,oldtime)
@@ -3111,7 +3169,7 @@ function file.loadchecksum(name)
return nil
-function file.savechecksum(name, checksum)
+function file.savechecksum(name,checksum)
if not checksum then checksum = file.checksum(name) end
if checksum then
io.savedata(name .. ".md5",checksum)
@@ -5586,7 +5644,7 @@ function
local value, default, modules = functions.value, functions.default, #functions
value = value == nil and "unset" or tostring(value)
default = default == nil and "unset" or tostring(default)
-"%-30s modules: %2i default: %6s value: %6s",name,modules,default,value)
+"%-50s modules: %2i default: %6s value: %6s",name,modules,default,value)
@@ -5678,17 +5736,31 @@ end)
-- experiment
-local flags = environment and environment.engineflags
+if environment then
-if flags then
- if trackers and flags.trackers then
- setters.initialize("flags","trackers", settings_to_hash(flags.trackers))
- -- t_enable(flags.trackers)
- end
- if directives and flags.directives then
- setters.initialize("flags","directives", settings_to_hash(flags.directives))
- -- d_enable(flags.directives)
+ -- The engineflags are known earlier than environment.arguments but maybe we
+ -- need to handle them both as the later are parsed differently. The c: prefix
+ -- is used by mtx-context to isolate the flags from those that concern luatex.
+ local engineflags = environment.engineflags
+ if engineflags then
+ if trackers then
+ local list = engineflags["c:trackers"] or engineflags["trackers"]
+ if type(list) == "string" then
+ setters.initialize("flags","trackers",settings_to_hash(list))
+ -- t_enable(list)
+ end
+ end
+ if directives then
+ local list = engineflags["c:directives"] or engineflags["directives"]
+ if type(list) == "string" then
+ setters.initialize("flags","directives", settings_to_hash(list))
+ -- d_enable(list)
+ end
+ end
-- here
@@ -6619,6 +6691,8 @@ local mt = {
+-- context specific arguments (in order not to confuse the engine)
function environment.initializearguments(arg)
local arguments, files = { }, { }
environment.arguments, environment.files, environment.sortedflags = arguments, files, nil
@@ -6627,10 +6701,12 @@ function environment.initializearguments(arg)
if index > 0 then
local flag, value = match(argument,"^%-+(.-)=(.-)$")
if flag then
+ flag = gsub(flag,"^c:","")
arguments[flag] = unquoted(value or "")
flag = match(argument,"^%-+(.+)")
if flag then
+ flag = gsub(flag,"^c:","")
arguments[flag] = true
files[#files+1] = argument
@@ -6650,7 +6726,7 @@ end
-- tricky: too many hits when we support partials unless we add
-- a registration of arguments so from now on we have 'partial'
-function environment.argument(name,partial)
+function environment.getargument(name,partial)
local arguments, sortedflags = environment.arguments, environment.sortedflags
if arguments[name] then
return arguments[name]
@@ -6673,6 +6749,8 @@ function environment.argument(name,partial)
return nil
+environment.argument = environment.getargument
function environment.splitarguments(separator) -- rather special, cut-off before separator
local done, before, after = false, { }, { }
local originalarguments = environment.originalarguments
diff --git a/scripts/context/ruby/fcd_start.rb b/scripts/context/ruby/fcd_start.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index b1fa42a2a..000000000
--- a/scripts/context/ruby/fcd_start.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,472 +0,0 @@
-# Hans Hagen / PRAGMA ADE / 2005 /
-# Fast Change Dir
-# This is a kind of variant of the good old ncd
-# program. This script uses the same indirect cmd
-# trick as Erwin Waterlander's wcd program.
-# === windows: fcd.cmd ===
-# @echo off
-# ruby -S fcd_start.rb %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
-# if exist "%HOME%/fcd_stage.cmd" call %HOME%/fcd_stage.cmd
-# === linux: fcd ( ===
-# !/usr/bin/env sh
-# ruby -S fcd_start.rb $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $9
-# if test -f "$HOME/" ; then
-# . $HOME/ ;
-# fi;
-# ===
-# On linux, one should source the file: ". fcd args" in order
-# to make the chdir persistent.
-# You can create a stub with:
-# ruby fcd_start.rb --stub --verbose
-# usage:
-# fcd --make t:\
-# fcd --add f:\project
-# fcd [--find] whatever
-# fcd [--find] whatever c (c being a list entry)
-# fcd [--find] whatever . (last choice with this pattern)
-# fcd --list
-require 'rbconfig'
-class FastCD
- @@rootpath = nil
- ['HOME','TEMP','TMP','TMPDIR'].each do |key|
- if ENV[key] then
- if[key]) then
- @@rootpath = ENV[key]
- break
- end
- end
- end
- exit unless @@rootpath
- @@mswindows = Config::CONFIG['host_os'] =~ /mswin/
- @@maxlength = 26
- require 'Win32API' if @@mswindows
- if @@mswindows then
- @@stubcode = [
- '@echo off',
- '',
- 'if not exist "%HOME%" goto temp',
- '',
- ':home',
- '',
- 'ruby -S fcd_start.rb %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9',
- '',
- 'if exist "%HOME%\fcd_stage.cmd" call %HOME%\fcd_stage.cmd',
- 'goto end',
- '',
- ':temp',
- '',
- 'ruby -S fcd_start.rb %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9',
- '',
- 'if exist "%TEMP%\fcd_stage.cmd" call %TEMP%\fcd_stage.cmd',
- 'goto end',
- '',
- ':end'
- ].join("\n")
- else
- @@stubcode = [
- '#!/usr/bin/env sh',
- '',
- 'ruby -S fcd_start.rb $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $9',
- '',
- 'if test -f "$HOME/" ; then',
- ' . $HOME/ ;',
- 'fi;'
- ].join("\n")
- end
- @@selfpath = File.dirname($0)
- @@datafile = File.join(@@rootpath,'fcd_state.dat')
- @@histfile = File.join(@@rootpath,'fcd_state.his')
- @@cdirfile = File.join(@@rootpath,if @@mswindows then 'fcd_stage.cmd' else '' end)
- @@stubfile = File.join(@@selfpath,if @@mswindows then 'fcd.cmd' else 'fcd' end)
- def initialize(verbose=false)
- @list =
- @hist =
- @result =
- @pattern = ''
- @result = ''
- @verbose = verbose
- if f =,'w') then
- f << "#{if @@mswindows then 'rem' else '#' end} no dir to change to"
- f.close
- else
- report("unable to create stub #{@@cdirfile}")
- end
- end
- def filename(name)
- File.join(@@root,name)
- end
- def report(str,verbose=@verbose)
- puts(">> #{str}") if verbose
- end
- def flush(str,verbose=@verbose)
- print(str) if verbose
- end
- def clear
- if FileTest.file?(@@histfile)
- begin
- File.delete(@@histfile)
- rescue
- report("error in deleting history file '#{@histfile}'")
- else
- report("history file '#{@histfile}' is deleted")
- end
- else
- report("no history file '#{@histfile}'")
- end
- end
- def scan(dir='.')
- begin
- [dir].flatten.sort.uniq.each do |dir|
- begin
- Dir.chdir(dir)
- report("scanning '#{dir}'")
- # flush(">> ")
- Dir.glob("**/*").each do |d|
- if then
- @list << File.expand_path(d)
- # flush(".")
- end
- end
- # flush("\n")
- @list = @list.sort.uniq
- report("#{@list.size} entries found")
- rescue
- report("unknown directory '#{dir}'")
- end
- end
- rescue
- report("invalid dir specification ")
- end
- end
- def save
- begin
- if f =,'w') then
- @list.each do |l|
- f.puts(l)
- end
- f.close
- report("#{@list.size} status bytes saved in #{@@datafile}")
- else
- report("unable to save status in #{@@datafile}")
- end
- rescue
- report("error in saving status in #{@@datafile}")
- end
- end
- def remember
- if @hist[@pattern] == @result then
- # no need to save result
- else
- begin
- if f =,'w') then
- @hist[@pattern] = @result
- @hist.keys.each do |k|
- f.puts("#{k} #{@hist[k]}")
- end
- f.close
- report("#{@hist.size} history entries saved in #{@@histfile}")
- else
- report("unable to save history in #{@@histfile}")
- end
- rescue
- report("error in saving history in #{@@histfile}")
- end
- end
- end
- def load
- begin
- @list ="\n")
- report("#{@list.length} status bytes loaded from #{@@datafile}")
- rescue
- report("error in loading status from #{@@datafile}")
- end
- begin
- IO.readlines(@@histfile).each do |line|
- if line =~ /^(.*?)\s+(.*)$/i then
- @hist[$1] = $2
- end
- end
- report("#{@hist.length} history entries loaded from #{@@histfile}")
- rescue
- report("error in loading history from #{@@histfile}")
- end
- end
- def show
- begin
- puts("directories:")
- puts("\n")
- if @list.length > 0 then
- @list.each do |l|
- puts(l)
- end
- else
- puts("no entries")
- end
- puts("\n")
- puts("history:")
- puts("\n")
- if @hist.length > 0 then
- @hist.keys.sort.each do |h|
- puts("#{h} >> #{@hist[h]}")
- end
- else
- puts("no entries")
- end
- rescue
- end
- end
- def find(pattern=nil)
- begin
- if pattern = [pattern].flatten.first then
- if pattern.length > 0 and @pattern = pattern then
- @result = @list.grep(/\/#{@pattern}$/i)
- if @result.length == 0 then
- @result = @list.grep(/\/#{@pattern}[^\/]*$/i)
- end
- end
- else
- puts(Dir.pwd.gsub(/\\/o, '/'))
- end
- rescue
- puts("some error")
- end
- end
- def chdir(dir)
- begin
- if dir then
- if f =,'w') then
- if @@mswindows then
- f.puts("cd /d #{dir.gsub('/','\\')}")
- else
- f.puts("cd #{dir.gsub("\\",'/')}")
- end
- f.close
- end
- @result = dir
- report("changing to #{dir}",true)
- else
- report("not changing dir")
- end
- rescue
- end
- end
- def choose(args=[])
- offset = 97
- unless @pattern.empty? then
- begin
- case @result.size
- when 0 then
- report("dir '#{@pattern}' not found",true)
- when 1 then
- chdir(@result[0])
- else
- list = @result.dup
- begin
- if answer = args[1] then # assignment & test
- if answer == '.' and @hist.key?(@pattern) then
- if[@pattern]) then
- print("last choice ")
- chdir(@hist[@pattern])
- return
- end
- else
- index = answer[0] - offset
- if dir = list[index] then
- chdir(dir)
- return
- end
- end
- end
- rescue
- puts("some error")
- end
- loop do
- print("\n")
- list.each_index do |i|
- if i < @@maxlength then
- # puts("#{(i+?a).chr} #{list[i]}")
- puts("#{(i+offset).chr} #{list[i]}")
- else
- puts("\n there are #{list.length-@@maxlength} entries more")
- break
- end
- puts("some error")
- end
- print("\n>> ")
- if answer = wait then
- if answer >= offset and answer <= offset+25 then
- index = answer - offset
- if dir = list[index] then
- print("#{answer.chr} ")
- chdir(dir)
- elsif @hist.key?(@pattern) and[@pattern]) then
- print("last choice ")
- chdir(@hist[@pattern])
- else
- print("quit\n")
- end
- break
- elsif list.length >= @@maxlength then
- @@maxlength.times do |i| list.shift end
- print("next set")
- print("\n")
- elsif @hist.key?(@pattern) and[@pattern]) then
- print("last choice ")
- chdir(@hist[@pattern])
- break
- else
- print("quit\n")
- break
- end
- end
- end
- end
- rescue
- report($!)
- end
- end
- end
- def wait
- begin
- $stdout.flush
- return getc
- rescue
- return nil
- end
- end
- def getc
- begin
- if @@mswindows then
- ch ='crtdll','_getch',[],'L').call
- else
- system('stty raw -echo')
- ch = $stdin.getc
- system('stty -raw echo')
- end
- rescue
- ch = nil
- end
- return ch
- end
- def check
- unless FileTest.file?(@@stubfile) then
- report("creating stub #{@@stubfile}")
- begin
- if f =,'w') then
- f.puts(@@stubcode)
- f.close
- end
- rescue
- report("unable to create stub #{@@stubfile}")
- else
- unless @mswindows then
- begin
- File.chmod(0755,@@stubfile)
- rescue
- report("unable to change protections on #{@@stubfile}")
- end
- end
- end
- else
- report("stub #{@@stubfile} already present")
- end
- end
-$stdout.sync = true
-verbose, action, args = false, :find,
-usage = "fcd [--add|clear|find|list|make|show|stub] [--verbose] [pattern]"
-version = "1.0.2"
-def quit(message)
- puts(message)
- exit
-ARGV.each do |a|
- case a
- when '-a', '--add' then action = :add
- when '-c', '--clear' then action = :clear
- when '-f', '--find' then action = :find
- when '-l', '--list' then action = :show
- when '-m', '--make' then action = :make
- when '-s', '--show' then action = :show
- when '--stub' then action = :stub
- when '-v', '--verbose' then verbose = true
- when '--version' then quit("version: #{version}")
- when '-h', '--help' then quit("usage: #{usage}")
- when /^\-\-.*/ then quit("error: unknown switch #{a}, try --help")
- else args << a
- end
-fcd ="Fast Change Dir / version #{version}")
-case action
- when :make then
- fcd.clear
- fcd.scan(args)
- when :clear then
- fcd.clear
- when :add then
- fcd.load
- fcd.scan(args)
- when :show then
- fcd.load
- when :find then
- fcd.load
- fcd.find(args)
- fcd.choose(args)
- fcd.remember
- when :stub
- fcd.check
diff --git a/scripts/context/stubs/mswin/mtxrun.lua b/scripts/context/stubs/mswin/mtxrun.lua
index 108f2a8a1..cc29845b5 100644
--- a/scripts/context/stubs/mswin/mtxrun.lua
+++ b/scripts/context/stubs/mswin/mtxrun.lua
@@ -1341,12 +1341,16 @@ function lpeg.split(separator,str)
function string.split(str,separator)
- local c = cache[separator]
- if not c then
- c = tsplitat(separator)
- cache[separator] = c
+ if separator then
+ local c = cache[separator]
+ if not c then
+ c = tsplitat(separator)
+ cache[separator] = c
+ end
+ return match(c,str)
+ else
+ return { str }
- return match(c,str)
local spacing = patterns.spacer^0 * newline -- sort of strip
@@ -1851,14 +1855,14 @@ else
io.fileseparator, io.pathseparator = "/" , ":"
-function io.loaddata(filename,textmode)
+function io.loaddata(filename,textmode) -- return nil if empty
local f =,(textmode and 'r') or 'rb')
if f then
local data = f:read('*all')
- return data
- else
- return nil
+ if #data > 0 then
+ return data
+ end
@@ -1880,6 +1884,45 @@ function io.savedata(filename,data,joiner)
+function io.loadlines(filename,n) -- return nil if empty
+ local f =,'r')
+ if f then
+ if n then
+ local lines = { }
+ for i=1,n do
+ local line = f:read("*lines")
+ if line then
+ lines[#lines+1] = line
+ else
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ f:close()
+ lines = concat(lines,"\n")
+ if #lines > 0 then
+ return lines
+ end
+ else
+ local line = f:read("*line") or ""
+ assert(f:close())
+ if #line > 0 then
+ return line
+ end
+ end
+ end
+function io.loadchunk(filename,n)
+ local f =,'rb')
+ if f then
+ local data = f:read(n or 1024)
+ f:close()
+ if #data > 0 then
+ return data
+ end
+ end
function io.exists(filename)
local f =
if f == nil then
@@ -3081,15 +3124,30 @@ if not md5.hex then function md5.hex(str) return convert(str,"%02x") end end
if not md5.dec then function md5.dec(str) return convert(str,"%03i") end end
-function file.needs_updating(oldname,newname,threshold) -- size modification access change
- local oldtime = lfs.attributes(oldname, modification)
- local newtime = lfs.attributes(newname, modification)
- if newtime >= oldtime then
- return false
- elseif oldtime - newtime < (threshold or 1) then
- return false
+function file.needsupdating(oldname,newname,threshold) -- size modification access change
+ local oldtime = lfs.attributes(oldname,"modification")
+ if oldtime then
+ local newtime = lfs.attributes(newname,"modification")
+ if not newtime then
+ return true -- no new file, so no updating needed
+ elseif newtime >= oldtime then
+ return false -- new file definitely needs updating
+ elseif oldtime - newtime < (threshold or 1) then
+ return false -- new file is probably still okay
+ else
+ return true -- new file has to be updated
+ end
- return true
+ return false -- no old file, so no updating needed
+ end
+file.needs_updating = file.needsupdating
+function file.syncmtimes(oldname,newname)
+ local oldtime = lfs.attributes(oldname,"modification")
+ if oldtime and lfs.isfile(newname) then
+ lfs.touch(newname,oldtime,oldtime)
@@ -3111,7 +3169,7 @@ function file.loadchecksum(name)
return nil
-function file.savechecksum(name, checksum)
+function file.savechecksum(name,checksum)
if not checksum then checksum = file.checksum(name) end
if checksum then
io.savedata(name .. ".md5",checksum)
@@ -5586,7 +5644,7 @@ function
local value, default, modules = functions.value, functions.default, #functions
value = value == nil and "unset" or tostring(value)
default = default == nil and "unset" or tostring(default)
-"%-30s modules: %2i default: %6s value: %6s",name,modules,default,value)
+"%-50s modules: %2i default: %6s value: %6s",name,modules,default,value)
@@ -5678,17 +5736,31 @@ end)
-- experiment
-local flags = environment and environment.engineflags
+if environment then
-if flags then
- if trackers and flags.trackers then
- setters.initialize("flags","trackers", settings_to_hash(flags.trackers))
- -- t_enable(flags.trackers)
- end
- if directives and flags.directives then
- setters.initialize("flags","directives", settings_to_hash(flags.directives))
- -- d_enable(flags.directives)
+ -- The engineflags are known earlier than environment.arguments but maybe we
+ -- need to handle them both as the later are parsed differently. The c: prefix
+ -- is used by mtx-context to isolate the flags from those that concern luatex.
+ local engineflags = environment.engineflags
+ if engineflags then
+ if trackers then
+ local list = engineflags["c:trackers"] or engineflags["trackers"]
+ if type(list) == "string" then
+ setters.initialize("flags","trackers",settings_to_hash(list))
+ -- t_enable(list)
+ end
+ end
+ if directives then
+ local list = engineflags["c:directives"] or engineflags["directives"]
+ if type(list) == "string" then
+ setters.initialize("flags","directives", settings_to_hash(list))
+ -- d_enable(list)
+ end
+ end
-- here
@@ -6619,6 +6691,8 @@ local mt = {
+-- context specific arguments (in order not to confuse the engine)
function environment.initializearguments(arg)
local arguments, files = { }, { }
environment.arguments, environment.files, environment.sortedflags = arguments, files, nil
@@ -6627,10 +6701,12 @@ function environment.initializearguments(arg)
if index > 0 then
local flag, value = match(argument,"^%-+(.-)=(.-)$")
if flag then
+ flag = gsub(flag,"^c:","")
arguments[flag] = unquoted(value or "")
flag = match(argument,"^%-+(.+)")
if flag then
+ flag = gsub(flag,"^c:","")
arguments[flag] = true
files[#files+1] = argument
@@ -6650,7 +6726,7 @@ end
-- tricky: too many hits when we support partials unless we add
-- a registration of arguments so from now on we have 'partial'
-function environment.argument(name,partial)
+function environment.getargument(name,partial)
local arguments, sortedflags = environment.arguments, environment.sortedflags
if arguments[name] then
return arguments[name]
@@ -6673,6 +6749,8 @@ function environment.argument(name,partial)
return nil
+environment.argument = environment.getargument
function environment.splitarguments(separator) -- rather special, cut-off before separator
local done, before, after = false, { }, { }
local originalarguments = environment.originalarguments
diff --git a/scripts/context/stubs/unix/mtxrun b/scripts/context/stubs/unix/mtxrun
index 108f2a8a1..cc29845b5 100755
--- a/scripts/context/stubs/unix/mtxrun
+++ b/scripts/context/stubs/unix/mtxrun
@@ -1341,12 +1341,16 @@ function lpeg.split(separator,str)
function string.split(str,separator)
- local c = cache[separator]
- if not c then
- c = tsplitat(separator)
- cache[separator] = c
+ if separator then
+ local c = cache[separator]
+ if not c then
+ c = tsplitat(separator)
+ cache[separator] = c
+ end
+ return match(c,str)
+ else
+ return { str }
- return match(c,str)
local spacing = patterns.spacer^0 * newline -- sort of strip
@@ -1851,14 +1855,14 @@ else
io.fileseparator, io.pathseparator = "/" , ":"
-function io.loaddata(filename,textmode)
+function io.loaddata(filename,textmode) -- return nil if empty
local f =,(textmode and 'r') or 'rb')
if f then
local data = f:read('*all')
- return data
- else
- return nil
+ if #data > 0 then
+ return data
+ end
@@ -1880,6 +1884,45 @@ function io.savedata(filename,data,joiner)
+function io.loadlines(filename,n) -- return nil if empty
+ local f =,'r')
+ if f then
+ if n then
+ local lines = { }
+ for i=1,n do
+ local line = f:read("*lines")
+ if line then
+ lines[#lines+1] = line
+ else
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ f:close()
+ lines = concat(lines,"\n")
+ if #lines > 0 then
+ return lines
+ end
+ else
+ local line = f:read("*line") or ""
+ assert(f:close())
+ if #line > 0 then
+ return line
+ end
+ end
+ end
+function io.loadchunk(filename,n)
+ local f =,'rb')
+ if f then
+ local data = f:read(n or 1024)
+ f:close()
+ if #data > 0 then
+ return data
+ end
+ end
function io.exists(filename)
local f =
if f == nil then
@@ -3081,15 +3124,30 @@ if not md5.hex then function md5.hex(str) return convert(str,"%02x") end end
if not md5.dec then function md5.dec(str) return convert(str,"%03i") end end
-function file.needs_updating(oldname,newname,threshold) -- size modification access change
- local oldtime = lfs.attributes(oldname, modification)
- local newtime = lfs.attributes(newname, modification)
- if newtime >= oldtime then
- return false
- elseif oldtime - newtime < (threshold or 1) then
- return false
+function file.needsupdating(oldname,newname,threshold) -- size modification access change
+ local oldtime = lfs.attributes(oldname,"modification")
+ if oldtime then
+ local newtime = lfs.attributes(newname,"modification")
+ if not newtime then
+ return true -- no new file, so no updating needed
+ elseif newtime >= oldtime then
+ return false -- new file definitely needs updating
+ elseif oldtime - newtime < (threshold or 1) then
+ return false -- new file is probably still okay
+ else
+ return true -- new file has to be updated
+ end
- return true
+ return false -- no old file, so no updating needed
+ end
+file.needs_updating = file.needsupdating
+function file.syncmtimes(oldname,newname)
+ local oldtime = lfs.attributes(oldname,"modification")
+ if oldtime and lfs.isfile(newname) then
+ lfs.touch(newname,oldtime,oldtime)
@@ -3111,7 +3169,7 @@ function file.loadchecksum(name)
return nil
-function file.savechecksum(name, checksum)
+function file.savechecksum(name,checksum)
if not checksum then checksum = file.checksum(name) end
if checksum then
io.savedata(name .. ".md5",checksum)
@@ -5586,7 +5644,7 @@ function
local value, default, modules = functions.value, functions.default, #functions
value = value == nil and "unset" or tostring(value)
default = default == nil and "unset" or tostring(default)
-"%-30s modules: %2i default: %6s value: %6s",name,modules,default,value)
+"%-50s modules: %2i default: %6s value: %6s",name,modules,default,value)
@@ -5678,17 +5736,31 @@ end)
-- experiment
-local flags = environment and environment.engineflags
+if environment then
-if flags then
- if trackers and flags.trackers then
- setters.initialize("flags","trackers", settings_to_hash(flags.trackers))
- -- t_enable(flags.trackers)
- end
- if directives and flags.directives then
- setters.initialize("flags","directives", settings_to_hash(flags.directives))
- -- d_enable(flags.directives)
+ -- The engineflags are known earlier than environment.arguments but maybe we
+ -- need to handle them both as the later are parsed differently. The c: prefix
+ -- is used by mtx-context to isolate the flags from those that concern luatex.
+ local engineflags = environment.engineflags
+ if engineflags then
+ if trackers then
+ local list = engineflags["c:trackers"] or engineflags["trackers"]
+ if type(list) == "string" then
+ setters.initialize("flags","trackers",settings_to_hash(list))
+ -- t_enable(list)
+ end
+ end
+ if directives then
+ local list = engineflags["c:directives"] or engineflags["directives"]
+ if type(list) == "string" then
+ setters.initialize("flags","directives", settings_to_hash(list))
+ -- d_enable(list)
+ end
+ end
-- here
@@ -6619,6 +6691,8 @@ local mt = {
+-- context specific arguments (in order not to confuse the engine)
function environment.initializearguments(arg)
local arguments, files = { }, { }
environment.arguments, environment.files, environment.sortedflags = arguments, files, nil
@@ -6627,10 +6701,12 @@ function environment.initializearguments(arg)
if index > 0 then
local flag, value = match(argument,"^%-+(.-)=(.-)$")
if flag then
+ flag = gsub(flag,"^c:","")
arguments[flag] = unquoted(value or "")
flag = match(argument,"^%-+(.+)")
if flag then
+ flag = gsub(flag,"^c:","")
arguments[flag] = true
files[#files+1] = argument
@@ -6650,7 +6726,7 @@ end
-- tricky: too many hits when we support partials unless we add
-- a registration of arguments so from now on we have 'partial'
-function environment.argument(name,partial)
+function environment.getargument(name,partial)
local arguments, sortedflags = environment.arguments, environment.sortedflags
if arguments[name] then
return arguments[name]
@@ -6673,6 +6749,8 @@ function environment.argument(name,partial)
return nil
+environment.argument = environment.getargument
function environment.splitarguments(separator) -- rather special, cut-off before separator
local done, before, after = false, { }, { }
local originalarguments = environment.originalarguments
diff --git a/tex/context/base/anch-bck.mkvi b/tex/context/base/anch-bck.mkvi
index 8ec056468..8f22d8a6d 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/anch-bck.mkvi
+++ b/tex/context/base/anch-bck.mkvi
@@ -276,7 +276,7 @@
\fi \fi
- \vskip-\dimexpr\lineheight+\parskip\relax
+ \vskip-\dimexpr\lineheight+\parskip\relax % problem: we loose the hangindent
@@ -307,7 +307,7 @@
- \c!method=mpos:region,
+ \c!method=mpos:region, % mpos:regionshape
\c!leftoffset=\!!zeropoint, % 1em,
@@ -397,6 +397,14 @@
\includeMPgraphic{mpos:region:anchor} ;
+ \includeMPgraphic{mpos:region:setup} ;
+ \includeMPgraphic{mpos:region:extra} ;
+ \MPgetmultishapes{\MPvar{self}}{\MPanchorid} ;
+ \includeMPgraphic{\MPvar{mp}} ;
+ \includeMPgraphic{mpos:region:anchor} ;
diff --git a/tex/context/base/anch-pgr.lua b/tex/context/base/anch-pgr.lua
index bf4dcbe02..6143d166e 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/anch-pgr.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/anch-pgr.lua
@@ -51,30 +51,44 @@ local function add(t,x,y,last)
local n = #t
if n == 0 then
t[n+1] = { x, y }
- elseif n == 1 then
- local tn = t[1]
- if abs(tn[1]-x) <= eps or abs(tn[2]-y) <= eps then
- t[n+1] = { x, y }
- end
- local tm = t[n-1]
local tn = t[n]
local lx = tn[1]
local ly = tn[2]
- if abs(lx-tm[1]) <= eps and abs(lx-x) <= eps then
- if abs(ly-y) > eps then
- tn[2] = y
+ if x == lx and y == ly then
+ -- quick skip
+ elseif n == 1 then
+-- if abs(lx-x) <= eps or abs(ly-y) <= eps then
+ if abs(lx-x) > eps or abs(ly-y) > eps then
+ t[n+1] = { x, y }
- elseif abs(ly-tm[2]) <= eps and abs(ly-y) <= eps then
- if abs(lx-x) > eps then
- tn[1] = x
+ else
+ local tm = t[n-1]
+ local px = tm[1]
+ local py = tm[2]
+if y > ly then
+ -- move back from too much hang
+ if abs(lx-px) <= eps and abs(lx-x) <= eps then
+ if abs(ly-y) > eps then
+ tn[2] = y
+ end
+ elseif abs(ly-py) <= eps and abs(ly-y) <= eps then
+ if abs(lx-x) > eps then
+ tn[1] = x
+ end
+ elseif not last then
+ t[n+1] = { x, y }
- elseif not last then
- t[n+1] = { x, y }
+-- local function add(t,x,y,last)
+-- t[#t+1] = { x, y }
+-- end
local function finish(t)
local n = #t
if n > 1 then
@@ -109,105 +123,103 @@ end
-- todo: mark regions and free paragraphs in collected
-local function shapes(r,rx,ry,rw,rh,rd,lytop,lybot,rytop,rybot)
+local function shapes(r,rx,ry,rw,rh,rd,lytop,lybot,rytop,rybot,obeyhang)
-- we assume that we only hang per page and not cross pages
-- which makes sense as hanging is only uses in special cases
-- we can remove data as soon as a page is done so we could
-- remember per page and discard areas after each shipout
local leftshape, rightshape
--- leftshape = r.leftshape
--- rightshape = r.rightshape
--- if not leftshape then
- leftshape = { { rx, rh } }
- rightshape = { { rw, rh } }
- local paragraphs = r.paragraphs
- local extending = false
- if paragraphs then
- for i=1,#paragraphs do
- local p = paragraphs[i]
- local ha = p.ha
- if ha and ha ~= 0 then
+ leftshape = { { rx, rh } } -- spikes get removed so we can start at the edge
+ rightshape = { { rw, rh } } -- even if we hang next
+ local paragraphs = r.paragraphs
+ local extending = false
+ if paragraphs then
+ for i=1,#paragraphs do
+ local p = paragraphs[i]
+ local ha = p.ha
+ if obeyhang and ha and ha ~= 0 then
+ local py = p.y
+ local ph = p.h
+ local pd = p.d
+ local hi = p.hi
+ local hang = ha * (ph + pd)
+ local py_ph = py + ph
+ -- ha < 0 hi < 0 : right top
+ -- ha < 0 hi > 0 : left top
+ if ha < 0 then
+ if hi < 0 then -- right
+ add(rightshape,rw , py_ph)
+ add(rightshape,rw + hi, py_ph)
+ add(rightshape,rw + hi, py_ph + hang)
+ add(rightshape,rw , py_ph + hang)
+ else
+ -- left
+ add(leftshape,rx, py_ph)
+ add(leftshape,rx + hi, py_ph)
+ add(leftshape,rx + hi, py_ph + hang)
+ add(leftshape,rx, py_ph + hang)
+ end
+ else
+ -- maybe some day
+ end
+ extending = true -- false
+ else -- we need to clip to the next par
+ local ps =
+ if ps then
local py = p.y
local ph = p.h
local pd = p.d
- local hi = p.hi
- local hang = ha * (ph + pd)
+ local step = ph + pd
+ local size = #ps * step
local py_ph = py + ph
- -- ha < 0 hi < 0 : right top
- -- ha < 0 hi > 0 : left top
- if ha < 0 then
- if hi < 0 then -- right
- add(rightshape,rw , py_ph)
- add(rightshape,rw + hi, py_ph)
- add(rightshape,rw + hi, py_ph + hang)
- add(rightshape,rw , py_ph + hang)
- else
- -- left
- add(leftshape,rx, py_ph)
- add(leftshape,rx + hi, py_ph)
- add(leftshape,rx + hi, py_ph + hang)
- add(leftshape,rx, py_ph + hang)
- end
- end
-extending = false
- else -- we need to clip to the next par
- local ps =
- if ps then
- local py = p.y
- local ph = p.h
- local pd = p.d
- local step = ph + pd
- local size = #ps * step
- local py_ph = py + ph
- add(leftshape,rx,py_ph)
- add(rightshape,rw,py_ph)
- for i=1,#ps do
- local p = ps[i]
- local l = p[1]
- local w = p[2]
- add(leftshape,rx + l, py_ph)
- add(rightshape,rx + l + w, py_ph)
- py_ph = py_ph - step
- add(leftshape,rx + l, py_ph)
- add(rightshape,rx + l + w, py_ph)
- end
- extending = true
--- add(left,rx,py_ph)
--- add(right,rw,py_ph)
- else
- if extending then
- local py = p.y
- local ph = p.h
- local pd = p.d
- local py_ph = py + ph
- local py_pd = py - pd
- add(leftshape,leftshape[#leftshape][1],py_ph)
- add(rightshape,rightshape[#rightshape][1],py_ph)
- add(leftshape,rx,py_ph)
- add(rightshape,rw,py_ph)
-extending = false
- end
+ add(leftshape,rx,py_ph)
+ add(rightshape,rw,py_ph)
+ for i=1,#ps do
+ local p = ps[i]
+ local l = p[1]
+ local w = p[2]
+ add(leftshape,rx + l, py_ph)
+ add(rightshape,rx + l + w, py_ph)
+ py_ph = py_ph - step
+ add(leftshape,rx + l, py_ph)
+ add(rightshape,rx + l + w, py_ph)
+ extending = true
+ elseif extending then
+ local py = p.y
+ local ph = p.h
+ local pd = p.d
+ local py_ph = py + ph
+ local py_pd = py - pd
+ add(leftshape,leftshape[#leftshape][1],py_ph)
+ add(rightshape,rightshape[#rightshape][1],py_ph)
+ add(leftshape,rx,py_ph) -- shouldn't this be py_pd
+ add(rightshape,rw,py_ph) -- shouldn't this be py_pd
+ extending = false
- -- we can have a simple variant when no paragraphs
- if extending then
- -- not ok
- leftshape[#leftshape][2] = rd
- rightshape[#rightshape][2] = rw
- else
- add(leftshape,rx,rd)
- add(rightshape,rw,rd)
- end
--- r.leftshape = leftshape
--- r.rightshape = rightshape
--- end
+ end
+ -- we can have a simple variant when no paragraphs
+ if extending then
+ -- not ok
+ leftshape[#leftshape][2] = rd
+ rightshape[#rightshape][2] = rw
+ else
+ add(leftshape,rx,rd)
+ add(rightshape,rw,rd)
+ end
return clip(leftshape,lytop,lybot), clip(rightshape,rytop,rybot)
-local function singlepart(b,e,r,left,right)
+-- local function shapes(r,rx,ry,rw,rh,rd,lytop,lybot,rytop,rybot,obeyhang)
+-- local leftshape = { { rx, rh }, { rx, rd } }
+-- local rightshape = { { rw, rh }, { rw, rd } }
+-- return clip(leftshape,lytop,lybot), clip(rightshape,rytop,rybot)
+-- end
+local function singlepart(b,e,r,left,right,obeyhang)
local bx, by = b.x, b.y
local ex, ey = e.x, e.y
local rx, ry = r.x, r.y
@@ -238,7 +250,7 @@ local function singlepart(b,e,r,left,right)
area = { }
- local leftshapes, rightshapes = shapes(r,rx,ry,rw,rh,rd,bd,ed,bh,eh)
+ local leftshapes, rightshapes = shapes(r,rx,ry,rw,rh,rd,bd,ed,bh,eh,obeyhang)
for i=1,#rightshapes do
local ri = rightshapes[i]
@@ -265,7 +277,7 @@ local function singlepart(b,e,r,left,right)
-local function firstpart(b,r,left,right)
+local function firstpart(b,r,left,right,obeyhang)
local bx, by = b.x, b.y
local rx, ry = r.x, r.y
local rw = rx + r.w
@@ -278,7 +290,7 @@ local function firstpart(b,r,left,right)
local bh = by + b.h
local bd = by - b.d
local area = { }
- local leftshapes, rightshapes = shapes(r,rx,ry,rw,rh,rd,bd,rd,bh,rd)
+ local leftshapes, rightshapes = shapes(r,rx,ry,rw,rh,rd,bd,rd,bh,rd,obeyhang)
for i=1,#rightshapes do
local ri = rightshapes[i]
@@ -302,7 +314,7 @@ local function firstpart(b,r,left,right)
-local function middlepart(r,left,right)
+local function middlepart(r,left,right,obeyhang)
local rx, ry = r.x, r.y
local rw = rx + r.w
local rh = ry + r.h
@@ -312,7 +324,7 @@ local function middlepart(r,left,right)
rw = rw - right
local area = { }
- local leftshapes, rightshapes = shapes(r,rx,ry,rw,rh,rd,rh,rd,rh,rd)
+ local leftshapes, rightshapes = shapes(r,rx,ry,rw,rh,rd,rh,rd,rh,rd,obeyhang)
for i=#leftshapes,1,-1 do
local li = leftshapes[i]
@@ -333,7 +345,7 @@ local function middlepart(r,left,right)
-local function lastpart(e,r,left,right)
+local function lastpart(e,r,left,right,obeyhang)
local ex, ey = e.x, e.y
local rx, ry = r.x, r.y
local rw = rx + r.w
@@ -347,7 +359,7 @@ local function lastpart(e,r,left,right)
local ed = ey - e.d
local area = { }
-- two cases: till end and halfway e line
- local leftshapes, rightshapes = shapes(r,rx,ry,rw,rh,rd,rh,ed,rh,eh)
+ local leftshapes, rightshapes = shapes(r,rx,ry,rw,rh,rd,rh,ed,rh,eh,obeyhang)
for i=1,#rightshapes do
local ri = rightshapes[i]
@@ -375,7 +387,7 @@ local backgrounds = { }
graphics.backgrounds = backgrounds
-local function calculatemultipar(tag)
+local function calculatemultipar(tag,obeyhang)
local collected = jobpositions.collected
local b = collected[format("b:%s",tag)]
local e = collected[format("e:%s",tag)]
@@ -429,13 +441,13 @@ local function calculatemultipar(tag)
if bindex == eindex then
return {
- list = { [b.p] = { singlepart(b,e,collected[br],left,right) } },
+ list = { [b.p] = { singlepart(b,e,collected[br],left,right,obeyhang) } },
bpos = b,
epos = e,
local list = {
- [b.p] = { firstpart(b,collected[br],left,right) },
+ [b.p] = { firstpart(b,collected[br],left,right,obeyhang) },
for i=bindex+1,eindex-1 do
br = format("%s:%s",btag,i)
@@ -446,18 +458,18 @@ local function calculatemultipar(tag)
local p = r.p
local pp = list[p]
if pp then
- pp[#pp+1] = middlepart(r,left,right)
+ pp[#pp+1] = middlepart(r,left,right,obeyhang)
- list[p] = { middlepart(r,left,right) }
+ list[p] = { middlepart(r,left,right,obeyhang) }
local p = e.p
local pp = list[p]
if pp then
- pp[#pp+1] = lastpart(e,collected[er],left,right)
+ pp[#pp+1] = lastpart(e,collected[er],left,right,obeyhang)
- list[p] = { lastpart(e,collected[er],left,right) }
+ list[p] = { lastpart(e,collected[er],left,right,obeyhang) }
return {
list = list,
@@ -537,10 +549,10 @@ local template_d = [[
setbounds currentpicture to multibox ;
-function backgrounds.fetchmultipar(n,anchor,page)
+function backgrounds.fetchmultipar(n,anchor,page,obeyhang)
local data = pbg[n]
if not data then
- data = calculatemultipar(n)
+ data = calculatemultipar(n,obeyhang)
pbg[n] = data -- can be replaced by register
-- register(data.list,n,anchor)
@@ -590,6 +602,10 @@ function commands.fetchmultipar(n,anchor,page)
+function commands.fetchmultishape(n,anchor,page)
+ context(backgrounds.fetchmultipar(n,anchor,page,true))
local template_a = [[
path posboxes[], posregions[] ;
numeric pospages[] ;
@@ -642,10 +658,10 @@ end
local doifelse = commands.doifelse
-function commands.doifelsemultipar(n,page)
+function commands.doifelsemultipar(n,page,obeyhang)
local data = pbg[n]
if not data then
- data = calculatemultipar(n)
+ data = calculatemultipar(n,obeyhang)
pbg[n] = data
if page then
diff --git a/tex/context/base/anch-pgr.mkiv b/tex/context/base/anch-pgr.mkiv
index a417d26e3..38e0ff0af 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/anch-pgr.mkiv
+++ b/tex/context/base/anch-pgr.mkiv
@@ -492,7 +492,8 @@
% Helpers:
-\def\MPgetposboxes #1#2{\ctxcommand{fetchposboxes("#1","#2",\the\realpageno)}}
+\def\MPgetposboxes #1#2{\ctxcommand{fetchposboxes("#1","#2",\the\realpageno)}}
+\def\MPgetmultipars #1#2{\ctxcommand{fetchmultipar("#1","#2",\the\realpageno)}}
\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/char-def.lua b/tex/context/base/char-def.lua
index 1e3b8a595..804468c2d 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/char-def.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/char-def.lua
@@ -64501,6 +64501,8 @@{
description="TOP SQUARE BRACKET",
+ mathclass="topaccent",
+ mathname="overbracket",
@@ -64508,6 +64510,8 @@{
+ mathclass="botaccent",
+ mathname="underbracket",
diff --git a/tex/context/base/cldf-ini.lua b/tex/context/base/cldf-ini.lua
index ed86c2923..c35ca4b4a 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/cldf-ini.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/cldf-ini.lua
@@ -410,7 +410,11 @@ local function writer(parent,command,first,...) -- already optimized before call
done = true
- flush(currentcatcodes,"]")
+ if done then
+ flush(currentcatcodes,"]")
+ else
+ flush(currentcatcodes,"[]")
+ end
elseif tn == 1 then -- some 20% faster than the next loop
local tj = ti[1]
if type(tj) == "function" then
diff --git a/tex/context/base/colo-ini.mkiv b/tex/context/base/colo-ini.mkiv
index 5721bb513..a46555534 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/colo-ini.mkiv
+++ b/tex/context/base/colo-ini.mkiv
@@ -242,8 +242,8 @@
\getvalue{\??colorconversions\directcolorsparameter\c!conversion}% could be a nice \ifcsname
% too often:
- \ifconditional\c_colo_rgb_supported \colo_helpers_show_message\m!colors9\v!rgb \fi
- \ifconditional\c_colo_cmyk_supported\colo_helpers_show_message\m!colors9\v!cmyk\fi
+ \ifconditional\c_colo_rgb_supported \colo_helpers_show_message\m!colors{10}\v!rgb \fi
+ \ifconditional\c_colo_cmyk_supported\colo_helpers_show_message\m!colors{10}\v!cmyk\fi
@@ -802,9 +802,19 @@
\def\defaulttextcolor {black}
+ {\ifx\maintextcolor\empty\else\colo_helpers_activate\maintextcolor\fi}
+ {\ifx\maintextcolor\empty
+ \deactivatecolor
+ \else
+ \colo_helpers_activate\maintextcolor
+ \fi}
\deactivatecolor % public?
- \ifx\maintextcolor\empty\else\colo_helpers_activate\maintextcolor\fi
+ \inheritmaintextcolor
\to \everybeforeoutput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/cont-new.mkii b/tex/context/base/cont-new.mkii
index b4958762f..2f49f0bd4 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/cont-new.mkii
+++ b/tex/context/base/cont-new.mkii
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
%C details.
-\newcontextversion{2012.05.30 11:26}
+\newcontextversion{2012.06.05 09:16}
%D This file is loaded at runtime, thereby providing an
%D excellent place for hacks, patches, extensions and new
diff --git a/tex/context/base/cont-new.mkiv b/tex/context/base/cont-new.mkiv
index 5a28f8e29..2c7ae9942 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/cont-new.mkiv
+++ b/tex/context/base/cont-new.mkiv
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
%C details.
-\newcontextversion{2012.05.30 11:26}
+\newcontextversion{2012.06.05 09:16}
%D This file is loaded at runtime, thereby providing an
%D excellent place for hacks, patches, extensions and new
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
% \let\cs\getvalue % no, we want \cs to be czech
-% experimental so this may change
+% experimental so this may change ! ! ! not adapted to new low level description names
@@ -231,7 +231,7 @@
@@ -256,7 +256,7 @@
-\def\buttonframed{\dodoubleempty\localframed[\??bt]} % goodie
+\unexpanded\def\buttonframed{\dodoubleempty\localframed[\??bt]} % goodie
@@ -345,13 +345,13 @@
% \tableifelse{\doifelse{a}{a}}{\NC Xtest \NC test \NC \NR}{}%
% \stoptabulate}
{\aftergroup \firstoftwoarguments}%
-\long \def\tableiftextelse#1{\tableifelse{\doiftextelse{#1}}}
diff --git a/tex/context/base/cont-nop.mkiv b/tex/context/base/cont-nop.mkiv
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c8188503e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/cont-nop.mkiv
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=cont-nop,
+%D version=2012.06.01,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Miscellaneous Macros,
+%D subtitle=Startup Dummy,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus\m!system{loading dummy replacement for jobname}
diff --git a/tex/context/base/cont-yes.mkiv b/tex/context/base/cont-yes.mkiv
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..51be3a569
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/cont-yes.mkiv
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=cont-yes,
+%D version=2012.06.01,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Miscellaneous Macros,
+%D subtitle=Startup Stub,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+% At some point I will reconsider the \starttext .. \stoptext
+% wraping as we can assume proper styling. It's a left-over from
+% mkii that we need to get rid of.
+ -- When a style is loaded there is a good change that we never enter
+ -- this code.
+ local arguments = environment.arguments
+ local filename = arguments.input or tex.jobname
+ local suffix = file.suffix(filename)
+ if suffix == "xml" or arguments.forcexml then
+ -- Maybe we should move the preamble parsing here as it
+ -- can be part of (any) loaded (sub) file. The \starttext
+ -- wrapping might go away.
+ context.starttext()
+ context.xmlprocess("main",filename,"")
+ context.stoptext()
+ elseif suffix == "cld" or arguments.forcecld then
+ context.runfile(filename)
+ elseif suffix == "lua" or arguments.forcelua then
+ -- The wrapping might go away. Why is is it there in the
+ -- first place.
+ context.starttext()
+ context.ctxlua(string.format('dofile("%s")',filename))
+ context.stoptext()
+ -- elseif suffix == "prep" then
+ --
+ -- -- Why do we wrap here. Because it can be xml? Let's get rid
+ -- -- of prepping in general.
+ --
+ -- context.starttext()
+ -- context.input(filename)
+ -- context.stoptext()
+ else
+ -- We have a regular tex file so no \starttext yet as we can
+ -- load fonts.
+ context.input(filename)
+ end
+ context.finishjob()
diff --git a/tex/context/base/context-version.pdf b/tex/context/base/context-version.pdf
index 7b8733c88..edf4268a2 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/context-version.pdf
+++ b/tex/context/base/context-version.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tex/context/base/context-version.png b/tex/context/base/context-version.png
index bb280817c..eb6d3d9ea 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/context-version.png
+++ b/tex/context/base/context-version.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tex/context/base/context.mkii b/tex/context/base/context.mkii
index 8cd02fd9e..3686f12d0 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/context.mkii
+++ b/tex/context/base/context.mkii
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
%D your styles an modules.
\edef\contextformat {\jobname}
-\edef\contextversion{2012.05.30 11:26}
+\edef\contextversion{2012.06.05 09:16}
%D For those who want to use this:
diff --git a/tex/context/base/context.mkiv b/tex/context/base/context.mkiv
index 5044edae1..896baecbf 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/context.mkiv
+++ b/tex/context/base/context.mkiv
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
%D up and the dependencies are more consistent.
\edef\contextformat {\jobname}
-\edef\contextversion{2012.05.30 11:26}
+\edef\contextversion{2012.06.05 09:16}
%D For those who want to use this:
@@ -454,7 +454,7 @@
\loadmarkfile{cldf-ver} % verbatim, this can come late
\loadmarkfile{cldf-com} % commands, this can come late
+\loadmarkfile{core-ctx} % this order might change but we need to check depedencies / move to another namespace
@@ -465,7 +465,7 @@
% now we hook in backend code (needs checking)
-\loadmarkfile{back-pdf} % actually, this one should load the next three
+\loadmarkfile{back-pdf} % actually, this one should load the next three using document.arguments.backend
diff --git a/tex/context/base/core-ctx.ctx b/tex/context/base/core-ctx.ctx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5126ad2d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/core-ctx.ctx
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+<?xml version='1.0' standalone='yes'?>
+ <ctx:message>demo file</ctx:message>
+ <ctx:preprocess suffix='prep'>
+ <ctx:processors>
+ <ctx:processor name='step-1' suffix='one' >dummy-prep-command-1 <ctx:value name='old'/> <ctx:value name='new'/></ctx:processor>
+ <ctx:processor name='step-2' suffix='prep'>dummy-prep-command-2 <ctx:value name='old'/> <ctx:value name='new'/></ctx:processor>
+ </ctx:processors>
+ <ctx:files>
+ <ctx:file processor='step-1' >one*.xml</ctx:file>
+ <ctx:file processor='step-2' >two*.xml</ctx:file>
+ <ctx:file processor='step-1,step-2'>all*.xml</ctx:file>
+ </ctx:files>
+ </ctx:preprocess>
+ <ctx:process>
+ <ctx:resources>
+ <ctx:environment>step-1-step-2.tex</ctx:environment>
+ </ctx:resources>
+ </ctx:process>
+ <ctx:postprocess>
+ </ctx:postprocess>
diff --git a/tex/context/base/core-ctx.lua b/tex/context/base/core-ctx.lua
index e6fb7bb5f..616f82a58 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/core-ctx.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/core-ctx.lua
@@ -6,72 +6,271 @@ if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['core-ctx'] = {
license = "see context related readme files"
+Job control files aka ctx files are rather old and date from the mkii times.
+They were handled in texexec and mtx-context and deals with modes, modules,
+environments and preprocessing in projects where one such file drives the
+processing of lots of files without the need to provide command line
+In mkiv this concept was of course supported as well. The first implementation
+of mtx-context took much of the approach of texexec, but by now we have gotten
+rid of the option file (for passing modes, modules and environments), the stubs
+(for directly processing cld and xml) as well as the preprocessing component
+of the ctx files. Special helper features, like typesetting listings, were
+already moved to the extras (a direct side effect of the ability to pass along
+command line arguments.) All this made mtx-context more simple than its ancestor
+Because some of the modes might affect the mtx-context end, the ctx file is
+still loaded there but only for getting the modes. The file is loaded again
+during the run but as loading and basic processing takes less than a
+millisecond it's not that much of a burden.
+-- the ctxrunner tabel might either become private or move to the job namespace
+-- which also affects the loading order
local trace_prepfiles = false trackers.register("system.prepfiles", function(v) trace_prepfiles = v end)
+local gsub, find = string.gsub, string.find
local report_prepfiles = logs.reporter("system","prepfiles")
commands = commands or { }
local commands = commands
-local list, suffix, islocal, found = { }, "prep", false, false
-function commands.loadctxpreplist()
- local ctlname = file.replacesuffix(tex.jobname,"ctl")
- if lfs.isfile(ctlname) then
- local x = xml.load(ctlname)
- if x then
- islocal = xml.found(x,"ctx:preplist[@local=='yes']")
---~ if trace_prepfiles then
- if islocal then
- report_prepfiles("loading ctx log file (local)") -- todo: m!system
- else
- report_prepfiles("loading ctx log file (specified)") -- todo: m!system
+ctxrunner = ctxrunner or { }
+ctxrunner.prepfiles =
+local function dontpreparefile(t,k)
+ return k -- we only store when we have a prepper
+local function filtered(str,method) -- in resolvers?
+ str = tostring(str)
+ if method == 'name' then str = file.removesuffix(file.basename(str))
+ elseif method == 'path' then str = file.dirname(str)
+ elseif method == 'suffix' then str = file.extname(str)
+ elseif method == 'nosuffix' then str = file.removesuffix(str)
+ elseif method == 'nopath' then str = file.basename(str)
+ elseif method == 'base' then str = file.basename(str)
+-- elseif method == 'full' then
+-- elseif method == 'complete' then
+-- elseif method == 'expand' then -- str = file.expandpath(str)
+ end
+ return (gsub(str,"\\","/"))
+-- local function substitute(e,str)
+-- local attributes =
+-- if str and attributes then
+-- if attributes['method'] then
+-- str = filtered(str,attributes['method'])
+-- end
+-- if str == "" and attributes['default'] then
+-- str = attributes['default']
+-- end
+-- end
+-- return str
+-- end
+local function substitute(str)
+ return str
+local function justtext(str)
+ str = xml.unescaped(tostring(str))
+ str = xml.cleansed(str)
+ str = gsub(str,"\\+",'/')
+ str = gsub(str,"%s+",' ')
+ return str
+function ctxrunner.load(ctxname)
+ local xmldata = xml.load(ctxname)
+ local jobname = tex.jobname -- todo
+ local variables = { job = jobname }
+ local commands = { }
+ local flags = { }
+ local paths = { } -- todo
+ local treatments = { }
+ local suffix = "prep"
+ xml.include(xmldata,'ctx:include','name', {'.', file.dirname(ctxname), "..", "../.." })
+ for e in xml.collected(xmldata,"/ctx:job/ctx:flags/ctx:flag") do
+ local key, value = match(flag,"^(.-)=(.+)$")
+ if key and value then
+ environment.setargument(key,value)
+ else
+ environment.setargument(flag,true)
+ end
+ end
+ -- add to document.options.ctxfile[...]
+ local ctxfile = document.options.ctxfile
+ local modes = ctxfile.modes
+ local modules = ctxfile.modules
+ local environments = ctxfile.environments
+ for e in xml.collected(xmldata,"/ctx:job/ctx:process/ctx:resources/ctx:mode") do
+ modes[#modes+1] = xml.text(e)
+ -- context.enablemode { xml.text(e) }
+ end
+ for e in xml.collected(xmldata,"/ctx:job/ctx:process/ctx:resources/ctx:module") do
+ modules[#modules+1] = xml.text(e)
+ -- context.module { xml.text(e) }
+ end
+ for e in xml.collected(xmldata,"/ctx:job/ctx:process/ctx:resources/ctx:environment") do
+ environments[#environments+1] = xml.text(e)
+ -- context.environment { xml.text(e) }
+ end
+ for e in xml.collected(xmldata,"ctx:message") do
+ report_prepfiles("ctx comment: %s", xml.text(e))
+ end
+ for r, d, k in xml.elements(xmldata,"ctx:value[@name='job']") do
+ d[k] = variables['job'] or ""
+ end
+ for e in xml.collected(xmldata,"/ctx:job/ctx:preprocess/ctx:processors/ctx:processor") do
+ commands[ and['name'] or "unknown"] = e
+ end
+ local suffix = xml.filter(xmldata,"xml:///ctx:job/ctx:preprocess/attribute('suffix')") -- or ...
+ local runlocal = xml.filter(xmldata,"xml:///ctx:job/ctx:preprocess/ctx:processors/attribute('local')")
+ runlocal = toboolean(runlocal)
+ -- todo: only collect, then plug into file handler
+ for files in xml.collected(xmldata,"/ctx:job/ctx:preprocess/ctx:files") do
+ for pattern in xml.collected(files,"ctx:file") do
+ local preprocessor =['processor'] or ""
+ if preprocessor ~= "" then
+ treatments[#treatments+1] = {
+ pattern = string.topattern(justtext(xml.tostring(pattern))),
+ preprocessors = utilities.parsers.settings_to_array(preprocessor),
+ }
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ variables.old = jobname
+ local function needstreatment(oldfile)
+ for i=1,#treatments do
+ local treatment = treatments[i]
+ local pattern = treatment.pattern
+ if find(oldfile,pattern) then
+ return treatment
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ local preparefile = #treatments > 0 and function(prepfiles,filename)
+ local treatment = needstreatment(filename)
+ if treatment then
+ local oldfile = filename
+ newfile = oldfile .. "." .. suffix
+ if runlocal then
+ newfile = file.basename(newfile)
+ end
+ if file.needsupdating(oldfile,newfile) then
+ local preprocessors = treatment.preprocessors
+ local runners = { }
+ for i=1,#preprocessors do
+ local preprocessor = preprocessors[i]
+ local command = commands[preprocessor]
+ if command then
+ command = xml.copy(command)
+ local suf = and['suffix'] or suffix
+ if suf then
+ newfile = oldfile .. "." .. suf
+ end
+ if runlocal then
+ newfile = file.basename(newfile)
+ end
+ for r, d, k in xml.elements(command,"ctx:old") do
+ d[k] = substitute(oldfile)
+ end
+ for r, d, k in xml.elements(command,"ctx:new") do
+ d[k] = substitute(newfile)
+ end
+ variables.old = oldfile
+ = newfile
+ for r, d, k in xml.elements(command,"ctx:value") do
+ local ek = d[k]
+ local ekat = and['name']
+ if ekat then
+ d[k] = substitute(variables[ekat] or "")
+ end
+ end
+ command = xml.content(command)
+ runners[#runners+1] = justtext(command)
+ oldfile = newfile
+ if runlocal then
+ oldfile = file.basename(oldfile)
+ end
+ end
---~ end
- for e in xml.collected(x,"ctx:prepfile") do
- local name = xml.text(e)
- if islocal then
- name = file.basename(name)
+ -- for tracing we have collected commands first
+ for i=1,#runners do
+ report_prepfiles("step %i: %s",i,runners[i])
- local done =['done'] or 'no'
- if trace_prepfiles then
- report_prepfiles("registering %s -> %s",done)
+ --
+ for i=1,#runners do
+ local command = runners[i]
+ report_prepfiles("command: %s",command)
+ local result = os.spawn(command) or 0
+ -- if result > 0 then
+ -- report_prepfiles("error, return code: %s",result)
+ -- end
- found = true
- list[name] = done -- 'yes' or 'no'
+ if lfs.isfile(newfile) then
+ file.syncmtimes(filename,newfile)
+ report_prepfiles("%q is converted to %q",filename,newfile)
+ else
+ report_prepfiles("%q is not converted to %q",filename,newfile)
+ newfile = filename
+ end
+ elseif lfs.isfile(newfile) then
+ report_prepfiles("%q is already converted to %q",filename,newfile)
+ else
+ -- report_prepfiles("%q is not converted to %q",filename,newfile)
+ newfile = filename
+ else
+ newfile = filename
- end
+ prepfiles[filename] = newfile
--- -- --
+ return newfile
-local function found(name) -- used in resolve
- local prepname = name .. "." .. suffix
- if list[name] and lfs.isfile(prepname) then
- if trace_prepfiles then
- report_prepfiles("preprocessing: using %s",prepname)
- end
- return prepname
- return false
+ table.setmetatableindex(ctxrunner.prepfiles,preparefile or dontpreparefile)
local function resolve(name) -- used a few times later on
- local filename = file.collapsepath(name)
- local prepname = islocal and found(file.basename(name))
- if prepname then
- return prepname
- end
- prepname = found(filename)
- if prepname then
- return prepname
- end
- return false
+ return ctxrunner.prepfiles[file.collapsepath(name)] or false
---~ support.doiffileexistelse(name)
local processfile = commands.processfile
local doifinputfileelse = commands.doifinputfileelse
@@ -94,3 +293,20 @@ end
function commands.preparedfile(name)
return resolve(name) or name
+function commands.getctxfile()
+ local ctxfile = document.arguments.ctx or ""
+ if ctxfile ~= "" then
+ ctxrunner.load(ctxfile) -- do we need to locate it?
+ end
+-- ctxrunner.load("t:/sources/core-ctx.ctx")
+-- context(ctxrunner.prepfiles["one-a.xml"]) context.par()
+-- context(ctxrunner.prepfiles["one-b.xml"]) context.par()
+-- context(ctxrunner.prepfiles["two-c.xml"]) context.par()
+-- context(ctxrunner.prepfiles["two-d.xml"]) context.par()
+-- context(ctxrunner.prepfiles["all-x.xml"]) context.par()
+-- inspect(ctxrunner.prepfiles)
diff --git a/tex/context/base/core-ctx.mkiv b/tex/context/base/core-ctx.mkiv
index e178ee21b..c7298187d 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/core-ctx.mkiv
+++ b/tex/context/base/core-ctx.mkiv
@@ -13,18 +13,15 @@
\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Core Macros / Job Control}
-\setnewconstant\preprocessmethod\plustwo % always check in mkiv
- {\ctxcommand{loadctxpreplist()}%
- \glet\loadctxpreplist\relax}
- \loadctxpreplist
-\to \everystarttext % maybe too late but don't change it now
+\unexpanded\def\job_options_get_commandline {\ctxcommand{getcommandline()}}
+\unexpanded\def\job_options_get_ctxfile {\ctxcommand{getctxfile()}}
+\unexpanded\def\job_options_log {\ctxcommand{logoptions()}}
+\unexpanded\def\job_options_set_modes {\ctxcommand{setdocumentmodes()}}
+\unexpanded\def\job_options_set_modules {\ctxcommand{setdocumentmodules()}}
\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/core-def.mkiv b/tex/context/base/core-def.mkiv
index 4f856f996..5423b97aa 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/core-def.mkiv
+++ b/tex/context/base/core-def.mkiv
@@ -33,28 +33,39 @@
\appendtoks \font_preloads_at_start_text \to \everystarttext
\appendtoks \font_preloads_at_stop_text \to \everystoptext
-%prependtoks \preloadtypescript \to \everyjob
\appendtoks \showcontextbanner \to \everyjob
\appendtoks \initializenewlinechar \to \everyjob
\appendtoks \calculatecurrenttime \to \everyjob
\appendtoks \loadsystemfiles \to \everyjob
-\appendtoks \loadoptionfile \to \everyjob % can load files !
+\appendtoks \loadoptionfile \to \everyjob % obsolete
+ \job_options_get_commandline % expands some commands
+ \job_options_get_ctxfile % might expand some commands
+\to \everyjob % ok here?
\appendtoks \font_preloads_at_every_job \to \everyjob
\appendtoks \settopskip \to \everyjob
\appendtoks \initializemainlanguage \to \everyjob
-%appendtoks \MPLIBregister \to \everyjob
-\appendtoks \xmlinitialize \to \everyjob
+\appendtoks \xmlinitialize \to \everyjob % is this still needed?
\appendtoks \setfalse\c_page_backgrounds_new \to \everyjob
\appendtoks \setfalse\c_page_backgrounds_some \to \everyjob
\appendtoks \initializepagecounters \to \everyjob
-\appendtoks \directsetup{*runtime:options} \to \everyjob % we could erase them afterwards % order can change
-\appendtoks \directsetup{*runtime:modules} \to \everyjob % we could erase them afterwards % order can change
-%appendtoks \page[\v!last] \page \to \everybye % moved to core-job, we need to do this cleaner
-\appendtoks \ifarrangingpages\poparrangedpages\fi \to \everybye
-%appendtoks \registerfileinfo[end]\jobfilename \to \everybye
+\appendtoks \directsetup{*runtime:options} \to \everyjob % obsolete
+\appendtoks \directsetup{*runtime:modules} \to \everyjob % obsolete
-%appendtoks \MPLIBallocate{1000} \to \everydump
+ \job_options_set_modes
+ \job_options_set_modules
+ \job_options_set_environments
+\to \everyjob
+ \job_options_log
+\to \everystarttext
+\appendtoks \ifarrangingpages\poparrangedpages\fi \to \everybye
\prependtoks \resetallattributes \to \everybeforeoutput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/file-job.lua b/tex/context/base/file-job.lua
index 992e4b7ec..f210f444d 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/file-job.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/file-job.lua
@@ -9,22 +9,28 @@ if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['file-job'] = {
-- in retrospect dealing it's not that bad to deal with the nesting
-- and push/poppign at the tex end
-local format, gsub, match = string.format, string.gsub, string.match
+local format, gsub, match, find = string.format, string.gsub, string.match, string.find
local insert, remove, concat = table.insert, table.remove, table.concat
local commands, resolvers, context = commands, resolvers, context
+local settings_to_array = utilities.parsers.settings_to_array
+local write_nl = texio.write_nl
local trace_jobfiles = false trackers.register("system.jobfiles", function(v) trace_jobfiles = v end)
local report_jobfiles = logs.reporter("system","jobfiles")
local texsetcount = tex.setcount
local elements = interfaces.elements
+local constants = interfaces.constants
local variables = interfaces.variables
local logsnewline = logs.newline
local logspushtarget = logs.pushtarget
local logspoptarget = logs.poptarget
+local allocate =
local v_outer = variables.outer
local v_text = variables.text
local v_project = variables.project
@@ -683,3 +689,199 @@ function commands.loadexamodes(filename)
report_examodes("no mode file %s",filename) -- todo: message system
+-- changed in mtx-context
+-- code moved from luat-ini
+-- todo: locals when mtx-context is changed
+document = document or {
+ arguments = allocate(),
+ files = allocate(),
+ options = {
+ commandline = {
+ environments = allocate(),
+ modules = allocate(),
+ modes = allocate(),
+ },
+ ctxfile = {
+ environments = allocate(),
+ modules = allocate(),
+ modes = allocate(),
+ },
+ },
+function document.setargument(key,value)
+ document.arguments[key] = value
+function document.setdefaultargument(key,default)
+ local v = document.arguments[key]
+ if v == nil or v == "" then
+ document.arguments[key] = default
+ end
+function document.setfilename(i,name)
+ if name then
+ document.files[tonumber(i)] = name
+ else
+ document.files[#document.files+1] = tostring(i)
+ end
+function document.getargument(key,default) -- commands
+ local v = document.arguments[key]
+ if type(v) == "boolean" then
+ v = (v and "yes") or "no"
+ document.arguments[key] = v
+ end
+ context(v or default or "")
+function document.getfilename(i) -- commands
+ context(document.files[i] or "")
+local function validstring(s)
+ return type(s) == "string" and s ~= "" and s or nil
+function commands.getcommandline() -- has to happen at the tex end in order to expand
+ -- the document[arguments|files] tables are copies
+ local arguments = document.arguments
+ local files = document.files
+ local options = document.options
+ for k, v in next, environment.arguments do
+ k = gsub(k,"^c:","") -- already done, but better be safe than sorry
+ if arguments[k] == nil then
+ arguments[k] = v
+ end
+ end
+ -- in the new mtx=context approach we always pass a stub file so we need to
+ -- to trick the files table which actually only has one entry in a tex job
+ if arguments.timing then
+ context.usemodule("timing")
+ end
+ if arguments.batchmode then
+ context.batchmode(false)
+ end
+ if arguments.nonstopmode then
+ context.nonstopmode(false)
+ end
+ if arguments.nostatistics then
+ directives.enable("system.nostatistics")
+ end
+ if arguments.paranoid then
+ context.setvalue("maxreadlevel",1)
+ end
+ if validstring(arguments.path) then
+ context.usepath { arguments.path }
+ end
+ local inputfile = validstring(arguments.input)
+ if inputfile and file.dirname(inputfile) == "." and lfs.isfile(inputfile) then
+ -- nicer in checks
+ inputfile = file.basename(inputfile)
+ end
+ context.setupsystem {
+ [] = validstring(arguments.setuppath),
+ [constants.inputfile] = inputfile,
+ [constants.file] = validstring(arguments.result),
+ [constants.random] = validstring(arguments.randomseed),
+ [constants.n] = validstring(arguments.kindofrun),
+ [constants.m] = validstring(arguments.currentrun),
+ }
+ if validstring(arguments.arguments) then
+ context.setupenv { arguments.arguments }
+ end
+ if arguments.once then
+ directives.enable("system.runonce")
+ end
+ if arguments.noarrange then
+ context.setuparranging { variables.disable }
+ end
+ --
+ local commandline = options.commandline
+ commandline.environments = table.append(commandline.environments,settings_to_array(validstring(arguments.environments)))
+ commandline.modules = table.append(commandline.modules, settings_to_array(validstring(arguments.modules)))
+ commandline.modes = table.append(commandline.modes, settings_to_array(validstring(arguments.modes)))
+ --
+ if #files == 0 then
+ local list = settings_to_array(validstring(arguments.files))
+ if list and #list > 0 then
+ files = list
+ end
+ end
+ if #files == 0 then
+ files = { validstring(arguments.input) }
+ end
+ --
+ document.arguments = arguments
+ document.files = files
+-- commandline wins over ctxfile
+local function apply(list,action)
+ if list then
+ for i=1,#list do
+ action { list[i] }
+ end
+ end
+function commands.setdocumentmodes() -- was setup: *runtime:modes
+ apply(document.options.ctxfile .modes,context.enablemode)
+ apply(document.options.commandline.modes,context.enablemode)
+function commands.setdocumentmodules() -- was setup: *runtime:modules
+ apply(document.options.ctxfile .modules,context.usemodule)
+ apply(document.options.commandline.modules,context.usemodule)
+function commands.setdocumentenvironments() -- was setup: *runtime:environments
+ apply(document.options.ctxfile .environments,context.environment)
+ apply(document.options.commandline.environments,context.environment)
+function commands.logoptions()
+ local arguments = document.arguments
+ local files = document.files
+ write_nl("log","\n% begin of command line arguments\n%\n")
+ for k, v in next, arguments do
+ write_nl("log",format("%% %-20s = %s",k,tostring(v)))
+ end
+ write_nl("log","%\n% end of command line arguments\n")
+ write_nl("log","\n% begin of command line files\n%\n")
+ for i=1,#files do
+ write_nl("log",format("%% %i %s",i,files[i]))
+ end
+ write_nl("log","%\n% end of command line files\n\n")
diff --git a/tex/context/base/file-job.mkvi b/tex/context/base/file-job.mkvi
index 112400cbd..a801f7309 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/file-job.mkvi
+++ b/tex/context/base/file-job.mkvi
@@ -75,11 +75,16 @@
\def\syst_files_load#name% only mkiv files
+% \unexpanded\def\loadoptionfile
+% {\readjobfile{\jobname.\f!optionextension}
+% {\writestatus\m!system{\jobname.\f!optionextension\space loaded}%
+% \ctxcommand{copyfiletolog("\jobname.\f!optionextension")}}%
+% {\writestatus\m!system{no \jobname.\f!optionextension}}}
+\unexpanded\def\loadoptionfile % this one is soon obsolete
- {\writestatus\m!system{\jobname.\f!optionextension\space loaded}%
- \ctxcommand{copyfiletolog("\jobname.\f!optionextension")}}%
- {\writestatus\m!system{no \jobname.\f!optionextension}}}
+ {\ctxcommand{copyfiletolog("\jobname.\f!optionextension")}}%
+ {}}
% document structure
@@ -110,6 +115,8 @@
\unexpanded\def\autostoptext {\ctxcommand{autostoptext()}}
+\unexpanded\def\finishjob{\stoptext} % nicer in luatex call commandline
@@ -190,7 +197,7 @@
%D Handy for modules that have a test/demo appended.
+\def\continueifinputfile#name{\doifnot\inputfilename{#name}\endinput} % will be lua call ./ check
%def\processifinputfile #name{\doif \inputfilename{#name}}
% \startproject test
diff --git a/tex/context/base/font-pre.mkiv b/tex/context/base/font-pre.mkiv
index 9a2c45172..141bfd2ff 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/font-pre.mkiv
+++ b/tex/context/base/font-pre.mkiv
@@ -365,6 +365,9 @@
\definealternativestyle [\v!sans,\v!sansserif] [\ss] []
\definealternativestyle [\v!sansbold] [\ss\bf] []
+\definealternativestyle [\v!roman,\v!serif,\v!regular] [\rm]
+\definealternativestyle [\v!handwritten] [\hw]
+\definealternativestyle [\v!calligraphic] [\cg]
% % maybe we need interface neutral as well (for use in cld):
diff --git a/tex/context/base/l-io.lua b/tex/context/base/l-io.lua
index 4f27dc1dc..657b755b8 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/l-io.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/l-io.lua
@@ -17,14 +17,14 @@ else
io.fileseparator, io.pathseparator = "/" , ":"
-function io.loaddata(filename,textmode)
+function io.loaddata(filename,textmode) -- return nil if empty
local f =,(textmode and 'r') or 'rb')
if f then
local data = f:read('*all')
- return data
- else
- return nil
+ if #data > 0 then
+ return data
+ end
@@ -46,6 +46,45 @@ function io.savedata(filename,data,joiner)
+function io.loadlines(filename,n) -- return nil if empty
+ local f =,'r')
+ if f then
+ if n then
+ local lines = { }
+ for i=1,n do
+ local line = f:read("*lines")
+ if line then
+ lines[#lines+1] = line
+ else
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ f:close()
+ lines = concat(lines,"\n")
+ if #lines > 0 then
+ return lines
+ end
+ else
+ local line = f:read("*line") or ""
+ assert(f:close())
+ if #line > 0 then
+ return line
+ end
+ end
+ end
+function io.loadchunk(filename,n)
+ local f =,'rb')
+ if f then
+ local data = f:read(n or 1024)
+ f:close()
+ if #data > 0 then
+ return data
+ end
+ end
function io.exists(filename)
local f =
if f == nil then
diff --git a/tex/context/base/l-lpeg.lua b/tex/context/base/l-lpeg.lua
index 13294ab0d..50b14db06 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/l-lpeg.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/l-lpeg.lua
@@ -234,12 +234,16 @@ function lpeg.split(separator,str)
function string.split(str,separator)
- local c = cache[separator]
- if not c then
- c = tsplitat(separator)
- cache[separator] = c
+ if separator then
+ local c = cache[separator]
+ if not c then
+ c = tsplitat(separator)
+ cache[separator] = c
+ end
+ return match(c,str)
+ else
+ return { str }
- return match(c,str)
local spacing = patterns.spacer^0 * newline -- sort of strip
diff --git a/tex/context/base/l-md5.lua b/tex/context/base/l-md5.lua
index 1d471c966..6abf2e17d 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/l-md5.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/l-md5.lua
@@ -31,15 +31,30 @@ if not md5.dec then function md5.dec(str) return convert(str,"%03i") end end
--~ function md5.dec(str) return (gsub(md5.sum(str),".",remap)) end
--~ end
-function file.needs_updating(oldname,newname,threshold) -- size modification access change
- local oldtime = lfs.attributes(oldname, modification)
- local newtime = lfs.attributes(newname, modification)
- if newtime >= oldtime then
- return false
- elseif oldtime - newtime < (threshold or 1) then
- return false
+function file.needsupdating(oldname,newname,threshold) -- size modification access change
+ local oldtime = lfs.attributes(oldname,"modification")
+ if oldtime then
+ local newtime = lfs.attributes(newname,"modification")
+ if not newtime then
+ return true -- no new file, so no updating needed
+ elseif newtime >= oldtime then
+ return false -- new file definitely needs updating
+ elseif oldtime - newtime < (threshold or 1) then
+ return false -- new file is probably still okay
+ else
+ return true -- new file has to be updated
+ end
- return true
+ return false -- no old file, so no updating needed
+ end
+file.needs_updating = file.needsupdating
+function file.syncmtimes(oldname,newname)
+ local oldtime = lfs.attributes(oldname,"modification")
+ if oldtime and lfs.isfile(newname) then
+ lfs.touch(newname,oldtime,oldtime)
@@ -61,7 +76,7 @@ function file.loadchecksum(name)
return nil
-function file.savechecksum(name, checksum)
+function file.savechecksum(name,checksum)
if not checksum then checksum = file.checksum(name) end
if checksum then
io.savedata(name .. ".md5",checksum)
diff --git a/tex/context/base/luat-cod.lua b/tex/context/base/luat-cod.lua
index b022f31c3..8c721aa15 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/luat-cod.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/luat-cod.lua
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ if not environment.luafilechunk then
-if not environment.engineflags then
+if not environment.engineflags then -- raw flags
local engineflags = { }
for i=-10,#arg do
local a = arg[i]
diff --git a/tex/context/base/luat-env.lua b/tex/context/base/luat-env.lua
index 4f1b661c2..840b2344f 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/luat-env.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/luat-env.lua
@@ -79,6 +79,8 @@ local mt = {
+-- context specific arguments (in order not to confuse the engine)
function environment.initializearguments(arg)
local arguments, files = { }, { }
environment.arguments, environment.files, environment.sortedflags = arguments, files, nil
@@ -87,10 +89,12 @@ function environment.initializearguments(arg)
if index > 0 then
local flag, value = match(argument,"^%-+(.-)=(.-)$")
if flag then
+ flag = gsub(flag,"^c:","")
arguments[flag] = unquoted(value or "")
flag = match(argument,"^%-+(.+)")
if flag then
+ flag = gsub(flag,"^c:","")
arguments[flag] = true
files[#files+1] = argument
@@ -110,7 +114,7 @@ end
-- tricky: too many hits when we support partials unless we add
-- a registration of arguments so from now on we have 'partial'
-function environment.argument(name,partial)
+function environment.getargument(name,partial)
local arguments, sortedflags = environment.arguments, environment.sortedflags
if arguments[name] then
return arguments[name]
@@ -133,6 +137,8 @@ function environment.argument(name,partial)
return nil
+environment.argument = environment.getargument
function environment.splitarguments(separator) -- rather special, cut-off before separator
local done, before, after = false, { }, { }
local originalarguments = environment.originalarguments
diff --git a/tex/context/base/luat-ini.lua b/tex/context/base/luat-ini.lua
index 204cc7bd1..1f7cca4af 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/luat-ini.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/luat-ini.lua
@@ -12,8 +12,6 @@ local debug = require "debug"
local string, table, lpeg, math, io, system = string, table, lpeg, math, io, system
local next, setfenv = next, setfenv or debug.setfenv
-local mark =
<p>We cannot load anything yet. However what we will do us reserve a fewtables.
These can be used for runtime user data or third party modules and will not be
@@ -26,15 +24,6 @@ moduledata = moduledata or { } -- only for development team
documentdata = documentdata or { } -- for users (e.g. raw data)
parametersets = parametersets or { } -- experimental for team
-document = document or { } -- only for context itself
-<p>These can be used/set by the caller program; <t>mtx-context.lua</t> does it.</p>
-document.arguments = mark(document.arguments or { })
-document.files = mark(document.files or { })
<p>Please create a namespace within these tables before using them!</p>
@@ -157,33 +146,3 @@ end
storage.register("lua/numbers", lua.numbers, "lua.numbers")
storage.register("lua/messages", lua.messages, "lua.messages")
---~ local arguments, files = document.arguments, document.files -- set later
-function document.setargument(key,value)
- document.arguments[key] = value
-function document.setdefaultargument(key,default)
- local v = document.arguments[key]
- if v == nil or v == "" then
- document.arguments[key] = default
- end
-function document.getargument(key,default)
- local v = document.arguments[key]
- if type(v) == "boolean" then
- v = (v and "yes") or "no"
- document.arguments[key] = v
- end
- context(v or default or "")
-function document.setfilename(i,name)
- document.files[tonumber(i)] = name
-function document.getfilename(i)
- context(document.files[i] or "")
diff --git a/tex/context/base/lxml-ini.mkiv b/tex/context/base/lxml-ini.mkiv
index 84ebc5823..14fbd68e6 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/lxml-ini.mkiv
+++ b/tex/context/base/lxml-ini.mkiv
@@ -313,7 +313,7 @@
\to \everysetupxml
+\unexpanded\def\xmlinitialize % is this still needed?
diff --git a/tex/context/base/math-def.mkiv b/tex/context/base/math-def.mkiv
index 43a511e43..1c602187f 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/math-def.mkiv
+++ b/tex/context/base/math-def.mkiv
@@ -330,6 +330,8 @@
\let\normalunderbrace \underbrace
\let\normaloverparent \overparent
\let\normalunderparent \underparent
+\let\normaloverbracket \overbracket
+\let\normalunderbracket \underbracket
\let\normalunderleftarrow \underleftarrow
\let\normaloverleftarrow \overleftarrow
@@ -343,6 +345,8 @@
\unexpanded\def\doublebrace {\mathopwithlimits\normaldoublebrace }
\unexpanded\def\overparent {\mathopwithlimits\normaloverparent }
\unexpanded\def\underparent {\mathopwithlimits\normalunderparent }
+\unexpanded\def\overbracket {\mathopwithlimits\normaloverbracket }
+\unexpanded\def\underbracket {\mathopwithlimits\normalunderbracket }
\unexpanded\def\doubleparent {\mathopwithlimits\normaldoubleparent }
\unexpanded\def\underleftarrow {\mathopwithlimits\normalunderleftarrow }
\unexpanded\def\overleftarrow {\mathopwithlimits\normaloverleftarrow }
diff --git a/tex/context/base/math-noa.lua b/tex/context/base/math-noa.lua
index 8caf21cc2..02288432f 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/math-noa.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/math-noa.lua
@@ -799,9 +799,20 @@ italics[math_char] = function(pointer,what,n,parent)
+ -- maybe also correction when next == nil
if correction and correction ~= 0 then
local next_noad =
- if next_noad and == math_noad then
+ if not next_noad then
+ if true then -- this might become an option
+ if trace_italics then
+ report_italics("method %s: adding %s italic correction between %s (0x%05X) and end math",
+ method,number.points(correction),utfchar(char),char)
+ end
+ insert_node_after(parent,parent,new_kern(correction))
+ end
+ elseif == math_noad then
local next_subtype = next_noad.subtype
if next_subtype == noad_punct or next_subtype == noad_ord then
local next_nucleus = next_noad.nucleus
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mult-aux.mkiv b/tex/context/base/mult-aux.mkiv
index b4c6ad039..011fba7d3 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mult-aux.mkiv
+++ b/tex/context/base/mult-aux.mkiv
@@ -707,6 +707,31 @@
+%D Another helper:
+\unexpanded\def\doifelsecommandhandler#1#2% namespace name
+ {\ifcsname#1#2:\s!parent\endcsname
+ \expandafter\firstoftwoarguments
+ \else
+ \expandafter\secondoftwoarguments
+ \fi}
+\unexpanded\def\doifcommandhandler#1#2% namespace name
+ {\ifcsname#1#2:\s!parent\endcsname
+ \expandafter\firstofoneargument
+ \else
+ \expandafter\gobbleoneargument
+ \fi}
+\unexpanded\def\doifnotcommandhandler#1#2% namespace name
+ {\ifcsname#1#2:\s!parent\endcsname
+ \expandafter\gobbleoneargument
+ \else
+ \expandafter\firstofoneargument
+ \fi}
%D Conventions:
%D \starttyping
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mult-low.lua b/tex/context/base/mult-low.lua
index 7d61d0427..134e4c82a 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mult-low.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mult-low.lua
@@ -124,6 +124,7 @@ return {
"starttexcode", "stoptexcode",
"doifsetupselse", "doifsetups", "doifnotsetups", "setup", "setups", "texsetup", "xmlsetup", "luasetup", "directsetup",
+ "doifelsecommandhandler","doifnotcommandhandler","doifcommandhandler",
"newmode", "setmode", "resetmode",
"newsystemmode", "setsystemmode", "resetsystemmode", "pushsystemmode", "popsystemmode",
diff --git a/tex/context/base/page-mak.mkvi b/tex/context/base/page-mak.mkvi
index f37c4f613..e5a722676 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/page-mak.mkvi
+++ b/tex/context/base/page-mak.mkvi
@@ -88,7 +88,10 @@
\newbox \b_page_makeup
+\def\page_makeup_start_yes[#name]% [#settings]%
+ {\doifelsecommandhandler\??makeup{#name}\page_makeup_start_indeed\page_makeup_start_nop[#name]}%
{\page}% new, so best not have dangling mess here like references (we could capture then and flush embedded)
diff --git a/tex/context/base/status-files.pdf b/tex/context/base/status-files.pdf
index 8d2ac5857..d92622355 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/status-files.pdf
+++ b/tex/context/base/status-files.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tex/context/base/status-lua.pdf b/tex/context/base/status-lua.pdf
index 0d58d1b16..d8ab22c4e 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/status-lua.pdf
+++ b/tex/context/base/status-lua.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tex/context/base/status-mkiv.lua b/tex/context/base/status-mkiv.lua
index d7ab099a6..cbb7040db 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/status-mkiv.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/status-mkiv.lua
@@ -344,6 +344,16 @@ return {
status = "okay",
+ filename = "cont-nop",
+ marktype = "mkiv",
+ status = "okay",
+ },
+ {
+ filename = "cont-yes",
+ marktype = "mkiv",
+ status = "okay",
+ },
+ {
filename = "regi-ini",
marktype = "mkiv",
status = "okay",
diff --git a/tex/context/base/strc-lst.lua b/tex/context/base/strc-lst.lua
index 48aab78db..4666738d5 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/strc-lst.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/strc-lst.lua
@@ -597,7 +597,7 @@ function lists.hasnumberdata(name,n)
local data = lists.result[n]
if data then
local numberdata = data.numberdata
- if numberdata then
+ if numberdata and not numberdata.hidenumber then -- th ehide number is true
return true
diff --git a/tex/context/base/tabl-xnt.mkvi b/tex/context/base/tabl-xnt.mkvi
index 35451abe0..ffa1f501e 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/tabl-xnt.mkvi
+++ b/tex/context/base/tabl-xnt.mkvi
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@
- \edef\tabl_x_current_buffer{\x_table_default_buffer}%
+ \edef\tabl_x_current_buffer{\tabl_x_default_buffer}%
\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/tabl-xtb.lua b/tex/context/base/tabl-xtb.lua
index 395d65a03..e999cbd74 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/tabl-xtb.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/tabl-xtb.lua
@@ -391,7 +391,7 @@ function xtables.reflow_width()
for c=1,nofcolumns do
local drc = row[c]
if drc.list then
- --- flush_node_list(drc.list)
+ -- flush_node_list(drc.list)
drc.list = false
@@ -512,7 +512,6 @@ function xtables.reflow_width()
-- maybe also options[v_width] here but tricky as width does not say
-- much about amount
if options[v_width] then -- not that much (we could have a clever vpack loop balancing .. no fun)
local factor = (widetotal + delta) / width
if trace_xtable then
diff --git a/tex/context/base/trac-deb.mkiv b/tex/context/base/trac-deb.mkiv
index 4f5f0e931..10e462a31 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/trac-deb.mkiv
+++ b/tex/context/base/trac-deb.mkiv
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
\unexpanded\def\enableexperiments [#1]{\ctxlua{experiments.enable("#1")}}
-\unexpanded\def\overloaderror{\ctxlua{lmx.overloaderror()}} % \enabledirectives[system.showerror]
+\unexpanded\def\showdebuginfo {\ctxlua{lmx.showdebuginfo()}}
+\unexpanded\def\overloaderror {\ctxlua{lmx.overloaderror()}} % \enabledirectives[system.showerror]
\unexpanded\def\showlogcategories {\ctxlua{}}
diff --git a/tex/context/base/trac-set.lua b/tex/context/base/trac-set.lua
index bc0070eb4..ed7367b4f 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/trac-set.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/trac-set.lua
@@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ function
local value, default, modules = functions.value, functions.default, #functions
value = value == nil and "unset" or tostring(value)
default = default == nil and "unset" or tostring(default)
-"%-30s modules: %2i default: %6s value: %6s",name,modules,default,value)
+"%-50s modules: %2i default: %6s value: %6s",name,modules,default,value)
@@ -297,17 +297,31 @@ end)
-- experiment
-local flags = environment and environment.engineflags
+if environment then
-if flags then
- if trackers and flags.trackers then
- setters.initialize("flags","trackers", settings_to_hash(flags.trackers))
- -- t_enable(flags.trackers)
- end
- if directives and flags.directives then
- setters.initialize("flags","directives", settings_to_hash(flags.directives))
- -- d_enable(flags.directives)
+ -- The engineflags are known earlier than environment.arguments but maybe we
+ -- need to handle them both as the later are parsed differently. The c: prefix
+ -- is used by mtx-context to isolate the flags from those that concern luatex.
+ local engineflags = environment.engineflags
+ if engineflags then
+ if trackers then
+ local list = engineflags["c:trackers"] or engineflags["trackers"]
+ if type(list) == "string" then
+ setters.initialize("flags","trackers",settings_to_hash(list))
+ -- t_enable(list)
+ end
+ end
+ if directives then
+ local list = engineflags["c:directives"] or engineflags["directives"]
+ if type(list) == "string" then
+ setters.initialize("flags","directives", settings_to_hash(list))
+ -- d_enable(list)
+ end
+ end
-- here
diff --git a/tex/context/base/typo-mar.mkiv b/tex/context/base/typo-mar.mkiv
index a393fc250..fbd06acc9 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/typo-mar.mkiv
+++ b/tex/context/base/typo-mar.mkiv
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@
% \c!align=,
% \c!method=,
- \c!color=, % maybe textcolor
+ \c!color=, % maybe \maintextcolor
% \c!name=,
% \c!category=,
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@
- \deactivatecolor
+ \deactivatecolor % needed, but maybe we should switch to maintextcolor: \onlyinheritmaintextcolor
\to \everymargindatacontent
% trialtypesetting: no need for margin stuff while trialing as
diff --git a/tex/generic/context/luatex/luatex-fonts-merged.lua b/tex/generic/context/luatex/luatex-fonts-merged.lua
index ea509c338..96a34326e 100644
--- a/tex/generic/context/luatex/luatex-fonts-merged.lua
+++ b/tex/generic/context/luatex/luatex-fonts-merged.lua
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-- merged file : luatex-fonts-merged.lua
-- parent file : luatex-fonts.lua
--- merge date : 05/30/12 11:26:34
+-- merge date : 06/05/12 09:16:10
do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference
@@ -1331,12 +1331,16 @@ function lpeg.split(separator,str)
function string.split(str,separator)
- local c = cache[separator]
- if not c then
- c = tsplitat(separator)
- cache[separator] = c
+ if separator then
+ local c = cache[separator]
+ if not c then
+ c = tsplitat(separator)
+ cache[separator] = c
+ end
+ return match(c,str)
+ else
+ return { str }
- return match(c,str)
local spacing = patterns.spacer^0 * newline -- sort of strip
@@ -2468,14 +2472,14 @@ else
io.fileseparator, io.pathseparator = "/" , ":"
-function io.loaddata(filename,textmode)
+function io.loaddata(filename,textmode) -- return nil if empty
local f =,(textmode and 'r') or 'rb')
if f then
local data = f:read('*all')
- return data
- else
- return nil
+ if #data > 0 then
+ return data
+ end
@@ -2497,6 +2501,45 @@ function io.savedata(filename,data,joiner)
+function io.loadlines(filename,n) -- return nil if empty
+ local f =,'r')
+ if f then
+ if n then
+ local lines = { }
+ for i=1,n do
+ local line = f:read("*lines")
+ if line then
+ lines[#lines+1] = line
+ else
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ f:close()
+ lines = concat(lines,"\n")
+ if #lines > 0 then
+ return lines
+ end
+ else
+ local line = f:read("*line") or ""
+ assert(f:close())
+ if #line > 0 then
+ return line
+ end
+ end
+ end
+function io.loadchunk(filename,n)
+ local f =,'rb')
+ if f then
+ local data = f:read(n or 1024)
+ f:close()
+ if #data > 0 then
+ return data
+ end
+ end
function io.exists(filename)
local f =
if f == nil then