path: root/tex/context/base/x-set-99.tex
diff options
authorHans Hagen <>2011-01-24 23:51:00 +0100
committerHans Hagen <>2011-01-24 23:51:00 +0100
commit2fb045c7c88895c00bbbdc935e0651f4e1879536 (patch)
tree35ebd4366aeae122a750ac7d4021e965d7042aa0 /tex/context/base/x-set-99.tex
parent1b64f6bc515ace3fb763a3c3b8110007e44119af (diff)
beta 2011.01.24 23:51
Diffstat (limited to 'tex/context/base/x-set-99.tex')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 283 deletions
diff --git a/tex/context/base/x-set-99.tex b/tex/context/base/x-set-99.tex
deleted file mode 100644
index 64d2b1db3..000000000
--- a/tex/context/base/x-set-99.tex
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,283 +0,0 @@
-%D \module
-%D [ file=x-set-99,
-%D version=2004.10.31,
-%D remark=setupx.tex: 1998.07.20 and later,
-%D title=\CONTEXT\ Setup Definitions,
-%D subtitle=Macro Definitions,
-%D author=Hans Hagen,
-%D date=\currentdate,
-%D copyright={PRAGMA / Hans Hagen \& Ton Otten}]
-%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
-%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
-%C details.
-% shared list
-\startmessages dutch library: setup
- title: setup
- formula: formule
- number: getal
- list: lijst
- dimension: maat
- mark: markering
- reference: verwijzing
- command: commando
- file: file
- name: naam
- identifier: naam
- text: tekst
- section: sectie
- singular: naam enkelvoud
- plural: naam meervoud
- matrix: n*m
- see: zie
- inherits: erft van
- 1: de karakters < en > zijn globaal actief!
- 2: -- wordt verwerkt
- 3: -- is niet gedefinieerd
- 4: -- wordt nogmaals verwerkt
- optional: optioneel
- displaymath: formule
- index: ingang
- math: formule
- nothing: leeg
- file: file
- position: positie
- reference: verwijzing
- csname: naam
- destination: bestemming
- triplet: triplet
- word: woord
- content: tekst
-\startmessages english library: setup
- title: setup
- formula: formula
- number: number
- list: list
- dimension: dimension
- mark: mark
- reference: reference
- command: command
- file: file
- name: name
- identifier: identifier
- text: text
- section: section
- singular: singular name
- plural: plural name
- matrix: n*m
- see: see
- inherits: inherits from
- 1: the characters < and > are globally active!
- 2: -- is processed
- 3: -- is undefined
- 4: -- is processed again
- optional: optional
- displaymath: formula
- index: entry
- math: formula
- nothing: empty
- file: file
- position: position
- reference: reference
- csname: name
- destination: destination
- triplet: triplet
- word: word
- content: text
-\startmessages german library: setup
- title: Setup
- formula: Formel
- number: Nummer
- list: Liste
- dimension: Dimension
- mark: Beschriftung
- reference: Referenz
- command: Befehl
- file: Datei
- name: Name
- identifier: Name
- text: Text
- section: Abschnitt
- singular: singular
- plural: plural
- matrix: n*m
- see: siehe
- inherits: inherits from
- 1: Die Zeichen < und > gelten global!
- 2: -- wird verarbeitet
- 3: -- ist undefiniert
- 4: -- ist mehrmals verarbeitet
- optional: optioneel
- displaymath: formula
- index: entry
- math: formula
- nothing: empty
- file: file
- position: position
- reference: reference
- csname: name
- destination: destination
- triplet: triplet
- word: word
- content: text
-\startmessages czech library: setup
- title: setup
- formula: rovnice
- number: cislo
- list: seznam
- dimension: dimenze
- mark: znacka
- reference: reference
- command: prikaz
- file: soubor
- name: jmeno
- identifier: jmeno
- text: text
- section: sekce
- singular: jmeno v singularu
- plural: jmeno v pluralu
- matrix: n*m
- see: viz
- inherits: inherits from
- 1: znaky < a > jsou globalne aktivni!
- 2: -- je zpracovano
- 3: -- je nedefinovano
- 4: -- je zpracovano znovu
- optional: optioneel
- displaymath: formula
- index: entry
- math: formula
- nothing: empty
- file: file
- position: position
- reference: reference
- csname: name
- destination: destination
- triplet: triplet
- word: word
- content: text
-\startmessages italian library: setup
- title: setup
- formula: formula
- number: number
- list: list
- dimension: dimension
- mark: mark
- reference: reference
- command: command
- file: file
- name: name
- identifier: name
- text: text
- section: section
- singular: singular name
- plural: plural name
- matrix: n*m
- see: see
- inherits: inherits from
- 1: the characters < and > are globally active!
- 2: -- is processed
- 3: -- is undefined
- 4: -- is processed again
- optional: optioneel
- displaymath: formula
- index: entry
- math: formula
- nothing: empty
- file: file
- position: position
- reference: reference
- csname: name
- destination: destination
- triplet: triplet
- word: word
- content: text
-\startmessages romanian library: setup
- title: setari
- formula: formula
- number: numar
- list: lista
- dimension: dimensiune
- mark: marcaj
- reference: referinta
- command: comanda
- file: fisier
- name: nume
- identifier: nume
- text: text
- section: sectiune
- singular: nume singular
- plural: nume pluram
- matrix: n*m
- see: vezi
- inherits: inherits from
- 1: caracterele < si > sunt active global!
- 2: este procesat --
- 3: -- este nedefinit
- 4: -- este procesat din nou
- optional: optioneel
- displaymath: formula
- index: entry
- math: formula
- nothing: empty
- file: file
- position: position
- reference: reference
- csname: name
- destination: destination
- triplet: triplet
- word: word
- content: text
-\startmessages french library: setup
- title: réglage
- formula: formule
- number: numéro
- list: liste
- dimension: dimension
- mark: marquage
- reference: reference
- command: commande
- file: fichier
- name: nom
- identifier: identificateur
- text: texte
- section: section
- singular: nom singulier
- plural: nom pluriel
- matrix: n*m
- see: vois
- inherits: herite de
- 1: les caractères < et > sont globalement actifs !
- 2: -- est traité
- 3: -- n'est pas défini
- 4: -- est traité de nouveau
- optional: optionel
- displaymath: formule
- index: entrée
- math: formule
- nothing: vide
- file: fichier
- position: position
- reference: réference
- csname: nom
- destination: destination
- triplet: triplet
- word: mot
- content: texte