path: root/tex/context/base/x-asciimath.lua
diff options
authorHans Hagen <>2014-06-05 23:04:00 +0200
committerHans Hagen <>2014-06-05 23:04:00 +0200
commit1b8d827a6d33b746d004ac5cfab16de8840054e9 (patch)
tree9f9c49a37d2d1eb913d17dac51247cdfc296b2e7 /tex/context/base/x-asciimath.lua
parentca16b82275f15170ca269f77b9dd9b0e29bbd7f6 (diff)
beta 2014.06.05 23:04
Diffstat (limited to 'tex/context/base/x-asciimath.lua')
1 files changed, 1485 insertions, 222 deletions
diff --git a/tex/context/base/x-asciimath.lua b/tex/context/base/x-asciimath.lua
index dd438d42e..da46b9b31 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/x-asciimath.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/x-asciimath.lua
@@ -5,11 +5,22 @@ if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['x-asciimath'] = {
copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
license = "see context related readme files"
-<p>Some backgrounds are discussed in <t>x-asciimath.mkiv</t>.</p>
+<p>Some backgrounds are discussed in <t>x-asciimath.mkiv</t>. This is a third version. I first
+tried a to make a proper expression parser but it's not that easy. First we have to avoid left
+recursion, which is not that trivial (maybe a future version of lpeg will provide that), and
+second there is not really a syntax but a mix of expressions and sequences with some fuzzy logic
+applied. Most problematic are fractions and we also need to handle incomplete expressions. So,
+instead we (sort of) tokenize the string and then do some passes over the result. Yes, it's real
+ugly and unsatisfying code mess down here. Don't take this as an example.</p>
+-- todo: spaces around all elements in cleanup?
+-- todo: filter from files listed in tuc file
local trace_mapping = false if trackers then trackers.register("modules.asciimath.mapping", function(v) trace_mapping = v end) end
+local trace_detail = false if trackers then trackers.register("modules.asciimath.detail", function(v) trace_detail = v end) end
local asciimath = { }
local moduledata = moduledata or { }
@@ -18,264 +29,1516 @@ moduledata.asciimath = asciimath
if not characters then
+ require("char-ent")
+local entities = characters.entities or { }
local report_asciimath = logs.reporter("mathematics","asciimath")
-local format = string.format
-local lpegmatch = lpeg.match
+local type, rawget = type, rawget
+local lpegmatch, patterns = lpeg.match, lpeg.patterns
local S, P, R, C, V, Cc, Ct, Cs = lpeg.S, lpeg.P, lpeg.R, lpeg.C, lpeg.V, lpeg.Cc, lpeg.Ct, lpeg.Cs
-local letter = lpeg.patterns.utf8
-local space = S(" \n\r\t")
-local spaces = space^0/""
-local integer = P("-")^-1 * R("09")^1
-local realpart = P("-")^-1 * R("09")^1 * S(".")^1 * R("09")^1
-local number = integer -- so we can support nice formatting if needed
-local real = realpart -- so we can support nice formatting if needed
-local float = realpart * P("E") * integer -- so we can support nice formatting if needed
-local texnic = P("\\") * (R("az","AZ")^1)
-local premapper = Cs ( (
- P("@") / "\\degrees " +
- P("O/") / "\\varnothing " +
- P("o+") / "\\oplus " +
- P("o.") / "\\ocirc " +
- P("!in") / "\\not\\in " +
- P("!=") / "\\neq " +
- P("**") / "\\star " +
- P("*") / "\\cdot " +
- P("//") / "\\slash " +
- P("/_") / "\\angle " +
- P("\\\\") / "\\backslash " +
- P("^^^") / "\\wedge " +
- P("^^") / "\\wedge " +
- P("<<") / "\\left\\langle " +
- P(">>") / "\\right\\rangle " +
- P("<=") / "\\leq " +
- P(">=") / "\\geq " +
- P("-<") / "\\precc " +
- P(">-") / "\\succ " +
- P("~=") / "\\cong " +
- P("~~") / "\\approx " +
- P("=>") / "\\Rightarrow " +
- P("(:") / "\\left\\langle " +
- P(":)") / "\\right\\rangle " +
- P(":.") / "\\therefore " +
- P("~|") / "\\right\\rceil " +
- P("_|_") / "\\bot " +
- P("_|") / "\\right\\rfloor " +
- P("+-") / "\\pm " +
- P("|--") / "\\vdash " +
- P("|==") / "\\models " +
- P("|_") / "\\left\\lfloor " +
- P("|~") / "\\left\\lceil " +
- P("-:") / "\\div " +
- P("_=") / "\\equiv " +
- P("|") / "\\middle\\| " +
- P("dx") / "(dx)" +
- P("dy") / "(dy)" +
- P("dz") / "(dz)" +
- letter + P(1)
-)^0 )
+local concat, sortedhash, sortedkeys = table.concat, table.sortedhash, table.sortedkeys
+local rep, gmatch, gsub, find = string.rep, string.gmatch, string.gsub, string.find
+local formatters = string.formatters
local reserved = {
- ["aleph"] = "\\aleph ",
- ["vdots"] = "\\vdots ",
- ["ddots"] = "\\ddots ",
- ["oint"] = "\\oint ",
- ["grad"] = "\\nabla ",
- ["prod"] = "\\prod ",
- ["prop"] = "\\propto ",
- ["sube"] = "\\subseteq ",
- ["supe"] = "\\supseteq ",
- ["sinh"] = "\\sinh ",
- ["cosh"] = "\\cosh ",
- ["tanh"] = "\\tanh ",
- ["sum"] = "\\sum ",
- ["vvv"] = "\\vee ",
- ["nnn"] = "\\cap ",
- ["uuu"] = "\\cup ",
- ["sub"] = "\\subset ",
- ["sup"] = "\\supset ",
- ["not"] = "\\lnot ",
- ["iff"] = "\\Leftrightarrow ",
- ["int"] = "\\int ",
- ["del"] = "\\partial ",
- ["and"] = "\\and ",
- ["not"] = "\\not ",
- ["sin"] = "\\sin ",
- ["cos"] = "\\cos ",
- ["tan"] = "\\tan ",
- ["csc"] = "\\csc ",
- ["sec"] = "\\sec ",
- ["cot"] = "\\cot ",
- ["log"] = "\\log ",
- ["det"] = "\\det ",
- ["lim"] = "\\lim ",
- ["mod"] = "\\mod ",
- ["gcd"] = "\\gcd ",
- ["lcm"] = "\\lcm ",
- ["min"] = "\\min ",
- ["max"] = "\\max ",
- ["xx"] = "\\times ",
- ["in"] = "\\in ",
- ["ox"] = "\\otimes ",
- ["vv"] = "\\vee ",
- ["nn"] = "\\cap ",
- ["uu"] = "\\cup ",
- ["oo"] = "\\infty ",
- ["ln"] = "\\ln ",
- ["or"] = "\\or ",
- ["AA"] = "\\forall ",
- ["EE"] = "\\exists ",
- ["TT"] = "\\top ",
- ["CC"] = "\\Bbb{C}",
- ["NN"] = "\\Bbb{N}",
- ["QQ"] = "\\Bbb{Q}",
- ["RR"] = "\\Bbb{R}",
- ["ZZ"] = "\\Bbb{Z}",
+ -- ["aleph"] = "\\aleph",
+ -- ["vdots"] = "\\vdots",
+ -- ["ddots"] = "\\ddots",
+ -- ["oint"] = "\\oint",
+ -- ["grad"] = "\\nabla",
+ ["prod"] = "\\prod",
+ -- ["prop"] = "\\propto",
+ -- ["sube"] = "\\subseteq",
+ -- ["supe"] = "\\supseteq",
+ ["sinh"] = "\\sinh",
+ ["cosh"] = "\\cosh",
+ ["tanh"] = "\\tanh",
+ ["sum"] = "\\sum",
+ -- ["vvv"] = "\\vee",
+ -- ["nnn"] = "\\cap",
+ -- ["uuu"] = "\\cup",
+ -- ["sub"] = "\\subset",
+ -- ["sup"] = "\\supset",
+ -- ["iff"] = "\\Leftrightarrow",
+ ["int"] = "\\int",
+ -- ["del"] = "\\partial",
+ ["sin"] = "\\sin",
+ ["cos"] = "\\cos",
+ ["tan"] = "\\tan",
+ ["csc"] = "\\csc",
+ ["sec"] = "\\sec",
+ ["cot"] = "\\cot",
+ ["log"] = "\\log",
+ ["det"] = "\\det",
+ ["lim"] = "\\lim",
+ ["mod"] = "\\mod",
+ ["gcd"] = "\\gcd",
+ -- ["lcm"] = "\\lcm", -- undefined in context
+ ["min"] = "\\min",
+ ["max"] = "\\max",
+ -- ["xx"] = "\\times",
+ ["in"] = "\\in",
+ -- ["ox"] = "\\otimes",
+ -- ["vv"] = "\\vee",
+ -- ["nn"] = "\\cap",
+ -- ["uu"] = "\\cup",
+ -- ["oo"] = "\\infty",
+ ["ln"] = "\\ln",
+ -- ["not"] = "\\not",
+ ["and"] = "\\text{and}",
+ ["or"] = "\\text{or}",
+ ["if"] = "\\text{if}",
+ -- ["AA"] = "\\forall",
+ -- ["EE"] = "\\exists",
+ -- ["TT"] = "\\top",
+ ["sqrt"] = "\\rootradical{}",
+ ["root"] = "\\rootradical",
+ ["frac"] = "\\frac",
+ ["stackrel"] = "\\stackrel",
+ -- ["text"] = "\\mathoptext",
+ -- ["bb"] = "\\bb",
+ ["hat"] = "\\widehat",
+ ["overbar"] = "\\overbar",
+ ["underline"] = "\\underline",
+ ["vec"] = "\\overrightarrow",
+ ["dot"] = "\\dot",
+ ["ddot"] = "\\ddot",
+ -- binary operators
+ -- ["+"] = "+",
+ -- ["-"] = "-",
+ ["*"] = "⋅",
+ ["**"] = "⋆",
+ ["//"] = "/",
+ ["\\"] = "\\",
+ ["xx"] = "×",
+ ["times"] = "×",
+ ["-:"] = "÷",
+ ["@"] = "∘",
+ ["o+"] = "⊕",
+ ["ox"] = "⊗",
+ ["o."] = "⊙",
+ ["^^"] = "∧",
+ ["vv"] = "∨",
+ ["nn"] = "∩",
+ ["uu"] = "∪",
+ -- big operators
+ -- ["sum"] = "∑",
+ -- ["prod"] = "∏",
+ ["^^^"] = "⋀",
+ ["vvv"] = "⋁",
+ ["nnn"] = "⋂",
+ ["uuu"] = "⋃",
+ ["int"] = "∫",
+ ["oint"] = "∮",
+ -- brackets
+-- ["("] = "(,
+-- [")"] = "),
+-- ["["] = "[,
+-- ["]"] = "],
+-- ["{"] = "{,
+-- ["}"] = "},
+-- ["(:"] = "〈",
+-- [":)"] = "〉",
+ -- binary relations
+ ["="] = "=",
+ ["!="] = "≠",
+ ["<"] = "<",
+ [">"] = ">",
+ ["<="] = "≤",
+ [">="] = "≥",
+ ["-<"] = "≺",
+ [">-"] = "≻",
+ ["in"] = "∈",
+ ["!in"] = "∉",
+ ["sub"] = "⊂",
+ ["sup"] = "⊃",
+ ["sube"] = "⊆",
+ ["supe"] = "⊇",
+ ["-="] = "≡",
+ ["~="] = "≅",
+ ["~~"] = "≈",
+ ["prop"] = "∝",
+ -- arrows
+ ["rarr"] = "→",
+ ["->"] = "→",
+ ["larr"] = "←",
+ ["harr"] = "↔",
+ ["uarr"] = "↑",
+ ["darr"] = "↓",
+ ["rArr"] = "⇒",
+ ["lArr"] = "⇐",
+ ["hArr"] = "⇔",
+ ["|->"] = "↦",
+ -- logical
+ -- ["and"] = "and",
+ -- ["or"] = "or",
+ -- ["if"] = "if",
+ ["not"] = "¬",
+ ["=>"] = "⇒",
+ ["iff"] = "⇔",
+ ["AA"] = "∀",
+ ["EE"] = "∃",
+ ["_|_"] = "⊥",
+ ["TT"] = "⊤",
+ ["|--"] = "⊢",
+ ["|=="] = "⊨",
+ -- miscellaneous
+ ["del"] = "∂",
+ ["grad"] = "∇",
+ ["+-"] = "±",
+ ["O/"] = "∅",
+ ["oo"] = "∞",
+ ["aleph"] = "ℵ",
+ ["angle"] = "∠",
+ ["/_"] = "∠",
+ [":."] = "∴",
+ ["..."] = "...", -- ldots
+ ["ldots"] = "...", -- ldots
+ ["cdots"] = "⋯",
+ ["vdots"] = "⋮",
+ ["ddots"] = "⋱",
+ ["diamond"] = "⋄",
+ ["square"] = "□",
+ ["|__"] = "⌊",
+ ["__|"] = "⌋",
+ ["|~"] = "⌈",
+ ["~|"] = "⌉",
+ -- more
+ ["_="] = "≡",
+ -- blackboard
+ ["CC"] = "ℂ",
+ ["NN"] = "ℕ",
+ ["QQ"] = "ℚ",
+ ["RR"] = "ℝ",
+ ["ZZ"] = "ℤ",
+ -- greek lowercase
+ alpha = "α",
+ beta = "β",
+ gamma = "γ",
+ delta = "δ",
+ epsilon = "ε",
+ varepsilon = "ɛ",
+ zeta = "ζ",
+ eta = "η",
+ theta = "θ",
+ vartheta = "ϑ",
+ iota = "ι",
+ kappa = "κ",
+ lambda = "λ",
+ mu = "μ",
+ nu = "ν",
+ xi = "ξ",
+ pi = "π",
+ rho = "ρ",
+ sigma = "σ",
+ tau = "τ",
+ upsilon = "υ",
+ phi = "φ",
+ varphi = "ϕ",
+ chi = "χ",
+ psi = "ψ",
+ omega = "ω",
+ -- greek uppercase
+ Gamma = "Γ",
+ Delta = "Δ",
+ Theta = "Θ",
+ Lambda = "Λ",
+ Xi = "Ξ",
+ Pi = "Π",
+ Sigma = "Σ",
+ Phi = "Φ",
+ Psi = "Ψ",
+ Omega = "Ω",
+ -- alternatively we could just inject a style switch + following character
+ -- blackboard
+ ["bbb a"] = "𝕒",
+ ["bbb b"] = "𝕓",
+ ["bbb c"] = "𝕔",
+ ["bbb d"] = "𝕕",
+ ["bbb e"] = "𝕖",
+ ["bbb f"] = "𝕗",
+ ["bbb g"] = "𝕘",
+ ["bbb h"] = "𝕙",
+ ["bbb i"] = "𝕚",
+ ["bbb j"] = "𝕛",
+ ["bbb k"] = "𝕜",
+ ["bbb l"] = "𝕝",
+ ["bbb m"] = "𝕞",
+ ["bbb n"] = "𝕟",
+ ["bbb o"] = "𝕠",
+ ["bbb p"] = "𝕡",
+ ["bbb q"] = "𝕢",
+ ["bbb r"] = "𝕣",
+ ["bbb s"] = "𝕤",
+ ["bbb t"] = "𝕥",
+ ["bbb u"] = "𝕦",
+ ["bbb v"] = "𝕧",
+ ["bbb w"] = "𝕨",
+ ["bbb x"] = "𝕩",
+ ["bbb y"] = "𝕪",
+ ["bbb z"] = "𝕫",
+ ["bbb A"] = "𝔸",
+ ["bbb B"] = "𝔹",
+ ["bbb C"] = "ℂ",
+ ["bbb D"] = "𝔻",
+ ["bbb E"] = "𝔼",
+ ["bbb F"] = "𝔽",
+ ["bbb G"] = "𝔾",
+ ["bbb H"] = "ℍ",
+ ["bbb I"] = "𝕀",
+ ["bbb J"] = "𝕁",
+ ["bbb K"] = "𝕂",
+ ["bbb L"] = "𝕃",
+ ["bbb M"] = "𝕄",
+ ["bbb N"] = "ℕ",
+ ["bbb O"] = "𝕆",
+ ["bbb P"] = "ℙ",
+ ["bbb Q"] = "ℚ",
+ ["bbb R"] = "ℝ",
+ ["bbb S"] = "𝕊",
+ ["bbb T"] = "𝕋",
+ ["bbb U"] = "𝕌",
+ ["bbb V"] = "𝕍",
+ ["bbb W"] = "𝕎",
+ ["bbb X"] = "𝕏",
+ ["bbb Y"] = "𝕐",
+ ["bbb Z"] = "ℤ",
+ -- fraktur
+ ["fr a"] = "𝔞",
+ ["fr b"] = "𝔟",
+ ["fr c"] = "𝔠",
+ ["fr d"] = "𝔡",
+ ["fr e"] = "𝔢",
+ ["fr f"] = "𝔣",
+ ["fr g"] = "𝔤",
+ ["fr h"] = "𝔥",
+ ["fr i"] = "𝔦",
+ ["fr j"] = "𝔧",
+ ["fr k"] = "𝔨",
+ ["fr l"] = "𝔩",
+ ["fr m"] = "𝔪",
+ ["fr n"] = "𝔫",
+ ["fr o"] = "𝔬",
+ ["fr p"] = "𝔭",
+ ["fr q"] = "𝔮",
+ ["fr r"] = "𝔯",
+ ["fr s"] = "𝔰",
+ ["fr t"] = "𝔱",
+ ["fr u"] = "𝔲",
+ ["fr v"] = "𝔳",
+ ["fr w"] = "𝔴",
+ ["fr x"] = "𝔵",
+ ["fr y"] = "𝔶",
+ ["fr z"] = "𝔷",
+ ["fr A"] = "𝔄",
+ ["fr B"] = "𝔅",
+ ["fr C"] = "ℭ",
+ ["fr D"] = "𝔇",
+ ["fr E"] = "𝔈",
+ ["fr F"] = "𝔉",
+ ["fr G"] = "𝔊",
+ ["fr H"] = "ℌ",
+ ["fr I"] = "ℑ",
+ ["fr J"] = "𝔍",
+ ["fr K"] = "𝔎",
+ ["fr L"] = "𝔏",
+ ["fr M"] = "𝔐",
+ ["fr N"] = "𝔑",
+ ["fr O"] = "𝔒",
+ ["fr P"] = "𝔓",
+ ["fr Q"] = "𝔔",
+ ["fr R"] = "ℜ",
+ ["fr S"] = "𝔖",
+ ["fr T"] = "𝔗",
+ ["fr U"] = "𝔘",
+ ["fr V"] = "𝔙",
+ ["fr W"] = "𝔚",
+ ["fr X"] = "𝔛",
+ ["fr Y"] = "𝔜",
+ ["fr Z"] = "ℨ",
+ -- script
+ ["cc a"] = "𝒶",
+ ["cc b"] = "𝒷",
+ ["cc c"] = "𝒸",
+ ["cc d"] = "𝒹",
+ ["cc e"] = "ℯ",
+ ["cc f"] = "𝒻",
+ ["cc g"] = "ℊ",
+ ["cc h"] = "𝒽",
+ ["cc i"] = "𝒾",
+ ["cc j"] = "𝒿",
+ ["cc k"] = "𝓀",
+ ["cc l"] = "𝓁",
+ ["cc m"] = "𝓂",
+ ["cc n"] = "𝓃",
+ ["cc o"] = "ℴ",
+ ["cc p"] = "𝓅",
+ ["cc q"] = "𝓆",
+ ["cc r"] = "𝓇",
+ ["cc s"] = "𝓈",
+ ["cc t"] = "𝓉",
+ ["cc u"] = "𝓊",
+ ["cc v"] = "𝓋",
+ ["cc w"] = "𝓌",
+ ["cc x"] = "𝓍",
+ ["cc y"] = "𝓎",
+ ["cc z"] = "𝓏",
+ ["cc A"] = "𝒜",
+ ["cc B"] = "ℬ",
+ ["cc C"] = "𝒞",
+ ["cc D"] = "𝒟",
+ ["cc E"] = "ℰ",
+ ["cc F"] = "ℱ",
+ ["cc G"] = "𝒢",
+ ["cc H"] = "ℋ",
+ ["cc I"] = "ℐ",
+ ["cc J"] = "𝒥",
+ ["cc K"] = "𝒦",
+ ["cc L"] = "ℒ",
+ ["cc M"] = "ℳ",
+ ["cc N"] = "𝒩",
+ ["cc O"] = "𝒪",
+ ["cc P"] = "𝒫",
+ ["cc Q"] = "𝒬",
+ ["cc R"] = "ℛ",
+ ["cc S"] = "𝒮",
+ ["cc T"] = "𝒯",
+ ["cc U"] = "𝒰",
+ ["cc V"] = "𝒱",
+ ["cc W"] = "𝒲",
+ ["cc X"] = "𝒳",
+ ["cc Y"] = "𝒴",
+ ["cc Z"] = "𝒵",
+ -- bold
+ ["bb a"] = "𝒂",
+ ["bb b"] = "𝒃",
+ ["bb c"] = "𝒄",
+ ["bb d"] = "𝒅",
+ ["bb e"] = "𝒆",
+ ["bb f"] = "𝒇",
+ ["bb g"] = "𝒈",
+ ["bb h"] = "𝒉",
+ ["bb i"] = "𝒊",
+ ["bb j"] = "𝒋",
+ ["bb k"] = "𝒌",
+ ["bb l"] = "𝒍",
+ ["bb m"] = "𝒎",
+ ["bb n"] = "𝒏",
+ ["bb o"] = "𝒐",
+ ["bb p"] = "𝒑",
+ ["bb q"] = "𝒒",
+ ["bb r"] = "𝒓",
+ ["bb s"] = "𝒔",
+ ["bb t"] = "𝒕",
+ ["bb u"] = "𝒖",
+ ["bb v"] = "𝒗",
+ ["bb w"] = "𝒘",
+ ["bb x"] = "𝒙",
+ ["bb y"] = "𝒚",
+ ["bb z"] = "𝒛",
+ ["bb A"] = "𝑨",
+ ["bb B"] = "𝑩",
+ ["bb C"] = "𝑪",
+ ["bb D"] = "𝑫",
+ ["bb E"] = "𝑬",
+ ["bb F"] = "𝑭",
+ ["bb G"] = "𝑮",
+ ["bb H"] = "𝑯",
+ ["bb I"] = "𝑰",
+ ["bb J"] = "𝑱",
+ ["bb K"] = "𝑲",
+ ["bb L"] = "𝑳",
+ ["bb M"] = "𝑴",
+ ["bb N"] = "𝑵",
+ ["bb O"] = "𝑶",
+ ["bb P"] = "𝑷",
+ ["bb Q"] = "𝑸",
+ ["bb R"] = "𝑹",
+ ["bb S"] = "𝑺",
+ ["bb T"] = "𝑻",
+ ["bb U"] = "𝑼",
+ ["bb V"] = "𝑽",
+ ["bb W"] = "𝑾",
+ ["bb X"] = "𝑿",
+ ["bb Y"] = "𝒀",
+ ["bb Z"] = "𝒁",
+ -- sans
+ ["sf a"] = "𝖺",
+ ["sf b"] = "𝖻",
+ ["sf c"] = "𝖼",
+ ["sf d"] = "𝖽",
+ ["sf e"] = "𝖾",
+ ["sf f"] = "𝖿",
+ ["sf g"] = "𝗀",
+ ["sf h"] = "𝗁",
+ ["sf i"] = "𝗂",
+ ["sf j"] = "𝗃",
+ ["sf k"] = "𝗄",
+ ["sf l"] = "𝗅",
+ ["sf m"] = "𝗆",
+ ["sf n"] = "𝗇",
+ ["sf o"] = "𝗈",
+ ["sf p"] = "𝗉",
+ ["sf q"] = "𝗊",
+ ["sf r"] = "𝗋",
+ ["sf s"] = "𝗌",
+ ["sf t"] = "𝗍",
+ ["sf u"] = "𝗎",
+ ["sf v"] = "𝗏",
+ ["sf w"] = "𝗐",
+ ["sf x"] = "𝗑",
+ ["sf y"] = "𝗒",
+ ["sf z"] = "𝗓",
+ ["sf A"] = "𝖠",
+ ["sf B"] = "𝖡",
+ ["sf C"] = "𝖢",
+ ["sf D"] = "𝖣",
+ ["sf E"] = "𝖤",
+ ["sf F"] = "𝖥",
+ ["sf G"] = "𝖦",
+ ["sf H"] = "𝖧",
+ ["sf I"] = "𝖨",
+ ["sf J"] = "𝖩",
+ ["sf K"] = "𝖪",
+ ["sf L"] = "𝖫",
+ ["sf M"] = "𝖬",
+ ["sf N"] = "𝖭",
+ ["sf O"] = "𝖮",
+ ["sf P"] = "𝖯",
+ ["sf Q"] = "𝖰",
+ ["sf R"] = "𝖱",
+ ["sf S"] = "𝖲",
+ ["sf T"] = "𝖳",
+ ["sf U"] = "𝖴",
+ ["sf V"] = "𝖵",
+ ["sf W"] = "𝖶",
+ ["sf X"] = "𝖷",
+ ["sf Y"] = "𝖸",
+ ["sf Z"] = "𝖹",
+ -- monospace
+ ["tt a"] = "𝚊",
+ ["tt b"] = "𝚋",
+ ["tt c"] = "𝚌",
+ ["tt d"] = "𝚍",
+ ["tt e"] = "𝚎",
+ ["tt f"] = "𝚏",
+ ["tt g"] = "𝚐",
+ ["tt h"] = "𝚑",
+ ["tt i"] = "𝚒",
+ ["tt j"] = "𝚓",
+ ["tt k"] = "𝚔",
+ ["tt l"] = "𝚕",
+ ["tt m"] = "𝚖",
+ ["tt n"] = "𝚗",
+ ["tt o"] = "𝚘",
+ ["tt p"] = "𝚙",
+ ["tt q"] = "𝚚",
+ ["tt r"] = "𝚛",
+ ["tt s"] = "𝚜",
+ ["tt t"] = "𝚝",
+ ["tt u"] = "𝚞",
+ ["tt v"] = "𝚟",
+ ["tt w"] = "𝚠",
+ ["tt x"] = "𝚡",
+ ["tt y"] = "𝚢",
+ ["tt z"] = "𝚣",
+ ["tt A"] = "𝙰",
+ ["tt B"] = "𝙱",
+ ["tt C"] = "𝙲",
+ ["tt D"] = "𝙳",
+ ["tt E"] = "𝙴",
+ ["tt F"] = "𝙵",
+ ["tt G"] = "𝙶",
+ ["tt H"] = "𝙷",
+ ["tt I"] = "𝙸",
+ ["tt J"] = "𝙹",
+ ["tt K"] = "𝙺",
+ ["tt L"] = "𝙻",
+ ["tt M"] = "𝙼",
+ ["tt N"] = "𝙽",
+ ["tt O"] = "𝙾",
+ ["tt P"] = "𝙿",
+ ["tt Q"] = "𝚀",
+ ["tt R"] = "𝚁",
+ ["tt S"] = "𝚂",
+ ["tt T"] = "𝚃",
+ ["tt U"] = "𝚄",
+ ["tt V"] = "𝚅",
+ ["tt W"] = "𝚆",
+ ["tt X"] = "𝚇",
+ ["tt Y"] = "𝚈",
+ ["tt Z"] = "𝚉",
+ -- some more undocumented
+ ["dx"] = { "d", "x" }, -- "{dx}" "\\left(dx\\right)"
+ ["dy"] = { "d", "y" }, -- "{dy}" "\\left(dy\\right)"
+ ["dz"] = { "d", "z" }, -- "{dz}" "\\left(dz\\right)"
+ ["atan"] = "\\atan",
+ ["acos"] = "\\acos",
+ ["asin"] = "\\asin",
+ ["arctan"] = "\\arctan",
+ ["arccos"] = "\\arccos",
+ ["arcsin"] = "\\arcsin",
+ ["prime"] = "′",
+ ["'"] = "′",
+ ["''"] = "″",
+ ["'''"] = "‴",
+local isbinary = {
+ ["\\frac"] = true,
+ ["\\root"] = true,
+ ["\\rootradical"] = true,
+ ["\\stackrel"] = true,
+local isunary = {
+ ["\\sqrt"] = true,
+ ["\\rootradical{}"] = true,
+ -- ["\\bb"] = true,
+ ["\\text"] = true, -- mathoptext
+ ["\\mathoptext"] = true, -- mathoptext
+ ["\\hat"] = true, -- widehat
+ ["\\widehat"] = true, -- widehat
+ ["\\overbar"] = true, --
+ ["\\underline"] = true, --
+ ["\\vec"] = true, -- overrightarrow
+ ["\\overrightarrow"] = true, -- overrightarrow
+ ["\\dot"] = true, --
+ ["\\ddot"] = true, --
-local postmapper = Cs ( (
+ ["^"] = true,
+ ["_"] = true,
- P("\\mathoptext ") * spaces * (P("\\bgroup ")/"{") * (1-P("\\egroup "))^1 * (P("\\egroup ")/"}") +
- (P("\\bgroup ")) / "{" +
- (P("\\egroup ")) / "}" +
+-- local isinfix = {
+-- ["\\slash"] = true
+-- }
- P("\\") * (R("az","AZ")^2) +
+local isleft = {
+ ["\\left\\lparent"] = true,
+ ["\\left\\lbrace"] = true,
+ ["\\left\\lbracket"] = true,
+local isright = {
+ ["\\right\\rparent"] = true,
+ ["\\right\\rbrace"] = true,
+ ["\\right\\rbracket"] = true,
- (R("AZ","az")^2) / reserved +
+local issimplified = {
- P("{:") / "\\left." +
- P(":}") / "\\right." +
- P("(") / "\\left(" +
- P(")") / "\\right)" +
- P("[") / "\\left[" +
- P("]") / "\\right]" +
- P("{") / "\\left\\{" +
- P("}") / "\\right\\}" +
+local p_number_base = patterns.cpnumber or patterns.cnumber or patterns.number
+local p_number = C(p_number_base)
+local p_spaces = patterns.whitespace
- letter + P(1)
-)^0 )
+----- p_number = Cs((patterns.cpnumber or patterns.cnumber or patterns.number)/function(s) return (gsub(s,",","{,}")) end)
-local parser
+local sign = P("-")^-1
+local digits = R("09")^1
+local integer = sign * digits
+----- real = sign * digits * (S(".,") * digits)^-1
+local real = digits * (S(".,") * digits)^-1
+local float = real * (P("E") * integer)^-1
-local function converted(original,totex)
- local ok, result
- if trace_mapping then
- report_asciimath("original : %s",original)
+-- local number = C(float + integer)
+local p_number = C(float)
+local p_open = S("{[") * P(":")
+local p_close = P(":") * S("]}")
+local p_utf_base =
+ patterns.utf8character
+local p_utf =
+ C(p_utf_base)
+local p_entity_base =
+ P("&") * ((1-P(";"))^2) * P(";")
+local p_entity =
+ P("&") * (((1-P(";"))^2) / entities) * P(";")
+-- This is (given the large match):
+-- local s = sortedkeys(reserved)
+-- local p = P(false)
+-- for i=#s,1,-1 do
+-- local k = s[i]
+-- p = p + P(k)
+-- end
+-- local p_reserved = p / reserved
+-- twice as slow as:
+local k_reserved = sortedkeys(reserved)
+asciimath.keys = {
+ reserved = k_reserved
+local k_reserved_different = { }
+local k_reserved_words = { }
+for k, v in sortedhash(reserved) do
+ if k ~= v then
+ k_reserved_different[#k_reserved_different+1] = k
- local premapped = lpegmatch(premapper,original)
- if premapped then
- if trace_mapping then
- report_asciimath("prepared : %s",premapped)
+ if not find(k,"[^a-zA-Z]") then
+ k_reserved_words[#k_reserved_words+1] = k
+ end
+local p_reserved =
+ lpeg.utfchartabletopattern(k_reserved_different) / reserved
+-- local p_text =
+-- P("text")
+-- * p_spaces^0
+-- * Cc("\\mathoptext")
+-- * ( -- maybe balanced
+-- Cs((P("{") ) * (1-P("}"))^0 * P("}") )
+-- + Cs((P("(")/"{") * (1-P(")"))^0 * (P(")")/"}"))
+-- )
+-- + Cc("\\mathoptext") * Cs(Cc("{") * patterns.undouble * Cc("}"))
+local p_text =
+ P("text")
+ * p_spaces^0
+ * Cc("\\mathoptext")
+ * ( -- maybe balanced
+ Cs( P("{") * (1-P("}"))^0 * P("}") )
+ + Cs((P("(")/"{") * (1-P(")"))^0 * (P(")")/"}"))
+ )
+ + Cc("\\mathoptext") * Cs(Cc("{") * patterns.undouble * Cc("}"))
+-- either map to \left<utf> or map to \left\name
+local p_left =
+ P("(:") / "\\left\\langle"
+ + P("(") / "\\left\\lparent"
+ + P("[") / "\\left\\lbracket"
+ + P("{") / "\\left\\lbrace"
+ + P("<<") / "\\left\\langle" -- why not <:
+ + P("|_") / "\\left\\lfloor"
+ + P("|~") / "\\left\\lceil"
+ + P("⟨") / "\\left\\langle"
+local p_right =
+ P(")") / "\\right\\rparent"
+ + P(":)") / "\\right\\rangle"
+ + P("]") / "\\right\\rbracket"
+ + P("}") / "\\right\\rbrace"
+ + P(">>") / "\\right\\rangle" -- why not :>
+ + P("~|") / "\\right\\rceil"
+ + P("_|") / "\\right\\rfloor"
+ + P("⟩") / "\\right\\rangle"
+-- special cases
+-- local p_special =
+-- C("/")
+-- + P("\\ ") * Cc("{}") * p_spaces^0 * C(S("^_"))
+-- + P("\\ ") * Cc("\\space")
+-- + P("\\\\") * Cc("\\backslash")
+-- + P("\\") * (R("az","AZ")^1/entities)
+-- + P("|") * Cc("\\|") -- "\\middle\\|" -- maybe always add left / right as in mml ?
+-- faster bug also uglier:
+local p_special =
+ C("/")
+ + P("|") * Cc("\\|") -- "\\middle\\|" -- maybe always add left / right as in mml ?
+ + P("\\") * (
+ (
+ P(" ") * (
+ Cc("{}") * p_spaces^0 * C(S("^_"))
+ + Cc("\\space")
+ )
+ )
+ + P("\\") * Cc("\\backslash")
+ + (R("az","AZ")^1/entities)
+ )
+local parser = Ct { "tokenizer",
+ tokenizer = (
+ p_spaces
+ + p_number
+ + p_text
+ + Ct(p_open * V("tokenizer") * p_close)
+ + Ct(p_left * V("tokenizer") * p_right)
+ + p_special
+ + p_reserved
+ + p_entity
+ + p_utf - p_close - p_right
+ )^1,
+local function show_state(state,level,t)
+ state = state + 1
+ report_asciimath(table.serialize(t,formatters["stage %s:%s"](level,state)))
+ return state
+local function show_result(str,result)
+ report_asciimath("input > %s",str)
+ report_asciimath("result > %s",result)
+local function collapse(t,level)
+ if not t then
+ return ""
+ end
+ local state = 0
+ if trace_detail then
+ if level then
+ level = level + 1
+ else
+ level = 1
- local parsed = lpegmatch(parser,premapped)
- if parsed then
- if trace_mapping then
- report_asciimath("parsed : %s",parsed)
+ state = show_state(state,level,t)
+ end
+ --
+ local n = #t
+ if n > 4 and t[3] == "," then
+ local l1 = t[1]
+ local r1 = t[n]
+ if isleft[l1] and isright[r1] then
+ local l2 = t[2]
+ local r2 = t[n-1]
+ if type(l2) == "table" and type(r2) == "table" then
+ -- we have a matrix
+ local valid = true
+ for i=3,n-2,2 do
+ if t[i] ~= "," then
+ valid = false
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ if valid then
+ for i=2,n-1,2 do
+ local ti = t[i]
+ local tl = ti[1]
+ local tr = ti[#ti]
+ if isleft[tl] and isright[tr] then
+ -- ok
+ else
+ valid = false
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ if valid then
+ t[1] = l1 .. "\\startmatrix"
+ for i=2,n-1 do
+ if t[i] == "," then
+ t[i] = "\\NR"
+ else
+ local ti = t[i]
+ ti[1] = "\\NC"
+ for i=2,#ti-1 do
+ if ti[i] == "," then
+ ti[i] = "\\NC"
+ end
+ end
+ ti[#ti] = nil
+ end
+ end
+ t[n] = "\\NR\\stopmatrix" .. r1
+ end
+ end
- local postmapped = lpegmatch(postmapper,parsed)
- if postmapped then
- if trace_mapping then
- report_asciimath("finalized: %s",postmapped)
+ end
+ end
+ --
+ if trace_detail then
+ state = show_state(state,level,t)
+ end
+ --
+ local n = #t
+ local i = 1
+ while i < n do
+ local current = t[i]
+ if current == "/" and i > 1 then
+ local tl = t[i-1]
+ local tr = t[i+1]
+ if type(tl) == "table" then
+ if isleft[tl[1]] and isright[tl[#tl]] then
+ tl[1] = "" -- todo: remove
+ tl[#tl] = nil
+ end
+ end
+ if type(tr) == "table" then
+ if isleft[tr[1]] and isright[tr[#tr]] then
+ tr[1] = "" -- todo: remove
+ tr[#tr] = nil
+ end
+ end
+ i = i + 2
+ elseif current == "," or current == ";" then
+ t[i] = current .. "\\thinspace"
+ i = i + 1
+ else
+ i = i + 1
+ end
+ end
+ --
+ if trace_detail then
+ state = show_state(state,level,t)
+ end
+ --
+ local n = #t
+ local i = 1
+ if n > 2 then
+ while i < n do
+ local current = t[i]
+ if type(current) == "table" and isleft[t[i-1]] and isright[t[i+1]] then
+ local c = #current
+ if c > 2 and isleft[current[1]] and isright[current[c]] then
+ current[1] = ""
+ current[c] = nil
- result, ok = postmapped, true
+ i = i + 3
- result = "error in postmapping"
+ i = i + 1
+ end
+ end
+ --
+ if trace_detail then
+ state = show_state(state,level,t)
+ end
+ --
+ local n = #t
+ local i = 1
+ local m = 0
+ while i <= n do
+ m = m + 1
+ local current = t[i]
+ if isbinary[current] then
+ local one = t[i+1]
+ local two = t[i+2]
+ if not one then
+ t[m] = current .. "{}{}" -- error
+ break
+ end
+ if type(one) == "table" then
+ if isleft[one[1]] and isright[one[#one]] then
+ one[1] = ""
+ one[#one] = nil
+ end
+ one = collapse(one,level)
+ end
+ if not two then
+ t[m] = current .. "{" .. one .. "}{}"
+ break
+ end
+ if type(two) == "table" then
+ if isleft[two[1]] and isright[two[#two]] then
+ two[1] = ""
+ two[#two] = nil
+ end
+ two = collapse(two,level)
+ end
+ t[m] = current .. "{" .. one .. "}{" .. two .. "}"
+ i = i + 3
+ elseif isunary[current] then
+ local one = t[i+1]
+ if not one then
+ m = m + 1
+ t[m] = current .. "{}" -- error
+ break
+ end
+ if type(one) == "table" then
+ if isleft[one[1]] and isright[one[#one]] then
+ one[1] = ""
+ one[#one] = nil
+ end
+ one = collapse(one,level)
+ elseif one == "-" and i + 2 <= n then -- or another sign ? or unary ?
+ local t2 = t[i+2]
+ if type(t2) == "string" then
+ one = one .. t2
+ i = i + 1
+ end
+ end
+ t[m] = current .. "{" .. one .. "}"
+ i = i + 2
+ elseif type(current) == "table" then
+ if current[1] == "\\NC" then
+ t[m] = collapse(current,level)
+ else
+ t[m] = "{" .. collapse(current,level) .. "}"
+ end
+ i = i + 1
- result = "error in mapping"
+ t[m] = current
+ i = i + 1
+ end
+ end
+ if i == n then -- yes?
+ m = m + 1
+ t[m] = t[n]
+ end
+ if m < n then
+ for i=n,m+1,-1 do
+ t[i] = nil
+ end
+ end
+ --
+ if trace_detail then
+ state = show_state(state,level,t)
+ end
+ --
+ local n = #t
+ local m = 0
+ local i = 1
+ while i < n do
+ local current = t[i]
+ if current == "/" and i > 1 then
+ local tl = t[i-1]
+ local tr = t[i+1]
+ -- if type(tl) == "table" then
+ -- if isleft[tl[1]] and isright[tl[#tl]] then
+ -- tl[1] = ""
+ -- tl[#tl] = ""
+ -- end
+ -- end
+ -- if type(tr) == "table" then
+ -- if isleft[tr[1]] and isright[tr[#tr]] then
+ -- tr[1] = ""
+ -- tr[#tr] = ""
+ -- end
+ -- end
+ t[m] = "\\frac{" .. tl .. "}{" .. tr .. "}"
+ i = i + 2
+ else
+ m = m + 1
+ t[m] = current
+ i = i + 1
+ end
+ end
+ if i == n then
+ m = m + 1
+ t[m] = t[n]
+ end
+ if m < n then
+ for i=n,m+1,-1 do
+ t[i] = nil
+ end
+ end
+ --
+ if trace_detail then
+ state = show_state(state,level,t)
+ end
+ --
+ local n = #t
+ local m = 0
+ local i = 1
+ while i < n do
+ local current = t[i]
+ if current == "\\slash" and i > 1 then
+ t[m] = "{\\left(" .. t[i-1] .. "\\middle/" .. t[i+1] .. "\\right)}"
+ i = i + 2
+ else
+ m = m + 1
+ t[m] = current
+ i = i + 1
+ end
+ end
+ if i == n then
+ m = m + 1
+ t[m] = t[n]
+ end
+ if m < n then
+ for i=n,m+1,-1 do
+ t[i] = nil
- else
- result = "error in premapping"
+ end
+ --
+ if trace_detail then
+ state = show_state(state,level,t)
+ end
+ --
+ local result = concat(t," ")
+ --
+ return result
+-- todo: cache simple ones, say #str < 10, maybe weak
+local ctx_mathematics = context and context.mathematics or report_asciimath
+local ctx_type = context and context.type or function() end
+local ctx_inleft = context and context.inleft or function() end
+local function convert(str,totex)
+ local texcode = collapse(lpegmatch(parser,str))
+ if trace_mapping then
+ show_result(str,texcode)
if totex then
- if ok then
- context.mathematics(result)
+ ctx_mathematics(texcode)
+ else
+ return texcode
+ end
+local n = 0
+local p = (
+ (S("{[(") + P("\\left" )) / function() n = n + 1 end
+ + (S("}])") + P("\\right")) / function() n = n - 1 end
+ + P(1)
+local function invalidtex(str)
+ n = 0
+ local result = lpegmatch(p,str)
+ if n == 0 then
+ return false
+ elseif n < 0 then
+ return formatters["too many left fences: %s"](-n)
+ elseif n > 0 then
+ return formatters["not enough right fences: %s"](n)
+ end
+local collected = { }
+local indexed = { }
+-- bonus
+local p_reserved_spaced =
+ C(lpeg.utfchartabletopattern(k_reserved_words)) / " %1 "
+local p_text =
+ C(P("text")) / " %1 "
+ * p_spaces^0
+ * ( -- maybe balanced
+ (P("{") * (1-P("}"))^0 * P("}"))
+ + (P("(") * (1-P(")"))^0 * P(")"))
+ )
+ + patterns.doublequoted
+local p_expand = Cs((p_text + p_reserved_spaced + p_entity_base + p_utf_base)^0)
+local p_compress = patterns.collapser
+local function cleanedup(str)
+ return lpegmatch(p_compress,lpegmatch(p_expand,str)) or str
+-- so far
+function collect(fpattern,element,collected,indexed)
+ local element = element or "am"
+ local mpattern = formatters["<%s>(.-)</%s>"](element,element)
+ local filenames = dir.glob(fpattern)
+ local wildcard = string.split(fpattern,"*")[1]
+ if not collected then
+ collected = { }
+ indexed = { }
+ end
+ for i=1,#filenames do
+ filename = filenames[i]
+ local splitname = string.split(filename,wildcard)
+ local shortname = temp and temp[2] or file.basename(filename)
+ for s in gmatch(io.loaddata(filename),mpattern) do
+ local c = cleanedup(s)
+ local f = collected[c]
+ if f then
+ f.count = f.count + 1
+ f.files[shortname] = (f.files[shortname] or 0) + 1
+ if s ~= c then
+ f.cleanedup = f.cleanedup + 1
+ end
+ f.dirty[s] = (f.dirty[s] or 0) + 1
+ else
+ local texcode = convert(s)
+ local message = invalidtex(texcode)
+ if message then
+ report_asciimath("%s: %s",message,s)
+ end
+ collected[c] = {
+ count = 1,
+ files = { [shortname] = 1 },
+ texcode = texcode,
+ message = message,
+ cleanedup = s ~= c and 1 or 0,
+ dirty = { [s] = 1 }
+ }
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ local n = 0
+ for k, v in sortedhash(collected) do
+ n = n + 1
+ v.n= n
+ indexed[n] = k
+ end
+ return collected, indexed
+asciimath.convert = convert
+asciimath.reserved = reserved
+asciimath.collect = collect
+asciimath.invalidtex = invalidtex
+asciimath.cleanedup = cleanedup
+-- sin(x) = 1 : 3.3 uncached 1.2 cached , so no real gain (better optimize the converter then)
+local function convert(str)
+ if #str == 1 then
+ ctx_mathematics(str)
+ else
+ local texcode = collapse(lpegmatch(parser,str))
+ if trace_mapping then
+ show_result(str,texcode)
+ end
+ if #texcode == 0 then
+ report_asciimath("error in asciimath: %s",str)
- context.type(result) -- some day monospaced
+ local message = invalidtex(texcode)
+ if message then
+ report_asciimath("%s: %s",message,str)
+ ctx_type(formatters["<%s>"](message))
+ else
+ ctx_mathematics(texcode)
+ end
+ end
+commands.asciimath = convert
+if not context then
+-- trace_mapping = true
+-- trace_detail = true
+ report_asciimath(cleanedup([[ac+sinx+xsqrtx+sinsqrtx+sinsqrt(x)]]))
+ report_asciimath(cleanedup([[a "αsinsqrtx" b]]))
+ report_asciimath(cleanedup([[a "α" b]]))
+ convert([[ac+sinx+xsqrtx]])
+ convert([[ac+\alpha x+xsqrtx-cc b*pi**psi-3alephx / bb X]])
+ convert([[ac+\ ^ x+xsqrtx]])
+ convert([[d/dx(x^2+1)]])
+ convert([[a "αsinsqrtx" b]])
+ convert([[a "α" b]])
+-- convert([[(1,5 ±sqrt(1,25 ),0 )]])
+-- convert([[1//2]])
+-- convert([[(p)/sqrt(p)]])
+-- convert([[u_tot]])
+-- convert([[u_tot=4,4 L+0,054 T]])
+-- convert([[ [←;0,2] ]])
+-- convert([[ [←;0,2⟩ ]])
+-- convert([[ ⟨←;0,2 ) ]])
+-- convert([[ ⟨←;0,2 ] ]])
+-- convert([[ ⟨←;0,2⟩ ]])
+-- convert([[ x^2(x-1/16)=0 ]])
+-- convert([[ y = ax + 3 - 3a ]])
+-- convert([[ y= ((1/4)) ^x ]])
+-- convert([[ x=\ ^ (1/4) log(0 ,002 )= log(0,002) / (log(1/4) ]])
+-- convert([[ x=\ ^glog(y) ]])
+-- convert([[ x^ (-1 1/2) =1/x^ (1 1/2)=1/ (x^1*x^ (1/2)) =1/ (xsqrt(x)) ]])
+-- convert([[ x^2(10 -x)&gt;2 x^2 ]])
+-- convert([[ x^4&gt;x ]])
+ return
+local context = context
+local ctx_typebuffer = context.typebuffer
+local ctx_mathematics = context.mathematics
+local ctx_color = context.color
+local sequenced = table.sequenced
+local assign_buffer = buffers.assign
+ = { }
+local collected, indexed, ignored = { }, { }, { }
+local color = { "darkred" }
+ if type(n) == "string" then
+ local c = collected[n]
+ n = c and c.n
+ end
+ if n then
+ ignored[n] = true
+ end
+ local v = collected[indexed[n]]
+ local count = v.count
+ local cleanedup = v.cleanedup
+ if not showcleanedup or cleanedup == 0 then
+ context(count)
+ elseif count == cleanedup then
+ ctx_color(color,count)
+ else
+ context("%s+",count-cleanedup)
+ ctx_color(color,cleanedup)
+ end
+local h = { }
+ local k = indexed[n]
+ local v = collected[k]
+ local n = v.cleanedup
+ h = { }
+ if n > 0 then
+ for d, n in sortedhash(v.dirty) do
+ if d ~= k then
+ h[#h+1] = { d, n }
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ context(#h)
+ local d = h[m]
+ if d then
+ ctx_inleft(d[2])
+ if wrapped then
+ assign_buffer("am",'"' .. d[1] .. '"')
+ else
+ assign_buffer("am",d[1])
+ end
+ ctx_typebuffer { "am" }
+ end
+ context(sequenced(collected[indexed[n]].files," "))
+ if wrapped then
+ assign_buffer("am",'"' .. indexed[n] .. '"')
- return result
+ assign_buffer("am",indexed[n])
+ ctx_typebuffer { "am" }
-local function onlyconverted(str)
- local parsed = lpegmatch(parser,str)
- return parsed or str
+ local v = collected[indexed[n]]
+ if ignored[n] then
+ context("ignored")
+ elseif v.message then
+ ctx_color(color, v.message)
+ else
+ ctx_mathematics(v.texcode)
+ end
-local sqrt = P("sqrt") / "\\rootradical \\bgroup \\egroup "
-local root = P("root") / "\\rootradical "
-local frac = P("frac") / "\\frac "
-local stackrel = P("stackrel") / "\\stackrel "
-local text = P("text") / "\\mathoptext "
-local hat = P("hat") / "\\widehat "
-local overbar = P("bar") / "\\overbar "
-local underline = P("ul") / "\\underline "
-local vec = P("vec") / "\\overrightarrow "
-local dot = P("dot") / "\\dot "
-local ddot = P("ddot") / "\\ddot "
-local left = S("{(") * P(":") + S("([{")
-local right = P(":") * S(")}") + S(")]}")
-local leftnorright = 1 - left - right
-local singles = sqrt + text + hat + underline + overbar + vec + ddot + dot
-local doubles = root + frac + stackrel
-local ignoreleft = (left/"") * spaces * spaces
-local ignoreright = spaces * (right/"") * spaces
-local ignoreslash = spaces * (P("/")/"") * spaces
-local comma = P(",")
-local nocomma = 1-comma
-local anychar = P(1)
-local openmatrix = left * spaces * Cc("\\matrix\\bgroup ")
-local closematrix = Cc("\\egroup ") * spaces * right
-local nextcolumn = spaces * (comma/"&") * spaces
-local nextrow = spaces * (comma/"\\cr ") * spaces
-local finishrow = Cc("\\cr ")
-local opengroup = left/"\\bgroup "
-local closegroup = right/"\\egroup "
-local somescript = S("^_") * spaces
-local beginargument = Cc("\\bgroup ")
-local endargument = Cc("\\egroup ")
-local macro = P("\\") * R("az","AZ")^1
-parser = Cs { "main",
- scripts = somescript * V("argument"),
- division = Cc("\\frac") * V("argument") * spaces * ignoreslash * spaces * V("argument")
- + Cc("\\left.") * V("balanced") * spaces * (P("\\slash ")/"\\middle/") * spaces * V("balanced") * Cc("\\right."),
- double = doubles * spaces * V("argument") * spaces * V("argument"),
- single = singles * spaces * V("argument"),
- macro = macro,
- balanced = opengroup * (C((leftnorright + V("balanced"))^0)/onlyconverted) * closegroup,
- argument = V("balanced") + V("token"),
- element = (V("step") + (V("argument") + V("step")) - ignoreright - nextcolumn - comma)^1,
- commalist = ignoreleft * V("element") * (nextcolumn * spaces * V("element"))^0 * ignoreright,
- matrix = openmatrix * spaces * (V("commalist") * (nextrow * V("commalist"))^0) * finishrow * closematrix,
- token = beginargument * (texnic + float + real + number + letter) * endargument,
- step = V("scripts") + V("division") + V("macro") + V("single") + V("double"),
- main = (V("matrix") + V("step") + anychar)^0,
+ collected, indexed, ignored = { }, { }, { }
+ local t = utilities.parsers.settings_to_array(str)
+ for i=1,#t do
+ asciimath.collect(t[i],element or "am",collected,indexed)
+ end
+ context(#indexed)
+ local usedfiles = { }
+ local noffiles = 0
+ local nofokay = 0
+ local nofbad = 0
+ local nofcleanedup = 0
+ for k, v in next, collected do
+ if ignored[v.n] then
+ nofbad = nofbad + v.count
+ elseif v.message then
+ nofbad = nofbad + v.count
+ else
+ nofokay = nofokay + v.count
+ end
+ nofcleanedup = nofcleanedup + v.cleanedup
+ for k, v in next, v.files do
+ local u = usedfiles[k]
+ if u then
+ usedfiles[k] = u + 1
+ else
+ noffiles = noffiles + 1
+ usedfiles[k] = 1
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ context.starttabulate { "|B||" }
+ context.NC() context("files") context.EQ() context(noffiles) context.NC() context.NR()
+ context.NC() context("formulas") context.EQ() context(nofokay+nofbad) context.NC() context.NR()
+ context.NC() context("uniques") context.EQ() context(#indexed) context.NC() context.NR()
+ context.NC() context("cleanedup") context.EQ() context(nofcleanedup) context.NC() context.NR()
+ context.NC() context("errors") context.EQ() context(nofbad) context.NC() context.NR()
+ context.stoptabulate()
+ ~= "" and name or "dummy.lua",collected)
+-- maybe:
-asciimath.reserved = reserved
-asciimath.convert = converted
+-- \backslash \
+-- \times ×
+-- \divide ÷
+-- \circ ∘
+-- \oplus ⊕
+-- \otimes ⊗
+-- \sum ∑
+-- \prod ∏
+-- \wedge ∧
+-- \bigwedge ⋀
+-- \vee ∨
+-- \bigvee ⋁
+-- \cup ∪
+-- \bigcup ⋃
+-- \cap ∩
+-- \bigcap ⋂
-commands.convert = converted
+-- \ne ≠
+-- \le ≤
+-- \leq ≤
+-- \ge ≥
+-- \geq ≥
+-- \prec ≺
+-- \succ ≻
+-- \in ∈
+-- \notin ∉
+-- \subset ⊂
+-- \supset ⊃
+-- \subseteq ⊆
+-- \supseteq ⊇
+-- \equiv ≡
+-- \cong ≅
+-- \approx ≈
+-- \propto ∝
+-- \neg ¬
+-- \implies ⇒
+-- \iff ⇔
+-- \forall ∀
+-- \exists ∃
+-- \bot ⊥
+-- \top ⊤
+-- \vdash ⊢
+-- \models ⊨
+-- \int ∫
+-- \oint ∮
+-- \partial ∂
+-- \nabla ∇
+-- \pm ±
+-- \emptyset ∅
+-- \infty ∞
+-- \aleph ℵ
+-- \ldots ...
+-- \cdots ⋯
+-- \quad
+-- \diamond ⋄
+-- \square □
+-- \lfloor ⌊
+-- \rfloor ⌋
+-- \lceiling ⌈
+-- \rceiling ⌉
+-- \sin sin
+-- \cos cos
+-- \tan tan
+-- \csc csc
+-- \sec sec
+-- \cot cot
+-- \sinh sinh
+-- \cosh cosh
+-- \tanh tanh
+-- \log log
+-- \ln ln
+-- \det det
+-- \dim dim
+-- \lim lim
+-- \mod mod
+-- \gcd gcd
+-- \lcm lcm
+-- \uparrow ↑
+-- \downarrow ↓
+-- \rightarrow →
+-- \to →
+-- \leftarrow ←
+-- \leftrightarrow ↔
+-- \Rightarrow ⇒
+-- \Leftarrow ⇐
+-- \Leftrightarrow ⇔
+-- \mathbf
+-- \mathbb
+-- \mathcal
+-- \mathtt
+-- \mathfrak