diff options
-rw-r--r--tex/context/base/context-version.pdfbin4072 -> 4074 bytes
-rw-r--r--tex/context/base/context-version.pngbin106437 -> 106363 bytes
-rw-r--r--tex/context/base/status-files.pdfbin24044 -> 24684 bytes
-rw-r--r--tex/context/base/status-lua.pdfbin169719 -> 170141 bytes
58 files changed, 1095 insertions, 1333 deletions
diff --git a/context/data/scite/lexers/data/scite-context-data-context.lua b/context/data/scite/lexers/data/scite-context-data-context.lua
index aa8639f61..fb1122463 100644
--- a/context/data/scite/lexers/data/scite-context-data-context.lua
+++ b/context/data/scite/lexers/data/scite-context-data-context.lua
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
return {
- ["constants"]={ "zerocount", "minusone", "minustwo", "plusone", "plustwo", "plusthree", "plusfour", "plusfive", "plussix", "plusseven", "pluseight", "plusnine", "plusten", "plussixteen", "plushundred", "plusthousand", "plustenthousand", "plustwentythousand", "medcard", "maxcard", "zeropoint", "onepoint", "halfapoint", "onebasepoint", "maxdimen", "scaledpoint", "thousandpoint", "points", "halfpoint", "zeroskip", "pluscxxvii", "pluscxxviii", "pluscclv", "pluscclvi", "endoflinetoken", "outputnewlinechar", "emptytoks", "empty", "undefined", "voidbox", "emptybox", "emptyvbox", "emptyhbox", "bigskipamount", "medskipamount", "smallskipamount", "fmtname", "fmtversion", "texengine", "texenginename", "texengineversion", "luatexengine", "pdftexengine", "xetexengine", "unknownengine", "etexversion", "pdftexversion", "xetexversion", "xetexrevision", "activecatcode", "bgroup", "egroup", "endline", "attributeunsetvalue", "uprotationangle", "rightrotatioangle", "downrotatioangle", "leftrotatioangle", "ctxcatcodes", "texcatcodes", "notcatcodes", "txtcatcodes", "vrbcatcodes", "prtcatcodes", "nilcatcodes", "luacatcodes", "tpacatcodes", "tpbcatcodes", "xmlcatcodes", "startmode", "stopmode", "startnotmode", "stopnotmode", "doifmode", "doifmodeelse", "doifnotmode", "startenvironment", "stopenvironment", "environment", "startcomponent", "stopcomponent", "component", "startproduct", "stopproduct", "product", "startproject", "stopproject", "project", "starttext", "stoptext", "startdocument", "stopdocument", "documentvariable", "startmodule", "stopmodule", "usemodule" },
- ["helpers"]={ "startsetups", "stopsetups", "startxmlsetups", "stopxmlsetups", "starttexdefinition", "stoptexdefinition", "starttexcode", "stoptexcode", "newcount", "newdimen", "newskip", "newmuskip", "newbox", "newtoks", "newread", "newwrite", "newmarks", "newinsert", "newattribute", "newif", "newlanguage", "newfamily", "newfam", "newhelp", "htdp", "unvoidbox", "vfilll", "scratchcounter", "globalscratchcounter", "scratchdimen", "globalscratchdimen", "scratchskip", "globalscratchskip", "scratchmuskip", "globalscratchmuskip", "scratchtoks", "globalscratchtoks", "scratchbox", "globalscratchbox", "nextbox", "scratchwidth", "scratchheight", "scratchdepth", "scratchoffset", "scratchcounterone", "scratchcountertwo", "scratchcounterthree", "scratchdimenone", "scratchdimentwo", "scratchdimenthree", "scratchskipone", "scratchskiptwo", "scratchskipthree", "scratchmuskipone", "scratchmuskiptwo", "scratchmuskipthree", "scratchtoksone", "scratchtokstwo", "scratchtoksthree", "scratchboxone", "scratchboxtwo", "scratchboxthree", "doif", "doifnot", "doifelse", "doifinset", "doifnotinset", "doifinsetelse", "doifnextcharelse", "doifnextoptionalelse", "doifnextparenthesiselse", "doiffastoptionalcheckelse", "doifundefinedelse", "doifdefinedelse", "doifundefined", "doifdefined", "doifelsevalue", "doifvalue", "doifnotvalue", "doifnothing", "doifsomething", "doifelsenothing", "doifsomethingelse", "doifvaluenothing", "doifvaluesomething", "doifelsevaluenothing", "doifdimensionelse", "doifnumberelse", "doifcommonelse", "doifcommon", "doifnotcommon", "doifinstring", "doifnotinstring", "doifinstringelse", "doifassignmentelse", "tracingall", "tracingnone", "loggingall", "appendtoks", "prependtoks", "appendtotoks", "prependtotoks", "to", "endgraf", "empty", "null", "space", "obeyspaces", "obeylines", "normalspace", "executeifdefined", "singleexpandafter", "doubleexpandafter", "tripleexpandafter", "dontleavehmode", "wait", "writestatus", "define", "redefine", "setmeasure", "setemeasure", "setgmeasure", "setxmeasure", "definemeasure", "measure", "getvalue", "setvalue", "setevalue", "setgvalue", "setxvalue", "letvalue", "letgvalue", "resetvalue", "undefinevalue", "ignorevalue", "setuvalue", "setuevalue", "setugvalue", "setuxvalue", "globallet", "glet", "getparameters", "geteparameters", "getgparameters", "getxparameters", "forgetparameters", "processcommalist", "processcommacommand", "quitcommalist", "quitprevcommalist", "processaction", "processallactions", "processfirstactioninset", "processallactionsinset", "unexpanded", "expanded", "startexpanded", "stopexpanded", "protected", "protect", "unprotect", "firstofoneargument", "firstoftwoarguments", "secondoftwoarguments", "firstofthreearguments", "secondofthreearguments", "thirdofthreearguments", "firstoffourarguments", "secondoffourarguments", "thirdoffourarguments", "fourthoffourarguments", "firstoffivearguments", "secondoffivearguments", "thirdoffivearguments", "fourthoffivearguments", "fifthoffivearguments", "firstofsixarguments", "secondofsixarguments", "thirdofsixarguments", "fourthofsixarguments", "fifthofsixarguments", "sixthofsixarguments", "gobbleoneargument", "gobbletwoarguments", "gobblethreearguments", "gobblefourarguments", "gobblefivearguments", "gobblesixarguments", "gobblesevenarguments", "gobbleeightarguments", "gobbleninearguments", "gobbletenarguments", "gobbleoneoptional", "gobbletwooptionals", "gobblethreeoptionals", "gobblefouroptionals", "gobblefiveoptionals", "dorecurse", "doloop", "exitloop", "dostepwiserecurse", "recurselevel", "recursedepth", "newconstant", "setnewconstant", "newconditional", "settrue", "setfalse", "dosingleempty", "dodoubleempty", "dotripleempty", "doquadrupleempty", "doquintupleempty", "dosixtupleempty", "doseventupleempty", "dosinglegroupempty", "dodoublegroupempty", "dotriplegroupempty", "doquadruplegroupempty", "doquintuplegroupempty", "nopdfcompression", "maximumpdfcompression", "normalpdfcompression", "modulonumber", "dividenumber", "getfirstcharacter", "doiffirstcharelse", "startnointerference", "stopnointerference", "strut", "setstrut", "strutbox", "strutht", "strutdp", "strutwd" },
+ ["constants"]={ "zerocount", "minusone", "minustwo", "plusone", "plustwo", "plusthree", "plusfour", "plusfive", "plussix", "plusseven", "pluseight", "plusnine", "plusten", "plussixteen", "plushundred", "plusthousand", "plustenthousand", "plustwentythousand", "medcard", "maxcard", "zeropoint", "onepoint", "halfapoint", "onebasepoint", "maxdimen", "scaledpoint", "thousandpoint", "points", "halfpoint", "zeroskip", "pluscxxvii", "pluscxxviii", "pluscclv", "pluscclvi", "endoflinetoken", "outputnewlinechar", "emptytoks", "empty", "undefined", "voidbox", "emptybox", "emptyvbox", "emptyhbox", "bigskipamount", "medskipamount", "smallskipamount", "fmtname", "fmtversion", "texengine", "texenginename", "texengineversion", "luatexengine", "pdftexengine", "xetexengine", "unknownengine", "etexversion", "pdftexversion", "xetexversion", "xetexrevision", "activecatcode", "bgroup", "egroup", "endline", "attributeunsetvalue", "uprotationangle", "rightrotationangle", "downrotationangle", "leftrotationangle", "ctxcatcodes", "texcatcodes", "notcatcodes", "txtcatcodes", "vrbcatcodes", "prtcatcodes", "nilcatcodes", "luacatcodes", "tpacatcodes", "tpbcatcodes", "xmlcatcodes", "startmode", "stopmode", "startnotmode", "stopnotmode", "doifmode", "doifmodeelse", "doifnotmode", "startenvironment", "stopenvironment", "environment", "startcomponent", "stopcomponent", "component", "startproduct", "stopproduct", "product", "startproject", "stopproject", "project", "starttext", "stoptext", "startdocument", "stopdocument", "documentvariable", "startmodule", "stopmodule", "usemodule" },
+ ["helpers"]={ "startsetups", "stopsetups", "startxmlsetups", "stopxmlsetups", "starttexdefinition", "stoptexdefinition", "starttexcode", "stoptexcode", "newcount", "newdimen", "newskip", "newmuskip", "newbox", "newtoks", "newread", "newwrite", "newmarks", "newinsert", "newattribute", "newif", "newlanguage", "newfamily", "newfam", "newhelp", "htdp", "unvoidbox", "vfilll", "hglue", "vglue", "hfillneg", "vfillneg", "hfilllneg", "vfilllneg", "ruledhss", "ruledhfil", "ruledhfill", "ruledhfilneg", "ruledhfillneg", "normalhfillneg", "ruledvss", "ruledvfil", "ruledvfill", "ruledvfilneg", "ruledvfillneg", "normalvfillneg", "ruledhbox", "ruledvbox", "ruledvtop", "ruledvcenter", "ruledhskip", "ruledvskip", "ruledkern", "ruledmskip", "ruledmkern", "ruledhglue", "ruledvglue", "normalhglue", "normalvglue", "ruledpenalty", "scratchcounter", "globalscratchcounter", "scratchdimen", "globalscratchdimen", "scratchskip", "globalscratchskip", "scratchmuskip", "globalscratchmuskip", "scratchtoks", "globalscratchtoks", "scratchbox", "globalscratchbox", "nextbox", "dowithnextbox", "dowithnextboxcs", "dowithnextboxcontent", "dowithnextboxcontentcs", "scratchwidth", "scratchheight", "scratchdepth", "scratchoffset", "scratchcounterone", "scratchcountertwo", "scratchcounterthree", "scratchdimenone", "scratchdimentwo", "scratchdimenthree", "scratchskipone", "scratchskiptwo", "scratchskipthree", "scratchmuskipone", "scratchmuskiptwo", "scratchmuskipthree", "scratchtoksone", "scratchtokstwo", "scratchtoksthree", "scratchboxone", "scratchboxtwo", "scratchboxthree", "doif", "doifnot", "doifelse", "doifinset", "doifnotinset", "doifinsetelse", "doifnextcharelse", "doifnextoptionalelse", "doifnextparenthesiselse", "doiffastoptionalcheckelse", "doifundefinedelse", "doifdefinedelse", "doifundefined", "doifdefined", "doifelsevalue", "doifvalue", "doifnotvalue", "doifnothing", "doifsomething", "doifelsenothing", "doifsomethingelse", "doifvaluenothing", "doifvaluesomething", "doifelsevaluenothing", "doifdimensionelse", "doifnumberelse", "doifcommonelse", "doifcommon", "doifnotcommon", "doifinstring", "doifnotinstring", "doifinstringelse", "doifassignmentelse", "tracingall", "tracingnone", "loggingall", "appendtoks", "prependtoks", "appendtotoks", "prependtotoks", "to", "endgraf", "empty", "null", "space", "obeyspaces", "obeylines", "normalspace", "executeifdefined", "singleexpandafter", "doubleexpandafter", "tripleexpandafter", "dontleavehmode", "wait", "writestatus", "define", "redefine", "setmeasure", "setemeasure", "setgmeasure", "setxmeasure", "definemeasure", "measure", "getvalue", "setvalue", "setevalue", "setgvalue", "setxvalue", "letvalue", "letgvalue", "resetvalue", "undefinevalue", "ignorevalue", "setuvalue", "setuevalue", "setugvalue", "setuxvalue", "globallet", "glet", "getparameters", "geteparameters", "getgparameters", "getxparameters", "forgetparameters", "processcommalist", "processcommacommand", "quitcommalist", "quitprevcommalist", "processaction", "processallactions", "processfirstactioninset", "processallactionsinset", "unexpanded", "expanded", "startexpanded", "stopexpanded", "protected", "protect", "unprotect", "firstofoneargument", "firstoftwoarguments", "secondoftwoarguments", "firstofthreearguments", "secondofthreearguments", "thirdofthreearguments", "firstoffourarguments", "secondoffourarguments", "thirdoffourarguments", "fourthoffourarguments", "firstoffivearguments", "secondoffivearguments", "thirdoffivearguments", "fourthoffivearguments", "fifthoffivearguments", "firstofsixarguments", "secondofsixarguments", "thirdofsixarguments", "fourthofsixarguments", "fifthofsixarguments", "sixthofsixarguments", "gobbleoneargument", "gobbletwoarguments", "gobblethreearguments", "gobblefourarguments", "gobblefivearguments", "gobblesixarguments", "gobblesevenarguments", "gobbleeightarguments", "gobbleninearguments", "gobbletenarguments", "gobbleoneoptional", "gobbletwooptionals", "gobblethreeoptionals", "gobblefouroptionals", "gobblefiveoptionals", "dorecurse", "doloop", "exitloop", "dostepwiserecurse", "recurselevel", "recursedepth", "newconstant", "setnewconstant", "newconditional", "settrue", "setfalse", "dosingleempty", "dodoubleempty", "dotripleempty", "doquadrupleempty", "doquintupleempty", "dosixtupleempty", "doseventupleempty", "dosinglegroupempty", "dodoublegroupempty", "dotriplegroupempty", "doquadruplegroupempty", "doquintuplegroupempty", "nopdfcompression", "maximumpdfcompression", "normalpdfcompression", "modulonumber", "dividenumber", "getfirstcharacter", "doiffirstcharelse", "startnointerference", "stopnointerference", "strut", "setstrut", "strutbox", "strutht", "strutdp", "strutwd" },
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-tex.lua b/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-tex.lua
index 41589f43f..e1b7b95a9 100644
--- a/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-tex.lua
+++ b/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-tex.lua
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ do -- todo: only once, store in global
if definitions then
local function add(data,normal)
for k, v in next, data do
- if v ~= "/" then
+ if v ~= "/" and v ~= "-" then
primitives[#primitives+1] = v
if normal then
primitives[#primitives+1] = "normal" .. v
diff --git a/context/data/scite/ b/context/data/scite/
index 32929e658..69b888e04 100644
--- a/context/data/scite/
+++ b/context/data/scite/
@@ -4,49 +4,56 @@ starttexdefinition stoptexdefinition starttexcode stoptexcode newcount \
newdimen newskip newmuskip newbox newtoks \
newread newwrite newmarks newinsert newattribute \
newif newlanguage newfamily newfam newhelp \
-htdp unvoidbox vfilll scratchcounter globalscratchcounter \
-scratchdimen globalscratchdimen scratchskip globalscratchskip scratchmuskip \
-globalscratchmuskip scratchtoks globalscratchtoks scratchbox globalscratchbox \
-nextbox scratchwidth scratchheight scratchdepth scratchoffset \
-scratchcounterone scratchcountertwo scratchcounterthree scratchdimenone scratchdimentwo \
-scratchdimenthree scratchskipone scratchskiptwo scratchskipthree scratchmuskipone \
-scratchmuskiptwo scratchmuskipthree scratchtoksone scratchtokstwo scratchtoksthree \
-scratchboxone scratchboxtwo scratchboxthree doif doifnot \
-doifelse doifinset doifnotinset doifinsetelse doifnextcharelse \
-doifnextoptionalelse doifnextparenthesiselse doiffastoptionalcheckelse doifundefinedelse doifdefinedelse \
-doifundefined doifdefined doifelsevalue doifvalue doifnotvalue \
-doifnothing doifsomething doifelsenothing doifsomethingelse doifvaluenothing \
-doifvaluesomething doifelsevaluenothing doifdimensionelse doifnumberelse doifcommonelse \
-doifcommon doifnotcommon doifinstring doifnotinstring doifinstringelse \
-doifassignmentelse tracingall tracingnone loggingall appendtoks \
-prependtoks appendtotoks prependtotoks to endgraf \
-empty null space obeyspaces obeylines \
-normalspace executeifdefined singleexpandafter doubleexpandafter tripleexpandafter \
-dontleavehmode wait writestatus define redefine \
-setmeasure setemeasure setgmeasure setxmeasure definemeasure \
-measure getvalue setvalue setevalue setgvalue \
-setxvalue letvalue letgvalue resetvalue undefinevalue \
-ignorevalue setuvalue setuevalue setugvalue setuxvalue \
-globallet glet getparameters geteparameters getgparameters \
-getxparameters forgetparameters processcommalist processcommacommand quitcommalist \
-quitprevcommalist processaction processallactions processfirstactioninset processallactionsinset \
-unexpanded expanded startexpanded stopexpanded protected \
-protect unprotect firstofoneargument firstoftwoarguments secondoftwoarguments \
-firstofthreearguments secondofthreearguments thirdofthreearguments firstoffourarguments secondoffourarguments \
-thirdoffourarguments fourthoffourarguments firstoffivearguments secondoffivearguments thirdoffivearguments \
-fourthoffivearguments fifthoffivearguments firstofsixarguments secondofsixarguments thirdofsixarguments \
-fourthofsixarguments fifthofsixarguments sixthofsixarguments gobbleoneargument gobbletwoarguments \
-gobblethreearguments gobblefourarguments gobblefivearguments gobblesixarguments gobblesevenarguments \
-gobbleeightarguments gobbleninearguments gobbletenarguments gobbleoneoptional gobbletwooptionals \
-gobblethreeoptionals gobblefouroptionals gobblefiveoptionals dorecurse doloop \
-exitloop dostepwiserecurse recurselevel recursedepth newconstant \
-setnewconstant newconditional settrue setfalse dosingleempty \
-dodoubleempty dotripleempty doquadrupleempty doquintupleempty dosixtupleempty \
-doseventupleempty dosinglegroupempty dodoublegroupempty dotriplegroupempty doquadruplegroupempty \
-doquintuplegroupempty nopdfcompression maximumpdfcompression normalpdfcompression modulonumber \
-dividenumber getfirstcharacter doiffirstcharelse startnointerference stopnointerference \
-strut setstrut strutbox strutht strutdp \
+htdp unvoidbox vfilll hglue vglue \
+hfillneg vfillneg hfilllneg vfilllneg ruledhss \
+ruledhfil ruledhfill ruledhfilneg ruledhfillneg normalhfillneg \
+ruledvss ruledvfil ruledvfill ruledvfilneg ruledvfillneg \
+normalvfillneg ruledhbox ruledvbox ruledvtop ruledvcenter \
+ruledhskip ruledvskip ruledkern ruledmskip ruledmkern \
+ruledhglue ruledvglue normalhglue normalvglue ruledpenalty \
+scratchcounter globalscratchcounter scratchdimen globalscratchdimen scratchskip \
+globalscratchskip scratchmuskip globalscratchmuskip scratchtoks globalscratchtoks \
+scratchbox globalscratchbox nextbox dowithnextbox dowithnextboxcs \
+dowithnextboxcontent dowithnextboxcontentcs scratchwidth scratchheight scratchdepth \
+scratchoffset scratchcounterone scratchcountertwo scratchcounterthree scratchdimenone \
+scratchdimentwo scratchdimenthree scratchskipone scratchskiptwo scratchskipthree \
+scratchmuskipone scratchmuskiptwo scratchmuskipthree scratchtoksone scratchtokstwo \
+scratchtoksthree scratchboxone scratchboxtwo scratchboxthree doif \
+doifnot doifelse doifinset doifnotinset doifinsetelse \
+doifnextcharelse doifnextoptionalelse doifnextparenthesiselse doiffastoptionalcheckelse doifundefinedelse \
+doifdefinedelse doifundefined doifdefined doifelsevalue doifvalue \
+doifnotvalue doifnothing doifsomething doifelsenothing doifsomethingelse \
+doifvaluenothing doifvaluesomething doifelsevaluenothing doifdimensionelse doifnumberelse \
+doifcommonelse doifcommon doifnotcommon doifinstring doifnotinstring \
+doifinstringelse doifassignmentelse tracingall tracingnone loggingall \
+appendtoks prependtoks appendtotoks prependtotoks to \
+endgraf empty null space obeyspaces \
+obeylines normalspace executeifdefined singleexpandafter doubleexpandafter \
+tripleexpandafter dontleavehmode wait writestatus define \
+redefine setmeasure setemeasure setgmeasure setxmeasure \
+definemeasure measure getvalue setvalue setevalue \
+setgvalue setxvalue letvalue letgvalue resetvalue \
+undefinevalue ignorevalue setuvalue setuevalue setugvalue \
+setuxvalue globallet glet getparameters geteparameters \
+getgparameters getxparameters forgetparameters processcommalist processcommacommand \
+quitcommalist quitprevcommalist processaction processallactions processfirstactioninset \
+processallactionsinset unexpanded expanded startexpanded stopexpanded \
+protected protect unprotect firstofoneargument firstoftwoarguments \
+secondoftwoarguments firstofthreearguments secondofthreearguments thirdofthreearguments firstoffourarguments \
+secondoffourarguments thirdoffourarguments fourthoffourarguments firstoffivearguments secondoffivearguments \
+thirdoffivearguments fourthoffivearguments fifthoffivearguments firstofsixarguments secondofsixarguments \
+thirdofsixarguments fourthofsixarguments fifthofsixarguments sixthofsixarguments gobbleoneargument \
+gobbletwoarguments gobblethreearguments gobblefourarguments gobblefivearguments gobblesixarguments \
+gobblesevenarguments gobbleeightarguments gobbleninearguments gobbletenarguments gobbleoneoptional \
+gobbletwooptionals gobblethreeoptionals gobblefouroptionals gobblefiveoptionals dorecurse \
+doloop exitloop dostepwiserecurse recurselevel recursedepth \
+newconstant setnewconstant newconditional settrue setfalse \
+dosingleempty dodoubleempty dotripleempty doquadrupleempty doquintupleempty \
+dosixtupleempty doseventupleempty dosinglegroupempty dodoublegroupempty dotriplegroupempty \
+doquadruplegroupempty doquintuplegroupempty nopdfcompression maximumpdfcompression normalpdfcompression \
+modulonumber dividenumber getfirstcharacter doiffirstcharelse startnointerference \
+stopnointerference strut setstrut strutbox strutht \
+strutdp strutwd
zerocount minusone minustwo plusone \
@@ -62,7 +69,7 @@ medskipamount smallskipamount fmtname fmtversion texengine \
texenginename texengineversion luatexengine pdftexengine xetexengine \
unknownengine etexversion pdftexversion xetexversion xetexrevision \
activecatcode bgroup egroup endline attributeunsetvalue \
-uprotationangle rightrotatioangle downrotatioangle leftrotatioangle ctxcatcodes \
+uprotationangle rightrotationangle downrotationangle leftrotationangle ctxcatcodes \
texcatcodes notcatcodes txtcatcodes vrbcatcodes prtcatcodes \
nilcatcodes luacatcodes tpacatcodes tpbcatcodes xmlcatcodes \
startmode stopmode startnotmode stopnotmode doifmode \
diff --git a/metapost/context/base/mp-mlib.mpiv b/metapost/context/base/mp-mlib.mpiv
index 0d4285005..43e620cfa 100644
--- a/metapost/context/base/mp-mlib.mpiv
+++ b/metapost/context/base/mp-mlib.mpiv
@@ -548,9 +548,6 @@ extra_beginfig := extra_beginfig & "currentgraphictext := 0 ; " ;
extra_endfig := extra_endfig & "finishsavingdata ; " ;
extra_endfig := extra_endfig & "mfun_reset_tex_texts ; " ;
-boolean cmykcolors ; cmykcolors := true ; % are these still used?
-boolean spotcolors ; spotcolors := true ; % are these still used?
% Bonus
vardef verbatim(expr str) =
diff --git a/tex/context/base/anch-pos.mkiv b/tex/context/base/anch-pos.mkiv
index cd664ed40..898607cb4 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/anch-pos.mkiv
+++ b/tex/context/base/anch-pos.mkiv
@@ -208,9 +208,9 @@
%D position as well as execute an action associated with that
%D position.
+\let\dopositionaction\gobbleoneargument % implemented later
{\ifpositioning \else
@@ -224,7 +224,7 @@
- {\initializenextposition
+ {\positions_initialize
@@ -236,7 +236,7 @@
- {\initializenextposition
+ {\positions_initialize
@@ -250,7 +250,7 @@
- {\initializenextposition
+ {\positions_initialize
\dosetpositionwhd\currentposition{#2}{#3}{#4}% already \the\dimexpr
@@ -272,7 +272,7 @@
- {\initializenextposition
+ {\positions_initialize
\hbox to \wd\nextbox
\dosetpositionwhd\currentposition{\wd\nextbox}{\ht\nextbox}{\dp\nextbox}% already \the\dimexpr
@@ -290,7 +290,7 @@
- {\initializenextposition
+ {\positions_initialize
\hbox % just package
\dosetpositionplus\currentposition{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}% already \the\dimexpr
@@ -312,7 +312,7 @@
- {\initializenextposition
+ {\positions_initialize
\hbox to \nextboxwd
@@ -366,7 +366,7 @@
%D Each macro takes an identifier as argument, and the \type
%D {\hpos} and \type {\vpos} also expect box content.
-% \def\xypos{\initializenextposition\dosetposition}
+% \def\xypos{\positions_initialize\dosetposition}
diff --git a/tex/context/base/bibl-bib.mkiv b/tex/context/base/bibl-bib.mkiv
index 6144015ad..5aaf45825 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/bibl-bib.mkiv
+++ b/tex/context/base/bibl-bib.mkiv
@@ -730,7 +730,7 @@
- \penalty\!!tenthousand
+ \penalty\plustenthousand
diff --git a/tex/context/base/bibl-tra.mkiv b/tex/context/base/bibl-tra.mkiv
index d3336ecf2..0e26d8ed0 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/bibl-tra.mkiv
+++ b/tex/context/base/bibl-tra.mkiv
@@ -1430,7 +1430,7 @@
- \penalty\!!tenthousand
+ \penalty\plustenthousand
diff --git a/tex/context/base/buff-ver.lua b/tex/context/base/buff-ver.lua
index e35545605..9961a73f6 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/buff-ver.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/buff-ver.lua
@@ -411,34 +411,6 @@ function visualizers.registerescapepattern(name,befores,afters,normalmethod,esca
return escapepattern
---~ function visualizers.registerescapeline(name,before,normalmethod,escapemethod,processor)
---~ local escapepattern = escapepatterns[name]
---~ if not escapepattern then
---~ before = type(before) == "table" and before [1] or before
---~ processor = type(processor) == "table" and processor[1] or processor
---~ if trace_visualize then
---~ report_visualizers("registering escape line pattern, name: '%s', before: '%s', after: <<newline>>",name,before)
---~ end
---~ before = P(before) * space_pattern
---~ after = space_pattern * P("\n")
---~ local action
---~ if processor then
---~ action = function(s) apply_processor(processor,s) end
---~ else
---~ action = escapemethod or texmethod
---~ end
---~ escapepattern = (
---~ (before / "")
---~ * ((1 - after)^0 / action)
---~ * (space_pattern / "")
---~ -- * (after / (normalmethod or defaultmethod))
---~ + hack((1 - before)^1) / (normalmethod or defaultmethod)
---~ )^0
---~ escapepatterns[name] = escapepattern
---~ end
---~ return escapepattern
---~ end
function visualizers.registerescapeline(name,befores,normalmethod,escapemethod,processors)
local escapepattern = escapepatterns[name]
if not escapepattern then
diff --git a/tex/context/base/buff-ver.mkiv b/tex/context/base/buff-ver.mkiv
index 8b9c98a28..2e8311fc2 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/buff-ver.mkiv
+++ b/tex/context/base/buff-ver.mkiv
@@ -141,14 +141,11 @@
\installcommandhandler \??tp {typing} \??tp
- \normalexpanded{\dodefinetyping{\currenttyping}}%
+ \setuevalue{\e!start#1}{\dostarttyping{\currenttyping}}%
+ \setuevalue{\e!stop #1}{\dostoptyping {\currenttyping}}%
\to \everydefinetyping
- {\setvalue{\e!start#1}{\dostarttyping{#1}}%
- \setvalue{\e!stop #1}{\dostoptyping {#1}}}
\doinitializevisualizer{\typingparameter\c!option}% we can check at the tex end
\to \everysetuptyping
@@ -266,9 +263,9 @@
- \@EA\dodotypeA
+ \expandafter\dodotypeA
- \@EA\dodotypetwo
+ \expandafter\dodotypetwo
@@ -278,9 +275,9 @@
- \@EA\dodotypeB
+ \expandafter\dodotypeB
- \@EA\dodotypeC
+ \expandafter\dodotypeC
@@ -392,7 +389,7 @@
\let\endofverbatimlines \relax
-\def\dostarttyping#1% tricky non standard lookahead
+\unexpanded\def\dostarttyping#1% tricky non standard lookahead
@@ -406,7 +403,11 @@
- {\dododostarttyping[]}
+ {\typingparameter\c!before
+ \startpacked[\v!blank]
+ \dosetuptypelinenumbering
+ \firststageinitializetyping
+ \normalexpanded{\dotypeblockverbatim{\e!start\currenttyping}{\e!stop\currenttyping}}}
@@ -440,7 +441,7 @@
-\def\dostoptyping#1% hm, currenttyping
+\unexpanded\def\dostoptyping#1% hm, currenttyping
@@ -617,31 +618,34 @@
%D but they also default to the values below. Watch the
%D alternative escape character.
+% \tttf gives problems with {\tx \type...}
+% \tt\tf does not adapt to e.g. \bf
- [ \c!before=\blank,
- \c!after=\blank,
- %\c!bodyfont=,
- %\c!color=,
- \c!space=\v!off,
- \c!page=\v!no,
- \c!tab=\v!yes, % what is this: \s!ascii ?
- \c!option=\v!none,
- \c!text=\v!no,
- \c!style=\tttf,
- \c!indentnext=\v!yes,
- \c!margin=\!!zeropoint,
- \c!evenmargin=\!!zeropoint,
- \c!oddmargin=\!!zeropoint,
- \c!blank=\v!line,
- %\c!escape=, % yes | no | {START,STOP} | default when yes: {BTEX,ETEX}
- \c!numbering=\v!no,
- %\c!lines=,
- %\c!range=,
- \c!start=1,
- %\c!stop=,
- \c!step=1,
- %\c!continue=,
- \c!strip=\v!no] %auto or number
+ [\c!before=\blank,
+ \c!after=\blank,
+ %\c!bodyfont=,
+ %\c!color=,
+ \c!space=\v!off,
+ \c!page=\v!no,
+ \c!tab=\v!yes, % what is this: \s!ascii ?
+ \c!option=\v!none,
+ \c!text=\v!no,
+ \c!style=\tt,
+ \c!indentnext=\v!yes,
+ \c!margin=\!!zeropoint,
+ \c!evenmargin=\!!zeropoint,
+ \c!oddmargin=\!!zeropoint,
+ \c!blank=\v!line,
+ %\c!escape=, % yes | no | {START,STOP} | default when yes: {BTEX,ETEX}
+ \c!numbering=\v!no,
+ %\c!lines=,
+ %\c!range=,
+ \c!start=1,
+ %\c!stop=,
+ \c!step=1,
+ %\c!continue=,
+ \c!strip=\v!no] % auto or number
@@ -651,12 +655,12 @@
%D The setups for inline verbatim default to:
- [ \c!space=\v!off,
- %\c!color=,
- \c!style=\tt\tf, % \tttf gives problems with {\tx \type...}
+ [\c!space=\v!off,
+ %\c!color=,
+ \c!style=\tt,
- \c!page=\v!no,
- \c!tab=\v!yes]
+ \c!page=\v!no,
+ \c!tab=\v!yes]
%D Buffers
@@ -669,10 +673,7 @@
- \setuevalue{\e!type\currentbuffer}%
- {\noexpand\dotypedefinedbuffer
- [\v!buffer]%
- [def-\number\nofdefinedbuffers]}%
+ \setuevalue{\e!type\currentbuffer}{\noexpand\dotypedefinedbuffer[\v!buffer][def-\number\nofdefinedbuffers]}%
\to \everydefinebuffer
diff --git a/tex/context/base/catc-ini.mkiv b/tex/context/base/catc-ini.mkiv
index 01814597b..fc4af92d1 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/catc-ini.mkiv
+++ b/tex/context/base/catc-ini.mkiv
@@ -58,12 +58,12 @@
\setnewconstant\tildeasciicode 126 % `\~
\setnewconstant\delasciicode 127
\catcode \tabasciicode \activecatcode \gdef\activetabtoken {^^I}
\gdef\outputnewlinechar {^^J}
\catcode \formfeedasciicode \activecatcode \gdef\activeformfeedtoken {^^L}
\catcode \endoflineasciicode \activecatcode \gdef\activeendoflinetoken{^^M}
% \endlinechar = \endoflineasciicode % appended to input lines
% \newlinechar = \newlineasciicode % can be used in write
@@ -71,10 +71,10 @@
% rather special and used in writing to file: \let\par\outputnewlinechar
\def\initializenewlinechar % operating system dependent
- {\bgroup
+ {\begingroup
- \egroup}
+ \endgroup}
\ifx\gobbleoneargument\undefined \long\def\gobbleoneargument#1{} \fi
@@ -105,12 +105,12 @@
\catcode\delasciicode \othercatcode}
- {\bgroup
+ {\begingroup
- \egroup}
+ \endgroup}
\def\permitcircumflexescape % to be used grouped
@@ -120,12 +120,12 @@
- {\bgroup
+ {\begingroup
- \egroup}
+ \endgroup}
% ==
@@ -213,18 +213,18 @@
\def\reinstatecatcodecommanda % can be used when a direct definition has been done
- {\bgroup % and the selector has been lost
+ {\begingroup % and the selector has been lost
- \egroup}
+ \endgroup}
\def\reinstatecatcodecommandua % can be used when a direct definition has been done
- {\bgroup % and the selector has been lost
+ {\begingroup % and the selector has been lost
- \egroup}
+ \endgroup}
@@ -337,7 +337,7 @@
% \newcount\catcodetablelevel
% \def\pushcatcodes
-% {\bgroup
+% {\begingroup
% \global\advance\catcodetablelevel\plusone
% \ifcsname @@ccf:\number\catcodetablelevel\endcsname \else
% \global\advance\cctdefcounter\plusone
@@ -345,11 +345,10 @@
% \fi
% \catcodetable\ctxcatcodes
% \expandafter\savecatcodetable\csname @@ccf:\number\catcodetablelevel\endcsname
-% \egroup
+% \endgroup
% \expandafter\catcodetable\csname @@ccf:\number\catcodetablelevel\endcsname}
% \def\popcatcodes
% {\global\advance\catcodetablelevel\minusone}
diff --git a/tex/context/base/colo-ini.mkiv b/tex/context/base/colo-ini.mkiv
index f569c4b40..a6ed41f84 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/colo-ini.mkiv
+++ b/tex/context/base/colo-ini.mkiv
@@ -68,10 +68,6 @@
\newif\ifweightGRAY \weightGRAYtrue
%D The last boolean controls reduction of \cap{CMYK} to
%D \cap{CMY} colors. When set to true, the black component
%D is added to the other ones.
@@ -260,17 +256,11 @@
- {\ifRGBsupported \showcolormessage\m!colors {9}\v!rgb \RGBsupportedfalse \fi}
- {\ifRGBsupported \else\showcolormessage\m!colors{10}\v!rgb \RGBsupportedtrue \fi}%
+ {\ifRGBsupported \showcolormessage\m!colors {9}\v!rgb \RGBsupportedfalse \fi}
+ {\ifRGBsupported \else\showcolormessage\m!colors{10}\v!rgb \RGBsupportedtrue \fi}%
- {\ifCMYKsupported \showcolormessage\m!colors {9}\v!cmyk \CMYKsupportedfalse\fi}
- {\ifCMYKsupported\else\showcolormessage\m!colors{10}\v!cmyk \CMYKsupportedtrue \fi}%
- \doifelse\@@clmpcmyk\v!no
- {\ifMPcmykcolors \showcolormessage\m!colors {9}{\v!mp\v!cmyk}\MPcmykcolorsfalse \fi}
- {\ifMPcmykcolors \else\showcolormessage\m!colors{10}{\v!mp\v!cmyk}\MPcmykcolorstrue \fi}%
- \doifelse\@@clmpspot\v!no
- {\ifMPspotcolors \showcolormessage\m!colors {9}{\v!mp\v!spot}\MPspotcolorsfalse \fi}
- {\ifMPspotcolors \else\showcolormessage\m!colors{10}{\v!mp\v!spot}\MPspotcolorstrue \fi}%
+ {\ifCMYKsupported \showcolormessage\m!colors {9}\v!cmyk\CMYKsupportedfalse\fi}
+ {\ifCMYKsupported\else\showcolormessage\m!colors{10}\v!cmyk\CMYKsupportedtrue \fi}%
@@ -281,23 +271,14 @@
- \forcegrayMPcolorsfalse
- \forcegrayMPcolorsfalse
- \convertMPcolorstrue
- \ifreduceCMYK
- \reduceMPcolorstrue
- \fi
- \forcegrayMPcolorstrue
- \convertMPcolorsfalse
- \reduceMPcolorsfalse
- {\incolorfalse\forcegrayMPcolorstrue}%
+ {\incolorfalse}%
@@ -649,7 +630,7 @@
%D \macros
-%D {ifMPgraphics, ifMPcmykcolors, MPcolor}
+%D {MPcolor}
%D A very special macro is \type{\MPcolor}. This one can be
%D used to pass a \CONTEXT\ color to \METAPOST.
@@ -663,9 +644,6 @@
%D {MPcmyk}, only \cap{RGB} colors and gray scales are
%D supported.
-\newif\ifMPcmykcolors % \MPcmykcolorsfalse
-\newif\ifMPspotcolors % \MPspotcolorsfalse
%D For the moment we keep the next downward compatibility
%D switch, i.e.\ expanded colors. However, predefined colors
%D and palets are no longer expanded (which is what I wanted
diff --git a/tex/context/base/cont-new.mkii b/tex/context/base/cont-new.mkii
index f7de3a22c..fb902b969 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/cont-new.mkii
+++ b/tex/context/base/cont-new.mkii
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
%C details.
-\newcontextversion{2011.12.19 22:53}
+\newcontextversion{2011.12.20 22:24}
%D This file is loaded at runtime, thereby providing an
%D excellent place for hacks, patches, extensions and new
diff --git a/tex/context/base/cont-new.mkiv b/tex/context/base/cont-new.mkiv
index bc4d6bb5e..c1d171e1c 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/cont-new.mkiv
+++ b/tex/context/base/cont-new.mkiv
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
%C details.
-\newcontextversion{2011.12.19 22:53}
+\newcontextversion{2011.12.20 22:24}
%D This file is loaded at runtime, thereby providing an
%D excellent place for hacks, patches, extensions and new
diff --git a/tex/context/base/context-version.pdf b/tex/context/base/context-version.pdf
index 3442aa045..1ac486ff4 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/context-version.pdf
+++ b/tex/context/base/context-version.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tex/context/base/context-version.png b/tex/context/base/context-version.png
index 250cdb7be..ef1101611 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/context-version.png
+++ b/tex/context/base/context-version.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tex/context/base/context.mkii b/tex/context/base/context.mkii
index 6fa735c88..6a88bb415 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/context.mkii
+++ b/tex/context/base/context.mkii
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
%D your styles an modules.
\edef\contextformat {\jobname}
-\edef\contextversion{2011.12.19 22:53}
+\edef\contextversion{2011.12.20 22:24}
%D For those who want to use this:
diff --git a/tex/context/base/context.mkiv b/tex/context/base/context.mkiv
index 082abf664..a3bd91b91 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/context.mkiv
+++ b/tex/context/base/context.mkiv
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
%D your styles an modules.
\edef\contextformat {\jobname}
-\edef\contextversion{2011.12.19 22:53}
+\edef\contextversion{2011.12.20 22:24}
%D For those who want to use this:
diff --git a/tex/context/base/core-con.mkiv b/tex/context/base/core-con.mkiv
index a0e76a2fa..6bffc3f41 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/core-con.mkiv
+++ b/tex/context/base/core-con.mkiv
@@ -178,7 +178,7 @@
%D passed to \type{\write} en \type{\message}. That's why we
%D introduce:
%D \macros
@@ -502,7 +502,7 @@
%D The counters \type {\normalyear}, \type {\normalmonth} and
%D \type{\normalday} can be used for for date manipulations.
-\long\def\processmonth#1#2#3% year month command
+\def\processmonth#1#2#3% year month command
@@ -514,7 +514,7 @@
\def\lastmonth{12} % can be set to e.g. 1 when testing
-\long\def\processyear#1#2#3#4% year command before after
+\def\processyear#1#2#3#4% year command before after
{\normalyear #1\relax
diff --git a/tex/context/base/core-mis.mkiv b/tex/context/base/core-mis.mkiv
index 0a7bd93fa..e08693fca 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/core-mis.mkiv
+++ b/tex/context/base/core-mis.mkiv
@@ -837,7 +837,6 @@
% so far
- % \dochecknextindentation{\??ci\currentdelimitedtext}% AM: not here
\doifsomething{\delimitedtextparameter\c!indenting} % WS
@@ -857,7 +856,7 @@
- \dochecknextindentation{\??ci\currentdelimitedtext}% AM: here
+ \checknextindentation[\delimitedtextparameter\c!indentnext]% AM: here
\dorechecknextindentation}% AM: This was missing!
diff --git a/tex/context/base/file-ini.mkvi b/tex/context/base/file-ini.mkvi
index b8ee9e2d4..d9b2b506e 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/file-ini.mkvi
+++ b/tex/context/base/file-ini.mkvi
@@ -211,19 +211,19 @@
%D This command obeys the standard method for locating files.
\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/grph-epd.mkiv b/tex/context/base/grph-epd.mkiv
index fa6b9e2ab..eba93fcea 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/grph-epd.mkiv
+++ b/tex/context/base/grph-epd.mkiv
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
- \framed[\c!offset=\v!overlay,\c!background={\v!foreground,epdf-overlay}]{\box\foundexternalfigure}%
+ \framed[\c!offset=\v!overlay,\c!background={\v!foreground,epdf-overlay}]{\box\foundexternalfigure}%
diff --git a/tex/context/base/lang-ini.mkiv b/tex/context/base/lang-ini.mkiv
index b8f0605bf..6f77eee8d 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/lang-ini.mkiv
+++ b/tex/context/base/lang-ini.mkiv
@@ -104,9 +104,10 @@
+ {\setcurrentlanguage\currentmainlanguage{#1}}
-\def\setcurrentlanguage#1#2% sets modes: **id (currentmain) *id (current)
+\unexpanded\def\setcurrentlanguage#1#2% sets modes: **id (currentmain) *id (current)
{\edef\xaskedlanguage{#1}% otherwise clash with \askedlanguage
\ifx\xaskedlanguage\empty \else
@@ -172,7 +173,12 @@
+ {\ifcsname\??la#1\c!state\endcsname
+ \expandafter\firstoftwoarguments
+ \else
+ \expandafter\secondoftwoarguments
+ \fi}
@@ -548,7 +554,7 @@
%D \stoptable
%D \protect
%D We default to the language belonging to the interface. This
%D is one of the few places outside the interface modules where
@@ -569,7 +575,7 @@
-\long\def\dostartexceptions[#1]#2\stopexceptions % multilingual or not?
+\def\dostartexceptions[#1]#2\stopexceptions % multilingual or not?
diff --git a/tex/context/base/luat-cod.mkiv b/tex/context/base/luat-cod.mkiv
index 6b1bc9267..a58a81599 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/luat-cod.mkiv
+++ b/tex/context/base/luat-cod.mkiv
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
%D new functionality. We no longer support the hooks for initializing
%D code as this can be done at the \LUA\ end.
-% instead of \ctxwrite and \ctxprint, use \cldcontext
+% we can drop the \zerocount as it's default
\def\ctxdirectlua {\directlua\zerocount}
\def\ctxlatelua {\latelua \zerocount}
diff --git a/tex/context/base/meta-imp-dum.mkiv b/tex/context/base/meta-imp-dum.mkiv
index 852ed1ef1..a622d94f4 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/meta-imp-dum.mkiv
+++ b/tex/context/base/meta-imp-dum.mkiv
@@ -96,10 +96,6 @@
-% \weightGRAYfalse % monochrome anyway
-% \MPcmykcolorsfalse
-% \MPspotcolorsfalse
diff --git a/tex/context/base/meta-ini.mkiv b/tex/context/base/meta-ini.mkiv
index 9ce75364a..ff3284c6f 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/meta-ini.mkiv
+++ b/tex/context/base/meta-ini.mkiv
@@ -408,9 +408,12 @@
\newbox \MPgraphicbox
+% hm, isn't this already done elsewhere?
\def\doobeyMPboxdepth % mode = 1
- \raise\MPlly\onebasepoint\box\MPgraphicbox
+% \raise\MPlly\onebasepoint\box\MPgraphicbox
+ \raise\MPlly\box\MPgraphicbox
\def\doignoreMPboxdepth % mode = 2
@@ -422,8 +425,7 @@
\def\doobeyMPboxorigin % mode = 3
- \hskip\MPllx\onebasepoint
- \raise\MPlly\onebasepoint\box\MPgraphicbox
+ \hskip\MPllx\raise\MPlly\box\MPgraphicbox
\def\obeyMPboxdepth {\MPboxmode\plusone}
@@ -436,7 +438,7 @@
\let\MPshiftdrawingtrue \ignoreMPboxdepth
+\unexpanded\def\placeMPgraphic % the converter also displaces so in fact we revert
\or % 1
@@ -448,21 +450,18 @@
\unexpanded\def\reuseMPbox#1#2#3#4#5% space delimiting would save some tokens
- {\xdef\MPllx{#2}% but it's not worth the effort and looks
- \xdef\MPlly{#3}% ugly as well
- \xdef\MPurx{#4}%
- \xdef\MPury{#5}%
+ {\MPllx#2\MPlly#3\MPurx#4\MPury#5%
\hbox{\forcecolorhack\getobject{MP}{#1}}} % else no proper color intent
- {\begingroup
+\def\handleuniqueMPgraphic#1#2#3% when there are too many, we can store data at the lua end, although,
+ {\begingroup % when there are that many they're probably not that unique anyway
\extendMPoverlaystamp{#2}% incl prepare
\enableincludeMPgraphics % redundant
\setobject{MP}{\number\MPobjectcounter}\hbox{\processMPgraphic{#3}}% was vbox, graphic must end up as hbox
- \setxvalue{\@@MPG\overlaystamp:#1}{\reuseMPbox{\number\MPobjectcounter}{\MPllx}{\MPlly}{\MPurx}{\MPury}}%
+ \setxvalue{\@@MPG\overlaystamp:#1}{\reuseMPbox{\number\MPobjectcounter}{\the\MPllx}{\the\MPlly}{\the\MPurx}{\the\MPury}}%
@@ -514,7 +513,7 @@
\enableincludeMPgraphics % redundant
\setobject{MP}{\number\MPobjectcounter}\hbox{\processMPgraphic{#3}}% was vbox, graphic must end up as hbox
- \setxvalue{\@@MPG#1}{\noexpand\reuseMPbox{\number\MPobjectcounter}{\MPllx}{\MPlly}{\MPurx}{\MPury}}%
+ \setxvalue{\@@MPG#1}{\noexpand\reuseMPbox{\number\MPobjectcounter}{\the\MPllx}{\the\MPlly}{\the\MPurx}{\the\MPury}}%
@@ -856,18 +855,6 @@
\def\MPstring #1{"\executeifdefined{\@@MPT#1}\empty"}
\def\MPbetex #1{btex \executeifdefined{\@@MPT#1}\empty\space etex}
-%D Unfortunately \METAPOST\ does not have \CMYK\ support
-%D built in, but by means of specials we can supply the
-%D information needed to handle them naturaly.
-% \newif\ifMPcmykcolors \MPcmykcolorstrue
-% \newif\ifMPspotcolors \MPspotcolorstrue
- cmykcolors:=\ifMPcmykcolors true\else false\fi;
- spotcolors:=\ifMPspotcolors true\else false\fi;
%D In order to communicate conveniently with the \TEX\
%D engine, we introduce some typesetting variables.
@@ -1009,8 +996,8 @@
\definelayerpreset % no dx,dy - else nasty non-mp placement
- [\c!y=-\MPury bp,
- \c!x=\MPllx bp,
+ [\c!y=-\MPury,
+ \c!x=\MPllx,
@@ -1096,16 +1083,6 @@
-%D New:
-\newconditional\manyMPspecials % when set to true, > 1000 specials can be used
-\settrue \manyMPspecials % per 1/4/2006
- _special_div_ := 1000\ifconditional\manyMPspecials0\fi ;
-\to \MPextensions
%D Needed too.
diff --git a/tex/context/base/meta-pag.mkiv b/tex/context/base/meta-pag.mkiv
index 2b72ab3d7..8118b476e 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/meta-pag.mkiv
+++ b/tex/context/base/meta-pag.mkiv
@@ -86,28 +86,38 @@
\def\MPonoddpage {true}
- {\edef\MPonrightpage{\doifbothsides {tru}{tru}{fals}e}%
- \edef\MPonoddpage {\doifoddpageelse {tru}{fals}e}}
-\let\freezeMPlayout\relax % obsolete
+% obsolete (but keep the code)
+% \def\freezeMPpagelayout
+% {\edef\MPonrightpage{\doifbothsides {tru}{tru}{fals}e}%
+% \edef\MPonoddpage {\doifoddpageelse {tru}{fals}e}}
+% \let\freezeMPlayout\relax % obsolete
%D We need to freeze the pagelayout before the backgrounds
%D are build, because the overlay will temporarily become
%D zero (overlay).
- \freezeMPpagelayout
-\to \everybeforepagebody
+% obsolete (but keep the code)
+% \appendtoks
+% \freezeMPpagelayout
+% \to \everybeforepagebody
%D By freezing these value every graphic, we can use layout
%D variables that change halfways a page, whatever use that
%D has.
+% obsolete (but keep the code)
+% \prependtoks
+% \calculatereducedvsizes % this is really needed
+% \freezeMPpagelayout
+% \freezeMPlayout % to be used grouped
+% \to \everyMPgraphic
\calculatereducedvsizes % this is really needed
- \freezeMPpagelayout
- \freezeMPlayout % to be used grouped
\to \everyMPgraphic
%D The next feature provides information about for instance
@@ -172,6 +182,7 @@
% \else
% \hbox{#1}%
% \fi}
@@ -202,10 +213,10 @@
-\def\registerMPtextarea {\registerMPtextareaindeed\globalregisterMPtextarea}
-\def\registerMPlocaltextarea{\registerMPtextareaindeed\localregisterMPtextarea }
+\unexpanded\def\registerMPtextarea {\registerMPtextareaindeed\globalregisterMPtextarea}
+\unexpanded\def\registerMPlocaltextarea{\registerMPtextareaindeed\localregisterMPtextarea }
diff --git a/tex/context/base/meta-pdf.lua b/tex/context/base/meta-pdf.lua
index b554810ee..13d39e445 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/meta-pdf.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/meta-pdf.lua
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ function mps.newpath()
function mps.boundingbox(llx, lly, urx, ury)
- context.MPSboundingbox(llx,lly,urx,ury)
+ context.setMPboundingbox(llx,lly,urx,ury)
function mps.moveto(x,y)
@@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ function mps.textext(font, scale, str) -- old parser
dx, dy = m_stack_path[1][1], m_stack_path[1][2]
- context.MPStextext(font,scale,str,dx,dy)
+ context.MPtextext(font,scale,str,dx,dy)
diff --git a/tex/context/base/meta-pdf.mkiv b/tex/context/base/meta-pdf.mkiv
index 9a63b5034..a8fdaff42 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/meta-pdf.mkiv
+++ b/tex/context/base/meta-pdf.mkiv
@@ -13,8 +13,6 @@
-%D We will clean up the color mess later.
\writestatus{loading}{MetaPost Graphics / MPS to PDF}
@@ -22,417 +20,41 @@
%D \macros
%D {convertMPtoPDF}
-%D The next set of macros implements \METAPOST\ to \PDF\
-%D conversion. The traditional method is in the MkII file.
-%D The main conversion command is:
+%D The next set of macros implements \METAPOST\ to \PDF\ conversion. The
+%D traditional method is in the MkII files and the older \MKIV\ method is
+%D kept in meta-pdh files. The main conversion command is still the same
+%D but the scale parameters are ignored in \MKIV:
%D \starttyping
%D \convertMPtoPDF {filename} {x scale} {y scale}
%D \stoptyping
-%D The dimensions are derived from the bounding box. So we
-%D only have to say:
-%D \starttyping
-%D \convertMPtoPDF{mp-pra-1.eps}{1}{1}
-%D \convertMPtoPDF{mp-pra-1.eps}{.5}{.5}
-%D \stoptyping
- {\ifdefined\objectoffset\objectoffset\else\zeropoint\fi}
+%D Much code has gone due to the fact that we now use pre and post scripts
+%D and no specials. This also means that you should use a modern \METAPOST\
+%D or reprocess graphics. The color control flags are also gone as we now
+%D integrate into the regular colorspace handling (i.e.\ no longer independent
+%D configurations.)
-%D The main macro:
+\def\PDFMPformoffset{\ifdefined\objectoffset\objectoffset\else\zeropoint\fi} % obsolete, will go
-\def\convertMPtoPDF#1#2#3% scaling no longer supported at this level (so #2 & #3 ignored)
- {\vbox\bgroup
+\def\convertMPtoPDF#1#2#3% scaling no longer supported at this level (so #2 & #3 are ignored)
+ {\dostarttagged\t!mpgraphic\empty
+ \naturalvbox attr \imageattribute 1 \bgroup
\message{[MP to PDF]}%
- \glet\MPwidth \!!zeropoint
- \glet\MPheight\!!zeropoint
- \glet\MPllx \!!zerocount
- \glet\MPlly \!!zerocount
- \glet\MPurx \!!zerocount
- \glet\MPury \!!zerocount
+ \resetMPboundingbox
- \setbox\scratchbox\vbox\bgroup
- \ctxlua{metapost.mptopdf.convertmpstopdf("\MPfilename")}\removeunwantedspaces
- \egroup
- \setbox\scratchbox\hbox\bgroup
- \hskip-\MPllx\onebasepoint
- \raise-\MPlly\onebasepoint
- \box\scratchbox
+ \setbox\MPbox\vbox\bgroup
+ \ctxlua{metapost.mptopdf.convertmpstopdf("\MPfilename")}%
+ \removeunwantedspaces % not that needed
- \setbox\scratchbox\vbox to \MPheight\bgroup
- \vfill
- \hsize\MPwidth
- \smashbox\scratchbox
- \box\scratchbox
- \egroup
- \wd\scratchbox\MPwidth
- \ht\scratchbox\MPheight
- \dopackageMPgraphic\scratchbox
- \egroup}
-%D Objects (move all to backend)
-% \def\dopackageMPgraphic#1% #1 = boxregister
-% {\scratchdimen\PDFMPformoffset\relax
-% \ifdim\scratchdimen>\zeropoint % compensate for error
-% \setbox#1\vbox spread 2\scratchdimen
-% {\forgetall\vss\hbox spread 2\scratchdimen{\hss\box#1\hss}\vss}%
-% \fi
-% \setMPPDFobject{#1}%
-% \ifdim\scratchdimen>\zeropoint % compensate for error
-% \vbox to \MPheight
-% {\forgetall\vss\hbox to \MPwidth{\hss\getMPPDFobject\hss}\vss}%
-% \else
-% \getMPPDFobject
-% \fi}
-% \def\setMPPDFobject#1% boxnumber
-% {\the\pdfbackendeveryxform
-% \finalizeobjectbox{#1}%
-% \immediate\pdfxform resources{\pdfcurrentresources}#1%
-% \edef\getMPPDFobject{\noexpand\pdfrefxform\the\pdflastxform}}
-% \let\getMPPDFobject\relax
-% we don't need to package as each page has all resources anyway
-%D \macros
-%D {deleteMPgraphic,
-%D startMPresources,
-%D stopMPresources}
- \def\deleteMPgraphic#1{}
- \let\startMPresources\relax
- \let\stopMPresources\relax
-%D We implement extensions by using the \METAPOST\ special
-%D mechanism. Opposite to \TEX's specials, the \METAPOST\ ones
-%D are flushed before or after the graphic data, but thereby
-%D are no longer connected to a position.
-%D We implement specials by overloading the \type {fill}
-%D operator. By counting the fills, we can let the converter
-%D treat the appropriate fill in a special way. The
-%D specification of the speciality can have two forms,
-%D determined by the setting of a boolean variable:
-%D \starttyping
-%D _inline_specials_ := false ; % comment like code (default)
-%D _inline_specials_ := true ; % command like code
-%D \stoptyping
-%D When the specification is embedded as comment, it looks
-%D like:
-%D \starttyping
-%D %%MetaPostSpecial <size> <data> <number> <identifier>
-%D \stoptyping
-%D The in||line alternative is more tuned for \POSTSCRIPT,
-%D since it permits us to define a macro \type {special}.
-%D \starttyping
-%D inline : <data> <number> <identifier> <size> special
-%D \stoptyping
-%D The \type {identifier} determines what to do, and the data
-%D can be used to accomplish this. A type~2 shading function
-%D has identifier~2. Alltogether, the number of parameters is
-%D specified in \type {size}. The \type {number} is the number
-%D of the fill that needs the special treatment. For a type~2
-%D and~3 shaded fill, the datablock contains the following
+ \finalizeMPbox
+ \box\MPbox
+ \egroup
+ \dostoptagged}
-%D data:
-%D \starttyping
-%D from to n inner_r g b x y outer_r g b x y
-%D from to n inner_r g b x y radius outer_r g b x y radius
-%D \stoptyping
-\newconditional\manyMPspecials \settrue\manyMPspecials
-%D Since colors are not subjected to transformations, we can
-%D only use colors as signal. In our case, we use a dummy colored
-%D path with a red color component of \type {0.n}, so \type
-%D {0.001} is the first path and \type {0.010} the tenth. Since
-%D \METAPOST strips trailing zeros, we have to padd the string.
-%D We support specials but assume that the files are somewhat simple
-%D ones wo we have dropped a few. The reason is that runtime \METAPOST\
-%D processing now uses \MPLIB\ so we only need to deal with the
-%D conversion here. See meta-pdh.mkiv (and older files) for more
-%D details. Here we just give a few examples.
-%D \startbuffer[mp]
-%D fill fullcircle xyscaled (3cm,1cm) withcolor \MPcolor{test} ;
-%D \stopbuffer
-%D \startbuffer[cmyk]
-%D \startcombination[4*1]
-%D {\definecolor[test][c=1,y=.3,k=.3] \processMPbuffer[mp]} {c=1 y=.3 k=.3}
-%D {\definecolor[test][c=.9,y=.15] \processMPbuffer[mp]} {c=.9 y=.15}
-%D {\definecolor[test][c=.25,y=.8] \processMPbuffer[mp]} {c=.25 y=.8}
-%D {\definecolor[test][c=.45,y=.1] \processMPbuffer[mp]} {c=.45 y=.1}
-%D \stopcombination
-%D \stopbuffer
-%D \placefigure
-%D {\CMYK\ support disabled,
-%D conversion to \RGB.}
-%D {\setupcolors[cmyk=nee,state=start]\getbuffer[cmyk]}
-%D \placefigure
-%D {\CMYK\ support enabled,
-%D no support in \METAPOST.}
-%D {\setupcolors[cmyk=ja,mpcmyk=nee,state=start]\getbuffer[cmyk]}
-%D \placefigure
-%D {\CMYK\ support enabled,
-%D no conversion to \RGB,
-%D support in \METAPOST}
-%D {\setupcolors[cmyk=ja,state=start]\getbuffer[cmyk]}
-%D Transparency support used specials 60 (rgb) and 61
-%D (cmyk).
-%D \startbuffer
-%D u := 2cm ; path p ; p := fullcircle scaled u shifted (u/4,0);
-%D fill p rotated 90 withcolor transparent(1,.5,yellow) ;
-%D fill p rotated 210 withcolor transparent(1,.5,green) ;
-%D fill p rotated 330 withcolor transparent(1,.5,blue) ;
-%D \stopbuffer
-%D \typebuffer
-%D \startlinecorrection \processMPbuffer \stoplinecorrection
-%D One can also communicate colors between \CONTEXT\ and
-%D \startbuffer
-%D \definecolor[tcyan] [c=1,k=.2,t=.5]
-%D \definecolor[tmagenta][m=1,k=.2,t=.5]
-%D \definecolor[tyellow] [y=1,k=.2,t=.5]
-%D \stopbuffer
-%D \typebuffer \getbuffer
-%D \startbuffer
-%D u := 2cm ; path p ; p := fullcircle scaled u shifted (u/4,0);
-%D fill p rotated 90 withcolor \MPcolor{tcyan} ;
-%D fill p rotated 210 withcolor \MPcolor{tmagenta} ;
-%D fill p rotated 330 withcolor \MPcolor{tyellow} ;
-%D \stopbuffer
-%D \startlinecorrection \processMPbuffer \stoplinecorrection
-%D Shading is an example of a more advanced graphic feature,
-%D but users will seldom encounter those complications. Here
-%D we only show a few simple examples, but many other
-%D alternatives are possible by setting up the functions built
-%D in \PDF\ in the appropriate way.
-%D Shading has to do with interpolation between two or more
-%D points or user supplied ranges. In \PDF, the specifications
-%D of a shade has to be encapsulated in objects and passed on
-%D as resources. This is a \PDF\ level 1.3. feature. One can
-%D simulate three dimensional shades as well and define simple
-%D functions using a limited set of \POSTSCRIPT\ primitives.
-%D Given the power of \METAPOST\ and these \PDF\ features, we
-%D can achieve superb graphic effects.
-%D Since everything is hidden in \TEX\ and \METAPOST\ graphics,
-%D we can stick to high level \CONTEXT\ command, as shown in
-%D the following exmples.
-%D \startbuffer
-%D \startuniqueMPgraphic{CircularShade}
-%D path p ; p := unitsquare xscaled \overlaywidth yscaled \overlayheight ;
-%D circular_shade(p,0,.2red,.9red) ;
-%D \stopuniqueMPgraphic
-%D \startuniqueMPgraphic{LinearShade}
-%D path p ; p := unitsquare xscaled \overlaywidth yscaled \overlayheight ;
-%D linear_shade(p,0,.2blue,.9blue) ;
-%D \stopuniqueMPgraphic
-%D \startuniqueMPgraphic{DuotoneShade}
-%D path p ; p := unitsquare xscaled \overlaywidth yscaled \overlayheight ;
-%D linear_shade(p,2,.5green,.5red) ;
-%D \stopuniqueMPgraphic
-%D \stopbuffer
-%D \typebuffer \getbuffer
-%D These graphics can be hooked into the overlay mechanism,
-%D which is available in many commands.
-%D \startbuffer
-%D \defineoverlay[demo 1][\uniqueMPgraphic{CircularShade}]
-%D \defineoverlay[demo 2][\uniqueMPgraphic {LinearShade}]
-%D \defineoverlay[demo 3][\uniqueMPgraphic {DuotoneShade}]
-%D \stopbuffer
-%D \typebuffer \getbuffer
-%D These backgrounds can for instance be applied to \type
-%D {\framed}:
-%D \startbuffer
-%D \setupframed[width=3cm,height=2cm,frame=off]
-%D \startcombination[3*1]
-%D {\framed[backgroundachtergrond=demo 1]{\bfd \white Demo 1}} {}
-%D {\framed[backgroundachtergrond=demo 2]{\bfd \white Demo 2}} {}
-%D {\framed[backgroundachtergrond=demo 3]{\bfd \white Demo 3}} {}
-%D \stopcombination
-%D \stopbuffer
-%D \typebuffer
-%D \startlinecorrection
-%D \getbuffer
-%D \stoplinecorrection
-%D There are a few more alternatives, determined by the second
-%D parameter passed to \type {circular_shade} and alike.
-%D \def\SomeShade#1#2#3#4#5%
-%D {\startuniqueMPgraphic{Shade-#1}
-%D width := \overlaywidth ;
-%D height := \overlayheight ;
-%D path p ; p := unitsquare xscaled width yscaled height ;
-%D #2_shade(p,#3,#4,#5) ;
-%D \stopuniqueMPgraphic
-%D \defineoverlay[Shade-#1][\uniqueMPgraphic{Shade-#1}]%
-%D \framed[backgroundachtergrond=Shade-#1,width=2cm,height=2cm,frame=off]{}}
-%D \startlinecorrection
-%D \startcombination[5*1]
-%D {\SomeShade{10}{circular}{0}{.3blue}{.9blue}} {circular 0}
-%D {\SomeShade{11}{circular}{1}{.3blue}{.9blue}} {circular 1}
-%D {\SomeShade{12}{circular}{2}{.3blue}{.9blue}} {circular 2}
-%D {\SomeShade{13}{circular}{3}{.3blue}{.9blue}} {circular 3}
-%D {\SomeShade{14}{circular}{4}{.3blue}{.9blue}} {circular 4}
-%D \stopcombination
-%D \stoplinecorrection
-%D \startlinecorrection
-%D \startcombination[5*1]
-%D {\SomeShade{20}{circular}{0}{.9green}{.3green}} {circular 0}
-%D {\SomeShade{21}{circular}{1}{.9green}{.3green}} {circular 1}
-%D {\SomeShade{22}{circular}{2}{.9green}{.3green}} {circular 2}
-%D {\SomeShade{23}{circular}{3}{.9green}{.3green}} {circular 3}
-%D {\SomeShade{24}{circular}{4}{.9green}{.3green}} {circular 4}
-%D \stopcombination
-%D \stoplinecorrection
-%D \startlinecorrection
-%D \startcombination[4*1]
-%D {\SomeShade{30}{linear}{0}{.3red}{.9red}} {linear 0}
-%D {\SomeShade{31}{linear}{1}{.3red}{.9red}} {linear 1}
-%D {\SomeShade{32}{linear}{2}{.3red}{.9red}} {linear 2}
-%D {\SomeShade{33}{linear}{3}{.3red}{.9red}} {linear 3}
-%D \stopcombination
-%D \stoplinecorrection
-%D These macros closely cooperate with the \METAPOST\ module
-%D \type {}, which is part of the \CONTEXT\
-%D distribution.
-%D The low level (\PDF) implementation is based on the \TEX\
-%D based \METAPOST\ to \PDF\ converter. Shading is supported
-%D by overloading the \type {fill} operator as implemented
-%D earlier. In \PDF\ type~2 and~3 shading functions are
-%D specified in terms of:
-%D \starttabulate[|Tl|l|]
-%D \NC /Domain \NC sort of meeting range \NC \NR
-%D \NC /C0 \NC inner shade \NC \NR
-%D \NC /C1 \NC outer shade \NC \NR
-%D \NC /N \NC smaller values, bigger inner circles \NC \NR
-%D \stoptabulate
-%D An example of using both special features is the
-%D following.
-%D \starttyping
-%D \startMPpage
-%D externalfigure "hakker1b.png" scaled 22cm rotated 10 shifted (-2cm,0cm);
-%D externalfigure "hakker1b.png" scaled 10cm rotated -10 ;
-%D externalfigure "hakker1b.png" scaled 7cm rotated 45 shifted (8cm,12cm) ;
-%D path p ; p := unitcircle xscaled 15cm yscaled 20cm;
-%D path q ; q := p rotatedaround(center p,90) ;
-%D path r ; r := buildcycle(p,q) ; clip currentpicture to r ;
-%D path s ; s := boundingbox currentpicture enlarged 5mm ;
-%D picture c ; c := currentpicture ; currentpicture := nullpicture ;
-%D circular_shade(s,0,.2red,.9red) ;
-%D addto currentpicture also c ;
-%D \stopMPpage
-%D \stoptyping
- mp_shade_version := 2 ;
-%D This is done much cleaner in \MPLIB.
-% %D A common hook.
-% \let\MPfshowcommand\empty
-% \def\MPStextext#1#2#3#4#5% if we clean up this plugin model, we can
-% {\def\MPtextdata{#3}% % delegate the splitter to lua + redesign
-% \def\MPtextsize{#2}%
-% \def\lastMPmoveX{#4}%
-% \def\lastMPmoveY{#5}%
-% \defconvertedcommand\MPtextdata\MPtextdata % no edef
-% \splitstring\MPtextdata\at::::\to\MPtexttag\and\MPtextnumber
-% \executeifdefined{handleMPtext\MPtexttag}
-% {\setbox\scratchbox\hbox
-% {\font\temp=#1\space at #2\onebasepoint
-% \let\c\char
-% \temp
-% \MPfshowcommand{#3}}%
-% \setbox\scratchbox\hbox
-% {\hskip#4\onebasepoint
-% \raise#5\onebasepoint
-% \box\scratchbox}%
-% \smashbox\scratchbox
-% \box\scratchbox}}
-\unexpanded\def\MPStextext#1#2#3#4#5% if we clean up this plugin model, we can
- {\setbox\scratchbox\hbox
- {\font\temp=#1\space at #2\onebasepoint \let\c\char \temp #3}%
- \setbox\scratchbox\hbox
- {\hskip#4\onebasepoint \raise#5\onebasepoint \box\scratchbox}%
- \smashbox\scratchbox
- \box\scratchbox}
-%D The boundingbox.
- {\xdef\MPllx{#1}\xdef\MPlly{#2}\xdef\MPurx{#3}\xdef\MPury{#4}%
- \xdef\MPwidth {\the\dimexpr#3\onebasepoint-#1\onebasepoint\relax}%
- \xdef\MPheight{\the\dimexpr#4\onebasepoint-#2\onebasepoint\relax}}
+\protect \endinput
%D Test code:
@@ -470,5 +92,3 @@
%D \stopbuffer
%D \typebuffer \startlinecorrection \getbuffer \stoplinecorrection
-\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/meta-pdh.lua b/tex/context/base/meta-pdh.lua
index d8eb32793..5040715c4 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/meta-pdh.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/meta-pdh.lua
@@ -6,7 +6,9 @@ if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['meta-pdf'] = {
license = "see context related readme files"
+if true then
+ return -- or os.exit()
-- This file contains the history of the converter. We keep it around as it
-- relates to the development of luatex.
diff --git a/tex/context/base/meta-pdh.mkiv b/tex/context/base/meta-pdh.mkiv
index 30402c6ea..6d85a8dc1 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/meta-pdh.mkiv
+++ b/tex/context/base/meta-pdh.mkiv
@@ -11,9 +11,12 @@
%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
%C details.
%D Formerly known as supp-pdf.tex and supp-mpe.tex and meta-pdf.mkiv.
-%D Beware: this file is not used but kept for historic purposed!
+%D Beware: this file is not used but kept for historic purposed! Never
+%D mix this one into mkiv again as it uses other variables.
% \useMPgraphic{1}
% \testfeatureonce{250}{\setbox0\hbox{\convertMPtoPDF{test-mps-mpgraph.1}{1}{1}}}
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mlib-pdf.lua b/tex/context/base/mlib-pdf.lua
index 38e59a94f..0827b43c0 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mlib-pdf.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mlib-pdf.lua
@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ end
function metapost.flushers.pdf.textfigure(font,size,text,width,height,depth) -- we could save the factor
text = gsub(text,".","\\hbox{%1}") -- kerning happens in metapost (i have to check if this is true for mplib)
- context.MPLIBtextext(font,size,text,0,-number.dimenfactors.bp*depth)
+ context.MPtextext(font,size,text,0,-number.dimenfactors.bp*depth)
local bend_tolerance = 131/65536
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mlib-pdf.mkiv b/tex/context/base/mlib-pdf.mkiv
index 0f2f4c728..05c772720 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mlib-pdf.mkiv
+++ b/tex/context/base/mlib-pdf.mkiv
@@ -13,87 +13,102 @@
+% We use bit more code that needed because we want to limit the
+% amount of boxing.
+%D Some code is shared between MPLIB and MPS. The following variables
+%D are also available for introspection and other purposes.
+\newbox \MPbox
+\def\setMPboundingbox#1#2#3#4% at some point we might pass them as base or scaled points
+ {\global\MPllx #1\onebasepoint
+ \global\MPlly #2\onebasepoint
+ \global\MPurx #3\onebasepoint
+ \global\MPury #4\onebasepoint
+ \global\MPwidth \dimexpr\MPurx-\MPllx\relax
+ \global\MPheight\dimexpr\MPury-\MPlly\relax}
+ {\global\MPwidth \zeropoint
+ \global\MPheight\zeropoint
+ \global\MPllx \zeropoint
+ \global\MPlly \zeropoint
+ \global\MPurx \zeropoint
+ \global\MPury \zeropoint}
+ {\setbox\MPbox\hbox\bgroup
+ \hskip-\MPllx
+ \raise-\MPlly
+ \box\MPbox
+ \egroup}
+ {\ifzeropt\MPllx
+ \ifzeropt\MPlly
+ % okay
+ \else
+ \repositionMPboxindeed
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \repositionMPboxindeed
+ \fi}
+ {\repositionMPbox
+ \setbox\MPbox\vbox to \MPheight\bgroup
+ \vfill
+ \hsize\MPwidth
+ \smashbox\MPbox
+ \box\MPbox
+ \egroup
+ \wd\MPbox\MPwidth
+ \ht\MPbox\MPheight}
- {\xdef\MPllx{#1}%
- \xdef\MPlly{#2}%
- \xdef\MPurx{#3}%
- \xdef\MPury{#4}%
- \xdef\MPwidth {\the\dimexpr#3\onebasepoint-#1\onebasepoint\relax}%
- \xdef\MPheight{\the\dimexpr#4\onebasepoint-#2\onebasepoint\relax}}
+\def\MPtextext#1#2#3#4#5% beware: we use a different method now (see mlib-pps)
+ {\begingroup
+ \setbox\MPbox\hbox{\font\temp=#1\space at #2\onebasepoint \let\c\char \temp #3}%
+ \MPllx-#4\onebasepoint
+ \MPlly-#5\onebasepoint
+ \repositionMPbox
+ \smashbox\MPbox
+ \box\MPbox
+ \endgroup}
+% MPLIB specific:
-\def\startMPLIBtoPDF#1#2#3#4% watch the transparency reset
\naturalhbox attr \imageattribute 1 \bgroup
- \MPLIBboundingbox{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}%
- %\forgetall % done already elsewhere
- \setbox\scratchbox\vbox\bgroup
- \noindent % this is really needed in order to force tex into proper cm's
- \startMPresources}
-\def\stopMPLIBtoPDF % watch the transparency reset
- {%\dohandleMPresettransparency % not needed
- \stopMPresources
- \egroup
- \setbox\scratchbox\hbox\bgroup
- \hskip-\MPllx\onebasepoint
- \raise-\MPlly\onebasepoint
- \box\scratchbox
- \egroup
- \setbox\scratchbox\vbox to \MPheight\bgroup
- \vfill
- \hsize\MPwidth
- \smashbox\scratchbox
- \box\scratchbox
- \egroup
- \wd\scratchbox\MPwidth
- \ht\scratchbox\MPheight
- \dopackageMPgraphic\scratchbox
+ \setMPboundingbox{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}%
+ \setbox\MPbox\vbox\bgroup
+ % \forgetall % already done elsewhere
+ \noindent} % forces the proper cm in the backend
+ {\egroup
+ \finalizeMPbox
+ \box\MPbox
-% \def\MPLIBtextext#1#2#3#4#5%
-% {\begingroup
-% \def\MPtextdata{#3}% delegate the splitter to lua
-% \defconvertedcommand\MPtextdata\MPtextdata % no edef
-% \splitstring\MPtextdata\at::::\to\MPtexttag\and\MPtextnumber
-% \executeifdefined{handleMPtext\MPtexttag}
-% {\setbox\scratchbox\hbox
-% {\font\temp=#1\space at #2\onebasepoint
-% \let\c\char
-% \temp
-% \MPfshowcommand{#3}}%
-% \setbox\scratchbox\hbox
-% {\hskip#4\onebasepoint
-% \raise#5\onebasepoint
-% \box\scratchbox}%
-% \smashbox\scratchbox
-% \box\scratchbox}%
-% \endgroup}
- {\begingroup
- \setbox\scratchbox\hbox
- {\font\temp=#1\space at #2\onebasepoint
- \let\c\char
- \temp
- #3}%
- \setbox\scratchbox\hbox
- {\hskip#4\onebasepoint
- \raise#5\onebasepoint
- \box\scratchbox}%
- \smashbox\scratchbox
- \box\scratchbox
- \endgroup}
+\def\MPLIBflushreset % This can (will) move to the Lua end.
%D Kind of special:
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mlib-pps.mkiv b/tex/context/base/mlib-pps.mkiv
index 0dbdd3f6e..f4d5483d3 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mlib-pps.mkiv
+++ b/tex/context/base/mlib-pps.mkiv
@@ -30,6 +30,19 @@
% have no limitation. Typically an example of a next version solution
% due to \LUATEX\ evolving.
+% TODO: foigure out why this is shifted
+% \setupbodyfont[palatino]
+% \starttext
+% \startMPpage
+% draw textext("123") ;
+% \stopMPpage
+% \stoptext
+% A slightly larger picturew works ok. Some kind of interference
+% with the OTR.
\newbox \MPtextbox
@@ -49,18 +62,23 @@
\def\MPLIBgettextscaledcm#1#2#3#4#5#6#7#8#9% 2-7: sx,rx,ry,sy,tx,ty
- \setbox\scratchbox\hbox
- {\dotransformnextbox{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}{#6}{#7}% does push pop
- \vbox to \zeropoint
- {\vss
- \hbox to \zeropoint
- {\scale[\c!sx=#8,\c!sy=#9]{\raise\dp\MPtextbox\box\MPtextbox}%
- \forcecolorhack
- \hss}}}%
- \smashbox\scratchbox
- \box\scratchbox}
+ \setbox\MPbox\hbox\bgroup
+ \dotransformnextbox{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}{#6}{#7}% does push pop
+ \vbox to \zeropoint\bgroup
+ \vss
+ \hbox to \zeropoint \bgroup
+ % \scale[\c!sx=#8,\c!sy=#9]{\raise\dp\MPtextbox\box\MPtextbox}\forcecolorhack
+ \dostartscaling{#8}{#9}%
+ \raise\dp\MPtextbox\box\MPtextbox
+ \dostopscaling
+ \hss
+ \egroup
+ \egroup
+ \egroup
+ \smashbox\MPbox
+ \box\MPbox}
+\def\MPLIBgraphictext#1% use at mp end
%D \startbuffer
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mult-ini.mkiv b/tex/context/base/mult-ini.mkiv
index 658716e31..0d325e1e0 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mult-ini.mkiv
+++ b/tex/context/base/mult-ini.mkiv
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@
%D \macros
%D {defineinterfaceconstant,
%D defineinterfacevariable,
@@ -162,9 +162,9 @@
%D \def\e!name{meaning}
%D \stoptyping
-\unexpanded\def\defineinterfaceconstant #1#2{\setvalue{\c!prefix!#1}{#2}}
-\unexpanded\def\defineinterfacevariable #1#2{\setvalue{\v!prefix!#1}{#2}}
-\unexpanded\def\defineinterfaceelement #1#2{\setvalue{\e!prefix!#1}{#2}}
+\unexpanded\def\defineinterfaceconstant #1#2{\expandafter\def\csname\c!prefix!#1\endcsname{#2}}
+\unexpanded\def\defineinterfacevariable #1#2{\expandafter\def\csname\v!prefix!#1\endcsname{#2}}
+\unexpanded\def\defineinterfaceelement #1#2{\expandafter\def\csname\e!prefix!#1\endcsname{#2}}
%D Next come some interface independant constants:
@@ -173,12 +173,12 @@
%D \definefileconstant {name} {meaning}
%D \stoptyping
-\unexpanded\def\definereferenceconstant #1#2{\setvalue{\r!prefix!#1}{#2}}
-\unexpanded\def\definefileconstant #1#2{\setvalue{\f!prefix!#1}{#2}}
+\unexpanded\def\definereferenceconstant #1#2{\expandafter\def\csname\r!prefix!#1\endcsname{#2}}
+\unexpanded\def\definefileconstant #1#2{\expandafter\def\csname\f!prefix!#1\endcsname{#2}}
%D A new one:
%D And finaly we have the one argument, space saving constants
@@ -187,8 +187,8 @@
%D \definemessageconstant {name}
%D \stoptyping
-\unexpanded\def\definesystemconstant #1{\setvalue{\s!prefix!#1}{#1}}
-\unexpanded\def\definemessageconstant #1{\setvalue{\m!prefix!#1}{#1}}
+\unexpanded\def\definesystemconstant #1{\expandafter\def\csname\s!prefix!#1\endcsname{#1}}
+\unexpanded\def\definemessageconstant #1{\expandafter\def\csname\m!prefix!#1\endcsname{#1}}
%D In a parameter driven system, some parameters are shared
%D by more system components. In \CONTEXT\ we can distinguish
@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@
%D \definesystemvariable {name}
%D \stoptyping
@@ -437,15 +437,15 @@
%D interface. (We no longer need the link back to the main
%D internal interface.)
-\unexpanded\def\doresetvalue #1#2{\dosetvalue{#1}{#2}{}}
+\unexpanded\def\doletvalue #1#2{\expandafter \let\csname#1#2\endcsname}
+\unexpanded\def\dosetvalue #1#2{\expandafter \def\csname#1#2\endcsname}
+\unexpanded\def\dosetevalue #1#2{\expandafter\edef\csname#1#2\endcsname}
+\unexpanded\def\dosetgvalue #1#2{\expandafter\gdef\csname#1#2\endcsname}
+\unexpanded\def\dosetxvalue #1#2{\expandafter\xdef\csname#1#2\endcsname}
+\unexpanded\def\docopyvalue #1#2#3{\expandafter \def\csname#1#3\expandafter\endcsname\expandafter{\csname#2#3\endcsname}}
-\unexpanded\def\doletvalue #1#2{\@EA \let\csname#1#2\endcsname}
-\unexpanded\def\dosetvalue #1#2{\@EA \def\csname#1#2\endcsname}
-\unexpanded\def\dosetevalue #1#2{\@EA\edef\csname#1#2\endcsname}
-\unexpanded\def\dosetgvalue #1#2{\@EA\gdef\csname#1#2\endcsname}
-\unexpanded\def\dosetxvalue #1#2{\@EA\xdef\csname#1#2\endcsname}
-\unexpanded\def\docopyvalue#1#2#3{\@EA \def\csname#1#3\@EA\endcsname\@EA{\csname#2#3\endcsname}}
+\unexpanded\def\doresetvalue #1#2{\expandafter \let\csname#1#2\endcsname\empty}
+\unexpanded\def\doignorevalue#1#2#3{\expandafter \let\csname#1#2\endcsname\empty}
%D We can now redefine some messages that will be
%D introduced in the multi||lingual system module.
@@ -712,11 +712,11 @@
- \setvalue{\c!prefix!#1}{#1}}
+ \expandafter\def\csname\c!prefix!#1\endcsname{#1}}
- \setvalue{\v!prefix!#1}{#2}}
+ \expandafter\def\csname\v!prefix!#1\endcsname{#2}}
%D \macros
%D {defineinterfaceconstant}
@@ -727,7 +727,7 @@
%D documentation purposes the x||alternative comes in handy.
- {\setvalue{\c!prefix!#1}{#2}}
+ {\expandafter\def\csname\c!prefix!#1\endcsname{#2}}
%D \macros
%D {startelements}
@@ -752,21 +752,22 @@
- {\doifnot{#1}{#2}{\@EA\def\csname#2\@EA\endcsname\@EA{\csname#1\endcsname}}}% or just \let ?
+ {\doifnot{#1}{#2}% todo: let when already defined
+ {\expandafter\def\csname#2\expandafter\endcsname\expandafter{\csname#1\endcsname}}}
%D We just ignore these:
-\unexpanded\def\startelements {\gobbleuntil\stopelements}
-\unexpanded\def\startcommands {\gobbleuntil\stopcommands}
+\unexpanded\def\startelements {\gobbleuntil\stopelements }
+\unexpanded\def\startcommands {\gobbleuntil\stopcommands }
%D For at the \LUA\ end (experiment):
%D \macros
%D {interfaced}
@@ -794,7 +795,6 @@
%D macro's can be enhanced with more testing facilities, but
%D for the moment they suffice.
\ifdefined\zwnj \else \edef\zwnj{\directlua{utf.char(\number"200C)}} \fi % needed for cont-pe
\ifdefined\zwj \else \edef\zwj {\directlua{utf.char(\number"200D)}} \fi % needed for cont-pe
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mult-low.lua b/tex/context/base/mult-low.lua
index 7ea99322a..9e9eb2031 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mult-low.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mult-low.lua
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ return {
"points", "halfpoint",
"pluscxxvii", "pluscxxviii", "pluscclv", "pluscclvi",
- --
+ -- --
"endoflinetoken", "outputnewlinechar",
"emptytoks", "empty", "undefined",
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ return {
- "uprotationangle", "rightrotatioangle", "downrotatioangle", "leftrotatioangle",
+ "uprotationangle", "rightrotationangle", "downrotationangle", "leftrotationangle",
"ctxcatcodes", "texcatcodes", "notcatcodes", "txtcatcodes", "vrbcatcodes",
"prtcatcodes", "nilcatcodes", "luacatcodes", "tpacatcodes", "tpbcatcodes",
@@ -68,6 +68,15 @@ return {
+ "hglue", "vglue", "hfillneg", "vfillneg", "hfilllneg", "vfilllneg",
+ --
+ "ruledhss", "ruledhfil", "ruledhfill", "ruledhfilneg", "ruledhfillneg", "normalhfillneg",
+ "ruledvss", "ruledvfil", "ruledvfill", "ruledvfilneg", "ruledvfillneg", "normalvfillneg",
+ "ruledhbox", "ruledvbox", "ruledvtop", "ruledvcenter",
+ "ruledhskip", "ruledvskip", "ruledkern", "ruledmskip", "ruledmkern",
+ "ruledhglue", "ruledvglue", "normalhglue", "normalvglue",
+ "ruledpenalty",
+ --
"scratchcounter", "globalscratchcounter",
"scratchdimen", "globalscratchdimen",
"scratchskip", "globalscratchskip",
@@ -75,7 +84,7 @@ return {
"scratchtoks", "globalscratchtoks",
"scratchbox", "globalscratchbox",
- "nextbox",
+ "nextbox", "dowithnextbox", "dowithnextboxcs", "dowithnextboxcontent", "dowithnextboxcontentcs",
"scratchwidth", "scratchheight", "scratchdepth", "scratchoffset",
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mult-sys.mkiv b/tex/context/base/mult-sys.mkiv
index 09918ba6c..b36a43ead 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mult-sys.mkiv
+++ b/tex/context/base/mult-sys.mkiv
@@ -718,6 +718,7 @@
\definesystemvariable {ui} % UItvoer
\definesystemvariable {un} % UNits
\definesystemvariable {ur} % URl
+\definesystemvariable {ut} % strUT
\definesystemvariable {up} % Utility Program
\definesystemvariable {va} % VspAce
\definesystemvariable {ve} % VErsie
diff --git a/tex/context/base/page-app.mkiv b/tex/context/base/page-app.mkiv
index e2a249531..c1f3859e1 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/page-app.mkiv
+++ b/tex/context/base/page-app.mkiv
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@
+\unexpanded\def\stop_fitting_page_normal % todo: figure out why a small mp image gets shifted
diff --git a/tex/context/base/page-brk.mkiv b/tex/context/base/page-brk.mkiv
index 0ee720662..244036bc9 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/page-brk.mkiv
+++ b/tex/context/base/page-brk.mkiv
@@ -330,20 +330,20 @@
- \penalty-\!!tenthousand\relax
+ \penalty-\plustenthousand
- \penalty-\!!tenthousand\relax
+ \penalty-\plustenthousand
- \penalty-\!!tenthousand\relax
+ \penalty-\plustenthousand
\or % same as 0 but more accurate
- \penalty-\!!tenthousand\relax
+ \penalty-\plustenthousand
diff --git a/tex/context/base/page-lay.mkiv b/tex/context/base/page-lay.mkiv
index e397e2c78..c6ff5bc66 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/page-lay.mkiv
+++ b/tex/context/base/page-lay.mkiv
@@ -427,39 +427,39 @@
-\setvalue{\??pp:1:\v!reset }{\global\setfalse\c_page_target_paper_landscape
- \global\setfalse\c_page_target_paper_mirror
- \global\setfalse\c_page_target_paper_negate
- \global\c_page_target_paper_orientation\uprotationangle
- \global\c_page_target_paper_reverse \uprotationangle}
-\setvalue{\??pp:1:\v!landscape }{\global\settrue\c_page_target_paper_landscape}
-\setvalue{\??pp:1:\v!mirrored }{\global\settrue\c_page_target_paper_mirror}
-\setvalue{\??pp:1:\v!negative }{\global\settrue\c_page_target_paper_negate}
-\setvalue{\??pp:1:\v!rotated }{\global\c_page_target_paper_orientation\rightrotatioangle
- \global\c_page_target_paper_reverse \leftrotatioangle}
- \global\c_page_target_paper_reverse \leftrotatioangle}
-\setvalue{\??pp:1:\number\downrotatioangle }{\global\c_page_target_paper_orientation\downrotatioangle
- \global\c_page_target_paper_reverse \zerocount}
-\setvalue{\??pp:1:\number\leftrotatioangle }{\global\c_page_target_paper_orientation\leftrotatioangle
- \global\c_page_target_paper_reverse \rightrotatioangle}
-\setvalue{\??pp:1:\v!reset }{\global\setfalse\c_page_target_print_landscape
- \global\setfalse\c_page_target_print_mirror
- \global\setfalse\c_page_target_print_negate
- \global\c_page_target_print_orientation\uprotationangle
- \global\c_page_target_print_reverse \uprotationangle}
-\setvalue{\??pp:2:\v!landscape }{\global\settrue\c_page_target_print_landscape}
-\setvalue{\??pp:2:\v!mirrored }{\global\settrue\c_page_target_print_mirror}
-\setvalue{\??pp:2:\v!negative }{\global\settrue\c_page_target_print_negate}
-\setvalue{\??pp:2:\v!rotated }{\global\c_page_target_print_orientation\rightrotatioangle
- \global\c_page_target_print_reverse \leftrotatioangle}
- \global\c_page_target_print_reverse \leftrotatioangle}
-\setvalue{\??pp:2:\number\downrotatioangle }{\global\c_page_target_print_orientation\downrotatioangle
- \global\c_page_target_print_reverse \zerocount}
-\setvalue{\??pp:2:\number\leftrotatioangle }{\global\c_page_target_print_orientation\leftrotatioangle
- \global\c_page_target_print_reverse \rightrotatioangle}
+\setvalue{\??pp:1:\v!reset }{\global\setfalse\c_page_target_paper_landscape
+ \global\setfalse\c_page_target_paper_mirror
+ \global\setfalse\c_page_target_paper_negate
+ \global\c_page_target_paper_orientation\uprotationangle
+ \global\c_page_target_paper_reverse \uprotationangle}
+\setvalue{\??pp:1:\v!landscape }{\global\settrue\c_page_target_paper_landscape}
+\setvalue{\??pp:1:\v!mirrored }{\global\settrue\c_page_target_paper_mirror}
+\setvalue{\??pp:1:\v!negative }{\global\settrue\c_page_target_paper_negate}
+\setvalue{\??pp:1:\v!rotated }{\global\c_page_target_paper_orientation\rightrotationangle
+ \global\c_page_target_paper_reverse \leftrotationangle}
+ \global\c_page_target_paper_reverse \leftrotationangle}
+\setvalue{\??pp:1:\number\downrotationangle }{\global\c_page_target_paper_orientation\downrotationangle
+ \global\c_page_target_paper_reverse \zerocount}
+\setvalue{\??pp:1:\number\leftrotationangle }{\global\c_page_target_paper_orientation\leftrotationangle
+ \global\c_page_target_paper_reverse \rightrotationangle}
+\setvalue{\??pp:1:\v!reset }{\global\setfalse\c_page_target_print_landscape
+ \global\setfalse\c_page_target_print_mirror
+ \global\setfalse\c_page_target_print_negate
+ \global\c_page_target_print_orientation\uprotationangle
+ \global\c_page_target_print_reverse \uprotationangle}
+\setvalue{\??pp:2:\v!landscape }{\global\settrue\c_page_target_print_landscape}
+\setvalue{\??pp:2:\v!mirrored }{\global\settrue\c_page_target_print_mirror}
+\setvalue{\??pp:2:\v!negative }{\global\settrue\c_page_target_print_negate}
+\setvalue{\??pp:2:\v!rotated }{\global\c_page_target_print_orientation\rightrotationangle
+ \global\c_page_target_print_reverse \leftrotationangle}
+ \global\c_page_target_print_reverse \leftrotationangle}
+\setvalue{\??pp:2:\number\downrotationangle }{\global\c_page_target_print_orientation\downrotationangle
+ \global\c_page_target_print_reverse \zerocount}
+\setvalue{\??pp:2:\number\leftrotationangle }{\global\c_page_target_print_orientation\leftrotationangle
+ \global\c_page_target_print_reverse \rightrotationangle}
\def\pages_paper_handle_page_option #1{\ifcsname\??pp:1:#1\endcsname\csname\??pp:1:#1\endcsname\fi}
@@ -521,14 +521,14 @@
\ifx\tmp_pages_asked_option\v!max % \v!fit is
% we need to pre-swap else we get the wrong paper size
- \ifnum\c_page_target_paper_orientation=\rightrotatioangle
+ \ifnum\c_page_target_paper_orientation=\rightrotationangle
- \else\ifnum\c_page_target_paper_orientation=\leftrotatioangle
+ \else\ifnum\c_page_target_paper_orientation=\leftrotationangle
- \ifnum\c_page_target_print_orientation=\rightrotatioangle
+ \ifnum\c_page_target_print_orientation=\rightrotationangle
- \else\ifnum\c_page_target_print_orientation=\leftrotatioangle
+ \else\ifnum\c_page_target_print_orientation=\leftrotationangle
diff --git a/tex/context/base/page-mul.mkiv b/tex/context/base/page-mul.mkiv
index 91342f6c4..0f33fc37c 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/page-mul.mkiv
+++ b/tex/context/base/page-mul.mkiv
@@ -1051,7 +1051,7 @@
{\advance\dimen0 \ht\currenttopcolumnbox}%
\divide\dimen0 \nofcolumns
- \vbadness\!!tenthousand\relax
+ \vbadness\plustenthousand
diff --git a/tex/context/base/page-set.mkiv b/tex/context/base/page-set.mkiv
index 9777e433b..e46c94006 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/page-set.mkiv
+++ b/tex/context/base/page-set.mkiv
@@ -2536,7 +2536,6 @@
% todo : \v!here -> here enzovoorts
- % watch out: no \dochecknextindentation{tag}
% of course we needed a one-column fall back for tm; brrr, the box has now too
diff --git a/tex/context/base/page-txt.mkvi b/tex/context/base/page-txt.mkvi
index bf4c3c40b..ff78ff89d 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/page-txt.mkvi
+++ b/tex/context/base/page-txt.mkvi
@@ -115,6 +115,16 @@
+%D We inherit some settings:
+ [ \c!leftstyle=\layoutelementparameter\c!style,
+ \c!rightstyle=\layoutelementparameter\c!style,
+ \c!leftcolor=\layoutelementparameter\c!color,
+ \c!rightcolor=\layoutelementparameter\c!color,
+ \c!leftwidth=\layoutelementparameter\c!width,
+ \c!rightwidth=\layoutelementparameter\c!width]
%D \macros
%D {noheaderandfooterlines,notopandbottomlines}
diff --git a/tex/context/base/spac-ali.mkiv b/tex/context/base/spac-ali.mkiv
index b50ee59f6..371701a01 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/spac-ali.mkiv
+++ b/tex/context/base/spac-ali.mkiv
@@ -31,14 +31,14 @@
% We will not use bodydir and pagedir so we disable them. That way we get
% normal hyperlink support.
-\unexpanded\def\bodydir{\afterassignment\do@@bodydir\@@bodydir} \let\normalbodydir\bodydir
-\unexpanded\def\pagedir{\afterassignment\do@@pagedir\@@pagedir} \let\normalpagedir\pagedir
+\unexpanded\def\bodydir{\afterassignment\bodydir_indeed\saved_normal_body_dir} \let\normalbodydir\bodydir
+\unexpanded\def\pagedir{\afterassignment\pagedir_indeed\saved_normal_page_dir} \let\normalpagedir\pagedir
-\def\do@@bodydir{\@@bodydir TLT\relax}
-\def\do@@pagedir{\@@pagedir TLT\relax}
+\def\bodydir_indeed{\saved_normal_body_dir TLT\relax}
+\def\pagedir_indeed{\saved_normal_page_dir TLT\relax}
% This will become a more advanced layout controller soon:
@@ -48,26 +48,38 @@
- \settrue\displaylefttoright
- \settrue\inlinelefttoright
- \textdir TLT\relax
- \pardir TLT\relax
+ \lefttoright_vmode
- \settrue\inlinelefttoright
- \textdir TLT\relax
+ \lefttoright_hmode
+ {\settrue\displaylefttoright
+ \settrue\inlinelefttoright
+ \textdir TLT\relax
+ \pardir TLT\relax}
+ {\settrue\inlinelefttoright
+ \textdir TLT\relax}
- \setfalse\displaylefttoright
- \setfalse\inlinelefttoright
- \textdir TRT\relax
- \pardir TRT\relax
+ \righttoleft_vmode
- \textdir TRT\relax
- \setfalse\inlinelefttoright
+ \righttoleft_hmode
+ {\setfalse\displaylefttoright
+ \setfalse\inlinelefttoright
+ \textdir TRT\relax
+ \pardir TRT\relax}
+ {\textdir TRT\relax
+ \setfalse\inlinelefttoright}
{\ifconditional\inlinelefttoright \else
@@ -78,32 +90,30 @@
- \settrue\inlinelefttoright
- \textdir TLT\relax
- \pardir TLT\relax
+ \synchronizedirection_lr
- \setfalse\inlinelefttoright
- \textdir TRT\relax
- \pardir TRT\relax
+ \synchronizedirection_rl
- \settrue\inlinelefttoright
- \textdir TLT\relax
- \pardir TLT\relax
+ \synchronizedirection_lr
- \setfalse\inlinelefttoright
- \textdir TRT\relax
- \pardir TRT\relax
+ \synchronizedirection_rl
+ {\settrue\inlinelefttoright
+ \textdir TLT\relax
+ \pardir TLT\relax}
+ {\setfalse\inlinelefttoright
+ \textdir TRT\relax
+ \pardir TRT\relax}
- {\ifconditional\inlinelefttoright
- \textdir TLT\relax
- \else
- \textdir TRT\relax
- \fi}
+ {\textdir T\ifconditional\inlinelefttoright L\else R\fi T\relax}
@@ -253,6 +263,7 @@
+ % probably also ok: \normalexpanded{\everyraggedcommand{\resetrealignsignal\the\everyraggedcommand\ragged_command_flush_align}}}
@@ -718,7 +729,7 @@
\dontleavehmode % added in marrakesch at TUG 2006\begingroup
\setlocalhsize % new
- \def\\{\egroup\par\doalignline{#1}{#2}\bgroup}%
+ \def\\{\endgroup\par\doalignline{#1}{#2}\begingroup}%
{\hbox to \localhsize
@@ -744,8 +755,6 @@
-% \def\regelbegrensd#1{\limitatetext{#1}{\hsize}{\unknown}} % to be translated
% indirecte commando's
\letvalue{\s!do\v!line\v!left }\leftaligned
@@ -766,7 +775,7 @@
\dontleavehmode % added in marrakesch at TUG 2006\begingroup
- \def\\{\egroup\par\doxalignline#1#2#3#4#5#6\bgroup}% inefficient
+ \def\\{\endgroup\par\doxalignline#1#2#3#4#5#6\begingroup}% inefficient
{%\noindent moved up
\hbox to \localhsize
diff --git a/tex/context/base/spac-def.mkiv b/tex/context/base/spac-def.mkiv
index 32978076f..c1703fadb 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/spac-def.mkiv
+++ b/tex/context/base/spac-def.mkiv
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
-\newconstant\c_spac_default_tolerance \c_spac_default_tolerance 1500
+\newconstant\c_spacing_default_tolerance \c_spacing_default_tolerance 1500
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
- {\tolerance\c_spac_default_tolerance
+ {\tolerance\c_spacing_default_tolerance
diff --git a/tex/context/base/spac-grd.mkiv b/tex/context/base/spac-grd.mkiv
index 6cd1c37b1..54f1e5ce4 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/spac-grd.mkiv
+++ b/tex/context/base/spac-grd.mkiv
@@ -291,7 +291,7 @@
diff --git a/tex/context/base/spac-hor.mkiv b/tex/context/base/spac-hor.mkiv
index 2e5884325..3d5424229 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/spac-hor.mkiv
+++ b/tex/context/base/spac-hor.mkiv
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
%D need to check if the next paragraph has to be indented.
- {\doifoutervmode{\ifindentfirstparagraph\else\noindentation\fi}}
+ {\doifoutervmode{\ifindentfirstparagraph\else\indentation_variant_no\fi}}
% we need a better everypar model: for each option a switch, which we
% set to false with \forgetall and can enable when needed (context 4);
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
+\def\docheckupcomingindentation % brr
@@ -61,8 +61,8 @@
\processcommacommand[\currentindenting]\docomplexsetupindentingA % catch small, medium, etc
\processcommacommand[\currentindenting]\docomplexsetupindentingB % catch rest
\checkeverypar % only when non-empty #1
- \ifindentfirstparagraph\else\noindentation\fi % added
- \toggleindentation}
+ \ifindentfirstparagraph\else\indentation_variant_no\fi
+ \indentation_check_toggle}
@@ -124,51 +124,70 @@
\unexpanded\def\noindenting{\indenting[\v!no, \v!next ]}
-%D This one sets up the local indentation behaviour (i.e. either or not
-%D a next paragraph will be indented).
+%D Here come the handlers (still rather messy ... we need states).
-\def\dochecknextindentation#1% internal one
- {\checknextindentation[\csname#1\c!indentnext\endcsname]}
+\newif\ifindentation \indentationtrue % documenteren, naar buiten
-\setvalue{\??in->\v!yes }{\doindentation}
-\setvalue{\??in->\v!no }{\noindentation}
-\setvalue{\??in->\v!auto }{\autoindentation}
- {\csname\??in->\ifcsname\??in->#1\endcsname#1\else\s!empty\fi\endcsname}
+ {\ifdim\parindent=\zeropoint \else
+ \begingroup
+ \setbox\scratchbox\lastbox
+ \endgroup
+ \fi}
-%D Here come the handlers.
+ {\global\indentationfalse
+ \indentation_remove}
-\newif\ifindentation \indentationtrue % documenteren, naar buiten
+ {\global\indentationfalse
+ \global\let\checkindentation\indentation_no_toggle_indeed
+ \indentation_remove}
+ {\global\indentationtrue
+ \global\let\checkindentation\indentation_do_toggle_indeed}
+ {\global\indentationtrue}
-\ifx\autoindentation\undefined \let\autoindentation\relax \fi % hook
+ {\global\let\checkindentation\indentation_do_toggle_indeed}
- {\gdef\checkindentation{\global\indentationtrue}}
+ {\global\let\checkindentation\indentation_no_toggle_indeed}
-\def\noindentation % made global
+ {\ifcase\indentingtogglestate
+ % nothing
+ \or
+ \indentation_no_toggle
+ \or
+ \indentation_do_toggle
+ \fi}
+ {\global\let\checkindentation\indentation_do_indeed}
+ {\indentation_remove
+ \global\let\checkindentation\indentation_do_indeed}
+\def\indentation_variant_no % made global
{\ifinpagebody \else
- \gdef\checkindentation
- {\donoindentation
- \gdef\checkindentation{\global\indentationtrue}}%
+ \global\let\checkindentation\indentation_no_next_check
\def\nonoindentation % bv bij floats
{\ifinpagebody \else
- \gdef\checkindentation{\global\indentationtrue}%
- \fi}
- {\ifdim\parindent=\zeropoint \else
- \bgroup \setbox\scratchbox\lastbox \egroup
+ \global\let\checkindentation\indentation_do_indeed
{\ifvmode \ifdim\parindent=\zeropoint \else
% was : \hskip\parindent
% can be: \indent
@@ -176,52 +195,47 @@
\fi \fi}
-\def\toggleindentation % does not play well with noindentation
- {\ifcase\indentingtogglestate
- % nothing
- \or
- \notoggleindentation
- \or
- \dotoggleindentation
- \fi}
- {\gdef\checkindentation{\global\indentationfalse\donoindentation}}
- {\gdef\checkindentation{\global\indentationfalse\notoggleindentation\donoindentation}}
- {\gdef\checkindentation{\global\indentationtrue\dotoggleindentation}}
- \pushmacro\checkindentation
- \pushmacro\ifindentation
+ \pushmacro\checkindentation
+ \pushmacro\ifindentation
\to \everypushsomestate
- \popmacro\ifindentation
- \popmacro\checkindentation
+ \popmacro\ifindentation
+ \popmacro\checkindentation
\to \everypopsomestate
-% This is a user requested hack (using the auto-hook).
+% public:
- {\global\setfalse\recheckindentationmode}
+\let\indentation \indentation_variant_force
+\let\noindentation\indentation_variant_no % public
+\let\doindentation\indentation_variant_yes % public
- {\ifconditional\recheckindentationmode
- \dontrechecknextindentation
- \expandafter\doautoindentation
- \fi}
+\def\dontrechecknextindentation % public (in macros)
+ {\global\let\dorechecknextindentation\relax}
+\let\dorechecknextindentation\relax % public (in macros)
+ {\global\let\dorechecknextindentation\relax
+ \doifnextcharelse\par\donothing\indentation_variant_no}
+ {\global\let\dorechecknextindentation\indentation_check_next_indentation}
+%D This one sets up the local indentation behaviour (i.e. either or not
+%D a next paragraph will be indented).
- {\doifnextcharelse\par\donothing\noindentation}
+\def\dochecknextindentation#1% obsolete
+ {\checknextindentation[\csname#1\c!indentnext\endcsname]}
+ {\csname\??in:c:\ifcsname\??in:c:#1\endcsname#1\else\s!empty\fi\endcsname}
- {\global\settrue\recheckindentationmode}
+\letvalue{\??in:c:\v!yes }\indentation_variant_yes
+\letvalue{\??in:c:\v!no }\indentation_variant_no
+\letvalue{\??in:c:\v!auto }\indentation_variant_auto
%D An example of usage:
@@ -276,22 +290,22 @@
{\sfcode`\.#1 \sfcode`\,#1\relax
\sfcode`\?#1 \sfcode`\!#1\relax
\sfcode`\:#1 \sfcode`\;#1\relax}
{\sfcode`\.3000 \sfcode`\,1250
\sfcode`\?3000 \sfcode`\!3000
\sfcode`\:2000 \sfcode`\;1500 }
-\def\frenchspacing {\setfrenchspacing{1000}}
+\unexpanded\def\frenchspacing {\setfrenchspacing{1000}}
diff --git a/tex/context/base/spac-ver.mkiv b/tex/context/base/spac-ver.mkiv
index fe83414c7..a8c683d4e 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/spac-ver.mkiv
+++ b/tex/context/base/spac-ver.mkiv
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@
+\def\presetnormallineheight % each bodyfont
%done elsewhere : \spacing\!!plusone % new per 10/08/2004, else problems in otr / !! needed
\iflocalinterlinespace \else
@@ -87,6 +87,34 @@
+% to be tested:
+% \def\presetnormallineheight % each bodyfont
+% {\iflocalinterlinespace
+% \presetnormallineheight_regular
+% \else
+% \presetnormallineheight_checked
+% \fi}
+% \def\presetnormallineheight_regular
+% {\edef\normallineheight{\interlinespaceparameter\c!line}}
+% \def\presetnormallineheight_checked
+% {\edef\askedbodyfontinterlinespecs{\bodyfontvariable{\normalizedbodyfontsize\c!interlinespace}}%
+% \ifcsname\askedbodyfontinterlinespecs\endcsname
+% \presetnormallineheight_specific
+% \else
+% \presetnormallineheight_regular
+% \fi}
+% \def\presetnormallineheight_specific
+% {\edef\askedbodyfontinterlinespace{\csname\bodyfontinterlinespecs\endcsname}%
+% \ifx\askedbodyfontinterlinespace\empty
+% \presetnormallineheight_regular
+% \else
+% \let\normallineheight\askedbodyfontinterlinespace
+% \fi}
@@ -578,14 +606,11 @@
\unexpanded\def\settopskip % the extra test is needed for the lbr family
- {\topskip\systemtopskipfactor\globalbodyfontsize
- \ifgridsnapping \else
- \ifr@ggedbottom\!!plus5\globalbodyfontsize\fi
- \fi
- \ifgridsnapping
+ {\ifgridsnapping
+ \else
+ \topskip\systemtopskipfactor\globalbodyfontsize\ifr@ggedbottom\!!plus5\globalbodyfontsize\fi\relax
- \relax % the skip
\advance\topskipgap -\openstrutheight\relax
@@ -674,7 +699,7 @@
-\setbox\strutbox\normalhbox{\vrule height8.5pt depth3.5pt width\zeropoint} % just a start
+\setbox\strutbox\normalhbox{\vrule\!!height8.5pt\!!depth3.5pt\!!width\zeropoint} % just a start
@@ -835,36 +860,27 @@
%D \NC \NC a normal strut \NC {\showstruts\setupstrut\strut} \NC \NR
%D \stoptabulate
-\setvalue{@strut@\v!yes }{\setstrut}
-\setvalue{@strut@\v!auto }{\setautostrut}
-\setvalue{@strut@\v!no }{\setnostrut}
-\setvalue{@strut@\v!cap }{\setcapstrut}
-\setvalue{@strut@\v!fit }{\setfontstrut}
-\setvalue{@strut@\v!line }{\setstrut}
-\setvalue{@strut@\empty }{\setstrut}
- {\dosingleempty\dosetupstrut}
+ {\dosingleempty\spacing_setup_strut}
-\def\dosetupstrut[#1]% yet undocumented, todo: fontstrut
- {\ifcsname @strut@#1\endcsname
- \csname @strut@#1\endcsname
+ {\ifcsname\??ut:#1\endcsname
+ \csname\??ut:#1\endcsname % these are defined later
@@ -876,55 +892,79 @@
+\newbox\nostrutbox \setbox\nostrutbox\emptyhbox
+ {\setbox\strutbox\copy\nostrutbox
+ \let\strut\empty
+ \let\endstrut\empty
+ \let\begstrut\empty
+ \let\crlfplaceholder\empty}
% when enabled, sigstruts will remove themselves if nothing
% goes inbetween
\newsignal\strutsignal \setfalse\sigstruts
- {\relax\ifcase\strutht\else
- \ifconditional\sigstruts
- \noindent\horizontalstrut
- \normalpenalty\plustenthousand
- \normalhskip-\strutsignal
- \normalhskip\strutsignal
- \else
- \strut
- \normalpenalty\plustenthousand
- \normalhskip\zeropoint
- \fi
- \expandafter \ignorespaces
+ {\relax\ifcase\strutht
+ % \ignorespaces % maybe
+ \else
+ \spacing_begstrut
+ {\ifconditional\sigstruts
+ \spacing_begstrut_signal
+ \else
+ \spacing_begstrut_normal
+ \fi
+ \ignorespaces}
+ {\noindent\horizontalstrut
+ \normalpenalty\plustenthousand
+ \normalhskip-\strutsignal
+ \normalhskip\strutsignal}
+ {\strut
+ \normalpenalty\plustenthousand
+ \normalhskip\zeropoint}
- {\relax\ifhmode\ifcase\strutht\else
- \ifconditional\sigstruts
- \ifdim\lastskip=\strutsignal
- \unskip
- \unskip
- \unpenalty
- \setbox\scratchbox\lastbox
- \else
- \normalpenalty\plustenthousand
- \normalhskip\zeropoint
- \strut
- \fi
+ {\relax\ifhmode
+ \ifcase\strutht
+ % \removeunwantedspaces % maybe
- \removeunwantedspaces
- \normalpenalty\plustenthousand
- \normalhskip\zeropoint
- \strut
+ \spacing_endstrut
- \fi\fi}
+ \fi}
-\newbox\nostrutbox \setbox\nostrutbox\emptyhbox
+ {\ifconditional\sigstruts
+ \spacing_endstrut_signal
+ \else
+ \spacing_endstrut_normal
+ \fi}
- {\setbox\strutbox\copy\nostrutbox
- \let\strut\empty
- \let\endstrut\empty
- \let\begstrut\empty
- \let\crlfplaceholder\empty}
+ {\ifdim\lastskip=\strutsignal
+ \unskip
+ \unskip
+ \unpenalty
+ \setbox\scratchbox\lastbox
+ \else
+ \normalpenalty\plustenthousand
+ \normalhskip\zeropoint
+ \strut
+ \fi}
+ {\removeunwantedspaces
+ \normalpenalty\plustenthousand
+ \normalhskip\zeropoint
+ \strut}
% unsave:
@@ -942,22 +982,31 @@
% so:
{\noindent} % better: \dontleavehmode
{\def\strutwidth{\zeropoint}% no let
- % problems ! ! ! !
+\ifdefined\setfontparameters \else
+%D Keyword based strutting:
+\letvalue{\??ut:\v!yes }\setstrut % \setvalue{\??ut:\v!yes }{\setstrut}
+\setvalue{\??ut:\v!auto }\setautostrut % \setvalue{\??ut:\v!auto }{\setautostrut}
+\letvalue{\??ut:\v!no }\setnostrut % \setvalue{\??ut:\v!no }{\setnostrut}
+\letvalue{\??ut:\v!cap }\setcapstrut % \setvalue{\??ut:\v!cap }{\setcapstrut}
+\letvalue{\??ut:\v!fit }\setfontstrut % \setvalue{\??ut:\v!fit }{\setfontstrut}
+\letvalue{\??ut:\v!line }\setstrut % \setvalue{\??ut:\v!line }{\setstrut}
+\letvalue{\??ut:\s!default}\setstrut % \setvalue{\??ut:\s!default}{\setstrut}
+\letvalue{\??ut:\empty }\setstrut % \setvalue{\??ut:\empty }{\setstrut}
%D Handy:
@@ -967,21 +1016,21 @@
%D why|>| this assignment gives troubles in for instance the
%D visual debugger.
% We also need this here now; thanks to taco for figuring that out!
-\let\normaloffinterlineskip=\offinterlineskip % knuth's original
+\let\normaloffinterlineskip\offinterlineskip % knuth's original
%D My own one:
@@ -989,10 +1038,10 @@
@@ -1000,19 +1049,19 @@
{\ifdefined#1% space before #3 prevents lookahead problems, needed when #3=text
#1\numexpr#2+\plusone\relax\space\doexpandedrecurse{\the\numexpr#2\relax}{ #3}\zerocount\relax
@@ -1031,12 +1080,12 @@
@@ -1055,7 +1104,7 @@
\def\defaultgriddisplaywidowpenalty {0}
\def\defaultgridbrokenpenalty {0}
{\widowpenalty \zerocount
\clubpenalty \zerocount
\brokenpenalty \zerocount
@@ -1063,36 +1112,36 @@
\finalhyphendemerits \zerocount
\adjdemerits \zerocount}
\startsetups [\systemsetupsprefix\s!reset]
- \resetpenalties\widowpenalties
- \resetpenalties\clubpenalties
- \resetpenalties\interlinepenalties
+ \resetpenalties\widowpenalties
+ \resetpenalties\clubpenalties
+ \resetpenalties\interlinepenalties
% we use \directsetup because it's faster and we know there is no csl
\startsetups [\systemsetupsprefix\s!default]
- \directsetup{\systemsetupsprefix\s!reset}
+ \directsetup{\systemsetupsprefix\s!reset}
- \widowpenalty \defaultwidowpenalty
- \clubpenalty \defaultclubpenalty
- \displaywidowpenalty\defaultdisplaywidowpenalty
- \brokenpenalty \defaultbrokenpenalty
+ \widowpenalty \defaultwidowpenalty
+ \clubpenalty \defaultclubpenalty
+ \displaywidowpenalty\defaultdisplaywidowpenalty
+ \brokenpenalty \defaultbrokenpenalty
\startsetups [\v!grid] [\systemsetupsprefix\s!default]
- \directsetup{\systemsetupsprefix\s!reset}
+ \directsetup{\systemsetupsprefix\s!reset}
- \widowpenalty \defaultgridwidowpenalty
- \clubpenalty \defaultgridclubpenalty
- \displaywidowpenalty\defaultgriddisplaywidowpenalty
- \brokenpenalty \defaultgridbrokenpenalty
+ \widowpenalty \defaultgridwidowpenalty
+ \clubpenalty \defaultgridclubpenalty
+ \displaywidowpenalty\defaultgriddisplaywidowpenalty
+ \brokenpenalty \defaultgridbrokenpenalty
@@ -1100,11 +1149,11 @@
\startsetups [\systemsetupsprefix\v!strict]
- \directsetup{\systemsetupsprefix\s!reset}
+ \directsetup{\systemsetupsprefix\s!reset}
- \setpenalties\widowpenalties2\maxdimen
- \setpenalties\clubpenalties 2\maxdimen
- \brokenpenalty \maxdimen
+ \setpenalties\widowpenalties2\maxdimen
+ \setpenalties\clubpenalties 2\maxdimen
+ \brokenpenalty \maxdimen
@@ -1123,36 +1172,36 @@
+\newif\ifn@rmalbottom % this will be a proper constant
+\newif\ifr@ggedbottom % this will be a proper constant
+\newif\ifb@selinebottom % this will be a proper constant
{% \topskip 10pt
-\let\normalbottom=\alignbottom % downward compatible
+\let\normalbottom\alignbottom % downward compatible
% so, the new one will be
@@ -1394,10 +1443,10 @@
\gridboxvbox % calculated size
{\getrawnoflines{#3}% \getnoflines{#3}%
- \scratchdimen#2\advance\scratchdimen \lineheight
+ \scratchdimen\dimexpr#2+\lineheight\relax
- \hskip-.5\lineheight
+ \hskip-.5\lineheight\relax
@@ -1686,28 +1735,70 @@
- {\ifsecondargument
- \dodovspace[#1][#2]%
- \else\iffirstargument
- \vspace[][#1]%
- \else
- \vspace[][\s!default]%
- \fi\fi}
+% \def\dovspace[#1][#2]%
+% {\par
+% \ifvmode
+% \removelastskip
+% \vskip
+% \ifsecondargument
+% \vspaceamount{#1}{#2}%
+% \else\iffirstargument
+% \vspaceamount\empty{#1}%
+% \else
+% \vspaceamount\empty\s!default
+% \fi\fi
+% \relax
+% \fi}
+% \def\vspaceamount#1#2%
+% {\csname\??va
+% \ifcsname\??va#1:#2\endcsname
+% #1:#2%
+% \else\ifcsname\??va:#2\endcsname
+% :#2%
+% \else
+% :\s!unknown
+% \fi\fi
+% \endcsname}
+% alternative
- \vskip\vspaceamount{#1}{#2}\relax
+ \vskip
+ \csname\??va
+ \ifsecondargument
+ \ifcsname\??va#1:#2\endcsname
+ #1:#2%
+ \else\ifcsname\??va:#2\endcsname
+ :#2%
+ \else
+ :\s!unknown
+ \fi\fi
+ \else\iffirstargument
+ \ifcsname\??va:#1\endcsname
+ :#1%
+ \else
+ :\s!unknown
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \ifcsname\??va:\s!default\endcsname
+ :\s!default%
+ \else
+ :\s!unknown
+ \fi
+ \fi\fi
+ \endcsname
+ \relax
- {\executeifdefined{\??va#1:#2}{\executeifdefined{\??va:#2}\zeropoint}}
%D When spacing is active we need to handle commands in
%D a special way:
@@ -1820,8 +1911,8 @@
\ifdefined\startlines \else
- \expandafter\let\expandafter\startlines\csname\e!start\v!lines\endcsname
- \expandafter\let\expandafter\stoplines \csname\e!stop \v!lines\endcsname
+ \expandafter\let\expandafter\startlines\csname\e!start\v!lines\endcsname
+ \expandafter\let\expandafter\stoplines \csname\e!stop \v!lines\endcsname
\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/status-files.pdf b/tex/context/base/status-files.pdf
index a8c4bbdea..7e2f7b240 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/status-files.pdf
+++ b/tex/context/base/status-files.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tex/context/base/status-lua.pdf b/tex/context/base/status-lua.pdf
index 69c47e279..9e33d0c09 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/status-lua.pdf
+++ b/tex/context/base/status-lua.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tex/context/base/strc-mar.lua b/tex/context/base/strc-mar.lua
index 50c3562e0..45a6be4e7 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/strc-mar.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/strc-mar.lua
@@ -514,7 +514,13 @@ methods[v_bottom_nocheck] = function(name,range) return doresolve(name,range,t
methods[v_next_nocheck] = function(name,range) return doresolve(name,range,true , 0,1,false) end
local function do_first(name,range,check)
+ if trace_marks_get then
+ report_marks("resolve: name=%s, range=%s, resolve first",name,range)
+ end
local f_value, f_index, f_found = doresolve(name,range,false,0,0,check)
+ if trace_marks_get then
+ report_marks("resolve: name=%s, range=%s, resolve last",name,range)
+ end
local l_value, l_index, l_found = doresolve(name,range,true ,0,0,check)
if f_found and l_found and l_index > f_index then
local name = parentname(name)
@@ -522,15 +528,27 @@ local function do_first(name,range,check)
local si = stack[i]
local sn = si[name]
if sn and sn ~= false and sn ~= true and sn ~= "" and sn ~= f_value then
+ if trace_marks_get then
+ report_marks("resolve: name=%s, range=%s, index=%s, value=%s",name,range,i,sn)
+ end
return sn, i, si
+ if trace_marks_get then
+ report_marks("resolve: name=%s, range=%s, using first",name,range)
+ end
return f_value, f_index, f_found
local function do_last(name,range,check)
+ if trace_marks_get then
+ report_marks("resolve: name=%s, range=%s, resolve first",name,range)
+ end
local f_value, f_index, f_found = doresolve(name,range,false,0,0,check)
+ if trace_marks_get then
+ report_marks("resolve: name=%s, range=%s, resolve last",name,range)
+ end
local l_value, l_index, l_found = doresolve(name,range,true ,0,0,check)
if f_found and l_found and l_index > f_index then
local name = parentname(name)
@@ -538,10 +556,16 @@ local function do_last(name,range,check)
local si = stack[i]
local sn = si[name]
if sn and sn ~= false and sn ~= true and sn ~= "" and sn ~= l_value then
+ if trace_marks_get then
+ report_marks("resolve: name=%s, range=%s, index=%s, value=%s",name,range,i,sn)
+ end
return sn, i, si
+ if trace_marks_get then
+ report_marks("resolve: name=%s, range=%s, using last",name,range)
+ end
return l_value, l_index, l_found
diff --git a/tex/context/base/supp-box.mkiv b/tex/context/base/supp-box.mkiv
index 55a0a10b0..97c93c7bf 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/supp-box.mkiv
+++ b/tex/context/base/supp-box.mkiv
@@ -19,6 +19,18 @@
% This file is partially cleaned up.
+%D \macros
+%D {dontcomplain}
+%D The next macro suppresses over- and underfull messages which
+%D often makes sense when we deal with boxes.
+ {\hbadness\plustenthousand
+ \vbadness\plustenthousand
+ \hfuzz \maxdimen
+ \vfuzz \maxdimen}
%D This module implements some box manipulation macros. Some
%D are quite simple, some are more advanced and when understood
%D well, all can be of use.
diff --git a/tex/context/base/supp-fun.mkiv b/tex/context/base/supp-fun.mkiv
index c3aa8329c..33bee0306 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/supp-fun.mkiv
+++ b/tex/context/base/supp-fun.mkiv
@@ -549,7 +549,7 @@
- \expanded{\egroup\def\noexpand#2{\definedfont[#5 at \the\dimen0]}}}
+ \normalexpanded{\egroup\def\noexpand#2{\definedfont[#5 at \the\dimen0]}}}
%D Afterwards, we have access to the calculated size by:
diff --git a/tex/context/base/supp-vis.mkiv b/tex/context/base/supp-vis.mkiv
index 18f6262d2..37a92f24b 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/supp-vis.mkiv
+++ b/tex/context/base/supp-vis.mkiv
@@ -11,7 +11,8 @@
%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
%C details.
-% no longer generic, who cares ...
+%D This module is no longer generic \unknown\ but who cares. Maybe
+%D the code will be moved out of the core (apart from ruled boxes).
%D \gdef\ShowBufferedExample% private typeseting macro
%D {\startlinecorrection
@@ -55,9 +56,10 @@
%D attention. Most of those macros can be found in \type
%D {core-vis} and other core modules. Their integration in
%D \CONTEXT\ prohibits generic applications.
-\ifx \undefined \writestatus \input supp-mis.tex \fi
+%D We no longer assume usage outside context so we no longer
+%D load support modules.
%D One of the strong points of \TEX\ is abstraction of textual
%D input. When macros are defined well and do what we
%D want them to do, we will seldom need the tools present in
@@ -93,7 +95,7 @@
%D unwanted results. We can therefore turn all those things
%D off with \type{\dontinterfere}.
+\unexpanded\def\dontinterfere % or maybe just forgetall
{\everypar \emptytoks
\let\par \endgraf
@@ -109,14 +111,15 @@
%D don't want to be confronted with to many over- and underfull
%D messages we introduce \type{\dontcomplain}.
- {\hbadness\!!tenthousand \vbadness\hbadness
- \hfuzz \maxdimen \vfuzz \hfuzz}
+\ifdefined\dontcomplain \else
-% This obsolete dutch name is sometimes uses in manual styles; when
-% cleaning up the codebase I decided to move this definition here.
+ \unexpanded\def\dontcomplain
+ {\hbadness\plustenthousand
+ \vbadness\plustenthousand
+ \hfuzz \maxdimen
+ \vfuzz \maxdimen}
%D \macros
%D {normaloffinterlineskip}
@@ -124,8 +127,8 @@
%D The next hack is needed because in \CONTEXT\ we redefine
%D \type{\offinterlineskip}.
- \let\normaloffinterlineskip\offinterlineskip
+\ifdefined\normaloffinterlineskip \else
+ \let\normaloffinterlineskip\offinterlineskip
%D \macros
@@ -138,8 +141,6 @@
%D baseline behavior. Especially \type{\vtop}'s need our
%D special attention.
-% already saved
%D \macros
%D {normalhskip,
%D normalvskip}
@@ -147,8 +148,6 @@
%D Next come the flexible skips, which come in two flavors
%D too. Like boxes these are handled with \TEX\ primitives.
-% already saved
%D \macros
%D {normalpenalty,
%D normalkern}
@@ -157,8 +156,6 @@
%D primitives. This means that when making them visible, we
%D have to take the current mode into account.
-% already saved
%D \macros
%D {normalhglue,
%D normalvglue}
@@ -167,8 +164,8 @@
%D As we will see, their definitions make the implementation of
%D their visible counterparts a bit more \TeX{}nical.
-\let\normalhglue = \hglue
-\let\normalvglue = \vglue
%D \macros
%D {normalmkern,
@@ -180,8 +177,6 @@
%D with other dimensions. As a result, the visual appearance
%D of these primitives is kept primitive too.
-% already saved
%D \macros
%D {hfilneg,
%D vfilneg}
@@ -191,12 +186,12 @@
%D offers \type{\hfilneg} and \type{\vfilneg}, we define our
%D own alternative double \type{ll}'ed ones.
-\def\hfilneg {\normalhskip\zeropoint \!!plus-1fil\relax}
-\def\vfilneg {\normalvskip\zeropoint \!!plus-1fil\relax}
-\def\hfillneg {\normalhskip\zeropoint \!!plus-1fill\relax}
-\def\vfillneg {\normalvskip\zeropoint \!!plus-1fill\relax}
-\def\hfilllneg{\normalhskip\zeropoint \!!plus-1filll\relax}
-\def\vfilllneg{\normalvskip\zeropoint \!!plus-1filll\relax}
+\def\hfilneg {\normalhskip\zeropoint\!!plus-1fil\relax}
+\def\vfilneg {\normalvskip\zeropoint\!!plus-1fil\relax}
+\def\hfillneg {\normalhskip\zeropoint\!!plus-1fill\relax}
+\def\vfillneg {\normalvskip\zeropoint\!!plus-1fill\relax}
%D \macros
%D {normalhss,normalhfil,normalhfill,
@@ -216,21 +211,21 @@
%D in standard \TEX\ documentation. They can nevertheless be
%D used at will.
-\let\normalhfillneg = \hfillneg
-\let\normalvfillneg = \vfillneg
%D Visualization is not always wanted. Instead of turning this
%D option off in those (unpredictable) situations, we just
%D redefine a few \PLAIN\ macros.
- \def\rlap#1{\normalhbox to \zeropoint{#1\normalhss}}
- \def\llap#1{\normalhbox to \zeropoint{\normalhss#1}}
- \def\blap#1{\normalvbox to \zeropoint{#1\normalvss}}
- \def\tlap#1{\normalvbox to \zeropoint{\normalvss#1}}
+% \ifx\tlap\undefined
+% \def\rlap#1{\normalhbox to \zeropoint{#1\normalhss}}
+% \def\llap#1{\normalhbox to \zeropoint{\normalhss#1}}
+% \def\blap#1{\normalvbox to \zeropoint{#1\normalvss}}
+% \def\tlap#1{\normalvbox to \zeropoint{\normalvss#1}}
+% \fi
%D \macros
%D {makeruledbox}
@@ -259,8 +254,8 @@
%D At the cost of some overhead these alternatives are
%D implemented using \type{\if}'s:
-\newif\ifbaselinerule \baselineruletrue
-\newif\ifbaselinefill \baselinefillfalse
%D \macros
%D {iftoprule,ifbottomrule,ifleftrule,ifrightrule}
@@ -276,10 +271,10 @@
%D As we see below:
-\newif\iftoprule \topruletrue
-\newif\ifbottomrule \bottomruletrue
-\newif\ifleftrule \leftruletrue
-\newif\ifrightrule \rightruletrue
+\newif\iftoprule \topruletrue
+\newif\ifleftrule \leftruletrue
+\newif\ifrightrule \rightruletrue
%D \macros
%D {boxrulewidth}
@@ -291,12 +286,14 @@
%D \starttyping
%D \boxrulewidth=.2pt
%D \stoptyping
-%D Although we are already low on \DIMENSIONS\ it's best to
-%D spend one here, mainly because it enables easy manipulation,
-%D like multiplication by a given factor.
-\newdimen\boxrulewidth \boxrulewidth=.2pt
+\newdimen \boxrulewidth \boxrulewidth=.2pt
+\newdimen \boxruleht
+\newdimen \boxruledp
+\newdimen \boxrulewd
+\newbox \boxrulescratchbox
%D The core macro \type{\makeruledbox} looks a bit hefty. The
%D manipulation at the end is needed because we want to
@@ -316,32 +313,28 @@
%D primitive too. By storing and restoring the height and depth
%D of box \type{#1}, we preserve the mode.
+\let\dowithruledbox\relax % hook
-\let\ruleddepth \!!zeropoint
-\let\ruledwidth \!!zeropoint
- {\edef\ruledheight{\the\ht#1}%
- \edef\ruleddepth {\the\dp#1}%
- \edef\ruledwidth {\the\wd#1}%
- \setbox\scratchbox\normalvbox
+ {\boxruleht\ht#1%
+ \boxruledp\dp#1%
+ \boxrulewd\wd#1%
+ \setbox\boxrulescratchbox\normalvbox
- \normalhbox to \ruledwidth
+ \normalhbox to \boxrulewd
- \!!height\ruledheight
- \!!depth\ruleddepth
- \!!width\ifleftrule\else0\fi\boxrulewidth
- \ifdim\ruledheight>\zeropoint \else \baselinerulefalse \fi
- \ifdim\ruleddepth>\zeropoint \else \baselinerulefalse \fi
+ \!!height\boxruleht
+ \!!depth \boxruledp
+ \!!width \ifleftrule\boxrulewidth\else\zeropoint\fi
+ \ifdim\boxruleht>\zeropoint \else \baselinerulefalse \fi
+ \ifdim\boxruledp>\zeropoint \else \baselinerulefalse \fi
- \ifdim\ruledwidth<20\boxrulewidth
+ \ifdim\boxrulewd<20\boxrulewidth
@@ -359,7 +352,7 @@
- \!!width\ifrightrule\else0\fi\boxrulewidth}%
+ \!!width\ifrightrule\boxrulewidth\else\zeropoint\fi}%
@@ -368,10 +361,10 @@
- \lower\ruleddepth\normalhbox{\dowithruledbox{\box\scratchbox}}}}%
- \ht#1=\ruledheight
- \wd#1=\ruledwidth
- \dp#1=\ruleddepth}
+ \lower\boxruledp\normalhbox{\dowithruledbox{\box\boxrulescratchbox}}}}%
+ \ht#1\boxruleht
+ \wd#1\boxrulewd
+ \dp#1\boxruledp}
%D Just in case one didn't notice: the rules are in fact layed
%D over the box. This way the contents of a box cannot
@@ -405,8 +398,12 @@
- \dowithnextbox{\makeruledbox\nextbox\box\nextbox\egroup}%
- \normalhbox}
+ \dowithnextboxcs\ruledhbox_finish\normalhbox}
+ {\makeruledbox\nextbox
+ \box\nextbox
+ \egroup}
%D \startbuffer
%D \vbox
@@ -423,8 +420,12 @@
- \dowithnextbox{\makeruledbox\nextbox\box\nextbox\egroup}%
- \normalvbox}
+ \dowithnextboxcs\ruledvbox_finish\normalvbox}
+ {\makeruledbox\nextbox
+ \box\nextbox
+ \egroup}
%D \startbuffer
%D \vtop
@@ -441,8 +442,12 @@
- \dowithnextbox{\makeruledbox\nextbox\box\nextbox\egroup}%
- \normalvtop}
+ \dowithnextboxcs\ruledvtop_finish\normalvtop}
+ {\makeruledbox\nextbox
+ \box\nextbox
+ \egroup}
%D \startbuffer
%D \hbox
@@ -459,14 +464,16 @@
- \dowithnextbox
- {\scratchdimen.5\ht\nextbox
- \advance\scratchdimen .5\dp\nextbox
- \ht\nextbox\scratchdimen
- \dp\nextbox\scratchdimen
- \ruledhbox{\box\nextbox}%
- \egroup}%
- \normalvbox}
+ \dowithnextboxcs\ruledvcenter_finish\normalvbox}
+ {\scratchdimen.5\dimexpr\ht\nextbox+\dp\nextbox\relax
+ \ht\nextbox\scratchdimen
+ \dp\nextbox\scratchdimen
+ %\ruledhbox{\box\nextbox}%
+ \makeruledbox\nextbox
+ \box\nextbox
+ \egroup}
%D \macros
%D {ruledbox,
@@ -492,10 +499,23 @@
%D variant that does not need the~\type{=}, but we stick to:
- {\dowithnextbox{\makeruledbox\nextbox\box\nextbox}}
+ {\dowithnextboxcs\ruledbox_finish}
+ {\makeruledbox\nextbox\box\nextbox}
+% \def\setruledbox#1=%
+% {\dowithnextbox{\makeruledbox\nextbox\setbox#1\nextbox}}
- {\dowithnextbox{\makeruledbox\nextbox\setbox#1\nextbox}}
+\def\setruledbox#1=% not nice, better
+ {\afterassignment\setruledbox_indeed\scratchcounter}
+ {\dowithnextboxcs\setruledbox_finish}
+ {\makeruledbox\nextbox
+ \setbox\scratchcounter\nextbox}
%D \macros
%D {investigateskip,
@@ -526,7 +546,8 @@
%D Users of these macros are invited to study their exact
%D behavior first. The positive and negative states both
%D include zero and are in fact non-negative ($\geq0$) and
-%D non-positive ($\leq0$) .
+%D non-positive ($\leq0$). Well, no dirty trick is needed
+%D any longer as we have \ETEX\ functionality.
@@ -535,10 +556,19 @@
- \scratchdimen#1\relax
- \edef\!!stringa{\the\scratchdimen}%
- \edef\!!stringb{\the#1}%
- \ifx\!!stringa\!!stringb \flexiblefalse \else \flexibletrue \fi
+ \ifdim#1=\zeropoint
+ \ifdim\gluestretch#1=\zeropoint
+ \ifdim\glueshrink#1=\zeropoint
+ \flexiblefalse
+ \else
+ \flexibletrue
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \flexibletrue
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \flexibletrue
+ \fi
\zerotrue \else
\zerofalse \fi
@@ -549,33 +579,6 @@
\negativefalse \else
\negativetrue \fi}
-% etex
-% \def\investigateskip#1%
-% {\relax
-% \ifdim\scratchskip=\zeropoint
-% \ifdim\gluestretch\scratchskip=\zeropoint
-% \ifdim\glueshrink\scratchskip=\zeropoint
-% \flexiblefalse
-% \else
-% \flexibletrue
-% \fi
-% \else
-% \flexibletrue
-% \fi
-% \else
-% \flexibletrue
-% \fi
-% \ifdim#1=\zeropoint\relax
-% \zerotrue \else
-% \zerofalse \fi
-% \ifdim#1<\zeropoint\relax
-% \positivefalse \else
-% \positivetrue \fi
-% \ifdim#1>\zeropoint\relax
-% \negativefalse \else
-% \negativetrue \fi}
@@ -589,9 +592,9 @@
\negativefalse \else
\negativetrue \fi}
+\def\investigatemuskip#1% etex ?
- \edef\!!stringa{\the\scratchmuskip}%
+ \edef\!!stringa{\the#1}%
@@ -612,7 +615,7 @@
%D Now the neccessary utility macros are defined, we can make a
%D start with the visualizing ones. The implementation of these
%D macros is a compromise between readability, efficiency of
@@ -807,20 +810,11 @@
%D All five substitutions use the same auxiliary macro. Watch
%D the positive first -- negative next approach.
- {\doruledhfiller\normalhss\normalhfilneg{0}{0}}
- {\doruledhfiller\normalhfil\normalhfilneg{10}{-6}}
- {\doruledhfiller\normalhfill\normalhfillneg{18}{-14}}
- {\doruledhfiller\normalhfilneg\normalhfil{-6}{10}}
- {\doruledhfiller\normalhfillneg\normalhfill{-14}{18}}
+\unexpanded\def\ruledhss {\doruledhfiller\normalhss \normalhfilneg {0}{0}}
+\unexpanded\def\ruledhfil {\doruledhfiller\normalhfil \normalhfilneg {10}{-6}}
+\unexpanded\def\ruledhfill {\doruledhfiller\normalhfill \normalhfillneg{18}{-14}}
+\unexpanded\def\ruledhfilneg {\doruledhfiller\normalhfilneg \normalhfil {-6}{10}}
+\unexpanded\def\ruledhfillneg{\doruledhfiller\normalhfillneg\normalhfill {-14}{18}}
%D \macros
%D {ruledvss,
@@ -937,7 +931,7 @@
%D stretch could be drawing the mid line over a length of the
%D stretch, in positive or negative direction.
@@ -995,7 +989,7 @@
\divide\skip2 2
\advance\scratchskip -\skip2
- \normalpenalty\!!tenthousand
+ \normalpenalty\plustenthousand
@@ -1006,7 +1000,7 @@
- \afterassignment\doruledhskip
+ \afterassignment\ruledhskip_indeed
%D The visual skip is located at a feasible point. Normally
@@ -1135,7 +1129,7 @@
- \normalpenalty\!!tenthousand
+ \normalpenalty\plustenthousand
\prevdepth\nextdepth % not \dp0=\nextdepth
@@ -1158,7 +1152,7 @@
%D \macros
%D {ruledkern}
@@ -1189,7 +1183,7 @@
%D visualized a bit different, because we want to see them
%D anyhow.
@@ -1226,7 +1220,7 @@
\setbox0\ruledhbox{\box0}% \make...
- \normalpenalty\!!tenthousand
+ \normalpenalty\plustenthousand
\normalhbox to \zeropoint
@@ -1236,7 +1230,7 @@
- \afterassignment\doruledhkern
+ \afterassignment\ruledhkern_indeed
%D After having seen the horizontal ones, the vertical kerns
@@ -1263,7 +1257,7 @@
%D Like before, we have to postpone \type{\prevdepth}. If we
%D leave out this trick, we got ourselves some wrong spacing.
@@ -1307,17 +1301,17 @@
- \normalpenalty\!!tenthousand
+ \normalpenalty\plustenthousand
\prevdepth\nextdepth} % not \dp0=\nextdepth
- \dodoruledvkern
+ \ruledvkern_finish
- \dodoruledvkern
+ \ruledvkern_finish
@@ -1325,7 +1319,7 @@
- \afterassignment\doruledvkern
+ \afterassignment\ruledvkern_indeed
@@ -1342,7 +1336,7 @@
%D \unexpanded\def\ruledkern%
%D {\csname ruled\ifvmode v\else h\fi kern\endcsname\normalkern}
%D \stoptyping
%D \macros
%D {ruledhglue,ruledvglue}
@@ -1366,18 +1360,18 @@
%D \ShowBufferedExample
- \normalpenalty\!!tenthousand
+ \normalpenalty\plustenthousand
- \afterassignment\doruledhglue\scratchskip=}
+ \afterassignment\ruledhglue_indeed\scratchskip=}
%D \startbuffer
%D first line
@@ -1396,18 +1390,18 @@
%D \ShowBufferedExample
{\endgraf % \par
- \normalpenalty\!!tenthousand
+ \normalpenalty\plustenthousand
- \afterassignment\doruledvglue\scratchskip=}
+ \afterassignment\ruledvglue_indeed\scratchskip=}
%D \macros
%D {ruledmkern,ruledmskip}
@@ -1418,40 +1412,40 @@
%D subtle matter, we've used a very simple, not overloaded way
%D to show them.
- \setbox0\normalhbox
- {$\normalmkern\ifnegative-\fi\scratchmuskip$}%
- \setbox0\normalhbox to \wd0
+ \setbox\boxrulescratchbox\normalhbox
+ {$\normalmkern\ifnegative-\fi\scratchskip$}%
+ \setbox\boxrulescratchbox\normalhbox to \wd\boxrulescratchbox
- \!!depth16\testrulewidth
- \!!width\testrulewidth
+ \!!depth 16\testrulewidth
+ \!!width \testrulewidth
- \!!height\ifpositive16\else-14\fi\testrulewidth
- \!!depth\ifpositive-14\else16\fi\testrulewidth
+ \!!height\ifpositive 16\else-14\fi\testrulewidth
+ \!!depth \ifpositive-14\else 16\fi\testrulewidth
- \normalhskip-\wd0
+ \normalhskip-\wd\boxrulescratchbox
- \!!depth\testrulewidth
+ \!!depth \testrulewidth
- \!!depth16\testrulewidth
- \!!width\testrulewidth}%
+ \!!depth 16\testrulewidth
+ \!!width \testrulewidth}%
- #1\scratchmuskip
- \box0
+ #1\scratchskip
+ \box\boxrulescratchbox
- \box0
- #1\scratchmuskip
+ \box\boxrulescratchbox
+ #1\scratchskip
@@ -1464,14 +1458,15 @@
%D \ShowBufferedExample
- {\investigatemuskip\scratchmuskip
- \flexiblefalse
- \dodoruledmkern\normalmkern}
- \afterassignment\doruledmkern\scratchmuskip=}
+ \afterassignment\ruledmkern_indeed
+ \scratchmuskip=}
+ {\investigatemuskip\scratchmuskip
+ \flexiblefalse
+ \ruledmkern_finish\normalmkern}
%D \startbuffer
%D $a \mskip3mu = \mskip3mu
@@ -1482,15 +1477,16 @@
%D \ShowBufferedExample
- \dodoruledmkern\normalmskip}
+ \ruledmkern_finish\normalmskip}
- \afterassignment\doruledmskip\scratchmuskip=}
+ \afterassignment\ruledmskip_indeed
+ \scratchmuskip=}
%D \macros
%D {penalty}
@@ -1559,43 +1555,43 @@
%D test \ruledhpenalty1000 \ruledhpenalty-1000
%D test
- {\ifnum#2=0 \else
- \edef\sign
- {\ifnum#2>0 +\else-\fi}%
- \dimen0=\ifnum\sign#2>9999
- 28\else
- \ifnum\sign#2>999
- 22\else
- \ifnum\sign#2>99
- 16\else
- \ifnum\sign#2>9
- 10\else
- 4
- \fi\fi\fi\fi \testrulewidth
- \ifnum#2<0
- \normalhskip-\dimen0
+ {\ifnum#2=\zerocount \else
+ \edef\sign{\ifnum#2>\zerocount +\else-\fi}%
+ \scratchdimen
+ \ifnum\sign#2>9999 28\else
+ \ifnum\sign#2>999 22\else
+ \ifnum\sign#2>99 16\else
+ \ifnum\sign#2>9 10\else
+ 4\fi\fi\fi\fi \testrulewidth
+ \ifnum#2<\zerocount
+ \normalhskip-\scratchdimen
- \!!width2\testrulewidth
+ \!!width 2\testrulewidth
- \!!depth#4\testrulewidth
+ \!!depth #4\testrulewidth
- \!!width\dimen0
+ \!!width \scratchdimen
- \!!depth#6\testrulewidth
- \ifnum#2>0
+ \!!depth #6\testrulewidth
+ \ifnum#2>\zerocount
- \!!width2\testrulewidth
+ \!!width 2\testrulewidth
- \!!depth#4\testrulewidth
+ \!!depth #4\testrulewidth
+ {\bgroup
+ \afterassignment\ruledhpenalty_indeed
+ \scratchcounter=}
@@ -1605,10 +1601,10 @@
- \!!width\ifzero0\else4\fi\testrulewidth
+ \!!width\ifzero\zeropoint\else4\testrulewidth\fi
- \setruledpenaltybox{2}{\scratchcounter}{0}{8}{-3.5}{4.5}%
- \normalpenalty\!!tenthousand
+ \ruled_penalty_box{2}{\scratchcounter}{0}{8}{-3.5}{4.5}%
+ \normalpenalty\plustenthousand
@@ -1621,11 +1617,6 @@
- {\bgroup
- \afterassignment\doruledhpenalty
- \scratchcounter=}
%D The size of a vertical penalty is also shown on the
%D horizontal axis. This way there is less interference with
%D the often preceding or following skips and kerns.
@@ -1645,9 +1636,13 @@
%D \ShowBufferedExample
- {\ifdim\pagegoal=\maxdimen
- \else
+ {\bgroup
+ \afterassignment\ruledvpenalty_indeed
+ \scratchcounter=}
+ {\ifdim\pagegoal=\maxdimen \else
@@ -1657,13 +1652,13 @@
- \!!depth4\testrulewidth
- \!!width\zeropoint
+ \!!depth 4\testrulewidth
+ \!!width \zeropoint
- \!!depth\ifpositive.5\else4\fi\testrulewidth
- \!!width8\testrulewidth}%
- \setruledpenaltybox{2}{\scratchcounter}{4}{4}{.5}{.5}%
+ \!!dept \ifpositive.5\else4\fi\testrulewidth
+ \!!width 8\testrulewidth}%
+ \ruled_penalty_box{2}{\scratchcounter}{4}{4}{.5}{.5}%
@@ -1673,7 +1668,7 @@
- \normalpenalty\!!tenthousand
+ \normalpenalty\plustenthousand
\dp0\nextdepth % not \prevdepth=\nextdepth
@@ -1682,10 +1677,7 @@
- {\bgroup
- \afterassignment\doruledvpenalty
- \scratchcounter=}
+%D This comes together in:
@@ -1694,14 +1686,6 @@
-%D At the cost of some more tokens, a bit more clever
-%D implementation would be:
-%D \starttyping
-%D \unexpanded\def\ruledpenalty%
-%D {\csname ruled\ifvmode v\else h\fi penalty\endcsname}
-%D \stoptyping
%D \macros
%D {showfils,dontshowfils,
%D showboxes,dontshowboxes,
@@ -1713,7 +1697,7 @@
\newif\ifshowingcomposition % see later why we need this
\let\hss \ruledhss
\let\hfil \ruledhfil
@@ -1726,7 +1710,7 @@
\let\vfilneg \ruledvfilneg
\let\vfillneg \ruledvfillneg}
{\let\hss \normalhss
\let\hfil \normalhfil
\let\hfill \normalhfill
@@ -1738,7 +1722,7 @@
\let\vfilneg \normalvfilneg
\let\vfillneg \normalvfillneg}
\let\hbox \ruledhbox
@@ -1746,13 +1730,13 @@
\let\vtop \ruledvtop
\let\vcenter \ruledvcenter}
{\let\hbox \normalhbox
\let\vbox \normalvbox
\let\vtop \normalvtop
\let\vcenter \normalvcenter}
\let\hskip \ruledhskip
\let\vskip \ruledvskip
@@ -1762,7 +1746,7 @@
\let\hglue \ruledhglue
\let\vglue \ruledvglue}
{\let\hskip \normalhskip
\let\vskip \normalvskip
\let\kern \normalkern
@@ -1771,11 +1755,11 @@
\let\hglue \normalhglue
\let\vglue \normalvglue}
\let\penalty \ruledpenalty}
{\let\penalty \normalpenalty}
%D \macros
@@ -1802,7 +1786,7 @@
@@ -1810,7 +1794,7 @@
@@ -1839,12 +1823,12 @@
%D Beware, it's a macro not a \DIMENSION.
- \edef\defaulttestrulewidth{\the\testrulewidth}
+ \edef\defaulttestrulewidth{\the\testrulewidth}
- \def\defaulttestrulewidth{.02\bodyfontsize}
+ \def\defaulttestrulewidth{.02\bodyfontsize}
diff --git a/tex/context/base/syst-aux.mkiv b/tex/context/base/syst-aux.mkiv
index 598813275..8b8c272a3 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/syst-aux.mkiv
+++ b/tex/context/base/syst-aux.mkiv
@@ -107,10 +107,10 @@
\def\!!plustwo {2} % alongside \plustwo
\def\!!plusthree {3} % alongside \plusthree
-\setnewconstant\uprotationangle 0
-\setnewconstant\rightrotatioangle 90
-\setnewconstant\downrotatioangle 180
-\setnewconstant\leftrotatioangle 270
+\setnewconstant \uprotationangle 0
+\setnewconstant\rightrotationangle 90
+\setnewconstant \downrotationangle 180
+\setnewconstant \leftrotationangle 270
\ifdefined\data \else \let\data \relax \fi % dep checker
diff --git a/tex/context/base/tabl-tbl.mkiv b/tex/context/base/tabl-tbl.mkiv
index a9d47903a..f79dfbf69 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/tabl-tbl.mkiv
+++ b/tex/context/base/tabl-tbl.mkiv
@@ -112,7 +112,8 @@
% \EQ \RQ \HQ equal (raw, hook)
% \NC \RC \HC normal (raw, hook)
-% \NR
+% \NR checked break
+% \NB no break
% \HR : rule with lineheight
@@ -756,7 +757,7 @@
- \else\ifnum\tabulatemaxplines>\plusone
+ \else\ifnum\tabulatemaxplines>\plusone
@@ -945,7 +946,7 @@
% expansion en test needed ?
- \doifvaluesomething{\??tt\currenttabulate\c!bodyfont}
+ \doifsomething{\tabulateparameter\c!bodyfont}
\postponenotes % new, to be tested / will be configurable
@@ -1349,7 +1350,19 @@
\unexpanded\def\tabulateCMone{\global\tabulatelocalcolorspan\plustwo \tabulatecolorcolumn\zerocount}
-\unexpanded\def\tabulateNRone % next row
+% \unexpanded\def\tabulateNRone % next row
+% {\global\advance\noftabulatelines\plusone
+% \global\setfalse\tabulatefirstflushed
+% \global\setfalse\tabulateequal
+% \global\tabulatecolumn\zerocount
+% \resettabulatepheight
+% \unskip\unskip\crcr\flushtabulated
+% \starttabulatenoalign
+% \the\everyaftertabulaterow
+% \checktabulatepenaltiesa
+% \stoptabulatenoalign}
@@ -1358,9 +1371,15 @@
- \checktabulatepenaltiesa
+ #1%
+\unexpanded\def\tabulateNRone % next row
+ {\tabulateNRcommon\checktabulatepenaltiesa}
+\unexpanded\def\tabulateNBone % next row no break
+ {\tabulateNRcommon\dotabulatenobreak}
@@ -1450,18 +1469,6 @@
% \starttabulate[||] \dorecurse{100}{\NC Eins \NC \NR \HL} \stoptabulate
% \stoptext
-% old crap:
-% \ifnum\noftabulatelines>\plusone
-% \ifnum\noftabulatelines<\minusnoftabulatelines
-% % *** somehow topskip messes up as it's intercepted
-% % \vskip \topskip\allowbreak\vskip- \topskip
-% % messy anyhow so this needs to be improved, so for
-% % the moment we keep this bugged variant
-% \vskip1\topskip
-% \allowbreak
-% \vskip-1\topskip
@@ -1599,9 +1606,9 @@
- \defaulttabulatehrulethickness\tabulateparameter\c!rulethickness
+ \defaulttabulatehrulethickness\defaulttabulatevrulethickness
- \edef\defaulttabulatehrulecolor{\tabulateparameter\c!rulecolor}%
+ \let\defaulttabulatehrulecolor\defaulttabulatevrulecolor
@@ -1637,6 +1644,7 @@
+ \let\NB\tabulateNBone
@@ -1680,7 +1688,7 @@
- \doifvalue{\??tt\currenttabulate\c!indenting}\v!no\forgetparindent
+ \doif{\tabulateparameter\c!indenting}\v!no\forgetparindent
@@ -1725,7 +1733,7 @@
- \doifvalue{\??tt\currenttabulate\c!rule}\v!line
+ \doif{\tabulateparameter\c!rule}\v!line
@@ -1733,7 +1741,7 @@
- \global\setbox\tabulatebox\vbox \bgroup
+ \global\setbox\tabulatebox\vbox \bgroup
@@ -1748,7 +1756,7 @@
\ifhmode\par\prevdepth\strutdp\fi % nog eens beter, temporary hack
- \doifvalue{\??tt\currenttabulate\c!distance}\v!grid{\vskip-\strutdp}% experimental tm-prikkels
+ \doif{\tabulateparameter\c!distance}\v!grid{\vskip-\strutdp}% experimental tm-prikkels
diff --git a/tex/context/base/trac-vis.mkiv b/tex/context/base/trac-vis.mkiv
index f4b9583a2..64a08e22a 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/trac-vis.mkiv
+++ b/tex/context/base/trac-vis.mkiv
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
{\vrule #5 20\testrulewidth \!!width \zeropoint
- \normalpenalty\!!tenthousand
+ \normalpenalty\plustenthousand
diff --git a/tex/context/base/typo-mar.mkiv b/tex/context/base/typo-mar.mkiv
index 9bbf2a214..7702a9eaf 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/typo-mar.mkiv
+++ b/tex/context/base/typo-mar.mkiv
@@ -229,7 +229,7 @@
- \initializenextposition % we use positions at the lua end (will become pdf.h/v)
+ \positions_initialize % we use positions at the lua end (will become pdf.h/v)
location = "\margindataparameter\c!location",
method = "\margindataparameter\c!method",
diff --git a/tex/generic/context/luatex/luatex-fonts-merged.lua b/tex/generic/context/luatex/luatex-fonts-merged.lua
index bc4c88c4b..1c8b0b763 100644
--- a/tex/generic/context/luatex/luatex-fonts-merged.lua
+++ b/tex/generic/context/luatex/luatex-fonts-merged.lua
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-- merged file : luatex-fonts-merged.lua
-- parent file : luatex-fonts.lua
--- merge date : 12/19/11 22:53:48
+-- merge date : 12/20/11 22:24:50
do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference