path: root/tex/context/base/syst-gen.tex
diff options
authorHans Hagen <>1998-03-27 00:00:00 +0100
committerHans Hagen <>1998-03-27 00:00:00 +0100
commit5f54d546a687e0615f87a117c5950b78ef346af7 (patch)
treeca1c0ce7e09685b5a3a55e57edca776e7dd66c59 /tex/context/base/syst-gen.tex
parent4da38599c2b3c2397582838a9ac715897af7b1a8 (diff)
stable 1998.03.27
Diffstat (limited to 'tex/context/base/syst-gen.tex')
1 files changed, 2719 insertions, 2682 deletions
diff --git a/tex/context/base/syst-gen.tex b/tex/context/base/syst-gen.tex
index b9b3da9d9..9cdc8dd62 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/syst-gen.tex
+++ b/tex/context/base/syst-gen.tex
@@ -1,2682 +1,2719 @@
-%D \module
-%D [ file=syst-gen,
-%D version=1996.3.20,
-%D title=\CONTEXT\ System Macros,
-%D subtitle=General,
-%D author=Hans Hagen,
-%D date=\currentdate,
-%D copyright={PRAGMA / Hans Hagen \& Ton Otten}]
-%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
-%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. Non||commercial use is
-%C granted.
-%D The following macros are responsible for the interaction
-%D with \CONTEXT. These macros have proven their use. These
-%D macros are optimized as far as possible within of course,
-%D the know how of the author.
-%D In this module we also show some of the optimizations,
-%D mainly because we don't want to forget them and start doing
-%D things over and over again. If showing them has a learing
-%D effect for others too, we've surved another purpose too.
-%D \macros
-%D {abortinputifdefined}
-%D {}
-%D Because this module can be used in a different context, we
-%D want to prevent it being loaded more than once. This can be
-%D done using:
-%D \starttypen
-%D \abortinputifdefined\command
-%D \stoptypen
-%D where \type{\command} is a command defined in the module
-%D to be loaded only once.
-%D \starttypen
-%D \def\abortinputifdefined#1%
-%D {\ifx#1\undefined
-%D \let\next=\relax
-%D \else
-%D \let\next=\endinput
-%D \fi
-%D \next}
-%D \stoptypen
-%D This macro can be speed up in terms of speed as well as
-%D memory. Because this is a nice example of a bit strange
-%D command (\type{\endinput}), we spend some more lines on this.
-%D If we perform such actions directly, we can say:
-%D \starttypen
-%D \ifx\somecommand\undefined
-%D \let\next=\relax
-%D \else
-%D \let\next=\endinput
-%D \fi
-%D \next
-%D \stoptypen
-%D We need the \type{\next} because we need to end the
-%D \type{\fi}. The efficient one is:
-%D \starttypen
-%D \ifx\somecommand\undefined
-%D \else
-%D \expandafter\endinput
-%D \fi
-%D \stoptypen
-%D Because \type{\endinput} comes into action after the current
-%D line, we can also say:
-%D \starttypen
-%D \ifx\somecommand\undefined \else \endinput \fi
-%D \stoptypen
-%D When we define a macro, we tend to use a format which
-%D shows as besat as can how things are done. \TEX\ however
-%D stores the definitions as a sequence of tokens, so in fact
-%D we can use a formatted definition:
- {\ifx#1\undefined \else
- \endinput
- \fi}
-%D which also works. Keep in mind that this is entirely due to
-%D the fact that \type{\endinput} after the line, i.e. at the
-%D end of the macro. We therefore can burry this primitive quite
-%D deep in code.
-%D And because this module implements \type{\writestatus}, we
-%D just say:
-%D Normally we tell the users what module is being loaded.
-%D However, the command that is needed for this is not yet
-%D defined.
-%D \starttypen
-%D \writestatus{laden}{Context Systeem Macro's (a)}
-%D \stoptypen
-%D \macros
-%D [beschermen]
-%D {protect,unprotect}
-%D {}
-%D We can shield macros from users by using some special
-%D characters in their names. Some characters that are normally
-%D no letters and therefore often used are: \type{@}, \type{!}
-%D and \type{?}. Before and after the definition of protected
-%D macros, we have to change the \CATCODE\ of these characters.
-%D This is done by \type{\unprotect} and \type{\protect}, for
-%D instance:
-%D \starttypen
-%D \unprotect
-%D \def\!test{test}
-%D \protect
-%D \stoptypen
-%D The defined command \type{\!test} can of course only be
-%D called upon when we are in the \type{\unprotect}'ed state,
-%D otherwise \TEX\ reads \type{\!} and probably complains
-%D loudly about not being in math mode.
-%D Both commands can be used nested, but only the \CATCODE\
-%D of the outermost level is saved. We make use of
-%D an auxilary macro \type{\doprotect} to prevent us from
-%D conflicts with existing macro's \type{\protect}. When
-%D nesting deeper than one level, the system shows the
-%D protection level.
- \def\protect{\message{<too much protection>}}
-%D Although we don't need the \type{%} after commands that
-%D don't take arguments, unless lines are obeyed, I decided
-%D to put it there as a reminder. I only mention this once.
- {\ifnum\protectionlevel=0
- \edef\doprotectcharacters%
- {\catcode`@=\the\catcode`@\relax
- \catcode`!=\the\catcode`!\relax
- \catcode`?=\the\catcode`?\relax}%
- \catcode`@=11
- \catcode`!=11
- \catcode`?=11
- \let\protect=\doprotect
- \fi
- \advance\protectionlevel by 1
- \ifnum\protectionlevel>1
- \message{<unprotect \the\protectionlevel>}%
- \fi}
- {\ifnum\protectionlevel=1
- \doprotectcharacters
- \let\protect=\normalprotect
- \fi
- \ifnum\protectionlevel>1
- \message{<protect \the\protectionlevel>}%
- \fi
- \advance\protectionlevel by -1\relax}
-%D Now it is defined, we can make use of this very useful
-%D macro.
-%D \macros
-%D {@@escape,@@begingroup,@@endgroup,@@mathshift,@@alignment,
-%D @@endofline,@@parameter,@@superscript,@@subscript,
-%D @@ignore,@@space,@@letter,@@other,@@active,@@comment}
-%D {}
-%D In \CONTEXT\ we sometimes manipulate the \CATCODES\ of
-%D certain characters. Because we are not that good at numbers,
-%D we introduce some symbolic names.
-\chardef\@@escape = 0
-\chardef\@@begingroup = 1
-\chardef\@@endgroup = 2
-\chardef\@@mathshift = 3
-\chardef\@@alignment = 4
-\chardef\@@endofline = 5
-\chardef\@@parameter = 6
-\chardef\@@superscript = 7
-\chardef\@@subscript = 8
-\chardef\@@ignore = 9
-\chardef\@@space = 10
-\chardef\@@letter = 11
-\chardef\@@other = 12 \chardef\other = 12
-\chardef\@@active = 13 \chardef\active = 13
-\chardef\@@comment = 14
-%D \macros
-%D {normalspace}
-%D {}
-%D We often need a space as defined in \PLAIN\ \TEX. Because
-%D we cannot be sure of \type{\space} is redefined, we define:
-\def\normalspace{ }
-%D \macros
-%D {scratchcounter,
-%D scratchdimen,scratchskip,scratchmuskip,
-%D scratchbox,
-%D scratchtoks
-%D ifdone}
-%D {}
-%D Because we often need counters on a temporary basis, we
-%D define the \COUNTER\ \type{\scratchcounter}. This is a
-%D real \COUNTER, and not a pseudo one, as we will meet
-%D further on. We also define some other scratch registers.
-\newcount \scratchcounter
-\newdimen \scratchdimen
-\newskip \scratchskip
-\newmuskip \scratchmuskip
-\newbox \scratchbox
-\newtoks \scratchtoks
-\newif \ifdone
-%D \macros
-%D {}
-%D In the system and support modules we sometimes show examples
-%D that make use of core commands. We can skip those parts of
-%D the documentation when we use another macropackage. Of
-%D course we default to false.
-\newif \ifCONTEXT
-%D \macros
-%D {!!count, !!toks, !!dimen, !!box,
-%D !!width, !!height, !!depth, !!string, !!done}
-%D {}
-%D We define some more \COUNTERS\ and \DIMENSIONS. We also
-%D define some shortcuts to the local scatchregisters~0, 2, 4,
-%D 6 and~8.
-\newcount\!!counta \toksdef\!!toksa=0 \dimendef\!!dimena=0 \chardef\!!boxa=0
-\newcount\!!countb \toksdef\!!toksb=2 \dimendef\!!dimenb=2 \chardef\!!boxb=2
-\newcount\!!countc \toksdef\!!toksc=4 \dimendef\!!dimenc=4 \chardef\!!boxc=4
-\newcount\!!countd \toksdef\!!toksd=6 \dimendef\!!dimend=6 \chardef\!!boxd=6
-\newcount\!!counte \toksdef\!!tokse=8 \dimendef\!!dimene=8 \chardef\!!boxe=8
-\def\!!stringa{} \def\!!stringb{} \def\!!stringc{}
-\def\!!stringd{} \def\!!stringe{} \def\!!stringf{}
-\newdimen\!!widtha \newdimen\!!heighta \newdimen\!!deptha \newif\if!!donea
-\newdimen\!!widthb \newdimen\!!heightb \newdimen\!!depthb \newif\if!!doneb
-%D \macros
-%D {s!,c!,e!,p!,v!,@@,??}
-%D {}
-%D To save memory, we use constants (sometimes called
-%D variables). Redefining these constants can have desastrous
-%D results.
-\def\v!prefix! {v!} \def\c!prefix! {c!}
-\def\s!prefix! {s!} \def\p!prefix! {p!}
-\def\s!next {next} \def\s!default {default}
-\def\s!dummy {dummy} \def\s!unknown {unknown}
-\def\s!do {do} \def\s!dodo {dodo}
-\def\s!complex {complex} \def\s!start {start}
-\def\s!simple {simple} \def\s!stop {stop}
-%D \macros
-%D {@EA,expanded}
-%D {}
-%D When in unprotected mode, to be entered with
-%D \type{\unprotect}, one can use \type{\@EA} as equivalent
-%D of \type{\expandafter}.
-%D Sometimes we pass macros as arguments to commands that
-%D don't expand them before interpretation. Such commands can
-%D be enclosed with \type{\expanded}, like:
-%D \starttypen
-%D \expanded{\setupsomething[\alfa]}
-%D \stoptypen
-%D Such situations occur for instance when \type{\alfa} is a
-%D commalist or when data stored in macros is fed to index of
-%D list commands. If needed, one should use \type{\noexpand}
-%D inside the argument. Later on we will meet some more clever
-%D alternatives to this command.
- {\edef\@@expanded{\noexpand#1}\@@expanded}
-%D \macros
-%D {gobbleoneargument,gobble...arguments}
-%D {}
-%D The next set of macros just do nothing, except that they
-%D get rid of a number of arguments.
-\long\def\gobbleoneargument #1{}
-\long\def\gobbletwoarguments #1#2{}
-\long\def\gobblethreearguments #1#2#3{}
-\long\def\gobblefourarguments #1#2#3#4{}
-\long\def\gobblefivearguments #1#2#3#4#5{}
-\long\def\gobblesixarguments #1#2#3#4#5#6{}
-\long\def\gobblesevenarguments #1#2#3#4#5#6#7{}
-\long\def\gobbleeightarguments #1#2#3#4#5#6#7#8{}
-\long\def\gobbleninearguments #1#2#3#4#5#6#7#8#9{}
-%D \macros
-%D {doifnextcharelse}
-%D {}
-%D When we started using \TEX\ in the late eighties, our
-%D first experiences with programming concerned a simple shell
-%D around \LATEX. The commands probably use most at \PRAGMA,
-%D are the itemizing ones. One of those few shell commands took
-%D care of an optional argument, that enabled us to specify
-%D what kind of item symbol we wanted. Without understanding
-%D anything we were able to locate a \LATEX\ macro that could
-%D be used to inspect the next character.
-%D It's this macro that the ancester of the next one presented
-%D here. It executes one of two actions, dependant of the next
-%D character. Disturbing spaces and line endings, which are
-%D normally interpreted as spaces too, are skipped.
-%D \starttypen
-%D \doifnextcharelse {karakter} {then ...} {else ...}
-%D \stoptypen
-%D This macro differs from the original in testing on
-%D \type{\endoflinetoken}, which of course we have to define
-%D first. We also use \type{\localnext} because we don't want
-%D clashes with \type{\next}.
- {\let\charactertoken=#1%
- \def\!!stringa{#2}%
- \def\!!stringb{#3}%
- \futurelet\nexttoken\inspectnextcharacter}
- {\ifx\nexttoken\blankspace
- \let\localnext\reinspectnextcharacter
- \else\ifx\!!stringc\endoflinetoken
- \let\localnext\reinspectnextcharacter
- \else\ifx\nexttoken\charactertoken
- \let\localnext\!!stringa
- \else
- \let\localnext\!!stringb
- \fi\fi\fi
- \localnext}
-%D This macro uses some auxiliary macros. Although we were able
-%D to program quite complicated things, I only understood these
-%D after rereading the \TEX book. The trick is in using a
-%D command with a one character name. Such commands differ from
-%D the longer ones in the fact that trailing spaces are {\em
-%D not} skipped. This enables us to indirectly define a long
-%D named macro that gobbles a space.
-%D In the first line we define \type{\blankspace}. Next we
-%D make \type{\:} equivalent to \type{\reinspect...}. This
-%D one||character command is expanded before the next
-%D \type{\def} comes into action. This way the space after
-%D \type{\:} becomes a delimiter of the longer named
-%D \type{\reinspectnextcharacter}. The chain reaction is
-%D visually compatible with the next sequence:
-%D \starttypen
-%D \expandafter\def\reinspectnextcharacter %
-%D {\futurelet\nexttoken\inspectnextcharacter}
-%D \stoptypen
-%D However complicated it may look, I'm still glad I stumbled
-%D into this construction.
-\def\:{\let\blankspace= } \:
-\expandafter\def\: {\futurelet\nexttoken\inspectnextcharacter}
-%D \macros
-%D {setvalue,setgvalue,setevalue,setxvalue,
-%D letvalue,
-%D getvalue,
-%D resetvalue}
-%D {}
-%D \TEX's primitive \type{\csname} can be used to construct
-%D all kind of commands that cannot be defined with
-%D \type{\def} and \type{\let}. Every macro programmer sooner
-%D or later wants macros like these.
-%D \starttypen
-%D \setvalue {naam}{...} = \def\naam{...}
-%D \setgvalue {naam}{...} = \gdef\naam{...}
-%D \setevalue {naam}{...} = \edef\naam{...}
-%D \setxvalue {naam}{...} = \xdef\naam{...}
-%D \letvalue {naam}=\... = \let\naam=\...
-%D \getvalue {naam} = \naam
-%D \resetvalue {naam} = \def\naam{}
-%D \stoptypen
-%D As we will see, \CONTEXT\ uses these commands many times,
-%D which is mainly due to its object oriented and parameter
-%D driven character.
- {\expandafter\def\csname#1\endcsname}
- {\expandafter\gdef\csname#1\endcsname}
- {\expandafter\edef\csname#1\endcsname}
- {\expandafter\xdef\csname#1\endcsname}
- {\csname#1\endcsname}
- {\expandafter\let\csname#1\endcsname}
- {\setvalue{#1}{}}
-%D \macros
-%D {donottest,unexpanded}
-%D {}
-%D When expansion of a macro gives problems, we can precede it
-%D by \type{\donottest}. It seems that protection is one of the
-%D burdens of developers of packages, so maybe that's why in
-%D e-\TeX\ protection will be solved in a more robust way.
-%D Sometimes prefixing the macro with \type{\donottest} leads
-%D to defining an auxiliary macro, like
-%D \starttypen
-%D \def\dosomecommand {... ... ...}
-%D \def\somecommand {\donottest\dosomecommand}
-%D \stoptypen
-%D This double definition can be made transparant by using
-%D \type{\protecte}, as in:
-%D \starttypen
-%D \unexpanded\def\somecommand{... ... ...}
-%D \stoptypen
-%D The protection mechanism uses:
- {==}
- {#1}
-%D By the way, we use a placeholder because we don't want
-%D interference when testing on empty strings. Using a
-%D placeholder of 8~characters increases the processing time
-%D of simple \type{\doifelse} tests by about 10 \%. When we
-%D process the test, we have to remove the braces and
-%D therefore explictly gobble \type{#1}.
-%D The fact that many macros have the same prefix, could have
-%D a negative impact on searching in the hash table. Because
-%D some simple testing does not show differences, we just use:
-%D \starttypen
-%D \def\unexpanded#1#2%
-%D {\@EA#1\@EA#2\@EA{\@EA\donottest\csname\s!do\string#2\endcsname}%
-%D \@EA#1\csname\s!do\string#2\endcsname}
-%D \stoptypen
-%D Well, in fact we use the bit more versaatile alternative:
- {\@EA#1\@EA{\@EA#2\@EA}%
- \@EA{\@EA\donottest\csname\s!do\@EA\string\csname#2\endcsname\endcsname}%
- \@EA#1{\s!do\@EA\string\csname#2\endcsname}}
- {\@EA#1\@EA#2\@EA{\@EA\donottest\csname\s!do\string#2\endcsname}%
- \@EA#1\csname\s!do\string#2\endcsname}
- {\def\dounexpanded%
- {\ifx\next\bgroup
- \@EA\dosetunexpanded
- \else
- \@EA\docomunexpanded
- \fi#1}%
- \futurelet\next\dounexpanded}
-%D This one accepts the more direct \type{\def} and cousins
-%D as well as the \CONTEXT\ specific \type{\setvalue} ones.
-%D And so the definition in our example turns out to be:
-%D \starttypen
-%D \def\csname do\somecommand\endcsname{... ... ...}
-%D \def\somecommand{\donottest\csname do\somecommand\endcsname}
-%D \stoptypen
-%D In which \type{do\somecommand} is hidden from the user and
-%D cannot lead to confusion. It's still permitted to define
-%D auxiliary macros like \type{\dosomecommand}.
-%D When we are going to use e-\TEX, we'll probably end up
-%D redefining some commands, but we can probably keep the
-%D \type{\unexpanded} ones unchanged.
-%D \macros
-%D {doifundefined,doifdefined,
-%D doifundefinedelse,doifdefinedelse,
-%D doifalldefinedelse}
-%D {}
-%D The standard way of testing if a macro is defined is
-%D comparing its meaning with another undefined one, usually
-%D \type{\undefined}. To garantee correct working of the next
-%D set of macros, \type{\undefined} may never be defined!
-%D \starttypen
-%D \doifundefined {string} {...}
-%D \doifdefined {string} {...}
-%D \doifundefinedelse {string} {then ...} {else ...}
-%D \doifdefinedelse {string} {then ...} {else ...}
-%D \doifalldefinedelse {commalist} {then ...} {else ...}
-%D \stoptypen
-%D Every macroname that \TEX\ builds gets an entry in the hash
-%D table, which is of limited size. It is expected that e-\TeX\
-%D will offer a less memory||consuming alternative.
-%D Although it will probably never be a big problem, it is good
-%D to be aware of the difference between testing on a macro
-%D name to be build by using \type{\csname} and
-%D \type{\endcsname} and testing the \type{\name} directly.
-%D \starttypen
-%D \expandafter\ifx\csname NameA\endcsname\relax ... \else ... \fi
-%D \ifx\NameB\undefined ... \else ... \fi
-%D \stoptypen
-%D I became aware of this when I mistakenly testen the first
-%D one against \type{\undefined}. When \TEX\ build a name using
-%D \type{\csname} it automatically sets it to \type{\relax},
-%D which is definitely not the same as \type{\undefined}. The
-%D quickest way to check these things is asking \TEX\ to show
-%D the meaning of the names:
-%D \starttypen
-%D \expandafter\show\csname NameA\endcsname
-%D \show\NameB
-%D \stoptypen
-%D The main reason why this never will be a big problem is that
-%D when one uses the \type{\csname} way, one probably has to do
-%D with some macroname that always is dealt with that way.
-%D Confusion can however arise when one applies both testing
-%D methods to the same macroname. By the way, the assignment
-%D of \type{\relax} obeys grouping.
-%D The first one gets rid of \type{#1}, but still expands to
-%D something and the second one expands to \type{#1}. Because
-%D we accept arguments between \type{{}}, we have to get rid
-%D of one level of braces.
-%D Our first implementation of \type{\ifundefined} was
-%D straightforward and readable:
-%D \starttypen
-%D \def\ifundefined#1%
-%D {\expandafter\ifx\csname#1\endcsname\relax}%
-%D \def\doifundefinedelse#1#2#3%
-%D {\let\donottest=\dontprocesstest
-%D \ifundefined{#1}%
-%D \let\donottest=\doprocesstest#2%
-%D \else
-%D \let\donottest=\doprocesstest#3%
-%D \fi}
-%D \def\doifdefinedelse#1#2#3%
-%D {\doifundefinedelse{#1}{#3}{#2}}
-%D \def\doifundefined#1#2%
-%D {\doifundefinedelse{#1}{#2}{}}
-%D \def\doifdefined#1#2%
-%D {\doifundefinedelse{#1}{}{#2}}
-%D \def\doifalldefinedelse#1#2#3%
-%D {\bgroup
-%D \donetrue
-%D \def\checkcommand##1%
-%D {\doifundefined{##1}{\donefalse}}%
-%D \processcommalist[#1]\checkcommand
-%D \ifdone
-%D \egroup#2%
-%D \else
-%D \egroup#3%
-%D \fi}
-%D \stoptypen
-%D When this module was optimized, timing showed that the
-%D next alternative can be upto twice as fast, especially when
-%D longer arguments are used.
- {\expandafter\ifx\csname#1\endcsname\relax}
- {\let\donottest=\dontprocesstest
- \expandafter\ifx\csname#1\endcsname\relax}
- {\p!doifundefined{#1}%
- \let\donottest=\doprocesstest#2%
- \else
- \let\donottest=\doprocesstest#3%
- \fi}
- {\p!doifundefined{#1}%
- \let\donottest=\doprocesstest#3%
- \else
- \let\donottest=\doprocesstest#2%
- \fi}
- {\p!doifundefined{#1}%
- \let\donottest=\doprocesstest#2%
- \else
- \let\donottest=\doprocesstest
- \fi}
- {\p!doifundefined{#1}%
- \let\donottest=\doprocesstest
- \else
- \let\donottest=\doprocesstest#2%
- \fi}
-%D Before we start using this variant, we used another one,
-%D which is even a bit faster. This one looked like:
-%D \starttypen
-%D \def\p!doifundefined%
-%D {\begingroup
-%D \let\donottest=\dontprocesstest
-%D \ifundefined}
-%D \def\doifundefinedelse#1#2#3%
-%D {\p!doifundefined{#1}%
-%D \endgroup#2%
-%D \else
-%D \endgroup#3%
-%D \fi}
-%D \stoptypen
-%D A even more previous version used \type{\bgroup} and
-%D \type{\egroup}. In math mode however, \type{$1{x}2$} differs
-%D from \type{$1x2$}. This can been seen when one compares the
-%D output of:
-%D \starttypen
-%D $\kern10pt\showthe\lastkern$
-%D $\kern10pt{\showthe\lastkern}$
-%D $\kern10pt\begingroup\showthe\lastkern\endgroup$
-%D \stoptypen
-%D When we were developing the scientific units module, we
-%D encountered different behavior in text and math mode, which
-%D was due to this grouping subtilities. We therefore decided
-%D to use \type{\begingroup} instead of \type{\bgroup}.
-%D Later, when we had optimized some macro's the grouped
-%D solution turned out to be unsafe when typesetting this
-%D documentation, especially when using \type{\globaldefs}.
-%D We still have to define \type{\doifalldefinedelse}. Watch
-%D the use of grouping, which garantees local use of the
-%D boolean \type{\ifdone}.
- {\ifundefined{#1}%
- \donefalse
- \fi}
- {\begingroup
- \let\donottest=\dontprocesstest
- \donetrue
- \processcommalist[#1]\docheckonedefined
- \ifdone
- \endgroup\let\donottest=\doprocesstest#2%
- \else
- \endgroup\let\donottest=\doprocesstest#3%
- \fi}
-%D \macros
-%D {doif,doifelse,doifnot,
-%D donottest}
-%D {}
-%D Programming in \TEX\ differs from programming in procedural
-%D languages like \MODULA. This means that one --- well, let me
-%D speek for myself --- tries to do the things in the well
-%D known way. Therefore the next set of \type{\ifthenelse}
-%D commands were between the first ones we needed. A few years
-%D later, the opposite became true: when programming in
-%D \MODULA, I sometimes miss handy things like grouping,
-%D runtime redefinition, expansion etc. While \MODULA\ taught
-%D me to structure, \TEX\ taught me to think recursive.
-%D \starttypen
-%D \doif {string1} {string2} {...}
-%D \doifnot {string1} {string2} {...}
-%D \doifelse {string1} {string2} {then ...}{else ...}
-%D \stoptypen
-%D When expansion gives problems, we can precede the
-%D troublemaker with \type{\donottest}.
-%D This implementatie does not use the construction which is
-%D more robust for nested conditionals.
-%D \starttypen
-%D \ifx\!!stringa\!!stringb
-%D \def\next{#3}%
-%D \else
-%D \def\next{#4}%
-%D \fi
-%D \next
-%D \stoptypen
-%D In practice, this alternative is at least 20\% slower than
-%D the alternative used here. The few cases in which we
-%D really need the \type{\next} construction, often need some
-%D other precautions and or adaptions too.
- {\let\donottest=\dontprocesstest
- \edef\!!stringa{#1}%
- \edef\!!stringb{#2}%
- \let\donottest=\doprocesstest
- \ifx\!!stringa\!!stringb
- #3%
- \fi}
- {\let\donottest=\dontprocesstest
- \edef\!!stringa{#1}%
- \edef\!!stringb{#2}%
- \let\donottest=\doprocesstest
- \ifx\!!stringa\!!stringb
- \else
- #3%
- \fi}
- {\let\donottest=\dontprocesstest
- \edef\!!stringa{#1}%
- \edef\!!stringb{#2}%
- \let\donottest=\doprocesstest
- \ifx\!!stringa\!!stringb
- #3%
- \else
- #4%
- \fi}
-%D One could wonder why we don't follow the the same approach
-%D as in \type{\doifdefined} c.s.\ and use \type{\begingroup}
-%D and \type{\endgroup}. In this case, this alternative is
-%D slower, which is probably due to the fact that more meanings
-%D need to be restored.
-%D The in terms of memory more efficient alternative using a
-%D auxiliary macro also proved to be slower, so we definitely
-%D did not choose for:
-%D \starttypen
-%D \def\p!doifelse#1#2%
-%D {\let\donottest=\dontprocesstest
-%D \edef\!!stringa{#1}%
-%D \edef\!!stringb{#2}%
-%D \let\donottest=\doprocesstest
-%D \ifx\!!stringa\!!stringb}
-%D \long\def\doif#1#2#3%
-%D {\p!doifelse{#1}{#2}#3\fi}
-%D \long\def\doifnot#1#2#3%
-%D {\p!doifelse{#1}{#2}\else#3\fi}
-%D \long\def\doifelse#1#2#3#4%
-%D {\p!doifelse{#1}{#2}#3\else#4\fi}
-%D \stoptypen
-%D Optimizations like this are related of course to the
-%D bottlenecks in \TEX. It seems that restoring saved meanings
-%D and passing arguments takes some time.
-%D \macros
-%D {doifempty,doifemptyelse,doifnotempty}
-%D {}
-%D We complete our set of conditionals with:
-%D \starttypen
-%D \doifempty {string} {...}
-%D \doifnot {string} {...}
-%D \doifemptyelse {string} {then ...} {else ...}
-%D \stoptypen
-%D This time, the string is not expanded.
- {\def\!!stringa{#1}%
- \ifx\!!stringa\empty
- #2%
- \else
- #3%
- \fi}
- {\def\!!stringa{#1}%
- \ifx\!!stringa\empty
- #2%
- \fi}
- {\def\!!stringa{#1}%
- \ifx\!!stringa\empty
- \else
- #2%
- \fi}
-%D \macros
-%D {doifinset,doifnotinset,doifinsetelse}
-%D {}
-%D We can check if a string is present in a comma separated
-%D set of strings. Depending on the result, some action is
-%D taken.
-%D \starttypen
-%D \doifinset {string} {string,...} {...}
-%D \doifnotinset {string} {string,...} {...}
-%D \doifinsetelse {string} {string,...} {then ...} {else ...}
-%D \stoptypen
-%D The second argument is the comma separated set of strings.
-%D \starttypen
-%D \long\def\doifinsetelse#1#2#3#4%
-%D {\doifelse{#1}{}
-%D {#4}
-%D {\donefalse
-%D \def\v!checkiteminset##1%
-%D {\doif{#1}{##1}
-%D {\donetrue
-%D \let\v!checkiteminset=\gobbleoneargument}}%
-%D \processcommalist[#2]\v!checkiteminset
-%D \ifdone
-%D #3%
-%D \else
-%D #4%
-%D \fi}}
-%D \long\def\doifinset#1#2#3%
-%D {\doifinsetelse{#1}{#2}{#3}{}}
-%D \long\def\doifnotinset#1#2#3%
-%D {\doifinsetelse{#1}{#2}{}{#3}}
-%D \stoptypen
-%D Because this macro is called quite often we've spent some
-%D time optimizing it. This time, the gain in speed is due to
-%D (1)~defining an external auxiliary macro, (2)~not calling
-%D any other macros and (3)~minimizing the passing of
-%D arguments. The gain in speed is impressive.
- {\edef\!!stringb{#1}%
- \ifx\!!stringa\!!stringb
- \donetrue
- \let\p!docheckiteminset=\gobbleoneargument
- \fi}
- {\let\donottest=\dontprocesstest
- \donefalse
- \edef\!!stringa{#1}%
- \ifx\!!stringa\empty
- \else
- \let\p!docheckiteminset=\p!dodocheckiteminset
- \processcommalist[#2]\p!docheckiteminset
- \fi
- \let\donottest=\doprocesstest
- \ifdone}
- {\p!doifinsetelse{#1}{#2}%
- #3%
- \else
- #4%
- \fi}
- {\p!doifinsetelse{#1}{#2}%
- #3%
- \fi}
- {\p!doifinsetelse{#1}{#2}%
- \else
- #3%
- \fi}
-%D \macros
-%D {doifcommon,doifnotcommon,doifcommonelse}
-%D {}
-%D Probably the most time consuming tests are those that test
-%D for overlap in sets of strings.
-%D \starttypen
-%D \doifcommon {string,...} {string,...} {...}
-%D \doifnotcommon {string,...} {string,...} {...}
-%D \doifcommonelse {string,...} {string,...} {then ...} {else ...}
-%D \stoptypen
-%D We show the slower alternative first, because it shows us
-%D how things are done.
-%D \starttypen
-%D \long\def\doifcommonelse#1#2#3#4%
-%D {\donefalse
-%D \def\p!docommoncheck##1%
-%D {\def\p!dodocommoncheck####1%
-%D {\doif{####1}{##1}
-%D {\donetrue
-%D \def\commalistelement{##1}%
-%D \let\p!docommoncheck=\gobbleoneargument
-%D \let\p!dodocommoncheck=\gobbleoneargument}}%
-%D \processcommalist[#2]\p!dodocommoncheck}%
-%D \processcommalist[#1]\p!docommoncheck
-%D \ifdone
-%D #3%
-%D \else
-%D #4%
-%D \fi}
-%D \long\def\doifcommon#1#2#3%
-%D {\doifcommonelse{#1}{#2}{#3}{}}
-%D \long\def\doifnotcommon#1#2#3%
-%D {\doifcommonelse{#1}{#2}{}{#3}}
-%D \stoptypen
-%D The processing time is shortened by getting the auxiliary
-%D macro to the outermost level and using less \type{\edef}'s.
-%D Sometimes it makes more sence to define local macro's not
-%D only because this way we can be sure that they are not
-%D redefined, but also because it shows the dependance. In
-%D compiled languages, this is no problem at all. It can even
-%D save us bytes and processing time. In interpreted languages
-%D like \TEX\ it nearly always slows down processing.
- {\edef\!!stringb{#1}%
- \ifx\!!stringa\!!stringb
- \donetrue
- \let\p!docommoncheck\gobbleoneargument
- \let\p!dodocommoncheck\gobbleoneargument
- \fi}
- {\donefalse
- \let\donottest\dontprocesstest
- \let\p!dodocommoncheck\p!dododocommoncheck
- \def\p!docommoncheck##1%
- {\edef\!!stringa{##1}%
- \def\commalistelement{##1}%
- \processcommalist[#2]\p!dodocommoncheck}%
- \processcommalist[#1]\p!docommoncheck
- \let\donottest\doprocesstest
- \ifdone}
- {\p!doifcommonelse{#1}{#2}%
- #3%
- \else
- #4%
- \fi}
- {\p!doifcommonelse{#1}{#2}%
- #3%
- \fi}
- {\p!doifcommonelse{#1}{#2}%
- \else
- #3%
- \fi}
-%D \macros
-%D {processcommalist,processcommacommand,
-%D processcommalistwithparameters}
-%D {}
-%D We've already seen some macros that take care of comma
-%D separated lists. Such list can be processed with
-%D \starttypen
-%D \processcommalist[string,string,...]\commando
-%D \stoptypen
-%D The user supplied command \type{\commando} receives one
-%D argument: the string. This command permits nesting and
-%D spaces after commas are skipped. Empty sets are no problem.
-%D \startbuffer
-%D \def\dosomething#1{(#1)}
-%D \processcommalist [\hbox{$a,b,c,d,e,f$}] \dosomething \par
-%D \processcommalist [{a,b,c,d,e,f}] \dosomething \par
-%D \processcommalist [{a,b,c},d,e,f] \dosomething \par
-%D \processcommalist [a,b,{c,d,e},f] \dosomething \par
-%D \processcommalist [a{b,c},d,e,f] \dosomething \par
-%D \processcommalist [{a,b}c,d,e,f] \dosomething \par
-%D \processcommalist [] \dosomething \par
-%D \processcommalist [{[}] \dosomething \par
-%D \stopbuffer
-%D \typebuffer
-%D Before we show the result, we present the macro's:
- {\csname\s!next\the\commalevel\endcsname}
- {\ifx\nexttoken\blankspace
- \let\nextcommaitem\redoprocesscommaitem
- %\else\ifx\nexttoken\endoflinetoken
- %\let\nextcommaitem\redoprocesscommaitem
- \else\ifx\nexttoken]%
- \let\nextcommaitem=\gobbleoneargument
- \else
- \let\nextcommaitem=\dododoprocesscommaitem
- \fi\fi%\fi
- \nextcommaitem}
- {\futurelet\nexttoken\dodoprocesscommaitem}
- {\advance\commalevel by 1\relax
- \long\expandafter\def\csname\s!next\the\commalevel\endcsname##1,%
- {#2{##1}\doprocesscommaitem}%
- \doprocesscommaitem#1,]\relax
- \advance\commalevel by -1\relax}
-%D Empty arguments are not processed. Empty items (\type{,,})
-%D however are treated.
- {\ifx\nexttoken]%
- \let\nextcommaitem=\gobbletwoarguments
- \else
- \let\nextcommaitem=\doprocesscommalist
- \fi
- \nextcommaitem}
- {\futurelet\nexttoken\docheckcommaitem}
-%D We use the same hack for checking the next character, that
-%D we use in \type{\doifnextcharelse}.
-\expandafter\def\: {\futurelet\nexttoken\dodoprocesscommaitem}
-%D The previous examples lead to:
-%D \haalbuffer
-%D When a list is saved in a macro, we can use a construction
-%D like:
-%D \starttypen
-%D \expandafter\processcommalist\expandafter[\list]\command
-%D \stoptypen
-%D Such solutions suit most situations, but we wanted a bit
-%D more.
-%D \starttypen
-%D \processcommacommand[string,\stringset,string]\commando
-%D \stoptypen
-%D where \type{\stringset} is a predefined set, like:
-%D \starttypen
-%D \def\first{aap,noot,mies}
-%D \def\second{laatste}
-%D \processcommacommand[\first]\message
-%D \processcommacommand[\first,second,third]\message
-%D \processcommacommand[\first,between,\second]\message
-%D \stoptypen
-%D Commands that are part of the list are expanded, so the
-%D use of this macro has it slimits.
- {\edef\commacommand{#1}%
- \toks0=\expandafter{\expandafter[\commacommand]}%
- \expandafter\processcommalist\the\toks0 }
-%D The argument to \type{\command} is not delimited. Because
-%D we often use \type{[]} as delimiters, we also have:
-%D \starttypen
-%D \processcommalistwithparameters[string,string,...]\command
-%D \stoptypen
-%D where \type{\command} looks like:
-%D \starttypen
-%D \def\command[#1]{... #1 ...}
-%D \stoptypen
- {\def\docommand##1{#2[##1]}%
- \processcommalist[#1]\docommand}
-%D \macros
-%D {processaction,
-%D processfirstactioninset,
-%D processallactionsinset}
-%D {}
-%D \CONTEXT\ makes extensive use of a sort of case or switch
-%D command. Depending of the presence of one or more provided
-%D items, some actions is taken. These macros can be nested
-%D without problems.
-%D \starttypen
-%D \processaction [x] [a=>\a,b=>\b,c=>\c]
-%D \processfirstactioninset [x,y,z] [a=>\a,b=>\b,c=>\c]
-%D \processallactionsinset [x,y,z] [a=>\a,b=>\b,c=>\c]
-%D \stoptypen
-%D We can supply both a \type{default} action and an action
-%D to be undertaken when an \type{unknown} value is met:
-%D \starttypen
-%D \processallactionsinset
-%D [x,y,z]
-%D [ a=>\a,
-%D b=>\b,
-%D c=>\c,
-%D default=>\default,
-%D unknown=>\unknown{... \commalistelement ...}]
-%D \stoptypen
-%D When \type{#1} is empty, this macro scans list \type{#2} for
-%D the keyword \type{default} and executed the related action
-%D if present. When \type{#1} is non empty and not in the list,
-%D the action related to \type{unknown} is executed. Both
-%D keywords must be at the end of list \type{#2}. Afterwards,
-%D the actually found keyword is available in
-%D \type{\commalistelement}. An advanced example of the use of
-%D this macro can be found in \PPCHTEX, where we completely
-%D rely on \TEX\ for interpreting user supplied keywords like
-%D \type{SB}, \type{SB1..6}, \type{SB125} etc.
-%D Even a quick glance at the macros below show some overlap,
-%D which means that more efficient alternatives are possible.
-%D Because these macro's are very sensitive to subtle changes,
-%D we've decided to present the readable originals first
-%D Maybe these these macros look complicated, but this is a
-%D direct result of the support of nesting. Protection is only
-%D applied in \type{\processaction}.
-%D \starttypen
-%D \newcount\processlevel
-%D \def\processaction[#1]#2[#3]%
-%D {\doifelse{#1}{}
-%D {\def\c!compareprocessaction[##1=>##2]%
-%D {\edef\!!stringa{##1}%
-%D \ifx\!!stringa\s!default
-%D \def\commalistelement{#1}%
-%D ##2%
-%D \fi}}
-%D {\let\donottest=\dontprocesstest
-%D \edef\!!stringb{#1}%
-%D \let\donottest=\doprocesstest
-%D \def\c!compareprocessaction[##1=>##2]%
-%D {\edef\!!stringa{##1}%
-%D \ifx\!!stringa\!!stringb
-%D \def\commalistelement{#1}%
-%D ##2%
-%D \let\c!doprocessaction=\gobbleoneargument
-%D \else\ifx\!!stringa\s!unknown
-%D \def\commalistelement{#1}%
-%D ##2%
-%D \fi\fi}}%
-%D \def\c!doprocessaction##1%
-%D {\c!compareprocessaction[##1]}%
-%D \processcommalist[#3]\c!doprocessaction}
-%D \def\processfirstactioninset[#1]#2[#3]%
-%D {\doifelse{#1}{}
-%D {\processaction[][#3]}
-%D {\def\c!compareprocessaction[##1=>##2][##3]%
-%D {\edef\!!stringa{##1}%
-%D \edef\!!stringb{##3}%
-%D \ifx\!!stringa\!!stringb
-%D \def\commalistelement{##3}%
-%D ##2%
-%D \let\c!doprocessaction=\gobbleoneargument
-%D \let\c!dodoprocessaction=\gobbleoneargument
-%D \else\ifx\!!stringa\s!unknown
-%D \def\commalistelement{##3}%
-%D ##2%
-%D \fi\fi}%
-%D \def\c!doprocessaction##1%
-%D {\def\c!dodoprocessaction####1%
-%D {\c!compareprocessaction[####1][##1]}%
-%D \processcommalist[#3]\c!dodoprocessaction}%
-%D \processcommalist[#1]\c!doprocessaction}}
-%D \def\processallactionsinset[#1]#2[#3]%
-%D {\doifelse{#1}{}
-%D {\processaction[][#3]}
-%D {\advance\processlevel by 1\relax
-%D \def\c!compareprocessaction[##1=>##2][##3]%
-%D {\edef\!!stringa{##1}%
-%D \edef\!!stringb{##3}%
-%D \ifx\!!stringa\!!stringb
-%D \def\commalistelement{##3}%
-%D ##2%
-%D \let\c!dodoprocessaction=\gobbleoneargument
-%D \else\ifx\!!stringa\s!unknown
-%D \def\commalistelement{##3}%
-%D ##2%
-%D \fi\fi}%
-%D \setvalue{\s!do\the\processlevel}##1%
-%D {\def\c!dodoprocessaction####1%
-%D {\c!compareprocessaction[####1][##1]}%
-%D \processcommalist[#3]\c!dodoprocessaction}%
-%D \processcommalist[#1]{\getvalue{\s!do\the\processlevel}}%
-%D \advance\processlevel by -1\relax}}
-%D \stoptypen
-%D The gain of speed in the final implementation is around
-%D 20\%, depending on the application.
- {\edef\!!stringb{#1}%
- \ifx\!!stringb\s!default
- #2%
- \fi}
- {\expandedaction\!!stringb{#1}%
- \ifx\!!stringa\!!stringb
- \def\commalistelement{#1}%
- #2%
- \let\p!doprocessaction=\gobbleoneargument
- \else
- \edef\!!stringb{#1}%
- \ifx\!!stringb\s!unknown
- \def\commalistelement{#1}%
- #2%
- \fi
- \fi}
- {\let\donottest=\dontprocesstest
- \expandedaction\!!stringa{#1}%
- \let\donottest=\doprocesstest
- \ifx\!!stringa\empty
- \let\v!compareprocessaction=\v!compareprocessactionA
- \else
- \let\v!compareprocessaction=\v!compareprocessactionB
- \fi
- \def\p!doprocessaction##1%
- {\v!compareprocessaction[##1]}%
- \processcommalist[#3]\p!doprocessaction
- \expandactions}
- {\expandedaction\!!stringa{#1}%
- \expandedaction\!!stringb{#3}%
- \ifx\!!stringa\!!stringb
- \def\commalistelement{#3}%
- #2%
- \let\p!doprocessaction=\gobbleoneargument
- \let\p!dodoprocessaction=\gobbleoneargument
- \else
- \edef\!!stringa{#1}%
- \ifx\!!stringa\s!unknown
- \def\commalistelement{#3}%
- #2%
- \fi
- \fi}
- {\expandedaction\!!stringa{#1}%
- \ifx\!!stringa\empty
- \processaction[][#3]%
- \else
- \def\p!doprocessaction##1%
- {\def\p!dodoprocessaction####1%
- {\v!compareprocessactionC[####1][##1]}%
- \processcommalist[#3]\p!dodoprocessaction}%
- \processcommalist[#1]\p!doprocessaction
- \fi
- \expandactions}
- {\expandedaction\!!stringa{#1}%
- \expandedaction\!!stringb{#3}%
- \ifx\!!stringa\!!stringb
- \def\commalistelement{#3}%
- #2%
- \let\p!dodoprocessaction=\gobbleoneargument
- \else
- \edef\!!stringa{#1}%
- \ifx\!!stringa\s!unknown
- \def\commalistelement{#3}%
- #2%
- \fi
- \fi}
- {\expandedaction\!!stringa{#1}%
- \ifx\!!stringa\empty
- \processaction[][#3]%
- \else
- \advance\processlevel by 1\relax
- \setvalue{\s!do\the\processlevel}##1%
- {\def\p!dodoprocessaction####1%
- {\v!compareprocessactionD[####1][##1]}%
- \processcommalist[#3]\p!dodoprocessaction}%
- \processcommalist[#1]{\getvalue{\s!do\the\processlevel}}%
- \advance\processlevel by -1\relax
- \fi
- \expandactions}
-%D \macros
-%D {unexpandedprocessaction,
-%D unexpandedprocessfirstactioninset,
-%D unexpandedprocessallactionsinset}
-%D {}
-%D Now what are those expansion commands doing there. Well,
-%D sometimes we want to compare actions that may consist off
-%D commands (i.e. are no constants). In such occasions we can
-%D use the a bit slower alternatives:
-\def\unexpandedprocessaction {\dontexpandactions\processaction}
-\def\unexpandedprocessallactionsinset {\dontexpandactions\processallactionsinset}
-%D By default we expand actions:
- {\let\expandedaction=\edef}
-%D But when needed we convert the strings to meaningful
-%D sequences of characters.
- {\def\convertedargument{#2}%
- \@EA\edef\@EA#1\@EA{\@EA\unexpandedaction\meaning\convertedargument}}
- {\let\expandedaction=\noexpandedaction}
-%D \macros
-%D {getfirstcharacter,firstcharacter}
-%D {}
-%D Sometimes the action to be undertaken depends on the
-%D next character. This macro get this character and puts it in
-%D \type{\firstcharacter}.
-%D \starttypen
-%D \getfirstcharacter {string}
-%D \stoptypen
-%D A two step expansion is used to prevent problems with
-%D complicated arguments, for instance arguments that
-%D consist of two or more expandable tokens.
- {\def\firstcharacter{#1}}
- {\edef\!!stringa{#1}%
- \expandafter\dogetfirstcharacter\!!stringa\\}
-%D \macros
-%D {doifinstringelse}
-%D {}
-%D We can check for the presence of a substring in a given
-%D sequence of characters.
-%D \starttypen
-%D \doifinsetelse {substring} {string} {then ...} {else ...}
-%D \stoptypen
-%D An application of this command can be found further on.
-%D Like before, we first show some alternatives, like the one
-%D we started with:
-%D \starttypen
-%D \long\def\p!doifinstringelse#1#2#3#4%
-%D {\def\c!doifinstringelse##1#1##2##3\war%
-%D {\if##2@%
-%D #4%
-%D \else
-%D #3%
-%D \fi}%
-%D \c!doifinstringelse#2#1@@\war}
-%D \def\doifinstringelse%
-%D {\ExpandBothAfter\p!doifinstringelse}
-%D \stoptypen
-%D After this we came to:
-%D \starttypen
-%D \def\p!doifinstringelse#1#2%
-%D {\def\c!doifinstringelse##1#1##2##3\war%
-%D {\if##2@}%
-%D \c!doifinstringelse#2#1@@\war}
-%D \def\doifinstringelse#1#2#3#4%
-%D {\ExpandBothAfter\p!doifinstringelse{#1}{#2}%
-%D #4%
-%D \else
-%D #3%
-%D \fi}
-%D \stoptypen
-%D And finaly it became:
- {\def\c!ifinstringelse##1#1##2##3\war%
- {\csname\if##2@iffalse\else iftrue\fi\endcsname}%
- \c!ifinstringelse#2#1@@\war}
- {\expanded{\v!ifinstringelse{#1}{#2}}}
- {\ifinstringelse{#1}{#2}%
- #3%
- \else
- #4%
- \fi}
-%D \macros
-%D {doifnumberelse}
-%D {}
-%D The next macro executes a command depending of the outcome
-%D of a test on numerals. This is probably one of the fastest
-%D test possible, exept from a less robust 10||step
-%D \type{\if}||ladder or some tricky \type{\lcode} checking.
-%D \starttypen
-%D \doifnumberelse {string} {then ...} {else ...}
-%D \stoptypen
-%D The macro accepts \type{123}, \type{abc}, \type{{}},
-%D \type{\getal} and \type{\the\count...}.
- {\getfirstcharacter{#1}%
- \@EA\ifinstringelse\firstcharacter{1234567890}%
- #2%
- \else
- #3%
- \fi}
-%D Before we had \type{\ifinstringelse} available, we used:
-%D \starttypen
-%D \def\doifnumberelse#1%
-%D {\getfirstcharacter{#1}%
-%D \rawdoifinsetelse{\firstcharacter}{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0}}
-%D \stoptypen
-%D A faster but less fail safe alternative is:
-%D \starttypen
-%D \dostepwiserecurse{0}{9}{1}
-%D {\@EA\uccode\@EA`\recurselevel=1}
-%D \long\def\doifnumberelse#1#2#3%
-%D {\getfirstcharacter{#1}%
-%D \@EA\ifnum\@EA\uccode\@EA`\firstcharacter=1
-%D #2%
-%D \else
-%D #3%
-%D \fi}
-%D \stoptypen
-%D This one only works when the \type{\firstcharacter} is
-%D indeed a character. Numbers and strings of characters go
-%D all right, but arguments like \type{\relax} let things
-%D go wrong.
-%D \macros
-%D {makerawcommalist,
-%D rawdoinsetelse,
-%D rawprocesscommalist,
-%D rawprocessaction}
-%D {}
-%D Some of the commands mentioned earlier are effective but
-%D slow. When one is desperately in need of faster alternatives
-%D and when the conditions are predictable safe, the \type{\raw}
-%D alternatives come into focus. A major drawback is that
-%D they do not take \type{\c!constants} into account, simply
-%D because no expansion is done. This is no problem with
-%D \type{\rawprocesscommalist}, because this macro does not
-%D compare anything. Expandable macros are permitted as search
-%D string.
-%D \starttypen
-%D \makerawcommalist[string,string,...]\stringlist
-%D \rawdoifinsetelse{string}{string,...}{...}{...}
-%D \rawprocesscommalist[string,string,...]\commando
-%D \rawprocessaction[x][a=>\a,b=>\b,c=>\c]
-%D \stoptypen
-%D Spaces embedded in the list, for instance after commas,
-%D spoil the search process. The gain in speed depends on the
-%D length of the argument (the longer the argument, the less
-%D we gain).
- {\def\appendtocommalist##1%
- {\doifelse{#2}{}
- {\edef#2{##1}}
- {\edef#2{#2,##1}}}%
- \def#2{}%
- \processcommalist[#1]\appendtocommalist}
- {\if]#1\else
- \csname\s!next\the\commalevel\endcsname{#1}%
- \expandafter\rawprocesscommaitem
- \fi}
- {\advance\commalevel by 1\relax
- \expandafter\let\csname\s!next\the\commalevel\endcsname=#2%
- \expandafter\rawprocesscommaitem#1,],\relax
- \advance\commalevel by -1\relax}
- {\doifinstringelse{,#1,}{,#2,}}
- {\def\c!rawprocessaction##1,#1=>##2,##3\war%
- {\if##3@\else
- \def\v!processaction{##2}%
- \fi}%
- \c!rawprocessaction,#2,#1=>,@\war}
- {\edef\!!stringa{#1}%
- \edef\!!stringb{undefined}%
- \let\v!processaction=\!!stringb
- \ifx\!!stringa\empty
- \@EA\v!rawprocessaction\@EA[\s!default][#3]%
- \else
- \expandafter\v!rawprocessaction\expandafter[\!!stringa][#3]%
- \ifx\v!processaction\!!stringb
- \@EA\v!rawprocessaction\@EA[\s!unknown][#3]%
- \fi
- \fi
- \ifx\v!processaction\!!stringb
- \else
- \v!processaction
- \fi}
-%D When we process the list \type{a,b,c,d,e}, the raw routine
-%D takes over 30\% less time, when we feed $20+$ character
-%D strings we gain about 20\%. Alternatives which use
-%D \type{\futurelet} perform worse. Part of the speedup is
-%D due to the \type{\let} and \type{\expandafter} in the test.
-%D \macros
-%D {processunexpandedcommalist}
-%D {}
-%D When processing commalists, the arguments are expanded. The
-%D main reason for doing so lays in the fact that these
-%D macros are used for interfacing. The next alternative can be used
-%D for
-%D \starttypen
-%D \processunexpandedcommalist
-%D [\alfa\beta,\gamma,\delta\epsilon]
-%D \handleitem
-%D \stoptypen
-%D This time nesting is not supported.
- {\if]\noexpand#1%
- \let\nextcommaitem=\relax
- \else
- \handleunexpandedcommaitem{#1}%
- \let\nextcommaitem=\processunexpandedcommaitem
- \fi
- \nextcommaitem}
- {\def\handleunexpandedcommaitem{#2}%
- \processunexpandedcommaitem#1,],\relax}
-%D Or faster:
- {\if]\noexpand#1\else
- \handleunexpandedcommaitem{#1}%
- \expandafter\processunexpandedcommaitem
- \fi}
-%D \macros
-%D {dosetvalue,dosetevalue,docopyvalue,doresetvalue,
-%D dogetvalue}
-%D {}
-%D When we are going to do assignments, we have to take
-%D multi||linguality into account. For the moment we keep
-%D things simple and single||lingual.
-%D \starttypen
-%D \dosetvalue {label} {variable} {value}
-%D \dosetevalue {label} {variable} {value}
-%D \docopyvalue {to label} {from label} {variable}
-%D \doresetvalue {label} {variable}
-%D \stoptypen
-%D These macros are in fact auxiliary ones and are not meant
-%D for use outside the assignment macros.
-\def\dosetvalue#1#2% #3
- {\@EA\def\csname#1#2\endcsname} % {#3}}
-\def\dosetevalue#1#2% #3
- {\@EA\edef\csname#1#2\endcsname} % {#3}}
- {\@EA\def\csname#1#2\endcsname{}}
- {\@EA\def\csname#1#3\endcsname{\csname#2#3\endcsname}}
-%D \macros
-%D {doassign,undoassign,doassignempty}
-%D {}
-%D Assignments are the backbone of \CONTEXT. Abhorred by the
-%D concept of style file hacking, we took a considerable effort
-%D in building a parameterized system. Unfortunately there is a
-%D price to pay in terms of speed. Compared to other packages
-%D and taking the functionality of \CONTEXT\ into account, the
-%D total size of the format file is still very acceptable. Now
-%D how are these assignments done.
-%D Assignments can be realized with:
-%D \starttypen
-%D \doassign[label][variable=value]
-%D \undoassign[label][variable=value]
-%D \stoptypen
-%D and:
-%D \starttypen
-%D \doassignempty[label][variable=value]
-%D \stoptypen
-%D Assignments like \type{\doassign} are compatible with:
-%D \starttypen
-%D \def\labelvariable{value}
-%D \stoptypen
-%D We do check for the presence of an \type{=} and loudly
-%D complain of it's missed. We will redefine this macro later
-%D on, when a more advanced message mechanism is implemented.
-% {\let\donottest=\dontprocesstest
-% \edef\!!stringa{#5}%
-% \let\!!stringb=\relax
-% \let\donottest=\doprocesstest
-% \ifx\!!stringa\!!stringb
-% \writestatus
-% {setup}
-% {missing '=' after '#3' in line \the\inputlineno}%
-% \else
-% #1{#2}{#3}{#4}%
-% \fi}
-\def\p!doassign#1[#2][#3=#4=#5]% redefined in mult-ini
- {\ifx\empty#3\else % and definitely not \ifx#3\empty
- \ifx\relax#5%
- \writestatus
- {setup}
- {missing '=' after '#3' in line \the\inputlineno}%
- \else
- #1{#2}{#3}{#4}%
- \fi
- \fi}
- {\p!doassign\dosetvalue[#1][#2==\relax]}
- {\p!doassign\dosetevalue[#1][#2==\relax]}
- {\p!doassign\doresetvalue[#1][#2==\relax]}
- {\doifundefined{#1#2}
- {\dosetvalue{#1}{#2}{#3}}}
-%D \macros
-%D {getparameters,geteparameters,forgetparameters}
-%D {}
-%D Using the assignment commands directly is not our
-%D ideal of user friendly interfacing, so we take some further
-%D steps.
-%D \starttypen
-%D \getparameters [label] [...=...,...=...]
-%D \forgetparameters [label] [...=...,...=...]
-%D \stoptypen
-%D Again, the label identifies the category a variable
-%D belongs to. The second argument can be a comma separated
-%D list of assignments.
-%D \starttypen
-%D \getparameters
-%D [demo]
-%D [alfa=1,
-%D beta=2]
-%D \stoptypen
-%D is equivalent to
-%D \starttypen
-%D \def\demoalfa{1}
-%D \def\demobeta{2}
-%D \stoptypen
-%D In the pre||multi||lingual stadium \CONTEXT\ took the next
-%D approach. With
-%D \starttypen
-%D \def\??demo {@@demo}
-%D \def\!!alfa {alfa}
-%D \def\!!beta {beta}
-%D \stoptypen
-%D calling
-%D \starttypen
-%D \getparameters
-%D [\??demo]
-%D [\!!alfa=1,
-%D \!!beta=2]
-%D \stoptypen
-%D lead to:
-%D \starttypen
-%D \def\@@demoalfa{1}
-%D \def\@@demobeta{2}
-%D \stoptypen
-%D Because we want to be able to distinguish the \type{!!}
-%D pre||tagged user supplied variables from internal
-%D counterparts, we will introduce a slightly different tag in
-%D the multi||lingual modules. There we will use \type{c!} or
-%D \type{v!}, depending on the context.
-%D By calling \type{\p!doassign} directly, we save ourselves
-%D some argument passing and gain some speed. Whatever
-%D optimizations we do, this command will always be one of the
-%D bigger bottlenecks.
-%D The alternative \type{\geteparameters} --- it's funny to
-%D see that this alternative saw the light so lately --- can be
-%D used to do expanded assigments.
- {\def\p!dogetparameter##1%
- {\p!doassign#1[#2][##1==\relax]}%
- \processcommalist[#4]\p!dogetparameter}
- {\dogetparameters\dosetvalue}
- {\dogetparameters\dosetevalue}
- {\dogetparameters\doresetvalue}
-%D \macros
-%D {getemptyparameters}
-%D {}
-%D Sometimes we explicitly want variables to default to an
-%D empty string, so we welcome:
-%D \starttypen
-%D \getemptyparameters [label] [...=...,...=...]
-%D \stoptypen
- {\def\p!dogetemptyparameter##1%
- {\doassignempty[#1][##1]}%
- \processcommalist[#3]\p!dogetemptyparameter}
-%D \macros
-%D {copyparameters}
-%D {}
-%D Some \CONTEXT\ commands take their default setups from
-%D others. All commands that are able to provide backgounds
-%D or rules around some content, for instance default to the
-%D standard command for ruled boxes. Is situations like this
-%D we can use:
-%D \starttypen
-%D \copyparameters [to-label] [from-label] [name1,name2,...]
-%D \stoptypen
-%D For instance
-%D \starttypen
-%D \copyparameters
-%D [internal][external]
-%D [alfa,beta]
-%D \stoptypen
-%D Leads to:
-%D \starttypen
-%D \def\internalalfa {\externalalfa}
-%D \def\internalbeta {\externalbeta}
-%D \stoptypen
-%D By using \type{\docopyvalue} we've prepared this command
-%D for use in a multi||lingual environment.
- {\doifnot{#1}{#3}
- {\def\docopyparameter##1%
- {\docopyvalue{#1}{#3}{##1}}%
- \processcommalist[#5]\docopyparameter}}
-%D \macros
-%D {doifassignmentelse}
-%D {}
-%D A lot of \CONTEXT\ commands take optional arguments, for
-%D instance:
-%D \starttypen
-%D \dothisorthat[alfa,beta]
-%D \dothisorthat[first=foo,second=bar]
-%D \dothisorthat[alfa,beta][first=foo,second=bar]
-%D \stoptypen
-%D Although a combined solution is possible, we prefer a
-%D seperation. The next command takes care of propper
-%D handling of such multi||faced commands.
-%D \starttypen
-%D \doifassignmentelse {...} {then ...} {else ...}
-%D \stoptypen
- {\doifinstringelse{=}}
-%D \macros
-%D {ifparameters,checkparameters}
-%D {}
-%D A slightly different one is \type{\checkparameters}, which
-%D also checks on the presence of a~\type{=}.
-%D The boolean \type{\ifparameters} can be used afterwards.
-%D Combining both in one \type{\if}||macro would lead to
-%D problems with nested \type{\if}'s.
-%D \starttypen
-%D \checkparameters[argument]
-%D \stoptypen
- {\if#2@\parametersfalse\else\parameterstrue\fi}
- {\c!checkparameters#1=@@\war}
-%D \macros
-%D {getfromcommalist,getfromcommacommand,
-%D commalistelement,
-%D getcommalistsize,getcommacommandsize}
-%D {}
-%D It's possible to get an element from a commalist or a
-%D command representing a commalist.
-%D \starttypen
-%D \getfromcommalist [string] [n]
-%D \getfromcommacommand [string,\strings,string,...] [n]
-%D \stoptypen
-%D The difference betwee the two of them is the same as the
-%D difference between \type{\processcomma...}. The found string
-%D is stored in \type{\commalistelement}.
-%D We can calculate the size of a comma separated list by
-%D using:
-%D \starttypen
-%D \getcommalistsize [string,string,...]
-%D \getcommacommandsize [string,\strings,string,...]
-%D \stoptypen
-%D Afterwards, the length is available in the macro
-%D \type{\commalistsize} (not a \COUNTER).
- {\scratchcounter=0\relax
- \def\p!dodogetcommalistsize##1%
- {\advance\scratchcounter by 1\relax}%
- #1[#2]\p!dodogetcommalistsize % was [{#2}]
- \edef\commalistsize{\the\scratchcounter}}
- {\p!dogetcommalistsize\processcommalist}
- {\p!dogetcommalistsize\processcommacommand}
- {\advance\scratchcounter by -1\relax
- \ifnum\scratchcounter=0\relax
- \gdef\globalcommalistelement{#1}%
- \def\doprocesscommaitem##1]{}%
- \fi}
- {\global\let\globalcommalistelement=\empty
- \bgroup
- \scratchcounter=#4\relax
- #1[#2]\p!dodogetfromcommalist
- \egroup
- \let\commalistelement=\globalcommalistelement}
- {\p!dogetfromcommalist\processcommalist}
- {\p!dogetfromcommalist\processcommacommand}
-%D Watertight (and efficient) solutions are hard to find, due
-%D to the handling of braces during parameters passing and
-%D scanning. Nevertheless:
-%D \startbuffer
-%D \def\dosomething#1{(#1=\commalistsize) }
-%D \getcommalistsize [\hbox{$a,b,c,d,e,f$}] \dosomething 1
-%D \getcommalistsize [{a,b,c,d,e,f}] \dosomething 1
-%D \getcommalistsize [{a,b,c},d,e,f] \dosomething 4
-%D \getcommalistsize [a,b,{c,d,e},f] \dosomething 4
-%D \getcommalistsize [a{b,c},d,e,f] \dosomething 4
-%D \getcommalistsize [{a,b}c,d,e,f] \dosomething 4
-%D \getcommalistsize [] \dosomething 0
-%D \getcommalistsize [{[}] \dosomething 1
-%D \stopbuffer
-%D \typebuffer
-%D reports:
-%D \haalbuffer
-%D \macros
-%D {dosingleargument,dodoubleargument,dotripleargument,
-%D doquadrupleargument,doquintupleargument,dosixtupleargument}
-%D {}
-%D When working with delimited arguments, spaces and
-%D lineendings can interfere. The next set of macros uses
-%D \TEX' internal scanner for grabbing everything between
-%D arguments.
-%D \starttypen
-%D \dosingleargument\commando = \commando[#1]
-%D \dodoubleargument\commando = \commando[#1][#2]
-%D \dotripleargument\commando = \commando[#1][#2][#3]
-%D \doquadrupleargument\commando = \commando[#1][#2][#3][#4]
-%D \doquintupleargument\commando = \commando[#1][#2][#3][#4][#5]
-%D \dosixtupleargument\commando = \commando[#1][#2][#3][#4][#5][#6]
-%D \stoptypen
-%D These macros are used in the following way:
-%D \starttypen
-%D \def\dosetupsomething[#1][#2]%
-%D {... #1 ... #2 ...}
-%D \def\setupsomething%
-%D {\dodoubleargument\dosetupsomething}
-%D \stoptypen
-%D The implementation can be surprisingly simple and needs no
-%D further explanation, like:
-%D \starttypen
-%D \def\dosingleargument#1[#2]%
-%D {#1[#2]}
-%D \def\dotripleargument#1[#2]#3[#4]#5[#6]%
-%D {#1[#2][#4][#6]}
-%D \def\doquintupleargument#1%
-%D {\def\dodoquintupleargument[##1]##2[##3]##4[##5]##6[##7]##8[##9]%
-%D {#1[##1][##3][##5][##7][##9]}%
-%D \dodoquintupleargument}
-%D \stoptypen
-%D Because \TEX\ accepts 9~arguments at most, we have to use
-%D two||step solution when getting five or more arguments.
-%D When developing more and more of the real \CONTEXT, we
-%D started using some alternatives that provided empty
-%D arguments (in fact optional ones) whenever the user failed
-%D to supply them. Because this more complicated macros enable
-%D us to do some checking, we reimplemented the non||empty
-%D ones.
- {\chardef\expectedarguments=1
- \dosingleempty}
- {\chardef\expectedarguments=2
- \dodoubleempty}
- {\chardef\expectedarguments=3
- \dotripleempty}
- {\chardef\expectedarguments=4
- \doquadrupleempty}
- {\chardef\expectedarguments=5
- \doquintupleempty}
- {\chardef\expectedarguments=6
- \dosixtupleempty}
-%D \macros
-%D {iffirstagument,ifsecondargument,ifthirdargument,
-%D iffourthargument,iffifthargument,ifsixthargument}
-%D {}
-%D We use some signals for telling the calling macros if all
-%D wanted arguments are indeed supplied by the user.
-%D \macros
-%D {dosingleempty,dodoubleempty,dotripleempty,
-%D doquadrupleempty,doquintupleempty}
-%D {}
-%D The empty argument supplying macros mentioned before, look
-%D like:
-%D \starttypen
-%D \dosingleempty \command
-%D \dodoubleempty \command
-%D \dotripleempty \command
-%D \doquadrupleempty \command
-%D \doquintupleempty \command
-%D \dosixtupleempty \command
-%D \stoptypen
-%D So \type{\dodoubleempty} leades to:
-%D \starttypen
-%D \command[#1][#2]
-%D \command[#1][]
-%D \command[][]
-%D \stoptypen
-%D Depending of the generousity of the user. Afterwards one can
-%D use the \type{\if...argument} boolean. For novice: watch
-%D the stepwise doubling of \type{#}'s
-\chardef\expectedarguments =0
-\def\dogetargument#1#2#3#4% redefined in mult-ini
- {\doifnextcharelse{#1}
- {\let\expectedarguments=\noexpectedarguments
- #3\dodogetargument}
- {\ifnum\expectedarguments>\noexpectedarguments
- \writestatus
- {setup}
- {\expectedarguments\space argument(s) expected
- in line \the\inputlineno\space}%
- \fi
- \let\expectedarguments=\noexpectedarguments
- #4\dodogetargument#1#2}}
- {\def\dodogetargument%
- {#3}%
- \dogetargument#1#2\firstargumenttrue\firstargumentfalse}
- {\def\dodogetargument#1##1#2%
- {\def\dodogetargument%
- {#3#1##1#2}%
- \dogetargument#1#2\secondargumenttrue\secondargumentfalse}%
- \dogetargument#1#2\firstargumenttrue\firstargumentfalse}
- {\def\dodogetargument#1##1#2%
- {\def\dodogetargument#1####1#2%
- {\def\dodogetargument%
- {#3#1##1#2#1####1#2}%
- \dogetargument#1#2\thirdargumenttrue\thirdargumentfalse}%
- \dogetargument#1#2\secondargumenttrue\secondargumentfalse}%
- \dogetargument#1#2\firstargumenttrue\firstargumentfalse}
- {\def\dodogetargument#1##1#2%
- {\def\dodogetargument#1####1#2%
- {\def\dodogetargument#1########1#2%
- {\def\dodogetargument%
- {#3#1##1#2#1####1#2#1########1#2}%
- \dogetargument#1#2\fourthargumenttrue\fourthargumentfalse}%
- \dogetargument#1#2\thirdargumenttrue\thirdargumentfalse}%
- \dogetargument#1#2\secondargumenttrue\secondargumentfalse}%
- \dogetargument#1#2\firstargumenttrue\firstargumentfalse}
- {\def\dodogetargument#1##1#2%
- {\def\dodogetargument#1####1#2%
- {\def\dodogetargument#1########1#2%
- {\def\dodogetargument#1################1#2%
- {\def\dodogetargument%
- {#3#1##1#2#1####1#2#1########1#2#1################1#2}%
- \dogetargument#1#2\fifthargumenttrue\fifthargumentfalse}%
- \dogetargument#1#2\fourthargumenttrue\fourthargumentfalse}%
- \dogetargument#1#2\thirdargumenttrue\thirdargumentfalse}%
- \dogetargument#1#2\secondargumenttrue\secondargumentfalse}%
- \dogetargument#1#2\firstargumenttrue\firstargumentfalse}
- {\def\dodogetargument#1##1#2%
- {\def\dodogetargument#1####1#2%
- {\def\dodogetargument#1########1#2%
- {\def\dodogetargument#1################1#2%
- {\def\dodogetargument#1################################1#2%
- {\def\dodogetargument%
- {#3#1##1#2#1####1#2#1########1#2#1################1%
- #2#1################################1#2}%
- \dogetargument#1#2\sixthargumenttrue\sixthargumentfalse}%
- \dogetargument#1#2\fifthargumenttrue\fifthargumentfalse}%
- \dogetargument#1#2\fourthargumenttrue\fourthargumentfalse}%
- \dogetargument#1#2\thirdargumenttrue\thirdargumentfalse}%
- \dogetargument#1#2\secondargumenttrue\secondargumentfalse}%
- \dogetargument#1#2\firstargumenttrue\firstargumentfalse}
-\def\dosingleempty {\getsingleempty []}
-\def\dodoubleempty {\getdoubleempty []}
-\def\dotripleempty {\gettripleempty []}
-\def\doquadrupleempty {\getquadrupleempty []}
-\def\doquintupleempty {\getquintupleempty []}
-\def\dosixtupleempty {\getsixtupleempty []}
-%D \macros
-%D {dosingleargumentwithset,
-%D dodoubleargumentwithset,dodoubleemptywithset,
-%D dotripleargumentwithset,dotripleemptywithset}
-%D {}
-%D These maybe too mysterious macros enable us to handle more
-%D than one setup at once.
-%D \starttypen
-%D \dosingleargumentwithset \command[#1]
-%D \dodoubleargumentwithset \command[#1][#2]
-%D \dotripleargumentwithset \command[#1][#2][#3]
-%D \dodoubleemptywithset \command[#1][#2]
-%D \dotripleemptywithset \command[#1][#2][#3]
-%D \stoptypen
-%D The first macro calls \type{\command[##1]} for each string
-%D in the set~\type{#1}. The second one calls for
-%D \type{\commando[##1][#2]} and the third, well one may guess.
-%D These commands support constructions like:
-%D \starttypen
-%D \def\dodefinesomething[#1][#2]%
-%D {\getparameters[\??xx#1][#2]}
-%D \def\definesomething%
-%D {\dodoubleargumentwithset\dodefinesomething}
-%D \stoptypen
-%D Which accepts calls like:
-%D \starttypen
-%D \definesomething[alfa,beta,...][variable=...,...]
-%D \stoptypen
-%D Now a whole bunch of variables like \type{\@@xxalfavariable}
-%D and \type{\@@xxbetavariable} is defined.
- {\def\dodosinglewithset[##1]%
- {\def\dododosinglewithset####1%
- {#1[####1]}%
- \processcommalist[##1]\dododosinglewithset}%
- \dosingleargument\dodosinglewithset}%
- {\def\dododoublewithset[##1][##2]%
- {\doifnot{##1}{}
- {\def\dodododoublewithset####1%
- {#2[####1][##2]}%
- \processcommalist[##1]\dodododoublewithset}}%
- #1\dododoublewithset}%
- {\dodoublewithset\dodoubleempty}
- {\dodoublewithset\dodoubleargument}
- {\def\dodotriplewithset[##1][##2][##3]%
- {\doifnot{##1}{}
- {\def\dododotriplewithset####1%
- {#2[####1][##2][##3]}%
- \processcommalist[##1]\dododotriplewithset}}%
- #1\dodotriplewithset}%
- {\dotriplewithset\dotripleempty}
- {\dotriplewithset\dotripleargument}
-%D \macros
-%D {complexorsimple,complexorsimpleempty}
-%D {}
-%D Setups can be optional. A command expecting a setup is
-%D prefixed by \type{\complex}, a command without one gets the
-%D prefix \type{\simple}. Commands like this can be defined by:
-%D \starttypen
-%D \complexorsimple {command}
-%D \stoptypen
-%D When \type{\command} is followed by a \type{[setup]}, then
-%D \starttypen
-%D \complexcommand [setup]
-%D \stoptypen
-%D executes, else we get
-%D \starttypen
-%D \simplecommand
-%D \stoptypen
-%D An alternative for \type{\complexorsimple} is:
-%D \starttypen
-%D \complexorsimpleempty {command}
-%D \stoptypen
-%D Depending on the presence of \type{[setup]}, this one
-%D leads to one of:
-%D \starttypen
-%D \complexcommando [setup]
-%D \complexcommando []
-%D \stoptypen
-%D Many \CONTEXT\ commands started as complex or simple ones,
-%D but changed into more versatile (more object oriented) ones
-%D using the \type{\get..argument} commands.
- {\doifnextcharelse{[}
- {\firstargumenttrue\getvalue{\s!complex#1}}
- {\firstargumentfalse\getvalue{\s!simple#1}}}
- {\doifnextcharelse{[}
- {\firstargumenttrue\getvalue{\s!complex#1}}
- {\firstargumentfalse\getvalue{\s!complex#1}[]}}
-%D \macros
-%D {definecomplexorsimple,definecomplexorsimpleempty}
-%D {}
-%D The previous commands are used that often that we found it
-%D worthwile to offer two more alternatives.
- {\bgroup
- \escapechar=-1\relax
- \xdef\nameofcommand{\string#1}%
- \egroup}
-\def\definewithnameofcommand#1#2% watch the \donottest
- {\setnameofcommand{#2}%
- \@EA\def\@EA#2\@EA{\@EA\donottest\@EA#1\@EA{\nameofcommand}}}
- {\definewithnameofcommand\complexorsimple}
- {\definewithnameofcommand\complexorsimpleempty}
-%D These commands are called as:
-%D \starttypen
-%D \definecomplexorsimple\command
-%D \stoptypen
-%D Of course, we must have available
-%D \starttypen
-%D \def\complexcommand[#1]{...}
-%D \def\simplecommand {...}
-%D \stoptypen
-%D Using this construction saves a few string now and then.
-%D \macros
-%D {definestartstopcommand}
-%D {}
-%D Those who get the creeps of expansion may skip the next
-%D one. It's one of the most recent additions and concerns
-%D \type{\start}||\type{\stop} pairs with complicated
-%D arguments.
-%D We won't go into details here, but the general form of
-%D this using this command is:
-%D \starttypen
-%D \definestartstopcommand\somecommand\v!specifier{arg}{arg}%
-%D {do something with arg}
-%D \stoptypen
-%D This expands to something like:
-%D \starttypen
-%D \def\somecommand arg \startspecifier arg \stopspecifier%
-%D {do something with arg}
-%D \stoptypen
-%D The argumentss can be anything reasonable, but double
-%D \type{#}'s are needed in the specification part, like:
-%D \starttypen
-%D \definestartstopcommand\somecommand\v!specifier{[##1][##2]}{##3}%
-%D {do #1 something #2 with #3 arg}
-%D \stoptypen
-%D which becomes:
-%D \starttypen
-%D \def\somecommand[#1][#2]\startspecifier#3\stopspecifier%
-%D {do #1 something #2 with #3 arg}
-%D \stoptypen
-%D We will see some real applications of this command in the
-%D core modules.
- {\def\!stringa{#3}%
- \def\!stringb{\e!start#2}%
- \def\!stringc{#4}%
- \def\!stringd{\e!stop#2}%
- \@EA\@EA\@EA\@EA\@EA\@EA\@EA\@EA\@EA\@EA\@EA\@EA\@EA\@EA\@EA
- \def\@EA\@EA\@EA\@EA\@EA\@EA\@EA\@EA\@EA\@EA\@EA\@EA\@EA\@EA\@EA
- #1\@EA\@EA\@EA\@EA\@EA\@EA\@EA
- \!stringa\@EA\@EA\@EA
- \csname\@EA\@EA\@EA\!stringb\@EA\@EA\@EA\endcsname\@EA
- \!stringc
- \csname\!stringd\endcsname}
-%D \macros
-%D {dosinglegroupempty,dodoublegroupempty,dotriplegroupempty,
-%D doquadruplegroupempty}
-%D {}
-%D We've already seen some commands that take care of
-%D optional arguments between \type{[]}. The next two commands
-%D handle the ones with \type{{}}. They are called as:
-%D \starttypen
-%D \dosinglegroupempty \IneedONEargument
-%D \dodoublegroupempty \IneedTWOarguments
-%D \dotriplegroupempty \IneedTHREEarguments
-%D \dotriplegroupempty \IneedFOURarguments
-%D \stoptypen
-%D where \type{\IneedONEargument} takes one and the others
-%D two and three arguments. These macro's were first needed in
-\def\dogetgroupargument#1#2% redefined in mult-ini
- {\def\nextnextargument%
- {\ifx\nextargument\bgroup
- \let\expectedarguments=\noexpectedarguments
- \def\nextargument{#1\dodogetargument}%
- %\else\ifx\nextargument\lineending % this can be an option
- % \def\nextargument{\bgroup\def\\ {\egroup\dogetgroupargument#1#2}\\}%
- %\else\ifx\nextargument\blankspace % but it may never be default
- % \def\nextargument{\bgroup\def\\ {\egroup\dogetgroupargument#1#2}\\}%
- \else
- \ifnum\expectedarguments>\noexpectedarguments
- \writestatus
- {setup}
- {\the\expectedarguments\space argument(s) expected
- in line \the\inputlineno\space}%
- \fi
- \let\expectedarguments=\noexpectedarguments
- \def\nextargument{#2\dodogetargument{}}%
- \fi%\fi\fi % so let's get rid of it
- \nextargument}%
- \futurelet\nextargument\nextnextargument}
- {\def\dodogetargument%
- {#1}%
- \dogetgroupargument\firstargumenttrue\firstargumentfalse}
- {\def\dodogetargument##1%
- {\def\dodogetargument%
- {#1{##1}}%
- \dogetgroupargument\secondargumenttrue\secondargumentfalse}%
- \dogetgroupargument\firstargumenttrue\firstargumentfalse}
- {\def\dodogetargument##1%
- {\def\dodogetargument####1%
- {\def\dodogetargument%
- {#1{##1}{####1}}%
- \dogetgroupargument\thirdargumenttrue\thirdargumentfalse}%
- \dogetgroupargument\secondargumenttrue\secondargumentfalse}%
- \dogetgroupargument\firstargumenttrue\firstargumentfalse}
- {\def\dodogetargument##1%
- {\def\dodogetargument####1%
- {\def\dodogetargument########1%
- {\def\dodogetargument%
- {#1{##1}{####1}{########1}}%
- \dogetgroupargument\fourthargumenttrue\fourthargumentfalse}%
- \dogetgroupargument\thirdargumenttrue\thirdargumentfalse}%
- \dogetgroupargument\secondargumenttrue\secondargumentfalse}%
- \dogetgroupargument\firstargumenttrue\firstargumentfalse}
-%D These macros explictly take care of spaces, which means
-%D that the next definition and calls are valid:
-%D \starttypen
-%D \def\test#1#2#3{[#1#2#3]}
-%D \dotriplegroupempty\test {a}{b}{c}
-%D \dotriplegroupempty\test {a}{b}
-%D \dotriplegroupempty\test {a}
-%D \dotriplegroupempty\test
-%D \dotriplegroupempty\test {a} {b} {c}
-%D \dotriplegroupempty\test {a} {b}
-%D \dotriplegroupempty\test
-%D {a}
-%D {b}
-%D \stoptypen
-%D And alike.
-%D \macros
-%D {wait}
-%D {}
-%D The next macro hardly needs explanation. Because no
-%D nesting is to be expected, we can reuse \type{\wait} within
-%D \type{\wait} itself.
- {\bgroup
- \read16 to \wait
- \egroup}
-%D \macros
-%D {writestring,writeline,
-%D writestatus,statuswidth}
-%D {}
-%D Maybe one didn't notice, but we've already introduced a
-%D macro for showing messages. In the multi||lingual modules,
-%D we will also introduce a mechanism for message passing. For
-%D the moment we stick to the core macros:
-%D \starttypen
-%D \writestring {string}
-%D \writeline
-%D \writestatus {category} {message}
-%D \stoptypen
-%D Messages are formatted. One can provide the maximum with
-%D of the identification string with the macro
-%D \type{\statuswidth}.
-\def\statuswidth {15}
- {\immediate\write16}
- {\writestring{}}
- {\ifx#1?%
- \loop
- \advance\scratchcounter by 1
- \ifnum\scratchcounter<\statuswidth\relax
- \edef\messagecontentA{\messagecontentA\space}%
- \repeat
- \else
- \advance\scratchcounter by 1
- \ifnum\scratchcounter<\statuswidth\relax
- \edef\messagecontentA{\messagecontentA#1}%
- \fi
- \dosplitstatus#2\end
- \fi}
- {\bgroup
- \edef\messagecontentA{}%
- \edef\messagecontentB{#2}% maybe it's \the\scratchcounter
- \scratchcounter=0
- \expandafter\dosplitstatus#1?\end
- \writestring{\messagecontentA\space:\space\messagecontentB}%
- \egroup}
-%D \macros
-%D {debuggerinfo}
-%D {}
-%D For debugging purposes we can enhance macros with the
-%D next alternative. Here \type{debuggerinfo} stands for both
-%D a macro accepting two arguments and a boolean (in fact a
-%D few macro's too).
- {\ifdebuggerinfo
- \writestatus{debugger}{#1:: #2}%
- \fi}
-%D Finally we do what from now on will be done at the top of
-%D the files: we tell the user what we are loading.
-\writestatus{loading}{Context System Macros / General}
-%D Well, the real final command is the one that resets the
-%D unprotected characters \type{@}, \type{?} and \type{!}.
+%D \module
+%D [ file=syst-gen,
+%D version=1996.3.20,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ System Macros,
+%D subtitle=General,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA / Hans Hagen \& Ton Otten}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. Non||commercial use is
+%C granted.
+%D The following macros are responsible for the interaction
+%D with \CONTEXT. These macros have proven their use. These
+%D macros are optimized as far as possible within of course,
+%D the know how of the author.
+%D In this module we also show some of the optimizations,
+%D mainly because we don't want to forget them and start doing
+%D things over and over again. If showing them has a learing
+%D effect for others too, we've surved another purpose too.
+%D \macros
+%D {abortinputifdefined}
+%D {}
+%D Because this module can be used in a different context, we
+%D want to prevent it being loaded more than once. This can be
+%D done using:
+%D \starttypen
+%D \abortinputifdefined\command
+%D \stoptypen
+%D where \type{\command} is a command defined in the module
+%D to be loaded only once.
+%D \starttypen
+%D \def\abortinputifdefined#1%
+%D {\ifx#1\undefined
+%D \let\next=\relax
+%D \else
+%D \let\next=\endinput
+%D \fi
+%D \next}
+%D \stoptypen
+%D This macro can be speed up in terms of speed as well as
+%D memory. Because this is a nice example of a bit strange
+%D command (\type{\endinput}), we spend some more lines on this.
+%D If we perform such actions directly, we can say:
+%D \starttypen
+%D \ifx\somecommand\undefined
+%D \let\next=\relax
+%D \else
+%D \let\next=\endinput
+%D \fi
+%D \next
+%D \stoptypen
+%D We need the \type{\next} because we need to end the
+%D \type{\fi}. The efficient one is:
+%D \starttypen
+%D \ifx\somecommand\undefined
+%D \else
+%D \expandafter\endinput
+%D \fi
+%D \stoptypen
+%D Because \type{\endinput} comes into action after the current
+%D line, we can also say:
+%D \starttypen
+%D \ifx\somecommand\undefined \else \endinput \fi
+%D \stoptypen
+%D When we define a macro, we tend to use a format which
+%D shows as besat as can how things are done. \TEX\ however
+%D stores the definitions as a sequence of tokens, so in fact
+%D we can use a formatted definition:
+ {\ifx#1\undefined \else
+ \endinput
+ \fi}
+%D which also works. Keep in mind that this is entirely due to
+%D the fact that \type{\endinput} after the line, i.e. at the
+%D end of the macro. We therefore can burry this primitive quite
+%D deep in code.
+%D And because this module implements \type{\writestatus}, we
+%D just say:
+%D Normally we tell the users what module is being loaded.
+%D However, the command that is needed for this is not yet
+%D defined.
+%D \starttypen
+%D \writestatus{laden}{Context Systeem Macro's (a)}
+%D \stoptypen
+%D \macros
+%D [beschermen]
+%D {protect,unprotect}
+%D {}
+%D We can shield macros from users by using some special
+%D characters in their names. Some characters that are normally
+%D no letters and therefore often used are: \type{@}, \type{!}
+%D and \type{?}. Before and after the definition of protected
+%D macros, we have to change the \CATCODE\ of these characters.
+%D This is done by \type{\unprotect} and \type{\protect}, for
+%D instance:
+%D \starttypen
+%D \unprotect
+%D \def\!test{test}
+%D \protect
+%D \stoptypen
+%D The defined command \type{\!test} can of course only be
+%D called upon when we are in the \type{\unprotect}'ed state,
+%D otherwise \TEX\ reads \type{\!} and probably complains
+%D loudly about not being in math mode.
+%D Both commands can be used nested, but only the \CATCODE\
+%D of the outermost level is saved. We make use of
+%D an auxilary macro \type{\doprotect} to prevent us from
+%D conflicts with existing macro's \type{\protect}. When
+%D nesting deeper than one level, the system shows the
+%D protection level.
+ \def\protect{\message{<too much protection>}}
+%D Although we don't need the \type{%} after commands that
+%D don't take arguments, unless lines are obeyed, I decided
+%D to put it there as a reminder. I only mention this once.
+ {\ifnum\protectionlevel=0
+ \edef\doprotectcharacters%
+ {\catcode`@=\the\catcode`@\relax
+ \catcode`!=\the\catcode`!\relax
+ \catcode`?=\the\catcode`?\relax}%
+ \catcode`@=11
+ \catcode`!=11
+ \catcode`?=11
+ \let\protect=\doprotect
+ \fi
+ \advance\protectionlevel by 1
+ \ifnum\protectionlevel>1
+ \message{<unprotect \the\protectionlevel>}%
+ \fi}
+ {\ifnum\protectionlevel=1
+ \doprotectcharacters
+ \let\protect=\normalprotect
+ \fi
+ \ifnum\protectionlevel>1
+ \message{<protect \the\protectionlevel>}%
+ \fi
+ \advance\protectionlevel by -1\relax}
+%D Now it is defined, we can make use of this very useful
+%D macro.
+%D \macros
+%D {@@escape,@@begingroup,@@endgroup,@@mathshift,@@alignment,
+%D @@endofline,@@parameter,@@superscript,@@subscript,
+%D @@ignore,@@space,@@letter,@@other,@@active,@@comment}
+%D {}
+%D In \CONTEXT\ we sometimes manipulate the \CATCODES\ of
+%D certain characters. Because we are not that good at numbers,
+%D we introduce some symbolic names.
+\chardef\@@escape = 0
+\chardef\@@begingroup = 1
+\chardef\@@endgroup = 2
+\chardef\@@mathshift = 3
+\chardef\@@alignment = 4
+\chardef\@@endofline = 5
+\chardef\@@parameter = 6
+\chardef\@@superscript = 7
+\chardef\@@subscript = 8
+\chardef\@@ignore = 9
+\chardef\@@space = 10
+\chardef\@@letter = 11
+\chardef\@@other = 12 \chardef\other = 12
+\chardef\@@active = 13 \chardef\active = 13
+\chardef\@@comment = 14
+%D \macros
+%D {normalspace}
+%D {}
+%D We often need a space as defined in \PLAIN\ \TEX. Because
+%D we cannot be sure of \type{\space} is redefined, we define:
+\def\normalspace{ }
+%D \macros
+%D {scratchcounter,
+%D scratchdimen,scratchskip,scratchmuskip,
+%D scratchbox,
+%D scratchtoks
+%D ifdone}
+%D {}
+%D Because we often need counters on a temporary basis, we
+%D define the \COUNTER\ \type{\scratchcounter}. This is a
+%D real \COUNTER, and not a pseudo one, as we will meet
+%D further on. We also define some other scratch registers.
+\newcount \scratchcounter
+\newdimen \scratchdimen
+\newskip \scratchskip
+\newmuskip \scratchmuskip
+\newbox \scratchbox
+\newtoks \scratchtoks
+\newif \ifdone
+%D \macros
+%D {}
+%D In the system and support modules we sometimes show examples
+%D that make use of core commands. We can skip those parts of
+%D the documentation when we use another macropackage. Of
+%D course we default to false.
+\newif \ifCONTEXT
+%D \macros
+%D {!!count, !!toks, !!dimen, !!box,
+%D !!width, !!height, !!depth, !!string, !!done}
+%D {}
+%D We define some more \COUNTERS\ and \DIMENSIONS. We also
+%D define some shortcuts to the local scatchregisters~0, 2, 4,
+%D 6 and~8.
+\newcount\!!counta \toksdef\!!toksa=0 \dimendef\!!dimena=0 \chardef\!!boxa=0
+\newcount\!!countb \toksdef\!!toksb=2 \dimendef\!!dimenb=2 \chardef\!!boxb=2
+\newcount\!!countc \toksdef\!!toksc=4 \dimendef\!!dimenc=4 \chardef\!!boxc=4
+\newcount\!!countd \toksdef\!!toksd=6 \dimendef\!!dimend=6 \chardef\!!boxd=6
+\newcount\!!counte \toksdef\!!tokse=8 \dimendef\!!dimene=8 \chardef\!!boxe=8
+\def\!!stringa{} \def\!!stringb{} \def\!!stringc{}
+\def\!!stringd{} \def\!!stringe{} \def\!!stringf{}
+\newdimen\!!widtha \newdimen\!!heighta \newdimen\!!deptha \newif\if!!donea
+\newdimen\!!widthb \newdimen\!!heightb \newdimen\!!depthb \newif\if!!doneb
+%D \macros
+%D {s!,c!,e!,p!,v!,@@,??}
+%D {}
+%D To save memory, we use constants (sometimes called
+%D variables). Redefining these constants can have desastrous
+%D results.
+\def\v!prefix! {v!} \def\c!prefix! {c!}
+\def\s!prefix! {s!} \def\p!prefix! {p!}
+\def\s!next {next} \def\s!default {default}
+\def\s!dummy {dummy} \def\s!unknown {unknown}
+\def\s!do {do} \def\s!dodo {dodo}
+\def\s!complex {complex} \def\s!start {start}
+\def\s!simple {simple} \def\s!stop {stop}
+%D \macros
+%D {@EA,expanded}
+%D {}
+%D When in unprotected mode, to be entered with
+%D \type{\unprotect}, one can use \type{\@EA} as equivalent
+%D of \type{\expandafter}.
+%D Sometimes we pass macros as arguments to commands that
+%D don't expand them before interpretation. Such commands can
+%D be enclosed with \type{\expanded}, like:
+%D \starttypen
+%D \expanded{\setupsomething[\alfa]}
+%D \stoptypen
+%D Such situations occur for instance when \type{\alfa} is a
+%D commalist or when data stored in macros is fed to index of
+%D list commands. If needed, one should use \type{\noexpand}
+%D inside the argument. Later on we will meet some more clever
+%D alternatives to this command.
+ {\edef\@@expanded{\noexpand#1}\@@expanded}
+%D \macros
+%D {gobbleoneargument,gobble...arguments}
+%D {}
+%D The next set of macros just do nothing, except that they
+%D get rid of a number of arguments.
+\long\def\gobbleoneargument #1{}
+\long\def\gobbletwoarguments #1#2{}
+\long\def\gobblethreearguments #1#2#3{}
+\long\def\gobblefourarguments #1#2#3#4{}
+\long\def\gobblefivearguments #1#2#3#4#5{}
+\long\def\gobblesixarguments #1#2#3#4#5#6{}
+\long\def\gobblesevenarguments #1#2#3#4#5#6#7{}
+\long\def\gobbleeightarguments #1#2#3#4#5#6#7#8{}
+\long\def\gobbleninearguments #1#2#3#4#5#6#7#8#9{}
+%D \macros
+%D {doifnextcharelse}
+%D {}
+%D When we started using \TEX\ in the late eighties, our
+%D first experiences with programming concerned a simple shell
+%D around \LATEX. The commands probably use most at \PRAGMA,
+%D are the itemizing ones. One of those few shell commands took
+%D care of an optional argument, that enabled us to specify
+%D what kind of item symbol we wanted. Without understanding
+%D anything we were able to locate a \LATEX\ macro that could
+%D be used to inspect the next character.
+%D It's this macro that the ancester of the next one presented
+%D here. It executes one of two actions, dependant of the next
+%D character. Disturbing spaces and line endings, which are
+%D normally interpreted as spaces too, are skipped.
+%D \starttypen
+%D \doifnextcharelse {karakter} {then ...} {else ...}
+%D \stoptypen
+%D This macro differs from the original in testing on
+%D \type{\endoflinetoken}, which of course we have to define
+%D first. We also use \type{\localnext} because we don't want
+%D clashes with \type{\next}.
+ {\let\charactertoken=#1%
+ \def\!!stringa{#2}%
+ \def\!!stringb{#3}%
+ \futurelet\nexttoken\inspectnextcharacter}
+ {\ifx\nexttoken\blankspace
+ \let\localnext\reinspectnextcharacter
+ \else\ifx\!!stringc\endoflinetoken
+ \let\localnext\reinspectnextcharacter
+ \else\ifx\nexttoken\charactertoken
+ \let\localnext\!!stringa
+ \else
+ \let\localnext\!!stringb
+ \fi\fi\fi
+ \localnext}
+%D This macro uses some auxiliary macros. Although we were able
+%D to program quite complicated things, I only understood these
+%D after rereading the \TEX book. The trick is in using a
+%D command with a one character name. Such commands differ from
+%D the longer ones in the fact that trailing spaces are {\em
+%D not} skipped. This enables us to indirectly define a long
+%D named macro that gobbles a space.
+%D In the first line we define \type{\blankspace}. Next we
+%D make \type{\:} equivalent to \type{\reinspect...}. This
+%D one||character command is expanded before the next
+%D \type{\def} comes into action. This way the space after
+%D \type{\:} becomes a delimiter of the longer named
+%D \type{\reinspectnextcharacter}. The chain reaction is
+%D visually compatible with the next sequence:
+%D \starttypen
+%D \expandafter\def\reinspectnextcharacter %
+%D {\futurelet\nexttoken\inspectnextcharacter}
+%D \stoptypen
+%D However complicated it may look, I'm still glad I stumbled
+%D into this construction.
+\def\:{\let\blankspace= } \:
+\expandafter\def\: {\futurelet\nexttoken\inspectnextcharacter}
+%D \macros
+%D {setvalue,setgvalue,setevalue,setxvalue,
+%D letvalue,
+%D getvalue,
+%D resetvalue}
+%D {}
+%D \TEX's primitive \type{\csname} can be used to construct
+%D all kind of commands that cannot be defined with
+%D \type{\def} and \type{\let}. Every macro programmer sooner
+%D or later wants macros like these.
+%D \starttypen
+%D \setvalue {naam}{...} = \def\naam{...}
+%D \setgvalue {naam}{...} = \gdef\naam{...}
+%D \setevalue {naam}{...} = \edef\naam{...}
+%D \setxvalue {naam}{...} = \xdef\naam{...}
+%D \letvalue {naam}=\... = \let\naam=\...
+%D \getvalue {naam} = \naam
+%D \resetvalue {naam} = \def\naam{}
+%D \stoptypen
+%D As we will see, \CONTEXT\ uses these commands many times,
+%D which is mainly due to its object oriented and parameter
+%D driven character.
+ {\expandafter\def\csname#1\endcsname}
+ {\expandafter\gdef\csname#1\endcsname}
+ {\expandafter\edef\csname#1\endcsname}
+ {\expandafter\xdef\csname#1\endcsname}
+ {\csname#1\endcsname}
+ {\expandafter\let\csname#1\endcsname}
+ {\setvalue{#1}{}}
+%D \macros
+%D {donottest,unexpanded}
+%D {}
+%D When expansion of a macro gives problems, we can precede it
+%D by \type{\donottest}. It seems that protection is one of the
+%D burdens of developers of packages, so maybe that's why in
+%D \ETEX\ protection is solved in a more robust way.
+%D Sometimes prefixing the macro with \type{\donottest} leads
+%D to defining an auxiliary macro, like
+%D \starttypen
+%D \def\dosomecommand {... ... ...}
+%D \def\somecommand {\donottest\dosomecommand}
+%D \stoptypen
+%D This double definition can be made transparant by using
+%D \type{\protecte}, as in:
+%D \starttypen
+%D \unexpanded\def\somecommand{... ... ...}
+%D \stoptypen
+%D The protection mechanism uses:
+ {==}
+ {#1}
+%D By the way, we use a placeholder because we don't want
+%D interference when testing on empty strings. Using a
+%D placeholder of 8~characters increases the processing time
+%D of simple \type{\doifelse} tests by about 10 \%. When we
+%D process the test, we have to remove the braces and
+%D therefore explictly gobble \type{#1}.
+%D The fact that many macros have the same prefix, could have
+%D a negative impact on searching in the hash table. Because
+%D some simple testing does not show differences, we just use:
+%D \starttypen
+%D \def\unexpanded#1#2%
+%D {\@EA#1\@EA#2\@EA{\@EA\donottest\csname\s!do\string#2\endcsname}%
+%D \@EA#1\csname\s!do\string#2\endcsname}
+%D \stoptypen
+%D Well, in fact we use the bit more versaatile alternative:
+\ifnoETEX \def\dosetunexpanded#1#2%
+ {\@EA#1\@EA{\@EA#2\@EA}%
+ \@EA{\@EA\donottest\csname\s!do\@EA\string\csname#2\endcsname\endcsname}%
+ \@EA#1{\s!do\@EA\string\csname#2\endcsname}}
+\ifnoETEX \def\docomunexpanded#1#2%
+ {\@EA#1\@EA#2\@EA{\@EA\donottest\csname\s!do\string#2\endcsname}%
+ \@EA#1\csname\s!do\string#2\endcsname}
+\ifnoETEX \def\unexpanded#1%
+ {\def\dounexpanded%
+ {\ifx\next\bgroup
+ \@EA\dosetunexpanded
+ \else
+ \@EA\docomunexpanded
+ \fi#1}%
+ \futurelet\next\dounexpanded}
+\doifETEX \let\unexpanded=\normalprotected
+%D This one accepts the more direct \type{\def} and cousins
+%D as well as the \CONTEXT\ specific \type{\setvalue} ones.
+%D And so the definition in our example turns out to be:
+%D \starttypen
+%D \def\csname do\somecommand\endcsname{... ... ...}
+%D \def\somecommand{\donottest\csname do\somecommand\endcsname}
+%D \stoptypen
+%D In which \type{do\somecommand} is hidden from the user and
+%D cannot lead to confusion. It's still permitted to define
+%D auxiliary macros like \type{\dosomecommand}.
+%D When we are going to use e-\TEX, we'll probably end up
+%D redefining some commands, but we can probably keep the
+%D \type{\unexpanded} ones unchanged.
+%D \macros
+%D {doifundefined,doifdefined,
+%D doifundefinedelse,doifdefinedelse,
+%D doifalldefinedelse}
+%D {}
+%D The standard way of testing if a macro is defined is
+%D comparing its meaning with another undefined one, usually
+%D \type{\undefined}. To garantee correct working of the next
+%D set of macros, \type{\undefined} may never be defined!
+%D \starttypen
+%D \doifundefined {string} {...}
+%D \doifdefined {string} {...}
+%D \doifundefinedelse {string} {then ...} {else ...}
+%D \doifdefinedelse {string} {then ...} {else ...}
+%D \doifalldefinedelse {commalist} {then ...} {else ...}
+%D \stoptypen
+%D Every macroname that \TEX\ builds gets an entry in the hash
+%D table, which is of limited size. It is expected that e-\TeX\
+%D will offer a less memory||consuming alternative.
+%D Although it will probably never be a big problem, it is good
+%D to be aware of the difference between testing on a macro
+%D name to be build by using \type{\csname} and
+%D \type{\endcsname} and testing the \type{\name} directly.
+%D \starttypen
+%D \expandafter\ifx\csname NameA\endcsname\relax ... \else ... \fi
+%D \ifx\NameB\undefined ... \else ... \fi
+%D \stoptypen
+%D I became aware of this when I mistakenly testen the first
+%D one against \type{\undefined}. When \TEX\ build a name using
+%D \type{\csname} it automatically sets it to \type{\relax},
+%D which is definitely not the same as \type{\undefined}. The
+%D quickest way to check these things is asking \TEX\ to show
+%D the meaning of the names:
+%D \starttypen
+%D \expandafter\show\csname NameA\endcsname
+%D \show\NameB
+%D \stoptypen
+%D The main reason why this never will be a big problem is that
+%D when one uses the \type{\csname} way, one probably has to do
+%D with some macroname that always is dealt with that way.
+%D Confusion can however arise when one applies both testing
+%D methods to the same macroname. By the way, the assignment
+%D of \type{\relax} obeys grouping.
+%D The first one gets rid of \type{#1}, but still expands to
+%D something and the second one expands to \type{#1}. Because
+%D we accept arguments between \type{{}}, we have to get rid
+%D of one level of braces.
+%D Our first implementation of \type{\ifundefined} was
+%D straightforward and readable:
+%D \starttypen
+%D \def\ifundefined#1%
+%D {\expandafter\ifx\csname#1\endcsname\relax}%
+%D \def\doifundefinedelse#1#2#3%
+%D {\let\donottest=\dontprocesstest
+%D \ifundefined{#1}%
+%D \let\donottest=\doprocesstest#2%
+%D \else
+%D \let\donottest=\doprocesstest#3%
+%D \fi}
+%D \def\doifdefinedelse#1#2#3%
+%D {\doifundefinedelse{#1}{#3}{#2}}
+%D \def\doifundefined#1#2%
+%D {\doifundefinedelse{#1}{#2}{}}
+%D \def\doifdefined#1#2%
+%D {\doifundefinedelse{#1}{}{#2}}
+%D \def\doifalldefinedelse#1#2#3%
+%D {\bgroup
+%D \donetrue
+%D \def\checkcommand##1%
+%D {\doifundefined{##1}{\donefalse}}%
+%D \processcommalist[#1]\checkcommand
+%D \ifdone
+%D \egroup#2%
+%D \else
+%D \egroup#3%
+%D \fi}
+%D \stoptypen
+%D When this module was optimized, timing showed that the
+%D next alternative can be upto twice as fast, especially when
+%D longer arguments are used.
+ {\expandafter\ifx\csname#1\endcsname\relax}
+ {\let\donottest=\dontprocesstest
+ \expandafter\ifx\csname#1\endcsname\relax}
+ {\p!doifundefined{#1}%
+ \let\donottest=\doprocesstest#2%
+ \else
+ \let\donottest=\doprocesstest#3%
+ \fi}
+ {\p!doifundefined{#1}%
+ \let\donottest=\doprocesstest#3%
+ \else
+ \let\donottest=\doprocesstest#2%
+ \fi}
+ {\p!doifundefined{#1}%
+ \let\donottest=\doprocesstest#2%
+ \else
+ \let\donottest=\doprocesstest
+ \fi}
+ {\p!doifundefined{#1}%
+ \let\donottest=\doprocesstest
+ \else
+ \let\donottest=\doprocesstest#2%
+ \fi}
+\doifETEX \def\ifundefined#1%
+ {\unless\ifcsname#1\endcsname}
+\doifETEX \def\p!doifundefined#1%
+ {\let\donottest=\dontprocesstest
+ \unless\ifcsname#1\endcsname}
+%D Before we start using this variant, we used another one,
+%D which is even a bit faster. This one looked like:
+%D \starttypen
+%D \def\p!doifundefined%
+%D {\begingroup
+%D \let\donottest=\dontprocesstest
+%D \ifundefined}
+%D \def\doifundefinedelse#1#2#3%
+%D {\p!doifundefined{#1}%
+%D \endgroup#2%
+%D \else
+%D \endgroup#3%
+%D \fi}
+%D \stoptypen
+%D A even more previous version used \type{\bgroup} and
+%D \type{\egroup}. In math mode however, \type{$1{x}2$} differs
+%D from \type{$1x2$}. This can been seen when one compares the
+%D output of:
+%D \starttypen
+%D $\kern10pt\showthe\lastkern$
+%D $\kern10pt{\showthe\lastkern}$
+%D $\kern10pt\begingroup\showthe\lastkern\endgroup$
+%D \stoptypen
+%D When we were developing the scientific units module, we
+%D encountered different behavior in text and math mode, which
+%D was due to this grouping subtilities. We therefore decided
+%D to use \type{\begingroup} instead of \type{\bgroup}.
+%D Later, when we had optimized some macro's the grouped
+%D solution turned out to be unsafe when typesetting this
+%D documentation, especially when using \type{\globaldefs}.
+%D We still have to define \type{\doifalldefinedelse}. Watch
+%D the use of grouping, which garantees local use of the
+%D boolean \type{\ifdone}.
+ {\ifundefined{#1}%
+ \donefalse
+ \fi}
+ {\begingroup
+ \let\donottest=\dontprocesstest
+ \donetrue
+ \processcommalist[#1]\docheckonedefined
+ \ifdone
+ \endgroup\let\donottest=\doprocesstest#2%
+ \else
+ \endgroup\let\donottest=\doprocesstest#3%
+ \fi}
+%D \macros
+%D {doif,doifelse,doifnot,
+%D donottest}
+%D {}
+%D Programming in \TEX\ differs from programming in procedural
+%D languages like \MODULA. This means that one --- well, let me
+%D speek for myself --- tries to do the things in the well
+%D known way. Therefore the next set of \type{\ifthenelse}
+%D commands were between the first ones we needed. A few years
+%D later, the opposite became true: when programming in
+%D \MODULA, I sometimes miss handy things like grouping,
+%D runtime redefinition, expansion etc. While \MODULA\ taught
+%D me to structure, \TEX\ taught me to think recursive.
+%D \starttypen
+%D \doif {string1} {string2} {...}
+%D \doifnot {string1} {string2} {...}
+%D \doifelse {string1} {string2} {then ...}{else ...}
+%D \stoptypen
+%D When expansion gives problems, we can precede the
+%D troublemaker with \type{\donottest}.
+%D This implementatie does not use the construction which is
+%D more robust for nested conditionals.
+%D \starttypen
+%D \ifx\!!stringa\!!stringb
+%D \def\next{#3}%
+%D \else
+%D \def\next{#4}%
+%D \fi
+%D \next
+%D \stoptypen
+%D In practice, this alternative is at least 20\% slower than
+%D the alternative used here. The few cases in which we
+%D really need the \type{\next} construction, often need some
+%D other precautions and or adaptions too.
+ {\let\donottest=\dontprocesstest
+ \edef\!!stringa{#1}%
+ \edef\!!stringb{#2}%
+ \let\donottest=\doprocesstest
+ \ifx\!!stringa\!!stringb
+ #3%
+ \fi}
+ {\let\donottest=\dontprocesstest
+ \edef\!!stringa{#1}%
+ \edef\!!stringb{#2}%
+ \let\donottest=\doprocesstest
+ \ifx\!!stringa\!!stringb
+ \else
+ #3%
+ \fi}
+ {\let\donottest=\dontprocesstest
+ \edef\!!stringa{#1}%
+ \edef\!!stringb{#2}%
+ \let\donottest=\doprocesstest
+ \ifx\!!stringa\!!stringb
+ #3%
+ \else
+ #4%
+ \fi}
+%D One could wonder why we don't follow the the same approach
+%D as in \type{\doifdefined} c.s.\ and use \type{\begingroup}
+%D and \type{\endgroup}. In this case, this alternative is
+%D slower, which is probably due to the fact that more meanings
+%D need to be restored.
+%D The in terms of memory more efficient alternative using a
+%D auxiliary macro also proved to be slower, so we definitely
+%D did not choose for:
+%D \starttypen
+%D \def\p!doifelse#1#2%
+%D {\let\donottest=\dontprocesstest
+%D \edef\!!stringa{#1}%
+%D \edef\!!stringb{#2}%
+%D \let\donottest=\doprocesstest
+%D \ifx\!!stringa\!!stringb}
+%D \long\def\doif#1#2#3%
+%D {\p!doifelse{#1}{#2}#3\fi}
+%D \long\def\doifnot#1#2#3%
+%D {\p!doifelse{#1}{#2}\else#3\fi}
+%D \long\def\doifelse#1#2#3#4%
+%D {\p!doifelse{#1}{#2}#3\else#4\fi}
+%D \stoptypen
+%D Optimizations like this are related of course to the
+%D bottlenecks in \TEX. It seems that restoring saved meanings
+%D and passing arguments takes some time.
+%D \macros
+%D {doifempty,doifemptyelse,doifnotempty}
+%D {}
+%D We complete our set of conditionals with:
+%D \starttypen
+%D \doifempty {string} {...}
+%D \doifnot {string} {...}
+%D \doifemptyelse {string} {then ...} {else ...}
+%D \stoptypen
+%D This time, the string is not expanded.
+ {\def\!!stringa{#1}%
+ \ifx\!!stringa\empty
+ #2%
+ \else
+ #3%
+ \fi}
+ {\def\!!stringa{#1}%
+ \ifx\!!stringa\empty
+ #2%
+ \fi}
+ {\def\!!stringa{#1}%
+ \ifx\!!stringa\empty
+ \else
+ #2%
+ \fi}
+%D \macros
+%D {doifinset,doifnotinset,doifinsetelse}
+%D {}
+%D We can check if a string is present in a comma separated
+%D set of strings. Depending on the result, some action is
+%D taken.
+%D \starttypen
+%D \doifinset {string} {string,...} {...}
+%D \doifnotinset {string} {string,...} {...}
+%D \doifinsetelse {string} {string,...} {then ...} {else ...}
+%D \stoptypen
+%D The second argument is the comma separated set of strings.
+%D \starttypen
+%D \long\def\doifinsetelse#1#2#3#4%
+%D {\doifelse{#1}{}
+%D {#4}
+%D {\donefalse
+%D \def\v!checkiteminset##1%
+%D {\doif{#1}{##1}
+%D {\donetrue
+%D \let\v!checkiteminset=\gobbleoneargument}}%
+%D \processcommalist[#2]\v!checkiteminset
+%D \ifdone
+%D #3%
+%D \else
+%D #4%
+%D \fi}}
+%D \long\def\doifinset#1#2#3%
+%D {\doifinsetelse{#1}{#2}{#3}{}}
+%D \long\def\doifnotinset#1#2#3%
+%D {\doifinsetelse{#1}{#2}{}{#3}}
+%D \stoptypen
+%D Because this macro is called quite often we've spent some
+%D time optimizing it. This time, the gain in speed is due to
+%D (1)~defining an external auxiliary macro, (2)~not calling
+%D any other macros and (3)~minimizing the passing of
+%D arguments. The gain in speed is impressive.
+ {\edef\!!stringb{#1}%
+ \ifx\!!stringa\!!stringb
+ \donetrue
+ \let\p!docheckiteminset=\gobbleoneargument
+ \fi}
+ {\let\donottest=\dontprocesstest
+ \donefalse
+ \edef\!!stringa{#1}%
+ \ifx\!!stringa\empty
+ \else
+ \let\p!docheckiteminset=\p!dodocheckiteminset
+ \processcommalist[#2]\p!docheckiteminset
+ \fi
+ \let\donottest=\doprocesstest
+ \ifdone}
+ {\p!doifinsetelse{#1}{#2}%
+ #3%
+ \else
+ #4%
+ \fi}
+ {\p!doifinsetelse{#1}{#2}%
+ #3%
+ \fi}
+ {\p!doifinsetelse{#1}{#2}%
+ \else
+ #3%
+ \fi}
+%D \macros
+%D {doifcommon,doifnotcommon,doifcommonelse}
+%D {}
+%D Probably the most time consuming tests are those that test
+%D for overlap in sets of strings.
+%D \starttypen
+%D \doifcommon {string,...} {string,...} {...}
+%D \doifnotcommon {string,...} {string,...} {...}
+%D \doifcommonelse {string,...} {string,...} {then ...} {else ...}
+%D \stoptypen
+%D We show the slower alternative first, because it shows us
+%D how things are done.
+%D \starttypen
+%D \long\def\doifcommonelse#1#2#3#4%
+%D {\donefalse
+%D \def\p!docommoncheck##1%
+%D {\def\p!dodocommoncheck####1%
+%D {\doif{####1}{##1}
+%D {\donetrue
+%D \def\commalistelement{##1}%
+%D \let\p!docommoncheck=\gobbleoneargument
+%D \let\p!dodocommoncheck=\gobbleoneargument}}%
+%D \processcommalist[#2]\p!dodocommoncheck}%
+%D \processcommalist[#1]\p!docommoncheck
+%D \ifdone
+%D #3%
+%D \else
+%D #4%
+%D \fi}
+%D \long\def\doifcommon#1#2#3%
+%D {\doifcommonelse{#1}{#2}{#3}{}}
+%D \long\def\doifnotcommon#1#2#3%
+%D {\doifcommonelse{#1}{#2}{}{#3}}
+%D \stoptypen
+%D The processing time is shortened by getting the auxiliary
+%D macro to the outermost level and using less \type{\edef}'s.
+%D Sometimes it makes more sence to define local macro's not
+%D only because this way we can be sure that they are not
+%D redefined, but also because it shows the dependance. In
+%D compiled languages, this is no problem at all. It can even
+%D save us bytes and processing time. In interpreted languages
+%D like \TEX\ it nearly always slows down processing.
+ {\edef\!!stringb{#1}%
+ \ifx\!!stringa\!!stringb
+ \donetrue
+ \let\p!docommoncheck\gobbleoneargument
+ \let\p!dodocommoncheck\gobbleoneargument
+ \fi}
+ {\donefalse
+ \let\donottest\dontprocesstest
+ \let\p!dodocommoncheck\p!dododocommoncheck
+ \def\p!docommoncheck##1%
+ {\edef\!!stringa{##1}%
+ \def\commalistelement{##1}%
+ \processcommalist[#2]\p!dodocommoncheck}%
+ \processcommalist[#1]\p!docommoncheck
+ \let\donottest\doprocesstest
+ \ifdone}
+ {\p!doifcommonelse{#1}{#2}%
+ #3%
+ \else
+ #4%
+ \fi}
+ {\p!doifcommonelse{#1}{#2}%
+ #3%
+ \fi}
+ {\p!doifcommonelse{#1}{#2}%
+ \else
+ #3%
+ \fi}
+%D \macros
+%D {processcommalist,processcommacommand,
+%D processcommalistwithparameters}
+%D {}
+%D We've already seen some macros that take care of comma
+%D separated lists. Such list can be processed with
+%D \starttypen
+%D \processcommalist[string,string,...]\commando
+%D \stoptypen
+%D The user supplied command \type{\commando} receives one
+%D argument: the string. This command permits nesting and
+%D spaces after commas are skipped. Empty sets are no problem.
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \def\dosomething#1{(#1)}
+%D \processcommalist [\hbox{$a,b,c,d,e,f$}] \dosomething \par
+%D \processcommalist [{a,b,c,d,e,f}] \dosomething \par
+%D \processcommalist [{a,b,c},d,e,f] \dosomething \par
+%D \processcommalist [a,b,{c,d,e},f] \dosomething \par
+%D \processcommalist [a{b,c},d,e,f] \dosomething \par
+%D \processcommalist [{a,b}c,d,e,f] \dosomething \par
+%D \processcommalist [] \dosomething \par
+%D \processcommalist [{[}] \dosomething \par
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+%D Before we show the result, we present the macro's:
+ {\csname\s!next\the\commalevel\endcsname}
+ {\ifx\nexttoken\blankspace
+ \let\nextcommaitem\redoprocesscommaitem
+ %\else\ifx\nexttoken\endoflinetoken
+ %\let\nextcommaitem\redoprocesscommaitem
+ \else\ifx\nexttoken]%
+ \let\nextcommaitem=\gobbleoneargument
+ \else
+ \let\nextcommaitem=\dododoprocesscommaitem
+ \fi\fi%\fi
+ \nextcommaitem}
+ {\futurelet\nexttoken\dodoprocesscommaitem}
+ {\advance\commalevel by 1\relax
+ \long\expandafter\def\csname\s!next\the\commalevel\endcsname##1,%
+ {#2{##1}\doprocesscommaitem}%
+ \doprocesscommaitem#1,]\relax
+ \advance\commalevel by -1\relax}
+%D Empty arguments are not processed. Empty items (\type{,,})
+%D however are treated.
+ {\ifx\nexttoken]%
+ \let\nextcommaitem=\gobbletwoarguments
+ \else
+ \let\nextcommaitem=\doprocesscommalist
+ \fi
+ \nextcommaitem}
+ {\futurelet\nexttoken\docheckcommaitem}
+%D We use the same hack for checking the next character, that
+%D we use in \type{\doifnextcharelse}.
+\expandafter\def\: {\futurelet\nexttoken\dodoprocesscommaitem}
+%D The previous examples lead to:
+%D \haalbuffer
+%D When a list is saved in a macro, we can use a construction
+%D like:
+%D \starttypen
+%D \expandafter\processcommalist\expandafter[\list]\command
+%D \stoptypen
+%D Such solutions suit most situations, but we wanted a bit
+%D more.
+%D \starttypen
+%D \processcommacommand[string,\stringset,string]\commando
+%D \stoptypen
+%D where \type{\stringset} is a predefined set, like:
+%D \starttypen
+%D \def\first{aap,noot,mies}
+%D \def\second{laatste}
+%D \processcommacommand[\first]\message
+%D \processcommacommand[\first,second,third]\message
+%D \processcommacommand[\first,between,\second]\message
+%D \stoptypen
+%D Commands that are part of the list are expanded, so the
+%D use of this macro has it slimits.
+ {\edef\commacommand{#1}%
+ \toks0=\expandafter{\expandafter[\commacommand]}%
+ \expandafter\processcommalist\the\toks0 }
+%D The argument to \type{\command} is not delimited. Because
+%D we often use \type{[]} as delimiters, we also have:
+%D \starttypen
+%D \processcommalistwithparameters[string,string,...]\command
+%D \stoptypen
+%D where \type{\command} looks like:
+%D \starttypen
+%D \def\command[#1]{... #1 ...}
+%D \stoptypen
+ {\def\docommand##1{#2[##1]}%
+ \processcommalist[#1]\docommand}
+%D \macros
+%D {processaction,
+%D processfirstactioninset,
+%D processallactionsinset}
+%D {}
+%D \CONTEXT\ makes extensive use of a sort of case or switch
+%D command. Depending of the presence of one or more provided
+%D items, some actions is taken. These macros can be nested
+%D without problems.
+%D \starttypen
+%D \processaction [x] [a=>\a,b=>\b,c=>\c]
+%D \processfirstactioninset [x,y,z] [a=>\a,b=>\b,c=>\c]
+%D \processallactionsinset [x,y,z] [a=>\a,b=>\b,c=>\c]
+%D \stoptypen
+%D We can supply both a \type{default} action and an action
+%D to be undertaken when an \type{unknown} value is met:
+%D \starttypen
+%D \processallactionsinset
+%D [x,y,z]
+%D [ a=>\a,
+%D b=>\b,
+%D c=>\c,
+%D default=>\default,
+%D unknown=>\unknown{... \commalistelement ...}]
+%D \stoptypen
+%D When \type{#1} is empty, this macro scans list \type{#2} for
+%D the keyword \type{default} and executed the related action
+%D if present. When \type{#1} is non empty and not in the list,
+%D the action related to \type{unknown} is executed. Both
+%D keywords must be at the end of list \type{#2}. Afterwards,
+%D the actually found keyword is available in
+%D \type{\commalistelement}. An advanced example of the use of
+%D this macro can be found in \PPCHTEX, where we completely
+%D rely on \TEX\ for interpreting user supplied keywords like
+%D \type{SB}, \type{SB1..6}, \type{SB125} etc.
+%D Even a quick glance at the macros below show some overlap,
+%D which means that more efficient alternatives are possible.
+%D Because these macro's are very sensitive to subtle changes,
+%D we've decided to present the readable originals first
+%D Maybe these these macros look complicated, but this is a
+%D direct result of the support of nesting. Protection is only
+%D applied in \type{\processaction}.
+%D \starttypen
+%D \newcount\processlevel
+%D \def\processaction[#1]#2[#3]%
+%D {\doifelse{#1}{}
+%D {\def\c!compareprocessaction[##1=>##2]%
+%D {\edef\!!stringa{##1}%
+%D \ifx\!!stringa\s!default
+%D \def\commalistelement{#1}%
+%D ##2%
+%D \fi}}
+%D {\let\donottest=\dontprocesstest
+%D \edef\!!stringb{#1}%
+%D \let\donottest=\doprocesstest
+%D \def\c!compareprocessaction[##1=>##2]%
+%D {\edef\!!stringa{##1}%
+%D \ifx\!!stringa\!!stringb
+%D \def\commalistelement{#1}%
+%D ##2%
+%D \let\c!doprocessaction=\gobbleoneargument
+%D \else\ifx\!!stringa\s!unknown
+%D \def\commalistelement{#1}%
+%D ##2%
+%D \fi\fi}}%
+%D \def\c!doprocessaction##1%
+%D {\c!compareprocessaction[##1]}%
+%D \processcommalist[#3]\c!doprocessaction}
+%D \def\processfirstactioninset[#1]#2[#3]%
+%D {\doifelse{#1}{}
+%D {\processaction[][#3]}
+%D {\def\c!compareprocessaction[##1=>##2][##3]%
+%D {\edef\!!stringa{##1}%
+%D \edef\!!stringb{##3}%
+%D \ifx\!!stringa\!!stringb
+%D \def\commalistelement{##3}%
+%D ##2%
+%D \let\c!doprocessaction=\gobbleoneargument
+%D \let\c!dodoprocessaction=\gobbleoneargument
+%D \else\ifx\!!stringa\s!unknown
+%D \def\commalistelement{##3}%
+%D ##2%
+%D \fi\fi}%
+%D \def\c!doprocessaction##1%
+%D {\def\c!dodoprocessaction####1%
+%D {\c!compareprocessaction[####1][##1]}%
+%D \processcommalist[#3]\c!dodoprocessaction}%
+%D \processcommalist[#1]\c!doprocessaction}}
+%D \def\processallactionsinset[#1]#2[#3]%
+%D {\doifelse{#1}{}
+%D {\processaction[][#3]}
+%D {\advance\processlevel by 1\relax
+%D \def\c!compareprocessaction[##1=>##2][##3]%
+%D {\edef\!!stringa{##1}%
+%D \edef\!!stringb{##3}%
+%D \ifx\!!stringa\!!stringb
+%D \def\commalistelement{##3}%
+%D ##2%
+%D \let\c!dodoprocessaction=\gobbleoneargument
+%D \else\ifx\!!stringa\s!unknown
+%D \def\commalistelement{##3}%
+%D ##2%
+%D \fi\fi}%
+%D \setvalue{\s!do\the\processlevel}##1%
+%D {\def\c!dodoprocessaction####1%
+%D {\c!compareprocessaction[####1][##1]}%
+%D \processcommalist[#3]\c!dodoprocessaction}%
+%D \processcommalist[#1]{\getvalue{\s!do\the\processlevel}}%
+%D \advance\processlevel by -1\relax}}
+%D \stoptypen
+%D The gain of speed in the final implementation is around
+%D 20\%, depending on the application.
+ {\edef\!!stringb{#1}%
+ \ifx\!!stringb\s!default
+ \let\commalistelement=\empty
+ #2%
+ \fi}
+ {\expandedaction\!!stringb{#1}%
+ \ifx\!!stringa\!!stringb
+ \def\commalistelement{#3}%
+ #2%
+ \let\p!doprocessaction=\gobbleoneargument
+ \else
+ \edef\!!stringb{#1}%
+ \ifx\!!stringb\s!unknown
+ \def\commalistelement{#3}% beware of loops
+ #2%
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+ {\let\donottest=\dontprocesstest
+ \expandedaction\!!stringa{#1}%
+ \let\donottest=\doprocesstest
+ \ifx\!!stringa\empty
+ \let\v!compareprocessaction=\v!compareprocessactionA
+ \else
+ \let\v!compareprocessaction=\v!compareprocessactionB
+ \fi
+ \def\p!doprocessaction##1%
+ {\v!compareprocessaction[##1][#1]}%
+ \processcommalist[#3]\p!doprocessaction
+ \expandactions}
+ {\expandedaction\!!stringa{#1}%
+ \expandedaction\!!stringb{#3}%
+ \ifx\!!stringa\!!stringb
+ \def\commalistelement{#3}%
+ #2%
+ \let\p!doprocessaction=\gobbleoneargument
+ \let\p!dodoprocessaction=\gobbleoneargument
+ \else
+ \edef\!!stringa{#1}%
+ \ifx\!!stringa\s!unknown
+ \def\commalistelement{#3}%
+ #2%
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+ {\expandedaction\!!stringa{#1}%
+ \ifx\!!stringa\empty
+ \processaction[][#3]%
+ \else
+ \def\p!doprocessaction##1%
+ {\def\p!dodoprocessaction####1%
+ {\v!compareprocessactionC[####1][##1]}%
+ \processcommalist[#3]\p!dodoprocessaction}%
+ \processcommalist[#1]\p!doprocessaction
+ \fi
+ \expandactions}
+ {\expandedaction\!!stringa{#1}%
+ \expandedaction\!!stringb{#3}%
+ \ifx\!!stringa\!!stringb
+ \def\commalistelement{#3}%
+ #2%
+ \let\p!dodoprocessaction=\gobbleoneargument
+ \else
+ \edef\!!stringa{#1}%
+ \ifx\!!stringa\s!unknown
+ \def\commalistelement{#3}%
+ #2%
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+ {\expandedaction\!!stringa{#1}%
+ \ifx\!!stringa\empty
+ \processaction[][#3]%
+ \else
+ \advance\processlevel by 1\relax
+ \setvalue{\s!do\the\processlevel}##1%
+ {\def\p!dodoprocessaction####1%
+ {\v!compareprocessactionD[####1][##1]}%
+ \processcommalist[#3]\p!dodoprocessaction}%
+ \processcommalist[#1]{\getvalue{\s!do\the\processlevel}}%
+ \advance\processlevel by -1\relax
+ \fi
+ \expandactions}
+%D \macros
+%D {unexpandedprocessaction,
+%D unexpandedprocessfirstactioninset,
+%D unexpandedprocessallactionsinset}
+%D {}
+%D Now what are those expansion commands doing there. Well,
+%D sometimes we want to compare actions that may consist off
+%D commands (i.e. are no constants). In such occasions we can
+%D use the a bit slower alternatives:
+\def\unexpandedprocessaction {\dontexpandactions\processaction}
+\def\unexpandedprocessallactionsinset {\dontexpandactions\processallactionsinset}
+%D By default we expand actions:
+ {\let\expandedaction=\edef}
+%D But when needed we convert the strings to meaningful
+%D sequences of characters.
+ {\def\convertedargument{#2}%
+ \@EA\edef\@EA#1\@EA{\@EA\unexpandedaction\meaning\convertedargument}}
+ {\let\expandedaction=\noexpandedaction}
+%D \macros
+%D {getfirstcharacter,firstcharacter}
+%D {}
+%D Sometimes the action to be undertaken depends on the
+%D next character. This macro get this character and puts it in
+%D \type{\firstcharacter}.
+%D \starttypen
+%D \getfirstcharacter {string}
+%D \stoptypen
+%D A two step expansion is used to prevent problems with
+%D complicated arguments, for instance arguments that
+%D consist of two or more expandable tokens.
+ {\def\firstcharacter{#1}}
+ {\edef\!!stringa{#1}%
+ \expandafter\dogetfirstcharacter\!!stringa\\}
+%D \macros
+%D {doifinstringelse, doifincsnameelse}
+%D {}
+%D We can check for the presence of a substring in a given
+%D sequence of characters.
+%D \starttypen
+%D \doifinsetelse {substring} {string} {then ...} {else ...}
+%D \stoptypen
+%D An application of this command can be found further on.
+%D Like before, we first show some alternatives, like the one
+%D we started with:
+%D \starttypen
+%D \long\def\p!doifinstringelse#1#2#3#4%
+%D {\def\c!doifinstringelse##1#1##2##3\war%
+%D {\if##2@%
+%D #4%
+%D \else
+%D #3%
+%D \fi}%
+%D \c!doifinstringelse#2#1@@\war}
+%D \def\doifinstringelse%
+%D {\ExpandBothAfter\p!doifinstringelse}
+%D \stoptypen
+%D After this we came to:
+%D \starttypen
+%D \def\p!doifinstringelse#1#2%
+%D {\def\c!doifinstringelse##1#1##2##3\war%
+%D {\if##2@}%
+%D \c!doifinstringelse#2#1@@\war}
+%D \def\doifinstringelse#1#2#3#4%
+%D {\ExpandBothAfter\p!doifinstringelse{#1}{#2}%
+%D #4%
+%D \else
+%D #3%
+%D \fi}
+%D \stoptypen
+%D Sometimes the second argument is passed as a macro. By
+%D postponing the expansion of this macro, we gain quite some
+%D run time, simply because the less tokens we pass, the faster
+%D \TEX\ runs. So finally the definition became:
+ {\def\c!ifinstringelse##1#1##2##3\war%
+ {\csname\if##2@iffalse\else iftrue\fi\endcsname}%
+ \expanded{\c!ifinstringelse#2#1@@\noexpand\war}} % expand #2 here
+ {\edef\@@instring{#1}% expand #1 here
+ \@EA\v!ifinstringelse\@EA{\@@instring}{#2}%
+ #3%
+ \else
+ #4%
+ \fi}
+%D The next alternative proved to be upto twice as fast on
+%D tasks like checking reserved words in pretty verbatim
+%D typesetting! This is mainly due to the fact that passing
+%D (expanded) strings is much slower that passing a macro.
+%D \starttypen
+%D \doifincsnameelse {substring} {\string} {then ...} {else ...}
+%D \stoptypen
+%D Where \type{\doifinstringelse} does as much expansion as
+%D possible, the latter alternative does minimal (one level)
+%D expansion.
+ {\def\c!ifincsnameelse##1#1##2##3\war%
+ {\csname\if##2@iffalse\else iftrue\fi\endcsname}%
+ \@EA\c!ifincsnameelse#2#1@@\war}
+ {\edef\@@instring{#1}%
+ \@EA\v!ifincsnameelse\@EA{\@@instring}{#2}%
+ #3%
+ \else
+ #4%
+ \fi}
+%D \macros
+%D {doifnumberelse}
+%D {}
+%D The next macro executes a command depending of the outcome
+%D of a test on numerals. This is probably one of the fastest
+%D test possible, exept from a less robust 10||step
+%D \type{\if}||ladder or some tricky \type{\lcode} checking.
+%D \starttypen
+%D \doifnumberelse {string} {then ...} {else ...}
+%D \stoptypen
+%D The macro accepts \type{123}, \type{abc}, \type{{}},
+%D \type{\getal} and \type{\the\count...}.
+ {\getfirstcharacter{#1}%
+ \@EA\ifinstringelse\firstcharacter{1234567890}%
+ #2%
+ \else
+ #3%
+ \fi}
+%D Before we had \type{\ifinstringelse} available, we used:
+%D \starttypen
+%D \def\doifnumberelse#1%
+%D {\getfirstcharacter{#1}%
+%D \rawdoifinsetelse{\firstcharacter}{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0}}
+%D \stoptypen
+%D A faster but less fail safe alternative is:
+%D \starttypen
+%D \dostepwiserecurse{0}{9}{1}
+%D {\@EA\uccode\@EA`\recurselevel=1}
+%D \long\def\doifnumberelse#1#2#3%
+%D {\getfirstcharacter{#1}%
+%D \@EA\ifnum\@EA\uccode\@EA`\firstcharacter=1
+%D #2%
+%D \else
+%D #3%
+%D \fi}
+%D \stoptypen
+%D This one only works when the \type{\firstcharacter} is
+%D indeed a character. Numbers and strings of characters go
+%D all right, but arguments like \type{\relax} let things
+%D go wrong.
+%D \macros
+%D {makerawcommalist,
+%D rawdoinsetelse,
+%D rawprocesscommalist,
+%D rawprocessaction}
+%D {}
+%D Some of the commands mentioned earlier are effective but
+%D slow. When one is desperately in need of faster alternatives
+%D and when the conditions are predictable safe, the \type{\raw}
+%D alternatives come into focus. A major drawback is that
+%D they do not take \type{\c!constants} into account, simply
+%D because no expansion is done. This is no problem with
+%D \type{\rawprocesscommalist}, because this macro does not
+%D compare anything. Expandable macros are permitted as search
+%D string.
+%D \starttypen
+%D \makerawcommalist[string,string,...]\stringlist
+%D \rawdoifinsetelse{string}{string,...}{...}{...}
+%D \rawprocesscommalist[string,string,...]\commando
+%D \rawprocessaction[x][a=>\a,b=>\b,c=>\c]
+%D \stoptypen
+%D Spaces embedded in the list, for instance after commas,
+%D spoil the search process. The gain in speed depends on the
+%D length of the argument (the longer the argument, the less
+%D we gain).
+ {\def\appendtocommalist##1%
+ {\doifelse{#2}{}
+ {\edef#2{##1}}
+ {\edef#2{#2,##1}}}%
+ \def#2{}%
+ \processcommalist[#1]\appendtocommalist}
+ {\if]#1\else
+ \csname\s!next\the\commalevel\endcsname{#1}%
+ \expandafter\rawprocesscommaitem
+ \fi}
+ {\advance\commalevel by 1\relax
+ \expandafter\let\csname\s!next\the\commalevel\endcsname=#2%
+ \expandafter\rawprocesscommaitem#1,],% \relax
+ \advance\commalevel by -1\relax}
+ {\doifinstringelse{,#1,}{,#2,}}
+ {\def\c!rawprocessaction##1,#1=>##2,##3\war%
+ {\if##3@\else
+ \def\v!processaction{##2}%
+ \fi}%
+ \c!rawprocessaction,#2,#1=>,@\war}
+ {\edef\!!stringa{#1}%
+ \edef\!!stringb{undefined}%
+ \let\v!processaction=\!!stringb
+ \ifx\!!stringa\empty
+ \@EA\v!rawprocessaction\@EA[\s!default][#3]%
+ \else
+ \expandafter\v!rawprocessaction\expandafter[\!!stringa][#3]%
+ \ifx\v!processaction\!!stringb
+ \@EA\v!rawprocessaction\@EA[\s!unknown][#3]%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \ifx\v!processaction\!!stringb
+ \else
+ \v!processaction
+ \fi}
+%D When we process the list \type{a,b,c,d,e}, the raw routine
+%D takes over 30\% less time, when we feed $20+$ character
+%D strings we gain about 20\%. Alternatives which use
+%D \type{\futurelet} perform worse. Part of the speedup is
+%D due to the \type{\let} and \type{\expandafter} in the test.
+%D \macros
+%D {processunexpandedcommalist}
+%D {}
+%D When processing commalists, the arguments are expanded. The
+%D main reason for doing so lays in the fact that these
+%D macros are used for interfacing. The next alternative can be used
+%D for
+%D \starttypen
+%D \processunexpandedcommalist
+%D [\alfa\beta,\gamma,\delta\epsilon]
+%D \handleitem
+%D \stoptypen
+%D This time nesting is not supported.
+ {\if]\noexpand#1%
+ \let\nextcommaitem=\relax
+ \else
+ \handleunexpandedcommaitem{#1}%
+ \let\nextcommaitem=\processunexpandedcommaitem
+ \fi
+ \nextcommaitem}
+ {\def\handleunexpandedcommaitem{#2}%
+ \processunexpandedcommaitem#1,],}% \relax}
+%D Or faster:
+ {\if]\noexpand#1\else
+ \handleunexpandedcommaitem{#1}%
+ \expandafter\processunexpandedcommaitem
+ \fi}
+%D \macros
+%D {dosetvalue,dosetevalue,docopyvalue,doresetvalue,
+%D dogetvalue}
+%D {}
+%D When we are going to do assignments, we have to take
+%D multi||linguality into account. For the moment we keep
+%D things simple and single||lingual.
+%D \starttypen
+%D \dosetvalue {label} {variable} {value}
+%D \dosetevalue {label} {variable} {value}
+%D \docopyvalue {to label} {from label} {variable}
+%D \doresetvalue {label} {variable}
+%D \stoptypen
+%D These macros are in fact auxiliary ones and are not meant
+%D for use outside the assignment macros.
+\def\dosetvalue#1#2% #3
+ {\@EA\def\csname#1#2\endcsname} % {#3}}
+\def\dosetevalue#1#2% #3
+ {\@EA\edef\csname#1#2\endcsname} % {#3}}
+ {\@EA\def\csname#1#2\endcsname{}}
+ {\@EA\def\csname#1#3\endcsname{\csname#2#3\endcsname}}
+%D \macros
+%D {doassign,undoassign,doassignempty}
+%D {}
+%D Assignments are the backbone of \CONTEXT. Abhorred by the
+%D concept of style file hacking, we took a considerable effort
+%D in building a parameterized system. Unfortunately there is a
+%D price to pay in terms of speed. Compared to other packages
+%D and taking the functionality of \CONTEXT\ into account, the
+%D total size of the format file is still very acceptable. Now
+%D how are these assignments done.
+%D Assignments can be realized with:
+%D \starttypen
+%D \doassign[label][variable=value]
+%D \undoassign[label][variable=value]
+%D \stoptypen
+%D and:
+%D \starttypen
+%D \doassignempty[label][variable=value]
+%D \stoptypen
+%D Assignments like \type{\doassign} are compatible with:
+%D \starttypen
+%D \def\labelvariable{value}
+%D \stoptypen
+%D We do check for the presence of an \type{=} and loudly
+%D complain of it's missed. We will redefine this macro later
+%D on, when a more advanced message mechanism is implemented.
+% {\let\donottest=\dontprocesstest
+% \edef\!!stringa{#5}%
+% \let\!!stringb=\relax
+% \let\donottest=\doprocesstest
+% \ifx\!!stringa\!!stringb
+% \writestatus
+% {setup}
+% {missing '=' after '#3' in line \the\inputlineno}%
+% \else
+% #1{#2}{#3}{#4}%
+% \fi}
+\def\p!doassign#1[#2][#3=#4=#5]% redefined in mult-ini
+ {\ifx\empty#3\else % and definitely not \ifx#3\empty
+ \ifx\relax#5%
+ \writestatus
+ {setup}
+ {missing '=' after '#3' in line \the\inputlineno}%
+ \else
+ #1{#2}{#3}{#4}%
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+ {\p!doassign\dosetvalue[#1][#2==\relax]}
+ {\p!doassign\dosetevalue[#1][#2==\relax]}
+ {\p!doassign\doresetvalue[#1][#2==\relax]}
+ {\doifundefined{#1#2}
+ {\dosetvalue{#1}{#2}{#3}}}
+%D \macros
+%D {getparameters,geteparameters,forgetparameters}
+%D {}
+%D Using the assignment commands directly is not our
+%D ideal of user friendly interfacing, so we take some further
+%D steps.
+%D \starttypen
+%D \getparameters [label] [...=...,...=...]
+%D \forgetparameters [label] [...=...,...=...]
+%D \stoptypen
+%D Again, the label identifies the category a variable
+%D belongs to. The second argument can be a comma separated
+%D list of assignments.
+%D \starttypen
+%D \getparameters
+%D [demo]
+%D [alfa=1,
+%D beta=2]
+%D \stoptypen
+%D is equivalent to
+%D \starttypen
+%D \def\demoalfa{1}
+%D \def\demobeta{2}
+%D \stoptypen
+%D In the pre||multi||lingual stadium \CONTEXT\ took the next
+%D approach. With
+%D \starttypen
+%D \def\??demo {@@demo}
+%D \def\!!alfa {alfa}
+%D \def\!!beta {beta}
+%D \stoptypen
+%D calling
+%D \starttypen
+%D \getparameters
+%D [\??demo]
+%D [\!!alfa=1,
+%D \!!beta=2]
+%D \stoptypen
+%D lead to:
+%D \starttypen
+%D \def\@@demoalfa{1}
+%D \def\@@demobeta{2}
+%D \stoptypen
+%D Because we want to be able to distinguish the \type{!!}
+%D pre||tagged user supplied variables from internal
+%D counterparts, we will introduce a slightly different tag in
+%D the multi||lingual modules. There we will use \type{c!} or
+%D \type{v!}, depending on the context.
+%D By calling \type{\p!doassign} directly, we save ourselves
+%D some argument passing and gain some speed. Whatever
+%D optimizations we do, this command will always be one of the
+%D bigger bottlenecks.
+%D The alternative \type{\geteparameters} --- it's funny to
+%D see that this alternative saw the light so lately --- can be
+%D used to do expanded assigments.
+ {\def\p!dogetparameter##1%
+ {\p!doassign#1[#2][##1==\relax]}%
+ \processcommalist[#4]\p!dogetparameter}
+ {\dogetparameters\dosetvalue}
+ {\dogetparameters\dosetevalue}
+ {\dogetparameters\doresetvalue}
+%D \macros
+%D {getemptyparameters}
+%D {}
+%D Sometimes we explicitly want variables to default to an
+%D empty string, so we welcome:
+%D \starttypen
+%D \getemptyparameters [label] [...=...,...=...]
+%D \stoptypen
+ {\def\p!dogetemptyparameter##1%
+ {\doassignempty[#1][##1]}%
+ \processcommalist[#3]\p!dogetemptyparameter}
+%D \macros
+%D {copyparameters}
+%D {}
+%D Some \CONTEXT\ commands take their default setups from
+%D others. All commands that are able to provide backgounds
+%D or rules around some content, for instance default to the
+%D standard command for ruled boxes. Is situations like this
+%D we can use:
+%D \starttypen
+%D \copyparameters [to-label] [from-label] [name1,name2,...]
+%D \stoptypen
+%D For instance
+%D \starttypen
+%D \copyparameters
+%D [internal][external]
+%D [alfa,beta]
+%D \stoptypen
+%D Leads to:
+%D \starttypen
+%D \def\internalalfa {\externalalfa}
+%D \def\internalbeta {\externalbeta}
+%D \stoptypen
+%D By using \type{\docopyvalue} we've prepared this command
+%D for use in a multi||lingual environment.
+ {\doifnot{#1}{#3}
+ {\def\docopyparameter##1%
+ {\docopyvalue{#1}{#3}{##1}}%
+ \processcommalist[#5]\docopyparameter}}
+%D \macros
+%D {doifassignmentelse}
+%D {}
+%D A lot of \CONTEXT\ commands take optional arguments, for
+%D instance:
+%D \starttypen
+%D \dothisorthat[alfa,beta]
+%D \dothisorthat[first=foo,second=bar]
+%D \dothisorthat[alfa,beta][first=foo,second=bar]
+%D \stoptypen
+%D Although a combined solution is possible, we prefer a
+%D seperation. The next command takes care of propper
+%D handling of such multi||faced commands.
+%D \starttypen
+%D \doifassignmentelse {...} {then ...} {else ...}
+%D \stoptypen
+ {\doifinstringelse{=}}
+%D \macros
+%D {ifparameters,checkparameters}
+%D {}
+%D A slightly different one is \type{\checkparameters}, which
+%D also checks on the presence of a~\type{=}.
+%D The boolean \type{\ifparameters} can be used afterwards.
+%D Combining both in one \type{\if}||macro would lead to
+%D problems with nested \type{\if}'s.
+%D \starttypen
+%D \checkparameters[argument]
+%D \stoptypen
+ {\if#2@\parametersfalse\else\parameterstrue\fi}
+ {\c!checkparameters#1=@@\war}
+%D \macros
+%D {getfromcommalist,getfromcommacommand,
+%D commalistelement,
+%D getcommalistsize,getcommacommandsize}
+%D {}
+%D It's possible to get an element from a commalist or a
+%D command representing a commalist.
+%D \starttypen
+%D \getfromcommalist [string] [n]
+%D \getfromcommacommand [string,\strings,string,...] [n]
+%D \stoptypen
+%D The difference betwee the two of them is the same as the
+%D difference between \type{\processcomma...}. The found string
+%D is stored in \type{\commalistelement}.
+%D We can calculate the size of a comma separated list by
+%D using:
+%D \starttypen
+%D \getcommalistsize [string,string,...]
+%D \getcommacommandsize [string,\strings,string,...]
+%D \stoptypen
+%D Afterwards, the length is available in the macro
+%D \type{\commalistsize} (not a \COUNTER).
+ {\scratchcounter=0\relax
+ \def\p!dodogetcommalistsize##1%
+ {\advance\scratchcounter by 1\relax}%
+ #1[#2]\p!dodogetcommalistsize % was [{#2}]
+ \edef\commalistsize{\the\scratchcounter}}
+ {\p!dogetcommalistsize\processcommalist}
+ {\p!dogetcommalistsize\processcommacommand}
+ {\advance\scratchcounter by -1\relax
+ \ifnum\scratchcounter=0\relax
+ \gdef\globalcommalistelement{#1}%
+ \def\doprocesscommaitem##1]{}%
+ \fi}
+ {\global\let\globalcommalistelement=\empty
+ \bgroup
+ \scratchcounter=#4\relax
+ #1[#2]\p!dodogetfromcommalist
+ \egroup
+ \let\commalistelement=\globalcommalistelement}
+ {\p!dogetfromcommalist\processcommalist}
+ {\p!dogetfromcommalist\processcommacommand}
+%D Watertight (and efficient) solutions are hard to find, due
+%D to the handling of braces during parameters passing and
+%D scanning. Nevertheless:
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \def\dosomething#1{(#1=\commalistsize) }
+%D \getcommalistsize [\hbox{$a,b,c,d,e,f$}] \dosomething 1
+%D \getcommalistsize [{a,b,c,d,e,f}] \dosomething 1
+%D \getcommalistsize [{a,b,c},d,e,f] \dosomething 4
+%D \getcommalistsize [a,b,{c,d,e},f] \dosomething 4
+%D \getcommalistsize [a{b,c},d,e,f] \dosomething 4
+%D \getcommalistsize [{a,b}c,d,e,f] \dosomething 4
+%D \getcommalistsize [] \dosomething 0
+%D \getcommalistsize [{[}] \dosomething 1
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+%D reports:
+%D \haalbuffer
+%D \macros
+%D {dosingleargument,dodoubleargument,dotripleargument,
+%D doquadrupleargument,doquintupleargument,dosixtupleargument}
+%D {}
+%D When working with delimited arguments, spaces and
+%D lineendings can interfere. The next set of macros uses
+%D \TEX' internal scanner for grabbing everything between
+%D arguments.
+%D \starttypen
+%D \dosingleargument\commando = \commando[#1]
+%D \dodoubleargument\commando = \commando[#1][#2]
+%D \dotripleargument\commando = \commando[#1][#2][#3]
+%D \doquadrupleargument\commando = \commando[#1][#2][#3][#4]
+%D \doquintupleargument\commando = \commando[#1][#2][#3][#4][#5]
+%D \dosixtupleargument\commando = \commando[#1][#2][#3][#4][#5][#6]
+%D \stoptypen
+%D These macros are used in the following way:
+%D \starttypen
+%D \def\dosetupsomething[#1][#2]%
+%D {... #1 ... #2 ...}
+%D \def\setupsomething%
+%D {\dodoubleargument\dosetupsomething}
+%D \stoptypen
+%D The implementation can be surprisingly simple and needs no
+%D further explanation, like:
+%D \starttypen
+%D \def\dosingleargument#1[#2]%
+%D {#1[#2]}
+%D \def\dotripleargument#1[#2]#3[#4]#5[#6]%
+%D {#1[#2][#4][#6]}
+%D \def\doquintupleargument#1%
+%D {\def\dodoquintupleargument[##1]##2[##3]##4[##5]##6[##7]##8[##9]%
+%D {#1[##1][##3][##5][##7][##9]}%
+%D \dodoquintupleargument}
+%D \stoptypen
+%D Because \TEX\ accepts 9~arguments at most, we have to use
+%D two||step solution when getting five or more arguments.
+%D When developing more and more of the real \CONTEXT, we
+%D started using some alternatives that provided empty
+%D arguments (in fact optional ones) whenever the user failed
+%D to supply them. Because this more complicated macros enable
+%D us to do some checking, we reimplemented the non||empty
+%D ones.
+ {\chardef\expectedarguments=1
+ \dosingleempty}
+ {\chardef\expectedarguments=2
+ \dodoubleempty}
+ {\chardef\expectedarguments=3
+ \dotripleempty}
+ {\chardef\expectedarguments=4
+ \doquadrupleempty}
+ {\chardef\expectedarguments=5
+ \doquintupleempty}
+ {\chardef\expectedarguments=6
+ \dosixtupleempty}
+%D \macros
+%D {iffirstagument,ifsecondargument,ifthirdargument,
+%D iffourthargument,iffifthargument,ifsixthargument}
+%D {}
+%D We use some signals for telling the calling macros if all
+%D wanted arguments are indeed supplied by the user.
+%D \macros
+%D {dosingleempty,dodoubleempty,dotripleempty,
+%D doquadrupleempty,doquintupleempty}
+%D {}
+%D The empty argument supplying macros mentioned before, look
+%D like:
+%D \starttypen
+%D \dosingleempty \command
+%D \dodoubleempty \command
+%D \dotripleempty \command
+%D \doquadrupleempty \command
+%D \doquintupleempty \command
+%D \dosixtupleempty \command
+%D \stoptypen
+%D So \type{\dodoubleempty} leades to:
+%D \starttypen
+%D \command[#1][#2]
+%D \command[#1][]
+%D \command[][]
+%D \stoptypen
+%D Depending of the generousity of the user. Afterwards one can
+%D use the \type{\if...argument} boolean. For novice: watch
+%D the stepwise doubling of \type{#}'s
+\chardef\expectedarguments =0
+\def\dogetargument#1#2#3#4% redefined in mult-ini
+ {\doifnextcharelse{#1}
+ {\let\expectedarguments=\noexpectedarguments
+ #3\dodogetargument}
+ {\ifnum\expectedarguments>\noexpectedarguments
+ \writestatus
+ {setup}
+ {\expectedarguments\space argument(s) expected
+ in line \the\inputlineno\space}%
+ \fi
+ \let\expectedarguments=\noexpectedarguments
+ #4\dodogetargument#1#2}}
+ {\def\dodogetargument%
+ {#3}%
+ \dogetargument#1#2\firstargumenttrue\firstargumentfalse}
+ {\def\dodogetargument#1##1#2%
+ {\def\dodogetargument%
+ {#3#1##1#2}%
+ \dogetargument#1#2\secondargumenttrue\secondargumentfalse}%
+ \dogetargument#1#2\firstargumenttrue\firstargumentfalse}
+ {\def\dodogetargument#1##1#2%
+ {\def\dodogetargument#1####1#2%
+ {\def\dodogetargument%
+ {#3#1##1#2#1####1#2}%
+ \dogetargument#1#2\thirdargumenttrue\thirdargumentfalse}%
+ \dogetargument#1#2\secondargumenttrue\secondargumentfalse}%
+ \dogetargument#1#2\firstargumenttrue\firstargumentfalse}
+ {\def\dodogetargument#1##1#2%
+ {\def\dodogetargument#1####1#2%
+ {\def\dodogetargument#1########1#2%
+ {\def\dodogetargument%
+ {#3#1##1#2#1####1#2#1########1#2}%
+ \dogetargument#1#2\fourthargumenttrue\fourthargumentfalse}%
+ \dogetargument#1#2\thirdargumenttrue\thirdargumentfalse}%
+ \dogetargument#1#2\secondargumenttrue\secondargumentfalse}%
+ \dogetargument#1#2\firstargumenttrue\firstargumentfalse}
+ {\def\dodogetargument#1##1#2%
+ {\def\dodogetargument#1####1#2%
+ {\def\dodogetargument#1########1#2%
+ {\def\dodogetargument#1################1#2%
+ {\def\dodogetargument%
+ {#3#1##1#2#1####1#2#1########1#2#1################1#2}%
+ \dogetargument#1#2\fifthargumenttrue\fifthargumentfalse}%
+ \dogetargument#1#2\fourthargumenttrue\fourthargumentfalse}%
+ \dogetargument#1#2\thirdargumenttrue\thirdargumentfalse}%
+ \dogetargument#1#2\secondargumenttrue\secondargumentfalse}%
+ \dogetargument#1#2\firstargumenttrue\firstargumentfalse}
+ {\def\dodogetargument#1##1#2%
+ {\def\dodogetargument#1####1#2%
+ {\def\dodogetargument#1########1#2%
+ {\def\dodogetargument#1################1#2%
+ {\def\dodogetargument#1################################1#2%
+ {\def\dodogetargument%
+ {#3#1##1#2#1####1#2#1########1#2#1################1%
+ #2#1################################1#2}%
+ \dogetargument#1#2\sixthargumenttrue\sixthargumentfalse}%
+ \dogetargument#1#2\fifthargumenttrue\fifthargumentfalse}%
+ \dogetargument#1#2\fourthargumenttrue\fourthargumentfalse}%
+ \dogetargument#1#2\thirdargumenttrue\thirdargumentfalse}%
+ \dogetargument#1#2\secondargumenttrue\secondargumentfalse}%
+ \dogetargument#1#2\firstargumenttrue\firstargumentfalse}
+\def\dosingleempty {\getsingleempty []}
+\def\dodoubleempty {\getdoubleempty []}
+\def\dotripleempty {\gettripleempty []}
+\def\doquadrupleempty {\getquadrupleempty []}
+\def\doquintupleempty {\getquintupleempty []}
+\def\dosixtupleempty {\getsixtupleempty []}
+%D \macros
+%D {dosingleargumentwithset,
+%D dodoubleargumentwithset,dodoubleemptywithset,
+%D dotripleargumentwithset,dotripleemptywithset}
+%D {}
+%D These maybe too mysterious macros enable us to handle more
+%D than one setup at once.
+%D \starttypen
+%D \dosingleargumentwithset \command[#1]
+%D \dodoubleargumentwithset \command[#1][#2]
+%D \dotripleargumentwithset \command[#1][#2][#3]
+%D \dodoubleemptywithset \command[#1][#2]
+%D \dotripleemptywithset \command[#1][#2][#3]
+%D \stoptypen
+%D The first macro calls \type{\command[##1]} for each string
+%D in the set~\type{#1}. The second one calls for
+%D \type{\commando[##1][#2]} and the third, well one may guess.
+%D These commands support constructions like:
+%D \starttypen
+%D \def\dodefinesomething[#1][#2]%
+%D {\getparameters[\??xx#1][#2]}
+%D \def\definesomething%
+%D {\dodoubleargumentwithset\dodefinesomething}
+%D \stoptypen
+%D Which accepts calls like:
+%D \starttypen
+%D \definesomething[alfa,beta,...][variable=...,...]
+%D \stoptypen
+%D Now a whole bunch of variables like \type{\@@xxalfavariable}
+%D and \type{\@@xxbetavariable} is defined.
+ {\def\dodosinglewithset[##1]%
+ {\def\dododosinglewithset####1%
+ {#1[####1]}%
+ \processcommalist[##1]\dododosinglewithset}%
+ \dosingleargument\dodosinglewithset}%
+ {\def\dododoublewithset[##1][##2]%
+ {\doifnot{##1}{}
+ {\def\dodododoublewithset####1%
+ {#2[####1][##2]}%
+ \processcommalist[##1]\dodododoublewithset}}%
+ #1\dododoublewithset}%
+ {\dodoublewithset\dodoubleempty}
+ {\dodoublewithset\dodoubleargument}
+ {\def\dodotriplewithset[##1][##2][##3]%
+ {\doifnot{##1}{}
+ {\def\dododotriplewithset####1%
+ {#2[####1][##2][##3]}%
+ \processcommalist[##1]\dododotriplewithset}}%
+ #1\dodotriplewithset}%
+ {\dotriplewithset\dotripleempty}
+ {\dotriplewithset\dotripleargument}
+%D \macros
+%D {complexorsimple,complexorsimpleempty}
+%D {}
+%D Setups can be optional. A command expecting a setup is
+%D prefixed by \type{\complex}, a command without one gets the
+%D prefix \type{\simple}. Commands like this can be defined by:
+%D \starttypen
+%D \complexorsimple {command}
+%D \stoptypen
+%D When \type{\command} is followed by a \type{[setup]}, then
+%D \starttypen
+%D \complexcommand [setup]
+%D \stoptypen
+%D executes, else we get
+%D \starttypen
+%D \simplecommand
+%D \stoptypen
+%D An alternative for \type{\complexorsimple} is:
+%D \starttypen
+%D \complexorsimpleempty {command}
+%D \stoptypen
+%D Depending on the presence of \type{[setup]}, this one
+%D leads to one of:
+%D \starttypen
+%D \complexcommando [setup]
+%D \complexcommando []
+%D \stoptypen
+%D Many \CONTEXT\ commands started as complex or simple ones,
+%D but changed into more versatile (more object oriented) ones
+%D using the \type{\get..argument} commands.
+ {\doifnextcharelse{[}
+ {\firstargumenttrue\getvalue{\s!complex#1}}
+ {\firstargumentfalse\getvalue{\s!simple#1}}}
+ {\doifnextcharelse{[}
+ {\firstargumenttrue\getvalue{\s!complex#1}}
+ {\firstargumentfalse\getvalue{\s!complex#1}[]}}
+%D \macros
+%D {definecomplexorsimple,definecomplexorsimpleempty}
+%D {}
+%D The previous commands are used that often that we found it
+%D worthwile to offer two more alternatives.
+ {\bgroup
+ \escapechar=-1\relax
+ \xdef\nameofcommand{\string#1}%
+ \egroup}
+\def\definewithnameofcommand#1#2% watch the \donottest
+ {\setnameofcommand{#2}%
+ \@EA\def\@EA#2\@EA{\@EA\donottest\@EA#1\@EA{\nameofcommand}}}
+ {\definewithnameofcommand\complexorsimple}
+ {\definewithnameofcommand\complexorsimpleempty}
+%D These commands are called as:
+%D \starttypen
+%D \definecomplexorsimple\command
+%D \stoptypen
+%D Of course, we must have available
+%D \starttypen
+%D \def\complexcommand[#1]{...}
+%D \def\simplecommand {...}
+%D \stoptypen
+%D Using this construction saves a few string now and then.
+%D \macros
+%D {definestartstopcommand}
+%D {}
+%D Those who get the creeps of expansion may skip the next
+%D one. It's one of the most recent additions and concerns
+%D \type{\start}||\type{\stop} pairs with complicated
+%D arguments.
+%D We won't go into details here, but the general form of
+%D this using this command is:
+%D \starttypen
+%D \definestartstopcommand\somecommand\v!specifier{arg}{arg}%
+%D {do something with arg}
+%D \stoptypen
+%D This expands to something like:
+%D \starttypen
+%D \def\somecommand arg \startspecifier arg \stopspecifier%
+%D {do something with arg}
+%D \stoptypen
+%D The argumentss can be anything reasonable, but double
+%D \type{#}'s are needed in the specification part, like:
+%D \starttypen
+%D \definestartstopcommand\somecommand\v!specifier{[##1][##2]}{##3}%
+%D {do #1 something #2 with #3 arg}
+%D \stoptypen
+%D which becomes:
+%D \starttypen
+%D \def\somecommand[#1][#2]\startspecifier#3\stopspecifier%
+%D {do #1 something #2 with #3 arg}
+%D \stoptypen
+%D We will see some real applications of this command in the
+%D core modules.
+ {\def\!stringa{#3}%
+ \def\!stringb{\e!start#2}%
+ \def\!stringc{#4}%
+ \def\!stringd{\e!stop#2}%
+ \@EA\@EA\@EA\@EA\@EA\@EA\@EA\@EA\@EA\@EA\@EA\@EA\@EA\@EA\@EA
+ \def\@EA\@EA\@EA\@EA\@EA\@EA\@EA\@EA\@EA\@EA\@EA\@EA\@EA\@EA\@EA
+ #1\@EA\@EA\@EA\@EA\@EA\@EA\@EA
+ \!stringa\@EA\@EA\@EA
+ \csname\@EA\@EA\@EA\!stringb\@EA\@EA\@EA\endcsname\@EA
+ \!stringc
+ \csname\!stringd\endcsname}
+%D \macros
+%D {dosinglegroupempty,dodoublegroupempty,dotriplegroupempty,
+%D doquadruplegroupempty}
+%D {}
+%D We've already seen some commands that take care of
+%D optional arguments between \type{[]}. The next two commands
+%D handle the ones with \type{{}}. They are called as:
+%D \starttypen
+%D \dosinglegroupempty \IneedONEargument
+%D \dodoublegroupempty \IneedTWOarguments
+%D \dotriplegroupempty \IneedTHREEarguments
+%D \dotriplegroupempty \IneedFOURarguments
+%D \stoptypen
+%D where \type{\IneedONEargument} takes one and the others
+%D two and three arguments. These macro's were first needed in
+\def\dogetgroupargument#1#2% redefined in mult-ini
+ {\def\nextnextargument%
+ {\ifx\nextargument\bgroup
+ \let\expectedarguments=\noexpectedarguments
+ \def\nextargument{#1\dodogetargument}%
+ %\else\ifx\nextargument\lineending % this can be an option
+ % \def\nextargument{\bgroup\def\\ {\egroup\dogetgroupargument#1#2}\\}%
+ %\else\ifx\nextargument\blankspace % but it may never be default
+ % \def\nextargument{\bgroup\def\\ {\egroup\dogetgroupargument#1#2}\\}%
+ \else
+ \ifnum\expectedarguments>\noexpectedarguments
+ \writestatus
+ {setup}
+ {\the\expectedarguments\space argument(s) expected
+ in line \the\inputlineno\space}%
+ \fi
+ \let\expectedarguments=\noexpectedarguments
+ \def\nextargument{#2\dodogetargument{}}%
+ \fi%\fi\fi % so let's get rid of it
+ \nextargument}%
+ \futurelet\nextargument\nextnextargument}
+ {\def\dodogetargument%
+ {#1}%
+ \dogetgroupargument\firstargumenttrue\firstargumentfalse}
+ {\def\dodogetargument##1%
+ {\def\dodogetargument%
+ {#1{##1}}%
+ \dogetgroupargument\secondargumenttrue\secondargumentfalse}%
+ \dogetgroupargument\firstargumenttrue\firstargumentfalse}
+ {\def\dodogetargument##1%
+ {\def\dodogetargument####1%
+ {\def\dodogetargument%
+ {#1{##1}{####1}}%
+ \dogetgroupargument\thirdargumenttrue\thirdargumentfalse}%
+ \dogetgroupargument\secondargumenttrue\secondargumentfalse}%
+ \dogetgroupargument\firstargumenttrue\firstargumentfalse}
+ {\def\dodogetargument##1%
+ {\def\dodogetargument####1%
+ {\def\dodogetargument########1%
+ {\def\dodogetargument%
+ {#1{##1}{####1}{########1}}%
+ \dogetgroupargument\fourthargumenttrue\fourthargumentfalse}%
+ \dogetgroupargument\thirdargumenttrue\thirdargumentfalse}%
+ \dogetgroupargument\secondargumenttrue\secondargumentfalse}%
+ \dogetgroupargument\firstargumenttrue\firstargumentfalse}
+%D These macros explictly take care of spaces, which means
+%D that the next definition and calls are valid:
+%D \starttypen
+%D \def\test#1#2#3{[#1#2#3]}
+%D \dotriplegroupempty\test {a}{b}{c}
+%D \dotriplegroupempty\test {a}{b}
+%D \dotriplegroupempty\test {a}
+%D \dotriplegroupempty\test
+%D \dotriplegroupempty\test {a} {b} {c}
+%D \dotriplegroupempty\test {a} {b}
+%D \dotriplegroupempty\test
+%D {a}
+%D {b}
+%D \stoptypen
+%D And alike.
+%D \macros
+%D {wait}
+%D {}
+%D The next macro hardly needs explanation. Because no
+%D nesting is to be expected, we can reuse \type{\wait} within
+%D \type{\wait} itself.
+ {\bgroup
+ \read16 to \wait
+ \egroup}
+%D \macros
+%D {writestring,writeline,
+%D writestatus,statuswidth}
+%D {}
+%D Maybe one didn't notice, but we've already introduced a
+%D macro for showing messages. In the multi||lingual modules,
+%D we will also introduce a mechanism for message passing. For
+%D the moment we stick to the core macros:
+%D \starttypen
+%D \writestring {string}
+%D \writeline
+%D \writestatus {category} {message}
+%D \stoptypen
+%D Messages are formatted. One can provide the maximum with
+%D of the identification string with the macro
+%D \type{\statuswidth}.
+\def\statuswidth {15}
+ {\immediate\write16}
+ {\writestring{}}
+ {\ifx#1?%
+ \loop
+ \advance\scratchcounter by 1
+ \ifnum\scratchcounter<\statuswidth\relax
+ \edef\messagecontentA{\messagecontentA\space}%
+ \repeat
+ \else
+ \advance\scratchcounter by 1
+ \ifnum\scratchcounter<\statuswidth\relax
+ \edef\messagecontentA{\messagecontentA#1}%
+ \fi
+ \dosplitstatus#2\end
+ \fi}
+ {\bgroup
+ \edef\messagecontentA{}%
+ \edef\messagecontentB{#2}% maybe it's \the\scratchcounter
+ \scratchcounter=0
+ \expandafter\dosplitstatus#1?\end
+ \writestring{\messagecontentA\space:\space\messagecontentB}%
+ \egroup}
+%D \macros
+%D {debuggerinfo}
+%D {}
+%D For debugging purposes we can enhance macros with the
+%D next alternative. Here \type{debuggerinfo} stands for both
+%D a macro accepting two arguments and a boolean (in fact a
+%D few macro's too).
+ {\ifdebuggerinfo
+ \writestatus{debugger}{#1:: #2}%
+ \fi}
+%D Finally we do what from now on will be done at the top of
+%D the files: we tell the user what we are loading.
+\writestatus{loading}{Context System Macros / General}
+%D Well, the real final command is the one that resets the
+%D unprotected characters \type{@}, \type{?} and \type{!}.