path: root/tex/context/base/mkii
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authorContext Git Mirror Bot <>2016-05-17 19:31:15 +0200
committerContext Git Mirror Bot <>2016-05-17 19:31:15 +0200
commit2017d30b4ca772c8eeac4fc0eb9b54e547a9a1d8 (patch)
treed96df31f305a095c078ea5fb9f639ca34ac36c12 /tex/context/base/mkii
parent53ff76b73cd1f373ecdfb0f7f17df6f352621d6e (diff)
2016-05-17 19:25:00
Diffstat (limited to 'tex/context/base/mkii')
434 files changed, 220811 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/anch-bar.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/anch-bar.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..39d5c7f77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/anch-bar.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=anch-bar,
+%D version=2003.03.16,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Anchoring Macros,
+%D subtitle=Margin Bars and alike,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Anchoring Macros / Margin Bars}
+%D We will implement a sidebar mechanism using the
+%D functionality from \type {core-pos}.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \definesidebar[whow][rulecolor=green,distance=]
+%D \input tufte \par
+%D \startsidebar
+%D \input tufte \par
+%D \input tufte \par
+%D \startsidebar[whow]
+%D \input tufte \par
+%D \input tufte \par
+%D \input tufte
+%D \stopsidebar \par
+%D \input tufte \par
+%D \input tufte
+%D \stopsidebar \par
+%D \input tufte \par
+%D \input tufte \par
+%D \startsidebar
+%D \input tufte \par
+%D \input tufte \par
+%D \input tufte \par
+%D \input tufte \par
+%D \input tufte
+%D \stopsidebar \par
+%D \input tufte \par
+%D \input tufte \par
+%D \startsidebar
+%D \input tufte
+%D \input tufte
+%D \input tufte
+%D \input tufte
+%D \input tufte
+%D \stopsidebar
+%D \stoptyping
+ {\dodoubleargument\dosetupsidebars}
+ {\ifsecondargument
+ \getparameters[\??br#1][#2]%
+ \else
+ \getparameters[\??br][#1]%
+ \fi}
+% \setupMPvariables
+% [mpos:bar]
+% [linecolor=red,
+% linewidth=2pt,
+% distance=5pt]
+ [\c!rulethickness=2pt,
+ \c!rulecolor=red,
+ \c!distance=.5\bodyfontsize]
+ {\dodoubleempty\dodefinesidebar}
+ {\copyparameters
+ [\??br#1][\??br]
+ [\c!rulethickness,\c!rulecolor,\c!distance]%
+ \getparameters
+ [\??br#1][#2]}
+ {\dosingleempty\dostartsidebar}
+ {\bgroup
+ \dontleavehmode
+ \checktextbackgrounds
+ \global\advance\currentsidebar\plusone
+ \doifelsenothing{#1}
+ {\advance\sidebardistance\@@brdistance}
+ {\doifelsevaluenothing{\??br#1\c!distance}
+ {\advance\sidebardistance\@@brdistance}
+ {\sidebardistance\getvalue{\??br#1\c!distance}}}%
+ \startpositionoverlay{text-1}%
+ \expanded{\setMPpositiongraphicrange
+ {b:side:\the\currentsidebar}%
+ {e:side:\the\currentsidebar}%
+ {mpos:bar}%
+ {self=side:\the\currentsidebar,
+ linewidth=\getvalue{\??br#1\c!rulethickness},
+ linecolor=\getvalue{\??br#1\c!rulecolor},
+ distance=\the\sidebardistance}}%
+ \stoppositionoverlay
+ \bpos{side:\the\currentsidebar}\ignorespaces}
+% \def\dostopsidebar#1%
+% {\removelastspace\tpos{side:#1}\carryoverpar\egroup}
+ {\removelastspace\tpos{side:\the\currentsidebar}\carryoverpar\egroup}
+ \startMPpositiongraphic{mpos:bar}{linecolor,linewidth,distance}%
+ StartPage ;
+ path p ; p :=
+ if \MPp\MPbself=\MPp\MPeself :
+ (xpart ulcorner Field[Text][Text],\MPy\MPbself+\MPh\MPbself) --
+ (xpart llcorner Field[Text][Text],\MPy\MPeself-\MPd\MPeself) ;
+ elseif RealPageNumber=\MPp\MPbself :
+ (xpart ulcorner Field[Text][Text],\MPy\MPbself+\MPh\MPbself) --
+ (llcorner Field[Text][Text]) ;
+ elseif RealPageNumber=\MPp\MPeself :
+ (ulcorner Field[Text][Text]) --
+ (xpart llcorner Field[Text][Text],\MPy\MPeself-\MPd\MPeself) ;
+ else :
+ (ulcorner Field[Text][Text]) --
+ (llcorner Field[Text][Text]) ;
+ fi ;
+ p := p shifted (-llcorner Field[Text][Text]-(\MPvar{distance},0)) ;
+ interim linecap := butt ;
+ draw p
+ withpen pencircle scaled \MPvar{linewidth}
+ withcolor \MPvar{linecolor} ;
+ StopPage ;
+ \stopMPpositiongraphic
+ \MPpositiongraphic{mpos:bar}{}%
+%D We now reimplement the margin rules handler defined in
+%D \type {core-rul}:
+%D \setupmarginrules[level=5]
+%D \startmarginrule[1]
+%D First we set the level at~5. Next we typeset this first
+%D paragraph as a level~1 one. As expected no rule show up.
+%D \stopmarginrule
+%D \startmarginrule[5]
+%D The second paragraph is a level~5 one. As we can see here,
+%D the marginal rule gets a width according to its level.
+%D \stopmarginrule
+%D \startmarginrule[8]
+%D It will of course be no surprise that this third paragraph
+%D has a even thicker margin rule. This behavior can be
+%D overruled by specifying the width explictly.
+%D \stopmarginrule
+ [\v!margin]
+ [\c!rulecolor=\s!black,
+ \c!rulethickness=\@@karulethickness,
+ \c!distance=\dimexpr\leftmargindistance-\@@karulethickness/2\relax]
+ {\complexstartmarginrule[1]}
+ {\bgroup
+ \ifnum#1<\@@kalevel\relax
+ \let\stopmarginrule\egroup
+ \else
+ \def\@@kadefaultwidth{#1}%
+ \let\stopmarginrule\dostopmarginrule
+ \@EA\startsidebar\@EA[\@EA\v!margin\@EA]%
+ \fi}
+ {\stopsidebar
+ \egroup}
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/anch-pgr.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/anch-pgr.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4ceea844c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/anch-pgr.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,1684 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=anch-pgr, % split off core-pos
+%D version=1999.08.01,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Anchoring Macros,
+%D subtitle=Positioning Graphics,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Anchoring Macros / Grapics}
+%D Before we come to graphics support, we have to make sure of
+%D the reference point on the page. The next macro does so and
+%D is hooked into the page building routine.
+% in the future, the depth of tail will reflect page depth
+\ifx\textheight\undefined \def\textheight{\vsize} \fi
+%D The next macros so some housekeeping.
+\def\pageanchor{page:0} % for the moment only one pagesize
+\def\headanchor{head:\realfolio} % virtual position
+\def\tailanchor{tail:\realfolio} % virtual position
+%D Anchors:
+\def\dopresetpositionanchors % also mkii
+ {\bgroup
+ \!!dimena\ifdim\topskip>\strutht\topskip\else\strutht\fi
+ \!!dimenb\dimexpr\MPy\textanchor+\MPh\textanchor-\!!dimena\relax
+ \!!dimenc\dimexpr\MPy\textanchor+\strutdp\relax
+ \!!dimend\MPx\textanchor
+ \!!dimene\MPw\textanchor
+ \replacepospxywhd\headanchor\realfolio\!!dimend\!!dimenb\!!dimene\!!dimena\strutdp
+ \replacepospxywhd\tailanchor\realfolio\!!dimend\!!dimenc\!!dimene\strutht \strutdp
+ \egroup}
+\def\presetpositionanchors% compatibility hack (still needed?)
+ {\ifpositioning
+ \dopresetpositionanchors
+ \fi}
+%D The first version of this module implemented head and tail
+%D anchors. Currently we stick to just one anchor and derive
+%D the head and tail anchors from this one.
+ {\expanded{\writestatus{#1}
+ {\MPp{#1}\string|\MPx{#1}\string|\MPy{#1}\string|%
+ \MPw{#1}\string|\MPh{#1}\string|\MPd{#1}}}}
+%D We set these anchors before and after each page.
+\appendtoks \presetpositionanchors \to \beforeeverypage
+\appendtoks \presetpositionanchors \to \aftereverypage
+% todo: change with each page size change
+\def\registerpageposition#1% this one is flushed first !
+ {\ifpositioning\ifcase\realpageno\or
+ \ifdim\printpaperheight=\paperheight
+ \ifdim\printpaperwidth=\paperwidth
+ % not needed,
+ \else
+ \setbox#1\hbox{\hpos\pageanchor{\box#1}}%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \setbox#1\ruledhbox{\hpos\pageanchor{\box#1}}%
+ \fi
+ \fi\fi}
+\def\placepositionanchors % todo : depth pagebox
+ {\ifpositioning
+ \setbox\scratchbox\vbox to \textheight
+ {\simpletopskipcorrection
+ \hbox{\strut\dopositionaction\headanchor}%
+ \vfill
+ \hbox{\strut\dopositionaction\tailanchor}}%
+ \dp\scratchbox\zeropoint
+ \wd\scratchbox\makeupwidth % not \zeropoint, else wrong text backgrounds
+ \hpos\textanchor{\box\scratchbox}%
+ \else
+ \vskip\textheight
+ \fi}
+%D \macros
+%D {positionoverlay,startpositionoverlay}
+%D As long as we're dealing with graphics it makes much sense
+%D to use the available overlay mechanism. For this purpose, we
+%D define some dedicated overlay extensions.
+%D \startbuffer[sample]
+%D \defineoverlay [sample] [\positionoverlay{sample}]
+%D \startpositionoverlay{sample}
+%D \setMPpositiongraphic{A-1}{connectcenter}{from=A-1,to=A-2}
+%D \stoppositionoverlay
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer[sample]
+%D \startbuffer[graphic]
+%D \startMPpositiongraphic{connectcenter}
+%D path pa, pb ; pair ca, cb ;
+%D initialize_box(\MPpos{\MPvar{from}}) ; pa := pxy ; ca := cxy ;
+%D initialize_box(\MPpos{\MPvar{to}}) ; pb := pxy ; cb := cxy ;
+%D draw pa withcolor red ;
+%D draw pb withcolor red ;
+%D draw ca -- cb withcolor blue ;
+%D anchor_box(\MPanchor{\MPvar{from}}) ;
+%D \stopMPpositiongraphic
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D We can best demonstrate this in an example, say:
+%D \startbuffer[text]
+%D \framed
+%D [backgroundachtergrond=sample,align=middle,width=7cm]
+%D {We want to connect \hpos {A-1} {this} word with its
+%D grammatical cousin \hpos {A-2} {that}.}
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer[text]
+%D \startlinecorrection
+%D %\getbuffer[graphic,sample,text]
+%D \stoplinecorrection
+%D The graphic is defined in the following way, using some
+%D macros defined in an auxiliary \METAPOST\ module that is
+%D preloaded.
+%D \typebuffer[graphic]
+\def\MPanchoridentifier{mpa} % {mp-anchor}
+% obsolete and wrong anyway
+% \long\def\defineMPpositiongraphic#1%
+% {\long\setvalue{\MPoverlayposprefix#1}}
+%D The rest of the definitions concerning such overlays may
+%D look complicated,
+%D Position actions are automatically executed when a position
+%D is set.
+\def\positionoverlay#1% the test prevents too many redundant positions
+ {\ifpositioning % in (not used) text* position layers
+ \vbox to \overlayheight
+ {\doifpositionactionelse{#1::\MPanchoridentifier}%
+ {\edef\MPanchorid{#1::\MPanchoridentifier:\MPanchornumber}%
+ \edef\MPanchor##1{\MPpos{\MPanchorid}}%
+ \the\everyinsertpositionaction
+ \copyposition{#1::\MPanchoridentifier}{#1::\MPanchoridentifier:\MPanchornumber}%
+ \hpos
+ {#1::\MPanchoridentifier:\MPanchornumber}%
+ % this is ok
+ %{\hbox to \overlaywidth{\dopositionaction{#1::\MPanchoridentifier}\hss}}}%
+ % but this one prevents cyclic runs due to
+ % rounding errors
+ {\setbox\scratchbox\hbox to \overlaywidth{\dopositionaction{#1::\MPanchoridentifier}\hss}%
+ \ht\scratchbox\overlayheight
+ \dp\scratchbox\zeropoint
+ \box\scratchbox}}%
+ {\hbox to \overlaywidth{\hss}}%
+ \vfill}%
+ \fi}
+ {\iftrialtypesetting % we don't want redundant entries in the list
+ \@EA\gobbleuntil\@EA\stoppositionoverlay
+ \else
+ \def\currentpositionoverlay{#1}%
+ \fi}
+ {\let\currentpositionoverlay\empty}
+ {\dosetpositionaction{#1::\MPanchoridentifier::}{}}
+%D Here the complication has to do with collecting actions
+%D for later execution. This collection is especially handy
+%D when we want to move actions to a specific layer.
+%D Such series of actions are stored in a macro (the one
+%D with the funny \type {++}) which is cleaned up after each
+%D invocation.
+\def\cleanuppositionaction#1% not in trialtypesetting
+ {\ifcsname\POSactionprefix#1++\endcsname % \ifundefined{\POSactionprefix#1++}\else
+ \the\everycleanpositionaction
+ \iflocalpositioning
+ \letgvalue{\POSactionprefix#1++}\empty
+ \else
+ \setxvalue{\POSactionprefix#1++}{\getvalue{\POSactionprefix#1++}}%
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+% \def\cleanuppositionaction#1% not in trialtypesetting
+% {\ifcsname\POSactionprefix#1++\endcsname
+% \the\everycleanpositionaction
+% \iflocalpositioning
+% \global\expandafter\let\csname\POSactionprefix#1++\endcsname\empty
+% \else
+% \global\expandafter\let\csname\POSactionprefix#1++\expandafter\endcsname\csname\POSactionprefix#1++\endcsname
+% \fi
+% \fi}
+ {\bgroup
+ \ifx\currentpositionoverlay\empty
+ \edef\!!stringa{#3}% no layer, just pos itself as anchor
+ \else
+ \edef\!!stringa{\currentpositionoverlay::\MPanchoridentifier}%
+ \fi
+ \edef\!!stringc{\POSactionprefix\!!stringa++}%
+ \expanded{\dosetpositionaction{\!!stringa}{\noexpand\getvalue{\!!stringc}}}%
+ \global\let#1\relax
+ \edef\!!stringb{\executeifdefined\!!stringc\empty}%
+ \setxvalue\!!stringc{\!!stringb#1#2}%
+ \egroup}
+%D The indirectness enables us redefine macros for special
+%D purposes, like a cleanup.
+ {\handlepositionaction\dohandlepositionboxes\with{#1}{#2}{#3}\on{#2}}
+\def\doinsertpositionboxes#1#2#3% pos tag setups
+ {\ifnum\MPp{#1}=\realpageno\relax % can be sped up
+ \executeifdefined{\MPoverlayposprefix#1}\gobblethreearguments{#1}{#2}{#3}%
+ \fi}
+ \let\dohandlepositionboxes\doinsertpositionboxes % was handle ?
+\to \everyinsertpositionaction
+\def\docleanpositionboxes#1#2#3% pos tag setups
+ {\ifnum\MPp{#1}<\realpageno \else
+ \noexpand \dohandlepositionboxes{#1}{#2}{#3}% reinsert
+ \fi}
+ \let\dohandlepositionboxes\docleanpositionboxes
+\to \everycleanpositionaction
+%D A position graphic is a normal (non||reused) \METAPOST\
+%D graphic, used immediately, with zero dimensions, so that a
+%D sequence of them does not harm.
+\def\startMPpositiongraphic % id setups
+ {\dodoublegroupempty\dostartMPpositiongraphic}
+ {\long\setgvalue{MPG:#1}% tag list mpcode
+ {\useMPpositiongraphic{#1}{#2}{#3}}}
+% \def\prepareMPpositionvariables
+% {\ifundefined{\@@meta self}\setvalue{\@@meta self}{\currentposition}\fi
+% \ifundefined{\@@meta from}\setvalue{\@@meta from}{\currentposition}\fi}
+ {\ifcsname\@@meta self\endcsname\else\setvalue{\@@meta self}{\currentposition}\fi
+ \ifcsname\@@meta from\endcsname\else\setvalue{\@@meta from}{\currentposition}\fi}
+\newif\ifcollectMPpositiongraphics \collectMPpositiongraphicstrue
+ {\bgroup
+ \prepareMPvariables{#2}%
+ \prepareMPpositionvariables
+ \enableincludeMPgraphics
+ \ifcollectMPpositiongraphics % no longer needed in mkiv
+ \expanded{\startMPdrawing#3\noexpand\stopMPdrawing}%
+ \global\MPdrawingdonetrue
+ \else\ifx\startMPgraphic\undefined
+ \startMPcode#3\stopMPcode
+ \else
+ \startMPgraphic#3\stopMPgraphic
+ \loadMPgraphic{\MPgraphicfile.\the\currentMPgraphic}{}%
+ \deallocateMPslot\currentMPgraphic
+ \placeMPgraphic
+ \fi\fi
+ \egroup}
+% Now we need a adapted action handler:
+\def\dopositionaction#1% test saves hash entry in etex
+ {\ifundefined{\POSactionprefix#1::}\else
+ \ifnum\MPp{#1}>\zerocount % new
+ \bgroup
+ \setbox\scratchbox\hbox
+ \bgroup
+ \traceposstring\clap\red{<#1>}%
+ \the\everyinsertpositionaction
+ \the\everypositionaction
+ \ifcollectMPpositiongraphics
+ % can save a lot of run time
+ \pushMPdrawing
+ \MPshiftdrawingtrue
+ \resetMPdrawing
+ \getvalue{\POSactionprefix#1::}%
+ \ifMPdrawingdone
+ \getMPdrawing
+ \fi
+ \resetMPdrawing
+ \popMPdrawing
+ \else
+ \getvalue{\POSactionprefix#1::}%
+ \fi
+ \cleanuppositionaction{#1}%
+ \egroup % smashed is really needed else
+ \smashedbox\scratchbox % we get problems with too big
+ \egroup % overlays (s-pre-0x.tex)
+ \else
+ % shouldn't happen too often
+ \traceposstring\clap\cyan{<#1>}%
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+ {\dodoublegroupempty\doMPpositiongraphic}
+\def\doMPpositiongraphic#1#2% tag setups
+ {\bgroup
+ \def\@@meta{#1:}%
+ \setupMPvariables[#2]%
+ \prepareMPpositionvariables
+ \MPshiftdrawingtrue
+ \def\doMPpositiongraphic##1##2%
+ {{% new, see (techniek)
+ \def\@@meta{##1:}%
+ \setupMPvariables[#2,##2]%
+ \prepareMPpositionvariables
+ % and needed
+ \getvalue{MPG:##1}}}% temp hack
+ \setbox\positiongraphicbox\hbox
+ {\ignorespaces
+ \executeifdefined{MPM:#1}{\executeifdefined{MPG:#1}\donothing}%
+ \removelastspace}%
+ \smashbox\positiongraphicbox
+ \box\positiongraphicbox
+ \egroup}
+ {\long\setgvalue{MPM:#1}{#2}} % todo: var list here
+%D Simple one position graphics.
+ {\dotriplegroupempty\dosetMPpositiongraphic}
+\def\dosetMPpositiongraphic#1#2#3% pos tag vars
+ {\ifx\currentpositionoverlay\empty
+ \dosetpositionaction{#1}{\MPpositiongraphic{#2}{#3}}%
+ \else % silly can be one
+ \handlepositiongraphics{#1}{#2}{#3}%
+ \fi}
+\def\handlepositiongraphics#1#2#3% combine with boxes
+ {\handlepositionaction\dohandleMPpositiongraphic\with{#1}{#2}{#3}\on{#2}}
+\def\doinsertMPpositiongraphic#1#2#3% pos tag setups
+ {\ifnum\MPp{#1}=\realpageno\relax % extra saveguard
+ \def\currentposition{#1}\MPpositiongraphic{#2}{#3}%
+ \fi}
+ \let\dohandleMPpositiongraphic\doinsertMPpositiongraphic
+\to \everyinsertpositionaction
+\def\docleanMPpositiongraphic#1#2#3% pos tag setups
+ {\ifnum\MPp{#1}<\realpageno \else
+ \noexpand \dohandleMPpositiongraphic{#1}{#2}{#3}%
+ \fi}
+ \let\dohandleMPpositiongraphic\docleanMPpositiongraphic
+\to \everycleanpositionaction
+%D Graphics that span two positions.
+ {\doquadruplegroupempty\dosetMPpositiongraphicrange}
+\def\dosetMPpositiongraphicrange#1#2#3#4% bpos epos tag vars
+ {\ifx\currentpositionoverlay\empty
+ \dosetpositionaction{#1}{\MPpositiongraphic{#3}{#4}}%
+ \else
+ \handlepositiongraphicsrange{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}%
+ \fi}
+ {\handlepositionaction\dohandleMPpositiongraphicrange\with{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}\on{#2}}
+\def\doinsertMPpositiongraphicrange#1#2#3#4% pos pos tag setups
+ {\ifnum\MPp{#1}\MPp{#2}>\zerocount
+ \iflocalpositioning
+ \donetrue
+ \else
+ \donefalse
+ \ifnum\MPp{#1}=\realpageno
+ \donetrue
+ \else\ifnum\MPp{#2}=\realpageno
+ \donetrue
+ \else\ifnum\MPp{#1}<\realpageno\relax\ifnum\MPp{#2}>\realpageno
+ \donetrue
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi
+ \fi
+ \ifdone
+ \def\currentposition{#1}\MPpositiongraphic{#3}{#4}%
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+ \let\dohandleMPpositiongraphicrange\doinsertMPpositiongraphicrange
+\to \everyinsertpositionaction
+\def\docleanMPpositiongraphicrange#1#2#3#4% pos tag setups
+ {\ifnum\MPp{#2}<\realpageno \else
+ \noexpand \dohandleMPpositiongraphicrange{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}%
+ \fi}
+ \let\dohandleMPpositiongraphicrange\docleanMPpositiongraphicrange
+\to \everycleanpositionaction
+% will be overloaded, and/or code below moved to core-box
+%D Some of these macros are pretty clever but too complicated
+%D to be nice. When things are kind of stable I'll clean up
+%D this mess.
+ [mpos:box]
+ [linecolor=blue,
+ linewidth=\linewidth,
+ fillcolor=lightgray,
+ filloffset=\!!zeropoint]
+ initialize_box(\MPpos{\MPvar{self}}) ;
+ boxfillcolor := \MPvar{fillcolor} ;
+ boxlinecolor := \MPvar{linecolor} ;
+ boxlinewidth := \MPvar{linewidth} ;
+ boxfilloffset := \MPvar{filloffset} ;
+ draw_box ;
+ anchor_box(\MPanchor{\MPvar{self}}) ;
+ [mpos:area]
+ [linecolor=blue,
+ linewidth=\linewidth,
+ fillcolor=lightgray,
+ filloffset=\!!zeropoint]
+ initialize_area(\MPpos{b:\MPvar{self}},\MPpos{e:\MPvar{self}}) ;
+ boxfillcolor := \MPvar{fillcolor} ;
+ boxlinecolor := \MPvar{linecolor} ;
+ boxlinewidth := \MPvar{linewidth} ;
+ boxfilloffset := \MPvar{filloffset} ;
+ draw_area ;
+ anchor_area(\MPanchor{b:\MPvar{self}}) ;
+%D This is already cleaned up.
+% gridtype = 1 => baseline
+% gridtype = 2 => betweenline
+ [mpos:par]
+ [mp=mpos:par:shape,
+ gridtype=0,
+ linetype=1,
+ filltype=1,
+ dashtype=0, % 1 = dashed, 2 = dashed with background
+ %snaptops=true, % not that nice: true/false
+ gridcolor=red,
+ linecolor=blue,
+ fillcolor=lightgray,
+ filloffset=\!!zeropoint,
+ linewidth=\linewidth,
+ gridwidth=\linewidth,
+ gridshift=\!!zeropoint,
+ lineradius=.5\bodyfontsize,
+ dashtype=1]
+ \iftracepositions show_par \else draw_par \fi ;
+ boxgridtype := \MPvar{gridtype} ;
+ boxlinetype := \MPvar{linetype} ;
+ boxfilltype := \MPvar{filltype} ;
+ boxdashtype := \MPvar{dashtype} ;
+ boxgridcolor := \MPvar{gridcolor} ;
+ boxlinecolor := \MPvar{linecolor} ;
+ boxfillcolor := \MPvar{fillcolor} ;
+ boxfilloffset := \MPvar{filloffset} ;
+ boxlinewidth := \MPvar{linewidth} ;
+ boxgridwidth := \MPvar{gridwidth} ;
+ boxgridshift := \MPvar{gridshift} ;
+ boxlineradius := \MPvar{lineradius} ;
+ %snap_multi_par_tops := \MPvar{snaptops} ;
+ % user stuff, like:
+ % snap_multi_par_tops := false ;
+\ifx\MPparcounter\undefined \newcounter\MPparcounter \fi
+\def\MPself {\MPvar{self}}
+\def\MPbself {b:\MPself}
+\def\MPeself {e:\MPself}
+\def\MPwself {w:\MPself}
+\startMPpositionmethod{mpos:par} %%%%%%%%%%% will become obsolete
+ \edef\MPparcounter{\MPv\MPbself{1}{0}}%
+ \doifpositionelse\MPwself
+ {\startMPpositiongraphic{mpos:par}{fillcolor,filloffset,linecolor,gridcolor,linewidth,gridwidth,gridshift,lineradius}
+ initialize_area_par(\MPpos\MPbself,
+ \MPpos\MPeself,
+ \MPpos\MPwself) ;
+ \includeMPgraphic{mpos:par:setup} ;
+ \includeMPgraphic{mpos:par:extra} ;
+ \includeMPgraphic{\MPvar{mp}} ;
+ anchor_par(\MPanchor\MPbself) ;
+ \stopMPpositiongraphic}
+ {\startMPpositiongraphic{mpos:par}{fillcolor,filloffset,linecolor,gridcolor,linewidth,gridwidth,gridshift,lineradius}
+ initialize_par(\MPpos\MPbself,
+ \MPpos\MPeself,
+ \MPpos\textanchor,
+ \MPpos\MPparanchor,
+ \MPvv \MPparanchor{0pt,0pt,0pt,0pt,0,0pt}) ;
+ \includeMPgraphic{mpos:par:setup} ;
+ \includeMPgraphic{mpos:par:extra} ;
+ \includeMPgraphic{\MPvar{mp}} ;
+ anchor_par(\MPanchor\MPbself) ;
+ \stopMPpositiongraphic}%
+ \MPpositiongraphic{mpos:par}{}%
+%D The next alternative works in columnsets :
+% \iftracepositions show\else draw\fi_multi_pars ;
+ \iftracepositions show_multi_pars \else draw_multi_pars \fi ;
+ for i=1 upto nofmultipars :
+ fill leftboundary multipars[i]
+ shifted (-\MPvar{lineoffset},0)
+ rightenlarged 1mm withcolor \MPvar{linecolor} ;
+ endfor ;
+ \edef\MPparcounter{\MPv\MPbself{1}{0}}%
+ \startMPpositiongraphic{mpos:par}{fillcolor,filloffset,linecolor,gridcolor,linewidth,gridwidth,gridshift,lineradius}
+ \includeMPgraphic{mpos:par:setup} ;
+ \includeMPgraphic{mpos:par:extra} ;
+ prepare_multi_pars(\MPpos\MPbself,\MPpos\MPeself,\MPpos\MPwself,
+ \MPpos\MPparanchor,\MPvv\MPparanchor{0pt,0pt,0pt,0pt,0,0pt}) ;
+ relocate_multipars(-\MPxy\MPanchorid) ; % inside layerpos
+ \includeMPgraphic{\MPvar{mp}} ;
+ \stopMPpositiongraphic
+ \MPpositiongraphic{mpos:par}{}%
+%D \starttyping
+%D \setupbackground
+%D [test]
+%D [mp=mpos:par:columnset,
+%D method=mpos:par:columnset]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D We need to treat floats in a special way.
+ local_multi_par_area:=\iflocalpositioning true\else false\fi;
+ {\iflocalpositioning\v!local\else\v!text\fi#1}
+ {\iflocalpositioning\localpositionnumber\else\realfolio\fi}
+%D So far for the trickery.
+ \expanded{\savecurrentvalue\noexpand\totalnofparbackgrounds{\number\nofparbackgrounds}}%
+\to \everybye
+ \initializeparbackgrounds
+\to \everystarttext
+\ifx\totalnofparbackgrounds\undefined \newcounter\totalnofparbackgrounds \fi
+\ifx\nofparbackgrounds \undefined \newcount \nofparbackgrounds \fi
+ {\ifcase\totalnofparbackgrounds\else
+ \enableparpositions
+ \fi}
+ {\bgroup
+ \advance\textbackgrounddepth\plusone
+ \dodoubleempty\dostarttextbackground}
+\let\dodostoptextbackground \relax
+\def\nextparbackground {pbg:1}
+ {\csname\??td\currenttextbackground#1\endcsname}
+\let\backgroundvariable\textbackgroundparameter % will become obsolete
+% \definetextbackground[more][state=start,backgroundcolor=red] % location=paragraph
+% \definetextbackground[test][state=start,backgroundcolor=green]
+% \page \placefigure[left]{}{}
+% \starttextbackground[test]
+% \readfile{ward}{}{}
+% \starttextbackground[more]
+% \readfile{ward}{}{}
+% \stoptextbackground
+% \readfile{ward}{}{}
+% \stoptextbackground
+% \page \placefigure[right]{}{}
+% \starttextbackground[test]
+% \readfile{ward}{}{}
+% \starttextbackground[more]
+% \readfile{ward}{}{}
+% \stoptextbackground
+% \readfile{ward}{}{}
+% \stoptextbackground
+ {\checktextbackgrounds
+ \def\currenttextbackground{#1}%
+ \global\advance\nofparbackgrounds\plusone
+ \edef\currentparbackground{pbg:\number\nofparbackgrounds}%
+% \bgroup
+% \advance\nofparbackgrounds\plusone
+% \xdef\nextparbackground{pbg:\number\nofparbackgrounds}%
+% \egroup
+ \xdef\nextparbackground{pbg:\number\numexpr\nofparbackgrounds+\plusone\relax}% still xdef ?
+ % todo : \synchonizepositionpage{b:\currentparbackground}{s:\currentparbackground}%
+ \setuptextbackground[#1][#2]%
+ \let\dodostarttextbackground\relax
+ \let\dodostoptextbackground \relax
+ \doif{\textbackgroundparameter\c!state}\v!start{\dopresettextbackground{#1}}%
+ \dodostarttextbackground}
+% todo \backgroundvariable\c!variant
+\def\dopresettextbackground#1% todo: \backgroundparameter
+ {\ExpandFirstAfter\processaction % \EFA niet echt nodig
+ [\textbackgroundparameter\c!location]
+ [ \v!text=>\let\dodostarttextbackground\dostarttextbackgroundtxt
+ \let\dodostoptextbackground \dostoptextbackgroundtxt,
+ \v!paragraph=>\let\dodostarttextbackground\dostarttextbackgroundpar
+ \let\dodostoptextbackground \dostoptextbackgroundpar,
+ \v!none=>\let\dodostarttextbackground\relax
+ \let\dodostoptextbackground \relax]%
+ \ifx\dodostarttextbackground\dostarttextbackgroundpar % untested
+ \ifnum\textbackgrounddepth>\plusone % new
+ \let\dodostarttextbackground\dostarttextbackgroundtxt
+ \let\dodostoptextbackground \dostoptextbackgroundtxt
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \doifelse{\textbackgroundparameter\c!frame}\v!on
+ {\doifelse{\textbackgroundparameter\c!corner}\v!round
+ {\setvalue{\??td#1\c!frame}{2}}
+ {\setvalue{\??td#1\c!frame}{1}}}
+ {\setvalue{\??td#1\c!frame}{0}}%
+ \doifelse{\textbackgroundparameter\c!background}\v!color
+ {\setvalue{\??td#1\c!background}{1}}
+ {\setvalue{\??td#1\c!background}{0}}%
+ %\startpositionoverlay{\v!text\getvalue{\??td#1\c!level}}%
+ \startpositionoverlay{\textbackgroundoverlay{\textbackgroundparameter\c!level}}%
+ \expanded
+ {\setMPpositiongraphicrange % moet veel efficienter
+ {\btbanchor}% {b:\currentparbackground}%
+ {\etbanchor}% {e:\currentparbackground}%
+ {\textbackgroundparameter\c!method}%
+ {self=\currentparbackground,
+ mp=\textbackgroundparameter\c!mp,
+ gridtype=\textbackgroundparameter\c!alternative,
+ filltype=\textbackgroundparameter\c!background,
+ linetype=\textbackgroundparameter\c!frame,
+ dashtype=\textbackgroundparameter{dash}, % to be internationalized
+ gridcolor=\textbackgroundparameter\c!framecolor,
+ linecolor=\textbackgroundparameter\c!framecolor,
+ lineoffset=\textbackgroundparameter\c!frameoffset,
+ fillcolor=\textbackgroundparameter\c!backgroundcolor,
+ filloffset=\textbackgroundparameter\c!backgroundoffset,
+ gridwidth=\textbackgroundparameter\c!rulethickness,
+ gridshift=\textbackgroundparameter\c!voffset,
+ linewidth=\textbackgroundparameter\c!rulethickness,
+ lineradius=\textbackgroundparameter\c!radius}}%
+ \stoppositionoverlay}
+ {\dodostoptextbackground
+ \carryoverpar\egroup}
+ {\dostartattributes{\??td\currenttextbackground}\c!style\c!color\empty
+ \fpos\currentparbackground\ignorespaces}
+ {\tpos\currentparbackground
+ \dostopattributes}
+ {\ifvmode \dontleavehmode \fi % was leavevmode, brrr
+ \dostartattributes{\??td\currenttextbackground}\c!style\c!color\empty
+ \fpos\currentparbackground\ignorespaces}
+ {\tpos\currentparbackground
+ \dostopattributes}
+% keep this simple one, it's used in prikkels and alike
+% \def\dostarttextbackgroundpar
+% {\endgraf % new
+% \getvalue{\??td\currenttextbackground\c!before}%
+% \noindent\fpos\currentparbackground\ignorespaces
+% \bgroup
+% \nobreak \vskip-\lineheight \nobreak
+% \doassignsomeskip\getvalue{\??td\currenttextbackground\c!topoffset}\to\scratchskip
+% \kern\scratchskip\nobreak
+% \dosetleftskipadaption{\getvalue{\??td\currenttextbackground\c!leftoffset}}%
+% \advance\leftskip\leftskipadaption
+% \dosetleftskipadaption{\getvalue{\??td\currenttextbackground\c!rightoffset}}%
+% \advance\rightskip\leftskipadaption
+% \dostartattributes{\??td\currenttextbackground}\c!style\c!color{}%
+% \nowhitespace
+% \seteffectivehsize
+% \par}
+% \def\dostoptextbackgroundpar
+% {\par
+% \dostopattributes
+% \doassignsomeskip\getvalue{\??td\currenttextbackground\c!bottomoffset}\to\scratchskip
+% \kern\scratchskip\nobreak
+% \nobreak \vskip-\lineheight \nobreak
+% \nowhitespace
+% \egroup
+% \nobreak \noindent \strut \hfill \kern\zeropoint \tpos\currentparbackground
+% \endgraf % new
+% \getvalue{\??td\currenttextbackground\c!after}}
+ {\endgraf % new
+ \textbackgroundparameter\c!before
+ \noindent
+ \ifgridsnapping
+ \doassignsomeskip\textbackgroundparameter\c!topoffset\to\textbackgroundskip
+ \ifdim\textbackgroundskip>\zeropoint
+ \struttedbox{\hbox{\raise\textbackgroundskip\hbox{\fpos\currentparbackground}}}%
+ \else
+ \fpos\currentparbackground
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \fpos\currentparbackground
+ \fi
+ \bgroup
+ \endgraf % we need a vertical nobreak - 29/06/2004
+ \nobreak \vskip-\lineheight \nobreak
+ \ifgridsnapping \else
+ \doassignsomeskip\textbackgroundparameter\c!topoffset\to\textbackgroundskip
+ \ifdim\textbackgroundskip>\zeropoint
+ \kern\textbackgroundskip\nobreak
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \dosetleftskipadaption{\textbackgroundparameter\c!leftoffset}%
+ \advance\leftskip\leftskipadaption
+ \dosetleftskipadaption{\textbackgroundparameter\c!rightoffset}%
+ \advance\rightskip\leftskipadaption
+ % new
+ \dosetraggedcommand{\textbackgroundparameter\c!align}%
+ \raggedcommand
+ %
+ \dostartattributes{\??td\currenttextbackground}\c!style\c!color\empty
+ \nowhitespace
+\nobreak % new per 23/04/2006 (else potential break when whitespace)
+ \seteffectivehsize
+ \doinhibitblank % \blank[\v!disable]% new
+ \par}
+ {\par
+ \removelastskip % new
+ \dostopattributes
+ \doassignsomeskip\textbackgroundparameter\c!bottomoffset\to\textbackgroundskip
+ \ifdim\lastskip>\zeropoint
+ \advance\textbackgroundskip-\lastskip
+ \fi
+ \ifgridsnapping \else \ifdim\textbackgroundskip>\zeropoint
+ \kern\textbackgroundskip\nobreak
+ \fi \fi
+ \nobreak \vskip-\lineheight \nobreak
+ \nowhitespace
+ \egroup
+\bgroup \forgeteverypar % NOT REALLY NEEDED, SAVES HASH/MEM
+ \nobreak \noindent \strut \hfill \kern\zeropoint
+ \doassignsomeskip\textbackgroundparameter\c!bottomoffset\to\textbackgroundskip
+ \ifgridsnapping % experimental, pascal (todo: topoffset in same way)
+ \ifdim\textbackgroundskip>\zeropoint
+ \struttedbox{\hbox{\lower\textbackgroundskip\hbox{\tpos\currentparbackground}}}%
+ \else
+ \tpos\currentparbackground
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \tpos\currentparbackground
+ \fi
+ \endgraf % new
+ \textbackgroundparameter\c!after}
+\let\textparpages \!!zeropoint
+\let\textparwidth \!!zeropoint
+ {\docalculatetextpardimensions\btbanchor \etbanchor \MPparanchor}
+ {\docalculatetextpardimensions\nextbtbanchor\nextetbanchor\relax}
+\def\docalculatetextpardimensions#1#2#3% todo: dimexpr
+ {\scratchcounter\MPp#2%\etbanchor
+ \advance\scratchcounter-\MPp#1%\btanchor
+ \edef\textparpages{\the\scratchcounter}%
+ \ifcase\scratchcounter
+ % one page
+ \scratchdimen \MPy#1%\btanchor
+ \advance\scratchdimen-\MPy#2%\etbanchor
+ \else
+ % two or more pages
+ \scratchdimen \MPy#1%\btanchor
+ \advance\scratchdimen-\MPy#2%\etbanchor
+ \advance\scratchdimen-\MPy\textanchor
+ \advance\scratchdimen \MPy\textanchor % - and then + ?
+ \advance\scratchdimen \MPh\textanchor\relax
+ \ifcase\scratchcounter>2 \ifnum\scratchcounter<5
+ % more pages
+ \scratchdimen\textheight
+ \advance\scratchcounter \minusone
+ \multiply\scratchdimen \scratchcounter
+ \else
+ % keep'm small
+ \scratchdimen5\textheight
+ \fi \fi
+ \fi
+ \edef\textparheight{\the\scratchdimen}%
+ \ifcase\scratchcounter
+ % one page
+ \scratchdimen \MPx#2%\etbanchor
+ \advance\scratchdimen-\MPx#1%\btanchor
+ \else
+ % two or more pages / maybe also hang
+ \ifx#3\relax
+ \scratchdimen\makeupwidth % \textwidth
+ \else
+ \scratchdimen\MPw\MPparanchor
+ \advance\scratchdimen-\MPl\MPparanchor
+ \advance\scratchdimen-\MPr\MPparanchor
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \edef\textparwidth{\the\scratchdimen}}
+\def\dontsplitnexttextbackground % dangerous but useful
+ {\ifdim\pagetotal>\textheight \else
+ \ifdim\pagegoal=\maxdimen \else
+ \calculatenexttextpardimensions
+ % too tricky
+ % \scratchdimen=\textparheight
+ % \advance\scratchdimen\pagetotal\relax
+ % \ifdim\scratchdimen>\pagegoal
+ % \page
+ % \fi
+ \ifdim\textparheight>\zeropoint
+ \ifdim\textparheight>\mintextparheight\else
+ \page % option
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+ {\dodoubleempty\dodefinetextbackground}
+ {\ifsecondargument % why ?
+ \copyparameters[\??td#1][\??td]
+ [\c!state,\c!location,\c!alternative,\c!mp,\c!method,
+ \c!background,\c!backgroundcolor,\c!corner,\c!level,
+ \c!backgroundoffset,\c!before,\c!after,\c!align,dash, % dash not yet internationalized
+ \c!radius,\c!frame,\c!framecolor,\c!rulethickness,\c!voffset,\c!frameoffset,
+ \c!leftoffset,\c!rightoffset,\c!topoffset,\c!bottomoffset]%
+ \getparameters[\??td#1][#2]%
+ \doifvalue{\??td#1\c!state}\v!start\checktextbackgrounds
+ \unexpanded\setvalue{#1}%
+ {\groupedcommand{\starttextbackground[#1]}{\stoptextbackground}}%
+ \setvalue{\e!start#1}{\starttextbackground[#1]}%
+ \setvalue{\e!stop #1}{\stoptextbackground}%
+ \fi}
+ {\dodoubleargument\dosetuptextbackground}
+ {\ifsecondargument
+ \doifelsenothing{#1}
+ {\dodosetuptextbackground{#2}\empty}
+ {\processcommalist[#1]{\dodosetuptextbackground{#2}}}%
+ \else
+ \dodosetuptextbackground{#1}\empty
+ \fi}
+ {\getparameters[\??td#2][#1]%
+ \def\currenttextbackground{#2}%
+ \doifvalue{\??td#2\c!state}\v!start\checktextbackgrounds}
+ {\ifproductionrun
+ \enabletextarearegistration
+ \enablehiddenbackground
+ \fi}
+ [\c!mp=mpos:par:columnset, % buggy: mpos:par:shape
+ \c!method=mpos:par:columnset, %
+ \c!state=\v!start,
+ \c!location=\v!text,
+ \c!leftoffset=\!!zeropoint, % 1em,
+ \c!rightoffset=\textbackgroundparameter\c!leftoffset,
+ \c!topoffset=\!!zeropoint, % \v!medium,
+ \c!bottomoffset=\textbackgroundparameter\c!topoffset,
+ \c!level=-1,
+ \c!alternative=0,
+ \c!align=,
+ dash=0, % to be internationalized
+ \c!background=\v!color,
+ \c!backgroundcolor=lightgray,
+ \c!backgroundoffset=\!!zeropoint,
+ \c!corner=\v!rectangular,
+ \c!radius=.5\bodyfontsize,
+ \c!voffset=\!!zeropoint,
+ \c!frame=\v!on,
+ \c!framecolor=blue,
+ \c!rulethickness=\linewidth]
+%D As an example we define a grid background:
+ [\v!grid]
+ [\c!state=\v!stop,
+ \c!location=\v!paragraph,
+ \c!frame=\v!off,
+ \c!framecolor=red,
+ \c!background=,
+ \c!alternative=1]
+\ifx\basegrid\undefined \else \letvalue\v!grid=\basegrid \fi
+% lelijk, aanpassen, opties
+ [mpos:connect]
+ [linecolor=red,
+ linewidth=1pt]
+ [mpos:encircle]
+ [fillcolor=lightgray,
+ filloffset=\!!zeropoint,
+ linecolor=blue,
+ linewidth=1pt]
+ path pa ; pair ca ; color lc ; numeric lw ;
+ lw := \MPvar{linewidth} ;
+ lc := \MPvar{linecolor} ;
+ initialize_box(\MPpos{\MPvar{self}}) ;
+ pa := pxy ; ca := cxy ; pa := boundingbox pa enlarged 2lw ;
+ pa := llcorner pa...lrcorner pa...urcorner pa...ulcorner pa...cycle ;
+ drawoptions (withpen pencircle scaled lw withcolor lc) ;
+ \includeMPgraphic{mpos:common:ec}
+ fill pa withcolor \MPvar{fillcolor} ; draw pa ;
+ anchor_box(\MPanchor{\MPvar{self}}) ;
+ path pb, pc ; pair cb, cc ;
+ \includeMPgraphic{mpos:common:ec}
+ initialize_box(\MPpos{\MPvar{to}}) ;
+ pb := pxy ; cb := cxy ; pb := boundingbox pb enlarged 2lw ;
+ pb := llcorner pb...lrcorner pb...urcorner pb...ulcorner pb...cycle ;
+ pc := ca {up} .. {down} cb ;
+ cc := (pc intersection_point pa) ;
+ if intersection_found :
+ pc := pc cutbefore cc ;
+ cc := (pc intersection_point pb) ;
+ if intersection_found :
+ pc := pc cutafter cc ;
+ drawarrow pc ; drawarrow reverse pc ;
+ fi ;
+ fi ;
+ anchor_box(\MPanchor{\MPvar{self}}) ;
+%D \macros
+%D {stackposdown, stackposup, stackposleft,stackposright}
+%D A non graphic example of the use of positioning, is to stack
+%D text in for instance the margin.
+%D \stackposdown \inleft {some text}The text \type {some text}
+%D goes into the left margin, and \stackposdown \inleft {some
+%D more}\type {some more} as well. When they overlap, they
+%D will not touch.
+%D Here we said \type {\stackposdown \inleft{some text}}. Instead
+%D of \stackposleft \inleft {one}stacking \stackposleft \inleft
+%D {two}vertically, one can stack horizontally by \stackposleft
+%D \inleft {three}using \type {\stackposleft}.
+%D We can go in all four directions, using \type {\stackposdown},
+%D \type {\stackposup}, \type {\stackposleft} and \type
+%D {\stackposright}.
+ {\dowithnextbox
+ {#2{\previousautopos\currentautopos
+ \global\advance\currentautopos\plusone
+ \edef\currentposition {\POSstackprefix\number\currentautopos}%
+ \edef\previousposition{\POSstackprefix\number\previousautopos}%
+ \hpos\currentposition{\doifoverlappingelse\currentposition\previousposition{#1}{\flushnextbox}}}}%
+ \hbox}
+\def\stackposup {\dostackposbox{\raise\lineheight\flushnextbox}}
+\def\stackposdown {\dostackposbox{\lower\lineheight\flushnextbox}}
+\def\stackposleft {\dostackposbox{\copy\nextbox\hskip\nextboxwd\hskip\stackposdistance}}
+%D \macros
+%D {stackeddown}
+%D However, a better implementation is possible with the
+%D following macro. We now have an extra key \type {stack} for
+%D margin settings. When set to \type {yes}, this macro comes
+%D into action.
+% Because there can be many stacked items in a line and successive lines, we
+% play dirty and adapt the position and height of the current node so that
+% this becomes visible to a next pass.
+% \startbuffer
+% \inleft {test 1} test 1 \inleft {test 2} test 2 \endgraf
+% \inleft {test 3} test 3
+% \stopbuffer
+% \getbuffer \typebuffer \flushstatus \page
+% \startbuffer
+% \inleft {test 1} test 1 \inleft {test 2} test 2 \inleft {test 3} test 3 \endgraf
+% \inleft {test 4} test 4
+% \stopbuffer
+% \getbuffer \typebuffer \flushstatus \page
+% \startbuffer
+% \inleft {test 1} test 1 \endgraf
+% \inleft {test 2} test 2 \endgraf
+% \inleft {test 3} test 3
+% \stopbuffer
+% \getbuffer \typebuffer \flushstatus \page
+% \startbuffer
+% \inleft {test 1\\test 1} test 1 \inleft {test 2} test 2 \endgraf
+% \inleft {test 3} test 3
+% \stopbuffer
+% \getbuffer \typebuffer \flushstatus \page
+% \startbuffer
+% \inleft {test 1\\test 1\\test 1\\test 1\\test 1} test 1 \endgraf
+% test 2 \endgraf
+% \inleft {test 3} test 3
+% \stopbuffer
+% \getbuffer \typebuffer \flushstatus \page
+% \startbuffer
+% \inleft{test 1} test \inleft{test 2} test \inleft{test 3\\test 3} test
+% \stopbuffer
+% \getbuffer \typebuffer \flushstatus \page
+% \startbuffer
+% \inleft{test 1\\test 1\\test 1} test \inleft{test 2\\test 2} test \inleft{test 3\\test 3\\test 3} test \endgraf
+% \inleft{test 1\\test 1\\test 1} test \inleft{test 2\\test 2} test \inleft{test 3\\test 3\\test 3} test
+% \stopbuffer
+% \getbuffer \typebuffer \flushstatus \page
+\newdimen\laststackvmove % use \scratchdimenone instead of skip
+ {\bgroup
+ % this macro assumes a few things and is meant to work for margin notes
+ \dowithnextbox
+ {\global\advance\currentautopos\plusone
+ \global\laststackvmove\zeropoint
+ \hpos{\POSstackprefix\number\currentautopos}
+ {\edef\next
+ {\nextboxht\the\nextboxht
+ \nextboxdp\the\nextboxdp
+ \nextboxwd\the\nextboxwd}%
+ \previousautopos\currentautopos
+ \scratchdimen\zeropoint
+ \scratchcounter\zerocount
+ \doloop
+ {\advance\previousautopos\minusone
+ \edef\currentposition {\POSstackprefix\number\currentautopos}%
+ \edef\previousposition{\POSstackprefix\number\previousautopos}%
+ \ifnum\MPp\currentposition=\MPp\previousposition\relax
+ %\registerstatus{doing \number\currentautopos/\number\previousautopos}%
+ \doifoverlappingelse\currentposition\previousposition
+ {\scratchskip\dimexpr
+ \MPy\currentposition
+ -\MPy\previousposition
+ -\MPd\currentposition % untested
+ +\MPd\previousposition % untested
+ +\MPh\currentposition
+ \relax\relax % second relax realy needed, forgotten while dimexpressing
+ % todo: also take depth into account
+ \ifdim\scratchskip<\scratchdimen
+ %\registerstatus{no \the\scratchskip}%
+ \else
+ %\registerstatus{yes \the\scratchskip}%
+ \scratchdimen\scratchskip
+ \fi}%
+ \donothing % {\registerstatus{next}}%
+ \ifnum\previousautopos<\zerocount\exitloop\fi
+ \else
+ \exitloop
+ \fi}%
+ \ifdim\scratchdimen=\zeropoint \else
+ \bgroup
+ \edef\currentposition{\POSstackprefix\number\currentautopos}%
+ \scratchskip\scratchdimen
+ \advance\scratchskip\MPh\currentposition
+ \scratchdimen-\scratchdimen
+ \advance\scratchdimen\MPy\currentposition
+ %\registerstatus{old \number\currentautopos: \MPy\currentposition/\MPh\currentposition}%
+ \expanded{\replacepospxywhd
+ {\currentposition}{\MPp\currentposition}{\MPx\currentposition}{\the\scratchdimen}%
+ {\MPw\currentposition}{\the\scratchskip}{\MPd\currentposition}}%
+ %\registerstatus{new \number\currentautopos: \MPy\currentposition/\MPh\currentposition}%
+ \egroup
+ \global\laststackvmove\scratchdimen % new
+ \setbox\nextbox\iftracepositions\@EA\ruledhbox\else\@EA\hbox\fi
+ {\lower\scratchdimen\flushnextbox}%
+ \next
+ %\registerstatus{\strut}%
+ \fi
+ \flushnextbox}%
+ \egroup}}
+%D The next hack make sure that margin texts near faulty
+%D strutted lines are handled ok.
+\newif\ifrepositionmarginbox \repositionmarginboxtrue
+ {\bgroup
+ \ifrepositionmarginbox
+ \global\advance\currentmarginpos\plusone
+ %\setposition{\s!margin:\number\currentmarginpos}% not always
+ \ifcase\marginrepositionmethod
+ % nothing
+ \or
+ % nothing
+ \or
+ % stack / page check yet untested
+ \setposition{\s!margin:\number\currentmarginpos}%
+ \scratchdimen\MPy{\s!margin:\number\currentmarginpos}%
+ \global\advance\currentmarginpos\plusone
+ \advance\scratchdimen -\MPy{\s!margin:\number\currentmarginpos}%
+ \advance\scratchdimen -\strutdp
+ % new but bugged
+ % \setbox#1\hbox
+ % {\hskip-\MPx{\s!margin:\number\currentmarginpos}%
+ % \hskip\MPx{head:\realfolio}%
+ % \box#1}%
+ % so far
+ \setbox#1\hbox
+ {\setposition{\s!margin:\number\currentmarginpos}%
+ \raise\scratchdimen\box#1}%
+ \or
+ % move up
+ \setposition{\s!margin:\number\currentmarginpos}%
+ \ifnum\MPp{p:\number\parposcounter}=\MPp{\s!margin:\number\currentmarginpos}\relax
+ \scratchdimen\dimexpr\MPy{p:\number\parposcounter}-\MPy{\s!margin:\number\currentmarginpos}\relax
+ \expanded{\setbox#1\hbox{\raise\scratchdimen\box#1}\ht#1\the\ht#1\dp#1\the\dp#1}%
+ \fi
+ \or
+ % move up, assume end of par
+ \setposition{\s!margin:\number\currentmarginpos}%
+ \ifnum\MPp{p:\number\parposcounter}=\MPp{\s!margin:\number\currentmarginpos}\relax
+ \getnoflines\margincontentheight
+ \advance\noflines\minusone
+ \scratchdimen\noflines\lineheight
+ \else
+ \scratchdimen\dimexpr\MPy{p:\number\parposcounter}-\MPy{\s!margin:\number\currentmarginpos}\relax
+ \fi
+ \expanded{\setbox#1\hbox{\raise\scratchdimen\box#1}\ht#1\the\ht#1\dp#1\the\dp#1}%
+ \fi
+ \dp#1\zeropoint
+ \ht#1\zeropoint
+ \fi
+ \graphicvadjust{\box#1}%
+ \egroup}
+\chardef\marginrepositionmethod\plusone % sidemethod
+\chardef\margincontentmethod \plusthree % textmethod % beware: 1 = old method
+\chardef\marginpagecheckmethod \plusone % splitmethod
+%D For a right menu, a sequence of calls to \type
+%D {right_menu_button} is generated.
+%D \starttyping
+%D right_menu_button (n, p, s=0/1/2, x, y, w, h, d) ;
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Here, n is the number of the button, s a status variable,
+%D while the rest is positional info. The status variable is
+%D 0, 1 or~2: not found, found and found but current page.
+% 0=not found 1=found 2=current page
+% geen leeg
+\appendtoks \global\MPmenutoks\emptytoks \to \everyshipout
+% 0=notfound 1=found 2=currentpage
+ {\doifelsevalue{\??am#1\c!position}\v!yes
+ {\doglobal\increment\currentamposition
+ \doifnumberelse{#2}
+ {\docheckrealreferencepage{#2}%
+ \global\chardef\currentamrealpage\ifrealreferencepage2\else1\fi}
+ {\doifreferencefoundelse{#2}
+ {\global\chardef\currentamrealpage\ifrealreferencepage2\else1\fi}
+ {\global\chardef\currentamrealpage0}}% % not found
+ \expanded
+ {\doglobal\noexpand\appendtoks
+ #1_menu_button(\currentamposition,\the\currentamrealpage,\MPpos{#1:\currentamposition}) ;
+ \to \MPmenutoks}%
+ \hpos{#1:\currentamposition}{#3}}
+ {#3}}
+ {\ifnum\currentamposition>0
+ \dowithnextbox{\hpos{menu:#1:\realfolio}{\flushnextbox}}\hbox
+ % \hpos{menu:#1:\realfolio} % also ok if we skip over fi
+ \fi}
+%D \macros
+%D The next macros extend tables and tabulation with
+%D backgrounds and position related features. Areas are
+%D specified with symbolic names, and symbolic references to
+%D the graphics involved. Each table has its own namespace.
+\newtoks \posXCtoks
+ {tbp:\number\noftabpositions:}
+ {\scratchtoks\posXCtoks
+ \global\posXCtoks\emptytoks
+ \the\scratchtoks}
+ {\remappositionframed{#2}{\tbPOSprefix#1}%
+ \bpos{\tbPOSprefix#1}%
+ \doglobal\appendtoks\@EA\epos\@EA{\tbPOSprefix#1}\to\posXCtoks}
+ {\doglobal\appendtoks\dodododoGSC[#1:#2]\to\posXCtoks\NC}
+ {\def\docommand##1{\dododoGSC[##1:##1]}%
+ \processcommalist[#1]\docommand}
+ {\remappositionframed{#2}{\tbPOSprefix#1}%
+ \bpos{\tbPOSprefix#1}}
+ {\def\docommand##1{\dodododoGFC[##1:##1]}%
+ \processcommalist[#1]\docommand}
+ {\doglobal\appendtoks\dododoGFC[#1]\to\posXCtoks\NC}
+ {\epos{\tbPOSprefix#1}}
+ {\def\docommand##1{\dododododoGTC[##1:##1]}%
+ \processcommalist[#1]\docommand}
+ {\doglobal\appendtoks\dodododoGTC[#1]\to\posXCtoks}
+ {\doglobal\appendtoks\dododoGTC[#1]\to\posXCtoks\NC}
+ {\if#1>\dodoGFC [#2:#2]\else
+ \if#1+\dodoGFC [#2:#2]\else
+ \if#1<\dodoGTC [#2:#2]\else
+ \if#1-\dodoGTC [#2:#2]\else
+ \if#1=\dodoGSC [#2:#2]\else
+ \dodoGSC[#1#2:#1#2]\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi}
+ {\dodododoXC[#1]}
+ {{\let\NC\relax\processcommalist[#1]\dododoXC}}
+\def\doXC [#1]{\iffirstargument\dodoXC [#1]\else\expandafter\fi\NC}
+\def\tbXC {\dosingleempty\doXC }
+%D The amount of code to support tables and tabulation is
+%D rather minimalistic.
+ {\hss\tabulatepos\hss}
+ {\setbox\scratchbox\hbox{\tabulateEQ}%
+ \hbox to \wd\scratchbox{\hss\kern\zeropoint\tabulatepos\hss}%
+ \hskip-\wd\scratchbox
+ \box\scratchbox}
+\def\tabulatenormalcolumn#1% overloaded
+ {&\iftabulateequal\tabulateequalpos\else\tabulatenormalpos\fi
+ &\global\chardef\tabulatetype#1&}
+\def\tabulateequalcolumn#1% overloaded
+ {&\tabulateequalpos
+ &\global\chardef\tabulatetype#1&}
+ \global\advance\noftabpositions\plusone
+\to \everytabulate
+%D In order to prevent potential clashes with abbreviations,
+%D postpone the mapping.
+ \let\GSC\tbGSC \let\GFC\tbGFC \let\GTC\tbGTC \let\XC\tbXC
+\to \everytabulate
+%D \macros
+%D {definepositionframed}
+%D The next example show how to provide backgrounds to table
+%D cells. First we define some framed backgrounds.
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \definepositionframed[x][background=color,backgroundcolor=red]
+%D \definepositionframed[y][background=color,backgroundcolor=green]
+%D \definepositionframed[z][background=color,backgroundcolor=blue]
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+%D % \getbuffer
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \starttabulate[|c|c|c|]
+%D \GFC[f:x] this is a small \NC table \NC in which we \NC \FR
+%D \NC will demonstrate \GFC[g:z] that this \GTC[g] positioning \NC \MR
+%D \GSC[e:y] mechanism also \GTC[f] works quite well \NC in tables \NC \LR
+%D \stoptabulate
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D The table itself defines three areas (a, b and~c) using
+%D these frames.
+%D \typebuffer
+%D % \getbuffer
+%D Tables (based on \TABLE) are supported by:
+\def\normalTABLEsimplebar {\unskip\!ttRightGlue&\tablepos&} % |
+\def\normalTABLEcomplexbar{\unskip\!ttRightGlue&\omit\tablepos\!ttAlternateVrule} % \|
+\def\normalTABLEquote {\unskip\!ttRightGlue&\omit\tablepos&} % "
+ \global\advance\noftabpositions\plusone
+\to \everytable
+%D Since we don't want nameclashes:
+ \let\GSC\tbGSC \let\GFC\tbGFC \let\GTC\tbGTC \let\XC\tbXC
+\to \everytable
+%D In the previous example, we could have provided an overlay to
+%D the framed definition. A more direct approach is demonstrated
+%D below:
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \def\cw#1{\color[white]{#1}}
+%D \startMPpositiongraphic{tableshade}
+%D initialize_area(\MPpos{\MPvar{from}},\MPpos{\MPvar{to}}) ;
+%D color c ; c := \MPvar{color} ;
+%D linear_shade(pxy,0,.4c,.9c) ;
+%D anchor_area(\MPanchor{\MPvar{from}}) ;
+%D \stopMPpositiongraphic
+%D \setMPpositiongraphic{b:x}{tableshade}{from=b:x,to=e:x,color=red}
+%D \setMPpositiongraphic{b:y}{tableshade}{from=b:y,to=e:y,color=green}
+%D \setMPpositiongraphic{b:z}{tableshade}{from=b:z,to=e:z,color=blue}
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer \getbuffer
+%D The definition of the table looks about the same as the
+%D previous one:
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \starttable[|c|c|c|]
+%D \GFC[b:z] \cw{this is a small} \NC \cw{table} \NC in which we \NC \FR
+%D \NC \cw{will demonstrate} \GFC[c:y] \cw{that this} \GTC[c] \cw{positioning} \NC \MR
+%D \GSC[a:x] \cw{mechanism also} \GTC[b] \cw{works quite well} \NC in tables \NC \LR
+%D \stoptable
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+%D \getbuffer
+% \definepositionframed[w][background=color,backgroundcolor=yellow]
+% \definepositionframed[x][background=color,backgroundcolor=red]
+% \definepositionframed[y][background=color,backgroundcolor=green]
+% \definepositionframed[z][background=color,backgroundcolor=blue]
+% \starttabulate[|c|c|c|]
+% \NC this is a small \NC table \NC in which we \NC \FR
+% \NC will demonstrate \NC that this \NC positioning \NC \MR
+% \NC mechanism also \NC works quite well \NC in tables \NC \LR
+% \stoptabulate
+% \starttabulate[|c|c|c|]
+% \GFC[f:x] this is a small \GTC table \NC in which we \NC \FR
+% \NC will demonstrate \GFC[g:z] that this \GTC[g] positioning \NC \MR
+% \GSC[e:y] mechanism also \GTC[f] works quite well \NC in tables \NC \LR
+% \stoptabulate
+% \starttabulate[|c|c|c|]
+% \GFC[f:x,d:w] this is a small \GTC[d] table \NC in which we \NC \FR
+% \NC will demonstrate \GFC[g:z] that this \GTC[g] positioning \NC \MR
+% \GSC[e:y] mechanism also \GTC[f] works quite well \NC in tables \NC \LR
+% \stoptabulate
+% \starttabulate[|c|c|c|]
+% \XC[+f:x] this is a small \XC table \NC in which we \NC \FR
+% \NC will demonstrate \XC[+g:z] that this \XC[-g] positioning \NC \MR
+% \XC[=e:y] mechanism also \XC[-f] works quite well \NC in tables \NC \LR
+% \stoptabulate
+% \starttabulate[|c|c|c|]
+% \XC[+f:x,+d:w] this is a small \XC[-d] table \NC in which we \NC \FR
+% \NC will demonstrate \XC[+g:z] that this \XC[-g] positioning \NC \MR
+% \XC[=e:y] mechanism also \XC[-f] works quite well \NC in tables \NC \LR
+% \stoptabulate
+% evt [b:x]
+% \definepositionframed[x][background=color,fillcolor=red]
+% \definepositionframed[y][background=color,fillcolor=green]
+% \definepositionframed[z][background=color,fillcolor=blue]
+\def\remappositionframed#1#2% from to
+ {\copyposition{b:#1}{b:#2}%
+ \copyposition{e:#1}{e:#2}%
+ \dosetpositionaction{b:#2}{\dopositionaction{b:#1}}}
+ {\dodoubleargument\dodefinepositionframed}
+ {\dosetpositionaction{b:#1}{\dopositionframed[#1][#2]}}
+ {\dodoubleempty\dopositionframed}
+ {\bgroup
+ \setbox\scratchbox\hbox
+ {\dimen0=\MPx{e:#1}%
+ \advance\dimen0 -\MPx{b:#1}%
+ \dimen2=\MPy{b:#1}%
+ \advance\dimen2 -\MPy{e:#1}%
+ \advance\dimen2 \MPd{e:#1}%
+ \lower\dimen2\hbox
+ {\advance\dimen2 \MPh{b:#1}%
+ \framed
+ [\c!width=\dimen0,\c!height=\dimen2,
+ \c!offset=\v!overlay,#2]{}}}%
+ \smashedbox\scratchbox
+ \egroup}
+% \def\sethdistances#1%
+% {\hbox{\lpos{ml:#1}\hpos{mh:#1}{\strut}\rpos{mr:#1}}}
+% \def\gethdistances#1%
+% {\scratchdimen\MPx{mh:#1}%
+% \advance\scratchdimen -\MPx{ml#1}%
+% \edef\lefthdistance{\the\scratchdimen}%
+% \scratchdimen\MPx{mr:#1}%
+% \advance\scratchdimen -\MPx{mh:#1}%
+% \edef\righthdistance{\the\scratchdimen}}
+\protect \endinput
+% todo 1: shift down option
+% \startuseMPgraphic{mpos:par:columnset}
+% \iftracepositions show_multi_pars \else draw_multi_pars \fi ;
+% path p ; p := boundingbox currentpicture ;
+% currentpicture := currentpicture shifted (0,-StrutDepth/2) ;
+% setbounds currentpicture to p ;
+% \stopuseMPgraphic
+\definetextbackground[underline] [location=text,alternative=1,background=,frame=off]
+\definetextbackground[overstrike] [location=text,alternative=2,background=,frame=off]
+\definetextbackground[exlines] [location=text,alternative=3,background=,frame=off]
+\definestartstop [underline]
+ [before={\starttextbackground[underline]},
+ after=\stoptextbackground]
+ [overstrike]
+ [before={\starttextbackground[overstrike]},
+ after=\stoptextbackground]
+ [exlines]
+ [before={\starttextbackground[exlines]},
+ after=\stoptextbackground]
+ [strikethrough]
+ [before={\starttextbackground[strikethrough]},
+ after=\stoptextbackground]
+ [sideline]
+ [mp=mpos:par:sideline,
+ location=paragraph,
+ framecolor=red,
+ frameoffset=5mm]
+\definestartstop [sideline]
+ [before={\starttextbackground[sideline]},
+ after=\stoptextbackground]
+ \startunderline \input tufte \stopunderline \blank
+ \startoverstrike \input tufte \stopoverstrike \blank
+ \startexlines \input tufte \stopexlines \blank
+ \startstrikethrough \input tufte \stopstrikethrough \blank
+ \startsideline \input tufte \stopsideline \blank
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/anch-pos.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/anch-pos.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b86cee5cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/anch-pos.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,883 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=anch-pos,
+%D version=1999.08.01,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Anchoring Macros,
+%D subtitle=Positioning Support,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+% needs a cleanup, things may change; we also need to move the mp
+% related code to meta-pos
+% shorter tags, ..:achtergrond:.. etc in pos actions
+% dubbele text- * pos's eruit
+% class pos -> als gelijk aan vorige, dan niet niet definieren
+% en erven, maw:
+% 1 -> opslaan
+% 2 -> undef, dus == prev
+% 3 -> undef, dus == prev
+% 4 -> opslaan
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Anchoring Macros / Positioning}
+% todo: topskip als optie voor eerste regel achtergrond
+% todo: build pos layers on top of layers
+% todo: positionlayer pos van text-1 etc delen
+%D Although \TEX\ has a rather powerful channel to the outside
+%D world, called \type {\special}, real communication with
+%D other programs is complicated by the fact that no positional
+%D information is available. Mid 1999, I discussed this with
+%D \THANH, the author of \PDFTEX, and after some experiments,
+%D \PDFTEX\ was extended with a simple but effective mechanism,
+%D that provided positional information. The interesting
+%D thought is that, although \TEX\ is frozen, similar
+%D functionality could have been achieved with \type
+%D {\specials} and an additional \DVI\ postprocessor.
+%D Since we want to be as compatible as can be, \CONTEXT\ will
+%D support both methods, although the development is primarily
+%D driven by the \PDFTEX\ way of doing things. Since the
+%D mechanism is basically not limited to one application, for
+%D the moment we stick to building the functionality around one
+%D \CONTEXT\ special command, but at the same time we keep our
+%D eyes open for extensions in other directions.
+%D A question that may arise when one reads this module, is to
+%D what extend these macros are generic, in the sense that they
+%D could be collected in a support module instead of a core
+%D module. Since the mechanism described here will closely
+%D cooperate with the \METAPOST\ support built in \CONTEXT,
+%D which in turn will be tightly integrated with the \CONTEXT\
+%D overlay mechanisms, I decided to write a core module instead
+%D of a support one. This makes even more sense, when one takes
+%D into account that this kind of support depends on special
+%D drivers.
+%D The first application of positional information was embedded
+%D graphics. Since we are interacting with text, it made sense
+%D to take the current line height and depth into account too.
+%D This is why we have two basic position macros: one for
+%D simple positions, and one for boxes.
+%D We could have sticked to one special, and actually did so in
+%D earlier experiments, but for convenience, as well for
+%D clearness, we now have two alternatives. This approach will
+%D save us quite some bytes when storing large quantities of
+%D positional information. We save as less information as
+%D needed, that is, we save no dimensions, in a \METAPOST\
+%D friendly way.
+%D The three specials involved are:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \dosetposition {identifier}
+%D \dosetpositionwhd {identifier} {width} {height} {depth}
+%D \dosetpositionplus {identifier} {width} {height} {depth} {list}
+%D \dosetpositionpapersize {width} {height}
+%D \stoptyping
+\newif \ifpositioning
+ {\@EA\xdef\csname\POSprefix#1\endcsname
+ {\number#2,%
+ \the\dimexpr#3\ifnum\positionanchormode=\plusone-\MPx\pageanchor\fi\relax,%
+ \the\dimexpr#4\ifnum\positionanchormode=\plusone-\MPy\pageanchor\fi\relax}}
+ {\@EA\xdef\csname\POSprefix#1\endcsname
+ {\number#2,%
+ \the\dimexpr#3\ifnum\positionanchormode=\plusone-\MPx\pageanchor\fi\relax,%
+ \the\dimexpr#4\ifnum\positionanchormode=\plusone-\MPy\pageanchor\fi\relax,%
+ \the\dimexpr#5\relax,%
+ \the\dimexpr#6\relax,%
+ \the\dimexpr#7\relax}}
+ {\@EA\xdef\csname\POSprefix#1\endcsname
+ {\number#2,%
+ \the\dimexpr#3\ifnum\positionanchormode=\plusone-\MPx\pageanchor\fi\relax,%
+ \the\dimexpr#4\ifnum\positionanchormode=\plusone-\MPy\pageanchor\fi\relax,%
+ \the\dimexpr#5\relax,%
+ \the\dimexpr#6\relax,%
+ \the\dimexpr#7\relax,%
+ #8}}
+%D This is real tricky! The page anchor is applied to the
+%D page box and therefore flushed first. So, when present, it
+%D is applied to all positions except itself.
+\chardef\positionanchormode=0 % don't relocate page origin
+\chardef\positionanchormode=1 % relocate page origin once
+%D The core set macros.
+\def\pxypos {\pospxy} % obsolete
+\def\pxyposwhd {\pospxywhd} % obsolete
+\def\pxyposplus{\pospxyplus} % obsolete
+ {\let\pospxy \gobblefourarguments
+ \let\pospxywhd \gobblesevenarguments
+ \let\pospxyplus\gobbleeightarguments}
+ {\let\pospxy \setpospxy
+ \let\pospxywhd \setpospxywhd
+ \let\pospxyplus\setpospxyplus}
+%D We need to initialize.
+%D Sometimes we want to trick the position handler a bit:
+ {\@EA\xdef\csname\POSprefix#1\endcsname
+ {\number#2,%
+ \the\dimexpr#3\relax,%
+ \the\dimexpr#4\relax,%
+ \the\dimexpr#5\relax,%
+ \the\dimexpr#6\relax,%
+ \the\dimexpr#7\relax}}
+%D For postprocessing purposes, we save the number of
+%D positions.
+\newcount\currentpositions % current number of positions
+\newcounter\totalnofpositions % total from previous run
+ \expanded{\savecurrentvalue\noexpand\totalnofpositions{\the\currentpositions}}%
+\to \everybye
+%D The next switch can be used to communicate a special
+%D situation. Positioning and associated actions can be
+%D executed any time. However, in for instance backgrounds
+%D they can be collected in a layer, for instance the text
+%D layer (especially the hidden text layer). In the case of
+%D floats, we run into problems, since the page information is
+%D not applicable when the content floats indeed. In such
+%D situations one can treat positions and graphics local.
+%D Watch out: sometimes a pagebreak occurs inside a float
+%D placement, so there we need to disable local mode.
+ \localpositioningtrue
+\to \everyinsidefloat
+ \localpositioningfalse
+\to \everypagebody
+ {\startnointerference
+ \protectlabels
+ \doutilities{positions}\jobname\empty\relax\relax
+ \global\let\checkpositions\relax
+ \stopnointerference}
+%D Since the positional values are to be fully expandable, we
+%D need to preload them as soon as possible, which is why we
+%D load the data when we start a text.
+\appendtoks \checkpositions \to \everystarttext
+%D Positions are either generated at a delayed write time
+%D (in \PDFTEX), or derived from the dvi file. The actual
+%D method is implemented in a special driver. If needed, the
+%D driver can fall back on the following macros.
+\def\dolazysaveposition#1#2#3#4% tag page x y
+ {\expanded{\writeutilitycommand{\noexpand\pospxy
+ {#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}}}}
+\def\dolazysavepositionwhd#1#2#3#4#5#6#7% tag page x y w h d
+ {\expanded{\writeutilitycommand{\noexpand\pospxywhd
+ {#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}{#6}{#7}}}}
+\def\dolazysavepositionplus#1#2#3#4#5#6#7#8% tag page x y w h d list
+ {\expanded{\writeutilitycommand{\noexpand\pospxyplus
+ {#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}{#6}{#7}{#8}}}}
+\def\dosaveposition#1#2#3#4% tag page x y
+ {\expanded{\immediatewriteutilitycommand{\noexpand\pospxy
+ {#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}}}}
+\def\dosavepositionwhd#1#2#3#4#5#6#7% tag page x y w h d
+ {\expanded{\immediatewriteutilitycommand{\noexpand\pospxywhd
+ {#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}{#6}{#7}}}}
+\def\dosavepositionplus#1#2#3#4#5#6#7#8% tag page x y w h d list
+ {\expanded{\immediatewriteutilitycommand{\noexpand\pospxyplus
+ {#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}{#6}{#7}{#8}}}}
+%D \macros
+%D {MPp, MPx, MPy, MPw, MPh, MPd,
+%D MPxy, MPll, MPlr, MPur, MPul, MPpos}
+%D Access to the positional information is provided by macros
+%D with short names that are clearly meant for \METAPOST.
+\def\MPp {\doMPxyhdwlr\doMPp }
+\def\MPx {\doMPxyhdwlr\doMPx }
+\def\MPy {\doMPxyhdwlr\doMPy }
+\def\MPw {\doMPxyhdwlr\doMPw }
+\def\MPh {\doMPxyhdwlr\doMPh }
+\def\MPd {\doMPxyhdwlr\doMPd }
+\def\MPxy {\doMPxyhdwlr\doMPxy }
+\def\MPll {\doMPxyhdwlr\doMPll }
+\def\MPlr {\doMPxyhdwlr\doMPlr }
+\def\MPur {\doMPxyhdwlr\doMPur }
+\def\MPul {\doMPxyhdwlr\doMPul }
+\def\doMPp #1,#2,#3,#4,#5,#6,#7\relax{#1}
+\def\doMPx #1,#2,#3,#4,#5,#6,#7\relax{#2}
+\def\doMPy #1,#2,#3,#4,#5,#6,#7\relax{#3}
+\def\doMPw #1,#2,#3,#4,#5,#6,#7\relax{#4}
+\def\doMPh #1,#2,#3,#4,#5,#6,#7\relax{#5}
+\def\doMPd #1,#2,#3,#4,#5,#6,#7\relax{#6}
+\def\doMPxy #1,#2,#3,#4,#5,#6,#7\relax{(#2,#3)}
+\def\doMPll #1,#2,#3,#4,#5,#6,#7\relax{(#2,#3-#6)}
+\def\doMPlr #1,#2,#3,#4,#5,#6,#7\relax{(#2+#4,#3-#6)}
+\def\doMPur #1,#2,#3,#4,#5,#6,#7\relax{(#2+#4,#3+#5)}
+\def\doMPul #1,#2,#3,#4,#5,#6,#7\relax{(#2,#3+#5)}
+ {\ifcsname\POSprefix#2\endcsname
+ \@EA\@EA\@EA#1\csname\POSprefix#2\endcsname,0pt,0pt,0pt,0pt\relax
+ \else
+ #10,0pt,0pt,0pt,0pt,0pt,0pt\relax
+ \fi}
+%D \macros
+%D {MPplus, MPrest, MPv, MPvv}
+%D Since we will probably keep on extending, we provide a
+%D general extension macro. The plus alternative takes an
+%D extra argument, denoting what additional parameter to pick
+%D up. So, the third extra is fetched with,
+%D \starttyping
+%D \MPplus{identifier}{3}{default}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D All extras (comma separated) are fetched with:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \MPrest{identifier}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The extra parameters are not treated.
+\def\MPplus {\MPdoplus\doMPplus}
+ {\ifcsname\POSprefix#2\endcsname
+ \@EA\@EA\@EA#1\csname\POSprefix#2\endcsname,,,,,,,,,\relax{#3}%
+ \else
+ #4%
+ \fi}
+ {\dodoMPplus}
+ {\ifcase#9\or#1\or#2\or#3\or#4\or#5\or#6\or#7\else\dododoMPplus#8\relax{#9}\fi}
+ {\ifcase#9\or\or\or\or\or\or\or\or#1\or#2\or#3\or#4\or#5\or#6\or#7\fi}
+ {#7}
+%D \macros
+%D {MPanchor}
+%D For readability we define a few synonyms:
+%D \macros
+%D {POSp, POSx, POSy, POSh, POSd, POSw}
+%D and:
+\def\POSp{\MPp} \def\POSx{\MPx} \def\POSy{\MPy}
+\def\POSh{\MPh} \def\POSd{\MPd} \def\POSw{\MPw}
+%D There are two low level positioning macros. Both store the
+%D position as well as execute an action associated with that
+%D position.
+ {\ifpositioning \else
+ \global\positioningtrue
+ \dosetpositionpapersize
+ {\printpaperwidth }%
+ {\printpaperheight}%
+ \fi
+ \global\advance\currentpositions\plusone}
+ {\iftrialtypesetting
+ % nothing
+ \else
+ \initializenextposition
+ \def\currentposition{#1}%
+ \dosetposition\currentposition
+ \fi}
+ {\iftrialtypesetting
+ % nothing
+ \else
+ \initializenextposition
+ \def\currentposition{#1}%
+ \dosetposition\currentposition
+ \traceposstring\llap\green{\currentposition>}%
+ \dopositionaction\currentposition
+ \fi}
+ {\iftrialtypesetting \else
+ \initializenextposition
+ \hbox
+ {\def\currentposition{#1}%
+ \dosetpositionwhd\currentposition
+ {\the\dimexpr#2\relax}%
+ {\the\dimexpr#3\relax}%
+ {\the\dimexpr#4\relax}%
+ \traceposstring\llap\green{\currentposition>}%
+ \dopositionaction\currentposition
+ \hss}%
+ \fi}
+ {\dowithnextbox
+ {\iftrialtypesetting
+ \flushnextbox
+ \else
+ \initializenextposition
+ \hbox to \nextboxwd
+ {\edef\currentposition{#1}%
+ \dosetpositionwhd\currentposition
+ {\the\nextboxwd}%
+ {\the\nextboxht}%
+ {\the\nextboxdp}%
+ \traceposstring\llap\green{\currentposition>}%
+ \setbox\positionbox\flushnextbox
+ \dopositionaction\currentposition
+ \box\positionbox
+ \hss}%
+ \fi}}
+ {\iftrialtypesetting \else
+ \initializenextposition
+ \hbox % bug: to \nextboxwd
+ {\edef\currentposition{#1}%
+ \dosetpositionplus\currentposition
+ {\the\dimexpr#2\relax}%
+ {\the\dimexpr#3\relax}%
+ {\the\dimexpr#4\relax}%
+ {#5}%
+ \traceposstring\rlap\magenta{<\currentposition}%
+ \dopositionaction\currentposition
+ \hss}%
+ \fi}
+ {\dowithnextbox
+ {\iftrialtypesetting
+ \flushnextbox
+ \else
+ \initializenextposition
+ \hbox to \nextboxwd
+ {\edef\currentposition{#1}%
+ \dosetpositionplus\currentposition
+ {\the\nextboxwd}%
+ {\the\nextboxht}%
+ {\the\nextboxdp}%
+ {#2}%
+ \traceposstring\rlap\magenta{<\currentposition}%
+ \setbox\positionbox\flushnextbox
+ \dopositionaction\currentposition
+ \box\positionbox
+ \hss}%
+ \fi}}
+%D A few more low level macros take care of defining and
+%D recalling actions. We could save this information in the
+%D position containers themselves, this would save hash
+%D entries, but at the cost of much more time consuming
+%D expansion. Actions are saved globally!
+ {\setgvalue{\POSactionprefix#1::}}
+%D The lists can become quite long (also because there can
+%D be lots of parameters passed on) so we provide a hook
+%D to clean up the list afterwards.
+ {\ifcsname\POSactionprefix#1::\endcsname
+ \@EA\firstofoneargument
+ \else
+ \@EA\gobbleoneargument
+ \fi}
+ {\ifcsname\POSactionprefix#1::\endcsname
+ \@EA\firstoftwoarguments
+ \else
+ \@EA\secondoftwoarguments
+ \fi}
+%D We can copy a position with:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \copyposition {to} {from}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Again, this is a global action.
+ {\ifcsname\POSprefix#2\endcsname
+ \global\@EA\let\csname\POSprefix#1\@EA\endcsname\csname\POSprefix#2\endcsname
+ \fi}
+%D The fact that handling positions is a two pass operation, is
+%D one of the reasons why we need to be able to test for
+%D existence, using:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \doifpositionelse {identifier} {found action} {not found action}
+%D \stoptyping
+ {\ifcsname\POSprefix#1\endcsname
+ \expandafter\firstoftwoarguments
+ \else
+ \expandafter\secondoftwoarguments
+ \fi}
+%D We have now arrived at a few macros that would make sense as
+%D support macros, but ended up in the core.
+%D \macros
+%D {xypos}
+%D We have several macros available to save positions. Later
+%D we will see applications.
+%D \starttabulate[|l|l||]
+%D \NC \type {\xypos} \NC \NC simple position with no dimensions \NC \NR
+%D \NC \type {\hpos} \NC \NC position and characteristics of a \type {\hbox} \NC \NR
+%D \NC \type {\vpos} \NC \NC position and characteristics of a \type {\vbox} \NC \NR
+%D \NC \type {\bpos} \NC b: \NC begin point in a line \NC \NR
+%D \NC \type {\epos} \NC e: \NC end point in a line \NC \NR
+%D \NC \type {\fpos} \NC f: \NC begin point in a paragraph \NC \NR
+%D \NC \type {\tpos} \NC t: \NC end point in a paragraph \NC \NR
+%D \stoptabulate
+%D Each macro takes an identifier as argument, and the \type
+%D {\hpos} and \type {\vpos} also expect box content.
+% \def\xypos{\initializenextposition\dosetposition}
+ {\setpositionplus{b:#1}{\number\parposcounter}\horizontalstrut
+ \ignorespaces}
+ {\removelastspace
+ \setpositionplus{e:#1}{\number\parposcounter}\horizontalstrut}
+ {\setpositionplus{b:#1}{\number\parposcounter}\horizontalstrut\wpos{#1}%
+ \ignorespaces}
+ {\removelastspace
+ \setpositionplus{e:#1}{\number\parposcounter}\horizontalstrut}
+ {\dontleavehmode\vadjust % may disappear if buried
+ {\setbox0\hbox{\raise\strutdp\hbox{\rawwpos{#1}}}%
+ \rlap{\smashedbox0}}}
+\def\wwpos#1% \hsmashed{\llap{\rawwpos{#1}}}
+ {\rlap
+ {\setbox0\hbox{\rawwpos{#1}}%
+ \smashedbox0}}
+ {\hpos{w:#1}
+ {\strut
+ \hskip-\leftskip
+ \hskip\hsize
+ \hskip-\rightskip}}
+% the next macro disables par positions (in inner boxes) and
+% only registers the width
+ {\let\fpos\ffpos
+ \let\tpos\ttpos
+ \let\wpos\wwpos}
+% example of usage: (see for application "techniek")
+% \appendtoks
+% \setinnerparpositions
+% \to \everytabulate
+%D When we want to calculate more complex backgrounds, we
+%D need to know what the current indentation scheme is. At
+%D the cost of many positions and memory, we can keep track
+%D of them. This mechanism is activated automatically
+%D based on information collected in the previous pass.
+% we can check for used entries, and if not, then not add one
+\def\enableparpositions % global
+ {\global\positioningtrue
+ \global\positioningpartrue}
+\def\disableparpositions % local
+ {\positioningparfalse}
+ {\ifpositioningpar \ifpositioning \iftrialtypesetting \else
+ \ifinpagebody \else \ifmmode \else \ifinformula \else
+ \ifprocessingverbatim
+ \iflinepar \doregisterparoptions \fi
+ \else
+ \doregisterparoptions
+ \fi
+ \fi \fi \fi
+ \fi \fi \fi}
+\chardef\parposstrut=1 % 0 => no strut data, so fall backs used
+% \def\doregisterparoptions
+% {\global\advance\parposcounter\plusone
+% \begingroup
+% \leftskip 1\leftskip
+% \rightskip1\rightskip
+% \setpositiondataplus
+% {p:\number\parposcounter}% identifier
+% {\the\zeropoint}%
+% {\the\strutht}%
+% {\the\strutdp}%
+% {\the\hsize ,% 1
+% \the\leftskip ,% 2
+% \the\rightskip ,% 3
+% \the\hangindent,% 4
+% \the\hangafter ,% 5 (num)
+% \the\parindent }% 6
+% %\normalhbox{\registerparsymbol}%
+% \registerparsymbol
+% \endgroup}
+ {\global\advance\parposcounter\plusone
+ \setpositiondataplus
+ {p:\number\parposcounter}% identifier
+ {\the\zeropoint}%
+ {\the\strutht}%
+ {\the\strutdp}%
+ {\the\hsize,\the\dimexpr\leftskip\relax,\the\dimexpr\rightskip\relax,\the\hangindent,\the\hangafter,\the\parindent}%
+ %\normalhbox{\registerparsymbol}%
+ \iftracepositions\registerparsymbol\fi}
+ {\iftracepositions
+ \smashedhbox
+ {#1{\infofont#2#3}%
+ \scratchdimen.5\points
+ \kern-2\scratchdimen
+ \vrule\!!width4\scratchdimen\!!height\scratchdimen\!!depth\scratchdimen}%
+ \fi}
+ {\iftracepositions
+ \smashedhbox to \zeropoint
+ {\hss
+ \startcolor[blue]%
+ \llap{\infofont\number\parposcounter}%
+ \scratchdimen\onepoint
+ \vrule
+ \!!width 4\scratchdimen
+ \!!height2\scratchdimen
+ \!!depth 2\scratchdimen
+ \stopcolor
+ \hss}%
+ \fi}
+% \appendtoks \registerparoptions \to \everypar
+%D Eperimental code, don't use this yet: (must be sped up anyway)
+ {\ifcsname\@@noden#1\endcsname
+ \expandafter\firstoftwoarguments
+ \else
+ \expandafter\secondoftwoarguments
+ \fi}
+ {\ifcsname\@@noden#1\endcsname\pluscounter{\@@noden#1}\fi}
+ {\ifcsname\@@noden#1\endcsname
+ \setcounter{\@@noden#1}\zerocount
+ \letgvalue {\@@nodeo#1}\!!zerocount
+ \fi}
+ {\ifcsname\@@noden#1\endcsname\xypos{\@@nodep#1:\countervalue{\@@noden#1}}\fi}
+\def\getnodelocationo#1{\getvalue {\@@nodeo#1}}
+ {\ifcsname\@@noden#1\endcsname
+ \doanalyzenodelocation{#1}{\getnodelocationn{#1}}\zerocount
+ \fi}
+\def\doanalyzenodelocation#1#2#3% class n default
+ {\begingroup
+ \donefalse
+ \ifcase\nodelocationmode
+ % do nothing
+ \else
+ \edef\nodelocationselfn{#2}%
+ \edef\nodelocationselfp{\numnodelocationp{#1}\nodelocationselfn}%
+ \edef\nodelocationselfx{\numnodelocationx{#1}\nodelocationselfn}%
+ \edef\nodelocationselfy{\numnodelocationy{#1}\nodelocationselfn}%
+ \scratchcounter\plusone
+ \doloop
+ {\ifnum\recurselevel=\nodelocationselfn\relax
+ \donetrue
+ \else
+ \edef\nodelocationotherp{\numnodelocationp{#1}\recurselevel}%
+ \edef\nodelocationotherx{\numnodelocationx{#1}\recurselevel}%
+ \edef\nodelocationothery{\numnodelocationy{#1}\recurselevel}%
+ \ifcase\nodelocationmode
+ \or
+ % ok for single column
+ \ifcase\nodelocationotherp\relax
+ \exitloop
+ \else\ifnum\nodelocationotherp<\nodelocationselfp\relax
+ \donetrue \advance\scratchcounter\plusone
+ \else\ifnum\nodelocationotherp>\nodelocationselfp\relax
+ % skip
+ \else\ifdim\nodelocationothery>\nodelocationselfy\relax
+ \donetrue \advance\scratchcounter\plusone
+ \else\ifdim\nodelocationothery<\nodelocationselfy\relax
+ % skip
+ \else\ifdim\nodelocationotherx<\nodelocationselfx\relax
+ \donetrue \advance\scratchcounter\plusone
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi
+ \or
+ % acceptable for double column
+ \ifcase\nodelocationotherp\relax
+ \exitloop
+ \else\ifnum\nodelocationotherp<\nodelocationselfp\relax
+ \donetrue \advance\scratchcounter\plusone
+ \else\ifnum\nodelocationotherp>\nodelocationselfp\relax
+ % skip
+ \else\ifnum\recurselevel>\nodelocationselfn\relax
+ \donetrue \exitloop
+ \else
+ \donetrue \advance\scratchcounter\plusone
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi
+ \else
+ \exitloop
+ \fi
+ \fi}%
+ \fi
+ \ifdone \else
+ \scratchcounter#3\relax
+ \fi
+ \setxvalue{\@@nodeo#1}{\the\scratchcounter}%
+ \endgroup}
+ {\ifcsname\@@noden#1\endcsname
+ \analyzenodelocation{#1}%
+ (#1,%
+ n:\getnodelocationn{#1},%
+ p:\getnodelocationp{#1},%
+ x:\getnodelocationx{#1},%
+ y:\getnodelocationy{#1},%
+ o:\getnodelocationo{#1})%
+ \fi}
+%D \macros
+%D {doifoverlappingelse}
+%D A first application of positional information, is to
+%D determine if two boxes do overlap:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \doifoverlappingelse{point a}{point b}
+%D {action when overlapping}
+%D {action when not overlapping}
+%D \stoptyping
+ {\begingroup
+ \donefalse
+ \edef\!!stringa{#1}\edef\!!stringb{#2}%
+ \ifnum\MPp\!!stringa=\MPp\!!stringb\relax
+ \!!dimena\MPx\!!stringa
+ \!!dimenb\dimexpr\MPx\!!stringa+\MPw\!!stringa\relax
+ \!!dimenc\dimexpr\MPy\!!stringa-\MPd\!!stringa\relax
+ \!!dimend\dimexpr\MPy\!!stringa+\MPh\!!stringa\relax
+ \!!dimene\MPx\!!stringb
+ \!!dimenf\dimexpr\MPx\!!stringb+\MPw\!!stringb\relax
+ \!!dimeng\dimexpr\MPy\!!stringb-\MPd\!!stringb\relax
+ \!!dimenh\dimexpr\MPy\!!stringb+\MPh\!!stringb\relax
+ \ifdim\overlappingmargin=\zeropoint\else
+ \advance\!!dimena-\overlappingmargin
+ \advance\!!dimenb+\overlappingmargin
+ \advance\!!dimenc-\overlappingmargin
+ \advance\!!dimend+\overlappingmargin
+ \advance\!!dimene-\overlappingmargin
+ \advance\!!dimenf+\overlappingmargin
+ \advance\!!dimeng-\overlappingmargin
+ \advance\!!dimenh+\overlappingmargin
+ \fi
+ % more often eh fb eg fg
+ \def\checkone##1##2%
+ {\ifdim##1<\!!dimena \else \ifdim##1>\!!dimenb \else
+ \ifdim##2<\!!dimenc \else \ifdim##2>\!!dimend \else
+ \donetrue
+ \fi\fi
+ \fi\fi}%
+ \def\checktwo##1##2%
+ {\ifdim##1<\!!dimene \else \ifdim##1>\!!dimenf \else
+ \ifdim##2<\!!dimeng \else \ifdim##2>\!!dimenh \else
+ \donetrue
+ \fi\fi
+ \fi\fi}%
+ \checkone\!!dimene\!!dimeng \ifdone \else
+ \checkone\!!dimene\!!dimenh \ifdone \else
+ \checkone\!!dimenf\!!dimeng \ifdone \else
+ \checkone\!!dimenf\!!dimenh \ifdone \else
+ \checktwo\!!dimena\!!dimenc \ifdone \else
+ \checktwo\!!dimena\!!dimend \ifdone \else
+ \checktwo\!!dimenb\!!dimene \ifdone \else
+ \checktwo\!!dimenb\!!dimenc \fi \fi \fi \fi \fi \fi \fi
+ \fi
+ \ifdone
+ \endgroup\expandafter\firstoftwoarguments
+ \else
+ \endgroup\expandafter\secondoftwoarguments
+ \fi}
+%D \macros
+%D {doifpositionsonsamepageelse,
+%D doifpositionsonthispageelse}
+%D Instead of letting the user handle fuzzy expansion, we
+%D provide a simple test on positione being on the same page.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \doifpositionsonsamepageelse{point a}{point b}
+%D {action when on same page}
+%D {action when not on same page}
+%D \doifpositionsonthispageelse{point a}{point b}
+%D {action when on this page}
+%D {action when not on this page}
+%D \stoptyping
+ {\bgroup
+ \scratchcounter#1\donefalse
+ \def\docommand##1%
+ {\ifcase\scratchcounter
+ \scratchcounter\MPp{##1}\donetrue
+ \else
+ \ifnum\scratchcounter=\MPp{##1}\relax\else\donefalse\fi
+ \fi}%
+ \rawprocesscommalist[#2]\docommand
+ \ifdone\egroup#3\else\egroup#4\fi}
+\def\doifpositionsonthispageelse{\dodoifpositionsonsamepageelse\realfolio }
+%D Plugins:
+\let\MPv \MPplus
+\let\POSp\MPp \let\POSx\MPx \let\POSy\MPy
+\let\POSh\MPh \let\POSd\MPd \let\POSw\MPw
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/anch-snc.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/anch-snc.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..01704e0c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/anch-snc.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=anch-snc,
+%D version=2003.12.01,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Anchoring Macros,
+%D subtitle=Synchronization,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Anchoring Macros / Synchronization}
+\ifx\s!set \undefined \def\s!set {set} \fi
+\ifx\s!reset \undefined \def\s!reset {reset} \fi
+\ifx\s!preset \undefined \def\s!preset {preset} \fi
+\ifx\s!syncpos\undefined \def\s!syncpos{syncpos} \fi
+ {\setcounter{\s!num:\s!syncpos:#1}{0}%
+ \doglobal\appendtoksonce\getvalue {\s!reset:\s!syncpos:#1}\to\resetsyncpositions
+ \doglobal\appendtoksonce\getvalue{\s!preset:\s!syncpos:#1}\to\presetsyncpositions
+ \setgvalue{\s!syncpos:#1}{sync_n[#1] := 0 ;}%
+ \setgvalue{\s!set:\s!syncpos:#1}{\dosetsyncpositions{#1}}}
+ {\dodoubleempty\dosyncposition}
+ {\letgvalue{\s!reset:\s!syncpos:#1}\relax
+ \letgvalue{\s!preset:\s!syncpos:#1}\relax
+ \dontleavehmode
+ \dodosyncposition{#1}{#2}\s!set
+ \ignorespaces}
+ {\doifelse{\lastsyncclass\lastsyncposition}{#1#2}}
+ {\letgvalue{\s!reset:\s!syncpos:#1}\relax
+ \letgvalue{\s!preset:\s!syncpos:#1}\relax
+ \ifundefined{\s!syncpos:#1}%
+ \strut
+ \else
+ \pluscounter{\s!num:\s!syncpos:#1}%
+ \setsyncpositions{#1}%
+ % option: geen w/h, alleen p 0 0 0 data
+ \setpositionplus
+ {\s!syncpos:#1:\countervalue{\s!num:\s!syncpos:#1}}%
+ {#2}%
+ \hbox{\strut\traceposstring\llap\green{#3/\countervalue{\s!num:\s!syncpos:#1}/#1/#2>>}}%
+ \fi}
+ {\enabletextarearegistration
+ \getvalue {\s!set:\s!syncpos:#1}%
+ \letgvalue{\s!set:\s!syncpos:#1}\relax}
+ {\startnointerference % removing out of sync can best be done in mp
+ \!!dimena\maxdimen
+ \!!counta\zerocount
+ \!!countc\zerocount
+ \doloop
+ {\doifpositionelse{\s!syncpos:#1:\recurselevel}
+ {\!!dimenb\MPy{\s!syncpos:#1:\recurselevel}\relax
+ \!!countb\MPp{\s!syncpos:#1:\recurselevel}\relax
+ \ifnum\!!countb=\!!counta % same page
+ \ifdim\!!dimenb>\!!dimena
+ \donefalse % out of order nodes
+ \else
+ \donetrue % nodes in order
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \donetrue % different page
+ \fi
+ \ifdone
+ \!!counta\!!countb
+ \!!dimena\!!dimenb
+ \advance\!!countc\plusone
+ \edef\!!stringa{[#1][\the\!!countc]:=}%
+ \edef\!!stringc{\s!syncpos:#1:\the\!!countc}%
+ \edef\!!stringd{\MPplus\!!stringc{1}{0}}%
+ \setxvalue{\s!syncpos:#1}%
+ {\getsyncpositions{#1}%
+ sync_p \!!stringa \MPp \!!stringc ;
+ sync_xy\!!stringa \MPxy\!!stringc ;
+ sync_w \!!stringa \MPw \!!stringc ;
+ sync_h \!!stringa \MPh \!!stringc ;
+ sync_d \!!stringa \MPd \!!stringc ;
+ \ifx\!!stringd\empty \else sync_t \!!stringa \MPplus\!!stringc{1}{0} ; \fi}%
+ \fi}
+ {\setxvalue{\s!syncpos:#1}%
+ {\getsyncpositions{#1}%
+ sync_n[#1] := \the\!!countc ;}
+ \exitloop}}%
+ \stopnointerference}
+ {\getvalue{\s!syncpos:#1}}
+\def\resyncposition {\dodoubleargument\doresyncposition}
+\def\dodoresyncposition #1#2{\dodosyncposition{#1}{#2}\s!reset}
+\def\doresyncposition [#1][#2]{\setxvalue{\s!reset :\s!syncpos:#1}{\noexpand\dodoresyncposition{#1}{#2}}}
+\def\flushsyncpositions % this order !
+ {\begingroup
+ \the\presetsyncpositions
+ \the\resetsyncpositions
+ \endgroup}
+ {\setbox\scratchbox\hbox{\the#1}%
+ \ifvoid\scratchbox\else
+ \prewordbreak \let\prewordbreak\relax % only once
+ \smashbox\scratchbox
+ \box\scratchbox
+ \fi}
+\def\flushsyncresets {\flushsyncxxsets\resetsyncpositions }
+% \appendtoks \flushsyncpositions \to \everypar
+% \appendtoks \flushsyncpositions \to \everyheadstart
+% \explicitneverypar -> in grid snapper, eerst testen
+% \appendtoks \flushsyncpositions \to \neverypar
+\protect \endinput
+ StartPage ;
+ \getsyncpositions{1} ;
+ SyncThreshold := 2LineHeight ;
+ SyncLeftOffset := -.5LeftMarginDistance ;
+ % SetSyncThreshold(1,3,3LineHeight) ;
+ SyncWidth := - (BackSpace + SyncLeftOffset) ;
+ SetSyncColor(1,1,\MPcolor{red}) ;
+ SetSyncColor(1,2,\MPcolor{green}) ;
+ SetSyncColor(1,3,\MPcolor{blue}) ;
+ SetSyncColor(1,4,\MPcolor{yellow}) ;
+ PrepareSyncTasks(1,true,true,false) ;
+ for i = 1 upto NOfSyncPaths :
+ fill SyncPaths[i]
+ withcolor TheSyncColor(CurrentSyncClass,sync_t[CurrentSyncClass][SyncTasks[i]]) ;
+ endfor ;
+ setbounds currentpicture to Page ;
+ StopPage ;
+\syncposition[1][1] \input ward \endgraf
+\syncposition[1][2] \input ward \endgraf
+\syncposition[1][3] \input ward \endgraf
+\syncposition[1][4] \input ward \endgraf
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/bibl-tra.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/bibl-tra.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..868ca0fc6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/bibl-tra.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,1779 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=bibl-tra,
+%D version=2009.08.13,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Publication Module,
+%D subtitle=Publications,
+%D author=Taco Hoekwater,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={Public Domain}]
+%C Donated to the public domain.
+%D This used to be module \type {t-bib} but due to the number of differences
+%D in handling structure between \MKII\ and \MKIV\ we now have \BIBTEX\ support
+%D in the kernel. The only patches concerns some namespace issues. Also,
+%D constants and variables are now predefined. When the \MKIV\ code is well
+%D tested I might backport a couple of adaptions to this \MKII\ variant.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Bibliography Support / BibTeX}
+% here starts t-bib.tex
+%D The original was developed independantly by Taco Hoekwater while still working for Kluwer
+%D Academic publishers (it still used the dutch interface then). Development continued after
+%D he left Kluwer, and in Januari 2005, the then already internationalized file was merged
+%D with the core distribution by Hans Hagen. The current version is once again by Taco.
+%D More documentation and additional resources can be found on the contextgarden:
+%D \hyphenatedurl{}.
+%D \subject{DONE (dd/mm/yyyy)}
+%D \startitemize
+%D \item add author definition (and associated system variable) (26/05/2005)
+%D \item add finalnamesep support for Oxford comma (17/09/2005)
+%D \item add \type{\insert...} for: doi, eprint, howpublished (19/09/2005)
+%D \item allow a defaulted \type{\setupcite} (19/11/2005)
+%D \item renamed citation type 'number' to 'serial' (19/11/2005)
+%D \item better definition of \type{\} (19/11/2005)
+%D \item don't reset [numbercommand] in \type {\setuppublication} by default (20/11/2005)
+%D \item don't disable other \type {\setuppublication} keys if alternative is present (20/11/2005)
+%D \item drop \type{\sanitizeaccents} (20/11/2005)
+%D \item added \type{\nocite} and \type{\cite[none]} (21/11/2005)
+%D \item added headtext for it (23/11/2005)
+%D \item make \type{\cite[url]} and \type{\cite[doi]} interactive (23/11/2005)
+%D \item make right-aligned labels in the list work even when autohang=no
+%D \item use 'et al.' instead of ''. Pointed out by Peter M�nster (30/12/2005)
+%D \item added headtext for cz (31/12/2005)
+%D \item Keep whitespace after \type{\cite} with single argument (31/12/2005)
+%D \item Fix broken \type{\cite{}} support (31/12/2005)
+%D \item Use \type{\readfile} inside \type{\usepublications} instead of \type{\readsysfile} (12/01/2006)
+%D \item Use \type{\currentbibyear} and \type{\currentbibauthor} instead of \type{\YR} and \type{\AU} (05/02/2006)
+%D \item Fix compressed version of authoryear style (05/02/2006)
+%D \item Rename the clashing data fields \type{\url} and \type{\type} to \type{\biburl} and \type{\bibtype} (05/02/2006)
+%D \item Added two french bibl files from Renaud Aubin (06/02/2006)
+%D \item Five new bib class and eight extra bib fields, for IEEEtran (07/02/2006)
+%D \item French keyword translation, provided by Renaud (08/02/2006)
+%D \item fix underscores in undefined keys (22/02/2006)
+%D \item Destroy interactivity in labels of the publication list (13/03/2006)
+%D \item fix multi-cite list compression (11/4/2006)
+%D \item fix \type{\getcitedata} (11/4/2006)
+%D \item magic for chapter bibs (18-25/4/2006)
+%D \item language setting (25/4/2006)
+%D \item use \type{\hyphenatedurl} for \type{\inserturl} (25/4/2006)
+%D \item Add \type{\docitation} to \type{\nocite}(26/4/2006)
+%D \item patents can have numbers, added to bst files (26/4/2006)
+%D \item \type{\docitation} needs a \type{\iftrialtypesetting} (27/4/2006)
+%D \item \type{\filllocalpublist}'s loop is bound by definedness, not resolvedness (27/4/2006)
+%D \item \type{\setuppublications[monthconversion=]} added (15/5/2006)
+%D \item use \type{\undefinedreference} instead of bare question marks (15/5/2006)
+%D \item add grouping around \type{\placepublications} commands (16/5/2006)
+%D \item fix a bug in \type{\cite{<item>}} (17/5/2006)
+%D \item support \type{\cite[authornum]} (18/5/2006)
+%D \item make \type{\cite} unexpandable (20/6/2006)
+%D \item allow hyperlinks in author\&year combo's
+%D (cite list compression has to be off) (20/6/2006)
+%D \item fix duplicate labels for per-chapter style (20/6/2006)
+%D \item allow \type{\setupcite[interaction=(start|stop)]}
+%D \item fix the item number in the publication list with 'numbering=yes' (22/6/2006)
+%D \item make the default criterium for \type{\placepublications} be \type{previous} (23/6/2006)
+%D \item fix \type{\normalauthor} and \type{\normalshortauthor} spacing (29/6/2006)
+%D \item do not typeset empty arguments to \type{\typesetapublication} (29/6/2006)
+%D \item add \type{symbol=none} to \type{\setuplist} in unnumbered
+%D mode to prevent typesetting of bare numbers (29/6/2006)
+%D \item remove two incorrect spaces from bibl-num.tex (1/7/2006)
+%D \item reset font styles within \type{\cite}, so that font switches
+%D in \type{left} stay in effect (12/7/2006)
+%D \item guard added against loading bbl files multiple times (13/7/2006)
+%D \item fix \type{\cite[num]} with compression is on. (14/7/2006)
+%D \item test \type{\iflocation} before deciding to use the
+%D interactive version of cite (18/7/2006)
+%D \item support \type{\setupcite[authoretallimit=1]} (18/7/2006)
+%D \item support use of \type{\cite} within titles and captions by
+%D saveguarding the list item extraction and reference placement
+%D code (19/7/2006)
+%D \item support \type{\setuppublicationlist[title=\chapter]} (4/8/2006)
+%D \item use the expansion of \type{\headtext{pubs}} (4/8/2006)
+%D \item hook added for repeated authors in publication list
+%D \type{\setuppublicationlist[artauthorcommand=\mythreeargscommand]}
+%D (4/8/2006)
+%D \item make the bracketed arguments of \type{\artauthor}, \type{\author}
+%D and \type{\editor} (bbl commands) optional (4/8/2006)
+%D \item the constants \type{sorttype}, \type{compress} and
+%D \type{autohang} have moved to the core (8/8/2006)
+%D \item bibtex is now registered as a program to be run by texexec (8/8/2006)
+%D \item fix a bug in \type{\setupcite[authoretallimit=1]} (9/8/2006)
+%D \item fix a bug inside citations that prevented lastpubsep from ever being
+%D used due to a volatile \type{\commalistsize} (25/8/2006).
+%D \item added the possibility of \type{\placepublications[option=continue]}
+%D (6/9/2006)
+%D \item Mojca translated Master's Thesis to Masterarbeit (bibl-apa-de.tex)
+%D (12/9/2006)
+%D \item Added \type{\setuppublicationlist[maybeyear=off]} by request from
+%D Thomas Schmitz (15/9/2006)
+%D \item Removed some spurious spaces pointed out by willi egger (19/9/2006)
+%D \item Add configuration of bibtex executable name (4/11/2006)
+%D \item Fix numbering=short and numbering=bib (spotted by Matthias W�chter) (4/11/2006)
+%D \item third attempt to get a correct release (5/11/2006)
+%D \item fix a few missing dots in bibl-num.tex (7/12/2006)
+%D \item Patch for DOI's by Tobias Burnus (17/4/2007)
+%D \item Patch for \type{\insertbiburl} and \type{\insertdoi} for Tobias Burnus (18/4/2007)
+%D \item Added a missing \type{\relax} in \type{\dospecialbibinsert},
+%D that made the space before the {\it et al.} text disappear. (18/4/2007)
+%D \item Attempt to fix percent signs in bbl files. As a side-effect,
+%D this prohibits comments in \tex{startpublication} blocks! (17/4/2008)
+%D \item Patch from Matthias W\"achter that allows arbitrary .bst
+%D files to be used with \tex{setupbibtex} (25/9/2008)
+%D \item Extended for the new multilingual setups for the Oct 2008 current of ConTeXt (23/10/2008)
+%D \item Multilingual setups needed another fix (27/10/2008)
+%D \item Two fixes for bibl-apa by Michael Green (27/10/2008)
+%D \item Catalan translation of 'References' (10/11/2008)
+%D \item 'chapter' -> 'chapitre' in bibl-apa-fr (27/11/2008)
+%D \item Run bibtex via os.execute in mkiv modee (01/12/2008)
+%D \item Small correction in bibl-apa's placement of volume
+%D information in articles (05/01/2009)
+%D \item Handle multi-author (more than two) cases in \type{\cite}
+%D (02/03/2009)
+%D \item Suppress a syntax error in \type{cont-xp} mode. The output is
+%D probably not right, though (02/03/2009)
+%D \item Added a \tex{loadmarkfile} at the end, and two new files
+%D from Hans. The \type{t-bib.mkiv} is needed to make the module
+%D work with the new structure code (17/04/2009)
+%D \item Added a patch to \type{t-bib.mkiv} from Hans to make the
+%D cross referencing between multiple citations an
+%D bibliographies work (27/04/2009)
+%D \item Remove a superfluous \type{\unprotect} in t-bib.mkiv (11/05/2009).
+%D \item Patch of incollection in bibl-ams.tex from Xan (08/06/2009).
+%D \item Patch of unpublished in bibl-ams.tex from Xan (22/07/2009).
+%D \item Modified \type{\bibdogetupsometextprefix} so it works for undefined
+%D language labels, from Hans (13/08/2009).
+%D \item Removed some \MKIV\ hacks as well as some things that are in the
+%D core like variables, constants and messages (HH:22/08/2009).
+%D \item Added \type{bib} in front of \type {insert} macros and initialize
+%D then later on (HH:22/08/2009).
+%D \item Removed test for type {\currentlocationreference} plus associated
+%D code (HH:22/08/2009).
+%D \stopitemize
+%D \subject{WISHLIST}
+%D \startitemize
+%D \item link back from publication list to citation
+%D \item export \type {\citation{<cited item>}}
+%D \item support mlbibtex
+%D \item don't load the whole lot, but filter entries instead
+%D \stopitemize
+%D Variables, constants and messages are removed as they are now in the
+%D multilingual interface modules.
+\def\biblistname{pubs} % for compatibility
+%D how to load the references. There is some new stuff here
+%D to support Idris' (incorrect :-)) use of projects
+% \let\preloadbiblist\relax
+% \ifx\currentcomponent\v!text
+% % single file
+% \edef\temp{\the\everystarttext}%
+% \ifx\temp\empty
+% % post-starttext
+% \def\preloadbiblist{\dousepublications\jobname }%
+% \else
+% % pre-starttext
+% \appendtoks \dousepublications\jobname \to \everystarttext
+% \fi
+% %
+% \else \ifx\currentcomponent\v!project
+% % a project file, have to set up the partial products!
+% \def\startproduct #1 %
+% {\doateverystarttext
+% \dousepublications{#1}%
+% \donextlevel\v!product\currentproduct
+% \doexecutefileonce\doexecutefileonce
+% \donotexecutefile\doexecutefile#1\\}%
+% %
+% \else \ifx\currentcomponent\v!product
+% % a product file
+% \def\preloadbiblist{\dousepublications\jobname }%
+% %
+% \else
+% % a component? not sure what to do
+% \def\preloadbiblist{\dousepublications\jobname }%
+% %
+% \fi \fi \fi
+ {\globallet\preloadbiblist\relax
+ \dousepublications\jobname}
+%D \macros{bibdoif,bibdoifnot,bibdoifelse}
+%D Here are a few small helpers that are used a lot
+%D in all the typesetting commands
+%D (\type{\insert...}) we will encounter later.
+ {\@EA\def\@EA\!!stringa\@EA{#1}%
+ \ifx\!!stringa\empty
+ \expandafter\secondoftwoarguments
+ \else
+ \expandafter\firstoftwoarguments
+ \fi}
+ {\@EA\def\@EA\!!stringa\@EA{#1}%
+ \ifx\!!stringa\empty
+ \expandafter\firstofoneargument
+ \else
+ \expandafter\gobbleoneargument
+ \fi}
+ {\@EA\def\@EA\!!stringa\@EA{#1}%
+ \ifx\!!stringa\empty
+ \expandafter\gobbleoneargument
+ \else
+ \expandafter\firstofoneargument
+ \fi}
+%D Bibtex settings separated out
+%D No point in writing the aux file if there is no database...
+ {\let\@@pbdatabase\empty
+ \getparameters[\??pb][\c!sort=\s!default,#1]%
+ \expanded{\processaction[\@@pbsort]}
+ [ \v!no=>\def\bibstyle{cont-no},
+ \v!author=>\def\bibstyle{cont-au},
+ \v!title=>\def\bibstyle{cont-ti},
+ \v!short=>\def\bibstyle{cont-ab},
+ \s!default=>\def\bibstyle{cont-no},
+ \s!unknown=>\def\bibstyle{\@@pbsort}]%
+ \ifx\@@pbdatabase\empty\else \writeauxfile \fi}
+%D \macros{writeauxfile}
+%D Unfortunately, \BIBTEX\ is not the best configurable program
+%D around. The names of the commands it parses as well as the \type{.aux}
+%D extension to the file name are both hardwired.
+%D This means \CONTEXT\ has to write a \LATEX-style auxiliary file, yuk!
+%D The good news is that it can be rather short. We'll just ask
+%D \BIBTEX\ to output the entire database(s) into the \type{bbl} file.
+%D The \type{\bibstyle} command controls how the \type{bbl} file will
+%D be sorted. The possibilities are:
+%D \startitemize[packed]
+%D \item by author (+year, title): cont-au.bst
+%D \item by title (+author, year): cont-ti.bst
+%D \item by short key as in abbrev.bst: cont-ab.bst
+%D \item not sorted at all: cont-no.bst
+%D \stopitemize
+ {\doifmode{*\v!first}
+ {\openout \scratchwrite \jobname.aux
+ \write \scratchwrite {\string\citation{*}}%
+ \write \scratchwrite {\string\bibstyle{\bibstyle}}%
+ \write \scratchwrite {\string\bibdata{\@@pbdatabase}}%
+ \closeout\scratchwrite
+ \showmessage\m!publications{3}{}%
+ \expanded{\installprogram{\@@pbbibtex\space\jobname}}}}
+%D \macros{ifsortbycite,iftypesetall,ifautohang,ifbibcitecompress}
+%D The module needs some new \type{\if} statements.
+%D Default sort order of the reference list is by citation.
+\newif\ifsortbycite \sortbycitetrue
+%D By default, only referenced publications are typeset
+\newif\iftypesetall \typesetallfalse
+%D Hanging indentation of the publication list
+%D will not adjust itself according to the width of the label.
+\newif\ifautohang \autohangfalse
+%D Cite lists are compressed, if possible.
+\newif\ifbibcitecompress \bibcitecompresstrue
+ {\dosingleargument\dosetuppublications}
+ {#1\hfill~}
+ {\getparameters
+ [\??pb]
+ [\c!alternative=,#1]%
+ \doifsomething\@@pbalternative
+ {\readsysfile
+ {bibl-\@@pbalternative.tex}
+ {\showmessage\m!publications{6}{bibl-\@@pbalternative}\let\@@pbalternative\empty}
+ {\showmessage\m!publications{1}{bibl-\@@pbalternative}\let\@@pbalternative\empty}}%
+ \getparameters
+ [\??pb]
+ [#1]%
+ \processaction
+ [\@@pbcriterium]
+ [ \v!all=>\typesetalltrue,
+ \s!unknown=>\typesetallfalse]%
+ \processaction
+ [\@@pbautohang]
+ [ \v!yes=>\autohangtrue,
+ \s!unknown=>\autohangfalse]%
+ \processaction
+ [\@@pbsorttype]
+ [ \v!cite=>\sortbycitetrue,
+ \v!bbl=>\sortbycitefalse,
+ \s!default=>\sortbycitetrue,
+ \s!unknown=>\sortbycitefalse]%
+ \processaction
+ [\@@pbnumbering]
+ [ \v!yes=>\let\@@pbinumbercommand\firstofoneargument,
+ \v!no=>\let\@@pbinumbercommand\gobbleoneargument,
+ \v!short=>\def\@@pbinumbercommand##1{\getvalue{pbds-\@@pbk}},
+ \v!bib=>\def\@@pbinumbercommand##1{\getvalue{pbdn-\@@pbk}},
+ \s!unknown=>\let\@@pbinumbercommand\firstofoneargument]%
+ \processaction
+ [\@@pbrefcommand]
+ [\s!default=>\edef\@@citedefault{\@@pbrefcommand},
+ \s!unknown=>\edef\@@citedefault{\@@pbrefcommand}]}
+% initialize
+%D \macros{usepublications}
+%D We need \type{\usereferences} so that it is possible to
+%D refer to page and/or appearance number for publications
+%D in the other document.
+ {\usereferences[#1]\processcommalist[#1]\dousepublications}
+ {\doonlyonce
+ {#1.\f!bibextension}
+ {\readfile{#1.\f!bibextension}
+ {\showmessage\m!publications{4}{#1.\f!bibextension}}
+ {\showmessage\m!publications{2}{#1.\f!bibextension}}}}
+%D \macros{setuppublicationlist}
+%D This will be the first command in (\BIBTEX-generated) \type{bbl}
+%D files. `samplesize' is a sample value (in case of \BIBTEX-generated
+%D files, this will be the longest `short' key). `totalnumber'
+%D is the total number of entries that will follow in this
+%D file.
+%D Both values are only needed for the label calculation
+%D if `autohang' is `true', so by default the command is
+%D not even needed, and therefore I saw no need to give
+%D it it's own system variable and it just re-uses \type{pb}.
+ {\dosingleempty\dosetuppublicationlist}
+ {\getparameters[\??pv data][#1]%
+ \setuplist
+ [pubs]
+ [\c!samplesize={AA99},\c!totalnumber={99},
+ \c!alternative=a,\c!interaction=,\c!pagenumber=\v!no,#1]}
+ {\setvalue{\??pv data#1}{#2\unskip}}
+%D \macros{bibalternative}
+%D A nice little shorthand that will be used so we don't have to
+%D key in the weird \type{\@@pv} parameter names all the time.
+ {\getvalue{\??pv\@@currentalternative#1}}
+%D \macros{simplebibdef,bibcommandlist}
+%D \type{\simplebibdef} defines \type{bib@#1}, which in turn will
+%D use one argument that is stored in \type{@@pb@#1}.
+%D \type{\simplebibdef} also defines \type{insert#1}, which can be
+%D used in the argument of \type{\setuppublicationlayout} to fetch
+%D one of the \type{@@pb@} data entries. \type{insert#1} then has
+%D three arguments: \type{#1} are commands to be executed before the
+%D data, \type{#2} are commands to be executed after the data, and
+%D \type{#3} are commands to be executed if the data is not found.
+%D \type{\bibcommandlist} is the list of commands that is affected
+%D by this approach. Later on, it will be used to do a series
+%D of assignments from \type{#1} to \type{bib@#1}: e.g
+%D \type{\title} becomes \type{\bib@title} when used within
+%D a publication.
+\newtoks\initializebibdefinitions % we need to prevent clashes (HH)
+% \def\simplebibdef#1% hh: funny expansion ?
+% {\@EA\long\@EA\def\csname bib@#1\endcsname##1%
+% {\setvalue{\??pb @#1}{##1}%
+% \ignorespaces}%
+% \@EA\def\csname insert#1\endcsname##1##2##3%
+% {\@EA\bibdoifelse
+% \@EA{\csname @@pb@#1\endcsname}%
+% {##1\csname @@pb@#1\endcsname##2}%
+% {##3}%
+% }}
+\def\simplebibdef#1% hh: funny expansion ?
+ {\@EA\long\@EA\def\csname bib@#1\endcsname##1%
+ {\setvalue{\??pb @#1}{##1}\ignorespaces}%
+ \expandafter \appendtoks
+ \expandafter\let\csname insert#1\expandafter\endcsname\csname bibinsert#1\endcsname
+ \to \initializebibdefinitions
+ \@EA\unexpanded\@EA\def\csname bibinsert#1\endcsname##1##2##3%
+ {\@EA\bibdoifelse\@EA{\csname\??pb @#1\endcsname}{##1\csname\??pb @#1\endcsname##2}{##3}}}
+ {abstract, annotate, arttitle, assignee, bibnumber, bibtype, biburl, chapter, city,
+ comment, country, day, dayfiled, doi, edition, eprint, howpublished, isbn, issn,
+ issue, journal, keyword, keywords, lastchecked, month, monthfiled, names, nationality,
+ note, notes, organization, pages, pubname, pubyear, revision, series, size, thekey,
+ title, volume, yearfiled}
+ {{\bibdoifelse{\@@pb@doi}%
+ {\edef\ascii{\@EA\detokenize\@EA{\@@pb@doi}}%
+ #1\expanded{\gotoDOI{\@@pb@thekey}{\ascii}}#2}{#3}}}
+ {{\bibdoifelse{\@@pb@biburl}%
+ {\edef\ascii{\@EA\detokenize\@EA{\@@pb@biburl}}%
+ #1\expanded{\gotoURL{\@@pb@thekey}{\ascii}}#2}{#3}}}
+ {\bibdoifelse{\@@pb@month}%
+ {#1\doifnumberelse{\@@pb@month}%
+ {\doifconversiondefinedelse\@@pbmonthconversion
+ {\convertnumber\@@pbmonthconversion{\@@pb@month}}{\@@pb@month}}%
+ {\@@pb@month}#2}{#3}}
+ \let\inserturl \bibinsertbiburl % for backward compat.
+ \let\inserttype\bibinsertbibtype % for backward compat.
+ {\simplebibdef{#1}%
+ \edef\bibcommandlist{\bibcommandlist,#1}}
+%D \macros{bib@crossref}
+%D \type{\crossref} is used in database files to point to another
+%D entry. Because of this special situation, it has to be defined
+%D separately. Since this command will not be seen until at
+%D \type{\placepublications}, it may force extra runs. The same is
+%D true for \type{\cite} commands inside of publications.
+ {\setvalue{\??pb @crossref}{#1}\ignorespaces}
+ {\bibdoifelse{\@@pb@crossref}
+ {#1\@EA\cite\@EA[\@@pb@crossref]#2}
+ {#3}}
+%D \macros{complexbibdef,specialbibinsert}
+%D The commands \type{\artauthor}, \type{\author} and
+%D \type{\editor} are more complex than the other commands.
+%D Their argument lists have this form:
+%D \type{\author[junior]{firstnames}[inits]{von}{surname}}
+%D (bracketed stuff is optional)
+%D And not only that, but there also might be more than one of each of
+%D these commands. This is why a special command is needed to insert
+%D them, as well as one extra counter for each command.
+%D All of these \type{\@EA}'s and \type{\csnames} make this code
+%D look far more complex than it really is. For example, the argument
+%D \type{author} defines the macro \type{\bib@author} to do two
+%D things: increment the counter \type{\author@num} (let's say to 2)
+%D and next store it's arguments in the macro \type{\@@pb@author2}.
+%D And it defines \type{\insertauthors} to expand into
+%D \starttyping
+%D \specialbibinsert{author}{\author@num}{<before>}{<after>}{<not>}
+%D \stoptyping
+ {\def\currentype{#1}%
+ \dosingleempty\dodocomplexbibdef}
+ {\def\firstarg{#1}\def\secondarg{#2}%
+ \dosingleempty\dododocomplexbibdef}
+ {\@EA\increment\csname \currentype @num\endcsname
+ \setevalue{\??pb @\currentype\csname \currentype @num\endcsname}%
+ {{\secondarg}{#2}{#3}{#1}{\firstarg}}\ignorespaces}%
+% \def\complexbibdef#1%
+% {\@EA\newcounter\csname #1@num\endcsname
+% \@EA\def\csname bib@#1\endcsname{\docomplexbibdef{#1}}%
+% \@EA\def\csname insert#1s\endcsname##1##2##3%
+% {\specialbibinsert{#1}{\csname #1@num\endcsname}{##1}{\unskip ##2}{##3}}}
+ {\@EA\newcounter\csname #1@num\endcsname
+ \@EA\def\csname bib@#1\endcsname{\docomplexbibdef{#1}}%
+ \expandafter \appendtoks
+ \expandafter\let\csname insert#1s\expandafter\endcsname\csname bibinsert#1s\endcsname
+ \to \initializebibdefinitions
+ \@EA\def\csname bibinsert#1s\endcsname##1##2##3{\specialbibinsert{#1}{\csname #1@num\endcsname}{##1}{\unskip ##2}{##3}}}
+%D Another level of indirection is needed to control the
+%D typesetting of all of these arguments.
+%D Btw, there is a conflict between `author' and the predefined interface
+%D variable `auteur'. The old version is overruled `auteur' is
+%D overruled by the systemconstant definition at the top of this file!
+ {\bgroup
+ \ifnum#2>\zerocount
+ \etallimitcounter =0\bibalternative{#1etallimit}\relax
+ \etaldisplaycounter=0\bibalternative{#1etaldisplay}\relax
+ \ifnum #2>\etallimitcounter
+ \todocounter\etaldisplaycounter
+ % just in case ...
+ \ifnum\todocounter>\etallimitcounter
+ \todocounter\etallimitcounter
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \todocounter#2\relax
+ \fi
+ \ifnum\todocounter>\zerocount
+ % find the current author list
+ \let\templist\empty
+ \dorecurse{#2}
+ {\toks0=\@EA\@EA\@EA{\csname @@pb@#1\recurselevel\endcsname}%
+ \ifx\templist\empty \edef\templist{\the\toks0}%
+ \else \edef\templist{\templist,\the\toks0}\fi }%
+ \doifdefinedelse
+ {\??pv data#1\c!command}
+ {\doifemptyelsevalue
+ {\??pv data#1\c!command}
+ {#3\dospecialbibinsert{#1}{\todocounter}{\templist}#4}%
+ {#3\getvalue{\??pv data#1\c!command}{#1}{\todocounter}{\templist}#4}}%
+ {#3\dospecialbibinsert{#1}{\todocounter}{\templist}#4}%
+ \else
+ #5%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ #5%
+ \fi
+ \egroup}
+%D This macro does the hard work of inserting a list of people in the
+%D output, with proper regard of all the inbetween strings that can
+%D arise depending on length of the list of people.
+%D \#1 = type
+%D \#2 = number of items to be typeset
+%D \#3 = commacommand containing authors
+ {\getcommacommandsize[#3]%
+ \scratchcounter 0
+ \def\processauthoritem##1%
+ {\advance\scratchcounter1
+ \ifnum \numexpr\scratchcounter-1\relax<#2\relax
+ \getvalue{\??pv data#1}##1%
+ \ifnum \scratchcounter=#2\relax
+ \ifnum\etallimitcounter<\commalistsize\relax \bibalternative{#1etaltext}\fi
+ \else \ifnum\numexpr\scratchcounter+1 = #2\relax
+ \ifnum \commalistsize > \plustwo \bibalternative\c!finalnamesep
+ \else \bibalternative\c!lastnamesep \fi
+ \else
+ \bibalternative\c!namesep
+ \fi \fi
+ \fi}%
+ \processcommacommand[#3]\processauthoritem }
+%D \macros{invertedauthor,normalauthor,invertedshortauthor,normalshortauthor}
+%D Just some commands that can be used in \type{\setuppublicationparameters}
+%D If you want to write an extension to the styles, you might
+%D as well define some of these commands yourself.
+%D The argument list has been reordered here, and the meanings are:
+%D {\obeylines\parskip0pt
+%D \type{#1} firstnames
+%D \type{#2} von
+%D \type{#3} surname
+%D \type{#4} inits
+%D \type{#5} junior
+%D }
+ {\bibdoif{#1}{#1\bibalternative\c!firstnamesep}%
+ \bibdoif{#2}{#2\bibalternative\c!vonsep}%
+ #3%
+ \bibdoif{#5}{\bibalternative\c!surnamesep#5\unskip}}
+ {\bibdoif{#4}{#4\bibalternative\c!firstnamesep}%
+ \bibdoif{#2}{#2\bibalternative\c!vonsep}%
+ #3%
+ \bibdoif{#5}{\bibalternative\c!surnamesep#5\unskip}}
+ {\bibdoif{#2}{#2\bibalternative\c!vonsep}%
+ #3%
+ \bibdoif{#5}{\bibalternative\c!juniorsep #5}%
+ \bibdoif{#1}{\bibalternative\c!surnamesep #1\unskip}}
+ {\bibdoif{#2}{#2\bibalternative\c!vonsep}%
+ #3%
+ \bibdoif{#5}{\bibalternative\c!juniorsep #5}%
+ \bibdoif{#4}{\bibalternative\c!surnamesep #4\unskip}}
+%D \macros{clearbibitem,clearbibitemtwo,bibitemdefs}
+%D These are used in \type{\typesetapublication} to do
+%D initializations and cleanups.
+\def\clearbibitem#1{\setvalue{\??pb @#1}{}}%
+ {\letvalue{#1@num}\!!zerocount
+ \scratchcounter\plusone
+ \doloop
+ {\doifdefinedelse{\??pb @#1\the\scratchcounter}
+ {\letvalue{\??pb @#1\the\scratchcounter}\empty
+ \advance\scratchcounter\plusone}%
+ {\exitloop}}}
+ {\@EA\let\@EA\tempa \csname bib@#1\endcsname
+ \@EA\let\csname #1\endcsname \tempa }
+%D \macros{startpublication}
+%D We are coming to the end of this module, to the macros that
+%D do typesetting and read the \type{bbl} file.
+%D Just a \type{\dosingleempty} is the most friendly
+%D of doing this: there need not even be an argument
+%D to \type{\startpublication}. Of course, then there
+%D is no key either, and it had better be an
+%D article (otherwise the layout will be all screwed up).
+%D Now prohibits comments, so % can be used for urls
+ {\edef\bibmodsavedpercent{\the\catcode`\%}%
+ \catcode`\%=12
+ \dosingleempty\dostartpublication}
+ {} % the \catcode of % is reset below
+%D Only specifying the key in the argument is also
+%D legal. In storing this stuff into macros, some trickery with
+%D token registers is needed to fix the expansion problems. Even so,
+%D this appears to not always be 100\% safe, so people are
+%D urgently advised to use \ETEX\ instead of traditional \TEX.
+%D In \ETEX, all expansion problems are conviniently solved by
+%D the primitive \type{\protected}. To put that another way:
+%D It's not a bug in this module if it does not appear in \ETEX!
+ {\increment\bibcounter
+ \bgroup
+ \doifassignmentelse{#1}%
+ {\getparameters[\??pb][k=,t=article,n=,s=,a=,y=,o=,u=,#1]}%
+ {\getparameters[\??pb][k=#1,t=article,n=,s=,a=,y=,o=,u=]}%
+ \@EA\toks\@EA2\@EA{\@@pba}%
+ \@EA\toks\@EA4\@EA{\@@pbs}%
+ \toks0={\ignorespaces #2}%
+ \setxvalue{pbdk-\@@pbk}{\@@pbk}
+ \setxvalue{pbda-\@@pbk}{\the\toks2}
+ \setxvalue{pbdy-\@@pbk}{\@@pby}
+ \setxvalue{pbds-\@@pbk}{\the\toks4}
+ \setxvalue{pbdn-\@@pbk}{\@@pbn}
+ \setxvalue{pbdt-\@@pbk}{\@@pbt}
+ \setxvalue{pbdo-\@@pbk}{\@@pbo}
+ \setxvalue{pbdu-\@@pbk}{\@@pbu}
+ \setxvalue{pbdd-\@@pbk}{\the\toks0}
+ \xdef\allrefs{\allrefs,\@@pbk}%
+ \egroup
+ \catcode`\%=\bibmodsavedpercent\relax }
+% intialization of the order-list:
+%D The next macro is needed because the number command of the
+%D publist sometimes needs to fetch something from the current
+%D item (like the 'short' key). For this, the ID of the current
+%D item is passed in the implict parameter \type{\@@pbk}
+% from Hans
+ {\let\@@sectionconversion\secondoftwoarguments}
+\def\patcheddosetfilterlevel#1#2% beware: this one is \let
+ {\bgroup
+ \ignoresectionconversion
+ \edef\askedlevel{#1}%
+ \edef\askedfilter{#2}%
+% \message{ASKD: \meaning\askedlevel}%
+% \message{PREV: \meaning\v!previous}%
+ \ifx\askedlevel\v!current
+ \dosetcurrentlevel\askedlevel
+ \else\ifx\askedlevel\v!previous
+ \dosetpreviouslevel\askedlevel
+ \else\ifx\askedlevel\v!all
+ \global\chardef\alltoclevels\plusone
+ \else\ifx\askedlevel\v!text
+ \global\chardef\alltoclevels\plusone
+ \else
+ \edef\byaskedlevel{\csname\??by\askedlevel\endcsname}%
+ \ifx\byaskedlevel\v!text
+ \dosettextlevel\askedlevel
+ \else
+ \dosetotherlevel\askedlevel
+ \fi
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi
+ % experiment
+ \ifx\askedfilter\empty \else
+ \xdef\currentlevel{\currentlevel\sectionseparator\askedfilter}%
+ \fi
+ \egroup}
+ {\doifdefinedelse{\alltoclevels}
+ {\let\dosetfilterlevel\patcheddosetfilterlevel
+ \dosettoclevel\??li{pubs}%
+ \let\dosetfilterlevel\normaldosetfilterlevel }%
+ {\dosettoclevel\??li{pubs}}%
+ \global\let\glocalpublist\empty
+ \doloop
+ {\doifdefinedelse
+ {\r!cross cite-\jobname-\recurselevel}
+ {\doifreferencefoundelse
+ {cite-\jobname-\recurselevel}
+ {\@EA\doifreglevelelse\@EA[\currentlocationreference]
+ {\@EA\doglobal\@EA\addtocommalist\@EA
+ {\currenttextreference}\glocalpublist}{}}
+ {}}%
+ {\exitloop}}%
+ \let\localpublist\glocalpublist}
+ {\dobeginoflist
+% \the\initializebibdefinitions
+ \edef\askedlevel{\csname \??li pubs\c!criterium\endcsname}%
+ \ifx\askedlevel\v!all
+ \def\bibrefprefix{}%
+ \else %
+ \preparebibrefprefix
+ \fi
+ \ifsortbycite
+ \filllocalpublist
+ \iftypesetall
+ \let\localallrefs\allrefs
+ \processcommacommand[\localpublist]\typesetapublication
+ \def\removefromallrefs##1%
+ {\removefromcommalist{##1}\localallrefs }%
+ \processcommacommand[\localpublist]\removefromallrefs
+ \processcommacommand[\localallrefs]\typesetapublication
+ \else
+ \processcommacommand[\localpublist]\typesetapublication
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \iftypesetall
+ \processcommacommand[\allrefs]\typesetapublication
+ \else
+ %
+ \filllocalpublist
+ \processcommacommand[\allrefs]\maybetypesetapublication
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \doendoflist}
+ {\global\inpublistfalse
+ \def\test{#1}%
+ \def\runtest##1%
+ {\def\tempa{##1}\ifx \test\tempa \global\inpublisttrue \fi}%
+ \processcommacommand[\localpublist]\runtest
+ \ifinpublist \typesetapublication{#1}\fi}
+ {\edef\@@pbnumbering{\@@pbnumbering}%
+ \ifautohang
+ \ifx\@@pbnumbering\v!short
+ \setbox\scratchbox\hbox{\@@pbnumbercommand{\getvalue{\??li pubs\c!samplesize}}}%
+ \else\iftypesetall
+ \setbox\scratchbox\hbox{\@@pbnumbercommand{\getvalue{\??li pubs\c!totalnumber}}}%
+ \else
+ \setbox\scratchbox\hbox{\@@pbnumbercommand{\numreferred}}%
+ \fi\fi
+ \edef\samplewidth{\the\wd\scratchbox}%
+ \setuplist[pubs][\c!width=\samplewidth,\c!distance=0pt]%
+ \ifx\@@pbnumbering\v!short
+ \def\@@pblimitednumber##1{\hbox to \samplewidth
+ {\@@pbnumbercommand{\getvalue{pbds-\@@pbk}}}}%
+ \else \ifx \@@pbnumbering\v!bib
+ \def\@@pblimitednumber##1{\hbox to \samplewidth
+ {\@@pbnumbercommand{\getvalue{pbdn-\@@pbk}}}}%
+ \else
+ \def\@@pblimitednumber##1{\hbox to \samplewidth{\@@pbnumbercommand{##1}}}%
+ \fi \fi
+ \else
+ \ifx\@@pbnumbering\v!short
+ \doifemptyelse
+ {\getvalue{\??li pubs\c!width}}
+ {\def\@@pblimitednumber##1{\hbox
+ {\@@pbnumbercommand{\getvalue{pbds-\@@pbk}}}}}%
+ {\def\@@pblimitednumber##1{\hbox to \getvalue{\??li pubs\c!width}%
+ {\@@pbnumbercommand{\getvalue{pbds-\@@pbk}}}}}%
+ \else \ifx \@@pbnumbering\v!bib
+ \doifemptyelse
+ {\getvalue{\??li pubs\c!width}}
+ {\def\@@pblimitednumber##1{\hbox
+ {\@@pbnumbercommand{\getvalue{pbdn-\@@pbk}}}}}%
+ {\def\@@pblimitednumber##1{\hbox to \getvalue{\??li pubs\c!width}%
+ {\@@pbnumbercommand{\getvalue{pbdn-\@@pbk}}}}}%
+ \else
+ \doifemptyelse
+ {\getvalue{\??li pubs\c!width}}
+ {\def\@@pblimitednumber##1{\hbox{\@@pbnumbercommand{##1}}}}%
+ {\def\@@pblimitednumber##1{\hbox to \getvalue{\??li pubs\c!width}{\@@pbnumbercommand{##1}}}}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \ifx\@@pbnumbering\v!no
+ \setuplist[pubs][\c!numbercommand=,\c!symbol=\v!none,\c!textcommand=\outdented]%
+ \else
+ \setuplist[pubs][\c!numbercommand=\@@pblimitednumber]%
+ \fi
+ \doifelsevalue
+ {\??pv data\c!maybeyear}{\v!off}{\def\maybeyear##1{}}{\def\maybeyear##1{##1}}%
+ \forgetall} % bugfix 2005/03/18
+\def\outdented#1% move to supp-box ?
+ {\hskip -\hangindent #1}
+%D The full list of publications
+ {\dosingleempty\docompletepublications}
+ {\ifcsname#2#1#3\endcsname
+ \csname#2#1#3\endcsname
+ \else\ifcsname\??la#1\c!default\endcsname
+ \@EA\ifx\csname\??la#1\c!default\endcsname\empty
+ \ifcsname#2#3\endcsname
+ \csname#2#3\endcsname
+ \else\ifcsname#2\s!en#3\endcsname
+ \csname#2\s!en#3\endcsname
+ \fi\fi
+ \else
+ \expandafter\bibdogetupsometextprefix
+ \csname\??la#1\c!default\endcsname{#2}{#3}%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \ifcsname#2#3\endcsname
+ \csname#2#3\endcsname
+ \else\ifcsname#2\s!en#3\endcsname
+ \csname#2\s!en#3\endcsname
+ \fi\fi
+ \fi\fi}
+ {\begingroup
+ \setuplist[pubs][\c!criterium=\v!previous,#1]
+ \begingroup
+ \let\handletextprefix\firstoftwoarguments
+ \edef\headtextpubs{\bibdogetupsometextprefix\headlanguage\c!title{pubs}}%
+ \doifdefinedelse
+ {\??pv data\v!title}
+ {\doifemptyelsevalue
+ {\??pv data\v!title}
+ {\expanded{\systemsuppliedtitle[pubs]{\headtextpubs}}}%
+ {\expanded{\getvalue{\??pv data\v!title}{\headtextpubs}}}%
+ }%
+ {\expanded{\systemsuppliedtitle[pubs]{\headtextpubs}}}%
+ \endgroup
+ \dodoplacepublications }
+%D And the portion with the entries only.
+ {\dosingleempty\doplacepublications}
+ {%\getparameters[\??pv data][#1]
+ \begingroup
+ \setuplist[pubs][\c!criterium=\v!previous,#1]%
+ \dodoplacepublications }%
+ {\initializepubslist
+ \doifelsevalue
+ {\??li pubs\c!option}{\v!continue}%
+ {}%
+ {\global\let\bibcounter\!!zerocount }%
+ \inpublisttrue
+ \typesetpubslist
+ \inpublistfalse
+ \endgroup}
+%D \subsubject{What's in a publication}
+ {\doifsomething{#1}
+ {\doglobal\increment\bibcounter
+ \bgroup
+ \the\initializebibdefinitions
+ \makepbkvalue{#1}%
+ \ifgridsnapping
+ \snaptogrid\vbox{\dodolistelement{pubs}{}{\bibcounter}%
+ {\expanded{\reference[\bibrefprefix#1]{\bibcounter}}%
+ \strut \dotypesetapublication{#1}\strut }{}{}}%
+ \else
+ \dodolistelement{pubs}{}{\bibcounter}%
+ {\expanded{\reference[\bibrefprefix#1]{\bibcounter}}%
+ \strut \dotypesetapublication{#1}\strut }{}{}%
+ \fi
+ \egroup}}
+ {\bgroup
+ \def\@@currentalternative{data}%
+ \processcommacommand[\bibcommandlist,crossref]\clearbibitem
+ \processcommalist [artauthor,author,editor]\clearbibitemtwo
+ \processcommacommand[\bibcommandlist]\bibitemdefs
+ \processcommalist [artauthor,author,editor,crossref]\bibitemdefs
+ \let\biblanguage\empty
+ \getvalue{pbdd-#1}%
+ \ifcsname pbdt-#1\endcsname \bibalternative{\getvalue{pbdt-#1}}\fi
+ \egroup }
+%D An afterthought:
+%D An another:
+%D This is the result of bibtex's `language' field.
+\def\setbiblanguage#1#2{\setvalue{\??pb @lang@#1}{#2}}
+ {\def\biblanguage{#1}%
+ \ifcsname \??pb @lang@#1\endcsname
+ \expanded{\language[\getvalue{\??pb @lang@#1}]}%
+ \fi \ignorespaces}
+%D \subject{Citations}
+%D \macros{cite,bibref}
+%D The indirection with \type{\dobibref} allows \LATEX\ style
+%D \type{\cite} commands with a braced argument (these might appear
+%D in included data from the \type{.bib} file).
+% \unexpanded\def\cite
+% {\doifnextcharelse{[}
+% {\dodocite}
+% {\dobibref}}
+% \def\dobibref#1%
+% {\docite[#1][]}
+% \def\dodocite[#1]%
+% {\startstrictinspectnextcharacter
+% \dodoubleempty\dododocite[#1]}
+% \def\dododocite[#1][#2]{%
+% \stopstrictinspectnextcharacter
+% \docite[#1][#2]}
+ {\strictdoifnextoptionalelse\dodocite\dobibref}
+ {\docite[#1][]}
+ {\strictdoifnextoptionalelse{\docite[#1]}{\docite[#1][]}}
+ {\begingroup
+ \setupinteraction[\c!style=]%
+ \edef\temp{#2}%
+ \ifx\empty\temp \secondargumentfalse
+ \else \secondargumenttrue \fi
+ \ifsecondargument
+ \processcommalist[#2]\docitation
+ \doifassignmentelse
+ {#1}%
+ {\getparameters[LO][\c!alternative=,\c!extras=,#1]%
+ \edef\@@currentalternative{\LOalternative}%
+ \ifx\@@currentalternative\empty
+ \edef\@@currentalternative{\@@citedefault}%
+ \fi
+ \ifx\LOextras\empty
+ \setupcite[\@@currentalternative][#1]%
+ \else
+ \expandafter\ifx\csname LOright\endcsname \relax
+ \edef\LOextras{{\LOextras\bibalternative\c!right}}%
+ \else
+ \edef\LOextras{{\LOextras\LOright}}%
+ \fi
+ \expanded{\setupcite[\@@currentalternative][#1,\c!right=\LOextras]}%
+ \fi
+ }%
+ {\def\@@currentalternative{#1}}%
+ \expanded{%
+ \processaction[\csname @@pv\@@currentalternative \c!compress\endcsname]}
+ [ \v!yes=>\bibcitecompresstrue,
+ \v!no=>\bibcitecompressfalse,
+ \s!default=>\bibcitecompresstrue,
+ \s!unknown=>\bibcitecompresstrue]%
+ \getvalue{bib\@@currentalternative ref}[#2]%
+ \else
+ \processcommalist[#1]\docitation
+ \expanded{\processaction[\csname @@pv\@@citedefault \c!compress\endcsname]}
+ [ \v!yes=>\bibcitecompresstrue,
+ \v!no=>\bibcitecompressfalse,
+ \s!default=>\bibcitecompresstrue,
+ \s!unknown=>\bibcitecompresstrue]%
+ \edef\@@currentalternative{\@@citedefault}%
+ \getvalue{bib\@@citedefault ref}[#1]%
+ \fi
+ \endgroup}
+%D \macros{nocite}
+ {\processcommalist[#1]\addthisref
+ \processcommalist[#1]\docitation }
+%D \macros{setupcite}
+ {\ifsecondargument
+ \def\dodosetupcite##1{\getparameters[\??pv##1][#2]}%
+ \processcommalist[#1]\dodosetupcite
+ \else % default case
+ \getparameters[\??pv\@@citedefault][#1]%
+ \fi }
+%D Low-level stuff
+ {\bgroup
+ \addthisref{#4}%
+ \dofetchapublication{#4}%
+ \doifdefinedelse{@@pb@bib#2}%
+ {\xdef#6{\getvalue{@@pb@bib#2}}}%
+ {\xdef#6{\getvalue{@@pb@#2}}}%
+ \egroup}
+ {\makepbkvalue{#1}%
+ \processcommacommand[\bibcommandlist,crossref]\clearbibitem
+ \processcommalist [artauthor,author,editor]\clearbibitemtwo
+ \processcommacommand[\bibcommandlist]\bibitemdefs
+ \processcommalist [artauthor,author,editor,crossref]\bibitemdefs
+ \getvalue{pbdd-#1}}
+%D This new version writes a reference out to the tui file for every
+%D \type{\cite}. This will allow backlinking.
+%D Some special care is needed so that references are not added from
+%D weird locations like in the TOC or within a \type{\setbox} command.
+ \iftrialtypesetting \else
+ \ifdoinpututilities\else
+ \doglobal\increment\citationnumber
+ \expanded{\rawreference{}{cite-\jobname-\citationnumber}{#1}}%
+ \fi \fi }
+%D \macros{numreferred,doifreferredelse,addthisref,publist}
+%D The interesting command here is \type{\addthisref}, which maintains
+%D the global list of references.
+%D \type{\numreferred} is needed to do automatic calculations on
+%D the label width, and \type{\doifreferredelse} will be used
+%D to implement \type{criterium=cite}.
+ {\doifundefinedelse{pbr-#1}
+ {\setxvalue{pbr-#1}{\citationnumber}%
+ \doglobal\increment\numreferred
+ \ifx\publist\empty \gdef\publist{#1}\else\appended\gdef\publist{,#1}\fi}
+ {\setxvalue{pbr-#1}{\getvalue{pbr-#1},\citationnumber}}}
+%D \macros{doifbibreferencefoundelse}
+%D Some macros to fetch the information provided by
+%D \type{\startpublication}.
+ {\preloadbiblist
+ \doifdefinedelse{pbdk-#1}
+ {\firstoftwoarguments}
+ {\showmessage\m!publications{5}{#1 is unknown}%
+ \secondoftwoarguments}}
+%D \macros{ixbibauthoryear,thebibauthors,thebibyears}
+%D If compression of \type{\cite}'s argument expansion is on,
+%D the macros that deal with authors and years call this internal
+%D command to do the actual typesetting.
+%D Two entries with same author but with different years may
+%D be condensed into ``Author (year1,year2)''. This is about the
+%D only optimization that makes sense for the (author,year)
+%D style of citations (years within one author have to be unique
+%D anyway so no need to test for that, and ``Author1, Author2 (year)''
+%D creates more confusion than it does good).
+%D In the code below,
+%D the macro \type{\thebibauthors} holds the names of the alternative
+%D author info fields for the current list. This is a commalist,
+%D and \type{\thebibyears} holds the (collection of) year(s) that go with
+%D this author (possibly as a nested commalist).
+%D There had better be an author for all cases, but there
+%D does not have to be year info always. \type{\thebibyears} is
+%D pre-initialized because this makes the insertion macros simpler.
+%D In `normal' \TeX, of course there are expansion problems again.
+ {\bgroup
+ \gdef\ixlastcommand {#4}%
+ \gdef\ixsecondcommand{#3}%
+ \gdef\ixfirstcommand {#2}%
+ \glet\thebibauthors \empty
+ \glet\thebibyears \empty
+ \getcommalistsize[#1]%
+ \ifbibcitecompress
+ \dorecurse\commalistsize{\xdef\thebibyears{\thebibyears,}}%
+ \processcommalist[#1]\docompressbibauthoryear
+ \else
+ \processcommalist[#1]\donormalbibauthoryear
+ \fi
+ \egroup
+ \dobibauthoryear}
+%D \macros{dodobibauthoryear}
+%D This macro only has to make sure that the lists
+%D \type{\thebibauthors} and \type{\thebibyears} are printed.
+ {\scratchcounter\zerocount
+ \getcommacommandsize[\thebibauthors]%
+ \edef\authorcount{\commalistsize}%
+ \@EA\processcommalist\@EA[\thebibauthors]\dodobibauthoryear}
+ {\advance\scratchcounter\plusone
+ \edef\wantednumber{\the\scratchcounter}%
+ \getfromcommacommand[\thebibyears][\wantednumber]%
+ \@EA\def\@EA\currentbibyear\@EA{\commalistelement}%
+ \setcurrentbibauthor{#1}%
+ \ifnum\scratchcounter=\plusone
+ \ixfirstcommand
+ \else\ifnum \scratchcounter=\authorcount\relax
+ \ixlastcommand
+ \else
+ \ixsecondcommand
+ \fi\fi}
+ {\getcommacommandsize[#1]%
+ \ifcase\commalistsize
+ % anonymous?
+ \def\currentbibauthor{}%
+ \or
+ \def\currentbibauthor{#1}%
+ \or
+ \expanded{\docurrentbibauthor#1}%
+ \else
+ \handlemultiplebibauthors{\commalistsize}{#1}%
+ \fi }
+ {\citescratchcounter 0
+ \def\currentbibauthor{}%
+ \def\bibprocessauthoritem##1%
+ {\advance\citescratchcounter1
+ \ifnum \citescratchcounter=#1\relax
+ \edef\currentbibauthor{\currentbibauthor##1}%
+ \else \ifnum\numexpr\citescratchcounter+1 = #1\relax
+ \edef\currentbibauthor{\currentbibauthor ##1\bibalternative{andtext}}%
+ \else
+ \edef\currentbibauthor{\currentbibauthor ##1\bibalternative{namesep}}%
+ \fi
+ \fi }%
+ \processcommalist[#2]\bibprocessauthoritem }
+ [author,authoryear,authoryears]
+ [\c!namesep={, }]
+%D This discovery of authoretallimit is not the best one,
+%D but it will do for now.
+ {\doifemptyelse{#2}
+ {\def\currentbibauthor{#1\bibalternative{otherstext}}}
+ {\@EA
+ \ifx\csname \??pv\@@currentalternative authoretallimit\endcsname\relax
+ \edef\currentbibauthor{#1\bibalternative{andtext}#2}%
+ \else
+ \edef\currentbibauthor{#1%
+ \ifcase0\bibalternative{authoretallimit}\relax\or
+ \bibalternative{otherstext}\else\bibalternative{andtext}#2\fi}%
+ \fi}}
+%D This is not the one Hans made for me, because I need a global
+%D edef, and the \type{\robustdoifinsetelse} doesn't listen to
+%D \type{\doglobal }
+\def\robustaddtocommalist#1#2% {item} \cs
+ {\robustdoifinsetelse{#1}#2\resetglobal
+ {\dodoglobal\xdef#2{\ifx#2\empty\else#2,\fi#1}}}
+%D \macros{donormalbibauthoryear}
+%D Now we get to the macros that fill the two lists.
+%D The `simple' one really is quite simple.
+ {\addthisref{#1}%
+ \def\myauthor{Xxxxxxxxxx}%
+ \def\myyear{0000}%
+ \doifbibreferencefoundelse{#1}
+ {\def\myauthor{{\getvalue{pbda-#1}}}%
+ \def\myyear {\getvalue{pbdy-#1}}}%
+ {}%
+ \@EA\doglobal\@EA\appendtocommalist\@EA{\myauthor}\thebibauthors
+ \@EA\doglobal\@EA\appendtocommalist\@EA{\myyear }\thebibyears}
+%D \macros{docompressbibauthoryear}
+%D So much for the easy parts. Nothing at all will be done if
+%D the reference is not found or the reference does not contain
+%D author data. No questions marks o.s.s. (to be fixed later)
+ {\addthisref{#1}%
+ \def\myauthor{Xxxxxxxxxx}%
+ \def\myyear {0000}%
+ \doifbibreferencefoundelse{#1}
+ {\xdef\myauthor{\csname pbda-#1\endcsname }%
+ \xdef\myyear {\csname pbdy-#1\endcsname }}
+ {}%
+ \ifx\myauthor\empty\else
+ \checkifmyauthoralreadyexists
+ \findmatchingyear
+ \fi}
+%D two temporary counters. One of these two can possibly be replaced
+%D by \type{\scratchcounter}.
+%D The first portion is simple enough: if this is the very first author
+%D it is quite straightforward to add it. \type{\bibitemcounter} and
+%D \type{\bibitemwanted} are needed later to insert the year
+%D information in the correct item of \type{\thebibyears}
+ {\doifemptyelsevalue{thebibauthors}
+ {\global\bibitemwanted \plusone
+ \global\bibitemcounter \plusone
+ \xdef\thebibauthors{{\myauthor}}}
+ {% the next weirdness is because according to \getcommalistsize,
+ % the length of \type{[{{},{}}]} is 2.
+ \@EA\getcommalistsize\@EA[\thebibauthors,]%
+ \global\bibitemcounter\commalistsize
+ \global\advance\bibitemcounter\minusone
+ \global\bibitemwanted \zerocount
+ \processcommacommand[\thebibauthors]\docomparemyauthor}}
+%D The outer \type{\ifnum} accomplishes the addition of
+%D a new author to \type{\thebibauthors}. The messing about with
+%D the two counters is again to make sure that \type{\thebibyears}
+%D will be updated correctly.If the author {\it was} found,
+%D the counters will stay at their present values and everything
+%D will be setup properly to insert the year info.
+ {\global\advance\bibitemwanted \plusone
+ \def\mytempc{#1}%
+% \message{authors: \myauthor <=>\mytempc \ifx\mytempc\myauthor :Y \else :N
+% \meaning \myauthor, \meaning\mytempc\fi (\the\bibitemwanted = \the\bibitemcounter)}%
+ \ifx\mytempc\myauthor
+ \quitcommalist
+ \else
+ \ifnum\bibitemwanted = \bibitemcounter\relax
+ \global\advance\bibitemwanted \plusone
+ \global\bibitemcounter\bibitemwanted\relax
+ \@EA\doglobal\@EA\robustaddtocommalist\@EA{{\myauthor}}\thebibauthors
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+%D This macro should be clear now.
+ {\edef\wantednumber{\the\bibitemwanted}%
+ \getfromcommacommand[\thebibyears][\wantednumber]%
+ \ifx\commalistelement\empty
+ \edef\myyear{{\myyear}}%
+ \else
+ \edef\myyear{{\commalistelement, \myyear}}%
+ \fi
+ \edef\newcommalistelement{\myyear}%
+ \doglobal\replaceincommalist \thebibyears \wantednumber}
+%D \macros{preparebibrefprefix}
+%D The reference list only writes bare references when the criterium
+%D is `all'. Otherwise, a prefix is added to make sure that pdfTeX
+%D does not encounter duplicate named references. On the generation
+%D side, this is not a big problem. \type{\preparebibrefprefix}
+%D creates a suitable string to prepend if a prefix is needed.
+%D Because this macro is used within \type{\cite } that itself
+%D can be used within lists like the table of contents, it needs
+%D to save and restore \type{\savedalltoclevels} and
+%D \type{\currentlevel} (\type{\dosetfilterlevel} needs to change
+%D their values globally).
+ {\chardef\savedalltoclevels \alltoclevels
+ \let\savedcurrentlevel\currentlevel
+ \let\dosetfilterlevel\patcheddosetfilterlevel
+ \dosettoclevel\??li{pubs}%
+ \edef\bibrefprefix{\@@sectiontype\currentlevel\sectionseparator}%
+ \let\dosetfilterlevel\normaldosetfilterlevel
+ \global\let\currentlevel\savedcurrentlevel
+ \global\chardef\alltoclevels \savedalltoclevels }
+%D \macros{preparebibreflist}
+%D But this optional prefixing is a bit of a problem on the
+%D other side. We would like to do \type{\goto{}[article-full]}
+%D but can't do it like that, because the actual label may be
+%D \type{1:2:0:3:4:article-full]} or so. The problem is solved
+%D by building a commalist that looks like this:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\bibreflist%
+%D {1:2:0:3:4:article-full,
+%D 1:2:0:3:article-full,
+%D 1:2:0:article-full,
+%D 1:2:article-full,
+%D 1:article-full,
+%D article-full}
+%D \stoptyping
+ {\let\bibreflist\empty
+ \def\storeitem##1%
+ {\ifx\bibreflist\empty
+ \edef\prefix{##1\sectionseparator}%
+ \edef\bibreflist{\prefix#1,#1}%
+ \else
+ \edef\prefix{\prefix##1\sectionseparator}%
+ \edef\bibreflist{\prefix#1,\bibreflist}%
+ \fi}%
+ \expanded{\processseparatedlist[\bibrefprefix][\sectionseparator]}\storeitem }
+%D \macros{gotobiblink,inbiblink,atbiblink}
+%D The final task is looping over that list until a match is found.
+ {\bgroup
+ \preparebibrefprefix
+ \preparebibreflist{#2}%
+ \global\bibreffoundfalse
+ \def\setuplink##1%
+ {\ifbibreffound\else
+ \doifreferencefoundelse
+ {##1}
+ {\global\bibreffoundtrue \goto{#1}[##1]}%
+ {}\fi}%
+ \processcommacommand[\bibreflist]\setuplink
+ \ifbibreffound \else \unknownreference{#2}\fi
+ \egroup }
+ {\bgroup
+ \preparebibrefprefix
+ \preparebibreflist{#1}%
+ \global\bibreffoundfalse
+ \def\setuplink##1%
+ {\ifbibreffound\else
+ \doifreferencefoundelse
+ {##1}
+ {\global\bibreffoundtrue \at[##1]}%
+ {}\fi}%
+ \processcommacommand[\bibreflist]\setuplink
+ \ifbibreffound \else \unknownreference{#1}\fi
+ \egroup }
+ {\bgroup
+ \preparebibrefprefix
+ \preparebibreflist{#1}%
+ \global\bibreffoundfalse
+ \def\setuplink##1%
+ {\ifbibreffound\else
+ \doifreferencefoundelse
+ {##1}
+ {\global\bibreffoundtrue \in[##1]}%
+ {}\fi}%
+ \processcommacommand[\bibreflist]\setuplink
+ \ifbibreffound \else \unknownreference{#1}\fi
+ \egroup }
+%D \macros{bibauthoryearref,bibauthoryearsref,bibauthorref,bibyearref}
+%D Now that all the hard work has been done, these are simple.
+%D \type{\ixbibauthoryearref} stores the data in the macros
+%D \type{\currentbibauthor} and \type{\currentbibyear}.
+ {\iflocation
+ \edef\test{\bibalternative\c!interaction}%
+ \ifx\test\v!stop
+ \@EA\@EA\@EA\secondoftwoarguments
+ \else
+ \@EA\@EA\@EA\firstoftwoarguments
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \@EA\secondoftwoarguments
+ \fi
+ }
+ {\ifbibcitecompress #2\else
+ \ifbibinteractionelse{\gotobiblink{#2}[#1]}{#2}\fi }
+ {\ixbibauthoryear{#1}%
+ {\bibmaybeinteractive{#1}{{\currentbibauthor}\bibalternative\c!inbetween
+ \bibalternative\v!left{\currentbibyear}\bibalternative\v!right}}
+ {\bibalternative\c!pubsep
+ \bibmaybeinteractive{#1}{{\currentbibauthor}\bibalternative\c!inbetween
+ \bibalternative\v!left {\currentbibyear}\bibalternative\v!right}}
+ {\bibalternative\c!lastpubsep
+ \bibmaybeinteractive{#1}{{\currentbibauthor}\bibalternative\c!inbetween
+ \bibalternative\v!left {\currentbibyear}\bibalternative\v!right}}}
+ {\bibalternative\v!left
+ \ixbibauthoryear{#1}
+ {\bibmaybeinteractive{#1}{{\currentbibauthor}\bibalternative\c!inbetween{\currentbibyear}}}
+ {\bibalternative\c!pubsep
+ \bibmaybeinteractive{#1}{{\currentbibauthor}\bibalternative\c!inbetween{\currentbibyear}}}
+ {\bibalternative\c!lastpubsep
+ \bibmaybeinteractive{#1}{{\currentbibauthor}\bibalternative\c!inbetween{\currentbibyear}}}%
+ \bibalternative\v!right}
+ {\bibalternative\v!left
+ \ixbibauthoryear{#1}%
+ {\bibmaybeinteractive{#1}{{\currentbibauthor}}}
+ {\bibalternative\c!pubsep \bibmaybeinteractive{#1}{{\currentbibauthor}}}
+ {\bibalternative\c!lastpubsep\bibmaybeinteractive{#1}{{\currentbibauthor}}}%
+ \bibalternative\v!right}
+ {\bibalternative\v!left
+ \ixbibauthoryear{#1}%
+ {\bibmaybeinteractive{#1}{{\currentbibyear}}}
+ {\bibalternative\c!pubsep \bibmaybeinteractive{#1}{{\currentbibyear}}}
+ {\bibalternative\c!lastpubsep\bibmaybeinteractive{#1}{{\currentbibyear}}}%
+ \bibalternative\v!right}
+%D ML problems:
+%D \macros{bibshortref,bibkeyref,bibpageref,bibtyperef,bibserialref}
+%D There is hardly any point in trying to compress these. The only
+%D thing that needs to be done is making sure that
+%D the separations are inserted correctly. And that is
+%D what \type{\refsep} does.
+ {\bibalternative\v!left
+ \firstreftrue\processcommalist[#1]\dobibshortref
+ \bibalternative\v!right}
+ {\addthisref{#1}\refsep
+ \doifbibreferencefoundelse{#1}{\gotobiblink{\getvalue{pbds-#1}}[#1]}
+ {\unknownreference{#1}}}
+ {\bibalternative\v!left
+ \firstreftrue\processcommalist[#1]\dobibserialref
+ \bibalternative\v!right}
+ {\addthisref{#1}\refsep
+ \doifbibreferencefoundelse{#1}{\gotobiblink{\getvalue{pbdn-#1}}[#1]}
+ {\unknownreference{#1}}}
+ {\bibalternative\v!left
+ \firstreftrue\processcommalist[#1]\dobibkeyref
+ \bibalternative\v!right}
+ {\addthisref{#1}\refsep\gotobiblink{#1}[#1]}
+ {\ifbibinteractionelse
+ {\useURL[bibfooDoi#1][#2]%
+ \useURL[bibfoo#1][]%
+ \goto{\url[bibfooDoi#1]}[url(bibfoo#1)]}
+ {\hyphenatedurl{#2}}}
+ {\bibalternative\v!left
+ \firstreftrue\processcommalist[#1]\dobibdoiref
+ \bibalternative\v!right}
+ {\addthisref{#1}\refsep
+ \doifbibreferencefoundelse{#1}{\expanded{\gotoDOI{#1}{\getvalue{pbdo-#1}}}}
+ {\unknownreference{#1}}}
+ {\bibalternative\v!left
+ \firstreftrue\processcommalist[#1]\dobiburlref
+ \bibalternative\v!right}
+ {\ifbibinteractionelse
+ {\useURL[bibfoo#1][#2]\goto{\url[bibfoo#1]}[url(bibfoo#1)]}
+ {\hyphenatedurl{#2}}}
+ {\addthisref{#1}\refsep
+ \doifbibreferencefoundelse{#1}{\expanded{\gotoURL{#1}{\getvalue{pbdu-#1}}}}
+ {\unknownreference{#1}}}
+ {\bibalternative\v!left
+ \firstreftrue\processcommalist[#1]\dobibtyperef
+ \bibalternative\v!right}
+ {\addthisref{#1}\refsep
+ \doifbibreferencefoundelse{#1}{\gotobiblink{\getvalue{pbdt-#1}}[#1]}
+ {\unknownreference{#1}}}
+ {\bibalternative\v!left
+ \firstreftrue\processcommalist[#1]\dobibpageref
+ \bibalternative\v!right}
+ {\addthisref{#1}\refsep
+ \ifbibinteractionelse{\atbiblink[#1]}{{\referencingfalse\at[#1]}}}
+ {\bibalternative\v!left
+ \firstreftrue\processcommalist[#1]\dobibdata
+ \bibalternative\v!right}
+ {\addthisref{#1}\refsep
+ \doifbibreferencefoundelse{#1}{\dotypesetapublication{#1}}
+ {\unknownreference{#1}}}
+%D \macros{bibnumref}
+%D It makes sense to try and compress the argument list of
+%D \type{\bibnumref}. There are two things involved: the actual
+%D compression, and a sort routine. The idea is to store the
+%D found values in a new commalist called \type{\therefs}.
+%D But that is not too straight-forward, because \type{\in} is
+%D not expandable,
+%D so that the macro \type{\expandrefs} is needed.
+ {\bgroup
+ \preparebibrefprefix
+ \preparebibreflist{#1}%
+ \global\bibreffoundfalse
+ \def\setuplink##1%
+ {\ifbibreffound\else
+ \doifreferencefoundelse
+ {##1}
+ {\global\bibreffoundtrue
+ \@EA\doglobal\@EA\addtocommalist\@EA{\reftypet}\therefs }%
+ {}\fi}%
+ \processcommacommand[\bibreflist]\setuplink
+ \ifbibreffound \else \showmessage\m!publications{5}{#1 unknown}%
+ \doglobal\addtocommalist{0}\therefs\fi
+ \egroup }
+%D But at least the actual sorting code is simple (note that sorting
+%D a list with exactly one entry fails to return anything, which
+%D is why the \type{\ifx} is needed).
+ {\bibalternative\v!left
+ \penalty\!!tenthousand
+ \processcommalist[#1]\addthisref
+ \firstreftrue
+ \ifbibcitecompress
+ \glet\therefs\empty
+ \processcommalist[#1]\expandrefs
+ \sortcommacommand[\therefs]\donumericcompare
+ \ifx\empty\sortedcommalist\else
+ \let\therefs\sortedcommalist
+ \fi
+ \compresscommacommandnrs[\therefs]%
+ \processcommacommand[\compressedlist]\verysimplebibnumref
+ \else
+ \processcommalist[#1]\dosimplebibnumref
+ \fi
+ \bibalternative\v!right}
+\def\dosimplebibnumref #1%
+ {\refsep\ifbibinteractionelse
+ {\inbiblink[#1]}{{\referencingfalse\inbiblink[#1]}}}
+ {\refsep
+ \ifcase#1\relax \unknownreference{#1}\else
+ \def\tempa{#2}\ifx\empty\tempa#1\else#1\bibalternative\c!inbetween#2\fi
+ \fi}
+%D By request from Sanjoy. This makes it easier to implement
+%D \type{\citeasnoun}.
+ {\getcommalistsize[#1]%
+ \global\bibitemcounter\commalistsize
+ \firstreftrue
+ \processcommalist[#1]\dobibauthornumref }
+ {\addthisref{#1}\refsep
+ \doifbibreferencefoundelse{#1}
+ {\getvalue{pbda-#1}%
+ \bibalternative\c!inbetween
+ \bibalternative\v!left
+ \ifbibinteractionelse{\inbiblink[#1]}
+ {{\referencingfalse\inbiblink[#1]}}%
+ \bibalternative\v!right}
+ {\unknownreference{#1}}}
+%D And some defaults are loaded from bibl-apa:
+ [\v!month\v!conversion=,
+ \c!alternative=apa]
+ \preloadbiblist
+\to \everystarttext
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/buff-ini.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/buff-ini.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7fdb89e45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/buff-ini.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,348 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=buff-ini, % was core-buf % blocks are moved to core-blk
+%D version=2000.01.05,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Buffer Macros,
+%D subtitle=Buffers,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Buffer Macros / Buffers}
+% Helpers:
+\chardef\buffernestmode\plusone % 0: not nested, 1: startbuffer nested, 2: all buffers nested
+\edefconvertedargument\emptybufferline{ }
+\ifx\tmpblocks\undefined \newwrite\tmpblocks \fi
+ {\iftmpblockstarted
+ \ifsegmentatebuffer
+ \ifemptybufferline
+ \immediate\write\tmpblocks{\string\stopbufferparagraph }%
+ \immediate\write\tmpblocks{\string\startbufferparagraph}%
+ \else
+ \immediate\write\tmpblocks{#1}%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \immediate\write\tmpblocks{#1}%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \doifsomething{#1}
+ {\tmpblockstartedtrue
+ \immediate\write\tmpblocks{\string#1}}%
+ \fi}
+ {\relax % checken waarom eerdere macro dit nodig heeft / supp-mps run
+ \defconvertedargument\next{#1 }%
+ \doifinstringelse{\delcharacter\letterpercent}{\delcharacter\next}
+ {\secondoftwoarguments}
+ {\doifincsnameelse\endofblock\next
+ {\ifnum\nestedbufferlevel=\zerocount
+ \expandafter\firstoftwoarguments
+ \else
+ \decrement\nestedbufferlevel\relax
+ \expandafter\secondoftwoarguments
+ \fi}
+ {\doifincsnameelse\beginofblock\next
+ {\increment\nestedbufferlevel\relax
+ \secondoftwoarguments}
+ {\secondoftwoarguments}}}}
+\long\def\processnextbufferlineB#1% #2#3%
+ {\defconvertedargument\next{#1 }%
+ \ifx\next\emptybufferline
+ \ifsegmentatebuffer \emptybufferlinetrue \fi
+ \expandafter\secondoftwoarguments% #3%
+ \else
+ \emptybufferlinefalse
+ \doifinstringelse\endofblock\next
+ {\expandafter\firstoftwoarguments }% #2}
+ {\expandafter\secondoftwoarguments}% #3}%
+ \fi}
+ {\processnextbufferline{#1}\closebufferfile{\flushbufferline{#1}\copybufferline}}
+ {\doifelsenothing{#1}{\edef\currentbuffer{\jobname}}{\edef\currentbuffer{#1}}}
+ {\dosingleempty\doresetbuffer}
+ {\begingroup
+ \setcurrentbuffer{#1}%
+ \unlinkfile{\TEXbufferfile\currentbuffer}%
+ \endgroup}
+ {\bgroup
+ \obeylines % nodig, anders gaat 't fout als direct \starttable (bv)
+ \doquadrupleempty\dodostartbuffer}
+\def\dodostartbuffer[#1][#2][#3][#4]% upward compatible
+ {\iffourthargument
+ \def\next{\dododostartbuffer{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}}%
+ \else
+ \def\next{\dododostartbuffer {}{#1}{#2}{#3}}%
+ \fi
+ \next}
+ {%\showmessage\m!systems{15}{#2}%
+ \doifelsevalue{\??bu#1\c!paragraph}\v!yes
+ {\segmentatebuffertrue} % todo in mkiv
+ {\doifnumberelse{\getvalue{\??bu#1\c!paragraph}}\segmentatebuffertrue\segmentatebufferfalse}%
+ \doifvalue{\??bu#1\c!local}\v!yes
+ {\chardef\buffernestmode\plustwo}% permit nesting
+ \setcurrentbuffer{#2}%
+ \doifelsenothing{#4}
+ {\letbeundefined{\e!stop\v!buffer}% % \let\stopbuffer=\relax % \undefined
+ \edefconvertedargument\beginofblock{\e!start\v!buffer}%
+ \edefconvertedargument\endofblock {\e!stop \v!buffer}%
+ \ifcase\buffernestmode
+ \let\processnextbufferline\processnextbufferlineB
+ \else
+ \let\processnextbufferline\processnextbufferlineA
+ \fi}
+ {\letbeundefined{#4}% \letvalue{#4}=\relax % \undefined
+ \expandafter\defconvertedargument\expandafter\beginofblock\expandafter{\csname#3\endcsname}% we could use defconvertedcommand here (no \expandafter)
+ \expandafter\defconvertedargument\expandafter\endofblock \expandafter{\csname#4\endcsname}% we could use defconvertedcommand here (no \expandafter)
+ \ifcase\buffernestmode
+ \let\processnextbufferline\processnextbufferlineB
+ \or
+ \let\processnextbufferline\processnextbufferlineB
+ \else
+ \let\processnextbufferline\processnextbufferlineA
+ \fi}%
+ \def\closebufferfile
+ {\ifsegmentatebuffer
+ \immediate\write\tmpblocks{\string\stopbufferparagraph}%
+ \fi
+ \immediate\closeout\tmpblocks
+ \egroup
+ \getvalue{#4}}%
+ \doifelsenothing{#2}
+ {\edef\bufferfilename{\TEXbufferfile\jobname}}%
+ {\edef\bufferfilename{\TEXbufferfile{#2}}}%
+ \immediate\openout\tmpblocks\bufferfilename
+ \ifsegmentatebuffer
+ \immediate\write\tmpblocks{\string\startbufferparagraph}%
+ \fi
+ \newcounter\nestedbufferlevel
+ \recatcodeuppercharacterstrue
+ \setcatcodetable\vrbcatcodes
+ \obeylines
+ \copybufferline}
+\let\endbuffer\undefined % to please the dep parser
+ {\dosingleempty\dosetbuffer}
+\long\def\dosetbuffer[#1]#2\endbuffer % seldom used so we just pass #2
+ {\begingroup
+ \setcurrentbuffer{#1}%
+ \edef\bufferfilename{\TEXbufferfile{\currentbuffer}}%
+ \immediate\openout\tmpblocks\bufferfilename
+ \defconvertedargument\ascii{#2}%
+ \immediate\write\tmpblocks{\ascii}%
+ \immediate\closeout\tmpblocks
+ \endgroup}
+ {\dodoubleempty\dosetupbuffer}
+ {\ifsecondargument
+ \getparameters[\??bu#1][#2]%
+ \else
+ \getparameters[\??bu][#1]%
+ \fi}
+ {\iffirstargument % else problems
+ \doglobal\increment\nofdefinedbuffers
+ \letvalue{\??bu#1\c!number }\nofdefinedbuffers
+ \letvalue{\??bu#1\c!paragraph}\v!no
+ \setevalue{\e!start#1}{\noexpand\dostartbuffer[#1][def-\nofdefinedbuffers][\e!start#1][\e!stop#1]}%
+ \unexpanded\setevalue{\e!get #1}{\noexpand\dogetbuffer [#1][def-\nofdefinedbuffers]}%
+ \unexpanded\setevalue{\e!type #1}{\noexpand\dotypebuffer [#1][def-\nofdefinedbuffers]}%
+ \getparameters[\??bu#1][#2]%
+ \fi}
+ {\dodoubleempty\dodefinebuffer}
+ {\dodoubleempty\dogetbuffer}
+ {\ifsecondargument
+ \dodogetbuffer[#1][#2]%
+ \else
+ \dodogetbuffer[][#1]%
+ \fi}
+ {\getvalue{\??bu#1\c!before}%
+ \dobuffer{16}{#2}\dogetbufferasis
+ \getvalue{\??bu#1\c!after}}
+ {\dodoubleempty\dotypebuffer}
+ {\iffirstargument
+ \dobuffer{17}{#1}\dogetfilebuffer
+ \else
+ \dobuffer{17}{#2}\dogetfilebuffer
+ \fi}
+ {\doifelsenothing{#2}
+ {\dodobuffer#3\jobname}
+ {\processcommalist[#2]{\dodobuffer#3}}}
+\def\dodobuffer#1#2% command name
+ {\pushmacro\currentbuffer
+ \edef\currentbuffer{\ifcsname\??bu#2\c!number\endcsname def-\csname\??bu#2\c!number\endcsname\else#2\fi}%
+ \beginrestorecatcodes
+ #1%
+ \endrestorecatcodes
+ \popmacro\currentbuffer}
+\def\processTEXbuffer{\getbuffer} % handy
+% seldom used, only in a few projects that demanded more speed
+ {\dosingleempty\dostartmemorybuffer}
+ {\setbuffer[#1]#2\endbuffer}
+\def\usefilebuffers {\let\startbuffer\dostartfilebuffer}
+% this features is soldom used (complex examns where we need to fetch
+% special parts of a text
+% this is not yet supported in mkiv (relatively easy to do but there
+% we don't have the par tags but need to grab 'm
+\let\stopbufferparagraph \par % \relax
+ {\dodoubleempty\dogetbufferparagraphs}
+ {\doifnumberelse{\getvalue{\??bu#1\c!paragraph}}
+ {\currentbufferparagraph-\getvalue{\??bu#1\c!paragraph}}
+ {\currentbufferparagraph \zerocount}%
+ \relax}
+ {\iffirstargument
+ \ifsecondargument
+ \dosetbufferoffset{#1}%
+ \doifelse{#2}\v!all
+ {\def\startbufferparagraph{\normalbufferparagraph{#1}}}
+ {\def\startbufferparagraph{\filterbufferparagraph{#1}{#2}}}%
+ \def\stopbufferparagraph{\dostopbufferparagraph{#1}}%
+ \def\next{\getparagraphedbuffer[#1]}%
+ \else
+ \dosetbufferoffset\empty
+ \def\startbufferparagraph{\filterbufferparagraph{}{#1}}%
+ \def\stopbufferparagraph{\dostopbufferparagraph{}}%
+ \def\next{\getparagraphedbuffer[]}%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \dosetbufferoffset\empty
+ \def\startbufferparagraph{\normalbufferparagraph{}}%
+ \def\stopbufferparagraph{\dostopbufferparagraph{}}%
+ \def\next{\getparagraphedbuffer[]}%
+ \fi
+ \next}
+ {\dobuffer{16}{#1}\dogetparagraphbuffer}
+ {\getvalue{\??bu#1\c!after}\par}
+ {\par\getvalue{\??bu#1\c!before}}
+ {\advance\currentbufferparagraph \plusone
+ \ifnum\currentbufferparagraph>\zerocount
+ \expandafter\dostartbufferparagraph
+ \else
+ \expandafter\gobblebufferparagraph
+ \fi}
+ {\advance\currentbufferparagraph \plusone
+ \ifcase\currentbufferparagraph
+ \expandafter\gobblebufferparagraph
+ \else
+ \doifinsetelse{\the\currentbufferparagraph}{#2}
+ {\expandafter\dostartbufferparagraph}
+ {\expandafter\fakebufferparagraph}%
+ \fi
+ {#1}}
+ {}
+ {\bgroup
+ \def\stopbufferparagraph{\dostopbufferparagraph{#1}\egroup\egroup}%
+ \setbox\scratchbox\vbox\bgroup\dostartbufferparagraph{#1}}
+% definitions
+\definebuffer[\v!hiding] \setupbuffer[\v!hiding][\c!local=\v!yes]
+ [\c!paragraph=\v!no,
+ \c!before=,
+ \c!after=]
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/buff-ver.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/buff-ver.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fbe56892e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/buff-ver.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,1339 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=buff-ver, % was core-ver
+%D version=2000.05.09,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Buffer Macros,
+%D subtitle=Verbatim,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Buffer Macros / Verbatim}
+\ifx\startlinenumbering\undefined \let\startlinenumbering\relax \fi
+\ifx\stoplinenumbering \undefined \let\stoplinenumbering\relax \fi
+\ifx\setuplinenumbering\undefined \def\setuplinenumbering[#1]{} \fi
+% \type{ <crlf> char} geeft bagger
+%D We are going to embed the general verbatim support macros in
+%D a proper environment. First we show the common setup
+%D macro, so we know what features are supported. The options
+%D are hooked into the support macros via the \type{\obey}
+%D macros.
+ {\ifslantedtypepermitted
+ \ifslantedtypeactivated
+ \slantedtypeactivatedfalse\tttf
+ \else
+ \slantedtypeactivatedtrue\ttsl
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+\newprettytrue % movet to here from cont-sys.tex
+\def\prettyidentifier {TEX}
+\def\prettypalet {}
+ {\dodoubleargument\doinstallprettytype}
+\def\doinstallprettytype[#1][#2]% map #1 onto #2
+ {\uppercasestring#1\to\asciia
+ \uppercasestring#2\to\asciib
+ \setevalue{\??ty\??ty\asciia}{\asciib}}
+ {\uppercasestring#1\to\ascii
+ \edef\prettyidentifier{\executeifdefined{\??ty\??ty\ascii}{TEX}}%
+ \doifundefined{setuppretty\prettyidentifier type}%
+ {\startnointerference
+ \restorecatcodes % also needed when loading during \newpretty
+ \startreadingfile % restore < and > if needed
+ \lowercasestring verb-\prettyidentifier\to\filename
+ \readsysfile{\filename.mkii}\donothing\donothing
+ \stopreadingfile
+ \stopnointerference}%
+ \doifdefinedelse{setuppretty\prettyidentifier type}%
+ {\let\uncatcodecharacters\uncatcodeallcharacters % ugly, should be switch / todo
+ \def\dosetupprettytype{\getvalue{setuppretty\prettyidentifier type}}}
+ {\let\dosetupprettytype\relax}}
+% \def\setupcommonverbatim
+% {\recatcodeuppercharactersfalse % obey regime / encoding
+% %
+% \let\prettyidentifier\s!default
+% %
+% \doifelse{\typingparameter\c!text}\v!yes
+% \naturaltextexttrue
+% \naturaltextextfalse
+% \def\prettyidentifierfont{\typingparameter\c!icommand}%
+% \def\prettyvariablefont {\typingparameter\c!vcommand}%
+% \def\prettynaturalfont {\typingparameter\c!ccommand}%
+% %
+% \doif{\typingparameter\c!space}\v!on
+% {\def\obeyspaces{\setcontrolspaces}}%
+% \doif{\typingparameter\c!page }\v!no
+% {\def\obeypages {\ignorepages}}%
+% %
+% \doifelse{\typingparameter\c!tab}\v!yes
+% {\def\obeytabs{\settabskips}}%
+% {\doif{\typingparameter\c!tab}\s!ascii
+% {\chardef\tabskipmode\plustwo % quit on >127
+% \def\obeytabs{\settabskips}}}%
+% %
+% \ignorehyphens % default
+% \ExpandFirstAfter\processaction
+% [\typingparameter\c!lines]
+% [ \v!yes=>\obeybreakpoints,
+% \v!hyphenated=>\obeyhyphens]%
+% \processaction
+% [\typingparameter\c!empty]
+% [\v!yes=>\obeyemptylines,
+% \v!all=>\obeyallemptylines]%
+% %
+% \ExpandFirstAfter\processaction
+% [\typingparameter\c!option]
+% [ \v!none=>\let\obeycharacters\relax,
+% \v!color=>\setupprettiesintype{TEX}%
+% \let\obeycharacters\setupprettytype
+% \let\obeytabs\ignoretabs,
+% \v!normal=>\let\obeycharacters\setupgroupedtype,
+% \v!commands=>\def\obeycharacters{\setupcommandsintype}% \let
+% \let\obeytabs\ignoretabs,
+% \v!slanted=>\let\obeycharacters\setupslantedtype
+% \let\obeytabs\ignoretabs,
+% \s!unknown=>\setupprettiesintype{\typingparameter\c!option}%
+% \let\obeycharacters\setupprettytype
+% \let\obeytabs\ignoretabs]%
+% \doifnumberelse{\typingparameter\c!tab}
+% {\def\obeytabs{\setfixedtabskips{\typingparameter\c!tab}}}%
+% \donothing
+% %\def\verbatimfont{\typingparameter\c!style\normalnoligatures\font}%
+% % more generic, but beware of the \redoconvertfont (else no typing in titles and such)
+% \def\verbatimfont{\redoconvertfont\dosetfontattribute{\currenttypingclass\currenttyping}\c!style\normalnoligatures\font}%
+% \setupverbatimcolor}
+\setvalue{\??tp:\c!lines:\v!yes }{\obeybreakpoints}
+\setvalue{\??tp:\c!empty:\v!yes }{\obeyemptylines}
+\setvalue{\??tp:\c!empty:\v!all }{\obeyallemptylines}
+\setvalue{\??tp:\c!option:\v!none }{\let\obeycharacters\relax}
+\setvalue{\??tp:\c!option:\v!color }{\setupprettiesintype{TEX}%
+ \let\obeycharacters\setupprettytype
+ \let\obeytabs\ignoretabs}
+\setvalue{\??tp:\c!option:\v!normal }{\let\obeycharacters\setupgroupedtype}
+\setvalue{\??tp:\c!option:\v!commands }{\def\obeycharacters{\setupcommandsintype}%
+ \let\obeytabs\ignoretabs}
+\setvalue{\??tp:\c!option:\v!slanted }{\let\obeycharacters\setupslantedtype
+ \let\obeytabs\ignoretabs}
+\setvalue{\??tp:\c!option:\s!unknown }{\setupprettiesintype{\typingparameter\c!option}%
+ \let\obeycharacters\setupprettytype
+ \let\obeytabs\ignoretabs}
+ {\recatcodeuppercharactersfalse % obey regime / encoding
+ %
+ \let\prettyidentifier\s!default
+ %
+ \doifelse{\typingparameter\c!text}\v!yes
+ \naturaltextexttrue
+ \naturaltextextfalse
+ \def\prettyidentifierfont{\typingparameter\c!icommand}%
+ \def\prettyvariablefont {\typingparameter\c!vcommand}%
+ \def\prettynaturalfont {\typingparameter\c!ccommand}%
+ %
+ \doif{\typingparameter\c!space}\v!on
+ {\def\obeyspaces{\setcontrolspaces}}%
+ \doif{\typingparameter\c!page }\v!no
+ {\def\obeypages {\ignorepages}}%
+ %
+ \doifelse{\typingparameter\c!tab}\v!yes
+ {\def\obeytabs{\settabskips}}%
+ {\doif{\typingparameter\c!tab}\s!ascii % not needed in mkiv
+ {\chardef\tabskipmode\plustwo % quit on >127
+ \def\obeytabs{\settabskips}}}%
+ %
+ \ignorehyphens % default
+ \getvalue{\??tp:\c!lines:\typingparameter\c!lines}%
+ \getvalue{\??tp:\c!empty:\typingparameter\c!empty}%
+ \getvalue{\??tp:\c!option:\ifcsname\??tp:\c!option:\typingparameter\c!option\endcsname\typingparameter\c!option\else\s!unknown\fi}%
+ \doifnumberelse{\typingparameter\c!tab}
+ {\def\obeytabs{\setfixedtabskips{\typingparameter\c!tab}}}%
+ \donothing
+ %\def\verbatimfont{\typingparameter\c!style\normalnoligatures\font}%
+ % more generic, but beware of the \redoconvertfont (else no typing in titles and such)
+ \def\verbatimfont{\redoconvertfont\dosetfontattribute{\currenttypingclass\currenttyping}\c!style\normalnoligatures\font}%
+ \setupverbatimcolor}
+% BEWARE: the noligatures will globally change the verbatim font's behaviour
+% test case:
+% \definetype[typeTEX][option=tex]
+% \typeTEX|\example---oeps|. this---ligates---again.
+% \typeTEX{\example---oeps}. this---ligates---again.
+% \type {\example---oeps}. this---ligates---again.
+\def\setupcommandsintype % can also be \string\
+ {\setupgroupedtype
+ \edef\\{\typingparameter\c!escape}%
+ \letvalue{\\}=\\% for instance \/=/
+ \@EA\catcode\@EA`\\=\@@escape
+ \def\BTEX##1\ETEX##2% ##2 gobbles active space
+ {\naturaltextext##1\unskip\relax}}
+ {\slantedtypepermittedtrue\setupgroupedtype}
+\ifx\setupprettytype \undefined \let\setupprettytype \relax \fi
+\ifx\setupslantedtype \undefined \let\setupslantedtype \relax \fi
+\ifx\setupgroupedtype \undefined \let\setupgroupedtype \relax \fi
+\ifx\normalnoligatures\undefined \let\normalnoligatures\gobbleoneargument \fi
+%D The verbatim commands have a rather long and turbulent
+%D history. Most users of \CONTEXT\ probably will never use
+%D some of the features, but I've kept in mind that when one is
+%D writing a users manual, about everything can and undoubtly
+%D will be subject to a verbatim treatment.
+%D Verbatim command are very sensitive to argument processing,
+%D which is a direct result of the \CATCODES\ being fixed at
+%D reading time. With our growing understanding of \TEX,
+%D especially of the mechanism that can be used for looking
+%D ahead and manipulating \CATCODES, the verbatim support
+%D became more and more advanced and natural.
+%D Typesetting inline verbatim can be accomplished by
+%D \type{\type}, which in this sentence was typeset by saying
+%D just \type{\type{\type}}, which in turn was typeset by
+%D \unknown. Using the normal grouping characters \type{{}} is
+%D the most natural way of using this command.
+%D A second, more or less redundant, alternative is delimiting
+%D the argument with an own character. This method was
+%D implemented in the context of a publication in the \MAPS,
+%D where this way of delimiting is recognized by \LATEX\ users.
+%D The third, more original alternative, is the one using
+%D \type{<<} and \type{>>} as delimiters. This alternative can
+%D be used in situations where slanted typeseting is needed.
+% todo: we can use \letter... here:
+\def\lesscharacter {<}
+\def\morecharacter {>}
+\chardef\texescape = `\\
+\chardef\leftargument = `\{
+\chardef\rightargument = `\}
+%D \macros
+%D {type}
+%D We define \type{\type} as a protected command. This command
+%D has several invocations: grouped, wirt boundary characters,
+%D and with font switches.
+% \starttyping
+% normal: \par \type{xx<<..xx..<<xx <<xx>> >>..>>xx} \par \type<<....>> \par \type<<..<<xx>>..>> \par
+% normal: \par \type{xx<..xx..<xx <slanted> >..>xx} \par \type{<....>} \par \type{<..<xx>..>}
+% \setuptype[option=slanted]
+% slanted: \par \type{xx<<<<xx <<sl>> xx>>>>xx} \par \type<<..xx..>> \par \type<<..<<sl>>..>> \par
+% slanted: \par \type{xx<<<xx <sl> xx>>>xx} \par \type<<..xx..>> \par \type<<..<sl>..>> \par
+% \setuptype[option=none]
+% none: \par \type{xx<<..xx..<<xx <<xx>> >>..>>xx} \par \type<<....>> \par \type<<..<<xx>>..>> \par
+% \stoptyping
+%D When writing the manual to \CONTEXT\ and documenting this
+%D source we needed to typeset \type{<<} and \type{>>}. Because
+%D we wanted to do this in the natural way, we've adapted the
+%D original definition a bit. This implementation went through
+%D several live cycles. The final implementation looks a bit
+%D further and treats the lone \type{<<} and \type{>>} a bit
+%D different. The \type {\null} prevents ligatures, which
+%D unfortunately turn up in Lucida fonts.
+%D The following lines show what happens when we set
+%D \type {option=commands}.
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \starttyping
+%D test//test test/BTEX \footnote{test test test}/ETEX test
+%D test//test test/BTEX \footnote{test test test}/ETEX test
+%D test test test/BTEX \bf(nota bene)/ETEX test
+%D test test test /BTEX \bf(nota bene)/ETEX test
+%D \stoptyping
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D % \bgroup\setuptyping[option=commands]\getbuffer\egroup
+%D this was keyed in as:
+%D \typebuffer
+% not that fast but catches \type{\command} % nothing more after \command
+% \setupcolors[state=start]
+% \setuptype[option=TEX]
+% \setupcolors[textcolor=red]
+% The options \type{before=\startsolutionbackground } and
+% \type{after=\stopsolutionbackground} take care of putting a frame,
+% which can
+% {\blue The options \type{before=\startsolutionbackground } and
+% \type{after=\stopsolutionbackground} take care of putting a frame,
+% which} can
+ {\localstartcolor[\s!black]%
+ \localstartcolor[\maintextcolor]%
+ \aftergroup\localstopcolor
+ \aftergroup\localstopcolor}
+% the rather messy \type command
+\def\dotype#1% was \dotype
+ {\bgroup
+ \resumecoloraftergroup % a problem is that we can still be in color mode, tricky hack
+ \begstrut % new, enables leading space in \type { abc } at par start / begstrut else no hyphenation
+ \let\currenttypingclass\??ty
+ \edef\currenttyping{#1}%
+ \catcode`\<=\@@other
+ \catcode`\>=\@@other
+ \futurelet\next\dodotype}
+ {\initializetype
+ \initializetypegrouping
+ \verbatimfont
+ \verbatimcolor
+ \afterassignment\protectfirsttype\let\next=}
+ {\initializetype
+ \setupnotypegrouping
+ \verbatimfont
+ \verbatimcolor
+ \let\next=}
+ {\initializetype
+ \verbatimfont
+ \verbatimcolor
+ \if#1<%
+ \@EA\setupalternativetypegrouping
+ \else
+ \@EA#1%
+ \fi}
+ {\initializetype
+ \verbatimfont
+ \verbatimcolor
+ \catcode`#1=\@@endgroup}
+ {\ifx\next\bgroup
+ \@EA\dodotypeA
+ \else\if\next<%
+ \doifelse{\typingparameter\c!option}\v!none
+ {\@EAEAEA\dodotypeB}{\@EAEAEA\dodotypeC}%
+ \else
+ \@EAEAEA\dodotypeD
+ \fi\fi}
+% The next one is safe for: \def\xx#1{\type{#1}} \xx{\ifx}
+\let\protectedfirsttype\string % \relax for special cases
+ {\normalifx\next<%
+ \endrobusttest \let\next\relax
+ \normalelse\normalifx\next\bgroup
+ \endrobusttest \let\next\relax
+ \normalelse\normalifx\next\egroup % takes care of \type{}
+ \endrobusttest \let\next\relax
+ \normalelse\normalifx\next\activeleftargument
+ \endrobusttest \let\next\relax
+ \normalelse
+ \endrobusttest \let\next\protectedfirsttype
+ \normalfi\normalfi\normalfi\normalfi
+ \next}
+ {\beginrobusttest
+ \futurelet\next\doprotectfirsttype}
+% Verbatim does not work when passed as an argument, so here is a
+% workaround. Beware, spaces are introduced after a \type {\csname}.
+\chardef\recodeverbatimmode\zerocount % 0=nothing 1=rescan 2=autorescan
+% \appendtoks \chardef\recodeverbatimmode\plustwo \to \everytabulate
+% \appendtoks \chardef\recodeverbatimmode\plustwo \to \everytable
+ {\initializetype
+ \initializetypegrouping
+ \verbatimfont
+ \verbatimcolor
+ \ifcase\recodeverbatimmode
+ \@EA\dodotypeAA
+ \or
+ \@EA\dodotypeAB
+ \or
+ \ifnum\catcode`\{=\@@active
+ \@EAEAEA\dodotypeAB
+ \else
+ \@EAEAEA\dodotypeAA
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \@EA\dodotypeAA
+ \fi}
+ {\afterassignment\protectfirsttype\let\next=}
+ {\bgroup
+ \catcode`\}=\@@endgroup
+ \catcode`\{=\@@begingroup
+ \afterassignment\redotypeAB\global\globalscratchtoks}
+ {\egroup
+ \expandafter\defconvertedargument\expandafter\ascii\expandafter{\the\globalscratchtoks}% == \edefconvertedargument\ascii{\the\globalscratchtoks}%
+ \ifx\scantokens\undefined\ascii\else\everyeof{\hskip-\spaceskip}\scantokens\expandafter{\ascii}\fi
+ \egroup}
+ [\ifnum\catcode`\{=\@@active
+ \let\normalactivebgroup{%
+ \let\normalactiveegroup}%
+ \else
+ \catcode`\{=\@@active
+ \catcode`\}=\@@active
+ \let\normalactivebgroup\leftargument
+ \let\normalactiveegroup\rightargument
+ \fi
+ \def\activeleftargument
+ [\bgroup
+ \catcode`\}=\@@active
+ \let}\activerightargument
+ \normalactivebgroup]%
+ \def\activerightargument
+ [\normalactiveegroup
+ \egroup]%
+ \let{=\activeleftargument
+ % not \let}=\egroup, otherwise things go wrong in alignments (???)
+ \catcode`\}=\@@endgroup]
+ {\catcode`\<=\@@active
+ \catcode`\>=\@@active
+ \def\doless
+ {\ifx<\next
+ \def\next
+ {\bgroup\switchslantedtype
+ \let\next=}%
+ \else
+ \let\next\lesscharacter
+ \fi
+ \next}%
+ \def\domore
+ {\ifx>\next
+ \def\next
+ {\egroup
+ \let\next=}%
+ \else
+ \let\next\morecharacter
+ \fi
+ \next}%
+ \def<{\futurelet\next\doless}%
+ \def>{\futurelet\next\domore}}
+ {\catcode`\<=\@@begingroup
+ \catcode`\>=\@@endgroup}
+ {\ifx\next\egroup
+ \lesscharacter\null\lesscharacter
+ \else
+ \bgroup\switchslantedtype
+ \let\doenterdoublemoretype\egroup
+ \fi}
+ {\def\doenterdoubletype
+ {\ifx\next\egroup
+ \morecharacter\null\morecharacter
+ \fi}}
+ {\catcode`\<=\@@active
+ \catcode`\>=\@@active
+ \def\doless
+ {\ifx<\next
+ \def\next
+ {\def\enterdoubletype{\futurelet\next\doenterdoublelesstype}%
+ \afterassignment\enterdoubletype
+ \let\next=}%
+ \else
+ \let\next\lesscharacter
+ \fi
+ \next}%
+ \def\domore
+ {\ifx>\next
+ \def\next
+ {\def\enterdoubletype{\futurelet\next\doenterdoublemoretype}%
+ \afterassignment\enterdoubletype
+ \let\next=}%
+ \else
+ \let\next\morecharacter
+ \fi
+ \next}%
+ \def<{\futurelet\next\doless}%
+ \def>{\futurelet\next\domore}}
+%D The neccessary initializations are done by calling
+%D \type{\initializetype} which in return calls for the support
+%D macro \type{\setupinlineverbatim}.
+ {\let\obeylines\ignorelines
+ \setupcommonverbatim
+ \setupinlineverbatim}
+%D \macros
+%D {setuptype}
+%D Some characteristics of \type{\type} can be set up by:
+ {\dodoubleempty\dosetuptype}
+ {\ifsecondargument
+ \getparameters[\??ty#1][#2]%
+ \else
+ \getparameters[\??ty][#1]%
+ \fi}
+%D \macros
+%D {typ,obeyhyphens,obeybreakpoints}
+%D Although it's not clear from the macros, one character
+%D trait of this macros, which are build on top of the support
+%D module, is that they don't hyphenate. We therefore offer
+%D the alternative \type{\typ}. The current implementation
+%D works all right, but a decent hyphenation support of
+%D \type{\tt} text will be implemented soon.
+ {\def\obeyedspace {\hskip\interwordspace\relax}% better than spaceskip
+ \def\controlspace{\hskip\zeropoint\hbox{\normalcontrolspace}\hskip\zeropoint\relax}%
+ \spaceskip.25em\relax} % hm a bit of stretch !
+ {\ignorehyphens
+ \veryraggedright}
+ {% \nohyphens % forgotten when no \par
+ \normallanguage\minusone % fails as the font redoes the language
+ \def\obeyedspace {\hskip\interwordspace\relax}% better than spaceskip
+ \def\controlspace{\hskip\zeropoint\hbox{\normalcontrolspace}\hskip\zeropoint\relax}%
+ \spaceskip.5em\relax}
+ {\bgroup
+ \let\@@tylines\v!hyphenated
+ \futurelet\next\dodotype}
+%D \macros
+%D {tex,arg,mat,dis}
+%D Sometimes, for instance when we pass verbatim text as an
+%D argument, the fixed \CATCODES\ interfere with our wishes. An
+%D experimental implementation of character by character
+%D processing of verbatim text did overcome this limitation,
+%D but we've decided not to use that slow and sometimes
+%D troublesome solution. Instead we stick to some 'old'
+%D \CONTEXT\ macros for typesetting typical \TEX\ characters.
+%D The next implementation is more clear but less versatile,
+%D so we treated it for a beter one.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\dospecialtype#1#2%
+%D {\bgroup
+%D \initializetype
+%D \catcode`\{=\@@begingroup
+%D \catcode`\}=\@@endgroup
+%D \def\dospecialtype%
+%D {\def\dospecialtype{#2\egroup}%
+%D \bgroup
+%D \aftergroup\dospecialtype
+%D #1}%
+%D \afterassignment\dospecialtype
+%D \let\next=}
+%D \unexpanded\def\tex{\dospecialtype\texescape\relax}
+%D \unexpanded\def\arg{\dospecialtype\leftargument\rightargument}
+%D \unexpanded\def\mat{\dospecialtype\$\$}
+%D \unexpanded\def\dis{\dospecialtype{\$\$}{\$\$}}
+%D \stoptyping
+ {\let\currenttypingclass\??ty
+ \initializetype
+ \verbatimcolor
+ \catcode`\{=\@@begingroup
+ \catcode`\}=\@@endgroup}
+%D \macros
+%D {starttyping}
+%D Display verbatim is realized far more easy, which is mostly
+%D due to the fact that we use \type{\stop...} as delimiter.
+%D The implementation inherits some features, for instance the
+%D support of linenumbering, which can best be studied in the
+%D documented support module.
+\let\currenttyping \empty
+\let\currenttypingclass\??ty % saveguard
+% \def\typingparameter#1%
+% {\executeifdefined
+% {\currenttypingclass\currenttyping#1}%
+% {\executeifdefined{\currenttypingclass#1}\empty}}
+ {\ifcsname\currenttypingclass\currenttyping#1\endcsname
+ \csname\currenttypingclass\currenttyping#1\endcsname
+ \else\ifcsname\currenttypingclass#1\endcsname
+ \csname\currenttypingclass#1\endcsname
+ \fi\fi}
+ {\setvalue{\currenttypingclass\currenttyping#1}{#2}}
+ {\setxvalue{\currenttypingclass\currenttyping#1}{#2}}
+% \def\initializetyping
+% {%\donefalse
+% \switchtobodyfont[\typingparameter\c!bodyfont]%
+% \donefalse
+% \scratchskip\typingparameter\c!oddmargin\relax
+% \ifzeropt\scratchskip\else\donetrue\fi
+% \scratchskip\typingparameter\c!evenmargin\relax
+% \ifzeropt\scratchskip\else\donetrue\fi
+% \ifdone
+% \def\doopenupverbatimline
+% {\getpagestatus
+% \ifrightpage
+% \hskip\typingparameter\c!oddmargin\relax
+% \else
+% \hskip\typingparameter\c!evenmargin\relax
+% \fi}%
+% \else
+% \doadaptleftskip{\typingparameter\c!margin}%
+% \fi
+% \doifdefinedelse{\??bo\typingparameter\c!blank}
+% {\edef\!!stringa{\csname\??bo\typingparameter\c!blank\endcsname}}
+% {\edef\!!stringa{\typingparameter\c!blank}}%
+% \processaction
+% [\!!stringa]
+% [ \v!standard=>\scratchskip\ctxparskip,
+% \v!small=>\scratchskip\blankokleinmaat,
+% \v!medium=>\scratchskip\blankomiddelmaat,
+% \v!big=>\scratchskip\blankogrootmaat,
+% \v!halfline=>\scratchskip.5\baselineskip,
+% \v!line=>\scratchskip\baselineskip,
+% \v!none=>\scratchskip\zeropoint,
+% \s!unknown=>\scratchskip\commalistelement]%
+% \ifgridsnapping
+% \ifdim\scratchskip=.5\baselineskip\relax
+% \edef\verbatimbaselineskip{\the\scratchskip}% new
+% \else
+% \edef\verbatimbaselineskip{\the\baselineskip}%
+% \fi
+% \else
+% \edef\verbatimbaselineskip{\the\scratchskip}%
+% \fi
+% \setupcommonverbatim}
+\setvalue{\??tp:\c!blank:\v!small }{\blankokleinmaat}
+\setvalue{\??tp:\c!blank:\v!medium }{\blankomiddelmaat}
+\setvalue{\??tp:\c!blank:\v!big }{\blankogrootmaat}
+\setvalue{\??tp:\c!blank:\v!line }{\baselineskip}
+\setvalue{\??tp:\c!blank:\v!none }{\zeropoint}
+ {%\donefalse
+ \switchtobodyfont[\typingparameter\c!bodyfont]%
+ \donefalse
+ \scratchskip\typingparameter\c!oddmargin\relax
+ \ifzeropt\scratchskip\else\donetrue\fi
+ \scratchskip\typingparameter\c!evenmargin\relax
+ \ifzeropt\scratchskip\else\donetrue\fi
+ \ifdone
+ \def\doopenupverbatimline
+ {\getpagestatus
+ \ifrightpage
+ \hskip\typingparameter\c!oddmargin\relax
+ \else
+ \hskip\typingparameter\c!evenmargin\relax
+ \fi}%
+ \else
+ \doadaptleftskip{\typingparameter\c!margin}%
+ \fi
+ \edef\!!stringa{\executeifdefined{\??bo\typingparameter\c!blank}{\typingparameter\c!blank}}%
+ \scratchskip\executeifdefined{\??tp:\c!blank:\!!stringa}\!!stringa\relax
+ \ifgridsnapping
+ \ifdim\scratchskip=.5\baselineskip\relax
+ \edef\verbatimbaselineskip{\the\scratchskip}% new
+ \else
+ \edef\verbatimbaselineskip{\the\baselineskip}%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \edef\verbatimbaselineskip{\the\scratchskip}%
+ \fi
+ \setupcommonverbatim}
+%D The basic display verbatim commands are defined in an
+%D indirect way. As we will see, they are a specific case of a
+%D more general mechanism.
+% we need this hack because otherwise verbatim skips
+% the first line (everything after the initial command)
+\def\dostarttyping#1% tricky non standard lookahead
+ {\bgroup
+ \let\currenttypingclass\??tp
+ \edef\currenttyping{#1}%
+ \obeylines
+ \futurelet\nexttoken\dodostarttyping}
+ {\ifx\nexttoken[%
+ \expandafter\dododostarttyping
+ \else
+ \expandafter\nododostarttyping
+ \fi}
+ {\dododostarttyping[]}
+ {\typingparameter\c!before
+ \startpacked % includes \bgroup
+ \dosetuptypelinenumbering{#1}%
+ \initializetyping
+ \startverbatimcolor
+ \expanded{\processdisplayverbatim{\s!stop\currenttyping}}}
+\def\dostoptyping#1% hm, currenttyping
+ {\stopverbatimcolor
+ \stoppacked % includes \egroup
+ \typingparameter\c!after
+ \egroup
+ \dochecknextindentation{\??tp#1}%
+ \dorechecknextindentation}
+%D Line numbering for files is combined with filtering, while
+%D display verbatim has the ability to continue.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \typefile[numbering=file,start=10,stop=12]{test.tex}
+%D \definetyping[code][numbering=line]
+%D \starttext
+%D \startcode
+%D ...
+%D ...
+%D \stopcode
+%D \startcode[continue]
+%D ...
+%D ...
+%D \stopcode
+%D \startcode[start=10]
+%D ...
+%D \stopcode
+%D \stoptyping
+%D \macros
+%D {setuptyping}
+%D The setup of typing accepts two arguments. The optional
+%D first one identifies the user defined ones. If only one
+%D argument is given, the values apply to both the standard
+%D command \type{\starttyping} and \type{\typefile}.
+ {\ifsecondargument
+ \getparameters[\??tp#1][#2]%
+ \else
+ \getparameters[\??tp][#1]%
+ \fi}
+ {\dodoubleempty\dosetuptyping}
+%D \macros
+%D {definetype}
+%D Specific inline verbatim commands can be defined with the
+%D following command.
+ {\dodoubleempty\dodefinetype}
+ {\unexpanded\setvalue{#1}{\dotype{#1}}%
+ \getparameters[\??ty#1][#2]}
+%D \macros
+%D {definetyping}
+%D For most users the standard \type{\start}||\type{\stop}||pair
+%D will suffice, but for documentation purposes the next
+%D definition command can be of use:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \definetyping[extratyping][margin=3em]
+%D \startextratyping
+%D these extra ones are indented by 1 em
+%D \stopextratyping
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The definitions default to the standard typing values.
+ {\copyparameters[\??tp#1][\??tp][\c!color,\c!style]%
+ \getparameters [\??tp#1][#2]}
+ {\setvalue{\e!start#1}{\dostarttyping{#1}}%
+ \setvalue{\e!stop #1}{\dostoptyping {#1}}%
+ \presettyping[#1][#2]}
+ {\dodoubleempty\dodefinetyping}
+%D We can use some core color commands. These are faster than
+%D the standard color switching ones and work ok on a line by
+%D line basis.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\setupverbatimcolor%
+%D {\edef\prettypalet{\prettyidentifier\typingparameter\c!palet}%
+%D \def\beginofpretty[##1]{\startcolormode{\prettypalet:##1}}%
+%D \def\endofpretty {\stopcolormode}}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Since we support a global color too, the folowing
+%D definition is better:
+% \def\setupverbatimcolor% fast and local versus slow and global
+% {\doifelsenothing{\typingparameter\c!color}
+% {\def\beginofpretty[##1]{\startcolormode{\prettypalet:##1}}%
+% \let\endofpretty \restorecolormode % \stopcolormode
+% \let\startverbatimcolor \relax
+% \let\stopverbatimcolor \relax
+% \let\verbatimcolor \relax}
+% {\def\beginofpretty[##1]{\startcolor[\prettypalet:##1]}%
+% \let\endofpretty \stopcolor
+% \def\startverbatimcolor{\startcolor[\typingparameter\c!color]}%
+% \let\stopverbatimcolor \stopcolor
+% \def\verbatimcolor {\getvalue{\typingparameter\c!color}}}% command !
+% \doifelsenothing{\typingparameter\c!palet}
+% {\let\prettypalet\empty
+% \let\endofpretty\relax
+% \def\beginofpretty[##1]{}}
+% {\edef\prettypalet{\prettyidentifier\typingparameter\c!palet}}}
+% let's forget about this optimization not that we have mkiv
+ {\def\beginofpretty[##1]{\startcolor[\prettypalet:##1]}%
+ \let\endofpretty \stopcolor
+ \def\startverbatimcolor{\startcolor[\typingparameter\c!color]}%
+ \let\stopverbatimcolor \stopcolor
+ \def\verbatimcolor {\getvalue{\typingparameter\c!color}}% command !
+ \doifelsenothing{\typingparameter\c!palet}
+ {\let\prettypalet\empty
+ \let\endofpretty\relax
+ \def\beginofpretty[##1]{}}
+ {\edef\prettypalet{\prettyidentifier\typingparameter\c!palet}}}
+\let\prettypalet \empty
+\let\stopverbatimcolor \relax
+\let\verbatimcolor \relax
+%D In the verbatim module, there are some examples given of
+%D the more obscure features of the verbatim environments.
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \startTEX
+%D \def\mathematics#1% % usage: \type {\mathematics{x^2}}
+%D {\ifmmode#1\else$#1$\fi} % becomes: \mathematics{x^2}
+%D \stopTEX
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+%D This gives, as can be expected:
+%D \getbuffer
+%D When we want to see some typeset \TEX\ too, we can say:
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \startTEX
+%D \def\mathematics#1% %%\ N usage: \type {\mathematics{x^2}}
+%D {\ifmmode#1\else$#1$\fi} %%\ N becomes: \mathematics{x^2}
+%D \stopTEX
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+%D or:
+%D \getbuffer
+%D In a similar way:
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \startSQL
+%D select * -- indeed, here we {\em do} select
+%D from tableA
+%D where 1 = 2
+%D \stopSQL
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+%D gives:
+%D \getbuffer
+%D The next examples sow how we can directly call for natural
+%D \TEX\ comments:
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \setuptyping
+%D [TEX]
+%D [text=yes]
+%D \startTEX
+%D \def\mathematics#1% % usage: \type {\mathematics{x^2}}
+%D {\ifmmode#1\else$#1$\fi} % becomes: \mathematics{x^2}
+%D \stopTEX
+%D \setuptyping
+%D [SQL]
+%D [text=yes,palet=,icommand=\bf,vcommand=,ccommand=\it]
+%D \startSQL
+%D select * -- indeed, here we {\em do} select
+%D from tableA
+%D where 1 = 2
+%D \stopSQL
+%D \setuptyping
+%D [SQL]
+%D [ccommand=\tf\underbar]
+%D \startSQL
+%D select * -- indeed, here we {\em do} select
+%D from tableA
+%D where 1 = 2
+%D \stopSQL
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+%D Now watch:
+%D \getbuffer
+%D The natural \TEX\ typesetting was introduced when Tobias
+%D and Berend started using verbatim \JAVASCRIPT\ and \SQL.
+%D \macros
+%D {EveryPar, EveryLine, iflinepar}
+%D One of the features of these commands is the support of
+%D \type{\EveryPar}, \type{\EveryLine} and \type{\iflinepar}.
+%D In the documentation of the verbatim support module we give
+%D some examples of line- and paragraph numbering using these
+%D macros.
+%D \macros
+%D {typefile}
+%D Typesetting files verbatim (for the moment) only supports
+%D colorization of \TEX\ sources as valid option. The other
+%D setup values are inherited from display verbatim.
+%D The implementation of \type{\typefile} is straightforward:
+% new feature (not yet 100\% ok)
+% \setuptyping[file][numbering=file]
+% \typefile[start=2,nlines=3]{zapf}
+% \typefile[start=continue,nlines=13]{zapf}
+% \typefile{zapf}
+% \setuptyping[file][numbering=line]
+% \typefile[start=4,step=3]{zapf}
+% \typefile{zapf}
+ {\dodoubleempty\dotypefile}
+ {\ifsecondargument
+ \dodotypefile[#1][#2]{#3}%
+ \else\iffirstargument
+ \doifassignmentelse{#1}
+ {\dodotypefile[\v!file][#1]{#3}}
+ {\dodotypefile[#1][]{#3}}%
+ \else
+ \dodotypefile[\v!file][]{#3}%
+ \fi\fi}
+\def\dosetuptypelinenumbering#1% fuzzy
+ {\doifundefined{\currenttypingclass\currenttyping\c!start}
+ {\setuptyping[\currenttyping][\c!start=1,\c!stop=,\c!step=1,\c!nlines=]}%
+ \setuptyping[\currenttyping][#1]%
+ \doifelse{\typingparameter\c!numbering}\v!file
+ {% kind of special: filters lines !
+ \setuplinenumbering[\c!method=\v!file]%
+ \donetrue}
+ {\doifelse{\typingparameter\c!numbering}\v!line
+ {% \setuplinenumbering defaults start/step to 1/1, so we need
+ \doifinsetelse\v!continue{#1,\typingparameter\c!start}
+ {\scratchcounter0\typingparameter\c!n
+ \setxtypingparameter\c!start{\ifnum\scratchcounter=0 1\else\number\scratchcounter\fi}}%
+ {\doifnothing{\typingparameter\c!start}{\settypingparameter\c!start{1}}}%
+ \doifnothing{\typingparameter\c!step}{\settypingparameter\c!step{1}}%
+ \setuplinenumbering
+ [\c!method=\v!type,
+ \c!start=\typingparameter\c!start,
+ \c!stop=\typingparameter\c!stop,
+ \c!step=\typingparameter\c!step]%
+ \donetrue}
+ {\donefalse}}%
+ \ifdone
+ \ifx\startlinenumbering\undefined \let\startlinenumbering\relax \fi
+ \ifx\stoplinenumbering \undefined \let\stoplinenumbering \relax \fi
+ \def\beginofverbatimlines{\startlinenumbering}%
+ \def\endofverbatimlines {\stoplinenumbering\setxtypingparameter\c!n{\number\linenumber}}%
+ \fi}
+\def\reporttypingerror#1% temp hack
+ {\blank
+ \dontleavehmode\hbox\bgroup
+ \expanded{\defconvertedargument\noexpand\ascii{#1}}%
+ \tttf[\makemessage\m!verbatims1\ascii]%
+ \showmessage\m!verbatims1\ascii
+ \egroup
+ \blank}
+ {\bgroup
+ \let\currenttypingclass\??tp
+ \edef\currenttyping{#1}%
+ \typingparameter\c!before
+ \startpacked % includes \bgroup
+ \dosetuptypelinenumbering{#2}%
+ \doifinset{\typingparameter\c!option}{\v!commands,\v!slanted,\v!normal}
+ {\setuptyping[#1][\c!option=\v!none]}%
+ \doif{\typingparameter\c!option}\v!color
+ {\expandafter\aftersplitstring#3\at.\to\prettyidentifier
+ \settypingparameter\c!option{\prettyidentifier}}%
+ \initializetyping
+ \startverbatimcolor
+ \doifundefinedelse{\currenttypingclass#3\v!global\c!start}
+ {\scratchcounter\zerocount}
+ {\scratchcounter\getvalue{\currenttypingclass#3\v!global\c!start}}%
+ \advance\scratchcounter\plusone
+ \setxvalue{\currenttypingclass#3\v!global\c!start}{\the\scratchcounter}%
+ \doifelsenothing{\typingparameter\c!start}
+ {#4}
+ {\doif{\typingparameter\c!start}\v!continue
+ {\setevalue{\currenttypingclass#1\c!start}%
+ {\getvalue{\currenttypingclass#3\v!global\c!start}}}%
+ \doifelsenothing{\typingparameter\c!stop}
+ {\doifelsenothing{\typingparameter\c!nlines}
+ {#4}
+ {\setxvalue{\currenttypingclass#3\v!global\c!start}%
+ {\the\numexpr\typingparameter\c!start+\typingparameter\c!nlines+\minusone\relax}%
+ #5{\typingparameter\c!start}{\getvalue{\currenttypingclass#3\v!global\c!start}}}}%
+ {#5{\typingparameter\c!start}{\typingparameter\c!stop}}}%
+ \stopverbatimcolor
+ \stoppacked
+ \typingparameter\c!after
+ \egroup}
+\def\doifelsetypingfile#1% sets \readfilename (we will make this proper mkiv i.e. less messy)
+ {\doiflocfileelse{#1}
+ {\firstoftwoarguments}
+ {\doifinputfileelse{#1}
+ {\def\readfilename{\pathplusfile\filepath{#1}}\firstoftwoarguments} % messy, looks wrong too
+ {\secondoftwoarguments}}}
+ {\doifelsetypingfile{#3}
+ {\dosometyping{#1}{#2}{#3}{\processfileverbatim\readfilename}{\processfilelinesverbatim\readfilename}}
+ {\reporttypingerror{#3}}}
+%D \macros
+%D {filename}
+%D Typesetting filenames in monospaced fonts is possible with
+%D \starttyping
+%D \filename{here/there/filename.suffix}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The definition is not that spectacular.
+%D This leaves some settings:
+%D And a bonus macro:
+%D The setups for display verbatim and file verbatim are
+%D shared. One can adapt the extra defined typing environments,
+%D but they also default to the values below. Watch the
+%D alternative escape character.
+ [ \c!before=\blank,
+ \c!after=\blank,
+ \c!bodyfont=,
+ \c!color=,
+ \c!space=\v!off,
+ \c!page=\v!no,
+ \c!tab=\s!ascii,
+ \c!option=\v!none,
+ \c!palet=colorpretty,
+ \c!text=\v!no,
+ \c!style=\tttf,
+ \c!icommand=\ttsl,
+ \c!vcommand=,
+ \c!ccommand=\tttf,
+ \c!indentnext=\v!yes,
+ \c!margin=\!!zeropoint,
+ \c!evenmargin=\!!zeropoint,
+ \c!oddmargin=\!!zeropoint,
+ \c!blank=\v!line,
+ \c!escape=/, % beware \string\ , should also be accepted
+ \c!numbering=\v!no,
+ \c!lines=,
+ \c!empty=,
+ \c!start=1,
+ \c!stop=,
+ \c!step=1,
+ \c!continue=,
+ \c!nlines=]
+% \setuptyping % not needed
+% [\v!file]
+% [\c!start=1,
+% \c!stop=,
+% \c!step=1,
+% \c!continue=,
+% \c!nlines=]
+%D The setups for inline verbatim default to:
+ [ \c!space=\v!off,
+ \c!color=,
+ \c!style=\tt\tf, % \tttf gives problems with {\tx \type...}
+ \c!page=\v!no,
+ \c!tab=\v!yes,
+ \c!palet=colorpretty,
+ \c!option=\v!normal]
+\definetyping[RAW] [\c!option=RAW]
+\definetyping[MP] [\c!option=MP]
+\definetyping[PL] [\c!option=PL]
+\definetyping[PM] [\c!option=PL]
+\definetyping[JS] [\c!option=JS]
+\definetyping[JV] [\c!option=JV]
+\definetyping[SQL] [\c!option=SQL]
+\definetyping[TEX] [\c!option=TEX]
+\definetyping[PAS] [\c!option=PAS]
+\definetyping[MOD] [\c!option=PAS]
+\definetyping[XML] [\c!option=XML]
+\definetyping[LUA] [\c!option=LUA]
+\installprettytype [RAW] [RAW]
+\installprettytype [TEX] [TEX]
+\installprettytype [PERL] [PL]
+\installprettytype [PL] [PL]
+\installprettytype [PM] [PL]
+\installprettytype [METAPOST] [MP]
+\installprettytype [METAFONT] [MP]
+\installprettytype [MP] [MP]
+\installprettytype [MF] [MP]
+\installprettytype [JAVASCRIPT] [JS]
+\installprettytype [JAVA] [JV]
+\installprettytype [JS] [JS]
+\installprettytype [JV] [JV]
+\installprettytype [SQL] [SQL]
+\installprettytype [PASCAL] [PAS]
+\installprettytype [PAS] [PAS]
+\installprettytype [MODULA] [PAS]
+\installprettytype [MOD] [PAS]
+\installprettytype [EIFFEL] [EIF]
+\installprettytype [EIF] [EIF]
+\installprettytype [E] [EIF]
+\installprettytype [XML] [XML]
+\installprettytype [LUA] [LUA]
+\installnewpretty M {\setupprettiesintype {MP}\setupprettytype}
+\installnewpretty P {\setupprettiesintype {PL}\setupprettytype}
+\installnewpretty T {\setupprettiesintype{TEX}\setupprettytype}
+\installnewpretty J {\setupprettiesintype {JV}\setupprettytype}
+\installnewpretty S {\setupprettiesintype{SQL}\setupprettytype}
+\installnewpretty W {\setupprettiesintype{PAS}\setupprettytype} % Wirth
+\installnewpretty I {\setupprettiesintype{EIF}\setupprettytype} % E taken
+\installnewpretty X {\setupprettiesintype{XML}\setupprettytype}
+%D We use the \CONTEXT\ color system for switching to and from
+%D color mode. We can always redefine these colors afterwards.
+\definecolor [colorprettyone] [r=.9, g=.0, b=.0] % red
+\definecolor [colorprettytwo] [r=.0, g=.8, b=.0] % green
+\definecolor [colorprettythree] [r=.0, g=.0, b=.9] % blue
+\definecolor [colorprettyfour] [r=.8, g=.8, b=.6] % yellow
+\definecolor [grayprettyone] [s=.30]
+\definecolor [grayprettytwo] [s=.45]
+\definecolor [grayprettythree] [s=.60]
+\definecolor [grayprettyfour] [s=.75]
+ [colorpretty]
+ [ prettyone=colorprettyone,
+ prettytwo=colorprettytwo,
+ prettythree=colorprettythree,
+ prettyfour=colorprettyfour]
+ [graypretty]
+ [ prettyone=grayprettyone,
+ prettytwo=grayprettytwo,
+ prettythree=grayprettythree,
+ prettyfour=grayprettyfour]
+\definepalet [TEXcolorpretty] [colorpretty]
+\definepalet [TEXgraypretty] [graypretty]
+\definepalet [PLcolorpretty] [colorpretty]
+\definepalet [PLgraypretty] [graypretty]
+\definepalet [PMcolorpretty] [colorpretty]
+\definepalet [PMgraypretty] [graypretty]
+\definepalet [MPcolorpretty] [colorpretty]
+\definepalet [MPgraypretty] [graypretty]
+\definepalet [JVcolorpretty] [colorpretty]
+\definepalet [JVgraypretty] [graypretty]
+\definepalet [JScolorpretty] [colorpretty]
+\definepalet [JSgraypretty] [graypretty]
+\definepalet [SQLcolorpretty] [colorpretty]
+\definepalet [SQLgraypretty] [graypretty]
+\definepalet [PAScolorpretty] [colorpretty]
+\definepalet [PASgraypretty] [graypretty]
+\definepalet [EIFcolorpretty] [colorpretty]
+\definepalet [EIFgraypretty] [graypretty]
+\definepalet [XMLcolorpretty] [colorpretty]
+\definepalet [XMLgraypretty] [graypretty]
+\definepalet [LUAcolorpretty] [colorpretty]
+\definepalet [LUAgraypretty] [graypretty]
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/catc-act.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/catc-act.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6535afc56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/catc-act.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=catc-act,
+%D version=2006.09.18,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Catcode Macros,
+%D subtitle=Default Catcode Tables,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D This module deals with some active character handling. Use
+%D with care.
+%D \macros
+%D {installactivecharacter}
+\def\installactivecharacter#1 %
+ {\edef\temp{\detokenize{#1}}%
+ \cctcounterc\expandafter`\temp\relax % relax needed
+ \expandafter\startextendcatcodetable
+ \expandafter\ctxcatcodes\expandafter\catcode\the\cctcounterc\activecatcode
+ \stopextendcatcodetable
+ \letcatcodecommand \ctxcatcodes \cctcounterc \temp \relax
+ \ifnum\currentcatcodetable=\ctxcatcodes \setcatcodetable\ctxcatcodes \fi}
+%D \macros
+%D {defineactivecharacter}
+%D Use this one with care, esp in combination with catcode
+%D vectors. There are better ways now.
+\def\defineactivecharacter #1#2 #3%
+ {\cctcounterc\uccode\activehackcode
+ \if#1"\uccode\activehackcode\expandafter\doifnumberelse\expandafter{\string#1#2}\empty #1#2\else
+ \uccode\activehackcode\expandafter\doifnumberelse\expandafter{\string#1#2}\empty`#1#2\fi
+ \catcode\uccode\activehackcode\activecatcode
+ \uppercase{\def\next{~}}%
+ \uccode\activehackcode\cctcounterc
+ \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\def\expandafter\next\expandafter
+ {\expandafter\dohandleactivecharacter\next{#3}}}
+\chardef\activecharactermode\plusone % overloading still backward compatible
+ {\ifcase\activecharactermode
+ \expandafter\donthandleactivecharacter
+ \else
+ \expandafter\dodohandleactivecharacter
+ \fi}
+\def\makecharacteractive #1 {\catcode`#1\active}
+% \def\installanddefineactivecharacter #1 % #2%
+% {\normalexpanded{\noexpand\installactivecharacter \utfchar{#1} }% wrong
+% \defineactivecharacter #1 }% {#2}}
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/catc-ctx.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/catc-ctx.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8bb43c1f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/catc-ctx.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=catc-cys,
+%D version=2006.09.18,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Catcode Macros,
+%D subtitle=Extra Tables,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D We prefer to define relevant catcode tables in this file instead
+%D of everywhere around.
+\ifdefined \ctxcatcodes \else \newcatcodetable \ctxcatcodes \fi
+\ifdefined \prtcatcodes \else \newcatcodetable \prtcatcodes \fi
+\startcatcodetable \ctxcatcodes
+ \catcode\tabasciicode \spacecatcode
+ \catcode\endoflineasciicode \endoflinecatcode
+ \catcode\formfeedasciicode \endoflinecatcode
+ \catcode\spaceasciicode \spacecatcode
+ \catcode\endoffileasciicode \ignorecatcode
+ \catcode\circumflexasciicode\superscriptcatcode
+ \catcode\underscoreasciicode\subscriptcatcode
+ \catcode\ampersandasciicode \alignmentcatcode
+ \catcode\backslashasciicode \escapecatcode
+ \catcode\leftbraceasciicode \begingroupcatcode
+ \catcode\rightbraceasciicode\endgroupcatcode
+ \catcode\dollarasciicode \mathshiftcatcode
+ \catcode\hashasciicode \parametercatcode
+ \catcode\commentasciicode \commentcatcode
+ \catcode\tildeasciicode \activecatcode
+ \catcode\barasciicode \activecatcode
+\startcatcodetable \prtcatcodes
+ \catcode\tabasciicode \spacecatcode
+ \catcode\endoflineasciicode \endoflinecatcode
+ \catcode\formfeedasciicode \endoflinecatcode
+ \catcode\spaceasciicode \spacecatcode
+ \catcode\endoffileasciicode \ignorecatcode
+ \catcode\circumflexasciicode\superscriptcatcode
+ \catcode\underscoreasciicode\subscriptcatcode
+ \catcode\ampersandasciicode \alignmentcatcode
+ \catcode\backslashasciicode \escapecatcode
+ \catcode\leftbraceasciicode \begingroupcatcode
+ \catcode\rightbraceasciicode\endgroupcatcode
+ \catcode\dollarasciicode \mathshiftcatcode
+ \catcode\hashasciicode \parametercatcode
+ \catcode\commentasciicode \commentcatcode
+ \catcode`\@ \lettercatcode
+ \catcode`\! \lettercatcode
+ \catcode`\? \lettercatcode
+ \catcode\tildeasciicode \activecatcode
+ \catcode\barasciicode \activecatcode
+\letcatcodecommand \ctxcatcodes \barasciicode \relax
+\letcatcodecommand \ctxcatcodes \tildeasciicode \relax
+ \catcodetable \ctxcatcodes
+\let \defaultcatcodetable \ctxcatcodes
+% for the moment here:
+ {\pushcatcodetable
+ \catcodetable\prtcatcodes}
+ {\popcatcodetable}
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/catc-def.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/catc-def.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..25044bdf0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/catc-def.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=catc-def,
+%D version=2006.09.18,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Catcode Macros,
+%D subtitle=Default Tables,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D The following catcode tables are rather \CONTEXT\ independent.
+\ifdefined\nilcatcodes \else \newcatcodetable \nilcatcodes \fi
+\ifdefined\texcatcodes \else \newcatcodetable \texcatcodes \fi
+\ifdefined\luacatcodes \else \newcatcodetable \luacatcodes \fi
+\ifdefined\notcatcodes \else \newcatcodetable \notcatcodes \fi
+\ifdefined\vrbcatcodes \else \newcatcodetable \vrbcatcodes \fi
+\ifdefined\prtcatcodes \else \newcatcodetable \prtcatcodes \fi
+\startcatcodetable \nilcatcodes
+ \catcode\tabasciicode \spacecatcode
+ \catcode\endoflineasciicode\endoflinecatcode
+ \catcode\formfeedasciicode \endoflinecatcode
+ \catcode\spaceasciicode \spacecatcode
+ \catcode\endoffileasciicode\ignorecatcode
+\startcatcodetable \texcatcodes
+ \catcode\tabasciicode \spacecatcode
+ \catcode\endoflineasciicode \endoflinecatcode
+ \catcode\formfeedasciicode \endoflinecatcode
+ \catcode\spaceasciicode \spacecatcode
+ \catcode\endoffileasciicode \ignorecatcode
+ \catcode\circumflexasciicode\superscriptcatcode
+ \catcode\underscoreasciicode\subscriptcatcode
+ \catcode\ampersandasciicode \alignmentcatcode
+ \catcode\backslashasciicode \escapecatcode
+ \catcode\leftbraceasciicode \begingroupcatcode
+ \catcode\rightbraceasciicode\endgroupcatcode
+ \catcode\dollarasciicode \mathshiftcatcode
+ \catcode\hashasciicode \parametercatcode
+ \catcode\commentasciicode \commentcatcode
+\startcatcodetable \luacatcodes
+ \catcode\tabasciicode \othercatcode
+ \catcode\endoflineasciicode \othercatcode
+ \catcode\formfeedasciicode \othercatcode
+ \catcode\spaceasciicode \othercatcode
+ \catcode\endoffileasciicode \ignorecatcode
+ \catcode\circumflexasciicode\othercatcode
+ \catcode\underscoreasciicode\othercatcode
+ \catcode\ampersandasciicode \othercatcode
+ \catcode\backslashasciicode \escapecatcode
+ \catcode\commentasciicode \othercatcode
+ \catcode\hashasciicode \othercatcode
+ \catcode\barasciicode \othercatcode
+ \catcode\leftbraceasciicode \othercatcode
+ \catcode\rightbraceasciicode\othercatcode
+ \catcode\tildeasciicode \othercatcode
+ \catcode\dollarasciicode \othercatcode
+\startcatcodetable \notcatcodes % probably less needed
+ \catcode\tabasciicode \spacecatcode
+ \catcode\endoflineasciicode \endoflinecatcode
+ \catcode\formfeedasciicode \endoflinecatcode
+ \catcode\spaceasciicode \spacecatcode
+ \catcode\endoffileasciicode \ignorecatcode
+ \catcode\circumflexasciicode\othercatcode
+ \catcode\underscoreasciicode\othercatcode
+ \catcode\ampersandasciicode \othercatcode
+ \catcode\tildeasciicode \othercatcode
+ \catcode\hashasciicode \othercatcode
+ \catcode\dollarasciicode \othercatcode
+ \catcode\commentasciicode \othercatcode
+ \catcode`\< \othercatcode
+ \catcode`\> \othercatcode
+ \catcode\leftbraceasciicode \othercatcode
+ \catcode\rightbraceasciicode\othercatcode
+ \catcode`\" \othercatcode
+ \catcode`\' \othercatcode
+ \catcode`\/ \othercatcode
+ \catcode\backslashasciicode \othercatcode
+ \catcode\barasciicode \othercatcode
+\startcatcodetable \vrbcatcodes % probably less needed
+ \catcode\tabasciicode \othercatcode
+ \catcode\endoflineasciicode\othercatcode
+ \catcode\formfeedasciicode \othercatcode
+ \catcode\spaceasciicode \othercatcode
+ \catcode\endoffileasciicode\othercatcode
+\startcatcodetable \prtcatcodes
+ \catcode\tabasciicode \spacecatcode
+ \catcode\endoflineasciicode \endoflinecatcode
+ \catcode\formfeedasciicode \endoflinecatcode
+ \catcode\spaceasciicode \spacecatcode
+ \catcode\endoffileasciicode \ignorecatcode
+ \catcode\circumflexasciicode\superscriptcatcode
+ \catcode\underscoreasciicode\subscriptcatcode
+ \catcode\ampersandasciicode \alignmentcatcode
+ \catcode\backslashasciicode \escapecatcode
+ \catcode\leftbraceasciicode \begingroupcatcode
+ \catcode\rightbraceasciicode\endgroupcatcode
+ \catcode\dollarasciicode \mathshiftcatcode
+ \catcode\hashasciicode \parametercatcode
+ \catcode\commentasciicode \commentcatcode
+ \catcode`\@ \lettercatcode
+ \catcode`\! \lettercatcode
+ \catcode`\? \lettercatcode
+ \catcode\tildeasciicode \activecatcode
+ \catcode\barasciicode \activecatcode
+%D Because some characters have a special meaning, we provide
+%D shortcuts to their character representation.
+\chardef\_=\underscoreasciicode % but way too wide in lm, so ... until that's fixed:
+%def\_{\leavevmode \kern.06em \vbox{\hrule width.3em}}
+\def\_{\dontleavehmode \kern.06em \vbox{\hrule width.3em}}
+%D From now on we can use the protection mechanisms.
+\def\unprotect {\pushcatcodetable\setcatcodetable\prtcatcodes}
+\def\protect {\popcatcodetable}
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/catc-ini.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/catc-ini.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7527466e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/catc-ini.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=catc-ini,
+%D version=2006.09.18,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ System Macros,
+%D subtitle=Catcode Handling,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D We've split the functionality of syst-cat.* over more files
+%D now so that we can load more selectively.
+%D A long standing wish has been the availability of catcode
+%D arrays. Because traditional \TEX\ does ot provide this we
+%D implement a fake method in the Mark II file.
+\ifx\zerocount\undefined \chardef \zerocount= 0 \fi
+\ifx\plusone \undefined \chardef \plusone = 1 \fi
+\ifx\minusone \undefined \newcount\minusone \minusone =-1 \fi
+\chardef\escapecatcode = 0
+\chardef\begingroupcatcode = 1
+\chardef\endgroupcatcode = 2
+\chardef\mathshiftcatcode = 3
+\chardef\alignmentcatcode = 4
+\chardef\endoflinecatcode = 5
+\chardef\parametercatcode = 6
+\chardef\superscriptcatcode = 7
+\chardef\subscriptcatcode = 8
+\chardef\ignorecatcode = 9
+\chardef\spacecatcode = 10
+\chardef\lettercatcode = 11
+\chardef\othercatcode = 12 \chardef\other = 12
+\chardef\activecatcode = 13 \chardef\active = 13
+\chardef\commentcatcode = 14
+\chardef\invalidcatcode = 15
+\chardef\tabasciicode = 9 % ^^I
+\chardef\newlineasciicode = 10 % ^^J don't confuse this one with \endoflineasciicode
+\chardef\formfeedasciicode = 12 % ^^L
+\chardef\endoflineasciicode = 13 % ^^M somewhat messy but this can be the active \par
+\chardef\endoffileasciicode = 26 % ^^Z
+\chardef\spaceasciicode = 32
+\chardef\hashasciicode = 35
+\chardef\dollarasciicode = 36
+\chardef\commentasciicode = 37
+\chardef\ampersandasciicode = 38
+\chardef\backslashasciicode = 92 % `\\
+\chardef\circumflexasciicode = 94
+\chardef\underscoreasciicode = 95
+\chardef\leftbraceasciicode = 123 % `\{
+\chardef\barasciicode = 124 % `\|
+\chardef\rightbraceasciicode = 125 % `\}
+\chardef\tildeasciicode = 126 % `\~
+\chardef\delasciicode = 127
+\newif \ifrecatcodeuppercharacters % only used in good old tex
+% \newcount\cctdefcounter \cctdefcounter\plusone % 0 = signal
+\newcount\cctdefcounter \cctdefcounter\zerocount % 0 = signal, so advance before allocate
+ {\global\advance\cctdefcounter\plusone
+ \global\mathchardef#1\cctdefcounter
+ \expandafter\xdef\csname @@ccn:\number\cctdefcounter\endcsname{\string#1}% logging
+ \expandafter\newtoks\csname @@cct:\number\cctdefcounter\endcsname}
+\newtoks \setdefaultlowercatcodes
+\newtoks \setdefaultuppercatcodes
+\def\next#1% we don't have a proper loop defined yet
+ {\edef\nextnext{#1{\the#1\catcode\the\cctcountera\space
+ \ifnum\catcode\cctcountera=\lettercatcode \lettercatcode\else\othercatcode\fi}}%
+ \nextnext\ifnum\cctcountera<\cctcounterb \advance\cctcountera\plusone \expandafter\next\expandafter#1\fi}
+\cctcountera 0 \cctcounterb 127 \next\setdefaultlowercatcodes
+\cctcountera 128 \cctcounterb 255 \next\setdefaultuppercatcodes
+ {\mathchardef\currentcatcodetable#1%
+ \the\setdefaultlowercatcodes
+ \ifrecatcodeuppercharacters\the\setdefaultuppercatcodes\fi
+ \the\csname @@cct:\number#1\endcsname}
+ {\global\csname @@cct:\number#1\endcsname{#2}}
+ {\global\csname @@cct:\number#1\endcsname\expandafter{\the\csname @@cct:\number#1\endcsname#2}}
+%D The next command can be defined in a cleaner way in the
+%D Mk IV file but we want to have a fast one with a minimal
+%D chance for interference.
+%D Once a catcode is assigned, the next assignments will happen faster.
+% (expandable) let
+\def\letcatcodecommand {\afterassignment\letcatcodecommanda\cctcountera}
+\def\letcatcodecommandb % each time
+ {\ifcsname CCL:\number\cctcountera:\number\cctcounterb\endcsname
+ \csname CCL:\number\cctcountera:\number\cctcounterb\expandafter\endcsname
+ \else
+ \expandafter\letcatcodecommandc
+ \fi}
+\def\letcatcodecommandc % only first time
+ {\expandafter\gdef\csname CCL:\number\cctcountera:\number\cctcounterb\expandafter\endcsname\expandafter
+ {\expandafter\let\csname CCC:\number\cctcountera:\number\cctcounterb\endcsname}%
+ \reinstatecatcodecommanda
+ \csname CCL:\number\cctcountera:\number\cctcounterb\endcsname}
+% expandable def
+\def\defcatcodecommand {\afterassignment\defcatcodecommanda\cctcountera}
+\def\defcatcodecommandb % each time
+ {\ifcsname CCD:\number\cctcountera:\number\cctcounterb\endcsname
+ \csname CCD:\number\cctcountera:\number\cctcounterb\expandafter\endcsname
+ \else
+ \expandafter\defcatcodecommandc
+ \fi}
+\def\defcatcodecommandc % only first time
+ {\expandafter\gdef\csname CCD:\number\cctcountera:\number\cctcounterb\expandafter\endcsname
+ \expandafter##\expandafter1\expandafter
+ {\expandafter\def\csname CCC:\number\cctcountera:\number\cctcounterb\endcsname{##1}}%
+ \reinstatecatcodecommanda
+ \csname CCD:\number\cctcountera:\number\cctcounterb\endcsname}
+% un expandable def (e.g. used for discretionaries)
+\def\uedcatcodecommand {\afterassignment\uedcatcodecommanda\cctcountera}
+\def\uedcatcodecommandb % each time
+ {\ifcsname CCU:\number\cctcountera:\number\cctcounterb\endcsname
+ \csname CCU:\number\cctcountera:\number\cctcounterb\expandafter\endcsname
+ \else
+ \expandafter\uedcatcodecommandc
+ \fi}
+\def\uedcatcodecommandc % only first time
+ {\expandafter\gdef\csname CCU:\number\cctcountera:\number\cctcounterb\expandafter\endcsname
+ \expandafter##\expandafter1\expandafter
+ {\expandafter\unexpanded\expandafter\def\csname CCC:\number\cctcountera:\number\cctcounterb\endcsname{##1}}%
+ \reinstatecatcodecommanda
+ \csname CCU:\number\cctcountera:\number\cctcounterb\endcsname}
+\def\reinstatecatcodecommanda % can be used when a direct definition has been done
+ {\bgroup % and the selector has been lost
+ \uccode\activehackcode\cctcounterb
+ \catcode\uccode\activehackcode\activecatcode
+ \uppercase{\xdef~{\noexpand\catcodecommand{\number\cctcounterb}}}%
+ \egroup}
+ {\csname CCC:\number
+ \ifcsname CCC:\number\currentcatcodetable:\number#1\endcsname
+ \currentcatcodetable \else \defaultcatcodetable
+ \fi
+ :\number#1\endcsname}
+%D \macros
+%D {restorecatcodes,
+%D beginrestorecatcodes,endrestorecatcodes}
+%D We're not finished dealing \CATCODES\ yet. In \CONTEXT\ we
+%D use only one auxiliary file, which deals with tables of
+%D contents, registers, two pass tracking, references etc. This
+%D file, as well as files concerning graphics, is processed when
+%D needed, which can be in the mid of typesetting verbatim.
+%D However, when reading in data in verbatim mode, we should
+%D temporary restore the normal \CATCODES, and that's exactly
+%D what the next macros do. Saving the catcodes can be
+%D disabled by saying \type{\localcatcodestrue}.
+ {\advance\catcoderestorelevel\plusone
+ \tracepushcatcodetable
+ \expandafter\mathchardef\csname scct:\number\catcoderestorelevel\endcsname\currentcatcodetable}
+ {\ifcase\catcoderestorelevel
+ \showcatcodenestingerror
+ \else
+ \expandafter\catcodetable\csname scct:\number\catcoderestorelevel\endcsname
+ \tracepopcatcodetable
+ \advance\catcoderestorelevel\minusone
+ \fi}
+\def\showcatcodenestingerror % can be overloaded
+ {\immediate\write16{}%
+ \immediate\write16{Fatal error: catcode push/pop mismatch. Fix this!}\wait\end
+ \immediate\write16{}}
+\def\restorecatcodes % takes previous level
+ {\ifnum\catcoderestorelevel>\plusone
+ \expandafter\catcodetable\csname scct:\number\numexpr\catcoderestorelevel-1\relax\endcsname
+ \fi}
+ {\catcodetable#1%
+ \the\everycatcodetable
+ \tracesetcatcodetable}
+ {\def\tracesetcatcodetable {\dotracecatcodetable{set \catcodetablename\space at \number\catcoderestorelevel}}%
+ \def\tracepushcatcodetable{\dotracecatcodetable{push \catcodetablename\space from \catcodetableprev\space at \number\catcoderestorelevel}}%
+ \def\tracepopcatcodetable {\dotracecatcodetable{pop \catcodetablename\space to \catcodetableprev\space at \number\catcoderestorelevel}}}
+ {\ifnum\numexpr\catcoderestorelevel-1\relax>\zerocount
+ \csname @@ccn:\number\csname scct:\number\numexpr\catcoderestorelevel-1\relax\endcsname\endcsname
+ \else
+ -%
+ \fi}
+ {\ifnum\currentcatcodetable>\zerocount
+ \csname @@ccn:\number\currentcatcodetable\endcsname
+ \else
+ -%
+ \fi}
+\ifx\empty\undefined \def\empty{} \fi
+\let\tracesetcatcodetable \empty
+\let\tracepopcatcodetable \empty
+\def\endrestorecatcodes {\popcatcodetable}
+%D Handy for debugging:
+% \tracecatcodetables
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/catc-sym.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/catc-sym.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..55782f11e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/catc-sym.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=catc-sym,
+%D version=1997.01.03, % moved code
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Catcode Macros,
+%D subtitle=Some Handy Constants,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+% we now have loaded syst-* so we have all @@catcode constants
+%D We want to have access to the raw alternatives of the
+%D special characters. We use a \type {\xdef} instead of
+%D \type {\let} because we need an expandable token in a
+%D \type {\write}.
+.catcode `.{ 12 .xdef .letteropenbrace B.string{E
+.catcode `.} 12 .xdef .letterclosebrace B.string}E
+.catcode `.& 12 .xdef .letterampersand B.string&E
+.catcode `.< 12 .xdef .letterless B.string<E
+.catcode `.> 12 .xdef .lettermore B.string>E
+.catcode `.# 12 .xdef .letterhash B.string#E
+.catcode `." 12 .xdef .letterdoublequote B.string"E
+.catcode `.' 12 .xdef .lettersinglequote B.string'E
+.catcode `.$ 12 .xdef .letterdollar B.string$E
+.catcode `.% 12 .xdef .letterpercent B.string%E
+.catcode `.^ 12 .xdef .letterhat B.string^E
+.catcode `._ 12 .xdef .letterunderscore B.string_E
+.catcode `.| 12 .xdef .letterbar B.string|E
+.catcode `.~ 12 .xdef .lettertilde B.string~E
+.catcode `.\ 12 .xdef .letterbackslash B.string\E
+.catcode `./ 12 .xdef .letterslash B.string/E
+.catcode `.? 12 .xdef .letterquestionmark B.string?E
+.catcode `.! 12 .xdef .letterexclamationmark B.string!E
+.catcode `.@ 12 .xdef .letterat B.string@E
+.catcode `.: 12 .xdef .lettercolon B.string:E
+ .global .let .letterescape .letterbackslash
+ .global .let .letterbgroup .letteropenbrace
+ .global .let .letteregroup .letterclosebrace
+ .global .let .letterleftbrace .letteropenbrace
+ .global .let .letterrightbrace .letterclosebrace
+%D \macros
+%D {uncatcodespecials,setnaturalcatcodes,setnormalcatcodes,
+%D uncatcodecharacters,uncatcodeallcharacters,
+%D uncatcodespacetokens}
+%D The following macros are more or less replaced by switching
+%D to a catcode table (which we simulate in \MKII) but we keep
+%D them for convenience and compatibility. Some old engine code
+%D has been removed.
+\def\uncatcodespecials {\setcatcodetable\nilcatcodes \uncatcodespacetokens}
+\def\setnaturalcatcodes {\setcatcodetable\nilcatcodes}
+\def\setnormalcatcodes {\setcatcodetable\ctxcatcodes} % maybe \texcatcodes
+\def\uncatcodecharacters {\setcatcodetable\nilcatcodes} % was fast version, gone now
+\def\uncatcodeallcharacters{\setcatcodetable\nilcatcodes} % was slow one, with restore
+ {\catcode\spaceasciicode \spacecatcode
+ \catcode\formfeedasciicode \ignorecatcode
+ \catcode\endoflineasciicode\endoflinecatcode
+ \catcode\delasciicode \ignorecatcode}
+%D \macros
+%D {setverbosecharacter,setverbosecscharacters}
+%D Next follows a definition that lets some shortcuts expand to
+%D themselves. This macro is meant for \POSTSCRIPT\ and \PDF\
+%D code passed on to the backend.
+ {\edef#1{\string#1}}
+ {\the\everyverbosechacters}
+ % if used often we can move the code inline
+ \catcode\barasciicode \activecatcode
+ \catcode\tildeasciicode\activecatcode
+ \global \everyverbosechacters =
+ {\setverbosecscharacter |\setverbosecscharacter ~% context specific
+ \setverbosecscharacter\|\setverbosecscharacter\~%
+ \setverbosecscharacter\:\setverbosecscharacter\;%
+ \setverbosecscharacter\+\setverbosecscharacter\-%
+ \setverbosecscharacter\[\setverbosecscharacter\]%
+ \setverbosecscharacter\.\setverbosecscharacter\\%
+ \setverbosecscharacter\)\setverbosecscharacter\(%
+ \setverbosecscharacter\0\setverbosecscharacter\1%
+ \setverbosecscharacter\2\setverbosecscharacter\3%
+ \setverbosecscharacter\4\setverbosecscharacter\5%
+ \setverbosecscharacter\6\setverbosecscharacter\7%
+ \setverbosecscharacter\8\setverbosecscharacter\9%
+ \setverbosecscharacter\n\setverbosecscharacter\s%
+ \setverbosecscharacter\/}
+%D (Inspired by a discussion on the \CONTEXT\ mailing list)
+%D In \TEX\ each character can have one of 16 catcodes. This way the
+%D backslash, dollar, ampersand, hash and some more characters get
+%D their special meaning. If you want to process tokens under a
+%D certain catcode regime, passing arguments can interfere badly.
+%D \startbuffer[a]
+%D \def\whatever#1{[#1]}
+%D \whatever{whatever \type {\whatever{you want}} $or$ not!}
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer[a]
+%D Here we pass an argument to \type {\whatever} but part of that
+%D argument is to be processed under a different catcode regime, i.e.\
+%D all characters that need to be typeset verbatim need to get
+%D the catcode that makes it a letter. This is what we get when we typeset
+%D the text verbatim:
+%D \starttyping
+%D whatever \type {\whatever{you want}} $or$ not!
+%D \stoptyping
+%D However, when passed to \type {\whatever} we get:
+%D \getbuffer[a]
+%D In \ETEX\ one can use \type {\scantokens} to circumvent this problem.
+%D \startbuffer[b]
+%D \def\rescan#1{\scantokens{#1}}
+%D \def\whatever#1{[\rescan{#1}]}
+%D \whatever{whatever \type {\whatever{you want}} $or$ not!}
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \getbuffer[b] \typebuffer[b]
+%D This time the \type {\whatever} call gives:
+%D \getbuffer[b]
+%D In this example, two spaces have crept in. The first one, after the
+%D macro name, is inserted by \TEX\ and cannot be avoided. The last space
+%D is inserted by \type {\scantokens}, and is the consequence of the fact
+%D that this macro mimics reading from a file. You can avoid the last
+%D space by a slightly different definition:
+%D \startbuffer[c]
+%D \def\rescan#1{\scantokens{#1\ignorespaces}}
+%D \def\whatever#1{[\rescan{#1}]}
+%D \whatever{whatever \type {\whatever{you want}} $or$ not!}
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer[c]
+%D Unfortunately we still keep the first space, but at least it's better than
+%D a failure:
+%D \getbuffer[c]
+\ifx\scantextokens\undefined \else
+ \long\def\rescan#1{\scantextokens{#1}}
+ \long\def\rescanwithsetup#1#2{\begingroup\directsetup{#1}\scantextokens{#2}\endgroup}
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/catc-xml.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/catc-xml.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..45eb5a421
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/catc-xml.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=catc-xml,
+%D version=2006.09.18,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Catcode Macros,
+%D subtitle=\XML\ Catcode Tables,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Catcode Regimes / XML}
+\ifdefined \xmlcatcodesn \else \newcatcodetable \xmlcatcodesn \fi % normal
+\ifdefined \xmlcatcodese \else \newcatcodetable \xmlcatcodese \fi % entitle
+\ifdefined \xmlcatcodesr \else \newcatcodetable \xmlcatcodesr \fi % reduce
+\startcatcodetable \xmlcatcodesn
+ \catcode\tabasciicode \spacecatcode
+ \catcode\endoflineasciicode \endoflinecatcode
+ \catcode\formfeedasciicode \endoflinecatcode
+ \catcode\spaceasciicode \spacecatcode
+ \catcode\endoffileasciicode \ignorecatcode
+ \catcode\ampersandasciicode \activecatcode
+ \catcode`\< \activecatcode
+ \catcode`\> \othercatcode
+ \catcode`\" \othercatcode % probably not needed any more
+ \catcode`\/ \othercatcode % probably not needed any more
+ \catcode`\' \othercatcode % probably not needed any more
+ \catcode\tildeasciicode \othercatcode % probably not needed any more
+ \catcode\hashasciicode \othercatcode % probably not needed any more
+ \catcode\backslashasciicode \othercatcode % probably not needed any more
+\startcatcodetable \xmlcatcodese
+ \catcode\tabasciicode \spacecatcode
+ \catcode\endoflineasciicode \endoflinecatcode
+ \catcode\formfeedasciicode \endoflinecatcode
+ \catcode\spaceasciicode \spacecatcode
+ \catcode\endoffileasciicode \ignorecatcode
+ \catcode\ampersandasciicode \activecatcode
+ \catcode`\< \activecatcode
+ \catcode`\> \activecatcode
+ \catcode\hashasciicode \activecatcode
+ \catcode\dollarasciicode \activecatcode
+ \catcode\commentasciicode \activecatcode
+ \catcode\backslashasciicode \activecatcode
+ \catcode\circumflexasciicode\activecatcode
+ \catcode\underscoreasciicode\activecatcode
+ \catcode\leftbraceasciicode \activecatcode
+ \catcode\rightbraceasciicode\activecatcode
+ \catcode\barasciicode \activecatcode
+ \catcode\tildeasciicode \activecatcode
+\startcatcodetable \xmlcatcodesr
+ \catcode\tabasciicode \spacecatcode
+ \catcode\endoflineasciicode \endoflinecatcode
+ \catcode\formfeedasciicode \endoflinecatcode
+ \catcode\spaceasciicode \spacecatcode
+ \catcode\endoffileasciicode \ignorecatcode
+ \catcode\ampersandasciicode \activecatcode
+ \catcode`\< \activecatcode
+ \catcode`\> \activecatcode
+ \catcode\hashasciicode \activecatcode
+ \catcode\dollarasciicode \activecatcode
+ \catcode\commentasciicode \activecatcode
+ \catcode\backslashasciicode \activecatcode
+ \catcode\circumflexasciicode\activecatcode
+ \catcode\underscoreasciicode\activecatcode
+ \catcode\leftbraceasciicode \activecatcode
+ \catcode\rightbraceasciicode\activecatcode
+ \catcode\barasciicode \activecatcode
+ \catcode\tildeasciicode \activecatcode
+%D Next we hook in some active character definitions.
+\letcatcodecommand \xmlcatcodesn \ampersandasciicode \relax
+\letcatcodecommand \xmlcatcodesn `\< \relax
+\letcatcodecommand \xmlcatcodese \ampersandasciicode \relax
+\letcatcodecommand \xmlcatcodese `\< \relax
+\letcatcodecommand \xmlcatcodesr \ampersandasciicode \relax
+\letcatcodecommand \xmlcatcodesr `\< \relax
+\letcatcodecommand \xmlcatcodese \hashasciicode \relax
+\letcatcodecommand \xmlcatcodese \dollarasciicode \relax
+\letcatcodecommand \xmlcatcodese \commentasciicode \relax
+\letcatcodecommand \xmlcatcodese \backslashasciicode \relax
+\letcatcodecommand \xmlcatcodese \circumflexasciicode \relax
+\letcatcodecommand \xmlcatcodese \underscoreasciicode \relax
+\letcatcodecommand \xmlcatcodese \leftbraceasciicode \relax
+\letcatcodecommand \xmlcatcodese \rightbraceasciicode \relax
+\letcatcodecommand \xmlcatcodese \barasciicode \relax
+\letcatcodecommand \xmlcatcodese \tildeasciicode \relax
+\letcatcodecommand \xmlcatcodesr \hashasciicode \relax
+\letcatcodecommand \xmlcatcodesr \dollarasciicode \relax
+\letcatcodecommand \xmlcatcodesr \commentasciicode \relax
+\letcatcodecommand \xmlcatcodesr \backslashasciicode \relax
+\letcatcodecommand \xmlcatcodesr \circumflexasciicode \relax
+\letcatcodecommand \xmlcatcodesr \underscoreasciicode \relax
+\letcatcodecommand \xmlcatcodesr \leftbraceasciicode \relax
+\letcatcodecommand \xmlcatcodesr \rightbraceasciicode \relax
+\letcatcodecommand \xmlcatcodesr \barasciicode \relax
+\letcatcodecommand \xmlcatcodesr \tildeasciicode \relax
+\let\xmlcatcodes \xmlcatcodesn % beware, in mkiv we use \notcatcodes
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/colo-ema.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/colo-ema.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..11d76f342
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/colo-ema.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,590 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=colo-ema,
+%D version=2003.03.20,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Color Macros,
+%D subtitle=Emacs Colors,
+%D author=Peter Rolf,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+% author : Peter Rolf <>
+% last change : 17 march 2003
+% origin : /emacs/etc/rgb.txt
+% - select emacs menu: Edit -> Text Properties -> Display
+% Colors, if you don't know what I'm talking about
+% - copy this file to your /texmf/tex/context/user directory
+% and add "\input colo-emacs" to your tex-file
+% - all color names are written as ONE word in lowercase
+% letters (no redundancy as in rgb.txt) so if you want to
+% use the color "Light Sky Blue"/"light sky blue" it's new
+% name is lightskyblue
+% - the grayX values [X=0..100] can only be used with \color
+% [grayX]
+% - use it at your own risk :)
+% HINT:
+% I only include this file (\showcolor [ema]) until I've
+% found the colors I want. Copy and paste the color
+% definitions to a seperate file, to decrease compilation
+% time (540 color definitions).
+\definecolor [snow] [r=1,g=.980392,b=.980392]
+\definecolor [ghostwhite] [r=.972549,g=.972549,b=1]
+\definecolor [whitesmoke] [s=.960784]
+\definecolor [gainsboro] [s=.862745]
+\definecolor [floralwhite] [r=1,g=.980392,b=.941176]
+\definecolor [oldlace] [r=.992157,g=.960784,b=.901961]
+\definecolor [linen] [r=.980392,g=.941176,b=.901961]
+\definecolor [antiquewhite] [r=.980392,g=.921569,b=.843137]
+\definecolor [papayawhip] [r=1,g=.937255,b=.835294]
+\definecolor [blanchedalmond] [r=1,g=.921569,b=.803922]
+\definecolor [bisque] [r=1,g=.894118,b=.768627]
+\definecolor [peachpuff] [r=1,g=.854902,b=.72549]
+\definecolor [navajowhite] [r=1,g=.870588,b=.678431]
+\definecolor [moccasin] [r=1,g=.894118,b=.709804]
+\definecolor [cornsilk] [r=1,g=.972549,b=.862745]
+\definecolor [ivory] [r=1,g=1,b=.941176]
+\definecolor [lemonchiffon] [r=1,g=.980392,b=.803922]
+\definecolor [seashell] [r=1,g=.960784,b=.933333]
+\definecolor [honeydew] [r=.941176,g=1,b=.941176]
+\definecolor [mintcream] [r=.960784,g=1,b=.980392]
+\definecolor [azure] [r=.941176,g=1,b=1]
+\definecolor [aliceblue] [r=.941176,g=.972549,b=1]
+\definecolor [lavender] [r=.901961,g=.901961,b=.980392]
+\definecolor [lavenderblush] [r=1,g=.941176,b=.960784]
+\definecolor [mistyrose] [r=1,g=.894118,b=.882353]
+%definecolor[white] [s=1]
+%definecolor[black] [s=0]
+\definecolor [darkslategray] [r=.184314,g=.309804,b=.309804]
+\definecolor [dimgray] [s=.411765]
+\definecolor [slategray] [r=.439216,g=.501961,b=.564706]
+\definecolor [lightslategray] [r=.466667,g=.533333,b=.6]
+\definecolor [gray] [s=.745098]
+\definecolor [lightgray] [s=.827451]
+\definecolor [midnightblue] [r=.098039,g=.098039,b=.439216]
+\definecolor [navy] [b=.501961]
+\definecolor [navyblue] [navy]
+\definecolor [cornflowerblue] [r=.392157,g=.584314,b=.929412]
+\definecolor [darkslateblue] [r=.282353,g=.239216,b=.545098]
+\definecolor [slateblue] [r=.415686,g=.352941,b=.803922]
+\definecolor [mediumslateblue] [r=.482353,g=.407843,b=.933333]
+\definecolor [lightslateblue] [r=.517647,g=.439216,b=1]
+\definecolor [mediumblue] [b=.803922]
+\definecolor [royalblue] [r=.254902,g=.411765,b=.882353]
+%definecolor[blue] [b=1]
+\definecolor [dodgerblue] [r=.117647,g=.564706,b=1]
+\definecolor [deepskyblue] [g=.74902,b=1]
+\definecolor [skyblue] [r=.529412,g=.807843,b=.921569]
+\definecolor [lightskyblue] [r=.529412,g=.807843,b=.980392]
+\definecolor [steelblue] [r=.27451,g=.509804,b=.705882]
+\definecolor [lightsteelblue] [r=.690196,g=.768627,b=.870588]
+\definecolor [lightblue] [r=.678431,g=.847059,b=.901961]
+\definecolor [powderblue] [r=.690196,g=.878431,b=.901961]
+\definecolor [paleturquoise] [r=.686275,g=.933333,b=.933333]
+\definecolor [darkturquoise] [g=.807843,b=.819608]
+\definecolor [mediumturquoise] [r=.282353,g=.819608,b=.8]
+\definecolor [turquoise] [r=.25098,g=.878431,b=.815686]
+%definecolor[cyan] [g=1,b=1]
+\definecolor [lightcyan] [r=.878431,g=1,b=1]
+\definecolor [cadetblue] [r=.372549,g=.619608,b=.627451]
+\definecolor [mediumaquamarine] [r=.4,g=.803922,b=.666667]
+\definecolor [aquamarine] [r=.498039,g=1,b=.831373]
+\definecolor [darkgreen] [g=.392157]
+\definecolor [darkolivegreen] [r=.333333,g=.419608,b=.184314]
+\definecolor [darkseagreen] [r=.560784,g=.737255,b=.560784]
+\definecolor [seagreen] [r=.180392,g=.545098,b=.341176]
+\definecolor [mediumseagreen] [r=.235294,g=.701961,b=.443137]
+\definecolor [lightseagreen] [r=.12549,g=.698039,b=.666667]
+\definecolor [palegreen] [r=.596078,g=.984314,b=.596078]
+\definecolor [springgreen] [g=1,b=.498039]
+\definecolor [lawngreen] [r=.486275,g=.988235]
+%definecolor[green] [g=1]
+\definecolor [chartreuse] [r=.498039,g=1]
+\definecolor [mediumspringgreen] [g=.980392,b=.603922]
+\definecolor [greenyellow] [r=.678431,g=1,b=.184314]
+\definecolor [limegreen] [r=.196078,g=.803922,b=.196078]
+\definecolor [yellowgreen] [r=.603922,g=.803922,b=.196078]
+\definecolor [forestgreen] [r=.133333,g=.545098,b=.133333]
+\definecolor [olivedrab] [r=.419608,g=.556863,b=.137255]
+\definecolor [darkkhaki] [r=.741176,g=.717647,b=.419608]
+\definecolor [khaki] [r=.941176,g=.901961,b=.54902]
+\definecolor [palegoldenrod] [r=.933333,g=.909804,b=.666667]
+\definecolor [lightgoldenrodyellow] [r=.980392,g=.980392,b=.823529]
+\definecolor [lightyellow] [r=1,g=1,b=.878431]
+%definecolor[yellow] [r=1,g=1]
+\definecolor [gold] [r=1,g=.843137]
+\definecolor [lightgoldenrod] [r=.933333,g=.866667,b=.509804]
+\definecolor [goldenrod] [r=.854902,g=.647059,b=.12549]
+\definecolor [darkgoldenrod] [r=.721569,g=.52549,b=.043137]
+\definecolor [rosybrown] [r=.737255,g=.560784,b=.560784]
+\definecolor [indianred] [r=.803922,g=.360784,b=.360784]
+\definecolor [saddlebrown] [r=.545098,g=.270588,b=.07451]
+\definecolor [sienna] [r=.627451,g=.321569,b=.176471]
+\definecolor [peru] [r=.803922,g=.521569,b=.247059]
+\definecolor [burlywood] [r=.870588,g=.721569,b=.529412]
+\definecolor [beige] [r=.960784,g=.960784,b=.862745]
+\definecolor [wheat] [r=.960784,g=.870588,b=.701961]
+\definecolor [sandybrown] [r=.956863,g=.643137,b=.376471]
+\definecolor [tan] [r=.823529,g=.705882,b=.54902]
+\definecolor [chocolate] [r=.823529,g=.411765,b=.117647]
+\definecolor [firebrick] [r=.698039,g=.133333,b=.133333]
+\definecolor [brown] [r=.647059,g=.164706,b=.164706]
+\definecolor [darksalmon] [r=.913725,g=.588235,b=.478431]
+\definecolor [salmon] [r=.980392,g=.501961,b=.447059]
+\definecolor [lightsalmon] [r=1,g=.627451,b=.478431]
+\definecolor [orange] [r=1,g=.647059]
+\definecolor [darkorange] [r=1,g=.54902]
+\definecolor [coral] [r=1,g=.498039,b=.313725]
+\definecolor [lightcoral] [r=.941176,g=.501961,b=.501961]
+\definecolor [tomato] [r=1,g=.388235,b=.278431]
+\definecolor [orangered] [r=1,g=.270588]
+%definecolor[red] [r=1]
+\definecolor [hotpink] [r=1,g=.411765,b=.705882]
+\definecolor [deeppink] [r=1,g=.078431,b=.576471]
+\definecolor [pink] [r=1,g=.752941,b=.796078]
+\definecolor [lightpink] [r=1,g=.713725,b=.756863]
+\definecolor [palevioletred] [r=.858824,g=.439216,b=.576471]
+\definecolor [maroon] [r=.690196,g=.188235,b=.376471]
+\definecolor [mediumvioletred] [r=.780392,g=.082353,b=.521569]
+\definecolor [violetred] [r=.815686,g=.12549,b=.564706]
+%definecolor[magenta] [r=1,b=1]
+\definecolor [violet] [r=.933333,g=.509804,b=.933333]
+\definecolor [plum] [r=.866667,g=.627451,b=.866667]
+\definecolor [orchid] [r=.854902,g=.439216,b=.839216]
+\definecolor [mediumorchid] [r=.729412,g=.333333,b=.827451]
+\definecolor [darkorchid] [r=.6,g=.196078,b=.8]
+\definecolor [darkviolet] [r=.580392,b=.827451]
+\definecolor [blueviolet] [r=.541176,g=.168627,b=.886275]
+\definecolor [purple] [r=.627451,g=.12549,b=.941176]
+\definecolor [mediumpurple] [r=.576471,g=.439216,b=.858824]
+\definecolor [thistle] [r=.847059,g=.74902,b=.847059]
+\definecolor [snow1] [r=1,g=.980392,b=.980392]
+\definecolor [snow2] [r=.933333,g=.913725,b=.913725]
+\definecolor [snow3] [r=.803922,g=.788235,b=.788235]
+\definecolor [snow4] [r=.545098,g=.537255,b=.537255]
+\definecolor [seashell1] [r=1,g=.960784,b=.933333]
+\definecolor [seashell2] [r=.933333,g=.898039,b=.870588]
+\definecolor [seashell3] [r=.803922,g=.772549,b=.74902]
+\definecolor [seashell4] [r=.545098,g=.52549,b=.509804]
+\definecolor [antiquewhite1] [r=1,g=.937255,b=.858824]
+\definecolor [antiquewhite2] [r=.933333,g=.87451,b=.8]
+\definecolor [antiquewhite3] [r=.803922,g=.752941,b=.690196]
+\definecolor [antiquewhite4] [r=.545098,g=.513725,b=.470588]
+\definecolor [bisque1] [r=1,g=.894118,b=.768627]
+\definecolor [bisque2] [r=.933333,g=.835294,b=.717647]
+\definecolor [bisque3] [r=.803922,g=.717647,b=.619608]
+\definecolor [bisque4] [r=.545098,g=.490196,b=.419608]
+\definecolor [peachpuff1] [r=1,g=.854902,b=.72549]
+\definecolor [peachpuff2] [r=.933333,g=.796078,b=.678431]
+\definecolor [peachpuff3] [r=.803922,g=.686275,b=.584314]
+\definecolor [peachpuff4] [r=.545098,g=.466667,b=.396078]
+\definecolor [navajowhite1] [r=1,g=.870588,b=.678431]
+\definecolor [navajowhite2] [r=.933333,g=.811765,b=.631373]
+\definecolor [navajowhite3] [r=.803922,g=.701961,b=.545098]
+\definecolor [navajowhite4] [r=.545098,g=.47451,b=.368627]
+\definecolor [lemonchiffon1] [r=1,g=.980392,b=.803922]
+\definecolor [lemonchiffon2] [r=.933333,g=.913725,b=.74902]
+\definecolor [lemonchiffon3] [r=.803922,g=.788235,b=.647059]
+\definecolor [lemonchiffon4] [r=.545098,g=.537255,b=.439216]
+\definecolor [cornsilk1] [r=1,g=.972549,b=.862745]
+\definecolor [cornsilk2] [r=.933333,g=.909804,b=.803922]
+\definecolor [cornsilk3] [r=.803922,g=.784314,b=.694118]
+\definecolor [cornsilk4] [r=.545098,g=.533333,b=.470588]
+\definecolor [ivory1] [r=1,g=1,b=.941176]
+\definecolor [ivory2] [r=.933333,g=.933333,b=.878431]
+\definecolor [ivory3] [r=.803922,g=.803922,b=.756863]
+\definecolor [ivory4] [r=.545098,g=.545098,b=.513725]
+\definecolor [honeydew1] [r=.941176,g=1,b=.941176]
+\definecolor [honeydew2] [r=.878431,g=.933333,b=.878431]
+\definecolor [honeydew3] [r=.756863,g=.803922,b=.756863]
+\definecolor [honeydew4] [r=.513725,g=.545098,b=.513725]
+\definecolor [lavenderblush1] [r=1,g=.941176,b=.960784]
+\definecolor [lavenderblush2] [r=.933333,g=.878431,b=.898039]
+\definecolor [lavenderblush3] [r=.803922,g=.756863,b=.772549]
+\definecolor [lavenderblush4] [r=.545098,g=.513725,b=.52549]
+\definecolor [mistyrose1] [r=1,g=.894118,b=.882353]
+\definecolor [mistyrose2] [r=.933333,g=.835294,b=.823529]
+\definecolor [mistyrose3] [r=.803922,g=.717647,b=.709804]
+\definecolor [mistyrose4] [r=.545098,g=.490196,b=.482353]
+\definecolor [azure1] [r=.941176,g=1,b=1]
+\definecolor [azure2] [r=.878431,g=.933333,b=.933333]
+\definecolor [azure3] [r=.756863,g=.803922,b=.803922]
+\definecolor [azure4] [r=.513725,g=.545098,b=.545098]
+\definecolor [slateblue1] [r=.513725,g=.435294,b=1]
+\definecolor [slateblue2] [r=.478431,g=.403922,b=.933333]
+\definecolor [slateblue3] [r=.411765,g=.34902,b=.803922]
+\definecolor [slateblue4] [r=.278431,g=.235294,b=.545098]
+\definecolor [royalblue1] [r=.282353,g=.462745,b=1]
+\definecolor [royalblue2] [r=.262745,g=.431373,b=.933333]
+\definecolor [royalblue3] [r=.227451,g=.372549,b=.803922]
+\definecolor [royalblue4] [r=.152941,g=.25098,b=.545098]
+\definecolor [blue1] [blue]
+\definecolor [blue2] [b=.933333]
+\definecolor [blue3] [b=.803922]
+\definecolor [blue4] [b=.545098]
+\definecolor [dodgerblue1] [r=.117647,g=.564706,b=1]
+\definecolor [dodgerblue2] [r=.109804,g=.52549,b=.933333]
+\definecolor [dodgerblue3] [r=.094118,g=.454902,b=.803922]
+\definecolor [dodgerblue4] [r=.062745,g=.305882,b=.545098]
+\definecolor [steelblue1] [r=.388235,g=.721569,b=1]
+\definecolor [steelblue2] [r=.360784,g=.67451,b=.933333]
+\definecolor [steelblue3] [r=.309804,g=.580392,b=.803922]
+\definecolor [steelblue4] [r=.211765,g=.392157,b=.545098]
+\definecolor [deepskyblue1] [g=.74902,b=1]
+\definecolor [deepskyblue2] [g=.698039,b=.933333]
+\definecolor [deepskyblue3] [g=.603922,b=.803922]
+\definecolor [deepskyblue4] [g=.407843,b=.545098]
+\definecolor [skyblue1] [r=.529412,g=.807843,b=1]
+\definecolor [skyblue2] [r=.494118,g=.752941,b=.933333]
+\definecolor [skyblue3] [r=.423529,g=.65098,b=.803922]
+\definecolor [skyblue4] [r=.290196,g=.439216,b=.545098]
+\definecolor [lightskyblue1] [r=.690196,g=.886275,b=1]
+\definecolor [lightskyblue2] [r=.643137,g=.827451,b=.933333]
+\definecolor [lightskyblue3] [r=.552941,g=.713725,b=.803922]
+\definecolor [lightskyblue4] [r=.376471,g=.482353,b=.545098]
+\definecolor [slategray1] [r=.776471,g=.886275,b=1]
+\definecolor [slategray2] [r=.72549,g=.827451,b=.933333]
+\definecolor [slategray3] [r=.623529,g=.713725,b=.803922]
+\definecolor [slategray4] [r=.423529,g=.482353,b=.545098]
+\definecolor [lightsteelblue1] [r=.792157,g=.882353,b=1]
+\definecolor [lightsteelblue2] [r=.737255,g=.823529,b=.933333]
+\definecolor [lightsteelblue3] [r=.635294,g=.709804,b=.803922]
+\definecolor [lightsteelblue4] [r=.431373,g=.482353,b=.545098]
+\definecolor [lightblue1] [r=.74902,g=.937255,b=1]
+\definecolor [lightblue2] [r=.698039,g=.87451,b=.933333]
+\definecolor [lightblue3] [r=.603922,g=.752941,b=.803922]
+\definecolor [lightblue4] [r=.407843,g=.513725,b=.545098]
+\definecolor [lightcyan1] [r=.878431,g=1,b=1]
+\definecolor [lightcyan2] [r=.819608,g=.933333,b=.933333]
+\definecolor [lightcyan3] [r=.705882,g=.803922,b=.803922]
+\definecolor [lightcyan4] [r=.478431,g=.545098,b=.545098]
+\definecolor [paleturquoise1] [r=.733333,g=1,b=1]
+\definecolor [paleturquoise2] [r=.682353,g=.933333,b=.933333]
+\definecolor [paleturquoise3] [r=.588235,g=.803922,b=.803922]
+\definecolor [paleturquoise4] [r=.4,g=.545098,b=.545098]
+\definecolor [cadetblue1] [r=.596078,g=.960784,b=1]
+\definecolor [cadetblue2] [r=.556863,g=.898039,b=.933333]
+\definecolor [cadetblue3] [r=.478431,g=.772549,b=.803922]
+\definecolor [cadetblue4] [r=.32549,g=.52549,b=.545098]
+\definecolor [turquoise1] [g=.960784,b=1]
+\definecolor [turquoise2] [g=.898039,b=.933333]
+\definecolor [turquoise3] [g=.772549,b=.803922]
+\definecolor [turquoise4] [g=.52549,b=.545098]
+\definecolor [cyan1] [cyan]
+\definecolor [cyan2] [g=.933333,b=.933333]
+\definecolor [cyan3] [g=.803922,b=.803922]
+\definecolor [cyan4] [g=.545098,b=.545098]
+\definecolor [darkslategray1] [r=.592157,g=1,b=1]
+\definecolor [darkslategray2] [r=.552941,g=.933333,b=.933333]
+\definecolor [darkslategray3] [r=.47451,g=.803922,b=.803922]
+\definecolor [darkslategray4] [r=.321569,g=.545098,b=.545098]
+\definecolor [aquamarine1] [r=.498039,g=1,b=.831373]
+\definecolor [aquamarine2] [r=.462745,g=.933333,b=.776471]
+\definecolor [aquamarine3] [r=.4,g=.803922,b=.666667]
+\definecolor [aquamarine4] [r=.270588,g=.545098,b=.454902]
+\definecolor [darkseagreen1] [r=.756863,g=1,b=.756863]
+\definecolor [darkseagreen2] [r=.705882,g=.933333,b=.705882]
+\definecolor [darkseagreen3] [r=.607843,g=.803922,b=.607843]
+\definecolor [darkseagreen4] [r=.411765,g=.545098,b=.411765]
+\definecolor [seagreen1] [r=.329412,g=1,b=.623529]
+\definecolor [seagreen2] [r=.305882,g=.933333,b=.580392]
+\definecolor [seagreen3] [r=.262745,g=.803922,b=.501961]
+\definecolor [seagreen4] [r=.180392,g=.545098,b=.341176]
+\definecolor [palegreen1] [r=.603922,g=1,b=.603922]
+\definecolor [palegreen2] [r=.564706,g=.933333,b=.564706]
+\definecolor [palegreen3] [r=.486275,g=.803922,b=.486275]
+\definecolor [palegreen4] [r=.329412,g=.545098,b=.329412]
+\definecolor [springgreen1] [g=1,b=.498039]
+\definecolor [springgreen2] [g=.933333,b=.462745]
+\definecolor [springgreen3] [g=.803922,b=.4]
+\definecolor [springgreen4] [g=.545098,b=.270588]
+\definecolor [green1] [green]
+\definecolor [green2] [g=.933333]
+\definecolor [green3] [g=.803922]
+\definecolor [green4] [g=.545098]
+\definecolor [chartreuse1] [r=.498039,g=1]
+\definecolor [chartreuse2] [r=.462745,g=.933333]
+\definecolor [chartreuse3] [r=.4,g=.803922]
+\definecolor [chartreuse4] [r=.270588,g=.545098]
+\definecolor [olivedrab1] [r=.752941,g=1,b=.243137]
+\definecolor [olivedrab2] [r=.701961,g=.933333,b=.227451]
+\definecolor [olivedrab3] [r=.603922,g=.803922,b=.196078]
+\definecolor [olivedrab4] [r=.411765,g=.545098,b=.133333]
+\definecolor [darkolivegreen1] [r=.792157,g=1,b=.439216]
+\definecolor [darkolivegreen2] [r=.737255,g=.933333,b=.407843]
+\definecolor [darkolivegreen3] [r=.635294,g=.803922,b=.352941]
+\definecolor [darkolivegreen4] [r=.431373,g=.545098,b=.239216]
+\definecolor [khaki1] [r=1,g=.964706,b=.560784]
+\definecolor [khaki2] [r=.933333,g=.901961,b=.521569]
+\definecolor [khaki3] [r=.803922,g=.776471,b=.45098]
+\definecolor [khaki4] [r=.545098,g=.52549,b=.305882]
+\definecolor [lightgoldenrod1] [r=1,g=.92549,b=.545098]
+\definecolor [lightgoldenrod2] [r=.933333,g=.862745,b=.509804]
+\definecolor [lightgoldenrod3] [r=.803922,g=.745098,b=.439216]
+\definecolor [lightgoldenrod4] [r=.545098,g=.505882,b=.298039]
+\definecolor [lightyellow1] [r=1,g=1,b=.878431]
+\definecolor [lightyellow2] [r=.933333,g=.933333,b=.819608]
+\definecolor [lightyellow3] [r=.803922,g=.803922,b=.705882]
+\definecolor [lightyellow4] [r=.545098,g=.545098,b=.478431]
+\definecolor [yellow1] [yellow]
+\definecolor [yellow2] [r=.933333,g=.933333]
+\definecolor [yellow3] [r=.803922,g=.803922]
+\definecolor [yellow4] [r=.545098,g=.545098]
+\definecolor [gold1] [r=1,g=.843137]
+\definecolor [gold2] [r=.933333,g=.788235]
+\definecolor [gold3] [r=.803922,g=.678431]
+\definecolor [gold4] [r=.545098,g=.458824]
+\definecolor [goldenrod1] [r=1,g=.756863,b=.145098]
+\definecolor [goldenrod2] [r=.933333,g=.705882,b=.133333]
+\definecolor [goldenrod3] [r=.803922,g=.607843,b=.113725]
+\definecolor [goldenrod4] [r=.545098,g=.411765,b=.078431]
+\definecolor [darkgoldenrod1] [r=1,g=.72549,b=.058824]
+\definecolor [darkgoldenrod2] [r=.933333,g=.678431,b=.054902]
+\definecolor [darkgoldenrod3] [r=.803922,g=.584314,b=.047059]
+\definecolor [darkgoldenrod4] [r=.545098,g=.396078,b=.031373]
+\definecolor [rosybrown1] [r=1,g=.756863,b=.756863]
+\definecolor [rosybrown2] [r=.933333,g=.705882,b=.705882]
+\definecolor [rosybrown3] [r=.803922,g=.607843,b=.607843]
+\definecolor [rosybrown4] [r=.545098,g=.411765,b=.411765]
+\definecolor [indianred1] [r=1,g=.415686,b=.415686]
+\definecolor [indianred2] [r=.933333,g=.388235,b=.388235]
+\definecolor [indianred3] [r=.803922,g=.333333,b=.333333]
+\definecolor [indianred4] [r=.545098,g=.227451,b=.227451]
+\definecolor [sienna1] [r=1,g=.509804,b=.278431]
+\definecolor [sienna2] [r=.933333,g=.47451,b=.258824]
+\definecolor [sienna3] [r=.803922,g=.407843,b=.223529]
+\definecolor [sienna4] [r=.545098,g=.278431,b=.14902]
+\definecolor [burlywood1] [r=1,g=.827451,b=.607843]
+\definecolor [burlywood2] [r=.933333,g=.772549,b=.568627]
+\definecolor [burlywood3] [r=.803922,g=.666667,b=.490196]
+\definecolor [burlywood4] [r=.545098,g=.45098,b=.333333]
+\definecolor [wheat1] [r=1,g=.905882,b=.729412]
+\definecolor [wheat2] [r=.933333,g=.847059,b=.682353]
+\definecolor [wheat3] [r=.803922,g=.729412,b=.588235]
+\definecolor [wheat4] [r=.545098,g=.494118,b=.4]
+\definecolor [tan1] [r=1,g=.647059,b=.309804]
+\definecolor [tan2] [r=.933333,g=.603922,b=.286275]
+\definecolor [tan3] [r=.803922,g=.521569,b=.247059]
+\definecolor [tan4] [r=.545098,g=.352941,b=.168627]
+\definecolor [chocolate1] [r=1,g=.498039,b=.141176]
+\definecolor [chocolate2] [r=.933333,g=.462745,b=.129412]
+\definecolor [chocolate3] [r=.803922,g=.4,b=.113725]
+\definecolor [chocolate4] [r=.545098,g=.270588,b=.07451]
+\definecolor [firebrick1] [r=1,g=.188235,b=.188235]
+\definecolor [firebrick2] [r=.933333,g=.172549,b=.172549]
+\definecolor [firebrick3] [r=.803922,g=.14902,b=.14902]
+\definecolor [firebrick4] [r=.545098,g=.101961,b=.101961]
+\definecolor [brown1] [r=1,g=.25098,b=.25098]
+\definecolor [brown2] [r=.933333,g=.231373,b=.231373]
+\definecolor [brown3] [r=.803922,g=.2,b=.2]
+\definecolor [brown4] [r=.545098,g=.137255,b=.137255]
+\definecolor [salmon1] [r=1,g=.54902,b=.411765]
+\definecolor [salmon2] [r=.933333,g=.509804,b=.384314]
+\definecolor [salmon3] [r=.803922,g=.439216,b=.329412]
+\definecolor [salmon4] [r=.545098,g=.298039,b=.223529]
+\definecolor [lightsalmon1] [r=1,g=.627451,b=.478431]
+\definecolor [lightsalmon2] [r=.933333,g=.584314,b=.447059]
+\definecolor [lightsalmon3] [r=.803922,g=.505882,b=.384314]
+\definecolor [lightsalmon4] [r=.545098,g=.341176,b=.258824]
+\definecolor [orange1] [r=1,g=.647059]
+\definecolor [orange2] [r=.933333,g=.603922]
+\definecolor [orange3] [r=.803922,g=.521569]
+\definecolor [orange4] [r=.545098,g=.352941]
+\definecolor [darkorange1] [r=1,g=.498039]
+\definecolor [darkorange2] [r=.933333,g=.462745]
+\definecolor [darkorange3] [r=.803922,g=.4]
+\definecolor [darkorange4] [r=.545098,g=.270588]
+\definecolor [coral1] [r=1,g=.447059,b=.337255]
+\definecolor [coral2] [r=.933333,g=.415686,b=.313725]
+\definecolor [coral3] [r=.803922,g=.356863,b=.270588]
+\definecolor [coral4] [r=.545098,g=.243137,b=.184314]
+\definecolor [tomato1] [r=1,g=.388235,b=.278431]
+\definecolor [tomato2] [r=.933333,g=.360784,b=.258824]
+\definecolor [tomato3] [r=.803922,g=.309804,b=.223529]
+\definecolor [tomato4] [r=.545098,g=.211765,b=.14902]
+\definecolor [orangered1] [r=1,g=.270588]
+\definecolor [orangered2] [r=.933333,g=.25098]
+\definecolor [orangered3] [r=.803922,g=.215686]
+\definecolor [orangered4] [r=.545098,g=.145098]
+\definecolor [red1] [red]
+\definecolor [red2] [r=.933333]
+\definecolor [red3] [r=.803922]
+\definecolor [red4] [r=.545098]
+\definecolor [deeppink1] [r=1,g=.078431,b=.576471]
+\definecolor [deeppink2] [r=.933333,g=.070588,b=.537255]
+\definecolor [deeppink3] [r=.803922,g=.062745,b=.462745]
+\definecolor [deeppink4] [r=.545098,g=.039216,b=.313725]
+\definecolor [hotpink1] [r=1,g=.431373,b=.705882]
+\definecolor [hotpink2] [r=.933333,g=.415686,b=.654902]
+\definecolor [hotpink3] [r=.803922,g=.376471,b=.564706]
+\definecolor [hotpink4] [r=.545098,g=.227451,b=.384314]
+\definecolor [pink1] [r=1,g=.709804,b=.772549]
+\definecolor [pink2] [r=.933333,g=.662745,b=.721569]
+\definecolor [pink3] [r=.803922,g=.568627,b=.619608]
+\definecolor [pink4] [r=.545098,g=.388235,b=.423529]
+\definecolor [lightpink1] [r=1,g=.682353,b=.72549]
+\definecolor [lightpink2] [r=.933333,g=.635294,b=.678431]
+\definecolor [lightpink3] [r=.803922,g=.54902,b=.584314]
+\definecolor [lightpink4] [r=.545098,g=.372549,b=.396078]
+\definecolor [palevioletred1] [r=1,g=.509804,b=.670588]
+\definecolor [palevioletred2] [r=.933333,g=.47451,b=.623529]
+\definecolor [palevioletred3] [r=.803922,g=.407843,b=.537255]
+\definecolor [palevioletred4] [r=.545098,g=.278431,b=.364706]
+\definecolor [maroon1] [r=1,g=.203922,b=.701961]
+\definecolor [maroon2] [r=.933333,g=.188235,b=.654902]
+\definecolor [maroon3] [r=.803922,g=.160784,b=.564706]
+\definecolor [maroon4] [r=.545098,g=.109804,b=.384314]
+\definecolor [violetred1] [r=1,g=.243137,b=.588235]
+\definecolor [violetred2] [r=.933333,g=.227451,b=.54902]
+\definecolor [violetred3] [r=.803922,g=.196078,b=.470588]
+\definecolor [violetred4] [r=.545098,g=.133333,b=.321569]
+\definecolor [magenta1] [magenta]
+\definecolor [magenta2] [r=.933333,b=.933333]
+\definecolor [magenta3] [r=.803922,b=.803922]
+\definecolor [magenta4] [r=.545098,b=.545098]
+\definecolor [orchid1] [r=1,g=.513725,b=.980392]
+\definecolor [orchid2] [r=.933333,g=.478431,b=.913725]
+\definecolor [orchid3] [r=.803922,g=.411765,b=.788235]
+\definecolor [orchid4] [r=.545098,g=.278431,b=.537255]
+\definecolor [plum1] [r=1,g=.733333,b=1]
+\definecolor [plum2] [r=.933333,g=.682353,b=.933333]
+\definecolor [plum3] [r=.803922,g=.588235,b=.803922]
+\definecolor [plum4] [r=.545098,g=.4,b=.545098]
+\definecolor [mediumorchid1] [r=.878431,g=.4,b=1]
+\definecolor [mediumorchid2] [r=.819608,g=.372549,b=.933333]
+\definecolor [mediumorchid3] [r=.705882,g=.321569,b=.803922]
+\definecolor [mediumorchid4] [r=.478431,g=.215686,b=.545098]
+\definecolor [darkorchid1] [r=.74902,g=.243137,b=1]
+\definecolor [darkorchid2] [r=.698039,g=.227451,b=.933333]
+\definecolor [darkorchid3] [r=.603922,g=.196078,b=.803922]
+\definecolor [darkorchid4] [r=.407843,g=.133333,b=.545098]
+\definecolor [purple1] [r=.607843,g=.188235,b=1]
+\definecolor [purple2] [r=.568627,g=.172549,b=.933333]
+\definecolor [purple3] [r=.490196,g=.14902,b=.803922]
+\definecolor [purple4] [r=.333333,g=.101961,b=.545098]
+\definecolor [mediumpurple1] [r=.670588,g=.509804,b=1]
+\definecolor [mediumpurple2] [r=.623529,g=.47451,b=.933333]
+\definecolor [mediumpurple3] [r=.537255,g=.407843,b=.803922]
+\definecolor [mediumpurple4] [r=.364706,g=.278431,b=.545098]
+\definecolor [thistle1] [r=1,g=.882353,b=1]
+\definecolor [thistle2] [r=.933333,g=.823529,b=.933333]
+\definecolor [thistle3] [r=.803922,g=.709804,b=.803922]
+\definecolor [thistle4] [r=.545098,g=.482353,b=.545098]
+\definecolor [gray0] [black]
+\definecolor [gray1] [s=.01]
+\definecolor [gray2] [s=.02]
+\definecolor [gray3] [s=.03]
+\definecolor [gray4] [s=.04]
+\definecolor [gray5] [s=.05]
+\definecolor [gray6] [s=.06]
+\definecolor [gray7] [s=.07]
+\definecolor [gray8] [s=.08]
+\definecolor [gray9] [s=.09]
+\definecolor [gray10] [s=.1]
+\definecolor [gray11] [s=.11]
+\definecolor [gray12] [s=.12]
+\definecolor [gray13] [s=.13]
+\definecolor [gray14] [s=.14]
+\definecolor [gray15] [s=.15]
+\definecolor [gray16] [s=.16]
+\definecolor [gray17] [s=.17]
+\definecolor [gray18] [s=.18]
+\definecolor [gray19] [s=.19]
+\definecolor [gray20] [s=.2]
+\definecolor [gray21] [s=.21]
+\definecolor [gray22] [s=.22]
+\definecolor [gray23] [s=.23]
+\definecolor [gray24] [s=.24]
+\definecolor [gray25] [s=.25]
+\definecolor [gray26] [s=.26]
+\definecolor [gray27] [s=.27]
+\definecolor [gray28] [s=.28]
+\definecolor [gray29] [s=.29]
+\definecolor [gray30] [s=.3]
+\definecolor [gray31] [s=.31]
+\definecolor [gray32] [s=.32]
+\definecolor [gray33] [s=.33]
+\definecolor [gray34] [s=.34]
+\definecolor [gray35] [s=.35]
+\definecolor [gray36] [s=.36]
+\definecolor [gray37] [s=.37]
+\definecolor [gray38] [s=.38]
+\definecolor [gray39] [s=.39]
+\definecolor [gray40] [s=.4]
+\definecolor [gray41] [s=.41]
+\definecolor [gray42] [s=.42]
+\definecolor [gray43] [s=.43]
+\definecolor [gray44] [s=.44]
+\definecolor [gray45] [s=.45]
+\definecolor [gray46] [s=.46]
+\definecolor [gray47] [s=.47]
+\definecolor [gray48] [s=.48]
+\definecolor [gray49] [s=.49]
+\definecolor [gray50] [s=.5]
+\definecolor [gray51] [s=.51]
+\definecolor [gray52] [s=.52]
+\definecolor [gray53] [s=.53]
+\definecolor [gray54] [s=.54]
+\definecolor [gray55] [s=.55]
+\definecolor [gray56] [s=.56]
+\definecolor [gray57] [s=.57]
+\definecolor [gray58] [s=.58]
+\definecolor [gray59] [s=.59]
+\definecolor [gray60] [s=.6]
+\definecolor [gray61] [s=.61]
+\definecolor [gray62] [s=.62]
+\definecolor [gray63] [s=.63]
+\definecolor [gray64] [s=.64]
+\definecolor [gray65] [s=.65]
+\definecolor [gray66] [s=.66]
+\definecolor [gray67] [s=.67]
+\definecolor [gray68] [s=.68]
+\definecolor [gray69] [s=.69]
+\definecolor [gray70] [s=.7]
+\definecolor [gray71] [s=.71]
+\definecolor [gray72] [s=.72]
+\definecolor [gray73] [s=.73]
+\definecolor [gray74] [s=.74]
+\definecolor [gray75] [s=.75]
+\definecolor [gray76] [s=.76]
+\definecolor [gray77] [s=.77]
+\definecolor [gray78] [s=.78]
+\definecolor [gray79] [s=.79]
+\definecolor [gray80] [s=.8]
+\definecolor [gray81] [s=.81]
+\definecolor [gray82] [s=.82]
+\definecolor [gray83] [s=.83]
+\definecolor [gray84] [s=.84]
+\definecolor [gray85] [s=.85]
+\definecolor [gray86] [s=.86]
+\definecolor [gray87] [s=.87]
+\definecolor [gray88] [s=.88]
+\definecolor [gray89] [s=.89]
+\definecolor [gray90] [s=.9]
+\definecolor [gray91] [s=.91]
+\definecolor [gray92] [s=.92]
+\definecolor [gray93] [s=.93]
+\definecolor [gray94] [s=.94]
+\definecolor [gray95] [s=.95]
+\definecolor [gray96] [s=.96]
+\definecolor [gray97] [s=.97]
+\definecolor [gray98] [s=.98]
+\definecolor [gray99] [s=.99]
+\definecolor [gray100] [white]
+\definecolor [darkgray] [s=.662745]
+\definecolor [darkblue] [b=.545098]
+\definecolor [darkcyan] [g=.545098,b=.545098]
+\definecolor [darkmagenta] [r=.545098,b=.545098]
+\definecolor [darkred] [r=.545098]
+\definecolor [lightgreen] [r=.564706,g=.933333,b=.564706]
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/colo-ext.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/colo-ext.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5b39a8e85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/colo-ext.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=colo-ext, % mostof thsi code used to be in colo-ini.tex
+%D version=1997.04.01,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Color Macros,
+%D subtitle=Extras,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Color Macros / Extras}
+%D \macros
+%D {negatecolorcomponent, negativecolorbox}
+%D Sometimes, especially when we deal with typesetting
+%D devices, we want to reverse the color scheme. Instead of
+%D recalculating all those colors, we use a quick and dirty
+%D approach:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \negativecolorbox0
+%D \stoptyping
+%D will negate the colors in box zero.
+ {\setbox#1\hbox
+ {\dostartnegative
+ \localstartcolor[white]\vrule\!!height\ht#1\!!depth\dp#1\!!width\wd#1\localstopcolor
+ \hskip-\wd#1%
+ \box#1%
+ \dostopnegative}}
+%D There are in principle two ways to handle overprint: bound to colors
+%D or independent. For the moment we only support independent overprint
+%D handling. Here we deal with a per-document setting.
+ [\c!intent=\v!none]
+ {\doifelse\@@clintent\v!overprint
+ {\glet\stoptextoverprint \dostopoverprint
+ \glet\starttextoverprint\dostartoverprint
+ \dostartoverprint}
+ {\glet\stoptextoverprint\donothing}}
+\appendtoks \starttextoverprint \to \everystarttextproperties
+\appendtoks \stoptextoverprint \to \everystoptextproperties
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/colo-hex.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/colo-hex.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ddf2d4706
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/colo-hex.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=colo-hex,
+%D version=2004.06.23,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Color Macros,
+%D subtitle=Hex Colors,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\ifdefined \hexcolorprefix
+ \expandafter \endinput
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Color Macros / Hexadecimal}
+% \edef\testcolor{\string#FFC0C0}
+% \edef\testcolor{\string#55}
+% \setupcolors[state=start]
+% \expanded{\definecolor[thehexcolor][\hexcolorspec\testcolor]}
+% \checkhexcolor[\testcolor]
+% \definecolor[thehexcolor][\testcolor]
+% \starttext
+% test \color[thehexcolor]{rood}
+% test \color[red]{rood}
+% test \color[\testcolor]{rood}
+% \stoptext
+% \definecolor[rgbtestcolor] [r=0.87843,g=0.87451,b=0.89020] % RGB(224,223,227)
+% \definecolor[hextestcolor] [h=E0DFE3]
+% \startMPpage
+% path p ; % example by Peter Rolf
+% p := unitsquare xyscaled(5cm,5cm) ;
+% fill (point 0 of p -- point 1 of p -- point 2 of p --cycle) withcolor \MPcolor{rgbtestcolor} ; % bottom right part of the square
+% fill (point 0 of p -- point 3 of p -- point 2 of p --cycle) withcolor \MPcolor{hextestcolor} ; % top left part
+% \stopMPpage
+\newdimen\hexcolorfraction \hexcolorfraction=\dimexpr1pt/255\relax
+\def\hexcolorspec #1{\expandafter\dohexcolorspec #1\empty\empty\empty\empty\relax}
+\ifx\dohexstringtonumber\undefined \def\dohexstringtonumber{"} \fi
+ {\ifnum\dohexstringtonumber#1#2=\zerocount0\else\ifnum\dohexstringtonumber#1#2=\plusone1\else
+ \expandafter\withoutpt\the\dimexpr\dohexstringtonumber#1#2\hexcolorfraction\relax
+ \fi\fi}
+ {\ifx#4\empty
+ s=\hexcolorcomponent#2#3%
+ \else
+ r=\hexcolorcomponent#2#3,g=\hexcolorcomponent#4#5,b=\hexcolorcomponent#6#7%
+ \fi}
+ {0\ifx#4\empty
+ S:\hexcolorcomponent#2#3%
+ \else
+ R:\hexcolorcomponent#2#3:\hexcolorcomponent#4#5:\hexcolorcomponent#6#7%
+ \fi:0:0}
+ {\expandafter\dodoifhexcolorelse#10\od} % 0 is a dirty trick to catch an empty #1
+ {\ifnum`#1=\hexcolorprefix
+ \expandafter\firstoftwoarguments
+ \else
+ \expandafter\secondoftwoarguments
+ \fi}
+ {\doifhexcolorelse{#1}{\doifundefined{#1}{\setxvalue{\??cr#1}{\hexcolorpattern{#1}}}}\donothing}
+ {\expanded{\docheckhexcolor{#1}}}
+\def\colorHpattern{\@EA\hexcolorpattern\@EA{\@EA*\@@cl@@h}} % * == dummy placeholder
+\let\dodododefinecolor\dododefinecolor % we will overload this one
+ {\doifhexcolorelse{#6}
+ {\setxvalue{\??cr#5}{\hexcolorpattern{#6}}}
+ {\dodododefinecolor#1#2#3#4[#5][#6]}}
+%D For Adam Lindsay and his XeTeX special driver:
+% because we intercept the zero condition, the .23pt in 1.23pt will disappear in the
+% ifcase zero part branch
+ {\ifdim#1\points<.005\points
+ 00\else\lchexnumbers{\the\dimexpr255\dimexpr#1\points\relax+.5\points\relax}%
+ \fi}
+% the faster one
+\newdimen\hex@color@a \hex@color@a=.005pt
+\newdimen\hex@color@b \hex@color@b=.5pt
+\chardef \hex@color@c =255
+ {\ifdim#1\points<\hex@color@a
+ 00\else\lchexnumbers{\the\dimexpr#1\points*\hex@color@c+\hex@color@b\relax}%
+ \fi}
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/colo-ini.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/colo-ini.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..56b9d14da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/colo-ini.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,2794 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=colo-ini,
+%D version=2007.08.08,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Color Macros,
+%D subtitle=Initialization,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D We need to clean this up further but first we hav eto make sure that mkiv
+%D code works ok.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Color Macros / Initialization}
+%D This module implements color. Since \MKII\ and \MKIV\ use a completely
+%D different approach, this module only implements a few generic mechanisms.
+\chardef\colorversion=1 % temp, needed for tracing purposes, mkiv transition
+%D We use a couple of local registers. That way we don't have
+%D to group when converting colors. By the way, this is not
+%D really faster. We can sqeeze half a second runtime for 50K
+%D switches on a 1G machine, but the macros will become rather
+%D ugly then. To mention one such improvement: no colon
+%D after the key character (.25 sec).
+%D When typesetting for paper, we prefer using the \cap{CMYK}
+%D color space, but for on||screen viewing we prefer \cap{RGB}
+%D (the previous implementation supported only this scheme).
+%D Independant of such specifications, we support some automatic
+%D conversions:
+%D \startitemize[packed]
+%D \item convert all colors to \cap{RGB}
+%D \item convert all colors to \cap{CMYK}
+%D \item convert all colors to gray scales
+%D \stopitemize
+%D We also support optimization of colors to gray scales.
+%D \startitemize[continue]
+%D \item reduce gray colors to gray scales
+%D \item reduce \cap{CMY} components to \cap{K}
+%D \stopitemize
+%D These options are communicated by means of:
+\newif\ifweightGRAY \weightGRAYtrue
+%D The last boolean controls reduction of \cap{CMYK} to
+%D \cap{CMY} colors. When set to true, the black component
+%D is added to the other ones.
+%D Prefering gray is not the same as converting to gray.
+%D Conversion treats each color components in a different way,
+%D while prefering is just a reduction and thus a
+%D space||saving option.
+\newif\iffreezecolors \freezecolorsfalse
+\newif\ifincolor % true if colors enabled
+\let\colorlist \empty
+\let\currentspotcolor \empty
+\let\allspotcolors \empty
+\let\usedspotcolors \empty
+\let\currentpalet \empty
+%D \macros
+%D {definecolor,defineglobalcolor,definenamedcolor,definespotcolor,definemultitonecolor}
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \definecolor [blue] [c=1,m=.38,y=0,k=.64] % pantone pms 2965 uncoated m
+%D \definecolor [yellow] [c=0,m=.28,y=1,k=.06] % pantone pms 124 uncoated m
+%D \definespotcolor [blue-100] [blue] [p=1]
+%D \definespotcolor [yellow-100] [yellow] [p=1]
+%D \definemultitonecolor [pdftoolscolor] [blue=.12,yellow=.28] [c=.1,m=.1,y=.3,k=.1]
+%D \useexternalfigure[demofig][mill.png][object=no]
+%D \startcombination[4*1]
+%D {\externalfigure[demofig]} {no color}
+%D {\externalfigure[demofig][color=pdftoolscolor]} {indexed duotone}
+%D {\externalfigure[demofig][color=blue-100]} {spot color}
+%D {\externalfigure[demofig][color=yellow-100]} {spot color}
+%D \stopcombination
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \getbuffer \typebuffer
+\def\definecolor {\dodoubleargument\dodefinecolor}
+\def\defineglobalcolor {\dodoubleargument\dodefineglobalcolor}
+\def\definenamedcolor {\dodoubleargument\dodefinenamedcolor}
+\def\definespotcolor {\dotripleargument\dodefinespotcolor}
+% check: registerusedspotcolors
+% check: registerusedcolorchannels
+%D \macros
+%D {doifcolorelse, doifcolor}
+%D Switching to a color is done by means of the following
+%D command. Later on we will explain the use of palets. We
+%D define ourselves a color conditional first.
+ \let\doifcolorelse\secondoftwoarguments
+ \let\doifcolor \gobbleoneargument
+%D \macros
+%D {localstartcolor,localstopcolor}
+%D Simple color support, that is without nesting, is provided
+%D by:
+ \let\localstartcolor\undefined
+ \let\localstopcolor \undefined
+%D \macros
+%D {faststartcolor,faststopcolor}
+%D No checking for arguments and such:
+ \def\faststartcolor[#1]{}
+ \def\faststopcolor {}
+%D These local ones may go away in future versions.
+%D \macros
+%D {startcolor,stopcolor}
+%D The more save method, the one that saves the current color
+%D state and returns to this state afterward, is activated by:
+%D \showsetup{startcolor}
+ \let\startcolor\undefined
+ \let\stopcolor \undefined
+%D \macros
+%D {startcurrentcolor,stopcurrentcolor}
+\def\stopcurrentcolor {\stopcolor}
+%D \macros
+%D {color,graycolor}
+%D This leaves the simple color command:
+%D \showsetup{color}
+%D \showsetup{graycolor}
+ \def\color [#1]{}
+ \def\graycolor[#1]{}
+ \def\gray {\graycolor}
+%D \macros
+%D {localstartraster,localstopraster,
+%D startraster,stopraster,raster}
+%D The previous conversions are not linear and treat each color
+%D component according to human perception curves. Pure gray
+%D (we call them rasters) has equal color components. In
+%D \CONTEXT\ rasters are only used as backgrounds and these
+%D don't cross page boundaries in the way color does. Therefore
+%D we don't need stacks and marks. Just to be compatible with
+%D color support we offer both 'global' and 'local' commands.
+ \def\startraster [#1]{}
+ \def\stopraster {}
+ \def\raster [#1]{}
+ \def\localstartraster[#1]{}
+ \def\localstopraster {}
+%D \macros
+%D {colorvalue, grayvalue}
+%D We can typeset the color components using \type{\colorvalue} and
+%D \type{\grayvalue}. The commands:
+%D \startbuffer
+%D color value of SomeKindOfRed: \colorvalue{SomeKindOfRed} \crlf
+%D gray value of SomeKindOfRed: \grayvalue{SomeKindOfRed}
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+%D show us:
+%D \startvoorbeeld
+%D \getbuffer
+%D \stopvoorbeeld
+\def\colorformatseparator{ }
+ \let\colorvalue\gobbleoneargument
+ \let\grayvalue \gobbleoneargument
+% check: \currentcolorname
+% check: \outercolorname
+%D \macros
+%D {setupcolor}
+%D Color definitions can be grouped in files with the name:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \f!colorprefix-identifier.tex
+%D \stoptyping
+%D where \type{\f!colorprefix} is \unprotect {\tttf \f!colorprefix}.
+%D Loading such a file is done by \protect
+%D \showsetup{setupcolor}
+%D Some default colors are specified in \type{colo-rgb.tex},
+%D which is loaded into the format by:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \setupcolor[rgb]
+%D \stoptyping
+ {\dosingleargument\dosetupcolor}
+ {\doifnot{#1}\colorstyle
+ {\def\colorstyle{#1}%
+ \processcommalist[#1]\dodosetupcolor}}
+ {\makeshortfilename[\truefilename{\f!colorprefix#1}]%
+ \startreadingfile
+ \readsysfile{\shortfilename.\mksuffix}
+ {\showmessage\m!colors4\colorstyle}
+ {\readsysfile{\shortfilename.tex}
+ {\showmessage\m!colors4\colorstyle}
+ {\showmessage\m!colors5\colorstyle}}%
+ \stopreadingfile}
+% check: \chardef\currentcolorchannel=0
+% check: \startcolormode
+% check: \newif\iffilterspotcolor \filterspotcolorfalse
+% check: \newif\ifdoingspotcolor \doingspotcolorfalse
+% check: \registercolorchannel
+%D \macros
+%D {definetransparency}
+%D This command numbers to names:
+ {\dodoubleargument\dodefinetransparency}
+ {\dosingleargument\dosetupcolors}
+ {\chardef\currentcolorchannel\zerocount
+ \let\currentspotcolor\empty
+ \filterspotcolorfalse}
+ {\resetsystemmode{\v!color\colorsplitsuffix}%
+ \resetcolorsplitting
+ \processaction
+ [\@@clsplit]
+ [ c=>\chardef\currentcolorchannel1,%
+ m=>\chardef\currentcolorchannel2,%
+ y=>\chardef\currentcolorchannel3,%
+ k=>\chardef\currentcolorchannel4,%
+ r=>\chardef\currentcolorchannel5,%
+ g=>\chardef\currentcolorchannel6,%
+ b=>\chardef\currentcolorchannel7,%
+ s=>\chardef\currentcolorchannel8,%
+ \v!no=>,% \currentcolorchannel0,% all colors
+ \s!default=>,% \currentcolorchannel0,% all colors
+ \s!unknown=>\filterspotcolortrue
+ \edef\currentspotcolor{\commalistelement}]%
+ \setsystemmode{\v!color\colorsplitsuffix}%
+ \iffilterspotcolor \let\@@clrgb\v!no \fi}
+ \let\dosetupcolormodel\relax
+\def\dosetupcolors[#1]% some no longer make sense in MkIV
+ {\getparameters[\??cl][#1]%
+ \doifelse\@@clspot\v!yes
+ \SPOTsupportedtrue
+ \SPOTsupportedfalse
+ \doifelsenothing\@@clsplit
+ \resetcolorsplitting
+ \setcolorsplitting
+ \doifelse\@@clreduction\v!yes
+ \reduceCMYKtrue
+ \reduceCMYKfalse
+ \doifelse\@@clexpansion\v!yes
+ \freezecolorstrue
+ \freezecolorsfalse
+ \doifelse\@@clcriterium\v!all
+ \hidesplitcolortrue
+ \hidesplitcolorfalse
+ \doifelse\@@clrgb\v!no
+ {\ifRGBsupported \ifproductionrun\showmessage\m!colors {9}\v!rgb \fi\RGBsupportedfalse \fi}
+ {\ifRGBsupported \else\ifproductionrun\showmessage\m!colors{10}\v!rgb \fi\RGBsupportedtrue \fi}%
+ \doifelse\@@clcmyk\v!no
+ {\ifCMYKsupported \ifproductionrun\showmessage\m!colors {9}\v!cmyk \fi\CMYKsupportedfalse\fi}
+ {\ifCMYKsupported\else\ifproductionrun\showmessage\m!colors{10}\v!cmyk \fi\CMYKsupportedtrue \fi}%
+ \doifelse\@@clmpcmyk\v!no
+ {\ifMPcmykcolors \ifproductionrun\showmessage\m!colors {9}{\v!mp\v!cmyk}\fi\MPcmykcolorsfalse \fi}
+ {\ifMPcmykcolors \else\ifproductionrun\showmessage\m!colors{10}{\v!mp\v!cmyk}\fi\MPcmykcolorstrue \fi}%
+ \doifelse\@@clmpspot\v!no
+ {\ifMPspotcolors \ifproductionrun\showmessage\m!colors {9}{\v!mp\v!spot}\fi\MPspotcolorsfalse \fi}
+ {\ifMPspotcolors \else\ifproductionrun\showmessage\m!colors{10}{\v!mp\v!spot}\fi\MPspotcolorstrue \fi}%
+ \preferGRAYfalse
+ \processaction
+ [\@@clconversion]
+ [ \v!yes=>\preferGRAYtrue,
+ \v!always=>\preferGRAYtrue\RGBsupportedfalse\CMYKsupportedfalse]%
+ \ifRGBsupported
+ \converttoGRAYfalse
+ \forcegrayMPcolorsfalse
+ \else\ifCMYKsupported
+ \converttoGRAYfalse
+ \forcegrayMPcolorsfalse
+ \convertMPcolorstrue
+ \ifreduceCMYK
+ \reduceMPcolorstrue
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \ifconverttoGRAY\else\showmessage\m!colors{11}\empty\fi
+ \converttoGRAYtrue
+ \forcegrayMPcolorstrue
+ \convertMPcolorsfalse
+ \reduceMPcolorsfalse
+ \fi\fi
+ \processaction
+ [\@@clstate]
+ [ \v!global=>\ifincolor\else\showmessage\m!colors1\colorstyle\fi
+ \incolortrue\localcolorfalse,
+ \v!local=>\ifincolor\else\showmessage\m!colors2\colorstyle\fi
+ \incolortrue\localcolortrue,
+ \v!start=>\ifincolor\else\showmessage\m!colors1\colorstyle\fi
+ \incolortrue\localcolorfalse
+ \let\@@clstate\v!global,
+ \v!stop=>\incolorfalse\localcolorfalse
+ \forcegrayMPcolorstrue]%
+ \dosetupcolormodel
+ \initializemaintextcolor}
+%D \macros
+%D {startregistercolor,stopregistercolor,permitcolormode}
+%D If you only want to register a color, the switch \type
+%D {\ifpermitcolormode} can be used. That way the nested
+%D colors know where to go back to.
+ \def\startregistercolor[#1]{}
+ \def\stopregistercolor {}
+%D We use these macros for implementing text colors
+%D (actually, the first application was in foreground
+%D colors).
+%D \starttyping
+%D \starttextcolor[red]
+%D \dorecurse{10}{\input tufte \color[green]{oeps} \par}
+%D \stoptextcolor
+%D \stoptyping
+%D This is more efficient than the alternative:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \setupbackgrounds[text][foregroundcolor=red]
+%D \startregistercolor[red]
+%D \dorecurse{10}{\input tufte \color[green]{oeps} \par}
+%D \stopregistercolor
+%D \stoptyping
+\def\maintextcolor {}
+\def\defaulttextcolor {black}
+ \def\starttextcolor [#1]{}
+ \def\stoptextcolor {}
+ \def\initializemaintextcolor {}
+\ifx\restoretextcolor\undefined % to be redone
+ \let\restoretextcolor \firstofoneargument
+ \let\localstarttextcolor\relax
+ \let\localstoptextcolor \relax
+%D In this documentation we will not go into too much details
+%D on palets. Curious users can find more information on this
+%D topic in \from[use of color].
+%D At the moment we implemented color in \CONTEXT\ color
+%D printing was not yet on the desktop. In spite of this lack our
+%D graphics designer made colorfull illustrations. When printed
+%D on a black and white printer, distinctive colors can come
+%D out equally gray. We therefore decided to use only colors
+%D that were distinctive in colors as well as in black and
+%D white print.
+%D Although none of the graphic packages we used supported
+%D logical colors and global color redefition, we build this
+%D support into \CONTEXT. This enabled us to experiment and
+%D also prepared us for the future.
+%D \macros
+%D {definepalet}
+%D Colors are grouped in palets. The colors in such a palet can
+%D have colorful names, but best is to use names that specify
+%D their use, like {\em important} or {\em danger}. As a sort
+%D of example \CONTEXT\ has some palets predefined,
+%D like:\footnote{At the time I wrote the palet support, I was
+%D reading 'A hort history of time' of S.~Hawkins, so that's
+%D why we stuck to quarks.}
+%D \starttyping
+%D \definepalet
+%D [alfa]
+%D [ top=rood:7,
+%D bottom=groen:6,
+%D up=blauw:5,
+%D down=cyaan:4,
+%D strange=magenta:3,
+%D charm=geel:2]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D It's formal definition is:
+%D \showsetup{definepalet}
+%D Visualized, such a palet looks like:
+%D \startbuffer[palet]
+%D \showpalet [alfa] [horizontal,name,number,value]
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \startlinecorrection
+%D \getbuffer[palet]
+%D \stoplinecorrection
+%D This bar shows both the color and gray alternatives of the
+%D palet components (not visible in black and white print).
+%D When needed, one can copy a palet by saying:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \definepalet [TEXcolorpretty] [colorpretty]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D This saves us some typing in for instance the modules that
+%D deal with pretty verbatim typesetting.
+ {\dodoubleargument\dodefinepalet}
+ {\doifassignmentelse{#2}
+ {%\showmessage\m!colors6{#1}%
+ \letvalue{\??pa#1}\empty
+ \setevalue{\??pa\??pa#1}{#2}%
+ \def\dodododefinepalet[##1=##2]%
+ {\doifvaluesomething{\??pa#1}
+ {\setevalue{\??pa#1}{\csname\??pa#1\endcsname,}}%
+ \setevalue{\??pa#1}{\csname\??pa#1\endcsname##1}%
+ \dodefinepaletcolor{#1}{##1}{##2}}%
+ \def\dododefinepalet##1%
+ {\dodododefinepalet[##1]}%
+ \processcommalist[#2]\dododefinepalet}
+ {\doifdefined{\??pa#2}
+ {\expanded{\dodefinepalet[#1][\csname\??pa\??pa#2\endcsname]}}}}
+ \let\dodefinepaletcolor\gobblethreearguments
+ {\getcommacommandsize[\csname\??pa\??pa#1\endcsname]%
+ \edef\paletsize{\number\commalistsize}}
+%D Instead of refering to colors, one can also directly specify
+%D a color:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \definepalet[test][xx=green]
+%D \definepalet[test][xx={y=.4}]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D \macros
+%D {setuppalet}
+%D Colors are taken from the current palet, if defined.
+%D Setting the current palet is done by:
+%D \showsetup{setuppalet}
+ {\dosingleempty\dosetuppalet}
+ {\edef\currentpalet{#1}%
+ \ifx\currentpalet\empty
+ % seems to be a reset
+ \else\ifcsname\??pa\currentpalet\endcsname
+ \edef\currentpalet{#1:}%
+ \else
+ \showmessage\m!colors7\currentpalet
+ \let\currentpalet\empty
+ \fi\fi}
+%D \macros
+%D {showpalet}
+%D The previous visualization was typeset with:
+%D \typebuffer[palet]
+%D This commands is defined as:
+%D \showsetup{showpalet}
+\fetchruntimecommand \showpalet {\f!colorprefix\s!run}
+%D \macros
+%D {showcolorcomponents}
+%D \starttyping
+%D \showcolorcomponents[color-1,color-2]
+%D \stoptyping
+\fetchruntimecommand \showcolorcomponents {\f!colorprefix\s!run}
+%D \macros
+%D {definecolorgroup}
+%D The naming of the colors in this palet suggests some
+%D ordening, which in turn is suported by color grouping.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \definecolorgroup
+%D [red]
+%D [1.00:0.90:0.90,
+%D 1.00:0.80:0.80,
+%D 1.00:0.70:0.70,
+%D 1.00:0.55:0.55,
+%D 1.00:0.40:0.40,
+%D 1.00:0.25:0.25,
+%D 1.00:0.15:0.15,
+%D 0.90:0.00:0.00]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D In such a color group colors are numbered from~$1$ to~$n$.
+%D \showsetup{definecolorgroup}
+%D This kind of specification is not only more compact than
+%D defining each color separate, it also loads faster and takes
+%D less bytes.
+ {\dotripleempty\dodefinecolorgroup}
+\def\dododefinecolorgroupgray [#1][#2:#3]{\definecolor [#1:\the\colorcount][s=#2]}
+\def\dododefinecolorgrouprgb [#1][#2:#3:#4:#5]{\definecolor [#1:\the\colorcount][r=#2,g=#3,b=#4]}
+\def\dododefinecolorgroupcmyk[#1][#2:#3:#4:#5:#6]{\definecolor [#1:\the\colorcount][c=#2,m=#3=,y=#4,k=#5]}
+\def\dododefinecolorgroupspot [#1][#2:#3:#4]{\definespotcolor[#1:\the\colorcount][#2][p=#3]}
+ {\advance\colorcount\plusone
+ \getvalue{dododefinecolorgroup\currentcolorspace}[#1][#2:0:0:0:0]}
+\def\dodefinecolorgroup[#1][#2][#3]% obsolete, just use palets
+ {\ifthirdargument
+ \doifelsenothing{#2}{\let\currentcolorspace\v!rgb}{\def\currentcolorspace{#2}}%
+ \colorcount\zerocount
+ \processcommalist[#3]{\dododefinecolorgroup{#1}}%
+ \else
+ \doifinstringelse{:}{#2}
+ {\definecolorgroup[#1][\v!rgb][#2]}
+ {\doloop
+ {\doifdefinedelse{\??cr#2:\recurselevel}
+ {\setevalue{\??cr#1:\recurselevel}{\csname\??cr#2:\recurselevel\endcsname}}
+ {\exitloop}}}%
+ \fi}
+%D \macros
+%D {showcolorgroup}
+%D We can show the group by:
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \showcolorgroup [blue] [horizontal,name,number,value]
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+%D or in color:
+%D \startlinecorrection
+%D \getbuffer
+%D \stoplinecorrection
+%D which uses:
+%D \showsetup{showcolorgroup}
+\fetchruntimecommand \showcolorgroup {\f!colorprefix\s!run}
+%D There are ten predefined color groups, like
+%D \color[green]{\em groen}, \color[red]{\em rood},
+%D \color[blue]{\em blauw}, \color[cyan]{\em cyaan},
+%D \color[magenta]{\em magenta} and \color[yellow]{\em geel}.
+%D \startlinecorrection
+%D \hbox to \hsize
+%D {\hss
+%D \showcolorgroup [red] [vertical,name,number]\hss
+%D \showcolorgroup [green] [vertical,name]\hss
+%D \showcolorgroup [blue] [vertical,name]\hss
+%D \showcolorgroup [cyan] [vertical,name]\hss
+%D \showcolorgroup [magenta][vertical,name]\hss
+%D \showcolorgroup [yellow] [vertical,name]\hss}
+%D \stoplinecorrection
+%D These groups are used to define palets {\em alfa} upto {\em
+%D zeta}. As long as we don't use colors from the same row, we
+%D get ourselves distinctive palets. By activating such a palet
+%D one gains access to its members {\em top} to {\em charm} (of
+%D course one should use more suitable names than these).
+%D \startlinecorrection
+%D \hbox to \hsize
+%D {\showpalet [alfa] [vertical,name,number]\hss
+%D \showpalet [beta] [vertical,name]\hss
+%D \showpalet [gamma] [vertical,name]\hss
+%D \showpalet [delta] [vertical,name]\hss
+%D \showpalet [epsilon] [vertical,name]\hss
+%D \showpalet [zeta] [vertical,name]}
+%D \stoplinecorrection
+%D By using the keyword \type {value} the individual color
+%D components are shown too. When printed in color, these
+%D showcases show both the colors and the gray value.
+%D \macros
+%D {comparepalet}
+%D There are some more testing macros available:
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \comparepalet [alfa]
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+%D shows the palet colors against a background:
+%D \startlinecorrection
+%D \getbuffer
+%D \stoplinecorrection
+%D The formal definition is:
+%D \showsetup{comparepalet}
+\fetchruntimecommand \comparepalet {\f!colorprefix\s!run}
+%D \macros
+%D {comparecolorgroup}
+%D The similar command:
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \comparecolorgroup [blue]
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+%D shows color groups:
+%D \startlinecorrection
+%D \getbuffer
+%D \stoplinecorrection
+%D this commands are defined as:
+%D \showsetup{comparecolorgroup}
+\fetchruntimecommand \comparecolorgroup {\f!colorprefix\s!run}
+%D \macros
+%D {showcolor}
+%D But let's not forget that we also have the more traditional
+%D non||related colors. These show up after:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \showcolor [name]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Where \type{name} for instance can be \type{rgb}.
+%D \showsetup{showcolor}
+\fetchruntimecommand \showcolor {\f!colorprefix\s!run}
+%D It would make sense to put the following code in \type
+%D {colo-mps}, but it it rather low level.
+%D \macros
+%D {negatecolorcomponent,negatedcolorcomponent}
+%D These speak for themselves. See \type {colo-ext} for usage.
+\def\negatecolorcomponent#1% #1 = \macro
+ {\scratchdimen\onepoint\advance\scratchdimen-#1\onepoint
+ \ifdim\scratchdimen<\zeropoint\scratchdimen\zeropoint\fi
+ \edef#1{\withoutpt\the\scratchdimen}}
+ {\ifdim\dimexpr\onepoint-#1\onepoint\relax<\zeropoint
+ \!!zerocount
+ \else
+ \expandafter\withoutpt\the\dimexpr\onepoint-#1\onepoint\relax
+ \fi}
+\def\negatecolorcomponent#1% #1 = \macro
+ {\edef#1{\negatedcolorcomponent{#1}}}
+%D \macros
+%D {ifMPgraphics, ifMPcmykcolors, MPcolor}
+%D A very special macro is \type{\MPcolor}. This one can be
+%D used to pass a \CONTEXT\ color to \METAPOST.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \MPcolor{my own red}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D This macro returns a \METAPOST\ triplet \type{(R,G,B)}.
+%D Unless \CMYK\ color support is turned on with \type
+%D {MPcmyk}, only \cap{RGB} colors and gray scales are
+%D supported.
+\newif\ifMPcmykcolors % \MPcmykcolorsfalse
+\newif\ifMPspotcolors % \MPspotcolorsfalse
+ \def\MPcolor#1{(0,0,0)}
+%D \macros
+%D {PDFcolor,FDFcolor}
+%D Similar alternatives are avaliable for \PDF:
+%D For the moment we keep the next downward compatibility
+%D switch, i.e.\ expanded colors. However, predefined colors
+%D and palets are no longer expanded (which is what I wanted
+%D in the first place).
+%D Well, in case we want to do color separation and use CMYK
+%D colors only, this is dangerous since unwanted remapping may
+%D take place. Especially when we redefine already defined
+%D colors in another color space (e.g. darkgreen is
+%D predefined in RGB color space, so a redefinition in CMYK
+%D coordinates before RGB mode is disabled, would give
+%D unexpected results due to the already frozen color spec.)
+%D So, from now on, colors are not frozen any more!
+\newif\iffilterspotcolor \filterspotcolorfalse
+\newif\ifdoingspotcolor \doingspotcolorfalse
+ {\ifdoingspotcolor \else
+ \global\expandafter\chardef\csname\??cs#1\endcsname\zerocount
+ \fi}
+\newif\ifhidesplitcolor \hidesplitcolortrue
+%D The next macro is for instance used in figure splitting:
+ {\iffilterspotcolor
+ \@EA\firstoftwoarguments
+ \else\ifcase\currentcolorchannel
+ \@EAEAEA\secondoftwoarguments
+ \else
+ \@EAEAEA\firstoftwoarguments
+ \fi\fi}
+ {\doifseparatingcolorselse
+ {\doifelsenothing{#1}
+ \secondoftwoarguments
+ {\doifelse{#1}\@@clsplit
+ \firstoftwoarguments
+ \secondoftwoarguments}}
+ \secondoftwoarguments}
+ {\filterspotcolorfalse
+ \chardef\currentcolorchannel\zerocount}
+%D These can be used in selecting specific files (like
+%D figuredatabases).
+% we already have:
+% \def\colorsplitsuffix{\ifcase\currentcolorchannel\else-\@@clsplitsen\fi}
+% \def\colorsplitprefix{\ifcase\currentcolorchannel\else\@@clsplitsen-\fi}
+%D We now define the low level macros:
+%D Color support is not present in \TEX. Colorful output can
+%D however be accomplished by using specials. This also means
+%D that this support depends on the \DVI\ driver used. At the
+%D moment this module was written, still no decent standard on
+%D color specials has been agreed upon. We therefore decided to
+%D implement a mechanism that is as independant as possible of
+%D drivers.
+%D Color support shares with fonts that is must be implemented
+%D in a way that permits processing of individual \DVI\ pages.
+%D Furthermore it should honour grouping. The first condition
+%D forces us to use a scheme that keeps track of colors at
+%D page boundaries. This can be done by means of \TEX's
+%D marking mechanism (\type{\mark}).
+%D When building pages, \TEX\ periodically looks at the
+%D accumulated typeset contents and breaks the page when
+%D suitable. At that moment, control is transfered to the
+%D output routine. This routine takes care of building the
+%D pagebody and for instance adds headers and footers. The page
+%D can be broken in the middle of some colored text, but
+%D headers and footers are often in black upon white or
+%D background. If colors are applied there, they definitely
+%D are used local, which means that they don't cross page
+%D borders.
+%D Boxes are handled as a whole, which means that when we
+%D apply colors inside a box, those colors don't cross page
+%D boundaries, unless of course boxes are split or unboxed.
+%D Especially in interactive texts, colors are often used in
+%D such a local way: in boxes (buttons and navigational tools)
+%D or in the pagebody (backgrounds).
+%D So we can distinguish local colors, that don't cross
+%D pages from global colors, of which we can end many pages
+%D later. The color macros will treat both types in a different
+%D way, thus gaining some speed.
+%D This module also deals with gray scales. Because similar
+%D colors can end up in the same gray scale when printed in
+%D black and white, we also implement a palet system that deals
+%D with these matters. Because of fundamental differences
+%D between color and gray scale printing, in \CONTEXT\ we also
+%D differ between these. For historic reasons |<|we first
+%D implemented gray scales using patterns of tiny periods|>|
+%D and therefore called them {\em rasters}. So don't be
+%D surprised if this term shows up.
+%D \macros
+%D {definecolor}
+%D We will enable users to specify colors in \cap{RGB} and
+%D \cap{CMYK} color spaces or gray scales using
+%D \showsetup{definecolor}
+%D For example:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \definecolor [SomeKindOfRed] [r=.8,g=.05,b=.05]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Such color specifications are saved in a macro in the
+%D following way:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \setvalue{\??cr name}{R:r:g:b}
+%D \setvalue{\??cr name}{C:c:m:y:k}
+%D \setvalue{\??cr name}{S:s}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Gray scales are specified with the \type{s} parameter,
+%D where the \type {s} is derived from {\em screen}.
+%D Starting with \PDF\ 1.4 (2001) \CONTEXT\ supports
+%D transparent colors. The transparency factor is represented
+%D by a \type {t} and the transparency method by an \type {a}
+%D (alternative). Later we will implement more control
+%D (probably by symbolic methods. So, currently the data is
+%D stored as follows:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \setvalue{\??cr name}{R:r:g:b:a:t}
+%D \setvalue{\??cr name}{C:c:m:y:k:a:t}
+%D \setvalue{\??cr name}{S:s:a:t}
+%D \stoptyping
+% r g b : rbg
+% c m y k : cmyk
+% s : gray
+% p n d f : spot
+% h : hexadecimal
+% t a : transparency
+% e : equivalent (spotcolors)
+ {\let\@@cl@@r\@@cl@@z \let\@@cl@@g\@@cl@@z \let\@@cl@@b\@@cl@@z
+ \let\@@cl@@c\@@cl@@z \let\@@cl@@m\@@cl@@z \let\@@cl@@y\@@cl@@z \let\@@cl@@k\@@cl@@z
+ \let\@@cl@@s\@@cl@@z
+ \let\@@cl@@p\@@cl@@o \let\@@cl@@n\empty \let\@@cl@@d\empty \let\@@cl@@f\@@cl@@o
+ \let\@@cl@@h\empty
+ \let\@@cl@@e\empty
+ \let\@@cl@@t\@@cl@@z \let\@@cl@@a\@@cl@@z}
+\def\@@cl@@A{\@@cl@@a} % a hook for symbolic conversion, see below
+%D Handling a few nested \type{\cs}'s is no problem (\type
+%D {\@EA\@EAEAEA\@EA}) but we need a full expansion, so I
+%D tried one of the fully expandable primitives using a sort
+%D of delimited thing. I tried \type {\number} first, but this
+%D does not work, but \type {\romannumeral} does. Actually,
+%D \type{\romannumeral0} returns nothing, so it's a perfect
+%D candidate for this kind of hackery. This reminds me that I
+%D have to look into David Kastrup's Euro\TeX\ 2002 article
+%D because he is using \type {\romannumeral} for loops
+%D (repetitive \quote {m} stuff).
+% \def\x{\y}\def\y{\z}\def\z{0:1:1:1}
+% \def\bla #1:#2:#3\end{}
+% \@EA\bla\romannumeral\x\end
+%D The extra 0 catches empty colors specs (needed for the
+%D \type {\MPcolor} and \type {\PDFcolor} conversion (\type
+%D {\@@cr} equals \type {\relax}!).
+%D Next comes the main definition macro.
+\def\dodefinecolor {\dododefinecolor\relax \setvalue \setevalue1}
+\def\dodefinenamedcolor {\dododefinecolor\doglobal\setvalue \setevalue0}
+\let\colorlist\empty % not really used, only for colo-run
+\def\dododefinecolor#1#2#3#4[#5][#6]% #2==set(g)value #3==set[e|x]value
+ {\ifconditional\collectcolorsinlist\collectcolorinlist{#5}\fi
+ \doifassignmentelse{#6}
+ {\@@resetcolorparameters
+ \getparameters[\??cl @@][#6]%
+ \ifx\@@cl@@h\empty
+ \doifelse{\@@cl@@r\@@cl@@g\@@cl@@b}{\@@cl@@z\@@cl@@z\@@cl@@z}
+ {\doifelse{\@@cl@@c\@@cl@@m\@@cl@@y\@@cl@@k}{\@@cl@@z\@@cl@@z\@@cl@@z\@@cl@@z}
+ {\doifelse\@@cl@@s\@@cl@@z
+ {\showmessage\m!colors8{{[#6]},#5}%
+ #3{\??cr#5}{\colorZpattern}}
+ {#3{\??cr#5}{\colorSpattern}}}
+ {#3{\??cr#5}{\colorCpattern}}}
+ {#3{\??cr#5}{\colorRpattern}}%
+ \else
+ \setxvalue{\??cr#5}{\colorHpattern}%
+ \fi
+ % new: e=external spot color name
+ \ifx\@@cl@@e\empty \else
+ \doregisterspotcolorname{#5}\@@cl@@e
+ \fi}
+ {\doifelsenothing\currentpalet
+ \donefalse
+ {\doifdefinedelse{\??cr\currentpalet#6}\donetrue\donefalse}%
+ \ifdone
+ \doifnot{#5}{#6}
+ {#2{\??cr#5}{\paletcolorspec{#6}}}%
+ \else
+ \doifdefinedelse{\??cr#6}
+ {\doifelse{#5}{#6}
+ {% this way we can freeze \definecolor[somecolor][somecolor]
+ % and still prevent cyclic definitions
+ \iffreezecolors#3{\??cr#5}{\csname\??cr#6\endcsname}\fi}
+ {\iffreezecolors\@EA#3\else\@EA#2\fi{\??cr#5}{\csname\??cr#6\endcsname}}}
+ {\showmessage\m!colors3{#5 (def)}}%
+ \fi}%
+ \ifcase#4\or
+ \unexpanded#2{#5}{\switchtocolor[#5]}% \unexpanded toegevoegd
+ \fi}
+ {\csname\??cr\currentpalet#1\endcsname}
+%D Hex color support is not enabled by default. You need to say \type
+%D {\setupcolor [hex]} to get this working.
+\ifx\colorHpattern\undefined \let\colorHpattern\colorZpattern \fi
+%D New and experimental.
+\def\dodefinespotcolor[#1][#2][#3]% todo: always global
+ {\doifnot{#1}{#2}
+ {\@@resetcolorparameters
+ \ifconditional\collectcolorsinlist\collectcolorinlist{#1}\fi
+ \edef\@@cl@@n{#2}%
+ \getparameters[\??cl @@][#3]%
+ \doifnothing\@@cl@@p{\let\@@cl@@p\!!plusone}%
+ \ifx\@@cl@@e\empty \else
+ \doregisterspotcolorname{#2}\@@cl@@e
+ \fi
+ \doglobal\addtocommalist{#2}\allspotcolors
+ \setxvalue{\??cr#1}{\colorPpattern}% was \setevalue
+ \setgvalue{#1}{\switchtocolor[#1]}}} % was \setvalue
+ {\ifx\allspotcolors\empty \else
+ \bgroup
+ \let\usedspotcolors\empty
+ \def\docommand##1%
+ {\doifdefined{\??cs##1}{\addtocommalist{##1}\usedspotcolors}}%
+ \processcommacommand[\allspotcolors]\docommand
+ \savecurrentvalue\usedspotcolors\usedspotcolors
+ \egroup
+ \fi}
+ {\bgroup
+ \doifdefinedelse{\??cs c}
+ {\def\usedcolorchannels{c,m,y,k}}%
+ {\let\usedcolorchannels\empty}%
+ \doifdefined{\??cs r}
+ {\addtocommalist{r,g,b}\usedcolorchannels}%
+ \doifdefined{\??cs s}
+ {\ExpandBothAfter\doifnotinset{k}\usedcolorchannels
+ {\addtocommalist{s}\usedcolorchannels}}%
+ \savecurrentvalue\usedcolorchannels\usedcolorchannels
+ \egroup}
+ \registerusedspotcolors
+ \registerusedcolorchannels
+\to \everylastshipout
+ {\global\@EA\chardef\csname\??cs#1\endcsname\zerocount}
+%D On top of spotcolors, we define multitone colors. You'd better know
+%D what you're doing because invalid definitions will lead to invalid
+%D documents (i.e.\ resources).
+% \definecolor [darkblue] [c=.5,m=.5]
+% \definecolor [darkyellow] [y=.5]
+% \definemultitonecolor [whatever] [darkblue=.5,darkyellow=.5] [c=.25,m=.25,y=.25] [a=1,t=.5]
+% \definemultitonecolor [another] [darkblue=.5,darkyellow=.5] [c=.25,m=.25,y=.25]
+ {\let\@@cl@@cl@@D\empty % n's
+ \let\@@cl@@cl@@P\empty % p's
+ \let\@@cl@@cl@@N\empty % name
+ \scratchcounter\zerocount
+ \processcommacommand[#2]\dododefinemultitonecolor
+ \bgroup
+ \lccode`\.=`\_%
+ \lccode`\,=`\_%
+ \lccode`\:=`\_%
+ \lccode`\;=`\_%
+ \lccode`\+=`\_%
+ \lccode`\-=`\_%
+ \lccode`\*=`\_%
+ \lccode`\/=`\_%
+% \lccode`\_=`\_%
+ % not needed, other attribute in driver:
+ %
+ % \@@resetcolorparameters
+ % \getparameters[#4]%
+ % \ifx\@@cl@@t\@@cl@@z\else
+ % \edef\@@cl@@cl@@N{\@@cl@@cl@@N_\@@cl@@t_\@@cl@@a}%
+ % \fi
+ \lowercase\@EA{\@EA\xdef\@EA\@@cleancolor\@EA{\@@cl@@cl@@N}}%
+ \egroup
+ \setxvalue{\??cl\@@cleancolor\s!check}{\noexpand\docheckmultitonecolor{\@@cl@@cl@@D}}%
+ \expanded{\defineglobalcolor[\@@cleancolor][#3,#4]}%
+ \expanded{\definespotcolor[#1][\@@cleancolor][#4,f=\the\scratchcounter,p={\@@cl@@cl@@P},d={\@@cl@@cl@@D}]}}
+ {\flushatshipout
+ {\let\checkmultitonecolor\gobbleoneargument
+ \def\docommand##1{\hbox{\definecolor[\s!dummy-100][##1][p=1]\color[\s!dummy-100]}}%
+ \processcommalist[#1]\docommand}}
+ {\csname\??cl#1\s!check\endcsname\letgvalue{\??cl#1\s!check}\relax}
+\def\dodefinespotcolor[#1][#2][#3]% todo: always global (REDEFINED)
+ {\doifnot{#1}{#2}
+ {\@@resetcolorparameters
+ \ifconditional\collectcolorsinlist\collectcolorinlist{#1}\fi
+ \edef\@@cl@@n{#2}%
+ \getparameters[\??cl @@][#3]%
+ \doifnothing \@@cl@@p{\let\@@cl@@p\!!plusone}%
+ \doifsomething\@@cl@@e{\doregisterspotcolorname{#2}\@@cl@@e}%
+ \doglobal\addtocommalist{#2}\allspotcolors
+ \setxvalue{\??cr#1}{\colorPpattern}% was \setevalue
+ \setgvalue{#1}{\switchtocolor[#1]}}}% was \setvalue
+ {\advance\scratchcounter\plusone
+ \splitstring#1\at=\to\!!stringa\and\!!stringb
+ \ifx\@@cl@@cl@@D\empty
+ \let\@@cl@@cl@@D\!!stringa
+ \let\@@cl@@cl@@P\!!stringb
+ \normalizecolor\!!stringb
+ \edef\@@cl@@cl@@N{\!!stringa_\!!stringb}%
+ \else
+ \edef\@@cl@@cl@@D{\@@cl@@cl@@D,\!!stringa}%
+ \edef\@@cl@@cl@@P{\@@cl@@cl@@P,\!!stringb}%
+ \normalizecolor\!!stringb
+ \edef\@@cl@@cl@@N{\@@cl@@cl@@N_\!!stringa_\!!stringb}%
+ \fi}
+% \def\dododefinemultitonecolor#1% a/b safe
+% {\advance\scratchcounter\plusone
+% \splitstring#1\at=\to\@@cl@@one\and\@@cl@@two
+% \ifx\@@cl@@cl@@D\empty
+% \let\@@cl@@cl@@D\@@cl@@one
+% \let\@@cl@@cl@@P\@@cl@@two
+% \normalizecolor\@@cl@@two
+% \edef\@@cl@@cl@@N{\@@cl@@one_\@@cl@@two}%
+% \else
+% \edef\@@cl@@cl@@D{\@@cl@@cl@@D,\@@cl@@one}%
+% \edef\@@cl@@cl@@P{\@@cl@@cl@@P,\@@cl@@two}%
+% \normalizecolor\@@cl@@two
+% \edef\@@cl@@cl@@N{\@@cl@@cl@@N_\@@cl@@one_\@@cl@@two}%
+% \fi}
+%D The names of colors are stored in a comma separated list
+%D only for the purpose of showing them with \type {\showcolor}.
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \definecolor [SomeKindOfRed] [r=.8,g=.05,b=.05]
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+%D \getbuffer
+%D This color shows up as \color [SomeKindOfRed] {some kind
+%D of red}.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \setupcolors[state=start]
+%D \definecolor[mygreen][green]
+%D \definecolor[green][g=.5]
+%D \startcolor[mygreen]test\stopcolor
+%D \setupcolors[expansion=no]
+%D \definecolor[mygreen][green]
+%D \definecolor[green][g=.5]
+%D \startcolor[mygreen]test\stopcolor
+%D \stoptyping
+%D \macros
+%D {startcolormode,stopcolormode,permitcolormode}
+%D We use \type{\stopcolormode} to reset the color in
+%D whatever color space and do so by calling the corresponding
+%D special. Both commands can be used for fast color
+%D switching, like in colored verbatim,
+\newif\ifpermitcolormode \permitcolormodetrue
+\def\dowithcolor#1#2% #1=\action #2=color
+ {\ifincolor\ifpermitcolormode
+ \ifcsname\??cr\currentpalet#2\endcsname
+ \handlecolorwith#1\csname\??cr\currentpalet#2\endcsname\od
+ \else\ifcsname\??cr#2\endcsname
+ \handlecolorwith#1\csname\??cr#2\endcsname\od
+ \fi\fi
+ \fi\fi}
+\def\startcolormode % includes \ifincolor\ifpermitcolormode
+ {%\dostoptransparency % needed for: {test \trans test \notrans test}
+ \conditionalstoptransparency
+ \dowithcolor\execcolorRCSP}
+ {\ifincolor\ifpermitcolormode
+ \supportedstoptransparency
+ \dostopcolormode
+ \fi\fi}
+ {\ifincolor\ifpermitcolormode
+ \supportedstoptransparency
+ \dostopcolormode
+ \ifx\maintextcolor\empty \else
+ \startcolormode\maintextcolor
+ \fi
+ \fi\fi}
+%D Color modes are entered using the next set of commands.
+%D The \type{\stop} alternatives are implemented in a way
+%D that permits non||grouped use.
+%D The, for this module redundant, check if we are in color
+%D mode is needed when we use these macros in other modules.
+ {\csname execcolor#1\endcsname}
+ {\iffilterspotcolor
+ \@EA\noexeccolorR
+ \else
+ \@EA\doexeccolorR
+ \fi}
+ {\iffilterspotcolor
+ \@EA\noexeccolorC
+ \else
+ \@EA\doexeccolorC
+ \fi}
+ {\iffilterspotcolor
+ \@EA\noexeccolorS
+ \else
+ \@EA\doexeccolorS
+ \fi}
+ {\iffilterspotcolor
+ \@EA\doexeccolorPP
+ \else\ifcase\currentcolorchannel
+ \@EAEAEA\doexeccolorP
+ \else
+ \@EAEAEA\noexeccolorP
+ \fi\fi}
+ {\edef\@@cl@@r{#1}\edef\@@cl@@g{#2}\edef\@@cl@@b{#3}%
+ \ifpreferGRAY\ifx\@@cl@@r\@@cr@@g\ifx\@@cl@@r\@@cl@@b
+ \GRAYpreferedtrue
+ \fi\fi\fi
+ \ifincolor\else\RGBsupportedfalse\CMYKsupportedfalse\fi
+ \ifGRAYprefered
+ \registercolorchannel\c!s
+ \let\@@cl@@s\@@cl@@r
+ \normalizeGRAY
+ \doexeccolorgray
+ \else\ifRGBsupported
+ \registercolorchannel\c!r
+ \normalizeRGB
+ \doexeccolorrgb
+ \else\ifCMYKsupported
+ \registercolorchannel\c!c
+ \convertRGBtoCMYK\@@cl@@r\@@cl@@g\@@cl@@b
+ \normalizeCMYK
+ \doexeccolorcmyk
+ \else
+ \registercolorchannel\c!s
+ \convertRGBtoGRAY\@@cl@@r\@@cl@@g\@@cl@@b
+ \normalizeGRAY
+ \doexeccolorgray
+ \fi\fi\fi
+ \exectransparency}
+ {\edef\@@cl@@c{#1}\edef\@@cl@@m{#2}\edef\@@cl@@y{#3}\edef\@@cl@@k{#4}%
+ \ifpreferGRAY\ifx\@@cl@@k\@@cl@@z\ifx\@@cl@@c\@@cr@@m\ifx\@@cl@@c\@@cl@@y
+ \GRAYpreferedtrue
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi
+ \ifincolor\else\RGBsupportedfalse\CMYKsupportedfalse\fi
+ \ifGRAYprefered
+ \registercolorchannel\c!s
+ \let\@@cl@@s\@@cl@@c
+ \normalizeGRAY
+ \doexeccolorgray
+ \else\ifCMYKsupported
+ \registercolorchannel\c!c
+ \ifreduceCMYK
+ \convertCMYKtoCMY\@@cl@@c\@@cl@@m\@@cl@@y\@@cl@@k
+ \fi
+ \normalizeCMYK
+ \doexeccolorcmyk
+ \else\ifRGBsupported
+ \registercolorchannel\c!r
+ \convertCMYKtoRGB\@@cl@@c\@@cl@@m\@@cl@@y\@@cl@@k
+ \normalizeRGB
+ \doexeccolorrgb
+ \else
+ \registercolorchannel\c!s
+ \convertCMYKtoGRAY\@@cl@@c\@@cl@@m\@@cl@@y\@@cl@@k
+ \normalizeGRAY
+ \doexeccolorgray
+ \fi\fi\fi
+ \exectransparency}
+ {\edef\@@cl@@s{#1}%
+ \registercolorchannel\c!s
+ \normalizeGRAY
+ \doexeccolorgray
+ \exectransparency}
+% \def\doexeccolorP#1:#2:%
+% {\edef\@@cl@@n{#1}%
+% \edef\@@cl@@p{#2}%
+% \registerusedspotcolor\@@cl@@n
+% \ifSPOTsupported
+% \dowithcolor\registerspotcolor\@@cl@@n
+% \dostartspotcolormode\@@cl@@n\@@cl@@p
+% \else
+% \doingspotcolortrue
+% \let\spotcolorfactor\@@cl@@p
+% \factorizecolortrue % using counter and array
+% \dowithcolor\execcolorRCSP\@@cl@@n
+% \factorizecolorfalse
+% \let\spotcolorfactor\@@cl@@o
+% \doingspotcolorfalse
+% \fi
+% \exectransparency}
+ {\edef\@@cl@@n{#1}% name
+ \edef\@@cl@@f{#2}% fractions
+ \edef\@@cl@@d{#3}% definitions
+ \edef\@@cl@@p{#4}%
+ \ifx\@@cl@@d\empty
+ \let\@@cl@@d\@@cl@@n
+ \fi
+ \registerusedspotcolor\@@cl@@n
+ \ifSPOTsupported
+ \checkmultitonecolor\@@cl@@n
+ \dowithcolor\registerspotcolor\@@cl@@n
+ \dostartspotcolormode\@@cl@@n\@@cl@@p
+ \else
+ \doingspotcolortrue
+ \normalizespotcolor\@@cl@@p
+ \let\spotcolorfactor\@@cl@@p
+ \factorizecolortrue % using counter and array
+ \dowithcolor\execcolorRCSP\@@cl@@n
+ \factorizecolorfalse
+ \let\spotcolorfactor\@@cl@@o
+ \doingspotcolorfalse
+ \fi
+ \exectransparency}
+ {\edef\@@cl@@n{#1}%
+ \edef\@@cl@@f{#2}%
+ \edef\@@cl@@d{#3}%
+ \edef\@@cl@@p{#4}%
+ \ifx\@@cl@@d\empty
+ \let\@@cl@@d\@@cl@@n
+ \fi
+ \ifSPOTsupported
+ \checkmultitonecolor\@@cl@@n
+ \dowithcolor\registerindexcolor\@@cl@@n
+ \fi
+ \noexectransparency}
+ {\edef\@@cl@@n{#1}%
+ \edef\@@cl@@p{#2}%
+ \registerusedspotcolor\@@cl@@n
+ \ifx\@@cl@@n\currentspotcolor
+ \normalizeSPOT
+ \dostartgraycolormode\@@cl@@p % was spotcolormode
+ \else
+ \dovidecolor\@@cl@@p\@@cl@@o
+ \fi
+ \exectransparency}
+ {\ifcase\currentcolorchannel
+ \dostartrgbcolormode\@@cl@@r\@@cl@@g\@@cl@@b
+ \or \or \or \or
+ \or \dostartgraycolormode\@@cl@@r
+ \or \dostartgraycolormode\@@cl@@g
+ \or \dostartgraycolormode\@@cl@@b
+ \fi}
+ {\ifcase\currentcolorchannel
+ \dostartcmykcolormode\@@cl@@c\@@cl@@m\@@cl@@y\@@cl@@k
+ \or \negatecolorcomponent\@@cl@@c\dostartgraycolormode\@@cl@@c
+ \or \negatecolorcomponent\@@cl@@m\dostartgraycolormode\@@cl@@m
+ \or \negatecolorcomponent\@@cl@@y\dostartgraycolormode\@@cl@@y
+ \or \negatecolorcomponent\@@cl@@k\dostartgraycolormode\@@cl@@k
+ \fi}
+ {\ifcase\currentcolorchannel
+ \dostartgraycolormode\@@cl@@s
+ \or \or \or
+ \or \dostartgraycolormode\@@cl@@s
+ \or \or \or
+ \or \dostartgraycolormode\@@cl@@s
+ \fi}
+%D When filtering colors, we need to either erase
+%D the background, or ignore the foreground.
+% \newif\ifhidesplitcolor \hidesplitcolortrue
+% \def\noexeccolor#1\od
+% {\dostartgraycolormode\@@cl@@o}
+% \let\noexeccolorS\noexeccolor
+% \let\noexeccolorP\noexeccolor
+%D Well, here comes some real trickery. When we have the 100\%
+%D spot color or black color, we don't want to erase the
+%D background. So, instead we hide the content by giving it
+%D zero transparency.
+% todo : #1#2#3 met #2 > of < and #3 een threshold
+ {\ifhidesplitcolor
+ \ifx#1#2%
+ \dostartgraycolormode\@@cl@@o
+ \else
+ \doregisternonecolor
+ \dostartnonecolormode
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \dostartgraycolormode\@@cl@@o
+ \fi}
+ {\ifhidesplitcolor
+ \ifx#1#2%
+ \doregisternonecolor
+ \dostartnonecolormode
+ \else
+ \dostartgraycolormode\@@cl@@o
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \dostartgraycolormode\@@cl@@o
+ \fi}
+% \def\fullytransparentcolor % fails on floats
+% {\dostartgraycolormode\@@cl@@o % better than z
+% %\global\@EA\chardef\csname\@@currenttransparent\endcsname\plusone
+% %\global\intransparenttrue
+% \dostarttransparency10}
+ {\edef\@@cl@@r{#1}\edef\@@cl@@g{#2}\edef\@@cl@@b{#3}%
+ \dohidecolor\@@cl@@s\@@cl@@o}
+ {\edef\@@cl@@c{#1}\edef\@@cl@@m{#2}\edef\@@cl@@y{#3}\edef\@@cl@@k{#4}%
+ \dohidecolor\@@cl@@s\@@cl@@o}
+ {\edef\@@cl@@s{#1}%
+ \dohidecolor\@@cl@@s\@@cl@@o}
+ {\edef\@@cl@@p{#4}%
+ \dohidecolor\@@cl@@p\@@cl@@z}
+%D For the sake of postprocessing (i.e.\ color separation)
+%D we can normalize colors, which comes down to giving equal
+%D values an equal accuracy and format. This feature is
+%D turned off by default due to a speed penalty. This macro
+%D also handles spot color percentages.
+% \def\normalizecolor#1%
+% {\colordimen#1\thousandpoint
+% \colordimen\spotcolorfactor\colordimen
+% \colorcount\colordimen
+% \advance\colorcount \medcard
+% \divide\colorcount \maxcard
+% \edef#1{\realcolorvalue\colorcount}}
+ {\colorcount\numexpr(\dimexpr\spotcolorfactor\dimexpr#1\thousandpoint\relax\relax+\medcard)/\maxcard\relax
+ \edef#1{\realcolorvalue\colorcount}}
+% \def\normalizespotcolor#1%
+% {\colordimen-#1\thousandpoint
+% \advance\colordimen\thousandpoint
+% \colorcount\colordimen
+% \advance\colorcount \medcard
+% \divide\colorcount \maxcard
+% \edef#1{\realcolorvalue\colorcount}}
+ {\colorcount\numexpr(\dimexpr\thousandpoint-#1\thousandpoint\relax+\medcard)/\maxcard\relax
+ \edef#1{\realcolorvalue\colorcount}}
+ {\normalizecolor\@@cl@@r
+ \normalizecolor\@@cl@@g
+ \normalizecolor\@@cl@@b}
+ {\ifnormalizecolor
+ \donormalizeRGB
+ \else\iffactorizecolor
+ \donormalizeRGB
+ \fi\fi}
+ {\normalizecolor\@@cl@@c
+ \normalizecolor\@@cl@@m
+ \normalizecolor\@@cl@@y
+ \normalizecolor\@@cl@@k}
+ {\ifnormalizecolor
+ \donormalizeCMYK
+ \else\iffactorizecolor
+ \donormalizeCMYK
+ \fi\fi}
+ {\normalizecolor\@@cl@@s}
+ {\ifnormalizecolor
+ \donormalizeGRAY
+ \else\iffactorizecolor
+ \donormalizeGRAY
+ \fi\fi}
+ {\normalizespotcolor\@@cl@@p}
+%D We need to register spot colors (i.e.\ resources need to
+%D be created.
+ {\ifcsname\??cl:\c!p:\@@cl@@n\endcsname
+ \@EA\dontregisterspotcolor
+ \else
+ \letgvalue{\??cl:\c!p:\@@cl@@n}\empty
+ %\@EA\@EA\csname registerspotcolor#1\endcsname
+ \csname registerspotcolor#1\@EA\endcsname
+ \fi}
+% todo: convert to rgb if needed, will will do this in mkiv
+\def\dontregisterspotcolor #1\od{}
+\def\registerspotcolorR #1:#2:#3:#4\od{\doregisterrgbspotcolor \@@cl@@n\@@cl@@f\@@cl@@d\@@cl@@p{#1}{#2}{#3}}
+\def\registerspotcolorS #1:#2\od{\doregistergrayspotcolor\@@cl@@n\@@cl@@f\@@cl@@d\@@cl@@p{#1}}
+\def\registerspotcolorP #1:#2:#3\od{\doregistergrayspotcolor\@@cl@@n\@@cl@@f\@@cl@@d\@@cl@@p{#2}}
+%D Experimental feature:
+% \definecolor [darkblue] [c=1,m=.38,y=0,k=.64] % pantone pms 2965 uncoated m
+% \definecolor [darkyellow] [c=0,m=.28,y=1,k=.06] % pantone pms 124 uncoated m
+% \definecolor [darkblue-50] [darkblue] [p=.5]
+% \definecolor [darkyellow-50] [darkyellow] [p=.5]
+% \definecolor [darkblue-80] [darkblue] [p=.8]
+% \definecolor [darkyellow-80] [darkyellow] [p=.8]
+% \definecolor [darkblue,darkyellow] [r=.8]
+% \definecolor [darkdull-5030] [darkblue,darkyellow] [p={.5,.3}]
+% \setupcolors[state=start]
+% \blackrule[width=4cm,height=3cm,color=darkblue-50]
+% \blackrule[width=4cm,height=3cm,color=darkblue-80]
+% \blackrule[width=4cm,height=3cm,color=darkyellow-50]
+% \blackrule[width=4cm,height=3cm,color=darkyellow-80]
+% \blackrule[width=4cm,height=3cm,color=darkdull-5030]
+%D Experimental too (special purpose code).
+ {\ifcsname\??cl:i:\@@cl@@n\endcsname
+ \@EA\dontregisterindexcolor
+ \else
+ \letgvalue{\??cl:i:\@@cl@@n}\empty % signal
+ \showmessage\m!colors{12}\@@cl@@n
+ \@EA\@EA\csname registerindexcolor#1\endcsname
+ \fi}
+\def\registerindexcolorR #1:#2:#3:#4\od{\doregisterrgbindexcolor \@@cl@@n\@@cl@@f\@@cl@@d\@@cl@@p{#1}{#2}{#3}}
+\def\registerindexcolorS #1:#2\od{\doregistergrayindexcolor\@@cl@@n\@@cl@@f\@@cl@@d\@@cl@@p{#1}}
+\def\registerindexcolorP #1:#2:#3\od{\doregistergrayindexcolor\@@cl@@n\@@cl@@f\@@cl@@d\@@cl@@p{#2}}
+ {\bgroup
+ \flushatshipout{\hbox{\localcolortrue\color[#1]{}}}% real ones
+ \egroup}
+ {\bgroup
+ \flushatshipout{\hbox{\localcolortrue\color[#1]{}}}% real ones
+ \let\doexeccolorP\doexeccolorPindex
+ \flushatshipout{\hbox{\localcolortrue\color[#1]{}}}% index one
+ \egroup}
+% \def\checkpredefinedcolor[#1]%
+% {\ifcase\internalspotcolorsize{#1}\relax
+% \@EA\predefinecolor\or\@EA\predefinecolor\else\@EA\predefineindexcolor
+% \fi[#1]}
+\let\checkpredefinedcolor\predefineindexcolor % we need an index in order to negate bitmaps
+%D Transparency is handled similar for all three color modes. We
+%D can turn transparency off with the following switch:
+\newif\iftransparencysupported \transparencysupportedtrue % only mkii
+ {\iftransparencysupported
+ \expandafter\doexectransparency
+ \else
+ \expandafter\noexectransparency
+ \fi}
+ {\ifcase#1\space
+ \global\intransparentfalse
+ \else
+ \global\intransparentfalse
+ %\dostarttransparency{#1}{#2}%
+ \supportedstarttransparency{#1}{#2}%
+ \global\intransparenttrue
+ \fi}
+ {}
+%D Experimental: minimize transparency resets.
+\newif\ifoptimizetransparency \optimizetransparencytrue % under test
+ {\ifoptimizetransparency
+ \ifintransparent
+ \global\intransparentfalse
+ \supportedstoptransparency
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \supportedstoptransparency
+ \fi}
+ {\iftransparencysupported
+ \globallet\supportedstoptransparency\dostoptransparency
+ \expandafter\dostarttransparency
+ \else
+ \expandafter\gobbletwoarguments
+ \fi}
+%D We now use the \type {\@@cl@@A} hook to implement
+%D symbolic names. These are converted into numbers
+%D at definition time (which saves runtime).
+ {\@EA\chardef\csname\??cl-#1\endcsname#2\relax}
+ {\number\executeifdefined{\??cl-#1}{#1}}
+%D Now we hook 'm into the patterns:
+%D The next macro can be used to return to the (normal)
+%D page color. This macro is used in the same way as
+%D \type {\color}.
+ {\permitcolormodefalse\startcolor[#1]\permitcolormodetrue}
+ {\permitcolormodefalse\stopcolor\permitcolormodetrue}
+ {\doifsomething{#1}
+ {\bgroup
+ \def\stoptextcolor % also goes ok with \page after
+ {\let\maintextcolor\empty % this one because the top of
+ \stopregistercolor % page sets the color right (side
+ \egroup}% % effect)
+ \def\starttextcolor[##1]%
+ {\bgroup
+ % \@@themaintextcolor==##1 is catched in \definecolor
+ \definecolor[\@@themaintextcolor][##1]%
+ \let\stoptextcolor\egroup}%
+ \startregistercolor[\@@themaintextcolor]%
+ \definecolor[\@@themaintextcolor][#1]%
+ \let\maintextcolor\@@themaintextcolor}}
+%D The following hook permits proper support at the text
+%D level. This definition actually belongs in another
+%D module. (May need a different \MKIV\ implementation.)
+% \ifx\initializemaintextcolor\undefined
+ \let\@@clprevcolor\empty
+ \def\initializemaintextcolor
+ {% saveguard for setting text color to empty after
+ % it has been set
+ \doifnothing\@@cltextcolor
+ {\ifx\@@clprevcolor\empty\else
+ \let\@@cltextcolor\defaulttextcolor
+ \fi}%
+ \doifelsenothing\@@cltextcolor
+ {\let\maintextcolor\empty}
+ {\edef\@@clprevcolor{\@@cltextcolor}%
+ \let\maintextcolor\@@themaintextcolor
+ \doifelsenothing\@@cltextcolor % another saveguard
+ {\definecolor[\@@themaintextcolor][\defaulttextcolor]}%
+ {\definecolor[\@@themaintextcolor][\@@cltextcolor]}%
+ \doinitializemaintextcolor}}
+ \def\doinitializemaintextcolor
+ {\appendtoks\starttextcolor[\@@themaintextcolor]\to\everystarttext
+ \appendtoks\stoptextcolor \to\everystoptext
+ \let\doinitializemaintextcolor\relax}
+% \fi
+ {\ifx\maintextcolor\empty
+ \startcolormode\defaulttextcolor
+ \else
+ \startcolormode\maintextcolor
+ \fi}
+% \def\localstoptextcolor
+% {\stopcolormode}
+% better:
+ {\restorecolormode}
+ {\ifx\maintextcolor\empty
+ \expandafter\dorestoretextcolor
+ \else
+ % obey main text color
+ \fi}
+ {\color[\defaulttextcolor]}
+%D We use some reserved names for local color components.
+%D Consistent use of these scratch variables saves us
+%D unneccessary hash entries.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \@@cl@@r \@@cl@@g \@@cl@@b
+%D \@@cl@@c \@@cl@@m \@@cl@@y \@@cl@@k
+%D \@@cl@@s
+%D \stoptyping
+%D We implement several conversion routines.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \convertRGBtoCMYK {r} {g} {b}
+%D \convertRGBtoGRAY {r} {g} {b}
+%D \convertCMYKtoRGB {c} {m} {y} {k}
+%D \convertCMYKtoGRAY {c} {m} {y} {k}
+%D \convertCMYKtoCMY {c} {m} {y} {k}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The relation between \cap{Gray}, \cap{RGB} and \cap{CMYK}
+%D is:
+%D \placeformula[-]
+%D \startformula
+%D G = .30r + .59g + .11b
+%D = 1.0 - \min(1.0,\ .30c + .59m + .11y + k)
+%D \stopformula
+%D When converting from \cap{CMYK} to \cap{RGB} we use the
+%D formula:
+%D \placeformula[-]
+%D \startformula
+%D \eqalign
+%D {r &= 1.0 - \min(1.0,\ c+k) \cr
+%D g &= 1.0 - \min(1.0,\ m+k) \cr
+%D b &= 1.0 - \min(1.0,\ y+k)}
+%D \stopformula
+%D In the conversion routine the color components are calculated
+%D in three digits precision.
+ {\ifnum#1>\zerocount % important, first encountered in --modu supp-mpe
+ \ifnum#1<\plusten 0.00\the#1\else
+ \ifnum#1<\plushundred 0.0\the#1\else
+ \ifnum#1<\plusthousand 0.\the#1\else
+ 1\fi\fi\fi
+ \else 0\fi}
+% \def\doconvertCMYKtoRGB#1\k#2\to#3%
+% {\ifdim#2\points>#1\points% >= problem, repaired 2/12/2002
+% \let#3\@@cl@@z % k >= color
+% \else
+% \colordimen\onepoint
+% \advance\colordimen -#1\points
+% \advance\colordimen -#2\points
+% \multiply\colordimen \plusthousand
+% \colorcount\colordimen
+% \advance\colorcount \medcard
+% \divide\colorcount \maxcard
+% \edef#3{\realcolorvalue\colorcount}%
+% \fi}
+ {\colorcount\numexpr(\dimexpr\plusthousand\dimexpr\onepoint-#1\points-#2\points\relax\relax+\medcard)/\maxcard\relax
+ \ifnum\colorcount>\zeropoint
+ \edef#3{\realcolorvalue\colorcount}%
+ \else
+ \let#3\@@cl@@z
+ \fi}
+ {\doconvertCMYKtoRGB#1\k#4\to\@@cl@@r
+ \doconvertCMYKtoRGB#2\k#4\to\@@cl@@g
+ \doconvertCMYKtoRGB#3\k#4\to\@@cl@@b}
+% \def\doconvertRGBtoCMYK#1\to#2%
+% {\colordimen#1\points
+% \multiply\colordimen \plusthousand
+% \colorcount\colordimen
+% \advance\colorcount \medcard
+% \divide\colorcount \maxcard
+% \colorcount-\colorcount
+% \advance\colorcount \plusthousand
+% \edef#2{\realcolorvalue\colorcount}}
+ {\colorcount\numexpr\plusthousand-(\dimexpr\plusthousand\dimexpr#1\points\relax\relax+\medcard)/\maxcard\relax
+ \edef#2{\realcolorvalue\colorcount}}
+ {\doconvertRGBtoCMYK#1\to\@@cl@@c
+ \doconvertRGBtoCMYK#2\to\@@cl@@m
+ \doconvertRGBtoCMYK#3\to\@@cl@@y
+ \let\@@cl@@k\@@cl@@z}
+%D The following switch is mainly meant for (hidden)
+%D documentation purposes.
+% \def\convertRGBtoGRAY#1#2#3%
+% {\colordimen#1\points
+% \colordimen\rGRAYfactor\colordimen
+% \colorcount\colordimen
+% \colordimen#2\points
+% \colordimen\gGRAYfactor\colordimen
+% \advance\colorcount \colordimen
+% \colordimen#3\points
+% \colordimen\bGRAYfactor\colordimen
+% \advance\colorcount \colordimen
+% \advance\colorcount \medcard
+% \divide\colorcount \maxcard
+% \edef\@@cl@@s{\realcolorvalue\colorcount}}
+ {\colorcount\numexpr
+ (\dimexpr\rGRAYfactor\dimexpr#1\points\relax\relax+
+ \dimexpr\gGRAYfactor\dimexpr#2\points\relax\relax+
+ \dimexpr\bGRAYfactor\dimexpr#3\points\relax\relax+
+ \medcard)/\maxcard
+ \relax
+ \edef\@@cl@@s{\realcolorvalue\colorcount}}
+ {\convertCMYKtoRGB{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}%
+ \convertRGBtoGRAY\@@cl@@r\@@cl@@g\@@cl@@b}
+% \def\doconvertCMYKtoCMY#1\k#2\to#3%
+% {\colordimen#1\points
+% \advance\colordimen #2\points\relax
+% \ifdim\colordimen>\onepoint
+% \colordimen\onepoint
+% %\else
+% % \colordimen\colordimen
+% \fi
+% \multiply\colordimen \plusthousand
+% \colorcount\colordimen
+% \advance\colorcount \medcard
+% \divide\colorcount \maxcard
+% \edef#3{\realcolorvalue\colorcount}}
+ {\colorcount\numexpr(\dimexpr\plusthousand\dimexpr#1\points+#2\points\relax\relax+\medcard)/\maxcard\relax
+ \ifnum\colorcount>\plusthousand
+ \let#3\@@cl@@o
+ \else
+ \edef#3{\realcolorvalue\colorcount}%
+ \fi}
+ {\doconvertCMYKtoCMY#1\k#4\to\@@cl@@c
+ \doconvertCMYKtoCMY#2\k#4\to\@@cl@@m
+ \doconvertCMYKtoCMY#3\k#4\to\@@cl@@y
+ \let\@@cl@@k\@@cl@@z}
+%D Before we present the color macros, we first define the
+%D setup command. This command takes care of setting up the
+%D booleans that control local and global behavior (more on
+%D that later) and conversion to other color spaces.
+\let\currentspotcolor \empty
+%D The tests depend on the use of constants. If we use the \MKIV\
+%D method we can share more.
+ {\ifcsname\??cr\ifcsname\??cr\currentpalet#1\endcsname\currentpalet\fi#1\endcsname
+ \expandafter\firstoftwoarguments
+ \else
+ \expandafter\secondoftwoarguments
+ \fi}
+ {\ifcsname\??cr\ifcsname\??cr\currentpalet#1\endcsname\currentpalet\fi#1\endcsname
+ \expandafter\firstofoneargument
+ \else
+ \expandafter\gobbleoneargument
+ \fi}
+%D There are a couple of different color switching macros,
+%D the local ones can be used to speed up things (only in \MKII).
+ {\ifincolor
+ \localcolortrue
+ \expandafter\doglobalstartcolor
+ \else
+ \expandafter\noglobalstartcolor
+ \fi}
+ {\ifincolor
+ \doglobalstopcolor
+ \else
+ \noglobalstopcolor
+ \fi}
+ {\ifincolor
+ \expandafter\doglobalstartcolor
+ \else
+ \expandafter\noglobalstartcolor
+ \fi}
+ {\ifincolor
+ \doglobalstopcolor
+ \else
+ \noglobalstopcolor
+ \fi}
+%D This macros call the global color switching ones. Starting
+%D a global, i.e. a possible page boundary crossing, color
+%D mode also sets a \type{\mark} in \TEX's internal list.
+\letvalue{\??cl0C}\empty % saved color
+\letvalue{\??cl0S}\empty % stop command
+%D We keep a positive color stack for foreground colors, and
+%D a negative one for backgrounds. Not that brilliant a
+%D solution, but it suits. The signs are swapped when the
+%D page ornaments are typeset.
+\let\@@colorplus \plusone
+\def\@@currentcolorname {\??cl\the\colorlevel C}
+\def\@@currentcolorstop {\??cl\the\colorlevel S}
+%def\@@currenttransparent{\??cl\the\colorlevel T}
+ {\csname
+ \ifcsname\@@currentcolorname\endcsname
+ \expandafter\ifx\csname\@@currentcolorname\endcsname\empty
+ \??cl*\s!black
+ \else
+ \@@currentcolorname
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \??cl*\s!black
+ \fi
+ \endcsname}
+ {\ifcsname\@@currentcolorname\endcsname
+ \expandafter\ifx\csname\@@currentcolorname\endcsname\empty
+ \s!black
+ \else
+ currentcolor%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \s!black
+ \fi}
+% not the following, because we need a different tag in order to trick the stack
+% \def\outercolorname{\executeifdefined\@@currentcolorname\s!black}
+% \def\startcurrentcolor{\expanded{\startcolor[\s!black]\noexpand\startcolor[\outercolorname]}}
+% \def\stopcurrentcolor {\stopcolor\stopcolor}
+% test case:
+% \setupcolors[state=start,textcolor=red]
+% \starttext
+% red
+% \color[green]{green
+% \startMPcode
+% label(\sometxt{green\color[blue]{blue}green}, origin) withcolor red;
+% draw fullcircle scaled 1cm xscaled 2;
+% \stopMPcode
+% green}
+% red
+% \stoptext
+ {\global\@EA\let\@EA\@@currentcolor\csname\@@currentcolorname\endcsname
+ \global\advance\colorlevel \@@colorplus
+ \global\@EA\let\csname\@@currentcolorname\endcsname\@@askedcolor
+ %\debuggerinfo\m!colors
+ % {start \@@askedcolor\space at level \the\colorlevel}%
+ \ifx\@@askedcolor\empty
+ \global\@EA\let\csname\@@currentcolorname\endcsname\@@currentcolor
+ \global\@EA\let\csname\@@currentcolorstop\endcsname\donoglobalstopcolor
+ \else\ifx\@@askedcolor\@@currentcolor
+ \global\@EA\let\csname\@@currentcolorstop\endcsname\donoglobalstopcolor
+ \else
+ \doifcolorelse\@@askedcolor
+ {%\docolormark\@@askedcolor
+ \ifpermitcolormode\docolormark\@@askedcolor\fi
+ \global\@EA\let\csname\@@currentcolorstop\endcsname\dodoglobalstopcolor
+ \startcolormode\@@askedcolor}
+ {\global\@EA\let\csname\@@currentcolorstop\endcsname\donoglobalstopcolor
+ \showmessage\m!colors3\@@askedcolor\empty}%
+ \fi\fi}
+ {\edef\@@askedcolor{#1}%
+ \ifcase\colorlevel\relax
+ \ifx\@@askedcolor\empty
+ \global\@EA\let\csname\@@currentcolorstop\endcsname\empty
+ \else
+ \dodoglobalstartcolor
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \dodoglobalstartcolor
+ \fi
+ \ignorespaces}
+ {}
+ {\ifcase\colorlevel \else
+ \donoglobalstopcolor
+ \global\@EA\let\@EA\@@previouscolor\csname\@@currentcolorname\endcsname
+ \ifcase\colorlevel\relax
+ \ifpermitcolormode
+ \docolormark\empty
+ \conditionalstoptransparency
+ \dostopcolormode
+ \fi
+ \else % let's do a bit redundant testing here
+ \docolormark\@@previouscolor
+ \ifx\@@previouscolor\empty
+ \ifpermitcolormode
+ \conditionalstoptransparency
+ \dostopcolormode
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \doifcolorelse\@@previouscolor
+ {\ifx\@@currentcolor\@@previouscolor\else
+ % alternatively we could let \startcolormode handle this
+ \ifpermitcolormode
+ \conditionalstoptransparency % really needed
+ % more safe but less efficient: \dostopcolormode
+ \fi
+ \startcolormode\@@previouscolor
+ \fi}
+ {\ifpermitcolormode
+ \conditionalstoptransparency
+ \dostopcolormode
+ \fi}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+ {\ifcase\colorlevel \else
+ \global\@EA\let\@EA\@@currentcolor\csname\@@currentcolorname\endcsname
+ %\debuggerinfo{\m!colors}
+ % {stop \@@currentcolor\normalspace at level \the\colorlevel}%
+ \global\advance\colorlevel \@@colorminus
+ \fi}
+ {\csname\@@currentcolorstop\endcsname}
+\let\faststopcolor \doglobalstopcolor
+%D We don't use grouping and save each stop alternative. This
+%D permits be especially useful in for instance local color
+%D support in verbatim. Using \type{\bgroup}||\type{\egroup}
+%D pairs could interfere with calling commands
+%D This color mechanism takes care of nested colors, like in:
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \color[green]{groen \color[green]{groen \color[red]{rood}} groen}
+%D \color[green]{groen \color[]{groen \color[red]{rood}} groen}
+%D \color[green]{groen \color[red]{rood \color[red]{rood}} groen}
+%D \color[green]{groen \color[green]{groen \color[]{groen}} groen}
+%D \color[green]{groen \color[red]{rood} groen}
+%D \color[green]{groen \color[]{groen} groen}
+%D \color[]{zwart \color[red]{rood} zwart}
+%D \color[]{zwart}
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+%D or
+%D \startvoorbeeld
+%D \startlines
+%D \getbuffer
+%D \stoplines
+%D \stopvoorbeeld
+%D Crossing page boundaries is of course also handled.
+%D Undefined or empty color specifications are treated as
+%D efficient as possible.
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \startcolor[green]
+%D [green] \input tufte [green] \par
+%D \startcolor[]
+%D [green] \input knuth [green] \par
+%D \startcolor[red]
+%D [red] \input tufte [red] \par
+%D \startcolor[yellow]
+%D [yellow] \input knuth [yellow] \par
+%D \stopcolor
+%D [red] \input tufte [red] \par
+%D \stopcolor
+%D [green] \input knuth [green] \par
+%D \stopcolor
+%D [green] \input tufte [green] \par
+%D \stopcolor
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \startpacked
+%D \getbuffer
+%D \stoppacked
+%D These quotes are typeset by saying:
+%D \typebuffer
+%D We already mentioned that colors interfere with building
+%D the pagebody. This means that when the page is composed,
+%D the colors temporary have to be reset. After the page is
+%D shipped out, we have to revive the current color.
+%D We use \type{\mark}s to keep track of colors across page
+%D boundaries. Unfortunately standard \TEX\ supports only one mark,
+%D and using this one for color support only would be a waste.
+%D We therefore use an adapted version of J.~Fox's multiple mark
+%D mechanism as (re|)|implemented in \module{supp-mrk}.
+ {\rawnewmark\colormark}
+ {\let\colormark\gobbleoneargument}
+%D Using this mark mechanism with lots of colors has one
+%D major drawback: \TEX's memory tends to overflow when
+%D very colorful text is stored in a global box. Even worse is that
+%D the processing time grows considerably. We therefore support
+%D local as well as global color switching.
+%D Of the next macros, \type {\popcolor} is to be used after
+%D the actual \type {\shipout} and \type {\startcolorpage} and
+%D \type {\stopcolorpage} are called when entering and leaving
+%D the \type {\pagebody} builder. In case of emergencies
+%D \type {\pushcolor} can be used to undo the current color,
+%D for instance when insertions are appended to the page.
+%D Out of efficiency we only use marks when needed. The next
+%D macro tries to find out if indeed a mark should be set.
+%D This macro uses the boolean \type {\ifinpagebody}, which can
+%D be defined and set in the module that handles the pagebody.
+ {\iflocalcolor \else \ifinpagebody \else \ifinframed \else
+ \dodocolormark{#1}%
+ \fi \fi \fi}
+ {\edef\newcolormark{#1}%
+ \ifx\newcolormark\lastcolormark\else
+ \global\let\lastcolormark\newcolormark
+ \@EA\rawsetmark\@EA\colormark\@EA{\lastcolormark}%
+ \fi}
+%D \macros
+%D {pushcolor, popcolor}
+%D Pushing the current state in the output routine simply comes
+%D to resetting the color to black, while popping restores the
+%D color state to that of before the break.
+\def\topofpagecolor{\rawgetbotmark\colormark} % see postponing
+ {\stopcolormode}
+ {\doifsomething{\rawgetbotmark\colormark}
+ {%\debuggerinfo\m!colors{popping \getbotmark\colormark}%
+ \startcolormode{\rawgetbotmark\colormark}}}
+ {\getsplitmarks\colormark % hier wel
+ \doifsomething{\rawgetsplitbotmark\colormark}
+ {%\debuggerinfo\m!colors{split popping \getsplitbotmark\colormark}%
+ \startcolormode{\rawgetsplitbotmark\colormark}}}
+\appendtoks\pushcolor \to\everypushproperties
+\appendtoks\popcolor \to\everypopproperties
+% Private macro: only needed in test cases (like multiple
+% seperations in one file); no user command!
+ {\ifcase\pagetotal % \ifdim\pagetotal=\zeropoint
+ \popcolor
+ \else\ifx\@@currentcolor\empty
+ \ifx\maintextcolor\empty\else
+ \startcolormode\maintextcolor
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \startcolormode\@@currentcolor
+ \fi\fi}
+% weird stuff
+ {\edef\savedtopofpagecolor{\topofpagecolor}%
+ \doifsomething\savedtopofpagecolor\restorecolormode} % \stopcolormode
+ {\doifsomething\savedtopofpagecolor\startcolormode\savedtopofpagecolor}
+%D \macros
+%D {startcolorpage, stopcolorpage}
+%D Local use can be forced with the next two macros. Nesting
+%D is still supported but colors are no longer marked.
+%D The next implementation makes (simple) color separation more
+%D easy. It also supports nested colors in page backgrounds
+%D and texts.
+ {\bgroup
+ \let\@@colorplus \minusone
+ \let\@@colorminus\plusone
+ \let\docolormark\gobbleoneargument
+ \edef\savedcolorlevel{\the\colorlevel}%
+ \global\colorlevel\zerocount % before \localstartcolor of
+ \ifx\maintextcolor\empty % course, ugly bug removed
+ \localstartcolor[\defaulttextcolor]%
+ \else
+ \localstartcolor[\maintextcolor]%
+ \fi}
+ {\localstopcolor
+ \global\colorlevel\savedcolorlevel
+ \egroup}
+\appendtoks \startcolorpage\to\everystarttextproperties
+\prependtoks\stopcolorpage \to\everystoptextproperties
+%D We want color support to be similar to font support and
+%D therefore implement \type{\color} using grouping.
+%D When \type {\somecolor} is issued, we can savely assume
+%D grouping. Using \type {\groupedcommand} here (i.e.\ the
+%D definition of \type {\color}) is unsafe because in
+%D interferes with for instance switching attributes.
+ {\groupedcommand{\startcolor[#1]}\stopcolor}
+%D This implementation enables use of defined colors like:
+%D \starttyping
+%D Look at the {\brightgreen bright} side of life and get
+%D yourself no \red{red} head!
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Also wrong, test in combinations: \type{...{}{\red test}}
+%D \def\switchtocolor[#1]%
+%D {\startcolor[#1]\aftergroup\stopcolor}
+\def\switchtocolor[#1]% grouping is realy needed, else migration
+ {\bgroup\startcolor[#1]\aftergroup\stopcolor\aftergroup\egroup}
+ {\groupedcommand{\startcolor[#1]}\stopcolor}
+\unexpanded\def\graycolor[#1]% not \gray because this is a color
+ {\groupedcommand{\RGBsupportedfalse\CMYKsupportedfalse\SPOTsupportedfalse\startcolor[#1]}\stopcolor}
+ {\groupedcommand{\definecolor[@colored@][#1]\startcolor[@colored@]}\stopcolor}
+%D We can speed the following macros a bit up, but this
+%D hardly pays off; they are only used in the manual.
+ {\ifnum#1<\plusten 0.00\the#1\else
+ \ifnum#1<\plushundred 0.0\the#1\else
+ \ifnum#1<\plusthousand 0.\the#1\else
+ 1.000\fi\fi\fi}
+ {\colordimen#1\points\relax
+ \ifdim\colordimen>\onepoint
+ \colordimen\onepoint
+ \fi
+ \multiply\colordimen \plusthousand
+ \colorcount\colordimen
+ \advance\colorcount \medcard
+ \divide\colorcount \maxcard \relax
+ \realcolorformat\colorcount}
+ {\dodoformatcolor{#1}\colorformatseparator
+ \dodoformatcolor{#2}\colorformatseparator
+ \dodoformatcolor{#3}}
+ {\dodoformatcolor{#1}\colorformatseparator
+ \dodoformatcolor{#2}\colorformatseparator
+ \dodoformatcolor{#3}\colorformatseparator
+ \dodoformatcolor{#4}}
+ {\dodoformatcolor{#1}}
+ {#1\colorformatseparator
+ \dodoformatcolor{#2}\colorformatseparator
+ \dodoformatcolor{#3}\colorformatseparator
+ \dodoformatcolor{#4}\colorformatseparator}
+ {\csname doformatcolor#1\endcsname}
+ {\dowithcolor\doformatcolor}
+ {\convertRGBtoGRAY{#1}{#2}{#3}%
+ \dodoformatcolor\@@cl@@s}
+ {\convertCMYKtoGRAY{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}%
+ \dodoformatcolor\@@cl@@s}
+ {\dodoformatcolor{#1}}
+% \def\doformatgrayP#1:#2:#3:#4:#5:#6\od
+% {\convertSPOTtoGRAY{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}%
+% \dodoformatcolor\@@cl@@s}
+ {todo}
+ {\csname doformatgray#1\endcsname}
+ {\dowithcolor\doformatgray}
+%D \macros
+%D {localstartraster,localstopraster,
+%D startraster,stopraster}
+%D The previous conversions are not linear and treat each color
+%D component according to human perception curves. Pure gray
+%D (we call them rasters) has equal color components. In
+%D \CONTEXT\ rasters are only used as backgrounds and these
+%D don't cross page boundaries in the way color does. Therefore
+%D we don't need stacks and marks. Just to be compatible with
+%D color support we offer both 'global' and 'local' commands.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\localstartraster[#1]%
+%D {\doifelsenothing{#1}
+%D {\dostartgraymode\@@rsscreen}
+%D {\dostartgraymode{#1}}}
+%D \def\localstopraster
+%D {\dostopgraymode}
+%D \let\startraster\localstartraster
+%D \let\stopraster \localstopraster
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The next alternative is slower, since it works on top of the
+%D color (stack) mechanism, but it does provide nesting.
+ {\edef\@@cl@@s{#1}%
+ \ifx\@@cl@@s\empty
+ \let\@@cl@@s\@@rsscreen
+ \fi
+ \let\@@cl@@t\@@cl@@z % else we get rogue
+ \let\@@cl@@a\@@cl@@z % transpancies
+ \setevalue{\??cr\??rs}{\colorSpattern}}
+% beware, don't add extra grouping, else color in tables
+% fails
+ {\ifincolor\dosetrastercolor{#1}\localstartcolor[\??rs]\fi}
+ {\ifincolor\dosetrastercolor{#1}\startcolor[\??rs]\fi}
+\def\stopraster {\ifincolor\stopcolor\fi}
+%D Palets use an auxiliary macro:
+ {\doifassignmentelse{#3}
+ {% == \definepalet[test][xx={y=.4}]
+ \definecolor[\??pa#1:#2][#3]%
+ \iffreezecolors\@EA\setevalue\else\@EA\setvalue\fi{\??cr#1:#2}{\csname\??cr\??pa#1:#2\endcsname}}
+ {% == \definepalet[test][xx=green]
+ \doifdefinedelse{\??cr#3}
+ {\iffreezecolors\@EA\setevalue\else\@EA\setvalue\fi{\??cr#1:#2}{\csname\??cr#3\endcsname}}
+ {\letvalue{\??cr#1:#2}\colorXpattern}}}
+%D \MP\ related conversions:
+ {\ifMPgraphics
+ \handlecolorwith\doMPcolor
+ \csname\??cr
+ \ifcsname\??cr\currentpalet#2\endcsname\currentpalet\fi
+ #2\endcsname
+ :::::::\end#1\end
+ \else
+ #2%
+ \fi}
+%D Before we had transparency available, the following
+%D conversion macro was available:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\doMPcolor#1:#2:#3:#4:#5:#6:#7:#8\end
+%D {\if #1R(#2,#3,#4)%
+%D \else\if#1C\ifMPcmykcolors cmyk(#2,#3,#4,#5)\else(1-#2-#5,1-#3-#5,1-#4-#5)\fi
+%D \else\if#1S(#2,#2,#2)%
+%D \else (0,0,0)%
+%D \fi\fi\fi}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D In order to be useful, this macro is to be fully
+%D expandabele.
+\def\doMPcolor#1:% #1 can be \relax ! ! ! i.e. an empty color
+ {\csname MPc\@EA\ifx\csname MPc\string#1\endcsname\relax B\else#1\fi\endcsname}
+\def\transparentMP {transparent}
+\def\cmykMP {scaledcmyk}
+\def\cmykASrgbMP {scaledcmykasrgb} % not really needed any more
+\def\rgbMP {scaledrgb}
+\def\grayMP {scaledgray}
+\def\spotMP {spotcolor}
+ {\ifcase#2\space(#1)\else\transparentMP(#2,#3,(#1))\fi}
+ {\doMPtransparent{\grayMP(#1,#3)}#2\end}
+ {\doMPtransparent{\rgbMP(#1,#2,#3,#5)}#4\end}
+ {\doMPtransparent{\cmykMP(#1,#2,#3,#4,#6)}#5\end}
+ {\doMPtransparent{\cmykASrgbMP(#1,#2,#3,#4,#6)}#5\end}
+\def\doMPspotY#1:#2:#3:#4:#5\end#6\end % best make #3 same as #1 when empty
+ {\doMPtransparent{multitonecolor("#1",#2,"#3","#4")}#5\end}
+ {\scaledMPcolor{#4}{#1}}
+ {\unknownMPcolor}
+ {(0,0,0)}
+\let\processMP\spotMP % for some time, will become obsolete, brrr
+%D \PDF\ related conversions:
+\def\PDFcolor #1{\handlecolorwith\doPDFcolor \csname\??cr#1\endcsname:::::::\end}
+\def\FDFcolor #1{\handlecolorwith\doFDFcolor \csname\??cr#1\endcsname:::::::\end}
+ {\if #1R#2 #3 #4 rg%
+ \else\if#1C#2 #3 #4 #5 k%
+ \else\if#1S#2 g%
+ \else\if#1P#5 g%
+ \else 0 g%
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi}
+ {\if #1R#2 #3 #4%
+ \else\if#1C#2 #3 #4 #5%
+ \else\if#1S#2%
+ \else\if#1P#5%
+ \else 0%
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi}
+ {[\if #1R#2 #3 #4%
+ \else\if#1C#2 #3 #4 #5%
+ \else\if#1S#2%
+ \else\if#1P#5%
+ \else 0%
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi]}
+\def\dointernalspotcolorname#1:#2:#3:#4:#5:#6:#7:#8\end{\if#1P\ifcase0#3 #1\else#2\fi\else#1\fi}
+\def\dointernalspotcolorsize#1:#2:#3:#4:#5:#6:#7:#8\end{\if#1P\ifcase0#3 0\else#3\fi\else 0\fi}
+%D Because it's a persitent issue, we also provide
+ {\handlecolorwith\pgf@context@registercolor@indeed\csname\??cr#1\endcsname:::::::>#1\end}
+ {\setevalue{\string\color@#7}{\noexpand\xcolor@{}{}%
+ \if#1R{rgb}{#2,#3,#4}\else
+ \if#1C{cmyk}{#2,#3,#4,#5}\else
+ \if#1S{gray}{#2}\else
+ {gray}{0}\fi\fi\fi}}
+%D Slow but ok \unknown
+\def\colorcomponents#1% might be broken
+ {\startnointerference
+ \localcolortrue
+ \globallet\thecolorcomponents\empty
+ \def\doexeccolorR ##1:##2:##3:##4:##5\od{\gdef\thecolorcomponents{r=\twodigitrounding{##1} g=\twodigitrounding{##2} b=\twodigitrounding{##3}}}%
+ \def\doexeccolorC##1:##2:##3:##4:##5:##6\od{\gdef\thecolorcomponents{c=\twodigitrounding{##1} m=\twodigitrounding{##2} y=\twodigitrounding{##3} k=\twodigitrounding{##4}}}%
+ \def\doexeccolorS ##1:##2:##3\od{\gdef\thecolorcomponents{s=\twodigitrounding{##1}}}%
+ \def\doexeccolorP##1:##2:##3:##4:##5:##6\od{\gdef\thecolorcomponents{p=\twodigitrounding{##4} n=##1}}%
+ \let\doexeccolorPindex\doexeccolorP
+ \backgroundline[#1]{}%
+ \stopnointerference
+ \thecolorcomponents}
+ {\startnointerference
+ \localcolortrue
+ \globallet\thetransparencycomponents\empty
+ \def\doexeccolorR ##1:##2:##3:##4:##5\od{\gdef\thetransparencycomponents{a=\twodigitrounding{##4} t=\twodigitrounding{##5}}}%
+ \def\doexeccolorC##1:##2:##3:##4:##5:##6\od{\gdef\thetransparencycomponents{a=\twodigitrounding{##5} t=\twodigitrounding{##6}}}%
+ \def\doexeccolorS ##1:##2:##3\od{\gdef\thetransparencycomponents{a=\twodigitrounding{##2} t=\twodigitrounding{##3}}}%
+ \def\doexeccolorP##1:##2:##3:##4:##5:##6\od{\gdef\thetransparencycomponents{a=\twodigitrounding{##5} t=\twodigitrounding{##6}}}%
+ \let\doexeccolorPindex\doexeccolorP
+ \backgroundline[#1]{}%
+ \stopnointerference
+ \thetransparencycomponents}
+%D \macros
+%D {everyshapebox}
+%D A terrible hack, needed because we cannot have marks in
+%D shape boxes.
+\appendtoks \localcolortrue \to \everyshapebox
+%D \macros
+%D {forcecolorhack}
+%D Awful \unknown
+%D We default to the colors defined in \module{colo-rgb} and
+%D support both \cap{RGB} and \cap{CMYK} output. As you can
+%D see, color support is turned off by default. Reduction of
+%D gray colors to gray scales is turned on.
+\definetransparency [none] [0]
+\definetransparency [normal] [1]
+\definetransparency [multiply] [2]
+\definetransparency [screen] [3]
+\definetransparency [overlay] [4]
+\definetransparency [softlight] [5]
+\definetransparency [hardlight] [6]
+\definetransparency [colordodge] [7]
+\definetransparency [colorburn] [8]
+\definetransparency [darken] [9]
+\definetransparency [lighten] [10]
+\definetransparency [difference] [11]
+\definetransparency [exclusion] [12]
+\definetransparency [hue] [13]
+\definetransparency [saturation] [14]
+\definetransparency [color] [15]
+\definetransparency [luminosity] [16]
+ [\c!state=\v!stop,
+ \c!conversion=\v!yes,
+ \c!reduction=\v!no,
+ \c!rgb=\v!yes,
+ \c!cmyk=\v!yes,
+ \c!spot=\v!yes,
+ \c!mp\c!cmyk=\@@clcmyk,
+ \c!mp\c!spot=\@@clspot,
+ \c!expansion=\v!no,
+ \c!textcolor=,
+ \c!split=\v!no,
+ \c!criterium=\v!all]
+ [\v!rgb]
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/colo-rgb.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/colo-rgb.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f734c7a01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/colo-rgb.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,530 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=colo-rgb,
+%D version=1995.01.01,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Color Macros,
+%D subtitle=RGB,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D Just to give users a start we define some colors. While
+%D switching fonts is as international as can be, thanks to the
+%D mnemonics, naming colors is very interface dependant. To
+%D support international setups, we define both english and
+%D interface dependant colors. We use the color inheritance
+%D mechanisms to implement the interface dependant ones.
+%D First we define some simple primary \cap{RGB} and \cap{CMYK}
+%D colors. All colors are defined in \cap{RGB} color space.
+\definecolor [red] [r=1, g=0, b=0]
+\definecolor [green] [r=0, g=1, b=0]
+\definecolor [blue] [r=0, g=0, b=1]
+\definecolor [cyan] [r=0, g=1, b=1]
+\definecolor [magenta] [r=1, g=0, b=1]
+\definecolor [yellow] [r=1, g=1, b=0]
+\definecolor [white] [s=1] % [r=1, g=1, b=1]
+\definecolor [black] [s=0]
+\definecolor [gray] [s=.9]
+\definecolor [darkred] [r=.8, g=0, b=0]
+\definecolor [middlered] [r=.9, g=0, b=0]
+\definecolor [lightred] [r=1, g=0, b=0]
+\definecolor [darkgreen] [r=0, g=.6, b=0]
+\definecolor [middlegreen] [r=0, g=.8, b=0]
+\definecolor [lightgreen] [r=0, g=1, b=0]
+\definecolor [darkblue] [r=0, g=0, b=.8]
+\definecolor [middleblue] [r=0, g=0, b=.9]
+\definecolor [lightblue] [r=0, g=0, b=1]
+\definecolor [darkcyan] [r=.6, g=.8, b=.8]
+\definecolor [middlecyan] [r=0, g=.8, b=.8]
+\definecolor [darkmagenta] [r=.8, g=.6, b=.8]
+\definecolor [middlemagenta] [r=1, g=0, b=.6]
+\definecolor [darkyellow] [r=.8, g=.8, b=.6]
+\definecolor [middleyellow] [r=1, g=1, b=.2]
+\definecolor [darkgray] [s=.5]
+\definecolor [middlegray] [s=.7]
+\definecolor [lightgray] [s=.9]
+%D These colors are mapped to interface dependant colornames.
+\startinterface dutch
+ \definecolor [rood] [red]
+ \definecolor [groen] [green]
+ \definecolor [blauw] [blue]
+ \definecolor [cyaan] [cyan]
+ \definecolor [magenta] [magenta]
+ \definecolor [geel] [yellow]
+ \definecolor [wit] [white]
+ \definecolor [grijs] [gray]
+ \definecolor [zwart] [black]
+ \definecolor [donkerrood] [darkred]
+ \definecolor [middelrood] [middlered]
+ \definecolor [lichtrood] [lightred]
+ \definecolor [donkergroen] [darkgreen]
+ \definecolor [middelgroen] [middlegreen]
+ \definecolor [lichtgroen] [lightgreen]
+ \definecolor [donkerblauw] [darkblue]
+ \definecolor [middelblauw] [middleblue]
+ \definecolor [lichtblauw] [lightblue]
+ \definecolor [donkercyaan] [darkcyan]
+ \definecolor [middelcyaan] [middlecyan]
+ \definecolor [donkermagenta] [darkmagenta]
+ \definecolor [middelmagenta] [middlemagenta]
+ \definecolor [donkergeel] [darkyellow]
+ \definecolor [middelgeel] [middleyellow]
+ \definecolor [donkergrijs] [darkgray]
+ \definecolor [middengrijs] [middlegray]
+ \definecolor [lichtgrijs] [lightgray]
+\startinterface german
+ \definecolor [rot] [red]
+ \definecolor [gruen] [green]
+ \definecolor [blau] [blue]
+ \definecolor [cyan] [cyan]
+ \definecolor [magenta] [magenta]
+ \definecolor [gelb] [yellow]
+ \definecolor [weiss] [white]
+ \definecolor [grau] [gray]
+ \definecolor [schwarz] [black]
+ \definecolor [dunkelrot] [darkred]
+ \definecolor [mittelrot] [middlered]
+ \definecolor [hellrot] [lightred]
+ \definecolor [dunkelgruen] [darkgreen]
+ \definecolor [mittelgruen] [middlegreen]
+ \definecolor [hellgruen] [lightgreen]
+ \definecolor [dunkelblau] [darkblue]
+ \definecolor [mittelblau] [middleblue]
+ \definecolor [hellblau] [lightblue]
+ \definecolor [dunkelcyan] [darkcyan]
+ \definecolor [mittelcyan] [middlecyan]
+ \definecolor [dunkelmagenta] [darkmagenta]
+ \definecolor [mittelmagenta] [middlemagenta]
+ \definecolor [dunkelgelb] [darkyellow]
+ \definecolor [mittelgelb] [middleyellow]
+ \definecolor [dunkelgrau] [darkgray]
+ \definecolor [mittelgrau] [middlegray]
+ \definecolor [hellgrau] [lightgray]
+\startinterface czech
+ \definecolor [cervena] [red]
+ \definecolor [zelena] [green]
+ \definecolor [modra] [blue]
+ \definecolor [azurova] [cyan]
+ \definecolor [fialova] [magenta]
+ \definecolor [zluta] [yellow]
+ \definecolor [bila] [white]
+ \definecolor [cerna] [black]
+ \definecolor [tmavecervena] [darkred]
+ \definecolor [strednecervena] [middlered]
+ \definecolor [svetlecervena] [lightred]
+ \definecolor [tmavezelena] [darkgreen]
+ \definecolor [strednezelena] [middlegreen]
+ \definecolor [svetlezelena] [lightgreen]
+ \definecolor [tmavemodra] [darkblue]
+ \definecolor [strednemodra] [middleblue]
+ \definecolor [svetlemodra] [lightblue]
+ \definecolor [tmaveazurova] [darkcyan]
+ \definecolor [stredneazurova] [middlecyan]
+ \definecolor [tmavefialova] [darkmagenta]
+ \definecolor [strednefialova] [middlemagenta]
+ \definecolor [tmavezluta] [darkyellow]
+ \definecolor [strednezluta] [middleyellow]
+ \definecolor [tmaveseda] [darkgray]
+ \definecolor [stredneseda] [middlegray]
+ \definecolor [svetleseda] [lightgray]
+\startinterface italian
+ \definecolor [rosso] [red]
+ \definecolor [verde] [green]
+ \definecolor [blu] [blue]
+ \definecolor [azzurro] [cyan]
+ \definecolor [turchino] [cyan]
+ \definecolor [ciano] [cyan]
+ \definecolor [cremisi] [magenta]
+ \definecolor [giallo] [yellow]
+ \definecolor [bianco] [white]
+ \definecolor [grigio] [gray]
+ \definecolor [nero] [black]
+ \definecolor [rossoscuro] [darkred]
+ \definecolor [rossomedio] [middlered]
+ \definecolor [rossochiaro] [lightred]
+ \definecolor [verdescuro] [darkgreen]
+ \definecolor [verdemedio] [middlegreen]
+ \definecolor [verdechiaro] [lightgreen]
+ \definecolor [bluscuro] [darkblue]
+ \definecolor [blumedio] [middleblue]
+ \definecolor [bluchiaro] [lightblue]
+ \definecolor [azzurroscuro] [darkcyan]
+ \definecolor [azzurrochiaro] [middlecyan]
+ \definecolor [cremisiscuro] [darkmagenta]
+ \definecolor [cremisichiaro] [middlemagenta]
+ \definecolor [gialloscuro] [darkyellow]
+ \definecolor [giallomedio] [middleyellow]
+ \definecolor [grigioscuro] [darkgray]
+ \definecolor [grigiomedio] [middlegray]
+ \definecolor [grigiochiaro] [lightgray]
+\startinterface romanian
+ \definecolor [rosu] [red]
+ \definecolor [verde] [green]
+ \definecolor [albastru] [blue]
+ \definecolor [cian] [cyan]
+ \definecolor [magenta] [magenta]
+ \definecolor [galben] [yellow]
+ \definecolor [alb] [white]
+ \definecolor [gri] [gray]
+ \definecolor [negru] [black]
+ \definecolor [rosuinchis] [darkred]
+ \definecolor [rosumediu] [middlered]
+ \definecolor [rosudeschis] [lightred]
+ \definecolor [verdeinchis] [darkgreen]
+ \definecolor [verdemediu] [middlegreen]
+ \definecolor [verdedeschis] [lightgreen]
+ \definecolor [albastruinchis] [darkblue]
+ \definecolor [albastrumediu] [middleblue]
+ \definecolor [albastrudeschis] [lightblue]
+ \definecolor [cianinchis] [darkcyan]
+ \definecolor [cianmediu] [middlecyan]
+ \definecolor [magentainchis] [darkmagenta]
+ \definecolor [magentamediu] [middlemagenta]
+ \definecolor [galbeninchis] [darkyellow]
+ \definecolor [galbenmediu] [middleyellow]
+ \definecolor [griinchis] [darkgray]
+ \definecolor [grimediu] [middlegray]
+ \definecolor [grideschis] [lightgray]
+%D Like colors, we first define the english colorgroups. These
+%D colorgroups are tuned for distinctive gray scale printing.
+% todo : more efficient and real gray
+ [gray]
+ [0.95:0.95:0.95,
+ 0.90:0.90:0.90,
+ 0.80:0.80:0.80,
+ 0.70:0.70:0.70,
+ 0.60:0.60:0.60,
+ 0.50:0.50:0.50,
+ 0.40:0.40:0.40,
+ 0.30:0.30:0.30,
+ 0.20:0.20:0.20,
+ 0.10:0.10:0.10,
+ 0.00:0.00:0.00]
+ [red]
+ [1.00:0.90:0.90,
+ 1.00:0.80:0.80,
+ 1.00:0.70:0.70,
+ 1.00:0.55:0.55,
+ 1.00:0.40:0.40,
+ 1.00:0.25:0.25,
+ 1.00:0.15:0.15,
+ 0.90:0.00:0.00]
+ [green]
+ [0.90:1.00:0.90,
+ 0.70:1.00:0.70,
+ 0.50:1.00:0.50,
+ 0.30:1.00:0.30,
+ 0.15:0.90:0.15,
+ 0.00:0.80:0.00,
+ 0.00:0.65:0.00,
+ 0.00:0.50:0.00]
+ [blue]
+ [0.90:0.95:1.00,
+ 0.80:0.90:1.00,
+ 0.55:0.85:1.00,
+ 0.30:0.80:1.00,
+ 0.15:0.75:1.00,
+ 0.00:0.70:1.00,
+ 0.00:0.55:1.00,
+ 0.00:0.40:1.00]
+ [cyan]
+ [0.80:1.00:1.00,
+ 0.60:1.00:1.00,
+ 0.30:1.00:1.00,
+ 0.00:0.95:0.95,
+ 0.00:0.85:0.85,
+ 0.00:0.75:0.75,
+ 0.00:0.60:0.60,
+ 0.00:0.50:0.50]
+ [magenta]
+ [1.00:0.90:1.00,
+ 1.00:0.80:1.00,
+ 1.00:0.65:1.00,
+ 1.00:0.50:1.00,
+ 1.00:0.35:1.00,
+ 1.00:0.15:1.00,
+ 0.90:0.05:0.90,
+ 0.80:0.00:0.80]
+ [yellow]
+ [1.00:1.00:0.70,
+ 1.00:1.00:0.00,
+ 1.00:0.85:0.05,
+ 1.00:0.70:0.00,
+ 1.00:0.55:0.00,
+ 0.95:0.40:0.00,
+ 0.80:0.30:0.00,
+ 0.60:0.30:0.00]
+ [red*]
+ [1.00:0.95:0.95,
+ 1.00:0.90:0.90,
+ 1.00:0.80:0.80,
+ 1.00:0.70:0.70,
+ 1.00:0.60:0.60,
+ 1.00:0.50:0.50,
+ 1.00:0.40:0.40,
+ 1.00:0.30:0.30]
+ [green*]
+ [0.95:1.00:0.95,
+ 0.90:1.00:0.90,
+ 0.80:1.00:0.80,
+ 0.70:1.00:0.70,
+ 0.60:1.00:0.60,
+ 0.50:1.00:0.50,
+ 0.40:1.00:0.40,
+ 0.30:1.00:0.30]
+ [blue*]
+ [0.95:0.95:1.00,
+ 0.90:0.90:1.00,
+ 0.80:0.80:1.00,
+ 0.70:0.70:1.00,
+ 0.60:0.60:1.00,
+ 0.50:0.50:1.00,
+ 0.40:0.40:1.00,
+ 0.30:0.30:1.00]
+ [yellow*]
+ [1.00:1.00:0.10,
+ 1.00:1.00:0.00,
+ 0.90:0.90:0.00,
+ 0.80:0.80:0.00,
+ 0.70:0.70:0.00,
+ 0.60:0.60:0.00,
+ 0.50:0.50:0.00,
+ 0.40:0.40:0.00]
+%D For the sake of implementing interface dependant color
+%D groups we support colorgroup duplication.
+\startinterface dutch
+ \definecolorgroup [grijs] [gray]
+ \definecolorgroup [rood] [red]
+ \definecolorgroup [groen] [green]
+ \definecolorgroup [blauw] [blue]
+ \definecolorgroup [cyaan] [cyan]
+ \definecolorgroup [magenta] [magenta]
+ \definecolorgroup [geel] [yellow]
+ \definecolorgroup [rood*] [red*]
+ \definecolorgroup [groen*] [green*]
+ \definecolorgroup [blauw*] [blue*]
+ \definecolorgroup [geel*] [yellow*]
+\startinterface german
+ \definecolorgroup [grau] [gray]
+ \definecolorgroup [rot] [red]
+ \definecolorgroup [gruen] [green]
+ \definecolorgroup [blau] [blue]
+ \definecolorgroup [cyan] [cyan]
+ \definecolorgroup [magenta] [magenta]
+ \definecolorgroup [gelb] [yellow]
+ \definecolorgroup [rot*] [red*]
+ \definecolorgroup [gruen*] [green*]
+ \definecolorgroup [blau*] [blue*]
+ \definecolorgroup [gelb*] [yellow*]
+\startinterface czech
+ \definecolorgroup [seda] [gray]
+ \definecolorgroup [cervena] [red]
+ \definecolorgroup [zelena] [green]
+ \definecolorgroup [modra] [blue]
+ \definecolorgroup [azurova] [cyan]
+ \definecolorgroup [fialova] [magenta]
+ \definecolorgroup [zluta] [yellow]
+ \definecolorgroup [cervena*] [red*]
+ \definecolorgroup [zelena*] [green*]
+ \definecolorgroup [modra*] [blue*]
+ \definecolorgroup [zluta*] [yellow*]
+\startinterface italian
+ \definecolorgroup [grigio] [gray]
+ \definecolorgroup [rosso] [red]
+ \definecolorgroup [verde] [green]
+ \definecolorgroup [blu] [blue]
+ \definecolorgroup [ciano] [cyan]
+ \definecolorgroup [azzurro] [cyan]
+ \definecolorgroup [turchino][cyan]
+ \definecolorgroup [magenta] [magenta]
+ \definecolorgroup [cremisi] [magenta]
+ \definecolorgroup [giallo] [yellow]
+ \definecolorgroup [rosso*] [red*]
+ \definecolorgroup [verde*] [green*]
+ \definecolorgroup [blu*] [blue*]
+ \definecolorgroup [giallo*] [yellow*]
+%D The next set of color palets is quite language independant.
+%D These palets are meant as examples.
+ [alfa]
+ [ top=red:7,
+ bottom=green:6,
+ up=blue:5,
+ down=cyan:4,
+ strange=magenta:3,
+ charm=yellow:2]
+ [beta]
+ [ top=red:7,
+ bottom=green:5,
+ up=blue:3,
+ down=cyan:6,
+ strange=magenta:2,
+ charm=yellow:1]
+ [gamma]
+ [ top=red:2,
+ bottom=green:5,
+ up=blue:3,
+ down=cyan:6,
+ strange=magenta:7,
+ charm=yellow:4]
+ [delta]
+ [ top=yellow*:5,
+ bottom=yellow*:3,
+ up=yellow*:2,
+ down=magenta:6,
+ strange=blue:4,
+ charm=blue:1]
+ [epsilon]
+ [ top=cyan:7,
+ bottom=cyan:5,
+ up=blue:3,
+ down=yellow:6,
+ strange=yellow:4,
+ charm=yellow:2]
+ [zeta]
+ [ top=red:6,
+ bottom=green:5,
+ up=blue:7,
+ down=cyan:4,
+ strange=magenta:3,
+ charm=yellow:2]
+%D The next four colors are used for typesetting verbatim \TEX\
+%D in color.
+\definecolor [texcolorone] [middlered]
+\definecolor [texcolortwo] [middlegreen]
+\definecolor [texcolorthree] [middleblue]
+\definecolor [texcolorfour] [darkyellow]
+%D Bonus (needed for FO test):
+\definecolor [orange] [r=1,g=.5]
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/colo-run.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/colo-run.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..02da462d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/colo-run.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=colo-run,
+%D version=1997.04.01,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Color Macros,
+%D subtitle=Runtime loaded commands,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+% temp hack (not do be documented)
+% \gdef\doformatcolorP#1:#2:#3:#4:#5:#6\od % was undefined in colo-ini
+% {#1\colorformatseparator
+% \dodoformatcolor{#2}\colorformatseparator
+% \dodoformatcolor{#3}\colorformatseparator
+% \dodoformatcolor{#4}\colorformatseparator}
+% \gdef\doformatgrayP#1:#2:#3:#4:#5:#6\od
+% {todo}
+% so far
+ {\dodoubleargument\doshowpalet}
+ {\doifdefined{\??pa#1}
+ {\doifinsetelse\v!vertical{#2}
+ {\showverticalpalet[#1][#2]}
+ {\showhorizontalpalet[#1][#2]}}}
+ {\localvbox
+ {\offinterlineskip
+ \setuppalet[#1]
+ \def\rule
+ {\vrule\!!width3em\!!height\strutht\!!depth\strutdp}
+ \tabskip\zeropoint
+ \def\doshowpalet##1%
+ {\doifinsetelse\v!number{#2}{##1\hskip.5em}{}&
+ \color[##1]{\rule}\graycolor[##1]{\rule}&
+ \doifinset\v!value{#2}{\hskip.5em\colorvalue{##1}}\crcr}
+ \halign
+ {\hss##&\hss##\hss&##\cr
+ &\doifinset{\v!name}{#2}{\strut#1}&\cr%
+ \processpalet[#1]\doshowpalet\crcr}}}
+ {\localvbox
+ {\offinterlineskip
+ \setuppalet[#1]
+ \tabskip\zeropoint
+ \!!widtha\zeropoint
+ \doifinset\v!number{#2}
+ {\def\doshowpalet##1%
+ {\setbox0\hbox{##1}%
+ \ifdim\!!widtha<\wd0\!!widtha\wd0\fi}%
+ \processpalet[#1]\doshowpalet}%
+ \advance\!!widtha 1em
+ \ifdim\!!widtha<5em
+ \!!widtha5em
+ \fi
+ \halign
+ {##&&\hbox to \!!widtha{\hss##\hss}\cr
+ \doifinset\v!number{#2}
+ {\def\doshowpalet##1{&\strut##1}%
+ \processpalet[#1]\doshowpalet}\cr
+ \doifinset\v!name{#2}{#1\hskip.5em}%
+ \def\doshowpalet##1%
+ {&\strut\color[##1]{\vrule\!!width\!!widtha\!!height\strutht\!!depth\zeropoint}}%
+ \processpalet[#1]\doshowpalet\crcr
+ \noalign{\vskip-\strutdepth}%
+ \def\doshowpalet##1%
+ {&\graycolor[##1]{\vrule\!!width\!!widtha\!!height\zeropoint\!!depth\strutdp}}%
+ \processpalet[#1]\doshowpalet\crcr
+ \doifinset\v!value{#2}
+ {\def\doshowpalet##1%
+ {&\vbox
+ {\hsize\!!widtha
+ \vskip.25ex
+ \everypar{\strut}
+ \veryraggedcenter
+ \let\colorformatseparator=\endgraf
+ \colorvalue{##1}}}%
+ \processpalet[#1]\doshowpalet}%
+ \crcr}}}
+ {\expanded{\globalprocesscommalist[\getvalue{\??pa#1}]}}
+ {\dodoubleargument\doshowcolorgroup}
+ {\doifcolor{#1:1}
+ {\doifinsetelse\v!vertical{#2}
+ {\showverticalcolorgroup[#1][#2]}
+ {\showhorizontalcolorgroup[#1][#2]}}}
+ {\localvbox
+ {\offinterlineskip
+ \setuppalet
+ \tabskip\zeropoint
+ \def\rule
+ {\vrule\!!width4em\!!height\strutht\!!depth\strutdp}
+ \def\colorformatseparator{\strut\cr}
+ \def\dodoshowgroup##1%
+ {\halign
+ {\hss####\hss\cr
+ \doifinset\v!number{#2}{\strut##1}\cr
+ \color[#1:##1]{\vrule\!!width4em\!!height\strutht\!!depth\zeropoint}\cr
+ \graycolor[#1:##1]{\vrule\!!width4em\!!height\zeropoint\!!depth\strutdp}\cr
+ \doifinset\v!value{#2}{\colorvalue{#1:##1}\strut}\crcr}}
+ \def\doshowgroup##1%
+ {\doifcolor{#1:##1}
+ {\vbox{\dodoshowgroup{##1}}}}%
+ \hbox
+ {\doifinset\v!name{#2}
+ {\strut
+ \doifinsetelse\v!value{#2}
+ {\raise3\lineheight\hbox{#1\hskip.5em}}
+ {#1}%
+ \hskip.5em}%
+ \doshowgroup1\doshowgroup2\doshowgroup3\doshowgroup4%
+ \doshowgroup5\doshowgroup6\doshowgroup7\doshowgroup8}}}
+ {\localvbox
+ {\offinterlineskip
+ \setuppalet
+ \tabskip\zeropoint
+ \def\rule
+ {\vrule\!!width2.5em\!!height\strutht\!!depth\strutdp}%
+ \def\doshowgroup##1%
+ {\doifcolor{#1:##1}
+ {\doifinset\v!number{#2}{##1\hskip.5em}&
+ \color[#1:##1]{\rule}\graycolor[#1:##1]{\rule}&
+ \doifinset\v!value{#2}{\hskip.5em\colorvalue{#1:##1}}\crcr}}%
+ \halign
+ {\hss##&\hss##\hss&##\hss\cr
+ &\doifinset\v!name{#2}{\strut#1}&\crcr
+ \doshowgroup1\doshowgroup2\doshowgroup3\doshowgroup4%
+ \doshowgroup5\doshowgroup6\doshowgroup7\doshowgroup8}}}
+ {\dosingleempty\doshowcolor}
+ {\bgroup
+ \iffirstargument
+ \let\colorlist\empty % not really used, only for colo-run
+ \let\colorstyle\empty
+ \settrue\collectcolorsinlist
+ \setupcolor[#1]%
+ \fi
+ \def\rule
+ {\vrule\!!width4em\!!height\strutht\!!depth\strutdp}%
+ \def\docommand##1%
+ {\NC\graycolor[##1]{\rule}\NC\color[##1]{\rule}\NC\grayvalue{##1}\NC\colorvalue{##1}\NC##1\NC\NR}%
+ \starttabulate[|l|l|l|l|l|l|l|]
+ \expanded{\globalprocesscommalist[\colorlist]}\docommand
+ \stoptabulate
+ \egroup}
+ {\dosingleargument\docomparepalet}
+ {\doifdefined{\??pa#1}
+ {\hbox
+ {\dodocomparepalet\color[#1]%
+ \quad
+ \dodocomparepalet\graycolor[#1]}}}
+ {\localvbox
+ {\offinterlineskip
+ \setuppalet[#2]
+ \getcommacommandsize[\getvalue{\??pa#2}]
+ \!!widtha2em\relax
+ \hsize\commalistsize\!!widtha
+ \def\rule%
+ {\vrule\!!width.5\!!widtha\!!height2.25ex\!!depth-.75ex}
+ \def\dododocomparepalet##1%
+ {\hbox
+ {\setbox0\hbox
+ {#1[##1]{\vrule\!!width\hsize\!!height3ex}}%
+ \wd0\zeropoint
+ \box0
+ \hbox to \hsize
+ {\def\dododocomparepalet####1%
+ {\hbox to \!!widtha
+ {\hss#1[####1]{\rule}\hss}}%
+ \processcommacommand[\getvalue{\??pa#2}]\dododocomparepalet}}
+ \endgraf}
+ \processcommacommand[\getvalue{\??pa#2}]\dododocomparepalet}}
+ {\dosingleargument\docomparecolorgroup}
+ {\doifcolor{#1:1}
+ {\hbox
+ {\dodocomparecolorgroup\color[#1]%
+ \quad
+ \dodocomparecolorgroup\graycolor[#1]}}}
+ {\localvbox
+ {\!!counta\zerocount
+ \dorecurse{15}
+ {\doifcolor{#2:\recurselevel}{\advance\!!counta\plusone}}
+ \!!widtha2em\relax
+ \hsize\!!counta\!!widtha
+ \def\rule
+ {\vrule\!!width.5\!!widtha\!!height2.25ex\!!depth-.75ex}
+ \def\dododocomparecolorgroup##1%
+ {\hbox to \hsize
+ {\setbox0\hbox
+ {#1[#2:##1]{\vrule\!!width\hsize\!!height3ex}}%
+ \wd0\zeropoint
+ \box0
+ \hbox to \hsize
+ {\hss\dorecurse\!!counta{#1[#2:\recurselevel]{\rule}\hss}}}
+ \endgraf}
+ \dorecurse\!!counta{\dododocomparecolorgroup\recurselevel}}}
+ {\doifelsenothing{#1}
+ {\appendtoks
+ \TB
+ \to \scratchtoks}
+ {\appendtoks
+ \NC\showcolorbar[#1]\NC#1\NC\transparencycomponents{#1}\NC\colorcomponents{#1}\NC \NR
+ \to \scratchtoks}}
+ {\backgroundline[#1]{\strut\enspace\color[white]{white}\enspace\color[black]{black}\enspace}}
+ {\begingroup
+ \scratchtoks{\TB}%
+ \processcommacommand[#1]\dogetcolorcomponents
+ \starttabulate[|lT|lT|lT|lT|]
+ \NC color \NC name \NC transparency \NC specification \NC\NR
+ \the\scratchtoks
+ \stoptabulate
+ \endgroup}
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/colo-x11.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/colo-x11.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..45d3aac62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/colo-x11.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,677 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=colo-x11,
+%D version=2009.11.13,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Color Macros,
+%D subtitle=X11,
+%D author=Alan Braslau]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D Standard X11 rgb colors (from \type {/usr/share/X11/rgb.txt}):
+\doifnotmode{mkiv} {
+ \input colo-hex.mkii
+\definecolor [snow] [h=fffafa]
+\definecolor [ghostwhite] [h=f8f8ff]
+\definecolor [whitesmoke] [s=0.96]
+\definecolor [gainsboro] [s=0.86]
+\definecolor [floralwhite] [h=fffaf0]
+\definecolor [oldlace] [h=fdf5e6]
+\definecolor [linen] [h=faf0e6]
+\definecolor [antiquewhite] [h=faebd7]
+\definecolor [papayawhip] [h=ffefd5]
+\definecolor [blanchedalmond] [h=ffebcd]
+\definecolor [bisque] [h=ffe4c4]
+\definecolor [peachpuff] [h=ffdab9]
+\definecolor [navajowhite] [h=ffdead]
+\definecolor [moccasin] [h=ffe4b5]
+\definecolor [cornsilk] [h=fff8dc]
+\definecolor [ivory] [h=fffff0]
+\definecolor [lemonchiffon] [h=fffacd]
+\definecolor [seashell] [h=fff5ee]
+\definecolor [honeydew] [h=f0fff0]
+\definecolor [mintcream] [h=f5fffa]
+\definecolor [azure] [h=f0ffff]
+\definecolor [aliceblue] [h=f0f8ff]
+\definecolor [lavender] [h=e6e6fa]
+\definecolor [lavenderblush] [h=fff0f5]
+\definecolor [mistyrose] [h=ffe4e1]
+\definecolor [white] [s=1]
+\definecolor [black] [s=0]
+\definecolor [darkslategray] [h=2f4f4f]
+\definecolor [darkslategrey] [darkslategray]
+\definecolor [dimgray] [s=0.41]
+\definecolor [dimgrey] [dimgray]
+\definecolor [slategray] [h=708090]
+\definecolor [slategrey] [slategray]
+\definecolor [lightslategray] [h=778899]
+\definecolor [lightslategrey] [lightslategray]
+\definecolor [gray] [s=0.75]
+\definecolor [grey] [gray]
+\definecolor [lightgrey] [s=0.83]
+\definecolor [lightgray] [lightgrey]
+\definecolor [midnightblue] [h=191970]
+\definecolor [navy] [h=000080]
+\definecolor [navyblue] [navy]
+\definecolor [cornflowerblue] [h=6495ed]
+\definecolor [darkslateblue] [h=483d8b]
+\definecolor [slateblue] [h=6a5acd]
+\definecolor [mediumslateblue] [h=7b68ee]
+\definecolor [lightslateblue] [h=8470ff]
+\definecolor [mediumblue] [h=0000cd]
+\definecolor [royalblue] [h=4169e1]
+\definecolor [blue] [h=0000ff]
+\definecolor [dodgerblue] [h=1e90ff]
+\definecolor [deepskyblue] [h=00bfff]
+\definecolor [skyblue] [h=87ceeb]
+\definecolor [lightskyblue] [h=87cefa]
+\definecolor [steelblue] [h=4682b4]
+\definecolor [lightsteelblue] [h=b0c4de]
+\definecolor [lightblue] [h=add8e6]
+\definecolor [powderblue] [h=b0e0e6]
+\definecolor [paleturquoise] [h=afeeee]
+\definecolor [darkturquoise] [h=00ced1]
+\definecolor [mediumturquoise] [h=48d1cc]
+\definecolor [turquoise] [h=40e0d0]
+\definecolor [cyan] [h=00ffff]
+\definecolor [lightcyan] [h=e0ffff]
+\definecolor [cadetblue] [h=5f9ea0]
+\definecolor [mediumaquamarine] [h=66cdaa]
+\definecolor [aquamarine] [h=7fffd4]
+\definecolor [darkgreen] [h=006400]
+\definecolor [darkolivegreen] [h=556b2f]
+\definecolor [darkseagreen] [h=8fbc8f]
+\definecolor [seagreen] [h=2e8b57]
+\definecolor [mediumseagreen] [h=3cb371]
+\definecolor [lightseagreen] [h=20b2aa]
+\definecolor [palegreen] [h=98fb98]
+\definecolor [springgreen] [h=00ff7f]
+\definecolor [lawngreen] [h=7cfc00]
+\definecolor [green] [h=00ff00]
+\definecolor [chartreuse] [h=7fff00]
+\definecolor [mediumspringgreen] [h=00fa9a]
+\definecolor [greenyellow] [h=adff2f]
+\definecolor [limegreen] [h=32cd32]
+\definecolor [yellowgreen] [h=9acd32]
+\definecolor [forestgreen] [h=228b22]
+\definecolor [olivedrab] [h=6b8e23]
+\definecolor [darkkhaki] [h=bdb76b]
+\definecolor [khaki] [h=f0e68c]
+\definecolor [palegoldenrod] [h=eee8aa]
+\definecolor [lightgoldenrodyellow] [h=fafad2]
+\definecolor [lightyellow] [h=ffffe0]
+\definecolor [yellow] [h=ffff00]
+\definecolor [gold] [h=ffd700]
+\definecolor [lightgoldenrod] [h=eedd82]
+\definecolor [goldenrod] [h=daa520]
+\definecolor [darkgoldenrod] [h=b8860b]
+\definecolor [rosybrown] [h=bc8f8f]
+\definecolor [indianred] [h=cd5c5c]
+\definecolor [saddlebrown] [h=8b4513]
+\definecolor [sienna] [h=a0522d]
+\definecolor [peru] [h=cd853f]
+\definecolor [burlywood] [h=deb887]
+\definecolor [beige] [h=f5f5dc]
+\definecolor [wheat] [h=f5deb3]
+\definecolor [sandybrown] [h=f4a460]
+\definecolor [tan] [h=d2b48c]
+\definecolor [chocolate] [h=d2691e]
+\definecolor [firebrick] [h=b22222]
+\definecolor [brown] [h=a52a2a]
+\definecolor [darksalmon] [h=e9967a]
+\definecolor [salmon] [h=fa8072]
+\definecolor [lightsalmon] [h=ffa07a]
+\definecolor [orange] [h=ffa500]
+\definecolor [darkorange] [h=ff8c00]
+\definecolor [coral] [h=ff7f50]
+\definecolor [lightcoral] [h=f08080]
+\definecolor [tomato] [h=ff6347]
+\definecolor [orangered] [h=ff4500]
+\definecolor [red] [h=ff0000]
+\definecolor [hotpink] [h=ff69b4]
+\definecolor [deeppink] [h=ff1493]
+\definecolor [pink] [h=ffc0cb]
+\definecolor [lightpink] [h=ffb6c1]
+\definecolor [palevioletred] [h=db7093]
+\definecolor [maroon] [h=b03060]
+\definecolor [mediumvioletred] [h=c71585]
+\definecolor [violetred] [h=d02090]
+\definecolor [magenta] [h=ff00ff]
+\definecolor [violet] [h=ee82ee]
+\definecolor [plum] [h=dda0dd]
+\definecolor [orchid] [h=da70d6]
+\definecolor [mediumorchid] [h=ba55d3]
+\definecolor [darkorchid] [h=9932cc]
+\definecolor [darkviolet] [h=9400d3]
+\definecolor [blueviolet] [h=8a2be2]
+\definecolor [purple] [h=a020f0]
+\definecolor [mediumpurple] [h=9370db]
+\definecolor [thistle] [h=d8bfd8]
+\definecolor [snow1] [h=fffafa]
+\definecolor [snow2] [h=eee9e9]
+\definecolor [snow3] [h=cdc9c9]
+\definecolor [snow4] [h=8b8989]
+\definecolor [seashell1] [h=fff5ee]
+\definecolor [seashell2] [h=eee5de]
+\definecolor [seashell3] [h=cdc5bf]
+\definecolor [seashell4] [h=8b8682]
+\definecolor [antiquewhite1] [h=ffefdb]
+\definecolor [antiquewhite2] [h=eedfcc]
+\definecolor [antiquewhite3] [h=cdc0b0]
+\definecolor [antiquewhite4] [h=8b8378]
+\definecolor [bisque1] [h=ffe4c4]
+\definecolor [bisque2] [h=eed5b7]
+\definecolor [bisque3] [h=cdb79e]
+\definecolor [bisque4] [h=8b7d6b]
+\definecolor [peachpuff1] [h=ffdab9]
+\definecolor [peachpuff2] [h=eecbad]
+\definecolor [peachpuff3] [h=cdaf95]
+\definecolor [peachpuff4] [h=8b7765]
+\definecolor [navajowhite1] [h=ffdead]
+\definecolor [navajowhite2] [h=eecfa1]
+\definecolor [navajowhite3] [h=cdb38b]
+\definecolor [navajowhite4] [h=8b795e]
+\definecolor [lemonchiffon1] [h=fffacd]
+\definecolor [lemonchiffon2] [h=eee9bf]
+\definecolor [lemonchiffon3] [h=cdc9a5]
+\definecolor [lemonchiffon4] [h=8b8970]
+\definecolor [cornsilk1] [h=fff8dc]
+\definecolor [cornsilk2] [h=eee8cd]
+\definecolor [cornsilk3] [h=cdc8b1]
+\definecolor [cornsilk4] [h=8b8878]
+\definecolor [ivory1] [h=fffff0]
+\definecolor [ivory2] [h=eeeee0]
+\definecolor [ivory3] [h=cdcdc1]
+\definecolor [ivory4] [h=8b8b83]
+\definecolor [honeydew1] [h=f0fff0]
+\definecolor [honeydew2] [h=e0eee0]
+\definecolor [honeydew3] [h=c1cdc1]
+\definecolor [honeydew4] [h=838b83]
+\definecolor [lavenderblush1] [h=fff0f5]
+\definecolor [lavenderblush2] [h=eee0e5]
+\definecolor [lavenderblush3] [h=cdc1c5]
+\definecolor [lavenderblush4] [h=8b8386]
+\definecolor [mistyrose1] [h=ffe4e1]
+\definecolor [mistyrose2] [h=eed5d2]
+\definecolor [mistyrose3] [h=cdb7b5]
+\definecolor [mistyrose4] [h=8b7d7b]
+\definecolor [azure1] [h=f0ffff]
+\definecolor [azure2] [h=e0eeee]
+\definecolor [azure3] [h=c1cdcd]
+\definecolor [azure4] [h=838b8b]
+\definecolor [slateblue1] [h=836fff]
+\definecolor [slateblue2] [h=7a67ee]
+\definecolor [slateblue3] [h=6959cd]
+\definecolor [slateblue4] [h=473c8b]
+\definecolor [royalblue1] [h=4876ff]
+\definecolor [royalblue2] [h=436eee]
+\definecolor [royalblue3] [h=3a5fcd]
+\definecolor [royalblue4] [h=27408b]
+\definecolor [blue1] [h=0000ff]
+\definecolor [blue2] [h=0000ee]
+\definecolor [blue3] [h=0000cd]
+\definecolor [blue4] [h=00008b]
+\definecolor [dodgerblue1] [h=1e90ff]
+\definecolor [dodgerblue2] [h=1c86ee]
+\definecolor [dodgerblue3] [h=1874cd]
+\definecolor [dodgerblue4] [h=104e8b]
+\definecolor [steelblue1] [h=63b8ff]
+\definecolor [steelblue2] [h=5cacee]
+\definecolor [steelblue3] [h=4f94cd]
+\definecolor [steelblue4] [h=36648b]
+\definecolor [deepskyblue1] [h=00bfff]
+\definecolor [deepskyblue2] [h=00b2ee]
+\definecolor [deepskyblue3] [h=009acd]
+\definecolor [deepskyblue4] [h=00688b]
+\definecolor [skyblue1] [h=87ceff]
+\definecolor [skyblue2] [h=7ec0ee]
+\definecolor [skyblue3] [h=6ca6cd]
+\definecolor [skyblue4] [h=4a708b]
+\definecolor [lightskyblue1] [h=b0e2ff]
+\definecolor [lightskyblue2] [h=a4d3ee]
+\definecolor [lightskyblue3] [h=8db6cd]
+\definecolor [lightskyblue4] [h=607b8b]
+\definecolor [slategray1] [h=c6e2ff]
+\definecolor [slategray2] [h=b9d3ee]
+\definecolor [slategray3] [h=9fb6cd]
+\definecolor [slategray4] [h=6c7b8b]
+\definecolor [lightsteelblue1] [h=cae1ff]
+\definecolor [lightsteelblue2] [h=bcd2ee]
+\definecolor [lightsteelblue3] [h=a2b5cd]
+\definecolor [lightsteelblue4] [h=6e7b8b]
+\definecolor [lightblue1] [h=bfefff]
+\definecolor [lightblue2] [h=b2dfee]
+\definecolor [lightblue3] [h=9ac0cd]
+\definecolor [lightblue4] [h=68838b]
+\definecolor [lightcyan1] [h=e0ffff]
+\definecolor [lightcyan2] [h=d1eeee]
+\definecolor [lightcyan3] [h=b4cdcd]
+\definecolor [lightcyan4] [h=7a8b8b]
+\definecolor [paleturquoise1] [h=bbffff]
+\definecolor [paleturquoise2] [h=aeeeee]
+\definecolor [paleturquoise3] [h=96cdcd]
+\definecolor [paleturquoise4] [h=668b8b]
+\definecolor [cadetblue1] [h=98f5ff]
+\definecolor [cadetblue2] [h=8ee5ee]
+\definecolor [cadetblue3] [h=7ac5cd]
+\definecolor [cadetblue4] [h=53868b]
+\definecolor [turquoise1] [h=00f5ff]
+\definecolor [turquoise2] [h=00e5ee]
+\definecolor [turquoise3] [h=00c5cd]
+\definecolor [turquoise4] [h=00868b]
+\definecolor [cyan1] [h=00ffff]
+\definecolor [cyan2] [h=00eeee]
+\definecolor [cyan3] [h=00cdcd]
+\definecolor [cyan4] [h=008b8b]
+\definecolor [darkslategray1] [h=97ffff]
+\definecolor [darkslategray2] [h=8deeee]
+\definecolor [darkslategray3] [h=79cdcd]
+\definecolor [darkslategray4] [h=528b8b]
+\definecolor [aquamarine1] [h=7fffd4]
+\definecolor [aquamarine2] [h=76eec6]
+\definecolor [aquamarine3] [h=66cdaa]
+\definecolor [aquamarine4] [h=458b74]
+\definecolor [darkseagreen1] [h=c1ffc1]
+\definecolor [darkseagreen2] [h=b4eeb4]
+\definecolor [darkseagreen3] [h=9bcd9b]
+\definecolor [darkseagreen4] [h=698b69]
+\definecolor [seagreen1] [h=54ff9f]
+\definecolor [seagreen2] [h=4eee94]
+\definecolor [seagreen3] [h=43cd80]
+\definecolor [seagreen4] [h=2e8b57]
+\definecolor [palegreen1] [h=9aff9a]
+\definecolor [palegreen2] [h=90ee90]
+\definecolor [palegreen3] [h=7ccd7c]
+\definecolor [palegreen4] [h=548b54]
+\definecolor [springgreen1] [h=00ff7f]
+\definecolor [springgreen2] [h=00ee76]
+\definecolor [springgreen3] [h=00cd66]
+\definecolor [springgreen4] [h=008b45]
+\definecolor [green1] [h=00ff00]
+\definecolor [green2] [h=00ee00]
+\definecolor [green3] [h=00cd00]
+\definecolor [green4] [h=008b00]
+\definecolor [chartreuse1] [h=7fff00]
+\definecolor [chartreuse2] [h=76ee00]
+\definecolor [chartreuse3] [h=66cd00]
+\definecolor [chartreuse4] [h=458b00]
+\definecolor [olivedrab1] [h=c0ff3e]
+\definecolor [olivedrab2] [h=b3ee3a]
+\definecolor [olivedrab3] [h=9acd32]
+\definecolor [olivedrab4] [h=698b22]
+\definecolor [darkolivegreen1] [h=caff70]
+\definecolor [darkolivegreen2] [h=bcee68]
+\definecolor [darkolivegreen3] [h=a2cd5a]
+\definecolor [darkolivegreen4] [h=6e8b3d]
+\definecolor [khaki1] [h=fff68f]
+\definecolor [khaki2] [h=eee685]
+\definecolor [khaki3] [h=cdc673]
+\definecolor [khaki4] [h=8b864e]
+\definecolor [lightgoldenrod1] [h=ffec8b]
+\definecolor [lightgoldenrod2] [h=eedc82]
+\definecolor [lightgoldenrod3] [h=cdbe70]
+\definecolor [lightgoldenrod4] [h=8b814c]
+\definecolor [lightyellow1] [h=ffffe0]
+\definecolor [lightyellow2] [h=eeeed1]
+\definecolor [lightyellow3] [h=cdcdb4]
+\definecolor [lightyellow4] [h=8b8b7a]
+\definecolor [yellow1] [h=ffff00]
+\definecolor [yellow2] [h=eeee00]
+\definecolor [yellow3] [h=cdcd00]
+\definecolor [yellow4] [h=8b8b00]
+\definecolor [gold1] [h=ffd700]
+\definecolor [gold2] [h=eec900]
+\definecolor [gold3] [h=cdad00]
+\definecolor [gold4] [h=8b7500]
+\definecolor [goldenrod1] [h=ffc125]
+\definecolor [goldenrod2] [h=eeb422]
+\definecolor [goldenrod3] [h=cd9b1d]
+\definecolor [goldenrod4] [h=8b6914]
+\definecolor [darkgoldenrod1] [h=ffb90f]
+\definecolor [darkgoldenrod2] [h=eead0e]
+\definecolor [darkgoldenrod3] [h=cd950c]
+\definecolor [darkgoldenrod4] [h=8b6508]
+\definecolor [rosybrown1] [h=ffc1c1]
+\definecolor [rosybrown2] [h=eeb4b4]
+\definecolor [rosybrown3] [h=cd9b9b]
+\definecolor [rosybrown4] [h=8b6969]
+\definecolor [indianred1] [h=ff6a6a]
+\definecolor [indianred2] [h=ee6363]
+\definecolor [indianred3] [h=cd5555]
+\definecolor [indianred4] [h=8b3a3a]
+\definecolor [sienna1] [h=ff8247]
+\definecolor [sienna2] [h=ee7942]
+\definecolor [sienna3] [h=cd6839]
+\definecolor [sienna4] [h=8b4726]
+\definecolor [burlywood1] [h=ffd39b]
+\definecolor [burlywood2] [h=eec591]
+\definecolor [burlywood3] [h=cdaa7d]
+\definecolor [burlywood4] [h=8b7355]
+\definecolor [wheat1] [h=ffe7ba]
+\definecolor [wheat2] [h=eed8ae]
+\definecolor [wheat3] [h=cdba96]
+\definecolor [wheat4] [h=8b7e66]
+\definecolor [tan1] [h=ffa54f]
+\definecolor [tan2] [h=ee9a49]
+\definecolor [tan3] [h=cd853f]
+\definecolor [tan4] [h=8b5a2b]
+\definecolor [chocolate1] [h=ff7f24]
+\definecolor [chocolate2] [h=ee7621]
+\definecolor [chocolate3] [h=cd661d]
+\definecolor [chocolate4] [h=8b4513]
+\definecolor [firebrick1] [h=ff3030]
+\definecolor [firebrick2] [h=ee2c2c]
+\definecolor [firebrick3] [h=cd2626]
+\definecolor [firebrick4] [h=8b1a1a]
+\definecolor [brown1] [h=ff4040]
+\definecolor [brown2] [h=ee3b3b]
+\definecolor [brown3] [h=cd3333]
+\definecolor [brown4] [h=8b2323]
+\definecolor [salmon1] [h=ff8c69]
+\definecolor [salmon2] [h=ee8262]
+\definecolor [salmon3] [h=cd7054]
+\definecolor [salmon4] [h=8b4c39]
+\definecolor [lightsalmon1] [h=ffa07a]
+\definecolor [lightsalmon2] [h=ee9572]
+\definecolor [lightsalmon3] [h=cd8162]
+\definecolor [lightsalmon4] [h=8b5742]
+\definecolor [orange1] [h=ffa500]
+\definecolor [orange2] [h=ee9a00]
+\definecolor [orange3] [h=cd8500]
+\definecolor [orange4] [h=8b5a00]
+\definecolor [darkorange1] [h=ff7f00]
+\definecolor [darkorange2] [h=ee7600]
+\definecolor [darkorange3] [h=cd6600]
+\definecolor [darkorange4] [h=8b4500]
+\definecolor [coral1] [h=ff7256]
+\definecolor [coral2] [h=ee6a50]
+\definecolor [coral3] [h=cd5b45]
+\definecolor [coral4] [h=8b3e2f]
+\definecolor [tomato1] [h=ff6347]
+\definecolor [tomato2] [h=ee5c42]
+\definecolor [tomato3] [h=cd4f39]
+\definecolor [tomato4] [h=8b3626]
+\definecolor [orangered1] [h=ff4500]
+\definecolor [orangered2] [h=ee4000]
+\definecolor [orangered3] [h=cd3700]
+\definecolor [orangered4] [h=8b2500]
+\definecolor [red1] [h=ff0000]
+\definecolor [red2] [h=ee0000]
+\definecolor [red3] [h=cd0000]
+\definecolor [red4] [h=8b0000]
+\definecolor [debianred] [h=d70751]
+\definecolor [deeppink1] [h=ff1493]
+\definecolor [deeppink2] [h=ee1289]
+\definecolor [deeppink3] [h=cd1076]
+\definecolor [deeppink4] [h=8b0a50]
+\definecolor [hotpink1] [h=ff6eb4]
+\definecolor [hotpink2] [h=ee6aa7]
+\definecolor [hotpink3] [h=cd6090]
+\definecolor [hotpink4] [h=8b3a62]
+\definecolor [pink1] [h=ffb5c5]
+\definecolor [pink2] [h=eea9b8]
+\definecolor [pink3] [h=cd919e]
+\definecolor [pink4] [h=8b636c]
+\definecolor [lightpink1] [h=ffaeb9]
+\definecolor [lightpink2] [h=eea2ad]
+\definecolor [lightpink3] [h=cd8c95]
+\definecolor [lightpink4] [h=8b5f65]
+\definecolor [palevioletred1] [h=ff82ab]
+\definecolor [palevioletred2] [h=ee799f]
+\definecolor [palevioletred3] [h=cd6889]
+\definecolor [palevioletred4] [h=8b475d]
+\definecolor [maroon1] [h=ff34b3]
+\definecolor [maroon2] [h=ee30a7]
+\definecolor [maroon3] [h=cd2990]
+\definecolor [maroon4] [h=8b1c62]
+\definecolor [violetred1] [h=ff3e96]
+\definecolor [violetred2] [h=ee3a8c]
+\definecolor [violetred3] [h=cd3278]
+\definecolor [violetred4] [h=8b2252]
+\definecolor [magenta1] [h=ff00ff]
+\definecolor [magenta2] [h=ee00ee]
+\definecolor [magenta3] [h=cd00cd]
+\definecolor [magenta4] [h=8b008b]
+\definecolor [orchid1] [h=ff83fa]
+\definecolor [orchid2] [h=ee7ae9]
+\definecolor [orchid3] [h=cd69c9]
+\definecolor [orchid4] [h=8b4789]
+\definecolor [plum1] [h=ffbbff]
+\definecolor [plum2] [h=eeaeee]
+\definecolor [plum3] [h=cd96cd]
+\definecolor [plum4] [h=8b668b]
+\definecolor [mediumorchid1] [h=e066ff]
+\definecolor [mediumorchid2] [h=d15fee]
+\definecolor [mediumorchid3] [h=b452cd]
+\definecolor [mediumorchid4] [h=7a378b]
+\definecolor [darkorchid1] [h=bf3eff]
+\definecolor [darkorchid2] [h=b23aee]
+\definecolor [darkorchid3] [h=9a32cd]
+\definecolor [darkorchid4] [h=68228b]
+\definecolor [purple1] [h=9b30ff]
+\definecolor [purple2] [h=912cee]
+\definecolor [purple3] [h=7d26cd]
+\definecolor [purple4] [h=551a8b]
+\definecolor [mediumpurple1] [h=ab82ff]
+\definecolor [mediumpurple2] [h=9f79ee]
+\definecolor [mediumpurple3] [h=8968cd]
+\definecolor [mediumpurple4] [h=5d478b]
+\definecolor [thistle1] [h=ffe1ff]
+\definecolor [thistle2] [h=eed2ee]
+\definecolor [thistle3] [h=cdb5cd]
+\definecolor [thistle4] [h=8b7b8b]
+\definecolor [gray0] [s=0.00]
+\definecolor [grey0] [gray0]
+\definecolor [gray1] [s=0.01]
+\definecolor [grey1] [gray1]
+\definecolor [gray2] [s=0.02]
+\definecolor [grey2] [gray2]
+\definecolor [gray3] [s=0.03]
+\definecolor [grey3] [gray3]
+\definecolor [gray4] [s=0.04]
+\definecolor [grey4] [gray4]
+\definecolor [gray5] [s=0.05]
+\definecolor [grey5] [gray5]
+\definecolor [gray6] [s=0.06]
+\definecolor [grey6] [gray6]
+\definecolor [gray7] [s=0.07]
+\definecolor [grey7] [gray7]
+\definecolor [gray8] [s=0.08]
+\definecolor [grey8] [gray8]
+\definecolor [gray9] [s=0.09]
+\definecolor [grey9] [gray9]
+\definecolor [gray10] [s=0.10]
+\definecolor [grey10] [gray10]
+\definecolor [gray11] [s=0.11]
+\definecolor [grey11] [gray11]
+\definecolor [gray12] [s=0.12]
+\definecolor [grey12] [gray12]
+\definecolor [gray13] [s=0.13]
+\definecolor [grey13] [gray13]
+\definecolor [gray14] [s=0.14]
+\definecolor [grey14] [gray14]
+\definecolor [gray15] [s=0.15]
+\definecolor [grey15] [gray15]
+\definecolor [gray16] [s=0.16]
+\definecolor [grey16] [gray16]
+\definecolor [gray17] [s=0.17]
+\definecolor [grey17] [gray17]
+\definecolor [gray18] [s=0.18]
+\definecolor [grey18] [gray18]
+\definecolor [gray19] [s=0.19]
+\definecolor [grey19] [gray19]
+\definecolor [gray20] [s=0.20]
+\definecolor [grey20] [gray20]
+\definecolor [gray21] [s=0.21]
+\definecolor [grey21] [gray21]
+\definecolor [gray22] [s=0.22]
+\definecolor [grey22] [gray22]
+\definecolor [gray23] [s=0.23]
+\definecolor [grey23] [gray23]
+\definecolor [gray24] [s=0.24]
+\definecolor [grey24] [gray24]
+\definecolor [gray25] [s=0.25]
+\definecolor [grey25] [gray25]
+\definecolor [gray26] [s=0.26]
+\definecolor [grey26] [gray26]
+\definecolor [gray27] [s=0.27]
+\definecolor [grey27] [gray27]
+\definecolor [gray28] [s=0.28]
+\definecolor [grey28] [gray28]
+\definecolor [gray29] [s=0.29]
+\definecolor [grey29] [gray29]
+\definecolor [gray30] [s=0.30]
+\definecolor [grey30] [gray30]
+\definecolor [gray31] [s=0.31]
+\definecolor [grey31] [gray31]
+\definecolor [gray32] [s=0.32]
+\definecolor [grey32] [gray32]
+\definecolor [gray33] [s=0.33]
+\definecolor [grey33] [gray33]
+\definecolor [gray34] [s=0.34]
+\definecolor [grey34] [gray34]
+\definecolor [gray35] [s=0.35]
+\definecolor [grey35] [gray35]
+\definecolor [gray36] [s=0.36]
+\definecolor [grey36] [gray36]
+\definecolor [gray37] [s=0.37]
+\definecolor [grey37] [gray37]
+\definecolor [gray38] [s=0.38]
+\definecolor [grey38] [gray38]
+\definecolor [gray39] [s=0.39]
+\definecolor [grey39] [gray39]
+\definecolor [gray40] [s=0.40]
+\definecolor [grey40] [gray40]
+\definecolor [gray41] [s=0.41]
+\definecolor [grey41] [gray41]
+\definecolor [gray42] [s=0.42]
+\definecolor [grey42] [gray42]
+\definecolor [gray43] [s=0.43]
+\definecolor [grey43] [gray43]
+\definecolor [gray44] [s=0.44]
+\definecolor [grey44] [gray44]
+\definecolor [gray45] [s=0.45]
+\definecolor [grey45] [gray45]
+\definecolor [gray46] [s=0.46]
+\definecolor [grey46] [gray46]
+\definecolor [gray47] [s=0.47]
+\definecolor [grey47] [gray47]
+\definecolor [gray48] [s=0.48]
+\definecolor [grey48] [gray48]
+\definecolor [gray49] [s=0.49]
+\definecolor [grey49] [gray49]
+\definecolor [gray50] [s=0.50]
+\definecolor [grey50] [gray50]
+\definecolor [gray51] [s=0.51]
+\definecolor [grey51] [gray51]
+\definecolor [gray52] [s=0.52]
+\definecolor [grey52] [gray52]
+\definecolor [gray53] [s=0.53]
+\definecolor [grey53] [gray53]
+\definecolor [gray54] [s=0.54]
+\definecolor [grey54] [gray54]
+\definecolor [gray55] [s=0.55]
+\definecolor [grey55] [gray55]
+\definecolor [gray56] [s=0.56]
+\definecolor [grey56] [gray56]
+\definecolor [gray57] [s=0.57]
+\definecolor [grey57] [gray57]
+\definecolor [gray58] [s=0.58]
+\definecolor [grey58] [gray58]
+\definecolor [gray59] [s=0.59]
+\definecolor [grey59] [gray59]
+\definecolor [gray60] [s=0.60]
+\definecolor [grey60] [gray60]
+\definecolor [gray61] [s=0.61]
+\definecolor [grey61] [gray61]
+\definecolor [gray62] [s=0.62]
+\definecolor [grey62] [gray62]
+\definecolor [gray63] [s=0.63]
+\definecolor [grey63] [gray63]
+\definecolor [gray64] [s=0.64]
+\definecolor [grey64] [gray64]
+\definecolor [gray65] [s=0.65]
+\definecolor [grey65] [gray65]
+\definecolor [gray66] [s=0.66]
+\definecolor [grey66] [gray66]
+\definecolor [gray67] [s=0.67]
+\definecolor [grey67] [gray67]
+\definecolor [gray68] [s=0.68]
+\definecolor [grey68] [gray68]
+\definecolor [gray69] [s=0.69]
+\definecolor [grey69] [gray69]
+\definecolor [gray70] [s=0.70]
+\definecolor [grey70] [gray70]
+\definecolor [gray71] [s=0.71]
+\definecolor [grey71] [gray71]
+\definecolor [gray72] [s=0.72]
+\definecolor [grey72] [gray72]
+\definecolor [gray73] [s=0.73]
+\definecolor [grey73] [gray73]
+\definecolor [gray74] [s=0.74]
+\definecolor [grey74] [gray74]
+\definecolor [gray75] [s=0.75]
+\definecolor [grey75] [gray75]
+\definecolor [gray76] [s=0.76]
+\definecolor [grey76] [gray76]
+\definecolor [gray77] [s=0.77]
+\definecolor [grey77] [gray77]
+\definecolor [gray78] [s=0.78]
+\definecolor [grey78] [gray78]
+\definecolor [gray79] [s=0.79]
+\definecolor [grey79] [gray79]
+\definecolor [gray80] [s=0.80]
+\definecolor [grey80] [gray80]
+\definecolor [gray81] [s=0.81]
+\definecolor [grey81] [gray81]
+\definecolor [gray82] [s=0.82]
+\definecolor [grey82] [gray82]
+\definecolor [gray83] [s=0.83]
+\definecolor [grey83] [gray83]
+\definecolor [gray84] [s=0.84]
+\definecolor [grey84] [gray84]
+\definecolor [gray85] [s=0.85]
+\definecolor [grey85] [gray85]
+\definecolor [gray86] [s=0.86]
+\definecolor [grey86] [gray86]
+\definecolor [gray87] [s=0.87]
+\definecolor [grey87] [gray87]
+\definecolor [gray88] [s=0.88]
+\definecolor [grey88] [gray88]
+\definecolor [gray89] [s=0.89]
+\definecolor [grey89] [gray89]
+\definecolor [gray90] [s=0.90]
+\definecolor [grey90] [gray90]
+\definecolor [gray91] [s=0.91]
+\definecolor [grey91] [gray91]
+\definecolor [gray92] [s=0.92]
+\definecolor [grey92] [gray92]
+\definecolor [gray93] [s=0.93]
+\definecolor [grey93] [gray93]
+\definecolor [gray94] [s=0.94]
+\definecolor [grey94] [gray94]
+\definecolor [gray95] [s=0.95]
+\definecolor [grey95] [gray95]
+\definecolor [gray96] [s=0.96]
+\definecolor [grey96] [gray96]
+\definecolor [gray97] [s=0.97]
+\definecolor [grey97] [gray97]
+\definecolor [gray98] [s=0.98]
+\definecolor [grey98] [gray98]
+\definecolor [gray99] [s=0.99]
+\definecolor [grey99] [gray99]
+\definecolor [gray100] [s=1.00]
+\definecolor [grey100] [gray100]
+\definecolor [darkgrey] [s=0.66]
+\definecolor [darkgray] [darkgrey]
+\definecolor [darkblue] [h=00008b]
+\definecolor [darkcyan] [h=008b8b]
+\definecolor [darkmagenta] [h=8b008b]
+\definecolor [darkred] [h=8b0000]
+\definecolor [lightgreen] [h=90ee90]
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/colo-xwi.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/colo-xwi.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..48ffe234e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/colo-xwi.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=colo-xwi,
+%D version=1995.01.01,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Color Macros,
+%D subtitle=X Windows,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D I've forgotten where I got these definitions from, but maybe
+%D they can be of use. Watch out, these colors are in the rgb
+%D color space, so cyan is not defined in cmyk!
+\definecolor [aliceblue] [r=0.94,g=0.97,b=1.00]
+\definecolor [antiquewhite] [r=0.98,g=0.92,b=0.84]
+\definecolor [aquamarine] [r=0.50,g=1.00,b=0.83]
+\definecolor [azure] [r=0.94,g=1.00,b=1.00]
+\definecolor [beige] [r=0.96,g=0.96,b=0.86]
+\definecolor [bisque] [r=1.00,g=0.89,b=0.77]
+\definecolor [black] [s=0] % [r=0.00,g=0.00,b=0.00]
+\definecolor [blanchedalmond] [r=1.00,g=0.92,b=0.80]
+\definecolor [blue] [r=0.00,g=0.00,b=1.00]
+\definecolor [blueviolet] [r=0.54,g=0.17,b=0.89]
+\definecolor [brown] [r=0.65,g=0.16,b=0.16]
+\definecolor [burlywood] [r=0.87,g=0.72,b=0.53]
+\definecolor [cadetblue] [r=0.37,g=0.62,b=0.63]
+\definecolor [chartreuse] [r=0.50,g=1.00,b=0.00]
+\definecolor [chocolate] [r=0.82,g=0.41,b=0.12]
+\definecolor [coral] [r=1.00,g=0.50,b=0.31]
+\definecolor [cornflowerblue] [r=0.39,g=0.58,b=0.93]
+\definecolor [cornsilk] [r=1.00,g=0.97,b=0.86]
+\definecolor [cyan] [r=0.00,g=1.00,b=1.00]
+\definecolor [darkgoldenrod] [r=0.72,g=0.53,b=0.04]
+\definecolor [darkgreen] [r=0.00,g=0.39,b=0.00]
+\definecolor [darkkhaki] [r=0.74,g=0.72,b=0.42]
+\definecolor [darkolivegreen] [r=0.33,g=0.42,b=0.18]
+\definecolor [darkorange] [r=1.00,g=0.55,b=0.00]
+\definecolor [darkorchid] [r=0.60,g=0.20,b=0.80]
+\definecolor [darksalmon] [r=0.91,g=0.59,b=0.48]
+\definecolor [darkseagreen] [r=0.56,g=0.74,b=0.56]
+\definecolor [darkslateblue] [r=0.28,g=0.24,b=0.55]
+\definecolor [darkturquoise] [r=0.00,g=0.81,b=0.82]
+\definecolor [darkviolet] [r=0.58,g=0.00,b=0.83]
+\definecolor [deeppink] [r=1.00,g=0.08,b=0.58]
+\definecolor [deepskyblue] [r=0.00,g=0.75,b=1.00]
+\definecolor [dodgerblue] [r=0.12,g=0.56,b=1.00]
+\definecolor [firebrick] [r=0.70,g=0.13,b=0.13]
+\definecolor [floralwhite] [r=1.00,g=0.98,b=0.94]
+\definecolor [forestgreen] [r=0.13,g=0.55,b=0.13]
+\definecolor [gainsboro] [r=0.86,g=0.86,b=0.86]
+\definecolor [ghostwhite] [r=0.97,g=0.97,b=1.00]
+\definecolor [gold] [r=1.00,g=0.84,b=0.00]
+\definecolor [goldenrod] [r=0.85,g=0.65,b=0.13]
+\definecolor [green] [r=0.00,g=1.00,b=0.00]
+\definecolor [greenyellow] [r=0.68,g=1.00,b=0.18]
+\definecolor [honeydew] [r=0.94,g=1.00,b=0.94]
+\definecolor [hotpink] [r=1.00,g=0.41,b=0.71]
+\definecolor [indianred] [r=0.80,g=0.36,b=0.36]
+\definecolor [ivory] [r=1.00,g=1.00,b=0.94]
+\definecolor [khaki] [r=0.94,g=0.90,b=0.55]
+\definecolor [lavender] [r=0.90,g=0.90,b=0.98]
+\definecolor [lavenderblush] [r=1.00,g=0.94,b=0.96]
+\definecolor [lawngreen] [r=0.49,g=0.99,b=0.00]
+\definecolor [lemonchiffon] [r=1.00,g=0.98,b=0.80]
+\definecolor [lightblue] [r=0.68,g=0.85,b=0.90]
+\definecolor [lightcoral] [r=0.94,g=0.50,b=0.50]
+\definecolor [lightcyan] [r=0.88,g=1.00,b=1.00]
+\definecolor [lightgoldenrod] [r=0.93,g=0.87,b=0.51]
+\definecolor [lightgoldenrodyellow] [r=0.98,g=0.98,b=0.82]
+\definecolor [lightpink] [r=1.00,g=0.71,b=0.76]
+\definecolor [lightsalmon] [r=1.00,g=0.63,b=0.48]
+\definecolor [lightseagreen] [r=0.13,g=0.70,b=0.67]
+\definecolor [lightskyblue] [r=0.53,g=0.81,b=0.98]
+\definecolor [lightslateblue] [r=0.52,g=0.44,b=1.00]
+\definecolor [lightsteelblue] [r=0.69,g=0.77,b=0.87]
+\definecolor [lightyellow] [r=1.00,g=1.00,b=0.88]
+\definecolor [limegreen] [r=0.20,g=0.80,b=0.20]
+\definecolor [linen] [r=0.98,g=0.94,b=0.90]
+\definecolor [magenta] [r=1.00,g=0.00,b=1.00]
+\definecolor [maroon] [r=0.69,g=0.19,b=0.38]
+\definecolor [mediumaquamarine] [r=0.40,g=0.80,b=0.67]
+\definecolor [mediumblue] [r=0.00,g=0.00,b=0.80]
+\definecolor [mediumorchid] [r=0.73,g=0.33,b=0.83]
+\definecolor [mediumpurple] [r=0.58,g=0.44,b=0.86]
+\definecolor [mediumseagreen] [r=0.24,g=0.70,b=0.44]
+\definecolor [mediumslateblue] [r=0.48,g=0.41,b=0.93]
+\definecolor [mediumspringgreen] [r=0.00,g=0.98,b=0.60]
+\definecolor [mediumturquoise] [r=0.28,g=0.82,b=0.80]
+\definecolor [mediumvioletred] [r=0.78,g=0.08,b=0.52]
+\definecolor [midnightblue] [r=0.10,g=0.10,b=0.44]
+\definecolor [mintcream] [r=0.96,g=1.00,b=0.98]
+\definecolor [mistyrose] [r=1.00,g=0.89,b=0.88]
+\definecolor [moccasin] [r=1.00,g=0.89,b=0.71]
+\definecolor [navajowhite] [r=1.00,g=0.87,b=0.68]
+\definecolor [navy] [r=0.00,g=0.00,b=0.50]
+\definecolor [navyblue] [r=0.00,g=0.00,b=0.50]
+\definecolor [oldlace] [r=0.99,g=0.96,b=0.90]
+\definecolor [olivedrab] [r=0.42,g=0.56,b=0.14]
+\definecolor [orange] [r=1.00,g=0.65,b=0.00]
+\definecolor [orangered] [r=1.00,g=0.27,b=0.00]
+\definecolor [orchid] [r=0.85,g=0.44,b=0.84]
+\definecolor [palegoldenrod] [r=0.93,g=0.91,b=0.67]
+\definecolor [palegreen] [r=0.60,g=0.98,b=0.60]
+\definecolor [paleturquoise] [r=0.69,g=0.93,b=0.93]
+\definecolor [palevioletred] [r=0.86,g=0.44,b=0.58]
+\definecolor [papayawhip] [r=1.00,g=0.94,b=0.84]
+\definecolor [peachpuff] [r=1.00,g=0.85,b=0.73]
+\definecolor [peru] [r=0.80,g=0.52,b=0.25]
+\definecolor [pink] [r=1.00,g=0.75,b=0.80]
+\definecolor [plum] [r=0.87,g=0.63,b=0.87]
+\definecolor [powderblue] [r=0.69,g=0.88,b=0.90]
+\definecolor [purple] [r=0.63,g=0.13,b=0.94]
+\definecolor [red ] [r=1.00,g=0.00,b=0.00]
+\definecolor [rosybrown] [r=0.74,g=0.56,b=0.56]
+\definecolor [royalblue] [r=0.25,g=0.41,b=0.88]
+\definecolor [saddlebrown] [r=0.55,g=0.27,b=0.07]
+\definecolor [salmon] [r=0.98,g=0.50,b=0.45]
+\definecolor [sandybrown] [r=0.96,g=0.64,b=0.38]
+\definecolor [seagreen] [r=0.18,g=0.55,b=0.34]
+\definecolor [seashell] [r=1.00,g=0.96,b=0.93]
+\definecolor [sienna] [r=0.63,g=0.32,b=0.18]
+\definecolor [skyblue] [r=0.53,g=0.81,b=0.92]
+\definecolor [slateblue] [r=0.42,g=0.35,b=0.80]
+\definecolor [snow] [r=1.00,g=0.98,b=0.98]
+\definecolor [springgreen] [r=0.00,g=1.00,b=0.50]
+\definecolor [steelblue] [r=0.27,g=0.51,b=0.71]
+\definecolor [tancolor] [r=0.82,g=0.71,b=0.55] % we don't want it to clash
+\definecolor [thistle] [r=0.85,g=0.75,b=0.85]
+\definecolor [tomato] [r=1.00,g=0.39,b=0.28]
+\definecolor [turquoise] [r=0.25,g=0.88,b=0.82]
+\definecolor [violet] [r=0.93,g=0.51,b=0.93]
+\definecolor [violetred] [r=0.82,g=0.13,b=0.56]
+\definecolor [wheat] [r=0.96,g=0.87,b=0.70]
+\definecolor [white] [r=1.00,g=1.00,b=1.00]
+\definecolor [whitesmoke] [s=0.96] % [r=0.96,g=0.96,b=0.96]
+\definecolor [yellow] [r=1.00,g=1.00,b=0.00]
+\definecolor [yellowgreen] [r=0.60,g=0.80,b=0.20]
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/cont-cs.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/cont-cs.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..89b781c37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/cont-cs.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=cont-cs,
+%D version=1998.12.02,
+%D title=\CONTEXT,
+%D subtitle=\CONTEXT\ Czech Format Generation,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\catcode`\{=1 \catcode`\}=2
+\def\defaultinterface {czech}
+\input context.mkii
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/cont-de.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/cont-de.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5badc59d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/cont-de.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=cont-de,
+%D version=1997.08.19,
+%D title=\CONTEXT,
+%D subtitle=\CONTEXT\ German Format Generation,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\catcode`\{=1 \catcode`\}=2
+\def\defaultinterface {german}
+\input context.mkii
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/cont-en.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/cont-en.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9d0d4de2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/cont-en.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=cont-en,
+%D version=1997.08.19,
+%D title=\CONTEXT,
+%D subtitle=\CONTEXT\ English Format Generation,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\catcode`\{=1 \catcode`\}=2
+\def\defaultinterface {english}
+\input context.mkii
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/cont-err.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/cont-err.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..00118f6cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/cont-err.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=cont-err,
+%D version=2003.08.12,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ System Files,
+%D subtitle=Just A warning,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus\m!systems{no file 'cont-sys.tex', using 'cont-sys.rme' instead}
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/cont-fil.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/cont-fil.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..604ea233d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/cont-fil.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=cont-fil,
+%D version=1997.11.15,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Miscellaneous Macros,
+%D subtitle=File Synonyms,
+%D author=J. Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt File Synonyms}
+\definefilesynonym [chemie] [chemic]
+\definefilesynonym [chemics] [chemic]
+\definefilesynonym [unit] [units]
+\definefilesynonym [eenheid] [units]
+\definefilesynonym [einheit] [units]
+\definefilesynonym [pstric] [pstricks]
+\definefilesynonym [pstrick] [pstricks]
+\definefilesynonym [finance] [financ]
+\definefilesynonym [con-01] [contml] % will go away
+%definefilesynonym [sch-base] [sch-00]
+%definefilesynonym [sch-make] [sch-01]
+\definefilesynonym [dir-make] [dir-01]
+\definefilesynonym [dir-identify] [dir-05]
+\definefilesynonym [xml-format] [xml-01]
+\definefilesynonym [xml-pretty] [xml-02]
+\definefilesynonym [xml-analyze] [xml-11]
+\definefilesynonym [int-load] [set-11]
+\definefilesynonym [int-make] [set-12]
+\definefilesynonym [fig-base] [fig-00]
+\definefilesynonym [fig-make] [fig-01]
+\definefilesynonym [fig-fake] [fig-02]
+\definefilesynonym [fig-missing] [fig-06]
+\definefilesynonym [exi-interface] [exi-21]
+\definefilesynonym [res-make] [res-01]
+\definefilesynonym [res-base] [res-04]
+\definefilesynonym [res-crop] [res-07]
+\definefilesynonym [res-trace] [res-08]
+\definefilesynonym [res-log] [res-09]
+\definefilesynonym [res-identify] [res-12]
+\definefilesynonym [med-show] [res-50]
+\definefilesynonym [pre-general] [pre-00]
+\definefilesynonym [pre-original] [pre-01]
+\definefilesynonym [pre-green] [pre-02]
+\definefilesynonym [pre-funny] [pre-03]
+\definefilesynonym [pre-colorful] [pre-04]
+\definefilesynonym [pre-fuzzy] [pre-05]
+\definefilesynonym [pre-polish] [pre-06]
+\definefilesynonym [pre-spider] [pre-07]
+\definefilesynonym [pre-wonder] [pre-08]
+\definefilesynonym [pre-windows] [pre-09]
+\definefilesynonym [pre-grow] [pre-10]
+\definefilesynonym [pre-stack] [pre-11]
+\definefilesynonym [pre-arrows] [pre-12]
+\definefilesynonym [pre-writing] [pre-13]
+\definefilesynonym [pre-split] [pre-14]
+\definefilesynonym [pre-balls] [pre-15]
+\definefilesynonym [pre-knot] [pre-16]
+\definefilesynonym [pre-weird] [pre-17]
+\definefilesynonym [pre-shade] [pre-18]
+\definefilesynonym [pre-organic] [pre-19]
+\definefilesynonym [pre-speckle] [pre-20]
+\definefilesynonym [pre-zoom] [pre-21]
+\definefilesynonym [pre-cycle] [pre-22]
+\definefilesynonym [pre-super] [pre-23]
+%definefilesynonym [pre-more] [pre-24]
+%definefilesynonym [pre-more] [pre-25]
+\definefilesynonym [pre-more] [pre-26]
+%definefilesynonym [pre-more] [pre-27]
+%definefilesynonym [pre-more] [pre-28]
+%definefilesynonym [pre-more] [pre-29]
+%definefilesynonym [pre-more] [pre-30]
+\definefilesynonym [pre-stepwise] [pre-60]
+\definefilesynonym [pre-stepper] [pre-61]
+\definefilesynonym [pre-punk] [pre-70]
+\definefilesynonym [pre-random] [pre-71]
+\definefilesynonym [abr-pseudocaps] [abr-01]
+\definefilesynonym [abr-smallcaps] [abr-02]
+\definefilesynonym [chinese] [chi-00]
+\definefilesynonym [japanese] [jap-00]
+%definefilesynonym [chi-simplified] [chi-01]
+%definefilesynonym [chi-traditional] [chi-02]
+\definefilesynonym [greek] [grk-00]
+\definefilesynonym [unic-chi] [unic-cjk]
+\definefilesynonym [unic-jap] [unic-cjk]
+%definefilesynonym [practexjournal] [ptj-01]
+\definefilesynonym [pracjourn] [ptj-01]
+\definefilesynonym [maps] [map-10]
+\definefilesynonym [map-se] [map-10] % for some time
+\definefilesynonym [mml] [mathml]
+\definefilesynonym [cml] [chemml]
+\definefilesynonym [letter] [cor-01]
+\definefilesynonym [memo] [cor-02]
+\definefilesynonym [syn-01] [syntax]
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/cont-fr.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/cont-fr.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e70cfe65e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/cont-fr.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=cont-de,
+%D version=1997.08.19,
+%D title=\CONTEXT,
+%D subtitle=\CONTEXT\ French Format Generation,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\catcode`\{=1 \catcode`\}=2
+\def\defaultinterface {french}
+\input context.mkii
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/cont-gb.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/cont-gb.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5cd0a9635
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/cont-gb.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=cont-uk,
+%D version=1997.08.19,
+%D title=\CONTEXT,
+%D subtitle=\CONTEXT\ English Format Generation,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\catcode`\{=1 \catcode`\}=2
+\def\defaultinterface {english}
+\input context.mkii
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/cont-it.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/cont-it.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f15171403
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/cont-it.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=cont-it,
+%D version=1997.08.19,
+%D title=\CONTEXT,
+%D subtitle=\CONTEXT\ Italian Format Generation,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\catcode`\{=1 \catcode`\}=2
+\def\defaultinterface {italian}
+\input context.mkii
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/cont-log.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/cont-log.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6a7a70795
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/cont-log.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,304 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=cont-log,
+%D version=1995.10.10,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Miscellaneous Macros,
+%D subtitle=\TEX\ Logos,
+%D author=J. Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt TeX Logos}
+%D The system that is used to typeset this text is called \TEX,
+%D typeset with an lowered~E. From te beginning of \TEX,
+%D authors of macro packages adapted this raising and lowering
+%D style. In this module we define some of those logos.
+%D The Computer Modern detection hack is gone as we now have Latin
+%D Modern which has more kerning pairs.
+ {{\setbox\scratchbox\hbox{M}\kern#1\wd\scratchbox}}
+ {T%
+ \Mkern{-.1667}\lower.5ex\hbox{E}%
+ \Mkern{-.125}X}
+\unexpanded\def\ConTeXt{Con\TeX t}
+\unexpanded\def\PRAGMA {Pragma ADE}
+\unexpanded\def\LaTeX % requested by erik frambach
+ {{\setbox\scratchbox\hbox{L}%
+ \scratchdimen\ht\scratchbox
+ \setbox\scratchbox\hbox{\txx A}%
+ L\kern-.55\wd\scratchbox
+ \raise\scratchdimen\hbox{\lower\ht\scratchbox\copy\scratchbox}%
+ \kern-.2\wd\scratchbox\TeX}}
+ {T%
+ \kern-.27em\lower.5ex\hbox{A}%
+ \kern-.18emB%
+ \kern-.1em\lower.5ex\hbox{L}%
+ \kern-.075emE}
+ {P%
+ \kern-.12em\lower.5ex\hbox{I}%
+ \kern-.075em C%
+ \kern-.11em\TeX}
+ {$\cal\ifdim\bodyfontsize>1.1em\scriptstyle\fi#1$}
+ {\AMSswitch A%
+ \kern-.1667em\lower.5ex\hbox{\AMSswitch M}%
+ \kern-.125em\AMSswitch S%
+ -\TeX}
+ {L%
+ \kern-.4em\raise.3ex\hbox{\AMSswitch A}%
+ \kern-.25em\lower.4ex\hbox{\AMSswitch M}%
+ \kern-.1em{\AMSswitch S}%
+ -\TeX}
+ {\AMSswitch A%
+ \kern-.1667em\lower.5ex\hbox{\AMSswitch M}%
+ \kern-.125em\AMSswitch S%
+ -\LaTeX}
+%D Alternative \CONTEXT\ logo, first Idris S.~Hamid's version:
+%D \def\Context
+%D {{\sc C\kern -.0667emo\kern -.0667emn\kern -.0549emt\kern
+%D -.1667em\lower.5ex\hbox {e}\kern -.125emx\kern -.0549emt}}
+%D I changed this into one that adapts itself:
+ {{C\kern -.0667em\getscaledglyph{.8}\empty{O\kern -.0667emN\kern
+ -.0549emT\doifitalicelse{\kern-.1em}{\kern-.1667em}\lower.5ex\hbox
+ {E}\doifitalicelse\empty{\kern-.11em}X\kern-.055emT}}}
+%D The \METAFONT\ and \METAPOST\ logos adapt themselves to the
+%D current fontsize, an ugly but usefull hack.
+% rather hard coded
+% \loadmapfile[] % \loadmapfile[original-vogel-symbol]
+% \unexpanded\def\setMFPfont
+% {\font\logofont=logo%
+% \ifnum\fam=\bffam\c!bf\else
+% \ifnum\fam=\slfam\c!sl\else
+% \ifnum\fam=\itfam\c!sl\else
+% \ifnum\fam=\bsfam\c!bf\else
+% \ifnum\fam=\bifam\c!bf\else
+% \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi
+% 10 at \currentfontscale\bodyfontsize
+% \logofont}
+% or:
+% \definefontsynonym [MetaLogo] [logo10]
+% \definefontsynonym [MetaLogoBold] [logobf10]
+% \definefontsynonym [MetaLogoSlanted] [logosl10]
+% \definefontsynonym [MetaLogoItalic] [logosl10]
+% \definefontsynonym [MetaLogoBoldSlanted] [logobf10]
+% \definefontsynonym [MetaLogoBoldtalic] [logobf10]
+% \loadmapfile[] % \loadmapfile[original-vogel-symbol]
+% \def\setMFPfont{\symbolicfont{MetaLogo}}
+\unexpanded\def\setMFPfont% more sensitive for low level changes
+ {\font\logofont=logo%
+ \ifx\fontalternative\c!bf\else
+ \ifx\fontalternative\c!it\else
+ \ifx\fontalternative\c!sl\else
+ \ifx\fontalternative\c!bi\else
+ \ifx\fontalternative\c!bs\else
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi
+ 10 at \currentfontscale\bodyfontsize
+ \logofont}
+% {\hbox{\setMFPfont METAFONT}}
+% {\hbox{\setMFPfont METAPOST}}
+\def\MetaHyphen% there is no hyphenchar in this font
+ {\discretionary{\vrule\!!height.33em\!!depth-.27em\!!width.33em}{}{}}
+ {{\setMFPfont META\MetaHyphen FONT}}
+ {{\setMFPfont META\MetaHyphen POST}}
+ {MetaFun}
+%D \macros
+%D We define the funny written ones as well as the less
+%D error prone upper case names (in \CONTEXT\ we tend to
+%D write all user defined commands, like abbreviations, in
+%D uppercase.)
+\unexpanded\def\METAFONT {\MetaFont}
+\unexpanded\def\METAPOST {\MetaPost}
+\unexpanded\def\PPCHTEX {\PPCHTeX}
+\unexpanded\def\CONTEXT {\ConTeXt}
+\unexpanded\def\METAFUN {\MetaFun}
+\unexpanded\def\TEX {\TeX}
+\unexpanded\def\LATEX {\LaTeX}
+\unexpanded\def\PICTEX {\PiCTeX}
+\unexpanded\def\TABLE {\TaBlE}
+\unexpanded\def\AMSTEX {\AmSTeX}
+\unexpanded\def\LAMSTEX {\LamSTeX}
+\unexpanded\def\INRSTEX {inrs\TeX}
+%D And this is how they show up: \TeX, \MetaFont, \MetaPost,
+%D \PiCTeX, \TaBlE, \ConTeXt, \PPCHTeX, \AmSTeX, \LaTeX,
+%D \LamSTeX.
+%D Some placeholders:
+\unexpanded\def\eTeX {\mathematics{\varepsilon}-\TeX}
+\unexpanded\def\pdfTeX {pdf\TeX}
+\unexpanded\def\luaTeX {lua\TeX}
+\unexpanded\def\XeTeX {X\lower.5ex\hbox{\kern-.15em\mirror{E}}\kern-.1667em\TeX}
+% Adapted from a patch by Mojca:
+ {\setbox\scratchbox\hbox{E}%
+ \raise\dimexpr\ht\scratchbox+\dp\scratchbox\relax\hbox{\rotate[\c!rotation=180]{\box\scratchbox}}}
+ \unexpanded\def\XeTeX
+ {X\lower.5ex
+ \hbox
+ {\kern-.15em
+ \ifx\fontalternative\c!bf\mirror{E}\else
+ \ifx\fontalternative\c!it \@XeTeX@\else
+ \ifx\fontalternative\c!sl \@XeTeX@\else
+ \ifx\fontalternative\c!bi \@XeTeX@\else
+ \ifx\fontalternative\c!bs \@XeTeX@\else
+ \mirror{E}\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi}%
+ \kern-.1667em \TeX}
+ \unexpanded\def\XeTeX
+ {X\lower.5ex
+ \hbox
+ {\kern-.15em
+ \iffontchar\font"018E\relax
+ \char"018E%
+ \else
+ \ifx\fontalternative\c!bf\mirror{E}\else
+ \ifx\fontalternative\c!it \@XeTeX@\else
+ \ifx\fontalternative\c!sl \@XeTeX@\else
+ \ifx\fontalternative\c!bi \@XeTeX@\else
+ \ifx\fontalternative\c!bs \@XeTeX@\else
+ \mirror{E}\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi
+ \fi}%
+ \kern-.1667em \TeX}
+\let\ETEX \eTeX
+\let\PDFTEX \pdfTeX
+\let\LUATEX \luaTeX
+\let\LuaTeX \luaTeX
+\let\XETEX \XeTeX
+\unexpanded\def\MkApproved % joke, not used so it might move
+ {\dontleavehmode\rotate
+ [\c!rotation={\ifnum\texengine=\luatexengine\ctxlua{tex.write(45-45*\the\luatexversion/100)}\else0\fi},
+ \c!align=\v!middle,
+ \c!foregroundstyle=\v!type,
+ \c!foregroundcolor=darkred,
+ \c!frame=\v!on,
+ \c!offset=1ex,
+ \c!background=\v!color,
+ \c!backgroundcolor=lightgray,
+ \c!framecolor=darkred,
+ \c!rulethickness=2pt]
+ {Mk\ifnum\texengine=\luatexengine IV\else II\fi\\approved}}
+% \unexpanded\def\luaTeX
+% {\dontleavehmode\begingroup
+% Lua%
+% \setbox0\hbox{oT}%
+% \setbox2\hbox{o\kern0ptT}%
+% \ifdim\wd0=\wd2
+% \setbox0\hbox dir TRT{To}%
+% \setbox2\hbox{T\kern0pto}%
+% \hskip\dimexpr\wd0-\wd2\relax
+% \fi
+% \TeX
+% \endgroup}
+% a further iteration from the list, patched again
+% \ifx\fontalternative\c!it -\else
+% \ifx\fontalternative\c!sl -\else
+% \ifx\fontalternative\c!bi -\else
+% \ifx\fontalternative\c!bs -\fi\fi\fi\fi
+ {\dontleavehmode
+ \begingroup
+ Lua%
+ % hope for kerning, try aT
+ \setbox0\hbox{aT}%
+ \setbox2\hbox{a\kern\zeropoint T}%
+ \ifdim\wd0=\wd2 % kerns can go two ways
+ % no aT kerning, try oT as a is not symmetrical
+ \setbox0\hbox{oT}%
+ \setbox2\hbox{o\kern\zeropoint T}%
+ \ifdim\wd0=\wd2 % kerns can go two ways
+ % no aT and oT kerning, try To
+ \setbox0\hbox{To}%
+ \setbox2\hbox{T\kern\zeropoint o}%
+ % maybe we need to compensate for the angle (sl/it/bs/bi)
+ \fi
+ \ifdim\wd0=\wd2\else
+ \kern\dimexpr\wd0-\wd2\relax
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \TeX
+ \endgroup}
+\let\luaTeX \LuaTeX
+\let\LUATEX \LuaTeX
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/cont-new.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/cont-new.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f0385c065
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/cont-new.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,943 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=cont-new,
+%D version=1995.10.10,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Miscellaneous Macros,
+%D subtitle=New Macros,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\newcontextversion{2013.06.07 17:34}
+%D This file is loaded at runtime, thereby providing an
+%D excellent place for hacks, patches, extensions and new
+%D features.
+% it's about time to clean up this file ...
+\writestatus\m!systems{beware: some patches loaded from cont-new.mkii}
+% \ifx\pdfmapfile \undefined \else \pdfmapfile{ } \fi
+% \font\f=dummyfont \rpcode\f0=500 \hbox{..}\char0
+% todo: mp-new
+% caption: grid=top|bottom in xml defs
+ {\begingroup
+ \ifnum#1=1000\relax
+ \setfalse\scaleboxdone
+ \else
+ \settrue\scaleboxdone
+ \edef\finalscaleboxxscale{\withoutpt\the\dimexpr#1pt/1000\relax}%
+ \let\finalscaleboxyscale\finalscaleboxxscale
+ \fi
+ \dowithnextbox{\doscaleboxindeed\flushnextbox\endgroup}\hbox}
+% \setupcaption [figure] [align=flushleft]
+% \setupcaption [figure-1] [align=flushleft,leftmargin=10mm]
+% \setupcaption [figure-2] [align=flushleft,leftmargin=10mm,rightmargin=-10mm,width=\textwidth]
+% \startsetups somefigure
+% \ifdim\floatsetupwidth>\textwidth
+% \placesetupfloat[figure-2]
+% \else
+% \placesetupfloat[figure-1]
+% \fi
+% \stopsetups
+% \placefloatwithsetups[somefigure]{}{\externalfigure[dummy][width=5cm,height=2cm]}
+ {\dotripleempty\doplacefloatwithsetups}
+ {\def\floatsetupcaption {#4}%
+ \def\floatsetupcontent {\copy\nextbox}%
+ \def\floatsetupwidth {\wd\nextbox}%
+ \def\floatsetupheight {\ht\nextbox}%
+ \def\placesetupfloat[##1]{\placefloat[##1][#2][#3]{#4}{\floatsetupcontent}}% #4 and not \floatsetupcaption (unexpanded)
+ \dowithnextbox{\setups[#1]}\vbox}
+\def\dividedsize#1#2#3% size gap n
+ {\dimexpr
+ \ifnum\dimexpr#1\relax>\plusone
+ (\dimexpr#1\relax-\numexpr#3-1\relax\dimexpr#2\relax)/#3\else#1%
+ \fi
+ \relax}
+% \setuplabeltext[\s!itemcount1={{I(},{)}}]
+% \def\labeledcountervalue#1{\labeltexts{#1}{\countervalue{#1}}}
+\def\singlewidened #1{\hbox spread 1em{\hss#1\hss}}
+\def\complexwidened[#1]#2{\hbox spread #1{\hss#2\hss}}
+% todo
+% \def\definelocation{\dodoubleargument\dodefinelocation}
+% \def\dodefinelocation[#1][#2]{\setvalue{loc:#1}{#2}}
+% \definelocation[lt] [\v!left\v!top]
+% \definelocation[tl] [\v!left\v!top]
+% \definelocation[\v!top\v!left][\v!left\v!top]
+% \def\getlocation#1{\executeifdefined{loc:#1}{#1}}
+% just in case we load something from a file (pdfr-ec for instance)
+\prependtoks \restoreendofline \to \everybeforeshipout
+% \let\cs\getvalue % no, we want \cs to be czech
+% experimental so this may change
+ {\dosingleempty\dostartdescriptions}
+ {\begingroup
+ \def\item{\getvalue{#1}}%
+ \let\dostoppairdescription \donothing
+ \let\@@description \dostartpairdescription
+ \let\@@startsomedescription\dostartsomedescription}
+ {\dostoppairdescription
+ \endgroup}
+ {\dostoppairdescription
+ \def\dostoppairdescription{\@@stopdescription{#1}}%
+ \bgroup
+ \def\currentdescription{#1}%
+ \doifelse{\descriptionparameter{\s!do\c!state}}\v!start
+ {\@@makedescription{#1}[#2]{}}
+ {\@@makedescription{#1}[#2]}}
+\def\dostartsomedescription% #1[#2]#3%
+ {\bgroup
+ \@@makedescription} % {#1}[#2]{#3}}
+% \starttext
+% \definedescription[test]
+% \startdescriptions
+% \test{Foo} Bar bar bar
+% \test{Foo} Bar bar bar
+% \test{Foo} Bar bar bar
+% \stopdescriptions
+% \startdescriptions[test]
+% \item{Foo} Bar bar bar
+% \item{Foo} Bar bar bar
+% \item{Foo} Bar bar bar
+% \stopdescriptions
+% \startdescriptions
+% \starttest{Foo} Bar bar bar \stoptest
+% \starttest{Foo} Bar bar bar \stoptest
+% \starttest{Foo} Bar bar bar \stoptest
+% \stopdescriptions
+% \startdescriptions[test]
+% \item{Foo} Bar bar bar
+% \item{Foo} Bar bar bar
+% \item{Foo} Bar bar bar
+% \stopdescriptions
+% \stoptext
+% to do:
+% \def\defineshapesynonym
+% {\dodoubleargument\dodefineshapesynonym}
+% \def\dodefineshapesynonym[#1][#2]%
+% {\setvalue{shsy:#1}{#2}}
+% \def\shapesynonym#1%
+% {\ifcsname shsy:#1\endcsname
+% \expandafter\shapesynonym\csname shsy:#1\endcsname\else#1%
+% \fi}
+%\defineshapesynonym[eacute] [e]
+%\defineshapesynonym[egrave] [e]
+%\defineshapesynonym[eumlaut [e]
+% more reduction
+% \shapesynonym{eacute}
+% this will be activated when
+% \newinsert\thispageinsert % <- installinsertion
+% \def\flushatthispage
+% {\bgroup
+% \dowithnextbox{\insert\thispageinsert{\box\nextbox}\egroup}%
+% \hbox}
+% \appendtoks
+% \ifvoid\thispageinsert\else\hbox{\smashedbox\thispageinsert}\fi
+% \to \everyshipout
+% \definemarkedpage[nobackgrounds]
+% \markpage[nobackgrounds]
+% \doifmarkedpageelse{nobackgrounds}
+ {\definetwopasslist{\v!page:#1}}
+\def\markpage[#1]% looks very much like domarginreference
+ {\iftrialtypesetting\else
+ \doglobal\increment\nofmarkedpages\relax
+ \lazysavetwopassdata{\v!page:#1}{\nofmarkedpages}{\noexpand\realfolio}%
+ \fi}
+ {\gettwopassdatalist{\v!page:#1}%
+ \expanded{\doifinsetelse{\realfolio}{\twopassdatalist}}}
+% Just a simple and fast hanger, for usage in macros.
+ {\dodoubleempty\getparameters[\??ha]}
+ [\c!distance=.5em]
+ {\noindent\bgroup
+ \dowithnextbox
+ {\setbox\nextbox\hbox{\flushnextbox\hskip\@@hadistance}%
+ \hangindent\nextboxwd
+ \hangafter\plusone
+ \flushnextbox\ignorespaces}
+ \hbox}
+ {\endgraf
+ \egroup}
+% experimental
+ {\endgraf
+ \egroup}
+ {\noindent\bgroup
+ \dowithnextbox
+ {\ifdim\nextboxht>\strutht\setbox\nextbox\tbox{\flushnextbox}\fi
+ \setbox\nextbox\hbox{\flushnextbox\hskip\@@hadistance}%
+ \getboxheight\scratchdimen\of\box\nextbox
+ \getnoflines\scratchdimen
+ \nextboxht\strutht
+ \nextboxdp\strutdp
+ \hangindent\nextboxwd
+ \hangafter-\noflines
+ \llap{\flushnextbox}\ignorespaces}
+ \hbox}
+ {\@EA\ifx\csname\@mode@\systemmodeprefix#1\endcsname\endcsname\enabledmode#2\else#2\fi}
+ {\modevalue{\systemmodeprefix#1}}
+% \getmulticolumnlines -> now in cont-loc, to be tested and really needed
+% \tracefonthandlingtrue
+% new, still to be improved
+% \dorecurse{10}
+% {\input thuan
+% \placefigure{}{\framed[height=1.5cm]{test}}
+% \placefloatplaceholder}
+ {\ifroomforfloat \else
+ \scratchdimen\pagegoal
+ \advance\scratchdimen-\pagetotal
+ \advance\scratchdimen-3\lineheight
+ \ifdim\scratchdimen>\zeropoint
+ \startlinecorrection[blank]
+ \mhbox{\inframed{\labeltexts{placeholder}{\lastcaptiontag}}}%
+ \stoplinecorrection
+ \else
+ \allowbreak
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+ [placeholder={, moved}]
+% etex only, of course we could just parse (scan for \% in string)
+\bgroup % usage: \setpercentdimen\somedimen{% or dimen} todo: pct
+\catcode 37=\@@active
+ {\xdef\@@expanded{#2}|
+ \ifx\@@expanded\empty\else
+ \bgroup
+ \global\percentdimendonefalse
+ \def\%{\dimexpr#1/100\relax\global\percentdimendonetrue\ignorespaces}| scantokens add's a space
+ \catcode`%=\@@active
+ \catcode`\\=\@@escape
+ \let%\%|
+ \scratchdimen#1|
+ \xdef\@@expanded{\@@expanded\scratchdimen\!!zeropoint}| trick: when 1.2 => .2\scratchdimen and 0pt typeset
+ \startnointerference
+ \global\globalscratchdimen\scantokens\@EA{\@@expanded}| i'm lazy and use etex
+ \stopnointerference
+ \egroup
+ #1\globalscratchdimen
+ \fi}
+% TEX alternative, in principle accurate enough and also a bit faster
+% \bgroup
+% \catcode`\%=\@@other
+% \catcode`\|=\@@comment
+% \gdef\setpercentdimen#1#2|
+% {\beforesplitstring#2\at%\to\ascii
+% \doifelse\ascii{#2}
+% {#1=#2}
+% {\divide#1by100\relax#1=\ascii#1\relax}} | or: {#1=\ascii#1\divide#1by100\relax}}
+% \egroup
+% \dimen0=1000pt \setpercentdimen{\dimen0}{10%} \the\dimen0
+% \dimen0= 100pt \setpercentdimen{\dimen0}{10%} \the\dimen0
+% \dimen0= 95pt \setpercentdimen{\dimen0}{10%} \the\dimen0
+% \dimen0= 10pt \setpercentdimen{\dimen0}{10%} \the\dimen0
+% \dimen0= 1pt \setpercentdimen{\dimen0}{10%} \the\dimen0
+\obeylines % don't remove %'s !
+ {\ifx#1^^M%
+ \expandafter\collapsedspace
+ \else
+ \space
+ \expandafter#1%
+ \fi}
+ {\prependtoksonce\relax\to\everyeof%
+ \ignorelines%
+ \ignoretabs%
+ \let\obeyedspace\collapsedspace%
+ \obeyspaces}
+ {\bgroup
+ \dowithnextbox
+ {\scratchdimen\nextboxht
+ \advance\scratchdimen\nextboxdp
+ \advance\scratchdimen-\lineheight
+ \divide\scratchdimen\plustwo
+ \advance\scratchdimen\strutdepth
+ \setbox\nextbox\hbox{\lower\scratchdimen\flushnextbox}%
+ \nextboxht\strutht
+ \nextboxdp\strutdp
+ \flushnextbox
+ \egroup}%
+ \hbox}
+% \readfile{cont-exp}\donothing\donothing % speed up (5-20%)
+\def\dimenratio#1#2% etex only
+ {\withoutpt\the\dimexpr2\dimexpr(#1)/\dimexpr(#2)/32768\relax\relax}
+ {\ifnum#1=\zerocount % no \ifcase
+ \expandafter\gobblethreearguments
+ \else
+ #2\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\doxprecurse\expandafter
+ \fi\expandafter{\the\numexpr#1-1\relax}{#2}}
+\def\buttonframed{\dodoubleempty\localframed[\??bt]} % goodie
+ \ifx\scantokens\undefined
+ \unexpanded\def\retype#1{\dontleavehmode{\defconvertedargument\ascii{#1}\@EA\normaltype\@EA{\ascii}}}
+ \else
+ \unexpanded\def\retype#1{\dontleavehmode\scantokens{\normaltype{#1}\ignorespaces}\relax}
+ \fi
+ \unexpanded\def\retype#1{\dontleavehmode\scantextokens{\normaltype{#1}}}
+% \ruledhbox
+% {\startignorespaces
+% \def\oeps{a}
+% \startignorespaces
+% \def\oeps{a}
+% \stopignorespaces
+% \def\oeps{a}
+% \stopignorespaces
+% \oeps}
+\newcount \boislevel
+ {\advance\boislevel\plusone
+ \ifcase\boislevel\or \ifhmode
+ \hskip\boissignal
+ \fi \fi
+ \ignorespaces}
+ {\ifcase\boislevel\or \ifhmode
+ \doloop
+ {\ifdim\lastskip=\zeropoint
+ \exitloop
+ \else\ifdim\lastskip=\boissignal
+ \unskip
+ \exitloop
+ \else
+ \unskip
+ \fi\fi}%
+ \fi \fi
+ \advance\boislevel\minusone}
+ {\dowithnextbox
+ {\bgroup
+ \setbox\scratchbox\hbox#1{\hss}%
+ \ifdim\nextboxwd<\wd\scratchbox\nextboxwd\wd\scratchbox\fi
+ \flushnextbox
+ \egroup}
+ \hbox}
+% \def\dodimchoice#1#2#3%
+% {\ifx#3\relax
+% #1\@EA\gobbleuntilrelax
+% \else\ifdim#1#2%
+% #3\@EAEAEA\gobbleuntilrelax
+% \else
+% \@EAEAEA\dodimchoice
+% \fi\fi{#1}}
+% \def\donumchoice#1#2#3%
+% {\ifx#3\relax
+% #1\@EA\gobbleuntilrelax
+% \else\ifnum#1#2%
+% #3\@EAEAEA\gobbleuntilrelax
+% \else
+% \@EAEAEA\dodimchoice
+% \fi\fi{#1}}
+% \def\dimchoice#1#2{\dodimchoice{#1}#2\empty\relax}
+% \def\numchoice#1#2{\donumchoice{#1}#2\empty\relax}
+ {\ifdim#1#2%
+ #3\@EA\gobbleuntilempty
+ \else
+ \@EA\dodimchoice
+ \fi{#1}}
+ {\ifnum#1#2%
+ #3\@EA\gobbleuntilempty
+ \else
+ \@EA\dodimchoice
+ \fi{#1}}
+% \the\dimexpr(\dimchoice {7pt}{{<10pt}{8pt}{<12pt}{9pt}{<15pt}{10pt}{=11pt}{12pt}})
+% \the\dimexpr(\dimchoice{11pt}{{<10pt}{8pt}{<12pt}{9pt}{<15pt}{10pt}{=11pt}{12pt}})
+% \the\dimexpr(\dimchoice{14pt}{{<10pt}{8pt}{<12pt}{9pt}{<15pt}{10pt}{=11pt}{12pt}})
+\def\showsetupsdefinition[#1]{\showvalue{\??su:#1}} % temp hack for debugging
+% will be a MyWay
+% \setuplayout[grid=yes] \setupcaption[figure][inbetween=] \useMPlibrary[dum] \setupcolors[state=start]
+% \starttext \showgrid \showstruts
+% \input ward \placefigure{}{\externalfigure[dummy][width=.5\hsize,lines=1.4,grid=yes]}
+% \input ward \placefigure{}{\externalfigure[dummy][width=.5\hsize,lines=1.4,grid=fit]}
+% \input ward \placefigure{}{\externalfigure[dummy][width=.5\hsize,lines=1.4,grid=height]}
+% \input ward
+% \page
+% \input ward \placefigure{}{\externalfigure[dummy][width=.5\hsize,lines=1.5,grid=yes]}
+% \input ward \placefigure{}{\externalfigure[dummy][width=.5\hsize,lines=1.5,grid=fit]}
+% \input ward \placefigure{}{\externalfigure[dummy][width=.5\hsize,lines=1.5,grid=height]}
+% \input ward
+% \page
+% \input ward \placefigure{}{\externalfigure[dummy][width=.5\hsize,lines=1.6,grid=yes]}
+% \input ward \placefigure{}{\externalfigure[dummy][width=.5\hsize,lines=1.6,grid=fit]}
+% \input ward \placefigure{}{\externalfigure[dummy][width=.5\hsize,lines=1.6,grid=height]}
+% \input ward
+% \page
+% \input ward \placefigure[none]{}{\externalfigure[dummy][width=.5\hsize,lines=1.4,grid=yes]}
+% \input ward \placefigure[none]{}{\externalfigure[dummy][width=.5\hsize,lines=1.4,grid=fit]}
+% \input ward \placefigure[none]{}{\externalfigure[dummy][width=.5\hsize,lines=1.4,grid=height]}
+% \input ward
+% \page
+% \input ward \placefigure[none]{}{\externalfigure[dummy][width=.5\hsize,lines=1.5,grid=yes]}
+% \input ward \placefigure[none]{}{\externalfigure[dummy][width=.5\hsize,lines=1.5,grid=fit]}
+% \input ward \placefigure[none]{}{\externalfigure[dummy][width=.5\hsize,lines=1.5,grid=height]}
+% \input ward
+% \page
+% \input ward \placefigure[none]{}{\externalfigure[dummy][width=.5\hsize,lines=1.6,grid=yes]}
+% \input ward \placefigure[none]{}{\externalfigure[dummy][width=.5\hsize,lines=1.6,grid=fit]}
+% \input ward \placefigure[none]{}{\externalfigure[dummy][width=.5\hsize,lines=1.6,grid=height]}
+% \input ward
+% \stoptext
+% funny, as field action with e.g. dissolve ... only the field dissolves, bug?
+%def\PDFexecutetransition {/Trans /Trans <</Type /Trans \executeifdefined{PDFpage\argumentA}\PDFpagereplace>>}
+\def\PDFexecutetransition {/Trans /Trans <<\executeifdefined{PDFpage\argumentA}\PDFpagereplace>>}
+% new, continuous blocks, \som \par \startdoorlopendblok ...
+% \startitemize
+% \item bagger
+% \item bagger
+% \item \startdoorlopendblok bagger \stopdoorlopendblok
+% \item \endgraf \startdoorlopendblok bagger \stopdoorlopendblok
+% \item \endgraf \startdoorlopendblok \strut bagger \stopdoorlopendblok
+% \item \startdoorlopendblok
+% \starttabulate
+% \NC test \NC test \NC \NR
+% \NC test \NC test \NC \NR
+% \NC test \NC test \NC \NR
+% \stoptabulate
+% \stopdoorlopendblok
+% \item test
+% \stopitemize
+\def\startdoorlopendblok % for special cases, don't change it too much and don't rely on it
+ {\ifhmode\endgraf\nobreak\fi % don't remove the \nobreak
+ \dowithnextboxcontent
+ {\setlocalhsize \hsize\localhsize \forgetall}
+ {\bgroup
+ \forgeteverypar
+ \forgetparskip
+ \scratchdimen\nextboxht
+ \advance\scratchdimen\nextboxdp
+ \getnoflines\scratchdimen
+ \advance\scratchdimen-\strutheight
+ \setbox\nextbox\hbox{\lower\scratchdimen\box\nextbox}%
+ \ht\nextbox\strutheight
+ \dp\nextbox\strutdepth
+ \setbox\nextbox\vbox
+ {\indent\box\nextbox
+ \endgraf
+ \nobreak
+ \advance\noflines\minusone
+ \dorecurse\noflines{\crlf\nobreak}}%
+ \verticalstrut
+ \endgraf
+ \nobreak
+ \offinterlineskip
+ \kern-2\lineheight % 2\lineheight when no vertical struts in main \vbox
+ \nobreak
+ \unvbox\nextbox
+ \prevdepth\strutdepth
+ % evt (eerst testen) een signal zodat een direct volgend blok goed gaat)
+ \egroup}
+ \vbox\bgroup
+ \vskip-\lineheight \verticalstrut\endgraf
+ \insidefloattrue
+ \doinhibitblank} % beware, no \inhibitblank ! ! ! ! ! !
+ {\endgraf\verticalstrut\endgraf\kern-2\lineheight
+ \egroup}
+\def\tabulaterule % to be redone, not correct
+ {\dotabulaterule
+ {\hrule\!!height.5\scratchdimen\!!depth.5\scratchdimen\relax
+ \doifvalue{\??tt\currenttabulate\c!distance}\v!grid
+ {\kern-\scratchdimen}}} % experimental tm-prikkels
+% experimental: \synchronizegrid bla bla bla
+ {\doglobal\increment\currentgridsync
+ \par\prevdepth\zeropoint
+ \nointerlineskip
+ \hpos\gridsynctag{\strut}\par
+ \vskip-\lineheight
+ \nointerlineskip
+ % top of text
+ \scratchdimen\MPy{\v!text:\MPp\gridsynctag}%
+ \advance\scratchdimen\MPh{\v!text:\MPp\gridsynctag}%
+ % move to first baseline
+ \advance\scratchdimen-\topskip
+ % subtract wrong baseline
+ \advance\scratchdimen-\MPy\gridsynctag
+ % get minimal number of lines
+ \advance\scratchdimen\lineheight
+ \getnoflines\scratchdimen
+ % calculate difference
+ \advance\scratchdimen-\noflines\lineheight\relax
+ \scratchdimen-\scratchdimen\relax
+ \ifdim\scratchdimen>\zeropoint
+ \nointerlineskip
+ \advance\scratchdimen-\lineheight
+ \vskip\scratchdimen \dontleavehmode \quad \strut
+ \par
+ %\else
+ % \message{no grid correction: \the\scratchdimen}\wait
+ \fi}
+% between alignment lines certain rules apply, and even a
+% simple test can mess up a table, which is why we have a
+% special test facility
+% \ruledvbox
+% {\starttabulate[|l|p|]
+% \NC 1test \NC test \NC \NR
+% \tableifelse{\doifelse{a}{a}}{\NC Xtest \NC test \NC \NR}{}%
+% \stoptabulate}
+ {\tablenoalign
+ {#1%
+ {\aftergroup \firstoftwoarguments}%
+ {\aftergroup\secondoftwoarguments}}}
+\long \def\tableiftextelse#1{\tableifelse{\doiftextelse{#1}}}
+% experiment, not yet to be used
+ {\ifhmode
+ \removeunwantedspaces
+ \ifcase\raggedstatus\hfill\fi
+ \strut\penalty-9999 % \break fails on case (3)
+ \fi}
+\def\stopdisplay {\stoppacked\displaybreak\ignorespaces}
+% what is this stupid macro meant for:
+ {\hskip\zeropoint}
+ {\bgroup
+ \!!counta\zerocount
+ \def\hyphenated##1{\advance\!!counta\plusone}%
+ \handletokens#1\with\hyphenated
+ \!!countb\plusone
+ \def\hyphenated##1%
+ {##1%
+ \advance\!!countb\plusone\relax
+ \ifnum\!!countb>2 \ifnum\!!countb<\!!counta
+ \hyphenationpoint
+ \fi\fi}%
+ \handletokens#1\with\hyphenated
+ \egroup}
+ {\let\super\normalsuper
+ \let\suber\normalsuber
+ \let\normalsuper\letterhat
+ \let\normalsuber\letterunderscore
+ \enablesupersub}
+ {\let\normalsuper\letterhat
+ \let\normalsuber\letterunderscore
+ \enablesupersub}
+% {\expanded{\normaltype{\detokenize{#1}}}}
+% {x123 \os x123} {\tfa x123 \os x123} {x123 \tx x123 \os x123}
+% \definefontsynonym[OldStyle][Serif]
+% {x123 \os x123} {\tfa x123 \os x123} {x123 \tx x123 \os x123}
+% testen :
+% \appendtoks
+% \let\registerparoptions\relax
+% \to \everyforgetall
+ {\dosingleempty\dostartgridcorrection}
+ {\ifgridsnapping
+ \iffirstargument\doifsomething{#1}{\moveongrid[#1]}\fi
+ \snaptogrid\vbox\bgroup
+ \else
+ \startbaselinecorrection
+ \fi}
+ {\ifgridsnapping
+ \egroup
+ \else
+ \stopbaselinecorrection
+ \fi}
+ {\lineskip\ifgridsnapping\zeropoint\else\normallineskip\fi}
+ {\dosingleempty\dostartplaatsen}
+\def\dostartplaatsen[#1]% tzt n*links etc
+ {\endgraf
+ \noindent\bgroup
+ \setlocalhsize
+ \hbox to \localhsize\bgroup
+ \doifnot{#1}\v!left\hss
+ \def\stopplaatsen
+ {\unskip\unskip\unskip
+ \doifnot{#1}\v!right\hss
+ \egroup
+ \egroup
+ \endgraf}%
+ \gobblespacetokens}
+% \startplaatsen[links] bla \stopplaatsen
+% we don't register the paragraph characteristics, only the
+% width
+ \setinnerparpositions % see "techniek" for application
+\to \everytabulate
+ {\ifcsname\??ff#1#2\endcsname
+ \fontclassname{#1}{\csname\??ff#1#2\endcsname}%
+ \else\ifcsname\??ff#2\endcsname
+ \fontclassname{#1}{\csname\??ff#2\endcsname}%
+ \else
+ #2%
+ \fi\fi}
+ {\dotripleargument\dodefineclassfontsynonym}
+ {\definefontsynonym[#1][\fontclassname{#2}{#3}]}
+%\definefontsynonym [KopFont] [\fontclassname{officina}{SerifBold}]
+%\defineclassfontsynonym [KopFont] [officina] [SerifBold]
+\def\startcolumnmakeup % don't change
+ {\bgroup
+ \getrawnoflines\textheight % teksthoogte kan topskip hebben, dus raw
+ \scratchdimen\noflines\lineheight
+ \advance\scratchdimen-\lineheight
+ \advance\scratchdimen\topskip
+ \setbox\scratchbox
+ \ifcase\showgridstate\vbox\else\ruledvbox\fi to \scratchdimen\bgroup
+ \forgetall} % ! don't change
+ {\egroup
+ \dp\scratchbox\zeropoint
+ \wd\scratchbox\textwidth
+ \box\scratchbox
+ \egroup
+ \synchronizehsize}
+ {\dotripleempty\dostartexternalfigure}
+ {\gdef\figuredescription{#4}%
+ \externalfigure[#1][#2][#3]%
+ \globallet\figuredescription\empty}
+%% where does this come from, old code probably
+%% \newif\ifpagechanged \let\lastchangedpage\empty
+%% \def\checkpagechange#1%
+%% {\gettwopassdata\s!paragraph
+%% \pagechangedfalse
+%% \iftwopassdatafound
+%% \ifnum\twopassdata>0\getvalue{\s!paragraph:p:#1}\relax
+%% \pagechangedtrue
+%% \fi
+%% \fi
+%% \ifpagechanged
+%% \letgvalue{\s!paragraph:p:#1}\twopassdata
+%% \globallet\lastchangedpage\twopassdata
+%% \else
+%% \globallet\lastchangedpage\realfolio
+%% \fi
+%% \doparagraphreference}
+%% \def\changedpage#1%
+%% {\getvalue{\s!paragraph:p:#1}}
+ {\nofprofiled\zerocount
+ \letvalue{\string#1\string#1}#1%
+ \appendtoks
+ \normalwritestatus\m!systems{profile \string#1: \number\nofprofiled}%
+ \to \everystoptext
+ \unexpanded\def#1%
+ {\global\advance\nofprofiled\plusone
+ \csname\string#1\string#1\endcsname}}
+% incomplete, will be a special case of float placement
+ {\expanded{\dowithnextbox{\noexpand\dodofixed{\ifhmode0\else1\fi}{#1}}}%
+ \vbox\bgroup
+ \setlocalhsize}
+ {\egroup}
+ {\ifcase#1\relax
+ \processaction
+ [#2]
+ [ \v!high=>\bbox {\flushnextbox},
+ \v!low=>\tbox {\flushnextbox},
+ \v!middle=>\vcenter{\flushnextbox},
+ \v!lohi=>\vcenter{\flushnextbox},
+ \s!unknown=>\tbox {\flushnextbox},
+ \s!default=>\tbox {\flushnextbox}]%
+ \else
+ \startbaselinecorrection
+ \noindent\flushnextbox
+ \stopbaselinecorrection
+ \fi}
+% \startitemize
+% \item \externalfigure[koe][height=2cm]
+% \item \externalfigure[koe][height=2cm]
+% \item \externalfigure[koe][height=2cm]
+% \item \externalfigure[koe][height=2cm]
+% \page
+% \item \startfixed \externalfigure[koe][height=2cm]\stopfixed
+% \item \startfixed[high]\externalfigure[koe][height=2cm]\stopfixed
+% \item \startfixed[low] \externalfigure[koe][height=2cm]\stopfixed
+% \item \startfixed[lohi]\externalfigure[koe][height=2cm]\stopfixed
+% \page
+% \item test \startfixed \externalfigure[koe][height=2cm]\stopfixed
+% \item test \startfixed[high]\externalfigure[koe][height=2cm]\stopfixed
+% \item test \startfixed[low] \externalfigure[koe][height=2cm]\stopfixed
+% \item test \startfixed[lohi]\externalfigure[koe][height=2cm]\stopfixed
+% \page
+% \item test \par \startfixed \externalfigure[koe][height=2cm]\stopfixed
+% \item test \par \startfixed[high]\externalfigure[koe][height=2cm]\stopfixed
+% \item test \par \startfixed[low] \externalfigure[koe][height=2cm]\stopfixed
+% \item test \par \startfixed[lohi]\externalfigure[koe][height=2cm]\stopfixed
+% \stopitemize
+\def\obeyfollowingtoken{{}} % end \cs scanning
+% \def\comparedimension#1#2%
+% {\chardef\compresult
+% \ifdim#1<#2%
+% \zerocount
+% \else\ifdim#1<#2%
+% \plusone
+% \else
+% \plustwo
+% \fi\fi}
+% \newdimen\roundingeps \roundingeps=10sp
+% \def\comparedimensioneps#1#2%
+% {\chardef\compresult
+% \ifdim\dimexpr(#1-#2)<\roudingeps
+% \zerocount
+% \else\ifdim\dimexpr(#2-#1)<\roudingeps
+% \zerocount
+% \else\ifdim#1<#2%
+% \plusone
+% \else
+% \plustwo
+% \fi\fi\fi}
+%D Next we load a few local optimizations and new features. They
+%D live on on my machine and are not distributed, but they may end
+%D up in the distributed files.
+\enablemode[mkii] \enablemode[*mkii]
+\long\def\ctxlua #1{}
+\def\enabletrackers [#1]{}
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/cont-nl.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/cont-nl.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f9cefaaac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/cont-nl.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=cont-nl,
+%D version=1997.08.19,
+%D title=\CONTEXT,
+%D subtitle=\CONTEXT\ Dutch Format Generation,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\catcode`\{=1 \catcode`\}=2
+\def\defaultinterface {dutch}
+\input context.mkii
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/cont-ro.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/cont-ro.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d68cf5a45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/cont-ro.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=cont-ro,
+%D version=2000.01.09,
+%D title=\CONTEXT,
+%D subtitle=\CONTEXT\ Romanian Format Generation,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\catcode`\{=1 \catcode`\}=2
+\def\defaultinterface {romanian}
+\input context.mkii
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/cont-sys.ori b/tex/context/base/mkii/cont-sys.ori
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fa438a78d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/cont-sys.ori
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=cont-sys,
+%D version=1995.10.10,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Miscellaneous Macros,
+%D subtitle=System Specific Setups,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA / Hans Hagen \& Ton Otten}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D Beware, this is a MkII specific file. In MkIV we only load
+%D cont-sys.mkiv but in MkII we load the first found of
+%D cont-sys.mkii, cont-sys.tex, cont-sys.rme.
+% Speed up typescript loading, but at the cost of much memory:
+% If you want another default font:
+% \let\preloadfonts\relax
+% \usetypescript[palatino][\defaultencoding]
+% \setupbodyfont[palatino,rm,12pt]
+% Please make sure that this defines rm, ss, tt and mm.
+% Occasionally we will support both A4 and letter in
+% styles. If you want letter size paper to be the default,
+% uncomment:
+% \enablemode[\systemmodeprefix letter]
+% If you always want to default to letter, you may uncomment
+% the following line, but beware: it makes your documents less
+% portable:
+% \setuppapersize[letter][letter]
+% If you want some extras, just uncomment the following
+% line:
+% \usemodule[plus] % experimental code
+% Here you can take care of overloading some (style)
+% defaults. What goes here, depends on your local system.
+% The following commands sets the default font encoding:
+% \setupencoding [\s!default=texnansi]
+% or:
+\setupencoding [\s!default=ec]
+% If you want the default berry names:
+% \usetypescript [berry] [\defaultencoding]
+% or, if you also want other encodings:
+\usetypescript [berry] [ec,t5,8r] % texnansi is never present
+% If you run into missing font metrics kind of problems,
+% you may want to uncomment:
+% \usetypescript[adobekb] [\defaultencoding]
+% You can let \CONTEXT\ load the map files for \PDFTEX.
+% (1) you can prevent loading with:
+% \preloadmapfile[<...somename...>.map]
+% (2) otherwise, use this if you have a fast machine
+% \resetmapfiles \usetypescript [map] [base] [all]
+% (3) or this if it's a slow one:
+% more recent versions of pdftex support map loading on each page
+\donefalse \ifx\pdftexversion\undefined \else \ifnum\number\pdftexversion>119
+ \donetrue
+\fi \fi \ifdone
+ \loadmapfile[]
+ \loadmapfile[]
+ \loadmapfile[]
+ \loadmapfile[]
+ \loadmapfile[]
+ \loadmapfile[]
+ \loadmapfile[]
+ \loadmapfile[]
+ \loadmapfile[]
+ %loadmapfile[]
+ %loadmapfile[]
+ \loadmapfile[]
+ \loadmapfile[]
+ \loadmapfile[]
+ \loadmapfile[]
+ %loadmapfile[]
+ %loadmapfile[]
+ %loadmapfile[]
+ %loadmapfile[]
+ %loadmapfile[]
+ %loadmapfile[]
+% When you have your own fonts installed, you may want to predefine:
+% \usetypescriptfile[type-buy]
+% Some styles default to Lucida Bright. You can overload
+% Lucida by Times cum suis. Watch out, the pos collection
+% is not scaled relatively.
+% \definetypescriptsynonym [lbr] [pos]
+% Compensate for missing files:
+% \definefontsynonym [gbhei] [gbsong]
+% \definefontsynonym [gbheisl] [gbsong]
+% \definefontsynonym [gbheisl] [gbsong]
+% Setting up a global figure path
+% \setupexternalfigures [\c!directory={e:/fig/eps,t:/mine/figs}]
+% Loading a specific special driver:
+% \setupoutput [dviwindo]
+% Changing language defaults
+% \setuplanguage
+% [nl]
+% [\c!leftquote=\upperleftsinglesixquote,
+% \c!leftquotation=\upperleftdoublesixquote]
+% Loading local preferences, for example
+% \input prag-gen % company styles
+% \input prag-log % more company styles
+% Enabling run time \METAPOST\ (also enable \write18 in
+% texmf.cnf):
+% This saves some runtime, but needs a format, which you can
+% make with 'texexec --make --alone metafun'. Make sure that
+% the mem files are moved to the used web2c path (locate with
+% 'kpsewhich plain.mem').
+% This can be a way to get things working on system with
+% name clashes. (Some \TeX's tend do search system wide.)
+% You can enable a more extensive figure searching, but
+% normally this is not really needed and even annoying.
+% \runutilityfiletrue
+% So far.
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/context.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/context.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..84679a9a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/context.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,439 @@
+ %D \module
+%D [ file=context,
+%D version=2008.28.10, % 1995.10.10,
+%D title=\CONTEXT,
+%D subtitle=\CONTEXT\ Format Generation,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\catcode`\{=1 \catcode`\}=2 \catcode`\#=6
+%D From the next string (which is set by the script that assembles the
+%D distribution) later on we will calculate a number that can be used
+%D by use modules to identify the feature level. Starting with version
+%D 2004.8.30 the low level interface is english. Watch out and adapt
+%D your styles an modules.
+\edef\contextformat {\jobname}
+\edef\contextversion{2013.06.07 17:34}
+%D For those who want to use this:
+\let\fmtname \contextformat
+%D Loading:
+\edef\mksuffix {mkii}
+\ifx\normalinput\undefined \let\normalinput\input \fi
+%D First we load the system modules. These implement a lot of
+%D manipulation macros. The first one loads \PLAIN\ \TEX, as
+%D minimal as possible.
+%D Some checking (more primitives are now defined):
+\ifdefined\defaultinterface \else \def\defaultinterface {english} \fi
+%ifdefined\messageinterface \else \let\messageinterface \defaultinterface \fi
+\ifdefined\defaultlanguagetag \else \def\defaultlanguagetag{en} \fi
+%D More core code.
+\loadmarkfile{thrd-trg} % based on: David Carlisle
+ \loadmarkfile{xetx-ini}
+ \loadmarkfile{xetx-utf}
+ \loadmarkfile{xetx-chr}
+ \loadmarkfile{xetx-cls}
+%D To enable selective loading, we say:
+\newif\ifCONTEXT \CONTEXTtrue % will disappear
+%D In order to conveniently load files, we need a few
+%D support modules.
+%D This is for mkii bibtex users who expect \LATEX\ commands.
+%D After this we're ready for the multi||lingual interface
+%D modules.
+%D Now we're ready for some general support modules. These
+%D modules implement some basic typesetting functionality.
+%D Verbatim typesetting is implemented in a separate class of
+%D modules. The pretty typesetting modules are loaded at run
+%D time.
+%D The following modules are not sequentially dependent,
+%D i.e. they have ugly dependencies, which will be cleaned
+%D up by adding more overloading.
+%D When loading the font, color and special modules, we need a
+%D bit more advanced file handling as well as some general
+%D variables, and features, so next we load:
+%D We already need some synonyms (patterns).
+%D \CONTEXT\ does not implement its own table handling. We
+%D just go for the best there is and load \TABLE. Just to be
+%D sure we do it here, before we redefine \type{|}.
+\loadmarkfile{thrd-tab} % based on: Michael Wichura's TaBlE
+%D Here comes the last support modules. They take care of
+%D some language specific things.
+%D The next few modules do what their names state. They
+%D load additional definition modules when needed.
+%D For the moment we load a lot of languages. In the future
+%D we'll have to be more space conservative.
+%D All kind of symbols are handled in:
+%D Sorting:
+%D Next we load some core macro's. These implement the
+%D macros' that are seen by the users. The order of loading
+%D is important, due to dependancies.
+\loadmarkfile{strc-mat} % should come after math-pln etc
+\loadmarkfile{core-job} % why so late?
+% so far
+%D A few more languages, that have specifics using core
+%D functionality:
+%loadmarkfile{lang-ara} % undefined
+%D How about fill||in fields and related stuff?
+%D Registers can depend on fields, so we load that now.
+%D Of course we do need fonts. There are no \TFM\ files
+%D loaded yet, so the format file is independant of their
+%D content. Here we also redefine \type{\it} as {\it italic}
+%D instead of italian.
+ \loadmarkfile{font-xtx}
+%D Properties. Don't ask.
+%D Like languages, fonts, encodings and symbols, \METAPOST\
+%D support is also organized in its own class of modules.
+%D Special page handling (maybe even later)
+%D Anchoring graphics:
+%D Math.
+%D Now we're ready for more core modules.
+%D Language specific spacing.
+%D Bibliographies:
+%D Only the basic XML parser and remapper are part of the core.
+%D These macros are loaded last since they overload and|/|or
+%D extend previously defined ones.
+%D How about this:
+%D \TEX\ related logo's are always typeset in a special way.
+%D Here they come:
+%D This one overloads af few things:
+%D Defaults go here (more will be moved to this module
+%D later):
+%D Preloaded modules (some need xml support):
+%usemodule[x][res-04] % xml resource libraries
+%usemodule[x][res-08] % rlx runtime conversion
+\usemodule[x][res-12] % rli external indentification
+%D At run time, a few more files are loaded, like:
+%D \startitemize[packed]
+%D \item \type{cont-sys}: local (system dependant) defaults
+%D \item \type{cont-old}: substitutes for old (obsolete) macros
+%D \item \type{cont-new}: new macro implementations (for testing)
+%D \item \type{cont-fil}: filename and module synonyms
+%D \stopitemize
+\errorstopmode \dump \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/core-con.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/core-con.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..46fbe9b9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/core-con.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,969 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=core-con,
+%D version=1997.26.08,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Core Macros,
+%D subtitle=Conversion,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Core Macros / Conversion}
+\ifx\currentlanguage\undefined \let\currentlanguage\empty \fi
+\ifx\labeltext \undefined \let\labeltext\firstofoneargument \fi
+%D This module deals with all kind of conversions from numbers
+%D and dates. I considered splitting this module in a support
+%D one and a core one, but to keep things simple as well as
+%D preserve the overview, I decided against splitting.
+\let\spr\firstofoneargument % separator
+\let\stp\firstofoneargument % stopper
+% cleaner, some day:
+% \def\isolateseparators % etex only, even works with list separator overloading
+% {\unexpanded\def\spr##1{{##1}}%
+% \unexpanded\def\stp##1{{##1}}}
+% needed for arab :
+\def\isolateseparators % even works with list separator overloading
+ {\def\spr##1{{##1}}%
+ \def\stp##1{{##1}}}
+%D \macros
+%D {numbers}
+%D First we deal with the dummy conversion of numbers using the
+%D \TEX\ primitive \type{\number}. The uppercase alternative is
+%D only there for compatibility with the other conversion
+%D macros. We could do without \type{#1} but this way we get
+%D rid of unwanted braces. For the savety we also define a
+%D non||sence uppercase alternative.
+%D \showsetup{numbers}
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\numbers#1{\number#1}
+%D \def\Numbers#1{\number#1}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Due to read ahead, as in \type{[\pagenumber\space]} the space will
+%D disappear, unless we use:
+%D \macros
+%D {romannumerals,Romannumerals}
+%D \TEX\ the program uses a rather tricky conversion from
+%D numbers to their roman counterparts. This conversion could
+%D of course be programmed in \TEX\ itself, but I guess Knuth
+%D found the programming trick worth presenting.
+%D \showsetup{romannumerals}
+%D \showsetup{Romannumerals}
+%D When upcasing the result, we just follow the text book rules
+%D of expansion. Later on we'll see some more uppercase tricks.
+ {\romannumeral#1}
+%D For some years we had \unknown
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\Romannumerals#1%
+%D {\uppercase\expandafter{\romannumeral#1}}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D \unknown but we need to be fully expandable in order to get
+%D the utility output file right, so now we have the following
+%D solution. It was Patrick Gundlach who first noticed this
+%D ommision.
+ {\expandafter\doRomannumerals\number#1\relax}
+\def\doRomannumerals#1#2\relax % spaces after ifcase prevent \relax
+ {\ifnum#1#2<10
+ \ifcase0#1#2 \or I\or II\or III\or IV\or V\or VI\or VII\or VIII\or IX\fi
+ \else\ifnum#1#2<100
+ \ifcase0#1 \or X\or XX\or XXX\or XL\or L\or LX\or LXX\or LXXX\or XC\fi
+ \doRomannumerals#2\relax
+ \else\ifnum#1#2<1000
+ \ifcase0#1 \or C\or CC\or CCC\or CD\or D\or DC\or DCC\or DCCC\or CM\fi
+ \doRomannumerals#2\relax
+ \else\ifnum#1#2<4000
+ \ifcase0#1 \or M\or MM\or MMM\fi
+ \doRomannumerals#2\relax
+ \else
+ \uppercase\expandafter{\romannumeral#1#2}%
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi}
+%D \macros
+%D {character,Character}
+%D Converting a number into a character can of course only
+%D be done with numbers less or equal to~26. At the cost of
+%D much more macros a faster conversion is possible, using:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \setvalue{char1}{a} \def\character#1{\getvalue{char#1}}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D But we prefer a simpel \type{\case}.
+%D \showsetup{character}
+%D \showsetup{Character}
+\def\unknowncharacter{-} % else in lists \relax
+%D Big case statements but pretty fast:
+ {\ifcase#1\unknowncharacter
+ \or a\or b\or c\or d\or e\or f\or g\or h\or i\or j\or k\or l\or m%
+ \or n\or o\or p\or q\or r\or s\or t\or u\or v\or w\or x\or y\or z%
+ \else
+ \unknowncharacter
+ \fi}
+ {\ifcase#1\unknowncharacter
+ \or A\or B\or C\or D\or E\or F\or G\or H\or I\or J\or K\or L\or M%
+ \or N\or O\or P\or Q\or R\or S\or T\or U\or V\or W\or X\or Y\or Z%
+ \else
+ \unknowncharacter
+ \fi}
+%D \macros
+%D {characters,Characters}
+%D Converting large numbers is supported by the next two
+%D macros. This time we just count on: $\cdots$~x, y, z, aa,
+%D ab, ac~$\cdots$.
+%D \showsetup{characters}
+%D \showsetup{Characters}
+%D The fully expandable alternative:
+ {\ifcase#3\else
+ \ifnum#3>#1
+ \expandafter\doconvertcharacters\expandafter#2\expandafter{\the\numexpr(#3+12)/#1-1\relax}%
+ \expandafter#2\expandafter{\the\numexpr#3-((#3+12)/#1-1)*#1\relax}%
+ \else
+ \expandafter#2\expandafter{\number#3}%
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+%D \macros
+%D {greeknumerals,Greeknumerals}
+%D Why should we only honour the romans, and not the greek?
+ {% no longer needed: \mathematics
+ {\ifcase#1\unknowncharacter\or
+ \alpha \or \beta \or \gamma \or \delta \or
+ \varepsilon \or \zeta \or \eta \or \theta \or
+ \iota \or \kappa \or \lambda \or \mu \or
+ \nu \or \xi \or \omicron \or \pi \or
+ \varrho \or \sigma \or \tau \or \upsilon \or
+ \phi \or \chi \or \psi \or \omega
+ \else
+ \unknowncharacter
+ \fi}}
+ {% no longer needed: \mathematics
+ {\ifcase#1\unknowncharacter \or
+ \Alpha \or \Beta \or \Gamma \or \Delta \or
+ \Epsilon \or \Zeta \or \Eta \or \Theta \or
+ \Iota \or \Kappa \or \Lambda \or \Mu \or
+ \Nu \or \Xi \or \Omicron \or \Pi \or
+ \Rho \or \Sigma \or \Tau \or \Upsilon \or
+ \Phi \or \Xi \or \Psi \or \Omega
+ \else
+ \unknowncharacter
+ \fi}}
+%D \macros
+%D {oldstylenumerals,oldstyleromannumerals}
+%D These conversions are dedicated to Frans Goddijn.
+ {{\os\number#1}}
+ {{\leftrulefalse\rightrulefalse\ss\txx\boxrulewidth.15ex
+ \ruledhbox spread .15em{\hss\uppercased{\romannumerals{#1}}\hss}}}
+%D \macros
+%D {protectconversion}
+%D The previous two commands are not robust enough to be
+%D passed to \type{\write} en \type{\message}. That's why we
+%D introduce:
+ {\def\doconvertcharacters##1{##1}} % was \relax
+ %{\def\doconvertcharacters##1{\ifcase0##1 0\else##1\fi}} more save
+%D \macros
+%D {normaltime,normalyear,normalmonth,normalday}
+%D The last part of this module is dedicated to converting
+%D dates. Because we want to use as meaningful commands as
+%D possible, and because \TEX\ already uses up some of those,
+%D we save the original meanings.
+%D \macros
+%D {month,MONTH}
+%D Converting the month number into a month name is done
+%D using a case statement, abstact values and the label
+%D mechanism. This way users can easily redefine a label from
+%D for instance german into austrian.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \setuplabeltext [de] [january=J\"anner]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Anyhow, the conversion looks like:
+ {\ifcase#1%
+ \or \v!january \or \v!february \or \v!march \or \v!april
+ \or \v!may \or \v!june \or \v!july \or \v!august
+ \or \v!september \or \v!october \or \v!november \or \v!december
+ \else
+ \v!unknown
+ \fi}
+\def\doconvertmonthlong #1{\labeltext{\domonthtag{#1}}}
+%D We redefine the \TEX\ primitive \type{\month} as:
+%D \showsetup{month}
+%D \showsetup{MONTH}
+\def\monthlong {\doconvertmonthlong}
+\def\month {\doconvertmonth}
+\def\MONTH #1{{\let\labeltext\LABELTEXT\month {#1}}}
+\def\MONTHLONG #1{{\let\labeltext\LABELTEXT\monthlong {#1}}}
+%D We never explicitly needed this, but Tobias Burnus pointed
+%D out that it would be handy to convert to the day of the
+%D week. In doing so, we have to calculate the total number of
+%D days, taking leapyears into account. For those who are
+%D curious:
+%D \startitemize[packed]
+%D \item years that can be divided by 4 are leapyears
+%D \item exept years that can be divided by 100
+%D \item unless years can be divided by 400
+%D \stopitemize
+%D This makes the year 1900 into a normal year and 1996 and
+%D 2000 into leap years, right? Well, converting to string
+%D looks familiar:
+ {\labeltext
+ {\ifcase#1
+ \or \v!sunday \or \v!monday \or \v!tuesday \or \v!wednesday
+ \or \v!thursday \or \v!friday \or \v!saturday \fi}}
+%D \macros
+%D {getdayoftheweek, dayoftheweek}
+%D The conversion algoritm is an old one and a translation from
+%D a procedure written in MODULA~2 back in the 80's. I finaly
+%D found the 4--100-400 rules in some enclopedia. Look at this
+%D messy low level routine that takes the day, month and year
+%D as arguments:
+ {\bgroup
+ \!!counta#3\relax
+ \advance\!!counta \minusone
+ \!!countb\!!counta
+ \multiply\!!countb 365
+ \advance\!!countb \ifcase#2\relax
+ 0 \or 0 \or 31 \or 59 \or 90 \or120 \or151 \or
+ 181 \or212 \or243 \or273 \or304 \or334 \or365 \fi
+ \advance\!!countb #1\relax
+ \ifnum#2>2
+ \doifleapyearelse{#3}{\advance\!!countb 1}{}\relax
+ \fi
+ \!!countc\!!counta
+ \dosetdivision\!!countc4\!!countc
+ \advance\!!countb \!!countc
+ \!!countc\!!counta
+ \dosetdivision\!!countc{100}\!!countc
+ \advance\!!countb -\!!countc
+ \!!countc\!!counta
+ \dosetdivision\!!countc{400}\!!countc
+ \advance\!!countb \!!countc
+ \dosetmodulo\!!countb7\!!countb
+ \advance\!!countb \plusone
+ \@EA\egroup\@EA\normalweekday\the\!!countb\relax}
+ {\getdayoftheweek{#1}{#2}{#3}\doconvertday{\normalweekday}}
+%D Using this macro in
+%D \startbuffer
+%D monday: \dayoftheweek {4} {5} {1992}
+%D friday: \dayoftheweek {16} {6} {1995}
+%D monday: \dayoftheweek {25} {8} {1997}
+%D saturday: \dayoftheweek {30} {8} {1997}
+%D tuesday: \dayoftheweek {2} {1} {1996}
+%D tuesday: \dayoftheweek {7} {1} {1997}
+%D tuesday: \dayoftheweek {13} {1} {1998}
+%D friday: \dayoftheweek {1} {1} {2000}
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+%D gives
+%D \startvoorbeeld
+%D \startlines
+%D \getbuffer
+%D \stoplines
+%D \stopvoorbeeld
+%D The macro \type {\getdayoftheweek} can be used to calculate
+%D the number \type {\normalweekday}.
+%D \macros
+%D {weekday,WEEKDAY}
+%D The first one is sort of redundant. It takes the day
+%D number argument.
+%D \showsetup{weekday}
+%D \showsetup{WEEKDAY}
+ {\doconvertday}
+ {{\let\labeltext\LABELTEXT\doconvertday{#1}}}
+%D \macros
+%D {weekoftheday}
+%D {\em not yet implemented:}
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\weekoftheday#1#2#3%
+%D {}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D \macros
+%D {doifleapyearelse,
+%D getdayspermonth}
+%D Sometimes we need to know if we're dealing with a
+%D leapyear, so here is a testmacro:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \doifleapyearelse{year}{yes}{no}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D An example of its use can be seen in the macro
+%D \starttyping
+%D \getdayspermonth{year}{month}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The number of days is available in the macro \type
+%D {\numberofdays}.
+\def\doifleapyearelse#1% #2#3%
+ {\bgroup
+ \!!doneafalse
+ \!!counta#1%
+ \dosetmodulo\!!counta4\!!countb
+ \ifcase\!!countb
+ \dosetmodulo\!!counta{100}\!!countb
+ \ifcase\!!countb \else \!!doneatrue \fi
+ \dosetmodulo\!!counta{400}\!!countb
+ \ifcase\!!countb \!!doneatrue \fi
+ \fi
+ \if!!donea
+ \egroup\@EA\firstoftwoarguments % \def\next{#2}%
+ \else
+ \egroup\@EA\secondoftwoarguments % \def\next{#3}%
+ \fi} % \next}
+% untested but cleaner:
+% \def\doifleapyearelse#1% #2#3%
+% {\bgroup
+% \dosetmodulo{#1}{400}\scratchcounter
+% \ifcase\scratchcounter
+% \else
+% \dosetmodulo{#1}{100}\scratchcounter
+% \ifcase\scratchcounter
+% \scratchcounter\plusone
+% \else
+% \dosetmodulo{#1}4\scratchcounter
+% \fi
+% \fi
+% \ifcase\scratchcounter
+% \egroup\@EA\firstoftwoarguments
+% \else
+% \egroup\@EA\secondoftwoarguments
+% \fi}
+ {\doifleapyearelse{#1}
+ {\def\numberofdays{29}}
+ {\def\numberofdays{28}}%
+ \edef\numberofdays
+ {\ifcase#2 \or31\or\numberofdays\or31\or30\or
+ 31\or30\or31\or31\or30\or31\or30\or31\fi}}
+%D \macros
+%D {currentdate, date}
+%D We use these conversion macros in the date formatting
+%D macro:
+%D \showsetup{currentdate}
+%D This macro takes care of proper spacing and delivers for
+%D instance:
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \currentdate[weekday,day,month,year] % still dutch example
+%D \currentdate[WEEKDAY,day,MONTH,year] % still dutch example
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \startvoorbeeld
+%D \startlines
+%D \getbuffer
+%D \stoplines
+%D \stopvoorbeeld
+%D depending of course on the keywords. Here we gave:
+%D \typebuffer
+%D If needed one can also add non||keywords, like in
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \currentdate[dd,--,mm,--,yy]
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+%D or typeset: \getbuffer.
+%D When no argument is passed, the current date is given as
+%D specified per language (using \type{\installlanguage}).
+%D \showsetup{currentdate}
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \date
+%D \date[d=12,m=12,y=1998][weekday]
+%D \date[d=12,m=12,y=1998]
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D We can also typeset arbitrary dates, using the previous
+%D command.
+%D \typebuffer
+%D The date is specified by one character keys. When no date
+%D is given, we get the current date.
+%D \startlines
+%D \getbuffer
+%D \stoplines
+\def\kenmerkdatumpatroon{j,mm,dd} % jj,mm,dd changed at januari 1-1-2000
+ {\ifdim\lastskip=\datesignal\relax\else
+ \unskip\space
+ \hskip\datesignal\relax
+ \fi}
+\newtoks \everycurrentdate
+ {\bgroup
+ \the\everycurrentdate
+ \def\betweendates{\let\betweendates\dobetweendates}%
+ % was \processcommacommandp[#1]\docomplexcurrentdate
+ \safeedef\ascii{\empty#1}% keep encoded chars
+ \@EA\processcommalist\@EA[\ascii]\docomplexcurrentdate
+ \ifdim\lastskip=\datesignal\relax
+ \unskip
+ \fi
+ \egroup}
+ {\lowercase{\edef\!!stringa{#1}}% permits usage in \smallcapped
+ \expanded{\processaction[\!!stringa]}% [#1]
+ [ \v!day=>\betweendates\the\normalday,
+ %\v!day+=>\betweendates\ordinaldaynumber\normalday,
+ \v!day+=>\betweendates\convertnumber{\v!day+}\normalday,
+ \v!month=>\betweendates\month\normalmonth,
+ \v!year=>\betweendates\the\normalyear,
+ \v!space=>\unskip\ \hskip\datesignal,% optimization -)
+ \ =>\unskip\ \hskip\datesignal,% optimization -)
+ d=>\convertnumber\v!day\normalday,
+ %d+=>\ordinaldaynumber\normalday,
+ d+=>\convertnumber{\v!day+}\normalday,
+ m=>\convertnumber\v!month\normalmonth,
+ j=>\convertnumber\v!year\normalyear,
+ y=>\convertnumber\v!year\normalyear,
+ w=>\betweendates\dayoftheweek\normalday\normalmonth\normalyear,
+ dd=>\ifnum\normalday >9 \else0\fi\the\normalday,
+ %dd+=>\ordinaldaynumber{\ifnum\normalday >9 \else0\fi\the\normalday},
+ dd+=>\convertnumber{\v!day+}{\ifnum\normalday >9 \else0\fi\the\normalday},
+ mm=>\ifnum\normalmonth>9 \else0\fi\the\normalmonth,
+ jj=>\expandafter\gobbletwoarguments\the\normalyear,
+ yy=>\expandafter\gobbletwoarguments\the\normalyear,
+ \v!weekday=>\betweendates\dayoftheweek\normalday\normalmonth\normalyear,
+ \v!referral=>\expanded{\complexcurrentdate[\kenmerkdatumpatroon]},
+ \s!unknown=>\unskip
+ % #1 and not the lowercased \commalistelement, vietnamese has text
+ % {} because #1 can have comma, like: {\ ,}
+ {#1}%
+ \hskip\datesignal
+ \def\betweendates{\let\betweendates\dobetweendates}]}
+ {\expanded{\complexcurrentdate[\currentdatespecification]}}
+ {\bgroup
+ \iffirstargument
+ \getparameters[\??da][d=\normalday,m=\normalmonth,y=\normalyear,#1]%
+ \normalday \@@dad\relax
+ \normalmonth\@@dam\relax
+ \normalyear \@@day\relax
+ \ifsecondargument
+ \currentdate[#2]%
+ \else
+ \currentdate
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \currentdate
+ \fi
+ \egroup}
+ {\dodoubleempty\dodate}
+%D \macros
+%D {currenttime}
+%D The currenttime is actually the jobtime. You can specify
+%D a pattern similar to the previous date macro using the
+%D keys \type {h}, \type {m} and a separator.
+ {\dosetdivision\time{60}\scratchcounter
+ \edef\currenthour {\ifnum\scratchcounter<10 0\fi \the\scratchcounter}%
+ \dosetmodulo \time{60}\scratchcounter
+ \edef\currentminute{\ifnum\scratchcounter<10 0\fi \the\scratchcounter}}
+\let\currenthour \!!plusone
+ {\calculatecurrenttime
+ \processallactionsinset[#1]
+ [h=>\currenthour,m=>\currentminute,\s!unknown=>\commalistelement]}
+ {\expanded{\complexcurrenttime[\currenttimespecification]}}
+%D Because we're dealing with dates, we also introduce a few
+%D day loops:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \processmonth{year}{month}{command}
+%D \processyear{year}{command}{before}{after}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The counters \type {\normalyear}, \type {\normalmonth} and
+%D \type{\normalday} can be used for for date manipulations.
+\long\def\processmonth#1#2#3% year month command
+ {\bgroup
+ \getdayspermonth{#1}{#2}%
+ \dostepwiserecurse1\numberofdays1%
+ {\normalyear #1\relax
+ \normalmonth#2\relax
+ \normalday \recurselevel\relax
+ #3}%
+ \egroup}
+\def\lastmonth{12} % can be set to e.g. 1 when testing
+\long\def\processyear#1#2#3#4% year command before after
+ {\bgroup
+ \dorecurse\lastmonth
+ {\normalyear #1\relax
+ \normalmonth\recurselevel\relax
+ #3\processmonth\normalyear\normalmonth{#2}#4}%
+ \egroup}
+%D \macros
+%D {defineconversion, convertnumber}
+%D Conversion involves the macros that we implemented earlier
+%D in this module.
+%D \showsetup{defineconversion}
+%D \showsetup{convertnumber}
+%D We can feed this command with conversion macros as well as
+%D a set of conversion symbols. Both need a bit different
+%D treatment.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \defineconversion [roman] [\romannumerals]
+%D \defineconversion [set 1] [$\star$,$\bullet$,$\ast$]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D You can define a language dependent conversion with:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \defineconversion [en] [whatever] [\something]
+%D \stoptyping
+% \def\dodefineconversion[#1][#2]%
+% {\ConvertConstantAfter\doifinstringelse{,}{#2}
+% {\scratchcounter=0
+% \def\docommand##1%
+% {\advance\scratchcounter 1
+% \setvalue{\??cv#1\the\scratchcounter}{##1}}%
+% \processcommalist[#2]\docommand
+% \setvalue{\??cv#1}##1{\csname\??cv#1##1\endcsname}}
+% {\setvalue{\??cv#1}{#2}}}
+% \def\defineconversion%
+% {\dodoubleargument\dodefineconversion}
+ {\dotripleempty\dodefineconversion}
+ {\ifthirdargument
+ \dododefineconversion[#1][#2][#3]%
+ \else
+ \dododefineconversion[][#1][#2]%
+ \fi}
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\dododefineconversion[#1][#2][#3]%
+%D {\ConvertConstantAfter\doifinstringelse{,}{#3}
+%D {\scratchcounter\zerocount
+%D \def\docommand##1%
+%D {\advance\scratchcounter \plusone
+%D \setvalue{\??cv#1#2\the\scratchcounter}{##1}}%
+%D \processcommalist[#3]\docommand
+%D \setvalue{\??cv#1#2}##1{\executeifdefined{\??cv#1#2##1}\unknown}} % catch out-of-range numbers
+%D {\setvalue{\??cv#1#2}{#3}}}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D This approach has the disadvantage that when you run out of
+%D symbols you get unknown results. The following implementation
+%D permits overloading of the converter:
+ {\ConvertConstantAfter\doifinstringelse{,}{#3}
+ {\scratchcounter\zerocount
+ \def\docommand##1%
+ {\advance\scratchcounter \plusone
+ \setvalue{\??cv#1#2\the\scratchcounter}{##1}}%
+ \processcommalist[#3]\docommand
+ \setevalue{\??cv#1#2}##1%
+ {\noexpand\docheckedconversion{#1#2}{\the\scratchcounter}{##1}}}
+ {\setvalue{\??cv#1#2}{#3}}}
+\def\docheckedconversion#1#2#3% class maxnumber number
+ {\executeifdefined{\??cv#1#3}\unknown}
+%D When Gerben reported problems with footnote numbering per page,
+%D Taco came with the following wrap around solution. So, let's
+%D overload the checked conversion macro:
+\def\docheckedconversion#1#2#3% class maxnumber number
+ {\executeifdefined{\??cv#1\modulatednumber{#2}{#3}}\unknown}
+%D Taco's modulo code is implemented in the system module
+%D \type {syst-con}.
+%D If a conversion is just a font switch then we need to make sure
+%D that the number is indeed end up as number in the input, so we
+%D need to handle the second argument.
+ {\csname\??cv
+ \ifcsname\??cv\currentlanguage#1\endcsname
+ \currentlanguage#1%
+ \else\ifcsname\??cv#1\endcsname
+ #1%
+ \else
+ \s!default
+ \fi\fi
+ \endcsname{\number#2}}
+ {\ifcsname\??cv\currentlanguage#1\endcsname
+ \@EA\firstoftwoarguments
+ \else\ifcsname\??cv#1\endcsname
+ \@EAEAEA\firstoftwoarguments
+ \else
+ \@EAEAEA\secondoftwoarguments
+ \fi\fi}
+\def\doifelseconversionnumber#1#2% slow but seldom used
+ {\doifdefinedelse{\??cv#1#2}}
+%D Handy.
+\setvalue{\??cv:\c!n:\v!one }{1}
+\setvalue{\??cv:\c!n:\v!two }{2}
+\setvalue{\??cv:\c!n:\v!four }{4}
+\setvalue{\??cv:\c!n:\v!five }{5}
+% \defineconversion[ctx][c,o,n,t,e,x,t]
+% \doloop{\doifelseconversionnumber{ctx}{\recurselevel}{[\recurselevel]}{\exitloop}}
+\defineconversion [\s!default] [\numbers]
+%D As longs as symbols are linked to levels or numbers, we can
+%D also use the conversion mechanism, but in for instance the
+%D itemization macros, we prefer symbols because they can more
+%D easier be (partially) redefined. Symbols are implemented
+%D in another module.
+\defineconversion [] [\numbers] % the default conversion
+\defineconversion [a] [\characters]
+\defineconversion [A] [\Characters]
+\defineconversion [AK] [\smallcapped\characters]
+\defineconversion [KA] [\smallcapped\characters]
+\defineconversion [n] [\numbers]
+\defineconversion [N] [\Numbers]
+\defineconversion [m] [\mediaeval]
+\defineconversion [i] [\romannumerals]
+\defineconversion [I] [\Romannumerals]
+\defineconversion [r] [\romannumerals]
+\defineconversion [R] [\Romannumerals]
+\defineconversion [KR] [\smallcapped\romannumerals]
+\defineconversion [RK] [\smallcapped\romannumerals]
+\defineconversion [g] [\greeknumerals]
+\defineconversion [G] [\Greeknumerals]
+\defineconversion [o] [\oldstylenumerals]
+\defineconversion [O] [\oldstylenumerals]
+\defineconversion [or] [\oldstyleromannumerals]
+\defineconversion [\v!character] [\character]
+\defineconversion [\v!Character] [\Character]
+\defineconversion [\v!characters] [\characters]
+\defineconversion [\v!Characters] [\Characters]
+\defineconversion [\v!numbers] [\numbers]
+\defineconversion [\v!Numbers] [\Numbers]
+\defineconversion [\v!mediaeval] [\mediaeval]
+\defineconversion [\v!romannumerals] [\romannumerals]
+\defineconversion [\v!Romannumerals] [\Romannumerals]
+\defineconversion [\v!greek] [\greeknumerals]
+\defineconversion [\v!Greek] [\Greeknumerals]
+\defineconversion [arabicnumerals] [\arabicnumerals]
+\defineconversion [persiannumerals] [\arabicnumerals]
+\defineconversion [month] [\doconvertmonthlong]
+\defineconversion [month:mnem] [\doconvertmonthshort]
+% Some bonus ones:
+\defineconversion [\v!empty] [\gobbleoneargument]
+\defineconversion [\v!none] [\numbers]
+\ifx\symbol\undefined \def\symbol[#1]{#1} \fi % todo
+ [set 0]
+ [{\symbol[bullet]},
+ {\symbol[dash]},
+ {\symbol[star]},
+ {\symbol[triangle]},
+ {\symbol[circle]},
+ {\symbol[medcircle]},
+ {\symbol[bigcircle]},
+ {\symbol[square]}]
+ [set 1]
+ [\mathematics{\star},
+ \mathematics{\star\star},
+ \mathematics{\star\star\star},
+ \mathematics{\ddagger},
+ \mathematics{\ddagger\ddagger},
+ \mathematics{\ddagger\ddagger\ddagger},
+ \mathematics{\ast},
+ \mathematics{\ast\ast},
+ \mathematics{\ast\ast\ast}]
+ [set 2]
+ [\mathematics{*},
+ \mathematics{\dag},
+ \mathematics{\ddag},
+ \mathematics{**},
+ \mathematics{\dag\dag},
+ \mathematics{\ddag\ddag},
+ \mathematics{***},
+ \mathematics{\dag\dag\dag},
+ \mathematics{\ddag\ddag\ddag},
+ \mathematics{****},
+ \mathematics{\dag\dag\dag\dag},
+ \mathematics{\ddag\ddag\ddag\ddag}]
+ [set 3]
+ [\mathematics{\star},
+ \mathematics{\star\star},
+ \mathematics{\star\star\star},
+ \mathematics{\ddagger},
+ \mathematics{\ddagger\ddagger},
+ \mathematics{\ddagger\ddagger\ddagger},
+ \mathematics{\P},
+ \mathematics{\P\P},
+ \mathematics{\P\P\P},
+ \mathematics{\S},
+ \mathematics{\S\S},
+ \mathematics{\S\S\S},
+ \mathematics{\ast},
+ \mathematics{\ast\ast},
+ \mathematics{\ast\ast\ast}]
+%D \macros
+%D {defineconversionvector,conversionnumber} % bad names so no danger for clash
+%D For Adam and friends \unknown
+%D \startitemize[persiannummerals]
+%D \item test \item test \item test \item test
+%D \stopitemize
+\def\defineconversionvector#1#2% name base
+ {\bgroup
+ % dirty trick
+ \uccode`\*=`\1
+ % plain:
+ % \uccode`\0=\numexpr#2+0\relax \uccode`\1=\numexpr#2+1\relax
+ % \uccode`\2=\numexpr#2+2\relax \uccode`\3=\numexpr#2+3\relax
+ % \uccode`\4=\numexpr#2+4\relax \uccode`\5=\numexpr#2+5\relax
+ % \uccode`\6=\numexpr#2+6\relax \uccode`\7=\numexpr#2+7\relax
+ % \uccode`\8=\numexpr#2+8\relax \uccode`\9=\numexpr#2+9\relax
+ % context:
+ \dostepwiserecurse091{\expandafter\uccode\expandafter`\recurselevel=\numexpr#2+\recurselevel}%
+ % prepared macro
+ \uppercase\expandafter{\expandafter\gdef\csname::cvn::#1::\endcsname##*%
+ {\ifcase##* 0\or1\or2\or3\or4\or5\or6\or7\or8\or9\fi}}%
+ \egroup}
+ {\ifcsname::cvn::#1::\endcsname
+ \expandafter\doconversionnumber\csname::cvn::#1::\expandafter\endcsname\number#2\relax
+ \else
+ \number#2%
+ \fi}
+ {\ifx#2\relax
+ \expandafter\gobbleoneargument
+ \else
+ #1{#2}%
+ \expandafter\doconversionnumber
+ \fi#1}
+% actually mkiii code
+ \defineconversionvector{arabicnumerals} {"0660}
+ \defineconversionvector{persiannumerals} {"06F0}
+ \defineconversionvector{thainumerals} {"0E50}
+ \defineconversionvector{devanagarinumerals}{"0966}
+ \defineconversionvector{gurmurkhinumerals} {"0A66}
+ \defineconversionvector{gujaratinumerals} {"0AE6}
+ \defineconversionvector{tibetannumerals} {"0F20} % also "half numerals?"
+ \defineconversion[arabicnumerals] [\conversionnumber{arabicnumerals}]
+ \defineconversion[persiannumerals] [\conversionnumber{persiannumerals}]
+ \defineconversion[thainumerals] [\conversionnumber{thainumerals}]
+ \defineconversion[devanagarinumerals][\conversionnumber{devanagarinumerals}]
+ \defineconversion[gurmurkhinumerals] [\conversionnumber{gurmurkhinumerals}]
+ \defineconversion[gujaratinumerals] [\conversionnumber{gujaratinumerals}]
+ \defineconversion[tibetannumerals] [\conversionnumber{tibetannumerals}]
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/core-ctx.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/core-ctx.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c693d10db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/core-ctx.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=core-ctx,
+%D version=2006.08.16, % old stuff
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Core Macros,
+%D subtitle=Job Control,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Core Macros / Job Control}
+\chardef\preprocessmethod 2 % 0=no check 1=present_check 2=log_check
+\chardef\preprocessstate 0 % 1=found 2=not_present (skip)
+\chardef\preprocesslocal 0 % 0=no 1=yes
+\def \preprocesssuffix {.prep}
+ {\begingroup
+ \chardef\XMLtokensreduction\plusone
+ \ifcase\preprocessmethod
+ % no checking
+ \or
+ % simple checking
+ \or
+ \doiffileexistselse{./\jobname.ctl}
+ {\bgroup
+ \defineXMLenvironment[ctx:preplist][local=no]
+ {\doifelse{\XMLop{local}}{yes}
+ {\global\chardef\preprocesslocal\plusone
+ \writestatus\m!systems{loading ctx log file (local)}}%
+ {\writestatus\m!systems{loading ctx log file (specified)}}}
+ \donothing
+ \defineXMLenvironmentsave[ctx:prepfile][done=no]
+ \donothing
+ {\edef\readfilename{\XMLflush{ctx:prepfile}}%
+ \ifcase\preprocesslocal\else
+ \splitfilename\readfilename
+ \let\readfilename\splitoffbase
+ \fi
+ \writestatus\m!systems{registering \readfilename\space -> \XMLop{done}}%
+ \setxvalue{fp..\readfilename}{\XMLop{done}}}%
+ \processXMLfile{./\jobname.ctl}%
+ \egroup}%
+ {\global\chardef\preprocessmode\plusone}%
+ \fi
+ \global\let\loadctxpreplist\relax
+ \endgroup}
+\appendtoks\loadctxpreplist\to\everystarttext % will become: \prependtoks\loadctxpreplist\to\everyjob
+ {\ifcase\preprocessmethod
+ \iftracefiles\writestatus\m!systems{preprocessing - not needed}\fi
+ % no preprocessing
+ \or
+ % only check for existence
+ \iftracefiles\writestatus\m!systems{preprocessing - check existence of \readfilename\preprocesssuffix}\fi
+ \doiffileexistselse{\readfilename\preprocesssuffix}
+ {\chardef\preprocessstate\plusone}
+ \donothing
+ \or
+ % check when in list, otherwise assume normal file
+ \bgroup
+ \splitfilename\readfilename
+ \ifx\splitofftype\empty
+ % saveguard and speed up
+ \iftracefiles\writestatus\m!systems{preprocessing - no suffix}\fi
+ \egroup
+ \else\ifcase\preprocesslocal
+ % also ./ strippen
+ \iftracefiles\writestatus\m!systems{preprocessing - check presence of \readfilename\preprocesssuffix}\fi
+ \doifdefinedelse{fp..\readfilename}
+ {\egroup
+ \doiffileexistselse{\readfilename\preprocesssuffix}
+ {\chardef\preprocessstate\plusone}
+ {\chardef\preprocessstate\plustwo}}%
+ {\doifdefinedelse{fp.../\readfilename}
+ {\egroup
+ \edef\readfilename{./\readfilename}%
+ \doiffileexistselse{\readfilename\preprocesssuffix}
+ {\chardef\preprocessstate\plusone}
+ {\chardef\preprocessstate\plustwo}}%
+ {\doifdefinedelse{fp..\splitoffbase}%
+ {\egroup
+ \doiffileexistselse{\readfilename\preprocesssuffix}
+ {\chardef\preprocessstate\plusone}
+ {\chardef\preprocessstate\plustwo}}%
+ {\egroup}}}%
+ \else
+ % maybe just filecheck, why ctl
+ \iftracefiles\writestatus\m!systems{preprocessing - check local presence of \readfilename\preprocesssuffix}\fi
+ \doifdefinedelse{fp..\readfilename}
+ {\egroup
+ \doiffileexistselse{\readfilename\preprocesssuffix}
+ {\chardef\preprocessstate\plusone}
+ {\chardef\preprocessstate\plustwo}}%
+ {\egroup}%
+ \fi
+ \fi\fi}
+% beware, \readfilename keeps the original one, but we load and store the
+% suffixed with .prep file (if present)
+\def\doreadfile#1#2#3#4% beware, this one already works at format generation time!
+ {\sanitizefilename#2\to\readfilename
+ \ifx\readfilename\empty
+ % silently ignore
+ \else
+ \let\trackedfilename\readfilename
+ \chardef\preprocessstate\zerocount
+ \ifconditional\trackfilenames
+ \doifundefinedelse{fn..\trackedfilename}\donetrue\donefalse
+ \else
+ \donetrue
+ \fi
+ \ifdone
+ \checkfilename\readfilename
+ \ifcase\kindoffile
+ % not a full path or url, check for existence
+ \doifelsenothing{#1}
+ {\iftracefiles\writestatus\m!systems{searching for \readfilename\space on tex path}\fi
+ \def\next{\redoreadfile\readfilename{#3}{#4}}}%
+ {\iftracefiles\writestatus\m!systems{searching for \readfilename\space on #1}\fi
+ \def\next{\redoreadfile{\pathplusfile{#1}{\readfilename}}{#3}{#4}}}%
+ \else
+ % a full path or url, no further checking done
+ \docheckprepfile
+ \ifcase\preprocessstate
+ \doiffileexistselse\readfilename
+ {\iftracefiles\writestatus\m!systems{located \readfilename}\fi
+ \def\next{#3\dodoreadfile}}%
+ {\iftracefiles\writestatus\m!systems{not found \readfilename}\fi
+ \def\next{#4}}%
+ \or
+ \iftracefiles\writestatus\m!systems{located \readfilename\preprocesssuffix}\fi
+ \def\next{#3\dodoreadfile}%
+ \or
+ \iftracefiles\writestatus\m!systems{not found \readfilename\preprocesssuffix}\fi
+ \def\next{#4}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \edef\readfilename{\getvalue{fn..\readfilename}}% ??? is done !
+ \iftracefiles\writestatus\m!systems{already located \readfilename}\fi
+ \def\next{#3\dodoreadfile}%
+ \fi
+ \expandafter\next
+ \fi}
+ {\docheckprepfile
+ \ifcase\preprocessstate
+ \doiffileexistselse{#1}%
+ {\edef\readfilename{#1}%
+ \iftracefiles\writestatus\m!systems{#1 located}\fi
+ \def\next{#2\dodoreadfile}}%
+ {\iftracefiles\writestatus\m!systems{cannot locate #1}\fi
+ \advance\readlevel\minusone
+ \ifnum\readlevel>\zerocount
+ \edef\readfilename{\pathplusfile{\f!parentpath}{\readfilename}}%
+ \def\next{\redoreadfile\readfilename{#2}{#3}}%
+ \else
+ \def\next{#3}%
+ \fi}%
+ \or
+ \ifcase\preprocesslocal
+ \edef\readfilename{#1}% nor found
+ \else
+ % no path prepending
+ \fi
+ \iftracefiles\writestatus\m!systems{#1\preprocesssuffix\space located}\fi
+ \def\next{#2\dodoreadfile}%
+ \or
+ \def\next{#3}%
+ \fi
+ \next}
+\def\dodoreadfile % we provide hooks, for instance for \enableXML
+ {\ifconditional\trackfilenames
+ \setxvalue{fn..\trackedfilename}{\readfilename\ifcase\preprocessstate\or\preprocesssuffix\fi}%
+ \fi
+ \the\everybeforereadfile
+ \ifcase\preprocessstate
+ % no checking or not found when using method 1
+ \def\dodoreadfileindeed{\inputgivenfile\readfilename}%
+ \or
+ % found when using method 1 or 2
+ \def\dodoreadfileindeed{\inputgivenfile{\readfilename\preprocesssuffix}}%
+ \or
+ % not found when using method 2
+ \let\dodoreadfileindeed\relax
+ \fi
+ \dodoreadfileindeed
+ \relax
+ \the\everyafterreadfile}
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/core-def.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/core-def.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..971e8953d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/core-def.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=core-def,
+%D version=2002.05.07,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Core Macros,
+%D subtitle=Defaults,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Core Macros / Defaults}
+%D Here we collect settings that cannot be done earlier due to
+%D depedencies. More code will moved to this module later.
+\usesymbols[mis,mvs] % 'glm' no longer needed due to lm
+\usesymbols[nav] \setupsymbolset[navigation 1]
+\setupinteraction[\c!symbolset=navigation 1]
+% initialization order:
+%appendtoks \initializeluainstances \to \everyjob
+\appendtoks \showcontextbanner \to \everyjob
+\appendtoks \initializenewlinechar \to \everyjob
+\appendtoks \checksystemcommandmode \to \everyjob
+\appendtoks \calculatecurrenttime \to \everyjob
+\appendtoks \loadsystemfiles \to \everyjob
+\appendtoks \loadoptionfile \to \everyjob % can load files !
+\appendtoks \preloadfonts \to \everyjob
+\appendtoks \settopskip \to \everyjob
+\appendtoks \preloadlanguages \to \everyjob
+\appendtoks \preloadspecials \to \everyjob
+\appendtoks \openspecialfile \to \everyjob
+\appendtoks \openutilities \to \everyjob
+\appendtoks \splitjobfilename \to \everyjob
+\appendtoks \checknotes \to \everyjob % depends on bodyfont
+\appendtoks \initializeMPgraphics \to \everyjob % after loading system files
+\appendtoks \reportsystemcommandmode \to \everyjob
+\appendtoks \initializemainlanguage \to \everyjob
+\appendtoks \settrue\trackfilenames \to \everyjob
+\appendtoks \newbackgroundfalse \to \everyjob % global
+ \appendtoks \initializepagecounters \to \everyjob
+\appendtoks \directsetup{*runtime:options} \to \everyjob % we could erase them afterwards % order can change
+\appendtoks \directsetup{*runtime:modules} \to \everyjob % we could erase them afterwards % order can change
+\appendtoks \checkpreprocessor \to \everyjob
+%appendtoks \page[\v!last] \page \to \everybye % moved to core-job, we need to do this cleaner
+\appendtoks \ifarrangingpages\poparrangedpages\fi \to \everybye
+\appendtoks \registerfileinfo[end]\jobname \to \everybye
+\appendtoks \savenofpages \to \everybye
+\appendtoks \savenofsubpages \to \everybye
+\appendtoks \closeutilities \to \everygoodbye
+\appendtoks \stopcopyingblocks \to \everygoodbye
+\appendtoks \closespecialfile \to \everygoodbye
+\prependtoks \resetutilities \to \everystarttext % moved 28-02-2002
+\prependtoks \loadtwopassdata \to \everystarttext % moved 28-02-2002
+\appendtoks \checkreferences \to \everystarttext % new 04-12-1999
+% \appendtoks\everyjob\expandafter{\the\everyjob\checkpreprocessor}\to\everydump
+% temporary here:
+% \in \at \about \from \over
+% brrr
+% normally one does not want this to happen nested, maybe there
+% is more; non public vars btw, will become conditionals
+\ifx\writetoregisterfalse\undefined \else \appendtoks \writetoregisterfalse \to \everybeforeutilityread \fi
+\ifx\writetolistfalse \undefined \else \appendtoks \writetolistfalse \to \everybeforeutilityread \fi
+\ifx\notesenabledfalse \undefined \else \appendtoks \notesenabledfalse \to \everybeforeutilityread \fi
+ {\ifdefined\synctex \ifnum\synctex=\zerocount \else
+ \writeline
+ \writestatus\m!systems{BEWARE: synctex functionality is enabled!}%
+ \writeline
+ \globallet\synctexwarning\relax
+ \fi \fi}
+\prependtoks \synctexwarning \to \everyjob
+\prependtoks \synctexwarning \to \everystarttext
+\appendtoks \synctexwarning \to \everystoptext
+% last minute hacks
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/core-env.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/core-env.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6058c4c9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/core-env.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,543 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=core-env, % was core-new
+%D version=1995.01.01, % wrong
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Core Macros,
+%D subtitle=New ones,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Core Macros / Environments}
+% Clean labels:
+\bgroup % some day this will go away / we could use detokenize as well
+% actually we should handle all discretionaries here
+ {\begingroup
+ \let:\lettercolon
+ \xdef\cleanlabel{#1}%
+ \endgroup}
+ {\begingroup
+ \let:\lettercolon
+ \xdef\cleanprefix{#1}%
+ \xdef\cleanlabel {#2}%
+ \endgroup}
+ {\let:\lettercolon}
+\global\def\blabelgroup {\begingroup \let:\lettercolon}
+\global\let\elabelgroup \endgroup
+ {\begingroup\let:\lettercolon
+ \expandafter\endgroup\csname}
+ {\labelcsname#1\endcsname}
+%D Modes:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \enablemode[screen,paper,bound]
+%D \doifmodeelse {paper} {this} {that}
+%D \doifmode {paper,screen} {this}
+%D \doifnotmode {paper,bound} {that}
+%D \startmode [list]
+%D \stopmode
+%D \startnotmode [list]
+%D \stopnotmode
+%D \stoptyping
+%D system modes have a * as prefix
+%D Sometimes, we want to prevent a mode for being set. Think
+%D of situations where a style enables a mode, but an outer
+%D level style does not want that. Preventing can be
+%D considered a permanent disabling on forehand.
+\def\disabledmode {0}
+\def\enabledmode {1}
+\def\preventedmode {2}
+% fast internal ones
+\def\setmode #1{\@EA\let\csname\@mode@#1\endcsname\enabledmode }
+\def\setsystemmode #1{\@EA\let\csname\@mode@\systemmodeprefix#1\endcsname\enabledmode }
+% user ones
+\def\enablemode {\unprotect\doenablemode }
+\def\doenablemode [#1]{\protect\cleanuplabel{#1}\rawprocesscommalist[\cleanlabel]\dodoenablemode }
+ {\@EA\let\csname\@mode@#1\endcsname\preventedmode}
+\def\dodoenablemode#1% mode can be relax
+ {\ifcase0\csname\@mode@#1\endcsname\relax
+ \@EA\let\csname\@mode@#1\endcsname\enabledmode
+ \fi}
+ {\ifcase0\csname\@mode@#1\endcsname\or
+ \@EA\let\csname\@mode@#1\endcsname\disabledmode
+ \fi}
+% handy for mp
+\def\booleanmodevalue#1% can be \relax
+ {\expandafter\ifx\csname\@mode@#1\endcsname\relax
+ fals%
+ \else\ifnum0\csname\@mode@#1\endcsname=0
+ fals%
+ \else
+ tru%
+ \fi\fi e}
+% check macros
+ {\ifcase0\csname\@mode@#1\endcsname\or\checkedmodetrue\fi}
+\def\docheckformode#1#2#3% will be sped up with a quit
+ {\cleanuplabel{#3}%
+ \protect\checkedmodefalse\rawprocesscommacommand[\cleanlabel]\dodocheckformode
+ \ifcheckedmode\@EA#1\else\@EA#2\fi}
+ {\ifcase0\csname\@mode@#1\endcsname\relax\checkedmodefalse\or\or\checkedmodefalse\fi}
+\def\docheckforallmodes#1#2#3% will be sped up with a quit
+ {\cleanuplabel{#3}%
+ \protect\checkedmodetrue\rawprocesscommacommand[\cleanlabel]\dodocheckforallmodes
+ \ifcheckedmode\@EA#1\else\@EA#2\fi}
+% simple ones
+\def\doifmode {\unprotect\dodoifmode}
+\def\doifnotmode {\unprotect\dodoifnotmode}
+\def\startmode {\unprotect\dostartmode}
+ {\docheckformode\firstoftwoarguments\secondoftwoarguments}
+ {\docheckformode\firstofoneargument\gobbleoneargument}
+ {\docheckformode\gobbleoneargument\firstofoneargument}
+ {\docheckformode\donothing\dostopmode{#1}}
+ {\docheckformode\dostopnotmode\donothing{#1}}
+\let\stopmode \donothing
+\long\def\dostopmode #1\stopmode {}
+\def\doifallmodes {\unprotect\dodoifallmodes}
+\def\doifnotallmodes {\unprotect\dodoifnotallmodes}
+\def\startallmodes {\unprotect\dostartallmodes}
+ {\docheckforallmodes\firstoftwoarguments\secondoftwoarguments}
+ {\docheckforallmodes\firstofoneargument\gobbleoneargument}
+ {\docheckforallmodes\gobbleoneargument\firstofoneargument}
+ {\docheckforallmodes\donothing\dostopallmodes{#1}}
+ {\docheckforallmodes\dostopnotallmodes\donothing{#1}}
+\let\stopallmodes \donothing
+\long\def\dostopallmodes #1\stopallmodes {}
+% Setups
+\let\startsetups\relax % to please dep checker
+\let\stopsetups \relax % to please dep checker
+ {\long\def\@EA\noexpand\csname\e!start\v!setups\endcsname
+ {\begingroup\noexpand\doifnextoptionalelse
+ {\noexpand\startsetupsA\@EA\noexpand\csname\e!stop\v!setups\endcsname}
+ {\noexpand\startsetupsB\@EA\noexpand\csname\e!stop\v!setups\endcsname}}}
+\unexpanded \def\setups{\doifnextbgroupelse\dosetupsA\dosetupsB} % {..} or [..]
+\unexpanded \def\setup {\doifnextbgroupelse\dosetups \dosetupsC} % {..} or [..]
+\def\dosetupsA #1{\cleanuplabel{#1}\processcommacommand[\cleanlabel]\dosetups} % {..}
+\def\dosetupsB[#1]{\cleanuplabel{#1}\processcommacommand[\cleanlabel]\dosetups} % [..]
+\def\dosetupsC[#1]{\cleanuplabel{#1}\dosetups\cleanlabel} % [..]
+% \def\dosetups#1% the grid option will be extended to other main modes
+% {\executeifdefined{\??su\ifgridsnapping\v!grid\fi:#1}
+% {\executeifdefined{\??su :#1}\gobbleoneargument}\empty} % takes one argument
+% \def\setupwithargument#1% the grid option will be extended to other main modes
+% {\executeifdefined{\??su:#1}\gobbleoneargument}
+% better:
+% \def\dosetups#1% the grid option will be extended to other main modes
+% {\executeifdefined{\??su\ifgridsnapping\v!grid\fi:#1}
+% {\executeifdefined{\??su :#1}\gobbleoneargument}\empty} % takes one argument
+% \def\setupwithargument#1% the grid option will be extended to other main modes
+% {\executeifdefined{\??su:#1}\gobbleoneargument}
+% faster:
+\def\dosetups#1% the grid option will be extended to other main modes
+ {\csname\??su
+ \ifgridsnapping
+ \ifcsname\??su\v!grid:#1\endcsname\v!grid:#1\else\ifcsname\??su:#1\endcsname:#1\else:\letterpercent\fi\fi
+ \else
+ \ifcsname\??su:#1\endcsname:#1\else:\letterpercent\fi
+ \fi
+ \endcsname\empty} % takes one argument
+\def\setupwithargument#1% the grid option will be extended to other main modes
+ {\csname\??su:\ifcsname\??su:#1\endcsname#1\else\letterpercent\fi\endcsname}
+% somehow fails ...
+% \letvalue{\??su:..}\gobbleoneargument
+% \def\dosetups#1% the grid option will be extended to other main modes
+% {\csname \??su
+% \ifcsname\??su\ifgridsnapping\v!grid\fi:#1\endcsname\v!grid:#1\else
+% \ifcsname\??su :#1\endcsname :#1\else
+% :..\fi\fi
+% \endcsname\empty} % takes one argument
+% \def\setupwithargument#1% the grid option will be extended to other main modes
+% {\csname\??su:\ifcsname\??su:#1\endcsname#1\else..\fi\endcsname}
+\def\doifsetupselse#1% to be done: grid
+ {\doifdefinedelse{\??su:#1}}
+\def\startsetups {\xxstartsetups\plusone \stopsetups } \let\stopsetups \relax
+\def\startlocalsetups{\xxstartsetups\plusone \stoplocalsetups} \let\stoplocalsetups\relax
+\def\startrawsetups {\xxstartsetups\zerocount\stoprawsetups } \let\stoprawsetups \relax
+\def\startxmlsetups {\xxstartsetups\plustwo \stopxmlsetups } \let\stopxmlsetups \relax
+ {\begingroup\chardef\setupseolmode#1\doifnextoptionalelse{\startsetupsA#2}{\startsetupsB#2}}
+\def\startsetupsA#1% [ ] delimited
+ {\ifcase\setupseolmode\or\catcode`\^^M\@@ignore\or\catcode`\^^M\@@ignore\catcode`\|\@@other\fi
+ \dotripleempty\dostartsetups[#1]}
+\def\startsetupsB#1#2 % space delimited
+ {\ifcase\setupseolmode\or\catcode`\^^M\@@ignore\or\catcode`\^^M\@@ignore\catcode`\|\@@other\fi
+ \dodostartsetups#1\empty{#2}}
+\def\startsetupsC[#1][#2][#3]{\dodostartsetups#1{#2}{#3}} % [..] [..]
+\def\startsetupsD[#1][#2][#3]{\dodostartsetups#1\empty{#2}} % [..]
+ {\ifthirdargument\@EA\startsetupsC\else\@EA\startsetupsD\fi}
+% \long\def\dodostartsetups#1#2#3% watch out: not \grabuntil
+% {\dograbuntil#1{\endgroup\dodoglobal\long\setvalue{\??su#2:#3}}} % \doglobal
+% better:
+% \long\def\dodostartsetups#1#2#3% watch out: not \grabuntil
+% {\cleanuplabel{\??su#2:#3}\dograbuntil#1{\endgroup\dodoglobal\long\setvalue\cleanlabel}} % \doglobal
+% \long\def\dodostartsetups#1#2#3%
+% {\cleanuplabel{\??su#2:#3}%
+% \long\def\dododostartsetups##1#1{\endgroup\dodoglobal\long\setvalue\cleanlabel####1{##1}}\dododostartsetups}
+ {\cleanuplabel{\??su#2:#3}%
+ \long\def\dododostartsetups##1#1%
+ {\endgroup
+ \dodoglobal % bah
+ \long\expandafter\setvalue\expandafter\cleanlabel\expandafter####\expandafter1\expandafter{##1}}%
+ \dododostartsetups\empty} % the empty trick prevents the { } in {arg} from being eaten up
+\def\resetsetups[#1]% see x-fo for usage
+ {\ifundefined{\??su\ifgridsnapping\v!grid\fi:#1}%
+ \dodoglobal\letbeundefined{\??su:#1}%
+ \else
+ \dodoglobal\letbeundefined{\??su\ifgridsnapping\v!grid\fi:#1}%
+ \fi}
+% or
+% \def\resetsetups[#1]%
+% {\letbeundefined
+% {\??su:%
+% \ifundefined{\??su\ifgridsnapping\v!grid\fi:#1}#1\else\ifgridsnapping\v!grid\fi%
+% #1}}
+%D new and beta and will become a module instead
+ {\dotripleargument\dodefineshortcut}
+ {\ifthirdargument
+ \doifelsenothing{#1}
+ {\dododefineshortcut[<>][#2][#3]}
+ {\dododefineshortcut[#1][#2][#3]}%
+ \else\ifsecondargument
+ \dododefineshortcut[<>][#1][#2]%
+ \else
+ \dododefineshortcut[<>][][#1]%
+ \fi\fi}
+\def\dododefineshortcut[#1#2][#3][#4]% #1 is the trigger, #2 the delimiter/tag
+ {\doifundefined{\??te\??te\string#2}{\letvalue{\??te\??te\string#2}=#1}%
+ \defineactivecharacter #1 {\@EA\doshortcut\string#2} %
+ \getparameters
+ [\??te\string#2#3]
+ [\c!commands=,\c!command=,\c!style=,\c!color=,#4]}
+ {\ifmmode
+ \getvalue{\??te\??te#1}%
+ \else
+ \bgroup
+ \catcode`#1=\@@other
+ \def\dodoshortcut##1#1%
+ {\def\shorttag{\??te#1}%
+ \def\shortcut{##1}%
+ \dododoshortcut##1:\end}%
+ \@EA\dodoshortcut
+ \fi}
+ {\doifelsenothing{#2}
+ {\doifundefinedelse{\shorttag\c!commands}
+ {\shortcut}
+ {\@EA\dodododoshortcut\@EA\shorttag\@EA:\shortcut:\end}}
+ {\doifundefinedelse{\shorttag#1\c!commands}
+ {\shortcut}
+ {\dodododoshortcut\shorttag#1:#2\end}}%
+ \egroup}
+ {\getvalue{#1\c!commands}%
+ \doattributes{#1}\c!style\c!color{\getvalue{#1\c!command}{#2}}}
+%D \defineshortcut [style=type]
+%D \defineshortcut [b] [style=bold]
+%D \defineshortcut [e] [style=\em]
+%D \defineshortcut [t] [style=type]
+%D \defineshortcut [c] [style=cap]
+%D \defineshortcut [k] [style=cap]
+%D \defineshortcut [u] [style=type,command=\hyphenatedurl]
+%D \startlines
+%D test <ziezo> test
+%D test test <t:ziezo>
+%D test test <b:ziezo>
+%D test test <w:ziezo>
+%D zus<>zo zus<:>zo zus<::>zo
+%D test test <t:ziezo> dat (ziezo)
+%D test test <t::ziezo> dat (:ziezo)
+%D test test <t:ziezo:> dat (ziezo:)
+%D test test <t:zi:ezo:> dat (zi:ezo:)
+%D well, <u:> looks fuzzy
+%D $10<20$
+%D \stoplines
+%D \defineshortcut [<>] [i] [style=\it]
+%D \defineshortcut [()] [b] [style=\bf]
+%D \defineshortcut [++] [s] [style=\sl]
+%D \defineshortcut [//] [u] [style=\underbars]
+%D \defineshortcut [--] [a] [style=\overstrike]
+%D \startlines
+%D it seems <i:to work> well
+%D it seems (b:to work) well
+%D it seems +s:to work+ well
+%D it seems /u:to work/ well
+%D it seems -a:to work- well
+%D \stoplines
+%D \macros
+%D {setvariables,getvariable,getvariabledefault}
+%D \starttyping
+%D \setvariables[xx][title=]
+%D \setvariables[xx][title=test test]
+%D \setvariables[xx][title=test $x=1$ test] % fatal error reported
+%D \setvariables[xx][title=test {$x=1$} test]
+%D \setvariables[xx][title] % fatal error reported
+%D \setvariables[xx][titletitel=e]
+%D \stoptyping
+\def\setvariables {\dotripleargument\dosetvariables[\getrawparameters ]}
+\def\globalsetvariables % obsolete
+ {\dotripleargument\dosetvariables[\globalgetrawparameters]}
+\long\def\dosetvariables[#1][#2][#3]% tricky, test on s-pre-60
+ {\errorisfataltrue
+ \doifelse{#2}\currentvariableclass
+ {#1[\??vars:#2:][#3]}%
+ {\pushmacro\currentvariableclass
+ \def\currentvariableclass{#2}%
+ \getvariable{#2}\s!reset
+ #1[\??vars:#2:][#3]%
+ \getvariable{#2}\s!set
+ \popmacro\currentvariableclass}%
+ \errorisfatalfalse}
+\long\def\setvariable #1#2#3{\long\setvalue {\??vars:#1:#2}{#3}}
+\def\getvariable#1#2% to be sped up
+ {\csname
+ \ifcsname\??vars:#1:#2\endcsname\??vars:#1:#2\else\s!empty\fi
+ \endcsname}
+ {\showvalue{\ifcsname\??vars:#1:#2\endcsname\??vars:#1:#2\else\s!empty\fi}}
+%D \macros
+%D {doifelsevariable,doifvariable,doifnotvariable}
+%D A few trivial macros:
+ {\ifcsname\??vars:#1:#2\endcsname
+ \expandafter\firstoftwoarguments
+ \else
+ \expandafter\secondoftwoarguments
+ \fi}
+ {\ifcsname\??vars:#1:#2\endcsname
+ \expandafter\firstofoneargument
+ \else
+ \expandafter\gobbleoneargument
+ \fi}
+ {\ifcsname\??vars:#1:#2\endcsname
+ \expandafter\gobbleoneargument
+ \else
+ \expandafter\firstofoneargument
+ \fi}
+\def\getvariabledefault#1#2% #3% can be command, so no ifcsname here
+ {\executeifdefined{\??vars:#1:#2}}% {#3}
+%D \macros
+%D {checkvariables}
+%D I'll probably forget that this on exists.
+ {\dodoubleargument\docheckvariables}
+ {\dogetparameters\docheckrawvalue}
+ {\doifundefined {\??vars:#1:#2}{\setvalue{\??vars:#1:#2}{#3}}
+ {\doifvaluenothing{\??vars:#1:#2}{\setvalue{\??vars:#1:#2}{#3}}}}
+% \def\setupenv{\dodoubleargument\rawgetparameters[\??en]}
+% \def\doifenvelse#1{\doifdefinedelse{\??en#1}} % speed up
+% \def\doifenv #1{\doifdefined {\??en#1}} % speed up
+% \def\doifnotenv #1{\doifundefined {\??en#1}} % speed up
+% \def\env#1{\csname\??en#1\endcsname}
+% \def\envvar#1#2%
+% {\ifcsname\??en#1\endcsname
+% \csname\??en#1\endcsname\else#2%
+% \fi}
+% low level change, now also accessible as \getvariable{environment}{...}; the
+% next macros will become obsolete some day in favor of normal variables
+\def\setupenv {\dotripleargument\dosetvariables[\getrawparameters][\s!environment]}
+\def\doifenvelse{\doifelsevariable \s!environment}
+\def\doifenv {\doifvariable \s!environment}
+\def\doifnotenv {\doifnotvariable \s!environment}
+\def\env {\getvariable \s!environment}
+\def\envvar {\getvariabledefault\s!environment}
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/core-fil.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/core-fil.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..16daf7bf6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/core-fil.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,357 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=core-fil,
+%D version=1997.11.15,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Core Macros,
+%D subtitle=File Support,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Core Macros / File Support}
+%D Files registered as temporary files will be deleted after a
+%D run by texexec:
+% \starttext
+% \immediate\openout\scratchwrite=oeps.tmp
+% \immediate\write\scratchwrite{oeps}
+% \immediate\closeout\scratchwrite
+% \registertempfile{oeps.tmp}
+% \typefile{oeps.tmp}
+% \stoptext
+\def\registertempfile#1{\immediatewriteutility{f t {#1}}}
+%D \macros
+%D {definefilesynonym}
+%D One of the problems with loading files is that their names
+%D can depend on the interface language. We therefore need a
+%D method to define filesynonyms. The actual synonyms are
+%D defined elsewhere, but look like:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \definefilesynonym [chemic] [chemie]
+%D \definefilesynonym [einheit] [unit]
+%D \definefilesynonym [unit] [unit]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D So we can say in english:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \usemodules[pictex,chemic,unit]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D and in dutch:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \usemodules[pictex,chemie,unit]
+%D \stoptyping
+% will be redone in mkiv
+ {\dodoubleempty\dodefinefilesynonym}
+ {\ifundefined{\??fs#1}\else
+ \doifnotvalue{\??fs#1}{#2}{\showmessage\m!files1{#1 (#2),\getvalue{\??fs#1}}}%
+ \fi
+ \doifelse{#1}{#2}{\letbeundefined{\??fs#1}{#2}}{\setevalue{\??fs#1}{#2}}}
+%D \macros
+%D {definefilefallback}
+ {\dodoubleargument\dodefinefilefallback}
+ {\doifnotfile{#1}
+ {\def\docommand##1{\doiffile{##1}{\definefilesynonym[#1][##1]\quitcommalist}}%
+ \processcommalist[#2]\docommand}}
+%D \macros
+%D {truefilename}
+%D At the system level such a filename can be called upon by
+%D saying:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \truefilename{filename/filesynonym}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The implementation shows that nesting is supported.
+ {\ifundefined{\??fs#1}#1\else\truefilename{\csname\??fs#1\endcsname}\fi}
+%D \macros
+%D {makeshortfilename}
+%D To prevent cross platform problems with filenames, we
+%D lowercase them as well as only use the first 8~characters.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\domakeshortfilename[#1#2#3#4#5#6#7#8#9]%
+%D {\lowercase{\edef\shortfilename{#1#2#3#4#5#6#7#8.}}%
+%D \expandafter\beforesplitstring\shortfilename\at.\to\shortfilename}
+%D \def\makeshortfilename[#1]%
+%D {\edef\fullfilename{#1.........}%
+%D \expanded{\domakeshortfilename[\fullfilename]}}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D In 2005 there is no need for the 8~character limit any more, so:
+\def\makeshortfilename[#1]% no need for further cleanup and shortening
+ {\lowercase{\edef\shortfilename{#1.}}%
+ \expandafter\beforesplitstring\shortfilename\at.\to\shortfilename}
+%D \macros
+%D {usemodule}
+%D Most of \CONTEXT is preloaded in the format file. Some very
+%D domain specific typesetting topics are however dealt with in
+%D separate modules, e.g. typesetting of chemical structure
+%D formulas. These modules are loaded by:
+%D \showsetup{usemodule}
+%D More information on the specific modules can be found in
+%D their dedicated manuals. We use \type {\next} so that we
+%D can \type {\end} in modules.
+%D In \MKIV\ we load the \type {mkiv} file when there is a \type
+%D {tex} file on the same path but in \MKII\ we start with the \type
+%D {tex} file as in many cases a \type {mkii} will be the same as an
+%D (old) \type {tex} one simply because we don't update drastically
+%D (or load a mark file indirectly).
+\def\dododousemodules#1#2% no \unprotect/\protect when loading,
+ {\relax % since we need to use ? ! unprotected
+ \ifconditional\moduleisloaded % sometimes (see xtag-map)
+ \let\next\relax % or: \expandafter\gobbleoneargument
+ \else
+ \makeshortfilename[#1\truefilename{#2}]% beware: *- is not part of syn
+ \doifelseflagged\shortfilename
+ {\showmessage\m!systems7{#2 (line \number\inputlineno)}%
+ \settrue\moduleisloaded
+ \let\next\relax}
+ {\doglobal\setflag\shortfilename
+ \def\next
+ {\startreadingfile
+ \readsysfile\shortfilename
+ {\showmessage\m!systems5{#2}\settrue\moduleisloaded}
+ {\readsysfile{\shortfilename.\mksuffix} % new
+ {\showmessage\m!systems5{#2 (\mksuffix)}\settrue\moduleisloaded}
+ \donothing}%
+ \stopreadingfile}}%
+ \fi
+ \next}
+ {\setfalse\moduleisloaded
+ \doifelsenothing{#1}
+ {\dododousemodules\f!moduleprefix {#2}%
+ \dododousemodules\f!privateprefix{#2}%
+ \dododousemodules\f!styleprefix {#2}%
+ \dododousemodules\f!xstyleprefix {#2}%
+ \dododousemodules\f!thirdprefix {#2}%
+ \dododousemodules\empty {#2}}% new, fall back on raw name
+ {\dododousemodules{#1-}{#2}}%
+ \ifconditional\moduleisloaded\else
+ \showmessage\m!systems6{#2}%
+ \appendtoks\showmessage\m!systems6{#2}\to\everynotabene
+ \fi}
+% \def\usemodules
+% {\dodoubleempty\dousemodules}
+% \def\dousemodules[#1][#2]%
+% {\ifsecondargument
+% \doifelsenothing{#2}
+% {\let\next\relax}
+% {\def\next{\processcommalist[#2]{\dodousemodules{#1}}}}%
+% \else
+% \def\next{\usemodules[][#1]}%
+% \fi
+% \next}
+% \let\usemodule\usemodules
+ {\dotripleempty\dousemodules}
+ {\pushmacro\currentmodule
+ \pushmacro\currentmoduleparameters
+ \let\currentmoduleparameters\empty
+ \ifthirdargument
+ \doifelsenothing{#2}
+ {\let\next\relax}
+ {\def\currentmoduleparameters{#3}%
+ \def\next{\processcommalist[#2]{\dodousemodules{#1}}}}%
+ \else\ifsecondargument
+ \doifelsenothing{#2}
+ {\let\next\relax}
+ {\doifassignmentelse{#2}
+ {\def\currentmoduleparameters{#2}%
+ \def\next{\processcommalist[#1]{\dodousemodules{}}}}
+ {\def\next{\processcommalist[#2]{\dodousemodules{#1}}}}}%
+ \else
+ \def\next{\processcommalist[#1]{\dodousemodules{}}}%
+ \fi\fi
+ \next
+ \popmacro\currentmoduleparameters
+ \popmacro\currentmodule}
+\let\currentmodule \s!unknown
+ {\doifnextoptionalelse\dostartmodule\nostartmodule}
+\def\nostartmodule #1 %
+ {\dostartmodule[#1]}
+ {\pushmacro\currentmodule
+ \pushmacro\currentmoduleparameters
+ \def\currentmodule{#1}}
+ {\popmacro\currentmoduleparameters
+ \popmacro\currentmodule}
+ {\dodoubleempty\dosetupmodule}
+ {\scratchtoks\expandafter{\currentmoduleparameters}%
+ \ifsecondargument
+ \getparameters[\??md:#1:][#2]%
+ \expanded{\getparameters[\??md:#1:][\the\scratchtoks]}%
+ \else
+ \getparameters[\??md:\currentmodule:][#1]%
+ \expanded{\getparameters[\??md:\currentmodule:][\the\scratchtoks]}%
+ \fi
+ \let\currentmoduleparameters\empty}
+\def\moduleparameter #1#2{\executeifdefined{\??md:#1:#2}\s!empty}
+% \usemodule[newmml]
+% \usemodule[newmml][a=b]
+% \usemodule[x][newmml]
+% \usemodule[x][newmml][a=b]
+% \startmodule [mathml]
+% \setupmodule[a=c] \relax [\currentmoduleparameter{a}] % user vars will be set afterwards
+% \setupmodule[a=c] \relax [\currentmoduleparameter{a}] % user vars are now forgotten
+% \stopmodule
+% one can introduce test sections with:
+% \enablemode[newmml:test:\currentmoduleparameter{test}]
+% \startmode[newmml:test:yes} ... \stopmode
+% these will be ignored unless test=yes
+% however, a better way is:
+ {\bgroup
+ \setupmodule % we need to make sure that the vars are set
+ \doifelse{\currentmoduleparameter\v!test}\v!yes
+ {\egroup
+ \writestatus{\currentmodule}{loading experimental code}}
+ {\egroup
+ \writestatus{\currentmodule}{skipping experimental code}%
+ \gobbleuntil\stopmoduletestsection}}
+%D We also support a singular call, which saves us for
+%D frustrations when we do a typo.
+% %D The definition shows that the language specific settings
+% %D are activated after loading all the modules specified.
+%D \macros
+%D {ifprotectbuffers, bufferprefix,
+%D TEXbufferfile, MPgraphicfile}
+%D The next switch enables protection of temporary filenames,
+%D which is needed when we process more files on one path at
+%D the same time.
+% The following filenames are defined here:
+\def\TEXbufferfile #1{\bufferprefix#1.\f!temporaryextension}
+\def\MPgraphicfile {\bufferprefix mp\ifMPrun run\else graph\fi} % not needed in luatex
+\def\convertMPcolorfile{\bufferprefix metacmyk.tmp}
+%D To save memory, we implement some seldomly used commands
+%D in a lazy way. Nota bene: such runtime definitions are
+%D global.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \fetchruntimecommand\showaccents{\f!encodingprefix ...}
+%D \stoptyping
+ {\def#1{\dofetchruntimecommand#1{#2}}}
+ {\doifnotflagged{#2}
+ {\let#1\undefined
+ \startreadingfile
+ \startnointerference % \bgroup
+ \cleanupfeatures % better \setnormalcatcodes / test first
+ \readfile{#2.\mksuffix}\donothing\donothing
+ \stopnointerference % \egroup
+ \stopreadingfile
+ \doglobal\setflag{#2}}%
+ \ifx#1\undefined
+ \writestatus\m!systems{command \string#1 not found in file #2}%
+ \def#1{{\infofont[unknown command \string#1]}}%
+ \fi
+ #1}
+%D Experimental:
+%D To be documented and probably moved
+ {\dodoubleargument\getparameters[\??er]}
+ [url=]
+%D Goodie:
+%D This module will be perfected / changed / weeded.
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/core-fnt.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/core-fnt.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..542ca062a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/core-fnt.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,726 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=core-fnt,
+%D version=1995.10.10,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Core Macros,
+%D subtitle=Fonts,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Core Macros / Fonts}
+%D \macros
+%D {compound}
+%D We will overload the already active \type {|} so we have
+%D to save its meaning in order to be able to use this handy
+%D macro.
+%D \starttyping
+%D so test\compound{}test can be used instead of test||test
+%D \stoptyping
+\bgroup \catcode`\|=\@@active \gdef\compound#1{|#1|} \egroup
+%D Here we hook some code into the clean up mechanism needed
+%D for verbatim data.
+ \disablecompoundcharacters
+ \disablediscretionaries
+\to \everycleanupfeatures
+%D \macros
+%D {kap,KAP,Kap,Kaps,nokap,userealcaps,usepseudocaps}
+%D We already introduced \type{\cap} as way to capitalize
+%D words. This command comes in several versions:
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \cap {let's put on a \cap{cap}}
+%D \cap {let's put on a \nocap{cap}}
+%D \CAP {let's put on a \\{cap}}
+%D \Cap {let's put on a \\{cap}}
+%D \Caps{let's put on a cap}
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+%D Note the use of \type{\nocap}, \type{\\} and the nested
+%D \type{\cap}.
+%D \startvoorbeeld
+%D \startlines
+%D \getbuffer
+%D \stoplines
+%D \stopvoorbeeld
+%D These macros show te main reason why we introduced the
+%D smaller \type{\tx} and \type{\txx}.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \cap\romannumerals{1995}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D This at first sight unusual capitilization is completely
+%D legal.
+%D \showsetup{smallcapped}
+%D \showsetup{notsmallcapped}
+%D \showsetup{CAPPED}
+%D \showsetup{SmallCapped}
+%D \showsetup{SmallCaps}
+%D The difference between pseudo and real caps is demonstrated
+%D below:
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \usepseudocaps \cap{Hans Hagen}
+%D \userealcaps \cap{Hans Hagen}
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+%D \getbuffer
+%D The \type {\bgroup} trickery below is needed because of
+%D \type {\groupedcommand}.
+ {\def\cap@@uppercase{\the\everyuppercase\uppercased}%
+ \def\cap@@lowercase{\the\everylowercase\lowercased}%
+ \def\cap@@visualize{\tx}}
+ {\let\cap@@uppercase\relax
+ %\let\cap@@lowercase\relax % Definitely not!
+ \def\cap@@visualize{\sc}}
+\unexpanded\def\smallcapped % else conflict with math
+ {\futurelet\next\dosmallcapped}
+ {\let\smallcapped\donothing}
+ {\ifx\next\bgroup
+ \expandafter\dodosmallcapped\expandafter\relax
+ \else
+ \expandafter\dodosmallcapped
+ \fi}
+ {\ifmmode\hbox\fi
+ \bgroup
+ \cap@@visualize
+ \cap@@uppercase{#1{#2}}%
+ \egroup}
+ {\cap@@lowercase{#1}}
+ {{\def\\##1{\smallcapped{##1}}#1}}
+ {\CAPPED{\\#1}}
+ {\let\processword\SmallCapped
+ \processwords}
+%D Sure:
+\def\kap{\smallcapped} % for old times sake
+%D Some precautions for a \PLAIN\ \TEX\ definition.
+ \let\cap\firstofoneargument
+ \let\Cap\firstofoneargument
+\to \simplifiedcommands
+%D \macros
+%D {setupcapitals}
+%D By default we use pseudo small caps in titles. This can be
+%D set up with:
+%D \showsetup{setupcapitals}
+ {\dosingleempty\dosetupcapitals}
+ {\getparameters[\??kk][#1]%
+ \doifelse\@@kktitle\v!yes
+ {\definealternativestyle[\v!capital][\normalsmallcapped][\normalsmallcapped]%
+ \definealternativestyle[\v!smallcaps][\sc][\sc]%
+ \unexpanded\def\smallcapped{\normalsmallcapped}}
+ {\definealternativestyle[\v!capital][\normalsmallcapped][\uppercased]%
+ \definealternativestyle[\v!smallcaps][\sc][\uppercased]%
+ \unexpanded\def\smallcapped{\doconvertfont\v!capital}}%
+ \doifelse\@@kksc\v!yes
+ \userealcaps
+ \usepseudocaps}
+\ifx\uppercased\undefined \let\uppercased\uppercase \fi
+\ifx\lowercased\undefined \let\lowercased\lowercase \fi
+% pretty tricky stuff:
+% \usemodule[abr-01] \TEX \METAPOST \PPCHTEX \LATEX
+% \usemodule[abr-02] \TEX \METAPOST \PPCHTEX \LATEX
+ [\c!title=\v!yes,
+ \c!sc=\v!no]
+%D \macros
+%D {Word, Words, WORD, WORDS, doprocesswords}
+%D This is probably not the right place to present the next set
+%D of macros.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \Word {far too many words}
+%D \Words{far too many words}
+%D \WORD {far too many words}
+%D \WORDS{far too many words}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D \typebuffer
+%D This calls result in:
+%D \startvoorbeeld
+%D \startlines
+%D \getbuffer
+%D \stoplines
+%D \stopvoorbeeld
+%D \showsetup{Word}
+%D \showsetup{Words}
+%D \showsetup{WORD}
+%D \showsetup{WORDS}
+ {\bgroup
+ \the\everyuppercase
+ \uppercase{#1}%
+ \egroup}
+ {\doWord#1}
+\def\doprocesswords#1 #2\od
+ {\ConvertToConstant\doifnot{#1}{}
+ {\processword{#1} %
+ \doprocesswords#2 \od}}
+ {\doprocesswords#1 \od\unskip}
+ {\let\processword\Word
+ \processwords}
+ {\bgroup
+ \let\smallcapped\firstofoneargument
+ \let\WORD\firstofoneargument
+ \douppercase{#1}%
+ \egroup}
+ {\WORD{#1}}
+%D \macros
+%D {stretched}
+%D Stretching characters in a word is a sort of typographical
+%D murder. Nevertheless we support this manipulation for use in
+%D for instance titles.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \hbox to 5cm{\stretched{murder}}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D \typebuffer
+%D or
+%D \startvoorbeeld
+%D \getbuffer
+%D \stopvoorbeeld
+%D \showsetup{stretched}
+ {\ifvmode\hbox to \hsize\else\ifinner\else\hbox\fi\fi
+ \bgroup\processtokens\relax\hss\relax{\hss\hss}{#1}\egroup}
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \stretched{Unknown Box}
+%D \hbox to .5\hsize{\stretched{A Horizontal Box}}
+%D \vbox to 2cm{\stretched{A Vertical Box}}
+%D \hbox to 3cm{\stretched{sp{\'e}c{\`\i}{\"a}l}}
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \getbuffer
+%D The first line of this macros takes care of boxing. Normally
+%D one will use an \type{\hbox} specification. The last line
+%D shows how special characters should be passed.
+%D \typebuffer
+%D \macros
+%D {stretchednormalcase, stretcheduppercase, stretchedlowercase}
+%D A convenient alternative is:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \stretcheduppercase{Is this what you like?}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D \typebuffer
+%D this one uses fixed skips and kerns.
+%D \startvoorbeeld
+%D \getbuffer
+%D \stopvoorbeeld
+%D The default skip can be set with:
+% \def\stretchedspacefactor{4}
+% \def\stretchedspaceamount{.25em}
+% \unexpanded\def\stretcheduppercase#1%
+% {\bgroup
+% \the\everyuppercase
+% \uppercase{\def\textstring{#1}}%
+% \ifdim\stretchedspaceamount>\zeropoint
+% \def\textkern%
+% {\kern\stretchedspaceamount}%
+% \def\textskip%
+% {\scratchdimen=\stretchedspaceamount
+% \hskip\stretchedspacefactor\scratchdimen}%
+% \@EA\processtokens\@EA\relax\@EA\textkern\@EA\relax\@EA
+% \textskip\@EA{\textstring}%
+% \else
+% \textstring
+% \fi
+% \egroup}
+%D Given the following settings, the space is 1em by default:
+ {\stretchedsomecase\firstofoneargument}
+ {\stretchedsomecase{\the\everyuppercase\uppercase}}
+ {\stretchedsomecase{\the\everylowercase\lowercase}}
+ {\bgroup
+ #1{\def\textstring{#2}}%
+ \ifdim\stretchedspaceamount=\zeropoint
+ \textstring
+ \else
+ \def\textkern##1%
+ {% beware: ##1 may not be \box\somebox -)
+ \determinemidwordbreak{##1}{\stretchedbreaktokens}%
+ \kern\stretchedspaceamount##1\domidwordbreak}%
+ \def\textskip
+ {\scratchdimen\stretchedspaceamount
+ \hskip\stretchedspacefactor\scratchdimen}%
+ \@EA\processtokens\@EA\relax\@EA\textkern\@EA\relax\@EA
+ \textskip\@EA{\textstring}%
+ \fi
+ \egroup}
+%D An auxiliary macro, see for usage \type {\stretcheduppercase}.
+ {\sfcode`#1=5000\relax}
+ {\edef\midwordbreaktokens{#2}%
+ \ifx\midwordbreaktokens\empty
+ \global\let\domidwordbreak\relax
+ \else
+ \setbox\scratchbox\hbox
+ {\expandafter\handletokens\midwordbreaktokens\with\setmidwordbreaktoken
+ a\space \!!dimena\lastskip
+ #1\space\!!dimenb\lastskip \relax % needed
+ \ifdim\!!dimena=\!!dimenb
+ \globallet\domidwordbreak\relax
+ \else
+ \globallet\domidwordbreak\allowbreak
+ \fi}%
+ \fi}
+%D \macros
+%D {underbar,underbars,
+%D overbar,overbars,
+%D overstrike,overstrikes,
+%D setupunderbar}
+%D In the rare case that we need undelined words, for instance
+%D because all font alternatives are already in use, one can
+%D use \type{\underbar} and \type{\overstrike} and their plural
+%D forms.
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \underbars{drawing \underbar{bars} under words is a typewriter leftover}
+%D \overstrikes{striking words makes them \overstrike{unreadable} but
+%D sometimes even \overbar{top lines} come into view.}
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+%D \startvoorbeeld
+%D \startlines
+%D \getbuffer
+%D \stoplines
+%D \stopvoorbeeld
+%D The next macros are derived from the \PLAIN\ \TEX\ one, but
+%D also supports nesting. The \type{$} keeps us in horizontal
+%D mode and at the same time applies grouping.
+%D \showsetup{underbar}
+%D \showsetup{underbars}
+%D \showsetup{overbar}
+%D \showsetup{overbars}
+%D \showsetup{overstrike}
+%D \showsetup{overstrikes}
+%D Although underlining is ill advised, we permit some
+%D alternatives, that can be set up by:
+%D \showsetup{setupunderbar}
+%D The alternatives show up as
+%D {\setupunderbar [alternative=a]\underbar{alternative a}},
+%D {\setupunderbar [alternative=b]\underbar{alternative b}},
+%D {\setupunderbar [alternative=c]\underbar{alternative c}}
+%D and
+%D {\setupunderbar [rulethickness=1pt]\underbar{1pt width}},
+%D {\setupunderbar [rulethickness=2pt]\underbar{2pt width}},
+%D or whatever. Because \type{\overstrike} uses the same
+%D method, the settings also apply to that macro.
+\def\underbarmethoda#1#2#3% RULE
+ {\hbox to #1{\vrule\!!width#1\!!height#2\!!depth#3}}
+\def\underbarmethodb#1#2#3% DASH
+ {\hbox to #1
+ {\hskip-.25em
+ \xleaders
+ \hbox{\hskip.25em\vrule\!!width.25em\!!height#2\!!depth#3}
+ \hfil}}
+\def\underbarmethodc#1#2#3% PERIOD
+ {\hbox to #1
+ {\dimen4=#3
+ \advance\dimen4 .2ex
+ \hskip-.25em
+ \xleaders
+ \hbox{\hskip.25em\lower\dimen4\hbox{.}}
+ \hfil}}
+ {\startmathmode
+ \setbox0\hbox{#3}%
+ \setbox2\hbox{\color[\@@onrulecolor]{\getvalue{underbarmethod\@@onalternative}{\wd0}{#1}{#2}}}%
+ \wd0\zeropoint
+ \ht2\ht0
+ \dp2\dp0
+ \box0\box2
+ \stopmathmode}
+ {\bgroup
+ \dimen0=\@@onbottomoffset
+ \dimen0=\underbarlevel\dimen0
+ \ifdone \else
+ \advance\dimen0 -\strutht
+ \fi
+ \dimen2\dimen0
+ \advance\dimen2 \@@onrulethickness
+ \dododounderbar{-\dimen0}{\dimen2}{#1}%
+ \egroup}
+ {\bgroup
+ \setbox0\hbox{\dodounderbar{\hskip\interwordspace}}%
+ \nobreak
+ \hskip\zeropoint\!!minus\interwordshrink
+ \discretionary{}{}{\box0}%
+ \egroup}
+ {\hskip\currentspaceskip}
+% \unexpanded\def\dounderbar#1#2%
+% {\let\betweenisolatedwords#1%
+% \processisolatedwords{#2}\dodounderbar
+% \egroup}
+ {\bgroup
+ \advance\underbarlevel\plusone
+ \donetrue
+ \dounderbar\betweenunderbarwords}
+ {\let\betweenisolatedwords#1%
+ \dosingleempty\redounderbar}
+ {\iffirstargument\setupunderbar[#1]\fi
+ \processisolatedwords{#2}\dodounderbar
+ \egroup}
+ {\bgroup
+ \advance\underbarlevel\plusone
+ \donetrue
+ \dounderbar\betweenunderbarspaces}
+ {\bgroup
+ \advance\underbarlevel\minusone
+ \donefalse
+ \dounderbar\betweenunderbarwords}
+ {\bgroup
+ \advance\underbarlevel\minusone
+ \donefalse
+ \dounderbar\betweenunderbarspaces}
+ {\bgroup
+ \dimen0=\@@ontopoffset
+ \dimen2=\dimen0
+ \advance\dimen2 \@@onrulethickness
+ \dododounderbar{\dimen2}{-\dimen0}{#1}%
+ \egroup}
+ {\bgroup
+ \setbox0\hbox{\dooverstrike{\hskip\interwordspace}}%
+ \nobreak
+ \hskip\zeropoint\!!minus\interwordshrink
+ \discretionary{}{}{\box0}%
+ \egroup}
+ {\bgroup
+ \let\betweenisolatedwords\betweenoverstrikewords
+ \processisolatedwords{#1}\dooverstrike
+ \egroup}
+ {\bgroup
+ \processisolatedwords{#1}\dooverstrike
+ \egroup}
+ {\dodoubleargument\getparameters[\??on]}
+%D \macros
+%D {shiftedword, shiftedwords}
+%D Used as \type {\shiftedwords {10pt} {some text}} this macro will
+%D move
+% \def\shiftedword#1% #2%
+% {\raise#1\hbox} % {#2}} % officially: {\ifdim#1>\zeropoint\raise\else\lower\fi#1\hbox{#2}}
+% \def\shiftedwords#1#2%
+% {\processisolatedwords{#2}{\shiftedword{#1}}}
+%D \macros
+%D {low, high, lohi}
+%D Although \TEX\ is pretty well aware of super- and
+%D subscripts, its mechanism is mainly tuned for math mode.
+%D The next few commands take care of script texts both modes.
+%D \startbuffer
+%D The higher\high{one goes} the lower\low{one drops}, or\lohi{yes}{no}?
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+%D \getbuffer
+%D Note the different placement of \type {\lohi}, where we
+%D need a bit more space. The implementation looks a bit
+%D fuzzy, since some \type {\fontdimen}'s are involved to
+%D determine the optimal placement.
+ {\ifx\fontsize\empty
+ \ifmmode
+ \ifnum\fam<0 \tx \else \holamathfont \fi
+ \else
+ \tx
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \tx
+ \fi}
+\def\dohighlow#1#2#3#4#5% todo, named fontdimens
+ {\dontleavehmode
+ \bgroup
+ \scratchdimen\ifdim\fontexheight\textfont2=1ex #2\textfont2\else #3ex\fi
+ \advance\scratchdimen #4ex
+ \kern.1ex
+ \setbox\scratchbox\hbox{#1\scratchdimen\hbox{\dodohighlow#5}}%
+ \ht\scratchbox\strutheight
+ \dp\scratchbox\strutdepth
+ \box\scratchbox
+ \egroup}
+\unexpanded\def\low {\dohighlow\lower\mathsubnormal{.48}{0}}
+% \unexpanded\def\lohi#1#2%
+% {\dontleavehmode
+% \hbox
+% {\setbox4=\hbox{\dohighlow\lower\mathsubnormal{.48}{.1}{#1}}%
+% \setbox6=\hbox{\dohighlow\raise\mathsupnormal{.86}{.1}{#2}}%
+% \ifdim\wd4<\wd6
+% \wd4=\zeropoint\box4\box6
+% \else
+% \wd6=\zeropoint\box6\box4
+% \fi}}
+ {\dosingleempty\dolohi}
+ {\dontleavehmode
+ \hbox
+ {\setbox4\hbox{\dohighlow\lower\mathsubnormal{.48}{.1}{#2}}%
+ \setbox6\hbox{\dohighlow\raise\mathsupnormal{.86}{.1}{#3}}%
+ \doif{#1}{\v!left}
+ {\ifdim\wd4<\wd6
+ \setbox4\hbox to \wd6{\hss\box4}%
+ \else
+ \setbox6\hbox to \wd4{\hss\box6}%
+ \fi}%
+ \ifdim\wd4<\wd6
+ \wd4=\zeropoint\box4\box6
+ \else
+ \wd6=\zeropoint\box6\box4
+ \fi}}
+%D You can provide an optional keyword \type {left}, in which
+%D case the super and subscripts will be aligned in a way that
+%D permits placement at the left of a word (which means that
+%D it will be right aligned).
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \lohi{aha}{ah} test \lohi{aha}{ah} test
+%D \lohi[left]{aha}{ah} test \lohi[left]{aha}{ah} test
+%D \lohi{aha}{ah} test\lohi{aha}{ah} test
+%D \lohi[left]{aha}{ah}test \lohi[left]{aha}{ah}test
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+%D \getbuffer
+%D \macros
+%D {setupinitial,placeinitial,checkinitial}
+%D {\em To be documented.}
+%D \starttyping
+%D \setupinitial[state=start] \placeinitial \input tufte
+%D \stoptyping
+%D and
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\bpar{\ifvmode\checkinitial\fi}
+%D \def\epar{\ifhmode\par\fi\checkinitial}
+%D \stoptyping
+% to do: more fine tuning
+ {\dodoubleempty\getparameters[\??dc]}
+\definefontsynonym[Initial][Regular] % prefered initial identifier
+\definefontsynonym[initial][Initial] % internal but accepted too
+ [\c!state=\v!stop,
+ \c!location=\v!text,
+ \c!n=3,
+ \c!distance=.125em,
+ \c!command=,
+ \s!font=initial]
+ {\doifelse\@@dclocation\v!margin{\chardef\DropMode\plusone}{\chardef\DropMode\zerocount}%
+ \doif \@@dcstate\v!start{\ifcase\@@dcn\else\AutoDroppedCaps\fi}}
+%D This module has only a few setups:
+ [\c!alternative=a,
+ \c!rulethickness=\linewidth,
+ \c!bottomoffset=1.5pt,
+ \c!topoffset=2.5pt,
+ \c!rulecolor=]
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/core-gen.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/core-gen.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0d7fcebe0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/core-gen.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=core-gen,
+%D version=1995.10.10,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Core Macros,
+%D subtitle=General,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Core Macros / General}
+%D \macros
+%D {assigndimension,assignalfadimension}
+%D Hieronder worden enkele commando's gedefinieerd rond
+%D toekenningen. Allereerst een commando om waarden aan
+%D een \DIMENSION\ toe te kennen:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \assigndimension
+%D {<waarde>|klein|middel|groot|-klein|-middel|-groot|geen}
+%D {\dimension}
+%D {waarde klein}
+%D {waarde middel}
+%D {waarde groot}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Hierbij krijgt de \DIMENSION\ \type{\dimension} een waarde
+%D afhankelijk van het meegegeven trefwoord.
+%D \startnarrower
+%D \startlines
+%D \type{(-)klein }\qquad (--) waarde klein
+%D \type{(-)middel}\qquad (--) waarde middel
+%D \type{(-)groot }\qquad (--) waarde groot
+%D \type{geen }\qquad 0pt
+%D \type{waarde }\qquad waarde
+%D \stoplines
+%D \stopnarrower
+%D Een trefwoord mag worden voorafgegaan door een \type{-}.
+%D Deze macro toont een voorbeeld van het gebruik van
+%D \type{\processaction} en constanten.
+%D Analoog aan het bovenstaande commando kennen we een
+%D commando om waarden toe te kennen aan een macro:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \assignalfadimension
+%D {<waarde>|klein|middel|groot|geen}
+%D {\macro}
+%D {waarde klein}
+%D {waarde middel}
+%D {waarde groot}
+%D \stoptyping
+% The third (optimized) version:
+\setvalue{\@ad@ \v!none }{\zeropoint\gobblethreearguments}
+\setvalue{\@ad@ \v!big }{\thirdofthreearguments}
+\setvalue{\@ad@ \v!medium}{\secondofthreearguments}
+\setvalue{\@ad@ \v!small }{\firstofthreearguments}
+\setvalue{\@ad@-\v!big }{-\thirdofthreearguments}
+\setvalue{\@ad@-\v!small }{-\firstofthreearguments}
+\def\assigndimension#1#2% #3 #4 #5
+ {#2=\ifcsname\@ad@#1\endcsname
+ \csname\@ad@#1\expandafter\endcsname
+ \else
+ #1\expandafter\gobblethreearguments
+ \fi}
+\setvalue{\@aa@\v!none }{0\gobblethreearguments}
+\setvalue{\@aa@\v!big }{\thirdofthreearguments}
+\setvalue{\@aa@\v!small }{\firstofthreearguments}
+\def\assignalfadimension#1#2#3#4#5% #3#4#5 are single digits
+ {\edef#2{\ifcsname\@aa@#1\endcsname
+ \csname\@aa@#1\expandafter\endcsname
+ \else
+ #1\expandafter\gobblethreearguments
+ \fi#3#4#5}}
+%D \macros
+%D {assignvalue}
+%D Een variant hierop is het commando:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \assignvalue
+%D {<waarde>|klein|middel|groot}
+%D {\macro}
+%D {waarde klein }
+%D {waarde middel}
+%D {waarde groot}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Hierbij krijgt \type{\macro} een waarde afhankelijk van
+%D het meegegeven trefwoord:
+%D \startnarrower
+%D \startlines
+%D \type{klein }\qquad waarde klein
+%D \type{middel}\qquad waarde middel
+%D \type{groot }\qquad waarde groot
+%D \type{waarde}\qquad waarde
+%D \stoplines
+%D \stopnarrower
+%D Hier doet \type{geen} dus niet mee.
+\letvalue{\@av@\v!big }\thirdofthreearguments
+\letvalue{\@av@\v!small }\firstofthreearguments
+ {\edef#2{\ifcsname\@av@#1\endcsname
+ \csname\@av@#1\expandafter\endcsname
+ \else
+ #1\expandafter\gobblethreearguments
+ \fi{#3}{#4}{#5}}}
+%D \macros
+%D {assignwidth}
+%D Een breedte van een opgegeven tekst kan worden berekend en
+%D toegekend aan een \DIMENSION\ met:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \assignwidth
+%D {\dimension}
+%D {<waarde>|passend|ruim}
+%D {tekst}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Dit commando sluit, evenals de bovenstaande
+%D \type{\assign}||commando's, aan op de wijze waarop
+%D in de andere \CONTEXT||modules toekenningen
+%D plaatsvinden. Bij \type{ruim} wordt de gemeten breedte
+%D met 1~em vermeerderd.
+ {\doifelsenothing{#2}
+ {\setbox\scratchbox\hbox{#3}%
+ #1\wd\scratchbox}
+ {\doifinsetelse{#2}{\v!fit,\v!broad}
+ {\setbox\scratchbox\hbox{#3}%
+ #1\wd\scratchbox
+ \doif{#2}\v!broad{\advance#1 #4}}%
+ {#1=#2}}}%
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/core-ini.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/core-ini.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..04535bec6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/core-ini.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=core-ini,
+%D version=2003.12.01,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Core Macros,
+%D subtitle=Additional Initialization,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Core Macros / Additional Initialization}
+%D We will move more code to here, so that we become less dependent of the
+%D orde in which modules are loaded.
+\everypar \emptytoks
+\neverypar \emptytoks
+\appendtoks \flushnotes \to \everypar
+\appendtoks \synchronizesidefloats \to \everypar
+\appendtoks \checkinlinedirection \to \everypar
+\appendtoks \checkindentation \to \everypar
+\appendtoks \showparagraphnumber \to \everypar
+\appendtoks \flushmargincontents \to \everypar
+\appendtoks \flushcommentanchors \to \everypar
+\appendtoks \synchronizenotes \to \everypar
+\appendtoks \OTRSETshowstatus \to \everypar
+\appendtoks \flushpostponedbookmark \to \everypar
+\appendtoks \registerparoptions \to \everypar
+\appendtoks \flushsyncpositions \to \everypar
+\appendtoks \flushpostponednodedata \to \everypar
+\appendtoks \dohandlerepeatdelimitedtext \to \everypar
+\appendtoks \insertparagraphintro \to \everypar
+\appendtoks \flushpostponedbookmark \to \neverypar
+\appendtoks \flushpostponedbookmark \to \everylistentry
+\appendtoks \flushnotes \to \everydisplay
+\appendtoks \adjustsidefloatdisplaylines \to \everydisplay
+\appendtoks \flushsyncpositions \to \everyheadstart
+\appendtoks \flushsyncresets \to \everyendoftextbody
+\appendtoks \ignorespaces \to \everybeginofpar
+\appendtoks \removeunwantedspaces \to \everyendofpar
+%appendtoks \strut \to \everyendofpar % option ?
+\appendtoks \flushsyncresets \to \everyendofpar
+\appendtoks \setlastlinewidth \to \everyendofpar % must happen before endgraf
+\appendtoks \endgraf \to \everyendofpar
+% Todo: verbatim, xml, tex, move code to here
+\ifx\normalcompound\undefined \let\normalcompound=| \fi
+\appendtoks \catcode`|=\@@active \let|\normalcompound \to \everyTEXinputmode
+\appendtoks \catcode`|=\@@letter \to \everyXMLinputmode
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/core-job.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/core-job.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e2dc16031
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/core-job.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,419 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=core-job, % copied from main-001,
+%D version=1997.03.31,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Core Macros,
+%D subtitle=Job Handling,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D This module is still to be split and documented.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Core Macros / Job Handling}
+\let \currentproject \empty
+\let \currentproduct \empty
+\let \currentenvironment \empty
+\let \currentcomponent \empty
+\let \loadedfiles \empty
+\let \processedfiles \empty
+\let \nomorefiles \relax
+\let \allinputpaths \empty
+\let \locatedfilepath \empty
+\def\processedfile % is used in styles, don't change !
+ {\getvalue{\c!file::\number\fileprocesslevel}}
+ {\global\advance\fileprocesslevel\plusone
+ \setxvalue{\c!file::\number\fileprocesslevel}{#1}%
+ \@EA\doglobal\@EA\addtocommalist\@EA{#1}\processedfiles}
+ {\global\advance\fileprocesslevel\minusone}
+ {#1{#2}\donothing{\readfile{#2}\donothing\donothing}}
+ {\ifx\allinputpaths\empty
+ \def\next{\processlocalfile\readlocfile}%
+ \else
+ \let\filepath\empty
+ \def\docommand##1%
+ {\doiffileelse{\pathplusfile{##1}{#1}}{\donetrue\def\filepath{##1}}\donefalse
+ \ifdone\expandafter\quitcommalist\fi}%
+ \doifparentfileelse{#1} % new
+ {\processcommacommand [\allinputpaths]\docommand}
+ {\processcommacommand[.,\allinputpaths]\docommand}%
+ \ifx\filepath\empty
+ \def\next{\processlocalfile\readlocfile}% fall back ../../..
+ \else
+ \def\next{\processlocalfile{\readsetfile\filepath}}% file found
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \next{#1}}
+\def\doifinputfileelse#1% rarely used
+ {\ifx\allinputpaths\empty
+ \@EA\secondoftwoarguments
+ \else
+ \let\filepath\empty
+ \def\docommand##1%
+ {\doiffileelse{\pathplusfile{##1}{#1}}{\donetrue\def\filepath{##1}}\donefalse
+ \ifdone\expandafter\quitcommalist\fi}%
+ \processcommacommand[.,\allinputpaths]\docommand
+ \ifx\filepath\empty
+ \@EAEAEA\secondoftwoarguments
+ \else
+ \@EAEAEA\firstoftwoarguments
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+ {\let\locatedfilepath\empty
+ \ifx\allinputpaths\empty \else
+ \def\docommand##1%
+ {\doiffileelse{\pathplusfile{##1}{#1}}{\donetrue\def\locatedfilepath{##1}}\donefalse
+ \ifdone\expandafter\quitcommalist\fi}%
+ \doifparentfileelse{#1} % new
+ {\processcommacommand [\allinputpaths]\docommand}
+ {\processcommacommand[.,\allinputpaths]\docommand}%
+ \fi}
+ {\def\docommand##1%
+ {\doifelse{##1}\v!reset
+ {\let\allinputpaths\empty}
+ {\sanitizefilename#1\to\ascii
+ \defconvertedcommand\ascii\ascii
+ \addtocommalist\ascii\allinputpaths}}%
+ \processcommalist[#1]\docommand}
+\def\usesubpath[#1]% test for a real long time, permits ../{name} i.e. braces
+ {\ifx\allinputpaths\empty
+ \sanitizefilename#1\to\allinputpaths
+ \else
+ \def\docommand##1%
+ {\def\dodocommand####1%
+ {\sanitizefilename####1\to\ascii
+ \defconvertedcommand\ascii\ascii
+ \addtocommalist{##1/\ascii}\allinputpaths}%
+ \processcommalist[#1]\dodocommand}%
+ \processcommacommand[\allinputpaths]\docommand
+ \fi}
+\def\registerfileinfo[#1#2]#3% geen \showmessage ?
+ {\writestatus\m!systems{#1#2 file #3 at line \the\inputlineno}%
+ \immediatewriteutility{f #1 {#3}}}
+\ifx\preloadfonts \undefined \let\preloadfonts \relax \fi
+\ifx\preloadspecials\undefined \let\preloadspecials\relax \fi
+\ifx\disableXML\undefined \let\disableXML\relax \fi
+\def\doloadsystemfile#1% mkii with fallback to tex
+ {\readsysfile{#1.\mksuffix}
+ {\showmessage\m!systems2{#1.\mksuffix}}
+ {\readsysfile{#1.tex}{\showmessage\m!systems2{#1.tex}}\donothing}}
+ {\reportprotectionstate
+ \doloadsystemfile\f!newfilename
+ \doloadsystemfile\f!locfilename
+ \doloadsystemfile\f!expfilename
+ \readsysfile{\f!sysfilename.\mksuffix}
+ {\showmessage\m!systems2{\f!sysfilename.\mksuffix}}
+ {\readsysfile{\f!sysfilename.tex}
+ {\showmessage\m!systems2{\f!sysfilename.tex}}
+ {\readsysfile{\f!sysfilename.rme}
+ {\showmessage\m!systems2{\f!sysfilename.rme}%
+ \doglobal\appendtoks % brrr better \setcatcodetable\ctxcatcodes
+ \bgroup
+ \disableXML
+ \readsysfile{\f!errfilename.\mksuffix}\donothing\donothing
+ \egroup
+ \to\everygoodbye}%
+ \donothing}}}
+%D Loading of \type {cont-usr.tex} (edited by the user)
+%D and \type {cont-fmt.tex} (generated by texexec). This is
+%S obsolete now that we have enough memory for patterns.
+% \def\loaduserspecifications
+% {% this used to be the file where users can tune their system, especially patterns
+% \readsysfile\f!usrfilename{\showmessage\m!systems2\f!usrfilename}\donothing
+% % this one took care of user preferences (fonts, messages) but lm made this obsolete
+% \readjobfile\f!fmtfilename{\showmessage\m!systems2\f!fmtfilename}\donothing
+% % from now on we preload all patterns (only in mkii)
+% \preloadallpatterns}
+%D We don't want multiple jobfiles to interfere.
+ {\readjobfile{\jobname.\f!optionextension}
+ {\showmessage\m!systems2{\jobname.\f!optionextension}}%
+ {\writestatus\m!systems {no \jobname.\f!optionextension}}}
+% Most natural ...
+% \def\doateverystarttext
+% {\the\everystarttext
+% \global\let\doateverystarttext\relax}
+% ... most practical, since we can load env's in a
+% file (nested \starttext's; see for
+% instance x-res-08, where we definitely want to
+% open the file!).
+ {\the\everystarttext
+ \global\everystarttext\emptytoks}
+ {\doateverystarttext
+ \ifcase\textlevel
+ \registerfileinfo[begin]\jobname
+ \expandafter\startcopyingblocks
+ \fi
+ \global\advance\textlevel\plusone}
+ {\global\advance\textlevel\minusone
+ \ifnum\textlevel>\zerocount \else
+ \page[\v!last]\page % new, moved from everybye to here; flushes headers, colors etc etc etc
+ \the\everystoptext
+ %\the\everybye %
+ %\the\everygoodbye % == \end (new)
+ %\expandafter\normalend %
+ \expandafter\finalend
+ \fi}
+ {\writestatus\m!systems{forcing quit: #1}%
+ \batchmode
+ \dorecurse\textlevel\stoptext
+ \normalend}
+ {\ifcase\textlevel
+ \starttext
+ \writestatus\m!systems{auto \string\starttext..\string\stoptext}%
+ \let\autostoptext\stoptext
+ \fi}
+ {\ifnum\textlevel>\zerocount \else
+ \the\everybye
+ \the\everygoodbye
+ \doifsometokselse\everynotabene{\writeline\the\everynotabene\writeline}\donothing
+ \global\everybye \emptytoks % rather unneeded
+ \global\everygoodbye\emptytoks % but for sure
+ \expandafter\normalend
+ \fi}
+ {\writestatus\m!systems{invalid \@EA\string\csname\e!start\v!text\endcsname...\@EA\string\csname\e!stop\v!text\endcsname\space structure}%
+ \stoptext}
+ {\beforesplitstring#1\at.\to\currentfile
+ \fullexpandtwoargsafter\doifnotinset\currentfile\loadedfiles
+ {\fullexpandoneargafter\addtocommalist\currentfile\loadedfiles
+ \doexecutefile{#1}}}
+ {\registerfileinfo[begin]{#1}%
+ \dostarttextfile{#1}%
+ \processfile{#1}%
+ \dostoptextfile
+ \registerfileinfo[end]{#1}}
+ {}
+\def\verwerkfile#1 %
+ {\doexecutefile{#1}}
+\def\useenvironment[#1]% maybe commalist
+ {\environment #1 \relax}
+\def\environment #1 % at outermost level only (load only once)
+ {\pushmacro\startenvironment
+ \pushmacro\stopenvironment
+ \def\startenvironment ##1 {}%
+ \let\stopenvironment\relax
+ \startreadingfile
+ \doexecutefileonce{#1}
+ \stopreadingfile
+ \popmacro\stopenvironment
+ \popmacro\startenvironment}
+\def\component #1 % at outermost level only
+ {\dostarttextfile{#1}%
+ \processfile{#1}%
+ \dostoptextfile}
+\let\currentcomponent \v!text
+ {\pushmacro\currentcomponent
+ \pushmacro\currentcomponentpath
+ \let\currentcomponent#1%
+ \setsystemmode\currentcomponent
+ \splitfilename{#1}%
+ \ifx\splitoffpath\empty
+ \let\currentcomponentpath\f!currentpath
+ \else
+ \let\currentcomponentpath\splitoffpath
+ \fi
+ \beforesplitstring#7\at.\to#2\relax % can become path + base
+ \ifcase\filelevel\relax
+ \starttext
+ \def\project ##1 {#3{##1}}%
+ \def\environment ##1 {#4{##1}}%
+ \def\product ##1 {#5{##1}}%
+ \def\component ##1 {#6{##1}}%
+ \fi
+ \advance\filelevel\plusone
+ \fullexpandoneargafter\addtocommalist{#1}\loadedfiles}
+ {\popmacro\currentcomponentpath
+ \popmacro\currentcomponent
+ \setsystemmode\currentcomponent
+ \ifnum\filelevel=\plusone
+ \expandafter\stoptext
+ \else
+ \advance\filelevel\minusone
+ \expandafter\endinput
+ \fi}
+\def\startproject #1 %
+ {\donextlevel\v!project\currentproject
+ \donotexecutefile\doexecutefileonce
+ \doexecutefileonce\doexecutefile#1\\}
+\def\startproduct #1 %
+ {\doateverystarttext
+ \donextlevel\v!product\currentproduct
+ \doexecutefileonce\doexecutefileonce
+ \donotexecutefile\doexecutefile#1\\}
+\def\startcomponent #1 %
+ {\doateverystarttext
+ \donextlevel\v!component\currentcomponent
+ \doexecutefileonce\doexecutefileonce
+ \donotexecutefile\doexecutefile#1\\}
+\def\startenvironment #1 %
+ {\donextlevel\v!environment\currentenvironment
+ \donotexecutefile\doexecutefileonce
+ \donotexecutefile\donotexecutefile#1\\}
+% \startproject test
+% 1: \startmode[*project] project \stopmode \endgraf
+% 2: \startmode[*product] product \stopmode \endgraf
+% \stopproject
+\def\stopproject {\doprevlevel}
+\def\stopproduct {\doprevlevel}
+\def\stopcomponent {\doprevlevel}
+% more or less replaced by modes
+ {\let\loadedlocalenvironments\empty
+ \def\docommand##1%
+ {\beforesplitstring##1\at.\to\someevironment
+ \fullexpandoneargafter\addtocommalist\someevironment\loadedlocalenvironments}%
+ \processcommalist[#1]\docommand
+ \fullexpandtwoargsafter\doifcommonelse % no longer next needed
+ {\currentproject,\currentproduct,%
+ \currentcomponent,\currentenvironment}
+ {\loadedlocalenvironments}
+ {\letvalue{\e!stop\v!localenvironment}\relax}
+ {\grabuntil{\e!stop\v!localenvironment}\gobbleoneargument}} % TH: fixed, was \relax
+\setvalue{\v!localenvironment}#1 {\doexecutefileonce{#1}}
+% NOT TOEVOEGEN: \the\everytrace
+% \appendtoks \flushnotes \to \everypar
+% \appendtoks \synchronizesidefloats \to \everypar
+% \appendtoks \checkindentation \to \everypar
+% \appendtoks \showparagraphnumber \to \everypar
+% \appendtoks \flushmargincontents \to \everypar
+% \appendtoks \flushcommentanchors \to \everypar
+% \appendtoks \synchronizenotes \to \everypar
+% \appendtoks \flushnotes \to \everydisplay
+% \appendtoks \adjustsidefloatdisplaylines \to \everydisplay
+% soon, when pdftex 1.22 is out in the field:
+\chardef\systemcommandmode\zerocount % 0=unknown 1=disabled 2=enabled
+ {\ifx\pdfshellescape\undefined \else
+ \chardef\systemcommandmode \ifcase\pdfshellescape \plusone \else \plustwo \fi
+ \fi
+ \global\let\checksystemcommandmode\relax}
+ {\ifcase\systemcommandmode
+ \or
+ \writestatus\m!systems{system commands are disabled}%
+ \or
+ \writestatus\m!systems{system commands are enabled}%
+ \fi}
+% \ifx\etexversion\undefined \else \ifnum\etexversion<202
+% \prependtoks
+% \writestatus\m!systems{eTeX version \number\etexversion\space -> too old (bugs)}%
+% \writeline
+% \to \everyjob
+% \fi \fi
+% \ifx\pdftexversion\undefined \else \ifnum\number\pdftexversion<120
+% \prependtoks
+% \writestatus\m!systems{pdfTeX version \number\pdftexversion\space -> please update}%
+% \writeline
+% \to \everyjob
+% \fi \fi
+% Default-instellingen (verborgen)
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/core-mis.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/core-mis.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c44d61cbc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/core-mis.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,2745 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=core-mis,
+%D version=1998.01.29,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Core Macros,
+%D subtitle=Miscelaneous,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Core Macros / Misc Commands}
+% todo: kleur in legenda + letter
+% %D You would not expect the next macro in \CONTEXT,
+% %D wouldn't you? It's there to warn \LATEX\ users that
+% %D something is wrong.
+% %D
+% %D Obsolete now:
+% %
+% % \def\documentstyle{\showmessage\m!systems3\empty\stoptekst}
+% %
+% % \let\documentclass=\documentstyle
+% %D \macros
+% %D {simplifiedcommands, simplifycommands}
+% %D
+% %D I first needed this simplification in bookmarks. Users can
+% %D add their own if needed.
+%D Sometimes (for instance in bookmarks) we need to simplify macro
+%D behaviour, so here is the hook.
+\ifx\simplifiedcommands\undefined \newtoks\simplifiedcommands \fi
+%D A possibly growing list:
+%appendtoks \def\executesynonym#1#2#3#4{#3}\to\simplifiedcommands
+%appendtoks \def\executesort#1#2#3{#3}\to\simplifiedcommands
+\appendtoks \def\ { }\to\simplifiedcommands
+\appendtoks \def\type#1{\letterbackslash\strippedcsname#1}\to\simplifiedcommands
+\appendtoks \def\tex#1{\letterbackslash#1}\to\simplifiedcommands
+\appendtoks \def\TeX{TeX}\to\simplifiedcommands
+\appendtoks \def\ConTeXt{ConTeXt}\to\simplifiedcommands
+\appendtoks \def\MetaPost{MetaPost}\to\simplifiedcommands
+\appendtoks \def\MetaFont{MetaFont}\to\simplifiedcommands
+\appendtoks \def\MetaFun{MetaFun}\to\simplifiedcommands
+%appendtoks \def||{-}\to\simplifiedcommands
+\appendtoks \def|#1|{\ifx#1\empty\empty-\else#1\fi}\to\simplifiedcommands
+\appendtoks \let\crlf\space\to\simplifiedcommands
+\appendtoks \let\\\space\to\simplifiedcommands
+% {\ifvmode
+% \ifdim\lastskip>\zeropoint
+% \nointerlineskip
+% \else\ifdim\lastkern>\zeropoint
+% \nointerlineskip
+% \fi\fi
+% \fi}
+\def\horitems#1#2% #1=breedte #2=commandos
+ {\scratchdimen#1%
+ \divide\scratchdimen \nofitems
+ \!!counta\zerocount
+ \def\docommand##1%
+ {\advance\!!counta \plusone
+ \processaction
+ [\@@isalign]
+ [ \v!left=>\hbox to \scratchdimen{\strut##1\hss},
+ \v!right=>\hbox to \scratchdimen{\hss\strut##1},
+ \v!middle=>\hbox to \scratchdimen{\hss\strut##1\hss},
+ \v!margin=>\ifnum\!!counta=\plusone\hss\else\hfill\fi
+ \strut##1%
+ \ifnum\!!counta=\nofitems\hss\else\hfill\fi,
+ \s!default=>\hbox to \scratchdimen{\hss\strut##1\hss}, % midden
+ \s!unknown=>\hbox to \scratchdimen{\strut##1\hss}]}% % links
+ \hbox to #1{\hss#2\hss}}
+\def\veritems#1#2% #1=breedte #2=commandos
+ {\scratchdimen#1%
+ \def\docommand##1%
+ {\ifdim\scratchdimen<\zeropoint % the - was a signal
+ \hbox to -\scratchdimen{\hss\strut##1}%
+ \else\ifdim\scratchdimen>\zeropoint
+ \hbox to \scratchdimen{\strut##1\hss}%
+ \else
+ \hbox{\strut##1}%
+ \fi\fi}%
+ \vbox{#2}}
+ {\getparameters[\??is][#1]%
+ \doif\@@iswidth\v!unknown
+ {\def\@@iswidth{\hsize}}%
+ \doifconversiondefinedelse\@@issymbol
+ {\def\doitembullet##1{\convertnumber{\@@issymbol}{##1}}}
+ {\doifsymboldefinedelse\@@issymbol
+ {\def\doitembullet##1{\symbol[\@@issymbol]}}{}}}
+ {\doifelse\@@isn\v!unknown
+ {\getcommalistsize[#1]%
+ \edef\nofitems{\commalistsize}}
+ {\edef\nofitems{\@@isn}}%
+ \setbox0\hbox
+ {\doitems \@@iswidth
+ {\processcommalist[#1]\docommand}}%
+ \setbox2\hbox
+ {\doitems \@@isbulletbreedte
+ {\dorecurse\nofitems
+ {\docommand{\strut\doitembullet\recurselevel}}}}}
+ {\let\doitems#2%
+ \def\@@isbulletbreedte{#3}%
+ \makeitemsandbullets{#1}%
+ \@@isbefore}
+ {\@@isafter
+ \egroup}
+ {\dostartitems{#1}\horitems\@@iswidth
+ \noindent\vbox
+ {\forgetall
+ \doifsomething\@@issymbol
+ {\doifnot\@@issymbol\v!none
+ {\box2
+ \@@isinbetween
+ \nointerlineskip}}%
+ \box0}%
+ \dostopitems}
+ {\dostartitems{#1}\horitems\@@iswidth
+ \noindent\vbox
+ {\forgetall
+ \box0
+ \doifsomething\@@issymbol
+ {\@@isinbetween
+ \nointerlineskip
+ \box2}}%
+ \dostopitems}
+ {\dostartitems{#1}\veritems{-1.5em}% - is a signal
+ \noindent\hbox{\llap{\box2\hskip\leftmargindistance}\box0}%
+ \dostopitems}
+ {\advance\hsize -1.5em%
+ \dostartitems{#1}\veritems{1.5em}%
+ \noindent\hbox{\box2\box0}%
+ \dostopitems}
+ {\dostartitems{#1}\veritems{0em}%
+ \noindent\hbox{\box0\hskip-\wd2\box2}%
+ \dostopitems}
+ {\dosingleargument\dosetupitems}
+ {\bgroup
+ \setupitems[#1]%
+ \parindent\zeropoint
+ \setlocalhsize
+ \hsize\localhsize
+ \dontcomplain
+ %\doifundefined{doitems\@@islocation}%
+ % {\let\@@islocation\v!left}%
+ %\getvalue{doitems\@@islocation}}
+ \executeifdefined{doitems\@@islocation}{\let\@@islocation\v!left}}
+ [\c!location=\v!left,
+ \c!symbol=5,
+ \c!width=\hsize,
+ \c!align=\v!middle,
+ \c!n=\v!unknown,
+ \c!before=\blank,
+ \c!inbetween={\blank[\v!medium]},
+ \c!after=\blank]
+% \definieerplaats[naam][instellingen]
+% \stelplaatsin[naam][instellingen]
+% \plaats<naam>[[instellingen]]
+% - still undocumented and also not in setupb yet
+% - kan ook intern/direct (scheelt duplicatie), zie \framedtext
+ {\getparameters
+ [\??pl#1]
+ [\c!left=\hss,
+ \c!right=\hss,
+ \c!linecorrection=\v!off,
+ \c!depthcorrection=\v!off,
+ \c!margin=\v!standard,
+ \c!grid=\v!middle,
+ %\c!before=,
+ %\c!after=,
+ #2]%
+ \setvalue{\e!place#1}{\doplacement[\??pl#1]}}
+ {\dodoubleempty\dodefineplacement}
+ {\dodoubleempty\dosetupplacement}
+ {\dodoubleempty\getparameters[\??pl#1]}
+ {\dodoubleempty\dodoplacement}
+\def\dodoplacement[#1][#2]% correctie moet mooier
+ {\bgroup
+ \dowithnextboxcontent
+ {\forgetall}
+ {\setlocalhsize
+ \getparameters[#1][#2]%
+ \getvalue{#1\c!before}%
+ \begingroup
+ \disableparpositions
+ \setbox\nextbox\hbox to \localhsize
+ {\getvalue{#1\c!left}%
+ \flushnextbox
+ \getvalue{#1\c!right}}%
+ \ifinsidefloat \else
+ \addlocalbackgroundtobox\nextbox
+ \fi
+ \ifgridsnapping
+ \doifundefined{#1\c!grid}{\letvalue{#1\c!grid}\v!middle}%
+ % unchecked
+ \doifinset{\getvalue{#1\c!margin}}{\v!standard,\v!yes}\noindent
+ \snaptogrid[\getvalue{#1\c!grid}]\hbox{\flushnextbox}%
+ \else
+ \doifvalue{#1\c!linecorrection}\v!on \startbaselinecorrection
+ \doifinset{\getvalue{#1\c!margin}}{\v!standard,\v!yes}\noindent
+ \flushnextbox
+ \doifvalue{#1\c!depthcorrection}\v!on\baselinecorrection
+ \doifvalue{#1\c!linecorrection }\v!on\stopbaselinecorrection
+ \fi
+ \endgroup
+ \getvalue{#1\c!after}%
+ \egroup}
+ \vbox}
+% Te zijner tijd [plaats=boven,onder,midden] implementeren,
+% in dat geval moet eerst de maximale hoogte worden bepaald.
+% Overigens kan een en ander mooier met \halign.
+% there is quite some historic balast in this mechanism, the next variant
+% is a first cleanup
+\newcount\alcounter \newcount\alnsize \newdimen\alhsize
+\def\paragraphparameter#1% \checkedparameter\??al\currentparagraph#1
+ {\executeifdefined{\??al\currentparagraph#1}{\executeifdefined{\??al#1}\empty}}
+\def\paragraphcellmeter#1#2% \checkedparameter\??al\currentparagraph#1
+ {\executeifdefined{\??al\currentparagraph\number#1#2}{\paragraphparameter{#2}}}
+ {\edef\currentparagraph{#1}%
+ \setvalue{\s!do\s!next\currentparagraph}%
+ {\def\\{\getvalue\currentparagraph}}%
+ \setvalue\currentparagraph
+ {\getvalue{\s!do\s!next#1}%
+ \dostartparagraphs{#1}}%
+ \setvalue{\e!next\currentparagraph}%
+ {\getvalue{#1}}%
+ \setvalue{\e!start\currentparagraph}%
+ {\bgroup
+ \edef\currentparagraph{#1}%
+ \letvalue{\s!do\s!next\currentparagraph}\empty
+ \setvalue{\e!stop\currentparagraph}{\getvalue\currentparagraph\egroup}%
+ \getvalue\currentparagraph}%
+ \getparameters[\??al\currentparagraph]%
+ [%\c!n=3,
+ %\c!before=\blank,
+ %\c!after=\blank,
+ %\c!distance=1em,
+ %\c!height=\v!fit,
+ %\c!rule=\v!off,
+ %\c!command=,
+ %\c!align=,
+ %\c!tolerance=\v!tolerant,
+ %\c!rulethickness=\linewidth,
+ %\c!rulecolor=,
+ %\c!style=,
+ %\c!color=,
+ %\c!top=,
+ %\c!top=\vss,
+ %\c!bottom=\vfill,
+ #2]%
+ \setvalue{\e!setup#1\e!endsetup}%
+ {\setupparagraphs[#1]}%
+ \dorecurse
+ {\paragraphparameter\c!n}
+ {\setupparagraphs
+ [\currentparagraph]
+ [\recurselevel]
+ [\c!width=,
+ %\c!bottom=\paragraphparameter\c!bottom,
+ %\c!top=\paragraphparameter\c!top,
+ %\c!height=\paragraphparameter\c!height,
+ %\c!rule=\paragraphparameter\c!rule,
+ %\c!rulethickness=\paragraphparameter\c!rulethickness,
+ %\c!rulecolor=\paragraphparameter\c!rulecolor,
+ %\c!align=\paragraphparameter\c!align,
+ %\c!tolerance=\paragraphparameter\c!tolerance, % obsolete
+ %\c!distance=\paragraphparameter\c!distance,
+ \c!style=\paragraphparameter\c!style,
+ \c!color=\paragraphparameter\c!color]}%
+ \setupparagraphs[\currentparagraph][1][\c!distance=\zeropoint]}
+ {\dodoubleargument\dodefineparagraphs}
+ {\edef\currentparagraph{#1}%
+ \ifsecondargument
+ \doifelse{#2}\v!each
+ {\dorecurse
+ {\paragraphparameter\c!n}
+ {\getparameters[\??al\currentparagraph\recurselevel][#3]}}
+ {\doifelsenothing{#3}
+ {\getparameters[\??al\currentparagraph][#2]}
+ {\def\docommand##1{\getparameters[\??al\currentparagraph##1][#3]}%
+ \processcommalist[#2]\docommand}}%
+ \else
+ \getparameters[\??al][#1]%
+ \fi}
+ {\dotripleempty\dosetupparagraphs}
+ [\c!n=3,
+ \c!before=\blank,
+ \c!after=\blank,
+ \c!distance=1em,
+ \c!height=\v!fit,
+ \c!rule=\v!off,
+ \c!command=,
+ \c!align=,
+ \c!tolerance=\v!tolerant, % obsolete
+ \c!rulethickness=\linewidth,
+ \c!rulecolor=,
+ \c!style=,
+ \c!color=,
+ \c!top=,
+ \c!top=\vss,
+ \c!bottom=\vfill]
+ {\doifelse{\paragraphcellmeter\alcounter\c!rule}\v!on
+ {\linewidth\paragraphcellmeter\alcounter\c!rulethickness
+ \scratchdimen\paragraphcellmeter\alcounter\c!distance
+ \advance\scratchdimen-\linewidth
+ \divide\scratchdimen \plustwo
+ \hskip\scratchdimen
+ \color[\paragraphcellmeter\alcounter\c!rulecolor]{\vrule\!!width\linewidth}%
+ \hskip\scratchdimen}
+ {\hskip\paragraphcellmeter\alcounter\c!distance}}
+ {\doifelsenothing{\paragraphcellmeter\alcounter\c!width}
+ {\!!widtha\alhsize
+ \divide\!!widtha \alnsize}
+ {\!!widtha\paragraphcellmeter\alcounter\c!width}%
+ \dostartattributes{\??al\currentparagraph\number\alcounter}\c!style\c!color\empty
+ \doifelse{\paragraphcellmeter\alcounter\c!height}\v!fit
+ {\setbox\scratchbox\vtop}
+ {\setbox\scratchbox\vtop to \paragraphcellmeter\alcounter\c!height}%
+ \bgroup
+ \blank[\v!disable]%
+ \forgetall
+ \paragraphcellmeter\alcounter\c!top
+ \paragraphparameter\c!inner
+ \hsize\!!widtha % setting \wd afterwards removed
+ \paragraphcellmeter\alcounter\c!inner % twice
+ \expanded{\setupalign [\paragraphcellmeter\alcounter\c!align ]}% {normal,verytolerant,stretch}
+ \expanded{\setuptolerance[\paragraphcellmeter\alcounter\c!tolerance]}% obsolete
+ \ignorespaces
+ \endgraf
+ \ignorespaces
+ %
+ % Nadeel van de onderstaande constructie is dat \everypar
+ % binnen een groep kan staan en zo steeds \begstruts
+ % worden geplaatst. Mooi is anders dus moet het anders!
+ %
+ % Hier is \Everypar niet nodig.
+ %
+ \everypar{\begstrut\everypar\emptytoks}%
+ %
+ \nospace % remove + ignore
+ \paragraphcellmeter\alcounter\c!command}
+ {\ifvmode
+ \removelastskip
+ \else
+ \unskip\endstrut\endgraf
+ \fi
+ \paragraphcellmeter\alcounter\c!bottom
+ \egroup
+ \ifdim\wd\scratchbox=\zeropoint % no data
+ \wd\scratchbox\!!widtha
+ \fi
+ \box\scratchbox
+ \dostopattributes
+ \ifnum\alcounter<\paragraphparameter\c!n\relax
+ \@EA\doparagraphcell
+ \else
+ \@EA\dostopparagraphs
+ \fi}
+ {\global\advance\alcounter \plusone
+ \doifelsenothing{\paragraphcellmeter\alcounter\c!distance}
+ {\ifnum\alcounter=\plusone\else
+ \hskip\paragraphparameter\c!distance
+ \fi}
+ {\ifnum\alcounter=\plusone
+ \hskip\paragraphcellmeter\alcounter\c!distance
+ \else
+ \doparagraphrule
+ \fi}%
+ \letvalue\currentparagraph\dostopparagraph
+ \dostartparagraph}
+ {\bgroup
+ \edef\currentparagraph{#1}%
+ \global\alcounter\zerocount
+ \parindent\zeropoint
+ \setlocalhsize
+ \alhsize\localhsize
+ \alnsize\paragraphparameter\c!n\relax
+ \dorecurse \alnsize
+ {\doifelsenothing{\paragraphcellmeter\recurselevel\c!distance}
+ {\ifnum\recurselevel=\plusone\else
+ \global\advance\alhsize -\paragraphparameter\c!distance
+ \fi}
+ {\global\advance\alhsize -\paragraphcellmeter\recurselevel\c!distance}%
+ \doifsomething{\paragraphcellmeter\recurselevel\c!width}
+ {\global\advance\alnsize \minusone
+ \global\advance\alhsize -\paragraphcellmeter\recurselevel\c!width}}%
+ %whitespace % gaat fout bij \framed
+ \paragraphparameter\c!before
+ \leavevmode % gaat wel goed bij \framed, brrr
+ \setbox\scratchbox\vbox\bgroup\hbox\bgroup\doparagraphcell}
+ {\egroup
+ \egroup
+ \iftrue
+ \hbox{\raise\strutheight\box\scratchbox}% new
+ \else
+ \box\scratchbox % old
+ \fi
+ \par
+ \paragraphparameter\c!after
+ \egroup}
+ {\getparameters[\??ta]
+ [\c!headstyle=\v!normal,
+ \c!headcolor=,
+ \c!style=\v!normal,
+ \c!color=,
+ \c!width=\v!broad,
+ \c!sample={\hskip4em},
+ \c!before=,
+ \c!after=,
+ #1]%
+ \definedescription
+ [tab]
+ [\c!headstyle=\@@taheadstyle,
+ \c!headcolor=\@@tacolor,
+ \c!sample=\@@tasample,
+ \c!width=\@@tawidth,
+ \c!before=\@@tabefore,
+ \c!after=\@@taafter]}
+ {\dosingleargument\dosetuptab}
+ [\c!location=\v!left]
+% The following macro's are derived from PPCHTEX and
+% therefore take some LaTeX font-switching into account.
+% Due to some upward incompatibality of LaTeX to LaTeX2.09
+% and/or LaTeX2e we had to force \@@chemieletter. Otherwise
+% some weird \nullfont error comes up.
+ {\ifmmode
+ \let\endlatexmathmodehack\relax
+ \else
+ \def\endlatexmathmodehack{$}$\@@chemieletter
+ \fi}
+ {\beginlatexmathmodehack
+ \def\dosetsubscript##1##2##3%
+ {\dimen0=##3\fontexheight##2%
+ \setxvalue{@@\string##1\string##2}{\the##1##2\relax}%
+ ##1##2=\dimen0\relax}%
+ \def\dodosetsubscript##1##2%
+ {\dosetsubscript{##1}{\textfont2}{##2}%
+ \dosetsubscript{##1}{\scriptfont2}{##2}%
+ \dosetsubscript{##1}{\scriptscriptfont2}{##2}}%
+ %dodosetsubscript\mathsupnormal {?}%
+ \dodosetsubscript\mathsubnormal {.7}%
+ \dodosetsubscript\mathsubcombined{.7}%
+ \global\loweredsubscriptstrue
+ \endlatexmathmodehack}
+ {\ifloweredsubscripts
+ \beginlatexmathmodehack
+ \def\doresetsubscript##1##2%
+ {\dimen0=\getvalue{@@\string##1\string##2}\relax
+ ##1##2=\dimen0}%
+ \def\dodoresetsubscript##1%
+ {\doresetsubscript{##1}{\textfont2}%
+ \doresetsubscript{##1}{\scriptfont2}%
+ \doresetsubscript{##1}{\scriptscriptfont2}}%
+ %dodoresetsubscript\mathsupnormal
+ \dodoresetsubscript\mathsubnormal
+ \dodoresetsubscript\mathsubcombined
+ \global\loweredsubscriptsfalse
+ \endlatexmathmodehack
+ \fi}
+\let\beginlatexmathmodehack = \relax
+\let\endlatexmathmodehack = \relax
+ {\bgroup
+ \setsubscripts
+ \mathematics{\hbox{#1}_{#2}^{#3}}%
+ \resetsubscripts
+ \egroup}
+\unexpanded\def\celsius #1{#1\mathematics{^\circ}C}
+\unexpanded\def\inch {\mathematics{\prime\prime}} % was: \hbox{\rm\char125\relax}
+% very dutch
+\unexpanded\def\graden {\mathematics{^\circ}}
+\def\bedragprefix {\euro\normalfixedspace}
+\def\bedragsuffix {}
+\def\bedragempty {\euro}
+ {\strut\hbox\bgroup
+ \let\normalfixedspace\nonbreakablespace
+ \doifelsenothing{#1}
+ {\bedragempty}
+ {\bedragprefix\digits{#1}\bedragsuffix}%
+ \egroup}
+% \definieeralineas[test][n=3]
+% \stelalineasin[test][3][breedte=4cm,uitlijnen=links]
+% \startopelkaar
+% \test hans \\ ton \\ \bedrag{1.000,--} \\
+% \test hans \\ ton \\ \bedrag{~.~~1,--} \\
+% \test hans \\ ton \\ \bedrag{~.~~1,~~} \\
+% \test hans \\ ton \\ \bedrag{~.100,--} \\
+% \test hans \\ ton \\ \subtot{1.000,--} \\
+% \test hans \\ ton \\ \bedrag{1.000,--} \\
+% \test hans \\ ton \\ \bedrag{1.000,--} \\
+% \test hans \\ ton \\ \totaal{1.000,--} \\
+% \test hans \\ ton \\ \bedrag{nihil,--} \\
+% \test hans \\ ton \\ \totaal{nihil,--} \\
+% \test hans \\ ton \\ \subtot{nihil,--} \\
+% \stopopelkaar
+\def\periodswidth {.5em}
+\def\periodsdefault{3} % was 5, but now it's like \unknown
+ {\dosingleempty\doperiods}
+ {\dontleavehmode
+ \begingroup
+ \scratchdimen\periodswidth
+ \hbox to \iffirstargument#1\else\periodsdefault\fi \scratchdimen
+ {\leaders\hbox to \scratchdimen{\hss.\hss}\hss}%
+ \endgroup}
+ {\periods\relax} % relax prevents lookahead for []
+% compatibility macros
+ {\hbox{\rlap/$\circ$} }
+ {\mathematics\pm}
+ {\ifcase\boundarycharactermode
+ \or
+ %\nobreak
+ \hskip\hspaceamount\currentlanguage{#2}%
+ \languageparameter#1%
+ %\nobreak
+ \hskip\hspaceamount\currentlanguage{#2}%
+ \or
+ \languageparameter#1%
+ \fi
+ \chardef\boundarycharactermode\plusone}
+ {\ifcase\boundarycharactermode
+ \or
+ \languageparameter#1%
+ \nobreak
+ \hskip\hspaceamount\currentlanguage{#2}%
+ \or
+ \languageparameter#1%
+ \fi
+ \chardef\boundarycharactermode\plusone}
+ {\ifcase\boundarycharactermode
+ \or
+ \prewordbreak %\nobreak
+ \hskip\hspaceamount\currentlanguage{#2}%
+ \languageparameter#1%
+ \or
+ \languageparameter#1%
+ \fi
+ \chardef\boundarycharactermode\plusone}
+% actually this is pretty old, but temporary moved here
+% obsolete:
+ {\dodoubleargument\getparameters[\??kp]}
+\def\setuphyphenmark[#1]% sign=normal|wide
+ {\dodoubleargument\getparameters[\??kp][#1]%
+ \doifinsetelse\@@kpsign {\v!normal}
+ {\let\textmodehyphen\normalhyphen \let\textmodehyphendiscretionary\normalhyphendiscretionary}
+ {\let\textmodehyphen\composedhyphen\let\textmodehyphendiscretionary\composedhyphendiscretionary}}
+% % \setuphyphenmark[\c!sign=\v!normal]
+\definesymbol[\c!lefthyphen] [\languageparameter\c!lefthyphen]
+\definesymbol[\c!righthyphen] [\languageparameter\c!righthyphen]
+\definesymbol[\c!hyphen] [\languageparameter\c!hyphen]
+ {\hbox{\directsymbol\empty\c!hyphen}}
+ {\hbox{\directsymbol\empty\c!compoundhyphen}}
+ {\discretionary
+ {\hbox{\directsymbol\empty\c!lefthyphen}}
+ {\hbox{\directsymbol\empty\c!righthyphen}}
+ {\hbox{\directsymbol\empty\c!hyphen}}}
+ {\discretionary
+ {\hbox{\directsymbol\empty\c!leftcompoundhyphen}}
+ {\hbox{\directsymbol\empty\c!rightcompoundhyphen}}
+ {\hbox{\directsymbol\empty\c!compoundhyphen}}}
+\let\textmodehyphen \composedhyphen
+\definesymbol[\c!leftcompoundhyphen] [\languageparameter\c!leftcompoundhyphen]
+\definesymbol[\c!rightcompoundhyphen] [\languageparameter\c!rightcompoundhyphen]
+\definesymbol[\c!compoundhyphen] [\languageparameter\c!compoundhyphen]
+\definehspace [sentence] [\zeropoint]
+\definehspace [intersentence] [.250em]
+ [\c!midsentence]
+ [\midboundarycharacter\c!midsentence{sentence}]
+ [\c!leftsentence]
+ [\leftboundarycharacter\c!leftsentence{sentence}]
+ [\c!rightsentence]
+ [\rightboundarycharacter\c!rightsentence{sentence}]
+ [\c!leftsubsentence]
+ [\leftboundarycharacter\c!leftsubsentence{sentence}]
+ [\c!rightsubsentence]
+ [\rightboundarycharacter\c!rightsubsentence{sentence}]
+\newsignal \subsentencesignal
+\let\aftersubsentence \donothing
+% todo: make this language option
+% \def\beforesubsentence{\removeunwantedspaces}
+% \def\aftersubsentence {\ignorespaces}
+ {\symbol[\c!midsentence]}
+ {\beforesubsentence
+ \ifdim\lastkern=\subsentencesignal
+ \unskip
+ \kern\hspaceamount\currentlanguage{intersentence}%
+ \fi
+ \doglobal\increment\subsentencelevel
+ \ifnum\subsentencelevel=\plusone
+ \dontleavehmode % was \leaveoutervmode
+ \fi
+ \symbol[\ifodd\subsentencelevel\c!leftsentence\else\c!leftsubsentence\fi]%
+ }% \ignorespaces}
+\def\endofsubsentence % relax prevents space gobbling
+ {\symbol[\ifodd\subsentencelevel\c!rightsentence\else\c!rightsubsentence\fi]%
+ \doglobal\decrement\subsentencelevel
+ \unskip
+ \kern\subsentencesignal\relax
+ \aftersubsentence}
+\def\beginofsubsentencespacing % relax prevents space gobbling
+ {\kern\subsentencesignal\relax}% \ignorespaces}
+ {\ifdim\lastkern=\subsentencesignal
+ \unskip
+ \hskip\hspaceamount\currentlanguage{intersentence}%
+ % no good, actually language dependent:
+% \ignorespaces
+ \else
+ \unskip
+ \fi}
+%D \startbuffer
+%D test |<|test |<|test|>| test|>| test \par
+%D test|<|test|<|test|>|test|>|test \par
+%D test |<||<|test|>||>| test \par
+%D test \directdiscretionary{<}test\directdiscretionary{>} test \par
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+%D \getbuffer
+\def\startsubsentence{\beginofsubsentence \prewordbreak\beginofsubsentencespacing}
+\def\stopsubsentence {\endofsubsentencespacing\prewordbreak\endofsubsentence}
+%D \defineXMLenvironment [subsentence]
+%D {|<|}
+%D {|>|}
+%D \defineXMLenvironment [subsentence]
+%D {\directdiscretionary{<}}
+%D {\directdiscretionary{>}}
+%D \defineXMLenvironment [subsentence]
+%D {\startsubsentence}
+%D {\stopsubsentence}
+%D \startbuffer
+%D test <subsentence>test</subsentence> test
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+%D \processXMLbuffer
+\definehspace [quotation] [\zeropoint]
+\definehspace [interquotation] [.125em]
+%definehspace [quote] [\zeropoint]
+%definehspace [speech] [\zeropoint]
+\definehspace [quote] [\hspaceamount\currentlanguage{quotation}]
+\definehspace [speech] [\hspaceamount\currentlanguage{quotation}]
+ [\c!leftquotation]
+ [\leftboundarycharacter\c!leftquotation{quotation}]
+ [\c!rightquotation]
+ [\rightboundarycharacter\c!rightquotation{quotation}]
+ [\c!leftquote]
+ [\leftboundarycharacter\c!leftquote{quote}]
+ [\c!rightquote]
+ [\rightboundarycharacter\c!rightquote{quote}]
+ [\c!leftspeech]
+ [\leftboundarycharacter\c!leftspeech{speech}]
+ [\c!rightspeech]
+ [\rightboundarycharacter\c!rightspeech{speech}]
+ [\c!middlespeech]
+ [\leftboundarycharacter\c!middlespeech{speech}]
+\appendtoks\def\quote #1{'#1'}\to\simplifiedcommands
+%D The next features was so desperately needed by Giuseppe
+%D Bilotta that he made a module for it. Since this is a
+%D typical example of core functionality, I decided to extend
+%D the low level quotation macros in such a way that a speech
+%D feature could be build on top of it. The speech opening and
+%D closing symbols are defined per language. Italian is an
+%D example of a language that has them set.
+% this will replace the quotation and speed definitions
+\def\delimitedtextparameter#1% will be sped up
+ {\executeifdefined{\??ci\currentdelimitedtext:\csname\??ci\currentdelimitedtext\c!level\endcsname#1}%
+ {\executeifdefined{\??ci\currentdelimitedtext#1}%
+ {\executeifdefined{\??ci#1}\empty}}}
+ {\dodoubleempty\dodefinedelimitedtext}
+ {\doifassignmentelse{#2}
+ {\getparameters
+ [\??ci#1]
+ [\c!location=\v!margin, % \v!text \v!paragraph
+ \c!spacebefore=,
+ \c!spaceafter=\delimitedtextparameter\c!spacebefore,
+ \c!style=\v!normal,
+ \c!color=,
+ \c!leftmargin=\zeropoint,
+ \c!rightmargin=\delimitedtextparameter\c!leftmargin,
+ \c!indentnext=\v!yes,
+ \c!before=,
+ \c!after=,
+ \c!left=,
+ \c!right=,
+ \c!level=0,
+ \c!repeat=\v!no,
+ \c!method=,
+ #2]}%
+ {\doifdefined{#2}
+ {\copyparameters[\??ci#1][\??ci#2]
+ [\c!location,\c!spacebefore,\c!spaceafter,\c!style,\c!color,
+ \c!leftmargin,\c!rightmargin,\c!indentnext,
+ \c!before,\c!after,\c!left,\c!right]}}%
+ \doifsomething{#1}
+ {\unexpanded\setvalue{#1}{\delimitedtext[#1]}%
+ \setvalue{\e!start#1}{\startdelimitedtext[#1]}%
+ \setvalue{\e!stop #1}{\stopdelimitedtext}}}
+ {\dotripleargument\dosetupdelimitedtext}
+\def\dosetupdelimitedtext[#1][#2][#3]% #2 = optional level
+ {\ifthirdargument
+ \getparameters[\??ci#1:#2][#3]%
+ \else\ifsecondargument
+ \getparameters[\??ci#1][#2]%
+ \else
+ \getparameters[\??ci][#1]%
+ \fi\fi}
+ {\relax\ifcase\delimitedtextparameter\c!level\else
+ \dohandledelimitedtext\c!middle % maybe better \dohandleleftdelimitedtext
+ \fi}
+ {\bgroup
+ \pushdelimitedtext{#1}%
+ \doifelse{\delimitedtextparameter\c!method}\s!font
+ {\def\dostopdelimitedtext
+ {\removeunwantedspaces\ignoredelimitedtext\c!right}%
+ \ignoredelimitedtext\c!left\ignorespaces}
+ {\doifelse{\delimitedtextparameter\c!repeat}\v!yes
+ {\let\dohandlerepeatdelimitedtext\dorepeatdelimitedtext}%
+ {\let\dohandlerepeatdelimitedtext\relax}%
+ \doifinsetelse{\delimitedtextparameter\c!location}{\v!paragraph,\v!margin}%
+ {\dosingleempty\dostartdelimitedtextpar}\dostartdelimitedtexttxt}}
+ {\let\dostopdelimitedtext\dostopdelimitedtextpar
+ \doifsomething{\delimitedtextparameter\c!spacebefore}
+ {\blank[\delimitedtextparameter\c!spacebefore]}%
+ \delimitedtextparameter\c!before
+ % nicer:
+ % \doadaptleftskip {\delimitedtextparameter\c!leftmargin}%
+ % \doadaptrightskip{\delimitedtextparameter\c!rightmargin}%
+ % backward compatible:
+ \doifelsenothing{#1}
+ {\endgraf
+ \doadaptleftskip {\delimitedtextparameter\c!leftmargin}%
+ \doadaptrightskip{\delimitedtextparameter\c!rightmargin}%
+ \let\dodostopdelimitedtextpar\endgraf}
+ {\startnarrower[#1]\let\dodostopdelimitedtextpar\stopnarrower}%
+ % so far
+ % \dochecknextindentation{\??ci\currentdelimitedtext}% AM: not here
+ \dostartattributes{\??ci\currentdelimitedtext}\c!style\c!color\empty
+ \leftdelimitedtextmark
+ \ignorespaces}
+ {\removeunwantedspaces
+ \removelastskip
+ \rightdelimitedtextmark
+ \dostopattributes
+ \dodostopdelimitedtextpar
+ \delimitedtextparameter\c!after
+ \doifsomething{\delimitedtextparameter\c!spaceafter}
+ {\blank[\delimitedtextparameter\c!spaceafter]}%
+ \dochecknextindentation{\??ci\currentdelimitedtext}% AM: here
+ \dorechecknextindentation}% AM: This was missing!
+ {\let\dostopdelimitedtext\dostopdelimitedtexttxt
+ \dostartattributes{\??ci\currentdelimitedtext}\c!style\c!color\empty
+ \dohandleleftdelimitedtext\c!left
+ \ignorespaces}
+ {\removeunwantedspaces
+ \dohandlerightdelimitedtext\c!right
+ \dostopattributes}
+ {\dostopdelimitedtext
+ \popdelimitedtext
+ \egroup}
+ {\globalpushmacro\currentdelimitedtext
+ \def\currentdelimitedtext{#1}%
+ \doglobal\incrementvalue{\??ci\currentdelimitedtext\c!level}}
+ {\doglobal\decrementvalue{\??ci\currentdelimitedtext\c!level}%
+ \globalpopmacro\currentdelimitedtext}
+ {\pushdelimitedtext{#1}%
+ \doifelse{\delimitedtextparameter\c!method}\s!font
+ {\dofontdrivendelimited}
+ {\doifinsetelse{\delimitedtextparameter\c!location}{\v!paragraph,\v!margin}%
+ \dodelimitedtextpar\dodelimitedtexttxt}}
+% shortcuts
+\def\stopdelimited {\stopdelimitedtext} % no let, dynamically assigned
+\def\delimited {\delimitedtext}
+ {\doifsomething{\delimitedtextparameter\c!left}
+ {\setbox\scratchbox\hbox{\delimitedtextparameter\c!left}%
+ \dontleavehmode
+ \doif{\delimitedtextparameter\c!location}\v!margin{\hskip-\wd\scratchbox}%
+ \box\scratchbox}}
+ {\doifsomething{\delimitedtextparameter\c!right}
+ {\hsmash{\delimitedtextparameter\c!right}}}
+% \starttext
+% \hyphenatedword{groepsvrijstellingsverordeningen}\par
+% \hyphenatedword{\quote{groepsvrijstellingsverordeningen}}\par
+% \dorecurse{100}{\hskip300pt\hskip\recurselevel pt test \quote{xxx xxxx}.\par}
+% \page \setuppapersize[A5][A4]
+% \quotation {overly beautiful pusillanimous sesquipedalian
+% longwinded} test test test test test test test test test test test
+% test test test test test test test test test test test test test
+% test test test test test test test test test test test test test
+% test test test test test test test test test test test test test
+% test test test
+% \stoptext
+ {\begingroup
+ \setbox\scratchbox\hbox{\delimitedtextparameter#1}%
+ \ifdim\wd\scratchbox>\zeropoint
+% \ifdim\lastskip=\delimitedtextsignal
+% \unskip
+ \ifdim\lastkern=\delimitedtextsignal
+ \unkern
+ \hskip\hspaceamount\currentlanguage{interquotation}%
+ \else
+ #2%
+ \fi
+ \ifhmode % else funny pagebeaks
+ \penalty\!!tenthousand
+ \hskip\zeropoint % == \prewordbreak
+ \fi
+ \strut % new, needed below
+ \delimitedtextparameter#1% unhbox\scratchbox
+% \penalty\!!tenthousand % else overfull boxes, but that's better than dangling periods
+ \kern\delimitedtextsignal % +- \prewordbreak
+ \fi
+ \endgroup}
+ {\begingroup
+ \setbox\scratchbox\hbox{\delimitedtextparameter#1}%
+ \ifdim\wd\scratchbox>\zeropoint
+ \ifdim\lastkern=\delimitedtextsignal
+ \unkern
+ \hskip\hspaceamount\currentlanguage{interquotation}%
+ \else\ifdim\lastskip=\delimitedtextsignal
+ \unskip
+ \hskip\hspaceamount\currentlanguage{interquotation}%
+ \else
+ #2%
+ \fi\fi
+ \strut % new, needed below
+ \ifhmode % else funny pagebeaks
+ \penalty\!!tenthousand
+ \hskip\zeropoint % == \prewordbreak
+ \fi
+ \strut % new, needed below
+ \delimitedtextparameter#1% unhbox\scratchbox
+ \hskip\delimitedtextsignal % +- \prewordbreak
+ \fi
+ \endgroup}
+ {\begingroup
+ \setbox\scratchbox\hbox{\delimitedtextparameter#1}%
+ \ifdim\wd\scratchbox>\zeropoint
+ \ifdim\lastkern=\delimitedtextsignal
+ \unkern
+ \hskip\hspaceamount\currentlanguage{interquotation}%
+ \else\ifdim\lastskip=\delimitedtextsignal
+ \unskip
+ \hskip\hspaceamount\currentlanguage{interquotation}%
+ \else
+ #2%
+ \fi\fi
+ \ifhmode % else funny pagebeaks
+ \penalty\!!tenthousand
+ \hskip\zeropoint % == \prewordbreak
+ \fi
+ \strut % new, needed below
+ \delimitedtextparameter#1% unhbox\scratchbox
+ \kern\delimitedtextsignal % +- \prewordbreak
+ \fi
+ \endgroup}
+ {\delimitedtextparameter#1}
+ {\dohandledelimitedtext{#1}\relax}
+ {\dohandleleftdelimitedtext{#1}\relax}
+ {\dohandlerightdelimitedtext{#1}\relax}
+ {\dohandleleftdelimitedtext\c!left\relax
+ \groupedcommand
+ \donothing
+ {\dohandlerightdelimitedtext\c!right\removelastskip
+ \popdelimitedtext}}
+ {\doifelse{\delimitedtextparameter\c!style}\v!normal
+ \doquoteddelimited\doattributeddelimited}
+ {\dohandleleftdelimitedtext\c!left\relax
+ \groupedcommand
+ \donothing
+ {\dohandlerightdelimitedtext\c!right
+ \removelastskip
+ \popdelimitedtext}}
+ {\groupedcommand
+ {\dostartattributes{\??ci\currentdelimitedtext}\c!style\c!color}
+ {\dostopattributes
+ \popdelimitedtext}}
+ {\simplegroupedcommand
+ {\languageparameter{\c!left\currentdelimitedtext}}
+ {\languageparameter{\c!right\currentdelimitedtext}%
+ \popdelimitedtext}}
+% testcase for nesting:
+% \quotation{... \quotation{...} ...}
+% \startquotation ... \startquotation... \quotation{...} \stopquotation\space ...\stopquotation
+% \setupdelimitedtext[quotation][1][left=(,right=)]
+% \setupdelimitedtext[quotation][2][left={[},right={]}]
+% \setupdelimitedtext[quotation][3][left=\{,right=\}]
+% \quotation{... \quotation{...} ...}
+% \startquotation ... \startquotation... \quotation{...} \stopquotation\space ...\stopquotation
+ [\v!quotation]
+ [\c!left={\symbol[\c!leftquotation]},
+ \c!right={\symbol[\c!rightquotation]},
+ \c!leftmargin=\v!standard]
+ [\v!quote][\v!quotation]
+ [\v!quote]
+ [\c!location=\v!text,
+ \c!left={\symbol[\c!leftquote]},
+ \c!right={\symbol[\c!rightquote]}]
+ [\v!blockquote][\v!quotation]
+ [\v!blockquote]
+ [\c!left=,
+ \c!right=]
+ [\v!speech][\v!quotation]
+ [\v!speech]
+ [\c!repeat=\v!yes,
+ \c!left={\symbol[\c!leftspeech]},
+ \c!middle={\symbol[\c!middlespeech]},
+ \c!right={\symbol[\c!rightspeech]}]
+% how do we call an tight quote
+% \definedelimitedtext
+% [\v!quotation][\v!quotation]
+% \setupdelimitedtext
+% [\v!quotation]
+% [\c!indentnext=\v!no,
+% \c!spacebefore=\v!nowhite]
+\def\setupquote {\setupdelimitedtext[\v!quote]}
+% seldom used, move from kernel to run time module
+\ifx\tfx\undefined \let\tfx\relax \fi
+ {\dosingleempty\dobasegrid}
+ {\begingroup
+ \getparameters[\??rt]
+ [\c!x=0,\c!y=0,
+ \c!nx=10,\c!ny=10,
+ \c!dx=.5,\c!dy=.5,
+ \c!xstep=0,\c!ystep=0,
+ \c!unit=\s!cm,
+ \c!scale=1,
+ \c!factor=1,
+ \c!offset=\v!yes,
+ \c!location=\v!left,
+ #1]%
+ \startpositioning
+ \dimen0=\@@rtdx\@@rtunit\relax
+ \dimen0=\@@rtscale\dimen0\relax
+ \dimen0=\@@rtfactor\dimen0\relax
+ \multiply\dimen0 \@@rtnx\relax
+ \dimen2=\@@rtdy\@@rtunit\relax
+ \dimen2=\@@rtscale\dimen2\relax
+ \dimen2=\@@rtfactor\dimen2\relax
+ \multiply\dimen2 \@@rtny\relax
+ \def\horline
+ {\vbox
+ {\hrule
+ \!!width \dimen0
+ \!!height \linewidth
+ \!!depth \!!zeropoint}}%
+ \def\verline%
+ {\vrule
+ \!!width \linewidth
+ \!!height \dimen2
+ \!!depth \!!zeropoint}%
+ \doglobal\newcounter\@@gridc
+ \doglobal\newcounter\@@gridd
+ \doglobal\newcounter\@@gride
+ \def\setlegend##1##2##3%
+ {\gdef\@@gridc{0}%
+ \dimen0=2em\relax
+ \dimen2=##2\@@rtunit\relax
+ \dimen2=\@@rtscale\dimen2\relax
+ \dimen2=\@@rtfactor\dimen2\relax
+ \divide\dimen0 \dimen2\relax
+ \xdef\@@gride{\number\dimen0}%
+ \ifnum\@@gride>50
+ \gdef\@@gride{100}%
+ \else\ifnum\@@gride>10
+ \gdef\@@gride{50}%
+ \else\ifnum\@@gride>5
+ \gdef\@@gride{10}%
+ \else\ifnum\@@gride>1
+ \gdef\@@gride{5}%
+ \else
+ \gdef\@@gride{1}%
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi
+ \gdef\@@gridd{0}%
+ \def\legend
+ {\ifnum\@@gridd=\zerocount
+ \vbox
+ {\increment(\@@gridc,##1)%
+ \hbox to 2em{\hss\@@gridc\hss}}%
+ \global\let\@@gridd=\@@gride
+ \fi
+ \doglobal\decrement\@@gridd
+ \doglobal\increment(\@@gridc,##1)}}%
+ \def\draw##1##2##3##4##5##6##7##8##9%
+ {\setuppositioning
+ [\c!state=##8,
+ \c!xstep=\v!absolute,
+ \c!ystep=\v!absolute,
+ \c!unit=\@@rtunit,
+ \c!scale=\@@rtscale,
+ \c!factor=\@@rtfactor,
+ \c!offset=\@@rtoffset,
+ \c!xoffset=##6,
+ \c!yoffset=##7]%
+ \doifelse{##9}\v!middle
+ {\scratchdimen##3pt\scratchdimen.5\scratchdimen
+ \edef\@@psxx{\withoutpt\the\scratchdimen}%
+ \scratchdimen##4pt\scratchdimen.5\scratchdimen
+ \edef\@@psyy{\withoutpt\the\scratchdimen}%
+ \scratchcounter##2\advance\scratchcounter -1
+ \edef\@@pszz{\the\scratchcounter}}
+ {\edef\@@psxx{0}\edef\@@psyy{0}\edef\@@pszz{##2}}%
+ \position(\@@psxx,\@@psyy){##1}%
+ \setuppositioning
+ [\c!state=##8,
+ \c!xstep=\v!relative,
+ \c!ystep=\v!relative,
+ \c!scale=\@@rtscale,
+ \c!factor=\@@rtfactor,
+ \c!offset=\@@rtoffset,
+ \c!unit=\@@rtunit]%
+ \dorecurse\@@pszz{\position(##3,##4){##5}}}%
+ \draw
+ \verline\@@rtnx\@@rtdx0\verline\!!zeropoint\!!zeropoint\v!start\empty
+ \draw
+ \horline\@@rtny0\@@rtdy\horline\!!zeropoint\!!zeropoint\v!start\empty
+ \tfx
+ \doifnot\@@rtxstep{0}
+ {\setlegend\@@rtxstep\@@rtdx\@@rtx
+ \draw\legend\@@rtnx\@@rtdx0\legend{-1em}{-1.5em}\v!overlay\@@rtlocation}%
+ \doifnot\@@rtystep{0}
+ {\setlegend\@@rtystep\@@rtdy\@@rty
+ \draw\legend\@@rtny0\@@rtdy\legend{-2em}{-.75ex}\v!overlay\@@rtlocation}%
+ \stoppositioning
+ \endgroup}
+% Dit wordt:
+% \doorverwijzen[naam][instellingen] enz.
+% waarbij <naam> bijvoorbeeld publicatie is. Dit levert:
+% \start<naam>
+% \stop<naam>
+% \beginvan<naam>
+% \eindvan<naam>
+% \publicatie
+% \volledigelijstmetpublicaties
+% eigenlijk kan ook door... zo worden uitgebreid!
+% old, will become obsolete or module, replace by bib module
+% \defineenumeration
+% [@publicatie]
+% [\c!location=\v!left,
+% \c!width=\@@pbwidth,\c!hang=,\c!sample=,
+% \c!before=\@@pbbefore,\c!after=\@@pbafter,\c!inbetween=,
+% \c!headstyle=\@@pbheadstyle,\c!style=,
+% \c!headcolor=\@@pbheadcolor,\c!color=,
+% \c!way=\@@pbway,\c!blockway=\@@pbblockway,
+% \c!text=,\c!left=\@@pbleft,\c!right=\@@pbright]
+% \def\dosetuppublications[#1]%
+% {\getparameters[\??pb][#1]}
+% \def\setuppublications%
+% {\dosingleargument\dosetuppublications}
+% \def\apa@publicatie
+% {\doifsomething\@@pb@naam {\@@pb@naam,\space}%
+% \doifsomething\@@pb@titel {{\sl\@@pb@titel}.\space}%
+% \doifsomething\@@pb@jaar {(\@@pb@jaar).\space}%
+% \doifsomething\@@pb@plaats {\@@pb@plaats\doifelsenothing\@@pb@uitgever{.}{:\space}}%
+% \doifsomething\@@pb@uitgever{\@@pb@uitgever.}}
+% \def\normaal@publicatie
+% {\@@pb@naam, \@@pb@titel, \@@pb@jaar, \@@pb@pagina, \@@pb@plaats, \@@pb@uitgever.}
+% \def\complexstartpublicatie[#1]#2\stoppublicatie
+% {\bgroup
+% \def\dosetpublicatie
+% {\processcommalist
+% [naam,titel,jaar,plaats,pagina,uitgever]
+% \setpublicatie
+% \ignorespaces}%
+% \def\setpublicatie##1%
+% {\letvalue{\??pb @##1}\empty
+% \setvalue{##1}####1{\setvalue{\??pb @##1}{####1}\ignorespaces}}%
+% \def\getpublicatie%
+% {\doifsomething\@@pbalternative{\getvalue{\@@pbalternative @publicatie}}}%
+% \doifelse\@@pbnumbering\v!yes
+% {\@publicatie[#1]\dosetpublicatie#2\getpublicatie\par}%
+% {\@@pbbefore
+% \dosetpublicatie\ignorespaces#2\getpublicatie
+% \@@pbafter}%
+% \egroup}
+% \definecomplexorsimpleempty\startpublicatie
+% \def\publication#1[#2]%
+% {\@@pbleft\in{#1}[#2]\@@pbright}
+% \setuppublications
+% [\c!numbering=\v!yes,
+% \c!alternative=\c!apa,
+% \c!width=2em,
+% \c!hang=,
+% \c!sample=,
+% \c!before=,
+% \c!after=,
+% \c!inbetween=,
+% \c!headstyle=,
+% \c!headcolor=,
+% \c!style=,
+% \c!color=,
+% \c!blockway=\v!by\v!text,
+% \c!way=\v!by\v!text,
+% \c!text=,
+% \c!left={[},
+% \c!right={]}]
+% only used at pragma, move from kernel to run time module
+ {\currentdate[\v!referral]}
+ {\noheaderandfooterlines
+ \bgroup
+ \getparameters
+ [\??km]
+ [\c!bet=\unknown,\c!dat=\unknown,\c!ken=\unknown,
+ \c!from=,\c!to=,\c!ref=,#1]%
+ % moet anders, hoort niet in 01b
+ \assigntranslation[\s!nl=referentie,\s!en=reference,\s!de=Referenz,\s!hr=referenca,\s!sp=referencia]\to\@@@kmref
+ \assigntranslation[\s!nl=van,\s!en=from,\s!de=Von,\s!hr=od,\s!sp=de]\to\@@@kmvan
+ \assigntranslation[\s!nl=aan,\s!en=to,\s!de=An,\s!hr=za,\s!sp=a]\to\@@@kmaan
+ \assigntranslation[\s!nl=betreft,\s!en=concerns,\s!de=Betreff,\s!hr=predmet,\s!sp=]\to\@@@kmbet
+ \assigntranslation[\s!nl=datum,\s!en=date,\s!de=Datum,\s!hr=datum,\s!sp=fecha]\to\@@@kmdat
+ \assigntranslation[\s!nl=kenmerk,\s!en=mark,\s!de=Kennzeichen,\s!hr=oznaka,\s!sp=]\to\@@@kmken
+ %
+ \definetabulate[\s!dummy][|l|p|]
+ \startdummy
+ \NC\@@@kmbet\EQ\@@kmbet\NC\NR
+ \NC\@@@kmdat\EQ\@@kmdat\NC\NR
+ \NC\@@@kmken\EQ\expanded{\smallcapped{\@@kmken}}\NC\NR
+ \doifsomething{\@@kmfrom\@@kmto}{\NC\NC\NC\NR}%
+ \doifsomething \@@kmfrom {\NC\@@@kmvan\EQ\@@kmfrom\NC\NR}%
+ \doifsomething \@@kmto {\NC\@@@kmaan\EQ\@@kmto\NC\NR}%
+ \doifsomething \@@kmref {\NC\NC\NC\NR\NC\@@@kmref\EQ\@@kmref\NC\NR}%
+ \stopdummy
+ \egroup}
+ {\dosingleargument\doreferral}
+% FUZZY OLD STUFF: will be removed when not used in some manual;
+% rows instead of columns, i'd forgotten that this code exist
+% \definesystemvariable{ri}
+% \def\setuprows
+% {\dodoubleargument\getparameters[\??ri]}
+% \definecomplexorsimpleempty\startrows
+% \def\complexstartrows[#1]%
+% {\bgroup
+% \setuprows[#1]%
+% \let\do@@ribottom\relax
+% \def\row
+% {\do@@ribottom
+% \egroup
+% \dimen0\vsize
+% \divide\dimen0 \@@rin
+% \advance\dimen0 -\lineskip
+% \vbox to \dimen0
+% \bgroup
+% \@@ritop
+% \let\do@@ribottom\@@ribottom
+% \ignorespaces}%
+% \bgroup
+% \row}
+% \def\stoprows
+% {\do@@ribottom
+% \egroup
+% \egroup}
+% \setuprows
+% [\c!n=2,
+% \c!top=,
+% \c!bottom=\vfill]
+% messages moved
+% messages moved
+% messages moved
+% messages moved
+% messages moved
+% messages moved
+% messages moved
+% messages moved
+ [\v!legend]
+ [|emj1|i1|mR|]
+ [\v!legend]
+ [\c!unit=.75em,\c!inner=\setquicktabulate\leg,EQ={=}]
+ [\v!legend][\v!two]
+ [|emj1|emk1|i1|mR|]
+ [\v!fact]
+ [|R|ecmj1|i1mR|]
+ [\v!fact]
+ [\c!unit=.75em,\c!inner=\setquicktabulate\fact,EQ={=}]
+ {\bgroup\aftergroup\egroup\hbox\bgroup\tx\let\next=}
+ {\bgroup\aftergroup\egroup\hbox\bgroup\txx\let\next=}
+% \def\mrm#1%
+% {$\rm#1$}
+%D \macros
+%D {definepairedbox, setuppairedbox, placepairedbox}
+%D Paired boxes, formally called legends, but from now on a
+%D legend is just an instance, are primarily meant for
+%D typesetting some text alongside an illustration. Although
+%D there is quite some variation possible, the functionality is
+%D kept simple, if only because in most cases such pairs are
+%D typeset sober.
+%D The location specification accepts a pair, where the first
+%D keyword specifies the arrangement, and the second one the
+%D alignment. The first key of the location pair is one of
+%D \type {left}, \type {right}, \type {top} or \type {bottom},
+%D while the second key can also be \type {middle}.
+%D The first box is just collected in an horizontal box, but
+%D the second one is a vertical box that gets passed the
+%D bodyfont and alignment settings.
+%D Today we would implement this using layers .... but for the
+%D moment we keep it this way.
+% \startbuffer[test]
+% \test left \test left,top \test left,bottom \test left,middle
+% \test right \test right,top \test right,bottom \test right,middle
+% \test top \test top,left \test top,right \test top,middle
+% \test bottom \test bottom,left \test bottom,right \test bottom,middle
+% \stopbuffer
+% \def\showtest#1%
+% {\pagina
+% \typebuffer[demo]
+% \def\test##1
+% {\startlinecorrection[blank]
+% \getbuffer[demo]%
+% \ruledhbox\placelegend
+% [bodyfont=6pt,location={##1}]
+% {\framed[width=.25\textwidth]{\tttf##1}}
+% {#1}
+% \stoplinecorrection}
+% \getbuffer[test]}
+% \startbuffer[demo]
+% \setuplegend
+% [width=\hsize,maxwidth=\makeupwidth,
+% height=\vsize,maxheight=\makeupheight]
+% \stopbuffer
+% \showtest{These examples demonstrate the default settings.}
+% \startbuffer[demo]
+% \setuplegend
+% [width=\textwidth,
+% maxwidth=\textwidth]
+% \stopbuffer
+% \showtest{\input tufte }
+% \startbuffer[demo]
+% \setuplegend
+% [width=.65\textwidth]
+% \stopbuffer
+% \showtest{\input knuth }
+% \startbuffer[demo]
+% \setuplegend
+% [height=2cm]
+% \stopbuffer
+% \showtest{These examples demonstrate some other settings.}
+% \startbuffer[demo]
+% \setuplegend
+% [width=.65\textwidth,
+% height=2cm]
+% \stopbuffer
+% \showtest{These examples demonstrate some other settings.}
+% \startbuffer[demo]
+% \setuplegend
+% [n=2,align=right,width=.5\textwidth]
+% \stopbuffer
+% \showtest{\input zapf }
+%D \macros
+%D {setuplegend, placelegend}
+%D It makes sense to typeset a legend to a figure in \TEX\
+%D and not in a drawing package. The macro \type {\placelegend}
+%D combines a figure (or something else) and its legend. This
+%D command is just a paired box.
+%D The legend is placed according to \type {location}, being
+%D \type {bottom} or \type {right}. The macro macro is used as
+%D follows.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \placefigure
+%D {whow}
+%D {\placelegend
+%D {\externalfigure[cow]}
+%D {\starttabulation
+%D \NC 1 \NC head \NC \NR
+%D \NC 2 \NC legs \NC \NR
+%D \NC 3 \NC tail \NC \NR
+%D \stoptabulation}}
+%D \placefigure
+%D {whow}
+%D {\placelegend
+%D {\externalfigure[cow]}
+%D {\starttabulation[|l|l|l|l|]
+%D \NC 1 \NC head \NC 3 \NC tail \NC \NR
+%D \NC 2 \NC legs \NC \NC \NC \NR
+%D \stoptabulation}}
+%D \placefigure
+%D {whow}
+%D {\placelegend[n=2]
+%D {\externalfigure[cow]}
+%D {\starttabulation
+%D \NC 1 \NC head \NC \NR
+%D \NC 2 \NC legs \NC \NR
+%D \NC 3 \NC tail \NC \NR
+%D \stoptabulation}}
+%D \placefigure
+%D {whow}
+%D {\placelegend[n=2]
+%D {\externalfigure[cow]}
+%D {head \par legs \par tail}}
+%D \placefigure
+%D {whow}
+%D {\placelegend[n=2]
+%D {\externalfigure[cow]}
+%D {\startitemize[packed]
+%D \item head \item legs \item tail \item belly \item horns
+%D \stopitemize}}
+%D \placefigure
+%D {whow}
+%D {\placelegend[n=2,width=.8\hsize]
+%D {\externalfigure[cow]}
+%D {\startitemize[packed]
+%D \item head \item legs \item tail \item belly \item horns
+%D \stopitemize}}
+%D \stoptyping
+ {\dodoubleempty\dodefinepairedbox}
+ {\getparameters
+ [\??ld#1]
+ [\c!n=1,
+ \c!distance=\bodyfontsize,
+ \c!before=,
+ \c!after=,
+ \c!color=,
+ \c!style=,
+ \c!inbetween={\blank[\v!medium]},
+ \c!width=\hsize,
+ \c!height=\vsize,
+ \c!maxwidth=\textwidth, % \makeupwidth,
+ \c!maxheight=\textheight, % \makeupheight,
+ \c!bodyfont=,
+ \c!align=,
+ \c!location=\v!bottom,
+ #2]%
+ \setvalue{\e!setup#1\e!endsetup}{\setuppairedbox[#1]}%
+ \setvalue{\e!place#1}{\placepairedbox[#1]}}
+ {\dodoubleempty\dosetuppairedbox}
+ {\getparameters[\??ld#1]}
+ {\bgroup\dodoubleempty\doplacepairedbox}
+\def\doplacepairedbox[#1][#2]% watch the hsize/vsize tricks
+ {\setuppairedbox[#1][#2]% % and don't change them
+ \copyparameters % brrr
+ [\??ld][\??ld#1]
+ [\c!n,\c!distance,\c!inbetween,\c!before,\c!after,
+ \c!width,\c!height,\c!maxwidth,\c!maxheight,
+ \c!color,\c!style,\c!bodyfont,\c!align,\c!location]%
+ \@@ldbefore\bgroup
+ \global\setsystemmode{pairedbox}%
+ \beforefirstpairedbox
+ \dowithnextbox
+ {\betweenbothpairedboxes
+ \dowithnextbox
+ {\afterbothpairedboxes
+ \egroup\@@ldafter
+ \egroup}
+ \vbox\bgroup
+ \insidesecondpairedbox
+ \let\next=}
+ \hbox}
+ {\chardef\pairedlocationa1 % left
+ \chardef\pairedlocationb4 % middle
+ \getfromcommacommand[\@@ldlocation][1]%
+ \processaction
+ [\commalistelement]
+ [ \v!left=>\chardef\pairedlocationa0,
+ \v!right=>\chardef\pairedlocationa1,
+ \v!top=>\chardef\pairedlocationa2,
+ \v!bottom=>\chardef\pairedlocationa3]%
+ \getfromcommacommand[\@@ldlocation][2]%
+ \processaction
+ [\commalistelement]
+ [ \v!left=>\chardef\pairedlocationb0,
+ \v!right=>\chardef\pairedlocationb1,
+ \v!high=>\chardef\pairedlocationb2,
+ \v!top=>\chardef\pairedlocationb2,
+ \v!low=>\chardef\pairedlocationb3,
+ \v!bottom=>\chardef\pairedlocationb3,
+ \v!middle=>\chardef\pairedlocationb4]}
+ {\switchtobodyfont[\@@ldbodyfont]% split under same regime
+ \setbox\firstpairedbox\flushnextbox
+ \ifnum\pairedlocationa<2
+ \hsize\wd\firstpairedbox % trick
+ \hsize\@@ldwidth
+ \scratchdimen\wd\firstpairedbox
+ \advance\scratchdimen \@@lddistance
+ \bgroup\advance\scratchdimen \hsize
+ \ifdim\scratchdimen>\@@ldmaxwidth\relax
+ \egroup
+ \hsize\@@ldmaxwidth
+ \advance\hsize -\scratchdimen
+ \else
+ \egroup
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \hsize\wd\firstpairedbox
+ \hsize\@@ldwidth % can be \hsize
+ \ifdim\hsize>\@@ldmaxwidth\relax \hsize\@@ldmaxwidth \fi % can be \hsize
+ \fi
+ \ifnum\@@ldn>\plusone
+ \setrigidcolumnhsize\hsize\@@lddistance\@@ldn
+ \fi}
+ {\setbox\secondpairedbox\vbox
+ {% \localstartcolor[\@@ldcolor]% does not work yet
+ \ifnum\@@ldn>1
+ \rigidcolumnbalance\nextbox
+ \else
+ \flushnextbox
+ \fi
+ }% \localstopcolor}%
+ \ifnum\pairedlocationa<2\hbox\else\vbox\fi\bgroup % hide vsize
+ \forgetall
+ \ifnum\pairedlocationa<2
+ \scratchdimen\maxoftwoboxdimens\ht\firstpairedbox\secondpairedbox
+ \vsize\scratchdimen
+ \ifdim\scratchdimen<\@@ldheight\relax % can be \vsize
+ \scratchdimen\@@ldheight
+ \fi
+ \ifdim\scratchdimen>\@@ldmaxheight\relax
+ \scratchdimen\@@ldmaxheight
+ \fi
+ \valignpairedbox\firstpairedbox \scratchdimen
+ \valignpairedbox\secondpairedbox\scratchdimen
+ \else
+ \scratchdimen\maxoftwoboxdimens\wd\firstpairedbox\secondpairedbox
+ \halignpairedbox\firstpairedbox \scratchdimen
+ \halignpairedbox\secondpairedbox\scratchdimen
+ \scratchdimen\ht\secondpairedbox
+ \vsize\scratchdimen
+ \ifdim\ht\secondpairedbox<\@@ldheight\relax % can be \vsize
+ \scratchdimen\@@ldheight\relax % \relax needed
+ \fi
+ \ifdim\scratchdimen>\@@ldmaxheight\relax % todo: totale hoogte
+ \scratchdimen\@@ldmaxheight\relax % \relax needed
+ \fi
+ \ifdim\scratchdimen>\ht\secondpairedbox
+ \setbox\secondpairedbox\vbox to \scratchdimen
+ {\ifnum\pairedlocationa=3 \vss\fi %
+ \box\secondpairedbox
+ \ifnum\pairedlocationa=2 \vss\fi}% \kern\zeropoint
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \ifcase\pairedlocationa
+ \box\secondpairedbox\hskip\@@lddistance\box\firstpairedbox \or
+ \box\firstpairedbox \hskip\@@lddistance\box\secondpairedbox\or
+ \box\secondpairedbox\endgraf \nointerlineskip \@@ldinbetween \box\firstpairedbox \or
+ \box\firstpairedbox \endgraf \nointerlineskip \@@ldinbetween \box\secondpairedbox\else
+ \fi
+ \egroup}
+ {\forgetall
+ \setupalign[\@@ldalign]%
+ \tolerantTABLEbreaktrue % hm.
+ \blank[\v!disable]%
+ \everypar{\begstrut}}
+ {#1\ifdim#1#2>#1#3 #2\else#3\fi}
+ {\setbox#1\vbox to #2
+ {\ifcase\pairedlocationb\or\or\or\vss\or\vss\fi
+ \box#1\relax
+ \ifcase\pairedlocationb\or\or\vss\or\or\vss\fi}}
+ {\setbox#1\hbox to #2
+ {\ifcase\pairedlocationb\or\hss\or\or\or\hss\fi
+ \box#1\relax
+ \ifcase\pairedlocationb\hss\or\or\or\or\hss\fi}}
+%D Goody:
+ \global\resetsystemmode{combination}%
+ \global\resetsystemmode{pairedbox}%
+\to \everyinsidefloat
+% todo: \startcombination \startcomb \stopcomb ...
+\newcount\horcombination % counter
+ {\dodoubleempty\dodefinecombination}
+ {\copyparameters
+ [\??co#1][\??co]
+ [\c!width,\c!height,\c!distance,\c!location,%
+ \c!before,\c!inbetween,\c!after,\c!align,%
+ \c!style,\c!color]%
+ \getparameters
+ [\??co#1][#2]}
+ {\dodoubleempty\dosetupcombinations}
+ {\ifsecondargument
+ \getparameters[\??co#1][#2]%
+ \else
+ \getparameters[\??co][#1]%
+ \fi}
+ {\csname\??co\currentcombination#1\endcsname}%
+ {\bgroup % so we can grab a group
+ \dodoubleempty\dostartcombination}
+% \startcombination {alpha} {a} {beta} {b} \stopcombination
+% \startcombination[2*1] {alpha} {a} {beta} {b} \stopcombination
+% \startcombination[1*2] {alpha} {a} {beta} {b} \stopcombination
+% \startcombination[2] {alpha} {a} {beta} {b} \stopcombination
+ {\global\setsystemmode{combination}%
+ \doifnothing{#1}\firstargumentfalse % to be sure (when called in macros)
+ \doifnothing{#2}\secondargumentfalse % to be sure (when called in macros)
+ \ifsecondargument
+ \def\currentcombination{#1}%
+ \edef\currentcombinationspec{#2*1*}%
+ \else % better : \doifcombinationelse ... \??co#1\c!location
+ \doifinstringelse{*}{#1}
+ {\let\currentcombination\empty
+ \edef\currentcombinationspec{#1*1*}}
+ {\doifnumberelse{#1}
+ {\let\currentcombination\empty
+ \edef\currentcombinationspec{#1*1*}}
+ {\def\currentcombination{#1}%
+ \edef\currentcombinationspec{2*1*}}}%
+ \fi
+ \forgetall
+ \doifelse{\combinationparameter\c!height}\v!fit
+ \vbox {\vbox to \combinationparameter\c!height}%
+ \bgroup
+ \expanded{\dodostartcombination[\currentcombinationspec]}}
+ {\setuphorizontaldivision
+ [\c!n=\v!fit,\c!distance=\combinationparameter\c!distance]%
+ \global\horcombination#1%
+ \global\totcombination#2%
+ \global\setbox\combinationstack\emptybox
+ \xdef\maxhorcombination{\the\horcombination}%
+ \multiply\totcombination\horcombination
+ \tabskip\zeropoint
+ \doifelse{\combinationparameter\c!width}\v!fit
+ {\halign}{\halign to \combinationparameter\c!width}%
+ \bgroup&%
+ %\hfil##\hfil% now : location={left,top}
+ \expanded{\doifnotinset{\v!left}{\combinationparameter\c!location}}\hfil
+ ##%
+ \expanded{\doifnotinset{\v!right}{\combinationparameter\c!location}}\hfil
+ &\tabskip\zeropoint \!!plus 1fill##\cr
+ \docombination}
+\def\docombination % we want to add struts but still ignore an empty box
+ {\dowithnextbox
+ {\setbox0\flushnextbox
+ \dowithnextbox
+ {\setbox2\flushnextbox
+ \dodocombination}%
+ \vtop\bgroup
+ \def\next
+ {\futurelet\nexttoken\nextnext}%
+ \def\nextnext
+ {\ifx\nexttoken\egroup \else % the next box is empty
+ \hsize\wd0
+ \setupalign[\combinationparameter\c!align]%
+ \dostartattributes{\??co\currentcombination}\c!style\c!color\empty
+ \bgroup
+ \aftergroup\endstrut
+ \aftergroup\dostopattributes
+ \aftergroup\egroup
+ \begstrut
+ \fi}%
+ \afterassignment\next\let\nexttoken=}
+ \hbox}
+% stupid version, does not align top stuff when captions,
+% keep as example
+% \def\dodocombination
+% {\vbox
+% {\forgetall % \setupwhitespace[\v!none]%
+% \let\next\vbox
+% \ExpandFirstAfter\processallactionsinset
+% [\combinationparameter\c!location]
+% [ \v!top=>\let\next\tbox,
+% \v!middle=>\let\next\halfwaybox]%
+% \next{\copy0}%
+% \ifdim\ht2>\zeropoint % beter dan \wd2, nu \strut mogelijk
+% \combinationparameter\c!inbetween
+% %\vtop % wrong code
+% % {\nointerlineskip % recently added
+% % \hsize\wd0
+% % \setupalign[\combinationparameter\c!align]% % \raggedcenter
+% % \begstrut\unhbox2\endstrut}%
+% \box2
+% \fi}%
+% \ifnum\totcombination>\plusone
+% \global\advance\totcombination\minusone
+% \global\advance\horcombination\minusone
+% \ifnum\horcombination=\zerocount
+% \def\next
+% {\cr\noalign
+% {\forgetall % \setupwhitespace[\v!geen]% no
+% \nointerlineskip
+% \combinationparameter\c!before
+% \combinationparameter\c!after
+% \vss
+% \nointerlineskip}%
+% \global\horcombination\maxhorcombination\relax
+% \docombination}%
+% \else
+% \def\next
+% {&&&\hskip\combinationparameter\c!distance&\docombination}%
+% \fi
+% \else
+% \def\next
+% {\cr\egroup}%
+% \fi
+% \next}
+% \def\dodocombination
+% {\vbox
+% {\forgetall % \setupwhitespace[\v!none]%
+% \let\next\vbox
+% \ExpandFirstAfter\processallactionsinset
+% [\combinationparameter\c!plaats]
+% [ \v!top=>\let\next\tbox,
+% \v!middle=>\let\next\halfwaybox]%
+% \next{\copy0}%
+% % we need to save the caption for a next alignment line
+% \saveoncombinationstack2}%
+% \ifnum\totcombination>\plusone
+% \global\advance\totcombination\minusone
+% \global\advance\horcombination\minusone
+% \ifnum\horcombination=\zerocount
+% \def\next
+% {\cr
+% \flushcombinationstack
+% \noalign
+% {\forgetall % \setupwhitespace[\v!none]% no
+% \global\setbox\combinationstack\emptybox
+% \nointerlineskip
+% \combinationparameter\c!after
+% \combinationparameter\c!before
+% \vss
+% \nointerlineskip}%
+% \global\horcombination\maxhorcombination\relax
+% \docombination}%
+% \else
+% \def\next
+% {&&&\hskip\combinationparameter\c!distance&\docombination}%
+% \fi
+% \else
+% \def\next
+% {\cr
+% \flushcombinationstack
+% \egroup}%
+% \fi
+% \next}
+ {\dowithnextbox{\vtop{\hsize\wd\nextbox\kern\zeropoint\box\nextbox}}\vbox}
+% \def\boxwithstrutheight
+% {\dowithnextbox
+% {\scratchdimen\strutheight
+% \advance\scratchdimen-\nextboxht
+% \hbox{\raise\scratchdimen\box\nextbox}}%
+% \vbox}
+ {\vbox
+ {\forgetall % \setupwhitespace[\v!none]%
+ \let\next\vbox
+ \expanded{\processallactionsinset[\combinationparameter\c!location]}
+ [ \v!top=>\let\next\depthonlybox, % \tbox,
+ \v!middle=>\let\next\halfwaybox]%
+ \next{\copy0}%
+ % we need to save the caption for a next alignment line
+ \saveoncombinationstack2}%
+ \ifnum\totcombination>\plusone
+ \global\advance\totcombination\minusone
+ \global\advance\horcombination\minusone
+ \ifnum\horcombination=\zerocount
+ \def\next
+ {\cr
+ \flushcombinationstack
+ \noalign
+ {\forgetall % \setupwhitespace[\v!none]% no
+ \global\setbox\combinationstack\emptybox
+ \nointerlineskip
+ \combinationparameter\c!after
+ \combinationparameter\c!before
+ \vss
+ \nointerlineskip}%
+ \global\horcombination\maxhorcombination\relax
+ \docombination}%
+ \else
+ \def\next
+ {&&&\hskip\combinationparameter\c!distance&\docombination}%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \def\next
+ {\cr
+ \flushcombinationstack
+ \egroup}%
+ \fi
+ \next}
+% formally ok:
+% \def\stopcombination
+% {\egroup
+% \egroup}
+% more robust:
+% \def\stopcombination
+% {{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}% catches (at most 4) missing entries
+% \egroup
+% \egroup}
+% even better:
+ {{\scratchtoks{{}{}{}}\dorecurse\totcombination{\appendtoks{}{}{}{}\to\scratchtoks}\expandafter}\the\scratchtoks
+ \egroup
+ \egroup}
+ {\global\setbox\combinationstack\hbox
+ {\hbox{\box#1}\unhbox\combinationstack}}
+ {\noalign
+ {\ifdim\ht\combinationstack>\zeropoint
+\nointerlineskip % nieuw
+ \combinationparameter\c!inbetween
+ \global\horcombination\maxhorcombination
+ \globallet\doflushcombinationstack\dodoflushcombinationstack
+ \else
+ \global\setbox\combinationstack\emptybox
+ \globallet\doflushcombinationstack\donothing
+ \fi}%
+ \doflushcombinationstack\crcr}
+ {\global\setbox\combinationstack\hbox
+ {\unhbox\combinationstack
+ \global\setbox1\lastbox}%
+ \box1% \ruledhbox{\box1}%
+ \global\advance\horcombination\minusone\relax
+ \ifnum\horcombination>\zerocount
+ \def\next{&&&&\doflushcombinationstack}%
+ \else
+ \global\setbox\combinationstack\emptybox
+ %\let\next\relax
+ \@EA\gobbleoneargument
+ \fi
+ \next}
+ [\c!width=\v!fit,
+ \c!height=\v!fit,
+ \c!distance=1em,
+ \c!location=\v!bottom, % can be something {top,left}
+ \c!before=\blank,
+ \c!inbetween={\blank[\v!medium]},
+ \c!style=,
+ \c!color=,
+ \c!after=,
+ \c!align=\v!middle]
+%D \macros
+%D {startfloatcombination}
+%D \setupexternalfigures[directory={../sample}]
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \placefigure
+%D [left,none]
+%D {}
+%D {\startfloatcombination[2*2]
+%D \placefigure{alpha}{\externalfigure[cow.pdf][width=1cm]}
+%D \placefigure{beta} {\externalfigure[cow.pdf][width=2cm]}
+%D \placefigure{gamma}{\externalfigure[cow.pdf][width=3cm]}
+%D \placefigure{delta}{\externalfigure[cow.pdf][width=4cm]}
+%D \stopfloatcombination}
+%D \input tufte
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer \getbuffer
+ {\dodoubleempty\dostartfloatcombination}
+ {\vbox\bgroup
+ %\insidecolumnstrue % trick, forces no centering, todo: proper switch/feature
+ \chardef\postcenterfloatmethod\zerocount
+ \forcelocalfloats
+ \def\stopfloatcombination
+ {\scratchtoks\emptytoks
+ \dorecurse\noflocalfloats
+ {\appendetoks{\noexpand\getlocalfloat{\recurselevel}}{}\to\scratchtoks}%
+ \expanded{\startcombination[#1]\the\scratchtoks}\stopcombination
+ \resetlocalfloats
+ \egroup}}
+ {\bgroup
+ \dowithnextbox
+ {\bgroup
+ \setbox0\box\nextbox
+ \dowithnextbox
+ {\setbox2\box\nextbox
+ #1{#2#########2\cr\box0\cr\box2\cr}
+ \egroup
+ \egroup}
+ \hbox}
+ \hbox}
+\def\placesidebyside {\placerelativetoeachother\valign\vss}
+% this will be replaced or go away, never used
+ {\getparameters
+ [\??fi#1]
+ [\c!file=,
+ \c!bodyfont=,
+ \c!option=,
+ #2]}
+ {\dodoubleargument\douseexternalfiles}
+ {\doifundefinedelse{\??fi#1\c!file}
+ {\useexternalfiles[#1][#2]}
+ {\getparameters[\??fi#1][#2]}}
+ {\dodoubleargument\dostelexternefilesin}
+ {\bgroup
+ \getparameters[\??fi#1][\c!file=,#3]%
+ \doinputonce{\getvalue{\??fi#1\c!file}}%
+ \ExpandFirstAfter\switchtobodyfont[\getvalue{\??fi#1\c!bodyfont}]%
+ \readsysfile{#2} % beter: loc of fix gebied
+ \donothing
+ {\showmessage\m!systems{41}{#2,#1}}%
+ \egroup}
+ {\stelexternefilesin[#1][]%
+ \doinputonce{\getvalue{\??fi#1\c!file}}%
+ \doifelsenothing{#2}
+ {\setvalue{#3}{\verwerkexternefile{#1}{#3}{#4}}}
+ {\setvalue{#2}{\verwerkexternefile{#1}{#3}{#4}}}}
+ {\doquadrupleargument\douseexternalfile}
+ [pictex]
+ [\c!bodyfont=\v!small,
+ \c!file=pictex]
+ [table]
+ [\c!file=table]
+%D A couple of examples, demonstrating how the depth is
+%D taken care of:
+%D \startbuffer
+%D test\rotate[frame=on, rotation=0] {gans}%
+%D test\rotate[frame=on, rotation=90] {gans}%
+%D test\rotate[frame=on, rotation=180]{gans}%
+%D test\rotate[frame=on, rotation=270]{gans}%
+%D test
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer \getbuffer
+% When we rotate over arbitrary angles, we need to relocate the
+% resulting box because rotation brings that box onto the negative
+% axis. The calculations (mostly sin and cosine) need to be tuned for
+% the way a box is packages (i.e. the refence point). A typical example
+% of drawing, scribbling, and going back to the days of school math.
+% We do a bit more calculations than needed, simply because that way
+% it's easier to debug the code.
+ {\setbox\nextbox\vbox to \@@layerysiz
+ {\vfill
+ \hbox to \@@layerxsiz
+ {\dostartrotation\@@rorotation
+ \nextboxwd\zeropoint
+ \nextboxht\zeropoint
+ \flushnextbox
+ \dostoprotation
+ \hfill}%
+ \kern\@@layerypos}%
+ \setbox\nextbox\hbox
+ {\kern\@@layerxpos
+ \kern\@@layerxoff
+ \lower\@@layeryoff\flushnextbox}}
+\def\dodorotatenextbox#1#2% quite some trial and error -)
+ {\dontshowcomposition
+ \dontcomplain
+ \ifnum#2=\plusfour
+ % new, location=middle
+ \!!widthb \nextboxwd
+ \!!heightb\nextboxht
+ \!!depthb \nextboxdp
+ \setbox\nextbox\vbox{\vskip.5\nextboxht\hskip-.5\nextboxwd\flushnextbox}%
+ \smashbox\nextbox
+ \fi
+ \!!widtha \nextboxwd
+ \!!heighta\nextboxht
+ \!!deptha \nextboxdp
+ \!!doneafalse
+ \!!donebfalse
+ \ifcase#2\or
+ % 1: fit
+ \or
+ % 2: depth, not fit
+ \!!doneatrue
+ \!!donebtrue
+ \or
+ % 3: depth, fit
+ \!!donebtrue
+ \fi
+ \setbox\nextbox\vbox{\hbox{\raise\nextboxdp\flushnextbox}}%
+ \!!dimena \nextboxht
+ \setcalculatedcos\cos\@@rorotation
+ \setcalculatedsin\sin\@@rorotation
+ \@@layerxpos\zeropoint
+ \@@layerypos\zeropoint
+ \@@layerxoff\zeropoint
+ \@@layeryoff\zeropoint
+ \ifdim\sin\points>\zeropoint
+ \ifdim\cos\points>\zeropoint
+ \@@layerxsiz \cos\!!widtha
+ \@@layerysiz \sin\!!widtha
+ \advance\@@layerxsiz \sin\!!dimena
+ \advance\@@layerysiz \cos\!!dimena
+ \@@layerypos \cos\!!dimena
+ \if!!donea
+ \@@layerxoff \negated\sin\!!dimena
+ \advance\@@layerxoff \sin\!!deptha
+ \fi
+ \if!!doneb
+ \@@layeryoff \cos\!!deptha
+ \fi
+ \dododorotatenextbox
+ \else
+ \@@layerxsiz \negated\cos\!!widtha
+ \@@layerysiz \sin\!!widtha
+ \advance\@@layerxsiz \sin\!!dimena
+ \advance\@@layerysiz \negated\cos\!!dimena
+ \@@layerxpos \negated\cos\!!widtha
+ \if!!donea
+ \@@layerxoff -\@@layerxsiz
+ \advance\@@layerxoff \sin\!!deptha
+ \fi
+ \if!!doneb
+ \@@layeryoff \negated\cos\!!heighta
+ \fi
+ \dododorotatenextbox
+ \wd\nextbox\if!!donea\sin\!!deptha\else\@@layerxsiz\fi
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \ifdim\cos\points<\zeropoint
+ \@@layerxsiz \negated\cos\!!widtha
+ \@@layerysiz \negated\sin\!!widtha
+ \advance\@@layerxsiz \negated\sin\!!dimena
+ \advance\@@layerysiz \negated\cos\!!dimena
+ \@@layerxpos \@@layerxsiz
+ \@@layerypos \negated\sin\!!widtha
+ \if!!donea
+ \@@layerxoff -\@@layerxsiz
+ \advance\@@layerxoff \negated\sin\!!heighta
+ \fi
+ \if!!doneb
+ \@@layeryoff \@@layerysiz
+ \advance\@@layeryoff \cos\!!deptha
+ \fi
+ \dododorotatenextbox
+ \wd\nextbox\if!!donea\negated\sin\!!heighta\else\@@layerxsiz\fi
+ \else
+ \@@layerxsiz \cos\!!widtha
+ \@@layerysiz \negated\sin\!!widtha
+ \advance\@@layerxsiz \negated\sin\!!dimena
+ \advance\@@layerysiz \cos\!!dimena
+ \ifdim\sin\points=\zeropoint
+ \@@layerxpos \zeropoint
+ \@@layerxoff \zeropoint
+ \@@layerypos \@@layerysiz
+ \if!!doneb
+ \@@layeryoff \!!deptha
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \@@layerypos \@@layerysiz
+ \@@layerxpos \negated\sin\!!dimena
+ \if!!donea
+ \@@layerxoff -\@@layerxsiz
+ \advance\@@layerxoff \negated\sin\!!heighta
+ \fi
+ \if!!doneb
+ \@@layeryoff \negated\sin\!!deptha
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \dododorotatenextbox
+ \ifdim\sin\points=\zeropoint
+ \else
+ \wd\nextbox\if!!donea\negated\sin\!!heighta\else\@@layerxsiz\fi
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ % new, location=middle
+ \ifnum#2=\plusfour
+ \setbox\nextbox\vbox{\vskip-.5\!!heightb\hskip.5\!!heightb\flushnextbox}%
+ \nextboxwd\!!widthb
+ \nextboxht\!!heightb
+ \nextboxdp\!!depthb
+ \fi}
+ {\doifsomething{#1}
+ {\edef\@@rorotation{\realnumber{#1}}% get rid of leading zeros and spaces
+ \setbox\nextbox\vbox{\flushnextbox}% not really needed
+ \dodorotatenextbox\@@rorotation#2}%
+ \hbox{\boxcursor\flushnextbox}}
+\def\dodorotatebox#1% {angle} \hbox/\vbox/\vtop
+ {\bgroup\hbox\bgroup % compatibility hack
+ \dowithnextbox
+ {\dorotatenextbox{#1}\plusone
+ \egroup\egroup}}
+\def\dorotatebox#1% {angle} \hbox/\vbox/\vtop
+ {\ifcase#1\relax
+ \expandafter\gobbleoneargument
+ \else
+ \expandafter\dodorotatebox
+ \fi{#1}}
+\unexpanded\def\rotate % \bgroup: \rotate kan argument zijn
+ {\bgroup\complexorsimpleempty\rotate}
+% \def\complexrotate[#1]% framed met diepte !
+% {\getparameters[\??ro][#1]%
+% \processaction
+% [\@@rolocation]
+% [ \v!depth=>\!!counta\plusthree\donefalse,% depth fit - raw box
+% \v!fit=>\!!counta\plustwo \donefalse,% depth tight - raw box
+% \v!broad=>\!!counta\plusone \donefalse,% nodepth fit - raw box
+% \v!high=>\!!counta\plusone \donetrue ,% nodepth fit - framed
+% \v!middle=>\!!counta\plusfour \donefalse,% centered, keep dimensions
+% \s!default=>\!!counta\plusthree\donetrue ,% depth fit - framed
+% \s!unknown=>\!!counta\plusthree\donetrue ]% depth fit - framed
+% \ifdone
+% \def\docommand{\localframed[\??ro][#1,\c!location=]}%
+% \else
+% \let\docommand\relax
+% \fi
+% \dowithnextbox{\dorotatenextbox\@@rorotation\!!counta\egroup}\vbox\docommand}
+\setvalue{\??ro::\c!location::\v!depth }{\!!counta\plusthree\donefalse} % depth fit - raw box
+\setvalue{\??ro::\c!location::\v!fit }{\!!counta\plustwo \donefalse} % depth tight - raw box
+\setvalue{\??ro::\c!location::\v!broad }{\!!counta\plusone \donefalse} % nodepth fit - raw box
+\setvalue{\??ro::\c!location::\v!high }{\!!counta\plusone \donetrue } % nodepth fit - framed
+\setvalue{\??ro::\c!location::\v!middle }{\!!counta\plusfour \donefalse} % centered, keep dimensions
+\setvalue{\??ro::\c!location::\v!default}{\!!counta\plusthree\donetrue } % depth fit - framed
+\def\complexrotate[#1]% framed met diepte !
+ {\getparameters[\??ro][#1]%
+ \executeifdefined{\??ro::\c!location::\@@rolocation}{\!!counta\plusthree\donetrue}%
+ \ifdone
+ \def\docommand{\localframed[\??ro][#1,\c!location=]}%
+ \else
+ \let\docommand\relax
+ \fi
+ \dowithnextbox{\dorotatenextbox\@@rorotation\!!counta\egroup}\vbox\docommand}
+ {\dodoubleargument\getparameters[\??ro]}
+ [\c!rotation=90,
+ \c!location=\v!normal,
+ \c!width=\v!fit,
+ \c!height=\v!fit,
+ \c!offset=\v!overlay,
+ \c!frame=\v!off]
+% \dostepwiserecurse{0}{360}{10}
+% {\startlinecorrection[blank]
+% \hbox
+% {\expanded{\setuprotate[rotation=\recurselevel]}%
+% \traceboxplacementtrue
+% \hbox to .2\hsize{\hss\ruledhbox{\rotate[location=depth] {\ruledhbox{\bfb (depth)}}}}%
+% \hbox to .2\hsize{\hss\ruledhbox{\rotate[location=fit] {\ruledhbox{\bfb (fit)}}}}%
+% \hbox to .2\hsize{\hss\ruledhbox{\rotate[location=broad] {\ruledhbox{\bfb (broad)}}}}%
+% \hbox to .2\hsize{\hss\ruledhbox{\rotate[location=normal]{\ruledhbox{\bfb (normal)}}}}%
+% \hbox to .2\hsize{\hss\ruledhbox{\rotate[location=high] {\ruledhbox{\bfb (high)}}}}}
+% \stoplinecorrection}
+% to be used in some other places! todo!
+% divides \hsize in fractions, will be made a bit more
+% clever and advanced when needed
+% \horizontaldivision[n/m,elements,distance]
+% \horizontaldivision[2/5,3,1em]
+% \horizontaldivision[2/5,3,1em]
+% \horizontaldivision[1/5,3,1em]
+% \setuphorizontaldivision[afstand=,aantal=] (passend,passend)
+ {\dodoubleargument\getparameters[\??fr]}
+ {\dosingleargument\dohorizontaldivision}
+ {\dodohorizontaldivision[#1,,,,,,]}
+ {\doifelsenothing{#3}
+ {\doifelse\@@frn\v!fit
+ {\!!counta#2\relax}
+ {\!!counta\@@frn\relax}}
+ {\!!counta#3\relax}%
+ \doifelsenothing{#4}
+ {\doifelse\@@frdistance\v!fit
+ {\!!widtha\zeropoint}
+ {\!!widtha\@@frdistance}}
+ {\!!widtha#4}%
+ \advance\!!counta \minusone
+ \multiply\!!widtha \!!counta
+ \advance\hsize -\!!widtha
+ \divide\hsize #2\relax
+ \hsize#1\hsize}
+ [\c!distance=\tfskipsize,
+ \c!n=\v!fit]
+%D This one is for Daniel Pittman, who wanted tight
+%D fractions. We show three versions. First the simple
+%D one using \type {\low} and \type {high}:
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \def\vfrac#1#2%
+%D {\hbox{\high{\tx#1\kern-.25em}/\low{\kern-.25em\tx#2}}}
+%D test \vfrac{1}{2} test \vfrac{123}{456} test
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer {\showmakeup\getbuffer}
+%D A better way to handle the kerning is the following, here
+%D we kind of assume that tye slash is symmetrical and has
+%D nearly zero width.
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \def\vfract#1#2%
+%D {\hbox{\high{\tx#1}\hbox to \zeropoint{\hss/\hss}\low{\tx#2}}}
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer {\showmakeup\getbuffer}
+%D The third and best alternative is the following:
+%D {\showmakeup\getbuffer}\crlf\getbuffer
+%D This time we measure the height of the \type {/} and
+%D shift over the maximum height and depths of this
+%D character and the fractional digits (we use 57 as
+%D sample). Here we combine all methods in one macros.
+\definehspace[vulgarfraction][.25em] % [.15em]
+\definesymbol[vulgarfraction][/] % [\raise.2ex\hbox{/}]
+ {\dontleavehmode
+ \hbox
+ {\def\vulgarfraction{vulgarfraction}%
+ \ifcase\vulgarfractionmethod
+ #1\symbol[\vulgarfraction]#2%
+ \or
+ \high{\tx#1\kern-\hspaceamount\empty\vulgarfraction}%
+ \symbol[\vulgarfraction]%
+ \low {\kern-\hspaceamount\empty\vulgarfraction\tx#2}%
+ \or
+ \high{\tx#1}%
+ \hbox to \zeropoint{\hss\symbol[\vulgarfraction]\hss}%
+ \low{\tx#2}%
+ \or
+ \setbox0\hbox{\symbol[\vulgarfraction]}%
+ \setbox2\hbox{\txx57}%
+ \raise\ht0\hbox{\lower\ht2\hbox{\txx#1}}%
+ \hbox to \zeropoint{\hss\symbol[\vulgarfraction]\hss}%
+ \lower\dp0\hbox{\raise\dp2\hbox{\txx#2}}%
+ \fi}}
+\ifx\vfrac\undefined \let\vfrac\vulgarfraction \fi
+%D \starttabulate
+%D \HL
+%D \NC \bf method \NC \bf visualization \NC\NR
+%D \HL
+%D \NC 0 \NC \chardef\vulgarfractionmethod0\vulgarfraction{1}{2} \NC\NR
+%D \NC 1 \NC \chardef\vulgarfractionmethod1\vulgarfraction{1}{2} \NC\NR
+%D \NC 2 \NC \chardef\vulgarfractionmethod2\vulgarfraction{1}{2} \NC\NR
+%D \NC 3 \NC \chardef\vulgarfractionmethod3\vulgarfraction{1}{2} \NC\NR
+%D \HL
+%D \stoptabulate
+%D Under construction:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \commalistsentence[aap,noot,mies]
+%D \commalistsentence[aap,noot]
+%D \commalistsentence[aap]
+%D \commalistsentence[a,b,c]
+%D \commalistsentence[a,b,c][{ \& },{ and }]
+%D \commalistsentence[a,b,c][+,-]
+%D \stoptyping
+ {\dodoubleempty\docommalistsentence}
+ {\bgroup
+ \getfromcommalist[#2][1]%
+ \ifx\commalistelement\empty
+ \def\@@commalistsentenceone{\labeltext\commalistsentenceone}%
+ \else
+ \let\@@commalistsentenceone\commalistelement
+ \fi
+ \getfromcommalist[#2][2]%
+ \ifx\commalistelement\empty
+ \def\@@commalistsentencetwo{\labeltext\commalistsentencetwo}%
+ \else
+ \let\@@commalistsentencetwo\commalistelement
+ \fi
+ \getcommalistsize[#1]%
+ \ifcase\commalistsize\relax
+ \def\serializedcommalist{#1}%
+ \else
+ \let\serializedcommalist\empty
+ \scratchcounter\zerocount
+ \def\docommand##1%
+ {\advance\scratchcounter \plusone
+ \ifnum\scratchcounter=\plusone
+ \scratchtoks{\handlecommalistsentence{##1}}%
+ \else
+ \ifnum\scratchcounter=\commalistsize
+ \appendtoks\@@commalistsentencetwo\handlecommalistsentence{##1}\to\scratchtoks
+ \else
+ \appendtoks\@@commalistsentenceone\handlecommalistsentence{##1}\to\scratchtoks
+ \fi
+ \fi}%
+ \processcommacommand[#1]\docommand
+ \edef\serializedcommalist{\the\scratchtoks}%
+ \fi
+ \serializedcommalist
+ \egroup}
+\ifx\textcomma\undefined \def\textcomma{,} \fi
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nl] [and-1=\textcomma\ , and-2= en ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!en] [and-1=\textcomma\ , and-2=\textcomma\ and ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!de] [and-1=\textcomma\ , and-2= und ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!hr] [and-1=\textcomma\ , and-2= i ]
+%D \macros
+%D {somekindoftab}
+%D This macro can be used to create tabs:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \setupheadertexts[{\somekindoftab[alternative=horizontal]{\framed{\realfolio}}}]
+%D \setuptexttexts [{\somekindoftab[alternative=vertical] {\framed{\realfolio}}}]
+%D \starttext
+%D \showframe \dorecurse{10}{test\page}
+%D \stoptext
+%D \stoptyping
+ {\dosingleempty\dosomekindoftab}
+ {\bgroup
+ \getparameters[xx]
+ [\c!alternative=\v!vertical,
+ \c!width=\textwidth,\c!height=\textheight,
+ \c!n=\lastpage,\c!m=\realpageno,
+ #1]%
+ \doifelse\xxalternative\v!vertical
+ {\dodosomekindoftab\vbox\vskip\xxheight}
+ {\dodosomekindoftab\hbox\hskip\xxwidth }}
+ {#1 to #3 \bgroup
+ \forgetall
+ \ifnum\xxm>\plusone
+ #2\zeropoint \!!plus \the\numexpr\xxm -1\relax fill\relax
+ \fi
+ #4%
+ \ifnum\xxm<\xxn\relax
+ #2\zeropoint \!!plus \the\numexpr\xxn-\xxm\relax fill\relax
+ \fi
+ \egroup
+ \egroup}
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/core-par.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/core-par.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..69e2976d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/core-par.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=core-par,
+%D version=1997.03.31,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Core Macros,
+%D subtitle=Paragraph Tricks,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Core Macros / Pararaph Tricks}
+% \ifprocesspreviousparagraphs
+% \nofskippedparagraphs
+% \paragraphnumber
+% \nofparagraphs
+% \dosetparagraph
+% \doresetparagraph
+% \dobeforeparagraph
+% \doafterparagraph
+% \dobeforeskipparagraph
+% \doafterskipparagraph
+% \pushparagraphs\endcommand alle alineas tot \endcommand laden
+% \pushmoreparagraphs\endcommand alle alineas tot \endcommand toevoegen
+% \popparagraphs alle alineas oproepen
+% \popparagraphs[a,b,c] enkele alineas oproepen [geen]
+% tzt een optionele prefix:
+% \pushparagraphs[xxx]\endcommand alle alineas tot \endcommand laden
+% \popparagraphs[xxx] alle alineas oproepen
+% \popparagraphs[xxx][a,b,c] enkele alineas oproepen
+% \numberparagraphs
+% \numberparagraphlines
+% \resetparagraphlines
+\newif\ifprocesspreviousparagraphs % public
+\newif\ifprocessallparagraphs % private
+\newcounter\totalnofparagraphs % private
+\newcounter\globalparagraphnumber % private
+\newcounter\discardedparagraphs % private
+\newcounter\mostrecentparagraphtotal % public
+\let\dosetparagraph = \relax % public
+\let\doresetparagraph = \relax % public
+\let\dobeforeparagraph = \relax % public
+\let\doafterparagraph = \relax % public
+\let\dobeforeskipparagraph = \relax % public
+\let\doafterskipparagraph = \relax % public
+\def\paragraphnumber {} % public
+\def\nofparagraphs {} % public
+\def\nofskippedparagraphs {} % public
+\def\paragraphprefix {paragraph} % private
+% voorlopig, wordt nog class
+ {\global\linenumber\plusone}
+\def\numberparagraphs % instelbaar maken en slimmer ivm breedte regelnummer !!!!!
+ {\processpreviousparagraphstrue
+ \def\dosetparagraph
+ {\bgroup
+ \resetparagraphlines
+ \EveryPar
+ {\strut\inleftmargin{\tf{\tx\paragraphnumber}\kern2em}%
+ \ignorespaces}}%
+ \def\doresetparagraph
+ {\resetparagraphlines
+ \egroup}}
+ {\processpreviousparagraphstrue
+ \def\dosetparagraph
+ {\resetparagraphlines}%
+ \def\doresetparagraph
+ {\resetparagraphlines}%
+ \def\dobeforeparagraph
+ {\startlinenumbering[\v!continue]}%
+ \def\doafterparagraph
+ {\stoplinenumbering}%
+ \def\dobeforeskipparagraph
+ {\stoplinenumbering
+ \let\paragraphnumber\relax}%
+ \def\doafterskipparagraph
+ {\startlinenumbering[\v!continue]}}
+ {\doglobal\increment\totalnofparagraphs
+ \ifnum\totalnofparagraphs>0\nofskippedparagraphs\relax
+ \setgvalue{\paragraphprefix\totalnofparagraphs}{#1}%
+ \else
+ \setgvalue{\paragraphprefix\totalnofparagraphs}{\skipparagraph#1\par}%
+ \fi}
+ {\doglobal\increment\totalnofparagraphs
+ \setgvalue{\paragraphprefix\totalnofparagraphs}{\skipparagraph#1\par}}
+ {\global\let\mostrecentparagraphtotal\totalnofparagraphs
+ \ifx#1\undefined
+ \let#1\relax
+ \fi
+ \defconvertedargument\asciia{#1}%
+ \defconvertedargument\asciib{ }% % lege regel
+ \def\dopushparagraph##1\par
+ {\defconvertedargument\asciic{##1}%
+ \doifelse\asciic\asciia
+ {#1}
+ {\doifsomething\asciic % lege paragraaf
+ {\doifnot\asciic\asciib
+ {\directpushparagraph{#1}}}%
+ \dopushparagraph}}%
+ \dopushparagraph}
+ {\doglobal\newcounter\totalnofparagraphs
+ \dopushparagraphs}
+ {\dopushparagraphs}
+\def\dododopopparagraph#1% no grouping, i.v.m. sidefloats
+ {\ifnum#1>\totalnofparagraphs\relax
+ \else
+ \let\paragraphnumber\globalparagraphnumber
+ \decrement(\paragraphnumber,\discardedparagraphs)%
+ \dobeforeparagraph
+ \ifhmode\indentation\fi\getvalue{\paragraphprefix#1}\par
+ \doafterparagraph
+ \fi}
+ {\doglobal\increment\discardedparagraphs
+ \ifprocessallparagraphs
+ \dobeforeskipparagraph
+ \ifhmode\indentation\fi#1\par
+ \doafterskipparagraph
+ \fi}
+ {\dododopopparagraph}
+ {\ifprocesspreviousparagraphs
+ \bgroup
+ \setbox0\vbox{\dododopopparagraph{#1}}%
+ \egroup
+ \fi}
+\def\processpreviousparagraphs[#1]% process previous ones
+ {\ifprocesspreviousparagraphs
+ \bgroup
+ \getfromcommacommand[#1][1]% tzt snelle \..command.. testen
+ \let\totalnofparagraphs\commalistelement
+ \decrement\totalnofparagraphs
+ \let\dodopopparagraph\dodoprocessparagraph
+ \popparagraphs
+ \egroup
+ \fi}
+ {\doifnotinset{#1}{\v!none,0}
+ {\dosetparagraph
+ \doglobal\newcounter\globalparagraphnumber
+ \doglobal\newcounter\discardedparagraphs
+ \doifelse{#1}{}
+ {\processallparagraphstrue}
+ {\processallparagraphsfalse}%
+ \def\dopopparagraph
+ {\doglobal\increment\globalparagraphnumber
+ \ifnum\globalparagraphnumber>\totalnofparagraphs\relax
+ \let\dopopparagraph\relax
+ \else\ifprocessallparagraphs
+ \ifnum\globalparagraphnumber>\mostrecentparagraphtotal\relax
+ \dodopopparagraph\globalparagraphnumber
+ \else
+ \dodoprocessparagraph\globalparagraphnumber
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \let\paragraphnumber\globalparagraphnumber
+ \decrement(\paragraphnumber,\discardedparagraphs)%
+ \ExpandBothAfter\doifinsetelse{\paragraphnumber}{#1}
+ {\dodopopparagraph\globalparagraphnumber}
+ {\dodoprocessparagraph\globalparagraphnumber}%
+ \fi\fi
+ \dopopparagraph}%
+ \dopopparagraph
+ \doresetparagraph}}
+ {\dosingleempty\dopopparagraphs}
+ {\popparagraphs[\!!maxcard]%
+ \global\let\nofparagraphs\totalnofparagraphs
+ \doglobal\decrement(\nofparagraphs,\discardedparagraphs)}
+% \showframe
+% \numberparagraphlines
+% \numberparagraphs
+% \def\nofskippedparagraphs{1}
+% \pushparagraphs\ThatsIt
+% \ruledbaseline eerste eerste eerste eerste eerste eerste
+% eerste eerste eerste eerste eerste eerste eerste eerste
+% eerste eerste eerste eerste eerste eerste eerste eerste
+% eerste eerste eerste eerste eerste eerste eerste eerste
+% eerste eerste eerste eerste eerste eerste eerste eerste
+% eerste eerste eerste eerste eerste
+% \ruledbaseline eerste eerste eerste eerste eerste eerste
+% eerste eerste eerste eerste eerste eerste eerste eerste
+% eerste eerste eerste eerste eerste eerste eerste eerste
+% eerste eerste eerste eerste eerste eerste eerste eerste
+% eerste eerste eerste eerste eerste eerste eerste eerste
+% eerste eerste eerste eerste eerste
+% \ruledbaseline tweede tweede tweede tweede tweede tweede
+% tweede tweede tweede tweede tweede tweede tweede tweede
+% tweede tweede tweede tweede tweede tweede tweede tweede
+% tweede tweede tweede tweede tweede tweede tweede tweede
+% tweede tweede tweede tweede tweede tweede tweede tweede
+% tweede tweede tweede tweede tweede tweede tweede tweede
+% tweede tweede tweede tweede tweede
+% \skipparagraph \ruledbaseline skipped skipped skipped
+% skipped skipped skipped skipped skipped skipped skipped
+% skipped skipped skipped skipped skipped skipped skipped
+% skipped skipped
+% \ruledbaseline derde derde derde derde derde derde derde
+% derde derde derde derde derde derde derde derde derde derde
+% derde derde derde derde derde derde derde derde derde derde
+% derde derde derde derde derde derde derde derde derde derde
+% derde derde derde derde derde derde derde derde derde derde
+% derde derde derde derde derde derde derde derde derde derde
+% \skipparagraph \ruledbaseline skipped skipped skipped
+% skipped skipped skipped skipped skipped skipped skipped
+% skipped skipped skipped skipped skipped skipped skipped
+% skipped skipped skipped
+% \ruledbaseline vierde vierde vierde vierde vierde vierde
+% vierde vierde vierde vierde vierde vierde vierde vierde
+% vierde vierde vierde vierde vierde vierde vierde vierde
+% vierde vierde vierde vierde
+% \ruledbaseline vijfde vijfde vijfde vijfde vijfde vijfde
+% vijfde vijfde vijfde vijfde vijfde vijfde vijfde vijfde
+% vijfde vijfde vijfde vijfde vijfde vijfde vijfde vijfde
+% vijfde vijfde vijfde vijfde vijfde vijfde vijfde vijfde
+% vijfde vijfde vijfde
+% \skipparagraph \ruledbaseline skipped skipped skipped
+% skipped skipped skipped skipped skipped skipped skipped
+% skipped skipped skipped skipped skipped skipped skipped
+% skipped skipped skipped
+% \ThatsIt
+% \popparagraphs
+% \countparagraphs
+% \blanko[2*groot]
+% nofparagraphs:~\nofparagraphs
+% \pagina
+% \popparagraphs[1]
+% \popparagraphs[2]
+% \popparagraphs[3]
+% \popparagraphs[4]
+% \popparagraphs[5]
+% \pagina
+% \ruledvbox{\popparagraphs[1,2,3,4,5]}
+% \pagina
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/core-stg.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/core-stg.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0d98da851
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/core-stg.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=core-stg,
+%D version=2006.08.16,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Core Macros,
+%D subtitle=Strategies,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D This is a prelude to strategies. It is rather old code
+%D used in a project many years ago. Use with care since I
+%D will pick up this thread. (moved from cont-new)
+\def\currentstrategypass {1}
+\def\maximumstrategypass {8}
+ {\ifnum\currentstrategypass>\maximumstrategypass \else
+ \ifconditional\strategypassforced
+ \doglobal\increment\currentstrategypass
+ \else%\ifconditional\strategypassneeded
+ %\doglobal\increment\currentstrategypass
+ \fi%\fi
+ \fi
+ \savecurrentvalue\currentstrategypass{\currentstrategypass}}
+\appendtoks \registerstrategypass \to \everybye % \everylastshipout
+\def\setstrategyvariable#1#2% key value
+ {%\doifnotstrategyvariable{#1}{\global\settrue\strategypassneeded}%
+ \doglobal\increment\currentstrategyvariable
+ \savetaggedtwopassdata{\s!strategy}{\currentstrategyvariable}{#1}{#2}}
+ {\getstrategyvariable{#1}\iftwopassdatafound#2\else#3\fi}
+\def\getstrategyvariable#1% key
+ {\findtwopassdata{\s!strategy}{#1}%
+ \setxvalue{\s!strategy:#1}{\twopassdata}}
+\def\retainstrategyvariable#1% key
+ {\expanded{\setstrategyvariable{#1}{\strategyvariable{#1}}}}
+\def\strategyvariable#1% key
+ {\csname\s!strategy:#1\endcsname}
+\def\forcestrategy{\global\settrue \strategypassforced}
+ {\getstrategyvariable{#1}\iftwopassdatafound#2\else#3\fi}
+\def\doifstrategyvariable #1#2{\doifstrategyvariableelse{#1}{#2}{}}
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/core-sys.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/core-sys.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..54778eeed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/core-sys.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,396 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=core-sys, % moved from main-001
+%D version=1997.03.31,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Core Macros,
+%D subtitle=System,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Core Macros / System}
+%D Version checking:
+ {\doifelse{#1}\contextversion
+ {\let\newcontextversion\gobbleoneargument}
+ {\writeline
+ \writestatus{Fatal Error}{Your format does not match the base files!}%
+ \writeline
+ \writestatus{Format Version}{\contextversion\space\contextmark}%
+ \writestatus{Files Version}{#1}%
+ \batchmode
+ \normalend}}
+%D End of lines to the output. \TEX\ will map this onto the platform specific
+%D line ending. I hate this mess.
+%newlinechar=10 \def\outputnewlinechar{\rawcharacter{10}}
+\newlinechar=10 \edef\outputnewlinechar{^^J}
+% in case formats are shared:
+ {\bgroup\newlinechar=10\xdef\outputnewlinechar{^^J}\egroup}
+%D Job names.
+\def\outputfilename {\@@svfile}
+\def\inputfilename {\@@svinputfile}
+\let\jobfilename \jobname
+\def\splitjobfilename % todo: mkiv
+ {\resetsystemmode{suffix-\jobfilesuffix}%
+ \edef\ascii{\inputfilename}\defconvertedcommand\ascii\ascii
+ \splitstring\ascii\at.\to\jobfilename\and\jobfilesuffix
+ \lowercasestring\jobfilesuffix\to\jobfilesuffix
+ \doifnothing\jobfilename {\let\jobfilename \jobname}%
+ % todo and totest: \defconvertedcommand\jobfilename\jobfilename
+ \doifnothing\jobfilesuffix{\let\jobfilesuffix\c!tex}%
+ \setsystemmode{suffix-\jobfilesuffix}}
+% Some mechanisms (see x-res-01) use either \jobfilename or
+% \jobfilename.somesuffix, in which case we need to use the
+% full name if given or a default (like \jobfilename.xml);
+% this comes down to replacing the default tex suffix.
+\def\setjobfullname#1% #1 = default if not given
+ {\doifelsenothing\jobfilename
+ {\let\jobfullname\empty}
+ {\doif\jobfilesuffix\c!tex{\edef\jobfullname{\jobfilename.#1}}}}
+% ...
+ {\getparameters[\??sv][#1]%
+ \setuprandomize[\@@svrandom]%
+ \beforesplitstring\@@svresolution\at dpi\to\@@svresolution
+ \let\outputresolution\@@svresolution
+ \ifcase\@@svn
+ % % 0 : unknown
+ \or
+ \setsystemmode\v!first % 1 : first run
+ \or
+ % % 2 : successive run
+ \or
+ \setsystemmode\v!first % 3 : first and only run
+ \or
+ \setsystemmode\v!last % 4 : (extra) last run
+ \fi
+% \processaction
+% [\@@svtype]
+% %[ mswin=>\edef\@@svline{\rawcharacter{13}\rawcharacter{10}}, % crlf
+% [ mswin=>\edef\@@svline{\rawcharacter{13}}, % cr % crlf
+% darwin=>\edef\@@svline{\rawcharacter{13}}, % cr
+% \s!unknown=>\edef\@@svline{\rawcharacter{10}}]% % lf
+ \splitjobfilename}
+% \edef\@@svline{\rawcharacter{10}} % unix is the most critical/sensitive system
+\let\systemendofline\outputnewlinechar % will become obsolete
+ {\dosingleargument\dosetupsystem}
+%D The system modes set by the setup command can be used in
+%D situations like:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \startmode[*first]
+%D \executesystemcommand{cleanupxml text.xml clean-text.xml}
+%D \stopmode
+%D \starttext
+%D \typefile{clean-text.xml}
+%D \stoptext
+%D \stoptyping
+ {\doifsomething{#1}
+ {\bgroup
+ % tex's time is in minutes
+ \scratchcounter\normaltime
+ \processaction
+ [#1]
+ [ \v!small=>\divide\scratchcounter 15, % 900,
+ \v!medium=>\divide\scratchcounter 30, % 1800,
+ \v!big=>\divide\scratchcounter 60, % 3600,
+ \v!normal=>\getnewrandomseed\scratchcounter,
+ \s!default=>\getnewrandomseed\scratchcounter,
+ \s!unknown=>\scratchcounter#1]%
+ \expanded{\setrandomseed{\the\scratchcounter}}%
+% \writestatus\m!systems{randomseed: \the\scratchcounter}%
+ \egroup}}
+ [\c!directory=,
+ \c!n=0, % 0:unknown 1: one run 2: first 3: successive 4: final run
+ \c!resolution=600dpi,
+ \c!random=,
+ \c!file=\jobname,
+ \c!inputfile=\outputfilename,
+ \c!type=unix, % windows is normally less sensitive to handle
+ \c!bodyfont=\normalizedlocalbodyfontsize] % of iets anders
+%D Remark: windows programs normally handle \type {cr|lf|crlf} but unix
+%D is more picky, so we default to the \type {cr}. I never understood why
+%D \type {crlf} was not used in all systems, since it makes most sense.
+ {\edef\!!stringa{\the\globaldefs}%
+ \ifnum\globaldefs#10
+ \globaldefs-\globaldefs
+ \fi
+ \advance\globaldefs #21
+ \setevalue{@gd@\the\globaldefs}{\!!stringa}}
+ {\doifdefinedelse{@gd@\the\globaldefs}
+ {\globaldefs\getvalue{@gd@\the\globaldefs}\relax}
+ {\globaldefs\zerocount}}
+\def\startlocal {\dostartglobaldefs>-}
+\def\stoplocal {\dostopglobaldefs}
+\def\startglobal {\dostartglobaldefs<+}
+\def\stopglobal {\dostopglobaldefs}
+\def\complexstop [#1]{\getvalue{\e!stop #1}\egroup}
+\let\simplestop \egroup
+\def\dododefinestartstop[#1][#2]% todo: use indirect commands
+ {\getparameters
+ [\??be#1]
+ [\c!before=,
+ \c!after=,
+ \c!inbetween=,
+ \c!commands=,
+ \c!style=,
+ #2]%
+ \unexpanded\setvalue{#1}%
+ {\groupedcommand
+ {\getvalue{\??be#1\c!commands}%
+ \dostartattributes{\??be#1}\c!style\c!color}
+ {\dostopattributes
+ \getvalue{\??be#1\c!inbetween}}}%
+ \setvalue{\e!start#1}%
+ {\getvalue{\??be#1\c!before}%
+ \bgroup
+ \getvalue{\??be#1\c!commands}%
+ \dostartattributes{\??be#1}\c!style\c!color\empty}%
+ \setvalue{\e!stop#1}%
+ {\dostopattributes
+ \egroup
+ \getvalue{\??be#1\c!after}}}
+ {\def\docommand##1{\dododefinestartstop[##1][#2]}%
+ \processcommalist[#1]\docommand}
+ {\dodoubleargument\dodefinestartstop}
+ {\def\docommand##1{\getparameters[\??be##1][#2]}%
+ \processcommalist[#1]\docommand}
+ {\dodoubleargument\dosetupstartstop}
+% \docommand kan niet worden gebruikt omdat deze macro
+% soms lokaal wordt gebruikt
+% te zijner tijd:
+% \definevariable {pc} % ProtectedCommand
+% \def\executeprotected#1%
+% {\csname\??pc\string#1\endcsname}
+% \def\defineprotected#1#2%
+% {\expandafter\def\csname\??pc\string#2\endcsname}
+% \def\defineunprotected#1%
+% {\def#1}
+% \def\doprotected%
+% {\ifx\next\define
+% \let\next=\defineprotected
+% \else
+% \let\next=\executeprotected
+% \fi
+% \next}
+% \def\unexpanded%
+% {\futurelet\next\doprotected}
+% \unexpanded\define\ziezo{ziezo}
+% \unexpanded\ziezo
+ {\ifx#2\undefined
+ \else
+ \showmessage\m!systems4{\string#2}%
+ \fi
+ \ifcase0#1\def#2{#3}%
+ \or\def#2##1{#3}%
+ \or\def#2##1##2{#3}%
+ \or\def#2##1##2##3{#3}%
+ \or\def#2##1##2##3##4{#3}%
+ \or\def#2##1##2##3##4##5{#3}%
+ \or\def#2##1##2##3##4##5##6{#3}%
+ \or\def#2##1##2##3##4##5##6##7{#3}%
+ \or\def#2##1##2##3##4##5##6##7##8{#3}%
+ \or\def#2##1##2##3##4##5##6##7##8##9{#3}%
+ \else\def#2{#3}%
+ \fi}
+\unexpanded\def\macroname#1% brrr
+ {\executeifdefined{#1}\empty}
+ {\bgroup
+ \def\docommand##1{\setbox0\hbox{\getvalue{\string##1}##1}}%
+ \processcommalist[#1]\docommand
+ \egroup}
+\newif\ifforcefileexpansion % handy for document level overload
+%D The next implementation is about 4 times as faster than a
+%D processaction alternative on an string of average length.
+%D Since this feature is used in XML processing, it made sense
+%D to support this faster alternative. It's installable as well.
+\def\installexpander#1#2#3% changed, no longer \convert..\to...
+ {\setvalue{\s!do\c!expansion#1l}{#2}%
+ \setvalue{\s!do\c!expansion#1g}{#3}}%
+% \convertexpanded is obsolete
+\long\def\doconvertexpanded#1#2#3% #4 % [l|g] \cs {kind} {data}
+ {\csname % that we assign all exp a value
+ \s!do\c!expansion
+ \ifforcefileexpansion
+ \v!yes
+ \else\ifcsname\s!do\c!expansion#3#1\endcsname
+ #3%
+ \else
+ \s!default
+ \fi\fi
+ #1%
+ \endcsname#2}% #3
+\long\def\defconvertexpanded {\doconvertexpanded l}
+\long\def\gdefconvertexpanded{\doconvertexpanded g}
+\installexpander\v!command \defconvertedcommand \gdefconvertedcommand
+\installexpander\s!default \defconvertedargument \gdefconvertedargument
+\installexpander\empty \defconvertedargument \gdefconvertedargument
+\installexpander\v!no \defconvertedargument \gdefconvertedargument
+\installexpander\v!yes \defconvertedmeaning \gdefconvertedmeaning
+\installexpander\v!yes \defconvertedmeaning \gdefconvertedmeaning
+\installexpander\v!strict \defreducedargument \gdefreducedargument
+\installexpander {utf} \defreducedtoutf \gdefreducedtoutf
+%installexpander {xml} {see xtag-ext}
+\def\dodefconvertedmeaning#1#2#3% watch the double expansion !
+ {\bgroup
+ \honorunexpanded
+ \convertencodedtokens % can be overloaded
+ \xdef\@@globalexpanded{#3}%
+ \xdef\@@globalexpanded{\@@globalexpanded}%
+ \egroup
+ #1#2\@@globalexpanded}
+\def\defconvertedmeaning {\dodefconvertedmeaning\defconvertedcommand}
+ {\begingroup
+ \reducetocoding[raw]%
+ \edef\ascii{#3}%
+ \expandafter\endgroup\expandafter#1\expandafter#2\expandafter{\ascii}}
+\def\defreducedargument {\dodefreducedargument\edef}
+% \setupindex[expansion=utf]\index{\eacute}
+ {\begingroup
+ \reducetocoding[uc]%
+ \let\uchar\uchartoutf
+ \let\unicodechar\numbertoutf
+ \edef\ascii{#3}%
+ \expandafter\endgroup\expandafter#1\expandafter#2\expandafter{\ascii}}
+\def\defreducedtoutf {\dodefreducedtoutf\edef}
+% old syntax:
+\def\convertmeaning#1\to#2% watch the double expansion !
+ {\bgroup
+ \honorunexpanded
+ \convertencodedtokens % can be overloaded
+ \xdef\@@globalexpanded{#1}%
+ \xdef\@@globalexpanded{\@@globalexpanded}%
+ \egroup
+ \defconvertedcommand#2\@@globalexpanded}
+ {\begingroup
+ \reducetocoding[raw]%
+ \edef\ascii{#1}%
+ \expandafter\endgroup\expandafter\edef\expandafter#2\expandafter{\ascii}}
+ {\begingroup
+ \reducetocoding[uc]%
+ \let\uchar\uchartoutf
+ \let\unicodechar\numbertoutf
+ \edef\ascii{#1}%
+ \expandafter\endgroup\expandafter\edef\expandafter#2\expandafter{\ascii}}
+% \setvalue{statevalue\v!stop }{0}
+% \setvalue{statevalue\v!start }{1}
+% \setvalue{statevalue\v!normaal}{2}
+% \setvalue{statevalue\v!leeg }{3}
+% \setvalue{statevalue\v!geen }{4}
+% \def\setcurrentstate#1%
+% {\chardef\currentstate=0\getvalue{statevalue\getvalue{#1\c!state}\relax}
+% \ifcase\currentstate ...
+\def\redo{\dorepeat} % [n*10], kind of obsolete
+% obsolete, use \dorecurse instead
+% \def\herhaler {\repeater}
+% \def\herhaalmetcommando {\dorepeatwithcommand}
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/core-two.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/core-two.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..235be988e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/core-two.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=core-two, % moved from core-uti
+%D version=1997.03.31,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Core Macros,
+%D subtitle=Two Pass Data,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Core Macros / Two Pass Data}
+%D This is a rather old mechanism which has not changed much over
+%D time, apart from adding a few more selectors. This code used
+%D to be part of \type {core-uti}. The following examples demonstrate
+%D the interface.
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \definetwopasslist{test-1}
+%D \gettwopassdatalist{test-1} [\twopassdatalist=]
+%D \checktwopassdata {test-1} [\twopassdata=]
+%D \checktwopassdata {test-1} [\twopassdata=]
+%D \gettwopassdata {test-1} [\twopassdata=]
+%D \gettwopassdata {test-1} [\twopassdata=]
+%D \definetwopasslist{test-2}
+%D \lazysavetwopassdata{test-2}{1}{x}
+%D \lazysavetwopassdata{test-2}{2}{y}
+%D \lazysavetwopassdata{test-2}{3}{z}
+%D \gettwopassdatalist{test-2} [\twopassdatalist=x,y,z]
+%D \checktwopassdata {test-2} [\twopassdata=x]
+%D \checktwopassdata {test-2} [\twopassdata=x]
+%D \gettwopassdata {test-2} [\twopassdata=x]
+%D \gettwopassdata {test-2} [\twopassdata=y]
+%D \gettwopassdata {test-2} [\twopassdata=z]
+%D \gettwopassdata {test-2} [\twopassdata=]
+%D \definetwopasslist{test-3}
+%D \lazysavetaggedtwopassdata{test-3}{1}{x}{a}
+%D \lazysavetaggedtwopassdata{test-3}{2}{y}{b}
+%D \lazysavetaggedtwopassdata{test-3}{3}{z}{c}
+%D \findtwopassdata{test-3}{x} [\twopassdata=a]
+%D \findtwopassdata{test-3}{y} [\twopassdata=b]
+%D \findtwopassdata{test-3}{z} [\twopassdata=c]
+%D \findtwopassdata{test-3}{w} [\twopassdata=]
+%D \definetwopasslist{test-4}
+%D \lazysavetwopassdata{test-4}{1}{A}
+%D \lazysavetwopassdata{test-4}{2}{B}
+%D \lazysavetwopassdata{test-4}{3}{C}
+%D \getfirsttwopassdata{test-4} [\twopassdata=A]
+%D \getlasttwopassdata {test-4} [\twopassdata=C]
+%D \getfirsttwopassdata{test-4} [\twopassdata=A]
+%D \getlasttwopassdata {test-4} [\twopassdata=C]
+%D \getfromtwopassdata {test-4}{1} [\twopassdata=A]
+%D \getfromtwopassdata {test-4}{3} [\twopassdata=C]
+%D \getfromtwopassdata {test-4}{2} [\twopassdata=B]
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \getbuffer \typebuffer
+\let\twopassentry \gobblethreearguments % permits loading a MK II file
+\let\twopassdata \empty
+\def\immediatesavetwopassdata #1#2#3{\immediatewriteutilitycommand{\twopassentry{#1}{#2}{#3}}}
+\def\savetwopassdata #1#2#3{\writeutilitycommand{\twopassentry{#1}{#2}{#3}}}
+\def\lazysavetwopassdata #1#2#3{\expanded{\writeutilitycommand{\noexpand\twopassentry{#1}{#2}{#3}}}} % expanded !
+\def\savetaggedtwopassdata #1#2#3#4{\immediatewriteutilitycommand{\twopassentry{#1}{#2}{#3::#4}}}
+\def\lazysavetaggedtwopassdata#1#2#3#4{\expanded{\writeutilitycommand{\noexpand\twopassentry{#1}{#2}{#3::#4}}}} % expanded !
+ {\let\twopassentry\gobblethreearguments}
+ {\def\twopassentry##1{\executeifdefined{@@##1\s!pass}\gobbletwoarguments}}
+\def\appendtwopasselement#1#2#3% can sometimes become a large list
+ {%\debuggerinfo{\m!systems}{twopass data #1 - #2 = #3}%
+ \expandafter\xdef\csname#1:\s!list\endcsname
+ {\@EA\ifx\csname#1:\s!list\endcsname\empty \else
+ \csname#1:\s!list\endcsname,\fi#3}}
+ {\doifundefined{#1:\s!list}
+ {%\debuggerinfo\m!systems{defining twopass class #1}%
+ \doglobal\addutilityreset{#1\s!pass}%
+ \setgvalue{\s!set #1\s!pass}{\dosettwopasslist {#1}}%
+ \setgvalue{\s!reset#1\s!pass}{\doresettwopasslist{#1}}%
+ \getvalue {\s!reset#1\s!pass}}}
+ {\expanded{\dodefinetwopasslist{#1}}%
+ \doglobal\addtocommalist{#1}\alltwopasslists}
+ {\letgvalue{\s!set#1\s!pass}\gobbletwoarguments
+ \setgvalue{@@#1\s!pass}{\appendtwopasselement{#1}}}
+ {\letgvalue{@@#1\s!pass}\gobbletwoarguments}
+ {\doifundefined{#1:\s!list}
+ {\startnointerference
+ \letgvalueempty{#1:\s!list}%
+ \protectlabels
+ \doutilities{twopassentries,#1\s!pass}\jobname\empty\relax\relax
+ \stopnointerference}}
+ {\ifx\alltwopasslists\empty\else
+ \processcommacommand[\alltwopasslists]\doloadtwopassdata
+ \globallet\alltwopasslists\empty
+ \fi}
+ {\edef\twopassdata{#1}%
+ \ifx\twopassdata\empty
+ \twopassdatafoundfalse
+ \let\twopassdata\empty
+ \else
+ \twopassdatafoundtrue
+ \ifcase#4\or\setxvalue{#3:\s!list}{#2}\fi
+ \fi}
+ {\loadtwopassdata \@EAEAEA\dogettwopassdata\@EA\@EA\@EA[\csname#1:\s!list\endcsname,]{#1}\plusone}
+ {\loadtwopassdata \@EAEAEA\dogettwopassdata\@EA\@EA\@EA[\csname#1:\s!list\endcsname,]{#1}\zerocount}
+ {\loadtwopassdata \expanded{\dofindtwopassdata{#1}{#2}}}
+ {\def\dodofindtwopassdata[##1,##2#2::##3,##4]{\edef\twopassdata{##3}}%
+ \@EAEAEA\dodofindtwopassdata\@EA\@EA\@EA[\@EA\@EA\@EA,\csname#1:\s!list\endcsname,#2,#2::,]%
+ \ifx\twopassdata\empty
+ \twopassdatafoundfalse
+ \else
+ \twopassdatafoundtrue
+ \fi}
+ {\loadtwopassdata
+ \scratchcounter\zerocount
+ \@EAEAEA\rawprocesscommalist\@EA\@EA\@EA[\csname#1:\s!list\endcsname]\dogetlasttwopassdata
+ \edef\noftwopassitems{\the\scratchcounter}%
+ \iftwopassdatafound\else
+ \let\twopassdata\empty
+ \fi}
+ {\edef\nexttwopassdata{#1}%
+ \ifx\nexttwopassdata\empty \else
+ \let\twopassdata\nexttwopassdata
+ \advance\scratchcounter \plusone
+ \twopassdatafoundtrue
+ \fi}
+ {\loadtwopassdata
+ \@EAEAEA\getfromcommalist\@EA\@EA\@EA[\csname#1:\s!list\endcsname][#2]%
+ \ifx\commalistelement\empty
+ \twopassdatafoundfalse
+ \let\twopassdata\empty
+ \else
+ \twopassdatafoundtrue
+ \let\twopassdata\commalistelement
+ \fi}
+ {\loadtwopassdata
+ \letcscsname\twopassdatalist\csname#1:\s!list\endcsname
+ \ifx\twopassdatalist\relax\let\twopassdatalist\empty\fi}
+ {\getnamedtwopassdatalist\twopassdatalist}
+\def\doifelseintwopassdata#1#2% tag dat
+ {\gettwopassdatalist{#1}%
+ \expanded{\doifinsetelse{#2}{\twopassdatalist}}}
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/core-uti.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/core-uti.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bd2fa46a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/core-uti.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,349 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=core-uti,
+%D version=1997.03.31,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Core Macros,
+%D subtitle=Utility File Handling,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Core Macros / Utility File Handling}
+% todo : safe lan etc too
+% todo : load all commands at once (tok)
+% todo : merge status info patch into tui file (language, encoding, etc),
+% Utility-file
+% De onderstaande macro's ondersteunen het gebruik van de
+% zogeheten utility-file. Alle extern onder te brengen
+% informatie wordt opgeslagen in de file \, tenzij
+% er selectief pagina's worden gezet. In dat geval wordt de
+% file \jobname.tmp gebruikt. Informatie wordt ingelezen uit
+% de file \jobname.tuo, welke door TeXUtil wordt aangemaakt.
+\edef\utilityversion{1998.07.07} % was: 1996.03.15 % status variables
+\edef\utilityversion{1998.12.20} % was: 1998.07.07 % index attributes
+\edef\utilityversion{2003.07.19} % was: 1998.12.20 % object pages
+\edef\utilityversion{2006.06.23} % was: 2003.07.19 % -- instead of :
+\edef\utilityversion{2006.09.21} % pt in pos
+\edef\utilityversion{2008.10.14} % moved more to lua in mkiv
+% Bepaalde commando's worden als string weggeschreven. Deze
+% zijn aan het eind van deze file gedefinieerd.
+% Om een opbouw van spaties te voorkomen (???) moet ^^M een
+% andere betekenis krijgen:
+% \catcode`\^^M=14 (comment)
+% read file
+% \catcode`\^^M=5 (end of line)
+\ifx\sectionseparator\undefined \def\sectionseparator{-} \fi
+ {\showmessage\m!systems8\empty
+ \globallet\@@utilityerrormessage\relax}
+ {\doifelse\utilityversion{#1}%
+ {\checksectionseparator}
+ {\@@utilityerrormessage\resetutilities\endinput}}
+\def\checksectionseparator % catches backward compatibility conflict
+ {}% \doifnot\sectionseparator:\endinput} % this dependency may go in a few years
+ {\bgroup
+ \globallet\checksectionseparator\relax
+ \defconvertedcommand \asciia\sectionseparator
+ \defconvertedargument\asciib{#1}%
+ \expanded{\gdef\noexpand\dosplitofffoliopart[####1\sectionseparator
+ \sectionseparator####2\sectionseparator\sectionseparator####3]{####3}}%
+ \ifx\asciia\asciib
+ \egroup
+ \else
+ \egroup
+ % todo \@@utilityerrormessage
+ \resetutilities
+ \endinput
+ \fi}
+\def\writeutility {\write\utility@tui}
+\def\writeutilitycommand#1{\write\utility@tui{c \string#1}}
+% less tokens
+% \def\immediatewriteutility {\immediate\writeutility}
+% \def\immediatewriteutilitycommand{\immediate\writeutilitycommand}
+% more flexible (for overloading)
+\def\immediatewriteutility {\immediate\write\utility@tui}
+\def\immediatewriteutilitycommand#1{\immediate\write\utility@tui{c \string#1}}
+% as in:
+ {\write\utility@tui{\noexpand\checkedutility{\number\nofshipouts}{#1}}}
+ {\write\utility@tui{\noexpand\checkedutility{\number\nofshipouts}{c \string#1}}}
+ \let\checkedutility\docheckedutility
+\to \everybeforeshipout
+% Better use marks.
+\newtoks \everyopenutilities
+\newtoks \everycloseutilities
+\newtoks \everycheckutilities
+\def\openutilities {\the\everyopenutilities } % \global\everyopenutilities\emptytoks
+ \let\writeutility \cwriteutility
+ \let\writeutilitycommand \cwriteutilitycommand
+ %\let\immediatewriteutility \cimmediatewriteutility
+ %\let\immediatewriteutilitycommand\cimmediatewriteutilitycommand
+ \let\checkutilities \relax
+\to \everycheckutilities
+ \immediate\openout\utility@tui\jobname.\f!inputextension
+ \immediatewriteutilitycommand{\thisissectionseparator{\sectionseparator}}% for the moment
+ \immediatewriteutilitycommand{\thisisutilityversion {\utilityversion }}% in this order
+\to \everyopenutilities
+% \immediate\closeout\utility@tui % niet echt nodig
+ \reportutilityproblems
+ % should be a message :
+ \let\writeutilitycommand \gobbleoneargument
+ \let\writeutility \gobbleoneargument
+ \let\immediatewriteutilitycommand\gobbleoneargument
+ \let\immediatewriteutility \gobbleoneargument
+\to \everycloseutilities
+% \def\reopenutilities
+% {\immediate\closeout\utility@tui
+% \openutilities}
+ {\immediatewriteutilitycommand\utilitygenerationaborted
+ \immediatewriteutility{q {quit}}}
+ {\showmessage\m!systems{21}\empty
+ \globallet\utilitygenerationaborted\endinput
+ \gdef\reportutilityproblems{\showmessage\m!systems{22}\empty}%
+ \endinput}
+ {\immediatewriteutilitycommand{\initializevariable\string#1{#2}}}
+ \globallet\initializevariable\gobbletwoarguments
+\to \everyafterutilityread
+ {\@EA\appendtoks\csname\s!reset#1\endcsname\to\utilityresetlist}
+ {\the\utilityresetlist}
+% #1=type #2=file #3=melding #4=voor #5=na
+% Er wordt gegroepeerd. Als binnen een lijst (bijvoorbeeld) de
+% \leftskip is aangepast, maar nog geen \par is gegeven, dan
+% geldt buiten de groep de oude \leftskip. Aan #5 kan dan
+% ook \par worden meegegeven om de paragraaf af te sluiten.
+\newif\ifunprotectutilities % voor't geval er \v!xxxxxx's zijn
+% we need to pop and push, else problems with reading
+% utility files (toc) in xml mode and (e.g.) in a toc
+% entry doing a doifmode
+% the following is not ok because we have no way to signal
+% xml content (yet), so for the moment we use this:
+ \ifprocessingXML
+ \processingXMLfalse
+ \enableXML
+ \catcode`\\=\@@escape
+ \catcode`\{=\@@begingroup
+ \catcode`\}=\@@endgroup
+ \catcode`\%=\@@comment\relax
+ \fi
+\to \everybeforeutilityread
+% \edef\testbytesequence
+% {\rawcharacter{7}%
+% \rawcharacter{27}%
+% %rawcharacter{227}% invalid in xetex, which expects utf
+% \rawcharacter{195}\rawcharacter{128}} % valid utf code
+% \def\thisisbytesequence#1%
+% {\ifx\testbytesequence\empty\else
+% \defconvertedcommand\testbytesequence\testbytesequence
+% \defconvertedargument\ascii{#1}%
+% \ifx\testbytesequence\ascii \else
+% \writestatus\m!systems{possible problem with 8 bit output}%
+% \fi
+% \fi
+% \global\let\thisisbytesequence\gobbleoneargument}
+% \ifnum\texengine=\xetexengine
+% \let\testbytesequence\empty
+% \fi
+% \appendtoks
+% \immediatewriteutilitycommand{\thisisbytesequence{\testbytesequence}}%
+% \to \everyopenutilities
+\let\testbytesequence \empty % keep this
+\let\thisisbytesequence\gobbleoneargument % keep this
+\long\def\doutilities#1#2#3#4#5% % introduceren in utility file
+ {\resetutilities
+ % more than one utility thing can be handled in one pass,
+ % for instance lists, so we process ##1 as list
+ \def\douticommand##1{\csname\s!set##1\endcsname}%
+ \processcommacommand[#1]\douticommand
+ \begingroup
+ \def\currentutilityfilename{#2}%
+ \notesenabledfalse
+ \doinpututilitiestrue
+ \global\utilitydonefalse
+ \pushendofline % geeft problemen zodra andere file wordt ingelezen
+ \pushcatcodetable
+ \setcatcodetable\ctxcatcodes
+ \ifunprotectutilities % nog nodig ?
+ \unprotect
+ \fi
+ #4%
+ \the\everybeforeutilityread
+ \readjobfile{#2.\f!outputextension}\donothing\donothing
+ \the\everyafterutilityread
+ \popcatcodetable
+ #5%
+ \relax
+ \ifunprotectutilities
+ \protect
+ \fi
+ \popendofline
+ \ifutilitydone\else
+ \doifsomething{#3}
+ {\showmessage\m!systems9{{#3}}%
+ \doifconcepttracing
+ {\blank
+ \setmessagetext\m!systems9{{#3}}%
+ \type{[\currentmessagetext]}%
+ \blank}}%
+ \fi
+ \endgroup}
+% Default-instellingen (verborgen)
+\prependtoks \resetutilities \to \everyjob
+% Experiment
+% \installprogram{Hello World}
+% \installprogram[hw]{Hello World}
+% \installedprogram[hw]
+ {\dosingleempty\doinstallprogram}
+ {\doifelsenothing{#1}
+ {\dodoinstallprogram{#2}}
+ {\setvalue{\??up#1}{\dodoinstallprogram{#2}}}}
+ {\immediatewriteutility{e p {#1}}}
+ {\getvalue{\??up#1}}
+% \writeplugindata{texutil}{{alpha}}
+% \writeplugindata{texutil}{{beta}}
+% \writeplugindata{texutil}{{gamma}}
+% \writeplugindata{texutil}{{delta}}
+% \loadplugindata {plugintest}
+ {\immediatewriteutility{p u {#1} #2}}
+ {\writeutility{p u {#1} #2}}
+ {\doutilities{#1}\jobname\empty\relax\relax}
+% \plugincommand{\command{}{}{}}
+% this way we can catch undefined commands
+ {\doplugincommand#1\relax}
+ {\ifx#1\undefined
+ \expandafter\noplugincommand
+ \else
+ \expandafter#1%
+ \fi}
+ {}
+% \addutilityreset{plugintest}
+% \def\resetplugintest{\let\plugintest\gobbletwoarguments}
+% \def\setplugintest {\let\plugintest\writestatus}
+% \installplugin
+% {plugintest}
+% {\let\plugintest\gobbletwoarguments}
+% {\let\plugintest\writestatus}
+ {\addutilityreset {#1}%
+ \long\setvalue{\s!reset#1}{#2}%
+ \long\setvalue{\s!set #1}{#3}}
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/core-var.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/core-var.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..55c587fbf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/core-var.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,286 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=core-var,
+%D version=1998.02.21,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Core Macros,
+%D subtitle=Variables,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Core Macros / Variables}
+%D We introduce a couple of variables that are used all over
+%D \CONTEXT. Alternatively we could define them in each module
+%D but as they are part of the bigger picture we prefer to do
+%D it here.
+%D \macros
+%D {every...}
+%D A few every's. Some are only used in \MKII\ or \MKIV.
+%D Output routine:
+\newtoks \everybeforeoutput
+\newtoks \everyafteroutput
+%D Shipout:
+\newtoks \everyshipout
+\newtoks \everybeforeshipout
+\newtoks \everyaftershipout
+\newtoks \everyfirstshipout
+\newtoks \everylastshipout
+%D End of run:
+\newtoks \everybye
+\newtoks \everygoodbye
+\newtoks \everynotabene
+%D Document
+\newtoks \everysetupdocument
+\newtoks \everyendoftextbody
+\newtoks \everystarttext
+\newtoks \everystoptext
+%D Purity:
+\newtoks \everyforgetall
+\newtoks \everycleanupfeatures
+\def\forgetall {\the\everyforgetall}
+%D Page building:
+\newtoks \everybeforepagebody
+\newtoks \everyafterpagebody
+\let \everypagebody \everybeforepagebody % backward compatible
+%D Multipass:
+\newtoks \everybeforeutilityread
+\newtoks \everyafterutilityread
+%D Floats:
+\newtoks \everyinsidefloat
+%D Sectioning:
+\newtoks \everyheadstart
+%D Par building (experimental, used in xml <p> .. </p>)
+\newtoks \everybeginofpar
+\newtoks \everyendofpar
+%newtoks \everyparflush
+\def\bpar{\the\everybeginofpar\ignorespaces} % may interfere with \everypar
+\def\epar{\ifhmode\removeunwantedspaces\the\everyendofpar\fi} % test prevents problems with \bpar\epar
+%D Lists:
+\newtoks \everylistentry
+\newtoks \everysavesortkeys
+%D Marks:
+\newtoks \everymarking
+%D Fonts:
+\newtoks \everyfont
+\newtoks \everyglobalbodyfont
+\newtoks \everydefinedfont
+\newevery \everybodyfont \EveryBodyFont
+\newevery \everyfontswitch \EveryFontSwitch
+%D Math:
+\newtoks \everybeforedisplayformula
+\newtoks \everymathematics
+\prependtoks \the\everymathematics \to \everymath
+\prependtoks \the\everymathematics \to \everydisplay
+%D Tables
+\newtoks \everytable
+%D State mess:
+\newtoks \everypushsomestate
+\newtoks \everypopsomestate
+\def\popsomestates {\the\everypopsomestate }
+%D More generic (used to be pushcolor etc)
+\def\pushproperties {\the\everypushproperties}
+\def\popproperties {\the\everypopproperties}
+\def\popsplitproperties {\the\everypopsplitproperties}
+\def\stoptextproperties {\the\everystoptextproperties}
+%D This is pretty important (esp since we now ignore shipouts).
+%D Actually we should nil all writes, marks, specials.
+\appendtoks \globallet\popproperties \relax \to \everylastshipout
+\appendtoks \globallet\popsplitproperties\relax \to \everylastshipout
+%D \macros
+%D {defineinputmode,setinputmode}
+%D New. Some work needs to be done.
+% not in mkiv
+\def\defineinputmode[#1]{\@EA\newtoks\csname every#1inputmode\endcsname}
+\def\setinputmode [#1]{\the\executeifdefined{every#1inputmode}\emptytoks}
+\defineinputmode [TEX]
+\defineinputmode [XML]
+\setinputmode [TEX]
+%D \macros
+%D {trialtypesetting}
+%D We disable trial typesetting in the output routine,
+%D just to be sure.
+\prependtoks \trialtypesettingfalse \to \everybeforepagebody
+%D \macros
+%D {ifinpagebody,ifinsidecolumns,ifdoublesided,ifsinglesided}
+\newif \ifinpagebody
+\newif \ifinsidecolumns
+\newif \ifdoublesided \doublesidedfalse
+\newif \ifsinglesided \singlesidedtrue
+\newif \ifinsidefloat
+\newif \ifdoingblocks
+\newif \ifgridsnapping
+%D \macros
+%D {ifprocessingXML}
+%D We need this one even if no \XML\ is supported.
+\newif\ifprocessingXML % old way
+%D \macros
+%D {ifproductionrun}
+%D This boolean can be used to bypass certain
+%D initializations.
+\ifx\protectionlevel\undefined \newcount\protectionlevel \fi
+\appendtoks \productionruntrue \to \everydump
+\appendtoks \ifcase\protectionlevel\else\reportunprotection\fi \to \everydump
+%D \macros
+%D {everyboxedcontent, ifboxedcontent,
+%D startboxedcontent, stopboxedcontent}
+%D This one is relatively new and will be used as a more
+%D robust test for inner situations.
+\newif \ifboxedcontent
+\appendtoks \boxedcontenttrue \to \everyboxedcontent
+\let\stopboxedcontent \egroup
+%D \macros
+%D {fastmode,silentmode}
+%D These commands are obsolete.
+\let\fastmode \relax
+%D \macros
+%D {defineselector,setupselector}
+%D \starttyping
+%D \defineselector[caption][max=2,n=2]
+%D \start
+%D \setupselector[caption][n=1]
+%D \placelist[figure][criterium=all]
+%D \stop
+%D \starttext
+%D \placefigure
+%D {\select{caption}{zapf}{\input zapf \relax}}
+%D {}
+%D \stoptext
+%D \stoptyping
+\def\setupselector {\dodoubleargument\dosetupselector}
+\def\dosetupselector [#1][#2]{\getparameters[\??sx#1][#2]}
+ {\filterfromnext
+ {\executeifdefined{\??sx#1\c!max}1}
+ {\executeifdefined{\??sx#1\c!n }1}}
+%D We store some original meanings, maybe in \type
+%D {math-ini}.
+\let\normalat \at
+\let\normalin \in
+\let\normalfrom \from
+%let\normalover \over
+%D Add-ons:
+\let\stoplayoutcomponent \relax
+%D Concepts:
+ {\ifnum\conceptmode>\plustwo
+ \expandafter\firstofoneargument
+ \else
+ \expandafter\gobbleoneargument
+ \fi}
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/enco-032.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/enco-032.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e3c24271e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/enco-032.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=enco-032,
+%D version=2006.03.30,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Encoding Macros,
+%D subtitle=Unicode Goodies,
+%D author={Taco Hoekwater},
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+% unicode table 32 (= hex 20)
+\startencoding [default]
+ \definecommand unic@threeperemspace {\hskip .33333em }
+ \definecommand unic@fourperemspace {\hskip .25em }
+ \definecommand unic@sixperemspace {\hskip .16667em }
+ \definecommand unic@figurespace {\hphantom{0}}
+ \definecommand unic@punctuationspace {\hphantom{,}}
+ \definecommand unic@hairspace {\hskip .08333em }
+ \definecommand unic@zerowidthspace {\hskip 0em plus 1sp }
+ \definecommand unic@zerowidthjoiner {\kern 0em }
+ \definecommand unic@zerowidthnonjoiner {\hskip 0em }
+ \definecommand unic@quotedblleftreversed {\mirror{\quotedblright}}
+ \definecommand unic@quoteleftreversed {\mirror{\quoteright}}
+ \definecommand unic@onedotleader {{\periods[1]}}
+ \definecommand unic@twodotleader {{\periods[2]}}
+ \definecommand unic@hyphenationpoint {.\allowbreak }
+ \definecommand unic@doubleexclamationmark {!!}
+ \definecommand unic@exclamationquestionmark {!?}
+ \definecommand unic@questionexclamationmark {?!}
+ \definecommand unic@doublequestionmark {??}
+ \definecommand unic@reversedpilcrowsign {\mirror{\P}}
+ \definecommand unic@reversedsemicolon {\mirror{;}}
+ \definecommand unic@superscriptzero {\high{0}}
+ \definecommand unic@superscripti {\high{i}}
+ \definecommand unic@superscriptfour {\high{4}}
+ \definecommand unic@superscriptfive {\high{5}}
+ \definecommand unic@superscriptsix {\high{6}}
+ \definecommand unic@superscriptseven {\high{7}}
+ \definecommand unic@superscripteight {\high{8}}
+ \definecommand unic@superscriptnine {\high{9}}
+ \definecommand unic@superscriptplus {\high{+}}
+ \definecommand unic@superscriptminus {\high{\textminus}}
+ \definecommand unic@superscriptequals {\high{=}}
+ \definecommand unic@superscriptleft {\high{(}}
+ \definecommand unic@superscriptright {\high{)}}
+ \definecommand unic@superscriptn {\high{n}}
+ \definecommand unic@subscriptzero {\low{0}}
+ \definecommand unic@subscriptone {\low{1}}
+ \definecommand unic@subscripttwo {\low{2}}
+ \definecommand unic@subscriptthree {\low{3}}
+ \definecommand unic@subscriptfour {\low{4}}
+ \definecommand unic@subscriptfive {\low{5}}
+ \definecommand unic@subscriptsix {\low{6}}
+ \definecommand unic@subscriptseven {\low{7}}
+ \definecommand unic@subscripteight {\low{8}}
+ \definecommand unic@subscriptnine {\low{9}}
+ \definecommand unic@subscriptplus {\low{+}}
+ \definecommand unic@subscriptminus {\low{\textminus}}
+ \definecommand unic@subscriptequals {\low{=}}
+ \definecommand unic@subscriptleft {\low{(}}
+ \definecommand unic@subscriptright {\low{)}}
+ \definecommand unic@subscripta {\low{a}}
+ \definecommand unic@subscripte {\low{e}}
+ \definecommand unic@subscripto {\low{o}}
+ \definecommand unic@subscriptx {\low{x}}
+ \definecommand unic@subscriptschwa {\low{\schwa}}
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/enco-037.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/enco-037.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a2aad46a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/enco-037.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=enco-037,
+%D version=2006.02.13,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ \UNICODE\ Macros,
+%D subtitle=Encoding for vector 37,
+%D author=Luigi Scarso,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\definecharacter UnicodeLightHorizontal {\uchar{37}{000}} %%BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT HORIZONTAL
+\definecharacter UnicodeHeavyHorizontal {\uchar{37}{001}} %%BOX DRAWINGS HEAVY HORIZONTAL
+\definecharacter UnicodeLightVertical {\uchar{37}{002}} %%BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT VERTICAL
+\definecharacter UnicodeHeavyVertical {\uchar{37}{003}} %%BOX DRAWINGS HEAVY VERTICAL
+\definecharacter UnicodeLightTripleDashHorizontal {\uchar{37}{004}} %%BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT TRIPLE DASH HORIZONTAL
+\definecharacter UnicodeHeavyTripleDashHorizontal {\uchar{37}{005}} %%BOX DRAWINGS HEAVY TRIPLE DASH HORIZONTAL
+\definecharacter UnicodeLightTripleDashVertical {\uchar{37}{006}} %%BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT TRIPLE DASH VERTICAL
+\definecharacter UnicodeHeavyTripleDashVertical {\uchar{37}{007}} %%BOX DRAWINGS HEAVY TRIPLE DASH VERTICAL
+\definecharacter UnicodeLightQuadrupleDashHorizontal {\uchar{37}{008}} %%BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT QUADRUPLE DASH HORIZONTAL
+\definecharacter UnicodeHeavyQuadrupleDashHorizontal {\uchar{37}{009}} %%BOX DRAWINGS HEAVY QUADRUPLE DASH HORIZONTAL
+\definecharacter UnicodeLightQuadrupleDashVertical {\uchar{37}{010}} %%BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT QUADRUPLE DASH VERTICAL
+\definecharacter UnicodeHeavyQuadrupleDashVertical {\uchar{37}{011}} %%BOX DRAWINGS HEAVY QUADRUPLE DASH VERTICAL
+\definecharacter UnicodeLightDownAndRight {\uchar{37}{012}} %%BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT DOWN AND RIGHT
+\definecharacter UnicodeDownLightAndRightHeavy {\uchar{37}{013}} %%BOX DRAWINGS DOWN LIGHT AND RIGHT HEAVY
+\definecharacter UnicodeDownHeavyAndRightLight {\uchar{37}{014}} %%BOX DRAWINGS DOWN HEAVY AND RIGHT LIGHT
+\definecharacter UnicodeHeavyDownAndRight {\uchar{37}{015}} %%BOX DRAWINGS HEAVY DOWN AND RIGHT
+\definecharacter UnicodeLightDownAndLeft {\uchar{37}{016}} %%BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT DOWN AND LEFT
+\definecharacter UnicodeDownLightAndLeftHeavy {\uchar{37}{017}} %%BOX DRAWINGS DOWN LIGHT AND LEFT HEAVY
+\definecharacter UnicodeDownHeavyAndLeftLight {\uchar{37}{018}} %%BOX DRAWINGS DOWN HEAVY AND LEFT LIGHT
+\definecharacter UnicodeHeavyDownAndLeft {\uchar{37}{019}} %%BOX DRAWINGS HEAVY DOWN AND LEFT
+\definecharacter UnicodeLightUpAndRight {\uchar{37}{020}} %%BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT UP AND RIGHT
+\definecharacter UnicodeUpLightAndRightHeavy {\uchar{37}{021}} %%BOX DRAWINGS UP LIGHT AND RIGHT HEAVY
+\definecharacter UnicodeUpHeavyAndRightLight {\uchar{37}{022}} %%BOX DRAWINGS UP HEAVY AND RIGHT LIGHT
+\definecharacter UnicodeHeavyUpAndRight {\uchar{37}{023}} %%BOX DRAWINGS HEAVY UP AND RIGHT
+\definecharacter UnicodeLightUpAndLeft {\uchar{37}{024}} %%BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT UP AND LEFT
+\definecharacter UnicodeUpLightAndLeftHeavy {\uchar{37}{025}} %%BOX DRAWINGS UP LIGHT AND LEFT HEAVY
+\definecharacter UnicodeUpHeavyAndLeftLight {\uchar{37}{026}} %%BOX DRAWINGS UP HEAVY AND LEFT LIGHT
+\definecharacter UnicodeHeavyUpAndLeft {\uchar{37}{027}} %%BOX DRAWINGS HEAVY UP AND LEFT
+\definecharacter UnicodeLightVerticalAndRight {\uchar{37}{028}} %%BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT VERTICAL AND RIGHT
+\definecharacter UnicodeVerticalLightAndRightHeavy {\uchar{37}{029}} %%BOX DRAWINGS VERTICAL LIGHT AND RIGHT HEAVY
+\definecharacter UnicodeUpHeavyAndRightDownLight {\uchar{37}{030}} %%BOX DRAWINGS UP HEAVY AND RIGHT DOWN LIGHT
+\definecharacter UnicodeDownHeavyAndRightUpLight {\uchar{37}{031}} %%BOX DRAWINGS DOWN HEAVY AND RIGHT UP LIGHT
+\definecharacter UnicodeVerticalHeavyAndRightLight {\uchar{37}{032}} %%BOX DRAWINGS VERTICAL HEAVY AND RIGHT LIGHT
+\definecharacter UnicodeDownLightAndRightUpHeavy {\uchar{37}{033}} %%BOX DRAWINGS DOWN LIGHT AND RIGHT UP HEAVY
+\definecharacter UnicodeUpLightAndRightDownHeavy {\uchar{37}{034}} %%BOX DRAWINGS UP LIGHT AND RIGHT DOWN HEAVY
+\definecharacter UnicodeHeavyVerticalAndRight {\uchar{37}{035}} %%BOX DRAWINGS HEAVY VERTICAL AND RIGHT
+\definecharacter UnicodeLightVerticalAndLeft {\uchar{37}{036}} %%BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT VERTICAL AND LEFT
+\definecharacter UnicodeVerticalLightAndLeftHeavy {\uchar{37}{037}} %%BOX DRAWINGS VERTICAL LIGHT AND LEFT HEAVY
+\definecharacter UnicodeUpHeavyAndLeftDownLight {\uchar{37}{038}} %%BOX DRAWINGS UP HEAVY AND LEFT DOWN LIGHT
+\definecharacter UnicodeDownHeavyAndLeftUpLight {\uchar{37}{039}} %%BOX DRAWINGS DOWN HEAVY AND LEFT UP LIGHT
+\definecharacter UnicodeVerticalHeavyAndLeftLight {\uchar{37}{040}} %%BOX DRAWINGS VERTICAL HEAVY AND LEFT LIGHT
+\definecharacter UnicodeDownLightAndLeftUpHeavy {\uchar{37}{041}} %%BOX DRAWINGS DOWN LIGHT AND LEFT UP HEAVY
+\definecharacter UnicodeUpLightAndLeftDownHeavy {\uchar{37}{042}} %%BOX DRAWINGS UP LIGHT AND LEFT DOWN HEAVY
+\definecharacter UnicodeHeavyVerticalAndLeft {\uchar{37}{043}} %%BOX DRAWINGS HEAVY VERTICAL AND LEFT
+\definecharacter UnicodeLightDownAndHorizontal {\uchar{37}{044}} %%BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT DOWN AND HORIZONTAL
+\definecharacter UnicodeLeftHeavyAndRightDownLight {\uchar{37}{045}} %%BOX DRAWINGS LEFT HEAVY AND RIGHT DOWN LIGHT
+\definecharacter UnicodeRightHeavyAndLeftDownLight {\uchar{37}{046}} %%BOX DRAWINGS RIGHT HEAVY AND LEFT DOWN LIGHT
+\definecharacter UnicodeDownLightAndHorizontalHeavy {\uchar{37}{047}} %%BOX DRAWINGS DOWN LIGHT AND HORIZONTAL HEAVY
+\definecharacter UnicodeDownHeavyAndHorizontalLight {\uchar{37}{048}} %%BOX DRAWINGS DOWN HEAVY AND HORIZONTAL LIGHT
+\definecharacter UnicodeRightLightAndLeftDownHeavy {\uchar{37}{049}} %%BOX DRAWINGS RIGHT LIGHT AND LEFT DOWN HEAVY
+\definecharacter UnicodeLeftLightAndRightDownHeavy {\uchar{37}{050}} %%BOX DRAWINGS LEFT LIGHT AND RIGHT DOWN HEAVY
+\definecharacter UnicodeHeavyDownAndHorizontal {\uchar{37}{051}} %%BOX DRAWINGS HEAVY DOWN AND HORIZONTAL
+\definecharacter UnicodeLightUpAndHorizontal {\uchar{37}{052}} %%BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT UP AND HORIZONTAL
+\definecharacter UnicodeLeftHeavyAndRightUpLight {\uchar{37}{053}} %%BOX DRAWINGS LEFT HEAVY AND RIGHT UP LIGHT
+\definecharacter UnicodeRightHeavyAndLeftUpLight {\uchar{37}{054}} %%BOX DRAWINGS RIGHT HEAVY AND LEFT UP LIGHT
+\definecharacter UnicodeUpLightAndHorizontalHeavy {\uchar{37}{055}} %%BOX DRAWINGS UP LIGHT AND HORIZONTAL HEAVY
+\definecharacter UnicodeUpHeavyAndHorizontalLight {\uchar{37}{056}} %%BOX DRAWINGS UP HEAVY AND HORIZONTAL LIGHT
+\definecharacter UnicodeRightLightAndLeftUpHeavy {\uchar{37}{057}} %%BOX DRAWINGS RIGHT LIGHT AND LEFT UP HEAVY
+\definecharacter UnicodeLeftLightAndRightUpHeavy {\uchar{37}{058}} %%BOX DRAWINGS LEFT LIGHT AND RIGHT UP HEAVY
+\definecharacter UnicodeHeavyUpAndHorizontal {\uchar{37}{059}} %%BOX DRAWINGS HEAVY UP AND HORIZONTAL
+\definecharacter UnicodeLightVerticalAndHorizontal {\uchar{37}{060}} %%BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL
+\definecharacter UnicodeLeftHeavyAndRightVerticalLight {\uchar{37}{061}} %%BOX DRAWINGS LEFT HEAVY AND RIGHT VERTICAL LIGHT
+\definecharacter UnicodeRightHeavyAndLeftVerticalLight {\uchar{37}{062}} %%BOX DRAWINGS RIGHT HEAVY AND LEFT VERTICAL LIGHT
+\definecharacter UnicodeVerticalLightAndHorizontalHeavy {\uchar{37}{063}} %%BOX DRAWINGS VERTICAL LIGHT AND HORIZONTAL HEAVY
+\definecharacter UnicodeUpHeavyAndDownHorizontalLight {\uchar{37}{064}} %%BOX DRAWINGS UP HEAVY AND DOWN HORIZONTAL LIGHT
+\definecharacter UnicodeDownHeavyAndUpHorizontalLight {\uchar{37}{065}} %%BOX DRAWINGS DOWN HEAVY AND UP HORIZONTAL LIGHT
+\definecharacter UnicodeVerticalHeavyAndHorizontalLight {\uchar{37}{066}} %%BOX DRAWINGS VERTICAL HEAVY AND HORIZONTAL LIGHT
+\definecharacter UnicodeLeftUpHeavyAndRightDownLight {\uchar{37}{067}} %%BOX DRAWINGS LEFT UP HEAVY AND RIGHT DOWN LIGHT
+\definecharacter UnicodeRightUpHeavyAndLeftDownLight {\uchar{37}{068}} %%BOX DRAWINGS RIGHT UP HEAVY AND LEFT DOWN LIGHT
+\definecharacter UnicodeLeftDownHeavyAndRightUpLight {\uchar{37}{069}} %%BOX DRAWINGS LEFT DOWN HEAVY AND RIGHT UP LIGHT
+\definecharacter UnicodeRightDownHeavyAndLeftUpLight {\uchar{37}{070}} %%BOX DRAWINGS RIGHT DOWN HEAVY AND LEFT UP LIGHT
+\definecharacter UnicodeDownLightAndUpHorizontalHeavy {\uchar{37}{071}} %%BOX DRAWINGS DOWN LIGHT AND UP HORIZONTAL HEAVY
+\definecharacter UnicodeUpLightAndDownHorizontalHeavy {\uchar{37}{072}} %%BOX DRAWINGS UP LIGHT AND DOWN HORIZONTAL HEAVY
+\definecharacter UnicodeRightLightAndLeftVerticalHeavy {\uchar{37}{073}} %%BOX DRAWINGS RIGHT LIGHT AND LEFT VERTICAL HEAVY
+\definecharacter UnicodeLeftLightAndRightVerticalHeavy {\uchar{37}{074}} %%BOX DRAWINGS LEFT LIGHT AND RIGHT VERTICAL HEAVY
+\definecharacter UnicodeHeavyVerticalAndHorizontal {\uchar{37}{075}} %%BOX DRAWINGS HEAVY VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL
+\definecharacter UnicodeLightDoubleDashHorizontal {\uchar{37}{076}} %%BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT DOUBLE DASH HORIZONTAL
+\definecharacter UnicodeHeavyDoubleDashHorizontal {\uchar{37}{077}} %%BOX DRAWINGS HEAVY DOUBLE DASH HORIZONTAL
+\definecharacter UnicodeLightDoubleDashVertical {\uchar{37}{078}} %%BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT DOUBLE DASH VERTICAL
+\definecharacter UnicodeHeavyDoubleDashVertical {\uchar{37}{079}} %%BOX DRAWINGS HEAVY DOUBLE DASH VERTICAL
+\definecharacter UnicodeDoubleHorizontal {\uchar{37}{080}} %%BOX DRAWINGS DOUBLE HORIZONTAL
+\definecharacter UnicodeDoubleVertical {\uchar{37}{081}} %%BOX DRAWINGS DOUBLE VERTICAL
+\definecharacter UnicodeDownSingleAndRightDouble {\uchar{37}{082}} %%BOX DRAWINGS DOWN SINGLE AND RIGHT DOUBLE
+\definecharacter UnicodeDownDoubleAndRightSingle {\uchar{37}{083}} %%BOX DRAWINGS DOWN DOUBLE AND RIGHT SINGLE
+\definecharacter UnicodeDoubleDownAndRight {\uchar{37}{084}} %%BOX DRAWINGS DOUBLE DOWN AND RIGHT
+\definecharacter UnicodeDownSingleAndLeftDouble {\uchar{37}{085}} %%BOX DRAWINGS DOWN SINGLE AND LEFT DOUBLE
+\definecharacter UnicodeDownDoubleAndLeftSingle {\uchar{37}{086}} %%BOX DRAWINGS DOWN DOUBLE AND LEFT SINGLE
+\definecharacter UnicodeDoubleDownAndLeft {\uchar{37}{087}} %%BOX DRAWINGS DOUBLE DOWN AND LEFT
+\definecharacter UnicodeUpSingleAndRightDouble {\uchar{37}{088}} %%BOX DRAWINGS UP SINGLE AND RIGHT DOUBLE
+\definecharacter UnicodeUpDoubleAndRightSingle {\uchar{37}{089}} %%BOX DRAWINGS UP DOUBLE AND RIGHT SINGLE
+\definecharacter UnicodeDoubleUpAndRight {\uchar{37}{090}} %%BOX DRAWINGS DOUBLE UP AND RIGHT
+\definecharacter UnicodeUpSingleAndLeftDouble {\uchar{37}{091}} %%BOX DRAWINGS UP SINGLE AND LEFT DOUBLE
+\definecharacter UnicodeUpDoubleAndLeftSingle {\uchar{37}{092}} %%BOX DRAWINGS UP DOUBLE AND LEFT SINGLE
+\definecharacter UnicodeDoubleUpAndLeft {\uchar{37}{093}} %%BOX DRAWINGS DOUBLE UP AND LEFT
+\definecharacter UnicodeVerticalSingleAndRightDouble {\uchar{37}{094}} %%BOX DRAWINGS VERTICAL SINGLE AND RIGHT DOUBLE
+\definecharacter UnicodeVerticalDoubleAndRightSingle {\uchar{37}{095}} %%BOX DRAWINGS VERTICAL DOUBLE AND RIGHT SINGLE
+\definecharacter UnicodeDoubleVerticalAndRight {\uchar{37}{096}} %%BOX DRAWINGS DOUBLE VERTICAL AND RIGHT
+\definecharacter UnicodeVerticalSingleAndLeftDouble {\uchar{37}{097}} %%BOX DRAWINGS VERTICAL SINGLE AND LEFT DOUBLE
+\definecharacter UnicodeVerticalDoubleAndLeftSingle {\uchar{37}{098}} %%BOX DRAWINGS VERTICAL DOUBLE AND LEFT SINGLE
+\definecharacter UnicodeDoubleVerticalAndLeft {\uchar{37}{099}} %%BOX DRAWINGS DOUBLE VERTICAL AND LEFT
+\definecharacter UnicodeDownSingleAndHorizontalDouble {\uchar{37}{100}} %%BOX DRAWINGS DOWN SINGLE AND HORIZONTAL DOUBLE
+\definecharacter UnicodeDownDoubleAndHorizontalSingle {\uchar{37}{101}} %%BOX DRAWINGS DOWN DOUBLE AND HORIZONTAL SINGLE
+\definecharacter UnicodeDoubleDownAndHorizontal {\uchar{37}{102}} %%BOX DRAWINGS DOUBLE DOWN AND HORIZONTAL
+\definecharacter UnicodeUpSingleAndHorizontalDouble {\uchar{37}{103}} %%BOX DRAWINGS UP SINGLE AND HORIZONTAL DOUBLE
+\definecharacter UnicodeUpDoubleAndHorizontalSingle {\uchar{37}{104}} %%BOX DRAWINGS UP DOUBLE AND HORIZONTAL SINGLE
+\definecharacter UnicodeDoubleUpAndHorizontal {\uchar{37}{105}} %%BOX DRAWINGS DOUBLE UP AND HORIZONTAL
+\definecharacter UnicodeVerticalSingleAndHorizontalDouble {\uchar{37}{106}} %%BOX DRAWINGS VERTICAL SINGLE AND HORIZONTAL DOUBLE
+\definecharacter UnicodeVerticalDoubleAndHorizontalSingle {\uchar{37}{107}} %%BOX DRAWINGS VERTICAL DOUBLE AND HORIZONTAL SINGLE
+\definecharacter UnicodeDoubleVerticalAndHorizontal {\uchar{37}{108}} %%BOX DRAWINGS DOUBLE VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL
+\definecharacter UnicodeLightArcDownAndRight {\uchar{37}{109}} %%BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT ARC DOWN AND RIGHT
+\definecharacter UnicodeLightArcDownAndLeft {\uchar{37}{110}} %%BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT ARC DOWN AND LEFT
+\definecharacter UnicodeLightArcUpAndLeft {\uchar{37}{111}} %%BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT ARC UP AND LEFT
+\definecharacter UnicodeLightArcUpAndRight {\uchar{37}{112}} %%BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT ARC UP AND RIGHT
+\definecharacter UnicodeLightDiagonalUpperRightToLowerLeft {\uchar{37}{113}} %%BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT DIAGONAL UPPER RIGHT TO LOWER LEFT
+\definecharacter UnicodeLightDiagonalUpperLeftToLowerRight {\uchar{37}{114}} %%BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT DIAGONAL UPPER LEFT TO LOWER RIGHT
+\definecharacter UnicodeLightDiagonalCross {\uchar{37}{115}} %%BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT DIAGONAL CROSS
+\definecharacter UnicodeLightLeft {\uchar{37}{116}} %%BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT LEFT
+\definecharacter UnicodeLightUp {\uchar{37}{117}} %%BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT UP
+\definecharacter UnicodeLightRight {\uchar{37}{118}} %%BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT RIGHT
+\definecharacter UnicodeLightDown {\uchar{37}{119}} %%BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT DOWN
+\definecharacter UnicodeHeavyLeft {\uchar{37}{120}} %%BOX DRAWINGS HEAVY LEFT
+\definecharacter UnicodeHeavyUp {\uchar{37}{121}} %%BOX DRAWINGS HEAVY UP
+\definecharacter UnicodeHeavyRight {\uchar{37}{122}} %%BOX DRAWINGS HEAVY RIGHT
+\definecharacter UnicodeHeavyDown {\uchar{37}{123}} %%BOX DRAWINGS HEAVY DOWN
+\definecharacter UnicodeLightLeftAndHeavyRight {\uchar{37}{124}} %%BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT LEFT AND HEAVY RIGHT
+\definecharacter UnicodeLightUpAndHeavyDown {\uchar{37}{125}} %%BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT UP AND HEAVY DOWN
+\definecharacter UnicodeHeavyLeftAndLightRight {\uchar{37}{126}} %%BOX DRAWINGS HEAVY LEFT AND LIGHT RIGHT
+\definecharacter UnicodeHeavyUpAndLightDown {\uchar{37}{127}} %%BOX DRAWINGS HEAVY UP AND LIGHT DOWN
+\definecharacter UnicodeUpperHalfBlock {\uchar{37}{128}} %%UPPER HALF BLOCK
+\definecharacter UnicodeLowerOneEighthBlock {\uchar{37}{129}} %%LOWER ONE EIGHTH BLOCK
+\definecharacter UnicodeLowerOneQuarterBlock {\uchar{37}{130}} %%LOWER ONE QUARTER BLOCK
+\definecharacter UnicodeLowerThreeEighthsBlock {\uchar{37}{131}} %%LOWER THREE EIGHTHS BLOCK
+\definecharacter UnicodeLowerHalfBlock {\uchar{37}{132}} %%LOWER HALF BLOCK
+\definecharacter UnicodeLowerFiveEighthsBlock {\uchar{37}{133}} %%LOWER FIVE EIGHTHS BLOCK
+\definecharacter UnicodeLowerThreeQuartersBlock {\uchar{37}{134}} %%LOWER THREE QUARTERS BLOCK
+\definecharacter UnicodeLowerSevenEighthsBlock {\uchar{37}{135}} %%LOWER SEVEN EIGHTHS BLOCK
+\definecharacter UnicodeFullBlock {\uchar{37}{136}} %%FULL BLOCK
+\definecharacter UnicodeLeftSevenEighthsBlock {\uchar{37}{137}} %%LEFT SEVEN EIGHTHS BLOCK
+\definecharacter UnicodeLeftThreeQuartersBlock {\uchar{37}{138}} %%LEFT THREE QUARTERS BLOCK
+\definecharacter UnicodeLeftFiveEighthsBlock {\uchar{37}{139}} %%LEFT FIVE EIGHTHS BLOCK
+\definecharacter UnicodeLeftHalfBlock {\uchar{37}{140}} %%LEFT HALF BLOCK
+\definecharacter UnicodeLeftThreeEighthsBlock {\uchar{37}{141}} %%LEFT THREE EIGHTHS BLOCK
+\definecharacter UnicodeLeftOneQuarterBlock {\uchar{37}{142}} %%LEFT ONE QUARTER BLOCK
+\definecharacter UnicodeLeftOneEighthBlock {\uchar{37}{143}} %%LEFT ONE EIGHTH BLOCK
+\definecharacter UnicodeRightHalfBlock {\uchar{37}{144}} %%RIGHT HALF BLOCK
+\definecharacter UnicodeLightShade {\uchar{37}{145}} %%LIGHT SHADE
+\definecharacter UnicodeMediumShade {\uchar{37}{146}} %%MEDIUM SHADE
+\definecharacter UnicodeDarkShade {\uchar{37}{147}} %%DARK SHADE
+\definecharacter UnicodeUpperOneEighthBlock {\uchar{37}{148}} %%UPPER ONE EIGHTH BLOCK
+\definecharacter UnicodeRightOneEighthBlock {\uchar{37}{149}} %%RIGHT ONE EIGHTH BLOCK
+\definecharacter UnicodeQuadrantLowerLeft {\uchar{37}{150}} %%[Unassigned U+2596]
+\definecharacter UnicodeQuadrantLowerRight {\uchar{37}{151}} %%[Unassigned U+2597]
+\definecharacter UnicodeQuadrantUpperLeft {\uchar{37}{152}} %%[Unassigned U+2598]
+\definecharacter UnicodeQuadrantUpperLeftAndLowerLeftAndLowerRight {\uchar{37}{153}} %%[Unassigned U+2599]
+\definecharacter UnicodeQuadrantUpperLeftAndLowerRight {\uchar{37}{154}} %%[Unassigned U+259A]
+\definecharacter UnicodeQuadrantUpperLeftAndUpperRightandLowerLeft {\uchar{37}{155}} %%[Unassigned U+259B]
+\definecharacter UnicodeQuadrantUpperLeftAndUpperRightAndLowerRight {\uchar{37}{156}} %%[Unassigned U+259C]
+\definecharacter UnicodeQuadrantUpperRight {\uchar{37}{157}} %%[Unassigned U+259D]
+\definecharacter UnicodeQuadrantUpperRightAndLowerLeft {\uchar{37}{158}} %%[Unassigned U+259E]
+\definecharacter UnicodeQuadrantUpperRightAndLowerLeftAndLowerRight {\uchar{37}{159}} %%[Unassigned U+259F]
+\definecharacter UnicodeBlackSquare {\uchar{37}{160}} %%BLACK SQUARE
+\definecharacter UnicodeWhiteSquare {\uchar{37}{161}} %%WHITE SQUARE
+\definecharacter UnicodeWhiteSquareWithRoundedCorners {\uchar{37}{162}} %%WHITE SQUARE WITH ROUNDED CORNERS
+\definecharacter UnicodeWhiteSquareContainingBlackSmallSquare {\uchar{37}{163}} %%WHITE SQUARE CONTAINING BLACK SMALL SQUARE
+\definecharacter UnicodeSquareWithHorizontalFill {\uchar{37}{164}} %%SQUARE WITH HORIZONTAL FILL
+\definecharacter UnicodeSquareWithVerticalFill {\uchar{37}{165}} %%SQUARE WITH VERTICAL FILL
+\definecharacter UnicodeSquareWithOrthogonalCrosshatchFill {\uchar{37}{166}} %%SQUARE WITH ORTHOGONAL CROSSHATCH FILL
+\definecharacter UnicodeSquareWithUpperLeftToLowerRightFill {\uchar{37}{167}} %%SQUARE WITH UPPER LEFT TO LOWER RIGHT FILL
+\definecharacter UnicodeSquareWithUpperRightToLowerLeftFill {\uchar{37}{168}} %%SQUARE WITH UPPER RIGHT TO LOWER LEFT FILL
+\definecharacter UnicodeSquareWithDiagonalCrosshatchFill {\uchar{37}{169}} %%SQUARE WITH DIAGONAL CROSSHATCH FILL
+\definecharacter UnicodeBlackSmallSquare {\uchar{37}{170}} %%BLACK SMALL SQUARE
+\definecharacter UnicodeWhiteSmallSquare {\uchar{37}{171}} %%WHITE SMALL SQUARE
+\definecharacter UnicodeBlackRectangle {\uchar{37}{172}} %%BLACK RECTANGLE
+\definecharacter UnicodeWhiteRectangle {\uchar{37}{173}} %%WHITE RECTANGLE
+\definecharacter UnicodeBlackVerticalRectangle {\uchar{37}{174}} %%BLACK VERTICAL RECTANGLE
+\definecharacter UnicodeWhiteVerticalRectangle {\uchar{37}{175}} %%WHITE VERTICAL RECTANGLE
+\definecharacter UnicodeBlackParallelogram {\uchar{37}{176}} %%BLACK PARALLELOGRAM
+\definecharacter UnicodeWhiteParallelogram {\uchar{37}{177}} %%WHITE PARALLELOGRAM
+\definecharacter UnicodeBlackUpPointingTriangle {\uchar{37}{178}} %%BLACK UP-POINTING TRIANGLE
+\definecharacter UnicodeWhiteUpPointingTriangle {\uchar{37}{179}} %%WHITE UP-POINTING TRIANGLE
+\definecharacter UnicodeBlackUpPointingSmallTriangle {\uchar{37}{180}} %%BLACK UP-POINTING SMALL TRIANGLE
+\definecharacter UnicodeWhiteUpPointingSmallTriangle {\uchar{37}{181}} %%WHITE UP-POINTING SMALL TRIANGLE
+\definecharacter UnicodeBlackRightPointingTriangle {\uchar{37}{182}} %%BLACK RIGHT-POINTING TRIANGLE
+\definecharacter UnicodeWhiteRightPointingTriangle {\uchar{37}{183}} %%WHITE RIGHT-POINTING TRIANGLE
+\definecharacter UnicodeBlackRightPointingSmallTriangle {\uchar{37}{184}} %%BLACK RIGHT-POINTING SMALL TRIANGLE
+\definecharacter UnicodeWhiteRightPointingSmallTriangle {\uchar{37}{185}} %%WHITE RIGHT-POINTING SMALL TRIANGLE
+\definecharacter UnicodeBlackRightPointingPointer {\uchar{37}{186}} %%BLACK RIGHT-POINTING POINTER
+\definecharacter UnicodeWhiteRightPointingPointer {\uchar{37}{187}} %%WHITE RIGHT-POINTING POINTER
+\definecharacter UnicodeBlackDownPointingTriangle {\uchar{37}{188}} %%BLACK DOWN-POINTING TRIANGLE
+\definecharacter UnicodeWhiteDownPointingTriangle {\uchar{37}{189}} %%WHITE DOWN-POINTING TRIANGLE
+\definecharacter UnicodeBlackDownPointingSmallTriangle {\uchar{37}{190}} %%BLACK DOWN-POINTING SMALL TRIANGLE
+\definecharacter UnicodeWhiteDownPointingSmallTriangle {\uchar{37}{191}} %%WHITE DOWN-POINTING SMALL TRIANGLE
+\definecharacter UnicodeBlackLeftPointingTriangle {\uchar{37}{192}} %%BLACK LEFT-POINTING TRIANGLE
+\definecharacter UnicodeWhiteLeftPointingTriangle {\uchar{37}{193}} %%WHITE LEFT-POINTING TRIANGLE
+\definecharacter UnicodeBlackLeftPointingSmallTriangle {\uchar{37}{194}} %%BLACK LEFT-POINTING SMALL TRIANGLE
+\definecharacter UnicodeWhiteLeftPointingSmallTriangle {\uchar{37}{195}} %%WHITE LEFT-POINTING SMALL TRIANGLE
+\definecharacter UnicodeBlackLeftPointingPointer {\uchar{37}{196}} %%BLACK LEFT-POINTING POINTER
+\definecharacter UnicodeWhiteLeftPointingPointer {\uchar{37}{197}} %%WHITE LEFT-POINTING POINTER
+\definecharacter UnicodeBlackDiamond {\uchar{37}{198}} %%BLACK DIAMOND
+\definecharacter UnicodeWhiteDiamond {\uchar{37}{199}} %%WHITE DIAMOND
+\definecharacter UnicodeWhiteDiamondContainingBlackSmallDiamond {\uchar{37}{200}} %%WHITE DIAMOND CONTAINING BLACK SMALL DIAMOND
+\definecharacter UnicodeFisheye {\uchar{37}{201}} %%FISHEYE
+\definecharacter UnicodeLozenge {\uchar{37}{202}} %%LOZENGE
+\definecharacter UnicodeWhiteCircle {\uchar{37}{203}} %%WHITE CIRCLE
+\definecharacter UnicodeDottedCircle {\uchar{37}{204}} %%DOTTED CIRCLE
+\definecharacter UnicodeCircleWithVerticalFill {\uchar{37}{205}} %%CIRCLE WITH VERTICAL FILL
+\definecharacter UnicodeBullseye {\uchar{37}{206}} %%BULLSEYE
+\definecharacter UnicodeBlackCircle {\uchar{37}{207}} %%BLACK CIRCLE
+\definecharacter UnicodeCircleWithLeftHalfBlack {\uchar{37}{208}} %%CIRCLE WITH LEFT HALF BLACK
+\definecharacter UnicodeCircleWithRightHalfBlack {\uchar{37}{209}} %%CIRCLE WITH RIGHT HALF BLACK
+\definecharacter UnicodeCircleWithLowerHalfBlack {\uchar{37}{210}} %%CIRCLE WITH LOWER HALF BLACK
+\definecharacter UnicodeCircleWithUpperHalfBlack {\uchar{37}{211}} %%CIRCLE WITH UPPER HALF BLACK
+\definecharacter UnicodeCircleWithUpperRightQuadrantBlack {\uchar{37}{212}} %%CIRCLE WITH UPPER RIGHT QUADRANT BLACK
+\definecharacter UnicodeCircleWithAllButUpperLeftQuadrantBlack {\uchar{37}{213}} %%CIRCLE WITH ALL BUT UPPER LEFT QUADRANT BLACK
+\definecharacter UnicodeLeftHalfBlackCircle {\uchar{37}{214}} %%LEFT HALF BLACK CIRCLE
+\definecharacter UnicodeRightHalfBlackCircle {\uchar{37}{215}} %%RIGHT HALF BLACK CIRCLE
+\definecharacter UnicodeInverseBullet {\uchar{37}{216}} %%INVERSE BULLET
+\definecharacter UnicodeInverseWhiteCircle {\uchar{37}{217}} %%INVERSE WHITE CIRCLE
+\definecharacter UnicodeUpperHalfInverseWhiteCircle {\uchar{37}{218}} %%UPPER HALF INVERSE WHITE CIRCLE
+\definecharacter UnicodeLowerHalfInverseWhiteCircle {\uchar{37}{219}} %%LOWER HALF INVERSE WHITE CIRCLE
+\definecharacter UnicodeUpperLeftQuadrantCircularArc {\uchar{37}{220}} %%UPPER LEFT QUADRANT CIRCULAR ARC
+\definecharacter UnicodeUpperRightQuadrantCircularArc {\uchar{37}{221}} %%UPPER RIGHT QUADRANT CIRCULAR ARC
+\definecharacter UnicodeLowerRightQuadrantCircularArc {\uchar{37}{222}} %%LOWER RIGHT QUADRANT CIRCULAR ARC
+\definecharacter UnicodeLowerLeftQuadrantCircularArc {\uchar{37}{223}} %%LOWER LEFT QUADRANT CIRCULAR ARC
+\definecharacter UnicodeUpperHalfCircle {\uchar{37}{224}} %%UPPER HALF CIRCLE
+\definecharacter UnicodeLowerHalfCircle {\uchar{37}{225}} %%LOWER HALF CIRCLE
+\definecharacter UnicodeBlackLowerRightTriangle {\uchar{37}{226}} %%BLACK LOWER RIGHT TRIANGLE
+\definecharacter UnicodeBlackLowerLeftTriangle {\uchar{37}{227}} %%BLACK LOWER LEFT TRIANGLE
+\definecharacter UnicodeBlackUpperLeftTriangle {\uchar{37}{228}} %%BLACK UPPER LEFT TRIANGLE
+\definecharacter UnicodeBlackUpperRightTriangle {\uchar{37}{229}} %%BLACK UPPER RIGHT TRIANGLE
+\definecharacter UnicodeWhiteBullet {\uchar{37}{230}} %%WHITE BULLET
+\definecharacter UnicodeSquareWithLeftHalfBlack {\uchar{37}{231}} %%SQUARE WITH LEFT HALF BLACK
+\definecharacter UnicodeSquareWithRightHalfBlack {\uchar{37}{232}} %%SQUARE WITH RIGHT HALF BLACK
+\definecharacter UnicodeSquareWithUpperLeftDiagonalHalfBlack {\uchar{37}{233}} %%SQUARE WITH UPPER LEFT DIAGONAL HALF BLACK
+\definecharacter UnicodeSquareWithLowerRightDiagonalHalfBlack {\uchar{37}{234}} %%SQUARE WITH LOWER RIGHT DIAGONAL HALF BLACK
+\definecharacter UnicodeWhiteSquareWithVerticalBisectingLine {\uchar{37}{235}} %%WHITE SQUARE WITH VERTICAL BISECTING LINE
+\definecharacter UnicodeWhiteUpPointingTriangleWithDot {\uchar{37}{236}} %%WHITE UP-POINTING TRIANGLE WITH DOT
+\definecharacter UnicodeUpPointingTriangleWithLeftHalfBlack {\uchar{37}{237}} %%UP-POINTING TRIANGLE WITH LEFT HALF BLACK
+\definecharacter UnicodeUpPointingTriangleWithRightHalfBlack {\uchar{37}{238}} %%UP-POINTING TRIANGLE WITH RIGHT HALF BLACK
+\definecharacter UnicodeLargeCircle {\uchar{37}{239}} %%LARGE CIRCLE
+\definecharacter UnicodeWhiteSquareWithUpperLeftQuadrant {\uchar{37}{240}} %%WHITE SQUARE WITH UPPER LEFT QUADRANT
+\definecharacter UnicodeWhiteSquareWithLowerLeftQuadrant {\uchar{37}{241}} %%WHITE SQUARE WITH LOWER LEFT QUADRANT
+\definecharacter UnicodeWhiteSquareWithLowerRightQuadrant {\uchar{37}{242}} %%WHITE SQUARE WITH LOWER RIGHT QUADRANT
+\definecharacter UnicodeWhiteSquareWithUpperRightQuadrant {\uchar{37}{243}} %%WHITE SQUARE WITH UPPER RIGHT QUADRANT
+\definecharacter UnicodeWhiteCircleWithUpperLeftQuadrant {\uchar{37}{244}} %%WHITE CIRCLE WITH UPPER LEFT QUADRANT
+\definecharacter UnicodeWhiteCircleWithLowerLeftQuadrant {\uchar{37}{245}} %%WHITE CIRCLE WITH LOWER LEFT QUADRANT
+\definecharacter UnicodeWhiteCircleWithLowerRightQuadrant {\uchar{37}{246}} %%WHITE CIRCLE WITH LOWER RIGHT QUADRANT
+\definecharacter UnicodeWhiteCircleWithUpperRightQuadrant {\uchar{37}{247}} %%WHITE CIRCLE WITH UPPER RIGHT QUADRANT
+\definecharacter UnicodeUpperLeftTriangle {\uchar{37}{248}} %%[Unassigned U+25F8]
+\definecharacter UnicodeUpperRightTriangle {\uchar{37}{249}} %%[Unassigned U+25F9]
+\definecharacter UnicodeLowerLeftTriangle {\uchar{37}{250}} %%[Unassigned U+25FA]
+\definecharacter UnicodeWhiteMediumSquare {\uchar{37}{251}} %%[Unassigned U+25FB]
+\definecharacter UnicodeBlackMediumSquare {\uchar{37}{252}} %%[Unassigned U+25FC]
+\definecharacter UnicodeWhiteMediumSmallSquare {\uchar{37}{253}} %%[Unassigned U+25FD]
+\definecharacter UnicodeBlackMediumSmallSquare {\uchar{37}{254}} %%[Unassigned U+25FE]
+\definecharacter UnicodeLowerRightTriangle {\uchar{37}{255}} %%[Unassigned U+25FF]
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/enco-acc.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/enco-acc.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7484fd50e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/enco-acc.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=enco-acc,
+%D version=2000.20.12, % split from base file
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Encoding Macros,
+%D subtitle=Composed Characters Commands,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D Although it is technically possible to redefine the commands
+%D that are responsible for building composed characters, this
+%D is seldom needed, since they map onto named glyphs. The
+%D meaning of these names glyphs may change, although their
+%D visual appearance seldom will.
+\defineaccent ^ A {\Acircumflex} \defineaccent ^ a {\acircumflex}
+\defineaccent ^ C {\Ccircumflex} \defineaccent ^ c {\ccircumflex}
+\defineaccent ^ E {\Ecircumflex} \defineaccent ^ e {\ecircumflex}
+\defineaccent ^ G {\Gcircumflex} \defineaccent ^ g {\gcircumflex}
+\defineaccent ^ H {\Hcircumflex} \defineaccent ^ h {\hcircumflex}
+\defineaccent ^ I {\Icircumflex} \defineaccent ^ i {\icircumflex} \defineaccent ^ {\i} {\icircumflex}
+\defineaccent ^ J {\Jcircumflex} \defineaccent ^ j {\jcircumflex} \defineaccent ^ {\j} {\jcircumflex}
+\defineaccent ^ O {\Ocircumflex} \defineaccent ^ o {\ocircumflex}
+\defineaccent ^ S {\Scircumflex} \defineaccent ^ s {\scircumflex}
+\defineaccent ^ U {\Ucircumflex} \defineaccent ^ u {\ucircumflex}
+\defineaccent ^ W {\Wcircumflex} \defineaccent ^ w {\wcircumflex}
+\defineaccent ^ Y {\Ycircumflex} \defineaccent ^ y {\ycircumflex}
+\defineaccent ` A {\Agrave} \defineaccent ` a {\agrave}
+\defineaccent ` E {\Egrave} \defineaccent ` e {\egrave}
+\defineaccent ` I {\Igrave} \defineaccent ` i {\igrave} \defineaccent ` {\i} {\igrave}
+\defineaccent ` O {\Ograve} \defineaccent ` o {\ograve}
+\defineaccent ` U {\Ugrave} \defineaccent ` u {\ugrave}
+\defineaccent ` Y {\Ygrave} \defineaccent ` y {\ygrave}
+\defineaccent ~ A {\Atilde} \defineaccent ~ a {\atilde}
+\defineaccent ~ I {\Itilde} \defineaccent ~ i {\itilde} \defineaccent ~ {\i} {\itilde}
+\defineaccent ~ O {\Otilde} \defineaccent ~ o {\otilde}
+\defineaccent ~ U {\Utilde} \defineaccent ~ u {\utilde}
+\defineaccent " A {\Adiaeresis} \defineaccent " a {\adiaeresis}
+\defineaccent " E {\Ediaeresis} \defineaccent " e {\ediaeresis}
+\defineaccent " I {\Idiaeresis} \defineaccent " i {\idiaeresis} \defineaccent " {\i} {\idiaeresis}
+\defineaccent " O {\Odiaeresis} \defineaccent " o {\odiaeresis}
+\defineaccent " U {\Udiaeresis} \defineaccent " u {\udiaeresis}
+\defineaccent " Y {\Ydiaeresis} \defineaccent " y {\ydiaeresis}
+\defineaccent ' A {\Aacute} \defineaccent ' a {\aacute}
+\defineaccent ' C {\Cacute} \defineaccent ' c {\cacute}
+\defineaccent ' E {\Eacute} \defineaccent ' e {\eacute}
+\defineaccent ' I {\Iacute} \defineaccent ' i {\iacute} \defineaccent ' {\i} {\iacute}
+\defineaccent ' L {\Lacute} \defineaccent ' l {\lacute}
+\defineaccent ' N {\Nacute} \defineaccent ' n {\nacute}
+\defineaccent ' O {\Oacute} \defineaccent ' o {\oacute}
+\defineaccent ' R {\Racute} \defineaccent ' r {\racute}
+\defineaccent ' S {\Sacute} \defineaccent ' s {\sacute}
+\defineaccent ' U {\Uacute} \defineaccent ' u {\uacute}
+\defineaccent ' Y {\Yacute} \defineaccent ' y {\yacute}
+\defineaccent ' Z {\Zacute} \defineaccent ' z {\zacute}
+\defineaccent . C {\Cdotaccent} \defineaccent . c {\cdotaccent}
+\defineaccent . E {\Edotaccent} \defineaccent . e {\edotaccent}
+\defineaccent . G {\Gdotaccent} \defineaccent . g {\gdotaccent}
+\defineaccent . I {\Idotaccent} \defineaccent . i {\idotaccent} \defineaccent . {\i} {\idotaccent}
+\defineaccent . Z {\Zdotaccent} \defineaccent . z {\zdotaccent}
+\defineaccent = A {\Amacron} \defineaccent = a {\amacron}
+\defineaccent = E {\Emacron} \defineaccent = e {\emacron}
+\defineaccent = I {\Imacron} \defineaccent = i {\imacron} \defineaccent = {\i} {\imacron}
+\defineaccent = O {\Omacron} \defineaccent = o {\omacron}
+\defineaccent = U {\Umacron} \defineaccent = u {\umacron}
+\defineaccent c C {\Ccedilla} \defineaccent c c {\ccedilla}
+\defineaccent c K {\Kcedilla} \defineaccent c k {\kcedilla}
+\defineaccent c L {\Lcedilla} \defineaccent c l {\lcedilla}
+\defineaccent c N {\Ncedilla} \defineaccent c n {\ncedilla}
+\defineaccent c R {\Rcedilla} \defineaccent c r {\rcedilla}
+\defineaccent c S {\Scedilla} \defineaccent c s {\scedilla}
+\defineaccent c T {\Tcedilla} \defineaccent c t {\tcedilla}
+\defineaccent H O {\Ohungarumlaut} \defineaccent H o {\ohungarumlaut}
+\defineaccent H u {\uhungarumlaut} \defineaccent H U {\Uhungarumlaut}
+\defineaccent k A {\Aogonek} \defineaccent k a {\aogonek}
+\defineaccent k E {\Eogonek} \defineaccent k e {\eogonek}
+\defineaccent k I {\Iogonek} \defineaccent k i {\iogonek}
+\defineaccent k U {\Uogonek} \defineaccent k u {\uogonek}
+\defineaccent r A {\Aring} \defineaccent r a {\aring}
+\defineaccent r U {\Uring} \defineaccent r u {\uring}
+\defineaccent u A {\Abreve} \defineaccent u a {\abreve}
+\defineaccent u E {\Ebreve} \defineaccent u e {\ebreve}
+\defineaccent u G {\Gbreve} \defineaccent u g {\gbreve}
+\defineaccent u I {\Ibreve} \defineaccent u i {\ibreve} \defineaccent u {\i} {\ibreve}
+\defineaccent u O {\Obreve} \defineaccent u o {\obreve}
+\defineaccent u U {\Ubreve} \defineaccent u u {\ubreve}
+\defineaccent v C {\Ccaron} \defineaccent v c {\ccaron}
+\defineaccent v D {\Dcaron} \defineaccent v d {\dcaron}
+\defineaccent v E {\Ecaron} \defineaccent v e {\ecaron}
+\defineaccent v L {\Lcaron} \defineaccent v l {\lcaron}
+\defineaccent v N {\Ncaron} \defineaccent v n {\ncaron}
+\defineaccent v R {\Rcaron} \defineaccent v r {\rcaron}
+\defineaccent v S {\Scaron} \defineaccent v s {\scaron}
+\defineaccent v T {\Tcaron} \defineaccent v t {\tcaron}
+\defineaccent v Z {\Zcaron} \defineaccent v z {\zcaron}
+% vietnamese: if needed, \useencoding[enco-vna]
+% For Tobias Burnus, who wants:
+% \starttypen
+% \setupinteraction[state=start]
+% \setupinteractionscreen[option=bookmark]
+% \placebookmarks[chapter]
+% \starttext \chapter{F\"ur Na\"ive und Na\"\i ve} \stoptext
+% \stoptypen
+ \defineaccent " {\i} {\idiaeresis}
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/enco-agr.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/enco-agr.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1dbb9b577
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/enco-agr.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,366 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=enco-agr,
+%D version=2005.02.20,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ \UNICODE\ Macros,
+%D subtitle=Ancient Greek,
+%D author=Thomas A. Schmitz,
+%D date=\currentdate]
+ \definecasemaps 13 to 64 lc 0 uc 0
+ \definecasemaps 65 to 66 lc +32 uc 0
+ \definecasemaps 67 to 67 lc 0 uc 0
+ \definecasemaps 68 to 85 lc +32 uc 0
+ \definecasemaps 86 to 86 lc 0 uc 0
+ \definecasemaps 87 to 90 lc +32 uc 0
+ \definecasemaps 91 to 255 lc 0 uc 0
+ \definecaseself 4 % apostrofe
+\definecharacter greeksigmalunate 1
+\definecharacter endash 2
+\definecharacter emdash 3
+\definecharacter apostrophe 4
+\definecharacter greekaltbeta 5
+\definecharacter epih 6
+\definecharacter textbraceleft 8
+\definecharacter textbraceright 9
+\definecharacter textbreve 10
+\definecharacter greekSigmalunate 13
+\definecharacter greekIotadialytika 14
+\definecharacter greekUpsilondialytika 15
+\definecharacter greekepsilonperispomeni 18
+\definecharacter greekomicronperispomeni 19
+\definecharacter greekepsilondasiaperispomeni 20
+\definecharacter greekomicrondasiaperispomeni 21
+\definecharacter greekepsilonpsiliperispomeni 22
+\definecharacter greekomicronpsiliperispomeni 23
+\definecharacter greekiotadialytikaperispomeni 24
+\definecharacter greekupsilondialytikaperispomeni 25
+\definecharacter greekdialytikaperispomeni 26
+\definecharacter textbottomdot 33
+\definecharacter greeksampi 34
+\definecharacter greekdigamma 35
+\definecharacter greekstigma 36
+\definecharacter greeknumkoppa 37
+\definecharacter greekkoppa 38
+\definecharacter guilsingleright 39
+\definecharacter textdag 43
+\definecharacter greekoxia 47
+\definecharacter greekanoteleia 59
+\definecharacter greekdasia 60
+\definecharacter greekpsili 62
+\definecharacter greekquestionmark 63
+\definecharacter dialytika 64
+\definecharacter greekAlpha 65
+\definecharacter greekBeta 66
+\definecharacter greekomegaiotasub 67
+\definecharacter greekDelta 68
+\definecharacter greekEpsilon 69
+\definecharacter greekPhi 70
+\definecharacter greekGamma 71
+\definecharacter greekEta 72
+\definecharacter greekIota 73
+\definecharacter greekTheta 74
+\definecharacter greekKappa 75
+\definecharacter greekLambda 76
+\definecharacter greekMu 77
+\definecharacter greekNu 78
+\definecharacter greekOmicron 79
+\definecharacter greekPi 80
+\definecharacter greekChi 81
+\definecharacter greekRho 82
+\definecharacter greekSigma 83
+\definecharacter greekTau 84
+\definecharacter greekUpsilon 85
+\definecharacter greeketaiotasub 86
+\definecharacter greekOmega 87
+\definecharacter greekXi 88
+\definecharacter greekPsi 89
+\definecharacter greekZeta 90
+\definecharacter bracketleft 91
+\definecharacter greekvaria 92
+\definecharacter bracketright 93
+\definecharacter greekperispomeni 94
+\definecharacter guilsingleleft 96
+% the above is a quote character
+\definecharacter greekalpha 97
+\definecharacter greekbeta 98
+\definecharacter greekfinalsigma 99
+\definecharacter greekdelta 100
+\definecharacter greekepsilon 101
+\definecharacter greekphi 102
+\definecharacter greekgamma 103
+\definecharacter greeketa 104
+\definecharacter greekiota 105
+\definecharacter greektheta 106
+\definecharacter greekkappa 107
+\definecharacter greeklambda 108
+\definecharacter greekmu 109
+\definecharacter greeknu 110
+\definecharacter greekomicron 111
+\definecharacter greekpi 112
+\definecharacter greekchi 113
+\definecharacter greekrho 114
+\definecharacter greeksigma 115
+\definecharacter greektau 116
+\definecharacter greekupsilon 117
+\definecharacter greekalphaiotasub 118
+\definecharacter greekomega 119
+\definecharacter greekxi 120
+\definecharacter greekpsi 121
+\definecharacter greekzeta 122
+\definecharacter floorleft 123
+\definecharacter textbar 124
+\definecharacter floorright 125
+\definecharacter greekperispomeni 126
+\definecharacter quotedblleft 128
+\definecharacter quotedblright 129
+\definecharacter exclam 130
+\definecharacter greekiotadasia 131
+\definecharacter greekiotapsili 132
+\definecharacter greekiotaoxia 133
+\definecharacter greekiotadasiatonos 134
+\definecharacter greekiotapsilitonos 135
+\definecharacter greekiotavaria 136
+\definecharacter greekiotadasiavaria 137
+\definecharacter greekiotapsilivaria 138
+\definecharacter greekiotaperispomeni 139
+\definecharacter greekiotadasiaperispomeni 140
+\definecharacter greekiotapsiliperispomeni 141
+\definecharacter greekiotadialytika 142
+\definecharacter greekiotadialytikatonos 143
+\definecharacter greekiotadialytikavaria 144
+\definecharacter greekdasiaperispomeni 145
+\definecharacter greekpsiliperispomeni 146
+\definecharacter greekdasiatonos 147
+\definecharacter greekpsilitonos 148
+\definecharacter greekdasiavaria 149
+\definecharacter greekpsilivaria 150
+\definecharacter greekdialytikatonos 151
+\definecharacter greekepsilondasia 152
+\definecharacter greekepsilonpsili 153
+\definecharacter greekepsilonoxia 154
+\definecharacter greekepsilondasiatonos 155
+\definecharacter greekepsilonpsilitonos 156
+\definecharacter greekepsilonvaria 157
+\definecharacter greekepsilondasiavaria 158
+\definecharacter greekepsilonpsilivaria 159
+\definecharacter greekdialytikavaria 160
+\definecharacter greekalphadasia 161
+\definecharacter greekalphapsili 162
+\definecharacter greekalphaoxia 163
+\definecharacter greekalphadasiatonos 164
+\definecharacter greekalphapsilitonos 165
+\definecharacter greekalphavaria 166
+\definecharacter greekalphadasiavaria 167
+\definecharacter greekalphapsilivaria 168
+\definecharacter greekalphaperispomeni 169
+\definecharacter greekalphadasiaperispomeni 170
+\definecharacter greekalphapsiliperispomeni 171
+\definecharacter greekalphaiotasubdasia 172
+\definecharacter greekalphaiotasubpsili 173
+\definecharacter greekalphaiotasubtonos 174
+\definecharacter greekalphaiotasubdasiatonos 175
+\definecharacter greekalphaiotasubpsilitonos 176
+\definecharacter greekalphaiotasubvaria 177
+\definecharacter greekalphaiotasubdasiavaria 178
+\definecharacter greekalphaiotasubpsilivaria 179
+\definecharacter greekalphaiotasubperispomeni 180
+\definecharacter greekalphaiotasubdasiaperispomeni 181
+\definecharacter greekalphaiotasubpsiliperispomeni 182
+\definecharacter greekrhodasia 183
+\definecharacter greekrhopsili 184
+\definecharacter greeketadasia 185
+\definecharacter greeketapsili 186
+\definecharacter greeketaoxia 187
+\definecharacter greeketadasiatonos 188
+\definecharacter greeketapsilitonos 189
+\definecharacter greeketavaria 190
+\definecharacter greeketadasiavaria 191
+\definecharacter greeketapsilivaria 192
+\definecharacter greeketaperispomeni 193
+\definecharacter greeketadasiaperispomeni 194
+\definecharacter greeketapsiliperispomeni 195
+\definecharacter textslash 196
+\definecharacter greeketaiotasubdasia 197
+\definecharacter greeketaiotasubpsili 198
+\definecharacter greeketaiotasubtonos 199
+\definecharacter greeketaiotasubdasiatonos 200
+\definecharacter greeketaiotasubpsilitonos 201
+\definecharacter greeketaiotasubvaria 202
+\definecharacter greeketaiotasubdasiavaria 203
+\definecharacter greeketaiotasubpsilivaria 204
+\definecharacter greeketaiotasubperispomeni 205
+\definecharacter greeketaiotasubdasiaperispomeni 206
+\definecharacter greeketaiotasubpsiliperispomeni 207
+\definecharacter greekomicrondasia 208
+\definecharacter greekomicronpsili 209
+\definecharacter greekomicronoxia 210
+\definecharacter greekomicrondasiatonos 211
+\definecharacter greekomicronpsilitonos 212
+\definecharacter greekomicronvaria 213
+\definecharacter greekomicrondasiavaria 214
+\definecharacter greekomicronpsilivaria 215
+\definecharacter greekupsilondasia 216
+\definecharacter greekupsilonpsili 217
+\definecharacter greekupsilonoxia 218
+\definecharacter greekupsilondasiatonos 219
+\definecharacter greekupsilonpsilitonos 220
+\definecharacter greekupsilonvaria 221
+\definecharacter greekupsilondasiavaria 222
+\definecharacter greekupsilonpsilivaria 223
+\definecharacter greekupsilonperispomeni 224
+\definecharacter greekupsilondasiaperispomeni 225
+\definecharacter greekupsilonpsiliperispomeni 226
+\definecharacter greekupsilondiaeresis 227
+\definecharacter greekupsilondialytikatonos 228
+\definecharacter greekupsilondialytikavaria 229
+\definecharacter greekomegadasia 230
+\definecharacter greekomegapsili 231
+\definecharacter greekomegaoxia 232
+\definecharacter greekomegadasiatonos 233
+\definecharacter greekomegapsilitonos 234
+\definecharacter greekomegavaria 235
+\definecharacter greekomegadasiavaria 236
+\definecharacter greekomegapsilivaria 237
+\definecharacter greekomegaperispomeni 238
+\definecharacter greekomegadasiaperispomeni 239
+\definecharacter greekomegapsiliperispomeni 240
+\definecharacter greekomegaiotasubdasia 241
+\definecharacter greekomegaiotasubpsili 242
+\definecharacter greekomegaiotasubtonos 243
+\definecharacter greekomegaiotasubdasiatonos 244
+\definecharacter greekomegaiotasubpsilitonos 245
+\definecharacter greekomegaiotasubvaria 246
+\definecharacter greekomegaiotasubdasiavaria 247
+\definecharacter greekomegaiotasubpsilivaria 248
+\definecharacter greekomegaiotasubperispomeni 249
+\definecharacter greekomegaiotasubdasiaperispomeni 250
+\definecharacter greekomegaiotasubpsiliperispomeni 251
+\definecharacter greeknumeralsign 254
+\definecharacter greeknumeralsignlower 255
+\definecharacter greekAlphapsili {\greekpsili \greekAlpha}
+\definecharacter greekAlphadasia {\greekdasia \greekAlpha}
+\definecharacter greekAlphapsilivaria {\greekpsilivaria \greekAlpha}
+\definecharacter greekAlphadasiavaria {\greekdasiavaria \greekAlpha}
+\definecharacter greekAlphapsilitonos {\greekpsilitonos \greekAlpha}
+\definecharacter greekAlphadasiatonos {\greekdasiatonos \greekAlpha}
+\definecharacter greekAlphapsiliperispomeni {\greekpsiliperispomeni \greekAlpha}
+\definecharacter greekAlphadasiaperispomeni {\greekdasiaperispomeni \greekAlpha}
+\definecharacter greekEpsilonpsili {\greekpsili \greekEpsilon}
+\definecharacter greekEpsilondasia {\greekdasia \greekEpsilon}
+\definecharacter greekEpsilonpsilivaria {\greekpsilivaria \greekEpsilon}
+\definecharacter greekEpsilondasiavaria {\greekdasiavaria \greekEpsilon}
+\definecharacter greekEpsilonpsilitonos {\greekpsilitonos \greekEpsilon}
+\definecharacter greekEpsilondasiatonos {\greekdasiatonos \greekEpsilon}
+\definecharacter greekEtapsili {\greekpsili \greekEta}
+\definecharacter greekEtadasia {\greekdasia \greekEta}
+\definecharacter greekEtapsilivaria {\greekpsilivaria \greekEta}
+\definecharacter greekEtadasiavaria {\greekdasiavaria \greekEta}
+\definecharacter greekEtapsilitonos {\greekpsilitonos \greekEta}
+\definecharacter greekEtadasiatonos {\greekdasiatonos \greekEta}
+\definecharacter greekEtapsiliperispomeni {\greekpsiliperispomeni \greekEta}
+\definecharacter greekEtadasiaperispomeni {\greekdasiaperispomeni \greekEta}
+\definecharacter greekIotapsili {\greekpsili \greekIota}
+\definecharacter greekIotadasia {\greekdasia \greekIota}
+\definecharacter greekIotapsilivaria {\greekpsilivaria \greekIota}
+\definecharacter greekIotadasiavaria {\greekdasiavaria \greekIota}
+\definecharacter greekIotapsilitonos {\greekpsilitonos \greekIota}
+\definecharacter greekIotadasiatonos {\greekdasiatonos \greekIota}
+\definecharacter greekIotapsiliperispomeni {\greekpsiliperispomeni \greekIota}
+\definecharacter greekIotadasiaperispomeni {\greekdasiaperispomeni \greekIota}
+\definecharacter greekOmicronpsili {\greekpsili \greekOmicron}
+\definecharacter greekOmicrondasia {\greekdasia \greekOmicron}
+\definecharacter greekOmicronpsilivaria {\greekpsilivaria \greekOmicron}
+\definecharacter greekOmicrondasiavaria {\greekdasiavaria \greekOmicron}
+\definecharacter greekOmicronpsilitonos {\greekpsilitonos \greekOmicron}
+\definecharacter greekOmicrondasiatonos {\greekdasiatonos \greekOmicron}
+\definecharacter greekUpsilondasia {\greekdasia \greekUpsilon}
+\definecharacter greekUpsilondasiavaria {\greekdasiavaria \greekUpsilon}
+\definecharacter greekUpsilondasiatonos {\greekdasiatonos \greekUpsilon}
+\definecharacter greekUpsilondasiaperispomeni {\greekdasiaperispomeni \greekUpsilon}
+\definecharacter greekOmegapsili {\greekpsili \greekOmega}
+\definecharacter greekOmegadasia {\greekdasia \greekOmega}
+\definecharacter greekOmegapsilivaria {\greekpsilivaria \greekOmega}
+\definecharacter greekOmegadasiavaria {\greekdasiavaria \greekOmega}
+\definecharacter greekOmegapsilitonos {\greekpsilitonos \greekOmega}
+\definecharacter greekOmegadasiatonos {\greekdasiatonos \greekOmega}
+\definecharacter greekOmegapsiliperispomeni {\greekpsiliperispomeni \greekOmega}
+\definecharacter greekOmegadasiaperispomeni {\greekdasiaperispomeni \greekOmega}
+\definecharacter greekAlphaiotasubpsili {\greekpsili \greekAlpha \greekiota}
+\definecharacter greekAlphaiotasubdasia {\greekdasia \greekAlpha \greekiota}
+\definecharacter greekAlphaiotasubpsilivaria {\greekpsilivaria \greekAlpha \greekiota}
+\definecharacter greekAlphaiotasubdasiavaria {\greekdasiavaria \greekAlpha \greekiota}
+\definecharacter greekAlphaiotasubpsilitonos {\greekpsilitonos \greekAlpha \greekiota}
+\definecharacter greekAlphaiotasubdasiatonos {\greekdasiatonos \greekAlpha \greekiota}
+\definecharacter greekAlphaiotasubpsiliperispomeni {\greekpsiliperispomeni \greekAlpha \greekiota}
+\definecharacter greekAlphaiotasubdasiaperispomeni {\greekdasiaperispomeni \greekAlpha \greekiota}
+\definecharacter greekEtaiotasubpsili {\greekpsili \greekEta \greekiota}
+\definecharacter greekEtaiotasubdasia {\greekdasia \greekEta \greekiota}
+\definecharacter greekEtaiotasubpsilivaria {\greekpsilivaria \greekEta \greekiota}
+\definecharacter greekEtaiotasubdasiavaria {\greekdasiavaria \greekEta \greekiota}
+\definecharacter greekEtaiotasubpsilitonos {\greekpsilitonos \greekEta \greekiota}
+\definecharacter greekEtaiotasubdasiatonos {\greekdasiatonos \greekEta \greekiota}
+\definecharacter greekEtaiotasubpsiliperispomeni {\greekpsiliperispomeni \greekEta \greekiota}
+\definecharacter greekEtaiotasubdasiaperispomeni {\greekdasiaperispomeni \greekEta \greekiota}
+\definecharacter greekOmegaiotasubpsili {\greekpsili \greekOmega \greekiota}
+\definecharacter greekOmegaiotasubdasia {\greekdasia \greekOmega \greekiota}
+\definecharacter greekOmegaiotasubpsilivaria {\greekpsilivaria \greekOmega \greekiota}
+\definecharacter greekOmegaiotasubdasiavaria {\greekdasiavaria \greekOmega \greekiota}
+\definecharacter greekOmegaiotasubpsilitonos {\greekpsilitonos \greekOmega \greekiota}
+\definecharacter greekOmegaiotasubdasiatonos {\greekdasiatonos \greekOmega \greekiota}
+\definecharacter greekOmegaiotasubpsiliperispomeni {\greekpsiliperispomeni \greekOmega \greekiota}
+\definecharacter greekOmegaiotasubdasiaperispomeni {\greekdasiaperispomeni \greekOmega \greekiota}
+\definecharacter greekAlphavaria {\greekvaria \greekAlpha}
+\definecharacter greekAlphaoxia {\greekoxia \greekAlpha}
+\definecharacter greekAlphaiotasub {\greekAlpha \greekiota}
+\definecharacter greekEpsilonvaria {\greekvaria \greekEpsilon}
+\definecharacter greekEpsilonoxia {\greekoxia \greekEpsilon}
+\definecharacter greekEtavaria {\greekvaria \greekEta}
+\definecharacter greekEtaoxia {\greekoxia \greekEta}
+\definecharacter greekEtaiotasub {\greekEta \greekiota}
+\definecharacter greekIotavaria {\greekvaria \greekIota}
+\definecharacter greekIotaoxia {\greekoxia \greekIota}
+\definecharacter greekUpsilonvaria {\greekvaria \greekUpsilon}
+\definecharacter greekUpsilonoxia {\greekoxia \greekUpsilon}
+\definecharacter greekOmicronvaria {\greekvaria \greekOmicron}
+\definecharacter greekOmicronoxia {\greekoxia \greekOmicron}
+\definecharacter greekOmegavaria {\greekvaria \greekOmega}
+\definecharacter greekOmegaoxia {\greekoxia \greekOmega}
+\definecharacter greekOmegaiotasub {\greekOmega \greekiota}
+\definecharacter greekRhodasia {\greekdasia \greekRho}
+\definecharacter digamma {\greekdigamma}
+\definecharacter sampi {\greeksampi}
+\definecharacter stigma {\greekstigma}
+\definecharacter koppa {\greeknumkoppa}
+\definecharacter lunars {\greeksigmalunate}
+\definecharacter lunarS {\greekSigmalunate}
+\definecharacter halfbraceleft {\floorleft}
+\definecharacter halfbraceright {\floorright}
+\definecharacter crux {\textdag}
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/enco-ans.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/enco-ans.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c71b2451a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/enco-ans.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=enco-ans,
+%D version=2000.05.07, % 1995.01.01,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Encoding Macros,
+%D subtitle=\YandY\ texnansi Encoding,
+%D author={Patrick Gundlach, Hans Hagen},
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D This is \YandY's texnansi encoding vector, which combines
+%D the best of the ansi encoding vector (prebuilt accented
+%D characters etc.) and some of \TEX's vectors.
+\resetcaserange 128 to 158
+\resetcaserange 160 to 191
+\resetcaserange 215 to 215
+\resetcaserange 247 to 247
+\definecasemaps 192 to 214 lc +32 uc 0
+\definecasemaps 224 to 246 lc 0 uc -32
+\definecasemaps 216 to 222 lc +32 uc 0
+\definecasemaps 248 to 254 lc 0 uc -32
+\definecaseself 223
+\definecaseswap 156 140
+\definecaseswap 255 159
+% needed by some patterns:
+% \definecaseself 34 % quotedbl
+% \definecaseself 132 % quotedblbase
+% \definecaseself 147 % quotedblleft
+% \definecaseself 148 % quotedblright
+% \definecaseself 129 % quotesingle
+% \definecaseself 130 % quotesinglebase
+% \definecaseself 145 % quoteleft
+\definecaseself 146 % quoteright
+\definecharacter textacute 19
+\definecharacter textbreve 21
+\definecharacter textcaron 20
+\definecharacter textcedilla 184
+\definecharacter textcircumflex 94 % 136
+\definecharacter textdiaeresis 168
+\definecharacter textdotaccent 5
+\definecharacter textgrave 18
+\definecharacter texthungarumlaut 6
+\definecharacter textmacron 175
+\definecharacter textogonek 7
+\definecharacter textring 23
+\definecharacter texttilde 152
+\definecharacter dotlessi 16 % 105
+\definecharacter dotlessj 17
+\definecharacter endash 150 % lig
+\definecharacter emdash 151 % lig
+\definecharacter aeligature 230
+\definecharacter AEligature 198
+\definecharacter oeligature 156
+\definecharacter OEligature 140
+\definecharacter ssharp 223
+\definecharacter thorn 254
+\definecharacter Thorn 222
+\definecharacter Dstroke 208 % also Eth, mapped in enco-def
+\definecharacter eth 240
+\definecharacter exclamdown 161
+\definecharacter questiondown 191
+\definecharacter copyright 169
+\definecharacter registered 174
+\definecharacter trademark 153
+\definecharacter sectionmark 167
+\definecharacter paragraphmark 182
+\definecharacter onequarter 188
+\definecharacter onehalf 189
+\definecharacter threequarter 190
+\definecharacter onesuperior 185
+\definecharacter twosuperior 178
+\definecharacter threesuperior 179
+\definecharacter textcent 162 % ?
+\definecharacter textcurrency 164
+\definecharacter texteuro 1
+\definecharacter textflorin 131
+\definecharacter textsterling 163
+\definecharacter textyen 165
+\definecharacter percent 37
+\definecharacter perthousand 137
+\definecharacter softhyphen 45
+\definecharacter periodcentered 183
+\definecharacter textasciicircum 142
+\definecharacter textasciitilde 158
+\definecharacter textbackslash 92
+\definecharacter textbraceleft 123
+\definecharacter textbar 124
+\definecharacter textbraceright 125
+\definecharacter textunderscore 95
+\definecharacter textbrokenbar 166
+\definecharacter textbullet 149
+\definecharacter textdag 134
+\definecharacter textddag 135
+\definecharacter textdegree 176
+\definecharacter textdiv 247
+\definecharacter textellipsis 133
+\definecharacter textfraction 4
+\definecharacter textlognot 172
+\definecharacter textminus 143
+\definecharacter textmu 181
+\definecharacter textmultiply 215
+\definecharacter textpm 177
+\definecharacter quotedbl 34
+\definecharacter quotedblbase 132
+\definecharacter quotedblleft 147
+\definecharacter quotedblright 148
+\definecharacter quotesingle 129
+\definecharacter quotesinglebase 130
+\definecharacter quoteleft 145
+\definecharacter quoteright 146
+\definecharacter guilsingleleft 139
+\definecharacter guilsingleright 155
+\definecharacter leftguillemot 171
+\definecharacter rightguillemot 187
+\definecharacter aacute 225
+\definecharacter Aacute 193
+\definecharacter eacute 233
+\definecharacter Eacute 201
+\definecharacter iacute 237
+\definecharacter Iacute 205
+\definecharacter oacute 243
+\definecharacter Oacute 211
+\definecharacter uacute 250
+\definecharacter Uacute 218
+\definecharacter yacute 253
+\definecharacter Yacute 221
+\definecharacter scaron 154
+\definecharacter Scaron 138
+\definecharacter zcaron 157
+\definecharacter Zcaron 141
+\definecharacter ccedilla 231
+\definecharacter Ccedilla 199
+\definecharacter acircumflex 226
+\definecharacter Acircumflex 194
+\definecharacter ecircumflex 234
+\definecharacter Ecircumflex 202
+\definecharacter icircumflex 238
+\definecharacter Icircumflex 206
+\definecharacter ocircumflex 244
+\definecharacter Ocircumflex 212
+\definecharacter ucircumflex 251
+\definecharacter Ucircumflex 219
+\definecharacter adiaeresis 228
+\definecharacter Adiaeresis 196
+\definecharacter ediaeresis 235
+\definecharacter Ediaeresis 203
+\definecharacter idiaeresis 239
+\definecharacter Idiaeresis 207
+\definecharacter odiaeresis 246
+\definecharacter Odiaeresis 214
+\definecharacter udiaeresis 252
+\definecharacter Udiaeresis 220
+\definecharacter ydiaeresis 255
+\definecharacter Ydiaeresis 159
+\definecharacter agrave 224
+\definecharacter Agrave 192
+\definecharacter egrave 232
+\definecharacter Egrave 200
+\definecharacter igrave 236
+\definecharacter Igrave 204
+\definecharacter ograve 242
+\definecharacter Ograve 210
+\definecharacter ugrave 249
+\definecharacter Ugrave 217
+\definecharacter aring 229
+\definecharacter Aring 197
+\definecharacter Lstroke 128
+\definecharacter lstroke 144
+\definecharacter ostroke 248
+\definecharacter Ostoke 216
+\definecharacter atilde 227
+\definecharacter Atilde 195
+\definecharacter ntilde 241
+\definecharacter Ntilde 209
+\definecharacter otilde 245
+\definecharacter Otilde 213
+% will be replaced by math collection, fails anyway
+\definecharacter mathgrave "7060
+\definecharacter mathacute "70B4
+\definecharacter mathhat "7088
+\definecharacter mathtilde "7098
+\definecharacter mathddot "70A8
+\definecharacter mathbar "70AF
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/enco-cas.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/enco-cas.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6ac35eb32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/enco-cas.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=enco-cas,
+%D version=2005.08.23,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Encoding Macros,
+%D subtitle=Named Glyph Case Mapping,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D For quite some years \CONTEXT\ used a rather compact way of
+%D defining encoded characters as well as case maps. When late
+%D 2000 more advanced remapping features were needed (like pdf
+%D unicode remapping), named glyphs were introduced to keep the
+%D coding tables more readable. At the same time, we introduced
+%D named glyph case mapping.
+\defineULcharacter Acircumflex acircumflex
+\defineULcharacter Ccircumflex ccircumflex
+\defineULcharacter Ecircumflex ecircumflex
+\defineULcharacter Gcircumflex gcircumflex
+\defineULcharacter Hcircumflex hcircumflex
+\defineULcharacter Icircumflex icircumflex
+\defineULcharacter Jcircumflex jcircumflex
+\defineULcharacter Ocircumflex ocircumflex
+\defineULcharacter Scircumflex scircumflex
+\defineULcharacter Ucircumflex ucircumflex
+\defineULcharacter Wcircumflex wcircumflex
+\defineULcharacter Ycircumflex ycircumflex
+\defineULcharacter Agrave agrave
+\defineULcharacter Egrave egrave
+\defineULcharacter Igrave igrave
+\defineULcharacter Ograve ograve
+\defineULcharacter Ugrave ugrave
+\defineULcharacter Ygrave ygrave
+\defineULcharacter Atilde atilde
+\defineULcharacter Itilde itilde
+\defineULcharacter Otilde otilde
+\defineULcharacter Ntilde ntilde
+\defineULcharacter Utilde utilde
+\defineULcharacter Adiaeresis adiaeresis
+\defineULcharacter Ediaeresis ediaeresis
+\defineULcharacter Idiaeresis idiaeresis
+\defineULcharacter Odiaeresis odiaeresis
+\defineULcharacter Udiaeresis udiaeresis
+\defineULcharacter Ydiaeresis ydiaeresis
+\defineULcharacter Aacute aacute
+\defineULcharacter Cacute cacute
+\defineULcharacter Eacute eacute
+\defineULcharacter Iacute iacute
+\defineULcharacter Lacute lacute
+\defineULcharacter Nacute nacute
+\defineULcharacter Oacute oacute
+\defineULcharacter Racute racute
+\defineULcharacter Sacute sacute
+\defineULcharacter Uacute uacute
+\defineULcharacter Yacute yacute
+\defineULcharacter Zacute zacute
+\defineULcharacter Dstroke dstroke
+\defineULcharacter Hstroke hstroke
+\defineULcharacter Lstroke lstroke
+\defineULcharacter Lslash lslash
+\defineULcharacter Ostroke ostroke
+\defineULcharacter Tstroke tstroke
+\defineULcharacter Cdotaccent cdotaccent
+\defineULcharacter Edotaccent edotaccent
+\defineULcharacter Gdotaccent gdotaccent
+\defineULcharacter Idotaccent idotaccent
+\defineULcharacter Zdotaccent zdotaccent
+\defineULcharacter Amacron amacron
+\defineULcharacter Emacron emacron
+\defineULcharacter Imacron imacron
+\defineULcharacter Omacron omacron
+\defineULcharacter Umacron umacron
+\defineULcharacter Ccedilla ccedilla
+\defineULcharacter Gcedilla gcedilla
+\defineULcharacter Kcedilla kcedilla
+\defineULcharacter Lcedilla lcedilla
+\defineULcharacter Ncedilla ncedilla
+\defineULcharacter Rcedilla rcedilla
+\defineULcharacter Scedilla scedilla
+\defineULcharacter Tcedilla tcedilla
+\defineULcharacter Ccommaaccent ccommaaccent
+\defineULcharacter Gcommaaccent gcommaaccent
+\defineULcharacter Kcommaaccent kcommaaccent
+\defineULcharacter Lcommaaccent lcommaaccent
+\defineULcharacter Ncommaaccent ncommaaccent
+\defineULcharacter Rcommaaccent rcommaaccent
+\defineULcharacter Scommaaccent scommaaccent
+\defineULcharacter Tcommaaccent tcommaaccent
+\defineULcharacter Ohungarumlaut ohungarumlaut
+\defineULcharacter Uhungarumlaut uhungarumlaut
+\defineULcharacter Aogonek aogonek
+\defineULcharacter Eogonek eogonek
+\defineULcharacter Iogonek iogonek
+\defineULcharacter Uogonek uogonek
+\defineULcharacter Aring aring
+\defineULcharacter Uring uring
+\defineULcharacter Abreve abreve
+\defineULcharacter Ebreve ebreve
+\defineULcharacter Gbreve gbreve
+\defineULcharacter Ibreve ibreve
+\defineULcharacter Obreve obreve
+\defineULcharacter Ubreve ubreve
+\defineULcharacter Ccaron ccaron
+\defineULcharacter Dcaron dcaron
+\defineULcharacter Ecaron ecaron
+\defineULcharacter Lcaron lcaron
+\defineULcharacter Ncaron ncaron
+\defineULcharacter Rcaron rcaron
+\defineULcharacter Scaron scaron
+\defineULcharacter Tcaron tcaron
+\defineULcharacter Zcaron zcaron
+\defineULcharacter dotlessI dotlessi
+\defineULcharacter dotlessJ dotlessj
+\defineULcharacter AEligature aeligature
+\defineULcharacter OEligature oeligature
+\defineULcharacter Ssharp ssharp
+\defineULcharacter IJligature ijligature
+\defineULcharacter Eth eth
+\defineULcharacter Thorn thorn
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/enco-chi.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/enco-chi.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..727720565
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/enco-chi.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,371 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=enco-chi,
+%D version=1999.12.02,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Encoding Macros,
+%D subtitle=Traditional and Simplified Chinese,
+%D author={Wang Lei \& Hans Hagen},
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+% actually this is also a filter -> enco-fcn.tex
+%D This is an experimental definition. Since we are dealing
+%D with unicode's, the registered values are not saved, so
+%D actually we're dealing with an pseudo encoding. The digits
+%D on the other hand are encoding specific.
+% chinese classes: left=1|right=2|center=3
+% untested, probably wrong
+\defineuclass 1 32 24
+\defineuclass 1 32 28
+\defineuclass 1 48 20
+\defineuclass 1 48 8
+\defineuclass 1 48 10
+\defineuclass 1 48 12
+\defineuclass 1 48 14
+\defineuclass 1 48 22
+\defineuclass 1 48 16
+\defineuclass 1 255 8
+\defineuclass 1 255 59
+\defineuclass 1 255 64
+\defineuclass 1 255 91
+\defineuclass 3 0 183
+\defineuclass 3 0 168
+\defineuclass 3 32 38
+\defineuclass 3 255 30
+\defineuclass 2 48 1
+\defineuclass 2 48 2
+\defineuclass 2 32 20
+\defineuclass 2 255 94
+\defineuclass 2 32 25
+\defineuclass 2 32 29
+\defineuclass 2 48 21
+\defineuclass 2 48 9
+\defineuclass 2 48 11
+\defineuclass 2 48 13
+\defineuclass 2 48 15
+\defineuclass 2 48 23
+\defineuclass 2 48 17
+\defineuclass 2 34 55
+\defineuclass 2 0 176
+\defineuclass 2 32 50
+\defineuclass 2 32 51
+\defineuclass 2 255 1
+\defineuclass 2 255 2
+\defineuclass 2 255 7
+\defineuclass 2 255 9
+\defineuclass 2 255 12
+\defineuclass 2 255 14
+\defineuclass 2 255 26
+\defineuclass 2 255 27
+\defineuclass 2 255 31
+\defineuclass 2 255 61
+\defineuclass 2 255 93
+\defineudigit 0 37 203
+\defineudigit 1 78 0
+\defineudigit 2 78 140
+\defineudigit 3 78 9
+\defineudigit 4 86 219
+\defineudigit 5 78 148
+\defineudigit 6 81 109
+\defineudigit 7 78 3
+\defineudigit 8 81 107
+\defineudigit 9 78 93
+\defineudigit 10 83 65
+\defineudigit 100 118 126
+\defineudigit 1000 83 67
+\defineudigit 10000 78 7
+\defineudigit 100000000 78 191
+\defineudigit 0* 150 246
+\defineudigit 1* 88 249
+\defineudigit 2* 141 48
+\defineudigit 3* 83 193
+\defineudigit 4* 128 134
+\defineudigit 5* 79 13
+\defineudigit 6* 150 70
+\defineudigit 7* 103 210
+\defineudigit 8* 99 76
+\defineudigit 9* 115 150
+\defineudigit 10* 98 254
+\defineudigit 100* 79 112
+\defineudigit 1000* 78 223
+\defineudigit 10000* 132 44
+\defineudigit 100000000* 78 191
+\defineudigit 20 94 255
+\defineudigit 21 78 0
+\defineudigit 22 78 140
+\defineudigit 23 78 9
+\defineudigit 24 86 219
+\defineudigit 25 78 148
+\defineudigit 26 81 109
+\defineudigit 27 78 3
+\defineudigit 28 81 107
+\defineudigit 29 78 93
+\defineudigit 30 83 69
+\defineudigit 31 78 0
+\defineudigit 32 78 140
+\defineudigit 33 78 9
+\defineudigit 34 86 219
+\defineudigit 35 78 148
+\defineudigit 36 81 109
+\defineudigit 37 78 3
+\defineudigit 38 81 107
+\defineudigit 39 78 93
+% \doif \currentregime {utf} \endinput
+\defineuclass 1 161 93
+\defineuclass 1 161 95
+\defineuclass 1 161 97
+\defineuclass 1 161 99
+\defineuclass 1 161 101
+\defineuclass 1 161 103
+\defineuclass 1 161 105
+\defineuclass 1 161 107
+\defineuclass 1 161 111
+\defineuclass 1 161 111
+\defineuclass 1 161 113
+\defineuclass 1 161 115
+\defineuclass 1 161 117
+\defineuclass 1 161 119
+\defineuclass 1 161 121
+\defineuclass 1 161 123
+\defineuclass 1 161 125
+\defineuclass 1 161 161
+\defineuclass 1 161 163
+\defineuclass 1 161 165
+\defineuclass 1 161 167
+\defineuclass 1 161 169
+\defineuclass 1 161 171
+\defineuclass 3 161 69
+\defineuclass 3 161 75
+\defineuclass 3 161 76
+\defineuclass 2 161 65
+\defineuclass 2 161 66
+\defineuclass 2 161 67
+\defineuclass 2 161 68
+\defineuclass 2 161 70
+\defineuclass 2 161 71
+\defineuclass 2 161 72
+\defineuclass 2 161 73
+\defineuclass 2 161 74
+\defineuclass 2 161 77
+\defineuclass 2 161 78
+\defineuclass 2 161 79
+\defineuclass 2 161 80
+\defineuclass 2 161 81
+\defineuclass 2 161 82
+\defineuclass 2 161 83
+\defineuclass 2 161 84
+\defineuclass 2 161 88
+\defineuclass 2 161 94
+\defineuclass 2 161 96
+\defineuclass 2 161 98
+\defineuclass 2 161 100
+\defineuclass 2 161 102
+\defineuclass 2 161 104
+\defineuclass 2 161 106
+\defineuclass 2 161 108
+\defineuclass 2 161 110
+\defineuclass 2 161 112
+\defineuclass 2 161 114
+\defineuclass 2 161 116
+\defineuclass 2 161 118
+\defineuclass 2 161 120
+\defineuclass 2 161 122
+\defineuclass 2 161 124
+\defineuclass 2 161 126
+\defineuclass 2 161 162
+\defineuclass 2 161 164
+\defineuclass 2 161 166
+\defineuclass 2 161 168
+\defineuclass 2 161 170
+\defineuclass 2 161 172
+\defineuclass 2 161 196
+\defineuclass 2 161 227
+\defineuclass 2 162 88
+\defineuclass 2 163 223
+\defineudigit 0 162 179
+\defineudigit 1 164 64
+\defineudigit 2 164 71
+\defineudigit 3 164 84
+\defineudigit 4 165 124
+\defineudigit 5 164 173
+\defineudigit 6 164 187
+\defineudigit 7 164 67
+\defineudigit 8 164 75
+\defineudigit 9 164 69
+\defineudigit 10 164 81
+\defineudigit 100 166 202
+\defineudigit 1000 164 100
+\defineudigit 10000 201 69
+\defineudigit 100000000 187 245
+\defineudigit 0* 185 115
+\defineudigit 1* 179 252
+\defineudigit 2* 182 76
+\defineudigit 3* 176 209
+\defineudigit 4* 184 118
+\defineudigit 5* 165 238
+\defineudigit 6* 179 176
+\defineudigit 7* 172 110
+\defineudigit 8* 174 195
+\defineudigit 9* 168 104
+\defineudigit 10* 172 66
+\defineudigit 100* 168 213
+\defineudigit 1000* 165 97
+\defineudigit 10000* 184 85
+\defineudigit 100000000* 187 245
+\defineudigit 20 164 220
+\defineudigit 21 164 64
+\defineudigit 22 164 71
+\defineudigit 23 164 84
+\defineudigit 24 165 124
+\defineudigit 25 164 173
+\defineudigit 26 164 187
+\defineudigit 27 164 67
+\defineudigit 28 164 75
+\defineudigit 29 164 69
+\defineudigit 30 164 202
+\defineudigit 31 164 64
+\defineudigit 32 164 71
+\defineudigit 33 164 84
+\defineudigit 34 165 124
+\defineudigit 35 164 173
+\defineudigit 36 164 187
+\defineudigit 37 164 67
+\defineudigit 38 164 75
+\defineudigit 39 164 69
+\defineuclass 1 161 174
+\defineuclass 1 161 176
+\defineuclass 1 161 178
+\defineuclass 1 161 180
+\defineuclass 1 161 182
+\defineuclass 1 161 184
+\defineuclass 1 161 186
+\defineuclass 1 161 188
+\defineuclass 1 161 190
+\defineuclass 1 163 168
+\defineuclass 1 163 219
+\defineuclass 1 163 224
+\defineuclass 1 163 251
+\defineuclass 3 161 164
+\defineuclass 3 161 167
+\defineuclass 3 161 173
+\defineuclass 3 163 190
+\defineuclass 2 161 162
+\defineuclass 2 161 163
+\defineuclass 2 161 170
+\defineuclass 2 161 171
+\defineuclass 2 161 175
+\defineuclass 2 161 177
+\defineuclass 2 161 179
+\defineuclass 2 161 181
+\defineuclass 2 161 183
+\defineuclass 2 161 185
+\defineuclass 2 161 187
+\defineuclass 2 161 189
+\defineuclass 2 161 191
+\defineuclass 2 161 203
+\defineuclass 2 161 227
+\defineuclass 2 161 228
+\defineuclass 2 161 229
+\defineuclass 2 163 161
+\defineuclass 2 163 162
+\defineuclass 2 163 167
+\defineuclass 2 163 169
+\defineuclass 2 163 172
+\defineuclass 2 163 174
+\defineuclass 2 163 186
+\defineuclass 2 163 187
+\defineuclass 2 163 191
+\defineuclass 2 163 221
+\defineuclass 2 163 253
+\defineudigit 0 161 240
+\defineudigit 1 210 187
+\defineudigit 2 182 254
+\defineudigit 3 200 253
+\defineudigit 4 203 196
+\defineudigit 5 206 229
+\defineudigit 6 193 249
+\defineudigit 7 198 223
+\defineudigit 8 176 203
+\defineudigit 9 190 197
+\defineudigit 10 202 174
+\defineudigit 100 176 217
+\defineudigit 1000 199 167
+\defineudigit 10000 205 242
+\defineudigit 100000000 210 218
+\defineudigit 0* 193 227
+\defineudigit 1* 210 188
+\defineudigit 2* 183 161
+\defineudigit 3* 200 254
+\defineudigit 4* 203 193
+\defineudigit 5* 206 233
+\defineudigit 6* 194 189
+\defineudigit 7* 198 226
+\defineudigit 8* 176 198
+\defineudigit 9* 190 193
+\defineudigit 10* 202 176
+\defineudigit 100* 176 219
+\defineudigit 1000* 199 170
+\defineudigit 10000* 200 102
+\defineudigit 100000000* 210 218
+\defineudigit 20 216 165
+\defineudigit 21 210 187
+\defineudigit 22 182 254
+\defineudigit 23 200 253
+\defineudigit 24 203 196
+\defineudigit 25 206 229
+\defineudigit 26 193 249
+\defineudigit 27 198 223
+\defineudigit 28 176 203
+\defineudigit 29 190 197
+\defineudigit 30 216 166
+\defineudigit 31 210 187
+\defineudigit 32 182 254
+\defineudigit 33 200 253
+\defineudigit 34 203 196
+\defineudigit 35 206 229
+\defineudigit 36 193 249
+\defineudigit 37 198 223
+\defineudigit 38 176 203
+\defineudigit 39 190 197
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/enco-com.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/enco-com.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..620ac0c96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/enco-com.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=enco-com,
+%D version=2000.20.12, % split from base file
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Encoding Macros,
+%D subtitle=Composed Characters Commands,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D Here we map some \quote {short} names onto the more
+%D verbose glyph names.
+\def \L{\Lstroke}
+\def \l{\lstroke}
+\def \O{\Ostroke}
+\def \o{\ostroke}
+\def \i{\dotlessi}
+\def \j{\dotlessj}
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/enco-cyr.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/enco-cyr.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..aa412d8d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/enco-cyr.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,1037 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=enco-cyr,
+%D version=2003.01.24,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Encoding Macros,
+%D subtitle=Cyrillic,
+%D author=...,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D The following kerning test is inspired by a test file
+%D provided by Victor Figurnov. I hope he still recognizes
+%D some bit and pieces.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \setupoutput[pdftex]
+%D \startMPenvironment[global]
+%D \useregime[cyr]
+%D \useencoding[cyr]
+%D \mainlanguage[ru]
+%D \enableregime[cp1251]
+%D \setupbodyfont[cyr]
+%D \stopMPenvironment
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \starttabulate[|l|l|l|]
+%D \NC \ruledhbox{} \NC \ruledhbox{AV} \NC with kerning \NC \NR
+%D \NC \ruledhbox{{}{}} \NC \ruledhbox{A{}V} \NC without kerning \NC \NR
+%D \NC \ruledhbox{\tfd } \NC \ruledhbox{\tfd AV} \NC with kerning \NC \NR
+%D \NC \ruledhbox{\tfd {}{}} \NC \ruledhbox{\tfd A{}V} \NC without kerning \NC \NR
+%D \stoptabulate
+%D \showkerning{ }
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \starttext
+%D \title{Kerning test}
+%D \typebuffer
+%D \rm \subject{Serif font} \getbuffer
+%D \ss \subject{SansSerif font} \getbuffer
+%D \tt \subject{MonoSpacec font} \getbuffer
+%D \stoptext
+%D \stoptyping
+%D We start with a fallback, define by HH, who assumes that
+%D this is phonetic.
+\resetcaserange 128 to 255
+\definecasemaps 192 to 223 lc +32 uc 0 % base letters (russian)
+\definecasemaps 224 to 255 lc 0 uc -32
+\definecasemaps 128 to 156 lc +32 uc 0 % extra letters (cyrillic and old-slav)
+\definecasemaps 160 to 188 lc 0 uc -32
+\definecasemap 73 105 73 \definecasemap 105 105 73 % cyrillicII
+\definecasemap 74 106 74 \definecasemap 106 106 74 % cyrillicJE
+\definecasemap 81 113 81 \definecasemap 113 113 81 % cyrillicQ
+\definecasemap 87 119 87 \definecasemap 119 119 87 % cyrillicW
+\definecharacter textgrave 0
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+\definecharacter texttilde 3
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+\definecharacter upperrightdoubleninequote 17
+\definecharacter quotedblbase 189
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+\definecharacter cyrillicrangle 15
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+\definecharacter rightguillemot 191
+\definecharacter dotlessi 25
+\definecharacter cyrillicA 192
+\definecharacter cyrillica 224
+\definecharacter cyrillicB 193
+\definecharacter cyrillicb 225
+\definecharacter cyrillicV 194
+\definecharacter cyrillicv 226
+\definecharacter cyrillicG 195
+\definecharacter cyrillicg 227
+\definecharacter cyrillicD 196
+\definecharacter cyrillicd 228
+\definecharacter cyrillicE 197
+\definecharacter cyrillice 229
+\definecharacter cyrillicZH 198
+\definecharacter cyrilliczh 230
+\definecharacter cyrillicZ 199
+\definecharacter cyrillicz 231
+\definecharacter cyrillicI 200
+\definecharacter cyrillici 232
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+\definecharacter cyrillicishrt 233
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+\definecharacter cyrillicL 203
+\definecharacter cyrillicl 235
+\definecharacter cyrillicM 204
+\definecharacter cyrillicm 236
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+\definecharacter cyrillicn 237
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+\definecharacter cyrillico 238
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+\definecharacter cyrillicr 240
+\definecharacter cyrillicS 209
+\definecharacter cyrillics 241
+\definecharacter cyrillicT 210
+\definecharacter cyrillict 242
+\definecharacter cyrillicU 211
+\definecharacter cyrillicu 243
+\definecharacter cyrillicF 212
+\definecharacter cyrillicf 244
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+\definecharacter cyrillich 245
+\definecharacter cyrillicC 214
+\definecharacter cyrillicc 246
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+\definecharacter cyrillicch 247
+\definecharacter cyrillicSH 216
+\definecharacter cyrillicsh 248
+\definecharacter cyrillicSHCH 217
+\definecharacter cyrillicshch 249
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+\definecharacter cyrillicery 251
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+\definecharacter cyrillicsftsn 252
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+\definecharacter cyrillicyu 254
+\definecharacter cyrillicYA 223
+\definecharacter cyrillicya 255
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+\definecharacter cyrillicgup 160
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+\definecharacter cyrillicghcrs 161
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+\definecharacter cyrillicdje 162
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+\definecharacter cyrillictshe 163
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+\definecharacter cyrillicshha 164
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+\definecharacter cyrilliczhdsc 165
+\definecharacter cyrillicZDSC 134
+\definecharacter cyrilliczdsc 166
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+\definecharacter cyrilliclje 167
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+\definecharacter cyrillickbeak 170
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+\definecharacter cyrillicndsc 173
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+\definecharacter cyrillicdze 175
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+\definecharacter cyrillicsdsc 177
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+\definecharacter cyrillicushrt 178
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+\definecharacter cyrillicdzhe 182
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+\definecharacter cyrillicchvcrs 183
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+\definecharacter cyrillicJE 74
+\definecharacter cyrillicje 106
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+\definecharacter cyrillicq 113
+\definecharacter cyrillicW 87
+\definecharacter cyrillicw 119
+% \definecharacter textperthousand {\%\char 24 }
+% \definecharacter textpertenthousand {\%\char 24\char 24 }
+\definecharacter cyrillicgheupturn 160 % to satisfy the patterns
+\resetcaserange 128 to 255
+\definecasemaps 192 to 223 lc +32 uc 0 % base letters (russian)
+\definecasemaps 224 to 255 lc 0 uc -32
+\definecasemaps 128 to 156 lc +32 uc 0 % extra letters (cyrillic and old-slav)
+\definecasemaps 160 to 188 lc 0 uc -32
+\definecasemap 73 105 73 \definecasemap 105 105 73 % cyrillicII
+\definecasemap 74 106 74 \definecasemap 106 106 74 % cyrillicJE
+\definecasemap 81 113 81 \definecasemap 113 113 81 % cyrillicQ
+\definecasemap 83 115 83 \definecasemap 115 115 83 % cyrillicDZE
+\definecasemap 87 119 87 \definecasemap 119 119 87 % cyrillicW
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+\definecharacter cyrillicgdschcrs 160
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+\definecasemaps 224 to 255 lc 0 uc -32
+\definecasemaps 128 to 156 lc +32 uc 0 % extra letters (cyrillic and old-slav)
+\definecasemaps 160 to 188 lc 0 uc -32
+\definecasemap 73 105 73 \definecasemap 105 105 73 % cyrillicII
+\definecasemap 74 106 74 \definecasemap 106 106 74 % cyrillicJE
+\definecasemap 81 113 81 \definecasemap 113 113 81 % cyrillicQ
+\definecasemap 83 115 83 \definecasemap 115 115 83 % cyrillicDZE
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+\definecasemaps 224 to 255 lc 0 uc -32
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+\definecasemaps 160 to 188 lc 0 uc -32
+\definecasemaps 65 to 90 lc +32 uc 0 % more extra letters (cyrillic and old-slav)
+\definecasemaps 97 to 122 lc 0 uc -32
+\definecasemap 28 29 28 \definecasemap 29 29 28 % cyrillicNLHK
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+\definecharacter cyrillicNDSC 141
+\definecharacter cyrillicndsc 173
+\definecharacter cyrillicNG 142
+\definecharacter cyrillicng 174
+\definecharacter cyrillicNHK 143
+\definecharacter cyrillicnhk 175
+\definecharacter cyrillicOTLD 144
+\definecharacter cyrillicotld 176
+\definecharacter cyrillicSDSC 145
+\definecharacter cyrillicsdsc 177
+\definecharacter cyrillicUSHRT 146
+\definecharacter cyrillicushrt 178
+\definecharacter cyrillicY 147
+\definecharacter cyrillicy 179
+\definecharacter cyrillicYHCRS 148
+\definecharacter cyrillicyhcrs 180
+\definecharacter cyrillicHDSC 149
+\definecharacter cyrillichdsc 181
+\definecharacter cyrillicHHK 150
+\definecharacter cyrillichhk 182
+\definecharacter cyrillicCHLDSC 151
+\definecharacter cyrillicchldsc 183
+\definecharacter cyrillicCHRDSC 152
+\definecharacter cyrillicchrdsc 184
+\definecharacter cyrillicIE 153
+\definecharacter cyrillicie 185
+\definecharacter cyrillicSCHWA 154
+\definecharacter cyrillicschwa 186
+\definecharacter cyrillicEPS 155
+\definecharacter cyrilliceps 187
+\definecharacter cyrillicYO 156
+\definecharacter cyrillicyo 188
+\definecharacter cyrillicAE 65
+\definecharacter cyrillicae 97
+\definecharacter cyrillicDJE 66
+\definecharacter cyrillicdje 98
+\definecharacter cyrillicTSHE 67
+\definecharacter cyrillictshe 99
+\definecharacter cyrillicABHCH 68
+\definecharacter cyrillicabhch 100
+\definecharacter cyrillicABHCHDSC 69
+\definecharacter cyrillicabhchdsc 101
+\definecharacter cyrillicKVCRS 70
+\definecharacter cyrillickvcrs 102
+\definecharacter cyrillicKHCRS 71
+\definecharacter cyrillickhcrs 103
+\definecharacter cyrillicLDSC 72
+\definecharacter cyrillicldsc 104
+\definecharacter cyrillicII 73
+\definecharacter cyrillicii 105
+\definecharacter cyrillicJE 74
+\definecharacter cyrillicje 106
+\definecharacter cyrillicLJE 75
+\definecharacter cyrilliclje 107
+\definecharacter cyrillicMDSC 76
+\definecharacter cyrillicmdsc 108
+\definecharacter cyrillicNJE 77
+\definecharacter cyrillicnje 109
+\definecharacter cyrillicABHHA 78
+\definecharacter cyrillicabhha 110
+\definecharacter cyrillicPHK 79
+\definecharacter cyrillicphk 111
+\definecharacter cyrillicRDSC 80
+\definecharacter cyrillicrdsc 112
+\definecharacter cyrillicQ 81
+\definecharacter cyrillicq 113
+\definecharacter cyrillicTDSC 82
+\definecharacter cyrillictdsc 114
+\definecharacter cyrillicDZE 83
+\definecharacter cyrillicdze 115
+\definecharacter cyrillicTETSE 84
+\definecharacter cyrillictetse 116
+\definecharacter cyrillicDZHE 85
+\definecharacter cyrillicdzhe 117
+\definecharacter cyrillicCHVCRS 86
+\definecharacter cyrillicchvcrs 118
+\definecharacter cyrillicW 87
+\definecharacter cyrillicw 119
+\definecharacter cyrillicYAT 88
+\definecharacter cyrillicyat 120
+\definecharacter cyrillicBYUS 89
+\definecharacter cyrillicbyus 121
+\definecharacter cyrillicIZH 90
+\definecharacter cyrillicizh 122
+\definecharacter cyrillicNLHK 28
+\definecharacter cyrillicnlhk 29
+\definecharacter cyrillicDELTA 30
+\definecharacter cyrillicdelta 31
+\resetcaserange 128 to 255
+\definecasemaps 128 to 143 lc +32 uc 0
+\definecasemaps 160 to 175 lc 0 uc -32
+\definecasemaps 144 to 159 lc +80 uc 0
+\definecasemaps 224 to 239 lc 0 uc -80
+\definecasemap 240 241 240 \definecasemap 241 241 240 % cyrillicYO
+\definecasemap 242 243 242 \definecasemap 243 243 242 % cyrillicGUP
+\definecasemap 244 245 244 \definecasemap 245 245 244 % cyrillicIE
+\definecasemap 244 247 244 \definecasemap 247 247 244 % cyrillicII
+\definecasemap 248 249 248 \definecasemap 249 249 248 % cyrillicYI
+\definecasemap 250 251 240 \definecasemap 241 241 240 % cyrillicUSHRT
+%D Characters 0 to 127 are as in normal cmr slots
+\definecharacter cyrillicA 128
+\definecharacter cyrillicB 129
+\definecharacter cyrillicV 130
+\definecharacter cyrillicG 131
+\definecharacter cyrillicD 132
+\definecharacter cyrillicE 133
+\definecharacter cyrillicZH 134
+\definecharacter cyrillicZ 135
+\definecharacter cyrillicI 136
+\definecharacter cyrillicISHRT 137
+\definecharacter cyrillicK 138
+\definecharacter cyrillicL 139
+\definecharacter cyrillicM 140
+\definecharacter cyrillicN 141
+\definecharacter cyrillicO 142
+\definecharacter cyrillicP 143
+\definecharacter cyrillicR 144
+\definecharacter cyrillicS 145
+\definecharacter cyrillicT 146
+\definecharacter cyrillicU 147
+\definecharacter cyrillicF 148
+\definecharacter cyrillicH 149
+\definecharacter cyrillicC 150
+\definecharacter cyrillicCH 151
+\definecharacter cyrillicSH 152
+\definecharacter cyrillicSHCH 153
+\definecharacter cyrillicHRDSN 154
+\definecharacter cyrillicERY 155
+\definecharacter cyrillicSFTSN 156
+\definecharacter cyrillicEREV 157
+\definecharacter cyrillicYU 158
+\definecharacter cyrillicYA 159
+\definecharacter cyrillica 160
+\definecharacter cyrillicb 161
+\definecharacter cyrillicv 162
+\definecharacter cyrillicg 163
+\definecharacter cyrillicd 164
+\definecharacter cyrillice 165
+\definecharacter cyrilliczh 166
+\definecharacter cyrillicz 167
+\definecharacter cyrillici 168
+\definecharacter cyrillicishrt 169
+\definecharacter cyrillick 170
+\definecharacter cyrillicl 171
+\definecharacter cyrillicm 172
+\definecharacter cyrillicn 173
+\definecharacter cyrillico 174
+\definecharacter cyrillicp 175
+\definecharacter cyrillicr 224
+\definecharacter cyrillics 225
+\definecharacter cyrillict 226
+\definecharacter cyrillicu 227
+\definecharacter cyrillicf 228
+\definecharacter cyrillich 229
+\definecharacter cyrillicc 230
+\definecharacter cyrillicch 231
+\definecharacter cyrillicsh 232
+\definecharacter cyrillicshch 233
+\definecharacter cyrillichrdsn 234
+\definecharacter cyrillicery 235
+\definecharacter cyrillicsftsn 236
+\definecharacter cyrillicerev 237
+\definecharacter cyrillicyu 238
+\definecharacter cyrillicya 239
+\definecharacter cyrillicYO 240
+\definecharacter cyrillicyo 241
+\definecharacter cyrillicGUP 242
+\definecharacter cyrillicgup 243
+\definecharacter cyrillicIE 244
+\definecharacter cyrillicie 245
+\definecharacter cyrillicII 246
+\definecharacter cyrillicii 247
+\definecharacter cyrillicYI 248
+\definecharacter cyrillicyi 249
+\definecharacter cyrillicUSHRT 250
+\definecharacter cyrillicushrt 251
+\definecharacter emdash 196
+\definecharacter textcurrency 197
+\definecharacter textnumero 252
+\definecharacter leftguillemot 253
+\definecharacter rightguillemot 254
+\definecharacter quotedblbase 255
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/enco-def.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/enco-def.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..20c885d4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/enco-def.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,922 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=enco-def,
+%D version=2000.05.07, % 2000.20.12, % split from less verbose base file
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Encoding Macros,
+%D subtitle=Default Character Definitions,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D Instead of overloading plain \TEX\ macros (and keeping them
+%D available as an escape), we now use the more verbose
+%D definitions in this file. Since memory is less a problem
+%D these days, this verbosity has only a small price, but we
+%D gain readability. The following definitions are based on
+%D usage of the the original \TEX\ fonts, where composed
+%D characters were not part of the design. So, occasionally
+%D we have to revert to hacks. Thanks to all those users who
+%D helped me to fill in the details.
+\definecharacter textcomma ,
+\definecharacter textperiod .
+\definecharacter textacute 19
+\definecharacter textbottomdot 46
+\definecharacter textbreve 21
+\definecharacter textcaron 20
+\definecharacter textcedilla 24
+\definecharacter textcircumflex 94
+\definecharacter textdiaeresis 127
+\definecharacter textdotaccent 95
+\definecharacter textgrave 18
+\definecharacter texthungarumlaut 125
+\definecharacter textmacron 22
+\definecharacter textogonek 24 % fake
+\definecharacter textring 23
+\definecharacter texttilde 126
+\definecharacter textat 64 % for mojca
+\definecharacter textbottomcomma {\hbox{\lower.35ex\hbox{\tx,}}} % for mojca
+\definecharacter dotlessi {\char"10 }
+\definecharacter dotlessj {\char"11 }
+\definecharacter dotlessI {I}
+\definecharacter dotlessJ {J}
+\definecharacter endash 123
+\definecharacter emdash 124
+\definecharacter aeligature {\char26 } % "1A
+\definecharacter AEligature {\char29 } % "1D
+\definecharacter ijligature {ij}
+\definecharacter IJligature {IJ}
+\definecharacter oeligature {\char27 } % "1B
+\definecharacter OEligature {\char30 } % "1E
+\definecharacter ssharp {\char25 } % "19
+\definecharacter Ssharp {SS}
+\definecharacter thorn {\unknownchar}
+\definecharacter Thorn {\unknownchar}
+\definecharacter eth {\unknownchar} % mojca prefers this (was \dstroke)
+%definecharacter Eth {\unknownchar}
+\definecharacter Eth {\Dstroke} % mojca prefers this too
+\definecharacter exclamdown 60
+\definecharacter questiondown 62
+\definecharacter copyright {\encircled{\txx C}}
+\definecharacter registered {\encircled{\txx R}}
+\definecharacter trademark {\high{\txx TM}}
+\definecharacter sectionmark {\mathematics{\mathhexbox278}}
+\definecharacter paragraphmark {\mathematics{\mathhexbox27B}}
+\definecharacter onequarter {\vulgarfraction{1}{4}}
+\definecharacter onehalf {\vulgarfraction{1}{2}}
+\definecharacter threequarter {\vulgarfraction{3}{4}}
+\definecharacter onesuperior {\high{1}}
+\definecharacter twosuperior {\high{2}}
+\definecharacter threesuperior {\high{3}}
+\definecharacter textcent {c}
+\definecharacter textcurrency {\unknownchar}
+\definecharacter textdollar {\fakedollar}
+\definecharacter texteuro {E}
+\definecharacter textflorin {\fakeflorin}
+\definecharacter textsterling {\fakesterling}
+\definecharacter textyen {Y}
+\definecharacter ordfeminine {\high{\txx a}}
+\definecharacter ordmasculine {\high{\txx o}}
+\definecharacter percent {\fakepercent}
+\definecharacter perthousand {\fakeperthousand}
+\definecharacter softhyphen 45
+\definecharacter periodcentered {\hbox{\mathematics\cdot}}
+\definecharacter compoundwordmark 23
+\definecharacter textasciicircum 94
+\definecharacter textasciitilde 126
+\definecharacter textslash 47
+\definecharacter textbackslash {\tex{}} % todo
+\definecharacter textbraceleft {\mathematics\{}
+\definecharacter textbraceright {\mathematics\}}
+\definecharacter textunderscore {\fakeunderscore}
+\definecharacter textvisiblespace {\fakevisiblespace}
+\definecharacter textbrokenbar {\mathematics\vert}
+\definecharacter textbullet {\mathematics\bullet}
+\definecharacter textdag {\mathematics\dag}
+\definecharacter textddag {\mathematics\ddag}
+\definecharacter textdegree {\mathematics{{}^{\circ}}}
+\definecharacter textdiv {\mathematics\div}
+\definecharacter textellipsis {\mathematics\cdots}
+\definecharacter textfraction {\mathematics/}
+\definecharacter textlognot {\mathematics\neg}
+\definecharacter textminus {\mathematics-}
+\definecharacter textmu {\mathematics\mu}
+\definecharacter textmultiply {\mathematics\times}
+\definecharacter textpm {\mathematics\pm}
+\definecharacter quotedbl {"}
+\definecharacter quotedblbase {,,}
+\definecharacter quotedblleft {``}
+\definecharacter quotedblright {''}
+\definecharacter quotesingle {`}
+\definecharacter quotesinglebase {,}
+\definecharacter quoteleft {`}
+\definecharacter quoteright {'}
+\definecharacter guilsingleleft {\fakeleftsubguillemot }
+\definecharacter guilsingleright {\fakerightsubguillemot}
+\definecharacter leftguillemot {\fakeleftguillemot }
+\definecharacter rightguillemot {\fakerightguillemot}
+\definecharacter Acircumflex {\buildtextaccent\textcircumflex A}
+\definecharacter acircumflex {\buildtextaccent\textcircumflex a}
+\definecharacter Ccircumflex {\buildtextaccent\textcircumflex C}
+\definecharacter ccircumflex {\buildtextaccent\textcircumflex c}
+\definecharacter Ecircumflex {\buildtextaccent\textcircumflex E}
+\definecharacter ecircumflex {\buildtextaccent\textcircumflex e}
+\definecharacter Gcircumflex {\buildtextaccent\textcircumflex G}
+\definecharacter gcircumflex {\buildtextaccent\textcircumflex g}
+\definecharacter Hcircumflex {\buildtextaccent\textcircumflex H}
+\definecharacter hcircumflex {\buildtextaccent\textcircumflex h}
+\definecharacter Icircumflex {\buildtextaccent\textcircumflex \dotlessI}
+\definecharacter icircumflex {\buildtextaccent\textcircumflex \dotlessi}
+\definecharacter Jcircumflex {\buildtextaccent\textcircumflex \dotlessJ}
+\definecharacter jcircumflex {\buildtextaccent\textcircumflex \dotlessj}
+\definecharacter Ocircumflex {\buildtextaccent\textcircumflex O}
+\definecharacter ocircumflex {\buildtextaccent\textcircumflex o}
+\definecharacter Scircumflex {\buildtextaccent\textcircumflex S}
+\definecharacter scircumflex {\buildtextaccent\textcircumflex s}
+\definecharacter Ucircumflex {\buildtextaccent\textcircumflex U}
+\definecharacter ucircumflex {\buildtextaccent\textcircumflex u}
+\definecharacter Wcircumflex {\buildtextaccent\textcircumflex W}
+\definecharacter wcircumflex {\buildtextaccent\textcircumflex w}
+\definecharacter Ycircumflex {\buildtextaccent\textcircumflex Y}
+\definecharacter ycircumflex {\buildtextaccent\textcircumflex y}
+\definecharacter Agrave {\buildtextaccent\textgrave A}
+\definecharacter agrave {\buildtextaccent\textgrave a}
+\definecharacter Egrave {\buildtextaccent\textgrave E}
+\definecharacter egrave {\buildtextaccent\textgrave e}
+\definecharacter Igrave {\buildtextaccent\textgrave \dotlessI}
+\definecharacter igrave {\buildtextaccent\textgrave \dotlessi}
+\definecharacter Ograve {\buildtextaccent\textgrave O}
+\definecharacter ograve {\buildtextaccent\textgrave o}
+\definecharacter Ugrave {\buildtextaccent\textgrave U}
+\definecharacter ugrave {\buildtextaccent\textgrave u}
+\definecharacter Ygrave {\buildtextaccent\textgrave Y}
+\definecharacter ygrave {\buildtextaccent\textgrave y}
+\definecharacter Atilde {\buildtextaccent\texttilde A}
+\definecharacter atilde {\buildtextaccent\texttilde a}
+\definecharacter Itilde {\buildtextaccent\texttilde \dotlessI}
+\definecharacter itilde {\buildtextaccent\texttilde \dotlessi}
+\definecharacter Ntilde {\buildtextaccent\texttilde N}
+\definecharacter ntilde {\buildtextaccent\texttilde n}
+\definecharacter Otilde {\buildtextaccent\texttilde O}
+\definecharacter otilde {\buildtextaccent\texttilde o}
+\definecharacter Utilde {\buildtextaccent\texttilde U}
+\definecharacter utilde {\buildtextaccent\texttilde u}
+\definecharacter Ytilde {\buildtextaccent\texttilde Y}
+\definecharacter ytilde {\buildtextaccent\texttilde y}
+\definecharacter Adiaeresis {\buildtextaccent\textdiaeresis A}
+\definecharacter adiaeresis {\buildtextaccent\textdiaeresis a}
+\definecharacter Ediaeresis {\buildtextaccent\textdiaeresis E}
+\definecharacter ediaeresis {\buildtextaccent\textdiaeresis e}
+\definecharacter Idiaeresis {\buildtextaccent\textdiaeresis \dotlessI}
+\definecharacter idiaeresis {\buildtextaccent\textdiaeresis \dotlessi}
+\definecharacter Odiaeresis {\buildtextaccent\textdiaeresis O}
+\definecharacter odiaeresis {\buildtextaccent\textdiaeresis o}
+\definecharacter Udiaeresis {\buildtextaccent\textdiaeresis U}
+\definecharacter udiaeresis {\buildtextaccent\textdiaeresis u}
+\definecharacter Ydiaeresis {\buildtextaccent\textdiaeresis Y}
+\definecharacter ydiaeresis {\buildtextaccent\textdiaeresis y}
+\definecharacter Aacute {\buildtextaccent\textacute A}
+\definecharacter aacute {\buildtextaccent\textacute a}
+\definecharacter Cacute {\buildtextaccent\textacute C}
+\definecharacter cacute {\buildtextaccent\textacute c}
+\definecharacter Eacute {\buildtextaccent\textacute E}
+\definecharacter eacute {\buildtextaccent\textacute e}
+\definecharacter Iacute {\buildtextaccent\textacute \dotlessI}
+\definecharacter iacute {\buildtextaccent\textacute \dotlessi}
+\definecharacter Lacute {\buildtextaccent\textacute L}
+\definecharacter lacute {\buildtextaccent\textacute l}
+\definecharacter Nacute {\buildtextaccent\textacute N}
+\definecharacter nacute {\buildtextaccent\textacute n}
+\definecharacter Oacute {\buildtextaccent\textacute O}
+\definecharacter oacute {\buildtextaccent\textacute o}
+\definecharacter Racute {\buildtextaccent\textacute R}
+\definecharacter racute {\buildtextaccent\textacute r}
+\definecharacter Sacute {\buildtextaccent\textacute S}
+\definecharacter sacute {\buildtextaccent\textacute s}
+\definecharacter Uacute {\buildtextaccent\textacute U}
+\definecharacter uacute {\buildtextaccent\textacute u}
+\definecharacter Yacute {\buildtextaccent\textacute Y}
+\definecharacter yacute {\buildtextaccent\textacute y}
+\definecharacter Zacute {\buildtextaccent\textacute Z}
+\definecharacter zacute {\buildtextaccent\textacute z}
+%definecharacter Dstroke {D}
+%definecharacter dstroke {d}
+\definecharacter dstroke {\pseudoencodeddj}
+\definecharacter Dstroke {\pseudoencodedDJ}
+\definecharacter Hstroke {H}
+\definecharacter hstroke {h}
+\definecharacter Tstroke {T}
+\definecharacter tstroke {t}
+\definecharacter Cdotaccent {\buildtextaccent\textdotaccent C}
+\definecharacter cdotaccent {\buildtextaccent\textdotaccent c}
+\definecharacter Edotaccent {\buildtextaccent\textdotaccent E}
+\definecharacter edotaccent {\buildtextaccent\textdotaccent e}
+\definecharacter Gdotaccent {\buildtextaccent\textdotaccent G}
+\definecharacter gdotaccent {\buildtextaccent\textdotaccent g}
+\definecharacter Idotaccent {\buildtextaccent\textdotaccent \dotlessI}
+\definecharacter idotaccent {\buildtextaccent\textdotaccent \dotlessi}
+\definecharacter Zdotaccent {\buildtextaccent\textdotaccent Z}
+\definecharacter zdotaccent {\buildtextaccent\textdotaccent z}
+\definecharacter Amacron {\buildtextaccent\textmacron A}
+\definecharacter amacron {\buildtextaccent\textmacron a}
+\definecharacter Emacron {\buildtextaccent\textmacron E}
+\definecharacter emacron {\buildtextaccent\textmacron e}
+\definecharacter Imacron {\buildtextaccent\textmacron \dotlessI}
+\definecharacter imacron {\buildtextaccent\textmacron \dotlessi}
+\definecharacter Omacron {\buildtextaccent\textmacron O}
+\definecharacter omacron {\buildtextaccent\textmacron o}
+\definecharacter Umacron {\buildtextaccent\textmacron U}
+\definecharacter umacron {\buildtextaccent\textmacron u}
+\definecharacter Ccedilla {\buildtextcedilla C}
+\definecharacter ccedilla {\buildtextcedilla c}
+\definecharacter Kcedilla {\buildtextcedilla K}
+\definecharacter kcedilla {\buildtextcedilla k}
+\definecharacter Lcedilla {\buildtextcedilla L}
+\definecharacter lcedilla {\buildtextcedilla l}
+\definecharacter Ncedilla {\buildtextcedilla N}
+\definecharacter ncedilla {\buildtextcedilla n}
+\definecharacter Rcedilla {\buildtextcedilla R}
+\definecharacter rcedilla {\buildtextcedilla r}
+\definecharacter Scedilla {\buildtextcedilla S}
+\definecharacter scedilla {\buildtextcedilla s}
+\definecharacter Tcedilla {\buildtextcedilla T}
+\definecharacter tcedilla {\buildtextcedilla t}
+\definecharacter Ohungarumlaut {\buildtextaccent\texthungarumlaut O}
+\definecharacter ohungarumlaut {\buildtextaccent\texthungarumlaut o}
+\definecharacter Uhungarumlaut {\buildtextaccent\texthungarumlaut U}
+\definecharacter uhungarumlaut {\buildtextaccent\texthungarumlaut u}
+\definecharacter Aogonek {\buildtextogonek A}
+\definecharacter aogonek {\buildtextogonek a}
+\definecharacter Eogonek {\buildtextogonek E}
+\definecharacter eogonek {\buildtextogonek e}
+\definecharacter Iogonek {\buildtextogonek I}
+\definecharacter iogonek {\buildtextogonek i}
+\definecharacter Uogonek {\buildtextogonek U}
+\definecharacter uogonek {\buildtextogonek u}
+\definecharacter Aring {\buildtextaccent\textring A}
+\definecharacter aring {\buildtextaccent\textring a}
+\definecharacter Uring {\buildtextaccent\textring U}
+\definecharacter uring {\buildtextaccent\textring u}
+\definecharacter Abreve {\buildtextaccent\textbreve A}
+\definecharacter abreve {\buildtextaccent\textbreve a}
+\definecharacter Ebreve {\buildtextaccent\textbreve E}
+\definecharacter ebreve {\buildtextaccent\textbreve e}
+\definecharacter Gbreve {\buildtextaccent\textbreve G}
+\definecharacter gbreve {\buildtextaccent\textbreve g}
+\definecharacter Ibreve {\buildtextaccent\textbreve \dotlessI}
+\definecharacter ibreve {\buildtextaccent\textbreve \dotlessi}
+\definecharacter Obreve {\buildtextaccent\textbreve O}
+\definecharacter obreve {\buildtextaccent\textbreve o}
+\definecharacter Ubreve {\buildtextaccent\textbreve U}
+\definecharacter ubreve {\buildtextaccent\textbreve u}
+\definecharacter Ccaron {\buildtextaccent\textcaron C}
+\definecharacter ccaron {\buildtextaccent\textcaron c}
+\definecharacter Dcaron {\buildtextaccent\textcaron D}
+\definecharacter dcaron {\buildtextaccent\textcaron d}
+\definecharacter Ecaron {\buildtextaccent\textcaron E}
+\definecharacter ecaron {\buildtextaccent\textcaron e}
+\definecharacter Lcaron {\buildtextaccent\textcaron L}
+\definecharacter lcaron {\buildtextaccent\textcaron l}
+\definecharacter Ncaron {\buildtextaccent\textcaron N}
+\definecharacter ncaron {\buildtextaccent\textcaron n}
+\definecharacter Rcaron {\buildtextaccent\textcaron R}
+\definecharacter rcaron {\buildtextaccent\textcaron r}
+\definecharacter Scaron {\buildtextaccent\textcaron S}
+\definecharacter scaron {\buildtextaccent\textcaron s}
+\definecharacter Tcaron {\buildtextaccent\textcaron T}
+\definecharacter tcaron {\buildtextaccent\textcaron t}
+\definecharacter Ycaron {\buildtextaccent\textcaron Y}
+\definecharacter ycaron {\buildtextaccent\textcaron y}
+\definecharacter Zcaron {\buildtextaccent\textcaron Z}
+\definecharacter zcaron {\buildtextaccent\textcaron z}
+\definecharacter Lstroke {\hsmash{\char32}L}
+\definecharacter lstroke {\hsmash{\char32}l}
+\definecharacter Ostroke {\char31 } % "1F
+\definecharacter ostroke {\char28 } % "1C
+\definecharacter aumlaut {\moveaccent{-.1ex}\adiaeresis}
+\definecharacter eumlaut {\moveaccent{-.1ex}\ediaeresis}
+\definecharacter iumlaut {\moveaccent{-.1ex}\idiaeresis}
+\definecharacter oumlaut {\moveaccent{-.1ex}\odiaeresis}
+\definecharacter uumlaut {\moveaccent{-.1ex}\udiaeresis}
+\definecharacter Aumlaut {\smashaccent\Adiaeresis}
+\definecharacter Eumlaut {\smashaccent\Ediaeresis}
+\definecharacter Iumlaut {\smashaccent\Idiaeresis}
+\definecharacter Oumlaut {\smashaccent\Odiaeresis}
+\definecharacter Uumlaut {\smashaccent\Udiaeresis}
+\definecharacter scommaaccent {\buildtextbottomcomma s}
+\definecharacter Scommaaccent {\buildtextbottomcomma S}
+\definecharacter tcommaaccent {\buildtextbottomcomma t}
+\definecharacter Tcommaaccent {\buildtextbottomcomma T}
+\definecharacter lcommaaccent {\buildtextbottomcomma l}
+\definecharacter Lcommaaccent {\buildtextbottomcomma L}
+\definecharacter Etilde {\buildtextaccent\texttilde E}
+\definecharacter etilde {\buildtextaccent\texttilde e}
+\definecharacter Ahook {A}
+\definecharacter ahook {a}
+\definecharacter Ehook {E}
+\definecharacter ehook {e}
+\definecharacter Ihook {I}
+\definecharacter ihook {i}
+\definecharacter Ohook {O}
+\definecharacter ohook {o}
+\definecharacter Uhook {U}
+\definecharacter uhook {u}
+\definecharacter Yhook {Y}
+\definecharacter yhook {y}
+\definecharacter Acircumflexgrave {\Acircumflex}
+\definecharacter Acircumflexacute {\Acircumflex}
+\definecharacter Acircumflextilde {\Acircumflex}
+\definecharacter Acircumflexhook {\Acircumflex}
+\definecharacter acircumflexgrave {\acircumflex}
+\definecharacter acircumflexacute {\acircumflex}
+\definecharacter acircumflextilde {\acircumflex}
+\definecharacter acircumflexhook {\acircumflex}
+\definecharacter Ecircumflexgrave {\Ecircumflex}
+\definecharacter Ecircumflexacute {\Ecircumflex}
+\definecharacter Ecircumflextilde {\Ecircumflex}
+\definecharacter Ecircumflexhook {\Ecircumflex}
+\definecharacter ecircumflexgrave {\ecircumflex}
+\definecharacter ecircumflexacute {\ecircumflex}
+\definecharacter ecircumflextilde {\ecircumflex}
+\definecharacter ecircumflexhook {\ecircumflex}
+\definecharacter Ocircumflexgrave {\Ocircumflex}
+\definecharacter Ocircumflexacute {\Ocircumflex}
+\definecharacter Ocircumflextilde {\Ocircumflex}
+\definecharacter Ocircumflexhook {\Ocircumflex}
+\definecharacter ocircumflexgrave {\ocircumflex}
+\definecharacter ocircumflexacute {\ocircumflex}
+\definecharacter ocircumflextilde {\ocircumflex}
+\definecharacter ocircumflexhook {\ocircumflex}
+\definecharacter Abrevegrave {\Abreve}
+\definecharacter Abreveacute {\Abreve}
+\definecharacter Abrevetilde {\Abreve}
+\definecharacter Abrevehook {\Abreve}
+\definecharacter abrevegrave {\abreve}
+\definecharacter abreveacute {\abreve}
+\definecharacter abrevetilde {\abreve}
+\definecharacter abrevehook {\abreve}
+\definecharacter Adotbelow {\buildtextbottomdot A}
+\definecharacter adotbelow {\buildtextbottomdot a}
+\definecharacter Edotbelow {\buildtextbottomdot E}
+\definecharacter edotbelow {\buildtextbottomdot e}
+\definecharacter Idotbelow {\buildtextbottomdot I}
+\definecharacter idotbelow {\buildtextbottomdot i}
+\definecharacter Odotbelow {\buildtextbottomdot O}
+\definecharacter odotbelow {\buildtextbottomdot o}
+\definecharacter Udotbelow {\buildtextbottomdot U}
+\definecharacter udotbelow {\buildtextbottomdot u}
+\definecharacter Ydotbelow {\buildtextbottomdot Y}
+\definecharacter ydotbelow {\buildtextbottomdot y}
+\definecharacter Ohorndotbelow {\buildtextbottomdot\Ohorn}
+\definecharacter ohorndotbelow {\buildtextbottomdot\ohorn}
+\definecharacter Uhorndotbelow {\buildtextbottomdot\Uhorn}
+\definecharacter uhorndotbelow {\buildtextbottomdot\uhorn}
+\definecharacter Acircumflexdotbelow {\buildtextbottomdot\Acircumflex}
+\definecharacter acircumflexdotbelow {\buildtextbottomdot\acircumflex}
+\definecharacter Ecircumflexdotbelow {\buildtextbottomdot\Ecircumflex}
+\definecharacter ecircumflexdotbelow {\buildtextbottomdot\ecircumflex}
+\definecharacter Ocircumflexdotbelow {\buildtextbottomdot\Ocircumflex}
+\definecharacter ocircumflexdotbelow {\buildtextbottomdot\ocircumflex}
+\definecharacter Abrevedotbelow {\buildtextbottomdot\Abreve}
+\definecharacter abrevedotbelow {\buildtextbottomdot\abreve}
+\definecharacter Ohorn {O}
+\definecharacter Ohorngrave {\Ograve}
+\definecharacter Ohornacute {\Oacute}
+\definecharacter Ohorntilde {\Otilde}
+\definecharacter Ohornhook {O}
+\definecharacter ohorn {o}
+\definecharacter ohorngrave {\ograve}
+\definecharacter ohornacute {\oacute}
+\definecharacter ohorntilde {\otilde}
+\definecharacter ohornhook {o}
+\definecharacter Uhorn {U}
+\definecharacter Uhorngrave {\Ugrave}
+\definecharacter Uhornacute {\Uacute}
+\definecharacter Uhorntilde {\Utilde}
+\definecharacter Uhornhook {U}
+\definecharacter uhorn {u}
+\definecharacter uhorngrave {\ugrave}
+\definecharacter uhornacute {\uacute}
+\definecharacter uhorntilde {\utilde}
+\definecharacter uhornhook {u}
+%D Needed for transliterated chinese (provided by Tobias Burnus).
+\definecharacter acaron {\buildtextaccent\textcaron a} % U+01CE
+\definecharacter icaron {\buildtextaccent\textcaron \dotlessi} % U+01D0
+\definecharacter ocaron {\buildtextaccent\textcaron o} % U+01D2
+\definecharacter ucaron {\buildtextaccent\textcaron u} % U+01D4
+%D Greek (moved to here):
+% Uppercase Greek letters
+\definecharacter greekAlpha {\Alpha}
+\definecharacter greekBeta {\Beta}
+\definecharacter greekGamma {\Gamma}
+\definecharacter greekDelta {\Delta}
+\definecharacter greekEpsilon {\Epsilon}
+\definecharacter greekZeta {\Zeta}
+\definecharacter greekEta {\Eta}
+\definecharacter greekTheta {\Theta}
+\definecharacter greekIota {\Iota}
+\definecharacter greekKappa {\Kappa}
+\definecharacter greekLambda {\Lambda}
+\definecharacter greekMu {\Mu}
+\definecharacter greekNu {\Nu}
+\definecharacter greekXi {\Xi}
+\definecharacter greekOmicron {\Omicron}
+\definecharacter greekPi {\Pi}
+\definecharacter greekRho {\Rho}
+\definecharacter greekSigma {\Sigma}
+\definecharacter greekTau {\Tau}
+\definecharacter greekUpsilon {\Upsilon}
+\definecharacter greekPhi {\Phi}
+\definecharacter greekChi {\Chi}
+\definecharacter greekPsi {\Psi}
+\definecharacter greekOmega {\Omega}
+% Lowercase Greek letters
+\definecharacter greekalpha {\alpha}
+\definecharacter greekbeta {\beta}
+\definecharacter greekgamma {\gamma}
+\definecharacter greekdelta {\delta}
+\definecharacter greekepsilon {\varepsilon}
+\definecharacter greekepsilonalt {\epsilon}
+\definecharacter greekzeta {\zeta}
+\definecharacter greeketa {\eta}
+\definecharacter greektheta {\theta}
+\definecharacter greekthetaalt {\vartheta}
+\definecharacter greekiota {\iota}
+\definecharacter greekkappa {\kappa}
+\definecharacter greeklambda {\lambda}
+\definecharacter greekmu {\mu}
+\definecharacter greeknu {\nu}
+\definecharacter greekxi {\xi}
+\definecharacter greekomicron {\omicron}
+\definecharacter greekpi {\pi}
+\definecharacter greekrho {\rho}
+\definecharacter greeksigma {\sigma}
+\definecharacter greekfinalsigma {\varsigma}
+\definecharacter greektau {\tau}
+\definecharacter greekupsilon {\upsilon}
+\definecharacter greekphi {\varphi}
+\definecharacter greekphialt {\phi}
+\definecharacter greekchi {\chi}
+\definecharacter greekpsi {\psi}
+\definecharacter greekomega {\omega}
+% Accented Uppercase Greek letters
+\definecharacter greekAlphatonos {'A}
+\definecharacter greekEpsilontonos {'E}
+\definecharacter greekEtatonos {'H}
+\definecharacter greekIotatonos {'I}
+\definecharacter greekOmicrontonos {'O}
+\definecharacter greekUpsilontonos {'U}
+\definecharacter greekOmegatonos {'W}
+\definecharacter greekIotadialytika {"I}
+\definecharacter greekUpsilondialytika {"U}
+% Accented Lowercase Greek letters
+\definecharacter greekalphatonos {'a}
+\definecharacter greekepsilontonos {'e}
+\definecharacter greeketatonos {'h}
+\definecharacter greekiotatonos {'i}
+\definecharacter greekomicrontonos {'o}
+\definecharacter greekupsilontonos {'u}
+\definecharacter greekomegatonos {'w}
+\definecharacter greekiotadialytika {"i}
+\definecharacter greekupsilondialytika {"u}
+\definecharacter greekiotadialytikatonos {'"i}
+\definecharacter greekupsilondialytikatonos {'"u}
+% Miscellaneous Greek symbols
+\definecharacter greekleftquot {((}
+\definecharacter greekrightquot {))}
+\definecharacter greektonos {'}
+\definecharacter greekdialytikatonos {'"}
+\definecharacter greekapostrophos {''}
+%D Cyrillic (moved to here):
+\definecharacter cyrillicA {A}
+\definecharacter cyrillicB {B}
+\definecharacter cyrillicV {V}
+\definecharacter cyrillicG {G}
+\definecharacter cyrillicD {D}
+\definecharacter cyrillicE {E}
+\definecharacter cyrillicZH {ZH}
+\definecharacter cyrillicZ {Z}
+\definecharacter cyrillicI {I}
+\definecharacter cyrillicISHRT {ISHRT}
+\definecharacter cyrillicK {K}
+\definecharacter cyrillicL {L}
+\definecharacter cyrillicM {M}
+\definecharacter cyrillicN {N}
+\definecharacter cyrillicO {O}
+\definecharacter cyrillicP {P}
+\definecharacter cyrillicR {R}
+\definecharacter cyrillicS {S}
+\definecharacter cyrillicT {T}
+\definecharacter cyrillicU {U}
+\definecharacter cyrillicF {F}
+\definecharacter cyrillicH {H}
+\definecharacter cyrillicC {C}
+\definecharacter cyrillicCH {CH}
+\definecharacter cyrillicSH {SH}
+\definecharacter cyrillicSHCH {SHCH}
+\definecharacter cyrillicHRDSN {HRDSN}
+\definecharacter cyrillicERY {ERY}
+\definecharacter cyrillicSFTSN {SFTSN}
+\definecharacter cyrillicEREV {EREV}
+\definecharacter cyrillicYU {YU}
+\definecharacter cyrillicYA {YA}
+\definecharacter cyrillicGUP {GUP}
+\definecharacter cyrillicGHCRS {GHCRS}
+\definecharacter cyrillicDJE {DJE}
+\definecharacter cyrillicTSHE {TSHE}
+\definecharacter cyrillicSHHA {SHHA}
+\definecharacter cyrillicZHDSC {ZHDSC}
+\definecharacter cyrillicZDSC {ZDSC}
+\definecharacter cyrillicLJE {LJE}
+\definecharacter cyrillicYI {YI}
+\definecharacter cyrillicKDSC {KDSC}
+\definecharacter cyrillicKBEAK {KBEAK}
+\definecharacter cyrillicKVCRS {KVCRS}
+\definecharacter cyrillicAE {AE}
+\definecharacter cyrillicNDSC {NDSC}
+\definecharacter cyrillicNG {NG}
+\definecharacter cyrillicDZE {DZE}
+\definecharacter cyrillicOTLD {OTLD}
+\definecharacter cyrillicSDSC {SDSC}
+\definecharacter cyrillicUSHRT {USHRT}
+\definecharacter cyrillicY {Y}
+\definecharacter cyrillicYHCRS {YHCRS}
+\definecharacter cyrillicHDSC {HDSC}
+\definecharacter cyrillicDZHE {DZHE}
+\definecharacter cyrillicCHVCRS {CHVCRS}
+\definecharacter cyrillicCHRDSC {CHRDSC}
+\definecharacter cyrillicIE {IE}
+\definecharacter cyrillicSCHWA {SCHWA}
+\definecharacter cyrillicNJE {NJE}
+\definecharacter cyrillicYO {YO}
+\definecharacter cyrillicII {II}
+\definecharacter cyrillicJE {JE}
+\definecharacter cyrillicQ {Q}
+\definecharacter cyrillicW {W}
+\definecharacter cyrillica {a}
+\definecharacter cyrillicb {b}
+\definecharacter cyrillicv {v}
+\definecharacter cyrillicg {g}
+\definecharacter cyrillicd {d}
+\definecharacter cyrillice {e}
+\definecharacter cyrilliczh {zh}
+\definecharacter cyrillicz {z}
+\definecharacter cyrillici {i}
+\definecharacter cyrillicishrt {ishrt}
+\definecharacter cyrillick {k}
+\definecharacter cyrillicl {l}
+\definecharacter cyrillicm {m}
+\definecharacter cyrillicn {n}
+\definecharacter cyrillico {o}
+\definecharacter cyrillicp {p}
+\definecharacter cyrillicr {r}
+\definecharacter cyrillics {s}
+\definecharacter cyrillict {t}
+\definecharacter cyrillicu {u}
+\definecharacter cyrillicf {f}
+\definecharacter cyrillich {h}
+\definecharacter cyrillicc {c}
+\definecharacter cyrillicch {ch}
+\definecharacter cyrillicsh {sh}
+\definecharacter cyrillicshch {shch}
+\definecharacter cyrillichrdsn {hrdsn}
+\definecharacter cyrillicery {ery}
+\definecharacter cyrillicsftsn {sftsn}
+\definecharacter cyrillicerev {erev}
+\definecharacter cyrillicyu {yu}
+\definecharacter cyrillicya {ya}
+\definecharacter cyrillicgup {gup}
+\definecharacter cyrillicghcrs {ghcrs}
+\definecharacter cyrillicdje {dje}
+\definecharacter cyrillictshe {tshe}
+\definecharacter cyrillicshha {shha}
+\definecharacter cyrilliczhdsc {zhdsc}
+\definecharacter cyrilliczdsc {zdsc}
+\definecharacter cyrilliclje {lje}
+\definecharacter cyrillicyi {yi}
+\definecharacter cyrillickdsc {kdsc}
+\definecharacter cyrillickbeak {kbeak}
+\definecharacter cyrillickvcrs {kvcrs}
+\definecharacter cyrillicae {ae}
+\definecharacter cyrillicndsc {ndsc}
+\definecharacter cyrillicng {ng}
+\definecharacter cyrillicdze {dze}
+\definecharacter cyrillicotld {otld}
+\definecharacter cyrillicsdsc {sdsc}
+\definecharacter cyrillicushrt {ushrt}
+\definecharacter cyrillicy {y}
+\definecharacter cyrillicyhcrs {yhcrs}
+\definecharacter cyrillichdsc {hdsc}
+\definecharacter cyrillicdzhe {dzhe}
+\definecharacter cyrillicchvcrs {chvcrs}
+\definecharacter cyrillicchrdsc {chrdsc}
+\definecharacter cyrillicie {ie}
+\definecharacter cyrillicschwa {schwa}
+\definecharacter cyrillicnje {nje}
+\definecharacter cyrillicyo {yo}
+\definecharacter cyrillicii {ii}
+\definecharacter cyrillicje {je}
+\definecharacter cyrillicq {q}
+\definecharacter cyrillicw {w}
+\definecharacter cyrillicGJE {\'\cyrillicG}
+\definecharacter cyrillicgje {\'\cyrillicg}
+\definecharacter cyrillicKJE {\'\cyrillicK}
+\definecharacter cyrillickje {\'\cyrillick}
+%D Hebrew:
+\definecharacter hebrewAlef {'}
+\definecharacter hebrewBet {b}
+\definecharacter hebrewGimel {g}
+\definecharacter hebrewDalet {d}
+\definecharacter hebrewHe {h}
+\definecharacter hebrewVav {w}
+\definecharacter hebrewZayin {z}
+\definecharacter hebrewHet {\hstroke}
+\definecharacter hebrewTet {\tcedilla}
+\definecharacter hebrewYod {y}
+\definecharacter hebrewKaffinal {k}
+\definecharacter hebrewKaf {k}
+\definecharacter hebrewLamed {l}
+\definecharacter hebrewMemfinal {m}
+\definecharacter hebrewMem {m}
+\definecharacter hebrewNunfinal {n}
+\definecharacter hebrewNun {n}
+\definecharacter hebrewSamekh {s}
+\definecharacter hebrewAyin {\gdotaccent}
+\definecharacter hebrewPefinal {p}
+\definecharacter hebrewPe {p}
+\definecharacter hebrewTsadifinal {\scedilla}
+\definecharacter hebrewTsadi {\scedilla}
+\definecharacter hebrewQof {q}
+\definecharacter hebrewResh {r}
+\definecharacter hebrewShin {\scaron}
+\definecharacter hebrewTav {th}
+%D A few goodies:
+% \startencoding [default]
+% \definecharacter scommaaccent {\scedilla}
+% \definecharacter Scommaaccent {\Scedilla}
+% \definecharacter tcommaaccent {\tcedilla}
+% \definecharacter Tcommaaccent {\Tcedilla}
+% \stopencoding
+% for plain tex's sake
+\def\S {\sectionmark }
+\def\P {\paragraphmark}
+% for latex users sake
+\def\textS {\sectionmark }
+\def\textP {\paragraphmark}
+% for old times sake
+\def\florin {\textflorin } \def\florijn{\textflorin}
+\def\dollar {\textdollar }
+\def\pound {\textsterling}
+% idem
+\def\procent {\percent }
+\def\permine {\fakepermine}
+% some more
+\def\hyphen {\softhyphen}
+\def\cwm {\compoundwordmark}
+\def\nonbreakinghyphen {\hyphen}
+\def\breakinghyphen {\hyphen\prewordbreak}
+% quotes
+\def\lowerleftsingleninequote {\quotesinglebase}
+\def\lowerleftdoubleninequote {\quotedblbase}
+\def\lowerrightsingleninequote {\quotesinglebase}
+\def\lowerrightdoubleninequote {\quotedblbase}
+\def\upperleftsingleninequote {\quoteright}
+\def\upperleftdoubleninequote {\quotedblright}
+\def\upperrightsingleninequote {\quoteright}
+\def\upperrightdoubleninequote {\quotedblright}
+\def\upperleftsinglesixquote {\quoteleft}
+\def\upperleftdoublesixquote {\quotedblleft}
+\def\upperrightsinglesixquote {\quoteleft}
+\def\upperrightdoublesixquote {\quotedblleft}
+\def\leftsubguillemot {\guilsingleleft}
+\def\rightsubguillemot {\guilsingleright}
+%D A couple of fallbacks suggestion by users, slightly
+%D adapted and obscured by memory saving hacks.
+\definecharacter textcent {c\rlap{\hskip-.2\s!em
+ \vrule\!!width.2\s!pt\!!height1.2\s!ex\!!depth.2\s!ex}}
+\definecharacter texteuro {C\rlap{\hskip-.75\s!em
+ \vrule\!!width.4\s!em\!!height.85\s!ex\!!depth-.8\s!ex}}
+\definecharacter textblacksquare {\dontleavehmode\hbox{%
+ \vrule\!!width.3\s!em\!!height.4\s!em\!!depth-.1\s!em}}
+\definecharacter textbrokenbar {\dontleavehmode\hbox{\kern.05\s!em
+ \vrule\!!width.4\s!pt\!!height1.8\s!ex\!!depth-.85\s!ex
+ \llap{%
+ \vrule\!!width.4\s!pt\!!height.35\s!ex\!!depth.6\s!ex}%
+ \kern.05\s!em}}
+%D We also use symbolic names for math accents.
+\definecharacter mathacute "7013
+\definecharacter mathgrave "7012
+\definecharacter mathddot "707F
+\definecharacter mathtilde "707E
+\definecharacter mathbar "7016
+\definecharacter mathbreve "7015
+\definecharacter mathcheck "7014
+\definecharacter mathhat "705E
+\definecharacter mathvec "017E
+\definecharacter mathdot "705F
+\definecharacter mathwidetilde "0365
+\definecharacter mathwidehat "0362
+% \startencoding [default]
+% \definecommand prime {\mathematics{'}}
+% \definecommand doubleprime {\mathematics{''}}
+% \definecommand tripleprime {\mathematics{'''}}
+% \stopencoding
+\ifx\zdot\undefined \def\zdot{\zdotaccent} \fi
+\ifx\Zdot\undefined \def\Zdot{\Zdotaccent} \fi
+\ifx\greeklamda\undefined \def\greeklamda{\greeklambda} \fi
+\ifx\greekLamda\undefined \def\greekLamda{\greekLambda} \fi
+\ifx\leftguillemet \undefined \def\leftguillemet {\leftguillemot } \fi
+\ifx\rightguillemet\undefined \def\rightguillemet{\rightguillemot} \fi
+%D New:
+\definecharacter schwa {\hbox{\rotate[\c!rotation=180,\c!location=\v!high]{\hbox{e}}}}
+\definecharacter schwagrave {\buildtextgrave\schwa}
+%D Also new, from Taco, for Mojca, who wanted another 8~regimes.
+\definecharacter texthorizontalbar {{\endash\kern\zeropoint\endash}}
+\definecharacter textdong {\underbar{\dstroke}}
+%D Goodie (makes more sense):
+ {\getglyph{ComputerModernMono}{\char32}}
+\def\fakedcontrolspace % can be virtual in luatex
+ {\dontleavehmode\hbox
+ {\scratchdimen.1ex%
+ \kern\scratchdimen
+ \vrule \!!width\scratchdimen \!!height5.5\scratchdimen \!!depth3\scratchdimen
+ \vrule \!!width\dimexpr.5em-4\scratchdimen\relax \!!height-2\scratchdimen \!!depth3\scratchdimen
+ \vrule \!!width\scratchdimen \!!height5.5\scratchdimen \!!depth3\scratchdimen
+ \kern\scratchdimen}}
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/enco-ec.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/enco-ec.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..918c85e12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/enco-ec.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,295 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=enco-ec,
+%D version=2000.05.07, % 1999.16.07,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Encoding Macros,
+%D subtitle=\LATEX\ EC Encoding,
+%D author={Patrick Gundlach, Hans Hagen, Taco Hoekwater, Mojca Miklavec},
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D This is \LATEX2e's T1 encoding vector. All standard \LATEX\
+%D accents will work, including \type{\k}. The only accent that
+%D does not work is \type{\t} (there is no tie in T1 encoding).
+%D Annoyingly, most \POSTSCRIPT\ fonts do not have \type
+%D {\dotlessj}, and T1 encoding does not make the various
+%D prebuilts with \type {j} available. When this is the case:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \startencoding[ec]
+%D \definecharacter dotlessj {j}
+%D \stopencoding
+%D \stoptyping
+%D is a way out.
+%D There is hardly a point in supporting TS1 encoding.
+% a problem is that the uppercase of dstroke (158) and eth (240)
+% is the same glyph (208) so we cannot do lowercase mapping there
+\definecasemaps 128 to 156 lc +32 uc 0
+\definecasemap 157 `i 157 % Idotaccent i
+\definecasemap 158 158 208 % dstroke Eth
+\definecasemap 159 159 159 % sectionmark
+\definecasemaps 160 to 187 lc 0 uc -32
+\resetcaserange 189 to 191 % exclamdown, questiondown, textsterling
+\definecasemaps 192 to 223 lc +32 uc 0
+\definecasemaps 224 to 254 lc 0 uc -32
+\definecaseswap 255 223 % ssharp (else patterns fail)
+\definecaseswap 25 `I % dotless i
+% 156 vs. 188 IJligature
+%D Some languages need this:
+% \definecaseself 34 % quotedbl
+% \definecaseself 18 % quotedblbase
+% \definecaseself 16 % quotedblleft
+% \definecaseself 17 % quotedblright
+% \definecaseself 39 % quotesingle
+% \definecaseself 13 % quotesinglebase
+% \definecaseself 96 % quoteleft
+\definecaseself 39 % quoteright
+%D So far for the mapping.
+%D The following characters are kind of dangerous,
+%D that is, they are normally not part of fonts, unless
+%D explicitly constructed.
+%D \startitemize[columns,two]
+%D \item \type{\dotlessj} - but then it may not be defined!!!!
+%D \item \type{\IJligature}
+%D \item \type{\ijligature}
+%D \item \type{\Ssharp}
+%D \item \type{\perthousand}
+%D \item \type{\compoundwordmark}
+% \item \type{\textvisiblespace}
+%D \stopitemize
+%D So, for the moment we nil them; we can always create
+%D another vector if needed.
+\startencoding[ec][ec] % second arg defines auto regime, needed here ?
+\definecharacter textgrave 0
+\definecharacter textacute 1
+\definecharacter textcircumflex 2
+\definecharacter texttilde 3
+\definecharacter textdiaeresis 4
+\definecharacter texthungarumlaut 5
+\definecharacter textring 6
+\definecharacter textcaron 7
+\definecharacter textbreve 8
+\definecharacter textmacron 9
+\definecharacter textdotaccent 10
+\definecharacter textcedilla 11
+\definecharacter textogonek 12
+\definecharacter quotesinglebase 13
+\definecharacter guilsingleleft 14
+\definecharacter guilsingleright 15
+\definecharacter quotedblleft 16
+\definecharacter quotedblright 17
+\definecharacter quotedblbase 18
+\definecharacter leftguillemot 19
+\definecharacter rightguillemot 20
+\definecharacter endash 21
+\definecharacter emdash 22
+%definecharacter compoundwordmark 23
+%definecharacter perthousand 24
+\definecharacter dotlessi 25 % or when missing: {j}
+\definecharacter dotlessj 26
+% ff 27
+% fi 28
+% fl 29
+% ffi 30
+% ffl 31
+%definecharacter textvisiblespace 32
+% exclam ! 33
+\definecharacter quotedbl 34
+% numbersign # 35
+% dollar $ 36
+\definecharacter percent 37
+% ampersand & 38
+%definecharacter quotesingle 39 % fake 'm TODO:enco-def!!!!
+\definecharacter quoteright 39
+% parenleft ( 40
+% parenright ) 41
+% asterisk * 42
+% plus + 43
+% comma , 44
+\definecharacter softhyphen 45
+% period . 46
+% slash / 47
+% 0-9 48-57
+% colon : 58
+% semicolon ; 59
+% less < 60
+% equal = 61
+% greater > 62
+% question ? 63
+% at @ 64
+% A-Z 65-90
+% bracketleft [ 91
+\definecharacter textbackslash 92
+% bracketright ] 93
+\definecharacter textasciicircum 94
+\definecharacter textunderscore 95
+\definecharacter quoteleft 96
+% a-z 97-122
+\definecharacter textbraceleft 123
+\definecharacter textbraceright 125
+\definecharacter textasciitilde 126
+%definecharacter softhyphen 127 % -> 45 (127 often undefined)
+\definecharacter Abreve 128 % abreve 160
+\definecharacter Aogonek 129 % aogonek 161
+\definecharacter Cacute 130 % cacute 162
+\definecharacter Ccaron 131 % ccaron 163
+\definecharacter Dcaron 132 % dcaron 164
+\definecharacter Ecaron 133 % ecaron 165
+\definecharacter Eogonek 134 % eogonek 166
+\definecharacter Gbreve 135 % gbreve 167
+\definecharacter Lacute 136 % lacute 168
+\definecharacter Lcaron 137 % lcaron 169
+\definecharacter Lstroke 138 % lstroke 170
+\definecharacter Nacute 139 % nacute 171
+\definecharacter Ncaron 140 % ncaron 172
+\definecharacter Eng 141 % eng 173
+\definecharacter Neng 141 % Neng 173
+\definecharacter Ohungarumlaut 142 % ohungarumlaut 174
+\definecharacter Racute 143 % racute 175
+\definecharacter Rcaron 144 % rcaron 176
+\definecharacter Sacute 145 % sacute 177
+\definecharacter Scaron 146 % scaron 178
+\definecharacter Scedilla 147 % scedilla 179
+\definecharacter Tcaron 148 % tcaron 180
+\definecharacter Tcedilla 149 % tcedilla 181
+\definecharacter Uhungarumlaut 150 % uhungarumlaut 182
+\definecharacter Uring 151 % uring 183
+\definecharacter Ydiaeresis 152 % ydiaeresis 184
+\definecharacter Zacute 153 % zacute 185
+\definecharacter Zcaron 154 % zcaron 186
+\definecharacter Zdotaccent 155 % zdotaccent 187
+\definecharacter IJligature 156 % ijligature 188
+\definecharacter Idotaccent 157
+\definecharacter dstroke 158 % Dstroke 208
+\definecharacter sectionmark 159
+\definecharacter abreve 160 % Abreve 128
+\definecharacter aogonek 161 % Aogonek 129
+\definecharacter cacute 162 % Cacute 130
+\definecharacter ccaron 163 % Ccaron 131
+\definecharacter dcaron 164 % Dcaron 132
+\definecharacter ecaron 165 % Ecaron 133
+\definecharacter eogonek 166 % Eogonek 134
+\definecharacter gbreve 167 % Gbreve 135
+\definecharacter lacute 168 % Lacute 136
+\definecharacter lcaron 169 % Lcaron 137
+\definecharacter lstroke 170 % Lstroke 138
+\definecharacter nacute 171 % Nacute 139
+\definecharacter ncaron 172 % Ncaron 140
+\definecharacter eng 173 % Eng 141
+\definecharacter ohungarumlaut 174 % Ohungarumlaut 142
+\definecharacter racute 175 % Racute 143
+\definecharacter rcaron 176 % Rcaron 144
+\definecharacter sacute 177 % Sacute 145
+\definecharacter scaron 178 % Scaron 146
+\definecharacter scedilla 179 % Scedilla 147
+\definecharacter tcaron 180 % Tcaron 148
+\definecharacter tcedilla 181 % Tcedilla 149
+\definecharacter uhungarumlaut 182 % Uhungarumlaut 150
+\definecharacter uring 183 % Uring 151
+\definecharacter ydiaeresis 184 % Ydiaeresis 152
+\definecharacter zacute 185 % Zacute 153
+\definecharacter zcaron 186 % Zcaron 154
+\definecharacter zdotaccent 187 % Zdotaccent 155
+\definecharacter ijligature 188 % IJligature 156
+\definecharacter exclamdown 189
+\definecharacter questiondown 190
+\definecharacter textsterling 191
+\definecharacter Agrave 192 % agrave 224
+\definecharacter Aacute 193 % aacute 225
+\definecharacter Acircumflex 194 % acircumflex 226
+\definecharacter Atilde 195 % atilde 227
+\definecharacter Adiaeresis 196 % adiaeresis 228
+\definecharacter Aring 197 % aring 229
+\definecharacter AEligature 198 % aeligature 230
+\definecharacter Ccedilla 199 % ccedilla 231
+\definecharacter Egrave 200 % egrave 232
+\definecharacter Eacute 201 % eacute 233
+\definecharacter Ecircumflex 202 % ecircumflex 234
+\definecharacter Ediaeresis 203 % ediaeresis 235
+\definecharacter Igrave 204 % igrave 236
+\definecharacter Iacute 205 % iacute 237
+\definecharacter Icircumflex 206 % icircumflex 238
+\definecharacter Idiaeresis 207 % idiaeresis 239
+\definecharacter Eth 208 % eth 240
+\definecharacter Dstroke 208 % dstroke 158
+\definecharacter Ntilde 209 % ntilde 241
+\definecharacter Ograve 210 % ograve 242
+\definecharacter Oacute 211 % oacute 243
+\definecharacter Ocircumflex 212 % ocircumflex 244
+\definecharacter Otilde 213 % otilde 245
+\definecharacter Odiaeresis 214 % odiaeresis 246
+\definecharacter OEligature 215 % oeligature 247
+\definecharacter Ostroke 216 % ostroke 248
+\definecharacter Ugrave 217 % ugrave 249
+\definecharacter Uacute 218 % uacute 250
+\definecharacter Ucircumflex 219 % ucircumflex 251
+\definecharacter Udiaeresis 220 % udiaeresis 252
+\definecharacter Yacute 221 % yacute 253
+\definecharacter Thorn 222 % thorn 254
+\definecharacter Ssharp 223 % ssharp 255
+\definecharacter agrave 224 % Agrave 192
+\definecharacter aacute 225 % Aacute 193
+\definecharacter acircumflex 226 % Acircumflex 194
+\definecharacter atilde 227 % Atilde 195
+\definecharacter adiaeresis 228 % Adiaeresis 196
+\definecharacter aring 229 % Aring 197
+\definecharacter aeligature 230 % AEligature 198
+\definecharacter ccedilla 231 % Ccedilla 199
+\definecharacter egrave 232 % Egrave 200
+\definecharacter eacute 233 % Eacute 201
+\definecharacter ecircumflex 234 % Ecircumflex 202
+\definecharacter ediaeresis 235 % Ediaeresis 203
+\definecharacter igrave 236 % Igrave 204
+\definecharacter iacute 237 % Iacute 205
+\definecharacter icircumflex 238 % Icircumflex 206
+\definecharacter idiaeresis 239 % Idiaeresis 207
+\definecharacter eth 240 % Eth 208
+\definecharacter ntilde 241 % Ntilde 209
+\definecharacter ograve 242 % Ograve 210
+\definecharacter oacute 243 % Oacute 211
+\definecharacter ocircumflex 244 % Ocircumflex 212
+\definecharacter otilde 245 % Otilde 213
+\definecharacter odiaeresis 246 % Odiaeresis 214
+\definecharacter oeligature 247 % OEligature 215
+\definecharacter ostroke 248 % Ostroke 216
+\definecharacter ugrave 249 % Ugrave 217
+\definecharacter uacute 250 % Uacute 218
+\definecharacter ucircumflex 251 % Ucircumflex 219
+\definecharacter udiaeresis 252 % Udiaeresis 220
+\definecharacter yacute 253 % Yacute 221
+\definecharacter thorn 254 % Thorn 222
+\definecharacter ssharp 255 % Ssharp 223
+\definecharacter Scommaaccent {\Scedilla}
+\definecharacter scommaaccent {\scedilla}
+\definecharacter Tcommaaccent {\Tcedilla}
+\definecharacter tcommaaccent {\tcedilla}
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/enco-ecm.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/enco-ecm.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8a9706574
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/enco-ecm.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=enco-ec,
+%D version=2000.05.07,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Encoding Macros,
+%D subtitle=Glyphs that may not be present in EC,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D The next typescript removes a few problematic characters
+%D from the ec encoding vector. So, in case of troubles, say
+%D \starttyping
+%D \useencoding[ecm] % ec minus
+%D \stoptyping
+\definecharacter ijligature {ij}
+\definecharacter IJligature {IJ}
+\definecharacter Ssharp {SS}
+\definecharacter tcaron {\buildtextaccent\textcaron t}
+\definecharacter Tcedilla {\buildtextcedilla T}
+\definecharacter tcedilla {\buildtextcedilla t}
+\definecharacter ydiaeresis {\buildtextaccent\textdiaeresis y}
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/enco-el.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/enco-el.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f268dcb3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/enco-el.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=enco-el,
+%D version=2005.08.24,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Encoding Macros,
+%D subtitle=EuroLetter,
+%D author={Several Users},
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D This EuroLetter encoding vector, also known as Dense Encoding is
+%D the result of discussion among users, most noticably Adam Lindsay,
+%D Mojka Miklavec, Patrick Gundlach, Taco Hoekwater and \unknown.
+%D It was a follow up of a thread started long ago where we
+%D discussed an encoding without the weird, never used symbols, but
+%D with as many characters as possible in order to support the utf-8
+%D input regime.
+\definecasemaps 1 to 15 lc +16 uc 0
+\definecasemaps 17 to 31 lc 0 uc -16
+\definecasemaps 128 to 159 lc +32 uc 0
+\definecasemaps 160 to 191 lc 0 uc -32
+\definecasemaps 192 to 223 lc +32 uc 0
+\definecasemaps 224 to 255 lc 0 uc -32
+\definecasemap 92 92 124
+\definecasemap 92 124 92
+\definecharacter dotlessi 160
+\definecharacter endash 32
+\definecharacter emdash 16
+\definecharacter aeligature 230
+\definecharacter AEligature 198
+\definecharacter oeligature 247
+\definecharacter OEligature 215
+\definecharacter ssharp 38
+\definecharacter thorn 254
+\definecharacter Thorn 222
+\definecharacter eth 240
+\definecharacter Eth 208
+\definecharacter exclamdown 42
+\definecharacter questiondown 43
+\definecharacter quotedbl 35
+\definecharacter quotedblbase 36
+\definecharacter quotedblleft 34
+\definecharacter quotedblright 35
+\definecharacter quotesingle 39
+\definecharacter quotesinglebase 0
+\definecharacter quoteleft 96
+\definecharacter quoteright 39
+\definecharacter guilsingleleft 60
+\definecharacter guilsingleright 62
+\definecharacter leftguillemot 123
+\definecharacter rightguillemot 125
+\definecharacter Acircumflex 194
+\definecharacter acircumflex 226
+%definecharacter Ccircumflex {\buildtextaccent\textcircumflex C}
+%definecharacter ccircumflex {\buildtextaccent\textcircumflex c}
+\definecharacter Ecircumflex 202
+\definecharacter ecircumflex 234
+%definecharacter Gcircumflex {\buildtextaccent\textcircumflex G}
+%definecharacter gcircumflex {\buildtextaccent\textcircumflex g}
+%definecharacter Hcircumflex {\buildtextaccent\textcircumflex H}
+%definecharacter hcircumflex {\buildtextaccent\textcircumflex h}
+\definecharacter Icircumflex 206
+\definecharacter icircumflex 238
+%definecharacter Jcircumflex {\buildtextaccent\textcircumflex \dotlessJ}
+%definecharacter jcircumflex {\buildtextaccent\textcircumflex \dotlessj}
+\definecharacter Ocircumflex 212
+\definecharacter ocircumflex 244
+%definecharacter Scircumflex {\buildtextaccent\textcircumflex S}
+%definecharacter scircumflex {\buildtextaccent\textcircumflex s}
+\definecharacter Ucircumflex 219
+\definecharacter ucircumflex 251
+\definecharacter Wcircumflex 154
+\definecharacter wcircumflex 186
+\definecharacter Ycircumflex 156
+\definecharacter ycircumflex 188
+\definecharacter Agrave 192
+\definecharacter agrave 224
+\definecharacter Egrave 200
+\definecharacter egrave 232
+\definecharacter Igrave 204
+\definecharacter igrave 236
+\definecharacter Ograve 210
+\definecharacter ograve 242
+\definecharacter Ugrave 217
+\definecharacter ugrave 249
+\definecharacter Ygrave 155
+\definecharacter ygrave 187
+\definecharacter Atilde 195
+\definecharacter atilde 227
+%definecharacter Itilde {\buildtextaccent\texttilde \dotlessI}
+%definecharacter itilde {\buildtextaccent\texttilde \dotlessi}
+\definecharacter Ntilde 209
+\definecharacter ntilde 241
+\definecharacter Otilde 213
+\definecharacter otilde 245
+%definecharacter Utilde {\buildtextaccent\texttilde U}
+%definecharacter utilde {\buildtextaccent\texttilde u}
+%definecharacter Ytilde {\buildtextaccent\texttilde Y}
+%definecharacter ytilde {\buildtextaccent\texttilde y}
+\definecharacter Adiaeresis 196
+\definecharacter adiaeresis 228
+\definecharacter Ediaeresis 203
+\definecharacter ediaeresis 235
+\definecharacter Idiaeresis 207
+\definecharacter idiaeresis 239
+\definecharacter Odiaeresis 214
+\definecharacter odiaeresis 246
+\definecharacter Udiaeresis 220
+\definecharacter udiaeresis 252
+\definecharacter Ydiaeresis 223
+\definecharacter ydiaeresis 255
+\definecharacter Aacute 193
+\definecharacter aacute 225
+\definecharacter Cacute 4
+\definecharacter cacute 20
+\definecharacter Eacute 201
+\definecharacter eacute 233
+\definecharacter Iacute 205
+\definecharacter iacute 237
+\definecharacter Lacute 132
+\definecharacter lacute 164
+\definecharacter Nacute 136
+\definecharacter nacute 168
+\definecharacter Oacute 211
+\definecharacter oacute 243
+\definecharacter Racute 141
+\definecharacter racute 173
+\definecharacter Sacute 144
+\definecharacter sacute 176
+\definecharacter Uacute 218
+\definecharacter uacute 250
+\definecharacter Yacute 221
+\definecharacter yacute 253
+\definecharacter Zacute 157
+\definecharacter zacute 189
+\definecharacter Dstroke 8
+\definecharacter dstroke 24
+\definecharacter Hstroke 92
+\definecharacter hstroke 124
+%definecharacter Tstroke {T}
+%definecharacter tstroke {t}
+\definecharacter Cdotaccent 6
+\definecharacter cdotaccent 22
+\definecharacter Edotaccent 10
+\definecharacter edotaccent 26
+\definecharacter Gdotaccent 15
+\definecharacter gdotaccent 31
+\definecharacter Idotaccent 128
+%definecharacter idotaccent {\buildtextaccent\textdotaccent \dotlessi}
+\definecharacter Zdotaccent 159
+\definecharacter zdotaccent 191
+\definecharacter Amacron 2
+\definecharacter amacron 18
+\definecharacter Emacron 11
+\definecharacter emacron 27
+\definecharacter Imacron 129
+\definecharacter imacron 161
+\definecharacter Omacron 140
+\definecharacter omacron 172
+\definecharacter Umacron 152
+\definecharacter umacron 184
+\definecharacter Ccedilla 199
+\definecharacter ccedilla 231
+\definecharacter Scedilla 146
+\definecharacter scedilla 178
+\definecharacter Gcommaaccent 14
+\definecharacter gcommaaccent 30
+\definecharacter Kcommaaccent 131
+\definecharacter kcommaaccent 163
+\definecharacter Lcommaaccent 135
+\definecharacter lcommaaccent 167
+\definecharacter Ncommaaccent 138
+\definecharacter ncommaaccent 170
+\definecharacter Rcommaaccent 143
+\definecharacter rcommaaccent 175
+%definecharacter Tcedilla 149 % there is no tcedilla in encoding
+%definecharacter tcedilla 181
+\definecharacter Scommaaccent 147
+\definecharacter scommaaccent 179
+\definecharacter Tcommaaccent 149
+\definecharacter tcommaaccent 181
+\definecharacter Ohungarumlaut 139
+\definecharacter ohungarumlaut 171
+\definecharacter Uhungarumlaut 150
+\definecharacter uhungarumlaut 182
+\definecharacter Aogonek 3
+\definecharacter aogonek 19
+\definecharacter Eogonek 12
+\definecharacter eogonek 28
+\definecharacter Iogonek 130
+\definecharacter iogonek 162
+\definecharacter Uogonek 153
+\definecharacter uogonek 185
+\definecharacter Aring 197
+\definecharacter aring 229
+\definecharacter Uring 151
+\definecharacter uring 183
+\definecharacter Abreve 1
+\definecharacter abreve 17
+%definecharacter Ebreve {\buildtextaccent\textbreve E}
+%definecharacter ebreve {\buildtextaccent\textbreve e}
+\definecharacter Gbreve 13
+\definecharacter gbreve 29
+%definecharacter Ibreve {\buildtextaccent\textbreve \dotlessI}
+%definecharacter ibreve {\buildtextaccent\textbreve \dotlessi}
+%definecharacter Obreve {\buildtextaccent\textbreve O}
+%definecharacter obreve {\buildtextaccent\textbreve o}
+%definecharacter Ubreve {\buildtextaccent\textbreve U}
+%definecharacter ubreve {\buildtextaccent\textbreve u}
+\definecharacter Ccaron 5
+\definecharacter ccaron 21
+\definecharacter Dcaron 7
+\definecharacter dcaron 23
+\definecharacter Ecaron 9
+\definecharacter ecaron 25
+\definecharacter Lcaron 133
+\definecharacter lcaron 165
+\definecharacter Ncaron 137
+\definecharacter ncaron 169
+\definecharacter Rcaron 142
+\definecharacter rcaron 174
+\definecharacter Scaron 145
+\definecharacter scaron 177
+\definecharacter Tcaron 148
+\definecharacter tcaron 180
+%definecharacter Ycaron {\buildtextaccent\textcaron Y}
+%definecharacter ycaron {\buildtextaccent\textcaron y}
+\definecharacter Zcaron 158
+\definecharacter zcaron 190
+\definecharacter Lstroke 134
+\definecharacter lstroke 166
+\definecharacter Ostroke 216
+\definecharacter ostroke 248
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/enco-fde.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/enco-fde.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..57e572c04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/enco-fde.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=enco-fde,
+%D version=2000.08.20,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Encoding Macros,
+%D subtitle=German Input Filter,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\installactivecharacter "
+ \installcompoundcharacter "a {\aumlaut\midworddiscretionary}
+ \installcompoundcharacter "e {\eumlaut\midworddiscretionary}
+ \installcompoundcharacter "i {\iumlaut\midworddiscretionary}
+ \installcompoundcharacter "o {\oumlaut\midworddiscretionary}
+ \installcompoundcharacter "u {\uumlaut\midworddiscretionary}
+ \installcompoundcharacter "s {\ssharp}
+ \installcompoundcharacter "z {\ssharp}
+ \installcompoundcharacter "A {\Aumlaut}
+ \installcompoundcharacter "E {\Eumlaut}
+ \installcompoundcharacter "I {\Iumlaut}
+ \installcompoundcharacter "O {\Oumlaut}
+ \installcompoundcharacter "U {\Uumlaut}
+ \installcompoundcharacter "Z {SZ}
+ \installcompoundcharacter "S {SS}
+ \installcompoundcharacter "ck {\discretionary {k-}{k}{ck}}
+ \installcompoundcharacter "ff {\discretionary{ff-}{f}{ff}}
+ \installcompoundcharacter "ll {\discretionary{ll-}{l}{ll}}
+ \installcompoundcharacter "mm {\discretionary{mm-}{m}{mm}}
+ \installcompoundcharacter "nn {\discretionary{nn-}{n}{nn}}
+ \installcompoundcharacter "pp {\discretionary{pp-}{p}{pp}}
+ \installcompoundcharacter "rr {\discretionary{rr-}{r}{rr}}
+ \installcompoundcharacter "tt {\discretionary{tt-}{t}{tt}}
+ \installcompoundcharacter "CK {\discretionary {K-}{K}{CK}}
+ \installcompoundcharacter "FF {\discretionary{FF-}{F}{FF}}
+ \installcompoundcharacter "LL {\discretionary{LL-}{L}{LL}}
+ \installcompoundcharacter "MM {\discretionary{MM-}{M}{MM}}
+ \installcompoundcharacter "NN {\discretionary{NN-}{N}{NN}}
+ \installcompoundcharacter "PP {\discretionary{PP-}{P}{PP}}
+ \installcompoundcharacter "RR {\discretionary{RR-}{R}{RR}}
+ \installcompoundcharacter "TT {\discretionary{TT-}{T}{TT}}
+ \installcompoundcharacter "` {\startdelimitedtext[\v!quotation]}
+ \installcompoundcharacter "' {\stopdelimitedtext}
+ \installcompoundcharacter ". {\kern.1em\ignorespaces}
+ %installcompoundcharacter "` {\languageparameter\c!leftquotation }
+ %installcompoundcharacter "' {\languageparameter\c!rightquotation}
+ \def\setupDElanguage
+ {\setuplanguage
+ [\s!de]
+ [\c!leftsentence=\leftguillemot,
+ \c!rightsentence=\rightguillemot,
+ \c!leftsubsentence=\leftsubguillemot,
+ \c!rightsubsentence=\rightsubguillemot]}
+ \installcompoundcharacter "< {{\setupDElanguage|<|}}
+ \installcompoundcharacter "> {{\setupDElanguage|>|}}
+ \installcompoundcharacter "| {|*|}
+% \hyphenatedword{hinauff|*|liegen}
+% \hyphenatedword{hinauff"|liegen}
+%D An experimental hack:
+% no {\simplifiedcompoundcharacter"}
+% \startencoding[pdfdoc]
+% \startlanguagespecifics[\s!de]% hm, a % is needed
+% \defineactivecharacter " {\"}
+% \stoplanguagespecifics
+% \stopencoding
+ \startlanguagespecifics[\s!de]%
+ \installcompoundcharacter "a {\adiaeresis}
+ \installcompoundcharacter "e {\ediaeresis}
+ \installcompoundcharacter "i {\idiaeresis}
+ \installcompoundcharacter "o {\odiaeresis}
+ \installcompoundcharacter "u {\udiaeresis}
+ \installcompoundcharacter "A {\Adiaeresis}
+ \installcompoundcharacter "E {\Ediaeresis}
+ \installcompoundcharacter "I {\Idiaeresis}
+ \installcompoundcharacter "O {\Odiaeresis}
+ \installcompoundcharacter "U {\Udiaeresis}
+ \stoplanguagespecifics
+ \startlanguagespecifics[\s!de]%
+ \installcompoundcharacter "a {\adiaeresis}
+ \installcompoundcharacter "e {\ediaeresis}
+ \installcompoundcharacter "i {\idiaeresis}
+ \installcompoundcharacter "o {\odiaeresis}
+ \installcompoundcharacter "u {\udiaeresis}
+ \installcompoundcharacter "A {\Adiaeresis}
+ \installcompoundcharacter "E {\Ediaeresis}
+ \installcompoundcharacter "I {\Idiaeresis}
+ \installcompoundcharacter "O {\Odiaeresis}
+ \installcompoundcharacter "U {\Udiaeresis}
+ \stoplanguagespecifics
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/enco-ffr.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/enco-ffr.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7e605bb05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/enco-ffr.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=enco-ffr,
+%D version=2002.05.07,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Encoding Macros,
+%D subtitle=French Input Filter,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+% \definehspace[fr][:][.25em]
+% \definehspace[fr][;][.25em]
+% \definehspace[fr][!][.25em]
+% \definehspace[fr][?][.25em]
+\enablemode[activecolon] \usemodule[tryout] % for the moment
+\installactivecharacter :
+\installactivecharacter ;
+\installactivecharacter ?
+\installactivecharacter !
+ \definetextmodediscretionary : {\removeunwantedspaces\prewordbreak\kern\hspaceamount\currentmainlanguage{:}:}
+ \definetextmodediscretionary ; {\removeunwantedspaces\prewordbreak\kern\hspaceamount\currentmainlanguage{;};}
+ \definetextmodediscretionary ? {\removeunwantedspaces\prewordbreak\kern\hspaceamount\currentmainlanguage{?}?}
+ \definetextmodediscretionary ! {\removeunwantedspaces\prewordbreak\kern\hspaceamount\currentmainlanguage{!}!}
+ \defineactivecharacter : {\mathortext{:}{\directdiscretionary{:}}}
+ \defineactivecharacter ; {\mathortext{;}{\directdiscretionary{;}}}
+ \defineactivecharacter ! {\mathortext{!}{\directdiscretionary{!}}}
+ \defineactivecharacter ? {\mathortext{?}{\directdiscretionary{?}}}
+\appendtoks % maybe everywhere
+ \chardef\activecharactermode\zerocount
+% maybe tricky due to possible name clashes:
+% \def\ieme {\highordinalstr{e}}
+% \def\iemes{\highordinalstr{es}}
+% \def\ier {\highordinalstr{er}}
+% \def\iers {\highordinalstr{ers}}
+% \def\iere {\highordinalstr{re}}
+% \def\ieres{\highordinalstr{res}}
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/enco-fpl.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/enco-fpl.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ddf865698
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/enco-fpl.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=enco-fpl,
+%D version=2000.08.20,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Encoding Macros,
+%D subtitle=Polish Input Filter,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D These definitions used to be part of lang-sla.tex.
+% todo : named glyphs
+\installactivecharacter /
+% \appendtoks \makecharacteractive / \to \everynormalcatcodes % obsolete
+ \installcompoundcharacter /a {\aogonek}
+ \installcompoundcharacter /c {\cacute}
+ \installcompoundcharacter /e {\eogonek}
+ \installcompoundcharacter /l {\lstroke}
+ \installcompoundcharacter /n {\nacute}
+ \installcompoundcharacter /o {\oacute}
+ \installcompoundcharacter /s {\sacute}
+ \installcompoundcharacter /x {\zacute}
+ \installcompoundcharacter /z {\zdotaccent}
+ \installcompoundcharacter /A {\Aogonek}
+ \installcompoundcharacter /C {\Cacute}
+ \installcompoundcharacter /E {\Eogonek}
+ \installcompoundcharacter /L {\Lstroke}
+ \installcompoundcharacter /N {\Nacute}
+ \installcompoundcharacter /O {\Oacute}
+ \installcompoundcharacter /S {\Sacute}
+ \installcompoundcharacter /X {\Zacute}
+ \installcompoundcharacter /Z {\Zdotaccent}
+ \installcompoundcharacter /, {\handlequotation\c!leftquotation}
+ \installcompoundcharacter /' {\handlequotation\c!rightquotation}
+ \def\setupPLlanguage%
+ {\setuplanguage
+ [\s!pl]
+ [\c!leftsentence=\leftguillemot,
+ \c!rightsentence=\rightguillemot,
+ \c!leftsubsentence=\leftsubguillemot,
+ \c!rightsubsentence=\rightsubguillemot]}
+ \installcompoundcharacter /< {{\setupPLlanguage|<|}}
+ \installcompoundcharacter /> {{\setupPLlanguage|>|}}
+ \installcompoundcharacter /- {|-|}
+% obsolete
+% \startlanguagespecifics[\s!pl]
+% \definesortkey {/a}{a}{a}{\k a}
+% \definesortkey {/A}{a}{a}{\k a}
+% \definesortkey {/c}{c}{a}{\'c}
+% \definesortkey {/C}{c}{a}{\'c}
+% \definesortkey {/e}{e}{a}{\k e}
+% \definesortkey {/E}{e}{a}{\k e}
+% \definesortkey {/l}{l}{a}{\l }
+% \definesortkey {/L}{l}{a}{\l }
+% \definesortkey {/n}{n}{a}{\'n}
+% \definesortkey {/N}{n}{a}{\'n}
+% \definesortkey {/o}{o}{a}{\'o}
+% \definesortkey {/O}{o}{a}{\'o}
+% \definesortkey {/s}{s}{a}{\'s}
+% \definesortkey {/S}{s}{a}{\'s}
+% \definesortkey {/x}{z}{a}{\'x}
+% \definesortkey {/X}{z}{a}{\'x}
+% \definesortkey {/z}{z}{b}{\.z}
+% \definesortkey {/Z}{z}{b}{\.z}
+% \stoplanguagespecifics
+ \startlanguagespecifics[pl]% hm
+ \defineactivecharacter / {\simplifiedcompoundcharacter/}
+ \stoplanguagespecifics
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/enco-fro.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/enco-fro.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..af1272163
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/enco-fro.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=enco-fro,
+%D version=2000.08.20,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Encoding Macros,
+%D subtitle=Romanian Input Filter,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D These definitions used to be part of lang-ita.tex.
+\installactivecharacter "
+ \installcompoundcharacter "a {\acircumflex}
+ \installcompoundcharacter "i {\icircumflex}
+ \installcompoundcharacter "s {\scedilla}
+ \installcompoundcharacter "t {\tcedilla}
+ \installcompoundcharacter "A {\Acircumflex}
+ \installcompoundcharacter "I {\Icircumflex}
+ \installcompoundcharacter "S {\Scedilla}
+ \installcompoundcharacter "T {\Tcedilla}
+ \installcompoundcharacter "` {\startdelimitedtext[\v!quotation]}
+ \installcompoundcharacter "' {\stopdelimitedtext}
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/enco-fsl.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/enco-fsl.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8fbca98ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/enco-fsl.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=enco-fsl,
+%D version=2005.08.17,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Encoding Macros,
+%D subtitle=Slovenian Specialities,
+%D author={Hans Hagen, Mojka Miklavec},
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D Usage:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \useencoding[fsl]
+%D \starttext
+%D \dstroke \language[sl] \dstroke
+%D \stoptext
+%D \stoptyping
+ \startencoding[\s!default]
+ \definecharacter dstroke {d\zcaron} % hm, expects a space delimiter
+ \stopencoding
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/enco-grk.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/enco-grk.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6264f362e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/enco-grk.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=enco-grk,
+%D version=2003.03.01,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Encoding Macros,
+%D subtitle=Greek,
+%D author=Apostolos Syropoulos,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+% Uppercase Greek letters
+\definecasemap 193 193 225 % greekAlpha
+\definecasemap 194 194 226 % greekBeta
+\definecasemap 195 195 227 % greekGamma
+\definecasemap 196 196 228 % greekDelta
+\definecasemap 197 197 229 % greekEpsilon
+\definecasemap 198 198 230 % greekZeta
+\definecasemap 199 199 213 % greekEta
+\definecasemap 200 200 232 % greekTheta
+\definecasemap 201 201 233 % greekIota
+\definecasemap 202 202 234 % greekKappa
+\definecasemap 203 203 235 % greekLambda
+\definecasemap 204 204 236 % greekMu
+\definecasemap 205 205 237 % greekNu
+\definecasemap 206 206 238 % greekXi
+\definecasemap 207 207 239 % greekOmicron
+\definecasemap 208 208 240 % greekPi
+\definecasemap 209 209 241 % greekRho
+\definecasemap 211 211 243 % greekSigma
+\definecasemap 212 212 244 % greekTau
+\definecasemap 213 213 245 % greekUpsilon
+\definecasemap 214 214 246 % greekPhi
+\definecasemap 215 215 247 % greekChi
+\definecasemap 216 216 248 % greekPsi
+\definecasemap 217 217 249 % greekOmega
+% Lowercase Greek letters
+\definecasemap 225 193 225 % greekalpha
+\definecasemap 226 194 226 % greekbeta
+\definecasemap 227 195 227 % greekgamma
+\definecasemap 228 196 228 % greekdelta
+\definecasemap 229 197 229 % greekepsilon
+\definecasemap 230 198 230 % greekzeta
+\definecasemap 213 199 213 % greeketa
+\definecasemap 232 200 232 % greektheta
+\definecasemap 233 201 233 % greekiota
+\definecasemap 234 202 234 % greekkappa
+\definecasemap 235 203 235 % greeklambda
+\definecasemap 236 204 236 % greekmu
+\definecasemap 237 205 237 % greeknu
+\definecasemap 238 206 238 % greekxi
+\definecasemap 239 207 239 % greekomicron
+\definecasemap 240 208 240 % greekpi
+\definecasemap 241 209 241 % greekrho
+\definecasemap 242 211 242 % greekfinalsigma
+\definecasemap 243 211 243 % greekSigma
+\definecasemap 244 212 244 % greekTau
+\definecasemap 245 213 245 % greekUpsilon
+\definecasemap 246 214 246 % greekPhi
+\definecasemap 247 215 247 % greekChi
+\definecasemap 248 216 248 % greekPsi
+\definecasemap 249 217 249 % greekOmega
+% Accented Uppercase Greek letters
+\definecasemap 182 193 220 % greekAlphatonos
+\definecasemap 184 197 221 % greekEpsilontonos
+\definecasemap 185 199 222 % greekEtatonos
+\definecasemap 186 201 223 % greekIotatonos
+\definecasemap 188 207 252 % greekOmicrontonos
+\definecasemap 190 213 253 % greekUpsilontonos
+\definecasemap 191 217 254 % greekOmegatonos
+\definecasemap 218 218 250 % greekIotadialytika
+\definecasemap 219 219 251 % greekUpsilondialytika
+% Accented Lowercase Greek letters
+\definecasemap 220 193 220 % greekalphatonos
+\definecasemap 221 197 221 % greekepsilontonos
+\definecasemap 222 199 222 % greeketatonos
+\definecasemap 223 201 223 % greekiotatonos
+\definecasemap 252 207 252 % greekomicrontonos
+\definecasemap 253 213 253 % greekupsilontonos
+\definecasemap 254 217 254 % greekomegatonos
+\definecasemap 250 218 250 % greekiotadialytika
+\definecasemap 251 219 251 % greekupsilondialytika
+\definecasemap 192 218 192 % greekiotadialytikatonos
+\definecasemap 224 219 224 % greekupsilondialytikatonos
+% Uppercase Greek letters
+\definecharacter greekAlpha 193
+\definecharacter greekBeta 194
+\definecharacter greekGamma 195
+\definecharacter greekDelta 196
+\definecharacter greekEpsilon 197
+\definecharacter greekZeta 198
+\definecharacter greekEta 199
+\definecharacter greekTheta 200
+\definecharacter greekIota 201
+\definecharacter greekKappa 202
+\definecharacter greekLambda 203
+\definecharacter greekMu 204
+\definecharacter greekNu 205
+\definecharacter greekXi 206
+\definecharacter greekOmicron 207
+\definecharacter greekPi 208
+\definecharacter greekRho 209
+\definecharacter greekSigma 211
+\definecharacter greekTau 212
+\definecharacter greekUpsilon 213
+\definecharacter greekPhi 214
+\definecharacter greekChi 215
+\definecharacter greekPsi 216
+\definecharacter greekOmega 217
+% Lowercase Greek letters
+\definecharacter greekalpha 225
+\definecharacter greekbeta 226
+\definecharacter greekgamma 227
+\definecharacter greekdelta 228
+\definecharacter greekepsilon 229
+\definecharacter greekzeta 230
+\definecharacter greeketa 231
+\definecharacter greektheta 232
+\definecharacter greekiota 233
+\definecharacter greekkappa 234
+\definecharacter greeklambda 235
+\definecharacter greekmu 236
+\definecharacter greeknu 237
+\definecharacter greekxi 238
+\definecharacter greekomicron 239
+\definecharacter greekpi 240
+\definecharacter greekrho 241
+\definecharacter greekfinalsigma 242
+\definecharacter greeksigma 243
+\definecharacter greektau 244
+\definecharacter greekupsilon 245
+\definecharacter greekphi 246
+\definecharacter greekchi 247
+\definecharacter greekpsi 248
+\definecharacter greekomega 249
+% Accented Uppercase Greek letters
+\definecharacter greekAlphatonos 182
+\definecharacter greekEpsilontonos 184
+\definecharacter greekEtatonos 185
+\definecharacter greekIotatonos 186
+\definecharacter greekOmicrontonos 188
+\definecharacter greekUpsilontonos 190
+\definecharacter greekOmegatonos 191
+\definecharacter greekIotadialytika 218
+\definecharacter greekUpsilondialytika 219
+% Accented Lowercase Greek letters
+\definecharacter greekalphatonos 220
+\definecharacter greekepsilontonos 221
+\definecharacter greeketatonos 222
+\definecharacter greekiotatonos 223
+\definecharacter greekomicrontonos 252
+\definecharacter greekupsilontonos 253
+\definecharacter greekomegatonos 254
+\definecharacter greekiotadialytika 250
+\definecharacter greekupsilondialytika 251
+\definecharacter greekiotadialytikatonos 192
+\definecharacter greekupsilondialytikatonos 224
+% Miscellaneous Greek symbols
+\definecharacter greekleftquot 171
+\definecharacter greekrightquot 187
+\definecharacter greektonos 180
+\definecharacter greekdialytikatonos 181
+\definecharacter greekapostrophos 162
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/enco-heb.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/enco-heb.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a4ef2cd2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/enco-heb.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=enco-heb,
+%D version=2005.01.27,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Encoding Macros,
+%D subtitle=Hebrew,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D To be done.
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/enco-ibm.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/enco-ibm.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..48695ca52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/enco-ibm.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+% temporary module, needed for downward compatibility
+%\input regi-ibm.tex
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/enco-il2.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/enco-il2.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9b08dc897
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/enco-il2.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=enco-il2,
+%D version=2000.05.07, % 1998.12.01,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Encoding Macros,
+%D subtitle=Czech and Slovak ISO Latin 2 Encoding,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+% This encoding will go but the regime will remain.
+%D This Czech/Slovak encoding is dedicated to Han The Thanh.
+%D The numbers are derived from some files he sent me. This
+%D definition file is (still) sort of beta.
+\resetcaserange 127 to 255 % we map them all to themselves
+\definecaseswap 184 152
+\definecaseswap 181 165
+\definecaseswap 185 169
+\definecaseswap 187 171
+\definecaseswap 190 174
+\definecaseswap 224 192
+\definecaseswap 225 193
+\definecaseswap 228 196
+\definecaseswap 229 197
+\definecaseswap 232 200
+\definecaseswap 233 201
+\definecaseswap 236 204
+\definecaseswap 237 205
+\definecaseswap 239 207
+\definecaseswap 242 210
+\definecaseswap 243 211
+\definecaseswap 244 212
+\definecaseswap 246 214
+\definecaseswap 248 216
+\definecaseswap 249 217
+\definecaseswap 250 218
+\definecaseswap 252 220
+\definecaseswap 253 221
+\definecharacter textgrave 18
+\definecharacter textacute 19
+\definecharacter textcaron 20
+\definecharacter textbreve 21
+\definecharacter textmacron 22
+\definecharacter textring 23
+\definecharacter textcedilla 24
+\definecharacter textcircumflex 94
+\definecharacter textdotaccent 95
+\definecharacter texthungarumlaut 125
+\definecharacter texttilde 126
+\definecharacter textdiaeresis 127
+\definecharacter dotlessi 16
+\definecharacter dotlessj 17
+\definecharacter aeligature 26
+\definecharacter AEligature 29
+\definecharacter oeligature 27
+\definecharacter OEligature 30
+\definecharacter ssharp 25
+\definecharacter Racute 192
+\definecharacter Aacute 193
+\definecharacter Lacute 197
+\definecharacter Eacute 201
+\definecharacter Iacute 205
+\definecharacter Oacute 211
+\definecharacter Uacute 218
+\definecharacter Yacute 221
+\definecharacter racute 224
+\definecharacter aacute 225
+\definecharacter lacute 229
+\definecharacter eacute 233
+\definecharacter iacute 237
+\definecharacter oacute 243
+\definecharacter uacute 250
+\definecharacter yacute 253
+\definecharacter Lcaron 165
+\definecharacter Scaron 169
+\definecharacter Tcaron 171
+\definecharacter Zcaron 174
+\definecharacter lcaron 181
+\definecharacter scaron 185
+\definecharacter tcaron 187
+\definecharacter zcaron 190
+\definecharacter Ccaron 200
+\definecharacter Ecaron 204
+\definecharacter Dcaron 207
+\definecharacter Ncaron 210
+\definecharacter Rcaron 216
+\definecharacter ccaron 232
+\definecharacter ecaron 236
+\definecharacter dcaron 239
+\definecharacter ncaron 242
+\definecharacter rcaron 248
+\definecharacter Ocircumflex 212
+\definecharacter ocircumflex 244
+\definecharacter Adiaeresis 196
+\definecharacter Odiaeresis 214
+\definecharacter Udiaeresis 220
+\definecharacter adiaeresis 228
+\definecharacter odiaeresis 246
+\definecharacter udiaeresis 252
+\definecharacter Agrave 152
+\definecharacter agrave 184
+\definecharacter Ohungarumlaut 213
+\definecharacter Uhungarumlaut 219
+\definecharacter ohungarumlaut 245
+\definecharacter uhungarumlaut 251
+\definecharacter Uring 217
+\definecharacter uring 249
+\definecharacter Aring {\ilencodedrA}
+\definecharacter ostroke 28
+\definecharacter Ostroke 31
+\definecharacter Lstroke {\ilencodedL}
+\definecharacter lstroke {\ilencodedl}
+ {\dontleavehmode\hbox\bgroup
+ \setbox0\hbox{h}%
+ \dimen0=\ht0
+ \advance\dimen0 by -1ex
+ \rlap{\raise.67\dimen0\hbox{\char'27}}A%
+ \egroup}
+ {\dontleavehmode{\char32l}}
+ {\dontleavehmode\hbox\bgroup
+ \setbox0\hbox{L}%
+ \hbox to\wd0{\hss\char32L}%
+ \egroup}
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/enco-ini.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/enco-ini.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8603f2420
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/enco-ini.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,1137 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=enco-ini,
+%D version=2007.02.19, % 2000.12.27, % 1998.12.03,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Encoding Macros,
+%D subtitle=Initialization,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D Quite some code will be moved to the mk files once we're ready
+%D for it.
+%D This module is a reimplementation of the module that handled
+%D composed characters and non \ASCII\ characters. The changed
+%D are not that fundamental, and mainly concerns moving
+%D definitions of specific glyphs and accents to other files as
+%D well as moving plain handling of accents to this module
+%D instead of overloading plain \TEX\ commands.
+%D Patterns are kind of mixed with font encodings and
+%D mappings. Alas.
+\ifx\synchronizepatterns\undefined \let\synchronizepatterns\relax \fi
+%D While dealing with input (the text source) and output (the
+%D glyphs), encoding comes into view. To summarize a few:
+%D \startitemize
+%D \item Bytes in the input file are mapped to an internal
+%D representation. An~\type {a} often stays an~\type {a},
+%D but~\type {\"e} can become either one code or become
+%D two codes (ending in overlapping glyphs).
+%D \item Characters can be made active and mapped onto another
+%D character.
+%D \item When changing case, characters are mapped onto
+%D themselves, their case||counterpart or a reasonable
+%D alternative, like~\"e onto~e.
+%D \item Single character representations in a \DVI\ file can
+%D be mapped onto one or more characters, either of not
+%D in more than one font file (virtual fonts).
+%D \item In the final format, fonts collections can be
+%D partially embedded, thereby losing the one||to||one
+%D relation between several instances of one font.
+%D \item For special purposes, individual characters should be
+%D mapped onto a dedicated encoding vector, for instance
+%D \PDF\ document encoding.
+%D \stopitemize
+%D These and other kind of mappings are to be dealt with, and
+%D the exact way of dealing often depends on the language to be
+%D typeset.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Encoding Macros / Initialization}
+%D First we define a few local or not yet initialized constants.
+\def\@map@{@m@ap@} % mapping prefix
+\def\@fha@{@f@ha@} % font prefix
+\def\@cas@{@c@as@} % casecom prefix
+\ifx\currentlanguage\undefined \let\currentlanguage\s!en \fi
+%D \macros
+%D {setupencoding}
+%D The following setup command is used to tune encoding
+%D handling.
+ {\dosingleargument\dosetupencoding}
+ {\getparameters[\??ec][#1]%
+ \edef\defaultencoding
+ {\ifx\@@ecdefault\empty\s!default\else\@@ecdefault\fi}}
+%D \macros
+%D {useencoding}
+%D Encodings things are defined in separate files and are
+%D loaded only once, using:
+%D \showsetup{useencoding}
+ {\doifundefined{\c!file\f!encodingprefix#1}%
+ {\letvalue{\c!file\f!encodingprefix#1}\empty
+ \makeshortfilename[\truefilename{\f!encodingprefix#1}]%
+ \startreadingfile
+ \readsysfile{\shortfilename.mkii}
+ {\showmessage\m!encodings2{#1}}
+ {\showmessage\m!encodings3{#1}}%
+ \stopreadingfile}}
+ {\processcommalist[#1]\douseencoding}
+%D \macros
+%D {startmapping,enablemapping}
+%D In order to process patterns, convert from lower to
+%D uppercase and vise versa and some more, we provide a
+%D mechanism to define mappings. The first real application
+%D of this command was:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \startmapping [something]
+%D \definecasemap 165 181 165
+%D \definecasemap 171 187 171
+%D ...
+%D \defineuppercasecom \i {I}
+%D \defineuppercasecom \l \L
+%D \definelowercasecom \AE \ae
+%D ...
+%D \stopmapping
+%D \stoptyping
+%D So, character 165 becomes 181 in uppercase and 165 in
+%D lowercase. A mapping is activated with \type {\enablemapping}.
+ {\bgroup
+ \edef\charactermapping{@#1@}%
+ \checkmappingtoks
+ \setmappingtoks
+ \the\mappingtoks}
+ {\global\mappingtoks\emptytoks
+ \dostepwiserecurse{0}{255}\plusone
+ {\edef\@@expanded
+ {\the\mappingtoks
+ \ifnum\recurselevel>127
+ \noexpand\settoletterunlessactive{\recurselevel}%
+ \fi
+ \lccode\recurselevel\ifnum\lccode\recurselevel=\zerocount\zerocount\else\space\the\lccode\recurselevel\space\fi
+ \uccode\recurselevel\ifnum\uccode\recurselevel=\zerocount\zerocount\else\space\the\uccode\recurselevel\space\fi
+ \ifnum\sfcode\recurselevel=\plusthousand\else\sfcode\recurselevel=\the\sfcode\recurselevel\space\fi
+ }%
+ \global\mappingtoks\expandafter{\@@expanded}}%
+ \egroup
+ \let\enabledmapping\empty
+ \enablemapping[\currentmapping]}
+ {\startsavingmappingtoks{#1}}
+ {\stopsavingmappingtoks}
+ {\startsavingmappingtoks{#1}%
+ % nothing, just an automatic cleanup
+ \stopsavingmappingtoks
+ % we need to resync
+ %\let\enabledmapping\relax
+ }%\enablemapping[\currentmapping]}
+ {\@EA\let\@EA\mappingtoks\csname\@map@\charactermapping\endcsname
+ \@EA\let\@EA\casecomtoks\csname\@cas@\charactermapping\endcsname}
+ {\ifundefined{\@map@\charactermapping}%
+ \expandafter\newtoks\csname\@map@\charactermapping\endcsname
+ \fi
+ \ifundefined{\@cas@\charactermapping}%
+ \expandafter\newtoks\csname\@cas@\charactermapping\endcsname
+ \fi}
+\def\definecasemap #1 #2 #3 % code lower upper
+ {\doifelse{#2}{to}
+ {\presetcaserange{#1}{#3}}
+ {\lccode#1=#2\relax
+ \uccode#1=#3\relax}%
+ \ignorespaces}
+%D Saves a few tokens
+\def\definecaseswap #1 #2 % lower upper
+ {\lccode#1=#1\relax
+ \uccode#2=#2\relax
+ \lccode#2=#1\relax
+ \uccode#1=#2\relax
+ \ignorespaces}
+\def\definecaseself #1 % lower=upper=self
+ {\lccode#1=#1\relax
+ \uccode#1=#1\relax
+ \ignorespaces}
+%D Watch the \type {\definecasemap 127 to 255} option!
+%D Dedicated to Taco there is also:
+\def\definecasemaps #1 to #2 lc #3 uc #4 % from to lc+ uc+
+ {\dostepwiserecurse{#1}{#2}\plusone
+ {\scratchcounter\recurselevel\advance\scratchcounter#3\lccode\recurselevel=\scratchcounter
+ \scratchcounter\recurselevel\advance\scratchcounter#4\uccode\recurselevel=\scratchcounter}%
+ \ignorespaces}
+%D This can be used like:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \definecasemaps 128 to 156 lc 32 uc 0
+%D \definecasemaps 160 to 188 lc -32 uc 0
+%D \definecasemaps 160 to 188 lc -32 uc 0
+%D \definecasemaps 192 to 255 lc 32 uc 0
+%D \stoptyping
+%D and saves a lot of typing (copying).
+\def\resetcaserange #1 to #2
+ {\dostepwiserecurse{#1}{#2}\plusone
+ {\lccode\recurselevel\zerocount
+ \uccode\recurselevel\zerocount}%
+ \ignorespaces}
+\def\presetcaserange#1#2% could be pre-expanded
+ {\dostepwiserecurse{#1}{#2}\plusone
+ {\lccode\recurselevel=\recurselevel
+ \uccode\recurselevel=\recurselevel}%
+ \ignorespaces}
+\def\setcasemap #1 #2 #3 %
+ {\settoletterunlessactive{#1}%
+ \lccode #1=#2
+ \uccode #1=#3 }
+\def\setcaseswap #1 #2 %
+ {\settoletterunlessactive{#1}%
+ \settoletterunlessactive{#2}%
+ \lccode #1=#1
+ \uccode #2=#2
+ \lccode #2=#1
+ \uccode #1=#2 }
+\def\setcaseself #1 %
+ {\settoletterunlessactive{#1}%
+ \lccode #1=#1
+ \uccode #1=#1 }
+\def\definespacemap #1 #2 % code sfcode
+ {\sfcode#1=#2%
+ \ignorespaces}
+\def\setspacemap #1 #2 %
+ {\settootherunlessactive{#1}%
+ %\lccode #1=\zerocount
+ %\uccode #1=\zerocount
+ \sfcode #1=#2 }
+ {\global\casecomtoks\expandafter{\the\casecomtoks\setuppercasecom#1{#2}}%
+ \ignorespaces}
+ {\global\casecomtoks\expandafter{\the\casecomtoks\setlowercasecom#1{#2}}%
+ \ignorespaces}
+\let\enabledmapping\empty % indirect, needed to handle default too
+ {\edef\charactermapping{@#1@}%
+ \ifx\enabledmapping\charactermapping \else
+ \doifdefined{\@map@\charactermapping}
+ {%\expandafter\showthe\csname\@map@\charactermapping\endcsname\endcsname
+ \the\csname\@map@\charactermapping\endcsname}%
+ % == \the\executeifdefined{\@map@\charactermapping}\emptytoks
+ \edef\enabledmapping{\charactermapping}%
+ \enablelanguagespecifics[\currentlanguage]% new
+ % \edef\enabledmapping{\charactermapping\currentlanguage}% can be comma list
+ \fi
+ \synchronizepatterns}
+% on behalf of font switching:
+ {\edef\charactermapping{@#1@}%
+ \ifx\enabledmapping\charactermapping \else
+ \@EA\ifx\csname\@map@\charactermapping\endcsname\relax\else
+ \the\csname\@map@\charactermapping\endcsname
+ \fi
+ % == \the\executeifdefined{\@map@\charactermapping}\emptytoks
+ \let\enabledmapping\charactermapping
+ \enablelanguagespecifics[\currentlanguage]% to faster
+ \fi}
+%D This macro wil be implemented in \type {lang-ini.tex}.
+ \def\enablelanguagespecifics[#1]{}
+%D Further on we have to take some precautions when dealing
+%D with special characters like~\type{~}, \type{_}
+%D and~\type{^}, so let us define ourselve some handy macros
+%D first.
+ {\edef\unprotectfontcharacters
+ {\catcode`\noexpand ~=\the\catcode`~\relax
+ \catcode`\noexpand _=\the\catcode`_\relax
+ \catcode`\noexpand ^=\the\catcode`^\relax}%
+ \catcode`~=\@@letter
+ \catcode`_=\@@letter
+ \catcode`^=\@@letter\relax}
+%D The completeness of the Computer Modern Roman typefaces
+%D makes clear how incomplete other faces are. To honour 7~bit
+%D \ASCII, these fonts were designed using only the first 127
+%D values of the 256 ones that can be presented by one byte.
+%D Nowadays 8~bit character codings are more common, mainly
+%D because they permit us to predefine some composed
+%D characters, which are needed in most european languages.
+%D Supporting more than the standard \TEX\ encoding vector
+%D |<|which in itself is far from standard and differs per
+%D font|>| puts a burden on the fonts mechanism. The \CONTEXT\
+%D mechanism is far from complete, but can handle several
+%D schemes at once. The main problem lays in the accented
+%D characters and ligatures like~ff, although handling
+%D ligatures is not the responsibility of this module.
+%D By default, we use \PLAIN\ \TEX's approach of placing
+%D accents. All other schemes sooner or later give problems
+%D when we distribute \DVI||files are distributed across
+%D machines and platforms. Nevertheless, we have to take care
+%D of different encoding vectors, which tell us where to find
+%D the characters we need. This means that all kind of
+%D character placement macro's like \type{\"} and \type{\ae}
+%D have to be implemented and adapted in a way that suits
+%D these vectors.
+%D The main difference between different vector is the way
+%D accents are ordered and/or the availability of prebuilt
+%D accented characters. Accented characters can for instance be
+%D called for by sequences like \type{\"e}. Here the \type{\"}
+%D is defined as:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\"#1{{\accent"7F #1}}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D This macro places the accent \accent"7F {} on top of an~e
+%D gives \"e. Some fonts however can have prebuild accents and
+%D use a more direct approach like
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\"#1{\if#1e\char 235\else ... \fi}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The latter approach is not used in \CONTEXT, because we
+%D store relevant combinations of accents and characters in
+%D individual macros.
+%D We define character substitutes and commands with definition
+%D commands like:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \startcoding[texnansi]
+%D \defineaccent " a 228
+%D \defineaccent ^ e 234
+%D \defineaccent ' {\dotlessi} 237
+%D \definecharacter ae 230
+%D \definecharacter oe 156
+%D \definecommand b \texnansiencodedb
+%D \definecommand c \texnansiencodedc
+%D \stopcoding
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The last argument of \type{\defineaccent} and
+%D \type{\definecharacter} tells \TEX\ the position of the
+%D accented character in the encoding vector. In order to
+%D complish this, we tag each implementation with the character
+%D coding identifier. We therefore need two auxiliary variables
+%D \type{\characterencoding} and \type{\nocharacterencoding}. These
+%D contain the current and default encoding vectors and both
+%D default to the \PLAIN\ one.
+\edef\characterencoding {@\s!default @}
+\edef\nocharacterencoding {@\s!default @}
+\edef\charactermapping {@\s!default @}
+% todo, else \d j == \dj, print file and check
+\def\accentprefix {}%{*}
+\def\commandprefix {}%{=}
+%D \macros
+%D {startcoding, reducetocoding}
+%D Before we can redefine accents and special characters, we
+%D have to tell \CONTEXT\ what encoding is in force. The next
+%D command is responsible for doing this and also takes care of
+%D the definition of the recoding commands. We use the \type
+%D {\start}||\type {\stop}||commands for definitions and the
+%D \type {\reduceto}||command for local switching to
+%D simplified commands.
+% etex : \ifcsname
+\def\justhandleaccent#1#2% \empty makes #2={} save % no \unexpanded
+ {\ifundefined{\accentprefix\characterencoding#1\string#2\empty}%
+ #2%
+ \else
+ \csname\accentprefix\characterencoding#1\string#2\empty\endcsname
+ \fi}
+\def\justhandlecommand#1% % no \unexpanded, otherwise pdfdoc will fail
+ {\ifundefined{\commandprefix\characterencoding#1}% as well as hyph patterns
+ #1%
+ \else
+ \csname\commandprefix\characterencoding#1\endcsname
+ \fi}
+ {\dodoubleempty\doenableencoding}
+\def\doenableencoding[#1][#2]% main fallback
+ {\iffirstargument\edef\characterencoding{@#1@}\fi
+ \edef\nocharacterencoding{@\ifsecondargument#2\else\s!default\fi @}%
+ \synchronizepatterns}
+\edef\xnocharacterencoding{@\s!default @}
+ {\edef\characterencoding{@#1@}%
+ \let\nocharacterencoding\xnocharacterencoding}
+ {\dodoubleempty\dostartencoding}
+\def\dostartencoding[#1][#2]% encoding regime
+ {%\showmessage\m!encodings1{#1}%
+ \pushmacro\characterencoding
+ \pushmacro\currentregime
+ \pushmacro\dohandleaccent % still needed?
+ \pushmacro\dohandlecommand % still needed?
+ \pushmacro\doautosetregime
+ \let\dohandleaccent\donthandleaccent % still needed?
+ \let\dohandlecommand\donthandlecommand % still needed?
+ %let\definesortkey\savesortkey
+ \edef\characterencoding{@#1@}%
+ \doifelsenothing{#2}%
+ {\let\doautosetregime\gobbletwoarguments}
+ {\def\currentregime{#2}}}
+ {\popmacro\doautosetregime
+ \popmacro\dohandlecommand % still needed?
+ \popmacro\dohandleaccent % still needed?
+ \popmacro\currentregime
+ \popmacro\characterencoding}
+% probably obsolete (hm, not yet)
+\def\reducetocoding[#1]% use grouped!
+ {\doifsomething{#1}
+ {\let\dohandleaccent \justhandleaccent
+ \let\dohandlecommand\justhandlecommand
+ \enableencoding[#1]%
+ \enablelanguagespecifics[\currentlanguage]}}
+\let\startcoding \startencoding
+\def\stopcoding {\stopencoding}
+\let\enablecoding \enableencoding
+%D The use of these macros are not limited to font
+%D definition files, but may also be used when loading
+%D patterns.
+%D \macros
+%D {definesortkey,flushsortkeys,flushsortkey}
+%D Yet another definition concerns sorting of indexes and
+%D lists.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \definesortkey {\'e} {e} {a} {\'e}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The first argument denotes the string to be treated. The
+%D second argument is the raw replacement, while the third
+%D argument determines the sort order given the replacement.
+%D The last argument is used as entry in the index (a, b, etc).
+%D The keys can be flushed using \type {\flushsortkeys}
+%D which in turn results in a sequence of calls to \type
+%D {\flushsortkey}, a macro taking 4~arguments.
+%D This mechanism is currently being tested and subjected to
+%D changes! Obsolete:
+\let\savesortkey \gobblefourarguments
+\let\flushsortkey \relax
+%D \macros
+%D {defineaccent, definecharacter, definecommand}
+%D The actual definition of accents, special characters and
+%D commands is done with the next three commands.
+ {\protectfontcharacters
+ \dodefineaccent}
+\def\dodefineaccent#1 #2 %
+ {\unprotectfontcharacters
+ \dododefineaccent#1 #2 }
+\def\dododefineaccent#1 #2 #3 %
+ {\setvalue{#1}{\dohandleaccent{#1}}%
+ \doifnumberelse{\string#3}
+ {\setvalue{\accentprefix\characterencoding#1\string#2}{\char#3 }} % space added
+ {\setvalue{\accentprefix\characterencoding#1\string#2}{#3}}}
+ {\ifcsname\accentprefix\characterencoding#1\string#2\empty\endcsname
+ \csname\accentprefix\characterencoding#1\string#2\empty\endcsname
+ \else\ifcsname\accentprefix\nocharacterencoding#1\string#2\empty\endcsname
+ \csname\accentprefix\nocharacterencoding#1\string#2\empty\endcsname
+ \else\ifcsname\accentprefix\characterencoding#1\endcsname
+ \csname\accentprefix\characterencoding#1\endcsname{#2}%
+ \else%\ifcsname\accentprefix\nocharacterencoding#1\endcsname
+ \csname\accentprefix\nocharacterencoding#1\endcsname{#2}%
+% \else
+% \donormaltextaccent{#1}{#2}%
+ \fi\fi\fi}%\fi}
+\def\patternchar#1 {\rawcharacter{#1}} % space is part of character definition !
+% \ifx \enablepatterntokens\undefined
+% \def\handlepatterntoken#1]{\csname#1\endcsname}
+% \fi
+% we need to postpone catcode changes, e.g. hr patterns
+% have \catcode" -> which fails when " is letter
+ {\ifx \enablepatterntokens\undefined
+ \defineactivecharacter [ {\handlepatterntoken}%
+ \else
+ \enablepatterntokens
+ \fi
+ \let\dochar\thechr
+ \lccode16=16 % brrr, extra quote in ec (turkish)
+ \lccode17=17 % brrr, extra quote in ec (turkish)
+ \lccode`\-=`\-
+ \lccode`\'=`\'
+ \lccode`\"=`\"
+ \relax}
+\def\patterns {\pathypsettings\normalpatterns }
+%D Because we don't want to use the second command grouped, we
+%D (re)define it as follows:
+ {\begingroup\def\hyphenation{\normalhyphenation{\the\scratchtoks}\endgroup}%
+ \pathypsettings\afterassignment\hyphenation\scratchtoks=}
+%D This is not needed for patterns because they are loaded grouped
+%D anyway and it saves us an assignment. Can go ... no longer
+%D shared patterns.
+\def\startpatternloading#1#2#3% % we should use \everypatternloading
+ {\startreadingfile
+ \bgroup
+ % let's get rid of interfering stuff
+ \let\everyjob\scratchtoks
+ \let\message \gobbleoneargument
+ % we want direct characters
+ \let\char\patternchar
+ \doifelsenothing{#2}{\enableencoding[ec]}{\enableencoding[#2]}%
+ \doifelsenothing{#3}{\enablemapping [ec]}{\enablemapping [#3]}%
+ \expanded{\doifinstring{\f!languageprefix}{#1}}
+ {\ifx \enablepatternxml\undefined \else
+ \enablepatternxml
+ \fi}%
+ \let\dohandleaccent\normaldohandleaccent}
+ {\egroup
+ \stopreadingfile}
+ \def\thechr#1{\char#1 } % just in case \relax interferes
+\def\startdirectcharacters {\pushmacro\dochar \let\dochar\thechr}
+\def\stopdirectcharacters {\popmacro \dochar}
+\def\definecharacter#1 #2 %
+ {\ifundefined{#1}\setvalue{#1}{\dohandlecharacter{#1}}\fi
+ \doifnumberelse{\string#2}
+ {\setvalue{\characterprefix\characterencoding\string#1}{\dochar{#2}}%
+ \doautosetregime{#1}{#2}}
+ {\setvalue{\characterprefix\characterencoding\string#1}{#2}}}
+ {\csname\characterprefix\ifcsname\characterprefix\characterencoding#1\endcsname
+ \characterencoding\else\nocharacterencoding\fi#1\endcsname}
+% \def\fallbackpatternchar{x} % makes no sense, duplicate patterns
+ {\csname\characterprefix\nocharacterencoding\strippedcsname#1\endcsname}
+%D Instead of numbers, a command may be entered.
+\def\definecommand#1 #2 %
+ {\setvalue{\string#1}{\dohandlecommand{#1}}%
+ %\redefinecommand #1 % just to be sure
+ \setvalue{\commandprefix\characterencoding\string#1}{#2}}
+%D Here we see that redefining accents is characters is more
+%D or less the same as redefining commands. We also could have
+%D said:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\defineaccent#1 #2 {\definecommand#1\string#2 \char}
+%D \def\definecharacter#1 {\definecommand#1 \char}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D \macros
+%D {defineaccentcommand}
+%D When needed, one can overload the default positions of the
+%D accents. The \PLAIN\ \TEX\ defaults are:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \defineaccentcommand ` 18
+%D \defineaccentcommand ' 19
+%D \defineaccentcommand v 20
+%D \defineaccentcommand u 21
+%D \defineaccentcommand = 22
+%D \defineaccentcommand ^ 94
+%D \defineaccentcommand . 95
+%D \defineaccentcommand H 125 % "7D
+%D \defineaccentcommand ~ 126 % "7E
+%D \defineaccentcommand " 127 % "7F
+%D \stoptyping
+ {\protectfontcharacters
+ \dodefineaccentcommand}
+\def\dodefineaccentcommand#1 #2 % \string toegevoegd
+ {\doifnumberelse{\string#2}
+ {\setvalue{\accentprefix\characterencoding\string#1}##1{{\accent#2 ##1}}}
+ {\setvalue{\accentprefix\characterencoding\string#1}##1{{#2##1}}}%
+ \unprotectfontcharacters}
+%D We don't have to define them for the default \PLAIN\ case.
+%D Commands may be used instead of character codes.
+%D \macros
+%D {redefinecommand}
+%D Redefinition of encoding dependant commands like \type{\b}
+%D and \type{\c} can be triggered by:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \redefinecommand b % something math
+%D \redefinecommand c % something math
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Handling of characters is easier than handling accents
+%D because here we don't have to take care of arguments. We
+%D just call for the right glyph in the right place.
+%D The \type{\next} construction permits handling of commands
+%D that take arguments. This means that we can use this
+%D command to redefine accent handling commands too
+%D (although today the next is not needed any longer in test
+%D macros).
+\def\redefinecommand#1 %
+ {% no \unexpanded, else pdfdoc fails
+ \setvalue{\string#1}{\dohandlecommand{#1}}}%
+ {\csname\commandprefix
+ \ifcsname\commandprefix\characterencoding#1\endcsname
+ \characterencoding
+ \else
+ \nocharacterencoding
+ \fi
+ #1\endcsname}
+%D \macros
+%D {currentencoding, currentmapping}
+%D When we show 'm, we don't want to see the protection
+%D measures.
+\def\currentmapping {\@EA\dopureencodingname\charactermapping }
+\def\dopureencodingname @#1@{#1}
+%D \macros
+%D {showaccents, showcharacters,
+%D showcharacterbounds, showhyphenations}
+%D Encoding is a tricky business. Therefore we provide a
+%D a few macros that show most of the characters involved. The
+%D next two tables show the result of \type {\showaccents}.
+%D \placetable
+%D {The special glyphs in default encoding.}
+%D {\showaccents}
+%D \placetable
+%D {The special glyphs in texnansi encoding.}
+%D {\switchtobodyfont[lbr]\showaccents}
+%D The command
+%D \starttyping
+%D \showhyphenations{doordefini\"eren}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D can be used to check the correct loading of hyphenation
+%D patterns.
+\fetchruntimecommand \showaccents {\f!encodingprefix\s!run}
+\fetchruntimecommand \showcharacters {\f!encodingprefix\s!run}
+\fetchruntimecommand \showcharacterbounds {\f!encodingprefix\s!run}
+\fetchruntimecommand \showhyphenations {\f!encodingprefix\s!run}
+\fetchruntimecommand \showmapping {\f!encodingprefix\s!run}
+%D \macros
+%D {everyuppercase, EveryUppercase,
+%D everyuppercase, EveryUppercase}
+%D When we want to uppercase strings of characters, we have to
+%D take care of those characters that have a special meaning or
+%D are only accessible by means of macros. The next hack was
+%D introduced when Tobias Burnus started translating head and
+%D label texts into spanish and italian. The first application
+%D of this token register therefore can be found in the module
+%D that deals with these texts.
+\newevery \everyuppercase \EveryUppercase
+\newevery \everylowercase \EveryLowercase
+%D This magic trick maps takes care of mapping from lower to
+%D upper case and reverse.
+\appendtoks\reloadmapping\to\everyuppercase % slow, will be sped up
+\appendtoks\reloadmapping\to\everylowercase % slow, will be sped up
+\def\remapuppercase#1#2{\let#2#1} % more efficient:
+\def\remaplowercase#1#2{\let#1#2} \let\remaplowercase\let
+\def\defineLCcharacter #1 #2 %
+ {\appendtoks\let\to\everylowercase
+ \@EA\appendtoks\csname#1\endcsname\to\everylowercase
+ \@EA\appendtoks\csname#2\endcsname\to\everylowercase}
+\def\defineUCcharacter #1 #2 %
+ {\appendtoks\let\to\everyuppercase
+ \@EA\appendtoks\csname#1\endcsname\to\everyuppercase
+ \@EA\appendtoks\csname#2\endcsname\to\everyuppercase}
+\def\defineULcharacter #1 #2 %
+ {\appendtoks\remapcase\to\everyULmap
+ \@EA\appendtoks\csname#1\endcsname\to\everyULmap
+ \@EA\appendtoks\csname#2\endcsname\to\everyULmap}
+% slightly faster with \smallcapped's but far more hash and stringspace
+% \newif\ifuppercase \appendtoks\uppercasetrue\to\everyuppercase
+% \newif\iflowercase \appendtoks\lowercasetrue\to\everylowercase
+% \def\defineULcharacter #1 #2 %
+% {\def\!!stringa{@#1}\@EA\letvalue\@EA\!!stringa\csname#1\endcsname
+% \def\!!stringa{@#2}\@EA\letvalue\@EA\!!stringa\csname#2\endcsname
+% \setvalue{#1}{\getvalue{@\ifuppercase#2\else#1\fi}}%
+% \setvalue{#2}{\getvalue{@\iflowercase#1\else#2\fi}}}
+% 2 = tricky, since expanding \definedfont[lowcasename] ... goes wrong
+\chardef\uppercasemode\plusthree % 0=ignore 1=normal 2=expand 3=auto
+\chardef\casecommode \plusone % 0=noexpand 1=expand
+\def\setcasecom #1#2{\def#1{\ifcase\casecommode\noexpand#1\else#2\fi}}
+% \def\OEPS{whatever}
+% \startmapping[ec]
+% \defineuppercasecom \oeps {\getvalue{OEPS}}
+% \stopmapping
+% \WORD{xx \oeps}
+ {\bgroup
+ \let\douppercase\firstofoneargument
+ \the\everyuppercase % currently also checks uppercasemode
+ \let\dochar\rawcharacter
+ \ifcase\uppercasemode
+ #1%
+ \or % No expansion here, otherwise \getvalue problems! Default!!!
+ %\edef\next{#1}% keep this to prevent roll back
+ %\uppercase\expandafter{\next}% keep this to prevent roll back
+ \uppercase{#1}%
+ \or
+ \chardef\casecommode\zerocount
+ \let\docasecom\firstoftwoarguments
+ \edef\ascii{#1}%
+ \edef\ascii{\expandafter\uppercase\expandafter{\ascii}}% needed when in regime
+ \chardef\casecommode\plusone
+ \ascii
+ \else
+ % mode three may trigger setting 2 elsewhere (e.g. regime test)
+ \uppercase{#1}%
+ \fi
+ \egroup}
+ \doifnot\currentregime\s!default
+ {\ifnum\uppercasemode=\plusthree \chardef\uppercasemode\plustwo \fi}%
+\to \everyuppercase
+%D \macros
+%D {everysanitize, EverySanitize}
+%D Whenever we are sanitizing strings, like we sometimes do
+%D when we deal with specials, the next token register can be
+%D called.
+\newevery \everysanitize \EverySanitize
+%D \macros
+%D {defineuclass,defineudigit,udigit}
+%D The next few macros are experimental and needed for unicoded
+%D chinese characters.
+\def\defineuclass #1 #2 #3 %
+ {\setvalue{uc\the\numexpr#2*256+#3\relax}{#1}}
+\def\defineudigit #1 #2 #3 {\setvalue{\characterencoding uc#1}{\uchar{#2}{#3}}}
+%D It may look strange, but for the moment, we want the encoding
+%D to be part of the digit specification. This may change!
+%D \macros
+%D {uchar, octuchar, hexuchar}
+\ifx\uchar\undefined \def\uchar#1#2{(\number#1,\number#2)} \fi
+%D Basics and fallbacks.
+\let\textaccent \accent
+% ** we will explicitly embrace the two arguments, since in definitions
+% this may not be the case, and we don't want faulty expansions like
+% "\dobuildtextaccent \char 18 a" but "\dobuildtextaccent {\char 18}{a}"
+% instead
+ {\mathaccent#1 }
+\def\buildtextaccent#1#2% **
+ {\ifignoreaccent
+ \expandafter\nobuildtextaccent
+ \else
+ \expandafter\dobuildtextaccent
+ \fi{#1}{#2}}
+ {#2}
+ {{\let\char\normalaccent#1\let\char\normalchar#2}}
+% some fake ones, name will change into build
+\unexpanded\def\bottomaccent#1#2#3#4#5% down right slantcorrection accent char
+ {\dontleavehmode % why this align mess
+ \vtop
+ {\forgetall
+ \baselineskip\zeropoint
+ \lineskip#1%
+ \everycr\emptytoks
+ \tabskip\zeropoint
+ \lineskiplimit\zeropoint
+ \setbox0\hbox{#4}%
+ \halign
+ {##\crcr\hbox{#5}\crcr
+ \hidewidth
+ \hskip#2\wd0
+ \hskip-#3\slantperpoint % in plain 1ex * dimenless value
+ \vbox to .2ex{\box0\vss}\hidewidth
+ \crcr}}}
+\def\buildtextmacron {\bottomaccent{.25ex}{0}{15}{\textmacron}}
+\def\buildtextcedilla {\bottomaccent{0ex}{0}{5}{\textcedilla}}
+\def\buildtextogonek {\bottomaccent{-.1ex}{.5}{0}{\textogonek}}
+%D A collectors item:
+%D Rarely needed but there:
+\unexpanded\def\topaccent#1#2#3#4#5% down right slantcorrection accent char
+ {\dontleavehmode
+ \bgroup
+ \setbox0\hbox{#4}%
+ \setbox2\hbox{#5}%
+ \hbox to \wd2 \bgroup
+ \hss\copy2\hss
+ \hskip-\wd2
+ \hss\hskip#2\wd0\hskip-#3\slantperpoint\raise#1\hbox{#4}\hss
+ \egroup
+ \egroup}
+\def\buildtextgrave{\topaccent{0pt}{0}{15}{\textgrave}} % e.g.
+% \definecharacter schwa {\hbox{\rotate[rotation=180,location=high]{\hbox{e}}}}
+% \definecharacter schwagrave {\buildtextgrave\schwa}
+% math stuff, will change
+\def\definemathaccent#1 #2%
+ {\setvalue{\string#1}{#2}%
+ \setvalue{normalmathaccent\string#1}{#2}}
+ {\getvalue{normalmathaccent\string#1}}
+%D Some precautions:
+ \def\usepdffontresource #1 {} % this will be defined elsewhere
+\def\donthandleaccent #1{\expandafter\string\csname#1\endcsname\space}
+\def\donthandlecommand #1{\expandafter\string\csname#1\endcsname\space}
+\def\donthandlecharacter #1{\expandafter\string\csname#1\endcsname\space}
+\def\stringifyhandleaccent #1{\strchr{#1}}
+\def\stringifyhandlecommand #1{\strchr{#1}}
+\def\keephandleaccent #1{\expandafter\noexpand\csname#1\endcsname}
+\def\keephandlecommand #1{\expandafter\noexpand\csname#1\endcsname}
+\def\keephandlecharacter #1{\expandafter\noexpand\csname#1\endcsname}
+\def\handleaccent #1{\csname#1\endcsname}
+\def\handlecommand #1{\csname#1\endcsname}
+\def\handlecharacter #1{\csname#1\endcsname}
+ {\let\dohandleaccent \donthandleaccent
+ \let\dohandlecommand \donthandlecommand
+ \let\dohandlecharacter\donthandlecharacter}
+ {\let\dohandleaccent \keephandleaccent
+ \let\dohandlecommand \keephandlecommand
+ \let\dohandlecharacter\keephandlecharacter}
+ {% \let\dohandleaccent \keephandleaccent
+ % \let\dohandlecommand \keephandlecommand
+ \let\dohandlecharacter\keephandlecharacter}
+ {% \let\dohandleaccent \stringifyhandleaccent
+ % \let\dohandlecommand \stringifyhandlecommand
+ \let\dohandlecharacter\stringifyhandlecharacter}
+\unexpanded\def\uhandleaccent #1{\csname#1\endcsname}
+\unexpanded\def\uhandlecommand #1{\csname#1\endcsname}
+ {\def\dohandleaccent {\uhandleaccent}%
+ \def\dohandlecommand {\uhandlecommand}%
+ \def\dohandlecharacter{\uhandlecharacter}}
+% no longer: \def\convertencodedtokens{\dontexpandencoding} but:
+% test case:
+% \enableregime[cp1250]
+% \mainlanguage[cz]
+% \starttext
+% \title{Ϭuޯu餭 kon졺p
+% \placelist[chapter][criterium=all]
+% \startbuffer
+% <chapter>
+% <title>Ϭuޯu餭 kon졺p󛱴itle>
+% </chapter>
+% \stopbuffer
+% \defineXMLenvironment
+% [chapter]
+% {\defineXMLsave[title]}
+% {\expanded{\chapter{\XMLflush{title}}}}
+% \processXMLbuffer
+% \setuphead[chapter][expansion=yes]
+% \defineXMLenvironment
+% [chapter]
+% {\defineXMLsave[title]}
+% {\chapter{\XMLflush{title}}}
+% \processXMLbuffer
+% \stoptext
+%D Still valid? To be checked:
+\def\doignoreaccent #1#2{\string#1\string#2}%
+\def\doignorecommand #1{\string#1}
+ {\let\dohandleaccent \doignoreaccent
+ \let\dohandlecommand \doignorecommand
+ \let\dohandlecharacter\doignorecharacter}
+ \ignoreencoding
+\to \everycleanupfeatures
+ \keepencodedtokens
+\to \everysafeexpanded
+%D Now we will not redefine any more, so:
+\let\normaldohandleaccent \dohandleaccent
+\definecommand ` {\buildtextaccent\textgrave}
+\definecommand ' {\buildtextaccent\textacute}
+\definecommand r {\buildtextaccent\textring}
+\definecommand v {\buildtextaccent\textcaron}
+\definecommand u {\buildtextaccent\textbreve}
+\definecommand = {\buildtextaccent\textmacron}
+\definecommand ^ {\buildtextaccent\textcircumflex}
+\definecommand . {\buildtextaccent\textdotaccent}
+\definecommand H {\buildtextaccent\texthungarumlaut}
+\definecommand ~ {\buildtextaccent\texttilde}
+\definecommand " {\buildtextaccent\textdiaeresis}
+\definecommand c {\buildtextcedilla}
+\definecommand b {\buildtextmacron}
+\definecommand d {\buildtextbottomdot}
+\definecommand k {\buildtextogonek}
+\definemathaccent acute {\buildmathaccent\mathacute}
+\definemathaccent grave {\buildmathaccent\mathgrave}
+\definemathaccent ddot {\buildmathaccent\mathddot}
+\definemathaccent tilde {\buildmathaccent\mathtilde}
+\definemathaccent bar {\buildmathaccent\mathbar}
+\definemathaccent breve {\buildmathaccent\mathbreve}
+\definemathaccent check {\buildmathaccent\mathcheck}
+\definemathaccent hat {\buildmathaccent\mathhat}
+\definemathaccent vec {\buildmathaccent\mathvec}
+\definemathaccent dot {\buildmathaccent\mathdot}
+\definemathaccent widetilde {\buildmathaccent\mathwidetilde}
+\definemathaccent widehat {\buildmathaccent\mathwidehat}
+\useencoding[def] % defaults (partly simplified)
+\useencoding[acc] % accent commands
+\useencoding[raw] % simplified (incomplete)
+\useencoding[com] % a few commands
+\useencoding[cas] % case mapping, not needed in mkiv
+\useencoding[mis] % a few commands
+%D We preload several encodings:
+ \setupencoding[\s!default=\s!default]
+ \useencoding[ans,il2,ec,tbo,pdf,pol,qx,t5,l7x,cyr,agr] % pol and il2 will go away, not needed in mkiv, uc removed
+ \useencoding[032,033,037] % fallbacks for some unicode chars
+ \setupencoding[\s!default=ec] % was: [\s!default=\s!default]
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/enco-l7x.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/enco-l7x.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2a0d12c9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/enco-l7x.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=enco-l7x,
+%D version=2010.01.22,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Encoding Macros,
+%D subtitle=\LATEX\ L7x Encoding,
+%D author={Hans Hagen \& Mojca Miklavec},
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D Encoding vector to support Latvian and Lithuanian. The first
+%D part is taken from EC encoding, the rest has not been tested
+%D extensively.
+\definecaseswap 25 `I % dotless i (TODO - probably wrong; maybe use \defineuppercasecom)
+\definecaseswap 156 140 % oeligature
+\definecaseswap 184 168 % ostroke
+\definecaseswap 186 170 % rcommaaccent
+\definecaseswap 191 175 % aeligature
+\definecaseself 223 % ssharp (this is wrong, but no better way)
+\definecasemaps 192 to 222 lc +32 uc 0
+\definecasemaps 224 to 254 lc 0 uc -32
+\resetcaserange 215 to 215 % textmultiply
+\resetcaserange 247 to 247 % textdiv
+\definecharacter textgrave 0
+\definecharacter textacute 1
+\definecharacter textcircumflex 2
+\definecharacter texttilde 3
+\definecharacter textdiaeresis 4
+\definecharacter texthungarumlaut 5
+\definecharacter textring 6
+\definecharacter textcaron 7
+\definecharacter textbreve 8
+\definecharacter textmacron 9
+\definecharacter textdotaccent 10
+\definecharacter textcedilla 11
+\definecharacter textogonek 12
+\definecharacter quotesinglebase 13
+\definecharacter guilsingleleft 14
+\definecharacter guilsingleright 15
+\definecharacter quotedblleft 16
+\definecharacter quotedblright 17
+\definecharacter quotedblbase 18
+\definecharacter leftguillemot 19
+\definecharacter rightguillemot 20
+\definecharacter endash 21
+\definecharacter emdash 22
+%definecharacter compoundwordmark 23
+%definecharacter perthousand 24
+\definecharacter dotlessi 25 % or when missing: {j}
+\definecharacter dotlessj 26
+% ff 27
+% fi 28
+% fl 29
+% ffi 30
+% ffl 31
+%definecharacter textvisiblespace 32
+% exclam ! 33
+\definecharacter quotedbl 34
+% numbersign # 35
+% dollar $ 36
+\definecharacter percent 37
+% ampersand & 38
+%definecharacter quotesingle 39 % fake 'm TODO:enco-def!!!!
+\definecharacter quoteright 39
+% parenleft ( 40
+% parenright ) 41
+% asterisk * 42
+% plus + 43
+% comma , 44
+\definecharacter softhyphen 45
+% period . 46
+% slash / 47
+% 0-9 48-57
+% colon : 58
+% semicolon ; 59
+% less < 60
+% equal = 61
+% greater > 62
+% question ? 63
+% at @ 64
+% A-Z 65-90
+% bracketleft [ 91
+\definecharacter textbackslash 92
+% bracketright ] 93
+\definecharacter textasciicircum 94
+\definecharacter textunderscore 95
+\definecharacter quoteleft 96
+% a-z 97-122
+\definecharacter textbraceleft 123
+\definecharacter textbraceright 125
+\definecharacter textasciitilde 126
+% .notdef 127
+\definecharacter texteuro 128
+% .notdef 129
+\definecharacter quotesinglebase 130
+\definecharacter textflorin 131 \definecharacter fhook 131
+\definecharacter quotedblbase 132
+\definecharacter textellipsis 133
+\definecharacter textdag 134
+\definecharacter textddag 135
+% .notdef 136
+\definecharacter perthousand 137
+% .notdef 138
+\definecharacter guilsingleleft 139
+\definecharacter OEligature 140 % TODO: also \OE???
+\definecharacter textdiaeresis 141
+\definecharacter textcaron 142
+\definecharacter textcedilla 143
+% .notdef 144
+\definecharacter quoteleft 145
+\definecharacter quoteright 146
+\definecharacter quotedblleft 147
+\definecharacter quotedblright 148
+\definecharacter textbullet 149
+\definecharacter endash 150
+\definecharacter emdash 151
+% .notdef 152
+\definecharacter trademark 153
+% .notdef 154
+\definecharacter guilsingleright 155
+\definecharacter oeligature 156
+\definecharacter textmacron 157
+\definecharacter textogonek 158
+% .notdef 159
+%definecharacter space 160 % TODO!!!
+\definecharacter quotedblright 161
+\definecharacter textcent 162
+\definecharacter textsterling 163
+\definecharacter textcurrency 164
+\definecharacter quotedblbase 165
+\definecharacter textbrokenbar 166
+\definecharacter sectionmark 167
+\definecharacter Ostroke 168
+\definecharacter copyright 169
+\definecharacter Rcommaaccent 170
+\definecharacter leftguillemot 171
+\definecharacter textlognot 172
+%definecharacter softhyphen 173 % -> 45 (TODO!!!)
+\definecharacter registered 174
+\definecharacter AEligature 175
+\definecharacter textdegree 176
+\definecharacter textpm 177
+\definecharacter twosuperior 178
+\definecharacter threesuperior 179
+\definecharacter quotedblleft 180
+\definecharacter textmu 181
+\definecharacter paragraphmark 182
+\definecharacter periodcentered 183
+\definecharacter ostroke 184
+\definecharacter onesuperior 185
+\definecharacter rcommaaccent 186
+\definecharacter rightguillemot 187
+\definecharacter onequarter 188
+\definecharacter onehalf 189
+\definecharacter threequarter 190
+\definecharacter aeligature 191
+\definecharacter Aogonek 192
+\definecharacter Iogonek 193
+\definecharacter Amacron 194
+\definecharacter Cacute 195
+\definecharacter Adiaeresis 196
+\definecharacter Aring 197
+\definecharacter Eogonek 198
+\definecharacter Emacron 199
+\definecharacter Ccaron 200
+\definecharacter Eacute 201
+\definecharacter Zacute 202
+\definecharacter Edotaccent 203
+\definecharacter Gcommaaccent 204
+\definecharacter Kcommaaccent 205
+\definecharacter Imacron 206
+\definecharacter Lcommaaccent 207
+\definecharacter Scaron 208
+\definecharacter Nacute 209
+\definecharacter Ncommaaccent 210
+\definecharacter Oacute 211
+\definecharacter Omacron 212
+\definecharacter Otilde 213
+\definecharacter Odiaeresis 214
+\definecharacter textmultiply 215
+\definecharacter Uogonek 216
+\definecharacter Lstroke 217
+\definecharacter Sacute 218
+\definecharacter Umacron 219
+\definecharacter Udiaeresis 220
+\definecharacter Zdotaccent 221
+\definecharacter Zcaron 222
+\definecharacter ssharp 223
+\definecharacter aogonek 224
+\definecharacter iogonek 225
+\definecharacter amacron 226
+\definecharacter cacute 227
+\definecharacter adiaeresis 228
+\definecharacter aring 229
+\definecharacter eogonek 230
+\definecharacter emacron 231
+\definecharacter ccaron 232
+\definecharacter eacute 233
+\definecharacter zacute 234
+\definecharacter edotaccent 235
+\definecharacter gcommaaccent 236
+\definecharacter kcommaaccent 237
+\definecharacter imacron 238
+\definecharacter lcommaaccent 239
+\definecharacter scaron 240
+\definecharacter nacute 241
+\definecharacter ncommaaccent 242
+\definecharacter oacute 243
+\definecharacter omacron 244
+\definecharacter otilde 245
+\definecharacter odiaeresis 246
+\definecharacter textdiv 247
+\definecharacter uogonek 248
+\definecharacter lstroke 249
+\definecharacter sacute 250
+\definecharacter umacron 251
+\definecharacter udiaeresis 252
+\definecharacter zdotaccent 253
+\definecharacter zcaron 254
+\definecharacter quoteright 255
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/enco-lat.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/enco-lat.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2623aae8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/enco-lat.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+% temporary module, needed for downward compatibility
+\input regi-lat.tex
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/enco-mis.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/enco-mis.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..28523685e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/enco-mis.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=enco-mis,
+%D version=2000.05.07, % 1999.11.11,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Encoding Macros,
+%D subtitle=Missing Glyphs,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D In this file we collect some definitions that construct
+%D pseudo characters. Some day we will move some definitions
+%D from \type {plain.tex} to this file. Some definitions are
+%D derived from definitions in the \LATEX\ distribution,
+%D especially Johannes Braams' Babel system.
+\defineuppercasecom \dj \DJ
+\defineuppercasecom \Dj \dj
+\defineuppercasecom \DJ \dj
+\definecharacter dstroke {\pseudoencodeddj}
+\definecharacter Dstroke {\pseudoencodedDJ}
+%D We need proper names like in enco-com.tex!
+\definecharacter dj {\dstroke} % {\pseudoencodeddj}
+\definecharacter Dj {\Dstroke} % {\pseudoencodedDJ}
+\definecharacter DJ {\Dstroke} % {\pseudoencodedDJ}
+\def\pseudoencodeddj % like in babel, but safer
+ {\dontleavehmode\hbox\bgroup
+ \setbox\scratchbox\hbox{d}%
+ \scratchdimen\ht\scratchbox
+ \advance\scratchdimen 1ex
+ \scratchdimen.45\scratchdimen
+ \dimen2=\withoutpt\the\slantperpoint\dimen0
+ \advance\dimen2 .5ex
+ \hbox to \wd\scratchbox
+ {\box\scratchbox\hss
+ \raise\scratchdimen\hbox{\kern\dimen2\vbox{\hrule\!!height0.1ex\!!width0.3em}}}%
+ \egroup}
+\def\pseudoencodedDJ % design: taco; quality assurance: mojca; cleanup: hans
+ {\dontleavehmode
+ \hbox\bgroup
+ \setbox\scratchbox\hbox{D}%
+ \dimen2=1.1ex
+ \dimen2=\withoutpt\the\slantperpoint\dimen2
+ \hbox to \wd\scratchbox
+ {\rlap
+ {\raise.52\ht\scratchbox
+ \hbox
+ {\kern\dimen2
+ \vbox{\hrule\!!height.04ex\!!depth.04ex\!!width.4\wd\scratchbox}}}%
+ \box\scratchbox}%
+ \egroup}
+% currency
+\def\fakedollar % pretty cmr dependent
+ {\bgroup
+ \ifnum\fam=\itfam
+ \sl
+ \else\ifnum\fam=\bifam
+ \bs
+ \fi\fi
+ \$%
+ \egroup}
+\def\fakesterling % pretty cmr dependent
+ {\bgroup
+ \ifnum\fam=\bffam
+ \bi
+ \else\ifnum\fam=\bifam
+ \bi
+ \else\ifnum\fam=\bsfam
+ \bi
+ \else
+ \it
+ \fi\fi\fi
+ \$%
+ \egroup}
+ {\bgroup
+ \ifnum\fam=\bffam
+ \bi
+ \else\ifnum\fam=\bifam
+ \bi
+ \else\ifnum\fam=\bsfam
+ \bi
+ \else
+ \it
+ \fi\fi\fi
+ f%
+ \egroup}
+% perthings
+ {\mathematics{^{\scriptscriptstyle0}\kern-.25em/\kern-.2em_{\scriptscriptstyle0}}}
+ {\mathematics{^{\scriptscriptstyle0}\kern-.25em/\kern-.2em_{\scriptscriptstyle00}}}
+ {\dontleavehmode
+ \bgroup
+ \setbox\scratchbox\hbox
+ {\mathematics{+}}%
+ \hbox to \wd\scratchbox
+ {\hss
+ \mathematics{^{\scriptscriptstyle-}\kern-.4em/\kern-.3em_{\scriptscriptstyle-}}%
+ \hss}%
+ \egroup}
+% guillemots
+%D Yes I know, they are ugly:
+ {\dontleavehmode\hbox{\raise.25ex\hbox{$\scriptscriptstyle\ll$}}}
+ {\hbox{\raise.25ex\hbox{$\scriptscriptstyle\gg$}}}
+ {\dontleavehmode\hbox{\raise.25ex\hbox{$\scriptscriptstyle<$}}}
+ {\hbox{\raise.25ex\hbox{$\scriptscriptstyle>$}}}
+%D Needed:
+ {\leavevmode\hbox
+ {\setbox\scratchbox\hbox{(}%
+ \scratchdimen.1\dp\scratchbox
+ \setbox\scratchbox\hbox{\space}%
+ \hbox to \wd\scratchbox
+ {\vrule
+ \!!depth 5\scratchdimen
+ \!!width \scratchdimen
+ \!!height \zeropoint
+ \hss
+ \vrule
+ \!!depth 5\scratchdimen
+ \!!width \wd\scratchbox
+ \!!height-4\scratchdimen
+ \hss
+ \vrule
+ \!!depth 5\scratchdimen
+ \!!width \scratchdimen
+ \!!height \zeropoint}}}
+ {\leavevmode\hbox
+ {\setbox\scratchbox\hbox{(}%
+ \scratchdimen.2\dp\scratchbox
+ \setbox\scratchbox\hbox{\space}%
+ \vrule
+ \!!depth \scratchdimen
+ \!!width \wd\scratchbox
+ \!!height\zeropoint}}
+\ifx\mathunderscore\undefined \let\mathunderscore\fakeunderscore \fi
+\ifx\textunderscore\undefined \let\textunderscore\fakeunderscore \fi
+% Handy but obsolete, replaced by \unknownchar:
+% \def\missingglyph{\ruledhbox{?}}
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/enco-pdf.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/enco-pdf.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..28e960673
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/enco-pdf.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,278 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=enco-pdf,
+%D version=1995.01.01,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Encoding Macros,
+%D subtitle=\YandY\ texnansi Encoding,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D This is the \PDF\ document encoding.
+\startencoding[pdfdoc] % \rawcharacter{number}
+\definecharacter oeligature ^^9c
+\definecharacter leftguillemot ^^ab
+\definecharacter rightguillemot ^^bb
+\definecharacter Agrave ^^c0
+\definecharacter Aacute ^^c1
+\definecharacter Acircumflex ^^c2
+\definecharacter Atilde ^^c3
+\definecharacter Adiaeresis ^^c4
+\definecharacter OAligature ^^c5
+\definecharacter AEligature ^^c6
+\definecharacter Ccedilla ^^c7
+\definecharacter Egrave ^^c8
+\definecharacter Eacute ^^c9
+\definecharacter Ecircumflex ^^ca
+\definecharacter Ediaeresis ^^cb
+\definecharacter Igrave ^^cc
+\definecharacter Iacute ^^cd
+\definecharacter Icircumflex ^^ce
+\definecharacter Idiaeresis ^^cf
+\definecharacter Ntilde ^^d1
+\definecharacter Ograve ^^d2
+\definecharacter Oacute ^^d3
+\definecharacter Ocircumflex ^^d4
+\definecharacter Otilde ^^d5
+\definecharacter Odiaeresis ^^d6
+\definecharacter Ugrave ^^d9
+\definecharacter Uacute ^^da
+\definecharacter Ucircumflex ^^db
+\definecharacter Udiaeresis ^^dc
+\definecharacter Yacute ^^dd
+\definecharacter ssharp ^^df
+\definecharacter agrave ^^e0
+\definecharacter aacute ^^e1
+\definecharacter acircumflex ^^e2
+\definecharacter atilde ^^e3
+\definecharacter adiaeresis ^^e4
+\definecharacter oaligature ^^e5
+\definecharacter aeligature ^^e6
+\definecharacter ccedilla ^^e7
+\definecharacter egrave ^^e8
+\definecharacter eacute ^^e9
+\definecharacter ecircumflex ^^ea
+\definecharacter ediaeresis ^^eb
+\definecharacter igrave ^^ec
+\definecharacter iacute ^^ed
+\definecharacter icircumflex ^^ee
+\definecharacter idiaeresis ^^ef
+\definecharacter ntilde ^^f1
+\definecharacter ograve ^^f2
+\definecharacter oacute ^^f3
+\definecharacter ocircumflex ^^f4
+\definecharacter otilde ^^f5
+\definecharacter odiaeresis ^^f6
+\definecharacter ugrave ^^f9
+\definecharacter uacute ^^fa
+\definecharacter ucircumflex ^^fb
+\definecharacter udiaeresis ^^fc
+\definecharacter yacute ^^fd
+\definecharacter ydiaeresis ^^ff
+\definecharacter leftsubguillemot {\leftguillemot}
+\definecharacter rightsubguillemot {\rightguillemot}
+\definecharacter Uhungarumlaut {\Ucircumflex}
+\definecharacter uhungarumlaut {\ucircumflex}
+\definecharacter Ohungarumlaut {\Ocircumflex}
+\definecharacter ohungarumlaut {\ocircumflex}
+\definecharacter Aogonek {A}
+\definecharacter aogonek {a}
+\definecharacter Eogonek {E}
+\definecharacter eogonek {e}
+\definecharacter Iogonek {I}
+\definecharacter iogonek {i}
+\definecharacter Uogonek {U}
+\definecharacter uogonek {u}
+\definecharacter Aring {A}
+\definecharacter aring {a}
+\definecharacter Uring {U}
+\definecharacter uring {u}
+\definecharacter Abreve {A}
+\definecharacter abreve {a}
+\definecharacter Ebreve {E}
+\definecharacter ebreve {e}
+\definecharacter Gbreve {G}
+\definecharacter gbreve {g}
+\definecharacter Ibreve {I}
+\definecharacter ibreve {i}
+\definecharacter Obreve {O}
+\definecharacter obreve {o}
+\definecharacter Ubreve {U}
+\definecharacter ubreve {u}
+\definecharacter Ccaron {C}
+\definecharacter ccaron {c}
+\definecharacter Dcaron {D}
+\definecharacter dcaron {d}
+\definecharacter Ecaron {E}
+\definecharacter ecaron {e}
+\definecharacter Lcaron {L}
+\definecharacter lcaron {l}
+\definecharacter Ncaron {N}
+\definecharacter ncaron {n}
+\definecharacter Rcaron {R}
+\definecharacter rcaron {r}
+\definecharacter Scaron {S}
+\definecharacter scaron {s}
+\definecharacter Tcaron {T}
+\definecharacter tcaron {t}
+\definecharacter Ycaron {Y}
+\definecharacter ycaron {y}
+\definecharacter Zcaron {Z}
+\definecharacter zcaron {z}
+\definecharacter Lstroke {L}
+\definecharacter lstroke {l}
+\definecharacter Ostroke {O}
+\definecharacter ostroke {o}
+\definecharacter aumlaut {\adiaeresis}
+\definecharacter eumlaut {\ediaeresis}
+\definecharacter iumlaut {\idiaeresis}
+\definecharacter oumlaut {\odiaeresis}
+\definecharacter uumlaut {\udiaeresis}
+\definecharacter Aumlaut {\Adiaeresis}
+\definecharacter Eumlaut {\Ediaeresis}
+\definecharacter Iumlaut {\Idiaeresis}
+\definecharacter Oumlaut {\Odiaeresis}
+\definecharacter Uumlaut {\Udiaeresis}
+\definecharacter scommaaccent {s}
+\definecharacter Scommaaccent {S}
+\definecharacter tcommaaccent {t}
+\definecharacter Tcommaaccent {T}
+\definecharacter Etilde {E}
+\definecharacter etilde {e}
+\definecharacter Ahook {A}
+\definecharacter ahook {a}
+\definecharacter Ehook {E}
+\definecharacter ehook {e}
+\definecharacter Ihook {I}
+\definecharacter ihook {i}
+\definecharacter Ohook {O}
+\definecharacter ohook {o}
+\definecharacter Uhook {U}
+\definecharacter uhook {u}
+\definecharacter Yhook {Y}
+\definecharacter yhook {y}
+\definecharacter Acircumflexgrave {\Acircumflex}
+\definecharacter Acircumflexacute {\Acircumflex}
+\definecharacter Acircumflextilde {\Acircumflex}
+\definecharacter Acircumflexhook {\Acircumflex}
+\definecharacter acircumflexgrave {\acircumflex}
+\definecharacter acircumflexacute {\acircumflex}
+\definecharacter acircumflextilde {\acircumflex}
+\definecharacter acircumflexhook {\acircumflex}
+\definecharacter Ecircumflexgrave {\Ecircumflex}
+\definecharacter Ecircumflexacute {\Ecircumflex}
+\definecharacter Ecircumflextilde {\Ecircumflex}
+\definecharacter Ecircumflexhook {\Ecircumflex}
+\definecharacter ecircumflexgrave {\ecircumflex}
+\definecharacter ecircumflexacute {\ecircumflex}
+\definecharacter ecircumflextilde {\ecircumflex}
+\definecharacter ecircumflexhook {\ecircumflex}
+\definecharacter Ocircumflexgrave {\Ocircumflex}
+\definecharacter Ocircumflexacute {\Ocircumflex}
+\definecharacter Ocircumflextilde {\Ocircumflex}
+\definecharacter Ocircumflexhook {\Ocircumflex}
+\definecharacter ocircumflexgrave {\ocircumflex}
+\definecharacter ocircumflexacute {\ocircumflex}
+\definecharacter ocircumflextilde {\ocircumflex}
+\definecharacter ocircumflexhook {\ocircumflex}
+\definecharacter Abrevegrave {A}
+\definecharacter Abreveacute {A}
+\definecharacter Abrevetilde {A}
+\definecharacter Abrevehook {A}
+\definecharacter abrevegrave {a}
+\definecharacter abreveacute {a}
+\definecharacter abrevetilde {a}
+\definecharacter abrevehook {a}
+\definecharacter Adotbelow {A}
+\definecharacter adotbelow {a}
+\definecharacter Edotbelow {E}
+\definecharacter edotbelow {e}
+\definecharacter Idotbelow {I}
+\definecharacter idotbelow {i}
+\definecharacter Odotbelow {O}
+\definecharacter odotbelow {o}
+\definecharacter Udotbelow {U}
+\definecharacter udotbelow {u}
+\definecharacter Ydotbelow {Y}
+\definecharacter ydotbelow {y}
+\definecharacter Ohorndotbelow {O}
+\definecharacter ohorndotbelow {o}
+\definecharacter Uhorndotbelow {U}
+\definecharacter uhorndotbelow {u}
+\definecharacter Acircumflexdotbelow {\Acircumflex}
+\definecharacter acircumflexdotbelow {\acircumflex}
+\definecharacter Ecircumflexdotbelow {\Ecircumflex}
+\definecharacter ecircumflexdotbelow {\ecircumflex}
+\definecharacter Ocircumflexdotbelow {\Ocircumflex}
+\definecharacter ocircumflexdotbelow {\ocircumflex}
+\definecharacter Abrevedotbelow {\Abreve}
+\definecharacter abrevedotbelow {\abreve}
+\definecharacter Ohorn {O}
+\definecharacter Ohorngrave {O}
+\definecharacter Ohornacute {O}
+\definecharacter Ohorntilde {O}
+\definecharacter Ohornhook {O}
+\definecharacter ohorn {o}
+\definecharacter ohorngrave {o}
+\definecharacter ohornacute {o}
+\definecharacter ohorntilde {o}
+\definecharacter ohornhook {o}
+\definecharacter Uhorn {U}
+\definecharacter Uhorngrave {U}
+\definecharacter Uhornacute {U}
+\definecharacter Uhorntilde {U}
+\definecharacter Uhornhook {U}
+\definecharacter uhorn {u}
+\definecharacter uhorngrave {u}
+\definecharacter uhornacute {u}
+\definecharacter uhorntilde {u}
+\definecharacter uhornhook {u}
+\definecharacter Utilde {U}
+\definecharacter utilde {u}
+\definecharacter Itilde {I}
+\definecharacter itilde {i}
+\definecharacter Ygrave {Y}
+\definecharacter ygrave {y}
+\definecharacter Ytilde {Y}
+\definecharacter ytilde {y}
+\definecharacter dstroke {d}
+\definecharacter Dstroke {D}
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/enco-pfr.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/enco-pfr.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..aca2436c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/enco-pfr.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,305 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=enco-pfr,
+%D version=2000.12.10, % adapted 2005.08.14 to more delayed loading
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Encoding Macros,
+%D subtitle=PDF Resources,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+ \expandafter \endinput
+\ifdefined\pdffontresource \else
+ \expandafter \endinput
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Encoding Macros / PDF Resources}
+%D This is an experimental module in which we implement
+%D font resource inclusion in \PDF. One reason to include
+%D font resources is that it enables a search engine to
+%D perform a search (I'm told). This feature ws requested by
+%D Petr Ferdus from Czech.
+%D A simple test file may look like this (watch how we first
+%D load the encoding and then the font; previous font
+%D definitions are left untouched.)
+%D \starttyping
+%D % output=pdftex interface=en
+%D \useencoding[pfr]
+%D \setupbodyfont[csr]
+%D \starttext
+%D test \`z \'z \bf test \sl test \bs quite funny \`z \page
+%D test \`z \'z \bf test \sl test \bs quite funny \`z \page
+%D \stoptext
+%D \stoptyping
+%D We do our best to include a (often large) font resources
+%D only once. The current implementation is not that
+%D general which is also due to the fact that \type
+%D {\pdffontattr} is expanded instantly and persistent. A
+%D more versatile (but also slower) approach is to keep track
+%D of the fonts and either flush the information at shipout
+%D time, or at the end of the document.
+%D \macros
+%D {ifincludepdffontresources}
+%D You can turn of this feature using the following switch.
+\newif\ifincludepdffontresources \includepdffontresourcestrue
+\ifx\pdfglyphtounicode\undefined \else
+ \appendtoks
+ \doif\jobsuffix{pdf}{\readfile{pdfr-def.mkii}\donothing\donothing}%
+ \to \everystarttext
+% somehow we cannot preload this beast; also, it's mk dependent
+% \appendtoks
+% \doifelse{\jobsuffix}{pdf}{\loadmkiifile{pdfr-def.mkii}}%
+% \to \everystarttext
+% ugly, this should go to the driver spec-tpd
+\ifx\pdfgentounicode\undefined \else
+ \ifcase\pdfgentounicode \else
+ \expandafter \expandafter \expandafter \endinput
+ \fi
+% a problem is that there is always an ec vector added even when
+% we switch to texnansi early; this has to do with the fact that
+% we need to setup fonts at startup; this a pain when we have
+% textless documents, so we should have a way around, i.e. an
+% extension to pdftex where we can tag numbers inside user specs
+% and attributes.
+% currently we need to use immediate so we end up with entries
+%D The name of the resource is stored in a macro, as is its
+%D object reference. A resource is only processed once. When
+%D done, the resource name is erased, and we use this fact to
+%D prevent redefinition as well as well as reloading. So, a
+%D macro defined with \type {\pdffontfileresource} can have
+%D three states:
+%D \startitemize[packed]
+%D \item undefined: not yet loaded, and not yet included
+%D \item some value: loaded, but not yet included
+%D \item empty: loaded, and already included
+%D \stopitemize
+\def\pdffontresource {pdfr:\currentencoding}
+%D A resource is defined in a file prefixed by \type {pdfr-}.
+%D The following \PDF\ code is composed by Ondrej Koala Vacha (I
+%D probably mispelled this name).
+%D \starttyping
+%D \startpdffontresource[il2]
+%D /CIDInit /ProcSet findresource begin
+%D 12 dict begin
+%D begincmap
+%D /CIDSystemInfo
+%D << /Registry (Adobe)
+%D /Ordering (T1UV)
+%D /Supplement 0
+%D >> def
+%D /CMapName /Adobe-Identity-UCS def
+%D /CMapType 1 def
+%D 1 begincodespacerange
+%D <00> <FF>
+%D endcodespacerange
+%D %%FontSpecificEncoding
+%D 191 beginbfrange
+%D <20> <20> <0020> % space dec: 32 oct:040 hex:20
+%D .... .... ...... . ........ .... .. ....... ......
+%D <ff> <ff> <00ff> % dotaccent dec:255 oct:377 hex:ff
+%D endbfrange
+%D endcmap
+%D CMapName currentdict /CMap defineresource pop end
+%D end
+%D \stoppdffontresource
+%D \stoptyping
+%D We don't preload such huge definitions, and process them
+%D run||time to save memory. Therefore, in the encoding
+%D vector, we only add an entry like:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \startencoding [il2]
+%D \usepdffontresource il2
+%D \stopencoding
+%D \stoptyping
+%D This macro is defined as follows.
+\def\usepdffontresource #1 %
+ {\doifundefinedelse\pdffontfileresource % okay, undefined, so either
+ {\setxvalue\pdffontfileresource{#1}} % brand new, or not yet loaded
+ {\doifvaluesomething\pdffontfileresource % only if not loaded in which
+ {\setxvalue\pdffontfileresource{#1}}}} % case it's made empty
+%D Watch how we check for duplicated loading. The resource
+%D itself, when asked for, is included immediately, after which
+%D we save its reference. Normally a document will have one
+%D such a resource.
+% \long\def\startpdffontresource[#1]#2\stoppdffontresource
+% {\doif{#1}\currentencoding
+% {\immediate\pdfobj useobjnum \getvalue{\pdffontresource} stream {#2}}}
+% alternatively we can use object references
+% fails when we switch back and forward between dvi/pdf mode
+% \long\def\startpdffontresource[#1]#2\stoppdffontresource
+% {\doif{#1}\currentencoding{\doifdefined\pdffontresource
+% {\immediate\pdfobj useobjnum \getvalue{\pdffontresource} stream {#2}}}}
+ {\doif{#1}\currentencoding{\doifdefined\pdffontresource
+ {\expanded{\doshipoutpdffontresource{\getvalue{\pdffontresource}}{#2}}}}}
+ {\ifnum\realpageno<\plustwo
+ \doglobal\appendtoks
+ \ifcase\pdfoutput\else\immediate\pdfobj useobjnum #1 stream {#2}\fi
+ \to\everyfirstshipout
+ \else
+ \ifcase\pdfoutput\else\immediate\pdfobj useobjnum #1 stream {#2}\fi
+ \fi}
+% cleaner but not better:
+% \newtoks \collectedpdffontresources
+% \def\doshipoutpdffontresource#1#2%
+% {\doglobal\appendtoks
+% \ifcase\pdfoutput\else\immediate\pdfobj useobjnum #1 stream {#2}\fi
+% \to \collectedpdffontresources}
+% \def\dofluspdffontresources
+% {\the\collectedpdffontresources
+% \global\collectedpdffontresources\emptytoks}
+% \appendtoks \dofluspdffontresources \to \everybeforeshipout
+%D The reference to such a vector is to be handled at font
+%D definition time, which is why we hook it into the font
+%D loading routine. A little bit of indirectness speeds up
+%D the process when this feature is disabled and keeps the
+%D macros readable.
+% \newevery \everyfont \relax
+\appendtoksonce \includepdffontresource \to \everyfont
+% \def\includepdffontresource
+% {\ifincludepdffontresources
+% \ifx\pdffontattr\undefined
+% % we're not using (a recent version of) pdftex
+% \else\ifcase\pdfoutput
+% % we're not in pdf mode
+% \else
+% \doincludepdffontresource
+% \fi\fi
+% \fi}
+ {\ifx\pdfgentounicode\undefined
+ \expandafter\ifx\the\font\nullfont \else
+ \ifx\pdffontattr\undefined
+ % we're not using (a recent version of) pdftex
+ \else\ifcase\pdfoutput
+ % we're not in pdf mode
+ \else
+ \doincludepdffontresource
+ \fi\fi
+ \fi
+ \else\ifcase\pdfgentounicode
+ \ifincludepdffontresources
+ \expandafter\ifx\the\font\nullfont \else
+ \ifx\pdffontattr\undefined
+ % we're not using (a recent version of) pdftex
+ \else\ifcase\pdfoutput
+ % we're not in pdf mode
+ \else
+ \doincludepdffontresource
+ \fi\fi
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \or
+ \global\let\includepdffontresource\relax % automatic, built in
+ \fi\fi}
+\def\dododoincludepdffontresource#1% encoding
+ {\bgroup
+ \edef\currentencoding{#1}%
+ \doifvaluesomething\pdffontfileresource
+ {\startreadingfile
+ \ignorelines % just in case \par is redefined; this thing can get called anywhere
+ \readsysfile{pdfr-\getvalue\pdffontfileresource.mkii}\donothing\donothing
+ \stopreadingfile
+ \letgvalue\pdffontfileresource\empty}%
+ \egroup}
+ {\ifcsname\s!ucmap\fontfile\endcsname\else
+ \dodoincludepdffontresource
+ \fi}
+ {% does this font has an encoding specified vector
+ \doifsomething\currentencoding % no \ifx
+ {% is there a pdf font encoding resource file defined
+ \ifcsname\pdffontresource\endcsname
+ % (fake) object defined
+ \else\ifcsname\pdffontfileresource\endcsname
+ % is there a resource already included
+ \doifsomething\pdffontfileresource
+ {\pdfobj reserveobjnum {}%
+ \setxvalue\pdffontresource{\the\pdflastobj}%
+ \flushatshipout{\dododoincludepdffontresource{\currentencoding}}}%
+% \doglobal\appendetoks
+% \noexpand\dododoincludepdffontresource{\currentencoding}%
+% \to \everybeforeshipout}% prevent multiple loading
+ \fi\fi
+ \ifcsname\pdffontresource\endcsname
+ \expanded{\pdffontattr\font{/ToUnicode \csname\pdffontresource\endcsname\space0 R}}%
+ % do it only once for each font
+ \letgvalue{\s!ucmap\fontfile}\empty
+ \fi}}
+%D For the moment, we keep this definition here, if only
+%D because \type {\usepdffontencoding} is not defined in the
+%D core. In the end, this will go to \type {enco-*.tex}.
+%D Test:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \useencoding[pfr] \usetypescript[palatino][ec] \setupbodyfont[palatino]
+%D \starttext
+%D fi ff ffi
+%D \stoptext
+%D \stoptyping
+\startencoding [il2] \usepdffontresource il2 \stopencoding
+\startencoding [ec] \usepdffontresource ec \stopencoding
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/enco-pol.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/enco-pol.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ec49c6e1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/enco-pol.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=enco-pol,
+%D version=2000.05.07, % 1999.28.8,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Encoding Macros,
+%D subtitle=Polish Mixed Encoding,
+%D author={Taco Hoekwater \& Hans Hagen},
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+% This encoding will go but the regime will remain.
+%D Polish native encoding; normally polish users will use
+%D translate=cp1250pl in combination with ec encoding.
+\resetcaserange 128 to 255
+\definecaseswap 161 129 % a ogonek
+\definecaseswap 162 130 % c acute
+\definecaseswap 166 134 % e ogonek
+\definecaseswap 170 138 % l crossed
+\definecaseswap 171 139 % n acute
+\definecaseswap 177 145 % s acute
+\definecaseswap 185 153 % z acute
+\definecaseswap 187 155 % z dotaccent
+\definecaseswap 243 211 % o acute
+% \definecasemap 161 161 129 % a ogonek
+% \definecasemap 162 162 130 % c acute
+% \definecasemap 166 166 134 % e ogonek
+% \definecasemap 170 170 138 % l crossed
+% \definecasemap 171 171 139 % n acute
+% \definecasemap 177 177 145 % s acute
+% \definecasemap 185 185 153 % z acute
+% \definecasemap 187 187 155 % z dotaccent
+% \definecasemap 243 243 211 % o acute
+% \definecasemap 129 161 129 % A ogonek
+% \definecasemap 130 162 130 % C acute
+% \definecasemap 134 166 134 % E ogonek
+% \definecasemap 138 170 138 % L crossed
+% \definecasemap 139 171 139 % N acute
+% \definecasemap 145 177 145 % S acute
+% \definecasemap 153 185 153 % Z acute
+% \definecasemap 155 187 155 % Z dotaccent
+% \definecasemap 211 243 211 % O acute
+\definespacemap 129 999 % A ogonek
+\definespacemap 130 999 % C acute
+\definespacemap 134 999 % E ogonek
+\definespacemap 138 999 % L crossed
+\definespacemap 139 999 % N acute
+\definespacemap 211 999 % O acute
+\definespacemap 145 999 % S acute
+\definespacemap 153 999 % Z acute
+\definespacemap 155 999 % Z dot
+\definecharacter Aogonek 129
+\definecharacter Cacute 130
+\definecharacter Eogonek 134
+\definecharacter Lstroke 138
+\definecharacter Nacute 139
+\definecharacter Sacute 145
+\definecharacter Zacute 153
+\definecharacter Zdotaccent 155
+\definecharacter aogonek 161
+\definecharacter cacute 162
+\definecharacter eogonek 166
+\definecharacter lstroke 170
+\definecharacter nacute 171
+\definecharacter sacute 177
+\definecharacter zacute 185
+\definecharacter zdotaccent 187
+\definecharacter Oacute 211
+\definecharacter oacute 243
+\definecharacter leftguillemot 174
+\definecharacter rightguillemot 175
+\definecharacter guilsingleleft 174
+\definecharacter guilsingleright 175
+% obsolete
+% \startencoding[pl0]
+% \definesortkey {161} {a}{a}{\k a} \definesortkey {129} {a}{a}{\k a}
+% \definesortkey {162} {c}{a}{\'c} \definesortkey {130} {c}{a}{\'c}
+% \definesortkey {166} {e}{a}{\k e} \definesortkey {134} {e}{a}{\k e}
+% \definesortkey {170} {l}{a}{\l } \definesortkey {138} {l}{a}{\l }
+% \definesortkey {171} {n}{a}{\'n} \definesortkey {139} {n}{a}{\'n}
+% \definesortkey {177} {s}{a}{\'s} \definesortkey {145} {s}{a}{\'s}
+% \definesortkey {185} {z}{a}{\'z} \definesortkey {153} {z}{a}{\'z}
+% \definesortkey {187} {z}{b}{\.z} \definesortkey {155} {z}{b}{\.z}
+% \definesortkey {243} {o}{a}{\'o} \definesortkey {211} {o}{a}{\'o}
+% \definesortkey {\'c} {c}{a}{\'c} \definesortkey {\'C} {c}{a}{\'c}
+% \definesortkey {\'n} {n}{a}{\'n} \definesortkey {\'N} {n}{a}{\'n}
+% \definesortkey {\'o} {o}{a}{\'o} \definesortkey {\'O} {o}{a}{\'o}
+% \definesortkey {\'s} {s}{a}{\'s} \definesortkey {\'S} {s}{a}{\'s}
+% \definesortkey {\'z} {z}{a}{\'z} \definesortkey {\'Z} {z}{a}{\'z}
+% \definesortkey {\.z} {z}{b}{\.z} \definesortkey {\.Z} {z}{b}{\.z}
+% \definesortkey {\k a}{a}{a}{\k a} \definesortkey {\k A}{a}{a}{\k a}
+% \definesortkey {\k e}{e}{a}{\k e} \definesortkey {\k E}{e}{a}{\k e}
+% \definesortkey {\l } {l}{a}{\l} \definesortkey {\L } {l}{a}{\l}
+% \stopencoding
+%D Polish CP-1250 encoding.
+% \startmapping[pl1]
+% \resetcaserange 128 to 255
+% \definecasemap 185 185 165 % a ogonek
+% \definecasemap 230 230 198 % c acute
+% \definecasemap 234 234 202 % e ogonek
+% \definecasemap 179 179 163 % l crossed
+% \definecasemap 241 241 209 % n acute
+% \definecasemap 243 243 211 % o acute
+% \definecasemap 156 156 140 % s acute
+% \definecasemap 159 159 143 % z acute
+% \definecasemap 191 191 175 % z dot
+% \definecasemap 165 165 185 % A ogonek
+% \definecasemap 198 198 230 % C acute
+% \definecasemap 202 202 234 % E ogonek
+% \definecasemap 163 163 179 % L crossed
+% \definecasemap 209 209 241 % N acute
+% \definecasemap 211 211 243 % O acute
+% \definecasemap 140 140 156 % S acute
+% \definecasemap 143 143 159 % Z acute
+% \definecasemap 175 175 191 % Z dot
+% \stopmapping
+% \startmapping[pl1]
+% \definespacemap 165 999 % A ogonek
+% \definespacemap 198 999 % C acute
+% \definespacemap 202 999 % E ogonek
+% \definespacemap 163 999 % L crossed
+% \definespacemap 209 999 % N acute
+% \definespacemap 211 999 % O acute
+% \definespacemap 140 999 % S acute
+% \definespacemap 143 999 % Z acute
+% \definespacemap 175 999 % Z dot
+% \stopmapping
+% \startencoding[pl1]
+% \definecharacter Sacute 140
+% \definecharacter Zacute 143
+% \definecharacter sacute 156
+% \definecharacter zacute 159
+% \definecharacter Lstroke 163
+% \definecharacter Aogonek 165
+% \definecharacter Zdotaccent 175
+% \definecharacter lstroke 179
+% \definecharacter aogonek 185
+% \definecharacter zdotaccent 191
+% \definecharacter Cacute 198
+% \definecharacter Eogonek 202
+% \definecharacter Nacute 209
+% \definecharacter Oacute 211
+% \definecharacter cacute 230
+% \definecharacter eogonek 234
+% \definecharacter nacute 241
+% \definecharacter oacute 243
+% \stopencoding
+% \startencoding[pl1]
+% \definecharacter leftguillemot 174
+% \definecharacter rightguillemot 175
+% \definecharacter guilsingleleft 174
+% \definecharacter guilsingleright 175
+% \stopencoding
+%D Polish ISO-8859-2 encoding.
+% \startmapping[pl2]
+% \resetcaserange 128 to 255
+% \definecasemap 177 177 161 % a ogonek
+% \definecasemap 230 230 198 % c acute
+% \definecasemap 234 234 202 % e ogonek
+% \definecasemap 179 179 163 % l crossed
+% \definecasemap 241 241 209 % n acute
+% \definecasemap 243 243 211 % o acute
+% \definecasemap 182 182 166 % s acute
+% \definecasemap 188 188 172 % z acute
+% \definecasemap 191 191 175 % z dotaccent
+% \definecasemap 161 161 177 % A ogonek
+% \definecasemap 198 198 230 % C acute
+% \definecasemap 202 202 234 % E ogonek
+% \definecasemap 163 163 179 % L crossed
+% \definecasemap 209 209 241 % N acute
+% \definecasemap 211 211 243 % O acute
+% \definecasemap 166 166 182 % S acute
+% \definecasemap 172 172 188 % Z acute
+% \definecasemap 175 175 191 % Z dotaccent
+% \stopmapping
+% \startmapping[pl2]
+% \definespacemap 161 999 % A ogonek
+% \definespacemap 198 999 % C acute
+% \definespacemap 202 999 % E ogonek
+% \definespacemap 163 999 % L crossed
+% \definespacemap 209 999 % N acute
+% \definespacemap 211 999 % O acute
+% \definespacemap 166 999 % S acute
+% \definespacemap 172 999 % Z acute
+% \definespacemap 175 999 % Z dot
+% \stopmapping
+% \startencoding[pl2]
+% \definecharacter Aogonek 161
+% \definecharacter Lstroke 163
+% \definecharacter Sacute 166
+% \definecharacter Zacute 172
+% \definecharacter Zdotaccent 175
+% \definecharacter aogonek 177
+% \definecharacter lstroke 179
+% \definecharacter sacute 182
+% \definecharacter zacute 188
+% \definecharacter zdotaccent 191
+% \definecharacter Cacute 198
+% \definecharacter Eogonek 202
+% \definecharacter Nacute 209
+% \definecharacter Oacute 211
+% \definecharacter cacute 230
+% \definecharacter eogonek 234
+% \definecharacter nacute 241
+% \definecharacter oacute 243
+% \stopencoding
+% \startencoding[pl2]
+% \definecharacter leftguillemot 174
+% \definecharacter rightguillemot 175
+% \definecharacter guilsingleleft 174
+% \definecharacter guilsingleright 175
+% \stopencoding
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/enco-qx.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/enco-qx.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b184fe0ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/enco-qx.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=enco-qx,
+%D version=2004.04.03,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Encoding Macros,
+%D subtitle=Polish QX Encoding,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+% to be done
+% 35 numbersign
+% 95 dotaccent
+% 132 greaterequal
+% 133 approxequal
+% 137 lessequal
+% 142 ell
+% 156 IJ
+% 173 infinity
+% 182 threequartersemdash
+% 188 ij
+% 247 anglearc
+% 248 diameter
+\startmapping[qx] % to be done
+\resetcaserange 128 to 128
+\resetcaserange 131 to 133
+\resetcaserange 136 to 137
+\resetcaserange 140 to 144
+\resetcaserange 148 to 148
+\resetcaserange 150 to 150
+\resetcaserange 157 to 160
+\resetcaserange 163 to 165
+\resetcaserange 168 to 169
+\resetcaserange 172 to 176
+\resetcaserange 180 to 180
+\resetcaserange 182 to 182
+\resetcaserange 189 to 191
+\resetcaserange 198 to 198
+\resetcaserange 215 to 216
+\resetcaserange 223 to 223
+\resetcaserange 230 to 230
+\resetcaserange 247 to 248
+\resetcaserange 255 to 255
+\definecaseswap 161 129
+\definecaseswap 162 130
+\definecaseswap 166 134
+\definecaseswap 167 135
+\definecaseswap 170 138
+\definecaseswap 171 139
+\definecaseswap 177 145
+\definecaseswap 178 146
+\definecaseswap 179 147
+\definecaseswap 181 149
+\definecasemaps 151 to 156 lc +32 uc 0
+\definecasemaps 183 to 188 lc 0 uc -32
+\definecasemaps 192 to 197 lc +32 uc 0
+\definecasemaps 224 to 229 lc 0 uc -32
+\definecasemaps 199 to 214 lc +32 uc 0
+\definecasemaps 231 to 246 lc 0 uc -32
+\definecasemaps 217 to 222 lc +32 uc 0
+\definecasemaps 249 to 254 lc 0 uc -32
+\definecaseself 39 % quoteright
+\definecharacter textacute 19
+\definecharacter textbreve 21
+\definecharacter textcaron 20
+\definecharacter textcedilla 24
+\definecharacter textcircumflex 94
+\definecharacter textdiaeresis 127
+\definecharacter textdotaccent 94
+\definecharacter textgrave 18
+\definecharacter texthungarumlaut 125
+\definecharacter textmacron 22
+\definecharacter textogonek 150
+\definecharacter textring 23
+\definecharacter texttilde 126
+\definecharacter dotlessi 16
+\definecharacter dotlessj 17
+\definecharacter endash 123
+\definecharacter emdash 124
+\definecharacter aeligature 26
+\definecharacter AEligature 29
+\definecharacter oeligature 27
+\definecharacter OEligature 30
+\definecharacter ssharp 25
+%definecharacter Ssharp 25
+\definecharacter thorn 254
+\definecharacter Thorn 222
+\definecharacter Dstroke 208 % also Eth, mapped into enco-def
+\definecharacter eth 240
+\definecharacter exclamdown 60
+\definecharacter questiondown 62
+\definecharacter sectionmark 159
+\definecharacter percent 37
+\definecharacter perthousand 216
+\definecharacter textasciicircum 141
+\definecharacter textasciitilde 140
+\definecharacter textbackslash 198
+\definecharacter textbraceleft 157
+\definecharacter textbraceright 158
+\definecharacter textunderscore 230
+\definecharacter textcurrency 215
+\definecharacter textdollar 36
+\definecharacter texteuro 128
+\definecharacter periodcentered 189
+\definecharacter textdag 143
+\definecharacter textddag 144
+\definecharacter textdegree 148
+\definecharacter textbullet 180
+\definecharacter paragraphmark 176
+\definecharacter copyright 164
+\definecharacter registered 163
+\definecharacter textbrokenbar 223
+\definecharacter textellipsis 8
+\definecharacter textslash 47
+\definecharacter textpm 172
+\definecharacter textdiv 165
+\definecharacter textminus 168
+\definecharacter textmultiply 169
+\definecharacter textmu 7
+\definecharacter quotedbl 190
+\definecharacter quotedblbase 255
+\definecharacter quotedblleft 92
+\definecharacter quotedblright 34
+\definecharacter quotesingle 191
+\definecharacter quoteleft 96
+\definecharacter quoteright 39
+\definecharacter leftguillemot 174
+\definecharacter rightguillemot 175
+\definecharacter aacute 225
+\definecharacter Aacute 193
+\definecharacter cacute 162
+\definecharacter Cacute 130
+\definecharacter eacute 233
+\definecharacter Eacute 201
+\definecharacter iacute 237
+\definecharacter Iacute 205
+\definecharacter Nacute 139
+\definecharacter Oacute 211
+\definecharacter nacute 171
+\definecharacter oacute 243
+\definecharacter sacute 177
+\definecharacter Sacute 145
+\definecharacter uacute 250
+\definecharacter Uacute 218
+\definecharacter yacute 253
+\definecharacter Yacute 221
+\definecharacter zacute 185
+\definecharacter Zacute 153
+\definecharacter scaron 178
+\definecharacter Scaron 146
+\definecharacter zcaron 186
+\definecharacter Zcaron 154
+\definecharacter ccedilla 231
+\definecharacter Ccedilla 199
+\definecharacter acircumflex 226
+\definecharacter Acircumflex 194
+\definecharacter ecircumflex 234
+\definecharacter Ecircumflex 202
+\definecharacter icircumflex 238
+\definecharacter Icircumflex 206
+\definecharacter ocircumflex 244
+\definecharacter Ocircumflex 212
+\definecharacter ucircumflex 251
+\definecharacter Ucircumflex 219
+\definecharacter adiaeresis 228
+\definecharacter Adiaeresis 196
+\definecharacter ediaeresis 235
+\definecharacter Ediaeresis 203
+\definecharacter idiaeresis 239
+\definecharacter Idiaeresis 207
+\definecharacter odiaeresis 246
+\definecharacter Odiaeresis 214
+\definecharacter udiaeresis 252
+\definecharacter Udiaeresis 220
+\definecharacter ydiaeresis 184
+\definecharacter Ydiaeresis 152
+\definecharacter zdotaccent 187
+\definecharacter Zdotaccent 155
+\definecharacter agrave 224
+\definecharacter Agrave 192
+\definecharacter egrave 232
+\definecharacter Egrave 200
+\definecharacter igrave 236
+\definecharacter Igrave 204
+\definecharacter ograve 242
+\definecharacter Ograve 210
+\definecharacter ugrave 249
+\definecharacter Ugrave 217
+\definecharacter aogonek 161
+\definecharacter Aogonek 129
+\definecharacter eogonek 166
+\definecharacter Eogonek 134
+\definecharacter iogonek 167
+\definecharacter Iogonek 135
+\definecharacter uogonek 183
+\definecharacter Uogonek 151
+\definecharacter aring 229
+\definecharacter Aring 197
+\definecharacter lstroke 170
+\definecharacter Lstroke 138
+\definecharacter ostroke 28
+\definecharacter Ostroke 31
+\definecharacter atilde 227
+\definecharacter Atilde 195
+\definecharacter ntilde 241
+\definecharacter Ntilde 209
+\definecharacter otilde 245
+\definecharacter Otilde 213
+\definecharacter scommaaccent 179
+\definecharacter Scommaaccent 147
+\definecharacter tcommaaccent 181
+\definecharacter Tcommaaccent 149
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/enco-raw.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/enco-raw.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e3a46e3d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/enco-raw.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+% default instelbaar maken: \enableencoding[main][fallback]
+\definecharacter Acircumflex {A} \definecharacter acircumflex {a}
+\definecharacter Ccircumflex {C} \definecharacter ccircumflex {c}
+\definecharacter Ecircumflex {E} \definecharacter ecircumflex {e}
+\definecharacter Gcircumflex {G} \definecharacter gcircumflex {g}
+\definecharacter Hcircumflex {H} \definecharacter hcircumflex {h}
+\definecharacter Icircumflex {I} \definecharacter icircumflex {i}
+\definecharacter Jcircumflex {J} \definecharacter jcircumflex {j}
+\definecharacter Ocircumflex {O} \definecharacter ocircumflex {o}
+\definecharacter Scircumflex {S} \definecharacter scircumflex {s}
+\definecharacter Ucircumflex {U} \definecharacter ucircumflex {u}
+\definecharacter Wcircumflex {W} \definecharacter wcircumflex {w}
+\definecharacter Ycircumflex {Y} \definecharacter ycircumflex {y}
+\definecharacter Agrave {A} \definecharacter agrave {a}
+\definecharacter Egrave {E} \definecharacter egrave {e}
+\definecharacter Igrave {I} \definecharacter igrave {i}
+\definecharacter Ograve {O} \definecharacter ograve {o}
+\definecharacter Ugrave {U} \definecharacter ugrave {u}
+\definecharacter Ygrave {Y} \definecharacter ygrave {y}
+\definecharacter Atilde {A} \definecharacter atilde {a}
+\definecharacter Itilde {I} \definecharacter itilde {i}
+\definecharacter Otilde {O} \definecharacter otilde {o}
+\definecharacter Utilde {U} \definecharacter utilde {u}
+\definecharacter Utilde {N} \definecharacter utilde {n}
+\definecharacter Adiaeresis {A} \definecharacter adiaeresis {a}
+\definecharacter Ediaeresis {E} \definecharacter ediaeresis {e}
+\definecharacter Idiaeresis {I} \definecharacter idiaeresis {i}
+\definecharacter Odiaeresis {O} \definecharacter odiaeresis {o}
+\definecharacter Udiaeresis {U} \definecharacter udiaeresis {u}
+\definecharacter Ydiaeresis {Y} \definecharacter ydiaeresis {y}
+\definecharacter Aacute {A} \definecharacter aacute {a}
+\definecharacter Cacute {C} \definecharacter cacute {c}
+\definecharacter Eacute {E} \definecharacter eacute {e}
+\definecharacter Iacute {I} \definecharacter iacute {i}
+\definecharacter Lacute {L} \definecharacter lacute {l}
+\definecharacter Nacute {N} \definecharacter nacute {n}
+\definecharacter Oacute {O} \definecharacter oacute {o}
+\definecharacter Racute {R} \definecharacter racute {r}
+\definecharacter Sacute {S} \definecharacter sacute {s}
+\definecharacter Uacute {U} \definecharacter uacute {u}
+\definecharacter Yacute {Y} \definecharacter yacute {y}
+\definecharacter Zacute {Z} \definecharacter zacute {z}
+\definecharacter Dstroke {D} \definecharacter dstroke {d}
+\definecharacter Hstroke {H} \definecharacter hstroke {h}
+\definecharacter Tstroke {T} \definecharacter tstroke {t}
+\definecharacter Cdotaccent {C} \definecharacter cdotaccent {c}
+\definecharacter Edotaccent {E} \definecharacter edotaccent {e}
+\definecharacter Gdotaccent {G} \definecharacter gdotaccent {g}
+\definecharacter Idotaccent {I} \definecharacter idotaccent {i}
+\definecharacter Zdotaccent {Z} \definecharacter zdotaccent {z}
+\definecharacter Amacron {A} \definecharacter amacron {a}
+\definecharacter Emacron {E} \definecharacter emacron {e}
+\definecharacter Imacron {I} \definecharacter imacron {i}
+\definecharacter Omacron {O} \definecharacter omacron {o}
+\definecharacter Umacron {U} \definecharacter umacron {u}
+\definecharacter Ccedilla {C} \definecharacter ccedilla {c}
+\definecharacter Kcedilla {K} \definecharacter kcedilla {k}
+\definecharacter Lcedilla {L} \definecharacter lcedilla {l}
+\definecharacter Ncedilla {N} \definecharacter ncedilla {n}
+\definecharacter Rcedilla {R} \definecharacter rcedilla {r}
+\definecharacter Scedilla {S} \definecharacter scedilla {s}
+\definecharacter Tcedilla {T} \definecharacter tcedilla {t}
+\definecharacter Ohungarumlaut {O} \definecharacter ohungarumlaut {o}
+\definecharacter Uhungarumlaut {U} \definecharacter uhungarumlaut {u}
+\definecharacter Aogonek {A} \definecharacter aogonek {a}
+\definecharacter Eogonek {E} \definecharacter eogonek {e}
+\definecharacter Iogonek {I} \definecharacter iogonek {i}
+\definecharacter Uogonek {U} \definecharacter uogonek {u}
+\definecharacter Aring {A} \definecharacter aring {a}
+\definecharacter Uring {U} \definecharacter uring {u}
+\definecharacter Abreve {A} \definecharacter abreve {a}
+\definecharacter Ebreve {E} \definecharacter ebreve {e}
+\definecharacter Gbreve {G} \definecharacter gbreve {g}
+\definecharacter Ibreve {I} \definecharacter ibreve {i}
+\definecharacter Obreve {O} \definecharacter obreve {o}
+\definecharacter Ubreve {U} \definecharacter ubreve {u}
+\definecharacter Ccaron {C} \definecharacter ccaron {c}
+\definecharacter Dcaron {D} \definecharacter dcaron {d}
+\definecharacter Ecaron {E} \definecharacter ecaron {e}
+\definecharacter Lcaron {L} \definecharacter lcaron {l}
+\definecharacter Ncaron {N} \definecharacter ncaron {n}
+\definecharacter Rcaron {R} \definecharacter rcaron {r}
+\definecharacter Scaron {S} \definecharacter scaron {s}
+\definecharacter Tcaron {T} \definecharacter tcaron {t}
+\definecharacter Zcaron {Z} \definecharacter zcaron {z}
+\definecharacter dotlessI {I} \definecharacter dotlessi {i}
+\definecharacter dotlessJ {J} \definecharacter dotlessj {j}
+\definecharacter AEligature {AE} \definecharacter aeligature {ae}
+\definecharacter Lstroke {L} \definecharacter lstroke {l}
+\definecharacter Ostroke {O} \definecharacter ostroke {o}
+\definecharacter OEligature {OE} \definecharacter oeligature {oe}
+\definecharacter Ssharp {SS} \definecharacter ssharp {ss}
+\definecharacter IJligature {IJ} \definecharacter ijligature {ij}
+\definecharacter Aumlaut {A} \definecharacter aumlaut {a}
+\definecharacter Eumlaut {E} \definecharacter eumlaut {e}
+\definecharacter Iumlaut {I} \definecharacter iumlaut {i}
+\definecharacter Oumlaut {O} \definecharacter oumlaut {o}
+\definecharacter Uumlaut {U} \definecharacter uumlaut {u}
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/enco-run.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/enco-run.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2f60a35b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/enco-run.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=enco-run,
+%D version=2000.27.12, % moved to runtime module
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Encoding Macros,
+%D subtitle=Runtime Macros,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\gdef\visualizecharacters% {}'s needed
+ {\def\uchar##1##2{\hbox to 2.5em
+ {\ifcase##1\relax\red\or\blue\else\green\fi##1\hss##2}}%
+ \let\normalbuildtextaccent\buildtextaccent
+ \let\normalbottomaccent \bottomaccent
+ %\def\char{\green\normalchar}%
+ \def\char % can be used in \oalign
+ {\bgroup\def\char{\green\normalchar\scratchcounter\egroup}%
+ \afterassignment\char\scratchcounter}%
+ \def\buildtextaccent{\let\green\empty\blue\normalbuildtextaccent}%
+ \def\bottomaccent{\let\green\empty\red\normalbottomaccent}}
+ {\hbox
+ {\edef\banner{\currentencoding\space\fontname\font}%
+ \tttf\banner:\space
+ {\blue composed}\space{\red bottom}\space{\green char}\space raw}}
+ {\bgroup
+ \savefont
+ \setuptextrules[\c!bodyfont=,\c!style=]
+ \starttextrule{\visualizecharacterslegend}
+ \whitespace
+ \restorefont\setupinterlinespace
+ \visualizecharacters
+ \def\do##1%
+ {{\def\dodo####1%
+ {\hss\hbox to 1em{\hss\expanded{##1####1\recurselevel}\hss}}%
+ \hbox to \hsize
+ {\strut
+ \localcolortrue
+ \hbox to 2em{\tttf\string##1\hss}%
+ \dorecurse{26}{\dodo\character}}%
+ \hbox to \hsize
+ {\strut
+ \localcolortrue
+ \hskip2em
+ \dorecurse{26}{\dodo\Character}}}%
+ \par}
+ \do\'\do\`\do\^\do\~\do\"
+ \do\H\do\r\do\v\do\u\do\=
+ \do\.\do\b\do\d\do\k\do\c
+ \stoptextrule
+ \egroup}
+ {\bgroup
+ \savefont
+ \setuptextrules[\c!bodyfont=,\c!style=]
+ \starttextrule{\visualizecharacterslegend}
+ \whitespace
+ \dontcomplain
+ \forgetall
+ \def\startencoding[##1]{}
+ \def\stopencoding{\endinput}
+ \dimen0=\zeropoint
+ \dimen2=\zeropoint
+ \def\definecharacter ##1 ##2 %
+ {\setbox0=\hbox spread 1em{\getvalue{##1}}%
+ \ifdim\wd0>\dimen0 \dimen0=\wd0 \fi
+ \setbox2=\hbox spread 1em{\box0 \tttf##1}
+ \ifdim\wd2>\dimen2 \dimen2=\wd2 \fi}%
+ \readsysfile{\f!encodingprefix def}{}{}
+ \edef\encwidth{\the\dimen0}
+ \dimen0=\hsize
+ \advance\dimen0 2em
+ \advance\dimen2 2em
+ \divide \dimen0 by \dimen2 \advance\dimen0 1sp
+ \edef\enccols{\number\dimen0}
+ \visualizecharacters
+ \startcolumns[\c!n=\enccols,\c!distance=2em]
+ \restorefont\setupinterlinespace
+ \def\definecharacter ##1 ##2 %
+ {\setbox0=\hbox to \hsize{\localcolortrue\hbox to \encwidth{\getvalue{##1}\hss}\tttf##1}%
+ \ht0\strutheight \dp0\strutdepth \box0 \allowbreak}
+ \readsysfile{\f!encodingprefix def}{}{}
+ \stopcolumns
+ \stoptextrule
+ \egroup}
+% \hbox
+% {\font\test=uplr8t \test \ruledhbox{t}
+% \font\test=uplr8r \test \ruledhbox{t}}
+ \gdef\showhyphenations#1%
+ {\starttabulate[|le|l|]
+ \NC language \NC \currentlanguage\ (internal code:\the\normallanguage) \NC \NR
+ \NC font \NC \fontname\font \NC \NR
+ \NC encoding \NC \ifx\@@fontencoding\empty not set\else\@@fontencoding\fi \NC \NR
+ \NC mapping \NC \ifx\@@fontmapping \empty not set\else\@@fontmapping \fi \NC \NR
+ \NC handling \NC \ifx\@@fonthandling\empty not set\else\@@fonthandling\fi \NC \NR
+ \NC sample \NC \hyphenatedword{#1} \NC \NR
+ \stoptabulate}
+ \gdef\showmapping
+ {\dostepwiserecurse{128}{255}{1}
+ {\hbox\bgroup
+ \hbox to 2em{\hss\recurselevel}%
+ \hbox to 2em{\hss\char\recurselevel\hss}%
+ \hbox to 3em{\hss\ifcase\lccode\recurselevel\else\the \lccode\recurselevel\fi}%
+ \hbox to 2em{\hss\ifcase\lccode\recurselevel\else\char\lccode\recurselevel\fi\hss}%
+ \hbox to 3em{\hss\ifcase\lccode\recurselevel\else\the \uccode\recurselevel\fi}%
+ \hbox to 2em{\hss\ifcase\uccode\recurselevel\else\char\uccode\recurselevel\fi\hss}%
+ \egroup
+ \endgraf}}
+ \gdef\showcharacterbounds
+ {\bgroup
+ \localcolortrue
+ \dorecurse{255}
+ {\ifdim\fontcharwd\font\recurselevel>\zeropoint
+ \noindent\ruledhbox{\darkgray\char\recurselevel}\space
+ \fi}\unskip
+ \egroup}
+ \gdef\showhyphenations#1%
+ {\starttabulate[|le|l|]
+ \NC language \NC \currentlanguage\ (internal code:\the\normallanguage) \NC \NR
+ \NC font \NC \fontname\font \NC \NR
+ \NC sample \NC \hyphenatedword{#1} \NC \NR
+ \stoptabulate}
+ \globallet\showmapping\relax
+ \globallet\showcharacterbounds\relax
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/enco-t5.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/enco-t5.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3f51b8585
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/enco-t5.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=enco-t5,
+%D version=2004.11.16,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Encoding Macros,
+%D subtitle=New Vietnamese Encoding,
+%D author=Hans Hagen \& Adam Lindsay,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={Adam Lindsay \& Hans Hagen}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D This module is derived from the enco-x5 encoding, but now
+%D approaches the world with named glyphs.
+\definecasemaps 128 to 159 lc +32 uc 0
+\definecasemaps 160 to 191 lc 0 uc -32
+\definecasemaps 192 to 223 lc +32 uc 0
+\definecasemaps 224 to 225 lc 0 uc -32
+\definecasemap 26 26 27 \definecasemap 27 26 27
+\definecasemap 28 28 29 \definecasemap 29 28 29
+\definecasemap 30 30 31 \definecasemap 31 30 31
+\definecharacter textgrave 0
+\definecharacter textacute 1
+\definecharacter textcircumflex 2
+\definecharacter texttilde 3
+\definecharacter textdiaeresis 4
+\definecharacter textbottomdot 5
+\definecharacter textring 6
+\definecharacter textcaron 7
+\definecharacter textbreve 8
+\definecharacter textmacron 9
+\definecharacter textdotaccent 10
+\definecharacter textcedilla 11
+\definecharacter texthookabove 12
+\definecharacter textogonek {}
+\definecharacter quotesinglebase 13
+\definecharacter guilsingleleft 14
+\definecharacter guilsingleright 15
+\definecharacter quotedblleft 16
+\definecharacter quotedblright 17
+\definecharacter quotedblbase 18
+\definecharacter leftguillemot 19
+\definecharacter rightguillemot 20
+\definecharacter endash 21
+\definecharacter emdash 22
+\definecharacter cwm 23
+\definecharacter zeroinferior 24
+\definecharacter Yhook 26
+\definecharacter yhook 27
+\definecharacter Ydotbelow 28
+\definecharacter ydotbelow 29
+\definecharacter Dstroke 30
+\definecharacter dstroke 31
+\definecharacter textvisiblespace 32
+\definecharacter dotlessi 25
+%definecharacter DJ 30
+%definecharacter dj 31
+\definecharacter Agrave 128
+\definecharacter Aacute 129
+\definecharacter Atilde 130
+\definecharacter Ahook 131
+\definecharacter Adotbelow 132
+\definecharacter Acircumflex 133
+\definecharacter Acircumflexgrave 134
+\definecharacter Acircumflexacute 135
+\definecharacter Acircumflextilde 136
+\definecharacter Acircumflexhook 137
+\definecharacter Acircumflexdotbelow 138
+\definecharacter Abreve 139
+\definecharacter Abrevegrave 140
+\definecharacter Abreveacute 141
+\definecharacter Abrevetilde 142
+\definecharacter Abrevehook 143
+\definecharacter Abrevedotbelow 144
+\definecharacter Egrave 145
+\definecharacter Eacute 146
+\definecharacter Etilde 147
+\definecharacter Ehook 148
+\definecharacter Edotbelow 149
+\definecharacter Ecircumflex 150
+\definecharacter Ecircumflexgrave 151
+\definecharacter Ecircumflexacute 152
+\definecharacter Ecircumflextilde 153
+\definecharacter Ecircumflexhook 154
+\definecharacter Ecircumflexdotbelow 155
+\definecharacter Igrave 156
+\definecharacter Iacute 157
+\definecharacter Itilde 158
+\definecharacter Ihook 159
+\definecharacter agrave 160
+\definecharacter aacute 161
+\definecharacter atilde 162
+\definecharacter ahook 163
+\definecharacter adotbelow 164
+\definecharacter acircumflex 165
+\definecharacter acircumflexgrave 166
+\definecharacter acircumflexacute 167
+\definecharacter acircumflextilde 168
+\definecharacter acircumflexhook 169
+\definecharacter acircumflexdotbelow 170
+\definecharacter abreve 171
+\definecharacter abrevegrave 172
+\definecharacter abreveacute 173
+\definecharacter abrevetilde 174
+\definecharacter abrevehook 175
+\definecharacter abrevedotbelow 176
+\definecharacter egrave 177
+\definecharacter eacute 178
+\definecharacter etilde 179
+\definecharacter ehook 180
+\definecharacter edotbelow 181
+\definecharacter ecircumflex 182
+\definecharacter ecircumflexgrave 183
+\definecharacter ecircumflexacute 184
+\definecharacter ecircumflextilde 185
+\definecharacter ecircumflexhook 186
+\definecharacter ecircumflexdotbelow 187
+\definecharacter igrave 188
+\definecharacter iacute 189
+\definecharacter itilde 190
+\definecharacter ihook 191
+\definecharacter Idotbelow 192
+\definecharacter Ograve 193
+\definecharacter Oacute 194
+\definecharacter Otilde 195
+\definecharacter Ohook 196
+\definecharacter Odotbelow 197
+\definecharacter Ocircumflex 198
+\definecharacter Ocircumflexgrave 199
+\definecharacter Ocircumflexacute 200
+\definecharacter Ocircumflextilde 201
+\definecharacter Ocircumflexhook 202
+\definecharacter Ocircumflexdotbelow 203
+\definecharacter Ohorn 204
+\definecharacter Ohorngrave 205
+\definecharacter Ohornacute 206
+\definecharacter Ohorntilde 207
+\definecharacter Ohornhook 208
+\definecharacter Ohorndotbelow 209
+\definecharacter Ugrave 210
+\definecharacter Uacute 211
+\definecharacter Utilde 212
+\definecharacter Uhook 213
+\definecharacter Udotbelow 214
+\definecharacter Uhorn 215
+\definecharacter Uhorngrave 216
+\definecharacter Uhornacute 217
+\definecharacter Uhorntilde 218
+\definecharacter Uhornhook 219
+\definecharacter Uhorndotbelow 220
+\definecharacter Ytilde 223
+\definecharacter idotbelow 224
+\definecharacter ograve 225
+\definecharacter oacute 226
+\definecharacter otilde 227
+\definecharacter ohook 228
+\definecharacter odotbelow 229
+\definecharacter ocircumflex 230
+\definecharacter ocircumflexgrave 231
+\definecharacter ocircumflexacute 232
+\definecharacter ocircumflextilde 233
+\definecharacter ocircumflexhook 234
+\definecharacter ocircumflexdotbelow 235
+\definecharacter ohorn 236
+\definecharacter ohorngrave 237
+\definecharacter ohornacute 238
+\definecharacter ohorntilde 239
+\definecharacter ohornhook 240
+\definecharacter ohorndotbelow 241
+\definecharacter ugrave 242
+\definecharacter uacute 243
+\definecharacter utilde 244
+\definecharacter uhook 245
+\definecharacter udotbelow 246
+\definecharacter uhorn 247
+\definecharacter uhorngrave 248
+\definecharacter uhornacute 249
+\definecharacter uhorntilde 250
+\definecharacter uhornhook 251
+\definecharacter uhorndotbelow 252
+\definecharacter ygrave 253
+\definecharacter yacute 254
+\definecharacter ytilde 255
+% \startencoding [x5]
+% \definecharacter aa {\xfiveencodedaa}
+% \definecharacter AA {\xfiveencodedAA}
+% \stopencoding
+% \unprotect
+% \def\xfiveencodedaa%
+% {\accent23a}
+% \def\xfiveencodedAA%
+% {\leavevmode
+% \setbox\zerocount\hbox{h}%
+% \dimen@\ht\zerocount
+% \advance\dimen@ -1ex
+% \rlap{\raise.67\dimen@\hbox{\char23}}A}
+% \protect
+% \quotesinglbase 13
+% \guilsinglleft 14
+% \guilsinglright 15
+% \textquotedblleft 16
+% \textquotedblright 17
+% \quotedblbase 18
+% \guillemotleft 19
+% \guillemotright 20
+% \textendash 21
+% \textemdash 22
+% \textcompwordmark 23
+% \textperthousand \% \char 24
+% \textpertenthousand \%\char 24\char 24
+% \textvisiblespace 32
+% \textquotedbl `\"
+% \textdollar `\$
+% \textquoteright `\'
+% \textless `\<
+% \textgreater `\>
+% \textbackslash `\
+% \textasciicircum `\^
+% \textunderscore 95
+% \textquoteleft `\`
+% \textbraceleft `\{
+% \textbar `\|
+% \textbraceright `\}
+% \textasciitilde `\~
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/enco-tbo.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/enco-tbo.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5733acd32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/enco-tbo.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=enco-tbo,
+%D version=2000.05.07, % 2001.8.4,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Encoding Macros,
+%D subtitle=TeXBaseOne Encoding,
+%D author={Patrick Gundlach, Hans Hagen},
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\resetcaserange 128 to 255
+\definecasemap 228 228 196 \definecasemap 196 228 196
+\definecasemap 235 235 203 \definecasemap 203 235 203
+\definecasemap 239 239 207 \definecasemap 207 239 207
+\definecasemap 246 246 214 \definecasemap 214 246 214
+\definecasemap 252 252 220 \definecasemap 220 252 220
+\definecasemap 255 255 159 \definecasemap 159 255 159
+\definecasemap 225 225 193 \definecasemap 193 225 193
+\definecasemap 233 233 201 \definecasemap 201 233 201
+\definecasemap 237 237 205 \definecasemap 205 237 205
+\definecasemap 243 243 211 \definecasemap 211 243 211
+\definecasemap 250 250 218 \definecasemap 218 250 218
+\definecasemap 253 253 221 \definecasemap 221 253 221
+\definecasemap 224 224 192 \definecasemap 192 224 192
+\definecasemap 232 232 200 \definecasemap 200 232 200
+\definecasemap 236 236 204 \definecasemap 204 236 204
+\definecasemap 242 242 210 \definecasemap 210 242 210
+\definecasemap 249 249 217 \definecasemap 217 249 217
+\definecasemap 226 226 194 \definecasemap 194 226 194
+\definecasemap 234 234 202 \definecasemap 202 234 202
+\definecasemap 238 238 206 \definecasemap 206 238 206
+\definecasemap 244 244 212 \definecasemap 212 244 212
+\definecasemap 251 251 219 \definecasemap 219 251 219
+\definecasemap 227 227 195 \definecasemap 195 227 195
+\definecasemap 241 241 209 \definecasemap 209 241 209
+\definecasemap 245 245 213 \definecasemap 213 245 213
+\definecharacter textacute 180
+\definecharacter textbreve 11
+\definecharacter textcaron 16
+\definecharacter textcedilla 184
+\definecharacter textcircumflex 136
+\definecharacter textdiaeresis 168
+\definecharacter textdotaccent 1
+\definecharacter textgrave 30
+\definecharacter texthungarumlaut 5
+\definecharacter textmacron 175
+\definecharacter textogonek 8
+\definecharacter textring 9
+\definecharacter texttilde 152
+\definecharacter dotlessi 17
+%definecharacter dotlessj 18
+\definecharacter endash 150
+\definecharacter emdash 151
+\definecharacter oeligature 156
+\definecharacter OEligature 140
+\definecharacter aeligature 230
+\definecharacter AEligature 198
+\definecharacter ssharp 223
+\definecharacter thorn 254
+\definecharacter Thorn 222
+\definecharacter exclamdown 161
+\definecharacter questiondown 191
+\definecharacter copyright 169
+\definecharacter registered 174
+\definecharacter trademark 153
+\definecharacter sectionmark 167
+\definecharacter paragraphmark 182
+\definecharacter onequarter 188
+\definecharacter onehalf 189
+\definecharacter threequarter 190
+\definecharacter onesuperior 185
+\definecharacter twosuperior 178
+\definecharacter threesuperior 179
+\definecharacter textcent 162
+\definecharacter textcurrency 164
+\definecharacter texteuro 128
+\definecharacter textflorin 131
+\definecharacter textsterling 163
+\definecharacter textyen 165
+\definecharacter percent 37
+\definecharacter perthousand 137
+\definecharacter periodcentered 183
+\definecharacter softhyphen 173
+\definecharacter textasciicircum 94
+\definecharacter textasciitilde 126
+\definecharacter textslash 47
+\definecharacter textbackslash 92
+\definecharacter textbraceleft 123
+\definecharacter textbraceright 125
+\definecharacter textunderscore 95
+\definecharacter textbrokenbar 166
+\definecharacter textbullet 149
+\definecharacter textdag 134
+\definecharacter textddag 135
+\definecharacter textdegree 176
+\definecharacter textdiv 247
+\definecharacter textellipsis 133
+\definecharacter textfraction 4
+\definecharacter textlognot 172
+\definecharacter textminus 12
+\definecharacter textmu 181
+\definecharacter textmultiply 215
+\definecharacter textpm 177
+\definecharacter quotedbl 34
+\definecharacter quotedblbase 132
+\definecharacter quotedblleft 147
+\definecharacter quotedblright 148
+\definecharacter quotesingle 31
+\definecharacter quotesinglebase 130
+\definecharacter quoteleft 96
+\definecharacter quoteright 39
+\definecharacter guilsingleleft 139
+\definecharacter guilsingleright 155
+\definecharacter leftguillemot 171
+\definecharacter rightguillemot 187
+\definecharacter aacute 225
+\definecharacter Aacute 193
+\definecharacter eacute 233
+\definecharacter Eacute 201
+\definecharacter iacute 237
+\definecharacter Iacute 205
+\definecharacter oacute 243
+\definecharacter Oacute 211
+\definecharacter uacute 250
+\definecharacter Uacute 218
+\definecharacter Yacute 221
+\definecharacter yacute 253
+\definecharacter scaron 154
+\definecharacter Scaron 138
+%definecharacter Zcaron 141
+\definecharacter ccedilla 231
+\definecharacter Ccedilla 199
+\definecharacter acircumflex 226
+\definecharacter Acircumflex 194
+\definecharacter ecircumflex 234
+\definecharacter Ecircumflex 202
+\definecharacter icircumflex 238
+\definecharacter Icircumflex 206
+\definecharacter ocircumflex 244
+\definecharacter Ocircumflex 212
+\definecharacter ucircumflex 251
+\definecharacter Ucircumflex 219
+\definecharacter adiaeresis 228
+\definecharacter Adiaeresis 196
+\definecharacter ediaeresis 235
+\definecharacter Ediaeresis 203
+\definecharacter idiaeresis 239
+\definecharacter Idiaeresis 207
+\definecharacter odiaeresis 246
+\definecharacter Odiaeresis 214
+\definecharacter udiaeresis 252
+\definecharacter Udiaeresis 220
+\definecharacter ydiaeresis 255
+\definecharacter Ydiaeresis 159
+\definecharacter agrave 224
+\definecharacter Agrave 192
+\definecharacter egrave 232
+\definecharacter Egrave 200
+\definecharacter igrave 236
+\definecharacter Igrave 204
+\definecharacter ograve 242
+\definecharacter Ograve 210
+\definecharacter ugrave 249
+\definecharacter Ugrave 217
+\definecharacter aring 229
+\definecharacter Aring 197
+\definecharacter lstroke 7
+\definecharacter Lstroke 6
+\definecharacter ostroke 248
+\definecharacter Ostroke 216
+\definecharacter atilde 227
+\definecharacter Atilde 195
+\definecharacter ntilde 241
+\definecharacter Ntilde 209
+\definecharacter otilde 245
+\definecharacter Otilde 213
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/enco-uc.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/enco-uc.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0be22318a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/enco-uc.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,1091 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=enco-uc,
+%D version=2000.xx.xx, % and later
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Encoding Macros,
+%D subtitle=Unicode (backwards mapping),
+%D author={Adam Lindsay \& Hans Hagen},
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D An alternative approach would be to misuse the utf vectors, but they
+%D don't carry enough info around.
+% todo : \defineucharacter hebrewAlef 5 "D0
+\definecharacter Agrave {\uchar0{192}}
+\definecharacter Aacute {\uchar0{193}}
+\definecharacter Acircumflex {\uchar0{194}}
+\definecharacter Atilde {\uchar0{195}}
+\definecharacter Adiaeresis {\uchar0{196}}
+\definecharacter Aring {\uchar0{197}}
+\definecharacter AEligature {\uchar0{198}}
+\definecharacter Ccedilla {\uchar0{199}}
+\definecharacter Egrave {\uchar0{200}}
+\definecharacter Eacute {\uchar0{201}}
+\definecharacter Ediaeresis {\uchar0{203}}
+\definecharacter Igrave {\uchar0{204}}
+\definecharacter Iacute {\uchar0{205}}
+\definecharacter Icircumflex {\uchar0{206}}
+\definecharacter Idiaeresis {\uchar0{207}}
+\definecharacter Eth {\uchar0{208}}
+\definecharacter Ntilde {\uchar0{209}}
+\definecharacter Ograve {\uchar0{210}}
+\definecharacter Oacute {\uchar0{211}}
+\definecharacter Ocircumflex {\uchar0{212}}
+\definecharacter Otilde {\uchar0{213}}
+\definecharacter Odiaeresis {\uchar0{214}}
+\definecharacter Ostroke {\uchar0{216}}
+\definecharacter Ugrave {\uchar0{217}}
+\definecharacter Uacute {\uchar0{218}}
+\definecharacter Uhungarumlaut {\uchar0{219}}
+\definecharacter Udiaeresis {\uchar0{220}}
+\definecharacter Yacute {\uchar0{221}}
+\definecharacter Thorn {\uchar0{222}}
+\definecharacter ssharp {\uchar0{223}}
+\definecharacter agrave {\uchar0{224}}
+\definecharacter aacute {\uchar0{225}}
+\definecharacter acircumflex {\uchar0{226}}
+\definecharacter atilde {\uchar0{227}}
+\definecharacter adiaeresis {\uchar0{228}}
+\definecharacter aring {\uchar0{229}}
+\definecharacter aeligature {\uchar0{230}}
+\definecharacter ccedilla {\uchar0{231}}
+\definecharacter egrave {\uchar0{232}}
+\definecharacter eacute {\uchar0{233}}
+\definecharacter ecircumflex {\uchar0{234}}
+\definecharacter ediaeresis {\uchar0{235}}
+\definecharacter igrave {\uchar0{236}}
+\definecharacter iacute {\uchar0{237}}
+\definecharacter icircumflex {\uchar0{238}}
+\definecharacter idiaeresis {\uchar0{239}}
+\definecharacter eth {\uchar0{240}}
+\definecharacter ntilde {\uchar0{241}}
+\definecharacter ograve {\uchar0{242}}
+\definecharacter oacute {\uchar0{243}}
+\definecharacter ocircumflex {\uchar0{244}}
+\definecharacter otilde {\uchar0{245}}
+\definecharacter odiaeresis {\uchar0{246}}
+\definecharacter ostroke {\uchar0{248}}
+\definecharacter ugrave {\uchar0{249}}
+\definecharacter uacute {\uchar0{250}}
+\definecharacter ucircumflex {\uchar0{251}}
+\definecharacter udiaeresis {\uchar0{252}}
+\definecharacter yacute {\uchar0{253}}
+\definecharacter thorn {\uchar0{254}}
+\definecharacter ydiaeresis {\uchar0{255}}
+\definecharacter Amacron {\uchar1{0}}
+\definecharacter amacron {\uchar1{1}}
+\definecharacter Abreve {\uchar1{2}}
+\definecharacter abreve {\uchar1{3}}
+\definecharacter Aogonek {\uchar1{4}}
+\definecharacter aogonek {\uchar1{5}}
+\definecharacter Cacute {\uchar1{6}}
+\definecharacter cacute {\uchar1{7}}
+\definecharacter Ccircumflex {\uchar1{8}}
+\definecharacter ccircumflex {\uchar1{9}}
+\definecharacter Cdotaccent {\uchar1{10}}
+\definecharacter cdotaccent {\uchar1{11}}
+\definecharacter Ccaron {\uchar1{12}}
+\definecharacter ccaron {\uchar1{13}}
+\definecharacter Dcaron {\uchar1{14}}
+\definecharacter dcaron {\uchar1{15}}
+\definecharacter Dstroke {\uchar1{16}}
+\definecharacter dstroke {\uchar1{17}}
+\definecharacter Emacron {\uchar1{18}}
+\definecharacter emacron {\uchar1{19}}
+\definecharacter Ebreve {\uchar1{20}}
+\definecharacter ebreve {\uchar1{21}}
+\definecharacter Edotaccent {\uchar1{22}}
+\definecharacter edotaccent {\uchar1{23}}
+\definecharacter Eogonek {\uchar1{24}}
+\definecharacter eogonek {\uchar1{25}}
+\definecharacter Ecaron {\uchar1{26}}
+\definecharacter ecaron {\uchar1{27}}
+\definecharacter Gcircumflex {\uchar1{28}}
+\definecharacter gcircumflex {\uchar1{29}}
+\definecharacter Gbreve {\uchar1{30}}
+\definecharacter gbreve {\uchar1{31}}
+\definecharacter Gdotaccent {\uchar1{32}}
+\definecharacter gdotaccent {\uchar1{33}}
+\definecharacter Gcommaaccent {\uchar1{34}}
+\definecharacter gcommaaccent {\uchar1{35}}
+\definecharacter Hcircumflex {\uchar1{36}}
+\definecharacter hcircumflex {\uchar1{37}}
+\definecharacter Hstroke {\uchar1{38}}
+\definecharacter hstroke {\uchar1{39}}
+\definecharacter Itilde {\uchar1{40}}
+\definecharacter itilde {\uchar1{41}}
+\definecharacter Imacron {\uchar1{42}}
+\definecharacter imacron {\uchar1{43}}
+\definecharacter Ibreve {\uchar1{44}}
+\definecharacter ibreve {\uchar1{45}}
+\definecharacter Iogonek {\uchar1{46}}
+\definecharacter iogonek {\uchar1{47}}
+\definecharacter Idotaccent {\uchar1{48}}
+\definecharacter dotlessi {\uchar1{49}}
+\definecharacter IJligature {\uchar1{50}}
+\definecharacter ijligature {\uchar1{51}}
+\definecharacter Jcircumflex {\uchar1{52}}
+\definecharacter jcircumflex {\uchar1{53}}
+\definecharacter Kcommaaccent {\uchar1{54}}
+\definecharacter kcommaaccent {\uchar1{55}}
+\definecharacter kkra {\uchar1{56}}
+\definecharacter Lacute {\uchar1{57}}
+\definecharacter lacute {\uchar1{58}}
+\definecharacter Lcommaaccent {\uchar1{59}}
+\definecharacter lcommaaccent {\uchar1{60}}
+\definecharacter Lcaron {\uchar1{61}}
+\definecharacter lcaron {\uchar1{62}}
+\definecharacter Ldotmiddle {\uchar1{63}}
+\definecharacter ldotmiddle {\uchar1{64}}
+\definecharacter Lstroke {\uchar1{65}}
+\definecharacter lstroke {\uchar1{66}}
+\definecharacter Nacute {\uchar1{67}}
+\definecharacter nacute {\uchar1{68}}
+\definecharacter Ncommaaccent {\uchar1{69}}
+\definecharacter ncommaaccent {\uchar1{70}}
+\definecharacter Ncaron {\uchar1{71}}
+\definecharacter ncaron {\uchar1{72}}
+\definecharacter napostrophe {\uchar1{73}}
+\definecharacter Neng {\uchar1{74}}
+\definecharacter neng {\uchar1{75}}
+\definecharacter Omacron {\uchar1{76}}
+\definecharacter omacron {\uchar1{77}}
+\definecharacter Obreve {\uchar1{78}}
+\definecharacter obreve {\uchar1{79}}
+\definecharacter Ohungarumlaut {\uchar1{80}}
+\definecharacter ohungarumlaut {\uchar1{81}}
+\definecharacter OEligature {\uchar1{82}}
+\definecharacter oeligature {\uchar1{83}}
+\definecharacter Racute {\uchar1{84}}
+\definecharacter racute {\uchar1{85}}
+\definecharacter Rcommaaccent {\uchar1{86}}
+\definecharacter rcommaaccent {\uchar1{87}}
+\definecharacter Rcaron {\uchar1{88}}
+\definecharacter rcaron {\uchar1{89}}
+\definecharacter Sacute {\uchar1{90}}
+\definecharacter sacute {\uchar1{91}}
+\definecharacter Scircumflex {\uchar1{92}}
+\definecharacter scircumflex {\uchar1{93}}
+\definecharacter Scedilla {\uchar1{94}}
+\definecharacter scedilla {\uchar1{95}}
+\definecharacter Scaron {\uchar1{96}}
+\definecharacter scaron {\uchar1{97}}
+\definecharacter Tcedilla {\uchar1{98}}
+\definecharacter tcedilla {\uchar1{99}}
+\definecharacter Tcaron {\uchar1{100}}
+\definecharacter tcaron {\uchar1{101}}
+\definecharacter Tstroke {\uchar1{102}}
+\definecharacter tstroke {\uchar1{103}}
+\definecharacter Utilde {\uchar1{104}}
+\definecharacter utilde {\uchar1{105}}
+\definecharacter Umacron {\uchar1{106}}
+\definecharacter umacron {\uchar1{107}}
+\definecharacter Ubreve {\uchar1{108}}
+\definecharacter ubreve {\uchar1{109}}
+\definecharacter Uring {\uchar1{110}}
+\definecharacter uring {\uchar1{111}}
+\definecharacter Uhungarumlaut {\uchar1{112}}
+\definecharacter uhungarumlaut {\uchar1{113}}
+\definecharacter Uogonek {\uchar1{114}}
+\definecharacter uogonek {\uchar1{115}}
+\definecharacter Wcircumflex {\uchar1{116}}
+\definecharacter wcircumflex {\uchar1{117}}
+\definecharacter Ycircumflex {\uchar1{118}}
+\definecharacter ycircumflex {\uchar1{119}}
+\definecharacter Ydiaeresis {\uchar1{120}}
+\definecharacter Zacute {\uchar1{121}}
+\definecharacter zacute {\uchar1{122}}
+\definecharacter Zdotaccent {\uchar1{123}}
+\definecharacter zdotaccent {\uchar1{124}}
+\definecharacter Zcaron {\uchar1{125}}
+\definecharacter zcaron {\uchar1{126}}
+\definecharacter slong {\uchar1{127}}
+\definecharacter endash {\uchar{32}{19}}
+\definecharacter emdash {\uchar{32}{20}}
+\definecharacter quoteleft {\uchar{32}{24}}
+\definecharacter quoteright {\uchar{32}{25}}
+\definecharacter quotesinglebase {\uchar{32}{26}}
+\definecharacter quotedblleft {\uchar{32}{28}}
+\definecharacter quotedblright {\uchar{32}{29}}
+\definecharacter quotedblbase {\uchar{32}{30}}
+\definecharacter leftguillemot {\uchar0{171}}
+\definecharacter rightguillemot {\uchar0{187}}
+\definecharacter guilsingleleft {\uchar{32}{57}}
+\definecharacter guilsingleright {\uchar{32}{58}}
+%D Adam Lindsay's additions
+\definecharacter exclamdown {\uchar0{161}}
+\definecharacter textcent {\uchar0{162}}
+\definecharacter textsterling {\uchar0{163}}
+\definecharacter textcurrency {\uchar0{164}}
+\definecharacter textyen {\uchar0{165}}
+\definecharacter textbrokenbar {\uchar0{166}}
+\definecharacter sectionmark {\uchar0{167}}
+\definecharacter textdiaresis {\uchar0{168}}
+\definecharacter copyright {\uchar0{169}}
+\definecharacter textlognot {\uchar0{172}}
+\definecharacter softhyphen {\uchar0{173}}
+\definecharacter registered {\uchar0{174}}
+\definecharacter textmacron {\uchar0{175}}
+\definecharacter textdegree {\uchar0{176}}
+\definecharacter textpm {\uchar0{177}}
+\definecharacter twosuperior {\uchar0{178}}
+\definecharacter threesuperior {\uchar0{179}}
+\definecharacter textacute {\uchar0{180}}
+\definecharacter textmu {\uchar0{181}}
+\definecharacter paragraphmark {\uchar0{182}}
+\definecharacter periodcentered {\uchar0{183}}
+\definecharacter textcedilla {\uchar0{184}}
+\definecharacter onesuperior {\uchar0{185}}
+\definecharacter textgrave {\uchar3{0}}
+\definecharacter textacute {\uchar3{1}}
+\definecharacter textcircumflex {\uchar3{2}}
+\definecharacter texttilde {\uchar3{3}}
+\definecharacter textmacron {\uchar3{4}}
+\definecharacter textbreve {\uchar3{6}}
+\definecharacter textdotaccent {\uchar3{7}}
+\definecharacter textdiaeresis {\uchar3{8}}
+\definecharacter textring {\uchar3{10}}
+\definecharacter texthungarumlaut {\uchar3{11}}
+\definecharacter textcaron {\uchar3{12}}
+\definecharacter textogonek {\uchar3{40}}
+\definecharacter percent {\uchar0{37}}
+\definecharacter textunderscore {\uchar0{95}}
+\definecharacter ordfeminine {\uchar0{170}}
+\definecharacter ordmasculine {\uchar0{186}}
+\definecharacter onequarter {\uchar0{188}}
+\definecharacter onehalf {\uchar0{189}}
+\definecharacter threequarter {\uchar0{190}}
+\definecharacter questiondown {\uchar0{191}}
+\definecharacter textmultiply {\uchar0{215}}
+\definecharacter textdiv {\uchar0{247}}
+\definecharacter textminus {\uchar{32}{18}}
+\definecharacter textdag {\uchar{32}{32}}
+\definecharacter textddag {\uchar{32}{33}}
+\definecharacter textbullet {\uchar{32}{34}}
+\definecharacter textellipsis {\uchar{32}{38}}
+\definecharacter perthousand {\uchar{32}{48}}
+\definecharacter Scommaaccent {\uchar2{24}}
+\definecharacter scommaaccent {\uchar2{25}}
+\definecharacter Tcommaaccent {\uchar2{26}}
+\definecharacter tcommaaccent {\uchar2{27}}
+%D Mojca's and Taco's additions:
+\definecharacter textasciicircum {\uchar{0}{94}} % 5e
+\definecharacter textgrave {\uchar{0}{96}} % 60
+\definecharacter textdiaeresis {\uchar{0}{168}} % a8
+%definecharacter textmacron {\uchar{0}{175}} % af
+%definecharacter textacute {\uchar{0}{180}} % b4
+%definecharacter textcedilla {\uchar{0}{184}} % b8
+\definecharacter textcircumflex {\uchar{2}{198}} % c6
+\definecharacter textcaron {\uchar{2}{199}} % c7
+\definecharacter textbreve {\uchar{2}{216}} % d8
+\definecharacter textdotaccent {\uchar{2}{217}} % d9
+\definecharacter textring {\uchar{2}{218}} % da
+\definecharacter textogonek {\uchar{2}{219}} % db
+\definecharacter texttilde {\uchar{2}{220}} % dc
+\definecharacter texthungarumlaut {\uchar{2}{221}} % dd
+%D Vietnamese:
+\definecharacter Ohorn {\uchar1{160}}
+\definecharacter ohorn {\uchar1{161}}
+\definecharacter Uhorn {\uchar1{175}}
+\definecharacter uhorn {\uchar1{176}}
+\definecharacter Yhook {\uchar{30}{246}}
+\definecharacter yhook {\uchar{30}{247}}
+\definecharacter Ydotbelow {\uchar{30}{244}}
+\definecharacter ydotbelow {\uchar{30}{245}}
+\definecharacter Ahook {\uchar{30}{162}}
+\definecharacter Adotbelow {\uchar{30}{160}}
+\definecharacter Acircumflexgrave {\uchar{30}{166}}
+\definecharacter Acircumflexacute {\uchar{30}{164}}
+\definecharacter Acircumflextilde {\uchar{30}{170}}
+\definecharacter Acircumflexhook {\uchar{30}{168}}
+\definecharacter Acircumflexdotbelow {\uchar{30}{172}}
+\definecharacter Abrevegrave {\uchar{30}{176}}
+\definecharacter Abreveacute {\uchar{30}{174}}
+\definecharacter Abrevetilde {\uchar{30}{180}}
+\definecharacter Abrevehook {\uchar{30}{178}}
+\definecharacter Abrevedotbelow {\uchar{30}{182}}
+\definecharacter Ehook {\uchar{30}{186}}
+\definecharacter Edotbelow {\uchar{30}{184}}
+\definecharacter Ecircumflexgrave {\uchar{30}{192}}
+\definecharacter Ecircumflexacute {\uchar{30}{190}}
+\definecharacter Ecircumflextilde {\uchar{30}{196}}
+\definecharacter Ecircumflexhook {\uchar{30}{194}}
+\definecharacter Ecircumflexdotbelow {\uchar{30}{198}}
+\definecharacter Ihook {\uchar{30}{200}}
+\definecharacter ahook {\uchar{30}{163}}
+\definecharacter adotbelow {\uchar{30}{161}}
+\definecharacter acircumflexgrave {\uchar{30}{167}}
+\definecharacter acircumflexacute {\uchar{30}{165}}
+\definecharacter acircumflextilde {\uchar{30}{171}}
+\definecharacter acircumflexhook {\uchar{30}{169}}
+\definecharacter acircumflexdotbelow {\uchar{30}{173}}
+\definecharacter abrevegrave {\uchar{30}{177}}
+\definecharacter abreveacute {\uchar{30}{175}}
+\definecharacter abrevetilde {\uchar{30}{181}}
+\definecharacter abrevehook {\uchar{30}{179}}
+\definecharacter abrevedotbelow {\uchar{30}{183}}
+\definecharacter ehook {\uchar{30}{187}}
+\definecharacter edotbelow {\uchar{30}{185}}
+\definecharacter ecircumflexgrave {\uchar{30}{193}}
+\definecharacter ecircumflexacute {\uchar{30}{191}}
+\definecharacter ecircumflextilde {\uchar{30}{197}}
+\definecharacter ecircumflexhook {\uchar{30}{195}}
+\definecharacter ecircumflexdotbelow {\uchar{30}{199}}
+\definecharacter ihook {\uchar{30}{201}}
+\definecharacter Idotbelow {\uchar{30}{202}}
+\definecharacter Ohook {\uchar{30}{206}}
+\definecharacter Odotbelow {\uchar{30}{204}}
+\definecharacter Ocircumflexgrave {\uchar{30}{210}}
+\definecharacter Ocircumflexacute {\uchar{30}{208}}
+\definecharacter Ocircumflextilde {\uchar{30}{214}}
+\definecharacter Ocircumflexhook {\uchar{30}{212}}
+\definecharacter Ocircumflexdotbelow {\uchar{30}{216}}
+\definecharacter Ohorngrave {\uchar{30}{220}}
+\definecharacter Ohornacute {\uchar{30}{218}}
+\definecharacter Ohorntilde {\uchar{30}{224}}
+\definecharacter Ohornhook {\uchar{30}{222}}
+\definecharacter Ohorndotbelow {\uchar{30}{226}}
+\definecharacter Uhook {\uchar{30}{230}}
+\definecharacter Udotbelow {\uchar{30}{228}}
+\definecharacter Uhorngrave {\uchar{30}{234}}
+\definecharacter Uhornacute {\uchar{30}{232}}
+\definecharacter Uhorntilde {\uchar{30}{238}}
+\definecharacter Uhornhook {\uchar{30}{236}}
+\definecharacter Uhorndotbelow {\uchar{30}{240}}
+\definecharacter Ytilde {\uchar{30}{248}}
+\definecharacter idotbelow {\uchar{30}{203}}
+\definecharacter ohook {\uchar{30}{207}}
+\definecharacter odotbelow {\uchar{30}{205}}
+\definecharacter ocircumflexgrave {\uchar{30}{211}}
+\definecharacter ocircumflexacute {\uchar{30}{209}}
+\definecharacter ocircumflextilde {\uchar{30}{215}}
+\definecharacter ocircumflexhook {\uchar{30}{213}}
+\definecharacter ocircumflexdotbelow {\uchar{30}{217}}
+\definecharacter ohorngrave {\uchar{30}{221}}
+\definecharacter ohornacute {\uchar{30}{219}}
+\definecharacter ohorntilde {\uchar{30}{225}}
+\definecharacter ohornhook {\uchar{30}{223}}
+\definecharacter ohorndotbelow {\uchar{30}{227}}
+\definecharacter uhook {\uchar{30}{231}}
+\definecharacter udotbelow {\uchar{30}{229}}
+\definecharacter uhorngrave {\uchar{30}{235}}
+\definecharacter uhornacute {\uchar{30}{233}}
+\definecharacter uhorntilde {\uchar{30}{239}}
+\definecharacter uhornhook {\uchar{30}{237}}
+\definecharacter uhorndotbelow {\uchar{30}{241}}
+\definecharacter ytilde {\uchar{30}{249}}
+\definecharacter Etilde {\uchar{30}{188}}
+\definecharacter etilde {\uchar{30}{189}}
+\definecharacter Ygrave {\uchar{30}{242}}
+\definecharacter ygrave {\uchar{30}{243}}
+% Greek:
+\definecharacter greekAlphatonos {\uchar3{134}}
+\definecharacter greekEpsilontonos {\uchar3{136}}
+\definecharacter greekEtatonos {\uchar3{137}}
+\definecharacter greekIotatonos {\uchar3{138}}
+\definecharacter greekOmicrontonos {\uchar3{140}}
+\definecharacter greekUpsilontonos {\uchar3{142}}
+\definecharacter greekOmegatonos {\uchar3{143}}
+\definecharacter greekiotadialytikatonos {\uchar3{144}}
+\definecharacter greekAlpha {\uchar3{145}}
+\definecharacter greekBeta {\uchar3{146}}
+\definecharacter greekGamma {\uchar3{147}}
+\definecharacter greekDelta {\uchar3{148}}
+\definecharacter greekEpsilon {\uchar3{149}}
+\definecharacter greekZeta {\uchar3{150}}
+\definecharacter greekEta {\uchar3{151}}
+\definecharacter greekTheta {\uchar3{152}}
+\definecharacter greekIota {\uchar3{153}}
+\definecharacter greekKappa {\uchar3{154}}
+\definecharacter greekLambda {\uchar3{155}}
+\definecharacter greekMu {\uchar3{156}}
+\definecharacter greekNu {\uchar3{157}}
+\definecharacter greekXi {\uchar3{158}}
+\definecharacter greekOmicron {\uchar3{159}}
+\definecharacter greekPi {\uchar3{160}}
+\definecharacter greekRho {\uchar3{161}}
+\definecharacter greekSigma {\uchar3{163}}
+\definecharacter greekTau {\uchar3{164}}
+\definecharacter greekUpsilon {\uchar3{165}}
+\definecharacter greekPhi {\uchar3{166}}
+\definecharacter greekChi {\uchar3{167}}
+\definecharacter greekPsi {\uchar3{168}}
+\definecharacter greekOmega {\uchar3{169}}
+\definecharacter greekalpha {\uchar3{177}}
+\definecharacter greekbeta {\uchar3{178}}
+\definecharacter greekgamma {\uchar3{179}}
+\definecharacter greekdelta {\uchar3{180}}
+\definecharacter greekepsilon {\uchar3{181}}
+\definecharacter greekzeta {\uchar3{182}}
+\definecharacter greeketa {\uchar3{183}}
+\definecharacter greektheta {\uchar3{184}}
+\definecharacter greekiota {\uchar3{185}}
+\definecharacter greekkappa {\uchar3{186}}
+\definecharacter greeklambda {\uchar3{187}}
+\definecharacter greekmu {\uchar3{188}}
+\definecharacter greeknu {\uchar3{189}}
+\definecharacter greekxi {\uchar3{190}}
+\definecharacter greekomicron {\uchar3{191}}
+\definecharacter greekpi {\uchar3{192}}
+\definecharacter greekrho {\uchar3{193}}
+\definecharacter greekfinalsigma {\uchar3{194}}
+\definecharacter greeksigma {\uchar3{195}}
+\definecharacter greektau {\uchar3{196}}
+\definecharacter greekupsilon {\uchar3{197}}
+\definecharacter greekphi {\uchar3{198}}
+\definecharacter greekchi {\uchar3{199}}
+\definecharacter greekpsi {\uchar3{200}}
+\definecharacter greekomega {\uchar3{201}}
+\definecharacter greekiotadialytika {\uchar3{202}}
+\definecharacter greekupsilondialytika {\uchar3{203}}
+\definecharacter greekomicrontonos {\uchar3{204}}
+\definecharacter greekupsilontonos {\uchar3{205}}
+\definecharacter greekomegatonos {\uchar3{206}}
+\definecharacter greekIotadialytika {\uchar3{170}}
+\definecharacter greekUpsilondialytika {\uchar3{171}}
+\definecharacter greekalphatonos {\uchar3{172}}
+\definecharacter greekepsilontonos {\uchar3{173}}
+\definecharacter greeketatonos {\uchar3{174}}
+\definecharacter greekiotatonos {\uchar3{175}}
+\definecharacter greekupsilondialytikatonos {\uchar3{176}}
+% new:
+\definecharacter greekthetaalt {\uchar3{209}}
+\definecharacter greekphialt {\uchar3{213}}
+\definecharacter greekpialt {\uchar3{214}}
+\definecharacter greekrhoalt {\uchar3{241}}
+\definecharacter greekepsilonalt {\uchar3{245}}
+% Cyrillic:
+\definecharacter cyrillicA {\uchar4{16}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicB {\uchar4{17}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicV {\uchar4{18}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicG {\uchar4{19}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicD {\uchar4{20}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicE {\uchar4{21}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicZH {\uchar4{22}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicZ {\uchar4{23}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicI {\uchar4{24}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicISHRT {\uchar4{25}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicK {\uchar4{26}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicL {\uchar4{27}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicM {\uchar4{28}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicN {\uchar4{29}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicO {\uchar4{30}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicP {\uchar4{31}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicR {\uchar4{32}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicS {\uchar4{33}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicT {\uchar4{34}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicU {\uchar4{35}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicF {\uchar4{36}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicH {\uchar4{37}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicC {\uchar4{38}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicCH {\uchar4{39}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicSH {\uchar4{40}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicSHCH {\uchar4{41}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicHRDSN {\uchar4{42}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicERY {\uchar4{43}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicSFTSN {\uchar4{44}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicEREV {\uchar4{45}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicYU {\uchar4{46}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicYA {\uchar4{47}}
+\definecharacter cyrillica {\uchar4{48}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicb {\uchar4{49}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicv {\uchar4{50}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicg {\uchar4{51}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicd {\uchar4{52}}
+\definecharacter cyrillice {\uchar4{53}}
+\definecharacter cyrilliczh {\uchar4{54}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicz {\uchar4{55}}
+\definecharacter cyrillici {\uchar4{56}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicishrt {\uchar4{57}}
+\definecharacter cyrillick {\uchar4{58}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicl {\uchar4{59}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicm {\uchar4{60}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicn {\uchar4{61}}
+\definecharacter cyrillico {\uchar4{62}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicp {\uchar4{63}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicr {\uchar4{64}}
+\definecharacter cyrillics {\uchar4{65}}
+\definecharacter cyrillict {\uchar4{66}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicu {\uchar4{67}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicf {\uchar4{68}}
+\definecharacter cyrillich {\uchar4{69}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicc {\uchar4{70}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicch {\uchar4{71}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicsh {\uchar4{72}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicshch {\uchar4{73}}
+\definecharacter cyrillichrdsn {\uchar4{74}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicery {\uchar4{75}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicsftsn {\uchar4{76}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicerev {\uchar4{77}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicyu {\uchar4{78}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicya {\uchar4{79}}
+%D I tried to figure out what these were, but the unicode
+%D tables suggested they were the same as cyrillici, which was
+%D already defined! So, a temporary definition:
+% \def\cyrillicII{\cyrillicI}
+% \def\cyrillicii{\cyrillici}
+%D a guess derived from looking at enco-cyr suggests that this is
+%D identical to the Roman I/i pair. To me, that sounds like
+\definecharacter cyrillicII {\uchar4{6}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicii {\uchar4{86}}
+%D Guessing that tlir6a corresponds with t2a encoding as advertised,
+%D here are some more, cos I had some spare time: (AL)
+\definecharacter cyrillicDJE {\uchar4{2}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicTSHE {\uchar4{11}}
+%definecharacter cyrillicSHHA 132
+%definecharacter cyrillicZHDSC 133
+\definecharacter cyrillicZDSC {\uchar4{152}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicLJE {\uchar4{9}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicYI {\uchar4{7}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicAE {\uchar4{212}}
+%definecharacter cyrillicNDSC 141
+%definecharacter cyrillicNG 142
+\definecharacter cyrillicDZE {\uchar4{5}}
+%definecharacter cyrillicOTLD 144
+\definecharacter cyrillicSDSC {\uchar4{170}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicUSHRT {\uchar4{14}}
+%definecharacter cyrillicY 147
+%definecharacter cyrillicYHCRS 148
+%definecharacter cyrillicHDSC 149
+\definecharacter cyrillicDZHE {\uchar4{15}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicIE {\uchar4{4}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicNJE {\uchar4{10}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicYO {\uchar4{1}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicdje {\uchar4{82}}
+\definecharacter cyrillictshe {\uchar4{91}}
+%definecharacter cyrillicshha 164
+%definecharacter cyrilliczhdsc 165
+\definecharacter cyrilliczdsc {\uchar4{153}}
+\definecharacter cyrilliclje {\uchar4{89}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicyi {\uchar4{87}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicae {\uchar4{213}}
+%definecharacter cyrillicndsc 173
+%definecharacter cyrillicng 174
+\definecharacter cyrillicdze {\uchar4{85}}
+%definecharacter cyrillicotld 176
+\definecharacter cyrillicsdsc {\uchar4{171}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicushrt {\uchar4{94}}
+%definecharacter cyrillicy 179
+%definecharacter cyrillicyhcrs 180
+%definecharacter cyrillichdsc 181
+\definecharacter cyrillicdzhe {\uchar4{95}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicie {\uchar4{84}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicnje {\uchar4{90}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicyo {\uchar4{81}}
+% is there overlap with the above definitions
+\definecharacter cyrillicEgrave {\uchar4{0}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicGJE {\uchar4{3}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicJE {\uchar4{8}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicKJE {\uchar4{12}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicIgrave {\uchar4{13}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicegrave {\uchar4{80}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicgje {\uchar4{83}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicje {\uchar4{88}}
+\definecharacter cyrillickje {\uchar4{92}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicigrave {\uchar4{93}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicOMEGA {\uchar4{96}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicomega {\uchar4{97}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicYAT {\uchar4{98}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicyat {\uchar4{99}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicEiotified {\uchar4{100}}
+\definecharacter cyrilliceiotified {\uchar4{101}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicLITTLEYUS {\uchar4{102}}
+\definecharacter cyrilliclittleyus {\uchar4{103}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicLITTLEYUSiotified {\uchar4{104}}
+\definecharacter cyrilliclittleyusiotified {\uchar4{105}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicBIGYUS {\uchar4{106}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicbigyus {\uchar4{107}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicBIGYUSiotified {\uchar4{108}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicbigyusiotified {\uchar4{109}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicKSI {\uchar4{110}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicksi {\uchar4{111}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicPSI {\uchar4{112}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicpsi {\uchar4{113}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicFITA {\uchar4{114}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicfita {\uchar4{115}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicIZHITSA {\uchar4{116}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicizhitsa {\uchar4{117}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicIZHITSAdoublegrave {\uchar4{118}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicizhitsadoublegrave {\uchar4{119}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicUK {\uchar4{120}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicuk {\uchar4{121}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicOMEGAround {\uchar4{122}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicomegaround {\uchar4{123}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicOMEGAtitlo {\uchar4{124}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicomegatitlo {\uchar4{125}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicOT {\uchar4{126}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicot {\uchar4{127}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicKOPPA {\uchar4{128}}
+\definecharacter cyrillickoppa {\uchar4{129}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicTITLO {\uchar4{131}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicPALATALIZATION {\uchar4{132}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicDASIAPNEUMATA {\uchar4{133}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicPSILIPNEUMATA {\uchar4{134}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicISHRTtail {\uchar4{138}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicishrttail {\uchar4{139}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicSEMISOFT {\uchar4{140}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicsemisoft {\uchar4{141}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicERtick {\uchar4{142}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicertick {\uchar4{143}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicGHEupturn {\uchar4{144}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicgheupturn {\uchar4{145}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicGHEstroke {\uchar4{146}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicghestroke {\uchar4{147}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicGHEmidhook {\uchar4{148}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicghemidhook {\uchar4{149}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicZHEdescender {\uchar4{150}}
+\definecharacter cyrilliczhedescender {\uchar4{151}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicZDSC {\uchar4{152}}
+\definecharacter cyrilliczdsc {\uchar4{153}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicKADC {\uchar4{154}}
+\definecharacter cyrillickadc {\uchar4{155}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicKAvertstroke {\uchar4{156}}
+\definecharacter cyrillickavertstroke {\uchar4{157}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicKAstroke {\uchar4{158}}
+\definecharacter cyrillickastroke {\uchar4{159}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicKAbashkir {\uchar4{160}}
+\definecharacter cyrillickabashkir {\uchar4{161}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicENDC {\uchar4{162}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicendc {\uchar4{163}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicENGHE {\uchar4{164}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicenghe {\uchar4{165}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicPEmidhook {\uchar4{166}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicpemidhook {\uchar4{167}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicHA {\uchar4{168}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicha {\uchar4{169}}
+%definecharacter cyrillicSDSC {\uchar4{170}} % already defined
+%definecharacter cyrilliccdsc {\uchar4{171}} % already defined
+\definecharacter cyrillicTEDC {\uchar4{172}}
+\definecharacter cyrillictedc {\uchar4{173}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicYstr {\uchar4{174}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicystr {\uchar4{175}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicYstrstroke {\uchar4{176}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicystrstroke {\uchar4{177}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicHADC {\uchar4{178}}
+\definecharacter cyrillichadc {\uchar4{179}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicTETSE {\uchar4{180}}
+\definecharacter cyrillictetse {\uchar4{181}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicCHEDC {\uchar4{182}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicchedc {\uchar4{183}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicCHEvertstroke {\uchar4{184}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicchevertstroke {\uchar4{185}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicSHHA {\uchar4{186}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicshha {\uchar4{187}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicCHEabkhasian {\uchar4{188}}
+\definecharacter cyrilliccheabkhasian {\uchar4{189}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicCHEDCabkhasian {\uchar4{190}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicchedcabkhasian {\uchar4{191}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicPALOCHKA {\uchar4{192}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicZHEbreve {\uchar4{193}}
+\definecharacter cyrilliczhebreve {\uchar4{194}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicKAhook {\uchar4{195}}
+\definecharacter cyrillickahook {\uchar4{196}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicELtail {\uchar4{197}}
+\definecharacter cyrilliceltail {\uchar4{198}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicENhook {\uchar4{199}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicenhook {\uchar4{200}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicENtail {\uchar4{201}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicentail {\uchar4{202}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicCHEkhakassian {\uchar4{203}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicchekhakassian {\uchar4{204}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicEMtail {\uchar4{205}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicemtail {\uchar4{206}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicAbreve {\uchar4{208}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicabreve {\uchar4{209}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicAdiaeresis {\uchar4{210}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicadiaeresis {\uchar4{211}}
+%definecharacter cyrillicAE {\uchar4{212}} % already defined
+%definecharacter cyrillicae {\uchar4{213}} % already defined
+\definecharacter cyrillicEbreve {\uchar4{214}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicebreve {\uchar4{215}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicSCHWA {\uchar4{216}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicschwa {\uchar4{217}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicSCHWAdiaeresis {\uchar4{218}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicschwadiaeresis {\uchar4{219}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicZHEdiaeresis {\uchar4{220}}
+\definecharacter cyrilliczhediaeresis {\uchar4{221}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicZEdiaeresis {\uchar4{222}}
+\definecharacter cyrilliczediaeresis {\uchar4{223}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicDZEabkhasian {\uchar4{224}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicdzeabkhasian {\uchar4{225}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicImacron {\uchar4{226}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicimacron {\uchar4{227}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicIdiaeresis {\uchar4{228}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicidiaeresis {\uchar4{229}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicOdiaeresis {\uchar4{230}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicodiaeresis {\uchar4{231}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicObarred {\uchar4{232}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicobarred {\uchar4{233}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicObarreddiaeresis {\uchar4{234}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicobarreddiaeresis {\uchar4{235}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicEdiaeresis {\uchar4{236}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicediaeresis {\uchar4{237}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicUmacron {\uchar4{238}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicumacron {\uchar4{239}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicUdiaeresis {\uchar4{240}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicudiaeresis {\uchar4{241}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicUdoubleacute {\uchar4{242}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicudoubleacute {\uchar4{243}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicCHEdiaeresis {\uchar4{244}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicchediaeresis {\uchar4{245}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicYERUdiaeresis {\uchar4{248}}
+\definecharacter cyrillicyerudiaeresis {\uchar4{249}}
+% Greek Extended
+\definecharacter greekalphapsili {\uchar{31}{0}}
+\definecharacter greekalphadasia {\uchar{31}{1}}
+\definecharacter greekalphapsilivaria {\uchar{31}{2}}
+\definecharacter greekalphadasiavaria {\uchar{31}{3}}
+\definecharacter greekalphapsilitonos {\uchar{31}{4}}
+\definecharacter greekalphadasiatonos {\uchar{31}{5}}
+\definecharacter greekalphapsiliperispomeni {\uchar{31}{6}}
+\definecharacter greekalphadasiaperispomeni {\uchar{31}{7}}
+\definecharacter greekAlphapsili {\uchar{31}{8}}
+\definecharacter greekAlphadasia {\uchar{31}{9}}
+\definecharacter greekAlphapsilivaria {\uchar{31}{10}}
+\definecharacter greekAlphadasiavaria {\uchar{31}{11}}
+\definecharacter greekAlphapsilitonos {\uchar{31}{12}}
+\definecharacter greekAlphadasiatonos {\uchar{31}{13}}
+\definecharacter greekAlphapsiliperispomeni {\uchar{31}{14}}
+\definecharacter greekAlphadasiaperispomeni {\uchar{31}{15}}
+\definecharacter greekepsilonpsili {\uchar{31}{16}} % 1f10
+\definecharacter greekepsilondasia {\uchar{31}{17}}
+\definecharacter greekepsilonpsilivaria {\uchar{31}{18}}
+\definecharacter greekepsilondasiavaria {\uchar{31}{19}}
+\definecharacter greekepsilonpsilitonos {\uchar{31}{20}}
+\definecharacter greekepsilondasiatonos {\uchar{31}{21}}
+\definecharacter greekEpsilonpsili {\uchar{31}{24}}
+\definecharacter greekEpsilondasia {\uchar{31}{25}}
+\definecharacter greekEpsilonpsilivaria {\uchar{31}{26}}
+\definecharacter greekEpsilondasiavaria {\uchar{31}{27}}
+\definecharacter greekEpsilonpsilitonos {\uchar{31}{28}}
+\definecharacter greekEpsilondasiatonos {\uchar{31}{29}}
+\definecharacter greeketapsili {\uchar{31}{32}} % 1f20
+\definecharacter greeketadasia {\uchar{31}{33}}
+\definecharacter greeketapsilivaria {\uchar{31}{34}}
+\definecharacter greeketadasiavaria {\uchar{31}{35}}
+\definecharacter greeketapsilitonos {\uchar{31}{36}}
+\definecharacter greeketadasiatonos {\uchar{31}{37}}
+\definecharacter greeketapsiliperispomeni {\uchar{31}{38}}
+\definecharacter greeketadasiaperispomeni {\uchar{31}{39}}
+\definecharacter greekEtapsili {\uchar{31}{40}}
+\definecharacter greekEtadasia {\uchar{31}{41}}
+\definecharacter greekEtapsilivaria {\uchar{31}{42}}
+\definecharacter greekEtadasiavaria {\uchar{31}{43}}
+\definecharacter greekEtapsilitonos {\uchar{31}{44}}
+\definecharacter greekEtadasiatonos {\uchar{31}{45}}
+\definecharacter greekEtapsiliperispomeni {\uchar{31}{46}}
+\definecharacter greekEtadasiaperispomeni {\uchar{31}{47}}
+\definecharacter greekiotapsili {\uchar{31}{48}} % 1f30
+\definecharacter greekiotadasia {\uchar{31}{49}}
+\definecharacter greekiotapsilivaria {\uchar{31}{50}}
+\definecharacter greekiotadasiavaria {\uchar{31}{51}}
+\definecharacter greekiotapsilitonos {\uchar{31}{52}}
+\definecharacter greekiotadasiatonos {\uchar{31}{53}}
+\definecharacter greekiotapsiliperispomeni {\uchar{31}{54}}
+\definecharacter greekiotadasiaperispomeni {\uchar{31}{55}}
+\definecharacter greekIotapsili {\uchar{31}{56}}
+\definecharacter greekIotadasia {\uchar{31}{57}}
+\definecharacter greekIotapsilivaria {\uchar{31}{58}}
+\definecharacter greekIotadasiavaria {\uchar{31}{59}}
+\definecharacter greekIotapsilitonos {\uchar{31}{60}}
+\definecharacter greekIotadasiatonos {\uchar{31}{61}}
+\definecharacter greekIotapsiliperispomeni {\uchar{31}{62}}
+\definecharacter greekIotadasiaperispomeni {\uchar{31}{63}}
+\definecharacter greekomicronpsili {\uchar{31}{64}} % 1f40
+\definecharacter greekomicrondasia {\uchar{31}{65}}
+\definecharacter greekomicronpsilivaria {\uchar{31}{66}}
+\definecharacter greekomicrondasiavaria {\uchar{31}{67}}
+\definecharacter greekomicronpsilitonos {\uchar{31}{68}}
+\definecharacter greekomicrondasiatonos {\uchar{31}{69}}
+\definecharacter greekOmicronpsili {\uchar{31}{72}}
+\definecharacter greekOmicrondasia {\uchar{31}{73}}
+\definecharacter greekOmicronpsilivaria {\uchar{31}{74}}
+\definecharacter greekOmicrondasiavaria {\uchar{31}{75}}
+\definecharacter greekOmicronpsilitonos {\uchar{31}{76}}
+\definecharacter greekOmicrondasiatonos {\uchar{31}{77}}
+\definecharacter greekupsilonpsili {\uchar{31}{80}} % 1f50
+\definecharacter greekupsilondasia {\uchar{31}{81}}
+\definecharacter greekupsilonpsilivaria {\uchar{31}{82}}
+\definecharacter greekupsilondasiavaria {\uchar{31}{83}}
+\definecharacter greekupsilonpsilitonos {\uchar{31}{84}}
+\definecharacter greekupsilondasiatonos {\uchar{31}{85}}
+\definecharacter greekupsilonpsiliperispomeni {\uchar{31}{86}}
+\definecharacter greekupsilondasiaperispomeni {\uchar{31}{87}}
+\definecharacter greekUpsilondasia {\uchar{31}{89}}
+\definecharacter greekUpsilondasiavaria {\uchar{31}{91}}
+\definecharacter greekUpsilondasiatonos {\uchar{31}{93}}
+\definecharacter greekUpsilondasiaperispomeni {\uchar{31}{95}}
+\definecharacter greekomegapsili {\uchar{31}{96}} % 1f60
+\definecharacter greekomegadasia {\uchar{31}{97}}
+\definecharacter greekomegapsilivaria {\uchar{31}{98}}
+\definecharacter greekomegadasiavaria {\uchar{31}{99}}
+\definecharacter greekomegapsilitonos {\uchar{31}{100}}
+\definecharacter greekomegadasiatonos {\uchar{31}{101}}
+\definecharacter greekomegapsiliperispomeni {\uchar{31}{102}}
+\definecharacter greekomegadasiaperispomeni {\uchar{31}{103}}
+\definecharacter greekOmegapsili {\uchar{31}{104}}
+\definecharacter greekOmegadasia {\uchar{31}{105}}
+\definecharacter greekOmegapsilivaria {\uchar{31}{106}}
+\definecharacter greekOmegadasiavaria {\uchar{31}{107}}
+\definecharacter greekOmegapsilitonos {\uchar{31}{108}}
+\definecharacter greekOmegadasiatonos {\uchar{31}{109}}
+\definecharacter greekOmegapsiliperispomeni {\uchar{31}{110}}
+\definecharacter greekOmegadasiaperispomeni {\uchar{31}{111}}
+\definecharacter greekalphavaria {\uchar{31}{112}} % 1f70
+\definecharacter greekalphaoxia {\uchar{31}{113}}
+\definecharacter greekepsilonvaria {\uchar{31}{114}}
+\definecharacter greekepsilonoxia {\uchar{31}{115}}
+\definecharacter greeketavaria {\uchar{31}{116}}
+\definecharacter greeketaoxia {\uchar{31}{117}}
+\definecharacter greekiotavaria {\uchar{31}{118}}
+\definecharacter greekiotaoxia {\uchar{31}{119}}
+\definecharacter greekomicronvaria {\uchar{31}{120}}
+\definecharacter greekomicronoxia {\uchar{31}{121}}
+\definecharacter greekupsilonvaria {\uchar{31}{122}}
+\definecharacter greekupsilonoxia {\uchar{31}{123}}
+\definecharacter greekomegavaria {\uchar{31}{124}}
+\definecharacter greekomegaoxia {\uchar{31}{125}}
+\definecharacter greekalphaiotasubpsili {\uchar{31}{128}} % 1f80
+\definecharacter greekalphaiotasubdasia {\uchar{31}{129}}
+\definecharacter greekalphaiotasubpsilivaria {\uchar{31}{130}}
+\definecharacter greekalphaiotasubdasiavaria {\uchar{31}{131}}
+\definecharacter greekalphaiotasubpsilitonos {\uchar{31}{132}}
+\definecharacter greekalphaiotasubdasiatonos {\uchar{31}{133}}
+\definecharacter greekalphaiotasubpsiliperispomeni {\uchar{31}{134}}
+\definecharacter greekalphaiotasubdasiaperispomeni {\uchar{31}{135}}
+\definecharacter greekAlphaiotasubpsili {\uchar{31}{136}}
+\definecharacter greekAlphaiotasubdasia {\uchar{31}{137}}
+\definecharacter greekAlphaiotasubpsilivaria {\uchar{31}{138}}
+\definecharacter greekAlphaiotasubdasiavaria {\uchar{31}{139}}
+\definecharacter greekAlphaiotasubpsilitonos {\uchar{31}{140}}
+\definecharacter greekAlphaiotasubdasiatonos {\uchar{31}{141}}
+\definecharacter greekAlphaiotasubpsiliperispomeni {\uchar{31}{142}}
+\definecharacter greekAlphaiotasubdasiaperispomeni {\uchar{31}{143}}
+\definecharacter greeketaiotasubpsili {\uchar{31}{144}} % 1f90
+\definecharacter greeketaiotasubdasia {\uchar{31}{145}}
+\definecharacter greeketaiotasubpsilivaria {\uchar{31}{146}}
+\definecharacter greeketaiotasubdasiavaria {\uchar{31}{147}}
+\definecharacter greeketaiotasubpsilitonos {\uchar{31}{148}}
+\definecharacter greeketaiotasubdasiatonos {\uchar{31}{149}}
+\definecharacter greeketaiotasubpsiliperispomeni {\uchar{31}{150}}
+\definecharacter greeketaiotasubdasiaperispomeni {\uchar{31}{151}}
+\definecharacter greekEtaiotasubpsili {\uchar{31}{152}}
+\definecharacter greekEtaiotasubdasia {\uchar{31}{153}}
+\definecharacter greekEtaiotasubpsilivaria {\uchar{31}{154}}
+\definecharacter greekEtaiotasubdasiavaria {\uchar{31}{155}}
+\definecharacter greekEtaiotasubpsilitonos {\uchar{31}{156}}
+\definecharacter greekEtaiotasubdasiatonos {\uchar{31}{157}}
+\definecharacter greekEtaiotasubpsiliperispomeni {\uchar{31}{158}}
+\definecharacter greekEtaiotasubdasiaperispomeni {\uchar{31}{159}}
+\definecharacter greekomegaiotasubpsili {\uchar{31}{160}} % 1fa0
+\definecharacter greekomegaiotasubdasia {\uchar{31}{161}}
+\definecharacter greekomegaiotasubpsilivaria {\uchar{31}{162}}
+\definecharacter greekomegaiotasubdasiavaria {\uchar{31}{163}}
+\definecharacter greekomegaiotasubpsilitonos {\uchar{31}{164}}
+\definecharacter greekomegaiotasubdasiatonos {\uchar{31}{165}}
+\definecharacter greekomegaiotasubpsiliperispomeni {\uchar{31}{166}}
+\definecharacter greekomegaiotasubdasiaperispomeni {\uchar{31}{167}}
+\definecharacter greekOmegaiotasubpsili {\uchar{31}{168}}
+\definecharacter greekOmegaiotasubdasia {\uchar{31}{169}}
+\definecharacter greekOmegaiotasubpsilivaria {\uchar{31}{170}}
+\definecharacter greekOmegaiotasubdasiavaria {\uchar{31}{171}}
+\definecharacter greekOmegaiotasubpsilitonos {\uchar{31}{172}}
+\definecharacter greekOmegaiotasubdasiatonos {\uchar{31}{173}}
+\definecharacter greekOmegaiotasubpsiliperispomeni {\uchar{31}{174}}
+\definecharacter greekOmegaiotasubdasiaperispomeni {\uchar{31}{175}}
+\definecharacter greekalphavrachy {\uchar{31}{176}} % 1fb0
+\definecharacter greekalphamacron {\uchar{31}{177}}
+\definecharacter greekalphaiotasubvaria {\uchar{31}{178}}
+\definecharacter greekalphaiotasub {\uchar{31}{179}}
+\definecharacter greekalphaiotasubtonos {\uchar{31}{180}}
+\definecharacter greekalphaperispomeni {\uchar{31}{182}}
+\definecharacter greekalphaiotasubperispomeni {\uchar{31}{183}}
+\definecharacter greekAlphavrachy {\uchar{31}{184}}
+\definecharacter greekAlphamacron {\uchar{31}{185}}
+\definecharacter greekAlphavaria {\uchar{31}{186}}
+\definecharacter greekAlphatonos {\uchar{31}{187}}
+\definecharacter greekAlphaiotasub {\uchar{31}{188}}
+\definecharacter greekCoronis {\uchar{31}{189}}
+\definecharacter greekprosgegrammeni {\uchar{31}{190}}
+\definecharacter greekpsili {\uchar{31}{191}}
+\definecharacter greekperispomeni {\uchar{31}{192}} % 1fc0
+\definecharacter greekdialytikaperispomeni {\uchar{31}{193}}
+\definecharacter greeketaiotasubvaria {\uchar{31}{194}}
+\definecharacter greeketaiotasub {\uchar{31}{195}}
+\definecharacter greeketaiotasubtonos {\uchar{31}{196}}
+\definecharacter greeketaperispomeni {\uchar{31}{198}}
+\definecharacter greeketaiotasubperispomeni {\uchar{31}{199}}
+\definecharacter greekEpsilonvaria {\uchar{31}{200}}
+\definecharacter greekEpsilontonos {\uchar{31}{201}}
+\definecharacter greekEtavaria {\uchar{31}{202}}
+\definecharacter greekEtatonos {\uchar{31}{203}}
+\definecharacter greekEtaiotasub {\uchar{31}{204}}
+\definecharacter greekpsilivaria {\uchar{31}{205}}
+\definecharacter greekpsilitonos {\uchar{31}{206}}
+\definecharacter greekpsiliperispomeni {\uchar{31}{207}}
+\definecharacter greekiotavrachy {\uchar{31}{208}} % 1fd0
+\definecharacter greekiotamacron {\uchar{31}{209}}
+\definecharacter greekiotadialytikavaria {\uchar{31}{210}}
+\definecharacter greekiotadialytikatonos {\uchar{31}{211}}
+\definecharacter greekiotaperispomeni {\uchar{31}{214}}
+\definecharacter greekiotadialytikaperispomeni {\uchar{31}{215}}
+\definecharacter greekIotavrachy {\uchar{31}{216}}
+\definecharacter greekIotamacron {\uchar{31}{217}}
+\definecharacter greekIotavaria {\uchar{31}{218}}
+\definecharacter greekIotatonos {\uchar{31}{219}}
+\definecharacter greekdasiavaria {\uchar{31}{221}}
+\definecharacter greekdasiatonos {\uchar{31}{222}}
+\definecharacter greekdasiaperispomeni {\uchar{31}{223}}
+\definecharacter greekupsilonvrachy {\uchar{31}{224}} % 1fe0
+\definecharacter greekupsilonmacron {\uchar{31}{225}}
+\definecharacter greekupsilondialytikavaria {\uchar{31}{226}}
+\definecharacter greekupsilondialytikatonos {\uchar{31}{227}}
+\definecharacter greekrhopsili {\uchar{31}{228}}
+\definecharacter greekrhodasia {\uchar{31}{229}}
+\definecharacter greekupsilonperispomeni {\uchar{31}{230}}
+\definecharacter greekupsilondialytikaperispomeni {\uchar{31}{231}}
+\definecharacter greekUpsilonvrachy {\uchar{31}{232}}
+\definecharacter greekUpsilonmacron {\uchar{31}{233}}
+\definecharacter greekUpsilonvaria {\uchar{31}{234}}
+\definecharacter greekUpsilontonos {\uchar{31}{235}}
+\definecharacter greekRhodasia {\uchar{31}{236}}
+\definecharacter greekdialytikavaria {\uchar{31}{237}}
+\definecharacter greekdialytikatonos {\uchar{31}{238}}
+\definecharacter greekvaria {\uchar{31}{239}}
+\definecharacter greekomegaiotasubvaria {\uchar{31}{242}}
+\definecharacter greekomegaiotasub {\uchar{31}{243}}
+\definecharacter greekomegaiotasubtonos {\uchar{31}{244}}
+\definecharacter greekomegaperispomeni {\uchar{31}{246}}
+\definecharacter greekomegaiotasubperispomeni {\uchar{31}{247}}
+\definecharacter greekOmicronvaria {\uchar{31}{248}}
+\definecharacter greekOmicrontonos {\uchar{31}{249}}
+\definecharacter greekOmegavaria {\uchar{31}{250}}
+\definecharacter greekOmegatonos {\uchar{31}{251}}
+\definecharacter greekOmegaiotasub {\uchar{31}{252}}
+\definecharacter greekoxia {\uchar{31}{253}}
+\definecharacter greekdasia {\uchar{31}{254}}
+\definecharacter greeksigmalunate {\uchar3{242}}
+\definecharacter greekSigmalunate {\uchar3{249}}
+\definecharacter greeksampi {\uchar3{225}}
+\definecharacter greekdigamma {\uchar3{221}}
+\definecharacter greekstigma {\uchar3{219}}
+\definecharacter greeknumkoppa {\uchar3{223}}
+\definecharacter greekkoppa {\uchar3{217}}
+\definecharacter greekupsilondiaeresis {\uchar3{203}}
+% Hebrew:
+\definecharacter hebrewAlef {\uchar5{208}} % 05D0
+\definecharacter hebrewBet {\uchar5{209}}
+\definecharacter hebrewGimel {\uchar5{210}}
+\definecharacter hebrewDalet {\uchar5{211}}
+\definecharacter hebrewHe {\uchar5{212}}
+\definecharacter hebrewVav {\uchar5{213}}
+\definecharacter hebrewZayin {\uchar5{214}}
+\definecharacter hebrewHet {\uchar5{215}}
+\definecharacter hebrewTet {\uchar5{216}}
+\definecharacter hebrewYod {\uchar5{217}}
+\definecharacter hebrewKaffinal {\uchar5{218}}
+\definecharacter hebrewKaf {\uchar5{219}}
+\definecharacter hebrewLamed {\uchar5{220}}
+\definecharacter hebrewMemfinal {\uchar5{221}}
+\definecharacter hebrewMem {\uchar5{222}}
+\definecharacter hebrewNunfinal {\uchar5{223}}
+\definecharacter hebrewNun {\uchar5{224}}
+\definecharacter hebrewSamekh {\uchar5{225}}
+\definecharacter hebrewAyin {\uchar5{226}}
+\definecharacter hebrewPefinal {\uchar5{227}}
+\definecharacter hebrewPe {\uchar5{228}}
+\definecharacter hebrewTsadifinal {\uchar5{229}}
+\definecharacter hebrewTsadi {\uchar5{230}}
+\definecharacter hebrewQof {\uchar5{231}}
+\definecharacter hebrewResh {\uchar5{232}}
+\definecharacter hebrewShin {\uchar5{233}}
+\definecharacter hebrewTav {\uchar5{234}} % 05EA
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/enco-vis.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/enco-vis.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3c1fd7765
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/enco-vis.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+% temporary module, needed for downward compatibility
+\input regi-vis.tex \enableregime[viscii] \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/enco-vna.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/enco-vna.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..42fee4341
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/enco-vna.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=enco-vna,
+%D version=1999.12.12,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Encoding Macros,
+%D subtitle=Vietnamese Accents,
+%D author=Han The Thanh & Adam Lindsay & Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D This module is originally derived from the some files Han The Thanh
+%D prepared for \LATEX. The dual accent support is still preliminary,
+%D but works ok. It's now adapted to named glyphs, and is activated by
+%D \type {\useencoding[thisfile]}.
+%D This was apparently buggy from the start: there is nothing to
+%D disambiguate \type {\ohorn} from \type {\ohook}. Both are entered
+%D with \type {\h{o}} (AL)!
+%D Once stable, this code will move to \type {enco-acc.tex}.
+\defineaccent h A {\Ahook}
+\defineaccent d A {\Adotbelow}
+\defineaccent ` ^A {\Acircumflexgrave}
+\defineaccent ' ^A {\Acircumflexacute}
+\defineaccent ~ ^A {\Acircumflextilde}
+\defineaccent h ^A {\Acircumflexhook}
+\defineaccent d ^A {\Acircumflexdotbelow}
+\defineaccent ` uA {\Abrevegrave}
+\defineaccent ' uA {\Abreveacute}
+\defineaccent ~ uA {\Abrevetilde}
+\defineaccent h uA {\Abrevehook}
+\defineaccent d uA {\Abrevedotbelow}
+\defineaccent h E {\Ehook}
+\defineaccent d E {\Edotbelow}
+\defineaccent ` ^E {\Ecircumflexgrave}
+\defineaccent ' ^E {\Ecircumflexacute}
+\defineaccent ~ ^E {\Ecircumflextilde}
+\defineaccent h ^E {\Ecircumflexhook}
+\defineaccent d ^E {\Ecircumflexdotbelow}
+\defineaccent h I {\Ihook}
+\defineaccent d I {\Idotbelow}
+\defineaccent h O {\Ohook}
+\defineaccent d O {\Odotbelow}
+\defineaccent ` ^O {\Ocircumflexgrave}
+\defineaccent ' ^O {\Ocircumflexacute}
+\defineaccent ~ ^O {\Ocircumflextilde}
+\defineaccent h ^O {\Ocircumflexhook}
+\defineaccent d ^O {\Ocircumflexdotbelow}
+%defineaccent h O {\Ohorn} % !!! conflict with \Ohook!
+\defineaccent ` hO {\Ohorngrave}
+\defineaccent ` {\Ohorn} {\Ohorngrave}
+\defineaccent ' hO {\Ohornacute}
+\defineaccent ' {\Ohorn} {\Ohornacute}
+\defineaccent ~ hO {\Ohorntilde}
+\defineaccent ~ {\Ohorn} {\Ohorntilde}
+\defineaccent h hO {\Ohornhook}
+\defineaccent h {\Ohorn} {\Ohornhook}
+\defineaccent d hO {\Ohorndotbelow}
+\defineaccent d {\Ohorn} {\Ohorndotbelow}
+\defineaccent h U {\Uhook}
+\defineaccent d U {\Udotbelow}
+%defineaccent h U {\Uhorn} % !!! conflict with \Uhook! honestly, people!
+\defineaccent ` hU {\Uhorngrave}
+\defineaccent ` {\Uhorn} {\Uhorngrave}
+\defineaccent ' hU {\Uhornacute}
+\defineaccent ' {\Uhorn} {\Uhornacute}
+\defineaccent ~ hU {\Uhorntilde}
+\defineaccent ~ {\Uhorn} {\Uhorntilde}
+\defineaccent h hU {\Uhornhook}
+\defineaccent h {\Uhorn} {\Uhornhook}
+\defineaccent d hU {\Uhorndotbelow}
+\defineaccent d {\Uhorn} {\Uhorndotbelow}
+\defineaccent ` Y {\Ygrave}
+\defineaccent ' Y {\Yacute}
+\defineaccent ~ Y {\Ytilde}
+\defineaccent h Y {\Yhook}
+\defineaccent d Y {\Ydotbelow}
+\defineaccent h a {\ahook}
+\defineaccent d a {\adotbelow}
+\defineaccent ` ^a {\acircumflexgrave}
+\defineaccent ' ^a {\acircumflexacute}
+\defineaccent ~ ^a {\acircumflextilde}
+\defineaccent h ^a {\acircumflexhook}
+\defineaccent d ^a {\acircumflexdotbelow}
+\defineaccent ` ua {\abrevegrave}
+\defineaccent ' ua {\abreveacute}
+\defineaccent ~ ua {\abrevetilde}
+\defineaccent h ua {\abrevehook}
+\defineaccent d ua {\abrevedotbelow}
+\defineaccent h e {\ehook}
+\defineaccent d e {\edotbelow}
+\defineaccent ` ^e {\ecircumflexgrave}
+\defineaccent ' ^e {\ecircumflexacute}
+\defineaccent ~ ^e {\ecircumflextilde}
+\defineaccent h ^e {\ecircumflexhook}
+\defineaccent d ^e {\ecircumflexdotbelow}
+\defineaccent h i {\ihook}
+\defineaccent d i {\idotbelow}
+\defineaccent h o {\ohook}
+\defineaccent d o {\odotbelow}
+\defineaccent ^ o {\ocircumflex}
+\defineaccent ` ^o {\ocircumflexgrave}
+\defineaccent ' ^o {\ocircumflexacute}
+\defineaccent ~ ^o {\ocircumflextilde}
+\defineaccent h ^o {\ocircumflexhook}
+\defineaccent d ^o {\ocircumflexdotbelow}
+%defineaccent h o {\ohorn} % !!!
+\defineaccent ` ho {\ohorngrave}
+\defineaccent ' ho {\ohornacute}
+\defineaccent ~ ho {\ohorntilde}
+\defineaccent h ho {\ohornhook}
+\defineaccent d ho {\ohorndotbelow}
+\defineaccent ` {\ohorn} {\ohorngrave}
+\defineaccent ' {\ohorn} {\ohornacute}
+\defineaccent ~ {\ohorn} {\ohorntilde}
+\defineaccent h {\ohorn} {\ohornhook}
+\defineaccent d {\ohorn} {\ohorndotbelow}
+\defineaccent h u {\uhook}
+\defineaccent d u {\udotbelow}
+%defineaccent h u {\uhorn} % !!!
+\defineaccent ` hu {\uhorngrave}
+\defineaccent ' hu {\uhornacute}
+\defineaccent ~ hu {\uhorntilde}
+\defineaccent h hu {\uhornhook}
+\defineaccent d hu {\uhorndotbelow}
+\defineaccent ` {\uhorn} {\uhorngrave}
+\defineaccent ' {\uhorn} {\uhornacute}
+\defineaccent ~ {\uhorn} {\uhorntilde}
+\defineaccent h {\uhorn} {\uhornhook}
+\defineaccent d {\uhorn} {\uhorndotbelow}
+\defineaccent ` y {\ygrave}
+\defineaccent ' y {\yacute}
+\defineaccent ~ y {\ytilde}
+\defineaccent h y {\yhook}
+\defineaccent d y {\ydotbelow}
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/enco-win.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/enco-win.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..826371d8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/enco-win.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+% temporary module, needed for downward compatibility
+%\input regi-win.tex
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/enco-x5.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/enco-x5.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cde394e29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/enco-x5.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=enco-x5,
+%D version=1999.12.12,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Encoding Macros,
+%D subtitle=Vietnamese Encoding,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D This module is derived from the some files Han The Thanh
+%D prepared for \LATEX. The dual accent support is still
+%D preliminary, but works ok.
+\definecharacter textgrave 0
+\definecharacter textacute 1
+\definecharacter textcircumflex 2
+\definecharacter texttilde 3
+\definecharacter textdiaeresis 4
+\definecharacter texthungarumlaut 5
+\definecharacter textring 6
+\definecharacter textcaron 7
+\definecharacter textbreve 8
+\definecharacter textmacron 9
+\definecharacter textdotaccent 10
+\definecharacter textcedilla 11
+\definecharacter textogonek 12
+\definecharacter dotlessi 25
+\definecharacter DJ 30
+\definecharacter dj 31
+\defineaccent ` A 128
+\defineaccent ' A 129
+\defineaccent ~ A 130
+\defineaccent h A 131
+\defineaccent d A 132
+\defineaccent ^ A 133
+\defineaccent ` ^A 134
+\defineaccent ' ^A 135
+\defineaccent ~ ^A 136
+\defineaccent h ^A 137
+\defineaccent d ^A 138
+\defineaccent u A 139
+\defineaccent ` uA 140
+\defineaccent ' uA 141
+\defineaccent ~ uA 142
+\defineaccent h uA 143
+\defineaccent d uA 144
+\defineaccent ` E 145
+\defineaccent ' E 146
+\defineaccent ~ E 147
+\defineaccent h E 148
+\defineaccent d E 149
+\defineaccent ^ E 150
+\defineaccent ` ^E 151
+\defineaccent ' ^E 152
+\defineaccent ~ ^E 153
+\defineaccent h ^E 154
+\defineaccent d ^E 155
+\defineaccent ` I 156
+\defineaccent ' I 157
+\defineaccent ~ I 158
+\defineaccent h I 159
+\defineaccent d I 192
+\defineaccent ` O 193
+\defineaccent ' O 194
+\defineaccent ~ O 195
+\defineaccent h O 196
+\defineaccent d O 197
+\defineaccent ^ O 198
+\defineaccent ` ^O 199
+\defineaccent ' ^O 200
+\defineaccent ~ ^O 201
+\defineaccent h ^O 202
+\defineaccent d ^O 203
+\defineaccent h O 204
+\defineaccent ` hO 205
+\defineaccent ' hO 206
+\defineaccent ~ hO 207
+\defineaccent h hO 208
+\defineaccent d hO 209
+\defineaccent ` U 210
+\defineaccent ' U 211
+\defineaccent ~ U 212
+\defineaccent h U 213
+\defineaccent d U 214
+\defineaccent h U 215
+\defineaccent ` hU 216
+\defineaccent ' hU 217
+\defineaccent ~ hU 218
+\defineaccent h hU 219
+\defineaccent d hU 220
+\defineaccent ` Y 221
+\defineaccent ' Y 222
+\defineaccent ~ Y 223
+\defineaccent h Y 26
+\defineaccent d Y 28
+\defineaccent ` a 160
+\defineaccent ' a 161
+\defineaccent ~ a 162
+\defineaccent h a 163
+\defineaccent d a 164
+\defineaccent ^ a 165
+\defineaccent ` ^a 166
+\defineaccent ' ^a 167
+\defineaccent ~ ^a 168
+\defineaccent h ^a 169
+\defineaccent d ^a 170
+\defineaccent u a 171
+\defineaccent ` ua 172
+\defineaccent ' ua 173
+\defineaccent ~ ua 174
+\defineaccent h ua 175
+\defineaccent d ua 176
+\defineaccent ` e 177
+\defineaccent ' e 178
+\defineaccent ~ e 179
+\defineaccent h e 180
+\defineaccent d e 181
+\defineaccent ^ e 182
+\defineaccent ` ^e 183
+\defineaccent ' ^e 184
+\defineaccent ~ ^e 185
+\defineaccent h ^e 186
+\defineaccent d ^e 187
+\defineaccent ` i 188
+\defineaccent ' i 189
+\defineaccent ~ i 190
+\defineaccent h i 191
+\defineaccent d i 224
+\defineaccent ` o 225
+\defineaccent ' o 226
+\defineaccent ~ o 227
+\defineaccent h o 228
+\defineaccent d o 229
+\defineaccent ^ o 230
+\defineaccent ` ^o 231
+\defineaccent ' ^o 232
+\defineaccent ~ ^o 233
+\defineaccent h ^o 234
+\defineaccent d ^o 235
+\defineaccent h o 236
+\defineaccent ` ho 237
+\defineaccent ' ho 238
+\defineaccent ~ ho 239
+\defineaccent h ho 240
+\defineaccent d ho 241
+\defineaccent ` u 242
+\defineaccent ' u 243
+\defineaccent ~ u 244
+\defineaccent h u 245
+\defineaccent d u 246
+\defineaccent h u 247
+\defineaccent ` hu 248
+\defineaccent ' hu 249
+\defineaccent ~ hu 250
+\defineaccent h hu 251
+\defineaccent d hu 252
+\defineaccent ` y 253
+\defineaccent ' y 254
+\defineaccent ~ y 255
+\defineaccent h y 27
+\defineaccent d y 29
+% \startencoding [x5]
+% \definecharacter aa {\xfiveencodedaa}
+% \definecharacter AA {\xfiveencodedAA}
+% \stopencoding
+% \unprotect
+% \def\xfiveencodedaa%
+% {\accent23a}
+% \def\xfiveencodedAA%
+% {\leavevmode
+% \setbox\zerocount\hbox{h}%
+% \dimen@\ht\zerocount
+% \advance\dimen@ -1ex
+% \rlap{\raise.67\dimen@\hbox{\char23}}A}
+% \protect
+% \quotesinglbase 13
+% \guilsinglleft 14
+% \guilsinglright 15
+% \textquotedblleft 16
+% \textquotedblright 17
+% \quotedblbase 18
+% \guillemotleft 19
+% \guillemotright 20
+% \textendash 21
+% \textemdash 22
+% \textcompwordmark 23
+% \textperthousand \% \char 24
+% \textpertenthousand \%\char 24\char 24
+% \textvisiblespace 32
+% \textquotedbl `\"
+% \textdollar `\$
+% \textquoteright `\'
+% \textless `\<
+% \textgreater `\>
+% \textbackslash `\
+% \textasciicircum `\^
+% \textunderscore 95
+% \textquoteleft `\`
+% \textbraceleft `\{
+% \textbar `\|
+% \textbraceright `\}
+% \textasciitilde `\~
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/filt-bas.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/filt-bas.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fedeb694b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/filt-bas.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=filt-bas,
+%D version=2000.09.19,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Filter Macros,
+%D subtitle=A Base Collection,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\definefiltersynonym [utf8 to unicode16] [inutf8]
+\definefiltersynonym [persian fix] [FarsiToArabic]
+\definefiltersynonym [arabic analysis] [uni2cuni]
+\definefiltersynonym [arabic glyphs] [cuni2oar]
+ [farsi]
+ [utf8 to unicode16,
+ persian fix,
+ arabic analysis,
+ arabic glyphs]
+\definefiltersynonym [basic context analysis step1] [bcaa-1]
+\definefiltersynonym [basic context analysis step2] [bcaa-2]
+\definefiltersynonym [basic context analysis step3] [bcaa-3]
+\definefiltersynonym [farsi processing for uomarab] [uomarab-farsi]
+\definefiltersynonym [basic presentation forms to sf] [bpftosf]
+\definefiltersynonym [omega persian fix] [FarsiToArabic]
+\definefiltersynonym [omega arabic analysis] [uni2cuni]
+\definefiltersynonym [omega arabic glyphs] [cuni2oar]
+ [farsi-1]
+ [utf8 to unicode16,
+ omega persian fix,
+ omega arabic analysis,
+ omega arabic glyphs]
+ [farsi-2]
+ [utf8 to unicode16,
+ basic context analysis step1,
+ basic context analysis step2,
+ basic context analysis step3,
+ farsi processing for uomarab]
+ [farsi-3]
+ [utf8 to unicode16,
+ basic context analysis step1,
+ basic context analysis step2,
+ basic context analysis step3,
+ basic presentation forms to sf]
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/filt-ini.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/filt-ini.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f2f59349a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/filt-ini.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=filt-ini,
+%D version=2000.09.19,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Filter Macros,
+%D subtitle=Initialization,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Filter Macros / Initialization}
+% \ifx\OmegaVersion\undefined
+% \let\definefiltersynonym \gobbledoubleempty
+% \let\definefiltersequence \gobbledoubleempty
+% \unexpanded\def\usefiltersequence {\gobblesingleempty}
+% \let\usefilter \gobblesingleempty
+% \let\truefiltername \gobbleoneargument
+% \expandafter \endinput
+% \fi
+%D The real work starts here.
+% We need the {\??ot::#1} check because otherwise aleph will crash. Taco's
+% torture test:
+% \ocp\ArabicContext = contextual
+% \dorecurse {5000} {
+% \message{[\recurselevel]}
+% \ocplist\Arabic=\addbeforeocplist 1 \ArabicContext \nullocplist
+% }
+%D \macros
+%D {definefiltersynonym}
+ {\dodoubleargument\dodefinefiltersynonym}
+ {\setvalue{\??or#1}{#2}}
+%D \macros
+%D {truefiltername}
+ {\ifundefined{\??or#1}#1\else\truefiltername{\getvalue{\??or#1}}\fi}
+%D \macros
+%D {definefiltersequence}
+ {\dodoubleargument\dodefinefiltersequence}
+% \def\dodefinefiltersequence[#1][#2]%
+% {\setvalue{\??ot#1}{#2}}
+ {\setxvalue{\??ot#1}{#2}%
+ \letgvalue{\??ot::#1}\v!stop}
+%D \macros
+%D {usefiltersequence}
+% one can do:
+% \definefiltersequence
+% [farsi]
+% [utf8 to unicode16=>5,
+% persian fix,
+% arabic analysis=>3,
+% arabic glyphs]
+% so, => is used to signal a priority
+ {\expandafter\ocp\csname\??or:#1\endcsname=\truefiltername{#1}\relax
+ \splitstring#1\at=>\to\!!stringa\and\!!stringb
+ \edef\!!stringb{\number\ifx\!!stringb\empty\magicocpnumber\else\!!stringb\fi}%
+ \appendetoks
+ \noexpand\addbeforeocplist
+ \!!stringb\space
+ \expandafter\noexpand\csname\??or:\!!stringa\endcsname
+ \to \scratchtoks}
+ {\doifdefined{\??ot::#1}%
+ {\doifvalue{\??ot::#1}\v!stop
+ {\scratchtoks\emptytoks
+ \expanded{\processcommalist[\getvalue{\??ot#1}]}\dodousefiltersequence
+ \expanded{\global\ocplist\csname\??ot:#1\endcsname=\the\scratchtoks}\nullocplist
+ \letgvalue{\??ot::#1}\v!start}%
+ \expanded{\pushocplist\csname\??ot:#1\endcsname}\relax}}
+%D \macros
+%D {usefilter}
+ {\doifundefined{\c!file\f!filterprefix#1}%
+ {\letvalue{\c!file\f!filterprefix#1}\empty
+ \makeshortfilename[\truefilename{\f!filterprefix#1}]%
+ \startreadingfile
+ \readsysfile{\shortfilename.mkii}
+ {\showmessage\m!filters1{#1}}
+ {\showmessage\m!filters2{#1}}%
+ \stopreadingfile}}
+ {\processcommalist[#1]\dousefilter}
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/font-arb.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/font-arb.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3ec0395f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/font-arb.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+\unprotected \writestatus\m!systems{load ARABTEX as a module instead}
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/font-bfm.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/font-bfm.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0a25ec742
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/font-bfm.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=font-bfm,
+%D version=2003.11.25,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Font Macros,
+%D subtitle=Mixed Normal and Bold Math,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Font Macros / Mixed Bold Math Support}
+%D The following example demonstrates how to use normal, bold, and mixed
+%D normal|/|bold math. Since not everyone has the Lucida on his|/|her
+%D machine we don't show the result.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \setupformulas
+%D [method=bold]
+%D \definetypeface [mainface] [rm] [serif] [lucida] [default] [encoding=texnansi]
+%D \definetypeface [mainface] [tt] [mono] [lucida] [default] [encoding=texnansi]
+%D \definetypeface [mainface] [ss] [sans] [lucida] [default] [encoding=texnansi]
+%D \definetypeface [mainface] [mm] [math] [lucida] [default] [encoding=texnansi]
+%D \definetypeface [mainface] [mm] [bfmath] [lucida] [default] [encoding=texnansi]
+%D \definetypeface [boldmath] [rm] [serif] [lucida] [default] [encoding=texnansi]
+%D \definetypeface [boldmath] [tt] [mono] [lucida] [default] [encoding=texnansi]
+%D \definetypeface [boldmath] [ss] [sans] [lucida] [default] [encoding=texnansi]
+%D \definetypeface [boldmath] [mm] [boldmath] [lucida] [default] [encoding=texnansi]
+%D \switchtobodyfont[mainface]
+%D \startlines
+%D $\mainface x=10 \Gamma \Delta \alpha \delta \zeta$
+%D $\boldmath x=10 \Gamma \Delta \alpha \delta \zeta$
+%D \stoplines
+%D \startformula
+%D x=12=\fontbody \Gamma \Delta \alpha \delta \zeta
+%D \stopformula
+%D \startformula[mainface]
+%D x=12=\fontbody \Gamma \Delta \alpha \delta \zeta
+%D \stopformula
+%D \startformula[boldmath]
+%D x=12=\fontbody \Gamma \Delta \alpha \delta \zeta
+%D \stopformula
+%D \startformula[boldmath,8pt]
+%D x=8=\fontbody \Gamma \Delta \alpha \delta \zeta
+%D \stopformula
+%D \startformula[boldmath,12pt,small]
+%D x=12s=\fontbody \Gamma \Delta \alpha \delta \zeta
+%D \stopformula
+%D \startformula[boldmath,small]
+%D x=s=\fontbody \Gamma \Delta \alpha \delta \zeta
+%D \stopformula
+%D \startformula[boldmath,10pt]
+%D x=10=\fontbody \Gamma \Delta \alpha \delta \zeta
+%D \stopformula
+%D \startformula[boldmath,11pt,small]
+%D x=11s=\fontbody \Gamma \Delta \alpha \delta \zeta
+%D \stopformula
+%D \startformula[boldmath,9pt]
+%D x=9=\fontbody \Gamma \Delta \alpha \delta \zeta
+%D \stopformula
+%D \startlines
+%D \formula{1=2x}
+%D \formula[boldmath]{1=2x}
+%D \formula[mainface]{1=2x}
+%D \formula[mainface]{1 \theta \Gamma = \bfm 1 \beta \hbox{\sl test}\Gamma \alpha ' x x}
+%D \formula[mainface]{1 \theta \Gamma = {\bfm 1 \beta \hbox{\sl test}\Gamma \alpha ' x} x}
+%D \stoplines
+%D \stoptyping
+%D \TEX\ has some hard wired expectations about where to look for
+%D certain characters. This means that we cannot overload the families
+%D 0 upto~3. Also, since we use C upto~F for math as well, we are left
+%D with the range 4 upto~B.
+\chardef\mrbffam\itfam \edef\c!mrbf{\c!mr\c!bf} \let\hexmrbffam\hexitfam % 4 it
+\chardef\exbffam\slfam \edef\c!exbf{\c!ex\c!bf} \let\hexexbffam\hexslfam % 5 sl
+\chardef\mibffam\bffam \edef\c!mibf{\c!mi\c!bf} \let\hexmibffam\hexbffam % 6 bf
+\chardef\sybffam\nnfam \edef\c!sybf{\c!sy\c!bf} \let\hexsybffam\hexnnfam % 7 nn
+\chardef\mabffam\bsfam \edef\c!mabf{\c!ma\c!bf} \let\hexmabffam\hexbsfam % 8 bs
+\chardef\mbbffam\bifam \edef\c!mbbf{\c!mb\c!bf} \let\hexmbbffam\hexbifam % 9 bi
+\chardef\mcbffam\scfam \edef\c!mcbf{\c!mc\c!bf} \let\hexmcbffam\hexscfam % A sc
+\chardef\mdbffam\scfam \edef\c!mdbf{\c!mc\c!bf} \let\hexmdbffam\hexscfam % B tf % tricky
+%D The next bunch of code looks horrible and tricky but one has to keep in
+%D mind that because \TEX\ makes several passes over the math list we need to
+%D make sure that grouping is handled well. Later assignments to a family
+%D overload previous ones, the last one counts.
+\newtoks \boldmathstrategies
+\newtoks \boldsymbstrategies
+ \dosetmathfamily\mrbffam\textface\scriptface\scriptscriptface\c!mrbf\mrfallback
+ \dosetmathfamily\mibffam\textface\scriptface\scriptscriptface\c!mibf\empty
+ \dosetmathfamily\sybffam\textface\scriptface\scriptscriptface\c!sybf\empty
+ \dosetmathfamily\exbffam\textface\textface \textface \c!exbf\empty
+ \dosetmathfamily\mabffam\textface\scriptface\scriptscriptface\c!mabf\empty
+ \dosetmathfamily\mbbffam\textface\scriptface\scriptscriptface\c!mbbf\empty
+ \dosetmathfamily\mcbffam\textface\scriptface\scriptscriptface\c!mcbf\empty
+\to \boldmathstrategies
+ \dosetskewchar\mifam\defaultskewcharmi
+ \dosetskewchar\syfam\defaultskewcharsy
+\to \boldmathstrategies
+ \dosetsymbfamily\mrbffam\textface\scriptface\scriptscriptface\c!mrbf
+ \dosetsymbfamily\mibffam\textface\scriptface\scriptscriptface\c!mibf
+ \dosetsymbfamily\sybffam\textface\scriptface\scriptscriptface\c!sybf
+ \dosetsymbfamily\exbffam\textface\textface \textface \c!exbf
+ \dosetsymbfamily\mabffam\textface\scriptface\scriptscriptface\c!mabf
+ \dosetsymbfamily\mbbffam\textface\scriptface\scriptscriptface\c!mbbf
+ \dosetsymbfamily\mcbffam\textface\scriptface\scriptscriptface\c!mcbf
+\to \boldsymbstrategies
+%D Here comes the real mess (due to semi||global settings en multiple
+%D passes over the math list once the input is expanded.
+\newevery \everyboldfacemath \relax
+\chardef \boldfacemathmethod \zerocount
+ \ifcase\boldfacemathmethod \else \the\boldmathstrategies \fi
+\to \mathstrategies
+ \ifcase\boldfacemathmethod \else \the\boldsymbstrategies \fi
+\to \symbstrategies
+ \let\mrfam\mrbffam \let\c!mr\c!mrbf \let\hexmrfam\hexmrbffam
+ \let\mifam\mibffam \let\c!mi\c!mibf \let\hexmifam\hexmibffam
+ \let\syfam\sybffam \let\c!sy\c!sybf \let\hexsyfam\hexsybffam
+ \let\exfam\exbffam \let\c!ex\c!exbf \let\hexexfam\hexexbffam
+ \let\mafam\mabffam \let\c!ma\c!mabf \let\hexmafam\hexmabffam
+ \let\mbfam\mbbffam \let\c!mb\c!mbbf \let\hexmbfam\hexmbbffam
+ \let\mcfam\mcbffam \let\c!mc\c!mcbf \let\hexmcfam\hexmcbffam
+\to \everyboldfacemath
+ \let\mathsubfamily\c!bf
+\to \everyboldfacemath
+ \synchronizemath \aftergroup\synchronizemath
+\to \everyboldfacemath
+%D \macros
+%D {boldfacemath, bfm, autoboldfacemath}
+%D These are the user commands, with \type {\bfm} being the most comfortable.
+\def\boldfacemath {\ifcase\boldfacemathmethod\else\the\everyboldfacemath\fi}
+\def\bfm {\boldfacemath} % no \let, so that we can redefine
+%D We hook this feature into the formula mechanism.
+ [\c!method=\v!normal]
+ \doifelse{\formulaparameter\c!method}\v!bold
+ {\chardef\boldfacemathmethod\plusone}
+ {\chardef\boldfacemathmethod\zerocount}%
+\to \everysetupformulas
+%D Of course this only works when bfmath fonts are set up (see example at
+%D the top of this file) and bold math is enabled:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \setupformulas
+%D [method=bold]
+%D \stoptyping
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/font-chi.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/font-chi.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5e5457227
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/font-chi.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,1156 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=font-chi,
+%D version=1999.10.10,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Font Macros,
+%D subtitle=Chinese,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D suggestions=Wang Lei,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\ifx\handlechineseunicodeglyph\undefined \else \endinput \fi
+%D The first implementation (most of which is here) is based on
+%D the specific font layout. This is because not all glyphs are
+%D available in uniciode, which means that we cannot use
+%D unicode codepoints (yet); if it were possible we could use
+%D just one table per input encoding.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Font Macros / Chinese}
+% much will to typo-chi.tex
+%D Still to be implemented:
+%D \startitemize
+%D \item columns left right touch
+%D \item distance = (hsize-n*bodyfontsize)/(n-1)
+%D \item char grids
+%D \item char tables
+%D \item all kind of rotated combinations
+%D \item hanging puctuation
+%D \item a few more encodings
+%D \item rotation list
+%D \stopitemize
+%M \setupbodyfont[chi]
+%M \def\WangLei{\purechinese{\uchar{205}{245}\uchar{192}{218}}}
+%D When \WangLei\ sent me a mail asking if \CONTEXT\ was able
+%D to support Chinese, I wasn't sure if the answer could be
+%D yes. I knew that those languages, rich of glyphs, were
+%D typeset by \TEX, so in principle it should be possible. I
+%D asked or some more input and was told that there were
+%D \LATEX\ styles regarding those languages. When I unzipped
+%D the accompanying files, it became clear that I had to
+%D implement support for Chinese from scratch. There was a
+%D multitude of font, with rather unfamiliar encodings, a
+%D large collection of files with |<|at least for me|>|
+%D unknown purposes, and worse, the documentation was mainly
+%D in Chinese.
+%D So, \WangLei\ and I started exchanging some emails and it
+%D soon became clear that supporting Chinese was not that
+%D complicated at all. It mostly came to dealing with handling
+%D \UNICODE\ fonts. It also became clear that everything
+%D Chinese took place in the upper region of the eight bit
+%D character set. I wrote some macros that could process the
+%D small \type {Hello World} file \WangLei\ had send me, and
+%D after some bug fixes real Chinese came out. I started to
+%D like the look and fel of Chinese glyphs, so on we went.
+%D The first comments concerned spacing. The mix of English
+%D and Chinese demands some rather deliberate handling of
+%D spacing. Breaking lines was not so much a problem, and
+%D could be solved by adding some glue between Chinese glyphs.
+%D In the meantime had asked \WangLei\ for some language bound
+%D labels and texts, and implementing these was rather
+%D straightforward. But, there were still some issues to deal
+%D with: conversion of numbers, date handling and index
+%D sorting.
+%D I consider(ed) writing Chinese support to be a nice puzzle,
+%D since I have to act on chinese \CONTEXT\ code, where I only
+%D understand the \CONTEXT\ part. The drawings \WangLei\ made
+%D me (in drawing packages) were of great help. Since I write
+%D these modules from scratch, although I fall back on some
+%D basic encoding and font modules, I consider them to be
+%D rather clean. This cannot be said of all \CONTEXT\ font
+%D modules \type {-)}.
+%D Because Chinese glyphs have more height than the average
+%D Latin glyph, and at the same time don't have much depth,
+%D we adapt the scale.
+%D Before and after the glyph we have to deal with Chinese
+%D spacing. Special attention is given to punctuation.
+%D \starttyping
+%D [some short nice chinese text with () and english]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D We insert a bit of stretch and introduce a signal to
+%D keep track of previous characters. We use a similar
+%D method in the units module, which may be a nice
+%D introduction to using signals.
+%D \macros
+%D {chineseunicodescale, chineseinterglyphskip,
+%D chineseunicodeheight, chineseunicodedepth, chinesespace}
+%D There are a few variables, that can be (re|)|set
+%D depending on the current font. They default to:
+% hm, why don't we use the normal unicodestrut mechanism?
+\def\chineseunicodescale {1.00} % not smaller than .85
+\def\chineseunicodeheight {1.00}
+\def\chineseunicodedepth {1.00}
+\def\chineseinterglyphskip{0pt \!!plus .05em \!!minus .01em}
+\def\chinesesurroundskip {.25em \!!plus .15em \!!minus .05em}
+%D We define a few signals. As said, another example of
+%D using signals can be found in the module \type {m-units}.
+\newsignal\chineseLsignal % left boundary character
+\newsignal\chineseRsignal % right boundary character
+\newsignal\chineseSsignal % any other character (symbol)
+\chardef\chineseBstatus=0 % 0=unknown 1=left 2=right 3=chinese 4=nospace
+\chardef\chineseAstatus=0 % 0=unknown 1=left 2=right 3=space
+\chardef\chineseSstatus=0 % 0=unknown 1=left 2=right
+\sfcode`(=2000 % a temporary hack
+ {\relax
+ \iftracechinese
+ \nobreak
+ \kern-.5pt\color[red]{\vrule\!!width1pt}\kern-.5pt
+ \nobreak
+ \else
+ \nobreak
+ \fi}
+ {\unskip\unskip\unskip\unskip}
+ {\iftracechinese\tracedchineseglyph\else\insertunicodeglyph\fi}
+ {\ifinpagebody
+ \horizontalchineseunicodeglyph
+ \else\ifverticalchinese
+ \verticalchineseunicodeglyph
+ \else
+ \horizontalchineseunicodeglyph
+ \fi\fi}
+% chinese classes: left=1|right=2|center=3
+\def\analyzechineseunicodeglyph % beware, no zerocount !
+ {\chardef\chineseSstatus0\getvalue{uc\number\unicodeposition}\relax}
+ {% left
+ \ifx (\nextutoken \chardef\chineseAstatus\plusone \else
+ \ifx [\nextutoken \chardef\chineseAstatus\plusone \else
+ % right
+ \ifx ,\nextutoken \chardef\chineseAstatus\plustwo \else
+ \ifx .\nextutoken \chardef\chineseAstatus\plustwo \else
+ \ifx ?\nextutoken \chardef\chineseAstatus\plustwo \else
+ \ifx ;\nextutoken \chardef\chineseAstatus\plustwo \else
+ \ifx :\nextutoken \chardef\chineseAstatus\plustwo \else
+ \ifx !\nextutoken \chardef\chineseAstatus\plustwo \else
+ \ifx )\nextutoken \chardef\chineseAstatus\plustwo \else
+ \ifx ]\nextutoken \chardef\chineseAstatus\plustwo \else
+ % space
+ \ifx\nextutoken\blankspace \chardef\chineseAstatus\plusthree \else
+ \ifx\nextutoken\space \chardef\chineseAstatus\plusthree \else
+ \chardef\chineseAstatus\zerocount
+ % unknown
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi \fi\fi
+ % maybe save the last skip?
+ \chardef\chineseBstatus\ifdim\lastskip=\zeropoint\plusfour\else\zerocount\fi
+ \ifdim\lastskip=\chineseLsignal \chardef\chineseBstatus\plusone \else
+ \ifdim\lastskip=\chineseRsignal \chardef\chineseBstatus\plustwo \else
+ \ifdim\lastskip=\chineseSsignal \chardef\chineseBstatus\plusthree \else
+ \scratchskip=\lastskip \unskip
+ \ifdim\lastskip=\chineseLsignal \chardef\chineseBstatus\plusone \else
+ \ifdim\lastskip=\chineseRsignal \chardef\chineseBstatus\plustwo \else
+ \ifdim\lastskip=\chineseSsignal \chardef\chineseBstatus\plusthree \else
+ \space\scratchskip=\lastskip \unskip
+ \setbox\scratchbox=\hbox\bgroup
+ (\space
+ \ifdim\lastskip=\scratchskip
+ \egroup \chardef\chineseBstatus\plusone
+ \else
+ \egroup
+ \ifdim\scratchskip=\zeropoint \chardef\chineseBstatus\plusfour \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi\fi\fi
+ \fi\fi\fi}
+ {\relax
+ \ifhmode\else\dontleavehmode\fi % added
+ \setunicodescale\chineseunicodescale % redundant
+ \setunicodestrut\chineseunicodeheight\chineseunicodedepth % redundant
+ \ifprocessingverbatim
+ \iftracechinese
+ \ruledhbox{\insertunicodeglyph}%
+ \else
+ \insertunicodeglyph
+ \fi
+ \else\ifx\nextutoken\relax
+ \insertunicodeglyph
+ \else
+ \analyzechineseunicodeglyph
+ \analyzechineseunicodeenviroment
+ \ifcase\chineseSstatus\relax
+ \ifcase\chineseBstatus\relax
+ \chineseunskip
+ \hskip\chinesesurroundskip % unknown
+ \or
+ \chineseunskip
+ \chinesenobreak % left
+ \or
+ \ifcorrectchineseboundarychars\else\chineseunskip\fi
+ \hskip\chineseinterglyphskip % right
+ \or
+ \chineseunskip
+ \hskip\chineseinterglyphskip % chinese
+ \or
+ % whatever
+ \fi
+ \insertchineseglyph
+ \ifcase\chineseAstatus\relax
+ \hskip\chineseinterglyphskip % unknown
+ \hskip\chinesesurroundskip
+ \ifcase\chineseSstatus
+ \hskip\chineseSsignal
+ \or
+ \hskip\chineseLsignal
+ \else
+ \hskip\chineseRsignal
+ \fi
+ \or
+ \hskip\chineseinterglyphskip % left
+ \chinesenobreak
+ \hskip\chineseLsignal
+ \or
+ \chinesenobreak % right
+ \hskip\chineseinterglyphskip
+ \chinesenobreak
+ \hskip\chineseRsignal
+ \or
+ \hskip\chineseinterglyphskip % space
+ \hskip\chinesesurroundskip
+ \hskip\chineseSsignal
+ \fi
+ \or % left
+ \ifcorrectchineseboundarychars
+ \let\unicodecharcommand\chineseleftcharcommand
+ \fi
+ \chineseunskip
+ \insertchineseglyph
+ \chinesenobreak
+ \hskip\chineseLsignal
+ \or % right
+ \ifcorrectchineseboundarychars
+ \let\unicodecharcommand\chineserightcharcommand
+ \fi
+ \chineseunskip
+ \chinesenobreak
+ \insertchineseglyph
+ \hskip\chineseRsignal
+ \else % center
+ \chineseunskip
+ \chinesenobreak
+ \insertchineseglyph
+ \hskip\chineseinterglyphskip
+ \hskip\chineseRsignal
+ \fi\fi
+ \aftergroup\ignorespaces % watch this
+ \fi}
+ {\relax
+ \ifprocessingverbatim % to do
+ \horizontalchineseunicodeglyph
+ \else
+ \setunicodescale\chineseunicodescale % redundant
+ \setunicodestrut\chineseunicodeheight\chineseunicodedepth % redundant
+ \ifx\nextutoken\relax
+ \insertchineseglyph
+ \ifvmode % catches \hbox{...}, actually \hbox should be \vbox -)
+ \nointerlineskip
+ \fi
+ \allowbreak
+ \else
+ \analyzechineseunicodeglyph
+ \setbox\scratchbox\hbox to \hsize
+ {\hss
+ \ifcase\chineseSstatus\relax
+ \insertchineseglyph
+ \else % left / right
+ \setbox\scratchbox\hbox{\insertchineseglyph}%
+ \rotate[\c!rotation=270]{\box\scratchbox}%
+ \fi
+ \hss}%
+ \ht\scratchbox\unicodeheight\strutht
+ \dp\scratchbox\unicodedepth \strutdp
+ \ifvmode % catches \hbox{...}, actually \hbox should be \vbox -)
+ \nointerlineskip
+ \fi
+ \ifcase\prevchineseSstatus\relax
+ \ifnum\chineseSstatus=\plustwo \par\nobreak\else\allowbreak\fi
+ \or % left
+ \par\nobreak
+ \or % right
+ \ifnum\chineseSstatus=\plustwo \par\nobreak\else\allowbreak\fi
+ \fi
+ \global\chardef\prevchineseSstatus\chineseSstatus % pagebody ...
+ \box\scratchbox\par
+ \fi
+ \aftergroup\ignorespaces % watch this
+ \fi}
+%D \macros
+%D {setupchinese,startvertical,nochinese}
+%D The previous macros implement horizontal as well as
+%D vertical typesetting. Vertical typesetting is implemented
+%D on top of the multi||column routines.
+ {\dodoubleargument\getparameters[\??vt]}
+ {\dosingleempty\dostartvertical}
+ {\bgroup
+ \def\maxnofcolumns{25}%
+ \verticalchinesetrue
+ \global\chardef\prevchineseSstatus\zerocount
+ \let\nochinese\nochineseinvertical
+ \doif\@@vtn\v!fit
+ {\dimen0=\textwidth \advance\dimen0 \@@vtdistance
+ \dimen2=\bodyfontsize \advance\dimen2 \@@vtdistance
+ \divide\dimen0 \number\dimen2
+ \edef\@@vtn{\number\dimen0}}%
+ \startcolumns
+ [\c!direction=\@@vtdirection,
+ \c!balance=\@@vtbalance,
+ \c!distance=\@@vtdistance,
+ \c!n=\@@vtn,
+ #1]}
+ {\stopcolumns
+ \egroup}
+ [\c!direction=\v!left,
+ \c!balance=\v!no,
+ \c!n=\v!fit,
+ \c!distance=1.5\bodyfontsize]
+%D We can set up vertical typesetting with \type
+%D {\setupchinese}.
+%D \macros
+%D {nochineseinvertical}
+%D English (non chinese) text is typeset rotated:
+ {\par
+ \setbox\scratchbox\hbox{\strut#1}
+ \getnoflines{\wd\scratchbox}
+ \setbox\scratchbox\hbox to \noflines\openlineheight
+ {\hss\box\scratchbox\hss}
+ \hbox to \hsize
+ {\hss
+ \rotate
+ [\c!rotation=270]
+ {\vbox to \ht\scratchbox{\vss\box\scratchbox\vss}}%
+ \hss}
+ \par}
+%D \macros
+%D {correctchineseboundarychars}
+%D Careful reading of the previous macro learns that we
+%D treat left and right glyphs differently. When we say
+%D \starttyping
+%D \correctchineseboundarycharstrue
+%D \stoptyping
+%D For the moment correction in on by default.
+ {\iftracechinese\ruledhbox\else\hbox\fi \!!to .5em{#1\hss}%
+ \hskip.25em\!!plus .25em\relax}%
+ {\ifnum\chineseBstatus<4 \hskip.25em \!!plus .25em\relax\fi
+ \iftracechinese\ruledhbox\else\hbox\fi \!!to .5em{\hss#1}}%
+% \def\chineserightcharcommand#1%
+% {\setbox\scratchbox=\hbox{#1}%
+% \scratchdimen=.5em
+% \ifdim\wd\scratchbox>\scratchdimen
+% \iftracechinese\ruledhbox\else\hbox\fi \!!to \scratchdimen
+% {\box\scratchbox\hss}%
+% \hskip.5\scratchdimen\!!plus.5\scratchdimen\relax
+% \else
+% \box\scratchbox
+% \fi}
+% \def\chineseleftcharcommand#1%
+% {\setbox\scratchbox=\hbox{#1}%
+% \scratchdimen=.5em
+% \ifdim\wd\scratchbox>\scratchdimen
+% \ifnum\chineseBstatus<4
+% \hskip.5\scratchdimen\!!plus.5\scratchdimen\relax
+% \fi
+% \iftracechinese\ruledhbox\else\hbox\fi \!!to \scratchdimen
+% {\hss\box\scratchbox}%
+% \else
+% \box\scratchbox
+% \fi}
+%D The long list of numbers in the previous macro identify the
+%D characters where special care is needed for breaking lines.
+%D A linebreak is not permitted before:
+%D \def\DoIt #1 #2 %
+%D {\hbox{\hbox to 2em{\uchar{#1}{#2}\hss}#1 #2}\par}
+%D \startcolumns[n=5]
+%D \DoIt 161 162 \DoIt 161 163 \DoIt 161 164 \DoIt 161 167 \DoIt 161 173
+%D \DoIt 161 175 \DoIt 161 177 \DoIt 161 179 \DoIt 161 181 \DoIt 161 183
+%D \DoIt 161 185 \DoIt 161 187 \DoIt 161 189 \DoIt 161 191 \DoIt 161 227
+%D \DoIt 161 228 \DoIt 161 229 \DoIt 163 161 \DoIt 163 162 \DoIt 163 167
+%D \DoIt 163 169 \DoIt 163 172 \DoIt 163 174 \DoIt 163 186 \DoIt 163 187
+%D \DoIt 163 190 \DoIt 163 191 \DoIt 163 221 \DoIt 163 253
+%D \stopcolumns
+%D A linebreak is not permitted after the following glyphs:
+%D \startcolumns[n=5]
+%D \DoIt 161 174 \DoIt 161 176 \DoIt 161 178 \DoIt 161 180 \DoIt 161 182
+%D \DoIt 161 184 \DoIt 161 186 \DoIt 161 188 \DoIt 161 190 \DoIt 163 168
+%D \DoIt 163 219 \DoIt 163 224 \DoIt 163 251
+%D \stopcolumns
+%D \macros
+%D {tracechinesetrue, showchinesetracelegend}
+%D When we say \type {\tracechinesetrue}, we get some
+%D insight in the way \CONTEXT\ handles the Chinese glyphs.
+%D The symbols and color used represent:
+%D \showchinesetracelegend
+ {\definetabulate[\s!dummy][|c|l|l|l|]%
+ \startdummy
+ \HL
+ \NC \bf key \NC \bf meaning \NC \bf glyph \NC \bf keys \NC\NR
+ \HL
+ \NC u \NC unknown character type \NC \color[green]{current} \NC u l r \NC\NR
+ \NC l \NC left boundary character \NC \color[red]{previous} \NC u l r c n \NC\NR
+ \NC r \NC right boundary character \NC \color[blue]{next} \NC u l r s \NC\NR
+ \NC c \NC chinese character \NC \NC \NC\NR
+ \NC s \NC following space \NC \NC \NC\NR
+ \NC n \NC no preceding space \NC \NC \NC\NR
+ \HL
+ \stopdummy}
+ {\dontleavehmode
+ \ruledhbox
+ {\setbox\scratchbox\hbox{\insertunicodeglyph}%
+ \hbox to \wd\scratchbox
+ {\localcolortrue
+ \copy\scratchbox
+ \infofont
+ \hskip-\wd\scratchbox
+ \hbox to \wd\scratchbox
+ {\hss
+ \color[green]{\ifcase\chineseSstatus\relax u\or l\or r\fi}%
+ \hss}%
+ \hskip-\wd\scratchbox
+ \lower\dp\scratchbox\hbox to \wd\scratchbox
+ {\hss
+ \color[red]{\ifcase\chineseBstatus\relax u\or l\or r\or c\or n\fi}%
+ \hss
+ \color[blue]{\ifcase\chineseAstatus\relax u\or l\or r\or s\fi}%
+ \hss}}}}
+%D The following example shows how tracing works.
+%D \start \tracechinesetrue
+%D һθǽܶĵ֧֡ĵ
+%D ѯ \nochinese{\CONTEXT} ǷܴʱѾԹ
+%D еĺ꼯ûеõζŶĵֻ֧û
+%D ʵ֡
+%D һ(θ) () ܶĵ֧֡ĵ,
+%D ѯ\nochinese{\CONTEXT}ǷܴʱѾ
+%D Թеĺ꼯ûеõζŶĵ֧
+%D ûʵ֡.
+%D \stop
+%D Because fonts are defined each time a \UNICODE\ is
+%D encountered |<|which is less inefficient than one would
+%D imagine, because \TEX\ is optimized quite well in this
+%D repect|>| we can define macros like this to take care of
+%D font switches. When available, one can add definitions
+%D for italic, slanted, bold fonts and combinations of these.
+%D \macros
+%D {chinesenumber}
+%D The chinese numbering systems rather straightforward. First
+%D there are the digits:
+%D \starttabulate[|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|]
+%D \NC 0 \NC 1 \NC 2 \NC 3 \NC 4 \NC 5 \NC 6 \NC 7 \NC 8 \NC 9 \NC\NR
+%D \NC \chinesenumber{0} \NC \chinesenumber{1} \NC \chinesenumber{2}
+%D \NC \chinesenumber{3} \NC \chinesenumber{4} \NC \chinesenumber{5}
+%D \NC \chinesenumber{6} \NC \chinesenumber{7} \NC \chinesenumber{8}
+%D \NC \chinesenumber{9} \NC\NR
+%D \stoptabulate
+%D Apart from these numbers, we have dedicated representations
+%D of some powers of~$10$.
+%D \starttabulate[|c|c|c|c|c|]
+%D \NC 10 \NC 100 \NC 1000 \NC 10000 \NC 100000000 \NC\NR
+%D \NC \chinesenumber{10} \NC \chinesenumber{100}
+%D \NC \chinesenumber{1000} \NC \chinesenumber{10000}
+%D \NC \chinesenumber{100000000} \NC\NR
+%D \stoptabulate
+%D The number~12 is a combination of $1\times10+2$, or:
+%D \chinesenumber {12}, while~22 becomes \chinesenumber {22}.
+%D The numbers below 20 are treated a bit different, just like
+%D numbers with series of $0$'s. So $2\times10$ comes out as
+%D two glyphs, but $1\times10$ as one, because in the latter
+%D case the~$1$ is redundant. The same is true for the powers
+%D of~10.
+%D \starttabulate[|r|r|r|r|r|r|]
+%D \NC 1 \NC \chinesenumber {1} \NC
+%D 9 \NC \chinesenumber {9} \NC
+%D 4 \NC \chinesenumber {4} \NC\NR
+%D \NC 11 \NC \chinesenumber {11} \NC
+%D 99 \NC \chinesenumber {99} \NC
+%D 16 \NC \chinesenumber {16} \NC\NR
+%D \NC 111 \NC \chinesenumber {111} \NC
+%D 999 \NC \chinesenumber {999} \NC
+%D 256 \NC \chinesenumber {256} \NC\NR
+%D \NC 1111 \NC \chinesenumber {1111} \NC
+%D 9999 \NC \chinesenumber {9999} \NC
+%D 65536 \NC \chinesenumber {65536} \NC\NR
+%D \stoptabulate
+%D The implementation is rather simple. For internal purposes,
+%D we let zero expand to~0. The digits $0-9$ and numbers $10$,
+%D $100$, $1000$, $10000$ and $100000000$ are hard coded.
+% This was the first implementation, before \WangLei\ asked
+% me to look into Big Five encoding, so, like everthing in
+% \TEX, things become a bit more complicated, but also more
+% versatile.
+% \starttypen
+% \def\chinesedigit#1%
+% {\ifnum #1=100000000 \uchar{210}{218}% 100000000
+% \else\ifnum #1=10000 \uchar{205}{242}% 10000
+% \else\ifnum #1=1000 \uchar{199}{167}% 1000
+% \else\ifnum #1=100 \uchar{176}{217}% 100
+% \else\ifnum #1=10 \uchar{202}{174}% 10
+% \else\ifcase#1 \uchar{193}{227}% 0
+% \or \uchar{210}{187}% 1
+% \or \uchar{182}{254}% 2
+% \or \uchar{200}{253}% 3
+% \or \uchar{203}{196}% 4
+% \or \uchar{206}{229}% 5
+% \or \uchar{193}{249}% 6
+% \or \uchar{198}{223}% 7
+% \or \uchar{176}{203}% 8
+% \or \uchar{190}{197}% 9
+% \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi}
+% \stoptypen
+%D We will implement four methods, the one described earlier,
+%D a derived one with capitalized characters, an extended
+%D version of the first method, and a rather Arabic method.
+%D \starttabulate[|l|l|]
+%D \HL
+%D \NC \bf command \NC \bf number 39 \NC\NR
+%D \HL
+%D \NC \type{\normalchinesenumber} \NC \normalchinesenumber {39} \NC\NR
+%D \NC \type{\capitalizedchinesenumber} \NC \capitalizedchinesenumber{39} \NC\NR
+%D \NC \type{\arabicchinesenumber} \NC \arabicchinesenumber {39} \NC\NR
+%D \NC \type{\extendedchinesenumber} \NC \extendedchinesenumber {39} \NC\NR
+%D \HL
+%D \stoptabulate
+%D We use a dirty trick to enable Chinese Capital Digits. In
+%D the encoding vectors, we define these by appending a suffix
+%D \type {*} to the digit, which in the following macro is
+%D appended or not (by passing \type {\empty}).
+\def\chinesedigit#1#2% #2: suffix, here * or \empty
+ {\udigit{\chineseencoding}{\number#1#2}}
+% Normal Chinese Number
+ {\expandafter\dochinesenumber\number#1\relax\empty}
+ {\ifnum#1#2<10 % 1-10
+ \chinesedigit{#1}#3%
+ \else\ifnum#1#2<20 % 11-99
+ \chinesedigit{10}#3%
+ \dodochinesenumberA#2\relax#3%
+ \else
+ \dodochinesenumber#1#2\relax#3%
+ \fi\fi}
+ {\ifnum#1=0
+ \chinesedigit{0}#3%
+ \dododochinesenumber0#2\relax#3%
+ \else\ifnum#1#2<10 % 1-10
+ \chinesedigit{#1#2}#3%
+ \dodochinesenumberA#2\relax#3%
+ \else\ifnum#1#2<100 % 11-99
+ \dodochinesenumber#1\relax#3%
+ \chinesedigit{10}#3%
+ \dodochinesenumberA#2\relax#3%
+ \else\ifnum#1#2<1000 % 100-999
+ \dodochinesenumber#1\relax#3%
+ \chinesedigit{100}#3%
+ \dodochinesenumberA#2\relax#3%
+ \else\ifnum#1#2<10000 % 1000-9999
+ \dodochinesenumber#1\relax#3%
+ \chinesedigit{1000}#3%
+ \dodochinesenumberA#2\relax#3%
+ \else\ifnum#1#2<100000 % 10000-99999
+ \dodochinesenumber#1\relax#3%
+ \chinesedigit{10000}#3%
+ \dodochinesenumberA#2\relax#3%
+ \else\ifnum#1#2<1000000 % 100000-999999
+ \dodochinesenumberB#1#2\relax#3%
+ \else\ifnum#1#2<10000000 % 1000000-9999999
+ \dodochinesenumberC#1#2\relax#3%
+ \else\ifnum#1#2<100000000 % 10000000-99999999
+ \dodochinesenumberD#1#2\relax#3%
+ \else\ifnum#1#2<1000000000 % 10000000-99999999
+ \dochinesenumber#1\relax#3%
+ \chinesedigit{100000000}#3%
+ \dododochinesenumber#2\relax#3%
+ \else
+ \dodochinesenumberE#1#2\relax#3%
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi}
+ {\ifnum#1=0
+ \ifnum0#2>0 \dododochinesenumber#2\relax#3\fi
+ \else
+ \dodochinesenumber#1#2\relax#3%
+ \fi}
+ {\ifcase0#1 \else\dodochinesenumber#1\relax#2\fi}
+ {\dochinesenumber#1#2\relax#4%
+ \chinesedigit{10000}#4%
+ \dododochinesenumber#3\relax#4}
+ {\dochinesenumber#1#2#3\relax#5%
+ \chinesedigit{10000}#5%
+ \dododochinesenumber#4\relax#5}
+ {\dochinesenumber#1#2#3#4\relax#6%
+ \chinesedigit{10000}#6%
+ \dododochinesenumber#5\relax#6}
+ {\dochinesenumber#1#2\relax#4%
+ \chinesedigit{100000000}#4%
+ \dododochinesenumber#3\relax#4}
+% Capitalized Chinese Number
+ {\expandafter\dochinesenumber\number#1\relax*}
+% Extended Chinese Number
+ {\expandafter\doextendedchinesenumber\number#1\relax}
+ {\ifnum #1#2<20 % 0-19
+ \dochinesenumber#1#2\relax\empty
+ \else\ifnum#1#2<30 % 20-29
+ \chinesedigit{20}\empty
+ \ifcase#2\else\chinesedigit{2#2}\fi
+ \else\ifnum#1#2<40 % 30-39
+ \chinesedigit{30}\empty
+ \ifcase#2\else\chinesedigit{3#2}\fi
+ \else
+ \dochinesenumber#1#2\relax\empty
+ \fi\fi\fi}
+% Arabic Chinese Number
+ {\expandafter\doarabicchinesenumber\number#1@\relax}
+ {\if#1@\else
+ \chinesedigit{#1}\empty
+ \doarabicchinesenumber#2\relax
+ \fi}
+% The short call:
+% \dorecurse{40}
+% {\hbox
+% {\processingverbatimtrue
+% \hbox to 1cm{\hss\recurselevel}\quad
+% \hbox to 3cm{\hss\strut\normalchinesenumber {\recurselevel}}\quad
+% \hbox to 3cm{\hss\strut\capitalizedchinesenumber{\recurselevel}}\quad
+% \hbox to 3cm{\hss\strut\arabicchinesenumber {\recurselevel}}\quad
+% \hbox to 3cm{\hss\strut\extendedchinesenumber {\recurselevel}}\crlf}}
+%D The next table demonstates the correctness of the
+%D conversion macro.
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \starttable[|l|l|l|l|l|l|]
+%D \HL
+%D \NC number \NC converter \NC hard coded \NC
+%D number \NC converter \NC hard coded\NC \SR
+%D \HL
+%D \NC 1 \NC \chinesenumber{1} \NC һ \NC
+%D 0 \NC \chinesenumber{0} \NC \NC\FR
+%D \NC 11 \NC \chinesenumber{11} \NC ʮһ \NC
+%D 10 \NC \chinesenumber{10} \NC ʮ \NC\MR
+%D \NC 111 \NC \chinesenumber{111} \NC һһʮһ \NC
+%D 100 \NC \chinesenumber{100} \NC һ \NC\MR
+%D \NC 101 \NC \chinesenumber{101} \NC һһ \NC
+%D 120 \NC \chinesenumber{120} \NC һٶʮ \NC\MR
+%D \NC 1111 \NC \chinesenumber{1111} \NC һǧһһʮһ \NC
+%D 1000 \NC \chinesenumber{1000} \NC һǧ \NC\MR
+%D \NC 1001 \NC \chinesenumber{1001} \NC һǧһ \NC
+%D 1020 \NC \chinesenumber{1020} \NC һǧʮ \NC\MR
+%D \NC 11111 \NC \chinesenumber{11111} \NC һһǧһһʮһ \NC
+%D 10000 \NC \chinesenumber{10000} \NC һ \NC\MR
+%D \NC 10001 \NC \chinesenumber{10001} \NC һһ \NC
+%D 10200 \NC \chinesenumber{10200} \NC һ \NC\LR
+%D \HL
+%D \NC 111111 \NC \chinesenumber{111111} \NC ʮһһǧһһʮһ \NC
+%D 100000 \NC \chinesenumber{100000} \NC ʮ \NC\FR
+%D \NC 1111111 \NC \chinesenumber{1111111} \NC һһʮһһǧһһʮһ \NC
+%D 1000000 \NC \chinesenumber{1000000} \NC һ \NC\MR
+%D \NC 11111111 \NC \chinesenumber{11111111} \NC һǧһһʮһһǧһһʮһ \NC
+%D 10000000 \NC \chinesenumber{10000000} \NC һǧ \NC\MR
+%D \NC 111111111 \NC \chinesenumber{111111111} \NC һһǧһһʮһһǧһһʮһ \NC
+%D 100000000 \NC \chinesenumber{100000000} \NC һ \NC\MR
+%D \NC 1111111111 \NC \chinesenumber{1111111111} \NC ʮһһǧһһʮһһǧһһʮһ \NC
+%D 1000000000 \NC \chinesenumber{1000000000} \NC ʮ \NC\LR
+%D \HL
+%D \stoptable
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \placetable{Some Chinese number examples.}{\getbuffer}
+%D Although the conversion can be hooked into most commands
+%D that deal with numbers |<|those familiar with \TEX\ macro
+%D programming will notice that the macro if fully
+%D expandable|>| in many cases Chinese documents use western
+%D digits. So, in practice, the change that the next example
+%D shows up, is minimal.
+%D \starttabulate[|r|r|c|]
+%D \NC 2546 \NC \chinesenumber {2546} \NC \NC\NR
+%D \NC 9258 \NC \chinesenumber {9258} \NC $+$ \NC\NR
+%D \HL
+%D \NC 11804 \NC \chinesenumber {11804} \NC \NC\NR
+%D \stoptabulate
+%D While in arabic arithmics addition leads to more digits, in
+%D Chinese the number of glyphs can (temporary) decrease.
+%D Given that the number of people dealing with Chinese is
+%D considerably larger than the number of latin speaking
+%D people, a successor of \TEX\ definitely must provide a
+%D \type {\chinesenumeral} primitive.
+\defineconversion [c] [\normalchinesenumber]
+\defineconversion [chinese] [\normalchinesenumber]
+\defineconversion [nc] [\normalchinesenumber]
+\defineconversion [normalchinese] [\normalchinesenumber]
+\defineconversion [cc] [\capitalizedchinesenumber]
+\defineconversion [capitalizedchinese] [\capitalizedchinesenumber]
+\defineconversion [ec] [\extendedchinesenumber]
+\defineconversion [extendedchinese] [\extendedchinesenumber]
+\defineconversion [ac] [\arabicchinesenumber]
+\defineconversion [arabicchinese] [\arabicchinesenumber]
+%D Date conversion:
+\defineconversion [cn] [\v!day] [\chinesenumber]
+\defineconversion [cn] [\v!month] [\chinesenumber]
+\defineconversion [cn] [\v!year] [\chinesenumber]
+%D \macros
+%D {SimChi, TraChi}
+%D These components enable us to construct dedicated Chinese
+%D font switches, like:
+ [chinese]
+ [ \c!scale=\chineseunicodescale,
+ \c!height=\chineseunicodeheight,
+ \c!depth=\chineseunicodedepth,
+ \c!strut=\v!yes,
+ \c!interlinespace=\v!yes,
+ \c!conversion=\chinesenumber,
+ \c!commands=\setchineseencoding, % needed for digits
+ \c!command=\handlechineseunicodeglyph]
+%D For the moment, this encoding is implemented rather ugly. The
+%D trick is to move the encoding value from the current font
+%D definition to the \type {\chineseencoding} macro.
+\def\setchineseencoding % normally SomeChineseRegular
+ {\getfontfileparameters\unicodestyle
+ \ifx\currentfontfileencoding\undefined \else
+ \let\chineseencoding\currentfontfileencoding
+ \fi}
+%D We could have said:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \defineunicodefont
+%D [SimChi]
+%D [SimplifiedChinese]
+%D [\c!scale=\chineseunicodescale,
+%D \c!height=\chineseunicodeheight,
+%D \c!depth=\chineseunicodedepth,
+%D \c!conversion=\chinesenumber,
+%D \c!commands=\setchineseencoding, % needed for digits
+%D \c!command=\handlechineseunicodeglyph]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D However, the former definitions is more general. Next we
+%D map a few fonts:
+\definefontsynonym [SimplifiedChineseRegular] [gbsong] [encoding=gbk]
+\definefontsynonym [SimplifiedChineseSlanted] [gbsongsl] [encoding=gbk]
+\definefontsynonym [SimplifiedChineseItalic] [gbsongsl] [encoding=gbk]
+\definefontsynonym [SimplifiedChineseBold] [gbhei] [encoding=gbk]
+\definefontsynonym [SimplifiedChineseBoldSlanted] [gbheisl] [encoding=gbk]
+\definefontsynonym [SimplifiedChineseBoldItalic] [gbheisl] [encoding=gbk]
+\definefontsynonym [TraditionalChineseRegular] [b5song] [encoding=big5]
+\definefontsynonym [TraditionalChineseSlanted] [b5songsl] [encoding=big5]
+\definefontsynonym [TraditionalChineseItalic] [b5songsl] [encoding=big5]
+\definefontsynonym [TraditionalChineseBold] [b5hei] [encoding=big5]
+\definefontsynonym [TraditionalChineseBoldSlanted] [b5heisl] [encoding=big5]
+\definefontsynonym [TraditionalChineseBoldItalic] [b5heisl] [encoding=big5]
+% we need to move this to typescripts
+\doifelse \currentregime {utf} {
+ \definefontsynonym [SimplifiedChineseRegular] [ChineseRegular]
+ \definefontsynonym [SimplifiedChineseSlanted] [ChineseSlanted]
+ \definefontsynonym [SimplifiedChineseItalic] [ChineseItalic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SimplifiedChineseBold] [ChineseBold]
+ \definefontsynonym [SimplifiedChineseBoldSlanted] [ChineseBoldSlanted]
+ \definefontsynonym [SimplifiedChineseBoldItalic] [ChineseBoldItalic]
+ \definefontsynonym [TraditionalChineseRegular] [ChineseRegular]
+ \definefontsynonym [TraditionalChineseSlanted] [ChineseSlanted]
+ \definefontsynonym [TraditionalChineseItalic] [ChineseItalic]
+ \definefontsynonym [TraditionalChineseBold] [ChineseBold]
+ \definefontsynonym [TraditionalChineseBoldSlanted][ChineseBoldSlanted]
+ \definefontsynonym [TraditionalChineseBoldItalic] [ChineseBoldItalic]
+ \definefontsynonym [ChineseRegular] [uni-htsong-][encoding=cjk-uni]
+ \definefontsynonym [ChineseSlanted] [uni-htsong-][encoding=cjk-uni]
+ \definefontsynonym [ChineseItalic] [uni-htsong-][encoding=cjk-uni]
+ \definefontsynonym [ChineseBold] [uni-hthei-] [encoding=cjk-uni]
+ \definefontsynonym [ChineseBoldSlanted][uni-hthei-] [encoding=cjk-uni]
+ \definefontsynonym [ChineseBoldItalic] [uni-hthei-] [encoding=cjk-uni]
+ \loadmapfile[]
+ \loadmapfile[]
+ \loadmapfile[]
+ \loadmapfile[]
+} {
+ \loadmapfile[gbk]
+\defineunicodefont [SimChi] [SimplifiedChinese] [chinese]
+\defineunicodefont [TraChi] [TraditionalChinese] [chinese]
+%D We default to these so called Simplified Chinese fonts.
+%D In addition to these fonts, we (pre|)|define some commonly
+%D used fonts:
+\definefontsynonym [SimplifiedChineseSongTiRegular] [gbsong] [encoding=gbk]
+\definefontsynonym [SimplifiedChineseSongTiSlanted] [gbsongsl] [encoding=gbk]
+\definefontsynonym [SimplifiedChineseSongTiBold] [gbsong] [encoding=gbk]
+\definefontsynonym [SimplifiedChineseSongTiBoldSlanted] [gbsongsl] [encoding=gbk]
+\definefontsynonym [TraditionalChineseSongTiRegular] [b5song] [encoding=big5]
+\definefontsynonym [TraditionalChineseSongTiSlanted] [b5songsl] [encoding=big5]
+\definefontsynonym [TraditionalChineseSongTiBold] [b5song] [encoding=big5]
+\definefontsynonym [TraditionalChineseSongTiBoldSlanted] [b5songsl] [encoding=big5]
+\definefontsynonym [SimplifiedChineseHeiTiRegular] [gbhei] [encoding=gbk]
+\definefontsynonym [SimplifiedChineseHeiTiSlanted] [gbheisl] [encoding=gbk]
+\definefontsynonym [SimplifiedChineseHeiTiBold] [gbhei] [encoding=gbk]
+\definefontsynonym [SimplifiedChineseHeiTiBoldSlanted] [gbheisl] [encoding=gbk]
+\definefontsynonym [TraditionalChineseHeiTiRegular] [b5hei] [encoding=big5]
+\definefontsynonym [TraditionalChineseHeiTiSlanted] [b5heisl] [encoding=big5]
+\definefontsynonym [TraditionalChineseHeiTiBold] [b5hei] [encoding=big5]
+\definefontsynonym [TraditionalChineseHeiTiBoldSlanted] [b5heisl] [encoding=big5]
+\definefontsynonym [SimplifiedChineseKaiTiRegular] [gbkai] [encoding=gbk]
+\definefontsynonym [SimplifiedChineseKaiTiSlanted] [gbkaisl] [encoding=gbk]
+\definefontsynonym [SimplifiedChineseKaiTiBold] [gbkai] [encoding=gbk]
+\definefontsynonym [SimplifiedChineseKaiTiBoldSlanted] [gbkaisl] [encoding=gbk]
+\definefontsynonym [TraditionalChineseKaiTiRegular] [b5kai] [encoding=big5]
+\definefontsynonym [TraditionalChineseKaiTiSlanted] [b5kaisl] [encoding=big5]
+\definefontsynonym [TraditionalChineseKaiTiBold] [b5kai] [encoding=big5]
+\definefontsynonym [TraditionalChineseKaiTiBoldSlanted] [b5kaisl] [encoding=big5]
+\definefontsynonym [SimplifiedChineseFangSongRegular] [gbfs] [encoding=gbk]
+\definefontsynonym [SimplifiedChineseFangSongSlanted] [gbfssl] [encoding=gbk]
+\definefontsynonym [SimplifiedChineseFangSongBold] [gbfs] [encoding=gbk]
+\definefontsynonym [SimplifiedChineseFangSongBoldSlanted] [gbfssl] [encoding=gbk]
+\definefontsynonym [TraditionalChineseFangSongRegular] [b5fs] [encoding=big5]
+\definefontsynonym [TraditionalChineseFangSongSlanted] [b5fssl] [encoding=big5]
+\definefontsynonym [TraditionalChineseFangSongBold] [b5fs] [encoding=big5]
+\definefontsynonym [TraditionalChineseFangSongBoldSlanted] [b5fssl] [encoding=big5]
+\definefontsynonym [SimplifiedChineseLiShuRegular] [gbli] [encoding=gbk]
+\definefontsynonym [SimplifiedChineseLiShuSlanted] [gblisl] [encoding=gbk]
+\definefontsynonym [SimplifiedChineseLiShuBold] [gbli] [encoding=gbk]
+\definefontsynonym [SimplifiedChineseLiShuBoldSlanted] [gblisl] [encoding=gbk]
+\definefontsynonym [TraditionalChineseLiShuRegular] [b5li] [encoding=big5]
+\definefontsynonym [TraditionalChineseLiShuSlanted] [b5lisl] [encoding=big5]
+\definefontsynonym [TraditionalChineseLiShuBold] [b5li] [encoding=big5]
+\definefontsynonym [TraditionalChineseLiShuBoldSlanted] [b5lisl] [encoding=big5]
+%D The following definitions provide us the commands to switch
+%D to these fonts.
+\defineunicodefont [SimSongTi] [SimplifiedChineseSongTi] [chinese]
+\defineunicodefont [TraSongTi] [TraditionalChineseSongTi] [chinese]
+\defineunicodefont [SimHeiTi] [SimplifiedChineseHeiTi] [chinese]
+\defineunicodefont [TraHeiTi] [TraditionalChineseHeiTi] [chinese]
+\defineunicodefont [SimKaiTi] [SimplifiedChineseKaiTi] [chinese]
+\defineunicodefont [TraKaiTi] [TraditionalChineseKaiTi] [chinese]
+\defineunicodefont [SimFangSong] [SimplifiedChineseFangSong] [chinese]
+\defineunicodefont [TraFangSong] [TraditionalChineseFangSong] [chinese]
+\defineunicodefont [SimLiShu] [SimplifiedChineseLiShu] [chinese]
+\defineunicodefont [TraLiShu] [TraditionalChineseLiShu] [chinese]
+% \definealternativestyle [ChineseTitleFont] [\bfd\SimKaiTi] []
+%D \macros
+%D {purechinese}
+%D Use this macro to suppress spacing around Chinese text.
+\def\purechinese#1% evt geen rek
+ {\hskip\chineseSsignal\relax
+ #1\unskip\unskip\unskip
+ \hskip\chineseSsignal\relax}
+%D \macros
+%D {stillchinese}
+%D Use the next macro when you want the next item to be put
+%D tight to the previous chinese character.
+ {\hskip\chineseSsignal\relax}
+%D \macros
+%D {nochinese}
+%D When we want to be sure of non||Chinese inline text,
+%D we can package the for instance english text in \type
+%D {\nochinese}.
+ {\unskip\unskip\unskip
+ \hskip\chinesesurroundskip
+ \hskip\chineseinterglyphskip\relax
+ #1%
+ \hskip\chineseinterglyphskip\relax
+ \hskip\chinesesurroundskip
+ \ignorespaces}
+%D \macros
+%D {chisize}
+%D Chinese font sizes are specified in a different way,
+%D using positive and negative numbers:
+ {\ifnum#11<0 % a trick to catch -0
+ \ifcase#1\space36\or24\or18\or15\or12\or9\or\else6.5\fi
+ \else
+ \ifcase#1\space42\or26\or22\or16\or14\or10.5\or7.5\or5.5\else5\fi
+ \fi pt}
+%D So:
+%D \startbuffer
+%D [\chisize{-1}] [\chisize{7}] [\chisize{+4}]
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+%D gives:
+%D \getbuffer
+%D The full range of sizes is:
+%D \starttabulate[|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|]
+%D \NC 8 \NC 7 \NC -6 \NC 6 \NC
+%D -5 \NC 5 \NC -4 \NC 4 \NC
+%D -3 \NC 3 \NC -2 \NC 2 \NC
+%D -1 \NC 1 \NC -0 \NC 0 \NC\NR
+%D \NC\chisize {8}\NC\chisize{7}\NC\chisize{-6}\NC\chisize{6}\NC
+%D \chisize{-5}\NC\chisize{5}\NC\chisize{-4}\NC\chisize{4}\NC
+%D \chisize{-3}\NC\chisize{3}\NC\chisize{-2}\NC\chisize{2}\NC
+%D \chisize{-1}\NC\chisize{1}\NC\chisize{-0}\NC\chisize{0}\NC\NR
+%D \stoptabulate
+%D Now it's time for some real Chinese. This example
+%D also shows that font switching is supported.
+%D \startnarrower
+%D \midaligned{\tfd ˮͷ}
+%D \blank
+%D \midaligned{\tfb ﵩƪ滳ɡ}
+%D \blank
+%D \midaligned{\tfb }
+%D \blank
+%D ¼ʱУѾ졣֪ϹڣϦǺꣿ˷ȥ
+%D ֿ¥ߴʤŪӰ˼䣿
+%D \blank
+%D ת󣬵ͻߡӦкޣƫʱԲбϣ
+%D Բȱ¹ȫԸ˳ãǧﹲ濾ꡣ
+%D \stopnarrower
+%D The english translation is:
+%D \startnarrower
+%D \midaligned{\tfd Tune: Prelude to the Melody of Water}
+%D \blank
+%D \midaligned{\tfb On the night of the Mid||Autumn Festival of
+%D 1076, I drank happily till dawn and wrote this in my cups
+%D while thinking of Zi||you.}
+%D \blank
+%D \midaligned{\tfb Su Shi}
+%D \blank
+%D How long will the bright moon appear? Wine||cup in hand, I
+%D ask the sky. I do not know waht time of year it would be
+%D tonight in the palace on high. Riding the wind, there I
+%D would fly, yet I fear the crystal palace would be far too
+%D high and cold for me. I rise and dance, with my shadow I
+%D play. On high as on earth, would it be as gay?
+%D \blank
+%D The moon goes round the mansion red though gauze||draped
+%D windows soft to shed her light upon the sleepless bed.
+%D Against man she should have no spite. Why then when people
+%D part is she oft full and bright? Men have sorrow and joy,
+%D they part or meet again; The moon may be bright or dim, she
+%D may wax or wane. There has been nothing perfect since the
+%D olden days. So let us wish that man will live long as he
+%D can! Though miles apart, we'll share the beauty she
+%D displays.
+%D \stopnarrower
+%D This package is written in the city of Hasselt, a pretty
+%D small town in the |<|compared to China real small|>|
+%D Netherlands. Like most dutch cities, even this small one
+%D has a chinese restaurant, run by chinese, speaking chinese,
+%D and |<|indeed|>| writing chinese. Eating there will never
+%D be the same, since now I can at least pretend to know the
+%D glyphs all around the place. The numbers should pose me no
+%D problems, but I fear I will never manage to recognize those
+%D scribles they draw on their pads when thay take your order.
+%D To make our lives more easy, we put it here (too):
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/font-heb.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/font-heb.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3ec0395f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/font-heb.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+\unprotected \writestatus\m!systems{load ARABTEX as a module instead}
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/font-ini.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/font-ini.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2bee00637
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/font-ini.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,4452 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=font-ini,
+%D version=1998.09.11, % (second)
+%D version=2001.02.20, % (third)
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Font Macros,
+%D subtitle=Initialization,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Font Macros / Initialization}
+% \def\fontrange#1%
+% {\dofontrange{#1 =\bodyfontsize}}
+% \def\dofontrange#1%
+% {\dodofontrange#1 \relax}% \fontstringA
+% \def\dodofontrange#1 #2 %
+% {\ifdim\bodyfontsize#2%
+% #1\expandafter\gobbleuntilrelax
+% \else
+% \expandafter\dodofontrange
+% \fi}
+% \definefont
+% [crap]
+% [\fontrange
+% {Regular <10pt
+% RegularBold <12pt
+% RegularSlanted <15pt
+% Regular} sa 1]
+% may be better:
+% \definefontrange
+% [crap]
+% [Regular <10pt
+% RegularBold <12pt
+% RegularSlanted <15pt]
+% [Regular sa 1]
+% \dostepwiserecurse{2}{15}{1}
+% {{\switchtobodyfont[\recurselevel pt]\crap test}\endgraf}
+% adapted, else wrong interlinespace
+ {\synchronizefontsfalse
+ \the\everybodyfont
+ \synchronizefontstrue}
+% handy
+ {\edef\savedfont{\the\font}%
+ \pushmacro\savedfont
+ \pushmacro\currentregime
+ \pushmacro\charactermapping
+ \pushmacro\characterencoding}
+ {\popmacro\characterencoding
+ \popmacro\charactermapping
+ \popmacro\currentregime
+ \popmacro\savedfont
+ \savedfont}
+ {\edef\popcurrentfont
+ {\noexpand\def\noexpand\fontbody{\fontbody}%
+ \noexpand\def\noexpand\fontstyle{\fontstyle}%
+ \noexpand\dosetcurrentfontalternative{\fontalternative}%
+ \noexpand\dosetcurrentfontsize{\fontsize}%
+ \noexpand\synchronizefont}}
+% \definetypeface[one][rm][serif][computer-roman][default]
+% \definetypeface[two][rm][serif][computer-roman][default][rscale=.9]
+% {\one \bf test \two test}
+% {\one \bf test \pushcurrentfont \two \popcurrentfont test}
+%D \macros
+%D {definedfont,startfont,doiffontcharelse}
+%D A couple of relatively new macros:
+\newevery \everydefinedfont \relax
+ {\iffirstargument\definefont[\string\thedefinedfont][#1]\fi
+ \csname\string\thedefinedfont\endcsname % can be \relax
+ \the\everydefinedfont} % hm, redundant
+ {\dosingleempty\dodefinedfont}
+ {\bgroup\definedfont}
+ {\egroup}
+ {\bgroup
+ \definedfont[#1]%
+ \iffontchar\font#2\relax
+ \egroup\expandafter\firstoftwoarguments
+ \else
+ \egroup\expandafter\secondoftwoarguments
+ \fi}
+%%% message 14 added
+% messages moved
+% messages moved
+% messages moved
+% messages moved
+% messages moved
+% messages moved
+% messages moved
+% messages moved
+%D This module is one of the oldest modules of \CONTEXT. The
+%D macros below evolved out of the \PLAIN\ \TEX\ macros and
+%D therefore use a similar naming scheme (\type{\rm},
+%D \type{\bf}, etc). This module grew out of our needs. We
+%D started with the \PLAIN\ \TEX\ definitions, generalized the
+%D underlaying macros, and extended those to a level at which
+%D probably no one will ever recognize them.
+%D In 2001 we ran into a couple of projects where more than
+%D one combined set of fonts was involved in a document. To
+%D make definitions more readable, as well as to overcome the
+%D problem of ever growing file name lists, and also because
+%D we needed to scale fonts relative to each other, the low
+%D level implementation was partly rewritten. Global
+%D font assignments, relative scaling, font classes and alike
+%D were added then. At the same time some macros were made a
+%D bit more readable, and math support was extended to the
+%D larger sizes.
+%D One important characteristic of the font mechanism presented
+%D here is the postponing of font loading. This makes it
+%D possible to distribute \type{fmt} files without bothering
+%D about the specific breed of \type{tfm} files.
+%D Another feature implemented here is the massive switching
+%D from roman to {\ss sans serif}, {\tt teletype} or else. This
+%D means one doesn't have to take care of all kind of relations
+%D between fonts.
+%D \page[bigpreference]
+%D \macros
+%D {rm,ss,tt,hw,cg}
+%D Fonts are defined in separate files. When we define a font,
+%D we distinguish between several styles. In most cases we will
+%D use:
+%D \startlinecorrection
+%D \starttable[|l||]
+%D \HL
+%D \NC roman regular serif \NC \type{\rm} \NC\FR
+%D \NC sansserif sans support \NC \type{\ss} \NC\MR
+%D \NC type teletype mono \NC \type{\tt} \NC\LR
+%D \HL
+%D \stoptable
+%D \stoplinecorrection
+%D The number of styles is not limited to these three. When
+%D using Lucida Bright we can for instance also define:
+%D \startlinecorrection
+%D \starttable[|l||]
+%D \HL
+%D \NC handwritten \NC \type{\hw} \NC\FR
+%D \NC calligraphic \NC \type{\cg} \NC\LR
+%D \HL
+%D \stoptable
+%D \stoplinecorrection
+%D Anyone who feels the need, can define additional ones, like
+%D \startlinecorrection
+%D \starttable[|l||]
+%D \HL
+%D \NC faxfont \NC \type{\ff} \NC\FR
+%D \NC blackboard \NC \type{\bb} \NC\LR
+%D \HL
+%D \stoptable
+%D \stoplinecorrection
+%D Or even
+%D \startlinecorrection
+%D \starttable[|l||]
+%D \HL
+%D \NC hebrew \NC \type{\hb} \NC\SR
+%D \HL
+%D \stoptable
+%D \stoplinecorrection
+%D Styles are grouped in font sets. At the moment there are
+%D three main sets defined:
+%D \startlinecorrection
+%D \starttable[|l|l||]
+%D \HL
+%D \NC Computer Modern Roman \NC Knuth \NC \type{cmr} \NC\FR
+%D \NC Lucida Bright \NC Bigelow \& Holmes \NC \type{lbr} \NC\MR
+%D \NC Standard Postscript Fonts \NC Adobe \NC \type{pos} \NC\LR
+%D \HL
+%D \stoptable
+%D \stoplinecorrection
+%D There are also some Computer Modern Roman alternatives:
+%D \startlinecorrection
+%D \starttable[|l|l||]
+%D \HL
+%D \NC Computer Modern Roman \NC Knuth \& Sauter \NC \type{sau} \NC\FR
+%D \NC Euler fonts \NC Zapf \NC \type{eul} \NC\MR
+%D \NC Computer Modern Concrete \NC Knuth \& Zapf \NC \type{con} \NC\LR
+%D \HL
+%D \stoptable
+%D \stoplinecorrection
+%D All these definitions are ordered in files with names like
+%D \type{font-cmr} and \type{font-pos}, where the last three
+%D characters specify the name as known to \CONTEXT.
+%D Within such a font set (\type{cmr}) and style (\type{\rm})
+%D we can define a number of text font alternatives:
+%D \startlinecorrection
+%D \starttable[|l||]
+%D \HL
+%D \NC typeface \NC \type{\tf} \NC\FR
+%D \NC boldface \NC \type{\bf} \NC\MR
+%D \NC slanted \NC \type{\sl} \NC\MR
+%D \NC italic \NC \type{\it} \NC\MR
+%D \NC boldslanted \NC \type{\bs} \NC\MR
+%D \NC bolditalic \NC \type{\bi} \NC\MR
+%D \NC smallcaps \NC \type{\sc} \NC\LR
+%D \HL
+%D \stoptable
+%D \stoplinecorrection
+%D For old stylish Frans Goddijn we have:
+%D \startlinecorrection
+%D \starttable[|l||]
+%D \HL
+%D \NC oldstyle \NC \type{\os} \NC\SR
+%D \HL
+%D \stoptable
+%D \stoplinecorrection
+%D The availability of these alternatives depends on the
+%D completeness of a font family and of course the definitions
+%D in the font files.
+%D But let's not forget math. In addition to the previous \TEX\
+%D families (the mysterious \type{\fam}'s) we've got some more:
+%D \startlinecorrection
+%D \starttable[|l||]
+%D \HL
+%D \NC Math Roman \NC \type{\mr} \NC\FR
+%D \NC Math Italic \NC \type{\mi} \NC\MR
+%D \NC Math Symbol \NC \type{\sy} \NC\MR
+%D \NC Math Extra \NC \type{\ex} \NC\MR
+%D \NC Math A \NC \type{\ma} \NC\MR
+%D \NC Math B \NC \type{\mb} \NC\MR
+%D \NC Math C \NC \type{\mc} \NC\LR
+%D \HL
+%D \stoptable
+%D \stoplinecorrection
+%D Users can call for specific fonts in many ways. Switches to
+%D other typefaces, like the switch from normal to bold, are as
+%D intuitive as possible, which means that all dependant fonts
+%D also switch. One can imagine that this takes quite some
+%D processing time.
+%D Internally fonts are stored as combination of size, style
+%D and alternative, e.g. \type{12pt}+\type{\ss}+\type{\bf}.
+%D Users are not confronted with sizes, but use the style or
+%D style+alternative to activate them.
+%D During the definition of a bodyfont one can also declare the
+%D available larger alternatives:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \tf \tfa \tfb \tfc ...
+%D \bf \bfa \bfb \bfc ...
+%D \sl \sla \slb \slc ...
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The smaller ones are automatically supplied and derived from
+%D the the bodyfont environment.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \tfx \tfxx
+%D \bfx \bfxx
+%D \slx \slxx
+%D \stoptyping
+%D There are only two smaller alternatives per style. The
+%D larger alternatives on the other hand have no limitations.
+%D These larger alternatives are mostly used in chapter and
+%D section titles or on title pages. When one switches to a
+%D larger alternative, the bold an other ones automatically
+%D adapt themselves:
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \tfd Hi \bf there\sl, here \tfb I \bf am
+%D \stopbuffer
+%S \startnarrower
+%D \typebuffer
+%S \stopnarrower
+%D therefore becomes:
+%D \startvoorbeeld
+%D \getbuffer
+%D \stopvoorbeeld
+%D Maybe this mechanism isn't always as logic, but as said
+%D before, we tried to make it as intuitive as possible.
+%D So a specific kind of glyph can be characterized by:
+%D \startnarrower
+%D family (cmr) + bodyfont (12pt) + style (rm) + alternative (bf) + size (a)
+%D \stopnarrower
+%D The last component (the size) is optional.
+%D We introduced \type{\tf} as command to call for the current
+%D normally sized typeface. This commands results in roman,
+%D sans serif, teletype or whatever style is in charge. Such
+%D rather massive switches of style sometimes take more
+%D processing time than comfortable. Of course there is a
+%D workaround for this: we can call fonts directly by means of
+%D commands like:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \rmtf \sssl \tttf \rmbsa
+%D \stoptyping
+%D One should realize that this fast calls have limitations,
+%D they lack for instance automatic super- and subscript
+%D support.
+%D This leaves us two more commands: \type{\tx} and
+%D \type{\txx}. These activate a smaller and even more smaller
+%D font than the current one and adapt themselves to the
+%D current alternative, so when \type{\bf} is active,
+%D \type{\tx} gives a smaller boldface, which in turn can be
+%D called directly by \type{\bfx}.
+%D These two smaller alternatives are specified by the bodyfont
+%D environment and therefore not necessarily have similar sizes
+%D as \type{\scriptsize} and \type{\scriptscriptsize}. The main
+%D reason for this incompatibility (which can easily be undone)
+%D lays in the fact that we often want a bit bigger characters
+%D than in math mode. In \CONTEXT\ for instance the \type{\tx}
+%D and \type{\txx} commands are used for surrogate
+%D \cap{smallcaps} which support both nesting and alternatives,
+%D like in {\bf\cap{a \cap{small} world}}, which was typeset by
+%D \starttyping
+%D \bf\cap{a \cap{small} world}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D And compare $\rm \scriptstyle THIS$ with the slightly larger
+%D \cap{THIS}: \ruledhbox{$\rm \scriptstyle scriptstyle: THIS$}
+%D or \ruledhbox{\cap{x style: THIS}} makes a big difference.
+%D The \type{x..d} sizes should be used grouped. If you
+%D don't group them, i.e. call them in a row, \CONTEXT\ will
+%D not be able to sort out your intention (\type {x} inside
+%D \type {d} inside \type {x}. etc.). The following table
+%D demonstrates this:
+%D \def\FontState{\setstrut\ruledhbox{\strut Hello}}
+%D \starttabulate[|||||]
+%D \HL
+%D \NC \rlap{\quad\bf grouped} \NC \NC \type {\tx} \NC \type {\txx} \NC \NR
+%D \HL
+%D \NC \type{\tfx} \NC \tfx \FontState \NC \tfx \tx \FontState \NC \tfx \txx \FontState \NC \NR
+%D \NC \type{\tfxx} \NC \tfxx \FontState \NC \tfxx\tx \FontState \NC \tfxx\txx \FontState \NC \NR
+%D \NC \type{\tf} \NC \tf \FontState \NC \tf \tx \FontState \NC \tf \txx \FontState \NC \NR
+%D \NC \type{\tfa} \NC \tfa \FontState \NC \tfa \tx \FontState \NC \tfa \txx \FontState \NC \NR
+%D \NC \type{\tfb} \NC \tfb \FontState \NC \tfb \tx \FontState \NC \tfb \txx \FontState \NC \NR
+%D \NC \type{\tfc} \NC \tfc \FontState \NC \tfc \tx \FontState \NC \tfc \txx \FontState \NC \NR
+%D \NC \type{\tfd} \NC \tfd \FontState \NC \tfd \tx \FontState \NC \tfd \txx \FontState \NC \NR
+%D \NC \type{\tfx} \NC \tfx \FontState \NC \tfx \tx \FontState \NC \tfx \txx \FontState \NC \NR
+%D \NC \type{\tfxx} \NC \tfxx \FontState \NC \tfxx\tx \FontState \NC \tfxx\txx \FontState \NC \NR
+%D \HL
+%D \stoptabulate
+%D \blank
+%D \starttabulate[|||||]
+%D \HL
+%D \NC \rlap{\quad\bf stacked} \NC \NC \type {\tx} \NC \type {\txx} \NC \NR
+%D \HL
+%D \NC \type{\tfx}
+%D \NC \tfx \FontState
+%D \NC \tfx \tx \FontState
+%D \NC \tfx \txx \FontState
+%D \NC \NR
+%D \NC \type{\tfxx}
+%D \NC \tfx\tfxx \FontState
+%D \NC \tfx\tfxx \tx \FontState
+%D \NC \tfx\tfxx \txx \FontState
+%D \NC \NR
+%D \NC \type{\tf}
+%D \NC \tfx\tfxx\tf \FontState
+%D \NC \tfx\tfxx\tf \tx \FontState
+%D \NC \tfx\tfxx\tf \txx \FontState
+%D \NC \NR
+%D \NC \type{\tfa}
+%D \NC \tfx\tfxx\tf\tfa \FontState
+%D \NC \tfx\tfxx\tf\tfa \tx \FontState
+%D \NC \tfx\tfxx\tf\tfa \txx \FontState
+%D \NC \NR
+%D \NC \type{\tfb}
+%D \NC \tfx\tfxx\tf\tfa\tfb \FontState
+%D \NC \tfx\tfxx\tf\tfa\tfb \tx \FontState
+%D \NC \tfx\tfxx\tf\tfa\tfb \txx \FontState
+%D \NC \NR
+%D \NC \type{\tfc}
+%D \NC \tfx\tfxx\tf\tfa\tfb\tfc \FontState
+%D \NC \tfx\tfxx\tf\tfa\tfb\tfc \tx \FontState
+%D \NC \tfx\tfxx\tf\tfa\tfb\tfc \txx \FontState
+%D \NC \NR
+%D \NC \type{\tfd}
+%D \NC \tfx\tfxx\tf\tfa\tfb\tfd \FontState
+%D \NC \tfx\tfxx\tf\tfa\tfb\tfd \tx \FontState
+%D \NC \tfx\tfxx\tf\tfa\tfb\tfd \txx \FontState
+%D \NC \NR
+%D \NC \type{\tfx}
+%D \NC \tfx\tfxx\tf\tfa\tfb\tfc\tfx \FontState
+%D \NC \tfx\tfxx\tf\tfa\tfb\tfc\tfx \tx \FontState
+%D \NC \tfx\tfxx\tf\tfa\tfb\tfc\tfx \txx \FontState
+%D \NC \NR
+%D \NC \type{\tfxx}
+%D \NC \tfx\tfxx\tf\tfa\tfb\tfc\tfx\tfxx \FontState
+%D \NC \tfx\tfxx\tf\tfa\tfb\tfc\tfx\tfxx \tx \FontState
+%D \NC \tfx\tfxx\tf\tfa\tfb\tfc\tfx\tfxx \txx \FontState
+%D \NC \NR
+%D \HL
+%D \stoptabulate
+%D \macros
+%D {mf}
+%D Math fonts are a species in their own. They are tightly
+%D hooked into smaller and even smaller ones of similar breed
+%D to form a tight family. Let's first see how these are
+%D related:
+%D \startbuffer
+%D $\tf x^2+\bf x^2+\sl x^2+\it x^2+\bs x^2+ \bi x^2 =\rm 6x^2$
+%D $\tf x^2+\bf x^2+\sl x^2+\it x^2+\bs x^2+{\bi x^2}=\rm 6x^2$
+%D $\tf x^2+\bf x^2+\sl x^2+\it x^2+\bs x^2+ \bi x^2 =\tf 6x^2$
+%D $\tf x^2+\bf x^2+\sl x^2+\it x^2+\bs x^2+{\bi x^2}=\tf 6x^2$
+%D $\tf x^2+\bf x^2+\sl x^2+\it x^2+\bs x^2+ \bi x^2 =\bf 6x^2$
+%D $\tf x^2+\bf x^2+\sl x^2+\it x^2+\bs x^2+{\bi x^2}=\bf 6x^2$
+%D $\tf x^2+\bf x^2+\sl x^2+\it x^2+\bs x^2+ \bi x^2 =\sl 6x^2$
+%D $\tf x^2+\bf x^2+\sl x^2+\it x^2+\bs x^2+{\bi x^2}=\sl 6x^2$
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+%D Gives both an expected and unexpected result:
+%D \startvoorbeeld
+%D \startlines
+%D \getbuffer
+%D \stoplines
+%D \stopvoorbeeld
+%D We see here that the character shapes change accordingly to
+%D the current family, but that the symbols are always typeset
+%D in the font assigned to \type{\fam0}.
+%D \startbuffer
+%D $\tf\mf x^2 + x^2 + x^2 + x^2 + x^2 + x^2 = 6x^2$
+%D $\bf\mf x^2 + x^2 + x^2 + x^2 + x^2 + x^2 = 6x^2$
+%D $\sl\mf x^2 + x^2 + x^2 + x^2 + x^2 + x^2 = 6x^2$
+%D $\bs\mf x^2 + x^2 + x^2 + x^2 + x^2 + x^2 = 6x^2$
+%D $\it\mf x^2 + x^2 + x^2 + x^2 + x^2 + x^2 = 6x^2$
+%D $\bi\mf x^2 + x^2 + x^2 + x^2 + x^2 + x^2 = 6x^2$
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \startvoorbeeld
+%D \startlines
+%D \getbuffer
+%D \stoplines
+%D \stopvoorbeeld
+%D In this example we see a new command \type{\mf} surface
+%D which means as much as {\em math font}. This commands
+%D reactivates the last font alternative and therefore equals
+%D \type{\bf}, \type{\sl} etc. but by default it equals
+%D \type{\tf}:
+ {\dodosetmathfont\fontalternative
+ \csname\fontalternative\endcsname}
+%D The previous example was typeset saying:
+%D \typebuffer
+%D Beware: the exact location of \type{\mf} is not that
+%D important, we could as well has said
+%D \startbuffer
+%D $\bf x^2 + x^2 + x^2 + x^2 + x^2 + x^2 = \mf 6x^2$
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+%D This is due to the way \TEX\ handles fonts in math mode.
+%D Of course we'll have to redefine \type{\mf} every time we
+%D change the current \type{\fam}.
+%D \macros
+%D {mbox,enablembox,mathop}
+%D Now how can we put this to use? Will the next sequence
+%D give the desired result?
+%D \startbuffer
+%D $\bf x^2 + \hbox{\mf whatever} + \sin(2x)$
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+%D It won't!
+%D \startvoorbeeld
+%D \let\mathop=\normalmathop \getbuffer
+%D \stopvoorbeeld
+%D The reason for this is that \type{\sin} is defined as:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\sin{\mathop{\rm sin}\nolimits}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D We can fix this by defining
+ {\normalmathop
+ \bgroup
+ \let\rm\mf
+ \let\next=}
+%D We can fix arbitrary horizontal boxes by redefining the
+%D \TEX\ primitive \type{\hbox}:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\hbox{\ifmmode\mbox\else\normalhbox\fi}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D with
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\mbox#1#%
+%D {\normalhbox#1\bgroup\mf\let\next=}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D or more robust, that is, also accepting \type{\hbox\bgroup}:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\mbox%
+%D {\normalhbox\bgroup\mf
+%D \dowithnextbox{\flushnextbox\egroup}%
+%D \normalhbox}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D And now:
+%D \startbuffer
+%D $\bf x^2 + \hbox{whatever} + \sin(2x)$
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+%D Indeed gives:
+%D \startvoorbeeld
+%D \enablembox\getbuffer
+%D \stopvoorbeeld
+%D But, do we want this kind of trickery to be activated? No,
+%D simply because we cannot be sure of incompatibilities,
+%D although for instance unboxing goes ok. Therefore we
+%D introduce:
+% best can go to math-ini and make \mf a hook then
+% better use \dowithnextboxcontent
+ {\normalhbox\bgroup\mf
+ \dowithnextbox{\flushnextbox\egroup}\normalhbox}
+% to test:
+% \def\normalmbox
+% {\dowithnextboxcontent\mf\flushnextbox\normalhbox}
+\def\mbox % we cannot add \dontleavehmode ... else no \setbox0\mbox possible
+ {\ifmmode\normalmbox\else\normalhbox\fi}
+ {\appendtoks
+ \ifx\normalhbox\undefined\let\normalhbox\hbox\fi
+ \let\hbox\mbox
+ \to\everymathematics}
+%D So in fact one can enable this feature if needed. I would say:
+%D go along, but use grouping if needed!
+%D \macros
+%D {mrfam,mifam,syfam,exfam,
+%D bsfam,bifam,scfam,tffam,
+%D mafam,mbfam,msfam}
+%D After this short mathematical excursion, we enter the world
+%D of fonts and fontswitching. We start with something very
+%D \TEX: \type{\fam} specified font families. \TEX\ uses
+%D families for managing fonts in math mode. Such a family has
+%D three members: text, script and scriptscript: $x^{y^z}$. In
+%D \CONTEXT\ we take a bit different approach than \PLAIN\
+%D \TEX\ does. \PLAIN\ \TEX\ needs at least four families for
+%D typesetting math. We use those but give them symbolic names.
+\chardef\mrfam = 0 % (Plain TeX) Math Roman
+\chardef\mifam = 1 % (Plain TeX) Math Italic
+\chardef\syfam = 2 % (Plain TeX) Math Symbol
+\chardef\exfam = 3 % (Plain TeX) Math Extra
+%D \PLAIN\ \TEX\ also defines families for {\it italic}, {\sl
+%D slanted} and {\bf bold} typefaces, so we don't have to
+%D define them here.
+\chardef\itfam = 4 % (Plain TeX) Italic
+\chardef\slfam = 5 % (Plain TeX) Slanted
+\chardef\bffam = 6 % (Plain TeX) Boldface
+%D Family~7 in \PLAIN\ \TEX\ is not used in \CONTEXT, because
+%D we do massive switches from roman to sans serif, teletype or
+%D other faces.
+\chardef\ttfam = 7 % (Plain TeX) can be reused!
+%D We define ourselves some more families for {\bs bold
+%D slanted}, {\bi bold italic} and {\sc Small Caps}, so
+%D we can use them in math mode too. Instead of separate
+%D families for {\ss sans serif} and \type{teletype} we use the
+%D more general \type{\tffam}, which stands for typeface.
+\chardef\bsfam = 8 % (ConTeXt) BoldSlanted
+\chardef\bifam = 9 % (ConTeXt) BoldItalic
+\chardef\scfam = 10 % (ConTeXt) SmallCaps
+\chardef\tffam = 11 % (ConTeXt) TypeFace
+%D Because Taco needs a few more math families, we reuse
+%D family~7 for all those typefaces that have no related
+%D family, and therefore are grouped into one.
+\chardef\nnfam = 7 % (ReUsed) NoName
+%D Normally \type{\mrfam} equals \type{\tffam}, but a more
+%D distinctive alternatives are possible, for instance the
+%D Euler and Concrete Typefaces.
+%D After having defined all those in nature non||mathematical
+%D families, we define ourselves some real math ones. These are
+%D needed for the \AMS\ Symbol Fonts and Extended Lucida
+%D Bright.
+\chardef\mafam = 12 % (ConTeXt) Math A Fam (AmsTeX A)
+\chardef\mbfam = 13 % (ConTeXt) Math B Fam (AmsTeX B)
+\chardef\mcfam = 14 % (ConTeXt) Math C Fam (MathTime)
+\chardef\mdfam = 15 % (ConTeXt) Math D Fam (MathTime)
+%D Because there are 16~families and because \type{\ttfam}
+%D is reused, at the moment we have no so many families
+%D left. By default, we map any newly defined family on the
+%D last one (F).
+\def\newfam#1{\chardef#1=15 }
+%D This hack is also needed because in \ETEX\ we are going
+%D to reuse the \type {\newfam} allocation counter.
+%D To ease the support of font packages, we als define
+%D shortcuts to these familynames. This is necessary because
+%D the family names are in fact \type{\chardef}'s, which means
+%D that we're dealing with numbers (one can check this by
+%D applying \type{\showthe} and \type{\show}). In the
+%D specification of math symbols however we need hexadecimal
+%D numbers, so we have to convert the \type{\fam}'s value.
+\edef\hexmrfam {\hexnumber\mrfam} \edef\hexbsfam {\hexnumber\bsfam}
+\edef\hexmifam {\hexnumber\mifam} \edef\hexbifam {\hexnumber\bifam}
+\edef\hexsyfam {\hexnumber\syfam} \edef\hexscfam {\hexnumber\scfam}
+\edef\hexexfam {\hexnumber\exfam} \edef\hextffam {\hexnumber\tffam}
+\edef\hexitfam {\hexnumber\itfam} \edef\hexmafam {\hexnumber\mafam}
+\edef\hexslfam {\hexnumber\slfam} \edef\hexmbfam {\hexnumber\mbfam}
+\edef\hexbffam {\hexnumber\bffam} \edef\hexmcfam {\hexnumber\mcfam}
+\edef\hexnnfam {\hexnumber\nnfam} \edef\hexmdfam {\hexnumber\mdfam}
+%D \macros
+%D {uchar}
+%D This macro prepares \CONTEXT\ for \UNICODE\ support. By
+%D defining it here, we have at least an safeguard for utility
+%D file reading.
+\ifx\uchar\undefined \unexpanded\def\uchar#1#2{[#1,#2]} \fi
+%D We define some (very private) constants to improve speed,
+%D memory usage and consistency.
+\def\@size@ {@f@si@} % bodyfont size prefix (12pt etc)
+\def\@style@ {@f@st@} % full style prefix (roman etc)
+\def\@shortstyle@ {@f@sh@} % short style prefix (rm etc)
+\def\@letter@ {@f@le@} % first alternative typeface
+\def\@noletter@ {@f@no@} % second alternative typeface
+\def\@fontclass@ {@f@cl@} % fontclass
+%D The families can be grouped into math specific ones and
+%D more text related families, although text ones can be
+%D mapped onto the math ones to get for instance bold math.
+%D Both groups of families are handles by a couple of token
+%D list tagged as strategies. This implementation makes
+%D implementing extensions more comfortable.
+\newtoks \textstrategies
+\newtoks \mathstrategies
+\newtoks \symbstrategies
+\newif\ifsynchronizemathfonts \synchronizemathfontstrue
+\def\synchronizetext % stylish text in mmode
+ {\ifsynchronizemathfonts\the\textstrategies\fi} % \if...\fam\minusone\fi}
+\def\synchronizemath % math stuff in mmode
+ {\ifsynchronizemathfonts\the\mathstrategies\fi} % \if...\fam\minusone\fi}
+\def\synchronizesymb % stylish math stuff in mmode
+ {\ifsynchronizemathfonts\the\symbstrategies\fi} % \if...\fam\minusone\fi}
+%D By not setting the family we can append a font switch to \type
+%D {\everymath}. On the other hand, one never knows in what family
+%D state the strategies brought us.
+%D \starttyping
+%D {\bfa $\the\fam$} {\bfa \everymath{} $\the\fam$}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D \macros
+%D {textonly}
+%D We can inhibit this slow||downer with:
+\def\textonly{\synchronizemathfontsfalse} % document this
+ \dosettextfamily\c!tf
+ \dosettextfamily\c!bf
+ \dosettextfamily\c!sl
+ \dosettextfamily\c!it
+ \dosettextfamily\c!bs
+ \dosettextfamily\c!bi
+ \dosettextfamily\c!sc
+\to \textstrategies
+\def\dosettextfamily#1% better pass fontbody to dodoset
+ {\let\savedfontbody\fontbody
+ \let\fontfamily#1%
+ \let\fontbody\scriptscriptface\dodosettextfamily\scriptscriptfont
+ \let\fontbody\scriptface \dodosettextfamily \scriptfont
+ \let\fontbody\textface \dodosettextfamily \textfont
+ \let\fontbody\savedfontbody}
+% \def\s!nullfont{nullfont}
+ {\ifx\fontclass\empty
+ \@EA\dodosettextfamilyA
+ \else
+ \@EA\dodosettextfamilyB
+ \fi}
+ {\ifcsname \fontbody\c!mm\fontfamily\fontsize\endcsname \autofontsizefalse
+ \csname \fontbody\c!mm\fontfamily\fontsize\endcsname \else
+ \ifcsname \fontbody\c!mm\fontfamily\endcsname \autofontsizetrue
+ \csname \fontbody\c!mm\fontfamily\endcsname \else
+ \ifcsname \fontbody\c!rm\fontfamily\fontsize\endcsname \autofontsizefalse
+ \csname \fontbody\c!rm\fontfamily\fontsize\endcsname \else
+ \ifcsname \fontbody\c!rm\fontfamily\endcsname \autofontsizetrue
+ \csname \fontbody\c!rm\fontfamily\endcsname \else
+ \nullfont \autofontsizetrue
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi
+ #1\csname\fontfamily\s!fam\endcsname\font}
+ {\ifcsname\fontclass\fontbody\c!mm\fontfamily\fontsize\endcsname \autofontsizefalse
+ \csname\fontclass\fontbody\c!mm\fontfamily\fontsize\endcsname \else
+ \ifcsname\fontclass\fontbody\c!mm\fontfamily\endcsname \autofontsizetrue
+ \csname\fontclass\fontbody\c!mm\fontfamily\endcsname \else
+ \ifcsname\fontclass\fontbody\c!rm\fontfamily\fontsize\endcsname \autofontsizefalse
+ \csname\fontclass\fontbody\c!rm\fontfamily\fontsize\endcsname \else
+ \ifcsname\fontclass\fontbody\c!rm\fontfamily\endcsname \autofontsizetrue
+ \csname\fontclass\fontbody\c!rm\fontfamily\endcsname \else
+ \dodosettextfamilyA#1%
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi
+ #1\csname\fontfamily\s!fam\endcsname\font}
+ \dosetmathfamily\mrfam\textface\scriptface\scriptscriptface\c!mr\mrfallback
+ \dosetmathfamily\mifam\textface\scriptface\scriptscriptface\c!mi\empty
+ \dosetmathfamily\syfam\textface\scriptface\scriptscriptface\c!sy\empty
+ \dosetmathfamily\exfam\textface\textface \textface \c!ex\empty
+ \dosetmathfamily\mafam\textface\scriptface\scriptscriptface\c!ma\empty
+ \dosetmathfamily\mbfam\textface\scriptface\scriptscriptface\c!mb\empty
+ \dosetmathfamily\mcfam\textface\scriptface\scriptscriptface\c!mc\empty
+% \dosetmathfamily\mdfam\textface\scriptface\scriptscriptface\c!md\empty
+ \dosetmathfamily\nnfam\textface\scriptface\scriptscriptface\c!nn\empty
+\to \mathstrategies
+ \dosetskewchar\mifam\defaultskewcharmi % implemented later on
+ \dosetskewchar\syfam\defaultskewcharsy % implemented later on
+\to \mathstrategies
+ {\let\savedfontbody\fontbody % op hoger plan
+ \let\fontfamily#5%
+ \let\backfamily#6%
+ \let\fontbody #4\dodosetmathfamily\scriptscriptfont#1%
+ \let\fontbody #3\dodosetmathfamily \scriptfont#1%
+ \let\fontbody #2\dodosetmathfamily \textfont#1%
+ \let\fontbody\savedfontbody}
+ {\ifx\fontclass\empty
+ \@EA\dodosetmathfamilyA
+ \else
+ \@EA\dodosetmathfamilyB
+ \fi}
+ {\ifcsname \fontbody\c!mm\fontfamily\fontsize\endcsname \autofontsizefalse
+ \csname \fontbody\c!mm\fontfamily\fontsize\endcsname \else
+ \ifcsname \fontbody\c!mm\fontfamily \endcsname \autofontsizetrue
+ \csname \fontbody\c!mm\fontfamily \endcsname \else
+ \ifcsname \fontbody \backfamily\fontsize\endcsname \autofontsizefalse
+ \csname \fontbody \backfamily\fontsize\endcsname \else
+ \ifcsname \fontbody \backfamily \endcsname \autofontsizetrue
+ \csname \fontbody \backfamily \endcsname \else
+ \nullfont \autofontsizetrue
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi
+ #1#2\font}
+ {\ifcsname\fontclass\fontbody\c!mm\fontfamily\fontsize\endcsname \autofontsizefalse
+ \csname\fontclass\fontbody\c!mm\fontfamily\fontsize\endcsname \else
+ \ifcsname\fontclass\fontbody\c!mm\fontfamily \endcsname \autofontsizetrue
+ \csname\fontclass\fontbody\c!mm\fontfamily \endcsname \else
+ \ifcsname\fontclass\fontbody \backfamily\fontsize\endcsname \autofontsizefalse
+ \csname\fontclass\fontbody \backfamily\fontsize\endcsname \else
+ \ifcsname\fontclass\fontbody \backfamily \endcsname \autofontsizetrue
+ \csname\fontclass\fontbody \backfamily \endcsname \else
+ \dodosetmathfamilyA#1#2%
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi
+ #1#2\font}
+ \dosetsymbfamily\mrfam\textface\scriptface\scriptscriptface\c!mr
+ \dosetsymbfamily\mifam\textface\scriptface\scriptscriptface\c!mi
+ \dosetsymbfamily\syfam\textface\scriptface\scriptscriptface\c!sy
+ \dosetsymbfamily\exfam\textface\textface \textface \c!ex
+ \dosetsymbfamily\mafam\textface\scriptface\scriptscriptface\c!ma
+ \dosetsymbfamily\mbfam\textface\scriptface\scriptscriptface\c!mb
+ \dosetsymbfamily\mcfam\textface\scriptface\scriptscriptface\c!mc
+% \dosetsymbfamily\mdfam\textface\scriptface\scriptscriptface\c!md % also ?
+\to \symbstrategies
+ {\let\savedfontbody\fontbody
+ \let\fontfamily#5%
+ \let\fontbody #4\dodosetsymbfamily\scriptscriptfont#1%
+ \let\fontbody #3\dodosetsymbfamily \scriptfont#1%
+ \let\fontbody #2\dodosetsymbfamily \textfont#1%
+ \let\fontbody\savedfontbody}
+ {\ifcsname\fontclass\fontbody\c!mm\fontfamily\fontalternative\fontsize\endcsname
+ \csname\fontclass\fontbody\c!mm\fontfamily\fontalternative\fontsize\endcsname
+ #1#2\font
+ \else\ifcsname\fontbody\c!mm\fontfamily\fontalternative\fontsize\endcsname
+ \csname\fontbody\c!mm\fontfamily\fontalternative\fontsize\endcsname
+ #1#2\font
+ \fi\fi}
+%D All used styles, like rm, ss and tt, are saved in a comma
+%D separated list. Appart from practical limitations one can
+%D define as many styles as needed.
+%D \macros
+%D {magfactor,magfactorhalf}
+%D There are several ways to specify a font. Three of them are
+%D pure \TeX\ ones, the fourth one is new:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \font\name=cmr12
+%D \font\name=cmr12 at 10pt
+%D \font\name=cmr12 scaled \magstep2
+%D \font\name=cmr12 sa 1.440
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The non||\TEX\ alternative \type{sa} stands for {\em scaled
+%D at}. This means as much as: scale the bodyfontsize with this
+%D factor. The value 1.440 in this example is derived
+%D from the \type{\magstep}'s as mentioned in
+%D \in{table}[tab:magstep]. We therefore introduce
+%D \type{\magfactor} as an alternative for \type{\magstep}.
+%D \placetable[here][tab:magstep]
+%D {Factors to be used with \type{sa.}}
+%D \starttable[|c|c|c|]
+%D \HL
+%D \NC \bf magstep \NC \bf equivalent \NC \bf factor \NC\SR
+%D \HL
+%D \NC 1 \NC \type{\magfactor1} \NC 1.200 \NC\FR
+%D \NC 2 \NC \type{\magfactor2} \NC 1.440 \NC\MR
+%D \NC 3 \NC \type{\magfactor3} \NC 1.728 \NC\MR
+%D \NC 4 \NC \type{\magfactor4} \NC 2.074 \NC\MR
+%D \NC 5 \NC \type{\magfactor5} \NC 2.488 \NC\LR
+%D \HL
+%D \stoptable
+\def\magstep#1% \relax removed, otherwise space after it sticks, else added
+ {\ifcase#1 1000\or1200\or1440\or1728\or2074\or2488\or1000\fi}
+ {1095}
+ {\ifcase#1 1.000\or1.200\or1.440\or1.728\or2.074\or2.488\or1\fi}
+ {1.095}
+%D These macros enable the use of definitions like \type{sa
+%D \magfactor3} which saves us both (mis|)|calculations and
+%D potential mistypings.
+%D Because \type {sa} (scaled at) and \type {mo} (mapped on)
+%D are not low level \TEX\ supported alternatives, we have to
+%D test for it ourselves. In doing so, we need an auxiliary
+%D \DIMENSION. We cannot use \type{\scratchdimen} because font
+%D loading can happen at any moment due to postponed loading.
+%D We could instead have used dirty grouping tricks, but this
+%D one works too.
+\let\defaultrelativefontsize \plusone
+\let\localrelativefontsize \plusone
+\def\localabsolutefontsize {\fontbody}
+\let\relativefontsize \defaultrelativefontsize
+\def\saverelativefontsize#1#2% #1=rm|ss|.. #2=waarde
+ {\setxvalue{\fontclass#1\s!rscale}{#2}}
+ {\edef\relativefontsize
+ {\ifcsname\fontclass#1\s!rscale\endcsname
+ \csname\fontclass#1\s!rscale\endcsname
+ \else
+ \defaultrelativefontsize
+ \fi}}
+%D We also save:
+\def\savemathtextstyle#1% #1=rm|ss|..
+ {\doifsomething{#1}{\setxvalue{\fontclass\c!mm\s!text}{#1}}}
+\def\currentmathtextstyle % we default to empty !
+ {\executeifdefined{\fontclass\c!mm\s!text}\empty}
+%D Scaling macros:
+% \def\parsefontspec#1%
+% {\xdef\somefontspec{#1\space\relax}%
+% \@EA\doparsefontspec\somefontspec]% =>#1 \relax]
+% \donoparsefontspec}
+% but, better:
+ {\xdef\somefontspec{#1\space}%
+ \@EA\doparsefontspec\somefontspec\relax]% =>#1 \relax]
+ \donoparsefontspec}
+\def\doparsefontspec#1 #2%
+ {\def\somefontname{#1}%
+ \ifx\somefontname\empty % space before fontname
+ \@EA\doparsefontspec
+ \else\ifx#2\relax
+ \@EAEAEA\setnaturalfontspec
+ \else
+ \@EAEAEA\setforcedfontspec
+ \fi\fi
+ #2}
+ {\@fs@scaled\plusthousand\relax}
+\def\setforcedfontspec#1 #2\relax]%
+ {\csname\@fs@#1\endcsname#2\relax}
+ {\afterassignment\do@fs@scaled\scratchcounter}
+ {\scaledfont\number\scratchcounter\points
+ \scaledfont\localrelativefontsize\scaledfont
+ \ifautofontsize\scaledfont\currentfontbodyscale\scaledfont\fi
+ \scratchcounter\scaledfont % \scaledfont is now pretty large
+ \advance\scratchcounter \medcard
+ \divide\scratchcounter \maxcard
+ \xdef\somefontspec{ scaled \the\scratchcounter}}
+ {\afterassignment\do@fs@at\scaledfont}
+ {\scaledfont\localrelativefontsize\scaledfont
+ \ifautofontsize\scaledfont\currentfontbodyscale\scaledfont\fi
+ \xdef\somefontspec{ at \the\scaledfont}}
+ {\scaledfont\localabsolutefontsize
+ \setsamofontspec}
+ {\scaledfont\setmappedfontsize\localabsolutefontsize
+ \setsamofontspec}
+ {\checkfontscale#1\end\scaledfont
+ \scaledfont\localrelativefontsize\scaledfont
+ \ifautofontsize\scaledfont\currentfontbodyscale\scaledfont\fi
+ \xdef\somefontspec{ at \the\scaledfont}}
+ {\expandafter\dogetfontparameter\@@fontdata,]=,}
+ {\expandafter\dogetglobalfontparameter\@@fontdata,]=,}
+ {\if]#1\else
+ \expandafter\def\csname\??ff\@@fontfile#1\endcsname{#2}%
+ \expandafter\dogetfontparameter
+ \fi}
+ {\if]#1\else
+ \expandafter\gdef\csname\??ff\@@fontfile#1\endcsname{#2}%
+ \expandafter\dogetglobalfontparameter
+ \fi}
+\let\@@fontmapping \empty
+\let\@@skewchar \empty
+\let\@@hyphenchar \empty % todo, will go to encoding
+%D This brings down maps processing from 466 to 309 seconds
+%D ($-33$\%) and mfonts from 42 to 34 seconds ($-15$\%).
+\newif\ifskipfontcharacteristics \skipfontcharacteristicstrue
+%D When fontclasses are used, we define the font global,
+%D since namespaces are used. Otherwise we parse the specs
+%D each time.
+% wrong: this way we cannot set encoding etc
+% \def\donoparsefontspec#1%
+% {\edef\fontfile{\truefontname\somefontname}%
+% \ifx\fontfile\s!unknown \let\fontfile\defaultfontfile \fi
+% \edef\lastfontname{\fontfile\somefontspec}%
+% \ifx\fontclass\empty\else\global\fi
+% \expandafter\font\csname#1\endcsname\lastfontname\relax
+% \relax}
+% \definefontsynonym
+% [blabla]
+% [name:Latin Modern Something]
+% \definefontsynonym
+% [blabla]
+% [file:texnansi-lmr10]
+% [encoding=texnansi]
+% \definedfont[blabla] test \currentencoding/\fontfile \par
+% \definefontsynonym
+% [blabla]
+% [texnansi-lmtt10]
+% [encoding=texnansi]
+% \definedfont[blabla] test \currentencoding/\fontfile \par
+% \definefontsynonym
+% [blabla]
+% [ec-lmtt10]
+% [encoding=ec]
+% \definedfont[blabla] test \currentencoding/\fontfile \par
+ {\expandafter\docheckfontfilename\fontfile:\empty:\empty\relax}
+ {\edef\!!stringa{#1}%
+ \edef\!!stringb{#2}%
+ \ifx\!!stringb\empty
+ \edef\checkedfontfile{\!!stringa}%
+ \else\ifx\!!stringa\v!file
+ \edef\checkedfontfile{"\!!stringb"}%
+ \else\ifx\!!stringa\v!name
+ \edef\checkedfontfile{"\!!stringb"}%
+ \else
+ \edef\checkedfontfile{\!!stringb}%
+ \fi\fi\fi}
+ {\def\doshowcheckedfontfeatures{\writestatus\m!fonts{checked: \checkedfontfile}}}
+\def\checkedfontfile{\fontfile} % default
+\def\donoparsefontspec % #1 == \cs
+ {\edef\fontfile{\truefontname\somefontname}%
+ \ifx\fontfile\s!unknown \let\fontfile\defaultfontfile \fi % can for instance happen with MathGamma
+ \updatefontparameters
+ \checkfontfilename
+ \edef\lastfontname{\checkedfontfile\somefontspec}%
+ \ifx\fontclass\empty
+ \expandafter\definefontlocal
+ \else
+ \expandafter\definefontglobal
+ \fi} % #1 == \cs
+ {\expandafter\edef\csname#1\endcsname % ! ! ! ! not needed in luatex ! ! ! !
+ {\noexpand\csname#1:\endcsname
+ \noexpand\reactivatefont{\somefontname}{\fontfile}}%
+ \expandafter\font\csname#1:\endcsname\lastfontname\relax
+ \expandafter\let\expandafter\lastrawfontcall\csname#1:\endcsname
+ \the\everydefinefont}
+\def\definefontglobal#1% stores \somefontname=Mono and \fontfile=cmtt10
+ {\expandafter\xdef\csname#1\endcsname % ! ! ! ! not needed in luatex ! ! ! !
+ {\noexpand\csname#1:\endcsname
+ \noexpand\reactivatefont{\somefontname}{\fontfile}}%
+ \global\expandafter\font\csname#1:\endcsname\lastfontname\relax
+ \expandafter\let\expandafter\lastrawfontcall\csname#1:\endcsname
+ \the\everydefinefont}
+ {\def\somefontname{#1}%
+ \def\fontfile {#2}%
+ \updatefontparameters}
+% can be handy for tracing purposes
+% \def\reportfontdefinition
+% {\bgroup
+% \expanded{\infofont
+% [\lastfontidentifier
+% ->\newfontidentifier
+% ->\fontname\csname\newfontidentifier\endcsname]}%
+% \endgraf
+% \egroup}
+%D An additional the second \type {\font} definition can
+%D prevent fuzzy font refs
+%D \starttyping
+%D \expandafter\font\csname\dummyfontname\endcsname\lastfontname
+%D \stoptyping
+%D but somehow they changed \TEX\ so that it does not matter
+%D any more.
+\def \defaultfontfile{\truefontname{Normal}} % was cmtt10, but that one is gone
+\edef\nullfontname {\fontname\nullfont}
+\edef\dummyfontname {font\strippedcsname\\}
+%D \macros
+%D {everyfont,everyfontswitch}
+%D For special purposes, we provide a hook.
+% \newevery \everyfont \relax
+% \newevery \everyfontswitch \relax
+% safer but sometimes introducing newlines in the log
+% \batchmode
+% \font\lastloadedfont\fontfile\somefontspec\relax
+% \errorstopmode
+% \edef\lastfontname{\fontname\lastloadedfont}%
+% \ifx\lastfontname\nullfontname
+% \showmessage\m!fonts{10}{\fontfile}%
+% \expandafter\font\csname#1\endcsname=\defaultfontfile\somefontspec\relax
+% \else
+% \expandafter\let\csname#1\endcsname\lastloadedfont
+% \fi
+%D We also accept \type{sa a}||\type{sa d} as specification.
+ {#3\ifcsname\??ft\s!default\noexpand#1\endcsname
+ \csname\??ft\s!default\noexpand#1\endcsname\else#1#2%
+ \fi#3}
+%D The duplicate font definition, using the ever the same dummy
+%D font name, results in less fuzzy error messages. In the log
+%D file, for instance when overfull boxes are reported, the
+%D simple keyword `font' replaces the \TEX\ ordinated name. The
+%D latter can be too misleading, due to the fact that \TEX\ has
+%D a rather optimized font memory management. Thanks to Taco
+%D for helping me sort this out.
+%D \macros
+%D {definefontsynonym, doifelsefontsynonym,
+%D expandfontsynonym, truefontname, truefontdata}
+%D While looking for fonts, fontsynonyms are used for accessing
+%D the files!
+%D \starttyping
+%D \definefontsynonym[Serif][Lucida-Bright]
+%D \definefontsynonym[Lucida-Bright][lbr][encoding=texnansi]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The definitions can be accessed by:
+%D \startlines
+%D name: \type {\truefontname{Lucida-Bright}}
+%D data: \type {\truefontdata{\truefontname{Lucida-Bright}}}
+%D \stoplines
+% \def\definefontsynonym
+% {\dotripleempty\dodefinefontsynonym}
+% \def\dodefinefontsynonym[#1][#2][#3]%
+% {\@EA\edef\csname\??ff\fontclass#1\endcsname{#2}%
+% \ifthirdargument
+% \edef\@@fontdata{#3}%
+% \ifx\@@fontdata\empty \else
+% \edef\@@fontfile{#2}%
+% \ifx\fontclass\empty
+% \getfontparameters
+% \else
+% \getglobalfontparameters
+% \fi
+% \fi
+% \fi}
+% slightly faster, noticable when loading many typefaces,
+% \testfeatureonce{5000}{\definefontsynonym[somefont][somename]} \end
+\def\classfont#1#2{#1#2} % \definefont[whatever][\classfont{xx}{yy} at 10pt]
+ {\edef\@@fontfile{#3}%
+ \@EA\let\csname\??ff\fontclass#1\endcsname\@@fontfile
+ \doifnextoptionalelse\dodefinefontsynonym\donothing}
+ {\edef\@@fontdata{#1}%
+ \ifx\@@fontdata\empty \else \ifx\fontclass\empty
+ \getfontparameters
+ \else
+ \getglobalfontparameters
+ \fi \fi}
+\let\definefontfile\definefontsynonym % dedicated to Taco Hoekwater
+ {\dodoubleempty\dosetupfontsynonym}
+ {\edef\@@fontdata{#2}%
+ \ifx\@@fontdata\empty \else
+ \edef\@@fontfile{#1}%
+ \ifx\fontclass\empty
+ \getfontparameters
+ \else
+ \getglobalfontparameters
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+ {\ifcsname\??ff#1#2\endcsname
+ % raw(Regular) raw(key)
+ \csname\??ff#1#2\endcsname
+ \else\ifcsname\??ff\fontclass#1\endcsname
+ % exp(palatino Regular) raw(key)
+ \expandafter\truefontdata\csname\??ff\fontclass#1\endcsname#2%
+ \else\ifcsname\??ff#1\endcsname
+ % exp(Regular) raw(key)
+ \expandafter\truefontdata\csname\??ff#1\endcsname#2%
+ \else\ifcsname\??ff#2\endcsname
+ % raw(key)
+ \csname\??ff#2\endcsname
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi}
+ {\ifcsname\??ff\fontclass#1\endcsname
+ \@EA\truefontname\csname\??ff\fontclass#1\endcsname
+ \else\ifcsname\??ff#1\endcsname
+ \@EA\truefontname\csname\??ff#1\endcsname
+ \else
+ #1%
+ \fi\fi}
+\def\expandfontsynonym#1#2% #2 := onelevelexpansion(#1)
+ {\ifcsname\??ff\fontclass#2\endcsname
+ \expandafter\def\expandafter#1\expandafter{\csname\??ff\fontclass#2\endcsname}%
+ \fi}
+ {\ifcsname\??ff\fontclass#1\endcsname
+ \expandafter\firstoftwoarguments
+ \else
+ \expandafter\secondoftwoarguments
+ \fi}
+% \definetypeface[palatino][rm][serif][palatino,allbold][default]
+% \startfontclass[palatino]
+% \definefontsynonym [Serif] [SerifBold]
+% \definefontsynonym [SerifItalic] [SerifBoldItalic]
+% \definefontsynonym [SerifSlanted] [SerifBoldSlanted]
+% \definefontsynonym [SerifCaps] [SerifBold]
+% \stopfontclass
+% \setupbodyfont[palatino]
+ {\dosingleempty\dostartfontclass}
+ {\pushmacro\fontclass
+ \doifelse{#1}{\v!each}
+ {\let\fontclass\empty}
+ {\doifsomething{#1}{\def\fontclass{#1}}}}
+ {\popmacro\fontclass}
+%D \macros
+%D {tracedfontname}
+%D A goody:
+ {\ifcsname\??ff#1\s!encoding\endcsname
+ \space[\csname\??ff#1\s!encoding\endcsname]%
+ \fi}
+ {\ifcsname\??ff\fontclass#1\endcsname
+ #1\tracedfontencoding{\fontclass#1}\space->\space
+ \@EA\tracedfontname\csname\??ff\fontclass#1\endcsname
+ \else\ifcsname\??ff#1\endcsname
+ #1\tracedfontencoding{#1}\space->\space
+ \@EA\tracedfontname\csname\??ff#1\endcsname
+ \else
+ #1%
+ \fi\fi}
+%D \macros
+%D {getfontfileparameters}
+%D For special purposes, one can use the next macro to
+%D access font file characteristics, for instance:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \getfontfileparameters{Regular}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D can result in:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\currentfontfileencoding{texnansi}
+%D \stoptyping
+\def\getfontfileparameters#1% can be simpler for mkii (no features)
+ {\edef\@@truefontname{\truefontname{#1}}%
+ \edef\currentfontfileencoding{\truefontdata\@@truefontname\s!encoding}%
+ \edef\currentfontfilemapping {\truefontdata\@@truefontname\s!mapping }%
+ \edef\currentfontfilehandling{\truefontdata\@@truefontname\s!handling}}
+%D \macros
+%D {definefont}
+%D Before we implement the main definition macro, we first show
+%D one for local use:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \definefont[Some][LucidaBright at 100pt] \Some some
+%D \definefont[More][LucidaBright scaled 3000] \More more
+%D \definefont[Nice][LucidaBright mp 2] \Nice nice
+%D \definefont[Text][LucidaBright sa 5.4] \Text last
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The implementation looks as follows:
+ {\dotripleempty\dodefinefont}
+\def\dodefinefont[#1][#2][#3]% [name][spec][1.6 | line=10pt | setup_id]
+ {\doifinstringelse{ }{#2}
+ {\ifthirdargument
+ \unexpanded\setvalue{#1}{\redodefinefont{#1}{#2}{#3}}%
+ \else
+ \unexpanded\setvalue{#1}{\dododefinefont{#1}{#2}}%
+ \fi}
+ {\definefont[#1][#2 sa *][#3]}}
+ {\dododefinefont{#1}{#2}%
+ \doifsetupselse{#3}
+ {\setups[#3]} % don't forget to document this !
+ {\setuplocalinterlinespace[#3]%
+ \setupspacing}} % needed ?
+ {\dotripleempty\dodefinefrozenfont}
+ {\dodefinefont[#1][#2][#3]%
+ \expandafter\let\csname\lastfontidentifier\expandafter\endcsname\csname\rawfontidentifier\endcsname}
+% \def\defineclassfont
+% {\doquadrupleempty\dodefineclassfont}
+% \def\dodefineclassfont[#1][#2][#3][#4]% #2 = class
+% {\iffourthargument
+% \definefont[#1][#2#3][#4]%
+% %\else\ifthirdargument
+% % \definefont[#1][#2#3]%
+% \else
+% \definefont[#1][#2]%
+% \fi}
+%D The \type {*} makes the switch local, so that we can redefine a
+%D logical name and/or change the size in between.
+\newif\ifautofontsize \autofontsizetrue
+% best we can add the style as well because otherwise we get math encoding mixups
+% \setupbodyfont [8pt] [\currentencoding/\ccaron\scaron\zcaron]
+% \blank
+% \switchtobodyfont[7pt] [\currentencoding/\ccaron\scaron\zcaron]
+ {\edef\lastfontidentifier{#1}%
+ \let\localrelativefontsize\defaultrelativefontsize
+ \let\localabsolutefontsize\fontbody
+ \parsefontspec{#2}\rawfontidentifier
+ \let\localrelativefontsize\defaultrelativefontsize % not needed
+ \csname\rawfontidentifier\endcsname
+ \autofontsizefalse
+ \setfontcharacteristics
+ \the\everyfontswitch}
+\def\xxdododefinefont#1#2#3#4% \autofontsizetrue is set by calling routine
+ {\edef\lastfontidentifier{#3}%
+ \ifcsname\newfontidentifier\endcsname\else
+ \def\localrelativefontsize{#1}%
+ \def\localabsolutefontsize{#2}%
+ \parsefontspec{#4}\newfontidentifier
+ \let\localrelativefontsize\defaultrelativefontsize % not needed
+ \fi
+ \csname\newfontidentifier\endcsname
+ \autofontsizefalse
+ %\edef\lastfontidentifier{#3}%
+ \ifskipfontcharacteristics \else
+ \setfontcharacteristics
+ \the\everyfontswitch
+ \fi}
+%D I considered checking for mistakenly use of \PLAIN's
+%D \type{\magstep}'s but although it would take only a few
+%D lines of code, this would not add to consistent use. I
+%D therefore removed this check.
+%D \macros
+%D {mapfontsize}
+%D For special purposes, like in math, you may want to use
+%D slightly different sizes than the ones given. This happens
+%D for instance with the Math Times fonts. Mapped font sizes
+%D can be specified by using the \type {mo} key instead of
+%D \type {sa} in font definitions.
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \mapfontsize[10pt][11pt]
+%D \mapfontsize[11pt][12pt]
+%D \mapfontsize[12pt][13pt]
+%D \definefont[test][Serif]\test TEST \par
+%D \definefont[test][Serif sa 5]\test TEST \par
+%D \definefont[test][Serif mo 5]\test TEST \par
+%D \definefont[test][Serif sa d]\test TEST \par
+%D \definefont[test][Serif at 60pt]\test TEST \par
+%D \definefont[test][Serif scaled 6000]\test TEST \par
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+%D \startpacked
+%D \getbuffer
+%D \stoppacked
+ {\dodoubleargument\domapfontsize}
+ {\scratchdimen#1\relax % \relax is really needed here
+ \setvalue{\??ft*\the\scratchdimen}{#2}}
+ {\ifcsname\??ft*#1\endcsname
+ \csname\??ft*#1\endcsname
+ \else
+ #1%
+ \fi}
+%D \macros
+%D {getfontname}
+%D The names of the fonts can be called with the rather simple
+%D macro \type{\getfontname}. When for instance we pass
+%D \type{12ptrmtf} as argument, we get \getfontname{12ptrmtf}.
+ {\csname\??ft#1\endcsname}
+%D To be documented.
+\def\definefontsize[#1]% sneller met toks
+ {\addtocommalist{#1}\fontsizelist
+ \def\docommand##1%
+ {\def\dodocommand####1%
+ {\def\dododocommand########1%
+ %{\checkbodyfont{}{########1}{####1}{##1}}%
+ {\checkbodyfont{########1}{####1}{##1}}%
+ \processcommacommand[\fontstylelist]\dododocommand}%
+ \processcommacommand[\fontalternativelist]\dodocommand}%
+ \processcommacommand[\fontsizelist]\docommand}
+\let\fontalternativelist\fontalternativetextlist % upward compatible
+%D \macros
+%D {currentfontscale,currentfontbodyscale}
+%D Sometimes we need to have access to the font scale
+%D including the \type{a}||\type{d} sizes. The next macro
+%D returns the current scaling factor. Take a look at
+%D \type {cont-log.tex} for an example of its use.
+ {\csname\??ft\s!default
+ \ifcsname\??ft\s!default\xfontsize\endcsname \xfontsize \else
+ \ifcsname\??ft\s!default\s!text \endcsname \s!text \fi\fi
+ \endcsname}
+ {\csname\??ft\s!default
+ \ifcsname\??ft\s!default\fontsize\endcsname \fontsize \else
+ \ifcsname\??ft\s!default\s!text \endcsname \s!text \fi\fi
+ \endcsname}
+%D Both alternatives use \type {\xfontsize}, a macro that
+%D expands to the current size in terms of \type {a} \unknown
+%D \type {d}, nothing, or \type {x} \unknown \type {xx}.
+%D A typical use of this command is in commands that switch
+%D to another font bypassing the font mechanism:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \font\myfont=\truefontname{MyFont} at \currentfontscale\bodyfontsize
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Now we enter the area of font switching. The switching
+%D mechanism has to take care of several situations, like:
+%D \startitemize[packed]
+%D \item changing the overal document fonts (including margins,
+%D headers and footers)
+%D \item changing local fonts (only the running text)
+%D \item smaller and even more smaller alternatives (super-
+%D and subscripts)
+%D \stopitemize
+%D \TEX\ offers a powerfull family mechanism for super- and
+%D subscripts in math mode. In text mode however, we don't use
+%D families for the smaller alternatives, and therefore have
+%D to take care of it otherwise.
+%D \macros
+%D {definebodyfontenvironment,setupbodyfontenvironment}
+%D The relationship between the several sizes of a font, is
+%D defined by:
+%D \showsetup{definebodyfontenvironment}
+%D Later on we will see how these parameters are used, so for
+%D the moment we stick with an example:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \definebodyfontenvironment
+%D [12pt]
+%D [ text=12pt,
+%D script=9pt,
+%D scriptscript=7pt,
+%D x=10pt,
+%D xx=8pt,
+%D big=12pt,
+%D small=10pt]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The first argument specifies the bodyfont size to which the
+%D settings apply. All second parameters are specified in
+%D dimensions and tell us more about related sizes.
+%D Afterwards, one can change values with
+%D \showsetup{setupbodyfontenvironment}
+%D Due to the fact that \type{\c!text} and \type{\s!text} can
+%D have a similar meaning, and therefore can lead to an
+%D unwanted loop, we temporary redefine \type{\c!text}. For
+%D the moment this in only place that some trickery is needed
+%D to fool the multilingual interface.
+%D When instead of a size the keyword \type{unknown} is
+%D passed, fractions (relations) are used instead of fixed
+%D sizes.
+ {\ifcase\@@fontdefhack
+ \let\k!savedtext \k!text \let\k!text \s!text
+ \let\k!k!savedtext \k!k!text \let\k!k!text \!!plusone
+ \let\k!saveddefault \k!default \let\k!default \s!default
+ \let\k!k!saveddefault\k!k!default \let\k!k!default \!!plusone
+ \fi
+ \advance\@@fontdefhack \plusone }
+ {\advance\@@fontdefhack \minusone
+ \ifcase\@@fontdefhack
+ \let\k!k!default\k!k!saveddefault
+ \let\k!default \k!saveddefault
+ \let\k!k!text \k!k!savedtext
+ \let\k!text \k!savedtext
+ \fi}
+ {\dotripleempty\dodefinebodyfontenvironment}
+\def\dodefinebodyfontenvironment[#1][#2][#3]% class size settings
+ {\ifthirdargument
+ \@@beginfontdef
+ \doifelse{#2}\s!default
+ {\getparameters[\??ft\s!default][#3]}
+ {\normalizebodyfontsize#2\to\tempbodyfontsize
+ \addtocommalist\tempbodyfontsize\bodyfontenvironmentlist
+ \@EA\dododefinebodyfontenvironment\@EA[\tempbodyfontsize][#1][#3]}%
+ \@@endfontdef
+ \else
+ \definebodyfontenvironment[\fontclass][#1][#2]% change */*
+ \fi}
+\def\dododefinebodyfontenvironment[#1][#2][#3]% size class settings
+ {\@@beginfontdef
+ \doifundefined{\??ft#2#1\c!em} % \s!text goes wrong in testing because
+ {\def\docommand##1% % the 12pt alternative will called when
+ {\scratchdimen#1\relax % typesetting the test (or so)
+ \scratchdimen\csname\??ft\s!default##1\endcsname\scratchdimen
+ \normalizebodyfontsize\scratchdimen\to\tempbodyfontsize
+ \setevalue{\??ft#2#1##1}{\tempbodyfontsize}}%
+ \processcommacommand[\fontrelativesizelist]\docommand
+ \copyparameters
+ [\??ft#2#1][\??ft\s!default]
+ [\c!interlinespace,\c!em]}%
+ \getparameters[\??ft#2#1][#3]%
+ \@@endfontdef
+ % new code, see remark
+ \ifloadingfonts \else % only runtime
+ \doifundefined{\@size@#1} % only once
+ {\letvalue{\@size@#1}\empty % prevent loop
+ \defineunknownfont{#1}}% % safeguard
+ \fi
+ % so far
+ \setvalue{\@size@#1}{\docompletefontswitch[#1]}}
+%D {\bf Remark:} We need to cover the following cases,
+%D otherwise users can get confused:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \setupbodyfont[23pt]
+%D \definebodyfontenvironment[23pt]
+%D \setupbodyfont[23pt]
+%D \definebodyfontenvironment[23pt]
+%D \definebodyfont[23pt][rm,ss,tt][default]
+%D \setupbodyfont[23pt]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Beware: while some font defs can be global, the bodyfont
+%D environment checks local. This means that multiple local
+%D checks resulting in definitions are not that efficient.
+%D So, apart from an occasional switch, one should define an
+%D environment at the outer level.
+ {\definebodyfontenvironment[\fontclass][#1][]}
+% original
+% \def\setupbodyfontenvironment
+% {\dotripleempty\dosetupbodyfontenvironment}
+% \def\dosetupbodyfontenvironment[#1][#2][#3]% class size settings
+% {\@@beginfontdef
+% \ifthirdargument
+% \getparameters[\??ft#1#2][#3]%
+% \else
+% \getparameters[\??ft#1][#2]%
+% \fi
+% \@@endfontdef}
+% this one already catches both define/setup
+% officially, but not needed (yet):
+% \def\dosetupbodyfontenvironment[#1][#2][#3]% class size settings
+% {\ifthirdargument
+% \localbodyfontsize#2\relax
+% \normalizebodyfontsize\localbodyfontsize\to\normalizedbodyfontsize
+% \doifundefinedelse{\??ft#1\normalizedbodyfontsize\c!em}
+% {\definebodyfontenvironment[#1][#2][#3]}%
+% {\getparameters[\??ft#1\normalizedbodyfontsize][#3]}%
+% \else
+% \localbodyfontsize#1\relax
+% \normalizebodyfontsize\localbodyfontsize\to\normalizedbodyfontsize
+% \doifundefinedelse{\??ft\normalizedbodyfontsize\c!em}
+% {\definebodyfontenvironment[#1][#2]}%
+% {\getparameters[\??ft\normalizedbodyfontsize][#2]}%
+% \fi}
+%D Just a couple of interface macros:
+ {\??ft\ifcsname\??ft\fontclass#1\endcsname\fontclass\fi#1}
+ {\csname\bodyfontvariable}
+ {\bodyfontvariable{\normalizedbodyfontsize\c!interlinespace}}
+ {\csname\bodyfontinterlinespecs\endcsname}
+%D We default all parameters to the main bodyfont size (begin
+%D \type{#1}), so the next setup is valid too:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \definebodyfontenvironment[24pt]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D All parameters can be redefined when needed, so one does
+%D not have to stick to the default ones.
+%D \macros
+%D {definebodyfont}
+%D The next step in defining a bodyfont involves the actual font
+%D files, which can be recognized by their extension
+%D \type{tfm}. Installing those file is often beyond the
+%D scope of the user and up to the system administrator.
+%D \showsetup{definebodyfont}
+%D This commands takes three arguments: a (series of) bodyfont
+%D size(s), the style group to which the definitions belong,
+%D and an alternative, as specified by the \TEX\ (math) families,
+%D extended with~a, b~\unknown.
+%D We show two examples, that show all the alternative
+%D scaling options. The \type{\tfa} alternatives can be
+%D extended with \type{\bfa}, \type{\slb}, etc. or even
+%D \type{e} and higher alternatives.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \definebodyfont [12pt] [rm]
+%D [tf=cmr12,
+%D bf=cmbx12,
+%D it=cmti12,
+%D sl=cmsl12,
+%D bi=cmbxti10 at 12pt,
+%D bs=cmbxsl10 at 12pt,
+%D tfa=cmr12 scaled \magstep1,
+%D tfb=cmr12 scaled \magstep2,
+%D tfc=cmr12 scaled \magstep3,
+%D tfd=cmr12 scaled \magstep4,
+%D sc=cmcsc10 at 12pt]
+%D \definebodyfont [12pt,11pt,10pt,9pt,8pt] [rm]
+%D [tf=lbr sa 1,
+%D bf=lbd sa 1,
+%D it=lbi sa 1,
+%D sl=lbsl sa 1,
+%D bi=lbdi sa 1,
+%D bs=lbdi sa 1,
+%D tfa=lbr sa 1.200,
+%D tfb=lbr sa 1.440,
+%D tfc=lbr sa 1.728,
+%D tfd=lbr sa 2.074,
+%D sc=lbr sa 0.833]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The second example shows that we can define more sizes at
+%D once. The main difference between these examples is that the
+%D Computer Modern Roman come in many design sizes. This means
+%D that there we cannot define them in bulk using \type{sa}.
+%D Instead of \type{rm} (roman) one can define \type{ss} (sans
+%D serif), \type{tt} (teletype), \type{hw} (hand written),
+%D \type{cg} (calygraphic) and whatever styles.
+%D The first argument may be a comma separated list. This,
+%D combined with specifications using \type{sa} can save a lot
+%D of typing. Although all arguments should be specified, we
+%D treat the second argument as optional.
+%D Defining a bodyfont involves two actions: defining the
+%D specific style related alternatives, like \type{\rma},
+%D \type{\bfa} and \type{\rmsla}, and storing the definitions
+%D of their bodyfont size related fonts. The first step is
+%D bodyfont independant but executed every time. This permits
+%D user definitions like \type{\tfw} or \type{\bfq} for real
+%D large alternatives.
+ {\doquadrupleempty\redefinebodyfont}
+ {\iffourthargument
+ \processcommacommand[#1]{\reredefinebodyfont[#2][#3][#4]}%
+ \else
+ \dodefinebodyfont[#1][#2][#3]%
+ \fi}
+ {\pushmacro\fontclass
+ \doifelse{#4}\s!default
+ {\let\fontclass\empty}
+ {\def\fontclass{#4}}%
+ \definebodyfont[#1][#2][#3]%
+ \popmacro\fontclass}
+\def\dodefinebodyfont[#1][#2][#3]% body|identifier style defs|identifier
+ {\ifthirdargument
+ \doifnumberelse{#1}
+ {\doifassignmentelse{#3}
+ {% [12pt] [style] [settings]
+ \doifundefined{#2}{\expanded{\definefontstyle[#2][#2]}}% new
+ \processcommalist[#1]{\dododefinebodyfont{#2}{#3}}}
+ {% [12pt] [style] [identifier]
+ \dodefinedefaultbodyfont[#1][#2][#3]}} % body style identifier
+ {% [identifier] [style] [settings] % see ***
+ \setvalue{\s!default#1#2}##1##2{\expanded{\xdodefinebodyfont[##1][##2][#3]}}}%
+ \else\ifsecondargument
+ \definebodyfont[#1][\c!rm][#2]%
+ \else
+ \doifundefined{\@size@#1} % Maybe there are default dependancies
+ {\defineunknownfont{#1}}% defined which we can use ([unknown])
+ \doifundefined{\@size@#1} % and if not, then we have at least to
+ {\definebodyfont[#1][\c!rm][]}% make sure some basics are set up.
+ \fi\fi}
+\def\xdodefinebodyfont[#1][#2][#3]% body|identifier style defs|identifier
+ {%\writestatus{[#1]}{[#2][#3]}%
+ \checkrelativefontsize{#2}% rather new, inherit from other defs
+ \ifundefined{#2}\expanded{\definefontstyle[#2][#2]}\fi % new
+ \processcommalist[#1]{\dododefinebodyfont{#2}{#3}}%
+ \let\relativefontsize\defaultrelativefontsize}
+\def\dododefinebodyfont#1#2#3% style defs body
+ {\checkbodyfontenvironment[#3]% just to be sure.
+ \processcommalist[#2]{\dodododefinebodyfont{#1}{#3}}}
+\def\dodododefinebodyfont#1#2#3% style body def
+ {\dododododefinebodyfont{#1}{#2}[#3]}
+\newif \ifresolvefontfile % protected by fontclass anyway
+\def\resolvefontname#1 {\truefontname{#1} }
+\def\dododododefinebodyfont#1#2[#3#4#5=#6]% style body def
+ {\ifundefined{#1#3#4#5}%
+ %\checkbodyfont{#2}{#1}{#3#4}{#5}% not \definefontsize[#5]
+ \checkbodyfont{#1}{#3#4}{#5}% not \definefontsize[#5]
+ \fi
+ \iflocalclassfonts
+ \letbeundefined{*\fontclass#2#1#3#4#5*}%
+ \scratchtoks{#6}%
+ \expanded{\unexpanded\noexpand\setvalue{#2#1#3#4#5}%
+ {\noexpand\xxdododefinefont{\relativefontsize}{#2}%
+ {#2#1#3#4#5}{\the\scratchtoks}}}%
+ \else
+ %\expanded{\writestatus{defining}{[\fontclass][#2#1#3#4#5] \resolvefontname#6 }}%
+ \global\letbeundefined{*\fontclass#2#1#3#4#5*}%
+ \ifresolvefontfile
+ \unexpanded\setxvalue{\fontclass#2#1#3#4#5}%
+ {\noexpand\xxdododefinefont{\relativefontsize}{#2}%
+ {#2#1#3#4#5}{\resolvefontname#6 }}%
+ \else
+ \scratchtoks{#6}%
+ \expanded{\unexpanded\noexpand\setgvalue{\fontclass#2#1#3#4#5}%
+ {\noexpand\xxdododefinefont{\relativefontsize}{#2}%
+ {#2#1#3#4#5}{\the\scratchtoks}}}%
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+% \def\checkbodyfont#1#2#3#4% body style alt size / gdef % #4 can be empty
+% {\def\c!!mm{#2}%
+% \ifx\c!!mm\c!mm % prevents \max and alike (re)defs
+% \unexpanded\setgvalue {#2}{\setcurrentfontstyle {#2}}% \rm
+% \unexpanded\setgvalue {#3}{\setcurrentfontalternative {#3}}% \sl
+% \else
+% \unexpanded\setgvalue {#2#4}{\setcurrentfontstylesize {#2}{#4}}% \rma
+% \unexpanded\setgvalue {#3#4}{\setcurrentfontalternativesize {#3}{#4}}% \sla
+% \unexpanded\setgvalue {#2#3#4}{\setcurrentfontstylealternativesize{#2}{#3}{#4}}% \rmsla
+% \unexpanded\setgvalue {#2}{\setcurrentfontstyle {#2}}% \rm
+% \unexpanded\setgvalue {#3}{\setcurrentfontalternative {#3}}% \sl
+% \unexpanded\setgvalue {#2\c!x}{\setcurrentfontxstylealternative {#2}}% \rmx
+% \unexpanded\setgvalue{#2\c!xx}{\setcurrentfontxxstylealternative {#2}}% \rmxx
+% \unexpanded\setgvalue {#3\c!x}{\setcurrentfontxalternative {#3}}% \slx
+% \unexpanded\setgvalue{#3\c!xx}{\setcurrentfontxxalternative {#3}}% \slxx
+% \unexpanded\setgvalue {#2#3}{\setcurrentfontstylealternative {#2}{#3}}% \rmsl
+% \fi}
+% leaner
+\def\checkbodyfont#1% tests for ttsl mmbf
+ {\def\c!!mm{#1}%
+ \ifx\c!!mm\c!mm % prevents \max and alike (re)defs
+ \expandafter\checkmathbodyfont
+ \else
+ \expandafter\checktextbodyfont
+ \fi{#1}} % no \c!!mm, not expanded later on
+\def\checkmathbodyfont#1#2#3% style alt size / gdef % #3 can be empty
+ {%\message{!m #1 #2 #3!}%
+ % #1 #2 #3 = signal
+ \unexpanded\setgvalue {#1#2#3}{\setcurrentfontstylealternativesize{#1}{#2}{#3}}% \mmsla
+ \unexpanded\setgvalue {#1}{\setcurrentfontstyle {#1}}% \mm
+ \unexpanded\setgvalue {#2}{\setcurrentfontalternative {#2}}}% \sl
+\def\checktextbodyfont#1#2#3% style alt size / gdef % #3 can be empty
+ {%\message{!t #1 #2 #3!}%
+ \unexpanded\setgvalue {#1#3}{\setcurrentfontstylesize {#1}{#3}}% \rma
+ \unexpanded\setgvalue {#2#3}{\setcurrentfontalternativesize {#2}{#3}}% \sla
+ \unexpanded\setgvalue {#1#2#3}{\setcurrentfontstylealternativesize{#1}{#2}{#3}}% \rmsla
+ \unexpanded\setgvalue {#1}{\setcurrentfontstyle {#1}}% \rm
+ \unexpanded\setgvalue {#2}{\setcurrentfontalternative {#2}}% \sl
+ \unexpanded\setgvalue {#1\c!x}{\setcurrentfontxstylealternative {#1}}% \rmx
+ \unexpanded\setgvalue{#1\c!xx}{\setcurrentfontxxstylealternative {#1}}% \rmxx
+ \unexpanded\setgvalue {#2\c!x}{\setcurrentfontxalternative {#2}}% \slx
+ \unexpanded\setgvalue{#2\c!xx}{\setcurrentfontxxalternative {#2}}% \slxx
+ \unexpanded\setgvalue {#1#2}{\setcurrentfontstylealternative {#1}{#2}}}% \rmsl
+\def\dodefinedefaultbodyfont[#1][#2][#3]% sizes styles identifier
+ {\def\dododefinedefaultbodyfont##1%
+ {\def\dodododefinedefaultbodyfont####1%
+ {\def\dododododefinedefaultbodyfont########1%
+ {\doifdefined{\s!default########1####1}
+ {% [12pt] [style] [identifier]
+ \getvalue{\s!default########1####1}{##1}{####1}}}%
+ \processcommalist[#3]\dododododefinedefaultbodyfont}%
+ \processcommalist[#2]\dodododefinedefaultbodyfont}%
+ \processcommalist[#1]\dododefinedefaultbodyfont}
+%D Unknown families are added to the family list! For the
+%D moment we also set the direct calls here. Some day a better
+%D solution will be implemented. The good news is that unknown
+%D fonts are defined automatically.
+% \def\defineunknownfont#1%
+% {\let\c!savedtext\c!text
+% \let\c!text\s!text
+% \donefalse
+% \def\docommand##1%
+% {\doifdefined{\??ft\s!default##1}
+% {\donetrue
+% \scratchdimen#1\relax
+% \scratchdimen\csname\??ft\s!default##1\endcsname\scratchdimen
+% \normalizebodyfontsize\scratchdimen\to\!!stringa
+% \letvalue{\??ft#1##1}\!!stringa}}%
+% \processcommacommand[\fontrelativesizelist]\docommand
+% \let\c!text\c!savedtext
+% \ifdone
+% \donefalse
+% \def\defineunknownbodyfont##1% see ***
+% %{\doifdefined{\s!default##1}
+% % {\donetrue\getvalue{\s!default##1}{#1}}}%
+% {\doifdefined{\s!default\s!default##1}
+% {\donetrue\getvalue{\s!default\s!default##1}{#1}{##1}}}%
+% \processcommacommand
+% [\fontstylelist]
+% \defineunknownbodyfont
+% \ifdone
+% \setvalue{\@size@#1}{\docompletefontswitch[#1]}%
+% \ifdefiningunknownfont \else
+% \definingunknownfonttrue
+% \def\defineunknownsubfont##1%
+% {\doifundefined{\@size@\getvalue{\??ft#1##1}}
+% {\defineunknownfont{\getvalue{\??ft#1##1}}}}%
+% \processcommacommand[\fontrelativesizelist]\defineunknownsubfont
+% \definingunknownfontfalse
+% \fi
+% \fi
+% \ifdone
+% \showmessage\m!fonts{14}{#1}%
+% \fi
+% \fi}
+ {\doifdefined{\??ft\s!default#2}
+ {\donetrue
+ \scratchdimen#1\relax
+ \scratchdimen\csname\??ft\s!default#2\endcsname\scratchdimen
+ \normalizebodyfontsize\scratchdimen\to\!!stringa
+ \letvalue{\??ft#1#2}\!!stringa}}
+% \def\dodefineunknownbodyfont#1#2% see ***
+% {\doifdefined{\s!default\s!default#2}
+% {\donetrue
+% \getvalue{\s!default\s!default#2}{#1}{#2}}}
+% but ... it needs to be as follows:
+% \def\dodefineunknownbodyfont#1#2% see ***
+% {\doifdefined{\s!default\fontclass#2}% was \s!default\s!default (related to change */*)
+% {\donetrue
+% \getvalue{\s!default\fontclass#2}{#1}{#2}}}
+% eh ... this does not work so we revert back to:
+\def\dodefineunknownbodyfont#1#2% see ***
+ {\doifdefined{\s!default\s!default#2}% somehow related to */*
+ {\donetrue
+ \getvalue{\s!default\s!default#2}{#1}{#2}}}
+ {\doifundefined{\@size@\getvalue{\??ft#1#2}}
+ {\donetrue
+ \defineunknownfont{\getvalue{\??ft#1#2}}}}
+ {\let\c!savedtext\c!text
+ \let\c!text\s!text
+ \donefalse
+ \processcommacommand[\fontrelativesizelist]{\dodefineunknownfont{#1}}%
+ \let\c!text\c!savedtext
+ \ifdone
+ \donefalse
+ \processcommacommand
+ [\fontstylelist]
+ {\dodefineunknownbodyfont{#1}}%
+ \ifdone
+ \donefalse
+ \setvalue{\@size@#1}{\docompletefontswitch[#1]}%
+ \ifdefiningunknownfont \else
+ \definingunknownfonttrue
+ \processcommacommand[\fontrelativesizelist]{\dodefineunknownsubfont{#1}}%
+ \definingunknownfontfalse
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \ifdone
+ \showmessage\m!fonts{14}{#1}%
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+% \def\defineunknownfontstyles#1%
+% {\def\defineunknownbodyfont##1% see ***
+% {\executeifdefined{\s!default\s!default##1}\gobbletwoarguments{#1}{##1}}%
+% \rawprocesscommacommand[\fontstylelist]\defineunknownbodyfont}
+%D These macros show that quite some definitions take place.
+%D Fonts are not loaded yet! This means that at format
+%D generation time, no font files are preloaded.
+%D A previous implementation used:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \type {\setvalue{name}{\donottest...}}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D instead of the more memory hungry:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \unexpanded\setvalue{name}{...}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The first alternative saves about 500 hash entries (about
+%D 2.5\% of the total number of entries used. The second
+%D alternative is currently used, because that one can more
+%D easily be made \ETEX\ aware.
+%D \macros
+%D {everybodyfont,Everybodyfont,everyglobalbodyfont}
+%D Every change in bodyfont size has conseqences for the baseline
+%D distance and skips between paragraphs. These are initialized
+%D in other modules. Here we only provide the hooks that
+%D garantees their handling.
+% \ifx\everybodyfont\undefined % permits reloading
+% \newevery \everybodyfont \EveryBodyFont
+% \fi
+%D At the system level one can initialize thing like:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \appendtoks \setupspacing \to \everybodyfont
+%D \stoptyping
+%D While users can add their own non standard commands like:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \EveryBodyFont{\message{changing to bodyfont \the\bodyfontsize}}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Personnaly I never felt the need for such extensions, but
+%D at least its possible.
+%D \macros
+%D {globalbodyfontsize,localbodyfontsize}
+%D Next we'll do the tough job of font switching. Here we
+%D have to distinguish between the global (overal) bodyfont
+%D size and the local (sometimes in the textflow) size. We
+%D store these dimensions in two \DIMENSION\ registers.
+\ifdefined\globalbodyfontsize\else \newdimen\globalbodyfontsize \fi \globalbodyfontsize=12pt
+\ifdefined\localbodyfontsize \else \newdimen\localbodyfontsize \fi \localbodyfontsize =\globalbodyfontsize
+%D \macros
+%D {bodyfontsize}
+%D These two registers are not to be misused in calculations.
+%D For this purpose we keep a copy:
+\newdimen\bodyfontsize \bodyfontsize=\globalbodyfontsize
+%D \macros
+%D {outputresolution}
+%D Sometimes (to be honest: not in this module) we need to
+%D take the system resolution into account. Therefore we also
+%D define a macro:
+\def\outputresolution {600}
+%D \macros
+%D {bodyfontfactor,bodyfontpoints}
+%D For multiplication purposes we keep an auxiliary counter
+%D and macro (here the expansion is not explicitly needed):
+\newcount\bodyfontpoints \dimensiontocount\bodyfontsize\bodyfontpoints
+%D When we assign for instance 12pt to a \DIMENSION\ register
+%D the \type{\the}'d value comes out as 12.0pt, which is
+%D often not the way users specify the bodyfont size. Therefore
+%D we also store the normalized value.
+\chardef\fontdigits=2 % was 1
+% \def\normalizebodyfontsize#1\to#2%
+% {\scratchdimen#1\relax
+% \ifcase\fontdigits\advance\scratchdimen.5\points\fi
+% \@EA\@EA\@EA\donormalizedbodyfontsize\@EA\WITHOUTPT\the\scratchdimen00\to#2}
+% \def\donormalizedbodyfontsize#1.#2#3#4\to#5% \points ?
+% {\edef#5%
+% {#1%
+% \ifcase\fontdigits\or
+% \ifcase#2 \else.#2\fi % and not: \ifcase#2\else ...
+% \else
+% \ifcase#2#3 \else.#2\ifcase#3 \else#3\fi\fi % not: \ifcase#2#3\else ...
+% \fi
+% \s!pt}}
+ {\scratchdimen\dimexpr#1+\ifcase\fontdigits.5\or.05\or.005\fi\points\relax
+ \@EA\@EA\@EA\donormalizedbodyfontsize\@EA\WITHOUTPT\the\scratchdimen000\to#2}
+\def\donormalizedbodyfontsize#1.#2#3#4#5\to#6% \points ?
+ {\edef#6% not \ifcase#2\else due to \relax adding
+ {#1%
+ \ifcase\fontdigits
+ \or \ifcase#2 \else .#2\fi % 1
+ \or \ifcase#2#3 \else .#2\ifcase#3 \else #3\fi\fi % 2
+ \else \ifcase#2#3#4 \else .#2\ifcase#4 \ifcase#3 \else#3\fi \else#3#4\fi\fi % 3
+ \fi
+ \s!pt}}
+%D To be internationalized:
+\def\korpsgrootte {\bodyfontsize}
+\def\korpspunten {\bodyfontpoints}
+%D some day.
+%D \macros
+%D {fontstyle,fontalternative,fontsize}
+%D Within a bodyfont, fonts can come in different sizes. For
+%D instance \type{\tf} is accompanied by \type{\tfa},
+%D \type{\tfb} etc. The first two characters denote the
+%D alternative, while the third character in these sequences
+%D represents the size. The actual size is saved in a macro
+%D The style, being roman (\type{\rm}), sans serif (\type{\ss})
+%D etc. is also available in a macro in \type{rm}, \type{ss}
+%D etc. form:
+\let\defaultfontalternative = \c!tf
+\let\defaultfontstyle = \empty
+\let\defaultfontsize = \empty
+\let\fontalternative = \defaultfontalternative
+\let\fontstyle = \defaultfontstyle
+\let\fontsize = \defaultfontsize
+%D {\em The following approach is obsolete.}
+%D All things related to fonts are grouped into files with
+%D names like \type{font-cmr}. These files are loaded by:
+ {\letbeundefined{\c!file\f!fontprefix#1}}
+\def\doreadfontdefinitionfile#1#2% #1 = set/switch state
+ {\doifundefined{\c!file\f!fontprefix#2}%
+ {\ifloadfontfileonce
+ \letvalue{\c!file\f!fontprefix#2}\empty
+ \fi
+ \makeshortfilename[\truefilename{\f!fontprefix#2}]%
+ \startreadingfile
+ \readsysfile{\shortfilename.mkii}
+ {\showmessage\m!fonts2{#2}}
+ {\showmessage\m!fonts3{#2}}%
+ \stopreadingfile}}
+%D When \type {\loadfontfileoncetrue}, such files are
+%D only loaded once! This permits redundant loading, but at
+%D the same time forced grouping when we want continuously mix
+%D all kind of font, which of course is a kind of
+%D typographically sin. The \type{"} is made inactive if
+%D needed to prevent problems with loading files that use this
+%D character in numbers.
+ {\expanded{\dodoswitchpoints{#1}}}
+ {\doifundefined{\@size@#1}
+ {\defineunknownfont{#1}}%
+ %\defineunknownfontstyles{#1}%
+ \doifdefinedelse{\@size@#1}
+ {\getvalue{\@size@#1}%
+ \localbodyfontsize#1\relax
+ \normalizebodyfontsize\localbodyfontsize\to\normalizedbodyfontsize
+ \checkbodyfontenvironment[\normalizedbodyfontsize]}
+ {\showmessage\m!fonts4{#1}}}
+\unprotected \def\doswitchstyle[#1]%
+ {\doifdefinedelse{\@style@#1}
+ {\getvalue{\@style@#1}%
+ \edef\fontstyle{#1}%
+ \ifmmode\mr\fi % in order to be compatible with \rm in math mode
+ }% \the\everybodyfont} % cleaner, in setting size as well as style
+ {\showmessage\m!fonts5{#1}}}
+%D \TEX\ loads font metric files like \type{cmr10.tfm} and
+%D \type{tir.tfm} only once. In \PLAIN\ \TEX\ some font files
+%D are {\em preloaded}. This means that the font files are
+%D loaded, but not accessible yet by name. This is accomplished
+%D by saying:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \font\preloaded=cmr10 at 11pt
+%D \stoptyping
+%D and using the name \type{\preloaded} again and again, so
+%D fonts are indeed loaded, but unnamed, and therefore
+%D unaccessible. In \CONTEXT\ we don't preload fonts, not even
+%D the \PLAIN\ \TEX\ ones, although users can access them. Now
+%D why is this done?
+%D Defining fonts using \type{\definebodyfont} takes time, so we
+%D prefer to predefine at least the Computer Modern Roman
+%D fonts. However, loading all those fonts at definition time
+%D would take both time and space. But even worse, once fonts
+%D are loaded into memory, their encoding vector is fixed,
+%D which is a handicap when we want to distribute the compact
+%D \type{fmt} files. So what we want to do is defining fonts in
+%D a way that postpones the loading. We accomplish this by only
+%D loading the fonts when we switch to another bodyfont size.
+%D Among the other alternatives, such as loading the font at
+%D the moment of activation and redefining the activation
+%D macro afterwards, this proved to be the most efficient
+%D alternative.
+%D The next few macros take care of the one exeption on this
+%D scheme. When at format generation time we load the default
+%D font file, the one that defines the Computer Modern Fonts,
+%D we don't want the fonts metrics to end up in the format
+%D file, so we temporary prohibit loading. This means that at
+%D runtime we have to load the default bodyfont size just before
+%D we start typesetting.
+%D Therefore we have to signal the font switching macros that
+%D we are preloading fonts. As long as the next boolean is,
+%D true, no loading is done.
+\newif\ifloadingfonts \loadingfontstrue
+%D \macros
+%D {preloadfonts}
+%D Preloading is only called for once, during the startup
+%D sequence of a session. After the loading job is done, the
+%D macro relaxes itself and reset the signal.
+\def\preloadfonts % never called, needs a clean up
+ {\showmessage\m!fonts6{\normalizedbodyfontsize\normalspace\fontstyle}%
+ \global\loadingfontsfalse
+ \doswitchpoints[\normalizedbodyfontsize]%
+ \doswitchstyle[\fontstyle]%
+ \the\everybodyfont
+ \the\everyglobalbodyfont
+ \saveinterlinespace
+ \global\let\preloadfonts\relax}
+% \prependtoks \preloadfonts \to \everydump % saves .1 s on a DELL P60 - 2GHZ
+%D Here comes the main font switching macros. These macros
+%D handle changes in size as well as returning to the global
+%D bodyfont size.
+\def\dosetfont#1#2% #1 = set/switch state
+ {\doifelse{#2}\v!global
+ {\restoreglobalbodyfont}
+ {\processcommacommand[#2]{\dodosetfont{#1}}% ##1 get also passed
+ \ifloadingfonts\else
+ \doswitchpoints[\normalizedbodyfontsize]%
+ \doswitchstyle[\fontstyle]%
+ \fi}%
+ \chardef\currentxfontsize\zerocount}
+\def\dodosetfont#1#2% #1 = set/switch state | check fo rempty, else space
+ {\doifsomething{#2}{\dododosetfont{#1}{#2}{\showmessage\m!fonts4{#2}}}}
+\def\dododosetfont#1#2#3% #1 = set/switch state
+ {\doifnumberelse{#2}
+ {\dodododosetfont{#1}{#2}{#3}}
+ {\doifdefinedelse{\??ft\normalizedbodyfontsize\interfaced{#2}}
+ {\edef\fontstep{\bodyfontcsname\normalizedbodyfontsize\interfaced{#2}\endcsname}%
+ \expanded{\dodododosetfont{#1}{\fontstep}}{#3}}
+ {\doifelse{#2}\v!reset
+ {\let\fontstyle\empty % new 31/7/2006
+ \let\fontsize \empty}
+ {\doifdefinedelse{\@style@#2}
+ {\edef\fontstyle{#2}}
+ {\doreadfontdefinitionfile{#1}{#2}}}}}}
+\def\dodododosetfont#1#2#3% #1 = set/switch state
+ {\scratchdimen#2\relax
+ \normalizebodyfontsize\scratchdimen\to\normalizedsetfont
+ \doifundefined{\@size@\normalizedsetfont}
+ {\defineunknownfont{#2}}%
+ \doifdefinedelse{\@size@\normalizedsetfont}
+ {\localbodyfontsize\normalizedsetfont
+ \let\normalizedbodyfontsize\normalizedsetfont}
+ {#3\dosetsubstitutefont{#1}{#2}}}
+%D In the previous macros we use \type{\currentxfontsize} to
+%D hold the current x||size of the font. This enables us to
+%D support for instance \type{\sl} inside a \type{\tx} switch.
+%D When users specify for instance a 13 point bodyfont while no
+%D such bodyfont is defined, the system automatically tries to
+%D find a best fit, that is the nearest smaller defined
+%D bodyfontzize. A smaller one is definitely better than a larger
+%D one, simply because otherwise a lot of overfull box messages
+%D are more probable to occur. By taking a value slightly
+%D smaller than half a point, we can use the next method.
+\def\dosetsubstitutefont#1#2% #1 = set/switch state
+ {\scratchdimen#2\relax
+ \advance\scratchdimen .499\points
+ \dimensiontocount\scratchdimen\scratchcounter
+ \advance\scratchcounter \minusone
+ \ifnum\scratchcounter>\plusthree
+ \dododosetfont{#1}{\the\scratchcounter\s!pt}{}%
+ \fi}
+% The following bunch of macros deals with the (run time)
+% expansion of names onto the definitions made by \type
+% {\definebodyfont}.
+% \let\fontbody \empty % ... 10pt 11pt 12pt ...
+% \let\fontstyle \empty % rm ss tt mm hw cg ...
+% \let\fontalternative\empty % tf bf sl it bs bi sc ...
+% \let\fontsize \empty % xy-abcd ...
+\let\fontclass\empty \let\globalfontclass\fontclass
+% \def\setcurrentfontclass#1%
+% {\edef\fontclass{#1}}
+ {\letgvalue{\@fontclass@#1}\v!yes} % global ?
+ {\ifcsname\@fontclass@#1\endcsname
+ \edef\fontclass{#1}%
+ \fi}
+\let\defaultfontstyle \c!rm
+\let\defaultfontalternative \c!tf
+\let\defaultfontsize \empty
+%D \macros
+%D {bigmath,nobigmath}
+%D We can inhibit this slow||downer with:
+% these can best be combined
+% 0=never 1=everymath 2=always
+ \ifcase\synchronizebigmathflag
+ % never
+ \or
+ \synchronizebigmath
+ \or
+ % always
+ \fi
+\to \everymathematics
+\def\nobigmath{\chardef\synchronizebigmathflag 0 }
+\def\bigmath {\chardef\synchronizebigmathflag 2 \synchronizebigmath}
+ {\ifx\bigmathfontsize\fontsize
+ % already in sync
+ \else
+ \let\bigmathfontsize\fontsize
+ \synchronizemath \synchronizetext
+ \fi}
+ {\ifcase\synchronizebigmathflag
+ % never
+ \or
+ \ifmmode \synchronizebigmath \fi
+ \or
+ \synchronizebigmath
+ \fi}
+%D So far for synchronisation.
+ {\edef\fontsize{#1}%
+ \checkbigmathsynchronization}
+ {\edef\fontalternative{#1}%
+ \ifmmode % maybe no test, or actually, an option
+ \fam\csname\fontalternative\s!fam\endcsname
+ \fi}
+ {%\message{[1 #1 #2 #3 #4]}%
+ \edef\fontbody{#1}%
+ \edef\fontstyle{#2}%
+ \dosetcurrentfontalternative{#3}%
+ \dosetcurrentfontsize{#4}%
+ \synchronizefont}
+ {%\message{[2 #1]}%
+ \edef\fontbody{#1}%
+ \synchronizefont}
+% \def\setcurrentfontstyle#1%
+% {%\message{[3 #1]}%
+% \edef\fontstyle{#1}%
+% \ifmmode\mr\fi % otherwise \rm not downward compatible
+% \synchronizefont}
+% For Taco: optional fall backs:
+\ifx\checkfontclass\undefined \let\checkfontclass\gobbleoneargument \fi % implemented in type-ini
+ {%\message{[3 #1]}%
+ \checkfontclass{#1}%
+ \edef\fontstyle{#1}%
+ \ifmmode\mr\fi % otherwise \rm not downward compatible
+ \synchronizefont}
+ {%\message{[4 #1 #2]}%
+ \edef\fontbody{#1}%
+ \dosetcurrentfontalternative{#2}%
+ \synchronizefont}
+ {%\message{[5 #1]}%
+ \dosetcurrentfontalternative{#1}%
+ \synchronizefont}
+ {%\message{[6 #1]}%
+ \dosetcurrentfontsize{#1}%
+ \synchronizefont}
+\def\setcurrentfontstylealternative#1#2% \rmsl
+ {%\message{[7 #1 #2]}%
+ \edef\fontstyle{#1}%
+ \dosetcurrentfontalternative{#2}%
+ \synchronizefont}
+\def\setcurrentfontstylesize#1#2% \rmsla
+ {%\message{[8 #1 #2]}%
+ \edef\fontstyle{#1}%
+ \dosetcurrentfontsize{#2}%
+ \synchronizefont}
+\def\setcurrentfontalternativesize#1#2% \sla
+ {%\message{[9 #1 #2]}%
+ \dosetcurrentfontalternative{#1}%
+ \dosetcurrentfontsize{#2}%
+ \synchronizefont}
+\def\setcurrentfontstylealternativesize#1#2#3% \rmsla
+ {%\message{[10 #1 #2 #3]}%
+ \edef\fontstyle{#1}%
+ \dosetcurrentfontalternative{#2}%
+ \dosetcurrentfontsize{#3}%
+ \synchronizefont}
+%D In principle one can assign alternative fallback routines.
+%D Some day we will.
+ {\tryingfonttrue
+ \ifx\fontclass\empty\else
+ \global\let\fontstrategy\dofontclassstrategy
+ \the\fontstrategies \relax % \relax still needed ?
+ \fi
+ \iftryingfont
+ \global\let\fontstrategy\dofontstrategy
+ \the\fontstrategies \relax % \relax still needed ?
+ \fi
+ \ifskipfontcharacteristics
+ \setfontcharacteristics
+ \the\everyfontswitch
+ \fi}
+ {\ifcsname#2#3#4#5\endcsname
+ #1\csname#2#3#4#5\endcsname \tryingfontfalse
+ \fi}
+ {\ifcsname\fontclass#2#3#4#5\endcsname
+ #1\csname\fontclass#2#3#4#5\endcsname \tryingfontfalse
+ \fi}
+\appendtoks \iftryingfont \fontstrategy \autofontsizefalse % --- --- --- --- % pt tt bf a
+ \fontbody \fontstyle \fontalternative \fontsize
+\fi \to \fontstrategies
+\appendtoks \iftryingfont \fontstrategy \autofontsizetrue % --- --- --- def % pt tt bf
+ \fontbody \fontstyle \fontalternative \defaultfontsize
+\fi \to \fontstrategies
+\appendtoks \iftryingfont \fontstrategy \autofontsizetrue % --- --- def --- % pt tt tf a
+ \fontbody \fontstyle \defaultfontalternative \fontsize
+\fi \to \fontstrategies
+\appendtoks \iftryingfont \fontstrategy \autofontsizetrue % --- --- def def % pt tt tf
+ \fontbody \fontstyle \defaultfontalternative \defaultfontsize
+\fi \to \fontstrategies
+\appendtoks \iftryingfont \fontstrategy \autofontsizefalse % --- def def def % pt rm tf
+ \fontbody \defaultfontstyle \defaultfontalternative \defaultfontsize
+\fi \to \fontstrategies
+\appendtoks \iftryingfont \fontstrategy \autofontsizetrue % def def def def % rm tf
+ \defaultfontbody \defaultfontstyle \defaultfontalternative \defaultfontsize
+\fi \to \fontstrategies
+%D Let's synchronize:
+\newif\ifsynchronizefonts \synchronizefontstrue
+ \ifsynchronizefonts
+ \synchronizemath
+ \synchronizetext
+ \synchronizefont % problem: syncs last font
+ \fi
+\to \everybodyfont
+%D Setting the normal sized as well as the x and xx smaller
+%D sizes is accomplished by the next set of macros. When in
+%D math mode, the commands \type{\tx} and \type{\txx} are
+%D just a switch to the script and double script styles, but
+%D in text mode the values defined by the bodyfontenvironment are
+%D used. Here we also set \type{\currentxfontsize}.
+ {\chardef\currentxfontsize#2\relax
+ \ifmmode
+ #4%
+ \else\ifcsname\bodyfontvariable{\normalizedbodyfontsize#3}\endcsname
+ \setcurrentfontbodyalternative{\bodyfontcsname\normalizedbodyfontsize#3\endcsname}{#1}%
+ \fi\fi}
+ {\dosetcurrentfontxxxalternative{#1}1\c!x\scriptstyle
+ \let\tx\txx}
+ {\dosetcurrentfontxxxalternative{#1}2\c!xx\scriptscriptstyle
+ \let\tx\empty
+ \let\txx\empty}
+\def\checknestedxfontsize % option
+ {\ifcase\currentxfontsize\else\ifx\fontsize\empty\else
+ \chardef\currentxfontsize\zeropoint
+ \let\fontsize\empty
+ \let\tx\normaltx
+ \let\txx\normaltxx
+ \fi\fi}
+ {\checknestedxfontsize
+ \dosetcurrentfontxxxalternative{#1}1\c!x\scriptstyle
+ \let\tx\txx}
+ {\checknestedxfontsize
+ \dosetcurrentfontxxxalternative{#1}2\c!xx\scriptscriptstyle
+ \let\tx\empty
+ \let\txx\empty}
+% This alterative is not really needed, but for old time's sake
+% we keep it there. We can speed it up when needed.
+% \def\setcurrentfontxstylealternative #1{\csname#1\endcsname\tfx}
+% \def\setcurrentfontxxstylealternative#1{\csname#1\endcsname\tfxx}
+\def\setcurrentfontxstylealternative #1{\csname#1\endcsname\tx}
+%D These macros also show us that when we call for \type{\tx},
+%D this macro is redefined to be \type{\txx}. Therefore calls
+%D like:
+%D \startbuffer
+%D {small \tx is \tx beautiful}
+%D {small \tx is \txx beautiful}
+%D {small \txx is \tx beautiful}
+%D {small \txx is \txx beautiful}
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+%D result in:
+%D \startvoorbeeld
+%D \startlines
+%D \getbuffer
+%D \stoplines
+%D \stopvoorbeeld
+%D Setting the main size involves the style list and therefore
+%D takes a bit more time. Keep in mind that the fontsize is
+%D represented by a character or empty.
+\unexpanded\def\tx {\setcurrentfontxalternative \fontalternative}
+\let\normaltx \tx
+%D \macros
+%D {definefontstyle}
+%D When setting of switching the overall style we can use the
+%D short identifier like rm and ss, but when defined we can
+%D also use more verbose names like roman or sansserif. Such
+%D names are defined by:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \definefontstyle [serif,rm] [rm]
+%D \definefontstyle [sansserif,ss] [ss]
+%D \stoptyping
+ {\rawdoifinsetelse{#2}{\fontstylelist}
+ {}%\debuggerinfo\m!fonts{unknown style #2}}
+ {\addtocommalist{#2}\fontstylelist
+ \showmessage\m!fonts8{#2\space (#1)}}%
+ % check kan hier
+ \def\docommand##1%
+ {\setvalue{\@shortstyle@##1}{#2}%
+ \setvalue{\@style@##1}{\csname#2\endcsname}}%
+ \processcommalist[#1]\docommand}
+ {\dodoubleargument\dodefinefontstyle}
+\def\setfontstyle#1#2% #1:name (roman, romaan) #2:style (rm)
+ {\edef\fontstyle{#1}%
+ \setcurrentfontstyle\normalizedbodyfontsize}
+\chardef\defaultskewcharmi=127 % '177
+\chardef\defaultskewcharsy= 48 % '60
+% \def\dosetskewchar#1%
+% {\skewchar\font\ifx\@@fontskewchar\empty#1\else\@@fontskewchar\fi}
+ {\ifx\@@fontskewchar\empty
+ \skewchar\textfont #1#2%
+ \skewchar\scriptfont #1#2%
+ \skewchar\scriptscriptfont#1#2%
+ \else
+ \skewchar\textfont #1\@@fontskewchar
+ \skewchar\scriptfont #1\@@fontskewchar
+ \skewchar\scriptscriptfont#1\@@fontskewchar
+ \fi}
+%D The previous macros show that it's is not always
+%D neccessary to define the whole bunch of fonts, take for
+%D instance the sequence:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \setupbodyfont
+%D [ams]
+%D \definebodyfont [24pt] [mm]
+%D [ma=msam10 at 24pt,
+%D mb=msbm10 at 24pt]
+%D \switchtobodyfont
+%D [24pt]
+%D This is a 24pt $\blacktriangleleft$
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Here we didn't define the 24 point bodyfont environment, so
+%D it's defined automatically. Of course one can always use the
+%D \TEX\ primitive \type{\font} to switch to whatever font
+%D needed.
+%D When asking for a complete font switch, for instance from 10
+%D to 12~points, the next macro does the job. First we
+%D normalize the size, next we define the current range of
+%D text, script and scriptscript sizes, then we set the text
+%D fonts and the math families and finally we activate the
+%D default typeface and also set the font specific parameters
+%D assigned to \type{\everybodyfont}
+ {\edef#1{\bodyfontcsname\normalizedbodyfontsize#2\endcsname}}
+ {\bodyfontsize#1\relax
+ \dimensiontocount\bodyfontsize\bodyfontpoints
+ \edef\bodyfontfactor{\withoutpt\the\bodyfontsize}%
+ \normalizebodyfontsize\bodyfontsize\to\normalizedbodyfontsize
+ \dosetbodyfontface \textface \s!text
+ \dosetbodyfontface \scriptface \s!script
+ \dosetbodyfontface \scriptscriptface \s!scriptscript}
+\docompletefontswitch[12pt] % init
+%D \macros
+%D {setupbodyfont,switchtobodyfont}
+%D The next two macros are user ones. With \type{\setupbodyfont}
+%D one can set the document bodyfont size, font family, style
+%D and/or options defined in files, for example:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \setupbodyfont[cmr,ams,12pt,roman]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D This command affects the document as a whole: text, headers
+%D and footers. The second macro however affects only the text:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \switchtobodyfont[10pt]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D So we've got:
+%D \showsetup{setupbodyfont}
+%D \showsetup{switchtobodyfont}
+%D Both macros look alike. The second one also has to take
+%D all kind of keywords into account.
+\ifx\saveinterlinespace \undefined \let\saveinterlinespace \relax \fi
+\ifx\restoreinterlinespace\undefined \let\restoreinterlinespace\relax \fi
+ {\restoreglobalbodyfont
+ \saveinterlinespace}
+ {\doifsomething{#1}
+ {\dosetfont1{#1}%
+ \globalbodyfontsize\localbodyfontsize
+ \normalizebodyfontsize\globalbodyfontsize\to\normalizedglobalbodyfontsize
+ \let\globalfontstyle\fontstyle
+ \ifloadingfonts\else
+ \the\everybodyfont
+ \the\everyglobalbodyfont
+ \saveinterlinespace
+ \fi}}
+ {\doifsomething{#1}
+ {\doifdefinedelse{\??ft\normalizedbodyfontsize\interfaced{#1}}
+ {\setbodyfontstep{#1}} % so we have a fast [small] switch
+ {\dosetfont0{#1}}%
+ \the\everybodyfont}} % indeed needed in case nothing is executed
+%D The following alternative is meant for math||to||text
+%D switching and will be optimized.
+ {\ifcsname\??ft\normalizedbodyfontsize#1\endcsname
+ \edef\futurebodyfontsize
+ {\csname\??ft\normalizedbodyfontsize#1\endcsname}%
+ \ifcsname\@size@\futurebodyfontsize\endcsname
+ \csname\@size@\futurebodyfontsize\endcsname
+ \localbodyfontsize\futurebodyfontsize\relax
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \csname\@style@\fontstyle\endcsname
+ \the\everybodyfont}
+%D Because the last macro can appear in arguments or be assigned
+%D to parameters, we protect this one for unwanted expansion.
+ {\setcurrentfontalternative{#1}%
+ % \doifdefinedelse{#1\s!fam} % adapted
+ % {\edef\mffam{\getvalue{#1\s!fam}}}
+ % {\edef\mffam{\getvalue{\c!nn\s!fam}}}%
+ \textfont \mrfam\textfont \mffam
+ \scriptfont \mrfam\scriptfont \mffam
+ \scriptscriptfont\mrfam\scriptscriptfont\mffam}
+ {\csname\ifcsname#1\s!fam\endcsname#1\else\c!nn\fi\s!fam\endcsname}
+ {\domffam\fontalternative}
+ {\def\rm{\fam\mrfam}\dodosetmathfont}
+ {\appendtoks
+ \everyhbox{\mr\everyhbox\emptytoks}%
+ \everyvbox{\mr\everyvbox\emptytoks}%
+ \to \everymathematics} % was \everymath
+% \enableencodinginmath % too untested to enable by default
+%D \starttyping
+%D $\cases{& \ccaron}$ $x=\hbox{\ccaron $x=\hbox{\ccaron}$}$
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The font specific features are bound to the filename.
+ {\edef\@@fontencoding{\truefontdata\fontfile \s!encoding}%
+ \edef\@@fontmapping {\truefontdata\fontfile \s!mapping }%
+ \edef\@@fonthandling{\truefontdata\somefontname\s!handling}%
+ \edef\@@fontskewchar{\truefontdata\fontfile \s!skewchar}}
+ {\updatefontparameters % redundant, will go away, faster too
+ \fastenableencoding
+ {\ifx\@@fontencoding\empty
+ \s!default \else \@@fontencoding
+ \fi}%
+ \fastenablemapping
+ {\ifx\@@fontmapping\empty
+ \ifx\@@fontencoding\empty
+ \s!default \else \@@fontencoding
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \@@fontmapping
+ \fi}%
+ \fastenablehandling
+ {\ifx\@@fonthandling\empty
+ \s!default \else \@@fonthandling
+ \fi}%
+ {\lastfontidentifier}%
+ \the\everyfont
+ \synchronizepatternswithfont}
+ \def\synchronizepatternswithfont{\synchronizepatterns}
+%D Experimental: (should move to font-xtx)
+\ifdefined \definefontfeature \else
+ \def\definefontfeature {\dotripleargument\dodefinefontfeature}
+ \def\dodefinefontfeature[#1][#2][#3]{}
+%D The next auxilliary macro is an alternative to \type
+%D {\fontname}.
+% \def\purefontname#1{\expandafter\splitoffpurefontname\fontname#1 \\}
+% extra level is needed:
+\def\purefontname#1{\@EA\splitoffpurefontname\@EA{\@EA{\@EA\unstringed\fontname#1}} \\}
+\def\splitoffpurefontname#1 #2\\{#1}
+%D \macros
+%D {switchstyleonly}
+%D For switching a style but keeping the alternative, there
+%D is:
+%D \starttyping
+%D {\bf text \switchstyleonly\ss text}
+%D {\bf text \switchstyleonly[ss]text}
+%D {\sl text \switchstyleonly[sansserif]text}
+%D \stoptyping
+\def\simpleswitchstyleonly#1% stupid version
+ {\complexswitchstyleonly[\strippedcsname#1]}
+\def\complexswitchstyleonly[#1]% todo : check
+ {\setcurrentfontstyle{\getvalue{\@shortstyle@#1}}%
+ \the\everybodyfont} % needed ?
+%D \macros
+%D {os,frak, goth, cal}
+%D Old style numerals can be typeset with \type{\os} and look
+%D like {\os 1234567890} instead of the more common looking
+%D 1234567890.
+%D On behalf of {\frac Tobias Burnus}, we define some more of
+%D these. Later we will link these names to real file names.
+% older
+% \definefont [os] [OldStyle sa *]
+% \definefont [frak] [Fraktur sa *]
+% \definefont [goth] [Gothic sa *]
+% \definefont [cal] [Calligraphic sa *]
+% \definefont [bbd] [Blackboard sa *]
+% newer
+\unexpanded\def\os {\mathortext{\fam\purefamily {oldstyle}}{\symbolicfont {OldStyle}}}
+\unexpanded\def\frak{\mathortext{\fam\purefamily {fraktur}}{\symbolicfont {Fraktur}}}
+\unexpanded\def\goth{\mathortext{\fam\purefamily {gothic}}{\symbolicfont {Gothic}}}
+\unexpanded\def\cal {\mathortext{\fam\purefamily{calligraphic}}{\symbolicfont{Calligraphic}}}
+\unexpanded\def\bbd {\mathortext{\fam\purefamily {blackboard}}{\symbolicfont {Blackboard}}}
+\definefontsynonym [OldStyle] [Serif]
+\definefontsynonym [Fraktur] [Serif]
+\definefontsynonym [Gothic] [Serif]
+\definefontsynonym [Calligraphic] [Serif]
+\definefontsynonym [Blackboard] [Serif]
+%D \macros
+%D {fraktur, gothic, calligraphic, blackboard}
+%D These macros assume that we use text fonts, and not math
+%D families.
+\ifx\mathtext\undefined \let\mathtext\hbox \fi
+\unexpanded\def\fraktur #1{\mathortext\domathtext\donothing{\frak#1}}
+\unexpanded\def\gothic #1{\mathortext\domathtext\donothing{\goth#1}}
+\unexpanded\def\calligraphic#1{\mathortext\domathtext\donothing{\cal #1}}
+\unexpanded\def\blackboard #1{\mathortext\domathtext\donothing{\bbd#1}}
+%D Torture test:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \usetypescript[modern] [texnansi]
+%D \usetypescript[lucida] [texnansi]
+%D \usetypescript[palatino][texnansi]
+%D \usetypescript[times] [texnansi]
+%D \usetypescript[fourier] [ec]
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \section{\blackboard{T\high{\blackboard{T}}} \blackboard{E}\high{\blackboard{E}} \blackboard{X}\high{\blackboard{X}}}
+%D {\fontclass: 123 \os123 \cal TEX $\os 123$}
+%D $\blackboard{T}^{\blackboard{T}} \blackboard{E}^{\blackboard{E}} \blackboard{X}^{\blackboard{X}}$
+%D \blackboard{T}\high{\blackboard{T}} \blackboard{E}\high{\blackboard{E}} \blackboard{X}\high{\blackboard{X}}
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D {\setupbodyfont[lucida] \getbuffer}
+%D {\setupbodyfont[modern] \getbuffer}
+%D {\setupbodyfont[palatino] \getbuffer}
+%D {\setupbodyfont[times] \getbuffer}
+%D {\setupbodyfont[fourier] \getbuffer}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D \macros
+%D {definebodyfontswitch}
+%D \PLAIN\ \TEX\ defines some macro's like \type{\tenpoint}
+%D to switch to a specific bodyfontsize. Just for the sake of
+%D compatibility we can define them like:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \definebodyfontswitch [twelvepoint] [12pt]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D We don't support language specific synonyms here, mainly
+%D because \PLAIN\ \TEX\ is english anyway.
+ {\def\docommand##1{\setvalue{##1}{\switchtobodyfont[#2]}}%
+ \processcommalist[#1]\docommand}
+ {\dodoubleargument\dodefinebodyfontswitch}
+%D \macros
+%D {setsmallbodyfont,setmainbodyfont,setbigbodyfont}
+%D When we're typesetting at for instance 10pt, we can call for
+%D the \type{small} as well as the \type{big} alternative,
+%D related to this main size, using \type{\switchtobodyfont[small]}.
+%D The three alternatives can be activated by the next three
+%D system calls and are defined by the bodyfontenvironment.
+\let\fontstep\empty % we can use \fontstep for tracing purposes
+ {\edef\fontstep{\bodyfontcsname\normalizedbodyfontsize\interfaced{#1}\endcsname}%
+ \doswitchpoints[\fontstep]%
+ \doswitchstyle[\fontstyle]}
+\unexpanded\def\setbigbodyfont {\setbodyfontstep\v!big \the\everybodyfont}
+ {\doswitchpoints[\normalizedbodyfontsize]%
+ \doswitchstyle[\fontstyle]%
+ \the\everybodyfont
+ \the\everyglobalbodyfont
+ \saveinterlinespace}
+%D \macros
+%D {restoreglobalbodyfont}
+%D Users can set whatever font available while typesetting text.
+%D Pagenumbers, footers, headers etc. however must be typeset
+%D in the main bodyfont and style of the document. Returning to
+%D the global state can be done with the next macro:
+ {\let\fontsize\defaultfontsize
+ \let\fontbody\defaultfontbody
+ \chardef\currentxfontsize\zerocount
+ \let\fontclass\globalfontclass
+ \doswitchpoints[\normalizedglobalbodyfontsize]%
+ \doswitchstyle[\globalfontstyle]%
+ \redoconvertfont % just in case a pagebreak occurs
+ \tf
+ \the\everybodyfont
+ \the\everyglobalbodyfont
+ \saveinterlinespace}
+ {\let\fontsize\defaultfontsize
+ \let\fontbody\defaultfontbody
+ \chardef\currentxfontsize\zerocount
+ \redoconvertfont
+ \tf
+ \saveinterlinespace}
+\def\restoreglobalbodyfont % ook style etc
+ {\ifx\fontclass\globalfontclass
+ \ifx\fontstyle\globalfontstyle
+ \ifx\normalizedbodyfontsize\normalizedglobalbodyfontsize
+ \partialrestoreglobalbodyfont
+ \else
+ \fullrestoreglobalbodyfont
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \fullrestoreglobalbodyfont
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \fullrestoreglobalbodyfont
+ \fi}
+% in case of troubles: \let\restorebodyfont\fullrestoreglobalbodyfont
+%D This macro has to be called when entering the pagebody
+%D handling routine as well as the footnote insert routine.
+%D Users can access this feature |<|for instance when one wants
+%D to typeset tables and alike in the main bodyfont and style
+%D while the running text is temporary set to a smaller one|>|
+%D by saying \type{\switchtobodyfont[global]}.
+%D \macros
+%D {rasterfont}
+%D There are (at the moment) two situations in which we want to
+%D have fast access to a particular font. When we are using
+%D \TEX\ to typeset rasters, we use small {\rasterfont.}'s
+%D (a rather small period indeed), the same as \PICTEX\ uses
+%D for drawing purposes.
+\definefont [rasterfont] [Serif at 5pt]
+%D \macros
+%D {infofont}
+%D The second situation occurs when we enable the info mode,
+%D and put all kind of status information in the margin. We
+%D don't want huge switches to the main bodyfont and style, so
+%D here too we use a direct method.
+% old mechanism
+% \def\infofont{\getvalue{\!!sixpoint\c!tt\c!tf}\the\everybodyfont}
+\let\infofont\relax % satisfy dep checker
+\definefont [infofont] [Mono at 6pt] % todo \the\everybodyfont
+%D \macros
+%D {definealternativestyle}
+%D In the main modules we are going to implement lots of
+%D parameterized commands and one of these parameters will
+%D concern the font to use. To suit consistent use of fonts we
+%D here implement a mechanism for defining the keywords that
+%D present a particular style or alternative.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \definealternativestyle [keywords] [\style] [\nostyle]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The first command is used in the normal textflow, while the
+%D second command takes care of headings and alike. Consider
+%D the next two definitions:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \definealternativestyle [bold] [\bf] []
+%D \definealternativestyle [cap] [\cap] [\cap]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D A change \type{\bf} in a heading which is to be set in
+%D \type{\tfd} does not look that well, so therefore we leave
+%D the second argument of \type{\definealternativestyle} empty.
+%D When we capatalize characters using the pseudo small cap
+%D command \type{\cap}, we want this to take effect in both
+%D text and headings, which is accomplished by assigning both
+%D arguments.
+ {\def\docommand##1%
+ {\doifundefined{##1}{\setvalue{##1}{\groupedcommand{#2}{}}}%
+ \setvalue{\@letter@ ##1}{#2}%
+ \setvalue{\@noletter@##1}{#3}}%
+ \processcommalist[#1]\docommand}
+ {\dotripleempty\dodefinealternativestyle}
+%D Maybe too geneneric, but probably ok is the following. (Maybe one
+%D day we will use a dedicated grouped command for styles.)
+ \let\groupedcommand\thirdofthreearguments
+\to \simplifiedcommands
+%D This command also defines the keyword as command. This means
+%D that the example definition of \type{bold} we gave before,
+%D results in a command \type{\bold} which can be used as:
+%D \startbuffer
+%D He's a \bold{bold} man with a {\bold head}.
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+%D or
+%D \startvoorbeeld
+%D \definealternativestyle[bold][\bf][]\getbuffer
+%D \stopvoorbeeld
+%D Such definitions are of course unwanted for \type{\cap}
+%D because this would result in an endless recursive call.
+%D Therefore we check on the existance of both the command and
+%D the substitution. The latter is needed because for instance
+%D \type{\type} is an entirely diferent command. That command
+%D handles verbatim, while the style command would just switch
+%D to teletype font. This is just an example of a tricky
+%D naming coincidence.
+%D \macros
+%D {doconvertfont,noconvertfont,
+%D dontconvertfont,redoconvertfont}
+%D After having defined such keywords, we can call for them by
+%D using
+%D \starttyping
+%D \doconvertfont{keyword}{text}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D We deliberately pass an argument. This enables us to
+%D assign converters that handle one agrument, like
+%D \type{\cap}.
+%D By default the first specification is used to set the style,
+%D exept when we say \type{\dontconvertfont}, after which the
+%D second specification is used. We can also directly call for
+%D \type{\noconvertfont}. In nested calls, we can restore the
+%D conversion by saying \type{\redoconvertfont}.
+\def\@@dodoconvertfont#1{\csname\@letter@ #1\endcsname}
+\unexpanded\def\dodoconvertfont#1% #2% we need the protection
+ {\doifdefinedelse{\@letter@#1} % in testing
+ {\doifelsenothing{#1}\gobbleoneargument\@@dodoconvertfont}
+ {\doifdefinedelse{#1}\getvalue \firstofoneargument}%
+ {#1}} % {#2}}
+\def\noconvertfont#1% #2%
+ {\doifdefinedelse{\@noletter@#1}
+ {\doifelsenothing{#1}\gobbleoneargument\@@donoconvertfont}\gobbleoneargument
+ {#1}} % {#2}}
+%D Extras:
+ {\let\doconvertfont\noconvertfont}
+ {\let\doconvertfont\dodoconvertfont}
+%D These commands are not grouped! Grouping is most probably
+%D done by the calling macro's and would lead to unnecessary
+%D overhead.
+%D \macros
+%D {em,emphasistypeface,emphasisboldface}
+%D The next macro started as a copy of Donald Arseneau's
+%D \type{\em} (\TUGNEWS\ Vol.~3, no.~1, 1994). His
+%D implementation was a bit more sophisticated version of the
+%D standard \LATEX\ one. We furter enhanced the macro, so now
+%D it also adapts itself to boldface mode. Because we favor
+%D {\sl slanted} type over {\it italic}, we made the emphasis
+%D adaptable, for instance:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\emphasistypeface {\it}
+%D \def\emphasisboldface {\bi}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D But we prefer:
+\def\emphasistypeface {\sl}
+\def\emphasisboldface {\bs}
+%D or even better:
+% \def\doemphasistypeface#1#2%
+% {\doifelsevalue{\??ft\fontclass\normalizedbodyfontsize\c!em}\v!slanted#1%
+% {\doifelsevalue{\??ft\fontclass\normalizedbodyfontsize\c!em}\v!italic #2%
+% {\doifelsevalue{\??ft \normalizedbodyfontsize\c!em}\v!slanted#1%
+% {\doifvalue {\??ft \normalizedbodyfontsize\c!em}\v!italic #2}}}}
+ {\doifelsevalue{\??ft\fontclass\normalizedbodyfontsize\c!em}\v!slanted
+ {#1}%
+ {\doifelsevalue{\??ft\fontclass\normalizedbodyfontsize\c!em}\v!italic
+ {#2}%
+ {\doifelsevaluenothing{\??ft\fontclass\normalizedbodyfontsize\c!em}
+ {\doifelsevalue{\??ft\normalizedbodyfontsize\c!em}\v!slanted
+ {#1}%
+ {\doifelsevalue{\??ft\normalizedbodyfontsize\c!em}\v!italic
+ {#2}%
+ {\getvalue{\??ft\normalizedbodyfontsize\c!em}}}}
+ {\getvalue{\??ft\fontclass\normalizedbodyfontsize\c!em}}}}}
+%D To be set with the default body font environment: \type
+%D {em} being \type {slanted} or \type {italic}.
+ {\relax
+ \ifdim\slantperpoint>\zeropoint
+ \settrue\emneeded
+ \else
+ \setfalse\emneeded
+ \fi
+ \setemphasisboldface % new
+ \ifx\fontalternative\c!it % \ifnum\fam=\itfam
+ \def\emphasistypeface{\it}\tf
+ \else\ifx\fontalternative\c!sl % \ifnum\fam=\slfam
+ \def\emphasistypeface{\sl}\tf
+ \else\ifx\fontalternative\c!bf % \ifnum\fam=\bffam
+ \emphasisboldface
+ \else\ifx\fontalternative\c!bs % \ifnum\fam=\bsfam
+ \def\emphasisboldface{\bs}\bf
+ \else\ifx\fontalternative\c!bi % \ifnum\fam=\bifam
+ \def\emphasisboldface{\bi}\bf
+ \else
+ \emphasistypeface
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi
+ \the\everyemphasized
+ \ifconditional\emneeded\relax
+ \else
+ \expandafter\aftergroup
+ \fi
+ \emphasiscorrection}
+% compare ...
+% \appendtoks \red \to \everyemphasized
+% \setupbodyfontenvironment [default] [em={\italic\color[red]}]
+%D The next feature was not present in previous versions. It
+%D takes care of \type {\em \bf ...} sitiations.
+ {\let\normalbf\bf
+ \let\setemphasisboldface\relax
+ \unexpanded\def\bf
+ {%\relax
+ \let\bf\relax % new
+ \ifx\fontalternative\c!it % \ifnum\fam=\itfam
+ \bi
+ \else\ifx\fontalternative\c!sl % \ifnum\fam=\slfam
+ \bs
+ \else
+ \normalbf
+ \fi\fi
+ \let\bf\normalbf}}
+%D Donald's (adapted) macros take the next character into
+%D account when placing italic correction. As a bonus we also
+%D look for something that looks like a dash, in which case we
+%D don't correct.
+ {\ifhmode
+ \expandafter\emphasislook
+ \fi}
+ {\begingroup
+ \beginrobusttest
+ \futurelet\next\emphasistest}
+ {\normalifcat\noexpand\next,%
+ \endrobusttest\expandafter\doemphasiscorrection
+ \normalelse
+ \endrobusttest\expandafter\dododoemphasiscorrection
+ \normalfi}
+ {\futurelet\next\dodoemphasiscorrection}
+ {\setbox\scratchbox\hbox{\next}%
+ \ifdim\ht\scratchbox=\zeropoint % probably a space
+ \expandafter\dododoemphasiscorrection
+ \else\ifdim\ht\scratchbox<.3ex
+ \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\endgroup
+ \else
+ \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\dododoemphasiscorrection
+ \fi\fi}
+ {\scratchskip\lastskip
+ \ifdim\scratchskip=\zeropoint\relax % == \ifzeropt\scratchskip
+ \italiccorrection\relax
+ \else
+ \unskip\italiccorrection\hskip\scratchskip
+ \fi
+ \endgroup}
+%D We end with some examples which show the behavior when
+%D some punctuation is met. We also show how the mechanism
+%D adapts itself to bold, italic and slanted typing.
+%D \startbuffer
+%D test {test}test \par
+%D test {\sl test}test \par
+%D test {\em test}test \par
+%D test {\em test}--test \par
+%D test {test}, test \par
+%D test {\em test}, test \par
+%D test {\em test {\em test {\em test} test} test} test \par
+%D test {\bf test {\em test {\em test} test} test} test \par
+%D test {\sl test {\em test {\em test} test} test} test \par
+%D test {\it test {\em test {\em test} test} test} test \par
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+%D We get:
+%D \startvoorbeeld
+%D \startpacked
+%D \getbuffer
+%D \stoppacked
+%D \stopvoorbeeld
+%D \macros
+%D {emphbf,emphit,emphsl,emphtf}
+%D The next emphasis alternatives are for \THANH. They adapt
+%D their style as good as possible.
+%D \startbuffer
+%D TEXT {\emphbf text \emphit text \emphtf text \emphsl text} TEXT
+%D TEXT \emphbf{text \emphit{text} \emphtf{text} \emphsl{text}} TEXT
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+%D \startlines
+%D \getbuffer
+%D \stoplines
+%D \macros
+%D {setfont}
+%D Every now and then we want to define a font directly, for
+%D instance when we typeset title pages. The next macro saves
+%D some typing:
+\def\setfont% geen \dosetfont mogelijk
+ {\def\next{\nextfont\setupinterlinespace}%
+ \afterassignment\next\font\nextfont=}
+%D One can call this macro as:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \setfont cmr10 at 60pt
+%D \stoptyping
+%D After which the font is active and the baselines and
+%D struts are set.
+%D \macros
+%D {showbodyfont}
+%D One can call for a rather simple overview of a bodyfont and the
+%D relations between its alternative fonts.
+%D \showsetup{showbodyfont}
+%D The current bodyfont (here we omitted the argument) looks like:
+%D \showbodyfont
+%D The implementation is rather straightforward in using
+%D \type{\halign}.
+\fetchruntimecommand \showbodyfont {\f!fontprefix\s!run}
+%D \macros
+%D {showfontstrip, testminimalbaseline, showminimalbaseline}
+%D The next command can come in handy when combining
+%D different fonts into a collection (typeface) and
+%D determining optimal baseline distances.
+%D \showfontstrip \blank \showminimalbaseline
+\fetchruntimecommand \showfontstrip {\f!fontprefix\s!run}
+\fetchruntimecommand \testminimalbaseline {\f!fontprefix\s!run}
+\fetchruntimecommand \showminimalbaseline {\f!fontprefix\s!run}
+%D \macros
+%D {showkerning}
+%D A goody is:
+%D \showkerning{Can you guess what kerning is?}
+\fetchruntimecommand \showkerning {\f!fontprefix\s!run}
+%D \macros
+%D {showbodyfontenvironment}
+%D The current bodyfontenvironment is:
+%D \showbodyfontenvironment
+%D This overview is generated using:
+%D \showsetup{showbodyfontenvironment}
+\fetchruntimecommand \showbodyfontenvironment {\f!fontprefix\s!run}
+%D \macros
+%D {showfont,showfontstyle,showligatures}
+%D The following command generates a fontmap:
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \showfont[SansBold at 12pt]
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+%D Below the table the name, encoding, mapping and handling are
+%D shown. Special characters like the \type {\skewchar} and
+%D \type {\hyphenchar} als marked.
+%D \getbuffer
+% to be internationalized
+\fetchruntimecommand \showfont {\f!fontprefix\s!run}
+\fetchruntimecommand \showfontstyle {\f!fontprefix\s!run}
+\fetchruntimecommand \showligature {\f!fontprefix\s!run}
+\fetchruntimecommand \showligatures {\f!fontprefix\s!run}
+\fetchruntimecommand \showcharratio {\f!fontprefix\s!run}
+%D \macros
+%D {getglyph, symbolicfont}
+%D Individual glyphs can be accessed by using
+%D \starttyping
+%D \getglyph{fontname}{character}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D This macro is used in for instance the symbol modules and
+%D as one can see, it does obey the small and even smaller
+%D sizes. The \type {\symbolicfont} macro can be used to
+%D switch to a font named \type {fontname} (see \type
+%D {cont-log} and \type {symb-eur} for examples of symbolic
+%D definitions.
+ {\ifx\fontstyle\c!rm \s!Serif \else
+ \ifx\fontstyle\c!ss \s!Sans \else
+ \ifx\fontstyle\c!tt \s!Mono \else
+ \s!Serif \fi\fi\fi}
+ {\ifx\fontstyle\c!rm \s!Regular \else
+ \ifx\fontstyle\c!ss \s!Support \else
+ \ifx\fontstyle\c!tt \s!Type \else
+ \s!Serif \fi\fi\fi}
+ {\ifx\fontalternative\c!bf \s!Bold \else
+ \ifx\fontalternative\c!sl \s!Slanted \else
+ \ifx\fontalternative\c!it \s!Italic \else
+ \ifx\fontalternative\c!bs \s!BoldSlanted \else
+ \ifx\fontalternative\c!bi \s!BoldItalic \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi}
+\def\fontstringD % default fontstyle
+ {\expandafter\ifx\csname\??tf\fontclass\s!default\endcsname\c!rm \s!Serif \else
+ \expandafter\ifx\csname\??tf\fontclass\s!default\endcsname\c!ss \s!Sans \else
+ \expandafter\ifx\csname\??tf\fontclass\s!default\endcsname\c!tt \s!Mono \else
+ \s!Serif \fi\fi\fi}
+% potential generalization:
+% \letvalue{\??ff:t:\c!rm}\s!Serif
+% \letvalue{\??ff:t:\c!ss}\s!Sans
+% \letvalue{\??ff:t:\c!tt}\s!Mono
+% \letvalue{\??ff:s:\c!bf}\s!Bold
+% \letvalue{\??ff:s:\c!sl}\s!Slanted
+% \letvalue{\??ff:s:\c!it}\s!Italic
+% \letvalue{\??ff:s:\c!bs}\s!BoldSlanted
+% \letvalue{\??ff:s:\c!bi}\s!BoldItalic
+% \letvalue{\??ff:a:\c!rm}\s!Regular
+% \letvalue{\??ff:a:\c!ss}\s!Support
+% \letvalue{\??ff:a:\c!tt}\s!Type
+% \def\fontstringA{\executeifdefined{\??ff:t:\fontstyle}\s!Serif}
+% \def\fontstringB{\executeifdefined{\??ff:a:\fontstyle}\s!Serif}
+% \def\fontstringC{\executeifdefined{\??ff:s:\fontstyle}\empty}
+% \def\fontstringD{\executeifdefined{\??ff:t:\csname\??tf\fontclass\s!default\endcsname}\s!Serif}
+ {#1%
+ \ifcsname\??ff#1\fontstringA\fontstringC\endcsname
+ \fontstringA\fontstringC
+ \else\ifcsname\??ff#1\fontstringB\fontstringC\endcsname
+ \fontstringB\fontstringC
+ \else\ifcsname\??ff#1\fontstringA\endcsname
+ \fontstringA
+ \else\ifcsname\??ff#1\fontstringB\endcsname
+ \fontstringB
+ \else\ifcsname\??ff#1\fontstringC\endcsname
+ \fontstringC
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi}
+%D The next macro can be used to make decisions based on the shape:
+ {\ifx\fontalternative\c!sl#1\else
+ \ifx\fontalternative\c!it#1\else
+ \ifx\fontalternative\c!bs#1\else
+ \ifx\fontalternative\c!bi#1\else#2\fi\fi\fi\fi}
+%D For an example of usage of the following command,
+%D see \type {cont-log.tex}.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\symbolicfont#1%
+%D {\definedfont[\glyphfontfile{#1} sa *]}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Since we know what scaling it to be applied, we can
+%D implement a much faster alternative:
+% \def\symbolicscaledfont#1#2%
+% {\scaledfont\fontbody
+% \scaledfont#1\scaledfont
+% \font\thedefinedfont\truefontname{\glyphfontfile{#2}} at
+% \currentfontbodyscale\scaledfont
+% \thedefinedfont}
+% \unexpanded\def\symbolicfont
+% {\symbolicscaledfont\plusone}
+% even more control (needed for mthsqrt etc)
+ {\scaledfont#1%
+ \scaledfont#2\scaledfont
+ \font\thedefinedfont\truefontname{\glyphfontfile{#3}} at
+ \currentfontbodyscale\scaledfont
+ \thedefinedfont}
+ {\symbolicsizedfont\fontbody}
+ {\symbolicsizedfont\fontbody\plusone}
+\unexpanded\def\getglyph#1#2% slow, faster, much faster
+ %{{\definefont[\s!dummy][\glyphfontfile{#1} sa \currentfontscale]\dummy#2}}
+ %{{\definefont[\s!dummy][\glyphfontfile{#1} sa *]\dummy#2}}
+ %{{\symbolicfont{#1}#2}}
+ {{\symbolicfont{#1}\doifnumberelse{#2}\char\donothing#2}}
+ {{\symbolicscaledfont{#1}{#2}\doifnumberelse{#3}\char\donothing#3}}
+\unexpanded\def\getrawglyph#1#2% for simple symbols
+ {{\scaledfont\fontbody
+ \font\thedefinedfont=#1 at \currentfontbodyscale\scaledfont
+ \thedefinedfont\doifnumberelse{#2}\char\donothing#2}}
+%D The last implementation of \type {\getglyph} permits
+%D definitions like:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \definefontsynonym [EuroSans] [eurose]
+%D \definefontsynonym [EuroSansBold] [euroseb]
+%D \definefontsynonym [EuroSansItalic] [eurosei]
+%D \definefontsynonym [EuroSansSlanted] [eurosei]
+%D \definefontsynonym [EuroSansBoldItalic] [eurosebi]
+%D \definefontsynonym [EuroSansBoldSlanted] [eurosebi]
+%D \definesymbol [euro] [\getglyph{Euro}{\char160}]
+%D \def\euro{\symbol[euro]}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D These definitions guarantee that the next calls work okay:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \ss \tf\euro \bf\euro \sla\euro \itd\euro \bs\euro \bic\euro
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The shape as well as the size is adapted to the current
+%D environment.
+%D Fonts can only be used when loaded. In \CONTEXT\ we
+%D postpone the loading of fonts, even when we load \PLAIN.
+%D This means that we have to redefine one of the \PLAIN\
+%D macros. Let's tell that to the user first:
+\writestatus{loading}{Postponed Plain TeX Font Definitions}
+%D \macros
+%D {bordermatrix}
+%D In \PLAIN\ \TEX\ the width of a parenthesis is stored in
+%D the \DIMENSION\ \type{\mathparentwd}. This value is derived from
+%D the width of \type{\tenrm B}, so let's take care of it now:
+ {\bgroup
+ \setbox0\hbox{\getvalue{\textface\c!mm\c!ex}B}%
+ \global\mathparentwd\wd0\relax
+ \egroup
+ \normalbordermatrix}
+%D Because we want to be as \PLAIN\ compatible as possible, we
+%D make most of \PLAIN's font mechanisme available to the
+%D \CONTEXT\ user.
+ {\setvalue {ten#1}{\getvalue{\!!tenpoint #2}}%
+ \setvalue{seven#1}{\getvalue{\!!sevenpoint#2}}%
+ \setvalue {five#1}{\getvalue{\!!fivepoint #2}}}
+\setplainfonts {\c!rm} {\c!rm\c!tf}
+\setplainfonts {\c!bf} {\c!rm\c!bf}
+\setplainfonts {\c!sl} {\c!rm\c!sl}
+\setplainfonts {\c!it} {\c!rm\c!it}
+\setplainfonts {\c!tt} {\c!rm\c!tt}
+\setplainfonts {\c!sy} {\c!mm\c!sy}
+\setplainfonts {\c!ex} {\c!mm\c!ex}
+\setplainfonts {\c!i} {\c!mm\c!mi}
+%D \macros
+%D {ss, SS, sz}
+%D We are going to redefine \type{\ss} but for those wo still
+%D want to have access to the german \SS, we save it's value in
+%D \type{\SS}. Ok, I should have used \type{\sf} instead of
+%D \type{\ss} in the first place.
+\ifx\undefined\SS \let\SS=\ss \fi
+\ifx\undefined\sz \let\sz=\ss \fi
+%D \macros
+%D {xi}
+%D We are going to redefine \type{\xi}, but fortunately this
+%D is a math mode character, so we can just say:
+%D \macros
+%D {smashaccent}
+%D When we let \TEX\ put an accent on top of a character, such
+%D composed characters can get more height that height of a
+%D standard \type{\strut}. The next macro takes care of such
+%D unwanted compositions.
+%D We need to reach over the number that specifies the accent,
+%D and in doing so we use \type{\scratchcounter} as a placeholder
+%D because it accepts 8 bit numbers in octal, decimal or
+%D hexadecimal format. Next we set the height of the accented
+%D character to the natural height of the character.
+ {\dontleavehmode
+ \bgroup
+ \setbox\scratchbox\hbox{#1}%
+ \ifdim\ht\scratchbox>\strutheight\relax\ht\scratchbox\strutheight\fi
+ \ifdim\dp\scratchbox>\strutdepth \relax\dp\scratchbox\strutdepth \fi
+ \box\scratchbox
+ \egroup}
+%D For instance we can say:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \smashaccent{\"Uberhaupt}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D But normally one will use it as a prefix in definitions.
+%D The difference is in the height:
+%D \leavevmode\ruledhbox
+%D {\ruledhbox{\smashaccent{\"U}berhaupt}\quad
+%D oder\quad
+%D \ruledhbox{\"Uberhaupt}}
+%D \macros
+%D {moveaccent}
+%D Exact positioning of accents can be realized by saying:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \moveaccent{-.1ex}{\"u}berhaupt
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Again, this one will mostly used as a prefix in definitions.
+%D Here the difference is in the position:
+%D \leavevmode\ruledhbox
+%D {\ruledhbox{\moveaccent{-.1ex}{\"}Uberhaupt}\quad
+%D oder\quad
+%D \ruledhbox{\"Uberhaupt}}
+ {\smashaccent
+ {\dimen0\exheight
+ \dimen2\dimen0
+ \advance\dimen2 -#1%
+ \exheight\dimen2
+ #2\relax
+ \exheight\dimen0}}
+%D Personally I think that using \TEX\ is complicated by the
+%D way fonts are handled. Apart from the many encodings, we
+%D also deal with different naming schemes. Confronted with
+%D this problem, I decided to change the definitions into:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \definebodyfont [12pt] [rm] [tf=Times-Roman at 12pt]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D combined with for instance:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \definefontsynonym [Times-Roman] [tir]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Now we're up to some definitions.
+ [\s!default]
+ [ \s!text=1.0,
+ \s!script=0.7,
+ \s!scriptscript=0.5,
+ \c!a=1.200,
+ \c!b=1.440,
+ \c!c=1.728,
+ \c!d=2.074,
+ *=\currentfontscale, % wildcard
+ \c!x=0.8,
+ \c!xx=0.6,
+ \c!big=1.2,
+ \c!small=0.8,
+ \c!interlinespace=,
+ \c!em=\v!slanted]
+ [20.7pt]
+ [ \s!text=20.7pt,
+ \s!script=\!!fourteenpointfour,
+ \s!scriptscript=\!!twelvepoint,
+ \c!x=17.3pt,
+ \c!xx=\!!fourteenpointfour,
+ \c!big=20.7pt, % !!!!
+ \c!small=17.3pt]
+ [17.3pt]
+ [ \s!text=17.3pt,
+ \s!script=\!!twelvepoint,
+ \s!scriptscript=\!!tenpoint,
+ \c!x=\!!fourteenpointfour,
+ \c!xx=\!!twelvepoint,
+ \c!big=20.7pt,
+ \c!small=\!!fourteenpointfour]
+ [\!!fourteenpointfour]
+ [ \s!text=\!!fourteenpointfour,
+ \s!script=\!!elevenpoint,
+ \s!scriptscript=\!!ninepoint,
+ \c!x=\!!twelvepoint,
+ \c!xx=\!!tenpoint,
+ \c!big=17.3pt,
+ \c!small=\!!twelvepoint]
+ [\!!twelvepoint]
+ [ \s!text=\!!twelvepoint,
+ \s!script=\!!ninepoint,
+ \s!scriptscript=\!!sevenpoint,
+ \c!x=\!!tenpoint,
+ \c!xx=\!!eightpoint,
+ \c!big=\!!fourteenpointfour,
+ \c!small=\!!tenpoint]
+ [\!!elevenpoint]
+ [ \s!text=\!!elevenpoint,
+ \s!script=\!!eightpoint,
+ \s!scriptscript=\!!sixpoint,
+ \c!x=\!!ninepoint,
+ \c!xx=\!!sevenpoint,
+ \c!big=\!!twelvepoint,
+ \c!small=\!!ninepoint]
+ [\!!tenpoint]
+ [ \s!text=\!!tenpoint,
+ \s!script=\!!sevenpoint,
+ \s!scriptscript=\!!fivepoint,
+ \c!x=\!!eightpoint,
+ \c!xx=\!!sixpoint,
+ \c!big=\!!twelvepoint,
+ \c!small=\!!eightpoint]
+ [\!!ninepoint]
+ [ \s!text=\!!ninepoint,
+ \s!script=\!!sevenpoint,
+ \s!scriptscript=\!!fivepoint,
+ \c!x=\!!sevenpoint,
+ \c!xx=\!!fivepoint,
+ \c!big=\!!elevenpoint,
+ \c!small=\!!sevenpoint]
+ [\!!eightpoint]
+ [ \s!text=\!!eightpoint,
+ \s!script=\!!sixpoint,
+ \s!scriptscript=\!!fivepoint,
+ \c!x=\!!sixpoint,
+ \c!xx=\!!fivepoint,
+ \c!big=\!!tenpoint,
+ \c!small=\!!sixpoint]
+ [\!!sevenpoint]
+ [ \s!text=\!!sevenpoint,
+ \s!script=\!!sixpoint,
+ \s!scriptscript=\!!fivepoint,
+ \c!x=\!!sixpoint,
+ \c!xx=\!!fivepoint,
+ \c!big=\!!ninepoint,
+ \c!small=\!!fivepoint]
+ [\!!sixpoint]
+ [ \s!text=\!!sixpoint,
+ \s!script=\!!fivepoint,
+ \s!scriptscript=\!!fivepoint,
+ \c!x=\!!fivepoint,
+ \c!xx=\!!fivepoint,
+ \c!big=\!!eightpoint,
+ \c!small=\!!fivepoint]
+ [\!!fivepoint]
+ [ \s!text=\!!fivepoint,
+ \s!script=\!!fivepoint,
+ \s!scriptscript=\!!fivepoint,
+ \c!x=\!!fivepoint,
+ \c!xx=\!!fivepoint,
+ \c!big=\!!sevenpoint,
+ \c!small=\!!fivepoint]
+ [\!!fourpoint]
+ [ \s!text=\!!fourpoint,
+ \s!script=\!!fourpoint,
+ \s!scriptscript=\!!fourpoint,
+ \c!x=\!!fourpoint,
+ \c!xx=\!!fourpoint,
+ \c!big=\!!sixpoint,
+ \c!small=\!!fourpoint]
+\definebodyfontswitch [fourteenpointfour] [\!!fourteenpointfour]
+\definebodyfontswitch [twelvepoint] [\!!twelvepoint]
+\definebodyfontswitch [elevenpoint] [\!!elevenpoint]
+\definebodyfontswitch [tenpoint] [\!!tenpoint]
+\definebodyfontswitch [ninepoint] [\!!ninepoint]
+\definebodyfontswitch [eightpoint] [\!!eightpoint]
+\definebodyfontswitch [sevenpoint] [\!!sevenpoint]
+\definebodyfontswitch [sixpoint] [\!!sixpoint]
+\definebodyfontswitch [fivepoint] [\!!fivepoint]
+\definebodyfontswitch [fourpoint] [\!!fourpoint]
+\definebodyfontswitch [xii] [\!!twelvepoint]
+\definebodyfontswitch [xi] [\!!elevenpoint]
+\definebodyfontswitch [x] [\!!tenpoint]
+\definebodyfontswitch [ix] [\!!ninepoint]
+\definebodyfontswitch [viii] [\!!eightpoint]
+\definebodyfontswitch [vii] [\!!sevenpoint]
+\definebodyfontswitch [vi] [\!!sixpoint]
+%D So far.
+\definefontstyle [\c!mm] [\c!mm]
+\definefontstyle [\c!rm,\v!roman,\v!serif,\v!regular] [\c!rm]
+\definefontstyle [\c!ss,\v!sansserif,\v!sans,\v!support] [\c!ss]
+\definefontstyle [\c!tt,\v!teletype,\v!type,\v!mono] [\c!tt]
+\definefontstyle [\c!hw,\v!handwritten] [\c!hw]
+\definefontstyle [\c!cg,\v!calligraphic] [\c!cg]
+\definefontsize[\c!a] \definefontsize[\c!b]
+\definefontsize[\c!c] \definefontsize[\c!d]
+\definealternativestyle [\v!mediaeval] [\os] []
+\definealternativestyle [\v!normal] [\tf] []
+\definealternativestyle [\v!bold] [\bf] []
+\definealternativestyle [\v!type] [\tt] []
+\definealternativestyle [\v!mono] [\tt] []
+\definealternativestyle [\v!slanted] [\sl] []
+\definealternativestyle [\v!italic] [\it] []
+\definealternativestyle [\v!boldslanted,\v!slantedbold] [\bs] []
+\definealternativestyle [\v!bolditalic,\v!italicbold] [\bi] []
+\definealternativestyle [\v!small,\v!smallnormal] [\tfx] []
+\definealternativestyle [\v!smallbold] [\bfx] []
+\definealternativestyle [\v!smalltype] [\ttx] []
+\definealternativestyle [\v!smallslanted] [\slx] []
+\definealternativestyle [\v!smallboldslanted,\v!smallslantedbold] [\bsx] []
+\definealternativestyle [\v!smallbolditalic,\v!smallitalicbold] [\bix] []
+\definealternativestyle [\v!sans,\v!sansserif] [\ss] []
+\definealternativestyle [\v!sansbold] [\ss\bf] []
+%D Slow but handy:
+\definealternativestyle [\v!smallbodyfont] [\setsmallbodyfont] []
+\definealternativestyle [\v!bigbodyfont] [\setbigbodyfont] []
+%D We treat {\sc Small Caps} and \cap {Pseudo Caps} a bit
+%D different. We also provide an \WORD {uppercase} style.
+\definealternativestyle [\v!cap,\v!capital] [\smallcapped] [\smallcapped]
+\definealternativestyle [\v!smallcaps] [\sc] [\sc]
+\definealternativestyle [\v!WORD] [\WORD] [\WORD]
+%D \macros
+%D {...math}
+%D New or old?
+% tzt proper \define...
+% watch out: \synchronizesymb resets the family so we need a second
+% \mf (or maybe \mr): messy and to be sorted out
+\def\textmath {\synchronizesymb}
+%D \macros
+%D {fontstylesuffix}
+%D The next macro is used to map non latin fontnames on
+%D fonts. See \type {font-uni} for an example of its use.
+% {\ifnum\fam=\tffam \s!Regular \else
+% \ifnum\fam=\bffam \s!Bold \else
+% \ifnum\fam=\slfam \s!Slanted \else
+% \ifnum\fam=\itfam \s!Italic \else
+% \ifnum\fam=\bsfam \s!BoldSlanted \else
+% \ifnum\fam=\bifam \s!BoldItalic \else
+% \s!Regular \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi}%
+\def\fontstylesuffix% why the \s!Regular ? see \getglyph
+ {\ifx\fontalternative\c!tf \s!Regular \else
+ \ifx\fontalternative\c!bf \s!Bold \else
+ \ifx\fontalternative\c!sl \s!Slanted \else
+ \ifx\fontalternative\c!it \s!Italic \else
+ \ifx\fontalternative\c!bs \s!BoldSlanted \else
+ \ifx\fontalternative\c!bi \s!BoldItalic \else
+ \ifx\fontalternative\c!sc \s!Caps \else
+ \s!Regular \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi}%
+%D We still have to take care of \type{\xi}, so:
+%D \macros
+%D {definefontvariant,fontvariant,variant}
+%D A slightly adapted version of Adam Lindsays variant patches:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \usetypescriptfile[type-psc] \loadmapfile[texnansi-public-fpl]
+%D \usetypescript[palatino][texnansi] \setupbodyfont[palatino]
+%D \definefontvariant [Serif][osf] [OsF]
+%D \startlines
+%D {\sc abcdefgHIJKlmnop}
+%D 123{\Var[osf]456}789
+%D {\Var[osf] 123{\Var[reset]456}789}
+%D {\it 123{\Var[osf]456}789
+%D {\Var[osf]123{\Var[reset]456}789}}
+%D {\tfb\bf 123{\Var[osf]456}789
+%D {\Var[osf] 123{\Var[reset]456}789}}
+%D {\sc 123{\Var[osf]456}789
+%D {\Var[osf] 123{\Var[reset]456}789}}
+%D \stoplines
+%D \stoptyping
+ {\dotripleargument\dodefinefontvariant}
+ {\setvalue{\??fv#1#2}{#3}}
+ {\checkrelativefontsize\fontstyle
+ \scaledfont\currentfontscale\bodyfontsize
+ \scaledfont\relativefontsize\scaledfont}
+\unexpanded\def\variant[#1]% slow
+ {\dosetscaledfont
+ \expanded{\definedfont
+ [\truefontname{\fontstringA\fontstylesuffix\fontvariant\fontstringA{#1}}
+ at \scaledfont]}%
+ \ignoreimplicitspaces}
+\ifx\Var\undefined \let\Var\variant \fi
+%D By default we load the Computer Modern Roman fonts (but
+%D not yet at this moment) and activate the 12pt roman
+%D bodyfont. Sans serif and teletype are also available and
+%D can be called for by \type{\ss} and \type{\tt}.
+% \setupbodyfont [unk, rm]
+%D Also needed is:
+\definefont[tinyfont][Mono at 1ex]
+%D \macros
+%D {doiffontpresentelse}
+%D Some unused left||overs:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\doiffontpresentelse#1#2#3%
+%D {\bgroup
+%D \batchmode\font\dummy=\truefontname{#1}\errorstopmode
+%D \edef\lastfontname{\fontname\dummy}%
+%D \ifx\lastfontname\nullfontname\egroup#3\else\egroup#2\fi}
+%D \def\abortiffontnotfound#1%
+%D {\doiffontpresentelse{#1}{}{\showmessage\m!fonts{10}{\truefontname{#1}}\endinput}}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D We now provide (slow, but sometimes handy):
+%D \starttyping
+%D \doiffontpresentelse{texnansi-lmr10}{YES}{NO}
+%D \doiffontpresentelse{adam-lindsay-modern-serif}{YES}{NO}
+%D \stoptyping
+ {\bgroup
+ \scratchcounter\interactionmode
+ \batchmode
+ \font\dummy=\truefontname{#1}\relax
+ \interactionmode\scratchcounter
+ \edef\lastfontname{\fontname\dummy}%
+ \ifx\lastfontname\nullfontname
+ \egroup\expandafter\secondoftwoarguments
+ \else
+ \egroup\expandafter\firstoftwoarguments
+ \fi}
+%D New commands (not yet interfaced):
+\def\style[#1]% for inline usage, like \color
+ {\groupedcommand{\ifcsname#1\endcsname\csname#1\endcsname\else\definedfont[#1]\fi}{}}
+ {\begingroup
+ \ifcsname#1\endcsname\csname#1\endcsname\else\definedfont[#1]\fi}
+ {\endgroup}
+%D Still experimental (might even go away).
+% \definestylecollection[mine]
+% \definestyleinstance[mine][default][sorry]
+% \definestyleinstance[mine][tt][bs][ttbs:\rm\sl]
+% \definestyleinstance[mine][tt][bf][ttbf:\rm\sl]
+% \definestyleinstance[mine][bf][\sl]
+% \definestyleinstance[mine][sl][\tt]
+% {\bf test \mine test \sl test \mine test \bs oeps \mine oeps {\tt test \mine \bf test}}
+ {\dosingleargument\dodefinestylecollection}
+ {\iffirstargument
+ \unexpanded\setvalue{#1}{\styleinstance[#1]}%
+ \def\docommand##1%
+ {\def\dodocommand####1{\letbeundefined{\??sx##1:####1:\commalistelement}}%
+ \processcommacommand[\fontalternativelist,\s!default]\dodocommand}%
+ \processcommacommand[\fontstylelist,\s!default]\docommand
+ \fi}
+ {\doquadrupleargument\dodefinestyleinstance}
+\def\dodefinestyleinstance[#1][#2][#3][#4]% [name] [rm|ss|tt|..] [sl|bf|...] [whatever]
+ {\iffirstargument
+ \doifundefined{#1}{\definestylecollection[#1]}%
+ \fi
+ \iffourthargument
+ \setvalue{\??sx#1:#2:#3}{#4}%
+ \else\ifthirdargument
+ \setvalue{\??sx#1::#2}{#3}%
+ \else\ifsecondargument
+ \letvalue{\??sx#1::#2}\empty
+ \fi\fi\fi}
+\unexpanded\def\styleinstance[#1]% will be faster
+ {%\begingroup\expanded{\infofont[#1:\fontstyle:\fontalternative]}\endgroup
+ \executeifdefined{\??sx#1:\fontstyle:\fontalternative}%
+ {\executeifdefined{\??sx#1:\fontstyle:\s!default}%
+ {\executeifdefined{\??sx#1::\fontalternative}
+ {\getvalue {\??sx#1::\s!default}}}}}
+% \unexpanded\def\styleinstance[#1]%
+% {\csname\??sx#1%
+% \ifcsname:\fontstyle:\fontalternative\endcsname
+% :\fontstyle:\fontalternative
+% \else\ifcsname:\fontstyle:\s!default\endcsname
+% :\fontstyle:\s!default
+% \else\ifcsname::\fontalternative\endcsname
+% ::\fontalternative
+% \else\ifcsname::\s!default\endcsname
+% ::\s!default
+% \else
+% % nothing, \relax
+% \fi\fi\fi\fi
+% \endcsname}
+%D \Compatibility with \MKIV:
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/font-jap.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/font-jap.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b8aa3d836
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/font-jap.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=font-jap,
+%D version=2006.01.13,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Font Macros,
+%D subtitle=Japanese,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D suggestions=Wang Lei,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\ifx\handlejapaneseunicodeglyph\undefined \else \endinput \fi
+\ifx\handlechineseunicodeglyph \undefined \input font-chi.tex \fi
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Font Macros / Japanese}
+ {\getfontfileparameters\unicodestyle
+ \ifx\currentfontfileencoding\undefined \else
+ \let\japaneseencoding\currentfontfileencoding
+ \fi}
+\def\japaneseunicodescale {\chineseunicodescale }
+\def\japaneseunicodeheight {\chineseunicodeheight }
+\def\japaneseunicodedepth {\chineseunicodedepth }
+\def\japanesesurroundskip {\chinesesurroundskip }
+ [japanese]
+ [ \c!scale=\japaneseunicodescale,
+ \c!height=\japaneseunicodeheight,
+ \c!depth=\japaneseunicodedepth,
+ \c!strut=\v!yes,
+ \c!interlinespace=\v!yes,
+ \c!conversion=\japanesenumber,
+ \c!commands=\setjapaneseencoding, % needed for digits
+ \c!command=\handlejapaneseunicodeglyph]
+ {\begingroup
+% \let\chineseunicodescale \japaneseunicodescale
+% \let\chineseunicodeheight \japaneseunicodeheight
+% \let\chineseunicodedepth \japaneseunicodedepth
+% \let\chineseinterglyphskip\japaneseinterglyphskip
+% \let\chinesesurroundskip \japanesesurroundskip
+ \iftracejapanese\tracechinesetrue\else\tracechinesefalse\fi
+ \handlechineseunicodeglyph
+ \endgroup}
+\doifelse \currentregime {utf} {
+ % todo: typescripts
+ \definefontsynonym [JapaneseRegular] [uni-cybercjk-][encoding=cjk-uni]
+ \definefontsynonym [JapaneseSlanted] [uni-cybercjk-][encoding=cjk-uni]
+ \definefontsynonym [JapaneseItalic] [uni-cybercjk-][encoding=cjk-uni]
+ \definefontsynonym [JapaneseBold] [uni-cybercjk-][encoding=cjk-uni]
+ \definefontsynonym [JapaneseBoldSlanted][uni-cybercjk-][encoding=cjk-uni]
+ \definefontsynonym [JapaneseBoldItalic] [uni-cybercjk-][encoding=cjk-uni]
+ \loadmapfile[]
+ \defineunicodefont [Japanese] [Japanese] [japanese]
+} {
+ \writestatus{Japanese}{No fonts defined}
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/font-run.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/font-run.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..04fcd576a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/font-run.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,326 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=font-run,
+%D version=1998.09.11, % (second)
+%D version=2001.02.20, % (third)
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Font Macros,
+%D subtitle=Runtime Macros,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D [This code is hooked into the core macros and saves some
+%D format space.]
+ {\blank{\tttf \type {#1} is only available in the english interface}\blank}
+ {\tabskip\zeropoint
+ \parindent\zeropoint
+ \setlocalhsize
+ \doifelsenothing{#1}
+ {\def\title{[\the\bodyfontsize]}}
+ {\switchtobodyfont[#1]\def\title{[#1]}}
+ \doifsomething\fontclass
+ {\doifnot{[\fontclass]}\title
+ {\edef\title{[\fontclass]\space\title}}}}
+ {\dosingleempty\doshowbodyfont}
+ {\ifinsidefloat\else\startbaselinecorrection\fi
+ \vbox
+ {\dosetshowfonttitle{#1}%
+ \def\bigstrut##1##2%
+ {\hbox{\vrule
+ \!!height##1\strutht
+ \!!depth ##2\strutdp
+ \!!width \zeropoint}}
+ \def\next##1##2##3%
+ {&&##1&&##2\tf##3&&##2\sc##3%
+ &&##2\sl##3&&##2\it##3&&##2\bf##3&&##2\bs##3&&##2\bi##3%
+ &&##2\tfx##3&&##2\tfxx##3%
+ &&##2\tfa##3&&##2\tfb##3&&##2\tfc##3&&##2\tfd##3&\cr}%
+ \halign to \localhsize
+ {\bigstrut{1.5}{2}##&\vrule##
+ \tabskip=\!!zeropoint \!!plus 1fill
+ &\hfil##\hfil&\vrule##&\hfil##\hfil&\vrule##
+ &\hfil##\hfil&\vrule##&\hfil##\hfil&\vrule##
+ &\hfil##\hfil&\vrule##&\hfil##\hfil&\vrule##
+ &\hfil##\hfil&\vrule##&\hfil##\hfil&\vrule##
+ &\hfil##\hfil&\vrule##&\hfil##\hfil&\vrule##
+ &\hfil##\hfil&\vrule##&\hfil##\hfil&\vrule##
+ &\hfil##\hfil&\vrule##&\hfil##\hfil&##\vrule
+ \tabskip=\!!zeropoint\cr
+ \noalign{\hrule}
+ &\multispan{29}{\vrule\hfil\tttf\strut\title\hfil
+ \llap{\string\mr\hbox to 1em{\hss:\hss}$\mr \languageparameter\c!text$\quad}\vrule}\cr
+ \noalign{\hrule}\next{}{\tt\string}{}
+ \noalign{\hrule}\next{\tt\string\rm}\rm{\languageparameter\c!text}
+ \noalign{\hrule}\next{\tt\string\ss}\ss{\languageparameter\c!text}
+ \noalign{\hrule}\next{\tt\string\tt}\tt{\languageparameter\c!text}
+ \noalign{\hrule}}}
+ \ifinsidefloat\else\stopbaselinecorrection\fi}
+ {\dosingleempty\doshowbodyfontenvironment}
+ {\ifinsidefloat\else\startbaselinecorrection\fi
+ \vbox
+ {\dosetshowfonttitle{#1}%
+ \def\next##1%
+ {&&\getvalue{\bodyfontvariable{##1\s!text}}%
+ &&\getvalue{\bodyfontvariable{##1\s!script}}%
+ &&\getvalue{\bodyfontvariable{##1\s!scriptscript}}%
+ &&\getvalue{\bodyfontvariable{##1\c!x}}%
+ &&\getvalue{\bodyfontvariable{##1\c!xx}}%
+ &&\getvalue{\bodyfontvariable{##1\interfaced\v!small}}%
+ &&\getvalue{\bodyfontvariable{##1\interfaced\v!big}}%
+ &&\edef\next{\getvalue{\bodyfontvariable{##1\c!interlinespace}}}\ifx\next\empty not set\else\next\fi&\cr
+ \noalign{\hrule}}
+ \halign to \localhsize
+ {##&\vrule##\strut
+ \tabskip=\!!zeropoint \!!plus 1fill
+ &\hfil##\hfil&\vrule##&\hfil##\hfil&\vrule##&\hfil##\hfil&\vrule##
+ &\hfil##\hfil&\vrule##&\hfil##\hfil&\vrule##&\hfil##\hfil&\vrule##
+ &\hfil##\hfil&\vrule##&\hfil##\hfil&##\vrule
+ \tabskip\zeropoint\cr
+ \noalign{\hrule}
+ &\multispan{17}{\vrule\hfil\tttf\strut\title\hfil}\vrule\cr
+ \noalign{\hrule}
+ &&\tttf\tx\s!text&&\tttf\tx\s!script&&\tttf\tx\s!scriptscript
+ &&\tttf\tx\c!x&&\tttf\tx\c!xx&&\tttf\tx\v!small&&\tttf\tx\v!big
+ &&\tttf\tx\c!interlinespace&\cr
+ \noalign{\hrule}
+ \@EA\globalprocesscommalist\@EA[\bodyfontenvironmentlist]\next}}
+ \ifinsidefloat\else\stopbaselinecorrection\fi}
+ {\dodoubleempty\doshowfont}
+ {\bgroup
+ \boxrulewidth=.1pt
+ \setupcolors[\c!state=\v!local]%
+ \iffirstargument
+ \definefont[\s!dummy][#1]\dummy
+ \else\ifdim2.5em>.05\hsize \tx
+ \ifdim2.5em>.05\hsize \txx
+ \fi\fi\fi
+ \ifinsidefloat\else\startbaselinecorrection\fi
+ \vbox\bgroup
+ \forgetall
+ \startoverlay
+ {\vbox
+ {\tf \setstrut \dummy
+ \localcolortrue \offinterlineskip
+ \dostepwiserecurse{0}{15}{1}
+ {\let\row\recurselevel
+ \hbox
+ {\red
+ \dostepwiserecurse{0}{15}{1}
+ {\let\col\recurselevel
+ \@EA\scratchcounter\normaldblquote\hexnumber\row\hexnumber\col\relax
+ \edef\rowcol{\the\scratchcounter}%
+ \iffontchar\font\scratchcounter
+ \setbox\scratchbox\ruledhbox{\black\char\scratchcounter}%
+ \ifdim\wd\scratchbox>\zeropoint
+ \donetrue \else \donefalse
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \setbox\scratchbox\hbox{\gray\vrule\!!width1ex\!!height.5ex\!!depth.5ex}%
+ \fi
+ \startoverlay
+ {\tf\vbox to 2.5em
+ {\vss
+ \hbox to 2.5em
+ {\dummy\ifdim\interwordspace=\zeropoint
+ \setbox\scratchbox\hbox
+ {\raise.5\dp\scratchbox\hbox
+ {\lower.5\ht\scratchbox\copy\scratchbox}}%
+ \ht\scratchbox\zeropoint
+ \dp\scratchbox\zeropoint
+ \else
+ \ht\scratchbox\strutht
+ \dp\scratchbox\strutdp
+ \strut
+ \fi
+ \hss\copy\scratchbox\hss}
+ \vss}}
+ {\tf\vbox to 2.3em
+ {\ifdone
+ \hsize2.4em
+ \blue
+ \edef\theshowfontspecs
+ {\ifnum\hyphenchar\font=\rowcol hyph\else
+ \ifnum\skewchar \font=\rowcol skew\fi\fi}%
+ \tinyfont % after \edef, else wrong font analyzed
+ \doifnot\v!unknown{#2}{{\red\theshowfontspecs}}\hfill\number\rowcol
+ \vfill
+ \octnumber\rowcol\hfill\lchexnumbers\rowcol
+ \par
+ \fi}}
+ \stopoverlay}}}
+ \par}}
+ {\tf\basegrid[\c!nx=16,\c!ny=16,\c!dx=2.5,\c!dy=2.5,\c!unit=em]}
+ \stopoverlay
+ \nointerlineskip
+ \vskip2pt
+ % the \noexpand before \blank is needed for non etex
+ \edef\ascii{name: {\noexpand\black\fontname\font}}
+ \def\do##1##2{\ifx##1\undefined\else\ifx##1\empty\else##2\fi\fi}%
+ \doifelse\v!unknown{#2}
+ {\edef\theshowfontspecs
+ {name: {\noexpand\black\fontname\font}}}
+ {\edef\theshowfontspecs
+ {name: {\noexpand\black\fontname\font}\noexpand\quad
+ \do\currentencoding{encoding: {\noexpand\black\currentencoding\noexpand\quad}}%
+ \do\currentmapping {mapping: {\noexpand\black\currentmapping \noexpand\quad}}%
+ \do\fonthandling {handling: {\noexpand\black\fonthandling }}}}%
+ \tf % also sets em
+ \hbox to 40em{\blue\hfill\tinyfont\setstrut\strut\theshowfontspecs}
+ \egroup
+ \ifinsidefloat\else\stopbaselinecorrection\fi
+ \egroup}
+ {\dotripleempty\doshowfontstyle}
+ {\ifthirdargument
+ \bgroup
+ \raggedright
+ \switchtobodyfont[#1]
+ \def\dodocommand##1##2%
+ {\starttextrule{\tttf #1 ##1 ##2}
+ \nobreak \getvalue{##2}%
+ \dorecurse{255}
+ {\iffontchar\font\recurselevel\relax
+ \char\recurselevel\relax\space
+ \fi}
+ \par \nobreak
+ \stoptextrule}
+ \def\docommand##1%
+ {\getvalue{##1}\processcommacommand[#3]{\dodocommand{##1}}}
+ \processcommalist[#2]\docommand
+ \egroup
+ \else\ifsecondargument
+ \showfontstyle[#1][#2][\fontalternativelist]% math is gone
+ \else
+ \showfontstyle[#1][\c!rm]\showfontstyle[#1][\c!ss]
+ \showfontstyle[#1][\c!tt]\showfontstyle[#1][\c!mm]
+ \fi\fi}
+ {\hbox{\type{#1}\enspace\red\ruledhbox{\black#1}}}
+ {\ifx\starttabulate\undefined
+ \@@onlyenglish\showligatures
+ \else
+ \bgroup
+ \setupcolors[\c!state=\v!local]%
+ \def\show##1{\hbox{\red\ruledhbox{\black##1}}}%
+ \definefont[\s!dummy][#1]\dummy
+ \starttabulate[|*{9}{c|}]
+ \NC\type{ff}\NC\type{fi}\NC\type{fl}\NC\type{ffi}\NC\type{ffl}\NC
+ \type{``}\NC\type{''}\NC\type{--}\NC\type{---}\NC\NR
+ \NC\show{ff}\NC\show{fi}\NC\show{fl}\NC\show{ffi}\NC\show{ffl}\NC
+ \show{``}\NC\show{''}\NC\show{--}\NC\show{---}\NC\NR
+ \stoptabulate
+ \egroup
+ \fi}
+ {\dosingleempty\doshowfontstrip}
+ {\ifx\starttabulate\undefined
+ \@@onlyenglish\showfontstrip
+ \else
+ \bgroup
+ \def\dofontstripa##1##2%
+ {\tttf\string##1}
+ \def\dofontstripb##1##2%
+ {\ruledhbox{\switchtobodyfont[#1]##1{##2}}}
+ \def\dofontstripc##1##2%
+ {\setbox\scratchbox\hbox{\switchtobodyfont[#1]##1{##2}}%
+ \tt\tfx\the\ht\scratchbox}%
+ \def\dofontstripd##1##2%
+ {\setbox\scratchbox\hbox{\switchtobodyfont[#1]##1{##2}}%
+ \tt\tfx\the\wd\scratchbox}%
+ \def\fontstrip##1##2##3%
+ {\NC##2\rm{##3}\NC
+ ##2\ss{##3}\NC
+ ##2\tt{##3}\NC
+ ##2\mathematics{##3}\NC
+ \tttf##1\NR}
+ \starttabulate[|c|c|c|c|c|]
+ \fontstrip\relax\dofontstripa\empty
+ \TB
+ \fontstrip\relax\dofontstripb{xxxx}
+ \fontstrip\relax\dofontstripb{12345}
+ \fontstrip\relax\dofontstripb{(Agw)}
+ \TB
+ \fontstrip{(x height)}\dofontstripc{x}
+ \fontstrip{(m width)}\dofontstripd{m}
+ \stoptabulate
+ \egroup
+ \fi}
+\ifx\databox\undefined \newbox\databox \fi
+ {\setbox\databox\ruledhbox{#1}%
+ \scratchdimen\ht\databox
+ \advance\scratchdimen\dp\databox
+ \scratchtoks{#1}%
+ \expanded
+ {\NC \ruledhbox{\the\scratchtoks}
+ \noexpand \NC ->
+ \noexpand \NC \the\scratchdimen
+ \noexpand \NC =
+ \noexpand \NC \the\ht\databox
+ \noexpand \NC +
+ \noexpand \NC \the\dp\databox
+ \noexpand \NC \ifdim\scratchdimen<\baselineskip <
+ \else\ifdim\scratchdimen=\baselineskip =
+ \else > \fi\fi
+ \noexpand \NC \the\baselineskip
+ \noexpand \NC (\ifdim\scratchdimen>\baselineskip not \fi ok)
+ \noexpand \NC \noexpand \NR }}
+ {\ifx\starttabulate\undefined
+ \@@onlyenglish\showminimalbaseline
+ \else
+ \starttabulate[||T|T|T|T|T|T|T|T|T|]
+ \testminimalbaseline{\hbox to 1em{\hss\showstruts\strut\hss}}%
+ \testminimalbaseline{(/)}%
+ \testminimalbaseline{$\frac{1}{2}x^2_3$}
+ \stoptabulate
+ \fi}
+ {\bgroup
+ \let\MPfshowcommand\ruledhbox
+ \setMPtext\s!dummy{#1}%
+ \startMPcode draw textext(\MPstring\s!dummy);\stopMPcode
+ \egroup}
+ {\dowithnextboxcontent
+ {\switchtobodyfont[10pt]}%
+ {(\expanded{\withoutpt\the\nextboxht},%
+ \expanded{\withoutpt\the\nextboxdp})}%
+ \hbox}
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/font-uni.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/font-uni.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..77eb680e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/font-uni.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,444 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=font-uni,
+%D version=1999.10.10,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Font Macros,
+%D subtitle=\UNICODE,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Font Macros / Unicode}
+%D In \XETEX, unicode support is straightforward, so we
+%D simply output a \type {\char} with a 16||bit number.
+ \unexpanded\def\uchar#1#2{\char\numexpr#2+#1*\pluscclvi\relax}
+ \let\uc\uchar
+ \expandafter \endinput
+%D Now comes the more traditional 8 bit \TEX\ hackery.
+%D I wrote this module when Wang Lei asked me how to use
+%D Chinese in \CONTEXT. From the samples he sent me, I deduced
+%D that some mixture of one and two byte encoding was used,
+%D which he confirmed. Since \TEX\ normally does not use the
+%D characters $>127$, so as long as the two byte characters
+%D have a first character with code $>127$, we can use active
+%D characters to handle them. In an optimistic mood, I called
+%D this module the \UNICODE\ font module. In the module that
+%D handles Chinese, we will see that some more interpretation
+%D is involved, which is why the macros handling those
+%D characters look ahead.
+%D \macros
+%D {handleunicodeflowglyph, uchar,
+%D handleunicodeglyph, insertunicodeglyph,
+%D unicodeposition, unicodeone, unicodetwo}
+%D For the moment \UNICODE\ support is rather primitive but
+%D nevertheless effective. The reference to \UNICODE\ is not
+%D entirely correct, since in many cases one will use \quote
+%D {older} mappings, but in principle, \UNICODE\ can be
+%D supported.
+%D We expect each character to come as two eight bit
+%D characters. Those doubles are handled by making all
+%D characters in the range $>127$ active, so that they can
+%D pick up the next one, and act upon both their values.
+%D Internally only numbers are used. A first implementation
+%D simply internally prefixed the second part of the \UNICODE\
+%D pair with \type {\string} or \type {\char}, but this was
+%D not that handy when it came to testing those values.
+%D Because in principle we are dealing with an encoding, the
+%D making active is handled in \type {enco-uni}.
+%D There are two commands to handle unicode characters:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \handleunicodeflowglyph{number}{character}
+%D \uchar{number}{number}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The first one can be assigned to an active character, the
+%D second one can be used to directly access a glyph. Both
+%D command call \type {\handleunicodeglyph} that in turn
+%D calls \type {\insertunicodeglyph}. Both can be overruled
+%D in specialized modules. The low level command \type
+%D {\unicodeglyph} can best be left untouched, which is not
+%D so much a problem because there is a hook into this macro:
+%D \type {\unicodecharcommand}.
+%D In most cases one will redefine \type {\handleunicodeglyph}
+%D in such a way that it identifies special situations first,
+%D takes some actions next, calls \type {\insertunicodeglyph},
+%D if needed with \type {\unicodecharcommand} changed, and
+%D finally does some finishing:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\handleunicodeglyph
+%D {take actions based on \unicodeone-two-position cq. \nextutoken
+%D redefine \unicodecharcommand if needed
+%D expand \insertunicodeglyph
+%D take some final actions}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The multistep approach is needed to pick up the second
+%D token, since this token can have any value and any
+%D catcode.
+% the \relax trick prevents eating up the space (needed for
+% korean
+ {\begingroup
+ \edef\unicodeone{#1}%
+ \@EA\afterassignment\@EA\dohandleunicodeflowglyph % two redundant ea's
+ \@EA\chardef\@EA\nexttoken\@EA`\string#2\relax}
+ {\futurelet\nextutoken\dodohandleunicodeflowglyph}
+\def\dodohandleunicodeflowglyph % todo tex (or maybe no longer)
+ {\edef\unicodetwo{\the\nexttoken}%
+ \unicodeposition\numexpr\unicodeone*256+\unicodetwo\relax
+ \handleunicodeglyph
+ \endgroup}
+\unexpanded\def\uchar#1#2% use as standalone glyph
+ {\begingroup
+ \edef\unicodeone{#1}%
+ \edef\unicodetwo{#2}%
+ \unicodeposition\numexpr\unicodeone*256+\unicodetwo\relax
+ \handleunicodeglyph
+ \endgroup}
+ {\def\dolookaheaduchar{\uchar{#1}{#2}\let\nextutoken\relax}%
+ \futurelet\nextutoken\dolookaheaduchar}
+ {\unicodeposition\numexpr\unicodeone*256+\unicodetwo\relax
+ \handleunicodeglyph
+ \endgroup}
+\unexpanded\def\uc#1#2% used in tricky situations
+ {\begingroup
+ \edef\unicodeone{#1}%
+ \edef\unicodetwo{#2}%
+ \futurelet\nextutoken\dohandleucflowglyph}
+ {\unicodeglyph\unicodeone\unicodetwo}
+%D One can use the \type {\unicodeposition} in the macros
+%D that handle pre and post material.
+%D \macros
+%D {unicodestyle, unicodecharcommand}
+%D Each character pair will become one glyph. Because \TEX\
+%D cannot handle fonts with more that 256 characters, we use
+%D \TFM\ files for each range. The first character of the pair
+%D is appended to the name of a font, and the second is used to
+%D access the glyph in that font. This means that a particular
+%D font is split up in subfonts with names in the range:
+%D \starttyping
+%D <filename>80 ... <filename>ff
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The \type {<filename>} as well as the composed name are
+%D mapped ones. The next macros take care of this mapping.
+%D Let us assume that the next mapping has taken place,
+%D \starttyping
+%D \definefontsynonym [UnicodeRegular] [gbsong]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Let us also assume that we are dealing with the range \type
+%D {b1}. Given that a font name results from:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \truefontname{\truefontname{UnicodeRegular}b1}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D we get \type {gbsongb1}. The outer \type {\truefontname}
+%D takes care of additional mapping, so when we say:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \definefontsynonym [gbsongb1] [gbsong-b1]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D the filename used will be \type {gbsong-b1}. From the next
+%D definition it will be clear that other fontshapes are also
+%D supported. The prefix \type {Unicode} is mapped!
+%D The command \type {\unicodecharcommand} can be used to
+%D handle special cases. At that moment \type {1em} is known.
+ {\truefontname\s!Unicode\fontstylesuffix}
+\unexpanded\def\unicodeglyph#1#2% watch the double mapping
+ {\begingroup
+ \getvalue{@@\currentucharmapping\strippedcsname\uchar}{#1}{#2}% map to a to hex font range
+ \bodyfontsize\unicodescale\bodyfontsize
+ % readable:
+ % \doifelsefontsynonym{\unicodestyle\unicodeone}
+ % {\font\unicodefont=\truefontname{\unicodestyle\unicodeone}
+ % at \currentfontscale\bodyfontsize}
+ % {\font\unicodefont=\truefontname{\truefontname\unicodestyle\unicodeone}
+ % at \currentfontscale\bodyfontsize}%
+ % unreadable but more efficient:
+ \font\unicodefont=\truefontname{\doifelsefontsynonym{\unicodestyle
+ \unicodeone}\empty\truefontname\unicodestyle\unicodeone}
+ at \currentfontscale\bodyfontsize
+ \unicodestrut % off by default
+ \unicodefont\unicodecharcommand{\char\unicodetwo\relax}%
+ \endgroup}
+%D This handler is used by default, for instance in:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \defineunicodefont [MySwitch] [MyFont] % [strut=no,command=\insertunicodeglyph]
+%D \definefontsynonym [MyFontRegular40] [Sans]
+%D \definefontsynonym [MyFontBold40] [SansBold]
+%D {\MySwitch \uchar{"40}{`a}}
+%D {\MySwitch \bf \uchar{"40}{`a}}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D \starttyping
+%D \definefontsynonym [MyFontRegular] [Sans]
+%D \definefontsynonym [MyFontBold] [SansBold]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Is also possible, but in that case the number is appended to the raw font
+%D name!
+%D \macros
+%D {currentucharmapping,defineucharmapping}
+%D A (plane,char) pair can be remapped using a uchar mapping
+%D function. The default mapping is to convert the plane to a
+%D lowercase hexadecimal number, and leave the number
+%D untouched. The current remapping is kept in a macro.
+ {\setvalue{@@#1\strippedcsname\uchar}}
+ {\edef\unicodeone{\lchexnumbers{#1}}\edef\unicodetwo{#2}}
+%D An example of a remapping is the following:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \defineucharmapping{GBK}#1#2%
+%D {\unicodeposition=#1
+%D \advance\unicodeposition -129
+%D \multiply\unicodeposition 190
+%D \advance\unicodeposition #2
+%D \advance\unicodeposition-\ifnum#2>127 65\else64\fi
+%D \dorepositionunicode}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D This maps the GBK vector onto a compact GBK one. The
+%D auxiliary macro is defined here as a goody.
+ {\dosetdivision\unicodeposition{256}\scratchcounter
+ \advance\scratchcounter \plusone
+ \edef\unicodeone{\ifnum\scratchcounter<10 0\fi\the\scratchcounter}%
+ \dosetmodulo\unicodeposition{256}\scratchcounter
+ \edef\unicodetwo{\the\scratchcounter}}
+%D \macros
+%D {setunicodestrut, setunicodescale, nextutoken,
+%D handleunicodeglyph, insertunicodeglyph}
+%D A careful analysis of the previous macros, learns that the
+%D process of mapping comes down to:
+%D \startitemize[packed,n]
+%D \item taking care of preceding material (and spacing)
+%D \item defining the font at \type {\currentfontscale} $\times$
+%D \type {\unicodescale} $\times$ \type {\bodyfontsize}
+%D \item inserting a \type {\unicodestrut}
+%D \item inserting the character (glyph)
+%D \item executing some actions afterwards
+%D \stopitemize
+%D The actions before and after placing the glyph, is up to
+%D the user supplied handler. This handler (\type
+%D {\handleunicodeglpyh}) must, at a certain moment, insert
+%D the glyph using \type {\insertunicodeglyph}
+ {\def\unicodescale{#1}}
+\def\dosetunicodestrut#1#2% height depth
+ {\def\unicodestrut
+ {\vrule
+ \!!width \zeropoint
+ \!!height#1\strutht
+ \!!depth #2\strutdp
+ \relax}}
+\def\setunicodestrut#1#2% height depth
+ {\ifdim#1\strutht>\zeropoint
+ \dosetunicodestrut{#1}{#2}%
+ \else\ifdim#1\strutdp>\zeropoint
+ \dosetunicodestrut{#1}{#2}%
+ \else
+ \let\unicodestrut\empty
+ \fi\fi}
+ {\let\unicodestrut\empty}
+%D The additional scaling and strut default to:
+%D But better is not to have a strut added by default:
+%D The actual code for the additional actions as well as
+%D specific spacing is handled outside these routines. The
+%D character after the two that are under treatment is
+%D available in \type {\nextutoken}.
+%D \macros
+%D {defineunicodefont, setupunicodefont}
+%D Apart from this rather low level implementation, we also
+%D provide a more user friendly alternative. Given that one
+%D has defined:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \defineunicodefont
+%D [SimChi] [SimplifiedChinese]
+%D [\c!scale=0.85,
+%D \c!height=1.25,
+%D \c!depth=1.00,
+%D \c!interlinespaceinterlinie=yes,
+%D \c!conversion=\chinesenumber,
+%D \c!command=\handlechineseunicodeglyph]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Together with:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \definefontsynonym [SimplifiedChineseRegular] [gbsong]
+%D \definefontsynonym [SimplifiedChineseSlanted] [gbsongsl]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D we can now switch to Simplified Chinese by saying \type
+%D {SimChi}. Some values can be changed afterwards with
+%D \starttyping
+%D \setupunicodefont[SimChi][...=...]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Specific initializations can be assigned to \type
+%D {commands}.
+ {\dotripleempty\dodefineunicodefont}
+ {\doifassignmentelse{#3}
+ {\setupunicodefont[#1][#3]}
+ {\doifelsenothing{#3}
+ {\setupunicodefont[#1][#3]}
+ {\copyparameters
+ [\??uc#1][\??uc#3]
+ [\c!height,\c!depth,\c!scale,\c!commands,\c!strut,
+ \c!interlinespace,\c!command,\c!conversion]}}%
+ \doifelsenothing{#2}
+ {\setvalue{#1}{[uc font #1 undefined]}}
+ {\setvalue{\??uc#1\c!file}{#2}%
+ \doifundefined{\??ff#2\s!Bold}
+ {\definefontsynonym[#2\s!Bold] [#2\s!Regular]%
+ \definefontsynonym[#2\s!Slanted] [#2\s!Regular]%
+ \definefontsynonym[#2\s!Italic] [#2\s!Regular]%
+ \definefontsynonym[#2\s!BoldSlanted][#2\s!Slanted]%
+ \definefontsynonym[#2\s!BoldItalic] [#2\s!Italic]}%
+ \unexpanded\setvalue{#1}{\enableunicodefont{#1}}}}
+ {\dodoubleempty\dosetupunicodefont}
+\def\dosetupunicodefont[#1][#2]% also predefines
+ {\doifundefined{\??uc#1\c!command}
+ {\copyparameters
+ [\??uc#1][\??uc\s!default]
+ [\c!height,\c!depth,\c!scale,\c!commands,\v!strut,
+ \c!interlinespace,\c!command,\c!conversion]}%
+ \getparameters[\??uc#1][#2]}
+ {\definefontsynonym[\s!Unicode][\getvalue{\??uc#1\c!file}]%
+ \def\unicodescale {\getvalue{\??uc#1\c!scale}}%
+ \def\unicodeheight {\getvalue{\??uc#1\c!height}}%
+ \def\unicodedepth {\getvalue{\??uc#1\c!depth}}%
+ \def\unicodedigits {\getvalue{\??uc#1\c!conversion}}%
+ \def\handleunicodeglyph {\getvalue{\??uc#1\c!command}}%
+ \doifnot\currentregime{utf}{\enableregime[unicode]}%
+ % the following \relax's are realy needed
+ \doifvalue{\??uc#1\c!interlinespace}\v!yes
+ \setupinterlinespace\relax
+ \doifelsevalue{\??uc#1\c!strut}\v!yes
+ {\setunicodestrut\unicodeheight\unicodedepth}
+ {\resetunicodestrut}%
+ \getvalue{\??uc#1\c!commands}\relax}
+%D \macros
+%D {unicodedigits}
+%D For convenience we also predefine a number conversion
+%D macro:
+%D Because we cannot be sure of the pressence of all font
+%D styles, we remap some by default.
+\definefontsynonym [\s!Unicode\s!Bold] [\s!Unicode\s!Regular]
+\definefontsynonym [\s!Unicode\s!Slanted] [\s!Unicode\s!Regular]
+\definefontsynonym [\s!Unicode\s!Italic] [\s!Unicode\s!Regular]
+\definefontsynonym [\s!Unicode\s!BoldSlanted] [\s!Unicode\s!Slanted]
+\definefontsynonym [\s!Unicode\s!BoldItalic] [\s!Unicode\s!Italic]
+ [\s!default]
+ [\c!height=1,
+ \c!depth=1,
+ \c!scale=1,
+ \c!strut=\v!no,
+ \c!interlinespace=\v!no,
+ \c!command=\insertunicodeglyph,
+ \c!conversion=\number]
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/font-unk.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/font-unk.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..241369f68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/font-unk.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=font-unk,
+%D version=1998.09.10,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Font Macros,
+%D subtitle=Unknown Defaults,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D This module is rather important, because it enables us to
+%D define and call for not yet defined fonts in a way
+%D completely independant of real font names. First we map
+%D some meaningful names onto unknown filenames.
+\definefontsynonym [Serif] [unknown]
+\definefontsynonym [SerifBold] [unknown]
+\definefontsynonym [SerifItalic] [unknown]
+\definefontsynonym [SerifSlanted] [unknown]
+\definefontsynonym [SerifBoldItalic] [unknown]
+\definefontsynonym [SerifBoldSlanted] [unknown]
+\definefontsynonym [SerifCaps] [unknown]
+\definefontsynonym [Sans] [unknown]
+\definefontsynonym [SansBold] [unknown]
+\definefontsynonym [SansItalic] [unknown]
+\definefontsynonym [SansSlanted] [unknown]
+\definefontsynonym [SansBoldItalic] [unknown]
+\definefontsynonym [SansBoldSlanted] [unknown]
+\definefontsynonym [SansCaps] [unknown]
+\definefontsynonym [Mono] [unknown]
+\definefontsynonym [MonoBold] [unknown]
+\definefontsynonym [MonoItalic] [unknown]
+\definefontsynonym [MonoSlanted] [unknown]
+\definefontsynonym [MonoBoldItalic] [unknown]
+\definefontsynonym [MonoBoldSlanted] [unknown]
+\definefontsynonym [MonoCaps] [unknown]
+\definefontsynonym [MathRoman] [unknown]
+\definefontsynonym [MathExtension] [unknown]
+\definefontsynonym [MathItalic] [unknown]
+\definefontsynonym [MathSymbol] [unknown]
+\definefontsynonym [MathNoName] [unknown]
+\definefontsynonym [MathAlpha] [unknown]
+\definefontsynonym [MathBeta] [unknown]
+\definefontsynonym [MathGamma] [unknown]
+\definefontsynonym [MathDelta] [unknown]
+\definefontsynonym [MathRomanBold] [MathRoman]
+\definefontsynonym [MathExtensionBold] [MathExtension]
+\definefontsynonym [MathItalicBold] [MathItalic]
+\definefontsynonym [MathSymbolBold] [MathSymbol]
+\definefontsynonym [MathAlphaBold] [MathAlpha]
+\definefontsynonym [MathBetaBold] [MathBeta]
+\definefontsynonym [MathGammaBold] [MathGamma]
+\definefontsynonym [MathDeltaBold] [MathDelta]
+\definefontsynonym [Handwriting] [unknown]
+\definefontsynonym [Calligraphic] [unknown]
+%D This permit us to define (use) fonts that refer to the default
+%D style (so, Bold may expand to SansBold or SerifBold, depending
+%D on the default style in the typeface).
+% \def\setfontsynonym[#1]#2[#3]{\setvalue{\??ff\fontclass#1}{#3}}
+% \setfontsynonym[\s!Normal] [\fontstringD]
+% \setfontsynonym[\s!Bold] [\fontstringD\s!Bold]
+% \setfontsynonym[\s!Italic] [\fontstringD\s!Italic]
+% \setfontsynonym[\s!Slanted] [\fontstringD\s!Slanted]
+% \setfontsynonym[\s!BoldItalic] [\fontstringD\s!BoldItalic]
+% \setfontsynonym[\s!BoldSlanted][\fontstringD\s!BoldSlanted]
+% \setfontsynonym[\s!Caps] [\fontstringD\s!Caps]
+\definefontsynonym[\s!Normal] [\noexpand\fontstringD]
+\definefontsynonym[\s!Bold] [\noexpand\fontstringD\noexpand\s!Bold]
+\definefontsynonym[\s!Italic] [\noexpand\fontstringD\noexpand\s!Italic]
+\definefontsynonym[\s!Slanted] [\noexpand\fontstringD\noexpand\s!Slanted]
+\definefontsynonym[\s!BoldItalic] [\noexpand\fontstringD\noexpand\s!BoldItalic]
+\definefontsynonym[\s!Caps] [\noexpand\fontstringD\noexpand\s!Caps]
+%D Also handy:
+\definefontsynonym [Regular] [Serif]
+\definefontsynonym [RegularBold] [SerifBold]
+\definefontsynonym [RegularItalic] [SerifItalic]
+\definefontsynonym [RegularSlanted] [SerifSlanted]
+\definefontsynonym [RegularBoldItalic] [SerifBoldItalic]
+\definefontsynonym [RegularBoldSlanted] [SerifBoldSlanted]
+\definefontsynonym [RegularCaps] [SerifCaps]
+\definefontsynonym [Support] [Sans]
+\definefontsynonym [SupportBold] [SansBold]
+\definefontsynonym [SupportItalic] [SansItalic]
+\definefontsynonym [SupportSlanted] [SansSlanted]
+\definefontsynonym [SupportBoldItalic] [SansBoldItalic]
+\definefontsynonym [SupportBoldSlanted] [SansBoldSlanted]
+\definefontsynonym [SupportCaps] [SansCaps]
+%D Well, not that good an idea:
+\definefontsynonym [Roman] [Serif]
+\definefontsynonym [RomanBold] [SerifBold]
+\definefontsynonym [RomanItalic] [SerifItalic]
+\definefontsynonym [RomanSlanted] [SerifSlanted]
+\definefontsynonym [RomanBoldItalic] [SerifBoldItalic]
+\definefontsynonym [RomanBoldSlanted] [SerifBoldSlanted]
+\definefontsynonym [RomanCaps] [SerifCaps]
+\definefontsynonym [Type] [Mono]
+\definefontsynonym [TypeBold] [MonoBold]
+\definefontsynonym [TypeItalic] [MonoItalic]
+\definefontsynonym [TypeSlanted] [MonoSlanted]
+\definefontsynonym [TypeBoldItalic] [MonoBoldItalic]
+\definefontsynonym [TypeBoldSlanted] [MonoBoldSlanted]
+\definefontsynonym [TypeCaps] [MonoCaps]
+%D Next we define roman, sans and monospaced font sets.
+\definebodyfont [default] [rm]
+ [tf=Serif sa 1,
+ bf=SerifBold sa 1,
+ it=SerifItalic sa 1,
+ sl=SerifSlanted sa 1,
+ bi=SerifBoldItalic sa 1,
+ bs=SerifBoldSlanted sa 1,
+ sc=SerifCaps sa 1]
+\definebodyfont [default] [ss]
+ [tf=Sans sa 1,
+ bf=SansBold sa 1,
+ it=SansItalic sa 1,
+ sl=SansSlanted sa 1,
+ bi=SansBoldItalic sa 1,
+ bs=SansBoldSlanted sa 1,
+ sc=SansCaps sa 1]
+\definebodyfont [default] [tt]
+ [tf=Mono sa 1,
+ bf=MonoBold sa 1,
+ it=MonoItalic sa 1,
+ sl=MonoSlanted sa 1,
+ bi=MonoBoldItalic sa 1,
+ bs=MonoBoldSlanted sa 1,
+ sc=MonoCaps sa 1]
+\definebodyfont [default] [mm]
+ [mr=MathRoman mo 1,
+ ex=MathExtension mo 1,
+ mi=MathItalic mo 1,
+ sy=MathSymbol mo 1,
+ nn=MathNoName mo 1,
+ ma=MathAlpha mo 1,
+ mb=MathBeta mo 1,
+ mc=MathGamma mo 1,
+ md=MathDelta mo 1]
+\definebodyfont [bfmath] [mm]
+ [mrbf=MathRomanBold mo 1,
+ exbf=MathExtensionBold mo 1,
+ mibf=MathItalicBold mo 1,
+ sybf=MathSymbolBold mo 1,
+ mabf=MathAlphaBold mo 1,
+ mbbf=MathBetaBold mo 1,
+ mcbf=MathGammaBold mo 1,
+ mdbf=MathDeltaBold mo 1]
+\definebodyfont [default] [hw]
+ [tf=Handwriting sa 1]
+\definebodyfont [default] [cg]
+ [tf=Calligraphy sa 1]
+%D These definitions come into action as soon as names are
+%D mapped onto real file names (or names that themselves are
+%D mapped).
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/font-xtx.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/font-xtx.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e7a6c8d80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/font-xtx.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,465 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=font-xtx,
+%D version=2004.09.11,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Font Macros,
+%D subtitle=\XETEX\ Hacks,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+ \writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Font Macros / XeTeX Hacks}
+ \endinput
+%D Features:
+% \definefontfeature[default] [liga=yes,texligatures=yes,texquotes=yes]
+% \definefontfeature[default-caps][liga=yes,texligatures=yes,texquotes=yes,smcp=yes,script=latn]
+% \starttypescript [serif] [palatino-nova-regular] [name]
+% \definefontsynonym[Serif] [palatinonova-regular][features=default]
+% \definefontsynonym[SerifCaps][palatinonova-regular][features=default-caps] % also sets Serif
+% \stoptypescript
+% \starttypescript [serif] [palatino-nova-regular] [name]
+% \definefontsynonym[Serif] [palatinonova-regular*default]
+% \definefontsynonym[SerifCaps] [palatinonova-regular*default-caps]
+% \stoptypescript
+% \definetypeface[mainface][rm][serif][palatino-nova-regular][default] \setupbodyfont[mainface]
+% \starttext
+% ``Test'' -- --- ff fi fl \sc ``Test'' -- --- ff fi fl
+% \stoptext
+% \starttext
+% \definefont
+% [blabla]
+% [name:Latin Modern Something]
+% \definefont
+% [blabla]
+% [file:texnansi-lmr10]
+% \blabla test
+% \definefont
+% [blabla]
+% [texnansi-lmtt10]
+% \blabla test
+% \stoptext
+ {\dotripleargument\dodefinefontfeature}
+ {\edef\!!stringa{\ifx\!!stringa\empty\else\!!stringa,\fi\executeifdefined{\??fa#1}\empty}}
+ {\doifassignmentelse{#2}
+ {\setevalue{\??fa#1}{#2}}
+ {\let\!!stringa\empty
+ \processcommalist[#2]\dododefinefontfeature
+ \setevalue{\??fa#1}{\ifx\!!stringa\empty\else\!!stringa,\fi#3}}}
+ [default]
+ [liga=yes,kern=yes,tlig=yes,trep=yes] % texligatures=yes,texquotes=yes
+ [smallcaps]
+ [liga=yes,kern=yes,tlig=yes,trep=yes,smcp=yes] % texligatures=yes,texquotes=yes
+ [oldstyle]
+ [liga=yes,kern=yes,tlig=yes,trep=yes,onum=yes] % texligatures=yes,texquotes=yes
+\definefontfeature % no calt
+ [arabic]
+ [language=dflt,script=arab,
+ init=yes,medi=yes,fina=yes,isol=yes,
+ liga=yes,dlig=yes,rlig=yes,clig=yes,
+ mark=yes,mkmk=yes,kern=yes,curs=yes]
+ [none]
+ [features=no]
+%D Overloaded:
+\def\getfontfileparameters#1% can be simpler for mkii (no features)
+ {\edef\@@truefontname{\truefontname{#1}}%
+ \edef\currentfontfileencoding{\truefontdata\@@truefontname\s!encoding}%
+ \edef\currentfontfilemapping {\truefontdata\@@truefontname\s!mapping }%
+ \edef\currentfontfilehandling{\truefontdata\@@truefontname\s!handling}%
+ \edef\currentfontfilefeatures{\truefontdata\@@truefontname\s!features}}
+ {\edef\@@fontencoding{\truefontdata\fontfile \s!encoding}%
+ \edef\@@fontmapping {\truefontdata\fontfile \s!mapping }%
+ \edef\@@fonthandling{\truefontdata\somefontname\s!handling}%
+ \edef\@@fontfeatures{\truefontdata\fontfile \s!features}%
+ \edef\@@fontskewchar{\truefontdata\fontfile \s!skewchar}}
+%D Loading:
+%D for some reason xetex does not support [filename] for tfm files and
+%D quotes also behave kind of strange " vs ' vs [ vs ...
+%D \starttyping
+%D \font\myfont = msam7 % ok
+%D \font\myfont = "msam7" % also ok
+%D \font\myfont = "msam7" at 8pt % error
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Because \XETEX\ is not that fast on locating fonts we cache lookups so
+%D that we minimize the test. It saves a little bit of runtime, depending
+%D on the number of fonts loaded (which is normally not that much).
+ {\ifcsname xtx@fnt@#2\somefontspec\endcsname
+ \ifconditional\tracexetexfonts
+ \writestatus\m!fonts{already checked #1: #2\somefontspec\space (state: \number\csname xtx@fnt@#2\somefontspec\endcsname)}%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \suppressfontnotfounderror\plusone
+ \font\xetextempfont=#2\somefontspec\relax
+ \suppressfontnotfounderror\zerocount
+ \edef\xetextempfont{\fontname\xetextempfont}%
+ \global\expandafter\chardef\csname xtx@fnt@#2\somefontspec\endcsname
+ \ifx\xetextempfont\nullfontname
+ \zerocount \ifconditional\tracexetexfonts
+ \writestatus\m!fonts{not found #1: #2\somefontspec}%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \plusone \ifconditional\tracexetexfonts
+ \writestatus\m!fonts{found #1: #2\somefontspec}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \ifcase\csname xtx@fnt@#2\somefontspec\endcsname
+ \expandafter\secondoftwoarguments
+ \else
+ \expandafter\firstoftwoarguments
+ \fi}
+ {\edef\!!stringa{#1}%
+ \edef\!!stringb{#2}%
+ \ifx\!!stringb\empty
+ % no prefix
+ \let\checkedfontfile\!!stringa
+ \doiffoundXTXfontelse{1a}{\checkedfontfile\checkedfontfeatures}
+ {\edef\checkedfontfile{\checkedfontfile\checkedfontfeatures}}
+ {\doiffoundXTXfontelse{1b}{"\checkedfontfile\checkedfontfeatures"}
+ {\edef\checkedfontfile{"\checkedfontfile\checkedfontfeatures"}}
+ {\doiffoundXTXfontelse{1c}{"[\checkedfontfile]\checkedfontfeatures"}
+ {\edef\checkedfontfile{"[\checkedfontfile]\checkedfontfeatures"}}
+ {}}}%
+ \else\ifx\!!stringa\v!file
+ % force file, only file check when no spaces
+ \let\checkedfontfile\!!stringb
+ \doiffoundXTXfontelse{2a}{"[\checkedfontfile]\checkedfontfeatures"}
+ {\edef\checkedfontfile{"[\checkedfontfile]\checkedfontfeatures"}}
+ {\doiffoundXTXfontelse{2b}{"\checkedfontfile\checkedfontfeatures"}
+ {\edef\checkedfontfile{"\checkedfontfile\checkedfontfeatures"}}
+ {}}%
+ \else\ifx\!!stringa\v!name
+ % force name, always lookup by xetex itself, "" forces otf/ttf/type1
+ \edef\checkedfontfile{"\!!stringb\checkedfontfeatures"}%
+ \ifconditional\tracexetexfonts
+ \writestatus\m!fonts{no checking 3a: \checkedfontfile}%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ % whatever, maybe even xetex spec, forget about features
+ \edef\checkedfontfile{"\!!stringa\!!stringb"}%
+ \ifconditional\tracexetexfonts
+ \writestatus\m!fonts{no checking 3b: \checkedfontfile}%
+ \fi
+ \fi\fi\fi}
+\def\checkfontfilename% -- todo: integrate so that we call do.. directly
+ {\expandafter\docheckfontfilename\fontfile*\empty*\relax}
+\def\docheckfontfilename#1*#2#3*#4\relax % class overrules file
+ {\settrue\enabledfontfeatures
+ \edef\checkedfontfeatures
+ {\expandafter\ifx\csname\fontclass\s!features\endcsname\empty
+ \ifx\@@fontfeatures\empty\ifx#2\empty\else#2#3\fi\else\@@fontfeatures\fi
+ \else\expandafter\ifx\csname\fontclass\s!features\endcsname\relax % redundant, will go away
+ \ifx\@@fontfeatures\empty\ifx#2\empty\else#2#3\fi\else\@@fontfeatures\fi
+ \else
+ \csname\fontclass\s!features\endcsname
+ \fi\fi}%
+ \ifx\checkedfontfeatures\empty
+ % done
+ \else
+ \edef\checkedfontfeatures{\executeifdefined{\??fa\checkedfontfeatures}\empty}%
+ \ifx\checkedfontfeatures\empty
+ % done
+ \else
+ \let\convertedfontfeatures\empty
+ \processcommacommand[\checkedfontfeatures]\doconvertfontfeatures % raw
+ \ifx\convertedfontfeatures\empty
+ \let\checkedfontfeatures\empty
+ \else\ifconditional\enabledfontfeatures
+ \edef\checkedfontfeatures{:\convertedfontfeatures}%
+ \else
+ \let\checkedfontfeatures\empty
+ \fi\fi
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \docheckfontfilenameprefix#1:\empty:\empty\relax
+ \doshowcheckedfontfeatures}
+\edef\@@fontfeaturesareno {features\v!no}
+ {\ifx#2\empty
+ % invalid feature
+ \else\ifcsname @xtx@#1@#2#3\endcsname
+ \expandafter\ifx\csname @xtx@#1@#2#3\endcsname\empty\else
+ \edef\convertedfontfeatures{\convertedfontfeatures\csname @xtx@#1@#2#3\endcsname;}%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \edef\!!stringa{#1}%
+ \edef\!!stringb{#2#3}%
+ \edef\!!stringc{#1#2#3}%
+ \ifx\!!stringc\@@fontfeaturesareoff
+ \setfalse\enabledfontfeatures
+ \else\ifx\!!stringc\@@fontfeaturesareno
+ \setfalse\enabledfontfeatures
+ \else
+ \edef\convertedfontfeatures
+ {\convertedfontfeatures
+ \ifx\!!stringb\v!yes
+ +\!!stringa
+ \else\ifx\!!stringb\v!on
+ +\!!stringa
+ \else\ifx\!!stringb\v!no
+ -\!!stringa
+ \else\ifx\!!stringb\v!off
+ -\!!stringa
+ \else
+ \!!stringa=\!!stringb
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi;}%
+ \fi\fi
+ \fi\fi}
+ {\dodoconvertfontfeatures#1=\empty=\relax}
+\def\remapfontfeature #1 #2 #3 {\setevalue{@xtx@#1@#2}{#3}}
+% this may move to another file, maybe font-xtx
+\remapfontfeature tlig yes mapping=tlig
+%remapfontfeature tlig no mapping=
+\remapfontfeature trep yes {}
+\remapfontfeature trep no {}
+\remapfontfeature texligatures yes mapping=tlig
+%remapfontfeature texligatures no mapping=
+%remapfontfeature texquotes yes mapping=tex-text
+%remapfontfeature texquotes no mapping=
+%D Variants:
+ {\dosetscaledfont
+ \font\variantfont\truefontname{\fontstringA\fontstylesuffix\fontvariant\fontstringA{#1}} at \scaledfont
+ \variantfont}
+%D Possible optimizations:
+% \def\updatefontparameters
+% {\edef\@@fontfeatures{\truefontdata\fontfile\s!features}%
+% \edef\@@fontskewchar{\truefontdata\fontfile\s!skewchar}}
+% \def\setfontcharacteristics
+% {\updatefontparameters % redundant, will go away, faster too
+% \the\everyfont}
+% \let\synchronizepatternswithfont\relax
+%D Names:
+% We need to move the feature into the filename else it may be
+% overloaded by another reference. For instance the definition of
+% a regular and caps variant can use the same font.
+% We could use an indirect method ... store in 'array' and refer to
+% slot.
+ {\edef\@@fontname{#1}%
+ \edef\@@fontfile{#3}%
+ \doifnextoptionalelse\dodefinefontsynonym\nodefinefontsynonym}
+ {\@EA\let\csname\??ff\fontclass\@@fontname\endcsname\@@fontfile
+% \@EA\let\csname\??ff\@@fontfile\s!features\endcsname\undefined
+ {\edef\@@fontdata{#1}%
+ \ifx\@@fontdata\empty
+ \nodefinefontsynonym
+ \else
+ \ifx\fontclass\empty
+ \getfontparameters
+ \else
+ \getglobalfontparameters
+ \fi
+ \ifcsname\??ff\@@fontfile\s!features\endcsname
+ \@EA\edef\csname\??ff\fontclass\@@fontname\endcsname{\@@fontfile*\csname\??ff\@@fontfile\s!features\endcsname}%
+ \@EA\let\csname\??ff\@@fontfile\s!features\endcsname\undefined
+ \else
+ \nodefinefontsynonym
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+\let\definefontfile\definefontsynonym % dedicated to Taco Hoekwater
+% simple version
+% \def\truefontname#1%
+% {\@EA\dotruefontname#1*\relax}
+% \def\dotruefontname#1*#2\relax
+% {\ifcsname\??ff\fontclass#1\endcsname
+% \@EA\truefontname\csname\??ff\fontclass#1\endcsname
+% \else\ifcsname\??ff#1\endcsname
+% \@EA\truefontname\csname\??ff#1\endcsname
+% \else
+% #1%
+% \fi\fi}
+% last counts
+% \def\truefontname#1%
+% {\@EA\dotruefontname#1*\empty*\relax}
+% \def\dotruefontname#1*#2#3*#4\relax
+% {\ifcsname\??ff\fontclass#1\endcsname
+% \ifx#2\empty
+% \@EA\truefontname\csname\??ff\fontclass#1\endcsname
+% \else
+% \@EA\truefontname\csname\??ff\fontclass#1\endcsname*#2#3%
+% \fi
+% \else\ifcsname\??ff#1\endcsname
+% \ifx#2\empty
+% \@EA\truefontname\csname\??ff#1\endcsname
+% \else
+% \@EA\truefontname\csname\??ff#1\endcsname*#2#3%
+% \fi
+% \else
+% \ifx#2\empty
+% #1%
+% \else
+% #1*#2#3%
+% \fi
+% \fi\fi}
+% first counts
+ {\@EA\dotruefontname#1*\empty*\relax}
+ {\ifcsname\??ff\fontclass#1\endcsname
+ \ifx#2\empty
+ \@EA\truefontname\csname\??ff\fontclass#1\endcsname
+ \else
+ \@EA\redotruefontname\csname\??ff\fontclass#1\endcsname*#2#3%
+ \fi
+ \else\ifcsname\??ff#1\endcsname
+ \ifx#2\empty
+ \@EA\truefontname\csname\??ff#1\endcsname
+ \else
+ \@EA\redotruefontname\csname\??ff#1\endcsname*#2#3%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ #1\ifx#2\empty\else*#2#3\fi
+ \fi\fi}
+ {\@EA\dodotruefontname#1*\relax}
+ {\ifcsname\??ff\fontclass#1\endcsname
+ \@EA\redotruefontname\csname\??ff\fontclass#1\endcsname
+ \else\ifcsname\??ff#1\endcsname
+ \@EA\redotruefontname\csname\??ff#1\endcsname
+ \else
+ #1%
+ \fi\fi}
+%D Default:
+%D Maybe:
+% \def\updatefontparameters
+% {\edef\@@fontfeatures{\truefontdata\fontfile \s!features}%
+% \edef\@@fontskewchar{\truefontdata\fontfile \s!skewchar}}
+% \def\setfontcharacteristics
+% {%\updatefontparameters % redundant, will go away, faster too
+% \the\everyfont
+% \synchronizepatternswithfont}
+\protect \endinput
+% \starttypescript[serif] [myzhfont]
+% \definefontsynonym [Serif] [file:SimSun]
+% \definefontsynonym [SerifBold] [file:SimSun]
+% \definefontsynonym [SerifItalic] [file:SimSun]
+% \definefontsynonym [SerifBoldItalic] [file:SimSun]
+% \stoptypescript
+% \starttypescript[sans] [myzhfont]
+% \definefontsynonym [Sans] [file:SimSun]
+% \definefontsynonym [SansBold] [file:SimSun]
+% \definefontsynonym [SansItalic] [file:SimSun]
+% \definefontsynonym [SansBoldItalic] [file:SimSun]
+% \stoptypescript
+% \starttypescript[mono] [myzhfont]
+% \definefontsynonym [Mono] [file:SimSun]
+% \definefontsynonym [MonoBold] [file:SimSun]
+% \definefontsynonym [MonoItalic] [file:SimSun]
+% \definefontsynonym [MonoBoldItalic] [file:SimSun]
+% \stoptypescript
+% \definetypeface [myzhfont] [rm] [serif][myzhfont] [default]
+% \definetypeface [myzhfont] [ss] [sans] [myzhfont] [default]
+% \definetypeface [myzhfont] [tt] [mono] [myzhfont] [default]
+% \starttext
+% % on windows: make sure fonts.conf has no cache mentioned
+% %
+% % 64 sec xetex, 11 sec luatex (56 sec xetex when \nobigmath)
+% %
+% \setupbodyfont[myzhfont] \dorecurse{10000}{{hello {\switchtobodyfont[myzhfont] 你好}}\par}
+% %
+% % 67 sec xetex, 11.5 sec luatex
+% %
+% % \dorecurse{10000}{{hello {\switchtobodyfont[myzhfont] 你好}}\par}
+% %
+% % 5 sec xetex, 7 sec luatex
+% %
+% % \setupbodyfont[myzhfont] \dorecurse{10000}{{hello {你好}}\par}
+% %
+% % 5 sec xetex, 7 sec luatex
+% %
+% % \setupbodyfont[myzhfont] \dorecurse{10000}{{\bf hello {你好}}\par}
+% \stoptext
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/grph-fig.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/grph-fig.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c488ccc4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/grph-fig.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,559 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=grph-fig,
+%D version=2006.08.26, % overhaul of 1997.03.31
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Graphic Macros,
+%D subtitle=Figure Inclusion,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Graphic Macros / Figure Handling}
+ {\dosingleempty\dosetupexternalfigures}
+ {\getparameters[\??ef][#1]% local settings
+ \getparameters[\??ex][#1]% global settings
+ \setfigurepathlist} % the path may be used elsewhere too (as in x-res-04)
+\newconditional\externalfigurelevel % true=background false=normal
+\newconditional\externalfigureflush % true=place false=ignore
+\settrue \externalfigureflush
+ {\doifsomething{#2}% catches \defineexternalfigure dummies
+ {\doifundefinedelse{\??ef\??ef#2}
+ {\dodoplaceexternalfigure[#1][#2][#3][#4][#5]}
+ {\doifelse{#1}{#2}
+ {\dodoplaceexternalfigure[#1][#2][#3][#4][#5]}
+ {\getvalue{\??ef\??ef#2}[#5]}}}}
+ {\bgroup
+ \pushmacro\textunderscore
+ \edef\textunderscore{\string_}% brrr, temp hack, still needed?
+ \calculateexternalfigure [][#1][#2][#3][#4][#5]% [] is dummy dwcomp
+ \calculateexternalscreenfigure[][#1][#2][#3][#4][#5]% [] is dummy dwcomp
+ \popmacro\textunderscore
+ \box\foundexternalfigure
+ \egroup}
+ {\setupcolors
+ [\c!state=\v!local]%
+ \expanded{\localframed
+ [\??ef]
+ [\c!width=\figurewidth,
+ \c!height=\figureheight,
+ \c!background=\v!screen,
+ \c!backgroundscreen=.8,
+ \c!frame=\@@efframe]}%
+ {\tt\tfxx \nohyphens
+ name: \expanded{\verbatimstring{#1}}\\%
+ file: \expanded{\verbatimstring{#2}}\\%
+ state: \expanded{\verbatimstring{#3}}}}
+ {\localframed
+ [\??ef]
+ [\c!width=#2,
+ \c!height=#3,
+ \c!frame=\v!on]%
+ {\tt\tfxx \nohyphens
+ name: \expanded{\verbatimstring{#1}}\\%
+ state: \expanded{\verbatimstring{placeholder}}}}
+% new: more convenient/efficient than
+% \use..[a][a][setting] \externalfigure[b][a]
+% is equivalent to:
+% \def..[a][setting] \externalfigure[b][a]
+% see x-res modules for usage:
+% \defineexternalfigure[name][settings]
+ {\dodoubleargument\dodefineexternalfigure}
+ {\setvalue{\??ef\??ef#1}{\doplaceexternalfigure[#1][][][#2]}}
+\def\getexternalfigure#1% efef has 4 args already and take an 5th
+ {\wait} % OBSOLETE
+% \useexternalfigure[alpha][koe]
+% \useexternalfigure[beta] [koe] [breedte=1cm]
+% \useexternalfigure[gamma][koe][alpha]
+% \useexternalfigure[delta][koe][alpha][breedte=2cm]
+% volle breedte: \externalfigure[koe] \par
+% 3cm breed: \externalfigure[koe] [breedte=3cm] \par
+% volle breedte: \externalfigure[alpha] \par
+% 1cm breed: \externalfigure[beta] \par
+% volle breedte: \externalfigure[gamma] \par
+% 2cm breed: \externalfigure[delta] \par
+% 4cm breed: \externalfigure[beta] [breedte=4cm] \par
+% 5cm breed: \externalfigure[gamma][breedte=5cm] \par
+% \defineexternalfigure[a][width=10cm]
+% \defineexternalfigure[b][width=5cm]
+% \externalfigure[cow][a]
+% \externalfigure[cow][b][height=8cm]
+% \useexternalfigure[x][cow][width=10cm,height=1cm]
+% \externalfigure[x]
+% \externalfigure[x][width=3cm]
+ {\doquadrupleempty\douseexternalfigure}
+% [label] [filename]
+% [label] [filename] [parent]
+% [label] [filename] [parent] [settings]
+% [label] [filename] [settings]
+ {\doquadrupleempty\douseexternalfigure}
+ {\doifelsenothing{#1}
+ {\doifsomething{#2}
+ {\doifassignmentelse{#3}
+ {\setvalue{\??ef\??ef#2}{\doplaceexternalfigure[#2][#2][#3][#4]}}
+ {\setvalue{\??ef\??ef#2}{\doplaceexternalfigure[#2][#2][][#4]}}}}
+ {\doifelsenothing{#2}
+ {\doifassignmentelse{#3}
+ {\setvalue{\??ef\??ef#1}{\doplaceexternalfigure[#1][#1][][#3]}}
+ {\setvalue{\??ef\??ef#1}{\doplaceexternalfigure[#1][#1][#3][#4]}}}
+ {\doifassignmentelse{#3}
+ {\setvalue{\??ef\??ef#1}{\doplaceexternalfigure[#1][#2][][#3]}}
+ {\setvalue{\??ef\??ef#1}{\doplaceexternalfigure[#1][#2][#3][#4]}}}}}
+\def\dosetefparameters#1#2#3% parent_id use_settings current_settings
+ {\doifelsenothing{#1} % inherit from parent
+ {\getparameters[\??ef][#2,#3]}
+ {\doifdefinedelse{\??ef\??ef#1}
+ {\pushmacro\doplaceexternalfigure
+ \def\doplaceexternalfigure[##1][##2][##3][##4]{\getparameters[\??ef][##4,#2,#3]}%
+ \getvalue{\??ef\??ef#1}%
+ \popmacro\doplaceexternalfigure}
+ {\getparameters[\??ef][#2,#3]}}}
+ {\dotripleempty\doexternalfigure}
+\def\doexternalfigure[#1][#2][#3]% [label][file][settings] | [file][settings] | [file][parent][settings]
+ {\bgroup
+ \doifelsenothing{#1}
+ {\framed[\c!width=\defaultfigurewidth,\c!height=\defaultfigureheight]{external\\figure\\no name}}
+ {\doifundefinedelse{\??ef\??ef#1}
+ {\useexternalfigure[\s!dummy][#1][#2][#3]%
+ \getvalue{\??ef\??ef\s!dummy}[]} % [] is dummy arg 5
+ {\doifassignmentelse{#2}
+ {\getvalue{\??ef\??ef#1}[#2]}%
+ {\getvalue{\??ef\??ef#1}[#3]}}}%
+ \globallet\currentresourcecomment\empty
+ \egroup}
+ {\long\gdef\currentresourcecomment{#1}}
+ {\long\gdef\currentresourcecomment{#1}}
+\def\showexternalfigures % maybe run time command is better, but no core-run, unless figs-run ...
+ {%\writestatus\m!systems{for \string\showexternalfigures\space see \truefilename{x-res-20}.tex}
+ \usemodule[res-20]\showexternalfigures} % so for the moment we do it this way
+ {\externalfigure[#1][\c!width=\overlaywidth,\c!height=\overlayheight]}
+%D Still undocumented! No one uses it I think, better be done with layers.
+ {\ifnum0\@@exxmax=\zerocount
+ \ifnum0\@@exymax=\zerocount
+ \def\@@exymax{24}%
+ \fi
+ \efysteps\figureheight \divide\efysteps \@@exymax
+ \efxsteps\efysteps
+ \dimen0=\figurewidth
+ \advance\dimen0 \efysteps
+ \divide \dimen0 \efysteps
+ \edef\@@exxmax{\number\dimen0}%
+ \else
+ \efxsteps\figurewidth \divide\efxsteps \@@exxmax
+ \efysteps\figureheight \divide\efysteps \@@exymax
+ \fi}
+\def\efcomment#1(#2,#3)#4(#5,#6)% {kader}(x,y)(h,b)[...]{tekst}
+ {\def\complexefdocomment[##1]##2%
+ {\position(#2,#3)%
+ {\setnostrut
+ \framed
+ [\c!width=#5\efxsteps,
+ \c!height=#6\exysteps,
+ \c!offset=\v!none,
+ \c!frame=#1,
+ ##1]%
+ {##2}}}%
+ \complexorsimpleempty\efdocomment}
+\def\efnocomment(#1,#2)#3(#4,#5)% (x,y)(h,b)[...]{tekst}
+ {\def\complexefdonocomment[##1]##2{}%
+ \complexorsimpleempty\efdonocomment}
+\def\efdomarker(#1,#2)#3#4% (h,b){kader}{tekst}
+ {\framed
+ [\c!width=#1\efxsteps,
+ \c!height=#2\efysteps,
+ \c!offset=\v!none,
+ \c!frame=#3]%
+ {#4}}
+ {\position(0,0){\getvalue{#1}}}
+\def\efdoarea(#1,#2)#3#4% (h,b){kader}{tekst}
+ {\bgroup
+ \setnostrut
+ \framed
+ [\c!width=#1\efxsteps,
+ \c!height=#2\efysteps,
+ \c!offset=\!!zeropoint,
+ \c!frame=#3]
+ {#4}%
+ \egroup}
+\def\efgoto(#1,#2)#3[#4]% (h,b)kader[ref]
+ {\setbox0=\vbox{\efdoarea(#1,#2)#3{}}%
+ \gotobox{\copy0}[#4]}
+ {\advance\efreference \plusone
+ \position(#1,#2)
+ {\hbox{\the\efreference}}%
+ \position(#1,#2)
+ {\gotosomeinternal\s!vwb{#7}\realfolio
+ {\efdomarker(#4,#5)\v!on{\thisissomeinternal\s!vwa{#7}}}}}
+ {\advance\efreference \plusone
+ \hbox
+ {\quad
+ \thisissomeinternal\s!vwb{#8}%
+ \gotosomeinternal \s!vwa{#8}\realfolio
+ {\hbox to 1.5em{\the\efreference\presetgoto\hfill}}%
+ \quad#1 (#2,#3) (#5,#6) [#8]\hfill}%
+ \endgraf}
+ {\efdoarea(#1,#2){#3}{\pagereference[#4]}}
+ {\def\docommand##1%
+ {\color[##1]
+ {\blackrule
+ [\c!width=2em,
+ \c!height=1ex,
+ \c!depth=\!!zeropoint]}%
+ \endgraf}%
+ \global\setbox\colorbarbox\vbox
+ {\forgetall
+ \processcommalist[#1]\docommand}%
+ \global\setbox\colorbarbox\vbox
+ {\hskip2em\box\colorbarbox}%
+ \wd\colorbarbox\zeropoint}
+ {\hbox
+ {\setbox0\hbox
+ {\useexternalfigure[\s!dummy][#2][#3,#5]%
+ \externalfigure[\s!dummy]}%
+ \calculateefsteps
+ \startpositioning
+ \def\referring(##1,##2)##3(##4,##5)##6[##7]%
+ {\position(##1,##2){\efgoto(##4,##5){\@@exframes}[##7]}}%
+ \def\marking(##1,##2)##3(##4,##5)##6[##7]%
+ {\position(##1,##2){\efthisis(##4,##5){\@@exframes}[##7]}}%
+ \def\remark{\efnocomment}%
+ \def\colorbar##1[##2]{}%
+ \position(0,0){\box0}%
+ \linewidth\onepoint
+ \setuppositioning
+ [\c!unit=pt,
+ \c!xscale=\withoutpt\the\efxsteps,
+ \c!yscale=\withoutpt\the\efysteps,
+ \c!factor=1]%
+ \ignorespaces#4%
+ \def\referring(##1,##2)##3(##4,##5)##6[##7]%
+ {}%
+ \let\marking\referring
+ \def\remark{\efcomment\v!no}%
+ \def\colorbar##1[##2]{\makecolorbar[##2]}%
+ \ignorespaces#4%
+ \stoppositioning
+ \box\colorbarbox}}
+ {\doifelse\v!test\@@exoption
+ {\teststartfigure[#1][#2][#3]#4\teststopfigure
+ \let\@@exframes\v!on}
+ {\let\@@exframes\v!off}%
+ \setvalue{\??ef\??ef#1}%
+ {\dosingleempty{\placestartfigure[#1][#2][#3]#4\placestopfigure}}%
+ }% no longer \doifundefined{#1}{\setvalue{#1}{\getexternalfigure{#1}}}}
+% De onderstaande macro mag niet zondermeer worden aangepast
+% en is afgestemd op gebruik in de handleiding.
+ {\begingroup
+ \setbox0\hbox
+ {\useexternalfigure[\s!dummy][#2][\c!wfactor=\v!max]%
+ \externalfigure[\s!dummy]}%
+ \def\referring{\efmark}%
+ \def\marking{\efmark}%
+ \def\remark{\efcomment\v!yes}%
+ \def\colorbar##1[##2]{}%
+ \efreference\zerocount
+ \setbox0\vbox
+ {\hsize240pt
+ \startpositioning
+ \calculateefsteps
+ \position(0,0)
+ {\box0}%
+ \position(0,0)
+ {\basegrid
+ [\c!nx=\@@exxmax,
+ \c!dx=\withoutpt\the\efxsteps,
+ \c!ny=\@@exymax,
+ \c!dy=\withoutpt\the\efysteps,
+ \c!xstep=1,
+ \c!ystep=1,
+ \c!scale=1,
+ \c!offset=\v!no,
+ \c!unit=pt]}%
+ \setuppositioning
+ [\c!unit=pt,
+ \c!xscale=\withoutpt\the\efxsteps,
+ \c!yscale=\withoutpt\the\efysteps,
+ \c!factor=1]%
+ \linewidth\onepoint
+ \ignorespaces#4\relax
+ \stoppositioning
+ \vfill}%
+ \efreference\zerocount
+ \def\referring{\eftext{$\rightarrow$}}%
+ \def\marking{\eftext{$\leftarrow$}}%
+ \def\remark{\efnocomment}%
+ \def\colorbar##1[##2]{}%
+ \setbox2\vbox
+ {{\tfa\doifelsenothing{#1}{#2}{#1}}
+ \blank
+ \tfxx#4
+ \vfilll}%
+ \ifdim\ht0>\ht2
+ \ht2\ht0
+ \else
+ \ht0\ht2
+ \fi
+ \hbox
+ {\hskip3em
+ \vtop{\vskip12pt\box0\vskip6pt}%
+ \vtop{\vskip12pt\box2\vskip6pt}}%
+ \endgroup}
+ {\doifelse\v!test\@@exoption
+ {\teststartfigure[#1][#2][#3]#4\teststopfigure
+ \let\@@exframe\v!on}
+ {\let\@@exframe\v!off}%
+ \setvalue{\??ef\??ef#1}%
+ {\def\next{\placestartfigure[#1][#2][#3]#4\placestopfigure}%
+ \dosingleempty\next}%
+ }% no longer: \doifundefined{#1}{\setvalue{#1}{\getexternalfigure{#1}}}}
+ {\dotripleargument\dodostartfigure#1\stopfigure}
+ {\grabuntil{\e!stop\v!figure}\dostartfigure}
+%D defining sound tracks:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \useexternalsoundtrack[label][file]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D associated actions: StartSound StopSound PauseSound ResumeSound
+%D Todo: like external figures, also search on path,
+%D although, they need to be present ar viewing time, so ...
+ {\dodoubleargument\douseexternalsoundtrack}
+ {\setgvalue{\??sd:#1}{#2}}
+ {\iflocation
+ \doifdefined{\??sd:#1}{\doifvaluesomething{\??sd:#1}
+ {\doinsertsoundtrack{\getvalue{\??sd:#1}}{#1}\@@sdoption
+ % brr, \..empty not really needed and maybe even wrong;
+ % also, not here but in driver
+ % well, no: sounds need to be reinitialize each time (i.e., be on page), so no
+ }}% \letgvalueempty{\??sd:#1}}}%
+ \fi}
+\setexecutecommandcheck {startsound} \checksoundtrack
+ {\dodoubleargument\getparameters[\??sd]}
+ [\c!option=]
+%D NEW: used in styledesign manual
+% \setbuffer[typeset-b]\endbuffer
+% \setbuffer[typeset-a]\endbuffer
+% todo:
+% \appendtoks \setbuffer[typeset-b]\endbuffer\to \everystarttext
+% \appendtoks \setbuffer[typeset-a]\endbuffer\to \everystarttext
+ {\dodoubleempty\dotypesetbuffer}
+\newcounter\noftypesetbuffers % all loaded at the end
+ [typeset]
+ [\c!background=\v!color,
+ \c!backgroundcolor=\s!white]
+\def\dotypesetbuffer[#1][#2]% beware: this will mix up the mp graphics
+ {\bgroup
+ \def\TEXbufferfile##1{\bufferprefix##1.tex}%
+ \expanded{\setbuffer[typeset]%
+ \def\noexpand\bufferprefix{\ifprotectbuffers\jobname-\fi typeset-}}%
+ \starttext
+ \getbuffer[b,#1,a]%
+ \stoptext
+ \endbuffer
+ \doglobal\increment\noftypesetbuffers
+ % batch is needed
+ \executesystemcommand{texmfstart texexec --batch --pdf --result=\bufferprefix typeset-\noftypesetbuffers\space \bufferprefix typeset.tex}%
+ %\externalfigure[\bufferprefix typeset-\noftypesetbuffers.pdf][\c!object=\v!no,#2]%
+ \externalfigure[\bufferprefix typeset-\noftypesetbuffers.pdf][#2]%
+ \egroup}
+% for me only (manuals and such)
+\def\typesetfile {\dotripleempty\dotypesetfile}
+ {\doifsomething{#1}{\setvalue{\??tz#1}{\dodotypesetfile{#2}{#3}}}}
+ {\executeifdefined{\??tz#1}\gobbletwoarguments{#2}{#3}}
+\def\dodotypesetfile#1#2#3#4% args settings file settings
+ {\doifmode{*\v!first}{\executesystemcommand{texmfstart --batch --pdf #1 #3}}%
+ \doglobal\beforesplitstring#3\at.\to\typesetfilename
+ \externalfigure[\typesetfilename.pdf][#2,#4]}
+ [\c!option=,
+ \c!object=\v!yes, % we only check for no
+ \c!reset=\v!no,
+ \c!maxwidth=\@@efwidth,
+ \c!maxheight=\@@efheight,
+ \c!bodyfont=\bodyfontsize,
+ \c!directory=,
+ \c!file=\f!utilityfilename.\f!figureextension,
+ \c!radius=.5\bodyfontsize,
+ \c!corner=\v!rectangular,
+ \c!frame=\v!off,
+ \c!background=, % new
+ \c!splitcolor=\s!white,
+ \c!conversion=,
+ \c!prefix=,
+ \c!cache=,
+% \c!grid=,
+ \c!equalwidth=,
+ \c!equalheight=,
+ \c!location={\v!local,\v!global}]
+ [\c!frames=\v!off,
+ \c!ymax=24,
+ \c!xmax=]
+ [buffer] [\jobname] [\c!type=\v!buffer,\c!object=\v!no]
+\protect \endinput
+% alternative for positioning
+% \definelayer[figure][width=\overlaywidth,height=\overlayheight]
+% \defineoverlay[figure][{\directsetup{figure}\tightlayer[figure]}]
+% \setupcolors[state=start]
+% \starttext
+% \startsetups figure
+% \setlayerframed[figure][preset=rightbottom,x=.25\layerwidth,y=.25\layerheight]{HERE}
+% \setlayerframed[figure][preset=leftbottom, x=.15\layerwidth,y=.35\layerheight]{THERE}
+% \stopsetups
+% \externalfigure[cow][background={foreground,figure},width=4cm,height=8cm]
+% \startsetups figure
+% \setlayerframed[figure][preset=righttop,x=.25\layerwidth,y=.25\layerheight]{MORE}
+% \setlayerframed[figure][preset=middle,foregroundcolor=green]{EVEN MORE}
+% \stopsetups
+% \externalfigure[cow][background={foreground,figure},width=14cm,height=2cm]
+% \defineexternalfigure[whatever][background={foreground,figure}]
+% \startsetups figure
+% \setlayerframed[figure][preset=righttop,x=.25\layerwidth,y=.25\layerheight]{\red MORE}
+% \setlayerframed[figure][preset=middle,foregroundcolor=green]{EVEN MORE}
+% \stopsetups
+% \externalfigure[cow][whatever][width=14cm,height=4cm]
+% \stoptext
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/grph-inc.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/grph-inc.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..33f11a2bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/grph-inc.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,1243 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=grph-inc, % moved from core-fig
+%D version=2006.08.26, % overhaul of 1997.03.31
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Graphic Macros,
+%D subtitle=Figure Inclusion,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Graphic Macros / Figure Inclusion}
+% todo: directory : system -> \allinputpaths (so that we can \usesubpath)
+%D This is a reimplementation of the original module, which
+%D over time had evolved into a pretty complex whole. This
+%D was partly due to the fact that we needed to handle many
+%D formats, deal with substitute graphics, handle fallbacks
+%D and driver specifics (objects), etc. In the meantime we
+%D have more clever backends, moved away from texutil to
+%D rlxtools, can use runtime or betweentime runs etc. Also,
+%D more memory permits a cleaner implementation. Time to
+%D move on. We can now also assume that scaling is available.
+%D Another mess that can go is the llx/lly handling since
+%D drivers now automatically can determine such things.
+%D Messages 3 and 5 needs to be translated!
+%D Due to the mere fact that \DVI|/|\PDF\ drivers differ in their
+%D needs for figure dimensions, we have to provide the width,
+%D height, horizontal and vertical scale. Also we want to
+%D specify at the user level either width and|/|or height, scale,
+%D or a factor related to the current document bodyfont size.
+%D Even better: we can also specify isometric scaling and
+%D automatically let \CONTEXT\ calculate the maximum possible
+%D dimensions. Whatever we calculate, the results will come
+%D available in the next registers.
+\letempty \@@DriverImageBox
+\letempty \@@DriverImageOptions
+\letempty \@@DriverImageWidth
+\letempty \@@DriverImageHeight
+\letempty \@@DriverImageFile
+\letempty \@@DriverImageLabel
+\letempty \@@DriverImageType
+\letempty \@@DriverImageMethod
+\letempty \@@DriverImagePage
+%D Because looking for dimensions can take many steps (locating
+%D the figure, maybe on more directories, scanning the figure
+%D on dimension, or when not found, trying to find them in the
+%D utility file, and again when not found, trying to generate
+%D such a file, and, as a last resort, trying to use the
+%D dimensions. Now when things do not work out the way we want,
+%D we can set a switch and get some information on what takes
+%D place.
+ {\iftraceexternalfigures
+ \expandafter\writestatus\expandafter\m!figures
+ \else
+ \expandafter\gobbleoneargument
+ \fi}
+ {\iftraceexternalfigures
+ \expandafter\gobbletwoarguments
+ \else
+ \expandafter\showmessage\expandafter\m!figures
+ \fi}
+%D Another switch tells \CONTEXT\ to locate and calculate a
+%D figure, but does not actually insert it. Especially when we
+%D use \PDFTEX\ this saves a lot of time on trialruns. (Keep
+%D in mind that \PDFTEX\ is both a \TEX\ pre|| and postprocessor.)
+\newif\ifskipexternalfigures % can be set elsewhere
+% \newif\ifrunutilityfile
+% \newif\ifconsultutilityfile
+% Let's save two hash entries:
+\let\runutilityfiletrue \relax \let\runutilityfilefalse \relax
+\let\consultutilityfiletrue\relax \let\consultutilityfilefalse\relax
+%D Intermediate, private.
+\let\naturalfigurewidth \!!zeropoint
+\def\defaultfigurewidth {8\lineheight}
+ {\edef\naturalfigurewidth{\the\dimexpr\ifzeropt\determinedfigurewidth
+ \defaultfigurewidth \else\determinedfigurewidth \fi\relax}%
+ \edef\naturalfigureheight{\the\dimexpr\ifzeropt\determinedfigureheight
+ \defaultfigureheight\else\determinedfigureheight\fi\relax}}
+%D Locating figures. Dilemma: we do support eps and svg parsing but drivers
+%D don't always support it.
+\def\figuretypes{\c!mps,\c!pdf,\c!eps,\c!svg,\c!svg z,\c!png,\c!tif,jb2,\c!jpg}
+ {\begingroup
+ \global\let\supportedfiguretypes\empty
+ \def\docommand##1%
+ {\doiffileinsertionsupportedelse{##1}
+ {\doglobal\addtocommalist{##1}\supportedfiguretypes}
+ \donothing}%
+ \processcommacommand[\figuretypes]\docommand
+ \gdef\checksupportedfiguretypes{\let\figuretypes\supportedfiguretypes}%
+ \endgroup
+ \checksupportedfiguretypes}
+%D The next box is used to store the graphic. It's globally assigned.
+\chardef\figurestatus\zerocount % nothing found
+%D Variables.
+ {\the\everyexternalfigureresets}
+%D Example usage:
+ \global\let\externalfigurelog\empty
+%D Intermediate, private
+ {\let \wantedfigurefull \empty
+ \let \wantedfigurepath \empty
+ \let \wantedfigurename \empty
+ \let \wantedfigurebase \empty
+ \let \wantedfiguretype \empty
+ \let \wantedfigurefullname \empty
+ \let \wantedfiguretypespec \empty
+ \let \wantedfiguremethod \empty
+ \let \wantedfigurepage \empty
+ \let \wantedfigureoptions \empty
+ \let \wantedfigureconversion\empty
+ \let \wantedfigureprefix \empty
+ \let \wantedfiguretypelist \figuretypes
+ \let \figurepathlist \empty
+ \chardef \figurestatus \zerocount
+ \let \expandedfigurename \empty
+ \global\let \analyzedfigurewidth \!!zeropoint % set by indentifying code
+ \global\let \analyzedfigureheight \!!zeropoint % set by indentifying code
+ \global\setbox\foundexternalfigure \emptybox
+ \def \frozenfigurestamp {\externalfigurestamp}} % no edef
+ \resetprivatefigurevariables
+%D Private/public.
+ {\let\figurewidth \!!zeropoint
+ \let\figureheight \!!zeropoint
+ \let\figurenaturalwidth \!!zeropoint
+ \let\figurenaturalheight \!!zeropoint
+ \let\figurelabel \empty
+ \let\figurefileoriginal \empty
+ \let\figurefileoptions \empty
+ \let\figurefilename \empty
+ \let\figurefiletype \empty
+ \let\figurefilepage \!!zerocount
+ \let\figurefileconversion\empty
+ \let\figurefileprefix \empty
+ \let\figurefilepath \empty
+ \let\figurefilecache \empty}
+ \resetpublicfigurevariables
+ {\ifcase\figurenestinglevel\else
+ \doshowfigurestate{variables : push}%
+ \globalpushmacro\figurewidth
+ \globalpushmacro\figureheight
+ \globalpushmacro\figurenaturalwidth
+ \globalpushmacro\figurenaturalheight
+ \globalpushmacro\figurelabel
+ \globalpushmacro\figurefileoriginal
+ \globalpushmacro\figurefileoptions
+ \globalpushmacro\figurefilename
+ \globalpushmacro\figurefiletype
+ \globalpushmacro\figurefilepage
+ \globalpushmacro\figurefileconversion
+ \globalpushmacro\figurefileprefix
+ \globalpushmacro\figurefilepath
+ \globalpushmacro\figurefilecache
+ \fi}
+ {\ifcase\figurenestinglevel\else
+ \doshowfigurestate{variables : pop}%
+ \globalpopmacro\figurefilecache
+ \globalpopmacro\figurefilepath
+ \globalpopmacro\figurefileprefix
+ \globalpopmacro\figurefileconversion
+ \globalpopmacro\figurefilepage
+ \globalpopmacro\figurefiletype
+ \globalpopmacro\figurefilename
+ \globalpopmacro\figurefileoptions
+ \globalpopmacro\figurefileoriginal
+ \globalpopmacro\figurelabel
+ \globalpopmacro\figurenaturalheight
+ \globalpopmacro\figurenaturalwidth
+ \globalpopmacro\figureheight
+ \globalpopmacro\figurewidth
+ \fi}
+\def\setpublicfigurevariables % todo: type vs typespec
+ {\xdef\figurewidth {\the\wd\foundexternalfigure}%
+ \xdef\figureheight {\the\ht\foundexternalfigure}%
+ \xdef\figurenaturalwidth {\naturalfigurewidth}%
+ \xdef\figurenaturalheight {\naturalfigureheight}%
+ \xdef\figurelabel {\wantedfigurelabel}%
+ \xdef\figurefilepath {\wantedfigurepath}%
+ \xdef\figurefilename {\wantedfigurename}%
+ \xdef\figurefiletype {\wantedfiguretypespec}%
+ \xdef\figurefilepage {\wantedfigurepage}%
+ \xdef\figurefileoptions {\wantedfigureoptions}%
+ \xdef\figurefileconversion{\wantedfigureconversion}%
+ \xdef\figurefilecache {\wantedconversioncache}%
+ \xdef\figurefileprefix {\wantedconversionprefix}%
+ \xdef\figurefileoriginal {\wantedconversionname}%
+ \xdef\figurefullname {\wantedfigurepath/\wantedfigurename.\wantedfiguretypespec}%
+ \ifcase\figurestatus
+ \let\figurefiletype\empty % ?
+ \fi}
+ {\edef\figurescalewidth {\finalscaleboxwidth }%
+ \edef\figurescaleheight {\finalscaleboxheight}%
+ \edef\figurescalexscale {\finalscaleboxxscale}%
+ \edef\figurescaleyscale {\finalscaleboxyscale}}
+ {\let\figurescalewidth \!!zeropoint
+ \let\figurescaleheight \!!zeropoint
+ \let\figurescalexscale \!!plusone
+ \let\figurescaleyscale \!!plusone}
+ \resetpublicfigurescalevariables
+\to \everyexternalfigureresets
+%D The next one is for instance used in symbols. Since
+%D we only need to reset some parameters, we can
+%D better use the fast alternative:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\resetexternalfigures
+%D {\getparameters[\??ef]
+%D [\c!option=,\c!maxwidth=,\c!maxheight=,
+%D \c!foregroundcolor=,\c!color=,
+%D %\c!conversion=,\c!prefix=,\c!splitcolor=,
+%D \c!frame=\v!off,\c!background=]}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D This one dropped the runtime of the \MAPS\ bibliography
+%D from over 110 seconds down to less than 105 seconds. The
+%D tremendously faster (but uglier) implementation is:
+ {\let\@@efoption \empty % \let\@@efprefix\empty
+ \let\@@efmaxwidth \empty % \let\@@efcache \empty
+ \let\@@efmaxheight \empty % \let\@@efframe \v!off
+ \let\@@efforegroundcolor\empty
+ \let\@@efcolor \empty
+ \let\@@efconversion \empty
+ \let\@@efbackground \empty}
+%D The following code will move:
+\appendtoks \resetexternalfigures \to \everyoverlay
+\appendtoks \resetexternalfigures \to \everybeforepagebody % not really needed
+%appendtoks \resetexternalfigures \to \everysymbol
+%D We need this one for bookkeeping:
+\newcounter\forcedMPSobject % better something \every<type>
+%D Features:
+% converted -> prefix, suffix
+% alternative -> other suffix
+% buffer -> prefix
+%D Still messy:
+ {\the\everyfiguretypepresets}
+ {\doif\wantedfiguretype{#1}%
+ {\let\@@efobject\v!no
+ \let\@@efpreset\v!no
+ \ifx\@@efwidth \empty\def\@@efwidth {\defaultfigurewidth }\fi
+ \ifx\@@efheight\empty\def\@@efheight{\defaultfigureheight}\fi}}
+ \presetspecialfigure\c!mov
+ \presetspecialfigure\c!avi
+\to \everyfiguretypepresets
+\def\checkformpsfigurefiles % to be checked
+ {\doif\wantedfigurename{mprun}
+ {\doshowfigurestate{type check : forcing mps (mprun)}%
+ \doifnotinstring{^\bufferprefix}{^\wantedfigurename}
+ {\edef\wantedfigurename{\bufferprefix\wantedfigurename}}%
+ \let\wantedfiguremethod \c!mps
+ \let\wantedfiguretypespec\c!mps}%
+ \doifnumberelse\wantedfiguretype
+ {\doshowfigurestate{type check : forcing mps (number)}%
+ \let\wantedfiguremethod \c!mps
+ \let\wantedfiguretypespec\c!mps}
+ \donothing
+ \doif\wantedfiguretypespec\c!mps
+ {\let\wantedfiguretypelist\wantedfiguretypespec
+ \ifcase\EPSspecial\else\ifinobject\else
+ \doglobal\increment\forcedMPSobject
+ \edef\externalfigurestamp{\c!mps::\forcedMPSobject}%
+ \let\@@efobject\v!yes
+ \fi\fi}}
+ \checkformpsfigurefiles
+\to \everyfiguretypepresets
+\def\checkfortexfigurefiles % to be checked (brrr: c!) / brrr: eftype
+ {\doifinset\wantedfiguretype{\c!tex,\c!tmp}
+ {\let\wantedfiguretypespec \wantedfiguretype}%
+ \doifinset\wantedfiguretypespec{\c!tex,\c!tmp,\v!buffer}
+ {\doshowfigurestate{type check : forcing tex (\wantedfiguretypespec)}%
+ \let\wantedfiguretypelist\wantedfiguretypespec
+ \let\wantedfiguremethod \c!tex
+ \let\@@efobject\v!no
+ \doifnothing\wantedfiguretype{\let\wantedfiguretype\c!tmp}%
+ % there can be a non buffer \jobname.tmp (made by texexec)
+ \doifnotinstring{^\bufferprefix}{^\wantedfigurename}
+ {\edef\wantedfigurename{\bufferprefix\wantedfigurename}}}}
+ \checkfortexfigurefiles
+\to \everyfiguretypepresets
+ {\doifnothing\wantedfiguretype
+ {\dogetcommacommandelement\plusone\from\@@eftype\to\commalistelement
+ \edef\wantedfigurefullname{\wantedfigurename.\commalistelement}}}
+ \checkforunknownfigurefiles
+\to \everyfiguretypepresets
+% note * : this is needed because reusable graphics
+% combined with funny page aspect aspect ratio's can lead to
+% strange side effects of preceding factor=max specs. This
+% surfaced in the metafun manual, where the two side by
+% side clipped cow heads [the second one was a reused object]
+% where the second one inherited some characteristics from
+% the factor=max one some 30 pages back. Sigh.
+\chardef\splitexternalfigure\zerocount % 0 nosplit 1 split/yes 2 split/no
+ {% seperation, seldom used
+ \doifseparatingcolorselse
+ {\let\@@efforegroundcolor\empty
+ \doifelsenothing\@@efsplit
+ {\chardef\splitexternalfigure\zerocount}
+ {\doifcolorchannelelse\@@efsplit
+ {\let\@@efobject\v!no % why?
+ \chardef\splitexternalfigure\plusone}
+ {\chardef\splitexternalfigure\plustwo}}}
+ {\chardef\splitexternalfigure\zerocount}%
+ % fake color in gray bitmaps, assumes that
+ % a transparent color is used
+ \doifsomething\@@efforegroundcolor
+ {\def\@@efbackground{\v!foreground,\v!color}%
+ \def\@@efbackgroundcolor{\@@efforegroundcolor}}%
+ \doifsomething\@@efcolor
+ {\doifcolorelse\@@efcolor
+ {\checkpredefinedcolor[\@@efcolor]%
+ \doregisterfigurecolor\@@efcolor}}%
+ \donothing}
+ {\let\@@DriverImageOptions\empty
+ \doifsomething\@@efpage {\addtocommalist\@@efpage \@@DriverImageOptions}%
+ \doif \@@efpreview \v!yes{\addtocommalist\v!preview \@@DriverImageOptions}%
+ \doif \@@efcontrols\v!yes{\addtocommalist\v!controls\@@DriverImageOptions}%
+ \doif \@@efrepeat \v!yes{\addtocommalist\v!repeat \@@DriverImageOptions}%
+ \doifinsetelse\@@efsize{mediabox,cropbox,artbox,bleedbox,trimbox}
+ {\let \@@DriverImageBox \@@efsize}%
+ {\doifinsetelse\@@efsize{media,crop,art,bleed,trim}
+ {\edef\@@DriverImageBox{\@@efsize box}}%
+ {\let \@@DriverImageBox \empty}}%
+ \let\wantedfigureoptions\@@DriverImageOptions}
+ {\doifnot\@@efobject\v!no
+ {\doifobjectssupportedelse
+ {\doifobjectfoundelse{FIG}\externalfigurestamp
+ {\doshowfigurestate{object found : \externalfigurestamp}%
+ \getobjectdimensions{FIG}\externalfigurestamp
+ \edef\frozenfigurestamp{\externalfigurestamp}%
+ \xdef\analyzedfigurewidth {\the\dimexpr\objectwidth \relax}%
+ \xdef\analyzedfigureheight{\the\dimexpr\objectheight\relax}%
+ \setanalyzedfiguredimensions\plusone}
+ {\doshowfigurestate{unknown object: \externalfigurestamp}}}
+ {}}}
+ {\ifx\wantedfiguretype\empty
+ \let\savedwantedfiguretype\wantedfiguretype
+ \def\docommand##1%
+ {\ifcase\figurestatus
+ \edef\wantedfiguretype{##1}%
+ \checkiffigureobjectpresent
+ \fi}%
+ \processcommacommand[\figuretypes]\docommand
+ \ifcase\figurestatus
+ \let\wantedfiguretype\savedwantedfiguretype
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+ {\ifcase\figurestatus
+ \ifconditional\externalfigureflush
+ \analyzefigurefiles
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+\def\externalfigurestamp % needs \edef'd macros!
+ {\ifx\wantedfigurepath\empty\else
+ -\wantedfigurepath
+ \fi
+ \wantedfigurename
+ \ifx\wantedfiguretype\empty\else
+ \ifx\wantedfiguretype\s!unknown\else
+ -\wantedfiguretype
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \ifx\wantedfiguretypespec\empty\else
+ \ifx\wantedfiguretypespec\s!unknown\else
+ \ifx\wantedfiguretypespec\wantedfiguretype\else
+ -\wantedfiguretypespec
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \ifnum\wantedfigurepage>\zeropoint
+ -\wantedfigurepage
+ \fi}
+ {\ifcase\figurestatus
+ \let\@@efframe\v!on
+ \fi
+ \doif\@@exoption\v!frame
+ {\let\@@efframe\v!on}%
+ \doif\@@exoption\v!empty
+ {\skipexternalfigurestrue
+ \let\@@efframe\v!off}}
+ {\let\@@eftype \s!unknown \let\@@efmethod \empty \let\@@efpreset\v!yes
+ \let\@@eflabel \empty \let\@@efsize \empty \let\@@efpage \!!zerocount
+ \let\@@efobject \@@exobject \let\@@efdisplay \empty
+ \let\@@efsplit \empty \let\@@efcolor \empty \let\@@efsymbol\v!no
+ \let\@@efcontrols \v!no \let\@@efpreview \v!no \let\@@efrepeat\v!no
+ \let\@@efhfactor \empty \let\@@efwfactor \empty \let\@@effactor\empty
+ \let\@@efmaxwidth \@@exmaxwidth \let\@@efmaxheight\@@exmaxheight
+ \let\@@efxscale \empty \let\@@efyscale \empty \let\@@efscale \empty
+ \let\@@efsx \!!plusone \let\@@efsy \!!plusone
+ \let\@@efwidth \empty \let\@@efheight \empty
+ \let\@@eflines \empty \let\@@efgrid \empty
+ \let\@@efconversion\@@exconversion \let\@@efprefix \@@exprefix \let\@@efcache \@@excache}
+%D Types and Methods are a bit history. Anyhow, user scan use the
+%D type to force the handler. So, what to do with the method. We can
+%D use that one to force a handler with a given suffix, so when no
+%D type is given, but a suffix is part of the name, the method will
+%D determine the handler.
+ {\doif\@@efreset\v!yes\resetexternalfigures
+ \doifelsenothing\@@eflabel
+ {\doifnothing\wantedfigurelabel{\let\wantedfigurelabel\wantedfigurename}}%
+ {\let\wantedfigurelabel\@@eflabel}%
+ \doifsomething\@@eftype
+ {\doifnot\@@eftype\s!unknown
+ {\edef\wantedfiguretypespec{\@@eftype}%
+ \let\wantedfiguremethod\wantedfiguretypespec}}%
+ \doifnothing\wantedfigurepage % can be set by plug in
+ {\let\wantedfigurepage\@@efpage}%
+ \doif\wantedfigurepage\empty
+ {\let\wantedfigurepage\!!zerocount}% 0 is signal !
+ \doifsomething\@@efmethod % rather untested misusage of the remapper
+ {\doifsomething\wantedfiguretype
+ {\definegraphictypesynonym[\wantedfiguretype][\@@method]}}}
+% #1 is now obsolete
+\def\calculateexternalfigure[#1][#2][#3][#4][#5][#6]% \cmd label filename parent_id preset current
+ {\doshowfigurestate{begin}%
+ \dontcomplain
+ % let's limit the search, which means that e.g. svg has to be given explicitly
+ \checksupportedfiguretypes
+ % recently added; we presume local use
+ \restorecatcodes
+ % collected resets (token list)
+ \resetfigurevariables
+\resetwantedconversionvariables % new here
+ % analyze filename and set wanted variables
+ \analyzefigurefilename{#3}{#2}%
+ \doanalyzefiguredimensionsfromfile
+ % handle user settings
+ \resetfigureusersettings
+ \dosetefparameters{#4}{#5}{#6}%
+ \checkfigureusersettings
+ \checkfigurecolorsettings
+ % adapt settings based on suffix and/or type
+ \presetfiguretypeprocessing
+ % now we really start
+ \checkiffigureobjectpresent % first guess, we may not yet know the typespec
+ \checkifknownfigureobjectpresent
+ \checkforfigurefilepresence
+ \checkiffigureobjectpresent % to be sure, in case we now know the typespec
+ \checkfigurerenderingoptions % was later, moved here
+ \checknaturalfiguredimensions % inherit from global values and/or fallbacks
+ % by now we know what we're dealing with (put in box and scale)
+ \setextrafiguredriveroptions
+ \prepackageexternalfigureobject
+ % set public variables in case postprocessing needs them
+ \pushpublicfigurevariables
+ \setpublicfigurevariables
+ \setpublicfigureconversionvariables
+ \setpublicfigurescalevariables
+ % package final graphic, only now we can apply backgrounds and such
+ \doglobal\increment\figurenestinglevel
+ \finishexternalfigure
+ \doglobal\decrement\figurenestinglevel
+ % restore variables
+ \poppublicfigurevariables
+ \doshowfigurestate{end}}
+ {\checkforconvertedfigure
+ \checkforfigurefile}
+%D Figure objects.
+ {\doshowfigurestate{object set : \externalfigurestamp}%
+ \setobject{FIG}\externalfigurestamp}
+% \def\getfigureobject
+% {\doshowfigurestate{object used : \externalfigurestamp}%
+% \getobject{FIG}\externalfigurestamp}
+ {\doshowfigurestate{object used : \frozenfigurestamp}%
+ \getobject{FIG}\frozenfigurestamp}
+ {\ifcase\figurestatus
+ \doshowfiguremessage1\expandedfigurename
+ \doshowfigurestate{state : figure not found (\expandedfigurename)}%
+ \global\setbox\foundexternalfigure\naturalvbox
+ {\doscalebox\??ef{\blackrule[\c!width=\naturalfigurewidth,\c!height=\naturalfigureheight]}}%
+ \xdef\noffigurepages{0}%
+ \or
+ \doshowfiguremessage8\expandedfigurename
+ \doshowfigurestate{state : reusing existing figure}%
+ \global\setbox\foundexternalfigure\naturalvbox
+ {\doscalebox\??ef{\dowithfigure{\getfigureobject}}}%
+ \xdef\noffigurepages{\number\getvalue{\externalfigurestamp\c!n}}%
+ \or
+ \doshowfiguremessage2\expandedfigurename
+ \doshowfigurestate{state : using special figure}%
+ \setbox\scratchbox\naturalvbox % make a dummy
+ {\doscalebox\??ef{\blackrule[\c!width=\naturalfigurewidth,\c!height=\naturalfigureheight]}}%
+ \global\setbox\foundexternalfigure\naturalvbox to \finalscaleboxheight
+ {\vfill
+ \hsize\finalscaleboxwidth
+ \dowithfigure{\insertscaledfiguredriverdata}}%
+ \xdef\noffigurepages{\number\nofinsertpages}%
+ \else
+ \ifdim\naturalfigurewidth>\zeropoint
+ \ifnum\figurestatus>\!!ten\relax
+ \doshowfiguremessage3\expandedfigurename
+ \else
+ \doshowfiguremessage4\expandedfigurename
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \doshowfiguremessage5\expandedfigurename
+ \fi
+ \doshowfigurestate{state : using found figure}% 3=self 4=rlx
+ \doifelse\@@efobject\v!no
+ {\donefalse}
+ {\doifobjectssupportedelse\donetrue\donefalse}%
+ \ifdone
+ % make an object and use it
+ \packageexternalfigureobject
+ \setfigureobject\vbox{\box\foundexternalfigure}%
+ \setxvalue{\externalfigurestamp\c!n}{\number\nofinsertpages}%
+ \global\setbox\foundexternalfigure\naturalvbox
+ {\doscalebox\??ef{\dowithfigure{\getfigureobject}}}%
+ \xdef\noffigurepages{\number\getvalue{\externalfigurestamp\c!n}}%
+ \else
+ % maybe a tex figure
+ \global\setbox\foundexternalfigure\naturalvbox
+ {\doscalebox\??ef{\dowithfigure{\box\foundexternalfigure}}}%
+ \xdef\noffigurepages{\number\nofinsertpages}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \wd\foundexternalfigure\finalscaleboxwidth
+ \ht\foundexternalfigure\finalscaleboxheight
+ \global\let\lastfigureobjectname\externalfigurestamp
+ \doresetobjects} % clean up driver left overs
+ {\global\setbox\foundexternalfigure\vbox to \naturalfigureheight
+ {\vfill
+ \ifdim\wd\foundexternalfigure=\zeropoint
+ \setextrafiguredriveroptions
+ \insertunscaledfiguredriverdata
+ \else\ifskipexternalfigures
+ \ruledhbox{\backgroundline[\@@efsplitcolor]{\fakebox\foundexternalfigure}}%
+ \else
+ \box\foundexternalfigure
+ \fi\fi}%
+ \wd\foundexternalfigure\naturalfigurewidth
+ \ht\foundexternalfigure\naturalfigureheight}
+\def\finishexternalfigure % here we use \figurevariables
+ {\global\setbox\foundexternalfigure\vbox
+ {\forgetall
+ \ifcase\figurestatus
+ \resetsystemmode\v!figure % todo, also: \v!resource
+ \else
+ \setsystemmode \v!figure % todo, also: \v!resource
+ \fi
+ \ifconditional\externalfigureflush
+ \ifconditional\externalfigurelevel % probably background
+ \ifskipexternalfigures
+ % nothing
+ \fakebox\foundexternalfigure
+ \else\ifcase\figurestatus
+ % nothing
+ \else\ifnum\splitexternalfigure=\plustwo\else
+ \the\externalfigurepostprocessors
+ \box\foundexternalfigure
+ \fi\fi\fi
+ \else
+ \iftrialtypesetting \else \feedbackexternalfigure \fi
+ \settrue\externalfigurelevel
+ \ifskipexternalfigures
+ \ifcase\figurestatus
+ \externalfigurereplacement\figurelabel\figurefilename{unknown}%
+ \else
+ \externalfigurereplacement\figurelabel\figurefullname{skipped}%
+ \fi
+ \else\ifcase\figurestatus
+ \externalfigurereplacement\figurelabel\figurefilename{unknown}%
+ \else\ifnum\splitexternalfigure=\plustwo
+ \backgroundline[\@@efsplitcolor]{\fakebox\foundexternalfigure}%
+ \else
+ \the\externalfigurepostprocessors
+ \doifelse\@@efreset\v!yes
+ {\wd\foundexternalfigure\figurewidth
+ \ht\foundexternalfigure\figureheight
+ \dp\foundexternalfigure\zeropoint
+ \box\foundexternalfigure}
+ {\localframed % should also be applied to high res !
+ [\??ef]
+ [\c!offset=\v!overlay,
+ \c!width=\figurewidth,
+ \c!height=\figureheight]
+ {\vfilll
+ \ifnum\splitexternalfigure=\plusone
+ % hm, eigenlijk in dit geval achtergrondkleur
+ \hidesplitcolorfalse % really needed
+ \backgroundline[\@@efsplitcolor]{\box\foundexternalfigure}%
+ \else % = 0, no split mode
+ \box\foundexternalfigure
+ \fi}}%
+ \fi\fi\fi
+ \fi
+ \else
+ % maybe also \the\externalfigurepostprocessors
+ \iftrialtypesetting \else \feedbackexternalfigure \fi
+ \fi}}
+ {\lowercasestring\wantedfiguretypespec\to\lcwantedfiguretypespec
+ \lowercasestring\wantedfiguremethod \to\lcwantedfiguremethod
+ \edef\@@DriverImageWidth {\the\dimexpr#1\relax}%
+ \edef\@@DriverImageHeight{\the\dimexpr#2\relax}%
+ \let \@@DriverImageFile \wantedfigurefullname
+ \let \@@DriverImageType \lcwantedfiguretypespec
+ \let \@@DriverImageMethod \lcwantedfiguremethod
+ \let \@@DriverImageLabel \wantedfigurelabel
+ \let \@@DriverImagePage \wantedfigurepage
+ \doinsertfile}
+ {\insertfiguredriverdata\naturalfigurewidth\naturalfigureheight}
+ {\insertfiguredriverdata\finalscaleboxwidth\finalscaleboxheight}
+\def\registerexternalfigure % no placement, handy for preprocessing
+ {\dotripleempty\doregisterexternalfigure}
+ {\bgroup
+ \setfalse\externalfigureflush
+ \externalfigure[#1][#2][#3]% or \doexternalfigure
+ \egroup}
+\let\feedbackexternalfigure\relax % \gobblefourarguments
+\let\dowithfigure \relax
+%D Conversion stuff:
+ {\let\wantedconversionpath \empty % these point to the to be converted graphic
+ \let\wantedconversionname \empty
+ \let\wantedconversiontype \empty
+ \let\wantedconversioncache \empty
+ \let\wantedconversionprefix\empty}
+ {\ifcase\figurestatus
+ \resetwantedconversionvariables
+ \doifsomething\@@efconversion
+ {\global\advance\nofconversionfigures\plusone
+ \doshowfigurestate{n-of-conversions : \number\nofconversionfigures}%
+ \edef\wantedfigureconversion{\@@efconversion}%
+ \edef\wantedconversioncache {\@@efcache}%
+ \edef\wantedconversionprefix{\@@efprefix}%
+ \doshowfigurestate{checking paths : \figurepathlist}%
+ \processcommacommand[\figurepathlist]\dolocatefigureconversionfile
+ \ifcase\figurestatus
+ \doshowfigurestate{remark : no conversion file found}%
+ \else
+ \doshowfigurestate{remark : conversion file found}%
+ \chardef\figurestatus\zerocount
+ \fi
+ \let\wantedconversionname\wantedfigurename
+ \edef\wantedfigurename{\wantedconversionprefix\wantedfigurename}%
+ \ifx\wantedconversioncache\empty
+ \let \wantedfigurepath \wantedconversionpath
+ \else
+ \checkfilename\@@efcache
+ \ifnum\kindoffile=\plusone
+ \let\wantedfigurepath\@@efcache % root related path
+ \else % brrr
+ \edef\wantedfigurepath{\@@efcache,\wantedconversionpath/\@@efcache}% in case of explicit paths, what a mess
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \let\wantedfiguretype \empty
+ \let\wantedfiguretypelist\figuretypes % hm, why needed
+ \ifx\figurepathlist\empty
+ \let\figurepathlist\wantedfigurepath
+ \else
+ \edef\figurepathlist{\wantedfigurepath,\figurepathlist}%
+ \fi
+ \doshowfigurestate{conversion path : \wantedconversionpath}%
+ \doshowfigurestate{conversion name : \wantedconversionname}}%
+ \doshowfigurestate{new figure path : \wantedfigurepath}%
+ \fi}
+ {\ifcase\figurestatus
+ \setwantedfigurefullname{#1}\wantedfigurename\wantedfiguretype
+ \doshowfigurestate{locating original : \wantedfigurefullname}%
+ \doiffile\wantedfigurefullname
+ {\def\wantedconversionpath{#1}%
+ \let\wantedconversionname\wantedfigurename
+ \let\wantedconversiontype\wantedfiguretype
+ \chardef\figurestatus\plusfive}%
+ \fi}
+\def\setpublicfigureconversionvariables % also prefix, cache
+ {\doifsomething\@@efconversion
+ {\doifmode{\systemmodeprefix\v!first}
+ {\let\figurefilepath\wantedconversionpath
+ \let\figurefilename\wantedconversionname
+ \let\figurefiletype\wantedconversiontype
+ \let\figurefileconversion\wantedfigureconversion
+ \def\figurefullname
+ {\ifx\wantedconversionpath\empty\else\wantedconversionpath/\fi
+ \wantedconversionname
+ \ifx\wantedconversiontype\empty\else.\wantedconversiontype\fi}}}}
+%D In \PDF\ one can specify an alternative graphic. This means
+%D that for instance a low resolution graphic can be used for
+%D viewing and a high res one for printing. Because this
+%D feature depends much on the driver, here we only take care
+%D of perparations. It is up to the special driver to handle
+%D the inclusion. The driver routines can change the content of
+%D box \type {\foundexternalfigure} if suitable.
+%D One complication is for instance that an alternative may
+%D not itself have an alternative, and these kind of situations
+%D are best handled by the driver.
+%D The next macro does not work well with figure bases yet.
+ {\ifx\@@efdisplay\empty\else
+ \doifnot\@@efobject\v!no
+ {\doifobjectssupportedelse
+ {\doifspecialavailableelse\doregisterfigure
+ {\doshowfigurestate{screen alternative : start}%
+ \bgroup
+ \dosetefparameters{#4}{#5}{#6}%
+ \doregisterfigure{FIG}{\lastfigureobjectname}%
+ \let\@@ef@@scherm\@@efdisplay
+ \calculateexternalfigure[#1][\@@ef@@scherm][\@@ef@@scherm][#4,\c!display=][#5][#6]%
+ \doshowfigurestate{screen alternative : stop}%
+ \egroup}
+ {}}
+ {}}%
+ \fi}
+ {\dodoubleempty\dogetfiguredimensions}
+ {{\let\immediate\relax % very dirty but prevents flushing, will change
+ \setbox0\hbox{\externalfigure[#1][#2,\c!display=,\c!object=\v!no]}}}
+% use the next one when the object must be forgotten (xobj
+% nums can migrate to the next object; maybe it should
+% always be done; todo ....
+ {\dodoubleempty\dogetfiguredimensionsonly}
+ {\dogetfiguredimensions[#1][#2]%
+ \doresetobjects}
+ {\getfiguredimensions[#1]% so data is available !
+ \ifdim\analyzedfigurewidth=\zeropoint % todo: \figurestatus
+ \expandafter\secondoftwoarguments
+ \else
+ \expandafter\firstoftwoarguments
+ \fi}
+%D Size determination.
+%D An analyzer must set the following dimensions (global macros):
+%D \starttyping
+%D \analyzedfigurewidth
+%D \analyzedfigureheight
+%D \stoptyping
+%D And afterwards, when succeeded, call:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \setanalyzedfiguredimensions{number>=10}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Numbers upto 9 are reserved for special purposes:
+%D \starttabulate
+%D \NC 0 \NC not found \NC \NR
+%D \NC 1 \NC object (will be reused) \NC \NR
+%D \NC 2 \NC found but no dimensions (e.g. special annotation) \NC \NR
+%D \stoptabulate
+\let\doanalyzefiguredimensionsfromfile\relax % hook for figuredatabase
+\let\doanalyzefiguredimensionsexternal\relax % hook for rli support (see later)
+ {\lowercasestring\wantedfiguretypespec\to\lcwantedfiguretypespec
+ \doiffileinsertionsupportedelse\lcwantedfiguretypespec
+ {\doiffileelse\wantedfigurefullname
+ {\doshowfigurestate{analyzing : \wantedfigurefullname}%
+ \doanalyzefiguredimensionsinternal
+ \doanalyzefiguredimensionsexternal
+ \doanalyzefiguredimensionsfallback}
+ {\doshowfigurestate{not found : \wantedfigurefullname}}}
+ {}}
+ {\ifdim\analyzedfigurewidth>\zeropoint
+ \ifdim\analyzedfigureheight>\zeropoint
+ \determinedfigurewidth \analyzedfigurewidth
+ \determinedfigureheight\analyzedfigureheight
+ \chardef\figurestatus #1\relax
+ \doshowfigurestate{dimensions :
+ \the\dimexpr\analyzedfigurewidth\relax\space x\space
+ \the\dimexpr\analyzedfigureheight\relax}%
+ \else
+ \determinedfigurewidth \zeropoint
+ \determinedfigureheight\zeropoint
+ \chardef\figurestatus \zerocount
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \determinedfigurewidth \zeropoint
+ \determinedfigureheight\zeropoint
+ \chardef\figurestatus \zerocount
+ \fi}
+%D We can remap types. This is to be dealt with in the driver files.
+ {\dodoubleargument\dodefinegraphictypesynonym}
+ {\setvalue{\??ef:\??ex:#1}{#2}}
+ {\ifcsname\??ef:\??ex:#1\endcsname
+ \expandafter\truegraphictype\csname\??ef:\??ex:#1\endcsname\else#1%
+ \fi}
+\definegraphictypesynonym[epdf] [pdf]
+\definegraphictypesynonym[jpeg] [jpg]
+\definegraphictypesynonym[jp2] [jpg]
+\definegraphictypesynonym[jbig] [jb2]
+\definegraphictypesynonym[jbg] [jb2]
+%D The self method (mostly used) uses the driver.
+% todo: when zero width mps, ok
+% analyzer must set the analyzed dimensions
+ {\ifcase\figurestatus
+ \lowercasestring\wantedfiguretypespec\to\lcwantedfiguretypespec
+ \let\@@DriverImageFile \wantedfigurefullname
+ \let\@@DriverImagePage \wantedfigurepage
+ \let\@@DriverImageType\lcwantedfiguretypespec
+ % use internal when available, otherwise try driver (\dogetfiguresize)
+ \executeifdefined{dogetfiguresize\@@DriverImageType}\dogetfiguresize
+ \setanalyzedfiguredimensions\!!ten
+ \fi}
+%D The tex method.
+ {\ifcase\figurestatus
+ \global\setbox\foundexternalfigure\vbox
+ {\insidefloattrue
+ \forgetall
+ \blank[\v!disable]% niet meer weg !
+ \startreadingfile
+ \readfile\wantedfigurefullname \donothing \donothing
+ \stopreadingfile
+ \endgraf
+ \removelastskip}%
+ \global\setbox\foundexternalfigure\hbox
+ {\raise\dp\foundexternalfigure\box\foundexternalfigure}%
+ \xdef\analyzedfigurewidth {\the\wd\foundexternalfigure}%
+ \xdef\analyzedfigureheight{\the\ht\foundexternalfigure}%
+ \fi}
+\let\dogetfiguresizetmp \dogetfiguresizetex
+%D The eps, mps and svg files are read directly.
+ {\dogetEPSboundingbox\wantedfigurefullname\!!widtha\!!heighta\!!widthb\!!heightb
+ \xdef\analyzedfigurewidth {\the\!!widthb}%
+ \xdef\analyzedfigureheight{\the\!!heightb}}
+ {\doifinset\wantedfiguretypespec\c!svg
+ {\startnointerference
+ \startXMLignore
+ \defineXMLcommand[svg][width=100,height=75]
+ {\doifdimensionelse{\XMLop{width}}
+ {\xdef\analyzedfigurewidth {\the\dimexpr\XMLop{width}\relax}}
+ {\xdef\analyzedfigurewidth {\the\dimexpr\XMLop{width}\onebasepoint\relax}}%
+ \doifdimensionelse{\XMLop{height}}
+ {\xdef\analyzedfigurewidth {\the\dimexpr\XMLop{height}\relax}}
+ {\xdef\analyzedfigurewidth {\the\dimexpr\XMLop{height}\onebasepoint\relax}}%
+ \endinput}%
+ \processXMLfilegrouped\wantedfigurefullname
+ \stopXMLignore
+ \stopnointerference}}
+%D Do some checking on the filename.
+\newconditional \figurefileisqualified
+ {\let\figurepathlist\empty
+ \expanded{\doifinset{\v!global }{\@@exlocation}}
+ {\let\figurepathlist\@@exdirectory}%
+ \expanded{\doifinset{\v!local }{\@@exlocation}}
+ {\prependtocommalist\f!currentpath\figurepathlist}%
+ \expanded{\doifinset{\v!default}{\@@exlocation}}
+ {\appendtocommalist\defaultfigurepathsignal\figurepathlist}}
+% The combined path and qualified path hack is dedicated to Onno Tomson,
+% our partner in fighting inconsistent and faulty image specifications in
+% user files.
+ {\sanitizefilename#1\to\expandedfigurename
+ \expanded{\checkfilename{\expandedfigurename}}%
+ \ifcase\kindoffile
+ \splitfigurefilename
+ \ifcase\splitoffkind
+ \let\wantedfigurepath\empty % no . either
+ \setfigurepathlist
+ \setfalse\figurefileisqualified
+ \else
+ \splitfigurefilename
+ % will become splitoffkind 3 ! ! ! !
+ \setfalse\figurefileisqualified
+ \doifinstring{$$/}{$$\wantedfigurepath}{\settrue\figurefileisqualified}%
+ \doifinstring {:} {\wantedfigurepath}{\settrue\figurefileisqualified}%
+ \ifconditional\figurefileisqualified
+ \let\figurepathlist\wantedfigurepath
+ \let\wantedfigurepath\empty
+ \settrue\figurefileisqualified
+ \else
+ \let\figurepathlist\@@exdirectory
+ \let\oldfigurepathlist\figurepathlist
+ \let\figurepathlist\wantedfigurepath
+ \def\docommand##1{\edef\figurepathlist{\figurepathlist,##1/\wantedfigurepath}}%
+ \processcommacommand[\oldfigurepathlist]\docommand
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \else % fully qualified
+ \splitfigurefilename
+ \let\wantedfigurepath\empty
+ \settrue\figurefileisqualified
+ \fi
+ \ifx\figurepathlist\empty
+ \let\figurepathlist\defaultfigurepathsignal % will prepend no path
+ \fi
+ \doifelsenothing\wantedfiguretype
+ {\doifparentfileelse\wantedfigurename
+ {\@EA\removefromcommalist\@EA{\jobsuffix }\wantedfiguretypelist
+ \@EA\removefromcommalist\@EA{\jobfilesuffix}\wantedfiguretypelist}
+ {}}
+ {\let\wantedfiguretypelist\empty
+ \let\wantedfiguretypespec\wantedfiguretype}%
+ \edef\wantedfigurelabel{#2}%
+ \doshowfigurestate{type check : \ifx\wantedfiguretypelist\empty forced type \wantedfiguretypespec\else\wantedfiguretypelist\fi}%
+ \doshowfigurestate{file specs : \wantedfigurefull\space [\wantedfigurepath] [\wantedfigurename] [\wantedfiguretype]}%
+ \doshowfigurestate{file type : \ifconditional\figurefileisqualified qualified\else simple\fi}}
+\def\setwantedfigurefullname#1#2#3% path name spec
+ {\ifx\wantedfiguremethod\empty
+ % the either explicit or gambled typespec determines the method
+ \edef\wantedfiguretypespec{#3}%
+ \doifelse{#1}\defaultfigurepathsignal
+ {\edef\wantedfigurefullname {#2.\wantedfiguretypespec}}
+ {\edef\wantedfigurefullname{#1/#2.\wantedfiguretypespec}}%
+ \else\ifx\wantedfiguretype\empty %
+ % the typespec (probably the same as the method) determines the suffix
+ \doifelse{#1}\defaultfigurepathsignal
+ {\edef\wantedfigurefullname {#2.\wantedfiguretypespec}}
+ {\edef\wantedfigurefullname{#1/#2.\wantedfiguretypespec}}%
+ \let\wantedfiguretypespec\wantedfiguremethod
+ \else
+ % the given suffix is used
+ \let\wantedfiguretypespec\wantedfiguremethod
+ \doifelse{#1}\defaultfigurepathsignal
+ {\edef\wantedfigurefullname {#2.\wantedfiguretype}}
+ {\edef\wantedfigurefullname{#1/#2.\wantedfiguretype}}%
+ \fi\fi}
+ {\splitfilename\expandedfigurename
+ \let\wantedfigurefull\splitofffull
+ \let\wantedfigurepath\splitoffpath
+ \let\wantedfigurename\splitoffname
+ \let\wantedfigurebase\splitoffbase
+ \let\wantedfiguretype\splitofftype}
+ {\ifconditional\figurefileisqualified
+ \ifx\wantedfiguretype\empty
+ \doshowfigurestate{locating : unknown type}%
+ \doanalyzeunknownfiguretype
+ \else
+ % this file or none
+ \doshowfigurestate{locating : known type}%
+ \doanalyzequalifiedfigure
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \ifx\wantedfiguretype\empty
+ % locate best fit / check support
+ \doshowfigurestate{locating : best fit}%
+ \doanalyzeunknownfiguretype
+ \else
+ % only check on paths
+ \doshowfigurestate{locating : known types}%
+ \doanalyzeknownfiguretype
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+ {\let\wantedfigurefullname\wantedfigurefull
+ \let\wantedfiguretypespec\wantedfiguretype
+ \doshowfigurestate{forced type : \wantedfiguretype}%
+ \doshowfigurestate{identifying : \wantedfigurefullname}%
+ \doanalyzefiguredimensions}
+ {\doshowfigurestate{using paths : \figurepathlist}%
+ \doshowfigurestate{known type : \wantedfiguretype}%
+ \doshowfigurestate{identifying : \wantedfigurename}%
+ \let\wantedfiguretypespec\wantedfiguretype
+ \processcommacommand[\figurepathlist]\dodoanalyzeknownfiguretype}
+\def\dodoanalyzeknownfiguretype#1% path
+ {\ifcase\figurestatus
+ \setwantedfigurefullname{#1}\wantedfigurename\wantedfiguretype
+ \doanalyzefiguredimensions
+ \fi}
+ {\doshowfigurestate{using paths : \figurepathlist}%
+ \doshowfigurestate{using types : \wantedfiguretypelist}%
+ \doshowfigurestate{identifying : \wantedfigurename}%
+ \processcommacommand[\wantedfiguretypelist]\dodoanalyzeunknownfiguretype}
+ {\processcommacommand[\figurepathlist]{\dododoanalyzeunknownfiguretype{#1}}}
+\def\dododoanalyzeunknownfiguretype#1#2% type path
+ {\ifcase\figurestatus
+ \setwantedfigurefullname{#2}\wantedfigurename{#1}% path spec
+ \doanalyzefiguredimensions
+ \fi}
+%D Some files, take for instance movies, cannot easilly be
+%D parsed on dimensions, that is, not yet. Although the current
+%D mechanism has no problems with this, as long as the user
+%D specified width and height reflect the right aspect ratio.
+%D Nevertheless, when one does not want any scanning done, one
+%D can disable \type{preset}. When no preset is needed, we only
+%D locate the file.
+ {\ifcase\figurestatus
+ \doshowfigurestate{warning : assuming adaptive figure}%
+ \xdef\analyzedfigurewidth {\the\dimexpr\@@efwidth +\zeropoint\relax}%
+ \xdef\analyzedfigureheight{\the\dimexpr\@@efheight+\zeropoint\relax}%
+ \setanalyzedfiguredimensions\plustwo
+ \fi}
+%D This is \MKII\ only and comes from cont-new (maybe used in a project).
+% maybe to be integrated (option=...)
+ {\dodoubleempty\dodirectexternalfigure}
+ {\bgroup
+ \getparameters[\??ef][\c!type=\splitofftype,\c!page=1,#2]%
+ \sanitizefilename#1\to\expandedfigurename
+ \splitfilename\expandedfigurename
+ \let\@@DriverImageWidth \!!zeropoint
+ \let\@@DriverImageHeight \!!zeropoint
+ \let\@@DriverImageFile \splitofffull
+ \let\@@DriverImageType \@@eftype
+ \let\@@DriverImageMethod \@@eftype
+ \let\@@DriverImageLabel \empty
+ \let\@@DriverImagePage \@@efpage
+ \doinsertfile
+ \egroup}
+% \directexternalfigure[cow.pdf]
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/grph-trf.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/grph-trf.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bd9875806
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/grph-trf.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,579 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=grph-fig,
+%D version=2006.08.26, % overhaul/split of 1997.03.31 core-fig
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Graphic Macros,
+%D subtitle=Transformations,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D It may be that some functionality got lost. If it concerns
+%D defined features, let me know and it will be sorted out.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Graphic Macros / Transformations}
+%D Scaling:
+% probably too many dimens / the width calculations can go
+% since we may assume scaling is available (was not true
+% long ago which is why we also calculate the width)
+% global
+\newdimen\scaleboxdimx \let\figwid \scaleboxdimx
+\newdimen\scaleboxdimy \let\fighei \scaleboxdimy
+\newcount\scaleboxscax \let\figxsca\scaleboxscax
+\newcount\scaleboxscay \let\figysca\scaleboxscay
+\newdimen\scaleboxoutervsize % we cannot manipulate any global vsize !
+\let\finalscaleboxxscale \!!plusone
+\let\finalscaleboxyscale \!!plusone
+\let\finalscaleboxwidth \!!zeropoint
+\let\finalscaleboxheight \!!zeropoint
+ {\bgroup
+ \getparameters
+ [#1]
+ [\c!scale=,\c!xscale=,\c!yscale=,\c!width=,\c!height=,\c!lines=,
+ \c!factor=,\c!hfactor=,\c!wfactor=,\c!grid=,\c!sx=1,\c!sy=1,
+ \c!equalwidth=,\c!equalheight=,
+ \c!maxwidth=\scaleparameter\c!width,\c!maxheight=\scaleparameter\c!height,
+ #2]%
+ \dowithnextbox{\dodoscalenextbox{#1}\egroup}\hbox}
+ {\bgroup\dowithnextbox{\dodoscalenextbox{#1}\egroup}\hbox}
+ {\csname\currentscaletag#1\endcsname}
+ {\setvalue{\currentscaletag#1}{#2}}
+ {\edef\currentscaletag{#1}%
+ \doif{\scaleparameter\c!depth}\v!no{\setbox\nextbox\hbox{\raise\nextboxdp\box\nextbox}}% new
+ \forgetall
+ \dontshowcomposition
+ \dontcomplain
+ \doscaleboxcalculations
+ \doscaleboxindeed
+ \doscaleboxposition
+ \flushnextbox}
+ {\ifconditional\scaleboxdone
+ \scaleboxwidth \finalscaleboxxscale\nextboxwd
+ \scaleboxheight\finalscaleboxyscale\nextboxht
+ \scaleboxdepth \finalscaleboxyscale\nextboxdp
+ \setbox\nextbox\hbox
+ {\dostartscaling \finalscaleboxxscale \finalscaleboxyscale
+ \smashedbox\nextbox
+ \dostopscaling}%
+ \nextboxwd\scaleboxwidth
+ \nextboxht\scaleboxheight
+ \nextboxdp\scaleboxdepth
+ \fi}
+ {\setfalse\scaleboxdone
+ % initial final value
+ \global\let\finalscaleboxxscale \!!plusone
+ \global\let\finalscaleboxyscale \!!plusone
+ \xdef \finalscaleboxwidth {\the\nextboxwd}%
+ \xdef \finalscaleboxheight{\the\nextboxht}%
+ \global\let\finalscaleboxxfactor\!!hundred
+ \global\let\finalscaleboxyfactor\!!hundred
+ \ifdim\nextboxht>\zeropoint \ifdim\nextboxwd>\zeropoint
+ \edef\scaleboxstampa % slow way [can be combined]
+ {\scaleparameter\c!scale \scaleparameter\c!xscale \scaleparameter\c!yscale
+ \scaleparameter\c!factor\scaleparameter\c!wfactor\scaleparameter\c!hfactor
+ \scaleparameter\c!lines \scaleparameter\c!width \scaleparameter\c!height}%
+ \edef\scaleboxstampb % fast way [just sx/sy]
+ {\scaleparameter\c!sx
+ \scaleparameter\c!sy}%
+ \edef\scaleboxstampc
+ {11}%
+ \ifx\scaleboxstampa\empty
+ \ifx\scaleboxstampb\scaleboxstampc
+ % no scaling, but still check; new, gone again
+% wrong: scaled proportionally as side effect
+% \doifsomething{\scaleparameter\c!maxwidth }{\letvalue{\currentscaletag\c!factor}\v!fit}%
+% \doifsomething{\scaleparameter\c!maxheight}{\letvalue{\currentscaletag\c!factor}\v!fit}%
+ \insidefloattrue % trick
+ \dodoscaleboxcalculations
+ \else
+ \dosetscalboxsxsy
+ \nodoscaleboxcalculations
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \ifx\scaleboxstampb\empty
+ % no need to check further
+ \else
+ \dosetscalboxsxsy
+ \fi
+ \dodoscaleboxcalculations
+ \fi
+ \fi \fi}
+ {\ifdim\scaleparameter\c!sx\onepoint=\onepoint\else
+ \setevalue{\currentscaletag\c!width }{\the\dimexpr\scaleparameter\c!sx\wd\nextbox\relax}%
+ \fi
+ \ifdim\scaleparameter\c!sy\onepoint=\onepoint\else
+ \setevalue{\currentscaletag\c!height}{\the\dimexpr\scaleparameter\c!sy\ht\nextbox\relax}%
+ \fi}
+ {\@EA\@EA\@EA\doscaleboxrounding\@EA\WITHOUTPT\the\dimexpr#1\points*100+32768sp\relax.\relax}
+ {\settrue\scaleboxdone
+ \xdef\finalscaleboxwidth {\the\dimexpr\scaleparameter\c!sx\wd\nextbox\relax}%
+ \xdef\finalscaleboxheight {\the\dimexpr\scaleparameter\c!sy\ht\nextbox\relax}%
+ \xdef\finalscaleboxxscale {\scaleparameter\c!sx}%
+ \xdef\finalscaleboxyscale {\scaleparameter\c!sy}%
+ \ifx\finalscaleboxxscale\empty\let\finalscaleboxxscale\!!plusone\fi
+ \ifx\finalscaleboxyscale\empty\let\finalscaleboxyscale\!!plusone\fi
+ \xdef\finalscaleboxxfactor{\scaleboxrounding\finalscaleboxxscale}%
+ \xdef\finalscaleboxyfactor{\scaleboxrounding\finalscaleboxyscale}}
+ {\settrue\scaleboxdone
+ % initial values
+ \scaleboxoffsetx\zeropoint
+ \scaleboxoffsety\zeropoint
+ \scaleboxsizex \nextboxwd
+ \scaleboxsizey \nextboxht % alleen ht wordt geschaald!
+ % final values
+ \global\scaleboxdimx \zeropoint % see note * (core-fig)
+ \global\scaleboxdimy \zeropoint % see note * (core-fig)
+ \scaleboxscax \plusone % see note * (core-fig)
+ \scaleboxscay \plusone % see note * (core-fig)
+ % preparations
+ \setfalse\scaleboxscalingdone
+ \checkscaleboxsettings
+ % calculators
+ % beware, they operate in sequence, and calculate missing dimensions / messy
+ %setscaleboxbynature % when? needed?
+ \ifconditional\scaleboxscalingdone\else\setscaleboxbyfactor \fi
+ \ifconditional\scaleboxscalingdone\else\setscaleboxbyscale \fi
+ \ifconditional\scaleboxscalingdone\else\setscaleboxbydimension\fi
+ % finalizers / to be done (no longer needed this way, clean up)
+ \convertscaleboxinsertscale\scaleboxhsize\figx\scaleboxscax\scax
+ \convertscaleboxinsertscale\scaleboxvsize\figy\scaleboxscay\scay
+ % used in actual scaling
+ \xdef\finalscaleboxwidth {\the\scaleboxdimx}%
+ \xdef\finalscaleboxheight {\the\scaleboxdimy}%
+ \xdef\finalscaleboxxfactor{\the\scaleboxscax}%
+ \xdef\finalscaleboxyfactor{\the\scaleboxscay}%
+ \xdef\finalscaleboxxscale {\withoutpt\the\dimexpr\scax\points/\plushundred\relax}%
+ \xdef\finalscaleboxyscale {\withoutpt\the\dimexpr\scay\points/\plushundred\relax}}
+\setvalue{\??xy:\c!grid:\v!yes }{\getnoflines \fighei\setevalue{\currentscaletag\c!height}{\the\noflines\lineheight}}
+\setvalue{\??xy:\c!grid:\v!height }{\getrawnoflines\fighei\setevalue{\currentscaletag\c!height}{\the\dimexpr\noflines\lineheight+\strutdepth\relax}}
+\setvalue{\??xy:\c!grid:\v!depth }{\getrawnoflines\fighei\setevalue{\currentscaletag\c!height}{\the\dimexpr\noflines\lineheight-\strutdepth\relax}}
+\setvalue{\??xy:\c!grid:\v!fit }{\getrawnoflines\fighei\setevalue{\currentscaletag\c!height}{\the\noflines\lineheight}}
+\letvalue{\??xy:\c!grid:\empty }\donothing
+ {\doifsomething{\scaleparameter\c!maxwidth }% can be defined in itself
+ {\setevalue{\currentscaletag\c!maxwidth }{\the\dimexpr\scaleparameter\c!maxwidth \relax}}%
+ \doifsomething{\scaleparameter\c!maxheight}% can be defined in itself
+ {\setevalue{\currentscaletag\c!maxheight}{\the\dimexpr\scaleparameter\c!maxheight\relax}}%
+ \doifsomething{\scaleparameter\c!lines}
+ {\setevalue{\currentscaletag\c!height}{\the\dimexpr\scaleparameter\c!lines\lineheight\relax}}%
+ \getvalue{\??xy:\c!grid:\scaleparameter\c!grid}}
+\def\setscaleboxbynature % where ! ! ! ! !
+ {\doifsomething{\scaleparameter\c!width }{\global\scaleboxdimx\scaleparameter\c!width }%
+ \doifsomething{\scaleparameter\c!height}{\global\scaleboxdimy\scaleparameter\c!height}%
+ \doifsomething{\scaleparameter\c!scale } {\scaleboxscax\scaleparameter\c!scale
+ \scaleboxscay\scaleparameter\c!scale }%
+ \doifsomething{\scaleparameter\c!xscale} {\scaleboxscax\scaleparameter\c!xscale}%
+ \doifsomething{\scaleparameter\c!yscale} {\scaleboxscay\scaleparameter\c!yscale}} % oeps, was x
+% \defineexternalfigure[width-6][factor=auto,maxwidth=\textheight,maxheight=\textwidth]
+% \defineexternalfigure[width-7][factor=auto,maxwidth=\textwidth,maxheight=\textheight]
+% \placefigure{none}{\rotate[frame=on,offset=overlay]{\externalfigure[t:/sources/cow.pdf][width-6]}} \page
+% \placefigure{none}{\framed[frame=on,offset=overlay]{\externalfigure[t:/sources/cow.pdf][width-7]}}
+ {\doifinsetelse{\scaleparameter\c!factor}{\v!max,\v!fit,\v!broad,\v!auto}
+ {\doapplyscaleboxsize
+ \ifdim\scaleboxsizex>\scaleboxsizey
+ \docalculatescaleboxnorm \scaleboxdimx\c!factor\c!maxwidth\hsize\scaleboxhsize
+ \docalculatescaleboxscales\scaleboxdimx\scaleboxsizex\scaleboxdimy\scaleboxsizey
+ \else
+ \docalculatescaleboxnorm \scaleboxdimy\c!factor\c!maxheight\scaleboxoutervsize\scaleboxvsize
+ \docalculatescaleboxscales\scaleboxdimy\scaleboxsizey\scaleboxdimx\scaleboxsizex
+ \fi
+ \donetrue}
+ {\doifinsetelse{\scaleparameter\c!hfactor}{\v!max,\v!fit,\v!broad,\v!auto}
+ {\doapplyscaleboxsize
+ \docalculatescaleboxnorm \scaleboxdimy\c!hfactor\c!maxheight\scaleboxoutervsize\scaleboxvsize
+ \docalculatescaleboxscales\scaleboxdimy\scaleboxsizey\scaleboxdimx\scaleboxsizex
+ \donetrue}
+ {\doifinsetelse{\scaleparameter\c!wfactor}{\v!max,\v!fit,\v!broad,\v!auto}
+ {\doapplyscaleboxsize
+ \docalculatescaleboxnorm \scaleboxdimx\c!wfactor\c!maxwidth\hsize\scaleboxhsize
+ \docalculatescaleboxscales\scaleboxdimx\scaleboxsizex\scaleboxdimy\scaleboxsizey
+ \donetrue}
+ {\docalculatescaleboxnorm\scaleboxdimy\c!factor \c!height \textheight\scaleboxvsize
+ \docalculatescaleboxnorm\scaleboxdimy\c!hfactor\c!height \textheight\scaleboxvsize
+ \docalculatescaleboxnorm\scaleboxdimx\c!wfactor\c!width \hsize \hsize
+ \donefalse}}}%
+ \ifdone
+ \settrue\scaleboxscalingdone
+ \ifdim\scaleboxdimx>\scaleboxhsize
+ \global\scaleboxdimy\zeropoint \global\scaleboxdimx\scaleboxhsize
+ \else\ifdim\scaleboxdimy>\scaleboxvsize
+ \global\scaleboxdimx\zeropoint \global\scaleboxdimy\scaleboxvsize
+ \fi\fi
+ \setscaleboxbydimension
+ \fi}
+ {\doifsomething{\scaleparameter\c!scale\scaleparameter\c!xscale\scaleparameter\c!yscale}
+ {\doapplyscaleboxscale\scaleboxdimx\scaleboxsizex\scaleboxscax\c!xscale
+ \doapplyscaleboxscale\scaleboxdimy\scaleboxsizey\scaleboxscay\c!yscale
+ \global\scaleboxdimx\zeropoint
+ \global\scaleboxdimy\zeropoint
+ \doifelsenothing{\scaleparameter\c!maxwidth}
+ {\doifsomething{\scaleparameter\c!maxheight}
+ {\ifdim\scaleboxsizey>\scaleparameter\c!maxheight\relax
+ \global\scaleboxdimy\scaleparameter\c!maxheight
+ \fi}}
+ {\ifdim\scaleboxsizex>\scaleparameter\c!maxwidth\relax
+ \global\scaleboxdimx\scaleparameter\c!maxwidth
+ \fi}}}
+ {\ifdim\scaleboxdimx>\zeropoint
+ \ifdim\scaleboxdimy>\zeropoint
+ \dosetdimensionscaleboxsize
+ {\docalculatescaleboxscale\scaleboxdimy\scaleboxsizey\scaleboxscay
+ \docalculatescaleboxscale\scaleboxdimx\scaleboxsizex\scaleboxscax}%
+ {\docalculatescaleboxscale\scaleboxdimy\scaleboxsizey\scaleboxscay
+ \docalculatescaleboxscale\scaleboxdimx\scaleboxsizex\scaleboxscax}%
+ {\docalculatescaleboxscale\scaleboxdimy\scaleboxsizey\scaleboxscay
+ \docalculatescaleboxscale\scaleboxdimx\scaleboxsizex\scaleboxscax}%
+ \else
+ \dosetdimensionscaleboxsize
+ {\docalculatescaleboxscales\scaleboxdimx\scaleboxsizex\scaleboxdimy\scaleboxsizey}%
+ {\docalculatescaleboxscales\scaleboxdimx\scaleboxsizex\scaleboxdimy\scaleboxsizey}%
+ {\docalculatescaleboxscales\scaleboxdimx\scaleboxsizex\scaleboxdimy\scaleboxsizey}%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \ifdim\scaleboxdimy>\zeropoint
+ \dosetdimensionscaleboxsize
+ {\docalculatescaleboxscales\scaleboxdimy\scaleboxsizey\scaleboxdimx\scaleboxsizex}%
+ {\docalculatescaleboxscales\scaleboxdimy\scaleboxsizey\scaleboxdimx\scaleboxsizex}%
+ {\docalculatescaleboxscales\scaleboxdimy\scaleboxsizey\scaleboxdimx\scaleboxsizex}%
+ \else
+ \dosetdimensionscaleboxsize
+ {\doapplyscaleboxscale\scaleboxdimx\scaleboxsizex\scaleboxscax\c!xscale
+ \doapplyscaleboxscale\scaleboxdimy\scaleboxsizey\scaleboxscay\c!yscale}%
+ {\docalculatescaleboxscales\scaleboxdimx\scaleboxsizex\scaleboxdimy\scaleboxsizey}%
+ {\docalculatescaleboxscales\scaleboxdimy\scaleboxsizey\scaleboxdimx\scaleboxsizex}%
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+ {#1\relax
+ \doifsomething{\scaleparameter\c!maxwidth}
+ {\ifdim\scaleboxdimx>\scaleparameter\c!maxwidth\relax
+ \global\scaleboxdimx\scaleparameter\c!maxwidth
+ #2\relax
+ \fi}%
+ \doifsomething{\scaleparameter\c!maxheight}
+ {\ifdim\scaleboxdimy>\scaleparameter\c!maxheight\relax
+ \global\scaleboxdimy\scaleparameter\c!maxheight
+ #3\relax
+ \fi}}
+\def\docalculatescaleboxnorm#1#2#3#4#5% 2 3 parameters (dodo:speedup)
+ {\processaction
+ [\scaleparameter#2]
+ [ \v!max=>\global#1\dimexpr#4\relax,
+ \v!fit=>\global#1\dimexpr#5\relax,
+ \v!broad=>\global#1\dimexpr#5-4\@@exbodyfont\relax,
+ \v!auto=>\doifsomething{\scaleparameter#3}{\global#1\dimexpr\scaleparameter#3\relax},
+ \s!default=>\doifsomething{\scaleparameter#3}{\global#1\dimexpr\scaleparameter#3\relax},
+ \s!unknown=>\global#1\dimexpr\scaleparameter#2\dimexpr\@@exbodyfont/10\relax\relax]}
+ {\scratchdimen\dimexpr#1/\dimexpr#2/\plusthousand\relax\relax
+ \scaleboxscax\scratchdimen
+ \scaleboxscay\scratchdimen
+ #3\dimexpr\scaleboxscax\dimexpr#4/\plusthousand\relax\relax}
+ {#3\dimexpr#1/\dimexpr#2/\plusthousand\relax\relax}
+\def\doapplyscaleboxscale#1#2#3#4% $4 = parameter / scale can be empty
+ {\ifcase0\scaleparameter#4\relax
+ \ifcase0\scaleparameter\c!scale\relax
+ #3=\plusthousand
+ \else
+ #3=\scaleparameter\c!scale
+ \fi
+ \else
+ #3=\scaleparameter#4%
+ \fi
+ \relax % important ! still ?
+ \global#1\ifnum#3=\plusthousand#2\else\dimexpr#3\dimexpr#2/\plusthousand\relax\relax\fi
+ \relax}
+ {\doifelsenothing{\scaleparameter\c!maxheight}
+ {\scaleboxoutervsize\textheight
+ \ifinner
+ \scaleboxoutervsize \vsize % \textheight =\vsize
+ \scratchdimen\vsize % \scratchdimen=\textheight
+ \else\ifinsidefloat
+ \scaleboxoutervsize \vsize % \textheight =\vsize
+ \scratchdimen\vsize % \scratchdimen=\textheight
+ \else\ifinpagebody
+ \scaleboxoutervsize \vsize % \textheight =\vsize
+ \scratchdimen\vsize % \scratchdimen=\textheight
+ \else % hm, there should be an option to force this
+ \ifdim\pagegoal<\maxdimen
+ \ifdim\pagetotal<\pagegoal
+ \scratchdimen\pagegoal
+ \advance\scratchdimen -\pagetotal
+ \else
+ \scratchdimen\scaleboxoutervsize % \textheight
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \scratchdimen\scaleboxoutervsize % \textheight
+ \fi
+ \fi\fi\fi}
+ {\scratchdimen\scaleparameter\c!maxheight
+ \scaleboxoutervsize\scratchdimen}%
+ \doifelsenothing{\scaleparameter\c!height}
+ {\scaleboxvsize\scratchdimen}
+ {\scaleboxvsize\scaleparameter\c!height}%
+ \doifelsenothing{\scaleparameter\c!width}
+ {\scaleboxhsize\hsize}
+ {\scaleboxhsize\scaleparameter\c!width}}
+ {\scratchdimen#1\relax
+ \ifnum#3=\plusthousand
+ % == scale 1
+ \else
+ % better 1000 100 10 ranges, evt round 2sp
+ \divide\scratchdimen \plusthousand
+ \multiply\scratchdimen #3\relax
+ \fi
+ \scratchdimen-\scratchdimen % beter hier - dan in driver
+ \edef#2{\the\scratchdimen}%
+ \scratchcounter#3\relax
+ \ifnum\scratchcounter>\plustenthousand
+ \divide\scratchcounter\!!ten \scratchdimen\the\scratchcounter\points
+ \else
+ \scratchdimen\the\scratchcounter\points \divide\scratchdimen\!!ten
+ \fi
+ \edef#4{\withoutpt\the\scratchdimen}}
+% \startcombination
+% {\externalfigure[cow.pdf] [frame=on,height=3cm,equalwidth=6cm]} {}
+% {\externalfigure[mill.png][frame=on,height=3cm,equalwidth=6cm]} {}
+% \stopcombination
+ {\doifsomething{\scaleparameter\c!equalwidth}
+ {\scratchdimen\scaleparameter\c!equalwidth\relax
+ \ifdim\wd\nextbox<\scratchdimen
+ \setbox\nextbox\hbox to \scratchdimen{\hss\box\nextbox\hss}%
+ \fi}%
+ \doifsomething{\scaleparameter\c!equalheight}
+ {\scratchdimen\scaleparameter\c!equalheight\relax
+ \ifdim\ht\nextbox<\scratchdimen
+ \setbox\nextbox\vbox to \scratchdimen{\vss\box\nextbox\vss}%
+ \fi}}
+%D \macros
+%D {clip, setupclipping}
+%D Although related to figures, clipping can be applied to
+%D arbitrary content. We can use \METAPOST\ to provide a non
+%D rectangular clipping path.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \startMPclip{fun}
+%D clip currentpicture to fullcircle
+%D shifted (.5,.5) xscaled \width yscaled \height ;
+%D \stopMPclip
+%D \stoptyping
+%D We get a rectangular piece of the figure when we say:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \clip[x=2,y=1]{\externalfigure[photo]}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D When we want to clip to the oval we defined a few lines ago,
+%D we say:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \clip[nx=1,ny=1,x=1,y=1,mp=fun]{\externalfigure[photo]}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The general characteristics of clipping can be set up with
+%D \showsetup{setupclipping}
+ {\dodoubleargument\getparameters[\??cp]}
+ {\dosingleempty\doclip}
+\def\doclip[#1]% nb top->bottom left->right
+ {\bgroup
+ \getparameters[\??cp][#1]%
+ \doifelse\@@cpstate\v!start\dodoclip{\egroup\hbox}}
+ {\dowithnextbox
+ {\ifdim\@@cpwidth>\zeropoint
+ \!!dimena\@@cpwidth
+ \!!dimenc\@@cphoffset
+ \else
+ \!!dimena\nextboxwd
+ \divide\!!dimena \@@cpnx
+ \!!dimenc\@@cpx\!!dimena
+ \advance\!!dimenc -\!!dimena
+ \!!dimena\@@cpsx\!!dimena
+ \fi
+ \relax % sure
+ \ifdim\@@cpheight>\zeropoint
+ \!!dimenb\@@cpheight
+ \!!dimend\nextboxht
+ \advance\!!dimend -\@@cpvoffset
+ \advance\!!dimend -\!!dimenb
+ \else
+ \!!dimenb\nextboxht
+ \divide\!!dimenb \@@cpny
+ \!!dimend-\@@cpy\!!dimenb
+ \advance\!!dimend -\@@cpsy\!!dimenb
+ \advance\!!dimend \!!dimenb
+ \!!dimenb\@@cpsy\!!dimenb
+ \advance\!!dimend \nextboxht % dimend !
+ \fi
+ \setbox\nextbox\hbox % old
+ {\advance\!!dimenc -\@@cpleftoffset % new !
+ \advance\!!dimend -\@@cpbottomoffset % new ! % - added
+ \hskip-\!!dimenc\lower\!!dimend\flushnextbox}% old
+ \nextboxwd\zeropoint
+ \nextboxht\zeropoint
+ \nextboxdp\zeropoint
+ \setbox\nextbox\hbox
+ {\advance\!!dimena \@@cpleftoffset % new !
+ \advance\!!dimena \@@cprightoffset % new !
+ \advance\!!dimenb \@@cpbottomoffset % new !
+ \advance\!!dimenb \@@cptopoffset % new !
+ \dostartclipping\@@cpmp\!!dimena\!!dimenb % old
+ \flushnextbox
+ \dostopclipping}%
+ \setbox\nextbox\hbox % new !
+ {\!!dimena-\@@cpleftoffset % new !
+ \!!dimenb \@@cpbottomoffset % new ! % - removed
+ \hskip\!!dimena\lower\!!dimenb\flushnextbox}% new !
+ \nextboxwd\!!dimena
+ \nextboxht\!!dimenb
+ \nextboxdp\zeropoint
+ \flushnextbox
+ \egroup}%
+ \hbox}
+ [\c!state=\v!start,
+ \c!n=1, % was 2
+ \c!nx=\@@cpn,\c!x=1,\c!sx=1,
+ \c!ny=\@@cpn,\c!y=1,\c!sy=1,
+ \c!width=\!!zeropoint,
+ \c!height=\!!zeropoint,
+ \c!hoffset=\!!zeropoint,
+ \c!voffset=\!!zeropoint,
+ \c!offset=\zeropoint,
+ \c!leftoffset=\@@cpoffset, % \zeropoint,
+ \c!rightoffset=\@@cpoffset, % \zeropoint,
+ \c!topoffset=\@@cpoffset, % \zeropoint,
+ \c!bottomoffset=\@@cpoffset,% \zeropoint,
+ \c!mp=]
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \startuseMPgraphic{test}
+%D path p ; p := fullcircle scaled 4cm ;
+%D draw p withpen pencircle scaled 1cm ;
+%D setbounds currentpicture to boundingbox p ;
+%D \stopuseMPgraphic
+%D \hbox to \hsize \bgroup
+%D \hss
+%D \ruledhbox{\useMPgraphic{test}}%
+%D \hss
+%D \ruledhbox{\clip{\useMPgraphic{test}}}%
+%D \hss
+%D \egroup
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer \getbuffer
+%D Mirroring.
+\def\domirrorbox % \hbox/\vbox/\vtop
+ {\bgroup
+ \dowithnextbox
+ {\dontshowcomposition
+ \scratchdimen\nextboxwd
+ % better use an hbox (if no \forgetall, leftskip etc may creep in)
+ %\setbox\nextbox\vbox{\forgetall\dostartmirroring\hskip-\nextboxwd\flushnextbox\dostopmirroring}%
+ \setbox\nextbox\hbox{\dostartmirroring\hskip-\nextboxwd\flushnextbox\dostopmirroring}%
+ \nextboxwd\scratchdimen
+ \flushnextbox
+ \egroup}}
+ {\domirrorbox\hbox}
+% \setbox0=\hbox{gans}
+% \ruledhbox{\copy0 \schaal[sx=2,sy=2]{\copy0}}
+% \mirror{\ruledhbox{\copy0 \schaal{\box0}}}
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/hand-def.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/hand-def.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ab0044a8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/hand-def.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,577 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=hand-def, % was enco-pro
+%D version=2000.29.09,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Handling Macros,
+%D subtitle=Default Protruding Factors,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D This is an experimental definition file. The protruding
+%D values we use here are those found from \THANH's thesis.
+\startfonthandling [pure]
+ \defineprotrudefactor , 0 1
+ \defineprotrudefactor . 0 1
+ \defineprotrudefactor : 0 1
+ \defineprotrudefactor ; 0 1
+ \defineprotrudefactor - 0 1
+ \defineprotrudefactor hyphen 0 1
+ \defineprotrudefactor endash 0 .5
+ \defineprotrudefactor emdash 0 .33 % .5
+\startfonthandling [punctuation]
+ \defineprotrudefactor ! 0 .2
+ \defineprotrudefactor ' 0 .7
+ \defineprotrudefactor ` .7 0
+ \defineprotrudefactor ( .05 0
+ \defineprotrudefactor ) 0 .05
+ \defineprotrudefactor [ .05 0
+ \defineprotrudefactor ] 0 .05
+ \defineprotrudefactor , 0 .7
+ \defineprotrudefactor - 0 .7
+ \defineprotrudefactor . 0 .7
+ \defineprotrudefactor : 0 .5
+ \defineprotrudefactor ; 0 .5
+ \defineprotrudefactor rightupperninequote 0 .5
+ \defineprotrudefactor leftupperninequote .5 0
+ \defineprotrudefactor endash 0 .3
+ \defineprotrudefactor emdash 0 .2
+ \defineprotrudefactor hyphen 0 .7
+\startfonthandling [alpha]
+ \defineprotrudefactor A .05 .05
+ \defineprotrudefactor F 0 .05
+ \defineprotrudefactor J .05 0
+ \defineprotrudefactor K 0 .05
+ \defineprotrudefactor L 0 .05
+ \defineprotrudefactor T .05 .05
+ \defineprotrudefactor V .05 .05
+ \defineprotrudefactor W .05 .05
+ \defineprotrudefactor X .05 .05
+ \defineprotrudefactor Y .05 .05
+ \defineprotrudefactor k 0 .05
+ \defineprotrudefactor r 0 .05
+ \defineprotrudefactor t 0 .05
+ \defineprotrudefactor v .05 .05
+ \defineprotrudefactor w .05 .05
+ \defineprotrudefactor x .05 .05
+ \defineprotrudefactor y .05 .05
+% ogoneks may need another treatment
+\startfonthandling [extended]
+ \inherithandling Acircumflex A
+ \inherithandling acircumflex a
+ \inherithandling Ccircumflex C
+ \inherithandling ccircumflex c
+ \inherithandling Ecircumflex E
+ \inherithandling ecircumflex e
+ \inherithandling Gcircumflex G
+ \inherithandling gcircumflex g
+ \inherithandling Hcircumflex H
+ \inherithandling hcircumflex h
+ \inherithandling Icircumflex I
+ \inherithandling icircumflex i
+ \inherithandling Jcircumflex J
+ \inherithandling jcircumflex j
+ \inherithandling Ocircumflex O
+ \inherithandling ocircumflex o
+ \inherithandling Scircumflex S
+ \inherithandling scircumflex s
+ \inherithandling Ucircumflex U
+ \inherithandling ucircumflex u
+ \inherithandling Wcircumflex W
+ \inherithandling wcircumflex w
+ \inherithandling Ycircumflex Y
+ \inherithandling ycircumflex y
+ \inherithandling Agrave A
+ \inherithandling agrave a
+ \inherithandling Egrave E
+ \inherithandling egrave e
+ \inherithandling Igrave I
+ \inherithandling igrave i
+ \inherithandling Ograve O
+ \inherithandling ograve o
+ \inherithandling Ugrave U
+ \inherithandling ugrave u
+ \inherithandling Ygrave Y
+ \inherithandling ygrave y
+ \inherithandling Atilde A
+ \inherithandling atilde a
+ \inherithandling Itilde I
+ \inherithandling itilde i
+ \inherithandling Ntilde N
+ \inherithandling ntilde n
+ \inherithandling Otilde O
+ \inherithandling otilde o
+ \inherithandling Utilde U
+ \inherithandling utilde u
+ \inherithandling Adiaeresis A
+ \inherithandling adiaeresis a
+ \inherithandling Ediaeresis E
+ \inherithandling ediaeresis e
+ \inherithandling Idiaeresis I
+ \inherithandling idiaeresis i
+ \inherithandling Odiaeresis O
+ \inherithandling odiaeresis o
+ \inherithandling Udiaeresis U
+ \inherithandling udiaeresis u
+ \inherithandling Ydiaeresis Y
+ \inherithandling ydiaeresis y
+ \inherithandling Aacute A
+ \inherithandling aacute a
+ \inherithandling Cacute C
+ \inherithandling cacute c
+ \inherithandling Eacute E
+ \inherithandling eacute e
+ \inherithandling Iacute I
+ \inherithandling iacute i
+ \inherithandling Lacute L
+ \inherithandling lacute l
+ \inherithandling Nacute N
+ \inherithandling nacute n
+ \inherithandling Oacute O
+ \inherithandling oacute o
+ \inherithandling Racute R
+ \inherithandling racute r
+ \inherithandling Sacute s
+ \inherithandling sacute s
+ \inherithandling Uacute U
+ \inherithandling uacute u
+ \inherithandling Yacute Y
+ \inherithandling yacute y
+ \inherithandling Zacute Z
+ \inherithandling zacute z
+ \inherithandling Dstroke D
+ \inherithandling dstroke d
+ \inherithandling Hstroke H
+ \inherithandling hstroke h
+ \inherithandling Tstroke T
+ \inherithandling tstroke t
+ \inherithandling Cdotaccent C
+ \inherithandling cdotaccent c
+ \inherithandling Edotaccent E
+ \inherithandling edotaccent e
+ \inherithandling Gdotaccent G
+ \inherithandling gdotaccent g
+ \inherithandling Idotaccent I
+ \inherithandling idotaccent i
+ \inherithandling Zdotaccent Z
+ \inherithandling zdotaccent z
+ \inherithandling Amacron A
+ \inherithandling amacron a
+ \inherithandling Emacron E
+ \inherithandling emacron e
+ \inherithandling Imacron I
+ \inherithandling imacron i
+ \inherithandling Omacron O
+ \inherithandling omacron o
+ \inherithandling Umacron U
+ \inherithandling umacron u
+ \inherithandling Ccedilla C
+ \inherithandling ccedilla c
+ \inherithandling Kcedilla K
+ \inherithandling kcedilla k
+ \inherithandling Lcedilla L
+ \inherithandling lcedilla l
+ \inherithandling Ncedilla N
+ \inherithandling ncedilla n
+ \inherithandling Rcedilla R
+ \inherithandling rcedilla r
+ \inherithandling Scedilla S
+ \inherithandling scedilla s
+ \inherithandling Tcedilla T
+ \inherithandling tcedilla t
+ \inherithandling Ohungarumlaut O
+ \inherithandling ohungarumlaut o
+ \inherithandling Uhungarumlaut U
+ \inherithandling uhungarumlaut u
+ \inherithandling Aogonek A
+ \inherithandling aogonek a
+ \inherithandling Eogonek E
+ \inherithandling eogonek e
+ \inherithandling Iogonek I
+ \inherithandling iogonek i
+ \inherithandling Uogonek U
+ \inherithandling uogonek u
+ \inherithandling Aring A
+ \inherithandling aring a
+ \inherithandling Uring U
+ \inherithandling uring u
+ \inherithandling Abreve A
+ \inherithandling abreve a
+ \inherithandling Ebreve E
+ \inherithandling ebreve e
+ \inherithandling Gbreve G
+ \inherithandling gbreve g
+ \inherithandling Ibreve I
+ \inherithandling ibreve i
+ \inherithandling Obreve O
+ \inherithandling obreve o
+ \inherithandling Ubreve U
+ \inherithandling ubreve u
+ \inherithandling Ccaron C
+ \inherithandling ccaron c
+ \inherithandling Dcaron D
+ \inherithandling dcaron d
+ \inherithandling Ecaron E
+ \inherithandling ecaron e
+ \inherithandling Lcaron L
+ \inherithandling lcaron l
+ \inherithandling Ncaron N
+ \inherithandling ncaron n
+ \inherithandling Rcaron R
+ \inherithandling rcaron r
+ \inherithandling Scaron S
+ \inherithandling scaron s
+ \inherithandling Tcaron T
+ \inherithandling tcaron t
+ \inherithandling Ycaron Y
+ \inherithandling ycaron y
+ \inherithandling Zcaron Z
+ \inherithandling zcaron z
+ \inherithandling AEligature E
+ \inherithandling aeligature e
+ \inherithandling Lstroke I
+ \inherithandling lstroke o
+ \inherithandling Ostroke O
+ \inherithandling ostroke o
+ \inherithandling OEligature O
+ \inherithandling oeligature o
+ \inherithandling Ssharp S
+ \inherithandling ssharp s
+ \inherithandling IJligature J
+ \inherithandling ijligature j
+ \inherithandling aumlaut a
+ \inherithandling eumlaut e
+ \inherithandling iumlaut i
+ \inherithandling oumlaut o
+ \inherithandling uumlaut u
+ \inherithandling Aumlaut A
+ \inherithandling Eumlaut E
+ \inherithandling Iumlaut I
+ \inherithandling Oumlaut O
+ \inherithandling Uumlaut U
+ \inherithandling Lslash L
+ \inherithandling lslash l
+ \inherithandling Dslash D
+ \inherithandling dslash d
+ \inherithandling Oslash O
+ \inherithandling oslash o
+ \inherithandling Eszett S
+ \inherithandling eszett s
+ \inherithandling Thorn P
+ \inherithandling thorn p
+ % vietnamese
+ \inherithandling Ahook A
+ \inherithandling ahook a
+ \inherithandling Ehook E
+ \inherithandling ehook e
+ \inherithandling Ihook I
+ \inherithandling ihook i
+ \inherithandling Ohook O
+ \inherithandling ohook o
+ \inherithandling Uhook U
+ \inherithandling uhook u
+ \inherithandling Yhook Y
+ \inherithandling yhook y
+ \inherithandling Acircumflexgrave A
+ \inherithandling Acircumflexacute A
+ \inherithandling Acircumflextilde A
+ \inherithandling Acircumflexhook A
+ \inherithandling acircumflexgrave a
+ \inherithandling acircumflexacute a
+ \inherithandling acircumflextilde a
+ \inherithandling acircumflexhook a
+ \inherithandling Ecircumflexgrave E
+ \inherithandling Ecircumflexacute E
+ \inherithandling Ecircumflextilde E
+ \inherithandling Ecircumflexhook E
+ \inherithandling ecircumflexgrave e
+ \inherithandling ecircumflexacute e
+ \inherithandling ecircumflextilde e
+ \inherithandling ecircumflexhook e
+ \inherithandling Ocircumflexgrave O
+ \inherithandling Ocircumflexacute O
+ \inherithandling Ocircumflextilde O
+ \inherithandling Ocircumflexhook O
+ \inherithandling ocircumflexgrave o
+ \inherithandling ocircumflexacute o
+ \inherithandling ocircumflextilde o
+ \inherithandling ocircumflexhook o
+ \inherithandling Abrevegrave A
+ \inherithandling Abreveacute A
+ \inherithandling Abrevetilde A
+ \inherithandling Abrevehook A
+ \inherithandling abrevegrave a
+ \inherithandling abreveacute a
+ \inherithandling abrevetilde a
+ \inherithandling abrevehook a
+ \inherithandling Adotbelow A
+ \inherithandling adotbelow a
+ \inherithandling Edotbelow E
+ \inherithandling edotbelow e
+ \inherithandling Idotbelow I
+ \inherithandling idotbelow i
+ \inherithandling Odotbelow O
+ \inherithandling odotbelow o
+ \inherithandling Udotbelow U
+ \inherithandling udotbelow u
+ \inherithandling Ydotbelow Y
+ \inherithandling ydotbelow y
+ \inherithandling Ohorndotbelow O
+ \inherithandling ohorndotbelow o
+ \inherithandling Uhorndotbelow U
+ \inherithandling uhorndotbelow u
+ \inherithandling Acircumflexdotbelow A
+ \inherithandling acircumflexdotbelow a
+ \inherithandling Ecircumflexdotbelow E
+ \inherithandling ecircumflexdotbelow e
+ \inherithandling Ocircumflexdotbelow O
+ \inherithandling ocircumflexdotbelow o
+ \inherithandling Abrevedotbelow A
+ \inherithandling abrevedotbelow a
+ \inherithandling Ohorn O
+ \inherithandling Ohorngrave O
+ \inherithandling Ohornacute O
+ \inherithandling Ohorntilde O
+ \inherithandling Ohornhook O
+ \inherithandling ohorn o
+ \inherithandling ohorngrave o
+ \inherithandling ohornacute o
+ \inherithandling ohorntilde o
+ \inherithandling ohornhook o
+ \inherithandling Uhorn U
+ \inherithandling Uhorngrave U
+ \inherithandling Uhornacute U
+ \inherithandling Uhorntilde U
+ \inherithandling Uhornhook U
+ \inherithandling uhorn u
+ \inherithandling uhorngrave u
+ \inherithandling uhornacute u
+ \inherithandling uhorntilde u
+ \inherithandling uhornhook u
+ \inherithandling Ytilde Y
+ \inherithandling ytilde y
+ \inherithandling Etilde E
+ \inherithandling etilde e
+\startfonthandling [hz]
+ \defineadjustfactor A .5
+ \defineadjustfactor B .7
+ \defineadjustfactor C .7
+ \defineadjustfactor D .5
+ \defineadjustfactor E .7
+ \defineadjustfactor F .7
+ \defineadjustfactor G .5
+ \defineadjustfactor H .7
+ \defineadjustfactor K .7
+ \defineadjustfactor M .7
+ \defineadjustfactor N .7
+ \defineadjustfactor O .5
+ \defineadjustfactor P .7
+ \defineadjustfactor Q .5
+ \defineadjustfactor R .7
+ \defineadjustfactor S .7
+ \defineadjustfactor U .7
+ \defineadjustfactor W .7
+ \defineadjustfactor Z .7
+ \defineadjustfactor a .7
+ \defineadjustfactor b .7
+ \defineadjustfactor c .7
+ \defineadjustfactor d .7
+ \defineadjustfactor e .7
+ \defineadjustfactor g .7
+ \defineadjustfactor h .7
+ \defineadjustfactor k .7
+ \defineadjustfactor m .7
+ \defineadjustfactor n .7
+ \defineadjustfactor o .7
+ \defineadjustfactor p .7
+ \defineadjustfactor q .7
+ \defineadjustfactor s .7
+ \defineadjustfactor u .7
+ \defineadjustfactor w .7
+ \defineadjustfactor z .7
+ \defineadjustfactor 2 .7
+ \defineadjustfactor 3 .7
+ \defineadjustfactor 6 .7
+ \defineadjustfactor 8 .7
+ \defineadjustfactor 9 .7
+% \defineadjustfactor hyphen ?
+% \defineadjustfactor endash ?
+% \defineadjustfactor emdash ?
+% no ligs other than fi fl etc, no --- and ''
+ \settagcode - {\notagcode}
+ \settagcode ' {\notagcode}
+ \settagcode ` {\notagcode}
+ \settagcode ? {\notagcode}
+ \settagcode ! {\notagcode}
+% \startfonthandling[noligs]
+% \dostepwiserecurse{0}{255}{1}{\expanded{\settagcode \recurselevel\space\notagcode\space}}
+% \stopfonthandling
+% \definefonthandling [noligs] [noligs] [type=tag]
+ % \setupfontsynonym[Serif][handling=noligs]
+% \definefont[test][Serif at 12.34pt]
+% {``fi--ffl---ffi'' \test ``fi--ffl---ffi''}
+% beware: extended extends the preceding vector (both protruding and
+% adjusting) but as long as the normal ascii characters are not set
+% beforehand, they default to normal
+% protruding variants -- slanted/italic is yet incomplete
+\definefonthandling [pure] [pure] [\c!type=\v!hanging]
+\definefonthandling [purebold] [pure] [\c!type=\v!hanging]
+\definefonthandling [pureslanted] [pure] [\c!type=\v!hanging,\c!right=1.5]
+\definefonthandling [pureitalic] [pure] [\c!type=\v!hanging,\c!right=1.5]
+\definefonthandling [pureboldslanted] [pure] [\c!type=\v!hanging,\c!right=1.5]
+\definefonthandling [purebolditalic] [pure] [\c!type=\v!hanging,\c!right=1.5]
+\definefonthandling [normal] [punctuation,alpha,extended] [\c!type=\v!hanging]
+\definefonthandling [normalbold] [punctuation,alpha,extended] [\c!type=\v!hanging]
+\definefonthandling [normalslanted] [punctuation,alpha,extended] [\c!type=\v!hanging,\c!right=1.5]
+\definefonthandling [normalitalic] [punctuation,alpha,extended] [\c!type=\v!hanging,\c!right=1.5]
+\definefonthandling [normalboldslanted] [punctuation,alpha,extended] [\c!type=\v!hanging,\c!right=1.5]
+\definefonthandling [normalbolditalic] [punctuation,alpha,extended] [\c!type=\v!hanging,\c!right=1.5]
+% for old times sake
+\definefonthandling [bold] [punctuation,alpha,extended] [\c!type=\v!hanging]
+\definefonthandling [slanted] [punctuation,alpha,extended] [\c!type=\v!hanging,\c!right=1.5]
+\definefonthandling [italic] [punctuation,alpha,extended] [\c!type=\v!hanging,\c!right=1.5]
+\definefonthandling [boldslanted] [punctuation,alpha,extended] [\c!type=\v!hanging,\c!right=1.5]
+\definefonthandling [bolditalic] [punctuation,alpha,extended] [\c!type=\v!hanging,\c!right=1.5]
+% hz variants
+\definefonthandling [hz] [hz,extended] [\c!type=\v!hz] % min=20 max=20 step=5
+% combined variants
+\definefonthandling [quality] [hz,pure]
+\definefonthandling [highquality] [hz,normal]
+% noligs (xml) : \definefonthandling [default] [noligs]
+\definefonthandling [noligs] [noligs] [\c!type=tag]
+% experimental values !
+% \definefontsynonym[myfont][Serif][handling=prespacing]
+% \definefont[whatever][myfont sa 1]
+% \setupalign[spacing]
+% \whatever look at this: we now have a proper spacing feature and, hurray,
+% get rid of active punctuation!
+\startfonthandling [flexspacing]
+ \definespacefactor : 0 1.25 .25 .25
+ \definespacefactor , 0 1 .25 .25
+ \inheritspacefactor ; ,
+ \definespacefactor . 0 1.5 .25 .25
+ \inheritspacefactor ! .
+ \inheritspacefactor ? .
+\startfonthandling [prespacing] % better name needed
+ \definespacefactor : .25 .25 0 0
+ \inheritspacefactor ; :
+ \inheritspacefactor ! :
+ \inheritspacefactor ? :
+\definefonthandling[prespacing][prespacing][\c!type=\v!spacing] % factor=.5
+% A special case of guillemots, beware: when used ungrouped,
+% it overloads all successive (current) encoding vector
+% instances! Will be obsolete soon.
+\startfonthandling [glm]
+ \overloadcharacter guilsingleleft {\defaultcharacter\guilsingleleft }
+ \overloadcharacter guilsingleright {\defaultcharacter\guilsingleright}
+ \overloadcharacter leftguillemot {\defaultcharacter\leftguillemot }
+ \overloadcharacter rightguillemot {\defaultcharacter\rightguillemot }
+\definefonthandling [glm] [glm]
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/hand-ini.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/hand-ini.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1d41c3ada
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/hand-ini.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,483 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=hand-ini, % moved from enco-ini / pro
+%D version=2000.12.27, % 1998.12.03,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Handling Macros,
+%D subtitle=Initialization,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D {\em This module is experimental and implements font
+%D specific features, like hanging punctuation.}
+\newif\iftracefonthandling % \tracefonthandlingtrue
+\newif\ifskiphandlingdef \skiphandlingdeffalse
+% much in common with hz/protruding defs
+% todo: fix others
+\def\dosetsomehandling#1#2#3 #4 % no define since directly set
+ {\ifskiphandlingdef \else
+ \doifnumberelse{\string#2}
+ {#1{#2#3}{#4}}
+ {\doifelsenothing{#3}
+ {#1{`#2}{#4}}
+ {\let\char\empty
+ \doifnumberelse{\csname#2#3\endcsname}{#1{\csname#2#3\endcsname}{#4}}\donothing
+ \let\char\normalchar}}%
+ \fi}
+\def\dosetpairhandling#1#2#3 #4 #5 % no define since directly set
+ {\ifskiphandlingdef \else
+ \doifnumberelse{\string#2}
+ {#1{#2#3}{#4}{#5}}
+ {\doifelsenothing{#3}
+ {#1{`#2}{#4}{#5}}
+ {\let\char\empty
+ \doifnumberelse{\csname#2#3\endcsname}{#1{\csname#2#3\endcsname}{#4}{#5}}\donothing
+ \let\char\normalchar}}%
+ \fi}
+\def\dosetquartethandling#1#2#3 #4 #5 #6 #7 % no define since directly set
+ {\ifskiphandlingdef \else
+ \doifnumberelse{\string#2}
+ {#1{#2#3}{#4}{#5}{#6}{#7}}
+ {\doifelsenothing{#3}
+ {#1{`#2}{#4}{#5}{#6}{#7}}
+ {\let\char\empty
+ \doifnumberelse{\csname#2#3\endcsname}{#1{\csname#2#3\endcsname}{#4}{#5}{#6}{#7}}\donothing
+ \let\char\normalchar}}%
+ \fi}
+\def\doinhsomehandling#1#2#3 #4 % to be checked
+ {\ifskiphandlingdef \else
+ \if#3\relax\relax
+ #1{`#2}{`#4}%
+ \else
+ \let\char\empty
+ \doifnumberelse{\csname#2#3\endcsname}{#1{\csname#2#3\endcsname}{`#4}}\donothing
+ \let\char\normalchar
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+% adjustspacing
+\newdimen\adjustdimen \let\handledfont\font
+\ifx\undefined\pdfadjustspacing % we don't use pdftex
+ \let\enableadjusting \relax
+ \let\disableadjusting \relax
+ \let\setadjusting \gobbletwoarguments
+ \def\defineadjustfactor #1 #2 {}
+ \def\inheritadjustfactor #1 #2 {}
+ \let\setfontadjusting \gobbleoneargument
+ \def\enableadjusting {\pdfadjustspacing\plustwo}
+ \def\disableadjusting {\pdfadjustspacing\zerocount}
+ \appendtoks \disableadjusting \to \everyforgetall % Here or not here?
+ \def\dododefineadjustfactor#1#2%
+ {\efcode\handledfont#1\dimexpr#2\onepoint*\plusthousand/\maxcard\relax}
+ \def\dodoinheritadjustfactor#1#2%
+ {\efcode\handledfont#1\efcode\handledfont#2\relax}
+ \def\defineadjustfactor#1 #2 %
+ {\setfonttoks
+ \let\inherithandling\inheritadjustfactor
+ \appendtoks\dosetsomehandling\dododefineadjustfactor#1 #2 \to\fonttoks}
+ \def\inheritadjustfactor#1 #2 %
+ {\setfonttoks
+ \appendtoks\doinhsomehandling\dodoinheritadjustfactor#1 #2 \to\fonttoks}
+ \ifnum\pdftexversion<120
+ \let\@@pdfexpandbonus\plusthousand
+ \else
+ \def\@@pdfexpandbonus{autoexpand}%
+ \fi
+ \def\setfontadjusting#1%
+ {\doifvalue{\@fha@\@fha@#1\c!type}\v!hz{\dosetfontadjusting{#1}}}
+ \def\dosetfontadjusting#1%
+ {\iftracefonthandling\showfontadjusting{#1}\fi
+ \pdffontexpand\handledfont
+ \csname\@fha@\@fha@#1\c!max \endcsname\space
+ \csname\@fha@\@fha@#1\c!min \endcsname\space
+ \csname\@fha@\@fha@#1\c!step\endcsname\space
+ \@@pdfexpandbonus\relax}
+ \def\showfontadjusting#1%
+ {\writestatus\m!handlings{[adjust]\space#1\space
+ \csname\@fha@\@fha@#1\c!max \endcsname/%
+ \csname\@fha@\@fha@#1\c!min \endcsname/%
+ \csname\@fha@\@fha@#1\c!step\endcsname\space
+ \fontname\handledfont}}
+\ifx\setfontadjusting\gobbleoneargument \else
+ \appendtoks
+ \setfontadjusting\askedfonthandling
+ \to \everyenablefonthandling
+% protruding
+\newif\ifembasedprotruding \embasedprotrudingfalse
+\newdimen\lproddimen \newdimen\rproddimen \let\handledfont\font
+\ifx\undefined\pdfprotrudechars % we don't use pdftex
+ \let\enableprotruding \relax
+ \let\disableprotruding \relax
+ \let\setprotrudingfactor \gobbleoneargument
+ \def\defineprotrudefactor #1 #2 #3 {}
+ \def\inheritprotrudefactor #1 #2 {}
+ \def\enableprotruding {\pdfprotrudechars\plustwo}
+ \def\disableprotruding{\pdfprotrudechars\zerocount}
+ \appendtoks \disableprotruding \to \everyforgetall % Here or not here?
+ \lproddimen1000\onepoint \divide\lproddimen\maxcard
+ \rproddimen1000\onepoint \divide\rproddimen\maxcard
+ \def\setprotrudingfactor#1%
+ {\doifvalue{\@fha@\@fha@#1\c!type}\v!hanging{\dosetprotrudingfactor{#1}}}
+ \def\dosetprotrudingfactor#1% no \onepoint instead of pt
+ {\lproddimen\dimexpr\csname\@fha@\@fha@#1\c!left \endcsname\onepoint*\plusthousand/\maxcard\relax
+ \rproddimen\dimexpr\csname\@fha@\@fha@#1\c!right\endcsname\onepoint*\plusthousand/\maxcard\relax
+ \iftracefonthandling\showprotrudingfactor{#1}\fi}
+ \def\showprotrudingfactor#1%
+ {\writestatus\m!handlings{[protrude]\space#1\space
+ \csname\@fha@\@fha@#1\c!left \endcsname\space
+ \csname\@fha@\@fha@#1\c!right\endcsname\space
+ \fontname\handledfont}}
+ % division before multiplication, else overflow with "sa>5"
+ \newdimen\protrudethreshold \protrudethreshold=36pt
+ \def\dododefineprotrudefactor#1#2#3%
+ {\lpcode\handledfont#1\dimexpr#2\lproddimen
+ \ifembasedprotruding \else
+ \ifdim\emwidth>\protrudethreshold
+ /\emwidth*\fontcharwd\handledfont#1%
+ \else
+ *\fontcharwd\handledfont#1/\emwidth
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \relax
+ \rpcode\handledfont#1\dimexpr#3\rproddimen
+ \ifembasedprotruding \else
+ \ifdim\emwidth>\protrudethreshold
+ /\emwidth*\fontcharwd\handledfont#1%
+ \else
+ *\fontcharwd\handledfont#1/\emwidth
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \relax}
+ \def\dodoinheritprotrudefactor#1#2%
+ {\lpcode\handledfont#1\lpcode\handledfont#2\relax
+ \rpcode\handledfont#1\rpcode\handledfont#2\relax}
+ \def\defineprotrudefactor#1 #2 #3 %
+ {\setfonttoks
+ \let\inherithandling\inheritprotrudefactor
+ \appendtoks\dosetpairhandling\dododefineprotrudefactor#1 #2 #3 \to\fonttoks}
+ \def\inheritprotrudefactor#1 #2 %
+ {\setfonttoks
+ \appendtoks\doinhsomehandling\dodoinheritprotrudefactor#1 #2 \to\fonttoks}
+\ifx\setprotrudingfactor\gobbleoneargument \else
+ \appendtoks
+ \setprotrudingfactor\askedfonthandling
+ \to \everyenablefonthandling
+% Basic support for a new pdftex feature: space factors
+% \knbccode -- kern before char code
+% \knbscode -- kern before space code
+% \stbscode -- stretch before space code
+% \shbscode -- shrink before space code
+% Setting \knsbcode\font`\.=200 means that if a period sits before
+% a interword space (glue), then the interword glue will be increased
+% by an amount of 1em*200/1000, i.e. the value is given in thousandths
+% of an em. (HTT)
+\ifx\undefined\pdfadjustinterwordglue % we don't use pdftex
+ \let\enablespacehandling \relax
+ \let\disablespacehandling \relax
+ \let\enablekernhandling \relax
+ \let\disablekernhandling \relax
+ \let\setspacehandling \gobbleoneargument
+ \def\definespacefactor #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 {}
+ \def\inheritspacefactor #1 #2 {}
+ \def\enablespacehandling {\pdfadjustinterwordglue\plusone }
+ \def\disablespacehandling{\pdfadjustinterwordglue\minusone}
+ \def\enablekernhandling {\pdfprependkern \plusone }
+ \def\disablekernhandling {\pdfprependkern \minusone}
+ \appendtoks \disablespacehandling \to \everyforgetall % Here or not here?
+ \def\dosetspacehandling#1%
+ {\spfacdimen\csname\@fha@\@fha@#1\c!factor\endcsname\s!pt
+ \multiply\spfacdimen\plusthousand\divide\spfacdimen\maxcard\relax}
+ \def\setspacehandling#1%
+ {\doifvalue{\@fha@\@fha@#1\c!type}\v!spacing{\dosetspacehandling{#1}}}
+ \def\dododefinespacefactor#1#2#3#4#5%
+ {\sfcode#1\plusthousand
+ \knbccode\handledfont#1\dimexpr#2\spfacdimen\relax
+ \knbscode\handledfont#1\dimexpr#3\spfacdimen\relax
+ \stbscode\handledfont#1\dimexpr#4\spfacdimen\relax
+ \shbscode\handledfont#1\dimexpr#5\spfacdimen\relax}
+ \def\dodoinheritspacefactor#1#2%
+ {\sfcode#1\plusthousand
+ \knbccode\handledfont#1\knbccode\handledfont#2\relax
+ \knbscode\handledfont#1\knbscode\handledfont#2\relax
+ \stbscode\handledfont#1\stbscode\handledfont#2\relax
+ \shbscode\handledfont#1\shbscode\handledfont#2\relax}
+ \def\definespacefactor#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 %
+ {\setfonttoks
+ \let\inherithandling\inheritspacefactor
+ \appendtoks\dosetquartethandling\dododefinespacefactor#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 \to\fonttoks}
+ \def\inheritspacefactor#1 #2 %
+ {\setfonttoks
+ \appendtoks\doinhsomehandling\dodoinheritspacefactor#1 #2 \to\fonttoks}
+\ifx\setspacehandling\gobbleoneargument \else
+ \appendtoks
+ \setspacehandling\askedfonthandling
+ \to \everyenablefonthandling
+% font attributes
+ \def\settagcode #1 #2 {}
+ \def\dodosettagcode#1#2%
+ {\tagcode\handledfont#1 #2\relax}
+ \def\settagcode#1 #2 %
+ {\setfonttoks
+ \appendtoks\dosetsomehandling\dodosettagcode#1 #2 \to\fonttoks}
+% hook into font mechanism
+ {\def\fonthandling{#1}%
+ \ifcsname\@fha@\fonthandling\endcsname\else
+ \expandafter\newtoks\csname\@fha@\fonthandling\endcsname
+ \fi
+ \setfonttoks}
+ {\let\fonthandling\empty}
+ {\@EA\let\@EA\fonttoks\csname\@fha@\fonthandling\endcsname}
+ {\dotripleempty\dodefinefonthandling}
+ {\ifthirdargument
+ \setvalue{\@fha@\@fha@#1}{#2}%
+ \getparameters
+ [\@fha@\@fha@#1]
+ [\c!type=\v!hanging,%
+ \c!left=1,\c!right=1,%
+ \c!min=20,\c!max=20,\c!step=5,%
+ \c!factor=1,%
+ #3]%
+ \else
+ \setvalue{\@fha@\@fha@\@fha@#1}{#2}%
+ \fi}
+ {\dodoubleempty\dosetupfonthandling}
+ {\getparameters[\@fha@\@fha@#1][#2]}
+ {\dodoubleempty\doenablehandling}
+\def\doenablehandling[#1][#2]% handling / symbolic fontname
+ {\fastenablehandling{#1}{#2}} % for the moment the same as:
+\def\fastenablehandling#1#2% also gets #2 passed
+ {\edef\askedfonthandling{#1}%
+ \edef\filoffonthandling{#2}%
+ \ifcsname\@fha@\@fha@\@fha@\askedfonthandling\endcsname
+ \@EA\redofastenablehandling
+ \else\ifcsname\@fha@\@fha@\askedfonthandling\endcsname
+ \@EAEAEA\dofastenablehandling
+ \else
+ \@EAEAEA\nofastenablehandling
+ \fi\fi}
+ {\edef\askedfonthandling{#1}%
+ \ifcsname\@fha@\@fha@\askedfonthandling\endcsname
+ \@EA\dofastenablehandling
+ \else
+ \@EA\nofastenablehandling
+ \fi}
+ {\startdirectcharacters
+ \edef\fonthandling{\csname\@fha@\@fha@\@fha@\askedfonthandling\endcsname}%
+ \rawprocesscommacommand[\fonthandling]\xfastenablehandling
+ \stopdirectcharacters}
+ {\startdirectcharacters
+ \the\everyenablefonthandling
+ \edef\fonthandling{\csname\@fha@\@fha@\askedfonthandling\endcsname}%
+ \checkfonthandling\filoffonthandling
+ \rawprocesscommacommand[\fonthandling]\dodoenablehandling
+ \registerfonthandling\filoffonthandling
+ \stopdirectcharacters}
+ {\the\everyenablefonthandling
+ \let\fonthandling\askedfonthandling
+ \dodoenablehandling\fonthandling}
+ {\ifcsname\@fha@#1\endcsname
+ \the\csname\@fha@#1\endcsname
+ \fi}
+%D We must not use \type {\purefontname} here (was a bug)!
+% not robust as long as tex reuses definitions internally
+% \def\checkfonthandling#1% we need a fast compare
+% {\doifelsevalue{#1\s!handling\c!file}{\fontname\font}
+% \skiphandlingdeftrue\skiphandlingdeffalse}
+% \def\registerfonthandling#1%
+% {\@EA\xdef\csname#1\s!handling\c!file\endcsname{\fontname\font}}
+\def\checkfonthandling #1{\skiphandlingdeffalse}
+\let\registerfonthandling \gobbleoneargument
+%D This one makes live easier (less definitions):
+\def\inherithandling #1 #2 %
+ {\inheritprotrudefactor #1 #2 %
+ \inheritadjustfactor #1 #2 }
+%D \macros
+%D {usehandling}
+%D Handling definitions are collected in dedicated files and
+%D loaded only once:
+%D % \showsetup{usehandling}
+\def\dousehandling#1% is the same as encoding
+ {\doifundefined{\c!file\f!handlingprefix#1}%
+ {\letvalueempty{\c!file\f!handlingprefix#1}%
+ \makeshortfilename[\truefilename{\f!handlingprefix#1}]%
+ \startreadingfile
+ \readsysfile{\shortfilename.mkii}
+ {\showmessage\m!handlings2{#1}}
+ {\showmessage\m!handlings3{#1}}%
+ \stopreadingfile}}
+ {\processcommalist[#1]\dousehandling}
+%D New:
+\def\overloadcharacter#1 #2 %
+ {\setfonttoks
+ \doifnumberelse{\string#2}
+ {\appendtoks\dooverloadcharacter{#1}{\char#2 }\to\fonttoks}
+ {\appendtoks\dooverloadcharacter{#1}{#2}\to\fonttoks}}
+ {\setvalue{\characterencoding\string#1}}
+%D Let's now see if this macro works:
+% \setupfonthandling
+% [\s!default]
+% [\c!links=1,\c!rechts=1,\c!min=20,\c!max=20,\c!stap=5]
+% Beware of fonttoks:
+% \startfonthandling[morespacing]
+% \appendtoks
+% \fontdimen2\handledfont=.50em
+% \fontdimen3\handledfont=.25em
+% \fontdimen4\handledfont=.25em
+% \to \fonttoks
+% \stopfonthandling
+% \definefonthandling [morespacing] [morespacing]
+% \definefontsynonym[xtexnansi-lmr7][texnansi-lmr7][handling=morespacing]
+% \definefont[crap][texnansi-lmr7]
+% \crap \the\fontdimen2\font, \the\fontdimen3\font, \the\fontdimen4\font
+\usehandling [def]
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/java-ans.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/java-ans.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7e310baa4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/java-ans.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=java-ans,
+%D version=1998.06.01,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ JavaScript Macros,
+%D subtitle=Answer Analization,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\startJSpreamble{Do_Check_Answer} used later
+ function Do_Check_Answer (field, value)
+ { if (event.value.toLowerCase()==value.toLowerCase())
+ { = true }
+ % { = display.hidden }
+ return("\040") } // funny, "" does not work
+\startJScode{Check_Answer} uses {Do_Check_Answer}
+ event.value = Do_Check_Answer(JS_S_1, JS_S_2) ;
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/java-exa.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/java-exa.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..584ee1351
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/java-exa.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,395 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=java-exa,
+%D version=2002.??.??,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ JavaScript Macros,
+%D subtitle=Example Support,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+% XFDF versus HTML
+% localhost versus remote versus set
+% filename | filename-nr => name
+% fakename | fakename-nr => file upload, unless localhost
+% we erase the list because otherwise we end up in browser remembering
+% problems; also, it is not possible to set upload fields 'manually'
+\startJSpreamble request_1 used now
+ var example_method = "HTML" ;
+ var example_host = "" ;
+ var example_port = "" ;
+ var example_url = "" ;
+ var example_file = "" ;
+ var example_log = true ; % false
+ function stripped_exa_value( name ) {
+ f = this.getField(name) ;
+ if (f) {
+ str = f.value ;
+ if (str.indexOf(name+'-')==0) {
+ str = str.substr(name.length+1) ;
+ }
+ return str ;
+ } else {
+ return "" ;
+ }
+ }
+ function identify_example_url ( ) {
+ if (example_log) {
+ console.clear ;
+ console.println("base url: "+this.baseURL) ;
+ console.println("this url: "+this.URL) ;
+ }
+ if (this.baseURL != "") {
+ example_url = this.baseURL ;
+ } else {
+ if (this.URL != "") {
+ example_url = this.URL
+ }
+ }
+ if (example_url.indexOf("file://")>=0) {
+ example_url = "" ;
+ }
+ str = stripped_exa_value("examplehost") ;
+ if (str != "auto") {
+ example_host = str ;
+ if (str == "localhost") {
+ example_port = "8061"
+ }
+ }
+ str = stripped_exa_value("exampleport") ;
+ if (str != "auto") {
+ example_port = str ;
+ }
+ if (example_log) {
+ console.println("example_url: "+example_url) ;
+ console.println("example_host: "+example_host) ;
+ console.println("example_port: "+example_port) ;
+ }
+ }
+ function check_example_url ( url ) {
+ if (url.indexOf("file://")>=0) {
+ url = "http://localhost:8061" ;
+ console.println("file url replaced by: "+url) ;
+ } else {
+ if (url.indexOf("://")<0) {
+ url = "http://" + url ;
+ }
+ if (example_log) {
+ console.println("url before check: "+url) ;
+ }
+% url = url.replace(/(http:\\\/\\\/.+)(\\\/.*$)/, "$1") ;
+ url = url.replace(/(https*:\\\/\\\/.+?)(\\\/.*$)/, "$1/exarequest") ;
+ if (example_log) {
+ console.println("url after check: "+url) ;
+ }
+ }
+ return url ;
+ }
+ function set_example_xfdf ( method ) {
+ example_method = method ;
+ }
+ function set_example_file ( file ) {
+ example_method = file ;
+ }
+ function set_example_host ( host ) {
+ example_host = host ;
+ }
+ function set_example_port ( port ) {
+ example_host = host ;
+ }
+ function do_erase_example_file(tag) {
+ f = this.getField(tag) ;
+ if (f) {
+ f.value = "" ;
+ }
+ }
+ function do_erase_example_list(tag) {
+ for (i=1;i<=100;i++) {
+ f = this.getField(tag+"-"+i) ;
+ if (f) {
+ f.value = "" ;
+ } else {
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function do_submit_example_url ( url ) {
+ if ((example_method == "XFDF" ) || (url.indexOf("localhost")>=0)) {
+ do_erase_example_file("fakename") ;
+ do_erase_example_list("fakename") ;
+ }
+ url = check_example_url(url) ;
+ if (example_log) {
+ console.println("submitting form to "+url+" using method "+example_method) ;
+ }
+ if (example_file != "") {
+ url = url + "/" + example_file ;
+ }
+ % we need the bFDF for acrobat 5
+ this.submitForm({cURL : url, bFDF : false, cSubmitAs : example_method}) ;
+ }
+ function submit_example_form ( ) {
+ identify_example_url() ;
+ if (example_host != "") {
+ if (example_port != "") {
+ do_submit_example_url(example_host+":"+example_port) ;
+ } else {
+ do_submit_example_url(example_host) ;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (example_url != "") {
+ do_submit_example_url(example_url) ;
+ } else {
+ if (example_port != "") {
+ do_submit_example_url("localhost"+":"+example_port) ;
+ } else {
+ do_submit_example_url("localhost:8061") ; % local exampler
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ resetfilename () ;
+ }
+ function submit_form ( host, port) {
+ set_example_host(host) ;
+ set_example_post(post) ;
+ submit_example_form ;
+ }
+\startJSpreamble request_2 used now
+ var exa_command = "" ;
+ var exa_option = "" ;
+ var exa_filename = "" ;
+ var exa_filelist = "" ;
+ var exa_registered = "" ;
+ function set_request (command,option) {
+ exa_command = command ;
+ if (exa_command == "") {
+ exa_option = option ;
+ } else { if (option == "") {
+ exa_option = "" ;
+ } else { if (option.indexOf("--")<0) {
+ exa_option = "--action=" + option ;
+ } else {
+ exa_option = option ;
+ } } }
+ }
+ function assemble_request ( ) {
+ v = this.getField('filename') ;
+ if (v) {
+ exa_filename = v.value ;
+ }
+ v = this.getField('filelist') ;
+ if (v) {
+ exa_filelist = v.value ;
+ }
+% exa_filename = exa_filename.replace(/\\\\/g,'/') ;
+% exa_filelist = exa_filelist.replace(/\\\\/g,'/') ;
+ str = "<?xml version='1.0' ?>\\n" ;
+ str = str+"<exa:request xmlns:exa=''><exa:application>" ;
+ if (exa_filelist == "") {
+ exa_filelist = exa_registered ;
+ } else { if (exa_registered != "") {
+ exa_filelist = exa_filelist + "\\n" + exa_registered ;
+ } }
+ if (exa_command != "") {
+ str = str+"<exa:command>"+exa_command+"</exa:command>" ;
+ }
+ if (exa_option != "") {
+ str = str+"<exa:option>"+exa_option+"</exa:option>" ;
+ }
+ if (exa_filename != "") {
+ str = str+"<exa:filename>"+exa_filename+"</exa:filename>" ;
+ }
+ var fls = "" ;
+ if (exa_filelist != "") {
+ % old method, soon obsolete
+ lst = exa_filelist.split(/\\s/) ;
+ for (i=0;i<lst.length;i++) {
+ fls = fls+"<exa:entry>"+lst[i]+"</exa:entry>" ;
+ }
+ } else { if (exa_multiple) {
+ for (i=1;i<=100;i++) {
+ % console.println("file field "+i) ;
+ f = this.getField("filename-"+ i) ;
+% if (f) { if (f.value != "") {
+% if (g) { if (g.value == "") {
+% fls = fls+"<exa:entry>"+f.value+"</exa:entry>" ;
+% } else {
+% fls = fls+"<exa:entry label='" + g.value + "'>"+f.value+"</exa:entry>" ;
+% } } else {
+% fls = fls+"<exa:entry>"+f.value+"</exa:entry>" ;
+% }
+% } }
+ if (f) { if (f.value != "") {
+ fls = fls + "<exa:entry" ;
+ g = this.getField("dataname-"+ i) ;
+ if (g) { if (g.value == "") {
+ % console.println("a") ;
+ fls = fls + ">" ;
+ } else {
+ % console.println("b") ;
+ fls = fls + " label='" + g.value + "'>" ;
+ } } else {
+ % console.println("c") ;
+ fls = fls + ">" ;
+ }
+ fls = fls + f.value + "</exa:entry>" ;
+ } }
+ }
+ } }
+ if (fls != "") {
+ str = str + "<exa:filelist>" + fls + "</exa:filelist>" ;
+ }
+ str = str + "</exa:application></exa:request>" ;
+ v = this.getField('exa:request') ;
+ if (v) {
+ v.value = str ;
+ }
+ }
+\startJSpreamble request_3 used now
+ var exa_multiple = false ;
+ function setfilename ( suffixes ) {
+ if (event.targetName) {
+ var name = event.targetName ;
+ var fake = name.replace(/filename/,"fakename") ;
+ } else {
+ var name = 'filename' ;
+ var fake = 'fakename' ;
+ }
+ f = this.getField(fake) ;
+ if (f) {
+ f.browseForFileToSubmit() ;
+ if ((suffixes != "") && (f.value != "")) {
+ %
+ s = suffixes.replace(/,/g,"|") ;
+ r = new RegExp() ;
+ s = "\\\\.(" + s + ")$" ;
+ r.compile(s, "i") ;
+ if (<=0) {
+ f.value = "" ;
+ app.alert('This filetype is not permitted.') ;
+ %
+ % lst = suffixes.split(/,/) ;
+ % ok = false ;
+ % for (i=0;i<lst.length;i++) {
+ % if (f.value == lst[i]) {
+ % ok = true ;
+ % }
+ % }
+ % if (! ok) {
+ % f.value = "" ;
+ % app.alert('This filetype is not permitted.') ;
+ %
+ }
+ }
+ g = this.getField(name) ;
+ if (g) {
+ g.value = f.value ;
+ }
+% we need to set the value of the selector to empty else
+% we get some funny preloading of multimeg files in spite
+% of the specs that say that xml fields will not get sent
+% if (example_method == "XFDF" ) {
+% f.value = "" ;
+% } else {
+% identify_example_url ;
+% if (example_url.indexOf("localhost")>=0) {
+% f.value = "" ;
+% }
+% }
+ }
+ this.dirty = false ;
+ }
+ function addfilename () {
+ if (exa_multiple) {
+ h = this.getField("filelist") ;
+ g = this.getField("filename") ;
+ if ((g) && (h)) {
+ str = g.value ;
+ if (h.value == "") {
+ h.value = str ;
+ } else {
+ h.value = h.value + "\\n" + str ;
+ }
+ g.value = "" ;
+ this.value = "" ;
+ }
+ }
+ this.dirty = false ;
+ }
+ % this only works with client that assembles request
+ function registerfilename (str) {
+ if (str!="") {
+ h = this.getField("filelist") ;
+ if (h) {
+ if (h.value != "") {
+ h.value = h.value + "\\n" ;
+ }
+ h.value = h.value + str ;
+ } else {
+ if (exa_registered != "") {
+ exa_registered = exa_registered + "\\n" ;
+ }
+ exa_registered = exa_registered + str ;
+ }
+ }
+ ;
+ console.println('registered files') ;
+ console.println("file: "+str) ;
+ console.println("list: "+exa_registered) ;
+ this.dirty = false ;
+ }
+ function checkfilename () {
+ }
+ function getfilename ( suffixes ) {
+ setfilename(suffixes) ;
+ checkfilename() ;
+ addfilename() ;
+ }
+ function resetfilename () {
+ do_erase_example_file("fakename") ;
+ do_erase_example_file("filename") ;
+ do_erase_example_file("filelist") ;
+ do_erase_example_list("filename") ;
+ do_erase_example_list("fakename") ;
+ }
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/java-fil.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/java-fil.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..20376af44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/java-fil.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=java-fil,
+%D version=1998.06.01,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ JavaScript Macros,
+%D subtitle=Filing and Printing,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\startJSpreamble Auxiliary used now
+ function DocumentFileName ()
+ { var Paths = this.path.split("/") ;
+ Paths = Paths[Paths.length-1].split(".") ;
+ return(Paths[0]) }
+ function Print_Page_Range(From, To) % gaat mis, nog geen args mogelijk
+ { if ((Number(From)>0)&&(Number(To)>=Number(From)))
+ { var myFrom = Number(From)-1 ;
+ var myTo = Number(To)-1 ;
+ this.print(false,myFrom,myTo,true) } }
+ function Print_This_Page ()
+ { this.print(false,this.pageNum,this.pageNum,true) }
+ [PrintSubPaginas]
+ [JS(Print_Page_Range{\firstsubpage,\lastsubpage})]
+ [PrintSubPages]
+ [JS(Print_Page_Range{\firstsubpage,\lastsubpage})]
+ [PrintDezePagina]
+ [JS(Print_This_Page)]
+ [PrintThisPage]
+ [JS(Print_This_Page)]
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/java-fld.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/java-fld.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0a76cc93c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/java-fld.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,475 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=java-fld,
+%D version=1998.05.20,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ JavaScript Macros,
+%D subtitle=Field Support,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+% will be simplified, since we now parse functions
+% nu nog alles geladen, moet dus anders
+\startJSpreamble {Sanitize_TeX_Input} used later
+ function Sanitized_TeX_String (value)
+ { var v = value ;
+ v = v.replace( /\\\\oe/g,"\\234") ;
+ v = v.replace( /\\\\<</g,"\\253") ;
+ v = v.replace( /\\\\>>/g,"\\273") ;
+ v = v.replace( /\\\\`A/g,"\\300") ;
+ v = v.replace( /\\\\'A/g,"\\301") ;
+ v = v.replace( /\\\\^A/g,"\\302") ;
+ v = v.replace( /\\\\~A/g,"\\303") ;
+ v = v.replace( /\\\\"A/g,"\\304") ;
+ v = v.replace( /\\\\oA/g,"\\305") ;
+ v = v.replace( /\\\\AE/g,"\\306") ;
+ v = v.replace( /\\\\,C/g,"\\307") ;
+ v = v.replace( /\\\\`E/g,"\\310") ;
+ v = v.replace( /\\\\'E/g,"\\311") ;
+ v = v.replace( /\\\\^E/g,"\\312") ;
+ v = v.replace( /\\\\"E/g,"\\313") ;
+ v = v.replace( /\\\\`I/g,"\\314") ;
+ v = v.replace( /\\\\'I/g,"\\315") ;
+ v = v.replace( /\\\\^I/g,"\\316") ;
+ v = v.replace( /\\\\"I/g,"\\317") ;
+ v = v.replace( /\\\\~N/g,"\\321") ;
+ v = v.replace( /\\\\`O/g,"\\322") ;
+ v = v.replace( /\\\\'O/g,"\\323") ;
+ v = v.replace( /\\\\^O/g,"\\324") ;
+ v = v.replace( /\\\\~O/g,"\\325") ;
+ v = v.replace( /\\\\"O/g,"\\326") ;
+ v = v.replace( /\\\\`U/g,"\\331") ;
+ v = v.replace( /\\\\'U/g,"\\332") ;
+ v = v.replace( /\\\\^U/g,"\\333") ;
+ v = v.replace( /\\\\"U/g,"\\334") ;
+ v = v.replace( /\\\\'Y/g,"\\335") ;
+ v = v.replace( /\\\\ss/g,"\\337") ;
+ v = v.replace( /\\\\`a/g,"\\340") ;
+ v = v.replace( /\\\\'a/g,"\\341") ;
+ v = v.replace( /\\\\^a/g,"\\342") ;
+ v = v.replace( /\\\\~a/g,"\\343") ;
+ v = v.replace( /\\\\"a/g,"\\344") ;
+ v = v.replace( /\\\\oa/g,"\\345") ;
+ v = v.replace( /\\\\ae/g,"\\346") ;
+ v = v.replace( /\\\\,c/g,"\\347") ;
+ v = v.replace( /\\\\`e/g,"\\350") ;
+ v = v.replace( /\\\\'e/g,"\\351") ;
+ v = v.replace( /\\\\^e/g,"\\352") ;
+ v = v.replace( /\\\\"e/g,"\\353") ;
+ v = v.replace( /\\\\`i/g,"\\354") ;
+ v = v.replace( /\\\\'i/g,"\\355") ;
+ v = v.replace( /\\\\^i/g,"\\356") ;
+ v = v.replace( /\\\\"i/g,"\\357") ;
+ v = v.replace( /\\\\~n/g,"\\361") ;
+ v = v.replace( /\\\\`o/g,"\\362") ;
+ v = v.replace( /\\\\'o/g,"\\363") ;
+ v = v.replace( /\\\\^o/g,"\\364") ;
+ v = v.replace( /\\\\~o/g,"\\365") ;
+ v = v.replace( /\\\\"o/g,"\\366") ;
+ v = v.replace( /\\\\`u/g,"\\371") ;
+ v = v.replace( /\\\\'u/g,"\\372") ;
+ v = v.replace( /\\\\^u/g,"\\373") ;
+ v = v.replace( /\\\\"u/g,"\\374") ;
+ v = v.replace( /\\\\'y/g,"\\375") ;
+ v = v.replace( /\\\\"y/g,"\\377") ;
+ return(v) }
+ var TeX_Key_Mode = 0 ;
+ function Initialize_TeX_Keystroke ()
+ { TeX_Key_Char = "" ;
+ TeX_Key_Mode = 0 }
+ function Sanitized_TeX_Keystroke (change)
+ { if (change=="\\\\")
+ { TeX_Key_Mode = 1 ;
+ return("") }
+ else if (TeX_Key_Mode==1)
+ { TeX_Key_Mode = 2 ;
+ TeX_Key_Char = change ;
+ return("") }
+ else if (TeX_Key_Mode==2)
+ { TeX_Key_Mode = 0 ;
+ TeX_Key_Char = "\\\\"+TeX_Key_Char+change ;
+ return(Sanitized_TeX_String(TeX_Key_Char)) }
+ else
+ { TeX_Key_Mode = 0 ;
+ return(change) } }
+\startJScode {Initialize_TeX_Key} uses {Sanitize_TeX_Input}
+ Initialize_TeX_Keystroke() ;
+\startJScode {Convert_TeX_Key} uses {Sanitize_TeX_Input}
+ if (!event.willCommit)
+ { event.change = Sanitized_TeX_Keystroke(event.change) }
+\startJScode{Convert_TeX_String} uses {Sanitize_TeX_Input}
+ event.value = Sanitized_TeX_String(event.value) ;
+\startJSpreamble fields_1 used now
+var visible_field = new Array() ;
+var visible_fields = 0 ;
+function PresetFields ( )
+ { this.syncAnnotScan() }
+function Preset_Fields ( )
+ { this.syncAnnotScan() }
+function Hide_When_Down ( )
+ { = true }
+function Hide_Field ( Name )
+ { var v = this.getField(Name) ;
+ if (v)
+ { v.hidden = true ;
+ v.readonly = true ;
+ this.dirty = false } }
+function Do_Vide_Field ( Name, Closable )
+ { var v = this.getField(Name) ;
+ if (v)
+ { ++visible_fields ;
+ visible_field[visible_fields] = Name ;
+ v.hidden = false ;
+ if (Closable)
+ { v.readonly = false ;
+ v.value = "On" }
+ this.dirty = false } }
+function Vide_Field ( Name )
+ { Do_Vide_Field(Name,false) }
+function Vide_Hide_Field ( Name )
+ { Do_Vide_Field(Name,true) }
+function Hide_Fields ()
+ { while (visible_fields>0)
+ { Hide_Field(visible_field[visible_fields]) ;
+ --visible_fields } }
+function Vide_Fields ( Name )
+ { Hide_Fields () ;
+ Vide_Field ( Name) }
+function Vide_Hide_Fields ( Name )
+ { Hide_Fields () ;
+ Vide_Hide_Field ( Name) }
+function Toggle_Hide ( Name )
+ { var v = this.getField(Name) ;
+ if (v)
+ { v.hidden = !v.hidden ;
+ this.dirty = false } }
+function Field_On ( Name )
+ { v = this.getField(Name) ;
+ if (v) { v.value = "On" ; this.dirty = false } }
+function Field_Off ( Name )
+ { var v = this.getField(Name) ;
+ if (v) { v.value = "Off" ; this.dirty = false } }
+function Toggle_Value ( Name )
+ { var v = this.getField(Name) ;
+ if (v)
+ { if (v.value=="On")
+ { v.value = "Off" }
+ else
+ { v.value = "On" } }
+ this.dirty = false }
+function Toggle_Read ( Name )
+ { var v = this.getField(Name);
+ if (v) { v.readonly = !v.readonly } }
+function Flip_Fields ( Name )
+ { var Names = Name.split(",") ;
+ for (var i=0;i<Names.length;i++)
+ { v = this.getField(Names[i]) ;
+ if (v)
+ { v.hidden = !v.hidden ;
+ v.value = "On" } } }
+function Forget_Changes ()
+ { this.dirty = false }
+function ForgetChanges ()
+ { this.dirty = false }
+%\startJScode{Hide_When_Down} Hide_When_Down() \stopJScode
+%\startJScode{Hide_Field} Hide_Field(JS_S_1) \stopJScode
+%\startJScode{Vide_Field} Vide_Field(JS_S_1) \stopJScode
+%\startJScode{Toggle_Hide} Toggle_Hide(JS_S_1) \stopJScode
+%\startJScode{Field_On} Field_On(JS_S_1) \stopJScode
+%\startJScode{Field_Off} Field_Off(JS_S_1) \stopJScode
+%\startJScode{Toggle_Value} Toggle_Value(JS_S_1) \stopJScode
+%\startJScode{Toggle_Read} Toggle_Read(JS_S_1) \stopJScode
+%\startJScode{Flip_Fields} Flip_Fields(JS_S_1) \stopJScode
+%\startJScode{Forget_Changes} this.dirty = false \stopJScode
+% This can be done more efficient, by keeping track of the
+% current top of the stack.
+\startJSpreamble FieldStack used later
+function Reset_Fields ( FieldSet ) {
+ var i = 1 ;
+ while (true) {
+ v = this.getField(FieldSet+":"+i) ;
+ if (!v) {
+ break ;
+ } else {
+ v.value = "Off" ;
+ }
+ i++ ;
+ }
+function Set_Fields ( FieldSet ) {
+ var i = 1 ;
+ while (true) {
+ v = this.getField(FieldSet+":"+i) ;
+ if (!v) {
+ break ;
+ } else {
+ v.value = "On" ;
+ }
+ i++ ;
+ }
+function Set_Field ( FieldSet, FieldName ) {
+ Reset_Fields(FieldSet) ;
+ v = this.getField(FieldSet+":"+FieldName) ;
+ if (v) {
+ v.value = "On" ;
+ }
+function Reset_Field ( FieldSet, FieldName ) {
+ Set_Fields(FieldSet) ;
+ v = this.getField(FieldSet+":"+FieldName) ;
+ if (v) {
+ v.value = "Off" ;
+ }
+function Walk_Field ( FieldSet ) {
+ var i = 1 ;
+ while (true) {
+ v = this.getField(FieldSet+":"+i) ;
+ if (v) {
+ if (v.value=="On") {
+ v.value = "Off" ;
+ var ii = i ;
+ ii++ ;
+ v = this.getField(FieldSet+":"+ii) ;
+ if (!v) {
+ v = this.getField(FieldSet+":"+1) ;
+ }
+ if (v) {
+ v.value = "On" ;
+ }
+ break ;
+ }
+ i++ ;
+ } else {
+ break ;
+ }
+ }
+var FieldSets = new Array() ;
+function Do_Get_Check_Walk_Field ( FieldSet ) {
+ var f = FieldSets[FieldSet]
+ if (! f) {
+ f = new Array() ;
+ f.number = 0 ;
+ f.delay = 500 ;
+ f.paused = false ;
+ f.running = false ;
+ = FieldSet ;
+ f.timeout = null ;
+ FieldSets[FieldSet] = f ;
+ }
+ return f
+function Do_Next_Auto_Walk_Field ( FieldSet ) {
+ var fieldset = Do_Get_Check_Walk_Field(FieldSet) ;
+ if (fieldset) {
+ var v = this.getField(FieldSet + ":" + fieldset.number) ;
+ if (v) {
+ if (v.value == "On") {
+ v.value = "Off" ;
+ }
+ }
+ fieldset.number++ ;
+ v = this.getField(FieldSet + ":" + fieldset.number) ;
+ if (! v) {
+ fieldset.number = 1 ;
+ v = this.getField(FieldSet + ":" + fieldset.number) ;
+ }
+ if (v) {
+ v.value = "On"
+ }
+ }
+function Do_Stop_Auto_Walk_Field ( FieldSet ) {
+ var fieldset = Do_Get_Check_Walk_Field(FieldSet) ;
+ if (fieldset) {
+ try {
+ app.clearInterval(fieldset.timeout) ;
+ app.clearTimeOut(fieldset.timeout) ;
+ } catch (e) {
+ }
+ }
+function Do_Start_Auto_Walk_Field ( FieldSet ) {
+ var fieldset = Do_Get_Check_Walk_Field(FieldSet) ;
+ if (fieldset) {
+ Do_Stop_Auto_Walk_Field(FieldSet) ;
+ fieldset.timeout = app.setInterval("Do_Next_Auto_Walk_Field('"+FieldSet+"')", fieldset.delay) ;
+ }
+function Start_Walk_Field ( FieldSet, Delay ) {
+ var fieldset = Do_Get_Check_Walk_Field(FieldSet) ;
+ if (fieldset) {
+ fieldset.number = 0 ;
+ if (Delay) {
+ fieldset.delay = Delay ;
+ }
+ Reset_Fields(FieldSet) ;
+ Do_Start_Auto_Walk_Field(FieldSet) ;
+ fieldset.running = true ;
+ fieldset.paused = false ;
+ }
+function Pause_Walk_Field ( FieldSet ) {
+ var fieldset = Do_Get_Check_Walk_Field(FieldSet) ;
+ if (fieldset) {
+ if (fieldset.running) {
+ if (fieldset.paused) {
+ Do_Start_Auto_Walk_Field(FieldSet) ;
+ fieldset.paused = false ;
+ } else {
+ Do_Stop_Auto_Walk_Field(FieldSet) ;
+ fieldset.paused = true ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+function Stop_Walk_Field ( FieldSet ) {
+ var fieldset = Do_Get_Check_Walk_Field(FieldSet) ;
+ if (fieldset) {
+ Do_Stop_Auto_Walk_Field(FieldSet) ;
+ fieldset.running = false ;
+ fieldset.paused = false ;
+ }
+function Reset_Walk_Field ( FieldSet ) {
+ var fieldset = Do_Get_Check_Walk_Field(FieldSet) ;
+ if (fieldset) {
+ Do_Stop_Auto_Walk_Field(FieldSet) ;
+ fieldset.number = 0 ;
+ fieldset.running = false ;
+ fieldset.paused = false ;
+ Reset_Fields(FieldSet) ;
+ }
+function Previous_Walk_Field ( FieldSet ) {
+ var fieldset = Do_Get_Check_Walk_Field(FieldSet) ;
+ if (fieldset) {
+ Do_Stop_Auto_Walk_Field(FieldSet) ;
+ fieldset.running = false ;
+ fieldset.paused = false ;
+ if (fieldset.number>0) {
+ var v = this.getField(FieldSet + ":" + fieldset.number) ;
+ if (v) {
+ if (v.value == "On") {
+ v.value = "Off" ;
+ }
+ }
+ fieldset.number-- ;
+ v = this.getField(FieldSet + ":" + fieldset.number) ;
+ if (v) {
+ v.value = "On" ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+function Next_Walk_Field ( FieldSet ) {
+ var fieldset = Do_Get_Check_Walk_Field(FieldSet) ;
+ if (fieldset) {
+ Do_Stop_Auto_Walk_Field(FieldSet) ;
+ fieldset.running = false ;
+ fieldset.paused = false ;
+ var f = fieldset.number + 1 ;
+ var v = this.getField(FieldSet + ":" + f) ;
+ if (v) {
+ var v = this.getField(FieldSet + ":" + fieldset.number) ;
+ if (v) {
+ if (v.value == "On") {
+ v.value = "Off" ;
+ }
+ }
+ fieldset.number++ ;
+ v = this.getField(FieldSet + ":" + fieldset.number) ;
+ if (v) {
+ v.value = "On" ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+function Set_Walk_Field_Delay ( FieldSet, Delay ) {
+ var fieldset = Do_Get_Check_Walk_Field(FieldSet) ;
+ if (fieldset) {
+ if (Delay) {
+ fieldset.delay = Delay ;
+ if (fieldset.running) {
+ Do_Stop_Auto_Walk_Field(FieldSet) ;
+ Do_Start_Auto_Walk_Field(FieldSet) ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+\definereference[Walk] [JS(Walk_Field)]
+\definereference[StartWalk] [JS(Start_Walk_Field)]
+\definereference[StopWalk] [JS(Stop_Walk_Field)]
+\definereference[PauseWalk] [JS(Pause_Walk_Field)]
+\definereference[ResetWalk] [JS(Reset_Walk_Field)]
+\definereference[NextWalk] [JS(Next_Walk_Field)]
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/java-ini.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/java-ini.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2e62ca166
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/java-ini.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,693 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=java-ini,
+%D version=1998.01.30,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ JavaScript Macros,
+%D subtitle=Initialization,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt JavaScript Macros / Initialization}
+% BUG: preamble zonder used/used en split
+% todo: lua sanitizer
+% JavaScript support is under development. In the near future
+% a slightly different model will be used. The JScode stuff
+% will probably become just auto function inclusion and the
+% JS_* things will disappear. First I have to find a way to
+% deal with global variables so the 'uses' thing will remain.
+% ook p{ref}
+% documentation should be corrected to JS(
+% Also, obeylines will be supported.
+%D \JAVA\ support is not implemented as a generic support
+%D module. The main reason for this is that passing system
+%D variables to a \JAVASCRIPT\ is closely related to other core
+%D macros.
+%D \TEX\ is not the right tool to check the \JAVA\ code; the
+%D most we can do is reporting some passed variables:
+\newif\iftraceJScode \traceJScodefalse
+%D A bit out of place, but not dangerous:
+%D The number of passed variables is minimalized by setting the
+%D next switch.
+\newif\ifminimalizeJScode \minimalizeJScodetrue
+%D \macros
+%D {JS*}
+%D Because \JAVASCRIPT's are activated by the user, for
+%D instance by activating on a button, their support is closely
+%D related to the referencing mechanism. Integration takes
+%D place by
+%D \starttyping
+%D \goto{calculate total}[Sum()]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The \type{()} classify this as a script. If they are absent,
+%D the keyword is treated as a normal reference.
+%D One can pass arguments to such a script by saying:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \goto{calculate total}[Sum(1.5,2.3)]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D References are passed by using the \type{R{}} classifier.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \goto{calculate total}[Sum(1.5,2.3,R{overflow})]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The last call calls the script \type{Sum} and passes the
+%D next set of variables:
+%D \starttyping
+%D JS_S_1="1.5";
+%D JS_S_2="2.3";
+%D JS_R_3="overflow";
+%D JS_P_3=3;
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The first two parameters are just strings, the third one
+%D however is treated as a reference and results in passing the
+%D reference (if needed this references is prefixed) and the
+%D (real) page number. The alternative:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \goto{calculate total}[JS(Sum{V{1.5},V{2.3},R{overflow}})]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D does a verbose passing:
+%D \starttyping
+%D JS_V_1=1.5;
+%D JS_V_2=2.3;
+%D JS_R_3="overflow";
+%D JS_P_3=3;
+%D \stoptyping
+%D We will also support direct function calls. In that case
+%D no intermediate variables are used.
+%D \macros
+%D {startJScode}
+%D A piece of \JAVASCRIPT\ code is defined by saying:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \startJScode{SomeScript}
+%D var Item=this.getField("item");
+%D N=Item.getArray();
+%D Total=this.getField("total");
+%D Total.value=0;
+%D for (j=0; j<N.length; j++)
+%D { if (N[j].value!="")
+%D { Total.value += N[j].value } } ;
+%D if ((JS_N>0) && (JS_R_1!=""))
+%D { gotoNamedDest(JS_R_1) };
+%D \stopJScode
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Such a piece of code is closely related to the interpreter
+%D used. Watch the last two lines, here the script adapts
+%D itself to the presence of a reference.
+%D While
+%D \starttyping
+%D \startJScode{name}
+%D name = 4 ;
+%D \stopJScode
+%D \stoptyping
+%D assumes uses no preamble or presumes that the preamble is
+%D always loaded, the next definition also tells \CONTEXT\ to
+%D actually include the preamble needed.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \startJScode{uses} uses {later}
+%D uses = 6 ;
+%D \stopJScode
+%D \stoptyping
+\long\def\startJScode#1 #2
+ {\doifelse{#2}{uses}
+ {\dostartJScodeA{#1}}
+ {\dostartJScodeB{#1} #2 }}
+\long\def\dostartJScodeA#1#2 #3\stopJScode
+ {\long\setgvalue{\r!java#1}{\do{#2}{#3}}}
+ {\long\setgvalue{\r!java#1}{\do{}{#2}}}
+%D \macros
+%D {presetJScode}
+%D The code can be retrieved by saying
+%D \starttyping
+%D \presetJScode{SomeScript}{template}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Such a template is a comma separated list, where
+%D individual entries can optionally be transformed by
+%D \type{R{}} and \type{V{}}.
+%D After this call, the code is available in \type{\JScode}.
+\def\presetJScode#1#2% #1=operation #2=arguments
+ {\setverbosecscharacters
+ \def\par{\delcharacter}% was: { }
+ \scratchcounter\zerocount
+ \globallet\JScode\empty
+ \def\do##1##2%
+ {\doifelse{##2}{!}\directJScodetrue\directJScodefalse}%
+ \getvalue{\r!java#1}%
+ \edef\!!stringa{#2}%
+ \ifx\!!stringa\empty \else
+ \processcommacommand[\!!stringa]\dopresetJSvariables
+ \fi
+ \def\docommand##1%
+ {\doifundefinedelse{\r!java\r!java##1}
+ {\showmessage\m!javascript2{##1}}
+ {\useJSpreamblenow{##1}}}%
+% {\doglobal\increment\currentJSpreamble
+% \doglobal\addtocommalist{##1}\allJSpreambles}}%
+ \def\do##1##2%
+ {\xdef\JScode{\ifdirectJScode#1(\JScode)\else\JScode##2\fi}%
+ %\xdef\JScode{JS\string_N=\the\scratchcounter;\JScode}%
+ \processcommalist[##1]\docommand}%
+ \getvalue{\r!java#1}}
+ {\advance\scratchcounter \plusone
+ \donefalse
+ \dodopresetJSvariables#1\end}%
+ {\doifnextcharelse R\dodopresetJSrefvariables
+ {\doifnextcharelse V\dodopresetJSvervariables
+ {\doifnextcharelse S\dodopresetJSstrvariables
+ \dodopresetJSrawvariables}}}
+\def\dodopresetJSrefvariables R#1\end
+ {\doifreferencefoundelse{#1}
+ {\donetrue \dododopresetJSvariables R{\referenceprefix#1}%
+ \donefalse\dododopresetJSvariables P{\currentrealreference}}
+ {\unknownreference{#1}}%
+ \ifminimalizeJScode \else
+ \donetrue\dododopresetJSvariables S{#1}%
+ \fi}
+\def\dodopresetJSvervariables V#1\end
+ {\donefalse\dododopresetJSvariables V{#1}%
+ \ifminimalizeJScode \else
+ \donetrue\dododopresetJSvariables S{#1}%
+ \fi}
+\def\dodopresetJSstrvariables S#1\end
+ {\donetrue\dododopresetJSvariables S{#1}}
+\def\dodopresetJSrawvariables #1\end
+ {\donetrue\dododopresetJSvariables S{#1}}
+ {JS\string_#1\string_\the\scratchcounter}
+ {\iftraceJScode
+ \writestatus{JavaScript}{\JSprefix#1=#2}
+ \xdef\JScode{\JScode console.println("\JSprefix#1=#2"); }%
+ \fi
+ \ifdirectJScode
+ \xdef\JScode{\ifx\JScode\empty\else\JScode,\fi\ifdone"#2"\else#2\fi}%
+ \else
+ \xdef\JScode{\JScode\JSprefix#1=\ifdone"#2"\else#2\fi; }%
+ \fi}
+%D \macros
+%D {startJSpreamble, flushJSpreamble}
+%D One can define insert \JAVASCRIPT\ code at the document level
+%D by using:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \startJSpreamble{oeps}
+%D oeps = 1 ;
+%D \stopJSpreamble
+%D \stoptyping
+%D which is the same as:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \startJSpreamble{now} used now
+%D now = 2 ;
+%D \stopJSpreamble
+%D \stoptyping
+%D while the next definition is only included when actually
+%D used.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \startJSpreamble{later} used later
+%D later = 3 ;
+%D \stopJSpreamble
+%D \stoptyping
+%D This command may be used more that once, but always before
+%D the first page is shipped out.
+\newif\ifoneJSpreamble \oneJSpreamblefalse
+\long\def\startJSpreamble#1 #2 %
+ {\bgroup % we need to restore the catcodes
+ \restoreendofline % just in case it happens while reading lists
+ \doifelse{#2}{used}
+ {\dostartJSpreamble#1 }
+ {\dostartJSpreamble#1 now #2 }}
+\long\def\dostartJSpreamble#1 #2 %
+ {\processaction
+ [#2]
+ [ later=>\chardef\JSstatus\zerocount,%
+ now=>\chardef\JSstatus\plusone ,%
+ \s!default=>\chardef\JSstatus\plustwo ,%
+ \s!unknown=>\chardef\JSstatus\plustwo ]%
+ \ifaddJSlinebreaks
+ \obeylines \let\obeyedline \normalpar
+ \obeyspaces \let\obeyedspace\normalspace
+ \fi
+ \dodostartJSpreamble{#1}}
+ {\presetJSfunctions #2function ()\end
+ \long\setgvalue{\r!java\r!java#1}{#2}%
+ \ifcase\JSstatus \else
+ \useJSpreamblenow{#1}%
+ \fi
+ \egroup}
+%D \macros
+%D {setJSpreamble, addtoJSpreamble}
+%D In addition to the previous preamble definitions, we can
+%D set a preamble \quote {in||line} and add tokens to a
+%D preamble.
+ {\doifundefined{\r!java\r!java#1}
+ {\setgvalue{\r!java\r!java#1}{#2;}%
+ \doglobal\increment\currentJSpreamble
+ \doglobal\addtocommalist{#1}\allJSpreambles}}
+ {\doifdefinedelse{\r!java\r!java#1}
+ {\edef\!!stringa{\r!java\r!java#1}%
+ \edef\!!stringb{\csname\!!stringa\endcsname}%
+ \@EA\setgvalue\@EA\!!stringa\@EA{\!!stringb #2;}}
+ {\setJSpreamble{#1}{#2}}}
+%D \macros
+%D {useJSpreamblenow}
+%D The next macro can be used to force inclusion of postponed
+%D \JAVASCRIPT\ preambles.
+ {\doglobal\increment\currentJSpreamble
+ \doglobal\addtocommalist{#1}\allJSpreambles}
+%D Because we want to check for valid calls, we preload the
+%D functions. This means that we can call them directly as
+%D well as indirectly when defined by \type {\startJScode} etc.
+% \long\def\presetJSfunctions#1function #2(#3)%
+% {\doifelsenothing{#2}
+% {\long\def\presetJSfunctions##1\end{}}
+% {\stripspaces\from#2\to\ascii
+% \doifundefined{\r!java\ascii}{\setgvalue{\r!java\ascii}{\do{}{!}}}}%
+% \presetJSfunctions}
+ {\doifelse{#2}\space
+ {\long\def\presetJSfunctions##1\end{}}
+ {\stripspaces\from#2\to\ascii
+ \doifundefined{\r!java\ascii}{\setgvalue{\r!java\ascii}{\do{}{!}}}}%
+ \presetJSfunctions}
+ {\getvalue{\r!java\r!java#1}}
+ {\ifx\allJSpreambles\empty\else
+ \bgroup
+ \setverbosecscharacters
+ \obeyspaces \let\obeyedspace\normalspace
+ \def\par{\delcharacter}% was: { }
+ \globallet\JSpreamble\empty
+ \def\@@collectedJSpreamble{\r!java\r!java collected}%
+ \letvalue{\@@collectedJSpreamble}=\empty
+ \def\docommand##1%
+ {\xdef\JScode{\getvalue{\r!java\r!java##1}}%
+ \ifoneJSpreamble % \global\letcdcsname
+ \@EA\setxvalue\@EA\@@collectedJSpreamble\@EA
+ {\csname\@@collectedJSpreamble\endcsname\JScode}%
+ \else
+ \setxvalue{\r!java\r!java##1}{\JScode}%
+ \fi}%
+ \processcommacommand[\allJSpreambles]\docommand
+ \ifoneJSpreamble
+ \gdef\allJSpreambles{collected}%
+ \fi
+ \globallet\presetJSpreamble\relax
+ \egroup
+ \fi}
+ {\iflocation\ifx\allJSpreambles\empty\else
+ \ifcase\nofJSpreambles\else\ifnum\nofJSpreambles=\currentJSpreamble
+ \bgroup
+ \presetJSpreamble
+ \expanded{\doflushJSpreamble{\allJSpreambles}}%
+ \globallet\flushJSpreamble\relax
+ \globallet\allJSpreambles\empty
+ \egroup
+ \fi\fi
+ \fi\fi}
+ {\iflocation
+ \flushJSpreamble
+ \ifcase\currentJSpreamble\relax\else
+ \savecurrentvalue\nofJSpreambles\currentJSpreamble
+ \globallet\currentJSpreamble\nofJSpreambles
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+\prependtoks \flushJSpreamble \to \everyshipout
+\prependtoks \finalflushJSpreamble \to \everylastshipout
+%D \macros
+%D {doPSsanitizeJScode}
+%D Before the code can be passed to the (\POSTSCRIPT\ or \PDF)
+%D output file, some precautions must be made concerning the
+%D use of \type{(} and~\type{)}. Here we use a beautiful
+%D \type{\aftergroup} trick I discovered in the \TABLE\ format.
+ {\begingroup
+ \scratchcounter\zerocount % \aftergroup counter
+ \aftergroup\xdef
+ \aftergroup#2%
+ \aftergroup{%
+ \expanded{\defconvertedargument\noexpand\JScode{#1}}%
+ \expandafter\handletokens\JScode\with\dodoPSsanitizeJScode
+ \aftergroup}%
+ \endgroup
+ \iftraceJScode
+ \writestatus{JS trace}{#2}%
+ \fi}
+%D I started with:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\dodoPSsanitizeJScode#1%
+%D {\aftergroup\string
+%D \if#1(%
+%D \expandafter\aftergroup\csname#1\endcsname
+%D \else\if#1)%
+%D \expandafter\aftergroup\csname#1\endcsname
+%D \else\if#1;%
+%D \aftergroup;\aftergroup\string\expandafter\aftergroup\
+%D \else
+%D \expandafter\aftergroup#1%
+%D \fi\fi\fi
+%D \advance\scratchcounter by 1
+%D \ifnum\scratchcounter=500
+%D \expandafter\dododoPSsanitizeJScode
+%D \fi}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D For pretty printing purposes, we need some way to signal
+%D \TEX\ macros. Therefore we introduce a special keyword
+%D \type{TEX}. When followed by a space, this keyword is
+%D ignored, that is, filtered from the stream. Now we have:
+\chardef\JSisTEX \zerocount
+\newif\ifaddJSlinebreaks \addJSlinebreakstrue
+ {\ifcase\JSisTEX
+ \or \aftergroup T%
+ \or \aftergroup T\aftergroup E%
+ \or \aftergroup T\aftergroup E\aftergroup X%
+ \fi
+ \chardef\JSisTEX\zerocount}
+% \def\doJSlinebreak
+% {\ifaddJSlinebreaks
+% \aftergroup\string\aftergroup\n%
+% \fi}
+% \def\dodoPSsanitizeJScode#1% % input stack>500 & TEX check
+% {\if#1/%
+% \ifnum\JScomment=0
+% \chardef\JScomment\plusone
+% \else\ifnum\JScomment=1
+% \chardef\JScomment\plustwo
+% \fi\fi
+% \else
+% \ifnum\JScomment=1
+% \aftergroup/%
+% \chardef\JScomment\zerocount
+% \fi
+% \ifnum\JScomment=2
+% \if#1\delcharacter
+% \chardef\JScomment\zerocount
+% \fi
+% \else
+% \if#1\delcharacter
+% \flushJSisTEX\doJSlinebreak
+% \else\if#1(%
+% \flushJSisTEX\aftergroup\string\expandafter\aftergroup\csname#1\endcsname
+% \else\if#1)%
+% \flushJSisTEX\aftergroup\string\expandafter\aftergroup\csname#1\endcsname
+% \else\if#1;%
+% \flushJSisTEX\aftergroup;\doJSlinebreak
+% \else\if#1T%
+% \ifnum\JSisTEX=0 \chardef\JSisTEX\plusone \else\flushJSisTEX\aftergroup T\fi
+% \else\if#1E%
+% \ifnum\JSisTEX=1 \chardef\JSisTEX\plustwo \else\flushJSisTEX\aftergroup E\fi
+% \else\if#1X%
+% \ifnum\JSisTEX=2 \chardef\JSisTEX\plusthree \else\flushJSisTEX\aftergroup X\fi
+% \else\if#1\normalspace
+% \ifnum\JSisTEX=3 \chardef\JSisTEX\zerocount \else\flushJSisTEX\aftergroup#1\fi
+% \else
+% \flushJSisTEX\aftergroup\string\expandafter\aftergroup#1%
+% \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi
+% \fi
+% \fi
+% \dododoPSsanitizeJScode}
+% todo: "http:\\" -> simple. maar wel \" afvangen
+% use new pdftex escape mechanism or make fully expandable version, not used that often btw
+ {\chardef\JScomment\zerocount
+ \chardef\JSstring\zerocount
+ \ifaddJSlinebreaks
+ \aftergroup\string\aftergroup\n%
+ \fi}
+\def\dodoPSsanitizeJScode#1% % input stack>500 & TEX check
+ {\if#1/%
+ \ifnum\JSstring=0
+ \ifnum\JScomment=0
+ \chardef\JScomment\plusone
+ \else\ifnum\JScomment=1
+ \chardef\JScomment\plustwo
+ \fi\fi
+ \else
+ \aftergroup/%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \ifnum\JScomment=1
+ \aftergroup/%
+ \chardef\JScomment\zerocount
+ \fi
+ % is the delchar trick still needed?
+ \ifnum\JScomment=2
+ \ifnum`#1=13 % brrr
+ \doJSlinebreak
+ \else\if#1\par
+ \doJSlinebreak
+ \else\if#1\delcharacter
+ \doJSlinebreak
+ \fi\fi\fi
+ \else
+ \ifnum`#1=13 % brrr
+ \flushJSisTEX\doJSlinebreak
+ \else\if#1\par
+ \flushJSisTEX\doJSlinebreak
+ \else\if#1\delcharacter
+ \flushJSisTEX\doJSlinebreak
+ \else\if#1(%
+ \flushJSisTEX\aftergroup\string\expandafter\aftergroup\csname#1\endcsname
+ \else\if#1)%
+ \flushJSisTEX\aftergroup\string\expandafter\aftergroup\csname#1\endcsname
+ %\else\if#1;%
+ % \flushJSisTEX\aftergroup;\doJSlinebreak
+ \else\if#1T%
+ \ifnum\JSisTEX=0 \chardef\JSisTEX\plusone \else\flushJSisTEX\aftergroup T\fi
+ \else\if#1E%
+ \ifnum\JSisTEX=1 \chardef\JSisTEX\plustwo \else\flushJSisTEX\aftergroup E\fi
+ \else\if#1X%
+ \ifnum\JSisTEX=2 \chardef\JSisTEX\plusthree \else\flushJSisTEX\aftergroup X\fi
+ \else\if#1\normalspace
+ \ifnum\JSisTEX=3 \chardef\JSisTEX\zerocount \else\flushJSisTEX\aftergroup#1\fi
+ \else
+ % todo: "test\"test"
+ \if#1"%
+ \ifcase\JSstring
+ \chardef\JSstring\plusone
+ \else
+ \chardef\JSstring\zerocount
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \flushJSisTEX\aftergroup\string\expandafter\aftergroup#1%
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi % \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \dododoPSsanitizeJScode}
+%D Close reading learns that one line comments (\type{// ...})
+%D are removed from the stream. This permits switching in
+%D pretty printing \JAVASCRIPT\ sources as well as saves
+%D some bytes.
+%D The magic 500 in the next hack prevents the input stack from
+%D overflowing when large scripts are sanitized.
+ {\ifcase\JSisTEX\ifcase\JScomment
+ \advance\scratchcounter \plusone
+ \fi\fi
+ \ifnum\scratchcounter=500
+ \expandafter\dodododoPSsanitizeJScode
+ \fi}
+ {\let\next={%
+ \aftergroup}%
+ \endgroup
+ \begingroup
+ \aftergroup\xdef
+ \aftergroup\sanitizedJScode
+ \aftergroup{%
+ \aftergroup\sanitizedJScode
+ \let\next=}}
+%D The macro \type{\doPSsanitizeJScode} converts its argument
+%D into the macro \type{\sanitizedJScode}, thereby prefixing
+%D each \type{(} and \type{)} by a slash.
+%D Hooking this mechanism into the general \CONTEXT\ reference
+%D mechanism does not take much effort:
+ {\doifdefinedelse{\r!java\currentreferenceoperation}}
+ {\iflocation
+ \bgroup
+ \bgroup
+ \presetJScode
+ \currentreferenceoperation
+ \currentreferencearguments
+ \egroup
+ \dohandlegoto
+ {#2}%
+ {\dostartgotoJS\buttonwidth\buttonheight\JScode}%
+ {\dostopgotoJS}%
+ \egroup
+ \else
+ {#2}%
+ \fi}
+%D \macros
+%D {useJSscripts}
+%D In due time, users will build their collections of scripts,
+%D which can be used (loaded) when applicable. Although not all
+%D public, we will provide some general purpose scripts,
+%D collected in files with names like \type{java-...}. One can
+%D load these scripts with \type{\useJSscripts}, like:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \useJSscripts[fld]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The not so complicated implementation of this macro is:
+ {\doifelse{#1}\v!reset
+ {\let\allJSpreambles\empty}
+ {\doifundefined{\c!file\f!javascriptprefix#1}
+ {\startnointerference
+ \letgvalueempty{\c!file\f!javascriptprefix#1}%
+ \makeshortfilename[\f!javascriptprefix#1]%
+ \startreadingfile
+ \readsysfile{\shortfilename.\mksuffix}
+ {\showmessage\m!javascript1{#1}}
+ {\readsysfile{\shortfilename.tex}
+ {\showmessage\m!javascript1{#1}}
+ \donothing}%
+ \stopreadingfile
+ \stopnointerference}}}
+ {\processcommalist[#1]\dodouseJSscripts
+ \processcommalist[#2]\useJSpreamblenow}
+ {\dodoubleempty\douseJSscripts}
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/java-stp.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/java-stp.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7283c8ceb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/java-stp.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=java-stp,
+%D version=2004.03.15,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ JavaScript Macros,
+%D subtitle=Stepping,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+% we define ocglist global, otherwise we quickly run into a memory hog (even
+% out of memory in a 512 Meg machine)
+% we cannot use doc_visited[this.pageNum] instead of doc_currentstep because
+% of some funny side effect (i.e. dup or so)
+\startJSpreamble Steps used now
+ var doc_ocglist = this.getOCGs() ;
+ var doc_stepname = "step" ;
+ var doc_currentstep = 0 ;
+ var doc_maxstep = 50 ;
+ var doc_visited = new Array() ;
+ var doc_busy = new Array() ;
+ function SetupStepper ( layername, laststep ) {
+ doc_stepname = layername ;
+ doc_maxstep = laststep ;
+ for (var i=0; i<=this.numPages; i++) {
+ doc_visited[i] = 0 ;
+ doc_busy[i] = 0 ;
+ }
+ }
+ for (var i=0; i<=this.numPages; i++) {
+ doc_visited[i] = 0 ;
+ doc_busy[i] = 0 ;
+ }
+ function GetOCG ( name ) {
+ for (var i=0; i < doc_ocglist.length; i++) {
+ if (doc_ocglist[i].name == name) {
+ return doc_ocglist[i] ;
+ }
+ }
+ return null ;
+ }
+ function CheckBusy ( ) {
+ var ocg = GetOCG("step:busy") ;
+ if (ocg != null) {
+ if (doc_visited[this.pageNum]==0) {
+ ocg.state = true ;
+ } else {
+ if (doc_visited[this.pageNum]<doc_busy[this.pageNum]) {
+ ocg.state = true ;
+ } else {
+ ocg.state = false ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function SetStepper ( maxstep, state ) {
+ for (var i=1; i<=maxstep; i++) {
+ try {
+ var ocg = GetOCG(doc_stepname + ':' + String(i)) ;
+ if (ocg != null) {
+ ocg.state = state ;
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ return ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function CheckStepper ( maxsteps ) {
+ SetStepper(doc_visited[this.pageNum], true) ;
+ doc_busy[this.pageNum] = Number(maxsteps) ;
+ doc_currentstep = doc_visited[this.pageNum] ;
+ CheckBusy() ;
+ }
+ function ResetStepper ( ) {
+ SetStepper(doc_maxstep, false) ;
+ doc_currentstep = 0 ;
+ }
+ function InvokeStepper ( ) {
+ try {
+ if (doc_currentstep<doc_busy[this.pageNum]) {
+ doc_currentstep += 1 ;
+ doc_visited[this.pageNum] = doc_currentstep ;
+ var ocg = GetOCG(doc_stepname + ':' + String(doc_currentstep)) ;
+ if (ocg != null) {
+ ocg.state = true ;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (this.pageNum+1==this.numPages) {
+ this.pageNum = 0 ;
+ } else {
+ this.pageNum += 1 ;
+ }
+ }
+ CheckBusy() ;
+ } catch (e) {
+ return ;
+ }
+ }
+% \definereference [SetupStepper] [JS(SetupStepper{step,50})]
+% \definereference [ResetStepper] [JS(ResetStepper)]
+% \definereference [CheckStepper] [JS(CheckStepper{\StepCounter})]
+% \definereference [InvokeStepper] [JS(InvokeStepper)]
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/lang-alt.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/lang-alt.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1e49945d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/lang-alt.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=lang-alt,
+%D version=1997.09.03,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Language Macros,
+%D subtitle=Altaic Languages,
+%D author=Hans Hagen / Tobias Burnus,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Language Macros / Altaic Languages}
+%D The framework of this module is set up by Hans Hagen while
+%D many of the first translations were done by Tobias. Later
+%D on, corrections were made by users. If you have suggestions,
+%D or feel that your name missing here, don't hesitate to send
+%D us an email.
+% Uigur, Uzbek
+% Azeri/Azerbaijani, Chuvash, Turkish, Turkmen
+% Kazakh, Kazar, Kireghiz, Noghay, Talar
+% Buryat, Kalmuck, Khalkha
+% Turkmen translation by Nazar Annagurban <nazartm at> 18. March 2010
+ [\s!tr]
+ [\c!spacing=\v!packed,
+ \c!leftsentence=---,
+ \c!rightsentence=---,
+ \c!leftsubsentence=---,
+ \c!rightsubsentence=---,
+ \c!leftquote=\upperleftsinglesixquote,
+ \c!rightquote=\upperrightsingleninequote,
+ \c!leftquotation=\upperleftdoublesixquote,
+ \c!rightquotation=\upperrightdoubleninequote,
+ \c!date={\v!year,\ ,\v!month,\ ,\v!day}]
+ [\s!tk]
+ [\c!spacing=\v!broad,
+ \c!leftsentence=---,
+ \c!rightsentence=---,
+ \c!leftsubsentence=---,
+ \c!rightsubsentence=---,
+ \c!leftquote=\upperleftsinglesixquote,
+ \c!rightquote=\upperrightsingleninequote,
+ \c!leftquotation=\upperleftdoublesixquote,
+ \c!rightquotation=\upperrightdoubleninequote,
+ \c!date={\v!year,\ ,\v!month,\ ,\v!day}
+ \s!patterns=\s!tk,
+ \s!lefthyphenmin=1,
+ \s!righthyphenmin=2]
+\installlanguage [turkish] [\s!tr]
+\installlanguage [turkmen] [\s!tk]
+\setupheadtext [\s!tr] [\v!content=Fihrist]
+\setupheadtext [\s!tk] [\v!content=Mazmuny]
+\setupheadtext [\s!tr] [\v!tables=Tablolar]
+\setupheadtext [\s!tk] [\v!tables=Tablisalar]
+\setupheadtext [\s!tr] [\v!figures=\Scedilla ekiller]
+\setupheadtext [\s!tk] [\v!figures=Suratlar]
+\setupheadtext [\s!tr] [\v!graphics=Grafikler]
+\setupheadtext [\s!tk] [\v!graphics=Grafikler]
+\setupheadtext [\s!tr] [\v!intermezzi=...]
+\setupheadtext [\s!tk] [\v!intermezzi=Arakesmeler]
+\setupheadtext [\s!tr] [\v!index=\Idotaccent ndex]
+\setupheadtext [\s!tk] [\v!index=Indeks]
+\setupheadtext [\s!tr] [\v!abbreviations=K\dotlessi saltmalar]
+\setupheadtext [\s!tk] [\v!abbreviations=Gysgaltmalar]
+\setupheadtext [\s!tr] [\v!logos=Logolar]
+\setupheadtext [\s!tk] [\v!logos=Logolar]
+\setupheadtext [\s!tr] [\v!units=Birimler]
+\setupheadtext [\s!tk] [\v!units=Birlikler]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!tr] [\v!table=Tablo ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!tk] [\v!table=Tablisa]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!tr] [\v!figure=\Scedilla ekil ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!tk] [\v!figure=Surat]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!tr] [\v!intermezzo=... ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!tk] [\v!intermezzo=Arakesme]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!tr] [\v!graphic=Grafik]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!tk] [\v!graphic=Grafik]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!tr] [\v!chapter=]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!tk] [\v!chapter=Bap]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!tr] [\v!section=]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!tk] [\v!section=]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!tr] [\v!subsection=]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!tk] [\v!subsection=]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!tr] [\v!subsubsection=]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!tr] [\v!subsubsubsection=]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!tk] [\v!subsubsubsection=]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!tr] [\v!appendix=]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!tk] [\v!appendix=Go\scedilla ma\ccedilla a]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!tr] [\v!part=Cilt ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!tk] [\v!part=B\odiaeresis l\udiaeresis m]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!tr] [\v!line=sat\dotlessi r ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!tk] [\v!line=setir]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!tr] [\v!lines=sat\dotlessi rlar ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!tk] [\v!lines=setirler]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!tk] [\v!january=\yacute anwar]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!tk] [\v!february=fewral]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!tk] [\v!march=mart]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!tk] [\v!april=aprel]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!tk] [\v!may=ma\yacute]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!tk] [\v!june=i\yacute un]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!tk] [\v!july=i\yacute ul]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!tk] [\v!august=awgust]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!tk] [\v!september=sent\yacute abr]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!tk] [\v!october=okt\yacute abr]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!tk] [\v!november=no\yacute abr]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!tk] [\v!december=dekabr]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!tr] [\v!january=ocak]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!tr] [\v!february=\Scedilla ubat]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!tr] [\v!march=mart]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!tr] [\v!april=nisan]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!tr] [\v!may=may\dotlessi s]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!tr] [\v!june=haziran]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!tr] [\v!july=temmuz]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!tr] [\v!august=a\gbreve ustos]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!tr] [\v!september=eyl\udiaeresis l]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!tr] [\v!october=ekim]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!tr] [\v!november=kas\dotlessi m]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!tr] [\v!december=aral\dotlessi k]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!tr] [\v!sunday=pazar]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!tr] [\v!monday=pazartesi]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!tr] [\v!tuesday=sal\dotlessi]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!tr] [\v!wednesday=\ccedilla ar\scedilla amba]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!tr] [\v!thursday=per\scedilla embe]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!tr] [\v!friday=cuma]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!tr] [\v!saturday=cumartesi]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!tk] [\v!sunday=dyn\ccedilla\ g\udiaeresis n]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!tk] [\v!monday=birinji g\udiaeresis n]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!tk] [\v!tuesday=ikinji g\udiaeresis n]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!tk] [\v!wednesday=\udiaeresis\ccedilla\udiaeresis nji]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!tk] [\v!thursday=d\odiaeresis rd\udiaeresis nji g\udiaeresis n]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!tk] [\v!friday=b\adiaeresis\scedilla inji g\udiaeresis n]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!tk] [\v!saturday=altynjy g\udiaeresis n]
+%D \ShowAllLanguageValues [\s!tr] [turkish] {Turkish} {delight} % turks fruit
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/lang-ana.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/lang-ana.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f2dc4a17c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/lang-ana.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=lang-ana,
+%D version=1997.09.03,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Language Macros,
+%D subtitle=Anatolian Languages,
+%D author=Hans Hagen / Tobias Burnus,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Language Macros / Anatolian Languages}
+%D The framework of this module is set up by Hans Hagen while
+%D many of the first translations were done by Tobias. Later
+%D on, corrections were made by users. If you have suggestions,
+%D or feel that your name missing here, don't hesitate to send
+%D us an email.
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/lang-art.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/lang-art.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..20216b571
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/lang-art.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=lang--art,
+%D version=1997.09.03,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Language Macros,
+%D subtitle=Artificial Languages,
+%D author=Hans Hagen / Tobias Burnus,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Language Macros / Artificial Languages}
+%D The framework of this module is set up by Hans Hagen while
+%D many of the first translations were done by Tobias. Later
+%D on, corrections were made by users. If you have suggestions,
+%D or feel that your name missing here, don't hesitate to send
+%D us an email.
+% Esperanto
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/lang-bal.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/lang-bal.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4ab751a44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/lang-bal.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=lang-bal,
+%D version=2010.01.21,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Language Macros,
+%D subtitle=Baltic Languages,
+%D author=Marius Aleknevičius,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Language Macros / Baltic Languages}
+%D The framework of this module is set up by Hans Hagen while
+%D all the translations were done by Marius Aleknevičius. If
+%D you have suggestions, don't hesitate to send us an email.
+%D This file is in \UTF\ encoding and is meant for \MKIV.
+% Lettish/Latvian, Lietuvių/Lithuanian
+ [\s!lt]
+ [\c!spacing=\v!packed,
+ \c!leftsentence=---,
+ \c!rightsentence=---,
+ \c!leftsubsentence=---,
+ \c!rightsubsentence=---,
+ \c!leftquote=\lowerleftdoubleninequote,
+ \c!rightquote=\upperrightdoublesixquote,
+ \c!leftquotation=\lowerleftdoubleninequote,
+ \c!rightquotation=\upperrightdoublesixquote,
+ \c!date={\v!year,~m.,\ ,\v!month,\ ,\v!day,~d.},
+ \s!patterns=\s!lt,
+ \s!encoding=l7x,
+ \s!mapping=l7x,
+ \s!lefthyphenmin=2,
+ \s!righthyphenmin=2]
+\installlanguage [lithuanian] [\s!lt]
+\setupheadtext [\s!lt] [\v!content=Turinys]
+\setupheadtext [\s!lt] [\v!tables=Lentelės]
+\setupheadtext [\s!lt] [\v!figures=Iliustracijos]
+\setupheadtext [\s!lt] [\v!graphics=Graphics] % TODO what is the difference between the "graphics" and the "figures"?
+\setupheadtext [\s!lt] [\v!intermezzi=Intermezzos] % TODO what is the "intermezzi"?
+\setupheadtext [\s!lt] [\v!index=Rodyklė]
+\setupheadtext [\s!lt] [\v!abbreviations=Santrumpos]
+\setupheadtext [\s!lt] [\v!logos=Logos] % TODO where it is used?
+\setupheadtext [\s!lt] [\v!units=Units] % TODO where it is used?
+\setupheadtext [\s!lt] [pubs=Literatūra]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!lt] [\v!table={, lentelė.}]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!lt] [\v!figure={, pav.}]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!lt] [\v!intermezzo=Intermezzo ] % TODO
+\setuplabeltext [\s!lt] [\v!graphic=Graphic ] % TODO
+% \setupheads[\c!sectionstopper=.] %TODO how do I set dots after section numbers?
+\setuplabeltext [\s!lt] [\v!chapter=] % Chapter
+\setuplabeltext [\s!lt] [\v!section=]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!lt] [\v!subsection=]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!lt] [\v!subsubsection=]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!lt] [\v!subsubsubsection=]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!lt] [\v!appendix=] % Appendix
+\setuplabeltext [\s!lt] [\v!part={, dalis}]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!lt] [\v!line=line ] % TODO where it is used?
+\setuplabeltext [\s!lt] [\v!lines=lines ] % TODO where it is used?
+\setuplabeltext [\s!lt] [\v!january=sausio]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!lt] [\v!february=vasario]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!lt] [\v!march=kovo]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!lt] [\v!april=balandžio]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!lt] [\v!may=gegužės]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!lt] [\v!june=birželio]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!lt] [\v!july=liepos]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!lt] [\v!august=rugpjūčio]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!lt] [\v!september=rugsėjo]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!lt] [\v!october=spalio]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!lt] [\v!november=lapkričio]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!lt] [\v!december=gruodžio]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!lt] [\v!sunday=sekmadienis]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!lt] [\v!monday=pirmadienis]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!lt] [\v!tuesday=antradienis]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!lt] [\v!wednesday=trečiadienis]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!lt] [\v!thursday=ketvirtadienis]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!lt] [\v!friday=penktadienis]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!lt] [\v!saturday=šeštadienis]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!lt] [\v!page=puslapis ] % TODO how to test?
+\setuplabeltext [\s!lt] [\v!atpage=puslapyje ] % TODO how to test?
+\setuplabeltext [\s!lt] [\v!hencefore=kaip parodyta aukščiau] % TODO how to test?
+\setuplabeltext [\s!lt] [\v!hereafter=kaip parodyta žemiau] % TODO how to test?
+\setuplabeltext [\s!lt] [\v!see=žiūrėti ] % TODO how to test?
+\setuplabeltext [\s!lt] [\v!january :\s!mnem=jan] % I think, there is no abbreviated versions of months in lithuanian
+\setuplabeltext [\s!lt] [\v!february :\s!mnem=feb]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!lt] [\v!march :\s!mnem=mar]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!lt] [\v!april :\s!mnem=apr]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!lt] [\v!may :\s!mnem=may]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!lt] [\v!june :\s!mnem=jun]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!lt] [\v!july :\s!mnem=jul]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!lt] [\v!august :\s!mnem=aug]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!lt] [\v!september:\s!mnem=sep]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!lt] [\v!october :\s!mnem=oct]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!lt] [\v!november :\s!mnem=nov]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!lt] [\v!december :\s!mnem=dec]
+%D \ShowAllLanguageValues [\s!lt] [lithuanian] {Lithuanian} {doll} % What does this mean? Do I need it?
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/lang-cel.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/lang-cel.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e6519497b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/lang-cel.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=lang-cel,
+%D version=1997.09.03,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Language Macros,
+%D subtitle=Celtic Languages,
+%D author=Hans Hagen / Tobias Burnus,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Language Macros / Celtic Languages}
+%D The framework of this module is set up by Hans Hagen while
+%D many of the first translations were done by Tobias. Later
+%D on, corrections were made by users. If you have suggestions,
+%D or feel that your name missing here, don't hesitate to send
+%D us an email.
+% Breton, Welsh, Irish, Manx, Scottish Gaelic
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/lang-chi.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/lang-chi.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5d61281b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/lang-chi.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,305 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=lang-chi,
+%D version=2002.06.25, % 1998.10.10,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Language Macros,
+%D subtitle=Chinese,
+%D author={Hans Hagen \& Wang Lei},
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Language Macros / Chinese}
+%D This module is coded using the \UNICODE\ support built in
+%D \CONTEXT. Therefore, \type {\uchar} is used instead of latin
+%D characters.
+\definesystemconstant {chinese} \definesystemconstant {cn}
+ [\s!cn]
+ [\c!leftsentence=\cnencoding\cnleftsentence,
+ \c!rightsentence=\cnencoding\cnrightsentence,
+ \c!leftsubsentence=\cnencoding\cnleftsubsentence,
+ \c!rightsubsentence=\cnencoding\cnrightsubsentence,
+ \c!leftquote=\cnencoding\cnupperleftsinglequote,
+ \c!rightquote=\cnencoding\cnupperrightsinglequote,
+ \c!leftquotation=\cnencoding\cnupperleftdoublequote,
+ \c!rightquotation=\cnencoding\cnupperrightdoublequote,
+ \c!date={\v!year,\cnyear,\ ,\v!month,\v!day,\cnday}]
+\setupheadtext [\s!cn] [\v!content={\cnencoding\cnencodedcontents}]
+\setupheadtext [\s!cn] [\v!tables={\cnencoding\cnencodedtables}]
+\setupheadtext [\s!cn] [\v!figures={\cnencoding\cnencodedfigures}]
+\setupheadtext [\s!cn] [\v!graphics={\cnencoding\cnencodedgraphics}]% RG & XJF
+\setupheadtext [\s!cn] [\v!intermezzi={\cnencoding\cnencodedintermezzo}]% RG & XJF
+\setupheadtext [\s!cn] [\v!index={\cnencoding\cnencodedindex}]
+\setupheadtext [\s!cn] [\v!abbreviations={\cnencoding\cnencodedabbreviations}]
+\setupheadtext [\s!cn] [\v!logos={\cnencoding\cnencodedlogos}]
+\setupheadtext [\s!cn] [\v!units={\cnencoding\cnencodedunits}]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!cn] [\v!table={\cnencoding\cnencodedtable}]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!cn] [\v!figure={\cnencoding\cnencodedfigure}]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!cn] [\v!intermezzo={\cnencoding\cnencodedintermezzo}]% RG & XJF
+\setuplabeltext [\s!cn] [\v!graphic={\cnencoding\cnencodedillustration}]% RG & XJF
+\setuplabeltext [\s!cn] [\v!appendix={\cnencoding\cnencodedappendix}]% RG
+\setuplabeltext [\s!cn] [\v!part={\cnencoding\cnencodedintro,\cnencoding\cnencodedpart}]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!cn] [\v!chapter={\cnencoding\cnencodedintro,\cnencoding\cnencodedchapter}]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!cn] [\v!section={\cnencoding\cnencodedintro,\cnencoding\cnencodedsection}]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!cn] [\v!line={\cnencoding\cnencodedline}]% RG & XJF
+\setuplabeltext [\s!cn] [\v!lines={\cnencoding\cnencodedline}]% RG & XJF
+\setuplabeltext [\s!cn] [\v!subsection=]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!cn] [\v!subsubsection=]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!cn] [\v!subsubsubsection=]
+%D From this definition one can deduce that language, input
+%D encoding, font encoding, and glyph meaning form a pretty
+%D complex four dimensional space.
+\setuplabeltext [\s!cn] [\v!january=\cnencoding\cnencodedjanuary ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!cn] [\v!february=\cnencoding\cnencodedfebrary ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!cn] [\v!march=\cnencoding\cnencodedmarch ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!cn] [\v!april=\cnencoding\cnencodedapril ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!cn] [\v!may=\cnencoding\cnencodedmay ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!cn] [\v!june=\cnencoding\cnencodedjune ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!cn] [\v!july=\cnencoding\cnencodedjuly ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!cn] [\v!august=\cnencoding\cnencodedaugust ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!cn] [\v!september=\cnencoding\cnencodedseptember]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!cn] [\v!october=\cnencoding\cnencodedoctober ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!cn] [\v!november=\cnencoding\cnencodednovember ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!cn] [\v!december=\cnencoding\cnencodeddecember ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!cn] [\v!sunday=\cnencoding\cnencodedsunday ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!cn] [\v!monday=\cnencoding\cnencodedmonday ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!cn] [\v!tuesday=\cnencoding\cnencodedtuesday ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!cn] [\v!wednesday=\cnencoding\cnencodedwednesday]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!cn] [\v!thursday=\cnencoding\cnencodedthursday ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!cn] [\v!friday=\cnencoding\cnencodedfriday ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!cn] [\v!saturday=\cnencoding\cnencodedsaturday ]
+%D One can specify a split labeltext, as demonstrated in
+%D the definition of the \type {part} label. Unfortunately
+%D the glyphs of both part depend on the encoding. Therefore,
+%D we have an encoding section here.
+\unexpanded\def\cnencoding{\enableencoding[\chineseencoding]} % ugly and temporary
+ \definecommand cnleftsentence {\uchar{32}{20}\uchar{32}{20}}
+ \definecommand cnrightsentence {\uchar{32}{20}\uchar{32}{20}}
+ \definecommand cnleftsubsentence {\uchar{32}{20}\uchar{32}{20}}
+ \definecommand cnrightsubsentence {\uchar{32}{20}\uchar{32}{20}}
+ \definecommand cnupperleftsinglequote {\uchar{32}{24}}
+ \definecommand cnupperrightsinglequote {\uchar{32}{25}}
+ \definecommand cnupperleftdoublequote {\uchar{32}{28}}
+ \definecommand cnupperrightdoublequote {\uchar{32}{29}}
+ \definecommand cnupperleftsinglequote-v {\uchar{48}{12}}
+ \definecommand cnupperrightsinglequote-v {\uchar{48}{13}}
+ \definecommand cnupperleftdoublequote-v {\uchar{48}{14}}
+ \definecommand cnupperrightdoublequote-v {\uchar{48}{15}}
+ \definecommand cnencodedcontents {\uchar{118}{238}\uchar{95}{85}}
+ \definecommand cnencodedtables {\uchar{136}{104}\uchar{104}{60}}
+ \definecommand cnencodedfigures {\uchar{86}{254}\uchar{95}{98}}
+ \definecommand cnencodedindex {\uchar{125}{34}\uchar{95}{21}}
+ \definecommand cnencodedabbreviations {\uchar{127}{41}\uchar{117}{101}\uchar{139}{237}}
+ \definecommand cnencodedlogos {\uchar{95}{189}\uchar{141}{44}}
+ \definecommand cnencodedunits {\uchar{139}{161}\uchar{145}{207}\uchar{83}{85}\uchar{79}{77}}
+ \definecommand cnencodedtable {\uchar{136}{104}}
+ \definecommand cnencodedfigure {\uchar{86}{254}}
+ \definecommand cnencodedintro {\uchar{123}{44}}
+ \definecommand cnencodedpart {\uchar{144}{232}\uchar{82}{6}}
+ \definecommand cnencodedchapter {\uchar{122}{224}}
+ \definecommand cnencodedsection {\uchar{130}{130}}
+ \definecommand cnencodedjanuary {\uchar{78}{0}\uchar{103}{8}}
+ \definecommand cnencodedfebrary {\uchar{78}{140}\uchar{103}{8}}
+ \definecommand cnencodedmarch {\uchar{78}{9}\uchar{103}{8}}
+ \definecommand cnencodedapril {\uchar{86}{219}\uchar{103}{8}}
+ \definecommand cnencodedmay {\uchar{78}{148}\uchar{103}{8}}
+ \definecommand cnencodedjune {\uchar{81}{109}\uchar{103}{8}}
+ \definecommand cnencodedjuly {\uchar{78}{3}\uchar{103}{8}}
+ \definecommand cnencodedaugust {\uchar{81}{107}\uchar{103}{8}}
+ \definecommand cnencodedseptember {\uchar{78}{93}\uchar{103}{8}}
+ \definecommand cnencodedoctober {\uchar{83}{65}\uchar{103}{8}}
+ \definecommand cnencodednovember {\uchar{83}{65}\uchar{78}{0}\uchar{103}{8}}
+ \definecommand cnencodeddecember {\uchar{83}{65}\uchar{78}{140}\uchar{103}{8}}
+ \definecommand cnencodedsunday {\uchar{102}{31}\uchar{103}{31}\uchar{101}{229}}
+ \definecommand cnencodedmonday {\uchar{102}{31}\uchar{103}{31}\uchar{78}{0}}
+ \definecommand cnencodedtuesday {\uchar{102}{31}\uchar{103}{31}\uchar{78}{140}}
+ \definecommand cnencodedwednesday {\uchar{102}{31}\uchar{103}{31}\uchar{78}{9}}
+ \definecommand cnencodedthursday {\uchar{102}{31}\uchar{103}{31}\uchar{86}{219}}
+ \definecommand cnencodedfriday {\uchar{102}{31}\uchar{103}{31}\uchar{78}{148}}
+ \definecommand cnencodedsaturday {\uchar{102}{31}\uchar{103}{31}\uchar{81}{109}}
+ % RG & XJF
+ \definecommand cnencodedgraphics {\uchar{86}{254}}
+ \definecommand cnencodedintermezzo {\uchar{210}{99}\uchar{242}{102}}
+ \definecommand cnencodedillustration {\uchar{99}{210}\uchar{86}{254}}
+ \definecommand cnencodedappendix {\uchar{150}{68}\uchar{95}{85}}
+ \definecommand cnencodedline {\uchar{136}{76}}
+ % Tobias Burnus & XJF
+ \definecommand cnyear {\uchar{94}{116}}
+ \definecommand cnmonth {\uchar{103}{8}}
+ \definecommand cnday {\uchar{101}{229}}
+ \definecommand cnleftsentence {\uchar{161}{170}\uchar{161}{170}}
+ \definecommand cnrightsentence {\uchar{161}{170}\uchar{161}{170}}
+ \definecommand cnleftsubsentence {\uchar{161}{170}\uchar{161}{170}}
+ \definecommand cnrightsubsentence {\uchar{161}{170}\uchar{161}{170}}
+ \definecommand cnupperleftsinglequote {\uchar{161}{174}}
+ \definecommand cnupperrightsinglequote {\uchar{161}{175}}
+ \definecommand cnupperleftdoublequote {\uchar{161}{176}}
+ \definecommand cnupperrightdoublequote {\uchar{161}{177}}
+ \definecommand cnupperleftsinglequote-v {\uchar{161}{184}}
+ \definecommand cnupperrightsinglequote-v {\uchar{161}{185}}
+ \definecommand cnupperleftdoublequote-v {\uchar{161}{186}}
+ \definecommand cnupperrightdoublequote-v {\uchar{161}{187}}
+ \definecommand cnencodedcontents {\uchar{196}{191}\uchar{194}{188}}
+ \definecommand cnencodedtables {\uchar{177}{237}\uchar{184}{241}}
+ \definecommand cnencodedfigures {\uchar{205}{188}\uchar{208}{206}}
+ \definecommand cnencodedindex {\uchar{203}{247}\uchar{210}{253}}
+ \definecommand cnencodedabbreviations {\uchar{203}{245}\uchar{194}{212}\uchar{211}{239}}
+ \definecommand cnencodedlogos {\uchar{187}{213}\uchar{177}{225}}
+ \definecommand cnencodedunits {\uchar{188}{198}\uchar{193}{191}\uchar{181}{165}\uchar{206}{187}}
+ \definecommand cnencodedtable {\uchar{177}{237}}
+ \definecommand cnencodedfigure {\uchar{205}{188}}
+ \definecommand cnencodedintro {\uchar{181}{218}}
+ \definecommand cnencodedpart {\uchar{178}{191}\uchar{183}{214}}
+ \definecommand cnencodedchapter {\uchar{213}{194}}
+ \definecommand cnencodedsection {\uchar{189}{218}}
+ \definecommand cnencodedjanuary {\uchar{210}{187}\uchar{212}{194}}
+ \definecommand cnencodedfebrary {\uchar{182}{254}\uchar{212}{194}}
+ \definecommand cnencodedmarch {\uchar{200}{253}\uchar{212}{194}}
+ \definecommand cnencodedapril {\uchar{203}{196}\uchar{212}{194}}
+ \definecommand cnencodedmay {\uchar{206}{229}\uchar{212}{194}}
+ \definecommand cnencodedjune {\uchar{193}{249}\uchar{212}{194}}
+ \definecommand cnencodedjuly {\uchar{198}{223}\uchar{212}{194}}
+ \definecommand cnencodedaugust {\uchar{176}{203}\uchar{212}{194}}
+ \definecommand cnencodedseptember {\uchar{190}{197}\uchar{212}{194}}
+ \definecommand cnencodedoctober {\uchar{202}{174}\uchar{212}{194}}
+ \definecommand cnencodednovember {\uchar{202}{174}\uchar{210}{187}\uchar{212}{194}}
+ \definecommand cnencodeddecember {\uchar{202}{174}\uchar{182}{254}\uchar{212}{194}}
+ \definecommand cnencodedsunday {\uchar{208}{199}\uchar{198}{218}\uchar{200}{213}}
+ \definecommand cnencodedmonday {\uchar{208}{199}\uchar{198}{218}\uchar{210}{187}}
+ \definecommand cnencodedtuesday {\uchar{208}{199}\uchar{198}{218}\uchar{182}{254}}
+ \definecommand cnencodedwednesday {\uchar{208}{199}\uchar{198}{218}\uchar{200}{253}}
+ \definecommand cnencodedthursday {\uchar{208}{199}\uchar{198}{218}\uchar{203}{196}}
+ \definecommand cnencodedfriday {\uchar{208}{199}\uchar{198}{218}\uchar{206}{229}}
+ \definecommand cnencodedsaturday {\uchar{208}{199}\uchar{198}{218}\uchar{193}{249}}
+ % RG & XJF
+ \definecommand cnencodedgraphics {\uchar{205}{188}}
+ \definecommand cnencodedintermezzo {\uchar{178}{229}\uchar{199}{250}}
+ \definecommand cnencodedillustration {\uchar{178}{229}\uchar{205}{188}}
+ \definecommand cnencodedappendix {\uchar{184}{189}\uchar{194}{188}}
+ \definecommand cnencodedline {\uchar{208}{208}}
+ % Tobias Burnus & XJF
+ \definecommand cnyear {\uchar{196}{234}}
+ \definecommand cnmonth {\uchar{212}{194}}
+ \definecommand cnday {\uchar{200}{213}}
+ \definecommand cnleftsentence {\uchar{162}{119}\uchar{162}{119}}
+ \definecommand cnrightsentence {\uchar{162}{119}\uchar{162}{119}}
+ \definecommand cnleftsubsentence {\uchar{162}{119}\uchar{162}{119}}
+ \definecommand cnrightsubsentence {\uchar{162}{119}\uchar{162}{119}}
+ \definecommand cnupperleftsinglequote {\uchar{161}{165}}
+ \definecommand cnupperrightsinglequote {\uchar{161}{166}}
+ \definecommand cnupperleftdoublequote {\uchar{161}{167}}
+ \definecommand cnupperrightdoublequote {\uchar{161}{168}}
+ \definecommand cnupperleftsinglequote-v {\uchar{161}{117}}
+ \definecommand cnupperrightsinglequote-v {\uchar{161}{118}}
+ \definecommand cnupperleftdoublequote-v {\uchar{161}{121}}
+ \definecommand cnupperrightdoublequote-v {\uchar{161}{122}}
+ \definecommand cnencodecontents {\uchar{165}{216}\uchar{191}{253}}
+ \definecommand cnencodetables {\uchar{170}{237}\uchar{174}{230}}
+ \definecommand cnencodefigures {\uchar{185}{207}\uchar{167}{206}}
+ \definecommand cnencodeindex {\uchar{175}{193}\uchar{174}{222}}
+ \definecommand cnencodeabbreviations {\uchar{191}{89}\uchar{178}{164}\uchar{187}{121}}
+ \definecommand cnencodelogos {\uchar{192}{178}\uchar{188}{208}}
+ \definecommand cnencodeunits {\uchar{173}{112}\uchar{182}{113}\uchar{179}{230}\uchar{166}{236}}
+ \definecommand cnencodetable {\uchar{170}{237}}
+ \definecommand cnencodefigure {\uchar{185}{207}}
+ \definecommand cnencodedintro {\uchar{178}{196}}
+ \definecommand cnencodedpart {\uchar{179}{161}\uchar{164}{192}}
+ \definecommand cnencodedchapter {\uchar{179}{185}}
+ \definecommand cnencodedsection {\uchar{184} {96}}
+ \definecommand cnencodedjanuary {\uchar{164} {64}\uchar{164}{235}}
+ \definecommand cnencodedfebrary {\uchar{164} {71}\uchar{164}{235}}
+ \definecommand cnencodedmarch {\uchar{164} {84}\uchar{164}{235}}
+ \definecommand cnencodedapril {\uchar{165}{124}\uchar{164}{235}}
+ \definecommand cnencodedmay {\uchar{164}{173}\uchar{164}{235}}
+ \definecommand cnencodedjune {\uchar{164}{187}\uchar{164}{235}}
+ \definecommand cnencodedjuly {\uchar{164} {67}\uchar{164}{235}}
+ \definecommand cnencodedaugust {\uchar{164} {75}\uchar{164}{235}}
+ \definecommand cnencodedseptember {\uchar{164} {69}\uchar{164}{235}}
+ \definecommand cnencodedoctober {\uchar{164} {81}\uchar{164}{235}}
+ \definecommand cnencodednovember {\uchar{164} {81}\uchar{164} {64}\uchar{164}{235}}
+ \definecommand cnencodeddecember {\uchar{164} {81}\uchar{164} {71}\uchar{164}{235}}
+ \definecommand cnencodedsunday {\uchar{172} {80}\uchar{180}{193}\uchar{164}{233}}
+ \definecommand cnencodedmonday {\uchar{172} {80}\uchar{180}{193}\uchar{164} {64}}
+ \definecommand cnencodedtuesday {\uchar{172} {80}\uchar{180}{193}\uchar{164} {71}}
+ \definecommand cnencodedwednesday {\uchar{172} {80}\uchar{180}{193}\uchar{164} {84}}
+ \definecommand cnencodedthursday {\uchar{172} {80}\uchar{180}{193}\uchar{165}{124}}
+ \definecommand cnencodedfriday {\uchar{172} {80}\uchar{180}{193}\uchar{164}{173}}
+ \definecommand cnencodedsaturday {\uchar{172} {80}\uchar{180}{193}\uchar{164}{187}}
+ % Tobias Burnus &\XJF
+ \definecommand cnyear {\uchar{166}{126}}
+ \definecommand cnmonth {\uchar{164}{235}}
+ \definecommand cnday {\uchar{164}{233}}
+% Traditional Chinese characters (only where they differ to the
+% simplified ones) for lang-chi.tex and font-chi.tex.
+% \startencoding[cjk-uni]
+% \defineudigit 10000 132 44
+% \defineudigit 100000000 81 4
+% \definecommand cnencodedsection {\uchar{123}{192}}
+% \definecommand cnencodedfigure {\uchar{87}{22}}
+% \definecommand cnencodedunits {\uchar{138}{8}\uchar{145}{207}\uchar{85}{174}\uchar{79}{77}}
+% \definecommand cnencodedlogos {\uchar{95}{189}\uchar{140}{182}}
+% \definecommand cnencodedabbreviations {\uchar{126}{46}\uchar{117}{101}\uchar{138}{158}}
+% \definecommand cnencodedfigures {\uchar{87}{22}\uchar{95}{98}}
+% \definecommand cnencodedcontents {\uchar{118}{238}\uchar{147}{4}}
+% \stopencoding
+% \startencoding[gbk]
+% \defineudigit 10000 200 102
+% \defineudigit 100000000 131 124
+% \definecommand cnencodedsection {\uchar{185}{157}}
+% \definecommand cnencodedfigure {\uchar{136}{68}}
+% \definecommand cnencodedunits {\uchar{211}{139}\uchar{193}{191}\uchar{134}{206}\uchar{206}{187}}
+% \definecommand cnencodedlogos {\uchar{187}{213}\uchar{217}{72}
+% \definecommand cnencodedabbreviations {\uchar{191}{115}\uchar{194}{212}\uchar{213}{90}}
+% \definecommand cnencodedfigures {\uchar{136}{68}\uchar{208}{206}}
+% \definecommand cnencodedcontents {\uchar{196}{191}\uchar{228}{155}}
+% \stopencoding
+% \startencoding[big5]
+% \defineudigit 10000 184 85
+% \defineudigit 100000000 187 245
+% \definecommand cnencodedsection {\uchar{184}{96}}
+% \definecommand cnencodedfigure {\uchar{185}{207}}
+% \definecommand cnencodedunits {\uchar{173}{112}\uchar{182}{113}\uchar{179}{230}\uchar{166}{236}}
+% \definecommand cnencodedlogos {\uchar{192}{178}\uchar{182}{83}}
+% \definecommand cnencodedabbreviations {\uchar{193}{89}\uchar{178}{164}\uchar{187}{121}}
+% \definecommand cnencodedfigures {\uchar{185}{207}\uchar{167}{206}}
+% \definecommand cnencodedcontents {\uchar{165}{216}\uchar{191}{253}}
+% \stopencoding
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/lang-ctx.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/lang-ctx.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2aecb918e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/lang-ctx.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=lang-ctx,
+%D version=2005.02.12,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Language Macros,
+%D subtitle=Generic Patterns,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Language Macros / Generic Patterns}
+%D The \CONTEXT\ specific patterns are more generic and
+%D are more or less encoding independent. They are generated
+%D from the ones shipped with distributions using:
+%D \starttyping
+%D ctxtools --pattern --all
+%D \stoptyping
+%D In order to get 8 bit characters hyphenated, we need to load
+%D patterns under the right circumstances. In some countries, more
+%D than one font encoding is in use. I can add more defaults here
+%D if users let me know what encoding they use.
+% \installlanguage [\s!nl] [\s!mapping={texnansi,ec},\s!encoding={texnansi,ec}]
+% \installlanguage [\s!fr] [\s!mapping={texnansi,ec},\s!encoding={texnansi,ec}]
+% \installlanguage [\s!de] [\s!mapping={texnansi,ec},\s!encoding={texnansi,ec}]
+% \installlanguage [\s!it] [\s!mapping={texnansi,ec},\s!encoding={texnansi,ec}]
+% \installlanguage [\s!pt] [\s!mapping={texnansi,ec},\s!encoding={texnansi,ec}]
+% \installlanguage [\s!hr] [\s!mapping=ec,\s!encoding=ec] % no il2, misses cacute characters
+% \installlanguage [\s!pl] [\s!mapping={pl0,ec,qx},\s!encoding={pl0,ec,qx}] % pl0 may go
+% \installlanguage [\s!cs] [\s!mapping={il2,ec},\s!encoding={il2,ec}] % il2 may go
+% \installlanguage [\s!sk] [\s!mapping={il2,ec},\s!encoding={il2,ec}] % il2 may go
+% \installlanguage [\s!sl] [\s!mapping=ec,\s!encoding=ec] % il2 has gone
+% \installlanguage [\s!vi] [\s!mapping=t5,\s!encoding=t5]
+% \installlanguage [\s!ru] [\s!mapping=t2a,\s!encoding=t2a]
+% beware, don't use \setuplanguage here
+% \installlanguage[\s!gb][\s!lefthyphenmin=3,\s!righthyphenmin=3] % patterns can only handle this
+% \installlanguage[\s!us][\s!lefthyphenmin=2,\s!righthyphenmin=3] % patterns can only handle this
+% greek
+% \installlanguage[\s!agr][\s!mapping=\s!agr,\s!encoding=\s!agr]
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/lang-cyr.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/lang-cyr.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..eed3ec80e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/lang-cyr.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,371 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=lang-cyr,
+%D version=2003.01.24,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Language Macros,
+%D subtitle=Cyrillic Languages,
+%D author=see below,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Language Macros / Cyrillic Languages}
+%D The cyrillic languages always use a dedicated input regime.
+%D Therefore we define the labels using symbolic names.
+%D Support for cyrillic is initiated by Olga Briginets who
+%D also layed the base for the language, encoding and font
+%D definition. Later Alexander Bokovoy and Victor Figurnov
+%D improved things. I (Hans Hagen) mainly cleaned things up
+%D a bit.
+ [\s!ru]
+ [\s!lefthyphenmin=2,
+ \s!righthyphenmin=2,
+ \c!spacing=\v!packed,
+ \c!leftsentence=\leftguillemot,
+ \c!rightsentence=\rightguillemot,
+ \c!leftsubsentence=\lowerleftdoubleninequote,
+ \c!rightsubsentence=\upperrightdoubleninequote,
+ \c!leftquote=\lowerleftdoubleninequote,
+ \c!rightquote=\upperrightdoubleninequote,
+ \c!leftquotation=\leftguillemot,
+ \c!rightquotation=\rightguillemot,
+ \c!date={\v!day,\ ,\v!month,\ ,\v!year},
+ \s!mapping=t2a,
+ \s!encoding=t2a]
+ [\s!ua]
+ [\s!lefthyphenmin=2,
+ \s!righthyphenmin=2,
+ \c!spacing=\v!packed,
+ \c!leftsentence=\leftguillemot,
+ \c!rightsentence=\rightguillemot,
+ \c!leftsubsentence=\lowerleftdoubleninequote,
+ \c!rightsubsentence=\upperrightdoubleninequote,
+ \c!leftquote=\lowerleftdoubleninequote,
+ \c!rightquote=\upperrightdoubleninequote,
+ \c!leftquotation=\leftguillemot,
+ \c!rightquotation=\rightguillemot,
+ \c!date={\v!day,\ ,\v!month,\ ,\v!year},
+ \s!patterns=\s!uk,
+ \s!mapping=t2a,
+ \s!encoding=t2a]
+\installlanguage [russian] [\s!ru]
+\installlanguage [ukrainian] [\s!ua]
+%D Labels and header texts.
+\setupheadtext [\s!ru] [ \v!content=\cyrillicS \cyrillico \cyrillicd
+ \cyrillice \cyrillicr \cyrilliczh
+ \cyrillica \cyrillicn \cyrillici
+ \cyrillice]
+\setupheadtext [\s!ua] [\v!content=\cyrillicZ \cyrillicm \cyrillicii
+ \cyrillics \cyrillict]
+\setupheadtext [\s!ru] [\v!tables=\cyrillicS \cyrillicp \cyrillici
+ \cyrillics \cyrillico \cyrillick
+ \space \cyrillict \cyrillica
+ \cyrillicb \cyrillicl \cyrillici
+ \cyrillicc]
+\setupheadtext [\s!ua] [\v!tables=\cyrillicP \cyrillice \cyrillicr
+ \cyrillice \cyrillicl \cyrillicii
+ \cyrillick \space \cyrillict
+ \cyrillica \cyrillicb \cyrillicl
+ \cyrillici \cyrillicc \cyrillicsftsn]
+\setupheadtext [\s!ru] [\v!figures=\cyrillicS \cyrillicp \cyrillici
+ \cyrillics \cyrillico \cyrillick
+ \space \cyrillici \cyrillicl
+ \cyrillicl \cyrillicyu\cyrillics
+ \cyrillict \cyrillicr \cyrillica
+ \cyrillicc \cyrillici \cyrillicishrt]
+\setupheadtext [\s!ua] [\v!figures=\cyrillicP \cyrillice \cyrillicr
+ \cyrillice \cyrillicl \cyrillicii
+ \cyrillick \space \cyrillicii
+ \cyrillicl \cyrillicyu\cyrillics
+ \cyrillict \cyrillicr \cyrillica
+ \cyrillicc \cyrillicii\cyrillicishrt]
+\setupheadtext [\s!ru] [\v!graphics=\cyrillicS \cyrillicp \cyrillici
+ \cyrillics \cyrillico \cyrillick
+ \space \cyrillicg \cyrillicr
+ \cyrillica \cyrillicf \cyrillici
+ \cyrillick \cyrillico \cyrillicv]
+\setupheadtext [\s!ua] [\v!graphics=\cyrillicP \cyrillice \cyrillicr
+ \cyrillice \cyrillicl \cyrillicii
+ \cyrillick \space \cyrillicg
+ \cyrillicr \cyrillica \cyrillicf
+ \cyrillicii\cyrillick \cyrillico
+ \cyrillicv]
+\setupheadtext [\s!ru] [\v!intermezzi=\cyrillicS \cyrillicp \cyrillici
+ \cyrillics \cyrillico \cyrillick
+ \space \cyrillicv \cyrillics
+ \cyrillict \cyrillica \cyrillicv
+ \cyrillico \cyrillick]
+\setupheadtext [\s!ua] [\v!intermezzi=\cyrillicP \cyrillice \cyrillicr
+ \cyrillice \cyrillicl \cyrillicii
+ \cyrillick \space \cyrillicv
+ \cyrillics \cyrillict \cyrillica
+ \cyrillicv \cyrillico \cyrillick]
+\setupheadtext [\s!ru] [\v!index=\cyrillicA \cyrillicl \cyrillicf
+ \cyrillica \cyrillicv \cyrillici
+ \cyrillict \cyrillicn \cyrillicery
+ \cyrillicishrt \space \cyrillicu
+ \cyrillick \cyrillica \cyrillicz
+ \cyrillica \cyrillict \cyrillice
+ \cyrillicl \cyrillicsftsn]
+\setupheadtext [\s!ua] [\v!index=\cyrillicP \cyrillico \cyrillick
+ \cyrillica \cyrilliczh\cyrillicch
+ \cyrillici \cyrillick]
+\setupheadtext [\s!ru] [\v!abbreviations=\cyrillicS \cyrillicp \cyrillici
+ \cyrillics \cyrillico \cyrillick
+ \space \cyrillics \cyrillico
+ \cyrillick \cyrillicr \cyrillica
+ \cyrillicshch \cyrillice
+ \cyrillicn
+ \cyrillici \cyrillicishrt]
+\setupheadtext [\s!ua] [\v!abbreviations=\cyrillicP \cyrillice \cyrillicr
+ \cyrillice \cyrillicl \cyrillicii
+ \cyrillick \space \cyrillics
+ \cyrillick \cyrillico \cyrillicr
+ \cyrillico \cyrillicch\cyrillice
+ \cyrillicn \cyrillicsftsn]
+\setupheadtext [\s!ru] [\v!logos=\cyrillicL \cyrillico \cyrillicg
+ \cyrillico \cyrillict \cyrillici
+ \cyrillicp \cyrillicery]
+\setupheadtext [\s!ua] [\v!logos=\cyrillicL \cyrillico \cyrillicg
+ \cyrillico \cyrillict \cyrillici
+ \cyrillicp \cyrillici]
+\setupheadtext [\s!ru] [\v!units=\cyrillicE \cyrillicd \cyrillici
+ \cyrillicn \cyrillici \cyrillicc
+ \cyrillicery \space \cyrillici
+ \cyrillicz \cyrillicm \cyrillice
+ \cyrillicr \cyrillice \cyrillicn
+ \cyrillici \cyrillicya]
+\setupheadtext [\s!ua] [\v!units=\cyrillicO \cyrillicd \cyrillici
+ \cyrillicn \cyrillici \cyrillicc
+ \cyrillicii\space \cyrillicv
+ \cyrillici \cyrillicm \cyrillicii
+ \cyrillicr \cyrillicu]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ru] [\v!table=\cyrillicT \cyrillica \cyrillicb
+ \cyrillicl \cyrillici \cyrillicc
+ \cyrillica \space]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ua] [\v!table=\cyrillicT \cyrillica \cyrillicb
+ \cyrillicl \cyrillici \cyrillicc
+ \cyrillicya\space]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ru] [\v!figure=\cyrillicR \cyrillici \cyrillics
+ \cyrillicu \cyrillicn \cyrillico
+ \cyrillick \space]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ua] [\v!figure=\cyrillicM \cyrillica \cyrillicl
+ \cyrillicyu\cyrillicn \cyrillico
+ \cyrillick \space]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ru] [\v!intermezzo=\cyrillicV \cyrillics \cyrillict
+ \cyrillica \cyrillicv \cyrillick
+ \cyrillica \space]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ua] [\v!intermezzo=\cyrillicV \cyrillics \cyrillict
+ \cyrillica \cyrillicv \cyrillick
+ \cyrillica \space]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ru] [\v!graphic=\cyrillicG \cyrillicr \cyrillica
+ \cyrillicf \cyrillici \cyrillick
+ \space]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ua] [\v!graphic=\cyrillicG \cyrillicr \cyrillica
+ \cyrillicf \cyrillici \cyrillick
+ \space]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ru] [\v!chapter=]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ua] [\v!chapter=]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ru] [\v!section=]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ua] [\v!section=]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ru] [\v!subsection=]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ua] [\v!subsection=]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ru] [\v!subsubsection=]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ua] [\v!subsubsection=]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ru] [\v!subsubsubsection=]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ua] [\v!subsubsubsection=]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ru] [\v!appendix=]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ua] [\v!appendix=]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ru] [\v!part=\cyrillicCH\cyrillica \cyrillics
+ \cyrillict \cyrillicsftsn
+ \space]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ua] [\v!part=\cyrillicCH\cyrillica \cyrillics
+ \cyrillict \cyrillici \cyrillicn
+ \cyrillica \space]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ru] [\v!line=\cyrillics \cyrillict \cyrillicr
+ \cyrillico \cyrillick \cyrillica
+ \space]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ua] [\v!line=\cyrillicr \cyrillicya\cyrillicd
+ \cyrillico \cyrillick \space]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ru] [\v!lines=\cyrillics \cyrillict \cyrillicr
+ \cyrillico \cyrillick \cyrillici
+ \space]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ua] [\v!lines=\cyrillicr \cyrillicya\cyrillicd
+ \cyrillick \cyrillici \space]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ru] [\v!page=\cyrillics \cyrillict \cyrillicr
+ \cyrillica \cyrillicn \cyrillici
+ \cyrillicc \cyrillica \space]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ua] [\v!page=\cyrillics \cyrillict \cyrillico
+ \cyrillicr \cyrillicii\cyrillicn
+ \cyrillick \cyrillica \space ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ru] [\v!atpage=\cyrillicn \cyrillica \space
+ \cyrillics \cyrillict \cyrillicr
+ \cyrillica \cyrillicn \cyrillici
+ \cyrillicc \cyrillice \space]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ua] [\v!atpage=\cyrillicn \cyrillica \space
+ \cyrillics \cyrillict \cyrillico
+ \cyrillicr \cyrillicii\cyrillicn
+ \cyrillicc \cyrillicii\space ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ru] [\v!hencefore=\cyrillics \cyrillicm.\space
+ \cyrillicv \cyrillicery \cyrillicsh
+ \cyrillice]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ua] [\v!hencefore=\cyrillicya\cyrillick \space
+ \cyrillicp \cyrillico \cyrillick
+ \cyrillica \cyrillicz \cyrillica
+ \cyrillicn \cyrillico \space
+ \cyrillicv \cyrillici \cyrillicshch
+ \cyrillice]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ru] [\v!hereafter=\cyrillics \cyrillicm.\space
+ \cyrillicn \cyrillici \cyrilliczh
+ \cyrillice]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ua] [\v!hereafter=\cyrillicya\cyrillick \space
+ \cyrillicp \cyrillico \cyrillick
+ \cyrillica \cyrillicz \cyrillica
+ \cyrillicn \cyrillico \space
+ \cyrillicn \cyrillici \cyrilliczh
+ \cyrillicch\cyrillice]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ru] [\v!see=\cyrillics \cyrillicm.\space]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ua] [\v!see=\cyrillicd \cyrillici
+ \cyrillicv.\space ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ru] [\v!january=\cyrillicya\cyrillicn \cyrillicv
+ \cyrillica \cyrillicr \cyrillicya]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ru] [\v!february=\cyrillicf \cyrillice \cyrillicv
+ \cyrillicr \cyrillica \cyrillicl
+ \cyrillicya]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ru] [\v!march=\cyrillicm \cyrillica \cyrillicr
+ \cyrillict \cyrillica]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ru] [\v!april=\cyrillica \cyrillicp \cyrillicr
+ \cyrillice \cyrillicl \cyrillicya]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ru] [\v!may=\cyrillicm \cyrillica \cyrillicya]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ru] [\v!june=\cyrillici \cyrillicyu\cyrillicn
+ \cyrillicya]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ru] [\v!july=\cyrillici \cyrillicyu\cyrillicl
+ \cyrillicya]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ru] [\v!august=\cyrillica \cyrillicv \cyrillicg
+ \cyrillicu \cyrillics \cyrillict
+ \cyrillica]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ru] [\v!september=\cyrillics \cyrillice \cyrillicn
+ \cyrillict \cyrillicya\cyrillicb
+ \cyrillicr \cyrillicya]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ru] [\v!october=\cyrillico \cyrillick \cyrillict
+ \cyrillicya\cyrillicb \cyrillicr
+ \cyrillicya]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ru] [\v!november=\cyrillicn \cyrillico \cyrillicya
+ \cyrillicb \cyrillicr \cyrillicya]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ru] [\v!december=\cyrillicd \cyrillice \cyrillick
+ \cyrillica \cyrillicb \cyrillicr
+ \cyrillicya]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ua] [\v!january=\cyrillics \cyrillicii\cyrillicch
+ \cyrillicn \cyrillicya]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ua] [\v!february=\cyrillicl \cyrillicyu\cyrillict
+ \cyrillico \cyrillicg \cyrillico]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ua] [\v!march=\cyrillicb \cyrillice \cyrillicr
+ \cyrillice \cyrillicz \cyrillicn
+ \cyrillicya]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ua] [\v!april=\cyrillick \cyrillicv \cyrillicii
+ \cyrillict \cyrillicn \cyrillicya]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ua] [\v!may=\cyrillict \cyrillicr \cyrillica
+ \cyrillicv \cyrillicn \cyrillicya]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ua] [\v!june=\cyrillicch\cyrillice \cyrillicr
+ \cyrillicv \cyrillicn \cyrillicya]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ua] [\v!july=\cyrillicl \cyrillici \cyrillicp
+ \cyrillicn \cyrillicya]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ua] [\v!august=\cyrillics \cyrillice \cyrillicr
+ \cyrillicp \cyrillicn \cyrillicya]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ua] [\v!september=\cyrillicv \cyrillice \cyrillicr
+ \cyrillice \cyrillics \cyrillicn
+ \cyrillicya]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ua] [\v!october=\cyrilliczh\cyrillico \cyrillicv
+ \cyrillict \cyrillicn \cyrillicya]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ua] [\v!november=\cyrillicl \cyrillici \cyrillics
+ \cyrillict \cyrillico \cyrillicp
+ \cyrillica \cyrillicd \cyrillica]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ua] [\v!december=\cyrillicg \cyrillicr \cyrillicu
+ \cyrillicd \cyrillicn \cyrillicya]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ru] [\v!sunday=\cyrillicv \cyrillico \cyrillics
+ \cyrillick \cyrillicr \cyrillice
+ \cyrillics \cyrillice \cyrillicn
+ \cyrillicsftsn \cyrillice]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ru] [\v!monday=\cyrillicp \cyrillico \cyrillicn
+ \cyrillice \cyrillicd \cyrillice
+ \cyrillicl \cyrillicsftsn
+ \cyrillicn \cyrillici \cyrillick]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ru] [\v!tuesday=\cyrillicv \cyrillict \cyrillico
+ \cyrillicr \cyrillicn \cyrillici
+ \cyrillick]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ru] [\v!wednesday=\cyrillics \cyrillicr \cyrillice
+ \cyrillicd \cyrillica]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ru] [\v!thursday=\cyrillicch\cyrillice \cyrillict
+ \cyrillicv \cyrillice \cyrillicr
+ \cyrillicg]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ru] [\v!friday=\cyrillicp \cyrillicya\cyrillict
+ \cyrillicn \cyrillici \cyrillicc
+ \cyrillica]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ru] [\v!saturday=\cyrillics \cyrillicu \cyrillicb
+ \cyrillicb \cyrillico \cyrillict
+ \cyrillica]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ua] [\v!sunday=\cyrillicn \cyrillice \cyrillicd
+ \cyrillicii\cyrillicl \cyrillicya]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ua] [\v!monday=\cyrillicp \cyrillico \cyrillicn
+ \cyrillice \cyrillicd \cyrillicii
+ \cyrillicl \cyrillico \cyrillick]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ua] [\v!tuesday=\cyrillicv \cyrillicii\cyrillicv
+ \cyrillict \cyrillico \cyrillicr
+ \cyrillico \cyrillick]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ua] [\v!wednesday=\cyrillics \cyrillice \cyrillicr
+ \cyrillice \cyrillicd \cyrillica]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ua] [\v!thursday=\cyrillicch\cyrillice \cyrillict
+ \cyrillicv \cyrillice \cyrillicr]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ua] [\v!friday=\cyrillicp'\cyrillicya\cyrillict
+ \cyrillicn \cyrillici \cyrillicc
+ \cyrillicya]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ua] [\v!saturday=\cyrillics \cyrillicu \cyrillicb
+ \cyrillico \cyrillict \cyrillica]
+%D \ShowAllLanguageValues [\s!ru] [russian] {Russian} {doll}
+%D \ShowAllLanguageValues [\s!ua] [ukranian] {Ukranian} {dance}
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/lang-dis.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/lang-dis.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..213c5110f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/lang-dis.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=lang-dis,
+%D version=2005.02.12,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Language Macros,
+%D subtitle=Distribution Patterns,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D This code used to be part of cont-usr.tex but now that we
+%D use more generic pattern files, we decided to isolate these
+%D mappings.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Language Macros / Distribution Patterns}
+%D Hyphenation patterns are normally sought in filed named
+%D \type {lang-xx.pat}. When present on the system, those
+%D patterns take precedence. This list will be adapted to
+%D the actual situation, given that it's noticed.
+%D The us/uk hyph 1/2 files will go
+% \definefilefallback [lang-ca.pat] [cahyph.tex]
+% \definefilefallback [lang-da.pat] [dkhyph.tex]
+% \definefilefallback [lang-de.pat] [dehyphn.tex]
+% \definefilefallback [lang-es.pat] [eshyph.tex]
+% \definefilefallback [lang-fi.pat] [fihyph.tex]
+% \definefilefallback [lang-fr.pat] [frhyph.tex]
+% \definefilefallback [lang-hr.pat] [hrhyph.tex]
+% \definefilefallback [lang-hu.pat] [huhyph.tex]
+% \definefilefallback [lang-it.pat] [ithyph.tex]
+% \definefilefallback [lang-la.pat] [lahyph7.tex]
+% \definefilefallback [lang-no.pat] [nohyph.tex]
+% \definefilefallback [lang-pl.pat] [plhyph.tex]
+% \definefilefallback [lang-pt.pat] [pthyph.tex]
+% \definefilefallback [lang-ro.pat] [rohyph.tex]
+% \definefilefallback [lang-ru.pat] [ruenhyph.tex]
+% \definefilefallback [lang-sl.pat] [sihyph.tex,slhyph.tex]
+% \definefilefallback [lang-sv.pat] [svhyph.tex,sehyph.tex]
+% \definefilefallback [lang-tr.pat] [tkhyph.tex,trhyph.tex]
+% \definefilefallback [lang-ua.pat] [ukrenhyp.tex]
+% \definefilefallback [lang-uk.pat] [ukhyphen.tex,ukhyph.tex]
+% \definefilefallback [lang-us.pat] [ushyphmax.tex,ushyph.tex,ushyph1.tex,ushyph2.tex,hyphen.tex]
+% \definefilefallback [lang-nl.pat] [nehyph96.tex,dutch96.pat,nehyph.tex]
+% \definefilefallback [lang-cz.pat] [czhyphen.tex,czhyph.pat]
+% \definefilefallback [lang-sk.pat] [skhyphen.tex,skhyph.pat]
+% \definefilefallback [lang-deo.pat] [dehypht.tex]
+% \definefilesynonym [lang-af.pat] [lang-nl.pat]
+% \definefilesynonym [lang-en.pat] [lang-us.pat]
+% \definefilesynonym [lang-en.hyp] [lang-us.hyp]
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/lang-frd.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/lang-frd.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..be4e07b75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/lang-frd.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=lang-frd,
+%D version=2004.01.15,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Language Macros,
+%D subtitle=Language Frequency Table Data,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D This is expewrimental work!
+ \charfreq a 7.47
+ \charfreq b 1.58
+ \charfreq c 1.24
+ \charfreq d 5.93
+ \charfreq e 18.91
+ \charfreq f .81
+ \charfreq g 3.4
+ \charfreq h 2.38
+ \charfreq i 6.5
+ \charfreq j 1.46
+ \charfreq k 2.25
+ \charfreq l 3.57
+ \charfreq m 2.21
+ \charfreq n 10.03
+ \charfreq o 6.06
+ \charfreq p 1.57
+ \charfreq q .009
+ \charfreq r 6.41
+ \charfreq s 3.73
+ \charfreq t 6.79
+ \charfreq u 1.99
+ \charfreq v 2.85
+ \charfreq w 1.52
+ \charfreq x .04
+ \charfreq y .035
+ \charfreq z 1.39
+% \startcharactertable[en]
+% \charfreq a 8.2
+% \charfreq b 1.5
+% \charfreq c 2.8
+% \charfreq d 4.3
+% \charfreq e 12.7
+% \charfreq f 2.2
+% \charfreq g 2
+% \charfreq h 6.1
+% \charfreq i 7
+% \charfreq j .2
+% \charfreq k .8
+% \charfreq l 4
+% \charfreq m 2.4
+% \charfreq n 6.7
+% \charfreq o 7.5
+% \charfreq p 1.9
+% \charfreq q .1
+% \charfreq r 6
+% \charfreq s 6.3
+% \charfreq t 9.1
+% \charfreq u 2.8
+% \charfreq v 1
+% \charfreq w 2.3
+% \charfreq x .1
+% \charfreq y 2
+% \charfreq z .1
+% \stopcharactertable
+ \charfreq a 8.04
+ \charfreq b 1.54
+ \charfreq c 3.06
+ \charfreq d 3.99
+ \charfreq e 12.51
+ \charfreq f 2.3
+ \charfreq g 1.96
+ \charfreq h 5.49
+ \charfreq i 7.26
+ \charfreq j .16
+ \charfreq k .67
+ \charfreq l 4.14
+ \charfreq m 2.53
+ \charfreq n 7.09
+ \charfreq o 7.6
+ \charfreq p 2
+ \charfreq q .11
+ \charfreq r 6.12
+ \charfreq s 6.54
+ \charfreq t 9.25
+ \charfreq u 2.71
+ \charfreq v .99
+ \charfreq w 1.92
+ \charfreq x .19
+ \charfreq y 1.73
+ \charfreq z .09
+ \charfreq a 6.47
+ \charfreq b 1.93
+ \charfreq c 2.68
+ \charfreq d 4.83
+ \charfreq e 17.48
+ \charfreq f 1.65
+ \charfreq g 3.06
+ \charfreq h 4.23
+ \charfreq i 7.73
+ \charfreq j .27
+ \charfreq k 1.46
+ \charfreq l 3.49
+ \charfreq m 2.58
+ \charfreq n 9.84
+ \charfreq o 2.98
+ \charfreq p .96
+ \charfreq q .02
+ \charfreq r 7.54
+ \charfreq s 6.83
+ \charfreq t 6.13
+ \charfreq u 4.17
+ \charfreq v .94
+ \charfreq w 1.48
+ \charfreq x .04
+ \charfreq y .08
+ \charfreq z 1.14
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/lang-frq.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/lang-frq.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..afeb5329c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/lang-frq.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=lang-frq,
+%D version=2004.01.15,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Language Macros,
+%D subtitle=Frequency Tables,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Language Macros / Frequency Tables}
+\ifx\s!en\undefined \def\v!en{en} \fi
+\ifx\??lg\undefined \def\??lg{@@lg} \fi
+%M \usemodule[layout]
+%D \macros
+%D {charwidthmethod}
+%D This module implements a method for determining the width of an
+%D average character in a language. It uses the dimensions of the
+%D current fonts.
+%D \def\ShwChrWd#1#2#3%
+%D {\chardef\charwidthmethod#1\relax
+%D \mainlanguage[#2#3]\the\dimexpr(\averagecharwidth)}
+%D \starttabulate[|c|c|c|c|c|c|]
+%D \HL
+%D \NC \NC\bf0=amount\NC\bf1=.5em\NC2=ex\NC\bf3=frequency\NC\bf4=list\NC\NR
+%D \HL
+%D \NC\bf en\NC\ShwChrWd0en\NC\ShwChrWd1en\NC\ShwChrWd2en\NC\ShwChrWd3en\NC\ShwChrWd4en\NC\NR
+%D \NC\bf nl\NC\ShwChrWd0nl\NC\ShwChrWd1nl\NC\ShwChrWd2nl\NC\ShwChrWd3nl\NC\ShwChrWd4nl\NC\NR
+%D \NC\bf de\NC\ShwChrWd0de\NC\ShwChrWd1de\NC\ShwChrWd2de\NC\ShwChrWd3de\NC\ShwChrWd4de\NC\NR
+%D \HL
+%D \stoptabulate
+%D Method~1 ignores the widths and assumes that each character has a
+%D width of .5em, which is true for most monospaced fonts. Method~2
+%D takes the x as starting point, and assumes that it's height kind of
+%D matches its width. Method~3 is the best one, and determines the
+%D average width based on the language specific character table.
+%D Method~4 is a mixture between the first two methods: character
+%D specific widths applied to an equal distribution. Method~0 reports
+%D the total count, which normally is~100.
+\chardef\charwidthmethod=3 % 0=amount 1=em 2=ex 3=frequency 4=flattened >4=ex
+%D \macros
+%D {charwidthlanguage}
+%D The language used for the calculations is defined as:
+%D \macros
+%D {charfreq}
+%D This method comes into action in the following macro:
+\def\charfreq#1 #2 % character fraction
+ {+(\ifcase\charwidthmethod
+ #2\dimexpr100\onepoint\relax
+ \or
+ #2\dimexpr.5em\relax % \emwidth/2
+ \or
+ #2\dimexpr\exheight\relax
+ \or
+ #2\fontcharwd\font`#1%
+ \or
+ \dimexpr100\fontcharwd\font`#1/\charactertsize\charwidthlanguage\relax % ugly hack
+ \else
+ #2\dimexpr\exheight\relax
+ \fi)}
+%D \macros
+%D {startcharactertable}
+%D A frequency table is defined with the following macro. The \type
+%D {charfreq} macro is used in this table.
+\def\startcharactertable[#1]#2\stopcharactertable % \dimexpr has fuzzy lookahead
+ {\startnointerference
+ \long\setgvalue{\??lg:w:#1}{#2}% the width vector
+ \scratchcounter\zerocount \def\charfreq##1 ##2 {\advance\scratchcounter\plusone} #2%
+ \long\setxvalue{\??lg:c:#1}{\the\scratchcounter}% the character count
+ \stopnointerference}
+%D \macros
+%D {charactertable,charactertsize}
+%D The table content as well as the number of entries can be fetched with
+%D the following two macros. The architecture of the table and calling
+%D macro permits a fully expandable application.
+ {\csname\??lg:w:\ifcsname\??lg:w:#1\endcsname#1\else\s!en\fi\endcsname}
+ {\csname\??lg:c:\ifcsname\??lg:c:#1\endcsname#1\else\s!en\fi\endcsname}
+%D Although it is of hardly any use, you can inherit a character table:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \startcharactertable[cz] \charactertable{en} \stopcharactertable
+%D \stoptyping
+%D We define a default vector with 100\% x's.
+\startcharactertable[en] 100 x \stopcharactertable % kind of default
+%D \macros
+%D {averagecharwidth}
+%D This macro reports the average width for the current main
+%D language (\the \dimexpr (\averagecharwidth)).
+ {\hbox\bgroup
+ \charwidthlanguage:%
+ \dostepwiserecurse041%
+ {\chardef\charwidthmethod\recurselevel\relax
+ \enspace\recurselevel/\the\dimexpr(\averagecharwidth)}%
+ \egroup}
+%D Just for fun, we show a few frequency tables as graphic (\in {figure}
+%D [fig:charfreq]).
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \definepalet [charfreq] [en=darkred, nl=darkgreen, de=darkblue]
+%D \def\charfreq#1 #2 %
+%D {\startMPdrawing
+%D interim linejoin := butt ;
+%D a := ASCII "#1" ;
+%D if (a >= (ASCII "a")) and (a <= (ASCII "z")) :
+%D draw ((0,#2*.25cm)--origin--(0,#2*.5cm))
+%D shifted (a*4mm+o,0)
+%D withpen pencircle scaled .5mm
+%D withcolor c;
+%D fi ;
+%D \stopMPdrawing}
+%D \resetMPdrawing
+%D \startMPdrawing
+%D numeric a, o ; a := o := 0 ;
+%D color c ; c := .5white ;
+%D string s ; s := "" ;
+%D \stopMPdrawing
+%D \startMPdrawing o := 0mm ; c := \MPcolor{charfreq:en} ; \stopMPdrawing
+%D \charactertable{en}
+%D \startMPdrawing o := 1mm ; c := \MPcolor{charfreq:nl} ; \stopMPdrawing
+%D \charactertable{nl}
+%D \startMPdrawing o := 2mm ; c := \MPcolor{charfreq:de} ; \stopMPdrawing
+%D \charactertable{de}
+%D \startMPdrawing
+%D for a := ASCII "a" upto ASCII "z" :
+%D draw"\strut\tttf " & char a) shifted (a*4mm+1mm,-1mm) ;
+%D endfor ;
+%D \stopMPdrawing
+%D \MPdrawingdonetrue \getMPdrawing \resetMPdrawing
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \placefigure
+%D [here]
+%D [fig:charfreq]
+%D {The character distributions for English, Dutch and German.}
+%D {\getbuffer}
+%D A few samples of usage of this mechanism are shown below:
+%D \startbuffer
+%D {\mainlanguage[en]\hsize65\averagecharwidth\mainlanguage[en]\input ward \blank}
+%D {\mainlanguage[nl]\hsize65\averagecharwidth\mainlanguage[en]\input ward \blank}
+%D {\mainlanguage[de]\hsize65\averagecharwidth\mainlanguage[en]\input ward \blank}
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer \getbuffer
+%D Although the widthts differ, the consequenes for breaking the paragraph
+%D into lines are minimal.
+%D \macros
+%D {freezeaveragecharacterwidth}
+%D This macro can be used to make sure that the width does not change during a
+%D page break when another font is used.
+\def\freezeaveragecharacterwidth % global
+ {\xdef\averagecharacterwidth{\dimexpr(\the\normalaveragecharacterwidth)}}
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/lang-ger.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/lang-ger.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d33620cc7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/lang-ger.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,744 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=lang-ger,
+%D version=1997.09.03,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Language Macros,
+%D subtitle=Germanic Languages,
+%D author=Hans Hagen / Tobias Burnus,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Language Macros / Germanic Languages}
+%D The framework of this module is set up by Hans Hagen while
+%D many of the first translations were done by Tobias. Later
+%D on, corrections were made by users. If you have suggestions,
+%D or feel that your name missing here, don't hesitate to send
+%D us an email.
+%D \starttabulate[|lB|l|]
+%D \NC Norwegian \NC Hans Fredrik Nordhaug \NC \NR
+%D \NC Danish \NC Arne Jorgensen \NC \NR % check the o
+%D \NC Afrikaans \NC \NC \NR
+%D \stoptabulate
+% Danish, Faeroese, Icelandic, Norwegian, Swedish, German, Yiddish
+% Afrikaans, Dutch, English, Flemush, Frisian, Plattdeutsch
+ [\s!nl]
+ [\c!spacing=\v!packed,
+ \c!leftsentence=---,
+ \c!rightsentence=---,
+ \c!leftsubsentence=---,
+ \c!rightsubsentence=---,
+ \c!leftquote=\lowerleftsingleninequote,
+ \c!rightquote=\upperrightsingleninequote,
+ \c!leftquotation=\lowerleftdoubleninequote,
+ \c!rightquotation=\upperrightdoubleninequote,
+ \c!date={\v!day,\ ,\v!month,\ ,\v!year},
+ \s!mapping={texnansi,ec},
+ \s!encoding={texnansi,ec}]
+ [\s!en]
+ [\c!spacing=\v!broad,
+ \c!leftsentence=---,
+ \c!rightsentence=---,
+ \c!leftsubsentence=---,
+ \c!rightsubsentence=---,
+ \c!leftquote=\upperleftsinglesixquote,
+ \c!rightquote=\upperrightsingleninequote,
+ \c!leftquotation=\upperleftdoublesixquote,
+ \c!rightquotation=\upperrightdoubleninequote,
+ \c!date={\v!month,\ ,\v!day,{,\ },\v!year},
+ \s!patterns=\s!us,
+ \s!lefthyphenmin=2,
+ \s!righthyphenmin=3]
+ [\s!de]
+ [\c!spacing=\v!packed,
+ \s!lefthyphenmin=3,
+ \s!righthyphenmin=3,
+ \c!leftsentence={\hbox{--~}},
+ \c!rightsentence={\hbox{~--}},
+ \c!leftsubsentence={--},
+ \c!rightsubsentence={--},
+ \c!leftquote=\lowerleftsingleninequote,
+ \c!rightquote=\upperrightsinglesixquote,
+ \c!leftquotation=\lowerleftdoubleninequote,
+ \c!rightquotation=\upperrightdoublesixquote,
+ \c!date={\v!day,{.},\ ,\v!month,\ ,\v!year},
+ \s!mapping={texnansi,ec},
+ \s!encoding={texnansi,ec}]
+ [\s!da]
+ [\c!spacing=\v!packed,
+ \c!leftsentence={\hbox{--\hskip.5em}},
+ \c!rightsentence={\hbox{\hskip.5em--}},
+ \c!leftsubsentence={--},
+ \c!rightsubsentence={--},
+ \c!leftquote=\lowerleftsingleninequote,
+ \c!rightquote=\upperrightsinglesixquote,
+ \c!leftquotation=\lowerleftdoubleninequote,
+ \c!rightquotation=\upperrightdoublesixquote,
+ \c!date={\v!day,{.},\ ,\v!month,\ ,\v!year}]
+ [\s!sv]
+ [\c!spacing=\v!packed,
+ \c!leftsentence={\hbox{--~}},
+ \c!rightsentence={\hbox{~--}},
+ \c!leftsubsentence={--},
+ \c!rightsubsentence={--},
+ \c!leftquote=\upperrightsingleninequote,
+ \c!rightquote=\upperrightsingleninequote,
+ \c!leftquotation=\upperrightdoubleninequote,
+ \c!rightquotation=\upperrightdoubleninequote,
+ \c!date={\v!day,\ ,\v!month,\ ,\v!year}]
+ [\s!af]
+ [\c!spacing=\v!packed,
+ \c!leftsentence=---,
+ \c!rightsentence=---,
+ \c!leftsubsentence=---,
+ \c!rightsubsentence=---,
+ \c!leftquote=\upperleftsinglesixquote,
+ \c!rightquote=\upperrightsingleninequote,
+ \c!leftquotation=\upperleftdoublesixquote,
+ \c!rightquotation=\upperrightdoubleninequote,
+ \c!date={\v!year,\ ,\v!month,\ ,\v!day},
+ \s!patterns=\s!af] % was nl
+ [\s!nb]
+ [spacing=packed,
+ lefthyphenmin=2,
+ righthyphenmin=2,
+ leftsentence=---,
+ rightsentence=---,
+ leftsubsentence=---,
+ rightsubsentence=---,
+ leftquote=\upperleftsinglesixquote,
+ rightquote=\upperrightsingleninequote,
+ leftquotation=\leftguillemot,
+ rightquotation=\rightguillemot,
+ date={day,{.},\ ,month,\ ,year},
+ state=stop]
+ [\s!nn]
+ [spacing=packed,
+ lefthyphenmin=2,
+ righthyphenmin=2,
+ leftsentence=---,
+ rightsentence=---,
+ leftsubsentence=---,
+ rightsubsentence=---,
+ leftquote=\upperleftsinglesixquote,
+ rightquote=\upperrightsingleninequote,
+ leftquotation=\leftguillemot,
+ rightquotation=\rightguillemot,
+ date={day,{.},\ ,month,\ ,year},
+ state=stop]
+\installlanguage [\s!no] [\s!nb]
+\installlanguage [\s!norwegian] [\s!nb]
+\installlanguage [\s!bokmal] [\s!nb]
+\installlanguage [\s!nynorsk] [\s!nn]
+%D Extra:
+% \mainlanguage[en]
+% \mainlanguage[de]
+% \mainlanguage[deo]
+% \mainlanguage[de-de]
+% \mainlanguage[de-at]
+% \mainlanguage[de-ch]
+% \starttext
+% Die Herren Meier\index{Meier}, Müller\index{Müller}, Huber\index{Huber}
+% und Schmidt\index{Schmidt} arbeiten in der gleichen Firma.
+% \index{Mass}\index{Mas}\index{Maß}\index{Maße}\index{Masse}
+% \index{Muller}\index{Mûller}
+% \index{Hutte}\index{Hütte}\index{Huttf}
+% \index{paar}\index{Paar}
+% \index{a}\index{aa}\index{ä}\index{az}\index{aza}
+% \index{o}\index{oo}\index{ö}\index{oz}\index{oza}
+% \index{u}\index{uu}\index{ü}\index{uz}\index{uza}\index{üa}
+% \index{call}\index{chip}
+% \subject{Index} \placeindex
+% \stoptext
+\installlanguage % old german
+ [deo]
+ [\c!spacing=\v!packed,
+ \c!default=\s!de]
+ [de-de]
+ [\c!spacing=\v!packed,
+ \c!default=\s!de]
+ [de-at]
+ [\c!spacing=\v!packed,
+ \c!default=\s!de,
+ \c!leftquote=\leftguillemot,
+ \c!rightquote=\rightguillemot,
+ \c!leftquotation=\leftguillemot,
+ \c!rightquotation=\rightguillemot]
+ [de-ch]
+ [\c!spacing=\v!packed,
+ \c!default=\s!de]
+%D And some alternative (but very real) english patterns:
+ [en-gb]
+ [\c!default=\s!en,
+ \s!patterns=\s!gb,
+ \s!lefthyphenmin=3,
+ \s!righthyphenmin=3]
+ [en-us]
+ [\c!default=\s!en,
+ \s!patterns=\s!us]
+\installlanguage [\s!uk] [\s!en-\s!gb]
+\installlanguage [\s!us] [\s!en-\s!us]
+%D For compatibility reasons we also define:
+%installlanguage [du] [\s!de] % old times context
+%installlanguage [sp] [\s!es] % old times context /lang-ita
+\installlanguage [usenglish] [\s!en-\s!us]
+\installlanguage [ukenglish] [\s!en-\s!gb]
+\installlanguage [english] [\s!en]
+\installlanguage [dutch] [\s!nl]
+\installlanguage [german] [\s!de]
+\installlanguage [danish] [\s!da]
+\installlanguage [swedish] [\s!sv]
+\installlanguage [afrikaans] [\s!af]
+\setupheadtext [\s!en] [\v!content=Contents]
+\setupheadtext [\s!nl] [\v!content=Inhoud]
+\setupheadtext [\s!de] [\v!content=Inhalt]
+\setupheadtext [\s!da] [\v!content=Indhold]
+\setupheadtext [\s!sv] [\v!content=Inneh\aring ll]
+\setupheadtext [\s!af] [\v!content=Inhoud]
+\setupheadtext [\s!nb] [\v!content=Innhold]
+\setupheadtext [\s!nn] [\v!content=Innhald]
+\setupheadtext [\s!en] [\v!tables=Tables]
+\setupheadtext [\s!nl] [\v!tables=Tabellen]
+\setupheadtext [\s!de] [\v!tables=Tabellen]
+\setupheadtext [\s!da] [\v!tables=Tabeller]
+\setupheadtext [\s!sv] [\v!tables=Tabeller]
+\setupheadtext [\s!af] [\v!tables=Tabelle]
+\setupheadtext [\s!nb] [\v!tables=Tabeller]
+\setupheadtext [\s!nn] [\v!tables=Tabellar]
+\setupheadtext [\s!en] [\v!figures=Figures]
+\setupheadtext [\s!nl] [\v!figures=Figuren]
+\setupheadtext [\s!de] [\v!figures=Abbildungen]
+\setupheadtext [\s!da] [\v!figures=Figurer]
+\setupheadtext [\s!sv] [\v!figures=Figurer]
+\setupheadtext [\s!af] [\v!figures=Figure]
+\setupheadtext [\s!nb] [\v!figures=Figurer]
+\setupheadtext [\s!nn] [\v!figures=Figurar]
+\setupheadtext [\s!en] [\v!graphics=Graphics]
+\setupheadtext [\s!nl] [\v!graphics=Grafieken]
+\setupheadtext [\s!de] [\v!graphics=Graphiken]
+\setupheadtext [\s!da] [\v!graphics=Grafik]
+\setupheadtext [\s!sv] [\v!graphics=Grafik]
+\setupheadtext [\s!af] [\v!graphics=Grafieke]
+\setupheadtext [\s!nb] [\v!graphics=Bilde]
+\setupheadtext [\s!nn] [\v!graphics=Bilete]
+\setupheadtext [\s!en] [\v!intermezzi=Intermezzos]
+\setupheadtext [\s!nl] [\v!intermezzi=Intermezzo's]
+\setupheadtext [\s!de] [\v!intermezzi=Intermezzi]
+\setupheadtext [\s!da] [\v!intermezzi=Intermezzoer]
+\setupheadtext [\s!sv] [\v!intermezzi=Intermezzon]
+\setupheadtext [\s!af] [\v!intermezzi=Intermezzos]
+\setupheadtext [\s!nb] [\v!intermezzi=Intermesso]
+\setupheadtext [\s!nn] [\v!intermezzi=Intermesso]
+\setupheadtext [\s!en] [\v!index=Index]
+\setupheadtext [\s!nl] [\v!index=Index]
+\setupheadtext [\s!de] [\v!index=Index]
+\setupheadtext [\s!da] [\v!index=Indeks]
+\setupheadtext [\s!sv] [\v!index=Sakregister]
+\setupheadtext [\s!af] [\v!index=Indeks]
+\setupheadtext [\s!nb] [\v!index=Register]
+\setupheadtext [\s!nn] [\v!index=Register]
+\setupheadtext [\s!en] [\v!abbreviations=Abbreviations]
+\setupheadtext [\s!nl] [\v!abbreviations=Afkortingen]
+\setupheadtext [\s!de] [\v!abbreviations=Abk\uumlaut rzungen]
+\setupheadtext [\s!da] [\v!abbreviations=Forkortelser]
+\setupheadtext [\s!sv] [\v!abbreviations=F\oumlaut rkortningar]
+\setupheadtext [\s!af] [\v!abbreviations=Afkortings]
+\setupheadtext [\s!nb] [\v!abbreviations=Forkortelser]
+\setupheadtext [\s!nn] [\v!abbreviations=Forkortingar]
+\setupheadtext [\s!en] [\v!logos=Logos]
+\setupheadtext [\s!nl] [\v!logos=Logo's]
+\setupheadtext [\s!de] [\v!logos=Logos]
+\setupheadtext [\s!da] [\v!logos=Logoer]
+\setupheadtext [\s!sv] [\v!logos=Loggor]
+\setupheadtext [\s!af] [\v!logos=Logos]
+\setupheadtext [\s!nb] [\v!logos=Logoer]
+\setupheadtext [\s!nn] [\v!logos=Logoar]
+\setupheadtext [\s!en] [\v!units=Units]
+\setupheadtext [\s!nl] [\v!units=Eenheden]
+\setupheadtext [\s!de] [\v!units=Einheiten]
+\setupheadtext [\s!da] [\v!units=Enheder]
+\setupheadtext [\s!sv] [\v!units=Enheter]
+\setupheadtext [\s!af] [\v!units=Eenhede]
+\setupheadtext [\s!nb] [\v!units=Enheter]
+\setupheadtext [\s!nn] [\v!units=Einingar]
+\setupheadtext [\s!en] [pubs=References]
+\setupheadtext [\s!nl] [pubs=Literatuur]
+\setupheadtext [\s!de] [pubs=Literatur]
+%setupheadtext [\s!da] [pubs=?]
+%setupheadtext [\s!sv] [pubs=?]
+%setupheadtext [\s!af] [pubs=?]
+%setupheadtext [\s!nb] [pubs=?]
+%setupheadtext [\s!nn] [pubs=?]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!en] [\v!table=Table ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nl] [\v!table=Tabel ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!de] [\v!table=Tabelle ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!da] [\v!table=Tabel ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!sv] [\v!table=Tabell ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!af] [\v!table=Tabel]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nb] [\v!table=Tabell ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nn] [\v!table=Tabell ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!en] [\v!figure=Figure ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nl] [\v!figure=Figuur ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!de] [\v!figure=Abbildung ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!da] [\v!figure=Figur ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!sv] [\v!figure=Figur ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!af] [\v!figure=Figuur ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nb] [\v!figure=Figur ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nn] [\v!figure=Figur ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!en] [\v!intermezzo=Intermezzo ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nl] [\v!intermezzo=Intermezzo ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!de] [\v!intermezzo=Intermezzo ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!da] [\v!intermezzo=Intermezzo ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!sv] [\v!intermezzo=Intermezzo ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!af] [\v!intermezzo=Intermezzo ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nb] [\v!intermezzo=Intermesso ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nn] [\v!intermezzo=Intermesso ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!en] [\v!graphic=Graphic ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nl] [\v!graphic=Grafiek ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!de] [\v!graphic=Graphik ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!da] [\v!graphic=Grafik ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!sv] [\v!graphic=Grafik ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!af] [\v!graphic=Grafiek ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nb] [\v!graphic=Bilde ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nn] [\v!graphic=Bilete ]
+%D We don't set these here. One can do that in a style.
+\setuplabeltext [\s!en] [\v!chapter=] % Chapter
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nl] [\v!chapter=]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!de] [\v!chapter=] % Kapitel
+\setuplabeltext [\s!da] [\v!chapter=]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!sv] [\v!chapter=]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!af] [\v!chapter=] % Hoofstuk
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nb] [\v!chapter=]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nn] [\v!chapter=]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!en] [\v!section=]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nl] [\v!section=]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!de] [\v!section=]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!da] [\v!section=]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!sv] [\v!section=]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!af] [\v!section=] % Paragraaf
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nb] [\v!section=]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nn] [\v!section=]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!en] [\v!subsection=]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nl] [\v!subsection=]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!de] [\v!subsection=]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!da] [\v!subsection=]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!sv] [\v!subsection=]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!af] [\v!subsection=]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nb] [\v!subsection=]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nn] [\v!subsection=]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!en] [\v!subsubsection=]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nl] [\v!subsubsection=]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!de] [\v!subsubsection=]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!da] [\v!subsubsection=]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!sv] [\v!subsubsection=]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!af] [\v!subsubsection=]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nb] [\v!subsubsection=]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nn] [\v!subsubsection=]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!en] [\v!subsubsubsection=]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nl] [\v!subsubsubsection=]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!de] [\v!subsubsubsection=]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!da] [\v!subsubsubsection=]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!sv] [\v!subsubsubsection=]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!af] [\v!subsubsubsection=]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nb] [\v!subsubsubsection=]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nn] [\v!subsubsubsection=]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!en] [\v!appendix=] % Appendix
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nl] [\v!appendix=]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!de] [\v!appendix=] % Anhang
+\setuplabeltext [\s!da] [\v!appendix=] % Bilag
+\setuplabeltext [\s!sv] [\v!appendix=]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!af] [\v!appendix=] % Bylae
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nb] [\v!appendix=] % Tillegg
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nn] [\v!appendix=] % Tillegg
+\setuplabeltext [\s!en] [\v!part=Part ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nl] [\v!part=Deel ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!de] [\v!part=Teil ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!da] [\v!part=Del ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!sv] [\v!part=Del ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!af] [\v!part=Deel ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nb] [\v!part=Del]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nn] [\v!part=Del]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!en] [\v!line=line ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nl] [\v!line=regel ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!de] [\v!line=Zeile ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!da] [\v!line=linie ] % or linje
+\setuplabeltext [\s!sv] [\v!line=rad ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!af] [\v!line=re\ediaeresis l ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nb] [\v!line=linje ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nn] [\v!line=linje ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!en] [\v!lines=lines ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nl] [\v!lines=regels ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!de] [\v!lines=Zeilen ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!da] [\v!lines=linier ] % or linjer
+\setuplabeltext [\s!sv] [\v!lines=rader ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!af] [\v!lines=re\ediaeresis ls ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nb] [\v!lines=linjer ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nn] [\v!lines=linjer ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!en] [\v!january=January]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!en] [\v!february=February]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!en] [\v!march=March]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!en] [\v!april=April]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!en] [\v!may=May]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!en] [\v!june=June]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!en] [\v!july=July]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!en] [\v!august=August]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!en] [\v!september=September]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!en] [\v!october=October]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!en] [\v!november=November]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!en] [\v!december=December]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nl] [\v!january=januari]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nl] [\v!february=februari]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nl] [\v!march=maart]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nl] [\v!april=april]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nl] [\v!may=mei]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nl] [\v!june=juni]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nl] [\v!july=juli]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nl] [\v!august=augustus]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nl] [\v!september=september]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nl] [\v!october=oktober]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nl] [\v!november=november]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nl] [\v!december=december]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!de] [\v!january=Januar]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!de] [\v!february=Februar]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!de] [\v!march=M\aumlaut rz]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!de] [\v!april=April]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!de] [\v!may=Mai]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!de] [\v!june=Juni]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!de] [\v!july=Juli]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!de] [\v!august=August]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!de] [\v!september=September]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!de] [\v!october=Oktober]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!de] [\v!november=November]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!de] [\v!december=Dezember]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!da] [\v!january=januar]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!da] [\v!february=februar]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!da] [\v!march=marts]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!da] [\v!april=april]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!da] [\v!may=maj]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!da] [\v!june=juni]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!da] [\v!july=juli]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!da] [\v!august=august]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!da] [\v!september=september]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!da] [\v!october=oktober]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!da] [\v!november=november]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!da] [\v!december=december]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!sv] [\v!january=januari]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!sv] [\v!february=februari]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!sv] [\v!march=mars]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!sv] [\v!april=april]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!sv] [\v!may=maj]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!sv] [\v!june=juni]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!sv] [\v!july=juli]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!sv] [\v!august=augusti]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!sv] [\v!september=september]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!sv] [\v!october=oktober]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!sv] [\v!november=november]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!sv] [\v!december=december]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!af] [\v!january=januarie]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!af] [\v!february=februarie]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!af] [\v!march=maart]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!af] [\v!april=april]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!af] [\v!may=mei]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!af] [\v!june=junie]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!af] [\v!july=julie]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!af] [\v!august=augustus]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!af] [\v!september=september]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!af] [\v!october=oktober]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!af] [\v!november=november]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!af] [\v!december=desember]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nb] [\v!january=januar]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nb] [\v!february=februar]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nb] [\v!march=mars]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nb] [\v!april=april]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nb] [\v!may=mai]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nb] [\v!june=juni]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nb] [\v!july=juli]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nb] [\v!august=august]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nb] [\v!september=september]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nb] [\v!october=oktober]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nb] [\v!november=november]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nb] [\v!december=desember]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nn] [\v!january=januar]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nn] [\v!february=februar]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nn] [\v!march=mars]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nn] [\v!april=april]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nn] [\v!may=mai]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nn] [\v!june=juni]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nn] [\v!july=juli]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nn] [\v!august=august]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nn] [\v!september=september]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nn] [\v!october=oktober]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nn] [\v!november=november]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nn] [\v!december=desember]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!en] [\v!sunday=Sunday]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!en] [\v!monday=Monday]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!en] [\v!tuesday=Tuesday]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!en] [\v!wednesday=Wednesday]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!en] [\v!thursday=Thursday]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!en] [\v!friday=Friday]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!en] [\v!saturday=Saturday]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nl] [\v!sunday=zondag]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nl] [\v!monday=maandag]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nl] [\v!tuesday=dinsdag]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nl] [\v!wednesday=woensdag]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nl] [\v!thursday=donderdag]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nl] [\v!friday=vrijdag]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nl] [\v!saturday=zaterdag]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!de] [\v!sunday=Sonntag]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!de] [\v!monday=Montag]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!de] [\v!tuesday=Dienstag]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!de] [\v!wednesday=Mittwoch]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!de] [\v!thursday=Donnerstag]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!de] [\v!friday=Freitag]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!de] [\v!saturday=Samstag]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!da] [\v!sunday=s\ostroke ndag]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!da] [\v!monday=mandag]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!da] [\v!tuesday=tirsdag]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!da] [\v!wednesday=onsdag]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!da] [\v!thursday=torsdag]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!da] [\v!friday=fredag]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!da] [\v!saturday=l\ostroke rdag]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!sv] [\v!sunday=s\oumlaut ndag]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!sv] [\v!monday=m\aring ndag]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!sv] [\v!tuesday=tisdag]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!sv] [\v!wednesday=onsdag]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!sv] [\v!thursday=torsdag]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!sv] [\v!friday=fredag]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!sv] [\v!saturday=l\oumlaut rdag]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!af] [\v!sunday=sondag]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!af] [\v!monday=maandag]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!af] [\v!tuesday=dinsdag]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!af] [\v!wednesday=woensdag]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!af] [\v!thursday=donderdag]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!af] [\v!friday=vrydag]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!af] [\v!saturday=saterdag]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nb] [\v!sunday=s\ostroke ndag]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nb] [\v!monday=mandag]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nb] [\v!tuesday=tirsdag]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nb] [\v!wednesday=onsdag]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nb] [\v!thursday=torsdag]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nb] [\v!friday=fredag]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nb] [\v!saturday=l\ostroke rdag]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nn] [\v!sunday=sundag]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nn] [\v!monday=m\aring ndag]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nn] [\v!tuesday=tysdag]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nn] [\v!wednesday=onsdag]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nn] [\v!thursday=torsdag]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nn] [\v!friday=fredag]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nn] [\v!saturday=laurdag]
+%D Rather new ...
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nl] [\v!page=pagina ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nl] [\v!atpage=op pagina ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nl] [\v!hencefore=hierboven]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nl] [\v!hereafter=hieronder]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nl] [\v!see=zie ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nl] [\v!and= en ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nl] [\v!continued={ (vervolged)}]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!en] [\v!page=page ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!en] [\v!atpage=at page ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!en] [\v!hencefore=as we show above]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!en] [\v!hereafter=as we show below]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!en] [\v!see=see ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!en] [\v!and= and ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!en] [\v!continued={ (continued)}]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!de] [\v!page=Seite ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!de] [\v!atpage=auf Seite ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!de] [\v!hencefore=siehe oben]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!de] [\v!hereafter=siehe unten]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!de] [\v!see=siehe ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!de] [\v!and= und ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!da] [\v!page=Side ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!da] [\v!atpage=p\aring\ side ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!da] [\v!hencefore=se foroven]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!da] [\v!hereafter=se forneden]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!da] [\v!see=se ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!sv] [\v!page=Sida ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!sv] [\v!atpage=p\aring\ sida ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!sv] [\v!hencefore=se ovan]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!sv] [\v!hereafter=se nedan]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!sv] [\v!see=se ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nb] [\v!page=side ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nb] [\v!atpage=p\aring\ side ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nb] [\v!hencefore=som vist over]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nb] [\v!hereafter=som vist under]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nb] [\v!see=se ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nn] [\v!page=side ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nn] [\v!atpage=p\aring\ side ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nn] [\v!hencefore=som vist over]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nn] [\v!hereafter=som vist under]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nn] [\v!see=sj\aring\ ]
+%D ... and to be completed!
+%D Next we implement couple of ordinal mumber converters:
+ {#1\ifnum\lasttwodigits{#1}=11
+ \highordinalstr{th}%
+ \else\ifnum\lasttwodigits{#1}=12
+ \highordinalstr{th}%
+ \else\ifnum\lasttwodigits{#1}=13
+ \highordinalstr{th}%
+ \else\ifcase\lastdigit{#1}%
+ \highordinalstr{th}%
+ \or % 1
+ \highordinalstr{st}%
+ \or % 2
+ \highordinalstr{nd}%
+ \or % 3
+ \highordinalstr{rd}%
+ \else
+ \highordinalstr{th}%
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi}
+% \def\enordinaldaynumber#1%
+% {#1\ordinalstr{\ifnum\lasttwodigits{#1}=11 th\else\ifcase\lastdigit{#1}
+% th\or st\or nd\or rd\else th\fi\fi}}
+ {#1\highordinalstr{e}}
+%D \ShowAllLanguageValues [\s!en] [english] {English} {horn} % engelse humor
+%D \ShowAllLanguageValues [\s!nl] [dutch] {Dutch} {treat} % nederlandse zuinigheid
+%D \ShowAllLanguageValues [\s!de] [german] {German} {beer} % duitse degelijkheid
+%D \ShowAllLanguageValues [\s!da] [danish] {Danish} {pastry}
+%D \ShowAllLanguageValues [\s!sv] [swedish] {Swedish} {design}
+%D \ShowAllLanguageValues [\s!af] [afrikaans] {Afrikaaner} {boer} % afrikaanse gasvryheid
+%D \ShowAllLanguageValues [\s!nb] [bokmal] {Norwegian} {wood}
+%D \ShowAllLanguageValues [\s!nn] [nynorsk] {Norwegian} {fish}
+%D Extra month names:
+\setuplabeltext [\s!en] [\v!january :\s!mnem=jan]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!en] [\v!february :\s!mnem=feb]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!en] [\v!march :\s!mnem=mar]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!en] [\v!april :\s!mnem=apr]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!en] [\v!may :\s!mnem=may]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!en] [\v!june :\s!mnem=jun]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!en] [\v!july :\s!mnem=jul]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!en] [\v!august :\s!mnem=aug]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!en] [\v!september:\s!mnem=sep]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!en] [\v!october :\s!mnem=oct]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!en] [\v!november :\s!mnem=nov]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!en] [\v!december :\s!mnem=dec]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nb] [\v!january :\s!mnem=jan.]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nb] [\v!february :\s!mnem=feb.]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nb] [\v!march :\s!mnem=mars]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nb] [\v!april :\s!mnem=april]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nb] [\v!may :\s!mnem=mai]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nb] [\v!june :\s!mnem=juni]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nb] [\v!july :\s!mnem=juli]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nb] [\v!august :\s!mnem=aug.]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nb] [\v!september:\s!mnem=sep.]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nb] [\v!october :\s!mnem=okt.]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nb] [\v!november :\s!mnem=nov.]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nb] [\v!december :\s!mnem=des.]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nn] [\v!january :\s!mnem=jan.]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nn] [\v!february :\s!mnem=feb.]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nn] [\v!march :\s!mnem=mars]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nn] [\v!april :\s!mnem=april]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nn] [\v!may :\s!mnem=mai]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nn] [\v!june :\s!mnem=juni]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nn] [\v!july :\s!mnem=juli]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nn] [\v!august :\s!mnem=aug.]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nn] [\v!september:\s!mnem=sep.]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nn] [\v!october :\s!mnem=okt.]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nn] [\v!november :\s!mnem=nov.]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!nn] [\v!december :\s!mnem=des.]
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/lang-grk.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/lang-grk.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9fd59382a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/lang-grk.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=lang-grk,
+%D version=2003.04.01,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Language Macros,
+%D subtitle=Uralic Languages,
+%D author=Apostolos Syropoulos
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Language Macros / Greek}
+%D The framework of this module is set up by Hans Hagen while
+%D all the translations have been done by Apostolos Syropoulos
+ [\s!gr]
+ [\c!spacing=\v!packed,
+ \c!leftsentence=---,
+ \c!rightsentence=---,
+ \c!leftsubsentence=---,
+ \c!rightsubsentence=---,
+ \c!leftquote=\greekleftquot,
+ \c!rightquote=\greekrightquot,
+ \c!leftquotation=\greekleftquot,
+ \c!rightquotation=\greekrightquot,
+ \c!date={\v!day\ \v!month\ \v!year}]
+\installlanguage [greek] [\s!gr]
+\setupheadtext [\s!gr] [\v!content=\greekPi\greekepsilon\greekrho\greekiota\greekepsilon\greekchi\greekomicrontonos\greekmu\greekepsilon\greeknu\greekalpha]
+\setupheadtext [\s!gr] [\v!tables=\greekPi\greekiotatonos\greeknu\greekalpha\greekkappa\greekepsilon\greekfinalsigma]
+\setupheadtext [\s!gr] [\v!figures=\greekSigma\greekchi\greeketatonos\greekmu\greekalpha\greektau\greekalpha]
+\setupheadtext [\s!gr] [\v!graphics=\greekGamma\greekrho\greekalpha\greekphi\greekiota\greekkappa\greekalphatonos]
+\setupheadtext [\s!gr] [\v!intermezzi=\greekPi\greekalpha\greekupsilontonos\greeksigma\greekepsilon\greekiota\greekfinalsigma]
+\setupheadtext [\s!gr] [\v!index=\greekEpsilon\greekupsilon\greekrho\greekepsilon\greektau\greeketatonos\greekrho\greekiota\greekomicron]
+\setupheadtext [\s!gr] [\v!abbreviations=\greekSigma\greekupsilon\greeknu\greektau\greekomicron\greekmu\greekomicron\greekgamma\greekrho\greekalpha\greekphi\greekiotatonos\greekepsilon\greekfinalsigma]
+\setupheadtext [\s!gr] [\v!logos=\greekLambda\greekomicron\greekgamma\greekomicrontonos\greektau\greekupsilon\greekpi\greekalpha]
+\setupheadtext [\s!gr] [\v!units=\greekMu\greekomicron\greeknu\greekalphatonos\greekdelta\greekepsilon\greekfinalsigma]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!gr] [\v!table=\greekPi\greekiotatonos\greeknu\greekalpha\greekkappa\greekalpha\greekfinalsigma]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!gr] [\v!figure=\greekSigma\greekchi\greeketatonos\greekmu\greekalpha]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!gr] [\v!intermezzo=\greekPi\greekalpha\greekupsilontonos\greeksigma\greeketa]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!gr] [\v!graphic=\greekGamma\greekrho\greekalpha\greekphi\greekiota\greekkappa\greekomicrontonos]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!gr] [\v!chapter=\greekKappa\greekepsilon\greekphi\greekalphatonos\greeklambda\greekalpha\greekiota\greekomicron]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!gr] [\v!section=\greekEpsilon\greeknu\greekomicrontonos\greektau\greeketa\greektau\greekalpha]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!gr] [\v!subsection=\greekUpsilon\greekpi\greekomicrontonos\greekepsilon\greeknu\greekomicrontonos\greektau\greeketa\greektau\greekalpha]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!gr] [\v!subsubsection=]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!gr] [\v!subsubsubsection=]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!gr] [\v!appendix=\greekPi\greekalpha\greekrho\greekalphatonos\greekrho\greektau\greeketa\greekmu\greekalpha]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!gr] [\v!part=\greekMu\greekepsilontonos\greekrho\greekomicron\greekfinalsigma]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!gr] [\v!line=\greekGamma\greekrho\greekalpha\greekmu\greekmu\greeketatonos]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!gr] [\v!lines=\greekGamma\greekrho\greekalpha\greekmu\greekmu\greekepsilontonos\greekfinalsigma]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!gr] [\v!january=\greekIota\greekalpha\greeknu\greekomicron\greekupsilon\greekalphatonos\greekrho\greekiota\greekomicron\greekfinalsigma]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!gr] [\v!february=\greekPhi\greekepsilon\greekbeta\greekrho\greekomicron\greekupsilon\greekalphatonos\greekrho\greekiota\greekomicron\greekfinalsigma]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!gr] [\v!march=\greekMu\greekalphatonos\greekrho\greektau\greekiota\greekomicron\greekfinalsigma]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!gr] [\v!april=\greekAlpha\greekpi\greekrho\greekiotatonos\greeklambda\greekiota\greekomicron\greekfinalsigma]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!gr] [\v!may=\greekMu\greekalphatonos\greekiota\greekomicron\greekfinalsigma]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!gr] [\v!june=\greekIota\greekomicron\greekupsilontonos\greeknu\greekiota\greekomicron\greekfinalsigma]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!gr] [\v!july=\greekIota\greekomicron\greekupsilontonos\greeklambda\greekiota\greekomicron\greekfinalsigma]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!gr] [\v!august=\greekAlpha\greekupsilontonos\greekgamma\greekomicron\greekupsilon\greeksigma\greektau\greekomicron\greekfinalsigma]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!gr] [\v!september=\greekSigma\greekepsilon\greekpi\greektau\greekepsilontonos\greekmu\greekbeta\greekrho\greekiota\greekomicron\greekfinalsigma]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!gr] [\v!october=\greekOmicron\greekkappa\greektau\greekomegatonos\greekbeta\greekrho\greekiota\greekomicron\greekfinalsigma]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!gr] [\v!november=\greekNu\greekomicron\greekepsilontonos\greekmu\greekbeta\greekrho\greekiota\greekomicron\greekfinalsigma]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!gr] [\v!december=\greekDelta\greekepsilon\greekkappa\greekepsilontonos\greekmu\greekbeta\greekrho\greekiota\greekomicron\greekfinalsigma]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!gr] [\v!sunday=\greekKappa\greekupsilon\greekrho\greekiota\greekalpha\greekkappa\greeketatonos]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!gr] [\v!monday=\greekDelta\greekepsilon\greekupsilon\greektau\greekepsilontonos\greekrho\greekalpha]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!gr] [\v!tuesday=\greekTau\greekrho\greekiotatonos\greektau\greeketa]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!gr] [\v!wednesday=\greekTau\greekepsilon\greektau\greekalphatonos\greekrho\greektau\greeketa]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!gr] [\v!thursday=\greekPi\greekepsilontonos\greekmu\greekpi\greektau\greeketa]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!gr] [\v!friday=\greekPi\greekalpha\greekrho\greekalpha\greeksigma\greekkappa\greekepsilon\greekupsilon\greeketatonos]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!gr] [\v!saturday=\greekSigma\greekalphatonos\greekbeta\greekbeta\greekalpha\greektau\greekomicron]
+%D % \ShowAllLanguageValues [\s!gr] [\greekEpsilon\greeklambda\greeklambda\greeketa\greeknu\greekiota\greekkappa\greekalphatonos] {Greek} {love}
+ [\s!agr]
+ [\s!default=\s!gr,
+ \c!leftquote=\upperleftsinglesixquote,
+ \c!rightquote=\upperrightsingleninequote,
+ \c!leftquotation=\upperleftdoublesixquote,
+ \c!rightquotation=\upperrightdoubleninequote,
+ \s!patterns=\s!agr,
+ \s!mapping=\s!agr, % not needed for mkiv
+ \s!encoding=\s!agr] % not needed for mkiv
+\installlanguage [ancientgreek] [\s!agr]
+\installlanguage [grk] [\s!agr]
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/lang-ind.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/lang-ind.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bb33dacfd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/lang-ind.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=lang--ind,
+%D version=1997.09.03,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Language Macros,
+%D subtitle=Indo Iranian Languages,
+%D author=Hans Hagen / Tobias Burnus,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Language Macros / Indo-Iranian Languages}
+%D The framework of this module is set up by Hans Hagen while
+%D many of the first translations were done by Tobias. Later
+%D on, corrections were made by users. If you have suggestions,
+%D or feel that your name missing here, don't hesitate to send
+%D us an email.
+% 34 languages
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/lang-ini.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/lang-ini.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4561f4dd1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/lang-ini.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,696 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=lang-ini,
+%D version=1996.01.25,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Language Macros,
+%D subtitle=Initialization,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D This module needs a further cleanup (real split between ii/iv).
+%D This module implements the (for the moment still simple)
+%D multi||language support of \CONTEXT, which should not be
+%D confused with the multi||lingual interface. This support
+%D will be extended when needed.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Language Macros / Initialization}
+\ifx\nonfrenchspacing\undefined \let\nonfrenchspacing\relax \fi
+\ifx\frenchspacing \undefined \let\frenchspacing \relax \fi
+%D When loading hyphenation patterns, \TEX\ assign a number to
+%D each loaded table, starting with~0. Switching to a specific
+%D table is done by assigning the relevant number to the
+%D predefined \COUNTER\ \type{\language}.
+%D We keep track of the last loaded patterns by means of a
+%D pseudo \COUNTER. This just one of those situations in which
+%D we don't want to spent a real one. Language zero has no
+%D patterns, first of all because I like to start numbering
+%D at one. It may come in handy for special purposes as well.
+\normallanguage\zerocount \def\loadedlanguage{1}
+%D \macros
+%D {currentlanguage, setupcurrentlanguage}
+%D Instead of numbers,we are going to use symbolic names for
+%D the languages. The current langage is saved in the macro
+%D \type {\currentlanguage}. The setup macro is mainly used
+%D for cosmetic purposes.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \dorecurse{3}
+%D {\language[nl]
+%D \startmode[*en] english \stopmode
+%D \startmode[*nl] dutch \stopmode
+%D \language[en]
+%D \startmode[*en] english \stopmode
+%D \startmode[*nl] dutch \stopmode}
+%D \stoptyping
+\let\currentlanguage \empty
+\def\setcurrentlanguage#1#2% sets modes: **id (currentmain) *id (current)
+ {\doifsomething{#1}
+ {\ifx\currentmainlanguage\empty\else\resetsystemmode{\systemmodeprefix\currentmainlanguage}\fi
+ \edef\currentmainlanguage{#1}%
+ \setsystemmode{\systemmodeprefix\currentmainlanguage}}%
+ \doifsomething{#2}
+ {\ifx\currentlanguage\empty\else\resetsystemmode\currentlanguage\fi
+ \edef\currentlanguage{#2}%
+ \setsystemmode\currentlanguage}}
+%D The internal macros will be defined later.
+%D \macros
+%D {installlanguage}
+%D Hyphenation patterns can only be loaded when the format file
+%D is prepared. The next macro takes care of this loading. A
+%D language is specified with
+%D \showsetup{installlanguage}
+%D When \type {state} equals \type {start}, both patterns
+%D and additional hyphenation specifications are loaded. These
+%D files are seached for on the system path and are to be
+%D named:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \f!languageprefix-identifier.\f!patternsextension
+%D \f!languageprefix-identifier.\f!hyhensextension
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The \type{spacing} variable specifies how the spaces after
+%D punctuation has to be handled. English is by tradition more
+%D tolerant to inter||sentence spacing than other languages.
+%D This macro also defines \type {\identifier} as a shortcut
+%D switch to the language. Furthermore the command defined as
+%D being language specific, are executed. With
+%D \type {default} we can default to another language
+%D (patterns) at format generation time. This default language
+%D is overruled when the appropriate patterns are loaded (some
+%D implementations support run time addition of patterns to a
+%D preloaded format).
+\def\dodoinstalllanguage#1#2% #2 added
+ {\doifundefined{#1}{\setvalue{#1}{\complexlanguage[#2]}}%
+ \expanded{\noexpand\uppercase{\noexpand\edef\noexpand\ascii{#1}}}%
+ \doifundefined\ascii{\setvalue\ascii{\complexlanguage[#2]}}}
+%D \macros
+%D {preloadlanguages}
+%D We first try to load the files defined as file synonym
+%D for \type {lang-*.pat} and \type {lang-*.hyp}. After that we
+%D fall back on those files. The macro \type {\preloadpatterns}
+%D reports which patterns are loaded and what hyphenmin
+%D values are set.
+ {\doifelsevalue{\??la#1\c!state}\v!start
+ {\edef\languagesuffix{\specificlanguageparameter{#1}\s!patterns}%
+ \ifx\languagesuffix\empty
+ \edef\languagesuffix{\defaultlanguage{#1}}%
+ \else\ifx\languagesuffix\relax
+ \edef\languagesuffix{\defaultlanguage{#1}}%
+ \fi\fi
+ \ifx\languagesuffix\empty
+ \edef\languagesuffix{#1}%
+ \fi
+ \doifundefinedelse{\??la\??la:\currentencoding:\currentmapping:\languagesuffix}
+ {\doloadpatterns{#1}\languagesuffix}
+ {\bgroup
+ \edef\loadedlanguage{\getvalue{\??la\??la:\currentencoding:\currentmapping:\languagesuffix}}%
+ %\showmessage\m!linguals1{\languagesuffix,#1,\loadedlanguage,*,*}%
+ %\showmessage\m!linguals3{\languagesuffix,#1,\loadedlanguage,*,*}%
+ \egroup}}
+ {\showmessage\m!linguals5{#1}}}
+ {\doifassignmentelse{#2}
+ {\doiflanguageelse{#1}
+ {\getparameters[\??la#1][#2]}
+ {\setvalue{\l!prefix!#1}{#1}%
+ \addtocommalist{#1}\installedlanguages
+ \dodoinstalllanguage{#1}{#1}%
+ \getparameters[\??la#1][\c!state=\v!start,#2]}%
+ \doloadlanguagefiles{#1}}
+ {\setvalue{\l!prefix!#1}{#2}%
+ \getparameters[\??la#1][\s!default=#2]%
+ \dodoinstalllanguage{#1}{#2}}}
+ {\ifcsname\l!prefix!#1\endcsname\csname\l!prefix!#1\endcsname\else#1\fi}
+\def\doshowpatterns#1#2#3#4% language number encoding mapping
+ {#1->#3:#4->#2->\specificlanguageparameter{#1}\s!lefthyphenmin:\specificlanguageparameter{#1}\s!righthyphenmin\space}
+ {\doifsomething\preloadedpmessage{\showmessage\m!linguals{10}\preloadedpmessage}}
+ {\gdef\preloadallpatterns##1{\installlanguage[##1][\c!state=\v!start]}%
+ \processcommacommand[\installedlanguages]\preloadallpatterns
+ \global\let\preloadallpatterns\relax}
+% ^^ \language[#1] gave unwanted side effect of loading language specifics
+ {\dodoubleargument\doinstalllanguage}
+%D When the second argument is a language identifier, a
+%D synonym is created. This feature is present because we
+%D used dutch mnemonics in the dutch version, but nowadays
+%D conform a standard.
+\let \patternencoding \s!default
+\let \patternmapping \s!default
+ {\expanded{\doifinsetelse{#1}{\preloadedpatterns}}}
+ {\edef\askedlanguageencoding{\specificlanguageparameter{#1}\s!encoding}%
+ \edef\askedlanguagemapping {\specificlanguageparameter{#1}\s!mapping}%
+ \expanded{\getcommacommandsize[\askedlanguageencoding]}%
+ % slightly faster: \let\unicodechar\utfunihashglyph
+ \ifnum\commalistsize>0
+ %\message{[nofpatterns #2: \commalistsize/\askedlanguageencoding]}%
+ \dorecurse\commalistsize
+ {\expanded{\getfromcommacommand[\askedlanguageencoding][\recurselevel]}%
+ \let\patternencoding\commalistelement
+ \expanded{\getfromcommacommand[\askedlanguagemapping][\recurselevel]}%
+ \let\patternmapping \commalistelement
+ %\message{[patterns: #1/#2/\patternencoding/\patternmapping]}%
+ \dodoloadpatterns{#1}{#2}\patternencoding\patternmapping}%
+ \else
+ %\message{[patterns: #1/#2]}%
+ \dodoloadpatterns{#1}{#2}{}{}%
+ \fi}
+ \def\doloadpatterns#1#2%
+ {%\letvalue{\??la#2\s!encoding}\empty
+ %\letvalue{\??la#2\s!mapping }\empty
+ \dodoloadpatterns{#1}{#2}{}{}}
+ {\pathypsettings
+ \enableregime[utf]}
+\def\dodoloadpatterns#1#2#3#4% beware, loaded language also incr
+ {\normallanguage\loadedlanguage % when not really needed
+ \bgroup
+ \let\synchronizepatterns\relax % needed?
+ \let\enabledmapping \empty % needed?
+ \doifelsenothing{#3}{\enableencoding[\s!default]}{\enableencoding[#3]}%
+ \doifelsenothing{#4}{\enablemapping [\s!default]}{\enablemapping [#4]}%
+ \setuphyppatencoding
+ \ifundefined{\??la\??la:\currentencoding:\currentmapping:#2}%
+ \let\doshowpatterns\relax
+ \edef\alreadyloadedlanguage
+ {\executeifdefined{\??la\??la:\currentencoding:\currentmapping:\truefilename{\f!languageprefix#2.\f!patternsextension}}\empty}%
+ \edef\alreadyloadedlanguage
+ {\executeifdefined{\??la\??la:\currentencoding:\currentmapping:\f!languageprefix#2.\f!patternsextension}\alreadyloadedlanguage}%
+ \ifx\alreadyloadedlanguage\empty
+ \letgvalue{\??la\??la:\currentencoding:\currentmapping:#2}\loadedlanguage
+ \doifundefined{\??la\??la:\s!default:\s!default:#2}{\letgvalue{\??la\??la:\s!default:\s!default:#2}\loadedlanguage}% fall back
+ \startpatternloading{\truefilename{\f!languageprefix#2.\f!patternsextension}}{#3}{#4}%
+ \readsysfile{\truefilename{\f!languageprefix#2.\f!patternsextension}}
+ {\setxvalue{\??la#1\s!patterns}{#2}%
+ \setxvalue{\??la\??la:\currentencoding:\currentmapping:\truefilename{\f!languageprefix#2.\f!patternsextension}}{\number\loadedlanguage}%
+ \xdef\preloadedpmessage{\preloadedpmessage\doshowpatterns{#2}{\number\normallanguage}{\currentencoding}{\currentmapping}}%
+ \doglobal\addtocommalist{#2}\preloadedpatterns
+ \showmessage\m!linguals1{#2,#1,\loadedlanguage,\currentencoding,\currentmapping}}
+ {\showmessage\m!linguals2{#2,#1,\loadedlanguage,\currentencoding,\currentmapping,\f!languageprefix#2.\f!patternsextension,\truefilename{\f!languageprefix#2.\f!patternsextension}}}%
+ \stoppatternloading
+ \startpatternloading{\truefilename{\f!languageprefix#2.\f!hyphensextension}}{#3}{#4}%
+ \readsysfile{\truefilename{\f!languageprefix#2.\f!hyphensextension}}
+ {\showmessage\m!linguals3{#2,#1,\loadedlanguage,\currentencoding,\currentmapping}}
+ {\showmessage\m!linguals4{#2,#1,\loadedlanguage,\currentencoding,\currentmapping}}%
+ \stoppatternloading
+ \doglobal\increment\loadedlanguage
+ % \stopencoding
+ \else % optimization, introduced 2004.08.24, while sorting out changes in tl
+ \letgvalue{\??la\??la:\currentencoding:\currentmapping:#2}\alreadyloadedlanguage
+ \doifundefined{\??la\??la:\s!default:\s!default:#2}{\letgvalue{\??la\??la:\s!default:\s!default:#2}\loadedlanguage}% fall back
+ \setxvalue{\??la#1\s!patterns}{#2}%
+ \xdef\preloadedpmessage{\preloadedpmessage\doshowpatterns{#2}{[\number\alreadyloadedlanguage]}{\currentencoding}{\currentmapping}}%
+ \doglobal\addtocommalist{#2}\preloadedpatterns
+ \showmessage\m!linguals1{#2,#1,[\alreadyloadedlanguage],\currentencoding,\currentmapping}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \egroup}
+\fetchruntimecommand \showpatterns {\f!languageprefix\s!run}
+%D Since we can only load patterns in ini\TeX, we nil the
+%D loading before dumping (which saves a bit of memory, but
+%D strangely enough not in the format).
+ \gdef\doloadpatterns{\doglobal\increment\loadedlanguage\gobbletwoarguments}%
+ \globallet\dodoloadpatterns\gobblefourarguments
+\to \everydump
+%D \macros
+%D {setuplanguage}
+%D Quick and dirty, but useful:
+%D \showsetup{setuplanguage}
+%D Beware, this command can only be used when a language is installed.
+\unprotected \def\setuplanguage
+ {\dodoubleempty\dosetuplanguage}
+\def\dosetuplanguage[#1][#2]% handy patch for testing
+ {\ifsecondargument
+ \getparameters[\??la#1][#2]%
+ \doif{#1}\currentlanguage\docomplexlanguage
+ \else
+ \getparameters[\??la\currentlanguage][#1]%
+ \docomplexlanguage
+ \fi}
+ [\s!default]
+ [\s!lefthyphenmin=2,
+ \s!righthyphenmin=2,
+ \s!patterns=,
+ \c!spacing=\v!packed,
+ \s!encoding=,
+ \s!mapping=,
+ \c!lefthyphen=,
+ \c!righthyphen=-,
+ \c!hyphen=-,
+ \c!midsentence=---,
+ \c!leftsentence=---,
+ \c!rightsentence=---,
+ \c!leftsubsentence=---,
+ \c!rightsubsentence=---,
+ \c!leftquote=\upperleftsinglesixquote,
+ \c!rightquote=\upperrightsingleninequote,
+ \c!leftquotation=\upperleftdoublesixquote,
+ \c!rightquotation=\upperrightdoubleninequote,
+ \c!leftspeech=\languageparameter\c!leftquotation,
+ \c!middlespeech=,
+ \c!rightspeech=\languageparameter\c!rightquotation,
+ \c!limittext=\unknown,
+ \c!date={\v!year,\ ,\v!month,\ ,\v!day},
+ \c!text=Ag]
+% rather new, split and per language
+ [\s!default]
+ [\c!compoundhyphen=\compoundhyphen,
+ \c!leftcompoundhyphen=\compoundhyphen,
+ \c!rightcompoundhyphen=]
+%D The values \type {leftsentence} and \type
+%D {rightsentence} can be (and are) used to implement
+%D automatic subsentence boundary glyphs, like in {\fr
+%D |<|french guillemots|>|} or {\de |<|german guillemots|>|} or
+%D {\nl |<|dutch dashes|>|} like situations. Furthermore \type
+%D {leftquotation} and \type {leftquote} come into view
+%D \quotation {when we quote} or \quote {quote} something.
+%D \macros
+%D {currentdatespecification}
+%D Just to make things easy we can ask for the current date
+%D specification by saying:
+%D This command is not meant for users.
+%D Carefull reading of these macros shows that it's legal to
+%D say
+%D \starttyping
+%D \installlanguage [du] [de]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D \macros
+%D {language,mainlanguage}
+%D Switching to another language (actually another hyphenation
+%D pattern) is done with:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \language[identifier]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D or with \type{\identifier}. Just to be compatible with
+%D \PLAIN\ \TEX, we still support the original meaning, so
+%D \starttyping
+%D \language=1
+%D \stoptyping
+%D is a valid operation, where the relation between number
+%D and language depends on the order in installing languages.
+%D \showsetup{language}
+%D \showsetup{mainlanguage}
+%D Both commands take a predefined language identifier as
+%D argument. We can use \type{\mainlanguage[identifier]} for
+%D setting the (indeed) main language. This is the language
+%D used for translating labels like {\em figure} and {\em
+%D table}. The main language defaults to the current language.
+%D We take care of local as well as standardized language
+%D switching (fr and fa, de and du, but nl and nl).
+\ifx\synchronizepatterns \undefined \let\synchronizepatterns\relax \fi
+\ifx\synchronizepatternswithfont\undefined \def\synchronizepatternswithfont{\synchronizepatterns} \fi
+\def\setnormallanguage#1#2% current default
+ {% called quite often, so we use \csname
+ % \def\synchronizepatterns{\setnormallanguage
+ % {\csname\??la\currentlanguage\s!patterns\endcsname}}% called often
+ % of even better pre-expand in an ugly way:
+ \ifnum\normallanguage<\zerocount
+ % we've blocked hyphenation (e.g. verbatim)
+ \else
+ \edef\synchronizepatterns{\noexpand\dosetnormallanguage{\languageparameter\s!patterns}}%
+ \donefalse
+ \synchronizepatterns
+ \ifdone\else
+ \def\synchronizepatterns{\dosetnormallanguage\currentlanguage}%
+ \synchronizepatterns
+ \ifdone\else
+ \ifx\currentdefaultlanguage\empty\else
+ \edef\synchronizepatterns{\noexpand\dosetnormallanguage{\specificlanguageparameter\currentdefaultlanguage\s!patterns}}%
+ \synchronizepatterns
+ \ifdone\else
+ \dosetnormallanguage\currentdefaultlanguage
+ \synchronizepatterns
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+\def\dosetnormallanguage#1% #1 == \cs (no longer)
+ {\ifnum\normallanguage<\zerocount
+ % we've blocked hyphenation (e.g. verbatim)
+ \else
+ \dodosetnormallanguage{:\currentencoding:\currentmapping:}{#1}{%
+ \dodosetnormallanguage{:\currentencoding:\s!default :}{#1}{%
+ \dodosetnormallanguage{:\s!default :\currentmapping:}{#1}{%
+ \dodosetnormallanguage{:\s!default :\s!default :}{#1}\empty}}}%
+ \fi}
+ {\ifcsname\??la\??la#1#2\endcsname
+ \edef\thenormallanguage{\csname\??la\??la#1#2\endcsname}% can be \chardef
+ \ifx\thenormallanguage\empty
+ \@EAEAEA\firstofoneargument
+ \else
+ \donetrue
+ \@EA\xdef\csname\??la\currentlanguage\s!patterns\endcsname{#2}%
+ \normallanguage\thenormallanguage\relax % \relax is needed for lookahead problems
+ \@EAEAEA\gobbleoneargument
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \@EA\firstofoneargument
+ \fi}
+\newevery \everylanguage \relax
+ {\ignorecompoundcharacter}
+ {\lefthyphenmin 0\languageparameter\s!lefthyphenmin \relax
+ \righthyphenmin0\languageparameter\s!righthyphenmin\relax
+ \lefthyphenmin \numexpr\lefthyphenmin +\hyphenminoffset\relax
+ \righthyphenmin\numexpr\righthyphenmin+\hyphenminoffset\relax}
+\def\docomplexlanguage% assumes that \currentlanguage is set
+ {\edef\currentdefaultlanguage{\defaultlanguage\currentlanguage}%
+ \setnormallanguage\currentlanguage\currentdefaultlanguage
+ \the\everylanguage
+ \enablelanguagespecifics[\currentlanguage]%
+ \sethyphenationvariables
+ \relax
+ % will be definable and move to core-spa !
+ \doifelse{\languageparameter\c!spacing}\v!broad\nonfrenchspacing\frenchspacing}
+\ifx\enablelanguagespecifics\undefined \def\enablelanguagespecifics[#1]{} \fi
+% The following may be a solution for the fact that one cannot
+% change catcodes of characters like : and ; inside an environment.
+ \enablelanguagespecifics[\currentlanguage]%
+\to \everystarttext
+ {\edef\askedlanguage{#1}%
+ \ifx\askedlanguage\empty \else
+ \ifcsname\l!prefix!\askedlanguage\endcsname
+ \edef\askedlanguage{\csname\l!prefix!\askedlanguage\endcsname}%
+ \ifx\currentlanguage\askedlanguage \else
+ \setcurrentlanguage\currentmainlanguage\askedlanguage
+ \docomplexlanguage
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \showmessage\m!linguals6{#1}%
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+ {\edef\askedlanguage{#1}%
+ \ifx\askedlanguage\empty \else
+ \ifcsname\l!prefix!\askedlanguage\endcsname
+ \edef\askedlanguage{\csname\l!prefix!\askedlanguage\endcsname}%
+ \ifx\currentlanguage\askedlanguage
+ \ifx\currentmainlanguage\askedlanguage
+ \else
+ \setcurrentlanguage\askedlanguage\askedlanguage
+ \docomplexlanguage
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \setcurrentlanguage\askedlanguage\askedlanguage
+ \docomplexlanguage
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+%D \macros
+%D {defaultlanguage,languageparameter,specificlanguageparameter}
+ {\ifcsname\??la#1\s!default\endcsname
+ \expandafter\defaultlanguage\csname\??la#1\s!default\endcsname
+ \else
+ #1%
+ \fi}
+ {\ifcsname\??la\currentlanguage#1\endcsname
+ \csname\??la\currentlanguage#1\endcsname
+ \else\ifcsname\??la\currentlanguage\s!default\endcsname
+ \expandafter\specificlanguageparameter\csname\??la\currentlanguage\s!default\endcsname{#1}%
+ \else\ifcsname\??la\s!default#1\endcsname
+ \csname\??la\s!default#1\endcsname
+ \fi\fi\fi}
+ {\ifcsname\??la#1#2\endcsname
+ \csname\??la#1#2\endcsname
+ \else\ifcsname\??la#1\s!default\endcsname
+ \expandafter\specificlanguageparameter\csname\??la#1\s!default\endcsname{#2}%
+ \else\ifcsname\??la\s!default#2\endcsname
+ \csname\??la\s!default#2\endcsname
+ \fi\fi\fi}
+%D New (see nomarking and nolist):
+ {\doifelse{#1}\v!no{#2}{\doifelse{#1}\v!yes{\languageparameter\c!limittext}{#1}}}
+ {\splitsequence{#1}{\languageparameter\c!limittext}}
+%D Just like with subsentence boundary symbols, quotes
+%D placement depends on the current language, therefore we show
+%D the defaults here.
+%D \def\ShowLanguageValues [#1] [#2] #3 #4
+%D {\blank
+%D \startlinecorrection
+%D \vbox\bgroup
+%D \language[#1]%
+%D \setbox0=\hbox to \hsize{\hss\bf#2 subsentence symbol and quotes\hss}
+%D \dp0=0pt
+%D \box0
+%D \vskip.5em
+%D \hrule
+%D \vskip.5em
+%D \let\normalbar=|
+%D \hbox to \hsize
+%D {\hfil\quotation{#3 #4}\hfil\quote{#2}\hfil
+%D \let|=\normalbar\strut|<||<|#3|>|#4|>|\hfil}
+%D \vskip.5em
+%D \hrule
+%D \egroup
+%D \stoplinecorrection
+%D \blank}
+%D \ShowLanguageValues [af] [afrikaans] afrikaanse ...
+%D \ShowLanguageValues [ca] [catalan] catalan ...
+%D \ShowLanguageValues [cs] [czech] tjechisch tex
+%D \ShowLanguageValues [cs] [slovak] slowaakse ...
+%D \ShowLanguageValues [da] [danish] deense ...
+%D \ShowLanguageValues [de] [german] duitse degelijkheid
+%D \ShowLanguageValues [en] [english] engelse humor
+%D \ShowLanguageValues [fi] [finnish] finse ...
+%D \ShowLanguageValues [fr] [french] franse slag
+%D \ShowLanguageValues [it] [italian] italiaanse ...
+%D \ShowLanguageValues [la] [latin] latijnse missen
+%D \ShowLanguageValues [nl] [dutch] nederlandse zuinigheid
+%D \ShowLanguageValues [nb] [bokmal] noorse zalm
+%D \ShowLanguageValues [nn] [nnynorsk] noorse zalm
+%D \ShowLanguageValues [pl] [polish] poolse vlag
+%D \ShowLanguageValues [pt] [portuguese] portugese ...
+%D \ShowLanguageValues [es] [spanish] spaans benauwd
+%D \ShowLanguageValues [sv] [swedish] zweedse ...
+%D \ShowLanguageValues [tr] [turkish] turks fruit
+%D We support a lot of languages. These are specified and
+%D loaded in separate files, according to their roots. Here
+%D we only take care of (postponed) setting of the current
+%D language.
+%D \unprotect
+%D \placetable{The germanic languages (\type{lang-ger})}
+%D \starttable[||||]
+%D \HL
+%D \NC \bf mnemonic \NC \bf language \NC \bf group \NC\SR
+%D \HL
+%D \NC \s!nl \NC dutch \NC germanic \NC\FR
+%D \NC \s!en \NC english \NC germanic \NC\MR
+%D \NC \s!de \NC german \NC germanic \NC\MR
+%D \NC \s!da \NC danish \NC germanic \NC\MR
+%D \NC \s!sv \NC swedish \NC germanic \NC\MR
+%D \NC \s!af \NC afrikaans \NC germanic \NC\MR
+%D \NC \s!nb \NC bokmal \NC germanic \NC\LR
+%D \NC \s!nn \NC nynorsk \NC germanic \NC\LR
+%D \HL
+%D \stoptable
+%D \protect
+%D \unprotect
+%D \placetable{The italic languages (\type{lang-ita})}
+%D \starttable[||||]
+%D \HL
+%D \NC \bf mnemonic \NC \bf language \NC \bf group \NC\SR
+%D \HL
+%D \NC \s!fr \NC french \NC italic \NC\FR
+%D \NC \s!ca \NC catalan \NC italic \NC\MR
+%D \NC \s!es \NC spanish \NC italic \NC\MR
+%D \NC \s!it \NC italian \NC italic \NC\MR
+%D \NC \s!la \NC latin \NC italic \NC\MR
+%D \NC \s!pt \NC portuguese \NC italic \NC\LR
+%D \HL
+%D \stoptable
+%D \protect
+%D \unprotect
+%D \placetable{The slavic languages (\type{lang-sla})}
+%D \starttable[||||]
+%D \HL
+%D \NC \bf mnemonic \NC \bf language \NC \bf group \NC\SR
+%D \HL
+%D \NC \s!pl \NC polish \NC slavic \NC\FR
+%D \NC \s!cs \NC czech \NC slavic \NC\MR
+%D \NC \s!sk \NC slavik \NC slavic \NC\LR
+%D \HL
+%D \stoptable
+%D \protect
+%D \unprotect
+%D \placetable{The altaic languages (\type{lang-alt})}
+%D \starttable[||||]
+%D \HL
+%D \NC \bf mnemonic \NC \bf language \NC \bf group \NC\SR
+%D \HL
+%D \NC \s!tr \NC turkish \NC altaic \NC\SR
+%D \HL
+%D \stoptable
+%D \placetable{The uralic languages (\type{lang-ura})}
+%D \starttable[||||]
+%D \HL
+%D \NC \bf mnemonic \NC \bf language \NC \bf group \NC\SR
+%D \HL
+%D \NC \s!fi \NC finnish \NC uralic \NC\SR
+%D \HL
+%D \stoptable
+%D \protect
+% \bgroup \normallanguage255 \patterns{} \egroup
+% \def\nopatterns{\normallanguage255 }
+%D \XETEX\ (and also \LUATEX) are \UNICODE:
+ \def\synchronizepatternswithfont{}
+ \def\doloadpatterns #1#2{\dodoloadpatterns{#1}{#2}\s!default\s!default}
+ \def\dosetnormallanguage #1{\dodosetnormallanguage{:\s!default:\s!default:}{#1}\empty}
+ \def\setuphyppatencoding {\pathypsettings}
+%D We default to the language belonging to the interface. This
+%D is one of the few places outside the interface modules where
+%D \type{\startinterface} is used.
+%D We default to english:
+ {\mainlanguage[\currentlanguage]%
+ \showmessage\m!linguals9\currentlanguage}
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/lang-ita.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/lang-ita.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..04acf3265
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/lang-ita.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,518 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=lang-ita,
+%D version=1997.09.03,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Language Macros,
+%D subtitle=Italic Languages,
+%D author=Hans Hagen / Tobias Burnus,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+% Todo: replace \'.. by \namedglyph
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Language Macros / Italic Languages}
+%D The framework of this module is set up by Hans Hagen while
+%D many of the first translations were done by Tobias. Later
+%D on, corrections were made by users. If you have suggestions,
+%D or feel that your name missing here, don't hesitate to send
+%D us an email.
+%D \starttabulate[|lB|l|]
+%D \NC Italian \NC Giuseppe Bilotta \NC \NR
+%D \NC Romanian \NC Dan Seracu \NC \NR
+%D \NC Portuguese \NC Pedro F. M. Mendon\c a \NC \NR
+%D \stoptabulate
+% Latin, Italian, Rhaeto-Romanic, Rumanian, Sardian
+% Catalan, French, Ladino, Portuguese, Proven\c{c}al, Spanish
+\ifx\guillemotspace\undefined \let\guillemotspace\empty \fi
+\ifx\sentencespace \undefined \let\sentencespace \empty \fi
+ [\s!fr]
+ [\c!spacing=\v!packed,
+ \c!leftsentence=\emdash,
+ \c!rightsentence=\emdash,
+ \c!leftsubsentence=\emdash,
+ \c!rightsubsentence=\emdash,
+ \c!leftquote=\leftguillemot,
+ \c!rightquote=\rightguillemot,
+ \c!leftquotation=\leftguillemot,
+ \c!rightquotation=\rightguillemot,
+ \c!date={\v!day+,\v!space,\v!month,\v!space,\v!year},
+ \s!mapping={texnansi,ec},
+ \s!encoding={texnansi,ec}]
+ [\s!es]
+ [\c!spacing=\v!packed,
+ \c!leftsentence=---,
+ \c!rightsentence=---,
+ \c!leftsubsentence=---,
+ \c!rightsubsentence=---,
+ \c!leftquote=\upperleftsinglesixquote,
+ \c!rightquote=\upperrightsingleninequote,
+ \c!leftquotation=\upperleftdoublesixquote,
+ \c!rightquotation=\upperrightdoubleninequote,
+ \c!date={\v!day,\ ,\v!month,\ ,\v!year}]
+\installlanguage [sp] [\s!es] % old times context
+ [\s!ca]
+ [\c!spacing=\v!packed,
+ \c!leftsentence=---,
+ \c!rightsentence=---,
+ \c!leftsubsentence=---,
+ \c!rightsubsentence=---,
+ \c!leftquote=\upperleftsinglesixquote,
+ \c!rightquote=\upperrightsingleninequote,
+ \c!leftquotation=\upperleftdoublesixquote,
+ \c!rightquotation=\upperrightdoubleninequote,
+ \c!date={\v!day,\ ,\v!month,\ ,\v!year}]
+% Note GB left|/|right (sub)sentences are for \quote {incisi}.
+ [\s!it]
+ [\c!spacing=\v!packed,
+ \c!leftsentence=---,
+ \c!rightsentence=---,
+ \c!leftsubsentence=--,
+ \c!rightsubsentence=--,
+ \c!leftquote=\upperleftsinglesixquote,
+ \c!rightquote=\upperrightsingleninequote,
+ \c!leftquotation=\upperleftdoublesixquote,
+ \c!rightquotation=\upperrightdoubleninequote,
+ \c!leftspeech=\leftguillemot,
+ \c!middlespeech=\leftguillemot,
+ \c!rightspeech=\rightguillemot,
+ \c!date={\v!day,\ ,\v!month,\ ,\v!year},
+ \s!mapping={texnansi,ec},
+ \s!encoding={texnansi,ec}]
+\installlanguage % the same as italian
+ [\s!la]
+ [\c!spacing=\v!packed,
+ \c!leftsentence=---,
+ \c!rightsentence=---,
+ \c!leftsubsentence=---,
+ \c!rightsubsentence=---,
+ \c!leftquote=\upperleftsinglesixquote,
+ \c!rightquote=\lowerrightsingleninequote,
+ \c!leftquotation=\upperleftdoublesixquote,
+ \c!rightquotation=\lowerrightdoubleninequote,
+ \c!date={\v!day,\ ,\v!month,\ ,\v!year}]
+ [\s!pt]
+ [\c!spacing=\v!packed,
+ \c!leftsentence=---,
+ \c!rightsentence=---,
+ \c!leftsubsentence=---,
+ \c!rightsubsentence=---,
+ \c!leftquote=\upperleftsinglesixquote,
+ \c!rightquote=\upperrightsingleninequote,
+ \c!leftquotation=\upperleftdoublesixquote,
+ \c!rightquotation=\upperrightdoubleninequote,
+ \c!date={\v!year,\ ,\v!month,\ ,\v!day},
+ \s!mapping={texnansi,ec},
+ \s!encoding={texnansi,ec}]
+ [\s!ro]
+ [\c!spacing=\v!packed,
+ \c!leftsentence=---,
+ \c!rightsentence=---,
+ \c!leftsubsentence=---,
+ \c!rightsubsentence=---,
+ \c!leftquote=\leftguillemot,
+ \c!rightquote=\rightguillemot,
+ \c!leftquotation=\lowerrightdoubleninequote,
+ \c!rightquotation=\upperleftdoublesixquote,
+ \c!date={\v!day,\ ,\v!month,\ ,\v!year}]
+%D For compatibility reasons we also define:
+\installlanguage [fa] [\s!fr] % for dutchies only
+\installlanguage [french] [\s!fr]
+\installlanguage [spanish] [\s!es]
+\installlanguage [catalan] [\s!ca]
+\installlanguage [italian] [\s!it]
+\installlanguage [latin] [\s!la]
+\installlanguage [portuguese] [\s!pt]
+\installlanguage [romanian] [\s!ro]
+%D Labels and header texts.
+\setupheadtext [\s!fr] [\v!content=Table des mati\`eres]
+\setupheadtext [\s!es] [\v!content=\'Indice]
+\setupheadtext [\s!ca] [\v!content=\'Index de continguts]
+\setupheadtext [\s!it] [\v!content=Indice]
+\setupheadtext [\s!la] [\v!content=Quod in libro continetur] %Argumentum
+\setupheadtext [\s!pt] [\v!content=Conte\'udo]
+\setupheadtext [\s!ro] [\v!content=Cuprins]
+\setupheadtext [\s!fr] [\v!tables=Tableaux]
+\setupheadtext [\s!es] [\v!tables=Tablas]
+\setupheadtext [\s!ca] [\v!tables=Taules]
+\setupheadtext [\s!it] [\v!tables=Tabelle]
+\setupheadtext [\s!la] [\v!tables=Tabulae]
+\setupheadtext [\s!pt] [\v!tables=Tabelas]
+\setupheadtext [\s!ro] [\v!tables=Tabele]
+\setupheadtext [\s!fr] [\v!figures=Figures]
+\setupheadtext [\s!es] [\v!figures=Ilustraciones]
+\setupheadtext [\s!ca] [\v!figures=Figures]
+\setupheadtext [\s!it] [\v!figures=Figure]
+\setupheadtext [\s!la] [\v!figures=Imagines]
+\setupheadtext [\s!pt] [\v!figures=Figuras]
+\setupheadtext [\s!ro] [\v!figures=Figuri]
+\setupheadtext [\s!fr] [\v!graphics=Graphiques]
+\setupheadtext [\s!es] [\v!graphics=Gr\'aficos]
+\setupheadtext [\s!it] [\v!graphics=Grafici]
+\setupheadtext [\s!ca] [\v!graphics=Gr\`afiques]
+\setupheadtext [\s!la] [\v!graphics=Typi]
+\setupheadtext [\s!pt] [\v!graphics=Gr\'aficos]
+\setupheadtext [\s!ro] [\v!graphics=Grafice]
+\setupheadtext [\s!fr] [\v!intermezzi=Interm\`edes]
+\setupheadtext [\s!es] [\v!intermezzi=Intermedios]
+\setupheadtext [\s!ca] [\v!intermezzi=Intermedis]
+\setupheadtext [\s!it] [\v!intermezzi=Intermezzi]
+\setupheadtext [\s!la] [\v!intermezzi=Intermissa]
+\setupheadtext [\s!pt] [\v!intermezzi=Interm\'edios]
+\setupheadtext [\s!ro] [\v!intermezzi=Intermzzo]
+\setupheadtext [\s!fr] [\v!index=Index]
+\setupheadtext [\s!es] [\v!index=\'Indice alfab\'etico]
+\setupheadtext [\s!ca] [\v!index=\'Index alfab\`etic]
+\setupheadtext [\s!it] [\v!index=Indice]
+\setupheadtext [\s!la] [\v!index=Indices]
+\setupheadtext [\s!pt] [\v!index=\'Indice]
+\setupheadtext [\s!ro] [\v!index=Index]
+\setupheadtext [\s!fr] [\v!abbreviations=Abr\'eviations]
+\setupheadtext [\s!es] [\v!abbreviations=Abreviaturas]
+\setupheadtext [\s!ca] [\v!abbreviations=Abreviacions]
+\setupheadtext [\s!it] [\v!abbreviations=Abbreviazioni]
+\setupheadtext [\s!la] [\v!abbreviations=Notae]
+\setupheadtext [\s!pt] [\v!abbreviations=Abreviaturas]
+\setupheadtext [\s!ro] [\v!abbreviations=Abrevieri]
+\setupheadtext [\s!fr] [\v!logos=Logos]
+\setupheadtext [\s!es] [\v!logos=Logotipos]
+\setupheadtext [\s!ca] [\v!logos=Logotips]
+\setupheadtext [\s!it] [\v!logos=Logotipi]
+\setupheadtext [\s!la] [\v!logos=Typi negotiales]
+\setupheadtext [\s!pt] [\v!logos=Logotipos]
+\setupheadtext [\s!ro] [\v!logos=Logo-uri]
+\setupheadtext [\s!fr] [\v!units=Unit\'es]
+\setupheadtext [\s!es] [\v!units=Unidades]
+\setupheadtext [\s!ca] [\v!units=Unitats]
+\setupheadtext [\s!it] [\v!units=Unit\`a]
+\setupheadtext [\s!la] [\v!units=Modi]
+\setupheadtext [\s!pt] [\v!units=Unidades]
+\setupheadtext [\s!ro] [\v!units=Unit\u{a}\c{t}i]
+\setupheadtext [\s!fr] [pubs=Bibliographie]
+\setupheadtext [\s!es] [pubs=Bibliograf\'\ia]
+\setupheadtext [\s!ca] [pubs=Referències]
+\setupheadtext [\s!it] [pubs=Bibliografia]
+%setupheadtext [\s!la] [pubs=?]
+%setupheadtext [\s!pt] [pubs=?]
+%setupheadtext [\s!ro] [pubs=?]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!fr] [\v!table=Tableau ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!es] [\v!table=Tabla ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ca] [\v!table=Taula ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!it] [\v!table=Tabella ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!la] [\v!table=Tabula ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!pt] [\v!table=Tabela ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ro] [\v!table=Tabelul ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!fr] [\v!figure=Figure ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!es] [\v!figure=Ilustraci\'on ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ca] [\v!figure=Figura ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!it] [\v!figure=Fig. ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!la] [\v!figure=Imago ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!pt] [\v!figure=Figura ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ro] [\v!figure=Figura ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!fr] [\v!intermezzo=Interm\`ede ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!es] [\v!intermezzo=Intermedio ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ca] [\v!intermezzo=Intermedi ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!it] [\v!intermezzo=Intermezzo ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!la] [\v!intermezzo=Intermissum ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!pt] [\v!intermezzo=Interm\'edio ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ro] [\v!intermezzo=Intermezzo ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!fr] [\v!graphic=Illustration ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!es] [\v!graphic=Gr\'afico ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ca] [\v!graphic=Gr\`afica ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!it] [\v!graphic=Grafico ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!la] [\v!graphic=Typus ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!pt] [\v!graphic=Gr\'afico ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ro] [\v!graphic=Graficul ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!fr] [\v!chapter=] % Chapitre
+\setuplabeltext [\s!es] [\v!chapter=] % Cap\'\i tulo
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ca] [\v!chapter=] % Cap\'\i tol
+\setuplabeltext [\s!it] [\v!chapter=]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!la] [\v!chapter=]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!pt] [\v!chapter=]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ro] [\v!chapter=]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!fr] [\v!section=] % Section
+\setuplabeltext [\s!es] [\v!section=] % Secci\'on
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ca] [\v!section=] % Secci\'o
+\setuplabeltext [\s!it] [\v!section=]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!la] [\v!section=]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!pt] [\v!section=]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ro] [\v!section=]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!fr] [\v!subsection=] % Soussection
+\setuplabeltext [\s!es] [\v!subsection=] % Subsecci\'on
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ca] [\v!subsection=] % Subsecci\'o
+\setuplabeltext [\s!it] [\v!subsection=]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!la] [\v!subsection=]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!pt] [\v!subsection=]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ro] [\v!subsection=]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!fr] [\v!subsubsection=] % Soussoussection
+\setuplabeltext [\s!es] [\v!subsubsection=] % Subsubsecci\'on
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ca] [\v!subsubsection=] % Subsubsecci\'o
+\setuplabeltext [\s!it] [\v!subsubsection=]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!la] [\v!subsubsection=]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!pt] [\v!subsubsection=]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ro] [\v!subsubsection=]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!fr] [\v!subsubsubsection=] % Soussoussoussection
+\setuplabeltext [\s!es] [\v!subsubsubsection=] % Subsubsubsecci\'on
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ca] [\v!subsubsubsection=] % Subsubsubsecci\'o
+\setuplabeltext [\s!it] [\v!subsubsubsection=]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!la] [\v!subsubsubsection=]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!pt] [\v!subsubsubsection=]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ro] [\v!subsubsubsection=]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!fr] [\v!appendix=] % Annexe
+\setuplabeltext [\s!es] [\v!appendix=] % Ap\'endice
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ca] [\v!appendix=] % Ap\`endix
+\setuplabeltext [\s!it] [\v!appendix=]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!la] [\v!appendix=]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!pt] [\v!appendix=]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ro] [\v!appendix=]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!fr] [\v!part=Partie ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!es] [\v!part=Parte ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ca] [\v!part=Part ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!it] [\v!part=Parte ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!la] [\v!part=Pars ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!pt] [\v!part=Parte ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ro] [\v!part=Partea ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!fr] [\v!line=ligne ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!es] [\v!line=l\'\i nea ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ca] [\v!line=l\'\i nia ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!it] [\v!line=riga ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!la] [\v!line=versus ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!pt] [\v!line=linha ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ro] [\v!line=linia ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!fr] [\v!lines=lignes ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!es] [\v!lines=l\'\i neas ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ca] [\v!lines=l\'\i nies ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!it] [\v!lines=righe ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!la] [\v!lines=versus ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!pt] [\v!lines=linhas ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ro] [\v!lines=liniile ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!fr] [\v!january=janvier]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!fr] [\v!february=f\'evrier]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!fr] [\v!march=mars]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!fr] [\v!april=avril]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!fr] [\v!may=mai]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!fr] [\v!june=juin]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!fr] [\v!july=juillet]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!fr] [\v!august=ao\^ut]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!fr] [\v!september=septembre]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!fr] [\v!october=octobre]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!fr] [\v!november=novembre]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!fr] [\v!december=d\'ecembre]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!es] [\v!january=enero]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!es] [\v!february=febrero]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!es] [\v!march=marzo]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!es] [\v!april=abril]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!es] [\v!may=mayo]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!es] [\v!june=junio]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!es] [\v!july=julio]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!es] [\v!august=agosto]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!es] [\v!september=septiembre]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!es] [\v!october=octubre]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!es] [\v!november=noviembre]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!es] [\v!december=diciembre]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ca] [\v!january=gener]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ca] [\v!february=febrer]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ca] [\v!march=mar\c{c}]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ca] [\v!april=abril]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ca] [\v!may=maig]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ca] [\v!june=juny]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ca] [\v!july=juliol]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ca] [\v!august=agost]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ca] [\v!september=setembre]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ca] [\v!october=octubre]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ca] [\v!november=novembre]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ca] [\v!december=desembre]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!it] [\v!january=gennaio]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!it] [\v!february=febbraio]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!it] [\v!march=marzo]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!it] [\v!april=aprile]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!it] [\v!may=maggio]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!it] [\v!june=giugno]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!it] [\v!july=luglio]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!it] [\v!august=agosto]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!it] [\v!september=settembre]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!it] [\v!october=ottobre]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!it] [\v!november=novembre]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!it] [\v!december=dicembre]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!la] [\v!january=Ianuarius]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!la] [\v!february=Februarius]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!la] [\v!march=Martius]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!la] [\v!april=Aprilis]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!la] [\v!may=Maius]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!la] [\v!june=Iunius]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!la] [\v!july=Iulius] % formerly Quintilis
+\setuplabeltext [\s!la] [\v!august=Augustus] % formerly Sextilis
+\setuplabeltext [\s!la] [\v!september=September]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!la] [\v!october=October]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!la] [\v!november=November]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!la] [\v!december=December]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!pt] [\v!january=janeiro]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!pt] [\v!february=fevereiro]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!pt] [\v!march=mar\c{c}o]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!pt] [\v!april=abril]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!pt] [\v!may=maio]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!pt] [\v!june=junho]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!pt] [\v!july=julho]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!pt] [\v!august=agosto]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!pt] [\v!september=setembro]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!pt] [\v!october=outubro]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!pt] [\v!november=novembro]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!pt] [\v!december=dezembro]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ro] [\v!january=ianuarie]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ro] [\v!february=februarie]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ro] [\v!march=martie]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ro] [\v!april=aprilie]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ro] [\v!may=mai]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ro] [\v!june=iunie]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ro] [\v!july=iulie]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ro] [\v!august=august]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ro] [\v!september=septembrie]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ro] [\v!october=octombrie]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ro] [\v!november=noiembrie]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ro] [\v!december=decembrie]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!fr] [\v!sunday=dimanche]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!fr] [\v!monday=lundi]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!fr] [\v!tuesday=mardi]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!fr] [\v!wednesday=mercredi]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!fr] [\v!thursday=jeudi]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!fr] [\v!friday=vendredi]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!fr] [\v!saturday=samedi]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!es] [\v!sunday=domingo]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!es] [\v!monday=lunes]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!es] [\v!tuesday=martes]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!es] [\v!wednesday=mi\'ercoles]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!es] [\v!thursday=jueves]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!es] [\v!friday=viernes]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!es] [\v!saturday=s\'abado]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ca] [\v!sunday=diumenge]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ca] [\v!monday=dilluns]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ca] [\v!tuesday=dimarts]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ca] [\v!wednesday=dimecres]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ca] [\v!thursday=dijous]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ca] [\v!friday=divendres]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ca] [\v!saturday=dissabte]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!it] [\v!sunday=domenica]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!it] [\v!monday=luned\`\i]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!it] [\v!tuesday=marted\`\i]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!it] [\v!wednesday=mercoled\`\i]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!it] [\v!thursday=gioved\`\i]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!it] [\v!friday=venerd\`\i]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!it] [\v!saturday=sabato]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!la] [\v!sunday=Dies Solis]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!la] [\v!monday=Dies Lunae]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!la] [\v!tuesday=Dies Martis]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!la] [\v!wednesday=Dies Mercuri]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!la] [\v!thursday=Dies Iovis]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!la] [\v!friday=Dies Veneris]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!la] [\v!saturday=Dies Saturni]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!pt] [\v!sunday=domingo]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!pt] [\v!monday=segunda-feira]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!pt] [\v!tuesday=ter\c{c}a-feira]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!pt] [\v!wednesday=quarta-feira]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!pt] [\v!thursday=quinta-feira]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!pt] [\v!friday=sexta-feira]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!pt] [\v!saturday=s\'abado]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ro] [\v!sunday=duminic\u{a}]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ro] [\v!monday=luni]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ro] [\v!tuesday=mar\c{t}i]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ro] [\v!wednesday=miercuri]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ro] [\v!thursday=joi]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ro] [\v!friday=vineri]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ro] [\v!saturday=s\^{a}mb\u{a}t\u{a}]
+%D Rather new \unknown
+\setuplabeltext [\s!it] [\v!page=pagina ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!it] [\v!atpage=a pagina ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!it] [\v!hencefore=come mostrato sopra]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!it] [\v!hereafter=come mostrato sotto]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!it] [\v!see=cf. ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!fr] [\v!page=page ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!fr] [\v!atpage=à la page ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!fr] [\v!hencefore=ci-dessus]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!fr] [\v!hereafter=ci-dessous]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!fr] [\v!see=cf. ]
+%D Ordinal converters:
+\def\frordinaldaynumber#1% date is masculine
+ {\number#1\ifcase#1\or
+ \highordinalstr{er}%
+ \fi}
+\defineconversion [\s!fr] [\v!day+] [\frordinaldaynumber]
+%D \ShowAllLanguageValues [\s!fr] [french] {French} {kiss} % franse slag
+%D \ShowAllLanguageValues [\s!es] [spanish] {Spanish} {guitar} % spaans benauwd
+%D \ShowAllLanguageValues [\s!ca] [catalan] {Catalan} {cream}
+%D \ShowAllLanguageValues [\s!it] [italian] {Italian} {aria}
+%D \ShowAllLanguageValues [\s!la] [latin] {Latin} {lover} % latijnse missen
+%D \ShowAllLanguageValues [\s!pt] [portuguese] {Portuguese} {fisherman}
+%D \ShowAllLanguageValues [\s!ro] [romanian] {Romanian} {traveller}
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/lang-jap.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/lang-jap.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1417e8ec5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/lang-jap.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=lang-jap,
+%D version=2006.01.13,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Language Macros,
+%D subtitle=Japanese,
+%D author={Richard Gabriel},
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={Richard Gabriel \& Hans Hagen}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Language Macros / Japanese}
+\definesystemconstant {japanese} \definesystemconstant {ja}
+ [\s!ja]
+ [\c!leftsentence=\jaencoding\jaleftsentence,
+ \c!rightsentence=\jaencoding\jarightsentence,
+ \c!leftsubsentence=\jaencoding\jaleftsubsentence,
+ \c!rightsubsentence=\jaencoding\jarightsubsentence,
+ \c!leftquote=\jaencoding\jaencodedsinglestartquote,
+ \c!rightquote=\jaencoding\jaencodedsingleendquote,
+ \c!leftquotation=\jaencoding\jaencodedstartquote,
+ \c!rightquotation=\jaencoding\jaencodedendquote,
+ \c!date={\jaencodedchristiandate,\v!year,\jaencodedyear,\v!month,\jaencodedmonth,\v!day,\jaencodedday}]
+\setupheadtext [\s!ja] [\v!content={\jaencoding\jaencodedtableofcontents}]
+\setupheadtext [\s!ja] [\v!tables={\jaencoding\jaencodedtables}]
+\setupheadtext [\s!ja] [\v!figures={\jaencoding\jaencodedfigures}]
+\setupheadtext [\s!ja] [\v!graphics={\jaencoding\jaencodedgraphics}]
+\setupheadtext [\s!ja] [\v!intermezzi={\jaencoding\jaencodedintermezzos}]
+\setupheadtext [\s!ja] [\v!index={\jaencoding\jaencodedindex}]
+\setupheadtext [\s!ja] [\v!abbreviations={\jaencoding\jaencodedabbreviations}]
+\setupheadtext [\s!ja] [\v!logos={\jaencoding\jaencodedlogos}]
+\setupheadtext [\s!ja] [\v!units={\jaencoding\jaencodedunits}]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ja] [\v!table={\jaencoding\jaencodedtable}]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ja] [\v!figure={\jaencoding\jaencodedfigure}]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ja] [\v!intermezzo={\jaencoding\jaencodedintermezzo}]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ja] [\v!graphic={\jaencoding\jaencodedillustration}]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ja] [\v!appendix={\jaencoding\jaencodedappendix}]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ja] [\v!part={\jaencoding\jaencodedintro,\jaencoding\jaencodedpart}]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ja] [\v!chapter={\jaencoding\jaencodedintro,\jaencoding\jaencodedchapter}]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ja] [\v!section={\jaencoding\jaencodedintro,\jaencoding\jaencodedsection}]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ja] [\v!line={\jaencoding\jaencodedline}]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ja] [\v!lines={\jaencoding\jaencodedline}]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ja] [\v!subsection=]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ja] [\v!subsubsection=]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ja] [\v!subsubsubsection=]
+%D Why are these languagespecifics ?
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ja] [\v!january=1]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ja] [\v!february=2]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ja] [\v!march=3]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ja] [\v!april=4]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ja] [\v!may=5]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ja] [\v!june=6]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ja] [\v!july=7]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ja] [\v!august=8]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ja] [\v!september=9]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ja] [\v!october=10]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ja] [\v!november=11]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ja] [\v!december=12]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ja] [\v!sunday=\jaencoding\jaencodedsunday ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ja] [\v!monday=\jaencoding\jaencodedmonday ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ja] [\v!tuesday=\jaencoding\jaencodedtuesday ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ja] [\v!wednesday=\jaencoding\jaencodedwednesday]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ja] [\v!thursday=\jaencoding\jaencodedthursday ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ja] [\v!friday=\jaencoding\jaencodedfriday ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!ja] [\v!saturday=\jaencoding\jaencodedsaturday ]
+% Hardcoded - \japaneseencoding should be defined similarly to \chineseencoding
+%D This list is taken from DocBook XSL stylesheets (
+ \definecommand jaencodedabstract {\uchar{105}{130}\uchar{137}{129}}
+ \definecommand jaencodedand {\uchar{48}{1}}
+ \definecommand jaencodedanswer {\uchar{123}{84}\uchar{255}{26}}
+ \definecommand jaencodedappendix {\uchar{78}{216}\uchar{147}{50}}
+ \definecommand jaencodedarticle {\uchar{152}{5}\uchar{118}{238}}
+ \definecommand jaencodedbibliography {\uchar{83}{194}\uchar{128}{3}\uchar{101}{135}\uchar{115}{46}}
+ \definecommand jaencodedbook {\uchar{48}{214}\uchar{48}{195}\uchar{48}{175}}
+ \definecommand jaencodedbridgehead {\uchar{152}{5}}
+ \definecommand jaencodedbullet {\uchar{37}{207}}
+ \definecommand jaencodedby {\uchar{255}{26}}
+ \definecommand jaencodedcaution {\uchar{108}{232}\uchar{97}{15}}
+ \definecommand jaencodedcolophon {\uchar{89}{101}\uchar{78}{216}}
+ \definecommand jaencodedcopyright {\uchar{136}{253}\uchar{79}{92}\uchar{132}{87}\uchar{79}{92}}
+ \definecommand jaencodeddedication {\uchar{139}{29}\uchar{143}{158}}
+ \definecommand jaencodededited {\uchar{125}{232}\uchar{128}{5}}
+ \definecommand jaencodededitedby {\uchar{125}{232}\uchar{128}{5}\uchar{255}{26}}
+ \definecommand jaencodededition {\uchar{125}{232}\uchar{150}{198}}
+ \definecommand jaencodedendquote {\uchar{48}{13}}
+ \definecommand jaencodedequation {\uchar{95}{15}}
+ \definecommand jaencodedexample {\uchar{79}{139}}
+ \definecommand jaencodedfigure {\uchar{86}{243}}
+ \definecommand jaencodedglossary {\uchar{117}{40}\uchar{138}{158}\uchar{150}{198}}
+ \definecommand jaencodedglosssee {\uchar{83}{194}\uchar{113}{103}}
+ \definecommand jaencodedglossseealso {\uchar{83}{194}\uchar{113}{103}}
+ \definecommand jaencodedchapter {\uchar{122}{224}}
+ \definecommand jaencodedimportant {\uchar{145}{205}\uchar{137}{129}\uchar{152}{5}\uchar{118}{238}}
+ \definecommand jaencodedindex {\uchar{118}{238}\uchar{107}{33}}
+ \definecommand jaencodedindexsymbols {\uchar{48}{183}\uchar{48}{243}\uchar{48}{220}\uchar{48}{235}}
+ \definecommand jaencodedintro {\uchar{123}{44}}
+ \definecommand jaencodedlistofequations {\uchar{95}{15}\uchar{118}{238}\uchar{107}{33}}
+ \definecommand jaencodedlistofexamples {\uchar{79}{139}\uchar{118}{238}\uchar{107}{33}}
+ \definecommand jaencodedlistoffigures {\uchar{86}{243}\uchar{118}{238}\uchar{107}{33}}
+ \definecommand jaencodedlistoftables {\uchar{136}{104}\uchar{118}{238}\uchar{107}{33}}
+ \definecommand jaencodedlistofunknown {\uchar{78}{13}\uchar{102}{14}\uchar{118}{238}\uchar{107}{33}}
+ \definecommand jaencodedmsgaud {\uchar{91}{254}\uchar{140}{97}\uchar{128}{5}}
+ \definecommand jaencodedmsglevel {\uchar{48}{236}\uchar{48}{217}\uchar{48}{235}}
+ \definecommand jaencodedmsgorig {\uchar{118}{122}\uchar{79}{225}\uchar{81}{67}}
+ \definecommand jaencodednavhome {\uchar{48}{219}\uchar{48}{252}\uchar{48}{224}}
+ \definecommand jaencodednavnext {\uchar{107}{33}\uchar{48}{110}\uchar{48}{218}\uchar{48}{252}\uchar{48}{184}}
+ \definecommand jaencodednavnextsibling {\uchar{101}{233}\uchar{144}{1}\uchar{48}{138}}
+ \definecommand jaencodednavprev {\uchar{82}{77}\uchar{48}{110}\uchar{48}{218}\uchar{48}{252}\uchar{48}{184}}
+ \definecommand jaencodednavprevsibling {\uchar{93}{251}\uchar{98}{59}\uchar{48}{87}}
+ \definecommand jaencodednavup {\uchar{78}{10}\uchar{48}{107}\uchar{98}{59}\uchar{48}{139}}
+ \definecommand jaencodednestedendquote {\uchar{48}{15}}
+ \definecommand jaencodednestedstartquote {\uchar{48}{14}}
+ \definecommand jaencodednonexistantelement {\uchar{137}{129}\uchar{125}{32}\uchar{48}{76}\uchar{91}{88}\uchar{87}{40}\uchar{48}{87}\uchar{48}{126}\uchar{48}{91}\uchar{48}{147}}
+ \definecommand jaencodednote {\uchar{108}{232}\uchar{97}{15}}
+ \definecommand jaencodednotes {\uchar{108}{232}\uchar{97}{15}}
+ \definecommand jaencodedpages {\uchar{80}{103}\uchar{115}{46}}
+ \definecommand jaencodedpart {\uchar{48}{209}\uchar{48}{252}\uchar{48}{200}}
+ \definecommand jaencodedpreface {\uchar{94}{143}\uchar{101}{135}}
+ \definecommand jaencodedprocedure {\uchar{98}{75}\uchar{152}{6}}
+ \definecommand jaencodedprocedureformal {\uchar{98}{75}\uchar{152}{6}}
+ \definecommand jaencodedproductionset {\uchar{48}{215}\uchar{48}{237}\uchar{48}{192}\uchar{48}{175}\uchar{48}{183}\uchar{48}{231}\uchar{48}{243}}
+ \definecommand jaencodedproductionsetformal {\uchar{48}{215}\uchar{48}{237}\uchar{48}{192}\uchar{48}{175}\uchar{48}{183}\uchar{48}{231}\uchar{48}{243}}
+ \definecommand jaencodedpublished {\uchar{118}{122}\uchar{136}{76}}
+ \definecommand jaencodedqandadiv {\uchar{85}{79}\uchar{255}{26}\uchar{48}{1}\uchar{123}{84}\uchar{255}{26}}
+ \definecommand jaencodedqandaentry {\uchar{85}{79}\uchar{255}{26}}
+ \definecommand jaencodedquestion {\uchar{85}{79}\uchar{255}{26}}
+ \definecommand jaencodedreference {\uchar{83}{194}\uchar{113}{103}}
+ \definecommand jaencodedrefname {\uchar{84}{13}\uchar{82}{77}}
+ \definecommand jaencodedrefsection {\uchar{152}{5}}
+ \definecommand jaencodedrefsynopsisdiv {\uchar{105}{130}\uchar{137}{129}}
+ \definecommand jaencodedrevhistory {\uchar{101}{57}\uchar{138}{2}\uchar{92}{101}\uchar{107}{116}}
+ \definecommand jaencodedrevision {\uchar{101}{57}\uchar{138}{2}}
+ \definecommand jaencodedsection {\uchar{152}{5}}
+ \definecommand jaencodedsee {\uchar{83}{194}\uchar{113}{103}}
+ \definecommand jaencodedseealso {\uchar{83}{194}\uchar{113}{103}}
+ \definecommand jaencodedseparator {\uchar{48}{1}}
+ \definecommand jaencodedset {\uchar{138}{45}\uchar{91}{154}}
+ \definecommand jaencodedsetindex {\uchar{118}{238}\uchar{107}{33}\uchar{138}{45}\uchar{91}{154}}
+ \definecommand jaencodedsidebar {\uchar{48}{181}\uchar{48}{164}\uchar{48}{201}\uchar{48}{208}\uchar{48}{252}}
+ \definecommand jaencodedsimplesect {\uchar{152}{5}}
+ \definecommand jaencodedsingleendquote {\uchar{32}{25}}
+ \definecommand jaencodedsinglestartquote {\uchar{32}{24}}
+ \definecommand jaencodedstartquote {\uchar{48}{12}}
+ \definecommand jaencodedstep {\uchar{48}{185}\uchar{48}{198}\uchar{48}{195}\uchar{48}{215}}
+ \definecommand jaencodedtable {\uchar{136}{104}}
+ \definecommand jaencodedtablenotes {\uchar{108}{232}\uchar{97}{15}}
+ \definecommand jaencodedtableofcontents {\uchar{118}{238}\uchar{107}{33}}
+ \definecommand jaencodedtip {\uchar{48}{198}\uchar{48}{163}\uchar{48}{195}\uchar{48}{215}}
+ \definecommand jaencodedunexpectedelementname {\uchar{78}{13}\uchar{102}{14}\uchar{48}{106}\uchar{137}{129}\uchar{125}{32}\uchar{84}{13}}
+ \definecommand jaencodedunsupported {\uchar{48}{181}\uchar{48}{221}\uchar{48}{252}\uchar{48}{200}\uchar{48}{87}\uchar{48}{126}\uchar{48}{91}\uchar{48}{147}}
+ \definecommand jaencodedwarning {\uchar{139}{102}\uchar{84}{74}}
+ \definecommand jaencodedyear {\uchar{94}{116}}
+ \definecommand jaencodedmonth {\uchar{103}{8}}
+ \definecommand jaencodedday {\uchar{101}{229}}
+%D Taken from Chinese (will be investigated yet...)
+ \definecommand jaencodedleftsentence {\uchar{32}{20}\uchar{32}{20}}
+ \definecommand jaencodedrightsentence {\uchar{32}{20}\uchar{32}{20}}
+ \definecommand jaencodedleftsubsentence {\uchar{32}{20}\uchar{32}{20}}
+ \definecommand jaencodedrightsubsentence {\uchar{32}{20}\uchar{32}{20}}
+%D Special thanxx to Eizo Tsuchihashi ( for the following stuff
+ \definecommand jaencodedchristiandate {\uchar{137}{127}\uchar{102}{166}}
+ \definecommand jaencodedtables {\uchar{103}{58}}
+ \definecommand jaencodedfigures {\uchar{86}{243}}
+ \definecommand jaencodedabbreviations {\uchar{117}{101}\uchar{138}{158}}
+ \definecommand jaencodedlogos {\uchar{116}{6}\uchar{96}{39}}
+ \definecommand jaencodedunits {\uchar{48}{230}\uchar{48}{203}\uchar{48}{195}\uchar{48}{196}}
+ \definecommand jaencodedgraphics {\uchar{48}{176}\uchar{48}{233}\uchar{48}{213}}
+ \definecommand jaencodedintermezzo {\uchar{149}{147}\uchar{89}{79}\uchar{102}{242}}
+ \definecommand jaencodedintermezzos {\uchar{149}{147}\uchar{89}{79}\uchar{102}{242}}
+ \definecommand jaencodedillustration {\uchar{48}{164}\uchar{48}{233}\uchar{48}{185}\uchar{48}{200}}
+ \definecommand jaencodedline {\uchar{125}{218}}
+ \definecommand jaencodedlines {\uchar{125}{218}}
+ \definecommand jaencodedjanuary {\uchar{78}{0}\uchar{103}{8}}
+ \definecommand jaencodedfebruary {\uchar{78}{140}\uchar{103}{8}}
+ \definecommand jaencodedmarch {\uchar{78}{9}\uchar{103}{8}}
+ \definecommand jaencodedapril {\uchar{86}{219}\uchar{103}{8}}
+ \definecommand jaencodedmay {\uchar{78}{148}\uchar{103}{8}}
+ \definecommand jaencodedjune {\uchar{81}{109}\uchar{103}{8}}
+ \definecommand jaencodedjuly {\uchar{78}{3}\uchar{103}{8}}
+ \definecommand jaencodedaugust {\uchar{81}{107}\uchar{103}{8}}
+ \definecommand jaencodedseptember {\uchar{78}{93}\uchar{103}{8}}
+ \definecommand jaencodedoctober {\uchar{83}{65}\uchar{103}{8}}
+ \definecommand jaencodednovember {\uchar{83}{65}\uchar{78}{0}\uchar{103}{8}}
+ \definecommand jaencodeddecember {\uchar{83}{65}\uchar{78}{140}\uchar{103}{8}}
+ \definecommand jaencodedsunday {\uchar{103}{8}\uchar{102}{220}\uchar{101}{229}}
+ \definecommand jaencodedmonday {\uchar{112}{107}\uchar{102}{220}\uchar{101}{229}}
+ \definecommand jaencodedtuesday {\uchar{108}{52}\uchar{102}{220}\uchar{101}{229}}
+ \definecommand jaencodedwednesday {\uchar{103}{40}\uchar{102}{220}\uchar{101}{229}}
+ \definecommand jaencodedthursday {\uchar{145}{209}\uchar{102}{220}\uchar{101}{229}}
+ \definecommand jaencodedfriday {\uchar{87}{31}\uchar{102}{220}\uchar{101}{229}}
+ \definecommand jaencodedsaturday {\uchar{101}{229}\uchar{102}{220}\uchar{101}{229}}
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/lang-lab.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/lang-lab.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1ff964615
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/lang-lab.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,295 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=lang-lab,
+%D version=1997.08.27,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Language Macros,
+%D subtitle=Labels,
+%D author=Hans Hagen / Tobias Burnus,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D In this module we deal with language dependant labels and
+%D prefixes, like in {\em Figure~12} and {\em Chapter 1}. In
+%D this file we set the default values. Users can easily
+%D overrule these.
+%D This module is dedicated to the grandfather of Tobias
+%D Burnus, who's extensive languages oriented library helped us
+%D a lot in finding the right translations. All those labels
+%D are collected in files that reflect their common ancestor.
+%D Not all languages can be satisfied with the labeling
+%D mechanism as provided here. Chinese for instance put a label
+%D in front as well as after a part number. This is why the
+%D current implementation of labels supports two labels too.
+%D \macros
+%D {setupheadtext, setuplabeltext}
+%D First we present some macros that deal with what we will
+%D call head and label texts. Such texts are defines by:
+%D \showsetup{setupheadtext}
+%D \showsetup{setuplabeltext}
+%D In a few paragraphs we'll show quite a lot of examples
+%D of its use.
+\def\setupheadtext {\dosetupsometextprefix[\c!title]}
+ {\let\dodocommand\xdosetupsometextprefix
+ \dotripleempty\dodosetupsometextprefix}
+% \def\dodosetupsometextprefix[#1][#2][#3]%
+% {\ifthirdargument
+% \def\docommand##1{\dodocommand[#1#2][##1]}%
+% \processcommalist[#3]\docommand
+% \else
+% \def\docommand##1{\dodocommand[#1\currentmainlanguage][##1]}%
+% \processcommalist[#2]\docommand
+% \fi}
+ {\ifthirdargument
+ \def\docommand##1{\expanded{\dodocommand[#1\reallanguagetag{#2}]}[##1]}%
+ \processcommalist[#3]\docommand
+ \else
+ \def\docommand##1{\expanded{\dodocommand[#1\reallanguagetag\currentmainlanguage]}[##1]}%
+ \processcommalist[#2]\docommand
+ \fi}
+ {\setvalue{#1}{\handletextprefix{#2}{#3}}}
+ {\doassignsometextprefix[#1#2][#3,,]}
+%D By changing the meaning of \type {\handletextprefix} we
+%D can filter the left and right labeltext as well as convert
+%D labels to uppercase.
+%D These commands accept all kind of inputs:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \setuplabeltext [language] [labellabel=text]
+%D \setuplabeltext [language] [labellabel=text,labellabel=text,...]
+%D \setuplabeltext [labellabel=text]
+%D \setuplabeltext [labellabel=text,labellabel=text,...]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The last two cases concern the current language.
+%D \macros
+%D {headtext,
+%D labeltext, leftlabeltext, rightlabeltext, labeltexts,
+%D Once defined, head and label texts can be called upon using:
+%D \showsetup{headtext}
+%D \showsetup{labeltext}
+%D The latter one has an upcased alternative \type{\LABELTEXT}.
+% \def\labellanguage{\currentmainlanguage}
+% \def\headlanguage {\currentmainlanguage}
+% \def\labellanguage{\defaultlanguage\currentmainlanguage}
+% \def\headlanguage {\defaultlanguage\currentmainlanguage}
+\def\headlanguage {\reallanguagetag{\defaultlanguage\currentmainlanguage}}
+\appendtoks \let\labellanguage\currentlanguage \to \everycurrentdate
+ {\let\handletextprefix\firstoftwoarguments
+ \let\reporttextprefixerror\doreporttextprefixerror
+ \global\labeltextdonetrue
+ \dogetupsometextprefix\headlanguage\c!title}
+ {\let\handletextprefix\firstoftwoarguments
+ \let\reporttextprefixerror\doreporttextprefixerror
+ \global\labeltextdonetrue
+ \dogetupsometextprefix\labellanguage\c!label}
+ {\let\handletextprefix\secondoftwoarguments
+ \let\reporttextprefixerror\doreporttextprefixerror
+ \global\labeltextdonetrue
+ \dogetupsometextprefix\labellanguage\c!label}
+ {\def\handletextprefix##1##2{\uppercase{##1}}\DOLABELTEXT}
+ {\def\handletextprefix##1##2{\uppercase{##2}}\DOLABELTEXT}
+ {\bgroup
+ \the\everyuppercase
+ \let\reporttextprefixerror\doreporttextprefixerror
+ \global\labeltextdonetrue
+ \dogetupsometextprefix\labellanguage\c!label{#1}% not \labeltext (see \MONTH)
+ \egroup}
+\let\labeltext \leftlabeltext
+\newif\iflabeltextdone % needs to be reset elsewhere
+\newif\iftracelabels % shows missing labels
+ {\iftracelabels{\tttf[#2:~#3/#1]~}\fi}
+ {\bgroup
+ \let\handletextprefix\firstoftwoarguments
+ \let\reporttextprefixerror\gobblethreearguments
+ \keepencodedtokens % test on multilingual pascal, ok in stretched
+ %\dontexpandencodedtokens % not usable in token handler
+ \expanded
+ {\egroup\noexpand\def\noexpand#2% watch out, no \edef
+ {\dogetupsometextprefix{\headlanguage}{#1}{#3}}}}
+\def\setexpandedheadtext {\dosetexpandedheadlabeltext\c!title}
+% \def\dogetupsometextprefix#1#2#3%
+% {\ifcsname#2#1#3\endcsname
+% \csname#2#1#3\endcsname \else
+% \ifcsname#2#3\endcsname
+% \csname#2#3\endcsname \else
+% \ifcsname#2\defaultlanguage#1#3\endcsname
+% \csname#2\defaultlanguage#1#3\endcsname \else
+% \ifcsname#2\s!en#3\endcsname
+% \csname#2\s!en#3\endcsname \else
+% \ifcsname#2\s!nl#3\endcsname
+% \csname#2\s!nl#3\endcsname \else
+% \reporttextprefixerror{#1}{#2}{#3}%
+% \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi}
+% \def\dogetupsometextprefix#1#2#3% must be expandable !
+% {\ifcsname#2#1#3\endcsname
+% \csname#2#1#3\endcsname
+% \else\@EA\ifx\csname\??la#1\c!default\endcsname\empty
+% \ifcsname#2#3\endcsname
+% \csname#2#3\endcsname
+% \else\ifcsname#2\s!en#3\endcsname
+% \csname#2\s!en#3\endcsname
+% \else
+% \reporttextprefixerror{#1}{#2}{#3}%
+% \fi\fi
+% \else
+% \dogetupsometextprefix{\csname\??la#1\c!default\endcsname}{#2}{#3}%
+% \fi\fi}
+\def\dogetupsometextprefix#1#2#3% must be expandable ! #1 == language
+ {\ifcsname#2#1#3\endcsname
+ \csname#2#1#3\endcsname
+ \else\ifcsname\??la#1\s!default\endcsname
+ \expandafter\dogetupsometextprefix\csname\??la#1\s!default\endcsname{#2}{#3}%
+ \else\ifcsname#2#3\endcsname
+ \csname#2#3\endcsname
+ \else\ifcsname#1\s!en#3\endcsname
+ \csname#2\s!en#3\endcsname
+ \else
+ \reporttextprefixerror{#1}{#2}{#3}%
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi}
+\ifx\simplifiedcommands\undefined \newtoks\simplifiedcommands \fi
+ \let \headtext \firstofoneargument
+ \let \labeltext \firstofoneargument
+ \let \leftlabeltext \firstofoneargument
+ \let \rightlabeltext \firstofoneargument
+ \let \HEADTEXT \firstofoneargument
+ \let \LABELTEXT \firstofoneargument
+ \let \LEFTLABELTEXT \firstofoneargument
+ \let \RIGHTLABELTEXT \firstofoneargument
+\to \simplifiedcommands
+%D \macros
+%D {presetheadtext,presetlabeltext}
+%D The next two macros enable us to automatically define
+%D head and label texts without replacing predefined ones.
+%D These are internal macros.
+ {\ifundefined{#1#2}\doassignsometextprefix[#1\reallanguagetag{#2}][#3,,]\fi}
+ {\let\dodocommand\xdopresetsometextprefix
+ \dotripleempty\dodosetupsometextprefix}
+\def\presetheadtext {\dopresetsometextprefix[\c!title]}
+%D \macros
+%D {translate}
+%D Sometismes macros contain language specific words that are to
+%D be typeset. Such macros can be made (more) language
+%D independant by using:
+%D \showsetup{translate}
+%D like for instance:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \translate[en=something,nl=iets]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D which expands to {\em something} or {\em iets}, depending on
+%D de current language.
+ {\getparameters[\??lg][#1]%
+ \ifcsname\??lg\currentlanguage\endcsname
+ \csname\??lg\currentlanguage\endcsname
+ \else\ifcsname\??lg\s!en\endcsname
+ \csname\??lg\s!en\endcsname
+ \else
+ [translation #1]%
+ \fi\fi}
+ {\dosingleempty\dotranslate}
+%D When used without argument, the last defined values are
+%D used. This enables repetitive use like
+%D \starttyping
+%D \en \translate\ means \nl \translate
+%D \stoptyping
+%D \macros
+%D {assigntranslation}
+%D This macro is a system macro, and can be used to assign a
+%D translation to a macro. Its form is:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \assigntranslation[en=something,nl=iets]\to\command
+%D \stoptyping
+ {\getparameters[\??lg][#1]%
+ \edef#2{\csname\??lg\currentlanguage\endcsname}}
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/lang-mis.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/lang-mis.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3923df3e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/lang-mis.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,683 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=lang-mis,
+%D version=1997.03.20, % used to be supp-lan.tex
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Language Macros,
+%D subtitle=Compounds,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Language Macros / Compounds}
+%D \gdef\starttest
+%D {\blank
+%D \noindent
+%D \halign\bgroup\tt##\hskip2em&##\hskip2em&##\cr}
+%D \gdef\stoptest
+%D {\egroup
+%D \blank}
+%D \gdef\test#1%
+%D {\defconvertedargument\ascii{#1}\ascii&\hyphenatedword{#1}&#1\cr}
+%D One of \TEX's strong points in building paragraphs is the way
+%D hyphenations are handled. Although for real good hyphenation
+%D of non||english languages some extensions to the program are
+%D needed, fairly good results can be reached with the standard
+%D mechanisms and an additional macro, at least in Dutch.
+%D \CONTEXT\ originates in the wish to typeset educational
+%D materials, especially in a technical environment. In
+%D production oriented environments, a lot of compound words
+%D are used. Because the Dutch language poses no limits on
+%D combining words, we often favor putting dashes between those
+%D words, because it facilitates reading, at least for those
+%D who are not that accustomed to it.
+%D In \TEX\ compound words, separated by a hyphen, are not
+%D hyphenated at all. In spite of the multiple pass paragraph
+%D typesetting this can lead to parts of words sticking into
+%D the margin. The solution lays in saying \type
+%D {spoelwater||terugwinunit} instead of \type
+%D {spoelwater-terugwinunit}. By using a one character command
+%D like \type {|}, delimited by the same character \type {|},
+%D we get ourselves both a decent visualization (in \TEXEDIT\
+%D and colored verbatim we color these commands yellow) and an
+%D efficient way of combining words.
+%D The sequence \type{||} simply leads to two words connected by
+%D a hyphen. Because we want to distinguish such a hyphen from
+%D the one inserted when \TEX\ hyphenates a word, we use a bit
+%D longer one.
+%D \hyphenation {spoel-wa-ter te-rug-win-unit}
+%D \starttest
+%D \test {spoelwater||terugwinunit}
+%D \stoptest
+%D As we already said, the \type{|} is a command. This commands
+%D accepts an optional argument before it's delimiter, which is
+%D also a \type{|}.
+%D \hyphenation {po-ly-meer che-mie}
+%D \starttest
+%D \test {polymeer|*|chemie}
+%D \stoptest
+%D Arguments like \type{*} are not interpreted and inserted
+%D directly, in contrary to arguments like:
+%D \starttest
+%D \test {polymeer|~|chemie}
+%D \test {|(|polymeer|)|chemie}
+%D \test {polymeer|(|chemie|)| }
+%D \stoptest
+%D Although such situations seldom occur |<|we typeset thousands
+%D of pages before we encountered one that forced us to enhance
+%D this mechanism|>| we also have to take care of comma's.
+%D \hyphenation {uit-stel-len}
+%D \starttest
+%D \test {op||, in|| en uitstellen}
+%D \stoptest
+%D The next special case (concerning quotes) was brought to my
+%D attention by Piet Tutelaers, one of the driving forces
+%D behind rebuilding hyphenation patterns for the dutch
+%D language.\footnote{In 1996 the spelling of the dutch
+%D language has been slightly reformed which made this topic
+%D actual again.} We'll also take care of this case.
+%D \starttest
+%D \test {AOW|'|er}
+%D \test {cd|'|tje}
+%D \test {ex|-|PTT|'|er}
+%D \test {rock|-|'n|-|roller}
+%D \stoptest
+%D Tobias Burnus pointed out that I should also support
+%D something like
+%D \starttest
+%D \test {well|_|known}
+%D \stoptest
+%D to stress the compoundness of hyphenated words.
+%D Of course we also have to take care of the special case:
+%D \starttest
+%D \test {text||color and ||font}
+%D \stoptest
+%D \macros
+%D {installdiscretionaries}
+%D The mechanism described here is one of the older inner parts
+%D of \CONTEXT. The most recent extensions concerns some
+%D special cases as well as the possibility to install other
+%D characters as delimiters. The prefered way of specifying
+%D compound words is using \type{||}, which is installed by:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \installdiscretionaries || -
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Some alternative definitions are:
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \installdiscretionaries ** -
+%D \installdiscretionaries ++ -
+%D \installdiscretionaries // -
+%D \installdiscretionaries ~~ -
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+%D after which we can say:
+%D \bgroup
+%D \getbuffer
+%D \starttest
+%D \test {test**test**test}
+%D \test {test++test++test}
+%D \test {test//test//test}
+%D \test {test~~test~~test}
+%D \stoptest
+%D \egroup
+%D \macros
+%D {compoundhyphen,
+%D beginofsubsentence,endofsubsentence}
+%D Now let's go to the macros. First we define some variables.
+%D In the main \CONTEXT\ modules these can be tuned by a setup
+%D command. Watch the (maybe) better looking compound hyphen.
+\ifx\compoundhyphen \undefined \def\compoundhyphen{\hbox{-\kern-.25ex-}} \fi
+\ifx\beginofsubsentence \undefined \def\beginofsubsentence{\hbox{---}} \fi
+\ifx\endofsubsentence \undefined \def\endofsubsentence {\hbox{---}} \fi
+%D The last two variables are needed for subsentences
+%D |<|like this one|>| which we did not yet mention.
+%D We want to enable breaking but at the same time don't want
+%D compound characters like |-| or || to be separated from the
+%D words. \TEX\ hackers will recognise the next two macro's:
+\ifx\prewordbreak \undefined \def\prewordbreak {\penalty\plustenthousand\hskip\zeropoint\relax} \fi
+%ifx\postwordbreak \undefined \def\postwordbreak{\penalty\zerocount \prewordbreak } \fi
+\ifx\postwordbreak \undefined \def\postwordbreak{\penalty\zerocount \hskip\zeropoint\relax} \fi
+\ifx\hspaceamount \undefined \def\hspaceamount#1#2{.16667em} \fi % language specific
+%D \macros
+%D {beginofsubsentencespacing,endofsubsentencespacing}
+%D In the previous macros we provided two hooks which can be
+%D used to support nested sub||sentences. In \CONTEXT\ these
+%D hooks are used to insert a small space when needed.
+\ifx\beginofsubsentencespacing\undefined \let\beginofsubsentencespacing\relax \fi
+\ifx\endofsubsentencespacing \undefined \let\endofsubsentencespacing \relax \fi
+%D The following piece of code is a torture test compound
+%D hndling. The \type {\relax} before the \type {\ifmmode} is
+%D needed because of the alignment scanner (in \ETEX\ this
+%D problem is not present because there a protected macro is
+%D not expanded. Thanks to Tobias Burnus for providing this
+%D example.
+%D \startformula
+%D \left|f(x_n)-{1\over2}\right| =
+%D {\cases{|{1\over2}-x_n| &for $0\le x_n < {1\over2}$\cr
+%D |x_n-{1\over2}| &for ${1\over2}<x_n\le1$ \cr}}
+%D \stopformula
+\def\@tmd@text@ {@tmd@t@}
+\def\@tmd@math@ {@tmd@m@}
+\def\@tmd@both@ {@tmd@b@}
+ {\setevalue{\@tmd@math@\detokenize{#1}}{\detokenize{#1}}%
+ \setvalue {\@tmd@text@\detokenize{#1}}{#2}%
+ \setvalue {\@tmd@both@\detokenize{#1}}{\discretionarycommand#1}%
+ \scratchcounter\expandafter`\detokenize{#1}%
+ \@EA\uedcatcodecommand\@EA\ctxcatcodes\@EA\scratchcounter\csname\@tmd@both@\detokenize{#1}\endcsname}
+\def\installdiscretionaries#1#2{\writestatus\m!systems{use \string \installdiscretionary}} % obsolete
+ {\chardef\discretionarymode\zerocount}
+ {% if direct if, we need \relax for lookahead in math mode
+ \csname
+ \ifcase\discretionarymode
+ \strippedcsname\dononemodediscretionary
+ \else\ifmmode
+ \strippedcsname\domathmodediscretionary
+ \else
+ \strippedcsname\dotextmodediscretionary
+ \fi\fi
+ \endcsname}
+ {\detokenize{#1}}
+%D The macro \type{\checkbeforediscretionary} takes care of
+%D loners like \type{||word}, while it counterpart
+%D \type{\checkafterdiscretionary} is responsible for handling
+%D the comma.
+ {\ifvmode\dontleavehmode\fi
+ \ifhmode
+ \begingroup
+ \setbox\scratchbox\lastbox
+ \ifzeropt\wd\scratchbox
+ \let\postwordbreak\prewordbreak
+ \fi
+ \box\scratchbox\relax
+ \endgroup
+ \fi}
+ {\setfalse\punctafterdiscretionary
+ \setfalse\spaceafterdiscretionary
+ \ifx\blankspace\nextnext \settrue \spaceafterdiscretionary \else
+ \ifx\space \nextnext \settrue \spaceafterdiscretionary \else
+ \ifx .\nextnext \settrue \punctafterdiscretionary \else
+ \ifx ,\nextnext \settrue \punctafterdiscretionary \else
+ \ifx :\nextnext \settrue \punctafterdiscretionary \else
+ \ifx ;\nextnext \settrue \punctafterdiscretionary \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi}
+ {\bgroup
+ \let\nextnextnext\egroup
+ \def\next##1#1%
+ {\def\next{\activedododotextmodediscretionary#1{##1}}%
+ \futurelet\nextnext\next}%
+ \next}
+ {\edef\discretionarytoken{\detokenize{#2}}%
+ \def\textmodediscretionary{\handletextmodediscretionary{#1}}%
+ \checkafterdiscretionary
+ \ifx\discretionarytoken\empty
+ \ifx#1\nextnext % takes care of ||| and +++ and ......
+ \ifcsname\@tmd@action@\string#1\endcsname
+ \csname\@tmd@action@\string#1\endcsname
+ \else\ifconditional\spaceafterdiscretionary
+ \prewordbreak\hbox{\string#1}\relax
+ \else\ifconditional\punctafterdiscretionary
+ \prewordbreak\hbox{\string#1}\relax
+ \else
+ \prewordbreak\hbox{\string#1}\prewordbreak
+ \fi\fi\fi
+ \def\nextnextnext{\afterassignment\egroup\let\next=}%
+ \else
+ \checkbeforediscretionary
+ % the next line has been changed (20050203)
+ % \prewordbreak\hbox{\textmodediscretionary\nextnext}\allowbreak\postwordbreak
+ % but an hbox blocks a possible \discretionary
+ \ifcsname\@tmd@action@\endcsname
+ \csname\@tmd@action@\endcsname
+ \else\ifconditional\spaceafterdiscretionary
+ \prewordbreak\textmodediscretionary\relax
+ \else\ifconditional\punctafterdiscretionary
+ \prewordbreak\textmodediscretionary\relax
+ \else
+ \prewordbreak\textmodediscretionary\prewordbreak
+ \fi\fi\fi
+ % \prewordbreak\textmodediscretionary\nextnext\allowbreak\postwordbreak
+ \fi
+ \else\ifcsname\@tmd@action@\discretionarytoken\endcsname
+ \csname\@tmd@action@\discretionarytoken\endcsname
+ \else
+ \checkbeforediscretionary
+ \ifconditional\spaceafterdiscretionary
+ \prewordbreak\hbox{#2}\relax
+ \else\ifconditional\punctafterdiscretionary
+ \prewordbreak\hbox{#2}\relax
+ \else
+ \prewordbreak\discretionary{\hbox{#2}}{}{\hbox{#2}}\allowbreak\postwordbreak
+ \fi\fi
+ \fi\fi
+ \nextnextnext} % lookahead in commands
+%D \macros
+%D {directdiscretionary}
+%D In those situations where the nature of characters is
+%D less predictable, we can use the more direct approach:
+ {\csname
+ \ifcase\discretionarymode
+ \strippedcsname\dononemodediscretionary
+ \else
+ \strippedcsname\dodirectdiscretionary
+ \fi
+ \endcsname}
+ {\csname
+ \ifcase\discretionarymode
+ \strippedcsname\dononemodediscretionary
+ \else
+ \strippedcsname\doindirectdiscretionary
+ \fi
+ \endcsname}
+ {\edef\discretionarytoken{\detokenize{#1}}%
+ \let\textmodediscretionary\compoundhyphen
+ \executeifdefined{\@tmd@action@\discretionarytoken}{\indirectdiscretionary{#1}}}
+ {\prewordbreak\discretionary{\hbox{#1}}{}{\hbox{#1}}\allowbreak\postwordbreak}
+\def\definetextmodediscretionary #1
+ {\setvalue{\@tmd@action@\detokenize{#1}}}
+% \start \hsize 1mm
+% test |||test test|||, test\blank
+% test test|-|, test|-| and test|-|test\blank
+% test test|_|, test|_| and test|_|test\blank
+% test cd|'|tje\blank
+% test |(|test test|)|, test\blank
+% test test test|x|, test\blank
+% test|~|test
+% test|^|test
+% \stop
+ {\ifconditional\spaceafterdiscretionary
+ \prewordbreak\hbox{#1}\relax
+ \else\ifconditional\punctafterdiscretionary
+ \prewordbreak\hbox{#1}\relax
+ \else
+ \prewordbreak#2\postwordbreak % was prewordbreak
+ \fi\fi}
+\definetextmodediscretionary {}
+ {\hyphenliketextmodediscretionary\textmodehyphen\textmodehyphendiscretionary}
+\definetextmodediscretionary -
+ {\hyphenliketextmodediscretionary\normalhyphen\normalhyphendiscretionary}
+\definetextmodediscretionary _
+ {\hyphenliketextmodediscretionary\composedhyphen\composedhyphendiscretionary}
+\definetextmodediscretionary )
+ {\hyphenliketextmodediscretionary{)}{\discretionary{-)}{}{)}}}
+\definetextmodediscretionary (
+ {\ifdim\lastskip>\zeropoint
+ (\prewordbreak
+ \else
+ \prewordbreak\discretionary{}{(-}{(}\prewordbreak
+ \fi}
+\definetextmodediscretionary ~
+ {\prewordbreak\discretionary{-}{}{\thinspace}\postwordbreak}
+\definetextmodediscretionary '
+ {\prewordbreak\discretionary{-}{}{'}\postwordbreak}
+\definetextmodediscretionary ^
+ {\prewordbreak\discretionary{\hbox{$|$}}{}{\hbox{$|$}}%
+ \allowbreak\postwordbreak} % bugged
+\definetextmodediscretionary <
+ {\beginofsubsentence\prewordbreak\beginofsubsentencespacing}
+\definetextmodediscretionary >
+ {\endofsubsentencespacing\prewordbreak\endofsubsentence}
+\definetextmodediscretionary =
+ {\prewordbreak\midsentence\prewordbreak} % {\prewordbreak\compoundhyphen}
+% french
+\definetextmodediscretionary : {\removeunwantedspaces\prewordbreak\kern\hspaceamount\empty{:}:}
+\definetextmodediscretionary ; {\removeunwantedspaces\prewordbreak\kern\hspaceamount\empty{;};}
+\definetextmodediscretionary ? {\removeunwantedspaces\prewordbreak\kern\hspaceamount\empty{?}?}
+\definetextmodediscretionary ! {\removeunwantedspaces\prewordbreak\kern\hspaceamount\empty{!}!}
+\definetextmodediscretionary *
+ {\prewordbreak\discretionary{-}{}{\kern.05em}\prewordbreak}
+% spanish
+\definetextmodediscretionary ?? {\prewordbreak\questiondown}
+\definetextmodediscretionary !! {\prewordbreak\exclamdown}
+% \ifx\normalcompound\undefined \let\normalcompound=| \fi
+%D \installdiscretionary | +
+%D \installdiscretionary + =
+\installdiscretionary | \defaultdiscretionaryhyphen % installs in ctx and prt will fall back on it
+%D \macros
+%D {fakecompoundhyphen}
+%D In headers and footers as well as in active pieces of text
+%D we need a dirty hack. Try to imagine what is needed to
+%D savely break the next text across a line and at the same
+%D time make the words interactive.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \goto{Some||Long||Word}
+%D \stoptyping
+ {\def\|{\mathortext\vert\dofakecompoundhyphen}}
+ {\def##1|%
+ {\doifelsenothing{##1}\compoundhyphen{##1}%
+ \kern\compoundbreakpoint\allowbreak}}
+%D \macros
+%D {midworddiscretionary}
+%D If needed, one can add a discretionary hyphen using \type
+%D {\midworddiscretionary}. This macro does the same as
+%D \PLAIN\ \TEX's \type {\-}, but, like the ones implemented
+%D earlier, this one also looks ahead for spaces and grouping
+%D tokens.
+ {\futurelet\next\domidworddiscretionary}
+ {\ifx\next\blankspace\else
+ \ifx\next\bgroup \else
+ \ifx\next\egroup \else
+ \discretionary{-}{}{}%
+ \fi\fi\fi}
+%D \macros
+%D {installcompoundcharacter}
+%D When Tobias Burnus started translating the dutch manual of
+%D \PPCHTEX\ into german, he suggested to let \CONTEXT\ support
+%D the \type{german.sty} method of handling compound
+%D characters, especially the umlaut. This package is meant for
+%D use with \PLAIN\ \TEX\ as well as \LATEX.
+%D I decided to implement compound character support as
+%D versatile as possible. As a result one can define his own
+%D compound character support, like:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \installcompoundcharacter "a {\"a}
+%D \installcompoundcharacter "e {\"e}
+%D \installcompoundcharacter "i {\"i}
+%D \installcompoundcharacter "u {\"u}
+%D \installcompoundcharacter "o {\"o}
+%D \installcompoundcharacter "s {\SS}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D or even
+%D \starttyping
+%D \installcompoundcharacter "ck {\discretionary {k-}{k}{ck}}
+%D \installcompoundcharacter "ff {\discretionary{ff-}{f}{ff}}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The support is not limited to alphabetic characters, so the
+%D next definition is also valid.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \installcompoundcharacter ". {.\doifnextcharelse{\spacetoken}{}{\kern.125em}}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The implementation looks familiar and uses the same tricks as
+%D mentioned earlier in this module. We take care of two
+%D arguments, which complicates things a bit.
+\def\@nc@{@nc@} % normal character
+\def\@cc@{@cc@} % compound character
+\def\@cs@{@cs@} % compound characters
+\def\@cx@{@cx@} % compound definition
+%D When we started working on MK IV code, we needed a different
+%D approach for defining the active character itself. In MK II as
+%D well as in MK IV we now use the catcode vectors.
+\def\installcompoundcharacter #1#2#3 #4% {#4} no grouping
+ {\ifcase\compoundcharactermode
+ % ignore mode
+ \else
+ \chardef\thecompoundcharacter`#1%
+ \@EA\chardef\csname\@nc@\string#1\endcsname\thecompoundcharacter
+ \def\!!stringa{#3}%
+ \@EA\def\csname\ifx\!!stringa\empty\@cc@\else\@cs@\fi\detokenize{#1#2#3}\endcsname{#4}%
+ \setevalue{\@cx@\detokenize{#1}}{\noexpand\handlecompoundcharacter{\detokenize{#1}}}% beter nr's
+% \@EA\letcatcodecommand\@EA\prtcatcodes\@EA\thecompoundcharacter\csname\@cx@\detokenize{#1}\endcsname
+% \@EA\letcatcodecommand\@EA\texcatcodes\@EA\thecompoundcharacter\csname\@cx@\detokenize{#1}\endcsname
+ \@EA\letcatcodecommand\@EA\ctxcatcodes\@EA\thecompoundcharacter\csname\@cx@\detokenize{#1}\endcsname
+ \fi}
+%D In order to serve the language specific well, we will introduce
+%D a namespace:
+% \ifx\currentlanguage\undefined
+ \let\compoundcharacterclass\empty
+% \else
+% \def\compoundcharacterclass{\currentlanguage}
+% \fi
+\def\@cc@{@cc@\compoundcharacterclass} % compound character
+\def\@cs@{@cs@\compoundcharacterclass} % compound characters
+%D We can also ignore definitions (needed in for instance \XML). Beware,
+%D this macro is supposed to be used grouped!
+ {\chardef\compoundcharactermode\zerocount}
+\let\restorecompoundcharacter \gobbleoneargument % obsolete
+\let\enableactivediscretionaries\relax % obsolete
+%D In handling the compound characters we have to take care of
+%D \type{\bgroup} and \type{\egroup} tokens, so we end up with
+%D a multi||step interpretation macro. We look ahead for a
+%D \type{\bgroup}, \type{\egroup} or \type{\blankspace}. Being
+%D no user of this mechanism, the credits for testing them goes
+%D to Tobias Burnus, the first german user of \CONTEXT.
+%D We define these macros as \type{\long} because we can
+%D expect \type{\par} tokens. We need to look into the future
+%D with \type{\futurelet} to prevent spaces from
+%D disappearing.
+ {\def\xhandlecompoundcharacter{\dohandlecompoundcharacter{#1}}%
+ \futurelet\next\xhandlecompoundcharacter}
+ {\ifx\next\bgroup
+ %\@EA\dodohandlecompoundcharacter % handle "{ee} -> \"ee
+ %\@EA\gobbleoneargument % forget "{ee} -> ee
+ \@EA\handlecompoundcharacterone % ignore "{ee} -> "ee
+ \else\ifx\next\egroup
+ \@EAEAEA\donohandlecompoundcharacter
+ \else\ifx\next\blankspace
+ \@EA\@EAEAEA\@EA\donohandlecompoundcharacter
+ \else
+ \@EA\@EAEAEA\@EA\dodohandlecompoundcharacter
+ \fi\fi\fi}
+ {\ifx\next\bgroup
+ \@EA\handlecompoundcharacterone
+ \else\ifx\next\egroup
+ \@EAEAEA\handlecompoundcharacterone
+ \else\ifx\next\blankspace
+ \@EA\@EAEAEA\@EA\handlecompoundcharacterone
+ \else
+ \@EA\@EAEAEA\@EA\handlecompoundcharactertwo
+ \fi\fi\fi}
+\def\dodohandlecompoundcharacter#1#2% preserve space
+ {\def\xdodohandlecompoundcharacter{\dododohandlecompoundcharacter#1#2}%
+ \futurelet\next\xdodohandlecompoundcharacter}
+%D Besides taken care of the grouping and space tokens, we have
+%D to deal with three situations. First we look if the next
+%D character equals the first one, if so, then we just insert
+%D the original. Next we look if indeed a compound character is
+%D defined. We either execute the compound character or just
+%D insert the first. So we have
+%D \starttyping
+%D <key><key> <key><known> <key><unknown>
+%D \stoptyping
+%D In later modules we will see how these commands are used.
+ {\if\string#1\string#2% was: \ifx#1#2%
+ \def\next{\csname\@nc@\string#1\endcsname}%
+ \else\ifcsname\@cc@\string#1\string#2\endcsname
+ \def\next{\csname\@cc@\string#1\string#2\endcsname}%
+ \else
+ \def\next{\csname\@nc@\string#1\endcsname#2}%
+ \fi\fi
+ \next}
+ {\if\string#1\string#2%
+ \def\next{\csname\@nc@\string#1\endcsname#3}%
+ \else\ifcsname\@cs@\string#1\string#2\string#3\endcsname
+ \def\next{\csname\@cs@\string#1\string#2\string#3\endcsname}%
+ \else\ifcsname\@cc@\string#1\string#2\endcsname
+ \def\next{\csname\@cc@\string#1\string#2\endcsname#3}%
+ \else
+ \def\next{\csname\@nc@\string#1\endcsname#2#3}%
+ \fi\fi\fi
+ \next}
+%D For very obscure applications (see for an application \type
+%D {lang-sla.tex}) we provide:
+ {\ifcsname\@cc@\string#1\string#2\endcsname
+ \@EA\@EA\@EA\firstofoneargument\csname\@cc@\string#1\string#2\endcsname
+ \else
+ #2%
+ \fi}
+%D \macros
+%D {disablediscretionaries,disablecompoundcharacter}
+%D Occasionally we need to disable this mechanism. For the
+%D moment we assume that \type {|} is used.
+\let\disablediscretionaries \ignorediscretionaries
+%D \macros
+%D {normalcompound}
+%D Handy in for instance XML. (Kind of obsolete)
+\ifx\normalcompound\undefined \let\normalcompound=| \fi
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/lang-run.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/lang-run.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..320ee8dab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/lang-run.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=lang-run,
+%D version=2005.09.08,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Language Macros,
+%D subtitle=Runtime Macros,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D [This code is hooked into the core macros and saves some
+%D format space.]
+ {\bgroup
+ \def\doshowpatterns##1##2##3##4% language number encoding mapping
+ {\NC##1\NC##3\NC##4\NC##2\NC
+ \specificlanguageparameter{##1}\s!lefthyphenmin \NC
+ \specificlanguageparameter{##1}\s!righthyphenmin\NC\NR}%
+ \starttabulate[|c|c|c|c|c|c|]
+ \HL
+ \NC \bf language \NC \bf encoding \NC \bf mapping \NC \bf number \NC
+ \bf left\low{min} \NC
+ \bf right\low{min} \NC \NR
+ \HL
+ \preloadedpmessage
+ \HL
+ \stoptabulate
+ \egroup}
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/lang-sla.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/lang-sla.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..81f9a9bf7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/lang-sla.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,485 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=lang-sla,
+%D version=1999.09.13, % 1997.09.03
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Language Macros,
+%D subtitle=Slavic Languages,
+%D author=Hans Hagen / Tobias Burnus,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+% Todo: replace \'.. by \namedglyph
+%D The framework of this module is set up by Hans Hagen while
+%D many of the first translations were done by Tobias. Later
+%D on, corrections were made by users. If you have suggestions,
+%D or feel that your name missing here, don't hesitate to send
+%D us an email.
+%D \starttabulate[|lB|l|]
+%D \NC Czech \NC Tom Hudec, Petr Sojka \NC \NR
+%D \NC Polish \NC Grzegorz Sapijaszko \NC \NR
+%D \NC Croatian \NC \Zcaron eljko Vrba \NC \NR
+%D \NC Slovenian \NC Mojca Miklavec \NC \NR
+%D \NC Cz and Sk \NC Richard Gabriel \NC \NR
+%D \stoptabulate
+% Belarussian, Russian, Ukrainian, Bulgarian, Macedonian,
+% Serbian, Croatian, Slovenian, Czech, Kushubian,
+% Lusatian/Sorbian/Wendish, Polish, Slovak, Albanian,
+% Illyrian, Armenian
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Language Macros / Slavic Languages}
+ [\s!pl]
+ [\c!spacing=\v!packed,
+ \c!leftsentence=---,
+ \c!rightsentence=---,
+ \c!leftsubsentence=---,
+ \c!rightsubsentence=---,
+ \c!leftquote=\lowerleftsingleninequote,
+ \c!rightquote=\upperrightsingleninequote,
+ \c!leftquotation=\lowerleftdoubleninequote,
+ \c!rightquotation=\upperrightdoubleninequote,
+ \c!date={\v!day,{.},\ ,\v!month,\ ,\v!year},
+ \s!mapping={pl0,ec,qx},
+ \s!encoding={pl0,ec,qx}]
+ [\s!cs]
+ [\c!spacing=\v!packed,
+ \c!leftsentence=\thickglue--\thickglue\penalty-20\relax, % hh, \relax added
+ \c!rightsentence=\thickglue--\thickglue\penalty-20\relax,
+ \c!leftsubsentence=~---~\penalty-20\relax,
+ \c!rightsubsentence=~---~\penalty-20\relax,
+ \c!leftquote=\lowerleftsingleninequote,
+ \c!rightquote=\upperrightsinglesixquote,
+ \c!leftquotation=\lowerleftdoubleninequote,
+ \c!rightquotation=\upperrightdoublesixquote,
+ \c!date={\v!day,{.\,},\v!month,\ ,\v!year},
+ \s!mapping={il2,ec},
+ \s!encoding={il2,ec}]
+ [\s!sk]
+ [\c!spacing=\v!packed,
+ \c!leftsentence=---,
+ \c!rightsentence=---,
+ \c!leftsubsentence=---,
+ \c!rightsubsentence=---,
+ \c!leftquote=\upperleftsinglesixquote,
+ \c!rightquote=\upperrightsingleninequote,
+ \c!leftquotation=\upperleftdoublesixquote,
+ \c!rightquotation=\upperrightdoubleninequote,
+ \c!date={\v!day,{.\,},\v!month,\ ,\v!year},
+ \s!mapping={il2,ec},
+ \s!encoding={il2,ec}]
+ [\s!hr]
+ [\c!spacing=\v!packed,
+ \c!leftsentence=---,
+ \c!rightsentence=---,
+ \c!leftsubsentence=---,
+ \c!rightsubsentence=---,
+ \c!leftquote=\lowerleftsingleninequote,
+ \c!rightquote=\upperrightsingleninequote,
+ \c!leftquotation=\lowerleftdoubleninequote,
+ \c!rightquotation=\upperrightdoubleninequote,
+ \c!date={\v!day,{.},\ ,\v!month,\ ,\v!year},
+ \s!mapping=ec,
+ \s!encoding=ec]
+%D The default quotation marks for Slovenian were chosen as
+%D \lowerleftdoubleninequote these ones\upperrightdoublesixquote\
+%D which was probably due to the strong influence computers
+%D had on typesetting, but \rightguillemot these ones\leftguillemot\
+%D are \quotation{more correct}.
+%D If you still want the other quotation marks, use this:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \installlanguage
+%D [sl]
+%D [leftquote=\lowerleftsingleninequote,
+%D rightquote=\upperrightsinglesixquote,
+%D leftquotation=\lowerleftdoubleninequote,
+%D rightquotation=\upperrightdoublesixquote]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D If you disagree with the change, please send an email to Mojca, but
+%D best use some pretty strong arguments because she loves S{\sl love}nia
+%D too much to compromise on this.
+%D German faces approximately the same problem. I (MM) would prefer to
+%D have something like:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \mainlanguage[sl][quotationstyle=guillemot|doublequote] % better name needed
+%D \stoptyping
+%D but users are expected to respect the rules of nice and correct
+%D typography anyway.
+ [\s!sl]
+ [\c!spacing=\v!packed,
+ \c!leftsentence={\hbox{--~}},
+ \c!rightsentence={\hbox{~--}},
+ \c!leftsubsentence={--},
+ \c!rightsubsentence={--},
+ %\c!leftquote=\lowerleftsingleninequote,
+ %\c!rightquote=\upperrightsinglesixquote,
+ %\c!leftquotation=\lowerleftdoubleninequote,
+ %\c!rightquotation=\upperrightdoublesixquote,
+ \c!leftquote=\guilsingleright,
+ \c!rightquote=\guilsingleleft,
+ \c!leftquotation=\rightguillemot,
+ \c!rightquotation=\leftguillemot,
+ \c!date={\v!day,{.},\ ,\v!month,\ ,\v!year},
+ \s!mapping=ec,
+ \s!encoding=ec]
+\installlanguage [polish] [\s!pl]
+\installlanguage [czech] [\s!cs]
+\installlanguage [slovak] [\s!sk]
+\installlanguage [croatian] [\s!hr]
+\installlanguage [slovenian] [\s!sl]
+\installlanguage [slovene] [\s!sl] % both possible (mojca: still needed?)
+\installlanguage [cz] [\s!cs]
+% labels
+\setupheadtext [\s!pl] [\v!content=Spis tre\sacute ci]
+\setupheadtext [\s!cs] [\v!content=Obsah]
+\setupheadtext [\s!sk] [\v!content=Obsah]
+\setupheadtext [\s!hr] [\v!content=Sadr\zcaron aj]
+\setupheadtext [\s!sl] [\v!content=Kazalo]
+\setupheadtext [\s!pl] [\v!tables=Tabele]
+\setupheadtext [\s!cs] [\v!tables=Tabulky]
+\setupheadtext [\s!sk] [\v!tables=Tabuliek]
+\setupheadtext [\s!hr] [\v!tables=Tablice]
+\setupheadtext [\s!sl] [\v!tables=Tabele]
+\setupheadtext [\s!pl] [\v!figures=Ilustracje]
+\setupheadtext [\s!cs] [\v!figures=Obr\aacute zky]
+\setupheadtext [\s!sk] [\v!figures=Obr\aacute zkov]
+\setupheadtext [\s!hr] [\v!figures=Slike]
+\setupheadtext [\s!sl] [\v!figures=Slike]
+\setupheadtext [\s!pl] [\v!graphics=Grafika]
+\setupheadtext [\s!cs] [\v!graphics=Grafy]
+\setupheadtext [\s!sk] [\v!graphics=Graf]
+\setupheadtext [\s!hr] [\v!graphics=Slike]
+\setupheadtext [\s!sl] [\v!graphics=Slike]
+\setupheadtext [\s!pl] [\v!intermezzi=Intermezza]
+\setupheadtext [\s!cs] [\v!intermezzi=Intermezza]
+\setupheadtext [\s!sk] [\v!intermezzi=Intermezz\aacute]
+\setupheadtext [\s!hr] [\v!intermezzi=Intermeci]
+\setupheadtext [\s!sl] [\v!intermezzi=Intermezzi]
+\setupheadtext [\s!pl] [\v!index=Indeks]
+\setupheadtext [\s!cs] [\v!index=Rejst\rcaron\iacute k]
+\setupheadtext [\s!sk] [\v!index=Zoznam]
+\setupheadtext [\s!hr] [\v!index=Indeks]
+\setupheadtext [\s!sl] [\v!index=Stvarno kazalo]
+\setupheadtext [\s!pl] [\v!abbreviations=Skr\oacute cenie]
+\setupheadtext [\s!cs] [\v!abbreviations=Zkratky]
+\setupheadtext [\s!sk] [\v!abbreviations=Skratky]
+\setupheadtext [\s!hr] [\v!abbreviations=Kratice]
+\setupheadtext [\s!sl] [\v!abbreviations=Kratice]
+\setupheadtext [\s!pl] [\v!logos=Znaki]
+\setupheadtext [\s!cs] [\v!logos=Loga]
+\setupheadtext [\s!sk] [\v!logos=Log\aacute]
+\setupheadtext [\s!hr] [\v!logos=Znakovi]
+\setupheadtext [\s!sl] [\v!logos=Logotipi]
+\setupheadtext [\s!pl] [\v!units=Jednostki]
+\setupheadtext [\s!cs] [\v!units=Jednotky]
+\setupheadtext [\s!sk] [\v!units=Jednotky]
+\setupheadtext [\s!hr] [\v!units=Jedinice]
+\setupheadtext [\s!sl] [\v!units=Enote]
+%setupheadtext [\s!pl] [pubs=?]
+\setupheadtext [\s!cs] [pubs=Literatura]
+%setupheadtext [\s!sk] [pubs=?]
+\setupheadtext [\s!hr] [pubs=Literatura]
+\setupheadtext [\s!sl] [pubs=Literatura]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!pl] [\v!table=Tabela ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!cs] [\v!table=Tabulka ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!sk] [\v!table=Tabu\lcaron ka ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!hr] [\v!table=Tablica ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!sl] [\v!table=Tabela ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!pl] [\v!figure=Ilustracja ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!cs] [\v!figure=Obr\aacute zek ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!sk] [\v!figure=Obr\aacute zok ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!hr] [\v!figure=Slika ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!sl] [\v!figure=Slika ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!pl] [\v!intermezzo=Intermezzo ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!cs] [\v!intermezzo=Intermezzo ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!sk] [\v!intermezzo=Intermezzo ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!hr] [\v!intermezzo=Intermeco ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!sl] [\v!intermezzo=Intermezzo ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!pl] [\v!graphic=Grafika ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!cs] [\v!graphic=Graf ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!sk] [\v!graphic=Graf ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!hr] [\v!graphic=Slika ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!sl] [\v!graphic=Slika ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!pl] [\v!chapter=] % Rozdzia\l
+\setuplabeltext [\s!cs] [\v!chapter=] % Kapitola
+\setuplabeltext [\s!sk] [\v!chapter=] % Kapitola
+\setuplabeltext [\s!hr] [\v!chapter=] % Poglavlje
+\setuplabeltext [\s!sl] [\v!chapter=] % Poglavje
+\setuplabeltext [\s!pl] [\v!section=] % Podrozdzia\l
+\setuplabeltext [\s!cs] [\v!section=] % Sekce
+\setuplabeltext [\s!sk] [\v!section=] % Sekcia
+\setuplabeltext [\s!hr] [\v!section=] % Odjeljak
+\setuplabeltext [\s!sl] [\v!section=]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!pl] [\v!subsection=]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!cs] [\v!subsection=] % Podsekce
+\setuplabeltext [\s!sk] [\v!subsection=] % Podsekcia
+\setuplabeltext [\s!hr] [\v!subsection=] % Pododjeljak
+\setuplabeltext [\s!sl] [\v!subsection=]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!pl] [\v!subsubsection=]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!cs] [\v!subsubsection=] % Podpodsekce
+\setuplabeltext [\s!sk] [\v!subsubsection=] % Podpodsekcia
+\setuplabeltext [\s!hr] [\v!subsubsection=] % Podpododjeljak
+\setuplabeltext [\s!sl] [\v!subsubsection=]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!pl] [\v!subsubsubsection=]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!cs] [\v!subsubsubsection=] % Podpodpodsekce
+\setuplabeltext [\s!sk] [\v!subsubsubsection=] % Podpodpodsekcia
+\setuplabeltext [\s!hr] [\v!subsubsubsection=] % Podpodpododjeljak
+\setuplabeltext [\s!sl] [\v!subsubsubsection=]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!pl] [\v!appendix=] % Dodatek
+\setuplabeltext [\s!cs] [\v!appendix=] % P\rcaron\iacute loha
+\setuplabeltext [\s!sk] [\v!appendix=] % Pr\iacute loha
+\setuplabeltext [\s!hr] [\v!appendix=] % Dodatak
+\setuplabeltext [\s!sl] [\v!appendix=] % Dodatek
+\setuplabeltext [\s!pl] [\v!part=Ust\eogonek p ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!cs] [\v!part=\Ccaron \aacute st ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!sk] [\v!part=\Ccaron as\tcaron{} ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!hr] [\v!part=Dio ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!sl] [\v!part=Del ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!pl] [\v!line=wiersz ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!cs] [\v!line=\rcaron\aacute dek ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!sk] [\v!line=riadok ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!hr] [\v!line=redak ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!sl] [\v!line=vrstica ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!pl] [\v!lines=wiersze ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!cs] [\v!lines=\rcaron\aacute dky ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!sk] [\v!lines=riadky ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!hr] [\v!lines=retci ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!sl] [\v!lines=vrstice ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!pl] [\v!january=stycznia]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!pl] [\v!february=lutego]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!pl] [\v!march=marca]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!pl] [\v!april=kwietnia]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!pl] [\v!may=maja]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!pl] [\v!june=czerwca]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!pl] [\v!july=lipca]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!pl] [\v!august=sierpnia]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!pl] [\v!september=wrze\sacute nia]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!pl] [\v!october=pa\zacute dziernika]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!pl] [\v!november=listopada]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!pl] [\v!december=grudnia]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!cs] [\v!january=ledna]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!cs] [\v!february=\uacute nora]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!cs] [\v!march=b\rcaron ezna]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!cs] [\v!april=dubna]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!cs] [\v!may=kv\ecaron tna]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!cs] [\v!june=\ccaron ervna]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!cs] [\v!july=\ccaron ervence]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!cs] [\v!august=srpna]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!cs] [\v!september=z\aacute\rcaron\iacute{}]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!cs] [\v!october=\rcaron\iacute jna]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!cs] [\v!november=listopadu]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!cs] [\v!december=prosince]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!sk] [\v!january=janu\aacute ra]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!sk] [\v!february=febru\aacute ra]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!sk] [\v!march=marca]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!sk] [\v!april=apr\iacute la]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!sk] [\v!may=m\aacute ja]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!sk] [\v!june=j\uacute na]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!sk] [\v!july=j\uacute la]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!sk] [\v!august=augusta]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!sk] [\v!september=septembra]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!sk] [\v!october=okt\oacute bra]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!sk] [\v!november=novembra]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!sk] [\v!december=decembra]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!hr] [\v!january=sije\ccaron anj]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!hr] [\v!february=velja\ccaron a]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!hr] [\v!march=o\zcaron ujak]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!hr] [\v!april=travanj]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!hr] [\v!may=svibanj]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!hr] [\v!june=lipanj]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!hr] [\v!july=srpanj]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!hr] [\v!august=kolovoz]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!hr] [\v!september=rujan]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!hr] [\v!october=listopad]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!hr] [\v!november=studeni]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!hr] [\v!december=prosinac]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!sl] [\v!january=januar]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!sl] [\v!february=februar]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!sl] [\v!march=marec]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!sl] [\v!april=april]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!sl] [\v!may=maj]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!sl] [\v!june=junij]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!sl] [\v!july=julij]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!sl] [\v!august=avgust]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!sl] [\v!september=september]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!sl] [\v!october=oktober]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!sl] [\v!november=november]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!sl] [\v!december=december]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!pl] [\v!sunday=niedziela]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!pl] [\v!monday=poniedzia\lstroke ek]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!pl] [\v!tuesday=wtorek]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!pl] [\v!wednesday=\sacute roda]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!pl] [\v!thursday=czwartek]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!pl] [\v!friday=pi\aogonek tek]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!pl] [\v!saturday=sobota]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!cs] [\v!sunday=ned\ecaron le]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!cs] [\v!monday=pond\ecaron l\iacute]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!cs] [\v!tuesday=\uacute ter\yacute]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!cs] [\v!wednesday=st\rcaron eda]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!cs] [\v!thursday=\ccaron tvrtek]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!cs] [\v!friday=p\aacute tek]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!cs] [\v!saturday=sobota]
+% Slovakian missing
+\setuplabeltext [\s!hr] [\v!sunday=nedjelja]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!hr] [\v!monday=ponedjeljak]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!hr] [\v!tuesday=utorak]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!hr] [\v!wednesday=srijeda]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!hr] [\v!thursday=\ccaron etvrtak]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!hr] [\v!friday=petak]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!hr] [\v!saturday=subota]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!sl] [\v!sunday=nedelja]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!sl] [\v!monday=ponedeljek]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!sl] [\v!tuesday=torek]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!sl] [\v!wednesday=sreda]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!sl] [\v!thursday=\ccaron etrtek]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!sl] [\v!friday=petek]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!sl] [\v!saturday=sobota]
+%D Rather new ...
+% [\s!cs]
+% [\c!spacing=\v!packed,
+% \c!leftsentence=---,
+% \c!rightsentence=---,
+% \c!leftsubsentence=---,
+% \c!rightsubsentence=---,
+% \c!leftquote=\lowerleftsingleninequote,
+% \c!rightquote=\upperrightsinglesixquote,
+% \c!leftquotation=\lowerleftdoubleninequote,
+% \c!rightquotation=\upperrightdoublesixquote,
+% \c!date={\v!day,\ ,\v!month,\ ,\v!year}]
+% Polish missing
+\setuplabeltext [\s!cs] [\v!page=strana ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!cs] [\v!atpage=na stran\ecaron\ ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!cs] [\v!hencefore=viz v\yacute\scaron e ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!cs] [\v!hereafter=viz n\iacute\zcaron e ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!cs] [\v!see=viz ]
+% Slovakian missing
+\setuplabeltext [\s!hr] [\v!page=stranica ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!hr] [\v!atpage=na stranici ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!hr] [\v!hencefore=vidi gore ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!hr] [\v!hereafter=vidi ispod ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!hr] [\v!see=vidi ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!sl] [\v!page=stran ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!sl] [\v!atpage=na strani ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!sl] [\v!hencefore=glej zgoraj ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!sl] [\v!hereafter=glej spodaj ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!sl] [\v!see=glej ]
+%D \ShowAllLanguageValues [\s!pl] [polish] {Polish} {furniture}
+%D \ShowAllLanguageValues [\s!cs] [czech] {Czech} {mate}
+%D \ShowAllLanguageValues [\s!sk] [slovak] {Slovakian} {face}
+%D \ShowAllLanguageValues [\s!hr] [croatian] {Croatian} {heartthrob}
+%D \ShowAllLanguageValues [\s!sl] [slovenian] {Slovenian} {mountains}
+%D A present from Brooks Moses and Hans Hagen for Mojca Miklavec:
+%D Define general-purpose macros for Slovenian character enumerations:
+\defineconversion [sloveniancharacter] [\sloveniancharacter]
+\defineconversion [slovenianCharacter] [\slovenianCharacter]
+\defineconversion [sloveniancharacters] [\sloveniancharacters]
+\defineconversion [slovenianCharacters] [\slovenianCharacters]
+%D Define these as the general character enumeration when
+%D language is Slovenian. If you feel uncomfortable with this,
+%D mail Mojca, since she promised to to take the heat.
+\defineconversion [sl] [character] [\sloveniancharacter]
+\defineconversion [sl] [Character] [\slovenianCharacter]
+\defineconversion [sl] [characters] [\sloveniancharacters]
+\defineconversion [sl] [Characters] [\slovenianCharacters]
+\defineconversion [sl] [a] [\sloveniancharacters]
+\defineconversion [sl] [A] [\slovenianCharacters]
+\defineconversion [sl] [AK] [\smallcapped\sloveniancharacters]
+\defineconversion [sl] [KA] [\smallcapped\sloveniancharacters]
+ {\ifcase#1\unknowncharacter
+ \or a\or b\or c\or \ccaron\or d\or e\or f\or g\or h\or i\or j\or k\or l\or m%
+ \or n\or o\or p\or r\or s\or \scaron\or t\or u\or v\or z\or \zcaron
+ \else
+ \unknowncharacter
+ \fi}
+ {\ifcase#1\unknowncharacter
+ \or A\or B\or C\or \Ccaron\or D\or E\or F\or G\or H\or I\or J\or K\or L\or M%
+ \or N\or O\or P\or R\or S\or \Scaron\or T\or U\or V\or Z\or \Zcaron
+ \else
+ \unknowncharacter
+ \fi}
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/lang-spa.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/lang-spa.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..313e5f3e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/lang-spa.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=lang-spa,
+%D version=2002.04.17,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Language Macros,
+%D subtitle=Spacing,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Language Macros / Spacing}
+%D This module was created in the process of enhancing
+%D support for French (with the help of Daniel Flipo).
+\definehspace [\s!fr] [quotation] [\flexiblespaceamount{.8}{.3}{.8}]
+\definehspace [\s!fr] [sentence] [\fixedspaceamount{1}]
+%definehspace [\s!fr] [quote] [\flexiblespaceamount{.8}{.3}{.8}]
+%definehspace [\s!fr] [speech] [\flexiblespaceamount{.8}{.3}{.8}]
+\definehspace [\s!fr] [interquotation] [\zeropoint]
+\definehspace [\s!fr] [intersentence] [\zeropoint]
+\definehspace [\string :] [\zeropoint]
+\definehspace [\string ;] [\zeropoint]
+\definehspace [\string !] [\zeropoint]
+\definehspace [\string ?] [\zeropoint]
+\definehspace [\s!fr] [\string :] [\spaceamount]
+\definehspace [\s!fr] [\string ;] [.16667em]
+\definehspace [\s!fr] [\string !] [.16667em]
+\definehspace [\s!fr] [\string ?] [.16667em]
+%D Alternative discretionary handlers:
+\definetextmodediscretionary :
+ {\removeunwantedspaces\prewordbreak\kern\hspaceamount\currentlanguage{:}:}
+\definetextmodediscretionary ;
+ {\removeunwantedspaces\prewordbreak\kern\hspaceamount\currentlanguage{;};}
+\definetextmodediscretionary ?
+ {\removeunwantedspaces\prewordbreak\kern\hspaceamount\currentlanguage{?}?}
+\definetextmodediscretionary !
+ {\removeunwantedspaces\prewordbreak\kern\hspaceamount\currentlanguage{!}!}
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \mainlanguage[en] \quotation{test \quotation{test} test}\par
+%D \mainlanguage[nl] \quotation{test \quotation{test} test}\par
+%D \mainlanguage[fr] \quotation{test \quotation{test} test}\par
+%D \mainlanguage[en] \quotation{\quotation{test} test}\par
+%D \mainlanguage[nl] \quotation{\quotation{test} test}\par
+%D \mainlanguage[fr] \quotation{\quotation{test} test}\par
+%D \mainlanguage[en] |<|test |<|test|>| test|>| \par
+%D \mainlanguage[nl] |<|test |<|test|>| test|>| \par
+%D \mainlanguage[fr] |<|test |<|test|>| test|>| \par
+%D \mainlanguage[en] |<||<|test|>| test|>| \par
+%D \mainlanguage[nl] |<||<|test|>| test|>| \par
+%D \mainlanguage[fr] |<||<|test|>| test|>| \par
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer {\getbuffer}
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/lang-spe.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/lang-spe.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..11c57af3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/lang-spe.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=lang-spe,
+%D version=2002.05.07, % 1996.01.25,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Language Macros,
+%D subtitle=Specifics,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D This code was originally placed in the language
+%D initialization module, but isolating it is clearer. Language
+%D specifics evolved out of user demands for special features,
+%D like the german active quote. After a while I decided to
+%D associate them to languages in a more general way so that we
+%D could associate all kind of things with language switching.
+%D This is a typical example of functionality that occasionally
+%D gets improved based on user input and experience. Much of the
+%D code is pretty old and could probabbly be done in better ways.
+%D It's probably also the kind of code that has been and will be
+%D written over and over again by \TEX\ users around the world,
+%D so there are probably better implementations of similar
+%D functionality around. Therefore, users are invited to pop in
+%D their own handling as long as it does not interfere with
+%D existing code. Writing the more obscure macros that deal with
+%D this is a good learning experience (catcodes, lccodes, token
+%D lists, expansion, \unknown).
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Language Macros / Specifics}
+%D \macros
+%D {everyresetlanguagespecifics,resetlanguagespecifics}
+%D Cleanup macros.
+\newevery \everyresetlanguagespecifics \relax
+ {\ifcase\protectionlevel
+ \the\everyresetlanguagespecifics
+ \else % to be translated
+ % \writestatus\m!systems{don't change language in unprotected mode!}%
+ \fi}
+ \resetlanguagespecifics
+\to \everycleanupfeatures
+%D \macros
+%D {startlanguagespecifics,enablelanguagespecifics}
+%D Each language has its own typographic pecularities. Some of
+%D those can be influenced by parameters, others are handled by
+%D the interface, but as soon as specific commands come into
+%D view we need another mechanism. In the macro that activates
+%D a language, we call \type{\enablelanguagespecifics}. This
+%D macro in return calls for the setup of language specific
+%D macros. Such specifics are defined as:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \startlanguagespecifics[de]
+%D \installcompoundcharacter "a {\"a}
+%D \installcompoundcharacter "e {\"e}
+%D \installcompoundcharacter "s {\SS}
+%D \stoplanguagespecifics
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Instead of \type{[du]} we can pass a comma separated
+%D list, like \type{[du,nl]}. Next calls to this macro add the
+%D specifics to the current list.
+%D Before we actually read the specifics, we first take some
+%D precautions that will prevent spurious spaces to creep into
+%D the list.
+% We should use token registers, but alas, we run out of them and
+% \ETEX\ has a bug. Well, let's use a token register now (2006).
+\def\startlanguagespecifics% % we use double to
+ {\bgroup
+ \catcode`\^^I=\@@ignore
+ \catcode`\^^M=\@@ignore
+ \catcode`\^^L=\@@ignore
+ \dodoubleempty\dostartlanguagespecifics} % get rid of spaces
+%D The main macro looks quite complicated but actually does
+%D nothing special. By embedding \type{\do} we can easily
+%D append to the lists and also execute them at will. Just to
+%D be sure, we check on spurious spaces. The second dummy
+%D argument gobbles spaces.
+ {\ifx\characterencoding\nocharacterencoding \else
+ \characterencoding-%
+ \fi}
+ {\egroup
+ \processcommalist[#1]{\dosetlanguagespecifics{#3}}}
+% \long\def\dosetlanguagespecifics#1#2%
+% {\ifundefined{\??la\languageencoding#2\??la}\forgetlanguagespecifics[#2]\fi
+% % the next line catches the case that specifics are enabled *before* they are defined
+% \expandafter\ifx\csname\??la\languageencoding#2\??la\endcsname\relax\forgetlanguagespecifics[#2]\fi
+% \appendvalue{\??la\languageencoding#2\??la}{#1}%
+% \bgroup
+% \setbox\scratchbox\hbox{\enablelanguagespecifics[#2]}%
+% \ifdim\wd\scratchbox>\zeropoint
+% \showmessage\m!linguals7{\currentencoding-#2,\the\wd\scratchbox\space}\wait
+% \else
+% \showmessage\m!linguals8{\currentencoding-#2}%
+% \fi
+% \egroup
+% \doif{#2}\currentmainlanguage{\enablelanguagespecifics[#2]}}
+ {\edef\askedlanguagespecificstag{\languagespectag{#2}}%
+ \ifcsname\askedlanguagespecificstag\endcsname \else
+ \expandafter\newtoks\csname\askedlanguagespecificstag\endcsname
+ \fi
+ \csname\askedlanguagespecificstag\endcsname\@EA{\the\csname\askedlanguagespecificstag\endcsname#1}%
+ \bgroup
+ \setbox\scratchbox\hbox{\enablelanguagespecifics[#2]}%
+ \ifdim\wd\scratchbox>\zeropoint
+ \showmessage\m!linguals7{\currentencoding-#2,\the\wd\scratchbox\space}\wait
+ \else
+ \showmessage\m!linguals8{\currentencoding-#2}%
+ \fi
+ \egroup
+ \doif{#2}\currentmainlanguage{\enablelanguagespecifics[#2]}}
+ {\csname\languagespectag{#1}\endcsname\emptytoks}
+%D Enabling them is rather straightforward. We only have to
+%D define \type{\do} in such a way that \type{{ }} is removed
+%D and the language key is gobbled.
+% \def\enablelanguagespecifics[#1]%
+% {\the\executeifdefined{\??la
+% \@EA\ifx\csname\??la#1\c!default\endcsname\relax
+% \languageencoding
+% \else
+% \csname\??la#1\c!default\endcsname
+% \fi
+% \??la}\emptytoks
+% \the\executeifdefined{\??la#1\??la}\emptytoks
+% \the\executeifdefined{\??la\languageencoding#1\??la}\emptytoks} % dup ?
+ {\edef\askedlanguagespecificslanguage{\defaultlanguage{#1}}%
+ \ifcsname\??la\askedlanguagespecificslanguage\??la\endcsname
+ \the\csname\??la\askedlanguagespecificslanguage\??la\endcsname
+ \fi
+ \ifx\languageencoding\empty\else
+ \ifcsname\??la\languageencoding\askedlanguagespecificslanguage\??la\endcsname
+ \the\csname\??la\languageencoding\askedlanguagespecificslanguage\??la\endcsname
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+%D \macros
+%D {deactivatelanguagespecific}
+%D The next code makes it possible to disable the specifics.
+% \def\deactivatelanguagespecific#1%
+% {\ifundefined{l g s \string#1}%
+% \letgvalueempty{l g s \string#1}% signal to prevent dup def
+% \bgroup
+% \catcode`#1=\@@active
+% \uccode`~=`#1
+% \uppercase{\doglobal\appendtoks\dodeactivatetoken{~}\to\everyresetlanguagespecifics}%
+% \egroup
+% \expanded{\doglobal\noexpand\appendtoks{#1}{\the\catcode`#1}}\to\everyresetlanguagespecifics
+% \fi}
+% \def\dodeactivatetoken#1#2#3% test needed to avoid clash with \unprotect
+% {\def#1{#2}\ifnum\catcode`#2=\@@active\catcode`#2=#3\relax\fi}
+%D We cannot hook this into the installer since language
+%D specifics can be anything. So far, we have the following
+%D potentially active characters.
+%D Beware, this should happen under an unprotected regime;
+%D thanks to Giuseppe Oblomov Bilotta, who first noticed
+%D that something was wrong.
+% \deactivatelanguagespecific "
+% \deactivatelanguagespecific /
+% \deactivatelanguagespecific :
+% \deactivatelanguagespecific ;
+% \deactivatelanguagespecific ?
+% \deactivatelanguagespecific !
+% yes or no (taco wins: no)
+% \startlanguagespecifics[nl,cs,sk,fr]
+% \lccode`\'=`\'
+% \stoplanguagespecifics
+%D \macros
+%D {ordinaldaynumber, highordinalstr, ordinalstr}
+%D Efficient general ordinal number converters are sometimes
+%D difficult to implement. Fortunately dates never exceed the
+%D number~31.
+\ifx\high \undefined \let\high \firstofoneargument \fi % todo
+\ifx\notsmallcapped\undefined \let\notsmallcapped\firstofoneargument \fi % todo
+\def\ordinalstr #1{\notsmallcapped{#1}}
+\def\ordinaldaynumber#1% \strippedcsname\ordinaldaynumber
+ {\expanded{\executeifdefined{\currentlanguage ordinaldaynumber}%
+ \noexpand\firstofoneargument{\number#1}}}
+%D Language specific converters have definitions like:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\enordinaldaynumber#1{...}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Examples can be found in the other \type {lang} modules.
+% \ifprocessingXML is a nasty dependency
+ \ifprocessingXML \else \resetlanguagespecifics \fi
+\to \everylanguage
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/lang-ura.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/lang-ura.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..21bc8d94a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/lang-ura.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=lang-sla,
+%D version=1997.09.03,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Language Macros,
+%D subtitle=Uralic Languages,
+%D author=Hans Hagen / Tobias Burnus,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+% Todo: replace \'.. by \namedglyph
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Language Macros / Uralic Languages}
+%D The framework of this module is set up by Hans Hagen while
+%D many of the first translations were done by Tobias. Later
+%D on, corrections were made by users. If you have suggestions,
+%D or feel that your name missing here, don't hesitate to send
+%D us an email.
+%D \starttabulate[|lB|l|]
+%D \NC Finnish \NC \NC \NR
+%D \NC Hungarian \NC Balazs Nagy \NC \NR
+%D \stoptabulate
+% Cheremiss, Estonian, Finnish, Karelian, Laap, Mordvinian,
+% Permian tongues, Hungarian, Ostyak, Vogul, Samoyed
+ [\s!fi]
+ [\c!spacing=\v!packed,
+ \c!leftsentence=---,
+ \c!rightsentence=---,
+ \c!leftsubsentence=---,
+ \c!rightsubsentence=---,
+ \c!leftquote=\upperleftsinglesixquote,
+ \c!rightquote=\upperrightsingleninequote,
+ \c!leftquotation=\upperleftdoublesixquote,
+ \c!rightquotation=\upperrightdoubleninequote,
+ \c!date={\v!year,\ ,\v!month,\ ,\v!day}]
+ [\s!hu]
+ [\c!spacing=\v!packed,
+ \c!leftsentence=---,
+ \c!rightsentence=---,
+ \c!leftsubsentence=---,
+ \c!rightsubsentence=---,
+ \c!leftquote=\lowerleftsingleninequote,
+ \c!rightquote=\upperrightsingleninequote,
+ \c!leftquotation=\lowerleftdoubleninequote,
+ \c!rightquotation=\upperrightdoubleninequote,
+ \c!date={\v!year,.,\ ,\v!month,\ ,\v!day,.},
+ \s!mapping=ec,
+ \s!encoding=ec]
+\installlanguage [finish] [\s!fi]
+\installlanguage [hungarian] [\s!hu]
+\setupheadtext [\s!fi] [\v!content=Sis\"allys]
+\setupheadtext [\s!fi] [\v!tables=Taulukkoj]
+\setupheadtext [\s!fi] [\v!figures=Kuvi]
+\setupheadtext [\s!fi] [\v!graphics=Grafiikkaoi]
+\setupheadtext [\s!fi] [\v!intermezzi=Intermezzos]
+\setupheadtext [\s!fi] [\v!index=Indeksiluku]
+\setupheadtext [\s!fi] [\v!abbreviations=Lyhennyksi]
+\setupheadtext [\s!fi] [\v!logos=Vertauskuva]
+\setupheadtext [\s!fi] [\v!units=Yksik\"ot]
+\setupheadtext [\s!hu] [\v!content=Tartalom]
+\setupheadtext [\s!hu] [\v!tables=T\'abl\'azatok]
+\setupheadtext [\s!hu] [\v!figures=\'Abr\'ak]
+\setupheadtext [\s!hu] [\v!graphics=Grafik\'ak]
+\setupheadtext [\s!hu] [\v!intermezzi=Intermezzok]
+\setupheadtext [\s!hu] [\v!index=Index]
+\setupheadtext [\s!hu] [\v!abbreviations=R\"ovid\'it\'esek]
+\setupheadtext [\s!hu] [\v!logos=Fejl\'ecek]
+\setupheadtext [\s!hu] [\v!units=M\'ert\'ekegys\'egek]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!fi] [\v!table=Taulukko ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!fi] [\v!figure=Kuva ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!fi] [\v!intermezzo=Intermezzo ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!fi] [\v!graphic=Grafiikka ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!fi] [\v!chapter=]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!fi] [\v!section=]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!fi] [\v!subsection=]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!fi] [\v!subsubsection=]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!fi] [\v!subsubsubsection=]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!fi] [\v!appendix=]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!fi] [\v!part=Osa ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!fi] [\v!line=rivi ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!fi] [\v!lines=rivie ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!hu] [\v!table={,.~t\'abl\'azat:}]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!hu] [\v!figure={,.~\'abra:}]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!hu] [\v!intermezzo={,.~intermezzo:}]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!hu] [\v!graphic={,.~k\'ep:}]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!hu] [\v!chapter={,.~fejezet:}]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!hu] [\v!section={,.}]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!hu] [\v!subsection={,.}]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!hu] [\v!subsubsection={,.}]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!hu] [\v!subsubsubsection={,.}]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!hu] [\v!appendix=]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!hu] [\v!part={,.~r\'esz:}]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!hu] [\v!line={,.~sor:}]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!hu] [\v!lines=sorok]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!fi] [\v!january=tammikuu]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!fi] [\v!february=helmikuu]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!fi] [\v!march=maaliskuu]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!fi] [\v!april=huhtikuu]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!fi] [\v!may=toukokuu]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!fi] [\v!june=kes\"akuu]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!fi] [\v!july=hein\"akuu]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!fi] [\v!august=elokuu]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!fi] [\v!september=syyskuu]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!fi] [\v!october=lokakuu]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!fi] [\v!november=marraskuu]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!fi] [\v!december=joulukuu]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!hu] [\v!january=janu\'ar]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!hu] [\v!february=febru\'ar]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!hu] [\v!march=m\'arcius]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!hu] [\v!april=\'aprilis]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!hu] [\v!may=m\'ajus]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!hu] [\v!june=j\'unius]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!hu] [\v!july=j\'ulius]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!hu] [\v!august=augusztus]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!hu] [\v!september=szeptember]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!hu] [\v!october=okt\'ober]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!hu] [\v!november=november]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!hu] [\v!december=december]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!fi] [\v!sunday=sunnuntai]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!fi] [\v!monday=maanantai]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!fi] [\v!tuesday=tiistai]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!fi] [\v!wednesday=keskiviikko]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!fi] [\v!thursday=torstai]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!fi] [\v!friday=perjantai]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!fi] [\v!saturday=lauantai]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!hu] [\v!sunday=vas\'arnap]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!hu] [\v!monday=h\'etf\H{o}]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!hu] [\v!tuesday=kedd]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!hu] [\v!wednesday=szerda]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!hu] [\v!thursday=cs\"ut\"ort\"ok]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!hu] [\v!friday=p\'entek]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!hu] [\v!saturday=szombat]
+%D \ShowAllLanguageValues [\s!fi] [finnish] {Finnish} {phone}
+%D \ShowAllLanguageValues [\s!hu] [hungarian] {Hungarian} {rhapsody}
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/lang-url.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/lang-url.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1f340ffb0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/lang-url.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,306 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=lang-url,
+%D version=2008.01.22, % used to be lang-mis
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Language Macros,
+%D subtitle=Language Options,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D This is rather old code. The following solution was used
+%D for a long time and is kind of built-up over the years.
+\ifx\\\undefined \let\\\crlf \fi
+%D \macros
+%D {hyphenatedurl}
+%D For those who want to put full \URL's in a text, we offer
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \hyphenatedurl{http://optimist.optimist/optimist/optimist.optimist#optimist}
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+%D which breaks at the appropriate places. Watch the \type{#}
+%D hack.
+%D When passed as argument, like in \type {\goto}, one needs
+%D to substitute a \type {\\} for each \type{#}.
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \hyphenatedurl{}
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+\ifx\urlsplitmode\undefined \chardef\urlsplitmode\plusone \fi
+% 0 => don't split
+% 1 => . : na, rest voor
+% 2 => alles na
+% 3 => alles voor
+% \bgroup \catcode`\~=\active \catcode`\/=\active
+% \unexpanded\gdef\hyphenatedurl#1% {}{} handles accents
+% {\bgroup
+% \ifnum\hyphenpenalty<10000 \else
+% \def\discretionary##1##2##3{##1\allowbreak##2}%
+% \fi
+% \obeyhyphens
+% \def\splitbefore##1%
+% {\setbox\scratchbox=\hbox{##1{}{}}%
+% \ifcase\urlsplitmode
+% \box\scratchbox
+% \or
+% \postwordbreak\box\scratchbox\prewordbreak
+% \or
+% \prewordbreak\discretionary{\box\scratchbox}{}{\box\scratchbox}\prewordbreak
+% \else
+% \postwordbreak\box\scratchbox\prewordbreak
+% \fi}%
+% \def\splitafter##1%
+% {\ifcase\urlsplitmode
+% ##1{}{}%
+% \or
+% \prewordbreak\discretionary{##1{}{}}{}{##1{}{}}\prewordbreak
+% \or
+% \prewordbreak\discretionary{##1{}{}}{}{##1{}{}}\prewordbreak
+% \else
+% \prewordbreak\discretionary{}{##1{}{}}{##1{}{}}\prewordbreak
+% \fi}%
+% \def\splitanyway##1%
+% {\prewordbreak##1\prewordbreak}%
+% \def\flushurl%
+% {\savedurl\let\savedurl\empty}%
+% \def\\%
+% {\spliturl\#}%
+% \let\~=\lettertilde\let~=\~%
+% \let\/=\letterslash\let/=\/%
+% \let\savedurl\empty
+% \scratchcounter\zerocount % used for hyphenmethod
+% \handletokens#1\with\scanurl\savedurl
+% \egroup}
+% \egroup
+% \chardef\urlhyphenmethod=0
+% \def\scanurl#1%
+% {\advance\scratchcounter\plusone
+% \ifx#1\blankspace
+% \flushurl\splitanyway\normalspace
+% \else\ifx#1\ %
+% \flushurl\splitanyway\normalspace
+% \else\ifx#1\space
+% \flushurl\splitanyway\normalspace
+% \else\ifx#1\~%
+% \flushurl\splitbefore\~%
+% \else\ifx#1\#%
+% \flushurl\splitbefore\#%
+% \else\ifx#1\&%
+% \flushurl\splitbefore\&%
+% \else\ifx#1\%%
+% \flushurl\splitbefore\%%
+% \else\ifx#1\_%
+% \flushurl\splitbefore\_%
+% \else\if\noexpand#1\relax
+% #1%
+% \else\ifnum\catcode`#1=8
+% \flushurl\splitbefore\_%
+% \else\ifnum\catcode`#1=6
+% \flushurl\splitbefore\#%
+% \else\ifnum\catcode`#1=4
+% \flushurl\splitbefore\&%
+% \else\expandafter\if\string#1\lettertilde
+% \flushurl\splitbefore\~%
+% \else\expandafter\if\string#1\letterpercent
+% \flushurl\splitbefore\%%
+% \else\expandafter\if\string#1\letterunderscore
+% \flushurl\splitbefore\_%
+% \else\expandafter\if\string#1\letterquestionmark
+% \flushurl\splitafter\letterquestionmark
+% \else\expandafter\if\string#1\letterat
+% \flushurl\splitafter\letterat
+% \else\expandafter\if\string#1\letterslash
+% \edef\savedurl{\savedurl\letterslash}%
+% \else\expandafter\if\string#1+%
+% \flushurl\splitafter+%
+% \else\expandafter\if\string#1:%
+% \flushurl\splitafter:%
+% \else\expandafter\if\string#1.%
+% \flushurl\splitafter.%
+% \else\expandafter\if\string#1(%
+% \flushurl\splitbefore(%
+% \else\expandafter\if\string#1)%
+% \flushurl\splitafter)%
+% \else
+% \ifx\savedurl\empty\else
+% \splitbefore\savedurl
+% \let\savedurl\empty
+% \fi
+% \ifcase\urlhyphenmethod
+% \string#1%
+% \else
+% \ifnum\scratchcounter>\plusthree % so, \http: will not break
+% \edef\savedurl{\string#1}%
+% \else
+% \string#1%
+% \fi
+% \fi
+% \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi}
+%D The following approach takes more resources but is cleaner (after all, we now
+%D have huge \TEX's. It's is basically a \TEX\ version of the \MKIV\ variant.
+ \let\&\letterampersand
+ \let\#\letterhash
+ \let\~\lettertilde
+ \let\\\letterbackslash
+ \let\$\letterdollar
+ \let\^\letterhat
+ \let\_\letterunderscore
+ \let\{\letterleftbrace
+ \let\}\letterrightbrace
+ \let\|\letterbar
+ \let~=\lettertilde
+ \let|=\letterbar
+\to \everyhyphenatedurl
+\def\hyphenatedurlseparator{} % \periodcentered
+\def\dohyphenatedurlafter #1{\char#1\discretionary{}{\hyphenatedurlseparator}{}}%
+% 0=normal 1=before 2=after
+\def\sethyphenatedurlnormal#1{\expandafter\chardef\csname url @ #1\endcsname\zerocount}
+\def\sethyphenatedurlbefore#1{\expandafter\chardef\csname url @ #1\endcsname\plusone }
+\def\sethyphenatedurlafter #1{\expandafter\chardef\csname url @ #1\endcsname\plustwo }
+\sethyphenatedurlbefore !
+\sethyphenatedurlbefore "
+\sethyphenatedurlbefore \letterhash
+\sethyphenatedurlbefore \letterdollar
+\sethyphenatedurlbefore \letterpercent
+\sethyphenatedurlbefore \letterampersand
+\sethyphenatedurlbefore (
+\sethyphenatedurlbefore *
+\sethyphenatedurlbefore +
+\sethyphenatedurlbefore ,
+\sethyphenatedurlbefore -
+\sethyphenatedurlbefore .
+\sethyphenatedurlbefore /
+\sethyphenatedurlbefore :
+\sethyphenatedurlbefore ;
+\sethyphenatedurlbefore <
+\sethyphenatedurlbefore =
+\sethyphenatedurlbefore >
+\sethyphenatedurlbefore ?
+\sethyphenatedurlbefore @
+\sethyphenatedurlbefore [
+\sethyphenatedurlbefore \letterbackslash
+\sethyphenatedurlbefore ^
+\sethyphenatedurlbefore _
+\sethyphenatedurlbefore `
+\sethyphenatedurlbefore \letteropenbrace
+\sethyphenatedurlbefore \letterbar
+\sethyphenatedurlbefore \lettertilde
+\sethyphenatedurlafter '
+\sethyphenatedurlafter )
+\sethyphenatedurlafter ]
+\sethyphenatedurlafter \letterclosebrace
+\unexpanded \def\hyphenatedurl#1%
+ {\dontleavehmode
+ \begingroup
+ \the\everyhyphenatedurl
+ \edef\ascii{#1}%
+ \expanded{\handletokens{\detokenize\expandafter{\ascii}}}\with\dohyphenatedurl
+ \endgroup}
+ {\ifcase\executeifdefined{url @ #1}\zerocount\relax
+ \expandafter\dohyphenatedurlnormal
+ \or
+ \expandafter\dohyphenatedurlbefore
+ \or
+ \expandafter\dohyphenatedurlafter
+ \fi{\number`#1}}
+% maybe ... to be finished
+% \def\hyphenatedstring#1%
+% {\bgroup
+% \nohyphens
+% \def\next##1{##1\doif{##1}{-}{\allowbreak}}%
+% \handletokens#1\with\next
+% \egroup}
+% {\hsize1cm\hyphenatedstring{ABXXXXXXXXXXC-12345-12345}}
+%D \macros
+%D {hyphenatedfilename}
+%D For the moment we treat filenames in a similar way,
+%D \starttyping
+%D \hyphenatedfilename{here/there/filename.suffix}
+%D \stoptyping
+\ifx\hyphenatedfilename\undefined \let\hyphenatedfilename\hyphenatedurl \fi
+% \def\test#1%
+% {\dontleavehmode
+% \begingroup
+% \tttf
+% \hyphenatedurl {%
+% \letterampersand #1\letterampersand #1\letterampersand #1\letterampersand #1\letterampersand
+% \letterhash #1\letterhash #1\letterpercent #1\letterslash #1\letterampersand
+% }%
+% \endgroup}
+% \dorecurse{100}{\test{a} \test{ab} \test{abc} \test{abcd} \test{abcde} \test{abcdef}}
+\protect \endinput
+% \bgroup
+% \gdef\lettercolon{:}
+% \catcode`\:=\active
+% \catcode`\^=\active
+% \catcode`\/=\active
+% \catcode`\~=\active
+% \gdef\theurlcolon {\nobreak\hbox{\lettercolon}\allowbreak}
+% \gdef\theurlslash#1{\nobreak\hbox{\letterslash}\ifx#1\relax\else\ifnum`/=\expandafter`\string#1\else\allowbreak\fi#1\fi}
+% \gdef\theurlhat {\allowbreak\hbox{\letterhat}\nobreak}
+% \gdef\theurltilde {\allowbreak\hbox{\lettertilde}\nobreak}
+% \gdef\ForMojcaWhoLikesHacks#1%
+% {\dontleavehmode
+% \begingroup
+% \mathcode`\:="8000 \let:\theurlcolon
+% \mathcode`\^="8000 \let^\theurlhat
+% \mathcode`\/="8000 \let/\theurlslash
+% \mathcode`\~="8000 \let~\theurltilde
+% \everymath\emptytoks
+% \mathsurround\zeropoint$\tf#1\relax$%
+% \endgroup}
+% \egroup
+% \hsize 1mm \ForMojcaWhoLikesHacks{}
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/lang-vn.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/lang-vn.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e564d989c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/lang-vn.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=lang-vn,
+%D version=2004.11.22, % 1999.12.12,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Language Macros,
+%D subtitle=Vietnamese,
+%D author={Han The Thanh \& Adam Lindsay \& Hans Hagen},
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Language Macros / Vietnamese Language}
+%D The framework of this module is set up by Hans Hagen while
+%D many of the first translations were done by Tobias. Later
+%D on, corrections were made by users. If you have suggestions,
+%D or feel that your name missing here, don't hesitate to send
+%D us an email.
+%D \starttabulate[|lB|l|]
+%D \NC Vietnamese \NC \THANH\ \NC \NR
+%D \stoptabulate
+ [\s!vi]
+ [\c!spacing=\v!packed,
+ \c!leftsentence=---,
+ \c!rightsentence=---,
+ \c!leftsubsentence=---,
+ \c!rightsubsentence=---,
+ \c!leftquote=\quoteleft,
+ \c!rightquote=\quoteright,
+ \c!leftquotation=\quotedblleft,
+ \c!rightquotation=\quotedblright,
+ \c!date={{ },dd,{/},mm,{/},yy},
+ \s!mapping=t5,
+ \s!encoding=t5]
+\installlanguage [vietnamese] [\s!vi]
+\setupheadtext [\s!vi] [\v!content=M\udotbelow c l\udotbelow c]
+\setupheadtext [\s!vi] [\v!tables=Danh s\aacute ch b\ahook ng]
+\setupheadtext [\s!vi] [\v!figures=Danh s\aacute ch h\igrave nh v\etilde]
+\setupheadtext [\s!vi] [\v!graphics=\Dstroke\ocircumflexgrave\ th\idotbelow]
+\setupheadtext [\s!vi] [\v!intermezzi=Intermezzos]
+\setupheadtext [\s!vi] [\v!index=Ch\ihook\ s\ocircumflexacute]
+\setupheadtext [\s!vi] [\v!abbreviations=Ch\uhorntilde\ vi\ecircumflexacute t t\abreveacute t]
+\setupheadtext [\s!vi] [\v!logos=Bi\ecircumflexhook u t\uhorn \ohorndotbelow ng]
+\setupheadtext [\s!vi] [\v!units=\Dstroke\ohorn n v\idotbelow]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!vi] [\v!table=B\ahook ng ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!vi] [\v!figure=H\igrave nh ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!vi] [\v!intermezzo=intermezzo]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!vi] [\v!graphic=\Dstroke\ocircumflexgrave\ th\idotbelow]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!vi] [\v!chapter=Ch\uhorn \ohorn ng ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!vi] [\v!section=] % not set
+\setuplabeltext [\s!vi] [\v!subsection=] % not set
+\setuplabeltext [\s!vi] [\v!subsubsection=] % not set
+\setuplabeltext [\s!vi] [\v!subsubsubsection=] % not set
+\setuplabeltext [\s!vi] [\v!appendix=] % not set
+\setuplabeltext [\s!vi] [\v!part=Ph\acircumflexgrave n ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!vi] [\v!line=d\ograve ng ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!vi] [\v!lines=d\ograve ng ]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!vi] [\v!sunday=ch\uhook\ nh\acircumflexdotbelow t]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!vi] [\v!monday=th\uhornacute\ hai]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!vi] [\v!tuesday=th\uhornacute\ ba]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!vi] [\v!wednesday=th\uhornacute\ t\uhorn]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!vi] [\v!thursday=th\uhornacute\ n\abreve m]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!vi] [\v!friday=th\uhornacute\ s\aacute u]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!vi] [\v!saturday=th\uhornacute\ b\ahook y]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!vi] [\v!january=th\aacute ng gi\ecircumflex ng]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!vi] [\v!february=th\aacute ng hai]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!vi] [\v!march=th\aacute ng ba]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!vi] [\v!april=th\aacute ng t\uhorn]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!vi] [\v!may=th\aacute ng n\abreve m]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!vi] [\v!june=th\aacute ng s\aacute u]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!vi] [\v!july=th\aacute ng b\ahook y]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!vi] [\v!august=th\aacute ng t\aacute m]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!vi] [\v!september=th\aacute ng ch\iacute n]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!vi] [\v!october=th\aacute ng m\uhorn\ohorngrave i]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!vi] [\v!november=th\aacute ng m\uhorn\ohorngrave i m\ocircumflexdotbelow t]
+\setuplabeltext [\s!vi] [\v!december=th\aacute ng m\uhorn\ohorngrave i hai]
+%D \ShowAllLanguageValues [\s!vi] [vietnamese] {Vietnamese} {water||puppets}
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/math-ams.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/math-ams.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c73a890c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/math-ams.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,336 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=math-ams,
+%D version=2001.04.12,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Math Macros,
+%D subtitle=AMS Specials,
+%D author={Hans Hagen \& Taco Hoekwater},
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+% maybe we should just include these into the default tex one
+\definefamilysynonym [default] [blackboard] [mb]
+\startmathcollection [default]
+\definemathsymbol [varGamma] [ord] [letters] ["00]
+\definemathsymbol [varDelta] [ord] [letters] ["01]
+\definemathsymbol [varTheta] [ord] [letters] ["02]
+\definemathsymbol [varLambda] [ord] [letters] ["03]
+\definemathsymbol [varXi] [ord] [letters] ["04]
+\definemathsymbol [varPi] [ord] [letters] ["05]
+\definemathsymbol [varSigma] [ord] [letters] ["06]
+\definemathsymbol [varUpsilon] [ord] [letters] ["07]
+\definemathsymbol [varPhi] [ord] [letters] ["08]
+\definemathsymbol [varPsi] [ord] [letters] ["09]
+\definemathsymbol [varOmega] [ord] [letters] ["0A]
+\definemathsymbol [internalAnd] [rel] [operators] ["26]
+\startmathcollection [default]
+\definemathsymbol [boxdot] [bin] [ma] ["00]
+\definemathsymbol [boxplus] [bin] [ma] ["01]
+\definemathsymbol [boxtimes] [bin] [ma] ["02]
+\definemathsymbol [square] [ord] [ma] ["03]
+\definemathsymbol [Box] [ord] [ma] ["03] % square
+\definemathsymbol [blacksquare] [ord] [ma] ["04]
+\definemathsymbol [centerdot] [bin] [ma] ["05]
+\definemathsymbol [Diamond] [ord] [ma] ["06]
+\definemathsymbol [lozenge] [ord] [ma] ["06] % Diamond
+\definemathsymbol [blacklozenge] [ord] [ma] ["07]
+\definemathsymbol [circlearrowright] [rel] [ma] ["08]
+\definemathsymbol [circlearrowleft] [rel] [ma] ["09]
+\definemathsymbol [rightleftharpoons] [rel] [ma] ["0A]
+\definemathsymbol [leftrightharpoons] [rel] [ma] ["0B]
+\definemathsymbol [boxminus] [bin] [ma] ["0C]
+\definemathsymbol [Vdash] [rel] [ma] ["0D]
+\definemathsymbol [Vvdash] [rel] [ma] ["0E]
+\definemathsymbol [vDash] [rel] [ma] ["0F]
+\definemathsymbol [twoheadrightarrow] [rel] [ma] ["10]
+\definemathsymbol [twoheadleftarrow] [rel] [ma] ["11]
+\definemathsymbol [leftleftarrows] [rel] [ma] ["12]
+\definemathsymbol [rightrightarrows] [rel] [ma] ["13]
+\definemathsymbol [upuparrows] [rel] [ma] ["14]
+\definemathsymbol [downdownarrows] [rel] [ma] ["15]
+\definemathsymbol [upharpoonright] [rel] [ma] ["16]
+\definemathsymbol [restriction] [rel] [ma] ["16]
+\definemathsymbol [downharpoonright] [rel] [ma] ["17]
+\definemathsymbol [upharpoonleft] [rel] [ma] ["18]
+\definemathsymbol [downharpoonleft] [rel] [ma] ["19]
+\definemathsymbol [rightarrowtail] [rel] [ma] ["1A]
+\definemathsymbol [leftarrowtail] [rel] [ma] ["1B]
+\definemathsymbol [leftrightarrows] [rel] [ma] ["1C]
+\definemathsymbol [rightleftarrows] [rel] [ma] ["1D]
+\definemathsymbol [Lsh] [rel] [ma] ["1E]
+\definemathsymbol [Rsh] [rel] [ma] ["1F]
+\definemathsymbol [rightsquigarrow] [rel] [ma] ["20]
+\definemathsymbol [leadsto] [rel] [ma] ["20] % rightsquigarrow
+\definemathsymbol [leftrightsquigarrow] [rel] [ma] ["21]
+\definemathsymbol [looparrowleft] [rel] [ma] ["22]
+\definemathsymbol [looparrowright] [rel] [ma] ["23]
+\definemathsymbol [circeq] [rel] [ma] ["24]
+\definemathsymbol [succsim] [rel] [ma] ["25]
+\definemathsymbol [gtrsim] [rel] [ma] ["26]
+\definemathsymbol [gtrapprox] [rel] [ma] ["27]
+\definemathsymbol [multimap] [rel] [ma] ["28]
+\definemathsymbol [therefore] [rel] [ma] ["29]
+\definemathsymbol [because] [rel] [ma] ["2A]
+\definemathsymbol [doteqdot] [rel] [ma] ["2B]
+\definemathsymbol [Doteq] [rel] [ma] ["2B] % doteqdot
+\definemathsymbol [triangleq] [rel] [ma] ["2C]
+\definemathsymbol [precsim] [rel] [ma] ["2D]
+\definemathsymbol [lesssim] [rel] [ma] ["2E]
+\definemathsymbol [lessapprox] [rel] [ma] ["2F]
+\definemathsymbol [eqslantless] [rel] [ma] ["30]
+\definemathsymbol [eqslantgtr] [rel] [ma] ["31]
+\definemathsymbol [curlyeqprec] [rel] [ma] ["32]
+\definemathsymbol [curlyeqsucc] [rel] [ma] ["33]
+\definemathsymbol [preccurlyeq] [rel] [ma] ["34]
+\definemathsymbol [leqq] [rel] [ma] ["35]
+\definemathsymbol [leqslant] [rel] [ma] ["36]
+\definemathsymbol [lessgtr] [rel] [ma] ["37]
+\definemathsymbol [backprime] [ord] [ma] ["38]
+\definemathsymbol [dabar@] [ord] [ma] ["39] % @
+\definemathsymbol [risingdotseq] [rel] [ma] ["3A]
+\definemathsymbol [fallingdotseq] [rel] [ma] ["3B]
+\definemathsymbol [succcurlyeq] [rel] [ma] ["3C]
+\definemathsymbol [geqq] [rel] [ma] ["3D]
+\definemathsymbol [geqslant] [rel] [ma] ["3E]
+\definemathsymbol [gtrless] [rel] [ma] ["3F]
+\definemathsymbol [sqsubset] [rel] [ma] ["40]
+\definemathsymbol [sqsupset] [rel] [ma] ["41]
+\definemathsymbol [vartriangleright] [rel] [ma] ["42]
+\definemathsymbol [rhd] [bin] [ma] ["42]
+\definemathsymbol [lhd] [bin] [ma] ["43]
+\definemathsymbol [vartriangleleft] [rel] [ma] ["43]
+\definemathsymbol [trianglerighteq] [rel] [ma] ["44]
+\definemathsymbol [unrhd] [bin] [ma] ["44] % trianglerighteq
+\definemathsymbol [trianglelefteq] [rel] [ma] ["45]
+\definemathsymbol [unlhd] [bin] [ma] ["45] % trianglelefteq
+\definemathsymbol [bigstar] [ord] [ma] ["46]
+\definemathsymbol [between] [rel] [ma] ["47]
+\definemathsymbol [blacktriangledown] [ord] [ma] ["48]
+\definemathsymbol [blacktriangleright] [rel] [ma] ["49]
+\definemathsymbol [blacktriangleleft] [rel] [ma] ["4A]
+\definemathsymbol [vartriangle] [rel] [ma] ["4D]
+\definemathsymbol [triangleup] [ord] [ma] ["4D] % vartriangle
+\definemathsymbol [blacktriangle] [ord] [ma] ["4E]
+\definemathsymbol [triangledown] [ord] [ma] ["4F]
+\definemathsymbol [eqcirc] [rel] [ma] ["50]
+\definemathsymbol [lesseqgtr] [rel] [ma] ["51]
+\definemathsymbol [gtreqless] [rel] [ma] ["52]
+\definemathsymbol [lesseqqgtr] [rel] [ma] ["53]
+\definemathsymbol [gtreqqless] [rel] [ma] ["54]
+\definemathsymbol [Rrightarrow] [rel] [ma] ["56]
+\definemathsymbol [Lleftarrow] [rel] [ma] ["57]
+\definemathsymbol [veebar] [bin] [ma] ["59]
+\definemathsymbol [barwedge] [bin] [ma] ["5A]
+\definemathsymbol [doublebarwedge] [bin] [ma] ["5B]
+\definemathsymbol [angle] [ord] [ma] ["5C]
+\definemathsymbol [measuredangle] [ord] [ma] ["5D]
+\definemathsymbol [sphericalangle] [ord] [ma] ["5E]
+\definemathsymbol [varpropto] [rel] [ma] ["5F]
+\definemathsymbol [smallsmile] [rel] [ma] ["60]
+\definemathsymbol [smallfrown] [rel] [ma] ["61]
+\definemathsymbol [Subset] [rel] [ma] ["62]
+\definemathsymbol [Supset] [rel] [ma] ["63]
+\definemathsymbol [Cup] [bin] [ma] ["64]
+\definemathsymbol [doublecup] [bin] [ma] ["64] % Cup
+\definemathsymbol [Cap] [bin] [ma] ["65]
+\definemathsymbol [doublecap] [bin] [ma] ["65]
+\definemathsymbol [curlywedge] [bin] [ma] ["66]
+\definemathsymbol [curlyvee] [bin] [ma] ["67]
+\definemathsymbol [leftthreetimes] [bin] [ma] ["68]
+\definemathsymbol [rightthreetimes] [bin] [ma] ["69]
+\definemathsymbol [subseteqq] [rel] [ma] ["6A]
+\definemathsymbol [supseteqq] [rel] [ma] ["6B]
+\definemathsymbol [bumpeq] [rel] [ma] ["6C]
+\definemathsymbol [Bumpeq] [rel] [ma] ["6D]
+\definemathsymbol [llless] [rel] [ma] ["6E]
+\definemathsymbol [lll] [rel] [ma] ["6E] % llless
+\definemathsymbol [gggtr] [rel] [ma] ["6F]
+\definemathsymbol [ggg] [rel] [ma] ["6F] % gggtr
+\definemathsymbol [ulcorner] [open] [ma] ["70] [ma] ["70]
+\definemathsymbol [urcorner] [close] [ma] ["71] [ma] ["71]
+\definemathsymbol [circledS] [ord] [ma] ["73]
+\definemathsymbol [pitchfork] [rel] [ma] ["74]
+\definemathsymbol [dotplus] [bin] [ma] ["75]
+\definemathsymbol [backsim] [rel] [ma] ["76]
+\definemathsymbol [backsimeq] [rel] [ma] ["77]
+\definemathsymbol [llcorner] [open] [ma] ["78] [ma] ["78]
+\definemathsymbol [lrcorner] [close] [ma] ["79] [ma] ["79]
+\definemathsymbol [complement] [ord] [ma] ["7B]
+\definemathsymbol [intercal] [bin] [ma] ["7C]
+\definemathsymbol [circledcirc] [bin] [ma] ["7D]
+\definemathsymbol [circledast] [bin] [ma] ["7E]
+\definemathsymbol [circleddash] [bin] [ma] ["7F]
+\startmathcollection [default]
+\definemathcommand [integers] {\blackboard{Z}}
+\definemathcommand [reals] {\blackboard{R}}
+\definemathcommand [rationals] {\blackboard{Q}}
+\definemathcommand [naturalnumbers] {\blackboard{N}}
+\definemathcommand [complexes] {\blackboard{C}}
+\definemathcommand [primes] {\blackboard{P}}
+\startmathcollection [default]
+\definemathsymbol [lvertneqq] [rel] [mb] ["00]
+\definemathsymbol [gvertneqq] [rel] [mb] ["01]
+\definemathsymbol [nleq] [rel] [mb] ["02]
+\definemathsymbol [ngeq] [rel] [mb] ["03]
+\definemathsymbol [nless] [rel] [mb] ["04]
+\definemathsymbol [ngtr] [rel] [mb] ["05]
+\definemathsymbol [nprec] [rel] [mb] ["06]
+\definemathsymbol [nsucc] [rel] [mb] ["07]
+\definemathsymbol [lneqq] [rel] [mb] ["08]
+\definemathsymbol [gneqq] [rel] [mb] ["09]
+\definemathsymbol [nleqslant] [rel] [mb] ["0A]
+\definemathsymbol [ngeqslant] [rel] [mb] ["0B]
+\definemathsymbol [lneq] [rel] [mb] ["0C]
+\definemathsymbol [gneq] [rel] [mb] ["0D]
+\definemathsymbol [npreceq] [rel] [mb] ["0E]
+\definemathsymbol [nsucceq] [rel] [mb] ["0F]
+\definemathsymbol [precnsim] [rel] [mb] ["10]
+\definemathsymbol [succnsim] [rel] [mb] ["11]
+\definemathsymbol [lnsim] [rel] [mb] ["12]
+\definemathsymbol [gnsim] [rel] [mb] ["13]
+\definemathsymbol [nleqq] [rel] [mb] ["14]
+\definemathsymbol [ngeqq] [rel] [mb] ["15]
+\definemathsymbol [precneqq] [rel] [mb] ["16]
+\definemathsymbol [succneqq] [rel] [mb] ["17]
+\definemathsymbol [precnapprox] [rel] [mb] ["18]
+\definemathsymbol [succnapprox] [rel] [mb] ["19]
+\definemathsymbol [lnapprox] [rel] [mb] ["1A]
+\definemathsymbol [gnapprox] [rel] [mb] ["1B]
+\definemathsymbol [nsim] [rel] [mb] ["1C]
+\definemathsymbol [ncong] [rel] [mb] ["1D]
+\definemathsymbol [diagup] [ord] [mb] ["1E]
+\definemathsymbol [diagdown] [ord] [mb] ["1F]
+\definemathsymbol [varsubsetneq] [rel] [mb] ["20]
+\definemathsymbol [varsupsetneq] [rel] [mb] ["21]
+\definemathsymbol [nsubseteqq] [rel] [mb] ["22]
+\definemathsymbol [nsupseteqq] [rel] [mb] ["23]
+\definemathsymbol [subsetneqq] [rel] [mb] ["24]
+\definemathsymbol [supsetneqq] [rel] [mb] ["25]
+\definemathsymbol [varsubsetneqq] [rel] [mb] ["26]
+\definemathsymbol [varsupsetneqq] [rel] [mb] ["27]
+\definemathsymbol [subsetneq] [rel] [mb] ["28]
+\definemathsymbol [supsetneq] [rel] [mb] ["29]
+\definemathsymbol [nsubseteq] [rel] [mb] ["2A]
+\definemathsymbol [nsupseteq] [rel] [mb] ["2B]
+\definemathsymbol [nparallel] [rel] [mb] ["2C]
+\definemathsymbol [nmid] [rel] [mb] ["2D]
+\definemathsymbol [nshortmid] [rel] [mb] ["2E]
+\definemathsymbol [nshortparallel] [rel] [mb] ["2F]
+\definemathsymbol [nvdash] [rel] [mb] ["30]
+\definemathsymbol [nVdash] [rel] [mb] ["31]
+\definemathsymbol [nvDash] [rel] [mb] ["32]
+\definemathsymbol [nVDash] [rel] [mb] ["33]
+\definemathsymbol [ntrianglerighteq] [rel] [mb] ["34]
+\definemathsymbol [ntrianglelefteq] [rel] [mb] ["35]
+\definemathsymbol [ntriangleleft] [rel] [mb] ["36]
+\definemathsymbol [ntriangleright] [rel] [mb] ["37]
+\definemathsymbol [nleftarrow] [rel] [mb] ["38]
+\definemathsymbol [nrightarrow] [rel] [mb] ["39]
+\definemathsymbol [nLeftarrow] [rel] [mb] ["3A]
+\definemathsymbol [nRightarrow] [rel] [mb] ["3B]
+\definemathsymbol [nLeftrightarrow] [rel] [mb] ["3C]
+\definemathsymbol [nleftrightarrow] [rel] [mb] ["3D]
+\definemathsymbol [divideontimes] [bin] [mb] ["3E]
+\definemathsymbol [varnothing] [ord] [mb] ["3F]
+\definemathsymbol [nexists] [ord] [mb] ["40]
+\definemathsymbol [Finv] [ord] [mb] ["60]
+\definemathsymbol [Game] [ord] [mb] ["61]
+\definemathsymbol [mho] [ord] [mb] ["66]
+\definemathsymbol [eth] [ord] [mb] ["67]
+\definemathsymbol [eqsim] [rel] [mb] ["68]
+\definemathsymbol [beth] [ord] [mb] ["69]
+\definemathsymbol [gimel] [ord] [mb] ["6A]
+\definemathsymbol [daleth] [ord] [mb] ["6B]
+\definemathsymbol [lessdot] [bin] [mb] ["6C]
+\definemathsymbol [gtrdot] [bin] [mb] ["6D]
+\definemathsymbol [ltimes] [bin] [mb] ["6E]
+\definemathsymbol [rtimes] [bin] [mb] ["6F]
+\definemathsymbol [shortmid] [rel] [mb] ["70]
+\definemathsymbol [shortparallel] [rel] [mb] ["71]
+\definemathsymbol [smallsetminus] [bin] [mb] ["72]
+\definemathsymbol [thicksim] [rel] [mb] ["73]
+\definemathsymbol [thickapprox] [rel] [mb] ["74]
+\definemathsymbol [approxeq] [rel] [mb] ["75]
+\definemathsymbol [succapprox] [rel] [mb] ["76]
+\definemathsymbol [precapprox] [rel] [mb] ["77]
+\definemathsymbol [curvearrowleft] [rel] [mb] ["78]
+\definemathsymbol [curvearrowright] [rel] [mb] ["79]
+\definemathsymbol [digamma] [ord] [mb] ["7A]
+\definemathsymbol [varkappa] [ord] [mb] ["7B]
+\definemathsymbol [Bbbk] [ord] [mb] ["7C]
+\definemathsymbol [hslash] [ord] [mb] ["7D]
+\definemathsymbol [hbar] [ord] [mb] ["7E]
+\definemathsymbol [backepsilon] [rel] [mb] ["7F]
+\startmathcollection [default]
+\definemathcommand [yen] [nothing] {\mathhexbox{\hexmafam}55}
+\definemathcommand [checkmark] [nothing] {\mathhexbox{\hexmafam}58}
+\definemathcommand [circledR] [nothing] {\mathhexbox{\hexmafam}72}
+\definemathcommand [maltese] [nothing] {\mathhexbox{\hexmafam}7A}
+\startmathcollection [default]
+\definemathcommand [dashrightarrow] [rel] {\dabar@\dabar@ \mathchar"0C4B}
+\definemathcommand [dashleftarrow] [rel] {\mathchar"0C4C\dabar@ \dabar@}
+\definemathcommand [dasharrow] [rel] {\dabar@\dabar@ \mathchar"0C4B}
+\definemathcommand [Join] [rel] {\mathchar"0D6F\mkern-13.8mu\mathchar"0D6E}
+\definemathcommand [implies] [rel] {\;\Longrightarrow\;}
+\definemathcommand [impliedby] [rel] {\;\Longleftarrow\;}
+\definemathcommand [And] [rel] {\;\internalAnd\;}
+ {\setbox\scratchbox\hbox{$\mathsurround\zeropoint#1$}%
+ \ifdim\wd\scratchbox>2em
+ \mathaccent"0\purefamilyhex{mb}5B{#1}%
+ \else
+ \mathaccent"0\purefamilyhex{ex}62{#1}%
+ \fi}
+ {\setbox\scratchbox\hbox{$\mathsurround\zeropoint#1$}%
+ \ifdim\wd\scratchbox>2em
+ \mathaccent"0\purefamilyhex{mb}5D{#1}%
+ \else
+ \mathaccent"0\purefamilyhex{ex}65{#1}%
+ \fi}
+\startmathcollection [default]
+\definemathcommand [widehat] {\AMSwidehat}
+\definemathcommand [widetilde] {\AMSwidetilde}
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/math-arr.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/math-arr.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..71a833b89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/math-arr.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,391 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=math-ext,
+%D version=2007.07.19,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Math Macros,
+%D subtitle=Arrows,
+%D author={Hans Hagen \& Taco Hoekwater \& Aditya Mahajan},
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Math Macros / Arrows}
+%D These will be generalized! Is it still needed in \MKIV?
+%D We next define extensible arrows. Extensible arrows are arrows that
+%D change their length according to the width of the text to be placed
+%D above and below the arrow. Since we need to define a lot of arrows,
+%D we first define some helper macros. The basic idea is to measure
+%D the width of the box to be placed above and below the arrow, and
+%D make the \quotation{body} of the arrow as long as the bigger of the
+%D two widths.
+\def\mtharrextra {0}
+\def\domthxarr#1#2#3#4#5% hm, looks like we do a double mathrel
+ {\begingroup
+ \def\mtharrfactor{1}%
+ \def\mtharrextra {0}%
+ \processaction[#1] % will be sped up
+ [ \v!none=>\def\mtharrfactor{0},
+ \v!small=>\def\mtharrextra{10},
+ \v!medium=>\def\mtharrextra{15},
+ \v!big=>\def\mtharrextra{20},
+ \v!normal=>,
+ \v!default=>,
+ \v!unknown=>\doifnumberelse{#1}{\def\mtharrextra{#1}}\donothing]%
+ \mathsurround\zeropoint
+ \muskip0=\thirdoffourarguments #2mu
+ \muskip2=\fourthoffourarguments #2mu
+ \muskip4=\firstoffourarguments #2mu
+ \muskip6=\secondoffourarguments #2mu
+ \muskip0=\mtharrfactor\muskip0 \advance\muskip0 \mtharrextra mu
+ \muskip2=\mtharrfactor\muskip2 \advance\muskip2 \mtharrextra mu
+ \setbox0\hbox{$\scriptstyle
+ \mkern\muskip4\relax
+ \mkern\muskip0\relax
+ #5\relax
+ \mkern\muskip2\relax
+ \mkern\muskip6\relax
+ $}%
+ \setbox4\hbox{#3\displaystyle}%
+ \dimen0\wd0
+ \ifdim\wd4>\dimen0 \dimen0\wd4 \fi
+ \setbox2\hbox{$\scriptstyle
+ \mkern\muskip4\relax
+ \mkern\muskip0\relax
+ #4\relax
+ \mkern\muskip2\relax
+ \mkern\muskip6\relax
+ $}%
+ \ifdim\wd2>\dimen0 \dimen0\wd2 \fi
+ \setbox4\hbox to \dimen0{#3\displaystyle}%
+ \mathrel{\mathop{\hbox to \dimen0{\hss\copy4\hss}}\limits^{\box0}_{\box2}}
+ \endgroup}
+%D There are some arrows which are created by stacking two arrows. The next
+%D macro helps in defining such \quotation{double arrows}.
+\def\domthxarrdouble#1#2#3#4#5#6#7% opt l r sp rs top bot
+ {\mathrel
+ {\scratchdimen.32ex\relax % was .22, todo: make configurable
+ \setbox0\hbox{$\domthxarr{#1}{#2}{#4}{\phantom{#6}}{#7}$}%
+ \setbox2\hbox{$\domthxarr{#1}{#3}{#5}{#6}{\phantom{#7}}$}%
+ \raise\scratchdimen\box0
+ \kern-\wd2
+ \lower\scratchdimen\box2}}
+%D \macros{definematharrow}
+%D Macro for defining new arrows. We can define two types of
+%D arrows|<|single arrows and double arrows. Single arrows are defined
+%D as
+%D \starttyping
+%D \definematharrow [xrightarrow] [0359] [\rightarrowfill]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The first argument is the name of the arrow (\tex{xrightarrow} in
+%D this case.) The second argument consists of a set of 4 numbers and
+%D specify the spacing correction in math units~\type{mu}. These
+%D numbers define:
+%D \startlines
+%D 1st number: arrow||tip correction
+%D 2nd number: arrow||tip correction
+%D 3rd number: space (multiplied by \tex{matharrfactor} and advanced by \tex{matharrextra})
+%D 4th number: space (multiplied by \tex{matharrfactor} and advanced by \tex{matharrextra})
+%D \stoplines
+%D The third argument is the name of the extensible fill. The third
+%D argument is optional when the arrow is redefined later (this is
+%D useful for font specific tweaking of the skips.) For example,
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \math{\xrightarrow{above}}
+%D \definematharrow[xrightarrow][0000]
+%D \math{\xrightarrow{above}}
+%D \definematharrow[xrightarrow][55{50}{50}]
+%D \math{\xrightarrow{above}}
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer gives {\getbuffer}
+%D The double arrows are defined as follows
+%D \starttyping
+%D \definematharrow [xrightleftharpoons] [3095,0359]
+%D [\rightharpoonupfill,\leftharpoondownfill]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The second and the third set of arguments consist of comma
+%D separated values. The first element of the second argument
+%D (\type{3095}) corresponds to the spacing correction of top arrow
+%D fill (\tex{rightarrowupfill}). Similarly, \type{0359} corresponds
+%D to bottom arrow fill \tex{leftharpoondownfill}). Stacking them on
+%D top of each other we get $\xrightleftharpoons[big]{above}{below}$.
+%D The following math arrows are defined
+%D \placetable[none]{}{\starttable[|l|m|]
+%D \NC \tex{xrightarrow } \NC \xrightarrow [big] \NC \NR
+%D \NC \tex{xleftarrow } \NC \xleftarrow [big] \NC \NR
+%D \NC \tex{xequal } \NC \xequal [big] \NC \NR
+%D \NC \tex{xRightarrow } \NC \xRightarrow [big] \NC \NR
+%D \NC \tex{xLeftarrow } \NC \xLeftarrow [big] \NC \NR
+%D \NC \tex{xLeftrightarrow } \NC \xLeftrightarrow [big] \NC \NR
+%D \NC \tex{xleftrightarrow } \NC \xleftrightarrow [big] \NC \NR
+%D \NC \tex{xmapsto } \NC \xmapsto [big] \NC \NR
+%D \NC \tex{xtwoheadrightarrow } \NC \xtwoheadrightarrow [big] \NC \NR
+%D \NC \tex{xtwoheadleftarrow } \NC \xtwoheadleftarrow [big] \NC \NR
+%D \NC \tex{xrightharpoondown } \NC \xrightharpoondown [big] \NC \NR
+%D \NC \tex{xrightharpoonup } \NC \xrightharpoonup [big] \NC \NR
+%D \NC \tex{xleftharpoondown } \NC \xleftharpoondown [big] \NC \NR
+%D \NC \tex{xleftharpoonup } \NC \xleftharpoonup [big] \NC \NR
+%D \NC \tex{xhookleftarrow } \NC \xhookleftarrow [big] \NC \NR
+%D \NC \tex{xhookrightarrow } \NC \xhookrightarrow [big] \NC \NR
+%D \NC \tex{xleftrightharpoons } \NC \xleftrightharpoons [big] \NC \NR
+%D \NC \tex{xrightleftharpoons } \NC \xrightleftharpoons [big] \NC \NR
+%D \stoptable}
+ {\doquadrupleargument\dodefinematharrow}
+\def\dodefinematharrow[#1][#2][#3][#4]% name type[none|both] template command
+ {\iffourthargument
+ \executeifdefined{dodefine#2arrow}\gobblethreearguments{#1}{#3}{#4}%
+ \else\ifthirdargument
+ \dodefinebotharrow{#1}{#2}{#3}%
+ \else\ifsecondargument
+ \redefinebotharrow{#1}{#2}{#3}%
+ \fi\fi\fi}
+\def\redefinebotharrow#1#2#3% real dirty, this overload!
+ {\doifdefined{#1}
+ {\pushmacro\dohandlemtharrow
+ \def\dohandlemtharrow[##1][##2]{\setvalue{#1}{\dohandlemtharrow[#2][##2]}}%
+ % == \def\dohandlemtharrow[##1][##2]{\dodefinebotharrow{#1}{#2}{##2}}%
+ \getvalue{#1}%
+ \popmacro\dohandlemtharrow}}
+ {\setvalue{#1}{\dohandlemtharrow[#2][#3]}}
+ {\dotripleempty\doxmtharrow}
+\def\doxmtharrow[#1][#2][#3]% #3 == optional arg
+ {\def\dodoxmtharrow{\dododoxmtharrow[#1,\empty,\empty][#2,\empty,\empty][#3]}% {##1}{##2}
+ \dodoublegroupempty\dodoxmtharrow}
+\def\dododoxmtharrow[#1,#2,#3][#4,#5,#6][#7]#8#9% [3] is the optional arg
+ {\edef\!!stringa{#2}%
+ \ifx\!!stringa\empty
+ \ifsecondargument
+ \mathrel{\domthxarrsingle{#7}{#1}{#4}{#8}{#9}}%
+ \else
+ \mathrel{\domthxarrsingle{#7}{#1}{#4}{}{#8}}%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \ifsecondargument
+ \mathrel{\domthxarrdouble{#7}{#1}{#2}{#4}{#5}{#8}{#9}}%
+ \else
+ \mathrel{\domthxarrdouble{#7}{#1}{#2}{#4}{#5}{}{#8}}%
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+% Adapted from amsmath.
+%D \macros{mtharrowfill,defaultmtharrowfill}
+%D To extend the arrows we need to define a \quotation{math arrow
+%D fill}. This command takes 8 arguments: the first four correspond
+%D the second argument of \tex{definematharrow} explained above. The
+%D other three specify the tail, body and head of the arrow. The last
+%D argument specifies the math-mode in which the arrow is drawn.
+%D \tex{defaultmtharrowfill} has values tweaked to match Latin Modern
+%D fonts. For fonts that are significantly different (e.g. cows) a
+%D different set of values need to be determined.
+ {$\mathsurround 0pt
+ \thickmuskip0mu\medmuskip\thickmuskip\thinmuskip\thickmuskip
+ \relax#8#5%
+ \mkern-#1mu
+ \cleaders\hbox{$#8\mkern -#2mu#6\mkern -#3mu$}\hfill
+ \mkern-#4mu#7$}
+\def\defaultmtharrowfill{\mtharrowfill 7227}
+%D We now define some arrow fills that will be used for defining the
+%D arrows. Plain \TEX\ already defines \tex{leftarrowfill} and
+%D \tex{rightarrowfill}. The \tex{defaultmtharrowfill} command defines an
+%D arrowfill that takes an argument (so that it can also be used
+%D with over and under arrows). However the Plain \TEX\ definitions of
+%D \tex{leftarrowfill} and \tex{rightarrowfill} do not take this extra
+%D argument. To be backward compatible with Plain \TEX, we define two
+%D arrowfills: \tex{specrightarrowfill} which takes an extra argument, and
+%D \tex{rightarrowfill} which does not.
+\def\specrightarrowfill {\defaultmtharrowfill \relbar \relbar \rightarrow}
+\def\specleftarrowfill {\defaultmtharrowfill \leftarrow \relbar \relbar}
+\def\rightarrowfill {\specrightarrowfill \textstyle}
+\def\leftarrowfill {\specleftarrowfill \textstyle}
+\def\equalfill {\defaultmtharrowfill \Relbar \Relbar \Relbar}
+\def\Rightarrowfill {\defaultmtharrowfill \Relbar \Relbar \Rightarrow}
+\def\Leftarrowfill {\defaultmtharrowfill \Leftarrow \Relbar \Relbar}
+\def\Leftrightarrowfill {\defaultmtharrowfill \Leftarrow \Relbar \Rightarrow}
+\def\leftrightarrowfill {\defaultmtharrowfill \leftarrow \relbar \rightarrow}
+\def\mapstofill {\defaultmtharrowfill{\mapstochar\relbar} \relbar \rightarrow}
+\def\twoheadrightarrowfill{\defaultmtharrowfill \relbar \relbar \twoheadrightarrow}
+\def\twoheadleftarrowfill {\defaultmtharrowfill \twoheadleftarrow \relbar \relbar}
+\def\rightharpoondownfill {\defaultmtharrowfill \relbar \relbar \rightharpoondown}
+\def\rightharpoonupfill {\defaultmtharrowfill \relbar \relbar \rightharpoonup}
+\def\leftharpoondownfill {\defaultmtharrowfill \leftharpoondown \relbar \relbar}
+\def\leftharpoonupfill {\defaultmtharrowfill \leftharpoonup \relbar \relbar}
+\def\hookleftfill {\defaultmtharrowfill \leftarrow \relbar{\relbar\joinrel\rhook}}
+\def\hookrightfill {\defaultmtharrowfill{\lhook\joinrel\relbar}\relbar \rightarrow}
+\def\relfill {\defaultmtharrowfill \relbar \relbar \relbar}
+\def\triplerelbar {\mathrel\equiv}
+\def\singlebond{{\xrel}} % or \def\singlebond{{\xrel[2]}}
+%D Now we define most commonly used arrows. These include arrows
+%D defined in \filename{amsmath.sty}, \filename{extarrows.sty},
+%D \filename{extpfel.sty} and \filename{mathtools.sty} packages for
+%D \LATEX\ (plus a few more).
+\definematharrow [xrightarrow] [0359] [\specrightarrowfill]
+\definematharrow [xleftarrow] [3095] [\specleftarrowfill]
+\definematharrow [xequal] [0099] [\equalfill]
+\definematharrow [xRightarrow] [0359] [\Rightarrowfill]
+\definematharrow [xLeftarrow] [3095] [\Leftarrowfill]
+\definematharrow [xLeftrightarrow] [0099] [\Leftrightarrowfill]
+\definematharrow [xleftrightarrow] [0099] [\leftrightarrowfill]
+\definematharrow [xmapsto] [3599] [\mapstofill]
+\definematharrow [xtwoheadrightarrow] [5009] [\twoheadrightarrowfill]
+\definematharrow [xtwoheadleftarrow] [0590] [\twoheadleftarrowfill]
+\definematharrow [xrightharpoondown] [0359] [\rightharpoondownfill]
+\definematharrow [xrightharpoonup] [0359] [\rightharpoonupfill]
+\definematharrow [xleftharpoondown] [3095] [\leftharpoondownfill]
+\definematharrow [xleftharpoonup] [3095] [\leftharpoonupfill]
+\definematharrow [xhookleftarrow] [3095] [\hookleftfill]
+\definematharrow [xhookrightarrow] [0395] [\hookrightfill]
+\definematharrow [xrel] [0099] [\relfill]
+\definematharrow [xtriplerel] [0099] [\triplerelfill]
+\definematharrow [xrightoverleftarrow] [0359,3095] [\specrightarrowfill,\specleftarrowfill]
+\definematharrow [xleftrightharpoons] [3399,3399] [\leftharpoonupfill,\rightharpoondownfill]
+\definematharrow [xrightleftharpoons] [3399,3399] [\rightharpoonupfill,\leftharpoondownfill]
+%D These arrows can be used as follows:
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \startformula \xrightarrow{stuff on top}\stopformula
+%D \startformula \xrightarrow{}{stuff on top}\stopformula
+%D \startformula \xrightarrow{stuff below}{}\stopformula
+%D \startformula \xrightarrow{stuff below}{stuff on top}\stopformula
+%D \startformula \xleftarrow [none]{stuff below}{stuff on top}\stopformula
+%D \startformula \xleftarrow [small]{stuff below}{stuff on top}\stopformula
+%D \startformula \xleftarrow [medium]{stuff below}{stuff on top}\stopformula
+%D \startformula \xleftarrow [big]{stuff below}{stuff on top}\stopformula
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer which gives \getbuffer
+%D \macros{definemathoverarrow,defineunderarrow}
+%D These macros for define math-overarrows are adapted from
+%D \filename{amsmath.sty}
+ {\dotripleargument\dodefinemathoverarrow}
+ {\ifthirdargument
+ \setvalue{#1}{\dohandlemathoverarrow[#2][#3]}%
+ \else
+ \setvalue{#1}{\dohandlemathoverarrow[\zeropoint][#2]}%
+ \fi}
+ {\mathpalette{\dodohandlemathoverarrow{#1}{#2}}}
+%D Note: \filename{math-pln.tex} has \type{\kern-\onepoint} and
+%D \filename{amsmath.sty} does not. We keep the kern amount
+%D configurable. This is useful for harpoons.
+ {\vbox{\ialign{##\crcr
+ #2#3\crcr
+ \noalign{\kern#1\nointerlineskip}%
+ $\mathsurround\zeropoint\hfil#3#4\hfil$\crcr}}}
+%D Now the under arrows
+ {\dotripleargument\dodefinemathunderarrow}
+%D For underarrows the default kern is 0.3ex
+ {\ifthirdargument
+ \setvalue{#1}{\dohandlemathunderarrow[#2][#3]}%
+ \else
+ \setvalue{#1}{\dohandlemathunderarrow[0.3ex][#2]}%
+ \fi}
+ {\mathpalette{\dodohandlemathunderarrow{#1}{#2}}}
+ {\vtop{\ialign{##\crcr
+ $\mathsurround\zeropoint\hfil#3#4\hfil$\crcr
+ \noalign{\nointerlineskip\kern#1}%
+ #2#3\crcr}}}
+%D Now we define the arrows
+\definemathoverarrow [overleftarrow] [\specleftarrowfill]
+\definemathoverarrow [overrightarrow] [\specrightarrowfill]
+\definemathoverarrow [overleftrightarrow] [\leftrightarrowfill]
+\definemathoverarrow [overtwoheadrightarrow] [\twoheadrightarrowfill]
+\definemathoverarrow [overtwoheadleftarrow] [\twoheadleftarrowfill]
+\definemathoverarrow [overrightharpoondown] [1pt] [\rightharpoondownfill]
+\definemathoverarrow [overrightharpoonup] [\rightharpoonupfill]
+\definemathoverarrow [overleftharpoondown] [1pt] [\leftharpoondownfill]
+\definemathoverarrow [overleftharpoonup] [\leftharpoonupfill]
+\definemathunderarrow [underleftarrow] [\specleftarrowfill]
+\definemathunderarrow [underrightarrow] [\specrightarrowfill]
+\definemathunderarrow [underleftrightarrow] [\leftrightarrowfill]
+\definemathunderarrow [undertwoheadrightarrow][\twoheadrightarrowfill]
+\definemathunderarrow [undertwoheadleftarrow] [\twoheadleftarrowfill]
+\definemathunderarrow [underrightharpoondown] [\rightharpoondownfill]
+\definemathunderarrow [underrightharpoonup] [\rightharpoonupfill]
+\definemathunderarrow [underleftharpoondown] [\leftharpoondownfill]
+\definemathunderarrow [underleftharpoonup] [\leftharpoonupfill]
+%D These can be used as follows:
+%D \startbuffer
+%D $\overleftarrow{A}$ $\overleftarrow{ABC}$
+%D $a_{\overleftarrow{A}}$ $b_{\overleftarrow{ABC}}$
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer which gives \getbuffer
+%D TODO: Possibly have a single arrow command define all the arrows.
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/math-cow.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/math-cow.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..04f659b44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/math-cow.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=math-cow,
+%D version=2006.06.23,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Math Macros,
+%D subtitle=Cow Math,
+%D author={Hans Hagen \& Taco Hoekwater},
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\def\COWsqrt {\mthsqrt{\char"7A}{\char"7B}}
+\def\COWfrac {\mthfrac{\char"7C}{\char"7A}{\char"7B}}
+\def\COWarrowfill{\mtharrowfill 1001}
+\startmathcollection [cow]
+ % todo
+ \definemathcommand [frac] {\COWfrac}
+ \definemathcommand [sqrt] {\COWsqrt}
+ %definemathcommand [r@@t] {\COWroot}
+ %definemathcommand [matrix] {\COWmatrix}
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/math-eul.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/math-eul.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f50244525
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/math-eul.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=math-eul,
+%D version=2003.02.03,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Math Macros,
+%D subtitle=Virtual Euler Specials,
+%D author={Hans Hagen \& Taco Hoekwater \& Adam Lindsay},
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details. Further modified by Adam Lindsay.
+%D We follow the following mappings from type-eul:
+%D mr [MathRoman] [Euler-Roman] [zeurm10]
+%D mi [MathItalic] [Euler-Italic] [eufm10]
+%D ex [MathExtension] [Euler-Extension] [zeuex10]
+%D sy [MathSymbol] [Euler-Symbol] [zeusm10]
+%D mb [MathBeta] [Charter-Roman] [bchr8r] XXX
+%D mc [MathGamma] [Euler-Fraktur] [eufm10] XXX
+%D The inclusion of Bitstream Charter was originally for the text accents.
+%D Obviously, it's not a proper ``MathBeta'' font.
+%D The varrho and varsigma characters don't exist in eulervm,
+%D so we point at the normal types.
+\definefamilysynonym [eul] [calligraphic] [sy]
+\definefamilysynonym [eul] [oldstyle] [mi]
+\definefamilysynonym [eul] [gothic] [mi]
+\definefamilysynonym [eul] [fraktur] [mi]
+\definefamilysynonym [eul] [lcgreek] [mr]
+\definefamilysynonym [eul] [ucgreek] [mr]
+\definefamilysynonym [eul] [vargreek] [mr]
+%% Well, you don't know until you try!
+%\definefamilysynonym [eul] [accents] [Serif]
+\startmathcollection [eul]
+\definemathsymbol [varrho] [nothing] [vargreek] ["1A]
+\definemathsymbol [varsigma] [nothing] [vargreek] ["1B]
+%D Changes necessitated by collapsing mr \& mi into one:
+\definemathsymbol [imath] [nothing] [mr] ["7B]
+\definemathsymbol [jmath] [nothing] [mr] ["7C]
+\definemathsymbol [ell] [nothing] [mr] ["60]
+\definemathsymbol [wp] [nothing] [mr] ["7D]
+\definemathsymbol [partial] [nothing] [mr] ["40]
+\definemathsymbol [flat] [ord] [mr] ["5B]
+\definemathsymbol [natural] [ord] [mr] ["5C]
+\definemathsymbol [sharp] [ord] [mr] ["5D]
+\definemathsymbol [triangleleft] [bin] [mr] ["2F]
+\definemathsymbol [triangleright][bin] [mr] ["2E]
+\definemathsymbol [star] [bin] [mr] ["3F]
+\definemathsymbol [smile] [rel] [mr] ["5E]
+\definemathsymbol [frown] [rel] [mr] ["5F]
+\definemathsymbol [leftharpoonup] [rel] [mr] ["28]
+\definemathsymbol [leftharpoondown] [rel] [mr] ["29]
+\definemathsymbol [rightharpoonup] [rel] [mr] ["2A]
+\definemathsymbol [rightharpoondown] [rel] [mr] ["2B]
+\definemathsymbol [lhook] [rel] [mr] ["2C]
+\definemathsymbol [rhook] [rel] [mr] ["2D]
+\definemathsymbol [mathperiod] [ord] [mr] ["3A]
+\definemathsymbol [textperiod] [punct] [mr] ["3A]
+\definemathsymbol [mathcomma] [ord] [mr] ["3B]
+\definemathsymbol [textcomma] [punct] [mr] ["3B]
+\definemathsymbol [ldotp] [punct] [mr] ["3A]
+% extras from AMS:
+\definemathsymbol [hslash] [ord] [mr] ["80] %beauty over truth
+\startmathcollection [eul]
+% Ugh. no way around this to keep it compact in the font defs.
+\definemathcharacter [a] [alpha] [mr] ["61]
+\definemathcharacter [b] [alpha] [mr] ["62]
+\definemathcharacter [c] [alpha] [mr] ["63]
+\definemathcharacter [d] [alpha] [mr] ["64]
+\definemathcharacter [e] [alpha] [mr] ["65]
+\definemathcharacter [f] [alpha] [mr] ["66]
+\definemathcharacter [g] [alpha] [mr] ["67]
+\definemathcharacter [h] [alpha] [mr] ["68]
+\definemathcharacter [i] [alpha] [mr] ["69]
+\definemathcharacter [j] [alpha] [mr] ["6A]
+\definemathcharacter [k] [alpha] [mr] ["6B]
+\definemathcharacter [l] [alpha] [mr] ["6C]
+\definemathcharacter [m] [alpha] [mr] ["6D]
+\definemathcharacter [n] [alpha] [mr] ["6E]
+\definemathcharacter [o] [alpha] [mr] ["6F]
+\definemathcharacter [p] [alpha] [mr] ["70]
+\definemathcharacter [q] [alpha] [mr] ["71]
+\definemathcharacter [r] [alpha] [mr] ["72]
+\definemathcharacter [s] [alpha] [mr] ["73]
+\definemathcharacter [t] [alpha] [mr] ["74]
+\definemathcharacter [u] [alpha] [mr] ["75]
+\definemathcharacter [v] [alpha] [mr] ["76]
+\definemathcharacter [w] [alpha] [mr] ["77]
+\definemathcharacter [x] [alpha] [mr] ["78]
+\definemathcharacter [y] [alpha] [mr] ["79]
+\definemathcharacter [z] [alpha] [mr] ["7A]
+\definemathcharacter [A] [alpha] [mr] ["41]
+\definemathcharacter [B] [alpha] [mr] ["42]
+\definemathcharacter [C] [alpha] [mr] ["43]
+\definemathcharacter [D] [alpha] [mr] ["44]
+\definemathcharacter [E] [alpha] [mr] ["45]
+\definemathcharacter [F] [alpha] [mr] ["46]
+\definemathcharacter [G] [alpha] [mr] ["47]
+\definemathcharacter [H] [alpha] [mr] ["48]
+\definemathcharacter [I] [alpha] [mr] ["49]
+\definemathcharacter [J] [alpha] [mr] ["4A]
+\definemathcharacter [K] [alpha] [mr] ["4B]
+\definemathcharacter [L] [alpha] [mr] ["4C]
+\definemathcharacter [M] [alpha] [mr] ["4D]
+\definemathcharacter [N] [alpha] [mr] ["4E]
+\definemathcharacter [O] [alpha] [mr] ["4F]
+\definemathcharacter [P] [alpha] [mr] ["50]
+\definemathcharacter [Q] [alpha] [mr] ["51]
+\definemathcharacter [R] [alpha] [mr] ["52]
+\definemathcharacter [S] [alpha] [mr] ["53]
+\definemathcharacter [T] [alpha] [mr] ["54]
+\definemathcharacter [U] [alpha] [mr] ["55]
+\definemathcharacter [V] [alpha] [mr] ["56]
+\definemathcharacter [W] [alpha] [mr] ["57]
+\definemathcharacter [X] [alpha] [mr] ["58]
+\definemathcharacter [Y] [alpha] [mr] ["59]
+\definemathcharacter [Z] [alpha] [mr] ["5A]
+\startmathcollection [eul]
+\definemathcharacter [!] [close] [sy] ["A1]
+\definemathcharacter [(] [open] [sy] ["A8]
+\definemathcharacter [)] [close] [sy] ["A9]
+\definemathcharacter [+] [bin] [sy] ["AB]
+\definemathcharacter [:] [rel] [sy] ["BA]
+\definemathcharacter [;] [punct] [sy] ["BB]
+\definemathcharacter [=] [rel] [sy] ["BD]
+\definemathcharacter [?] [close] [sy] ["BF]
+\definemathcharacter [91] [open] [sy] ["DB] % [
+\definemathcharacter [93] [close] [sy] ["DD] % ]
+\definemathcharacter [,] [punct] [mr] ["3B]
+\definemathcharacter [.] [ord] [mr] ["3A]
+\definemathcharacter [/] [ord] [mr] ["3D]
+\definemathcharacter [<] [rel] [mr] ["3C]
+\definemathcharacter [>] [rel] [mr] ["3E]
+\startmathcollection [eul]
+\definemathcharacter [(] [nothing] [sy] ["A8] [ex] ["00]
+\definemathcharacter [)] [nothing] [sy] ["A9] [ex] ["01]
+\definemathcharacter [91] [nothing] [sy] ["DB] [ex] ["02] % [
+\definemathcharacter [93] [nothing] [sy] ["DD] [ex] ["03] % ]
+\definemathcharacter [/] [nothing] [mr] ["3D] [ex] ["0E]
+\startmathcollection [eul]
+\definemathsymbol [hbar] [nothing] [mr] ["80]
+\startmathcollection [eul]
+\definemathsymbol [ddagger] [bin] [sy] ["7A]
+\definemathsymbol [dagger] [bin] [sy] ["79]
+\startmathcollection [eul]
+\definemathsymbol [colon] [punct] [sy] ["BA]
+%D This used to be very hackish; it brought in text
+%D accents from the well-matched Bitstream Charter.
+%D But now, these characters don't exist. I would prefer to pull
+%D them from the text font, but I don't know how.
+%D Instead, I'm just pointing to null characters!
+\startmathcollection [eul]
+\definemathsymbol [acute] [accent] [mr] ["90]
+\definemathsymbol [grave] [accent] [mr] ["91]
+\definemathsymbol [ddot] [accent] [mr] ["92]
+\definemathsymbol [tilde] [accent] [mr] ["93]
+\definemathsymbol [bar] [accent] [mr] ["94]
+\definemathsymbol [breve] [accent] [mr] ["95]
+\definemathsymbol [check] [accent] [mr] ["96]
+\definemathsymbol [hat] [accent] [mr] ["97]
+\definemathsymbol [dot] [accent] [mr] ["98]
+%\definemathsymbol [acute] [accent] [accents] ["B4]
+%\definemathsymbol [grave] [accent] [accents] ["1E]
+%\definemathsymbol [ddot] [accent] [accents] ["A8]
+%\definemathsymbol [tilde] [accent] [accents] ["98]
+%\definemathsymbol [bar] [accent] [accents] ["AF]
+%\definemathsymbol [breve] [accent] [accents] ["0B]
+%\definemathsymbol [check] [accent] [accents] ["10]
+%\definemathsymbol [hat] [accent] [accents] ["5E]
+%\definemathsymbol [dot] [accent] [accents] ["01]
+\definemathsymbol [vec] [accent] [mr] ["7E] % [ord]
+\definemathsymbol [hat] [accent] [sy] ["DE]
+\startmathcollection [eul]
+\definemathsymbol [lgroup] [open] [sy] ["A8] [ex] ["3A] % ?
+\definemathsymbol [rgroup] [close] [sy] ["A9] [ex] ["3B] % ?
+\startmathcollection [eul]
+\definemathsymbol [dag] [box] [sy] ["79]
+\definemathsymbol [ddag] [box] [sy] ["7A]
+\definemathsymbol [S] [box] [sy] ["78]
+\definemathsymbol [P] [box] [sy] ["7B]
+%D Aditya's additionl definitions:
+ \definemathsymbol [acute] [accent] [tf] ["13]
+ \definemathsymbol [grave] [accent] [tf] ["12]
+ \definemathsymbol [ddot] [accent] [tf] ["A8]
+ \definemathsymbol [tilde] [accent] [tf] ["98]
+ \definemathsymbol [bar] [accent] [tf] ["16]
+ \definemathsymbol [breve] [accent] [tf] ["15]
+ \definemathsymbol [check] [accent] [tf] ["14]
+ \definemathsymbol [hat] [accent] [tf] ["88]
+ \definemathsymbol [dot] [accent] [tf] ["5]
+ % Why is mathring not defined??
+ \definemathsymbol [mathring] [accent] [tf] ["17]
+ \definemathsymbol [acute] [accent] [tf] ["1]
+ \definemathsymbol [grave] [accent] [tf] ["0]
+ \definemathsymbol [ddot] [accent] [tf] ["4]
+ \definemathsymbol [tilde] [accent] [tf] ["3]
+ \definemathsymbol [bar] [accent] [tf] ["9]
+ \definemathsymbol [breve] [accent] [tf] ["8]
+ \definemathsymbol [check] [accent] [tf] ["7]
+ \definemathsymbol [hat] [accent] [tf] ["2]
+ \definemathsymbol [dot] [accent] [tf] ["A]
+ % Why is mathring not defined??
+ \definemathsymbol [mathring] [accent] [tf] ["6]
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/math-fou.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/math-fou.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..26b03d73e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/math-fou.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=math-fou,
+%D version=2001.04.12,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Math Macros,
+%D subtitle=Fourier Specials,
+%D author={Michel Biovani \& Hans Hagen},
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+% see end of file for todo
+\startmathcollection [fou]
+ \definemathsymbol [Gamma] [alpha] [mi] ["00]
+ \definemathsymbol [Delta] [alpha] [mi] ["01]
+ \definemathsymbol [Theta] [alpha] [mi] ["02]
+ \definemathsymbol [Lambda] [alpha] [mi] ["03]
+ \definemathsymbol [Xi] [alpha] [mi] ["04]
+ \definemathsymbol [Pi] [alpha] [mi] ["05]
+ \definemathsymbol [Sigma] [alpha] [mi] ["06]
+ \definemathsymbol [Upsilon] [alpha] [mi] ["07]
+ \definemathsymbol [Phi] [alpha] [mi] ["08]
+ \definemathsymbol [Psi] [alpha] [mi] ["09]
+ \definemathsymbol [Omega] [alpha] [mi] ["0A]
+\startmathcollection [fou]
+ \definemathcharacter [+] [bin] [sy] ["80]
+ \definemathcharacter [=] [rel] [sy] ["81]
+ \definemathcharacter [<] [rel] [sy] ["82]
+ \definemathcharacter [>] [rel] [sy] ["83]
+\startmathcollection [fou]
+ \definemathsymbol [leqslant] [rel] [sy] ["84]
+ \definemathsymbol [geqslant] [rel] [sy] ["85]
+ \definemathsymbol [parallelslant] [rel] [sy] ["86]
+ \definemathsymbol [thething] [ord] [sy] ["87]
+ \definemathsymbol [vDash] [rel] [sy] ["88]
+ \definemathsymbol [blacktriangleleft] [rel] [sy] ["89]
+ \definemathsymbol [blacktriangleright] [rel] [sy] ["8A]
+ \definemathsymbol [nleqslant] [rel] [sy] ["8B]
+ \definemathsymbol [ngeqslant] [rel] [sy] ["8C]
+ \definemathsymbol [parallel] [rel] [sy] ["8D]
+ \definemathsymbol [nparallel] [rel] [sy] ["8E]
+ \definemathsymbol [nparallelslant] [rel] [sy] ["8F]
+ \definemathsymbol [nvDash] [rel] [sy] ["90]
+ \definemathsymbol [intercal] [bin] [sy] ["91]
+ \definemathsymbol [hslash] [ord] [sy] ["92]
+ \definemathsymbol [nexists] [ord] [sy] ["93]
+ \definemathsymbol [varsubsetneq] [rel] [sy] ["93]
+\startmathcollection [fou]
+ \definemathcharacter [(] [nothing] [mr] ["28] [ex] ["A1]
+ \definemathcharacter [)] [nothing] [mr] ["29] [ex] ["A2]
+ \definemathcharacter [91] [nothing] [mr] ["5B] [ex] ["A3] % [
+ \definemathcharacter [93] [nothing] [mr] ["5D] [ex] ["A4] % ]
+ \definemathcharacter [/] [nothing] [mr] ["2F] [ex] ["B1]
+ \definemathcharacter [124] [nothing] [sy] ["6A] [ex] ["AF] % |
+ \definemathcharacter [92] [nothing] [sy] ["6E] [ex] ["B2] % \
+\startmathcollection [fou]
+ \definemathsymbol [Vert] [nothing] [sy] ["6B] [ex] ["B0]
+ \definemathsymbol [vert] [nothing] [sy] ["6A] [ex] ["AF]
+ \definemathsymbol [VERT] [nothing] [sy] ["98] [ex] ["93]
+ \definemathsymbol [Downarrow] [rel] [sy] ["2B] [ex] ["C4]
+ \definemathsymbol [backslash] [nothing] [sy] ["6E] [ex] ["B2]
+ \definemathsymbol [rangle] [close] [sy] ["69] [ex] ["AE]
+ \definemathsymbol [langle] [open] [sy] ["68] [ex] ["AD]
+ \definemathsymbol [rbrace] [close] [sy] ["67] [ex] ["AA]
+ \definemathsymbol [lbrace] [open] [sy] ["66] [ex] ["A9]
+ \definemathsymbol [rceil] [close] [sy] ["65] [ex] ["A8]
+ \definemathsymbol [lceil] [open] [sy] ["64] [ex] ["A7]
+ \definemathsymbol [rfloor] [close] [sy] ["63] [ex] ["A6]
+ \definemathsymbol [lfloor] [open] [sy] ["62] [ex] ["A5]
+ \definemathsymbol [dblbrackleft] [open] [sy] ["99] [ex] ["85]
+ \definemathsymbol [dblbrackright] [close] [sy] ["9A] [ex] ["86]
+\startmathcollection [fou]
+ \definemathsymbol [varkappa] [ord] [mi] ["80] % check this
+ \definemathsymbol [varvarrho] [ord] [mi] ["81] % check this
+ \definemathsymbol [xswordsup] [ord] [sy] ["96]
+ \definemathsymbol [xswordsdown] [ord] [sy] ["97]
+ \definemathsymbol [notowns] [rel] [sy] ["9C]
+ \definemathsymbol [hbar] [ord] [sy] ["9D]
+ \definemathsymbol [smallsetminus] [bin] [sy] ["9E]
+\startmathcollection [fou]
+ \definemathsymbol [notin] [rel] [sy] ["9B]
+\startmathcollection [fou]
+ \definemathsymbol [iintop] [op] [ex] ["CE]
+ \definemathsymbol [iiintop] [op] [ex] ["D0]
+ \definemathsymbol [oiintop] [op] [ex] ["D2]
+ \definemathsymbol [oiiintop] [op] [ex] ["D4]
+ \definemathsymbol [slashintop] [op] [ex] ["D6]
+\startmathcollection [fou]
+ \definemathcommand [iint] {\iintop \nolimits}
+ \definemathcommand [iiint] {\iiintop \nolimits}
+ \definemathcommand [oiint] {\oiintop \nolimits}
+ \definemathcommand [oiiint] {\oiiintop \nolimits}
+ \definemathcommand [slashint] {\slashintop\nolimits}
+\startmathcollection [fou]
+ \definemathsymbol [acute] [accent] [mr] ["1]
+ \definemathsymbol [grave] [accent] [mr] ["0]
+ \definemathsymbol [ddot] [accent] [mr] ["4]
+ \definemathsymbol [tilde] [accent] [mr] ["3]
+ \definemathsymbol [bar] [accent] [mr] ["9]
+ \definemathsymbol [breve] [accent] [mr] ["8]
+ \definemathsymbol [check] [accent] [mr] ["7]
+ \definemathsymbol [hat] [accent] [mr] ["2]
+ \definemathsymbol [dot] [accent] [mr] ["A]
+ \definemathsymbol [mathring] [accent] [mr] ["6]
+\startmathcollection [fou]
+ \definemathsymbol [otheralpha] [ord] [mi] ["0B]
+ \definemathsymbol [otherbeta] [ord] [mi] ["0C]
+ \definemathsymbol [othergamma] [ord] [mi] ["0D]
+ \definemathsymbol [otherdelta] [ord] [mi] ["0E]
+ \definemathsymbol [otherepsilon] [ord] [mi] ["0F]
+ \definemathsymbol [otherzeta] [ord] [mi] ["10]
+\protect \endinput
+% from a mail of Michel B / todo
+% \definemathsymbol [acute] [accent] [operators] ["1]
+% \definemathsymbol [grave] [accent] [operators] ["0]
+% \definemathsymbol [ddot] [accent] [operators] ["4]
+% \definemathsymbol [tilde] [accent] [operators] ["3]
+% \definemathsymbol [bar] [accent] [operators] ["9]
+% \definemathsymbol [breve] [accent] [operators] ["8]
+% \definemathsymbol [check] [accent] [operators] ["7]
+% \definemathsymbol [hat] [accent] [operators] ["2]
+% \definemathsymbol [dot] [accent] [operators] ["A]
+% \definemathsymbol [mathring] [accent] [operators] ["6]
+% \definemathsymbol [wideparen] [ord] [largesymbols] ["94]
+% \definemathsymbol [widearc] [accent] [largesymbols] ["D8]
+% check for definition of \overset (ams)
+% \def\FOUwidering#1%
+% {\overset{\smash{\vbox to .2ex{\hbox{$\mathring{}$}}}}{\wideparen{#1}}}
+% \startmathcollection [default] % [ams]
+% \definemathcommand [widering] {\FOUwidering}
+% \stopmathcollection
+% \definemathsymbol [otheralpha] [ord] [otherletters] ["0B]
+% \definemathsymbol [otherbeta] [ord] [otherletters] ["0C]
+% \definemathsymbol [othergamma] [ord] [otherletters] ["0D]
+% \definemathsymbol [otherdelta] [ord] [otherletters] ["0E]
+% \definemathsymbol [otherepsilon] [ord] [otherletters] ["0F]
+% \definemathsymbol [otherzeta] [ord] [otherletters] ["10]
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/math-frc.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/math-frc.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b14c93774
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/math-frc.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=math-frc,
+%D version=2007.07.19,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Math Macros,
+%D subtitle=Fractions,
+%D author={Hans Hagen \& Taco Hoekwater \& Aditya Mahajan},
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Math Macros / Fractions}
+ {\symbolicsizedfont#1\plusone{MathExtension}}
+ {\begingroup
+ \mathsurround\zeropoint
+ \setbox0\hbox{$#1 #6$}%
+ \setbox2\hbox{$#1 #7$}%
+ \dimen0\wd0
+ \ifdim\wd2>\dimen0 \dimen0\wd2 \fi
+ \setbox4\hbox to \dimen0{\exmthfont#2#3\leaders\hbox{#4}\hss#5}%
+ \mathord{\vcenter{{\offinterlineskip
+ \hbox to \dimen0{\hss\box0\hss}%
+ \kern \ht4%
+ \hbox to \dimen0{\hss\copy4\hss}%
+ \kern \ht4%
+ \hbox to \dimen0{\hss\box2\hss}}}}%
+ \endgroup}
+ {\begingroup
+ \mathsurround\zeropoint
+ \setbox0\hbox{$#1 #5$}%
+ \dimen0=1.05\ht0 \advance\dimen0 1pt \ht0 \dimen0
+ \dimen0=1.05\dp0 \advance\dimen0 1pt \dp0 \dimen0
+ \dimen0\wd0
+ \setbox4\hbox to \dimen0{\exmthfont#2\leaders\hbox{#3}\hfill#4}%
+ \delimitershortfall=0pt
+ \nulldelimiterspace=0pt
+ \setbox2\hbox{$\left\delimiter"0270370 \vrule height\ht0 depth \dp0 width0pt
+ \right.$}%
+ \mathord{\vcenter{\hbox{\copy2
+ \rlap{\raise\dimexpr\ht2-\ht4\relax\copy4}\copy0}}}%
+ \endgroup}
+ {\domthfrac\displaystyle \textface {#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}}
+ {\domthfrac\textstyle \textface {#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}}
+ {\domthfrac\scriptstyle \scriptface {#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}}
+ {\domthfrac\scriptscriptstyle\scriptscriptface{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}}}
+ {\domthsqrt\displaystyle \textface {#1}{#2}{#3}}
+ {\domthsqrt\textstyle \textface {#1}{#2}{#3}}
+ {\domthsqrt\scriptstyle \textface {#1}{#2}{#3}}
+ {\domthsqrt\scriptscriptstyle\textface {#1}{#2}{#3}}}
+%D Moved from math-new.tex (not that new anyway:
+%D \macros
+%D {genfrac}
+%D [TH] The definition of \type {\genfrac} \& co. is not
+%D trivial, because it allows some flexibility. This is
+%D supposed to be a user||level command, but will fail quite
+%D desparately if called outside math mode (\CONTEXT\ redefines
+%D \type {\over})
+%D [HH] We clean up this macro a bit and (try) to make it
+%D understandable. The expansion is needed for generating
+%D the second argument to \type {\dogenfrac}, which is to
+%D be a control sequence like \type {\over}.
+ {\edef\!!stringa
+ {#1#2}%
+ \expanded
+ {\dogenfrac{#4}%
+ \csname
+ \ifx @#3@%
+ \ifx\!!stringa\empty
+ \strippedcsname\normalover
+ \else
+ \strippedcsname\normaloverwithdelims
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \ifx\!!stringa\empty
+ \strippedcsname\normalabove
+ \else
+ \strippedcsname\normalabovewithdelims
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \endcsname}%
+ {#1#2#3}}
+ {{#1{\begingroup#4\endgroup#2#3\relax#5}}}
+%D \macros
+%D {dfrac, tfrac, frac, dbinom, tbinom, binom}
+%D \startbuffer
+%D $\dfrac {1}{2} \tfrac {1}{2} \frac {1}{2}$
+%D $\dbinom{1}{2} \tbinom{1}{2} \binom{1}{2}$
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+%D \getbuffer
+\unexpanded\def\dfrac {\genfrac\empty\empty{}\displaystyle}
+\unexpanded\def\tfrac {\genfrac\empty\empty{}\textstyle}
+\unexpanded\def\frac {\genfrac\empty\empty{}\donothing}
+\unexpanded\def\binom {\genfrac()\zeropoint\donothing}
+\unexpanded\def\xfrac {\genfrac\empty\empty{}\scriptstyle}
+%D \macros
+%D {cfrac}
+%D \startbuffer
+%D $\cfrac{12}{3} \cfrac[l]{12}{3} \cfrac[c]{12}{3} \cfrac[r]{12}{3}$
+%D $\cfrac{1}{23} \cfrac[l]{1}{23} \cfrac[c]{1}{23} \cfrac[r]{1}{23}$
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+%D \getbuffer
+%D Now we can align every combination we want:
+%D \startbuffer
+%D $\cfrac{12}{3} \cfrac[l]{12}{3} \cfrac[c]{12}{3} \cfrac[r]{12}{3}$
+%D $\cfrac{1}{23} \cfrac[l]{1}{23} \cfrac[c]{1}{23} \cfrac[r]{1}{23}$
+%D $\cfrac[cl]{12}{3} \cfrac[cc]{12}{3} \cfrac[cr]{12}{3}$
+%D $\cfrac[lc]{1}{23} \cfrac[cc]{1}{23} \cfrac[rc]{1}{23}$
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+%D \getbuffer
+\def\simplecfrac {\docfrac[cc]}
+ {{\displaystyle
+ \frac
+ {\strut
+ \ifx r#1\hfill\fi#4\ifx l#1\hfill\fi}%
+ {\ifx r#2\hfill\fi#5\ifx l#2\hfill\fi}%
+ \kern-\nulldelimiterspace}}
+%D \macros
+%D {splitfrac, splitdfrac}
+%D Occasionally one needs to typeset multi||line fractions.
+%D These commands use \tex{genfrac} to create such fractions.
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \startformula
+%D a=\frac{
+%D \splitfrac{xy + xy + xy + xy + xy}
+%D {+ xy + xy + xy + xy}
+%D }
+%D {z}
+%D =\frac{
+%D \splitdfrac{xy + xy + xy + xy + xy}
+%D {+ xy + xy + xy + xy}
+%D }
+%D {z}
+%D \stopformula
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer \getbuffer
+%D These macros are based on Michael J.~Downes posting on
+%D comp.text.tex on 2001/12/06
+ {\genfrac\empty\empty\zeropoint\textstyle%
+ {\textstyle#1\quad\hfill}%
+ {\textstyle\hfill\quad\mathstrut#2}}
+ {\genfrac\empty\empty\zeropoint\displaystyle%
+ {#1\quad\hfill}
+ {\hfill\quad\mathstrut #2}}
+%D For thee moment here, but it might move:
+%D \macros
+%D {qedsymbol}
+%D [HH] The general Quod Erat Domonstrandum symbol is defined
+%D in such a way that we can configure it. Because this symbol
+%D is also used in text mode, we make it a normal text symbol
+%D with special behavior.
+ {\ifhmode
+ \unskip~\hfill#1\par
+ \else\ifmmode
+ \eqno#1\relax % Do we really need the \eqno here?
+ \else
+ \leavevmode\hbox{}\hfill#1\par
+ \fi\fi}
+\definesymbol [qed] [\qedsymbol{\mathematics{\square}}]
+%D \macros
+%D {QED}
+%D [HH] For compatbility reasons we also provide the \type
+%D {\QED} command. In case this command is overloaded, we still
+%D have the symbol available. \symbol[qed]
+%D \macros
+%D {mathhexbox}
+%D [TH] \type {\mathhexbox} is also user||level (already
+%D defined in Plain \TEX). It allows to get a math character
+%D inserted as if it was a text character.
+ {\mathtext{$\mathsurround\zeropoint\mathchar"#1#2#3$}}
+%D \macros
+%D {boxed}
+%D [HH] Another macro that users expect (slightly adapted):
+ {\ifmmode\expandafter\mframed\else\expandafter\framed\fi}
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/math-ini.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/math-ini.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d6d10feb3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/math-ini.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,684 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=math-ini,
+%D version=2001.04.12,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Math Macros,
+%D subtitle=Initializations,
+%D author={Hans Hagen \& Taco Hoekwater},
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Math Macros / Initializations}
+% todo: make all definitions global since file loaded only once
+%D This module provides namespaces for math fonts, thereby
+%D permitting mixed usage of math fonts. Although not strictly
+%D needed, we also provide a family name mapping mechanism as
+%D used in the (original) AMS math definition files, but here
+%D these names can recursively be remapped and if needed,
+%D dynamically be changed. We've tried to minimize the number
+%D of definition commands and use plain \TEX\ definitions as
+%D fallback. We've tried to follow a couple of conventions
+%D from plain and AMS math in order to achieve backward
+%D compatinility. We also kept an eye on future usage of these
+%D modules in the perspective of MathML and unicode fonts.
+\def\@ml@{@ml@} % math list (used for collection)
+\def\@mf@{@mf@} % math family
+%def\@mh@{@mh@} % math handler (not used)
+\def\@mt@{@mt@} % math token
+\def\@mc@{@mc@} % math collection
+\def\@@mathlimopcomm#1{\mathop{#1}} %no \limits
+\def\@@mathboxcomm #1{\dontleavehmode\hbox{$\mathsurround\zeropoint#1$}}
+\chardef\mathordcode = 0 \let\mathordcomm \mathord
+\chardef\mathopcode = 1 \let\mathopcomm \mathop
+\chardef\mathbincode = 2 \let\mathbincomm \mathbin
+\chardef\mathrelcode = 3 \let\mathrelcomm \mathrel
+\chardef\mathopencode = 4 \let\mathopencomm \mathopen
+\chardef\mathclosecode = 5 \let\mathclosecomm \mathclose
+\chardef\mathpunctcode = 6 \let\mathpunctcomm \mathpunct
+\chardef\mathalphacode = 7 \let\mathalphacomm \firstofoneargument
+\chardef\mathinnercode = 0 \let\mathinnercomm \mathinner
+\chardef\mathnothingcode= 0 \let\mathnothingcomm \firstofoneargument
+\chardef\mathlimopcode = 1 \let\mathlimopcomm \@@mathlimopcomm
+\chardef\mathnolopcode = 1 \let\mathnolopcomm \@@mathnolopcomm
+\chardef\mathchoicecode = 0 \let\mathchoicecomm \@@mathchoicecomm
+\chardef\mathboxcode = 0 \let\mathboxcomm \@@mathboxcomm
+\chardef\mathaccentcode = 8
+\chardef\mathradicalcode= 9
+\def\@@mathchoicecomm#1{[todo #1]}
+\def\puremathcode#1{\the\csname math#1code\endcsname}
+\def\puremathcomm#1{\csname math#1comm\endcsname}
+% Simple variant:
+% \def\dohandlemathtoken#1%
+% {\csname\@mt@
+% \ifcsname\@mt@\mathcollection#1\endcsname
+% \mathcollection
+% \else\ifcsname\@mt@\nomathcollection#1\endcsname
+% \nomathcollection
+% \fi\fi
+% #1\endcsname}
+%D Because a command can have a different meaning in math
+%D and in text mode, we provide a selector. We also provide
+%D the pure alternatives as \type {\mathcharacter} and \type
+%D {\textcharacter}.
+% \ifx\dohandlecommand\undefined \wait \fi % troubles ! but not in mkiv so ...
+\let\textcharacter\dohandlecommand % better \dohandletexttoken
+% More clever layout:
+% \def\dohandlemathtoken#1%
+% {\csname
+% \ifmmode
+% \ifcsname\@mt@\mathcollection#1\endcsname
+% \@mt@\mathcollection
+% \else\ifcsname\@mt@\nomathcollection#1\endcsname
+% \@mt@\nomathcollection
+% \else\ifcsname\characterencoding#1\endcsname
+% \characterencoding
+% \else
+% \nocharacterencoding
+% \fi\fi\fi
+% \else
+% \ifcsname\characterencoding#1\endcsname
+% \characterencoding
+% \else
+% \nocharacterencoding
+% \fi
+% \fi
+% #1\endcsname}
+% fallback to math when in text mode (handy for unicode vectors)
+ {\csname
+ \ifmmode
+ \ifcsname\@mt@\mathcollection#1\endcsname
+ \@mt@\mathcollection
+ \else\ifcsname\@mt@\nomathcollection#1\endcsname
+ \@mt@\nomathcollection
+ \else\ifcsname\characterencoding#1\endcsname
+ \characterencoding
+ \else
+ \nocharacterencoding
+ \fi\fi\fi
+ \else
+ \ifcsname\characterencoding#1\endcsname
+ \characterencoding
+ \else\ifcsname\nocharacterencoding#1\endcsname
+ \nocharacterencoding
+ \else\ifcsname\@mt@\mathcollection#1\endcsname
+ \strippedcsname\mathematics\expandafter\endcsname\csname\@mt@\mathcollection
+ \else\ifcsname\@mt@\nomathcollection#1\endcsname
+ \strippedcsname\mathematics\expandafter\endcsname\csname\@mt@\nomathcollection
+ \else
+ \nocharacterencoding
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi
+ \fi
+ #1\endcsname}
+%D Now we redefine the text encoding handler.
+%D A better fallback:
+% Just ETEX which is the default nowadays.
+ {\csname
+ \ifmmode
+ \ifcsname\@mt@\mathcollection:\outerencoding#1\endcsname
+ \@mt@\mathcollection:\outerencoding
+ \else\ifcsname\@mt@\mathcollection#1\endcsname
+ \@mt@\mathcollection
+ \else\ifcsname\@mt@\nomathcollection#1\endcsname
+ \@mt@\nomathcollection
+ \else\ifcsname\characterencoding#1\endcsname
+ \characterencoding
+ \else
+ \nocharacterencoding
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi
+ \else
+ \ifcsname\characterencoding#1\endcsname
+ \characterencoding
+ \else\ifcsname\nocharacterencoding#1\endcsname
+ \nocharacterencoding
+ \else\ifcsname\@mt@\mathcollection:\outerencoding#1\endcsname
+ \@mt@\mathcollection:\outerencoding
+ \else\ifcsname\@mt@\mathcollection#1\endcsname
+ \strippedcsname\mathematics\expandafter\endcsname\csname\@mt@\mathcollection
+ \else\ifcsname\@mt@\nomathcollection#1\endcsname
+ \strippedcsname\mathematics\expandafter\endcsname\csname\@mt@\nomathcollection
+ \else
+ \nocharacterencoding
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi
+ \fi
+ #1\endcsname}
+ {\dotripleempty\dodefinefamilysynonym}
+\def\dodefinefamilysynonym[#1][#2][#3]% [mathcollection] [] []
+ {\ifthirdargument
+ \setvalue{\@mf@#1#2}{#3}%
+ \else
+ \setvalue{\@mf@ #1}{#2}%
+ \fi}
+\def\purefamily #1{\csname \truefamily{#1}\mathsubfamily\s!fam\endcsname}
+\def\purefamilyhex#1{\csname hex\truefamily{#1}\mathsubfamily\s!fam\endcsname}
+ {\ifcsname\@mf@\mathcollection#1\endcsname
+ \@EA\truefamily\csname\@mf@\mathcollection#1\endcsname
+ \else\ifcsname\@mf@#1\endcsname
+ \@EA\truefamily\csname\@mf@#1\endcsname
+ \else\ifcsname\@mf@\nomathcollection#1\endcsname
+ \@EA\truefamily\csname\@mf@\nomathcollection#1\endcsname
+ \else
+ #1%
+ \fi\fi\fi}
+\newif\ifdynamicmathfamilies \dynamicmathfamiliestrue % true per 2003.11.25; needed for mixed bold math
+% todo: reset collection (tok legen) en opnieuw laden met true
+ {\dosixtupleempty\dodefinemathsymbol}
+ {\unexpanded\setgvalue{#1}{\dohandlemathtoken{#1}}%
+ \ifdynamicmathfamilies \let\purefamilyhex\relax \fi
+ \setevalue{\@mt@\mathcollection#1}%
+ {\ifsixthargument
+ \ifnum\puremathcode{#2}=\mathradicalcode
+ \radical"%
+ \else
+ \delimiter"%
+ \ifnum\puremathcode{#2}>7 0\else\puremathcode{#2}\fi
+ \fi
+ \purefamilyhex{#3}\uchexnumbers{#4}%
+ \purefamilyhex{#5}\uchexnumbers{#6}\space
+ \else\iffourthargument
+ \ifnum\puremathcode{#2}=\mathaccentcode
+ \mathaccent\else\mathchar
+ \fi
+ "\ifnum\puremathcode{#2}>7 0\else\puremathcode{#2}\fi
+ \purefamilyhex{#3}\uchexnumbers{#4}\space
+ \fi\fi}%
+ \let\purefamilyhex\normalpurefamilyhex
+ \tracemathsymbol{#1}}
+ {\iftracemathcollection
+ {\endgraf
+ \hbox{\tex{#1}~:~{\mathematics{\getvalue{#1}{}}}}
+ \endgraf}%
+ \fi}
+ {\dosixtupleempty\dodefinemathcharacter}
+% \def\dodefinemathcharacter[#1][#2][#3][#4][#5][#6]%
+% {\setmathtoks
+% \ifdynamicmathfamilies \let\purefamilyhex\relax \fi
+% \doifnumberelse{#1}
+% {\scratchcounter#1}
+% {\scratchcounter\@EA`\string#1}%
+% \appendetoks
+% \ifsixthargument
+% \delcode\the\scratchcounter="%
+% \ifnum\puremathcode{#2}>7 0\else\puremathcode{#2}\fi
+% \purefamilyhex{#3}\uchexnumbers{#4}%
+% \purefamilyhex{#5}\uchexnumbers{#6}\space
+% \else\iffourthargument
+% \mathcode\the\scratchcounter="%
+% \ifnum\puremathcode{#2}>7 0\else\puremathcode{#2}\fi
+% \purefamilyhex{#3}\uchexnumbers{#4}\space
+% \fi\fi\to\mathtoks
+% \let\purefamilyhex\normalpurefamilyhex
+% \tracemathcharacter{#1}}
+ {\chardef\mathcharactermode\zerocount
+ \dosixtupleempty\dodefinemathcharacter}
+ {\chardef\mathcharactermode\plusone
+ \dosixtupleempty\dodefinemathcharacter}
+ {\ifcase\mathcharactermode
+ \setmathtoks
+ \or
+ \let\mathtoks\mathscratchtoks \mathtoks\emptytoks
+ \fi
+ \ifdynamicmathfamilies \let\purefamilyhex\relax \fi
+ \doifnumberelse{#1}
+ {\scratchcounter#1}
+ {\scratchcounter\@EA`\string#1}%
+ \appendetoks
+ \ifsixthargument
+ \delcode\the\scratchcounter="%
+ \ifnum\puremathcode{#2}>7 0\else\puremathcode{#2}\fi
+ \purefamilyhex{#3}\uchexnumbers{#4}%
+ \purefamilyhex{#5}\uchexnumbers{#6}\space
+ \else\iffourthargument
+ \mathcode\the\scratchcounter="%
+ \ifnum\puremathcode{#2}>7 0\else\puremathcode{#2}\fi
+ \purefamilyhex{#3}\uchexnumbers{#4}\space
+ \fi\fi
+ \to \mathtoks
+ \let\purefamilyhex\normalpurefamilyhex
+ \ifcase\mathcharactermode
+ \expandafter\tracemathcharacter
+ \or
+ \the\mathtoks
+ \mathtoks\emptytoks
+ \expandafter\gobbleoneargument
+ \fi{#1}} % maybe lookahead
+ {\iftracemathcollection
+ {\endgraf
+ \doifnumberelse{#1}
+ {\hbox{\tttf\rawcharacter{#1}~:~{\mathematics{\rawcharacter{#1}}}}}
+ {\hbox{\type{#1}~:~{\mathematics{#1}}}}
+ \endgraf}%
+ \fi}
+ {\dotripleempty\dodefinemathcommand}
+\def\dodefinemathcommand[#1][#2][#3]#4% command class args meaning
+ {\unexpanded\setgvalue{#1}{\dohandlemathtoken{#1}}%
+ \ifthirdargument
+ \processaction
+ [#3]
+ [one=>\setvalue{\@mt@\mathcollection#1}##1{\puremathcomm{#2}{#4{##1}}},
+ two=>\setvalue{\@mt@\mathcollection#1}##1##2{\puremathcomm{#2}{#4{##1}{##2}}}]%
+ \else\ifsecondargument
+ \setvalue{\@mt@\mathcollection#1}{\puremathcomm{#2}{#4}}%
+ \else
+ \setvalue{\@mt@\mathcollection#1}{\puremathcomm{nothing}{#4}}%
+ \fi\fi
+ \tracemathcommand{#1}}
+ {\iftracemathcollection
+ \endgraf\hbox{\tex{#1}~:~{\mathematics{\getvalue{#1}{}}}}\endgraf
+ \fi}
+ {\pushmacro\mathcollection
+ \setmathcollection{#1}}
+ {\edef\mathcollection{#1}%
+ \doifundefined{\@ml@\mathcollection}
+ {\expandafter\newtoks\csname\@ml@\mathcollection\endcsname}}
+ {\popmacro\mathcollection}
+ {\startmathcollection}
+ {\stopmathcollection}
+ {\@EA\let\@EA\mathtoks\csname\@ml@\mathcollection\endcsname}
+ {\doifnot{#1}\s!default
+ {\setmathcollection\s!default
+ \the\csname\@ml@\mathcollection\endcsname}%
+ \setmathcollection{#1}%
+ \the\csname\@ml@\mathcollection\endcsname}
+% hook 'm into the font mechanism
+\definefilesynonym[\f!mathprefix\s!default][\f!mathprefix tex]
+ {\dodoubleempty\dousemathcollection}
+ {\pushmacro\fontclass
+ \pushmacro\mathclass
+ \ifsecondargument
+ \edef\fontclass{#1}%
+ \edef\mathclass{#2}%
+ \else
+ \edef\mathclass{#1}%
+ \fi
+ \doinputonce{\truefilename{\f!mathprefix\mathclass}.mkii}%
+ \doifsomething\fontclass{\setevalue{\@mc@\fontclass\@mc@}{\mathclass}}%
+ \popmacro\mathclass
+ \popmacro\fontclass}
+% \def\autoenablemathcollection
+% {\doifdefinedelse{\@mc@\fontclass\@mc@}
+% {\enablemathcollection[\getvalue{\@mc@\fontclass\@mc@}]}
+% {\enablemathcollection[\s!default]}} % ? ? ?
+ {\expanded{\enablemathcollection[\executeifdefined{\@mc@\fontclass\@mc@}\nomathcollection]}}
+\fetchruntimecommand \showmathcharacters {\f!mathprefix\s!run}
+\fetchruntimecommand \showmathtoken {\f!mathprefix\s!run}
+ {\def\mathcollection{#1}%
+ \forgetdoingonce{\f!mathprefix\mathcollection.mkii}%
+ \setmathtoks
+ \ifx\mathtoks\relax\else\mathtoks\emptytoks\fi}
+%D \macros
+%D {ifmathpunctuation, enablemathpunctuation,
+%D definemathpunctuation}
+%D This will replace periods by comma's:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \definemathpunctuation . textcomma textperiod
+%D \definemathpunctuation , textcomma textcomma
+%D \appendtoks
+%D \redefinemathcharacter [.] [ord] [mi] ["3B]%
+%D \to \everymathpunctuation
+%D \stoptyping
+% \newif\ifmathpunctuation
+% \def\enablemathpunctuation{\mathpunctuationtrue}
+% \def\definemathpunctuation #1 #2 #3 %
+% {\appendtoks
+% \initializemathpunctuation{#1}{#2}{#3}%
+% \to\everymathematics}
+% \def\initializemathpunctuation#1#2#3% sloowww
+% {\ifmathpunctuation % hm move this test to everymath, or better a separate token list
+% \mathcode`#1="8000
+% \defineactivecharacter #1 {\dohandlemathpunctuation{#2}{#3}}%
+% \fi}
+% \unexpanded\def\dohandlemathpunctuation#1#2% \if fails in mathml interval
+% {\def\next{\csname\ifx\space\nexttoken#2\else#1\fi\endcsname}%
+% \futurelet\nexttoken\next}
+\def\enablemathpunctuation % can be called inside math, so after \everymathematics
+ {\relax
+ \ifmmode
+ \the\everymathpunctuation
+ \fi
+ \appendtoksonce
+ \the\everymathpunctuation
+ \to\everymathematics}
+\def\definemathpunctuation #1 #2 #3 %
+ {\appendtoks
+ \initializemathpunctuation{#1}{#2}{#3}%
+ \to\everymathpunctuation}
+\def\initializemathpunctuation#1#2#3% sloowww
+ {\mathcode`#1="8000
+ \defineactivecharacter #1 {\dohandlemathpunctuation{#2}{#3}}}
+\unexpanded\def\dohandlemathpunctuation#1#2% \if fails in mathml interval
+ {\def\next{\csname\ifx\space\nexttoken#2\else#1\fi\endcsname}%
+ \futurelet\nexttoken\next}
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \enablemathpunctuation$(1,2) (1, 2) (1{,}2) \hbox{foo, not bar}$
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+%D \blank{\getbuffer}\blank
+%D needed for sin, cos etc
+\def\mfunction #1{{\mr#1}}
+% \def\mlimitsfunction #1{\mathlimopcomm{{\mr#1}}
+% \def\mnolimitsfunction#1{\mathnolopcomm{{\mr#1}}
+%D Taco posted this solution as response to a mail by Olivier, so
+%D let's integrate it here.
+% \def\setmathfunctionstyle#1% rm ss tt
+% {\def\mfunction##1% no families, just scaling a la text
+% {\mathchoice
+% {\hbox{\csname#1\endcsname\tf ##1}}
+% {\hbox{\csname#1\endcsname\tf ##1}}
+% {\hbox{\csname#1\endcsname\tfx ##1}}
+% {\hbox{\csname#1\endcsname\tfxx##1}}}}
+\def\currentmscaledstyle{rm} % will be plugged into the typeface text=ss option
+\def\setmathfunctionstyle#1% rm ss tt
+ {\doifsomething{#1}
+ {\def\currentmscaledstyle{#1}%
+ \def\mathopnolimits##1{\mathop{\mscaledtext{##1}}\nolimits}%
+ \def\mfunction##1{\mscaledtext{##1}}}}
+ {\mathchoice
+ {\hbox{\csname\currentmscaledstyle\endcsname\tf #1}}
+ {\hbox{\csname\currentmscaledstyle\endcsname\tf #1}}
+ {\hbox{\csname\currentmscaledstyle\endcsname\tfx #1}}
+ {\hbox{\csname\currentmscaledstyle\endcsname\tfxx#1}}}
+%D We can force the way functions are typeset by manipulating the text
+%D option:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \definetypeface[iwona][ss][sans][iwona][default][encoding=texnansi]
+%D \definetypeface[iwona][mm][math][iwona][default][encoding=texnansi,text=ss]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D This hooks into the math handler with:
+ \setmathfunctionstyle\currentmathtextstyle
+\to \everybodyfont
+%D Usage:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \setmathfunctionstyle\fontstyle % or {rm} or {ss} or ..
+%D \rm test $\sin{(x^{\sin(x^{\sin(x)})})}$ test
+%D \ss test $\sin{(x^{\sin(x^{\sin(x)})})}$ test
+%D \tt test $\sin{(x^{\sin(x^{\sin(x)})})}$ test
+%D \stoptyping
+\edef\hexmrfam {0} \edef\hexbsfam {8}
+\edef\hexmifam {1} \edef\hexbifam {9}
+\edef\hexsyfam {2} \edef\hexscfam {A}
+\edef\hexexfam {3} \edef\hextffam {B}
+\edef\hexitfam {4} \edef\hexmafam {C}
+\edef\hexslfam {5} \edef\hexmbfam {D}
+\edef\hexbffam {6} \edef\hexmcfam {E}
+\edef\hexnnfam {7} \edef\hexmdfam {F}
+\definefamilysynonym [default] [letters] [mr]
+\definefamilysynonym [default] [operators] [sy]
+\definefamilysynonym [default] [lcgreek] [mi]
+\definefamilysynonym [default] [ucgreek] [mr]
+\definefamilysynonym [default] [vargreek] [mi]
+\definefamilysynonym [default] [mitfamily] [mi]
+\definefamilysynonym [default] [calfamily] [sy]
+\definefamilysynonym [default] [0] [mr]
+\definefamilysynonym [default] [1] [mi]
+\definefamilysynonym [default] [2] [sy]
+\definefamilysynonym [default] [3] [ex]
+\usemathcollection [default] [tex]
+\usemathcollection [default] [ams]
+\usemathcollection [default] [uni]
+%D Some goodies:
+%D Bold math:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \usetypescript [lucida] [texnansi]
+%D \definetypeface [boldmath] [rm] [serif]
+%D [lucida] [default] [encoding=texnansi]
+%D \definetypeface [boldmath] [tt] [mono]
+%D [lucida] [default] [encoding=texnansi]
+%D \definetypeface [boldmath] [ss] [sans]
+%D [lucida] [default] [encoding=texnansi]
+%D \definetypeface [boldmath] [mm] [boldmath]
+%D [lucida] [default] [encoding=texnansi]
+%D \switchtobodyfont[lucida,10pt]
+%D \showmathtoken{Gamma} $\Gamma \Delta \alpha \delta \zeta$
+%D \switchtobodyfont[boldmath,10pt]
+%D \showmathtoken{Gamma} $\Gamma \Delta \alpha \delta \zeta$
+%D \stoptyping
+%D \macros
+%D {nonknuthmode, donknuthmode}
+%D The underscore is frequently used in manuals but unfortunately \TEX\ prefers
+%D it to be a math specific character. And since computer modern fonts didn't
+%D have an underscore, one had to use commands to fake one. Nowadays we do
+%D have underscores in latin modern, and since all other fonts have them, we
+%D decided to get away from the restriction to use the underscore character in
+%D text mode.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\test#1{#1}
+%D \nonknuthmode $x_2$ x_2 \test{$x_2$} \test{x_2}
+%D \donknuthmode $x_2$ x_2 \test{$x_2$} \test{x_2}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The result is as expected: the first line typesets ok, while the second
+%D one triggers an error message.
+ \ifx\normalsuber\undefined \def\normalsuber{_} \fi
+ \ifx\normalsuper\undefined \def\normalsuper{^} \fi
+ \catcode`_=\active
+ \catcode`^=\active
+ \gdef\nonknuthmode
+ {\appendtoks\let_\normalsuber\let^\normalsuper\to\everymathematics
+ \mathcode`_="8000
+ \mathcode`^="8000
+ \catcode`_=\@@other
+ \catcode`^=\@@other
+ \let\nonknuthmode\relax}
+ \gdef\donknuthmode
+ {\catcode`_=\@@subscript
+ \catcode`^=\@@superscript}
+%D \macros
+%D {checkdelimiters, fakeleftdelimiter, fakerightdelimiter}
+%D Handy for non matching situations (as with mathml):
+%D \starttyping
+%D \checkdelimiters{... bla bla ...}
+%D \fakeleftdelimiter
+%D ... bla bla ...
+%D \fakerightdelimiter
+%D \stoptyping
+\def\leftfakedelimiter {\advance\delimitercount\minusone\gobbleoneargument}%
+\def\rightfakedelimiter{\advance\delimitercount\plusone \gobbleoneargument}%
+ {\delimitercount\zerocount
+ \setbox\scratchbox\hbox\bgroup
+ \let\left \leftfakedelimiter
+ \let\right\rightfakedelimiter
+ $#1\expandafter$\expandafter
+ \egroup
+ \expandafter\delimitercount\the\delimitercount\relax}
+\def\fakeleftdelimiter {\ifnum\delimitercount>\zerocount\left .\fi}
+%D Needed for unicode:
+%D To be dealt with ...
+\mathcode`\ ="8000 % \space
+\mathcode`\'="8000 % ^\prime
+\mathcode`\_="8000 % \_
+\protect \endinput
+ \input math-tex \page
+\setupbodyfont[ams] \enablemathcollection[default] \input math-ams \page
+\setupbodyfont[lbr] \enablemathcollection[lbr] \input math-lbr \page
+\setupbodyfont[eul] \enablemathcollection[eul] \input math-eul \stoptext
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/math-lbr.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/math-lbr.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0aa1df665
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/math-lbr.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,481 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=math-lbr,
+%D version=2001.04.12,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Math Macros,
+%D subtitle=Lucida Specials,
+%D author={Hans Hagen \& Taco Hoekwater},
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\definefamilysynonym [lbr] [calligraphy] [sy]
+\definefamilysynonym [lbr] [oldstyle] [mi]
+\definefamilysynonym [lbr] [blackboard] [ma]
+\definefamilysynonym [lbr] [ucgreek] [mb]
+\definefamilysynonym [lbr] [vargreek] [mi]
+\definemathsymbol [boxdot] [bin] [sy] ["ED]
+\definemathsymbol [boxplus] [bin] [sy] ["EA]
+\definemathsymbol [boxtimes] [bin] [sy] ["EC]
+\definemathsymbol [square] [ord] [ma] ["02]
+\definemathsymbol [Box] [ord] [ma] ["02] % square
+\definemathsymbol [blacksquare] [ord] [ma] ["03]
+\definemathsymbol [centerdot] [bin] [ma] ["E1] % [sy] ["01]
+\definemathsymbol [Diamond] [ord] [sy] ["05]
+\definemathsymbol [lozenge] [ord] [sy] ["05] % Diamond
+\definemathsymbol [blacklozenge] [ord] [ma] ["09]
+\definemathsymbol [circlearrowright] [rel] [ma] ["8C]
+\definemathsymbol [circlearrowleft] [rel] [ma] ["8B]
+\definemathsymbol [rightleftharpoons] [rel] [sy] ["8E]
+\definemathsymbol [leftrightharpoons] [rel] [sy] ["8D]
+\definemathsymbol [boxminus] [bin] [sy] ["EB]
+\definemathsymbol [Vdash] [rel] [sy] ["F0]
+\definemathsymbol [Vvdash] [rel] [mb] ["D3]
+\definemathsymbol [vDash] [rel] [mb] ["D6]
+\definemathsymbol [twoheadrightarrow] [rel] [ma] ["25]
+\definemathsymbol [twoheadleftarrow] [rel] [ma] ["23]
+\definemathsymbol [leftleftarrows] [rel] [ma] ["71]
+\definemathsymbol [rightrightarrows] [rel] [ma] ["73]
+\definemathsymbol [upuparrows] [rel] [ma] ["72]
+\definemathsymbol [downdownarrows] [rel] [ma] ["74]
+\definemathsymbol [upharpoonright] [rel] [ma] ["75]
+\definemathsymbol [restriction] [rel] [ma] ["77]
+\definemathsymbol [downharpoonright] [rel] [ma] ["77]
+\definemathsymbol [upharpoonleft] [rel] [ma] ["76]
+\definemathsymbol [downharpoonleft] [rel] [ma] ["78]
+\definemathsymbol [rightarrowtail] [rel] [ma] ["29]
+\definemathsymbol [leftarrowtail] [rel] [ma] ["28]
+\definemathsymbol [leftrightarrows] [rel] [ma] ["6E]
+\definemathsymbol [rightleftarrows] [rel] [ma] ["6D]
+\definemathsymbol [Lsh] [rel] [ma] ["7B]
+\definemathsymbol [Rsh] [rel] [ma] ["7D]
+\definemathsymbol [rightsquigarrow] [rel] [ma] ["8E]
+\definemathsymbol [leadsto] [rel] [ma] ["8E] % rightsquigarrow
+\definemathsymbol [leftrightsquigarrow] [rel] [ma] ["91]
+\definemathsymbol [looparrowleft] [rel] [ma] ["3F]
+\definemathsymbol [looparrowright] [rel] [ma] ["40]
+\definemathsymbol [circeq] [rel] [sy] ["D0]
+\definemathsymbol [succsim] [rel] [sy] ["E1]
+\definemathsymbol [gtrsim] [rel] [sy] ["DD]
+\definemathsymbol [gtrapprox] [rel] [mb] ["DB]
+\definemathsymbol [multimap] [rel] [mb] ["C7]
+\definemathsymbol [therefore] [rel] [sy] ["90]
+\definemathsymbol [because] [rel] [sy] ["91]
+\definemathsymbol [doteqdot] [rel] [sy] ["CA]
+\definemathsymbol [Doteq] [rel] [sy] ["CA] % doteqdot
+\definemathsymbol [triangleq] [rel] [sy] ["D5]
+\definemathsymbol [precsim] [rel] [sy] ["E0]
+\definemathsymbol [lesssim] [rel] [sy] ["DC]
+\definemathsymbol [lessapprox] [rel] [mb] ["DA]
+\definemathsymbol [eqslantless] [rel] [mb] ["E2]
+\definemathsymbol [eqslantgtr] [rel] [mb] ["E3]
+\definemathsymbol [curlyeqprec] [rel] [mb] ["E6]
+\definemathsymbol [curlyeqsucc] [rel] [mb] ["E7]
+\definemathsymbol [preccurlyeq] [rel] [mb] ["E4]
+\definemathsymbol [leqq] [rel] [sy] ["DA]
+\definemathsymbol [leqslant] [rel] [mb] ["E0]
+\definemathsymbol [lessgtr] [rel] [sy] ["DE]
+\definemathsymbol [backprime] [ord] [mb] ["C8]
+\definemathsymbol [dabar@] [ord] [ma] ["03] % !! @
+\definemathsymbol [risingdotseq] [rel] [sy] ["CC]
+\definemathsymbol [fallingdotseq] [rel] [sy] ["CB]
+\definemathsymbol [succcurlyeq] [rel] [mb] ["E5]
+\definemathsymbol [geqq] [rel] [sy] ["DB]
+\definemathsymbol [geqslant] [rel] [mb] ["E1]
+\definemathsymbol [gtrless] [rel] [sy] ["DF]
+\definemathsymbol [sqsubset] [rel] [sy] ["E4]
+\definemathsymbol [sqsupset] [rel] [sy] ["E5]
+\definemathsymbol [vartriangleright] [rel] [mb] ["2E]
+\definemathsymbol [rhd] [bin] [mb] ["2E]
+\definemathsymbol [lhd] [bin] [mb] ["2F]
+\definemathsymbol [vartriangleleft] [rel] [mb] ["2F]
+\definemathsymbol [trianglerighteq] [rel] [sy] ["F5]
+\definemathsymbol [unrhd] [bin] [sy] ["F5] % trianglerighteq
+\definemathsymbol [trianglelefteq] [rel] [sy] ["F4]
+\definemathsymbol [unlhd] [bin] [sy] ["F4] % trianglelefteq
+\definemathsymbol [bigstar] [ord] [ma] ["AB]
+\definemathsymbol [between] [rel] [mb] ["F2]
+\definemathsymbol [blacktriangledown] [ord] [ma] ["07]
+\definemathsymbol [blacktriangleright] [rel] [mb] ["F1]
+\definemathsymbol [blacktriangleleft] [rel] [mb] ["F0]
+\definemathsymbol [vartriangle] [rel] [ma] ["04]
+\definemathsymbol [triangleup] [ord] [ma] ["04] % vartriangle
+\definemathsymbol [blacktriangle] [ord] [ma] ["05]
+\definemathsymbol [triangledown] [ord] [ma] ["06]
+\definemathsymbol [eqcirc] [rel] [sy] ["CF]
+\definemathsymbol [lesseqgtr] [rel] [mb] ["E8]
+\definemathsymbol [gtreqless] [rel] [mb] ["E9]
+\definemathsymbol [lesseqqgtr] [rel] [mb] ["EA]
+\definemathsymbol [gtreqqless] [rel] [mb] ["EB]
+\definemathsymbol [Rrightarrow] [rel] [ma] ["6C]
+\definemathsymbol [Lleftarrow] [rel] [ma] ["6A]
+\definemathsymbol [veebar] [bin] [mb] ["D2]
+\definemathsymbol [barwedge] [bin] [sy] ["F6]
+\definemathsymbol [doublebarwedge] [bin] [sy] ["D4]
+\definemathsymbol [angle] [ord] [sy] ["8B]
+\definemathsymbol [measuredangle] [ord] [sy] ["8C]
+\definemathsymbol [sphericalangle] [ord] [sy] ["8D]
+\definemathsymbol [varpropto] [rel] [sy] ["2F]
+\definemathsymbol [smallsmile] [rel] [mb] ["5E]
+\definemathsymbol [smallfrown] [rel] [mb] ["5F]
+\definemathsymbol [Subset] [rel] [sy] ["F8]
+\definemathsymbol [Supset] [rel] [sy] ["F9]
+\definemathsymbol [Cup] [bin] [sy] ["FA]
+\definemathsymbol [doublecup] [bin] [sy] ["FA] % Cup
+\definemathsymbol [Cap] [bin] [sy] ["FB]
+\definemathsymbol [doublecap] [bin] [sy] ["FB]
+\definemathsymbol [curlywedge] [bin] [sy] ["84]
+\definemathsymbol [curlyvee] [bin] [sy] ["85]
+\definemathsymbol [leftthreetimes] [bin] [mb] ["D0]
+\definemathsymbol [rightthreetimes] [bin] [mb] ["D1]
+\definemathsymbol [subseteqq] [rel] [mb] ["EE]
+\definemathsymbol [supseteqq] [rel] [mb] ["EF]
+\definemathsymbol [bumpeq] [rel] [sy] ["C8]
+\definemathsymbol [Bumpeq] [rel] [sy] ["C7]
+\definemathsymbol [llless] [rel] [mb] ["DE]
+\definemathsymbol [lll] [rel] [mb] ["DE] % llless
+\definemathsymbol [gggtr] [rel] [mb] ["DF]
+\definemathsymbol [ggg] [rel] [mb] ["DF] % gggtr
+\definemathsymbol [ulcorner] [open] [ma] ["5B] [ma] ["5B]
+\definemathsymbol [urcorner] [close] [ma] ["5C] [ma] ["5C]
+\definemathsymbol [circledS] [ord] [mb] ["CA]
+\definemathsymbol [pitchfork] [rel] [ma] ["F3]
+\definemathsymbol [dotplus] [bin] [sy] ["89]
+\definemathsymbol [backsim] [rel] [sy] ["24]
+\definemathsymbol [backsimeq] [rel] [sy] ["27]
+\definemathsymbol [llcorner] [open] [ma] ["5D] [ma] ["5D]
+\definemathsymbol [lrcorner] [close] [ma] ["5E] [ma] ["5E]
+\definemathsymbol [complement] [ord] [mb] ["94]
+\definemathsymbol [intercal] [bin] [ma] ["03] % !!
+\definemathsymbol [circledcirc] [bin] [sy] ["E6]
+\definemathsymbol [circledast] [bin] [sy] ["E7]
+\definemathsymbol [circleddash] [bin] [mb] ["CC]
+\startmathcollection [lbr]
+\definemathsymbol [lvertneqq] [rel] [ma] ["DE]
+\definemathsymbol [gvertneqq] [rel] [ma] ["DE]
+\definemathsymbol [nleq] [rel] [ma] ["9C]
+\definemathsymbol [ngeq] [rel] [ma] ["9D]
+\definemathsymbol [nless] [rel] [ma] ["9A]
+\definemathsymbol [ngtr] [rel] [ma] ["9B]
+\definemathsymbol [nprec] [rel] [ma] ["E5]
+\definemathsymbol [nsucc] [rel] [ma] ["E6]
+\definemathsymbol [lneqq] [rel] [ma] ["DC]
+\definemathsymbol [gneqq] [rel] [ma] ["DE]
+\definemathsymbol [nleqslant] [rel] [ma] ["D6]
+\definemathsymbol [ngeqslant] [rel] [ma] ["D7]
+\definemathsymbol [lneq] [rel] [ma] ["DA]
+\definemathsymbol [gneq] [rel] [ma] ["DB]
+\definemathsymbol [npreceq] [rel] [ma] ["E7]
+\definemathsymbol [nsucceq] [rel] [ma] ["E8]
+\definemathsymbol [precnsim] [rel] [ma] ["EB]
+\definemathsymbol [succnsim] [rel] [ma] ["EC]
+\definemathsymbol [lnsim] [rel] [ma] ["E0]
+\definemathsymbol [gnsim] [rel] [ma] ["E2]
+\definemathsymbol [nleqq] [rel] [ma] ["D8]
+\definemathsymbol [ngeqq] [rel] [ma] ["D9]
+\definemathsymbol [precneqq] [rel] [ma] ["E9]
+\definemathsymbol [succneqq] [rel] [ma] ["EA]
+\definemathsymbol [precnapprox] [rel] [ma] ["ED]
+\definemathsymbol [succnapprox] [rel] [ma] ["EE]
+\definemathsymbol [lnapprox] [rel] [ma] ["E4]
+\definemathsymbol [gnapprox] [rel] [ma] ["E3]
+\definemathsymbol [nsim] [rel] [ma] ["96]
+\definemathsymbol [ncong] [rel] [ma] ["99]
+\definemathsymbol [diagup] [ord] [mb] ["CD]
+\definemathsymbol [diagdown] [ord] [mb] ["D8]
+\definemathsymbol [varsubsetneq] [rel] [ma] ["D0]
+\definemathsymbol [varsupsetneq] [rel] [ma] ["D1]
+\definemathsymbol [nsubseteqq] [rel] [ma] ["CA]
+\definemathsymbol [nsupseteqq] [rel] [ma] ["CB]
+\definemathsymbol [subsetneqq] [rel] [ma] ["CE]
+\definemathsymbol [supsetneqq] [rel] [ma] ["CF]
+\definemathsymbol [varsubsetneqq] [rel] [ma] ["D2]
+\definemathsymbol [varsupsetneqq] [rel] [ma] ["D3]
+\definemathsymbol [subsetneq] [rel] [ma] ["CC]
+\definemathsymbol [supsetneq] [rel] [ma] ["CD]
+\definemathsymbol [nsubseteq] [rel] [ma] ["C8]
+\definemathsymbol [nsupseteq] [rel] [ma] ["C9]
+\definemathsymbol [nparallel] [rel] [ma] ["F7]
+\definemathsymbol [nmid] [rel] [ma] ["F6]
+\definemathsymbol [nshortmid] [rel] [ma] ["F4]
+\definemathsymbol [nshortparallel] [rel] [ma] ["F5]
+\definemathsymbol [nvdash] [rel] [ma] ["F8]
+\definemathsymbol [nVdash] [rel] [ma] ["F9]
+\definemathsymbol [nvDash] [rel] [ma] ["FA]
+\definemathsymbol [nVDash] [rel] [ma] ["FB]
+\definemathsymbol [ntrianglerighteq] [rel] [ma] ["F2]
+\definemathsymbol [ntrianglelefteq] [rel] [ma] ["F1]
+\definemathsymbol [ntriangleleft] [rel] [ma] ["EF]
+\definemathsymbol [ntriangleright] [rel] [ma] ["F0]
+\definemathsymbol [nleftarrow] [rel] [ma] ["32]
+\definemathsymbol [nrightarrow] [rel] [ma] ["33]
+\definemathsymbol [nLeftarrow] [rel] [ma] ["66]
+\definemathsymbol [nRightarrow] [rel] [ma] ["68]
+\definemathsymbol [nLeftrightarrow] [rel] [ma] ["67]
+\definemathsymbol [nleftrightarrow] [rel] [ma] ["34]
+\definemathsymbol [divideontimes] [bin] [mb] ["F7]
+\definemathsymbol [varnothing] [ord] [sy] ["53]
+\definemathsymbol [nexists] [ord] [ma] ["20]
+\definemathsymbol [Finv] [ord] [mb] ["90]
+\definemathsymbol [Game] [ord] [mb] ["91]
+\definemathsymbol [mho] [ord] [mb] ["92]
+\definemathsymbol [eth] [ord] [ma] ["03] % !!
+\definemathsymbol [eqsim] [rel] [sy] ["99]
+\definemathsymbol [beth] [ord] [mb] ["95]
+\definemathsymbol [gimel] [ord] [mb] ["96]
+\definemathsymbol [daleth] [ord] [mb] ["97]
+\definemathsymbol [lessdot] [bin] [mb] ["DC]
+\definemathsymbol [gtrdot] [bin] [mb] ["DD]
+\definemathsymbol [ltimes] [bin] [mb] ["CF]
+\definemathsymbol [rtimes] [bin] [mb] ["CE]
+\definemathsymbol [shortmid] [rel] [mb] ["F4]
+\definemathsymbol [shortparallel] [rel] [mb] ["F5]
+\definemathsymbol [smallsetminus] [bin] [mb] ["D8]
+\definemathsymbol [thicksim] [rel] [sy] ["18] % not that thick
+\definemathsymbol [thickapprox] [rel] [sy] ["19] % not that thick
+\definemathsymbol [approxeq] [rel] [sy] ["9D]
+\definemathsymbol [succapprox] [rel] [mb] ["ED]
+\definemathsymbol [precapprox] [rel] [mb] ["EC]
+\definemathsymbol [curvearrowleft] [rel] [ma] ["87]
+\definemathsymbol [curvearrowright] [rel] [ma] ["88]
+\definemathsymbol [digamma] [ord] [ma] ["03] % !!
+\definemathsymbol [varkappa] [ord] [mb] ["9B]
+\definemathsymbol [Bbbk] [ord] [ma] ["6B]
+\definemathsymbol [hslash] [ord] [mb] ["9D]
+\definemathsymbol [hbar] [ord] [ma] ["1B]
+\definemathsymbol [backepsilon] [rel] [ma] ["03] % !!
+\startmathcollection [lbr]
+\definemathsymbol [yen] [nothing] [ma] ["03] % !!
+\definemathsymbol [checkmark] [nothing] [ma] ["AC]
+\definemathsymbol [circledR] [nothing] [mb] ["C9]
+\definemathsymbol [maltese] [nothing] [mb] ["CB]
+\startmathcollection [lbr]
+\definemathsymbol [dashrightarrow] [rel] [ma] ["3A]
+\definemathsymbol [dashleftarrow] [rel] [ma] ["38]
+\definemathcommand [dasharrow] [rel] {\dashleftarrow\mkern-15.8mu\dashrightarrow}
+%definemathcommand [Join] [rel] {\mathchar"0D6F\mkern-15.8mu\mathchar"0D6E} % !!
+\definemathcharacter [91] [open] [mi] ["86]
+\definemathcharacter [93] [close] [mi] ["87]
+\definemathcharacter [(] [open] [mi] ["84]
+\definemathcharacter [)] [close] [mi] ["85]
+\definemathcharacter [/] [nothing] [mi] ["3D]
+\definemathcharacter [=] [rel] [sy] ["83]
+\definemathcharacter [+] [bin] [sy] ["82]
+\definemathcharacter [91] [nothing] [mi] ["86] [ex] ["02]
+\definemathcharacter [93] [nothing] [mi] ["87] [ex] ["03]
+\definemathcharacter [(] [nothing] [mi] ["84] [ex] ["00]
+\definemathcharacter [)] [nothing] [mi] ["85] [ex] ["01]
+\definemathcharacter [/] [nothing] [mi] ["3D] [ex] ["0E]
+\definemathcharacter [:] [punct] [tf] ["3A] % unbelievable, but enabled again for Mojca
+\definemathcharacter [;] [punct] [tf] ["3B] % unbelievable, but enabled again for Mojca
+\definemathsymbol [ldbrack] [open] [mi] ["82] [ex] ["82]
+\definemathsymbol [rdbrack] [close] [mi] ["83] [ex] ["83]
+\definemathsymbol [surfintop] [op] [ex] ["90]
+\definemathsymbol [midintop] [op] [ex] ["92]
+\definemathsymbol [midointop] [op] [ex] ["93]
+\definemathsymbol [midsurfintop] [op] [ex] ["94]
+\definemathsymbol [largeint] [op] [ex] ["5A] [ex] ["95]
+% \definemathcommand [surfint] [nolop] {\surfintop}
+% \definemathcommand [midint] [nolop] {\midintop}
+% \definemathcommand [midoint] [nolop] {\midointop}
+% \definemathcommand [midsurfint] [nolop] {\midsurfintop}
+\definemathsymbol [surfint] [nolop] [ex] ["90]
+\definemathsymbol [midint] [nolop] [ex] ["92]
+\definemathsymbol [midoint] [nolop] [ex] ["93]
+\definemathsymbol [midsurfint] [nolop] [ex] ["94]
+\definemathsymbol [dblint] [ord] [mi] ["88]
+\definemathsymbol [trplint] [ord] [mi] ["89]
+\definemathsymbol [contint] [ord] [mi] ["8A]
+\definemathsymbol [surfint] [ord] [mi] ["8B]
+\definemathsymbol [volint] [ord] [mi] ["8C]
+\definemathsymbol [clwint] [ord] [mi] ["8D]
+\definemathsymbol [cclwcint] [ord] [mi] ["8E]
+\definemathsymbol [clwcint] [ord] [mi] ["8F]
+\definemathsymbol [bowtie] [rel] [mi] ["F6]
+\definemathsymbol [models] [rel] [sy] ["EE]
+\definemathsymbol [doteq] [rel] [sy] ["C9]
+\definemathsymbol [cong] [rel] [sy] ["9B]
+\definemathsymbol [hbar] [ord] [mi] ["9D]
+\definemathsymbol [neq] [rel] [ma] ["94]
+\definemathsymbol [rightleftharpoons] [rel] [ma] ["7A]
+\definemathsymbol [leftrightharpoons] [rel] [ma] ["79]
+\definemathsymbol [hookleftarrow] [rel] [ma] ["3C]
+\definemathsymbol [hookrightarrow] [rel] [ma] ["3E]
+\definemathsymbol [mapsto] [rel] [ma] ["2C]
+\definemathcommand [longmapsto] {\mapstochar\longrightarrow}
+\definemathsymbol [Gamma] [alpha] [ucgreek] ["00]
+\definemathsymbol [Delta] [alpha] [ucgreek] ["01]
+\definemathsymbol [Theta] [alpha] [ucgreek] ["02]
+\definemathsymbol [Lambda] [alpha] [ucgreek] ["03]
+\definemathsymbol [Xi] [alpha] [ucgreek] ["04]
+\definemathsymbol [Pi] [alpha] [ucgreek] ["05]
+\definemathsymbol [Sigma] [alpha] [ucgreek] ["06]
+\definemathsymbol [Upsilon] [alpha] [ucgreek] ["07]
+\definemathsymbol [Phi] [alpha] [ucgreek] ["08]
+\definemathsymbol [Psi] [alpha] [ucgreek] ["09]
+\definemathsymbol [Omega] [alpha] [ucgreek] ["0A]
+\definemathsymbol [varGamma] [ord] [vargreek] ["00]
+\definemathsymbol [varDelta] [ord] [vargreek] ["01]
+\definemathsymbol [varTheta] [ord] [vargreek] ["02]
+\definemathsymbol [varLambda] [ord] [vargreek] ["03]
+\definemathsymbol [varXi] [ord] [vargreek] ["04]
+\definemathsymbol [varPi] [ord] [vargreek] ["05]
+\definemathsymbol [varSigma] [ord] [vargreek] ["06]
+\definemathsymbol [varUpsilon] [ord] [vargreek] ["07]
+\definemathsymbol [varPhi] [ord] [vargreek] ["08]
+\definemathsymbol [varPsi] [ord] [vargreek] ["09]
+\definemathsymbol [varOmega] [ord] [vargreek] ["0A]
+% we define the whole lot, although only a few differ (esp dot)
+% \startmathcollection[lbr]
+% \definemathsymbol [acute] [accent] [tf] ["13] % mr -> tf
+% \definemathsymbol [grave] [accent] [tf] ["12] % mr -> tf
+% \definemathsymbol [ddot] [accent] [tf] ["7F] % mr -> tf
+% \definemathsymbol [tilde] [accent] [tf] ["7E] % mr -> tf
+% \definemathsymbol [bar] [accent] [tf] ["16] % mr -> tf
+% \definemathsymbol [breve] [accent] [tf] ["15] % mr -> tf
+% \definemathsymbol [check] [accent] [tf] ["14] % mr -> tf
+% \definemathsymbol [hat] [accent] [tf] ["5E] % mr -> tf
+% \definemathsymbol [vec] [accent] [mi] ["7E] % [ord]
+% \definemathsymbol [dot] [accent] [tf] ["05] % mr -> tf, 5F -> 05
+% \definemathsymbol [widetilde] [accent] [ex] ["65] % [ord]
+% \definemathsymbol [widehat] [accent] [ex] ["62] % [ord]
+% \stopmathcollection
+ \definemathsymbol [acute] [accent] [tf] ["13]
+ \definemathsymbol [grave] [accent] [tf] ["12]
+ \definemathsymbol [ddot] [accent] [tf] ["7F]
+ %definemathsymbol [ddot] [accent] [tf] ["A8] % both is OK
+ \definemathsymbol [tilde] [accent] [tf] ["7E]
+ %definemathsymbol [tilde] [accent] [tf] ["98] % both is OK
+ \definemathsymbol [bar] [accent] [tf] ["16]
+ \definemathsymbol [breve] [accent] [tf] ["15]
+ \definemathsymbol [check] [accent] [tf] ["14]
+ \definemathsymbol [hat] [accent] [tf] ["5E]
+ %definemathsymbol [hat] [accent] [tf] ["88] % both is OK
+ \definemathsymbol [dot] [accent] [tf] ["05]
+ % Why is mathring not defined??
+ \definemathsymbol [mathring] [accent] [tf] ["17]
+ \definemathsymbol [acute] [accent] [tf] ["01]
+ \definemathsymbol [grave] [accent] [tf] ["00]
+ \definemathsymbol [ddot] [accent] [tf] ["04]
+ \definemathsymbol [tilde] [accent] [tf] ["03]
+ \definemathsymbol [bar] [accent] [tf] ["09]
+ \definemathsymbol [breve] [accent] [tf] ["08]
+ \definemathsymbol [check] [accent] [tf] ["07]
+ \definemathsymbol [hat] [accent] [tf] ["02]
+ \definemathsymbol [dot] [accent] [tf] ["0A]
+ % Why is mathring not defined??
+ \definemathsymbol [mathring] [accent] [tf] ["06]
+ {\setbox\zerocount\hbox{$\mathsurround\zeropoint#1\sqrt{#2}$}
+ \dimen@\ht\zerocount \advance\dimen@-\dp\zerocount
+ \mkern5mu\raise.6\dimen@\copy\rootbox \mkern-7.5mu \box\zerocount}
+ {\null\,\vcenter{\normalbaselines\mathsurround\zeropoint
+ \ialign{\hfil$##$\hfil&&\quad\hfil$##$\hfil\crcr
+ \mathstrut\crcr\noalign{\kern-0.9\baselineskip}
+ #1\crcr\mathstrut\crcr\noalign{\kern-0.9\baselineskip}}}\,}
+\definemathcommand [mathstrut] {\vphantom{f}}
+\definemathcommand [joinrel] {\mathrel{\mkern-4mu}}
+\definemathcommand [r@@t] {\LBRroot}
+\definemathcommand [matrix] {\LBRmatrix}
+% \def\LBRbig {\@@dobig{8.20}}
+% \def\LBRBig {\@@dobig{10.80}}
+% \def\LBRbigg {\@@dobig{13.42}}
+% \def\LBRBigg {\@@dobig{16.03}}
+% \def\LBRbiggg{\@@dobig{17.72}}
+% \def\LBRBiggg{\@@dobig{21.25}}
+\def\LBRbig {\@@dobig{0.820}}
+\def\LBRBig {\@@dobig{1.080}}
+\def\LBRbigg {\@@dobig{1.342}}
+\def\LBRBigg {\@@dobig{1.603}}
+\definemathcommand [big] {\LBRbig}
+\definemathcommand [Big] {\LBRBig}
+\definemathcommand [bigg] {\LBRbigg}
+\definemathcommand [Bigg] {\LBRBigg}
+\definemathcommand [biggg] {\LBRbiggg}
+\definemathcommand [Biggg] {\LBRBiggg}
+\definemathcommand [bigggl] [open] {\biggg}
+\definemathcommand [bigggr] [close] {\biggg}
+\definemathcommand [Bigggl] [open] {\Biggg}
+\definemathcommand [Bigggr] [close] {\Biggg}
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/math-pln.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/math-pln.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..975869c70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/math-pln.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,360 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=math-pln,
+%D version=2001.11.16,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Math Macros,
+%D subtitle=Plain Helpers,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+% \points should become \bodyfontsize
+%D This is a temporary module, some of this code will move to
+%D the other math modules.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Math Macros / Plain Helpers}
+\ifx\displ@y\undefined \let\displ@y\relax\fi
+ {\setbox\rootbox\hbox{$\mathsurround\zeropoint\scriptscriptstyle{#1}$}%
+ \mathpalette\r@@t}
+\def\r@@t#1#2% will be overloaded
+ {\setbox\zerocount\hbox{$\mathsurround\zeropoint#1\sqrt{#2}$}\dimen@\ht\zerocount
+ \advance\dimen@-\dp\zerocount
+ \mkern5mu\raise.6\dimen@\copy\rootbox
+ \mkern-10mu\box\zerocount}
+ {\leavevmode
+ \hbox{$\mathsurround\zeropoint\mathchar"#1#2#3$}}
+ {\leavevmode
+ \vtop
+ {\baselineskip\zeroskip \lineskip.25ex%
+ \ialign{##\crcr#1\crcr}}}
+ {\lineskiplimit\zeropoint \oalign}
+\def\ooalign % chars over each other
+ {\lineskiplimit-\maxdimen
+ \oalign}
+\def\sh@ft#1% kern by #1 times the current slant
+ {\dimen@#1%
+ \kern\expandafter\withoutpt\the\slantperpoint
+ \dimen@}
+ {\relax\ifmmode\ldots\else$\mathsurround\zeropoint\ldots\,$\fi}
+ {\leaders\hrule\hfill}
+ {\cleaders\hbox{$\mathsurround\zeropoint \mkern1.5mu.\mkern1.5mu$}\hfill}
+ {$\mathsurround\zeropoint\smash-\mkern-7mu%
+ \cleaders\hbox{$\mkern-2mu\smash-\mkern-2mu$}\hfill
+ \mkern-7mu\mathord\rightarrow$}
+ {$\mathsurround\zeropoint\mathord\leftarrow\mkern-7mu%
+ \cleaders\hbox{$\mkern-2mu\smash-\mkern-2mu$}\hfill
+ \mkern-7mu\smash-$}
+% must go to math-tex
+ % mkii values
+ \mathchardef\braceld="37A
+ \mathchardef\bracerd="37B
+ \mathchardef\bracelu="37C
+ \mathchardef\braceru="37D
+ {$\mathsurround\zeropoint\setbox\zerocount\hbox{$\braceld$}%
+ \braceld\leaders\vrule\!!height\ht\zerocount\!!depth\zeropoint\hfill\braceru
+ \bracelu\leaders\vrule\!!height\ht\zerocount\!!depth\zeropoint\hfill\bracerd$}
+ {$\mathsurround\zeropoint\setbox\zerocount\hbox{$\braceld$}%
+ \bracelu\leaders\vrule\!!height\ht\zerocount\!!depth\zeropoint\hfill\bracerd
+ \braceld\leaders\vrule\!!height\ht\zerocount\!!depth\zeropoint\hfill\braceru$}
+% hm, shouldn't that be \kern3\bodyfontsize
+ {\mathop{\vbox{\mathsurround\zeropoint\ialign{##\crcr\noalign{\kern3\points}
+ \downbracefill\crcr\noalign{\kern3\points\nointerlineskip}
+ $\hfil\displaystyle{#1}\hfil$\crcr}}}\limits}
+ {\mathop{\vtop{\mathsurround\zeropoint\ialign{##\crcr
+ $\hfil\displaystyle{#1}\hfil$\crcr\noalign{\kern3\points\nointerlineskip}
+ \upbracefill\crcr\noalign{\kern3\points}}}}\limits}
+\let\sp=^ % will become obsolete
+\let\sb=_ % will become obsolete
+\ifx\,\undefined \def\,{\mskip \thinmuskip } \fi
+\ifx\>\undefined \def\>{\mskip \medmuskip } \fi
+\ifx\;\undefined \def\;{\mskip \thickmuskip} \fi
+\ifx\!\undefined \def\!{\mskip-\thinmuskip } \fi
+\ifx\*\undefined \def\*{\discretionary{\thinspace\the\textfont2\char2}{}{}} \fi
+% {\catcode`\'=\active \gdef'{^\bgroup\prim@s}}
+ {\prime\futurelet\next\pr@m@s}
+ {\ifx'\next
+ \@EA\pr@@@s
+ \else\ifx^\next
+ \@EAEAEA\pr@@@t
+ \else
+ \@EAEAEA\egroup
+ \fi\fi}
+ {\prim@s}
+ {#2\egroup}
+% {\catcode`\_=\active \global\let_=\_} % _ in math is either subscript or \_
+\def\relbar {\mathrel{\smash-}} % - has the same height as +
+\def\Relbar {\mathrel=}
+\def\Longrightarrow {\Relbar\joinrel\Rightarrow}
+\def\longrightarrow {\relbar\joinrel\rightarrow}
+\def\longleftarrow {\leftarrow\joinrel\relbar}
+\def\Longleftarrow {\Leftarrow\joinrel\Relbar}
+\def\longmapsto {\mapstochar\longrightarrow}
+ {\vbox{\mathsurround\zeropoint\ialign{##\crcr
+ \rightarrowfill\crcr\noalign{\kern-\onepoint\nointerlineskip}
+ $\hfil\displaystyle{#1}\hfil$\crcr}}}
+ {\vbox{\mathsurround\zeropoint\ialign{##\crcr
+ \leftarrowfill\crcr\noalign{\kern-\onepoint\nointerlineskip}
+ $\hfil\displaystyle{#1}\hfil$\crcr}}}
+ {{\muskip\zerocount#1mu\divide\muskip\zerocount\plustwo \mkern\muskip\zerocount
+ #2{\mkern-\muskip\zerocount{#3}\mkern\muskip\zerocount}\mkern-\muskip\zerocount}{}}
+\def\brack {\atopwithdelims[]}
+\def\brace {\atopwithdelims\{\}}
+ {\mathchoice
+ {#1\displaystyle {#2}}%
+ {#1\textstyle {#2}}%
+ {#1\scriptstyle {#2}}%
+ {#1\scriptscriptstyle{#2}}}
+ {\mathrel{\mathpalette\@vereq\sim}} % congruence sign
+ {\lower.5\points\vbox{\lineskiplimit\maxdimen\lineskip-.5\points
+ \ialign{$\mathsurround\zeropoint#1\hfil##\hfil$\crcr#2\crcr=\crcr}}}
+\def\notin% can be mkiv'd
+ {\mathrel{\mathpalette\c@ncel\in}}
+ {\mathsurround\zeropoint\ooalign{$\hfil#1\mkern1mu/\hfil$\crcr$#1#2$}}
+ {\mathrel{\mathpalette\rlh@{}}}
+ {\vcenter
+ {\mathsurround\zeropoint
+ \hbox
+ {\ooalign
+ {\raise2pt\hbox{$#1\rightharpoonup$}\crcr
+ $#1\leftharpoondown$}}}}
+ {\mathrel{\mathop{\kern\zeropoint#2}\limits^{#1}}}
+ {\buildrel\textstyle.\over=}
+\ifx\mfunction\undefined \def\mfunction#1{\mathbin{\rm#1}} \fi
+ {\nonscript
+ \mskip-\medmuskip
+ \mkern5mu
+ \mfunction{mod}%
+ \penalty900
+ \mkern5mu
+ \nonscript
+ \mskip-\medmuskip}
+ {\allowbreak
+ \mkern18mu
+ (\mfunction{mod}\,\,#1)}
+ {\left\{%
+ \,%
+ \vcenter
+ {\normalbaselines
+ \mathsurround\zeropoint
+ \ialign{$##\hfil$&\quad##\hfil\crcr#1\crcr}}%
+ \right.}
+ {\null
+ \,%
+ \vcenter
+ {\normalbaselines\mathsurround\zeropoint
+ \ialign{\hfil$##$\hfil&&\quad\hfil$##$\hfil\crcr
+ \mathstrut\crcr\noalign{\kern-\baselineskip}
+ #1\crcr\mathstrut\crcr\noalign{\kern-\baselineskip}}}%
+ \,}
+ {\left(\matrix{#1}\right)}
+% \setbox0=\hbox{\tenex B} \mathparentwd=\wd0 % width of the big left (
+ {\begingroup
+ \mathsurround\zeropoint
+ \setbox\zerocount\vbox
+ {\def\cr{\crcr\noalign{\kern2\points\global\let\cr\endline}}%
+ \ialign{$##$\hfil\kern2\points\kern\mathparentwd&\thinspace\hfil$##$\hfil
+ &&\quad\hfil$##$\hfil\crcr
+ \omit\strut\hfil\crcr\noalign{\kern-\baselineskip}%
+ #1\crcr\omit\strut\cr}}%
+ \setbox\plustwo\vbox
+ {\unvcopy\zerocount\global\setbox\plusone\lastbox}%
+ \setbox\plustwo\hbox
+ {\unhbox\plusone\unskip\global\setbox\plusone\lastbox}%
+ \setbox\plustwo\hbox
+ {$\kern\wd\plusone\kern-\mathparentwd\left(\kern-\wd\plusone
+ \global\setbox\plusone\vbox{\box\plusone\kern2\points}%
+ \vcenter{\kern-\ht\plusone\unvbox\zerocount\kern-\baselineskip}\,\right)$}%
+ \null
+ \;%
+ \vbox{\kern\ht\plusone\box\plustwo}%
+ \endgroup}
+% \def\openup{\afterassignment\@penup\dimen@=}
+% \def\@penup{\advance\lineskip\dimen@
+% \advance\baselineskip\dimen@
+% \advance\lineskiplimit\dimen@}
+ {\afterassignment\doopenup\scratchdimen=}
+ {\advance\lineskip \scratchdimen
+ \advance\baselineskip \scratchdimen
+ \advance\lineskiplimit\scratchdimen}
+% \def\jot{.25\bodyfontsize} % plain tex: 3 pt (todo: better name and configurable)
+ {\null
+ \,%
+ \vcenter
+ {\openup\displayopenupvalue % was \openup\jot
+ \mathsurround\zeropoint
+ \ialign
+ {\strut\hfil$\displaystyle{##}$&$\displaystyle{{}##}$\hfil\crcr
+ #1\crcr}}%
+ \,}
+\def\@lign % restore inside \displ@y
+ {\tabskip\zeroskip
+ \everycr{}}
+ {\displ@y
+ \tabskip\zeroskip
+ \halign
+ {\hbox to \displaywidth{$\@lign\hfil\displaystyle##\hfil$}\crcr
+ #1\crcr}}
+ {\displ@y
+ \tabskip\centering
+ \halign to \displaywidth
+ {\hfil$\@lign\displaystyle{##}$\tabskip\zeroskip
+ &$\@lign\displaystyle{{}##}$\hfil\tabskip\centering
+ &\llap{$\@lign##$}\tabskip\zeroskip\crcr
+ #1\crcr}}
+ {\displ@y
+ \tabskip\centering
+ \halign to \displaywidth
+ {\hfil$\@lign\displaystyle{##}$\tabskip\zeroskip
+ &$\@lign\displaystyle{{}##}$\hfil\tabskip\centering
+ &\kern-\displaywidth\rlap{$\@lign##$}\tabskip\displaywidth\crcr
+ #1\crcr}}
+% temporary here
+% \startcatcodetable \mthcatcodes
+% \setcatcodetable\ctxcatcodes
+% \catcode`\_ = 13
+% \catcode`\' = 13
+% \stopcatcodetable
+% \letcatcodecommand \mthcatcodes `\_ \activemathunderscore
+% \letcatcodecommand \mthcatcodes `\' \activemathquote
+% \appendtoks \setcatcodetable\mthcatcodes \to \everymath : spoils xml
+% tricky, but some day we will reimplement math
+ \catcode`\_ = 13
+ \catcode`\' = 13
+ \doglobal\appendtoks
+ \let_\activemathunderscore
+ \let'\activemathquote
+ \to \everymathematics
+% so far
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/math-run.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/math-run.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..79d08fbed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/math-run.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=math-run,
+%D version=2001.23.04,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Math Macros,
+%D subtitle=Runtime Macros,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Math Macros / Runtime Macros}
+\ifx\showmathmodern\undefined \global\chardef\showmathmodern\zerocount \fi
+\gdef\showmathcharacters% nearly \showcharacters
+ {\par
+ \bgroup
+ \ifcase\showmathmodern\or\ifx\modern\undefined\chardef\showmathmodern\zerocount\fi\fi
+ \setuptextrules[\c!bodyfont=,\c!style=]
+ \starttextrule{math characters -- \currentmathcollection}
+ \whitespace
+ \dontcomplain
+ \forgetall
+ \def\startmathcollection[##1]{}
+ \let\stopmathcollection\relax
+ \dimen0\zeropoint
+ \dimen2\zeropoint
+ \def\definemathsymbol {\dosixtupleempty\dodefinemathsymbol}
+ \def\definemathcharacter{\dosixtupleempty\dodefinemathcharacter}
+ \def\definemathcommand {\dotripleempty \dodefinemathcommand}
+ %\newcounter\mathcolor
+ \def\dodefinemathsymbol[##1][##2][##3][##4][##5][##6]%
+ {%\doifcolorelse{math \purefamilyhex{##3}}{}
+ % {\increment\mathcolor
+ % \definecolor[math \purefamilyhex{##3}][\mathcolor]}%
+ \setbox0\hbox spread 1em{\mathematics{\getvalue{##1}{}{}{}}}%
+ \ifdim\wd0>\dimen0 \dimen0=\wd0 \fi
+ \setbox2\hbox spread 1em{\hbox to 1em{\tttf\purefamilyhex{##3}\hss}\box0 ##1}%
+ \ifdim\wd2>\dimen2 \dimen2=\wd2 \fi}
+ \def\dodefinemathcharacter[##1][##2][##3][##4][##5][##6]{}
+ \def\dodefinemathcommand [##1][##2][##3]##4{}
+ \readsysfile{\f!mathprefix tex.mkii}\!!doneatrue\!!doneafalse
+ \readsysfile{\f!mathprefix ams.mkii}\!!donebtrue\!!donebfalse
+ \if!!donea
+ \if!!doneb
+ \edef\encwidth{\the\dimen0}
+ \dimen0=\hsize
+ \advance\dimen0 2em
+ \advance\dimen2 2em
+ \ifcase\showmathmodern\or\advance\dimen2 4em\fi
+ \divide \dimen0 by \dimen2 \advance\dimen0 1sp
+ \edef\enccols{\number\dimen0}
+ \startcolumns[\c!n=\enccols,\c!distance=2em]
+ \def\dodefinemathsymbol[##1][##2][##3][##4][##5][##6]%
+ {%\localcolortrue
+ %\color
+ % [math \purefamilyhex{##3}]
+ {\hbox
+ {\ifcase\showmathmodern\or
+ \hbox to \encwidth{\modern\let\mathcollection\nomathcollection\mathematics{\getvalue{##1}{}{}{}}\hss}%
+ \fi
+ \hbox to \encwidth{\mathematics{\getvalue{##1}{}{}{}}\hss}%
+ \hbox to 1em{\tttf\purefamilyhex{##3}\hss}##1}\par}}
+ \readsysfile{\f!mathprefix tex.mkii}\donothing\donothing
+ \readsysfile{\f!mathprefix ams.mkii}\donothing\donothing
+ \stopcolumns
+ \else
+ \par \tttf no chars in \f!mathprefix ams\par
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \par \tttf no chars in \f!mathprefix tex\par
+ \fi
+ \stoptextrule
+ \egroup}
+% \definecolor[math \purefamilyhex{mr}] [darkred]
+% \definecolor[math \purefamilyhex{mi}] [darkgreen]
+% \definecolor[math \purefamilyhex{sy}] [darkblue]
+% \definecolor[math \purefamilyhex{ex}] [darkmagenta]
+% \definecolor[math \purefamilyhex{nn}] [darkyellow]
+% \definecolor[math \purefamilyhex{ma}] [lightred]
+% \definecolor[math \purefamilyhex{mb}] [lightgreen]
+% \definecolor[math \purefamilyhex{mc}] [lightblue]
+% \definecolor[math \purefamilyhex{md}] [lightmagenta]
+ {\starttabulate[|lT|lT|lT|l|]
+ \NC token \NC #1 \NC \NR
+ \NC collection \NC \ifcsname\@mt@\mathcollection#1\endcsname
+ \mathcollection
+ \else\ifcsname\@mt@\nomathcollection#1\endcsname
+ \nomathcollection
+ \else
+ ?%
+ \fi\fi \NC \NR
+ \NC visualization \NC \mathematics{\getvalue{#1}} \NC \NR
+ \NC definition \NC \tttf \@EA\defconvertedcommand\@EA\ascii\csname\@mt@\mathcollection#1\endcsname \ascii \NC \NR
+ \stoptabulate}
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/math-tex.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/math-tex.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e3dd634e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/math-tex.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,720 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=math-tex,
+%D version=2001.04.12,
+%D subtitle=Plain Specials,
+%D author={Hans Hagen, Taco Hoekwater \& Aditya Mahajan},
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+% beware: in mkiv we will do it differently
+\mathcode`\ ="8000 \mathcode`\_="8000 \mathcode`\'="8000
+\definefamilysynonym [default] [calligraphic] [sy]
+\definefamilysynonym [default] [oldstyle] [mi]
+\definefamilysynonym [default] [blackboard] [mr]
+\definefamilysynonym [default] [gothic] [mr]
+\definefamilysynonym [default] [fraktur] [mr]
+\definefamilysynonym [default] [lcgreek] [mi]
+\definefamilysynonym [default] [ucgreek] [mr]
+\definefamilysynonym [default] [vargreek] [mi]
+%D \macros
+%D {\setupmathematics}
+%D Configuration for integrals. (If needed we can speed this up and make it
+%D installable; no processaction is needed then).
+\chardef\intlimitcode\zerocount % 0 nolimits 1 displaylimits 2 limits
+ {\ifcase\intlimitcode \nolimits \or \displaylimits \or \limits \fi}
+ {\dosingleargument\dosetupmathematics}
+ {\getparameters[\??mo][#1]
+ \processaction[\@@mointegral]
+ [ nolimits=>\chardef\intlimitcode\zerocount,
+ displaylimits=>\chardef\intlimitcode\plusone,
+ limits=>\chardef\intlimitcode\plustwo]}
+%D \startbuffer
+%D $\int_a^b f(x) dx$ and also
+%D $\iint_a^b f(x,y) dxdy$, $\iiint_a^b f(x,y) dxdy$,
+%D $\iiiint_a^b f(x) dx$
+%D \startformula
+%D \int_a^b f(x) dx \quad
+%D \iint_a^b f(x) dx \quad
+%D \iiint_a^b f(x) dx \quad
+%D \iiiint_a^b f(x) dx \quad
+%D \stopformula
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D Default: \getbuffer
+%D Displaylimits: \setupmathematics[integral=displaylimits] \getbuffer
+%D Limits: \setupmathematics[integral=limits] \getbuffer
+\startmathcollection [default]
+\definemathsymbol [alpha] [nothing] [lcgreek] ["0B]
+\definemathsymbol [beta] [nothing] [lcgreek] ["0C]
+\definemathsymbol [gamma] [nothing] [lcgreek] ["0D]
+\definemathsymbol [delta] [nothing] [lcgreek] ["0E]
+\definemathsymbol [epsilon] [nothing] [lcgreek] ["0F]
+\definemathsymbol [zeta] [nothing] [lcgreek] ["10]
+\definemathsymbol [eta] [nothing] [lcgreek] ["11]
+\definemathsymbol [theta] [nothing] [lcgreek] ["12]
+\definemathsymbol [iota] [nothing] [lcgreek] ["13]
+\definemathsymbol [kappa] [nothing] [lcgreek] ["14]
+\definemathsymbol [lambda] [nothing] [lcgreek] ["15]
+\definemathsymbol [mu] [nothing] [lcgreek] ["16]
+\definemathsymbol [nu] [nothing] [lcgreek] ["17]
+\definemathsymbol [xi] [nothing] [lcgreek] ["18]
+\definemathsymbol [omicron] [nothing] [lcgreek] ["6F]
+\definemathsymbol [pi] [nothing] [lcgreek] ["19]
+\definemathsymbol [rho] [nothing] [lcgreek] ["1A]
+\definemathsymbol [sigma] [nothing] [lcgreek] ["1B]
+\definemathsymbol [tau] [nothing] [lcgreek] ["1C]
+\definemathsymbol [upsilon] [nothing] [lcgreek] ["1D]
+\definemathsymbol [phi] [nothing] [lcgreek] ["1E]
+\definemathsymbol [chi] [nothing] [lcgreek] ["1F]
+\definemathsymbol [psi] [nothing] [lcgreek] ["20]
+\definemathsymbol [omega] [nothing] [lcgreek] ["21]
+\startmathcollection [default]
+\definemathsymbol [varepsilon] [nothing] [vargreek] ["22]
+\definemathsymbol [vartheta] [nothing] [vargreek] ["23]
+\definemathsymbol [varpi] [nothing] [vargreek] ["24]
+\definemathsymbol [varrho] [nothing] [vargreek] ["25]
+\definemathsymbol [varsigma] [nothing] [vargreek] ["26]
+\definemathsymbol [varphi] [nothing] [vargreek] ["27]
+\startmathcollection [default]
+\definemathsymbol [Alpha] [alpha] [ucgreek] ["41] % A
+\definemathsymbol [Beta] [alpha] [ucgreek] ["42] % B
+\definemathsymbol [Gamma] [alpha] [ucgreek] ["00]
+\definemathsymbol [Delta] [alpha] [ucgreek] ["01]
+\definemathsymbol [Epsilon] [alpha] [ucgreek] ["45] % E
+\definemathsymbol [Zeta] [alpha] [ucgreek] ["5A] % Z
+\definemathsymbol [Eta] [alpha] [ucgreek] ["48] % H
+\definemathsymbol [Theta] [alpha] [ucgreek] ["02]
+\definemathsymbol [Iota] [alpha] [ucgreek] ["49] % I
+\definemathsymbol [Kappa] [alpha] [ucgreek] ["4B] % K
+\definemathsymbol [Lambda] [alpha] [ucgreek] ["03]
+\definemathsymbol [Mu] [alpha] [ucgreek] ["4D] % M
+\definemathsymbol [Nu] [alpha] [ucgreek] ["4E] % N
+\definemathsymbol [Xi] [alpha] [ucgreek] ["04]
+\definemathsymbol [Omicron] [alpha] [ucgreek] ["4F] % O
+\definemathsymbol [Pi] [alpha] [ucgreek] ["05]
+\definemathsymbol [Rho] [alpha] [ucgreek] ["52] % R
+\definemathsymbol [Sigma] [alpha] [ucgreek] ["06]
+\definemathsymbol [Tau] [alpha] [ucgreek] ["54] % T
+\definemathsymbol [Upsilon] [alpha] [ucgreek] ["07]
+\definemathsymbol [Phi] [alpha] [ucgreek] ["08]
+\definemathsymbol [Chi] [alpha] [ucgreek] ["58] % X
+\definemathsymbol [Psi] [alpha] [ucgreek] ["09]
+\definemathsymbol [Omega] [alpha] [ucgreek] ["0A]
+% The \mfunction macro is an alternative for \hbox with a
+% controlable font switch.
+\definemathcommand [arccos] [nolop] {\mfunction{arccos}}
+\definemathcommand [arcsin] [nolop] {\mfunction{arcsin}}
+\definemathcommand [arctan] [nolop] {\mfunction{arctan}}
+\definemathcommand [arg] [nolop] {\mfunction{arg}}
+\definemathcommand [cosh] [nolop] {\mfunction{cosh}}
+\definemathcommand [cos] [nolop] {\mfunction{cos}}
+\definemathcommand [coth] [nolop] {\mfunction{coth}}
+\definemathcommand [cot] [nolop] {\mfunction{cot}}
+\definemathcommand [csc] [nolop] {\mfunction{csc}}
+\definemathcommand [deg] [nolop] {\mfunction{deg}}
+\definemathcommand [det] [limop] {\mfunction{det}}
+\definemathcommand [dim] [nolop] {\mfunction{dim}}
+\definemathcommand [exp] [nolop] {\mfunction{exp}}
+\definemathcommand [gcd] [limop] {\mfunction{gcd}}
+\definemathcommand [hom] [nolop] {\mfunction{hom}}
+\definemathcommand [inf] [limop] {\mfunction{inf}}
+\definemathcommand [injlim] [limop] {\mfunction{inj\,lim}}
+\definemathcommand [ker] [nolop] {\mfunction{ker}}
+\definemathcommand [lg] [nolop] {\mfunction{lg}}
+\definemathcommand [liminf] [limop] {\mfunction{lim\,inf}}
+\definemathcommand [limsup] [limop] {\mfunction{lim\,sup}}
+\definemathcommand [lim] [limop] {\mfunction{lim}}
+\definemathcommand [ln] [nolop] {\mfunction{ln}}
+\definemathcommand [log] [nolop] {\mfunction{log}}
+\definemathcommand [median] [limop] {\mfunction{median}}
+\definemathcommand [max] [limop] {\mfunction{max}}
+\definemathcommand [min] [limop] {\mfunction{min}}
+\definemathcommand [mod] [limop] {\mfunction{mod}}
+\definemathcommand [div] [limop] {\mfunction{div}}
+\definemathcommand [projlim] [limop] {\mfunction{proj\,lim}}
+\definemathcommand [Pr] [limop] {\mfunction{Pr}}
+\definemathcommand [sec] [nolop] {\mfunction{sec}}
+\definemathcommand [sinh] [nolop] {\mfunction{sinh}}
+\definemathcommand [sin] [nolop] {\mfunction{sin}}
+\definemathcommand [sup] [limop] {\mfunction{sup}}
+\definemathcommand [tanh] [nolop] {\mfunction{tanh}}
+\definemathcommand [tan] [nolop] {\mfunction{tan}}
+\let\normalmatharg\arg % todo: maybe automatically
+\definemathcommand [integers] {\mfunction{Z}}
+\definemathcommand [reals] {\mfunction{R}}
+\definemathcommand [rationals] {\mfunction{Q}}
+\definemathcommand [naturalnumbers] {\mfunction{N}}
+\definemathcommand [complexes] {\mfunction{C}}
+\definemathcommand [primes] {\mfunction{P}}
+\definemathcharacter [!] [close] [mr] ["21]
+\definemathcharacter [(] [open] [mr] ["28]
+\definemathcharacter [)] [close] [mr] ["29]
+\definemathcharacter [*] [bin] [sy] ["03]
+\definemathcharacter [+] [bin] [mr] ["2B]
+\definemathcharacter [,] [punct] [mi] ["3B]
+\definemathcharacter [-] [bin] [sy] ["00]
+\definemathcharacter [.] [ord] [mi] ["3A]
+\definemathcharacter [/] [ord] [mi] ["3D]
+\definemathcharacter [:] [rel] [mr] ["3A]
+\definemathcharacter [;] [punct] [mr] ["3B]
+\definemathcharacter [<] [rel] [mi] ["3C]
+\definemathcharacter [=] [rel] [mr] ["3D]
+\definemathcharacter [>] [rel] [mi] ["3E]
+\definemathcharacter [?] [close] [mr] ["3F]
+\definemathcharacter [91] [open] [mr] ["5B] % [
+\definemathcharacter [92] [ord] [sy] ["6E] % \
+\definemathcharacter [93] [close] [mr] ["5D] % ]
+\definemathcharacter [123] [open] [sy] ["66] % {
+\definemathcharacter [124] [ord] [sy] ["6A] % |
+\definemathcharacter [125] [close] [sy] ["67] % }
+\definemathcharacter [(] [nothing] [mr] ["28] [ex] ["00]
+\definemathcharacter [)] [nothing] [mr] ["29] [ex] ["01]
+\definemathcharacter [91] [nothing] [mr] ["5B] [ex] ["02] % [
+\definemathcharacter [93] [nothing] [mr] ["5D] [ex] ["03] % ]
+\definemathcharacter [<] [nothing] [sy] ["68] [ex] ["0A]
+\definemathcharacter [>] [nothing] [sy] ["69] [ex] ["0B]
+\definemathcharacter [/] [nothing] [mr] ["2F] [ex] ["0E]
+\definemathcharacter [124] [nothing] [sy] ["6A] [ex] ["0C] % |
+\definemathcharacter [92] [nothing] [sy] ["6E] [ex] ["0F] % \
+ {{\vbox{\ialign{$\mathsurround\zeropoint\scriptstyle##$\crcr
+ \not\mathrel{\mkern14mu}\crcr
+ \noalign{\nointerlineskip}
+ \mkern2.5mu\leaders\hrule height.34pt\hfill\mkern2.5mu\crcr}}}}
+\definemathsymbol [aleph] [nothing] [sy] ["40]
+\definemathsymbol [imath] [nothing] [mi] ["7B]
+\definemathsymbol [jmath] [nothing] [mi] ["7C]
+\definemathsymbol [ell] [nothing] [mi] ["60]
+\definemathsymbol [wp] [nothing] [mi] ["7D]
+\definemathsymbol [Re] [nothing] [sy] ["3C]
+\definemathsymbol [Im] [nothing] [sy] ["3D]
+\definemathsymbol [partial] [nothing] [mi] ["40]
+\definemathsymbol [infty] [nothing] [sy] ["31]
+\definemathsymbol [prime] [nothing] [sy] ["30]
+\definemathsymbol [emptyset] [nothing] [sy] ["3B]
+\definemathsymbol [nabla] [nothing] [sy] ["72]
+\definemathsymbol [top] [nothing] [sy] ["3E]
+\definemathsymbol [bot] [nothing] [sy] ["3F]
+\definemathcommand [hbar] {{\mathchar'26\mkern-9muh}}
+\definemathcommand [surd] {{\mathchar"1270}} % ?
+\definemathcommand [angle] {\PLAINangle}
+\definemathsymbol [triangle] [ord] [sy] ["34]
+\definemathsymbol [forall] [ord] [sy] ["38]
+\definemathsymbol [exists] [ord] [sy] ["39]
+\definemathsymbol [neg] [ord] [sy] ["3A]
+\definemathsymbol [flat] [ord] [mi] ["5B]
+\definemathsymbol [natural] [ord] [mi] ["5C]
+\definemathsymbol [sharp] [ord] [mi] ["5D]
+\definemathsymbol [clubsuit] [ord] [sy] ["7C]
+\definemathsymbol [diamondsuit] [ord] [sy] ["7D]
+\definemathsymbol [heartsuit] [ord] [sy] ["7E]
+\definemathsymbol [spadesuit] [ord] [sy] ["7F]
+\definemathcommand [square] {\hbox{\hsmash{$\sqcup$}$\sqcap$}}
+\definemathsymbol [coprod] [op] [ex] ["60]
+\definemathsymbol [bigvee] [op] [ex] ["57]
+\definemathsymbol [bigwedge] [op] [ex] ["56]
+\definemathsymbol [biguplus] [op] [ex] ["55]
+\definemathsymbol [bigcap] [op] [ex] ["54]
+\definemathsymbol [bigcup] [op] [ex] ["53]
+\definemathsymbol [intop] [op] [ex] ["52]
+\definemathsymbol [prod] [op] [ex] ["51]
+\definemathsymbol [sum] [op] [ex] ["50]
+\definemathsymbol [bigotimes] [op] [ex] ["4E]
+\definemathsymbol [bigoplus] [op] [ex] ["4C]
+\definemathsymbol [bigodot] [op] [ex] ["4A]
+\definemathsymbol [ointop] [op] [ex] ["48]
+\definemathsymbol [bigsqcup] [op] [ex] ["46]
+\definemathsymbol [smallint] [op] [sy] ["73]
+\definemathsymbol [triangleleft] [bin] [mi] ["2F]
+\definemathsymbol [triangleright] [bin] [mi] ["2E]
+\definemathsymbol [bigtriangleup] [bin] [sy] ["34]
+\definemathsymbol [bigtriangledown] [bin] [sy] ["35]
+\definemathsymbol [wedge] [bin] [sy] ["5E]
+\definemathsymbol [vee] [bin] [sy] ["5F]
+\definemathsymbol [cap] [bin] [sy] ["5C]
+\definemathsymbol [cup] [bin] [sy] ["5B]
+\definemathsymbol [ddagger] [bin] [sy] ["7A]
+\definemathsymbol [dagger] [bin] [sy] ["79]
+\definemathsymbol [sqcap] [bin] [sy] ["75]
+\definemathsymbol [sqcup] [bin] [sy] ["74]
+\definemathsymbol [uplus] [bin] [sy] ["5D]
+\definemathsymbol [amalg] [bin] [sy] ["71]
+\definemathsymbol [diamond] [bin] [sy] ["05]
+\definemathsymbol [bullet] [bin] [sy] ["0F]
+\definemathsymbol [wr] [bin] [sy] ["6F]
+\definemathsymbol [div] [bin] [sy] ["04]
+\definemathsymbol [odot] [bin] [sy] ["0C]
+\definemathsymbol [oslash] [bin] [sy] ["0B]
+\definemathsymbol [otimes] [bin] [sy] ["0A]
+\definemathsymbol [ominus] [bin] [sy] ["09]
+\definemathsymbol [oplus] [bin] [sy] ["08]
+\definemathsymbol [mp] [bin] [sy] ["07]
+\definemathsymbol [pm] [bin] [sy] ["06]
+\definemathsymbol [circ] [bin] [sy] ["0E]
+\definemathsymbol [bigcirc] [bin] [sy] ["0D]
+\definemathsymbol [setminus] [bin] [sy] ["6E]
+\definemathsymbol [cdot] [bin] [sy] ["01]
+\definemathsymbol [ast] [bin] [sy] ["03]
+\definemathsymbol [times] [bin] [sy] ["02]
+\definemathsymbol [star] [bin] [mi] ["3F]
+\definemathsymbol [propto] [rel] [sy] ["2F]
+\definemathsymbol [sqsubseteq] [rel] [sy] ["76]
+\definemathsymbol [sqsupseteq] [rel] [sy] ["77]
+\definemathsymbol [parallel] [rel] [sy] ["6B]
+\definemathsymbol [mid] [rel] [sy] ["6A]
+\definemathsymbol [dashv] [rel] [sy] ["61]
+\definemathsymbol [vdash] [rel] [sy] ["60]
+\definemathsymbol [nearrow] [rel] [sy] ["25]
+\definemathsymbol [searrow] [rel] [sy] ["26]
+\definemathsymbol [nwarrow] [rel] [sy] ["2D]
+\definemathsymbol [swarrow] [rel] [sy] ["2E]
+\definemathsymbol [Leftrightarrow] [rel] [sy] ["2C]
+\definemathsymbol [Leftarrow] [rel] [sy] ["28]
+\definemathsymbol [Rightarrow] [rel] [sy] ["29]
+\definemathcommand [lnot] {\neg}
+\definemathcommand [int] {\intop \intlimits}
+\definemathcommand [oint] {\ointop\intlimits}
+\definemathcommand [land] {\wedge}
+\definemathcommand [lor] {\vee}
+\definemathcommand [neq] {\not=}
+\definemathcommand [ne] {\neq}
+\definemathcommand [le] {\leq}
+\definemathcommand [ge] {\geq}
+\definemathcommand [eq] {=}
+\definemathcommand [gt] {>}
+\definemathcommand [lt] {<}
+\definemathcommand [gets] {\leftarrow}
+\definemathcommand [owns] {\ni}
+\definemathcommand [to] {\rightarrow}
+\definemathcommand [mapsto] {\mapstochar\rightarrow}
+\definemathsymbol [leq] [rel] [sy] ["14]
+\definemathsymbol [geq] [rel] [sy] ["15]
+\definemathsymbol [succ] [rel] [sy] ["1F]
+\definemathsymbol [prec] [rel] [sy] ["1E]
+\definemathsymbol [approx] [rel] [sy] ["19]
+\definemathsymbol [succeq] [rel] [sy] ["17]
+\definemathsymbol [preceq] [rel] [sy] ["16]
+\definemathsymbol [supset] [rel] [sy] ["1B]
+\definemathsymbol [subset] [rel] [sy] ["1A]
+\definemathsymbol [supseteq] [rel] [sy] ["13]
+\definemathsymbol [subseteq] [rel] [sy] ["12]
+\definemathsymbol [in] [rel] [sy] ["32]
+\definemathsymbol [ni] [rel] [sy] ["33]
+\definemathsymbol [gg] [rel] [sy] ["1D]
+\definemathsymbol [ll] [rel] [sy] ["1C]
+\definemathsymbol [not] [rel] [sy] ["36]
+\definemathsymbol [leftrightarrow] [rel] [sy] ["24]
+\definemathsymbol [leftarrow] [rel] [sy] ["20]
+\definemathsymbol [rightarrow] [rel] [sy] ["21]
+\definemathsymbol [mapstochar] [rel] [sy] ["37]
+\definemathsymbol [sim] [rel] [sy] ["18]
+\definemathsymbol [simeq] [rel] [sy] ["27]
+\definemathsymbol [perp] [rel] [sy] ["3F]
+\definemathsymbol [equiv] [rel] [sy] ["11]
+\definemathsymbol [asymp] [rel] [sy] ["10]
+\definemathsymbol [smile] [rel] [mi] ["5E]
+\definemathsymbol [frown] [rel] [mi] ["5F]
+\definemathsymbol [leftharpoonup] [rel] [mi] ["28]
+\definemathsymbol [leftharpoondown] [rel] [mi] ["29]
+\definemathsymbol [rightharpoonup] [rel] [mi] ["2A]
+\definemathsymbol [rightharpoondown] [rel] [mi] ["2B]
+\definemathsymbol [lhook] [rel] [mi] ["2C]
+\definemathsymbol [rhook] [rel] [mi] ["2D]
+ {\ldotp\ldotp\ldotp}
+ {\cdotp\cdotp\cdotp}
+ {\vbox{\baselineskip.4\bodyfontsize\lineskiplimit\zeropoint
+ \kern.6\bodyfontsize\hbox{.}\hbox{.}\hbox{.}}}
+ {\mkern1mu\raise.7\bodyfontsize\vbox{\kern.7\bodyfontsize\hbox{.}}\mkern2mu
+ \raise.4\bodyfontsize\hbox{.}\mkern2mu\raise.1\bodyfontsize\hbox{.}\mkern1mu}
+\definemathcommand [hookrightarrow] {\lhook\joinrel\rightarrow}
+\definemathcommand [hookleftarrow] {\leftarrow\joinrel\rhook}
+\definemathcommand [bowtie] {\mathrel\triangleright\joinrel\mathrel\triangleleft}
+\definemathcommand [models] {\mathrel|\joinrel=}
+\definemathcommand [iff] {\;\Longleftrightarrow\;}
+\definemathsymbol [ldotp] [punct] [mi] ["3A]
+\definemathsymbol [cdotp] [punct] [sy] ["01]
+\definemathsymbol [colon] [punct] [mr] ["3A]
+\definemathcommand [ldots] [inner] {\PLAINldots}
+\definemathcommand [cdots] [inner] {\PLAINcdots}
+\definemathcommand [vdots] [nothing] {\PLAINvdots}
+\definemathcommand [ddots] [inner] {\PLAINddots}
+\definemathsymbol [acute] [accent] [mr] ["13]
+\definemathsymbol [grave] [accent] [mr] ["12]
+\definemathsymbol [ddot] [accent] [mr] ["7F]
+\definemathsymbol [tilde] [accent] [mr] ["7E]
+\definemathsymbol [mathring] [accent] [mr] ["17]
+\definemathsymbol [bar] [accent] [mr] ["16]
+\definemathsymbol [breve] [accent] [mr] ["15]
+\definemathsymbol [check] [accent] [mr] ["14]
+\definemathsymbol [hat] [accent] [mr] ["5E]
+\definemathsymbol [vec] [accent] [mi] ["7E] % [ord]
+\definemathsymbol [dot] [accent] [mr] ["5F]
+\definemathsymbol [widetilde] [accent] [ex] ["65] % [ord]
+\definemathsymbol [widehat] [accent] [ex] ["62] % [ord]
+\definemathsymbol [lmoustache] [open] [ex] ["7A] [ex] ["40]
+\definemathsymbol [rmoustache] [close] [ex] ["7B] [ex] ["41]
+\definemathsymbol [lgroup] [open] [mr] ["28] [ex] ["3A] % ?
+\definemathsymbol [rgroup] [close] [mr] ["29] [ex] ["3B] % ?
+\definemathsymbol [arrowvert] [nothing] [sy] ["6A] [ex] ["3C]
+\definemathsymbol [Arrowvert] [nothing] [sy] ["6B] [ex] ["3D]
+\definemathsymbol [bracevert] [nothing] [ex] ["3E] % ?
+\definemathsymbol [Vert] [nothing] [sy] ["6B] [ex] ["0D]
+\definemathsymbol [vert] [nothing] [sy] ["6A] [ex] ["0C]
+\definemathsymbol [uparrow] [rel] [sy] ["22] [ex] ["78]
+\definemathsymbol [downarrow] [rel] [sy] ["23] [ex] ["79]
+\definemathsymbol [updownarrow] [rel] [sy] ["6C] [ex] ["3F]
+\definemathsymbol [Uparrow] [rel] [sy] ["2A] [ex] ["7E]
+\definemathsymbol [Downarrow] [rel] [sy] ["2B] [ex] ["7F]
+\definemathsymbol [Updownarrow] [rel] [sy] ["6D] [ex] ["77]
+\definemathsymbol [backslash] [nothing] [sy] ["6E] [ex] ["0F]
+\definemathsymbol [langle] [open] [sy] ["68] [ex] ["0A]
+\definemathsymbol [rangle] [close] [sy] ["69] [ex] ["0B]
+\definemathsymbol [lbrace] [open] [sy] ["66] [ex] ["08]
+\definemathsymbol [rbrace] [close] [sy] ["67] [ex] ["09]
+\definemathsymbol [lceil] [open] [sy] ["64] [ex] ["06]
+\definemathsymbol [rceil] [close] [sy] ["65] [ex] ["07]
+\definemathsymbol [lfloor] [open] [sy] ["62] [ex] ["04]
+\definemathsymbol [rfloor] [close] [sy] ["63] [ex] ["05]
+\definemathsymbol [sqrt] [radical] [sy] ["70] [ex] ["70]
+%D By request:
+\definemathsymbol [lvert] [open] [sy] ["6A] [ex] ["0C]
+\definemathsymbol [rvert] [close] [sy] ["6A] [ex] ["0C]
+\definemathsymbol [lVert] [open] [sy] ["6B] [ex] ["0D]
+\definemathsymbol [rVert] [close] [sy] ["6B] [ex] ["0D]
+%D For brooks:
+%D \starttyping
+%D $\sqrt[3]{10}$
+%D \stoptyping
+\ifx\normalsqrt\undefined \let\normalsqrt\sqrt \fi % just set to: \dohandlemathtoken {sqrt}
+\def\PLAINbig {\@@dobig{0.85}}
+\def\PLAINBig {\@@dobig{1.15}}
+\startrawmathcollection [default]
+\definemathcommand [bigl] [open] [one] {\big}
+\definemathcommand [bigm] [rel] [one] {\big}
+\definemathcommand [bigr] [close] [one] {\big}
+\definemathcommand [Bigl] [open] [one] {\Big}
+\definemathcommand [Bigm] [rel] [one] {\Big}
+\definemathcommand [Bigr] [close] [one] {\Big}
+\definemathcommand [biggl] [open] [one] {\bigg}
+\definemathcommand [biggm] [rel] [one] {\bigg}
+\definemathcommand [biggr] [close] [one] {\bigg}
+\definemathcommand [Biggl] [open] [one] {\Bigg}
+\definemathcommand [Biggm] [rel] [one] {\Bigg}
+\definemathcommand [Biggr] [close] [one] {\Bigg}
+\definemathcommand [big] {\PLAINbig}
+\definemathcommand [Big] {\PLAINBig}
+\definemathcommand [bigg] {\PLAINbigg}
+\definemathcommand [Bigg] {\PLAINBigg}
+\definemathsymbol [dag] [box] [sy] ["79]
+\definemathsymbol [ddag] [box] [sy] ["7A]
+\definemathsymbol [S] [box] [sy] ["78]
+\definemathsymbol [P] [box] [sy] ["7B]
+\definemathsymbol [Orb] [box] [sy] ["0D]
+ {\setbox\zerocount\hbox{$\mathsurround\zeropoint#1\sqrt{#2}$}\dimen@\ht\zerocount
+ \advance\dimen@-\dp\zerocount
+ \mkern5mu\raise.6\dimen@\copy\rootbox \mkern-10mu\box\zerocount}
+ {\null\,\vcenter{\normalbaselines\mathsurround\zeropoint
+ \ialign{\hfil$##$\hfil&&\quad\hfil$##$\hfil\crcr
+ \mathstrut\crcr\noalign{\kern-\baselineskip}
+ #1\crcr\mathstrut\crcr\noalign{\kern-\baselineskip}}}\,}
+\definemathcommand [mathstrut] {\vphantom{(}}
+\definemathcommand [joinrel] {\mathrel{\mkern-3mu}}
+\definemathcommand [r@@t] {\PLAINroot}
+\definemathcommand [matrix] {\PLAINmatrix}
+\definemathcommand [over] {\normalover} % hack, to do
+\def\Bbb{\blackboard} % conforming amstex
+ \definemathsymbol [mathperiod] [ord] [mi] ["3A]
+ \definemathsymbol [textperiod] [punct] [mi] ["3A]
+ \definemathsymbol [mathcomma] [ord] [mi] ["3B]
+ \definemathsymbol [textcomma] [punct] [mi] ["3B]
+\definemathpunctuation . mathperiod textperiod
+\definemathpunctuation , mathcomma textcomma
+%D The following colon related definitions are provided by Aditya
+%D Mahajan who derived them from \type {mathtools.sty} and \type
+%D {colonequals.sty}.
+%D \macros
+%D {centercolon, colonminus, minuscolon, colonequals, equalscolon,
+%D colonapprox, approxcolon, colonsim, simcolon, coloncolon,
+%D coloncolonminus, minuscoloncolon, coloncolonequals,
+%D equalscoloncolon, coloncolonapprox, approxcoloncolon,
+%D colonsim, simcoloncolon}
+%D In $a := b$ the colon is not vertically centered with the equal
+%D to. Also the distance between colon and equal to is a bit large.
+%D So, we define a vertically centered colon \tex {centercolon} and
+%D a few macros for colon and double colon relation symbols.
+%D \startlines
+%D \formula {A \centercolon B}
+%D \formula {A \colonminus B}
+%D \formula {A \minuscolon B}
+%D \formula {A \colonequals B}
+%D \formula {A \equalscolon B}
+%D \formula {A \colonapprox B}
+%D \formula {A \approxcolon B}
+%D \formula {A \colonsim B}
+%D \formula {A \simcolon B}
+%D \formula {A \coloncolon B}
+%D \formula {A \coloncolonminus B}
+%D \formula {A \minuscoloncolon B}
+%D \formula {A \coloncolonequals B}
+%D \formula {A \equalscoloncolon B}
+%D \formula {A \coloncolonapprox B}
+%D \formula {A \approxcoloncolon B}
+%D \formula {A \colonsim B}
+%D \formula {A \simcoloncolon B}
+%D \stoplines
+%D The next macros take care of the space between the colon and the
+%D relation symbol.
+\definemathcommand [colonsep] {\mkern-1.2mu}
+\definemathcommand [doublecolonsep] {\mkern-0.9mu}
+%D The next macro vertically centeres its contents.
+ {\vcenter{\hbox{$\mathsurround\zeropoint#1$}}}
+ {\mathpalette\@center@math{\colon}}
+%D Now we define all the colon relations.
+\definemathcommand [centercolon] [rel] {\@center@colon}
+\definemathcommand [colonminus] [rel] {\centercolon\colonsep\mathrel{-}}
+\definemathcommand [minuscolon] [rel] {\mathrel{-}\colonsep\centercolon}
+\definemathcommand [colonequals] [rel] {\centercolon\colonsep=}
+\definemathcommand [equalscolon] [rel] {=\centercolon\colonsep}
+\definemathcommand [colonapprox] [rel] {\centercolon\colonsep\approx}
+\definemathcommand [approxcolon] [rel] {\approx\centercolon\colonsep}
+\definemathcommand [colonsim] [rel] {\centercolon\colonsep\sim}
+\definemathcommand [simcolon] [rel] {\sim\centercolon\colonsep}
+\definemathcommand [coloncolon] [rel] {\centercolon\doublecolonsep\centercolon}
+\definemathcommand [coloncolonminus] [rel] {\coloncolon\colonsep\mathrel{-}}
+\definemathcommand [minuscoloncolon] [rel] {\mathrel{-}\colonsep\coloncolon}
+\definemathcommand [coloncolonequals] [rel] {\coloncolon\colonsep=}
+\definemathcommand [equalscoloncolon] [rel] {=\coloncolon\colonsep}
+\definemathcommand [coloncolonapprox] [rel] {\coloncolon\colonsep\approx}
+\definemathcommand [approxcoloncolon] [rel] {\approx\coloncolon\colonsep}
+\definemathcommand [colonsim] [rel] {\coloncolon\colonsep\sim}
+\definemathcommand [simcoloncolon] [rel] {\sim\coloncolon\colonsep}
+%D More integrals (AM):
+\definemathcommand [iint] {\repeatintegral\plusone }
+\definemathcommand [iiint] {\repeatintegral\plustwo }
+\definemathcommand [iiiint] {\repeatintegral\plusthree}
+ {\scratchtoks\emptytoks
+ \let\dointlimits\donothing
+ \let\dodointlimits\intlimits
+ \dorecurse{#1}{\appendtoks \intop \dointkern \to \scratchtoks}
+ \appendtoks \intop \dointlimits \dodointlimits \to \scratchtoks
+ \edef\dodorepeatintegral{\the\scratchtoks}%
+ \futurelet\next\dorepeatintegral}
+%D If the \type{\limits} option is used after \type{\iint}, use
+%D \type{\mathop} and fudge the left hand space a bit to make the
+%D subscript visually centered.
+ {\ifx\next\limits \dointlimitcorrection \else
+ \ifx\next\displaylimits \dointlimitcorrection \else
+ \ifx\next\nolimits \donothing \else
+ \ifcase\intlimitcode\else \dointlimitcorrection \fi\fi\fi\fi
+ \dodorepeatintegral}
+ {\mkern-7mu\mathchoice{\mkern-2mu}{}{}{}%
+ \mathop\bgroup
+ \mkern7mu\mathchoice{\mkern2mu}{}{}{}%
+ \let\dointlimits\egroup}
+ [integral=nolimits]
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/math-tim.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/math-tim.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..da7d17e7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/math-tim.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,371 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=math-tim,
+%D version=2001.04.12,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Math Macros,
+%D subtitle=Mathtime Specials,
+%D author={Hans Hagen \& Taco Hoekwater},
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\endinput % i will clean this up after taco has gone over it
+%D With thanks to Berthold Horn from YandY for providing me
+%D evaluation copies of the MathTimePlus fonts.
+% version 0 : Michael Spivak
+% version 1 : Taco Hoekwater
+% version 2 : Hans Hagen
+% version 3 : etc etc etc
+%D We use the predefined spare families \type {\mcfam} and
+%D \type {\mdfam}.
+\let\cafam\mcfam \let\hexcafam\hexmcfam
+\let\gbfam\mdfam \let\hexgbfam\hexmdfam
+\let\gkfam\mdfam \let\hexgkfam\hexmdfam
+% Why is this needed?
+% \font\tenmd =mtgu at 10pt
+% \font\sevenmd=mtgu at 7.6pt
+% \font\fivemd =mtgu at 6pt
+% \font\tenmc =mtms at 10pt
+% \font\sevenmc=mtms at 7.6pt
+% \font\fivemc =mtms at 6pt
+% \textfont \mcfam\tenmc \textfont \mdfam\tenmd
+% \scriptfont \mcfam\sevenmc \scriptfont \mdfam\sevenmd
+% \scriptscriptfont\mcfam\fivemc \scriptscriptfont\mdfam\fivemd
+% \addtocommalist{gk}\familylist
+% \addtocommalist{gb}\familylist
+% \defineinterfaceconstant {ca} {ca} % boohoo!
+% \defineinterfaceconstant {gk} {gk} % boohoo!
+% \defineinterfaceconstant {gb} {gb} % boohoo!
+% \definealternativestyle[script] [\ca][\ca]
+% \definealternativestyle[greek] [\gk][\gk]
+% \definealternativestyle[boldgreek][\gb][\gb]
+% \definebodyfont
+% [5pt,6pt,7pt,8pt,9pt,10pt,11pt,12pt,14.4pt] [rm]
+% [ca=mtms sa 1,
+% gk=mtgu sa 1,
+% gb=mtgub sa 1]
+%D Since a font size is a rather fuzzy thing, it will be no
+%D surprise that the Math Times fonts have different specs
+%D than the Computer Modern Roman fonts.
+%D \starttabulate[|Bl|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|]
+%D \NC Computer Modern\NC
+%D 5 \NC6 \NC7 \NC8 \NC9 \NC10 \NC11 \NC12 \NC14 \NC18\NC\NR
+%D \NC Math Times \NC
+%D 6.0\NC6.8\NC7.6\NC8.4\NC9.2\NC10.0\NC10.8\NC11.6\NC13.2\NC--\NC\NR
+%D \stoptabulate
+%D The following definitions presume the existence of \type
+%D {tio} and \type {tibio} font alternatives. Definitions for
+%D \type {\tf.} etc and \type {\sc} are left as they are.
+%D moved code
+%D The next lines set up coding dependant versions of math
+%D accents (for \type {texnansi} of course). These are needed
+%D in commands like \type {\bf} and \type {\it} (which use the
+%D text font encoding) a opposed to \type {_no spec_} and
+%D \type {mi} that use the math font encoding. This stuff
+%D should be made more general!
+% \daghex, \ddaghex and \dothex were wrong in my version of mtmacs
+\def\daghex {86} % to do
+\def\ddaghex {87}
+\def\Shex {A7}
+\def\Phex {B6}
+\def\barhex {16}
+\def\hathex {5E}
+\def\dothex {05}
+\def\ddothex {7F}
+%D The \type {mtex} fonts need a recalculation of \type
+%D {\p@renwd}, which in \CONTEXT\ is done automatically.
+%D The following definitions are mostly copied from the file
+%D \type {mtmacs.tex}, which banner said:
+%D \starttyping
+%D MTMACS.TEX VERSION 1.1.1 (1996 Dec 8)
+%D \stoptyping
+%D We reformatted the macros and changed a few bits and
+%D pieces. A further cleanup with regards to the scratch
+%D registers will be done later.
+\mathchardef\Gamma = "0130
+\mathchardef\Delta = "0131
+\mathchardef\Theta = "0132
+\mathchardef\Lambda = "0133
+\mathchardef\Xi = "0134
+\mathchardef\Pi = "0135
+\mathchardef\Sigma = "0136
+\mathchardef\Upsilon = "0137
+\mathchardef\Phi = "0138
+\mathchardef\Psi = "0139
+\mathchardef\Omega = "017F
+\mathchardef\varGamma = "0100
+\mathchardef\varDelta = "0101
+\mathchardef\varTheta = "0102
+\mathchardef\varLambda = "0103
+\mathchardef\varXi = "0104
+\mathchardef\varPi = "0105
+\mathchardef\varSigma = "0106
+\mathchardef\varUpsilon = "0107
+\mathchardef\varPhi = "0108
+\mathchardef\varPsi = "0109
+\mathchardef\varOmega = "010A
+\mathchardef\varkappa = "017E
+\mathchardef\ldotp = "613A
+\mathchardef\triangleleft = "2247
+\mathchardef\triangleright = "2246
+\mathchardef\comp = "2242
+\mathchardef\Relbar = "3248
+\mathchardef\dagger = "20\daghex % to do
+\mathchardef\ddagger = "20\ddaghex % to do
+\mathchardef\dotacc = "0250
+\mathcode`\( = "412E
+\mathcode`\) = "512F
+\mathcode`\. = "013A
+\mathcode`\, = "613B
+\mathcode`\+ = "2243
+\mathcode`\= = "3244
+\mathcode`\; = "6249
+\delcode `\( = "12E300
+\delcode `\) = "12F301
+\let\mit=\undefined % to do
+\def\vec{\mathaccent"0245 }
+% fam equals -1 unless the user has said something
+% like \rm (cf. the texbook page 290)
+ {\ifnum\fam=\minusone\mathaccent#1\else\mathaccent#2\fi}
+\def\grave {\ifdefaultfamelse{"024A}{"70\gravehex}}
+\def\acute {\ifdefaultfamelse{"024B}{"70\acutehex}}
+\def\check {\ifdefaultfamelse{"024C}{"70\checkhex}}
+\def\breve {\ifdefaultfamelse{"024D}{"70\brevehex}}
+\def\bar {\ifdefaultfamelse{"024E}{"70\barhex }}
+\def\hat {\ifdefaultfamelse{"024F}{"70\hathex }}
+\def\dot {\ifdefaultfamelse{"0250}{"70\dothex }}
+\def\tilde {\ifdefaultfamelse{"0251}{"70\tildehex}}
+\def\ddot {\ifdefaultfamelse{"0252}{"70\ddothex }}
+\def\widebar{\mathaccent"0253 }
+ {\relax
+ \ifmmode
+ \mathpalette{}{\mathsurround\zeropoint\rm\mathchar"#1#2#3}%
+ \else
+ \leavevmode
+ \hbox{$\mathsurround\zeropoint\rm\mathchar"#1#2#3$}%
+ \fi}
+\def\dag {\edef\next@{0\daghex }\expandafter\mathhexbox@\next@}
+ {\vbox
+ {\baselineskip4\points
+ \lineskiplimit\zeropoint
+ \kern6\points\hbox{$\mathsurround\zeropoint.$}\hbox{$\mathsurround\zeropoint.$}\hbox{$\mathsurround\zeropoint.$}}}
+ {\mathinner
+ {\mkern1mu
+ \raise7\points\vbox{\kern 7\points\hbox{$\mathsurround\zeropoint.$}}\mkern2mu
+ \raise4\points\hbox{$\mathsurround\zeropoint.$}\mkern2mu
+ \raise \points\hbox{$\mathsurround\zeropoint.$}\mkern1mu}}
+ {{\mathchoice
+ {\hbox{\lower.07em \hbox{$\mathchar"\barhex$}}}
+ {\hbox{\lower.07em \hbox{$\mathchar"\barhex$}}}
+ {\hbox{\lower.049em\hbox{$\scriptstyle\mathchar"\barhex$}}}
+ {\hbox{\lower.035em\hbox{$\scriptscriptstyle\mathchar"\barhex$}}}%
+ \mkern-6.3muh}}
+ {{\vbox{\ialign{$\mathsurround\zeropoint\scriptstyle##$\crcr
+ \not\mathrel{\mkern14mu}\crcr
+ \noalign{\nointerlineskip}
+ \mkern2.5mu\leaders\hrule height.48\points\hfill\mkern2.5mu\crcr}}}}
+\amstexex = .2326ex
+ {\mathop{\vtop{\ialign{##\crcr
+ \hfil\the\textfont\zerocount lim\hfil\crcr
+ \noalign{\nointerlineskip}\rightarrowfill\crcr
+ \noalign{\nointerlineskip\kern-\amstexex}\crcr}}}}
+ {\mathop{\vtop{\ialign{##\crcr
+ \hfil\the\textfont\zerocount lim\hfil\crcr
+ \noalign{\nointerlineskip}\leftarrowfill\crcr
+ \noalign{\nointerlineskip\kern-\amstexex}\crcr}}}}
+\def\varliminf{\mathop{\underbar {lim}}} % context-ified
+\def\varlimsup{\mathop{\overstrike{lim}}} % context-ified
+\def\spdot {^{\hbox{\raise\amstexex\hbox{\the\textfont\zerocount .}}}}
+\def\spddot {^{\hbox{\raise\amstexex\hbox{\the\textfont\zerocount ..}}}}
+\def\spdddot {^{\hbox{\raise\amstexex\hbox{\the\textfont\zerocount ...}}}}
+%D Here some code is merged in order to save strings.
+ {\setbox0\hbox{$#1#2$}%
+ \setbox2\hbox{$#1\infty$}%
+ \dimen0\ht2
+ \ifdim\ht0<\dimen0 \dimen0\ht0 \fi
+ \setbox2\hbox{$#1#2\mathchar"012D$}%
+ \dimen2\wd2
+ \advance\dimen2-\wd0
+ \setbox0\hbox{$#1\rhook$}%
+ \advance\dimen2-\wd0
+ \vbox
+ {\offinterlineskip
+ \ialign{\hfil$#1##$\hfil\cr
+ \kern\dimen2\dotacc\mkern-2.5mu\dotacc\mkern-2.5mu\dotacc\thirddot\cr
+ \noalign{\vskip-\dimen0}%
+ #2\cr}}}
+ {\def\thirddot{}%
+ \mathpalette\domultidot}
+ {\def\thirddot{\mkern-2.5mu\dotacc}%
+ \mathpalette\domultidot}
+ {\errmessage{\noexpand#1allowed only in math mode}}
+ {\relax
+ \ifmmode
+ \uproot@#1\relax
+ \else
+ \nonmatherr\uproot
+ \fi}
+ {\relax
+ \ifmmode
+ \leftroot@#1\relax
+ \else
+ \nonmatherr\leftroot
+ \fi}
+ {\setbox\rootbox=\hbox{$\mathsurround\zeropoint\scriptscriptstyle{#1}$}%
+ \mathpalette\r@@t{#2}}
+ {\setbox\zerocount\hbox{$\uproot@\zerocount\leftroot\zerocount\mathsurround\zeropoint#1\sqrt{#2}$}%
+ \dimen@\ht\zerocount\advance\dimen@-\dp\zerocount
+ \dimen@ii\dimen@
+ \ifdim\dimen@>30\points \advance\dimen@ii-16\points \else
+ \ifdim\dimen@>24\points \advance\dimen@ii -8\points \else
+ \ifdim\dimen@>18\points \advance\dimen@ii -6\points \else
+ \ifdim\dimen@>12\points \advance\dimen@ii -4\points \else
+ \ifdim\dimen@>10\points \advance\dimen@ii -2\points \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi
+ \setbox\plustwo=\hbox{$\mathsurround\zeropoint#1\mskip\uproot@ mu$}%
+ \advance\dimen@ii by1.667\wd\plustwo
+ \mkern-\leftroot@ mu\mkern5mu\raise.6\dimen@ii\copy\rootbox
+ \mkern-8mu\mkern\leftroot@ mu\box\zerocount\leftroot\zerocount\uproot\zerocount}
+\def\space@.{\futurelet\space@\relax} \space@. % really needed ?
+ {\mkern-\plustwo mu}
+%D For the moment the following code is left unchanged. It is
+%D not used anyway.
+\newif\ifsubscriptcorrection \subscriptcorrectionfalse
+ \expandafter\let\csname subscript character \string_\endcsname_
+ \catcode`\_=\active
+ \def_%
+ {\ifmmode
+ \expandafter\sb@
+ \else
+ \expandafter\csname subscript character \string_\endcsname
+ \fi}
+ \let\sb_
+ \ifnum\catcode`\^^A=8 \catcode`\^^A\active\let^^A_\fi
+ \def\sb@#1%
+ {\csname subscript character \string_\endcsname
+ {\futurelet\next\sb@@#1}}
+ \def\sb@@%
+ {\ifx\next\space@
+ \def\next@. %
+ {\futurelet\next\sb@@}%
+ \else
+ \def\next@.%
+ {\ifx\next j%
+ \mkern-\plustwo mu\else
+ \ifx\next f%
+ \mkern-\plustwo mu\else
+ \ifx\next p%
+ \mkern-\plusone mu\fi\fi\fi}%
+ \fi
+ \next@.}
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/math-uni.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/math-uni.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5c75a9fb4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/math-uni.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=math-uni,
+%D version=2005.06.11,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Math Macros,
+%D subtitle=unicode support,
+%D author={Nikolai Weibull \& Taco Hoekwater},
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+% needed for unic-032 % TH
+ \definemathcommand [unic@doubleverticalline] {\mathord{\parallel}}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@doublelowline] {\underline{\textunderscore}}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@doubleprime] {''}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@tripleprime] {'''}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@reverseddoubleprime] {\mathord{\backprime\backprime}}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@reversedtripleprime] {\mathord{\backprime\backprime\backprime}}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@fractionslash] {\vulgarfraction{}{}}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@lowasterisk] {\mathord{\lower-.2em\hbox{$\ast$}}}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@functionapplication] {\mathop{}}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@invisibletimes] {\mathbin{}}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@invisibleseparator] {\mathpunct{}}
+% needed for unic-033 % TH
+ {\hbox
+ {\high{{\tfx\it #1}\kern -.2em}%
+ \symbol[vulgarfraction]%
+ \kern -.2em\low{{\tfx\it #2}}}}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@accountof] {\unic@vulgarfraction{a}{c}}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@addressedtothesubject] {\unic@vulgarfraction{a}{s}}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@doublestruckC] {{\Bbb C}}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@degreecelsius] {{\textdegree \tf C}}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@centrelinesymbol] {\unknownchar}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@careof] {\unic@vulgarfraction{c}{o}}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@cadauna] {\unic@vulgarfraction{c}{u}}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@eulerconstant] {{\rm e}}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@scruple] {\unknownchar}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@degreefahrenheit] {{\textdegree \tf F}}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@scriptg] {\unknownchar}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@scriptH] {{\cal H}}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@blackletterH] {{\fraktur H}}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@doublestruckH] {{\Bbb H}}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@planckconstant] {h}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@planckconstantovertwopi] {\hslash}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@scriptI] {{\cal I}}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@blackletterI] {{\fraktur I}}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@scriptL] {{\cal L}}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@scriptl] {\ell}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@lbbarsymbol] {\unknownchar}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@doublestruckN] {{\Bbb N}}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@numerosign] {\hbox{\symbol[numero]}}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@soundrecordingcopyright] {\encircled{{\tfx P}}}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@scriptP] {{\cal P}}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@doublestruckP] {{\Bbb P}}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@doublestruckQ] {{\Bbb Q}}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@scriptR] {{\cal R}}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@blackletterR] {{\fraktur R}}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@doublestruckR] {{\Bbb R}}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@prescriptiontake] {\unknownchar}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@response] {\unknownchar}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@servicemark] {\high{\txx SM}}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@telephonesign] {\high{\txx TEL}}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@trademarksign] {\trademark}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@versickle] {\unknownchar}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@doublestruckZ] {{\Bbb Z}}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@ouncesign] {\unknownchar}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@ohmsign] {\Omega}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@invertedohmsign] {\rotate[\c!rotation=180]{\Omega}}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@blackletterZ] {{\fraktur Z}}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@turnedgreekletteriota] {\rotate[\c!rotation=180]{\iota}}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@kelvinsign] {{\tf K}}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@angstromsign] {\Angstrom}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@scriptB] {{\cal B}}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@blackletterC] {{\fraktur C}}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@estimatedsymbol] {\unknownchar}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@scripte] {\unknownchar}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@scriptE] {{\cal E}}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@scriptF] {{\cal F}}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@turnedF] {\rotate[\c!rotation=180]{{\tf F}}}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@scriptM] {{\cal M}}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@scripto] {\unknownchar}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@informationsource] {{\bf i}}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@rotatedQ] {\rotate[\c!rotation=90]{{\tf Q}}}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@facsimilesign] {\unknownchar}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@doublestruckpi] {\pi}%{\unknownchar}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@doublestruckgamma] {\gamma}%{\unknownchar}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@doublestruckGamma] {\Gamma}%{\unknownchar}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@doublestruckPi] {\Pi}%{\unknownchar}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@doublestrucknarysummation] {\unknownchar}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@turnedsansserifG] {\rotate[\c!rotation=180]{{\ss G}}}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@turnedsansserifL] {\rotate[\c!rotation=180]{{\ss L}}}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@reversedsansserifL] {\mirror{{\ss L}}}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@turnedsansserifY] {\rotate[\c!rotation=180]{{\ss Y}}}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@doublestruckitalicD] {D}%{\unknownchar}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@doublestruckitalicd] {d}%{\unknownchar}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@doublestruckitalice] {e}%{\unknownchar}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@doublestruckitalici] {i}%{\unknownchar}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@doublestruckitalicj] {j}%{\unknownchar}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@propertyline] {\unknownchar}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@turnedampersand] {\rotate[\c!rotation=180]{\&}}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@persign] {\unknownchar}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@fractiononethird] {\vulgarfraction{1}{3}}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@fractiontwothirds] {\vulgarfraction{2}{3}}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@fractiononefifth] {\vulgarfraction{1}{5}}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@fractiontwofifths] {\vulgarfraction{2}{5}}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@fractionthreefifths] {\vulgarfraction{3}{5}}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@fractionfourfifths] {\vulgarfraction{4}{5}}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@fractiononesixth] {\vulgarfraction{1}{6}}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@fractionfivesixths] {\vulgarfraction{5}{6}}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@fractiononeeighth] {\vulgarfraction{1}{8}}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@fractionthreeeighths] {\vulgarfraction{3}{8}}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@fractionfiveeighths] {\vulgarfraction{5}{8}}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@fractionseveneighths] {\vulgarfraction{7}{8}}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@fractionnumeratorone] {\vulgarfraction{1}{}}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@romannumeralOne] {{\tf I}}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@romannumeralTwo] {{\tf II}}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@romannumeralThree] {{\tf III}}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@romannumeralFour] {{\tf IV}}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@romannumeralFive] {{\tf V}}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@romannumeralSix] {{\tf VI}}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@romannumeralSeven] {{\tf VII}}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@romannumeralEight] {{\tf VIII}}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@romannumeralNine] {{\tf IX}}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@romannumeralTen] {{\tf X}}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@romannumeralEleven] {{\tf XI}}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@romannumeralTwelve] {{\tf XII}}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@romannumeralFifty] {{\tf L}}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@romannumeralOnehundred] {{\tf C}}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@romannumeralFivehundred] {{\tf D}}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@romannumeralOnethousand] {{\tf M}}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@romannumeralone] {{\tf i}}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@romannumeraltwo] {{\tf ii}}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@romannumeralthree] {{\tf iii}}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@romannumeralfour] {{\tf iv}}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@romannumeralfive] {{\tf v}}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@romannumeralsix] {{\tf vi}}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@romannumeralseven] {{\tf vii}}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@romannumeraleight] {{\tf viii}}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@romannumeralnine] {{\tf ix}}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@romannumeralten] {{\tf x}}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@romannumeraleleven] {{\tf xi}}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@romannumeraltwelve] {{\tf xii}}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@romannumeralfifty] {{\tf l}}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@romannumeralonehundred] {{\tf c}}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@romannumeralfivehundred] {{\tf d}}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@romannumeralonethousand] {{\tf m}}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@romannumeralonethousandCD] {\unknownchar}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@romannumeralfivethousand] {\unknownchar}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@romannumeraltenthousand] {\unknownchar}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@romannumeralreversedonehundred] {\mirror{C}}
+% needed for unic-033 % NW
+ \definemathcommand [unic@leftarrowtobar] {\mapstochar\leftarrow}
+% needed for unic-034 % NW
+ \definemathcommand [unic@in] {\in}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@nin] {\not\in}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@nni] {\not\ni}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@minus] {-}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@divisionslash] {/}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@sqrt] {\sqrt{}}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@cubesqrt] {\root 3 \of {}}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@fourthsqrt] {\root 4 \of {}}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@divides] [op] {|} % TODO
+ \definemathcommand [unic@ndivides] [rel] {\mathop{\not|}} % TODO: horrible
+ \definemathcommand [unic@cap] {\cap}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@dblint] {\int\!\!\!\int}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@triint] {\int\!\!\!\int\!\!\!\int}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@ratio] [rel] {:}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@proportion] [rel] {::}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@excess] [op] {-\!\!:}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@geomprop] [op] {:\!\!\!-\!\!\!:}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@homothetic] [op] {\sim\!\!\!:}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@nsimeq] {\not\simeq}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@cong] {\cong}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@napproxeq] {\not\approxeq}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@napprox] {\not\approx}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@doteq] {\doteq}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@correspondsto] {\buildrel \frown \over =}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@estimates] {\buildrel \wedge \over =}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@equiangularto] {\buildrel \vee \over =}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@stareq] {\buildrel \star \over =}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@eqbydef] {\buildrel \rm def \over =}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@measuredby] {\buildrel \rm m \over =}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@questionedeq] {\buildrel \rm ? \over =}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@nequiv] {\not\equiv}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@nasymp] {\not\asymp}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@nlesssim] {\not\lesssim}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@ngtrsim] {\not\gtrsim}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@nlessgtr] {\not\lessgtr}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@ngtrless] {\not\gtrless}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@nsubset] {\not\subset}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@nsupset] {\not\supset}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@nsqsubseteq] {\not\sqsubseteq}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@nsqsupseteq] {\not\sqsupseteq}
+% needed for unic-039 % NW
+ \definemathcommand [unic@Lbracket] [open] {[\![}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@Rbracket] [close] {]\!]}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@Langle] [open] {\langle\!\langle}
+ \definemathcommand [unic@Rangle] [close] {\rangle\!\rangle}
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/meta-clp.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/meta-clp.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5c9206dee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/meta-clp.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=meta-clp,
+%D version=2000.07.06,
+%D title=\METAPOST\ Graphics,
+%D subtitle=Clipping,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D In this library, we define a bunch of clipping paths that
+%D can be fed to \type {\clip}.
+ clip currentpicture to unitcircle
+ xscaled \width yscaled \height ;
+ clip currentpicture to (unitcircle peepholed unitsquare)
+ xscaled \width yscaled \height ;
+ clip currentpicture to urcircle scaled 2
+ xscaled \width yscaled \height ;
+ clip currentpicture to ulcircle scaled 2 shifted (1,0)
+ xscaled \width yscaled \height ;
+ clip currentpicture to llcircle scaled 2 shifted (1,1)
+ xscaled \width yscaled \height ;
+ clip currentpicture to lrcircle scaled 2 shifted (0,1)
+ xscaled \width yscaled \height ;
+ clip currentpicture to tcircle shifted (.5,0) yscaled 2
+ xscaled \width yscaled \height ;
+ clip currentpicture to bcircle shifted (.5,.5) yscaled 2
+ xscaled \width yscaled \height ;
+ clip currentpicture to lcircle shifted (.5,.5) xscaled 2
+ xscaled \width yscaled \height ;
+ clip currentpicture to rcircle shifted (0,.5) xscaled 2
+ xscaled \width yscaled \height ;
+ clip currentpicture to unitdiamond
+ xscaled \width yscaled \height ;
+ clip currentpicture to (unitdiamond peepholed unitsquare)
+ xscaled \width yscaled \height ;
+ clip currentpicture to urtriangle scaled 2
+ xscaled \width yscaled \height ;
+ clip currentpicture to ultriangle scaled 2 shifted (1,0)
+ xscaled \width yscaled \height ;
+ clip currentpicture to lltriangle scaled 2 shifted (1,1)
+ xscaled \width yscaled \height ;
+ clip currentpicture to lrtriangle scaled 2 shifted (0,1)
+ xscaled \width yscaled \height ;
+% More efficient:
+% \def\dosimpleMPclip#1
+% {clip currentpicture to (#1) xscaled \width yscaled \height ;}
+% \def\simpleMPclip#1#2%
+% {\startMPclip{#1}\dosimpleMPclip{#2}\stopMPclip}
+% \simpleMPclip {ellipse} {unitcircle}
+% \simpleMPclip {diamond} {unitdiamond}
+% \simpleMPclip {negellipse} {unitcircle peepholed unitsquare}
+% \simpleMPclip {negdiamond} {unitdiamond peepholed unitsquare}
+% \simpleMPclip {urellipse} {urcircle scaled 2 shifted (0,0)}
+% \simpleMPclip {ulellipse} {ulcircle scaled 2 shifted (1,0)}
+% \simpleMPclip {llellipse} {llcircle scaled 2 shifted (1,1)}
+% \simpleMPclip {lrellipse} {lrcircle scaled 2 shifted (0,1)}
+% \simpleMPclip {tellipse} {tcircle shifted (.5,0) yscaled 2}
+% \simpleMPclip {bellipse} {bcircle shifted (.5,.5) yscaled 2}
+% \simpleMPclip {lellipse} {lcircle shifted (.5,.5) xscaled 2}
+% \simpleMPclip {rellipse} {rcircle shifted (0,.5) xscaled 2}
+% \simpleMPclip {urtriangle} {urtriangle scaled 2 shifted (0,0)}
+% \simpleMPclip {ultriangle} {ultriangle scaled 2 shifted (1,0)}
+% \simpleMPclip {lltriangle} {lltriangle scaled 2 shifted (1,1)}
+% \simpleMPclip {lrtriangle} {lrtriangle scaled 2 shifted (0,1)}
+%D \in {Figure} [fig:clipping paths] shows which paths are
+%D predefined. When applied to a whole picture, their usage
+%D is:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \clip[nx=1,ny=1,mp=ellipse]{some clippable content}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \setupclipping [nx=1,ny=1,x=1,y=1]
+%D \setupblackrules[width=2cm,height=1cm]
+%D \startcombination[6*3] % \startcombination[6*3]
+%D {\clip[mp=urellipse] {\blackrule}} {urellipse}
+%D {\clip[mp=ulellipse] {\blackrule}} {ulellipse}
+%D {\clip[mp=llellipse] {\blackrule}} {llellipse}
+%D {\clip[mp=lrellipse] {\blackrule}} {lrellipse}
+%D {\clip[mp=ellipse] {\blackrule}} {ellipse}
+%D {\clip[mp=negellipse]{\blackrule}} {negellipse}
+%D {\clip[mp=tellipse] {\blackrule}} {tellipse}
+%D {\clip[mp=bellipse] {\blackrule}} {bellipse}
+%D {\clip[mp=lellipse] {\blackrule}} {lellipse}
+%D {\clip[mp=rellipse] {\blackrule}} {rellipse}
+%D {} {}
+%D {} {}
+%D {\clip[mp=urtriangle]{\blackrule}} {urtriangle}
+%D {\clip[mp=ultriangle]{\blackrule}} {ultriangle}
+%D {\clip[mp=lltriangle]{\blackrule}} {lltriangle}
+%D {\clip[mp=lrtriangle]{\blackrule}} {lrtriangle}
+%D {\clip[mp=diamond] {\blackrule}} {diamond}
+%D {\clip[mp=negdiamond]{\blackrule}} {negdiamond}
+%D \stopcombination % \stopcombination
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \placefigure % \placefigure
+%D [here][fig:clipping paths]
+%D {The predefined clipping paths.}
+%D {\getbuffer} % {\getbuffer}
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/meta-dum.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/meta-dum.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dae30ed69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/meta-dum.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=meta-dum,
+%D version=2003.03.21,
+%D title=\METAPOST\ Graphics,
+%D subtitle=Dummy (External) Graphics,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D This library overloads the normal external figure
+%D placeholder by a nicer one.
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \useMPlibrary[dum]
+%D \startlinecorrection
+%D \externalfigure[unknown-a][width=3cm,height=1cm]
+%D \stoplinecorrection
+%D \startlinecorrection
+%D \externalfigure[unknown-b][width=4cm,height=5cm]
+%D \stoplinecorrection
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer \getbuffer
+% currently preparempvariables is unable to resolve number
+% fractions like reduction
+% June 22, 2003, this definition was patched to adapt itself
+% to transparent colors
+ numeric w, h, d, r ; color c, b, cc ; path p ; boolean t ;
+ t := is_transparent(\MPvar{color}) ;
+ c := not_transparent(\MPvar{color}) ;
+ b := not_transparent(white) ;
+ w := \MPvar{width} ;
+ h := \MPvar{height} ;
+ r := \MPvar{reduction} ;
+ d := max(w,h) ;
+ p := unitsquare xyscaled (w,h) ;
+ cc := r[.5c,b] ;
+ fill p withcolor if t : transparent(1,.5,cc) else : cc fi ;
+ for i := 1 upto 60 :
+ cc := r[c randomized(.3,.9),b] ;
+ fill fullcircle
+ scaled (d/5 randomized (d/5))
+ shifted (center p randomized (d))
+ withcolor if t : transparent(1,.5,cc) else : cc fi ;
+ endfor ;
+ clip currentpicture to p ;
+ [placeholder]
+ [1=red,2=green,3=blue,4=cyan,5=magenta,6=yellow]
+% \newcounter \figurereplacementcycle
+ [\c!reduction=0,
+ \c!text=\v!yes]
+ {\getpaletsize[placeholder]%
+ \ifx\figurereplacementcycle\relax
+ \getrandomnumber \figurereplacementcycle \!!plusone \paletsize
+ \globallet \figurereplacementcycle \figurereplacementcycle
+ \else
+ \doglobal\increment\figurereplacementcycle
+ \fi
+ \ifnum\figurereplacementcycle>\paletsize
+ \globallet\figurereplacementcycle\!!plusone
+ \fi
+ \weightGRAYfalse % monochrome anyway
+ \MPcmykcolorsfalse
+ \MPspotcolorsfalse
+ \defineoverlay
+ [\s!dummy]
+ [\useMPgraphic
+ {placeholder}%
+ {width=\figurewidth,
+ height=\figureheight,
+ reduction=\@@efreduction,
+ color=placeholder:\figurereplacementcycle}]%
+ \expanded{\localframed
+ [\??ef]
+ [\c!width=\figurewidth,
+ \c!height=\figureheight,
+ \c!frame=\v!off,
+ \c!strut=\v!no,
+ \c!background=\s!dummy,
+ \c!foregroundcolor=\s!white]}%
+ {\doif\@@eftext\v!yes
+ {\infofont \setupinterlinespace \dohyphens % \nohyphens
+ \doifelse{#1}\s!dummy \!!doneafalse\!!doneatrue
+ \doifelse{#2}\s!dummy \!!donebfalse\!!donebtrue
+ \doifelse{#3}\s!unknown\!!donecfalse\!!donectrue
+ \if!!donea
+ name: \expanded{\verbatimstring{#1}}\strut\endgraf
+ \fi
+ \if!!doneb
+ \if!!donea file: \else \if!!donec file: \fi \fi
+ \expanded{\verbatimstring{#2}}\strut\endgraf
+ \fi
+ \if!!donec
+ state: \expanded{\verbatimstring{#3}}\strut\endgraf
+ \fi}}}
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/meta-fig.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/meta-fig.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..31fe5fc0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/meta-fig.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=meta-fig,
+%D version=2000.09.07,
+%D title=\METAPOST\ Graphics,
+%D subtitle=Stand Alone Graphics,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus{loading}{MetaPost Graphics / Stand Alone Graphics}
+%D This module implements a method for defining
+%D stand||alone||graphics, that is, each graphic gets is own
+%D page. Because graphics are wrapped in a \type {\framed},
+%D you can add overlays to the graphic directly, and since the
+%D whole \CONTEXT\ machinery is available, you can also add
+%D page backgrounds.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \setupMPpage
+%D [offset=1pt,
+%D background=color,
+%D backgroundcolor=green]
+%D \startMPpage
+%D fill fullcircle scaled 10cm withcolor red ;
+%D \stopMPpage
+%D \startMPpage
+%D fill fullsquare rotated 45 scaled 8cm withcolor blue ;
+%D \stopMPpage
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Although this is hardly of any use, you can mix these
+%D definitions with the text flow, since all settings are
+%D kept local. The page is clipped to the image size.
+ {\dodoubleargument\getparameters[\??mg]}
+ {\dodoubleempty\dostartMPpage}
+\long\def\dostartMPpage[#1][#2]% second arg gobbles space
+ {\dostartfittingpage[\??mg][#1]%
+ \obeyMPlines
+ \dodostartMPpage}
+ {\startuseMPgraphic{@@}#1\stopuseMPgraphic
+ \useMPgraphic{@@}%
+ \dostopfittingpage}
+\let\stopMPpage \relax % so that we can use it in \expanded
+ [\c!scale=1000,
+ \c!strut=\v!no,
+ \c!align=,
+ \c!offset=\v!overlay,
+ \c!width=\v!fit,
+ \c!height=\v!fit,
+ \c!frame=\v!off]
+%D \macros
+%D {MPfigure}
+%D A bit out of place, here but nevertheless:
+\def\MPfigure#1#2% test for dup figure
+ {\bgroup
+ \getfiguredimensionsonly[#1]% [\c!object=\v!no] already set
+ \startMPcode
+ externalfigure "#1"
+ xscaled \figurewidth\space
+ yscaled \figureheight\space
+ #2 ;
+ \stopMPcode
+ \egroup}
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/meta-ini.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/meta-ini.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9780fecfa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/meta-ini.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,1054 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=meta-ini,
+%D version=1999.07.10,
+%D title=\METAPOST\ Graphics,
+%D subtitle=Initialization,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+% currently the running color influences the mp graphic in
+% pdftex, but this will change [i.e. become optional]; one
+% problem is that pdf has no grouping with regards to the
+% color
+\writestatus{loading}{MetaPost Graphics / Initializations}
+%D This module extends the functionality of the support module
+%D \type {supp-mps}, the module that is responsible for
+%D \METAPOST\ inclusion in \CONTEXT. Some basic macros will be
+%D extended. Since some support is depends on \METAPOST\
+%D macros. so let's first preload a few auxiliary \METAPOST\
+%D files.
+\maxnofMPgraphics = 4000 % metafun disables the 4K boundary
+\appendtoks \flushMPgraphics \to \everygoodbye % \everylastshipout
+%D Since we want lables to follow the document settings, we
+%D also set the font related variables.
+ \startMPinitializations % scale is not yet ok
+ defaultfont:="rm-lmtt10";
+ defaultscale:=\the\bodyfontsize/10pt;
+ \stopMPinitializations
+ \startMPinitializations % scale is not yet ok
+ defaultfont:="\truefontname{Regular}";
+ defaultscale:=\the\bodyfontsize/10pt;
+ \stopMPinitializations
+%D In order to support fancy text features (like outline
+%D fonts), we set:
+ graphictextformat:="context";
+ graphictextdirective "\the\everyMPTEXgraphic";
+% \startMPextensions
+% textextdirective "\the\everyMPTEXgraphic";
+% \stopMPextensions
+%D A signal that we're in combines \CONTEXT||\METAFUN mode:
+ string contextversion;
+ contextversion:="\contextversion";
+%D Some safeguards:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \appendtoks \cleanupfeatures \to \everyMPgraphic
+%D \stoptyping
+%D No, we don't want that (else we loose UTF etc).
+%D Another one:
+\prependtoks \MPstaticgraphictrue \to \everyoverlay
+\prependtoks \MPstaticgraphictrue \to \everypagebody
+%D We save the number of graphics for the sake of \TEXEXEC.
+\def\thenofMPgraphics{\the\nofMPgraphics} % from supp-mps
+ \savecurrentvalue\totalnofMPgraphics\thenofMPgraphics
+\to \everybye
+%D \macros
+%D {setupMPvariables}
+%D When we build collections of \METAPOST\ graphics, like
+%D background and buttons, the need for passing settings
+%D arises. By (mis|)|using the local prefix that belongs to
+%D \type {\framed}, we get a rather natural interface to
+%D backgrounds. To prevent conflicts, we will use the \type
+%D {-} in \METAPOST\ specific variables, like:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \setupMPvariables[meta:button][size=20pt]
+%D \stoptyping
+ {\dodoubleempty\dosetupMPvariables}
+ {\ifsecondargument
+ \getrawparameters[#1:][#2]% brr, todo: [\@@meta#1:]
+ \else
+ \getrawparameters[\@@meta][#1]%
+ \fi}
+ {\csname
+ \ifcsname\@@framed\@@meta#1\endcsname\@@framed\fi\@@meta#1%
+ \endcsname}
+ {\dodoubleargument\dopresetMPvariable}
+ {\doifundefined{#1:#2}{\setvalue{#1:#2}{#3}}}
+ {\dodoubleargument\douseMPvariables}
+ {\def\@@meta{#1:}%
+ \prepareMPvariables{#2}}
+%D \macros
+%D {startuniqueMPgraphic, uniqueMPgraphic}
+%D This macros is probably of most use to myself, since I like
+%D to use graphics that adapt themselves. The next \METAPOST\
+%D kind of graphic is both unique and reused when possible.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \defineoverlay[example][\uniqueMPgraphic{test}]
+%D \startuniqueMPgraphic {test}
+%D draw unitsquare xscaled \overlaywidth yscaled \overlayheight ;
+%D \stopuniqueMPgraphic
+%D \stoptyping
+%D For educational purposes, we show the original version
+%D first. This one used a rather simple method for determining
+%D the uniqueness.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \long\def\startuniqueMPgraphic#1#2\stopuniqueMPgraphic%
+%D {\setvalue{\@@MPG#1}%
+%D {\startreusableMPgraphic{\overlaystamp:#1}#2\stopreusableMPgraphic
+%D \reuseMPgraphic{\overlaystamp:#1}}}
+%D \def\uniqueMPgraphic#1%
+%D {\getvalue{\@@MPG#1}}
+%D \stoptyping
+%\def\overlaystamp % watch the \MPcolor, since colors can be redefined
+% {\overlaywidth:\overlayheight:\overlaydepth
+% :\MPcolor{\overlaycolor}:\MPcolor{\overlaylinecolor}}
+\def\overlaystamp % watch the \MPcolor, since colors can be redefined
+ {\overlaywidth:\overlayheight:\overlaydepth
+ :\MPcolor\overlaycolor:\MPcolor\overlaylinecolor}
+%D A better approach is to let additional variables play a role
+%D in determining the uniqueness. In the next macro, the
+%D second, optional, argument is used to guarantee the
+%D uniqueness, as well as prepare variables for passing them to
+%D \starttyping
+%D \startuniqueMPgraphic{meta:hash}{gap,angle,...}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The calling macro also accepts a second argument. For
+%D convenient use in overlay definitions, we use \type {{}}
+%D instead of \type {[]}.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \uniqueMPgraphic{meta:hash}{gap=10pt,angle=30}
+%D \stoptyping
+ {\blabelgroup
+ \def\@@meta{#1:}%
+ \extendMPoverlaystamp{#2}% incl prepare
+ \ifundefined{\@@MPG\overlaystamp:#1}%
+ \enableincludeMPgraphics
+ \startMPgraphic#3\stopMPgraphic
+ \doifobjectssupportedelse\donothing\useMPboxfalse
+ \ifuseMPbox
+ \@EA\douseMPbox
+ \else
+ \@EA\nouseMPbox
+ \fi {\@@MPG\overlaystamp:#1}%
+ \fi
+ \getvalue{\@@MPG\overlaystamp:#1}%
+ \elabelgroup}
+ {\blabelgroup
+ \dodoublegroupempty\dostartuniqueMPgraphic}
+ {\obeyMPlines
+ \dodostartuniqueMPgraphic}
+ {\long\setgvalue{\@@MPG#1}{\handleuniqueMPgraphic{#1}{#2}{#3}}%
+ \elabelgroup}
+ {\dodoublegroupempty\douniqueMPgraphic}
+ {\blabelgroup
+ \setupMPvariables[#1][#2]%
+ \getvalue{\@@MPG#1}{}%
+ \elabelgroup}
+\let\stopuniqueMPcode \relax % so that we can use it in \expanded
+ {\executeifdefined{\@@MPG#1};} % ; if not found
+ {\blabelgroup
+ \def\@@meta{#1:}%
+ \prepareMPvariables{#2}%
+ \enableincludeMPgraphics
+ \startMPgraphic#3\stopMPgraphic
+ \ifMPrun \else % see mfun-004 : processing buffer
+ \loadMPgraphic{\MPgraphicfile.\the\currentMPgraphic}{}%
+ \placeMPgraphic
+ \fi
+ \deallocateMPslot\currentMPgraphic
+ \elabelgroup}
+ {\blabelgroup
+ \dodoublegroupempty\dostartuseMPgraphic}
+ {\obeyMPlines
+ \dodostartuseMPgraphic}
+ {\long\setgvalue{\@@MPG#1}{\handleuseMPgraphic{#1}{#2}{#3}}%
+ \elabelgroup}
+\long\def\startusableMPgraphic % redundant but handy
+ {\blabelgroup
+ \dodoublegroupempty\dostartusableMPgraphic}
+\long\def\dostartusableMPgraphic % redundant but handy
+ {\obeyMPlines
+ \dodostartusableMPgraphic}
+ {\long\setgvalue{\@@MPG#1}{\handleuseMPgraphic{#1}{#2}{#3}}%
+ \elabelgroup}
+ {\blabelgroup
+ \def\@@meta{#1:}%
+ \prepareMPvariables{#2}%
+ \enableincludeMPgraphics
+ \startMPgraphic#3\stopMPgraphic
+ \doifobjectssupportedelse\donothing\useMPboxfalse
+ \ifuseMPbox
+ \@EA\douseMPbox
+ \else
+ \@EA\nouseMPbox
+ \fi {\@@MPG#1}%
+ \getvalue{\@@MPG#1}%
+ \elabelgroup}
+ {\blabelgroup
+ \dodoublegroupempty\dostartreusableMPgraphic}
+ {\obeyMPlines
+ \dodostartreusableMPgraphic}
+ {\long\setgvalue{\@@MPG#1}{\handlereusableMPgraphic{#1}{#2}{#3}}%
+ \elabelgroup}
+ {\dodoublegroupempty\douseMPgraphic}
+ {\blabelgroup
+ \setupMPvariables[#1][#2]%
+ \getvalue{\@@MPG#1}{}%
+ \elabelgroup}
+\let\stopuseMPcode \relax % so that we can use it in \expanded
+\let\stopusableMPcode \relax % so that we can use it in \expanded
+\let\stopreusableMPcode \relax % so that we can use it in \expanded
+\let\stopuniqueMPcode \relax % so that we can use it in \expanded
+ {\let\handleuseMPgraphic \thirdofthreearguments
+ \let\handlereusableMPgraphic\thirdofthreearguments}
+% todo: each code/page/buffer a var class
+%D \macros
+%D {startuniqueMPpagegraphic,uniqueMPpagegraphic}
+%D Experimental.
+\def\MPpageprefix{\doifoddpageelse oe:}
+ {\MPpageprefix\overlaywidth:\overlayheight:\overlaydepth
+ :\MPcolor\overlaycolor:\MPcolor\overlaylinecolor}
+ {\blabelgroup
+ \dodoublegroupempty\dostartuniqueMPpagegraphic}
+ {\obeyMPlines
+ \dodostartuniqueMPpagegraphic}
+ {\long\setgvalue{\@@MPG o:#1}{\handleuniqueMPgraphic{o:#1}{#2}{#3}}%
+ \long\setgvalue{\@@MPG e:#1}{\handleuniqueMPgraphic{e:#1}{#2}{#3}}%
+ \elabelgroup}
+ {\dodoublegroupempty\douniqueMPpagegraphic}
+% \def\douniqueMPpagegraphic#1#2%
+% {\blabelgroup
+% \let\overlaystamp\overlaypagestamp
+% \setupMPvariables[#1][#2]%
+% \getvalue{\@@MPG\MPpageprefix#1}{}%
+% \elabelgroup}
+ {\blabelgroup
+ \let\overlaystamp\overlaypagestamp
+ \setupMPvariables[\MPpageprefix#1][#2]% prefix is new here
+ \getvalue{\@@MPG\MPpageprefix#1}{}%
+ \elabelgroup}
+%D One way of defining a stamp is:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\extendMPoverlaystamp#1%
+%D {\def\docommand##1%
+%D {\edef\overlaystamp{\overlaystamp:\MPvariable{##1}}}%
+%D \processcommalist[#1]\docommand}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Since we need to feed \METAPOST\ with expanded dimensions,
+%D we introduce a dedicated expansion engine.
+ {\ifundefined{\@@framed\@@meta#1}%
+ \doprepareMPvariable{\@@meta#1}%
+ \else
+ \doprepareMPvariable{\@@framed\@@meta#1}%
+ \fi}
+% \startlines
+% \def\xxx{\lineheight} \doprepareMPvariable{xxx} \xxx
+% \def\xxx{2pt} \doprepareMPvariable{xxx} \xxx
+% \def\xxx{2} \doprepareMPvariable{xxx} \xxx
+% \def\xxx{\scratchcounter} \doprepareMPvariable{xxx} \xxx
+% \def\xxx{red} \doprepareMPvariable{xxx} \xxx
+% \def\xxx{0.4} \doprepareMPvariable{xxx} \xxx
+% \stoplines
+ {\edef\theMPvariable{\getvalue{#1}}%
+ \doifelsenothing\theMPvariable
+ {\setevalue{#1}{\MPcolor{black}}}
+ {\defconvertedcommand\ascii\theMPvariable % otherwise problems
+ \doifcolorelse \ascii % with 2\bodyfontsize
+ {\setevalue{#1}{\MPcolor\theMPvariable}}
+ {% can be aux macro
+ \setbox\scratchbox\hbox{\scratchdimen\theMPvariable sp}%
+ \ifdim\wd\scratchbox=\zeropoint
+ % \scratchcounter\theMPvariable
+ % \setevalue{#1}{\the\scratchcounter}%
+ % also accepts 0.number :
+ \setevalue{#1}{\number\theMPvariable}%
+ \else
+ \scratchdimen\theMPvariable
+ \setevalue{#1}{\the\scratchdimen}%
+ \fi}}}
+%D We redefine \type {\extendMPoverlaystamp} to preprocess
+%D variables using \type {\prepareMPvariable}.
+ {\prepareMPvariable{#1}%
+ \edef\overlaystamp{\overlaystamp:\MPvariable{#1}}}
+ {\processcommalist[#1]\doextendMPoverlaystamp}
+ {\processcommalist[#1]\prepareMPvariable}
+%D \macros
+%D {MPdatafile}
+%D We redefine a macro from \type {supp-mps.tex}:
+ {\bufferprefix mpd-\the\currentMPgraphic.mpd}
+%D \macros
+%D {MPrunfile}
+%D This one is more abstract and does not assume knowledge
+%D of buffer prefixes.
+ {\bufferprefix mprun.#1}
+%D \macros
+%D {getMPdata}
+%D When we collect graphics in one file, we run into
+%D troubles, since \METAPOST\ has a built in limit (of 4)
+%D on the number of files it can handle. It's therefore
+%D better to collect all data in one file and filter it.
+ boolean collapse_data; collapse_data:=true;
+ def data_mpd_file="\MPdataMPDfile"; enddef ;
+ def data_mpo_file="\MPdataMPOfile"; enddef ;
+ def data_mpy_file="\MPdataMPYfile"; enddef ;
+ {\long\def\MPdata##1##2{\ifnum##1=\currentMPgraphic\relax##2\fi}%
+ \startreadingfile
+ % \startnointerference % no, else we need to do all data global
+ \readlocfile\MPdataMPDfile\donothing\donothing
+ % \stopnointerference
+ \stopreadingfile}
+%D We have to enable this mechanism with:
+%D For the moment, the next one is a private macro:
+ {\dosingleempty\doprocessMPbuffer}
+ {\doifelsenothing{#1}
+ {\doprocessMPbuffer[\jobname]}
+ {\bgroup
+ \setnormalcatcodes
+ \obeyMPlines
+ %\let\par\empty % oeps, this makes dvi mode graphics hang when not found
+ \!!toksa\emptytoks
+ \def\copyMPbufferline{\expandafter\appendtoks\fileline\to\!!toksa}%
+ \def\dodoprocessMPbuffer##1%
+ {\doprocessfile\scratchread{\TEXbufferfile{##1}}\copyMPbufferline}%
+ \processcommalist[#1]\dodoprocessMPbuffer
+ \@EA\startMPcode\the\!!toksa\stopMPcode % more efficient
+ \egroup}}
+ {\dosingleempty\dorunMPbuffer}
+\def\dorunMPbuffer[#1]% processing only
+ {{\MPruntrue\doprocessMPbuffer[#1]}}
+%D \macros
+%D {startMPenvironment, resetMPenvironment}
+%D In order to synchronize the main \TEX\ run and the runs
+%D local to \METAPOST, environments can be passed.
+ \newtoks\everyMPTEXgraphic
+%D A more general way of passing environments is:
+\def\startMPenvironment % second arg gobbles spaces, so that reset gives \emptytoks
+ {\bgroup
+ \catcode`\^^M=\@@space
+ \dodoubleempty\dostartMPenvironment}
+ {\egroup
+ \doif{#1}\s!reset\resetMPenvironment % reset mp toks
+ \doif{#1}\v!global{#3}% % use in main doc too
+ \doif{#1}+{#3}% % use in main doc too
+ \defconvertedargument\ascii{#3}%
+ \expandafter\appendtoks\ascii\to\everyMPTEXgraphic}
+ {\everyMPTEXgraphic\emptytoks % = is really needed !
+ \startMPenvironment
+ \global\loadfontfileoncetrue
+ \stopMPenvironment}
+ {\expanded{\startMPenvironment\noexpand\readfile{\TEXbufferfile{\jobname}}{}{}}\stopMPenvironment}
+% \useMPenvironmentbuffer[mp] % what was this?
+%D This command takes \type {[reset]} as optional
+%D argument.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \startMPenvironment
+%D \setupbodyfont[pos,14.4pt]
+%D \stopMPenvironment
+%D \startMPcode
+%D draw btex \sl Hans Hagen etex scaled 5 ;
+%D \stopMPcode
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The \type {\resetMPenvironment} is a quick way to erase
+%D the token list.
+%D You should be aware of independencies. For instance, if you use a font
+%D in a graphic that is not used in the main document, you need to load the
+%D typescript at the outer level (either directly or by using the global
+%D option).
+%D \starttyping
+%D \usetypescript[palatino][texnansi]
+%D \startMPenvironment
+%D \usetypescript[palatino][texnansi]
+%D \enableregime[utf]
+%D \setupbodyfont[palatino]
+%D \stopMPenvironment
+%D \startMPpage
+%D draw btex aap‒noot coördinatie – één etex ;
+%D \stopMPpage
+%D \stoptyping
+%D We don't want spurious files, do we?
+% {%\ifx\bufferprefix\empty \else
+% \immediate\openout\MPwrite\
+% \immediate\write\MPwrite{end.}%
+% \immediate\closeout\MPwrite
+% }%\fi}
+% strange :
+% \def\initializeMPgraphicfile
+% {\bgroup
+% \doinitializeMPgraphicfile
+% \MPruntrue
+% \doinitializeMPgraphicfile
+% \egroup}
+% \def\doinitializeMPgraphicfile
+% {\immediate\openout\scratchwrite\
+% \immediate\write\scratchwrite{end.}%
+% \immediate\closeout\scratchwrite}
+ {\immediate\openout\scratchwrite\
+ \immediate\write\scratchwrite{end.}%
+ \immediate\closeout\scratchwrite}
+ {\bgroup
+ \initializeMPgraphicfile
+% \ifx\bufferprefix\empty\else
+% \let\bufferprefix\empty
+% \initializeMPgraphicfile
+% \fi
+ \egroup}
+%D Loading specific \METAPOST\ related definitions is
+%D accomplished by:
+ {\ifundefined{\c!file\f!metapostprefix#1}%
+ \letvalueempty{\c!file\f!metapostprefix#1}%
+ \makeshortfilename[\truefilename{\f!metapostprefix#1}]%
+ \startreadingfile
+ \readsysfile{\shortfilename.\mksuffix}
+ {\showmessage\m!metapost1{#1}}
+ {\readsysfile{\shortfilename.tex}
+ {\showmessage\m!metapost1{#1}}
+ \donothing}%
+ \stopreadingfile
+ \fi}
+ {\processcommalist[#1]\douseMPlibrary}
+%D \macros
+%D {setMPtext, MPtext, MPstring, MPbetex}
+%D To be documented:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \setMPtext{identifier}{text}
+%D \MPtext {identifier}
+%D \MPstring{identifier}
+%D \MPbetex {identifier}
+%D \stoptyping
+ {\long\def\checkMPTEXgraphic##1{\global\MPTEXgraphictrue}}
+\def\setMPtext#1#2% todo : #1 must be made : safe
+ {%\forceMPTEXgraphic
+ \defconvertedargument\ascii{#2}%
+ \dodoglobal\letvalue{\@@MPT#1}\ascii}
+% \def\MPtext #1{\getvalue{\@@MPT#1}}
+% \def\MPstring #1{"\getvalue{\@@MPT#1}"}
+% \def\MPbetex #1{btex \getvalue{\@@MPT#1} etex}
+\def\MPtext #1{\executeifdefined{\@@MPT#1}\empty}
+\def\MPstring #1{"\executeifdefined{\@@MPT#1}\empty"}
+\def\MPbetex #1{btex \executeifdefined{\@@MPT#1}\empty\space etex}
+%D Unfortunately \METAPOST\ does not have \CMYK\ support
+%D built in, but by means of specials we can supply the
+%D information needed to handle them naturaly.
+\newif\ifMPcmykcolors \MPcmykcolorstrue
+\newif\ifMPspotcolors \MPspotcolorstrue
+ cmykcolors:=\ifMPcmykcolors true\else false\fi;
+ spotcolors:=\ifMPspotcolors true\else false\fi;
+%D In order to communicate conveniently with the \TEX\
+%D engine, we introduce some typesetting variables.
+% todo : backgroundoffsets
+ color OverlayColor,OverlayLineColor;
+ OverlayWidth:=\overlaywidth;
+ OverlayHeight:=\overlayheight;
+ OverlayDepth:=\overlayheight;
+ OverlayColor:=\MPcolor{\overlaycolor};
+ OverlayLineWidth:=\overlaylinewidth;
+ OverlayLineColor:=\MPcolor{\overlaylinecolor};
+ %
+ BaseLineSkip:=\the\baselineskip;
+ LineHeight:=\the\baselineskip;
+ BodyFontSize:=\the\bodyfontsize;
+ %
+ TopSkip:=\the\topskip;
+ StrutHeight:=\strutheight;
+ StrutDepth:=\strutdepth;
+ %
+ CurrentWidth:=\the\hsize;
+ CurrentHeight:=\the\vsize;
+ %
+ EmWidth:=\the\emwidth;
+ ExHeight:=\the\exheight;
+ %
+ PageNumber:=\the\pageno;
+ RealPageNumber:=\the\realpageno;
+ LastPageNumber:= \lastpage;
+ \disablediscretionaries
+ \disablecompoundcharacters
+% New, experimental (if complaints than only in enco-ffr.mkii), well
+% Mojca complained that it does not work with utf-8 and textext, see
+% ** in meta-tex.
+ \chardef\activecharactermode\zerocount
+ \expanded{\definecolor[currentcolor][\currentcolorname]}%
+\to \everyMPgraphic
+ \baselineskip1\baselineskip
+ \lineheight 1\lineheight
+ \topskip 1\topskip
+\to \everyMPgraphic
+%D Alas, the prologue settings differ per driver.
+\ifx\undefined\MPprologues \def\MPprologues{0} \fi
+ prologues:=\MPprologues;
+ mpprocset:=1;
+ \def\MPprologues{0}%
+ \def\MPOSTdriver{dvips}%
+\to \everyresetspecials
+%D \macros
+%D {PDFMPformoffset}
+%D In \PDF, forms are clipped and therefore we have to take
+%D precautions to get this right. Since this is related to
+%D objects, we use the same offset as used there.
+%D \macros
+%D {insertMPfile}
+%D Bypassing the special driver and figure mechanism is not
+%D that nice but saves upto 5\% time in embedding \METAPOST\
+%D graphics by using the low level \PDF\ converter directly,
+%D given of course that we use \PDFTEX. As a result we need to
+%D fool around with the object trigger.
+%D First we present the reasonable fast alternative that we
+%D happily used for some time.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\insertMPfile#1#2%
+%D {\ifx\undefined\externalfigure
+%D \message{[insert file #1 here]}%
+%D \else
+%D \bgroup
+%D \the\everyinsertMPfile
+%D \externalfigure
+%D [#1]
+%D [\c!type=\c!mps,\c!object=\v!no,%
+%D \c!symbol=\v!yes,\c!reset=\v!yes,%
+%D \c!maxwidth=,\c!maxheight=,%
+%D \c!frame=\v!off,\c!background=,%
+%D #2]%
+%D \egroup
+%D \fi}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D However, on a 1 Gig Pentium, the next alternative saves
+%D us 20 seconds run time for the 300 page \METAFUN\ manual:
+\def\insertMPfile#1#2% in context #2 is empty
+ {\doifelsenothing{#2}{\doinsertMPfile{#1}}{\insertMPfileARG{#1}{#2}}}
+\def\includeMPasEPS#1% untested !!
+ {\bgroup
+ \message{[MP as EPS #1]}%
+ \the\everyinsertMPfile
+ \dogetEPSboundingbox{#1}\!!widtha\!!heighta\!!widthb\!!heightb
+ \setbox\scratchbox\vbox to \!!heightb
+ {\vfill
+ \let \@@DriverImageType \c!mps
+ \def \@@DriverImageFile {#1}%
+ \edef\@@DriverImageWidth {\the\!!widthb }%
+ \edef\@@DriverImageHeight{\the\!!heightb}%
+ \doinsertfile}%
+ \wd\scratchbox\!!widthb
+ \dp\scratchbox\zeropoint
+ \box\scratchbox
+ \egroup}
+\ifx\makeMPintoPDFobject\undefined \newcount\makeMPintoPDFobject \fi
+ {\bgroup
+ \the\everyinsertMPfile
+ \ifinobject \else \makeMPintoPDFobject\plustwo \fi % when needed
+ \convertMPtoPDF{#1}{1}{1}% no \plusone !
+ \egroup}
+%D So, using a low level approach (thereby avoiding the slower
+%D figure analysis macros) pays off. This kind of
+%D optimizations are a bit tricky since we must make sure that
+%D special resources end up in the (PDF) files. Because the
+%D \METAPOST\ to \PDF\ can handle objects itself, it is not
+%D that complicated.
+%D We hook a couple of initializations into the graphic
+%D macros.
+ \let\figuretypes\c!mps
+ \runutilityfilefalse
+ \consultutilityfilefalse
+\to \everyinsertMPfile
+%D One more: (still needed?)
+ def initialize_form_numbers =
+ do_initialize_numbers;
+ enddef;
+ HSize:=\the\hsize ;
+ VSize:=\the\vsize ;
+ vardef ForegroundBox =
+ unitsquare xysized(HSize,VSize)
+ enddef ;
+ vardef PageFraction =
+ if \lastpage>1: (\realfolio-1)/(\lastpage-1) else: 1 fi
+ enddef ;
+%D And some more. These are not really needed since we
+%D don't use the normal figure inclusion macros any longer.
+ \externalfigurepostprocessors\emptytoks % safeguard
+\to \everyinsertMPfile
+%D We also take care of disabling fancy figure features, that
+%D can terribly interfere when dealing with symbols,
+%D background graphics and running (postponed) graphics.
+%D You won't believe me if I tell you what funny side effects
+%D can occur. One took me over a day to uncover when
+%D processing the screen version of the \METAFUN\ manual.
+%D For my eyes only:
+%D \macros
+%D {startMPcolor}
+%D The following time consuming method uses \METAPOST\ to
+%D calculate a color. This enables a match between colors
+%D resulting from a complex calculation (e.g. for a title
+%D page) and those in the text.
+% \startuseMPgraphic{somecolors}
+% color c[] ; c[1] := .7[red,green] ; c[2] := .7[blue,yellow] ;
+% \stopuseMPgraphic
+% \startMPcolor[shade-1][t=.2,a=1]
+% \includeMPgraphic{somecolors} ; fill fullcircle withcolor c[1] ;
+% \stopMPcolor
+% \startMPcolor[shade-2][t=.2,a=1]
+% \includeMPgraphic{somecolors} ; fill fullcircle withcolor c[2] ;
+% \stopMPcolor
+% \blackrule[width=\hsize,height=4cm,color=shade-1]
+% \blackrule[width=\hsize,height=4cm,color=shade-2]
+ {\dodoubleempty\dostartMPcolor}
+\long\def\dostartMPcolor[#1][#2]#3\stopMPcolor % slow but sometimes handy
+ {\startnointerference
+ \def\handleMPgraycolor{\expanded{\defineglobalcolor[#1][s=\!MPgMPa1,#2]}}%
+ \def\handleMPrgbcolor {\expanded{\defineglobalcolor[#1][r=\!MPgMPa1,g=\!MPgMPa2,b=\!MPgMPa3,#2]}}%
+ \def\handleMPcmykcolor{\expanded{\defineglobalcolor[#1][c=\!MPgMPa1,m=\!MPgMPa2,y=\!MPgMPa3,k=\!MPgMPa4,#2]}}%
+ \startMPcode#3\stopMPcode
+ \stopnointerference}
+%D New:
+\definelayerpreset % no dx,dy - else nasty non-mp placement
+ [mp]
+ [\c!y=-\MPury bp,
+ \c!x=\MPllx bp,
+ \c!method=\v!fit]
+ [mp]
+ [\c!preset=mp]
+%D Usage:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \defineproperty[one][layer][state=start]
+%D \defineproperty[two][layer][state=stop]
+%D \startuseMPgraphic{step-1}
+%D fill fullcircle scaled 10cm withcolor red ;
+%D \stopuseMPgraphic
+%D \startuseMPgraphic{step-2}
+%D fill fullcircle scaled 5cm withcolor green ;
+%D \stopuseMPgraphic
+%D \setlayer[mp]{\property[one]{\useMPgraphic{step-1}}}
+%D \setlayer[mp]{\property[two]{\useMPgraphic{step-2}}}
+%D \ruledhbox{\flushlayer[mp]}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Reusing graphics is also possible (now):
+%D \starttyping
+%D \startreusableMPgraphic{axis}
+%D tickstep := 1cm ; ticklength := 2mm ;
+%D drawticks unitsquare xscaled 4cm yscaled 3cm shifted (-1cm,-1cm) ;
+%D tickstep := tickstep/2 ; ticklength := ticklength/2 ;
+%D drawticks unitsquare xscaled 4cm yscaled 3cm shifted (-1cm,-1cm) ;
+%D \stopreusableMPgraphic
+%D \startuseMPgraphic{demo}
+%D drawpoint "1cm,1.5cm" ;
+%D \stopuseMPgraphic
+%D \definelayer[mp][preset=mp]
+%D \setlayer[mp]{\reuseMPgraphic{axis}}
+%D \setlayer[mp]{\useMPgraphic{demo}}
+%D \ruledhbox{\flushlayer[mp]}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D \macros
+%D {startstaticMPfigure,useMPstaticfigure}
+%D Static figures are processed only when there has been
+%D something changed. Here is Aditya Mahajan's testcase:
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \startstaticMPfigure{circle}
+%D fill fullcircle scaled 1cm withcolor blue;
+%D \stopstaticMPfigure
+%D \startstaticMPfigure{axis}
+%D drawarrow (0,0)--(2cm,0) ;
+%D drawarrow (0,0)--(0,2cm) ;
+%D label.llft(textext("(0,0)") ,origin) ;
+%D \stopstaticMPfigure
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer \getbuffer
+ {\dodoubleempty\externalfigure[\jobname-#1.pdf]}
+ {\begingroup
+ \obeyMPlines
+ \dostartstaticMPfigure}
+ {\startstaticMPgraphic{\jobname-#1}#2\stopstaticMPgraphic
+ \endgroup}
+% faster, but more tricky
+% \def\startstaticMPfigure
+% {\doifmodeelse{*\v!first}
+% {\begingroup
+% \obeyMPlines
+% \dostartstaticMPfigure}
+% {\gobbleuntil\stopstaticMPfigure}}
+% \def\dostartstaticMPfigure#1#2\stopstaticMPfigure
+% {\startMPstaticgraphic{\jobname-#1}#2\stopMPstaticgraphic
+% % dirty trick, don't register, so no second main run of texexec:
+% \global\advance\nofMPgraphics \minusone
+% \endgroup}}
+%D New:
+% \appendtoks \closeMPgraphicfiles \to \everystoptext
+%D New:
+\newconditional\manyMPspecials % when set to true, > 1000 specials can be used
+\settrue \manyMPspecials % per 1/4/2006
+ _special_div_ := 1000\ifconditional\manyMPspecials0\fi ;
+\to \MPextensions
+%D Needed (will become default):
+ \resetlanguagespecifics
+\to \everyMPgraphic
+%D Goody for preventing overflows:
+%D Done.
+\protect \endinput
+%D Experimental:
+ \ifrunMPgraphics \ifcase\systemcommandmode \or
+ \runMPgraphicsfalse
+ \fi \fi
+\to \everyjob
+% also:
+% linecap := rounded ;
+% linejoin := rounded ;
+% drawoptions () ;
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/meta-mis.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/meta-mis.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e8282c381
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/meta-mis.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=meta-mis,
+%D version=2006.06.06,
+%D title=\METAPOST\ Graphics,
+%D subtitle=Misc Test Graphics,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+% p/s 1/false 1/true 2/false 2/true
+% MKII 8.5 8.0 8.8 8.5
+% MKIV 16.1 7.2 16.3 7.4
+ prologues := 2;
+ mpprocset := 1 ;
+ fill fullcircle scaled 3cm withcolor red ;
+ fill fullcircle scaled 2cm withcolor green ;
+ fill fullcircle scaled 1cm withcolor blue ;
+ currentpicture := currentpicture shifted (-4cm,0) ;
+ fill fullcircle scaled 3cm withcolor cmyk(0,0,1,0) ;
+ fill fullcircle scaled 2cm withcolor cmyk(0,1,0,0) ;
+ fill fullcircle scaled 1cm withcolor cmyk(1,0,0,0) ;
+ currentpicture := currentpicture shifted (-4cm,0) ;
+ draw fullcircle scaled 3cm dashed evenly ;
+ draw fullcircle scaled 2cm dashed withdots ;
+ draw origin withpen pencircle scaled 3mm;
+ currentpicture := currentpicture shifted (-4cm,0) ;
+ fill fullcircle scaled 2cm shifted (-.5cm,+.5cm) withcolor transparent(1,.5,red);
+ fill fullcircle scaled 2cm shifted (-.5cm,-.5cm) withcolor transparent(1,.5,red);
+ fill fullcircle scaled 2cm shifted (+.5cm,+.5cm) withcolor transparent(1,.5,green);
+ fill fullcircle scaled 2cm shifted (+.5cm,-.5cm) withcolor transparent(1,.5,cmyk(1,0,1,.5));
+ currentpicture := currentpicture shifted (12cm,-4cm) ;
+ draw "o e p s" infont defaultfont scaled 2 shifted (-1cm,0) ;
+ currentpicture := currentpicture shifted (-4cm,0) ;
+ % bug: shift
+ draw fullcircle scaled 3cm withpen pencircle yscaled 3mm xscaled 2mm rotated 30 ;
+ draw fullcircle scaled 2cm withpen pencircle yscaled 3mm xscaled 2mm rotated 20 withcolor red ;
+ filldraw fullcircle scaled 1cm withpen pencircle yscaled 3mm xscaled 2mm rotated 10 withcolor green ;
+ currentpicture := currentpicture shifted (-4cm,0) ;
+ % shade cannot handle shift
+ circular_shade(fullcircle scaled 3cm,0,.2red,.9green) ;
+ circular_shade(fullcircle scaled 3cm shifted(+4cm,0),0,cmyk(1,0,0,0),cmyk(0,1,0,0)) ;
+ filldraw boundingbox currentpicture enlarged (-bbheight(currentpicture)/2+2.5mm) withpen pencircle scaled 1pt withcolor .5white ;
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/meta-nav.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/meta-nav.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..45a31ba5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/meta-nav.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=meta-nav,
+%D version=2003.03.28,
+%D title=\METAPOST\ Graphics,
+%D subtitle=Navigational Graphics,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+ color c ; numeric s, t ; path p ;
+ t := \MPvar{type} ; c := \MPvar{color} ; s := \MPvar{size} ;
+ if \MPvar{mode} = 1 : c := .5[c,white] fi ;
+ if t = 1 :
+ p := ((0,0)--(1/2,0)--(1,1/3)--(1,1)--(0,1)--(0,0)--cycle)
+ xyscaled (3,4) ;
+ elseif t = 2 :
+ p := ((0,0)--(1,0)--(1,1)--(0,1)--(1/2,2/5)--(1,1)--(0,1)--cycle)
+ xyscaled (4,3) ;
+ else :
+ p := fullsquare xyscaled (3,3) ;
+ fi ;
+ draw p withpen pencircle scaled (1/2) withcolor .75white ;
+ fill p withcolor c ;
+ draw p withpen pencircle scaled (1/3) withcolor .5c ;
+ currentpicture := currentpicture scaled s ;
+ currentpicture := currentpicture shifted -center currentpicture ;
+ [navplus]
+ [size=1ex,
+ color=black,
+ type=1,
+ mode=0]
+ [navplus]
+ [attach=darkred,
+ comment=darkblue]
+ [comment-normal]
+ [\uniqueMPgraphic{navplus}{type=1,color=navplus:comment}]
+ [comment-down]
+ [\uniqueMPgraphic{navplus}{type=1,color=navplus:comment,mode=1}]
+ [attach-normal]
+ [\uniqueMPgraphic{navplus}{type=2,color=navplus:attach}]
+ [attach-down]
+ [\uniqueMPgraphic{navplus}{type=2,color=navplus:attach,mode=1}]
+\setupcomment [\c!symbol={comment-normal,comment-down}]
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/meta-pag.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/meta-pag.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..82a525a08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/meta-pag.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=meta-pag,
+%D version=1999.07.10,
+%D title=\METAPOST\ Graphics,
+%D subtitle=Initialization,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D These definitions used to be part of the old \type
+%D {core-mps} file, later changed into \type {meta-ini}, but
+%D keeping them separate is cleaner.
+\writestatus{loading}{MetaPost Graphics / Page Data Management}
+ if unknown context_page: input mp-page; fi;
+%D The next few macros tell \METAPOST\ how the \CONTEXT\
+%D pagebody looks.
+ boolean PageStateAvailable,OnRightPage,InPageBody;
+ PageStateAvailable:=true;
+ OnRightPage:=true;
+ InPageBody:=\ifinpagebody true \else false \fi;
+ def LoadPageState =
+ OnRightPage:=\MPonrightpage;
+ OnOddPage:=\MPonoddpage;
+ RealPageNumber:=\the\realpageno;
+ PageNumber:=\the\pageno;
+ NOfPages:=\lastpage;
+ PaperHeight:=\the\paperheight;
+ PaperWidth:=\the\paperwidth;
+ PrintPaperHeight:=\the\printpaperheight;
+ PrintPaperWidth:=\the\printpaperwidth;
+ TopSpace:=\the\topspace;
+ BottomSpace:=\the\bottomspace;
+ BackSpace:=\the\backspace;
+ CutSpace:=\the\cutspace;
+ MakeupHeight:=\the\makeupheight;
+ MakeupWidth:=\the\makeupwidth;
+ TopHeight:=\the\topheight;
+ TopDistance:=\the\topdistance;
+ HeaderHeight:=\the\headerheight;
+ HeaderDistance:=\the\headerdistance;
+ TextHeight:=\the\textheight;
+ FooterDistance:=\the\footerdistance;
+ FooterHeight:=\the\footerheight;
+ BottomDistance:=\the\bottomdistance;
+ BottomHeight:=\the\bottomheight;
+ LeftEdgeWidth:=\the\leftedgewidth;
+ LeftEdgeDistance:=\the\leftedgedistance;
+ LeftMarginWidth:=\the\leftmarginwidth;
+ LeftMarginDistance:=\the\leftmargindistance;
+ TextWidth:=\the\textwidth ;
+ RightMarginDistance:=\the\rightmargindistance;
+ RightMarginWidth:=\the\rightmarginwidth;
+ RightEdgeDistance:=\the\rightedgedistance;
+ RightEdgeWidth:=\the\rightedgewidth;
+ InnerMarginDistance:=\the\innermargindistance;
+ InnerMarginWidth:=\the\innermarginwidth;
+ OuterMarginDistance:=\the\outermargindistance;
+ OuterMarginWidth:=\the\outermarginwidth;
+ InnerEdgeDistance:=\the\inneredgedistance;
+ InnerEdgeWidth:=\the\inneredgewidth;
+ OuterEdgeDistance:=\the\outeredgedistance;
+ OuterEdgeWidth:=\the\outeredgewidth;
+ PageOffset:=\the\pageoffset;
+ PageDepth:=\the\pagedepth;
+ LayoutColumns:=\the\layoutcolumns;
+ LayoutColumnDistance:=\the\layoutcolumndistance;
+ LayoutColumnWidth:=\the\layoutcolumnwidth;
+ enddef;
+\def\MPonoddpage {true}
+ {\doifbothsides
+ {\def\MPonrightpage{true}}
+ {\def\MPonrightpage{true}}
+ {\def\MPonrightpage{false}}%
+ \edef\MPonoddpage{\doifoddpageelse{true}{false}}}
+\let\freezeMPlayout\relax % obsolete
+%D We need to freeze the pagelayout before the backgrounds
+%D are build, because the overlay will temporarily become
+%D zero (overlay).
+ \freezeMPpagelayout
+\to \everybeforepagebody
+%D By freezing these value every graphic, we can use layout
+%D variables that change halfways a page, whatever use that
+%D has.
+ \calculatereducedvsizes % this is really needed
+ \freezeMPpagelayout
+ \freezeMPlayout % to be used grouped
+\to \everyMPgraphic
+%D The next feature provides information about for instance
+%D column positions. This is an experimental feature,
+%D introduced when we needed backgrounds in columns (fill||in
+%D questions as implemented in a private module).
+%D See \type {} for the definition of the macros:
+%D \starttabulate[|tl|l|p|]
+%D \NC ResetTextAreas \NC no arguments \NC
+%D reset areas on page \NC \NR
+%D \NC RegisterTextArea \NC x, y, w, h \NC
+%D adds area to the list \NC \NR
+%D \NC TextAreaX,Y,W,H,XY,WH \NC x and/or y \NC
+%D reports offsets and dimensions \NC \NR
+%D \stoptabulate
+%D The \type {TextArea*} macros can be used to determine
+%D overlap.
+% optimaliseren voor herhaling
+ {\ifpositioning
+ \bgroup
+ \global\advance\currentMPtextareadata\plusone
+ %\hpos{gbd:\the\currentMPtextareadata}{#1}%
+ \hpos{gbd:\the\currentMPtextareadata}%
+ {\iftracetextareas\boxrulewidth1.5pt\ruledhbox\fi{#1}}%
+ \edef\!!stringa{gbd:\the\currentMPtextareadata}%
+ \edef\!!stringa{RegisterTextArea(%
+ \MPx\!!stringa,\MPy\!!stringa,%
+ \MPw\!!stringa,\MPh\!!stringa,\MPd\!!stringa);}%
+ \@EA \doglobal \@EA \appendtoks \!!stringa \to \MPtextareadata
+ \egroup
+ \else
+ \hbox{#1}%
+ \fi}
+ {\ifpositioning
+ \bgroup
+ \global\advance\currentMPtextareadata\plusone
+ %\hpos{gbd:\the\currentMPtextareadata}{#1}%
+ \hpos{gbd:\the\currentMPtextareadata}%
+ {\iftracetextareas\boxrulewidth3pt\ruledhbox\fi{#1}}%
+ \edef\!!stringa{gbd:\the\currentMPtextareadata}%
+ \edef\!!stringa{RegisterLocalTextArea(%
+ \MPx\!!stringa,\MPy\!!stringa,%
+ \MPw\!!stringa,\MPh\!!stringa,\MPd\!!stringa);}%
+ \global\MPlocaltextareadata\@EA{\!!stringa}%
+ \egroup
+ \else
+ \hbox{#1}%
+ \fi}
+% better, so that we can force a key and share with e.g. renumbering
+% \let\namedtextarea\empty
+% \def\registerMPlocaltextarea#1%
+% {\ifpositioning
+% \bgroup
+% \ifx\namedtextarea\empty
+% \global\advance\currentMPtextareadata\plusone
+% \edef\namedtextarea{gbd:\the\currentMPtextareadata}%
+% \fi
+% \hpos\namedtextarea{\iftracetextareas\boxrulewidth3pt\ruledhbox\fi{#1}}%
+% \edef\ascii{RegisterLocalTextArea(%
+% \MPx\namedtextarea,\MPy\namedtextarea,%
+% \MPw\namedtextarea,\MPh\namedtextarea,\MPd\namedtextarea);}%
+% \global\MPlocaltextareadata\@EA{\ascii}%
+% \egroup
+% \else
+% \hbox{#1}%
+% \fi}
+ {\global\MPlocaltextareadata\emptytoks}
+ path PlainTextArea;
+ ResetTextAreas;
+ \the\MPsavedtextareadata;
+ SaveTextAreas;
+ ResetTextAreas;
+ \the\MPtextareadata;
+ \the\MPlocaltextareadata;
+ PlainTextArea:=boundingbox(\MPxy{text:\realfolio}--\MPxy{text:\realfolio}
+ shifted (\MPw{text:\realfolio},\MPh{text:\realfolio}));
+ \global\MPsavedtextareadata\MPtextareadata
+ \global\MPtextareadata \emptytoks
+ \global\MPlocaltextareadata\emptytoks
+\to \everyshipout
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/meta-pdf.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/meta-pdf.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e13113398
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/meta-pdf.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,2761 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=meta-pdf,
+%D version=2006.06.07,
+%D title=\METAPOST\ Graphics,
+%D subtitle=Conversion to \PDF,
+%D author=Hans Hagen \& others (see text),
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D Formerly known as supp-pdf.tex and supp-mpe.tex.
+%D We will clean up the color mess later.
+%D These macros are written as generic as possible. Some
+%D general support macro's are loaded from a small module
+%D especially made for non \CONTEXT\ use. In this module I
+%D use a matrix transformation macro written by Tanmoy
+%D Bhattacharya. Thanks to extensive testing by Sebastian
+%D Ratz I was able to complete this module within reasonable
+%D time. This module has support for \METAPOST\ extensions
+%D built in.
+%D Daniel H. Luecking came up with a better (more precise)
+%D transformation method. You can recognize his comment by
+%D his initials. (We keep the old code around because it's a
+%D nice illustration on how a module like this evolves.)
+% Beware, we cannot use 0pt here by defaukt since it may be
+% defined in the range \dimen 0 - 20 which we happen to use
+% as scratch registers; for this reason we start allocating
+% scratch registers > 20
+%D This module handles some \PDF\ conversion and insertions
+%D topics. By default, the macros use the \PDFTEX\ primitive
+%D \type{\pdfliteral} when available. Since \PDFTEX\ is now the
+%D default engine for \TEX\ distributions, we need a more complex
+%D test.
+\writestatus{loading}{MetaPost Graphics / MPS to PDF}
+\ifx\PDFcode \undefined \let\PDFcode \gobbleoneargument \fi
+\ifx\PDFcomment\undefined \def\PDFcomment#1{\PDFcode{\letterpercent\space#1}} \fi
+%D First we define a handy constant:
+\bgroup \catcode`\%=\@@other \xdef\letterpercent{\string%} \egroup
+%D \macros
+%D {pdfimage,pdfimages,pdfclippedimage}
+%D Starting with pdftex version 14, images are included more
+%D natural to the form embedding. This enables alternative
+%D images to be embedded.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \pdfimage <optional dimensions> {file}
+%D \pdfimages <optional dimensions> {high res file} {low res file}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The first one replaces the pre||version||14 original,
+%D while the latter provides alternative images.
+%D The next macro is dedicated to Maarten Gelderman, who
+%D needed to paste prepared \PDF\ pages into conference
+%D proceedings.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \pdfclippedimage <optional dimensions> {file} {l} {r} {t} {b}
+%D \stoptyping
+\ifx\pdftexversion\undefined \else \ifnum\pdftexversion>13 % still relevant?
+ \def\pdfimage#1#%
+ {\dopdfimage{#1}}
+ \def\dopdfimage#1#2%
+ {\immediate\pdfximage#1{#2}%
+ \pdfrefximage\pdflastximage}
+ \def\pdfimages#1#%
+ {\dopdfimages{#1}}
+ \def\dopdfimages#1#2#3%
+ {\immediate\pdfximage#1{#2}%
+ \immediate\pdfobj{[ << /Image \the\pdflastximage\space0 R /DefaultForPrinting true >> ]}%
+ \immediate\pdfximage#1 attr {/Alternates \the\pdflastobj\space0 R}{#3}%
+ \pdfrefximage\pdflastximage}
+ \def\pdfclippedimage#1#% specs {file}{left}{right}{top}{bottom}
+ {\dopdfclippedimage{#1}}
+ \def\dopdfclippedimage#1#2#3#4#5#6%
+ {\bgroup
+ \pdfximage#1{#2}%
+ \setbox\scratchbox\hbox{\pdfrefximage\pdflastximage}%
+ \hsize\dimexpr\wd\scratchbox-#3-#4\relax
+ \vsize\dimexpr\ht\scratchbox-#5-#6\relax
+ \setbox\scratchbox\vbox to \vsize
+ {\vskip-#5\hbox to \hsize{\hskip-#3\box\scratchbox\hss}}%
+ \pdfxform\scratchbox
+ \pdfrefxform\pdflastxform
+ \egroup}
+\fi \fi
+%D \macros
+%D {convertMPtoPDF}
+%D The next set of macros implements \METAPOST\ to \PDF\
+%D conversion. The traditional method is in the MkII file.
+%D The main conversion command is:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \convertMPtoPDF {filename} {x scale} {y scale}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The dimensions are derived from the bounding box. So we
+%D only have to say:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \convertMPtoPDF{mp-pra-1.eps}{1}{1}
+%D \convertMPtoPDF{mp-pra-1.eps}{.5}{.5}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D \macros
+%D {makeMPintoPDFobject,lastPDFMPobject}
+%D For experts there are a few more options. When attributes
+%D are to be added, the code must be embedded in an object
+%D accompanied with the appropriate directives. One can
+%D influence this process with \type {\makeMPintoPDFobject}.
+%D This option defaults to~0, because \CONTEXT\ takes care
+%D of objects at another level, which saves some bytes.
+%D \starttabulate[|l|l|p|]
+%D \NC 0 \NC never \NC don't use an object \NC\NR
+%D \NC 1 \NC always \NC always use an object \NC\NR
+%D \NC 2 \NC optional \NC use object when needed \NC\NR
+%D \stoptabulate
+%D The last object number used is avaliable in the macro
+%D \type {\lastPDFMPobject}.
+\ifx\makeMPintoPDFobject \undefined \newcount\makeMPintoPDFobject \fi
+\ifx\blackoutMPgraphic \undefined \chardef\blackoutMPgraphic\plusone \fi
+\ifx\everyMPtoPDFconversion\undefined \newtoks\everyMPtoPDFconversion \fi
+\let\lastPDFMPobject \!!zerocount
+\let\setMPextensions \relax
+ {\ifx\objectoffset\undefined\zeropoint\else\objectoffset\fi}
+ {\global\let\MPwidth \!!zeropoint
+ \global\let\MPheight\!!zeropoint
+ \global\let\MPllx \!!zerocount
+ \global\let\MPlly \!!zerocount
+ \global\let\MPurx \!!zerocount
+ \global\let\MPury \!!zerocount
+ \xdef\MPxscale {#2}\ifx\MPxscale\empty\let\MPxscale\!!plusone\fi
+ \xdef\MPyscale {#3}\ifx\MPyscale\empty\let\MPyscale\!!plusone\fi
+ \xdef\MPfilename {#1}}
+%D The main macro:
+ {\resetMPvariables{#1}{#2}{#3}%
+ \vbox\bgroup
+ \forgetall
+ \offinterlineskip
+ \ifx\pdfdecimaldigits\undefined\else \pdfdecimaldigits=5 \fi % new
+ \global\let\MPheight\!!zeropoint
+ \global\let\MPwidth \!!zeropoint
+ \setbox\scratchbox\vbox\bgroup
+ \message{[MP to PDF]}%
+ \startMPresources
+ \PDFcomment{mps begin}%
+ \PDFcode{q}%
+ \PDFcode{1 0 0 1 0 0 cm}%
+ \ifcase\blackoutMPgraphic\or\PDFcode{0 g 0 G}\fi
+ \doprocessMPtoPDFfile}
+\def\processMPtoPDFfile#1#2#3% obsolete
+ {\resetMPvariables{#1}{#2}{#3}%
+ \bgroup
+ \let\finishMPgraphic\egroup
+ \doprocessMPtoPDFfile}
+ {\setMPspecials
+ \setMPextensions
+ \the\everyMPtoPDFconversion
+ \catcode`\^^M=\@@endofline
+ \startMPscanning
+ \let\do\empty
+ \donefalse
+ \let\handleMPsequence\dohandleMPsequence
+ \input\MPfilename\relax}
+ {\PDFcode{Q}%
+ \PDFcomment{mps end}%
+ \stopMPresources
+ \egroup
+ \setbox\scratchbox\hbox\bgroup
+ \hskip-\MPllx\onebasepoint
+ \raise-\MPlly\onebasepoint
+ \box\scratchbox
+ \egroup
+ \setbox\scratchbox\vbox to \MPheight\bgroup
+ \vfill
+ \hsize\MPwidth
+ \smashbox\scratchbox
+ \box\scratchbox
+ \egroup
+ \wd\scratchbox\MPwidth
+ \ht\scratchbox\MPheight
+ \dopackageMPgraphic\scratchbox
+ \egroup
+ \endinput}
+%D A common hook.
+%D Objects.
+\def\dopackageMPgraphic#1% #1 = boxregister
+ {\ifcase\makeMPintoPDFobject\or\or\ifx\currentPDFresources\empty\else
+ % an existing value of 2 signals object support (set elsewhere)
+ \makeMPintoPDFobject\plusone
+ \fi\fi
+ \ifcase\makeMPintoPDFobject
+ \box#1%
+ \or
+ \scratchdimen\PDFMPformoffset\relax
+ \ifdim\scratchdimen>\zeropoint % compensate for error
+ \setbox#1\vbox spread 2\scratchdimen
+ {\forgetall\vss\hbox spread 2\scratchdimen{\hss\box#1\hss}\vss}%
+ \fi
+ \setMPPDFobject{\currentPDFresources}{#1}%
+ \ifdim\scratchdimen>\zeropoint % compensate for error
+ \vbox to \MPheight
+ {\forgetall\vss\hbox to \MPwidth{\hss\getMPPDFobject\hss}\vss}%
+ \else
+ \getMPPDFobject
+ \fi
+ \global\let\currentPDFresources\empty
+ \else
+ \box#1%
+ \fi}
+\def\setMPPDFobject#1#2% resources boxnumber
+ {\ifx\pdfxform\undefined
+ \def\getMPPDFobject{\box#2}%
+ \else\ifx\pdftexversion\undefined
+ \def\getMPPDFobject{\box#2}%
+ \else\ifnum\pdftexversion<14
+ \def\getMPPDFobject{\box#2}%
+ \else
+ \ifx\everyPDFxform\undefined\else\the\everyPDFxform\fi
+ \immediate\pdfxform resources{#1}#2%
+ \edef\getMPPDFobject{\noexpand\pdfrefxform\the\pdflastxform}%
+ \fi\fi\fi}
+%D \macros
+%D {deleteMPgraphic,
+%D startMPresources,
+%D stopMPresources}
+ \def\deleteMPgraphic#1{}
+ \let\startMPresources\relax
+ \let\stopMPresources\relax
+%D We implement extensions by using the \METAPOST\ special
+%D mechanism. Opposite to \TEX's specials, the \METAPOST\ ones
+%D are flushed before or after the graphic data, but thereby
+%D are no longer connected to a position.
+%D We implement specials by overloading the \type {fill}
+%D operator. By counting the fills, we can let the converter
+%D treat the appropriate fill in a special way. The
+%D specification of the speciality can have two forms,
+%D determined by the setting of a boolean variable:
+%D \starttyping
+%D _inline_specials_ := false ; % comment like code (default)
+%D _inline_specials_ := true ; % command like code
+%D \stoptyping
+%D When the specification is embedded as comment, it looks
+%D like:
+%D \starttyping
+%D %%MetaPostSpecial <size> <data> <number> <identifier>
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The in||line alternative is more tuned for \POSTSCRIPT,
+%D since it permits us to define a macro \type {special}.
+%D \starttyping
+%D inline : <data> <number> <identifier> <size> special
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The \type {identifier} determines what to do, and the data
+%D can be used to accomplish this. A type~2 shading function
+%D has identifier~2. Alltogether, the number of parameters is
+%D specified in \type {size}. The \type {number} is the number
+%D of the fill that needs the special treatment. For a type~2
+%D and~3 shaded fill, the datablock contains the following
+%D data:
+%D \starttyping
+%D from to n inner_r g b x y outer_r g b x y
+%D from to n inner_r g b x y radius outer_r g b x y radius
+%D \stoptyping
+\newconditional\manyMPspecials \settrue\manyMPspecials
+%D In case of \PDF, we need to prepare resourcs.
+ {\the\MPstartresources}
+ {\the\MPstopresources}
+%D Some day we may consider collecting local resources.
+ \global\let\currentPDFresources\empty % kind of redundant
+\to \MPstartresources
+% \appendtoks
+% \collectPDFresources
+% \global\let\currentPDFresources\collectedPDFresources
+% \to \MPstopresources
+ \the\everyPDFxform
+\to \MPstopresources
+%D Since colors are not subjected to transformations, we can
+%D only use colors as signal. In our case, we use a dummy colored
+%D path with a red color component of \type {0.n}, so \type
+%D {0.001} is the first path and \type {0.010} the tenth. Since
+%D \METAPOST strips trailing zeros, we have to padd the string.
+\def\dohandleMPrgb #1#2#3{\revokeMPtransparencyspecial\execcolorR #1:#2:#3:0:0\od}
+\def\dohandleMPgray #1{\revokeMPtransparencyspecial\execcolorS #1:0:0\od}
+%D Specials:
+\settrue \manyMPspecials \newcount\nofMParguments \let\extraMPpathcode\empty
+\def\@@MP {@@MP}
+ {\setvalue{\@@MPSK\@@MPSK#1}{#2}}
+%D Special number~1 is dedicated to \CMYK\ support. If you
+%D want to know why: look at this:
+%D \startbuffer[mp]
+%D fill fullcircle xyscaled (3cm,1cm) withcolor \MPcolor{test} ;
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \startbuffer[cmyk]
+%D \startcombination[4*1]
+%D {\definecolor[test][c=1,y=.3,k=.3] \processMPbuffer[mp]} {c=1 y=.3 k=.3}
+%D {\definecolor[test][c=.9,y=.15] \processMPbuffer[mp]} {c=.9 y=.15}
+%D {\definecolor[test][c=.25,y=.8] \processMPbuffer[mp]} {c=.25 y=.8}
+%D {\definecolor[test][c=.45,y=.1] \processMPbuffer[mp]} {c=.45 y=.1}
+%D \stopcombination
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \placefigure
+%D {\CMYK\ support disabled,
+%D conversion to \RGB.}
+%D {\setupcolors[cmyk=nee,state=start]\getbuffer[cmyk]}
+%D \placefigure
+%D {\CMYK\ support enabled,
+%D no support in \METAPOST.}
+%D {\setupcolors[cmyk=ja,mpcmyk=nee,state=start]\getbuffer[cmyk]}
+%D \placefigure
+%D {\CMYK\ support enabled,
+%D no conversion to \RGB,
+%D support in \METAPOST}
+%D {\setupcolors[cmyk=ja,state=start]\getbuffer[cmyk]}
+ {\ifMPcmykcolors
+ \setxvalue{\@@MPSK\gMPs6}{\noexpand\dohandleMPcmykcolor{\gMPs2}{\gMPs3}{\gMPs4}{\gMPs5}}%
+ \fi}
+ {\ifMPspotcolors
+ \setxvalue{\@@MPSK\gMPs6}{\noexpand\dohandleMPspotcolor{\gMPs2}{\gMPs3}{\gMPs4}{\gMPs5}}%
+% \checkMPspot{\gMPs2}{\gMPs3}{\gMPs4}{\gMPs5}%
+ \fi}
+% \def\checkMPspot#1#2#3#4%
+% {\expanded{\resolveMPspotcolor#1 #2 #3 #4}\end
+% \ifx\MPspotspace\MPresolvedspace
+% \edef\MPspotspacespec{/\MPspotspace\space}%
+% \doifinstringelse\MPspotspacespec\currentMPcolorspaces
+% \donothing\registerMPcolorspace
+% \fi}
+\def\dohandleMPrgbcolor #1#2#3{\revokeMPtransparencyspecial\execcolorR #1:#2:#3:0:0\od}
+\def\dohandleMPgraycolor #1{\revokeMPtransparencyspecial\execcolorS #1:0:0\od}
+%D Transparency support used specials 60 (rgb) and 61
+%D (cmyk).
+%D \startbufferFshade
+%D u := 2cm ; path p ; p := fullcircle scaled u shifted (u/4,0);
+%D fill p rotated 90 withcolor transparent(1,.5,yellow) ;
+%D fill p rotated 210 withcolor transparent(1,.5,green) ;
+%D fill p rotated 330 withcolor transparent(1,.5,blue) ;
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+%D \startlinecorrection \processMPbuffer \stoplinecorrection
+%D One can also communicate colors between \CONTEXT\ and
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \definecolor[tcyan] [c=1,k=.2,t=.5]
+%D \definecolor[tmagenta][m=1,k=.2,t=.5]
+%D \definecolor[tyellow] [y=1,k=.2,t=.5]
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer \getbuffer
+%D \startbuffer
+%D u := 2cm ; path p ; p := fullcircle scaled u shifted (u/4,0);
+%D fill p rotated 90 withcolor \MPcolor{tcyan} ;
+%D fill p rotated 210 withcolor \MPcolor{tmagenta} ;
+%D fill p rotated 330 withcolor \MPcolor{tyellow} ;
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \startlinecorrection \processMPbuffer \stoplinecorrection
+%D We save all the three components needed in one macro,
+%D just to save hash space.
+\def\dohandleMPrgbtransparency #1#2#3#4#5{\execcolorR #1:#2:#3:#4:#5\od\let\revokeMPtransparencyspecial\dorevokeMPtransparencyspecial}
+\def\dohandleMPgraytransparency #1#2#3{\execcolorS #1:#2:#3\od\let\revokeMPtransparencyspecial\dorevokeMPtransparencyspecial}
+ {\PDFcode{\PDFtransparencyresetidentifier\space gs}%
+ \let\revokeMPtransparencyspecial\relax}
+\defineMPspecial{3} % rgb
+ {\setxvalue{\@@MPSK\gMPs6}{\noexpand\dohandleMPrgbtransparency{\gMPs3}{\gMPs4}{\gMPs5}{\gMPs1}{\gMPs2}}}
+\defineMPspecial{4} % cmyk
+ {\setxvalue{\@@MPSK\gMPs7}{\noexpand\dohandleMPcmyktransparency{\gMPs3}{\gMPs4}{\gMPs5}{\gMPs6}{\gMPs1}{\gMPs2}}}
+\defineMPspecial{5} % spot
+ {\setxvalue{\@@MPSK\gMPs7}{\noexpand\dohandleMPspottransparency{\gMPs3}{\gMPs4}{\gMPs5}{\gMPs6}{\gMPs1}{\gMPs2}}%
+ }%\checkMPspot{\gMPs3}{\gMPs4}{\gMPs5}{\gMPs6}}
+%D Shading is an example of a more advanced graphic feature,
+%D but users will seldom encounter those complications. Here
+%D we only show a few simple examples, but many other
+%D alternatives are possible by setting up the functions built
+%D in \PDF\ in the appropriate way.
+%D Shading has to do with interpolation between two or more
+%D points or user supplied ranges. In \PDF, the specifications
+%D of a shade has to be encapsulated in objects and passed on
+%D as resources. This is a \PDF\ level 1.3. feature. One can
+%D simulate three dimensional shades as well and define simple
+%D functions using a limited set of \POSTSCRIPT\ primitives.
+%D Given the power of \METAPOST\ and these \PDF\ features, we
+%D can achieve superb graphic effects.
+%D Since everything is hidden in \TEX\ and \METAPOST\ graphics,
+%D we can stick to high level \CONTEXT\ command, as shown in
+%D the following exmples.
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \startuniqueMPgraphic{CircularShade}
+%D path p ; p := unitsquare xscaled \overlaywidth yscaled \overlayheight ;
+%D circular_shade(p,0,.2red,.9red) ;
+%D \stopuniqueMPgraphic
+%D \startuniqueMPgraphic{LinearShade}
+%D path p ; p := unitsquare xscaled \overlaywidth yscaled \overlayheight ;
+%D linear_shade(p,0,.2blue,.9blue) ;
+%D \stopuniqueMPgraphic
+%D \startuniqueMPgraphic{DuotoneShade}
+%D path p ; p := unitsquare xscaled \overlaywidth yscaled \overlayheight ;
+%D linear_shade(p,2,.5green,.5red) ;
+%D \stopuniqueMPgraphic
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+%D \getbuffer
+%D These graphics can be hooked into the overlay mechanism,
+%D which is available in many commands.
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \defineoverlay[demo 1][\uniqueMPgraphic{CircularShade}]
+%D \defineoverlay[demo 2][\uniqueMPgraphic {LinearShade}]
+%D \defineoverlay[demo 3][\uniqueMPgraphic {DuotoneShade}]
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+%D \getbuffer
+%D These backgrounds can for instance be applied to \type
+%D {\framed}:
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \setupframed[width=3cm,height=2cm,frame=off]
+%D \startcombination[3*1]
+%D {\framed[backgroundachtergrond=demo 1]{\bfd \white Demo 1}} {}
+%D {\framed[backgroundachtergrond=demo 2]{\bfd \white Demo 2}} {}
+%D {\framed[backgroundachtergrond=demo 3]{\bfd \white Demo 3}} {}
+%D \stopcombination
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+%D \startlinecorrection
+%D \getbuffer
+%D \stoplinecorrection
+%D There are a few more alternatives, determined by the second
+%D parameter passed to \type {circular_shade} and alike.
+%D \def\SomeShade#1#2#3#4#5%
+%D {\startuniqueMPgraphic{Shade-#1}
+%D width := \overlaywidth ;
+%D height := \overlayheight ;
+%D path p ; p := unitsquare xscaled width yscaled height ;
+%D #2_shade(p,#3,#4,#5) ;
+%D \stopuniqueMPgraphic
+%D \defineoverlay[Shade-#1][\uniqueMPgraphic{Shade-#1}]%
+%D \framed[backgroundachtergrond=Shade-#1,width=2cm,height=2cm,frame=off]{}}
+%D \startlinecorrection
+%D \startcombination[5*1]
+%D {\SomeShade{10}{circular}{0}{.3blue}{.9blue}} {circular 0}
+%D {\SomeShade{11}{circular}{1}{.3blue}{.9blue}} {circular 1}
+%D {\SomeShade{12}{circular}{2}{.3blue}{.9blue}} {circular 2}
+%D {\SomeShade{13}{circular}{3}{.3blue}{.9blue}} {circular 3}
+%D {\SomeShade{14}{circular}{4}{.3blue}{.9blue}} {circular 4}
+%D \stopcombination
+%D \stoplinecorrection
+%D \blank
+%D \startlinecorrection
+%D \startcombination[5*1]
+%D {\SomeShade{20}{circular}{0}{.9green}{.3green}} {circular 0}
+%D {\SomeShade{21}{circular}{1}{.9green}{.3green}} {circular 1}
+%D {\SomeShade{22}{circular}{2}{.9green}{.3green}} {circular 2}
+%D {\SomeShade{23}{circular}{3}{.9green}{.3green}} {circular 3}
+%D {\SomeShade{24}{circular}{4}{.9green}{.3green}} {circular 4}
+%D \stopcombination
+%D \stoplinecorrection
+%D \blank
+%D \startlinecorrection
+%D \startcombination[4*1]
+%D {\SomeShade{30}{linear}{0}{.3red}{.9red}} {linear 0}
+%D {\SomeShade{31}{linear}{1}{.3red}{.9red}} {linear 1}
+%D {\SomeShade{32}{linear}{2}{.3red}{.9red}} {linear 2}
+%D {\SomeShade{33}{linear}{3}{.3red}{.9red}} {linear 3}
+%D \stopcombination
+%D \stoplinecorrection
+%D These macros closely cooperate with the \METAPOST\ module
+%D \type {}, which is part of the \CONTEXT\
+%D distribution.
+%D The low level (\PDF) implementation is based on the \TEX\
+%D based \METAPOST\ to \PDF\ converter. Shading is supported
+%D by overloading the \type {fill} operator as implemented
+%D earlier. In \PDF\ type~2 and~3 shading functions are
+%D specified in terms of:
+%D \starttabulate[|Tl|l|]
+%D \NC /Domain \NC sort of meeting range \NC \NR
+%D \NC /C0 \NC inner shade \NC \NR
+%D \NC /C1 \NC outer shade \NC \NR
+%D \NC /N \NC smaller values, bigger inner circles \NC \NR
+%D \stoptabulate
+\newcount\currentPDFshade % 0 % global (document wide) counter
+% \def\dosetMPsomePDFshade#1#2% generic but needs refs
+% {\global\advance\currentPDFshade \plusone
+% \doPDFdictionaryobject{FDF}{ftn:Sh:\the\currentPDFshade}
+% {/FunctionType 2
+% /Domain [\gMPs1 \gMPs2]
+% /C0 [\MPshadeA]
+% /C1 [\MPshadeB]
+% /N \gMPs3}%
+% \doPDFgetobjectreference{FDF}{ftn:Sh:\the\currentPDFshade}\PDFobjectreference
+% \doPDFdictionaryobject{FDF}{obj:Sh:\the\currentPDFshade}
+% {/ShadingType #1
+% /ColorSpace /\MPresolvedspace
+% /Function \PDFobjectreference\space
+% /Coords [\MPshadeC]
+% /Extend [true true]}%
+% \doPDFgetobjectreference{FDF}{obj:Sh:\the\currentPDFshade}\PDFobjectreference
+% \appendtoPDFdocumentshades{/Sh\the\currentPDFshade\space\PDFobjectreference}%
+% \setxvalue{\@@MPSK#2}{\noexpand\dohandleMPshade{\the\currentPDFshade}}}
+ {\immediate\pdfobj
+ {<</FunctionType 2
+ /Domain [\gMPs1 \gMPs2]
+ /C0 [\MPshadeA]
+ /C1 [\MPshadeB]
+ /N \gMPs3>>}%
+ \immediate\pdfobj
+ {<</ShadingType #1
+ /ColorSpace /\MPresolvedspace
+ /Function \the\pdflastobj\space 0 R
+ /Coords [\MPshadeC]
+ /Extend [true true]>>}%
+ \global\advance\currentPDFshade \plusone
+ \appendtoPDFdocumentshades{/Sh\the\currentPDFshade\space\the\pdflastobj\space0 R }%
+ \setxvalue{\@@MPSK#2}{\noexpand\dohandleMPshade{\the\currentPDFshade}}}
+\def\dosetMPlinearshade {\dosetMPsomePDFshade2}% #1
+\def\dosetMPcircularshade{\dosetMPsomePDFshade3}% #1
+ {\expanded{\resolveMPrgbcolor{\gMPs4}{\gMPs5}{\gMPs6}}\to\MPshadeA
+ \expanded{\resolveMPrgbcolor{\gMPs{9}}{\gMPs{10}}{\gMPs{11}}}\to\MPshadeB
+ \edef\MPshadeC{\gMPs7 \gMPs8 \gMPs{12} \gMPs{13}}%
+ \dosetMPlinearshade{\gMPs{14}}}
+ {\expanded{\resolveMPrgbcolor{\gMPs4}{\gMPs5}{\gMPs6}}\to\MPshadeA
+ \expanded{\resolveMPrgbcolor{\gMPs{10}}{\gMPs{11}}{\gMPs{12}}}\to\MPshadeB
+ \edef\MPshadeC{\gMPs7 \gMPs8 \gMPs9 \gMPs{13} \gMPs{14} \gMPs{15}}%
+ \dosetMPcircularshade{\gMPs{16}}}
+ {\expanded{\resolveMPcmykcolor{\gMPs4}{\gMPs5}{\gMPs6}{\gMPs7}}\to\MPshadeA
+ \expanded{\resolveMPcmykcolor{\gMPs{10}}{\gMPs{11}}{\gMPs{12}}{\gMPs{13}}}\to\MPshadeB
+ \edef\MPshadeC{\gMPs8 \gMPs9 \gMPs{14} \gMPs{15}}%
+ \dosetMPlinearshade{\gMPs{16}}}
+ {\expanded{\resolveMPcmykcolor{\gMPs4}{\gMPs5}{\gMPs6}{\gMPs7}}\to\MPshadeA
+ \expanded{\resolveMPcmykcolor{\gMPs{11}}{\gMPs{12}}{\gMPs{13}}{\gMPs{14}}}\to\MPshadeB
+ \edef\MPshadeC{\gMPs8 \gMPs9 \gMPs{10} \gMPs{15} \gMPs{16} \gMPs{17}}%
+ \dosetMPcircularshade{\gMPs{18}}}
+ {\expanded{\resolveMPspotcolor{\gMPs4}{\gMPs5}{\gMPs6}{\gMPs7}}\to\MPshadeA
+ \expanded{\resolveMPspotcolor{\gMPs{10}}{\gMPs{11}}{\gMPs{12}}{\gMPs{13}}}\to\MPshadeB
+ \edef\MPshadeC{\gMPs8 \gMPs9 \gMPs{14} \gMPs{15}}%
+ \dosetMPlinearshade{\gMPs{16}}}
+ {\expanded{\resolveMPcmykcolor{\gMPs4}{\gMPs5}{\gMPs6}{\gMPs7}}\to\MPshadeA
+ \expanded{\resolveMPcmykcolor{\gMPs{11}}{\gMPs{12}}{\gMPs{13}}{\gMPs{14}}}\to\MPshadeB
+ \edef\MPshadeC{\gMPs8 \gMPs9 \gMPs{10} \gMPs{15} \gMPs{16} \gMPs{17}}%
+ \dosetMPcircularshade{\gMPs{18}}}
+ {\revokeMPtransparencyspecial
+ \settrue\ignoreMPpath
+ \def\extraMPpathcode{/Sh#1 sh Q}%
+ \chardef\finiMPpath\zerocount
+ \PDFcode{q /Pattern cs}}
+%D Figure inclusion is kind of strange to \METAPOST, but when
+%D Santiago Muelas started discussing this with me, I was able
+%D to cook up a solution using specials.
+ {\setxvalue{\@@MPSK\gMPs8}%
+ {\noexpand\handleMPfigurespecial{\gMPs1}{\gMPs2}{\gMPs3}{\gMPs4}{\gMPs5}{\gMPs6}{\gMPs7}{\gMPs8}}}
+\def\handleMPfigurespecial#1#2#3#4#5#6#7#8% todo : combine with ext fig
+ {\global\letvalue{\@@MPSK#8}\empty
+ \vbox to \zeropoint
+ {\vss
+ \hbox to \zeropoint
+ {\ifcase\pdfoutput\or % will be hooked into the special driver
+ \doiffileelse{#7}
+ {\doifundefinedelse{mps:x:#7}
+ {\immediate\pdfximage\!!width\onebasepoint\!!height\onebasepoint{#7}%
+ \setxvalue{mps:x:#7}{\pdfrefximage\the\pdflastximage}}%
+ {\message{[reusing figure #7]}}%
+ \PDFcode{q #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 cm}%
+ \rlap{\getvalue{mps:x:#7}}%
+ \PDFcode{Q}}
+ {\message{[unknown figure #7]}}%
+ \fi
+ \hss}}}
+%D An example of using both special features is the
+%D following.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \startMPpage
+%D externalfigure "hakker1b.png" scaled 22cm rotated 10 shifted (-2cm,0cm);
+%D externalfigure "hakker1b.png" scaled 10cm rotated -10 ;
+%D externalfigure "hakker1b.png" scaled 7cm rotated 45 shifted (8cm,12cm) ;
+%D path p ; p := unitcircle xscaled 15cm yscaled 20cm;
+%D path q ; q := p rotatedaround(center p,90) ;
+%D path r ; r := buildcycle(p,q) ; clip currentpicture to r ;
+%D path s ; s := boundingbox currentpicture enlarged 5mm ;
+%D picture c ; c := currentpicture ; currentpicture := nullpicture ;
+%D circular_shade(s,0,.2red,.9red) ;
+%D addto currentpicture also c ;
+%D \stopMPpage
+%D \stoptyping
+%D This is some experimental hyperlink driver that I wrote
+%D for Mark Wicks.
+ {\setxvalue{\@@MPSK\gMPs6}%
+ {\noexpand\handleMPhyperlink{\gMPs1}{\gMPs2}{\gMPs3}{\gMPs4}{\gMPs5}{\gMPs6}}}
+ {\global\letvalue{\@@MPSK#6}\empty
+ \setbox\scratchbox\hbox
+ {\setbox\scratchbox\null
+ \wd\scratchbox\dimexpr-#1\onebasepoint+#3\onebasepoint\relax
+ \ht\scratchbox\dimexpr-#2\onebasepoint+#4\onebasepoint\relax
+ \incolorfalse
+ \gotobox{\box\scratchbox}[#5]}%
+ \setbox\scratchbox\hbox
+ {\hskip\dimexpr\MPxoffset\onebasepoint+#1\onebasepoint\relax
+ \raise\dimexpr\MPyoffset\onebasepoint+#2\onebasepoint\relax
+ \box\scratchbox}%
+ \smashbox\scratchbox
+ \box\scratchbox}
+%D This special (number 50) passes positions to a tex file.
+%D This method uses a two||pass approach an (mis|)|used the
+%D context positioning macros. In \type {core-pos} we will
+%D implement the low level submacro needed.
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \definelayer[test]
+%D \setlayer
+%D [test]
+%D [x=\MPx{somepos-1},y=\MPy{somepos-1}]
+%D {Whatever we want here!}
+%D \setlayer
+%D [test]
+%D [x=\MPx{somepos-2},y=\MPy{somepos-2}]
+%D {Whatever we need there!}
+%D \startuseMPgraphic{oeps}
+%D draw fullcircle scaled 6cm withcolor red ;
+%D register ("somepos-1",1cm,2cm,center currentpicture) ;
+%D register ("somepos-2",4cm,3cm,(-1cm,-2cm)) ;
+%D \stopuseMPgraphic
+%D \framed[background=test,offset=overlay]{\useMPgraphic{oeps}}
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+%D Here the width and height are not realy used, but one can
+%D imagine situations where tex has to work with values
+%D calculated by \METAPOST.
+%D \startlinecorrection
+%D \getbuffer
+%D \stoplinecorrection
+%D Later we will implement a more convenient macro:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \setMPlayer [test] [somepos-1] {Whatever we want here!}
+%D \setMPlayer [test] [somepos-2] {Whatever we need there!}
+%D \stoptyping
+\defineMPspecial{50} % x y width height label
+ {\dosavepositionwhd
+ {\gMPs5}%
+ {0}%
+ {\the\dimexpr-\MPllx\onebasepoint+\gMPs1\onebasepoint\relax}
+ {\the\dimexpr\gMPs2\onebasepoint-\scratchdimen+\MPury\onebasepoint\relax}%
+ {\the\dimexpr\gMPs3\onebasepoint\relax}%
+ {\the\dimexpr\gMPs4\onebasepoint\relax}%
+ {0pt}}
+%D A few auxiliary macros. This will move to colo-ini.
+\def\MPrgbspace {DeviceRGB}
+\def\MPcmykBlack{0 0 0 0}
+\def\MPcmykWhite{0 0 0 1}
+ {\bgroup
+ \def\dostartgraycolormode##1%
+ {\global\let\MPresolvedspace\MPgrayspace
+ \xdef\MPresolvedcolor{##1}}%
+ \def\dostartrgbcolormode ##1##2##3%
+ {\global\let\MPresolvedspace\MPrgbspace
+ \xdef\MPresolvedcolor{##1 ##2 ##3}}%
+ \def\dostartcmykcolormode##1##2##3##4%
+ {\global\let\MPresolvedspace\MPcmykspace
+ \xdef\MPresolvedcolor{##1 ##2 ##3 ##4}}%
+ \def\dostartspotcolormode##1##2%
+ {\global\let\MPspotspace\empty % left over ?
+ \xdef\MPresolvedspace{##1}%
+ \xdef\MPresolvedcolor{##2}%
+ \global\let\MPspotspace\MPresolvedspace}% signal
+ \dostartgraycolormode\!!zerocount} % kind of hackery initialization
+ {\startMPcolorresolve
+ \execcolorR#1:#2:#3:0:0\od
+ \stopMPcolorresolve
+ \let#4\MPresolvedcolor}
+ {\startMPcolorresolve
+ \execcolorC#1:#2:#3:#4:0:0\od
+ \stopMPcolorresolve
+ \let#5\MPresolvedcolor}
+ {\startMPcolorresolve
+ \execcolorS#1:0:0\od
+ \stopMPcolorresolve
+ \let#2\MPresolvedcolor}
+ {\startMPcolorresolve
+ \ifnum#2>\plusone
+ \checkmultitonecolor{#1}%
+ \fi
+ \execcolorP#1:#2:#3:#4:0:0\od
+ \stopMPcolorresolve
+ \let#5\MPresolvedcolor}
+%D \macros
+%D {dogetPDFmediabox}
+%D The next macro can be used to find the mediabox of a \PDF\
+%D illustration.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \dogetPDFmediabox
+%D {filename}
+%D {new dimen}{new dimen}{new dimen}{new dimen}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Beware of dimen clashes: this macro uses the 5~default
+%D scratch registers! When no file or mediabox is found, the
+%D dimensions are zeroed.
+ {\bgroup
+ \def\PDFxscale{1}%
+ \def\PDFyscale{1}%
+ \uncatcodespecials
+ \endlinechar\minusone
+ \def\checkPDFtypepage##1/Type /Page##2##3\done%
+ {\ifx##2\relax
+ \else\if##2s% accept /Page and /Pages
+ \let\doprocessPDFline\findPDFmediabox
+ \else
+ \let\doprocessPDFline\findPDFmediabox
+ \fi\fi}%
+ \def\findPDFtypepage
+ {\expandafter\checkPDFtypepage\fileline/Type /Page\relax\done}%
+ \def\checkPDFmediabox##1/MediaBox##2##3\done%
+ {\ifx##2\relax \else
+ \setPDFmediabox##2##3\done
+ \fileprocessedtrue
+ \fi}%
+ \def\findPDFmediabox
+ {\expandafter\checkPDFmediabox\fileline/MediaBox\relax\done}%
+ \let\doprocessPDFline\findPDFtypepage
+ \doprocessfile\scratchread{#1}\doprocessPDFline
+ \egroup
+ \ifx\PDFxoffset\undefined
+ #2=\zeropoint
+ #3=\zeropoint
+ #4=\zeropoint
+ #5=\zeropoint
+ \else
+ #2=\PDFxoffset\onebasepoint
+ #3=\PDFyoffset\onebasepoint
+ #4=\PDFwidth
+ #5=\PDFheight
+ \fi}
+ {\dimen0=#1\dimen0=#5\dimen0
+ \ScaledPointsToBigPoints{\number\dimen0}\PDFxoffset
+ \dimen0=#3\dimen0=#5\dimen0
+ \xdef\PDFwidth{\the\dimen0}%
+ \dimen0=#2\dimen0=#6\dimen0
+ \ScaledPointsToBigPoints{\number\dimen0}\PDFyoffset
+ \dimen0=#4\dimen0=#6\dimen0
+ \xdef\PDFheight{\the\dimen0}%
+ \global\let\PDFxoffset\PDFxoffset
+ \global\let\PDFyoffset\PDFyoffset}
+\def\setPDFmediabox#1[#2 #3 #4 #5]#6\done
+ {\dimen2=#2\onebasepoint\dimen2=-\dimen2 % \dimen2=-#2\onebasepoint also works since tex handles --
+ \dimen4=#3\onebasepoint\dimen4=-\dimen4 % \dimen4=-#3\onebasepoint also works since tex handles --
+ \dimen6=#4\onebasepoint\advance\dimen6 \dimen2
+ \dimen8=#5\onebasepoint\advance\dimen8 \dimen4
+ \setPDFboundingbox{\dimen2}{\dimen4}{\dimen6}{\dimen8}\PDFxscale\PDFyscale}
+%D End of soon obsolete code.
+ mp_shade_version := 2 ;
+%D Here comes the traditional \MKII\ converter.
+%D Because we want to test as fast as possible, we first
+%D define the \POSTSCRIPT\ operators that \METAPOST\ uses.
+%D We don't define irrelevant ones, because these are
+%D skipped anyway.
+%D The converter can be made a bit faster by replacing the
+%D two test macros (the ones with the many \type {\if's}) by
+%D a call to named branch macros (something \typ {\getvalue
+%D {xPSmoveto}}. For everyday documents with relatively
+%D small graphics the gain in speed can be neglected.
+\def \PScurveto {curveto}
+\def \PSlineto {lineto}
+\def \PSmoveto {moveto}
+\def \PSshowpage {showpage}
+\def \PSnewpath {newpath}
+\def \PSfshow {fshow}
+\def \PSclosepath {closepath}
+\def \PSfill {fill}
+\def \PSstroke {stroke}
+\def \PSclip {clip}
+\def \PSrlineto {rlineto}
+\def \PSsetlinejoin {setlinejoin}
+\def \PSsetlinecap {setlinecap}
+\def \PSsetmiterlimit {setmiterlimit}
+\def \PSsetgray {setgray}
+\def \PSsetrgbcolor {setrgbcolor}
+\def \PSsetcmykcolor {setcmykcolor}
+\def \PSsetdash {setdash}
+\def \PSgsave {gsave}
+\def \PSgrestore {grestore}
+\def \PStranslate {translate}
+\def \PSscale {scale}
+\def \PSconcat {concat}
+\def \PSdtransform {dtransform}
+\def \PSsetlinewidth {setlinewidth}
+\def \PSpop {pop}
+\def \PSnfont {nfont} % was needed for TUG98 proceedings
+\def \PSspecial {special} % extensions to MetaPost
+%D A previous version set \type {%} to ignore, which
+%D simplified the following definitions. At the start of
+%D conversion the percent character was made active again.
+%D Because the whole graphic is one paragraph (there are no
+%D empty lines) this does not give the desired effect. This
+%D went unnoticed untill Scott Pakin sent me a test file
+%D percent characters in a string. So, from now on we have
+%D to prefix the following strings with percentages.
+%D Some day I'll figure out a better solution (line by line reading
+%D using \ETEX).
+\edef \PSBoundingBox {\letterpercent\letterpercent BoundingBox:}
+\edef \PSHiResBoundingBox {\letterpercent\letterpercent HiResBoundingBox:}
+\edef \PSExactBoundingBox {\letterpercent\letterpercent ExactBoundingBox:}
+\edef \PSMetaPostSpecial {\letterpercent\letterpercent MetaPostSpecial:}
+\edef \PSMetaPostSpecials {\letterpercent\letterpercent MetaPostSpecials:}
+\edef \PSPage {\letterpercent\letterpercent Page:}
+\edef \PSBeginProlog {\letterpercent\letterpercent BeginProlog}
+\edef \PSEndProlog {\letterpercent\letterpercent EndProlog}
+\edef \PSEof {\letterpercent\letterpercent EOF}
+%D By the way, the \type {setcmykcolor} operator is not
+%D output by \METAPOST\ but can result from converting the
+%D \cap{RGB} color specifications, as implemented in
+%D \type{supp-mps}.
+%D In \POSTSCRIPT\ arguments precede the operators. Due to the
+%D fact that in some translations we need access to those
+%D arguments, and also because sometimes we have to skip them,
+%D we stack them up. The stack is one||dimensional for non path
+%D operators and two||dimensional for operators inside a path.
+%D This is because we have to save the whole path for
+%D (optional) postprocessing. Values are pushed onto the stack
+%D by:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \setMPargument {value}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D They can be retrieved by the short named macros:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \gMPa {number}
+%D \gMPs {number}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D When scanning a path specification, we also save the
+%D operator, using
+%D \starttyping
+%D \setMPkeyword {n}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The path drawing operators are coded for speed: \type{clip},
+%D \type{stroke}, \type{fill} and \type{fillstroke} become
+%D 1, 2, 3 and~4.
+%D When processing the path this code can be retrieved
+%D using
+%D \starttyping
+%D \getMPkeyword % {n}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D When setting an argument, the exact position on the stack
+%D depends on the current value of the \COUNTERS\
+%D \type{\nofMPsegments} and \type{\nofMParguments}.
+%D These variables hold the coordinates. The argument part of
+%D the stack is reset by:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \resetMPstack
+%D \stoptyping
+%D We use the prefix \type{@@MP} to keep the stack from
+%D conflicting with existing macros. To speed up things a bit
+%D more, we use the constant \type{\@@MP}.
+\def\setMPargument% #1%
+ {\advance\nofMParguments \plusone
+ \expandafter\def\csname\@@MP\the\nofMPsegments\the\nofMParguments\endcsname} % {#1}
+ {\advance\nofMParguments \plusone
+ \expandafter\let\csname\@@MP\the\nofMPsegments\the\nofMParguments\endcsname}
+\def\setMPsequence#1 %
+ {\advance\nofMParguments \plusone
+ \expandafter\def\csname\@@MP\the\nofMPsegments\the\nofMParguments\endcsname{#1}%
+ \handleMPsequence}
+ {\csname\@@MP0\number#1\endcsname}
+ {\csname\@@MP\the\nofMPsegments\number#1\endcsname}
+ {\@EAEAEA\do\csname\@@MP0\number#1\endcsname}
+\def\setMPkeyword#1 %
+ {\expandafter\def\csname\@@MP\the\nofMPsegments0\endcsname{#1}%
+ \advance\nofMPsegments \plusone
+ \nofMParguments\zerocount}
+\def\getMPkeyword% #1%
+ {\csname\@@MP\the\nofMPsegments0\endcsname} % {\csname\@@MP#10\endcsname}
+\def\docleanupMPargument#1% we need this because args can have [ or ] pre/appended
+ {\expandafter\edef\csname\@@MP\the\nofMPsegments\number#1\endcsname
+ {\csname\@@MP\the\nofMPsegments\number#1\endcsname}}
+%D When we reset the stack, we can assume that all further
+%D comment is to be ignored and handled in strings.
+%D By redefining the reset macro after the first call, we
+%D save some run time. Only use this macro after all
+%D comments are processed and use the simple alternative
+%D when dealing with comments.
+ {\nofMParguments\zerocount}
+ {\let\handleMPgraphic\handleMPendgraphic
+ \let\resetMPstack\doresetMPstack
+ \resetMPstack}
+%D The arguments are saved with the preceding command
+%D \type{\do}. By default this command expands to nothing, but
+%D when we deal with strings it's used to strip off the
+%D \type{(} and \type{)}.
+%D Strings are kind of tricky, because characters can be
+%D passed verbatim \type{(hello)}, by octal number
+%D \type{(\005)} or as command \type{(\()}. We therefore
+%D cannot simply ignore \type{(} and \type{)}, the way we do
+%D with \type{[} and \type{]}. Another complication is that
+%D strings may contain characters that normally have a
+%D special meaning in \TEX, like \type{$} and \type{{}}.
+%D A previous solution made \type{\} an active character and
+%D let it look ahead for a number or characters. We had to
+%D abandon this scheme because of the need for verbatim
+%D support. The next solution involved some \CATCODE\
+%D trickery but works well.
+ {\char'#1#2#3\relax}
+%D curly braces and squarly brackets are stored in the argument stack
+%D as part of strings, for instance in:
+%D \starttyping
+%D /fshow {exch findfont exch scalefont setfont show}bind def
+%D [3 3 ] 0 setdash
+%D \stoptyping
+%D but we need to keep them in situation like
+%D \starttyping
+%D ([bla bla] bla bla) ec-lmr10 9.96265 fshow
+%D ({bla bla} bla bla) ec-lmr10 9.96265 fshow
+%D \stoptyping
+%D So, when we store the snippets, we keep the special tokens, and
+%D when needed we either ignore or obey them
+%D We could use a catcodetable here.
+ B\let%\letterpercent|
+ \def[B\noexpand[E|
+ \def]B\noexpand]E|
+ \def{B\noexpand{E|
+ \def}B\noexpand}EE
+ B\let%\letterpercent|
+ \def[BE|
+ \def]BE|
+ \def{BE|
+ \def}BEE
+ B\def%B\char 37\relax E|
+ \def[B\char 91\relax E|
+ \def]B\char 93\relax E|
+ \def{B\char123\relax E|
+ \def}B\char125\relax EE
+ B\setnaturalcatcodes
+ \catcode`\\=\@@escape
+ \catcode`\%=\@@active
+ \catcode`\[=\@@active
+ \catcode`\]=\@@active
+ \catcode`\{=\@@active
+ \catcode`\}=\@@active
+ \lccode`\-=0 | latex sets this to `\-
+ \lccode`\%=`\%| otherwise it's seen as a number
+ \def\(B\char40\relax E|
+ \def\)B\char41\relax E|
+ \def\\B\char92\relax E|
+ \def\0B\octalMPcharacter0E|
+ \def\1B\octalMPcharacter1E|
+ \def\2B\octalMPcharacter2E|
+ \def\3B\octalMPcharacter3E|
+ \def\4B\octalMPcharacter4E|
+ \def\5B\octalMPcharacter5E|
+ \def\6B\octalMPcharacter6E|
+ \def\7B\octalMPcharacter7E|
+ \def\8B\octalMPcharacter8E|
+ \def\9B\octalMPcharacter9EE
+%D We use the comment symbol as a sort of trigger. Beware!
+%D The whole graphic is seen as on eparagraph, which means
+%D that we cannot change the catcodes in between.
+%D In earlier versions we used the sequence
+%D \starttyping
+%D \expandafter\handleMPsequence\input filename\relax
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Persistent problems in \LATEX\ however forced us to use a
+%D different scheme. Every \POSTSCRIPT\ file starts with a
+%D \type{%}, so we temporary make this an active character
+%D that starts the scanning and redefines itself. (The problem
+%D originates in the redefinition by \LATEX\ of the
+%D \type{\input} primitive.)
+ {\keepMPspecials
+ \handleMPsequence}
+%D Here comes the main loop. Most arguments are numbers. This
+%D means that they can be recognized by their \type{\lccode}.
+%D This method saves a lot of processing time. We could
+%D speed up the conversion by handling the \type{path}
+%D seperately.
+ {\ifdone
+ \ifcase\lccode`#1\relax
+ \@EAEAEA\dohandleMPsequenceA
+ \else
+ \@EAEAEA\dohandleMPsequenceB
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \@EA\dohandleMPsequenceC
+ \fi#1}
+ {\expandafter\def\csname\@@MP:N:#1\endcsname{#2}}
+\def\installMPSshortcutN#1#2% todo: \let
+ {\expandafter\let\csname\@@MP:N:#1\expandafter\endcsname\csname\@@MP:N:#2\endcsname}
+\def\dohandleMPsequenceB#1 %
+ {\edef\somestring{#1}%
+ \executeifdefined{\@@MP:N:\somestring}\handleMPgraphic
+ \handleMPsequence}
+\installMPSkeywordN \PSmoveto
+ {\edef\lastMPmoveX{\gMPa1}%
+ \edef\lastMPmoveY{\gMPa2}%
+ \resetMPstack}
+\installMPSkeywordN \PSnewpath
+ {\let\handleMPsequence\handleMPpath}
+\installMPSkeywordN \PSgsave
+ {\PDFcode{q}%
+ \resetMPstack}
+\installMPSkeywordN \PSgrestore
+ {\PDFcode{Q}%
+ \resetMPstack}
+\installMPSkeywordN \PSdtransform % == setlinewidth
+ {\let\handleMPsequence\handleMPdtransform}
+ % after that we will encounter more tokens until setlinewidth+pop
+ % or pop+setlinewidth which we catch next; we explicitly need to
+ % reset the stack since [] n setdash may follow; a more clever
+ % approach would be to read on till the condition is met, but it's
+ % the only pop / setlinewidth we will encounter so ...
+\installMPSkeywordN \PSsetlinewidth
+ {% already handled in dtransform
+ \resetMPstack}
+\installMPSkeywordN \PSpop
+ {% already handled in dtransform
+ \resetMPstack}
+\installMPSkeywordN \PSconcat
+ {\cleanupMPconcat
+ \PDFcode{\gMPa1 \gMPa2 \gMPa3 \gMPa4 \gMPa5 \gMPa6 cm}%
+ \resetMPstack}
+\installMPSkeywordN \PSsetrgbcolor
+ {\handleMPrgbcolor
+ \resetMPstack}
+\installMPSkeywordN \PSsetcmykcolor
+ {\handleMPcmykcolor
+ \resetMPstack}
+\installMPSkeywordN \PSsetgray
+ {\handleMPgraycolor
+ \resetMPstack}
+\installMPSkeywordN \PStranslate
+ {\PDFcode{1 0 0 1 \gMPa1 \gMPa2 cm}%
+ \resetMPstack}
+\installMPSkeywordN \PSsetdash
+ {\handleMPsetdash
+ \resetMPstack}
+\installMPSkeywordN \PSsetlinejoin
+ {\PDFcode{\gMPa1 j}%
+ \resetMPstack}
+\installMPSkeywordN \PSsetmiterlimit
+ {\PDFcode{\gMPa1 M}%
+ \resetMPstack}
+\installMPSkeywordN \PSfshow
+ {%\PDFcode{n}% removed !
+ \handleMPfshow
+ \resetMPstack}
+\installMPSkeywordN \PSsetlinecap
+ {\PDFcode{\gMPa1 J}%
+ \resetMPstack}
+\installMPSkeywordN \PSrlineto
+ {\flushMPmoveto
+ \PDFcode{\!MP\lastMPmoveX\space\!MP\lastMPmoveY\space l S}%
+ \resetMPmoveto
+ \resetMPstack}
+\installMPSkeywordN \PSscale
+ {\PDFcode{\gMPa1 0 0 \gMPa2 0 0 cm}%
+ \resetMPstack}
+\installMPSkeywordN \PSspecial
+ {\handleMPspecialcommand
+ \resetMPstack}
+\installMPSshortcutN {n} \PSnewpath
+\installMPSshortcutN {p} \PSclosepath
+\installMPSshortcutN {l} \PSlineto
+\installMPSshortcutN {r} \PSrlineto
+\installMPSshortcutN {m} \PSmoveto
+\installMPSshortcutN {c} \PScurveto
+\installMPSshortcutN {C} \PSsetcmykcolor
+\installMPSshortcutN {G} \PSsetgray
+\installMPSshortcutN {R} \PSsetrgbcolor
+\installMPSshortcutN {lj} \PSsetlinejoin
+\installMPSshortcutN {ml} \PSsetmiterlimit
+\installMPSshortcutN {lc} \PSsetlinecap
+\installMPSshortcutN {sd} \PSsetdash
+\installMPSshortcutN {S} \PSstroke
+\installMPSshortcutN {F} \PSfill
+\installMPSshortcutN {W} \PSclip
+\installMPSshortcutN {q} \PSgsave
+\installMPSshortcutN {Q} \PSgrestore
+\installMPSshortcutN {s} \PSscale
+\installMPSshortcutN {t} \PSconcat
+\installMPSshortcutN {P} \PSshowpage
+\installMPSkeywordN {hlw} {\PDFcode{\gMPa1 w}\resetMPstack}
+\installMPSkeywordN {vlw} {\PDFcode{\gMPa1 w}\resetMPstack}
+\installMPSkeywordN {rd} {\PDFcode{[] 0 d}\resetMPstack}
+\def\dohandleMPsequenceC#1 %
+ {\edef\somestring{#1}%
+ \handleMPgraphic
+ \handleMPsequence}
+%D Since colors are not sensitive to transformations, they
+%D are sometimes used for signaling. Therefore, we handle them
+%D separately. The next macro can be redefined if needed.
+ {\PDFcode{\!MPgMPa1 \!MPgMPa2 \!MPgMPa3 rg
+ \!MPgMPa1 \!MPgMPa2 \!MPgMPa3 RG}}
+ {\PDFcode{\!MPgMPa1 \!MPgMPa2 \!MPgMPa3 \!MPgMPa4 k
+ \!MPgMPa1 \!MPgMPa2 \!MPgMPa3 \!MPgMPa4 K}}
+ {\PDFcode{\!MPgMPa1 g
+ \!MPgMPa1 G}}
+ {\PDFcode{0 g
+ 0 G}}
+%D Beginning and ending the graphics is taken care of by the
+%D macro \type{\handleMPgraphic}, which is redefined when
+%D the first graphics operator is met.
+\def\handleMPendgraphic % #1%
+ {\ifx\somestring\PSshowpage
+ \let\handleMPsequence\finishMPgraphic
+ \else\ifx\somestring\PSEof
+ \let\handleMPsequence\finishMPgraphic
+ \else
+ \letMPargument\somestring % {#1}%
+ \fi\fi}
+\def\handleMPbegingraphic % #1%
+ {\ifx\somestring\PSBoundingBox
+ \def\handleMPsequence{\handleMPboundingbox1}%
+ \else\ifx\somestring\PSHiResBoundingBox
+ \def\handleMPsequence{\handleMPboundingbox2}%
+ \else\ifx\somestring\PSExactBoundingBox
+ \def\handleMPsequence{\handleMPboundingbox3}%
+ \else\ifx\somestring\PSshowpage
+ \let\handleMPsequence\finishMPgraphic
+ \else\ifx\somestring\PSEof
+ \let\handleMPsequence\finishMPgraphic
+ \else\ifx\somestring\PSPage
+ \let\handleMPsequence\handleMPpage
+ \else\ifx\somestring\PSMetaPostSpecials
+ \let\handleMPsequence\handleMPspecialscomment
+ \else\ifx\somestring\PSMetaPostSpecial
+ \let\handleMPsequence\handleMPspecialcomment
+ \else\ifx\somestring\PSBeginProlog
+ \let\handleMPsequence\handleMPprolog
+ \else
+ \letMPargument\somestring % {#1}%
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi}
+%D New: we can best filter the prolog because nowdays it can contain
+%D quite some code.
+% hm, catcode mess, so we need to tweak %'s catcode here
+% \long\expandafter\def\expandafter\handleMPprolog\expandafter#\expandafter1\PSEndProlog%
+% but today i'm not in the mood for ugly stuff
+\long\def\handleMPprolog#1EndProlog %
+ {\doresetMPstack
+ \let\handleMPsequence\dohandleMPsequence
+ \handleMPsequence}
+%D We check for three kind of bounding boxes: the normal one
+%D and two high precision ones:
+%D \starttyping
+%D BoundingBox: llx lly ucx ucy
+%D HiResBoundingBox: llx lly ucx ucy
+%D ExactBoundingBox: llx lly ucx ucy
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The original as well as the recalculated dimensions are
+%D saved for later use.
+\newif\ifskipemptyMPgraphic \skipemptyMPgraphicfalse
+\def\handleMPboundingbox#1#2 #3 #4 #5
+ {\ifnum#1>\currentMPboundingbox
+ \chardef\currentMPboundingbox#1\relax
+ \xdef\MPllx {#2}%
+ \xdef\MPlly {#3}%
+ \xdef\MPurx {#4}%
+ \xdef\MPury {#5}%
+ \xdef\MPwidth {\the\dimexpr\MPurx\onebasepoint-\MPllx\onebasepoint\relax}%
+ \xdef\MPheight{\the\dimexpr\MPury\onebasepoint-\MPlly\onebasepoint\relax}%
+ \fi
+ \doresetMPstack
+ \let\handleMPsequence\dohandleMPsequence
+ \let\next\handleMPsequence
+ \ifskipemptyMPgraphic
+ \ifdim\MPheight=\zeropoint\ifdim\MPwidth=\zeropoint
+ \def\next{\endinput\finishMPgraphic}%
+ \fi\fi
+ \fi
+ \next}
+%D Unless defined otherwise, we simply ignore specialcomments.
+ {\doresetMPstack
+ \let\handleMPsequence\dohandleMPsequence
+ \handleMPsequence}
+%D We use the \type{page} comment as a signal that
+%D stackbuilding can be started.
+\def\handleMPpage #1 #2
+ {\doresetMPstack
+ \donetrue
+ \let\handleMPsequence\dohandleMPsequence
+ \handleMPsequence}
+%D The same applies to the special extensions.
+ {\doresetMPstack
+ \let\handleMPsequence\dohandleMPsequence
+ \handleMPsequence}
+%D \METAPOST\ draws its dots by moving to a location and
+%D invoking \type{0 0 rlineto}. This operator is not
+%D available in \PDF. Our solution is straightforward: we draw
+%D a line from $(current\_x, current\_y)$ to itself. This
+%D means that the arguments of the preceding \type{moveto} have
+%D to be saved.
+%D These saved coordinates are also used when we handle the
+%D texts. Text handling proved to be a bit of a nuisance, but
+%D finally I saw the light. It proved that we also had to
+%D take care of \type{(split arguments)}.
+% \startMPcode
+% draw btex Ga toch effe f\kern0ptietsen?{}` etex ;
+% \stopMPcode
+\newtoks \everyMPshowfont
+ {\font\temp=#1\space at #2\relax\temp
+ \the\everyMPshowfont}
+ {\setbox\scratchbox\hbox
+ {\obeyMPspecials
+ \edef\MPtextsize{\gMPa\nofMParguments}%
+ \def\do(##1){##1}% only works in latest mp
+ \edef\MPtextdata{\dogMPa1}% beware, stack can have more
+ \handleMPtext}%
+ \setbox\scratchbox\hbox
+ {\hskip\lastMPmoveX\onebasepoint
+ \raise\lastMPmoveY\onebasepoint
+ \box\scratchbox}%
+ \smashbox\scratchbox
+ \box\scratchbox}
+\def\handleMPtext {\handleMPtextnormal} % so we can overload this one later
+\def\handleMPfshow{\dohandleMPfshow } % so we can overload this one later
+ {\ifnum\nofMParguments>\plusthree
+ \handleMPtextnormal
+ \else
+ \defconvertedcommand\MPtextdata\MPtextdata
+ \expanded{\splitstring\MPtextdata}\at::::\to\MPtexttag\and\MPtextnumber
+ \executeifdefined{handleMPtext\MPtexttag}\handleMPtextnormal
+ \fi}
+% elsewhere we will implement \handleMPtextmptxt
+ {\edef\!!stringa{#1}%
+ \@EA\dodoflushMPtext\!!stringa\relax}
+ {\afterassignment\dododoflushMPtext\let\nexttoken=}
+ {\ifx\nexttoken\relax
+ % done
+ \else\ifx\nexttoken\char
+ \@EA\@EA\@EA\dodododoflushMPtext
+ \else
+ {\nexttoken}%
+ \@EA\@EA\@EA\dodoflushMPtext
+ \fi\fi}
+ {\afterassignment\dododododoflushMPtext\scratchcounter}
+ {{\char\scratchcounter}\let\next\dodoflushMPtext}
+ {\let\ \relax % mp breaks long lines and appends a \
+ \ifx\MPtextsize\PSnfont % round font size (to pt)
+ \advance\nofMParguments \minusone
+ \expandafter\scratchdimen\gMPa\nofMParguments\onepoint\relax
+ \ifdim\scratchdimen<\onepoint
+ \def\MPtextsize{1pt}%
+ \else
+ \advance\scratchdimen .5\onepoint
+ \def\MPtextsize##1.##2\relax{\def\MPtextsize{##1pt}}%
+ \expandafter\MPtextsize\the\scratchdimen\relax
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \edef\MPtextsize{\MPtextsize bp}%
+ \fi
+ \advance\nofMParguments \minusone
+ \setMPfshowfont{\gMPa\nofMParguments}\MPtextsize
+ \advance\nofMParguments \minusone
+ \temp
+ \MPfshowcommand
+ {\ifnum\nofMParguments=\plusone
+ \def\do(##1){##1}%
+ \doflushMPtext{\dogMPa1}%
+ \else % can't happen anymore in mp version 1+
+ % we need to catch ( a ) (a a a) (\123 \123 \123) etc
+ \scratchcounter\plusone
+ \def\dodo##1% Andreas Fieger's bug: (\304...)
+ {\edef\!!stringa{##1\empty\empty}% and another one: ( 11) -> \ifx 11
+ \ifx\!!stringa\MPspacechar\MPspacechar\else\expandafter##1\fi}%
+ \def\do(##1{\dodo{##1}}%
+ \dogMPa\scratchcounter\MPspacechar
+ \let\do\relax
+ \loop
+ \advance\scratchcounter \plusone
+ \ifnum\scratchcounter<\nofMParguments\relax
+ \gMPa\scratchcounter\MPspacechar
+ \repeat
+ \def\do##1){\dodo{##1}}%
+ \dogMPa\scratchcounter
+ \fi
+ \unskip}}
+%D You could consider the following definition to be the most
+%D natural one.
+% \def\MPspacechar{\space} % normal case
+\def\MPspacechar{\char32\relax} % old solution does not work with math
+%D However, the following implementation is more robust, since
+%D some fonts have funny visible spaces in the space slot. This
+%D gives a mismatch between the space that \METAPOST\ took into
+%D account and the \quote {natural} space. This only happens in
+%D labels, since \type {btex}||\type {etex} thingies don't have
+%D spaces. This phenomena showed up when preparing the
+%D \METAFUN\ manual, where Palatino fonts are used. We can
+%D safely assume that \METAPOST\ considers \type {\char32} to
+%D be the space.
+%D Well, this does not work with math fonts, so:
+%D Most operators are just converted and keep their
+%D arguments. Dashes however need a bit different treatment,
+%D otherwise \PDF\ viewers complain loudly. Another
+%D complication is that one argument comes after the \type{]}.
+%D When reading the data, we simply ignore the array boundary
+%D characters. We save ourselves some redundant newlines and
+%D at the same time keep the output readable by packing the
+%D literals.
+ {\bgroup
+ \ignoreMPspecials
+ \let\somestring\empty
+ \scratchcounter\plusone
+ \loop
+ \ifnum\scratchcounter<\nofMParguments
+ \edef\somestring{\somestring\space\gMPa\scratchcounter}%
+ \advance\scratchcounter \plusone
+ \repeat
+ \edef\somestring{[\somestring]\space\gMPa\scratchcounter\space d}%
+ \PDFcode{\somestring}%
+ \egroup}
+%D The \type{setlinewidth} commands looks a bit complicated. There are
+%D two alternatives, that result in a similar look in both
+%D $x$- and $y$-dorection. As John Hobby says:
+%D \startnarrower \switchtobodyfont[ss]
+%D \starttyping
+%D x 0 dtransform exch truncate exch idtransform pop setlinewidth
+%D 0 y dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop
+%D \stoptyping
+%D These are just fancy versions of \type{x setlinewidth} and
+%D \type{y setlinewidth}. The \type{x 0 ...} form is used if
+%D the path is {\em primarily vertical}. It rounds the width
+%D so that vertical lines come out an integer number of pixels
+%D wide in device space. The \type{0 y ...} form does the same
+%D for paths that are {\em primarily horizontal}. The reason
+%D why I did this is Knuth insists on getting exactly the
+%D widths \TEX\ intends for the horizontal and vertical rules
+%D in \type{btex...etex} output. (Note that PostScript scan
+%D conversion rules cause a horizontal or vertical line of
+%D integer width $n$ in device space to come out $n+1$ pixels
+%D wide, regardless of the phase relative to the pixel grid.)
+%D \stopnarrower
+%D The common operator in these sequences is \type{dtransform},
+%D so we can use this one to trigger setting the linewidth.
+ {\ifdim\gMPa1\onepoint>\zeropoint
+ \PDFcode{\gMPa1 w}%
+ \def\next##1 ##2 ##3 ##4 ##5 ##6 {\handleMPsequence}%
+ \else
+ \PDFcode{\gMPa2 w}%
+ \def\next##1 ##2 ##3 ##4 {\handleMPsequence}%
+ \fi
+ \let\handleMPsequence\dohandleMPsequence
+ \resetMPstack
+ \next}
+%D The most complicated command is \type{concat}. \METAPOST\
+%D applies this operator to \type{stroke}. At that moment the
+%D points set by \type{curveto} and \type{moveto}, are already
+%D fixed. In \PDF\ however the \type{cm} operator affects the
+%D points as well as the pen (stroke). Like more \PDF\
+%D operators, \type{cm} is defined in a bit ambiguous way.
+%D The only save route for non||circular penshapes, is saving
+%D the path, recalculating the points and applying the
+%D transformation matrix in such a way that we can be sure
+%D that its behavior is well defined. This comes down to
+%D inverting the path and applying \type{cm} to that path as
+%D well as the pen. This all means that we have to save the
+%D path.
+%D In \METAPOST\ there are three ways to handle a path $p$:
+%D \starttyping
+%D draw p; fill p; filldraw p;
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The last case outputs a \type{gsave fill grestore} before
+%D \type{stroke}. Handling the path outside the main loops
+%D saves about 40\% run time.\footnote{We can save some more by
+%D following the \METAPOST\ output routine, but for the moment
+%D we keep things simple.} Switching between the main loop and
+%D the path loop is done by means of the recursely called
+%D macro \type{\handleMPsequence}.
+ {\chardef\finiMPpath\zerocount
+ \let\closeMPpath\relax
+ \let\flushMPpath\flushnormalMPpath
+ \resetMPstack
+ \nofMPsegments\plusone
+ \let\handleMPsequence\dohandleMPpath
+ \dohandleMPpath}
+%D Most paths are drawn with simple round pens. Therefore we've
+%D split up the routine in two.
+ {\let\lastMPmoveX\empty
+ \let\lastMPmoveY\empty}
+ {\ifx\lastMPmoveX\empty \else
+ \PDFcode{\!MP\lastMPmoveX\space \!MP\lastMPmoveY\space m}%
+ \fi}
+ {\ifcase\getMPkeyword\relax
+ \flushMPmoveto
+ \resetMPmoveto
+ \PDFcode{\!MPgMPs1 \!MPgMPs2 l}%
+ \or
+ \flushMPmoveto
+ \resetMPmoveto
+ \PDFcode{\!MPgMPs1 \!MPgMPs2 \!MPgMPs3 \!MPgMPs4 \!MPgMPs5 \!MPgMPs6 c}%
+ \or
+ \ifx\lastMPmoveX\empty \else % we assume 0,0 rlineto
+ \flushMPmoveto
+ \PDFcode{\!MP\lastMPmoveX\space \!MP\lastMPmoveY\space l}%
+ \resetMPmoveto
+ \fi
+ \or
+ % \flushMPmoveto
+ % \resetMPmoveto
+ \fi}
+ {\ifx\lastMPmoveX\empty\else
+ \doMPconcat\lastMPmoveX\lastMPmoveX\lastMPmoveY\lastMPmoveY
+ \flushMPmoveto
+ \fi}
+ {\ifcase\getMPkeyword\relax
+ \flushMPconcatmoveto
+ \resetMPmoveto
+ \doMPconcat{\gMPs1}\a{\gMPs2}\b%
+ \PDFcode{\!MP\a\space\!MP\b\space l}%
+ \or
+ \flushMPconcatmoveto
+ \resetMPmoveto
+ \doMPconcat{\gMPs1}\a{\gMPs2}\b%
+ \doMPconcat{\gMPs3}\c{\gMPs4}\d%
+ \doMPconcat{\gMPs5}\e{\gMPs6}\f%
+ \PDFcode{\!MP\a\space\!MP\b\space
+ \!MP\c\space\!MP\d\space
+ \!MP\e\space\!MP\f\space c}%
+ \or % rather mp specific ... rline always has 0,0
+ \bgroup
+ \noMPtranslate
+ \flushMPconcatmoveto
+ % next should be \lastMPmoveX+\a,\lastMPmoveY+\b but we know it's 0,0
+ \PDFcode{\!MP\lastMPmoveX\space\!MP\lastMPmoveY\space l S}%
+ \resetMPmoveto
+ \egroup
+ \or
+% \flushMPconcatmoveto
+% \resetMPmoveto
+ \fi}
+ {\dodoflushsomeMPpath
+ \advance\nofMPsegments \plusone
+ \ifnum\nofMPsegments<\scratchcounter
+ \expandafter\doflushsomeMPpath
+ \fi}
+ {\scratchcounter\nofMPsegments
+ \nofMPsegments\plusone
+ \doflushsomeMPpath}
+%OLD \def\flushconcatMPpath{\let\dodoflushsomeMPpath\flushconcatMPsegment\flushsomeMPpath}
+%NEW pre-calculate 1/D so it needn't be repeated for each control point.
+ {\MPreciprocaldeterminant
+ \let\dodoflushsomeMPpath\flushconcatMPsegment\flushsomeMPpath}
+%D The transformation of the coordinates is handled by one of
+%D the macros Tanmoy posted to the \PDFTEX\ mailing list.
+%D I rewrote and optimized the original macro to suit the other
+%D macros in this module.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \doMPconcat {x position} \xresult {y position} \yresult
+%D \stoptyping
+%D By setting the auxiliary \DIMENSIONS\ \type{\dimen0} upto
+%D \type{\dimen10} only once per path, we save over 20\% run
+%D time. Some more speed was gained by removing some parameter
+%D passing. These macros can be optimized a bit more by using
+%D more constants. There is however not much need for further
+%D optimization because penshapes usually are round and
+%D therefore need no transformation. Nevertheless we move the
+%D factor to the outer level and use a bit different \type{pt}
+%D removal macro. Although the values represent base points,
+%D we converted them to pure points, simply because those can
+%D be converted back.
+%OLD \mathchardef\MPconcatfactor=256 % beware don't remove spaces before it
+%OLD \def\doMPreducedimen#1
+%OLD {\count0\MPconcatfactor
+%OLD \advance\dimen#1 \ifdim\dimen#1>\zeropoint .5\else -.5\fi\count0
+%OLD \divide\dimen#1 \count0\relax}
+%OLD % too inaccurate (see old pragma logo)
+%OLD \def\doMPreducedimen#1
+%OLD {\count0=\MPconcatfactor
+%OLD \divide\dimen#1 \count0\relax}
+%OLD \def\doMPreducedimen#1
+%OLD {\advance\dimen#1 \ifdim\dimen#1>\zeropoint .5\else -.5\fi\MPconcatfactor
+%OLD \divide\dimen#1 \MPconcatfactor}
+%D The transformation code is rewritten by Daniel H. Luecking who
+%D describes his patch as follows:
+%D We would like to divide 1 by $X$, but all divisions are integer so
+%D for accuracy we want to convert to large integers and make sure the
+%D integer quotient has as many significant digits as possible. Thus we
+%D need to replace $1/X$ with $M/N$ where $N$ is as large as possible
+%D and $M/N$ is as large as possible. Also for simplicity $M$ should be
+%D a power of 2. So we make $M = 2^{30}$ \footnote{$2^{31} - 1$ is the
+%D largest legal integer. Using it (and simply ignoring the inaccuracy
+%D caused by $-1$) turns out to be at least as accurate in all cases,
+%D and more accurate in some.} (largest legal power of 2) and adjust
+%D $X$ downward (if necessary) to the the range $1-2^{16}$. This gives
+%D at least 15 significant binary digits, (almost as accurate as
+%D \METAPOST\ for numbers near 1) or almost 5 significant figures
+%D (decimal).
+\newdimen\MPscratchDim % will be assigned global
+\def\MPadjustdimen % sets \MPscratchDim and \MPscratchCnt
+ {\MPscratchCnt\zerocount
+ \doMPadjustdimen}
+ {\ifdim\MPscratchDim>\onepoint
+ \divide \MPscratchDim\plustwo
+ \advance\MPscratchCnt\plusone
+ \expandafter\doMPadjustdimen
+ \fi}
+%OLD \def\doMPexpanddimen#1
+%OLD {\multiply\dimen#1 \MPconcatfactor\relax}
+%D DHL: When viewed as an integer, $1 \hbox{pt}=2^{16}$ so $2^{32}/X$
+%D is the right way to do $(1 \hbox{pt})/(X \hbox{pt})$ and get the
+%D answer in points. But we are limited to $2^{30}/X$. However, we
+%D actually do $[ 2^{30} / (X/2^K) ]*2^{2-K}$ where $K$ is the number
+%D of halvings it takes to bring $X$ below $1 \hbox{pt}$. If $K$ is 0
+%D or 1 we readjust by multiplying by 4 or 2, otherwise by halving
+%D $(K-2)$ times \type {\MPscratchCnt} holds the value of $K$ from
+%D \type {\MPadjustdimen}.
+\def\MPreadjustdimen % acts on \MPscratchDim and MPscratchCnt
+ {\ifcase\MPscratchCnt
+ \multiply\scratchdimen \plusfour
+ \or
+ \multiply\scratchdimen \plustwo
+ \else
+ \expandafter\doMPreadjustdimen
+ \fi}
+ {\ifnum\MPscratchCnt>\plustwo
+ \divide \scratchdimen\plustwo
+ \advance\MPscratchCnt\minusone
+ \expandafter\doMPreadjustdimen
+ \fi}
+ {\scratchdimen\withoutpt\the\dimen0 \dimen6 % s_x*s_y
+ \advance\scratchdimen -\withoutpt\the\dimen2 \dimen4 % s_x*s_y - r_x*r_y
+ \ifdim\scratchdimen<\zeropoint % we need a positive dimension
+ \scratchdimen-\scratchdimen % for \MPadjustdimen (?)
+ \doMPreciprocal
+ \scratchdimen-\scratchdimen
+ \else
+ \doMPreciprocal
+ \fi
+ \edef\MPreciprocal{\withoutpt\the\scratchdimen}}
+\newcount\MPnumerator \MPnumerator = 1073741824 % 2^{30}
+% todo: dimexpr
+\def\doMPreciprocal % replace \scratchdimen with its reciprocal
+ {\ifdim\scratchdimen=\onepoint \else
+ \MPadjustdimen
+ \scratchcounter\MPnumerator
+ \divide\scratchcounter\scratchdimen
+ \scratchdimen1\scratchcounter % 1 needed
+ \MPreadjustdimen
+ \fi}
+%OLD \def\presetMPconcat
+%OLD {\dimen 0=\gMPs1\onepoint \doMPreducedimen 0 % r_x
+%OLD \dimen 2=\gMPs2\onepoint \doMPreducedimen 2 % s_x
+%OLD \dimen 4=\gMPs3\onepoint \doMPreducedimen 4 % s_y
+%OLD \dimen 6=\gMPs4\onepoint \doMPreducedimen 6 % r_y
+%OLD \dimen 8=\gMPs5\onepoint \doMPreducedimen 8 % t_x
+%OLD \dimen10=\gMPs6\onepoint \doMPreducedimen10 } % t_y
+%OLD \def\presetMPscale
+%OLD {\dimen 0=\gMPs1\onepoint \doMPreducedimen 0
+%OLD \dimen 2 \zeropoint
+%OLD \dimen 4 \zeropoint
+%OLD \dimen 6=\gMPs2\onepoint \doMPreducedimen 6
+%OLD \dimen 8 \zeropoint
+%OLD \dimen10 \zeropoint}
+ {\ignoreMPspecials
+ \docleanupMPargument1%
+ \docleanupMPargument6%
+ \keepMPspecials}
+ {\dimen 0=\gMPs1\onepoint % s_x
+ \dimen 2=\gMPs2\onepoint % r_x
+ \dimen 4=\gMPs3\onepoint % r_y
+ \dimen 6=\gMPs4\onepoint % s_y
+ \dimen 8=\gMPs5\onepoint % t_x
+ \dimen10=\gMPs6\onepoint} % t_y
+ {\dimen 0=\gMPs1\onepoint
+ \dimen 2 \zeropoint
+ \dimen 4 \zeropoint
+ \dimen 6=\gMPs2\onepoint
+ \dimen 8 \zeropoint
+ \dimen10 \zeropoint}
+\def\noMPtranslate % use this one grouped
+ {\dimen 8 \zeropoint % t_x
+ \dimen10 \zeropoint} % t_y
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\doMPconcat#1#2#3#4%
+%D {\dimen12=#1 pt \doMPreducedimen12 % p_x
+%D \dimen14=#3 pt \doMPreducedimen14 % p_y
+%D %
+%D \dimen16 \dimen 0
+%D \multiply \dimen16 \dimen 6
+%D \dimen20 \dimen 2
+%D \multiply \dimen20 \dimen 4
+%D \advance \dimen16 -\dimen20
+%D %
+%D \dimen18 \dimen12
+%D \multiply \dimen18 \dimen 6
+%D \dimen20 \dimen14
+%D \multiply \dimen20 \dimen 4
+%D \advance \dimen18 -\dimen20
+%D \dimen20 \dimen 4
+%D \multiply \dimen20 \dimen10
+%D \advance \dimen18 \dimen20
+%D \dimen20 \dimen 6
+%D \multiply \dimen20 \dimen 8
+%D \advance \dimen18 -\dimen20
+%D %
+%D \multiply \dimen12 -\dimen 2
+%D \multiply \dimen14 \dimen 0
+%D \advance \dimen12 \dimen14
+%D \dimen20 \dimen 2
+%D \multiply \dimen20 \dimen 8
+%D \advance \dimen12 \dimen20
+%D \dimen20 \dimen 0
+%D \multiply \dimen20 \dimen10
+%D \advance \dimen12 -\dimen20
+%D %
+%D \doMPreducedimen16
+%D \divide \dimen18 \dimen16 \doMPexpanddimen18
+%D \divide \dimen12 \dimen16 \doMPexpanddimen12
+%D %
+%D \edef#2{\withoutpt\the\dimen18}% % p_x^\prime
+%D \edef#4{\withoutpt\the\dimen12}} % p_y^\prime
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The following optimization resulted from some tests by
+%D and email exchanges with Sanjoy Mahajan.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\doMPconcat#1#2#3#4%
+%D {\dimen12=#1 pt \doMPreducedimen12 % p_x
+%D \dimen14=#3 pt \doMPreducedimen14 % p_y
+%D %
+%D \dimen16 \dimen 0
+%D \multiply \dimen16 \dimen 6
+%D \dimen20 \dimen 2
+%D \multiply \dimen20 \dimen 4
+%D \advance \dimen16 -\dimen20
+%D %
+%D \dimen18 \dimen12
+%D \multiply \dimen18 \dimen 6
+%D \dimen20 \dimen14
+%D \multiply \dimen20 \dimen 4
+%D \advance \dimen18 -\dimen20
+%D \dimen20 \dimen 4
+%D \multiply \dimen20 \dimen10
+%D \advance \dimen18 \dimen20
+%D \dimen20 \dimen 6
+%D \multiply \dimen20 \dimen 8
+%D \advance \dimen18 -\dimen20
+%D %
+%D \multiply \dimen12 -\dimen 2
+%D \multiply \dimen14 \dimen 0
+%D \advance \dimen12 \dimen14
+%D \dimen20 \dimen 2
+%D \multiply \dimen20 \dimen 8
+%D \advance \dimen12 \dimen20
+%D \dimen20 \dimen 0
+%D \multiply \dimen20 \dimen10
+%D \advance \dimen12 -\dimen20
+%D %
+%D %\ifdim\dimen16>\onepoint % oeps, can be < 1pt too
+%D \ifdim\dimen16=\onepoint \else
+%D \ifdim\dimen16>\MPconcatfactor pt
+%D \doMPreducedimen16
+%D \divide \dimen18 \dimen16 \doMPexpanddimen18
+%D \divide \dimen12 \dimen16 \doMPexpanddimen12
+%D \else
+%D \divide \dimen18 \dimen16 \doMPexpanddimen18 \doMPexpanddimen18
+%D \divide \dimen12 \dimen16 \doMPexpanddimen12 \doMPexpanddimen12
+%D \fi
+%D \fi
+%D %
+%D \edef#2{\withoutpt\the\dimen18}% % p_x^\prime
+%D \edef#4{\withoutpt\the\dimen12}} % p_y^\prime
+%D \stoptyping
+%D But, this one is still too inaccurate, so we now have:
+%D DHL: Ideally, $r_x$, $r_y$, $s_x$, $s_y$ should be in macros, not
+%D dimensions (they are scalar quantities after all, not lengths). I
+%D suppose the authors decided to do calculations with integer
+%D arithmetic instead of using real factors because it's faster.
+%D However, the actual macros test slower, possibly because I've
+%D omitted three nested loops. In my test files, my approach is more
+%D accurate. It is also far simpler and overflow does not seem to be a
+%D significant concern. The scale factors written by Metapost are (?)
+%D always $<=1$ (it scales coordinates internally) and coordinates are
+%D always likely to be less than \type {\maxdimen}.
+%D If this should ever cause problems, the scale factors can be reduced.
+% the original:
+% \def\doMPconcat#1#2#3#4%
+% {\dimen12=#1\onepoint% p_x % #1\onepoint
+% \dimen14=#3\onepoint% p_y % #3\onepoint
+% \advance\dimen12 -\dimen8 % p_x - t_x
+% \advance\dimen14 -\dimen10 % p_y - t_y
+% \dimen18=\withoutpt\the\dimen6 \dimen12 % s_y(p_x - t_x)
+% \advance\dimen18 -\withoutpt\the\dimen4 \dimen14 % - r_y(p_y-t_y)
+% \dimen14=\withoutpt\the\dimen0 \dimen14 % s_x(p_y-t_y)
+% \advance\dimen14 -\withoutpt\the\dimen2 \dimen12 % - r_x(p_x-t_x)
+% % \MPreciprocal contains precomputed 1/D:
+% \dimen18=\MPreciprocal\dimen18
+% \dimen14=\MPreciprocal\dimen14
+% \edef#2{\withoutpt\the\dimen18}% % p_x^\prime
+% \edef#4{\withoutpt\the\dimen14}} % p_y^\prime
+% faster but not that often used
+ {\dimen12\dimexpr#1\points-\dimen 8\relax % p_x-t_x
+ \dimen14\dimexpr#3\points-\dimen10\relax % p_y-t_y
+ \dimen18\dimexpr\withoutpt\the\dimen6\dimen12-\withoutpt\the\dimen4\dimen14\relax % s_y(p_x-t_x)-r_y(p_y-t_y)
+ \dimen14\dimexpr\withoutpt\the\dimen0\dimen14-\withoutpt\the\dimen2\dimen12\relax % s_x(p_y-t_y)-r_x(p_x-t_x)
+ \edef#2{\withoutpt\the\dimexpr\MPreciprocal\dimen18\relax}% % p_x^\prime
+ \edef#4{\withoutpt\the\dimexpr\MPreciprocal\dimen14\relax}} % p_y^\prime
+%D One reason for Daniel to write this patch was that at small sizes
+%D the accuracy was less than optimal. Here is a test that demonstrates
+%D that his alternative is pretty good:
+%D \startlinecorrection
+%D \startMPcode
+%D for i = 5cm,1cm,5mm,1mm,.5mm,.1mm,.01mm :
+%D draw fullcircle scaled i withpen pencircle xscaled (i/10) yscaled (i/20) rotated 45 ;
+%D endfor ;
+%D \stopMPcode
+%D \stoplinecorrection
+%D The following explanation of the conversion process was
+%D posted to the \PDFTEX\ mailing list by Tanmoy. The original
+%D macro was part of a set of macro's that included sinus and
+%D cosinus calculations as well as scaling and translating. The
+%D \METAPOST\ to \PDF\ conversion however only needs
+%D transformation.
+%M \start \switchtobodyfont [ss]
+%D Given a point $(U_x, U_y)$ in user coordinates, the business
+%D of \POSTSCRIPT\ is to convert it to device space. Let us say
+%D that the device space coordinates are $(D_x, D_y)$. Then, in
+%D \POSTSCRIPT\ $(D_x, D_y)$ can be written in terms of
+%D $(U_x, U_y)$ in matrix notation, either as
+%D \placeformula
+%D \startformula
+%D \pmatrix{D_x&D_y&1\cr} = \pmatrix{U_x&U_y&1\cr}
+%D \pmatrix{s_x&r_x&0\cr
+%D r_y&s_y&0\cr
+%D t_x&t_y&1\cr}
+%D \stopformula
+%D or
+%D \placeformula
+%D \startformula
+%D \pmatrix{D_x\cr D_y\cr 1} = \pmatrix{s_x&r_y&t_x\cr
+%D r_x&s_y&t_y\cr
+%D 0 &0 &1 \cr}
+%D \pmatrix{U_x\cr
+%D U_y\cr
+%D 1 \cr}
+%D \stopformula
+%D both of which is a shorthand for the same set of equations:
+%D \placeformula
+%D \startformula
+%D D_x = s_x U_x + r_y U_y + t_x
+%D \stopformula
+%D \placeformula
+%D \startformula
+%D D_y = r_x U_x + s_y U_y + t_y
+%D \stopformula
+%D which define what is called an `affine transformation'.
+%D \POSTSCRIPT\ represents the `transformation matrix' as a
+%D six element matrix instead of a $3\times 3$ array because
+%D three of the elements are always~0, 0 and~1. Thus the above
+%D transformation is written in postscript as $[s_x\, r_x\,
+%D r_y\, s_y\, t_x\, t_y]$. However, when doing any
+%D calculations, it is useful to go back to the original
+%D matrix notation (whichever: I will use the second) and
+%D continue from there.
+%D As an example, if the current transformation matrix is
+%D $[s_x\, r_x\, r_y\, s_y\, t_x\, t_y]$ and you say \typ{[a b
+%D c d e f] concat}, this means:
+%D \startnarrower
+%D Take the user space coordinates and transform them to an
+%D intermediate set of coordinates using array $[a\, b\, c\, d\,
+%D e\, f]$ as the transformation matrix.
+%D Take the intermediate set of coordinates and change them to
+%D device coordinates using array $[s_x\, r_x\, r_y\, s_y\, t_x\, t_y]$
+%D as the transformation matrix.
+%D \stopnarrower
+%D Well, what is the net effect? In matrix notation, it is
+%D \placeformula
+%D \startformula
+%D \pmatrix{I_x\cr I_y\cr 1\cr} = \pmatrix{a&c&e\cr
+%D b&d&f\cr
+%D 0&0&1\cr}
+%D \pmatrix{U_x\cr
+%D U_y\cr
+%D 1 \cr}
+%D \stopformula
+%D \placeformula
+%D \startformula
+%D \pmatrix{D_y\cr D_y\cr 1\cr} = \pmatrix{s_x&r_y&t_x\cr
+%D r_x&s_y&t_y\cr
+%D 0 &0 &1 \cr}
+%D \pmatrix{I_x\cr
+%D I_y\cr
+%D 1 \cr}
+%D \stopformula
+%D where $(I_x, I_y)$ is the intermediate coordinate.
+%D Now, the beauty of the matrix notation is that when there is
+%D a chain of such matrix equations, one can always compose
+%D them into one matrix equation using the standard matrix
+%D composition law. The composite matrix from two matrices can
+%D be derived very easily: the element in the $i$\high{th}
+%D horizontal row and $j$\high{th} vertical column is
+%D calculated by`multiplying' the $i$\high{th} row of the first
+%D matrix and the $j$\high{th} column of the second matrix (and
+%D summing over the elements). Thus, in the above:
+%D \placeformula
+%D \startformula
+%D \pmatrix{D_x\cr D_y\cr 1} = \pmatrix{s_x^\prime&r_y^\prime&t_x^\prime\cr
+%D r_x^\prime&s_y^\prime&t_y^\prime\cr
+%D 0 &0 &0 \cr}
+%D \pmatrix{U_x\cr
+%D U_y\cr
+%D 1 \cr}
+%D \stopformula
+%D with
+%D \placeformula
+%D \startformula
+%D \eqalign
+%D {s_x^\prime & = s_x a + r_y b \cr
+%D r_x^\prime & = r_x a + s_y b \cr
+%D r_y^\prime & = s_x c + r_y d \cr
+%D s_y^\prime & = r_x c + s_y d \cr
+%D t_x^\prime & = s_x e + r_y f + t_x \cr
+%D t_y^\prime & = r_x e + s_y f + t_y \cr}
+%D \stopformula
+%D In fact, the same rule is true not only when one is going
+%D from user coordinates to device coordinates, but whenever
+%D one is composing two `transformations' together
+%D (transformations are `associative'). Note that the formula
+%D is not symmetric: you have to keep track of which
+%D transformation existed before (i.e.\ the equivalent of
+%D $[s_x\, r_x\, r_y\, s_y\, t_x\, t_y]$) and which was
+%D specified later (i.e.\ the equivalent of $[a\, b\, c\, d\,
+%D e\, f]$). Note also that the language can be rather
+%D confusing: the one specified later `acts earlier',
+%D converting the user space coordinates to intermediate
+%D coordinates, which are then acted upon by the pre||existing
+%D transformation. The important point is that order of
+%D transformation matrices cannot be flipped (transformations
+%D are not `commutative').
+%D Now what does it mean to move a transformation matrix
+%D before a drawing? What it means is that given a point
+%D $(P_x, P_y)$ we need a different set of coordinates
+%D $(P_x^\prime, P_y^\prime)$ such that if the transformation
+%D acts on $(P_x^\prime, P_y^\prime)$, they produce $(P_x,
+%D P_y)$. That is we need to solve the set of equations:
+%D \placeformula
+%D \startformula
+%D \pmatrix{P_x\cr P_y\cr 1\cr} = \pmatrix{s_x&r_y&t_x\cr
+%D r_x&s_y&t_y\cr
+%D 0 &0 &1 \cr}
+%D \pmatrix{P_x^\prime\cr
+%D P_y^\prime\cr
+%D 1 \cr}
+%D \stopformula
+%D Again matrix notation comes in handy (i.e. someone has
+%D already solved the problem for us): we need the inverse
+%D transformation matrix. The inverse transformation matrix can
+%D be calculated very easily:
+%D \placeformula
+%D \startformula
+%D \pmatrix{P_x^\prime\cr P_y^\prime\cr 1\cr} =
+%D \pmatrix{s_x^\prime&r_y^\prime&t_x^\prime\cr
+%D r_x^\prime&s_y^\prime&t_y^\prime\cr
+%D 0 &0 &1 \cr}
+%D \pmatrix{P_x\cr
+%D P_y\cr
+%D 1 \cr}
+%D \stopformula
+%D where, the inverse transformation matrix is given by
+%D \placeformula
+%D \startformula
+%D \eqalign
+%D {D & = s_x s_y - r_x r_y \cr
+%D s_x^\prime & = s_y / D \cr
+%D s_y^\prime & = s_x / D \cr
+%D r_x^\prime & = - r_x / D \cr
+%D r_y^\prime & = - r_y / D \cr
+%D t_x^\prime & = ( - s_y t_x + r_y t_y ) / D \cr
+%D t_y^\prime & = ( r_x t_x - s_x t_y ) / D \cr}
+%D \stopformula
+%D And you can see that when expanded out, this does
+%D give the formulas:
+%D \placeformula
+%D \startformula
+%D P_x^\prime = { { s_y(p_x-t_x) + r_y(t_y-p_y) } \over
+%D { s_x s_y-r_x r_y } }
+%D \stopformula
+%D \placeformula
+%D \startformula
+%D P_y^\prime = { { s_x(p_y-t_y) + r_x(t_x-p_x) } \over
+%D { s_x*s_y-r_x*r_y } }
+%D \stopformula
+%D The code works by representing a real number by converting
+%D it to a dimension to be put into a \DIMENSION\ register: 2.3 would
+%D be represented as 2.3pt for example. In this scheme,
+%D multiplying two numbers involves multiplying the \DIMENSION\
+%D registers and dividing by 65536. Accuracy demands that the
+%D division be done as late as possible, but overflow
+%D considerations need early division.
+%D Division involves dividing the two \DIMENSION\ registers and
+%D multiplying the result by 65536. Again, accuracy would
+%D demand that the numerator be multiplied (and|/|or the
+%D denominator divided) early: but that can lead to overflow
+%D which needs to be avoided.
+%D If nothing is known about the numbers to start with (in
+%D concat), I have chosen to divide the 65536 as a 256 in each
+%D operand. However, in the series calculating the sine and
+%D cosine, I know that the terms are small (because I never
+%D have an angle greater than 45 degrees), so I chose to
+%D apportion the factor in a different way.
+%M \stop
+%D The path is output using the values saved on the stack. If
+%D needed, all coordinates are recalculated.
+ {\PDFcode{\ifcase\finiMPpath W n\or S\or f\or B\fi}}
+ {\checkMPpath
+ \ifcase\nofMPsegments\else
+ \flushMPpath
+ \closeMPpath
+ \finishMPpath
+ \fi
+ \let\handleMPsequence\dohandleMPsequence
+ \resetMPstack
+ \nofMPsegments\zerocount
+ \handleMPsequence}
+%D The following \METAPOST\ code is quite valid but, when
+%D processed and converted to \PDF, will make a file
+%D unprintable on a Hewlett Packard printer (from Acrobat
+%D $v<=5$). Who is to blame, the driver of the OS layer in
+%D between, is hard to determine, so we add an additional
+%D check.
+%D \starttyping
+%D clip currentpicture to origin -- cycle ;
+%D setbounds currentpicture to fullsquare scaled 5cm ;
+%D \stoptyping
+ {\ifcase\finiMPpath
+ \ifnum\nofMPsegments<\plusthree % n is one ahead
+ \message{omitting zero clip path}%
+ \nofMPsegments\zerocount
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+%D In \PDF\ the \type{cm} operator must precede the path
+%D specification. We therefore can output the \type{cm} at
+%D the moment we encounter it.
+ {\presetMPconcat
+ \PDFcode{\gMPs1 \gMPs2 \gMPs3 \gMPs4 \gMPs5 \gMPs6 cm}%
+ \resetMPstack}
+ {\presetMPscale
+ \PDFcode{\gMPs1 0 0 \gMPs2 0 0 cm}%
+ \resetMPstack}
+%D This macro interprets the path and saves it as compact as
+%D possible.
+ {\ifcase\lccode`#1\relax
+ \@EA\dohandleMPpathA
+ \else
+ \@EA\dohandleMPpathB
+ \fi#1}
+ {\expandafter\def\csname\@@MP:P:#1\endcsname{#2}}
+\def\installMPSshortcutP#1#2% todo: \let
+ {\expandafter\let\csname\@@MP:P:#1\expandafter\endcsname\csname\@@MP:P:#2\endcsname}
+\def\dohandleMPpathB#1 %
+ {\def\somestring{#1}%
+ \executeifdefined{\@@MP:P:\somestring}\relax
+ \handleMPsequence}
+\installMPSkeywordP \PSlineto
+ {\setMPkeyword0 }
+\installMPSkeywordP \PScurveto
+ {\setMPkeyword1 }
+\installMPSkeywordP \PSrlineto
+ {\setMPkeyword2 }
+\installMPSkeywordP \PSmoveto
+ {\edef\lastMPmoveX{\gMPs1}%
+ \edef\lastMPmoveY{\gMPs2}%
+ \resetMPstack
+ \setMPkeyword3 }
+\installMPSkeywordP \PSclip
+ {% \chardef\finiMPpath\zerocount % already
+ \let\handleMPsequence\processMPpath}
+\installMPSkeywordP \PSgsave
+ {\chardef\finiMPpath\plusthree}
+\installMPSkeywordP \PSgrestore
+ {}
+\installMPSkeywordP \PSfill
+ {\ifcase\finiMPpath
+ \chardef\finiMPpath\plustwo
+ \let\handleMPsequence\processMPpath
+ \fi}
+\installMPSkeywordP \PSstroke
+ {\ifcase\finiMPpath
+ \chardef\finiMPpath\plusone
+ \fi
+ \let\handleMPsequence\processMPpath}
+\installMPSkeywordP \PSclosepath
+ {\def\closeMPpath{\PDFcode{h}}}
+\installMPSkeywordP \PSconcat
+ {\cleanupMPconcat
+ \let\flushMPpath\flushconcatMPpath
+ \handleMPpathconcat}
+\installMPSkeywordP \PSscale
+ {\let\flushMPpath\flushconcatMPpath
+ \handleMPpathscale}
+\installMPSshortcutP {l} \PSlineto
+\installMPSshortcutP {r} \PSrlineto
+\installMPSshortcutP {m} \PSmoveto
+\installMPSshortcutP {c} \PScurveto
+\installMPSshortcutP {q} \PSgsave
+\installMPSshortcutP {Q} \PSgrestore
+\installMPSshortcutP {S} \PSstroke
+\installMPSshortcutP {F} \PSfill
+\installMPSshortcutP {B} \PSgsave
+\installMPSshortcutP {W} \PSclip
+\installMPSshortcutP {p} \PSclosepath
+\installMPSshortcutP {s} \PSscale
+\installMPSshortcutP {t} \PSconcat
+%D \macros
+%D {twodigitMPoutput}
+%D We can limit the precision to two digits after the comma
+%D by saying:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \twodigitMPoutput
+%D \stoptyping
+%D This option only works in \CONTEXT\ combined with \ETEX.
+ {\let\!MP \twodigitrounding
+ \def\!MPgMPs##1{\twodigitrounding{\gMPs##1}}%
+ \def\!MPgMPa##1{\twodigitrounding{\gMPa##1}}}
+\let\!MP \empty
+%D Here comes the special-specific code:
+ {\ifconditional\manyMPspecials
+ \def\MPrgbnumber##1{\expandafter\doMPrgbnumber##10000.00000\relax}%
+ \def\doMPrgbnumber##1.##2##3##4##5##6\relax{##2##3##4##5}%
+ \else
+ \def\MPrgbnumber##1{\expandafter\doMPrgbnumber##1000.0000\relax}%
+ \def\doMPrgbnumber##1.##2##3##4##5\relax{##2##3##4}%
+ \fi}
+% \settrue\manyMPspecials \setMPextensions
+%D This macro handles the special definitions that are
+%D passed as comment.
+%D The implementation below saves the data on the stack in
+%D a way similar to the macros in \type {supp-pdf.tex}, and
+%D just overload a few already defined handlers. That way,
+%D the existing macros are still generic. \footnote {Actually,
+%D the macros here are just as generic.}
+%D Currently the only extension concerns shading, which is
+%D accomplished by handling yet another value of \type
+%D {\finiMPpath}. The recource disctionary is stored and
+%D later picked up by the general \CONTEXT\ figure inclusion
+%D macros.
+%D The \type {%%MetaPostSpecials: version.revision signal} line
+%D triggers this module into handling color specifications kind
+%D of special. We need this safeguard for non||special
+%D usage.
+%D When defined inline, we use another macro to handle the
+%D definitions. Actually, this macro is called by the
+%D previous ones.
+\chardef\MPspecialversion = 0 % specials when >1
+\chardef\MPspecialrevision = 0 % specials when >1
+\chardef\MPspecialsignal = 0 % passed on by graphic
+\chardef\inlineMPspecials = 1 % only needed for stack resetting
+ {\setMPargument{#1}%
+ \advance\scratchcounter \minusone
+ \ifcase\scratchcounter
+ \handleMPspecialcommand
+ \donetrue
+ \doresetMPstack
+ \let\handleMPsequence\dohandleMPsequence
+ \expandafter\handleMPsequence
+ \else
+ \expandafter\dohandleMPspecialcomment
+ \fi}
+\def\handleMPspecialcomment #1 % number of arguments
+ {\doresetMPstack
+ \scratchcounter#1\relax
+ \ifcase\scratchcounter % when zero, inline shading is used
+ \chardef\inlineMPspecials\plusone
+ \let\handleMPsequence\dohandleMPsequence
+ \expandafter\handleMPsequence
+ \else
+ \chardef\inlineMPspecials\zerocount
+ \expandafter\dohandleMPspecialcomment
+ \fi}
+%D When defined inline, we use another macro to handle the
+%D definitions. Actually, this macro is called by the
+%D previous ones.
+ {\ifcase\inlineMPspecials\or
+ \advance\nofMParguments \minusone % pop the size
+ \fi
+ \ifundefined\MPspecial % beware, no real \if
+ \message{[unknown \MPspecial]}%
+ \else
+ \csname\MPspecial\endcsname
+ \fi
+ \ifcase\inlineMPspecials
+ \doresetMPstack % 0
+ \else
+ \resetMPstack % 1
+ \fi}
+\def\handleMPspecialscomment #1.#2 #3 % version.revision signal #4=div=1000|10000
+ {\doresetMPstack
+ \chardef\MPspecialversion #1%
+ \chardef\MPspecialrevision#2%
+ \chardef\MPspecialsignal #3%
+ \let\handleMPsequence\dohandleMPsequence
+ \ifnum#1=\plusone
+ \expandafter\handleMPsequence
+ \else
+ \expandafter\handleMPspecialscommentx
+ \fi}
+\def\handleMPspecialscommentx #1 % version 2
+ {\ifnum10000=0#1\relax
+ \settrue \manyMPspecials
+ \else
+ \setfalse\manyMPspecials
+ \fi
+ \setMPextensions
+ \handleMPsequence}
+ {\edef\lastMPrvalue{\csname\@@MP01\endcsname}%{\gMPs1}%
+ \edef\lastMPgvalue{\csname\@@MP02\endcsname}%{\gMPs2}%
+ \edef\lastMPbvalue{\csname\@@MP03\endcsname}%{\gMPs3}%
+ \ifnum\MPrgbnumber\lastMPrvalue=123\relax
+ \csname\@@MPSK\number\MPrgbnumber\lastMPbvalue\endcsname
+ \else
+ \dohandleMPrgb\lastMPrvalue\lastMPgvalue\lastMPbvalue
+ \fi}
+% \newcontitional\ignoreMPpath
+ {\ifconditional\ignoreMPpath
+ \PDFcode{W n\space}%
+ \else
+ \PDFcode{\ifcase\finiMPpath W n\or S\or f\or B\else W n\fi}%
+ \fi
+ \ifx\extraMPpathcode\empty\else
+ \PDFcode{\extraMPpathcode}%
+ \let\extraMPpathcode\empty
+ \fi
+ \setfalse\ignoreMPpath}
+ {\checkMPpath % !
+ \flushMPpath
+ \closeMPpath
+ \finishMPpath
+ \let\handleMPsequence\dohandleMPsequence
+ \resetMPstack
+ \nofMPsegments\zerocount
+ \handleMPsequence}
+\protect \endinput
+% When i'm bored ...
+% \newcatcodetable\mpscatcodes
+% \startcatcodetable \mpscatcodes
+% \catcode`\| \@@comment
+% \catcode`\% \@@active
+% \catcode`\[ \@@active
+% \catcode`\] \@@active
+% \catcode`\{ \@@active
+% \catcode`\} \@@active
+% \stopcatcodetable
+% \def\keepMPspecials
+% {\setcatcodecommand \mpscatcodes `\% \letterpercent
+% \setcatcodecommand \mpscatcodes `\[ \letterleftbracket
+% \setcatcodecommand \mpscatcodes `\] \letterrightbracket
+% \setcatcodecommand \mpscatcodes `\{ \letterleftbrace
+% \setcatcodecommand \mpscatcodes `\} \letterrightbrace}
+% \def\ignoreMPspecials
+% {\setcatcodecommand \mpscatcodes `\% \letterpercent
+% \setcatcodecommand \mpscatcodes `\[ \empty
+% \setcatcodecommand \mpscatcodes `\] \empty
+% \setcatcodecommand \mpscatcodes `\{ \empty
+% \setcatcodecommand \mpscatcodes `\} \empty}
+% \def\obeyMPspecials
+% {\setcatcodecommand \mpscatcodes `\% \letterpercent
+% \setcatcodecommand \mpscatcodes `\[ \letterleftbracket
+% \setcatcodecommand \mpscatcodes `\] \letterrightbracket
+% \setcatcodecommand \mpscatcodes `\{ \letterleftbrace
+% \setcatcodecommand \mpscatcodes `\} \letterrightbrace}
+% \gdef\setMPspecials|
+% {\setcatcodetable\mpscatcodes
+% \lccode`\-=\zerocount % to be sure, it could be a letter
+% \lccode`\%=`\%% % otherwise it's seen as a number
+% \def\({\char40\relax }%
+% \def\){\char41\relax }%
+% \def\\{\char92\relax }%
+% \def\0{\octalMPcharacter0}%
+% \def\1{\octalMPcharacter1}%
+% \def\2{\octalMPcharacter2}%
+% \def\3{\octalMPcharacter3}%
+% \def\4{\octalMPcharacter4}%
+% \def\5{\octalMPcharacter5}%
+% \def\6{\octalMPcharacter6}%
+% \def\7{\octalMPcharacter7}%
+% \def\8{\octalMPcharacter8}%
+% \def\9{\octalMPcharacter9}}
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/meta-pre.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/meta-pre.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..098be030b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/meta-pre.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=meta-pre,
+%D version=2001.03.21,
+%D title=\METAPOST\ Graphics,
+%D subtitle=Predefined Goodies,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D In this library, we define a couple of handy graphics.
+% todo: use the predefine grid macros, mp code will move to
+% mp-* file
+ StartPage ;
+ drawoptions(withcolor .8white) ;
+ fill Field[Text][Text] ;
+ drawoptions(withcolor .65white) ;
+ fill Field[Footer][Text] ;
+ fill Field[Header][Text] ;
+ fill Field[LeftMargin][Text] ;
+ fill Field[RightMargin][Text] ;
+ drawoptions(withcolor .65yellow) ;
+ fill Field[LeftEdge][Text] ;
+ fill Field[RightEdge][Text] ;
+ fill Field[Bottom][Text] ;
+ fill Field[Top][Text] ;
+ drawoptions(withpen pencircle scaled .3pt withcolor .65white) ;
+ for i=-3cm step 1cm until PaperWidth+3cm :
+ draw (i,-3cm)--(i,PaperHeight+3cm) ;
+ endfor ;
+ for i=PaperHeight+3cm step -1cm until -3cm :
+ draw (-3cm,i)--(PaperWidth+3cm,i) ;
+ endfor ;
+ drawoptions(withpen pencircle scaled .15pt) ;
+ for i=.5cm-3cm step 1cm until PaperWidth+3cm :
+ draw (i,-3cm)--(i,PaperHeight+3cm) ;
+ endfor ;
+ for i=PaperHeight-.5cm+3cm step -1cm until -3cm :
+ draw (-3cm,i)--(PaperWidth+3cm,i) ;
+ endfor ;
+ drawoptions(withpen pencircle scaled .3pt withcolor .65red) ;
+ for i=0 step 1cm until PaperWidth :
+ draw (i,0)--(i,PaperHeight) ;
+ endfor ;
+ for i=PaperHeight step -1cm until 0 :
+ draw (0,i)--(PaperWidth,i) ;
+ endfor ;
+ drawoptions(withpen pencircle scaled .15pt withcolor .65red) ;
+ for i=.5cm step 1cm until PaperWidth :
+ draw (i,0)--(i,PaperHeight) ;
+ endfor ;
+ for i=PaperHeight-.5cm step -1cm until 0 :
+ draw (0,i)--(PaperWidth,i) ;
+ endfor ;
+ drawoptions(withpen pencircle scaled 5pt withcolor .65red) ;
+ draw ulcorner Page ;
+ StopPage ;
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/meta-tex.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/meta-tex.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ab0f24457
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/meta-tex.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,350 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=meta-tex,
+%D version=2006.06.07,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Support Macros,
+%D subtitle=\METAPOST\ fast text insertion,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D Many thanks to Fabrice Popineau and Taco Hoekwater in helping me
+%D figure out some aspects of the text inclusion method implemented
+%D here. The following code is derived from a more advanced (and to
+%D be used) mechanism where \TEX, \METAPOST\ and \LUA\ play together.
+%D Much of this mechanism was written with running live DVD's of
+%D the Dave Matthews band in the background (or the corner of my
+%D screen).
+% todo: testmacro for empty pic
+\def\openTeXtexts {\immediate\openout \TeXtextwrite\currentTeXtext.mpb\relax}
+\def\currentTeXtext {\jobname-mpgraph}
+\chardef\TeXtextsmode\zerocount % no inheritance
+ {\global\collectedmptexts\expandafter{\the\collectedmptexts#1}}
+ {\global\setfalse\TeXtextdone
+ \startnointerference
+ \openTeXtexts
+ \ifcase\TeXtextsmode
+ % normally there is no need for this (faster anyway)
+ \or
+ \scantokens\expandafter{\the\everyMPTEXgraphic}% brr
+ \or
+ \the\everyTeXtexts
+ \fi
+ \ifrunMPgraphics
+ \initializeboxstack\currentTeXstack
+ \else
+ \global\let\openTeXtexts\relax
+ \global\let\finishTeXtexts\closeTeXtexts
+ \fi}
+ {\ifrunMPgraphics
+ \closeTeXtexts
+ \fi
+ \stopnointerference}
+ \finishTeXtexts
+\to \everystoptext
+% \long\def\TeXtext#1%
+% {\dowithnextboxcontent
+% {\setnormalcatcodes}
+% {\global\settrue\TeXtextdone
+% \immediate\write\TeXtextwrite{savetxt(#1,\the\wd\nextbox,\the\ht\nextbox,\the\dp\nextbox);}%
+% \savebox\currentTeXstack{#1}{\box\nextbox}}
+% \hbox}
+ {\dosingleempty\doTeXtext}
+% currently, colors in the converter don't use the color stack
+% 0 = nothing, withcolor works ok, but nested colors fail
+% 1 = local color stack ok
+% 2 = obey color stack (not yet supported)
+% \definetextext[framed]{\framed}
+% \startMPcode
+% draw \sometxt[framed]{black} rotated 45 ;
+% \stopMPcode
+ {\begingroup
+ \setnormalcatcodes
+ \chardef\activecharactermode\plusone % compensates ** in meta-ini.mkii
+ \endlinechar\minusone
+ \everyeof\emptytoks
+ %\def\ascii{#3}\scantokens\expandafter{\ascii}}%
+ \setbox\nextbox\hbox
+ {\ifcase\TeXtextcolormode
+ \scantokens{\executeifdefined{textext@@#1}\firstofoneargument{#3}}%
+ \else
+ \localcolortrue
+ \startcurrentcolor
+ \scantokens{\executeifdefined{textext@@#1}\firstofoneargument{#3}}%
+ \stopcurrentcolor
+ \fi}%
+ \global\settrue\TeXtextdone
+ \edef\currenttextxt{\number#2}%
+ \executeifdefined{textext::#1}{\getvalue{textext::depth}}%
+ \savebox\currentTeXstack\currenttextxt{\box\nextbox}%
+ \endgroup}
+\setvalue{textext::depth}{\immediate\write\TeXtextwrite{savetxt(\currenttextxt,\the\nextboxwd,\the\nextboxht,\the\nextboxdp) shifted (0,-\the\nextboxdp);}}
+% \loadmapfile[] % the font is not really used, i.e. nothing ends up in the file
+\definefont[localMPtxtfont][MPtxtfont at 10bp]
+ % this took a while to figure out
+ \let\MPtextdata\empty
+ \def\getTeXtext
+ {\ifx\MPtextdata\empty\else
+ \localMPtxtfont
+ \setbox\mptextbox\hbox{\foundbox\currentTeXstack{\number\nofTeXtexts}}%
+ \setbox\scratchbox\hbox{\MPtextdata}% set in meta-pdf.mkii/mkiv
+ \edef\mpwd{\the\dimexpr\MPtextsize\dimexpr\wd\scratchbox/10\relax\relax}%
+ \edef\mpht{\the\dimexpr\MPtextsize\dimexpr\ht\scratchbox/10\relax\relax}%
+ \setbox\mptextbox\hbox{\raise\dp\mptextbox\box\mptextbox}%
+ \dp\mptextbox\zeropoint
+ \scale[\c!width=\mpwd,\c!height=\mpht]{\box\mptextbox}%
+ \fi}
+\setvalue{handleMPtext00001}% only height in tag (00001)
+ {\setbox\scratchbox\hbox
+ {\obeyMPspecials
+ \edef\nofTeXtexts{\number\MPtextnumber}%
+ \getTeXtext}%
+ \setbox\scratchbox\hbox
+ {\hskip\lastMPmoveX\onebasepoint\raise\lastMPmoveY\onebasepoint
+ \box\scratchbox}%
+ \ht\scratchbox\zeropoint
+ \dp\scratchbox\zeropoint
+ \wd\scratchbox\zeropoint
+ \box\scratchbox}
+ string txtfile ; txtfile := "\currentTeXtext.mpb" ;
+ string txtfont ; txtfont := "\truefontname{MPtxtfont}" ;
+ string txtpref ; txtpref := "00001::::" ;
+ {\ifx#2\empty
+ \else
+ \advance\metatxtcounter\plusone
+ \TeXtext{\the\metatxtcounter}{#1}%
+ \expandafter\filtersometxt
+ \fi#2#3}
+ {\advance\metatxtcounter\plusone
+ \TeXtext[#1]{\the\metatxtcounter}{#2}%
+ \filtersometxt}
+ {\doifnextoptionalelse\redofiltersometxt\dodofiltersometxt}
+% cleaner in mkiv
+% \filtersometxt abc\sometxt{def};hij\sometxt{klm};\sometxt{}\empty\relax
+ {\metatxtcounter\zerocount
+ \dostartTeXtexts
+ \the\collectedmptexts
+ \filtersometxt#1\sometxt{}\empty\relax
+ \dostopTeXtexts
+ \ifconditional\TeXtextdone
+ \immediate\write\MPwrite{loadtxts ; txtnext := 0 ;}%
+ \global\collectedmptexts\emptytoks
+ \fi
+ \metatxtcounter\zerocount}
+% \long\def\sometxt#1{sometxt(nexttxt)} % to be used in mp definitions, no ; here
+\long\def\sometxt #1#{\dosometxt} % grab optional [args]
+\long\def\dosometxt#1{sometxt(nexttxt)} % to be used in mp definitions, no ; here
+% we redefine the writer:
+ {\ifforceMPTEXgraphic
+ \global\MPTEXgraphictrue
+ \else
+ \global\MPTEXgraphicfalse
+ \edef\ascii{#1}\defconvertedcommand\MPascii\ascii
+ \the\MPTEXgraphicchecks\relax % \relax is end condition!
+ \fi
+ \flushMPTEXgraphic% % verbatimtex etc
+ \flushTeXtexts{#1}% added
+ \writeMPgraphic{#1}} % potential optimization: pass \ascii
+\protect \endinput
+% torture test (will move)
+ numeric a_b_c ;
+ picture p ; pickup pencircle scaled .1pt ;
+ p := \sometxt{Just a \color[blue]{simple} example text.} ;
+ p := image(draw p; draw boundingbox p withcolor red; ) ;
+ p := p rotatedaround(center p, 360*(5/100)) ;
+ draw p ; draw boundingbox p withcolor blue ;
+ currentpicture := currentpicture scaled 20 ;
+ draw boundingbox currentpicture withcolor .5white ;
+ setbounds currentpicture to boundingbox currentpicture enlarged 10pt ;
+ picture p ;
+ p := \sometxt{\framed[width=fit,align=middle]{\input tufte\relax}} ;
+ draw p rotatedaround(center p, 30) ;
+ picture p ;
+ p := \sometxt{\framed[width=fit,align=middle]{\input tufte\relax}} ;
+ draw p slanted .5 ;
+\dorecurse{10} {
+ \startTeXtexts
+ \TeXtext{\recurselevel}{\ruledhbox{I must be {\green crazy} to implement this}}
+ \stopTeXtexts
+ \startMPpage
+ picture p ; pickup pencircle scaled .1pt ;
+ numeric i ; i := \recurselevel ;
+ p := sometxt(i) ;
+ p := p rotatedaround(center p, 360*(i*5/100)) ;
+ draw p ; draw boundingbox p withcolor blue ;
+ currentpicture := currentpicture scaled 20 ;
+ draw boundingbox currentpicture withcolor .5white ;
+ \stopMPpage
+ \dorecurse{100}{\TeXtext{\recurselevel}{\ruledhbox{\strut interesting \recurselevel}}}
+ picture p ; pickup pencircle scaled .1pt ;
+ for i = 1 upto 100:
+ p := sometxt(i) ;
+ p := p rotatedaround(center p, 360*(i*5/100)) ;
+ draw p ; draw boundingbox p withcolor blue ;
+ endfor ;
+ currentpicture := currentpicture scaled 20 ;
+ draw boundingbox currentpicture withcolor .5white ;
+ \dorecurse{100}{\TeXtext{\recurselevel}{\ruledhbox{\strut interesting \recurselevel}}}
+ picture p ; pickup pencircle scaled .1pt ;
+ for i = 1 step 5 until 100 :
+ p := sometxt(i) ;
+ p := p rotatedaround(center p, 360*(i/100)) ;
+ draw p ; draw boundingbox p withcolor blue ;
+ endfor ;
+ currentpicture := currentpicture scaled 20 ;
+ draw boundingbox currentpicture withcolor .5white ;
+ \dorecurse{20}{\TeXtext{\recurselevel}{\externalfigure[t:/sources/cow.pdf][width=1cm]}}
+ picture p ; pickup pencircle scaled .1pt ;
+ for i = 1 upto 20 :
+ p := sometxt(i) ;
+ p := p shifted (2.5cm,0) rotated (360*(i/20)) ;
+ draw p ; draw boundingbox p withcolor blue ;
+ endfor ;
+ currentpicture := currentpicture scaled 10 ;
+ draw boundingbox currentpicture withcolor .5white ;
+ \dorecurse{200}{\TeXtext{\recurselevel}{\ruledhbox{\strut I must be {\green crazy} \recurselevel}}}
+ picture p ; pickup pencircle scaled .1pt ;
+ numeric i ; i := 100 ;
+ p := sometxt(i) ;
+ p := p rotatedaround(center p, 360*(i*36/100)) ;
+ draw p ; draw boundingbox p withcolor blue ;
+ currentpicture := currentpicture scaled 20 ;
+ draw boundingbox currentpicture withcolor .5white ;
+ \startTeXtexts
+ \dorecurse{200}{\TeXtext{\recurselevel}{\ruledhbox{\strut I must be {\green crazy} \recurselevel}}}
+ \stopTeXtexts
+ \startMPpage
+ picture p ; pickup pencircle scaled .1pt ;
+ j := 10*\recurselevel-9;
+ k := 10*\recurselevel;
+ for i = j upto k:
+ p := sometxt(i) ;
+ p := p rotatedaround(center p, 360*(i/100)) ;
+ draw p ; draw boundingbox p withcolor blue ;
+ endfor ;
+ currentpicture := currentpicture scaled 20 ;
+ draw boundingbox currentpicture withcolor red ;
+ \stopMPpage
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/meta-txt.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/meta-txt.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dc8bb7ca8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/meta-txt.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,304 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=meta-txt,
+%D version=2000.07.06,
+%D title=\METAPOST\ Graphics,
+%D subtitle=Text Tricks,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D In this library some handy text manipulations are
+%D defined. Some can and will be improved as soon as the
+%D \TEX||\METAPOST\ interface is stable. Some of the
+%D solutions may look weird, which is entirely my fault,
+%D since I implemented them in the process of getting grip
+%D on this kind of manipulations. Undoubtly better
+%D \METAPOST\ code is possible, but my way of learning
+%D this kind of trickery happens to be by \quote {trial
+%D and error} and \quote {look and feel} (as well as
+%D identifying tricks in Hobby's code).
+% textext ipv btex ... etex
+% we need a proper prefix here
+ if unknown context_text: input mp-text; fi;
+% \def\newchar#1{\chardef#1=0 }
+\ifdefined\MPtoks \else \newtoks\MPtoks \fi
+\ifdefined\MPbox \else \newbox \MPbox \fi
+\ifdefined\parwidth \else \newdimen\parwidth \fi
+\ifdefined\parheight \else \newdimen\parheight \fi
+\ifdefined\parvoffset \else \newdimen\parvoffset \fi
+\ifdefined\parhoffset \else \newdimen\parhoffset \fi
+\ifdefined\parlines \else \newcount\parlines \fi
+\ifdefined\partoks \else \newtoks \partoks \fi
+\ifdefined\shapetextbox \else \newbox \shapetextbox \fi
+ \newif \ifparseries
+\ifdefined\parfirst \else \chardef \parfirst=0 \fi
+ {\global\newcounter\currentshapetext
+ \global\setbox\shapetextbox\vbox\bgroup
+ \expanded{\switchtobodyfont[\@@shbodyfont]}%
+ \dontcomplain
+ \hsize\parwidth
+ \setuptolerance[\v!verytolerant,\v!stretch]%
+ \!!counta\zerocount
+ \!!toksa\emptytoks
+ \def\docommand##1%
+ {\setbox\scratchbox\hbox{\useMPgraphic{##1}}%
+ \global\chardef\parfirst\zerocount
+ \getMPdata % \readlocfile{\MPdatafile}{}{}%
+ \setshapecharacteristics
+ \advance\!!counta by \parlines
+ \expandafter\appendtoks\the\partoks\to\!!toksa}%
+ \processcommalist[#1]\docommand
+ \global\parseriestrue
+ \xdef\totalparlines{\the\!!counta}%
+ \global\partoks\!!toksa
+ %\ifx\partoks\emptytoks\else % safeguard
+ \expanded{\parshape \the\!!counta \the\!!toksa}%
+ %\fi
+ \setshapecharacteristics % extra dummy
+ \ifparseries\def\par{\endgraf\adaptparshape}\fi
+ \EveryPar{\begstrut}}
+ {\endstrut
+ %\removebottomthings
+ \egroup
+ \global\newcounter\currentshapetext
+ \getshapecharacteristics}
+ {\def\docommand##1%
+ {\ifcase\!!counta
+ \expandafter\appendtoks\space##1 \to\!!toksa
+ \else
+ \advance\!!counta \minusone
+ \fi}%
+ \!!counta\prevgraf
+ \doglobal\decrement(\totalparlines,\!!counta)%
+ \multiply\!!counta \plustwo
+ \!!toksa\emptytoks
+ \expanded{\processseparatedlist[\the\partoks][\space]}\docommand
+ \global\partoks\!!toksa
+ %\ifx\partoks\emptytoks\else % safeguard
+ \expanded{\parshape\totalparlines\the\partoks}%
+ }%\fi}
+ {\doglobal\increment\currentshapetext
+ \doifdefinedelse{parlines:\currentshapetext}
+ {\global\parlines \getvalue{parlines:\currentshapetext}%
+ \global\chardef\parfirst \getvalue{parfirst:\currentshapetext}%
+ \global\parvoffset \getvalue{parvoffset:\currentshapetext}%
+ \global\parhoffset \getvalue{parhoffset:\currentshapetext}%
+ \global\parwidth \getvalue{parwidth:\currentshapetext}%
+ \global\parheight \getvalue{parheight:\currentshapetext}}
+ {\global\parlines \plusone
+ \global\chardef\parfirst \zerocount
+ \global\parvoffset \zeropoint
+ \global\parhoffset \zeropoint
+ \global\parwidth \hsize
+ \global\parheight \vsize}}
+ {\doglobal\increment\currentshapetext
+ \setxvalue{parlines:\currentshapetext }{\the\parlines}%
+ \setxvalue{parfirst:\currentshapetext }{\the\parfirst}%
+ \setxvalue{parvoffset:\currentshapetext}{\the\parvoffset}%
+ \setxvalue{parhoffset:\currentshapetext}{\the\parhoffset}%
+ \setxvalue{parwidth:\currentshapetext }{\the\parwidth}%
+ \setxvalue{parheight:\currentshapetext }{\the\parheight}}
+\def\getshapetext% option: unvbox
+ {\vbox\bgroup
+ \forgetall
+ \setbox\scratchbox\vbox to \parheight
+ {\expanded{\switchtobodyfont[\@@shbodyfont]}% evt strutheight en
+ \splittopskip\strutheight % lineheight opslaan
+ \vskip\parvoffset % scheelt switch en
+ \ifcase\parfirst\or\vskip\lineheight\fi % is ook veiliger
+ \hskip\parhoffset
+ \hbox{\vsplit\shapetextbox to \parlines\lineheight}}%
+ \wd\scratchbox\parwidth
+ \ht\scratchbox\parheight
+ \dp\scratchbox\zeropoint
+ \box\scratchbox
+ \getshapecharacteristics
+ \egroup}
+ {\dodoubleempty\getparameters[\??sh]}
+ [\c!bodyfont=]
+%%%%%%% rotfont nog definieren
+\def\processfollowingtoken#1% strut toegevoegd
+ {\appendtoks#1\to\MPtoks
+ \setbox\MPbox=\hbox{\RotFont\setstrut\strut\the\MPtoks}%
+ \startMPdrawing
+ n := n + 1 ; len[n] := \the\wd\MPbox ;
+ \stopMPdrawing
+ \startMPdrawing[-]
+ % pic[n] := textext{\RotFont\setstrut\strut#1} ; % btex \RotFont\setstrut\strut#1 etex ;
+ pic[n] := btex \RotFont\setstrut\strut#1 etex ;
+ pic[n] := pic[n] shifted - llcorner pic[n] ;
+ \stopMPdrawing}
+ % we default to nothing
+ {\vbox\bgroup
+ \forgetall
+ \dontcomplain
+ \startMPenvironment
+ \doifundefined{RotFont}{\definefont[RotFont][RegularBold]}
+ \stopMPenvironment
+ \MPtoks\emptytoks
+ \resetMPdrawing
+ \startMPdrawing
+ \includeMPgraphic{followtokens} ;
+ picture pic[] ; numeric len[], n ; n := 0 ;
+ \stopMPdrawing
+ \handletokens#1\with\processfollowingtoken
+ \startMPdrawing
+ if unknown RotPath : path RotPath ; RotPath := origin ; fi ;
+ if unknown RotColor : color RotColor ; RotColor := black ; fi ;
+ if unknown TraceRot : boolean TraceRot ; TraceRot := false ; fi ;
+ if unknown ExtraRot : numeric ExtraRot ; ExtraRot := 0 ; fi ;
+ numeric al, at, pl, wid, pos ; pair ap, ad ;
+ al := arclength RotPath ;
+ if al=0 :
+ al := len[n] + ExtraRot ;
+ RotPath := origin -- (al,0) ;
+ fi ;
+ if al<len[n]:
+ RotPath := RotPath scaled ((len[n]+ExtraRot)/al) ;
+ al := arclength RotPath ;
+ fi ;
+ pl := (al-len[n])/(if n>1 : (n-1) else : 1 fi) ;
+ if TraceRot :
+ draw RotPath withpen pencircle scaled 1pt withcolor blue ;
+ fi ;
+ for i=1 upto n :
+ wid := abs(xpart urcorner pic[i] - xpart llcorner pic[i]) ;
+ pos := len[i]-wid/2 + (i-1)*pl ;
+ at := arctime pos of RotPath ;
+ ap := point at of RotPath ;
+ ad := direction at of RotPath ;
+ draw pic[i] shifted (-wid/2,0) rotated(angle(ad)) shifted ap
+ withcolor RotColor ;
+ if TraceRot :
+ draw boundingbox
+ pic[i] shifted (-wid/2,0) rotated(angle(ad)) shifted ap
+ withpen pencircle scaled .25pt withcolor red ;
+ draw ap
+ withpen pencircle scaled .50pt withcolor green ;
+ fi ;
+ endfor ;
+ \stopMPdrawing
+ \MPdrawingdonetrue
+ \getMPdrawing
+ \resetMPdrawing
+ \egroup}
+% \followtokens
+% {This is just a dummy text, kerned by T{\kern
+% -.1667em\lower .5ex\hbox {E}}{\kern -.125emX} and typeset
+% in a circle using {\setMFPfont M}{\setMFPfont
+% E}{\setMFPfont T}{\setMFPfont A}{\setMFPfont
+% P}{\setMFPfont O}{\setMFPfont S}{\setMFPfont T}.\quad}
+ begingroup
+ save height, span, drift, d, cp ;
+ height := 3/ 5 * \baselinedistance ;
+ span := 1/ 3 * height ;
+ drift := 1/10 * height ;
+ pickup pencircle scaled (1/12 * height) ;
+ def d = (uniformdeviate drift) enddef ;
+ for i := 1 upto \MPvar{n} :
+ draw
+ if (i mod 5)=0 : ((-d-4.5span,d)--(+d-0.5span,height-d))
+ else : ((-d,+d)--(+d,height-d)) fi
+ shifted (span*i,d-drift) ;
+ endfor;
+ picture cp ; cp := currentpicture ; % for readability
+ setbounds currentpicture to
+ (llcorner cp shifted (0,-ypart llcorner cp) --
+ lrcorner cp shifted (0,-ypart lrcorner cp) --
+ urcorner cp -- ulcorner cp -- cycle) ;
+ endgroup ;
+ [fuzzycount]
+ [n=10]
+ {{\tx\useMPgraphic{fuzzycount}{n=#1}}}
+ [EnglishRule]
+ [height=1ex,
+ width=\the\localhsize, % without \the, problems in non e-tex
+ color=darkgray]
+ [EnglishRule]
+ [medium]
+ height = \MPvar{height} ;
+ x1 = 0 ; x3 = \MPvar{width} ; x2 = x4 = .5x3 ;
+ y1 = y3 = 0 ; y2 = -y4 = height/2 ;
+ fill z1..z2..z3 & z3..z4..z1 & cycle withcolor \MPvar{color} ;
+ {\startlinecorrection[EnglishRule]
+ \setlocalhsize \noindent \reuseMPgraphic{EnglishRule}
+ \stoplinecorrection}
+%D The following macro returns a tight bound character
+%D sequence.
+%D \useMPlibrary[txt]
+%D \startlinecorrection
+%D \TightText{\ss\bf 123}{0cm}{3cm}{red}
+%D \stoplinecorrection
+ {\hbox % \ruledhbox
+ {\startMPcode
+ picture p ; p := image (graphictext "#1" withfillcolor red) ;
+ draw p xsized #2 ysized #3 withcolor \MPcolor{#4} ;
+ \stopMPcode}}
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/meta-xml.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/meta-xml.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..71708a0f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/meta-xml.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=meta-xml,
+%D version=2002.11.27,
+%D title=\METAPOST\ Graphics,
+%D subtitle=XML Hacks,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus{loading}{MetaPost Graphics / XML Hacks}
+%D When we are dealing with XML, we need to make sure that
+%D \METAPOST\ knows about it. The next macro expands its
+%D argument (think of widget XFDF) into \type {\getXMLentity}
+%D calls.
+ {\bgroup
+ \enableXML
+ \expanded{\defconvertedcommand\noexpand\ascii{#2}}%
+ \expanded{\egroup\noexpand\dodoglobal\noexpand\setvalue{\@@MPT#1}{\ascii}}}
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/mult-aux.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/mult-aux.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3869a95db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/mult-aux.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=mult-aux,
+%D version=2010.08.2,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Multilingual Macros,
+%D subtitle=helpers,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D This is a subset of the \MKIV\ variant which has more comments). There
+%D is no support for attributes (fonts and color). This code is mostly
+%D meant for usage in modules that are backported from \MKIV.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Multilingual Macros / Helpers}
+%D \starttyping
+%D \unprotect
+%D \def\????aa{@@@@aa}
+%D \installparameterhandler \????aa {whatever}
+%D \installsetuphandler \????aa {whatever}
+%D \installdefinehandler \????aa {whatever} \????aa % #3 == defaultroot
+%D % \installcommandhandler \????aa {whatever} \????aa
+%D \protect
+%D % \whateverparameter \c!test
+%D % \whateverparameterhash \c!test
+%D % \namedwhateverparameter \mycurrentwhatever \c!test
+%D % \everydefinewhatever (sets \currentwhatever)
+%D % \everypresetwhatever (can be used to reset parameters as we can redefine)
+%D % \everysetupwhatever (sets \currentwhatever)
+%D \starttext
+%D \definewhatever[first] \definewhatever[second][first]
+%D test: \def\currentwhatever{first} \whateverparameter{method} \par
+%D \setupwhatever [method=unset] test: \def\currentwhatever{first} \whateverparameter{method} \par
+%D \setupwhatever[first] [method=first] test: \def\currentwhatever{first} \whateverparameter{method} \par
+%D test: \def\currentwhatever{second} \whateverparameter{method} \par
+%D \setupwhatever[second][method=second] test: \def\currentwhatever{second} \whateverparameter{method} \par
+%D \stoptext
+%D \stoptyping
+ {\def#3##1{\csname#4{#1#2}{##1}\endcsname}%
+ \def#4##1##2{\ifcsname##1##2\endcsname##1##2\else\expandafter#5\csname##1\s!parent\endcsname{##2}\fi}%
+ \def#5##1##2{\ifx##1\relax\s!empty\else#4{##1}{##2}\fi}%
+ \def#6##1##2{\csname#4{#1##1}{##2}\endcsname}%
+ \def#7##1{\detokenize\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter{\csname#1##1\endcsname}}% always root
+ \def#8{\dosetvalue{#1}}% ##1 {##2} (braces are mandate)
+ \def#9{\doletvalue{#1}}}% ##1 ##2
+ {%\message{\detokenize{#1}/\detokenize{#2}}%
+ \normalexpanded
+ {\doinstallparameterhandler
+ {\noexpand#1}% \??aa
+ \expandafter\noexpand\csname current#2\endcsname
+ \expandafter\noexpand\csname #2parameter\endcsname
+ \expandafter\noexpand\csname do#2parameter\endcsname
+ \expandafter\noexpand\csname do#2parentparameter\endcsname
+ \expandafter\noexpand\csname named#2parameter\endcsname
+ \expandafter\noexpand\csname detokenized#2parameter\endcsname
+ \expandafter\noexpand\csname doset#2parameter\endcsname
+ \expandafter\noexpand\csname dolet#2parameter\endcsname}}
+ {\def#3##1{#4{#1#2}{##1}}%
+ \def#4##1##2{\ifcsname##1##2\endcsname##1\else\expandafter#5\csname##1\s!parent\endcsname{##2}\fi}%
+ \def#5##1##2{\ifx##1\relax\else#4{##1}{##2}\fi}}
+ {\normalexpanded
+ {\doinstallparameterhashhandler
+ {\noexpand#1}% \??aa
+ \expandafter\noexpand\csname current#2\endcsname
+ \expandafter\noexpand\csname #2parameterhash\endcsname
+ \expandafter\noexpand\csname do#2parameterhash\endcsname
+ \expandafter\noexpand\csname do#2parentparameterhash\endcsname}}
+ {\unexpanded\def#2{\dotripleempty#5}%
+ \newtoks#6%
+ \newtoks#7%
+ \def#5[##1][##2][##3]% [child][parent][settings]
+ {\edef#4{##1}% % [child] [settings]
+ \the#6% predefine % [child][parent]
+ \ifthirdargument % [child]
+ \getparameters[#1#4][\s!parent=#1##2,##3]%
+ \else\ifsecondargument
+ \doifassignmentelse{##2}
+ {\getparameters[#1#4][\s!parent=#3,##2]}
+ {\getparameters[#1#4][\s!parent=#1##2]}%
+ \else
+ \getparameters[#1#4][\s!parent=#3]%
+ \fi\fi
+ \the#7}}
+ {\normalexpanded
+ {\doinstalldefinehandler
+ {\noexpand#1}% \??aa
+ \expandafter\noexpand\csname define#2\endcsname
+ {\noexpand#3}% root
+ \expandafter\noexpand\csname current#2\endcsname
+ \expandafter\noexpand\csname d@define#2\endcsname
+ \expandafter\noexpand\csname everypreset#2\endcsname
+ \expandafter\noexpand\csname everydefine#2\endcsname}}
+ {\unexpanded\def#2{\dodoubleempty#4}%
+ \newtoks#5%
+ \def#4[##1][##2]% maybe helper
+ {\ifsecondargument
+ \def\docommand####1% we will have a simple one as well
+ {\edef#3{####1}%
+ \getparameters[#1#3][##2]%
+ \the#5}%
+ \processcommalist[##1]\docommand
+ \else
+ \let#3\empty
+ \getparameters[#1][##1]%
+ \the#5%
+ \fi}}
+ {\normalexpanded
+ {\doinstallsetuphandler
+ {\noexpand#1}% \??aa
+ \expandafter\noexpand\csname setup#2\endcsname
+ \expandafter\noexpand\csname current#2\endcsname
+ \expandafter\noexpand\csname d@setup#2\endcsname
+ \expandafter\noexpand\csname everysetup#2\endcsname}}
+\unexpanded\def\installcommandhandler#1#2#3% \??self name \??parent (can be \??self)
+ {\installparameterhandler {#1}{#2}%
+ \installparameterhashhandler{#1}{#2}%
+ \installdefinehandler {#1}{#2}{#3}%
+ \installsetuphandler {#1}{#2}}
+ {\setvalue{????#1}{@@@@#1}}
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/mult-chk.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/mult-chk.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cde00fd44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/mult-chk.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=mult-chk,
+%D version=2009.04.13,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Multilingual Macros,
+%D subtitle=Checking,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Multilingual Macros / Checking}
+%D No checking in \MKII.
+\def\gobbleparameters{\doquadrupleempty\dogobbleparameters} % todo: 1,2,3,4 case
+\def\setvalidparameterkeys{\gobbleparameters} % forward reference, so no \let
+\def\addvalidparameterkeys{\gobbleparameters} % forward reference, so no \let
+\let\enablecheckparameters \relax
+\def\getcheckedparameters[#1]{\getparameters} % just ignore the checking
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/mult-com.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/mult-com.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..600819b7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/mult-com.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=mult-com,
+%D version=1996.06.01,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Multilingual Macros,
+%D subtitle=Commands,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See licen-en.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D This file has been replaced by \type {mult-def.lua} from which we
+%D generate separate interface definition files.
+% obsolete:
+% \startcommands dutch english
+% german czech
+% italian romanian
+% french
+% language: taal language
+% sprache jazyk
+% lingua limba
+% langue
+% \stopcommands
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/mult-con.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/mult-con.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7d0a47bd0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/mult-con.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=mult-con,
+%D version=2000.09.12,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Multilingual Macros,
+%D subtitle=Constants,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D This file has been replaced by \type {mult-def.lua} from which we
+%D generate separate interface definition files.
+% obsolete:
+% \startvariables dutch english
+% german czech
+% italian romanian
+% french
+% one: een one
+% eins jedna
+% uno unu
+% un
+% \stopvariables
+% \startconstants dutch english
+% german czech
+% italian romanian
+% french
+% sorttype: sortering sorttype
+% sorttype sorttype
+% sorttype sorttype
+% sorttype
+% \stopconstants
+% \startelements dutch english
+% german czech
+% italian romanian
+% french
+% begin: beginvan begin
+% anfang zacatek
+% inizio inceput
+% debut
+% \stopelements
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/mult-de.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/mult-de.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0762fadfc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/mult-de.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,1945 @@
+% this file is auto-generated, don't edit this file
+% definitions for interface variables for language de
+% definitions for interface constants for language de
+% definitions for interface elements for language de
+% definitions for interface commands for language de
+\endinput \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/mult-def.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/mult-def.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a75ef993f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/mult-def.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=mult-def,
+%D version=2008.10.22,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Multilingual Macros,
+%D subtitle=Definitions,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\def\userinterfacetag{\ifcsname @interface@\currentinterface @\endcsname\csname @interface@\currentinterface @\endcsname\else en\fi}
+\def\userresponsestag{\ifcsname @interface@\currentresponses @\endcsname\csname @interface@\currentresponses @\endcsname\else en\fi}
+\input mult-\userinterfacetag .\mksuffix \relax
+\input mult-m\userresponsestag.\mksuffix \relax
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/mult-en.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/mult-en.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a16b87a48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/mult-en.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,1945 @@
+% this file is auto-generated, don't edit this file
+% definitions for interface variables for language en
+% definitions for interface constants for language en
+% definitions for interface elements for language en
+% definitions for interface commands for language en
+\endinput \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/mult-fr.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/mult-fr.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6c71d4aad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/mult-fr.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,1945 @@
+% this file is auto-generated, don't edit this file
+% definitions for interface variables for language fr
+% definitions for interface constants for language fr
+% definitions for interface elements for language fr
+% definitions for interface commands for language fr
+\endinput \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/mult-fst.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/mult-fst.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..36c3f181f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/mult-fst.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=mult-fst,
+%D version=2006.08.16,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Multilingual Macros,
+%D subtitle=Speed Up,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+% And so, after a few years of keeping this potentially dangerous
+% speedup in cont-exp, we now move it to the kernel: the next
+% patch is 30\% faster on main interface (seconds) (9->7 sec on
+% 1 million calls). Another speed up is still under testing.
+\startinterface english
+ \def\dosetvalue #1#2{\@EA\def \csname#1#2\endcsname}
+ \def\dosetevalue #1#2{\@EA\edef\csname#1#2\endcsname}
+ \def\dosetgvalue #1#2{\@EA\gdef\csname#1#2\endcsname}
+ \def\dosetxvalue #1#2{\@EA\gdef\csname#1#2\endcsname}
+ \def\docopyvalue#1#2#3{\@EA\def \csname#1#3\@EA\endcsname\@EA{\csname#2#3\endcsname}}
+ \def\setinterfaceconstant#1#2{\setvalue{\c!prefix!#1}{#1}}
+ \def\setinterfacevariable#1#2{\setvalue{\v!prefix!#1}{#2}}
+ \def\interfaced#1{#1}
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/mult-ini.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/mult-ini.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..76f6d69f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/mult-ini.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,935 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=mult-ini,
+%D version=2008.10.22, % 1996.06.01,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Multilingual Macros,
+%D subtitle=Initialization,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D This module is a stripped down version of \type {mult-ini.tex},
+%D which we keep around as \type {mult-kep.tex} for sentimental
+%D reasons. There you will find some more historic information.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Multilingual Macros / Initialization}
+%D \macros
+%D [constanten,variabelen,commands]
+%D {v!,c!,k!,s!,e!,m!,l!,r!,f!,p!,x!,y!}
+%D In the system modules we introduced some prefixed constants,
+%D variables (both macros) and registers. Apart from a
+%D tremendous saving in terms of memory and a gain in speed we
+%D use from now on prefixes when possible for just another
+%D reason: consistency and multi||linguality. Systematically
+%D using prefixed macros enables us to implement a
+%D multi||lingual user interface. Redefining these next set of
+%D prefixes therefore can have desastrous results.
+%D \startlinecorrection
+%D \starttable[|c|c|c|]
+%D \HL
+%D \NC \bf prefix \NC \bf meaning \NC \bf application \NC\SR
+%D \HL
+%D \NC \type{\c!prefix!} \NC c! \NC constant (direct) \NC\FR
+%D \NC \type{\e!prefix!} \NC e! \NC element \NC\MR
+%D \NC \type{\f!prefix!} \NC f! \NC file \NC\MR
+%D \NC \type{\k!prefix!} \NC k! \NC constant (indirect) \NC\MR
+%D \NC \type{\l!prefix!} \NC l! \NC language \NC\MR
+%D \NC \type{\m!prefix!} \NC m! \NC message \NC\MR
+%D \NC \type{\p!prefix!} \NC p! \NC procedure \NC\MR
+%D \NC \type{\r!prefix!} \NC r! \NC reference \NC\MR
+%D \NC \type{\s!prefix!} \NC s! \NC system \NC\MR
+%D \NC \type{\v!prefix!} \NC v! \NC variable \NC\MR
+%D \HL
+%D \stoptable
+%D \stoplinecorrection
+%D In the single||lingual version we used \type{!}, \type{!!},
+%D \type{!!!} and \type{!!!!}.
+\def\c!prefix!{c!} \def\e!prefix!{e!} \def\f!prefix!{f!}
+\def\k!prefix!{k!} \def\l!prefix!{l!} \def\m!prefix!{m!}
+\def\p!prefix!{p!} \def\r!prefix!{r!} \def\s!prefix!{s!}
+\def\v!prefix!{v!} \def\t!prefix!{t!}
+%D \macros
+%D [constants,variables,commands]
+%D {@@,??}
+%D Variables generated by the system can be recognized on their
+%D prefix \type{@@}. They are composed of a command (class)
+%D specific tag, which can be recognized on \type{??}, and a
+%D system constant, which has the prefix \type{c!}. We'll se
+%D some more of this.
+\def\??prefix {??}
+\def\@@prefix {@@}
+%D Just to be complete we repeat some of the already defined
+%D system constants here. Maybe their prefix \type{\s!} now
+%D falls into place.
+\def\s!next {next} \def\s!default {default}
+\def\s!dummy {dummy} \def\s!unknown {unknown}
+\def\s!do {do} \def\s!dodo {dodo}
+\def\s!complex {complex} \def\s!start {start}
+\def\s!simple {simple} \def\s!stop {stop}
+%D The word \type{height} takes 6~token memory cells. The
+%D control sequence \type{\height} on the other hand uses only
+%D one. Knowing this, we can improve the performance of \TEX,
+%D both is terms of speed and memory usage, by using control
+%D sequences instead of the words written in full.
+%D Where in the \ASCII\ file the second lines takes nine extra
+%D characters, \TEX\ saves us 13~tokens.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \hrule width 10pt height 2pt depth 1pt
+%D \hrule \!!width 10pt \!!height 2pt \!!depth 1pt
+%D \stoptyping
+%D One condition is that we have defined \type{\!!height},
+%D \type{\!!width} and \type{\!!depth} as respectively
+%D \type{height}, \type{width} and \type{depth}. Using this
+%D scheme therefore only makes sense when a token sequence is
+%D used more than once. Savings like this should of course be
+%D implemented in english, just because \TEX\ is english.
+\def\!!width {width}
+\def\!!height {height}
+\def\!!depth {depth}
+\def\!!plus {plus}
+\def\!!minus {minus}
+\def\!!fill {fill}
+\def\!!to {to}
+%D \macros
+%D {defineinterfaceconstant,
+%D defineinterfacevariable,
+%D defineinterfaceelement,
+%D definesystemvariable,
+%D definesystemconstant,
+%D definemessageconstant,
+%D definereferenceconstant,
+%D definefileconstant}
+%D The first part of this module is dedicated to dealing with
+%D multi||lingual constants and variables. When \CONTEXT\ grew
+%D bigger and bigger in terms of bytes and used string space,
+%D we switched to predefined constants. At the cost of more
+%D hash table entries, the macros not only becase more compact,
+%D they became much faster too. Maybe an even bigger advantage
+%D was that mispelling could no longer lead to problems. Even a
+%D multi||lingual interface became possible.
+%D Constants --- we'll introduce the concept of variables later
+%D on --- are preceded by a type specific prefix, followed by a
+%D \type{!}. To force consistency, we provide a few commands
+%D for defining such constants.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \defineinterfaceconstant {name} {meaning}
+%D \defineinterfacevariable {name} {meaning}
+%D \defineinterfaceelement {name} {meaning}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Which is the same as:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\c!name{meaning}
+%D \def\v!name{meaning}
+%D \def\e!name{meaning}
+%D \stoptyping
+\def\defineinterfaceconstant #1#2{\setvalue{\c!prefix!#1}{#2}}
+\def\defineinterfacevariable #1#2{\setvalue{\v!prefix!#1}{#2}}
+\def\defineinterfaceelement #1#2{\setvalue{\e!prefix!#1}{#2}}
+%D Next come some interface independant constants:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \definereferenceconstant {name} {meaning}
+%D \definefileconstant {name} {meaning}
+%D \stoptyping
+\def\definereferenceconstant #1#2{\setvalue{\r!prefix!#1}{#2}}
+\def\definefileconstant #1#2{\setvalue{\f!prefix!#1}{#2}}
+%D A new one:
+%D And finaly we have the one argument, space saving constants
+%D \starttyping
+%D \definesystemconstant {name}
+%D \definemessageconstant {name}
+%D \stoptyping
+\def\definesystemconstant #1{\setvalue{\s!prefix!#1}{#1}}
+\def\definemessageconstant #1{\setvalue{\m!prefix!#1}{#1}}
+%D In a parameter driven system, some parameters are shared
+%D by more system components. In \CONTEXT\ we can distinguish
+%D parameters by a unique prefix. Such a prefix is defined
+%D with:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \definesystemvariable {name}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D \macros
+%D {selectinterface,
+%D defaultinterface, currentinterface, currentresponses}
+%D With \type{\selectinterface} we specify the language we are
+%D going to use. The system asks for the language wanted, and
+%D defaults to \type{\currentinterface} when we just give
+%D \type{enter}. By default the message system uses the
+%D current interface language, but \type{\currentresponses}
+%D can specify another language too.
+%D Because we want to generate formats directly too, we do
+%D not ask for interface specifications when these are already
+%D defined (like in cont-nl.tex and alike).
+ \def\defaultinterface{english}
+ \def\selectinterface
+ {\def\docommand##1##2%
+ {\bgroup
+ \endlinechar\minusone
+ \global\read16 to ##1
+ \egroup
+ \doifnothing\currentinterface{\let##1=##2}%
+ \doifundefined{\s!prefix!##1}{\let##1=##2}}%
+ \docommand\currentinterface\defaultinterface
+ \writestatus{interface}{defining \currentinterface\space interface}%
+ \writeline
+ \docommand\currentresponses\currentinterface
+ \writestatus{interface}{using \currentresponses\space messages}%
+ \writeline
+ \let\selectinterface\relax}
+ \def\selectinterface
+ {\writestatus{interface}{defining \currentinterface\space interface}%
+ \writeline
+ \writestatus{interface}{using \currentresponses\space messages}%
+ \writeline
+ \let\selectinterface\relax}
+\ifx\currentinterface\undefined \let\currentinterface=\defaultinterface \fi
+\ifx\currentresponses\undefined \let\currentresponses=\defaultinterface \fi
+%D \macros
+%D {startinterface}
+%D Sometimes we want to define things only for specific
+%D interface languages. This can be done by means of the
+%D selector:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \startinterface language
+%D language specific definitions & commands
+%D \stopinterface
+%D \stoptyping
+\def\startinterface #1
+ {\doifnot{#1}{all}{\doifnotinset\currentinterface{#1}{\gobbleuntil\stopinterface}}}
+%D \macros
+%D {startmessages,
+%D getmessage,
+%D showmessage,
+%D makemessage}
+%D A package as large as \CONTEXT\ can hardly function without
+%D a decent message mechanism. Due to its multi||lingual
+%D interface, the message subsystem has to be multi||lingual
+%D too. A major drawback of this feature is that we have to
+%D code messages. As a result, the source becomes less self
+%D documented. On the other hand, consistency will improve.
+%D Because the overhead in terms of entries in the (already
+%D exhausted) hash table has to be minimal, messages are packed
+%D in libraries. We can extract a message from such a library
+%D in three ways:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \getmessage {library} {tag}
+%D \showmessage {library} {tag} {data}
+%D \makemessage {library} {tag} {data}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The first command gets the message \type{tag} from the
+%D \type{library} specified. The other commands take an extra
+%D argument: a list of items to be inserted in the message
+%D text. While \type{\showmessage} shows the message at the
+%D terminal, the other commands generate the message as text.
+%D Before we explain the \type{data} argument, we give an
+%D example of a library.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \startmessages english library: alfa
+%D title: something
+%D 1: first message
+%D 2: second (--) message --
+%D \stopmessages
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The first message is a simple one and can be shown with:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \showmessage {alfa} {1} {}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The second message on the other hand needs some extra data:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \showmessage {alfa} {2} {and last,to you}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D This message is shown as:
+%D \starttyping
+%D something : second (and last) message to you
+%D \stoptyping
+%D As we can see, the title entry is shown with the message.
+%D The data fields are comma separated and are specified in the
+%D message text by \type{--}.
+%D It is not required to define all messages in a library at
+%D once. We can add messages to a library in the following way:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \startmessages english library: alfa
+%D 10: tenth message
+%D \stopmessages
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Because such definitions can take place in different
+%D modules, the system gives a warning when a tag occurs more
+%D than once. The first occurrence takes preference over later
+%D ones, so we had better use a save offset, as shown in the
+%D example. As we can see, the title field is specified only
+%D the first time!
+%D Because we want to check for duplicate tags, the macros
+%D are a bit more complicated than neccessary. The \NEWLINE\
+%D token is used as message separator.
+%D For internal purposes one can use \type {\setmessagetext},
+%D which puts the message text asked for in \type
+%D {\currentmessagetext}.
+ {\let#2\empty
+ \def\dofindinterfacemessage##1 #1: ##2\relax##3\end{\def#2{##2}}%
+ \edef\!!stringa{\getvalue{\??ms\currentmessagelibrary} #1: \relax}%
+ \expandafter\dofindinterfacemessage\!!stringa\end}
+ {\def\docomposemessagetext##1,##2,##3,##4,##5,##6,##7,##8,##9\\%
+ {\edef\currentmessagetext{#1##1#2##2#3##3#4##4#5##5#6##6#7##7#8##8}}%
+ \docomposemessagetext}
+ {\def\currentmessagelibrary{#1}%
+ \findinterfacemessage{#2}\currentmessagetext}
+ {\def\currentmessagelibrary{#1}%
+ \findinterfacemessage{#2}\currentmessagetext
+ \currentmessagetext}
+ {\def\currentmessagelibrary{#1}%
+ \findinterfacemessage{#2}\currentmessagetext
+ \@EA\composemessagetext\currentmessagetext----------------\\#3,,,,,,,,\\%
+ \currentmessagetext}
+ {\def\currentmessagelibrary{#1}%
+ \findinterfacemessage{#2}\currentmessagetext
+ \findinterfacemessage{title}\currentmessagetitle
+ \ifx\currentmessagetext\empty
+ \def\currentmessagetext{<unknown message #2>}%
+ \else
+ \@EA\composemessagetext\currentmessagetext----------------\\#3,,,,,,,,\\%
+ \fi
+ \@EA\writestatus\@EA{\currentmessagetitle}{\currentmessagetext}}
+ {\findinterfacemessage{#1}\currentmessagetext
+ \doifelsenothing\currentmessagetext
+ {\setxvalue{\??ms\currentmessagelibrary}%
+ {\getvalue{\??ms\currentmessagelibrary} #1: #2\relax}}
+ {\debuggerinfotrue % we consider this an important error
+ \debuggerinfo
+ {message}
+ {duplicate tag #1
+ in library \currentmessagelibrary\space
+ of interface \currentresponses}}%
+ \futurelet\next\getinterfacemessage}
+\gdef\addinterfacemessage#1: #2
+ {\doaddinterfacemessage{#1}{#2}}%
+ {\ifx\next\stopmessages
+ \egroup\expandafter\gobbleoneargument
+ \else
+ \expandafter\addinterfacemessage
+ \fi}
+\let\stopmessages\undefined % for dep checker
+\def\startmessages #1 library: #2
+ {\definemessageconstant{#2}% handy for modules
+ \bgroup
+ \obeylines
+ \doifinsetelse{#1}{\currentresponses,all}
+ {\def\next
+ {\def\currentmessagelibrary{#2}%
+ \doifundefined{\??ms\currentmessagelibrary}
+ {\letgvalueempty{\??ms\currentmessagelibrary}}%
+ \futurelet\next\getinterfacemessage}}
+ {\long\def\next##1\stopmessages{\egroup}}%
+ \next}
+%D Here, the messages are stored in a way that saves hash
+%D entries, i.e. they are packed in one macro per library.
+%D This was important in the days when we used \TEX's with
+%D hash tables of about 10.000. The next, less efficient way
+%D of storing the message, makes \CONTEXT\ run upto 5\%
+%D faster by storing each message in a macro. In July 2000,
+%D this costs some 185 additional hash entries, and since
+%D we run large \TEX's, let do it!
+\def\startmessages #1 library: #2
+ {\definemessageconstant{#2}% handy for modules
+ \bgroup
+ \obeylines
+ \ifcsname\m!prefix!#2\endcsname\else\setgvalue{\m!prefix!#2}{#2}\fi
+ \doifinsetelse{#1}{\currentresponses,all}
+ {\def\next
+ {\def\currentmessagelibrary{#2}%
+ \futurelet\next\getinterfacemessage}}
+ {\long\def\next##1\stopmessages{\egroup}}%
+ \next}
+ {\edef#2{\getvalue{\??ms\currentmessagelibrary#1}}}
+ {\doifdefined{\??ms\currentmessagelibrary#1}
+ {\debuggerinfotrue % we consider this an important error
+ \debuggerinfo
+ {message}
+ {duplicate tag #1
+ in library \currentmessagelibrary\space
+ of interface \currentresponses}}%
+ \setxvalue{\??ms\currentmessagelibrary#1}{#2}%
+ \futurelet\next\getinterfacemessage}
+ {\ifcsname\m!prefix!#1\endcsname\else\setgvalue{\m!prefix!#1}{#1}\fi
+ \expandafter\def\csname\??ms#1#2\endcsname{#3}}
+%D \macros
+%D {ifshowwarnings, ifshowmessages}
+%D Sometimes displaying message can slow down processing
+%D considerably. We therefore introduce warnings. Users can
+%D turn of warnings and messages by saying:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \showwarningstrue
+%D \showmessagestrue
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Turning off messages also turns off warnings, which is
+%D quote logical because they are less important.
+% not yet mkiv
+\newif\ifshowwarnings \showwarningstrue
+\newif\ifshowmessages \showmessagestrue
+ {\ifshowwarnings
+ \expandafter\showmessage
+ \else
+ \expandafter\gobblethreearguments
+ \fi}
+ {\ifshowmessages
+ \expandafter\normalshowmessage
+ \else
+ \expandafter\gobblethreearguments
+ \fi}
+%D \macros
+%D {dosetvalue,dosetevalue,dosetgvalue,dosetxvalue,docopyvalue,doresetvalue} % dogetvalue
+%D We already defined these auxiliary macros in the system
+%D modules. Starting with this module however, we have to take
+%D multi||linguality a bit more serious.
+ {\dosetvalue{#1}{#2}{}}
+ {\dosetvalue{#1}{#2}{}}
+ {\let\c!internal!\c!internal!n
+ \ifcsname\k!prefix!#2\endcsname
+ \let\c!internal!\c!internal!y
+ \@EA\def\csname#1\csname\k!prefix!#2\endcsname%\endcsname
+ \else
+ \let\c!internal!\c!internal!y
+ \@EA\def\csname#1#2%\endcsname
+ \fi\endcsname}
+ {\let\c!internal!\c!internal!n
+ \ifcsname\k!prefix!#2\endcsname
+ \let\c!internal!\c!internal!y
+ \@EA\edef\csname#1\csname\k!prefix!#2\endcsname%\endcsname
+ \else
+ \let\c!internal!\c!internal!y
+ \@EA\edef\csname#1#2%\endcsname
+ \fi\endcsname}
+ {\let\c!internal!\c!internal!n
+ \ifcsname\k!prefix!#2\endcsname
+ \let\c!internal!\c!internal!y
+ \@EA\gdef\csname#1\csname\k!prefix!#2\endcsname%\endcsname
+ \else
+ \let\c!internal!\c!internal!y
+ \@EA\gdef\csname#1#2%\endcsname
+ \fi\endcsname}
+ {\let\c!internal!\c!internal!n
+ \ifcsname\k!prefix!#2\endcsname
+ \let\c!internal!\c!internal!y
+ \@EA\xdef\csname#1\csname\k!prefix!#2\endcsname%\endcsname
+ \else
+ \let\c!internal!\c!internal!y
+ \@EA\xdef\csname#1#2%\endcsname
+ \fi\endcsname}
+\def\docopyvalue#1#2#3% real tricky expansion, quite unreadable
+ {\let\c!internal!\c!internal!n
+ \ifcsname\k!prefix!#3\endcsname
+ \let\c!internal!\c!internal!y
+ \@EA\def\csname#1\csname\k!prefix!#3\endcsname
+ \@EA\endcsname\@EA{\csname#2\csname\k!prefix!#3\endcsname\endcsname}%
+ \else
+ \let\c!internal!\c!internal!y
+ \@EA\def\csname#1#3\@EA\endcsname\@EA{\csname#2#3\endcsname}%
+ \fi}
+%D We can now redefine some messages that will be
+%D introduced in the multi||lingual system module.
+\def\showassignerror #1#2{\showmessage\m!check1{#1,#2}\waitonfatalerror}
+\def\showdefinederror #1#2{\showmessage\m!check3{#1,#2}\waitonfatalerror}
+%D \CONTEXT\ is a parameter driven package. This means that
+%D users instruct the system by means of variables, values and
+%D keywords. These instructions take the form:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \setupsomething[some variable=some value, another one=a keyword]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D or by keyword only:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \dosomething[this way,that way,no way]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Because the same variables can occur in more than one setup
+%D command, we have to be able to distinguish them. This is
+%D achieved by assigning them a unique prefix.
+%D Imagine a setup command for boxed text, that enables us to
+%D specify the height and width of the box. Behide the scenes
+%D the command
+%D \starttyping
+%D \setupbox [width=12cm, height=3cm]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D results in something like
+%D \starttyping
+%D \<box><width> {12cm}
+%D \<box><height> {3cm}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D while a similar command for specifying the page dimensions
+%D of an \cap{A4} page results in:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \<page><width> {21.0cm}
+%D \<page><height> {27.9cm}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The prefixes \type{<box>} and \type{<page>} are hidden from
+%D users and can therefore be language independant. Variables
+%D on the other hand, differ for each language:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \<box><color> {<blue>}
+%D \<box><kleur> {<blauw>}
+%D \<box><couleur> {<blue>}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D In this example we can see that the assigned values or
+%D keywords are language dependant too. This will be a
+%D complication when defining multi||lingual setup files.
+%D A third phenomena is that variables and values can have a
+%D similar meaning.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \<pagenumber><location> {<left>}
+%D \<skip><left> {12cm}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D A (minor) complication is that where in english we use
+%D \type{<left>}, in dutch we find both \type{<links>} and
+%D \type{<linker>}. This means that when we use some sort of
+%D translation table, we have to distinguish between the
+%D variables at the left side and the fixed values at the
+%D right.
+%D The same goes for commands that are composed of different
+%D user supplied and/or language specific elements. In english
+%D we can use:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \<empty><figure>
+%D \<empty><intermezzo>
+%D \stoptyping
+%D But in dutch we have the following:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \<lege><figuur>
+%D \<leeg><intermezzo>
+%D \stoptyping
+%D These subtle differences automatically lead to a solution
+%D where variables, values, elements and other components have
+%D a similar logical name (used in macro's) but a different
+%D meaning (supplied by the user).
+%D Our solution is one in which the whole system is programmed
+%D in terms of identifiers with language specific meanings. In
+%D such an implementation, each fixed variable is available as:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \<prefix><variable>
+%D \stoptyping
+%D This means that for instance:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \setupbox[width=12cm]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D expands to something like:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\boxwidth{12cm}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D because we don't want to recode the source, a setup command
+%D in another language has to expand to this variable, so:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \setupblock[width=12cm]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D has to result in the definition of \type{\boxwidth} too.
+%D This method enables us to build compact, fast and readable
+%D code.
+%D An alternative method, which we considered using, uses a
+%D more indirect way. In this case, both calls generate a
+%D different variable:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\boxwidth {12cm}
+%D \def\boxbreedte {12cm}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D And because we don't want to recode those megabytes of
+%D already developed code, this variable has to be called with
+%D something like:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \valueof\box\width
+%D \stoptyping
+%D where \type{\valueof} takes care of the translation of
+%D \type{width} or \type{breedte} to \type{width} and
+%D combining this with \type{box} to \type{\boxwidth}.
+%D One advantage of this other scheme is that, within certain
+%D limits, we can implement an interface that can be switched
+%D to another language at will, while the current approach
+%D fixes the interface at startup. There are, by the way,
+%D other reasons too for not choosing this scheme. Switching
+%D user generated commands is for instance impossible and a
+%D dual interface would therefore give a strange mix of
+%D languages.
+%D Now let's work out the first scheme. Although the left hand
+%D of the assignment is a variable from the users point of
+%D view, it is a constant in terms of the system. Both
+%D \type{width} and \type{breedte} expand to \type{width}
+%D because in the source we only encounter \type{width}. Such
+%D system constants are presented as
+%D \starttyping
+%D \c!width
+%D \stoptyping
+%D This constant is always equivalent to \type{width}. As we
+%D can see, we use \type{c!} to mark this one as constant. Its
+%D dutch counterpart is:
+%D \starttyping
+%D breedte
+%D \stoptyping
+%D When we interpret a setup command each variable is
+%D translated to it's \type{c!} counterpart. This means that
+%D \type{breedte} and \type{width} expand to \type{breedte}
+%D and \type{\c!width} which both expand to \type{width}. That
+%D way user variables become system constants.
+%D The interpretation is done by means of a general setup
+%D command \type{\getparameters} that we introduced in the
+%D system module. Let us define some simple setup command:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\setupbox[#1]%
+%D {\getparameters[\??bx][#1]}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D This command can be used as:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \setupbox [width=3cm, height=1cm]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Afterwards we have two variables \type{\@@bxwidth} and
+%D \type{\@@bxheight} which have the values \type{3cm} and
+%D \type{1cm} assigned. These variables are a combinatiom of
+%D the setup prefix \type{\??bx}, which expands to \type{@@bx}
+%D and the translated user supplied variables \type{width} and
+%D \type{height} or \type{breedte} and \type{hoogte},
+%D depending on the actual language. In dutch we just say:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \setupblock [width=3cm, height=1cm]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D and get ourselves \type{\@@bxwidth} and \type{\@@bxheight}
+%D too. In the source of \CONTEXT, we can recognize constants
+%D and variables on their leading \type{c!}, \type{v!} etc.,
+%D prefixes on \type{??} and composed variables on \type{@@}.
+%D We already saw that user supplied keywords need some
+%D special treatment too. This time we don't translate the
+%D keyword, but instead use in the source a variable which
+%D meaning depends on the interface language.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \v!left
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Which can be used in macro's like:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \processaction
+%D [\@@bxlocation]
+%D [ \v!left=>\dosomethingontheleft,
+%D \v!middle=>\dosomthinginthemiddle,
+%D \v!right=>\dosomethingontheright]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Because variables like \type{\@@bxlocation} can have a lot
+%D of meanings, including tricky expandable tokens, we cannot
+%D translate this meaning when we compare. This means that
+%D \type{\@@bxlocation} can be \type{left} of \type{links} of
+%D whatever meaning suits the language. But because
+%D \type{\v!left} also has a meaning that suits the language,
+%D we are able to compare.
+%D Although we know it sounds confusing we want to state two
+%D important characteristics of the interface as described:
+%D \startnarrower \em
+%D user variables become system constants
+%D \stopnarrower
+%D and
+%D \startnarrower \em
+%D user constants (keywords) become system variables
+%D \stopnarrower
+%D Anno 2003 I've forgotten why the \type {\c!internal} is
+%D still in there; it's probably a left over from an experiment.
+\let\c!internal!y \string
+\def\c!internal!n {-}
+\let\c!internal! \c!internal!y
+ {\setvalue{\c!prefix!#1}{\c!internal!#1}%
+ \setvalue{\k!prefix!#2}{#1}}
+ {\setvalue{\v!prefix!#1}{#2}}
+%D \macros
+%D {defineinterfaceconstant}
+%D Next we redefine a previously defined macro to take care of
+%D interface translation too. It's a bit redundant, because
+%D in these situations we could use the c||version, but for
+%D documentation purposes the x||alternative comes in handy.
+ {\setvalue{\c!prefix!#1}{#2}}
+%D \macros
+%D {startelements}
+%D Due to the object oriented nature of \CONTEXT, we also need
+%D to define the elements that are used to build commands.
+%D Such elements sometimes are the same in diferent
+%D languages, but mostly they differ. Things can get even
+%D confusing when we look at for instance the setup commands.
+%D In english we say \type{\setup<something>}, but in dutch we
+%D have: \type{\stel<iets>in}. Such split elements are no
+%D problem, because we just define two elements. When no second
+%D part is needed, we use a \type{-}:
+ {\ifcsname\e!prefix!#1\endcsname
+ \doifnotvalue{\e!prefix!#1}{#2}{\setvalue{\e!prefix!#1}{#2}}%
+ \else
+ \setvalue{\e!prefix!#1}{#2}%
+ \fi}
+ {\doifnot{#1}{#2}{\@EA\def\csname#2\@EA\endcsname\@EA{\csname#1\endcsname}}}% or just \let ?
+%D We just ignore these:
+\def\startelements {\gobbleuntil\stopelements}
+\def\startcommands {\gobbleuntil\stopcommands}
+%D \macros
+%D {interfaced}
+%D The setup commands translate the constants automatically.
+%D When we want to translate 'by hand' we can use the simple
+%D but effective command:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \interfaced {something}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Giving \type{\interfaced{breedte}} results in \type{width}
+%D or, when not defined, in \type{breedte} itself. This
+%D macro is used in the font switching mechanism.
+ {\ifcsname\k!prefix!#1\endcsname
+ \csname\k!prefix!#1\endcsname
+ \else
+ #1%
+ \fi}
+%D So much for the basic multi||lingual interface commands. The
+%D macro's can be enhanced with more testing facilities, but
+%D for the moment they suffice.
+%D Out of convenience we define the banners here.
+ {ConTeXt \space
+ ver: \contextversion \space \contextmark \space \space
+ fmt: \formatversion \space \space
+ int: \currentinterface/\currentresponses}
+ {\writeline\writebanner{\contextbanner}\writeline}
+ {\the\normalyear.\the\normalmonth.\the\normalday}
+ \def\contextversion {unknown}
+ \def\contextversionnumber{0}
+ \def\contextversionnumber#1.#2.#3 #4:#5\relax{#1\ifnum#2<10 0\fi#2\ifnum#3<10 0\fi#3 #4:#5}
+ \edef\contextversionnumber{\expandafter\contextversionnumber\contextversion\relax\space\contextmark}
+ \newtoks\everydump
+ \def\dump{\the\everydump\normaldump}
+\appendtoks \showcontextbanner \to \everydump
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/mult-it.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/mult-it.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a875555bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/mult-it.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,1945 @@
+% this file is auto-generated, don't edit this file
+% definitions for interface variables for language it
+% definitions for interface constants for language it
+% definitions for interface elements for language it
+% definitions for interface commands for language it
+\endinput \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/mult-mcs.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/mult-mcs.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c733798e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/mult-mcs.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{1}{neznama reference --}
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{30}{neznamy objekt --}
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{3}{neznamy typ reference --}
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{2}{duplicitni reference -- na strane --}
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{5}{number of unknown references: --}
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{4}{nedovolena reference --}
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{6}{number of illegal references: --}
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{25}{references from document '--' are not imported (export again)}
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{24}{references from document '--' are not exported}
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{26}{references from document '--' are imported}
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{31}{duplicitni object --}
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{21}{dokument -- nacten}
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{22}{dokument -- neni interaktivni}
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{23}{obskurni (nejasna) reference -- (prefix=--)}
+\setinterfacemessage{documents}{1}{sheet --}
+\setinterfacemessage{documents}{2}{number --}
+\setinterfacemessage{handlings}{1}{font handling --}
+\setinterfacemessage{handlings}{3}{unknown font handling --}
+\setinterfacemessage{handlings}{2}{font handling -- is loaded}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{41}{externi soubor -- ve skupine -- neexistuje}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{9}{-- nenalezeno/nezpracovano}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{91}{papertray --}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{8}{nova verze pomocneho souboru, je treba druheho behu}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{21}{pomocny soubor necten}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{20}{vyznam (trideni) -- nacten}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{5}{makra z -- nactena}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{4}{prikaz -- je jiz definovan}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{24}{plovouci bloky}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{1}{nacteni pomocneho souboru odlozeno (typemode)}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{23}{-- upraveno na --}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{22}{pouzijte platny pomocny soubor}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{2}{-- nacteno}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{19}{vyznam (synonyma) -- nacten}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{18}{synonymum -- -- neexistuje}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{7}{makra z -- jsou jiz nactena}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{6}{zadna makra v -- nenalezena}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{14}{vynucena nova stranka v seznamu na --}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{15}{uklada se buffer --}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{16}{sazi se buffer --}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{17}{sazi se doslovny (verbatim) buffer --}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{13}{znacka -- definovana --}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{12}{pomosny soubor neni setriden, pouzijte texutil}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{11}{vytvarim jednoduchy pomocny soubor}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{10}{nepouzivejte em v --}
+\setinterfacemessage{floatblocks}{1}{-- precislovano / -- => --}
+\setinterfacemessage{floatblocks}{3}{-- presunuto}
+\setinterfacemessage{floatblocks}{2}{-- ulozeno}
+\setinterfacemessage{floatblocks}{5}{poradi prizpusobeno}
+\setinterfacemessage{floatblocks}{4}{-- umisteno}
+\setinterfacemessage{floatblocks}{7}{pocet spodnich plovoucich objektu je omezen na --}
+\setinterfacemessage{floatblocks}{6}{pocet hornich plovoucich objektu je omezen na --}
+\setinterfacemessage{floatblocks}{9}{poradi naruseno}
+\setinterfacemessage{floatblocks}{8}{radku je mene nez --}
+\setinterfacemessage{floatblocks}{13}{there is nothing to split}
+\setinterfacemessage{floatblocks}{11}{nedan zadny blok}
+\setinterfacemessage{floatblocks}{10}{-- omezeno}
+\setinterfacemessage{interactions}{1}{pomer -- x -- (s x v)}
+\setinterfacemessage{interactions}{5}{unknown attachment --}
+\setinterfacemessage{interactions}{4}{zadna strankova synchronizace (--) v hmode}
+\setinterfacemessage{interactions}{6}{attachment file -- does not exist}
+\setinterfacemessage{interactions}{21}{-- kod vlozen}
+\setinterfacemessage{regimes}{1}{kodovani --}
+\setinterfacemessage{regimes}{3}{nezname kodovani --}
+\setinterfacemessage{regimes}{2}{je nacteno kodovani --}
+\setinterfacemessage{structures}{1}{zacatek oddilu (sekce) --}
+\setinterfacemessage{structures}{2}{konec oddilu (sekce) --}
+\setinterfacemessage{linguals}{1}{vzory -- pro -- nacteny (n=--,e=--,m=--)}
+\setinterfacemessage{linguals}{3}{deleni slov -- pro -- nacteno (n=--,e=--,m=--)}
+\setinterfacemessage{linguals}{2}{zadne vzory -- pro -- (n=--,e=--,m=--) (--,--)}
+\setinterfacemessage{linguals}{5}{vzory pro -- nenacteny}
+\setinterfacemessage{linguals}{4}{zadne deleni slov -- pro -- (n=--,e=--,m=--)}
+\setinterfacemessage{linguals}{7}{specificke volby jazyka [--] zavadeji -- (zavlecenou) mezeru}
+\setinterfacemessage{linguals}{6}{jazyk -- neni definovan}
+\setinterfacemessage{linguals}{9}{language -- is active}
+\setinterfacemessage{linguals}{8}{specificke volby jazyka [--] bez mezer pripojeny}
+\setinterfacemessage{linguals}{10}{vzory -- nacteny}
+\setinterfacemessage{verbatims}{1}{soubor -- neexistuje}
+\setinterfacemessage{filters}{1}{filter -- is loaded}
+\setinterfacemessage{filters}{2}{unknown filter --}
+\setinterfacemessage{textblocks}{1}{nova verze, je treba druhy beh}
+\setinterfacemessage{textblocks}{3}{ctu bloky z --}
+\setinterfacemessage{textblocks}{2}{zapisuji bloky do --}
+\setinterfacemessage{textblocks}{5}{-- neni skryto}
+\setinterfacemessage{textblocks}{4}{je treba druhy beh}
+\setinterfacemessage{textblocks}{7}{-- skryto}
+\setinterfacemessage{textblocks}{6}{-- skryto a zpracovano}
+\setinterfacemessage{textblocks}{9}{-- nevysazeno}
+\setinterfacemessage{textblocks}{8}{-- vysazeno}
+\setinterfacemessage{textblocks}{12}{-- preskoceno}
+\setinterfacemessage{textblocks}{11}{-- nacteno a vysazeno}
+\setinterfacemessage{textblocks}{10}{-- nacteno a zpracovano}
+\setinterfacemessage{encodings}{1}{kodovani --}
+\setinterfacemessage{encodings}{3}{nezname kodovani --}
+\setinterfacemessage{encodings}{2}{je nacteno kodovani --}
+\setinterfacemessage{columns}{1}{je mozno pouze -- sloupcu}
+\setinterfacemessage{columns}{3}{problem, vypina se vyvazovani}
+\setinterfacemessage{columns}{2}{pouzijte \string\filbreak\space jako alternativu}
+\setinterfacemessage{columns}{5}{spodni plovouci objekt jeste neni podporovan}
+\setinterfacemessage{columns}{4}{horni plovouci objekt jeste neni podporovan}
+\setinterfacemessage{columns}{7}{vyvazovani ukonceno po 100 krocich}
+\setinterfacemessage{columns}{6}{-- plovouci objekt(y) odlozeny}
+\setinterfacemessage{columns}{9}{kontrola nerovnost}
+\setinterfacemessage{columns}{8}{vyvazeno v -- krocich}
+\setinterfacemessage{columns}{13}{siroky plovouci objekt je presunut nad sloupce}
+\setinterfacemessage{columns}{12}{plovouci objekt je presunut do nasledujiciho sloupce / --}
+\setinterfacemessage{columns}{11}{plovouci objekt je pro sloupec prilis siroky}
+\setinterfacemessage{columns}{10}{zbyl (mene nez) 1 radek}
+\setinterfacemessage{symbols}{1}{nacita se soubor symbolu --}
+\setinterfacemessage{files}{1}{synonymum souboru -- je jiz pouzito pro --}
+\setinterfacemessage{versions}{1}{postradam @+}
+\setinterfacemessage{versions}{3}{oznacene strany: --}
+\setinterfacemessage{versions}{2}{oznacuji se strany}
+\setinterfacemessage{specials}{1}{-- nacteno}
+\setinterfacemessage{specials}{3}{-- je resetovano}
+\setinterfacemessage{specials}{2}{neni dovoleno hlubsi zanoreni --}
+\setinterfacemessage{specials}{5}{nacita se definicni soubor --}
+\setinterfacemessage{specials}{4}{prikaz -- neexistuje}
+\setinterfacemessage{specials}{7}{neznamy ovladac (driver) --}
+\setinterfacemessage{specials}{6}{zanoreni neni dovoleno}
+\setinterfacemessage{layouts}{1}{vyska textu prizpusobena s -- na strane --}
+\setinterfacemessage{layouts}{3}{-- krat text odlozen}
+\setinterfacemessage{layouts}{2}{-- krat odlozeny text umisten}
+\setinterfacemessage{layouts}{5}{okrajove bloky neaktivni}
+\setinterfacemessage{layouts}{4}{okrajove bloky aktivni}
+\setinterfacemessage{layouts}{7}{pocita se misto pro logo}
+\setinterfacemessage{layouts}{6}{sada stran -- zpracovana (velikost --)}
+\setinterfacemessage{layouts}{9}{aktualne ne vice nez -- urovne/urovni vyctu}
+\setinterfacemessage{layouts}{8}{pocita se pozadi}
+\setinterfacemessage{layouts}{11}{svisla mezera -- neni povolena v pevnem radkovem rejstriku}
+\setinterfacemessage{layouts}{10}{-- a -- nedava dohromady 1.0}
+\setinterfacemessage{fonts}{1}{kodovani --}
+\setinterfacemessage{fonts}{3}{neznama varianta --}
+\setinterfacemessage{fonts}{2}{varianta -- je nactena}
+\setinterfacemessage{fonts}{5}{styl -- neni definovan}
+\setinterfacemessage{fonts}{4}{zakladni font -- neni definovan}
+\setinterfacemessage{fonts}{7}{neznamy format --}
+\setinterfacemessage{fonts}{6}{-- je nacten}
+\setinterfacemessage{fonts}{14}{bodyfont -- is defined (can better be done global)}
+\setinterfacemessage{fonts}{8}{styl -- definovan}
+\setinterfacemessage{fonts}{10}{neznamy font --}
+\setinterfacemessage{databases}{3}{global file --}
+\setinterfacemessage{databases}{2}{local file --}
+\setinterfacemessage{databases}{4}{unknown file --}
+\setinterfacemessage{publications}{1}{file -- not found, unknown style ignored}
+\setinterfacemessage{publications}{3}{wrote a new auxiliary file \jobname.aux}
+\setinterfacemessage{publications}{2}{file -- not found, waiting for bibtex}
+\setinterfacemessage{publications}{4}{loading database from --}
+\setinterfacemessage{publications}{5}{warning: cite argument -- on line \the\inputlineno}
+\setinterfacemessage{publications}{6}{loading formatting style from --}
+\setinterfacemessage{javascript}{1}{nacita se soubor skriptu --}
+\setinterfacemessage{javascript}{2}{neznama preambule --}
+\setinterfacemessage{check}{1}{postradam '=' po '--' na radku --}
+\setinterfacemessage{check}{3}{-- -- nahrazuje makro, uzijte VERZALKY!}
+\setinterfacemessage{check}{2}{ocekavam -- argument(y) na radku --}
+\setinterfacemessage{metapost}{1}{loading metapost library --}
+\setinterfacemessage{figures}{1}{obraz -- nelze nalezt}
+\setinterfacemessage{figures}{3}{dimensions of -- are determined externally}
+\setinterfacemessage{figures}{2}{obraz -- nepritomen}
+\setinterfacemessage{figures}{5}{dimensions of -- are unknown}
+\setinterfacemessage{figures}{4}{dimenze obrazu -- nacteny primo z jeho souboru}
+\setinterfacemessage{figures}{6}{dimenze obrazu -- spocteny programem rlxtools}
+\setinterfacemessage{figures}{8}{obrazovy objekt -- je znovu pouzit}
+\setinterfacemessage{colors}{1}{system -- je globalne aktivovana}
+\setinterfacemessage{colors}{3}{-- neni definovana --}
+\setinterfacemessage{colors}{2}{system -- je lokalne activovana}
+\setinterfacemessage{colors}{5}{neznamy system --}
+\setinterfacemessage{colors}{4}{system -- je nacten}
+\setinterfacemessage{colors}{7}{palette -- neni k dispozici}
+\setinterfacemessage{colors}{6}{palette -- je k dispozici}
+\setinterfacemessage{colors}{9}{-- prostor barev neni podporovan}
+\setinterfacemessage{colors}{8}{specifikace -- v barve -- bude cerna}
+\setinterfacemessage{colors}{12}{-- is registered}
+\setinterfacemessage{colors}{11}{barva je prevedena na sed}
+\setinterfacemessage{colors}{10}{-- prostor barev je podporovan}
+\endinput \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/mult-mde.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/mult-mde.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4d7f009e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/mult-mde.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{1}{unbekannte Referenz --}
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{30}{unbekanntes Object --}
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{3}{unbekannte Referenz Typ --}
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{2}{doppelte Referenz -- auf Seite --}
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{5}{number of unknown references: --}
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{4}{illegale Referenz --}
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{6}{number of illegal references: --}
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{25}{references from document '--' are not imported (export again)}
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{24}{references from document '--' are not exported}
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{26}{references from document '--' are imported}
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{31}{doppeltes Object --}
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{21}{Dokument -- geladen}
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{22}{Dokument -- ist nicht aktiv}
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{23}{Obskure Referenz -- (Prefix=--)}
+\setinterfacemessage{documents}{1}{Blatt --}
+\setinterfacemessage{documents}{2}{Nummer --}
+\setinterfacemessage{handlings}{1}{Font Verarbeitung --}
+\setinterfacemessage{handlings}{3}{unknown font handling --}
+\setinterfacemessage{handlings}{2}{Font Verarbeitung -- ist geladen}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{41}{Externe Datei -- in Gruppe -- existiert nicht}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{9}{-- nicht gefunden/verarbeitet}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{91}{papertray --}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{8}{Neue Version der Hilfsdatei, zweiter Durchlauf benoetigt}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{21}{Die Hilfsdatei ist nicht geladen}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{20}{Bedeutung (sortieren) von -- geladen}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{5}{Modul -- geladen}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{4}{Befehl -- ist bereits definiert}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{1}{Laden der Hilfsdatei aufgeschoben (Eingabe-Modus)}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{23}{-- angeordnet auf --}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{22}{Benoetige gueltige Hilfsdateie}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{2}{-- geladen}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{19}{Bedeutung (synonyme) von -- geladen}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{18}{Synonym -- -- existiert nicht}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{7}{Modul -- bereits geladen}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{6}{Modul -- gefunden}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{14}{Erzwungendes Seitenumbruch in Liste bei --}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{15}{Speichere Buffer --}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{16}{Setzte Buffer --}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{17}{Setzte tippen-Buffer --}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{13}{Beschriftung -- definiert --}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{12}{Die Hilfdatei ist nicht sortiert, verwende texutil}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{11}{Erstelle einfache Hilfdatei}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{10}{Benutzte kein em in --}
+\setinterfacemessage{floatblocks}{1}{-- neu nummeriert / -- => --}
+\setinterfacemessage{floatblocks}{3}{-- verschoben}
+\setinterfacemessage{floatblocks}{2}{-- gespeichert}
+\setinterfacemessage{floatblocks}{5}{Reihenfolge angepasst}
+\setinterfacemessage{floatblocks}{4}{-- plaziert}
+\setinterfacemessage{floatblocks}{7}{Anz. der unteren Gleitobjekte beschraengt auf --}
+\setinterfacemessage{floatblocks}{6}{Anz. der oberen Gleitobjekte beschraengt auf --}
+\setinterfacemessage{floatblocks}{9}{Reigenfolge gestoert}
+\setinterfacemessage{floatblocks}{8}{weniger als -- zeilen}
+\setinterfacemessage{floatblocks}{13}{there is nothing to split}
+\setinterfacemessage{floatblocks}{11}{kein Block gegeben}
+\setinterfacemessage{floatblocks}{10}{-- begrenzt}
+\setinterfacemessage{interactions}{1}{Seitenverhaeltnis -- x -- (B x H)}
+\setinterfacemessage{interactions}{5}{unknown attachment --}
+\setinterfacemessage{interactions}{4}{keine Seitensynchronisation (--) im hmode}
+\setinterfacemessage{interactions}{6}{attachment file -- does not exist}
+\setinterfacemessage{interactions}{21}{-- Code eingefuegt}
+\setinterfacemessage{regimes}{1}{Kodierung --}
+\setinterfacemessage{regimes}{3}{Unbekannte Kodierung --}
+\setinterfacemessage{regimes}{2}{Kodierung -- ist geladen}
+\setinterfacemessage{structures}{1}{Begin des Abschnittsblocks --}
+\setinterfacemessage{structures}{2}{Ende des Abschnittsblocks --}
+\setinterfacemessage{linguals}{1}{Trennmuster -- fuer -- geladen (n=--,e=--,m=--)}
+\setinterfacemessage{linguals}{3}{Trenndefinitionen -- fuer -- geladen (n=--,e=--,m=--)}
+\setinterfacemessage{linguals}{2}{Keine Trennmuster -- fuer -- (n=--,e=--,m=--) (--,--)}
+\setinterfacemessage{linguals}{5}{Trennmuster fuer -- nicht geladen}
+\setinterfacemessage{linguals}{4}{Keine Trenndefinitionen -- fuer -- (n=--,e=--,m=--)}
+\setinterfacemessage{linguals}{7}{Sprachenspezifische Option [--] fuegt eine Luecke von -- ein}
+\setinterfacemessage{linguals}{6}{Sprache -- ist undefiniert}
+\setinterfacemessage{linguals}{9}{Sprache -- ist aktiv}
+\setinterfacemessage{linguals}{8}{Sprachenspezifische Option [--] nahtlos hinzugefuegt}
+\setinterfacemessage{linguals}{10}{Trennmuster -- geladen}
+\setinterfacemessage{verbatims}{1}{Datei -- existiert nicht}
+\setinterfacemessage{filters}{1}{filter -- ist geladen}
+\setinterfacemessage{filters}{2}{unknown filter --}
+\setinterfacemessage{textblocks}{1}{neue Version, zweiter Durchlauf benoetigt}
+\setinterfacemessage{textblocks}{3}{lese Bloecke von --}
+\setinterfacemessage{textblocks}{2}{schreibe Bloecke zu --}
+\setinterfacemessage{textblocks}{5}{-- nicht verborgen}
+\setinterfacemessage{textblocks}{4}{zweiter Durchlauf benoetigt}
+\setinterfacemessage{textblocks}{7}{-- verborgen}
+\setinterfacemessage{textblocks}{6}{-- verborgen und verarbeitet}
+\setinterfacemessage{textblocks}{9}{-- nicht gesetzt}
+\setinterfacemessage{textblocks}{8}{-- gesetzt}
+\setinterfacemessage{textblocks}{12}{-- ausgelassen}
+\setinterfacemessage{textblocks}{11}{-- geladen und gesetzt}
+\setinterfacemessage{textblocks}{10}{-- geladen und verarbeitet}
+\setinterfacemessage{encodings}{1}{Kodierung --}
+\setinterfacemessage{encodings}{3}{Unbekannte Kodierung --}
+\setinterfacemessage{encodings}{2}{Kodierung -- ist geladen}
+\setinterfacemessage{columns}{1}{nur -- Spalten moeglich}
+\setinterfacemessage{columns}{3}{Problem, verwende [ausgleich=nein]}
+\setinterfacemessage{columns}{2}{benutzte \string\filbreak\space als Alternative}
+\setinterfacemessage{columns}{5}{Gleitobjekt unten ncoh nicht unterstuetzt}
+\setinterfacemessage{columns}{4}{Gleitobjekt oben ncoh nicht unterstuetzt}
+\setinterfacemessage{columns}{7}{ausgleich nach 100 Schritten abgebrocheb}
+\setinterfacemessage{columns}{6}{-- Gleitobjekt(e) verschoben}
+\setinterfacemessage{columns}{9}{Ausrichtung ueberpruefen}
+\setinterfacemessage{columns}{8}{ausgeglichen nach -- Schritt(en)}
+\setinterfacemessage{columns}{13}{breites Gleitobjekt an den Anfang der Spalten verschoben}
+\setinterfacemessage{columns}{12}{Gleitobjekt in naechste Zeile verschoben / --}
+\setinterfacemessage{columns}{11}{Gleitobjekt zu breit fuer Spalte}
+\setinterfacemessage{columns}{10}{(weniger als) 1 Zeile uebrig}
+\setinterfacemessage{symbols}{1}{Lade Symboldatei --}
+\setinterfacemessage{files}{1}{Dateisynonym -- wird bereits fuer -- benutzt}
+\setinterfacemessage{versions}{1}{fehlendes @+}
+\setinterfacemessage{versions}{3}{Ausgewaehlte Seiten: --}
+\setinterfacemessage{versions}{2}{Erstelle Seiten}
+\setinterfacemessage{specials}{1}{-- geladen}
+\setinterfacemessage{specials}{3}{-- ist zurueckgesetzt}
+\setinterfacemessage{specials}{2}{keine tiefere Verschachtelung erlaubt --}
+\setinterfacemessage{specials}{5}{lade Definitionsdatei --}
+\setinterfacemessage{specials}{4}{Befehl -- existiert nicht}
+\setinterfacemessage{specials}{7}{unbekante Driver --}
+\setinterfacemessage{specials}{6}{Verschachtelung nicht erlaubt}
+\setinterfacemessage{layouts}{1}{Texthoehe angepasst mit -- auf Seite --}
+\setinterfacemessage{layouts}{3}{-- mal Text verschoben}
+\setinterfacemessage{layouts}{2}{-- mal verschobener Text plaziert}
+\setinterfacemessage{layouts}{5}{marginalbloecke inaktiv}
+\setinterfacemessage{layouts}{4}{marginalbloecke aktiv}
+\setinterfacemessage{layouts}{7}{berechne Platzbedarf des Logos}
+\setinterfacemessage{layouts}{6}{Unterseitenfolge -- verarbeitet (Groesse --)}
+\setinterfacemessage{layouts}{9}{z.Z. nicht mehr als -- Ebenen in Aufzaehlungen}
+\setinterfacemessage{layouts}{8}{berechne Hintergrund}
+\setinterfacemessage{layouts}{11}{Zwischenraum -- nicht im Grittermoduserlau}
+\setinterfacemessage{layouts}{10}{-- und -- ergeben zusammen nicht 1.0}
+\setinterfacemessage{fonts}{1}{Kodierung --}
+\setinterfacemessage{fonts}{3}{Unbekannte Variante --}
+\setinterfacemessage{fonts}{2}{Variante -- ist geladen}
+\setinterfacemessage{fonts}{5}{Stil -- ist nicht definiert}
+\setinterfacemessage{fonts}{4}{Fliesstext -- ist nicht definiert}
+\setinterfacemessage{fonts}{7}{unbekanntes Format --}
+\setinterfacemessage{fonts}{6}{-- ist geladen}
+\setinterfacemessage{fonts}{14}{Fliesstext -- wurde definiert (besser waere globale Definition)}
+\setinterfacemessage{fonts}{8}{Stil -- definiert}
+\setinterfacemessage{fonts}{10}{unbekanntes Font --}
+\setinterfacemessage{databases}{3}{globale Datei --}
+\setinterfacemessage{databases}{2}{lokale Datei --}
+\setinterfacemessage{databases}{4}{unbekannte Datei --}
+\setinterfacemessage{publications}{1}{file -- not found, unknown style ignored}
+\setinterfacemessage{publications}{3}{wrote a new auxiliary file \jobname.aux}
+\setinterfacemessage{publications}{2}{file -- not found, waiting for bibtex}
+\setinterfacemessage{publications}{4}{loading database from --}
+\setinterfacemessage{publications}{5}{warning: cite argument -- on line \the\inputlineno}
+\setinterfacemessage{publications}{6}{loading formatting style from --}
+\setinterfacemessage{javascript}{1}{Lade Scriptdatei --}
+\setinterfacemessage{javascript}{2}{unbekannte Preamble --}
+\setinterfacemessage{check}{1}{Fehlendes '=' nach '--' in Zeile --}
+\setinterfacemessage{check}{3}{-- -- ersetzt ein Makro, verwende VERSALIEN!}
+\setinterfacemessage{check}{2}{-- Argument(e) in Zeile -- erwartet}
+\setinterfacemessage{metapost}{1}{Lade metapost Bibliothek --}
+\setinterfacemessage{figures}{1}{Abbildung -- kann nicht gefunden werden}
+\setinterfacemessage{figures}{3}{dimensions of -- are determined externally}
+\setinterfacemessage{figures}{2}{Abbildung -- wird nicht erstellt}
+\setinterfacemessage{figures}{5}{Dimensions of -- are unknown}
+\setinterfacemessage{figures}{4}{Dimensionen von -- geladen aus der Abbildungsdatei selbst}
+\setinterfacemessage{figures}{6}{Dimensionen von -- ausgerechnet durch rlxtools}
+\setinterfacemessage{figures}{8}{Abbildungobjekt -- wurde wiederverwandt}
+\setinterfacemessage{colors}{1}{system -- ist global aktiviert}
+\setinterfacemessage{colors}{3}{-- ist undefiniert --}
+\setinterfacemessage{colors}{2}{system -- ist lokal aktiviert}
+\setinterfacemessage{colors}{5}{unbekanntes System --}
+\setinterfacemessage{colors}{4}{system -- ist geladen}
+\setinterfacemessage{colors}{7}{palette -- ist nicht verfuegbar}
+\setinterfacemessage{colors}{6}{palette -- ist verfuegbar}
+\setinterfacemessage{colors}{9}{-- Farbraum wird nicht unterstuetzt}
+\setinterfacemessage{colors}{8}{Spezifikation -- bei Farbe -- wird schwarz}
+\setinterfacemessage{colors}{12}{-- is registered}
+\setinterfacemessage{colors}{11}{Farbe wird in Grau umgewandelt}
+\setinterfacemessage{colors}{10}{-- Farbraum wird unterstuetzt}
+\endinput \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/mult-men.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/mult-men.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a8d429356
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/mult-men.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{1}{unknown reference --}
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{30}{unknown object --}
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{3}{unknown reference type --}
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{2}{duplicate reference -- on page --}
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{5}{number of unknown references: --}
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{4}{illegal reference --}
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{6}{number of illegal references: --}
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{25}{references from document '--' are not imported (export again)}
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{24}{references from document '--' are not exported}
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{26}{references from document '--' are imported}
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{31}{duplicate object --}
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{21}{document -- loaded}
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{22}{document -- is not interactive}
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{23}{obscure reference -- (prefix=--)}
+\setinterfacemessage{documents}{1}{sheet --}
+\setinterfacemessage{documents}{2}{number --}
+\setinterfacemessage{handlings}{1}{font handling --}
+\setinterfacemessage{handlings}{3}{unknown font handling --}
+\setinterfacemessage{handlings}{2}{font handling -- is loaded}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{41}{external file -- in group -- does not exist}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{9}{-- not found/processed}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{91}{papertray --}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{8}{new version of utility file, second pass needed}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{21}{no utility data is loaded}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{20}{meaning (sorts) of -- loaded}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{5}{module -- loaded}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{4}{command -- is already defined}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{1}{loading utility-file postponed (typemode)}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{23}{-- arranged at --}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{22}{use a valid utilityfile}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{2}{-- loaded}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{19}{meaning (synonyms) of -- loaded}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{18}{synonym -- -- does not exist}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{7}{module -- already loaded}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{6}{module -- not found}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{14}{forced newpage in list at --}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{15}{saving buffer --}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{16}{typesetting buffer --}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{17}{typesetting verbatim buffer --}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{13}{mark -- defined --}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{12}{the utility-file is not sorted, use texutil}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{11}{building simple util}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{10}{don't use em in --}
+\setinterfacemessage{floatblocks}{1}{-- renumbered / -- => --}
+\setinterfacemessage{floatblocks}{3}{-- moved}
+\setinterfacemessage{floatblocks}{2}{-- saved}
+\setinterfacemessage{floatblocks}{5}{order adapted}
+\setinterfacemessage{floatblocks}{4}{-- placed}
+\setinterfacemessage{floatblocks}{7}{n of bottom floats limited to --}
+\setinterfacemessage{floatblocks}{6}{n of top floats limited to --}
+\setinterfacemessage{floatblocks}{9}{order disturbed}
+\setinterfacemessage{floatblocks}{8}{less than -- lines}
+\setinterfacemessage{floatblocks}{13}{there is nothing to split}
+\setinterfacemessage{floatblocks}{11}{no block given}
+\setinterfacemessage{floatblocks}{10}{-- limited}
+\setinterfacemessage{interactions}{1}{aspect ratio -- x -- (b x h)}
+\setinterfacemessage{interactions}{5}{unknown attachment --}
+\setinterfacemessage{interactions}{4}{no pagesynchronisation (--) in hmode}
+\setinterfacemessage{interactions}{6}{attachment file -- does not exist}
+\setinterfacemessage{interactions}{21}{-- code inserted}
+\setinterfacemessage{regimes}{1}{regime --}
+\setinterfacemessage{regimes}{3}{unknown regime --}
+\setinterfacemessage{regimes}{2}{regime -- is loaded}
+\setinterfacemessage{structures}{1}{begin of sectionblock --}
+\setinterfacemessage{structures}{2}{end of sectionblock --}
+\setinterfacemessage{linguals}{1}{patterns -- for -- loaded (n=--,e=--,m=--)}
+\setinterfacemessage{linguals}{3}{hyphenations -- for -- loaded (n=--,e=--,m=--)}
+\setinterfacemessage{linguals}{2}{no patterns -- for -- (n=--,e=--,m=--) (--,--)}
+\setinterfacemessage{linguals}{5}{patterns for -- not loaded}
+\setinterfacemessage{linguals}{4}{no hyphenations -- for -- (n=--,e=--,m=--)}
+\setinterfacemessage{linguals}{7}{language specific options [--] introduce a -- skip}
+\setinterfacemessage{linguals}{6}{language -- is undefined}
+\setinterfacemessage{linguals}{9}{language -- is active}
+\setinterfacemessage{linguals}{8}{language specific options [--] seamless appended}
+\setinterfacemessage{linguals}{10}{patterns -- loaded}
+\setinterfacemessage{verbatims}{1}{file -- does not exist}
+\setinterfacemessage{filters}{1}{filter -- is loaded}
+\setinterfacemessage{filters}{2}{unknown filter --}
+\setinterfacemessage{textblocks}{1}{new version, second pass needed}
+\setinterfacemessage{textblocks}{3}{reading blocks from --}
+\setinterfacemessage{textblocks}{2}{writing blocks to --}
+\setinterfacemessage{textblocks}{5}{-- not hidden}
+\setinterfacemessage{textblocks}{4}{second pass needed}
+\setinterfacemessage{textblocks}{7}{-- hidden}
+\setinterfacemessage{textblocks}{6}{-- hidden and processed}
+\setinterfacemessage{textblocks}{9}{-- not typeset}
+\setinterfacemessage{textblocks}{8}{-- typeset}
+\setinterfacemessage{textblocks}{12}{-- skipped}
+\setinterfacemessage{textblocks}{11}{-- loaded and typeset}
+\setinterfacemessage{textblocks}{10}{-- loaded and processed}
+\setinterfacemessage{encodings}{1}{coding --}
+\setinterfacemessage{encodings}{3}{unknown coding --}
+\setinterfacemessage{encodings}{2}{coding -- is loaded}
+\setinterfacemessage{columns}{1}{only -- columns possible}
+\setinterfacemessage{columns}{3}{problems, disable balancing}
+\setinterfacemessage{columns}{2}{use \string\filbreak\space as alternative}
+\setinterfacemessage{columns}{5}{bottom float not yet supported}
+\setinterfacemessage{columns}{4}{top float not yet supported}
+\setinterfacemessage{columns}{7}{balancing aborted after 100 steps}
+\setinterfacemessage{columns}{6}{-- float(s) postponed}
+\setinterfacemessage{columns}{9}{check raggedness}
+\setinterfacemessage{columns}{8}{balanced in -- step(s)}
+\setinterfacemessage{columns}{13}{wide float moved to top of columns}
+\setinterfacemessage{columns}{12}{float moved to next column / --}
+\setinterfacemessage{columns}{11}{float too wide for column}
+\setinterfacemessage{columns}{10}{(less than) 1 line left}
+\setinterfacemessage{symbols}{1}{loading symbolset --}
+\setinterfacemessage{files}{1}{file synonym -- is already used for --}
+\setinterfacemessage{versions}{1}{missing @+}
+\setinterfacemessage{versions}{3}{selected pages: --}
+\setinterfacemessage{versions}{2}{marking pages}
+\setinterfacemessage{specials}{1}{-- loaded}
+\setinterfacemessage{specials}{3}{-- is reset}
+\setinterfacemessage{specials}{2}{no deeper nesting is permitted --}
+\setinterfacemessage{specials}{5}{loading definition file --}
+\setinterfacemessage{specials}{4}{command -- does not exist}
+\setinterfacemessage{specials}{7}{unknown driver --}
+\setinterfacemessage{specials}{6}{nesting is not permitted}
+\setinterfacemessage{layouts}{1}{textheight adapted with -- at page --}
+\setinterfacemessage{layouts}{3}{-- times text postponed}
+\setinterfacemessage{layouts}{2}{-- times postponed text placed}
+\setinterfacemessage{layouts}{5}{marginblocks inactive}
+\setinterfacemessage{layouts}{4}{marginblocks active}
+\setinterfacemessage{layouts}{7}{calculating logospace}
+\setinterfacemessage{layouts}{6}{subpage set -- processed (size --)}
+\setinterfacemessage{layouts}{9}{currently no more than -- levels in itemizations}
+\setinterfacemessage{layouts}{8}{calculating backgrounds}
+\setinterfacemessage{layouts}{11}{spacing -- not permitted in gridmode}
+\setinterfacemessage{layouts}{10}{-- and -- don't add up to 1.0}
+\setinterfacemessage{fonts}{1}{coding --}
+\setinterfacemessage{fonts}{3}{unknown variant --}
+\setinterfacemessage{fonts}{2}{variant -- is loaded}
+\setinterfacemessage{fonts}{5}{style -- is not defined}
+\setinterfacemessage{fonts}{4}{bodyfont -- is not defined}
+\setinterfacemessage{fonts}{7}{unknown format --}
+\setinterfacemessage{fonts}{6}{-- is loaded}
+\setinterfacemessage{fonts}{14}{bodyfont -- is defined (can better be done global)}
+\setinterfacemessage{fonts}{8}{style -- defined}
+\setinterfacemessage{fonts}{10}{unknown font file --}
+\setinterfacemessage{databases}{3}{global file --}
+\setinterfacemessage{databases}{2}{local file --}
+\setinterfacemessage{databases}{4}{unknown file --}
+\setinterfacemessage{publications}{1}{file -- not found, unknown style ignored}
+\setinterfacemessage{publications}{3}{wrote a new auxiliary file \jobname.aux}
+\setinterfacemessage{publications}{2}{file -- not found, waiting for bibtex}
+\setinterfacemessage{publications}{4}{loading database from --}
+\setinterfacemessage{publications}{5}{warning: cite argument -- on line \the\inputlineno}
+\setinterfacemessage{publications}{6}{loading formatting style from --}
+\setinterfacemessage{javascript}{1}{loading script set --}
+\setinterfacemessage{javascript}{2}{unknown preamble --}
+\setinterfacemessage{check}{1}{missing or ungrouped '=' after '--' in line --}
+\setinterfacemessage{check}{3}{-- -- replaces a macro, use CAPITALS!}
+\setinterfacemessage{check}{2}{-- argument(s) expected in line --}
+\setinterfacemessage{metapost}{1}{loading metapost library --}
+\setinterfacemessage{figures}{1}{figure -- can not be found}
+\setinterfacemessage{figures}{3}{dimensions of -- are determined externally}
+\setinterfacemessage{figures}{2}{figure -- is not preset}
+\setinterfacemessage{figures}{5}{dimensions of -- are unknown}
+\setinterfacemessage{figures}{4}{dimensions of -- loaded from figurefile itself}
+\setinterfacemessage{figures}{6}{dimensions of -- calculated by rlxtools}
+\setinterfacemessage{figures}{8}{figureobject -- is reused}
+\setinterfacemessage{colors}{1}{system -- is global activated}
+\setinterfacemessage{colors}{3}{-- is not defined --}
+\setinterfacemessage{colors}{2}{system -- is local activated}
+\setinterfacemessage{colors}{5}{unknown system --}
+\setinterfacemessage{colors}{4}{system -- is loaded}
+\setinterfacemessage{colors}{7}{palette -- is not available}
+\setinterfacemessage{colors}{6}{palette -- is available}
+\setinterfacemessage{colors}{9}{-- color space is not supported}
+\setinterfacemessage{colors}{8}{specification -- at color -- becomes black}
+\setinterfacemessage{colors}{12}{-- is registered}
+\setinterfacemessage{colors}{11}{color is converted to gray}
+\setinterfacemessage{colors}{10}{-- color space is supported}
+\endinput \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/mult-mfr.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/mult-mfr.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7fee954c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/mult-mfr.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{1}{réference -- inconnue}
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{30}{objet -- inconnu}
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{3}{type -- de réference inconnu}
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{2}{réference -- dupliquée à la page --}
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{5}{number of unknown references: --}
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{4}{réference -- inconnue}
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{6}{number of illegal references: --}
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{25}{references from document '--' are not imported (export again)}
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{24}{references from document '--' are not exported}
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{26}{references from document '--' are imported}
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{31}{objet -- dupliqué}
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{21}{document -- chargé}
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{22}{le document -- n'est pas interactif}
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{23}{reference -- indéterminé (préfixe=--)}
+\setinterfacemessage{documents}{1}{sheet --}
+\setinterfacemessage{documents}{2}{number --}
+\setinterfacemessage{handlings}{1}{manipulation -- de police}
+\setinterfacemessage{handlings}{3}{manipulation -- inconnue de police}
+\setinterfacemessage{handlings}{2}{la manipulation -- de police est chargée}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{41}{le fichier externe -- du groupe -- n'existe pas}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{9}{-- non trouvé/traité}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{91}{papertray --}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{8}{nouvelle version de fichier utilitaire, seconde passe nécessaire}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{21}{pas de données utilitaires chargées}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{20}{signification (tris) de -- chargée}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{5}{module -- chargé}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{4}{la commande -- est déjà définie}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{1}{chargement de fichier utilitaire reporté (typemode)}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{23}{-- arrangé à --}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{22}{utilise un fichier utilitaire valide}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{2}{-- chargé}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{19}{signification (synonymes) de -- chargée}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{18}{le synonyme -- -- n'existe pas}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{7}{module -- déjà chargé}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{6}{module -- non trouvé}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{14}{nouvellepage forcée dans la liste à --}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{15}{sauvegarde du tampon (buffer) --}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{16}{composition du tampon (buffer) --}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{17}{composition textuelle du tampon (buffer) --}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{13}{marquage -- defini --}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{12}{le fichier utilitaire n'est pas trié, utilise texutil}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{11}{construction util simple}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{10}{n'utilisez pas em dans --}
+\setinterfacemessage{floatblocks}{1}{-- renuméroté / -- => --}
+\setinterfacemessage{floatblocks}{3}{-- déplacé}
+\setinterfacemessage{floatblocks}{2}{-- sauvegardé}
+\setinterfacemessage{floatblocks}{5}{ordre adapté}
+\setinterfacemessage{floatblocks}{4}{-- placé}
+\setinterfacemessage{floatblocks}{7}{n flottants de bas de page limité à --}
+\setinterfacemessage{floatblocks}{6}{n flottants de haut de page limité à --}
+\setinterfacemessage{floatblocks}{9}{ordre perturbé}
+\setinterfacemessage{floatblocks}{8}{moins de -- lignes}
+\setinterfacemessage{floatblocks}{title}{blocs de flottants}
+\setinterfacemessage{floatblocks}{13}{there is nothing to split}
+\setinterfacemessage{floatblocks}{11}{pas de bloc donné}
+\setinterfacemessage{floatblocks}{10}{-- limité}
+\setinterfacemessage{interactions}{1}{ratio d'aspect -- x -- (b x h)}
+\setinterfacemessage{interactions}{5}{le fichier joint -- est inconnu}
+\setinterfacemessage{interactions}{4}{pas de synchronisation de page (--) dans le hmode}
+\setinterfacemessage{interactions}{6}{le fichier joint -- n'existe pas}
+\setinterfacemessage{interactions}{21}{-- code inseré}
+\setinterfacemessage{regimes}{1}{encodage --}
+\setinterfacemessage{regimes}{3}{encodage -- inconnu}
+\setinterfacemessage{regimes}{2}{l'encodage -- est chargé}
+\setinterfacemessage{structures}{1}{début de blocsection --}
+\setinterfacemessage{structures}{2}{fin de blocsection --}
+\setinterfacemessage{linguals}{1}{les motifs -- pour -- sont chargés (n=--,e=--,m=--)}
+\setinterfacemessage{linguals}{3}{hyphenations -- pour -- chargés (n=--,e=--,m=--)}
+\setinterfacemessage{linguals}{2}{pas de motifs -- pour -- (n=--,e=--,m=--) (--,--)}
+\setinterfacemessage{linguals}{5}{les motifs pour -- ne sont pas chargés}
+\setinterfacemessage{linguals}{4}{pas d'hyphenations -- pour -- (n=--,e=--,m=--)}
+\setinterfacemessage{linguals}{7}{les options spécifiques de langue [--] introduisent un -- saut}
+\setinterfacemessage{linguals}{6}{langue -- non définie}
+\setinterfacemessage{linguals}{9}{la langue -- est active}
+\setinterfacemessage{linguals}{8}{les options spécifiques de langue [--] sont ajoutés en douceur}
+\setinterfacemessage{linguals}{10}{motifs -- chargés}
+\setinterfacemessage{verbatims}{1}{le fichier -- n'existe pas}
+\setinterfacemessage{filters}{1}{le filtre -- est chargé}
+\setinterfacemessage{filters}{2}{filtre -- inconnu}
+\setinterfacemessage{textblocks}{1}{nouvelle version, une seconde passe est nécessaire}
+\setinterfacemessage{textblocks}{3}{lecture des blocs en provenance de --}
+\setinterfacemessage{textblocks}{2}{ecriture des blocs vers --}
+\setinterfacemessage{textblocks}{5}{-- non caché}
+\setinterfacemessage{textblocks}{4}{seconde passe nécessaire}
+\setinterfacemessage{textblocks}{7}{-- caché}
+\setinterfacemessage{textblocks}{6}{-- caché et traité}
+\setinterfacemessage{textblocks}{9}{-- non composé}
+\setinterfacemessage{textblocks}{8}{-- composé}
+\setinterfacemessage{textblocks}{title}{blocs de texte}
+\setinterfacemessage{textblocks}{12}{-- sauté}
+\setinterfacemessage{textblocks}{11}{-- chargé et composé}
+\setinterfacemessage{textblocks}{10}{-- chargé et traité}
+\setinterfacemessage{encodings}{1}{encodage --}
+\setinterfacemessage{encodings}{3}{encodage -- inconnu}
+\setinterfacemessage{encodings}{2}{l'encodage -- est chargé}
+\setinterfacemessage{columns}{1}{seules -- colonnes possibles}
+\setinterfacemessage{columns}{3}{problèmes, désactive l'équilibrage}
+\setinterfacemessage{columns}{2}{utilisez \string\filbreak\space en tant qu'alternative}
+\setinterfacemessage{columns}{5}{flottant en partie inférieure pas encore supporté}
+\setinterfacemessage{columns}{4}{flottant en partie supérieure pas encore supporté}
+\setinterfacemessage{columns}{7}{équilibrage abandonné après 100 pas}
+\setinterfacemessage{columns}{6}{-- flottant(s) reporté(s)}
+\setinterfacemessage{columns}{9}{vérification des irrégularités}
+\setinterfacemessage{columns}{8}{équilibré en -- pas}
+\setinterfacemessage{columns}{13}{flottant large déplacé dans la partie supérieure de la colonne}
+\setinterfacemessage{columns}{12}{flottant déplacé à la colonne suivante / --}
+\setinterfacemessage{columns}{11}{flottant mis à la largeur de la colonne}
+\setinterfacemessage{columns}{10}{(moins de) 1 ligne restante}
+\setinterfacemessage{symbols}{1}{chargement du jeu de symbole --}
+\setinterfacemessage{files}{1}{le synonyme de fichier -- est déjà utilisé pour --}
+\setinterfacemessage{versions}{1}{@+ manquant}
+\setinterfacemessage{versions}{3}{pages sélectionnées : --}
+\setinterfacemessage{versions}{2}{marquage des pages}
+\setinterfacemessage{specials}{1}{-- chargé}
+\setinterfacemessage{specials}{3}{-- est remis à zéro}
+\setinterfacemessage{specials}{2}{pas d'imbracations plus profondes ne sont permises --}
+\setinterfacemessage{specials}{5}{chargement du fichier de définition --}
+\setinterfacemessage{specials}{4}{la commande -- n'existe pas}
+\setinterfacemessage{specials}{7}{pilote -- inconnu}
+\setinterfacemessage{specials}{6}{l'imbrication n'est pas permise}
+\setinterfacemessage{layouts}{1}{hauteurtexte adaptée avec -- à la page --}
+\setinterfacemessage{layouts}{3}{-- times text postponed}
+\setinterfacemessage{layouts}{2}{-- times postponed text placed}
+\setinterfacemessage{layouts}{5}{blocsmarge inactifs}
+\setinterfacemessage{layouts}{4}{blocsmarge actifs}
+\setinterfacemessage{layouts}{7}{calcul de l'espace pour le logo}
+\setinterfacemessage{layouts}{6}{jeu de souspage -- traité (taille --)}
+\setinterfacemessage{layouts}{9}{pas plus de -- niveaux pour l'instant dans les élémentarisations}
+\setinterfacemessage{layouts}{8}{calcul des arrières-plans}
+\setinterfacemessage{layouts}{11}{espacement -- non permis en modegrille}
+\setinterfacemessage{layouts}{10}{-- et -- ne sont pas ajoutés à 1.0}
+\setinterfacemessage{fonts}{1}{encodage --}
+\setinterfacemessage{fonts}{3}{variante -- inconnue}
+\setinterfacemessage{fonts}{2}{la variante -- est chargée}
+\setinterfacemessage{fonts}{5}{le style -- n'est pas défini}
+\setinterfacemessage{fonts}{4}{policecorps -- n'est pas définie}
+\setinterfacemessage{fonts}{7}{format -- inconnu}
+\setinterfacemessage{fonts}{6}{-- est chargé}
+\setinterfacemessage{fonts}{14}{policecorps -- est défini (une définition globale pourrait être plus adéquat)}
+\setinterfacemessage{fonts}{8}{style -- défini}
+\setinterfacemessage{fonts}{title}{corps de texte}
+\setinterfacemessage{fonts}{10}{fichier de police -- inconnu}
+\setinterfacemessage{databases}{3}{fichier global --}
+\setinterfacemessage{databases}{2}{fichier local --}
+\setinterfacemessage{databases}{4}{fichier inconnu --}
+\setinterfacemessage{databases}{title}{bases de données}
+\setinterfacemessage{publications}{1}{file -- not found, unknown style ignored}
+\setinterfacemessage{publications}{3}{wrote a new auxiliary file \jobname.aux}
+\setinterfacemessage{publications}{2}{file -- not found, waiting for bibtex}
+\setinterfacemessage{publications}{4}{loading database from --}
+\setinterfacemessage{publications}{5}{warning: cite argument -- on line \the\inputlineno}
+\setinterfacemessage{publications}{6}{loading formatting style from --}
+\setinterfacemessage{javascript}{1}{chargement du jeu de script --}
+\setinterfacemessage{javascript}{2}{préambule -- inconnu}
+\setinterfacemessage{check}{1}{manquant ou dégroupé '=' après '--' à la ligne --}
+\setinterfacemessage{check}{3}{-- -- remplace une macro, utilisez des MAJUSCULES !}
+\setinterfacemessage{check}{2}{-- argument(s) attendu(s) à la ligne --}
+\setinterfacemessage{metapost}{1}{chargement de la bibliothèque metapost --}
+\setinterfacemessage{figures}{1}{la figure -- ne peut être trouvée}
+\setinterfacemessage{figures}{3}{dimensions of -- are determined externally}
+\setinterfacemessage{figures}{2}{la figure -- n'est pas pré-sélectionnée}
+\setinterfacemessage{figures}{5}{dimensions of -- are unknown}
+\setinterfacemessage{figures}{4}{les dimensions de -- chargées implicitement à partir du fichier de figure}
+\setinterfacemessage{figures}{6}{les dimensions de -- calculées par rlxtools}
+\setinterfacemessage{figures}{8}{figureobject -- est réutilisé}
+\setinterfacemessage{colors}{1}{le système -- est globalement activé}
+\setinterfacemessage{colors}{3}{-- n'est pas défini --}
+\setinterfacemessage{colors}{2}{le système -- est localement activé}
+\setinterfacemessage{colors}{5}{système -- inconnu}
+\setinterfacemessage{colors}{4}{le système -- est chargé}
+\setinterfacemessage{colors}{7}{le palette -- n'est pas disponible}
+\setinterfacemessage{colors}{6}{la palette -- est disponible}
+\setinterfacemessage{colors}{9}{l'espace de couleur -- n'est pas supporté}
+\setinterfacemessage{colors}{8}{la spécification -- de la couleur -- devient noire}
+\setinterfacemessage{colors}{12}{-- est enregistré}
+\setinterfacemessage{colors}{11}{la couleur est convertie en niveau de gris}
+\setinterfacemessage{colors}{10}{-- l'espace de couleur est supporté}
+\endinput \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/mult-mit.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/mult-mit.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9d09e2676
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/mult-mit.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{1}{riferimento sconosciuto --}
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{30}{oggetto sconosciuto --}
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{3}{riferimento di tipo sconosciuto --}
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{2}{riferimento duplicato -- a pagina --}
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{5}{number of unknown references: --}
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{4}{riferimento illecito --}
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{6}{number of illegal references: --}
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{25}{references from document '--' are not imported (export again)}
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{24}{references from document '--' are not exported}
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{26}{references from document '--' are imported}
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{31}{oggetto duplicato --}
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{21}{documento -- caricato}
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{22}{il documento -- non ø interattivo}
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{23}{riferimento ambiguo -- (prefisso=--)}
+\setinterfacemessage{documents}{1}{sheet --}
+\setinterfacemessage{documents}{2}{number --}
+\setinterfacemessage{handlings}{1}{font handling --}
+\setinterfacemessage{handlings}{3}{unknown font handling --}
+\setinterfacemessage{handlings}{2}{font handling -- is loaded}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{41}{il file esterno -- del gruppo -- non esiste}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{9}{-- non trovato/elaborato}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{91}{papertray --}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{8}{nuova versione del file supplementare, seconda passata necessaria}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{21}{nessuna informazione supplementare caricata}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{20}{significato (specie) di -- caricato}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{5}{macro del modulo -- caricate}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{4}{comando -- già definito}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{24}{Oggetti mobili}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{1}{caricamento dei file supplementari posticipato (typemode)}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{23}{-- sistemato a --}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{22}{usare un file supplementare valido}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{2}{-- caricato}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{19}{significato (sinonimi) di -- caricato}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{18}{sinonimo -- -- non esistente}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{7}{macro del modulo -- già caricate}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{6}{nessuna macro trovata nel modulo --}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{14}{nuova pagina obbligata in lista a --}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{15}{salvataggio del buffer --}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{16}{composizione del buffer --}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{17}{composizione verbatim del buffer --}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{13}{marcatura -- definita --}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{12}{file di supplemento non ordinato, usare texutil}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{11}{costruzione di un semplice supplemento}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{10}{non usare em in --}
+\setinterfacemessage{floatblocks}{1}{-- rinumerato / -- => --}
+\setinterfacemessage{floatblocks}{3}{-- mosso}
+\setinterfacemessage{floatblocks}{2}{-- salvato}
+\setinterfacemessage{floatblocks}{5}{ordine aggiustato}
+\setinterfacemessage{floatblocks}{4}{-- sistemato}
+\setinterfacemessage{floatblocks}{7}{n di bottom floats limitato a --}
+\setinterfacemessage{floatblocks}{6}{n di top floats limitato a --}
+\setinterfacemessage{floatblocks}{9}{ordine disturbato}
+\setinterfacemessage{floatblocks}{8}{meno di -- righe}
+\setinterfacemessage{floatblocks}{title}{oggetti mobili}
+\setinterfacemessage{floatblocks}{13}{there is nothing to split}
+\setinterfacemessage{floatblocks}{12}{non definito}
+\setinterfacemessage{floatblocks}{11}{nessun oggetto specificato}
+\setinterfacemessage{floatblocks}{10}{-- limitato}
+\setinterfacemessage{interactions}{1}{rapporto -- x -- (b x a)}
+\setinterfacemessage{interactions}{5}{unknown attachment --}
+\setinterfacemessage{interactions}{4}{sincronizzazione di pagina (--) non disponibile in hmode}
+\setinterfacemessage{interactions}{6}{attachment file -- does not exist}
+\setinterfacemessage{interactions}{21}{codice -- inserito}
+\setinterfacemessage{regimes}{1}{codifica --}
+\setinterfacemessage{regimes}{3}{codifica sconosciuta --}
+\setinterfacemessage{regimes}{2}{codifica -- caricata}
+\setinterfacemessage{structures}{1}{inizio del blocco (sezione) --}
+\setinterfacemessage{structures}{2}{fine del blocco (sezione) --}
+\setinterfacemessage{linguals}{1}{schemi -- per -- caricati (n=--,e=--,m=--)}
+\setinterfacemessage{linguals}{3}{sillabazione -- per -- caricata (n=--,e=--,m=--)}
+\setinterfacemessage{linguals}{2}{niente schemi -- per -- (n=--,e=--,m=--) (--,--)}
+\setinterfacemessage{linguals}{5}{schemi per -- non caricati}
+\setinterfacemessage{linguals}{4}{niente sillabazione -- per -- (n=--,e=--,m=--)}
+\setinterfacemessage{linguals}{7}{opzioni specifiche per la lingua [--] introducono un salto --}
+\setinterfacemessage{linguals}{6}{lingua -- non definita}
+\setinterfacemessage{linguals}{9}{lingua -- attiva}
+\setinterfacemessage{linguals}{8}{opzioni specifiche per la lingua [--] aggiunte trasparentemente}
+\setinterfacemessage{linguals}{10}{schemi -- caricati}
+\setinterfacemessage{verbatims}{1}{il file -- non esiste}
+\setinterfacemessage{filters}{1}{filtro -- caricato}
+\setinterfacemessage{filters}{2}{filtro sconosciuto --}
+\setinterfacemessage{textblocks}{1}{nuova versione, seconda passata necessaria}
+\setinterfacemessage{textblocks}{3}{lettura dei blocchi da --}
+\setinterfacemessage{textblocks}{2}{scrittura dei blocchi su --}
+\setinterfacemessage{textblocks}{5}{-- non nascosto}
+\setinterfacemessage{textblocks}{4}{seconda passata necessaria}
+\setinterfacemessage{textblocks}{7}{-- nascosto}
+\setinterfacemessage{textblocks}{6}{-- nascosto ed elaborato}
+\setinterfacemessage{textblocks}{9}{-- non composto}
+\setinterfacemessage{textblocks}{8}{-- composto}
+\setinterfacemessage{textblocks}{title}{blocchi di testo}
+\setinterfacemessage{textblocks}{12}{-- saltato}
+\setinterfacemessage{textblocks}{11}{-- caricato e composto}
+\setinterfacemessage{textblocks}{10}{-- caricato ed elaborato}
+\setinterfacemessage{encodings}{1}{codifica --}
+\setinterfacemessage{encodings}{3}{codifica sconosciuta --}
+\setinterfacemessage{encodings}{2}{codifica -- caricata}
+\setinterfacemessage{columns}{1}{solo -- colonne possibili}
+\setinterfacemessage{columns}{3}{problemi, disabilitare il bilanciamento}
+\setinterfacemessage{columns}{2}{in alternativa, usare \string\filbreak}
+\setinterfacemessage{columns}{5}{float in fondo non ancora supportato}
+\setinterfacemessage{columns}{4}{float in cima non ancora supportato}
+\setinterfacemessage{columns}{7}{bilanciamento annullato dopo 100 passi}
+\setinterfacemessage{columns}{6}{-- float(s) posticipate}
+\setinterfacemessage{columns}{9}{controllare seghettamento}
+\setinterfacemessage{columns}{8}{bilanciamento in -- passo/i}
+\setinterfacemessage{columns}{13}{oggetto mobile ampio spostato sopra le colonne}
+\setinterfacemessage{columns}{12}{oggetto mobile spostata alla colonna successiva / --}
+\setinterfacemessage{columns}{11}{oggetto mobile troppo ampio per la colonna}
+\setinterfacemessage{columns}{10}{(meno di) una riga rimasta}
+\setinterfacemessage{symbols}{1}{caricamento gruppo di simboli --}
+\setinterfacemessage{files}{1}{sinonimo file -- già in uso per --}
+\setinterfacemessage{versions}{1}{@+ mancante}
+\setinterfacemessage{versions}{3}{pagine selezionate: --}
+\setinterfacemessage{versions}{2}{marcatura pagine}
+\setinterfacemessage{specials}{1}{-- caricato}
+\setinterfacemessage{specials}{3}{-- reimpostato}
+\setinterfacemessage{specials}{2}{non ø permesso un annidamento maggiore --}
+\setinterfacemessage{specials}{5}{caricamento del file di definizione --}
+\setinterfacemessage{specials}{4}{il comando -- non esiste}
+\setinterfacemessage{specials}{7}{driver sconosciuto --}
+\setinterfacemessage{specials}{6}{annidamento non permesso}
+\setinterfacemessage{layouts}{1}{altezza del testo adattata con -- a pagina --}
+\setinterfacemessage{layouts}{3}{testo posticipato -- volte}
+\setinterfacemessage{layouts}{2}{posizionato testo posticipato -- volte}
+\setinterfacemessage{layouts}{5}{blocchi in margine inattivi}
+\setinterfacemessage{layouts}{4}{blocchi in margine attivi}
+\setinterfacemessage{layouts}{7}{calcolo dello spazio per logo}
+\setinterfacemessage{layouts}{6}{gruppo di sottopagine -- elaborato (dimensione --)}
+\setinterfacemessage{layouts}{9}{attualmente non più di -- livelli di elencazione}
+\setinterfacemessage{layouts}{8}{calcolo dello sfondo}
+\setinterfacemessage{layouts}{11}{spaziatura -- non permessa in modo griglia}
+\setinterfacemessage{layouts}{10}{-- e -- non sommano a 1.0}
+\setinterfacemessage{fonts}{1}{codifica --}
+\setinterfacemessage{fonts}{3}{variante sconosciuta --}
+\setinterfacemessage{fonts}{2}{variante -- caricata}
+\setinterfacemessage{fonts}{5}{stile -- non definito}
+\setinterfacemessage{fonts}{4}{corpo del testo -- non definito}
+\setinterfacemessage{fonts}{7}{formato sconosciuto --}
+\setinterfacemessage{fonts}{6}{-- caricato}
+\setinterfacemessage{fonts}{14}{corpo del testo -- definito (sarebbe meglio globale)}
+\setinterfacemessage{fonts}{8}{stile -- definito}
+\setinterfacemessage{fonts}{title}{font del corpo}
+\setinterfacemessage{fonts}{10}{file di font sconosciuto --}
+\setinterfacemessage{databases}{3}{file globale --}
+\setinterfacemessage{databases}{2}{file locale --}
+\setinterfacemessage{databases}{4}{file sconosciuto --}
+\setinterfacemessage{publications}{1}{file -- not found, unknown style ignored}
+\setinterfacemessage{publications}{3}{wrote a new auxiliary file \jobname.aux}
+\setinterfacemessage{publications}{2}{file -- not found, waiting for bibtex}
+\setinterfacemessage{publications}{4}{loading database from --}
+\setinterfacemessage{publications}{5}{warning: cite argument -- on line \the\inputlineno}
+\setinterfacemessage{publications}{6}{loading formatting style from --}
+\setinterfacemessage{javascript}{1}{caricamento dello script set --}
+\setinterfacemessage{javascript}{2}{preambolo sconosciuto --}
+\setinterfacemessage{check}{1}{'=' mancante o non raggruppato dopo '--' alla riga --}
+\setinterfacemessage{check}{3}{-- -- sostituisce una macro, usare le MAIUSCOLE!}
+\setinterfacemessage{check}{2}{-- argomento/i attesi alla riga --}
+\setinterfacemessage{metapost}{1}{caricamento della libreria metapost --}
+\setinterfacemessage{figures}{1}{figura -- non trovata}
+\setinterfacemessage{figures}{3}{dimensions of -- are determined externally}
+\setinterfacemessage{figures}{2}{la figura -- non è preimpostata}
+\setinterfacemessage{figures}{5}{dimensions of -- are unknown}
+\setinterfacemessage{figures}{4}{dimensioni di -- caricate dal file di immagini stesso}
+\setinterfacemessage{figures}{6}{dimensioni di -- calcolate da rlxtools}
+\setinterfacemessage{figures}{8}{oggetto-figura -- riutilizzato}
+\setinterfacemessage{colors}{1}{sistema -- attivato globalmente}
+\setinterfacemessage{colors}{3}{-- non definito --}
+\setinterfacemessage{colors}{2}{sistema -- attivato localmente}
+\setinterfacemessage{colors}{5}{sistema -- sconosciuto}
+\setinterfacemessage{colors}{4}{sistema -- caricato}
+\setinterfacemessage{colors}{7}{tavolozza -- non disponibile}
+\setinterfacemessage{colors}{6}{tavolozza -- resa disponibile}
+\setinterfacemessage{colors}{9}{spazio dei colori -- non supportato}
+\setinterfacemessage{colors}{8}{specifica -- del colore -- convertita in nero}
+\setinterfacemessage{colors}{12}{-- is registered}
+\setinterfacemessage{colors}{11}{il colore ø convertito in grigio}
+\setinterfacemessage{colors}{10}{spazio dei colori -- supportato}
+\endinput \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/mult-mnl.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/mult-mnl.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fb527d4ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/mult-mnl.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{1}{onbekende verwijzing --}
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{30}{onbekend object --}
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{3}{type verwijzing -- onbekend}
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{2}{dubbele verwijzing -- op pagina --}
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{5}{number of unknown references: --}
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{4}{verboden verwijzing --}
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{6}{number of illegal references: --}
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{25}{references from document '--' are not imported (export again)}
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{24}{references from document '--' are not exported}
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{26}{references from document '--' are imported}
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{31}{dubbel object --}
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{21}{document -- geladen}
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{22}{document -- is niet interactief}
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{23}{onduidelijke verwijzing -- (prefix=--)}
+\setinterfacemessage{documents}{1}{sheet --}
+\setinterfacemessage{documents}{2}{nummer --}
+\setinterfacemessage{handlings}{1}{font afhandeling --}
+\setinterfacemessage{handlings}{3}{onbekende font afhandeling --}
+\setinterfacemessage{handlings}{2}{font afhandeling -- wordt geladen}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{41}{externe file -- in groep -- bestaat niet}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{9}{-- niet gevonden/geplaatst}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{91}{papierlade --}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{8}{nieuwe versie hulpfile, tweede run nodig}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{21}{de hulpfile is niet geladen}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{20}{betekenissen (sorteren) van -- geladen}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{5}{module -- geladen}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{4}{commando -- is al gedefinieerd}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{1}{laden hulpfile uitgesteld (typemode)}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{23}{-- gearrangeerd op --}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{22}{gebruik een goede hulpfile}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{2}{-- geladen}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{19}{betekenissen (synoniemen) van -- geladen}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{18}{synoniem -- -- bestaat niet}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{7}{module -- reeds geladen}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{6}{geen module -- gevonden}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{14}{geforceerde paginaovergang in lijst voor --}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{15}{wegschrijven buffer --}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{16}{inlezen buffer --}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{17}{verbatim inlezen buffer --}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{13}{markering -- gedefinieerd --}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{12}{de hulpfile is niet gesorteerd, gebruik texutil}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{11}{aanmaken basale hulpfile}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{10}{gebruik geen em in --}
+\setinterfacemessage{floatblocks}{1}{-- hernummerd / -- => --}
+\setinterfacemessage{floatblocks}{3}{-- verplaatst}
+\setinterfacemessage{floatblocks}{2}{-- bewaard}
+\setinterfacemessage{floatblocks}{5}{volgorde aangepast}
+\setinterfacemessage{floatblocks}{4}{-- geplaatst}
+\setinterfacemessage{floatblocks}{7}{maximaal -- onder}
+\setinterfacemessage{floatblocks}{6}{maximaal -- boven}
+\setinterfacemessage{floatblocks}{9}{volgorde verstoord}
+\setinterfacemessage{floatblocks}{8}{minder dan -- regels}
+\setinterfacemessage{floatblocks}{13}{er is niets te splitsen}
+\setinterfacemessage{floatblocks}{12}{niet gedefinieerd}
+\setinterfacemessage{floatblocks}{11}{geen blok opgegeven}
+\setinterfacemessage{floatblocks}{10}{-- begrensd}
+\setinterfacemessage{interactions}{1}{aspect ratio -- x -- (b x h)}
+\setinterfacemessage{interactions}{3}{niet actief}
+\setinterfacemessage{interactions}{5}{onbekend attachment --}
+\setinterfacemessage{interactions}{4}{geen paginasynchronisatie (--) in hmode}
+\setinterfacemessage{interactions}{6}{attachment file -- bestaat niet}
+\setinterfacemessage{interactions}{21}{-- code tussengevoegd}
+\setinterfacemessage{regimes}{1}{regime --}
+\setinterfacemessage{regimes}{3}{onbekend regime --}
+\setinterfacemessage{regimes}{2}{regime -- wordt geladen}
+\setinterfacemessage{structures}{1}{begin van sectieblok --}
+\setinterfacemessage{structures}{2}{eind van sectieblok --}
+\setinterfacemessage{linguals}{1}{afbreekpatronen -- voor -- geladen (n=--,e=--,m=--)}
+\setinterfacemessage{linguals}{3}{afbreekdefinities -- voor -- geladen (n=--,e=--,m=--)}
+\setinterfacemessage{linguals}{2}{geen afbreekpatronen -- voor -- (n=--,e=--,m=--) (--,--)}
+\setinterfacemessage{linguals}{5}{afbreekpatronen voor -- niet geladen}
+\setinterfacemessage{linguals}{4}{geen afbreekdefinities -- voor -- (n=--,e=--,m=--)}
+\setinterfacemessage{linguals}{7}{taal specifieke opties [--] introduceren een skip van --}
+\setinterfacemessage{linguals}{6}{taal -- is niet gedefinieerd}
+\setinterfacemessage{linguals}{9}{taal -- is actief}
+\setinterfacemessage{linguals}{8}{taal specifieke opties [--] naadloos toegevoegd}
+\setinterfacemessage{linguals}{10}{patronen --geladen}
+\setinterfacemessage{verbatims}{1}{file -- bestaat niet}
+\setinterfacemessage{filters}{1}{filter -- wordt geladen}
+\setinterfacemessage{filters}{2}{onbekend filter --}
+\setinterfacemessage{textblocks}{1}{nieuwe versie, tweede run nodig}
+\setinterfacemessage{textblocks}{3}{inlezen blokken uit --}
+\setinterfacemessage{textblocks}{2}{wegschrijven blokken naar --}
+\setinterfacemessage{textblocks}{5}{-- niet verborgen}
+\setinterfacemessage{textblocks}{4}{er is een tweede run nodig}
+\setinterfacemessage{textblocks}{7}{-- verborgen}
+\setinterfacemessage{textblocks}{6}{-- verborgen en verwerkt}
+\setinterfacemessage{textblocks}{9}{-- niet gehandhaafd}
+\setinterfacemessage{textblocks}{8}{-- gehandhaafd}
+\setinterfacemessage{textblocks}{12}{-- overgeslagen}
+\setinterfacemessage{textblocks}{11}{-- geladen en geplaatst}
+\setinterfacemessage{textblocks}{10}{-- geladen en verwerkt}
+\setinterfacemessage{encodings}{1}{codering --}
+\setinterfacemessage{encodings}{3}{onbekende codering --}
+\setinterfacemessage{encodings}{2}{codering -- wordt geladen}
+\setinterfacemessage{columns}{1}{maximaal -- kolommen}
+\setinterfacemessage{columns}{3}{probleempje, probeer [balanceren=nee]}
+\setinterfacemessage{columns}{2}{gebruik eventueel \string\filbreak}
+\setinterfacemessage{columns}{5}{plaatsblok onder nog niet mogelijk}
+\setinterfacemessage{columns}{4}{plaatsblok boven nog niet mogelijk}
+\setinterfacemessage{columns}{7}{balanceren afgebroken na 100 stappen}
+\setinterfacemessage{columns}{6}{-- plaatsblok(en) opgeschort}
+\setinterfacemessage{columns}{9}{uitlijnen controleren!}
+\setinterfacemessage{columns}{8}{gebalanceerd in -- stap(pen)}
+\setinterfacemessage{columns}{13}{breed figuur geplaatst boven kolommen}
+\setinterfacemessage{columns}{12}{plaatsblok verplaatst naar volgende kolom / --}
+\setinterfacemessage{columns}{11}{plaatsblok te breed voor kolom}
+\setinterfacemessage{columns}{10}{(minder dan) 1 regel over}
+\setinterfacemessage{symbols}{1}{symboolset -- wordt geladen}
+\setinterfacemessage{files}{1}{file synoniem -- is al in gebruik voor --}
+\setinterfacemessage{versions}{1}{er mankeert een @+}
+\setinterfacemessage{versions}{3}{geselecteerde pagina's: --}
+\setinterfacemessage{versions}{2}{markeren pagina's}
+\setinterfacemessage{specials}{1}{-- geladen}
+\setinterfacemessage{specials}{3}{-- gereset}
+\setinterfacemessage{specials}{2}{verdere nesting is niet toegestaan --}
+\setinterfacemessage{specials}{5}{definitiefile -- wordt geladen}
+\setinterfacemessage{specials}{4}{commando -- bestaat niet}
+\setinterfacemessage{specials}{7}{onbekende driver --}
+\setinterfacemessage{specials}{6}{nesting is niet toegestaan}
+\setinterfacemessage{layouts}{1}{teksthoogte aangepast met -- op pagina --}
+\setinterfacemessage{layouts}{3}{-- maal tekst plaatsen uitstellen}
+\setinterfacemessage{layouts}{2}{-- maal uitgestelde tekst tussengevoegd}
+\setinterfacemessage{layouts}{5}{margeblokken inactief}
+\setinterfacemessage{layouts}{4}{margeblokken actief}
+\setinterfacemessage{layouts}{7}{beeldmerken berekenen}
+\setinterfacemessage{layouts}{6}{subpagina reeks -- verwerkt (aantal --)}
+\setinterfacemessage{layouts}{9}{momenteel maximaal -- niveaus in opsommingen}
+\setinterfacemessage{layouts}{8}{achtergronden berekenen}
+\setinterfacemessage{layouts}{11}{interlinie -- niet toegestaan in gridmode}
+\setinterfacemessage{layouts}{10}{-- en -- tellen niet op tot 1.0}
+\setinterfacemessage{fonts}{1}{codering --}
+\setinterfacemessage{fonts}{3}{onbekende variant --}
+\setinterfacemessage{fonts}{2}{variant -- wordt geladen}
+\setinterfacemessage{fonts}{5}{stijl -- is niet gedefinieerd}
+\setinterfacemessage{fonts}{4}{korps -- is niet gedefinieerd}
+\setinterfacemessage{fonts}{7}{onbekend formaat --}
+\setinterfacemessage{fonts}{6}{-- wordt geladen}
+\setinterfacemessage{fonts}{14}{korps -- is gedefinieerd (kan beter globaal plaatsvinden)}
+\setinterfacemessage{fonts}{8}{stijl -- gedefinieerd}
+\setinterfacemessage{fonts}{10}{onbekende font file --}
+\setinterfacemessage{databases}{3}{globaal bestand --}
+\setinterfacemessage{databases}{2}{lokaal bestand --}
+\setinterfacemessage{databases}{4}{onbekend bestand --}
+\setinterfacemessage{publications}{1}{file -- not found, unknown style ignored}
+\setinterfacemessage{publications}{3}{wrote a new auxiliary file \jobname.aux}
+\setinterfacemessage{publications}{2}{file -- not found, waiting for bibtex}
+\setinterfacemessage{publications}{4}{loading database from --}
+\setinterfacemessage{publications}{5}{warning: cite argument -- on line \the\inputlineno}
+\setinterfacemessage{publications}{6}{loading formatting style from --}
+\setinterfacemessage{javascript}{1}{script set -- wordt geladen}
+\setinterfacemessage{javascript}{2}{onbekende preamble --}
+\setinterfacemessage{check}{1}{'=' ontbreekt of zonder {} na '--' in regel --}
+\setinterfacemessage{check}{3}{-- -- vervangt een macro, gebruik HOOFDLETTERS!}
+\setinterfacemessage{check}{2}{-- argument(en) verwacht in regel --}
+\setinterfacemessage{metapost}{1}{metapost bibliotheek -- wordt geladen}
+\setinterfacemessage{figures}{1}{figuur -- is niet te vinden}
+\setinterfacemessage{figures}{3}{maten van -- worden extern vastgesteld}
+\setinterfacemessage{figures}{2}{figuur -- wordt niet preset}
+\setinterfacemessage{figures}{5}{maten van -- zijn onbekend}
+\setinterfacemessage{figures}{4}{maten van -- geladen uit figuurfile zelf}
+\setinterfacemessage{figures}{6}{maten van -- berekend door rlxtools}
+\setinterfacemessage{figures}{8}{figuurobject -- wordt opnieuw gebruikt}
+\setinterfacemessage{colors}{1}{systeem -- is globaal actief}
+\setinterfacemessage{colors}{3}{-- is niet gedefinieerd --}
+\setinterfacemessage{colors}{2}{systeem -- is lokaal actief}
+\setinterfacemessage{colors}{5}{onbekend systeem --}
+\setinterfacemessage{colors}{4}{systeem -- wordt geladen}
+\setinterfacemessage{colors}{7}{palet -- is niet beschikbaar}
+\setinterfacemessage{colors}{6}{palet -- is beschikbaar}
+\setinterfacemessage{colors}{9}{-- kleurruimte wordt niet ondersteund}
+\setinterfacemessage{colors}{8}{specificatie -- bij -- wordt zwart}
+\setinterfacemessage{colors}{12}{-- is geregistreerd}
+\setinterfacemessage{colors}{11}{kleur wordt vertaald in grijs}
+\setinterfacemessage{colors}{10}{-- kleurruimte wordt ondersteund}
+\endinput \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/mult-mno.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/mult-mno.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bbbc3a658
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/mult-mno.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{1}{ukjent referanse --}
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{30}{ukjent objekt --}
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{3}{ukjent referansetype --}
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{2}{duplikat referanse -- pø side --}
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{5}{number of unknown references: --}
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{4}{ulovlig referanse --}
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{6}{number of illegal references: --}
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{25}{references from document '--' are not imported (export again)}
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{24}{references from document '--' are not exported}
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{26}{references from document '--' are imported}
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{31}{duplikat objekt --}
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{21}{dokument -- er lest inn}
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{22}{dokument -- er ikke interaktivt}
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{23}{obskur referanse -- (Prefix=--)}
+\setinterfacemessage{documents}{1}{sheet --}
+\setinterfacemessage{documents}{2}{number --}
+\setinterfacemessage{handlings}{1}{font handling --}
+\setinterfacemessage{handlings}{3}{unknown font handling --}
+\setinterfacemessage{handlings}{2}{font handling -- is loaded}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{41}{ekstern fil -- i gruppe -- eksisterer ikke}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{9}{-- ikke funnet/behandlet}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{91}{papertray --}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{8}{ny versjon av hjelpefil, andre gjennomkjøring nødvendig}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{21}{hjelpefila er ikke lest inn}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{20}{betydning (sorterer) av -- er lest inn}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{5}{makroene i modul -- er lest inn}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{4}{kommando -- er allerede definert}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{1}{innlesning av hjelpefila utsatt (typemode)}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{23}{-- arrangert på --}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{22}{bruk en gyldig hjelpefil}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{2}{-- er lest inn}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{19}{betydning (synonymer) av -- er lest inn}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{18}{synonym -- -- eksisterer ikke}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{7}{makroene i modul -- er allerede lest inn}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{6}{ingen makroer funnet i modul ---}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{14}{tvunget sideskift i liste ved --}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{15}{lagrer Buffer --}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{16}{tegnsetter buffer --}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{17}{tegnsetter verbatim-buffer --}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{13}{markering -- definert --}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{12}{hjelpefila er ikke sortert, bruk texutil}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{11}{lager enkel hjelpefil}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{10}{ikke bruk em i --}
+\setinterfacemessage{floatblocks}{1}{-- renummerert / -- => --}
+\setinterfacemessage{floatblocks}{3}{-- flyttet}
+\setinterfacemessage{floatblocks}{2}{-- lagret}
+\setinterfacemessage{floatblocks}{5}{rekkefølge tilpasset}
+\setinterfacemessage{floatblocks}{4}{-- plassert}
+\setinterfacemessage{floatblocks}{7}{maksimalt -- flytblokker nederst}
+\setinterfacemessage{floatblocks}{6}{maksimalt -- flytblokker øverst}
+\setinterfacemessage{floatblocks}{9}{rekkefølge endret}
+\setinterfacemessage{floatblocks}{8}{mindre enn -- linjer}
+\setinterfacemessage{floatblocks}{13}{there is nothing to split}
+\setinterfacemessage{floatblocks}{11}{ingen blokk oppgitt}
+\setinterfacemessage{floatblocks}{10}{-- begrenset}
+\setinterfacemessage{interactions}{1}{forholdstall -- x -- (b x h)}
+\setinterfacemessage{interactions}{5}{unknown attachment --}
+\setinterfacemessage{interactions}{4}{ingen sidesynkronisering (--) i hmode}
+\setinterfacemessage{interactions}{6}{attachment file -- does not exist}
+\setinterfacemessage{interactions}{21}{-- kode satt inn / tilføyd}
+\setinterfacemessage{regimes}{1}{koding --}
+\setinterfacemessage{regimes}{3}{ukjent koding --}
+\setinterfacemessage{regimes}{2}{koding -- er lest inn}
+\setinterfacemessage{structures}{1}{starten av blokk -- (seksjon)}
+\setinterfacemessage{structures}{2}{slutten av blokk -- (seksjon)}
+\setinterfacemessage{linguals}{1}{orddelingsmønster -- for -- er lest inn (n=--,e=--,m=--)}
+\setinterfacemessage{linguals}{3}{orddelingsdefinisjon -- for -- er lest inn (n=--,e=--,m=--)}
+\setinterfacemessage{linguals}{2}{ingen orddelingsmønster -- for -- (n=--,e=--,m=--) (--,--)}
+\setinterfacemessage{linguals}{5}{orddelingsmønster for -- er ikke lest inn}
+\setinterfacemessage{linguals}{4}{ingen orddelingsdefinisjon -- for -- (n=--,e=--,m=--)}
+\setinterfacemessage{linguals}{7}{spràk spesifikk opsjon [--] introduserer et -- hopp}
+\setinterfacemessage{linguals}{6}{spràk -- er udefinert}
+\setinterfacemessage{linguals}{9}{spràk -- er aktivt}
+\setinterfacemessage{linguals}{8}{spràk spesifikk opsjon [--] problemfritt tilføyd}
+\setinterfacemessage{linguals}{10}{orddelingsmønster -- er lest inn}
+\setinterfacemessage{verbatims}{1}{fil -- eksisterer ikke}
+\setinterfacemessage{filters}{1}{filter -- is loaded}
+\setinterfacemessage{filters}{2}{unknown filter --}
+\setinterfacemessage{textblocks}{1}{ny versjon, andre gjennomkjøring nødvendig}
+\setinterfacemessage{textblocks}{3}{leser blokker fra --}
+\setinterfacemessage{textblocks}{2}{skriver blokker til --}
+\setinterfacemessage{textblocks}{5}{-- ikke skjult}
+\setinterfacemessage{textblocks}{4}{andre gjennomkjøring nødvendig}
+\setinterfacemessage{textblocks}{7}{-- skjult}
+\setinterfacemessage{textblocks}{6}{-- skjult og behandlet}
+\setinterfacemessage{textblocks}{9}{-- ikke tegnsatt}
+\setinterfacemessage{textblocks}{8}{-- tegnsatt}
+\setinterfacemessage{textblocks}{12}{-- utelatt}
+\setinterfacemessage{textblocks}{11}{-- lest inn og tegnsatt}
+\setinterfacemessage{textblocks}{10}{-- lest inn og behandlet}
+\setinterfacemessage{encodings}{1}{koding --}
+\setinterfacemessage{encodings}{3}{ukjent koding --}
+\setinterfacemessage{encodings}{2}{koding -- er lest inn}
+\setinterfacemessage{columns}{1}{maksimalt -- kolonner}
+\setinterfacemessage{columns}{3}{problemer, slår av balansering}
+\setinterfacemessage{columns}{2}{bruk \string\filbreak\space som et alternativ}
+\setinterfacemessage{columns}{5}{flytblokker nedert er ikke støttet enda}
+\setinterfacemessage{columns}{4}{flytblokker øverst er ikke støttet enda}
+\setinterfacemessage{columns}{7}{balansering avbrutt etter 100 iterasjoner}
+\setinterfacemessage{columns}{6}{-- flytblokk forskjøvet}
+\setinterfacemessage{columns}{9}{kontroller tekstlayout!}
+\setinterfacemessage{columns}{8}{balansert etter -- iterasjoner}
+\setinterfacemessage{columns}{13}{bred flytblokk forksjøvet til toppen av kolonnene}
+\setinterfacemessage{columns}{12}{flytblokk forskjøvet til neste kolonne / --}
+\setinterfacemessage{columns}{11}{flytblokk for bredt for kolonna}
+\setinterfacemessage{columns}{10}{(mindre enn) 1 linje igjen}
+\setinterfacemessage{symbols}{1}{leser inn symbolsett --}
+\setinterfacemessage{files}{1}{filesynonym -- er allerede brukt for --}
+\setinterfacemessage{versions}{1}{manglende @+}
+\setinterfacemessage{versions}{3}{valgte sider: --}
+\setinterfacemessage{versions}{2}{markerer sider}
+\setinterfacemessage{specials}{1}{-- er lest inn}
+\setinterfacemessage{specials}{3}{-- er tilbakestilt}
+\setinterfacemessage{specials}{2}{dypere 'nesting' er ikke tillatt --}
+\setinterfacemessage{specials}{5}{leser inn definisjonsfil for --}
+\setinterfacemessage{specials}{4}{kommando -- eksisterer ikke}
+\setinterfacemessage{specials}{7}{ukjent driver --}
+\setinterfacemessage{specials}{6}{'nesting' er ikke tillatt}
+\setinterfacemessage{layouts}{1}{teksthøyde tilpasset med -- på side --}
+\setinterfacemessage{layouts}{3}{-- ganger tekst forskjøvet}
+\setinterfacemessage{layouts}{2}{-- ganger forskjøvet tekst plassert}
+\setinterfacemessage{layouts}{5}{margblokker inaktive}
+\setinterfacemessage{layouts}{4}{margblokker aktive}
+\setinterfacemessage{layouts}{7}{beregner plass for logo}
+\setinterfacemessage{layouts}{6}{delside sett -- behandlet (størrelse --)}
+\setinterfacemessage{layouts}{9}{for øyeblikket maksimalt -- nivåer i opplisting}
+\setinterfacemessage{layouts}{8}{beregner bakgrunn}
+\setinterfacemessage{layouts}{11}{mellomrom -- ikke tillatt i gridmodus}
+\setinterfacemessage{layouts}{10}{-- og -- er ikke 1.0 til sammen}
+\setinterfacemessage{fonts}{1}{koding --}
+\setinterfacemessage{fonts}{3}{ukjent variant --}
+\setinterfacemessage{fonts}{2}{variant -- er lest inn}
+\setinterfacemessage{fonts}{5}{stil -- er ikke definert}
+\setinterfacemessage{fonts}{4}{hovedfont -- er ikke definert}
+\setinterfacemessage{fonts}{7}{ukjent format --}
+\setinterfacemessage{fonts}{6}{-- er lest inn}
+\setinterfacemessage{fonts}{14}{bodyfont -- is defined (can better be done global)}
+\setinterfacemessage{fonts}{8}{stil -- definert}
+\setinterfacemessage{fonts}{10}{ukjent fontfil --}
+\setinterfacemessage{databases}{3}{global fil --}
+\setinterfacemessage{databases}{2}{lokal fil --}
+\setinterfacemessage{databases}{4}{ukjent fil --}
+\setinterfacemessage{publications}{1}{file -- not found, unknown style ignored}
+\setinterfacemessage{publications}{3}{wrote a new auxiliary file \jobname.aux}
+\setinterfacemessage{publications}{2}{file -- not found, waiting for bibtex}
+\setinterfacemessage{publications}{4}{loading database from --}
+\setinterfacemessage{publications}{5}{warning: cite argument -- on line \the\inputlineno}
+\setinterfacemessage{publications}{6}{loading formatting style from --}
+\setinterfacemessage{javascript}{1}{leser inn scriptsett --}
+\setinterfacemessage{javascript}{2}{ukjent 'preamble' --}
+\setinterfacemessage{check}{1}{manglende '=' etter '--' i linje --}
+\setinterfacemessage{check}{3}{-- -- overskygger en makro, bruk STORE BOKSTAVER!}
+\setinterfacemessage{check}{2}{-- argument forventet i linje --}
+\setinterfacemessage{metapost}{1}{metapost bibliotek -- blir lest inn}
+\setinterfacemessage{figures}{1}{figure -- can not be found}
+\setinterfacemessage{figures}{3}{dimensions of -- are determined externally}
+\setinterfacemessage{figures}{2}{figure -- is not preset}
+\setinterfacemessage{figures}{5}{dimensions of -- are unknown}
+\setinterfacemessage{figures}{4}{dimensions of -- loaded from figurefile itself}
+\setinterfacemessage{figures}{6}{dimensions of -- calculated by rlxtools}
+\setinterfacemessage{figures}{8}{figureobject -- is reused}
+\setinterfacemessage{colors}{1}{system -- er aktivert globalt}
+\setinterfacemessage{colors}{3}{-- er udefinert --}
+\setinterfacemessage{colors}{2}{system -- er aktivert lokalt}
+\setinterfacemessage{colors}{5}{ukjent system --}
+\setinterfacemessage{colors}{4}{system -- er lest inn}
+\setinterfacemessage{colors}{7}{palett -- er ikke tilgjengelig}
+\setinterfacemessage{colors}{6}{palett -- er tilgjengelig}
+\setinterfacemessage{colors}{9}{-- fargerom er ikke støttet}
+\setinterfacemessage{colors}{8}{spesifikasjon -- for farge -- gir kun svart}
+\setinterfacemessage{colors}{12}{-- is registered}
+\setinterfacemessage{colors}{11}{fargen vil bli vist som grø}
+\setinterfacemessage{colors}{10}{-- fargerom er støttet}
+\endinput \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/mult-mpe.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/mult-mpe.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a8d429356
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/mult-mpe.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{1}{unknown reference --}
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{30}{unknown object --}
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{3}{unknown reference type --}
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{2}{duplicate reference -- on page --}
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{5}{number of unknown references: --}
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{4}{illegal reference --}
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{6}{number of illegal references: --}
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{25}{references from document '--' are not imported (export again)}
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{24}{references from document '--' are not exported}
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{26}{references from document '--' are imported}
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{31}{duplicate object --}
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{21}{document -- loaded}
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{22}{document -- is not interactive}
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{23}{obscure reference -- (prefix=--)}
+\setinterfacemessage{documents}{1}{sheet --}
+\setinterfacemessage{documents}{2}{number --}
+\setinterfacemessage{handlings}{1}{font handling --}
+\setinterfacemessage{handlings}{3}{unknown font handling --}
+\setinterfacemessage{handlings}{2}{font handling -- is loaded}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{41}{external file -- in group -- does not exist}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{9}{-- not found/processed}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{91}{papertray --}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{8}{new version of utility file, second pass needed}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{21}{no utility data is loaded}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{20}{meaning (sorts) of -- loaded}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{5}{module -- loaded}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{4}{command -- is already defined}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{1}{loading utility-file postponed (typemode)}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{23}{-- arranged at --}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{22}{use a valid utilityfile}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{2}{-- loaded}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{19}{meaning (synonyms) of -- loaded}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{18}{synonym -- -- does not exist}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{7}{module -- already loaded}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{6}{module -- not found}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{14}{forced newpage in list at --}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{15}{saving buffer --}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{16}{typesetting buffer --}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{17}{typesetting verbatim buffer --}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{13}{mark -- defined --}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{12}{the utility-file is not sorted, use texutil}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{11}{building simple util}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{10}{don't use em in --}
+\setinterfacemessage{floatblocks}{1}{-- renumbered / -- => --}
+\setinterfacemessage{floatblocks}{3}{-- moved}
+\setinterfacemessage{floatblocks}{2}{-- saved}
+\setinterfacemessage{floatblocks}{5}{order adapted}
+\setinterfacemessage{floatblocks}{4}{-- placed}
+\setinterfacemessage{floatblocks}{7}{n of bottom floats limited to --}
+\setinterfacemessage{floatblocks}{6}{n of top floats limited to --}
+\setinterfacemessage{floatblocks}{9}{order disturbed}
+\setinterfacemessage{floatblocks}{8}{less than -- lines}
+\setinterfacemessage{floatblocks}{13}{there is nothing to split}
+\setinterfacemessage{floatblocks}{11}{no block given}
+\setinterfacemessage{floatblocks}{10}{-- limited}
+\setinterfacemessage{interactions}{1}{aspect ratio -- x -- (b x h)}
+\setinterfacemessage{interactions}{5}{unknown attachment --}
+\setinterfacemessage{interactions}{4}{no pagesynchronisation (--) in hmode}
+\setinterfacemessage{interactions}{6}{attachment file -- does not exist}
+\setinterfacemessage{interactions}{21}{-- code inserted}
+\setinterfacemessage{regimes}{1}{regime --}
+\setinterfacemessage{regimes}{3}{unknown regime --}
+\setinterfacemessage{regimes}{2}{regime -- is loaded}
+\setinterfacemessage{structures}{1}{begin of sectionblock --}
+\setinterfacemessage{structures}{2}{end of sectionblock --}
+\setinterfacemessage{linguals}{1}{patterns -- for -- loaded (n=--,e=--,m=--)}
+\setinterfacemessage{linguals}{3}{hyphenations -- for -- loaded (n=--,e=--,m=--)}
+\setinterfacemessage{linguals}{2}{no patterns -- for -- (n=--,e=--,m=--) (--,--)}
+\setinterfacemessage{linguals}{5}{patterns for -- not loaded}
+\setinterfacemessage{linguals}{4}{no hyphenations -- for -- (n=--,e=--,m=--)}
+\setinterfacemessage{linguals}{7}{language specific options [--] introduce a -- skip}
+\setinterfacemessage{linguals}{6}{language -- is undefined}
+\setinterfacemessage{linguals}{9}{language -- is active}
+\setinterfacemessage{linguals}{8}{language specific options [--] seamless appended}
+\setinterfacemessage{linguals}{10}{patterns -- loaded}
+\setinterfacemessage{verbatims}{1}{file -- does not exist}
+\setinterfacemessage{filters}{1}{filter -- is loaded}
+\setinterfacemessage{filters}{2}{unknown filter --}
+\setinterfacemessage{textblocks}{1}{new version, second pass needed}
+\setinterfacemessage{textblocks}{3}{reading blocks from --}
+\setinterfacemessage{textblocks}{2}{writing blocks to --}
+\setinterfacemessage{textblocks}{5}{-- not hidden}
+\setinterfacemessage{textblocks}{4}{second pass needed}
+\setinterfacemessage{textblocks}{7}{-- hidden}
+\setinterfacemessage{textblocks}{6}{-- hidden and processed}
+\setinterfacemessage{textblocks}{9}{-- not typeset}
+\setinterfacemessage{textblocks}{8}{-- typeset}
+\setinterfacemessage{textblocks}{12}{-- skipped}
+\setinterfacemessage{textblocks}{11}{-- loaded and typeset}
+\setinterfacemessage{textblocks}{10}{-- loaded and processed}
+\setinterfacemessage{encodings}{1}{coding --}
+\setinterfacemessage{encodings}{3}{unknown coding --}
+\setinterfacemessage{encodings}{2}{coding -- is loaded}
+\setinterfacemessage{columns}{1}{only -- columns possible}
+\setinterfacemessage{columns}{3}{problems, disable balancing}
+\setinterfacemessage{columns}{2}{use \string\filbreak\space as alternative}
+\setinterfacemessage{columns}{5}{bottom float not yet supported}
+\setinterfacemessage{columns}{4}{top float not yet supported}
+\setinterfacemessage{columns}{7}{balancing aborted after 100 steps}
+\setinterfacemessage{columns}{6}{-- float(s) postponed}
+\setinterfacemessage{columns}{9}{check raggedness}
+\setinterfacemessage{columns}{8}{balanced in -- step(s)}
+\setinterfacemessage{columns}{13}{wide float moved to top of columns}
+\setinterfacemessage{columns}{12}{float moved to next column / --}
+\setinterfacemessage{columns}{11}{float too wide for column}
+\setinterfacemessage{columns}{10}{(less than) 1 line left}
+\setinterfacemessage{symbols}{1}{loading symbolset --}
+\setinterfacemessage{files}{1}{file synonym -- is already used for --}
+\setinterfacemessage{versions}{1}{missing @+}
+\setinterfacemessage{versions}{3}{selected pages: --}
+\setinterfacemessage{versions}{2}{marking pages}
+\setinterfacemessage{specials}{1}{-- loaded}
+\setinterfacemessage{specials}{3}{-- is reset}
+\setinterfacemessage{specials}{2}{no deeper nesting is permitted --}
+\setinterfacemessage{specials}{5}{loading definition file --}
+\setinterfacemessage{specials}{4}{command -- does not exist}
+\setinterfacemessage{specials}{7}{unknown driver --}
+\setinterfacemessage{specials}{6}{nesting is not permitted}
+\setinterfacemessage{layouts}{1}{textheight adapted with -- at page --}
+\setinterfacemessage{layouts}{3}{-- times text postponed}
+\setinterfacemessage{layouts}{2}{-- times postponed text placed}
+\setinterfacemessage{layouts}{5}{marginblocks inactive}
+\setinterfacemessage{layouts}{4}{marginblocks active}
+\setinterfacemessage{layouts}{7}{calculating logospace}
+\setinterfacemessage{layouts}{6}{subpage set -- processed (size --)}
+\setinterfacemessage{layouts}{9}{currently no more than -- levels in itemizations}
+\setinterfacemessage{layouts}{8}{calculating backgrounds}
+\setinterfacemessage{layouts}{11}{spacing -- not permitted in gridmode}
+\setinterfacemessage{layouts}{10}{-- and -- don't add up to 1.0}
+\setinterfacemessage{fonts}{1}{coding --}
+\setinterfacemessage{fonts}{3}{unknown variant --}
+\setinterfacemessage{fonts}{2}{variant -- is loaded}
+\setinterfacemessage{fonts}{5}{style -- is not defined}
+\setinterfacemessage{fonts}{4}{bodyfont -- is not defined}
+\setinterfacemessage{fonts}{7}{unknown format --}
+\setinterfacemessage{fonts}{6}{-- is loaded}
+\setinterfacemessage{fonts}{14}{bodyfont -- is defined (can better be done global)}
+\setinterfacemessage{fonts}{8}{style -- defined}
+\setinterfacemessage{fonts}{10}{unknown font file --}
+\setinterfacemessage{databases}{3}{global file --}
+\setinterfacemessage{databases}{2}{local file --}
+\setinterfacemessage{databases}{4}{unknown file --}
+\setinterfacemessage{publications}{1}{file -- not found, unknown style ignored}
+\setinterfacemessage{publications}{3}{wrote a new auxiliary file \jobname.aux}
+\setinterfacemessage{publications}{2}{file -- not found, waiting for bibtex}
+\setinterfacemessage{publications}{4}{loading database from --}
+\setinterfacemessage{publications}{5}{warning: cite argument -- on line \the\inputlineno}
+\setinterfacemessage{publications}{6}{loading formatting style from --}
+\setinterfacemessage{javascript}{1}{loading script set --}
+\setinterfacemessage{javascript}{2}{unknown preamble --}
+\setinterfacemessage{check}{1}{missing or ungrouped '=' after '--' in line --}
+\setinterfacemessage{check}{3}{-- -- replaces a macro, use CAPITALS!}
+\setinterfacemessage{check}{2}{-- argument(s) expected in line --}
+\setinterfacemessage{metapost}{1}{loading metapost library --}
+\setinterfacemessage{figures}{1}{figure -- can not be found}
+\setinterfacemessage{figures}{3}{dimensions of -- are determined externally}
+\setinterfacemessage{figures}{2}{figure -- is not preset}
+\setinterfacemessage{figures}{5}{dimensions of -- are unknown}
+\setinterfacemessage{figures}{4}{dimensions of -- loaded from figurefile itself}
+\setinterfacemessage{figures}{6}{dimensions of -- calculated by rlxtools}
+\setinterfacemessage{figures}{8}{figureobject -- is reused}
+\setinterfacemessage{colors}{1}{system -- is global activated}
+\setinterfacemessage{colors}{3}{-- is not defined --}
+\setinterfacemessage{colors}{2}{system -- is local activated}
+\setinterfacemessage{colors}{5}{unknown system --}
+\setinterfacemessage{colors}{4}{system -- is loaded}
+\setinterfacemessage{colors}{7}{palette -- is not available}
+\setinterfacemessage{colors}{6}{palette -- is available}
+\setinterfacemessage{colors}{9}{-- color space is not supported}
+\setinterfacemessage{colors}{8}{specification -- at color -- becomes black}
+\setinterfacemessage{colors}{12}{-- is registered}
+\setinterfacemessage{colors}{11}{color is converted to gray}
+\setinterfacemessage{colors}{10}{-- color space is supported}
+\endinput \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/mult-mro.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/mult-mro.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..70673c317
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/mult-mro.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{1}{referinta necunoscuta --}
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{30}{obiect necunoscut --}
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{3}{tip necunoscut de referinta --}
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{2}{referinta duplicat -- la pagina --}
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{5}{number of unknown references: --}
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{4}{referinta eronata --}
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{6}{number of illegal references: --}
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{25}{references from document '--' are not imported (export again)}
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{24}{references from document '--' are not exported}
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{26}{references from document '--' are imported}
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{31}{obiect duplicat --}
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{21}{documentul -- este incarcat}
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{22}{documentul -- nu este interactiv}
+\setinterfacemessage{references}{23}{referinta obscura -- (prefix=--)}
+\setinterfacemessage{documents}{1}{sheet --}
+\setinterfacemessage{documents}{2}{number --}
+\setinterfacemessage{handlings}{1}{font handling --}
+\setinterfacemessage{handlings}{3}{unknown font handling --}
+\setinterfacemessage{handlings}{2}{font handling -- is loaded}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{41}{fisierul extern -- din grupul -- nu exista}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{9}{-- nu este gasit/procesat}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{91}{papertray --}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{8}{o noua versiune de fisier utilitar, este necesara o noua trecere}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{21}{nici o data utilitara nu este incarcata}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{20}{intelesul (ordinea) pentru -- incarcat}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{5}{macro-urile din modulul -- s-au incarcat}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{4}{comanda -- este deja definita}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{1}{se incarca utilitarul-fisierul este amanat (typemode)}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{23}{-- aranjat la --}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{22}{folositi un fisier utilitar valid}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{2}{-- s-a incarcat}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{19}{intelesul (sinonimele) pentru -- incarcat}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{18}{sinonimul -- -- nu exista}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{7}{macro-urile din modulul -- s-au incarcat deja}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{6}{nu s-au gasit macro-uri in modulul --}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{14}{s-a fortat trecere pa pagina noua in lista la --}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{15}{buffer salvat --}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{16}{buffer-ul -- s-a cules}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{17}{se culege buffer-ul verbatim --}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{13}{marcajul -- definit --}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{12}{fisierul utilitar nu este sortat, folositi texutil}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{11}{se creeaza un utilitar simplu}
+\setinterfacemessage{systems}{10}{nu folositi em in --}
+\setinterfacemessage{floatblocks}{1}{-- renumerotat / -- => --}
+\setinterfacemessage{floatblocks}{3}{-- mutat}
+\setinterfacemessage{floatblocks}{2}{-- salvat}
+\setinterfacemessage{floatblocks}{5}{ordinea adaptata}
+\setinterfacemessage{floatblocks}{4}{-- plasat}
+\setinterfacemessage{floatblocks}{7}{nr. blocurilor de jos limitat la --}
+\setinterfacemessage{floatblocks}{6}{nr. cadrelor de sus limitat la --}
+\setinterfacemessage{floatblocks}{9}{ordinea deranjata}
+\setinterfacemessage{floatblocks}{8}{mai putin de -- linii}
+\setinterfacemessage{floatblocks}{13}{there is nothing to split}
+\setinterfacemessage{floatblocks}{11}{nu este dat nici un bloc}
+\setinterfacemessage{floatblocks}{10}{-- limitat}
+\setinterfacemessage{interactions}{1}{aspectul -- x -- (b x h)}
+\setinterfacemessage{interactions}{5}{unknown attachment --}
+\setinterfacemessage{interactions}{4}{nu exista sincronizare pt. pagini (--) in hmode}
+\setinterfacemessage{interactions}{6}{attachment file -- does not exist}
+\setinterfacemessage{interactions}{21}{-- cod inserat}
+\setinterfacemessage{regimes}{1}{codificarea --}
+\setinterfacemessage{regimes}{3}{codificarea -- este necunoscuta}
+\setinterfacemessage{regimes}{2}{codificarea -- este Encarcata}
+\setinterfacemessage{structures}{1}{inceput de bloc sectiune --}
+\setinterfacemessage{structures}{2}{sfarsit de bloc sectiune --}
+\setinterfacemessage{linguals}{1}{sablonul -- pentru -- s-a incarcat (n=--,e=--,m=--)}
+\setinterfacemessage{linguals}{3}{despartirea in silabe -- pentru -- s-a incarcat (n=--,e=--,m=--)}
+\setinterfacemessage{linguals}{2}{nu exista sabloane -- pentru -- (n=--,e=--,m=--) (--,--)}
+\setinterfacemessage{linguals}{5}{sabloanele pentru -- nu sunt incarcate}
+\setinterfacemessage{linguals}{4}{nu exista despartire in silabe -- pentru -- (n=--,e=--,m=--)}
+\setinterfacemessage{linguals}{7}{optiunile specifice ale limbii [--] introduc un spatiu --}
+\setinterfacemessage{linguals}{6}{limba -- nu este definita}
+\setinterfacemessage{linguals}{9}{limba -- este activa}
+\setinterfacemessage{linguals}{8}{optiunile specifice ale limbii [--] adaugate}
+\setinterfacemessage{linguals}{10}{sabloanele -- incarcate}
+\setinterfacemessage{verbatims}{1}{fisierul -- nu exista}
+\setinterfacemessage{filters}{1}{filter -- is loaded}
+\setinterfacemessage{filters}{2}{unknown filter --}
+\setinterfacemessage{textblocks}{1}{o noua versiune, este nevoie de inca o trecere}
+\setinterfacemessage{textblocks}{3}{se citesc blocurile din --}
+\setinterfacemessage{textblocks}{2}{se scriu blocurile in --}
+\setinterfacemessage{textblocks}{5}{-- nu este ascuns}
+\setinterfacemessage{textblocks}{4}{este nevoie de inca o trecere}
+\setinterfacemessage{textblocks}{7}{-- ascuns}
+\setinterfacemessage{textblocks}{6}{-- ascuns si procesat}
+\setinterfacemessage{textblocks}{9}{-- nu este cules}
+\setinterfacemessage{textblocks}{8}{-- cules}
+\setinterfacemessage{textblocks}{title}{blocuri de text}
+\setinterfacemessage{textblocks}{12}{-- sarit peste}
+\setinterfacemessage{textblocks}{11}{-- incarcat si cules}
+\setinterfacemessage{textblocks}{10}{-- incarcat si procesat}
+\setinterfacemessage{encodings}{1}{codificarea --}
+\setinterfacemessage{encodings}{3}{codificarea -- este necunoscuta}
+\setinterfacemessage{encodings}{2}{codificarea -- este Encarcata}
+\setinterfacemessage{columns}{1}{este posibil numai -- coloane}
+\setinterfacemessage{columns}{3}{probleme, se dezactiveaza alinierea}
+\setinterfacemessage{columns}{2}{folositi \string\filbreak\space ca alternativa}
+\setinterfacemessage{columns}{5}{cadrele bottom (bottom float) nu sunt inca suportate}
+\setinterfacemessage{columns}{4}{cadrele top (top float) nu sunt inca suportate}
+\setinterfacemessage{columns}{7}{alinierea este oprita dupa 100 de incercari}
+\setinterfacemessage{columns}{6}{-- blocurile sunt amanate}
+\setinterfacemessage{columns}{9}{verificat alinierea}
+\setinterfacemessage{columns}{8}{aliniat in -- pas(i)}
+\setinterfacemessage{columns}{13}{blocul lat este mutat in partea de sus a coloanelor}
+\setinterfacemessage{columns}{12}{blocul este mutat pe urmatoarea coloana / --}
+\setinterfacemessage{columns}{11}{blocul este prea lat pentru coloana}
+\setinterfacemessage{columns}{10}{a mai ramas (mai putin de) 1 linie}
+\setinterfacemessage{symbols}{1}{se incarca setul de simboluri --}
+\setinterfacemessage{files}{1}{sinonimul fisierelor -- este folosit deja pentru --}
+\setinterfacemessage{versions}{1}{lipseste @+}
+\setinterfacemessage{versions}{3}{pagini selectate: --}
+\setinterfacemessage{versions}{2}{pagini marcate}
+\setinterfacemessage{specials}{1}{-- incarcat}
+\setinterfacemessage{specials}{3}{-- s-a resetat}
+\setinterfacemessage{specials}{2}{nu este permis un nivel de imbricare mai mare --}
+\setinterfacemessage{specials}{5}{se incarca fisierul de definitii --}
+\setinterfacemessage{specials}{4}{comanda -- nu exista}
+\setinterfacemessage{specials}{7}{driver necunoscut --}
+\setinterfacemessage{specials}{6}{imbricarea nu este permisa}
+\setinterfacemessage{layouts}{1}{textheight adaptat cu -- la pagina --}
+\setinterfacemessage{layouts}{3}{textul amanat de -- ori}
+\setinterfacemessage{layouts}{2}{textul amanat de -- ori a fost plasat}
+\setinterfacemessage{layouts}{5}{blocuri marginale inactive}
+\setinterfacemessage{layouts}{4}{blocuri marginale active}
+\setinterfacemessage{layouts}{7}{se calculeaza spatiul pentru logo}
+\setinterfacemessage{layouts}{6}{setul -- de subpagini procesat (dimensiunea --)}
+\setinterfacemessage{layouts}{9}{acum nu se supota mai mult de -- nivele de adancime la iteratii}
+\setinterfacemessage{layouts}{8}{se calculeaza fundalurile}
+\setinterfacemessage{layouts}{11}{spatierea -- nu este permisa in gridmode}
+\setinterfacemessage{layouts}{10}{-- si -- nu se adauga pana la 1.0}
+\setinterfacemessage{fonts}{1}{codificarea --}
+\setinterfacemessage{fonts}{3}{varianta necunoscuta --}
+\setinterfacemessage{fonts}{2}{varianta -- este incarcata}
+\setinterfacemessage{fonts}{5}{stilul -- nu este definit}
+\setinterfacemessage{fonts}{4}{corpul de litere -- nu este definit}
+\setinterfacemessage{fonts}{7}{format necunoscut --}
+\setinterfacemessage{fonts}{6}{-- este incarcat}
+\setinterfacemessage{fonts}{14}{bodyfont -- is defined (can better be done global)}
+\setinterfacemessage{fonts}{8}{stilul -- definit}
+\setinterfacemessage{fonts}{title}{corp de litere}
+\setinterfacemessage{fonts}{10}{fisier font necunoscut --}
+\setinterfacemessage{databases}{3}{fisier global --}
+\setinterfacemessage{databases}{2}{fisier local --}
+\setinterfacemessage{databases}{4}{fisier necunoscut --}
+\setinterfacemessage{databases}{title}{baze de date}
+\setinterfacemessage{publications}{1}{file -- not found, unknown style ignored}
+\setinterfacemessage{publications}{3}{wrote a new auxiliary file \jobname.aux}
+\setinterfacemessage{publications}{2}{file -- not found, waiting for bibtex}
+\setinterfacemessage{publications}{4}{loading database from --}
+\setinterfacemessage{publications}{5}{warning: cite argument -- on line \the\inputlineno}
+\setinterfacemessage{publications}{6}{loading formatting style from --}
+\setinterfacemessage{javascript}{1}{se incarca scriptul --}
+\setinterfacemessage{javascript}{2}{preambul necunoscut --}
+\setinterfacemessage{check}{1}{lipseste '=' dupa '--' in linia --}
+\setinterfacemessage{check}{3}{-- -- inlocuieste un macro, folositi MAJUSCULE!}
+\setinterfacemessage{check}{2}{argumentul(ele) -- sunt asteptate in linia --}
+\setinterfacemessage{metapost}{1}{se incarca biblioteca metapost --}
+\setinterfacemessage{figures}{1}{figura -- nu poate fi gasita}
+\setinterfacemessage{figures}{3}{dimensions of -- are determined externally}
+\setinterfacemessage{figures}{2}{figura -- nu este presetata}
+\setinterfacemessage{figures}{5}{dimensions of -- are unknown}
+\setinterfacemessage{figures}{4}{dimensiunea figurii -- se incarca din fisierul insusi}
+\setinterfacemessage{figures}{6}{dimensiunea figurii -- este calculata de rlxtools}
+\setinterfacemessage{figures}{8}{obiectul figura -- este refolosit}
+\setinterfacemessage{colors}{1}{sistem -- este activata global}
+\setinterfacemessage{colors}{3}{-- nu este definita --}
+\setinterfacemessage{colors}{2}{sistem -- este activata local}
+\setinterfacemessage{colors}{5}{sistem -- necunoscuta}
+\setinterfacemessage{colors}{4}{sistem -- este incarcata}
+\setinterfacemessage{colors}{7}{palette -- nu este disponibila}
+\setinterfacemessage{colors}{6}{paleta -- este disponibila}
+\setinterfacemessage{colors}{9}{spatiul de culoare -- nu este suportat}
+\setinterfacemessage{colors}{8}{specificatia -- la culoarea -- devine neagra}
+\setinterfacemessage{colors}{12}{-- is registered}
+\setinterfacemessage{colors}{11}{culoarea este convertita la gri}
+\setinterfacemessage{colors}{10}{spatiul de culoare -- este suportat}
+\endinput \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/mult-nl.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/mult-nl.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..efc0d2be3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/mult-nl.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,1945 @@
+% this file is auto-generated, don't edit this file
+% definitions for interface variables for language nl
+% definitions for interface constants for language nl
+% definitions for interface elements for language nl
+% definitions for interface commands for language nl
+\endinput \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/mult-pe.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/mult-pe.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7e5c53791
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/mult-pe.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,1945 @@
+% this file is auto-generated, don't edit this file
+% definitions for interface variables for language pe
+% definitions for interface constants for language pe
+% definitions for interface elements for language pe
+% definitions for interface commands for language pe
+\setinterfacecommand{textvariable}{متغیر متن}
+\endinput \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/mult-ro.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/mult-ro.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f7121f703
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/mult-ro.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,1945 @@
+% this file is auto-generated, don't edit this file
+% definitions for interface variables for language ro
+% definitions for interface constants for language ro
+% definitions for interface elements for language ro
+% definitions for interface commands for language ro
+\endinput \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/mult-sys.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/mult-sys.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1961fdf11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/mult-sys.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,892 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=mult-sys,
+%D version=1996.06.01,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Multilingual Macros,
+%D subtitle=System,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D In boring module we define a lot of obscure but useful
+%D system constants. By doing so we save lots of memory while
+%D at the same time we prevent ourself from typing errors.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Multilingual Macros / System}
+%D The constants are grouped in such a way that there is a
+%D minimal change of conflicts.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \definesystemconstants {word}
+%D \definemessageconstant {word}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D This commands generate \type{\s!word} and \type{\m!word}.
+\definesystemconstant {hans}
+\definesystemconstant {taco}
+%D First we define some system constants used for both the
+%D multi||lingual interface and multi||linguag typesetting.
+\definesystemconstant {afrikaans} \definesystemconstant {af}
+\definesystemconstant {arabic} \definesystemconstant {ar}
+\definesystemconstant {catalan} \definesystemconstant {ca}
+\definesystemconstant {chinese} \definesystemconstant {cn}
+\definesystemconstant {croatian} \definesystemconstant {hr}
+\definesystemconstant {czech} \definesystemconstant {cs} \definesystemconstant {cz}
+\definesystemconstant {danish} \definesystemconstant {da}
+\definesystemconstant {dutch} \definesystemconstant {nl}
+\definesystemconstant {english} \definesystemconstant {en}
+\definesystemconstant {finish} \definesystemconstant {fi}
+\definesystemconstant {french} \definesystemconstant {fr}
+\definesystemconstant {german} \definesystemconstant {de}
+\definesystemconstant {hungarian} \definesystemconstant {hu}
+\definesystemconstant {italian} \definesystemconstant {it}
+\definesystemconstant {latin} \definesystemconstant {la}
+\definesystemconstant {lithuanian} \definesystemconstant {lt}
+\definesystemconstant {bokmal} \definesystemconstant {nb} \definesystemconstant {norwegian} \definesystemconstant {no}
+\definesystemconstant {nynorsk} \definesystemconstant {nn}
+\definesystemconstant {polish} \definesystemconstant {pl}
+\definesystemconstant {persian} \definesystemconstant {pe}
+\definesystemconstant {portuguese} \definesystemconstant {pt}
+\definesystemconstant {romanian} \definesystemconstant {ro}
+\definesystemconstant {russian} \definesystemconstant {ru}
+\definesystemconstant {slovak} \definesystemconstant {sk}
+\definesystemconstant {slovenian} \definesystemconstant {sl}
+\definesystemconstant {slovene}
+\definesystemconstant {spanish} \definesystemconstant {es}
+\definesystemconstant {swedish} \definesystemconstant {sv}
+\definesystemconstant {turkish} \definesystemconstant {tr}
+\definesystemconstant {turkmen} \definesystemconstant {tk}
+\definesystemconstant {gbenglish} \definesystemconstant {gb} \definesystemconstant {ukenglish} \definesystemconstant {uk}
+\definesystemconstant {usenglish} \definesystemconstant {us}
+\definesystemconstant {ukrainian} \definesystemconstant {ua}
+\definesystemconstant {greek} \definesystemconstant {gr}
+\definesystemconstant {ancientgreek} \definesystemconstant {agr}
+\definesystemconstant {vietnamese} \definesystemconstant {vi} \definesystemconstant {vn}
+%D For proper \UNICODE\ support we need a few font related
+%D constants.
+\definesystemconstant {BoldItalic}
+\definesystemconstant {BoldSlanted}
+\definesystemconstant {Bold}
+\definesystemconstant {Italic}
+\definesystemconstant {Regular}
+\definesystemconstant {Slanted}
+\definesystemconstant {Unicode}
+\definesystemconstant {Serif} \definesystemconstant {Regular}
+\definesystemconstant {Sans} \definesystemconstant {Support}
+\definesystemconstant {Mono} \definesystemconstant {Type}
+\definesystemconstant {Math}
+\definesystemconstant {Handwriting}
+\definesystemconstant {Calligraphy}
+\definesystemconstant {Casual}
+\definesystemconstant {SerifBold} \definesystemconstant {SansBold} \definesystemconstant {MonoBold}
+\definesystemconstant {SerifItalic} \definesystemconstant {SansItalic} \definesystemconstant {MonoItalic}
+\definesystemconstant {SerifBoldItalic} \definesystemconstant {SansBoldItalic} \definesystemconstant {MonoBoldItalic}
+\definesystemconstant {SerifSlanted} \definesystemconstant {SansSlanted} \definesystemconstant {MonoSlanted}
+\definesystemconstant {SerifBoldSlanted} \definesystemconstant {SansBoldSlanted} \definesystemconstant {MonoBoldSlanted}
+\definesystemconstant {SerifCaps} \definesystemconstant {SansCaps} \definesystemconstant {MonoCaps}
+\definesystemconstant {Normal}
+\definesystemconstant {Caps}
+\definesystemconstant {mnem} % kind of generic short tag
+\definesystemconstant {file}
+\definesystemconstant {name}
+\definesystemconstant {spec}
+\definesystemconstant {serif}
+\definesystemconstant {sans}
+\definesystemconstant {mono}
+\definesystemconstant {math}
+\definesystemconstant {handwriting}
+\definesystemconstant {calligraphy}
+\definesystemconstant {casual}
+\definesystemconstant {fax}
+\definesystemconstant {fallback}
+\definesystemconstant {none}
+\definesystemconstant {default}
+\definesystemconstant {smallcaps}
+%D As the name of their define command states, the next set of
+%D constants is used in the message macro's.
+\definemessageconstant {check}
+\definemessageconstant {colors}
+\definemessageconstant {columns}
+\definemessageconstant {encodings}
+\definemessageconstant {regimes}
+\definemessageconstant {figures}
+\definemessageconstant {fields}
+\definemessageconstant {files}
+\definemessageconstant {floatblocks}
+\definemessageconstant {fonts}
+\definemessageconstant {handlings}
+\definemessageconstant {interactions}
+\definemessageconstant {javascript}
+\definemessageconstant {layouts}
+\definemessageconstant {linguals}
+\definemessageconstant {references}
+\definemessageconstant {specials}
+\definemessageconstant {structures}
+\definemessageconstant {symbols}
+\definemessageconstant {systems}
+\definemessageconstant {lua}
+\definemessageconstant {textblocks}
+\definemessageconstant {verbatims}
+\definemessageconstant {versions}
+\definemessageconstant {metapost}
+\definemessageconstant {chemicals}
+\definemessageconstant {publications}
+%D Net come some \CONTEXT\ constants, used in the definition
+%D of private commands:
+\definesystemconstant {tex}
+\definesystemconstant {xml}
+\definesystemconstant {lua}
+\definesystemconstant {next}
+\definesystemconstant {pickup}
+\definesystemconstant {ascii}
+\definesystemconstant {default}
+\definesystemconstant {unknown}
+\definesystemconstant {action}
+\definesystemconstant {compare}
+\definesystemconstant {do}
+\definesystemconstant {dodo}
+\definesystemconstant {complex}
+\definesystemconstant {simple}
+\definesystemconstant {start}
+\definesystemconstant {stop}
+\definesystemconstant {dummy}
+\definesystemconstant {local}
+\definesystemconstant {global}
+\definesystemconstant {done}
+\definesystemconstant {font}
+\definesystemconstant {link}
+\definesystemconstant {parent}
+\definesystemconstant {clone}
+\definesystemconstant {section} \let\v!sectionlevel\s!section % for old times sake
+\definesystemconstant {handler}
+\definesystemconstant {counter}
+\definesystemconstant {single}
+\definesystemconstant {multi}
+\definesystemconstant {hasnumber}
+\definesystemconstant {hastitle}
+\definesystemconstant {hascaption}
+\definesystemconstant {haslevel}
+\definesystemconstant {mkiv}
+\definesystemconstant {mkii}
+\definesystemconstant {entities}
+\definesystemconstant {normal}
+\definesystemconstant {bold}
+\definesystemconstant {italic}
+\definesystemconstant {slanted}
+\definesystemconstant {default}
+\definesystemconstant {smallcaps}
+\definesystemconstant {text}
+\definesystemconstant {page}
+\definesystemconstant {leftpage}
+\definesystemconstant {rightpage}
+\definesystemconstant {somewhere}
+%D A more experienced \TEX\ user will recognize the next four
+%D constants. We need these because font-definitions are
+%D partially english.
+\definesystemconstant {run}
+\definesystemconstant {fam}
+\definesystemconstant {text}
+\definesystemconstant {script}
+\definesystemconstant {scriptscript}
+\definesystemconstant {lefthyphenmin}
+\definesystemconstant {righthyphenmin}
+\definesystemconstant {lefthyphenchar}
+\definesystemconstant {righthyphenchar}
+\definesystemconstant {skewchar}
+\definesystemconstant {hyphenchar}
+\definesystemconstant {catcodes}
+\definesystemconstant {encoding}
+\definesystemconstant {resource}
+\definesystemconstant {mapping}
+\definesystemconstant {language}
+\definesystemconstant {patterns}
+\definesystemconstant {rname}
+\definesystemconstant {rscale}
+\definesystemconstant {handling}
+\definesystemconstant {features}
+\definesystemconstant {fallbacks}
+\definesystemconstant {goodies}
+\definesystemconstant {background}
+\definesystemconstant {ucmap}
+\definesystemconstant {property}
+\definesystemconstant {overprint}
+\definesystemconstant {layer}
+\definesystemconstant {effect}
+\definesystemconstant {negative}
+\definesystemconstant {color}
+\definesystemconstant {transparency}
+\definesystemconstant {black}
+\definesystemconstant {white}
+\definesystemconstant {format}
+\definesystemconstant {extensions}
+\definesystemconstant {initializations}
+%D Just to be complete we define the standard \TEX\ units.
+\definesystemconstant {cm}
+\definesystemconstant {em}
+\definesystemconstant {ex}
+\definesystemconstant {mm}
+\definesystemconstant {pt}
+\definesystemconstant {sp}
+\definesystemconstant {bp}
+\definesystemconstant {in}
+\definesystemconstant {pc}
+\definesystemconstant {cm}
+\definesystemconstant {dd}
+\definesystemconstant {cc}
+\definesystemconstant {nd}
+\definesystemconstant {nc}
+%D These constants are used for internal and utility
+%D commands.
+\definesystemconstant {check}
+\definesystemconstant {reset}
+\definesystemconstant {set}
+\definesystemconstant {entrya}
+\definesystemconstant {entryb}
+\definesystemconstant {entryc}
+\definesystemconstant {entryd}
+\definesystemconstant {entry}
+\definesystemconstant {see}
+\definesystemconstant {from}
+\definesystemconstant {to}
+\definesystemconstant {line}
+\definesystemconstant {page}
+\definesystemconstant {realpage}
+\definesystemconstant {userpage}
+\definesystemconstant {subpage}
+\definesystemconstant {synonym}
+\definesystemconstant {reference}
+\definesystemconstant {main}
+\definesystemconstant {list}
+\definesystemconstant {item}
+\definesystemconstant {itemcount}
+\definesystemconstant {number}
+\definesystemconstant {references}
+\definesystemconstant {between}
+\definesystemconstant {format}
+\definesystemconstant {old}
+\definesystemconstant {thisisblock}
+\definesystemconstant {thiswasblock}
+\definesystemconstant {figurepreset}
+\definesystemconstant {empty}
+%D Some \CONTEXT\ commands take a two||pass aproach to
+%D optimize the typesetting. Each two||pass object has its
+%D own tag.
+\definesystemconstant {pass}
+\definesystemconstant {data}
+\definesystemconstant {float}
+\definesystemconstant {list}
+\definesystemconstant {page}
+\definesystemconstant {subpage}
+\definesystemconstant {margin}
+\definesystemconstant {profile}
+\definesystemconstant {versionbegin}
+\definesystemconstant {versionend}
+\definesystemconstant {cross}
+\definesystemconstant {paragraph}
+%D A lot of macros use tags to distinguish between different
+%D objects, e.g. lists and registers.
+\definesystemconstant {prt} % part (deel)
+\definesystemconstant {chp} % chapter (hoofdstuk)
+\definesystemconstant {sec} % section (paragraaf)
+\definesystemconstant {tit} % title (titel)
+\definesystemconstant {sub} % subject (onderwerp)
+\definesystemconstant {mar} % margin (marge)
+\definesystemconstant {num} % number (doornummeren)
+\definesystemconstant {def} % definition (doordefinieren)
+\definesystemconstant {for} % formula (formule)
+\definesystemconstant {fnt} % footnote (voetnoot)
+\definesystemconstant {ind} % index (register)
+\definesystemconstant {lin} % linked index
+\definesystemconstant {lst} % list (opsomming)
+\definesystemconstant {flt} % float (plaatsblok)
+\definesystemconstant {pag} % page (pagina)
+\definesystemconstant {txt} % text (tekst)
+\definesystemconstant {ref} % reference (verwijzing)
+\definesystemconstant {lab} % label (label)
+\definesystemconstant {aut} % automatic (inhoud, index)
+\definesystemconstant {vwa} % automatic (illustrations)
+\definesystemconstant {vwb} % automatic (illustrations)
+\definesystemconstant {kop} % kop % still dutch
+%D Reference labels can be tagged by users, for instance by
+%D means of \type{tag:}. The reference mechanism itself uses
+%D some tags too. These are definitely not to be used by users.
+%D Here they are:
+\definereferenceconstant {cross} {:c:} % cross reference
+\definereferenceconstant {view} {:v:} % view reference
+\definereferenceconstant {viewa} {:a:} % view reference test a
+\definereferenceconstant {viewb} {:b:} % view reference test b
+\definereferenceconstant {page} {:p:} % page referece
+\definereferenceconstant {list} {:l:} % list reference
+\definereferenceconstant {exec} {:e:} % execution reference
+\definereferenceconstant {form} {:m:} % form reference
+\definereferenceconstant {syst} {:s:} % system reference
+\definereferenceconstant {from} {:f:} % from list reference
+\definereferenceconstant {to} {:t:} % to list reference
+\definereferenceconstant {object} {:o:} % object reference
+\definereferenceconstant {driver} {:d:} % driver object reference
+\definereferenceconstant {widget} {:w:} % field chain reference
+\definereferenceconstant {java} {:j:} % java scripts
+%D When we use numbers and dimensions the same applies as
+%D with the keywords like \type{width} and \type{plus}
+%D mentioned earlier.
+\def\!!ten {10}
+\def\!!twelve {12}
+\def\!!hundred {100}
+\def\!!thousand {1000}
+\def\!!tenthousand {10000}
+\def\!!maxcard {65536}
+\def\!!medcard {32768}
+\def\!!zeropoint {0pt}
+\def\!!onepoint {1pt}
+\def\!!twopoint {2pt}
+\def\!!threepoint {3pt}
+\def\!!fourpoint {4pt}
+\def\!!fivepoint {5pt}
+\def\!!sixpoint {6pt}
+\def\!!sevenpoint {7pt}
+\def\!!eightpoint {8pt}
+\def\!!ninepoint {9pt}
+\def\!!tenpoint {10pt}
+\def\!!elevenpoint {11pt}
+\def\!!twelvepoint {12pt}
+\def\!!fourteenpointfour {14.4pt}
+\let\onerealpoint\onepoint % needed for latex
+% D Another optimization is:
+% \let\points\onepoint
+%D A rough test is:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\TestMe % 7.75 sec on a P4/2G
+%D {\dimen0=10\points\dimen0=10\points\dimen0=10\points\dimen0=10\points\dimen0=10\points
+%D \dimen0=10\points\dimen0=10\points\dimen0=10\points\dimen0=10\points\dimen0=10\points}
+%D \def\TestMe % 11.5 sec on a P4/2G
+%D {\dimen0=10pt\dimen0=10pt\dimen0=10pt\dimen0=10pt\dimen0=10pt%
+%D \dimen0=10pt\dimen0=10pt\dimen0=10pt\dimen0=10pt\dimen0=10pt}
+%D \def\TestMe % 12.5 sec on a P4/2G
+%D {\dimen0=10\s!pt\dimen0=10\s!pt\dimen0=10\s!pt\dimen0=10\s!pt\dimen0=10\s!pt%
+%D \dimen0=10\s!pt\dimen0=10\s!pt\dimen0=10\s!pt\dimen0=10\s!pt\dimen0=10\s!pt}
+%D \testfeatureonce {500000}{\TestMe}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Variables are composed of a command specific tag and a user
+%D supplied variable (system constant). The first tag \type{ag}
+%D for instance is available as \type{\??ag} and expands to
+%D \type{@@ag} in composed variables.
+% vervallen : hd hr hm vt vr vm tr tn te br bm bo on om or
+\definesystemvariable {ab} % AlignedBoxes
+\definesystemvariable {ac} % ACcent
+\definesystemvariable {ae} % AttributEs
+\definesystemvariable {ag} % AchterGrond
+\definesystemvariable {al} % ALinea's
+\definesystemvariable {am} % interActieMenu
+\definesystemvariable {an} % ANchor
+\definesystemvariable {as} % AlignmentSwitch
+\definesystemvariable {at} % ATtachments
+\definesystemvariable {ba} % synchronisatieBAlk
+\definesystemvariable {bc} % BaCkend
+\definesystemvariable {be} % startstop (BeginEnd)
+\definesystemvariable {bj} % BlokJe
+\definesystemvariable {bk} % Blokken (floats)
+\definesystemvariable {bl} % BLanko
+\definesystemvariable {bg} % BleedinG
+\definesystemvariable {bm} % BookMark
+\definesystemvariable {bo} % BlankO (definitions)
+\definesystemvariable {bp} % BreakPoint
+\definesystemvariable {br} % sideBaR
+\definesystemvariable {bs} % SelecteerBlokken
+\definesystemvariable {bt} % BuTton
+\definesystemvariable {bu} % BUffer
+\definesystemvariable {bv} % Brieven
+\definesystemvariable {by} % Per
+\definesystemvariable {cb} % CollectBox
+\definesystemvariable {cc} % Comment
+\definesystemvariable {ce} % CasEs
+\definesystemvariable {cf} % Style (ColorFont)
+\definesystemvariable {ch} % CHaracterspacing
+\definesystemvariable {ci} % CItaat
+\definesystemvariable {ck} % Character Kerning
+\definesystemvariable {cl} % kleur (CoLor setup)
+\definesystemvariable {cn} % CollumN
+\definesystemvariable {cm} % CheMical
+\definesystemvariable {co} % COmbinaties
+\definesystemvariable {cp} % CliP
+\definesystemvariable {cr} % kleur (ColoR)
+\definesystemvariable {cs} % kleur (ColorSeparation
+\definesystemvariable {cv} % ConVersie
+\definesystemvariable {cy} % CrYteria
+\definesystemvariable {da} % DAte
+\definesystemvariable {db} % Labels
+\definesystemvariable {dc} % DroppedCaps
+\definesystemvariable {dd} % DoorDefinieren
+\definesystemvariable {de} % DEel
+\definesystemvariable {di} % DIrections
+\definesystemvariable {dl} % DunneLijnen
+\definesystemvariable {dn} % DoorNummeren
+\definesystemvariable {dm} % DefineMeasure
+\definesystemvariable {do} % DefinieerOpmaak
+\definesystemvariable {du} % DUmmy
+\definesystemvariable {ds} % DoorSpringen
+\definesystemvariable {ef} % ExternFiguur
+\definesystemvariable {ec} % EnCoding
+\definesystemvariable {el} % Elements
+\definesystemvariable {en} % ENvironments
+\definesystemvariable {ep} % ExternfiguurPreset
+\definesystemvariable {eq} % EQalign
+\definesystemvariable {er} % external resources
+\definesystemvariable {ex} % ExterneFiguren
+\definesystemvariable {fa} % font feature
+\definesystemvariable {fc} % FramedContent
+\definesystemvariable {fd} % FielD
+\definesystemvariable {fe} % FoxetExtensions
+\definesystemvariable {ff} % FontFile
+\definesystemvariable {fg} % FiGuurmaten
+\definesystemvariable {fi} % FIle
+\definesystemvariable {fl} % Floats
+\definesystemvariable {fm} % ForMules
+\definesystemvariable {fn} % subformulas
+\definesystemvariable {fo} % xml FO
+\definesystemvariable {fp} % FilegroeP
+\definesystemvariable {fq} % Features
+\definesystemvariable {fr} % ForM
+\definesystemvariable {fs} % FileSynonym
+\definesystemvariable {ft} % FonTs
+\definesystemvariable {fu} % FontSolution
+\definesystemvariable {fv} % FontVariant
+\definesystemvariable {fw} % simpleFonts by Wolfgang
+\definesystemvariable {fx} % FoXet
+\definesystemvariable {gr} % GRid
+\definesystemvariable {ha} % HAng
+\definesystemvariable {hs} % HSpace
+\definesystemvariable {ht} % HiddenText
+\definesystemvariable {ia} % Interactie
+\definesystemvariable {ib} % InteractieBalk
+\definesystemvariable {ic} % ICc profiles
+\definesystemvariable {id} % Index
+\definesystemvariable {ig} % ItemGroup
+\definesystemvariable {ih} % InHoudsopgave
+\definesystemvariable {ii} % stelIndexIn
+\definesystemvariable {il} % stelInvulRegelsin
+\definesystemvariable {im} % InMarge
+\definesystemvariable {in} % INspringen
+\definesystemvariable {ip} % InsertPages
+\definesystemvariable {is} % Items
+\definesystemvariable {it} % stelInTerliniein
+\definesystemvariable {iv} % stelInvulLijnenin
+\definesystemvariable {ka} % KAntlijn
+\definesystemvariable {kd} % KaDerteksten
+\definesystemvariable {kj} % KopJes (floats)
+\definesystemvariable {kk} % Kapitalen
+\definesystemvariable {kl} % KoLommen
+\definesystemvariable {km} % KenMerk
+\definesystemvariable {ko} % KOp(pen)
+\definesystemvariable {kp} % KopPelteken
+\definesystemvariable {kr} % KoRps
+\definesystemvariable {ks} % KolomSpan
+\definesystemvariable {kt} % KonTakten
+\definesystemvariable {kw} % KontaktWaarde
+\definesystemvariable {la} % LAnguage
+\definesystemvariable {lb} % LaBels
+\definesystemvariable {ld} % LegenDa
+\definesystemvariable {le} % LinetablE
+\definesystemvariable {lf} % LocalFigures
+\definesystemvariable {lg} % taal (LanGuage)
+\definesystemvariable {li} % LIjst
+\definesystemvariable {lk} % LinK
+\definesystemvariable {ll} % Layers
+\definesystemvariable {lx} % LayerteXt
+\definesystemvariable {ln} % LijNen
+\definesystemvariable {lo} % LOgos
+\definesystemvariable {lt} % LiTeratuur
+\definesystemvariable {ls} % languageScript
+\definesystemvariable {ly} % LaYout
+\definesystemvariable {ma} % MargeAchtergrond
+\definesystemvariable {mb} % MargeBlokken
+\definesystemvariable {md} % MoDule
+\definesystemvariable {me} % MultilingualElement (tags)
+\definesystemvariable {mg} % Metapost paGe
+\definesystemvariable {mh} % MultilingualHead
+\definesystemvariable {mk} % MarKering
+\definesystemvariable {ml} % MultilingualLabel
+\definesystemvariable {mm} % MultilingualMath
+\definesystemvariable {mt} % inline MaTh
+\definesystemvariable {mo} % Math Options
+\definesystemvariable {mp} % MetaPost
+\definesystemvariable {mx} % MatriX
+\definesystemvariable {ng} % parbuilders
+\definesystemvariable {nh} % new heads (structure)
+\definesystemvariable {nn} % structurenumbering
+\definesystemvariable {nm} % Nummering
+\definesystemvariable {np} % NaastPlaatsen
+\definesystemvariable {nr} % Nummeren
+\definesystemvariable {of} % OFfset
+\definesystemvariable {oi} % OmlijndInstellingen
+\definesystemvariable {ol} % OmLijnd
+\definesystemvariable {od} % Omlijnd Defaults (simple)
+\definesystemvariable {on} % ONderstreep
+\definesystemvariable {oo} % OpsOmmingen
+\definesystemvariable {op} % OPsomming
+\definesystemvariable {or} % OtpfilteR
+\definesystemvariable {os} % OffSet
+\definesystemvariable {ot} % OTpsequence
+\definesystemvariable {ov} % OVerlay
+\definesystemvariable {ox} % OffsetBox
+\definesystemvariable {pa} % PAlet
+\definesystemvariable {pb} % PuBlication
+\definesystemvariable {pc} % PageComment
+\definesystemvariable {pe} % PagEhandler
+\definesystemvariable {pf} % ProFiel
+\definesystemvariable {pg} % KoppelPagina
+\definesystemvariable {ph} % ParagrapH
+\definesystemvariable {pl} % PLaats
+\definesystemvariable {pn} % PaginaNummer
+\definesystemvariable {po} % PrOcessor
+\definesystemvariable {pp} % PaPier
+\definesystemvariable {pr} % PRogrammas
+\definesystemvariable {ps} % PoSitioneren
+\definesystemvariable {pt} % PageshifT
+\definesystemvariable {py} % PropertYs
+\definesystemvariable {pv} % PublicationVariable
+\definesystemvariable {ra} % RAise
+\definesystemvariable {rd} % RenDering
+\definesystemvariable {rf} % ReFereren
+\definesystemvariable {rg} % ReGel
+\definesystemvariable {rl} % ReferentieLijst
+\definesystemvariable {rn} % RegelNummer
+\definesystemvariable {ro} % ROteren
+\definesystemvariable {rr} % linenotes
+\definesystemvariable {rs} % RaSters
+\definesystemvariable {rt} % RoosTers
+\definesystemvariable {rv} % ReserVeerfiguur
+\definesystemvariable {rw} % RenderingWindow
+\definesystemvariable {sa} % ScAle
+\definesystemvariable {sb} % SectieBlok
+\definesystemvariable {sc} % SCherm
+\definesystemvariable {sd} % SounD
+\definesystemvariable {se} % SEctie
+\definesystemvariable {sf} % SpeciFics
+\definesystemvariable {sg} % SpacinG
+\definesystemvariable {sh} % ShapeText
+\definesystemvariable {si} % SplIt
+\definesystemvariable {sk} % SectieKop
+\definesystemvariable {sl} % SmalLer
+\definesystemvariable {sm} % SynonieMen
+\definesystemvariable {sn} % SubNummer
+\definesystemvariable {so} % SOrteren
+\definesystemvariable {sp} % SelecteerPapier
+\definesystemvariable {sr} % SpacehandleR
+\definesystemvariable {ss} % Symbool
+\definesystemvariable {st} % STickers
+\definesystemvariable {su} % SetUp
+\definesystemvariable {sv} % SysteemVariabelen
+\definesystemvariable {sw} % SectionWorld
+\definesystemvariable {sx} % Selector
+\definesystemvariable {sy} % SYnchronisatie
+\definesystemvariable {ta} % TAb
+\definesystemvariable {tb} % TekstBlokken
+\definesystemvariable {td} % TextbackgrounDs
+\definesystemvariable {te} % TEmplate
+\definesystemvariable {tf} % TypeFace
+\definesystemvariable {tg} % Tex paGe
+\definesystemvariable {ti} % TabelInstellingen
+\definesystemvariable {tk} % Teksten
+\definesystemvariable {tl} % TekstLijnen
+\definesystemvariable {tm} % TypesynonyM
+\definesystemvariable {tp} % TyPen
+\definesystemvariable {tx} % TeXtflow
+\definesystemvariable {to} % TOlerance
+\definesystemvariable {tr} % TRacer
+\definesystemvariable {ts} % TypeScript
+\definesystemvariable {tt} % TabulaTe
+\definesystemvariable {ty} % TYpe
+\definesystemvariable {uc} % Unicode
+\definesystemvariable {ui} % UItvoer
+\definesystemvariable {ur} % URl
+\definesystemvariable {up} % Utility Program
+\definesystemvariable {va} % VspAce
+\definesystemvariable {ve} % VErsie
+\definesystemvariable {vn} % VoetNoten
+\definesystemvariable {vs} % VSpacing
+\definesystemvariable {vt} % VerTical
+\definesystemvariable {wr} % WitRuimte
+\definesystemvariable {wl} % WordList
+\definesystemvariable {xf} % XML File
+\definesystemvariable {xl} % lxml (mkiv)
+\definesystemvariable {xm} % xml (mkiv)
+\definesystemvariable {xp} % XML Processing
+\definesystemvariable {xy} % schaal
+\definesystemvariable {za} % ZetspiegelAanpassing
+%D Next we define some language independant one letter
+%D variables and keywords.
+\defineinterfaceconstant {x} {x} % x offset
+\defineinterfaceconstant {y} {y} % y offset
+\defineinterfaceconstant {w} {w} % width
+\defineinterfaceconstant {h} {h} % height
+\defineinterfaceconstant {s} {s} % size
+\defineinterfaceconstant {t} {t} % title
+\defineinterfaceconstant {c} {c} % creator
+\defineinterfaceconstant {e} {e} % extension
+\defineinterfaceconstant {f} {f} % file
+\defineinterfaceconstant {a} {a} % kunnen weg
+\defineinterfaceconstant {b} {b} % kunnen weg
+\defineinterfaceconstant {c} {c} % kunnen weg
+\defineinterfaceconstant {d} {d} % kunnen weg
+\defineinterfaceconstant {e} {e} % kunnen weg
+\defineinterfaceconstant {s} {s}
+\defineinterfaceconstant {r} {r}
+\defineinterfaceconstant {g} {g}
+\defineinterfaceconstant {b} {b}
+\defineinterfaceconstant {c} {c}
+\defineinterfaceconstant {m} {m}
+\defineinterfaceconstant {y} {y}
+\defineinterfaceconstant {k} {k}
+\defineinterfaceconstant {a} {a} % alternative
+\defineinterfaceconstant {t} {t} % transparency
+\defineinterfaceconstant {p} {p} % percentage
+\defineinterfaceconstant {t} {t}
+\defineinterfaceconstant {h} {h}
+\defineinterfaceconstant {b} {b}
+\defineinterfaceconstant {rgb} {rgb}
+\defineinterfacevariable {rgb} {rgb}
+\defineinterfaceconstant {cmyk} {cmyk}
+\defineinterfacevariable {cmyk} {cmyk}
+\defineinterfaceconstant {mp} {mp}
+\defineinterfacevariable {mp} {mp}
+\defineinterfacevariable {s} {s}
+\defineinterfacevariable {a} {a}
+\defineinterfacevariable {b} {b}
+\defineinterfacevariable {c} {c}
+\defineinterfacevariable {d} {d}
+%D Special purpose variables:
+%D The names of files and their extensions are fixed.
+%D \CONTEXT\ uses as less files as possible. Utility files can
+%D be recognized by the first two characters of the extension:
+%D \type{tu}.
+\definefileconstant {utilityfilename} {texutil}
+\definefileconstant {blockextension} {tub}
+\definefileconstant {figureextension} {tuf}
+\definefileconstant {inputextension} {tui}
+\definefileconstant {outputextension} {tuo} % tup for previous run
+\definefileconstant {optionextension} {top}
+\definefileconstant {temporaryextension} {tmp}
+\definefileconstant {patternsextension} {pat}
+\definefileconstant {hyphensextension} {hyp}
+\definefileconstant {fontmapextension} {map}
+\definefileconstant {bibextension} {bbl}
+%D These files are loaded at start||up. They may contain system
+%D specific setups (or calls to other files), old macro's, to
+%D garantee compatibility and new macro's noy yet present in
+%D the format.
+\definefileconstant {errfilename} {cont-err}
+\definefileconstant {sysfilename} {cont-sys}
+\definefileconstant {newfilename} {cont-new}
+\definefileconstant {locfilename} {cont-loc}
+\definefileconstant {expfilename} {cont-exp}
+%definefileconstant {usrfilename} {cont-usr} % .tex
+%definefileconstant {fmtfilename} {cont-fmt} % .tex
+%D Handy for typescripts (we could use s! instead:
+\definetypescriptconstant {name} {name}
+\definetypescriptconstant {default} {default}
+\definetypescriptconstant {map} {map}
+\definetypescriptconstant {special} {special}
+\definetypescriptconstant {size} {size}
+%D The setup files for the language, font, color and special
+%D subsystems have a common prefix. This means that we have at
+%D most three characters for unique filenames.
+\definefileconstant {colorprefix} {colo-}
+\definefileconstant {encodingprefix} {enco-}
+\definefileconstant {filterprefix} {filt-}
+\definefileconstant {fontprefix} {font-}
+\definefileconstant {handlingprefix} {hand-}
+\definefileconstant {javascriptprefix} {java-}
+\definefileconstant {languageprefix} {lang-}
+\definefileconstant {mathprefix} {math-}
+\definefileconstant {metapostprefix} {meta-}
+\definefileconstant {regimeprefix} {regi-}
+\definefileconstant {specialprefix} {spec-}
+\definefileconstant {symbolprefix} {symb-}
+\definefileconstant {typeprefix} {type-}
+\definefileconstant {xtagprefix} {xtag-}
+\definefileconstant {propprefix} {prop-}
+\definefileconstant {unicprefix} {unic-}
+\definefileconstant {sortprefix} {sort-}
+\definefileconstant {prettyprefix} {pret-}
+\definefileconstant {moduleprefix} {m-}
+\definefileconstant {styleprefix} {s-}
+\definefileconstant {xstyleprefix} {x-}
+\definefileconstant {privateprefix} {p-}
+\definefileconstant {thirdprefix} {t-}
+%definefileconstant {beforeprefix} {b-}
+%definefileconstant {afterprefix} {a-}
+%D \CONTEXT\ follows different strategies for finding files.
+%D The macros that are responsible for this 'clever' searching
+%D make use of two (very important) path specifiers.
+\definefileconstant {pathseparator} {/}
+\definefileconstant {currentpath} {.}
+\definefileconstant {parentpath} {..}
+%D The way fonts are defined and called upon is language
+%D independant. We follow the scheme laid down by Knuth in
+%D Plain \TEX. We'll explain their meaning later.
+\defineinterfaceconstant {tf} {tf}
+\defineinterfaceconstant {bf} {bf}
+\defineinterfaceconstant {bs} {bs}
+\defineinterfaceconstant {bi} {bi}
+\defineinterfaceconstant {sl} {sl}
+\defineinterfaceconstant {it} {it}
+\defineinterfaceconstant {sc} {sc}
+\defineinterfaceconstant {rm} {rm}
+\defineinterfaceconstant {ss} {ss}
+\defineinterfaceconstant {tt} {tt}
+\defineinterfaceconstant {hw} {hw}
+\defineinterfaceconstant {cg} {cg}
+\defineinterfaceconstant {os} {os}
+\defineinterfaceconstant {mm} {mm}
+\defineinterfaceconstant {i} {i}
+\defineinterfaceconstant {nn} {nn}
+\defineinterfaceconstant {x} {x}
+\defineinterfaceconstant {xx} {xx}
+\defineinterfaceconstant {em} {em}
+\defineinterfaceconstant {mi} {mi}
+\defineinterfaceconstant {sy} {sy}
+\defineinterfaceconstant {ex} {ex}
+\defineinterfaceconstant {mr} {mr}
+\defineinterfaceconstant {ma} {ma}
+\defineinterfaceconstant {mb} {mb}
+\defineinterfaceconstant {mc} {mc}
+%D For figure inclusion we need:
+\defineinterfaceconstant {tif} {tif}
+\defineinterfaceconstant {eps} {eps}
+\defineinterfaceconstant {mps} {mps}
+\defineinterfaceconstant {jpg} {jpg}
+\defineinterfaceconstant {pdf} {pdf}
+\defineinterfaceconstant {png} {png}
+\defineinterfaceconstant {avi} {avi}
+\defineinterfaceconstant {mov} {mov}
+\defineinterfaceconstant {svg} {svg}
+\defineinterfaceconstant {tex} {tex}
+\defineinterfaceconstant {tmp} {tmp}
+\defineinterfaceconstant {cld} {cld}
+%D A careful reader will have noticed that in the module
+%D \type{mult-ini} we defined \type{\selectinterface}. We were
+%D not yet able to actually select an interface, because we
+%D still had to define the constants and variables. Now we've
+%D done so, selection is permitted.
+%D Ok, here are some more, because we've got ouselves some
+%D extensions to \CONTEXT.
+\definemessageconstant {addresses}
+\definemessageconstant {documents}
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/norm-alo.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/norm-alo.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d359cf7e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/norm-alo.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=norm-alo,
+%D version=2009.03.19,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Norm Macros,
+%D subtitle=\ALEPH\ and \OMEGA,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D This file will become obsolete!
+% omega primitives
+\let\textdir = \textdir
+\let\pagedir = \pagedir
+\let\mathdir = \mathdir
+\let\pardir = \pardir
+\let\bodydir = \bodydir
+\let\leftghost = \leftghost
+\let\rightghost = \rightghost
+\let\localleftbox = \localleftbox
+\let\localrightbox = \localrightbox
+\let\localinterlinepenalty = \localinterlinepenalty
+\let\localbrokenpenalty = \localbrokenpenalty
+% aleph primitives
+\let\boxdir = \boxdir
+\let\pagebottomoffset = \pagebottomoffset
+\let\pagerightoffset = \pagerightoffset
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/norm-ctx.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/norm-ctx.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b1a4c7d35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/norm-ctx.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=norm-ctx,
+%D version=2009.03.19,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Norm Macros,
+%D subtitle=\ALEPH\ and \OMEGA,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D A few more might end up here (like the weird ones in syst-ini).
+\let\normalreqno = \normaleqno
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/norm-etx.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/norm-etx.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bd244e4d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/norm-etx.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=norm-etx,
+%D version=2009.03.19,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Norm Macros,
+%D subtitle=\ETEX,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+% etex primitives
+\let \normalbotmarks = \botmarks
+\let \normalclubpenalties = \clubpenalties
+\let \normalcurrentgrouplevel = \currentgrouplevel
+\let \normalcurrentgrouptype = \currentgrouptype
+\let \normalcurrentifbranch = \currentifbranch
+\let \normalcurrentiflevel = \currentiflevel
+\let \normalcurrentiftype = \currentiftype
+\let \normaldetokenize = \detokenize
+\let \normaldimexpr = \dimexpr
+\let \normaldisplaywidowpenalties = \displaywidowpenalties
+\let \normaleTeXVersion = \eTeXVersion
+\let \normaleTeXminorversion = \eTeXminorversion
+\let \normaleTeXrevision = \eTeXrevision
+\let \normaleTeXversion = \eTeXversion
+\let \normaleveryeof = \everyeof
+\let \normalfirstmarks = \firstmarks
+\let \normalfontchardp = \fontchardp
+\let \normalfontcharht = \fontcharht
+\let \normalfontcharic = \fontcharic
+\let \normalfontcharwd = \fontcharwd
+\let \normalglueexpr = \glueexpr
+\let \normalglueshrink = \glueshrink
+\let \normalglueshrinkorder = \glueshrinkorder
+\let \normalgluestretch = \gluestretch
+\let \normalgluestretchorder = \gluestretchorder
+\let \normalgluetomu = \gluetomu
+\let \normalifcsname = \ifcsname
+\let \normalifdefined = \ifdefined
+\let \normaliffontchar = \iffontchar
+\let \normalinteractionmode = \interactionmode
+\let \normalinterlinepenalties = \interlinepenalties
+\let \normallastlinefit = \lastlinefit
+\let \normallastnodetype = \lastnodetype
+\let \normalmarks = \marks
+\let \normalmuexpr = \muexpr
+\let \normalmutoglue = \mutoglue
+\let \normalnumexpr = \numexpr
+\let \normalpagediscards = \pagediscards
+\let \normalparshapedimen = \parshapedimen
+\let \normalparshapeindent = \parshapeindent
+\let \normalparshapelength = \parshapelength
+\let \normalpredisplaydirection = \predisplaydirection
+\let \normalprotected = \protected
+\let \normalreadline = \readline
+\let \normalsavinghyphcodes = \savinghyphcodes
+\let \normalsavingvdiscards = \savingvdiscards
+\let \normalscantokens = \scantokens
+\let \normalshowgroups = \showgroups
+\let \normalshowifs = \showifs
+\let \normalshowtokens = \showtokens
+\let \normalsplitbotmarks = \splitbotmarks
+\let \normalsplitdiscards = \splitdiscards
+\let \normalsplitfirstmarks = \splitfirstmarks
+\let \normaltopmarks = \topmarks
+\let \normaltracingassigns = \tracingassigns
+\let \normaltracinggroups = \tracinggroups
+\let \normaltracingifs = \tracingifs
+\let \normaltracingnesting = \tracingnesting
+\let \normaltracingscantokens = \tracingscantokens
+\let \normalunexpanded = \unexpanded
+\let \normalunless = \unless
+\let \normalwidowpenalties = \widowpenalties
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/norm-ltx.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/norm-ltx.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9a8f7ba57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/norm-ltx.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=norm-ltx,
+%D version=2009.03.19,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Norm Macros,
+%D subtitle=\LUATEX,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D This file will become obsolete!
+% luatex primitives (incomplete)
+\let \normalUdelcode = \Udelcode
+\let \normalUdelcodenum = \Udelcodenum
+\let \normalUdelimiter = \Udelimiter
+\let \normalUmathaccent = \Umathaccent
+\let \normalUmathaccents = \Umathaccents
+\let \normalUmathaxis = \Umathaxis
+\let \normalUmathbinbinspacing = \Umathbinbinspacing
+\let \normalUmathbinclosespacing = \Umathbinclosespacing
+\let \normalUmathbininnerspacing = \Umathbininnerspacing
+\let \normalUmathbinopenspacing = \Umathbinopenspacing
+\let \normalUmathbinopspacing = \Umathbinopspacing
+\let \normalUmathbinordspacing = \Umathbinordspacing
+\let \normalUmathbinpunctspacing = \Umathbinpunctspacing
+\let \normalUmathbinrelspacing = \Umathbinrelspacing
+\let \normalUmathbotaccent = \Umathbotaccent
+\let \normalUmathchar = \Umathchar
+\let \normalUmathchardef = \Umathchardef
+\let \normalUmathcharnum = \Umathcharnum
+\let \normalUmathclosebinspacing = \Umathclosebinspacing
+\let \normalUmathcloseclosespacing = \Umathcloseclosespacing
+\let \normalUmathcloseinnerspacing = \Umathcloseinnerspacing
+\let \normalUmathcloseopenspacing = \Umathcloseopenspacing
+\let \normalUmathcloseopspacing = \Umathcloseopspacing
+\let \normalUmathcloseordspacing = \Umathcloseordspacing
+\let \normalUmathclosepunctspacing = \Umathclosepunctspacing
+\let \normalUmathcloserelspacing = \Umathcloserelspacing
+\let \normalUmathcode = \Umathcode
+\let \normalUmathcodenum = \Umathcodenum
+\let \normalUmathconnectoroverlapmin = \Umathconnectoroverlapmin
+\let \normalUmathfractiondelsize = \Umathfractiondelsize
+\let \normalUmathfractiondenomdown = \Umathfractiondenomdown
+\let \normalUmathfractiondenomvgap = \Umathfractiondenomvgap
+\let \normalUmathfractionnumup = \Umathfractionnumup
+\let \normalUmathfractionnumvgap = \Umathfractionnumvgap
+\let \normalUmathfractionrule = \Umathfractionrule
+\let \normalUmathinnerbinspacing = \Umathinnerbinspacing
+\let \normalUmathinnerclosespacing = \Umathinnerclosespacing
+\let \normalUmathinnerinnerspacing = \Umathinnerinnerspacing
+\let \normalUmathinneropenspacing = \Umathinneropenspacing
+\let \normalUmathinneropspacing = \Umathinneropspacing
+\let \normalUmathinnerordspacing = \Umathinnerordspacing
+\let \normalUmathinnerpunctspacing = \Umathinnerpunctspacing
+\let \normalUmathinnerrelspacing = \Umathinnerrelspacing
+\let \normalUmathlimitabovebgap = \Umathlimitabovebgap
+\let \normalUmathlimitabovekern = \Umathlimitabovekern
+\let \normalUmathlimitabovevgap = \Umathlimitabovevgap
+\let \normalUmathlimitdownbgap = \Umathlimitdownbgap
+\let \normalUmathlimitdownkern = \Umathlimitdownkern
+\let \normalUmathlimitdownvgap = \Umathlimitdownvgap
+\let \normalUmathopbinspacing = \Umathopbinspacing
+\let \normalUmathopclosespacing = \Umathopclosespacing
+\let \normalUmathopenbinspacing = \Umathopenbinspacing
+\let \normalUmathopenclosespacing = \Umathopenclosespacing
+\let \normalUmathopeninnerspacing = \Umathopeninnerspacing
+\let \normalUmathopenopenspacing = \Umathopenopenspacing
+\let \normalUmathopenopspacing = \Umathopenopspacing
+\let \normalUmathopenordspacing = \Umathopenordspacing
+\let \normalUmathopenpunctspacing = \Umathopenpunctspacing
+\let \normalUmathopenrelspacing = \Umathopenrelspacing
+\let \normalUmathoperatorsize = \Umathoperatorsize
+\let \normalUmathopinnerspacing = \Umathopinnerspacing
+\let \normalUmathopopenspacing = \Umathopopenspacing
+\let \normalUmathopopspacing = \Umathopopspacing
+\let \normalUmathopordspacing = \Umathopordspacing
+\let \normalUmathoppunctspacing = \Umathoppunctspacing
+\let \normalUmathoprelspacing = \Umathoprelspacing
+\let \normalUmathordbinspacing = \Umathordbinspacing
+\let \normalUmathordclosespacing = \Umathordclosespacing
+\let \normalUmathordinnerspacing = \Umathordinnerspacing
+\let \normalUmathordopenspacing = \Umathordopenspacing
+\let \normalUmathordopspacing = \Umathordopspacing
+\let \normalUmathordordspacing = \Umathordordspacing
+\let \normalUmathordpunctspacing = \Umathordpunctspacing
+\let \normalUmathordrelspacing = \Umathordrelspacing
+\let \normalUmathoverbarkern = \Umathoverbarkern
+\let \normalUmathoverbarrule = \Umathoverbarrule
+\let \normalUmathoverbarvgap = \Umathoverbarvgap
+\let \normalUmathoverdelimiterbgap = \Umathoverdelimiterbgap
+\let \normalUmathoverdelimitervgap = \Umathoverdelimitervgap
+\let \normalUmathpunctbinspacing = \Umathpunctbinspacing
+\let \normalUmathpunctclosespacing = \Umathpunctclosespacing
+\let \normalUmathpunctinnerspacing = \Umathpunctinnerspacing
+\let \normalUmathpunctopenspacing = \Umathpunctopenspacing
+\let \normalUmathpunctopspacing = \Umathpunctopspacing
+\let \normalUmathpunctordspacing = \Umathpunctordspacing
+\let \normalUmathpunctpunctspacing = \Umathpunctpunctspacing
+\let \normalUmathpunctrelspacing = \Umathpunctrelspacing
+\let \normalUmathquad = \Umathquad
+\let \normalUmathradicaldegreeafter = \Umathradicaldegreeafter
+\let \normalUmathradicaldegreebefore = \Umathradicaldegreebefore
+\let \normalUmathradicaldegreeraise = \Umathradicaldegreeraise
+\let \normalUmathradicalkern = \Umathradicalkern
+\let \normalUmathradicalrule = \Umathradicalrule
+\let \normalUmathradicalvgap = \Umathradicalvgap
+\let \normalUmathrelbinspacing = \Umathrelbinspacing
+\let \normalUmathrelclosespacing = \Umathrelclosespacing
+\let \normalUmathrelinnerspacing = \Umathrelinnerspacing
+\let \normalUmathrelopenspacing = \Umathrelopenspacing
+\let \normalUmathrelopspacing = \Umathrelopspacing
+\let \normalUmathrelordspacing = \Umathrelordspacing
+\let \normalUmathrelpunctspacing = \Umathrelpunctspacing
+\let \normalUmathrelrelspacing = \Umathrelrelspacing
+\let \normalUmathspaceafterscript = \Umathspaceafterscript
+\let \normalUmathstackdenomdown = \Umathstackdenomdown
+\let \normalUmathstacknumup = \Umathstacknumup
+\let \normalUmathstackvgap = \Umathstackvgap
+\let \normalUmathsubshiftdown = \Umathsubshiftdown
+\let \normalUmathsubshiftdrop = \Umathsubshiftdrop
+\let \normalUmathsubsupshiftdown = \Umathsubsupshiftdown
+\let \normalUmathsubsupvgap = \Umathsubsupvgap
+\let \normalUmathsubtopmax = \Umathsubtopmax
+\let \normalUmathsupbottommin = \Umathsupbottommin
+\let \normalUmathsupshiftdrop = \Umathsupshiftdrop
+\let \normalUmathsupshiftup = \Umathsupshiftup
+\let \normalUmathsupsubbottommax = \Umathsupsubbottommax
+\let \normalUmathunderbarkern = \Umathunderbarkern
+\let \normalUmathunderbarrule = \Umathunderbarrule
+\let \normalUmathunderbarvgap = \Umathunderbarvgap
+\let \normalUmathunderdelimiterbgap = \Umathunderdelimiterbgap
+\let \normalUmathunderdelimitervgap = \Umathunderdelimitervgap
+\let \normalUoverdelimiter = \Uoverdelimiter
+\let \normalUradical = \Uradical
+\let \normalUroot = \Uroot
+\let \normalUunderdelimiter = \Uunderdelimiter
+\let \normalattribute = \attribute
+\let \normalattributedef = \attributedef
+\let \normalcatcodetable = \catcodetable
+\let \normalclearmarks = \clearmarks
+\let \normalcrampeddisplaystyle = \crampeddisplaystyle
+\let \normalcrampedscriptscriptstyle = \crampedscriptscriptstyle
+\let \normalcrampedscriptstyle = \crampedscriptstyle
+\let \normalcrampedtextstyle = \crampedtextstyle
+\let \normalformatname = \formatname
+\let \normalifabsdim = \ifabsdim
+\let \normalifabsnum = \ifabsnum
+\let \normalifprimitive = \ifprimitive
+\let \normalinitcatcodetable = \initcatcodetable
+\let \normallatelua = \latelua
+\let \normalluaescapestring = \luaescapestring
+\let \normalluastartup = \luastartup
+%let \normalluatexdatestamp = \luatexdatestamp
+\let \normalluatexrevision = \luatexrevision
+\let \normalluatexversion = \luatexversion
+\let \normalnokerns = \nokerns
+\let \normalnoligs = \noligs
+\let \normalpageleftoffset = \pageleftoffset
+\let \normalpagetopoffset = \pagetopoffset
+\let \normalpostexhyphenchar = \postexhyphenchar
+\let \normalposthyphenchar = \posthyphenchar
+\let \normalpreexhyphenchar = \preexhyphenchar
+\let \normalprehyphenchar = \prehyphenchar
+\let \normalprimitive = \primitive
+\let \normalsavecatcodetable = \savecatcodetable
+\let \normalscantextokens = \scantextokens
+\let \normalsuppressfontnotfounderror = \suppressfontnotfounderror
+\let \normalsuppressifcsnameerror = \suppressifcsnameerror
+\let \normalsuppresslongerror = \suppresslongerror
+\let \normalsynctex = \synctex
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/norm-ptx.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/norm-ptx.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..14a57aeec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/norm-ptx.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=norm-ptx,
+%D version=2009.03.19,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Norm Macros,
+%D subtitle=\PDFTEX,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D Eventually most of these will be disabled in \MKIV.
+\let \normalefcode = \efcode
+\let \normalexpanded = \expanded
+\let \normalifincsname = \ifincsname
+\let \normalifpdfabsdim = \ifpdfabsdim
+\let \normalifpdfabsnum = \ifpdfabsnum
+\let \normalifpdfprimitive = \ifpdfprimitive
+\let \normalleftmarginkern = \leftmarginkern
+\let \normalletterspacefont = \letterspacefont
+\let \normallpcode = \lpcode
+\let \normalpdfadjustspacing = \pdfadjustspacing
+\let \normalpdfannot = \pdfannot
+\let \normalpdfcatalog = \pdfcatalog
+\let \normalpdfcolorstack = \pdfcolorstack
+\let \normalpdfcolorstackinit = \pdfcolorstackinit
+\let \normalpdfcompresslevel = \pdfcompresslevel
+\let \normalpdfcopyfont = \pdfcopyfont
+\let \normalpdfcreationdate = \pdfcreationdate
+\let \normalpdfdecimaldigits = \pdfdecimaldigits
+\let \normalpdfdest = \pdfdest
+\let \normalpdfdestmargin = \pdfdestmargin
+\let \normalpdfdraftmode = \pdfdraftmode
+\let \normalpdfeachlinedepth = \pdfeachlinedepth
+\let \normalpdfeachlineheight = \pdfeachlineheight
+\let \normalpdfendlink = \pdfendlink
+\let \normalpdfendthread = \pdfendthread
+\let \normalpdffirstlineheight = \pdffirstlineheight
+\let \normalpdffontattr = \pdffontattr
+\let \normalpdffontexpand = \pdffontexpand
+\let \normalpdffontname = \pdffontname
+\let \normalpdffontobjnum = \pdffontobjnum
+\let \normalpdffontsize = \pdffontsize
+\let \normalpdfforcepagebox = \pdfforcepagebox % obsolete
+\let \normalpdfgamma = \pdfgamma
+\let \normalpdfgentounicode = \pdfgentounicode
+\let \normalpdfglyphtounicode = \pdfglyphtounicode
+\let \normalpdfhorigin = \pdfhorigin
+\let \normalpdfignoreddimen = \pdfignoreddimen
+\let \normalpdfimageapplygamma = \pdfimageapplygamma
+\let \normalpdfimagegamma = \pdfimagegamma
+\let \normalpdfimagehicolor = \pdfimagehicolor
+\let \normalpdfimageresolution = \pdfimageresolution
+\let \normalpdfincludechars = \pdfincludechars
+\let \normalpdfinclusioncopyfonts = \pdfinclusioncopyfonts
+\let \normalpdfinclusionerrorlevel = \pdfinclusionerrorlevel
+\let \normalpdfinfo = \pdfinfo
+\let \normalpdfinsertht = \pdfinsertht
+\let \normalpdflastannot = \pdflastannot
+\let \normalpdflastlinedepth = \pdflastlinedepth
+\let \normalpdflastlink = \pdflastlink
+\let \normalpdflastobj = \pdflastobj
+\let \normalpdflastxform = \pdflastxform
+\let \normalpdflastximage = \pdflastximage
+\let \normalpdflastximagecolordepth = \pdflastximagecolordepth
+\let \normalpdflastximagepages = \pdflastximagepages
+\let \normalpdflastxpos = \pdflastxpos
+\let \normalpdflastypos = \pdflastypos
+\let \normalpdflinkmargin = \pdflinkmargin
+\let \normalpdfliteral = \pdfliteral
+\let \normalpdfmapfile = \pdfmapfile
+\let \normalpdfmapline = \pdfmapline
+\let \normalpdfminorversion = \pdfminorversion
+\let \normalpdfmovechars = \pdfmovechars % obsolete
+\let \normalpdfnames = \pdfnames
+\let \normalpdfnoligatures = \pdfnoligatures
+\let \normalpdfnormaldeviate = \pdfnormaldeviate
+\let \normalpdfobj = \pdfobj
+\let \normalpdfobjcompresslevel = \pdfobjcompresslevel
+\let \normalpdfoptionalwaysusepdfpagebox = \pdfoptionalwaysusepdfpagebox % obsolete
+\let \normalpdfoptionpdfinclusionerrorlevel = \pdfoptionpdfinclusionerrorlevel % obsolete
+\let \normalpdfoptionpdfminorversion = \pdfoptionpdfminorversion
+\let \normalpdfoutline = \pdfoutline
+\let \normalpdfoutput = \pdfoutput
+\let \normalpdfpageattr = \pdfpageattr
+\let \normalpdfpagebox = \pdfpagebox
+\let \normalpdfpageheight = \pdfpageheight
+\let \normalpdfpageref = \pdfpageref
+\let \normalpdfpageresources = \pdfpageresources
+\let \normalpdfpagesattr = \pdfpagesattr
+\let \normalpdfpagewidth = \pdfpagewidth
+\let \normalpdfpkmode = \pdfpkmode
+\let \normalpdfpkresolution = \pdfpkresolution
+\let \normalpdfprimitive = \pdfprimitive
+\let \normalpdfprotrudechars = \pdfprotrudechars
+\let \normalpdfpxdimen = \pdfpxdimen
+\let \normalpdfrandomseed = \pdfrandomseed
+\let \normalpdfrefobj = \pdfrefobj
+\let \normalpdfrefxform = \pdfrefxform
+\let \normalpdfrefximage = \pdfrefximage
+\let \normalpdfreplacefont = \pdfreplacefont
+\let \normalpdfrestore = \pdfrestore
+\let \normalpdfretval = \pdfretval
+\let \normalpdfsave = \pdfsave
+\let \normalpdfsavepos = \pdfsavepos
+\let \normalpdfsetmatrix = \pdfsetmatrix
+\let \normalpdfsetrandomseed = \pdfsetrandomseed
+\let \normalpdfstartlink = \pdfstartlink
+\let \normalpdfstartthread = \pdfstartthread
+\let \normalpdftexbanner = \pdftexbanner
+\let \normalpdftexrevision = \pdftexrevision
+\let \normalpdftexversion = \pdftexversion
+\let \normalpdfthread = \pdfthread
+\let \normalpdfthreadmargin = \pdfthreadmargin
+\let \normalpdftracingfonts = \pdftracingfonts
+\let \normalpdftrailer = \pdftrailer
+\let \normalpdfuniformdeviate = \pdfuniformdeviate
+\let \normalpdfuniqueresname = \pdfuniqueresname
+\let \normalpdfvorigin = \pdfvorigin
+\let \normalpdfxform = \pdfxform
+\let \normalpdfxformname = \pdfxformname
+\let \normalpdfximage = \pdfximage
+\let \normalpdfximagebbox = \pdfximagebbox
+\let \normalquitvmode = \quitvmode
+\let \normalrightmarginkern = \rightmarginkern
+\let \normalrpcode = \rpcode
+\let \normaltagcode = \tagcode
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/norm-tex.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/norm-tex.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0bd54f71a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/norm-tex.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,351 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=norm-etx,
+%D version=2009.03.19,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Norm Macros,
+%D subtitle=\TEX,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D Since \LUATEX\ can generate these lists internally it started
+%D to make sense to cleanup this \type {\normalstuff} for \MKII\ as
+%D well. The tables are generated with a \LUA\ script.
+% tex primitives
+% Beware, we already redefined \dump, \outer and \everyjob !
+% \normal = \
+% \normal- = \-
+% \normal/ = \/
+\let \normalabove = \above
+\let \normalabovedisplayshortskip = \abovedisplayshortskip
+\let \normalabovedisplayskip = \abovedisplayskip
+\let \normalabovewithdelims = \abovewithdelims
+\let \normalaccent = \accent
+\let \normaladjdemerits = \adjdemerits
+\let \normaladvance = \advance
+\let \normalafterassignment = \afterassignment
+\let \normalaftergroup = \aftergroup
+\let \normalatop = \atop
+\let \normalatopwithdelims = \atopwithdelims
+\let \normalbadness = \badness
+\let \normalbaselineskip = \baselineskip
+\let \normalbatchmode = \batchmode
+\let \normalbegingroup = \begingroup
+\let \normalbelowdisplayshortskip = \belowdisplayshortskip
+\let \normalbelowdisplayskip = \belowdisplayskip
+\let \normalbinoppenalty = \binoppenalty
+\let \normalbotmark = \botmark
+\let \normalbox = \box
+\let \normalboxmaxdepth = \boxmaxdepth
+\let \normalbrokenpenalty = \brokenpenalty
+\let \normalcatcode = \catcode
+\let \normalchar = \char
+\let \normalchardef = \chardef
+\let \normalcleaders = \cleaders
+\let \normalclosein = \closein
+\let \normalcloseout = \closeout
+\let \normalclubpenalty = \clubpenalty
+\let \normalcopy = \copy
+\let \normalcount = \count
+\let \normalcountdef = \countdef
+\let \normalcr = \cr
+\let \normalcrcr = \crcr
+\let \normalcsname = \csname
+\let \normalday = \day
+\let \normaldeadcycles = \deadcycles
+\let \normaldef = \def
+\let \normaldefaulthyphenchar = \defaulthyphenchar
+\let \normaldefaultskewchar = \defaultskewchar
+\let \normaldelcode = \delcode
+\let \normaldelimiter = \delimiter
+\let \normaldelimiterfactor = \delimiterfactor
+\let \normaldelimitershortfall = \delimitershortfall
+\let \normaldimen = \dimen
+\let \normaldimendef = \dimendef
+\let \normaldirectlua = \directlua
+\let \normaldiscretionary = \discretionary
+\let \normaldisplayindent = \displayindent
+\let \normaldisplaylimits = \displaylimits
+\let \normaldisplaystyle = \displaystyle
+\let \normaldisplaywidowpenalty = \displaywidowpenalty
+\let \normaldisplaywidth = \displaywidth
+\let \normaldivide = \divide
+\let \normaldoublehyphendemerits = \doublehyphendemerits
+\let \normaldp = \dp
+% \normaldump = \dump
+\let \normaledef = \edef
+\let \normalelse = \else
+\let \normalemergencystretch = \emergencystretch
+\let \normalend = \end
+\let \normalendcsname = \endcsname
+\let \normalendgroup = \endgroup
+\let \normalendinput = \endinput
+\let \normalendlinechar = \endlinechar
+\let \normaleqno = \eqno
+\let \normalerrhelp = \errhelp
+\let \normalerrmessage = \errmessage
+\let \normalerrorcontextlines = \errorcontextlines
+\let \normalerrorstopmode = \errorstopmode
+\let \normalescapechar = \escapechar
+\let \normaleverycr = \everycr
+\let \normaleverydisplay = \everydisplay
+\let \normaleveryhbox = \everyhbox
+% \normaleveryjob = \everyjob
+\let \normaleverymath = \everymath
+\let \normaleverypar = \everypar
+\let \normaleveryvbox = \everyvbox
+\let \normalexhyphenchar = \exhyphenchar
+\let \normalexhyphenpenalty = \exhyphenpenalty
+\let \normalexpandafter = \expandafter
+\let \normalfam = \fam
+\let \normalfi = \fi
+\let \normalfinalhyphendemerits = \finalhyphendemerits
+\let \normalfirstmark = \firstmark
+\let \normalfloatingpenalty = \floatingpenalty
+\let \normalfont = \font
+\let \normalfontdimen = \fontdimen
+\let \normalfontname = \fontname
+\let \normalfuturelet = \futurelet
+\let \normalgdef = \gdef
+\let \normalglobal = \global
+\let \normalglobaldefs = \globaldefs
+\let \normalhalign = \halign
+\let \normalhangafter = \hangafter
+\let \normalhangindent = \hangindent
+\let \normalhbadness = \hbadness
+\let \normalhbox = \hbox
+\let \normalhfil = \hfil
+\let \normalhfill = \hfill
+\let \normalhfilneg = \hfilneg
+\let \normalhfuzz = \hfuzz
+\let \normalhoffset = \hoffset
+\let \normalholdinginserts = \holdinginserts
+\let \normalhrule = \hrule
+\let \normalhsize = \hsize
+\let \normalhskip = \hskip
+\let \normalhss = \hss
+\let \normalht = \ht
+\let \normalhyphenation = \hyphenation
+\let \normalhyphenchar = \hyphenchar
+\let \normalhyphenpenalty = \hyphenpenalty
+\let \normalif = \if
+\let \normalifcase = \ifcase
+\let \normalifcat = \ifcat
+\let \normalifdim = \ifdim
+\let \normalifeof = \ifeof
+\let \normaliffalse = \iffalse
+\let \normalifhbox = \ifhbox
+\let \normalifhmode = \ifhmode
+\let \normalifinner = \ifinner
+\let \normalifmmode = \ifmmode
+\let \normalifnum = \ifnum
+\let \normalifodd = \ifodd
+\let \normaliftrue = \iftrue
+\let \normalifvbox = \ifvbox
+\let \normalifvmode = \ifvmode
+\let \normalifvoid = \ifvoid
+\let \normalifx = \ifx
+\let \normalignorespaces = \ignorespaces
+\let \normalimmediate = \immediate
+\let \normalindent = \indent
+% \normalinput = \input
+\let \normalinputlineno = \inputlineno
+\let \normalinsert = \insert
+\let \normalinsertpenalties = \insertpenalties
+\let \normalinterlinepenalty = \interlinepenalty
+\let \normaljobname = \jobname
+\let \normalkern = \kern
+\let \normallanguage = \language
+\let \normallastbox = \lastbox
+\let \normallastkern = \lastkern
+\let \normallastpenalty = \lastpenalty
+\let \normallastskip = \lastskip
+\let \normallccode = \lccode
+\let \normalleaders = \leaders
+\let \normalleft = \left
+\let \normallefthyphenmin = \lefthyphenmin
+\let \normalleftskip = \leftskip
+\let \normalleqno = \leqno
+\let \normallet = \let
+\let \normallimits = \limits
+\let \normallinepenalty = \linepenalty
+\let \normallineskip = \lineskip
+\let \normallineskiplimit = \lineskiplimit
+\let \normallong = \long
+\let \normallooseness = \looseness
+\let \normallower = \lower
+\let \normallowercase = \lowercase
+\let \normalmag = \mag
+\let \normalmark = \mark
+\let \normalmathaccent = \mathaccent
+\let \normalmathbin = \mathbin
+\let \normalmathchar = \mathchar
+\let \normalmathchardef = \mathchardef
+\let \normalmathchoice = \mathchoice
+\let \normalmathclose = \mathclose
+\let \normalmathcode = \mathcode
+\let \normalmathinner = \mathinner
+\let \normalmathop = \mathop
+\let \normalmathopen = \mathopen
+\let \normalmathord = \mathord
+\let \normalmathpunct = \mathpunct
+\let \normalmathrel = \mathrel
+\let \normalmathsurround = \mathsurround
+\let \normalmaxdeadcycles = \maxdeadcycles
+\let \normalmaxdepth = \maxdepth
+\let \normalmeaning = \meaning
+\let \normalmedmuskip = \medmuskip
+\let \normalmessage = \message
+\let \normalmiddle = \middle
+\let \normalmkern = \mkern
+\let \normalmonth = \month
+\let \normalmoveleft = \moveleft
+\let \normalmoveright = \moveright
+\let \normalmskip = \mskip
+\let \normalmultiply = \multiply
+\let \normalmuskip = \muskip
+\let \normalmuskipdef = \muskipdef
+\let \normalnewlinechar = \newlinechar
+\let \normalnoalign = \noalign
+\let \normalnoboundary = \noboundary
+\let \normalnoexpand = \noexpand
+\let \normalnoindent = \noindent
+\let \normalnolimits = \nolimits
+\let \normalnonscript = \nonscript
+\let \normalnonstopmode = \nonstopmode
+\let \normalnulldelimiterspace = \nulldelimiterspace
+\let \normalnullfont = \nullfont
+\let \normalnumber = \number
+\let \normalomit = \omit
+\let \normalopenin = \openin
+\let \normalopenout = \openout
+\let \normalor = \or
+% \normalouter = \outer
+\let \normaloutput = \output
+\let \normaloutputpenalty = \outputpenalty
+\let \normalover = \over
+\let \normaloverfullrule = \overfullrule
+\let \normaloverline = \overline
+\let \normaloverwithdelims = \overwithdelims
+\let \normalpagedepth = \pagedepth
+\let \normalpagefilllstretch = \pagefilllstretch
+\let \normalpagefillstretch = \pagefillstretch
+\let \normalpagefilstretch = \pagefilstretch
+\let \normalpagegoal = \pagegoal
+\let \normalpageshrink = \pageshrink
+\let \normalpagestretch = \pagestretch
+\let \normalpagetotal = \pagetotal
+\let \normalpar = \par
+\let \normalparfillskip = \parfillskip
+\let \normalparindent = \parindent
+\let \normalparshape = \parshape
+\let \normalparskip = \parskip
+\let \normalpatterns = \patterns
+\let \normalpausing = \pausing
+\let \normalpenalty = \penalty
+\let \normalpostdisplaypenalty = \postdisplaypenalty
+\let \normalpredisplaypenalty = \predisplaypenalty
+\let \normalpredisplaysize = \predisplaysize
+\let \normalpretolerance = \pretolerance
+\let \normalprevdepth = \prevdepth
+\let \normalprevgraf = \prevgraf
+\let \normalradical = \radical
+\let \normalraise = \raise
+\let \normalread = \read
+\let \normalrelax = \relax
+\let \normalrelpenalty = \relpenalty
+\let \normalright = \right
+\let \normalrighthyphenmin = \righthyphenmin
+\let \normalrightskip = \rightskip
+\let \normalromannumeral = \romannumeral
+\let \normalscriptfont = \scriptfont
+\let \normalscriptscriptfont = \scriptscriptfont
+\let \normalscriptscriptstyle = \scriptscriptstyle
+\let \normalscriptspace = \scriptspace
+\let \normalscriptstyle = \scriptstyle
+\let \normalscrollmode = \scrollmode
+\let \normalsetbox = \setbox
+\let \normalsetlanguage = \setlanguage
+\let \normalsfcode = \sfcode
+\let \normalshipout = \shipout
+\let \normalshow = \show
+\let \normalshowbox = \showbox
+\let \normalshowboxbreadth = \showboxbreadth
+\let \normalshowboxdepth = \showboxdepth
+\let \normalshowlists = \showlists
+\let \normalshowthe = \showthe
+\let \normalskewchar = \skewchar
+\let \normalskip = \skip
+\let \normalskipdef = \skipdef
+\let \normalspacefactor = \spacefactor
+\let \normalspaceskip = \spaceskip
+\let \normalspan = \span
+\let \normalspecial = \special
+\let \normalsplitbotmark = \splitbotmark
+\let \normalsplitfirstmark = \splitfirstmark
+\let \normalsplitmaxdepth = \splitmaxdepth
+\let \normalsplittopskip = \splittopskip
+\let \normalstring = \string
+\let \normaltabskip = \tabskip
+\let \normaltextfont = \textfont
+\let \normaltextstyle = \textstyle
+\let \normalthe = \the
+\let \normalthickmuskip = \thickmuskip
+\let \normalthinmuskip = \thinmuskip
+\let \normaltime = \time
+\let \normaltoks = \toks
+\let \normaltoksdef = \toksdef
+\let \normaltolerance = \tolerance
+\let \normaltopmark = \topmark
+\let \normaltopskip = \topskip
+\let \normaltracingcommands = \tracingcommands
+\let \normaltracinglostchars = \tracinglostchars
+\let \normaltracingmacros = \tracingmacros
+\let \normaltracingonline = \tracingonline
+\let \normaltracingoutput = \tracingoutput
+\let \normaltracingpages = \tracingpages
+\let \normaltracingparagraphs = \tracingparagraphs
+\let \normaltracingrestores = \tracingrestores
+\let \normaltracingstats = \tracingstats
+\let \normaluccode = \uccode
+\let \normaluchyph = \uchyph
+\let \normalunderline = \underline
+\let \normalunhbox = \unhbox
+\let \normalunhcopy = \unhcopy
+\let \normalunkern = \unkern
+\let \normalunpenalty = \unpenalty
+\let \normalunskip = \unskip
+\let \normalunvbox = \unvbox
+\let \normalunvcopy = \unvcopy
+\let \normaluppercase = \uppercase
+\let \normalvadjust = \vadjust
+\let \normalvalign = \valign
+\let \normalvbadness = \vbadness
+\let \normalvbox = \vbox
+\let \normalvcenter = \vcenter
+\let \normalvfil = \vfil
+\let \normalvfill = \vfill
+\let \normalvfilneg = \vfilneg
+\let \normalvfuzz = \vfuzz
+\let \normalvoffset = \voffset
+\let \normalvrule = \vrule
+\let \normalvsize = \vsize
+\let \normalvskip = \vskip
+\let \normalvsplit = \vsplit
+\let \normalvss = \vss
+\let \normalvtop = \vtop
+\let \normalwd = \wd
+\let \normalwidowpenalty = \widowpenalty
+\let \normalwrite = \write
+\let \normalxdef = \xdef
+\let \normalxleaders = \xleaders
+\let \normalxspaceskip = \xspaceskip
+\let \normalyear = \year
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/norm-xtx.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/norm-xtx.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..851b90b31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/norm-xtx.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=norm-xtx,
+%D version=2009.03.19,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Norm Macros,
+%D subtitle=\XETEX,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+% xetex primitives
+% nothing yet (also defined pdftex primitives)
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/pack-box.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/pack-box.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1752e2b91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/pack-box.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,956 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=pack-box,
+%D version=2002.04.12,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Packaging Macros,
+%D subtitle=Boxes,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Packaging Macros / Boxes}
+%D This module contains all kind of macros for moving content
+%D around. Many macros here come from other modules, but
+%D depencies made it more clear to isolate them.
+% \placeornament
+% \definelayer[\v!tekst-2][\c!positie=\v!ja]
+% \definelayer[\v!tekst-1][\c!positie=\v!ja]
+% \definelayer[\v!tekst+1][\c!positie=\v!ja]
+% \definelayer[\v!tekst+2][\c!positie=\v!ja]
+% we need to set the size, else we get dimensions depending
+% on the content, which in itsel fis ok, but can lead to loops
+% due to rounding errors (happened in demo-obv)
+\def\internaltextoverlay#1% will become more generic and installable
+ {\startoverlay % i.e. probably an overlay by itself
+ {\positionoverlay{\v!text#1}} % see later
+ {\composedlayer {\v!text#1}}
+ \stopoverlay}
+% {\hbox to \zeropoint{\positionoverlay{\v!tekst#1}\hss}%
+% \composedlayer{\v!tekst#1}}
+% todo: share info, so that tuo will be smaller
+% to be documented
+ {\dosingleargument\doanchor}
+ {\ifundefined{\??an#1}\@EA\dodoanchor\else\@EA\nonoanchor\fi[#1]}
+ {\getvalue{\??an#1}}
+ {\dotripleempty\dododoanchor[#1]}
+ {\ifthirdargument
+ \expandafter\dodoanchorT
+ \else
+ \expandafter\dodoanchorS
+ \fi}
+ {\dodoanchorT[#1][#2][#2]}
+ {\dowithnextbox
+ {\bgroup
+ \checktextbackgrounds
+ \setbox\scratchbox\null
+ \wd\scratchbox\nextboxwd
+ \ht\scratchbox\nextboxht
+ \dp\scratchbox\nextboxdp
+ \setlayer
+ [anchor]
+ [\c!width=\wd\scratchbox,
+ \c!height=\ht\scratchbox,
+ \c!offset=\!!zeropoint,
+ #2,#3]
+ {\setlayer[#1]{\flushnextbox}}%
+ \framed
+ [#2,
+ \c!background=anchor,
+ \c!offset=\v!overlay,
+ \c!frame=\v!off,
+ #3]
+ {\box\scratchbox}%
+ \egroup}%
+ \vbox}
+ {\doquadrupleempty\dodefineanchor}
+ {\setvalue{\??an#1}{\dodefinedanchor[#2][#3][#4]}}
+ {\def\docommand[##1][##2]%
+ {\ifsecondargument
+ \def\next{\dodoanchorT[#1][#2,##1][#3,##2]}%
+ \else\iffirstargument
+ \def\next{\dodoanchorT[#1][#2,##1][#2,##1]}%
+ \else
+ \def\next{\dodoanchorT[#1][#2][#3]}%
+ \fi\fi
+ \next}%
+ \dodoubleempty\docommand}
+ {\dodoubleargument\dodefinecollector}
+ {\ifundefined{\@@collectorbox#1}%
+ \expandafter\newbox\csname\@@collectorbox#1\endcsname
+ \fi
+ \resetcollector[#1]%
+ \setupcollector
+ [#1]
+ [\c!state=\v!start,
+ \c!x=\!!zeropoint,\c!y=\!!zeropoint,
+ \c!offset=\!!zeropoint,\c!rotation=, % geen 0 !
+ \c!hoffset=\!!zeropoint,\c!voffset=\!!zeropoint,
+ \c!location=rb,\c!corner=,#2]}
+ {\dodoubleargument\dosetupcollector}
+ {\def\docommand##1{\getparameters[\??cb##1][#2]}%
+ \processcommalist[#1]\docommand}
+ {\dodoubleargument\dosetcollector}
+ {\bgroup
+ \forgetall
+ \dontcomplain
+ \dowithnextbox
+ {\ifundefined{\@@collectorbox#1}%
+ \writestatus{collector}{unknown layer #1}%
+ \else
+ \dodosetcollector[#1][#2]%
+ \fi
+ \egroup}
+ \hbox}
+\def\dodosetcollector[#1][#2]% todo: keep reference point
+ {\def\currentcollector{#1}%
+ \mathchardef\collectorbox\csname\@@collectorbox#1\endcsname
+ \getparameters[\??cb#1][#2]%
+ \@@layerxsiz\wd\collectorbox
+ \@@layerysiz\ht\collectorbox
+ \doifvaluesomething{\??cb#1\c!rotation}
+ {\setbox\nextbox\hbox
+ {\rotate
+ [\c!location=\v!high,
+ \c!rotation=\collectorparameter\c!rotation]
+ {\flushnextbox}}}%
+ \advance\@@layerysiz\dp\collectorbox
+ \@@layerxpos\collectorparameter\c!x
+ \advance\@@layerxpos\collectorparameter\c!hoffset
+ \@@layerypos\collectorparameter\c!y
+ \advance\@@layerypos\collectorparameter\c!voffset
+ \doifelse\v!middle{\collectorparameter\c!corner}
+ {\ifdim\@@layerxsiz>\zeropoint
+ \advance\@@layerxpos.5\@@layerxsiz
+ \fi
+ \ifdim\@@layerysiz>\zeropoint
+ \advance\@@layerypos.5\@@layerysiz
+ \fi}%
+ {\ExpandBothAfter\doifinset\v!bottom{\collectorparameter\c!corner}
+ {\ifdim\@@layerysiz>\zeropoint
+ \advance\@@layerypos-\@@layerysiz
+ \@@layerypos-\@@layerypos
+ \fi}%
+ \ExpandBothAfter\doifinset\v!right{\collectorparameter\c!corner}
+ {\ifdim\@@layerxsiz>\zeropoint
+ \advance\@@layerxpos-\@@layerxsiz
+ \@@layerxpos-\@@layerxpos
+ \fi}}%
+ \setbox\nextbox\hbox
+ {\alignedbox[\collectorparameter\c!location]\vbox{\flushnextbox}}%
+ \boxmaxdepth\zeropoint % really needed, nice example
+ \global\advance\boxhdisplacement\@@layerxpos
+ \ifdim\boxhdisplacement<\zeropoint
+ \global\setbox\collectorbox\hbox
+ {\hskip-\boxhdisplacement
+ \box\collectorbox}%
+ \fi
+ \global\advance\boxvdisplacement\@@layerypos
+ \ifdim\boxvdisplacement<\zeropoint
+ \global\setbox\collectorbox\hbox
+ {\lower-\boxvdisplacement
+ \box\collectorbox}%
+ \fi
+ \@@layerxsiz\wd\collectorbox
+ \@@layerysiz\ht\collectorbox
+ \advance\@@layerysiz\dp\collectorbox
+ \global\setbox\collectorbox\hbox
+ {\box\collectorbox
+ \hskip-\@@layerxsiz
+ \hskip\@@layerxpos\relax
+ \ifdim\boxhdisplacement<\zeropoint
+ \hskip-\boxhdisplacement
+ \fi
+ \lower\@@layerypos\hbox
+ {\ifdim\boxvdisplacement<\zeropoint
+ \lower-\boxvdisplacement\flushnextbox
+ \else
+ \flushnextbox
+ \fi}}%
+ % combine height and depth into depth only (later flushed as height)
+ \global\setbox\collectorbox\hbox
+ {\lower\ht\collectorbox\box\collectorbox}%
+ % just to be sure
+ \ifdim\wd\collectorbox<\@@layerxsiz
+ \wd\collectorbox\@@layerxsiz
+ \fi}
+ {\ifundefined{\@@collectorbox#1}%
+ \writestatus{collector}{unknown collector #1}%
+ \else
+ \doifnotvalue{\??cb#1\c!state}\v!stop
+ {\vbox
+ {\hbox
+ {\doifelsevalue{\??cb#1\c!state}\v!repeat
+ {\let\next\copy}{\let\next\box}%
+ \raise\dp\csname\@@collectorbox#1\endcsname
+ \next\csname\@@collectorbox#1\endcsname}}}%
+ \fi}
+ {\ifundefined{\@@collectorbox#1}\else
+ \global\setbox\csname\@@collectorbox#1\endcsname\emptybox
+ \fi}
+ {\dodoubleargument\doadaptcollector}
+\def\doadaptcollector[#1][#2]% % a typical case where \global\wd looks better in the code
+ {\bgroup
+ \def\currentcollector{#1}%
+ \mathchardef\collectorbox\csname\@@collectorbox#1\endcsname
+ \getparameters
+ [\??cb#1][\c!voffset=\zeropoint,\c!hoffset=\zeropoint,#2]%
+ \scratchdimen\wd\collectorbox
+ \advance\scratchdimen\collectorparameter\c!hoffset
+ \global\wd\collectorbox\scratchdimen
+ \scratchdimen\ht\collectorbox
+ \advance\scratchdimen\collectorparameter\c!voffset
+ \global\ht\collectorbox\scratchdimen
+ \egroup}
+% [location=rb]
+% {\externalfigure[koe][frame=on,width=3cm]}
+% [corner={right,bottom},location={left,top}]
+% {\framed{gans}}
+ [caption]
+ {\dodoubleempty\docollectedtext}
+ {\bgroup
+ \dowithnextbox
+ {\setcollector
+ [caption]
+ {\flushnextbox}%
+ \setcollector
+ [caption][#1]
+ {\getparameters[\??du][#2]%
+ \dosetfontattribute\??du\c!style\setupinterlinespace
+ \framed % watch the special setting of kader/overlay
+ [\c!frame=\v!overlay,#2]
+ {\doattributes\??du\c!style\c!color{#3}}}%
+ \composedcollector{caption}%
+ \egroup}%
+ \hbox}
+% \collectedtext
+% [corner={right,bottom},location={left,top}]
+% [background=color,backgroundcolor=white,offset=0pt]
+% {gans}
+% {\externalfigure[koe][width=3cm]}
+% \collectedtext
+% [rotation=90,corner={right,bottom},location={right,top}]
+% [frame=on,offset=0pt]
+% {gans}
+% {\externalfigure[koe][width=3cm]}
+% \collectedtext
+% [rotation=90,corner={left,bottom},location={left,top}]
+% [frame=on,offset=0pt]
+% {gans}
+% {\externalfigure[koe][width=3cm]}
+ [caption]
+ {\dodoubleempty\dolayeredtext}
+ {\bgroup
+ \dowithnextbox
+ {\!!widtha \nextboxwd
+ \!!heighta\nextboxht
+ \bgroup % preserve \nextbox
+ \setuplayer
+ [caption]
+ [\c!width=\!!widtha,\c!height=\!!heighta]%
+ \setlayer
+ [caption]
+ [#1]
+ {\getparameters[\??du][#2]%
+ \dosetfontattribute\??du\c!style\setupinterlinespace
+ \framed
+ [\c!frame=\v!overlay,,#2]
+ {\doattributes\??du\c!style\c!color{#3}}}%
+ \egroup
+ \framed
+ [\c!offset=\v!overlay,
+ \c!frame=\v!off,
+ \c!background={\v!foreground,caption},
+ \c!width=\!!widtha,
+ \c!height=\!!heighta]
+ {\flushnextbox}%
+ \egroup}%
+ \hbox}
+% \layeredtext
+% [corner={right,bottom},location={left,top}]
+% [background=color,backgroundcolor=white,offset=0pt]
+% {gans}
+% {\externalfigure[koe][width=3cm]}
+% \layeredtext
+% [rotation=90,corner={right,bottom},location={right,top}]
+% [frame=on,offset=0pt]
+% {gans}
+% {\externalfigure[koe][width=3cm]}
+% \layeredtext
+% [rotation=90,corner={left,bottom},location={left,top}]
+% [frame=on,offset=0pt]
+% {gans}
+% {\externalfigure[koe][width=3cm]}
+ {\dodoubleempty\doornamenttext}
+ {\bgroup
+ \doifassignmentelse{#1}
+ {\getparameters[\s!dummy][\c!alternative=\v!a,#1]%
+ \doifelse\dummyalternative\v!a
+ {\egroup\collectedtext}%
+ {\egroup\layeredtext }%
+ [#1][#2]}%
+ {\egroup\getvalue{#1}}}
+ {\dotripleempty\dodefineornament}
+ {\setvalue{#1}{\doornamenttext[#2][#3]}}
+% \defineornament
+% [affiliation]
+% [rotation=90,corner={right,bottom},location={right,top},
+% hoffset=-.25ex]
+% [frame=on,background=color,backgroundcolor=red,offset=0pt]
+% \ruledhbox{\affiliation{gans}{\externalfigure[koe][width=3cm]}}
+% \defineornament
+% [affiliation]
+% [rotation=90,corner={right,bottom},location={right,top},
+% hoffset=-.25ex,alternative=b]
+% [frame=on,background=color,backgroundcolor=red,offset=0pt]
+% \ruledhbox{\affiliation{gans}{\externalfigure[koe][width=3cm]}}
+% \defineornament
+% [affiliation]
+% [rotation=90,corner={right,bottom},location={left,top},
+% hoffset=.25ex,voffset=.25ex,alternative=a]
+% [background=color,style=\ss\tfxx,backgroundcolor=white,offset=0pt]
+% \affiliation{photo}{\externalfigure[molen][width=3cm]}
+% \defineornament
+% [affiliation]
+% [rotation=90,corner={right,bottom},location={left,top},
+% hoffset=.25ex,voffset=.25ex,alternative=b]
+% [background=color,style=\ss\tfxx,backgroundcolor=white,offset=0pt]
+% \affiliation{drawing}{\externalfigure[hakker][width=3cm]}
+% pas op: aanpassen aan nieuwe layer hoek ankers en columnset
+\newcount\nofbleeds % per pag
+ {\dodoubleempty\getparameters[\??bg]}
+ [\c!location=l,
+ \c!stretch=\v!yes,
+ \c!width=3cm,
+ \c!height=3cm,
+ \c!offset=2mm,
+ \c!page=\v!no,
+ \c!voffset=\@@bgoffset,
+ \c!hoffset=\@@bgoffset]
+ {\dosingleempty\dobleed}
+\def\bleedwidth {\the\hsize}%
+ {\hbox\bgroup
+ \xdef\bleedwidth {\the\hsize}%
+ \xdef\bleedheight{\the\vsize}%
+ \global\advance\nofbleeds\plusone
+ \getparameters[\??bg][#1]%
+ \!!doneafalse % left
+ \!!donebfalse % right
+ \!!donecfalse % top
+ \!!donedfalse % bottom
+ % replace this part ! todo: default location
+ \processaction
+ [\@@bglocation]
+ [ t=>\!!donectrue\let\@@bghoffset\!!zeropoint,
+ b=>\!!donedtrue\let\@@bghoffset\!!zeropoint,
+ l=>\!!doneatrue\let\@@bgvoffset\!!zeropoint,
+ r=>\!!donebtrue\let\@@bgvoffset\!!zeropoint,
+ bl=>\!!doneatrue\!!donedtrue,
+ lb=>\!!doneatrue\!!donedtrue,
+ br=>\!!donebtrue\!!donedtrue,
+ rb=>\!!donebtrue\!!donedtrue,
+ tl=>\!!doneatrue\!!donectrue,
+ lt=>\!!doneatrue\!!donectrue,
+ tr=>\!!donebtrue\!!donectrue,
+ rt=>\!!donebtrue\!!donectrue]%
+ \doifelse\@@bgstretch\v!yes\donetrue\donefalse
+ \scratchdimen\@@bgwidth
+ \edef\currentbgposition {\??bg:\number\nofbleeds}%
+ \edef\currentpageposition{page:0}% todo: per page
+ \ifdone
+ \if!!donea
+ \advance\scratchdimen\dimexpr \MPx\currentbgposition-\MPx\currentpageposition\relax
+ \else\if!!doneb
+ \scratchdimen\dimexpr\paperwidth-\MPx\currentbgposition-\MPx\currentpageposition\relax % not checked
+ \fi\fi
+ \fi
+ \advance\scratchdimen\@@bghoffset
+ \xdef\bleedwidth{\the\scratchdimen}%
+ \scratchdimen\@@bgheight
+ \ifdone
+ \if!!donec
+ \scratchdimen\dimexpr\paperheight-\MPy\currentbgposition-\MPy\currentpageposition\relax % not checked
+ \else\if!!doned
+ \advance\scratchdimen\dimexpr \MPy\currentbgposition-\MPy\currentpageposition\relax % not checked
+ \fi\fi
+ \fi
+ \advance\scratchdimen\@@bgvoffset
+ \xdef\bleedheight{\the\scratchdimen}%
+ \hsize\bleedwidth
+ \vsize\bleedheight
+ \setbox\scratchbox\hbox{#2}%
+ \doif\@@bgpage\v!yes
+ {\setbox\scratchbox\topskippedbox{\box\scratchbox}}%
+ \setbox\scratchbox\hbox to \@@bgwidth
+ {\if!!donea\hss\fi\box\scratchbox\if!!doneb\hss\fi}%
+ \if!!doned
+ \setbox\scratchbox\hbox
+ {\lower\bleedheight\hbox{\raise\@@bgheight\box\scratchbox}}%
+ \fi
+ \wd\scratchbox\@@bgwidth
+ \ht\scratchbox\@@bgheight
+ \dp\scratchbox\zeropoint
+ \ifdone
+ \hpos\currentbgposition{\box\scratchbox}%
+ \else
+ \box\scratchbox
+ \fi
+ \egroup}
+% \placefigure[left]{none}
+% {\bleed[width=5cm,height=3cm,location=lt]{\externalfigure[koe][bleed]}}
+% \input tufte
+% \placefigure[left]{none}
+% {\bleed[width=5cm,height=3cm,location=l]{\externalfigure[koe][bleed]}}
+% \input tufte
+% \placefigure[right]{none}
+% {\bleed[width=5cm,height=3cm,location=r]{\externalfigure[koe][bleed]}}
+% \input tufte
+% \placesomefloat[right]{none}
+% {\bleed[width=5cm,height=3cm,location=rb]{\externalfigure[koe][bleed]}}
+% \input tufte
+% \placefigure
+% [top,none]
+% {} % no caption
+% {\bleed
+% [hoffset=-\backspace,
+% voffset=3mm,
+% width=0cm,
+% height=6\lineheight,
+% page=yes, % correct for topskip
+% location=lt]
+% {\externalfigure[koe][bleed][frame=on]}}
+% \setlayerframed[layer id][layer settings][framed setting]{data}
+% \setlayerframed[layer id][combined settings]{data}
+ {\dotripleempty\dosetlayerframed}
+ {\ifthirdargument
+ \expandafter\dosetlayerframedT
+ \else
+ \expandafter\dosetlayerframedS
+ \fi}
+ {\dowithnextbox{\setlayer[#1][#2]{\flushnextbox}}%
+ \hbox\framed[#3]}
+% \def\dosetlayerframedS[#1][#2][#3]%
+% {\dowithnextbox
+% {\setlayer[#1][\c!width=\nextboxwd,\c!height=\nextboxht,\c!offset=\!!zeropoint,#2]{\flushnextbox}}%
+% \hbox\framed[\c!location=\v!normal,#2]}
+% better (2011-09-06)
+ {\dowithnextbox
+ {\setlayer[#1][\c!width=\nextboxwd,\c!height=\nextboxht,#2,\c!offset=\!!zeropoint]{\flushnextbox}}%
+ \hbox\framed[\c!location=\v!normal,#2]}
+ {\dotripleempty\dosetlayertext}
+ {\bgroup
+ \getparameters
+ [\??lx]
+ [\c!align=,
+ \c!width=\hsize,
+ \c!color=,
+ \c!style=,
+ #3]%
+ \dowithnextboxcontent
+ {\forgetall
+ \hsize\@@lxwidth
+ \expanded{\setupalign[\@@lxalign]}%
+ \dosetfontattribute\??lx\c!style}
+ {\setlayer[#1][#2]{\strut\color[\@@lxcolor]{\flushnextbox}}%
+ \egroup}%
+ \vtop}
+% \setupbackgrounds
+% [page]
+% [background=pagefigures]
+% \definelayer
+% [pagefigures]
+% [x=-2mm,
+% y=-2mm,
+% width=\paperwidth,
+% height=\paperheight]
+% \definelayerpreset [lefttop] [corner={left,top},location={right,bottom}]
+% \definelayerpreset [righttop] [corner={right,top},location={left,bottom}]
+% \definelayerpreset [leftbottom] [corner={left,bottom},location={right,top}]
+% \definelayerpreset [rightbottom] [corner={right,bottom},location={left,top}]
+% \definelayerpreset [middle] [corner=middle,location=middle]
+% \setlayer[pagefigures][preset=lefttop]
+% \setlayer[pagefigures][preset=righttop]
+% \setlayer[pagefigures][preset=leftbottom]
+% \setlayer[pagefigures][preset=rightbottom]
+ [\v!left\v!top]
+ [\c!corner={\v!left,\v!top},\c!location={\v!right,\v!bottom}]
+ [\v!right\v!top]
+ [\c!corner={\v!right,\v!top},\c!location={\v!left,\v!bottom}]
+ [\v!left\v!bottom]
+ [\c!corner={\v!left,\v!bottom},\c!location={\v!right,\v!top}]
+ [\v!right\v!bottom]
+ [\c!corner={\v!right,\v!bottom},\c!location={\v!left,\v!top}]
+ [\v!middle]
+ [\c!corner=\v!middle,\c!location=\v!middle]
+% \definelayerpreset
+% [\v!middle\v!top]
+% [\c!location=\v!bottom,\c!hoffset=.5\layerwidth]
+% \definelayerpreset
+% [\v!middle\v!bottom]
+% [\c!location=\v!top,\c!hoffset=.5\layerwidth,\c!voffset=\layerheight]
+% \definelayerpreset
+% [\v!middle\v!left]
+% [\c!location=\v!right,\c!voffset=.5\layerheight]
+% \definelayerpreset
+% [\v!middle\v!right]
+% [\c!location=\v!left,\c!hoffset=\layerwidth,\c!voffset=.5\layerheight]
+ [\v!middle\v!top]
+ [\c!location=\v!bottom,\c!corner=\v!top,\c!dx=.5\layerwidth]
+ [\v!middle\v!bottom]
+ [\c!location=\v!top,\c!corner=\v!bottom,\c!dx=.5\layerwidth]
+ [\v!middle\v!left]
+ [\c!location=\v!right,\c!corner=\v!left,\c!dy=.5\layerheight]
+ [\v!middle\v!right]
+ [\c!location=\v!left,\c!corner=\v!right,\c!dy=.5\layerheight]
+ {\dodoubleempty\doalignedbox[]}
+% \def\doalignedbox[#1][#2]%
+% {\bgroup
+% %\let\iftraceboxplacement\iftracelayers % ugly
+% \dowithnextbox
+% {\let\next\middlebox
+% \processaction
+% [#2]
+% [ t=>\let\next\topbox , b=>\let\next\bottombox ,
+% l=>\let\next\leftbox , r=>\let\next\rightbox ,
+% bl=>\let\next\bottomleftbox,br=>\let\next\bottomrightbox,
+% tl=>\let\next\topleftbox ,tr=>\let\next\toprightbox ,
+% lt=>\let\next\lefttopbox ,lb=>\let\next\leftbottombox ,
+% rt=>\let\next\righttopbox ,rb=>\let\next\rightbottombox]%
+% \next{\flushnextbox}%
+% \egroup}#1}
+ {\bgroup
+ %\let\iftraceboxplacement\iftracelayers % ugly
+ \dowithnextbox
+ {\serializecommalist[#2]%
+ \executeifdefined{\??ab\??ab\serializedcommalist}\middlebox{\flushnextbox}%
+ \egroup}#1}
+\setvalue{\??ab\??ab }{\middlebox}
+\setvalue{\??ab\??ab\v!middle }{\middlebox}
+\setvalue{\??ab\??ab\v!left }{\leftbox }
+\setvalue{\??ab\??ab\v!right }{\rightbox }
+\setvalue{\??ab\??ab\v!bottom }{\bottombox}
+\setvalue{\??ab\??ab\v!top }{\topbox }
+\setvalue{\??ab\??ab\v!left \v!top }{\lefttopbox}
+\setvalue{\??ab\??ab\v!left \v!bottom}{\leftbottombox}
+\setvalue{\??ab\??ab\v!right \v!top }{\righttopbox}
+\setvalue{\??ab\??ab\v!right \v!bottom}{\rightbottombox}
+\setvalue{\??ab\??ab\v!top \v!left }{\topleftbox}
+\setvalue{\??ab\??ab\v!bottom\v!left }{\bottomleftbox}
+\setvalue{\??ab\??ab\v!top \v!right }{\toprightbox}
+\setvalue{\??ab\??ab\v!bottom\v!right }{\bottomrightbox}
+\setvalue{\??ab\??ab c}{\middlebox}
+\setvalue{\??ab\??ab l}{\leftbox}
+\setvalue{\??ab\??ab r}{\rightbox}
+\setvalue{\??ab\??ab b}{\bottombox}
+\setvalue{\??ab\??ab t}{\topbox}
+\setvalue{\??ab\??ab lt}{\lefttopbox}
+\setvalue{\??ab\??ab lb}{\leftbottombox}
+\setvalue{\??ab\??ab rt}{\righttopbox}
+\setvalue{\??ab\??ab rb}{\rightbottombox}
+\setvalue{\??ab\??ab tl}{\topleftbox}
+\setvalue{\??ab\??ab bl}{\bottomleftbox}
+\setvalue{\??ab\??ab tr}{\toprightbox}
+\setvalue{\??ab\??ab br}{\bottomrightbox}
+\setvalue{\??ab\??ab m}{\middlebox}
+% The next ones were desparately needed by Vit Zyka (see
+% \type {supp-box} for definitions).
+\setvalue{\??ab\??ab g}{\baselinemiddlebox}
+\setvalue{\??ab\??ab gl}{\baselineleftbox}
+\setvalue{\??ab\??ab gc}{\baselinemiddlebox}
+\setvalue{\??ab\??ab gr}{\baselinerightbox}
+\setvalue{\??ab\??ab \v!line }{\baselinemiddlebox} % \v!grid is taken
+\setvalue{\??ab\??ab \v!line\v!left }{\baselineleftbox}
+\setvalue{\??ab\??ab \v!line\v!middle}{\baselinemiddlebox}
+\setvalue{\??ab\??ab \v!line\v!right }{\baselinerightbox}
+ {\dodoubleempty\dooffsetbox[]}
+% left/right/top/bottomoffset -> dimensions change
+% x/y | method=fixed -> dimensions don't change
+ {\bgroup
+ \dowithnextbox
+ {\getparameters[\??ox]
+ [\c!x=\zeropoint,
+ \c!y=\zeropoint,
+ \c!width=\nextboxwd,
+ \c!height=\nextboxht,
+ \c!depth=\nextboxdp,
+ \c!location=,
+ \c!leftoffset=\zeropoint,
+ \c!rightoffset=\zeropoint,
+ \c!topoffset=\zeropoint,
+ \c!bottomoffset=\zeropoint,
+ \c!method=,
+ #2]%
+ \donefalse
+ \ifdim\@@oxleftoffset =\zeropoint\else\donetrue\fi
+ \ifdim\@@oxrightoffset=\zeropoint\else\donetrue\fi
+ \ifdim\@@oxtopoffset =\zeropoint\else\donetrue\fi
+ \ifdim\@@oxbottomoffset =\zeropoint\else\donetrue\fi
+ \ifdone
+ \doif\@@oxmethod\v!fixed % new
+ {\ifdim\@@oxleftoffset=\zeropoint
+ \ifdim\@@oxrightoffset=\zeropoint \else
+ \scratchdimen-\@@oxrightoffset
+ \edef\@@oxx{\the\scratchdimen}%
+ \let\@@oxrightoffset\zeropoint
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \let\@@oxx\@@oxleftoffset
+ \let\@@oxleftoffset\zeropoint
+ \fi
+ \ifdim\@@oxtopoffset=\zeropoint
+ \ifdim\@@oxbottomoffset=\zeropoint \else
+ \scratchdimen-\@@oxbottomoffset
+ \edef\@@oxy{\the\scratchdimen}%
+ \let\@@oxbottomoffset\zeropoint
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \let\@@oxy\@@oxtopoffset
+ \let\@@oxtopoffset\zeropoint
+ \fi
+ \donefalse}%
+ \fi
+ \ifdone
+ \setbox\nextbox\vbox
+ {\forgetall\offinterlineskip
+ \vskip\@@oxtopoffset
+ \hbox
+ {\hskip\@@oxleftoffset
+ \flushnextbox
+ \hskip\@@oxrightoffset}%
+ \vskip\@@oxbottomoffset}%
+ \scratchdimen\nextboxht
+ \advance\scratchdimen\nextboxdp
+ \nextboxht\scratchdimen
+ \nextboxdp\zeropoint
+ \fi
+ \freezedimenmacro\@@oxwidth
+ \freezedimenmacro\@@oxheight
+ \freezedimenmacro\@@oxdepth
+ \setbox\nextbox\hbox
+ {\hskip\@@oxx\lower\@@oxy\hbox
+ {\doifelsenothing\@@oxlocation
+ {\flushnextbox}
+ {\alignedbox[\@@oxlocation]\hbox{\flushnextbox}}}}%
+ \nextboxwd\@@oxwidth
+ \nextboxht\@@oxheight
+ \nextboxdp\@@oxdepth
+ \flushnextbox
+ \egroup}#1}
+% \useMPlibrary[pre] \setupbackgrounds[page][background=pagegrid]
+% \placefigure[left,none]{}{\offset[leftoffset=1cm]{\externalfigure[koe][breedte=3cm]}}
+% \input tufte
+% \placefigure[left,none]{}{\offset[rightoffset=1cm]{\externalfigure[koe][breedte=3cm]}}
+% \input tufte
+% \placefigure[left,none]{}{\offset[topoffset=1cm]{\externalfigure[koe][breedte=3cm]}}
+% \input tufte
+% \placefigure[left,none]{}{\offset[bottomoffset=1cm]{\externalfigure[koe][breedte=3cm]}}
+% \input tufte
+\unexpanded\def\offset {\dodoubleempty\dooffsetbox [\hbox]} % yes or no
+\unexpanded\def\aligned{\dosingleempty\doalignedbox[\hbox]} % yes or no
+% {\framed[width=4cm,height=4cm]{x}}}
+ {\dontleavehmode
+ \bgroup
+ \setbox\scratchbox\hbox{#3}%
+ \hbox to \wd\scratchbox{#1#4#2}%
+ \egroup}
+\unexpanded\def\rtabbed{\dotabbed\hss \relax}
+\unexpanded\def\ctabbed{\dotabbed\hss \hss} \let\mtabbed\ctabbed
+% \ltabbed{\romeins{3}}{\romeins{1}} test \endgraf
+% \ltabbed{\romeins{3}}{\romeins{2}} test \endgraf
+% \ltabbed{\romeins{3}}{\romeins{3}} test \endgraf
+% \rtabbed{\romeins{3}}{\romeins{1}} test \endgraf
+% \rtabbed{\romeins{3}}{\romeins{2}} test \endgraf
+% \rtabbed{\romeins{3}}{\romeins{3}} test \endgraf
+% \ctabbed{\romeins{3}}{\romeins{1}} test \endgraf
+% \ctabbed{\romeins{3}}{\romeins{2}} test \endgraf
+% \ctabbed{\romeins{3}}{\romeins{3}} test \endgraf
+% alternative, if done, then other name
+% \def\dotabbed#1#2#3#4%
+% {\dontleavehmode
+% \bgroup
+% \scratchdimen\zeropoint
+% \def\docommand##1%
+% {\setbox\scratchbox\hbox{##1}%
+% \ifdim\wd\scratchbox>\scratchdimen
+% \scratchdimen\wd\scratchbox
+% \fi}%
+% \processcommalist[#3]\docommand
+% \hbox to \scratchdimen{#1#4#2}%
+% \egroup}
+% \def\ltabbed{\dotabbed\relax\hss}
+% \def\rtabbed{\dotabbed\hss \relax}
+% \def\ctabbed{\dotabbed\hss \hss} \let\mtabbed\ctabbed
+% \ltabbed{\romeins{10},\romeins{2000},\romeins{15}}{\romeins{10}} test \endgraf
+% \ltabbed{\romeins{10},\romeins{2000},\romeins{15}}{\romeins{15}} test \endgraf
+% \ltabbed{\romeins{10},\romeins{2000},\romeins{15}}{\romeins{2000}} test \endgraf
+% \rtabbed{\romeins{10},\romeins{2000},\romeins{15}}{\romeins{10}} test \endgraf
+% \rtabbed{\romeins{10},\romeins{2000},\romeins{15}}{\romeins{15}} test \endgraf
+% \rtabbed{\romeins{10},\romeins{2000},\romeins{15}}{\romeins{2000}} test \endgraf
+% \ctabbed{\romeins{10},\romeins{2000},\romeins{15}}{\romeins{10}} test \endgraf
+% \ctabbed{\romeins{10},\romeins{2000},\romeins{15}}{\romeins{15}} test \endgraf
+% \ctabbed{\romeins{10},\romeins{2000},\romeins{15}}{\romeins{2000}} test \endgraf
+% to be documented
+ {\hbox\bgroup
+ \getparameters
+ [\??ol]
+ [\c!width=\zeropoint,%
+ \c!height=\zeropoint,%
+ \c!depth=\zeropoint,#1]%
+ \setbox\scratchbox\null
+ \wd\scratchbox\@@olwidth
+ \ht\scratchbox\@@olheight
+ \dp\scratchbox\@@oldepth
+ \box\scratchbox
+ \egroup}
+% \backgroundimage{1}{\hsize}{\vsize}{\externalfigure[cow][\c!width=3cm]}
+\unexpanded\def\backgroundimage#1#2#3% repeat hsize vsize
+ {\bgroup
+ \forgetall
+ \dowithnextbox
+ {\offinterlineskip
+ \ifcase#1\relax
+ % just one
+ \else
+ \scratchdimen#2\divide\scratchdimen\nextboxwd\count0\scratchdimen\advance\count0\plusone
+ \scratchdimen#3\divide\scratchdimen\nextboxht\count2\scratchdimen\advance\count2\plusone
+ % to be considered, probably methods
+ \ifcase#1\or % x and y
+ \setbox\nextbox\hbox{\dorecurse{\count0}{\copy\nextbox}}%
+ \setbox\nextbox\vbox{\dorecurse{\count2}{\copy\nextbox\endgraf}}%
+ \or % x
+ \setbox\nextbox\hbox{\dorecurse{\count0}{\copy\nextbox}}%
+ \or % y
+ \setbox\nextbox\vbox{\dorecurse{\count2}{\copy\nextbox\endgraf}}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \ifdim\nextboxwd>#2\relax
+ \setbox\nextbox\hbox to #2{\hss\flushnextbox\hss}%
+ \setbox\nextbox\hbox{\expanded{\clip[\c!width=#2,\c!height=\the\nextboxht]{\flushnextbox}}}%
+ \fi
+ \ifdim\nextboxht>#3\relax
+ \setbox\nextbox\vbox to #3{\vss\flushnextbox\vss}%
+ \setbox\nextbox\hbox{\expanded{\clip[\c!width=\the\nextboxwd,\c!height=#3]{\flushnextbox}}}%
+ \fi
+ \flushnextbox
+ \egroup}%
+ \hbox}
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/pack-lyr.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/pack-lyr.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1b0c0fd63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/pack-lyr.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,755 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=pack-lyr,
+%D version=2000.10.20,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Packaging Macros,
+%D subtitle=Layers,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Packaging Macros / Layers}
+%D This module is now etex dependent.
+% todo : first / last / next / +... => page key
+% test on left/right box when no doublesided option given
+% use \ifcsname instead of doifvalue
+% When being backgrounds layers get the background offset
+% displacement. Should be an option, on by default
+% (compatibility).
+% positie=forceer == ja maar dan ook in status=herhaal
+%D The layering mechanism implemented here is independent of
+%D the output routine, but future extensions may depend on a
+%D more close cooperation.
+%D First we overload a macro from \type {core-rul}. From now on
+%D we accept a (optional) argument: the specific layer it
+%D will go in. This means that we can move an overlay from one
+%D background to the other using the dimensions of the parent.
+%D ! ! ! ! to be documented ! ! ! !
+\ifx\undefined\defineoverlay \message{loaded to early} \wait \fi
+ {\dotripleempty\dodefineoverlay}
+\def\dodefineoverlay[#1][#2][#3]% overlay [layer] content
+ {\ifthirdargument
+ \writestatus{BEWARE}{This (overlay definition) has changed!}% temp
+ \def\docommand##1{\setvalue{\??ov##1}{\setlayer[#2]{\executedefinedoverlay{##1}{#3}}}}
+ \else
+ \def\docommand##1{\setvalue{\??ov##1}{\executedefinedoverlay{##1}{#2}}}%
+ \fi
+ \processcommalist[#1]\docommand}
+%D When tracing is turned on, a couple of boxes will
+%D show up as well as the reference point.
+\newif\iftracelayers % \tracelayerstrue
+%D This handy constant saved some string memory.
+%D \macros
+%D {definelayer}
+%D Each layer gets its own (global) box. This also means that
+%D the data that goes into a layer, is typeset immediately.
+%D Each layer automatically gets an associated overlay,
+%D which can be used in any background assignment.
+% todo : links/rechts
+ {\dodoubleargument\dodefinelayer}
+\def\dodefinelayer[#1][#2]% \zeropoint ipv \!!zeropoint
+ {\setuplayer
+ [#1]
+ [\c!doublesided=,\c!preset=,
+ \c!state=\v!start,\c!direction=\v!normal,\c!option=,
+ \c!x=\zeropoint,\c!y=\zeropoint,\c!position=\v!no,
+ \c!line=0,\c!column=0,
+ \c!width=\nextboxwd,\c!height=\nextboxht,
+ \c!offset=\zeropoint,\c!rotation=, % geen 0 !
+ \c!hoffset=\zeropoint,\c!voffset=\zeropoint,
+ \c!dx=\zeropoint,\c!dy=\zeropoint,
+ \c!location=rb,\c!position=\v!no,\c!page=,
+ \c!method=\v!overlay,
+ \c!sx=1,\c!sy=1,\c!corner=,#2]%
+ \doifvalue{\??ll#1\c!doublesided}\v!yes
+ {\dopresetlayerbox{\v!left #1}%
+ \dopresetlayerbox{\v!right#1}}%
+ \dopresetlayerbox{#1}%
+ \defineoverlay[#1][\composedlayer{#1}]}
+ {\ifundefined{\@@layerbox#1}%
+ \expandafter\newbox\csname\@@layerbox#1\endcsname
+ \else
+ \resetlayer[#1]%
+ \fi}
+%D \macros
+%D {setuplayer}
+%D After a layer is defined, you can change its
+%D characteristics.
+ {\dodoubleargument\dosetuplayer}
+ {\def\docommand##1{\getparameters[\??ll##1][#2]}%
+ \processcommalist[#1]\docommand}
+%D \macros
+%D {setlayer}
+%D Data is moved into a layer with the following macro. When
+%D \type {position} is set, relative positioning is used, with
+%D the current point as reference point. Otherwise the topleft
+%D corner is used as reference point.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \setlayer [identifier] [optional parameters] {data}
+%D \stoptyping
+\let\currentlayerwidth \!!zeropoint
+ {\dodoubleempty\dosetcurrentlayerdimensions}
+\def\dosetcurrentlayerdimensions[#1][#2]% name left|right
+ {\edef\currentlayerwidth {\thelayerwidth {#2#1}}%
+ \edef\currentlayerheight{\thelayerheight{#2#1}}}
+\def\thelayerwidth #1{\the\wd\executeifdefined{\@@layerbox#1}\emptybox}
+ {\dotripleempty\dosetlayer}
+\def\dosetlayer[#1][#2][#3]% #4 == box do \fi is ok
+ {\doifelsevalue{\??ll#1\c!state}\v!stop
+ {\dowithnextbox\donothing\hbox}
+ {\ifthirdargument
+ \dodosetlayer[#1][#2][#3]%
+ \else
+ \doifassignmentelse{#2}
+ {\dodosetlayer[#1][][#2]}%
+ {\dodosetlayer[#1][#2][]}%
+ \fi}}
+\def\dodosetlayer[#1][#2][#3]% #2 = links/rechts
+ {\bgroup
+ \recalculatebackgrounds
+ \recalculatelogos
+ \global\advance\currentlayerdata\plusone
+ \forgetall
+ \dontcomplain
+ \doifvalue{\??ll#1\c!option}\v!test\tracelayerstrue
+ \iftracelayers\traceboxplacementtrue\fi
+ \dowithnextbox % sneller als aparte macro
+ {\ifcsname\@@layerbox#1\endcsname % nb: odd/even discard, left/right not
+ \edef\@@layerloc{#2}%
+ \ifx\@@layerloc\v!even
+ \ifodd\realpageno
+ % discard nextbox
+ \else
+ \dododosetlayer[#1][\v!left][#3]%
+ \fi
+ \else\ifx\@@layerloc\v!odd
+ \ifodd\realpageno
+ \dododosetlayer[#1][\v!right][#3]%
+ %\else
+ % discard nextbox
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \dododosetlayer[#1][#2][#3]%
+ \fi\fi
+ \else
+ \writestatus{layer}{unknown layer #1}%
+ \fi
+ \egroup}%
+ \hbox}
+\let\lastlayerwd \!!zeropoint
+\let\lastlayerht \!!zeropoint
+\let\lastlayerdp \!!zeropoint
+% todo left/right
+ {\edef\layerpage{\MPp{lyr:\the\currentlayerdata}}%
+ \xdef\lastlayerxpos{\the\dimexpr-\MPx{lyr:#1:\layerpage}+\MPx{lyr:\the\currentlayerdata}\relax}%
+ \xdef\lastlayerypos{\the\dimexpr \MPy{lyr:#1:\layerpage}-\MPy{lyr:\the\currentlayerdata}\relax}}
+ {\dodoubleargument\dodefinelayerpreset}
+% \def\dodefinelayerpreset[#1][#2]%
+% {\setvalue{\??ll\??ll#1}{\dopresetlayer{#2}}}
+% more fun: \definelayerpreset[whatever][lefttop]
+ {\doifassignmentelse{#2}
+ {\setvalue{\??ll\??ll#1}{\dopresetlayer{#2}}}
+ {\setvalue{\??ll\??ll#1}{\getvalue{\??ll\??ll#2}}}}
+\def\dopresetlayer#1#2#3% #1=list #2=tag #3=list
+ {\getparameters[\??ll#2][#1,#3]}
+\chardef\@@lacome=1 % LAyerCOnstructionMEthod / temp, will be default
+\def\dododosetlayer[#1][#2][#3]% will be sped up
+ {% we use the global width, never change this
+ \def\currentlayer{#1}%
+ \@@layerxsiz\layerparameter\c!width
+ \@@layerysiz\layerparameter\c!height
+ \layerwidth \@@layerxsiz
+ \layerheight\@@layerysiz
+ % preroll
+ \getparameters[\??ll\currentlayer][#3]%
+ % presets and real roll
+% maybe todo:
+% \doif{\layerparameter\c!method}\v!fit
+% {\@@layerxsiz\thelayerwidth \currentlayer
+% \@@layerysiz\thelayerheight\currentlayer
+% \layerwidth \@@layerxsiz
+% \layerheight\@@layerysiz
+% }%
+ % etc
+ \executeifdefined{\??ll\??ll\layerparameter\c!preset}\gobbletwoarguments\currentlayer{#3}%
+ % that was real slow
+ \doif{\layerparameter\c!position}\v!overlay % slow, use \dosetvalue instead
+ {\getparameters[\??ll\currentlayer][\c!width=\zeropoint,\c!height=\zeropoint,\c!position=\v!yes]}%
+ \doifsomething{\layerparameter\c!rotation}
+ {\setbox\nextbox\hbox
+ {\rotate % to be checked with new rotation
+ [\c!location=\v!high,\c!rotation=\layerparameter\c!rotation]
+ {\flushnextbox}}}%
+ % no, not local
+ % \@@layerxsiz\layerparameter\c!width
+ % \@@layerysiz\layerparameter\c!height
+ % never change that
+ \@@layerxpos\layerparameter\c!x
+ \@@layerypos\layerparameter\c!y
+ \doifelse{\layerparameter\c!hoffset}\v!max
+ {\@@layerxoff\@@layerxsiz}{\@@layerxoff\layerparameter\c!hoffset}%
+ \doifelse{\layerparameter\c!voffset}\v!max
+ {\@@layeryoff\@@layerysiz}{\@@layeryoff\layerparameter\c!voffset}%
+ % dx/dy are internal context ones and can be used in preset
+ \advance\@@layerxoff\dimexpr\layerparameter\c!offset+\layerparameter\c!dx\relax
+ \advance\@@layeryoff\dimexpr\layerparameter\c!offset+\layerparameter\c!dy\relax
+ \@@layerxpos\layerparameter\c!sx\@@layerxpos
+ \@@layerypos\layerparameter\c!sy\@@layerypos
+ \@@layerxoff\layerparameter\c!sx\@@layerxoff
+ \@@layeryoff\layerparameter\c!sy\@@layeryoff
+ \doifelse{\layerparameter\c!position}\v!yes % combine ^
+ {\setlastlayerpos{#2\currentlayer}% todo l/r %%%%%%%%%%%%
+ \@@layerxpos\lastlayerxpos
+ \@@layerypos\lastlayerypos
+ \letgvalue{\??ll\currentlayer\layerpage\c!position}\v!yes
+ \letgvalue{\??ll\currentlayer\c!state}\v!start % needed ?
+ \setbox\layerbox\vbox to \@@layerysiz
+ {\hbox to \@@layerxsiz{\xypos{lyr:\the\currentlayerdata}\hss}\vss}}
+ {\setbox\layerbox\emptybox
+ \globallet\lastlayerxpos\!!zeropoint
+ \globallet\lastlayerypos\!!zeropoint
+ \ExpandBothAfter\doifinset\v!bottom{\layerparameter\c!corner}
+ {\ifnum\layerparameter\c!line=\zerocount\else % can be < 0
+ \setevalue{\??ll\currentlayer\c!line}%
+ {\the\numexpr-\layerparameter\c!line+\layoutlines+\plusone\relax}%
+ \fi
+ \ifdim\@@layerysiz>\zeropoint
+ \advance\@@layerypos-\@@layerysiz
+ \@@layerypos-\@@layerypos
+ \@@layeryoff-\@@layeryoff
+ \fi}%
+ \ExpandBothAfter\doifinset\v!right{\layerparameter\c!corner}
+ {\ifnum\layerparameter\c!column=\zerocount\else % can be < 0
+ \setevalue{\??ll\currentlayer\c!column}%
+ {\the\numexpr-\layerparameter\c!column+\layoutcolumns+\plusone\relax}%
+ \fi
+ \ifdim\@@layerxsiz>\zeropoint
+ \advance\@@layerxpos-\@@layerxsiz
+ \@@layerxpos-\@@layerxpos
+ \@@layerxoff-\@@layerxoff
+ \fi}%
+ \ExpandBothAfter\doif\v!middle{\layerparameter\c!corner}
+ {\ifdim\@@layerxsiz>\zeropoint \advance\@@layerxpos.5\@@layerxsiz \fi
+ \ifdim\@@layerysiz>\zeropoint \advance\@@layerypos.5\@@layerysiz \fi}%
+ \edef\layerpage{\layerparameter\c!page}}%
+ \doifsomething\layerpage
+ {\edef\layerpage{:\layerpage}%
+ \doifundefined{\@@layerbox#2\currentlayer\layerpage}
+ {\global\expandafter\newbox\csname\@@layerbox#2\currentlayer\layerpage\endcsname}}%
+ \dontcomplain % more comfortable
+ \mathchardef\layerpagebox\csname\@@layerbox#2\currentlayer\layerpage\endcsname
+ \ifvoid\layerpagebox
+ \gsetboxllx\layerpagebox\zeropoint
+ \gsetboxlly\layerpagebox\zeropoint
+ \fi
+ \global\setbox\layerpagebox\vbox %to \layerparameter\c!height % new, otherwise no negative y possible
+ {\offinterlineskip
+ %postpone, to after nextboxwd correction % \hsize\layerparameter\c!width % new, keep box small
+ %\ifvoid\csname\@@layerbox\currentlayer\layerpage\endcsname\else % why not #2#1
+ \ifvoid\layerpagebox
+ \let\lastlayerwidth \zeropoint
+ \let\lastlayerheight\zeropoint
+ \else
+ \edef\lastlayerwidth {\the\wd\layerpagebox}%
+ \edef\lastlayerheight{\the\ht\layerpagebox}%
+ \ht\layerpagebox\zeropoint
+ \dp\layerpagebox\zeropoint
+ \wd\layerpagebox\zeropoint
+ \doifnot{\layerparameter\c!direction}\v!reverse{\box\layerpagebox}%
+ \fi
+ % don't move
+ \xdef\lastlayerwd{\the\nextboxwd}%
+ \xdef\lastlayerht{\the\nextboxht}% % not entirely ok when grid !
+ \xdef\lastlayerdp{\the\nextboxdp}% % not entirely ok when grid !
+ % this code
+ \doifelse{\layerparameter\c!location}\v!grid\donetrue\donefalse
+ \ifdone
+ \nextboxht\strutheight
+ \nextboxdp\strutdepth
+ \else
+ \setbox\nextbox\hbox{\alignedbox[\layerparameter\c!location]\vbox{\flushnextbox}}%
+ \fi
+ \ifnum\layerparameter\c!line=\zerocount\else % no \ifcase, can be negative
+ \advance\@@layerypos\dimexpr\layerparameter\c!line\lineheight+\topskip-\lineheight-\nextboxht\relax
+ \fi
+ \ifnum\layerparameter\c!column=\zerocount\else % no \ifcase, can be negative
+ \advance\@@layerxpos\layoutcolumnoffset{\layerparameter\c!column}%
+ \fi
+ \ifdone
+ \setbox\nextbox\hbox{\alignedbox[rb]\vbox{\flushnextbox}}%
+ \fi
+ % ll registration
+ \scratchdimen\@@layerxpos
+ \advance\scratchdimen\@@layerxoff
+ \ifdim\scratchdimen<\getboxllx\layerpagebox
+ \gsetboxllx\layerpagebox\scratchdimen
+ \fi
+ \ifcase\@@lacome\or % this test will become obsolete
+ \advance\scratchdimen\nextboxwd
+ \nextboxwd\ifdim\scratchdimen>\lastlayerwidth \scratchdimen \else \lastlayerwidth \fi
+ \fi
+ \scratchdimen\@@layerypos
+ \advance\scratchdimen\@@layeryoff
+ \ifdim\scratchdimen<\getboxlly\layerpagebox
+ \gsetboxlly\layerpagebox\scratchdimen
+ \fi
+ % ll compensation
+ \ifcase\@@lacome\or % this test will become obsolete
+ \advance\scratchdimen\dimexpr\nextboxht+\nextboxdp\relax
+ \nextboxht\ifdim\scratchdimen>\lastlayerheight \scratchdimen \else \lastlayerheight \fi
+ \nextboxdp\zeropoint
+ \fi
+ % placement
+ \hsize\layerparameter\c!width % new, keep box small
+ \vbox to \layerparameter\c!height \bgroup
+ \smashbox\nextbox
+ \vskip\dimexpr\@@layerypos+\@@layeryoff\relax
+ \hskip\dimexpr\@@layerxpos+\@@layerxoff\relax
+ \flushnextbox
+ \ifvoid\layerpagebox
+ % already flushed
+ \else
+ % the reverse case % check !
+ \vskip-\dimexpr\@@layerypos+\@@layeryoff\relax
+ \box\layerpagebox
+ \fi
+ \egroup}%
+ % when position is true, the layerbox holds the compensation and needs
+ % to be placed; never change this !
+ \ifvoid\layerbox\else\box\layerbox\fi}
+%D Given the task to be accomplished, the previous macro is
+%D not even that complicated. It mainly comes down to skipping
+%D to the right place and placing a box on top of or below the
+%D existing content. In the case of position tracking, another
+%D reference point is chosen.
+%D \macros
+%D {doifelselayerdata}
+ {\ifundefined{\@@layerbox#1}%
+ \@EA\secondoftwoarguments
+ \else\ifvoid\csname\@@layerbox#1\endcsname
+ \@EAEAEA\secondoftwoarguments
+ \else
+ \@EAEAEA\firstoftwoarguments
+ \fi\fi}
+%D \macros
+%D {flushlayer}
+%D When we flush a layer, we flush both the main one and the
+%D page dependent one (when defined). This feature is more
+%D efficient in \ETEX\ since there testing for an undefined
+%D macro does not takes hash space.
+% todo: setups before flush, handy hook
+ {\doifelsevalue{\??ll#1\c!state}\v!next
+ {\global\letvalue{\??ll#1\c!state}\v!start} % dangerous, stack-built-up
+ {\doifelsevalue{\??ll#1\c!state}\v!continue
+ {\global\letvalue{\??ll#1\c!state}\v!repeat} % dangerous, stack-built-up
+ {\doifelsevalue{\??ll#1\c!doublesided}\v!yes
+ {\doifundefinedelse{\@@layerbox#1}%
+ {\dodoflushlayerA[#1]}
+ {\doifbothsidesoverruled
+ {\dodoflushlayerB\v!left [#1]}% left
+ {\dodoflushlayerB\v!right[#1]}% right
+ {\dodoflushlayerB\v!left [#1]}}}% left
+ {\dodoflushlayerA[#1]}}}}
+ {\doifnotvalue{\??ll#1\c!state}\v!stop
+ {\startoverlay
+ {\dodoflushlayer1{#1}{#1}}
+ {\dodoflushlayer0{#1}{#1:\realfolio}}
+ \stopoverlay}}
+ {\doifnotvalue{\??ll#2\c!state}\v!stop
+ {\startoverlay
+ {\dodoflushlayer1{#2}{#2}}
+ {\dodoflushlayer0{#2}{#2:\realfolio}}
+ {\dodoflushlayer1{#2}{#1#2}}
+ {\dodoflushlayer0{#2}{#1#2:\realfolio}}
+ \stopoverlay}}
+ {\ifundefined{\@@layerbox#3}%
+ \ifcase#1\else\writestatus{layer}{unknown layer #3}\fi
+ \else
+ \bgroup
+ \forgetall
+ \offinterlineskip
+ % needed because we need to handle method
+ \executeifdefined{\??ll\??ll\getvalue{\??ll#2\c!preset}}\gobbletwoarguments{#2}{}%
+ %
+ \doifvalue{\??ll#2\c!option}\v!test\tracelayerstrue
+ \iftracelayers\traceboxplacementtrue\fi
+ \!!doneafalse
+ \!!donebfalse
+ \doifvalue{\??ll#2\c!method}\v!overlay\!!doneatrue
+ \doifvalue{\??ll#2\c!method}\v!fit\!!donebtrue
+ \!!donectrue
+ \ifcase#1\else
+ \doifnotvalue{\??ll#2\c!position}\v!yes
+ {\doifvalue{\??ll#2\c!repeat}\v!yes\!!donecfalse
+ \doifvalue{\??ll#2\c!state}\v!repeat\!!donecfalse}%
+ \fi
+ \mathchardef\layerbox\csname\@@layerbox#3\endcsname
+ % we need to copy in order to retain the negative offsets for a next
+ % stage of additions, i.e. llx/lly accumulate in repeat mode and the
+ % compensation may differ each flush depending on added content
+ \setbox\nextbox \if!!doneb
+% \vbox
+% {\scratchdimen\getboxlly\layerbox
+% \vskip-\scratchdimen
+% \scratchdimen\getboxllx\layerbox
+% \hskip-\scratchdimen
+% \advance\scratchdimen-\wd\layerbox
+% \hsize-\scratchdimen
+% \if!!donec\box\else\copy\fi\layerbox}%
+ \vbox
+ {\vskip-\getboxlly\layerbox
+ \hskip-\getboxllx\layerbox
+ \hsize-\dimexpr\getboxllx\layerbox-\wd\layerbox\relax
+ \if!!donec\box\else\copy\fi\layerbox}%
+ \else
+ \if!!donec\box\else\copy\fi\layerbox % sorry for the delay due to copying
+ \fi
+ % todo: method=offset => overlayoffset right/down (handy for backgrounds with offset)
+ \iftracelayers \ruledvbox \else \vbox \fi \if!!donea to \overlayheight \fi
+ {\hbox \if!!donea to \overlaywidth \fi
+ {% klopt dit? #3 en niet #2 ?
+ \doifvalue{\??ll#3\realfolio\c!position}\v!yes{\xypos{lyr:#3:\realfolio}}%
+ \doifoverlayelse{#3}
+ {\box\nextbox}
+ {\startlayoutcomponent{l:#3}{layer #3}\box\nextbox\stoplayoutcomponent}%
+ \hss}%
+ \vss}%
+ \if!!donec
+ \gsetboxllx\layerbox\zeropoint
+ \gsetboxlly\layerbox\zeropoint
+ \fi
+ \egroup
+ \fi}
+% \definelayer[test][method=fit] \setupcolors[state=start] \tracelayerstrue
+% \framed[framecolor=red,offset=overlay]{\setlayer[test]{aa}\setlayer[test][x=10pt]{g}\flushlayer[test]}
+% \framed[framecolor=red,offset=overlay]{\setlayer[test]{aa}\setlayer[test][x=-10pt]{bb}\flushlayer[test]}
+% \framed[framecolor=red,offset=overlay]{\setlayer[test][x=-20pt]{cccccc}\flushlayer[test]}
+% \framed[framecolor=red,offset=overlay]{\setlayer[test]{dd}\setlayer[test][x=-20pt,y=-3pt]{eeeeee}\flushlayer[test]}
+%D \macros
+%D {composedlayer,placelayer,tightlayer}
+%D This is a handy shortcut, which saves a couple of braces
+%D when we use it as parameter. This name also suits better
+%D to other layering commands.
+ {\hbox
+ {\def\currentlayer{#1}% todo: left/right
+ \setbox\nextbox\emptybox % hoogte/breedte are \wd\nextbox/\ht\nextbox
+ \hsize\layerparameter\c!width % \overlaywidth = \hsize
+ \vsize\layerparameter\c!height % \overlaywheight = \vsize
+ \composedlayer{#1}}}
+%D \macros
+%D {resetlayer}
+%D This macro hardly needs an explanation (and is seldom
+%D needed as well).
+ {\ifundefined{\@@layerbox#1}\else
+ \global\setbox\csname\@@layerbox#1\endcsname\emptybox
+ \fi}
+ {\doresetlayer{#1}%
+ \doifvalue{\??ll#1\c!doublesided}\v!yes % kind of redundant test
+ {\doresetlayer{\v!left #1}%
+ \doresetlayer{\v!right#1}}%
+ \doresetlayer{#1:\realfolio}}
+%D \macros
+%D {setMPlayer}
+%D The following layer macro uses the positions that are
+%D registered by \METAPOST.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \definelayer[test]
+%D \setMPlayer [test] [somepos-1] {Whatever we want here!}
+%D \setMPlayer [test] [somepos-2] {Whatever we need there!}
+%D \setMPlayer [test] [somepos-3] {\externalfigure[cow.mps][width=2cm]}
+%D \startuseMPgraphic{oeps}
+%D draw fullcircle scaled 10cm withcolor red ;
+%D register ("somepos-1",2cm,3cm,center currentpicture) ;
+%D register ("somepos-2",8cm,5cm,(-1cm,-2cm)) ;
+%D register ("somepos-3",0cm,0cm,(-2cm,2cm)) ;
+%D \stopuseMPgraphic
+%D \getMPlayer[test]{\useMPgraphic{oeps}}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The last line is equivalent to
+%D \starttyping
+%D \framed
+%D [background={foreground,test},offset=overlay]
+%D {\useMPgraphic{oeps}}
+%D \stoptyping
+ {\dotripleempty\dosetMPlayer}
+\def\MPlayerwidth {\hsize}
+ {\checkpositions % new, else only support after \starttext
+ \edef\MPlayerwidth {\MPw{#2}}%
+ \edef\MPlayerheight{\MPh{#2}}%
+ \setlayer[#1][\c!x=\MPx{#2},\c!y=\MPy{#2},\c!position=\v!no,#3]}
+ {\dodoubleempty\dogetMPlayer}
+ {\framed
+ [\c!background={\v!foreground,#1},
+ \c!frame=\v!off,
+ \c!offset=\v!overlay,#2]}
+% Some day this (old) mechanism will be combined/integrated
+% in overlays
+\newskip\xposition \newskip\yposition
+\newskip\xdimension \newskip\ydimension
+\newskip\xoffset \newskip\yoffset
+% already defined \newbox\positionbox
+ {\bgroup
+ \xposition \zeropoint \yposition \zeropoint
+ \xdimension\zeropoint \ydimension\zeropoint
+ \xoffset \zeropoint \yoffset \zeropoint
+ \hfuzz \paperwidth \vfuzz \paperheight
+ \setbox\positionbox\hbox\bgroup}
+ {\doifnot\@@psoffset\v!yes
+ {\global\xoffset\zeropoint
+ \global\yoffset\zeropoint}%
+ \global\advance\xdimension \xoffset
+ \global\advance\ydimension \yoffset
+ \egroup
+ \vbox to \ydimension
+ {\vskip\yoffset
+ \hbox to \xdimension
+ {\hskip\xoffset
+ \box\positionbox
+ \hfill}
+ \vfill}%
+ \egroup}
+ {\getparameters[\??ps]
+ [\c!state=\v!start,%
+ \c!unit=\s!cm,%
+ \c!factor=1,%
+ \c!scale=1,%
+ \c!xfactor=\@@psfactor,%
+ \c!yfactor=\@@psfactor,%
+ \c!xscale=\@@psscale,%
+ \c!yscale=\@@psscale,%
+ \c!xstep=\v!absolute,%
+ \c!ystep=\v!absolute,%
+ \c!xoffset=\!!zeropoint,%
+ \c!yoffset=\!!zeropoint]}
+ {\resetpositioning
+ \dodoubleargument\getparameters[\??ps]}
+ {\setdimensionwithunit\scratchskip{#1}\@@psunit
+ \scratchskip#8\scratchskip
+ \scratchskip#9\scratchskip
+ \advance\scratchskip #4\relax
+ \doif{#2}\v!relative
+ {\advance\scratchskip #3%
+ \let#4\!!zeropoint}%
+ #3\scratchskip\relax
+ \doifnot\@@psstate\v!overlay
+ {\scratchskip#5\relax
+ \advance\scratchskip #3\relax
+ \ifdim#3<-#7\relax \global#7-#3\relax \fi
+ \ifdim\scratchskip>#6\relax \global#6\scratchskip\relax \fi}}
+ {\dosingleempty\doposition}
+ {\dowithnextbox
+ {\bgroup
+ \getparameters[\??ps][#1]%
+ \dontcomplain
+ \calculateposition{#3}\@@psxstep\xposition
+ \@@psxoffset{\nextboxwd}\xdimension\xoffset
+ \@@psxscale\@@psxfactor
+ \scratchdimen\nextboxht \advance\scratchdimen \nextboxdp
+ \calculateposition{#4}\@@psystep\yposition
+ \@@psyoffset\scratchdimen\ydimension\yoffset
+ \@@psyscale\@@psyfactor
+ \vbox to \zeropoint % kan beter.
+ {\vskip\yposition
+ \hbox to \zeropoint
+ {\hskip\xposition
+ \flushnextbox
+ \hss}
+ \vss}%
+ \xdef\dopoppositioning
+ {\xposition\the\xposition
+ \yposition\the\yposition
+ \noexpand\def\noexpand\@@psxoffset{\@@psxoffset}%
+ \noexpand\def\noexpand\@@psyoffset{\@@psyoffset}}%
+ \egroup
+ \dopoppositioning
+ \ignorespaces}
+ \hbox}
+ [\c!unit=\s!cm,
+ \c!factor=1,
+ \c!scale=1,
+ \c!xstep=\v!absolute,
+ \c!ystep=\v!absolute,
+ \c!offset=\v!yes,
+ \c!xoffset=\!!zeropoint,
+ \c!yoffset=\!!zeropoint]
+%D Watch out, a redefinition:
+\ifx\settextpagecontent\undefined \writestatus\m!systems{error in page-lyr.tex} \wait \fi
+ [\c!width=\innermakeupwidth,
+ \c!height=\textheight]
+% will be overloaded in page-spr
+\def\settextpagecontent#1#2#3% #2 and #3 will disappear
+ {\doifelselayerdata{OTRTEXT}
+ {\setbox#1\hbox to \makeupwidth
+ {\startoverlay
+ {\tightlayer[OTRTEXT]} % first, otherwise problems with toc
+ {\normalsettextpagecontent{#1}{#2}{#3}\box#1}
+ \stopoverlay}%
+ \dp#1\zeropoint}%
+ {\normalsettextpagecontent{#1}{#2}{#3}}}
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/pack-obj.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/pack-obj.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..81523d525
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/pack-obj.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,371 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=pack-obj,
+%D version=1998.01.15,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Packaging Macros,
+%D subtitle=Objects,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+% todo, move more to mkiv, get rid of blabelgroup
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Packaging Macros / Objects}
+%D \macros
+%D {setobject,getobject,ifinobject}
+%D Boxes can be considered reuable objects. Unfortunaltely once
+%D passed to the \DVI\ file, such objects cannot be reused. In
+%D \PDF\ however, reusing is possible and sometimes even a
+%D necessity. Therefore, \CONTEXT\ supports reusable objects.
+%D During the \TEX\ processing run, boxes can serve the purpose
+%D of objects, and the \DVI\ driver module implements objects
+%D using packed boxes.
+%D The \PDF\ and \PDFTEX\ driver modules implement objects
+%D using \PDF\ forms. There is no (real) restriction on the
+%D number of objects there.
+%D The first application of objects in \CONTEXT\ concerned
+%D \METAPOST\ graphics and fill||in form fields. The first
+%D application can save lots of bytes, while the latter use is
+%D more a necessity than byte saving.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \setobject{class}{name}\somebox{}
+%D \getobject{class}{name}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Here \type{\somebox} can be whatever box specification suits
+%D \TEX. We save the dimensions of an object, although some
+%D drivers will do so themselves. This means that when for
+%D instance using \PDFTEX\ we could save a hash entry plus some
+%D 20+ memory locations per object by delegating this
+%D housekeeping to the driver. The current approach permits
+%D us to keep the box characteristic too.
+ {\startnointerference
+ \protectlabels
+ \ifx\usedoutputdriver\currentoutput
+ \doutilities{objectreferences}\jobname\empty\relax\relax
+ \else
+ % different format (will fails on \purenumber)
+ \fi
+ \global\let\checkobjectreferences\relax
+ \stopnointerference}
+\def\objectplaceholder{NOT YET FLUSHED}%
+\def\presetobject#1#2% \global added
+ {\blabelgroup
+ \ifcsname\r!object#1::#2\endcsname\else
+ \global\@EA\let\csname\r!object#1::#2\endcsname\objectplaceholder
+ \fi
+ \elabelgroup}
+\def\dosetobject#1#2#3% \initializepaper this will move to \everyshipout
+ {\initializepaper
+ \blabelgroup
+ \ifcsname\r!object#2::#3\endcsname
+ \elabelgroup \expandafter\gobblefivearguments
+ \else % tzt, overload internal referenced objects to save entries
+ \elabelgroup \expandafter\dodosetobject
+ \fi
+ {#1}{#2}{#3}}
+ {\checkobjectreferences
+ \letbeundefined{\r!object#1::#2}}
+%D \macros
+%D {finalizeobjectbox}
+%D This one provides a hook for last minute object box processing
+%D we need this in \MKIV.
+ \let\finalizeobjectbox\gobbleoneargument
+%D Somehow there is a rounding error problem in either \PDFTEX\
+%D or in viewers, or maybe it is conforming the specs. The next
+%D variable compensate for it by removing the rather tight
+%D clip.
+% \def\dodosetobject#1#2#3%
+% {\bgroup
+% \inobjecttrue
+% \dowithnextbox{\dododosetobject{#1}{#2}{#3}\egroup}}
+ {\bgroup
+ \globalpushmacro\crossreferenceobject \objectreferenced
+ \inobjecttrue
+ \dowithnextbox
+ {\globalpopmacro\crossreferenceobject
+ \dododosetobject{#1}{#2}{#3}\egroup}}
+ {\blabelgroup
+ \dontshowcomposition % rather fuzzy in \setxvalue ... \hbox
+ \scratchdimen\objectoffset
+ \@EA\xdef\csname\r!object#2::#3\endcsname
+ {\noexpand\dohandleobject{#2}{#3}%
+ {\ifhbox\nextbox\hbox\else\vbox\fi}%
+ %{\the\nextboxwd}{\the\nextboxht}{\the\nextboxdp}}%
+ {\number\nextboxwd}{\number\nextboxht}{\number\nextboxdp}%
+ {\number\scratchdimen}}%
+ \expanded % freeze the dimensions since \dostartobject may use \nextbox
+ {\dostartobject
+ {#2}{#3}{\the\nextboxwd}{\the\nextboxht}{\the\nextboxdp}}%
+ \ifcase#1\relax\else \ifdim\objectoffset>\zeropoint
+ \setbox\nextbox\vbox spread 2\scratchdimen
+ {\forgetall \offinterlineskip
+ \vss\hbox spread 2\scratchdimen{\hss\flushnextbox\hss}\vss}%
+ \fi \fi
+ \flushnextbox
+ \dostopobject
+ \elabelgroup}
+ {\blabelgroup
+ \let\dohandleobject\dogetobject
+ \csname\r!object#1::#2\endcsname}
+% \def\dogetobject#1#2#3#4#5#6%
+% {\initializepaper
+% \forgetall
+% \dontshowcomposition
+% \setbox\scratchbox\vbox
+% {\doinsertobject{#1}{#2}}%
+% \setbox\scratchbox#3%
+% {\vbox to #5\scaledpoint
+% {\ifdim\ht\scratchbox>#5\scaledpoint
+% % or \ifdim\wd\scratchbox>#4\scaledpoint
+% \vss\hbox to #4\scaledpoint{\hss\box\scratchbox\hss}\vss
+% \else
+% \vss\box\scratchbox
+% \fi}}%
+% \wd\scratchbox#4\scaledpoint
+% \ht\scratchbox#5\scaledpoint
+% \dp\scratchbox#6\scaledpoint
+% \box\scratchbox
+% \elabelgroup}
+% \def\dogetobject#1#2#3#4#5#6#7%
+% {\initializepaper
+% \forgetall
+% \dontshowcomposition
+% \setbox\scratchbox\vbox
+% {\doinsertobject{#1}{#2}}%
+% \setbox\scratchbox#3%
+% {\vbox to #5\scaledpoint
+% {\ifdim\ht\scratchbox>#5\scaledpoint
+% % or \ifdim\wd\scratchbox>#4\scaledpoint
+% \vss\hbox to #4\scaledpoint{\hss\box\scratchbox\hss}\vss
+% \else
+% \vss\box\scratchbox
+% \fi}}%
+% \scratchdimen#7\scaledpoint
+% \setbox\nextbox\hbox
+% {\hskip-\scratchdimen\lower\scratchdimen\flushnextbox}%
+% \wd\scratchbox#4\scaledpoint
+% \ht\scratchbox#5\scaledpoint
+% \dp\scratchbox#6\scaledpoint
+% \box\scratchbox
+% \elabelgroup}
+\def\dogetobject#1#2#3#4#5#6#7% don't change this, should work for dvi & pdf
+ {\initializepaper
+ \forgetall
+ \dontshowcomposition
+ \setbox\scratchbox\vbox
+ {\doinsertobject{#1}{#2}}%
+ \setbox\scratchbox#3%
+ {\vbox to #5\scaledpoint
+ {\ifdim\ht\scratchbox>#5\scaledpoint
+ \vss\hbox to #4\scaledpoint{\hss\box\scratchbox\hss}\vss
+ \else\ifdim\wd\scratchbox>#4\scaledpoint
+ \vss\hbox to #4\scaledpoint{\hss\box\scratchbox\hss}\vss
+ \else
+ %\vss\box\scratchbox
+ \vss\hbox to #4\scaledpoint{\box\scratchbox\hss}% fix Chof
+ \fi\fi}}%
+ \box\scratchbox
+ \elabelgroup}
+%D If needed one can ask for the dimensions of an object with:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \getobjectdimensions{class}{name}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The results are reported in \type {\objectwidth}, \type
+%D {\objectheight} and \type {\objectdepth}.
+% \def\dogetobjectdimensions#1#2#3#4#5#6%
+% {\def\objectwidth {#4\s!sp}%
+% \def\objectheight{#5\s!sp}%
+% \def\objectdepth {#6\s!sp}}
+ {\def\objectwidth {#4\s!sp}%
+ \def\objectheight{#5\s!sp}%
+ \def\objectdepth {#6\s!sp}%
+ \def\objectmargin{#7\s!sp}}
+ {\let\dohandleobject\dogetobjectdimensions
+ \let\objectwidth \!!zeropoint
+ \let\objectheight\!!zeropoint
+ \let\objectdepth \!!zeropoint
+ \labelcsname\r!object#1::#2\endcsname}
+%D Apart from this kind of objects, that have typeset content,
+%D we can have low level driver specific objects. Both types
+%D can have references to internal representations, hidden for
+%D the user. We keep track of such references by means of a
+%D dedicated cross reference mechanism. Normally, objects are
+%D defined before they are used, but forward referencing
+%D sometimes occurs.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \dosetobjectreference {class} {identifier} {reference value} {page}
+%D \dogetobjectreference {class} {identifier} \csname
+%D \stoptyping
+%D These commands are to be called by the \type{\startobject},
+%D \type{\stopobject} and \type{\insertobject} specials.
+% no undefined test ! ! ! ! (pdftex fails on undefined objects)
+ {\def\objectreference##1##2##3##4%
+ {\ifundefined{\r!driver##1::##2}%
+ \setxvalue{\r!driver##1::##2}{{##3}{##4}}%
+ \else
+ \showmessage\m!references{31}{[##1 ##2=>##3/##4]}%
+ \fi}}
+ {\let\objectreference\gobblefourarguments}
+ {\checkobjectreferences
+ \blabelgroup
+ \expanded{\writeutilitycommand{\noexpand\objectreference{#1}{#2}{#3}{\noexpand\realfolio}}}%
+ \setxvalue{\r!driver#1::#2}{{#3}{\noexpand\realfolio}}%
+ \elabelgroup}
+ {\checkobjectreferences
+ \blabelgroup
+ \setxvalue{\r!driver#1::#2}{{#3}{\noexpand\realfolio}}%
+ \elabelgroup}
+ {\ifcase\crossreferenceobject
+ \objectreferenced
+ \expandafter\dooverloadobjectreference
+ \else
+ \expandafter\doregisterobjectreference
+ \fi}
+ {\driverreferenced\dosetobjectreference}
+\def\defaultobjectreference#1#2{0} % driver dependent
+\def\defaultobjectpage #1#2{\realfolio}
+\def\dogetobjectreference {\dodogetobjectreference\firstoftwoarguments\defaultobjectreference}
+ {\checkobjectreferences
+ \blabelgroup
+ \ifundefined{\r!driver#3::#4}%
+ \showmessage\m!references{30}{[#3 #4=>#3/#4]}%
+ \xdef#5{#2{#3}{#4}}%
+ \else
+ \xdef#5{\@EAEAEA#1\csname\r!driver#3::#4\endcsname}%
+ \fi
+ \elabelgroup}
+\def\setobject {\driverreferenced\dosetobject1}
+%D \macros
+%D {doifobjectfoundelse,doifobjectreferencefoundelse}
+%D To prevent redundant definition of objects, one can use
+%D the next tests:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \doifobjectfoundelse{class}{object}{do then}{do else}
+%D \doifobjectreferencefoundelse{class}{object}{do then}{do else}
+%D \stoptyping
+ {\blabelgroup \ifcsname\r!object#1::#2\endcsname
+ \elabelgroup \expandafter\firstoftwoarguments
+ \else
+ \elabelgroup \expandafter\secondoftwoarguments
+ \fi}
+ {\checkobjectreferences
+ \blabelgroup \ifcsname\r!driver#1::#2\endcsname
+ \elabelgroup \expandafter\firstoftwoarguments
+ \else
+ \elabelgroup \expandafter\secondoftwoarguments
+ \fi}
+%D \macros
+%D {doifobjectssupportedelse}
+%D Starting with reuse of graphics, we will implement object
+%D reuse when possible. To enable mechanisms to determine
+%D what method to use, we provide:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \doifobjectssupportedelse{true action}{false action}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D As we can see, currently objects depend on the special
+%D driver.
+\newif\ifobjectssupported \objectssupportedtrue
+ {\ifobjectssupported
+ \@EA\doifspecialavailableelse\@EA\doinsertobject
+ \else
+ \@EA\secondoftwoarguments
+ \fi}
+%D There is a conceptual problem here. Objects are not possible
+%D in \DVI, unless faked like in \type {spec-dvi}. This means
+%D that we must be careful in loading special drivers that do
+%D support objects while we still want to be able to use the
+%D \DVI\ output.
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/pack-rul.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/pack-rul.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7399cacd8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/pack-rul.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,3650 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=pack-rul, % was core-rul,
+%D version=1998.10.16,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Packaging Macros,
+%D subtitle=Ruled Content,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Packaging Macros / Ruled Content}
+%D We have removed the rather old and out dated raster methods. They
+%D have not been used for ages.
+%D \macros
+%D {linewidth, setuplinewidth}
+%D This module deals with rules (lines) in several ways. First
+%D we introduce two macros that can be used to set some common
+%D characteristics.
+%D \showsetup{setuplinewidth}
+%D The linewidth is available in \type{\linewidth}. The
+%D preset value of .4pt equals the default hard coded \TEX\
+%D rule width.
+ {\assigndimension{#1}\linewidth{.2\points}{.4\points}{.6\points}}
+ {\dosingleargument\dosetuplinewidth}
+%D \macros
+%D {ruledlinewidth, inheritruledlinewidth}
+%D Inside framed boxed we will use a private dimensions. As
+%D an option one can let the linewidth inherit its value from
+%D this one.
+\newdimen\ruledlinewidth \newif\ifinheritruledlinewidth
+% %D \TEX\ lacks support for color and even gray scales. The next
+% %D macros can provide a sort of poor mans gray scales as well
+% %D as give access to more suitable methods of rendering. Such a
+% %D method looks like:
+% %D
+% %D \starttyping
+% %D \def\methodegraybox#1#2#3#4#5#6%
+% %D { ... }
+% %D \stoptyping
+% %D
+% %D The string \type{graybox} is a common element in the name,
+% %D so we can have for instance \type {\postscriptgraybox} or
+% %D \type {\texgraybox}. The first three arguments take a
+% %D dimension, the fourth one takes a number between~0 and~1,
+% %D and the last argument specifies a radius of the box when
+% %D rounded corners are used, so:
+% %D
+% %D \startbuffer
+% %D \dotgraybox{.5\hsize}{1cm}{0cm}{.85}{\v!no}{0pt}
+% %D \stopbuffer
+% %D
+% %D \typebuffer
+% %D
+% %D becomes:
+% %D
+% %D %\startlinecorrection
+% %D % \vbox to 1cm{\getbuffer}
+% %D %\stoplinecorrection
+% %D
+% %D \startlinecorrection
+% %D \unprotect
+% %D \vbox to 1cm{\dotgraybox{.5\hsize}{1cm}{0cm}{.85}{\v!no}{0pt}}
+% %D \protect
+% %D \stoplinecorrection
+% %D
+% %D There are two predefined methodes, one uses periods and the
+% %D other uses small rules. The second method is less
+% %D efficient, but sometimes give better results. The dimensions
+% %D of the resullting box are set to zero.
+% \setvalue{\v!dot graybox}{\processraster\symbol\rasterdot}
+% \setvalue{\v!rule graybox}{\processraster\symbol\rasterbox}
+% \def\rasterdot{\rasterfont.}
+% \def\rasterbox{\hss\vrule\!!width.4pt\!!height.4pt\!!depth\zeropoint}
+% %D Now of course we need:
+% \ifx\rasterfont\undefined \def\rasterfont{\fivepoint} \fi
+% %D We implement two pure \TEX\ based generators, that use
+% %D \type{\leaders} to quickly gerenate the gray pattern. One
+% %D should beware of \DIMENSION\ conflicts, so we use some
+% %D registers above~8. These macros are memory hungry and byte
+% %D spoiling.
+% \def\processraster#1#2#3#4#5#6#7%
+% {\bgroup
+% \forgetall
+% \dontcomplain
+% \dimen10=\onepoint
+% \dimen10=\@@rsfactor\dimen10
+% \dimen10=#5\dimen10
+% \setbox2\hbox to #2
+% {\cleaders\hbox to 2\dimen10{#1\hss}\hss}%
+% \dimen12=#3%
+% \advance\dimen12 #4%
+% % \setbox0\vbox to \dimen12
+% {\cleaders\vbox to 2\dimen10{\box2\vss}\vss}%
+% \setbox0\hbox
+% {\hskip-.5\dimen10\lower0.5\dimen10\copy0
+% \hskip-\wd0\hskip\dimen10\lower1.5\dimen10\box0}%
+% \box0
+% \egroup}
+%D \macros
+%D {setupscreens}
+%D The previous macro uses a predefined constant
+%D \type{\@@rsfactor}. This factor can be set by:
+%D \showsetup{setupscreens}
+ {\dodoubleargument\getparameters[\??rs]}
+% %D The most appropriate way to call for this feature is
+% %D using \type{\graybox}, which is defined as:
+% \def\graybox{\getvalue{\@@rsmethod graybox}}
+% %D We just introduced two pure \TEX\ methods for generating
+% %D rasters. However, it's far more efficient and comfortable in
+% %D terms of speed, memory usage and file size, to use a driver
+% %D supported method.
+% \setvalue{\v!external graybox}{\setgraybox}
+% %D For compatibility reasons we also define the original one:
+% \setvalue{\v!postscript graybox}{\getvalue{\v!external graybox}}
+% %D A quite valid way of letting drivers do the job, is giving
+% %D a solid rule a gray texture.
+%D We will communicate through module specific variables, current
+%D framed parameters and some reserved dimension registers.
+\newdimen \frameddimenwd
+\newdimen \frameddimenht
+\newdimen \frameddimendp
+%D We don't have to stick to a \TEX\ drawn rule, but
+%D also can use rounded or even fancier shapes, as we will
+%D see later on.
+ {\bgroup
+ \doifelse{\framedparameter\c!backgroundcorner}\v!rectangular
+ {\dofilledlinedbox}
+ {\ifzeropt\dimexpr\framedparameter\c!backgroundradius\relax % just in case of .x\bodyfontsize
+ \dofilledlinedbox
+ \else
+ \dofilledroundbox
+ \fi}%
+ \egroup}
+ {\hphantom{\dofilledbox}}
+ {\vrule\!!width\frameddimenwd\!!height\frameddimenht\!!depth\frameddimendp\relax}%
+ {\doif{\framedparameter\c!frame}\v!on\dodostrokedroundbox}
+ {\bgroup
+ \edef\ovalmod{\framedparameter\c!framecorner}%
+ \doifelse\ovalmod\v!round{\let\ovalmod\!!zerocount}{\edef\ovalmod{\number\ovalmod}}%
+ \edef\ovalwid{\the\frameddimenwd}%
+ \edef\ovalhei{\the\frameddimenht}%
+ \edef\ovaldep{\the\frameddimendp}%
+ \edef\ovallin{\the\dimexpr\ruledlinewidth}%
+ \edef\ovalrad{\the\dimexpr\framedparameter\c!frameradius}%
+ \let\ovalstr\!!plusone
+ \let\ovalfil\!!zerocount
+ \forcecolorhack
+ \doovalbox\ovalwid\ovalhei\ovaldep\ovallin\ovalrad\ovalstr\ovalfil\ovalmod
+ \egroup}
+ {\bgroup
+ \edef\ovalmod{\framedparameter\c!backgroundcorner}%
+ \doifelse\ovalmod\v!round{\let\ovalmod\!!zerocount}{\edef\ovalmod{\number\ovalmod}}%
+ \edef\ovalwid{\the\frameddimenwd}%
+ \edef\ovalhei{\the\frameddimenht}%
+ \edef\ovaldep{\the\frameddimendp}%
+ \edef\ovallin{\the\dimexpr\ruledlinewidth\relax}%
+ \edef\ovalrad{\the\dimexpr\framedparameter\c!backgroundradius\relax}%
+ \let\ovalstr\!!zerocount
+ \let\ovalfil\!!plusone
+ \forcecolorhack
+ \doovalbox\ovalwid\ovalhei\ovaldep\ovallin\ovalrad\ovalstr\ovalfil\ovalmod
+ \egroup}
+% a lot of weird corners
+% \startTEXpage
+% \dontleavehmode\framed
+% [corner=0,frame=on,framecolor=green,
+% background=color,backgroundcolor=yellow]{\tttf TEST \twodigits\recurselevel}%
+% \vskip1em
+% \dontleavehmode\dostepwiserecurse {1} {4}{1}{\framed
+% [corner=\recurselevel,frame=on,framecolor=green,
+% background=color,backgroundcolor=yellow]{\tttf TEST \twodigits\recurselevel}%
+% \quad}
+% \vskip1em
+% \dontleavehmode\dostepwiserecurse {5} {8}{1}{\framed
+% [corner=\recurselevel,frame=on,framecolor=green,
+% background=color,backgroundcolor=yellow]{\tttf TEST \twodigits\recurselevel}%
+% \quad}
+% \vskip1em
+% \dontleavehmode\dostepwiserecurse {1} {4}{1}{\framed
+% [corner=\recurselevel,frame=on,framecolor=green]{\tttf TEST \twodigits\recurselevel}%
+% \quad}
+% \vskip1em
+% \dontleavehmode\dostepwiserecurse {5} {8}{1}{\framed
+% [corner=\recurselevel,frame=on,framecolor=green]{\tttf TEST \twodigits\recurselevel}%
+% \quad}
+% \vskip1em
+% \dontleavehmode\dostepwiserecurse {9}{12}{1}{\framed
+% [corner=\recurselevel,frame=on,framecolor=green]{\tttf TEST \twodigits\recurselevel}%
+% \quad}
+% \vskip1em
+% \dontleavehmode\dostepwiserecurse{13}{16}{1}{\framed
+% [corner=\recurselevel,frame=on,framecolor=green]{\tttf TEST \twodigits\recurselevel}%
+% \quad}
+% \vskip1em
+% \dontleavehmode\dostepwiserecurse{17}{20}{1}{\framed
+% [corner=\recurselevel,frame=on,framecolor=green]{\tttf TEST \twodigits\recurselevel}%
+% \quad}
+% \vskip1em
+% \dontleavehmode\dostepwiserecurse{21}{24}{1}{\framed
+% [corner=\recurselevel,frame=on,framecolor=green]{\tttf TEST \twodigits\recurselevel}%
+% \quad}
+% \vskip1em
+% \dontleavehmode\dostepwiserecurse{25}{28}{1}{\framed
+% [corner=\recurselevel,frame=on,framecolor=green]{\tttf TEST \twodigits\recurselevel}%
+% \quad}
+% \stopTEXpage
+%D The oval box is drawn using a special macro, depending on
+%D the driver in use.
+\def\dograybox % avoid black rules when no gray
+ {\doifelsenothing{\framedparameter\c!backgroundscreen}
+ {\dophantombox}
+ {\raster[\framedparameter\c!backgroundscreen]{\dofilledbox}}}
+%D It won't be a surprise that we not only provide gray boxes,
+%D but also colored ones. Here it is:
+ {\hbox{\ifincolor
+ \doifcolorelse{\framedparameter\c!backgroundcolor}
+ {\localcolortrue\color[\framedparameter\c!backgroundcolor]{\dofilledbox}}
+ {\dophantombox}%
+ \else
+ \dophantombox
+ \fi}}
+%D \macros
+%D {defineoverlay, doifoverlayelse, overlayoffset,
+%D overlaywidth, overlayheight, overlaydepth,
+%D overlaycolor, overlaylinecolor, overlaylinewidth}
+%D Before we define the macro that actually takes card of the
+%D backgrounds, we introduce overlays. An overlay is something
+%D that contrary to its name lays {\em under} the text. An
+%D example of an overlay definition is:
+%D \startbuffer[tmp-1]
+%D \defineoverlay
+%D [fancy]
+%D [{\externalfigure
+%D [mp-cont.502]
+%D [width=\overlaywidth,
+%D height=\overlayheight]}]
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer[tmp-1]
+%D That for instance can be uses in:
+%D \startbuffer[tmp-2]
+%D \framed[backgroundachtergrond=fancy]{How Fancy!}
+%D \framed[backgroundachtergrond=fancy,frame=off]{Even More Fancy!}
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D and looks like:
+%D \startlinecorrection
+%D \vbox{\baselineskip24pt\getbuffer[tmp-1]\getbuffer[tmp-2]}
+%D \stoplinecorrection
+%D The formal definition is:
+%D \showsetup{defineoverlay}
+%D This macro's definition is a bit obscure, due the many
+%D non||used arguments and the two step call that enable the
+%D setting of the width, height and depth variables.
+%D Multiple backgrounds are possible and are specified as:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \framed[background={one,two,three}]{Three backgrounds!}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Most drawing packages only know width and height. Therefore
+%D the dimensions have a slightly different meaning here:
+%D \startitemize[packed]
+%D \item \type{\overlaywidth }: width of the overlay
+%D \item \type{\overlayheight}: height plus depth of the overlay
+%D \item \type{\overlaydepth }: depth of the overlay
+%D \stopitemize
+%D The resulting box is lowered to the right depth.
+\def\overlaywidth {\the\hsize\space} % We preset the variables
+\def\overlayheight {\the\vsize\space} % to some reasonable default
+\let\overlaydepth \!!zeropoint % values. The attributes
+\let\overlayoffset \!!zeropoint % of the frame can be (are)
+\let\overlaycolor \empty % set somewhere else.
+\let\overlaylinewidth \!!zeropoint %
+\let\overlaylinecolor \empty %
+%D The next register is used to initialize overlays.
+%D An example of an initialization is the following (overlays
+%D can contain text and be executed under an regime where
+%D interlineskip is off).
+\appendtoks \oninterlineskip \to \everyoverlay
+ {\dodoubleargument\dodefineoverlay}
+ {\def\docommand##1{\setvalue{\??ov##1}{\executedefinedoverlay{##1}{#2}}}%
+ \processcommalist[#1]\docommand}
+ \hsize\overlaywidth
+ \vsize\overlayheight
+ {\bgroup
+ \edef\overlaywidth {\the\frameddimenwd\space}%
+ \edef\overlayheight{\the\dimexpr\frameddimenht+\frameddimendp\relax\space}%
+ \edef\overlaydepth {\the\frameddimendp\space}%
+ \edef\overlaycolor {\framedparameter\c!backgroundcolor}%
+ %\edef\overlaycorner{\framedparameter\c!backgroundcorner}%
+ %\edef\overlayradius{\framedparameter\c!backgroundradius}%
+ \let\overlayoffset\backgroundoffset % we steal this one
+ \setbox\scratchbox\hbox{\lower\overlaydepth\hbox{\the\everyoverlay#2}}%
+ \setbox\scratchbox\hbox
+ {\hskip-.5\dimexpr\wd\scratchbox-\overlaywidth \relax
+ \raise-.5\dimexpr\ht\scratchbox-\frameddimenht\relax % not overlayheight !
+ \box\scratchbox}%
+ \wd\scratchbox\overlaywidth
+ \ht\scratchbox\overlayheight
+ \dp\scratchbox\overlaydepth
+ \startlayoutcomponent{o:#1}{overlay #1}%
+ \box\scratchbox
+ \stoplayoutcomponent
+ \egroup}
+%D The empty case is:
+%D For testing we provide:
+ {\doifdefinedelse{\??ov#1}}
+%D We predefine two already familiar backgrounds:
+\setvalue{\??ov\v!screen}{\dograybox }
+\setvalue{\??ov\v!color }{\docolorbox}
+% %D After all these preparations, the background macro does no
+% %D bring to many surprises. One has to keep in mind that this
+% %D macro starts up a call chain, depending on the background
+% %D one needs:
+% %D
+% %D \startitemize[packed]
+% %D \item a raster, color or user defined shape
+% %D \item square or round corners
+% %D \item a \TEX\ or driver based method
+% %D \stopitemize
+% %D
+% %D The macro can be extended by adding commands to the token
+% %D list register \type {\everybackgroundbox}. For this
+% %D purpose, the name of the current background is available in
+% %D \type {\currentbackgound}.
+%D The content of the box will be (temporary) saved in a box. We
+%D also have an extra box for backgrounds.
+% \def\dodobackgroundbox#1% also less passing, we can get rid of the old method
+% {\bgroup
+% \def\currentbackground{#1}%
+% \the\everybackgroundbox
+% \setbox\extraframebox\hbox
+% {\vbox{\moveleft\backgroundoffset\hbox{\executeifdefined{\??ov\currentbackground}\donothing}}}%
+% \wd\extraframebox\zeropoint % \backgroundwidth
+% \ht\extraframebox\backgroundheight
+% \dp\extraframebox\backgrounddepth
+% \box\extraframebox % \hskip-\backgroundwidth
+% \egroup}
+% \def\dodobackgroundbox#1% also less passing, we can get rid of the old method
+% {\bgroup
+% \def\currentbackground{#1}%
+% \ifcsname\??ov\currentbackground\endcsname
+% \the\everybackgroundbox
+% \setbox\extraframebox\hbox{\vbox{\moveleft\backgroundoffset\hbox{\csname\??ov\currentbackground\endcsname}}}%
+% \wd\extraframebox\zeropoint % \backgroundwidth
+% \ht\extraframebox\backgroundheight
+% \dp\extraframebox\backgrounddepth
+% \box\extraframebox % \hskip-\backgroundwidth
+% \fi
+% \egroup}
+ {\bgroup
+ \ifcsname\??ov\currentbackground\endcsname
+ \the\everybackgroundbox
+ \setbox\extraframebox\hbox{\vbox{\moveleft\backgroundoffset\hbox{\csname\??ov\currentbackground\endcsname}}}%
+ \wd\extraframebox\zeropoint % \backgroundwidth
+ \ht\extraframebox\backgroundheight
+ \dp\extraframebox\backgrounddepth
+ \box\extraframebox % \hskip-\backgroundwidth
+ \fi
+ \egroup}
+\def\dododobackgroundbox#1,#2% #2 gobbles spaces
+ {\edef\currentbackground{#1}%
+ \ifx\currentbackground\s!unknown\else
+ \dodobackgroundbox\expandafter\dododobackgroundbox
+ \fi#2}
+\let\backgrounddepth \!!zeropoint
+\def\backgroundwidth {\the\hsize}
+% todo: also \def\theforegroundbox{#1}
+% \def\dobackgroundbox#1%
+% {\setbox\framebox\vbox
+% {\forgetall
+% \boxmaxdepth\maxdimen
+% \scratchdimen \framedparameter{#1}\relax
+% \frameddimenwd\dimexpr\wd\framebox+2\scratchdimen\relax
+% \frameddimenht\dimexpr\ht\framebox+ \scratchdimen\relax
+% \frameddimendp\dimexpr\dp\framebox+ \scratchdimen+\framedparameter\c!backgrounddepth\relax
+% \edef\backgroundoffset{\the\scratchdimen}%
+% \edef\backgroundwidth {\the\wd\framebox}%
+% \edef\backgroundheight{\the\ht\framebox}%
+% \edef\backgrounddepth {\the\dp\framebox}%
+% %\edef\foregroundbox{\box#1}%
+% \def\foregroundbox% fuzzy but needed hack, this \vss, otherwise
+% {\vbox to \backgroundheight{\vss\box\framebox\vss}}% vertical shift
+% \edef\component{\framedparameter\c!component}%
+% \hbox to \backgroundwidth % in case 'foreground' is used as overlay
+% {\ifx\component\empty
+% \rawprocesscommalist[\framedbackground]\dodobackgroundbox
+% \else
+% \startlayoutcomponent{b:\component}{\s!background\space\component}%
+% \rawprocesscommalist[\framedbackground]\dodobackgroundbox
+% \stoplayoutcomponent
+% \fi
+% \box\framebox\hss}}}
+\def\normalforegroundbox% fuzzy but needed hack, this \vss, otherwise
+ {\vbox to \backgroundheight{\vss\box\framebox\vss}}% vertical shift
+ {\setbox\framebox\vbox
+ {\forgetall
+ \boxmaxdepth\maxdimen
+ \scratchdimen \framedparameter{#1}\relax
+ \frameddimenwd\dimexpr\wd\framebox+2\scratchdimen\relax
+ \frameddimenht\dimexpr\ht\framebox+ \scratchdimen\relax
+ \frameddimendp\dimexpr\dp\framebox+ \scratchdimen+\framedparameter\c!backgrounddepth\relax
+ \edef\backgroundoffset{\the\scratchdimen}%
+ \edef\backgroundwidth {\the\wd\framebox}%
+ \edef\backgroundheight{\the\ht\framebox}%
+ \edef\backgrounddepth {\the\dp\framebox}%
+ %\edef\foregroundbox{\box#1}%
+ \edef\component{\framedparameter\c!component}%
+ \let\foregroundbox\normalforegroundbox
+ \hbox to \backgroundwidth % in case 'foreground' is used as overlay
+ {\ifx\component\empty
+ \expanded{\dododobackgroundbox\framedparameter\c!background},\s!unknown,\relax
+ \else
+ \startlayoutcomponent{b:\component}{background \component}%
+ \expanded{\dododobackgroundbox\framedparameter\c!background},\s!unknown,\relax
+ \stoplayoutcomponent
+ \fi
+ \box\framebox\hss}}}
+%D One can explictly insert the foreground box. For that
+%D purpose we introduce the overlay \type {foreground}.
+%D We can specify overlays as a comma separated list of
+%D overlays, a sometimes handy feature.
+%D Besides backgrounds (overlays) we also need some macros to
+%D draw outlines (ruled borders). Again we have to deal with
+%D square and round corners. The first category can be handled
+%D by \TEX\ itself, the latter one depends on the driver. This
+%D macro also support a negative offset.
+\ifx\scratchoffset\undefined \newdimen\scratchoffset \fi
+\def\dooutlinebox % we needed to move the color command in order to apply attributes properly
+ {\setbox\framebox\vbox % rules on top of box
+ {\scratchoffset \framedparameter\c!frameoffset\relax
+ \frameddimenwd\dimexpr\wd\framebox+2\scratchoffset\relax
+ \frameddimenht\dimexpr\ht\framebox+ \scratchoffset\relax
+ \frameddimendp\dimexpr\dp\framebox+ \scratchoffset+\framedparameter\c!framedepth\relax
+ \ifdim\frameddimendp<\zeropoint
+ \advance\frameddimenht \frameddimendp
+ \scratchdimen-\frameddimendp
+ \frameddimendp\zeropoint
+ \else
+ \scratchdimen\zeropoint
+ \fi
+ \setbox\extraframebox\hbox
+ {\doifsomething{\framedparameter\c!framecolor}{\color[\framedparameter\c!framecolor]}{\dostrokedbox}}%
+ \setbox\extraframebox\hbox
+ {\raise\scratchdimen\vbox
+ {\moveleft\scratchoffset
+ \box\extraframebox}}%
+ \wd\extraframebox\wd\framebox
+ \ht\extraframebox\ht\framebox
+ \dp\extraframebox\dp\framebox
+ \hbox{\box\framebox\hskip-\wd\extraframebox\box\extraframebox}}}
+ {\doifelse{\framedparameter\c!framecorner}\v!rectangular
+ {\dostrokedlinedbox}
+ {\ifzeropt\dimexpr\framedparameter\c!frameradius\relax % just in case of .x\bodyfontsize
+ \dostrokedlinedbox
+ \else
+ \dostrokedroundbox
+ \fi}}
+ {\setbox\scratchbox\null
+ \wd\scratchbox\frameddimenwd
+ \ht\scratchbox\frameddimenht
+ \dp\scratchbox\frameddimendp
+ \setbox\scratchbox\vbox \bgroup
+ \csname t\@@frame@@\framedparameter\c!frame\framedparameter\c!topframe \endcsname
+ \hbox \bgroup
+ \csname l\@@frame@@\framedparameter\c!frame\framedparameter\c!leftframe \endcsname
+ \box\scratchbox
+ \csname r\@@frame@@\framedparameter\c!frame\framedparameter\c!rightframe \endcsname
+ \egroup
+ \csname b\@@frame@@\framedparameter\c!frame\framedparameter\c!bottomframe\endcsname
+ \egroup
+ \wd\scratchbox\frameddimenwd
+ \ht\scratchbox\frameddimenht
+ \dp\scratchbox\frameddimendp
+ \box\scratchbox}
+% \setvalue{t\@@frame@@\v!on \v!on}{\hrule\!!height\ruledlinewidth\kern-\ruledlinewidth}
+% \setvalue{t\@@frame@@\v!off\v!on}{\hrule\!!height\ruledlinewidth\kern-\ruledlinewidth}
+% \setvalue{t\@@frame@@\v!on }{\hrule\!!height\ruledlinewidth\kern-\ruledlinewidth}
+% \setvalue{b\@@frame@@\v!on \v!on}{\kern-\ruledlinewidth\hrule\!!height\ruledlinewidth}
+% \setvalue{b\@@frame@@\v!off\v!on}{\kern-\ruledlinewidth\hrule\!!height\ruledlinewidth}
+% \setvalue{b\@@frame@@\v!on }{\kern-\ruledlinewidth\hrule\!!height\ruledlinewidth}
+% \setvalue{l\@@frame@@\v!on \v!on}{\vrule\!!width\ruledlinewidth\kern-\ruledlinewidth}
+% \setvalue{l\@@frame@@\v!off\v!on}{\vrule\!!width\ruledlinewidth\kern-\ruledlinewidth}
+% \setvalue{l\@@frame@@\v!on }{\vrule\!!width\ruledlinewidth\kern-\ruledlinewidth}
+% \setvalue{r\@@frame@@\v!on \v!on}{\kern-\ruledlinewidth\vrule\!!width\ruledlinewidth}
+% \setvalue{r\@@frame@@\v!off\v!on}{\kern-\ruledlinewidth\vrule\!!width\ruledlinewidth}
+% \setvalue{r\@@frame@@\v!on }{\kern-\ruledlinewidth\vrule\!!width\ruledlinewidth}
+\letvalue{t\@@frame@@\v!on \v!on}\@@frame@@trule
+\letvalue{t\@@frame@@\v!on }\@@frame@@trule
+\letvalue{b\@@frame@@\v!on \v!on}\@@frame@@brule
+\letvalue{b\@@frame@@\v!on }\@@frame@@brule
+\letvalue{l\@@frame@@\v!on \v!on}\@@frame@@lrule
+\letvalue{l\@@frame@@\v!on }\@@frame@@lrule
+\letvalue{r\@@frame@@\v!on \v!on}\@@frame@@rrule
+\letvalue{r\@@frame@@\v!on }\@@frame@@rrule
+% no overlapping rules
+% small is relatively new
+\letvalue{t\@@frame@@\v!off \v!small}\@@frame@@trules
+\letvalue{t\@@frame@@\v!small }\@@frame@@trules
+\letvalue{b\@@frame@@\v!off \v!small}\@@frame@@brules
+\letvalue{b\@@frame@@\v!small }\@@frame@@brules
+\letvalue{l\@@frame@@\v!off \v!small}\@@frame@@lrules
+\letvalue{l\@@frame@@\v!small }\@@frame@@lrules
+\letvalue{r\@@frame@@\v!off \v!small}\@@frame@@rrules
+\letvalue{r\@@frame@@\v!small }\@@frame@@rrules
+%D I condidered using the low level support command
+%D \type{\ruledhbox}, but this would slow down processing by a
+%D factor~3.
+% \framed
+% [width=4cm,height=3cm,rulethickness=3mm,
+% frame=off,rightframe=on,leftframe=on,topframe=on,bottomframe=on]
+% {}
+% \framed
+% [width=4cm,height=3cm,rulethickness=3mm,
+% frame=off,rightframe=small,leftframe=small,topframe=small,bottomframe=small]
+% {}
+% \framed
+% [width=4cm,height=3cm,rulethickness=3mm,
+% frame=off,rightframe=small,leftframe=small,topframe=small,bottomframe=on]
+% {}
+%D The next few macros are probably the most misused ones in
+%D \CONTEXT. They deal with putting rules around boxes, provide
+%D backgrounds, offer alignment features, and some more. We
+%D start with defining some booleans. These give an impression
+%D of what we are going to take into account.
+% todo: chardefs
+%D We also need a few \DIMENSIONS:
+%D \macros
+%D {framed, setupframed}
+%D Ruled boxes are typeset using \type{\framed}. This command
+%D is quite versatile and, although some users will probably
+%D seldom use it, one cannot overlook its features.
+%D \showsetup{setupframed}
+%D \showsetup{framed}
+%D This general macro is a special version of an even more
+%D general case, that can easily be linked into other macros
+%D that need some kind of framing. The local version is called
+%D with an extra parameter: the variable identifier. The reason
+%D for passing this identifier between brackets lays in the
+%D mere fact that this way we can use the optional argument
+%D grabbers.
+ {\bgroup
+ \copylocalframed[\??ol][\??oi]% == \presetlocalframed[\??ol]%
+ \dodoubleempty\startlocalframed[\??ol]}
+ {\copylocalframed[#1][\??oi]}
+% \def\copylocalframed[#1]#2[#3]%
+% {\copyparameters[#1][#3]%
+% [\c!width,\c!height,\c!radius,\c!corner,\c!depth,\c!offset,%
+% \c!autowidth,\c!empty,\c!component,\c!orientation,\c!lines,%
+% \c!align,\c!bottom,\c!top,\c!strut,\c!autostrut,\c!location,\c!setups,\c!extras,%
+% \c!foregroundstyle,\c!foregroundcolor,%
+% \c!background,\c!backgroundoffset,\c!backgroundcorner,\c!backgroundradius,\c!backgrounddepth,\c!backgroundcolor,\c!backgroundscreen,%
+% \c!frame,\c!frameoffset,\c!framecorner,\c!frameradius,\c!framedepth,\c!framecolor,\c!rulethickness,%
+% \c!topframe,\c!bottomframe,\c!leftframe,\c!rightframe]}
+% since framed is used all over the place, we have a (small) speedup)
+ {\edef\copiedfrom{#1}\edef\copiedto{#3}%
+ \docopyvalue\copiedfrom\copiedto\c!width
+ \docopyvalue\copiedfrom\copiedto\c!height
+ \docopyvalue\copiedfrom\copiedto\c!autowidth
+ \docopyvalue\copiedfrom\copiedto\c!offset
+ \docopyvalue\copiedfrom\copiedto\c!empty
+ \docopyvalue\copiedfrom\copiedto\c!rulethickness
+ \docopyvalue\copiedfrom\copiedto\c!radius
+ \docopyvalue\copiedfrom\copiedto\c!corner
+ \docopyvalue\copiedfrom\copiedto\c!depth
+ \docopyvalue\copiedfrom\copiedto\c!frame
+ \docopyvalue\copiedfrom\copiedto\c!framecolor
+ \docopyvalue\copiedfrom\copiedto\c!foregroundstyle
+ \docopyvalue\copiedfrom\copiedto\c!foregroundcolor
+ \docopyvalue\copiedfrom\copiedto\c!lines
+ \docopyvalue\copiedfrom\copiedto\c!orientation
+ \docopyvalue\copiedfrom\copiedto\c!topframe
+ \docopyvalue\copiedfrom\copiedto\c!bottomframe
+ \docopyvalue\copiedfrom\copiedto\c!leftframe
+ \docopyvalue\copiedfrom\copiedto\c!rightframe
+ \docopyvalue\copiedfrom\copiedto\c!rulethickness
+ \docopyvalue\copiedfrom\copiedto\c!frameoffset
+ \docopyvalue\copiedfrom\copiedto\c!background
+ \docopyvalue\copiedfrom\copiedto\c!component
+ \docopyvalue\copiedfrom\copiedto\c!backgroundoffset
+ \docopyvalue\copiedfrom\copiedto\c!backgroundscreen
+ \docopyvalue\copiedfrom\copiedto\c!backgroundcolor
+ \docopyvalue\copiedfrom\copiedto\c!align
+ \docopyvalue\copiedfrom\copiedto\c!bottom
+ \docopyvalue\copiedfrom\copiedto\c!top
+ \docopyvalue\copiedfrom\copiedto\c!strut
+ \docopyvalue\copiedfrom\copiedto\c!autostrut
+ \docopyvalue\copiedfrom\copiedto\c!location
+ \docopyvalue\copiedfrom\copiedto\c!component
+ \docopyvalue\copiedfrom\copiedto\c!extras
+ \docopyvalue\copiedfrom\copiedto\c!setups
+ \docopyvalue\copiedfrom\copiedto\c!backgroundradius
+ \docopyvalue\copiedfrom\copiedto\c!backgroundcorner
+ \docopyvalue\copiedfrom\copiedto\c!backgrounddepth
+ \docopyvalue\copiedfrom\copiedto\c!frameradius
+ \docopyvalue\copiedfrom\copiedto\c!framecorner
+ \docopyvalue\copiedfrom\copiedto\c!framedepth}
+ {\dodoubleempty\dosetupframed}
+ {\ifsecondargument
+ \@EA\dodoublesetupframed
+ \else
+ \@EA\dosinglesetupframed
+ \fi}
+ {\getparameters[\??oi][#1]}
+ {\bgroup
+ \let\dodoubleempty\empty
+ \def\doframed[##1]{\gdef\globalredefinedframed{\dodoubleempty\doframed[##1,#2]}}%
+ \getvalue{#1}%
+ \egroup
+ \letvalue{#1}\globalredefinedframed}
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \setupframed [framecolor=yellow] \framed{A}
+%D \defineframed[myframed] [framecolor=blue] \myframed{B}
+%D \setupframed [myframed] [framecolor=red] \myframed{C}
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer \getbuffer
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \presetlocalframed[myframed]
+%D \setuplocalframed[myframed][width=4cm,height=2cm]
+%D \localframed[myframed][framecolor=green]{oeps}
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer \getbuffer
+%D \macros
+%D {ifinframed}
+%D The normal case first presets all parameters and next starts
+%D looking for the user supplied ones. The first step is
+%D omitted in the local case, because these are preset at
+%D declaration time and keep their values unless explictly
+%D changed. By presetting the variables everytime the normal
+%D command is called, we can use this command nested, without
+%D the unwanted side effect of inheritance. The boolean is
+%D used to speed up the color stack.
+ {\bgroup
+ \dodoubleempty\startlocalframed}
+%D The next one is faster on multiple backgrounds per page. No
+%D dimensions can be set, only frames and backgrounds.
+\def\fastlocalframed[#1]#2[#3]#4% 3-4
+ {\bgroup
+ \inframedtrue
+ \edef\@@framed{#1}%
+ % more bytes
+ % \scratchdimen\framedparameter\c!frameoffset
+ % \setevalue{\@@framed\c!frameoffset}{\the\scratchdimen}%
+ % \doifnotvalue{\@@framed\c!backgroundoffset}\v!frame
+ % {\scratchdimen\framedparameter\c!backgroundoffset
+ % \setevalue{\@@framed\c!backgroundoffset}{\the\scratchdimen}}%
+ % less bytes
+ \@EA\freezedimenmacro\csname\@@framed\c!frameoffset\endcsname
+ \doifnotvalue{\@@framed\c!backgroundoffset}\v!frame
+ {\@EA\freezedimenmacro\csname\@@framed\c!backgroundoffset\endcsname}%
+ % so far
+ \setbox\framebox\hbox{#4}%
+ \getparameters[\@@framed][#3]% no \expanded !
+ % no, better in calling macro
+ %
+ % \edef\doframedsetups{\framedparameter\c!setups}%
+ % \ifx\doframedsetups\empty\else
+ % \edef\doframedsetups{\noexpand\setups[\doframedsetups]}%
+ % \fi
+ \removeframedboxdepth
+ \edef\framedforegroundcolor{\framedparameter\c!foregroundcolor}%
+ \ifx\framedforegroundcolor\empty\else\docolorframebox\fi
+ \edef\overlaylinecolor{\framedparameter\c!framecolor}%
+ \def \overlaylinewidth{\the\ruledlinewidth}% no edef
+ \edef\@@localframing {\framedparameter\c!frame}%
+ \ifx\@@localframing\v!overlay \else \ifx\@@localframing\v!none \else
+ \edef\framedrulethickness{\framedparameter\c!rulethickness}%
+ \ifx\framedrulethickness\empty\else
+ \ruledlinewidth\framedrulethickness\relax
+ \ifinheritruledlinewidth\linewidth\ruledlinewidth\fi
+ \fi
+ \dooutlinebox % real or invisible frame
+ \fi \fi
+ \edef\framedbackground{\framedparameter\c!background}%
+ \ifx\framedbackground\empty\else\dobackedbox\fi
+ \restoreframedboxdepth
+ \box\framebox
+ \egroup}
+%D Before we go into details, we present (and implement) the
+%D main framing routine. I saw no real reason for splitting the
+%D next two macros into smaller pieces. The content will be
+%D collected in a horizontal or vertical box with fixed or free
+%D dimensions and specific settings concerning aligment and
+%D offsets.
+%D In the first few lines, we pre||expand the frame and
+%D background offsets. We do so, because the can be defined in
+%D terms of the main offset. However, see for instance page
+%D backgrounds, when \type {#2} sets the offset to \type
+%D {overlay}, both offsets become invalid.
+%D Because it is used so often the he next macro is (and
+%D looks) rather optimized.
+ {\csname\@@framed#1\endcsname}
+ {\bgroup
+ \inframedtrue
+ \edef\@@framed{#1}%
+ % this piece of pre expansion is needed (sometimes used in frameoffset)
+ % \doifvaluesomething{\@@framed\c!rulethickness} % obsolete
+ % {\ruledlinewidth\getvalue{\@@framed\c!rulethickness}}% obsolete
+ % this piece of pre expansion is needed (sometimes used circular)
+ \setevalue{\@@framed\c!frameoffset}{\the\dimexpr\framedparameter\c!frameoffset\relax}%
+ \doifnotvalue{\@@framed\c!backgroundoffset}\v!frame
+ {\setevalue{\@@framed\c!backgroundoffset}{\the\dimexpr\framedparameter\c!backgroundoffset\relax}}%
+ % to prevent deadlock in case of self refering
+ \ifsecondargument % faster
+ \getparameters[\@@framed][#2]% here !
+ \fi
+ % new, experimental dirty hook
+ \framedparameter\c!extras
+ % to get the right spacing
+ \doifvaluesomething{\@@framed\c!foregroundstyle}
+ {\@EA\doconvertfont\csname\@@framed\c!foregroundstyle\endcsname\empty}%
+ % beware, both the frame and background offset can be overruled
+ %
+ \edef\doframedsetups{\framedparameter\c!setups}%
+ \ifx\doframedsetups\empty\else
+ \edef\doframedsetups{\noexpand\setups[\doframedsetups]}%
+ \fi
+ % the next macros are visible
+ \edef\localoffset{\framedparameter\c!offset}%
+ \edef\localwidth {\framedparameter\c!width}%
+ \edef\localheight{\framedparameter\c!height}%
+ \edef\localformat{\framedparameter\c!align}%
+ \edef\localstrut {\framedparameter\c!strut}%
+ % these are not
+ \edef\@@localautostrut {\framedparameter\c!autostrut}%
+ \edef\@@localframing {\framedparameter\c!frame}%
+ \edef\@@locallocation {\framedparameter\c!location}%
+ \edef\@@localorientation{\framedparameter\c!orientation}%
+ %
+ \edef\@@localautowidth {\framedparameter\c!autowidth}%
+ %
+ \ifx\@@localframing\v!overlay % no frame, no offset, no framewidth
+ \boxhasframefalse
+ \let\localoffset\v!overlay
+ \else\ifx\@@localframing\v!none % no frame, no framewidth
+ \boxhasframefalse
+ \else
+ \boxhasframetrue
+ \fi\fi
+ \ifboxhasframe
+ \edef\framedrulethickness{\framedparameter\c!rulethickness}%
+ \ifx\framedrulethickness\empty\else
+ \ruledlinewidth\framedrulethickness\relax
+ \ifinheritruledlinewidth\linewidth\ruledlinewidth\fi
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \ruledlinewidth\zeropoint
+ \fi
+ \ifx\localformat\empty
+ \boxhasformatfalse
+ \else
+ \boxhasformattrue
+ \dosetraggedcommand\localformat
+ \edef\dobeforeframedbox{\raggedtopcommand\framedparameter\c!top}%
+ \edef\doafterframedbox {\framedparameter\c!bottom\raggedbottomcommand}%
+ \fi
+ \ifx\localoffset\v!none
+ \boxhasoffsetfalse
+ \boxhasstrutfalse
+ \boxisoverlaidfalse
+ \@@localoffset\ruledlinewidth
+ \else\ifx\localoffset\v!overlay
+ % \ifx\@@localframing\v!no \boxhasframefalse \fi % test first
+ \boxhasoffsetfalse
+ \boxhasstrutfalse
+ \boxisoverlaidtrue
+ \@@localoffset\zeropoint
+ \else
+ \boxhasoffsettrue
+ \boxhasstruttrue
+ \boxisoverlaidfalse
+ \ifx\localoffset\v!default % new per 2-6-2000
+ \let\localoffset\defaultframeoffset
+ \letvalue{\@@framed\c!offset}\defaultframeoffset
+ \else
+ \let\defaultframeoffset\localoffset
+ \fi
+ \@@localoffset\dimexpr\localoffset+\ruledlinewidth\relax
+ \fi\fi
+ \!!framedheight\zeropoint
+ \!!framedwidth \zeropoint
+ \ifx\localwidth\v!fit
+ \ifboxhasformat
+ \boxhaswidthtrue
+ \!!framedwidth\hsize
+ \else
+ \boxhaswidthfalse
+ \fi
+ \else\ifx\localwidth\v!fixed % equals \v!fit but no shapebox
+ \ifboxhasformat
+ \boxhaswidthtrue
+ \!!framedwidth\hsize
+ \else
+ \boxhaswidthfalse
+ \fi
+ \else\ifx\localwidth\v!broad
+ \boxhaswidthtrue
+ \!!framedwidth\hsize
+ \else\ifx\localwidth\v!local
+ \boxhaswidthtrue
+ \setlocalhsize
+ \!!framedwidth\localhsize
+ \else
+ \boxhaswidthtrue
+ \!!framedwidth\localwidth
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi
+ \ifx\localheight\v!fit
+ \boxhasheightfalse % no longer: \boxhasstrutfalse
+ \else\ifx\localheight\v!broad
+ \boxhasheightfalse
+ \else
+ \boxhasheighttrue
+ \!!framedheight\localheight
+ \fi\fi
+ \ifboxhasheight
+ % obey user set height, also downward compatible
+ \else
+ \doifvaluesomething{\@@framed\c!lines}
+ {\ifcase\framedparameter\c!lines\else
+ \!!framedheight\framedparameter\c!lines\lineheight
+ \edef\localheight{\the\!!framedheight}%
+ \boxhasheighttrue
+ \fi}%
+ \fi
+ % this is now an option: width=local
+ %
+ % \ifdim\!!framedwidth=\hsize
+ % \parindent\zeropoint
+ % \setlocalhsize
+ % \!!framedwidth\localhsize
+ % \fi
+ % i.e. disable (colsetbackgroundproblemintechniek)
+ \advance\!!framedwidth -2\@@localoffset
+ \advance\!!framedheight -2\@@localoffset
+ \ifx\localstrut\v!no
+ \boxhasstrutfalse
+ \else\ifx\localstrut\v!global
+ \setstrut
+ \else\ifx\localstrut\v!local
+ \setfontstrut
+ \else
+ \setstrut
+ \fi\fi\fi
+ \ifboxhasstrut
+ \let\localbegstrut\begstrut
+ \let\localendstrut\endstrut
+ \let\localstrut \strut
+ \else
+ \let\localbegstrut\pseudobegstrut % was: \relax
+ \let\localendstrut\pseudoendstrut % was: \relax
+ \let\localstrut \pseudostrut % was: \relax
+ %\ifboxhasheight\ifdim\!!framedheight<\strutht % saveguard
+ % \let\localbegstrut\relax % but not that
+ % \let\localstrut \relax % save after all
+ %\fi\fi
+ \fi
+ \ifx\@@localautostrut\v!yes
+ \let\delayedbegstrut\relax
+ \let\delayedendstrut\relax
+ \let\delayedstrut \relax
+ \else
+ \let\delayedbegstrut\localbegstrut
+ \let\delayedendstrut\localendstrut
+ \let\delayedstrut \localstrut
+ \let\localbegstrut \relax
+ \let\localendstrut \relax
+ \let\localstrut \relax
+ \fi
+ \ifboxhasheight
+ \let\\\vboxednewline
+ \ifboxhaswidth
+ \let\hairline\vboxedhairline
+ \ifboxhasformat
+ \let\next\doformatboxSomeFormat
+ \else
+ \let\next\doformatboxNoFormat
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \let\hairline\hboxedhairline
+ \ifboxhasformat
+ \let\next\doformatboxHeight
+ \else
+ \let\next\doformatboxVSize
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \ifboxhaswidth
+ \ifboxhasformat
+ \let\hairline\vboxedhairline
+ \let\\\vboxednewline
+ \let\next\doformatboxWidth
+ \else
+ \let\hairline\hboxedhairline
+ \let\\\hboxednewline
+ \let\next\doformatboxHSize
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \let\hairline\hboxedhairline
+ \let\\\hboxednewline
+ \let\next\doformatboxNoSize
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \edef\framedwidth % a new feature, visible for user
+ {\ifdim\!!framedwidth >\zeropoint\the\!!framedwidth \else\zeropoint\fi}%
+ \edef\framedheight% a new feature, visible for user
+ {\ifdim\!!framedheight>\zeropoint\the\!!framedheight\else\zeropoint\fi}%
+ % we need to register the (outer) color
+ \startregistercolor[\framedparameter\c!foregroundcolor]%
+ % first alternative
+ %\def\dowithframedbox%
+ % {\let\postprocessframebox\relax %new
+ % \aftergroup\stoplocalframed}%
+ % \afterassignment\dowithframedbox
+ % \setbox\framebox=\next}
+ % second alternative
+ %\dowithnextbox
+ % {\setbox\framebox\flushnextbox
+ % \let\postprocessframebox\relax %new
+ % \stoplocalframed}
+ % \next}
+ \@@startframedorientation
+ \afterassignment\dodowithframebox
+ \setbox\framebox\next}
+ {% moved : \let\postprocessframebox\relax
+ \stoplocalframed}
+ {\aftergroup\dowithframebox}
+\let\doafterframedbox \relax
+%D Carefull analysis of this macro will learn us that not all
+%D branches in the last conditionals can be encountered, that
+%D is, some assignments to \type{\next} will never occur.
+%D Nevertheless we implement the whole scheme, if not for
+%D future extensions.
+%D \macros
+%D {ifreshapeframebox}
+%D The last few lines tell what to do after the content of the
+%D box is collected and passed to the next macro. In the case
+%D of a fixed width and centered alignment, the content is
+%D evaluated and used to determine the most natural width. The
+%D rest of the code deals with backgrounds and frames.
+\newif\ifreshapeframebox \reshapeframeboxtrue
+%D Beware: setting \type {top} and \type {bottom} to nothing, may
+%D result in a frame that is larger that the given height! try:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \framed
+%D [height=3cm,top=,bottom=,offset=overlay]
+%D {\strut test \shapefill \strut test}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D This is intended behaviour and not a bug! One can always set
+%D \starttyping
+%D ...,bottom=\kern0pt,...
+%D \stoptyping
+ {\dontshowcomposition
+ \@@stopframedorientation % hm, wrong place ! should rotate the result (after reshape)
+ \stopregistercolor
+ \handleframedlocator\c!before\@@locallocation
+ \ifboxhasformat
+ \ifx\@@localautowidth\v!force
+ \ifreshapeframebox\doreshapeframedbox\fi
+ \boxhaswidthfalse
+ \else
+ \ifx\localwidth\v!fit
+ \ifx\@@localautowidth\v!yes
+ \ifreshapeframebox\doreshapeframedbox\fi
+ \fi
+ \boxhaswidthfalse
+ \else\ifx\localwidth\v!fixed
+ \boxhaswidthfalse
+ \else
+ \resetshapeframebox
+ \fi\fi
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \resetshapeframebox
+ \fi
+ \ifboxhaswidth
+ \wd\framebox\!!framedwidth
+ \fi
+ \ifboxhasheight
+ \ht\framebox\!!framedheight
+ \fi
+ \doifvalue{\@@framed\c!empty}\v!yes
+ {\setbox\scratchbox\null
+ \wd\scratchbox\wd\framebox
+ \ht\scratchbox\ht\framebox
+ \dp\scratchbox\dp\framebox
+ \setbox\framebox\box\scratchbox}%
+ \edef\framedforegroundcolor{\framedparameter\c!foregroundcolor}%
+ \ifx\framedforegroundcolor\empty\else\docolorframebox\fi
+ \ifboxhasoffset
+ \dooffsetframebox
+ \fi
+ \ifboxisoverlaid \else
+ \dolocateframebox
+ \fi
+ \ifx\postprocessframebox\relax \else
+ \let\next\postprocessframebox
+ \let\postprocessframebox\relax % prevent nesting
+ \next\framebox
+ \fi
+ \edef\overlaylinecolor{\framedparameter\c!framecolor}%
+ \edef\overlaylinewidth{\the\ruledlinewidth}% \@@...
+ \ifboxhasframe % real or invisible frame
+ \dooutlinebox
+ \fi
+ \edef\framedbackground{\framedparameter\c!background}%
+ \ifx\framedbackground\empty\else\dobackedbox\fi
+ \handleframedlocator\c!after\@@locallocation
+ \box\framebox
+ \egroup
+ \egroup}
+ {\setvalue{\??ol:\c!location:\c!before:#1}{#2}%
+ \setvalue{\??ol:\c!location:\c!after :#1}{#3}}
+ {\getvalue{\??ol:\c!location:#1:#2}}
+ {\scratchdimen\dimexpr#1+\ruledlinewidth\relax
+ \ifboxhasoffset
+ \advance\scratchdimen \framedparameter\c!offset
+ \fi
+ \scratchskip\dimexpr\ht\framebox-\scratchdimen\relax}
+% \ruledhbox
+% {A
+% \framed[width=2cm,align=middle,location=hanging]{location\\equals\\hanging}
+% \framed[width=2cm,align=middle,location=depth] {location\\equals\\depth}
+% \framed[width=2cm,align=middle,location=height] {location\\equals\\height}
+% B}
+% \vskip2cm
+% \ruledhbox
+% {A
+% \framed[width=2cm,align=middle,location=low] {location\\equals\\low}
+% \framed[width=2cm,align=middle,location=line] {location\\equals\\line}
+% \framed[width=2cm,align=middle,location=high] {location\\equals\\high}
+% B}
+% \vskip2cm
+% \ruledhbox
+% {A
+% \framed[width=2cm,align=middle,location=top] {location\\equals\\top}
+% \framed[width=2cm,align=middle,location=bottom] {location\\equals\\bottom}
+% \framed[width=2cm,align=middle,location=lohi] {location\\equals\\lohi}
+% \framed[width=2cm,align=middle,location=middle] {location\\equals\\middle}
+% B}
+\installframedlocator \v!hanging % best with strut=no
+ {}
+ {\dp\framebox\ht\framebox
+ \ht\framebox\zeropoint}
+\installframedlocator \v!depth
+ {}
+ {\ht\framebox\dimexpr\ht\framebox-\strutdp\relax
+ \dp\framebox\strutdp
+ \box\framebox}
+\installframedlocator \v!height
+ {}
+ {\dp\framebox\dimexpr\ht\framebox-\strutht\relax
+ \ht\framebox\strutht
+ \box\framebox}
+\installframedlocator \v!high
+ {}
+ {\doprelocframedbox\strutht
+ \setbox\framebox\hbox{\lower\scratchskip\box\framebox}%
+ \ht\framebox\strutht
+ \dp\framebox\strutdp
+ \hbox{\box\framebox}}
+\installframedlocator \v!line
+ {}
+ {\setbox\framebox\hbox{\lower.5\ht\framebox\box\framebox}%
+ \ht\framebox.5\lineheight
+ \dp\framebox.5\lineheight
+ \hbox{\box\framebox}}
+\installframedlocator \v!low
+ {}
+ {\doprelocframedbox\strutdp
+ \setbox\framebox\hbox{\lower\scratchdimen\box\framebox}%
+ \ht\framebox\strutht
+ \dp\framebox\strutdp
+ \box\framebox}
+\installframedlocator \v!top
+ {}
+ {\doprelocframedbox\strutht
+ \setbox\framebox\hbox{\lower\scratchskip\box\framebox}%
+ \ht\framebox\scratchdimen
+ \dp\framebox\scratchskip
+ \hbox{\box\framebox}}
+\installframedlocator \v!middle
+ {}
+ {\scratchdimen.5\ht\framebox
+ \setbox\framebox\hbox{\lower\scratchdimen\box\framebox}%
+ \ht\framebox\scratchdimen
+ \dp\framebox\scratchdimen
+ \hbox{\box\framebox}}
+\installframedlocator \v!lohi
+ {\handleframedlocator\c!before\v!middle}
+ {\handleframedlocator\c!after \v!middle}
+\installframedlocator \v!bottom
+ {}
+ {\doprelocframedbox\strutdp
+ \setbox\framebox\hbox{\lower\scratchdimen\box\framebox}%
+ \ht\framebox\scratchskip
+ \dp\framebox\scratchdimen
+ \hbox{\box\framebox}}
+\installframedlocator \v!keep % retains height/depth
+ {\removeframedboxdepth}
+ {\restoreframedboxdepth}
+% also used in fastlocalframed
+ {\originalframedwd\wd\framebox
+ \originalframedht\ht\framebox
+ \originalframeddp\dp\framebox
+ \ifzeropt\originalframeddp\else\setbox\framebox\hbox{\raise\originalframeddp\box\framebox}\fi
+ \wd\framebox\originalframedwd
+ \ht\framebox\dimexpr\originalframedht+\originalframeddp\relax
+ \dp\framebox\zeropoint}
+ {\ifzeropt\originalframeddp\else\setbox\framebox\hbox{\lower\originalframeddp\box\framebox}\fi
+ \wd\framebox\originalframedwd
+ \ht\framebox\originalframedht
+ \dp\framebox\originalframeddp}
+% \let\@@startframedorientation\relax
+% \let\@@stopframedorientation \relax
+% \framed[width=12cm,height=3cm,orientation=0]{\input ward\relax}
+% \framed[width=12cm,height=3cm,orientation=90]{\input ward\relax}
+% \framed[width=12cm,height=3cm,orientation=180]{\input ward\relax}
+% \framed[width=12cm,height=3cm,orientation=270]{\input ward\relax}
+% \framed[width=12cm,height=3cm,orientation=-90]{\input ward\relax}
+% \framed[width=12cm,height=3cm,orientation=-180]{\input ward\relax}
+% \framed[width=12cm,height=3cm,orientation=-270]{\input ward\relax}
+ {\let\@@stopframedorientation \relax
+ \ifx\@@localorientation\empty\else
+ \ifcase\@@localorientation\else
+ \scratchcounter\@@localorientation
+ \divide\scratchcounter\plustwo
+ \ifodd\scratchcounter
+ \swapmacros\framedwidth \framedheight
+ \swapmacros\localwidth \localheight
+ \swapdimens\!!framedheight\!!framedwidth
+ \def\@@stopframedorientation{\@@dostopframedorientation\plusone}%
+ \else
+ \def\@@stopframedorientation{\@@dostopframedorientation\zerocount}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+ {\ifcase#1\else
+ \swapmacros\framedwidth \framedheight
+ \swapmacros\localwidth \localheight
+ \swapdimens\!!framedheight\!!framedwidth
+ \fi
+ \setbox\framebox\hbox{\dorotatebox\@@localorientation\hbox{\box\framebox}}}
+%D The last conditional takes care of the special situation of
+%D in||line \inframed[height=3cm]{framed} boxes. Such boxes have
+%D to be \inframed{aligned} with the running text.
+\def\doinframed[#1]% we could omit #1] but readibility ...
+ {\framed[\c!location=\v!low,#1]}
+ {\dosingleempty\doinframed}
+%D When we set \type{empty} to \type{yes}, we get
+%D ourselves a frame and/or background, but no content, so
+%D actually we have a sort of phantom framed box.
+%D Because color marks and specials can interfere with
+%D spacing, we provide a way to specify a foregroundcolor.
+ {\doifvaluesomething{\@@framed\c!foregroundcolor}
+ {\doifcolorelse{\framedparameter\c!foregroundcolor}
+ {\setbox\framebox\hbox
+ {\localcolortrue
+ \color[\framedparameter\c!foregroundcolor]{\box\framebox}}}
+ {}}}
+%D \macros
+%D {mframed, minframed}
+%D When Tobias asked how to frame mathematical elements in
+%D formulas, Taco's posted the next macro:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\mframed#1%
+%D {\relax
+%D \ifmmode
+%D \vcenter{\hbox{\framed{$\ifinner\else\displaystyle\fi#1$}}}%
+%D \else
+%D \framed{$#1$}%
+%D \fi}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Because \type {\ifinner} does not (always) reports what
+%D one would expect, we move the test to the outer level. We
+%D also want to pass arguments,
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\mframed%
+%D {\dosingleempty\domframed}
+%D \def\domframed[#1]#2% % tzt \dowithnextmathbox ?
+%D {\relax
+%D \ifmmode
+%D \ifinner
+%D \inframed[#1]{$#2$}%
+%D \else
+%D \vcenter{\hbox{\framed[#1]{$\displaystyle#2$}}}%
+%D \fi
+%D \else
+%D \inframed[#1]{$#2$}%
+%D \fi}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Still better is the next alternative, if only because it
+%D takes care of setting the super- and subscripts styles
+\ifx\restoremathstyle\undefined \let\restoremathstyle\relax \fi
+ {\begingroup
+ \ifmmode
+ \ifinner
+ \let\mframedstyle\restoremathstyle
+ \else
+ \let\mframedstyle\displaystyle
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \let\mframedstyle\restoremathstyle
+ \fi
+ #1\ifdone
+ \def\normalstrut{$\mframedstyle\vphantom($}%
+ \framed
+ [\c!frameoffset=\@@oioffset,\c!offset=\v!overlay,#2]
+ {$\mframedstyle#3$}%
+ \else
+ \inframed
+ [#2]
+ {$\mframedstyle#3$}%
+ \fi
+ \endgroup}
+ {\dodoubleempty\domframed[\donetrue]}
+ {\dodoubleempty\domframed[\donefalse]}
+%D So instead of the rather versatile \type {\framed}, we ue
+%D the \type {\mframed}.
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \startformula
+%D x \times \mframed{y} \times y^{z_z}
+%D x \times \inmframed{y} \times y^{z_z}
+%D \stopformula
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+%D \getbuffer
+%D However, we got into troubles when we want to nest sub- and
+%D superscripts, like in
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \startformula
+%D x \times \mframed{y} \times y^{\mframed{z}_{\mframed{z}}}
+%D \stopformula
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+%D \getbuffer
+%D Therefore, we can best use \type {\super} and \type {\suber}
+%D instead of \type {^} and \type {_}. Both commands take care
+%D of proper font switching.
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \startformula
+%D x \times \mframed{y} \times y\super{\mframed{z}\suber{\mframed{z}}}
+%D \stopformula
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+%D \getbuffer
+%D As usual, one can specify in what way the text should be
+%D framed. One should be aware of the fact that, inorder to
+%D preserve the proper spacing, the \type {offset} is set to
+%D \type {overlay} and \type {frameoffset} is used used
+%D instead.
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \startformula
+%D x \times y\super{\mframed[framecolor=red]{z}\suber{z}}
+%D \stopformula
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+%D \getbuffer
+%D For inline use, we also provide the \type {\inmframed}
+%D alternative: we want $x \times \inmframed{y}$ in inline
+%D math, right?
+%D This previous framing macros needs a lot of alternatives for
+%D putting rules around boxes, inserting offsets and aligning
+%D text. Each step is handled by separate macros.
+ {\setbox\framebox\vbox
+ {\kern#1\hbox{\kern#1\box\framebox\kern#1}\kern#1}}
+%D Let's hope that the next few examples show us enough of
+%D what needs to be done by the auxiliary macros.
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \framed[height=1cm,offset=.5cm] {rule based learning}
+%D \framed[height=1cm,offset=0cm] {rule based learning}
+%D \framed[height=1cm,offset=none] {rule based learning}
+%D \framed[height=1cm,offset=overlay]{rule based learning}
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+%D \startlinecorrection
+%D \hbox{\getbuffer}
+%D \stoplinecorrection
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \framed[offset=.5cm] {rule based learning}
+%D \framed[offset=0cm] {rule based learning}
+%D \framed[offset=none] {rule based learning}
+%D \framed[offset=overlay]{rule based learning}
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+%D \startlinecorrection
+%D \hbox{\getbuffer}
+%D \stoplinecorrection
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \framed[strut=nee,offset=.5cm] {rule based learning}
+%D \framed[strut=nee,offset=0cm] {rule based learning}
+%D \framed[strut=nee,offset=none] {rule based learning}
+%D \framed[strut=nee,offset=overlay]{rule based learning}
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+%D \startlinecorrection
+%D \hbox{\getbuffer}
+%D \stoplinecorrection
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \framed[width=3cm,align=left] {rule\\based\\learning}
+%D \framed[width=3cm,align=middle] {rule\\based\\learning}
+%D \framed[width=3cm,align=right] {rule\\based\\learning}
+%D \framed[width=fit,align=middle] {rule\\based\\learning}
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+%D \startlinecorrection
+%D \hbox{\dontcomplain\getbuffer}
+%D \stoplinecorrection
+%D So now we're ready for the complicated stuff. We distinguish
+%D between borders with straight lines and those with round
+%D corners. When using the first alternative it is possible to
+%D turn off one or more lines. More fancy shapes are also
+%D possible by specifying dedicated backgrounds. Turning lines
+%D on and off is implemented as efficient as possible and as a
+%D result is interface language dependant. This next
+%D implementation evolved from simpler ones. It puts for
+%D instance the rules on top of the content and provides
+%D additional offset capabilities. The lot of calls to other
+%D macros makes this mechanism not that easy to comprehend.
+%D Getting the backgrounds right takes less code. Again we
+%D have to take care of additional offsets.
+ {\doifelsevalue{\@@framed\c!backgroundoffset}\v!frame % new
+ {\dobackgroundbox\c!frameoffset}
+ {\dobackgroundbox\c!backgroundoffset}}
+%D We handle left, right or middle alignment as well as fixed
+%D or free widths and heights. Each combination gets its own
+%D macro.
+%D The following code handles one-liners: \type{align={line,flushright}}.
+%D Beware, since we entered a group and either or not grab the next
+%D bgroup token, we need to finish the group in the oneliner mode.
+\ifx\raggedoneliner\undefined \chardef\raggedoneliner\zerocount \fi
+\def\doformatonelinerbox % beware: assumes explicit preceding bgroup
+ {\ifcase\raggedoneliner
+ \expandafter\nodoformatonelinerbox
+ \else
+ \expandafter\dodoformatonelinerbox
+ \fi}
+ {\dowithnextboxcontent
+ {\ignorespaces}
+ {\hbox to \hsize
+ {\ifcase\raggedstatus\or\hss\or\hss\fi
+ \unhbox\nextbox \removeunwantedspaces
+ \ifcase\raggedstatus\or \or\hss\or\hss\fi}%
+ \egroup}
+ \hbox}
+\def\nodoformatonelinerbox % grabs {
+ {\let\next=}
+%D The handlers:
+ {\vbox to \!!framedheight
+ \bgroup
+ \let\postprocessframebox\relax
+ \forgetall
+ \oninterlineskip
+ \hsize\!!framedwidth
+ \vsize\!!framedheight
+ \doframedsetups
+ \raggedcommand
+ \dobeforeframedbox
+ \bgroup
+ \localbegstrut
+ \aftergroup\localendstrut
+ \aftergroup\doafterframedbox
+ \aftergroup\egroup
+ \doformatonelinerbox}
+ {\vbox to \!!framedheight
+ \bgroup
+ \let\postprocessframebox\relax
+ \forgetall
+ \oninterlineskip
+ \hsize\!!framedwidth
+ \vsize\!!framedheight
+ \doframedsetups
+ \raggedcenter
+ \vss
+ \bgroup
+ \localbegstrut
+ \aftergroup\localendstrut
+ \aftergroup\vss
+ \aftergroup\egroup
+ \doformatonelinerbox}
+ {\vbox to \!!framedheight
+ \bgroup
+ \let\postprocessframebox\relax
+ \forgetall
+ \oninterlineskip
+ \doframedsetups
+ \raggedcommand
+ \vss
+ \bgroup
+ \aftergroup\localendstrut
+ \aftergroup\vss
+ \aftergroup\egroup
+ \localbegstrut
+ \doformatonelinerbox}
+ {\vbox
+ \bgroup
+ \let\postprocessframebox\relax
+ \forgetall
+ \oninterlineskip
+ \hsize\!!framedwidth
+ \doframedsetups
+ \raggedcommand
+ \dobeforeframedbox
+ \bgroup
+ \localbegstrut
+ \aftergroup\localendstrut
+ \aftergroup\doafterframedbox
+ \aftergroup\egroup
+ \doformatonelinerbox}
+ {\vbox to \!!framedheight
+ \bgroup
+ \let\postprocessframebox\relax
+ \forgetall
+ \vsize\!!framedheight
+ \doframedsetups
+ \vss
+ \bgroup
+ \aftergroup\vss
+ \aftergroup\egroup
+ \hbox
+ \bgroup
+ \aftergroup\egroup
+ \localstrut
+ \doformatonelinerbox}
+ {\hbox to \!!framedwidth
+ \bgroup
+ \let\postprocessframebox\relax
+ \forgetall
+ \doframedsetups
+ \hss
+ \localstrut
+ \bgroup
+ \aftergroup\hss
+ \aftergroup\egroup
+ \doformatonelinerbox}
+ {\hbox
+ \bgroup
+ \let\postprocessframebox\relax
+ \doframedsetups
+ \localstrut
+ \doformatonelinerbox}
+%D On the next page we show some examples of how these macros
+%D come into action. The examples show us how
+%D \type {fit}, \type {broad} dimensions influence the
+%D formatting. Watch the visualized struts. \footnote {Here we
+%D used \type {\showstruts}.}
+%D \startpostponing
+%D \bgroup
+%D \showstruts
+%D \dontcomplain
+%D \startlinecorrection
+%D \halign{#\enskip&#\enskip&#\enskip&#\enskip&#\enskip&#\cr
+%D \framed[width=.2\hsize, height=.2\hsize, align=] {a\par b\par c}&
+%D \framed[width=.2\hsize, height=broad, align=] {a\par b\par c}&
+%D \framed[width=.2\hsize, height=fit, align=] {a\par b\par c}&
+%D \framed[width=fit, height=.2\hsize, align=] {a\par b\par c}&
+%D \framed[width=fit, height=broad, align=] {a\par b\par c}&
+%D \framed[width=fit, height=fit, align=] {a\par b\par c}\cr
+%D \noalign{\vskip1em}
+%D \framed[width=.2\hsize, height=.2\hsize, align=yes] {a\par b\par c}&
+%D \framed[width=.2\hsize, height=broad, align=yes] {a\par b\par c}&
+%D \framed[width=.2\hsize, height=fit, align=yes] {a\par b\par c}&
+%D \framed[width=fit, height=.2\hsize, align=yes] {a\par b\par c}&
+%D \framed[width=fit, height=broad, align=yes] {a\par b\par c}&
+%D \framed[width=fit, height=fit, align=yes] {a\par b\par c}\cr
+%D \noalign{\vskip1em}
+%D \framed[width=.2\hsize, height=.2\hsize, align=right] {a\par b\par c}&
+%D \framed[width=.2\hsize, height=broad, align=right] {a\par b\par c}&
+%D \framed[width=.2\hsize, height=fit, align=right] {a\par b\par c}&
+%D \framed[width=fit, height=.2\hsize, align=right] {a\par b\par c}&
+%D \framed[width=fit, height=broad, align=right] {a\par b\par c}&
+%D \framed[width=fit, height=fit, align=right] {a\par b\par c}\cr
+%D \noalign{\vskip1em}
+%D \framed[width=.2\hsize, height=.2\hsize, align=left] {a\par b\par c}&
+%D \framed[width=.2\hsize, height=broad, align=left] {a\par b\par c}&
+%D \framed[width=.2\hsize, height=fit, align=left] {a\par b\par c}&
+%D \framed[width=fit, height=.2\hsize, align=left] {a\par b\par c}&
+%D \framed[width=fit, height=broad, align=left] {a\par b\par c}&
+%D \framed[width=fit, height=fit, align=left] {a\par b\par c}\cr
+%D \noalign{\vskip1em}
+%D \framed[width=.2\hsize, height=.2\hsize, align=middle] {a\par b\par c}&
+%D \framed[width=.2\hsize, height=broad, align=middle] {a\par b\par c}&
+%D \framed[width=.2\hsize, height=fit, align=middle] {a\par b\par c}&
+%D \framed[width=fit, height=.2\hsize, align=middle] {a\par b\par c}&
+%D \framed[width=fit, height=broad, align=middle] {a\par b\par c}&
+%D \framed[width=fit, height=fit, align=middle] {a\par b\par c}\cr}
+%D \stoplinecorrection
+%D \blank[2*big]
+%D \egroup
+%D \stoppostponing
+%D \macros
+%D {framednoflines, framedlastlength}
+%D It is possible to let the frame macro calculate the width
+%D of a centered box automatically (\type {fit}). When
+%D doing so, we need to reshape the box:
+% The next implementation is frozen! It preserves the depth,
+% otherwise we get problems with framed display math and auto
+% width.
+ {\framednoflines \zerocount
+ \framedlastlength\zeropoint}
+\chardef\reshapeframeboxmethod\plusone % 0=no flush, 1=old method 2=no depth messing
+\def\shapeboxstrut % put this in front if needed !
+ {\vrule\!!width\zeropoint\!!height\ht\shapebox\!!depth\dp\shapebox}
+\let\framedboxwidth \!!zeropoint
+\let\framedboxdepth \!!zeropoint
+\def\doreshapeframedbox % frozen, that is ... \shapeboxstrut added
+ {\ifvbox\framebox
+ \beginofshapebox
+ \unvcopy\framebox
+ \endofshapebox
+ \global\@@globalwidth\zeropoint
+ \edef\framedboxwidth {\the\wd\framebox}%
+ \edef\framedboxheight{\the\ht\framebox}%
+ \edef\framedboxdepth {\the\dp\framebox}%
+ \resetshapeframebox
+ \reshapebox
+ {\setbox0\hbox
+ {\strut\ifhbox\shapebox\shapeboxstrut\unhbox\else\box\fi\shapebox}%
+ \global\advance\framednoflines \plusone
+ \ifdim\framedlastlength>\zeropoint\else
+ \global\framedlastlength\wd0
+ \fi
+ \ifdim\wd0>\@@globalwidth
+ \global\@@globalwidth\wd0
+ \fi}%
+ \ifreshapingfailed
+ % no need for anothr pass or finalizer
+ \else
+ \dosetraggedcommand\localformat
+ \raggedcommand
+ \ifboxhasheight
+ \setbox\framebox\vbox to \localheight
+ {\hsize\@@globalwidth
+ \reshapebox{\hbox to \hsize{\ifhbox\shapebox\shapeboxstrut\unhbox\else\box\fi\shapebox}}%
+ \dobeforeframedbox
+ \innerflushshapebox
+ \doafterframedbox}%
+ \else
+ \setbox\framebox\vbox to \framedboxheight % \ht\framebox
+ {\hsize\@@globalwidth
+ \reshapebox{\hbox to \hsize{\ifhbox\shapebox\shapeboxstrut\unhbox\else\box\fi\shapebox}}%
+ \ifcase\reshapeframeboxmethod
+ \or \innerflushshapebox \or \innerflushshapebox
+ \fi}%
+ \ifcase\reshapeframeboxmethod \or
+ \dp\framebox\framedboxdepth % \strutdp otherwise problem with math
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \ifdim\framedlastlength=\zeropoint\global\framedlastlength\wd\framebox\fi
+ \ifcase\framednoflines\global\framednoflines\plusone\fi
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+%D The two variables \type {\framednoflines} and \type
+%D {\framedlastlength} can be used in a second pass to
+%D optimized framed material.
+% torture test / strange case (much depth) / method 2 needed
+% \startTEXpage[frame=on]
+% \startformula \startalign \NC A \NC B \NR \intertext{test} \NC C \NC D \NR \stopalign \stopformula
+% test outside formula
+% \startformula \startalign \NC A \NC B \NR \intertext{test} \NC C \NC D \NR \stopalign \stopformula
+% \blank[big]
+% \startformula \startalign \NC \int_01 \NC B \NR \intertext{test} \NC \int_01 \NC D \NR \stopalign \stopformula
+% test outside formula
+% \startformula \startalign \NC \int_01 \NC B \NR \intertext{test} \NC \int_01 \NC D \NR \stopalign \stopformula
+% \stopTEXpage
+%D The examples on the next page show how one can give the
+%D frame as well as the background an additional offset and
+%D even a bit more depth. The blue outline is the frame, the
+%D red box is the background and the small black outline is the
+%D visualization of the resulting box, that is, we applied
+%D \type{\ruledhbox} to the result.
+%D \startpostponing
+%D \bgroup
+%D \unprotect
+%D \dontcomplain
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \vbox to \vsize
+%D \bgroup
+%D \startalignment[middle]
+%D \vss
+%D \dontleavehmode\vbox to .8\vsize
+%D \bgroup
+%D \hsize=300pt
+%D \setupframed
+%D [background=color,
+%D backgroundcolorachtergrondkleur=darkred,
+%D width=300pt,
+%D height=60pt,
+%D framecolorkaderkleur=DemoBlue,
+%D rulethickness=2pt]
+%D \def\status%
+%D {backgroundoffset=\framedparameter\c!backgroundoffset\\
+%D frameoffset=\framedparameter\c!frameoffset\\
+%D depth=\framedparameter\c!depth}
+%D \dontleavehmode \ruledhbox{\framed[backgroundoffset=0pt,frameoffset=0pt]{\status}}
+%D \vss
+%D \dontleavehmode \ruledhbox{\framed[backgroundoffset=5pt,frameoffset=0pt]{\status}}
+%D \vss
+%D \dontleavehmode \ruledhbox{\framed[backgroundoffset=0pt,frameoffset=5pt]{\status}}
+%D \vss
+%D \dontleavehmode \ruledhbox{\framed[backgroundoffset=2pt,frameoffset=5pt]{\status}}
+%D \vss
+%D \dontleavehmode \ruledhbox{\framed[backgroundoffset=5pt,frameoffset=2pt]{\status}}
+%D \vss
+%D \dontleavehmode \ruledhbox{\framed[backgroundoffset=5pt,frameoffset=5pt]{\status}}
+%D \egroup
+%D \vss
+%D \stopalignment
+%D \egroup
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \getbuffer \page
+%D {\setupframed[depth=4pt]\getbuffer} \page
+%D \protect
+%D \egroup
+%D \stoppostponing
+%D When typesetting the framed box inline, we have to keep the
+%D baseline intact outside as well as inside the framed box.
+ {\scratchdimen\dimexpr\strutdp+\ruledlinewidth\relax
+ \ifboxhasoffset
+ \advance\scratchdimen \framedparameter\c!offset
+ \fi
+ \setbox\framebox\hbox{\lower\scratchdimen\box\framebox}%
+ \ht\framebox\strutht
+ \dp\framebox\strutdp
+ \box\framebox}
+%D We can also lower the box over the natural depth of the
+%D line.
+ {\ht\framebox\dimexpr\ht\framebox+\dp\framebox-\strutdp\relax
+ \dp\framebox\strutdp
+ \box\framebox}
+%D Hanging the content is mainly meant for cases like the
+%D following:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \framed[strut=no]
+%D {\framed[height=2cm,location=hanging]{test}%
+%D \framed[height=1cm,location=hanging]{test}}
+%D \stoptyping
+\def\dohangingframedbox % best with strut=no
+ {\scratchdimen\dimexpr\ht\framebox+\dp\framebox\relax
+ \ht\framebox\zeropoint
+ \dp\framebox\scratchdimen}
+%D We can draw lines from left to right and top to bottom by
+%D using the normal \type{\hairline} command. Both directions
+%D need a different treatment.
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \framed[width=4cm] {alfa\hairline beta\hairline gamma}
+%D \framed[height=2cm] {alfa\hairline beta\hairline gamma}
+%D \framed[width=4cm,height=2cm]{alfa\hairline beta\hairline gamma}
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+%D \startlinecorrection
+%D \hbox{\getbuffer}
+%D \stoplinecorrection
+%D These macros try to adapt their behaviour as good as
+%D possible to the circumstances and act as natural as
+%D possible.
+ {\bgroup
+ \dimen2=\ifboxhasoffset \localoffset \else \zeropoint \fi
+ \dimen4=\dimexpr\dimen2+\ruledlinewidth\relax
+ \setbox0\vbox
+ {\advance\hsize 2\dimen4
+ \vskip\dimen2
+ \hrule
+ \!!height\ruledlinewidth
+ \!!depth\zeropoint
+ \!!width\hsize
+ \vskip\dimen2}%
+ %\endgraf\nointerlineskip\endgraf
+ %\moveleft\dimen4\box0
+ %\endgraf\nointerlineskip\localbegstrut
+ \endgraf\obeydepth\nointerlineskip
+ \moveleft\dimen4\box0
+ \endgraf\nointerlineskip\localbegstrut % beware, we might kill it in a style using \vskip\lineheight
+ \egroup} % so this must not be changed
+\def\hboxedhairline % use framed dimen
+ {\bgroup
+ \dimen2=\ifboxhasoffset \localoffset \else \zeropoint \fi
+ \ifboxhasheight
+ \dimen4\dimexpr\localheight/2+\strutdp-2\ruledlinewidth\relax
+ \dimen6\dimexpr\localheight/2-\strutdp+2\ruledlinewidth\relax
+ \else
+ \dimen4\dimexpr\strutht+\dimen2\relax
+ \dimen6\dimexpr\strutdp+\dimen2\relax
+ \fi
+ \unskip
+ \setbox\scratchbox\hbox
+ {\hskip\dimen2
+ \vrule\!!height\dimen4\!!depth\dimen6\!!width\ruledlinewidth
+ \hskip\dimen2}%
+ \ht\scratchbox\strutht
+ \dp\scratchbox\strutdp
+ \box\scratchbox
+ \ignorespaces
+ \egroup}
+%D The argument of the frame command accepts \type{\\} as a
+%D sort of newline signal. In horizontal boxes it expands to a
+%D space.
+ {\endgraf\ignorespaces}
+ {\unskip\normalspace\ignorespaces}
+%D We can set each rule on or off. The default setting is
+%D inherited from \type{frame}. An earlier implementation
+%D use a bit different approach, but the new one seems more
+%D natural:
+%D \bgroup
+%D \setuptyping[margin=0pt]
+%D \startlinecorrection
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \framed[offset=overlay,frame=on]{\darkred\blackrule}
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \hbox{\getbuffer\vbox{\typebuffer}}
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \framed[offset=overlay,frame=on,bottomframe=off]{\darkred\blackrule}
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \hbox{\getbuffer\vbox{\typebuffer}}
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \framed[offset=overlay,frame=on,bottomframe=on]{\darkred\blackrule}
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \hbox{\getbuffer\vbox{\typebuffer}}
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \framed[offset=overlay,frame=off]{\darkred\blackrule}
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \hbox{\getbuffer\vbox{\typebuffer}}
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \framed[offset=overlay,frame=off,bottomframe=off]{\darkred\blackrule}
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \hbox{\getbuffer\vbox{\typebuffer}}
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \framed[offset=overlay,frame=off,bottomframe=on]{\darkred\blackrule}
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \hbox{\getbuffer\vbox{\typebuffer}}
+%D \stoplinecorrection
+%D \egroup
+%D \macros
+%D {setupblackrules}
+%D The graphic capabilities of \TEX\ do not go beyond simple
+%D filled rules, except of course when using specials. Let's
+%D start with a warning: using this commands is far more slower
+%D than using the \TEX\ primitives \type{\hrule} and
+%D \type{\vrule}, but they save us some tokens. The
+%D characteristics of these rule drawing command can be set by:
+%D \showsetup{setupblackrules}
+ {\dodoubleargument\getparameters[\??bj]}
+%D \macros
+%D {blackrule}
+%D The simple command draws only one rule. Its optional
+%D argument can be used to specify the dimensions. By setting
+%D the width, height or depth to \type {max}, one gets the
+%D natural dimensions.
+%D \showsetup{blackrule}
+ {\hbox\bgroup
+ \getparameters[\??bj][#1]%
+ \setstrut
+ \doif\@@bjwidth \v!max{\def\@@bjwidth {1em}}%
+ \doif\@@bjheight\v!max{\def\@@bjheight{\strutht}}%
+ \doif\@@bjdepth \v!max{\def\@@bjdepth {\strutdp}}%
+ \localstartcolor[\@@bjcolor]%
+ \vrule
+ \!!width \@@bjwidth
+ \!!height\@@bjheight
+ \!!depth \@@bjdepth
+ \localstopcolor
+ \egroup}
+ {\dosingleempty\doblackrule}
+%D \macros
+%D {blackrules}
+%D One can call for a sequence of black rules, if needed
+%D equally spaced over the given width.
+%D \showsetup{blackrules}
+%D The two alternative calls are therefore:
+%D \startbuffer
+%D Tell me, is this according to the \blackrules[n=6]?
+%D These \blackrules[alternativevariant=b,n=10,distance=.2em,width=4cm] are quite clear.
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+%D or:
+%D \startvoorbeeld
+%D \startlines
+%D \getbuffer
+%D \stoplines
+%D \stopvoorbeeld
+%D We could of course have implemented this macro using
+%D \type{\leaders}, but this would probably have taken more
+%D tokens.
+ {\hbox\bgroup
+ \getparameters[\??bj][#1]%
+ \!!widtha\@@bjwidth
+ \!!widthb\@@bjdistance
+ \doif\@@bjalternative\c!b
+ {\scratchcounter\@@bjn
+ \ifnum\scratchcounter=\plusone
+ \!!widthb\zeropoint
+ \else
+ \advance\scratchcounter \minusone
+ \advance\!!widtha -\scratchcounter\!!widthb
+ \divide \!!widtha \@@bjn
+ \fi}%
+ \localstartcolor[\@@bjcolor]%
+ \dorecurse\@@bjn
+ {\vrule
+ \!!width \!!widtha
+ \!!height\@@bjheight
+ \!!depth \@@bjdepth
+ \hskip\!!widthb}%
+ \unskip
+ \localstopcolor
+ \egroup}
+ {\dosingleempty\doblackrules}
+%D The next commands can be used to draw margin rules. We
+%D support two methods: \marginrule{one for in||line use} and
+%D one that acts on a paragraph. Drawing a margin rule is
+%D rather straightforward because we can use the commands that
+%D put text in the margin.
+ {\setbox\scratchbox\hbox
+ {\vrule\!!depth\strutdepth\!!height\strutheight\!!width\@@karulethickness}%
+ \smashbox\scratchbox % no \vsmash !!!
+ \box\scratchbox}
+ {\strut\inleft{\dodrawmarginrule}}
+%D \macros
+%D {marginrule}
+%D The first method gobbles words and simply puts a bar in the
+%D margin. This method is not entirely robust.
+%D \showsetup{marginrule}
+ {\let\processword\drawmarginrule
+ \processwords}
+ {\ifnum#1<\@@kalevel\relax \else
+ \def\@@kadefaultwidth{#1}%
+ \expandafter\simplemarginrule
+ \fi}
+%D We need an auxiliary variable
+%D \macros
+%D {setupmarginrules}
+%D This macro definitions show us that we can pass an optional
+%D level, which is matched against the previous set one. The
+%D level can be set up with
+%D \showsetup{setupmarginrules}
+ {\dodoubleargument\getparameters[\??ka]}
+%D \macros
+%D {startmarginrule}
+%D The second method collects text and reformats it afterwards,
+%D using the shapebox macros. We prevent local margin rules.
+%D \showsetup{startmarginrule}
+ {\bgroup
+ \let\drawmarginrule\relax
+ \let\stopmarginrule\dostopmarginrule
+ \beginofshapebox}
+ {\bgroup
+ \let\drawmarginrule\relax
+ \ifnum#1<\@@kalevel\relax
+ \let\stopmarginrule\egroup
+ \else
+ \def\@@kadefaultwidth{#1}%
+ \let\stopmarginrule\dostopmarginrule
+ \expandafter\beginofshapebox
+ \fi}
+ {\endofshapebox
+ \reshapebox
+ {\hbox{\inleftmargin{\dodrawmarginrule}\box\shapebox}}%
+ \flushshapebox
+ \egroup}
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \setupmarginrules[level=5]
+%D \startmarginrule[1]
+%D First we set the level at~5. Next we typeset this first
+%D paragraph as a level~1 one. As expected no rule show up.
+%D \stopmarginrule
+%D \startmarginrule[5]
+%D The second paragraph is a level~5 one. As we can see here,
+%D the marginal rule gets a width according to its level.
+%D \stopmarginrule
+%D \startmarginrule[8]
+%D It will of course be no surprise that this third paragraph
+%D has a even thicker margin rule. This behavior can be
+%D overruled by specifying the width explictly.
+%D \stopmarginrule
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D In next example we show most features. Watch the rule
+%D thickness adapting itself to the level.
+%D \startvoorbeeld
+%D \getbuffer
+%D \stopvoorbeeld
+%D We just said:
+%D \typebuffer
+%D \macros
+%D {vl, hl}
+%D The command \type{\vl} draws a vertical rule \vl\ with strut
+%D dimensions, multiplied with the factor specified in the
+%D optional argument. The height and depth are clipped \vl[3]
+%D to the baselinedistance. Its horizontal counterpart
+%D \type{\hl} draws a horizontal rule \hl\ with a width of 1em,
+%D multiplied with the optional factor. The horizontal rule is
+%D drawn on top of the baseline.
+%D \showsetup{vl}
+%D \showsetup{hl}
+ {\bgroup
+ \!!dimena#1\strutht
+ \!!dimenb#1\strutdp
+ \setbox\scratchbox\hbox
+ {\vrule
+ \!!width \linewidth
+ \!!height\!!dimena
+ \!!depth \!!dimenb}%
+ \dp\scratchbox\strutdp
+ \ht\scratchbox\strutht
+ \box\scratchbox
+ \egroup}
+ {\hbox
+ {\vrule
+ \!!width #1\s!em
+ \!!height\linewidth
+ \!!depth \zeropoint}}
+\definecomplexorsimple\vl \def\simplevl{\complexvl[1]}
+\definecomplexorsimple\hl \def\simplehl{\complexhl[1]}
+%D \macros
+%D {hairline, thinrule, thinrules, setupthinrules}
+%D Drawing thin lines can of course easily be accomplished by
+%D the \TEX\ primitives \type{\hrule} and \type{\vrule}. The
+%D next few macros however free us from some specifications.
+%D \startbuffer
+%D some text
+%D \hairline
+%D some more text
+%D \thinrule
+%D more and more text
+%D hi \thinrule\ there
+%D and then the final text
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+%D becomes
+%D \startvoorbeeld
+%D \getbuffer
+%D \stopvoorbeeld
+%D So we've got
+%D \showsetup{hairline}
+%D \showsetup{thinrule}
+%D Both can be set up with:
+%D \showsetup{setupthinrules}
+%D We also have
+%D \showsetup{thinrules}
+%D which looks like: \thinrules[n=2]
+ {\strut
+ \bgroup
+ \chardef\ruletype\plusone
+ \processaction
+ [\@@dlalternative]
+ [ \v!a=>\chardef\ruletype0,% no line
+ %\v!b=>\chardef\ruletype1,% height/depth
+ \v!c=>\chardef\ruletype2,% topheight/botdepth
+ % 11=>\chardef\ruletype1,% fallback for backgrounds
+ 0=>\chardef\ruletype0,% compatible with backgrounds
+ % 1=>\chardef\ruletype1,% compatible with backgrounds
+ 2=>\chardef\ruletype2]% compatible with backgrounds
+ \doifsomething\@@dlrulethickness
+ {\linewidth\@@dlrulethickness}%
+ \ifdim\linewidth=\zeropoint
+ \chardef\ruletype\zerocount
+ \else
+ \doifnot\@@dlframe\v!on{\chardef\ruletype\zerocount}%
+ \fi
+ \ifnum\ruletype=\plusone
+ \doif\@@dlheight\v!max{\let\@@dlheight\!!plusone}%
+ \doif\@@dldepth \v!max{\let\@@dldepth \!!plusone}%
+ \else
+ \let\@@dlheight\!!plusone
+ \let\@@dldepth\!!plusone
+ \fi
+ \freezedimensionwithunit\@@dlheight\strutht
+ \freezedimensionwithunit\@@dldepth\strutdp
+ \divide\linewidth \plustwo
+ \doifelse\@@dlbackground\v!color
+ {\startcolor[\@@dlbackgroundcolor]%
+ \ifnum\ruletype=\plustwo % prevent overshoot due to rounding
+ \leaders
+ \hrule
+ \!!height\dimexpr\@@dlheight-.5\linewidth\relax
+ \!!depth \dimexpr\@@dldepth -.5\linewidth\relax
+ \hfill
+ \else
+ \leaders
+ \hrule
+ \!!height\@@dlheight
+ \!!depth \@@dldepth
+ \hfill
+ \fi
+ \stopcolor
+ \ifcase\ruletype
+ % no rule
+ \or
+ \startcolor[\@@dlcolor]%
+ \hfillneg
+ \leaders\hrule\!!height\linewidth\!!depth\linewidth\hfill
+ \stopcolor
+ \or
+ \startcolor[\@@dlcolor]%
+ \hfillneg\leaders\hrule\!!height\dimexpr-\@@dldepth+\linewidth\relax\!!depth\@@dldepth\hfill
+ \hfillneg\leaders\hrule\!!height\@@dlheight\!!depth\dimexpr-\@@dlheight+\linewidth\relax\hfill
+ \stopcolor
+ \fi}
+ {\ifcase\ruletype \else
+ \startcolor[\@@dlcolor]%
+ \leaders\hrule\!!height\@@dlheight\!!depth\@@dldepth\hfill
+ \stopcolor
+ \fi}%
+ \strut
+ \carryoverpar\egroup}
+ {\endgraf
+ \thinrule
+ \endgraf}
+ {\getparameters[\??dl][#1]}
+ {\dosingleargument\dosetupthinrules}
+ {\bgroup
+ \dosetupthinrules[#1]%
+ \@@dlbefore
+ \assignvalue\@@dlinterlinespace\@@dlinterlinespace{1.0}{1.5}{2.0}%
+ \spacing\@@dlinterlinespace
+ \dorecurse\@@dln
+ {\ifnum\recurselevel=\@@dln \dothinrulesnobreak \else
+ \ifnum\recurselevel=2 \dothinrulesnobreak \fi\fi
+ \thinrule
+ \ifnum\recurselevel<\@@dln\relax
+ % test needed, else messed up whitespace
+ \ifx\@@dlinbetween\empty
+ \softbreak
+ \else
+ \endgraf
+ \nowhitespace
+ \@@dlinbetween
+ \fi
+ \fi}%
+ \doifelsenothing\@@dlafter
+ {\carryoverpar\egroup}
+ {\@@dlafter\egroup}}
+ {\dosingleempty\dothinrules}
+%D A couple of examples are given below.
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \setupthinrules[n=3,inbetween=,color=gray]
+%D test test \thinrules\ test test \par
+%D test test \thinrules [color=green] test test \par
+%D test test \thinrules [height=max, depth=max] test test \par
+%D \setupthinrules[height=.9,depth=.9]
+%D test test \thinrules\ test test \par
+%D test test \thinrules [alternativevariant=b] test test \par
+%D test test \thinrules [alternativevariant=c] test test \par
+%D test test \thinrules [alternativevariant=c,inbetween=\vskip2ex] test test \par
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer {\getbuffer}
+%D There are a couple of alternative ways to visualize rules
+%D using backgrounds. At first sight these may look strange,
+%D but they make sense in educational settings. The
+%D alternatives are more or less compatible with the more
+%D advanced \METAPOST\ based implementation.
+%D \startbuffer[a]
+%D \setupthinrules
+%D [n=2,
+%D backgroundcolor=gray ,
+%D rulethickness=1pt,
+%D colorkleur=donkerblauw,
+%D after=\blank,
+%D before=\blank]
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer[a]
+%D \startbuffer[b]
+%D \thinrules[alternativevariant=a]
+%D \thinrules[alternativevariant=b]
+%D \thinrules[alternativevariant=c]
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer[b] \getbuffer[a,b]
+%D \startbuffer[b]
+%D \thinrules[alternativevariant=a,background=color]
+%D \thinrules[alternativevariant=b,background=color]
+%D \thinrules[alternativevariant=c,background=color]
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer[b] \getbuffer[a,b]
+%D \startbuffer[b]
+%D \thinrules[alternativevariant=a,height=.8,depth=.8,background=color]
+%D \thinrules[alternativevariant=b,height=.8,depth=.8,background=color]
+%D \thinrules[alternativevariant=c,height=.8,depth=.8,background=color]
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer[b] \getbuffer[a,b]
+%D \macros
+%D {optimizethinrules}
+%D By saying \type {\thinrulestrue} or \type {-false}, we
+%D can influence the way dangling lines are handled.
+\newif\ifoptimizethinrules \optimizethinrulestrue
+ {\ifoptimizethinrules\penalty500\fi}
+%D \macros
+%D {startframedtext, setupframedtexts, defineframedtext}
+%D The general framing command we discussed previously, is not
+%D entirely suited for what we call framed texts, as for
+%D instance used in intermezzo's. The next examples show what
+%D we have in mind.
+%D \startbuffer[framed-0]
+%D \setupframedtexts
+%D [frame=off,
+%D width=\hsize,
+%D background=screen]
+%D \startframedtext
+%D By default the framed text is centered \dots
+%D \stopframedtext
+%D \startframedtext[right]
+%D \dots\ but we can also align left, middle and right.
+%D \stopframedtext
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \startbuffer[framed-1]
+%D \defineframedtext
+%D [Example]
+%D [width=6cm,
+%D height=5cm]
+%D \startExample
+%D \typebuffer[framed-1]
+%D \stopExample
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \startbuffer[framed-2]
+%D \defineframedtext
+%D [Example]
+%D [width=6cm]
+%D \startExample
+%D \typebuffer[framed-2]
+%D \stopExample
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \startbuffer[framed-3]
+%D \defineframedtext
+%D [Example]
+%D [height=5cm]
+%D \startExample
+%D \typebuffer[framed-3]
+%D \stopExample
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \startbuffer[framed-4]
+%D \defineframedtext
+%D [Example]
+%D [width=fit,height=broad]
+%D \Example{a very exciting example}
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \bgroup \setuptyping[margin=0pt] \getbuffer[framed-0] \egroup
+%D \bgroup \setuptyping[margin=0pt] \getbuffer[framed-1] \egroup
+%D \bgroup \setuptyping[margin=0pt] \getbuffer[framed-2] \egroup
+%D \bgroup \setuptyping[margin=0pt] \getbuffer[framed-3] \egroup
+%D \bgroup \setuptyping[margin=0pt] \getbuffer[framed-4] \egroup
+%D Here we can see that we have a predefined framed text class
+%D as well as the tools for defining our own. So we have:
+%D \showsetup{setupframedtexts}
+%D as well as the definition command:
+%D \showsetup{defineframedtext}
+%D that generates two commands:
+%D \showsetup{start<<framedtext>>}
+%D \showsetup{<<framedtext>>}
+%D The next definition shows the defaults.
+ {\presetlocalframed[\??kd#1]%
+ \getparameters[\??kd#1]
+ [\c!width=0.75\hsize,
+ \c!height=\v!fit,
+ \c!align=\v!yes,
+ \c!top=,
+ \c!bottom=\vfill,
+ \c!offset=1em,
+ \c!bodyfont=,
+ \c!style=,
+ \c!color=,
+ \c!left=,
+ \c!right=\hfill,
+ \c!before=\blank,
+ \c!after=\blank,
+ \c!inner=,
+ \c!frame=\v!on,
+ \c!topframe=,
+ \c!bottomframe=,
+ \c!leftframe=,
+ \c!rightframe=,
+ \c!radius=.5\bodyfontsize,
+ \c!corner=\v!rectangular,
+ \c!foregroundcolor=,
+ \c!foregroundstyle=,
+ \c!background=,
+ \c!backgroundcolor=,
+ \c!backgroundscreen=\@@rsscreen,
+ \c!linecorrection=\v!on,
+ \c!depthcorrection=\v!on,
+ \c!margin=\v!standard,
+ \c!orientation=,
+ \c!indenting=,
+ #2]%
+ \setvalue{\e!start#1}{\dostartframedtext[#1]}%
+ \setvalue{\e!stop #1}{\dostopframedtext }%
+ \setvalue {#1}{\doframedtext [#1]}}
+ {\dodoubleempty\dodefineframedtext}
+%D We define the general (and original) case by just saying:
+%D We need several steps before the actual job is done,
+%D because we have to handle an optional identifier (and
+%D because these commands evolved out of a single case).
+ {\csname\??kd#1#2\endcsname}
+ {\ifsecondargument
+ \def\docommand##1{\getparameters[\??kd##1][#2]}%
+ \processcommacommand[#1]\docommand % new, #1 may be macro
+ \else
+ \getparameters[\??kd\v!framedtext][#1]%
+ \fi}
+ {\dodoubleempty\dosetupframedtexts}
+ {\bgroup\dotripleempty\dodostartframedtext}
+ {\doifassignmentelse{#2}
+ {\dododostartframedtext[#1][][#2]}
+ {\dododostartframedtext[#1][#2][#3]}}
+\def\checkframedtext % messy dependency
+ {\ifinsidefloat
+ \localhsize\hsize
+ \else\ifdim\sidefloatvsize>\zeropoint % will be proper handle
+ % \strut % rather clean way to invoke the sidefloat OTR
+ % \setbox0=\lastbox % and get the widths set, so from now on we
+ % \setlocalhsize % can have framed texts alongside sidefloats
+ \checksidefloat
+ \setlocalhsize
+ \else
+ \localhsize\hsize
+ \fi\fi}
+\def\dododostartframedtext[#1][#2][#3]% #3 only passed to framed, not to framedtext
+ {\doifsomething{#2}{\setvalue{\??kd#1\c!location}{#2}}% does not listen to #3
+ \setfalse\framedtextlocationnone
+ \processaction % \v!low en \v!depth are already taken !
+ [\framedtextparameter{#1}\c!location]
+ [ \v!left=>\letvalue{\??kd#1\c!left }\relax
+ \letvalue{\??kd#1\c!right}\hfill,
+ \v!right=>\letvalue{\??kd#1\c!left }\hfill
+ \letvalue{\??kd#1\c!right}\relax,
+ \v!middle=>\letvalue{\??kd#1\c!left }\hfill
+ \letvalue{\??kd#1\c!right}\hfill,
+ \v!none=>\letvalue{\??kd#1\c!left }\relax % new
+ \letvalue{\??kd#1\c!right}\relax % new
+ \settrue\framedtextlocationnone]%
+ \letvalue{\??kd#1\c!location}\empty
+ % removed 06/2001
+ % \forgetparindent
+ % added 06/2001 [see demo-bbv]
+ \localhsize\hsize \checkframedtext
+ % so far
+ \setbox\framebox\vbox
+ \startboxedcontent
+ \hsize\localhsize
+ % \insidefloattrue % ? better
+ \expanded{\switchtobodyfont[\framedtextparameter{#1}\c!bodyfont]}%
+ \startcolor[\framedtextparameter{#1}\c!color]%
+ \localframed[\??kd#1][\c!strut=\v!no,#3]% todo: use delayedstrut
+ \bgroup
+ \let\\=\endgraf
+ \framedtextparameter{#1}\c!inner % oud spul
+ \doifvalue{\??kd#1\c!depthcorrection}\v!on % new, inside box
+ {\bgroup
+ \verticalstrut
+ % we need \nowhitespace in case of setups setting whitespace
+ % nb, not safe, text vs \vbox as next
+ \vskip-\struttotal
+ \nowhitespace % na vskip ! new 20/05/2004, fails with next content being box (\scale{..})
+ }%
+ \doinhibitblank % \blank[\v!disable]% plaatst signal
+ \doconvertfont{\framedtextparameter{#1}\c!style}\empty
+ \def\dostopframedtext{\dodostopframedtext{#1}{#2}}}
+%D The \type {none} option is handy for nested usage, as
+%D in the presentation styles, where we don't want
+%D interference.
+\def\dodostopframedtext#1#2% % no \baselinecorrection, see faq docs
+ {\endgraf
+ \removelastskip
+ \doifvalue{\??kd#1\c!depthcorrection}\v!on % local and global
+ {\forgetall
+ \vskip-\struttotal
+ \verticalstrut
+ \egroup
+ \forgetall
+ \vskip-\lineheight
+ % will be an option, not default
+ % \setbaselinecorrections
+ % \donegbotbaselinecorrection
+ \verticalstrut}
+ \stopboxedcontent
+ \stopcolor
+ \ifconditional\framedtextlocationnone
+ \egroup
+ \box\framebox
+ \else\ifinsidefloat
+ \egroup
+ \box\framebox
+ \else
+ \egroup
+ \doplacement[\??kd#1][\c!depthcorrection=\v!off]{\box\framebox}%
+ \fi\fi
+ \egroup}
+%D Placement can be ignored:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \hbox to \hsize \bgroup
+%D \startframedtext[none][width=.5\textwidth] \input tufte \stopframedtext
+%D \startframedtext[none][width=.5\textwidth] \input zapf \stopframedtext
+%D \egroup
+%D \hbox to \hsize \bgroup
+%D \setupframedtexts[location=none]%
+%D \startframedtext[width=.5\textwidth] \input zapf \stopframedtext
+%D \startframedtext[width=.5\textwidth] \input tufte \stopframedtext
+%D \egroup
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The simple brace (or group) delimited case is typeset
+%D slightly different and is not aligned.
+ {\bgroup\dodoubleempty\dodoframedtext}
+\def\dodoframedtext[#1][#2]% beware!
+ {\expanded{\switchtobodyfont[\getvalue{\??kd#1\c!bodyfont}]}%
+ \localframed[\??kd#1][\c!strut=\v!no,#2]%
+ \bgroup
+ \blank[\v!disable]%
+ \let\\=\endgraf
+ \getvalue{\??kd#1\c!inner}% % kleur naar outer level
+ \dostartattributes{\??kd#1}\c!style\c!color\empty
+ \bgroup
+ \aftergroup\docloseframedtext
+ \let\next=}
+ {\removelastskip
+ \dostopattributes
+ \egroup
+ \egroup}
+%D \macros
+%D {defineframed}
+%D One can also define simple framed texts, using:
+%D \showsetup{defineframed}
+ {\dodoubleempty\dodefineframed}
+ {\iffirstargument
+ \setvalue{#1}{\dodoubleempty\doframed[#2]}%
+ \fi}
+ {\framed[#1,#2]}
+%D \macros
+%D {textrule, starttextrule, setuptextrules}
+%D Putting rules before and after a paragraph is very space
+%D sensitive, but the next command handles that quite well. It
+%D comes in two disguises:
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \textrule[top]{fragments}
+%D \input reich
+%D \textrule
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \bgroup \typebuffer \getbuffer \egroup
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \setuptextrules
+%D [width=90pt,distance=12pt,rulecolor=blue,
+%D bodyfont=small,style=\sc,color=red]
+%D \starttextrule{Ship Building Tools}
+%D \nl \setuptolerance[tolerant] \input materie
+%D \stoptextrule
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \bgroup \typebuffer \getbuffer \egroup
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \setuptextrules
+%D [location=inmargin,
+%D bodyfont=small,style=slantedbold]
+%D \starttextrule{wonderful}
+%D \input tufte
+%D \stoptextrule
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \bgroup \typebuffer \getbuffer \egroup
+%D The formal definition of these commands is:
+%D \showsetup{textrule}
+%D \showsetup{starttextrule}
+%D \showsetup{setuptextrules}
+%D The implementation looks a bit complicated due to the
+%D optional arguments.
+ {\dodoubleargument\getparameters[\??tl]}
+\def\complextextrule[#1]% if needed we can make it installable
+ {\let\next\dobottomtextrule
+ \processaction
+ [#1]
+ [ \v!top=>\let\next\dotoptextrule,
+ \v!middle=>\let\next\domiddletextrule,
+ \v!bottom=>\let\next\dobottomtextrule]%
+ \dosinglegroupempty\next}
+ {\dosinglegroupempty\dounknowntextrule}
+ {\bgroup
+ \advance\hsize\dimexpr-\rightskip-\leftskip\relax
+ \setbox\scratchbox\hbox to \hsize
+ {\dimen4\dimexpr .5ex+.5\linewidth\relax
+ \dimen6\dimexpr-.5ex+.5\linewidth\relax
+ \doifnothing{#1}\firstargumentfalse
+ \iffirstargument
+ \doifelse\@@tllocation\v!inmargin
+ {\llap{\doattributes\??tl\c!style\c!color{#1}\hskip\leftmargindistance}}
+ {\color[\@@tlrulecolor]
+ {\vrule\!!height\dimen4\!!depth\dimen6\!!width\@@tlwidth}%
+ \hbox spread 2\dimexpr\@@tldistance\relax
+ {\hss\doattributes\??tl\c!style\c!color{\strut#1}\hss}}%
+ \fi
+ \color[\@@tlrulecolor]
+ {\leaders\hrule\!!height\dimen4\!!depth\dimen6\hfill}}%
+ \ht\scratchbox\strutht
+ \dp\scratchbox\strutdp
+ \noindent\box\scratchbox
+% evt \witruimte
+ \egroup}
+ {\page[\v!preference] % interferes
+ %\whitespace % no
+ \@@tlbefore
+ \docomplextextrule{#1}%
+% todo, option: \doifnothing{#1}{\ruledvskip-.5ex}
+ \nowhitespace
+ \@@tlinbetween
+ \endgraf}
+ {\ifhmode
+ \endgraf
+ \fi
+ \dimen0\strutdp
+ \ifdim\prevdepth>\strutdp\else % was <\strutdp
+ \ifdim\prevdepth>\zeropoint
+ \advance\dimen0 -\prevdepth
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \advance\dimen0 .5ex
+ \vskip\dimen0
+% ==
+% \vskip\dimexpr \strutdp + .5ex
+% \ifdim\prevdepth>\strutdp\else\ifdim\prevdepth>\zeropoint-\prevdepth\fi\fi\relax
+ \@@tlinbetween
+ \doifelsenothing{#2}
+ {\bgroup
+ \advance\hsize\dimexpr-\rightskip-\leftskip\relax
+ \nointerlineskip
+ \moveleft-\leftskip\vbox
+ {\color[\@@tlrulecolor]
+ {\hrule\!!depth\linewidth\!!height\zeropoint\!!width\hsize}}%
+ \egroup}
+ {\docomplextextrule{#2}}%
+ \ifvmode\prevdepth\zeropoint\fi
+ #1%
+ \page[\v!preference]}
+ {\dodobottomtextrule\@@tlafter}
+ {\dodobottomtextrule\@@tlinbetween}
+ {\iffirstargument
+ \@EA\dotoptextrule
+ \else
+ \@EA\dobottomtextrule\@EA\empty
+ \fi}
+%D The grouped commands also supports bodyfont switching:
+ {\bgroup
+ \def\dounknowntextrule{\domiddletextrule}
+ \dotoptextrule{#1}
+ \bgroup
+ \doifsomething\@@tlbodyfont{\switchtobodyfont[\@@tlbodyfont]}}
+ {\par
+ \egroup
+ \dobottomtextrule\empty
+ \egroup}
+%D \macros
+%D {fillinrules, setupfillinrules}
+%D The next few commands do not really deserve a place in a
+%D core module, because they deal with specific typography.
+%D Nevertheless I decided to make them part of the core,
+%D because they permit us to make questionaires. Let's start
+%D with some examples.
+%D \fillinrules[n=2,width=fit]{first}
+%D \fillinrules[n=2,width=broad]{first}
+%D \fillinrules[n=2,width=3cm]{first}
+%D \fillinrules[n=2,width=3cm,distance=.5em,separator=:]{first}
+%D \fillinrules[n=2]{first}{last}
+%D \fillintext{first}{last} \input reich \par
+%D The main command is \type{\fillinrules}. This command takes
+%D one and an optional second argument and sets a paragraph with
+%D empty visualized lines.
+%D \showsetup{fillinrules}
+%D \showsetup{setupfillinrules}
+ {\dodoubleargument\getparameters[\??il]}
+ {\def\docomplexfillinrules##1##2%
+ {\dodocomplexfillinrules[#1]{##1}{##2}{\thinrules
+ [\c!n=\@@iln,\c!interlinespace=\@@ilinterlinespace,\c!before=,\c!after=]}}%
+ \dodoublegroupempty\docomplexfillinrules}
+ {\endgraf
+ \@@ilbefore
+ \begingroup
+ \setupfillinrules[#1]%
+ \noindent
+ \doifsomething{#2}
+ {\doifelse\@@ilwidth\v!fit
+ {\let\@@ildistance\!!zeropoint
+ \hbox}
+ {\doifelse\@@ilwidth\v!broad
+ {\hbox}
+ {\hbox to \@@ilwidth}}%
+ \bgroup
+ \doattributes\??il\c!style\c!color{\strut#2\hfill\@@ilseparator}%
+ \hskip\@@ildistance
+ \egroup}%
+ %\hangindent=\wd0\relax % tzt hang=yes,n
+ %\parindent=\hangindent
+ %\box0\relax
+ \setupwhitespace[\v!big]%
+ \ignorespaces
+ #4%
+ \doifsomething{#3}
+ {\kern\@@ildistance
+ \doattributes\??il\c!style\c!color{#3\strut}}%
+ \endgroup
+ \endgraf
+ \@@ilafter}
+%D \macros
+%D {fillintext}
+%D To provide compatible layouts when texts and lines are
+%D mixed, one can typeset a paragraph by using the command
+%D \type{\fillintext}.
+%D \showsetup{fillintext}
+\def\complexfillintext[#1]% rather rough, using an \unhbox is suboptimal
+ {\def\docomplexfillintext##1##2%
+ {\dowithnextbox
+ {\dodocomplexfillinrules[#1]{##1}{\hfill##2}{\unhbox\nextbox\unskip}}%
+ \hbox\bgroup\let\par\egroup\ignorespaces}%
+ \dodoublegroupempty\docomplexfillintext}
+%D \macros
+%D {fillinline, setupfillinlines}
+%D Another member of the family takes care of putting a (often
+%D small) rule after a piece of text, like
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \fillinline \input reich \par
+%D \fillinline[margin=0cm] \input reich \par
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \startvoorbeeld
+%D \getbuffer
+%D \stopvoorbeeld
+%D which was typeset by saying:
+%D \typebuffer
+%D The two commands that take care of this are:
+%D \showsetup{fillinline}
+%D \showsetup{setupfillinlines}
+ {\dodoubleargument\getparameters[\??iv]}
+ {%\endgraf % interferes with \definedescription cum suis
+ \@@ivbefore
+ \begingroup
+ \setupfillinlines[#1]%
+ \advance\rightskip \@@ivmargin
+ \parfillskip\zeropoint
+ \def\par % very dangerous
+ {\let\par\endgraf % -)
+ \ifhmode\unskip\hfill\fi
+ \scratchdimen\dimexpr\@@ivwidth-\@@ivdistance\relax
+ \ifdim\scratchdimen>\@@ivmargin\else\expandafter\rlap\fi
+ {\kern\@@ivdistance
+ \vrule
+ \!!width \scratchdimen
+ \!!height.5\linewidth
+ \!!depth .5\linewidth}%
+ \endgraf % !
+ \endgroup
+ \endgraf % !
+ \@@ilafter}}
+%D \stopdocumentation
+%D \bgroup
+%D \setupframedtexts
+%D [setuptext]
+%D [background=color,backgroundcolor=white]
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \setupbackground
+%D [backgroundoffset=4pt,
+%D background=screen,
+%D frame=on,
+%D framecolor=red,
+%D leftoffset=2pt]
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \getbuffer
+%D \startbackground
+%D \macros
+%D {setupbackground,startbackground,background}
+%D The section deals with backgrounds in the running text. This
+%D means that texts is to be collected and split over pages. To
+%D show what can be done, we provide this part of the
+%D documentation with some gray background and a red frame.
+%D Both the background and frame can have all characteristics
+%D of \type{\framed}. This time we used the setting:
+%D \typebuffer
+%D The implementation is not that sophisticated, but suffices.
+%D The main problem with this kind of functionality is to get
+%D the spacing all right.
+%D Specifying the background is more or less the same as
+%D specifying a framed box.
+%D \showsetup{setupbackground}
+ {\getparameters[\??ag][#1]%
+ \doifelse\@@agstate\v!start
+ {\let\startbackground\dostartbackground
+ \let\stopbackground \dostopbackground
+ \let\background \dobackground}
+ {\let\startbackground\relax
+ \let\stopbackground \relax
+ \let\background \relax}}
+ {\dosingleargument\dosetupbackground}
+%D Actually typesetting the background is implemented rather
+%D straightforward. We need to handle some spacing as well as
+%D the (often) a bit smaller horizontal size.
+%D \showsetup{startbackground}
+%D Although we could have used a scratch one, we first
+%D declare a boolean.
+% 0=no-split, 1=no-split+indent, 2=split, 3=split+indent
+%D The \type{\vbox to \lineheight{}\vskip\zeropoint}
+%D construction gives the first real line a decent height by
+%D adding a dummy line.
+ {\endgraf
+ \bgroup
+ \setbox0\vbox\bgroup
+ \vbox to \lineheight{}\vskip\zeropoint
+ \blank[\v!disable]
+ % \advance\hsize -\@@agleftoffset
+ % \advance\hsize -\@@agrightoffset
+ \leftskip \@@agleftoffset % new **
+ \rightskip\@@agrightoffset} % new **
+%D This dummy line is removed by \type{\setbox2=\vsplit0 to
+%D \lineheight}. That way \type{\topskip} takes care of the
+%D lineheight. I'll probably forget to apply this trick
+%D elsewhere.
+\def\dostopbackground % improved version (i hope)
+ {\endgraf
+ \removelastskip
+ \egroup
+ \dimen2\leftskip % new **
+ \forgetall
+ \ifinsidefloat
+ \chardef\backgroundsplitmode\zerocount
+ \fi
+ \ifcase\backgroundsplitmode
+ \localframed[\??ag][\c!offset=\v!overlay]{\box0}%
+ \or
+ \hskip\dimen2
+ \localframed[\??ag][\c!offset=\v!overlay]{\box0}%
+ \else
+ \splitmaxdepth\boxmaxdepth
+ \splittopskip\topskip
+ \setbox2\vsplit0 to \lineheight % get rid of fake line
+ \loop
+ \ifdim\pagetotal=\zeropoint % empty page
+ \scratchdimen\textheight
+ \chardef\backgroundsplit\plusone % split to max height
+ \else
+ \setbox\scratchbox\vbox{\@@agbefore}%
+ \scratchdimen\dimexpr\pagegoal-\ht\scratchbox-\pagetotal\relax
+ \chardef\backgroundsplit\plustwo % split to partial height
+ \fi
+ \advance\scratchdimen\dimexpr-\@@agtopoffset-\@@agbottomoffset\relax
+ \ifdim\scratchdimen>2\lineheight\relax % reasonable, will be configurable
+ \ifdim\ht0>\scratchdimen % larger than page
+ \setbox2\vsplit0 to \scratchdimen
+ \else
+ \setbox2\box0
+ \chardef\backgroundsplit\zerocount % no split
+ \fi
+ \setbox2\vbox \ifcase\backgroundsplit\or to \textheight \fi % max split
+ {\vskip\@@agtopoffset
+ \popsplitproperties
+ \unvcopy2
+ \prevdepth\dp2
+ \obeydepth
+ \vskip\@@agbottomoffset
+ \vfill}
+ \@@agbefore
+ \ifcase\backgroundsplit\or\or % partial split
+ \ifdim\pagegoal<\maxdimen
+ \pagegoal=1.2\pagegoal % be a bit more tolerant
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \startlinecorrection
+ %\localframed[\??ag][\c!offset=\v!overlay]{\hskip\@@agleftoffset\box2\hskip\@@agrightoffset}%
+ \ifnum\backgroundsplitmode=\plusthree \hskip\dimen2 \fi %
+ \localframed[\??ag][\c!offset=\v!overlay]{\box2}% new **
+ \stoplinecorrection
+ \ifcase\backgroundsplit % no split
+ \@@agafter
+ \else % some split
+ \vfill\eject % geen \page !
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \page
+ \fi
+ \ifdim\ht0>\zeropoint \repeat
+ \fi
+ \egroup
+ \endgraf}
+%D As a bonus we also have a short command, that is of not
+%D much use, but kept there for historic reasons.
+%D \showsetup{background}
+ {\bgroup
+ \dowithnextbox
+ {\localframed[\??ag][\c!offset=\v!overlay]{\flushnextbox}\egroup}
+ \vbox}
+%D \stopdocumentation
+%D \stopbackground
+%D \egroup
+%D New, for the moment private; let's see when GB finds out
+%D about this one and its obscure usage. It's used in:
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \defineframedtext
+%D [tabulateframe]
+%D [offset=overlay,
+%D backgroundoffset=3pt,
+%D background=color,
+%D backgroundcolor=green]
+%D \setuptabulate
+%D [tabulate]
+%D [frame=tabulateframe]
+%D \setuptables
+%D [frame=tabulateframe]
+%D \input tufte
+%D \starttabulate[|l|l|]
+%D \NC test \NC test \NC \NR \NC test \NC test \NC \NR
+%D \NC test \NC test \NC \NR \NC test \NC test \NC \NR
+%D \stoptabulate
+%D \input tufte
+%D \starttable[|l|l|]
+%D \NC test \NC test \NC \AR \NC test \NC test \NC \AR
+%D \NC test \NC test \NC \AR \NC test \NC test \NC \AR
+%D \stoptable
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+ {\dodoubleempty\dodefineframedcontent}
+ {\presetlocalframed[\??fc#1]%
+ \getparameters[\??fc#1]
+ [\c!leftoffset=\zeropoint,
+ \c!rightoffset=\getvalue{\??fc#1\c!leftoffset},
+ \c!topoffset=\zeropoint,
+ \c!bottomoffset=\getvalue{\??fc#1\c!topoffset},
+ \c!strut=\v!no,
+ \c!offset=\v!overlay,
+ \c!linecorrection=\v!no,
+ \c!left=,
+ \c!right=,
+ #2]}
+ {\dodoubleempty\dosetupframedcontent}
+ {\def\docommand##1{\getparameters[\??fc##1][#2]}%
+ \processcommacommand[#1]\docommand}
+ {\bgroup
+ \let\stopframedcontent\egroup
+ \doifnot{#1}\v!off
+ {\doifdefined{\??fc#1\c!frame}
+ {\def\stopframedcontent{\dostopframedcontent{#1}}%
+ \dostartframedcontent{#1}}}}
+ {\setbox\framebox\hbox\bgroup
+ \setlocalhsize
+ \hsize\localhsize
+ \advance\hsize\dimexpr-\getvalue{\??fc#1\c!leftoffset}-\getvalue{\??fc#1\c!rightoffset} \relax
+ \advance\vsize\dimexpr-\getvalue{\??fc#1\c!topoffset} -\getvalue{\??fc#1\c!bottomoffset}\relax
+ \hskip\getvalue{\??fc#1\c!leftoffset}%
+ \vbox\bgroup
+ \vskip\getvalue{\??fc#1\c!topoffset}%
+ \vbox\bgroup
+ \forgetall
+ \blank[\v!disable]}
+ {\removelastskip
+ \egroup
+ \vskip\getvalue{\??fc#1\c!bottomoffset}%
+ \egroup
+ \hskip\getvalue{\??fc#1\c!rightoffset}%
+ \egroup
+ \doifvalue{\??fc#1\c!width}\v!fit
+ {\letvalue{\??fc#1\c!width}\v!fixed}% no shapebox
+ \ifinsidefloat
+ \donefalse
+ \else
+ \doifelsevalue{\??fc#1\c!linecorrection}\v!yes\donetrue\donefalse
+ \fi
+ % plaats ?
+ \ifdone\startlinecorrection\fi
+ \getvalue{\??fc#1\c!left}% new
+ \localframed[\??fc#1]{\box\framebox}%
+ \getvalue{\??fc#1\c!right}% new
+ \ifdone\stoplinecorrection\fi
+ \egroup}
+%D \macros
+%D {backgroundline}
+%D For the moment an undocumented feature, but a cancidate
+%D for going public.
+ %{\doifsomething{#1}{\dobackgroundline{#1}}\hbox}
+ {\doifcolorelse{#1}{\dobackgroundline{#1}\hbox}\hbox}
+% \def\backgroundline[#1]%
+% {\doifcolor{#1}{\dobackgroundline{#1}}\hbox}
+ {\dowithnextbox
+ {\hbox
+ {\localcolortrue
+ \startcolor[#1]%
+ \vrule
+ \!!width \nextboxwd
+ \!!height\nextboxht
+ \!!depth \nextboxdp
+ \stopcolor
+ \hskip-\nextboxwd
+ \flushnextbox}}}
+%D \macros
+%D {encircled}
+%D Some not so robust left||overs (borrowed from Knuth,
+%D \TEX Book\ page 356):
+ {{\ooalign{\hfil\raise0.07ex\hbox{{\tx#1}}\hfil\crcr\mathhexbox20D}}}
+ [\v!medium]
+ [\c!width=\v!fit,
+ \c!height=\v!broad,
+ \c!lines=,
+ \c!offset=0.25ex, % \defaultframeoffset
+ \c!empty=\v!no,
+ \c!frame=\v!on,
+ \c!topframe=,
+ \c!bottomframe=,
+ \c!leftframe=,
+ \c!rightframe=,
+ \c!radius=.5\bodyfontsize,
+ \c!rulethickness=\linewidth,
+ \c!corner=\v!rectangular,
+ \c!depth=\!!zeropoint,
+ \c!foregroundcolor=,
+ \c!foregroundstyle=,
+ \c!background=,
+ \c!backgroundscreen=\@@rsscreen,
+ \c!backgroundcolor=,
+ \c!backgroundoffset=\!!zeropoint,
+ \c!framecolor=,
+ \c!frameoffset=\!!zeropoint,
+ \c!backgroundcorner=\framedparameter\c!corner,
+ \c!backgroundradius=\framedparameter\c!radius,
+ \c!backgrounddepth=\framedparameter\c!depth,
+ \c!framecorner=\framedparameter\c!corner,
+ \c!frameradius=\framedparameter\c!radius,
+ \c!framedepth=\framedparameter\c!depth,
+ \c!component=,
+ \c!align=,
+ \c!bottom=\vss,
+ \c!top=,
+ \c!strut=\v!yes,
+ \c!autostrut=\v!yes,
+ \c!location=\v!normal,
+ \c!orientation=,
+ \c!autowidth=\v!yes,
+ \c!setups=]
+ [%\c!factor=1.0, % obsolete
+ %\c!method=\v!external, % obsolete
+ \c!screen=0.95]
+ [\c!n=3,
+ \c!width=1em,
+ \c!height=1ex,
+ \c!depth=\!!zeropoint,
+ \c!alternative=\c!a,
+ \c!distance=.25ex,
+ \c!color=]
+ [\c!level=0,
+ \c!rulethickness=\@@kadefaultwidth\linewidth]
+ [\c!interlinespace=\v!small,
+ \c!n=3,
+ \c!before=,
+ \c!inbetween={\blank[\v!white]},
+ \c!after=,
+ \c!color=,
+ \c!height=.5\linewidth,
+ \c!depth=.5\linewidth,
+ \c!frame=\v!on, % compatible with textbackgrounds
+ \c!alternative=\v!b,
+ \c!backgroundcolor=,
+ \c!background=,
+ \c!rulethickness=]
+ [\c!location=\v!left,
+ \c!before=\blank,
+ \c!after=\blank,
+ \c!inbetween=,
+ \c!width=2em,
+ \c!style=\v!bold,
+ \c!color=,
+ \c!rulecolor=,
+ \c!bodyfont=,
+ \c!distance=.5em]
+ [\c!width=\v!broad,
+ \c!distance=1em,
+ \c!before=\blank,
+ \c!after=\blank,
+ \c!n=1,
+ \c!interlinespace=\v!small,
+ \c!separator=,
+ \c!style=\v!normal,
+ \c!color=]
+ [\c!width=3cm,
+ \c!margin=\@@ivwidth,
+ \c!distance=1em,
+ \c!before=\blank,
+ \c!after=\blank]
+ [\c!leftoffset=.5\bodyfontsize,
+ \c!rightoffset=\@@agleftoffset,
+ \c!topoffset=\!!zeropoint,
+ \c!bottomoffset=\@@agtopoffset,
+ \c!state=\v!start,
+ \c!radius=.5\bodyfontsize,
+ \c!corner=\v!rectangular,
+ \c!frame=\v!off,
+ \c!color=,
+ \c!depth=\!!zeropoint,
+ \c!background=\v!screen,
+ \c!backgroundcolor=\@@agcolor,
+ \c!screen=\@@rsscreen,
+ \c!before=,
+ \c!after=]
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/page-app.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/page-app.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..75e0cf874
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/page-app.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=page-app, % from meta-fig
+%D version=1998.01.15,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Page Macros,
+%D subtitle=Independent page building,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Page Macros / Applications}
+%D The fitting page code is moved from \type {meta-fig} to
+%D here.
+ [\??fp\s!dummy]
+ [\c!width=\fittingwd,
+ \c!height=\fittinght]
+ [\??fp\s!dummy]
+ [\c!width=\fittingwd,\c!height=\fittinght,\c!location=\v!middle,
+ \c!topspace=\!!zeropoint,\c!backspace=\!!zeropoint,
+ \c!cutspace=\!!zeropoint,\c!bottomspace=\!!zeropoint,
+ \c!textdistance=\!!zeropoint,\c!lines=0,\c!grid=\v!no,
+ \c!top=\!!zeropoint,\c!bottom=\!!zeropoint,
+ \c!margin=\!!zeropoint,\c!edge=\!!zeropoint,
+ \c!leftmargin=\!!zeropoint,\c!leftedge=\!!zeropoint,
+ \c!rightmargin=\!!zeropoint,\c!rightedge=\!!zeropoint,
+ \c!header=\!!zeropoint,\c!footer=\!!zeropoint]
+ {\page % this is kind of tricky! there can be preceding page refs
+ \autostarttext
+ \bgroup % resulting in a zero height page; test fig-make !
+ \def\currentfittingpage{#1}%
+ \dontcomplain
+ % runs under current page regime, i.e. page variables passed to mp
+ \getparameters[\currentfittingpage][\c!paper=,#2]% auto or size or nothing
+ \setbox\scratchbox\hbox
+ \bgroup
+ % needed later \getparameters[\currentfittingpage][\c!paper=,#2]% auto or size or nothing
+ \doifvalue{\currentfittingpage\c!margin}\v!page % undocumented
+ {\offsetbox
+ [\c!leftoffset=\backspace,
+ \c!rightoffset=\cutspace,
+ \c!topoffset=\topspace,
+ \c!bottomoffset=\bottomspace]\hbox}%
+ \bgroup
+ \scale[\c!scale=\getvalue{\currentfittingpage\c!scale}]%
+ \bgroup\localframed[\currentfittingpage]%
+ \bgroup}
+ {\egroup % localframed
+ \egroup % scale
+ \egroup % offsetbox
+ \egroup % scratchbox
+ \edef\fittingwd{\the\wd\scratchbox}%
+ \edef\fittinght{\the\ht\scratchbox}%
+ \startlocallayout
+ \ifdim\fittinght<\lineheight
+ % write status : too small
+ \setbox\scratchbox\vbox to \lineheight{\vss\box\scratchbox\vss}%
+ \edef\fittinght{\the\lineheight}%
+ \fi
+ \let\checkcurrentlayout\relax % else interference with odd/even layout
+ \processaction
+ [\getvalue{\currentfittingpage\c!paper}]
+ [ \v!auto=>\let\fittingpapersize\printpapersize,
+ \s!unknown=>\let\fittingpapersize\commalistelement,
+ \s!default=>\def\fittingpapersize{\??fp\s!dummy}]%
+ \expanded{\setuppapersize[\??fp\s!dummy][\fittingpapersize]}%
+ \definelayout
+ [\v!page]%
+ [\c!location=\v!middle,
+ \c!width=\fittingwd,
+ \c!height=\fittinght]%
+ \setuplayout
+ [\v!page]%
+ \startmakeup[\v!standard][\c!textstate=\v!empty,\c!doublesided=\v!no,\c!page=]%
+ \centerbox{\box\scratchbox}%
+ \stopmakeup
+ \stoplocallayout
+ \egroup
+ \autostoptext}
+%D \TEX\ pages (for \METAPOST\ pages, see \type {meta-fig}):
+ {\dodoubleargument\getparameters[\??tg]}
+ {\dosingleempty\dostartTEXpage}
+ {\dostartfittingpage[\??tg][#1]\gobblespacetokens}
+ {\removelastspace
+ \dostopfittingpage}
+ [\c!scale=1000,
+ \c!strut=\v!no,
+ \c!align=\v!normal, % needed, else problems !
+ \c!offset=\v!overlay,
+ \c!width=\v!fit,
+ \c!height=\v!fit,
+ \c!frame=\v!off]
+%D For Mojca:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \startTEXstream \chapter{Bla} Hello world!\crlf Hello world! \stopTEXstream
+%D \startTEXpage \chapter{Bla} Hello world!\crlf Hello world! \stopTEXpage
+%D \stoptyping
+%D maybe I should support stream=yes in framed.
+ {\dosingleempty\dostartTEXstream}
+ {\page
+ \defineoutputstream[tex]%
+ \enableoutputstream[tex]%
+ \def\stopTEXstream
+ {\disableoutputstream
+ \startTEXpage
+ \outputstreamunvbox[tex]%
+ \stopTEXpage}}
+%D Application pages (for an example, see \type {m-pstric}):
+ {\immediate\openout\scratchwrite=\bufferprefix\@@texdim.tmp
+ \immediate\write\scratchwrite{\dimen#1=\the\ht\scratchbox}%
+ \immediate\write\scratchwrite{\dimen#2=\the\wd\scratchbox}%
+ \immediate\closeout\scratchwrite}
+ {\readlocfile{\bufferprefix\@@texdim.tmp}\donothing\donothing}
+ {\dosingleempty\dostartTEXapplication}
+ {\bgroup
+ \bgroup
+ \let\f!temporaryextension\c!tex
+ \setbuffer[\@@texapp]%
+ \starttext
+ #2% preamble
+ \startTEXpage[#1]%
+ \topskip\zeropoint
+ \setbox\scratchbox\hbox{#3}%
+ \saveTEXapplication02% dimensions
+ \box\scratchbox
+ \stopTEXpage
+ \stoptext
+ \endbuffer
+ \egroup
+ \doifelse\jobsuffix{dvi}\donetrue\donefalse
+ \executesystemcommand{texexec \bufferprefix\@@texapp.tex --once --batch}%
+ \ifdone % eps
+ \executesystemcommand{dvips -E* -o \@@texapp.eps \@@texapp}%
+ \else % pdf
+ \executesystemcommand{dvips \bufferprefix\@@texapp}%
+ \executesystemcommand{ps2pdf \bufferprefix\ \bufferprefix\@@texapp.pdf}%
+% \executesystemcommand{texmfstart pstopdf \bufferprefix\ \bufferprefix\@@texapp.pdf}%
+ \fi
+ \restoreTEXapplication % dimensions
+ \doifelse\jobsuffix{dvi}\donetrue\donefalse
+ \setbox\scratchbox\hbox
+ {\expanded{\externalfigure
+ [\bufferprefix\@@texapp.\ifdone eps\else pdf\fi]
+ [\c!object=\v!no]}}%
+ \setbox\scratchbox\hbox
+ {\lower\ht\scratchbox\hbox{\raise\dimen2\box\scratchbox}}%
+ \wd\scratchbox\dimen0
+ \ht\scratchbox\dimen2
+ \dp\scratchbox\zeropoint
+ \box\scratchbox
+ \egroup}
+%D \macros
+%D {startpagefigure}
+%D \starttyping
+%D \starttext \pagefigure[two.1] \stoptext
+%D \stoptyping
+ {\dodoubleempty\dostartpagefigure}
+ {\bgroup
+ \getparameters[\??ex][\c!offset=\v!overlay,#2]%
+ \startTEXpage[\c!offset=\@@exoffset]%
+ \externalfigure[#1][#2]\ignorespaces} % so we can put some text below the graphic
+ {\stopTEXpage
+ \egroup}
+ {\dodoubleempty\dopagefigure}
+ {\dostartpagefigure[#1][#2]\stoppagefigure}
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/page-bck.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/page-bck.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4c636d29e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/page-bck.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,593 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=page-bck, % copied from main-001
+%D version=1997.03.31,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Page Macros,
+%D subtitle=Backgrounds,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Page Macros / Backgrounds}
+% \chardef\kindofpagetextareas=1 will isolate graphics from backgrounds
+% messages moved
+% messages moved
+% messages moved
+% messages moved
+% messages moved
+% messages moved
+% messages moved
+% messages moved
+%D \macros
+%D {recalculatebackgrounds}
+%D We use a couple of switches so that we can minimize the
+%D amount of background calculations. The main switch is set
+%D by the recalculate directive.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \recalculatebackgrounds
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Other modules may not directly set the switches
+%D themselves.
+%D For special purposes, users can question the \type
+%D {*background} mode. This mode is only available when
+%D typesetting the pagebody.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \startmode[*background] ...
+%D \stoptyping
+ \ifsomebackground \ifnewbackground \setsystemmode\v!background \fi \fi
+\to \everybeforepagebody
+%D \macros
+%D {addmainbackground, addtextbackground,
+%D addpagebackground, addprintbackground}
+%D Apart from the previously mentioned directive, the
+%D interface between this module and the other modules
+%D is made up by four macros that add background to parts of
+%D the layout.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \addmainbackground <box>
+%D \addtextbackground <box>
+%D \addpagebackground <box>
+%D \addprintbackground <box>
+%D \stoptyping
+%D To minimize calculations, we keep track of the state of the
+%D background of each area. A previous implementation did
+%D check each call to the background calculation macro, but
+%D using an intermediate usage flag instead of testing each
+%D time saves about 3\% on a run with a couple of backgrounds.
+%D (On the 824 pages maps bibliography runtime went down from
+%D 309 to 299 seconds.)
+ {\edef\!!stringe{\??ma#1}%
+ \doifelsevaluenothing{\!!stringe\c!background }
+ {\doifelsevaluenothing{\!!stringe\c!foregroundcolor}
+ {\doifelsevalue{\!!stringe\c!frame }\v!on\!!doneatrue
+ {\doifelsevalue{\!!stringe\c!leftframe }\v!on\!!doneatrue
+ {\doifelsevalue{\!!stringe\c!rightframe}\v!on\!!doneatrue
+ {\doifelsevalue{\!!stringe\c!topframe }\v!on\!!doneatrue
+ {\doifelsevalue{\!!stringe\c!bottomframe }\v!on\!!doneatrue
+ \!!doneafalse}}}}}
+ \!!doneatrue}
+ \!!doneatrue
+ \if!!donea
+ \setusage \!!stringe
+ \else
+ \resetusage\!!stringe
+ \fi}
+ {\ifusage{\??ma#1}}
+% \def\doifsomebackgroundelse#1#2#3%
+% {\ifusage{\??ma#1}#2\else#3\fi}
+ {\ifusage{\??ma#1}%
+ \expandafter\firstoftwoarguments
+ \else
+ \expandafter\secondoftwoarguments
+ \fi}
+%D The background mechanism falls back on the \type {\framed}
+%D macro. This means that all normal frame and overlay
+%D features can be used.
+\def\addsomebackground#1#2#3#4% area box width height / zero test added
+ {\ifsomebackgroundfound#1\ifdim#3>\zeropoint\ifdim#4>\zeropoint
+ \doifvaluesomething{\??ma#1\c!setups}{\setups[\getvalue{\??ma#1\c!setups}]}% should not produce funny spaces !
+ \setbox#2\vbox\fastlocalframed
+ [\??ma#1]
+ [\c!component=#1,\c!strut=\v!no,\c!offset=\v!overlay,\c!setups=,%
+ \c!width=#3,\c!height=#4]
+ {\dp#2\zeropoint\box#2}%
+ \fi\fi\fi}
+%D There are quite some backgrounds. At the bottom layer,
+%D there is the {\em paper} background. This one is only
+%D used for special purposes, like annotations to documents.
+ {\addsomebackground
+ \v!paper#1\printpaperwidth\printpaperheight}
+%D The page backgrounds can be put behind the {\em left
+%D page}, the {\em right page} or {\em each page}. As with
+%D the paper background, these are calculated on each page.
+ {\doifbothsidesoverruled
+ {\addsomebackground\v!rightpage#1\paperwidth\paperheight}
+ {\addsomebackground\v!rightpage#1\paperwidth\paperheight}
+ {\addsomebackground\v!leftpage #1\paperwidth\paperheight}%
+ \addsomebackground\v!page #1\paperwidth\paperheight}
+%D Then there are the 25 areas that make up the layout: {\em
+%D top, header, text, footer, bottom} times {\em left edge,
+%D left margin, text, right margin, right edge}. These are
+%D only recalculated when they change or when the \type
+%D {status} is set to \type {repeat}.
+\def\addmainbackground#1% todo: dimension spec
+ {\ifsomebackground
+ \ifnewbackground \setbackgroundboxes \fi
+ \setbox#1\vbox
+ {\offinterlineskip
+ \doifmarginswapelse
+ {\copy\leftbackground}{\copy\rightbackground}%
+ \box#1}%
+ \fi}
+%D Finaly there is an aditional {\em text} background, again
+%D useful for special purposes only. This one is calculated
+%D each time. The hidden backgrounds are not meant for users!
+ {\ifconditional\hiddenbackgroundenabled
+ \addsomebackground\v!hidden#1\makeupwidth\textheight % mine !
+ \fi
+ \addsomebackground\v!text#1\makeupwidth\textheight}
+%D The next couple of macros implement the area backgrounds.
+%D As said, these are cached in dedicated boxes. The offsets
+%D and depth of the page are used for alignment purposes.
+\newdimen\pageoffset % bleed
+\let\pagebackgrounddepth \!!zeropoint
+% \def\setbackgroundboxes
+% {\showmessage\m!layouts8\empty
+% \setbackgroundbox\leftbackground\relax
+% \ifdoublesided
+% \setbackgroundbox\rightbackground\doswapmargins
+% \fi
+% \doifnot\@@mastatus\v!herhaal{\global\newbackgroundfalse}}
+%D We need a bit more clever mechanism in order to handle
+%D layers well. This means that we cannot calculate both
+%D background at the same time since something may have
+%D changed halfway a page.
+\chardef\newleftbackground \zerocount
+ {\global\newbackgroundtrue}
+ {\ifnewbackground
+ \global\chardef\newrightbackground\plusone
+ \global\chardef\newleftbackground\plusone
+ \global\setbox\leftbackground\emptybox
+ \global\setbox\rightbackground\emptybox
+ \fi
+ \doifbothsides
+ {\ifcase\newleftbackground \else
+ % \showmessage\m!layouts8\empty
+ \setbackgroundbox\leftbackground\relax
+ \global\chardef\newleftbackground\zerocount
+ \global\chardef\newrightbackground\zerocount
+ \fi}
+ {\ifcase\newleftbackground \else
+ % \showmessage\m!layouts8\empty
+ \setbackgroundbox\leftbackground\relax
+ \global\chardef\newleftbackground\zerocount
+ \fi}
+ {\ifcase\newrightbackground \else
+ % \showmessage\m!layouts8\empty
+ \setbackgroundbox\rightbackground\doswapmargins
+ \global\chardef\newrightbackground\zerocount
+ \fi}%
+ \ifx\@@mastate\v!repeat\else\global\newbackgroundfalse\fi}
+\def\addmainbackground#1% todo: dimension spec
+ {\ifsomebackground
+ \setbackgroundboxes
+ \setbox#1\vbox
+ {\offinterlineskip
+ \doifmarginswapelse
+ {\copy\leftbackground}
+ {\copy\rightbackground}
+ \box#1}%
+ \fi}
+ {\ifsomebackground \ifnewbackground
+ \global\let\pagebackgroundhoffset\!!zeropoint
+ \global\let\pagebackgroundvoffset\!!zeropoint
+ \global\let\pagebackgrounddepth \!!zeropoint
+ \doifsomebackgroundelse{\v!text\v!text}\donetrue\donefalse
+ \ifdone\else\doifsomebackgroundelse\v!text\donetrue\donothing\fi
+ \ifdone
+ \bgroup
+ \scratchdimen\getvalue{\??ma\v!page\c!offset}%
+ \doifsomebackgroundelse{\v!top\v!text}\donothing
+ {\doifsomebackgroundelse{\v!bottom\v!text}\donothing
+ {\xdef\pagebackgroundhoffset{\the\scratchdimen}}}%
+ \doifsomebackgroundelse{\v!text\v!rightedge}\donothing
+ {\doifsomebackgroundelse{\v!text\v!leftedge}\donothing
+ {\xdef\pagebackgroundvoffset{\the\scratchdimen}%
+ \scratchdimen\getvalue{\??ma\v!page\c!depth}%
+ \xdef\pagebackgrounddepth{\the\scratchdimen}}}%
+ \egroup
+ \fi
+ \fi \fi}
+\appendtoks \setbackgroundoffsets \to \everybeforepagebody
+\newconditional\swapbackgroundmargins \settrue\swapbackgroundmargins
+ {\global\setbox#1\vbox
+ {\dontcomplain
+ \swapmargins
+ \ifconditional\swapbackgroundmargins
+ \doifmarginswapelse \donothing
+ {\swapmacros\v!rightmargin\v!leftmargin
+ \swapmacros\v!rightedge \v!leftedge}%
+ \fi
+ \calculatereducedvsizes
+ \offinterlineskip
+ #2\relax
+ \vskip\dimexpr-\topheight-\topdistance\relax
+ \dodopagebodybackground\v!top\topheight
+ \vskip\topdistance
+ \dodopagebodybackground\v!header\headerheight
+ \vskip\headerdistance
+ \dodopagebodybackground\v!text\textheight
+ \vskip\footerdistance
+ \dodopagebodybackground\v!footer\footerheight
+ \vskip\bottomdistance
+ \dodopagebodybackground\v!bottom\bottomheight
+ \vfilll}%
+ \smashbox#1}
+ {\ifdim#2>\zeropoint % added, faster
+ \setbox\scratchbox\vbox to #2
+ \bgroup\hbox\bgroup
+ % \swapmargins
+ \goleftonpage
+ \dododopagebodybackground\leftedgewidth #2#1\v!leftedge
+ \hskip\leftedgedistance
+ \dododopagebodybackground\leftmarginwidth #2#1\v!leftmargin
+ \hskip\leftmargindistance
+ \dododopagebodybackground\makeupwidth #2#1\v!text
+ \hskip\rightmargindistance
+ \dododopagebodybackground\rightmarginwidth#2#1\v!rightmargin
+ \hskip\rightedgedistance
+ \dododopagebodybackground\rightedgewidth #2#1\v!rightedge
+ \egroup\egroup
+ \wd\scratchbox\zeropoint
+ \box\scratchbox\relax
+ \fi}
+\def\dododopagebodybackground#1#2#3#4% width height pos pos
+ {\ifsomebackgroundfound{#3#4}%
+ \ifdim#2>\zeropoint\relax
+ \ifdim#1>\zeropoint\relax
+ \doifvaluesomething{\??ma#3#4\c!setups}{\setups[\getvalue{\??ma#3#4\c!setups}]}% should not produce funny spaces !
+ \fastlocalframed
+ [\??ma#3#4]
+ [\c!component=#3-#4,\c!offset=\v!overlay,\c!setups=]
+ {\vbox to #2{\vss\hbox to#1{\hss\getvalue{\??ma#3#4\c!command}\hss}\vss}}%
+ \else
+ \hskip#1%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \hskip#1%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \hskip#1%
+ \fi}
+%D The background mechanism is quite demanding in terms or
+%D resources. We used to delay these definitions till runtime
+%D usage, but since today's \TEX's are large, we now do the
+%D work on forehand.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \setupbackgrounds [settings]
+%D \setupbackgrounds [paper,page,text,..] [settings]
+%D \setupbackgrounds [top,...] [leftedge,...] [settings]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D \showsetup{setupbackgrounds}
+%D Because the number of arguments runs from one to three,
+%D we need to check for it.
+ {\dotripleempty\dosetupbackgrounds}
+ {\ifthirdargument
+ \global\somebackgroundtrue
+ \def\docommand##1%
+ {\doifinsetelse{##1}{\v!paper,\v!page,\v!leftpage,\v!rightpage}
+ {\getparameters[\??ma##1][#3]\checkbackground{##1}}
+ {\def\dodocommand####1{\getparameters[\??ma##1####1][#3]\checkbackground{##1####1}}%
+ \processcommalist[#2]\dodocommand}}%
+ \processcommalist[#1]\docommand
+ \else\ifsecondargument
+ \global\somebackgroundtrue
+ \doifcommonelse{#1}{\v!text,\v!hidden,\v!paper,\v!page,\v!leftpage,\v!rightpage}
+ {\def\docommand##1{\getparameters[\??ma##1][#2]\checkbackground{##1}}%
+ \processcommalist[#1]\docommand}%
+ {\setupbackgrounds
+ [#1]%
+ [\v!leftedge,\v!leftmargin,\v!text,\v!rightmargin,\v!rightedge]%
+ [#2]}%
+ \else\iffirstargument
+ \getparameters[\??ma][#1]%
+ \fi\fi\fi
+ \doifelsevalue{\??ma\v!page\c!offset}\v!overlay
+ {\global\pageoffset\zeropoint}
+ {\global\pageoffset\getvalue{\??ma\v!page\c!offset}}%
+ \global\pagedepth\getvalue{\??ma\v!page\c!depth}%
+ \xdef\pagebackgroundoffset{\the\pageoffset}%
+ \xdef\pagebackgrounddepth {\the\pagedepth }%
+ \doifelse\@@mastate\v!stop
+ {\global\newbackgroundfalse}
+ {\global\newbackgroundtrue }}
+\let\pagebackgrounddepth \!!zeropoint
+%D Each areas (currently there are $1+3+25+1=30$ of them)
+%D has its own low level framed object associated.
+\presetlocalframed [\??ma\v!paper]
+\presetlocalframed [\??ma\v!page]
+\presetlocalframed [\??ma\v!leftpage]
+\presetlocalframed [\??ma\v!rightpage]
+ [\??ma\v!paper\c!frame][\??ma\v!page]
+ [\c!offset,\c!depth,\c!radius,\c!corner,\c!color,\c!screen]
+ [\??ma\v!paper\c!background][\??ma\v!page]
+ [\c!offset,\c!depth,\c!radius,\c!corner,\c!color,\c!screen]
+ [\??ma\v!page\c!frame][\??ma\v!page]
+ [\c!offset,\c!depth,\c!radius,\c!corner,\c!color,\c!screen]
+ [\??ma\v!page\c!background][\??ma\v!page]
+ [\c!offset,\c!depth,\c!radius,\c!corner,\c!color,\c!screen]
+ [\??ma\v!leftpage\c!frame][\??ma\v!leftpage]
+ [\c!offset,\c!depth,\c!radius,\c!corner,\c!color,\c!screen]
+ [\??ma\v!leftpage\c!background][\??ma\v!leftpage]
+ [\c!offset,\c!depth,\c!radius,\c!corner,\c!color,\c!screen]
+ [\??ma\v!rightpage\c!frame][\??ma\v!rightpage]
+ [\c!offset,\c!depth,\c!radius,\c!corner,\c!color,\c!screen]
+ [\??ma\v!rightpage\c!background][\??ma\v!rightpage]
+ [\c!offset,\c!depth,\c!radius,\c!corner,\c!color,\c!screen]
+%D We save some keying by defining the areas using
+%D intermediate commands. The inheritance macro makes sure
+%D that copies are efficient.
+ {\copylocalframed
+ [\??ma#1#2][\??ma\v!page]%
+ \getparameters
+ [\??ma#1#2]
+ [\c!background=,\c!frame=,\c!color=,\c!screen=\@@rsscreen,
+ \c!bottomframe=,\c!topframe=,\c!leftframe=,\c!rightframe=]%
+ \inheritparameter[\??ma][#1#2\c!color][\v!page\c!color]%
+ \inheritparameter[\??ma][#1#2\c!screen][\v!page\c!screen]%
+ \inheritparameter[\??ma][#1#2\c!framecolor][\v!page\c!framecolor]%
+ \inheritparameter[\??ma][#1#2\c!backgroundcolor][\v!page\c!backgroundcolor]%
+ \inheritparameter[\??ma][#1#2\c!backgroundscreen][\v!page\c!backgroundscreen]}
+%D The stand alone text area inherits from the page too.
+\dodocommand\v!text \empty
+%D We now define all 25 main areas in a row.
+ {\dodocommand#1\v!leftedge
+ \dodocommand#1\v!leftmargin
+ \dodocommand#1\v!text
+ \dodocommand#1\v!rightmargin
+ \dodocommand#1\v!rightedge}
+%D We need some cleanup now.
+\let\dodocommand\relax \let\docommand\relax
+%D We now set up the individual areas to use reasonable
+%D defaults.
+ [\c!state=\c!start]
+ [\v!paper,\v!page,\v!leftpage,\v!rightpage]
+ [\c!frame=\v!off,
+ \c!radius=.5\bodyfontsize,
+ \c!corner=\v!rectangular,
+ \c!background=,
+ \c!screen=\@@rsscreen,
+ \c!color=,
+ %\c!frameoffset=\getvalue{\??ma\v!page\c!offset},
+ %\c!backgroundoffset=\getvalue{\??ma\v!page\c!offset},
+ \c!offset=\!!zeropoint, % later set to \v!overlay, watch out !
+ \c!depth=\!!zeropoint]
+ {\inheritparameter[\??ma][#1\c!frameoffset][\v!page\c!offset]%
+ \inheritparameter[\??ma][#1\c!backgroundoffset][\v!page\c!offset]}
+%D Again we clean up temporary macros.
+%D The hidden layer can be populated by extending the
+%D following comma separated list. This only happens in core
+%D modules.
+% todo page-2 .. page+2 achter pagina -> bleed
+% spread-2 .. spread+2 achter spread -> spread (repeat 2 times)
+ {\global\settrue\hiddenbackgroundenabled
+ \global\somebackgroundtrue
+ \recalculatebackgrounds}
+ {\global\setfalse\hiddenbackgroundenabled}
+ {\v!text-2,\v!text-1,\v!foreground,\v!text+1,\v!text+2}
+ [\v!hidden]
+ [\c!background=\hiddenbackground]
+% The next series is used in local (for instance floating)
+% backgrounds.
+ [\??ma\v!local]
+ {\v!local-2,\v!local-1,\v!foreground,\v!local+1,\v!local+2}
+ {\ifconditional\hiddenbackgroundenabled
+ \expandafter\doaddlocalbackground
+ \else
+ \resetglobal \expandafter\gobbleoneargument
+ \fi}
+ {\dodoglobal\setbox#1\hbox
+ {\fastlocalframed % \localframed
+ [\??ma\v!local]
+ [\c!component=local,\c!frame=\v!off,\c!offset=\v!overlay,\c!setups=,%
+ \c!location=\v!keep,% when we use \localframed instead of \fastlocalframed
+ \c!background=\localbackground]%
+ {\registerMPlocaltextarea{\box#1}}}%
+ \resetglobal % redundant
+ \doglobal\increment\localpositionnumber\relax} % afterwards !
+% Test how previous macro behaves with depth:
+% \startcolumnset
+% \input tufte
+% \placefigure{none}{\framed[lines=5]{xxx}}
+% \input tufte
+% \placefigure{none}{\starttabulate\NC test\nc test\NC\NR\stoptabulate}
+% \input tufte
+% \stopcolumnset
+%D Because we haven't really set up backgrounds yet, we set
+%D the main efficiency switch to false.
+\protect \endinput
+%D Removed \quote {features}:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \startinteraction
+%D \doifmarginswapelse
+%D {\copy\leftbackground}
+%D {\copy\rightbackground}%
+%D \stopinteraction
+%D \stoptyping
+%D \starttyping
+%D \edef\setpagebackgrounddepth%
+%D {\dp#2=\the\dp#2}%
+%D \setbox#2=\vbox\localframed[\??ma#1]{...}
+%D \setpagebackgrounddepth
+%D \stoptyping
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/page-flw.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/page-flw.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ba8fd3eab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/page-flw.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=page-flw,
+%D version=2003.04.19, % from test-002 (1997) profile experiment
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Page Macros,
+%D subtitle=Text Flows,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Page Macros / Text Flows}
+%D This is high experimental and especially flushing may change (proper
+%D spacing is the driving force here).
+ {\dodoubleempty\dodefinetextflow}
+\def\dodefinetextflow[#1][#2]% flow settings
+ {\iffirstargument
+ \doiftextflowcollectorelse{#1}
+ {\setbox\textflowcollector{#1}\emptybox}
+ {\@EA\newbox\csname\??tx:c:#1\endcsname}%
+ \getparameters[\??tx:p:#1]
+ [\c!width=\hsize,\c!style=,#2]%
+ \fi}
+\def\textflowcollector #1{\csname\??tx:c:#1\endcsname}
+ {\doiftextflowcollectorelse{#1}
+ {\ifvoid\textflowcollector{#1}%
+ \expandafter\secondoftwoarguments
+ \else
+ \expandafter\firstoftwoarguments
+ \fi}
+ {\secondoftwoarguments}}
+ {\doiftextflowelse{#1}\firstofoneargument\gobbleoneargument}
+ {\doiftextflowcollectorelse{#1}
+ {\global\setbox\textflowcollector{#1}\vbox
+ \bgroup
+ \unvbox\textflowcollector{#1}%
+ \hsize\textflowparameter{#1}\c!width
+ \doifsomething{\textflowparameter{#1}\c!style}%
+ {\doconvertfont{\textflowparameter{#1}\c!style}}%
+ \def\stoptextflow{\endgraf\egroup}}
+ {\let\stoptextflow\relax}}
+ {\doiftextflow{#1}
+ {\ifdim\ht\textflowcollector{#1}>\vsize
+ \setbox\scratchbox\vsplit\textflowcollector{#1} to \vsize
+ \unvbox\scratchbox
+ \else
+ \unvbox\textflowcollector{#1}%
+ \fi}}
+\protect \endinput
+% Example (dutch)
+% \stelpapierformaatin [S6]
+% \steltolerantiein [soepel,rek]
+% \stelkleurenin [status=start]
+% \stelvoetin [strut=nee]
+% \stelwitruimtein [groot]
+% \stellayoutin
+% [rechterrand=5cm,breedte=passend,marge=0pt,randafstand=1cm,
+% voet=4cm,voetafstand=1cm,hoofd=0cm]
+% \stelteksttekstenin[rand][][\vbox{\flushtextflow{alpha}}]
+% \stelvoettekstenin [rand][][\vbox{\flushtextflow{beta}}]
+% \stelvoettekstenin [\vbox{\flushtextflow{gamma}}][]
+% \definetextflow [alfa] [breedte=\rechterrandbreedte]
+% \definetextflow [beta] [breedte=\rechterrandbreedte]
+% \definetextflow [gamma] [breedte=\voethoogte]
+% \starttekst
+% \dorecurse{50}
+% {\getrandomnumber{\funny}{0}{8}
+% \ifcase\funny \starttextflow[alfa] \input tufte.tex \stoptextflow
+% \or \starttextflow[beta] \input knuth.tex \stoptextflow
+% \or \starttextflow[gamma] \input materie.tex \stoptextflow
+% \or {\bf TUFTE}\quad \input tufte \par
+% \or {\bf TUFTE}\quad \input tufte \par
+% \or {\bf KNUTH}\quad \input knuth \par
+% \or {\bf KNUTH}\quad \input knuth \par
+% \or {\bf MATERIE}\quad \input materie \par
+% \else {\bf MATERIE}\quad \input materie \par
+% \fi}
+% \stoptekst
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/page-imp.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/page-imp.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bf10504b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/page-imp.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,1662 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=page-imp, % was: core-pag,
+%D version=1998.01.15,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Page Macros,
+%D subtitle=Pagebody Building (Imposition),
+%D author=Hans Hagen & Willi Egger,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+% much of this can more to run time loading !
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Page Macros / Pagebody Building}
+% sizing bug:
+% \setuppapersize[A4][A4,landscape] \setuparranging[2UP] \showframe
+% \starttext \dorecurse{10}{\input tufte \par} \stoptext
+% to be moved code:
+\newif\ifclipprintbox \clipprintboxtrue
+%newif\ifclippagebox \clippageboxtrue
+\def\clippedprintbox#1#2% can be made more efficient, see other clipper
+ {\ifclipprintbox
+ \!!widthc \pagebackgroundoffset
+ \!!widtha \dimexpr\paperwidth + \!!widthc\relax
+ \!!heighta\dimexpr\paperheight+2\!!widthc\relax
+ \setbox#2\vbox to \paperheight{\vfill\box#2}%
+ \ht#2\paperheight
+ \wd#2\paperwidth
+ \setbox#2\vbox
+ {\framed
+ [\c!offset=\!!widthc,\c!strut=\v!no,\c!frame=\v!off]
+ {\box#2}}%
+ \setbox#2\hbox to \paperwidth
+ {\ifcase#1\relax
+ \!!widthb\zeropoint
+ \hskip-\!!widthc
+ \else
+ \!!widthb\!!widthc
+ \fi
+ \lower\!!widthc\hbox
+ {\clip
+ [\c!width=\!!widtha,\c!height=\!!heighta,
+ \c!hoffset=\!!widthb,\c!voffset=\zeropoint]
+ {\box#2}}}%
+ \wd#2\paperwidth
+ \ht#2\paperheight
+ \fi
+ \box#2\relax}
+\let\clippagebox \gobbleoneargument
+% \setuppagenumbering[alternative=doublesided]
+% \setupcolors[state=start]
+% \setuppapersize[A4][A4,oversized]
+% \setuplayout[location=middle,clipoffset=5mm]
+% \setupbackgrounds
+% [page]
+% [frame=on,rulethickness=1mm,
+% backgroundoffset=10mm,background=color,backgroundcolor=red]
+% \starttext \dorecurse{10}{\input tufte \par} \stoptext
+ {\ifdim\@@lyclipoffset>\zeropoint
+ \!!widtha \wd#1%
+ \!!heighta\ht#1%
+ \!!deptha \dp#1%
+ \setbox#1\hbox
+ {\!!widthb \@@lyclipoffset
+ \advance\!!heighta\dimexpr\!!deptha+2\!!widthb\relax
+ \advance\!!widtha \!!widthb
+ \doifbothsides
+ {\advance\!!widtha\!!widthb \!!widthc-\!!widthb \hskip\!!widthc}%
+ {\!!widthc\zeropoint}
+ {\!!widthc-\!!widthb \hskip\!!widthc}%
+ \lower\!!widthb\hbox
+ {\clip
+ [\c!hoffset=\!!widthc,
+ \c!voffset=-\!!widthb,
+ \c!width=\!!widtha,
+ \c!height=\!!heighta]%
+ {\box#1}}}%
+ \wd#1\!!widtha
+ \ht#1\!!heighta
+ \dp#1\!!deptha
+ \fi}
+%D \macros
+%D {starttextdata}
+%D This is a user macro (appending to every last shipout is not
+%D really user friendly.
+\newtoks \collectedtextdata
+ {\doglobal\appendtoks#1\to\collectedtextdata}
+ {\vsmashed{\the\collectedtextdata}% all dimensions zero
+ \global\collectedtextdata\emptytoks
+ \globallet\flushtextdata\donothing}
+\prependtoks \flushtextdata \to \everylastshipout
+% moved code:
+% \def\myshipout#1%
+% {\beforeshipout % voor de pagebody dus !
+% \dontshowcomposition
+% \ifarrangingpages\@EA\actualarrange\else\@EA\actualshipout\fi
+% {\thisisrealpage\realfolio#1}%
+% \gotonextrealpage
+% \aftershipout}
+\def\installpagehandler#1#2% % a handler takes one argument: something to be boxed
+ {\setvalue{\??pp:\c!method:#1}{#2}} % and shipped out (don't depend on the exact package)
+ {\ifarrangingpages\expandafter\actualarrange\else\expandafter\actualshipout\fi}
+ {\beforeshipout % voor de pagebody dus !
+ \dontshowcomposition
+ \executeifdefined{\??pp:\c!method:\@@ppmethod}\gobbleoneargument{\thisisrealpage\realfolio#1}%
+ \gotonextrealpage
+ \aftershipout}
+ {\dowithnextbox
+ {\global\setbox\postponedcontent\hbox to \zeropoint
+ {%\hskip-\maxdimen % niet hier, gaat mis in acrobat (clipt)
+ \unhbox\postponedcontent\unhbox\nextbox}%
+ \ht\postponedcontent\zeropoint
+ \dp\postponedcontent\zeropoint
+ \wd\postponedcontent\zeropoint}%
+ \hbox}
+% \starttypen
+% \def\pagestoshipout{1,3,5}
+% \stoptypen
+\let\pagestoshipout\empty % {1,3,6}
+\chardef\whichpagetoshipout=0 % 0=all 1=odd 2=even
+\ifx\finalizeshipoutbox\undefined \let\finalizeshipoutbox\firstofoneargument \fi
+ {\global\advance\shippedoutpages\plusone
+ % this is not resource safe!
+ \ifx\pagestoshipout\empty
+ \ifcase\whichpagetoshipout\relax
+ \donetrue
+ \or % 1
+ \ifodd\shippedoutpages\relax\donetrue\else\donefalse\fi
+ \or % 2
+ \ifodd\shippedoutpages\relax\donefalse\else\donetrue\fi
+ \else
+ \donetrue
+ \fi
+ \else % testen, aangepast / expanded nodig ?
+ \expanded{\doifinsetelse{\the\shippedoutpages}{\pagestoshipout}}%
+ \donetrue\donefalse
+ \fi
+ \ifdone
+ \shipout\vbox
+ {\forgetall
+ \offinterlineskip
+ \dontcomplain
+ \scratchdimen-1in
+ \vskip\scratchdimen
+ \hskip\scratchdimen
+ \hbox % \setbox0=\box.. is nicer
+ {\setbox0\hbox{\finalizeshipoutbox{#1}}% just in case there are objects there, hook for testing
+ \setbox\scratchbox\hbox
+ {% before the main one !
+ \ifcase\realfolio \or
+ \the\everyfirstshipout
+ \global\everyfirstshipout\emptytoks
+ \fi
+ % the main one
+ \the\everyshipout\relax
+ % always last (and after the main one)
+ \ifnum\realpageno=\lastpage\relax
+ \the\everylastshipout
+ \global\everylastshipout\emptytoks
+ \fi}%
+ \smashbox\scratchbox
+ \box\scratchbox
+ \box\postponedcontent % evt ver naar links !
+ \box0}}%
+ \else
+ \message
+ {[\ifarrangingpages arranged \fi page
+ \ifarrangingpages\the\arrangeno\else\the\realpageno\fi\normalspace
+ not flushed]}%
+ \setbox0\hbox{#1}%
+ \deadcycles\zerocount
+ \fi}
+ {\setbox0\hbox{\thisisrealpage{\realfolio}#1}%
+ \pusharrangedpage0%
+ \deadcycles\zerocount}
+%D We need a couple of boxes for duplex printing \unknown
+\newbox\arrangedpageA \newbox\arrangedpageB
+%D \unknown\ and some for simulating big sheets.
+\newbox\arrangedpageC \newbox\arrangedpageD
+\newbox\arrangedpageE \newbox\arrangedpageF
+\newbox\arrangedpageG \newbox\arrangedpageH
+ {\scratchdimen\getvalue{\??pp#1\c!offset}%
+ \divide\scratchdimen \arrangedpageX
+ \global\advance\paperwidth -2\scratchdimen
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+ [#1]
+ [ \v!mirrored=>\global\mirrorarrangedtrue,
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+ \v!rotated=>\gdef\arrangedrotationO {90}\gdef\arrangedrotationE{270},
+ 90=>\gdef\arrangedrotationO {90}\gdef\arrangedrotationE{270},
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+ 270=>\gdef\arrangedrotationO{270}\gdef\arrangedrotationE{90},
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+ \v!background=>\global\settrue\arrangedbackgroundokay,
+ \s!unknown=>\checkinstalledpagearrangement\commalistelement]%
+ % no \s!default=> we can have aaa,,bbb
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+ {\swapmacros\horizontalcutmarks\verticalcutmarks}{}% ugly solution
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+\def\installpagearrangement #1 %
+ {\setgvalue{\??pp\??pp#1}}
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+\installpagearrangement {\v!normal}
+ {\global\arrangingpagesfalse}
+\installpagearrangement 2*16
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+\installpagearrangement 2*8
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+\installpagearrangement 2*4
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+\installpagearrangement 2*2
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+\installpagearrangement 2**2
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+\installpagearrangement 2SIDE
+ {\dosetuparrangement{2}{1}{2}{3}{2}%
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+\installpagearrangement 2TOP
+ {\dosetuparrangement{1}{2}{2}{2}{3}%
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+\installpagearrangement 2UP
+ {\dosetuparrangement{2}{1}{4}{3}{2}%
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+ {\dosetuparrangement{1}{2}{4}{2}{3}%
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+\installpagearrangement 2*4*2 % one defined by Willy Egger:
+ {\dosetuparrangement{2}{2}{4}{3}{3}%
+ \pusharrangedpageSIXTEENTWO\poparrangedpagesAtoD\relax}
+\installpagearrangement 2*2*4 % onother one of Willy Egger
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+\installpagearrangement 2TOPSIDE
+ {\dosetuparrangement{1}{2}{4}{2}{3}%
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+% \multiply\scratchcounter \arrangedpageT
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+% \advance\scratchcounter \minusone
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+%D The format file can be 16K smaller when we postpone the
+%D real arrangments. Some day ...
+% TOP
+% 32/16/8/4/SIDE
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+\def\pusharrangedpageTHIRTYTWO#1% taco's challenge
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+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}023\arrangedpageA % 32
+ \poparrangedpages
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+\def\pusharrangedpageSIXTEEN#1% changed to match the official way of doing
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+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}100\arrangedpageB % 7
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+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}120\arrangedpageA % 9
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+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}120\arrangedpageB % 11
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+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}011\arrangedpageA % 13
+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}021\arrangedpageB % 14
+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}011\arrangedpageB % 15
+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}021\arrangedpageA % 16
+ \poparrangedpages
+ \fi}
+\def\pusharrangedpageEIGHT#1% changed to match the official way of doing
+ {\doglobal\increment\arrangedpageN
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+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}100\arrangedpageA % 5
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+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}011\arrangedpageB % 7
+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}001\arrangedpageA % 8
+ \poparrangedpages
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+ {\doglobal\increment\arrangedpageN
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+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#3}0{#2}0\arrangedpageB % 3/2 not {1}
+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#3}000\arrangedpageA % 4
+ \poparrangedpages
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+ {\doglobal\increment\arrangedpageN
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+ \poparrangedpages
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+ {\wd\arrangedpageA\paperwidth
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+ \global\setbox\arrangedpageB\box\scratchbox} % ?
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+ {\doglobal\increment\arrangedpageN
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+ \poparrangedpages
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+%D Willy Egger's sheet simulations:
+ {\ifnum\arrangedpageN>\zerocount
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+% to arrange 16 pages on 2 sheets to form one booklet
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+% to arrange 16 pages on 4 sheets to form one booklet
+ {\doglobal\increment\arrangedpageN
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+% to arrange 16 pages on 2 sheets to form one booklet
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+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}100\arrangedpageA % 9
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+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}001\arrangedpageA % 16
+ \poparrangedpages
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+% % handy for stickers etc, this way we can treat them as page
+% \setuppapersize [XY][A4]
+% \setuppaper [topspace=5mm,backspace=5mm,dx=1mm,dy=1mm,nx=2,ny=6]
+% \setuplayout [page] [topspace=5mm,backspace=5mm]
+% \setuplayout [page]
+% \setuplayout [location=middle]
+% \setuparranging [XY]
+% \showframe
+% \starttext \dorecurse{30}{test \recurselevel \page} \stoptext
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+\installpagearrangement XY
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+%D A crazy definition, don't guess who pushed me for the landscape option.
+ [XY]
+ [\c!height=\dimexpr\dimexpr\@@ppheight-\numexpr\@@ppny-1\relax\dimexpr\@@ppdy\relax\relax/\@@ppny\relax,
+ \c!width =\dimexpr\dimexpr\@@ppwidth -\numexpr\@@ppnx-1\relax\dimexpr\@@ppdx\relax\relax/\@@ppnx\relax]
+ [\c!width =\dimexpr\printpaperwidth -2\dimexpr\@@ppbackspace\relax\relax,
+ \c!height=\dimexpr\printpaperheight-2\dimexpr\@@pptopspace \relax\relax]
+%D Might be used if a printer is printing from a rol or creating mini-books from A4:
+%D This section has 16 pages. The folding scheme is first a Z-fold and at the end
+%D a final fold in the spine.
+%D Coding: [2*8*Z]
+\installpagearrangement 2*8*Z
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+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}101\arrangedpageA % 13
+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}111\arrangedpageB % 14
+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}010\arrangedpageB % 15
+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}000\arrangedpageA % 16
+ \poparrangedpages
+ \fi}
+%D Another Z-folded section with 12 pages
+%D Coding: [2*6*Z]
+\installpagearrangement 2*6*Z
+ {\dosetuparrangement{2}{3}{6}{3}{4}% X,Y,Total,hcutmarks,vcutmarks
+ \pusharrangedpageTWELVEZ\poparrangedpagesAB\relax}
+ {\doglobal\increment\arrangedpageN
+ \reportarrangedpage\arrangedpageN
+ \ifcase\arrangedpageN
+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}010\arrangedpageA % 1: rotation (0=upright),x (0=first column),y (0=first row)
+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}000\arrangedpageB % 2
+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}101\arrangedpageB % 3
+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}111\arrangedpageA % 4
+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}012\arrangedpageA % 5
+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}002\arrangedpageB % 6
+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}012\arrangedpageB % 7
+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}002\arrangedpageA % 8
+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}101\arrangedpageA % 9
+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}111\arrangedpageB % 10
+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}010\arrangedpageB % 11
+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}000\arrangedpageA % 12
+ \poparrangedpages
+ \fi}
+%D For Heinz' special greeting cards folding. This scheme is also used for the PocketDiary (module):
+%D Coding: [1*8]
+\installpagearrangement 1*8
+ {\dosetuparrangement{4}{2}{8}{5}{3} % X,Y,Total,hcutmarks,vcutmarks
+ \pusharrangedpageEIGHTSINGLESIDEDFOLDED\poparrangedpagesTWO\relax}
+ {\doglobal\increment\arrangedpageN
+ \reportarrangedpage\arrangedpageN
+ \ifcase\arrangedpageN
+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}010\arrangedpageA % 1 rot,hskip,vskip
+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}020\arrangedpageA % 2
+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}030\arrangedpageA % 3
+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}131\arrangedpageA % 4
+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}121\arrangedpageA % 5
+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}111\arrangedpageA % 6
+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}101\arrangedpageA % 7
+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}000\arrangedpageA % 8
+ \poparrangedpages
+ \fi}
+%D This is not a section. \CONTEXT\ places 4 pages on a sheet of paper, singlesided
+%D Coding: [1*4]
+\installpagearrangement 1*4
+ {\dosetuparrangement{2}{2}{4}{3}{3} % X,Y,Total,hcutmarks,vcutmarks
+ \pusharrangedpageFOURSINGLESIDEDFOLDED\poparrangedpagesTWO\relax}
+ {\doglobal\increment\arrangedpageN
+ \reportarrangedpage\arrangedpageN
+ \ifcase\arrangedpageN
+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}100\arrangedpageA % 1 rot,hskip,vskip
+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}001\arrangedpageA % 2
+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}011\arrangedpageA % 3
+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}110\arrangedpageA % 4
+ \poparrangedpages
+ \fi}
+%D This imposition scheme was requested by Hraban Ramm, by Willi Egger 21-07-2003
+%D Coding: [3SIDE]
+\installpagearrangement 3SIDE
+ {\dosetuparrangement{3}{1}{3}{4}{2}% X,Y,Total,hcutmarks,vcutmarks
+ \pusharrangedpageTHREESIDE\poparrangedpagesAB\relax}
+\def\pusharrangedpageTHREESIDE#1% Willi's approach
+ {\doglobal\increment\arrangedpageN
+ \reportarrangedpage\arrangedpageN
+ \ifcase\arrangedpageN
+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}000\arrangedpageA % 1 rot,hskip,vskip
+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}010\arrangedpageA % 2
+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}020\arrangedpageA % 3
+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}000\arrangedpageB % 4
+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}010\arrangedpageB % 5
+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}020\arrangedpageB % 6
+ \poparrangedpages
+ \fi}
+%D FLYER in three parts and 6 pages 22-10-2010
+%D Coding: [TRYPTICHON]
+\installpagearrangement TRYPTICHON
+ {\dosetuparrangement{3}{1}{3}{4}{2}% X,Y,Total,hcutmarks,vcutmarks
+ \pusharrangedpageFOLDERSIX\poparrangedpagesAB\relax}
+\def\pusharrangedpageFOLDERSIX#1% Willi's approach
+ {\doglobal\increment\arrangedpageN
+ \reportarrangedpage\arrangedpageN
+ \ifcase\arrangedpageN
+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}020\arrangedpageA % 1 rot,hskip,vskip
+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}000\arrangedpageB % 2
+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}010\arrangedpageB % 3
+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}020\arrangedpageB % 4
+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}000\arrangedpageA % 5
+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}010\arrangedpageA % 6
+ \poparrangedpages
+ \fi}
+%D FLYER in Z-fold with 8 pages 22-01-2010
+%D Coding: [ZFLYER-8]
+\installpagearrangement ZFLYER-8
+ {\dosetuparrangement{4}{1}{4}{5}{2}% X,Y,Total,hcutmarks,vcutmarks
+ \pusharrangedpageZFOLDEREIGHT\poparrangedpagesAB\relax}
+\def\pusharrangedpageZFOLDEREIGHT#1% Willi's approach
+ {\doglobal\increment\arrangedpageN
+ \reportarrangedpage\arrangedpageN
+ \ifcase\arrangedpageN
+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}030\arrangedpageA % 1 rot,hskip,vskip
+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}000\arrangedpageB % 2
+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}010\arrangedpageB % 3
+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}020\arrangedpageB % 4
+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}030\arrangedpageB % 5
+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}000\arrangedpageA % 6
+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}010\arrangedpageA % 7
+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}020\arrangedpageA % 8
+ \poparrangedpages
+ \fi}
+%D FLYER in Z-fold with 10 pages 04-08-2010
+%D Coding: [ZFLYER-10]
+\installpagearrangement ZFLYER-10
+ {\dosetuparrangement{5}{1}{5}{6}{2}% X,Y,Total,hcutmarks,vcutmarks
+ \pusharrangedpageZFLYERTEN\poparrangedpagesAB\relax}
+\def\pusharrangedpageZFLYERTEN#1% Willi's approach
+ {\doglobal\increment\arrangedpageN
+ \reportarrangedpage\arrangedpageN
+ \ifcase\arrangedpageN
+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}040\arrangedpageA % 1 rot,hskip,vskip
+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}000\arrangedpageB % 2
+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}010\arrangedpageB % 3
+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}020\arrangedpageB % 4
+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}030\arrangedpageB % 5
+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}040\arrangedpageB % 6
+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}000\arrangedpageA % 7
+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}010\arrangedpageA % 8
+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}020\arrangedpageA % 9
+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}030\arrangedpageA % 10
+ \poparrangedpages
+ \fi}
+%D FLYER in Z-fold with 12 pages 04-08-2010
+%D Coding: [ZFLYER-12]
+\installpagearrangement ZFLYER-12
+ {\dosetuparrangement{6}{1}{6}{7}{2}% X,Y,Total,hcutmarks,vcutmarks
+ \pusharrangedpageZFLYERTWELVE\poparrangedpagesAB\relax}
+\def\pusharrangedpageZFLYERTWELVE#1% Willi's approach
+ {\doglobal\increment\arrangedpageN
+ \reportarrangedpage\arrangedpageN
+ \ifcase\arrangedpageN
+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}050\arrangedpageA % 1 rot,hskip,vskip
+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}000\arrangedpageB % 2
+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}010\arrangedpageB % 3
+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}020\arrangedpageB % 4
+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}030\arrangedpageB % 5
+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}040\arrangedpageB % 6
+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}050\arrangedpageB % 7
+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}000\arrangedpageA % 8
+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}010\arrangedpageA % 9
+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}020\arrangedpageA % 10
+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}030\arrangedpageA % 11
+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}040\arrangedpageA % 12
+ \poparrangedpages
+ \fi}
+%D FLYER folded as a map with 6 pages per side.
+%D Coding: [MAPFLYER-12]
+\installpagearrangement MAPFLYER-12
+ {\dosetuparrangement{3}{2}{6}{4}{2}% X,Y,Total,hcutmarks,vcutmarks
+ \pusharrangedpageMFOLDERTWELVE\poparrangedpagesAB\relax}
+\def\pusharrangedpageMFOLDERTWELVE#1% Willi's approach
+ {\doglobal\increment\arrangedpageN
+ \reportarrangedpage\arrangedpageN
+ \ifcase\arrangedpageN
+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}020\arrangedpageA % 1 rot,hskip,vskip
+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}000\arrangedpageB % 2
+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}001\arrangedpageB % 3
+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}010\arrangedpageB % 4
+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}011\arrangedpageB % 5
+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}020\arrangedpageB % 6
+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}021\arrangedpageB % 7
+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}000\arrangedpageA % 8
+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}001\arrangedpageA % 9
+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}010\arrangedpageA % 10
+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}011\arrangedpageA % 11
+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}021\arrangedpageA % 12
+ \poparrangedpages
+ \fi}
+%D FLYER folded as double window with 4 pages per side.
+\installpagearrangement DOUBLEWINDOW
+ {\dosetuparrangement{4}{1}{4}{5}{2}% X,Y,Total,hcutmarks,vcutmarks
+ \pusharrangedpageDOUBLEWINDOWEIGHT\poparrangedpagesAB\relax}
+\def\pusharrangedpageDOUBLEWINDOWEIGHT#1% Willi's approach
+ {\doglobal\increment\arrangedpageN
+ \reportarrangedpage\arrangedpageN
+ \ifcase\arrangedpageN
+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}020\arrangedpageA % 1 rot,hskip,vskip
+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}030\arrangedpageA % 2
+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}000\arrangedpageB % 3
+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}010\arrangedpageB % 4
+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}020\arrangedpageB % 5
+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}030\arrangedpageB % 6
+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}000\arrangedpageA % 7
+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}010\arrangedpageA % 8
+ \poparrangedpages
+ \fi}
+%D Imposition as requested by Jan Pohanka 26-08-2010, 4 pages, two verso, two recto,
+%D uneven pages upright and down, even pages top and rotated 180.
+%D Implementation with 2 pages for conference-name-display
+%D Coding: [1*2-Conference]
+\installpagearrangement 1*2-Conference
+ {\dosetuparrangement{1}{2}{4}{3}{2}% X,Y,Total,hcutmarks,vcutmarks
+ \pusharrangedpageCONFERENCE2\poparrangedpagesAB\relax}
+ {\doglobal\increment\arrangedpageN
+ \reportarrangedpage\arrangedpageN
+ \ifcase\arrangedpageN
+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}001\arrangedpageA % 1 rot,hskip,vskip
+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}100\arrangedpageA % 2
+ \poparrangedpages
+ \fi}
+%D Implementation with 4 pages for conference-name-display
+%D Coding: [1*4-Conference]
+\installpagearrangement 1*4-Conference
+ {\dosetuparrangement{1}{2}{4}{3}{2}% X,Y,Total,hcutmarks,vcutmarks
+ \pusharrangedpageCONFERENCE4\poparrangedpagesAB\relax}
+ {\doglobal\increment\arrangedpageN
+ \reportarrangedpage\arrangedpageN
+ \ifcase\arrangedpageN
+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}001\arrangedpageA % 1 rot,hskip,vskip
+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}100\arrangedpageA % 2
+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}011\arrangedpageB % 3
+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}110\arrangedpageB % 4
+ \poparrangedpages
+ \fi}
+% There should be arrangements for section made of heavy and thick paper. i.e. the heavier the paper
+% the fewer pages per section:
+% Section with 8 pages put on to sheets of paper. Each sheet carries recto 2 and verso 2 pages.
+% Coding: [2*2*2]
+\installpagearrangement 2*2*2
+ {\dosetuparrangement{2}{1}{2}{3}{2}% X,Y,Total,hcutmarks,vcutmarks
+ \pusharrangedpageEIGHTTWO\poparrangedpagesAtoD\relax}
+ {\doglobal\increment\arrangedpageN
+ \reportarrangedpage\arrangedpageN
+ \ifcase\arrangedpageN
+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}010\arrangedpageA % 1 rot,hskip,vskip
+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}000\arrangedpageB % 2
+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}010\arrangedpageC % 3
+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}000\arrangedpageD % 4
+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}010\arrangedpageD % 5
+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}000\arrangedpageC % 6
+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}010\arrangedpageB % 7
+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}000\arrangedpageA % 8
+ \poparrangedpages
+ \fi}
+% Section with 12 pages, built from three sheets of paper.
+% Each sheet carries 2 pages recto and verso.
+% Coding: [2*2*3]
+ {\ifnum\arrangedpageN>\zerocount
+ \paperwidth \arrangedpageX\paperwidth
+ \paperheight\arrangedpageY\paperheight
+ \outputarrangedbox\arrangedpageA
+ \outputarrangedbox\arrangedpageB
+ \outputarrangedbox\arrangedpageC
+ \outputarrangedbox\arrangedpageD
+ \outputarrangedbox\arrangedpageE
+ \outputarrangedbox\arrangedpageF
+ \global\arrangedpageN\zerocount
+ \fi}
+\installpagearrangement 2*2*3
+ {\dosetuparrangement{2}{1}{2}{3}{2}% X,Y,Total,hcutmarks,vcutmarks
+ \pusharrangedpageTWELVETWO\poparrangedpagesAtoD\relax}
+ {\doglobal\increment\arrangedpageN
+ \reportarrangedpage\arrangedpageN
+ \ifcase\arrangedpageN
+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}010\arrangedpageA % 1 rot,hskip,vskip
+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}000\arrangedpageB % 2
+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}010\arrangedpageC % 3
+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}000\arrangedpageD % 4
+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}010\arrangedpageE % 5
+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}000\arrangedpageF % 6
+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}010\arrangedpageF % 7
+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}000\arrangedpageE % 8
+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}010\arrangedpageD % 9
+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}000\arrangedpageC % 10
+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}010\arrangedpageB % 11
+ \or \handlearrangedpageXandY{#1}000\arrangedpageA % 12
+ \poparrangedpages
+ \fi}
+% \definepageshift[test][horizontal][10pt,20pt,30pt,40pt,50pt]
+% \definepageshift[test][vertical] [10pt,20pt,30pt,40pt,50pt]
+% \setuppageshift[test]
+% \setuppageshift[test][test]
+% \setuppageshift[test][none]
+% \setuppageshift[none][test]
+% \setuppageshift[paper][test][test] % arrange only
+% \setuppageshift[paper][test] % arrange only
+% \setuppageshift[print][test][test]
+% \showframe \dorecurse{100}{\input tufte \par}
+% #1=name #2=horizontal|vertical #3=shiftlist
+ {\dotripleargument\dodefinepageshift}
+ {\setvalue{\??pt#2:#1}{#3}}
+\letempty \hpageshifts \newcounter\nofhpageshifts
+\letempty \vpageshifts \newcounter\nofvpageshifts
+% \let\shiftprintpagebox\gobbleoneargument
+% \let\shiftpaperpagebox\gobbleoneargument
+\def\dogetpageshift#1#2#3% #1=\dimenx #2=\xpageshifts #3=\nofxpageshifts
+ {\ifx#2\empty
+ #1\zeropoint
+ \else
+ \doglobal\increment#3%
+ \getfromcommacommand[#2][#3]%
+ \ifx\commalistelement\empty
+ \globallet#3\!!plusone
+ \getfromcommacommand[#2][#3]%
+ \fi
+ \ifx\commalistelement\empty
+ #1\zeropoint
+ \else
+ #1=\commalistelement
+ \donetrue
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+ {\donefalse
+ \dogetpageshift{\dimen0}\hpageshifts\nofhpageshifts
+ \dogetpageshift{\dimen2}\vpageshifts\nofvpageshifts
+ \ifdone % see also layout offsets, maybe \movebox
+ \edef\next{\wd#1\the\wd#1\ht#1\the\ht#1\dp#1\the\dp#1}%
+ \setbox#1\vbox % \forgetall already done
+ {\offinterlineskip\vskip\dimen2\hskip\dimen0\box#1}%
+ \next
+ \fi}
+ {\dotripleempty\dosetuppageshift}
+\def\dosetuppageshift[#1][#2][#3]% page|paper horizontal vertical
+ {\ifthirdargument % paper=arrange
+ \let\hpageshifts\empty
+ \let\vpageshifts\empty
+ \let\shiftprintpagebox\gobbleoneargument
+ \let\shiftpaperpagebox\gobbleoneargument
+ \doifdefined{\??pt\v!horizontal:#2}
+ {\edef\hpageshifts{\getvalue{\??pt\v!horizontal:#2}}}%
+ \doifdefined{\??pt\v!vertical :#3}
+ {\edef\vpageshifts{\getvalue{\??pt\v!vertical :#3}}}%
+ \doif{#1}\v!page{\let\shiftprintpagebox\shiftpagebox}%
+ \doif{#1}\v!paper{\let\shiftpaperpagebox\shiftpagebox}%
+ \else\ifsecondargument
+ \doifinsetelse{#1}{\v!page,\v!paper}
+ {\setuppageshift[#1][#2][#2]}
+ {\setuppageshift[\v!page][#1][#2]}%
+ \else\iffirstargument
+ \setuppageshift[\v!page][#1][#1]%
+ \fi\fi\fi}
+%D One can (mis)use this mechanism, in close cooperation
+%D with \PDFTEX\ to arrange pages of already produced files.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \insertpages[file.pdf][1,3][n=30,width=18cm]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The pages are inserted in the text area, and even pages
+%D are repositioned according to the width. In this example
+%D empty pages are added after page 1 and 3.
+%D Selecting pages can be accomplished by:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \filterpages[file.pdf][1,3,5][n=30,width=18cm]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D One may pass \type {odd} or \type {even} instead of a
+%D comma separated list. A third alternative is:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \copypages[file.pdf][n=30,scale=950]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D This macros inserts the page, according to the settings
+%D provided.
+ {\dotripleempty\doinsertpages}
+ {\doifassignmentelse{#2}
+ {\dodoinsertpages[#1][][#2]}
+ {\dodoinsertpages[#1][#2][#3]}}
+ {\bgroup
+ \dontcomplain
+ \getfiguredimensions[#1]%
+ \getparameters[\??ip][\c!n=\noffigurepages,\c!width=\!!zeropoint,#3]%
+ \doifinset0{#2}{\null\page}%
+ \dorecurse\@@ipn
+ {\dofilterpage{#1}\recurselevel
+ \doifinset\recurselevel{#2}{\null\page}}%
+ \egroup}
+ {\dotripleempty\dofilterpages}
+\def\dofilterpages[#1][#2][#3]% % \noffigurepages not yet supported
+ {\bgroup
+ \dontcomplain
+ \getfiguredimensions[#1]%
+ \getparameters[\??ip][\c!n=\noffigurepages,\c!width=\!!zeropoint,#3]%
+ \doifelse{#2}\v!even
+ {\dorecurse\@@ipn
+ {\ifodd\recurselevel\relax\else\dofilterpage{#1}\recurselevel\fi}}
+ {\doifelse{#2}\v!odd
+ {\dorecurse\@@ipn
+ {\ifodd\recurselevel\relax\dofilterpage{#1}\recurselevel\fi}}
+ {\def\dodocommand##1%
+ {\ifnum##1>\@@ipn\else\dofilterpage{#1}{##1}\fi}%
+ \def\docommand##1%
+ {\dowithrange{##1}\dodocommand}%
+ \processcommalist[#2]\docommand}}%
+ \egroup}
+ {\hbox to \textwidth
+ {\ifdoublesided\ifdim\@@ipwidth>\zeropoint\relax\ifodd\realpageno\else
+ \hfill
+ \def\dowithfigure{\hskip-\@@ipwidth}%
+ \fi\fi\fi
+ \setbox0\hbox
+ {\externalfigure[#1][\c!page=#2,\c!height=\textheight]}%
+ \wd0\zeropoint
+ \box0}
+ \page}
+ {\dodoubleempty\docopypages}
+ {\bgroup
+ \getfiguredimensions[#1]%
+ \getparameters[\??ip]
+ [\c!n=\noffigurepages,
+ \c!marking=\v!off,
+ \c!scale=\!!thousand,
+ \c!offset=\!!zeropoint,
+ #2]%
+ \dorecurse\@@ipn
+ {\vbox to \textheight
+ {\hsize\textwidth
+ \scratchdimen\@@ipoffset
+ \centeredbox
+ {\doifelse\@@ipmarking\v!on\cuthbox\hbox
+ {\ifdim\scratchdimen>\zeropoint\relax
+ \advance\vsize -2\scratchdimen
+ \advance\hsize -2\scratchdimen
+ \externalfigure[#1][\c!page=\recurselevel,#2,\c!scale=,\c!factor=\v!max,\c!offset=\v!overlay]%
+ \else
+ \externalfigure[#1][\c!page=\recurselevel,#2,\c!offset=\v!overlay]%
+ \fi}}}
+ \page}
+ \egroup}
+%D \macros
+%D {combinepages}
+%D Yet another way of postprocessing is handles by \type
+%D {\combinepages}. This macro builds a matrix of pages from a
+%D file, for example:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \setuppapersize
+%D [A4][A4] % or [A4,landscape][A4,landscape]
+%D \setuplayout
+%D [header=0pt,footer=1cm,
+%D backspace=1cm,topspace=1cm,
+%D width=middle,height=middle]
+%D \setupfootertexts
+%D [presentation---\currentdate\space---\space\pagenumber]
+%D \starttext
+%D \combinepages[slides][nx=2,ny=3,frame=on]
+%D \stoptext
+%D \stoptyping
+%D One can influence the way the pages are combined. (This
+%D will be explained some time.)
+ {\dodoubleempty\docombinepages}
+\def\docombinepages[#1][#2]% a=perpag b=free
+ {\bgroup
+ \dontcomplain
+ \getfiguredimensions[#1]%
+ \getparameters
+ [\??ip]
+ [\c!alternative=\v!a,
+ \c!n=\noffigurepages,\c!nx=2,\c!ny=2,\c!start=1,\c!stop=\!!maxcard,
+ \c!distance=\bodyfontsize,
+ \c!bottom=\vfill,\c!top=\vss,
+ \c!left=\hss,\c!right=\hss,
+ \c!before=\page,\c!after=\page,\c!inbetween=\blank,
+ \c!frame=,\c!background=,\c!backgroundcolor=,
+ #2]%
+ \def\@@ipname{#1}%
+ \@@ipbefore
+ \executeifdefined{\strippedcsname\docombinepages\@@ipalternative}\docombinepagesb
+ \@@ipafter
+ \egroup}
+ {\globallet\combinedpagescounter\@@ipstart
+ \doloop
+ {\vbox to \textheight
+ {\hsize\textwidth % ? ?
+ \scratchdimen\@@ipdistance
+ \!!widtha \dimexpr(\hsize-\@@ipnx\scratchdimen+\scratchdimen)/\@@ipnx\relax
+ \!!heighta\dimexpr(\vsize-\@@ipny\scratchdimen+\scratchdimen)/\@@ipny\relax
+ \dorecurse\@@ipny
+ {\hbox to \hsize
+ {\dorecurse\@@ipnx
+ {\vbox to \!!heighta
+ {\hsize\!!widtha
+ \vsize\!!heighta
+ \@@iptop
+ \hbox to \hsize
+ {\@@ipleft
+ \ifnum\combinedpagescounter>\@@ipstop\relax
+ \globallet\@@ipn\!!zerocount
+ \else\ifnum\combinedpagescounter>\@@ipn \else
+ \externalfigure[\@@ipname]
+ [\c!object=\v!no,
+ \c!page=\combinedpagescounter,
+ \c!factor=\v!max,
+ \c!background=\@@ipbackground,
+ \c!backgroundcolor=\@@ipbackgroundcolor,
+ \c!frame=\@@ipframe]%
+ \fi\fi
+ \@@ipright}
+ \@@ipbottom}%
+ \doglobal\increment\combinedpagescounter
+ \hfil}%
+ \hfilneg}
+ \vfil}%
+ \vfilneg}%
+ \page
+ \ifnum\combinedpagescounter>\@@ipn \exitloop\fi}}
+ {\globallet\combinedpagescounter\@@ipstart
+ \doloop
+ {\vbox to \textheight
+ {\hsize\textwidth % ? ?
+ \scratchdimen\@@ipdistance
+ \!!widtha \dimexpr(\hsize-\@@ipnx\scratchdimen+\scratchdimen)/\@@ipnx\relax
+ \!!heighta\dimexpr(\vsize-\@@ipny\scratchdimen+\scratchdimen)/\@@ipny\relax
+ \hbox to \hsize
+ {\dorecurse\@@ipnx
+ {\@@ipleft
+ \vbox to \textheight
+ {\hsize\!!widtha
+ {\dorecurse\@@ipny
+ {\@@iptop
+ \hbox to \hsize
+ {\vbox to \!!heighta
+ {\hsize\!!widtha
+ \vsize\!!heighta
+ \ifnum\combinedpagescounter>\@@ipstop\relax
+ \globallet\@@ipn\!!zerocount
+ \else\ifnum\combinedpagescounter>\@@ipn \else
+ \externalfigure[\@@ipname]
+ [\c!object=\v!no,
+ \c!page=\combinedpagescounter,
+ \c!factor=\v!max,
+ \c!background=\@@ipbackground,
+ \c!backgroundcolor=\@@ipbackgroundcolor,
+ \c!frame=\@@ipframe]%
+ \fi\fi}}
+ \doglobal\increment\combinedpagescounter
+ \@@ipbottom}%
+ \vfil}%
+ \vfilneg}
+ \hfil}%
+ \hfilneg}}
+ \page
+ \ifnum\combinedpagescounter>\@@ipn \exitloop\fi}}
+\let\docombinepagesvertical \docombinepagesc
+ {\globallet\combinedpagescounter\@@ipstart
+ \doloop
+ {\startbaselinecorrection
+ \scratchdimen\@@ipdistance
+ \!!widtha\dimexpr(\hsize-\@@ipnx\scratchdimen+\scratchdimen)/\@@ipnx\relax
+ \hbox to \hsize
+ {\dorecurse\@@ipnx
+ {\doglobal\increment\combinedpagescounter
+ \ifnum\combinedpagescounter>\@@ipn \else
+ \expanded{\externalfigure[\@@ipname]
+ [\c!page=\combinedpagescounter,
+ \c!width=\the\!!widtha,% todo \freezedimenmacro
+ \c!background=\@@ipbackground,
+ \c!backgroundcolor=\@@ipbackgroundcolor,
+ \c!frame=\@@ipframe]}%
+ \hfill
+ \fi}\hfillneg}%
+ \stopbaselinecorrection
+ \ifnum\combinedpagescounter<\@@ipn\relax
+ \@@ipinbetween
+ \else
+ \exitloop
+ \fi}}
+%D \macros
+%D {setuppagecomment,startpagecomment}
+%D This command is not yet documented. Usage:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \setuppagecomment[state=start,location=right]
+%D \startpagecomment
+%D \input knuth
+%D \stoppagecomment
+%D \stoptyping
+ {\dosingleempty\dosetuppagecomment}
+ {\getparameters[\??pc][#1]%
+ \doifelse\@@pcstate\v!start
+ {\doifinsetelse\@@pclocation{\v!bottom,\v!top}
+ {\setuppapersize[\c!left=\hskip\@@pcoffset]%
+ \edef\@@pcpaperheight{\the\dimexpr\paperheight+\@@pcoffset+\@@pcoffset+\@@pcdistance+\@@pcheight\relax}%
+ \edef\@@pcpaperwidth {\the\dimexpr\paperwidth+\@@pcoffset+\@@pcoffset\relax}%
+ \defineoverlay[\v!pagecomment][\placepagecommentTB]}
+ {\setuppapersize[\c!top=\vskip\@@pcoffset]%
+ \edef\@@pcpaperheight{\the\dimexpr\paperheight+\@@pcoffset+\@@pcoffset\relax}%
+ \edef\@@pcpaperwidth {\the\dimexpr\paperwidth+\@@pcoffset+\@@pcoffset+\@@pcdistance+\@@pcwidth\relax}%
+ \defineoverlay[\v!pagecomment][\placepagecommentLR]}%
+ \processaction
+ [\@@pclocation]
+ [ \v!bottom=>{\setuppapersize[\c!bottom =\vss,\c!top =\vskip\@@pcoffset]},
+ \v!top=>{\setuppapersize[\c!top =\vss,\c!bottom =\vskip\@@pcoffset]},
+ \v!left=>{\setuppapersize[\c!left =\hss,\c!right=\hskip\@@pcoffset]},
+ \v!right=>{\setuppapersize[\c!right=\hss,\c!left =\hskip\@@pcoffset]}]%
+ \definepapersize
+ [\v!pagecomment]
+ [\c!height=\@@pcpaperheight,
+ \c!width=\@@pcpaperwidth]%
+ \let\@@pcprintpapersize\printpapersize
+ \setuppapersize[\papersize][\v!pagecomment]%
+ \setupbackgrounds[\v!paper][\c!background=\v!pagecomment]}
+ {\doif\@@pcstate\v!stop % else initialization invokes backgrounds
+ {% this should be tested first
+ % \expanded{\setuppapersize[\papersize][\@@pcprintpapersize]}%
+ \setupbackgrounds[\v!paper][\c!background=]}}}
+ {\vbox to \printpaperheight
+ {\forgetall
+ \hsize\printpaperwidth
+ \vskip\@@pcoffset
+ \doifelse\@@pclocation\v!bottom{\vskip\dimexpr\paperheight+\@@pcdistance\relax}\vss
+ \hskip\@@pcoffset
+ \vbox to \@@pcheight
+ {\forgetall
+ \hsize\paperwidth
+ \ifpagecomment
+ \getbuffer[\v!pagecomment]%
+ \global\pagecommentfalse
+ \fi}%
+ \hfill
+ \doifelse\@@pclocation\v!bottom\vss{\vskip\dimexpr\paperheight+\@@pcdistance\relax}%
+ \vskip\@@pcoffset}}
+ {\hbox to \printpaperwidth
+ {\hskip\@@pcoffset
+ \doifelse\@@pclocation\v!right{\hskip\paperwidth\hskip\@@pcdistance}\hss
+ \vbox to \printpaperheight
+ {\forgetall
+ \vskip\@@pcoffset
+ \hsize\@@pcwidth
+ \ifpagecomment
+ \getbuffer[\v!pagecomment]%
+ \global\pagecommentfalse
+ \fi
+ \vss}%
+ \doifelse\@@pclocation\v!right\hss{\hskip\paperwidth\hskip\@@pcdistance}%
+ \hskip\@@pcoffset}}
+ {\global\pagecommenttrue
+ \dostartbuffer[\v!pagecomment][\e!start\v!pagecomment][\e!stop\v!pagecomment]}
+ [\c!state=, % \v!stop would invoke background calculation
+ \c!location=\v!bottom,
+ \c!offset=.5cm,
+ \c!distance=.5cm,
+ \c!height=5cm,
+ \c!width=10cm]
+% This macro cuts a page into n parts that can be pasted
+% together.
+ {\dotripleempty\doslicepages}
+ {\ifthirdargument
+ \dodoslicepages[#1][#2][#3]%
+ \else
+ \dodoslicepages[#1][#2][#2]%
+ \fi}
+ {\bgroup
+ \dontcomplain
+ \globallet\slicedpagenumber\!!zerocount
+ \getfiguredimensions[#1]
+ \getparameters
+ [\??ip]
+ [\c!n=1,
+ \c!offset=\!!zeropoint,
+ \c!hoffset=\!!zeropoint,\c!voffset=\!!zeropoint,
+ \c!width=\figurewidth,\c!height=\figureheight,#2]
+ \ifnum\@@ipn>\zerocount
+ \definepapersize
+ [\s!dummy][\c!height=\@@ipheight,\c!width=\@@ipwidth]
+ \setuppapersize
+ [\s!dummy][\s!dummy]
+ \setuplayout
+ [\c!backspace=\!!zeropoint,\c!topspace=\!!zeropoint,
+ \c!height=\v!middle,\c!width=\v!middle,
+ \c!textdistance=\!!zeropoint,
+ \c!header=\!!zeropoint,\c!footer=\!!zeropoint]
+ \fi
+ \dorecurse\noffigurepages
+ {\global\let\slicedpagenumber\recurselevel
+ \ifnum\@@ipn>\plusone
+ \dorecurse\@@ipn
+ {\let\xslice\recurselevel
+ \dorecurse\@@ipn
+ {\let\yslice\recurselevel
+ \clip
+ [\c!nx=\@@ipn,\c!ny=\@@ipn,\c!x=\xslice,\c!y=\yslice]
+ {\scale
+ [\c!scale=\@@ipn000]
+ {\externalfigure[#1][\c!page=\slicedpagenumber]}}
+ \page}}
+ \else
+ \ifodd\slicedpagenumber\relax
+ \getparameters[\??ip][#2]
+ \else
+ \getparameters[\??ip][#3]
+ \fi
+ \hskip\@@ipoffset
+ \clip
+ [\c!hoffset=\@@iphoffset,\c!voffset=\@@ipvoffset,
+ \c!height=\@@ipheight,\c!width=\@@ipwidth]
+ {\externalfigure[#1][\c!page=\slicedpagenumber]}
+ \page
+ \fi}
+ \egroup}
+% \starttext \slicepages[slice1.pdf][n=3] \stoptext
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/page-ini.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/page-ini.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bc4aab60f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/page-ini.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,1558 @@
+ %D \module
+%D [ file=page-ini,
+%D version=2000.10.20,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Page Macros,
+%D subtitle=Initializations,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Page Macros / Initializations}
+% still a dutch/english mess
+%D This class of modules implements the output routines and
+%D floating body support. Although the modules are relatively
+%D new, the code herein is rather old. This reordering was
+%D needed when column sets were implemented and sharing code
+%D started to make sense.
+%D The history shows from the code, since both column
+%D mechanism use a different way of looping over columns.
+ \let \recalculatelayout \relax
+ \let \recalculatelogos \relax
+ \let \addlogobackground \gobbleoneargument % <box>
+ \let \recalculatebackgrounds \relax
+ \let \addmainbackground \gobbleoneargument % <box>
+ \let \addtextbackground \gobbleoneargument % <box>
+ \let \addpagebackground \gobbleoneargument % <box>
+ \let \addprintbackground \gobbleoneargument % <box>
+ \let \addstatusinfo \gobbleoneargument % <box>
+ \countdef\realpageno = 0 \realpageno = 1
+ \countdef\userpageno = 1 \userpageno = 1
+ \countdef\subpageno = 2 \subpageno = 0 % !!
+ \countdef\arrangeno = 3 \arrangeno = 0 % !!
+ \let\pageno\userpageno
+ \def\realfolio{\the\realpageno}
+ \global\advance\nofshipouts\plusone
+\to \everyaftershipout
+% principle:
+% multiple otr's
+% (1) single column, simple routine (old one)
+% (2) multi column, collect and split routine (old one)
+% (3) multi column, page by page (new one, needed for taco)
+% (4) single column, spread handling (for fun)
+% (5) multi column, page by page, spread handling (as challenge)
+% common components
+% (1) float placement
+% (2) float flushing
+% (3) page body building
+% (4) ...
+% ort
+% + balancing
+% - mixed / one / multi / balancetofit
+% + backgrounds
+% + pre / post
+% + distances / heights
+% + ragged / baseline / normal
+% - pos sync
+% - last page
+% - itemize / subtexts -> old mechanism
+% floats
+% - top / bottom / side / page / column / spead
+% - flush / packed flush / current page / next page / area
+% footnotes
+% + carry over pre column / local to column
+% + last column / pre last column / each column
+% - multiple classes
+% - area / page / end
+% areas
+% - top / bottom / mid in spread
+% switchtobodyfont in between ivm top
+% floats:
+% tricky in balancing mode, a la huidige multi columns
+% messages moved
+% messages moved
+% messages moved
+% messages moved
+% messages moved
+% messages moved
+% messages moved
+% messages moved
+\ifx\dosetuplayout\undefined % overloaded in page-lay !
+ \def\setuplayout{\dodoubleempty\getparameters[\??ly]}
+\ifx\mkprocesspagecontents \undefined\let\mkprocesspagecontents \gobbleoneargument\fi
+\ifx\mkprocessboxcontents \undefined\let\mkprocessboxcontents \gobbleoneargument\fi
+\def\normalejectpenalty{-\plustenthousand } \let\ejectpenalty\normalejectpenalty
+\def\normalsuperpenalty{-\plustwentythousand} \let\superpenalty\normalsuperpenalty
+%D In case we're not running \ETEX, we need to bypass a
+%D couple of primitives.
+% ONE = single column
+% MUL = multi column
+% SET = columns sets
+ {\csname\@@OTR
+ \ifcsname\@@OTR\OTRidentifier\strippedcsname#1\endcsname
+ \OTRidentifier
+ \else\ifcsname\@@OTR\OTRdefault\strippedcsname#1\endcsname % fallback
+ \OTRdefault
+ \fi\fi
+ \strippedcsname#1\endcsname}
+% obsolete
+\def\installotr#1% andere naam, beter \connectotr of zo
+ {\def\OTRidentifier{#1}}
+ {\def\OTRidentifier{#1}%
+ \def\OTRdefault {#2}}
+%D The initialization of the \type {\hsize} and \type {\vsize}
+%D depends on the OTR used.
+\def\setvsize {\OTRcommand\setvsize}
+\def\sethsize {\OTRcommand\sethsize}
+\def\finalsidefloatoutput {\OTRcommand\finalsidefloatoutput}
+\def\dopagecontents {\OTRcommand\dopagecontents}
+\def\dosettopinserts {\OTRcommand\dosettopinserts}
+\def\dosetbotinserts {\OTRcommand\dosetbotinserts}
+\def\dotopinsertions {\OTRcommand\dotopinsertions}
+\def\dobotinsertions {\OTRcommand\dobotinsertions}
+\def\dosetbothinserts {\OTRcommand\dosetbothinserts}
+\def\doflushfloats {\OTRcommand\doflushfloats}
+\def\flushfloatbox {\OTRcommand\flushfloatbox}
+\def\docheckiffloatfits {\OTRcommand\docheckiffloatfits}
+\def\someherefloat {\OTRcommand\someherefloat}
+\def\somefixdfloat {\OTRcommand\somefixdfloat}
+\def\somepagefloat {\OTRcommand\somepagefloat}
+\def\sometopsfloat {\OTRcommand\sometopsfloat}
+\def\somebotsfloat {\OTRcommand\somebotsfloat}
+\def\somesidefloat {\OTRcommand\somesidefloat}
+\def\flushsavedfloats {\OTRcommand\flushsavedfloats}
+\def\synchronizehsize {\OTRcommand\synchronizehsize}
+\def\gotonextpage {\OTRcommand\gotonextpage }
+\def\gotonextpageX{\OTRcommand\gotonextpageX} % will become obsolete
+% beter een \installotr#1 met #1 = macro en auto test
+\newif \iftraceotr
+\newif \ifinotr
+\newtoks \mainoutput
+% When issuing two \par\penalty-\plustenthousand's, only the first
+% triggers the otr; obscure feature or optimization?
+\def\outputcounter{-100010} % -10010
+ {\iftraceotr
+ \expandafter\dodotracedoutput
+ \else
+ \expandafter\dodoinvokeoutput
+ \fi}
+ {\iftraceotr\writestatus\m!otr{#1 #2 \number#3}\fi}
+ {\outputmessage+{special}{#1}%
+ \bgroup\par\penalty#1\relax\egroup
+ \outputmessage-{special}{#1}}
+ {\outputmessage+{traced}{#1/\the\outputpenalty}%
+ \writestatus\m!otr{c:\number\mofcolumns,v:\the\vsize,g:\the\pagegoal,t:\the\pagetotal}%
+ \dodoinvokeoutput{#1}%
+ \writestatus\m!otr{c:\number\mofcolumns,v:\the\vsize,g:\the\pagegoal,t:\the\pagetotal}%
+ \outputmessage-{traced}{#1/\the\outputpenalty}}
+\def\installoutput#1#2% \invoke \action
+ {\decrement\outputcounter
+ \edef#1{\noexpand\doinvokeoutput{\outputcounter}}%
+ \setvalue{\@@OTR\outputcounter}{#2}}
+ {\outputmessage+{trying}\outputpenalty
+ \executeifdefined{\@@OTR\the\outputpenalty}\dodonormaloutput
+ \outputmessage-{trying}\outputpenalty}
+ {\outputmessage+{normal}\outputpenalty
+ \the\OTRcommand\output
+ \outputmessage-{normal}\outputpenalty}
+\mainoutput{\invokeoutputroutine} \output{\inotrtrue\the\mainoutput}
+%D Some hooks:
+\ifx\pagediscards\undefined \let\pagediscards\relax \fi
+\installoutput\synchronizeoutput % maybe add pagediscards
+ {\ifvoid\normalpagebox\else
+ \unvbox\normalpagebox
+ \pagediscards % maybe not needed ?
+ \fi}
+ {\setbox\scratchbox\box\normalpagebox}
+%D In order to force consistent use of variables, we
+%D predefine a lot of them here.
+%D The next two registers can be used to store pre column
+%D material as well as footnotes or so.
+\newbox\precolumnbox \newdimen\precolumnboxheight
+\newbox\postcolumnbox \newdimen\postcolumnboxheight
+%D We reserve a counter for the number of columns as well as
+%D the current column. Both are not to be changed by users!
+\newcount\nofcolumns \nofcolumns = 1
+\newcount\mofcolumns \mofcolumns = 1
+\chardef\maxnofcolumns = 50
+\chardef\allocatednofcolumns = 0
+%D The next dimensions reports the final column height
+%D During initialization the temporary boxes are allocated.
+%D This enables us to use as much columns as we want, without
+%D exhausting the pool of boxes too fast. We could have packed
+%D them in one box, but we've got enough boxes.
+%D Two sets of boxes are declared, the txtboxes are used for
+%D the text, the topboxes are for moved column floats.
+ {\ifnum#1>\maxnofcolumns
+ \showmessage\m!columns1\maxnofcolumns
+ \nofcolumns\maxnofcolumns
+ \else
+ \nofcolumns#1\relax
+ \fi
+ \ifnum\nofcolumns>\allocatednofcolumns
+ \dorecurse\nofcolumns
+ {\ifnum\recurselevel>\allocatednofcolumns\relax
+ % \newbox\next \letgvalue{\@col@-\recurselevel-t}=\next
+ \@EA\newbox\csname\@col@-\recurselevel-t\endcsname % text
+ \@EA\newbox\csname\@col@-\recurselevel-f\endcsname % foot
+ \@EA\newbox\csname\@col@-\recurselevel-h\endcsname % top insert
+ \@EA\newbox\csname\@col@-\recurselevel-l\endcsname % top insert
+ \fi}%
+ \global\chardef\allocatednofcolumns=\nofcolumns
+ \fi}
+\def\firstcolumnbox {\columntextbox\plusone}
+\def\currentcolumnbox {\columntextbox\mofcolumns}
+\def\lastcolumnbox {\columntextbox\nofcolumns}
+\def\firsttopcolumnbox {\columntopbox \plusone}
+\def\currenttopcolumnbox{\columntopbox \mofcolumns}
+\def\lasttopcolumnbox {\columntopbox \nofcolumns}
+\def\columntopbox #1{\csname\@col@-\number#1-h\endcsname}
+\def\columnbotbox #1{\csname\@col@-\number#1-l\endcsname}
+\def\columnsettopbox {\global\setbox\columntopbox}
+\def\columnsetbotbox {\global\setbox\columnbotbox}
+\def\columngettopbox {\copy\columntopbox}
+\def\columngetbotbox {\copy\columnbotbox}
+\def\columnerasetopboxes {\dorecurse\allocatednofcolumns{\columnsettopbox \recurselevel\emptybox}}
+\def\columnerasebotboxes {\dorecurse\allocatednofcolumns{\columnsetbotbox \recurselevel\emptybox}}
+%D Without going in details we present two macro's which handle
+%D the columns. The action which is transfered by the the first
+%D and only parameter can do something with \type
+%D {\currentcolumnbox}. In case of the mid columns, \type
+%D {\firstcolumnbox} and \type {\lastcolumnbox} are handled
+%D outside these macro's.
+ {\mofcolumns\recurselevel
+ \let\currentcolumn\recurselevel
+ #1\relax}
+ {\dorecurse\nofcolumns{\dohandlecolumn{#1}}}
+ {\dostepwiserecurse\nofcolumns\plusone\minusone{\dohandlecolumn{#1}}}
+ {\dohandleallcolumns
+ {\ifnum\recurselevel>\plusone
+ \ifnum\recurselevel<\nofcolumns
+ \dohandlecolumn{#1}%
+ \fi
+ \fi}}
+%D This register can be used as a temporary storage for page
+%D content.
+%D Features.
+\newif\ifcarryoverfootnotes %\carryoverfootnotestrue
+\newif\iflastcolumnfootnotes %\lastcolumnfootnotestrue
+\newif\ifbalancecolumns %\balancecolumnstrue
+\newif\ifbalancetoheight %\balancetoheighttrue
+\newif\ifforcecolumngrid \forcecolumngridtrue
+\newif\ifstretchcolumns \stretchcolumnsfalse
+\newif\ifinheritcolumns \inheritcolumnsfalse
+\newif\ifheightencolumns \heightencolumnsfalse
+\newif\ifpackflushedfloats \packflushedfloatstrue % for the moment
+\chardef\columndirection=0 % 0:lr 1:rl
+\def\minbalancetoplines {1}
+\def\minfreecolumnlines {2}
+\newif\ifrecentercolumnbox \recentercolumnboxtrue
+\newif\ifrerecentercolumnbox \rerecentercolumnboxtrue
+\newif\ifpackcolumnfloats \packcolumnfloatstrue
+%D The \type {\ifdim} test is needed, because otherwise the
+%D last line of a text end up on top of the baseline instead of
+%D on the baseline, as is the case with preceding pages.
+%D Also, a \type {\vfil} better than a \type {\vfill}.
+% to be replaced by \page[now] \page[final] / merged
+% \def\eject {\par\penalty-\plustenthousand } % == {\par\break} % plain
+% \def\supereject {\par\penalty-\plustwentythousand} % also plain
+\def\eject {\par\ifvmode\penalty\ejectpenalty\fi\resetpagebreak} % == {\par\break} % plain
+\def\supereject {\par\ifvmode\penalty\superpenalty\fi\resetpagebreak} % also plain
+\def\doejectpage {\par\ifvmode\ifdim\pagetotal>\pagegoal\else\normalvfil\fi\fi} % pg set to \textheight
+\def\ejectpage {\doejectpage\eject}
+\ifx\bye\undefined \def\bye{\par\vfill\supereject\end} \fi % plain tex command
+% floats
+% \def\ejectinsert
+% {\flushnotes
+% \bgroup
+% \noftopfloats\plusthousand
+% \nofbotfloats\zerocount
+% \doflushfloats
+% \egroup}
+ {\flushnotes
+ \bgroup
+ \noftopfloats\plusthousand
+ \nofbotfloats\zerocount
+ % this is needed in case a float that has been stored
+ % ends up at the current page; this border case occurs when
+ % the calculated room is 'eps' smaller that the room available
+ % when just flushing; so now we have (maybe optional):
+ \pagebaselinecorrection
+ % alas, this is tricky but needed (first surfaced in prikkels)
+ \doflushfloats
+ \egroup}
+ {\endgraf \ifvmode
+ \ejectinsert
+ \hardespatie % will be different
+ \vfill
+ \gotonextpage
+ \fi}
+ {}
+ {\forgetall
+ \vskip\zeropoint\relax
+ \ifvoid\normalpagebox \else
+ \unvbox\normalpagebox
+ \penalty\outputpenalty
+ \fi
+ % not really needed, replaced by \flushsavedfloats
+ \ifnum\outputpenalty>\superpenalty \else % better use a proper otr signal
+ \dosupereject
+ \fi
+ % but does not hurt either (we're still in the otr!)
+ \inpagebodytrue % needed for enabling \blank !
+ \flushsavedfloats % was \dosetbothinserts; only otr one !
+ \setvsize % this is needed for interacting components, like floats and multicolumns
+ \adaptfuzzypagegoal} % watch this hack!
+\def\dofinaloutput#1#2% \vbox: prevents spurious spaces in every..pagebody
+ {\beforefinaloutput
+ \the\everybeforeshipout % brrr not in shipout
+ \ifspecialbasedsettings
+ \myshipout{\hbox{\hbox to \zeropoint{\the\pageboundsettings}%
+ \hbox{\vbox{\dopagebody#1#2\setpagecounters}}}}%
+ \else
+ \the\pageboundsettings
+ \myshipout{\hbox{\vbox{\dopagebody#1#2\setpagecounters}}}%
+ \fi
+ \the\everyaftershipout
+ \afterfinaloutput
+ \popproperties} % ... and here ...
+ {\beforefinaloutput
+ \the\everybeforeshipout
+ \setpagecounters
+ \message{[-\the\realpageno]}%
+ \setbox\scratchbox\hbox
+ {%\the\everyshipout % still needed here ?
+ \dopagebody#1#2}%
+ \deadcycles\zerocount
+ \gotonextrealpage
+ \the\everyaftershipout
+ \afterfinaloutput
+ \popproperties} % ... and here
+% beware: \ifprocessingpages is in use
+\ifx\checkpageversion\undefined \let\checkpageversion\relax \fi % todo: hook into \everybeforeshipout
+\ifx\doflushspread \undefined \let\doflushspread \relax \fi % todo
+ {\checkpageversion
+ \ifprocessingpages
+ \ifpageselected
+ \@EAEAEA\dofinaloutput
+ \else
+ \@EAEAEA\donofinaloutput
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \ifpageselected
+ \@EAEAEA\donofinaloutput
+ \else
+ \@EAEAEA\dofinaloutput
+ \fi
+ \fi#1#2%
+ \resetselectiepagina
+ \incrementpagenumber
+ \checkpagedimensions
+ \ifnum\outputpenalty>\superpenalty \else
+ \dosupereject
+ \fi
+ \doflushspread
+ \dopostponeblock}
+ {\finaloutput\unvbox\normalpagebox}
+% will be installable tracer; better use chardef
+% this needs a real cleanup
+ {\doifsomething{#2}
+ {\defconvertedcommand\ascii{#2}%
+ \space#1:\space\ascii\space
+ \!!doneatrue}}
+\def\placeversioninfo % nog engels maken
+ {\ifcase\conceptmode
+ % 0 : nothing
+ \or
+ % 1 : simple
+ \vskip\!!sixpoint
+ \hbox to \makeupwidth
+ {\infofont
+ \v!concept:\space\currentdate
+ \hss\reportpagedimensions}%
+ \else
+ % 2/3 : extensive
+ \vskip\!!sixpoint
+ \hbox to \makeupwidth
+ {\infofont
+ \getmessage\m!systems{27}:\space\currentdate\space
+ \doplaceversiontext\v!project \currentproject
+ \doplaceversiontext\v!product \currentproduct
+ \doplaceversiontext\v!component\currentcomponent
+ \if!!donea\else\space\v!file:\space\jobname\fi
+ \hss\reportpagedimensions}%
+ \fi}
+% tot hier
+ {\chardef\conceptmode\zerocount
+ \overfullrule\zeropoint
+ \processaction % \v!final=>
+ [#1]
+ [ \v!concept=>\chardef\conceptmode\plusone, % simple banner
+ \v!file=>\chardef\conceptmode\plustwo, % full banner
+ \v!temporary=>\chardef\conceptmode\plusthree % full banner plus
+ \overfullrule5\points]} % info in the margin
+ {\dosingleargument\doversion}
+ {\ifcase\conceptmode
+ \@EA\gobbleoneargument
+ \else
+ \@EA\doaddstatusinfo
+ \fi}
+ {\setbox#1\vbox to \paperheight
+ {\vsmashbox#1\box#1%
+ \offinterlineskip
+ \vskip\topspace
+ \hsize\paperwidth
+ \hfill\hbox{\placetestinfo\hskip.5cm}\vss
+ \settexthoffset\hskip\texthoffset % brrrr
+ %\tlap{\placeversioninfo}\vskip.5cm
+ \vbox to 1cm{\vss\placeversioninfo\vss}}}
+ {\ifinpagebody\else\ifnum\conceptmode=\plusthree
+ \begingroup
+ \defconvertedcommand\ascii{#3}%
+ \xdef\extratestinfo
+ {#2\space\ascii}%
+ \gdef\totaltestinfo
+ {\global\setbox#1\vbox
+ {\unvbox#1\relax
+ \infofont \setupinterlinespace
+ \hbox
+ {\strut
+ \expanded{\doboundtext{\extratestinfo}{12em}{..}}%
+ \quad}}}%
+ \endgroup
+ \ifinner
+ \aftergroup\totaltestinfo
+ \else
+ \totaltestinfo
+ \fi
+ \fi\fi}
+% this will be inserts some day
+% \installinsertion\referenceinfobox
+% \installinsertion\registerinfobox
+% \installinsertion\floatinfobox
+\def\registerinfo {\dotestinfo\registerinfobox}
+\def\floatinfo {\dotestinfo\floatinfobox}
+ {\vbox to \makeupheight
+ {\forgetall
+ \infofont
+ \hsize10em
+ \ifvoid\floatinfobox\else
+ \strut \getmessage\m!systems{24}%
+ \vskip\!!sixpoint
+ \unvbox\floatinfobox
+ \vskip\!!twelvepoint
+ \fi
+ \ifvoid\referenceinfobox\else
+ \strut \getmessage\m!systems{25}%
+ \vskip\!!sixpoint
+ \unvbox\referenceinfobox
+ \vskip\!!twelvepoint
+ \fi
+ \ifvoid\registerinfobox\else
+ \strut \getmessage\m!systems{26}%
+ \vskip\!!sixpoint
+ \unvbox\registerinfobox
+ \fi
+ \vss}}
+% bewaren tvb documentatie
+% \hbox to \hsize
+% {\en
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+% \dimen0=\baselineskip
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+% \vsize=2\hsize
+% \ruledvbox to \vsize{\input tufte \par}\hss
+% \ruledvbox to \vsize{\input tufte \par\kern-\prevdepth}\hss
+% \ruledvbox to \vsize{\input tufte \par\kern0pt}\hss
+% \ruledvbox to \vsize{\input tufte \par\vfill}\hss
+% \ruledvbox to \vsize{\input tufte \par\kern-\prevdepth\vfill}}
+% \hbox to \hsize
+% {\en
+% \switchnaarkorps[5pt]%
+% \emergencystretch2em
+% \dimen0=\baselineskip
+% \baselineskip=\dimen0 plus 1pt
+% \hsize=.18\hsize
+% \vsize=2.5\hsize
+% \setbox0=\vbox{\input tufte\relax}%
+% \ruledvbox to \vsize{\unvcopy0}\hss
+% \ruledvbox to \vsize{\unvcopy0\kern-\dp0}\hss
+% \ruledvbox to \vsize{\unvcopy0\kern0pt}\hss
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+% \ruledvbox to \vsize{\unvcopy0\kern-\dp0\vfill}}
+\newtoks\afterpage \newtoks\aftereverypage
+\newtoks\beforepage \newtoks\beforeeverypage
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+ {\chardef\showgridstate \plusone % downward compatible default
+ \chardef\gridboxlinemode \plusone
+ \chardef\gridboxlinenomode\plusone
+ \processallactionsinset
+ [#1]%
+ [ \v!reset=>\chardef\showgridstate \zerocount,
+ \v!bottom=>\chardef\showgridstate \plusone,
+ \v!top=>\chardef\showgridstate \plustwo,
+ \v!none=>\chardef\gridboxlinemode \zerocount,
+ \v!all=>\chardef\gridboxlinemode \plusone,
+ \v!lines=>\chardef\gridboxlinemode \plustwo,
+ \v!frame=>\chardef\gridboxlinemode \plusthree,
+ \v!nonumber=>\chardef\gridboxlinenomode\zerocount,
+ \v!right=>\chardef\gridboxlinenomode\plusone,
+ \v!left=>\chardef\gridboxlinenomode\plustwo]}
+ {\setbox#1\vbox to \paperheight
+ {\hsize\paperwidth
+ \vskip\topspace
+ \doifbothsides
+ {\hskip\backspace}
+ {\hskip\backspace}
+ {\hskip\paperwidth \hskip-\backspace \hskip-\makeupwidth}%
+ \box#1}%
+ \dp#1\zeropoint}
+% \newif\ifpagebodyornaments \pagebodyornamentstrue
+% \appendtoks
+% \global\pagebodyornamentstrue
+% \to \everyaftershipout
+\newif\ifarrangingpages \arrangingpagesfalse
+\chardef\pageornamentstate\zerocount % 0=on 1=one-off 2=always-off
+\def\pagebodyornamentstrue {\chardef\pageornamentstate\zerocount} % for a while
+\def\pagebodyornamentsfalse{\chardef\pageornamentstate\plusone} % for a while
+ \ifcase\pageornamentstate\or
+ \chardef\pageornamentstate\zerocount
+ \fi
+\to \everyaftershipout
+ \let\shiftprintpagebox\gobbleoneargument
+ \let\shiftpaperpagebox\gobbleoneargument
+ \let\registerpageposition\gobbleoneargument
+ {\showmessage\m!systems
+ {23}{\the\realpageno.\the\pageno\ifnum\subpageno>0 .\the\subpageno\fi,#1}}
+\newif\ifsavepagebody \newbox\savedpagebody
+% beware, \??ly is used before defined, i.e. bad module design
+ {\ifsavepagebody\global\setbox\savedpagebody\fi
+ \vbox
+ {\beginrestorecatcodes
+ \forgetall % igv problemen, check: \boxmaxdepth\maxdimen
+ \boxmaxdepth\maxdimen % new
+ \dontcomplain
+ % the following plugin uses and sets pagebox; beware: this
+ % will change and is for my (hh) personal experiments
+ \executeifdefined{\??ly\c!method\@@lymethod}%
+ {\getvalue{\??ly\c!method\v!normal}}#1#2%
+ % the finishing touch
+ \ifcase\pageornamentstate
+ \addpagebackground \pagebox
+ \fi
+ \registerpageposition\pagebox
+ \ifarrangingpages
+ \shiftpaperpagebox \pagebox % \v!paper
+ \else
+ \clippagebox \pagebox
+ \doifelse\@@lymarking\v!page
+ {\replicatepagebox \pagebox
+ \addpagecutmarks \pagebox}
+ {\addpagecutmarks \pagebox
+ \replicatepagebox \pagebox}%
+ \scalepagebox \pagebox
+ \mirrorpaperbox \pagebox
+ \orientpaperbox \pagebox
+ \addpagecolormarks \pagebox
+ \centerpagebox \pagebox
+ \addprintbackground\pagebox
+ \mirrorprintbox \pagebox
+ \orientprintbox \pagebox
+ \shiftprintpagebox \pagebox % \v!page
+ \offsetprintbox \pagebox
+ \negateprintbox \pagebox
+ \fi
+ \box\pagebox
+ \endrestorecatcodes}%
+ \ifsavepagebody\copy\savedpagebody\fi}
+ {\setbox\pagebox\vbox
+ {\offinterlineskip
+ \ifcase\pageornamentstate
+ \bgroup % else footnotes get inconsistent font/baseline
+ \dostartattributes\??ly\c!style\c!color\empty
+ \offinterlineskip
+ \gettextboxes
+ \dostopattributes
+ \egroup
+ \fi
+ \getmainbox#1#2}% including footnotes
+ \ifcase\pageornamentstate
+ \addmainbackground \pagebox
+ \addlogobackground \pagebox
+ \fi
+ \buildpagebox \pagebox
+ \addstatusinfo \pagebox}
+ {\ifarrangingpages
+ \addpagecutmarks #1%
+ \addpagecolormarks#1%
+ \centerpagebox #1%
+ \mirrorprintbox #1%
+ \orientprintbox #1%
+ \offsetprintbox #1%
+ \negateprintbox #1%
+ \fi}
+\appendtoks \restoreglobalbodyfont \to \everybeforepagebody
+\appendtoks \restorecolumnsettings \to \everybeforepagebody
+\ifx\nestednewbox\undefined \newbox\nestednextbox \fi
+\prependtoks \let\nextbox\nestednextbox \to \everybeforepagebody
+ {%\getallmarks % now in following token register
+ \the\everybeforepagebody
+ \starttextproperties
+ \gotonextsubpage % nog eens: als in pagina (tbv standaard opmaak)
+ \dontshowboxes % dan hier blokkeren en verderop resetten
+% \shipoutfacingpage
+ \checkreferences
+ \checkmargeblokken
+ \the\beforeeverypage
+ \flushtoks\beforepage
+ \inpagebodytrue\buildpagebody#1#2%
+ \flushtoks\afterpage
+ \the\aftereverypage
+ \resetpagebreak
+ %updatelistreferences % now in aftereverypage
+ \resetlayouttextlines % will go to \aftereverypage
+ \stoptextproperties
+ \the\everyafterpagebody}
+\prependtoks \initializepaper \to \pageboundsettings
+% not here
+\newif\ifpagebreakdisabled \pagebreakdisabledfalse
+% \chardef\testpagemethod=0 % todo: \testnewpage[method=,lines=,voffset=]
+% \def\testpage {\dotripleempty\dotestpage[\plusone]}
+% \def\testpageonly{\dotripleempty\dotestpage[\plustwo]}
+% \def\dotestpage[#1][#2][#3]%
+% {%\relax % needed before \if
+% \endgraf
+% \ifpagebreakdisabled
+% % do nothing
+% \else
+% %ifnum#1=\plusone\synchronizeoutput\fi
+% \ifdim\pagegoal<\maxdimen \relax
+% \ifdim\pagetotal<\pagegoal \relax
+% \scratchdimen\lineheight
+% \multiply\scratchdimen#2\relax
+% \advance\scratchdimen \pagetotal
+% \ifdim\lastskip<\parskip
+% \advance\scratchdimen \parskip
+% \fi
+% \ifthirdargument
+% \advance\scratchdimen#3\relax
+% \fi
+% \ifcase\testpagemethod
+% \ifdim\scratchdimen>.99\pagegoal
+% \vfill\eject % \penalty-\!!tenthousand\relax
+% \fi
+% \or
+% \advance\scratchdimen-\pagegoal
+% \ifdim\scratchdimen>-\lineheight
+% \vfill\eject % \penalty-\!!tenthousand\relax
+% \fi
+% \or
+% \getnoflines\pagegoal
+% \advance\scratchdimen-\noflines\lineheight \relax
+% \ifdim\scratchdimen>-\lineheight
+% \vfill\eject % \penalty-\!!tenthousand\relax
+% \fi
+% \or % same as 0 but more accurate
+% \advance\scratchdimen-10\s!sp\relax
+% \ifdim\scratchdimen>\pagegoal
+% \vfill\eject % \penalty-\!!tenthousand\relax
+% \fi
+% \fi
+% \else
+% % force page break / new
+% % \vfill\eject % \penalty-\!!tenthousand\relax
+% \fi
+% \else
+% \ifnum#1=\plusone\goodbreak\fi
+% \fi
+% \fi}
+\chardef\testpagemethod \zerocount % todo: \testnewpage[method=,lines=,voffset=]
+\def\testpage {\dotripleempty\dotestpage[\plusone ]} %
+\def\testpageonly{\dotripleempty\dotestpage[\plustwo ]} % no penalties added to the mvl
+\def\testpagesync{\dotripleempty\dotestpage[\plusthree]} % force sync
+\def\dotestpage[#1][#2][#3]% don't change, only add more methods
+ {\relax % needed before \if
+ \ifpagebreakdisabled
+ \endgraf
+ \else
+ % new from here
+ \ifcase\testpagetrigger
+ \endgraf
+ \or
+ \ifvmode
+ \dosomebreak\allowbreak
+ \else % indeed?
+ \vadjust{\allowbreak}%
+ \endgraf
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ % till here
+ \ifdim\pagegoal<\maxdimen \relax
+ \ifdim\pagetotal<\pagegoal \relax
+ \scratchdimen\lineheight
+ \multiply\scratchdimen#2\relax
+ \advance\scratchdimen \pagetotal
+ \ifdim\lastskip<\parskip
+ \advance\scratchdimen \parskip
+ \fi
+ \ifthirdargument
+ \advance\scratchdimen#3\relax
+ \fi
+ \ifcase\testpagemethod
+ \ifdim\scratchdimen>.99\pagegoal
+ \penalty-\!!tenthousand\relax
+ \fi
+ \or
+ \advance\scratchdimen-\pagegoal
+ \ifdim\scratchdimen>-\lineheight
+ \penalty-\!!tenthousand\relax
+ \fi
+ \or
+ \getnoflines\pagegoal
+ \advance\scratchdimen-\noflines\lineheight \relax
+ \ifdim\scratchdimen>-\lineheight
+ \penalty-\!!tenthousand\relax
+ \fi
+ \or % same as 0 but more accurate
+ \advance\scratchdimen-10\s!sp\relax
+ \ifdim\scratchdimen>\pagegoal
+ \penalty-\!!tenthousand\relax
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \ifnum#1=\plusthree
+ \flushpagesofar
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \ifnum#1=\plusone\goodbreak\fi
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+ {\endgraf
+ \ifdim\pagetotal>\pagegoal
+ \ifdim\dimexpr\pagetotal-\pageshrink\relax>\pagegoal
+ \goodbreak % \penalty0
+ \else
+ \page
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \fi}
+ {\dodoubleempty\dotestcolumn}
+ {%\relax % needed before \if !
+ \endgraf
+ \ifdim\pagegoal<\maxdimen \ifdim\pagetotal<\pagegoal % \relax
+ \scratchdimen\pagegoal
+ \advance\scratchdimen-\pagetotal
+ \ifdim\lastskip<\parskip
+ \advance\scratchdimen \parskip
+ \fi
+ \ifsecondargument
+ \advance\scratchdimen#2%
+ \fi
+ \getrawnoflines\scratchdimen % raw !
+ % \message{[\number#1>\number\noflines ?}\wait
+ \ifnum#1>\noflines
+ \column
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \penalty-\!!tenthousand % untested ! ! \column
+ \fi \fi}
+% was: \resetsectionmarks\firstsection, zie \handlepagebreak
+\def\page{\pagebreak} % the short form of \pagebreak (mult-com one)
+ {\global\pagebreakdisabledfalse}
+ {\def\dopagebreak[##1]{\goodbreak}}
+ {\def\dopagebreak[##1]{}}
+ {\edef\@@pagespecification{#1}%
+ \doifdefinedelse{\??pe:\@@pagespecification}
+ {\getvalue{\??pe:\@@pagespecification}}
+ {\doifdefinedelse{\??pe::\@@pagespecification}
+ {\executepagebreakhandlers{\getvalue{\??pe::\@@pagespecification}}}
+ {\getvalue{\??pe:\s!unknown}}}}
+ {\long\setvalue{\??pe:#1}{#2}}
+% \definecomplexorsimple\pagebreak
+% \def\simplepagebreak
+% {\executepagebreakhandler\v!ja}
+% \def\complexpagebreak[#1]% if empty, do nothing and avoid processing,
+% {\flushnotes % see head's; watch how we group
+% \doifsomething{#1}{\bgroup\executepagebreakhandlers{#1}\egroup}}
+ {\dosingleempty\dopagebreak}
+\def\dopagebreak[#1]% so, page ornaments are reset after a pagebreak command, unless set
+ {\bgroup
+ \edef\prevrealpageno{\the\realpageno}%
+ \ifcase\pageornamentstate \or
+ % disable reset after shipout
+ \global\chardef\pageornamentstate\plustwo
+ \fi
+ \iffirstargument % or if empty i.e. []
+ \flushnotes\executepagebreakhandlers{#1}%
+ \else % so, no pagebreak when \pagebreak[] ! ! !
+ \flushnotes\executepagebreakhandler\v!yes
+ \fi
+ \ifnum\prevrealpageno<\realpageno
+ \global\chardef\pageornamentstate\zerocount
+ \fi
+ \egroup}
+ {\processcommacommand[#1]\executepagebreakhandler}
+\installpagebreakhandler \s!dummy
+ {\ejectinsert
+ \gotonextpage
+ \ejectdummypage}
+\installpagebreakhandler \v!frame
+ {\page\bgroup\showframe\page[\v!empty]\egroup}
+\installpagebreakhandler \s!unknown
+ {\doifinstringelse{+}\@@pagespecification
+ {\ejectinsert
+ \gotonextpage
+ \dorecurse\@@pagespecification\ejectdummypage}
+ {\doifnumberelse\@@pagespecification
+ {\ejectinsert
+ \gotonextpage
+ \doloop
+ {\ifnum\userpageno<\@@pagespecification\relax
+ \ejectdummypage
+ \else
+ \exitloop
+ \fi}}
+ {}}}
+\installpagebreakhandler \s!default
+ {} % do nothing if empty
+\installpagebreakhandler \v!reset
+ {% better not: \global\chardef\pageornamentstate\zerocount
+ \resetpagebreak}
+\installpagebreakhandler \v!disable
+ {\global\pagebreakdisabledtrue}
+\installpagebreakhandler \v!yes
+ {\ifpagebreakdisabled\else
+ \ejectinsert
+ \gotonextpage
+ \ifinsidecolumns % this will move to MUL
+ \ejectpage % anders soms geen overgang
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+\installpagebreakhandler \v!makeup % ??
+ {\ifpagebreakdisabled\else
+ \eject
+ \fi}
+\installpagebreakhandler \v!blank
+ {\ifcase\pageornamentstate
+ \global\chardef\pageornamentstate\plusone
+ \fi}
+\installpagebreakhandler \v!no
+ {\ifpagebreakdisabled\else
+ \dosomebreak\nobreak
+ \fi}
+\installpagebreakhandler \v!preference
+ {\ifpagebreakdisabled\else
+ \ifinsidecolumns % this will move to MUL
+ \dosomebreak\goodbreak
+ \else
+ \testpage[3][\zeropoint]%
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+\installpagebreakhandler \v!bigpreference
+ {\ifpagebreakdisabled\else
+ \ifinsidecolumns % this will move to MUL
+ \dosomebreak\goodbreak
+ \else
+ \testpage[5][\zeropoint]%
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+\installpagebreakhandler \v!empty
+ {\ejectinsert
+ \gotonextpage
+ \doifnotvalue{\??tk\v!header\c!state}\v!stop{\setupheader[\c!state=\v!empty]}%
+ \doifnotvalue{\??tk\v!footer\c!state}\v!stop{\setupfooter[\c!state=\v!empty]}%
+ \ejectdummypage}
+\installpagebreakhandler \v!left
+ {\ejectinsert
+ \gotonextpageX % will become \gotonextpage
+ \doifbothsidesoverruled{}{\resetcurrentsectionmarks\ejectdummypage}{}}
+\installpagebreakhandler \v!right
+ {\ejectinsert
+ \gotonextpageX % will become \gotonextpage
+ \doifbothsidesoverruled{}{}{\resetcurrentsectionmarks\ejectdummypage}}
+\installpagebreakhandler \v!even
+ {\page
+ \doifoddpageelse{\resetcurrentsectionmarks\ejectdummypage}\donothing}
+\installpagebreakhandler \v!odd
+ {\page
+ \doifoddpageelse\donothing{\resetcurrentsectionmarks\ejectdummypage}}
+\installpagebreakhandler \v!quadruple % not yet ok inside columnsets
+ {\ifdoublesided
+ \!!counta\realpageno
+ \!!countb\realpageno
+ \divide\!!counta 4
+ \divide\!!countb 2
+ \ifnum\!!counta=\!!countb
+ \else
+ \executepagebreakhandler\v!yes
+ \executepagebreakhandler\v!empty
+ \executepagebreakhandler\v!empty
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+\installpagebreakhandler \v!last
+ {\ejectinsert
+ \gotonextpageX % will become \gotonextpage
+ \relax
+ \doifbothsidesoverruled
+ {\shipoutfacingpage}
+ {}
+ {\noheaderandfooterlines \ejectdummypage}%
+ \filluparrangedpages}
+\installpagebreakhandler \v!lastpage % handy for backpage preceded by empty pages
+ {\executepagebreakhandler\v!yes
+ \ifdoublesided
+ \executepagebreakhandler\v!left
+ \executepagebreakhandler\v!empty
+ \executepagebreakhandler\v!empty
+ \fi}
+\installpagebreakhandler \v!start
+ {\globallet\shipout\normalshipout}
+\installpagebreakhandler \v!stop
+ {\globallet\shipout\noshipout}
+% nb: \executepagebreakhandler\v!hoofd in other ones
+\installpagebreakhandler \v!header
+ {\doifnotvalue{\??tk\v!header\c!state}\v!stop{\setupheader[\c!state=\v!empty]}}
+\installpagebreakhandler \v!footer
+ {\doifnotvalue{\??tk\v!footer\c!state}\v!stop{\setupfooter[\c!state=\v!empty]}}
+% \definepagebreak
+% [chapter]
+% [yes,header,right]
+% \setuphead
+% [chapter]
+% [page=chapter,
+% header=empty,
+% footer=chapter]
+% \definepagebreak % untested
+% [lastpage]
+% [left,{empty,right},{empty,left}]
+% public page handler, beware: definepage already in use (core-ref)
+% \definepagebreak[instance][forsure]
+% \definepagebreak[forsure][yes,+4]
+ {\dodoubleargument\dodefinepagebreak}
+\def\dodefinepagebreak[#1][#2]% non recursive, meant for simple mappings
+ {\setvalue{\??pe::#1}{#2}}
+% hier nog uti blokkeren
+% don't change this / test case:
+% \setupbackgrounds[state=repeat]
+% \setupbackgrounds[text][text][background=whatever]
+% \couplepage[chapter][before={\defineoverlay[whatever][ON]}]
+% \setuphead[chapter][before={\pagetype[chapter]}]
+% \chapter{First} \page test \chapter{second} \page test
+\long\def\installcolumnbreakhandler#1#2#3% #1=otr-id #2=tag
+ {\long\setvalue{\??cn:#1:#2}{#3}}
+ {\dodoubleargument\dodefinecolumnbreak}
+\def\dodefinecolumnbreak[#1][#2]% non recursive, meant for simple mappings
+ {\setvalue{\??cn::#1}{#2}}
+% {\dosingleempty\docolumnbreak}
+% {\expanded{\nextcolumn[\executeifdefined{\??cn::#1}{#1}]}}
+ {\executecolumnbreakhandler\v!yes}
+\def\complexcolumnbreak[#1]% if empty, do nothing and avoid processing
+ {\doifsomething{#1}{\executecolumnbreakhandlers{#1}}}
+ {\processcommacommand[#1]\executecolumnbreakhandler}
+\def\executecolumnbreakhandler#1% here no commalist
+ {\edef\@@columnspecification{#1}%
+ \doifdefinedelse{\??cn:\OTRidentifier:\@@columnspecification}
+ {\getvalue{\??cn:\OTRidentifier:\@@columnspecification}}
+ {\doifdefinedelse{\??cn::\@@columnspecification}
+ {\executecolumnbreakhandlers{\getvalue{\??cn::\@@columnspecification}}}
+ {\getvalue{\??cn:\OTRidentifier:\s!unknown}}}}
+\let\column \columnbreak
+% We don't want spurious last pages (due to left over marks):
+ {\writestatus\m!systems{ignoring further shipouts}%
+ \global\advance\realpageno\minusone % else no flush of resources
+ \dowithnextbox{\deadcycles\zerocount}}
+% \def\doignorerestoftext
+% {\ifarrangingpages \else \ifnum\textlevel>\zerocount \else
+% \globallet\shipout\noshipout
+% \fi \fi}
+% better:
+ {\ifarrangingpages \else \ifnum\textlevel=\plusone
+ \globallet\shipout\noshipout
+ \fi \fi}
+\prependtoks % only ignore in a symmetrical doc
+ \globallet\ignorerestoftext\doignorerestoftext
+\to \everystarttext
+% \appendtoks
+% \ignorerestoftext
+% \to \everylastshipout
+\newif\ifpageselected \pageselectedtrue
+\newif\ifselectingpages \selectingpagesfalse
+\let\pageselection \empty
+\let\aftershipout \relax
+\let\beforeshipout \relax
+ {\global\let\beforeshipout\relax
+ \getvalue{\??pg#1\c!before}}
+ {\doifsomething\currentpageselection
+ {\processcommacommand[\currentpageselection]\dodobeforeshipout}}
+ {\global\let\aftershipout\relax
+ \global\let\currentpageselection\empty
+ \getvalue{\??pg#1\c!after}}
+ {\doifelsevalue{\??pg#1\c!option}\v!doublesided
+ {\doifbothsidesoverruled
+ {\dododoaftershipout{#1}}
+ {\dododoaftershipout{#1}}
+ {}}
+ {\dododoaftershipout{#1}}}
+ {\doifsomething\currentpageselection
+ {\processcommacommand[\currentpageselection]\dodoaftershipout}}
+% Dit wordt eigenlijk nooit en moet worden vervangen door
+% het meer algemene mechanisme.
+ {\edef\desoortpagina{#1}%
+ \ifx\desoortpagina\empty \else
+ \@EA\doglobal\@EA\addtocommalist\@EA{\desoortpagina}\currentpageselection
+ \ifselectingpages
+ \fullexpandtwoargsafter\doifcommon\desoortpagina\pageselection
+ {\global\pageselectedtrue}%
+ \fi
+ \gdef\beforeshipout{\dobeforeshipout}%
+ \gdef\aftershipout {\doaftershipout}%
+ \fi}
+ {\dosingleargument\dopagetype}
+ {\getparameters
+ [\??pg]
+ [\c!before=,
+ \c!after=,
+ \c!option=,
+ #2]%
+ \def\docommand##1%
+ {\getparameters
+ [\??pg##1]
+ [\c!before=\@@pgbefore,
+ \c!after=\@@pgafter,
+ \c!option=\@@pgoption]}%
+ \processcommalist[#1]\docommand}%
+ {\dodoubleargument\docouplepage}
+ {\processaction
+ [#2]
+ [\v!yes=>\global\processingpagestrue,
+ \v!no=>\global\processingpagesfalse]%
+ \gdef\pageselection{#1}%
+ \global\selectingpagestrue
+ \global\pageselectedfalse}
+ {\dodoubleargument\doprocesspage}
+ {\ifselectingpages
+ \doifbothsidesoverruled{\global\pageselectedfalse}{}{\global\pageselectedfalse}%
+ \fi}
+% \def\registeredtextarea#1#2#3% #1=lower-dp #2=correct-ht #3=box
+% {\hbox{\box#3}}
+\def\registeredtextarea#1#2#3% #1=lower-dp #2=correct-ht #3=box
+ {\hbox\bgroup
+ \ifregistertextareas \ifx\registerMPtextarea\undefined \else
+ \setbox\registertextbox\null
+ \wd\registertextbox\wd#3%
+ \ht\registertextbox\ht#3%
+ \dp\registertextbox\dp#3%
+ \ifcase#1\or % 1
+ \setbox\registertextbox\hbox{\lower\strutdp\box\registertextbox}%
+ \fi
+ \ifcase#2\or % 1
+ \setbox\registertextbox\hbox{\raise\topskip\hbox{\lower\strutht\box\registertextbox}}%
+ \dp\registertextbox\strutdp
+ \fi
+ \dp\registertextbox\strutdp % needed
+ %\setbox\registertextbox\hbox
+ % {\iftracetextareas\gray\boxrulewidth2pt\ruledhbox\fi
+ % {\registerMPtextarea{\box\registertextbox}}}%
+ \setbox\registertextbox\hbox
+ {\registerMPtextarea{\box\registertextbox}}%
+ \smashbox\registertextbox
+ \box\registertextbox
+ \fi \fi
+ \box#3%
+ \egroup}
+%D \macros
+%D {setupoppositeplacing,startopposite}
+%D \starttyping
+%D \starttext
+%D test \startopposite \blackrule[width=3cm,height=4cm] \stopopposite test
+%D test \startopposite \blackrule[width=3cm,height=4cm] \stopopposite test
+%D \stoptext
+%D \stoptyping
+% Moved from page-mar.tex, made english, cleaned up, but still to be
+% redesigned
+ {\dodoubleargument\getparameters[\??np]}
+ {\dowithnextboxcontent
+ {\hsize\makeupwidth}%
+ {\global\setbox\facingpage\vbox
+ {\ifvoid\facingpage
+ \@@npbefore
+ \else
+ \@@npinbetween
+ \unvbox\facingpage
+ \fi
+ \box\nextbox}}%
+ \vbox\bgroup}
+ {\egroup}
+ {\ifvoid\facingpage\else
+ \global\setbox\facingpage\vbox to \makeupheight
+ {\unvbox\facingpage
+ \@@npafter
+ \vss}%
+ \fi}
+ {\doif\@@npstate\v!start
+ {\ifvoid\facingpage\else
+ \ifnum\realpageno>\plusone
+ \bgroup
+ \chardef\pageornamentstate\plusone
+ \finishfacingpage
+ \myshipout{\buildpagebody\box\facingpage}%
+ \egroup
+ \else
+ \global\setbox\facingpage\emptybox
+ \fi
+ \fi}}
+ [\c!state=\v!start,
+ \c!before=,
+ \c!inbetween=\blank,
+ \c!after=]
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/page-ins.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/page-ins.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ce0f51d72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/page-ins.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=core-ins,
+%D version=2002.04.16,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Insertion Macros,
+%D subtitle=Insertions,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Core Macros / Insertions}
+%D Insertions are special data collections that are associated
+%D to \TEX's internal page builder. When multiple footnote
+%D classes were introduced, I decided to isolate some of the
+%D functionality in a module.
+% {\ifx#1\undefined
+% \newinsert#1%
+% \count#1\plusthousand
+% \skip #1\zeropoint
+% \dimen#1\maxdimen
+% \appendtoks\doprocessinsert#1\to\@@insertionlist
+% \fi}
+ {\ifx#1\undefined
+ \let#1\relax
+ \fi
+ \ifx#1\relax % permits \csname...\endcsname
+ \newinsert#1%
+ \count#1\plusthousand
+ \skip #1\zeropoint
+ \dimen#1\maxdimen
+ \appendtoks\doprocessinsert#1\to\@@insertionlist
+ \fi}
+ {\def\doprocessinsert##1{\ifvoid##1\else\insert##1{\unvbox##1}\fi}%
+ \processinsertions}
+%D For instance, when we postpone footnotes, we need to save
+%D some data related to the inserts. The next methods are
+%D far from ideal, but better than nothing. We save and
+%D restore box content and associated data independently.
+%D The box content is only restores when non||void.
+ {\csname\string#1\endcsname}
+ {\expandafter\newinsert\csname\string#1\endcsname
+ \count\backupinsertion#1\zerocount
+ \skip \backupinsertion#1\zeropoint
+ \dimen\backupinsertion#1\maxdimen}
+ {\ifdim\ht#1>\zeropoint % hm, actually unknown
+ \global\setbox\backupinsertion#1\box#1%
+ \else
+ \global\setbox\backupinsertion#1\emptybox
+ \fi}
+ {\ifvoid\backupinsertion#1\else % if void, we keep the content
+ \global\setbox#1\box\backupinsertion#1%
+ \fi}
+ {\global\setbox\backupinsertion#1\emptybox}
+ {\global\skip \backupinsertion#1\skip #1%
+ \global\count\backupinsertion#1\count#1%
+ \global\dimen\backupinsertion#1\dimen#1}
+ {\global\skip #1\skip \backupinsertion#1%
+ \global\count#1\count\backupinsertion#1%
+ \global\dimen#1\dimen\backupinsertion#1}
+%D Auxiliary macros:
+ {\ifvoid#1\else
+ \advance#2 1\skip#1\relax
+ \advance#2 \ht #1\relax
+ \fi}
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/page-lay.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/page-lay.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..61ff8764f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/page-lay.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,1439 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=page-lay,
+%D version=2000.10.20, % copied from main-001
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Page Macros,
+%D subtitle=Layout Specification,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Page Macros / Layout Specification}
+%D This module is now etex dependent.
+% to be translated into english
+% hoofdhoogte wordt bij status=hoog niet aangepast op outer
+% level, wel binnen bepaalde berekeningen
+%D Before you start wondering why some of the page related
+%D modules skip upward or left in order to place elements, you
+%D must realize that the reference point is the top left
+%D corner of the main typesetting area. One reason for this
+%D choice is that it suited some viewers that displayed page
+%D areas. Another reason is that margins, edges and top and
+%D bottom areas are kind of virtual, while the header, text
+%D and footer areas normally determine the text flow.
+%D First we get rid of the funny \TEX\ offset defaults of one
+%D inch by setting them to zero.
+\voffset = 0pt % setting this to -1in let's go metapost crazy
+\hoffset = 0pt % setting this to -1in let's go metapost crazy
+%D The dimensions related to layout areas are represented by
+%D real dimensions.
+\newdimen\paperheight \paperheight = 297mm
+\newdimen\paperwidth \paperwidth = 210mm
+\newdimen\printpaperheight \printpaperheight = \paperheight
+\newdimen\printpaperwidth \printpaperwidth = \paperwidth
+\newdimen\makeupheight % calculated
+\newdimen\makeupwidth % calculated
+\newdimen\textheight % calculated
+\newdimen\textwidth % calculated
+\newdimen\topspace \topspace = 2cm
+\newdimen\backspace \backspace = \topspace
+\newdimen\cutspace \cutspace = 0pt
+\newdimen\bottomspace \bottomspace = 0pt
+\newdimen\headerheight \headerheight = 2cm
+\newdimen\footerheight \footerheight = \headerheight
+\newdimen\topoffset \topoffset = 0pt
+\newdimen\backoffset \backoffset = \topoffset
+\newdimen\leftmarginwidth \leftmarginwidth = 3cm
+\newdimen\rightmarginwidth \rightmarginwidth = \leftmarginwidth
+\newdimen\leftedgewidth \leftedgewidth = 3cm
+\newdimen\rightedgewidth \rightedgewidth = \leftedgewidth
+\newdimen\topheight \topheight = 0cm
+\newdimen\bottomheight \bottomheight = \topheight
+\newcount\layoutlines \layoutlines = 0
+\newcount\layoutcolumns \layoutcolumns = 0
+\newdimen\layoutcolumndistance \layoutcolumndistance = 0pt
+\newdimen\layoutcolumnwidth \layoutcolumnwidth = 0pt
+%D We can save some tokens and fuzzy parameters by using a
+%D symbolic name for the current set of layout parameters.
+ {\csname\??ly\ifcsname
+ \??ly\currentlayout#1\endcsname\currentlayout
+ \fi#1\endcsname}
+ {\csname\??ly\ifcsname\??ly #1#2\endcsname#1\else
+ \ifcsname\??ly\currentlayout#2\endcsname\currentlayout
+ \fi\fi#2\endcsname}
+%D Beause normal \TEX\ has at most 256 dimensions (of which a
+%D substantial part is already in use), we provide a way to
+%D generate a format with macro based alternatives. For a long
+%D time, this used to be the default case. Beware: only fixed
+%D dimensions can be used in calculations! By the way, the
+%D gain in speed can hardly be called impressive and is roughly
+%D 1 second on a 35 second run of 850 empty pages with a
+%D couple of backgrounds only (which is far less than one
+%D percent on a normal document).
+%D The next series of dimensions are complemented by left
+%D and rights ones.
+\newdimen \margindistance
+\newdimen \edgedistance
+\newdimen \marginwidth
+\newdimen \edgewidth
+%D Because a distance does not really makes sense when there
+%D is no area, we use a zero distance in case there is no
+%D area.
+ {\ifdim\zeropoint<#1\layoutparameter#2\else\zeropoint\fi}
+%D The horizontal distances are:
+\newdimen \leftedgedistance
+\newdimen \rightedgedistance
+\newdimen \leftmargindistance
+\newdimen \rightmargindistance
+%D The vertical distances are:
+\newdimen \topdistance
+\newdimen \headerdistance
+\newdimen \footerdistance
+\newdimen \bottomdistance
+%D We need to calculate the extra distances:
+ {\global\marginwidth \layoutparameter\c!margin
+ \global\edgewidth \layoutparameter\c!edge
+ \global\margindistance \layoutparameter\c!margindistance
+ \global\edgedistance \layoutparameter\c!edgedistance
+ \global\leftedgedistance \layoutdistance \leftedgewidth \c!leftedgedistance
+ \global\rightedgedistance \layoutdistance \rightedgewidth \c!rightedgedistance
+ \global\leftmargindistance \layoutdistance \leftmarginwidth \c!leftmargindistance
+ \global\rightmargindistance\layoutdistance \rightmarginwidth \c!rightmargindistance
+ \global\topdistance \layoutdistance \topheight \c!topdistance
+ \global\headerdistance \layoutdistance \headerheight \c!headerdistance
+ \global\footerdistance \layoutdistance \footerheight \c!footerdistance
+ \global\bottomdistance \layoutdistance \bottomheight \c!bottomdistance}
+\def\setlayoutdistances % local in \setreducedvsize
+ {\headerdistance\layoutdistance\headerheight\c!headerdistance
+ \footerdistance\layoutdistance\footerheight\c!footerdistance}
+% these are wrong in the running text, assumes some swapping, needs a cleanup
+\def\outermarginwidth {\rightorleftpageaction\rightmarginwidth \leftmarginwidth }
+\def\innermarginwidth {\rightorleftpageaction\leftmarginwidth \rightmarginwidth}
+\def\outermargindistance{\rightorleftpageaction\rightmargindistance\leftmargindistance }
+\def\innermargindistance{\rightorleftpageaction\leftmargindistance \rightmargindistance}
+\def\outeredgewidth {\rightorleftpageaction\rightedgewidth \leftedgewidth }
+\def\inneredgewidth {\rightorleftpageaction\leftedgewidth \rightedgewidth}
+\def\outeredgedistance {\rightorleftpageaction\rightedgedistance\leftedgedistance }
+\def\inneredgedistance {\rightorleftpageaction\leftedgedistance \rightedgedistance}
+\def\outerspacewidth {\rightorleftpageaction\cutspace\backspace}
+\def\innerspacewidth {\rightorleftpageaction\backspace\cutspace}
+\newtoks\extralayoutcalculations \def\calculatelayoutextras{\the\extralayoutcalculations}
+% \appendtoks
+% non etex calculations used to go here
+% \to \extralayoutcalculations
+\newtoks\everyswapmargins % watch the order !
+ \swapdimens\leftmargindistance\rightmargindistance
+ \swapdimens\leftedgedistance \rightedgedistance
+ \swapdimens\leftmarginwidth \rightmarginwidth
+ \swapdimens\leftedgewidth \rightedgewidth
+\to \everyswapmargins
+ \swapmacros\leftmargintotal \rightmargintotal
+ \swapmacros\leftedgetotal \rightedgetotal
+ \swapmacros\leftsidetotal \rightsidetotal
+ \swapmacros\leftcombitotal \rightcombitotal
+ \swapmacros\innermargintotal\outermargintotal
+ \swapmacros\inneredgetotal \outeredgetotal
+ \swapmacros\innercombitotal \outercombitotal
+ \swapmacros\innersidetotal \outersidetotal
+\to \everyswapmargins
+%D \macros
+%D {definepapersize}
+%D Before we start calculating layout dimensions, we will
+%D first take care of paper sizes. The first argument can be
+%D either an assignment (for defaults) or an identifier, in
+%D which case the second argument is an assignment.
+%D \showsetup{definepapersize}
+ {\dodoubleempty\dodefinepapersize}
+ {\dotripleempty\dodefinepapersize}
+ {\ifsecondargument
+ \doifsomething{#1} % to be sure
+ {\doifassignmentelse{#2}
+ {\getparameters
+ [\??pp#1] % geen \c!scale, scheelt hash ruimte
+ [\c!width=\@@ppwidth,\c!height=\@@ppheight,\c!offset=\@@ppoffset,#2]}
+ {\setvalue{\??pp:1:#1}{#2}%
+ \setvalue{\??pp:2:#1}{#3}}}%
+ \else
+ \getparameters[\??pp][#1]%
+ \setuppapersize % hm. this will freeze !
+ \fi}
+%D For the moment we need to fake this macro.
+ \let\setuppapersize\relax
+%D We set the defaults to the dimensions of an A4 sheet of
+%D paper.
+ [\c!width=210mm,\c!height=297mm,\c!offset=\!!zeropoint]
+%D Yet undocumented, let's see if it gets noticed.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \definepapersize[main] [A4] [A4]
+%D \definepapersize[extra][A4,landscape][A4,landscape]
+%D \starttext
+%D \setuppapersize[main]
+%D Page 1. \page
+%D Page 2. \page
+%D \setuppapersize[extra]
+%D Page 2 \page
+%D \setuppapersize[main]
+%D Page 3. \page
+%D Page 4. \page
+%D \adaptpapersize[extra]
+%D Page 5. \page
+%D Page 6. \page
+%D \stoptext
+%D \stoptyping
+%D \macros
+%D {setuppaper,setuppapersize}
+%D When setting up the papersize on which to typeset and
+%D print, we can also determine some more characteristics.
+%D \showsetup{setuppapersize}
+%D We keep track of these features with the following
+%D variables.
+\chardef\papermirror =0 \chardef\printmirror =0
+\chardef\paperorientation=0 \chardef\printorientation=0 % beware: later no chardef
+\chardef\paperreverse =0 \chardef\printreverse =0
+\chardef\paperlandscape =0 \chardef\printlandscape =0
+\let\papersize\empty \let\printpapersize\empty
+\def\paperscale{1} \newif\ifnegateprintbox
+ {\getparameters[\??pp][\c!paper=,\c!page=,#1]%
+ \edef\@@ppxy{\the\numexpr\@@ppnx*\@@ppny\relax}%
+ \doifelsenothing\@@pppage
+ {\doifelsenothing\@@pppaper
+ {} % {\setuppapersize} % added, removed, no need for, too tricky, mag-01 (fixed by freezing pp's)
+ {\dodosetuppapersize[\papersize][\@@pppaper]}}
+ {\doifelsenothing\@@pppaper
+ {\dodosetuppapersize[\@@pppage][\printpapersize]}
+ {\dodosetuppapersize[\@@pppage][\@@pppaper]}}}
+ {\dodoubleempty\dosetuppapersize}
+ {\doifassignmentelse{#1}
+ {\setuppaper[#1]}
+ {\doifelsenothing{#2}
+ {\expanded{\dodosetuppapersize
+ [\executeifdefined{\??pp:1:#1}{#1}]%
+ [\executeifdefined{\??pp:2:#1}{\v!default}]}}
+ {\doifassignmentelse{#2}
+ {\getparameters[\??pp\executeifdefined{\??pp:1:#1}{#1}][#2]}
+ {\expanded{\dodosetuppapersize
+ [\executeifdefined{\??pp:1:#1}{#1}]%
+ [\executeifdefined{\??pp:1:#2}{#2}]}}}}}
+ {\global\let\reinstatepapersize\restorepapersize
+ \setuppapersize}
+ \reinstatepapersize
+ \global\let\reinstatepapersize\relax
+\to \everyaftershipout
+ {\ifsecondargument
+ \expanded{\dododosetuppapersize[#1][#2]}%
+ \calculatehsizes
+ \calculatevsizes
+ \recalculatelogos
+ \recalculatebackgrounds
+ \recalculatelayout
+ \else\iffirstargument
+ \setuppapersize[#1][#2]%
+ \else\ifx\papersize\undefined\else
+ \restorepapersize
+ \fi\fi\fi}
+% dimen freeze is a bit tricky, but catches local redundant calls
+% with values where e.g width is defined in terms of \paperwidth
+ {\xdef\restorepapersize{\noexpand\setuppapersize[#1][#2]}%
+ \dosetuppaperorientation{#1}\paperlandscape\paperorientation\paperreverse\papermirror
+ \dosetuppaperorientation{#2}\printlandscape\printorientation\printreverse\printmirror
+ \def\docommand##1%
+ {\doifsomething{##1}{\doifdefined{\??pp##1\c!width}
+ {\global\paperwidth \getvalue{\??pp##1\c!width}%
+ \global\paperheight\getvalue{\??pp##1\c!height}%
+ \setevalue{\??pp##1\c!height}{\the\paperheight}%
+ \setevalue{\??pp##1\c!width }{\the\paperwidth }%
+ \calculatepaperoffsets{##1}%
+ \xdef\papersize{##1}}}}%
+ \processcommacommand[#1]\docommand
+ \doifdefinedelse{\??pp#1\c!scale}
+ {\edef\paperscale{\getvalue{\??pp#1\c!scale}}}
+ {\edef\paperscale{1}}%
+ \def\docommand##1%
+ {\doifsomething{##1}{\doifdefined{\??pp##1\c!width}
+ {\global\printpaperwidth \getvalue{\??pp##1\c!width}%
+ \global\printpaperheight\getvalue{\??pp##1\c!height}%
+ \setevalue{\??pp##1\c!height}{\the\printpaperheight}%
+ \setevalue{\??pp##1\c!width }{\the\printpaperwidth}%
+ \xdef\printpapersize{##1}}}}%
+ \processcommacommand[#2]\docommand
+ \global\setdimentoatleast\paperwidth \onepoint
+ \global\setdimentoatleast\paperheight \onepoint
+ \global\setdimentoatleast\printpaperwidth \onepoint
+ \global\setdimentoatleast\printpaperheight\onepoint
+ \ifcase\paperlandscape\else
+ \doglobal\swapdimens\paperwidth\paperheight
+ \fi
+ \ifcase\printlandscape\else
+ \doglobal\swapdimens\printpaperwidth\printpaperheight
+ \fi
+ % this check can be confusing, so we've added the possibility
+ % to bypass this test: \setuppapersize[option=fit]
+ \doif\@@ppoption\v!max % \v!fit is
+ {\bgroup
+ % we need to pre-swap else we get the wrong paper size
+ \ifcase\paperorientation\else
+ \doifinset\paperorientation{90,270}{\swapdimens\paperwidth\paperheight}%
+ \fi
+ \ifcase\printorientation\else
+ \doifinset\printorientation{90,270}{\swapdimens\printpaperwidth\printpaperheight}%
+ \fi
+ \ifdim\paperheight>\printpaperheight
+ \global\printpaperheight\paperheight
+ \writestatus\m!systems{print height forced to paper height}%
+ \fi
+ \ifdim\paperwidth>\printpaperwidth
+ \global\printpaperwidth\paperwidth
+ \writestatus\m!systems{print width forced to paper width}%
+ \fi
+ \egroup}}
+ {\global\chardef#2\zerocount
+ \global\chardef#5\zerocount
+ \globallet#3\!!zerocount
+ \globallet#4\!!zerocount
+ \global\negateprintboxfalse
+ \processallactionsinset
+ [#1]
+ [ \v!landscape=>\global\chardef#2\plusone,
+ \v!mirrored=>\global\chardef#5\plusone,
+ \v!rotated=>\gdef#3{90}\gdef#4{270},
+ \v!negative=>\global\negateprintboxtrue,
+ 90=>\gdef#3{90}\gdef#4{270},
+ 180=>\gdef#3{180}\gdef#4{0},
+ 270=>\gdef#3{270}\gdef#4{90}]}
+ \def\calculatepaperoffsets#1%
+ {\scratchdimen\getvalue{\??pp#1\c!offset}%
+ \global\advance\paperwidth -2\scratchdimen
+ \global\advance\paperheight-2\scratchdimen}
+ {\def\docommand##1%
+ {\beforesplitstring##1\at em\to\asciia
+ \doifnot\asciia{##1}
+ {\aftersplitstring\asciia\at=\to\asciia
+ \doifsomething\asciia
+ {\showmessage\m!systems{10}{##1}}}}%
+ \processcommalist[#1]\docommand}
+\ifx\setups\undefined \def\setups[#1]{\setdefaultpenalties} \fi
+% \newtoks \everybeforelayout \relax
+% \newtoks \everyafterlayout \relax
+ {\doifsomething{\layoutparameter\c!page\layoutparameter\c!paper}
+ {\expanded{\dododosetuppapersize[\layoutparameter\c!page][\layoutparameter\c!paper]}}%
+ \dorecalculatelayout}
+ {%\the\everybeforelayout
+ \setups[\layoutparameter\c!preset]%
+ \global\leftmarginwidth \layoutparameter\c!leftmargin
+ \global\rightmarginwidth\layoutparameter\c!rightmargin
+ \global\leftedgewidth \layoutparameter\c!leftedge
+ \global\rightedgewidth \layoutparameter\c!rightedge
+ \global\headerheight \layoutparameter\c!header
+ \global\footerheight \layoutparameter\c!footer
+ \global\bottomheight \layoutparameter\c!bottom
+ \global\topheight \layoutparameter\c!top
+ \global\backspace \layoutparameter\c!backspace
+ \global\topspace \layoutparameter\c!topspace
+ \setlayoutdimensions % the rest of the `dimensions'
+ \doifelse\@@lygrid\v!yes\gridsnappingtrue\gridsnappingfalse
+ \ifgridsnapping
+ \setsystemmode\v!grid
+ \else
+ \resetsystemmode\v!grid
+ \fi
+ \setups[\layoutparameter\c!setups]% depends on gridsnapping !
+ \simplesetupwhitespace
+ \simplesetupblank
+ \global\cutspace\layoutparameter\c!cutspace
+ \relax
+ \doifelse{\layoutparameter\c!width}\v!middle
+ {\ifdim\cutspace=\zeropoint
+ \global\cutspace\backspace
+ \fi
+ \global\makeupwidth\dimexpr\paperwidth-\backspace-\cutspace\relax}
+ {\doifelse{\layoutparameter\c!width}\v!fit
+ {\ifdim\cutspace=\zeropoint
+ \global\cutspace\backspace
+ \fi
+ \global\makeupwidth\dimexpr\paperwidth-\cutspace\relax
+ \scratchdimen\dimexpr\backspace
+ -\leftedgewidth -\leftedgedistance
+ -\leftmarginwidth-\leftmargindistance\relax
+ \ifdim\scratchdimen<\zeropoint
+ \scratchdimen\zeropoint
+ \fi
+ \global\advance\makeupwidth\dimexpr
+ -\rightmargindistance-\rightmarginwidth
+ -\rightedgedistance -\rightedgewidth
+ -\scratchdimen\relax}
+ {\global\makeupwidth\layoutparameter\c!width\relax
+ \ifdim\cutspace=\zeropoint
+ \global\cutspace\dimexpr\paperwidth-\makeupwidth-\backspace\relax
+ % \else
+ % A kind of inconsistent specification, but used
+ % in for instance s-pre-19.tex; the cutspace is
+ % used only for determining some kind of right
+ % margin; don't use this in doublesided mode
+ \fi}}%
+ \scratchdimen\layoutparameter\c!bottomspace\relax
+ %\ifdim\scratchdimen=\zeropoint
+ % \scratchdimen\topspace
+ %\fi
+ \global\bottomspace\layoutparameter\c!bottomspace\relax
+ \global\layoutlines0\number\layoutparameter\c!lines\relax % may be empty
+ \ifcase\layoutlines
+ \doifelse{\layoutparameter\c!height}\v!middle
+ {\ifdim\bottomspace=\zeropoint
+ \global\bottomspace\topspace
+ \fi
+ \global\makeupheight\dimexpr\paperheight-\topspace-\bottomspace\relax}
+ {\doifelse{\layoutparameter\c!height}\v!fit
+ {\ifdim\bottomspace=\zeropoint
+ \global\bottomspace\topspace
+ \fi
+ \global\makeupheight\dimexpr\paperheight-\bottomspace\relax
+ \scratchdimen\dimexpr\topspace-\topheight-\topdistance\relax
+ \ifdim\scratchdimen<\zeropoint
+ \scratchdimen\zeropoint
+ \fi
+ \global\advance\makeupheight\dimexpr-\bottomdistance-\bottomheight-\scratchdimen\relax}
+ {\global\makeupheight\layoutparameter\c!height\relax
+ \ifdim\bottomspace=\zeropoint
+ \global\bottomspace\dimexpr\paperheight-\makeupheight-\topspace\relax
+ \else
+ % inconsistent specification
+ \fi}}%
+ \else
+ % beware, when the bodyfont changes (switched) this will change as well; implementing
+ % a global lineheight is tricky: should we take the bodyfont interlinespace or the one set
+ % independent of the bodyfont (before or after a layout spec); way too fuzzy, so we
+ % stick to the current method (after a night of experimenting ...2003/10/13)
+ \global\makeupheight\dimexpr
+ \layoutparameter\c!lines\lineheight-\strutheight+\topskip+
+ \headerdistance+\headerheight+\footerdistance+\footerheight\relax
+ \fi
+ \backoffset\layoutparameter\c!horoffset
+ \topoffset \layoutparameter\c!veroffset
+ \global\setdimentoatleast\makeupwidth\onepoint
+ \global\setdimentoatleast\makeupheight \onepoint
+ % \checkcurrentlayout % here ?
+ % \the\everyafterlayout
+ \calculatelayoutextras
+ \calculatehsizes
+ \calculatevsizes
+ \calculatepseudocolumns
+ \checkgridsnapping
+ \recalculatelogos
+ \recalculatebackgrounds}
+ {\global\layoutcolumns\layoutparameter\c!columns
+ \global\layoutcolumndistance\layoutparameter\c!columndistance
+ \global\layoutcolumnwidth\dimexpr\makeupwidth-\layoutcolumns\layoutcolumndistance+\layoutcolumndistance\relax
+ \global\divide\layoutcolumnwidth\layoutcolumns
+ \dorecurse\layoutcolumns
+ {\setxvalue{\??ly:c:\recurselevel}%
+ {\the\numexpr\recurselevel-\plusone\relax\dimexpr\layoutcolumnwidth+\layoutcolumndistance\relax}}}
+% {\setxvalue{\??ly:c:\recurselevel}{\the\dimexpr
+% (\numexpr(\recurselevel-1)\dimexpr(\layoutcolumnwidth+\layoutcolumndistance))}}
+ {\executeifdefined{\??ly:c:#1}\!!zeropoint}
+ {\ifdim\makeupheight=\layoutlines\lineheight \else \recalculatelayout \fi}
+\appendtoks \checklayout \to \everystarttext
+% document:
+% \setuplayout[odd][state=stop] \setuplayout[even][state=stop] \setuplayout[page]
+% \startstandardmakeup[page=blank] ... \stopstandardmakeup
+ {%\writestatus\m!layouts{changing to layout #1}%
+ \xdef\currentlayout{#1}\recalculatelayout}
+ {\ifcsname\??ly\v!odd\c!state\endcsname
+ \doifvalue{\??ly\v!odd\c!state}\v!start{\changetolayout\v!odd}%
+ \fi}
+ {\ifcsname\??ly\v!even\c!state\endcsname
+ \doifvalue{\??ly\v!even\c!state}\v!start{\changetolayout\v!even}%
+ \fi}
+\ifx\lastpage\undefined \def\lastpage{1} \fi
+ {\ifnum\lastpage>\plusone
+ \ifnum\lastpage=\realfolio
+ \v!last
+ \else\ifnum\plusone=\realfolio
+ \v!first
+ \else
+ \the\numexpr\realfolio-\lastpage\relax
+ \fi\fi
+ \else
+ \!!zerocount
+ \fi}
+\def\checkcurrentlayout % public and used in naw, so keep this name
+ {\ifcsname\??ly\realfolio\c!state\endcsname
+ \doifvalue{\??ly\realfolio\c!state}\v!start{\changetolayout\realfolio}%
+ \else\ifcsname\??ly\reverserealfolio\c!state\endcsname
+ \doifvalue{\??ly\reverserealfolio\c!state}\v!start{\changetolayout\reverserealfolio}%
+ \else\ifcsname\??ly\v!current\c!state\endcsname
+ \changetolayout\v!current % no start test ?
+ \else
+ \doifoddpageelse\checkcurrentoddlayout\checkcurrentevenlayout
+ \fi\fi\fi}
+% testcase
+% \setuppagenumbering[alternative=doublesided]
+% \setuplayout [width=11cm]
+% \definelayout [odd] [backspace=1cm]
+% \definelayout [even] [backspace=4cm]
+% \definelayout [5] [backspace=5cm]
+% \definelayout [6] [backspace=5cm]
+% \definelayout [-2] [backspace=0cm,cutspace=0cm]
+% \definelayout [last] [backspace=0cm,cutspace=0cm]
+% \checkcurrentlayout \showframe
+% \starttext
+% \dorecurse{20} {\input knuth \endgraf \input tufte \endgraf}
+% \stoptext
+%appendtoks \checkcurrentlayout \to \everyaftershipout % no
+\appendtoks \checkcurrentlayout \to \everystarttext
+ \dochecknextlayout
+\to \everyaftershipout
+% \def\dochecknextlayout
+% {\ifx\currentlayout\v!current
+% % prevent redundant calculations
+% \else
+% \globallet\currentlayout\empty
+% \global\letbeundefined{\??ly\v!current\c!state}%
+% \checkcurrentlayout
+% \fi}
+% this breaks after a standardmakeup
+\def\presetcenterpagebox % in \setuplayout !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+ {\doublesidedprintfalse
+ \ExpandFirstAfter\processallactionsinset
+ [\@@lylocation]
+ [ \v!middle=>{\setuppapersize[\c!left=\hss,\c!right=\hss,\c!top=\vss,\c!bottom=\vss]},
+ \v!left=>{\setuppapersize[\c!left=,\c!right=\hss]},
+ \v!right=>{\setuppapersize[\c!left=\hss,\c!right=]},
+ \v!bottom=>{\setuppapersize[\c!top=\vss,\c!bottom=]},
+ \v!top=>{\setuppapersize[\c!top=,\c!bottom=\vss]},%
+ \v!doublesided=>\doublesidedprinttrue,
+ \v!singlesided=>\doublesidedprintfalse]}
+ {\dodoubleargument\dodefinelayout}
+ {\getparameters[\??ly#1][\c!state=\v!start,#2]}
+ {\ConvertToConstant\doifnot{#2}\v!reset % #2 ?
+ {\getparameters[\??ly#1][#2]%
+ \checkforems[#2]}}
+% global needed for non-doublesided standardmakeup
+ {\globallet\currentlayout\empty % new, global
+ \ifsecondargument
+ \dodosetuplayout[#1][#2]%
+ \else\iffirstargument
+ \doifassignmentelse{#1}
+ {\dodosetuplayout[][#1]}
+ {\doifnot{#1}\v!reset{\xdef\currentlayout{#1}}}% new, global
+ \fi\fi
+ \recalculatelayout
+ \checkcurrentlayout % here ?
+ \presetcenterpagebox}
+ {\dodoubleempty\dosetuplayout}
+ {\xdef\oldtextheight {\the\textheight }%
+ \xdef\oldfooterheight{\the\footerheight}%
+ \global\let\@@zaheight\@@zaheight}
+ {\global\textheight \oldtextheight
+ \global\footerheight\oldfooterheight
+ \recalculatelayout
+ \global\let\pushpagedimensions\dopushpagedimensions
+ \global\let\poppagedimensions\relax}
+\let\poppagedimensions = \relax
+\let\pushpagedimensions = \dopushpagedimensions
+% Elke \csname ... \endcsname wordt ook aangemaakt, dus ook
+% in een test met \doifdefined. Bij veel bladzijden kan dit
+% te veel macro's kosten. Vandaar de set \adaptedpages. Het
+% kost tijd, maar scheelt macro's.
+ {\ifx\adaptedpages\empty\else
+ \rawdoifinsetelse\realfolio\adaptedpages
+ {\getvalue{\??za\realfolio}%
+ \letbeundefined{\??za\realfolio}}
+ \donothing
+ \fi}
+ {\poppagedimensions
+ \adaptpagedimensions}
+ {\ifx\poppagedimensions\relax \else
+ \space\the\dimexpr\@@zaheight\relax\space-\space
+ \fi
+ \realfolio}
+ {\getparameters[\??za][\c!height=,\c!lines=0,#1]%
+ \pushpagedimensions
+ \ifcase\@@zalines\relax
+ \showmessage\m!layouts1{\@@zaheight,\realfolio}%
+ \else
+ \showmessage\m!layouts1{\@@zalines\space\v!lines,\realfolio}%
+ \def\@@zaheight{\@@zalines\openlineheight}%
+ \fi
+ \doifelse\@@zaheight\v!max
+ {\balancedimensions\textheight\footerheight\footerheight}
+ {\balancedimensions\textheight\footerheight\@@zaheight}%
+ \ifdim\footerheight<\zeropoint
+ \global\advance\textheight \footerheight
+ \global\footerheight\zeropoint
+ \global\xdef\@@zaheight{\layoutparameter\c!footer\space(\v!max)}%
+ \fi
+ \setvsize
+ \global\pagegoal\vsize % nog corrigeren voor insertions ?
+ \recalculatelogos
+ \recalculatebackgrounds
+ \global\let\pushpagedimensions\relax
+ \global\let\poppagedimensions\dopoppagedimensions}
+ {\doifelsenothing{#2}
+ {\dodoadaptlayout[#1]}
+ {\def\docommand##1%
+ {\addtocommalist{##1}\adaptedpages
+ \setgvalue{\??za##1}{\dodoadaptlayout[#2]}}%
+ \processcommalist[#1]\docommand
+ \adaptpagedimensions}}
+ {\dodoubleempty\doadaptlayout}
+% describe interface
+%D Centering the paper area on the print area is determined
+%D by the \type {top}, \type {bottom}, \type {left} and \type
+%D {right} parameters.
+ {\printpaperwidth \paperscale\printpaperwidth
+ \printpaperheight\paperscale\printpaperheight
+ \setbox#1\vbox to \printpaperheight
+ {\@@pptop
+ \hbox to \printpaperwidth
+ {\ifdoublesidedprint
+ \doifbothsides
+ {\@@ppleft \box#1\@@ppright}
+ {\@@ppleft \box#1\@@ppright}
+ {\@@ppright\box#1\@@ppleft }%
+ \else
+ \@@ppleft \box#1\@@ppright
+ \fi}%
+ \par
+ \@@ppbottom}}
+ {\ifdim\topoffset=\zeropoint % \relax
+ \ifdim\backoffset=\zeropoint
+ \donefalse
+ \else
+ \donetrue
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \donetrue
+ \fi
+ \ifdone
+ \edef\next{\wd#1\the\wd#1\ht#1\the\ht#1\dp#1\the\dp#1}%
+ \setbox#1\vbox
+ {%\forgetall
+ \offinterlineskip
+ \vskip\topoffset
+ \doifbothsides{\hskip\backoffset}{\hskip\backoffset}{\hskip-\backoffset}%
+ \box#1}%
+ \next
+ \fi}
+ {\ifnum\@@lynx>\plusone
+ \donetrue
+ \else\ifnum\@@lyny>\plusone
+ \donetrue
+ \else
+ \donefalse
+ \fi\fi
+ \ifdone
+ \setbox#1\vbox
+ {%\forgetall
+ \offinterlineskip
+ \dorecurse\@@lyny
+ {\hbox{\dorecurse\@@lynx{\copy#1\hskip\@@lydx}\unskip}%
+ \vskip\@@lydy}
+ \unskip}%
+ \fi}
+ {\ifnum#2#3>\zerocount
+ \setbox#1\vbox
+ {\edef\somerotation{\ifdoublesided\ifodd\realpageno#2\else#3\fi\else#2\fi}%
+ \dorotatebox\somerotation\hbox{\box#1}}%
+ \fi}
+ {\orientpagebodybox{#1}\paperorientation\paperreverse}
+ {\orientpagebodybox{#1}\printorientation\printreverse}
+ {\ifcase#2\or
+ \setbox#1\vbox
+ {\domirrorbox\vbox{\box#1}}%
+ \fi}
+ {\mirrorpagebodybox{#1}\papermirror}
+ {\mirrorpagebodybox{#1}\printmirror}
+ {\ifdim\@@lyscale\points=\onepoint \else
+ \setbox#1\vbox
+ {\scale[\c!sx=\@@lyscale,\c!sy=\@@lyscale]{\box#1}}%
+ \paperwidth\@@lyscale\paperwidth
+ \paperheight \@@lyscale\paperheight
+ \fi}
+ {\ifnegateprintbox
+ \negatecolorbox{#1}%
+ \fi}
+\def\pagecutmarksymbol {\the\realpageno}
+\def\pagecutmarklength {.5cm}
+\let\pagecutmarktoptext \empty
+\let\pagecutmarkbottomtext \empty
+ {\rlap{\jobname}\hfill\currentdate\space-\space\currenttime\hfill\llap{\realfolio}}
+\def\makepagecutbox % #1
+ {\let\cutmarksymbol \pagecutmarksymbol
+ \let\cutmarklength \pagecutmarklength
+ \let\cutmarktoptext \pagecutmarktoptext
+ \let\cutmarkbottomtext\pagecutmarkbottomtext
+ \makecutbox}
+ {\makepagecutbox}
+\setvalue{\??ly:n:\c!marking:\v!page}% only at outer when nx/ny > 0
+ {\makepagecutbox}
+ {\let\pagecutmarksymbol\empty
+ \let\pagecutmarktoptext\empty
+ \let\pagecutmarkbottomtext\empty
+ \makepagecutbox}
+ {\let\pagecutmarksymbol\empty
+ \let\pagecutmarkbottomtext\extrapagecutmarkbottomtext
+ \makepagecutbox}
+ {\doaddpagecolormarks\colormarkbox}
+ {\doaddpagecolormarks\rastermarkbox}
+\def\addpagecutmarks % #1
+ {\executeifdefined{\??ly:n:\c!marking:\@@lymarking}\gobbleoneargument}
+\def\addpagecolormarks % #1
+ {\executeifdefined{\??ly:c:\c!marking:\@@lymarking}\gobbleoneargument}
+ {\makepagecutbox{#2}%
+ \ifnum\horizontalcutmarks>2 \chardef\colormarkoffset4 \fi
+ \ifnum\verticalcutmarks >2 \chardef\colormarkoffset4 \fi
+ #1{#2}}
+\ifx\doifelselayoutsomeline\undefined % defined in page-txt
+ \let\doifelselayoutsomeline\secondofthreearguments
+\def\calculatevsizes % global needed in \recalculatelayoutregel
+ {\redoglobal\textheight\makeupheight
+ \doifelselayoutsomeline \v!header
+ {\redoglobal\advance\textheight-\dimexpr\headerheight+\headerdistance\relax}%
+ \donothing
+ \doifelselayoutsomeline \v!footer
+ {\redoglobal\advance\textheight-\dimexpr\footerheight+\footerdistance\relax}%
+ \donothing
+ \ifzeropt\headerheight
+ \resetsystemmode\v!header
+ \else
+ \setsystemmode\v!header
+ \fi
+ \ifzeropt\footerheight
+ \resetsystemmode\v!footer
+ \else
+ \setsystemmode\v!footer
+ \fi
+ \resetglobal
+ \setvsize}
+ {\textheight\makeupheight
+ \doifelselayoutsomeline \v!header
+ {\advance\textheight-\dimexpr\headerheight+\headerdistance\relax}%
+ {\headerheight\zeropoint
+ \setlayoutdistances}%
+ \doifelselayoutsomeline \v!footer
+ {\advance\textheight-\dimexpr\footerheight+\footerdistance\relax}%
+ {\footerheight\zeropoint
+ \setlayoutdistances}}
+\newdimen\innermakeupwidth % special purpose
+\newdimen\innermakeupmargin % special purpose
+ {\dimexpr\ifnum\innermakeupcompensation=\plusone+\innermakeupmargin\else\zeropoint\fi\relax}
+\def\freezetextwidth % \makeupwidth may be set to \textwidth
+ {\textwidth\makeupwidth % which is a tricky but valid value
+ \doifsomething{\layoutparameter\c!textwidth}
+ {\textwidth\layoutparameter\c!textwidth}% % local
+ \global\innermakeupwidth\textwidth
+ \doifelsenothing{\layoutparameter\c!textmargin}
+ {\global\innermakeupmargin\zeropoint}
+ {\global\innermakeupmargin\layoutparameter\c!textmargin}%
+ \global\advance\innermakeupwidth-\dimexpr\innermakeupmargin+\innermakeupmargin\relax
+ \advance\textwidth-\dimexpr\innermakeupmargin+\innermakeupmargin\relax} % local
+ {\freezetextwidth
+ \sethsize}
+% De onderstaande macro voert commando's uit, afhankelijk van
+% het karakter van het paginanummer.
+% \doifoddpageelse{then-commando}{else-commando}
+%D When we start at an even page, we need to swap the layout
+%D differently. We cannot adapt the real page number, since
+%D it is used in cross referencing. The next switch is set
+%D when we start at an even page.
+% \def\doifoddpageelse#1#2%
+% {\ifshiftedrealpageno
+% \ifodd\realpageno#2\else#1\fi
+% \else
+% \ifodd\realpageno#1\else#2\fi
+% \fi}
+ {\ifshiftedrealpageno
+ \ifodd\realpageno
+ \@EAEAEA\secondoftwoarguments
+ \else
+ \@EAEAEA\firstoftwoarguments
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \ifodd\realpageno
+ \@EAEAEA\firstoftwoarguments
+ \else
+ \@EAEAEA\secondoftwoarguments
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+% what are those \relax'es doing there?
+% \def\doifbothsidesoverruled#1#2#3%
+% {\ifdoublesided
+% \doifoddpageelse{#2}{#3}\relax
+% \else
+% #1\relax
+% \fi}
+% \def\doifbothsides#1#2#3%
+% {\ifdoublesided
+% \ifsinglesided
+% #1\relax
+% \else
+% \doifoddpageelse{#2}{#3}\relax
+% \fi
+% \else
+% #1\relax
+% \fi}
+ {\ifdoublesided
+ \@EA\redoifoddpageelse
+ \else
+ \@EA\firstofthreearguments
+ \fi}
+ {\ifdoublesided
+ \ifsinglesided
+ \@EAEAEA\firstofthreearguments
+ \else
+ \@EAEAEA\redoifoddpageelse
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \@EA\firstofthreearguments
+ \fi}
+ {\doifbothsides
+ {\texthoffset\backspace}
+ {\texthoffset\backspace}
+ {\texthoffset\dimexpr\paperwidth-\backspace-\makeupwidth\relax}}
+ {\hskip-\dimexpr\leftmargindistance+\leftmarginwidth+\leftedgedistance+\leftedgewidth\relax}
+ {\doifbothsides{#1}{#1}{#2}}
+ {\doifmarginswapelse\relax\doswapmargins}
+ {\let\swapmargins \relax % to prevent local swapping
+ \let\doswapmargins\relax % to prevent local swapping
+ \the\everyswapmargins}
+ {\ifdoublesided
+ \ifsinglesided
+ \@EAEAEA\firstoftwoarguments
+ \else
+ \@EAEAEA\doifoddpageelse
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \@EA\firstoftwoarguments
+ \fi}
+\def\outermarginwidth {\rightorleftpageaction\rightmarginwidth \leftmarginwidth }
+\def\innermarginwidth {\rightorleftpageaction\leftmarginwidth \rightmarginwidth}
+\def\outermargindistance{\rightorleftpageaction\rightmargindistance\leftmargindistance }
+\def\innermargindistance{\rightorleftpageaction\leftmargindistance \rightmargindistance}
+\def\outeredgewidth {\rightorleftpageaction\rightedgewidth \leftedgewidth }
+\def\inneredgewidth {\rightorleftpageaction\leftedgewidth \rightedgewidth}
+\def\outeredgedistance {\rightorleftpageaction\rightedgedistance\leftedgedistance }
+\def\inneredgedistance {\rightorleftpageaction\leftedgedistance \rightedgedistance}
+\def\outerspacewidth {\rightorleftpageaction\cutspace \backspace }
+\def\innerspacewidth {\rightorleftpageaction\backspace\cutspace}
+\def\leftmargintotal {\dimexpr\leftmarginwidth +\leftmargindistance \relax}
+\def\rightmargintotal {\dimexpr\rightmarginwidth+\rightmargindistance\relax}
+\def\leftedgetotal {\dimexpr\leftedgewidth +\leftedgedistance \relax}
+\def\rightedgetotal {\dimexpr\rightedgewidth +\rightedgedistance \relax}
+\def\leftsidetotal {\dimexpr\leftmarginwidth +\leftedgetotal \relax}
+\def\rightsidetotal {\dimexpr\rightmarginwidth+\rightedgetotal\relax}
+\def\leftcombitotal {\dimexpr\leftmargintotal +\leftedgetotal \relax}
+\def\rightcombitotal {\dimexpr\rightmargintotal+\rightedgetotal\relax}
+\def\innermargintotal {\dimexpr\innermarginwidth+\innermargindistance\relax}
+\def\outermargintotal {\dimexpr\outermarginwidth+\outermargindistance\relax}
+\def\inneredgetotal {\dimexpr\inneredgewidth +\inneredgedistance \relax}
+\def\outeredgetotal {\dimexpr\outeredgewidth +\outeredgedistance \relax}
+\def\innercombitotal {\dimexpr\innermargintotal+\inneredgetotal\relax}
+\def\outercombitotal {\dimexpr\outermargintotal+\outeredgetotal\relax}
+\def\innersidetotal {\dimexpr\innermarginwidth+\inneredgetotal\relax}
+\def\outersidetotal {\dimexpr\outermarginwidth+\outeredgetotal\relax}
+%D \macros
+%D {startlocallayout}
+%D These macros should be used with care. They permit local
+%D layouts (as used in fitting pages, see \type {page-app.tex}).
+%D This is kind of obsolete now that we have \type
+%D {\definelayout}, so this hack will disappear in future
+%D versions.
+ {\globalpushmacro\restorepapersize
+ \globalpushmacro\currentlayout}
+ {\globalpopmacro\currentlayout
+ \globalpopmacro\restorepapersize
+ \restorepapersize
+ \setuplayout}
+%D \macros
+%D {showprint, showframe, showlayout, showsetups}
+%D We predefine a couple of tracing macros.
+%D \showsetup{showprint}
+%D \showsetup{showframe}
+%D \showsetup{showlayout}
+%D \showsetup{showsetups}
+%D %showsetup{showmargins}
+\fetchruntimecommand \showprint {page-run}
+\fetchruntimecommand \showframe {page-run}
+\fetchruntimecommand \showlayout {page-run}
+\fetchruntimecommand \showsetups {page-run}
+\fetchruntimecommand \showmargins {page-run}
+%D The default dimensions are quite old and will not change.
+%D The funny fractions were introduced when we went from fixed
+%D dimensions to relative ones. Since \CONTEXT\ is a dutch
+%D package, the dimensions are based on the metric system. The
+%D asymmetrical layout is kind of handy for short
+%D quick||and||dirty stapled documents.
+%D Although valid, it is not a real good idea to use
+%D dimensions based on the \type {em} unit. First of all,
+%D since there are no fonts loaded yet, this dimension makes
+%D no sense, and second, you would loose track of values,
+%D since they could change while going to a new page,
+%D depending on the current font setting.
+ [ \c!topspace=.08417508418\paperheight, % 2.5cm
+ \c!top=\!!zeropoint,
+ \c!topdistance=\!!zeropoint,
+ \c!header=.06734006734\paperheight, % 2.0cm
+ \c!headerdistance=\!!zeropoint,
+ \c!height=.84175084175\paperheight, % 25.0cm
+ \c!footerdistance=\layoutparameter\c!headerdistance,
+ \c!footer=.06734006734\paperheight, % 2.0cm
+ \c!bottomdistance=\layoutparameter\c!topdistance,
+ \c!bottom=\!!zeropoint,
+ \c!backspace=.11904761905\paperwidth, % 2.5cm
+ \c!edge=\!!zeropoint,
+ \c!edgedistance=\layoutparameter\c!margindistance,
+ \c!margin=.12649983170\paperwidth, % snijwit-2*afstand
+ \c!margindistance=.02008341748\paperwidth, % 12.0pt
+ \c!leftedge=\layoutparameter\c!edge,
+ \c!leftedgedistance=\layoutparameter\c!edgedistance,
+ \c!leftmargin=\layoutparameter\c!margin,
+ \c!leftmargindistance=\layoutparameter\c!margindistance,
+ \c!width=.71428571429\paperwidth, % 15.0cm
+ \c!rightmargindistance=\layoutparameter\c!margindistance,
+ \c!rightmargin=\layoutparameter\c!margin,
+ \c!rightedgedistance=\layoutparameter\c!edgedistance,
+ \c!rightedge=\layoutparameter\c!edge,
+ \c!veroffset=\!!zeropoint,
+ \c!bottomspace=\!!zeropoint,
+ \c!horoffset=\!!zeropoint,
+ \c!cutspace=\!!zeropoint,
+ \c!textwidth=, % dangerous option -> centered / local
+ \c!textmargin=, % dangerous option -> both sides
+ \c!textdistance=\!!zeropoint, % shift down on grid
+ \c!style=,
+ \c!color=,
+ \c!marking=\v!off,
+ \c!location=, % \v!singlesided, but empty is signal
+ \c!scale=1,
+ \c!nx=1,
+ \c!ny=1,
+ \c!dx=\!!zeropoint,
+ \c!dy=\!!zeropoint,
+ \c!grid=\v!no,
+ \c!preset=,
+ \c!setups=\systemsetupsprefix\s!default,
+ \c!clipoffset=\!!zeropoint,
+ \c!lines=0,
+ \c!paper=, % for foxet
+ \c!page=, % for foxet
+ \c!columns=1,
+ \c!columndistance=\!!zeropoint]
+%D First we define a whole range of (DIN) papersizes,
+%D of which the A-series makes most sense. We enable checking.
+%D We also set some of the parameters that will be used when
+%D positioning the typeset paper onto the print paper.
+\setuppaper % (size) % only used in XY imposition
+ [\c!width=\zeropoint,
+ \c!height=\zeropoint,
+ \c!topspace=\zeropoint,
+ \c!backspace=\zeropoint,
+ \c!dx=\zeropoint,
+ \c!dy=\zeropoint,
+ \c!nx=1,
+ \c!ny=1,
+ \c!method=\v!normal]
+ [\c!option=\v!max,
+ \c!top=,
+ \c!bottom=\vss,
+ \c!left=,
+ \c!right=\hss]
+\definepapersize [A0] [\c!width=841mm,\c!height=1189mm]
+\definepapersize [A1] [\c!width=594mm,\c!height=841mm]
+\definepapersize [A2] [\c!width=420mm,\c!height=594mm]
+\definepapersize [A3] [\c!width=297mm,\c!height=420mm]
+\definepapersize [A4] [\c!width=210mm,\c!height=297mm]
+\definepapersize [A5] [\c!width=148mm,\c!height=210mm]
+\definepapersize [A6] [\c!width=105mm,\c!height=148mm]
+\definepapersize [A7] [\c!width=74mm,\c!height=105mm]
+\definepapersize [A8] [\c!width=52mm,\c!height=74mm]
+\definepapersize [A9] [\c!width=37mm,\c!height=52mm]
+\definepapersize [A10] [\c!width=26mm,\c!height=37mm]
+\definepapersize [B0] [\c!width=1000mm,\c!height=1414mm]
+\definepapersize [B1] [\c!width=707mm,\c!height=1000mm]
+\definepapersize [B2] [\c!width=500mm,\c!height=707mm]
+\definepapersize [B3] [\c!width=353mm,\c!height=500mm] % [\c!width=354mm,\c!height=500mm]
+\definepapersize [B4] [\c!width=250mm,\c!height=353mm] % [\c!width=250mm,\c!height=354mm]
+\definepapersize [B5] [\c!width=176mm,\c!height=250mm] % [\c!width=177mm,\c!height=250mm]
+\definepapersize [B6] [\c!width=125mm,\c!height=176mm] % [\c!width=125mm,\c!height=177mm]
+\definepapersize [B7] [\c!width=88mm,\c!height=125mm]
+\definepapersize [B8] [\c!width=62mm,\c!height=88mm] % [\c!width=63mm,\c!height=88mm]
+\definepapersize [B9] [\c!width=44mm,\c!height=62mm] % [\c!width=44mm,\c!height=63mm]
+\definepapersize [B10] [\c!width=31mm,\c!height=44mm]
+\definepapersize [C0] [\c!width=917mm,\c!height=1297mm]
+\definepapersize [C1] [\c!width=648mm,\c!height=917mm] % [\c!width=649mm,\c!height=917mm]
+\definepapersize [C2] [\c!width=458mm,\c!height=648mm] % [\c!width=459mm,\c!height=649mm]
+\definepapersize [C3] [\c!width=324mm,\c!height=458mm] % [\c!width=324mm,\c!height=459mm]
+\definepapersize [C4] [\c!width=229mm,\c!height=324mm]
+\definepapersize [C5] [\c!width=162mm,\c!height=229mm]
+\definepapersize [C6] [\c!width=114mm,\c!height=162mm] % [\c!width=115mm,\c!height=162mm]
+\definepapersize [C7] [\c!width=81mm,\c!height=114mm] % [\c!width=81mm,\c!height=115mm]
+\definepapersize [C8] [\c!width=57mm,\c!height=81mm]
+\definepapersize [C9] [\c!width=40mm,\c!height=57mm]
+\definepapersize [C10] [\c!width=28mm,\c!height=40mm]
+%D Per August 2004 the rounding of some (seldom used) sizes
+%D were corrected top the latest DIN specifications. Peter
+%D Rolf came up with these and a few more missing sizes.
+%D Watch out: spaces and slashes!
+\definepapersize [4 A0] [\c!width=1682mm,\c!height=2378mm]
+\definepapersize [2 A0] [\c!width=1189mm,\c!height=1682mm]
+\definepapersize [C6/C5] [\c!width=114mm,\c!height=229mm]
+%D Because there are no standardized screen sizes, we define
+%D a bunch of sizes with $4:3$ ratios. The \type {S6} size is
+%D nearly as wide as a sheet of \type {A4} paper.
+\definepapersize [S3] [\c!width=300pt,\c!height=225pt]
+\definepapersize [S4] [\c!width=400pt,\c!height=300pt]
+\definepapersize [S5] [\c!width=500pt,\c!height=375pt]
+\definepapersize [S6] [\c!width=600pt,\c!height=450pt]
+\definepapersize [S8] [\c!width=800pt,\c!height=600pt]
+\definepapersize [SW] [\c!width=800pt,\c!height=450pt]
+\definepapersize [SM] [\c!width=720pt,\c!height=450pt]
+%D These are handy too:
+\definepapersize [S33] [\c!width=300pt,\c!height=300pt]
+\definepapersize [S44] [\c!width=400pt,\c!height=400pt]
+\definepapersize [S55] [\c!width=500pt,\c!height=500pt]
+\definepapersize [S66] [\c!width=600pt,\c!height=600pt]
+%D One may wonder if \TEX\ should be used for typesetting
+%D \CDROM\ covers, but it does not hurt to have the paper size
+%D ready.
+\definepapersize [CD] [\c!width=120mm,\c!height=120mm]
+%D The next series is for our English speaking friends who
+%D decided to stick to non metric values. Thanks to Nelson
+%D Beebe for completing the inch based list.
+\definepapersize [letter] [\c!width=8.5in,\c!height=11in]
+\definepapersize [ledger] [\c!width=11in,\c!height=17in]
+\definepapersize [tabloid] [\c!width=17in,\c!height=11in]
+\definepapersize [legal] [\c!width=8.5in,\c!height=14in]
+\definepapersize [folio] [\c!width=8.5in,\c!height=13in]
+\definepapersize [executive] [\c!width=7.25in,\c!height=10.5in]
+\definepapersize [A] [\c!width=8.5in,\c!height=11in] % 1 sheet
+\definepapersize [B] [\c!width=11in,\c!height=17in] % 2 sheets
+\definepapersize [C] [\c!width=17in,\c!height=22in] % 4 sheets
+%D The next set is for Tobias Burnus, who gave me the sizes.
+\definepapersize [envelope 9] [\c!width=8.88in,\c!height=3.88in]
+\definepapersize [envelope 10] [\c!width=9.5in,\c!height=4.13in]
+\definepapersize [envelope 11] [\c!width=10.38in,\c!height=4.5in]
+\definepapersize [envelope 12] [\c!width=11.0in,\c!height=4.75in]
+\definepapersize [envelope 14] [\c!width=11.5in,\c!height=5.0in]
+\definepapersize [monarch] [\c!width=7.5in,\c!height=3.88in]
+\definepapersize [check] [\c!width=8.58in,\c!height=3.88in]
+\definepapersize [DL] [\c!width=110mm,\c!height=220mm] % [\c!width=220mm,\c!height=110mm]
+\definepapersize [E4] [\c!width=280mm,\c!height=400mm]
+%D The next three sets are supplied by Taco:
+\definepapersize [RA0] [\c!width=860mm,\c!height=1220mm]
+\definepapersize [RA1] [\c!width=610mm,\c!height=860mm]
+\definepapersize [RA2] [\c!width=430mm,\c!height=610mm]
+\definepapersize [RA3] [\c!width=305mm,\c!height=430mm]
+\definepapersize [RA4] [\c!width=215mm,\c!height=305mm]
+%D ISO SRA (supplementary raw A) sizes:
+\definepapersize [SRA0] [\c!width=900mm,\c!height=1280mm]
+\definepapersize [SRA1] [\c!width=640mm,\c!height=900mm]
+\definepapersize [SRA2] [\c!width=450mm,\c!height=640mm]
+\definepapersize [SRA3] [\c!width=320mm,\c!height=450mm]
+\definepapersize [SRA4] [\c!width=225mm,\c!height=320mm]
+%D Swedish thesis formats:
+\definepapersize [G5] [\c!width=169mm,\c!height=239mm]
+\definepapersize [E5] [\c!width=155mm,\c!height=220mm]
+%D Industry invention:
+\definepapersize [A3plus] [\c!width=329mm,\c!height=483mm]
+%D We can now default to a reasonable size. We match the print
+%D paper size with the typeset paper size. This setting should
+%D come after the first layout specification (already done).
+% not interfaced !
+ [oversized]
+ [ \c!width=\dimexpr\paperwidth +1.5cm\relax,
+ \c!height=\dimexpr\paperheight+1.5cm\relax]
+ [doublesized]
+ [ \c!width=\dimexpr \paperwidth \relax,
+ \c!height=\dimexpr2\paperheight\relax]
+ [doubleoversized]
+ [ \c!width=\dimexpr \paperheight+1.5cm\relax,
+ \c!height=\dimexpr2\paperwidth +1.5cm\relax]
+ [\v!default]
+ [ \c!width=\paperwidth,
+ \c!height=\paperheight]
+ [samesized]
+ [ \c!width=\paperwidth,
+ \c!height=\paperheight]
+ [A4][samesized]
+%D For orthogonality:
+ [undersized]
+ [ \c!width=\dimexpr\paperwidth -1.5cm\relax,
+ \c!height=\dimexpr\paperheight-1.5cm\relax]
+ [\v!page]
+ [\c!backspace=\zeropoint,
+ \c!cutspace=\zeropoint,
+ \c!topspace=\zeropoint,
+ \c!bottomspace=\zeropoint,
+ \c!margin=\zeropoint,
+ \c!edge=\zeropoint,
+ \c!header=\zeropoint,
+ \c!footer=\zeropoint,
+ \c!top=\zeropoint,
+ \c!bottom=\zeropoint,
+ \c!leftmargin=\zeropoint,
+ \c!rightmargin=\zeropoint,
+ \c!leftedge=\zeropoint,
+ \c!rightedge=\zeropoint,
+ \c!textdistance=\zeropoint,
+ \c!width=\v!middle,
+ \c!height=\v!middle,
+ \c!lines=0,
+ \c!grid=\v!no]
+ [\v!middle]
+ [\c!width=\v!middle,
+ \c!height=\v!middle]
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/page-lin.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/page-lin.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c6b352ae7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/page-lin.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,312 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=page-lin, % copied from main-001
+%D version=1997.03.31,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Core Macros,
+%D subtitle=Line Numbering,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Core Macros / Line Numbering}
+% het gebruik van \setlocalreference scheelt een hash entry
+\def\dodoshowlinenumber % for use elsewhere, to be extended
+ {\doplacelinenumber
+ \global\advance\linenumber \plusone}
+ {\@@rnleft\convertnumber\@@rnconversion\linenumber\@@rnright}
+ {\getparameters[\??rn][\c!start=1,\c!step=1,#1]%
+ \global\linenumber\plusone}
+ {\dosingleargument\dosetuplinenumbering}
+ {\EveryPar{\placelinenumber}} % why not append to everypar ? better
+ {\the\aftereverylinenumbering
+ \egroup}
+ {\EveryLine{\placelinenumber}}
+ {\the\aftereverylinenumbering
+ \egroup}
+\newevery \everylinenumber \relax
+ {% beware of em's, the font is already switched !
+ \setbox\scratchbox\hbox
+ {\setbox0\hbox{\@@rncommand{\completelinenumber}}\vsmashbox0%
+ \ifcase\linenumberlocation
+ \iftypesettinglines % hack
+ \expandafter\llap
+ \else
+ \expandafter\rlap
+ \fi{\hbox to \@@rnwidth{\box0\hss}}% was \llap, nog testen !!
+ \or
+ \inleftmargin
+ {\forgetall
+ \doifelse\@@rnwidth\v!margin
+ {\hsize\leftmarginwidth}{\hsize\@@rnwidth}%
+ \alignedline\@@rnalign\v!right{\box0\hskip\@@rndistance}}%
+ \else
+ \inrightmargin
+ {\forgetall
+ \doifelse\@@rnwidth\v!margin
+ {\hsize\rightmarginwidth}{\hsize\@@rnwidth}%
+ \alignedline\@@rnalign\v!left{\hskip\@@rndistance\box0}}%
+ \fi}%
+ \vsmashbox\scratchbox
+ \box\scratchbox
+ \the\everylinenumber}
+ {\doifnot{#1}\v!continue
+ {\doifnumberelse{#1}
+ {\global\linenumber#1\relax}
+ {\doifelsenothing\@@rnstart
+ {\global\linenumber\plusone}
+ {\global\linenumber\@@rnstart}}}%
+ \chardef\linenumberlocation\zerocount
+ \processaction
+ [\@@rnlocation]
+ [ \v!inmargin=>\chardef\linenumberlocation\plusone,
+ \v!inleft=>\chardef\linenumberlocation\plusone,
+ \v!inright=>\chardef\linenumberlocation\plustwo,
+ \v!margin=>\chardef\linenumberlocation\plusone]%
+ % \v!text=>\chardef\linenumberlocation\zerocount,
+ %\s!unknown=>\chardef\linenumberlocation\zerocount,
+ %\s!default=>\chardef\linenumberlocation\zerocount]%
+ \doifnot\@@rnwidth\v!margin
+ {\freezedimenmacro\@@rnwidth
+ \ifcase\linenumberlocation % text
+ \advance\leftskip\@@rnwidth\relax
+ \fi}%
+ \freezedimenmacro\@@rndistance
+ \chardef\@@rn@@rnmethod
+ \ifprocessingverbatim\zerocount\else\iftypesettinglines\plusone\else\plustwo\fi\fi
+ \processaction
+ [\@@rnmethod]
+ [ \v!type=>\chardef\@@rn@@rnmethod\zerocount,
+ \v!line=>\chardef\@@rn@@rnmethod\plusone,
+ \v!text=>\chardef\@@rn@@rnmethod\plustwo,
+ \v!file=>\chardef\@@rn@@rnmethod\plusthree]%
+ \ifcase\@@rn@@rnmethod % verbatim, line by line
+ \typesettinglinestrue
+ \let\dostartnummeren\dostartnummerenVERB
+ \let\stoplinenumbering\dostopnummerenVERB
+ \def\placelinenumber
+ {\doplacelinenumber
+ \global\advance\linenumber \plusone}%
+ \or % text, line by line
+ \let\dostartnummeren\dostartnummerenLINE
+ \let\stoplinenumbering\dostopnummerenLINE
+ \def\placelinenumber
+ {\doplacelinenumber
+ \global\advance\linenumber \plusone}%
+ \or % text, whole lot
+ \let\dostartnummeren\dostartnummerenPAR
+ \let\stoplinenumbering\dostopnummerenPAR
+ \def\placelinenumber
+ {\global\advance\linenumber \minusone
+ \doplacelinenumber}%
+ \or % verbatim, selective line by line
+ \typesettinglinestrue
+ \let\dostartnummeren\dostartnummerenVERB
+ \let\stoplinenumbering\dostopnummerenVERB
+ \def\placelinenumber
+ {\global\linenumber\verbatimlinenumber
+ \global\advance\linenumber \minusone
+ \doplacelinenumber}%
+ \fi
+ \dostartnummeren}
+ {\bgroup
+ \the\beforeeverylinenumbering
+ \numberinglinestrue
+ \complexorsimpleempty\startlinenumbering}
+ {\the\everylinenumber}
+ {\ifnum\linenumber<\@@rnstart\relax
+ \donoplacelinenumber
+ \else
+ \ifnum\numexpr(\linenumber/\@@rnstep)*\@@rnstep\relax=\linenumber
+ \doattributes\??rn\c!style\c!color\dodoplacelinenumber
+ \else
+ \donoplacelinenumber
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+ {\dolinereference0[#1]\ignorespaces}
+ {\dolinereference1[#1]\ignorespaces}
+ {\removelastspace\dolinereference2[#1]}
+ {\doifelsenothing{#1}
+ {\doifinstringelse{--}\currenttextreference
+ {\in{\leftlabeltext\v!lines}{\rightlabeltext\v!lines}[\@@rnprefix#2]}
+ {\in{\leftlabeltext\v!line }{\rightlabeltext\v!line }[\@@rnprefix#2]}}
+ {\in{#1}[\@@rnprefix#2]}}
+ {\beginofshapebox
+ \doglobal\newcounter\linereference}
+% localcrossref heroverwegen
+ {\setxvalue{lrf:#1}{\noexpand\dogetlinereference{#2}{#3}{#4}}}
+ {\getvalue{lrf:#1}}
+ {\edef\linereferencename{#1}%
+ \edef\linereferenceline{#2}%
+ \edef\linereferenceplus{#3}}
+% 1 xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx
+% 2 xxx yyy yyy yyy yyy yyy yyy <= start y
+% 3 yyy yyy yyy yyy yyy yyy yyy
+% 4 yyy yyy yyy yyy yyy xxx xxx <= stop y
+% 5 xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx
+ {\bgroup
+ \dimen0=\strutdp
+ \doif\@@rnreferencing\v!on
+ {\doglobal\increment\linereference
+ % start 1=>(n=y,l=0,p=1)
+ % stop 2=>(n=y,l=0,p=2)
+ \setlinereference{\linereference}{\@@rnprefix#2}{0}{#1}%
+ \advance\dimen0 \linereference sp}%
+ \prewordbreak
+ \vrule \!!width \zeropoint \!!depth \dimen0 \!!height \zeropoint
+ \prewordbreak
+ \egroup}
+\def\dostopnummerenPAR % dp's -> openstrutdepth
+ {\endofshapebox
+ \checkreferences
+ \linestepper\zerocount
+ \reshapebox{\global\advance\linestepper \plusone}%
+ \global\advance\linenumber \linestepper
+ \doifelse\@@rnreferencing\v!on
+ {\reshapebox % We are going back!
+ {\global\advance\linenumber \minusone
+ \dimen0=\dp\shapebox
+ \advance\dimen0 -\strutdp\relax
+ \ifdim\dimen0>\zeropoint
+ % 1=>4 | 2=>4 1=>2
+ % start 1=>(n=y,l=2,p=1)
+ % stop 2=>(n=y,l=4,p=2)
+ \dostepwiserecurse\plusone{\number\dimen0}\plusone
+ {\getlinereference\recurselevel
+ \setlinereference\recurselevel
+ {\linereferencename}{\the\linenumber}{\linereferenceplus}}%
+ \fi}%
+ \global\advance\linenumber \linestepper
+ \ifnum\linereference>\zerocount % anders vreemde loop in paragraphs+recurse
+ \dorecurse\linereference
+ {\getlinereference\recurselevel
+ \ifnum\linereferenceplus=2 % stop
+ % ref y: text = 4 / Kan dit buiten referentie mechanisme om?
+ \expanded{\setlocalcrossreference
+ {\referenceprefix\linereferencename}{}{}{\linereferenceline}}%
+ \fi}%
+ \dorecurse\linereference
+ {\getlinereference\recurselevel
+ \ifnum\linereferenceplus<2 % start / lone
+ \ifnum\linereferenceplus=1 % start
+ \getreferenceelements\linereferencename % text = 4
+ \ifnum\linereferenceline<0\currenttextreference\relax % 0 prevents error
+ \edef\linereferenceline{\linereferenceline--\currenttextreference}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \expanded{\setlocalcrossreference
+ {\referenceprefix\linereferencename}{}{}{\linereferenceline}}%
+ \fi}%
+ \global\let\scratchline\linenumber % We are going back!
+ \reshapebox
+ {\doglobal\decrement\scratchline
+ \hbox
+ {\dorecurse\linereference
+ {\getlinereference\recurselevel
+ \getreferenceelements\linereferencename
+ \beforesplitstring\currenttextreference--\at--\to\firstline
+ \ifnum\firstline=\scratchline\relax
+ % beter een rawtextreference, i.e. expanded
+ % \textreference[\linereferencename]{\currenttextreference}%
+ \rawtextreference\s!lin\linereferencename\currenttextreference
+ \expanded{\setlocalcrossreference
+ {\referenceprefix\linereferencename}{}{}{0}}% ==done
+ \fi}%
+ \dimen0\dp\shapebox
+ \advance\dimen0 -\strutdp\relax
+ \ifdim\dimen0>\zeropoint
+ \dp\shapebox\strutdp
+ \fi
+ \placelinenumber\box\shapebox}}% no \strut !
+ \else
+ \reshapebox{\hbox{\placelinenumber\box\shapebox}}% no \strut !
+ \fi}
+ {\reshapebox{\global\advance\linenumber \minusone}%
+ \global\advance\linenumber \linestepper
+ \reshapebox{\hbox{\placelinenumber\box\shapebox}}}% no \strut !
+ \global\advance\linenumber \linestepper
+ \flushshapebox
+ \the\aftereverylinenumbering
+ \egroup}
+ [\c!method=,
+ \c!conversion=\v!numbers,
+ \c!start=1,
+ \c!step=1,
+ \c!location=\v!margin,
+ \c!style=,
+ \c!color=,
+ \c!prefix=,
+ \c!referencing=\v!on,
+ \c!width=\ifcase\linenumberlocation2em\else\v!margin\fi,
+ \c!left=,
+ \c!right=,
+ \c!command=,
+ \c!distance=\zeropoint,
+ \c!align=\ifcase\linenumberlocation\v!right\or\v!right\or\v!left\fi]
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/page-log.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/page-log.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c64c27bce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/page-log.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=page-log, % moved here from main-001
+%D version=1997.03.31,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Page Macros,
+%D subtitle=Logos,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Page Macros / Logos}
+%D Although logos can conveniently be implemented on top of
+%D background and text areas, we provide a dedicated mechanism
+%D here. One reason is that such a separate mechanism cannot
+%D interfere with the other ones, but an even more important
+%D reason is that logos are kind of special in the sense that
+%D they have a short life span and may change after the first
+%D page.
+%D \macros
+%D {recalculatelogos,addlogobackground}
+%D The interface to the other low level page building routines
+%D is provided by a macro that signals changes in layout
+%D specifications:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \recalculatelogos
+%D \stoptyping
+%D as well as a simple placement macro:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \addlogobackground <box>
+%D \stoptyping
+%D In no way the following boolean switch should be used
+%D directly.
+ {\global\newlogostrue}
+%D The current state of logos is registered in a status
+%D variable \type {\logostatus}.
+%D \starttabulate[|l|l|l|]
+%D \NC 0 \NC don't place \NC remains 0 \NC \NR
+%D \NC 1 \NC place now \NC remains 1 \NC \NR
+%D \NC 2 \NC calulate and place \NC becomes 1 \NC \NR
+%D \NC 3 \NC calculate and place once \NC becomes 2 \NC \NR
+%D \stoptabulate
+\def\addlogobackground#1% todo: dimension spec
+ {\ifcase\logostatus \else
+ \ifcase\logostatus
+ % no logos to take care of
+ \or % 1
+ \ifnewlogos
+ \chardef\logostatus2
+ \setlogoboxes
+ \chardef\logostatus1
+ \global\newlogosfalse
+ \fi
+ \or % 2
+ \setlogoboxes
+ \chardef\logostatus1
+ \or % 3
+ \setlogoboxes
+ \global\chardef\logostatus2
+ \fi
+ \setbox#1\vbox
+ {\offinterlineskip
+ \doifmarginswapelse
+ {\copy\leftlogos}
+ {\copy\rightlogos}
+ \box#1}%
+ \fi}
+%D For efficiency reasons (and since logos seldom change inside
+%D a document) we can save the left and right hand (or first
+%D and following page) logos in boxes. The areas are slightly
+%D different from the ones used in backgrounds and text
+%D placement, but still related to the page layout. The {\em
+%D left} and {\em right edge}, as well as {\em top} and {\em
+%D bottom} touch the bounding box of the paper and are
+%D therefore not the sams as their background adn text
+%D counterparts. In addition there are {\em left}, {\em right}
+%D and {\em middle} areas as well as a {\em page} one.
+ {\showmessage\m!layouts7\empty
+ \dosetlogobox\leftlogos\relax
+ \ifdoublesided
+ \dosetlogobox\rightlogos\doswapmargins
+ \fi}
+ {\global\setbox#1\vbox to \paperheight
+ {\dontcomplain % needed here ?
+ \calculatereducedvsizes % needed here ?
+ \offinterlineskip
+ #2\relax
+ \vskip-\topspace
+ \dodosetlogobox\v!top\blap
+ \vskip\topspace
+ \dodosetlogobox\v!header\blap
+ \vskip\dimexpr\headerheight+\headerdistance\relax
+ \dodosetlogobox\v!text\blap
+ \vskip\dimexpr\textheight+\footerdistance+\footerheight\relax
+ \dodosetlogobox\v!footer \tlap
+ \vfilll
+ \dodosetlogobox\v!bottom\tlap
+ \vskip\topspace}
+ \smashbox#1}
+ {\hbox % width equals \makeupwidth
+ {\def\docommand##1%
+ {\donefalse
+ \ifnum\logostatus=3 \ExpandBothAfter
+ \doifinset{\getvalue{\??lo#1##1}}\requestedlogos\donetrue
+ \else
+ \doifvalue{\??lo#1##1\c!state}\v!start\donetrue
+ \fi
+ \ifdone
+ #2{\hbox{\getvalue{\??lo#1##1\c!command}}}%
+ \fi}%
+ \def\dodocommand##1##2##3##4##5##6%
+ {\hsmash
+ {\hskip-\texthoffset
+ \hbox to \paperwidth
+ {\rlap{\docommand##1}\hss\llap{\docommand##6}}%
+ \hskip-\paperwidth
+ \hbox to \paperwidth
+ {\hskip\texthoffset
+ \hskip-\leftmarginwidth
+ \hskip-\leftmargindistance
+ \hbox to \leftmarginwidth{\docommand##2\hss}%
+ \hskip\leftmargindistance
+ \hbox to \makeupwidth{\docommand##3\hss\docommand##4}%
+ \hskip\rightmargindistance
+ \hbox to \rightmarginwidth{\hss\docommand##5}%
+ \hfill}}}%
+ \normalbaselines
+ \settexthoffset
+ \hsmash
+ {\hbox to \makeupwidth{\hss\docommand\c!middle\hss}}%
+ \hsmash
+ {\hskip-\texthoffset
+ \hbox to \paperwidth{\docommand\v!page\hss}}%
+ \swapmargins
+ \doifbothsidesoverruled
+ {\dodocommand
+ \v!leftedge \v!leftmargin \v!left
+ \v!right \v!rightmargin \v!rightedge}
+ {\dodocommand
+ \v!leftedge \v!leftmargin \v!left
+ \v!right \v!rightmargin \v!rightedge}
+ {\dodocommand
+ \v!rightedge \v!rightmargin \v!right
+ \v!left \v!leftmargin \v!leftedge}}}
+%D The user interface is relatively simple and provides
+%D macros for assigning logos to logo areas as well as
+%D forcing placement.
+%D \showsetup{definelogo}
+%D \showsetup{placelogos}
+\let\definedlogos \empty
+ {\addtocommalist{#1}\definedlogos
+ \long\setvalue{\??lo#2#3}{#1}%
+ \getparameters[\??lo#2#3][#4]%
+ \global\chardef\logostatus2 }
+ {\doquadrupleargument\dodefinelogo}
+ {\dosingleempty\doplacelogos}
+ {\xdef\requestedlogos{\iffirstargument#1\else\definedlogos\fi}%
+ \global\chardef\logostatus3 }
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/page-mak.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/page-mak.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3a513137f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/page-mak.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=page-mak, % copied from main-001,
+%D version=1997.03.31,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Page Macros,
+%D subtitle=Simple MakeUp,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Page Macros / MakeUp}
+%D \macros
+%D {definemakeup, setupmakeup, startmakeup}
+%D A makeup is a separate page, like a title page or colofon.
+%D There is one standard makeup page, but you can define more
+%D if needed.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \startstandardmakeup
+%D My Fancy Title
+%D \stopstandardmakeup
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The associated commands are:
+%D \showsetup{definemakeup}
+%D \showsetup{setupmakeup}
+%D \showsetup{startmakeup}
+ {\dodoubleargument\dodefinemakeup}
+ {\getparameters
+ [\??do#1]%
+ [\c!width=\innermakeupwidth, % example in manual / was \makeupwidth
+ \c!height=\textheight, % example in manual
+ \c!commands=,
+ \c!setups=,
+ \c!page=\v!right,
+ \c!doublesided=\v!empty,
+ \c!before=,
+ \c!top=\vss,
+ \c!bottom=\vss,
+ \c!after=,
+ \c!bottomstate=\v!normal,
+ \c!topstate=\v!normal,
+ \c!textstate=\v!normal,
+ \c!headerstate=\v!stop,
+ \c!footerstate=\v!stop,
+ \c!pagestate=\v!stop, % in manual ! ! !
+ \c!color=,
+ \c!align=,
+ #2]%
+ \setvalue{\e!start#1\e!makeup}{\startmakeup[#1]}%
+ \setvalue{\e!stop #1\e!makeup}{\stopmakeup}}
+ {\dodoubleargument\dosetupmakeup}
+ {\getparameters[\??do#1]}
+%D This will save us some 375 bytes in the format file.
+%D The \type{\start}||\type{\stop} macros are used for both
+%D the direct and indirect way. The parameterless call will
+%D build a simple box.
+\appendtoks \postponemarks \to \everymakeup
+ {\dodoubleempty\dostartmakeup}
+ {\bgroup
+ \edef\currentmakeup{#1}%
+ \the\everymakeup
+ \iffirstargument
+ \setupmakeup[\currentmakeup][#2]%
+ \let\stopmakeup\dodostopmakeup
+ \expandafter \dodostartmakeup
+ \else
+ \let\stopmakeup\donostopmakeup
+ \expandafter \donostartmakeup
+ \fi}
+%D The simple case:
+\def\donostartmakeup % textwidth ?
+ {\page
+ \setupheader[\c!state=\v!empty]%
+ \setupfooter[\c!state=\v!empty]%
+ \setsystemmode\v!makeup
+ \vbox to \textheight\bgroup\hsize\textwidth}
+ {\egroup
+ \flushmarks % new, here, else empty pages
+ \page
+ \egroup}
+%D The normal one:
+ {\doifvaluesomething{\??do\currentmakeup\c!page}
+ {\ExpandFirstAfter\page[\makeupparameter\c!page]}%
+ \pagetype[\currentmakeup]%
+ \setsystemmode\v!makeup
+ \setupmakeuplayout
+ \makeupparameter\c!commands % hm, what is this one doing here ?
+ \startregistercolor[\makeupparameter\c!color]%
+ \forgetall % else indented flush
+ \global\setbox\makeupbox\vbox to \makeupparameter\c!height
+ \bgroup
+% \forgetall
+ \setups[\makeupparameter\c!setups]%
+ \hsize\makeupparameter\c!width
+ \doifsomething{\makeupparameter\c!align}
+ {\setupalign[\makeupparameter\c!align]}%
+ \makeupparameter\c!top}
+ {\endgraf
+ \makeupparameter\c!bottom
+ \egroup
+ \flushmarks % new, here, else empty pages
+ \stopregistercolor
+ \doflushmakeup
+ \egroup
+ \calculatehsizes
+ \calculatevsizes}
+%D Selective page processing is handled here. (Why?)
+ {\ifprocessingpages
+ \ifpageselected
+ \doshipoutmakeup
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \ifpageselected \else
+ \doshipoutmakeup
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \ifselectingpages
+ \global\pageselectedfalse
+ \fi}
+% \def\pushpagestate{\globalpushmacro\@@pnstate}
+% \def\poppagestate {\globalpopmacro \@@pnstate}
+ {\pushpagestate % new
+ \makeupparameter\c!before
+ \setbox\makeupbox\vbox{\hbox{\color[\makeupparameter\c!color]{\box\makeupbox}}}%
+ % \ifgridsnapping
+ % new per 22/6/2006
+ \ifdim\ht\makeupbox>\vsize
+ \ht\makeupbox\vsize
+ \fi
+ % \fi
+ \box\makeupbox
+ \setuppagenumber[\c!state=\makeupparameter\c!pagestate]%
+ \setupmakeuplayout
+ \page
+ \makeupparameter\c!after
+ \relax % voor fi
+ \ifdoublesided \ifodd\realpageno\else
+ \processaction
+ [\makeupparameter\c!doublesided]
+ [ \v!yes=>\null
+ \page,
+ \v!empty=>{\setupmakeuplayout
+ \page[\v!blank]%
+ \null
+ \page}]%
+ \fi \fi
+ \poppagestate} % new
+%D The text surrounding the main body text can be influenced
+%D by setting their associated status variables. The
+%D connection between them is made by the following macro
+ {\setupfooter[\c!state=\makeupparameter\c!footerstate]%
+ \setupheader[\c!state=\makeupparameter\c!headerstate]%
+ \setuptext [\c!state=\makeupparameter\c!textstate]%
+ \setupbottom[\c!state=\makeupparameter\c!bottomstate]%
+ \setuptop [\c!state=\makeupparameter\c!topstate]%
+ % this is needed, but no \setuplayout here; fails in texexec --fig=c
+ \recalculatelayout}
+%D The standard page template is defined as follows:
+ [\v!standard]
+ [\c!width=\innermakeupwidth,
+ \c!height=\textheight,
+ \c!page=\v!right,
+ \c!doublesided=\v!empty]
+ [\v!text]
+ [\c!topstate=\v!start,
+ \c!headerstate=\v!start,
+ \c!textstate=\v!start,
+ \c!footerstate=\v!start,
+ \c!bottomstate=\v!start,
+ \c!doublesided=\v!no,
+ \c!page=\v!yes,
+ \c!top=\pseudostrut\ignorespaces,
+ \c!bottom=\obeydepth\vss]
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/page-mar.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/page-mar.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d386d8ab9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/page-mar.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,867 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=page-mar, % moved here from main-001
+%D version=1997.03.31,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Page Macros,
+%D subtitle=Marginal Things,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D Support for margin words is one of the reasons for writing
+%D \CONTEXT. Over time support for marginal content has been
+%D extended en enhanced. Therefore it's always good to watch
+%D out for unexpected side effects.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Page Macros / Maginal Things}
+%D There are three categories and their historically grown meaning is
+%D as follows:
+%D marginlines: these are flushed relative to the start of a line and
+%D need to be invoked there.
+%D marginwords: these can be issued in the text flow and will migrate
+%D sidewards; in spite of the name, it can be a paragraph of text as
+%D well, but normally it's words.
+%D margintexts: these can be set beforehand and are flushed at the
+%D next paragraph of text (of header)
+%D While these mechanisms were rather separated, they now are slightly
+%D more integrated. Instead of low level instances we now have a mechanism
+%D for defining additional ones.
+%D \macros
+%D {inleftedge,inleftmargin,inrightmargin,inrightedge}
+%D The fast and clean way of putting things in the margin is
+%D using \type{\rlap} or \type{\llap}. Unfortunately these
+%D macro's don't handle indentation, left and right skips. We
+%D therefore embed them in some macro's that (force and)
+%D remove the indentation and restore it afterwards.
+ {\dodoubleargument\dodefinemarginline}
+ {\getparameters
+ [\??im\??im#1]
+ [\c!location=\v!left,
+ \c!distance=\zeropoint,
+ \c!width=\leftmarginwidth,
+ \c!hoffset=\leftmargindistance,
+ \c!command=,
+ #2]%
+ \unexpanded\setvalue{#1}{\dohandlemarginline{#1}}}
+\def\marginlineparameter #1{\csname\??im\??im\currentmarginline#1\endcsname}
+\def\marginlineexecuter #1#2{\executeifdefined{\??im\??im\currentmarginline#1}{#2}}
+\def\dohandlemarginline#1% #2
+ {\def\currentmarginline{#1}%
+ \csname\s!do\??im\??im\executeifdefined{\??im\??im#1\c!location}\v!left\endcsname{#1}} % {#2}
+\def\doleftmarginline#1#2% #1 is redundant (we can remove it when we group dohandlemarginline; maybe ...
+ {\pushindentation
+ \llap
+ {\def\currentmarginline{#1}%
+ \postsignalrightpage
+ \hsize\marginlineparameter\c!width\relax
+ \marginlineexecuter\c!command\firstofoneargument{#2}\relax
+ \hskip\dimexpr
+ +\leftskip
+ +\compensatedinnermakeupmargin
+ +\marginlineparameter\c!hoffset
+ +\marginlineparameter\c!distance
+ \relax}%
+ \popindentation
+ \ignorespaces}
+\def\dorightmarginline#1#2% #1 is redundant
+ {\pushindentation
+ \rlap
+ {\def\currentmarginline{#1}%
+ \postsignalrightpage
+ \hskip\dimexpr
+ +\hsize
+ -\rightskip
+ +\compensatedinnermakeupmargin
+ +\marginlineparameter\c!hoffset
+ +\marginlineparameter\c!distance
+ \relax
+ \hsize\marginlineparameter\c!width
+ \marginlineexecuter\c!command\firstofoneargument{#2}}%
+ \popindentation
+ \ignorespaces}
+\installmarginlinehandler \v!left {\doleftmarginline}
+\installmarginlinehandler \v!right {\dorightmarginline}
+\installmarginlinehandler \v!inner {\presignalrightpage\doifrightpageelse\doleftmarginline \dorightmarginline}
+\installmarginlinehandler \v!outer {\presignalrightpage\doifrightpageelse\dorightmarginline\doleftmarginline }
+\definemarginline[inleftmargin] [\c!location=\v!left, \c!width=\leftmarginwidth, \c!distance=\leftmargindistance, \c!hoffset=\zeropoint]
+\definemarginline[inleftedge] [\c!location=\v!left, \c!width=\leftedgewidth, \c!distance=\leftedgedistance, \c!hoffset=\leftmargintotal]
+\definemarginline[inrightedge] [\c!location=\v!right,\c!width=\rightedgewidth, \c!distance=\rightedgedistance, \c!hoffset=\rightmargintotal]
+\definemarginline[inouteredge] [\c!location=\v!outer,\c!width=\outeredgewidth, \c!distance=\outeredgedistance, \c!hoffset=\outermargintotal]
+\definemarginline[ininneredge] [\c!location=\v!inner,\c!width=\inneredgewidth, \c!distance=\inneredgedistance, \c!hoffset=\innermargintotal]
+\definemarginline[atleftmargin] [\c!location=\v!left, \c!command=\lrlap,\c!width=\zeropoint,\c!distance=\zeropoint,\c!hoffset=\zeropoint]
+\ifx\lrlap\undefined \def\lrlap#1{\llap{\rlap{#1}}} \fi
+\ifx\rllap\undefined \def\rllap#1{\rlap{\llap{#1}}} \fi
+%D We want to keep things efficient and therefore only handle
+%D situations like:
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \inleftedge {fine} some text \par
+%D \strut \inleftmargin {fine} some text \par
+%D \noindent \inrightmargin {fine} some text \par
+%D \noindent \strut \inrightedge {fine} some text \par
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+%D which looks like:
+%D \bgroup
+%D \getbuffer
+%D \parindent 30pt
+%D \getbuffer
+%D \egroup
+%D A torture test:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\TestLine#1#2{\backgroundline[#1]{\strut\white\tttf#2~\recurselevel}}
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \inleftmargin {\TestLine{red} {lm}} test test test \par
+%D \inrightmargin{\TestLine{green} {rm}} test test test \par
+%D \inleftedge {\TestLine{red} {le}} test test test \par
+%D \inrightedge {\TestLine{green} {re}} test test test \par
+%D \inoutermargin{\TestLine{blue} {om}} test test test \par
+%D \ininnermargin{\TestLine{yellow}{im}} test test test \par
+%D \inouteredge {\TestLine{blue} {oe}} test test test \par
+%D \ininneredge {\TestLine{yellow}{ie}} test test test \par
+%D \atleftmargin {\TestLine{red} {alm}} \hfill test \par
+%D \atrightmargin{\TestLine{green} {arm}} test \hfill \par
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \dorecurse{40}\getbuffer \page
+%D \stoptyping
+%D New, yet undocumented:
+%D used for pascal:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \index {test} test \index {west} west \index {rest} rest
+%D \startnarrower
+%D \placeregister[index][alternative=b,command=\atleftmargin]
+%D \stopnarrower
+%D \stoptyping
+% todo: compensate distance when setuplayout[textwidth=..]
+% todo: generalize margin/edge model, now too much duplication
+%D The next bunch of macros looks messy which is due to its
+%D multi-purpose character.
+\chardef\margincontentdisplacement \zerocount
+\let \margincontentdistance \!!zeropoint
+\let \margincontenthoffset \!!zeropoint
+\def \margincontentlines {1}
+\def \margincontenttag {0}
+\let \margincontentseparator \empty
+\def \margincontentstrutheight {\strutht}
+ {\dodoubleempty\dosetupinmargin}
+ {\ifsecondargument
+ \processcommalist[#1]{\dodosetupinmargin[#2]}% becomes [#2]{##1}
+ \else
+ \getparameters[\??im][#1]%
+ \fi}
+% \def\dodosetupinmargin[#1]#2% [settings]{class}
+% {\checkinmargin[#2]%
+% \getparameters[\??im#2][#1]}
+\def\dodosetupinmargin[#1]#2% [settings]{class}
+ {\checkinmargin[#2]%
+ \getparameters[\??im#2][#1]%
+ % will become an \everyinmarginsetup thing
+ \ifcase\executeifdefined{\??im#2\c!sidemethod}{0}\else
+ \enableparpositions
+ \fi}
+ {\ifundefined{\??im#1\c!offset}% this offset is related to framed !
+ \addtocommalist{#1}\inmargintaglist
+ \presetmargintext[#1]%
+ \fi}
+ {\presetlocalframed
+ [\??im#1]%
+ \getparameters
+ [\??im#1]
+ [\c!frame=\v!off,
+ \c!offset=\v!overlay,
+ \c!line=1,
+ \c!separator=,
+ \c!width=\v!broad,
+ \c!distance=, % empty = signal
+ \c!hoffset=\zeropoint,
+ \c!style=\@@imstyle,
+ \c!color=\@@imcolor,
+ \c!strut=\@@imstrut,
+ \c!location=\@@imlocation,
+ \c!align=\@@imalign,
+ \c!before=\@@imbefore,
+ \c!after=\@@imafter]}
+\def\makemargintextblock#1#2#3% width l r content
+ {\bgroup
+ \forgetall % added, else problems with 'center' and nested itemize
+ \dontcomplain
+ \hsize\getvalue{\??im#1\c!width}\relax
+ \doifnumberelse\margincontenttag
+ {\ifcase\margincontenttag\relax
+ \edef\margincontenttag{#1}% first one is setups id as well
+ \fi}
+ \donothing
+ \doifnumberelse\margincontenttag
+ {\ifnum\margincontenttag>25 % to be translated
+ \writestatus\m!systems{potential margin stack overflow (\margincontenttag)}%
+ \fi}
+ \donothing
+ % we need to preserve {a,b,c} kind of settings
+ \let\margincontentalign#1%
+ \processallactionsinset
+ [\getvalue{\??im\margincontenttag\c!align}]
+ [ \v!yes=>\let\margincontentalign#1,
+ \v!no=>\let\margincontentalign\v!normal,
+ \v!inner=>\let\margincontentalign#1,
+ \v!outer=>\let\margincontentalign#2,
+ \v!left=>\let\margincontentalign\v!left,
+ \v!middle=>\let\margincontentalign\v!middle,
+ \v!right=>\let\margincontentalign\v!right]%
+ \doifvaluesomething{\??im\margincontenttag\c!align} % watch {} around set
+ {\edef\margincontentalign{{\getvalue{\??im\margincontenttag\c!align},\margincontentalign}}}%
+ %
+ \expanded{\getparameters[\??im\margincontenttag][\c!align=\margincontentalign]}%
+ %
+ \edef\margincontentstrut{\getvalue{\??im\margincontenttag\c!strut}}%
+ \savestrut %
+ \setbox\scratchbox\vbox\localframed
+ [\??im\margincontenttag]
+ [\c!strut=\v!no,\c!offset=\v!overlay] % strut handled internally
+ {\decrement\margincontentlines
+ \dorecurse\margincontentlines{\savedstrut\endgraf\nointerlineskip}% ! savedstrut
+ \@@imbefore
+ \dostartattributes{\??im\margincontenttag}\c!style\c!color\empty
+ \dosetupstrut[\margincontentstrut]% was: \setstrut % yes or no
+ \begstrut#3\endstrut\endgraf
+ \xdef\margincontentstrutheight{\the\strutht}% so that it's known outside the framed
+ \dostopattributes
+ \@@imafter}%
+ \global \naturalmargincontentheight\ht\scratchbox
+ \global\advance\naturalmargincontentheight\dp\scratchbox
+ \doif\@@imstack\v!yes
+ {\def\overlappingmargin{-20\scaledpoint}% test value, maybe .25\strutboxdp, maybe configurable
+ \setbox\scratchbox\vbox{\stackeddown\vbox{\box\scratchbox}}}% new
+ \ht\scratchbox\strutht
+ \dp\scratchbox\strutdp % nieuw
+ \box\scratchbox
+ \egroup}
+%D The stacker permits constructs like:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \setupinmargin[stack=yes]
+%D \inleft{test 1}test\break
+%D \inleft{test 2}test\break
+%D \inleft{test 1}
+%D \input tufte
+%D \inleft{test 1}
+%D \inleft{test 2}
+%D \inleft{test 3}
+%D \input tufte
+%D \inleft{test 1}
+%D \inleft{test 2\endgraf test 3}
+%D \inleft{test 4}
+%D \input tufte
+%D \inleft{test 1}
+%D \inleft{test 2\endgraf test 3}
+%D \inleft{test 4\endgraf test 5\endgraf test 6}
+%D \inleft{test 7\endgraf test 8\endgraf test 9}
+%D \input tufte
+%D \stoptyping
+%D This approach permits us to implement a better mechanism
+%D later. We need the \type {\graphicvadjust} in order to
+%D handle:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \inleft{test} {\red \dorecurse{40}{test }\par}
+%D {\red \inleft{test} \dorecurse{40}{test }\par}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The outer margin color is either black or color set as
+%D main text color.
+\newif\ifrightmargin % documenteren
+ \def\dopositionmarginbox#1{\graphicvadjust{\box#1}}
+% watch out, margin dimensions are swapped locally (\swapmargins)
+% with \margincontentmethod one can control pagebreaks
+% 0 no break
+% 1 each entry is one line
+% 2 only natural height
+% 3 also stack height
+\chardef\margincontentmethod \plusthree % beware: 1 = old method
+\def\margincontentextralines{1} % old method, play safe
+\def\nofmargincontentlines {0}
+ {\dontcomplain
+ \strut
+ \doifsomething{#1}
+ {\def\margincontenttag{#1}}%
+ \doifinsetelse{\margincontenttag}{\v!left,\v!right} % ugly hack
+ {\let \margincontentdistance \empty % signal
+ \let \margincontenthoffset \zeropoint}
+ {\edef\margincontentdistance{\executeifdefined{\??im\margincontenttag\c!distance }\empty }% signal
+ \edef\margincontenthoffset {\executeifdefined{\??im\margincontenttag\c!hoffset }\zeropoint}}%
+ \edef\margincontentlines {\executeifdefined{\??im\margincontenttag\c!line }\plusone }%
+ \edef\margincontentseparator {\executeifdefined{\??im\margincontenttag\c!separator}\donothing}%
+ \setbox\scratchbox\hbox{#4}% % todo: make sure that color stack works
+ \ifcase\margincontentmethod
+ \scratchdimen\zeropoint
+ \or % old method
+ \scratchdimen\ht\scratchbox
+ \advance\scratchdimen\dp\scratchbox
+ \or
+ \scratchdimen\naturalmargincontentheight
+ \or
+ \scratchdimen\naturalmargincontentheight
+ \ifx\laststackvmove\undefined\else\global\advance\scratchdimen\laststackvmove\fi
+ \fi
+ \ifdim\scratchdimen>\margincontentheight
+ \global\margincontentheight\scratchdimen
+ \fi
+ \setbox\scratchbox\hbox
+ {#2{\hskip#3\strut
+ \ifcase\margincontentdisplacement
+ % normal, move strutheight up
+ \scratchdimen\strutdp
+ \advance\scratchdimen \margincontentstrutheight
+ \advance\scratchdimen -\strutht
+ \raise\scratchdimen
+ \or
+ % low, obey vadjust
+ \fi
+ \box\scratchbox}}%
+ \ht\scratchbox\zeropoint
+ \dp\scratchbox\zeropoint
+ \gdef\margincontentstrutheight{\the\strutht}%
+ %\graphicvadjust{\box\scratchbox}} % fails in high math lines, let it be
+ %\hbox{\lower\strutdp\box\scratchbox}} % alas, wrong lapping, therefore useless
+ \dopositionmarginbox\scratchbox}
+% \def\domarginblockskip#1%
+% {\hskip\margincontenthoffset
+% \hskip\compensatedinnermakeupmargin\relax
+% \doifelsenothing\margincontentdistance
+% {\hskip\getvalue{\??im#1\c!distance}}
+% {\hskip\margincontentdistance}%
+% \relax}
+ {\doifelsenothing\margincontentdistance
+ {\hskip\dimexpr
+ +\margincontenthoffset
+ +\compensatedinnermakeupmargin
+ +\csname\??im#1\c!distance\endcsname
+ \relax}
+ {\dimexpr
+ +\margincontenthoffset
+ +\compensatedinnermakeupmargin
+ +\margincontentdistance
+ \relax}%
+ \relax}
+ {\doplacemargintext{#1}\llap\zeropoint
+ {\llap{\placemargincontentseparator}%
+ \makemargintextblock\v!left\v!right{#2}%
+ \domarginblockskip\v!left}}
+ {\doplacemargintext{#1}\rlap\hsize
+ {\hskip\textwidth\hskip-\hsize % new: hsize correction
+ \domarginblockskip\v!right
+ \makemargintextblock\v!right\v!left{#2}%
+ \rlap{\placemargincontentseparator}}}
+ {\ifnum\margincontentlevel>\zerocount
+ \ifx\margincontentseparator\empty\else
+ \bgroup
+ \scratchdimen\margincontentlines\lineheight
+ \advance\scratchdimen -\lineheight
+ \lower\scratchdimen\hbox{\margincontentseparator}%
+ \egroup
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+ {\iffirstsidefloatparagraph\nowhitespace\fi % zo laat mogelijk
+ \setbox\marginconstructbox\hbox\bgroup % prevents page break in the middle of construction
+ \startsignalrightpage
+ \doifswappedrightpageelse
+ {\rightmargintrue #2}
+ {\rightmarginfalse#1}
+ {#3}% setups
+ {#4}% content
+ \stopsignalrightpage
+ \egroup
+ \unhbox\marginconstructbox}
+% history made this a bit complicated, the +/- was needed before
+% we had enough mem/hash to do the page correction
+% the old one:
+% \def\doinmargin[#1][#2][#3][#4][#5]% #6 #7
+% {\doifcommonelse{+,-,\v!laag}{#4}
+% {\dodoinmargin[#1][#2][#3][#4][#5]}
+% {\dodoinmargin[#1][#2][#3][][#4]}}
+% an alternative:
+% \letvalue{\??im\v!laag\c!offset}\empty
+% \letvalue{\??im +\c!offset}\empty
+% \letvalue{\??im -\c!offset}\empty
+% \def\doinmargin[#1][#2][#3][#4][#5]% #6 #7
+% {\doifnumberelse{#4}
+% {\dodoinmargin[#1][#2][#3][#4][#5]}
+% {\doifdefinedelse{\??im#4\c!offset}
+% {\dodoinmargin[#1][#2][#3][#4][#5]}
+% {\dodoinmargin[#1][#2][#3][][#4]}}}
+% the problem is that we need to keep downward compatibility
+% with respect to the first argument thing a reference or a
+% directive; the alternative is to force users to pass a
+% directive along with a reference; anyhow, as long as one
+% does not use references that have the same name as a
+% directive we can use the (slow) alternative
+\def\doinmargin[#1][#2][#3][#4][#5]% #6 #7
+ {\expanded{\doifinsetelse{#4}{\inmargintaglist}}
+ {\dodoinmargin[#1][#2][#3][#4][#5]}
+ {\dodoinmargin[#1][#2][#3][][#4]}}
+ {\doquadrupleempty\dodefineinmargin}
+ {\doifassignmentelse{#4}
+ {\setupinmargin[#1][#4]%
+ \setvalue{#1}{\indentation\doquintupleempty\doinmargin[#2][#3][#1]}}
+ {\setvalue{#1}{\indentation\doquintupleempty\doinmargin[#2][#3][#4]}}}
+\defineinmargin [inleft] [\v!left] [\v!normal] % takes left settings
+\defineinmargin [inright] [\v!right] [\v!normal] % takes right settings
+\defineinmargin [ininner] [\v!inner] [\v!normal] % takes left/right settings
+\defineinmargin [inouter] [\v!outer] [\v!normal] % takes left/right settings
+\defineinmargin [inmargin] [\@@imlocation] [\v!normal] % takes left/right settings
+\defineinmargin [inother] [\@@imlocation] [\v!reverse] % takes left/right settings
+%D This permits definitions like:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \defineinmargin [SomePlace] [inner] [normal] [distance=1cm]
+%D \defineinmargin [SomePlace] [inner] [normal] [SomePlace] \setupinmargin[SomePlace][distance=1cm]
+%D \defineinmargin [MyPlace] [inner] [normal] [SomePlace]
+%D \defineinmargin [YourPlace] [inner] [normal] [SomePlace]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D A torture test:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \inleft {\TestLine{red} {l}} test test test \par
+%D \inright {\TestLine{green} {r}} test test test \par
+%D \inmargin {\TestLine{blue} {m}} test test test \par
+%D \inothermargin{\TestLine{yellow} {x}} test test test \par
+%D \ininner {\TestLine{cyan} {i}} test test test \par
+%D \inouter {\TestLine{magenta}{o}} test test test \par
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \dorecurse{80}\getbuffer \page
+%D \stoptyping
+%D and
+%D \starttyping
+%D \defineinmargin [InOuterA] [outer] [normal] [distance=0cm]
+%D \defineinmargin [InOuterB] [outer] [normal] [distance=1cm]
+%D \defineinmargin [InOuterC] [outer] [normal] [distance=2cm,line=2]
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \InOuterA{\TestLine{red} {A}} test test test \par
+%D \InOuterB{\TestLine{green}{B}} test test test \par
+%D \InOuterC{\TestLine{blue} {C}} test test test \par
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \dorecurse{80}\getbuffer \page
+%D \dorecurse{10}{\inleft {one} test \inleft {two} test } \page
+%D \start
+%D \margintext {one} \margintext {two} \input thuan \par
+%D \setupinmargin[1][line=3,distance=1cm]
+%D \margintext [1]{one}
+%D \margintext [2]{two}
+%D \input thuan \page
+%D \stop
+%D \setupinmargin[3][location=inner,distance=1cm]
+%D \setupinmargin[4][location=outer,distance=2cm]
+%D % \setupinmargin[left] [line=2]
+%D % \setupinmargin[right][line=2]
+%D \dorecurse
+%D {10}
+%D {\margintext {\kern3cm\TestLine{blue}{none}}
+%D \margintext[3] {\TestLine{darkgray}{3}}
+%D \margintext[4] {\TestLine{darkgray}{4}}
+%D \margintext[left] {\TestLine{red} {left}}
+%D \margintext[right]{\TestLine{green} {right}}
+%D \margintext[inner]{\TestLine{cyan} {inner}}
+%D \margintext[outer]{\TestLine{magenta} {outer}}
+%D \input thuan \endgraf}
+%D \dorecurse{10}{\margintext{test\\test\\test} \input thuan \endgraf}
+%D \stoptyping
+% Test case:
+% \setuppagenumbering[alternative=doublesided] \setupwhitespace[medium]
+% \placefigure[right]{}{\externalfigure[dummy][width=2cm]}
+% \input tufte \inothermargin{test} \input tufte
+% \def\dodoinmargin[#1][#2][#3][#4][#5]#6%
+% {\bgroup
+% \forgetall % otherwise sidefloat problems, added 2005/07/20, maybe dangerous
+% \postponenotes % group is (somehow) needed
+% \doifinsetelse\v!low{#4}
+% {\chardef\margincontentdisplacement\plusone}
+% {\chardef\margincontentdisplacement\zerocount}%
+% \doif\v!reverse{#2}
+% {\swapmacros\dorightmarginblock\doleftmarginblock}%
+% \processaction
+% [#1]
+% [ \v!left=>\let\next\doleftmarginblock, % no swapping
+% \v!right=>\let\next\dorightmarginblock, % no swapping
+% \v!inner=>\def\next{\doinmarginswapped\dorightmarginblock\doleftmarginblock },
+% \v!outer=>\def\next{\doinmarginswapped\doleftmarginblock \dorightmarginblock},
+% \s!unknown=>\ifdoublesided
+% \doifcommonelse{+,-}{#4}
+% {\def\next{\doinmarginswapped\dorightmarginblock\doleftmarginblock }}
+% {\def\next{\doinmarginswapped\doleftmarginblock \dorightmarginblock}}%
+% \else
+% \let\next\doleftmarginblock
+% \fi]%
+% \next{#3}{#6}%
+% \rawpagereference\s!mar{#5}% naar binnen ! ! ! !
+% \flushnotes
+% \egroup % don't forget the group
+% \ignorespaces}
+% test first
+% setupsystem[random=1235]
+% \setupinmargin[left][sidemethod=3]
+% \dorecurse{10}{test \fakewords{20}{40} test \inleft{test\\test} test \fakewords{20}{40} \par}
+% \page
+% \setupinmargin[left][sidemethod=4]
+% \dorecurse{40}{test \fakewords{50}{80} test \inleft{test\\test} \par}
+% \page
+ {\bgroup
+% \tracingall
+ % old stuff, a bit tricky, but now interfaced
+ \edef\currentmargincontent{#1}%
+ \chardef\marginrepositionmethod\executeifdefined{\??im\currentmargincontent\c!sidemethod }\plusone
+ \chardef\margincontentmethod \executeifdefined{\??im\currentmargincontent\c!textmethod }\plusthree
+ \chardef\marginpagecheckmethod \executeifdefined{\??im\currentmargincontent\c!splitmethod}\plusone
+ % so far
+ \forgetall % otherwise sidefloat problems, added 2005/07/20, maybe dangerous
+ \postponenotes % group is (somehow) needed
+ \doifinsetelse\v!low{#4}
+ {\chardef\margincontentdisplacement\plusone}
+ {\chardef\margincontentdisplacement\zerocount}%
+ \doif\v!reverse{#2}
+ {\swapmacros\dorightmarginblock\doleftmarginblock}%
+ \processaction
+ [#1]
+ [ \v!left=>\let\next\doleftmarginblock, % no swapping
+ \v!right=>\let\next\dorightmarginblock, % no swapping
+ \v!inner=>\def\next{\doinmarginswapped\dorightmarginblock\doleftmarginblock },
+ \v!outer=>\def\next{\doinmarginswapped\doleftmarginblock \dorightmarginblock},
+ \s!unknown=>\ifdoublesided
+ \doifcommonelse{+,-}{#4}
+ {\def\next{\doinmarginswapped\dorightmarginblock\doleftmarginblock }}
+ {\def\next{\doinmarginswapped\doleftmarginblock \dorightmarginblock}}%
+ \else
+ \let\next\doleftmarginblock
+ \fi]%
+ \next{#3}{#6}%
+ \rawpagereference\s!mar{#5}% naar binnen ! ! ! !
+ \flushnotes
+ \egroup % don't forget the group
+ \ignorespaces}
+% dit zijn voorlopig lokale commando's / vervallen
+% \def\woordinmarge {\indentation\doquintupleempty\doinmargin[\@@implaats][\inleftmargin][\inrightmarge]}
+% \def\woordinlinker {\inleftmargin } % vervallen
+% \def\woordinrechter{\inrechtermarge} % vervallen
+% Some day: \definemarking[\v!margetitel]
+%D Now come the margin text collectors. The collected content is
+%D flushed at every paragraph by the following macro. Note for
+%D myself: here the location (plaats) is no longer a tag (number).
+% gone: \def\doflushmargincontent{\doinmargin[\@@implaats][\v!normaal][]} % + [#1][#2]{#3}}
+%D These are now all the same (long ago they had different
+%D implementations, somewhere in Sork time if I remember
+%D right).
+\def\margintext {\dodoubleempty\domargincontent}
+\def\marginword {\margintext}
+\def\margintitle{\margintext} % txt mark as well
+\newtoks\collectedmargintexts % so .. delayed!
+\chardef\margintextcollected \zerocount
+\def\domargincontent[#1][#2]#3% we used to check for #2/#1 being number, no longer now
+ {\global\chardef\margintextcollected\plusone
+ \edef\margincontenttag{#1}%
+ \ifx\margincontenttag\empty
+ \global\advance\margincontentlevel\plusone
+ \edef\margincontenttag{\number\margincontentlevel}%
+ \fi
+ \checkinmargin[\margincontenttag]%
+ \doglobal \appendetoks
+ \noexpand \checkinmargin[\margincontenttag]%
+ \noexpand \doinmargin[\executeifdefined{\??im\margincontenttag\c!location}\@@imlocation][\v!normal][\margincontenttag][\margincontenttag][#2]%
+ \to \collectedmargintexts
+ \doglobal \appendtoks
+ {#3}%
+ \to \collectedmargintexts}
+\def\flushmargincontents % plural
+ {\restoreinterlinepenalty % here?
+ \ifcase\margintextcollected\else % called quite often, so we
+ \expandafter\doflushmargincontents % speed up the \fi scan by
+ \fi} % using a \do..
+\def\doflushmargincontents % links + rechts
+ {\bgroup
+ \forgetall
+ \global\margincontentheight\zeropoint
+ \startsignalrightpage
+ \the\collectedmargintexts
+ \signalrightpage
+ \stopsignalrightpage
+ \resetmargincontent
+ % dirty tricks
+ \ifcase\margincontentmethod
+ \donefalse
+ \else\ifinsidecolumns % brrrr
+ \donetrue % how fuzzy
+ \else\ifdim\margincontentheight>\lineheight\relax
+ \donetrue % how dirty
+ \else
+ \donefalse % how needed
+ \fi\fi\fi
+ \savemargincontentlines
+ \ifdone
+ \advance\margincontentheight \margincontentextralines\lineheight
+ \ifdim\pagegoal>\pagetotal
+ \bgroup % preserve \margincontentheight
+ \advance\margincontentheight \pagetotal
+ \ifdim\margincontentheight>\pagegoal
+ \egroup
+ \ifcase\marginpagecheckmethod
+ % disabled
+ \or
+ \setmargincontentpenalties
+ \or
+ % potentially dangerous, maybe better a \goodbreak; the problem is that
+ % there can be a penalty there, which we then overload and we also introduce
+ % nasty side effects, so, we drop this option
+ % \vadjust pre {\page}%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \egroup
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \else % We need the above because interlinepenalties overrule vadjusted \nobreaks.
+ % a bit dangerous
+ \vadjust{\nobreak}%
+ \fi
+ \egroup}
+ {\getnoflines\margincontentheight
+ \keeplinestogether\noflines}
+ {\bgroup
+ \advance\margincontentheight \margincontentextralines\lineheight % 1 by default
+ \getnoflines\margincontentheight
+ \xdef\nofmargincontentlines{\the\noflines}%
+ \egroup}
+\def\fillupmargincontentlines % etex ! ! !
+ {\endgraf
+ \begingroup
+ \scratchcounter\numexpr\nofmargincontentlines-\prevgraf\relax\relax
+ \ifnum\scratchcounter>\zerocount
+ \forgetall\dorecurse\scratchcounter{\nobreak\crlf}%
+ \fi
+ \endgroup}
+% Yet undocumented, for a manual flush in for instance headers.
+ {\global\margincontentlevel\zerocount
+ \global\chardef\margintextcollected\zerocount
+ \global\collectedmargintexts\emptytoks}
+% \def\placemargincontent
+% {\ifcase\margintextcollected\else
+% \bgroup
+% \chardef\graphicvadjustmode\zerocount
+% \doflushmargincontents
+% \egroup
+% \fi}
+% font fix:
+ {\ifcase\margintextcollected\else % was level check
+ \bgroup
+ \redoconvertfont % !!
+ \chardef\graphicvadjustmode\zerocount
+ \doflushmargincontents
+ \egroup
+ \fi}
+% For old times sake (i use it in project styles) we provide
+\def\placemargintexts {\placemargincontent}
+\def\resetmargetitels {\resetmargincontent}
+\def\margewoordpositie{\margewoord} % obsolete, now no longer range
+% but never use them yourself since they may disappear.
+ {\strut
+ \graphicvadjust
+ {\dontcomplain
+ \setbox\scratchbox\vtop{\forgetall\strut#1}%
+ \getboxheight\scratchdimen\of\box\scratchbox
+ \vskip-\scratchdimen % waarom stond hier een \ ?
+ \box\scratchbox}}
+ [\c!style=\v!bold,
+ \c!color=,
+ \c!strut=\v!auto,
+ \c!location=\v!both,
+ \c!align=\v!inner,
+ \c!stack=\v!no,
+ \c!before=,
+ \c!after=]
+ [\v!left]
+ [\c!distance=\leftmargindistance,
+ \c!width=\leftmarginwidth,
+ %\c!align=\v!left, % no
+ \c!location=\v!left]
+ [\v!right]
+ [\c!distance=\rightmargindistance,
+ \c!width=\rightmarginwidth,
+ %\c!align=\v!right, % no
+ \c!location=\v!right]
+% bonus needed when [inner/outer] is used as tag
+% more efficient (5K less fotmat file)
+% \letvalue{\??im\v!inner\c!location}\v!inner \letvalue{\??im\v!inner\c!align}\v!inner
+% \letvalue{\??im\v!outer\c!location}\v!outer \letvalue{\??im\v!outer\c!align}\v!inner
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/page-mis.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/page-mis.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a61b2435b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/page-mis.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=page-mis,
+%D version=2008.11.17, % was part of page-flt.tex / 2000.10.20
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Page Macros,
+%D subtitle=Misc Float Things,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Page Macros / Misc Float Things}
+ {\getparameters[\??mb][#1]%
+ \doifelse\@@mbstate\v!start
+ {\showmessage\m!layouts4\empty
+ \margeblokkentrue
+ \let\somenextfloat\dosomenextfloat
+ \let\startmarginblock\dostartmarginblock
+ \let\stopmarginblock\dostopmarginblock}%
+ {\showmessage\m!layouts5\empty
+ \margeblokkenfalse
+ \def\somenextfloat[##1]%
+ {\someelsefloat[##1,\v!here]}%
+ \let\startmarginblock\dontstartmargeblok
+ \let\stopmarginblock\dontstopmargeblok}}
+ {\dosingleargument\dosetupmarginblocks}
+ {\global\setbox\marginbox\vbox
+ {\hsize\@@mbwidth
+ \unvcopy\marginbox
+ \ifvoid\marginbox\else\expandafter\@@mbinbetween\fi
+ \box\floatbox\filbreak}%
+ \ifdim\ht\marginbox>\textheight
+ \dosavefloatinfo
+ \else
+ \doinsertfloatinfo
+ \fi}
+ {\ifdim\ht\preparedmarginbox>\zeropoint
+ \beginofshapebox
+ \unvbox\preparedmarginbox
+ \endofshapebox
+ \reshapebox
+ {\box\shapebox}%
+ \setbox\preparedmarginbox\vbox to \textheight
+ {\@@mbtop
+ \flushshapebox
+ \@@mbbottom}%
+ \fi}
+ {\hskip\rightmarginwidth}
+ {\hskip\leftmarginwidth}
+ {\ifvoid\marginbox\else\docheckmargeblokken\fi}
+\def\docheckmargeblokken % erg inefficient
+ {\setbox\preparedmarginbox\vbox
+ {\forgetall
+ \splittopskip\topskip
+ \ifvoid\marginbox\else
+ \ifdim\ht\marginbox>\textheight
+ \vsplit\marginbox to \textheight
+ \else
+ \unvbox\marginbox
+ \fi
+ \fi}%
+ \reshapemargin
+ \setbox\preparedmarginbox\vbox
+ {\@@mbbefore\box\preparedmarginbox\@@mbafter}%
+ \def\rightmarginbox
+ {\def\plaatsrechtermargeblok
+ {\setbox\preparedmarginbox\hbox to \rightmarginwidth
+ {\@@mbleft\box\preparedmarginbox\@@mbright}%
+ \vsmashbox\preparedmarginbox
+ \box\preparedmarginbox}}%
+ \def\leftmarginbox
+ {\def\plaatslinkermargeblok
+ {\setbox\preparedmarginbox\hbox to \leftmarginwidth
+ {\@@mbright\box\preparedmarginbox\@@mbleft}%
+ \vsmashbox\preparedmarginbox
+ \box\preparedmarginbox}}%
+ \processaction % traag
+ [\@@mblocation]
+ [ \v!inmargin=>\doifbothsidesoverruled\rightmarginbox\rightmarginbox\leftmarginbox,
+ \v!middle=>\doifbothsidesoverruled\rightmarginbox\leftmarginbox\rightmarginbox,
+ \v!left=>\leftmarginbox,
+ \v!right=>\rightmarginbox,
+ \s!unknown=>\setbox\preparedmarginbox\hbox{}]}
+\def\dostartmarginblock % 2 maal \vbox ivm \unvbox elders
+ {\global\setbox\marginbox\vtop\bgroup\vbox\bgroup
+ \hsize\@@mbwidth
+ \ifvoid\marginbox\else
+ \unvbox\marginbox
+ \@@mbinbetween
+ \fi
+ \setupalign[\@@mbalign]%
+ \dostartattributes\??mb\c!style\c!color{}%
+ \begstrut\ignorespaces}
+ {\unskip\endstrut
+ \dostopattributes
+ \egroup
+ \egroup}
+ {\@@mbbefore
+ \bgroup
+ \dostartattributes\??mb\c!style\c!color\empty}
+ {\dostopattributes
+ \egroup
+ \@@mbafter}
+\appendtoks \the\everytopofpage \to\everystarttext
+% \startpostponing [pagenumber] [+pageoffset]
+% \startpostponing[2]
+% PAGE 2 \blank
+% \stoppostponing
+% \startpostponing[+1]
+% PAGE +1 \blank
+% \stoppostponing
+% \startpostponing[+2]
+% PAGE +2 \blank
+% \stoppostponing
+% \starttext \dorecurse{4}{\input tufte \page} \stoptext
+\newtoks \postponedpageblocks
+% \ifinpostponing: handhaven, want gebruikt in stijlen ! ! ! ! !
+ {\doifoddpageelse
+ {\ifvoid\collectedleftpagefloats
+ \ifvoid\collectedrightpagefloats\else
+ \unvbox\collectedrightpagefloats
+ \page
+ %\the\everytopofpage
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+ {\ifvoid\collectedleftpagefloats\else
+ \unvbox\collectedleftpagefloats
+ \page
+ %\the\everytopofpage
+ \fi
+ \ifvoid\collectedrightpagefloats\else
+ \unvbox\collectedrightpagefloats
+ \page
+ %\the\everytopofpage
+ \fi}%
+ \ifvoid\collectedpagefloats\else
+ % message
+ \unvbox\collectedpagefloats
+ \fi}
+% \def\flushrestfloats
+% {\doif{\floatsharedparameter\c!cache}\v!no\doflushfloats}
+% \let\flushrestfloats\relax
+ {\bgroup % new may 2004
+ \setsystemmode\v!postponing % new may 2004
+ \the\everytopofpage
+ %\flushrestfloats
+ \flushpagefloats
+ \donefalse
+ \ifinpostponing \else
+ \ifcase\nofpostponedblocks \else \donetrue \fi
+ \ifcase\nofpostponedpageblocks \else \donetrue \fi
+ \fi
+ \ifdone
+ \bgroup % we need the color/font switch, else problems inside split verbatim
+ \setnormalcatcodes % postponing in verbatim
+ \pushpostponedpagecolor
+ \restoreglobalbodyfont % The \nof-test is
+ \global\pagetotal\zeropoint % recently added and
+ \global\inpostponingtrue % definitely needed else
+ \the\postponedpageblocks % we can loose or disorder
+ \dorecurse\nofpostponedblocks % floats; anyhow, this
+ {\getbuffer[pbuf-\recurselevel]}% % mechanism is still
+ \doflushfloats % new but potential dangerous % suboptimal and needs a
+ \doglobal\newcounter\nofpostponedblocks % proper analysis
+ \global\inpostponingfalse
+ \poppostponedpagecolor
+ \egroup
+ \fi
+ \egroup} % new may 2004
+ {\doif{#1}\realfolio{\getbuffer[rbuf-#2]}} % no \ifnum, avoid \fi
+% beware, \dosingleempty conflicts with buffers (feeds back the \par)
+ {\bgroup
+ \obeylines
+ \doifnextoptionalelse{\egroup\nodostartpostponing}{\egroup\dodostartpostponing}}
+ {\doglobal\increment\nofpostponedpageblocks
+ \bgroup % a little bit of misusing grouping
+ \doifinstring{+}{#1}\advance \realpageno#1\relax % ugly but efficient
+ \doglobal\appendetoks\noexpand\getpostponedblock
+ {\realfolio}{\nofpostponedpageblocks}\to\postponedpageblocks
+ \egroup
+ \showmessage\m!layouts3\nofpostponedpageblocks
+ \dostartbuffer[rbuf-\nofpostponedpageblocks]%
+ [\e!start\v!postponing][\e!stop\v!postponing]}
+ {\doglobal\increment\nofpostponedblocks
+ \showmessage\m!layouts3\nofpostponedblocks
+ \expanded{\dostartbuffer[pbuf-\nofpostponedblocks][\e!start\v!postponing][\e!stop\v!postponing]}}
+% Setups:
+ [\c!state=\v!start,
+ \c!location=\v!inmargin,
+ \c!width=\rightmarginwidth,
+ \c!style=,
+ \c!color=,
+ \c!align=,
+ \c!left=,
+ \c!right=,
+ \c!top=,
+ \c!inbetween=\blank,
+ \c!bottom=\vfill,
+ \c!before=,
+ \c!after=]
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/page-mul.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/page-mul.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..decf784f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/page-mul.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,1773 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=page-mul, % was: core-mul
+%D version=1998.03.15,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Page Macros,
+%D subtitle=Multi Column Output,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Page Macros / Simple Multi Column}
+%D This module is mostly a copy from the original multi column
+%D routine as implemented in \type {core-mul}. When the main
+%D OTR macro's were isolated in modules and column sets were
+%D introduced, this module became part of the OTR modules. As
+%D a result this module is no longer generic. It also needs
+%D an overhaul.
+% TO DO !
+\let\OTRMULsetvsize \OTRONEsetvsize
+\let\OTRMULsethsize \OTRONEsethsize
+\let\OTRMULdopagecontents \OTRONEdopagecontents
+\let\OTRMULfinalsidefloatoutput\OTRONEfinalsidefloatoutput % ???
+\let\OTRMULflushfloatbox \OTRONEflushfloatbox
+\let\OTRMULdosettopinserts \relax
+\let\OTRMULdosetbotinserts \relax
+\let\OTRMULdotopinsertions \relax
+\let\OTRMULdobotinsertions \relax
+\let\OTRMULdosetbothinserts \relax
+\let\OTRMULflushsavedfloats \relax
+\let\OTRMULflushsidefloats \forgetsidefloats % \relax
+\let\OTRMULsynchronizesidefloats\forgetsidefloats % \relax
+\newtoks \OTRMULoutput
+ {\ejectpage}
+\def\OTRMULgotonextpageX % will become obsolete
+ {\superejectpage}
+% check \count<insert> multiplications
+% some day try this in balancing routine
+% \ifdim\pagetotal>\pagegoal
+% \eject
+% \else
+% \goodbreak
+% \fi
+%D The following macro's implement a multi||column output
+%D routine. The original implementation was based on Donald
+%D Knuth's implementation, which was adapted by Craig Platt to
+%D support balancing of the last page. I gradually adapted
+%D Platt's version to our needs but under certain
+%D circumstances things still went wrong. I considered all
+%D calls to Platt's \type{\balancingerror} as undesirable.
+%D This completely new implementation can handle enough
+%D situations for everyday documents, but is still far from
+%D perfect. While at the moment the routine doesn't support
+%D all kind of floats, it does support:
+%D \startitemize[packed]
+%D \item an unlimitted number of columns
+%D \item ragged or not ragged bottoms
+%D \item optional balancing without \type{\balancingerrors}
+%D \item different \type{\baselineskips}, \type{\spacing},
+%D \type{\topskip} and \type{\maxdepth}
+%D \item left- and right indentation, e.g. within lists
+%D \item moving columns floats to the next column or page
+%D \item handling of floats that are to wide for a columns
+%D \stopitemize
+%D One could wonder why single and multi||columns modes are
+%D still separated. One reason for this is that \TeX\ is not
+%D suited well for handling multi||columns. As a result, the
+%D single columns routines are more robust. Handling one
+%D column as a special case of multi||columns is posible but at
+%D the cost of worse float handling, worse page breaking,
+%D worse etc. Complicated multi||column page handling should
+%D be done in \cap{DTP}||systems anyway.
+%D There are three commands provided for entering and leaving
+%D multi||column mode and for going to the next column:
+%D \interface \type{\beginmulticolumns} \\ \\
+%D \interface \type{\endmulticolumns} \\ \\
+%D \interface \type{\ejectcolumn} \\ \\
+%D This routines are sort of stand||alone. They communicate
+%D with the rest of \CONTEXT\ by means of some interface
+%D macro's, which we only mention.
+%D \interface \type{\nofcolumns} \\
+%D the number of columns \\
+%D \interface \type{\minbalancetoplines} \\
+%D the minimum number op balanced top lines \\
+%D \interface \type{\betweencolumns} \\
+%D the stuff between columns \\
+%D \interface \type{\finaloutput{action}{box}} \\
+%D some kind of \type{\pagebody} and \type{\shipout} \\
+%D \interface \type{\ifbalancecolumns} \\
+%D balancing the colums or not \\
+%D \interface \type{\ifstretchcolumns} \\
+%D ragging the bottom or not \\
+%D \interface \type{\ifheightencolumns} \\
+%D fix the heigh tor not \\
+%D \interface \type{\fixedcolumnheight} \\
+%D the optional fixed height \\
+%D \interface \type{\ifinheritcolumns} \\
+%D handle ragging or not \\
+%D \interface \type{\ifr@ggedbottom} \\
+%D use ragged bottoms \\
+%D \interface \type{\ifb@selinebottom} \\
+%D put the bottom line on the baseline \\
+%D \interface \type{\ifnormalbottom} \\
+%D put the bottom line at the baseline \\
+%D \interface \type{\ifreversecolumns} \\
+%D reverse the order in wich columns are flushed \\
+%D \interface \type{\usercolumnwidth} \\
+%D the calculated width of a column \\
+%D \interface \type{\columntextwidth} \\
+%D the maximum width of a column \\
+%D \interface \type{\columntextheight} \\
+%D the minimum width of a column \\
+%D \interface \type{\spacingfactor} \\
+%D the spacing factor \\
+%D \interface \type{\bodyfontsize} \\
+%D the (local) bodyfontsize \\
+%D \interface \type{\openlineheight} \\
+%D the lineheight (including \type{\spacing}) \\
+%D \interface \type{\EveryBodyFont} \\
+%D communication channel to font switching routines \\
+%D \interface \type{\global\settopskip} \\
+%D set \type{\topskip} \\
+%D \interface \type{\setvsize} \\
+%D set \type{\vsize} and \type{\pagegoal} \\
+%D \interface \type{\sethsize} \\
+%D set \type{\hsize} \\
+%D \interface \type{\flushcolumnfloats} \\
+%D push saved column floats (next page) \\
+%D \interface \type{\flushcolumnfloat} \\
+%D push saved column floats (next column) \\
+%D \interface \type{\setcolumnfloats} \\
+%D initialize column floats \\
+%D \interface \type{\finishcolumnbox} \\
+%D do something special (a hook) \\
+%D \interface \type{\postprocesscolumnpagebox} \\
+%D do something with each columnbox (also a hook) \\
+%D \interface \type{\postprocesscolumnbox} \\
+%D do something with each columnbox (also a hook) \\
+%D \interface \type{\postprocesscolumnline} \\
+%D do something with each columnline (also a hook) \\
+%D \interface \type{\currentcolumn} \\
+%D the current column \\
+%D These interface macro's are called upon or initialized
+%D by the multi||column macro's.
+%D A lot of footnote stuff added!
+\def\finalcolumntextwidth {\makeupwidth}
+\def\finalcolumntextheight {\textheight}
+\def\columntextwidth {\makeupwidth}
+\def\columntextheight {\textheight}
+\def\usercolumnwidth {\textwidth}
+\def\columntextoffset {\!!zeropoint}
+\def\fixedcolumnheight {\textheight}
+\def\betweencolumns {\hskip\bodyfontsize}
+\let\setcolumnfloats \relax % in CONTEXT used for floats
+\let\flushcolumnfloats \relax % in CONTEXT used for floats
+\let\flushcolumnfloat \relax % in CONTEXT used for floats
+\let\finishcolumnbox \relax % in CONTEXT used for backgrounds
+% %D In fact, the column height and width are set by means of
+% %D two macro's. One can change their meaning if needed:
+% \def\setcolumntextheight
+% {\def\columntextheight{\teksthoogte}}
+% \def\setcolumntextwidth
+% {\def\columntextwidth{\zetbreedte}}
+%D Both macros are redefined in \CONTEXT\ when backgrounds
+%D are applied to columns. The final values are used when
+%D flushing the columns.
+\newtoks\singlecolumnout % remove that one
+%D It's more convenient to use \type {\columnwidth} instead
+%D of messing around with boxes each time.
+ {\bgroup
+ \setbox\scratchbox\hbox
+ {\setcolumnhsize
+ \global\columnwidth\usercolumnwidth
+ \global\gutterwidth\intercolumnwidth}%
+ \egroup}
+%D Going to a new columns is done by means of a
+%D \type{\ejectcolumn}. The following definition does not
+%D always work.
+ {\goodbreak\showmessage\m!columns2\empty}
+%D The next macro should never be called so let's deal with it.
+%D There were several solutions to these kind of errors. First
+%D we check for a good breakpoint before firing up the
+%D multi||column routine (\type{\break} or \type{\allowbreak}).
+%D We do the same at the end of the routine
+%D (\type{\allowbreak}). These allowances are definitely
+%D needed!
+%D Some on first sight redundant calls to for instance
+%D \type{\setvsize} in the flushing, splitting and balancing
+%D macro's can definitely not be omitted! Some are just there
+%D to handle situations that only few times arise. One of
+%D those can be that the output routine is invoked before
+%D everything is taken care of. This happens when we
+%D flush (part of) the current page with an \type{\unvbox}
+%D with a \type{\pagetotal}~$\approx$ \type{\pagegoal}. One
+%D simply cannot balance columns that are just balanced.
+%D I hope one never sees the following message. Because it
+%D took me a lot of time to develop the multi||columns
+%D routines, every (although seldom) warning gives me the
+%D creeps!
+ {\showmessage\m!columns3\empty
+ \finaloutput\unvbox\normalpagebox}
+\def\OTRMULsometopsfloat{\showmessage\m!columns4\empty \someherefloat}
+\def\OTRMULsomebotsfloat{\showmessage\m!columns5\empty \someherefloat}
+%D The local column width is available in the dimension
+%D register \type{\localcolumnwidth}, which is calculated as:
+\def\setcolumnhsize % beware, this one is available for use in macros
+ {\setbox\scratchbox\hbox{\parindent\zeropoint\betweencolumns}%
+ \intercolumnwidth\wd\scratchbox
+ \localcolumnwidth\columntextwidth
+ \advance\localcolumnwidth -\leftskip
+ \advance\localcolumnwidth -\rightskip
+ % new
+ \advance\localcolumnwidth -\colleftskip
+ \advance\localcolumnwidth -\colrightskip
+ %
+ \advance\localcolumnwidth -\nofcolumns\intercolumnwidth
+ \advance\localcolumnwidth \intercolumnwidth
+ \divide \localcolumnwidth \nofcolumns
+ \scratchdimen\columntextoffset
+ \multiply\scratchdimen \plustwo
+ \advance\localcolumnwidth -\scratchdimen
+ \usercolumnwidth\localcolumnwidth
+ \hsize\localcolumnwidth} % we don't do it \global
+%D Torture test:
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \startbuffer[b]
+%D \startcolumns
+%D \input tufte
+%D \stopcolumns
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer[b] \getbuffer[b]
+%D \startbuffer[b]
+%D \startnarrower
+%D \input tufte
+%D \stopnarrower
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer[b] \getbuffer[b]
+%D \startbuffer[b]
+%D \startcolumns \startnarrower
+%D \input tufte
+%D \stopnarrower \stopcolumns
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer[b] \getbuffer[b]
+%D \startbuffer[b]
+%D \startnarrower \startcolumns
+%D \input tufte
+%D \stopcolumns \stopnarrower
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer[b] \getbuffer[b]
+%D \startbuffer[b]
+%D \startcolumns \startnarrower[left]
+%D \input tufte
+%D \stopnarrower \stopcolumns
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer[b] \getbuffer[b]
+%D \startbuffer[b]
+%D \startnarrower[left] \startcolumns
+%D \input tufte
+%D \stopcolumns \stopnarrower
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer[b] \getbuffer[b]
+%D \startbuffer[b]
+%D \startnarrower \startcolumns \startnarrower
+%D \input tufte
+%D \stopnarrower\stopcolumns \stopnarrower
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer[b] \getbuffer[b]
+%D \startbuffer[b]
+%D \startnarrower[left] \startcolumns \startnarrower
+%D \input tufte
+%D \stopnarrower\stopcolumns \stopnarrower
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer[b] \getbuffer[b]
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \start
+%D \def\postprocesscolumnline#1{\ruledhbox{\strut\box#1}\hss}
+%D \getbuffer
+%D \stop
+%D One should be aware that when font related dimensions are
+%D used in typesetting the in||between material, these
+%D dimensions are influenced by bodyfont switches inside
+%D multi||column mode.
+\chardef\multicolumnlinemethod\zerocount % 0: overshoot (old default), 1: tight
+% \chardef\multicolumnlinemethod\plusone
+ {\mcscratchdimen-\columntextoffset
+ \multiply\mcscratchdimen \plustwo
+ \advance\mcscratchdimen \columntextheight
+ \ifdim\precolumnboxheight>\zeropoint
+ \advance\mcscratchdimen -\precolumnboxheight
+ \fi
+ \settotalinsertionheight
+ \advance\mcscratchdimen -\totalinsertionheight
+ \ifcase\multicolumnlinemethod \getnoflines\mcscratchdimen
+ \or \getrawnoflines\mcscratchdimen
+ \else \getrawnoflines\mcscratchdimen
+ \fi
+ % added 30/7/2004
+ \ifnum\layoutlines>\zerocount \ifnum\noflines>\layoutlines
+ \noflines\layoutlines
+ \fi \fi
+ \nofcolumnlines\noflines}
+\def\multicolumnovershootratio{.5} % {\ifgridsnapping0\else.5\fi}
+ {\getmulticolumnlines
+ \mcscratchdimen\nofcolumnlines\openlineheight
+ \advance\mcscratchdimen \multicolumnovershootratio\openlineheight % collect enough data
+ \global\vsize\nofcolumns\mcscratchdimen
+ \global\pagegoal\vsize} % let's do it only here
+%D It really starts here. After some checks and initializations
+%D we change the output routine to continous multi||column
+%D mode. This mode handles columns that fill the current and
+%D next full pages. The method used is (more or less)
+%D multiplying \type{\vsize} and dividing \type{\hsize} by
+%D \type{\nofcolumns}. More on this can be found in the
+%D \TeX book. We save the top of the current page in box
+%D \type{\precolumnbox}.
+%D We manipulate \type{\topskip} a bit, just to be shure that
+%D is has no flexibility. This has te be done every time a
+%D font switch takles place, because \type{\topskip} can depend
+%D on this.
+%D Watch the trick with the \type{\vbox}. This way we get the
+%D right interlining and white space.
+ {\par
+ \flushnotes
+ \xdef\precolumndepth{\the\prevdepth}%
+ \begingroup
+ % new
+ \leftskip1\leftskip
+ \rightskip1\rightskip
+ \edef\colleftskip {\the\leftskip}%
+ \edef\colrightskip{\the\rightskip}%
+ \leftskip\zeropoint
+ \rightskip\zeropoint
+ %
+ \dontshowcomposition
+ %\setcolumntextwidth\relax
+ %\setcolumntextheight\relax
+ \widowpenalty\zerocount % is gewoon beter
+ \clubpenalty \zerocount % zeker bij grids
+ \ifsomefloatwaiting
+ \showmessage\m!columns6{\the\savednoffloats}%
+ \global\setbox\savedfloatlist\box\floatlist
+ \xdef\restoresavedfloats
+ {\global\savednoffloats\the\savednoffloats
+ \global\setbox\floatlist\box\savedfloatlist
+ \global\noexpand\somefloatwaitingtrue}%
+ \global\savednoffloats\zerocount
+ \global\somefloatwaitingfalse
+ \else
+ \global\let\restoresavedfloats\relax
+ \fi
+ \dimen0\pagetotal
+ \advance\dimen0 \parskip
+ \advance\dimen0 \openlineheight
+ \ifdim\dimen0<\pagegoal
+ \allowbreak
+ \else
+ \break % Sometimes fails
+ \fi
+ \appendtoks\topskip1\topskip\to\everybodyfont
+ \the\everybodyfont % ugly here
+ \saveinterlinespace % ugly here
+ \initializecolumns\nofcolumns
+ \hangafter\zerocount
+ \hangindent\zeropoint
+ \everypar\emptytoks
+ \ifdim\pagetotal=\zeropoint \else
+ \verticalstrut
+ \vskip-\struttotal
+ \fi
+ \global\savedpagetotal\pagetotal
+ \global\singlecolumnout\output
+ %\global\output{\global\setbox\precolumnbox\vbox{\unvbox\normalpagebox}}%
+ \global\output{\global\setbox\precolumnbox\vbox{\dotopinsertions\unvbox\normalpagebox}}%
+ \eject % no \holdinginserts=1, can make footnote disappear !
+ \global\precolumnboxheight\ht\precolumnbox
+ \global\output{\continuousmulticolumnsout}%
+ \setcolumnfloats
+ \dohandleallcolumns
+ {\global\setbox\currenttopcolumnbox\emptybox}%
+ \checkbegincolumnfootnotes
+ \activateotr{MUL}{ONE}% todo ! ! ! !
+ \let\sethsize\setcolumnhsize
+ \let\setvsize\setcolumnvsize
+ \sethsize
+ \setvsize
+ \showcomposition}
+%D When we leave the multi||column mode, we have to process the
+%D not yet shipped out part of the columns. When we don't
+%D balance, we simply force a continuous output, but a balanced
+%D output is more tricky.
+%D First we try to fill up the page and when all or something
+%D is left we try to balance things. This is another useful
+%D adaption of the ancesters of these macro's. It takes some
+%D reasoning to find out what happens and maybe I'm making
+%D some mistake, but it works.
+%D Voiding box \type{\precolumnbox} is sometimes necessary,
+%D e.g. when there is no text given between \type{\begin..}
+%D and \type{\end..}. The \type{\par} is needed!
+\chardef\multicolumnendsyncmethod\plusone % 1: old sync 2: new sync (cont-loc/project) / may fail ! ! ! !
+ {%\par
+ \ifnum\multicolumnendsyncmethod=\plustwo
+ \synchronizeoutput
+ \else
+ % don't combine these
+ \vskip\lineheight
+ \vskip-\lineheight % take footnotes into account
+ \fi
+ \dontshowcomposition
+ \doflushcolumnfloat % added recently
+ %\doflushcolumnfloats % no, since it results in wrong top floats
+ \flushnotes % before start of columns
+ \par
+ \ifbalancecolumns
+ \ifnum\multicolumnendsyncmethod=\plusone
+ \global\output{\continuousmulticolumnsout}%
+ \goodbreak
+ \fi
+ \global\output{\balancedmulticolumnsout}%
+ \else
+ \goodbreak
+ \fi
+ \eject % the prevdepth is important, try e.g. toclist in
+ \prevdepth\zeropoint % columns before some noncolumned text text
+ \global\output\singlecolumnout
+ \global\output{\the\mainoutput}% % % % % todo
+ \ifvoid\precolumnbox\else
+ \unvbox\precolumnbox
+ \fi
+ \global\precolumnboxheight\zeropoint
+ \endgroup % here
+ \nofcolumns\plusone
+ \setvsize % the outer one!
+ \synchronizeoutput % new may 2004 / we need to: \pagegoal\vsize
+ \checkendcolumnfootnotes
+ \dosomebreak\allowbreak
+ \restoresavedfloats}
+%D Because some initializations happen three times, we
+%D defined a macro for them. Erasing \type{\everypar} is
+%D needed because we don't want anything to interfere.
+ {\everypar\emptytoks
+ \dontcomplain
+ \settopskip
+ \setmaxdepth
+ \topskip1\topskip
+ \splittopskip\topskip
+ \splitmaxdepth\maxdepth
+ \boxmaxdepth\maxdepth % dangerous
+ \emergencystretch\zeropoint\relax} % sometimes needed !
+%D Flushing the page comes to pasting the columns together and
+%D appending the result to box \type{\precolumnbox}, if not
+%D void. I've seen a lot of implementations in which some skip
+%D was put between normal text and multi||column text. When we
+%D don't want this, the baselines can be messed up. I hope the
+%D seemingly complicated calculation of a correction
+%D \type{\kern} is adequate to overcome this. Although not
+%D watertight, spacing is taken into account and even multiple
+%D mode changes on one page go well. But cross your fingers and
+%D don't blame me.
+%D One of the complications of flushing out the boxes is that
+%D \type{\precolumnbox} needs to be \type{\unvbox}'ed, otherwise
+%D there is too less flexibility in the page when using
+%D \type{\r@ggedbottom}. It took a lot of time before these
+%D kind of problems were overcome. Using \type{\unvbox} at the
+%D wrong moment can generate \type{\balancingerror}'s.
+%D One can use the macros \type {\maxcolumnheight} and \type
+%D {\maxcolumndepth} when generating material between columns
+%D as well as postprocessing column lines.
+\let\maxcolumndepth =\zeropoint
+ {\let\maxcolumnheight\!!zeropoint
+ \let\maxcolumndepth \!!zeropoint
+ \dohandleallcolumns
+ {\ifdim\ht\currentcolumnbox>\maxcolumnheight
+ \edef\maxcolumnheight{\the\ht\currentcolumnbox}%
+ \fi
+ \ifdim\dp\currentcolumnbox>\maxcolumndepth
+ \edef\maxcolumndepth{\the\dp\currentcolumnbox}%
+ \fi}}
+\chardef\multicolumntopflushmethod\plusone % 0: no correction, 1: correction when topstuff, 2: correction, 3: correction++
+\chardef\multicolumntopalignmethod\plustwo % 0: nothing, 1: force grid, 2: follow grid
+ {\unvbox\precolumnbox}
+ {\scratchdimen\savedpagetotal
+ \advance\scratchdimen -\ht\precolumnbox
+ \advance\scratchdimen -\dp\precolumnbox
+ \advance\scratchdimen -\topskip
+ \box\precolumnbox
+ \kern\scratchdimen}
+ {\bgroup
+ \ifvoid\precolumnbox
+ \setfalse\someprecolumncontent % will be set elsewhere
+ \else
+ \settrue\someprecolumncontent
+ \fi
+ \forgetall
+ \setmulticolumnsout
+ \showcomposition
+ \setmaxcolumndimensions
+ \dohandleallcolumns
+ {\mkprocesscolumncontents\currentcolumnbox}%
+ \postprocesscolumns
+ \dohandleallcolumns % \hbox i.v.m. \showcomposition
+ {\global\setbox\currentcolumnbox\hbox to \localcolumnwidth
+ {\box\currentcolumnbox}%
+ \wd\currentcolumnbox\localcolumnwidth
+ \ifheightencolumns
+ \ht\currentcolumnbox\fixedcolumnheight
+ \fi}%
+ \setmaxcolumndimensions
+ \overlaycolumnfootnotes
+ \setbox\columnpagebox\vbox
+ {\hbox to \finalcolumntextwidth
+ {\hskip\colleftskip\relax % new, \relax needed
+ \ifreversecolumns
+ \popsplitproperties % else wrong color stack
+ \@EA\dohandlerevcolumns
+ \else
+ \@EA\dohandleallcolumns
+ \fi
+ {\finishcolumnbox{\hbox
+ {\ifx\finishcolumnbox\relax\else\strut\fi
+ \box\currentcolumnbox}}%
+ \hfil}%
+ \unskip
+ \hskip\colrightskip}}% new
+ \scratchdimen\zeropoint
+ \dohandleallcolumns
+ {\ifdim-\ht\currenttopcolumnbox<\scratchdimen
+ \scratchdimen-\ht\currenttopcolumnbox
+ \fi
+ \global\setbox\currenttopcolumnbox\emptybox}%
+ \advance\scratchdimen \ht\columnpagebox
+ \setbox\scratchbox\hbox to \columntextwidth
+ {\vrule
+ \!!width\zeropoint
+ \!!height\scratchdimen
+ \!!depth\dp\columnpagebox
+ \dostepwiserecurse2\nofcolumns1{\hfil\betweencolumns}\hfil}%
+ \setbox\columnpagebox\hbox
+ {\box\columnpagebox
+ \hskip-\columntextwidth
+ \restoretextcolor{\box\scratchbox}}%
+ \postprocesscolumnpagebox % new, acts upon \box\columnpagebox
+ \ifconditional\someprecolumncontent
+ \settrue\someprecolumncontent
+ % next some incredible crappy code
+ \ifcase\multicolumntopalignmethod
+ \flushprecolumnboxnogrid % not on grid
+ \or
+ \flushprecolumnboxongrid % force on grid
+ \else\ifgridsnapping % somehow this junk fails in pascal
+ \flushprecolumnboxongrid % obey grid settings, force on grid
+ \else
+ \flushprecolumnboxnogrid % ignore grid settings, not on grid
+ \fi \fi
+ \fi
+ \global\precolumnboxheight\zeropoint
+ \setvsize
+ \dosomebreak\nobreak % hm, only needed when topstuff
+ \ifgridsnapping
+ \else
+ \ifcase\multicolumntopflushmethod
+ % sometimes method 1 goes wrong, so we need a way out; best sort this out
+ % when we run into it again
+ \or
+ % \input tufte \startcolumns \showbaselines \input tufte \stopcolumns \input tufte
+ \ifconditional\someprecolumncontent
+% \scratchdimen\topskip
+% \advance\scratchdimen -\openstrutheight
+% \nointerlineskip
+% \vskip-\scratchdimen
+ \nointerlineskip
+ \vskip\dimexpr\openstrutheight-\topskip\relax
+ \fi
+ \or
+% \scratchdimen\topskip
+% \advance\scratchdimen -\openstrutheight
+% \nointerlineskip
+% \vskip-\scratchdimen
+ \nointerlineskip
+ \vskip\dimexpr\openstrutheight-\topskip\relax
+ \or
+ % untested but maybe handy
+% \scratchdimen\topskip
+% \advance\scratchdimen -\openstrutheight
+% \nointerlineskip
+% \vskip-\scratchdimen
+% \vskip-\lineheight
+% \vbox{\strut}%
+ \nointerlineskip
+ \vskip\dimexpr\openstrutheight-\topskip-\lineheight\relax
+ \vbox{\strut}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \prevdepth\openstrutdepth
+ \nointerlineskip
+ \dp\columnpagebox\zeropoint
+ \global\finalcolumnheights\ht\columnpagebox
+ \getnoflines\finalcolumnheights
+ \global\finalcolumnlines\noflines
+ \ifcase#1\else
+ % messy correction, we need to rewrite this module (newcolumns)
+ \setbox\columnpagebox\vbox
+ {\offinterlineskip
+ \scratchdimen\ht\columnpagebox
+ \advance\scratchdimen\dp\columnpagebox % we probably lost that one already
+ \box\columnpagebox
+ \vskip-\scratchdimen}%
+ \scratchdimen\noflines\openlineheight
+ \advance\scratchdimen-\openstrutdepth
+ \advance\scratchdimen-\openlineheight
+ \advance\scratchdimen\topskip
+ \ht\columnpagebox\scratchdimen
+ \dp\columnpagebox\openstrutdepth
+ % end of mess
+ \fi
+ \box\columnpagebox
+ \egroup}
+%D In case one didn't notice, finaly \type{\finishcolumnbox} is
+%D applied to all boxes. One can use these hooks for special
+%D purposes.
+%D Once upon a time I wanted to manipulate the individual lines
+%D in a column. This feature is demonstrated in the two examples
+%D below.
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \def\postprocesscolumnline#1% or \postprocesscolumnbox
+%D {\ruledhbox{\box#1}\hss}
+%D \startcolumns[n=4]
+%D \dorecurse{25}{line: \recurselevel\par}
+%D \stopcolumns
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+%D Here we show the natural width of the lines:
+%D {\getbuffer}
+%D The next example does a bit more advanced manipulation:
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \def\postprocesscolumnline#1%
+%D {\ifodd\currentcolumn
+%D \hfill\unhbox#1\relax
+%D \else
+%D \relax\unhbox#1\hfill
+%D \fi}
+%D \startcolumns[n=4]
+%D \dorecurse{25}{line \recurselevel\par}
+%D \stopcolumns
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+%D Here we also see an application of \type{\currentcolumn}:
+%D {\getbuffer}
+%D This feature is implemented using the reshape macros
+%D presented in \type{supp-box}.
+ {\ifx\postprocesscolumnline\undefined \else
+ \dohandleallcolumns
+ {\global\setbox\currentcolumnbox\vtop
+ {\beginofshapebox
+ \unvbox\currentcolumnbox
+ \unskip\unskip
+ \endofshapebox
+ \reshapebox
+ {\dimen0\ht\shapebox
+ \dimen2\dp\shapebox
+ \setbox\shapebox\hbox to \hsize
+ {\postprocesscolumnline\shapebox}%
+ \ht\shapebox\dimen0
+ \dp\shapebox\dimen2
+ \box\shapebox}%
+ \flushshapebox
+ \everypar\emptytoks
+ \parskip\zeropoint % = \forgetall
+ \verticalstrut
+ \vskip-\struttotal
+ \vfil}}%
+ \fi
+ \ifx\postprocesscolumnbox\undefined \else
+ \dohandleallcolumns
+ {\global\setbox\currentcolumnbox\hbox
+ {\postprocesscolumnbox\currentcolumnbox}}
+ \fi}
+%D We default to doing nothing!
+\let\postprocesscolumnline =\undefined
+\let\postprocesscolumnbox =\undefined
+%D \macros
+%D {reversecolumnstrue}
+%D We can force the macro that takes care of combining
+%D the columns, to flush them in the revere order. Of
+%D course, by default we don't reverse.
+%D Here comes the simple splitting routine. It's a bit
+%D longer than expected because of ragging bottoms or not.
+%D This part can be a bit shorter but I suppose that I will
+%D forget what happens. The splitting takes some already
+%D present material (think of floats) into account!
+%D First we present some auxiliary routines. Any material,
+%D like for instance floats, that is already present in the
+%D boxes is preserved.
+\def\splitcolumn#1from \box#2to \dimen#3 top \box#4%
+ {\bgroup
+ \ifdim\ht#4>\zeropoint
+ \dimen0\dimen#3\relax
+ \dimen2\dimen0
+ \advance\dimen0 -\ht#4%
+ \columnfootnotecorrection{#1}{\dimen0}%
+ \setbox0\vsplit#2 to \dimen0
+ \global\setbox#1\vbox to \dimen2
+ {\ifgridsnapping
+ \dimen0-\openstrutheight
+ \advance\dimen0 \topskip
+ \vskip\dimen0\copy#4\vskip-\dimen0
+ \else
+ \unvcopy#4%
+ \fi
+ \fuzzysnappedbox\unvbox0
+ \fakecolumnfootnotes{#1}}%
+ \else
+ \ifcase\clevernotes
+ \global\setbox#1\vsplit#2 to \dimen#3%
+ \global\setbox#1\vbox
+ {\fuzzysnappedbox\unvbox{#1}}% % or \box ?
+ \else
+ \columnfootnotecorrection{#1}{\dimen#3}%
+ \setbox0\vsplit#2 to \dimen#3%
+ \global\setbox#1\vbox to \dimen#3%
+ {\fuzzysnappedbox\unvbox0
+ \fakecolumnfootnotes{#1}}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \egroup}
+\def\splitcurrentcolumn from \box#1to \dimen#2%
+ {\splitcolumn\currentcolumnbox from \box#1 to \dimen#2 top \box\currenttopcolumnbox}
+\def\splitfirstcolumn from \box#1to \dimen#2%
+ {\splitcolumn\firstcolumnbox from \box#1 to \dimen#2 top \box\firsttopcolumnbox}
+\def\splitlastcolumn from \box#1to \dimen#2%
+ {\global\setbox\lastcolumnbox\vbox
+ {\unvcopy\lasttopcolumnbox
+ \fuzzysnappedbox\unvbox{#1}%
+ \fakecolumnfootnotes\lastcolumnbox}}
+%D NEW: still to be documented.
+ {\relax
+ \ifcase\clevernotes\else
+ \ifnum#1=\lastcolumnbox
+ \fakenotes
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+ {\relax
+ \ifcase\clevernotes
+ % page notes
+ \or
+ \ifnum#1=\firstcolumnbox\relax
+ \calculatetotalclevernoteheight
+ \advance#2 -\totalnoteheight
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \ifnum#1=\lastcolumnbox\relax
+ \calculatetotalclevernoteheight
+ \advance#2 -\totalnoteheight
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+ {\relax
+ \ifcase\clevernotes
+ % page notes
+ \else
+ \checknotepresence
+ \ifnotespresent
+ % the note box has the depth of the notefont
+ % because a column (i.e. first column has no depth,
+ % we need to anchor top down)
+ \bgroup
+ \ifcase\clevernotes\or
+ \getmulticolumnlines
+ \advance\nofcolumnlines \minustwo
+ \scratchdimen\nofcolumnlines\lineheight
+ \advance\scratchdimen \topskip
+ \setbox0\hbox
+ {\lower\scratchdimen\vbox{\placenoteinserts}}%
+ \ht0=\openstrutheight % \strutht
+ \dp0=\openstrutdepth % \strutdp
+ \scratchdimen\ht\firstcolumnbox
+ \global\setbox\firstcolumnbox\vbox to \scratchdimen
+ {\box\firstcolumnbox
+ \vskip-\scratchdimen
+ \restoretextcolor{\box0}}%
+ \else
+ % maybe here also \getmulticolumnlines
+ \scratchdimen\ht\firstcolumnbox
+ \advance\scratchdimen -\openstrutdepth % \strutdp
+ \getnoflines\scratchdimen
+ \advance\noflines \minustwo
+ \scratchdimen\noflines\lineheight
+ \advance\scratchdimen \topskip
+ \setbox0\hbox
+ {\lower\scratchdimen\vbox{\placenoteinserts}}%
+ \ht0=\openstrutheight % \strutht
+ \dp0=\openstrutdepth % \strutdp
+ \scratchdimen\ht\lastcolumnbox
+ \global\setbox\lastcolumnbox\vbox to \scratchdimen
+ {\box\lastcolumnbox
+ \vskip-\scratchdimen
+ \restoretextcolor{\box0}}%
+ \fi
+ \egroup
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+%D Here comes the routine that splits the long box in columns.
+%D The macro \type{\flushcolumnfloats} can be used to flush
+%D either floats that were present before the multi||column
+%D mode was entered, or floats that migrate to next columns.
+%D Flushing floats is a delicate process.
+ {\bgroup
+ \forgetall
+ \setmulticolumnsout
+ \dontshowcomposition
+% \dimen0=\columntextheight
+% \advance\dimen0 -\precolumnboxheight
+% \settotalinsertionheight
+% \advance\dimen0 -\totalinsertionheight
+% \ifgridsnapping % evt altijd, nog testen
+% \getnoflines{\dimen0}
+% \dimen0=\noflines\openlineheight
+% \fi
+ \getmulticolumnlines
+ \dimen0=\nofcolumnlines\openlineheight
+ \dohandleallcolumns
+ {\splitcurrentcolumn from \box\normalpagebox to \dimen0}%
+ \setbox\restofpage\vbox{\unvbox\normalpagebox}%
+ \ifinheritcolumns
+ \ifr@ggedbottom % vreemd
+ \dohandleallcolumns
+ {\global\setbox\currentcolumnbox\vbox to \ht\firstcolumnbox
+ {\dimen0\dp\currentcolumnbox
+ \unvbox\currentcolumnbox
+ \vskip-\dimen0
+ \vskip\openstrutdepth % \strutdp
+ \prevdepth\openstrutdepth % \strutdp
+ \vfill}}%
+ \ifbottomnotes \else
+ \dimen0\ht\firstcolumnbox
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \ifn@rmalbottom
+ \advance\dimen0 \maxdepth
+ \dohandleallcolumns
+ {\global\setbox\currentcolumnbox\vbox to \dimen0
+ {\unvbox\currentcolumnbox}}%
+ \fi
+ \ifb@selinebottom
+ % the columns are on top of the baseline
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \dohandleallcolumns
+ {\global\setbox\currentcolumnbox\vbox to \dimen0
+ {\ifstretchcolumns
+ \unvbox\currentcolumnbox
+ \else
+ \unvbox\currentcolumnbox % wel of niet \unvbox ?
+ \vfill
+ \fi}}%
+ \dohandleallcolumns
+ {\ht\currentcolumnbox\dimen0}% redundant
+ \fi
+ \setbox\precolumnbox\vbox{\flushcolumnedpage\zerocount}%
+ \finaloutput\box\precolumnbox
+ \sethsize
+ \setvsize
+ \flushcolumnfloats
+ \unvbox\restofpage
+ % \penalty\outputpenalty % gaat gruwelijk mis in opsommingen
+ \egroup}
+%D And this is the balancing stuff. Again, part of the routine
+%D is dedicated to handling ragged bottoms, but here we also
+%D see some handling concerning the stretching of columns.
+%D We set \type{\widowpenalty} at~0, which enables us to
+%D balance columns with few lines. The use of \type{\box2} and
+%D \type{\box4} garantees a more robust check when skips are
+%D used.
+\def\multicolumnsbalancemax{250} % 100 is too small when floats are involved
+ {\bgroup
+ \setmulticolumnsout
+ \dontshowcomposition
+ \widowpenalty\zerocount
+ \setbox0\vbox{\unvbox\normalpagebox}%
+\ifdim\ht0>\openlineheight % at least one line
+ \ifnum\minbalancetoplines<2 % balance anyway
+ \donetrue
+ \else % check criterium to available lines
+ \getnoflines{\ht0}%
+ \divide\noflines \nofcolumns \relax
+ \ifnum\noflines<\minbalancetoplines \relax
+ \dimen0\ht0
+ \advance\dimen0 \ht\firsttopcolumnbox
+ \advance\dimen0 \openlineheight \relax % let's play safe
+ \ifdim\dimen0>\columntextheight % column exceeding text height
+ \donetrue
+ \else % it seems to fit
+ \donefalse
+ \fi
+ \else % balance indeed
+ \donetrue
+ \fi
+ \fi
+\else % balancing does not make sense
+ \donefalse
+\ifdone % start balancing
+ %\ifdim\ht0>\openlineheight
+ \dimen0\ht0
+ \advance\dimen0 \topskip
+ \advance\dimen0 -\baselineskip
+ \dohandleallcolumns
+ {\advance\dimen0 \ht\currenttopcolumnbox}%
+ \divide\dimen0 \nofcolumns
+ \vbadness\!!tenthousand\relax
+ \count255=\zerocount
+ \bgroup
+ \ifgridsnapping
+ \dimen2\lineheight
+ \else
+ \dimen2=\onepoint % RUBISH
+ \dimen2=\spacingfactor\dimen2
+ \fi
+ \doloop
+ {\advance\count255 \plusone
+ \global\setbox\restofpage\copy0\relax
+ \splitfirstcolumn from \box\restofpage to \dimen0
+ \dohandlemidcolumns
+ {\splitcurrentcolumn from \box\restofpage to \dimen0}%
+ \splitlastcolumn from \box\restofpage to \dimen0
+ \setbox2\vbox{\unvcopy\firstcolumnbox}%
+ \dimen4\zeropoint
+ \dohandleallcolumns
+ {\setbox4\vbox
+ {\unvcopy\currentcolumnbox
+ %rather new, test this on pdftex-z.tex
+ \unpenalty\unskip\unpenalty\unskip}% maybe better in main splitter
+ %\writestatus{balance}{\the\currentcolumnbox: \the\ht4}%
+% \dimen6\ht4 \ifdim\dimen6>\dimen4 \dimen4=\dimen6 \fi}%
+ \ifdim\ht4>\dimen4 \dimen4=\ht4 \fi}%
+ \advance\dimen4 -.0005pt % get rid of accurracy problem, pretty new
+ \ifnum\count255>\multicolumnsbalancemax\relax
+ \exitloop
+ \else\ifdim\dimen4>\ht2
+ \advance\dimen0 \dimen2\relax
+ \else
+ \exitloop
+ \fi\fi}%
+ \dohandleallcolumns
+ {\global\setbox\currentcolumnbox\vbox{\unvcopy\currentcolumnbox}}% NIEUW
+ \ifnum\count255>\multicolumnsbalancemax\relax
+ \showmessage\m!columns7\empty
+ \else
+ \showmessage\m!columns8{\the\count255\space}%
+ \fi
+ \egroup
+ \ifinheritcolumns
+ % We cannot assume that the first column is the tallest, if
+ % only because we may have an aborted balance (one line in the
+ % first column and a graphic in the second one).
+ %
+ % \dimen0\ht\firstcolumnbox
+ % \dimen2\ht\firstcolumnbox
+ %
+ \dimen0=\zeropoint
+ \dohandleallcolumns
+ {\ifdim\ht\currentcolumnbox>\dimen0
+ \dimen0=\ht\currentcolumnbox
+ \fi}%
+ \dimen2\dimen0
+ % so far
+ \advance\dimen2 -\openlineheight
+ \dohandleallcolumns
+ {\dimen4\ht\currentcolumnbox
+ \dimen6=10\openlineheight % funny value
+ \global\setbox\currentcolumnbox\vbox to \dimen0
+ {\unvbox\currentcolumnbox
+ \ifdim\dimen4>\dimen6
+ \ifdim\dimen4<\dimen0
+ \ifdim\dimen4>\dimen2
+ \vskip\zeropoint % !!
+ \else
+ \vskip\openlineheight
+ \vfill
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \vskip\zeropoint
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \vskip\openlineheight
+ \vfill
+ \fi}}%
+ \else
+ \bgroup
+ \ifstretchcolumns
+ \dimen0\ht\firstcolumnbox
+ \dimen2=\bottomtolerance\ht\firstcolumnbox
+ \setbox0\vbox{\unvcopy\lastcolumnbox}%
+ \advance\dimen0 -\ht0\relax
+ \advance\dimen0 -\dp0\relax
+ \ifdim\dimen0>\openlineheight\relax
+ \ifdim\dimen0>\dimen2\relax
+ % \stretchcolumnsfalse % beter goed slecht dan slecht goed
+ \showmessage\m!columns9\empty
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \dohandleallcolumns
+ {\global\setbox\currentcolumnbox\vbox to \ht\firstcolumnbox
+ {\ifstretchcolumns
+ \unvbox\currentcolumnbox
+ \else
+ \box\currentcolumnbox
+ \vfill
+ \fi}}%
+ \egroup
+ \fi
+ \else
+ % a one liner is not properly handled here, so best rewrite the text then
+ \showmessage\m!columns{10}\empty
+ \global\setbox\firstcolumnbox\vbox{\unvbox0}%
+ \fi
+ \global\output{\balancingerror}%
+ \b@selinebottomtrue % forces depth in separation rule
+ \flushcolumnedpage\plusone
+ \multicolumnseject
+ \egroup}
+ {%\ifdim\pagetotal>\textheight
+ % \eject % new, but wrong as fails on mixed-001.tex (wrong pagetotal at this point)
+ %\else
+ \allowbreak
+ }%\fi}
+%D The multicolumn mechanism is incorporated in a \CONTEXT\
+%D interface, which acts like:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \startcolumns[n=4,balance=no]
+%D some text
+%D \stopcolumns
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The setup is optional. The default behaviour of columns
+%D can be set up with:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \setupcolumns
+%D [n=2,
+%D balance=yes]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D In this case, stretching is according to the way it's
+%D done outside columns (\type{\inheritcolumnstrue}). Also
+%D we can setup the \type{tolerance} within a column, the
+%D \type{distance} between columns and the fixed
+%D \type{height} of a column.
+%D Multi||column output: the float routines
+%D Here come the routines that handle the placement of column
+%D floats. Floats that are to big migrate to the next
+%D column. Floats that are too wide, migrate to the top of the
+%D next page, where they span as much columns as needed.
+%D Floats that are left over from outside the multi||column
+%D mode are flushed first. In macro \type{\finaloutput} the
+%D topfloats that are left from previous text should be set.
+%D When there are some floats in the queue, we inhibit the
+%D flushing of floats on top of columns. The number of
+%D waiting floats is preswent in \type{\savednoftopfloats} and
+%D is saved. As long as there are floats waiting, the topfloats
+%D are places as if we are outside multi||column mode. This is
+%D neccessary for e.g. multicolumn lists.
+%D When all those floats are flushed, we switch to the local
+%D flushing routine.
+ {\xdef\globalsavednoffloats{\the\savednoffloats}%
+ \ifnum\globalsavednoffloats>\zerocount
+ \setglobalcolumnfloats
+ \else
+ \setlocalcolumnfloats
+ \fi}
+ {\everypar\emptytoks
+ \let\flushcolumnfloat\relax
+ %\let\doroomfloat\relax
+ \let\docheckiffloatfits\relax
+ \let\flushcolumnfloats\noflushcolumnfloats}
+ {\everypar{\flushnotes\flushcolumnfloat\flushmargincontents\checkindentation}%
+ \let\flushcolumnfloat\doflushcolumnfloat
+ %\let\doroomfloat\docolumnroomfloat
+ \let\docheckiffloatfits\docolumnroomfloat
+ \let\flushcolumnfloats\doflushcolumnfloats
+ \let\doflushfloats\doflushcolumnfloats % new
+ \let\dosetbothinserts\relax
+ \let\dotopinsertions\relax}
+ {\bgroup
+ \xdef\localsavednoffloats{\the\savednoffloats}%
+ \global\savednoffloats\globalsavednoffloats
+ \dotopinsertions
+ \xdef\globalsavenoffloats{\the\savednoffloats}%
+ \ifnum\globalsavednoffloats=\zerocount
+ \setlocalcolumnfloats
+ \fi
+ \global\savednoffloats\localsavednoffloats
+ \egroup}
+%D We need to calculate the amount of free space in a columns.
+%D When there is not enough room, we migrate the float to the
+%D next column. These macro's are alternatives (and
+%D look||alikes) of \type{\doroomfloat}. When a float is to
+%D wide, for one column, it is moved to the top of the next
+%D page. Of course such moved floats have to be taken into
+%D account when we calculate the available space. It's a pitty
+%D that such things are no integral part of \TEX.
+ {\dimen0=\ifdim\pagegoal<\maxdimen \pagetotal \else \zeropoint \fi
+ \dimen2=\zeropoint
+ \count255=\zerocount
+ \dimen8=\columntextheight
+ \advance\dimen8 -\precolumnboxheight
+ \def\dogetcolumnstatus
+ {\advance\count255 \plusone
+ \advance\dimen2 \ht\currenttopcolumnbox
+ \advance\dimen2 \dp\currenttopcolumnbox
+ \dimen4\dimen2
+ \advance\dimen4 \dimen0
+ \dimen6=\count255\dimen8
+ \ifdim\dimen4>\dimen6
+ \else
+ \let\dogetcolumnstatus\relax
+ \fi}%
+ \dohandleallcolumns{\dogetcolumnstatus}%
+ \ifnum\count255=0 \count255=1 \fi
+ #1=\count255
+ #2=\dimen4
+ #3=\dimen6 }
+ {\ifdim\pagegoal<\maxdimen
+ \bgroup
+ \dimen0=\columntextheight
+ \advance\dimen0 -\pagegoal
+ \xdef\insertionheight{\the\dimen0}%
+ \egroup
+ \else
+ \global\let\insertionheight\zeropoint
+ \fi}
+ {\ifpostponecolumnfloats
+ \global\roomforfloatfalse
+ \else\ifnofloatpermitted
+ \global\roomforfloatfalse
+ \else
+ \bgroup
+ \getcolumnstatus\column\count255\total\dimen0\goal\dimen2\\%
+ \advance\dimen0 2\openlineheight % nog nodig ?
+ %\ifnum\count255=\nofcolumns
+ % \getinsertionheight
+ % %\message{\insertionheight}\wait
+ % \advance\dimen0 \insertionheight
+ %\fi
+ \setbox\scratchbox\vbox % tricky met objecten ?
+ {\blank[\@@bkspacebefore]
+ \snaptogrid\vbox{\copy\floatbox}}%
+ \advance\dimen0 \ht\scratchbox
+ \advance\dimen0 .5\lineheight % needed because goal a bit higher
+ %\message{column: \the\count255; total: \the\dimen0; goal: \the\dimen2}\wait
+ \ifdim\dimen0>\dimen2
+ \global\roomforfloatfalse
+ \else
+ \global\roomforfloattrue
+ \fi
+ \ifdim\wd\floatbox>\hsize
+ \showmessage\m!columns{11}\empty
+ \global\roomforfloatfalse
+ \fi
+ \egroup
+ \fi\fi}
+%D Flushing one float is done as soon as possible, i.e.
+%D \type{\everypar}. This means that (at the moment)
+%D sidefloats are not supported (overulled)!
+\newif\ifflushingcolumnfloats \flushingcolumnfloatstrue
+ {\ifpostponecolumnfloats\else\ifflushingcolumnfloats\ifprocessingverbatim\else\ifsomefloatwaiting
+ \bgroup
+ \forgetall
+ \let\doflushcolumnfloat\relax
+ \getcolumnstatus\column\mofcolumns\total\dimen0\goal\dimen2\\%
+ \ifdim\dimen0>\zeropoint
+ \dogetfloat
+ \ifdim\wd\floatbox>\hsize
+ \doresavefloat
+ \else
+ %\setbox2=\vbox
+ % {\blank[\@@bkspacebefore]
+ % \snaptogrid\vbox{\copy\floatbox}%
+ % \blank[\@@bkspaceafter]
+ \setbox2=\vbox
+ {\blank[\@@bkspacebefore]
+ \snaptogrid\vbox{\copy\floatbox}}%
+ \advance\dimen0 \ht2
+ \ifdim\dimen0>\dimen2
+ \ifnum\mofcolumns<\nofcolumns
+ \advance\mofcolumns \plusone
+%% bug %% \edef\currenttopcolumnbox{\getvalue{\@@topcol\the\count255}}%
+ \ifdim\ht\currenttopcolumnbox=\zeropoint
+ \global\setbox\currenttopcolumnbox\vbox
+ {\snaptogrid\vbox{\copy\floatbox}
+ \whitespace % nodig ?
+ \blank[\@@bkspaceafter]}%
+ \dimen4=\ht\currenttopcolumnbox
+ \advance\dimen4 \dp\currenttopcolumnbox
+ \global\advance\vsize -\dimen4
+ \advance\dimen4 -\pagegoal
+ \global\pagegoal-\dimen4
+ \showmessage\m!columns{12}a%
+ \else
+ \showmessage\m!columns{12}b%
+ \doresavefloat
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \showmessage\m!columns{12}c%
+ \doresavefloat
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \ifhmode{\setbox0\lastbox}\fi% waar is die er in geslopen
+ \par
+ \ifdim\prevdepth<\zeropoint \else % anders bovenaan kolom witruimte
+ \nobreak
+ \blank[\@@bkspacebefore]
+ \nobreak
+ \fi
+ \flushfloatbox
+ \blank[\@@bkspaceafter]
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \egroup
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi}
+%D This one looks complicated. Upto \type{\nofcolumns} floats
+%D are placed, taking the width of a float into account. This
+%D routine can be improved on different ways:
+%D \startitemize[intro,packed]
+%D \item taking into account some imaginary baseline, just to
+%D get the captions in line
+%D \item multipass flushing until as many floats are displaced
+%D as possible
+%D \stopitemize
+%D When handling lots of (small) floats spacing can get worse
+%D because of lining out the columns.
+ {\ifpostponecolumnfloats\else
+ \bgroup
+ \forgetall
+ \ifsomefloatwaiting
+ \dimen8\zeropoint
+ \dimen4\zeropoint
+ \count0\zerocount % count0 can be used local
+ \count2\nofcolumns % count2 can be used local
+ \dohandleallcolumns
+ {\ifnum\count0>\zerocount % the wide one's reserved space
+ \global\setbox\currenttopcolumnbox\vbox
+ {\snaptogrid\vbox
+ {\copy\currenttopcolumnbox
+ \hbox{\vphantom{\copy\floatbox}}}
+ \whitespace % nodig ?
+ \blank[\@@bkspaceafter]}%
+ \else
+ \dogetfloat
+ \ifdim\wd\floatbox>\finalcolumntextwidth % better somewhere else too
+ \global\setbox\floatbox\hbox to \finalcolumntextwidth{\hss\box\floatbox\hss}%
+ \fi % otherwise the graphic may disappear
+ \ifdim\wd\floatbox>\hsize
+ \dimen0\wd\floatbox
+ \advance\dimen0 \intercolumnwidth
+ \dimen2\hsize
+ \advance\dimen2 \intercolumnwidth
+ \advance\dimen0 .5pt % hm, why 1
+ \advance\dimen2 .5pt % hm, why 2
+ \divide\dimen0 \dimen2
+ \count0\dimen0
+ \advance\count0 \plusone
+ \ifnum\count0>\count2
+ \doresavefloat
+ \count0\zerocount
+ \else
+ \dimen0=\count0\hsize
+ \advance\dimen0 \count0\intercolumnwidth
+ \advance\dimen0 -\intercolumnwidth
+ \global\setbox\floatbox\hbox to \dimen0
+ %{\hss\hbox{\copy\floatbox}\hss}%
+ {\processaction[\@@bklocation] % how easy to forget
+ [ \v!left=>\copy\floatbox\hss,
+ \v!right=>\hss\copy\floatbox,
+ \s!default=>\hss\copy\floatbox\hss,
+ \s!unknown=>\hss\copy\floatbox\hss]}%
+ \fi
+ \showmessage\m!columns{13}\empty
+ \else
+ % \showmessage\m!columns{13}\empty
+ \fi
+ \ifdim\ht\floatbox>\zeropoint\relax
+ \global\setbox\currenttopcolumnbox\vbox
+ {\snaptogrid\vbox
+ {\copy\currenttopcolumnbox
+ \copy\floatbox}
+ \whitespace % nodig ?
+ \blank[\@@bkspaceafter]}%
+ \fi
+ \dimen6\ht\currenttopcolumnbox
+ \advance\dimen6 \dp\currenttopcolumnbox
+ \fi
+ \ifdim\dimen4<\ht\currenttopcolumnbox
+ \dimen4\ht\currenttopcolumnbox
+ \fi
+ \advance\dimen8 \dimen6
+ \advance\count2 \minusone
+ \advance\count0 \minusone }%
+ \setvsize
+ \global\advance\vsize -\dimen8
+ \global\pagegoal\vsize
+ \else
+ %\doflushfloats % does not snap!
+ \fi
+ \egroup
+ \fi}
+%D The next macro can be used to flush floats in the current
+%D stream. No width checking is (yet) done.
+ {\doloop
+ {\ifsomefloatwaiting
+ \bgroup
+ \forgetall
+ % no check for width
+ \dogetfloat
+ \blank[\@@bkspacebefore]
+ \snaptogrid\vbox{\copy\floatbox}
+ \blank[\@@bkspaceafter]
+ \egroup
+ \else
+ \exitloop
+ \fi}}
+%D This were the multi||column routines. They can and need to
+%D be improved but at the moment their behaviour is acceptable.
+%D One inprovement can be to normalize the height of floats
+%D to $n\times$\type{\lineheight} with a macro like:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \normalizevbox{...}
+%D \stoptyping
+% border case, should fit on one page
+% \startcolumns
+% 1 \input tufte \par \plaatsfiguur{}{\omlijnd[breedte=\hsize,hoogte=3cm]{1}}
+% 2 \input tufte \par \plaatsfiguur{}{\omlijnd[breedte=\hsize,hoogte=3cm]{2}}
+% 3 \input tufte \par \plaatsfiguur{}{\omlijnd[breedte=\hsize,hoogte=3cm]{3}}
+% \stopcolumns
+ {\dosingleempty\dosetupcolumns}
+ {\getparameters[\??kl][#1]%
+ \nofcolumns\@@kln\relax
+ \processaction
+ [\@@klrule]
+ [ \v!on=>\let\betweencolumns\linebetweencolumns,
+ \v!off=>\let\betweencolumns\spacebetweencolumns,
+ \s!default=>\let\betweencolumns\spacebetweencolumns,
+ \s!unknown=>\let\betweencolumns\@@klrule]}
+ {\bgroup
+ \starttextproperties
+ \ifdim\@@kldistance>\zeropoint
+ \dimen0=\@@kldistance
+ \else
+ \dimen0=\linewidth
+ \fi
+ \advance\dimen0 -\linewidth
+ \hskip.5\dimen0
+ \vrule
+ \!!width\linewidth
+ \ifb@selinebottom\!!depth\strutdepth\fi
+ \hskip.5\dimen0\relax
+ \stoptextproperties
+ \egroup}
+ {\hskip\@@kldistance}
+ {\doifinsetelse\@@kloffset{\v!none,\v!overlay}
+ {\let\@@kloffset\!!zeropoint}
+ {\scratchdimen\@@kloffset
+ \advance\scratchdimen -\@@klrulethickness
+ \edef\@@kloffset{\the\scratchdimen}}%
+ \localframed
+ [\??kl]
+ [\c!strut=\v!no,
+ \c!width=\v!fit,
+ \c!height=\v!fit,
+ \c!align=]}
+\def\complexstartcolumns[#1]% %% \startcolumns
+ {\bgroup
+ \let\stopcolumns\egroup
+ \ifinsidecolumns
+ \else
+ \setupcolumns[#1]%
+ \ifnum\@@kln>1\relax
+ \whitespace
+ \begingroup
+ \doif\@@kloption\v!background
+ {\let\finishcolumnbox\backgroundfinishcolumnbox
+ \let\columntextoffset\@@kloffset}%
+ \ifx\@@klcommand\empty\else
+ \let\postprocesscolumnline\@@klcommand
+ \fi
+ \doifelsenothing\@@klheight
+ \heightencolumnsfalse
+ \heightencolumnstrue
+ \doifelse\@@kldirection\v!right
+ \reversecolumnsfalse
+ \reversecolumnstrue
+ \doifelse\@@klbalance\v!yes
+ \balancecolumnstrue
+ \balancecolumnsfalse
+\installalign\v!yes {\stretchcolumnstrue \inheritcolumnsfalse}% todo: new key
+\installalign\v!no {\stretchcolumnsfalse\inheritcolumnsfalse}% todo: new key
+\installalign\v!text{\stretchcolumnsfalse\inheritcolumnstrue }%
+% \processaction
+% [\@@klalign]
+% [ \v!yes=>\stretchcolumnstrue
+% \inheritcolumnsfalse,
+% \v!no=>\stretchcolumnsfalse
+% \inheritcolumnsfalse,
+% \v!text=>\stretchcolumnsfalse
+% \inheritcolumnstrue]%
+ \nofcolumns=\@@kln
+ %
+ % probably more is needed, and how about nesting save's
+ %
+ \savecurrentblank
+ \savecurrentwhitespace
+ \def\restorecolumnsettings
+ {\boxmaxdepth\maxdimen % done elsewhere
+ \restorecurrentblank
+ \restorecurrentwhitespace}%
+ %
+ \edef\fixedcolumnheight{\@@klheight}%
+ \edef\minbalancetoplines{\@@klntop}%
+ \setuptolerance[\@@kltolerance]% %% \startcolumns
+ \setupblank[\@@klblank]%
+ \ifdim\ctxparskip>\zeropoint\relax
+ \setupwhitespace[\@@klblank]%
+ \fi
+ \def\stopcolumns
+ {\endmulticolumns
+ \global\insidecolumnsfalse
+ \endgroup
+ \egroup}%
+ \global\insidecolumnstrue
+ \beginmulticolumns
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+\installcolumnbreakhandler {MUL} \v!preference
+ {\goodbreak}
+\installcolumnbreakhandler {MUL} \v!yes
+ {\par % todo: since
+ {\testrulewidth\zeropoint\ruledvskip\textheight} % we misuse a
+ \penalty-200 % side effect
+ \vskip-\textheight
+ }% bugged : \prevdepth-\thousandpoint} % signals top of column to \blank
+%D New: only at start of columns; may change ! Rather
+%D interwoven and therefore to be integrated when the multi
+%D column modules are merged. (moved from cont-new.tex)
+ {\getparameters[\??ks][#1]}
+ [\??ks]
+ [\c!n=2,
+ \c!offset=\v!overlay,
+ \c!frame=\v!off]
+\newbox\columnspanbox \let\postprocesscolumnspanbox\gobbleoneargument
+ {\bgroup
+ \setupcolumnspan[#1]%
+ \forgetall
+ \ifinsidecolumns
+ \advance\hsize \intercolumnwidth
+ \hsize\@@ksn\hsize
+ \advance\hsize -\intercolumnwidth
+ \fi
+ \dowithnextbox
+ {\setbox\columnspanbox\flushnextbox
+ \ifinsidecolumns\wd\columnspanbox\hsize\fi
+ \postprocesscolumnspanbox\columnspanbox
+ \scratchdimen\ht\columnspanbox
+ \setbox\columnspanbox\hbox % depth to be checked, probably option!
+ {\localframed[\??ks][\c!offset=\v!overlay]{\box\columnspanbox}}%
+ \ht\columnspanbox\scratchdimen
+ \dp\columnspanbox\strutdp
+ \wd\columnspanbox\hsize
+ \ifinsidecolumns
+ \ifnum\@@ksn>1
+ \setvsize
+ \dohandleallcolumns
+ {\ifnum\currentcolumn>\@@ksn\else
+ \global\setbox\currenttopcolumnbox=\vbox
+ {\ifnum\currentcolumn=1
+ \snaptogrid\vbox{\copy\columnspanbox}
+ \else
+ \snaptogrid\vbox{\vphantom{\copy\columnspanbox}}
+ \fi}%
+ \wd\currenttopcolumnbox\hsize
+ \global\advance\vsize -\ht\currenttopcolumnbox
+ \fi}
+ \global\pagegoal\vsize
+ \else
+ \snaptogrid\vbox{\box\columnspanbox}
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \snaptogrid\vbox{\box\columnspanbox}
+ \fi
+ \endgraf
+ \ifvmode\prevdepth\strutdp\fi
+ \egroup}
+ \vbox\bgroup
+ %\topskipcorrection % becomes an option !
+ \EveryPar{\begstrut\EveryPar{}}} % also !
+ {\dosingleempty\dostartcolumnspan}
+ {\egroup}
+ [\c!n=2,
+ \c!ntop=1,
+ \c!command=,
+ \c!direction=\v!right,
+ \c!rule=\v!off,
+ \c!tolerance=\v!tolerant,
+ \c!distance=1.5\bodyfontsize, % influenced by switching
+ \c!height=,
+ \c!balance=\v!yes,
+ \c!align=\v!text,
+ \c!blank={\v!line,\v!fixed},
+ \c!option=,
+ \c!rulethickness=\linewidth,
+ \c!offset=.5\bodyfontsize]
+%D Undocumented and still under development.
+ {\dosingleempty\dostartsimplecolumns}
+ {\bgroup
+ \nopenalties
+ \getparameters[\??kl]
+ [\c!width=\hsize,\c!distance=1.5\bodyfontsize,%
+ \c!n=2,\c!lines=0,#1]%
+ \let\rigidcolumnlines\@@kllines
+ \setrigidcolumnhsize\@@klwidth\@@kldistance\@@kln
+ \setbox\scratchbox\vbox\bgroup
+ \forgetall} % \blank[\v!disable]
+ {\removebottomthings
+ \egroup
+ \rigidcolumnbalance\scratchbox
+ \egroup}
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/page-not.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/page-not.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7bb982430
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/page-not.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=page-nnt,
+%D version=2002.04.16,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Page Macros,
+%D subtitle=Footnotes,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Page Macros / Footnotes}
+%D Terrible hacks: we need to share save/restore
+%D We've moved some footnote handling to a separate page
+%D module. The macros below are used in the single and multi
+%D column page handlers and permit mixed usage of column and
+%D page notes.
+\def\checkbegincolumnfootnotes % should happen inside otr
+ {\ifcase\clevernotes
+ \erasenotebackup
+ \else
+ \doflushnotes
+ \savenotecontent
+ \fi
+ \savenotedata
+ \checknotes}
+ {\restorenotedata % maybe better just \checknotes
+ \ifcase\clevernotes\else
+ \restorenotecontent
+ \fi}
+ {\checknotes} % njet : \restorenotedata
+ {\calculatetotalnoteheight
+ \totalinsertionheight\totalnoteheight
+ \addinsertionheight\topins\to\totalinsertionheight
+ \addinsertionheight\botins\to\totalinsertionheight}
+% hm
+\def\checkbegincolumnfootnotes % should happen inside otr
+ {\ifcase\clevernotes
+ \erasenotebackup
+ \else
+ \doflushnotes
+ \savenotecontent
+ \fi
+ \savenotedata
+ \checknotes}
+ {\restorenotedata
+ \ifinsidecolumns
+ \ifcase\clevernotes\else
+ \restorenotecontent
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/page-one.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/page-one.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fe4b285cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/page-one.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,659 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=page-one,
+%D version=2000.10.20,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Page Macros,
+%D subtitle=Default Routine,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Page Macros / Default Routine}
+%D This is just the good old \CONTEXT\ output routine, which
+%D has been there right from the start.
+% OTRONE: basic single column
+\activateotr{ONE}{} % the default one
+ {\ejectpage}
+\def\OTRONEgotonextpageX % will become obsolete
+ {\superejectpage}
+ {\global\hsize\textwidth}
+% keep (original one)
+% \def\OTRONEsetvsize
+% {\ifdim\vsize=\teksthoogte \else
+% \bgroup
+% \scratchdimen-\vsize
+% \advance\scratchdimen \teksthoogte
+% \global\advance\vsize \scratchdimen
+% \relax \ifdim\pagegoal<\maxdimen
+% \advance\scratchdimen \pagegoal
+% \global\pagegoal\scratchdimen
+% \fi
+% \egroup
+% \fi}
+% no (keep)
+% \def\OTRONEsetvsize
+% {\ifdim\vsize=\teksthoogte \else
+% \bgroup
+% \scratchdimen-\vsize
+% \advance\scratchdimen \teksthoogte
+% \ifgridsnapping
+% \getrawnoflines\scratchdimen
+% \scratchdimen\noflines\openlineheight
+% \ifdim\scratchdimen>\noflinesheight % available afterwards
+% \advance\scratchdimen-\openlineheight
+% \fi
+% \ifdim\scratchdimen<\zeropoint
+% \scratchdimen\zeropoint
+% \fi
+% \fi
+% \global\advance\vsize \scratchdimen
+% \relax \ifdim\pagegoal<\maxdimen
+% \advance\scratchdimen \pagegoal
+% \global\pagegoal\scratchdimen
+% \fi
+% \egroup
+% \fi}
+% \def\OTRONEsetvsize
+% {\ifgridsnapping
+% \ifcase\layoutlines
+% \getrawnoflines\teksthoogte
+% \else
+% \noflines\layoutlines
+% \fi
+% \global\vsize\noflines\openlineheight
+% \else
+% \global\vsize\teksthoogte
+% \fi
+% \ifdim\pagegoal<\maxdimen
+% \global\pagegoal\vsize
+% \fi}
+ {\ifgridsnapping
+ \ifcase\layoutlines
+ \getrawnoflines\textheight
+ \else
+ \noflines\layoutlines
+ \fi
+ \global\vsize\noflines\openlineheight
+ \else
+ \global\vsize\textheight
+ \fi
+ \ifdim\pagegoal<\maxdimen
+ \ifdim\oldvsize=\vsize
+ % let's assume that the layout didn't change
+ \else
+ \bgroup
+ \global\oldvsize\vsize
+ \advance\vsize-\topinserted
+ \advance\vsize-\botinserted
+ \global\pagegoal\vsize
+ \egroup
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+\chardef\kindofpagetextareas=2 % whole page (public variable! never change)
+ {\ifregistertextareas
+ \setbox0\vbox{#1}%
+ \wd0\makeupwidth % somehow a space creeps in
+ \vbox{\registeredtextarea000}%
+ \else
+ #1%
+ \fi}
+% \chardef\kindofpagetextareas\plusone
+ {\ifregistertextareas
+ \xypos{pbd:\realfolio:b}% we could save bytes by only saving the y
+ \endgraf
+ \begingroup
+ \scratchdimen\MPy{pbd:\realfolio:b}%
+ \advance\scratchdimen-\MPy{pbd:\realfolio:e}%
+ \setbox\scratchbox\null
+ \wd\scratchbox\makeupwidth
+ \ht\scratchbox\scratchdimen
+ \vsmash{\registeredtextarea00\scratchbox}%
+ \endgroup
+ #1%
+ \endgraf
+ \xypos{pbd:\realfolio:e}%
+ \else
+ #1%
+ \fi}
+ {\ifregistertextareas
+ \setbox0\vbox{#1}%
+ \wd0\makeupwidth % somehow a space creeps in
+ \vbox{\registeredtextarea000}%
+ \else
+ #1%
+ \fi}
+\def\OTRONEdopagecontents#1#2% \box<n> \unvbox<n>
+ {\bgroup % niet breedte zetten, kan fractie zijn!
+ \ifcase\kindofpagetextareas
+ \or % partial page (experimental)
+ \let\OTRONEregisteredtextareaA\doOTRONEregisteredtextareaA
+ \or % whole page (default)
+ \let\OTRONEregisteredtextareaB\doOTRONEregisteredtextareaB
+ \or % partial page (only works well with no stretch!)
+ \let\OTRONEregisteredtextareaA\doOTRONEregisteredtextareaB
+ \fi
+ \setbox0\vbox \ifbottomnotes to \textheight \fi
+ {\edef\currentpagedepth{\the\dp#2}% still to be derived from #1
+ \dotopinsertions
+ \ifgridsnapping
+ \OTRONEregisteredtextareaA{#1#2}%
+ \vskip-\currentpagedepth\vskip\openstrutdepth
+ \pushproperties % moved from just after #1#2
+ \prevdepth\openstrutdepth
+ \dobotinsertions
+ \vfil
+ \else\ifr@ggedbottom
+ \OTRONEregisteredtextareaA{#1#2}%
+ \vskip-\currentpagedepth\vskip\openstrutdepth
+ \pushproperties % moved from just after #1#2
+ \prevdepth\openstrutdepth
+ \dobotinsertions
+ \vfil
+ \else\ifb@selinebottom
+ \OTRONEregisteredtextareaA{#1#2}%
+ \kern-\currentpagedepth\kern\maxdepth
+ \pushproperties % moved from just after #1#2
+ \dobotinsertions
+ \else
+ \OTRONEregisteredtextareaA{#1#2}%
+ \pushproperties % moved from just after #1#2
+ \dobotinsertions % added
+ \fi\fi\fi
+ \fakepagenotes}% was \fakenotes, but wrong! (check with \setupalign[height])
+ \ifbottomnotes
+ \ifgridsnapping
+\ifcase\layoutlines % todo: make macro of this
+ \getrawnoflines\textheight
+ \noflines\layoutlines
+% \getnoflines\textheight
+ \advance\noflines \minusone
+ \scratchdimen\noflines\lineheight
+ \advance\scratchdimen \topskip
+ \else
+ \scratchdimen\ht0
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \scratchdimen\zeropoint
+ \fi
+ \setbox2\hbox
+ {\checksinglecolumnfootnotes
+ \lower\scratchdimen\vbox{\placebottomnotes}}%
+ \smashbox2% % needed here
+ \ifbottomnotes
+ \ht0\zeropoint
+ \fi
+ \OTRONEregisteredtextareaB
+ {\vbox to \textheight
+ {\box0\box2\ifbottomnotes\else\vfill\fi}}%
+ \egroup}
+ {\finaloutput\unvbox\normalpagebox}
+ {\sidefloatoutput}
+%D Insertions
+% \def\OTRONEdosettopinserts
+% {\bgroup
+% \ifsomefloatwaiting
+% \noffloatinserts\zerocount
+% \let\totaltopinserted\!!zeropoint
+% \OTRONEdodosettopinserts
+% \ifnum\@@bknbottom=\zerocount
+% \ifnum\@@bknlines>\zerocount
+% \ifdim\totaltopinserted>\zeropoint\relax
+% \dimen0=\lineheight
+% \dimen0=\@@bknlines\dimen0
+% \advance\dimen0 \totaltopinserted\relax
+% \ifdim\dimen0>\textheight
+% \showmessage\m!floatblocks8\@@bknlines
+% \vfilll\eject
+% \fi
+% \fi
+% \fi
+% \fi
+% \fi
+% \egroup}
+ {\bgroup
+ \ifsomefloatwaiting
+ \noffloatinserts\zerocount
+ \let\totaltopinserted\!!zeropoint
+ \OTRONEdodosettopinserts
+ \ifnum\@@bknbottom=\zerocount
+ \ifnum\@@bknlines>\zerocount
+ \ifdim\totaltopinserted>\zeropoint\relax
+ \ifdim\dimexpr\@@bknlines\lineheight+\totaltopinserted\relax>\textheight
+ \showmessage\m!floatblocks8\@@bknlines
+ \vfilll\eject
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \egroup}
+ {\ifnum\noffloatinserts<\noftopfloats
+ \dogetfloat
+ \ifdim\topinserted=\zeropoint
+ \topofinserttrue
+ \else
+ \topofinsertfalse
+ \fi
+ \global\advance\topinserted\dimexpr\ht\floatbox+\dp\floatbox+\floatbottomskip\relax
+ \ifdim\topinserted<\textheight\relax
+ \xdef\totaltopinserted{\the\topinserted}%
+ \insert\topins
+ {\forgetall
+ \iftopofinsert
+ \topskipcorrection % [xx] new: see icare topbleed
+ \kern-\lineskip\par
+ \prevdepth\maxdimen
+ \else
+ %\blank[-\@@bkspaceafter,\@@bkspacebefore]% inserts can't look back
+ \betweenfloatblanko
+ \fi
+ \flushfloatbox
+ \blank[\@@bkspaceafter]}%
+ \ifsomefloatwaiting
+ \advance\noffloatinserts \plusone
+ \else
+ \noffloatinserts\noftopfloats\relax
+ \fi
+ \dofloatflushedinfo
+ \else
+ \doresavefloat
+ \noffloatinserts\noftopfloats\relax
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \ifsomefloatwaiting
+ \showmessage\m!floatblocks6{\the\noftopfloats}%
+ \fi
+ \let\OTRONEdodosettopinserts\relax
+ \fi
+ \OTRONEdodosettopinserts}
+ {\bgroup
+ \ifsomefloatwaiting
+ \noffloatinserts\zerocount
+ \OTRONEdodosetbotinserts
+ \fi
+ \egroup}
+ {\ifnum\noffloatinserts<\nofbotfloats\relax
+ \dogetfloat
+ \global\advance\botinserted \ht\floatbox\relax
+ \global\advance\botinserted \dp\floatbox\relax
+ \global\advance\botinserted \floattopskip\relax
+ \ifdim\botinserted<\pagegoal\relax
+ \insert\botins
+ {\forgetall
+ \blank[\@@bkspacebefore]%
+ \flushfloatbox}%
+ \ifsomefloatwaiting
+ \advance\noffloatinserts \plusone
+ \else
+ \noffloatinserts\nofbotfloats
+ \fi
+ \dofloatflushedinfo
+ \else
+ \doresavefloat
+ \noffloatinserts\nofbotfloats\relax
+ \fi
+ \global\nofloatpermittedtrue % vgl topfloats s!
+ \else
+ \ifsomefloatwaiting
+ \showmessage\m!floatblocks7{\the\nofbotfloats}%
+ \fi
+ \let\OTRONEdodosetbotinserts\relax
+ \fi
+ \OTRONEdodosetbotinserts}
+ {\global\topinserted\zeropoint
+ \global\botinserted\zeropoint
+ \ifflushingfloats \else
+ \OTRONEdosettopinserts
+ \OTRONEdosetbotinserts
+ \ifsomefloatwaiting
+ \doif\@@bkcache\v!no\doflushfloats
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+% \def\OTRONEdotopinsertions
+% {\ifvoid\topins\else
+% \ifgridsnapping
+% \box\topins
+% \vskip-\topskip \vskip\strutheight % [xx] new: see icare topbleed
+% \else
+% \unvbox\topins
+% \fi
+% \fi
+% \global\topinserted\zeropoint}
+\chardef\topinserttopskipmode=0 % 1 no topskip
+ {\ifvoid\topins\else
+ \ifgridsnapping
+ \box\topins
+ \vskip-\topskip
+ \vskip\strutheight % [xx] new: see icare topbleed
+ \else
+ \ifcase\topinserttopskipmode
+ % 0: default, do nothing
+ \or
+ % 1: no topskip (crossed fingers)
+ \vskip-\topskip
+ \vskip\strutheight
+ \fi
+ \unvbox\topins
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \global\topinserted\zeropoint}
+ {\ifvoid\botins\else
+ \ifgridsnapping
+ \snaptogrid\hbox{\box\botins}%
+ \else
+ \unvbox\botins
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \global\botinserted\zeropoint
+ \global\nofloatpermittedfalse}
+ {\global\flushingfloatstrue
+ \ifsomefloatwaiting
+ \par
+ % if kept, then option and definitely off in gridmode ! ! ! !
+ % \ifvmode \prevdepth\maxdimen \fi % prevents whitespace; problematic in icare tests
+ \OTRONEdodoflushfloats
+ \fi
+ \global\savednoffloats\zerocount
+ \global\somefloatwaitingfalse
+ \global\flushingfloatsfalse}
+\def\OTRONEflushfloatbox % nog verder doorvoeren en meer info in marge
+ {\ifcenterfloatbox \ifdim\wd\floatbox<\hsize
+ \setbox\floatbox\hbox to \hsize{\hss\box\floatbox\hss}%
+ \fi \fi
+ \snaptogrid\hbox{\iftestfloatbox\ruledhbox\fi{\copy\floatbox}}}
+\def\OTRONEdodoflushfloats % much in common with OTRSET
+ {\ifsomefloatwaiting
+ \ifpackflushedfloats
+ \centerfloatboxfalse
+ \dogetfloat
+ \ifdim\wd\floatbox>\makeupwidth
+ \global\setbox\floatbox\hbox to \makeupwidth{\hss\box\floatbox\hss}%
+ \fi
+ \OTRONEsetvsize
+ \!!widtha\wd\floatbox
+ \dofloatflushedinfo
+ \doloop
+ {\ifsomefloatwaiting
+ \dosavefloatstatus
+ \dogetfloat
+ \advance\!!widtha 1em % variable
+ \advance\!!widtha \wd\floatbox\relax
+ \ifdim\!!widtha>\hsize
+ \dorestorefloatstatus
+ \global\somefloatwaitingtrue
+ \exitloop
+ \else
+ \global\setbox\floatbox\hbox
+ {\ifcase\columndirection % nog document wide
+ \ifvoid\savedfloatbox\else
+ \ifhbox\savedfloatbox\unhbox\else\box\fi\savedfloatbox\hfil
+ \fi
+ \ifhbox\floatbox\unhbox\else\box\fi\floatbox
+ \else
+ \ifhbox\floatbox\unhbox\else\box\fi\floatbox
+ \ifvoid\savedfloatbox\else
+ \hfil\ifhbox\savedfloatbox\unhbox\else\box\fi\savedfloatbox
+ \fi
+ \fi}%
+ \dofloatflushedinfo
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \exitloop
+ \fi}%
+ \global\setbox\floatbox\hbox to \hsize
+ {\hfil\ifhbox\floatbox\unhbox\else\box\fi\floatbox\hfil}%
+ \else
+ %\bgroup % \box\floatbox can be in use!? messy
+ \dogetfloat
+ %\doplacefloatbox
+ %\egroup
+ \dofloatflushedinfo
+ \fi
+ % there is a chance that due to rounding errors, the float
+ % fits on a page where it was first rejected, in which case
+ % the prevdepth is -maxdimen and we cannot obey the grid
+ \doplacefloatbox
+ \expandafter\OTRONEdodoflushfloats
+ \fi}
+\def\OTRONEdocheckiffloatfits % vervangen ivm downward comp
+ {\ifnofloatpermitted
+ \global\roomforfloatfalse
+ \else
+ % new per 31/5/2004, should be an option, only one column mode
+ \begingroup
+ \scratchdimen\dimexpr\pagetotal+\lineheight\relax
+ \ifdim\scratchdimen>\pagegoal
+ \goodbreak % hack ? needed in icare-az
+ \fi
+ % should be an option
+ \endgroup
+ \dimen0\dimexpr\pagetotal+\ht\floatbox+\dp\floatbox+\floattopskip-\pageshrink\relax
+ %\message{c:\the\mofcolumns,t:\the\pagetotal,g:\the\pagegoal}%\wait
+ \dimen2\pagegoal
+ \relax % needed
+ \ifcase\textfloatmethod
+ % method 0 : raw
+ \or
+ % method 1 : safe
+ \dimen2 .99\pagegoal
+ \or
+ % method 2 : tight
+ \advance\dimen0 -\onepoint
+ \fi
+ \relax % really needed ! ! ! !
+ \ifdim\dimen0>\dimen2
+ \global\roomforfloatfalse
+ \else
+ \global\roomforfloattrue
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+ {\dosetbothinserts}
+\def\OTRONEsomeherefloat[#1]% spacing between two successive must be better
+ {\baselinecorrection % not really needed in grid mode:
+ %\ifgridsnapping \else \baselinecorrection \fi % ! ! ! test test test ! ! ! !
+ \doplacefloatbox
+ \doinsertfloatinfo
+ \dochecknextindentation\??bk
+ \dorechecknextindentation}
+% \def\OTRONEsomefixdfloat % [#1]
+% {\docheckiffloatfits
+% \ifroomforfloat\else
+% \goodbreak
+% \fi
+% \showmessage\m!floatblocks9\empty
+% \someherefloat} % [#1]
+% better:
+% \dorecurse{50}
+% {[before normal] \input thuan
+% \placefigure{normal}{\framed[height=1cm,width=8cm]{}}
+% \placefigure{normal}{\framed[height=2cm,width=8cm]{}}
+% [before force] \input thuan
+% \placefigure[force]{force}{\framed[height=8cm,width=8cm]{}}}
+% \def\OTRONEsomefixdfloat % [#1]
+% {\docheckiffloatfits
+% \ifroomforfloat\else
+% \ifzeropt\pagetotal
+% % let's assume that there is room
+% \else
+% \ifcase\fixedfloatmethod
+% % disabled
+% \or % 1 (old method)
+% \goodbreak
+% \or % 2 (safe method)
+% \page
+% \or % 3 (keeps in stream)
+% \vskip\textheight
+% \vskip-\textheight
+% \or % 4 (also keeps in place)
+% \dosomebreak\nobreak
+% \fi
+% \fi
+% \fi
+% \showmessage\m!floatblocks9\empty
+% \someherefloat} % [#1]
+\def\OTRONEsomefixdfloat % [#1]
+ {% there is (in mkii) no good way to prevent a break
+ % so better fail than mess, we can get loose from
+ % heads, so be it
+ \showmessage\m!floatblocks9\empty
+ \OTRONEsomeherefloat} % [#1]
+\def\OTRONEsomesidefloat[#1]% links, rechts NOG TESTEN EN AANPASSEN
+ {\ifinsidecolumns
+ \someelsefloat[\v!here]%
+ \else
+ %\checkwaitingfloats{#1}%
+ \def\logsidefloat
+ {\doinsertfloatinfo}%
+ \setbox\floatbox\vbox{\box\floatbox}%
+ \wd\floatbox\floatwidth
+ \processfirstactioninset
+ [#1]
+ [ \v!left=>\leftfloat {\box\floatbox},
+ \v!right=>\rightfloat {\box\floatbox},
+ \v!inleft=>\leftmarginfloat {\box\floatbox},
+ \v!inright=>\rightmarginfloat{\box\floatbox},
+ \v!leftmargin=>\leftmarginfloat {\box\floatbox},
+ \v!rightmargin=>\rightmarginfloat{\box\floatbox},
+ \v!leftedge=>\leftedgefloat {\box\floatbox},
+ \v!rightedge=>\rightedgefloat {\box\floatbox},
+ \v!backspace=>\backspacefloat {\box\floatbox},
+ \v!cutspace=>\cutspacefloat {\box\floatbox},
+ \v!inmargin=>\cutspacefloat {\box\floatbox}]%
+ \doifinset\v!tall{#1}\flushsidefloatsafterpar
+ \fi}
+ {%\checkwaitingfloats{#1}%
+ \global\setbox#1\vbox
+ {\unvbox#1%
+ \vbox to \textheight
+ {\doifnotinset\v!high{#2}\vfill
+ \box\floatbox
+ \doifnotinset\v!low{#2}\vfill}%
+ \goodbreak}%
+ \doinsertfloatinfo}
+\def\OTRONEsomepagefloat {\OTRONEdosomepagefloat\collectedpagefloats}
+\def\OTRONEsomeleftpagefloat {\OTRONEdosomepagefloat\collectedleftpagefloats}
+ {\ifdim\topinserted=\zeropoint
+ \topofinserttrue
+ \else
+ \topofinsertfalse
+ \fi
+ \global\advance\topinserted \ht\floatbox
+ \global\advance\topinserted \dp\floatbox
+ \global\advance\topinserted \floatbottomskip
+ \insert\topins
+ {\forgetall
+ \iftopofinsert
+ \topskipcorrection % [xx] new: see icare topbleed
+ \kern-\lineskip\par\prevdepth\maxdimen
+ \else
+ %\blank[-\@@bkspaceafter,\@@bkspacebefore]% inserts can't look back
+ \betweenfloatblanko
+ \fi
+ \flushfloatbox
+ \blank[\@@bkspaceafter]}%
+ \doinsertfloatinfo}
+ {\global\advance\botinserted \ht\floatbox
+ \global\advance\botinserted \dp\floatbox
+ \global\advance\botinserted \floattopskip
+ \insert\botins
+ {\forgetall
+ \blank[\@@bkspacebefore]%
+ \flushfloatbox}%
+ %\global\nofloatpermittedtrue
+ \doinsertfloatinfo}
+\def\OTRONEsomefacefloat[#1]% untested
+ {\startopposite\flushfloatbox\stopopposite}
+ {}
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/page-par.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/page-par.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9b5e0b6eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/page-par.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=page-par, % copied from page-lin
+%D version=1997.03.31,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Page Macros,
+%D subtitle=Line Numbering,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Page Macros / Paragraph Numbering}
+ {\dosingleempty\dosetupparagraphnumbering}
+ {\getparameters
+ [\??ph][#1]%
+ \processaction
+ [\@@phstate]
+ [\v!start=>\let\showparagraphnumber\doshowparagraphnumberA,
+ \v!stop=>\let\showparagraphnumber\relax,
+ \v!line=>\let\showparagraphnumber\doshowparagraphnumberB,
+ \v!reset=>\global\internalparagraphnumber\zerocount
+ \let\showparagraphnumber\doshowparagraphnumberA]}
+ {\global\advance\internalparagraphnumber \plusone
+ \inleftmargin % \tf normalizes em
+ {\tf{\doattributes\??ph\c!style\c!color{\the\internalparagraphnumber}}%
+ \kern\@@phdistance}}
+ {\ifprocessingverbatim
+ \iflinepar\dodoshowparagraphnumber\fi
+ \else
+ \dodoshowparagraphnumber
+ \fi}
+ {\ifnumberinglines
+ \doshowparagraphnumberA
+ \fi}
+ [\c!state=\v!stop,
+ \c!style=,
+ \c!color=,
+ \c!distance=\ifcase\linenumberlocation2em\else\!!zeropoint\fi] % will change
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/page-plg.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/page-plg.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3c3255f4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/page-plg.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=page-pls,
+%D version=2003.03.16,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Page Macros,
+%D subtitle=Page Setup,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\ifx\pageareabox\undefined \else \endinput \fi
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Page Macros / Extra Page Building}
+%D This feature has been present for a while but has never been
+%D exploited: pluggable pagebuilders. The next example code
+%D demonstrates the application of one such a plug-in. This variant
+%D support \type {page}, \type {leftpage} and \type {rightpage}
+%D definitions where specific areas are placed with the \type
+%D {\pagearea} command.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \setupheadertexts[the header text]
+%D \setupfootertexts[a pretty long left footer text][something right]
+%D \setupbottomtexts[a not so long bottom text][another right thing]
+%D \setuptexttexts [margin][something marginal][indeed]
+%D \startpagelayout[leftpage]
+%D \setupTABLE[offset=overlay]
+%D \setupTABLE[c][1][width=\leftmarginwidth]
+%D \bTR
+%D \bTD[nx=3,background=color,backgroundcolor=green]
+%D \pagearea[header][text][middle]
+%D \eTD
+%D \eTR
+%D \bTR
+%D \bTD \pagearea[text][margin][left] \eTD
+%D \bTD[nx=2] \pagearea[text] \eTD
+%D \eTR
+%D \bTR
+%D \bTD[nx=3,offset=overlay]
+%D {\bTABLE[width=.5\hsize]
+%D \bTR
+%D \bTD \pagearea[footer][text][left] \eTD
+%D \bTD \pagearea[bottom][text][left] \eTD
+%D \eTR
+%D \eTABLE}
+%D \eTD
+%D \eTR
+%D \stoppagelayout
+%D \startpagelayout[rightpage]
+%D \setupTABLE[offset=overlay]
+%D \setupTABLE[c][1][width=\rightmarginwidth]
+%D \bTR
+%D \bTD[nx=3] \pagearea[header][text][middle] \eTD
+%D \eTR
+%D \bTR
+%D \bTD \pagearea[text][margin][left] \eTD
+%D \bTD[nx=2] \pagearea[text] \eTD
+%D \eTR
+%D \bTR
+%D \bTD[nx=3,offset=overlay]
+%D {\bTABLE[width=.5\hsize]
+%D \bTR
+%D \bTD \pagearea[bottom][text][right] \eTD
+%D \bTD \pagearea[footer][text][right] \eTD
+%D \eTR
+%D \eTABLE}
+%D \eTD
+%D \eTR
+%D \stoppagelayout
+%D \setupcolors[state=start]
+%D \setupbackgrounds[text][background=color,backgroundcolor=blue]
+%D \setupbackgrounds[header][text][background=color,backgroundcolor=red]
+%D \setuppagenumbering[alternative=doublesided,location=]
+%D \setuplayout[method=makeup]
+%D \definetextbackground
+%D [test]
+%D [state=start,
+%D background=color,
+%D backgroundcolor=yellow]
+%D \starttext
+%D \dorecurse{10}{\input tufte \par}
+%D \input tufte \starttest \input tufte \stoptest \input tufte
+%D \starttabulate
+%D \NC test \NC \starttest \input tufte \stoptest \NC \NR
+%D \stoptabulate
+%D \dorecurse{10}{\input tufte \par}
+%D \stoptext
+%D \stoptyping
+ {\setbox\pagebox\hbox
+ {\vbox to \textheight
+ {\offinterlineskip
+ % optie
+ \vskip\dimexpr-1\topskip+\strutheight\relax
+ %
+ \textwidth\makeupwidth
+ \hsize\textwidth
+ \boxmaxdepth\maxdepth
+ \noindent
+ \dopagecontents#1#2}}%
+ \wd\pagebox\makeupwidth
+ \ht\pagebox\textheight
+ \dp\pagebox\zeropoint
+ \hsize\paperwidth
+ \vsize\paperheight
+ \setbox\pagebox\vbox
+ {\doifbothsidesoverruled
+ {\let\!!stringa\v!page}
+ {\let\!!stringa\v!rightpage}
+ {\let\!!stringa\v!leftpage}%
+ \getvalue{\??ly\c!method:\!!stringa}}%
+ \wd\pagebox\paperwidth
+ \ht\pagebox\paperheight
+ \dp\pagebox\zeropoint}
+ {\dotripleempty\dopagearea}
+ {\ifthirdargument
+ \doifelse{#3}\v!left
+ {\dodopagearea{#1}{#2}\c!lefttext}
+ {\doifelse{#3}\v!right
+ {\dodopagearea{#1}{#2}\c!righttext}
+ {\dodopagearea{#1}{#2}\c!middletext}}%
+ \else\ifsecondargument
+ \doifbothsidesoverruled
+ {\dodopagearea{#1}{#2}\c!righttext}
+ {\dodopagearea{#1}{#2}\c!righttext}
+ {\dodopagearea{#1}{#2}\c!lefttext }%
+ \else
+ \doif{#1}\v!text % copy due to trial runs in TABLE
+ {\iftrialtypesetting
+ \copy\pagebox
+ \else
+ \setbox\pagebox\vbox
+ {\localstarttextcolor
+ \box\pagebox
+ \localstoptextcolor}%
+ \localpositioningfalse
+ \addtextbackground\pagebox
+ \addtextgridlayer\pagebox
+ \box\pagebox
+ \fi}%
+ \fi\fi}
+ {\setbox\pageareabox\vbox{\getvalue{\??tk#1#2#3}}%
+ \ifsomebackgroundfound{#1#2}%
+ \iftrialtypesetting
+ \box\pageareabox
+ \else
+ \localframed
+ [\??ma#1#2]
+ [\c!width=\wd\pageareabox,
+ \c!height=\ht\pageareabox,
+ \c!offset=\v!overlay]
+ {\box\pageareabox}%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \box\pageareabox
+ \fi}
+\setvalue{\??ly\c!method:\v!leftpage }{\getvalue{\??ly\c!method:\v!page}}
+% \long\def\startpagelayout[#1]#2\stoppagelayout
+% {\long\setvalue{\??ly\c!method:#1}{#2}}
+ {\bgroup\catcode`\^^M=\@@ignore\dostartpagelayout}
+ {\egroup\long\setvalue{\??ly\c!method:#1}{#2}}
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/page-run.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/page-run.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b128c192d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/page-run.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,382 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=page-run,
+%D version=2000.10.20,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Page Macros,
+%D subtitle=Runtime Macros,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Page Macros / Runtime Macros}
+ {\framed
+ [\c!offset=\v!overlay,
+ \c!strut=\v!no]
+ {\forgetall
+ \dontcomplain
+ \globaldefs\minusone
+ \dimen0\pagegoal
+ \definepapersize[X][\c!width=4em, \c!height=6em]%
+ \definepapersize[Y][\c!width=12em,\c!height=14em]%
+ \setuppapersize[#1,X][#2,Y]%
+ \setuplayout[#3]%
+ \setbox0\vbox
+ {\framed
+ [\c!offset=\v!overlay,\c!strut=\v!no,
+ \c!width=\paperwidth,\c!height=\paperheight]
+ {\ss ABC\par DEF}}%
+ \doublesidedfalse
+ \def\cutmarklength{.5em}%
+ \addpagecutmarks0%
+ \replicatepagebox0%
+ \scalepagebox0%
+ \mirrorpaperbox0%
+ \orientpaperbox0%
+ \centerpagebox0%
+ \mirrorprintbox0%
+ \orientprintbox0%
+ \offsetprintbox0%
+ \pagegoal\dimen0
+ \box0}}
+ {\dotripleempty\doshowprint}
+% \switchnaarkorps[8pt]
+% \startcombinatie[4*4]
+% {\toonprint} {\strut}
+% {\toonprint[][][plaats=midden]} {\type{plaats=midden}}
+% {\toonprint[][][plaats=midden,markering=aan]} {\type{markering=aan}\break
+% \type{plaats=midden}}
+% {\toonprint[][][plaats=midden,markering=aan,nx=2]} {\type{markering=aan}\break
+% \type{plaats=midden}\break
+% \type{nx=2}}
+% {\toonprint[][][plaats=links]} {\type{plaats=links}}
+% {\toonprint[][][plaats=rechts]} {\type{plaats=rechts}}
+% {\toonprint[][][plaats={links,onder}]} {\type{plaats={links,onder}}}
+% {\toonprint[][][plaats={rechts,onder}]} {\type{plaats={rechts,onder}}}
+% {\toonprint[][][nx=2,ny=1]} {\type{nx=2,ny=1}}
+% {\toonprint[][][nx=1,ny=2]} {\type{nx=1,ny=2}}
+% {\toonprint[][][nx=2,ny=2]} {\type{nx=2,ny=2}}
+% {\toonprint[][][nx=2,ny=2,plaats=midden]} {\type{nx=2,ny=2}\break
+% \type{plaats=midden}}
+% {\toonprint[][][rugoffset=3pt]} {\type{rugoffset=.5cm}}
+% {\toonprint[][][kopoffset=3pt]} {\type{kopoffset=.5cm}}
+% {\toonprint[][][schaal=1.5]} {\type{schaal=1.5}}
+% {\toonprint[][][schaal=0.8]} {\type{schaal=0.8}}
+% \stopcombinatie
+% \startcombinatie[3*4]
+% {\toonprint[liggend][][plaats=midden]} {\type{liggend}}
+% {\toonprint[][liggend][plaats=midden]} {\strut\break\type{liggend}}
+% {\toonprint[liggend][liggend][plaats=midden]} {\type{liggend}\break\type{liggend}}
+% {\toonprint[90][][plaats=midden]} {\type{90}}
+% {\toonprint[][90][plaats=midden]} {\strut\break\type{90}}
+% {\toonprint[90][90][plaats=midden]} {\type{90}\break\type{90}}
+% {\toonprint[180][][plaats=midden]} {\type{180}}
+% {\toonprint[][180][plaats=midden]} {\strut\break\type{180}}
+% {\toonprint[180][180][plaats=midden]} {\type{180}\break\type{180}}
+% {\toonprint[gespiegeld][][plaats=midden]} {\type{gespiegeld}}
+% {\toonprint[][gespiegeld][plaats=midden]} {\strut\break\type{gespiegeld}}
+% {\toonprint[gespiegeld][gespiegeld][plaats=midden]} {\type{gespiegeld}\break\type{gespiegeld}}
+% \stopcombinatie
+ {\ifsecondargument
+ \setupbackgrounds
+ [\v!page]
+ [\c!frame=\v!on,
+ \c!corner=\v!rectangular,
+ \c!frameoffset=\!!zeropoint,
+ \c!framedepth=\!!zeropoint,
+ \c!framecolor=layout:page]
+ \setupbackgrounds
+ [#1][#2]
+ [\c!background=,
+ \c!frame=\v!on,
+ \c!corner=\v!rectangular,
+ \c!frameoffset=\!!zeropoint,
+ \c!framedepth=\!!zeropoint,
+ \c!framecolor=]
+ \else\iffirstargument
+ \showframe
+ [\v!header,\v!text,\v!footer]
+ [#1]
+ \else
+ \showframe
+ [\v!header,\v!text,\v!footer]
+ [\v!leftedge,\v!leftmargin,
+ \v!text,
+ \v!rightmargin,\v!rightedge]
+ \fi\fi
+ \setupbackgrounds
+ [\c!state=\v!repeat]}
+ {#1&\PtToCm{\the#2}&\the#2&\tttf\string#2\cr}
+ {#1&&#2#3&\tttf\string#3\cr}
+% \startinterface english % english is fallback
+ {\noindent
+ \vbox
+ {\forgetall
+ \dontcomplain
+ \switchtobodyfont[\v!small]
+ \tabskip\zeropoint
+ \halign
+ {\strut##\quad\hss&##\quad\hss&##\quad\hss&##\hss\cr
+ \showsetupA{paperheight} \paperheight
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+ \showsetupA{topdistance} \topdistance
+ \showsetupA{header} \headerheight
+ \showsetupA{headerdistance} \headerdistance
+ \showsetupA{textheight} \textheight
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+ \showsetupA{footer} \footerheight
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+ \showsetupA{leftedge} \leftedgewidth
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+ \showsetupA{rightmargindistance}\rightmargindistance
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+ \showsetupA{rightedge} \rightedgewidth
+ \showsetupB{bodyfontsize} \the \globalbodyfontsize
+ \showsetupB{line} \relax \normallineheight
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+ \showsetupB{topskip} \relax \topskipfactor
+ \showsetupB{maxdepth} \relax \maxdepthfactor}}}
+% \stopinterface
+\startinterface dutch
+ {\noindent
+ \vbox
+ {\forgetall
+ \dontcomplain
+ \switchtobodyfont[\v!small]
+ \tabskip\zeropoint
+ \halign
+ {\strut##\quad\hss&##\quad\hss&##\quad\hss&##\hss\cr
+ \showsetupA{papierhoogte} \papierhoogte
+ \showsetupA{papierbreedte} \papierbreedte
+ \showsetupA{printpapierhoogte} \printpapierhoogte
+ \showsetupA{printpapierbreedte} \printpapierbreedte
+ \showsetupA{kopwit} \kopwit
+ \showsetupA{rugwit} \rugwit
+ \showsetupA{snijwit} \snijwit
+ \showsetupA{hoogte} \zethoogte
+ \showsetupA{breedte} \zetbreedte
+ \showsetupA{boven} \bovenhoogte
+ \showsetupA{bovenafstand} \bovenafstand
+ \showsetupA{hoofd} \hoofdhoogte
+ \showsetupA{hoofdafstand} \hoofdafstand
+ \showsetupA{teksthoogte} \teksthoogte
+ \showsetupA{voetafstand} \voetafstand
+ \showsetupA{voet} \voethoogte
+ \showsetupA{onderafstand} \onderafstand
+ \showsetupA{onder} \onderhoogte
+ \showsetupA{linkerrand} \linkerrandbreedte
+ \showsetupA{linkerrandafstand} \linkerrandafstand
+ \showsetupA{linkermarge} \linkermargebreedte
+ \showsetupA{linkermargeafstand} \linkermargeafstand
+ \showsetupA{tekstbreedte} \tekstbreedte
+ \showsetupA{rechtermargeafstand}\rechtermargeafstand
+ \showsetupA{rechtermarge} \rechtermargebreedte
+ \showsetupA{rechterrandafstand} \rechterrandafstand
+ \showsetupA{rechterrand} \rechterrandbreedte
+ \showsetupB{korps} \the \globalbodyfontsize
+ \showsetupB{regel} \relax \normallineheight
+ \showsetupB{hoogte} \relax \strutheightfactor
+ \showsetupB{diepte} \relax \strutdepthfactor
+ \showsetupB{boven} \relax \topskipfactor
+ \showsetupB{onder} \relax \maxdepthfactor}}}
+% todo: \showsetupA{rugwit} \rugwit
+\startinterface german
+ {\noindent
+ \vbox
+ {\forgetall
+ \dontcomplain
+ \switchtobodyfont[\v!small]
+ \tabskip\zeropoint
+ \halign
+ {\strut##\quad\hss&##\quad\hss&##\quad\hss&##\hss\cr
+ \showsetupA{papierhoehe} \papierhoehe
+ \showsetupA{papierbreite} \papierbreite
+ \showsetupA{printpapierhoehe} \printpapierhoehe
+ \showsetupA{printpapierbreite} \printpapierbreite
+ \showsetupA{kopfweite} \kopfweite
+ \showsetupA{rumpfweite} \rumpfweite
+ \showsetupA{hoehe} \satzhoehe
+ \showsetupA{breite} \satzbreite
+ \showsetupA{oben} \hoeheoben
+ \showsetupA{abstandoben} \abstandoben
+ \showsetupA{kopfzeile} \kopfzeilenhoehe
+ \showsetupA{kopfzeilenabstand} \kopfzeilenabstand
+ \showsetupA{texthoehe} \texthoehe
+ \showsetupA{fusszeileabstand} \fusszeileabstand
+ \showsetupA{fusszeilen} \fusszeilenhoehe
+ \showsetupA{abstandunten} \abstandunten
+ \showsetupA{hoeheunten} \hoeheunten
+ \showsetupA{linkerrand} \breitelinkerrand
+ \showsetupA{abstandlinkerrand} \abstandlinkerrand
+ \showsetupA{linkemarginal} \linkemarginalbreite
+ \showsetupA{linkemarginalafstand} \linkemarginalafstand
+ \showsetupA{textbreite} \textbreite
+ \showsetupA{rechtemarginalafstand}\rechtemarginalafstand
+ \showsetupA{rechtemarginal} \rechtemarginalbreite
+ \showsetupA{abstandrechterrand} \abstandrechterrand
+ \showsetupA{rechterrand} \breiterechterrand
+ \showsetupB{fliesstext} \the \globalbodyfontsize
+ \showsetupB{linie} \relax \normallineheight
+ \showsetupB{hoehe} \relax \strutheightfactor
+ \showsetupB{tiefe} \relax \strutdepthfactor
+ \showsetupB{topskip} \relax \topskipfactor
+ \showsetupB{maxdepth} \relax \maxdepthfactor}}}
+\startinterface czech
+ {\noindent
+ \vbox
+ {\forgetall
+ \dontcomplain
+ \switchtobodyfont[\v!small]
+ \tabskip\zeropoint
+ \halign
+ {\strut##\quad\hss&##\quad\hss&##\quad\hss&##\hss\cr
+ \showsetupA{vyskapapiru} \vyskapapiru
+ \showsetupA{sirkapapiru} \sirkapapiru
+ \showsetupA{vyskatiskpapiru} \vyskatiskpapiru
+ \showsetupA{sirkatiskpapiru} \sirkatiskpapiru
+ \showsetupA{hornimezera} \hornimezera
+ \showsetupA{spodnimezera} \spodnimezera
+ \showsetupA{vyska} \vyskasazby
+ \showsetupA{breite} \sirkasazby
+ \showsetupA{vyskatextu} \vyskatextu
+ \showsetupA{sirkatextu} \sirkatextu
+ \showsetupA{horejsek} \vyskahorejsku
+ \showsetupA{vzdalenosthorejsku} \vzdalenosthorejsku
+ \showsetupA{zahlavi} \vyskazahlavi
+ \showsetupA{vzdalenostzahlavi} \vzdalenostzahlavi
+ \showsetupA{fusszeileabstand} \vzdalenostupati
+ \showsetupA{upati} \vyskaupati
+ \showsetupA{vzdalenostspodku} \vzdalenostspodku
+ \showsetupA{spodek} \vyakaspodku
+ \showsetupA{levyokraj} \sirkalevehookraje
+ \showsetupA{vzdalenostlevehookraje} \vzdalenostlevehookraje
+ \showsetupA{levamarginalie} \sirkalevemarginalie
+ \showsetupA{vzdalenostlevemarginalie} \vzdalenostlevemarginalie
+ \showsetupA{vzdalenostpravemarginalie}\vzdalenostpravemarginalie
+ \showsetupA{pravamarginalie} \sirkapravemarginalie
+ \showsetupA{vzdalenostpravehookraje} \vzdalenostpravehookraje
+ \showsetupA{pravyokraj} \sirkapravehookraje
+ \showsetupB{zakladnivelikost} \the \globalbodyfontsize
+ \showsetupB{linka} \relax \normallineheight
+ \showsetupB{vyska} \relax \strutheightfactor
+ \showsetupB{hloubka} \relax \strutdepthfactor
+ \showsetupB{topskip} \relax \topskipfactor
+ \showsetupB{maxdepth} \relax \maxdepthfactor}}}
+\startinterface romanian
+ {\noindent
+ \vbox
+ {\forgetall
+ \dontcomplain
+ \switchtobodyfont[\v!small]
+ \tabskip\zeropoint
+ \halign
+ {\strut##\quad\hss&##\quad\hss&##\quad\hss&##\hss\cr
+ \showsetupA{paperheight} \paperheight
+ \showsetupA{paperwidth} \paperwidth
+ \showsetupA{printpaperheight} \printpaperheight
+ \showsetupA{printpaperwidth} \printpaperwidth
+ \showsetupA{topspace} \topspace
+ \showsetupA{backspace} \backspace
+ \showsetupA{height} \makeupheight
+ \showsetupA{width} \makeupwidth
+ \showsetupA{top} \topheight
+ \showsetupA{topdistance} \topdistance
+ \showsetupA{header} \headerheight
+ \showsetupA{headerdistance} \headerdistance
+ \showsetupA{textheight} \textheight
+ \showsetupA{footerdistance} \footerdistance
+ \showsetupA{footer} \footerheight
+ \showsetupA{bottomdistance} \bottomdistance
+ \showsetupA{bottom} \bottomheight
+ \showsetupA{leftedge} \leftedgewidth
+ \showsetupA{leftedgedistance} \leftedgedistance
+ \showsetupA{leftmargin} \leftmarginwidth
+ \showsetupA{leftmargindistance} \leftmargindistance
+ \showsetupA{textwidth} \textwidth
+ \showsetupA{rightmargindistance}\rightmargindistance
+ \showsetupA{rightmargin} \rightmarginwidth
+ \showsetupA{rightedgedistance} \rightedgedistance
+ \showsetupA{rightedge} \rightedgewidth
+ \showsetupB{bodyfontsize} \the \globalbodyfontsize
+ \showsetupB{line} \relax \normallineheight
+ \showsetupB{height} \relax \strutheightfactor
+ \showsetupB{depth} \relax \strutdepthfactor
+ \showsetupB{topskip} \relax \topskipfactor
+ \showsetupB{maxdepth} \relax \maxdepthfactor}}}
+\gdef\showlayout % interfereert lelijk met een \typefile er na
+ {\bgroup
+ \page
+ \showframe
+ \setuplayout[\c!marking=\v!on]
+ \dorecurse{4}{\showsetups\page}
+ \egroup}
+ {\starttabulate
+ \NC asynchrone \NC \doifoddpageelse {odd} {even} \NC \NR
+ \NC synchrone \NC \doifrightpageelse {right} {left} \NC \NR
+ \NC right margin \NC \the\rightmarginwidth \NC \NR
+ \NC left margin \NC \the\leftmarginwidth \NC \NR
+ \NC outer margin \NC \the\outermarginwidth \NC \NR
+ \NC inner margin \NC \the\innermarginwidth \NC \NR
+ \stoptabulate}
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/page-set.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/page-set.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3c8c87e5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/page-set.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,2781 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=page-set,
+%D version=2000.10.20,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Page Macros,
+%D subtitle=Column Sets,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+% getnoflines vs getrawnoflines
+% some day: cleanup and go etex
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Page Macros / Column Sets}
+% todo : last longer than previous
+% todo : block span over last column if footnotes
+% todo : diagnosis balancing run
+% todo : separate footnote placement
+% todo : go on on same page with colset
+% todo : test page areas per page
+% todo : leftmargin/rightmargin (better than afstand(1))
+% use the OTRSET layer for more purposes, like the footnotes !
+\newcount\tofcolumns % total
+\newcount\lofcolumns % left
+\newcount\rofcolumns % right
+\newcount\columnfirstcell \columnfirstcell=1
+\newif\iftracecolumnset % \tracecolumnsettrue
+\def\columnmaxcells {75} % runtime
+\def\columnmaxfreecells {0} % runtime
+\def\columngaplimit {0} % {5}
+\let\OTRSETflushsidefloats \forgetsidefloats % \relax
+\let\OTRSETsynchronizesidefloats\forgetsidefloats % \relax
+\def\OTRSETgridcell #1#2{\csname \@otr@:\number#1:\number#2\endcsname}
+\def\OTRSETgetgridcell#1#2{\box\csname \@otr@:\number#1:\number#2\endcsname}
+ {\relax\ifvoid\csname\@otr@:\number#1:\number#2\endcsname
+ \@EA\secondoftwoarguments\else\@EA\firstoftwoarguments
+ \fi}
+% The following two macros are used to compensate for a switch in body fonts
+% as in:
+% \definecolumnset [two] [n=2,balancing=yes]
+% \definecolumnset [three] [n=3,balancing=yes]
+% \setupcolumnsetlines[two][1][1][7]
+% \setupcolumnsetlines[two][1][2][10]
+% \setupcolumnsetlines[three][1][1][40]
+% \setupcolumnsetlines[three][1][2][40]
+% \setupcolumnsetlines[three][1][3][40]
+% \setupcolumnsetstart[three][1][1][15]
+% \setupcolumnsetstart[three][1][2][20]
+% \setupcolumnsetstart[three][1][3][20]
+% \starttext
+% \startcolumnset [two] \dorecurse {1}{\input tufte \par} \stopcolumnset
+% \switchtobodyfont[small]
+% \startcolumnset [three] \dorecurse {1}{\input tufte \par} \stopcolumnset
+% \stoptext
+%D Marks in columnsets:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \definemarking[M]
+%D \setupheadertexts[\setups{show-M-marks}]
+%D \definecolumnset[test][n=3]
+%D \startsetups show-M-marks
+%D \getmarking[M][1][previous]/\getmarking[M][1][first]/\getmarking[M][1][last]\quad
+%D \getmarking[M][2][previous]/\getmarking[M][2][first]/\getmarking[M][2][last]\quad
+%D \getmarking[M][3][previous]/\getmarking[M][3][first]/\getmarking[M][3][last]\quad
+%D \getmarking[M][1][previous]/\getmarking[M][1][first]/\getmarking[M][last]\quad
+%D \getsavedmarking[M][previous]/\getsavedmarking[M][first]/\getsavedmarking[M][last]
+%D \stopsetups
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \section{Knuth} [K1]\marking[M]{k1} [K2]\marking[M]{k2} \input knuth
+%D \section{Zapf} [Z]\marking[M]{z} \input zapf
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \section{Ward} [W]\marking[M]{w} \input ward
+%D \placefigure[here]{none}{\externalfigure[a][height=2cm]}
+%D \section{Davis} [D]\marking[M]{d} \input davis
+%D \section{Zapf} [Z]\marking[M]{z} \input zapf
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \section{Ward} [W]\marking[M]{w} \input ward
+%D \placefigure[here]{none}{\externalfigure[a][height=2cm]}
+%D \section{Davis} [D]\marking[M]{d} \input davis
+%D \section{Zapf} [Z]\marking[M]{z} \input zapf
+%D \section{Douglas} [O]\marking[M]{o} \input douglas
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \starttext
+%D \startcolumnset[test]
+%D \dorecurse{5}{\getbuffer}
+%D \placefigure[here]{none}{\externalfigure[a][height=2cm]}
+%D % \column % sometimes needed
+%D \stopcolumnset
+%D \stoptext
+%D \stoptyping
+% not ok yet, for column sets we need a special case: within a column we
+% need to bubble-up the marks; the indirectness permits overloading here
+\let\saveOTRSETmark \refreshsavedmark
+\let\resetOTRSETmark \resetsavedmark
+\def\doregisterOTRSETmarks#1{\saveOTRSETmark [#1][\number\mofcolumns]}
+\def\dobubbleOTRSETmarks #1{\bubbleOTRSETmark[#1][\number\mofcolumns]}
+\def\doresetOTRSETmarks #1{\resetOTRSETmark [#1][\recurselevel]}
+\def\dopresetOTRSETmarks #1{\presetOTRSETmark[#1][\recurselevel]}
+ {\processcommacommand[\alldefinedmarks]\doregisterOTRSETmarks}
+ {\processcommacommand[\alldefinedmarks]\dobubbleOTRSETmarks}
+ {\dorecurse\nofcolumns{\processcommacommand[\alldefinedmarks]\doresetOTRSETmarks}}
+ {\dorecurse\nofcolumns{\processcommacommand[\alldefinedmarks]\dopresetOTRSETmarks}}
+%D test case of Vit Zika (context list):
+%D \starttyping
+%D \setuplayout[height=middle,width=middle,grid=yes]
+%D \starttext
+%D \startcolumnset
+%D \dorecurse{10}
+%D {\input thuan \endgraf
+%D \bgroup
+%D \ss\restoreinterlinespace
+%D \dorecurse{3}{\input hawking \endgraf}
+%D \egroup
+%D \input bryson \endgraf}
+%D \stopcolumnset
+%D \stoptext
+%D \stoptyping
+ {\bgroup
+ \!!counta#1\relax
+ \ifdim\globalbodyfontsize=\localbodyfontsize
+ \restoreinterlinespace
+ \else
+ \!!dimena-\!!counta\lineheight
+ \restoreglobalbodyfont % slow, we need a fast one
+ \advance\!!dimena\!!counta\lineheight
+ \getnoflines\!!dimena
+ \advance\!!counta\noflines
+ \ifnum\!!counta<#1\else
+ \!!counta#1\relax
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \relax % needed ! ! ! ! else lookahead over \fi and \@EA
+ \@EA\egroup\@EA\scratchcounter\the\!!counta\relax}
+ {\bgroup
+ \!!dimena-\strutht\relax
+ \ifdim\globalbodyfontsize=\localbodyfontsize
+ \restoreinterlinespace
+ \else
+ \restoreglobalbodyfont
+ \fi
+ \advance\!!dimena\strutht
+ \relax % needed ! ! ! ! else lookahead over \fi and \@EA
+ \@EA\egroup\@EA\scratchdimen\the\!!dimena\relax}
+\def\columnerasegridboxes % maybe dedicated loops
+ {\bgroup
+ \increment\columnmaxcells\relax
+ \ifodd\realpageno
+ \else % we are on the other page
+ \columnspreadfalse
+ \fi
+ \ifcolumnspread
+ \dorecurse\nofcolumns
+ {\let\!!stringa\recurselevel
+ \scratchcounter\recurselevel \advance\scratchcounter\lofcolumns
+ \edef\!!stringb{\the\scratchcounter}%
+ \dostepwiserecurse \zerocount \columnmaxcells \plusone
+ {\ifcsname\@otr@:\!!stringa:\recurselevel\endcsname
+ \global\setbox\csname\@otr@:\!!stringa:\recurselevel\endcsname
+ \ifcsname\@otr@:\!!stringb:\recurselevel\endcsname
+ \box\csname\@otr@:\!!stringb:\recurselevel\endcsname
+ %\global\setbox\csname\@otr@:\!!stringa:\recurselevel\endcsname\box\csname\@otr@:\!!stringb:\recurselevel\endcsname
+ \else
+ \emptybox
+ %\global\setbox\csname\@otr@:\!!stringa:\recurselevel\endcsname\emptybox
+ \expandafter\newbox\csname\@otr@:\!!stringb:\recurselevel\endcsname
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \expandafter\newbox\csname\@otr@:\!!stringa:\recurselevel\endcsname
+ \ifcsname\@otr@:\!!stringb:\recurselevel\endcsname
+ \global\setbox\csname\@otr@:\!!stringa:\recurselevel\endcsname\box\csname\@otr@:\!!stringb:\recurselevel\endcsname
+ \else
+ \expandafter\newbox\csname\@otr@:\!!stringb:\recurselevel\endcsname
+ \fi
+ \fi}}%
+ \else
+ \dorecurse \tofcolumns
+ {\let\!!stringa\recurselevel
+ \dostepwiserecurse \zerocount \columnmaxcells \plusone
+ {\ifcsname\@otr@:\!!stringa:\recurselevel\endcsname
+ \global\setbox\csname\@otr@:\!!stringa:\recurselevel\endcsname\emptybox
+ \else
+ \expandafter\newbox\csname\@otr@:\!!stringa:\recurselevel\endcsname
+ \fi}}%
+ \fi
+ \dorecurse\tofcolumns
+ {\global\setbox\csname\@otr@:\recurselevel:\columnmaxcells\endcsname\copy\placeholderboxa}%
+ \global\columnfirstcell\zerocount
+ \global\columnlastcell\columnfirstcell
+ \global\columnfreecells\columnfirstcell
+ \egroup}
+\def\doOTRSETsetgridcells#1#2#3#4#5#6% placeholder col row wid hei {data}
+ {\!!countd#2\advance\!!countd#4\advance\!!countd\minusone
+ \!!counte#3\advance\!!counte#5\advance\!!counte\minusone
+ \dostepwiserecurse{#2}\!!countd\plusone
+ {\!!countf\recurselevel
+ \dostepwiserecurse{#3}\!!counte\plusone
+ {\OTRSETsetgridcell\!!countf\recurselevel#1}}%
+ \dostepwiserecurse{#3}\!!counte\plusone
+ {\wd\OTRSETgridcell{#2}\recurselevel\hsize}%
+ \OTRSETsetgridcell{#2}\!!counte#6}
+ {\doOTRSETsetgridcells{\copy\placeholderboxb}}
+ {\doOTRSETsetgridcells{\emptybox}{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{\emptybox}}
+\def\dosetupcolumnsettrick[#1][#2][#3][#4][#5]% tag id page col value
+ {% not needed, is already relative
+ % \doifinstringelse{+}{#3}{\scratchcounter\realpageno}{\scratchcounter\zerocount}%
+ % \advance\scratchcounter#3\relax % \relax needed
+ % \setevalue{\??mc:#1:#2:\the\scratchcounter:\number#4}{\number#5}}
+ \iffifthargument
+ \setevalue{\??mc:#1:#2:\number#3:\number#4}{\number#5}%
+ \else
+ \setevalue{\??mc:#1:#2:\number#3:0}{\number#4}%
+ \fi}
+\def\currentcolumnmaxcellstag #1{\??mc:l:\OTRSETidentifier:\columnsetpage:\number#1}
+ {\ifcsname\currentcolumnmaxcellstag{#1}\endcsname
+ \letgvalue{\currentcolumnmaxcellstag{#1}}\zerocount
+ \fi
+ \ifcsname\currentcolumnmaxcellstag{#1}\endcsname
+ \letgvalue{\currentcolumnmaxcellstag{#1}}\zerocount
+ \fi}
+ {\ifcsname#1\mofcolumns\endcsname
+ \ifnum\csname#1\mofcolumns\endcsname=\zerocount
+ #2%
+ \else
+ \number\numexpr\ifnum\csname#1\mofcolumns\endcsname<\zerocount
+ \columnmaxcells+\fi\csname#1\mofcolumns\endcsname\relax
+ \fi
+ \else\ifcsname#10\endcsname
+ \ifnum\csname#10\endcsname=\zerocount
+ #2%
+ \else
+ \number\numexpr\ifnum\csname#10\endcsname<\zerocount
+ \columnmaxcells+\fi\csname#10\endcsname\relax
+ \fi
+ \else
+ #2%
+ \fi\fi}
+\def\currentcolumnmaxcells {\currentcolumnsomecells\currentcolumnmaxcellstag \columnmaxcells}
+\def\OTRSETsetfreecells#1#2% col start
+ {\bgroup
+ \global\columnfirstcell\ifnum#2=0 1\else#2\fi\relax
+ \OTRSETsetcorrectnofcells\currentcolumnmaxcells % sets \scratchcounter
+ \edef\columnmaxcells{\the\scratchcounter}%
+ \ifnum\columnfirstcell>\columnmaxcells
+ \global\columnfreecells\zerocount
+ \global\columnfirstcell\plusone
+ \global\columnlastcell \zerocount
+ \global\somefreecolumncellsfalse
+ %\message{no cells a}%
+ \else
+ \doloop
+ {\ifnum\columnfirstcell>\columnmaxcells\relax
+ \exitloop
+ \else
+ \OTRSETdoifcellelse{#1}\columnfirstcell
+ {\global\advance\columnfirstcell\plusone}\exitloop
+ \fi}%
+ \global\columnlastcell\columnfirstcell
+ \doloop
+ {\ifnum\columnlastcell>\columnmaxcells\relax
+ \exitloop
+ \else
+ \OTRSETdoifcellelse{#1}\columnlastcell
+ {\global\advance\columnlastcell \minusone \exitloop}
+ {\global\advance\columnlastcell \plusone }%
+ \fi}%
+ \ifnum\columnfirstcell>\columnmaxcells
+ \global\columnfreecells\zerocount
+ \global\columnfirstcell\plusone
+ \global\columnlastcell \zerocount
+ \global\somefreecolumncellsfalse
+ %\message{no cells b}%
+ \else
+ \ifnum\columnlastcell>\columnmaxcells
+ \global\columnlastcell\columnmaxcells
+ \fi
+ \global\columnfreecells\columnlastcell
+ \global\advance\columnfreecells -\columnfirstcell
+ \global\advance\columnfreecells \plusone
+ \global\somefreecolumncellstrue
+ %\message{\number\columnfirstcell-\number\columnlastcell=\number\columnfreecells}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \egroup}
+\def\OTRSETgetmaxfreecells#1#2% col start
+ {\let\columnmaxfreecells\!!zerocount
+ \let\columnfrmfreecells\!!zerocount
+ \pushmacro \columnmaxcells
+\OTRSETsetcorrectnofcells\currentcolumnmaxcells % sets \scratchcounter
+ \scratchcounter\zerocount
+ \dostepwiserecurse{#2}\columnmaxcells\plusone
+ {\OTRSETdoifcellelse{#1}\recurselevel
+ {\ifnum\columnmaxfreecells<\scratchcounter
+ \edef\columnmaxfreecells{\the\scratchcounter}%
+ \let\columnfrmfreecells\recurselevel
+ \fi
+ \scratchcounter\zerocount}
+ {\advance\scratchcounter\plusone}}%
+ \popmacro\columnmaxcells}
+ {\dostepwiserecurse\nofcolumns\plusone\minusone
+ {#1\hskip\OTRSETgetparameter\c!distance\recurselevel}}
+ {\ifcase\columndirection
+ \OTRSETdomakegridbox\plusone\nofcolumns\plusone
+ \else
+ \OTRSETdomakegridbox\nofcolumns\plusone\minusone
+ \fi}
+\def\OTRSETmakeupwidth{\makeupwidth} % temporary indirectness
+ {\hbox\bgroup
+ \dontcomplain
+ \forgetall % can go once in \flush
+ \!!heighta \textheight
+ % test first !
+ \hbox to \OTRSETmakeupwidth
+ {\dostepwiserecurse{#1}{#2}{#3}
+ {\mofcolumns\recurselevel
+ \localcolumnwidth\OTRSETlocalwidth\mofcolumns
+ \setbox\scratchbox\hbox\localframed
+ [\??mc\OTRSETidentifier\number\mofcolumns]%
+ [\c!width=\localcolumnwidth,\c!height=\!!heighta,\c!lines=]%
+ {}%
+ \wd\scratchbox\localcolumnwidth
+ \ht\scratchbox\!!heighta
+ \ifcase\columndirection
+ \hskip\OTRSETgetparameter\c!distance\recurselevel
+ \box\scratchbox
+ \else
+ \box\scratchbox
+ \hskip\OTRSETgetparameter\c!distance\recurselevel
+ \fi}}%
+ \hskip-\OTRSETmakeupwidth
+ % main text
+ \hbox to \OTRSETmakeupwidth
+ {\dostepwiserecurse{#1}{#2}{#3}
+ {\mofcolumns\recurselevel
+ \localcolumnwidth\OTRSETlocalwidth\mofcolumns
+ \offinterlineskip
+ \setbox\scratchbox\vbox to \!!heighta
+ {\topskipcorrection % not needed
+ \ifcase\OTRSETbalancemethod
+ % no
+ \or
+ % yes
+ \doifelselayerdata{OTRTEXT}\vfill\relax % temp hack
+ \or
+ % top
+ \or
+ % bottom
+ \vfill
+ \fi
+ \dorecurse\columnmaxcells
+ {\setbox\scratchbox\hbox{\OTRSETgetgridcell\mofcolumns\recurselevel}%
+% {\setbox\scratchbox\hbox
+% {\localstarttextcolor
+% \OTRSETgetgridcell\mofcolumns\recurselevel
+% \localstoptextcolor}%
+ \ht\scratchbox\strutht
+ \dp\scratchbox\strutdp
+ \ifcase\columndirection
+ \box\scratchbox
+ \else
+ \hbox to \localcolumnwidth
+ {\hskip\localcolumnwidth\llap{\box\scratchbox}}%
+ \fi
+ \par}%
+ \ifcase\OTRSETbalancemethod
+ % no
+ \else
+ % yes, top, bottom
+ \ifdim\globalbodyfontsize=\localbodyfontsize
+ \removedepth
+ \restoreglobalbodyfont
+ \vskip\strutdepth
+ \fi
+ \kern\zeropoint
+ \vss
+ \fi}%
+ \wd\scratchbox\localcolumnwidth % \textwidth
+ \ifcase\columndirection
+ \hskip\OTRSETgetparameter\c!distance\recurselevel\box\scratchbox
+ \else
+ \box\scratchbox\hskip\OTRSETgetparameter\c!distance\recurselevel
+ \fi}}%
+ \egroup}
+\def\OTRSETreducegridbox % for the moment no difference between methods
+ {\globallet\OTRSETbalht\zeropoint
+ \ifcase\OTRSETbalancemethod
+ % no balancing
+ \else
+ \bgroup
+ \!!counta\columnmaxcells
+ \donetrue
+ \doloop
+ {\dorecurse\nofcolumns{\OTRSETdoifcellelse\recurselevel\!!counta\donefalse\donothing}%
+ \ifdone
+ \ifnum\!!counta>\plusone\advance\!!counta\minusone\else\exitloop\fi
+ \else
+ \exitloop
+ \fi}%
+ \ifnum\!!counta>\plusone
+ \!!heighta\lineheight
+ \multiply\!!heighta \!!counta
+ \advance\!!heighta \topskip
+ \advance\!!heighta -\lineheight
+ \else
+ \!!heighta\zeropoint
+ \fi
+ \xdef\OTRSETbalht{\the\!!heighta}%
+ \egroup
+ \fi}
+ {\ifcase\lastcolumnlastcell \else
+ \setbox\scratchbox\hbox
+ {\placebottomnotes}%
+ \ifdim\ht\scratchbox>\zeropoint
+ \setbox\scratchbox\hbox
+ {\hbox to \zeropoint{\OTRSETgetgridcell\nofcolumns\lastcolumnlastcell}%
+ \box\scratchbox}%
+ \ht\scratchbox\strutht
+ \dp\scratchbox\strutdp
+ \OTRSETsetgridcell\nofcolumns\lastcolumnlastcell\box\scratchbox
+ \fi
+ \global\lastcolumnlastcell\zerocount
+ \fi}
+ {\ifcollectingcontent
+ \registerOTRSETmarks
+ \global\mofcolumns\plusone
+ \else
+ \OTRSETdofinalflush
+ \OTRSETdofinaloutput
+ \ifnum\columnsetpage>0
+ \dorecurse\nofcolumns{\doresetcolumnsetlines\recurselevel}%
+ \fi
+ \doglobal\increment\columnsetpage
+ \OTRSETinitializecolumns
+ %\OTRSETdoflushfloats
+ \OTRSETstartnextpage
+ \initializecolumntextareas
+ \fi}
+\def\OTRSETdofinalflush % see \OTRSETdoflush
+ {\OTRSETflushfinalfootnotes
+ \placecolumntextareas
+ \OTRSETcentergridcells
+ \bgroup % we want to keep the reduction local
+ \OTRSETreducegridbox
+ \global\setbox\OTRfinalpagebox\OTRSETmakegridbox
+ \egroup % otherwise we get the wrong number of free cells
+ %\gdef\localcolumnmaxcells{0}% here ?
+ \global\mofcolumns\nofcolumns} % otherwise problems in finaloutput
+ {\ifdim\ht\OTRfinalpagebox=\textheight
+ \bgroup % \let\OTRSETsetvsize\relax % prevents useless search for gap
+ \ifcase\OTRSETbalancemethod
+ \finaloutput\box\OTRfinalpagebox
+ \else\ifdim\OTRSETbalht>\zeropoint
+ % catch a bordercase
+ \scratchdimen\OTRSETbalht
+ \advance\scratchdimen\lineheight\relax
+ \ifdim\scratchdimen>\textheight
+ % full page
+ \finaloutput\box\OTRfinalpagebox
+ \else
+ % same page
+ \global\setbox\OTRfinalpagebox \iftracecolumnset\ruledvbox\else\vbox\fi to \OTRSETbalht
+ {\box\OTRfinalpagebox\vss}%
+ \setlayer[OTRTEXT]{\box\OTRfinalpagebox}%
+ \snaptogrid\vbox{\vskip\OTRSETbalht}% hack
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \finaloutput\box\OTRfinalpagebox
+ \fi \fi
+ \globallet\OTRSETbalht\zeropoint
+ \egroup
+ \fi}
+\definesystemvariable {mc}
+\definesystemvariable {mt}
+\definesystemconstant {colset}
+\newdimen \OTRSETtextswidth
+\newdimen \OTRSETtextsheight
+\let \OTRSETidentifier=\empty
+\newtoks \OTRSEToutput
+ {\scratchcounter\executeifdefined{\??mc\OTRSETidentifier\c!start}\zerocount
+ \relax % needed !
+ \ifcase\scratchcounter\else
+ \advance\scratchcounter\plusone
+ \doOTRSETsetgridcells
+ {\copy\placeholderboxe}
+ \plusone\plusone\nofcolumns\scratchcounter
+ \null
+ \fi}
+\def\OTRSETsetvsize % snap per sectie (gap here?)
+ {\ifcollectingcontent \else % can be assigndimen
+\OTRSETskipstart % not that well tested
+ \OTRSETcheckinsert % added
+ \OTRSETsetfreecells\mofcolumns\columnfirstcell
+ \ifsomefreecolumncells
+ \global\vsize\columnfreecells\lineheight
+ \ifinotr % else problems with floats, see extreme
+ \global\pagegoal\vsize % niet nodig, tenzij binnen otr
+ \fi
+ \synchronizeoutput % fails on example
+ % \allowbreak % hm
+ \fi
+ \synchronizenotes
+ \fi}
+\def\OTRSETsethsize % of course this does not migrate outside the otr
+ {\localcolumnwidth\OTRSETlocalwidth\mofcolumns
+ \textwidth\localcolumnwidth
+ \hsize\localcolumnwidth}
+ {\ifcase0\getvalue{\??mc\??mc\c!width}\else % some width set
+ \bgroup
+ \scratchdimen\OTRSETlocalwidth\mofcolumns
+ \ifdim\scratchdimen=\textwidth
+ \egroup
+ \else
+ % only if change in width and \column/\break
+ \egroup \OTRSETsethsize
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+ {\OTRSETsetvsize}
+ {\hbox to \zeropoint{\hss\red\vl\hss}}
+ {\let\OTRSETcolumnseparator\doOTRSETcolumnseparator}
+% \installcolumnbreakhandler {SET} \v!ja
+% {% hmmm:
+% \ifhmode
+% \bgroup
+% \removeunwantedspaces
+% \parfillskip\zeropoint
+% \OTRSETcolumnseparator
+% \par
+% \egroup
+% \fi
+% % brrr:
+% \ejectinsert
+% \ejectpage
+% \OTRSETsynchronizehsize} % no \OTRSETsethsize, can be mid smaller (like tabulate)
+% \installcolumnbreakhandler {SET} \v!forceer
+% {\OTRSETgotocolumn[\v!forceer]}
+% \installcolumnbreakhandler {SET} \v!eerste
+% {\OTRSETgotocolumn[\v!eerste]}
+% \installcolumnbreakhandler {SET} \v!laatste
+% {\OTRSETgotocolumn[\v!laatste]}
+% \installcolumnbreakhandler {SET} \v!pagina
+% {\simplepagebreak % \flushnotes \executepagebreakhandler\v!ja
+% \ifnum\mofcolumns>\plusone
+% \OTRSETgotocolumn[\v!laatste,\v!forceer]%
+% \fi}
+ {\ifhmode
+ \bgroup
+ \removeunwantedspaces
+ \parfillskip\zeropoint
+ \OTRSETcolumnseparator
+ \par
+ \egroup
+ \fi}
+\installcolumnbreakhandler {SET} \v!local
+ {\OTRSETcolumnhbreak
+ \ejectinsert
+ \ejectpage % brrr
+ % no \OTRSETsethsize, can be mid smaller (like tabulate)
+ % also, this one should be executed at the outer level
+ % (setting hsize inside otr does not work)
+ \OTRSETsynchronizehsize}
+% We need to make sure that we really leave the column; mid
+% column we may end up in an empty gap, and we don't want to
+% stay there (basically such a gap is a small empty page
+% then).
+\installcolumnbreakhandler {SET} \v!yes
+ {\OTRSETcolumnhbreak
+ \edef\savedmofcolumns{\the\mofcolumns}%
+ \edef\savedrealpageno{\the\realpageno}%
+ \ejectinsert
+ \ejectpage % brrr
+ \doloop
+ {\ifnum\savedmofcolumns=\mofcolumns
+ \ifnum\savedrealpageno=\realpageno
+ \OTRSETdummycolumn
+ \else
+ \exitloop
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \exitloop
+ \fi}%
+ \OTRSETsynchronizehsize}
+\installcolumnbreakhandler {SET} \s!unknown
+ {\expanded{\OTRSETgotocolumn[\@@columnspecification]}}
+\installcolumnbreakhandler {SET} \v!page
+ {\vfill\eject % \doejectpage\eject
+ \OTRSETgotonextpage}
+% \installoutput\OTRSETflushtextsofar % spacing goes wrong
+% {\ifvoid\normalpagebox \else
+% \setbox\scratchbox\vbox{\unvbox\normalpagebox}%
+% \OTRSETsavenotes
+% \OTRSEThandleflushedtext0
+% \fi}
+% The complication is in the fact that when the HERE float
+% is placed, the otr is not invoked when there is not yet
+% enough content; this can lead to a change in order (turning
+% on the tracer with option 0 is very instructive, watch the
+% small numbers in the margin)
+% 0 = no flushing, so no interference but user should handle
+% border cases of placement
+% 1 = the normal otr, rather untested
+% 2 = a solution that works ok, is experimental and above
+% all messy
+ {\ifcase\OTRSETflushtextmode
+ % don't mess around
+ \or
+ % the normal one
+ \ifvoid\normalpagebox\else
+ \OTRSETnaturalflush
+ \OTRSETcheckfreelines
+ \fi
+ \or
+ % way to complicated, but kind of ok
+ \doOTRSETflushtextsofar
+ \fi}
+\installoutput\doOTRSETflushtextsofar % experimental
+ {\ifvoid\normalpagebox\else
+ \scratchdimen\dp\normalpagebox
+ \setbox\scratchbox\vbox
+ {\forgetall
+ \unvbox\normalpagebox
+ \global\lastskipinotr\lastskip\relax
+ \ifdim\lastskipinotr>\zeropoint\relax
+ \removelastskip
+ \else
+ \kern-\scratchdimen % handle depth
+ \fi}%
+ \ifdim\lastskipinotr>\zeropoint
+ \scratchskip\ht\scratchbox
+ \setbox\scratchbox\hbox
+ {\lower\strutdepth\box\scratchbox}%
+ \dp\scratchbox\scratchdimen
+ \ht\scratchbox\scratchskip
+ \fi
+ \OTRSETsavenotes
+ \OTRSEThandleflushedtext\zerocount
+ \ifdim\lastskipinotr>\zeropoint
+ %\vskip \lastskipinotr % hm, gets lost anyway
+ \else
+ % we should not discard skips after here; tricky
+ \fi
+ \OTRSETsetvsize
+ \fi}
+ {\iflastcolumnfootnotes
+ \ifnum\nofcolumns=\mofcolumns
+ \ifintermediatefootnotes \placebottomnotes \fi
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \placebottomnotes
+ \fi}
+ {\iflastcolumnfootnotes
+ \ifnum\nofcolumns=\mofcolumns
+ \flushsavednotes
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \flushsavednotes
+ \fi}
+ {\iflastcolumnfootnotes
+ \ifnum\nofcolumns=\mofcolumns \else
+ \savenotes
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+\appendtoks \OTRSETflushsavednotes \to \OTRSETeverystartofcolumn
+ {\bgroup
+ \forgetall % new, needed !
+ \setbox0\vbox to \columnfreecells\lineheight
+ {\vskip-\topskip
+ \vskip\lineheight
+ \prevdepth\strutdp
+ \unvbox\normalpagebox
+ \vfill}%
+ \setbox2\hbox
+ {\OTRSETplacebottomnotes}%
+ \setbox\scratchbox\hbox
+ {\wd0\zeropoint\box0\box2}%
+ \dp\scratchbox\strutdp
+ \OTRSEThandleflushedtext\plusone
+ \egroup}
+ {\getnoflines{\ht\scratchbox}%
+ %\wd\scratchbox\textwidth % geen \hsize kan < zijn in bv split tabulate
+ \wd\scratchbox\OTRSETlocalwidth\mofcolumns
+ \doOTRSETsetgridcells
+ {\copy\placeholderboxf}
+ \mofcolumns\columnfirstcell\plusone\noflines
+ {\registeredtextarea1\columnfirstcell\scratchbox}% == \hbox / tricky htcorr == \columnfirstcell
+ \global\columnlastcell\columnfirstcell
+ \global\advance\columnlastcell \noflines
+ \global\lastcolumnlastcell\columnlastcell
+ \global\advance\lastcolumnlastcell \minusone
+ % find next (acceptable) gap, todo: deadcycle
+ \ifcase#1\else
+ \OTRSETfillgapsbetweencells\mofcolumns\columnlastcell
+ \fi
+ \OTRSETfindnextgap
+ % \message{\the\mofcolumns,\the\columnfirstcell,\the\columnfreecells}%
+ % \wait
+ % we cannot adapt the hsize since it may have changed (like
+ % inside a tabulate) so we only change it when there is a
+ % reason to do so
+ \OTRSETsynchronizehsize
+ \OTRSETsetvsize}
+ {\OTRSETsetfreecells\mofcolumns\columnlastcell
+ \ifsomefreecolumncells
+ % okay
+ \bubbleOTRSETmarks % not robust because we reenter
+ \else
+ \registerOTRSETmarks % not robust because we reenter
+ \global\advance\mofcolumns \plusone
+ \ifnum\mofcolumns>\nofcolumns
+ \OTRSETdoflush
+ \global\columnlastcell\plusone
+ \global\columnfirstcell\zerocount
+ \OTRSETdoflushfloats
+ \else
+ \the\OTRSETeverystartofcolumn
+ \global\columnlastcell\plusone
+ \global\columnfirstcell\zerocount
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+\def\OTRSETfillgapsbetweencells#1#2% col
+ {\ifnum\columngaplimit>\zerocount
+ \donefalse
+ \dostepwiserecurse{#2}\columnmaxcells\plusone
+ {\OTRSETdoifcellelse{#1}\recurselevel
+ {\ifdone
+ \!!countb\recurselevel \advance\!!countb -\!!counta\relax
+ \ifnum\!!countb>\plusone
+ \advance\!!countb \minusone
+ \ifnum\!!countb<\columngaplimit\relax
+ \!!countb\recurselevel \advance\!!countb \minusone
+ \dostepwiserecurse\!!counta\!!countb\plusone
+ {\OTRSETsetgridcell{#1}\recurselevel\copy\placeholderboxc}%
+ %\message{[gap]}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \donefalse}
+ {\ifdone \else
+ \donetrue
+ \!!counta\recurselevel
+ \fi}}%
+ \fi}
+ \OTRSETfillgapsbetweencells\mofcolumns\plusone
+\to \OTRSETeverystartofcolumn
+% {\OTRSETgetmaxfreecells{#1}{1}%
+% \ifnum\columnmaxfreecells>0
+% \!!countb=\columnfrmfreecells
+% \!!counta=\!!counta \advance\!!counta -\columnmaxfreecells
+% \dorecurse{\columnmaxcells}
+% {\ifnum\recurselevel<\!!counta\relax
+% \donetrue
+% \else\ifnum\recurselevel>\!!countb
+% \donetrue
+% \else
+% \donefalse
+% \fi\fi
+% \ifdone
+% \OTRSETdoifcellelse{#1}{\recurselevel}
+% {}{\OTRSETsetgridcell{#1}\recurselevel\copy\placeholderboxc}%
+% \fi}%
+% \fi}
+%\def\OTRSETfillgaps#1#2#3% col from to
+% {\dostepwiserecurse{#2}{#3}{1}
+% {\OTRSETdoifcellelse{#1}{\recurselevel}
+% {}{\OTRSETsetgridcell{#1}\recurselevel\copy\placeholderboxc}}}
+%\def\OTRSETfillbotgaps#1#2% col first
+% {\OTRSETfillgaps{#1}{#2}{\columnmaxcells}}
+%\def\OTRSETfilltopgaps#1#2% col last
+% {\OTRSETfillgaps{#1}{1}{#2}}
+\newif\ifspancolumnslots \spancolumnslotstrue
+\newif\ifcheckcolumnspan \checkcolumnspantrue
+\def\OTRSETcheckwidthgap#1#2% box size
+ {\ifcheckcolumnspan
+ \bgroup
+ \scratchdimen#2%
+ \advance\scratchdimen-\wd#1\relax
+ \ifdim-10\scaledpoint>\scratchdimen
+ \egroup
+ \else\ifdim10\scaledpoint<\scratchdimen
+ \egroup
+ \else
+ \egroup
+ \wd#1=#2%
+ \fi\fi
+ \fi}
+ {\enoughcolumncellstrue
+ \ifspancolumnslots\else
+ \OTRSETcheckwidthgap#1\hsize
+ \ifdim\wd#1>\hsize
+ \enoughcolumncellsfalse
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \ifenoughcolumncells
+ \getnoflines\pagetotal
+ \scratchcounter\noflines
+ \getnoflines{\ht#1}%
+ \columnvcells\noflines
+ \columnhcells\plusone
+ \advance\scratchcounter \columnvcells \relax
+ \ifnum\scratchcounter>\columnfreecells
+ \enoughcolumncellsfalse
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+ {\ifenoughcolumncells
+ % to do
+ \OTRSETsavebox{#1}%
+ \else
+ \OTRSETsavebox{#1}%
+ \fi}
+ {\OTRSETprepareforcolumnslot1{#1}%
+ \OTRSETcheckcolumnslot{#1}%
+ \ifenoughcolumncells
+ \OTRSETcheckcolumnspace\mofcolumns\columnfirstcell{#1}%
+ \fi
+ \ifenoughcolumncells
+ \OTRSETsetgridcells\mofcolumns\columnfirstcell\columnhcells\columnvcells
+ {\hbox{\copy#1}}%
+ \OTRSETsetvsize
+ \else
+ \OTRSETsavebox{#1}%
+ \fi}
+ {\OTRSETprepareforcolumnslot3{#1}%
+ \edef\savedcolumnlastcell{\the\columnlastcell}%
+ \OTRSETcheckcolumnslot{#1}%
+ \ifenoughcolumncells
+ \advance\columnlastcell -\columnvcells \advance\columnlastcell \plusone
+% \OTRSETcheckcolumnspace\mofcolumns\columnfirstcell{#1}%
+ \OTRSETcheckcolumnspace\mofcolumns\columnlastcell{#1}%
+ \fi
+ \ifenoughcolumncells
+ \OTRSETsetgridcells\mofcolumns\columnlastcell\columnhcells\columnvcells{\copy#1}%
+ \OTRSETfillgapsbetweencells\mofcolumns\savedcolumnlastcell % -)
+ \OTRSETsetvsize
+ \else
+ \columnlastcell\savedcolumnlastcell
+ \OTRSETsavebox{#1}%
+ \fi}
+\def\OTRSETcheckcolumnspace#1#2#3% col row box
+ {\columnhcells\plusone
+ \totalcolumnspace\zeropoint
+ \scratchcounter#1%
+ \enoughcolumncellstrue
+ \doloop
+ {\advance\totalcolumnspace \OTRSETlocalwidth\scratchcounter\relax % needed
+ \ifnum\wd#3>\totalcolumnspace\relax
+ \ifnum\scratchcounter=\nofcolumns
+ \enoughcolumncellsfalse
+ \exitloop
+ \else
+ \advance\columnhcells \plusone
+ \advance\scratchcounter \plusone
+ \advance\totalcolumnspace \OTRSETgetparameter\c!distance\scratchcounter
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \exitloop
+ \fi}%
+ \ifenoughcolumncells
+ \getnoflines{\ht#3}%
+ \columnvcells\noflines
+ \OTRSETcheckcolumncells{#1}{#2}\columnhcells\columnvcells
+ \fi}
+\def\OTRSETcheckcolumncells#1#2#3#4% col row wid hei
+ {\!!countd#1\advance\!!countd#3\advance\!!countd\minusone
+ \!!counte#2\advance\!!counte#4\advance\!!counte\minusone
+ \ifnum\!!counte>\columnmaxcells\relax
+ \enoughcolumncellsfalse
+ \else
+ \enoughcolumncellstrue
+% \dostepwiserecurse{#1}\!!countd\plusone
+% {\ifdim\wd\OTRSETgridcell\recurselevel\scratchcounter>\zeropoint
+% \let\columnspacetopoffset\plusone
+% \else\ifdim\dp\OTRSETgridcell\recurselevel\scratchcounter>\zeropoint
+% \let\columnspacetopoffset\plusone
+% \fi\fi}%
+% \advance\!!counte \columnspacetopoffset \relax
+% \advance\columnvcells \columnspacetopoffset \relax
+%\advance\scratchcounter \columnvcells \relax
+% \dostepwiserecurse{#1}\!!countd\plusone
+% {\ifdim\wd\OTRSETgridcell\recurselevel\scratchcounter>\zeropoint
+% \let\columnspacebotoffset\plusone
+% \else\ifdim\dp\OTRSETgridcell\recurselevel\scratchcounter>\zeropoint
+% \let\columnspacebotoffset\plusone
+% \fi\fi}%
+% \advance\!!counte \columnspacebotoffset \relax
+% \advance\columnvcells \columnspacebotoffset \relax
+ \dostepwiserecurse{#1}\!!countd\plusone % cols
+ {\ifenoughcolumncells
+ \!!countf\recurselevel\relax
+ \dostepwiserecurse{#2}\!!counte\plusone % rows
+ {\ifenoughcolumncells
+ \OTRSETdoifcellelse\!!countf\recurselevel
+ {\enoughcolumncellsfalse}{}%
+ \fi}%
+ \fi}%
+ \fi}
+ {\doifsomething{#1}{\edef\preferedcolumn{#1}}%
+ \doifsomething{#2}{\edef\preferedrow {#2}}}
+\OTRSETsetpreferedcolumnslot{\nofcolumns}{1} % default ?
+ {\OTRSETprepareforcolumnslot1{#1}%
+ \OTRSETflushtextsofar
+ \OTRSETstoreincolumnslotindeed
+ \mofcolumns\nofcolumns+\currenthcell
+ \plusone\columnmaxcells+\currentvcell{#1}}
+ {\OTRSETprepareforcolumnslot3{#1}%
+ \OTRSETflushtextsofar
+ \OTRSETstoreincolumnslotindeed
+ \mofcolumns\nofcolumns+\currenthcell
+ \columnmaxcells\plusone-\currentvcell{#1}}
+ {\OTRSETprepareforcolumnslot1{#1}%
+ \OTRSETflushtextsofar
+ \OTRSETcheckprefered
+ \OTRSETstoreincolumnslotindeed
+ \nofcolumns\qofcolumns-\currenthcell
+ \plusone\columnmaxcells+\currentvcell{#1}}
+ {\OTRSETprepareforcolumnslot3{#1}%
+ \OTRSETflushtextsofar
+ \OTRSETcheckprefered
+ \OTRSETstoreincolumnslotindeed
+ \nofcolumns\qofcolumns-\currenthcell
+ \columnmaxcells\plusone-\currentvcell{#1}}
+ {\OTRSETprepareforcolumnslot1{#1}%
+ \OTRSETflushtextsofar
+ \OTRSETstoreincolumnslotindeed
+ \plusone\columnmaxcells+\currentvcell
+ \mofcolumns\nofcolumns+\currenthcell{#1}}
+ {\OTRSETprepareforcolumnslot1{#1}%
+ \OTRSETflushtextsofar
+ \OTRSETcheckprefered
+ \OTRSETstoreincolumnslotindeed
+ \plusone\columnmaxcells+\currentvcell
+ \nofcolumns\qofcolumns-\currenthcell{#1}}
+ {\OTRSETprepareforcolumnslot3{#1}%
+ \OTRSETflushtextsofar
+ \OTRSETstoreincolumnslotindeed
+ \columnmaxcells\plusone-\currentvcell
+ \mofcolumns\nofcolumns+\currenthcell{#1}}
+ {\OTRSETprepareforcolumnslot3{#1}%
+ \OTRSETflushtextsofar
+ \OTRSETcheckprefered
+ \OTRSETstoreincolumnslotindeed
+ \columnmaxcells\plusone-\currentvcell
+ \nofcolumns\qofcolumns-\currenthcell{#1}}
+\def\OTRSETstoreincolumnslotFXTB#1% fixed column
+ {\OTRSETcheckprefered
+ \OTRSETdoifcellelse\pofcolumns\plusone
+ {\OTRSETprepareforcolumnslot2}{\OTRSETprepareforcolumnslot1}{#1}% % 1/2 dependent of place, todo
+ \OTRSETflushtextsofar
+ \OTRSETstoreincolumnslotindeed
+ \pofcolumns \pofcolumns +\currenthcell
+ \preferedrow\columnmaxcells+\currentvcell{#1}}
+\def\OTRSETstoreincolumnslotFXBT#1% fixed column
+ {\OTRSETcheckprefered
+ \OTRSETdoifcellelse\pofcolumns\columnmaxcells
+ {\OTRSETprepareforcolumnslot2}{\OTRSETprepareforcolumnslot3}{#1}% % 3/2 dependent of place, todo
+ \OTRSETflushtextsofar
+ \OTRSETstoreincolumnslotindeed
+ \pofcolumns \pofcolumns +\currenthcell
+ \columnmaxcells\preferedrow-\currentvcell{#1}}
+% \def\OTRSETstoreincolumnslotHERE#1% fixed column
+% {\OTRSETprepareforcolumnslot2{#1}%
+% \OTRSETflushtextsofar
+% \getnoflines\pagetotal \advance\noflines\columnfirstcell
+% \OTRSETstoreincolumnslotindeed
+% \mofcolumns\mofcolumns+\currenthcell
+% \noflines\columnmaxcells+\currentvcell{#1}%
+% \OTRSETsetvsize}
+\def\OTRSETstoreincolumnslotHERE#1% fixed column
+ {\ifcase\OTRSETforcefixedfloats
+ \OTRSETstoreincolumnslotSOMEWHERE2{#1}%
+ \else
+ \OTRSETstoreincolumnslotFIXD{#1}%
+ \fi}
+% this one looses too wide graphics
+% \def\OTRSETstoreincolumnslotFIXD#1% fixed column
+% {\OTRSETprepareforcolumnslot2{#1}%
+% % no flush text sofar here, beware: no width test
+% \snaptogrid\vbox{\box#1}}
+% still imperfect
+\def\OTRSETstoreincolumnslotFIXD#1% fixed column
+ {\OTRSETflushtextsofar
+ \ifdim\wd#1>\textwidth
+ \OTRSETstoreincolumnslotSOMEWHERE2{#1}%
+ \else
+ % crappy test / needed for o-pbu-f / will be replaced
+ \getnoflines{\ht#1}%
+ \scratchdimen\noflines\lineheight
+ \advance\scratchdimen\lineheight
+ \advance\scratchdimen\pagetotal\relax
+ \ifdim\scratchdimen<\pagegoal
+ %OTRSETprepareforcolumnslot3{#1}%
+ %ruledvskip\columnslotspacing\lineheight
+ \blank[\columnslotspacing*\v!line]%
+ \snaptogrid\hbox to \hsize{\hss\box#1\hss}% strange, why the centering
+ \blank[\columnslotspacing*\v!line]%
+ \else
+ \OTRSETstoreincolumnslotSOMEWHERE2{#1}%
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+ {\OTRSETprepareforcolumnslot{#1}{#2}%
+ \OTRSETflushtextsofar
+ \getnoflines\pagetotal \advance\noflines\columnfirstcell
+ \OTRSETstoreincolumnslotindeed
+ \mofcolumns\mofcolumns+\currenthcell
+ \noflines\columnmaxcells+\currentvcell{#2}%
+ \OTRSETsetvsize}
+ {\ifnum\preferedcolumn<\mofcolumns
+ \let\pofcolumns\mofcolumns
+ \else
+ \let\pofcolumns\preferedcolumn
+ \fi
+ \ifquitincurrentcolumn
+ \ifnum\mofcolumns=\nofcolumns
+ \def\qofcolumns{\mofcolumns}%
+ \else
+ \scratchcounter\mofcolumns
+ \advance\scratchcounter \plusone
+ \edef\qofcolumns{\the\scratchcounter}%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \let\qofcolumns\mofcolumns
+ \fi}
+ {\OTRSETcheckprefered
+ \enoughcolumncellsfalse
+ \donefalse
+ \dostepwiserecurse{#1}{#2}{#31}
+ {\ifdone
+ \exitloop
+ \else
+ #4=\recurselevel
+ \dostepwiserecurse{#5}{#6}{#71}
+ {\ifdone
+ \exitloop
+ \else
+ #8=\recurselevel
+ \OTRSETcheckcolumnspace\currenthcell\currentvcell{#9}%
+ \ifenoughcolumncells \donetrue \fi
+ \fi}%
+ \fi}%
+ \ifdone
+ \enoughcolumncellstrue
+ \else
+ \enoughcolumncellsfalse
+ \fi
+ \ifenoughcolumncells
+% \ifnum\columnspacetopoffset>0\message{[+++]}\fi
+% \ifnum\columnspacebotoffset>0\message{[---]}\fi
+% \OTRSETsetgridcells\currenthcell\currentvcell\columnhcells\columnvcells
+% {\vbox
+% {\ifcase\columnspacetopoffset\else\ruledvskip\columnspacetopoffset\lineheight\fi
+% \copy#9
+% \ifcase\columnspacebotoffset\else\ruledvskip\columnspacebotoffset\lineheight\fi}}%
+ \OTRSETsetgridcells\currenthcell\currentvcell\columnhcells\columnvcells
+ {\copy#9}%
+ \ifnum\currenthcell=\mofcolumns\relax
+ \ifdim\ht\OTRSETsavedfootnotes>\zeropoint
+ \OTRSETsetfreecells\mofcolumns\columnfirstcell
+ \ifsomefreecolumncells
+ \getnoflines{\ht\OTRSETsavedfootnotes}\relax
+ \ifnum\columnfreecells<\noflines
+ \global\somefreecolumncellsfalse
+ \else
+ %\message{[flt]}% float
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \ifsomefreecolumncells
+ % ok, enough room for notes
+ %\message{[flt]}% float
+ \else % ?
+ \OTRSETsavebox{#9}%
+ \OTRSETerasegridcells\currenthcell\currentvcell\columnhcells\columnvcells
+ %\message{[clr]}% save box
+ \fi
+ \else
+ %\message{[flt]}% float
+ \fi
+ \else
+ %\message{[flt]}% float
+ \fi
+ \OTRSETsetvsize
+ %\message{[fnt]}% float
+ \else
+ %\message{[rej]}% save box
+ \OTRSETsavebox{#9}%
+ \fi}
+\chardef\columnslotspacing \plusone
+\def\OTRSETstoreincolumnslot#1% #2 % {method} {box} % alleen last
+ {% no messing around here
+ % \dp#2=\zeropoint
+ % \ifcase\columnslotspacing\else
+ % \setbox#2=\vbox spread \columnslotspacing\lineheight
+ % {\vss\box#2\vss}%
+ % \fi
+ % and don't change this any more
+% \doifdefinedelse{\strippedcsname\OTRSETstoreincolumnslot#1}
+% {\getvalue{\strippedcsname\OTRSETstoreincolumnslot#1}{#2}}
+% {\OTRSETstoreincolumnslotUNKNOWN{#2}}}
+ \executeifdefined{\strippedcsname\OTRSETstoreincolumnslot#1}
+ \OTRSETstoreincolumnslotUNKNOWN} % {#2}}
+ {\OTRSETprepareforcolumnslot2{#1}\copy#1} % {} ?
+% \def\OTRSETprepareforcolumnslot#1#2% 1=hoog 2=midden 3=laag
+% {\dp#2\zeropoint
+% \ifcase\columnslotspacing\else
+% \scratchdimen\columnslotspacing\lineheight
+% \ifnum#1=2 \scratchdimen2\scratchdimen \fi
+% \setbox#2\vbox spread \scratchdimen
+% {\ifnum#1>1\vss\fi\box#2\relax\ifnum#1<3\vss\fi}%
+% \fi}
+\def\OTRSETprepareforcolumnslot#1#2% 1=hoog 2=midden 3=laag
+ {\dp#2\zeropoint
+ \ifcase\columnslotspacing\else
+ \scratchdimen\columnslotspacing\lineheight
+ \ifnum#1=2 \scratchdimen2\scratchdimen \fi
+ \begingroup
+ \advance\scratchdimen\ht#2\relax
+ \ifdim\scratchdimen<\columnmaxcells\lineheight
+ \endgroup \setbox#2\vbox spread \scratchdimen \bgroup
+ \else
+ \endgroup \setbox#2\vbox to \columnmaxcells\lineheight \bgroup
+ \vskip\strutdepth
+ \fi
+ \ifnum#1>1\vss\fi
+ \box#2\relax
+ \ifnum#1<3\vss\fi
+ \egroup
+ \fi}
+\def\OTRSETdocheckiffloatfits % eigenlijk moet else float anders
+ {\global\ifnofloatpermitted\roomforfloatfalse\else\roomforfloattrue\fi}
+ {\ifhbox#1% spans and so
+ \global\setbox\floatbox\vbox{\box#1}%
+ \else
+ \setbox\scratchbox\vbox
+ {\unvbox#1\unskip\unskip\unskip
+ \global\setbox\floatbox\lastbox}%
+ \fi}
+\def\OTRSETsavebox#1% clean up the skips
+ {\OTRSETunpreparebox{#1}%
+ \dosavefloat}
+\def\OTRSETresavebox#1% clean up the skips
+ {\OTRSETunpreparebox{#1}%
+ \doresavefloat}
+\def\OTRSETflushfloatbox % nog verder doorvoeren en meer info in marge
+ {\iftestfloatbox\ruledhbox\fi{\box\floatbox}}
+ {\bgroup
+ \def\OTRSETsavebox##1{\!!doneafalse}%
+ \doloop
+ {\ifsomefloatwaiting
+ \dogetfloat
+ \ifdim\wd\floatbox>\zeropoint
+ \!!doneatrue
+ \dp\floatbox\zeropoint
+ \OTRSETstoreincolumnslot{TBLR}\floatbox
+ \if!!donea
+ %\message{[flu]}%
+ \else
+ \OTRSETresavebox\floatbox
+ \exitloop
+ \fi
+ \else
+ %\message{[err]}% happens but why?
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \exitloop
+ \fi}
+ \egroup}
+\newif\ifcentergridcells \centergridcellstrue
+\newif\ifcentergridcellonly \centergridcellonlyfalse
+\newif\ifautocentergridcellonly \autocentergridcellonlytrue
+ {\ifcentergridcells
+ \dorecurse\nofcolumns
+ {\currenthcell\recurselevel
+ \ifautocentergridcellonly
+ % we prevent centering when the next column is empty
+ % to be checked ! ! ! !
+ \advance\currenthcell \plusone
+ \centergridcellonlytrue
+ \ifnum\currenthcell>\nofcolumns
+ % ok already
+ \else
+ % only span if there is a next column with content
+ \dorecurse\columnmaxcells
+ {\ifdim\ht\OTRSETgridcell\currenthcell\currentvcell>\zeropoint
+ \centergridcellonlyfalse
+ \else\ifdim\dp\OTRSETgridcell\currenthcell\currentvcell>\zeropoint
+ \centergridcellonlyfalse
+ \fi\fi}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \currenthcell\recurselevel
+ \dorecurse\columnmaxcells
+ {\currentvcell\recurselevel\relax
+ \ifdim\ht\OTRSETgridcell\currenthcell\currentvcell>\zeropoint
+ \ifdim\dp\OTRSETgridcell\currenthcell\currentvcell=\zeropoint
+ \bgroup
+ \setbox\scratchbox\OTRSETgetgridcell\currenthcell\currentvcell
+ \getnoflines{\ht\scratchbox}%
+ \!!counta\currentvcell
+ \advance\!!counta -\noflines
+ \advance\!!counta \plusone
+ % first col always ok
+ \!!countb\currenthcell
+ \!!countc\currenthcell
+ \advance\!!countc \plusone
+ \!!donebtrue
+ \ifcentergridcellonly
+ \!!countc\maxdimen
+ \fi
+ \dostepwiserecurse\!!countc\nofcolumns\plusone
+ {\if!!doneb
+ \let\xrecurselevel\recurselevel
+ \dostepwiserecurse\!!counta\currentvcell\plusone
+ {\ifdim\ht\OTRSETgridcell\xrecurselevel\recurselevel>\zeropoint
+ \!!donebfalse
+ \else\ifdim\wd\OTRSETgridcell\xrecurselevel\recurselevel>\zeropoint
+ \!!donebfalse
+ \fi\fi}%
+ \if!!doneb
+ \!!countb\xrecurselevel
+ \fi
+ \fi}%
+ \totalcolumnspace\OTRSETlocalwidth\currenthcell
+ \dostepwiserecurse\!!countc\!!countb\plusone
+ {\advance\totalcolumnspace \OTRSETlocalwidth\recurselevel
+ \advance\totalcolumnspace \OTRSETgetparameter\c!distance\recurselevel}%
+ \ifdim\totalcolumnspace>\wd\scratchbox
+ \setbox\scratchbox\hbox to \totalcolumnspace{\hss\box\scratchbox\hss}%
+ \fi
+ \OTRSETsetgridcell\currenthcell\currentvcell\box\scratchbox
+ \egroup
+ \fi
+ \fi}}%
+ \fi}
+\def\OTRSETinitializecolumns% once per page
+ {\columnspreadtrue % todo
+ \ifcolumnspread
+ \global\rofcolumns\getvalue{\??mc\OTRSETidentifier\c!nright}%
+ \global\lofcolumns\getvalue{\??mc\OTRSETidentifier\c!nleft}%
+ \global\tofcolumns\rofcolumns \relax
+ \ifodd\realpageno\relax
+ \global\nofcolumns\rofcolumns
+ \else
+ \global\advance\tofcolumns\lofcolumns
+ \global\nofcolumns\lofcolumns
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \global\nofcolumns\getvalue{\??mc\OTRSETidentifier\c!n}%
+ \global\rofcolumns\nofcolumns
+ \global\lofcolumns\nofcolumns
+ \global\tofcolumns\nofcolumns
+ \fi
+ \OTRSETassignwidths
+ \global\mofcolumns\plusone
+ \columnerasegridboxes}
+% vanaf hier:
+ {\dodoubleargument\dodefinecolumnset}
+ {\getparameters[\??mc#1]
+ [\c!direction=\v!right,
+ \c!balance=\v!no,
+ \c!distance=1.5\bodyfontsize, % controleren
+ \c!n=2,
+ \c!nleft=\getvalue{\??mc#1\c!n},
+ \c!nright=\getvalue{\??mc#1\c!n},
+ \c!width=\v!fit,
+ \c!lines=0,
+ \c!start=0,
+ #2]%
+ \dorecurse{\getvalue{\??mc#1\c!nleft}} % todo
+ {\dododefinecolumnset[#1][\recurselevel]}%
+ \dorecurse{\getvalue{\??mc#1\c!nright}} % todo
+ {\dododefinecolumnset[#1][\recurselevel]}%
+ % redo framed settings
+ \setupcolumnset[#1][1][\c!distance=\!!zeropoint]}
+ {\presetlocalframed
+ [\??mc#1#2]%
+ \setupcolumnset
+ [#1][#2]
+ [\c!offset=\v!overlay,
+ \c!frame=\v!off,
+ \c!align=,
+ \c!lines=0,% really needed since c!regels is now part of framed
+ \c!width=\getvalue{\??mc#1\c!width},
+ \c!distance=\getvalue{\??mc#1\c!distance}]}
+ {\dotripleargument\dosetupcolumnset}
+ {\ifthirdargument
+ \def\docommand##1%
+ {\doifelse{##1}\v!each
+ {\dorecurse{\getvalue{\??mc#1\c!n}}{\docommand\recurselevel}}
+ {\getparameters[\??mc#1##1][#3]}}%
+ \processcommalist[#2]\docommand
+ \else
+ \getparameters[\??mc#1][#2]%
+ \fi}
+\definecolumnset[\s!default][\c!n=2] % fallback
+ {\vfill\eject
+ \relax\ifnum\mofcolumns>\plusone
+ \OTRSETgotocolumn[\v!last]%
+ \ifnum\mofcolumns>\plusone
+ \OTRSETgotocolumn[\v!force]%
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+\let\OTRSETgotonextpageX\OTRSETgotonextpage % will become obsolete
+ {\dosingleempty\doOTRSETgotocolumn}
+\def\doOTRSETgotoCOLROW#1% <number>|<number>*<number>
+ {\bgroup % really needed
+ \splitstring#1\at*\to\column\and\row
+ \bgroup
+ \ifx\column\empty\else\expanded{\doOTRSETgotoCOLUMN{\column}}\fi
+ \egroup
+ \bgroup
+ \ifx\row \empty\else\expanded{\doOTRSETgotoROW {\row }}\fi
+ \egroup
+ \egroup}
+ {\ifnum\mofcolumns=#1\else
+ \vfill\eject % \doejectpage\eject
+ \doloop
+ {\ifnum\mofcolumns=#1\relax
+ \exitloop \else \OTRSETdummycolumn
+ \fi}%
+ \fi}
+ {\ifnum#1>1
+ \scratchcounter\zerocount
+ \currenthcell\mofcolumns
+ \currentvcell#1\advance\currentvcell \minusone
+ \dorecurse\currentvcell
+ {\OTRSETdoifcellelse\mofcolumns\recurselevel\donothing
+ {\advance\scratchcounter\plusone}}
+ \getnoflines\pagetotal
+ \advance\scratchcounter-\noflines
+ \ifnum\scratchcounter>\zerocount
+ \dorecurse\scratchcounter{\line{\strut}}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \OTRSETsetvsize}
+\def\doOTRSETgotocolumn[#1]% yes|force|first|last|<number>|<number>*<number>
+ {\processallactionsinset
+ [#1]
+ [ \v!yes=>\OTRSETdummycolumn,
+ \v!no=>,% not supported
+ \v!force=>\OTRSETdummycolumn,
+ \v!first=>\expanded{\doOTRSETgotoCOLUMN{1}},
+ \v!last=>\expanded{\doOTRSETgotoCOLUMN{\the\nofcolumns}},
+ \s!default=>\OTRSETdummycolumn,
+ \s!unknown=>\expanded{\doOTRSETgotoCOLROW{\commalistelement}}]}
+% to be documented and tested, not yet that robust
+% \def\OTRSETgotocell#1#2%
+% {\endgraf
+% \gdef\gotocellcounter{0}%
+% \doloop
+% {\ifnum\mofcolumns<#1\relax
+% \doglobal\increment\gotocellcounter\relax
+% \ifnum\gotocellcounter>#1\relax
+% \line{\strut}\crlf
+% \line{\strut}\crlf
+% \column
+% \writestatus{columnset}{quitting goto cell}%
+% \exitloop
+% \else
+% \column
+% \fi
+% \else
+% \exitloop
+% \fi}%
+% \ifnum\mofcolumns=#1\relax
+% \ifnum#2>1
+% \scratchcounter\zerocount
+% \currenthcell\mofcolumns
+% \currentvcell#2\advance\currentvcell \minusone
+% \dorecurse\currentvcell
+% {\OTRSETdoifcellelse\mofcolumns\recurselevel\donothing
+% {\advance\scratchcounter\plusone}}
+% \getnoflines\pagetotal
+% \advance\scratchcounter-\noflines
+% \ifnum\scratchcounter>\zerocount
+% \dorecurse\scratchcounter{\line{\strut}}%
+% \fi
+% \fi
+% \fi
+% \OTRSETsetvsize}
+\def\OTRSETgotocell#1#2% obsolete: now \column[#1*#2]
+ {\endgraf
+ \doOTRSETgotoCOLUMN{#1}%
+ \doOTRSETgotoROW {#2}}
+ {\verticalstrut
+ \vskip-\struttotal
+ \vfill
+ \eject}
+ {\dodoubleempty\dostartcolumnset}
+ {\increment\columnsetlevel\relax
+ \globallet\localcolumnmaxcells\!!zerocount
+ \global\chardef\OTRSETfinish\zerocount
+ \resetOTRSETmarks
+ \ifnum\columnsetlevel=\plusone
+ \bgroup
+ \saveinterlinespace
+ \globallet\columnsetpage\!!plusone
+ \def\currentcolumnset{#2}%
+ \insidecolumnstrue % will be different flag in addition
+ \activateotr{SET}{ONE}% andere naam, activate or so
+ \doifelsenothing{#1}
+ {\globallet\OTRSETlist\s!default}
+ {\xdef\OTRSETlist{#1}}%
+ \OTRSETstartnextpage
+ \OTRSETassignwidths
+ \OTRSETsethsize
+ \else
+ \bgroup
+ \fi}
+% \setuplayout[grid=yes] \definecolumnset[example] \showgrid
+% \starttext
+% \startcolumnset[example]
+% \input knuth \endgraf \input knuth
+% \placetable{table}{\framed[width=\makeupwidth,height=4cm]{Hello}}
+% \input knuth \endgraf \input knuth
+% \stopcolumnset
+% \input knuth \endgraf \input knuth
+% \stoptext
+\def\OTRSETflushleftovers % new per 13/4/2006
+ {\OTRSETdoifcellelse{1}{1}
+ {\bgroup
+ \OTRSETcentergridcells
+ \chardef\OTRSETbalancemethod\plusone
+ \OTRSETreducegridbox
+ \global\setbox\OTRfinalpagebox\OTRSETmakegridbox
+ \ht\OTRfinalpagebox\textheight % signals output that there is content
+ \OTRSETdofinaloutput
+ \globallet\OTRSETbalht\zeropoint
+ \egroup}
+ {}}
+ {\relax
+ \ifnum\columnsetlevel=\plusone
+ \endgraf % needed, else wrong vsize in one par case
+ \global\chardef\OTRSETfinish\plusone
+ % no, extra page \pagebreak % (test on pascal toc)
+ \dostopcolumnset
+ \egroup
+ \global\notelimittrue % brrr, untested and fuzzy
+ \setvsize
+ \sethsize
+ \ifvoid\OTRfinalpagebox\else
+ % probably balanced
+ \ifdim\ht\OTRfinalpagebox<\textheight
+ \snaptogrid[\v!page]\hbox{\box\OTRfinalpagebox}%
+ \else
+ \box\OTRfinalpagebox
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \global\chardef\OTRSETfinish\zerocount
+ \ifsomefloatwaiting \setvsize \pagebreak \setvsize \fi
+ \OTRSETflushleftovers
+ \else
+ \egroup
+ \fi
+ \decrement\columnsetlevel\relax}
+ {%\OTRSETdofinalflushfloats % yes/no
+ \ifcase\OTRSETbalancemethod
+ \OTRSETnobalance
+ \else
+ \OTRSETdobalance
+ \fi}
+ {\OTRSETnobalance}
+% don't loose empty 1page/1column with area (example **)
+% \definecolumntextarea[title][x=1,y=4,nx=2,ny=7,state=start]
+% \setupcolumntextareatext[title][\vtop to 5cm{a\\b\\b\\d}]
+% \starttext
+% \startcolumnset \dorecurse{1}{\input tufte \par} \stopcolumnset
+% \stoptext
+% better:
+\def\definecolumnsetarea {\definecolumntextarea}
+\def\setupcolumnsetarea {\setupcolumntextarea}
+ {\iflastcolumnfootnotes % testen ! optie
+ % inhibit flush of floats !
+ % todo: nothing if no footnotes, else empty page
+ \dostepwiserecurse\mofcolumns\nofcolumns\plusone
+ {\vskip-\struttotal\verticalstrut\vfill\eject}%
+ \else
+ \ifnum\mofcolumns>\plusone
+ \donetrue
+ \else\ifdim\pagetotal>\zeropoint % too dangerous, we loose data
+ \donetrue
+ \else
+ \donefalse
+ \fi\fi
+ \ifdone
+ \ifnum\mofcolumns=\nofcolumns
+ \OTRSETflushfinalfootnotes
+ \else
+ % probably todo
+ \fi
+ \vfill
+ \eject
+ % brr, may result in empty page after nicely fit text
+ % or if left, then lost of first column only text
+ \ifnum\mofcolumns>\plusone
+ \OTRSETdofinalflush
+ \OTRSETdofinaloutput
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+ {\doifsomething\OTRSETlist
+ {\getfromcommacommand[\OTRSETlist][1]%
+ \global\let\OTRSETidentifier\commalistelement
+ \doifundefined{\??mc\OTRSETidentifier\c!n}
+ {\globallet\OTRSETidentifier\s!default}%
+ \let\newcommalistelement\empty
+ \doglobal\replaceincommalist\OTRSETlist1%
+ \OTRSETrestart}}
+\def\OTRSETrestart % weed
+ {\OTRSETinitializefeatures
+ \OTRSETflushpreposttext
+ \OTRSETinitializecolumns
+ \OTRSETcheckinsert
+ \OTRSETcheckgrid
+ \OTRSETsetvsize
+ \OTRSETsethsize % or local ?
+ \OTRSETsetplaceholders
+ \OTRSEThandlepreposttext
+ \initializecolumntextareas % name !
+ \OTRSETcheckstartcells
+ \OTRSETsetvsize}
+% \def\OTRSETcheckstartcells
+% {\dorecurse\nofcolumns
+% {\bgroup
+% \mofcolumns\recurselevel
+% \scratchcounter\currentcolumnstartcell % uses \mofcolumns, returns 1 or more
+% \advance\scratchcounter \minusone
+% \dorecurse\scratchcounter
+% {\OTRSETdoifcellelse\mofcolumns\recurselevel
+% \donothing{\OTRSETsetgridcell\mofcolumns\recurselevel\copy\placeholderboxe}}%
+% \egroup}}
+ {\dorecurse\nofcolumns
+ {\bgroup
+ \mofcolumns\recurselevel
+\advance\scratchcounter \minusone
+ \dorecurse\scratchcounter
+ {\OTRSETdoifcellelse\mofcolumns\recurselevel
+ \donothing{\OTRSETsetgridcell\mofcolumns\recurselevel\copy\placeholderboxe}}%
+ \egroup}}
+% \OTRSEToutput
+% {\dontcomplain % new, get rid of overfull message (to be sorted out)
+% \OTRSETnaturalflush
+% %\OTRSETstartnextpage
+% \OTRSETdoflushfloats % actually belongs in \flushsavedfloats (but goes wrong)
+% \OTRSETcheckfreelines
+% \OTRSETchecksidefloat}
+ {\dontcomplain % new, get rid of overfull message (to be sorted out)
+ \doloop
+ {\OTRSETnaturalflush
+ %\OTRSETstartnextpage % no
+ \OTRSETdoflushfloats % actually belongs in \flushsavedfloats (but goes wrong)
+ \OTRSETcheckfreelines
+ \ifsomefreecolumncells
+ \exitloop
+ \else
+ % flush page and get rid of more floats if present
+ \fi}%
+ \OTRSETchecksidefloat}
+ {% number of lines
+ % new: raw
+ \getrawnoflines\textheight\xdef\columnmaxcells{\the\noflines}%
+ % direction
+ \doifelsevalue{\??mc\OTRSETidentifier\c!direction}\v!right
+ {\chardef\columndirection\zerocount}
+ {\chardef\columndirection\plusone}%
+ % balancing
+ \chardef\OTRSETbalancemethod\zerocount
+ \processaction
+ [\getvalue{\??mc\OTRSETidentifier\c!balance}]
+ [ \v!yes=>\chardef\OTRSETbalancemethod\plusone,
+ \v!top=>\chardef\OTRSETbalancemethod\plustwo,
+ \v!bottom=>\chardef\OTRSETbalancemethod\plusthree]}
+% keep 'm for a while
+% \installoutput\OTRSETflushpreposttext
+% {\global\setbox\precolumnbox\vbox{\unvbox\normalpagebox}%
+% \ifcarryoverfootnotes \else
+% \global\setbox\postcolumnbox\vbox{\placebottomnotes}%
+% \fi}
+% to be tested on 'boekinhoud' in 'pascal/demo-bbi'
+% junk ! ! ! ! !
+% {\global\setbox\precolumnbox\vbox
+% {\unvbox\normalpagebox
+% \strut\vskip-2\lineheight\strut}% we want a proper depth
+% \ifcarryoverfootnotes \else
+% \global\setbox\postcolumnbox\vbox{\placebottomnotes}%
+% \fi}
+% \starttext
+% \definecolumnset[two][n=2]
+% \startcolumnset[two] \dorecurse{4}{\input tufte } \stopcolumnset
+% \input tufte
+% \startcolumnset[two] \input tufte \stopcolumnset
+% \stoptext
+% \installoutput\OTRSETflushpreposttext
+% {\global\setbox\precolumnbox\vbox{\unvbox\normalpagebox}%
+% \dp\precolumnbox\strutdepth
+% \ifcarryoverfootnotes \else
+% \global\setbox\postcolumnbox\vbox{\placebottomnotes}%
+% \fi}
+% test:
+% \setupcolumnset [test-1] [balance=yes]
+% \setupcolumnset [test-2] [balance=yes]
+% \setupcolumnsetlines[test-1][1][1] [8]
+% \setupcolumnsetlines[test-1][1][2][10]
+% \startcolumnset [test-1] \dorecurse {1}{\input tufte \par} \stopcolumnset
+% \startcolumnset [test-2] \dorecurse {2}{\input ward \par} \stopcolumnset
+\ifx\lastskipinotr\undefined \newskip\lastskipinotr \fi
+ {\global\setbox\precolumnbox\vbox
+ {\unvbox\normalpagebox
+ \global\lastskipinotr\lastskip}%
+ \ifdim\lastskipinotr>\zeropoint
+ \global\setbox\precolumnbox\hbox
+ {\lower\strutdepth\box\precolumnbox}%
+ \fi
+ \dp\precolumnbox\strutdepth
+ \ifcarryoverfootnotes \else
+ \global\setbox\postcolumnbox\vbox{\placebottomnotes}%
+ \fi}
+\let\precolumnlines \!!zerocount
+ {\ifdim\ht\precolumnbox>\zeropoint % new
+ \getnoflines{\ht\precolumnbox}%
+ \edef\precolumnlines{\the\noflines}%
+ \doOTRSETsetgridcells
+ {\copy\placeholderboxe}
+ \plusone\plusone\nofcolumns\noflines
+ % normal version (single column set)
+ % {\box\precolumnbox}%
+ % compensated for bodyfont change
+ {\hbox
+ {\OTRSETsetcorrectcellht
+ \raise\scratchdimen\box\precolumnbox}}%
+ \else
+ \let\precolumnlines\!!zerocount
+ \fi
+ \ifdim\ht\postcolumnbox>\zeropoint % new, otherwise empty bottom line
+ \getnoflines{\ht\postcolumnbox}%
+ \edef\postcolumnlines{\the\noflines}%
+ \advance\columnfreecells -\noflines
+ \advance\columnfreecells \plusone
+ \doOTRSETsetgridcells
+ {\copy\placeholderboxe}
+ \plusone\columnfreecells\nofcolumns\noflines
+ {\box\postcolumnbox}%
+ \else
+ \let\postcolumnlines\!!zerocount
+ \fi}
+ {} % {\sidefloatoutput}
+ {}
+ {\topskip1\topskip
+ \ifforcecolumngrid
+ \widowpenalty\zerocount
+ \clubpenalty\zerocount
+ \brokenpenalty\zerocount
+ \fi}
+ {\iflastcolumnfootnotes
+ \ifnum\nofcolumns=\mofcolumns
+ \OTRSETforceinserts
+ \else
+ \OTRSETinhibitinserts
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \OTRSETforceinserts
+ \fi}
+ {\enablenotes}
+ {\disablenotes}
+% undocumented goodie
+\def\definecolumnsethsize#1#2#3#4% will be improved/speed up
+ {\bgroup
+ \def\OTRSETidentifier{#1}%
+ \ifcase\columnsetlevel\relax
+ \mofcolumns\plusone
+ \OTRSETinitializecolumns
+ \OTRSETassignwidths
+ \OTRSETsethsize
+ \fi
+ \!!counta#2\!!countb#3\docalculatecolumnsetspan
+ \expandafter\egroup\expandafter\edef\expandafter
+ #4\expandafter{\the\!!widtha}}
+% interface to footnotes
+ {%\scratchdimen\makeupwidth
+ \freezetextwidth \scratchdimen\textwidth
+ %
+ \scratchcounter\zerocount
+ \dorecurse\nofcolumns
+ {\doifelsevalue{\??mc\OTRSETidentifier\recurselevel\c!width}\v!fit
+ {\advance\scratchcounter \plusone }
+ {\advance\scratchdimen -\getvalue{\??mc\OTRSETidentifier\recurselevel\c!width}}%
+ \advance\scratchdimen -\getvalue{\??mc\OTRSETidentifier\recurselevel\c!distance}}%
+ \ifcase\scratchcounter\else
+ \divide\scratchdimen \scratchcounter
+ \fi
+ \setgvalue{\??mc\??mc\c!width}{0}%
+ \dorecurse\nofcolumns
+ {\doifelsevalue{\??mc\OTRSETidentifier\recurselevel\c!width}\v!fit
+ {\dimen0=\scratchdimen}
+ {\setgvalue{\??mc\??mc\c!width}{1}%
+ \dimen0=\getvalue{\??mc\OTRSETidentifier\recurselevel\c!width}}%
+ \setxvalue{\??mc\recurselevel\??mc\c!width}{\the\dimen0}}}
+ {\getvalue{\??mc\number#1\??mc\c!width}}
+ {\hbox
+ {\localcolortrue
+ \setbox\scratchbox\hbox to \hsize
+ {\iftracecolumnset \incolortrue \localcolortrue
+ \hskip-.5ex%
+ \startcolor[columnset:#2]\vrule\!!width1ex\!!height.5ex\!!depth.5ex\stopcolor
+ \fi
+ \hss}%
+ \ifcase#1\relax
+ \ht\scratchbox\zeropoint
+ \dp\scratchbox\zeropoint
+ \wd\scratchbox\zeropoint
+ \else
+ \wd\scratchbox\hsize
+ \ht\scratchbox\strutht
+ \dp\scratchbox\strutdp
+ \fi
+ \box\scratchbox}}
+ [columnset]
+ [a=cyan,b=green,c=blue,d=red,e=magenta,f=darkgray]
+ {\global\setbox\placeholderboxa\columnplaceholder0a%
+ \global\setbox\placeholderboxb\columnplaceholder0b%
+ \global\setbox\placeholderboxc\columnplaceholder0c%
+ \global\setbox\placeholderboxd\columnplaceholder0d%
+ \global\setbox\placeholderboxe\columnplaceholder0e%
+ \global\setbox\placeholderboxf\columnplaceholder1f}
+ {\llap{\incolortrue \localcolortrue \tt\tfxx
+ \startcolor[blue](\the\vsize->\number\columnfirstcell\#\number\columnfreecells)\stopcolor
+ \hskip\leftskip}}
+ {\iftracecolumnset \doOTRSETshowstatus \fi}
+% \appendtoks \OTRSETshowstatus \to \everypar
+% page contents
+\def\OTRSETdopagecontents#1#2% takes two args: \box<n> \unvbox<n>
+ {\vbox to \textheight{\forgetall#1#2\pushproperties}}
+\def\OTRSETsomepagefloat {\def\floatmethod{PAGE}\OTRSETsomeslotfloat} % check
+\def\OTRSETsomeherefloat {\def\floatmethod{HERE}\OTRSETsomeslotfloat} % check
+\def\OTRSETsomeelsefloat {\def\floatmethod{HERE}\OTRSETsomeslotfloat} % check
+\def\OTRSETsomefixdfloat {\def\floatmethod{FIXD}\OTRSETsomeslotfloat} % check
+\def\OTRSETsometopfloat {\def\floatmethod{TOPS}\OTRSETsomeslotfloat} % check
+\def\OTRSETsomebottomfloat{\def\floatmethod{BOTS}\OTRSETsomeslotfloat} % check
+\def\OTRSETflushfloatbox % nog verder doorvoeren en meer info in marge
+ {\iftestfloatbox\ruledhbox\fi{\box\floatbox}}
+ {\setbox\floatbox\vbox{\flushfloatbox}%
+ \dp\floatbox\strutdp
+ \@EA\uppercasestring\floatmethod\to\floatmethod
+ \OTRSETstoreincolumnslot\floatmethod\floatbox
+ \doinsertfloatinfo}
+% kind of new, looks much like OTRONE, but not entirely
+ {\bgroup
+ \ifsomefloatwaiting
+ \noffloatinserts\zerocount
+ \let\totaltopinserted\!!zeropoint
+ \OTRSETdodosettopinserts
+ \ifnum\@@bknbottom=\zerocount
+ \ifnum\@@bknlines>\zerocount
+ \ifdim\totaltopinserted>\zeropoint\relax
+ \dimen0\lineheight
+ \dimen0=\@@bknlines\dimen0
+ \advance\dimen0 \totaltopinserted\relax
+ \ifdim\dimen0>\textheight % \vsize %%%%%%%%% \textheight
+ \showmessage\m!floatblocks8{\@@bknlines}%
+ \vfilll\eject
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \egroup}
+ {\ifnum\noffloatinserts<\noftopfloats
+ \dogetfloat
+ \ifdim\topinserted=\zeropoint\relax
+ \topofinserttrue
+ \else
+ \topofinsertfalse
+ \fi
+ \setbox\scratchbox\vbox % kan beter !
+ {\forgetall
+ \iftopofinsert
+ \ifdim\OTRSETtopoffset=\zeropoint
+ \moveongrid[\v!top]
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \betweenfloatblanko % inserts can't look back
+ \fi
+ \flushfloatbox
+ \blank[\@@bkspaceafter]}%
+ \global\advance\topinserted \ht\scratchbox\relax
+ \ifdim\topinserted>\vsize % was \textheight\relax
+ \OTRSETresavebox\floatbox
+ \noffloatinserts\noftopfloats\relax
+ \global\advance\topinserted -\ht\scratchbox
+ \let\OTRSETdodosettopinserts\relax % to be tested
+ \else
+ \xdef\totaltopinserted{\the\topinserted}%
+ \insert\topins{\forgetall\box\scratchbox}% interlineskip ?
+ \ifsomefloatwaiting
+ \advance\noffloatinserts \plusone
+ \else
+ \noffloatinserts\noftopfloats\relax
+ \fi
+ \dofloatflushedinfo
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \ifsomefloatwaiting
+ \showmessage\m!floatblocks6{\the\noftopfloats}%
+ \fi
+ \let\OTRSETdodosettopinserts\relax
+ \fi
+ \OTRSETdodosettopinserts}
+ {\bgroup
+ \ifsomefloatwaiting
+ \noffloatinserts\zerocount
+ \OTRSETdodosetbotinserts
+ \fi
+ \egroup}
+ {\ifnum\noffloatinserts<\nofbotfloats\relax
+ \dogetfloat
+ \global\advance\botinserted \ht\floatbox\relax
+ \global\advance\botinserted \dp\floatbox\relax
+ \global\advance\botinserted \floattopskip\relax
+ \ifdim\botinserted<\pagegoal\relax
+ \insert\botins
+ {\forgetall
+ \blank[\@@bkspacebefore]%
+ \flushfloatbox}%
+ \ifsomefloatwaiting
+ \advance\noffloatinserts \plusone
+ \else
+ \noffloatinserts\nofbotfloats
+ \fi
+ \dofloatflushedinfo
+ \else
+ \OTRSETresavebox\floatbox
+ \noffloatinserts\nofbotfloats\relax
+ \fi
+ \global\nofloatpermittedtrue % vgl topfloats s!
+ \else
+ \ifsomefloatwaiting
+ \showmessage\m!floatblocks7{\the\nofbotfloats}%
+ \fi
+ \let\OTRSETdodosetbotinserts\relax
+ \fi
+ \OTRSETdodosetbotinserts}
+ {\ifvoid\topins\else
+ \ifvoid\columntopbox\mofcolumns
+ \columnsettopbox\mofcolumns\box\topins
+ \else
+ \columnsettopbox\mofcolumns\vbox % temp, must be better
+ {\forgetall
+ \offinterlineskip
+ \box\columntopbox\mofcolumns
+ \box\topins}
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \global\topinserted\zeropoint\relax} % goes away
+ {\ifvoid\botins \else
+ \columnsetbotbox\mofcolumns\box\botins
+% \else
+% \columnsetbotbox\mofcolumns\vbox % temp, must be better
+% {\forgetall
+% \offinterlineskip
+% \box\botins
+% \box\columnbotbox\mofcolumns}
+ \fi
+ \global\botinserted\zeropoint\relax} % goes away
+% set ipv text
+% left right 1 2 3 +1 +2 +3
+\let\columnleftareas \empty
+% links rechts => odd, even, n, named
+ {\dotripleempty\dodefinecolumntextarea}
+\def\dodefinecolumntextarea[#1][#2][#3]% y=0 is mogelijke en handig !
+ {\ifthirdargument
+ \doifinsetelse{#2}{\v!both,\v!fixed}
+ {\definecolumntextarea[#1][\v!left ][\c!type=#2,#3]%
+ \definecolumntextarea[#1][\v!right][\c!type=#2,#3]}
+ {\doifelse{#2}\v!next
+ {\doifoddpageelse
+ {\definecolumntextarea[#1][\v!right][\c!type=#2,#3]}
+ {\definecolumntextarea[#1][\v!left ][\c!type=#2,#3]}}
+ {\presetlocalframed
+ [\??mt#1#2]%
+ \processaction[#2] % \doglobal voorkomt stack build up
+ [ \v!left=>\doglobal\addtocommalist{#1}\columnleftareas,
+ \v!right=>\doglobal\addtocommalist{#1}\columnrightareas]%
+ \getparameters[\??mt#1#2]
+ [\c!x=1,\c!y=1,\c!nx=1,\c!ny=1,\c!clipoffset=2\lineheight,
+ \c!leftoffset=\zeropoint,\c!rightoffset=\zeropoint,
+ \c!offset=\v!overlay,\c!strut=\v!no,\c!frame=\v!off,
+ \c!type=#2,\c!page=1,\c!state=\v!stop,#3]}}%
+ \else
+ \definecolumntextarea[#1][\v!next][#2]%
+ \fi}
+ {\dotripleempty\dosetupcolumntextarea}
+ {\ifthirdargument
+ \doifelse{#2}\v!both
+ {\setupcolumntextarea[#1][\v!left ][#3]%
+ \setupcolumntextarea[#1][\v!right][#3]}
+ {\doifelse{#2}\v!next
+ {\doifoddpageelse
+ {\setupcolumntextarea[#1][\v!right][#3]}
+ {\setupcolumntextarea[#1][\v!left][#3]}}
+ {\getparameters[\??mt#1#2][#3]}}%
+ \else
+ \setupcolumntextarea[#1][\v!next][#2]%
+ \fi}
+ {\ifnum\getvalue{\??mt#1\c!page}>\plusone
+ \doifelsevalue{\??mt#1\c!type}\v!fixed
+ {\ifnum\columnsetpage=\getvalue{\??mt#1\c!page}\relax
+ \donetrue\else\donefalse
+ \fi}
+ {\ifnum\columnsetpage<\getvalue{\??mt#1\c!page}\relax
+ \donefalse\else\donetrue
+ \fi}%
+ \else
+ \donetrue
+ \fi}
+ {\ifodd\realpageno
+ \doinitializecolumntextareas\columnrightareas\v!right
+ \else
+ \doinitializecolumntextareas\columnleftareas\v!left
+ \fi}
+ {\def\docommand##1%
+ {\docheckcolumnsetareapage{##1#2}\plusone
+ \ifdone
+ \donefalse
+ \processaction
+ [\getvalue{\??mt##1#2\c!state}]
+ [ \v!start=>\donetrue,
+ \v!repeat=>\donetrue,
+ \s!unknown=>\doperformtest\commalistelement\donetrue\donefalse]%
+ \ifdone\dodoinitializecolumntextareas{##1}{#2}\fi
+ \fi}%
+ \processcommacommand[#1]\docommand}
+ {\doOTRSETsetgridcells
+ {\copy\placeholderboxd}
+ {\getvalue{\??mt#1#2\c!x }}{\getvalue{\??mt#1#2\c!y }}
+ {\getvalue{\??mt#1#2\c!nx}}{\getvalue{\??mt#1#2\c!ny}}
+ {\copy\placeholderboxd}}
+ {\ifodd\realpageno
+ \doplacecolumntextareas\columnrightareas\v!right
+ \else
+ \doplacecolumntextareas\columnleftareas\v!left
+ \fi}
+\def\doplacecolumntextareas#1#2% global ?
+ {\bgroup
+ \forgetall
+ \def\docommand##1%
+ {\docheckcolumnsetareapage{##1#2}\zerocount
+ \ifdone
+ \donefalse
+ \processaction
+ [\getvalue{\??mt##1#2\c!state}]
+ [ \v!start=>\donetrue\doglobal\removefromcommalist{##1}#1,
+ \v!repeat=>\donetrue,
+ \s!unknown=>\doperformtest\commalistelement\donetrue\donefalse]%
+ \ifdone
+ \dodoplacecolumntextareas{##1}{#2}%
+ \else
+ \doglobal\removefromcommalist{##1}#1%
+ \fi
+ \fi}%
+ \processcommacommand[#1]\docommand
+ \egroup}
+% \page[left]
+% \definecolumntextarea[intro][left][x=1,y=1,nx=4,ny=20,state=start,background=introlayer]
+% \setupcolumntextareatext[intro][left][\setups{intro}]
+% \flushcolumntextareas
+ {\initializecolumntextareas
+ \setvsize}
+% beware, we have clipping offsets of 2\lineheight by default
+ {\csname\??mt\currentcolumntestarea#1\endcsname}
+ {\def\currentcolumntestarea{#1#2}%
+ \!!counta\columntextareaparameter\c!x
+ \!!countb\columntextareaparameter\c!nx
+ \docalculatecolumnsetspan
+ \!!heighta\columntextareaparameter\c!ny\lineheight
+ % wrong
+ % \ifnum\columntextareaparameter\c!y=\zerocount
+ % \advance\!!heighta -\lineheight
+ % \advance\!!heighta \topskip
+ % \fi
+ % \advance\!!heighta -\lineheight % option
+ \ifnum\columntextareaparameter\c!y=\plusone
+ \advance\!!heighta -\lineheight
+ \advance\!!heighta \topskip
+ \fi
+ %
+ \setbox\scratchbox\vbox
+ {\donetrue\localframed
+ [\??mt\currentcolumntestarea]
+ [\c!location=,% new (*)
+ \c!width=\!!widtha,\c!height=\!!heighta,\c!lines=]
+ {\columntextareaparameter\empty}}%
+ \!!counta\columntextareaparameter\c!x
+ \!!countb\columntextareaparameter\c!y
+ \advance\!!countb \columntextareaparameter\c!ny
+ \advance\!!countb \minusone
+ % new (*)
+ \doif{\columntextareaparameter\c!location}\v!depth
+ {\setbox\scratchbox\hbox{\lower\strutdepth\box\scratchbox}%
+ \dp\scratchbox\zeropoint
+ \ht\scratchbox\!!heighta}%
+ %
+ \setbox0\hbox
+ {\ifcase\!!countc
+ \copy\scratchbox % \box
+ \else
+ \clip
+ [ %\c!topoffset=\columntextareaparameter\c!clipoffset,%
+ %\c!bottomoffset=\columntextareaparameter\c!clipoffset,%
+ %\c!leftoffset=\columntextareaparameter\c!clipoffset,%
+ \c!offset=\columntextareaparameter\c!clipoffset,%
+ \c!offset=\columntextareaparameter\c!clipoffset,%
+ \c!rightoffset=\columntextareaparameter\c!rightoffset,%
+ \c!width=\!!widthb,%
+ \c!height=\!!heighta]%
+ {\copy\scratchbox}%
+ \fi}%
+ \OTRSETsetgridcell\!!counta\!!countb\box0
+ \ifcase\!!countc\else
+ \advance\!!counta \columntextareaparameter\c!nx
+ \advance\!!counta -\!!countc
+ \advance\!!widtha -\!!widthb
+ \setbox0\hbox
+ {\hskip-\namedlayoutparameter\v!odd\c!backspace
+ \clip
+ [ %\c!topoffset=\columntextareaparameter\c!clipoffset,%
+ %\c!bottomoffset=\columntextareaparameter\c!clipoffset,%
+ %\c!rightoffset=\columntextareaparameter\c!clipoffset,%
+ \c!offset=\columntextareaparameter\c!clipoffset,%
+ \c!offset=\columntextareaparameter\c!clipoffset,%
+ \c!leftoffset=\columntextareaparameter\c!leftoffset,%
+ \c!width=\!!widtha,%
+ \c!height=\!!heighta,%
+ \c!hoffset=\!!widthb]%
+ {\copy\scratchbox}}%
+ \OTRSETsetgridcell\!!counta\!!countb\box0%
+ \fi}
+ {\dotripleempty\dosetupcolumntextareatext}
+ {\ifthirdargument
+ \doifelse{#2}\v!both
+ {\setvalue{\??mt#1\v!left }{#3}%
+ \setvalue{\??mt#1\v!right}{#3}}
+ {\doifelse{#2}\v!next
+ {\doifoddpageelse
+ {\setvalue{\??mt#1\v!right}{#3}}%
+ {\setvalue{\??mt#1\v!left }{#3}}}%
+ {\setvalue{\??mt#1#2}{#3}}}%
+ \else
+ \setupcolumntextareatext[#1][\v!next][{#2}]%
+ \fi}
+ {% \!!counta <= x
+ % \!!countb <= nx
+ % \!!widtha => total width
+ % \!!widthb => left width
+ % \!!countc => left cols
+ \!!widtha\!!countb\textwidth % we assume equal widths
+ \advance\!!countb \!!counta
+ \advance\!!countb \minusone
+ \ifnum\!!countb>\nofcolumns
+ \!!countc\!!countb
+ \advance\!!countc -\nofcolumns
+ \!!countb\nofcolumns
+ \else
+ \!!countc\zerocount
+ \fi
+ \advance\!!counta \plusone
+ \dostepwiserecurse\!!counta\!!countb\plusone
+ {\advance\!!widtha\OTRSETgetparameter\c!distance\recurselevel}%
+ \!!widthb\!!widtha
+ \advance\!!widthb -\!!countc\textwidth
+ \ifodd\realpageno \else % tricky, assumes that we keep there
+ \ifcase\!!countc\else
+ % nog niet ok voor enkel/doublesided
+ \advance\!!widtha \namedlayoutparameter\v!even\c!backspace
+ \advance\!!widtha \namedlayoutparameter\v!odd \c!backspace
+ \advance\!!widthb \namedlayoutparameter\v!even\c!backspace
+ \dorecurse\!!countc
+ {\advance\!!widtha\OTRSETgetparameter\c!distance\recurselevel}%
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+\def\setcolumnsetspanhsize#1#2% x nx / uses counta/b
+ {\!!counta#1\!!countb#2\docalculatecolumnsetspan
+ \edef\columnsetspanhsize{\the\!!widtha}}
+ {\dodoubleempty\dodefinecolumnsetspan}
+ {%\ifsecondargument
+ \defineframedtext
+ [cs:#1]
+ [\c!frame=\v!off,
+ \c!before=,
+ \c!after=,
+ \c!offset=\v!overlay,
+ \c!location=\v!left,
+ \c!linecorrection=\v!off,
+ \c!depthcorrection=\v!off,
+ \c!n=2,
+ \c!nlines=0,
+ \c!indenting=,
+ \c!indentnext=\v!yes,
+ \c!default=HERE,
+ \c!alternative=\v!a,
+ #2]%
+ %\else
+ % \definecolumnspan[][#1]%
+ }%\fi}
+ {\dodoubleempty\dosetupcolumnsetspan}
+ {\ifsecondargument
+ \setupframedtexts[cs:#1][#2]%
+ \else
+ \setupcolumnsetspan[\s!default][#1]%
+ \fi}
+ {\dotripleempty\dostartcolumnsetspan}
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% TODO
+\def\dostartcolumnsetspan[#1][#2][#3]% [#3] gobbles space
+ {\endgraf % else rubish output if forgotten
+ \vskip \zeropoint % make sure otr is done, otherwise last line problems
+ \bgroup
+ \forgetall
+ \ifnum\columnsetlevel>\zerocount\else
+ % of course we needed a one-column fall back for tm
+ \columnsetspanhsize\hsize
+ \nofcolumns\plusone
+ \mofcolumns\plusone
+ \fi
+ \setupframedtexts[cs:#1]
+ [\c!width=\columnsetspanhsize,
+ \c!linecorrection=\v!off,
+ \c!depthcorrection=\v!off,
+ #2]%
+ % determine widths
+ \!!countc\framedtextparameter{cs:#1}\c!n
+ % \!!countd\numexpr(\nofcolumns-\mofcolumns+\plusone)%
+ \!!countd\nofcolumns
+ % n <= n of columns
+ \ifnum\!!countc>\!!countd \!!countc\!!countd \fi
+ \advance\!!countd -\mofcolumns
+ \advance\!!countd \plusone
+ % n <= n of available columns (alternative a)
+ \doif{\framedtextparameter{cs:#1}\c!alternative}\v!a
+ {\ifnum\!!countc>\!!countd \!!countc\!!countd \fi}%
+ % here it all starts
+ \setcolumnsetspanhsize\mofcolumns\!!countc % a/b used
+ \hsize\columnsetspanhsize
+ \setbox\scratchbox\vbox\bgroup
+ \dostartframedtext[cs:#1][\v!none]% geen nils placement
+ % spoils spacing : \vskip-\struttotal\par\verticalstrut\par
+ \ifnum\columnsetlevel>\zerocount
+ \framedtextparameter{cs:#1}\c!before
+ \fi
+ \def\stopcolumnsetspan{\dostopcolumnsetspan{#1}}}
+ {\par
+ \verticalstrut
+ \kern-2\struttotal
+ \verticalstrut
+ \ifnum\columnsetlevel>\zerocount
+ \doifsomething{\framedtextparameter{cs:#1}\c!after}
+ {\framedtextparameter{cs:#1}\c!after
+ \kern\zeropoint}% otherwise blanks disappear, better be a switch
+ \else
+ \endgraf
+ \fi
+ \dostopframedtext
+ \egroup
+ \setbox\scratchbox\frozenhbox to \hsize
+ {\dontcomplain
+ \alignedline{\framedtextparameter{cs:#1}\c!location}\v!middle
+ {\lower\strutdepth\box\scratchbox}}%
+ \dp\scratchbox\zeropoint % else wrong snap insidefloat
+% to be tested first (strange in grid mode)
+% \setbox\scratchbox\frozenhbox to \hsize
+% {\dontcomplain
+% \chardef\alignstrutmode\zerocount
+% \alignedline{\framedtextparameter{cs:#1}\c!plaats}\v!midden
+% {\box\scratchbox}}%
+ \ifinsidefloat
+ \box\scratchbox
+ \else\ifnum\columnsetlevel>\zerocount
+ % we only set \columnsetspacing when asked for, else bottom problems
+ % don't change this any more (test naw)
+ \chardef\columnslotspacing\framedtextparameter{cs:#1}\c!nlines\relax
+ % todo: nboven/onder & \chardef\columnslotlocation2
+ %\OTRSETstoreincolumnslotHERE\scratchbox
+ \edef\floatmethod{\framedtextparameter{cs:#1}\c!default}%
+ \@EA\uppercasestring\floatmethod\to\floatmethod
+ % todo : \v!here -> here enzovoorts
+ \OTRSETstoreincolumnslot\floatmethod\scratchbox
+ % watch out: no \dochecknextindentation{tag}
+ \checknextindentation[\framedtextparameter{cs:#1}\c!indentnext]%
+ \else
+ % of course we needed a one-column fall back for tm; brrr, the box has now too
+ % much height (try \ruledvbox); don't change this without testing techniek
+ \scratchdimen\ht\scratchbox
+ \advance\scratchdimen-\strutdp
+ \ht\scratchbox\scratchdimen
+ \framedtextparameter{cs:#1}\c!before
+ \snaptogrid\vbox{\box\scratchbox}%
+ \framedtextparameter{cs:#1}\c!after
+ \fi\fi
+ \egroup
+ \endgraf}
+% \startcolumnset[two]
+% \input tufte
+% \startcolumnsetspan[two][width=20cm,location=middle] \input tufte \stopcolumnsetspan
+% \startcolumnsetspan[two][default=btlr] \input tufte \stopcolumnsetspan
+% \input tufte \par
+% \input tufte \par
+% \startcolumnsetspan[two] \emptylines[5] \stopcolumnsetspan
+% \startcolumnsetspan[two] \input tufte \stopcolumnsetspan
+% \stopcolumnset
+\protect \endinput
+% extreme examples (1)
+% \setupfloats[numbering=nocheck]
+% \definecolumnset [first] [n=2,start=0]
+% \definecolumnset [next] [n=2,start=3]
+% \setuptexttexts[\vbox to \textheight{\topskipcorrection \hsize\makeupwidth left \hfill right\vfill}]
+% \setuphead[chapter][text=empty]
+% \starttext
+% \startcolumnset[first,next]
+% \placefigure[btrl]{}{}
+% \placefigure[tblr]{}{}
+% \chapter{thuan} \dorecurse{25}{\recurselevel: \input thuan \endgraf}
+% \stopcolumnset
+% \startcolumnset[first,next]
+% \chapter{thuan} \dorecurse{25}{\input thuan \endgraf\placefigure{}{}}
+% \stopcolumnset
+% only in columnsets
+% \def\cornerfigure
+% {\dotripleempty\docornerfigure}
+% \def\docornerfigure[#1][#2][#3]% [layer] [location] [settings]
+% {\bgroup
+% \dowithnextbox
+% {\!!doneafalse
+% \!!donebfalse
+% \processallactionsinset
+% [\v!left,\v!bottom,#2]
+% [ \v!left=>\!!doneatrue ,
+% \v!right=>\!!doneafalse,
+% \v!top=>\!!donebtrue ,
+% \v!bottom=>\!!donebfalse]%
+% \!!widtha\nextboxwd
+% \if!!donea
+% % unchecked
+% \advance\!!widtha-\backspace
+% \else
+% % unchecked
+% \advance\!!widtha-\backspace
+% \fi
+% \!!widtha\textwidth % could be an option
+% \!!heighta\nextboxht
+% % zou een macro moeten zijn \getnoflayoutlines
+% \ifnum\layoutparameter\c!lines=\zerocount
+% \getnoflines\textheight
+% \else
+% \noflines\layoutparameter\c!lines
+% \fi
+% %
+% \advance\noflines \plusone % wordt default, instelbaar
+% \!!heightb\noflines\lineheight\relax
+% \if!!doneb % boven
+% % unchecked
+% \advance\!!heighta-\topspace
+% \advance\!!heighta-\headerheight
+% \advance\!!heighta-\headerdistance
+% \else % onder
+% % checked
+% \advance\!!heighta-\paperheight
+% \advance\!!heighta+\!!heightb
+% \advance\!!heighta+\topspace
+% \advance\!!heighta+\headerheight
+% \advance\!!heighta+\headerdistance
+% \advance\!!heighta-\footerdistance
+% \advance\!!heighta-\footerheight
+% \fi
+% \getnoflines\!!heighta
+% \!!heighta\noflines\lineheight\relax
+% \def\docornerfigure[####1]%
+% {\expanded{\plaatsfiguur[####1,\v!none]{}
+% {\noexpand\phantombox[\c!width=\the\!!widtha,\c!height=\the\!!heighta]}}}%
+% \if!!donea
+% \if!!doneb % links boven / rb
+% \setlayer[#1]
+% [\c!corner={\v!left,\v!top},\c!location=rb,#3]
+% {\flushnextbox}%
+% \docornerfigure[tblr]%
+% \else % links onder / rt
+% \setlayer[#1]
+% [\c!corner={\v!left,\v!bottom},\c!location=rt,#3]
+% {\flushnextbox}%
+% \docornerfigure[btlr]%
+% \fi
+% \else
+% \if!!doneb % rechts boven / lt
+% \setlayer[#1]
+% [\c!corner={\v!right,\v!top},\c!location=lb,#3]
+% {\flushnextbox}%
+% \docornerfigure[tbrl]%
+% \else % rechts onder / lb
+% \setlayer[#1]
+% [\c!corner={\v!right,\v!bottom},\c!location=lt,#3]
+% {\flushnextbox}%
+% \docornerfigure[btrl]%
+% \fi
+% \fi
+% \egroup}
+% \vbox}
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/page-sid.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/page-sid.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6c3447e1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/page-sid.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,931 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=page-sid,
+%D version=2000.10.20,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Page Macros,
+%D subtitle=Side Floats,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Page Macros / Side Floats}
+% problem: when too small, side effects; we need to determine the
+% shift earlier so that we can act when shift < size
+% \definefloat[edgefigure]
+% \setupfloat
+% [edgefigure]
+% [rightmargindistance=-\rightmargintotal,
+% leftmargindistance=-\rightmargintotal,
+% default=outer]
+% \starttext
+% \placeedgefigure{}{\framed[width=12cm]{}} \input tufte
+% \placeedgefigure{}{\framed[width=5cm]{}} \input tufte
+% \placeedgefigure{}{\framed[width=4cm]{}} \input tufte
+% \placeedgefigure{}{\framed[width=2cm]{}} \input tufte
+% \stoptext
+% todo: dimexpr an dnumexpr
+% These macro deal with side floats. We started with Daniel
+% Comenetz macros as published in TUGBoat Volume 14 (1993),
+% No.\ 1: Anchored Figures at Either Margin. I extended and
+% patched the macros to suite our needs which results in a
+% messy module. Therefore, this module badly needs an update
+% because it's now a mixture of old and new macros.
+% afhankelijke variabelen
+% \overgap vervangen door \floatsidetopskip
+% \sidegap vervangen door \floatsideskip
+% \undergap vervangen door \floatsidebottomskip
+% \prskp vervangen door \ctxparskip
+% toegevoegde macro's/aanroepen
+% \logsidefloat : loginformatie
+% \flushsidefloats : nodig voor koppen
+% recente wijzigingen:
+% namen aangepast: \float... enz. i.p.v. \pic
+% Pas op: \EveryPar{\EveryPar{}\margetitel{whatever}}
+% \plaatsfiguur[links]{}{} moet goed gaan. In dat geval
+% begint de tekst terecht wat lager.
+\newdimen\sidefloatheight % includes the topskip
+\newdimen\sidefloatvsize \def\nofloatvsize{-1pt }
+% 1 = backspace
+% 2 = leftedge
+% 3 = leftmargin
+% 4 = leftside
+% 5 = rightside
+% 6 = rightmargin
+% 7 = rightedge
+% 8 = cutspace
+\def\backspacefloat {\global\chardef\sidefloattype1 \putsidefloat}
+\def\leftedgefloat {\global\chardef\sidefloattype2 \putsidefloat}
+\def\leftmarginfloat {\global\chardef\sidefloattype3 \putsidefloat}
+\def\leftfloat {\global\chardef\sidefloattype4 \putsidefloat}
+\def\rightfloat {\global\chardef\sidefloattype5 \putsidefloat}
+\def\rightmarginfloat {\global\chardef\sidefloattype6 \putsidefloat}
+\def\rightedgefloat {\global\chardef\sidefloattype7 \putsidefloat}
+\def\cutspacefloat {\global\chardef\sidefloattype8 \putsidefloat}
+\let\marginfloat \cutspacefloat
+% \def\checksidefloatshift
+% {\ifdim\sidefloatmaximum>\zeropoint
+% \ifcase\sidefloattype
+% % invalid
+% \or
+% % backspace
+% \or
+% \global\sidefloatshift-\sidefloatmaximum
+% \global\advance\sidefloatshift-\rightorleftpageaction \leftedgedistance \rightedgedistance
+% \global\advance\sidefloatshift-\rightorleftpageaction \leftmarginwidth \rightmarginwidth
+% \global\advance\sidefloatshift-\rightorleftpageaction \leftmargindistance \rightmargindistance
+% \or
+% \global\sidefloatshift-\sidefloatmaximum
+% \global\advance\sidefloatshift-\rightorleftpageaction \leftmargindistance \rightmargindistance
+% \or
+% % left
+% \or
+% % right
+% \or
+% \global\sidefloatshift-\sidefloatmaximum
+% \global\advance\sidefloatshift-\rightorleftpageaction \leftmargindistance \rightmargindistance
+% \or
+% \global\sidefloatshift-\sidefloatmaximum
+% \global\advance\sidefloatshift-\rightorleftpageaction \leftedgedistance \rightedgedistance
+% \global\advance\sidefloatshift-\rightorleftpageaction \leftmarginwidth \rightmarginwidth
+% \global\advance\sidefloatshift-\rightorleftpageaction \leftmargindistance \rightmargindistance
+% \or
+% % cutspace
+% \fi
+% \fi}
+ {\ifdim\sidefloatmaximum>\zeropoint
+ \ifcase\sidefloattype
+ % invalid
+ \or
+ % backspace
+ \or
+ \global\sidefloatshift\dimexpr
+ -\sidefloatmaximum
+ -\rightorleftpageaction \leftedgedistance \rightedgedistance
+ -\rightorleftpageaction \leftmarginwidth \rightmarginwidth
+ -\rightorleftpageaction \leftmargindistance \rightmargindistance
+ -\compensatedinnermakeupmargin
+ \relax
+ \or
+ \global\sidefloatshift\dimexpr
+ -\sidefloatmaximum
+ -\rightorleftpageaction \leftmargindistance \rightmargindistance
+ -\compensatedinnermakeupmargin
+ \relax
+ \or
+ % left
+ \or
+ % right
+ \or
+ \global\sidefloatshift\dimexpr
+ -\sidefloatmaximum
+ -\rightorleftpageaction \leftmargindistance \rightmargindistance
+ -\compensatedinnermakeupmargin
+ \relax
+ \or
+ \global\sidefloatshift\dimexpr
+ -\sidefloatmaximum
+ -\rightorleftpageaction \leftedgedistance \rightedgedistance
+ -\rightorleftpageaction \leftmarginwidth \rightmarginwidth
+ -\rightorleftpageaction \leftmargindistance \rightmargindistance
+ -\compensatedinnermakeupmargin
+ \relax
+ \or
+ % cutspace
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+% \def\setsidefloatskips
+% {\global\sidefloatrightskip\zeropoint
+% \global\sidefloatleftskip \zeropoint
+% \ifcase\sidefloattype
+% \or % backspace
+% \global \sidefloatleftskip \rightorleftpageaction \backspace \cutspace
+% \or % leftedge
+% \global \sidefloatleftskip \rightorleftpageaction \leftmargindistance\rightmargindistance
+% \global\advance\sidefloatleftskip \rightorleftpageaction \leftmarginwidth\rightmarginwidth
+% \global\advance\sidefloatleftskip \rightorleftpageaction \leftedgedistance\rightedgedistance
+% \or % leftmargin
+% \global \sidefloatleftskip \rightorleftpageaction \leftmargindistance\rightmargindistance
+% \or % leftside
+% \or % rightside
+% \or % rightmargin
+% \global \sidefloatrightskip\rightorleftpageaction \rightmargindistance\leftmargindistance
+% \or % rightedge
+% \global \sidefloatrightskip\rightorleftpageaction \rightmargindistance\leftmargindistance
+% \global\advance\sidefloatrightskip\rightorleftpageaction \rightmarginwidth\leftmarginwidth
+% \global\advance\sidefloatrightskip\rightorleftpageaction \rightedgedistance\leftedgedistance
+% \or % cutspace
+% \global \sidefloatrightskip\rightorleftpageaction \cutspace\backspace
+% \fi
+% \ifdim\sidefloatrightskip>\zeropoint
+% \doglobal\advance\sidefloatrightskip\rightskip
+% \fi
+% \ifdim\sidefloatleftskip>\zeropoint
+% \doglobal\advance\sidefloatleftskip\leftskip
+% \fi}
+% use \outermarginwidth etc here
+ {\global\sidefloatrightskip\zeropoint
+ \global\sidefloatleftskip \zeropoint
+ \ifcase\sidefloattype
+ \or % backspace
+ \global\sidefloatleftskip\dimexpr
+ +\rightorleftpageaction \backspace \cutspace
+ +\compensatedinnermakeupmargin
+ \relax
+ \or % leftedge
+ \global\sidefloatleftskip\dimexpr
+ +\rightorleftpageaction \leftmargindistance \rightmargindistance
+ +\rightorleftpageaction \leftmarginwidth \rightmarginwidth
+ +\rightorleftpageaction \leftedgedistance \rightedgedistance
+ +\compensatedinnermakeupmargin
+ \relax
+ \or % leftmargin
+ \global\sidefloatleftskip\dimexpr
+ +\rightorleftpageaction \leftmargindistance \rightmargindistance
+ +\compensatedinnermakeupmargin
+ \relax
+ \or % leftside
+ \or % rightside
+ \or % rightmargin
+ \global\sidefloatrightskip\dimexpr
+ +\rightorleftpageaction \rightmargindistance \leftmargindistance
+ +\compensatedinnermakeupmargin
+ \relax
+ \or % rightedge
+ \global\sidefloatrightskip\dimexpr
+ +\rightorleftpageaction \rightmargindistance \leftmargindistance
+ +\rightorleftpageaction \rightmarginwidth \leftmarginwidth
+ +\rightorleftpageaction \rightedgedistance \leftedgedistance
+ +\compensatedinnermakeupmargin
+ \relax
+ \or % cutspace
+ \global\sidefloatrightskip\dimexpr
+ +\rightorleftpageaction \cutspace \backspace
+ +\compensatedinnermakeupmargin
+ \relax
+ \fi
+ \ifdim\sidefloatrightskip>\zeropoint \doglobal\advance\sidefloatrightskip\rightskip \fi
+ \ifdim\sidefloatleftskip >\zeropoint \doglobal\advance\sidefloatleftskip \leftskip \fi}
+% eq is still crap
+ \let\floatrighteqo=\eqno
+ \let\floatleftleqo=\leqno
+ \let\floatrighteqo=\normaleqno
+ \let\floatleftleqo=\normalleqno
+% Watch it even more! In inner, gaat't mis omdat daar
+% pagetotal enz niet zijn aangepast. Inner kan overigens niet
+% betrouwbaar worden getest!
+% \def\flushsidefloats%
+% {\par
+% \sidefloatprogress=\sidefloatvsize
+% \advance\sidefloatprogress by -\pagetotal
+% \ifdim\sidefloatprogress>\zeropoint
+% \witruimte % nog checken op interferentie
+% \kern\sidefloatprogress
+% \fi
+% \global\sidefloatvsize=\nofloatvsize
+% \global\floatflagfalse}
+% no, too buggy, leads to top of page crap
+% {\par
+% \dochecksidefloat
+% \scratchcounter=-\hangafter
+% \dorecurse{\scratchcounter}{\strut\hfill\strut\par}}
+% {\par
+% \!!heighta\sidefloatvsize
+% \advance\!!heighta -\pagetotal
+% \ifdim\!!heighta>\zeropoint
+% % to be checked for interference
+% \witruimte
+% % will be option
+% \getnoflines\!!heighta
+% \!!heighta\noflines\lineheight
+% % so far for option
+% \kern\!!heighta
+% \fi
+% % == \forgetsidefloats
+% \global\sidefloatvsize\nofloatvsize
+% \global\floatshortfalse
+% \global\floatflagfalse}
+% \def\flushsidefloats
+% {\par
+% \!!heighta\sidefloatvsize
+% \advance\!!heighta -\pagetotal
+% \ifdim\!!heighta>\zeropoint
+% % to be checked for interference
+% \witruimte
+% % will be option
+% \getnoflines\!!heighta
+% \!!heighta\noflines\lineheight
+% % so far for option
+% \ifdim\sidefloatbottomskip>\zeropoint\relax
+% \ifdim\!!heighta>\sidefloatbottomskip
+% \advance\!!heighta-\sidefloatbottomskip
+% \kern\!!heighta
+% \vskip\sidefloatbottomskip
+% \else
+% \kern\!!heighta
+% \fi
+% \else
+% \kern\!!heighta
+% \fi
+% \fi
+% % == \forgetsidefloats
+% \global\sidefloatvsize\nofloatvsize
+% \global\floatshortfalse
+% \global\floatflagfalse}
+ {\par
+ \!!heighta\sidefloatvsize
+ \advance\!!heighta -\pagetotal
+ \ifnum\!!heighta>\zeropoint
+ \global\advance\sidefloatvsize -\sidefloatbottomskip
+ \ifdim\!!heighta>\zeropoint
+ \bgroup
+ \let\flushsidefloats\relax
+ \forgetall
+ \doloop
+ {\strut
+ \iftracesidefloats
+ \color[darkgray]%
+ {\baselinerulefalse
+ \boxrulewidth.5\points
+ \ruledhbox{\strut\kern\sidefloatwidth}}%
+ \fi
+ \par
+ \!!heighta\sidefloatvsize
+ \advance\!!heighta -\pagetotal
+ \ifdim\!!heighta>\zeropoint
+ \ifnum\recurselevel>\plushundred
+ \exitloop
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \exitloop
+ \fi}%
+ \egroup
+ \ifdim\parskip>\zeropoint
+ \ifdim\sidefloatbottomskip>\parskip
+ \nowhitespace
+ \vskip\sidefloatbottomskip
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \else\ifdim\sidefloatbottomskip>\parskip
+ \vskip\sidefloatbottomskip
+ \fi\fi
+ \fi
+ % not entirely the same as \forgetsidefloats
+ \global\sidefloatvsize\nofloatvsize
+ % \global\sidefloatsidelines\zerocount % no, we flush before a side float
+ \global\floatshortfalse % so this will get lost
+ % also here if used at all \global\holdinginserts\zerocount
+ \global\floatflagfalse}
+ {\xdef\oldpagetotal{\the\pagetotal}%
+ \gdef\checksidefloat
+ {\dochecksidefloat
+ \ifdim\oldpagetotal=\pagetotal \else
+ \global\let\checksidefloat\dochecksidefloat
+ \flushsidefloats
+ \global\sidefloatsidelines\zerocount % here !
+ \fi}}
+ {\global\sidefloatvsize\nofloatvsize
+ \global\sidefloatsidelines\zerocount
+ % also here if used at all \global\holdinginserts\zerocount
+ \global\floatshortfalse
+ \global\floatflagfalse}
+\def\pushpenalties % needed ? and right
+ {\widowpenalty\plusone
+ \clubpenalty\plustwo
+ \brokenpenalty\plusone
+ \let\pushpenalties\relax
+ \edef\poppenalties
+ {\widowpenalty \the\widowpenalty
+ \clubpenalty \the\clubpenalty
+ \brokenpenalty\the\brokenpenalty
+ \let\poppenalties\relax}}
+% shouldn;t that be:
+% \def\pushpenalties % needed?
+% {\let\pushpenalties\relax
+% \edef\poppenalties
+% {\widowpenalty \the\widowpenalty
+% \clubpenalty \the\clubpenalty
+% \brokenpenalty\the\brokenpenalty
+% \let\poppenalties\relax}%
+% \widowpenalty\plusone
+% \clubpenalty\plustwo
+% \brokenpenalty\plusone}
+ {\ifnum\outputpenalty=\!!tenthousand\else
+ \penalty\outputpenalty
+ \fi}
+ {\iffloatshort
+ \unvbox\normalpagebox
+ \setbox\floatbottom\lastbox
+ \ifdim\wd\floatbottom>\sidefloathsize
+ \penalty-201
+ \box\floatbottom
+ \else
+ \ifvoid\floatbottom
+ \else
+ \restoreleftindent
+ \ifdim\wd\floatbottom<\sidefloathsize
+ \parskip\zeropoint
+ %\noindent
+ \ifinner\else\vadjust{\penalty\minusone}\fi
+ \iffloatlefteqo
+ \global\floatlefteqofalse
+ \else
+ \global\advance\sidefloathsize -\wd\floatbottom
+ \iffloatrighteqo
+ \global\floatrighteqofalse
+ \else
+ \global\divide\sidefloathsize \plustwo
+ \fi
+ \hskip\sidefloathsize
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \box\floatbottom
+ \restorepenalties
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ % why was this \global\holdinginserts\zerocount
+ \global\floatshortfalse
+ \else
+ \finalsidefloatoutput % new
+ \global\sidefloatvsize\nofloatvsize
+ \global\sidefloatsidelines\zerocount
+ % we can end up in fig lock, so \global\holdinginserts\zerocount here too ?
+ \poppenalties
+ \fi}
+\def\finalsidefloatoutput% new
+ {\finaloutput\unvbox\normalpagebox}
+ {\relax \ifnum\sidefloattype>4 \else
+ \parskip\zeropoint % here ?
+ \ifdim\sidefloatwidth>\zeropoint % new, see prikkels
+ \noindent
+ \ifinner\else\vadjust{\penalty\minusone}\fi
+ \hskip\sidefloatwidth
+ %\else
+ % we have a margin or edge float
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+ \def\normaleqno
+ {\iffloatshort
+ \global\floatrighteqotrue
+ \fi
+ \floatrighteqo}
+ \def\eqno
+ {\iffloatshort
+ \global\floatrighteqotrue
+ \fi
+ \floatrighteqo}
+% externfiguur -> grid =ja|hoogte|diepte|halveregel|passend -> helemaal in details
+% stelplaatsblokin -> zijuitlijnen=hoogte|diepte|regel|halveregel|grid -> halveregel in 'details'
+% replacement for below
+% \global\setbox\floatbox\hbox % no \hskip, but \kern here
+% {\ifcase\sidefloattype
+% \vbox{#1}%
+% \or % 1
+% \hskip\sidefloatleftshift
+% \hskip\sidefloatshift
+% \vbox{#1}%
+% \kern-\sidefloatextrashift
+% \or % 2
+% \hskip\sidefloatshift
+% \vbox{#1}%
+% \kern-\sidefloatextrashift
+% \or % 3
+% \hskip\sidefloatshift
+% \vbox{#1}%
+% \kern-\sidefloatextrashift
+% \or % 4
+% \hskip\sidefloatleftshift
+% \hskip\sidefloatshift
+% \vbox{#1\removedepth}%
+% \kern-\sidefloatextrashift
+% \or % 5
+% \hskip-\sidefloatextrashift
+% \vbox{#1}%
+% \kern\sidefloatshift
+% \kern\sidefloatrightshift
+% \or % 6
+% \hskip-\sidefloatextrashift
+% \vbox{#1}%
+% \kern\sidefloatshift
+% \or % 7
+% \hskip-\sidefloatextrashift
+% \vbox{#1}%
+% \kern\sidefloatshift
+% \or % 8
+% \hskip-\sidefloatextrashift
+% \vbox{#1}%
+% \kern\sidefloatshift
+% \kern\sidefloatrightshift
+% \fi}%
+% keep this ^
+\def\putsidefloat#1% grid (4) is rather experimental
+ {\par
+ \whitespace
+ % moved here dec 2001
+ {\everypar\emptytoks\forgetall\verticalstrut\vskip-\struttotal}% moved
+ \checksidefloatshift
+ \ifdim\sidefloatshift=\zeropoint \relax
+ \ifnum\sidefloattype=4
+ \global\advance\sidefloatshift\sidefloatextrashift
+ \global\sidefloatextrashift\zeropoint
+ \else\ifnum\sidefloattype=5
+ \global\advance\sidefloatshift\sidefloatextrashift
+ \global\sidefloatextrashift\zeropoint
+ \fi\fi
+ \else
+ \ifnum\sidefloattype<4
+ \global\chardef\sidefloattype4
+ \else\ifnum\sidefloattype>5
+ \global\chardef\sidefloattype5
+ \fi\fi
+ \fi
+ \previoussidefloat
+ \stallsidefloat
+ %\global\setbox\floatbox\hbox
+ % {\ifmarginfloat\else\ifrightfloat\else\kern\sidefloatleftshift\fi\fi
+ % \hskip\ifrightfloat-\sidefloatextrashift\else\sidefloatshift\fi
+ % \vbox{#1\ifnum\sidefloatalign=4 \removedepth\fi}%
+ % \kern\ifrightfloat\sidefloatshift\else-\sidefloatextrashift\fi
+ % \ifmarginfloat\else\ifrightfloat\kern\sidefloatrightshift\fi\fi}%
+ \global\setbox\floatbox\hbox % no \hskip, but \kern here
+ {\ifnum\sidefloattype=4
+ \hskip\sidefloatleftshift
+ \else\ifnum\sidefloattype=1
+ \hskip\sidefloatleftshift
+ \fi\fi
+ \ifnum\sidefloattype>4
+ \hskip-\sidefloatextrashift
+ \else
+ \hskip\sidefloatshift
+ \fi
+ \vbox{#1\ifnum\sidefloatalign=4 \removedepth\fi}%
+ \ifnum\sidefloattype>4
+ \kern\sidefloatshift
+ \else
+ \kern-\sidefloatextrashift
+ \fi
+ \ifnum\sidefloattype=8
+ \kern\sidefloatrightshift
+ \else\ifnum\sidefloattype=5
+ \kern\sidefloatrightshift
+ \fi\fi}%
+ \ifnum\sidefloatalign=4
+ \getnoflines{\ht\floatbox}%
+ \scratchdimen\noflines\lineheight
+ \advance\scratchdimen-\strutdepth
+ \getrawnoflines\sidefloattopskip
+ \advance\scratchdimen\noflines\lineheight
+ % todo: maybe rounding problem here
+ % \global\setbox\floatbox\hbox{\lower\lineheight\box\floatbox}%
+ \global\setbox\floatbox\hbox{\lower\strutdepth\box\floatbox}%
+ \ht\floatbox\scratchdimen
+ \dp\floatbox\zeropoint
+ \fi
+ \ifcase\sidefloatalign \else
+ \global\sidefloattopskip\zeropoint
+ \fi
+ \scratchdimen
+ \ifnum\sidefloattype<4
+ \sidefloattopskip
+ \else\ifnum\sidefloattype>5
+ \sidefloattopskip
+ \else
+ \zeropoint
+ \fi\fi
+ % the top of the box is at the previous baseline
+ \ifcase\sidefloatalign
+ % 0 normal
+ \advance\scratchdimen\strutdepth % == \sidefloattopoffset
+ \or % 1 height
+ \advance\scratchdimen\strutdepth % == \sidefloattopoffset
+ \or % 2 line
+ \or % 3 depth
+ \advance\scratchdimen\lineheight
+ \advance\scratchdimen\strutdepth
+ \or % 4 grid
+ \scratchdimen\zeropoint
+ \or
+ \advance\scratchdimen\strutheight
+ \fi
+ % new
+ \global\sidefloatlinesdone\zerocount
+ \ifnum\sidefloatsidelines>\zerocount
+ \advance\scratchdimen\sidefloatsidelines\lineheight
+ \fi
+ % new
+ \global\setbox\floatbox\hbox
+ {\vbox
+ {\vskip\scratchdimen
+ \nointerlineskip
+ \box\floatbox
+ \ifnum\sidefloatalign=5 \vskip-\lineheight \fi}}%
+ \ifnum\sidefloattype<4
+ \global\sidefloattopskip\zeropoint
+ \else\ifnum\sidefloattype>5
+ \global\sidefloattopskip\zeropoint
+ \fi\fi
+ \global\sidefloatdownshift\zeropoint
+ \measuresidefloat
+ \ifroomforfloat \else
+ \tosssidefloat
+ \measuresidefloat
+ \stallsidefloat
+ \fi
+ \setsidefloat}
+ {\sidefloatprogress\sidefloatvsize
+ \iffloatflag
+ \advance\sidefloatprogress -\sidefloatpagetotal
+ \global\floatflagfalse
+ \else
+ \advance\sidefloatprogress -\pagetotal
+ \fi}
+ {\vfill\eject}
+ {\global\floatflagtrue
+ \global\sidefloatpagetotal \pagetotal % global
+ \ifnum\sidefloattype<4
+ \global \sidefloatwidth \zeropoint
+ \else\ifnum\sidefloattype>5
+ \global \sidefloatwidth \zeropoint
+ \else
+ \global \sidefloatwidth \wd\floatbox
+ \global\advance\sidefloatwidth \floatsideskip
+ \fi\fi
+ \ifdim\sidefloatwidth<\zeropoint
+ \global\sidefloatwidth\zeropoint
+ \fi
+ \global \sidefloathsize \hsize
+ \global\advance\sidefloathsize -\sidefloatwidth
+ \global \sidefloatheight \ht\floatbox
+ \global\advance\sidefloatheight \dp\floatbox
+ \global\advance\sidefloatheight \sidefloattopskip
+ \global \sidefloatvsize \sidefloatheight
+ \global\advance\sidefloatvsize \sidefloatpagetotal
+ \dimen0\sidefloatvsize
+ \dimen2\pagegoal
+ \relax
+ \ifcase\sidefloatmethod
+ % method 0 : raw
+ \or
+ % method 1 : safe
+ \dimen2 .99\pagegoal
+ \or
+ % method 2 : tight
+ \advance\dimen0 -\onepoint
+ \fi
+ \relax % really needed ! ! ! !
+ \ifdim\dimen0>\dimen2
+ \global\roomforfloatfalse
+ \else
+ \dimen0=\pagegoal
+ \advance\dimen0 -\sidefloatvsize
+ \ifdim\dimen0<\sidefloatbottomskip
+ \global\advance\sidefloatvsize \dimen0
+ \global\floatshorttrue
+ \pushpenalties
+ % why was this \global\holdinginserts\plusone
+ \else
+ \global\advance\sidefloatvsize \sidefloatbottomskip
+ \global\floatshortfalse
+ \fi
+ \global\roomforfloattrue
+ \fi}
+\def\setsidefloat% nilling everypar saves time and redudant pos's
+ {% removed here dec 2001
+ % {\everypar\emptytoks\forgetall\verticalstrut\vskip-\struttotal}%
+ \ifnum\sidefloattype=4 \kern\sidefloattopskip \fi
+ \ifnum\sidefloattype=5 \kern\sidefloattopskip \fi
+ \edef\presidefloatdepth{\the\prevdepth}%
+ \nointerlineskip
+ \bgroup
+ \everypar\emptytoks
+ \parskip\zeropoint
+ %\checksidefloatshift
+ \setsidefloatskips
+ \logsidefloat
+ \relax
+ \ifcase\sidefloattype
+ % invalid
+ \or % backspace
+ \noindent\llap{\rlap{\box\floatbox}\hskip\sidefloatleftskip}\hfill
+ \or % leftedge
+ \noindent\llap{\box\floatbox\hskip\sidefloatleftskip}\hfill
+ \or % leftmargin
+ \noindent\llap{\box\floatbox\hskip\sidefloatleftskip}\hfill
+ \or % leftside
+ \noindent\box\floatbox\hfill
+ \or % rightside
+ \hfill\box\floatbox
+ \or % rightmargin
+ \hfill\rlap{\hskip\sidefloatrightskip\box\floatbox}%
+ \or % rightedge
+ \hfill\rlap{\hskip\sidefloatrightskip\box\floatbox}%
+ \or % cutspace
+ \hfill\rlap{\hskip\sidefloatrightskip\llap{\box\floatbox}}%
+ \fi
+ \egroup
+ \par
+ \kern-\sidefloatheight
+ \penalty10001 % oeps, this will change
+ \normalbaselines
+ \prevdepth\presidefloatdepth
+ % \noindent
+ \resetsidefloatparagraph
+ \ignorespaces} % not really needed
+ {\ifcase\sidefloatparagraph\or}
+% without sidefloat lines
+% \def\setsidefloatparagraph
+% {%\advance\sidefloatprogress \sidefloatbottomskip
+% %\!!counta\sidefloatprogress
+% \scratchdimen\sidefloatprogress
+% \advance\scratchdimen \strutht
+% \advance\scratchdimen -\roundingeps % new, needed in prikkels, prevent rounding errors
+% \!!counta\scratchdimen
+% \divide\!!counta \baselineskip
+% \ifnum\!!counta>0
+% \hangindent \ifnum\sidefloattype>4 -\fi\sidefloatwidth
+% \hangafter-\!!counta
+% \fi
+% \global\advance\sidefloatparagraph \plusone
+% \iftracesidefloats
+% \hskip-\sidefloatwidth
+% \color[darkgray]%
+% {\vrule\!!height.5\points\!!depth.5\points\!!width\sidefloatwidth
+% %\hskip-.25\bodyfontsize\showstruts\strut\hskip.25\bodyfontsize}%
+% \llap{\showstruts\strut\hskip.25\bodyfontsize}}%
+% \fi}
+ {%\advance\sidefloatprogress \sidefloatbottomskip
+ %\!!counta\sidefloatprogress
+ \scratchdimen\sidefloatprogress
+ \advance\scratchdimen \strutht
+ \advance\scratchdimen -\roundingeps % new, needed in prikkels, prevent rounding errors
+ \!!counta\scratchdimen
+ \divide\!!counta \baselineskip\relax
+ \ifnum\!!counta>0
+ % new from here
+ \ifcase\sidefloatsidelines\else
+ \ifcase\sidefloatlinesdone
+ \global\sidefloatlinesdone\!!counta
+ \else
+ \scratchcounter\sidefloatlinesdone
+ \advance\scratchcounter-\!!counta
+ \global\advance\sidefloatsidelines-\scratchcounter
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \ifnum\sidefloatsidelines>\zerocount
+ \scratchtoks\emptytoks
+ \scratchcounter\sidefloatsidelines
+ \scratchdimen\hsize
+ \advance\scratchdimen-\sidefloatwidth
+ \dorecurse\sidefloatsidelines
+ {\appendtoks \zeropoint \hsize \to \scratchtoks}%
+ \ifnum\!!counta>\sidefloatsidelines
+ \advance\!!counta -\sidefloatsidelines\relax
+ \advance\scratchcounter\!!counta
+ \dorecurse\!!counta
+ {\ifnum\sidefloattype>4
+ \appendtoks \zeropoint \scratchdimen \to \scratchtoks
+ \else
+ \appendtoks \sidefloatwidth \scratchdimen \to \scratchtoks
+ \fi}%
+ \fi
+ \advance\scratchcounter \plusone
+ \parshape \scratchcounter \the\scratchtoks \zeropoint \hsize\relax
+ \else
+ % new till here
+ \hangindent \ifnum\sidefloattype>4 -\fi\sidefloatwidth
+ \hangafter-\!!counta
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \global\advance\sidefloatparagraph \plusone
+ \iftracesidefloats
+ \hskip-\sidefloatwidth
+ \color[darkgray]%
+ {\vrule\!!height.5\points\!!depth.5\points\!!width\sidefloatwidth
+ %\hskip-.25\bodyfontsize\showstruts\strut\hskip.25\bodyfontsize}%
+ \llap{\showstruts\strut\hskip.25\bodyfontsize}}%
+ \fi}
+ {\global\sidefloatparagraph\zerocount }
+ {\progresssidefloat
+ \ifdim\sidefloatprogress>\zeropoint
+ \setsidefloatparagraph
+ \else
+ \resetsidefloatparagraph
+ \fi
+ \parskip\ctxparskip}
+ {\dochecksidefloat}
+ {\ifinner \else \checksidefloat \fi}
+ {\par
+ \vskip-\parskip
+ \noindent
+ \ignorespaces}
+ {\aftergroup\doadjustsidefloatdisplaylines}
+ {\progresssidefloat
+ \ifdim\sidefloatprogress>\zeropoint \relax
+ \iffloatshort
+ \global\floatshortfalse
+ \tosssidefloat
+ \else
+ \kern\sidefloatprogress
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+ {\!!counta\pageshrink
+ \divide\!!counta \baselineskip
+ \advance\!!counta \plusone
+ \parskip\zeropoint
+ \dorecurse\!!counta{\line{}}%
+ \kern-\!!counta\baselineskip
+ \penalty\zerocount }
+% We need to hook it into the other otr's. This code will move.
+\let\OTRONEflushsidefloats \flushsidefloats
+% page-set
+% \let\OTRSETflushsidefloats \forgetsidefloats
+% \let\OTRSETsynchronizesidefloats\forgetsidefloats
+% page-mul
+% \let\OTRMULflushsidefloats \forgetsidefloats
+% \let\OTRMULsynchronizesidefloats\forgetsidefloats
+\def\flushsidefloats {\OTRcommand\flushsidefloats}
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/page-spr.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/page-spr.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..65e435d7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/page-spr.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=page-spr,
+%D version=2002.11.11,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Page Macros,
+%D subtitle=Spreading,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Page Macros / Spreading}
+% This module is experimental and not yet official!
+\newif \ifinspread
+% beware, ugly overload, to be redone
+\def\normalsettextpagecontent#1#2#3% #2 and #3 will disappear
+ {\setbox#1\hbox
+ {\vbox to \textheight
+ {\offinterlineskip
+ \freezetextwidth
+ \hsize\textwidth % local variant of \sethsize
+ \boxmaxdepth\maxdepth
+ \noindent % content can be < \hsize
+ \dopagecontents#2#3}}%
+ \dp#1\zeropoint
+ \setbox#1\hbox to \makeupwidth
+ {\ifinspread
+ \ifvoid\spreadbox
+ \global\setbox\spreadbox\box#1%
+ \copy\spreadbox\hss % left page
+ \else
+ % prevent duplicate writes in normal run
+ \ifarrangingpages \else \ifcase\showspreadmode
+ \global\setbox\spreadbox\null
+ \wd\spreadbox\makeupwidth
+ \ht\spreadbox\textheight
+ \fi \fi
+ \hss\box\spreadbox % right page
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \hss\box#1\hss % never change the \hss's
+ \fi}}
+ {\ifinspread \ifvoid\spreadbox\else
+ % this page will be discarded later
+ \null \page
+ \fi \fi }
+ {\bgroup
+ \ifdoublesided
+ \page[\v!left]%
+ %\setsystemmode{spread}%
+ \inspreadtrue
+ \scratchdimen2\textwidth
+ \advance\scratchdimen2\backspace
+ \expanded{\setuplayout[\c!textwidth=\the\scratchdimen]}%
+ \def\startspread{\bgroup\let\stopspread\egroup}%
+ \let\stopspread\dostopspread
+ \else
+ \let\stopspread\egroup
+ \fi}
+ {\kern\zeropoint\page
+ \inspreadfalse
+ \setuplayout[\c!textwidth=\textwidth]
+ \page[\v!left]
+ \egroup}
+\protect \endinput
+% texexec --arr --pdf test
+% \setuplayout[width=middle]
+% \setuppapersize[A4][A3,landscape]
+% \setuppagenumbering[alternative=doublesided]
+% \setuparranging[2UP]
+% \starttext
+% \dorecurse{3}{\input tufte }
+% \startspread
+% \dorecurse{10}{\input tufte }
+% \stopspread
+% \dorecurse{3}{\input tufte }
+% \stoptext
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/page-str.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/page-str.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..df0cc5aa2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/page-str.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,331 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=page-str,
+%D version=2006.03.21,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Page Macros,
+%D subtitle=Page Streams,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Page Macros / Page Streams}
+%D The first version of this component of \CONTEXT\ was written
+%D for Thomas Schmitz who asked for parallel page streams. While
+%D playing with the code, I decided to make it into a component
+%D that can be used to construct all kind of stream related
+%D mechanisms. Because I could apply this feature in a project,
+%D there is some additional code here (related to graphics).
+%D These macros were written while listening to and watching the DVD
+%D \quotation {Rush In Rio}.
+% not yet ok in mkiv ... marknotes
+% taco, what is the best way to append a otr chunk (insert pagediscards?)
+\newtoks\defaultstreamoutput \defaultstreamoutput=\OTRONEoutput
+\newtoks\normalstreamoutput \normalstreamoutput={\saveoutputstream[\currentoutputstream]}
+\newcount\streampenalty \streampenalty=-101010101
+\ifx\multicolumnseject\undefined \else
+ \let\normalmulticolumnseject\multicolumnseject
+ \def\multicolumnseject{\ifinoutputstream\else\normalmulticolumnseject\fi}
+\newtoks \everyenableoutputstream
+ \flushsidefloats
+\to \everyenableoutputstream
+ {\the\everyenableoutputstream
+ \finishoutputstream
+ \writestatus{otr}{switching to output stream #1}%
+ \inoutputstreamtrue
+ \xdef\currentoutputstream{#1}}
+ {\finishoutputstream
+ \writestatus{otr}{switching to default output stream}%
+ \inoutputstreamfalse
+ \global\let\currentoutputstream\s!default}
+ {\writestatus{otr}{using output stream #1}%
+ \xdef\currentoutputstream{#1}}
+ {\doifelse\currentoutputstream\s!default
+ {\ifnum\outputpenalty=\streampenalty
+ \ifvoid\normalpagebox \else
+ \unvbox\normalpagebox
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \the\defaultstreamoutput
+ \fi}
+ {\the\normalstreamoutput}}
+ {\doifundefined{otrs:#1}{\expandafter\newbox\csname otrs:#1\endcsname}}
+ {\csname otrs:#1\endcsname}
+\def\finishoutputstream % todo: installoutput
+ {\endgraf
+ \penalty\streampenalty
+ \endgraf}
+ {\writestatus{otr}{saving otr stream #1}%
+ \ifvoid\normalpagebox
+ \global\setbox\outputstreamtag{#1}\emptybox
+ \else
+ \global\setbox\outputstreamtag{#1}\vbox
+ {\presetoutputstream
+ \ifvoid\outputstreamtag{#1}\else\unvbox\outputstreamtag{#1}\fi
+ \scratchdimen\dp\normalpagebox
+ \unvbox\normalpagebox
+ \vskip-\scratchdimen
+ \kern\strutdepth}%
+ \fi}
+% \def\presetoutputstream
+% {\pdffirstlineheight\strutheight
+% \pdflastlinedepth \strutdepth
+% \pdfeachlineheight \strutheight
+% \pdfeachlinedepth \strutdepth}
+\def\outputstreamht [#1]{\ht\outputstreamtag{#1}}
+\def\outputstreamdp [#1]{\dp\outputstreamtag{#1}}
+\def\outputstreamwd [#1]{\wd\outputstreamtag{#1}}
+%def\outputstreambox [#1]{\ifvoid\outputstreamtag{#1}\else\box \outputstreamtag{#1}\fi}
+\def\outputstreamcopy {\dowithoutputstreambox\copy }
+\def\outputstreambox {\dowithoutputstreambox\box }
+\def\outputstreamunvbox {\dowithoutputstreambox\unvbox }
+%D Footnotes don't go along with streams, simply because there is no
+%D way to re-split inserts. A dirty way out is to use marks and store
+%D notes that way.
+ {\dodoubleempty\dodefinemarknote}
+ {\definemarking[mn:#1]%
+ \setvalue{mn:#1:n}{0}%
+ \getparameters
+ [mn:#1]
+ [\c!before=,
+ \c!after=,
+ \c!inbetween=\endgraf,
+ \c!command=\firstofoneargument,
+ #2]}
+ {\doglobal\incrementvalue{mn:#1:n}%
+ \setgvalue{mn:#1:t:\getvalue{mn:#1:n}}{#2}%
+ \expanded{\marking[mn:#1]{\getvalue{mn:#1:n}}}}
+\def\flushmarknotes[#1]% assumes split
+ {\begingroup
+% \edef\firstmarknote{0\fetchmark[mn:#1][column:first]}%
+% \edef\lastmarknote {0\fetchmark[mn:#1][column:last]}%
+% \ifnum\firstmarknote<\lastmarknote\relax
+% \getvalue{mn:#1\c!before}%
+% \dostepwiserecurse\firstmarknote\lastmarknote\plusone
+% {\ifnum\recurselevel>\firstmarknote\relax
+% \ifnum\recurselevel<\lastmarknote\relax
+% \getvalue{mn:#1\c!inbetween}%
+% \fi
+% \fi
+% \getvalue{mn:#1\c!command}{\getvalue{mn:#1:t:\recurselevel}}}%
+% \getvalue{mn:#1\c!after}%
+% \fi
+ \endgroup}
+ {\begingroup
+ \edef\firstmarknote{0\fetchmark[mn:#1][column:first]}%
+ \edef\lastmarknote {0\fetchmark[mn:#1][column:last]}%
+ \dostepwiserecurse\firstmarknote\lastmarknote\plusone
+ {\global\letvalue{mn:#1:t:\recurselevel}\empty}%
+ \endgroup}
+%D The next section implements synchronization of (currently
+%D two) output streams. In due time we will implement both a
+%D vertical and horizontal system, as well as alternative
+%D splitters (firstpagevsize, succesivevsize etc).
+\def\synchronizeoutputstreams[#1]% [one,two] [left,right]
+ {\bgroup
+ \getfromcommalist[#1][\plusone]\let\firstoutputstream \commalistelement
+ \getfromcommalist[#1][\plustwo]\let\secondoutputstream\commalistelement
+ \forgeteverypar
+ \def\roundingeps{50sp}%
+ \getboxheight\dimen0\of\box\outputstreamtag\firstoutputstream
+ \getboxheight\dimen2\of\box\outputstreamtag\secondoutputstream
+ \scratchdimen\dimexpr\dimen0-\dimen2\relax
+ \ifdim\scratchdimen<-\roundingeps\relax
+ \scratchdimen-\scratchdimen
+ \writestatus{sync}{compensating first stream: \the\scratchdimen/\number\scratchdimen}%
+ \getroundednoflines\scratchdimen
+ \global\setbox\outputstreamtag\firstoutputstream\vbox
+ {\presetoutputstream
+ \unvbox\outputstreamtag\firstoutputstream\dorecurse\noflines\crlf}%
+ \else\ifdim\scratchdimen>\roundingeps\relax
+ \writestatus{sync}{compensating second stream: \the\scratchdimen/\number\scratchdimen}%
+ \getroundednoflines\scratchdimen
+ \global\setbox\outputstreamtag\secondoutputstream\vbox
+ {\presetoutputstream
+ \unvbox\outputstreamtag\secondoutputstream\dorecurse\noflines\crlf}%
+ \else
+ \writestatus{sync}{no need to compensate streams: \the\scratchdimen/\number\scratchdimen}%
+ \fi\fi
+ \egroup}
+\def\nofoutputstreamsplitlines {\v!auto} % {40}
+\def\outputstreamsplittolerance {-5}
+ {\bgroup
+ \getfromcommalist[#1][\plusone]\let\firstoutputstream \commalistelement
+ \getfromcommalist[#1][\plustwo]\let\secondoutputstream\commalistelement
+ \doloop
+ {\flushoutputstreams[#1]%
+ \ifvoid\outputstreamtag\firstoutputstream
+ \ifvoid\outputstreamtag\secondoutputstream
+ \exitloop
+ \else
+ \global\setbox\outputstreamtag\firstoutputstream\vbox{\strut}%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \ifvoid\outputstreamtag\secondoutputstream
+ \global\setbox\outputstreamtag\secondoutputstream\vbox{\strut}%
+ \else
+ % okay
+ \fi
+ \fi}%
+ \egroup}
+ {\bgroup
+ \getfromcommalist[#1][\plusone]\let\firstoutputstream \commalistelement
+ \getfromcommalist[#1][\plustwo]\let\secondoutputstream\commalistelement
+ \doif\nofoutputstreamsplitlines\v!auto
+ {\getrawnoflines\textheight
+ \edef\nofoutputstreamsplitlines{\the\noflines}}%
+ \splittopskip\strutheight
+ \scratchdimen\nofoutputstreamsplitlines\lineheight\relax
+ \unless\iffalse
+ \dimen0\scratchdimen
+ \doloop
+ {\setbox4\copy\outputstreamtag\firstoutputstream
+ \setbox0\vsplit4 to \dimen0
+ \setbox0\vbox
+ {\directsetup{stream:\firstoutputstream:top}%
+ \unvbox0
+ \directsetup{stream:\firstoutputstream:bottom}}%
+ \ifdim\ht0>\scratchdimen
+ \advance\dimen0-\lineheight
+ \else
+ \exitloop
+ \fi}%
+ \scratchdimen\dimen0
+ \dimen2\scratchdimen
+ \doloop
+ {\setbox6\copy\outputstreamtag\secondoutputstream
+ \setbox2\vsplit6 to \dimen2
+ \setbox2\vbox
+ {\directsetup{stream:\secondoutputstream:top}%
+ \unvbox0
+ \directsetup{stream:\secondoutputstream:bottom}}%
+ \ifdim\ht2>\scratchdimen
+ \advance\dimen2-\lineheight
+ \else
+ \exitloop
+ \fi}%
+ \scratchdimen\dimen2
+ \fi
+ \setbox4\copy\outputstreamtag\firstoutputstream
+ \setbox6\copy\outputstreamtag\secondoutputstream
+ \scratchcounter\zerocount
+ \doloop
+ {\setbox0\vsplit4 to \scratchdimen
+ \setbox0\vbox{\unvbox0}%
+ \setbox2\vsplit6 to \scratchdimen
+ \setbox2\vbox{\unvbox2}%
+ \ifvoid4
+ \exitloop
+ \else\ifvoid6
+ \exitloop
+ \else
+ \dimen8=\dimexpr\ht4-\ht6\relax
+ \ifdim\dimen8<\zeropoint\dimen8=-\dimen8\relax\fi
+ \advance\scratchcounter\plusone
+ \ifdim\dimen8<.5\lineheight
+ \exitloop
+ \else\ifnum\outputstreamsplittolerance>\zeropoint
+ \ifnum\scratchcounter>\outputstreamsplittolerance\relax
+ \exitloop
+ \else
+ \advance\scratchdimen\lineheight
+ \fi
+ \else\ifnum\outputstreamsplittolerance<\zeropoint
+ \ifnum-\scratchcounter<\outputstreamsplittolerance\relax
+ \exitloop
+ \else
+ \advance\scratchdimen-\lineheight
+ \fi
+ \else\ifnum\outputstreamsplittolerance=\zeropoint
+ \exitloop
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi
+ \fi\fi}%
+ \setbox0\vsplit\outputstreamtag\firstoutputstream to \scratchdimen
+ \setbox0\vbox to \textheight
+ {\presetoutputstream
+ \directsetup{stream:\firstoutputstream:top}%
+ \unvbox0
+ \vfill
+ \directsetup{stream:\firstoutputstream:bottom}}%
+ \setbox2\vsplit\outputstreamtag\secondoutputstream to \scratchdimen
+ \setbox2\vbox to \textheight
+ {\presetoutputstream
+ \directsetup{stream:\secondoutputstream:top}%
+ \unvbox2
+ \vfill
+ \directsetup{stream:\secondoutputstream:bottom}}%
+ \directsetup{stream:\firstoutputstream:reset}%
+ \directsetup{stream:\secondoutputstream:reset}%
+ \page[even]
+ \box0\vfill\page
+ \box2\vfill\page
+ \egroup}
+%D Because many arrangements are possible, we will implement
+%D some examples in a runtime loadable module \type {m-streams}.
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/page-txt.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/page-txt.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dd643b1b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/page-txt.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,784 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=page-txt, % copied from main-001,
+%D version=1997.03.31,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Page Macros,
+%D subtitle=Texts,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+% \setuplayouttext in manual
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Page Macros / Texts}
+\let\dodummypageskip\gobbleoneargument % obsolete
+%D Interfacing between this and other modules is handled by
+%D the following macros. The current state of a text line
+%D (header, footer, etc.) is checked by:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \resetlayouttextlines
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The main text box is finished by the following macro:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \getmainbox <box> <\vbox|\unvbox>
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The text lines are collected with:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \gettextboxes
+%D \stoptyping
+%D It is possible to extens the default content of the text
+%D areas by appending content to the following token list
+%D registers:
+\newtoks\toptextcontent \newtoks\leftedgetextcontent
+\newtoks\headertextcontent \newtoks\leftmargintextcontent
+\newtoks\footertextcontent \newtoks\rightmargintextcontent
+\newtoks\bottomtextcontent \newtoks\rightedgetextcontent
+%D \macros
+%D {setuptop, setupheader, setuptext,
+%D setupfooter, setupbottom}
+%D The macros in this module sometimes look a bit more complicated
+%D than needed, which is a direct result of the fact that their
+%D ancestors are quite old and upward compatibility is a must.
+%D \showsetup{setuptop}
+%D \showsetup{setupheader}
+%D \showsetup{setuptext}
+%D \showsetup{setupfooter}
+%D \showsetup{setupbottom}
+ {\dotripleempty\dosetuplayouttext}
+\def\dosetuplayouttext[#1][#2][#3]% beware, non global
+ {\ifthirdargument
+ \getparameters[\??tk#1#2][#3]%
+ \else
+ %\getparameters[\??tk#1\v!text][#2]%
+ \edef\previoustextstate{\getvalue{\??tk#1\c!state}}%
+ \getparameters[\??tk#1][#2]%
+ \doifnotvalue{\??tk#1\c!state}\previoustextstate
+ {%\checkcurrentlayout % no
+ \edef\currenttextstate{\getvalue{\??tk#1\c!state}}%
+ % speed optimization (calculating backgrounds takes time)
+ \doifcommon{\previoustextstate,\currenttextstate}{\v!high,\v!none}
+ {\calculatevsizes
+ \recalculatebackgrounds
+ \recalculatelogos}}%
+ \fi}
+\def\setuptop {\dotripleempty\dosetuplayouttext[\v!top]}
+\def\setupheader {\dotripleempty\dosetuplayouttext[\v!header]}
+\def\setuptext {\dotripleempty\dosetuplayouttext[\v!text]}
+\def\setupfooter {\dotripleempty\dosetuplayouttext[\v!footer]}
+\def\setupbottom {\dotripleempty\dosetuplayouttext[\v!bottom]}
+%D \macros
+%D {noheaderandfooterlines,notopandbottomlines}
+%D Although not really needed, the following shortcuts
+%D sometimes come in handy.
+%D \showsetup{noheaderandfooterlines}
+%D \showsetup{notopandbottomlines}
+ {\setupheader[\c!state=\v!empty]%
+ \setupfooter[\c!state=\v!empty]}
+ {\setuptop [\c!state=\v!empty]%
+ \setupbottom[\c!state=\v!empty]}
+%D \macros
+%D {setuptoptexts, setupheadertexts, setuptexttexts,
+%D setupfootertexts, setupbottomtexts}
+%D The next macros take one or more arguments. The exact setup
+%D depends on the number of arguments. Although not that
+%D intuitive, the current scheme evolved out of the original.
+%D When margin and edge texts as well as middle texts showed
+%D up, the current odd|/|even scheme surfaced.
+%D \showsetup{setuptoptexts}
+%D \showsetup{setupheadertexts}
+%D \showsetup{setuptexttexts}
+%D \showsetup{setupfootertexts}
+%D \showsetup{setupbottomtexts}
+\def\setuptoptexts {\dosixtupleempty\dosetuptexts[\v!top]}
+\def\setupheadertexts {\dosixtupleempty\dosetuptexts[\v!header]}
+\def\setuptexttexts {\dosixtupleempty\dosetuptexts[\v!text]}
+\def\setupfootertexts {\dosixtupleempty\dosetuptexts[\v!footer ]}
+\def\setupbottomtexts {\dosixtupleempty\dosetuptexts[\v!bottom]}
+%D The left, right and center variables can also be set
+%D directly using the previously discussed macros.
+ {\ifsixthargument
+ \setvalue{\??tk#1#2\c!lefttext}%
+ {\dodoubletexts{\??tk#1}{#2}%
+ {\c!leftstyle \c!leftcolor \c!leftwidth }{#3}%
+ {\c!rightstyle\c!rightcolor\c!rightwidth}{#6}}%
+ \setvalue{\??tk#1#2\c!righttext}%
+ {\dodoubletexts{\??tk#1}{#2}%
+ {\c!rightstyle\c!rightcolor\c!rightwidth}{#4}%
+ {\c!leftstyle \c!leftcolor \c!leftwidth }{#5}}%
+ \else\iffifthargument
+ \setvalue{\??tk#1\v!text\c!lefttext}%
+ {\dodoubletexts{\??tk#1}\v!text
+ {\c!leftstyle \c!leftcolor \c!leftwidth }{#2}%
+ {\c!rightstyle\c!rightcolor\c!rightwidth}{#5}}%
+ \setvalue{\??tk#1\v!text\c!righttext}%
+ {\dodoubletexts{\??tk#1}\v!text
+ {\c!rightstyle\c!rightcolor\c!rightwidth}{#3}%
+ {\c!leftstyle \c!leftcolor \c!leftwidth }{#4}}%
+ \else\iffourthargument
+ \setvalue{\??tk#1#2\c!lefttext}%
+ {\dodoubletexts{\??tk#1}{#2}
+ {\c!leftstyle\c!leftcolor\c!leftwidth}{#3}%
+ {\c!leftstyle\c!leftcolor\c!leftwidth}{#3}}%
+ \setvalue{\??tk#1#2\c!righttext}%
+ {\dodoubletexts{\??tk#1}{#2}
+ {\c!rightstyle\c!rightcolor\c!rightwidth}{#4}%
+ {\c!rightstyle\c!rightcolor\c!rightwidth}{#4}}%
+ \else\ifthirdargument
+ \setvalue{\??tk#1\v!text\c!lefttext}%
+ {\dodoubletexts{\??tk#1}\v!text
+ {\c!leftstyle\c!leftcolor\c!leftwidth}{#2}%
+ {\c!leftstyle\c!leftcolor\c!leftwidth}{#2}}%
+ \setvalue{\??tk#1\v!text\c!righttext}%
+ {\dodoubletexts{\??tk#1}\v!text
+ {\c!rightstyle\c!rightcolor\c!rightwidth}{#3}%
+ {\c!rightstyle\c!rightcolor\c!rightwidth}{#3}}%
+ \else\ifsecondargument % new
+ \letvalue{\??tk#1\v!text\c!lefttext }\empty
+ \letvalue{\??tk#1\v!text\c!righttext}\empty
+ \setvalue{\??tk#1\v!text\c!middletext }%
+ {\dosingletexts{\??tk#1}\v!text\c!style\c!color\c!width{#2}}%
+ \else
+ \dosixtupleempty\dosetuptexts[#1][\v!text][][][][]%
+ \dosixtupleempty\dosetuptexts[#1][\v!margin][][][][]%
+ \dosixtupleempty\dosetuptexts[#1][\v!edge ][][][][]%
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi}
+%D Left and right texts are swapped on odd and even pages, but
+%D only when double sided typesetting is enabled.
+ {\doifoddpageelse
+ {\dosingletexts{#1}{#2}#3{#4}} % #3 => provides three arguments
+ {\dosingletexts{#1}{#2}#5{#6}}} % #5 => provides three arguments
+%D The next macro will be cleaned up amd made less messy and
+%D dependent.
+ {\doifvalue{#1\c!strut}\v!yes{\setstrut\strut}}
+ {\bgroup
+ \defconvertedargument\ascii{#6}%
+ \doifsomething\ascii
+ {\doattributes{#1#2}#3#4%
+ {\placetextlinestrut{#1}% here !
+ %\doifdefinedelse{\??mk\ascii\c!coupling} % brrr
+ \doifelsemarking\ascii
+ {\dolimitatetexts{#1#2#5}{\getmarking[\ascii][\v!first]}}
+ {\ConvertConstantAfter\doifelse\v!pagenumber{#6}
+ \@@plaatspaginanummer
+ {\ConvertConstantAfter\doifelse\v!date{#6}
+ {\currentdate}
+ {% #6{}{}{} -> {} needed for macros that look
+ % ahead, like \uniqueMPgraphic
+ \opeenregel\dolimitatetexts{#1#2#5}{#6{}{}{}}}}}}}%
+ \egroup}
+%D When specified, the texts are automatically limited in
+%D length.
+ {\doifelsevaluenothing{#1}{#2}{\limitatetext{#2}{\getvalue{#1}}{\unknown}}}
+%D The placement of text is hooked into the token lists
+%D associated to the area at hand.
+\appendtoks \placelayouttextline\v!top \topheight \to \toptextcontent
+\appendtoks \placelayouttextline\v!header\headerheight \to \headertextcontent
+\appendtoks \placelayouttextline\v!text \textheight \to \texttextcontent
+\appendtoks \placelayouttextline\v!footer\footerheight \to \footertextcontent
+\appendtoks \placelayouttextline\v!bottom\bottomheight \to \bottomtextcontent
+%D Texts can be disabled, moved up and ignored, depending in
+%D the \type {status} variable. This is handled by the next
+%D couple of macros.
+\def\settextlinestatus #1{\edef\textlinestatus{\csname\??tk#1\c!state\endcsname}}
+\def\resettextlinestatus#1% postpone
+ {\setgvalue{\??tk#1\s!reset}{\letgvalue{\??tk#1\c!state}\v!normal}}
+\def\placelayouttextline#1% #2
+ {\settextlinestatus{#1}%
+ \csname\string\placelayouttextline
+ \ifundefined{\string\placelayouttextline\textlinestatus}%
+ \s!unknown
+ \else
+ \textlinestatus
+ \fi
+ \endcsname{#1}} % {#2}
+\def\doifelselayouttextline#1% shown or not
+ {\doifinsetelse{\getvalue{\??tk#1\c!state}}{\v!normal,\v!start}}
+\def\doifelselayoutsomeline#1% present or not
+ {\edef\!!stringa{\csname\??tk#1\c!state\endcsname}%
+ \ifx\!!stringa\v!none
+ \@EA\secondoftwoarguments
+ \else\ifx\!!stringa\v!high
+ \@EAEAEA\secondoftwoarguments
+ \else
+ \@EAEAEA\firstoftwoarguments
+ \fi\fi}
+% \doplacelayouttextline does the actual placement (when a non-zero height)
+\setvalue{\string\placelayouttextline\v!normal }{\doplacelayouttextline}
+\setvalue{\string\placelayouttextline }{\doplacelayouttextline}
+ {}
+ {\global\settrue\resyncaftertextline
+ \resettextlinestatus{#1}}
+ {\resettextlinestatus{#1}}
+ {\resettextlinestatus{#1}%
+ \doplacelayouttextline{#1}{#2}}
+ {}
+ {\bgroup
+ \resettextlinestatus{#1}%
+ \let\dogetmarking\nogetmarking
+ \doplacelayouttextline{#1}{#2}%
+ \egroup}
+ {\global\settrue\resyncaftertextline
+ \bgroup % new
+ \resettextlinestatus{#1}%
+ \getvalue{\??tk#1\textlinestatus}%
+ \getvalue{\??tk#1\v!text \textlinestatus}%
+ \getvalue{\??tk#1\v!margin\textlinestatus}%
+ \getvalue{\??tk#1\v!edge \textlinestatus}%
+ \doplacelayouttextline{#1}{#2}%
+ \egroup}
+%D The following macro has to be called after a page
+%D is flushed.
+ {\getvalue {\??tk#1\s!reset}%
+ \letgvalue{\??tk#1\s!reset}\relax}
+ {\resetlayouttextline\v!top
+ \resetlayouttextline\v!header
+ \resetlayouttextline\v!text
+ \resetlayouttextline\v!footer
+ \resetlayouttextline\v!bottom
+ \ifconditional\resyncaftertextline
+ \doglobal\calculatevsizes
+ \recalculatebackgrounds
+ \recalculatelogos
+ \global\setfalse\resyncaftertextline
+ \fi}
+% \settext[header][text][middle][xxx][yyy]
+ {\doquintupleempty\dosettextcontent}
+\def\dosettextcontent[#1][#2][#3][#4][#5]% header text middle text/text
+ {\iffifthargument
+ \setvalue{\??tk#1#2\executeifdefined{:\c!text:#3:}\c!middletext}%
+ {\dodoubletexts{\??tk#1}{#2}%
+ {\c!leftstyle \c!leftcolor \c!leftwidth }{#4}%
+ {\c!rightstyle\c!rightcolor\c!rightwidth}{#5}}%
+ \else\iffourthargument
+ \setvalue{\??tk#1#2\executeifdefined{:\c!text:#3:}\c!middletext}%
+ {\dodoubletexts{\??tk#1}{#2}%
+ {\c!leftstyle \c!leftcolor \c!leftwidth }{#4}%
+ {\c!rightstyle\c!rightcolor\c!rightwidth}{#4}}%
+ \else\ifthirdargument
+ \setvalue{\??tk#1#2\c!middletext}%
+ {\dodoubletexts{\??tk#1}{#2}%
+ {\c!leftstyle \c!leftcolor \c!leftwidth }{#3}%
+ {\c!rightstyle\c!rightcolor\c!rightwidth}{#3}}%
+ \fi\fi\fi}
+ {\dotripleempty\doresettextcontent}
+\def\doresettextcontent[#1][#2][#3]% header text middle
+ {\ifthirdargument
+ \letvalue{\??tk#1#2\executeifdefined{:\c!text:#3:}\c!middletext}\empty
+ \else\ifsecondargument
+ \letvalue{\??tk#1#2\c!lefttext }\empty
+ \letvalue{\??tk#1#2\c!middletext}\empty
+ \letvalue{\??tk#1#2\c!righttext }\empty
+ \fi\fi}
+\let\settext \settextcontent % downward compatibility
+\let\resettext\resettextcontent % downward compatibility
+\setvalue{:\c!left :\c!text:}{\c!lefttext }
+\setvalue{:\c!right :\c!text:}{\c!righttext }
+%D The next series of macros is not that easy to read,
+%D because they hook into the main page building macros. By
+%D using token list registers for the text content, we can
+%D easily hook in other code, like menu generators.
+%D Beware: the token lists are always expanded, also when the
+%D height of an area is zero. This is because reset actions can
+%D be part of them.
+ {\setbox\scratchpagebox\vbox
+ {\dontcomplain
+ \calculatereducedvsizes
+ \swapmargins
+ \offinterlineskip
+ \vskip\dimexpr-\topheight-\topdistance\relax
+ \the\toptextcontent
+ \vskip\dimexpr\topheight+\topdistance\relax
+ \the\headertextcontent
+ \vskip\dimexpr\headerheight+\headerdistance\relax
+ \placepositionanchors
+ \vskip-\textheight
+ \the\texttextcontent
+ \vskip\textheight
+ \the\everyendoftextbody
+ \vskip\footerdistance
+ \the\footertextcontent
+ \vskip\dimexpr\footerheight+\bottomdistance\relax
+ \the\bottomtextcontent
+ \vskip\bottomheight
+ \vfilll}%
+ \smashbox\scratchpagebox
+ \box\scratchpagebox}
+ {\setbox\scratchpagebox\vbox
+ {\offinterlineskip % na \paginaletter !
+ \calculatereducedvsizes
+ \calculatehsizes
+ \swapmargins
+ \vskip\dimexpr\headerheight+\headerdistance+\layoutparameter\c!textdistance\relax
+ \hbox to \makeupwidth
+ {\bgroup
+ \swapmargins
+ \goleftonpage
+ \ifdim\leftedgewidth>\zeropoint
+ \the\leftedgetextcontent
+ \hskip\leftedgewidth
+ \fi
+ \hskip\leftedgedistance
+ \ifdim\leftmarginwidth>\zeropoint
+ \the\leftmargintextcontent
+ \hskip\leftmarginwidth
+ \fi
+ \hskip\leftmargindistance
+ \egroup
+ \mkprocesspagecontents{#2}%
+ \settextpagecontent\scratchpagebox{#1}{#2}%
+ \setbox\scratchpagebox\vbox % can we avoid this extra box
+ {\startlayoutcomponent{textbody}{text body}%
+ \box\scratchpagebox
+ \stoplayoutcomponent}%
+ \addtextbackground\scratchpagebox
+ \addtextgridlayer\scratchpagebox
+ \localstarttextcolor % does not work in mkiv
+ \box\scratchpagebox
+ \localstoptextcolor % so we have to change this
+ \bgroup
+ \hskip\rightmargindistance
+ \ifdim\rightmarginwidth>\zeropoint
+ \the\rightmargintextcontent
+ \hskip\rightmarginwidth
+ \fi
+ \hskip\rightedgedistance
+ \ifdim\rightedgewidth>\zeropoint
+ \the\rightedgetextcontent
+ \hskip\rightedgewidth
+ \fi
+ \egroup
+ \hss}}%
+ \smashbox\scratchpagebox
+ \box\scratchpagebox}
+%D The main text area has to be combined with some additional
+%D (tracing) information.
+% will be overloaded in page-lyr
+\def\settextpagecontent#1#2#3% #2 and #3 will disappear
+ {\setbox#1\hbox to \makeupwidth
+ {\hss % so don't change this
+ \vbox to \textheight
+ {\offinterlineskip
+ \freezetextwidth
+ \hsize\textwidth % local variant of \sethsize
+ \boxmaxdepth\maxdepth
+ \noindent % content can be < \hsize
+ \dopagecontents#2#3}%
+ \hss}%
+ \dp#1\zeropoint}
+ [layout]
+ [grid=red,
+ page=green]
+\def\addtextgridlayer#1% tzt run time
+ {\ifcase\showgridstate\else % 1=bottom 2=top
+ \setgridbox\scratchbox\makeupwidth\textheight
+ \setbox#1\hbox
+ {\ifcase\showgridstate\or\or\box#1\hskip-\makeupwidth\fi
+ \bgroup % color
+ \startlayoutcomponent{gridcolumns}{grid columns}%
+ \incolortrue
+ \ifcase\layoutcolumns\else
+ \gray
+ \hbox to \makeupwidth
+ {\dorecurse\layoutcolumns
+ {\hskip\layoutcolumnwidth
+ \ifnum\recurselevel<\layoutcolumns
+ \vrule
+ \!!height\ht\scratchbox
+ \!!depth\dp\scratchbox
+ \!!width\layoutcolumndistance
+ \fi}}%
+ \hskip-\makeupwidth
+ \fi
+ \stoplayoutcomponent
+ \startlayoutcomponent{gridlines}{grid lines}%
+ \startcolor[layout:grid]\box\scratchbox\stopcolor
+ \stoplayoutcomponent
+ \egroup
+ \ifcase\showgridstate\or\hskip-\makeupwidth\box#1\fi}%
+ \fi}
+%D The placement of a whole line is handled by the next two
+%D macros. These are hooked into the general purpose token
+%D list registers mentioned before.
+ {\ifdim#2>\zeropoint\relax % prevents pagenumbers when zero height
+ \goleftonpage
+ \hbox
+ {\setbox\scratchpagebox\vbox to #2
+ {%\forgetall
+ \vsize#2\relax
+ \normalbaselines
+ \let\\\ignoredlinebreak
+ \let\crlf\ignoredlinebreak
+ %\getvalue{\??tk#1\v!text\c!before}%
+ \getvalue{\??tk#1\c!before}%
+ \doifbothsidesoverruled
+ {\dodoplacelayouttextline#1\c!lefttext \c!middletext\c!righttext\gobbleoneargument\getvalue}
+ {\dodoplacelayouttextline#1\c!lefttext \c!middletext\c!righttext\gobbleoneargument\getvalue}
+ {\dodoplacelayouttextline#1\c!righttext\c!middletext\c!lefttext \getvalue\gobbleoneargument}%
+ %\getvalue{\??tk#1\v!text\c!after}%
+ \getvalue{\??tk#1\c!after}%
+ \kern\zeropoint}% keep the \dp, beware of \vtops, never change this!
+ \dp\scratchpagebox\zeropoint
+ \box\scratchpagebox}%
+ \vskip-#2\relax
+ \fi}
+\def\dodoplacelayouttextline#1#2#3#4#5#6% \hsize toegevoegd, \hss's niet meer wijzigen
+ {\hbox
+ {\ifdim\leftedgewidth>\zeropoint
+ \dododoplacelayouttextline\leftedgewidth{#1}\v!edge
+ {\hss\getvalue{\??tk#1\v!edge#2}}%
+ \hskip\leftedgedistance
+ \fi
+ \ifdim\leftmarginwidth>\zeropoint
+ \dododoplacelayouttextline\leftmarginwidth{#1}\v!margin
+ {\hbox to \leftmarginwidth
+ {\hss\getvalue{\??tk#1\v!margin#2}}%
+ \hskip-\leftmarginwidth
+ \hbox to \leftmarginwidth
+ {\hss#5{\??tk#1\v!margin\c!margintext}}}%
+ \hskip\leftmargindistance
+ \fi
+ \ifdim\makeupwidth>\zeropoint
+ \dododoplacelayouttextline\makeupwidth{#1}\v!text
+ {\hbox to \makeupwidth
+ {\@@nmpre{#5{\??tk#1\v!text\c!marginedgetext}}%
+ \getvalue{\??tk#1\v!text#2}\hss}%
+ \hskip-\makeupwidth
+ \hbox to \makeupwidth
+ {\hss\getvalue{\??tk#1\v!text#3}\hss}%
+ \hskip-\makeupwidth
+ \hbox to \makeupwidth
+ {\hss\getvalue{\??tk#1\v!text#4}%
+ \@@nmpos{#6{\??tk#1\v!text\c!marginedgetext}}}}%
+ \fi
+ \ifdim\rightmarginwidth>\zeropoint
+ \hskip\rightmargindistance
+ \dododoplacelayouttextline\rightmarginwidth{#1}\v!margin
+ {\hbox to \rightmarginwidth
+ {\getvalue{\??tk#1\v!margin#4}\hss}%
+ \hskip-\rightmarginwidth
+ \hbox to \rightmarginwidth
+ {#6{\??tk#1\v!margin\c!margintext}\hss}}%
+ \fi
+ \ifdim\rightedgewidth>\zeropoint
+ \hskip\rightedgedistance
+ \dododoplacelayouttextline\rightedgewidth{#1}\v!edge
+ {\getvalue{\??tk#1\v!edge#4}\hss}%
+ \fi}}
+% \def\dododoplacelayouttextline#1#2#3#4%
+% {\vbox % to \vsize
+% {\hsize#1\relax
+% \getvalue{\??tk#2#3\c!voor}
+% \hbox to #1{#4}%
+% \getvalue{\??tk#2#3\c!na}}}
+ {\vbox % to \vsize
+ {\hsize#1\relax
+ \getvalue{\??tk#2#3\c!before}%
+ \startlayoutcomponent{t:#2:#3}{area #2 #3}%
+ \hbox to #1{#4}%
+ \stoplayoutcomponent
+ \getvalue{\??tk#2#3\c!after}}}
+%D Although it is far better to use backgrounds for this
+%D purpose, one can add a rule in the following way. This
+%D method makes the rules disappear in case of an empty text
+%D line. Consider this a feature.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \setupheadertexts[left][right]
+%D \setupheader[text][after=\hrule,style=bold]
+%D \starttext
+%D \input tufte \page
+%D \setupheader[state=empty]
+%D \input tufte \page
+%D \stoptext
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The next twosome will be done differently (using an
+%D existing auxiliary macro).
+% \def\@@nmpre#1{\setbox0\hbox{#1}\ifdim\wd0=\zeropoint\else\unhbox0\tfskip\fi}
+% \def\@@nmpos#1{\setbox0\hbox{#1}\ifdim\wd0=\zeropoint\else\tfskip\unhbox0\fi}
+% cleaner
+% newer
+ {\doifelsenothing\@@nmwidth
+ {\doiftext{#5}{#1{#5}#2}}
+ {\doiftext{#5}{\hbox to \@@nmwidth{#3{#5}#4}}}}
+%D This code will move to \type {page-flt.tex}.
+ \plaatsrechtermargeblok \hskip-\rightmarginwidth
+\to \rightmargintextcontent
+ \plaatslinkermargeblok \hskip-\leftmarginwidth
+\to \leftmargintextcontent
+%D The next hook will later be used for keeping track of
+%D positions, i.e.\ it will provide a proper (page
+%D dependent) reference point.
+ \def\placepositionanchors{\vskip\textheight}
+%D \macros
+%D {definetext}
+%D Some macros ago, we implemented the \type {status} option
+%D \type {unknown}. This one is used to take care of
+%D symbolic texts handlers.
+%D \showsetup{definetext}
+%D The next example demonstrates how we can use this
+%D mechanism to provide page (event) dependent text lines.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \definetext[chapter][footer][pagenumber]
+%D \setuphead[chapter][header=high,footer=chapter]
+%D \setupheadertexts[pagenumber]
+%D \setupfootertexts[left][right]
+%D \chapter{eerste} \dorecurse{20}{\input tufte \relax}
+%D \chapter{tweede} \dorecurse{20}{\input tufte \relax}
+%D \stoptyping
+ {\doseventupleempty\dodefinetext}
+ {\ifseventhargument
+ \setvalue{\??tk#2#3#1}{\dosixtupleempty\dosetuptexts[#2][#3][#4][#5][#6][#7]}%
+ \else\ifsixthargument
+ \setvalue{\??tk #2#1}{\dosixtupleempty\dosetuptexts[#2][#3][#4][#5][#6]}%
+ \else\iffifthargument
+ \setvalue{\??tk#2#3#1}{\dosixtupleempty\dosetuptexts[#2][#3][#4][#5]}%
+ \else\iffourthargument
+ \setvalue{\??tk #2#1}{\dosixtupleempty\dosetuptexts[#2][#3][#4]}%
+ \else
+ \setvalue{\??tk #2#1}{\dosixtupleempty\dosetuptexts[#2][#3]}%
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi}
+%D The rest of this file is dedicated to setting up the
+%D texts. This code is not that impressive.
+\setupheadertexts [\v!text] [] []
+\setupheadertexts [\v!margin] [] []
+\setupheadertexts [\v!edge] [] []
+\setupfootertexts [\v!text] [] []
+\setupfootertexts [\v!margin] [] []
+\setupfootertexts [\v!edge] [] []
+\setuptexttexts [\v!text] [] []
+\setuptexttexts [\v!margin] [] []
+\setuptexttexts [\v!edge] [] []
+\setupbottomtexts [\v!text] [] []
+\setupbottomtexts [\v!margin] [] []
+\setupbottomtexts [\v!edge] [] []
+\setuptoptexts [\v!text] [] []
+\setuptoptexts [\v!margin] [] []
+\setuptoptexts [\v!edge] [] []
+% alternative
+% \def\resetlayouttekst%
+% {\dodoubleempty\doresetlayouttekst}
+% \def\doresetlayouttekst[#1][#2]%
+% {\ifsecondargument
+% \dodoresetlayouttekst[#1][#2]%
+% \else
+% \dodoresetlayouttekst[#1][\v!tekst]%
+% \fi}
+% \def\dodoresetlayouttekst[#1][#2]%
+% {...}
+% \def\docommand#1%
+% {\resetlayouttekst[#1][\v!tekst]%
+% \resetlayouttekst[#1][\v!marge]%
+% \resetlayouttekst[#1][\v!rand]}
+%D We combine a lot of similar settings in a macro that
+%D we will later dispose.
+ {\getparameters
+ [\??tk#1#2]
+ [%\c!state=\v!normal, % moved
+ \c!before=, % both global and local are used
+ \c!after=, % both global and local are used
+ \c!strut=, % the local one, not (yet) used
+ \c!style=\getvalue{\??tk#1\c!style},% hm, got lost
+ \c!color=\getvalue{\??tk#1\c!color}, % hm, got lost
+ \c!lefttext=,
+ \c!middletext=,
+ \c!righttext=,
+ \c!marginedgetext=,
+ \c!margintext=,
+ \c!width=]%
+ \inheritparameter[\??tk#1#2][\c!leftstyle ][\c!style ]%
+ \inheritparameter[\??tk#1#2][\c!rightstyle ][\c!style ]%
+ \inheritparameter[\??tk#1#2][\c!leftcolor ][\c!color ]%
+ \inheritparameter[\??tk#1#2][\c!rightcolor ][\c!color ]%
+ \inheritparameter[\??tk#1#2][\c!leftwidth ][\c!width]%
+ \inheritparameter[\??tk#1#2][\c!rightwidth][\c!width]}
+ {\dodocommand[#1][\v!text]%
+ \dodocommand[#1][\v!margin]%
+ \dodocommand[#1][\v!edge]}
+\let\docommand \relax
+%D While the header and footer lines are moved away from the
+%D main text, the top and bottom lines are centered.
+\setuptop [\c!state=\v!normal,\c!before=\vss,\c!after=\vss,\c!strut=]
+\setupheader[\c!state=\v!normal,\c!before=, \c!after=\vss,\c!strut=\v!yes]
+\setuptext [\c!state=\v!normal,\c!before=\vss,\c!after=\vss,\c!strut=]
+\setupfooter[\c!state=\v!normal,\c!before=\vss,\c!after=, \c!strut=\v!yes]
+\setuptop [\c!style=,\c!color=]
+\setuptext [\c!style=,\c!color=]
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/pdfr-def.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/pdfr-def.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b3f67b93f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/pdfr-def.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,843 @@
+% filename : pdfr-def.mkii
+% comment : generated by mtxrun --script chars --pdf
+% author : Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL
+% copyright: PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team
+% license : see context related readme files
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/pdfr-ec.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/pdfr-ec.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e2208aa36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/pdfr-ec.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=pdfr-ec,
+%D version=2005.07.27,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ PDF Font Resources,
+%D subtitle=EC encoding,
+%D author={Vladimir Volovich / Taco Hoekwater},
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D This vector is derived (but reformatted a bit) from
+%D the one in \LaTeX's CMap package
+/CIDInit /ProcSet findresource begin
+12 dict begin
+ begincmap
+ /CIDSystemInfo
+ << /Registry (TeX)
+ /Ordering (T1)
+ /Supplement 0
+ >> def
+ /CMapName /TeX-T1-0 def
+ /CMapType 2 def
+ 1 begincodespacerange
+ <00> <FF>
+ endcodespacerange
+ 10 beginbfrange
+ <0E> <0F> <2039>
+ <10> <12> <201C>
+ <15> <16> <2013>
+ <21> <26> <0021>
+ <28> <5F> <0028>
+ <61> <7E> <0061>
+ <C0> <D6> <00C0>
+ <D8> <DE> <00D8>
+ <E0> <F6> <00E0>
+ <F8> <FE> <00F8>
+ endbfrange
+ 95 beginbfchar
+ <00> <0060>
+ <01> <00B4>
+ <02> <02C6>
+ <03> <02DC>
+ <04> <00A8>
+ <05> <02DD>
+ <06> <02DA>
+ <07> <02C7>
+ <08> <02D8>
+ <09> <00AF>
+ <0A> <02D9>
+ <0B> <00B8>
+ <0C> <02DB>
+ <0D> <201A>
+ <13> <00AB>
+ <14> <00BB>
+ <17> <200C>
+ <19> <0131>
+ <1B> <00660066>
+ <1C> <00660069>
+ <1D> <0066006C>
+ <1E> <006600660069>
+ <1F> <00660066006C>
+ <20> <2423>
+ <27> <2019>
+ <60> <2018>
+ <7F> <002D>
+ <80> <0102>
+ <81> <0104>
+ <82> <0106>
+ <83> <010C>
+ <84> <010E>
+ <85> <011A>
+ <86> <0118>
+ <87> <011E>
+ <88> <0139>
+ <89> <013D>
+ <8A> <0141>
+ <8B> <0143>
+ <8C> <0147>
+ <8D> <014A>
+ <8E> <0150>
+ <8F> <0154>
+ <90> <0158>
+ <91> <015A>
+ <92> <0160>
+ <93> <015E>
+ <94> <0164>
+ <95> <021A>
+ <96> <0170>
+ <97> <016E>
+ <98> <0178>
+ <99> <0179>
+ <9A> <017D>
+ <9B> <017B>
+ <9C> <0132>
+ <9D> <0130>
+ <9E> <0111>
+ <9F> <00A7>
+ <A0> <0103>
+ <A1> <0105>
+ <A2> <0107>
+ <A3> <010D>
+ <A4> <010F>
+ <A5> <011B>
+ <A6> <0119>
+ <A7> <011F>
+ <A8> <013A>
+ <A9> <013E>
+ <AA> <0142>
+ <AB> <0144>
+ <AC> <0148>
+ <AD> <014B>
+ <AE> <0151>
+ <AF> <0155>
+ <B0> <0159>
+ <B1> <015B>
+ <B2> <0161>
+ <B3> <015F>
+ <B4> <0165>
+ <B5> <021B>
+ <B6> <0171>
+ <B7> <016F>
+ <B8> <00FF>
+ <B9> <017A>
+ <BA> <017E>
+ <BB> <017C>
+ <BC> <0133>
+ <BD> <00A1>
+ <BE> <00BF>
+ <BF> <00A3>
+ <D7> <0152>
+ <DF> <00530053>
+ <F7> <0153>
+ <FF> <00DF>
+ endbfchar
+ endcmap
+CMapName currentdict /CMap defineresource pop end
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/pdfr-il2.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/pdfr-il2.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..81f9c42ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/pdfr-il2.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=pdfr-il2,
+%D version=2000.12.10,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ PDF Font Resources,
+%D subtitle=ISO Latin 2,
+%D author={Ondrej Koala Vacha, Hans Hagen},
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D This vector is derived (but reformatted a bit) from a
+%D sample send to me by Petr Ferdus. There was some Czech
+%D comment in which I could recognize the name of Ondrej
+%D Koala Vacha. More information on setting up such a vector
+%D can be found in the \PDF\ reference manual.
+/CIDInit /ProcSet findresource begin
+12 dict begin
+ begincmap
+ /CIDSystemInfo
+ << /Registry (Adobe)
+ /Ordering (T1UV)
+ /Supplement 0
+ >> def
+ /CMapName /Adobe-Identity-UCS def
+ /CMapType 1 def
+ 1 begincodespacerange
+ <00> <FF>
+ endcodespacerange
+ %%FontSpecificEncoding
+ 191 beginbfrange
+ <20> <20> <0020> % space dec: 32 oct:040 hex:20
+ <21> <21> <0021> % exclam dec: 33 oct:041 hex:21
+ <22> <22> <0022> % quotedbl dec: 34 oct:042 hex:22
+ <23> <23> <0023> % numbersign dec: 35 oct:043 hex:23
+ <24> <24> <0024> % dollar dec: 36 oct:044 hex:24
+ <25> <25> <0025> % percent dec: 37 oct:045 hex:25
+ <26> <26> <0026> % ampersand dec: 38 oct:046 hex:26
+ <27> <27> <0027> % quotesingle dec: 39 oct:047 hex:27
+ <28> <28> <0028> % parenleft dec: 40 oct:050 hex:28
+ <29> <29> <0029> % parenright dec: 41 oct:051 hex:29
+ <2a> <2a> <002a> % asterisk dec: 42 oct:052 hex:2a
+ <2b> <2b> <002b> % plus dec: 43 oct:053 hex:2b
+ <2c> <2c> <002c> % comma dec: 44 oct:054 hex:2c
+ <2d> <2d> <002d> % hyphen dec: 45 oct:055 hex:2d
+ <2e> <2e> <002e> % period dec: 46 oct:056 hex:2e
+ <2f> <2f> <002f> % slash dec: 47 oct:057 hex:2f
+ <30> <30> <0030> % zero dec: 48 oct:060 hex:30
+ <31> <31> <0031> % one dec: 49 oct:061 hex:31
+ <32> <32> <0032> % two dec: 50 oct:062 hex:32
+ <33> <33> <0033> % three dec: 51 oct:063 hex:33
+ <34> <34> <0034> % four dec: 52 oct:064 hex:34
+ <35> <35> <0035> % five dec: 53 oct:065 hex:35
+ <36> <36> <0036> % six dec: 54 oct:066 hex:36
+ <37> <37> <0037> % seven dec: 55 oct:067 hex:37
+ <38> <38> <0038> % eight dec: 56 oct:070 hex:38
+ <39> <39> <0039> % nine dec: 57 oct:071 hex:39
+ <3a> <3a> <003a> % colon dec: 58 oct:072 hex:3a
+ <3b> <3b> <003b> % semicolon dec: 59 oct:073 hex:3b
+ <3c> <3c> <003c> % less dec: 60 oct:074 hex:3c
+ <3d> <3d> <003d> % equal dec: 61 oct:075 hex:3d
+ <3e> <3e> <003e> % greater dec: 62 oct:076 hex:3e
+ <3f> <3f> <003f> % question dec: 63 oct:077 hex:3f
+ <40> <40> <0040> % at dec: 64 oct:100 hex:40
+ <41> <41> <0041> % A dec: 65 oct:101 hex:41
+ <42> <42> <0042> % B dec: 66 oct:102 hex:42
+ <43> <43> <0043> % C dec: 67 oct:103 hex:43
+ <44> <44> <0044> % D dec: 68 oct:104 hex:44
+ <45> <45> <0045> % E dec: 69 oct:105 hex:45
+ <46> <46> <0046> % F dec: 70 oct:106 hex:46
+ <47> <47> <0047> % G dec: 71 oct:107 hex:47
+ <48> <48> <0048> % H dec: 72 oct:110 hex:48
+ <49> <49> <0049> % I dec: 73 oct:111 hex:49
+ <4a> <4a> <004a> % J dec: 74 oct:112 hex:4a
+ <4b> <4b> <004b> % K dec: 75 oct:113 hex:4b
+ <4c> <4c> <004c> % L dec: 76 oct:114 hex:4c
+ <4d> <4d> <004d> % M dec: 77 oct:115 hex:4d
+ <4e> <4e> <004e> % N dec: 78 oct:116 hex:4e
+ <4f> <4f> <004f> % O dec: 79 oct:117 hex:4f
+ <50> <50> <0050> % P dec: 80 oct:120 hex:50
+ <51> <51> <0051> % Q dec: 81 oct:121 hex:51
+ <52> <52> <0052> % R dec: 82 oct:122 hex:52
+ <53> <53> <0053> % S dec: 83 oct:123 hex:53
+ <54> <54> <0054> % T dec: 84 oct:124 hex:54
+ <55> <55> <0055> % U dec: 85 oct:125 hex:55
+ <56> <56> <0056> % V dec: 86 oct:126 hex:56
+ <57> <57> <0057> % W dec: 87 oct:127 hex:57
+ <58> <58> <0058> % X dec: 88 oct:130 hex:58
+ <59> <59> <0059> % Y dec: 89 oct:131 hex:59
+ <5a> <5a> <005a> % Z dec: 90 oct:132 hex:5a
+ <5b> <5b> <005b> % bracketleft dec: 91 oct:133 hex:5b
+ <5c> <5c> <005c> % backslash dec: 92 oct:134 hex:5c
+ <5d> <5d> <005d> % bracketright dec: 93 oct:135 hex:5d
+ <5e> <5e> <005e> % asciicircum dec: 94 oct:136 hex:5e
+ <5f> <5f> <005f> % underscore dec: 95 oct:137 hex:5f
+ <60> <60> <0060> % grave dec: 96 oct:140 hex:60
+ <61> <61> <0061> % a dec: 97 oct:141 hex:61
+ <62> <62> <0062> % b dec: 98 oct:142 hex:62
+ <63> <63> <0063> % c dec: 99 oct:143 hex:63
+ <64> <64> <0064> % d dec:100 oct:144 hex:64
+ <65> <65> <0065> % e dec:101 oct:145 hex:65
+ <66> <66> <0066> % f dec:102 oct:146 hex:66
+ <67> <67> <0067> % g dec:103 oct:147 hex:67
+ <68> <68> <0068> % h dec:104 oct:150 hex:68
+ <69> <69> <0069> % i dec:105 oct:151 hex:69
+ <6a> <6a> <006a> % j dec:106 oct:152 hex:6a
+ <6b> <6b> <006b> % k dec:107 oct:153 hex:6b
+ <6c> <6c> <006c> % l dec:108 oct:154 hex:6c
+ <6d> <6d> <006d> % m dec:109 oct:155 hex:6d
+ <6e> <6e> <006e> % n dec:110 oct:156 hex:6e
+ <6f> <6f> <006f> % o dec:111 oct:157 hex:6f
+ <70> <70> <0070> % p dec:112 oct:160 hex:70
+ <71> <71> <0071> % q dec:113 oct:161 hex:71
+ <72> <72> <0072> % r dec:114 oct:162 hex:72
+ <73> <73> <0073> % s dec:115 oct:163 hex:73
+ <74> <74> <0074> % t dec:116 oct:164 hex:74
+ <75> <75> <0075> % u dec:117 oct:165 hex:75
+ <76> <76> <0076> % v dec:118 oct:166 hex:76
+ <77> <77> <0077> % w dec:119 oct:167 hex:77
+ <78> <78> <0078> % x dec:120 oct:170 hex:78
+ <79> <79> <0079> % y dec:121 oct:171 hex:79
+ <7a> <7a> <007a> % z dec:122 oct:172 hex:7a
+ <7b> <7b> <007b> % braceleft dec:123 oct:173 hex:7b
+ <7c> <7c> <007c> % bar dec:124 oct:174 hex:7c
+ <7d> <7d> <007d> % braceright dec:125 oct:175 hex:7d
+ <7e> <7e> <007e> % asciitilde dec:126 oct:176 hex:7e
+ <a0> <a0> <00a0> % nbspace dec:160 oct:240 hex:a0
+ <a1> <a1> <0104> % Aogonek dec:161 oct:241 hex:a1
+ <a2> <a2> <00a2> % breve dec:162 oct:242 hex:a2
+ <a3> <a3> <00a3> % Lslash dec:163 oct:243 hex:a3
+ <a4> <a4> <00a4> % currency dec:164 oct:244 hex:a4
+ <a5> <a5> <013d> % Lcaron dec:165 oct:245 hex:a5
+ <a6> <a6> <015a> % Sacute dec:166 oct:246 hex:a6
+ <a7> <a7> <00a7> % section dec:167 oct:247 hex:a7
+ <a8> <a8> <00a8> % dieresis dec:168 oct:250 hex:a8
+ <a9> <a9> <0160> % Scaron dec:169 oct:251 hex:a9
+ <aa> <aa> <015e> % Scedilla dec:170 oct:252 hex:aa
+ <ab> <ab> <0164> % Tcaron dec:171 oct:253 hex:ab
+ <ac> <ac> <0179> % Zacute dec:172 oct:254 hex:ac
+ <ad> <ad> <00ad> % sfthyphen dec:173 oct:255 hex:ad
+ <ae> <ae> <017d> % Zcaron dec:174 oct:256 hex:ae
+ <af> <af> <00af> % Zdotaccent dec:175 oct:257 hex:af
+ <b0> <b0> <00b0> % ring dec:176 oct:260 hex:b0
+ <b1> <b1> <0105> % aogonek dec:177 oct:261 hex:b1
+ <b2> <b2> <00b2> % ogonek dec:178 oct:262 hex:b2
+ <b3> <b3> <00b3> % lslash dec:179 oct:263 hex:b3
+ <b4> <b4> <00b4> % acute dec:180 oct:264 hex:b4
+ <b5> <b5> <013e> % lcaron dec:181 oct:265 hex:b5
+ <b6> <b6> <015b> % sacute dec:182 oct:266 hex:b6
+ <b7> <b7> <00b7> % caron dec:183 oct:267 hex:b7
+ <b8> <b8> <00b8> % cedilla dec:184 oct:270 hex:b8
+ <b9> <b9> <0161> % scaron dec:185 oct:271 hex:b9
+ <ba> <ba> <015f> % scedilla dec:186 oct:272 hex:ba
+ <bb> <bb> <0165> % tcaron dec:187 oct:273 hex:bb
+ <bc> <bc> <017a> % zacute dec:188 oct:274 hex:bc
+ <bd> <bd> <00bd> % hungarumlaut dec:189 oct:275 hex:bd
+ <be> <be> <017e> % zcaron dec:190 oct:276 hex:be
+ <bf> <bf> <00bf> % zdotaccent dec:191 oct:277 hex:bf
+ <c0> <c0> <0154> % Racute dec:192 oct:300 hex:c0
+ <c1> <c1> <00c1> % Aacute dec:193 oct:301 hex:c1
+ <c2> <c2> <00c2> % Acircumflex dec:194 oct:302 hex:c2
+ <c3> <c3> <0102> % Abreve dec:195 oct:303 hex:c3
+ <c4> <c4> <00c4> % Adieresis dec:196 oct:304 hex:c4
+ <c5> <c5> <0139> % Lacute dec:197 oct:305 hex:c5
+ <c6> <c6> <0106> % Cacute dec:198 oct:306 hex:c6
+ <c7> <c7> <00c7> % Ccedilla dec:199 oct:307 hex:c7
+ <c8> <c8> <010c> % Ccaron dec:200 oct:310 hex:c8
+ <c9> <c9> <00c9> % Eacute dec:201 oct:311 hex:c9
+ <ca> <ca> <0118> % Eogonek dec:202 oct:312 hex:ca
+ <cb> <cb> <00cb> % Edieresis dec:203 oct:313 hex:cb
+ <cc> <cc> <011a> % Ecaron dec:204 oct:314 hex:cc
+ <cd> <cd> <00cd> % Iacute dec:205 oct:315 hex:cd
+ <ce> <ce> <00ce> % Icircumflex dec:206 oct:316 hex:ce
+ <cf> <cf> <010e> % Dcaron dec:207 oct:317 hex:cf
+ <d0> <d0> <00d0> % Dslash dec:208 oct:320 hex:d0
+ <d1> <d1> <0143> % Nacute dec:209 oct:321 hex:d1
+ <d2> <d2> <0147> % Ncaron dec:210 oct:322 hex:d2
+ <d3> <d3> <00d3> % Oacute dec:211 oct:323 hex:d3
+ <d4> <d4> <00d4> % Ocircumflex dec:212 oct:324 hex:d4
+ <d5> <d5> <00d5> % Ohungarumlaut dec:213 oct:325 hex:d5
+ <d6> <d6> <00d6> % Odieresis dec:214 oct:326 hex:d6
+ <d7> <d7> <00d7> % multiply dec:215 oct:327 hex:d7
+ <d8> <d8> <0158> % Rcaron dec:216 oct:330 hex:d8
+ <d9> <d9> <016e> % Uring dec:217 oct:331 hex:d9
+ <da> <da> <00da> % Uacute dec:218 oct:332 hex:da
+ <db> <db> <00db> % Uhungarumlaut dec:219 oct:333 hex:db
+ <dc> <dc> <00dc> % Udieresis dec:220 oct:334 hex:dc
+ <dd> <dd> <00dd> % Yacute dec:221 oct:335 hex:dd
+ <de> <de> <00de> % Tcommaaccent dec:222 oct:336 hex:de
+ <df> <df> <00df> % germandbls dec:223 oct:337 hex:df
+ <e0> <e0> <0155> % racute dec:224 oct:340 hex:e0
+ <e1> <e1> <00e1> % aacute dec:225 oct:341 hex:e1
+ <e2> <e2> <00e2> % acircumflex dec:226 oct:342 hex:e2
+ <e3> <e3> <0103> % abreve dec:227 oct:343 hex:e3
+ <e4> <e4> <00e4> % adieresis dec:228 oct:344 hex:e4
+ <e5> <e5> <013a> % lacute dec:229 oct:345 hex:e5
+ <e6> <e6> <0107> % cacute dec:230 oct:346 hex:e6
+ <e7> <e7> <00e7> % ccedilla dec:231 oct:347 hex:e7
+ <e8> <e8> <010d> % ccaron dec:232 oct:350 hex:e8
+ <e9> <e9> <00e9> % eacute dec:233 oct:351 hex:e9
+ <ea> <ea> <0119> % eogonek dec:234 oct:352 hex:ea
+ <eb> <eb> <00eb> % edieresis dec:235 oct:353 hex:eb
+ <ec> <ec> <011b> % ecaron dec:236 oct:354 hex:ec
+ <ed> <ed> <00ed> % iacute dec:237 oct:355 hex:ed
+ <ee> <ee> <00ee> % icircumflex dec:238 oct:356 hex:ee
+ <ef> <ef> <010f> % dcaron dec:239 oct:357 hex:ef
+ <f0> <f0> <00f0> % dmacron dec:240 oct:360 hex:f0
+ <f1> <f1> <0144> % nacute dec:241 oct:361 hex:f1
+ <f2> <f2> <0148> % ncaron dec:242 oct:362 hex:f2
+ <f3> <f3> <00f3> % oacute dec:243 oct:363 hex:f3
+ <f4> <f4> <00f4> % ocircumflex dec:244 oct:364 hex:f4
+ <f5> <f5> <00f5> % ohungarumlaut dec:245 oct:365 hex:f5
+ <f6> <f6> <00f6> % odieresis dec:246 oct:366 hex:f6
+ <f7> <f7> <00f7> % divide dec:247 oct:367 hex:f7
+ <f8> <f8> <0159> % rcaron dec:248 oct:370 hex:f8
+ <f9> <f9> <016f> % uring dec:249 oct:371 hex:f9
+ <fa> <fa> <00fa> % uacute dec:250 oct:372 hex:fa
+ <fb> <fb> <00fb> % uhungarumlaut dec:251 oct:373 hex:fb
+ <fc> <fc> <00fc> % udieresis dec:252 oct:374 hex:fc
+ <fd> <fd> <00fd> % yacute dec:253 oct:375 hex:fd
+ <fe> <fe> <00fe> % tcommaaccent dec:254 oct:376 hex:fe
+ <ff> <ff> <00ff> % dotaccent dec:255 oct:377 hex:ff
+ endbfrange
+ endcmap
+CMapName currentdict /CMap defineresource pop end
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/prop-ini.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/prop-ini.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..11efd0362
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/prop-ini.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=prop-ini,
+%D version=2003.04.20,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Property Macros,
+%D subtitle=Initialization,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Property Macros / Initialization}
+%D Welcome to the third alternative of this yet undocumented module,
+%D which means that there is no public interface yet!
+\def\currentpropertylevel {\csname\??py:l:\currentpropertytype\endcsname} % counter
+\def\previouspropertylevel{\csname\??py:p:\currentpropertytype\endcsname} % counter
+\def\currentproperty {\csname\??py:c:\number\currentpropertylevel \endcsname} % string
+\def\previousproperty {\csname\??py:c:\number\previouspropertylevel\endcsname} % string
+% more efficient:
+\def\currentproperty {\csname\??py:c:\number\propertylevel\endcsname} % string
+\def\currentpropertytype {\csname\??py\currentproperty\c!type\endcsname}
+\def\docheckproperty % watch the s instead of e
+ {\csname\s!check\currentpropertytype property\endcsname
+ \global\expandafter\let\csname\??py\s!check\currentproperty\endcsname\empty}
+ {\bgroup
+ \def\currentproperty{#1}%
+ \csname\??py\s!check\currentproperty\endcsname
+ \egroup}
+ {\groupedcommand{\dostartproperty{#1}}\dostopproperty}
+ {\dostartproperty{#1}}
+ {\dostopproperty}
+ {\begingroup\dostartproperty}
+ {\dostopproperty\endgroup}
+\def\dostartproperty#1% evt pack: {current}{level}{
+ {\global\advance\propertylevel\plusone
+ \@EAEAEA\xdef\currentproperty{#1}%
+ \global\advance\previouspropertylevel\plusone
+ \global\advance\currentpropertylevel\plusone
+ \csname\??py\s!check\currentproperty\endcsname
+ \csname\s!start\currentpropertytype\s!property\endcsname}
+ {\csname\s!stop\currentpropertytype\s!property\endcsname
+ \global\advance\currentpropertylevel\minusone
+ \global\advance\previouspropertylevel\minusone
+ \global\advance\propertylevel\minusone}
+ {\dotripleempty\dodefineproperty}
+ {\ifcsname\??py#1\c!global\endcsname
+ \expandafter\nododefineproperty
+ \else
+ \expandafter\dododefineproperty
+ \fi[#1]}
+% due to initializations/counters, definitions are always global
+% global : yes : ungrouped
+% no : grouped
+% method : command : define commands
+% none : no commands
+\def\dododefineproperty[#1][#2][#3]% global ! ! !
+ {\getgparameters[\??py#1][\c!global=\v!no,\c!type=#2,\c!method=\v!none,#3]% global ! ! ! !
+ \ifcsname\??py:l:#2\endcsname \else
+ \expandafter\newcount\csname\??py:l:#2\endcsname % current level
+ \expandafter\newcount\csname\??py:p:#2\endcsname % previous level
+ \global\csname\??py:p:#2\endcsname\minusone
+ \global\expandafter\expandafter\let\csname\??py:c:0\endcsname\empty
+ \fi
+ \letgvalue{\??py\s!check#1}\docheckproperty
+ \doifelsevalue{\??py#1\c!method}\v!command
+ {\doifelsevalue{\??py#1\c!global}\v!yes
+ {\setgvalue{\e!start#1}{\dostartproperty{#1}}%
+ \letgvalue{\e!stop #1}\dostopproperty}%
+ {\setgvalue{\e!start#1}{\dostartgproperty{#1}}%
+ \letgvalue{\e!stop #1}\dostopgproperty}}%
+ {\doifelsevalue{\??py#1\c!global}\v!yes
+ {\setgvalue{\e!start#2}[##1]{\dostartproperty{##1}}%
+ \letgvalue{\e!stop #2}\dostopproperty}%
+ {\setgvalue{\e!start#2}[##1]{\dostartgproperty{##1}}%
+ \letgvalue{\e!stop #2}\dostopgproperty}}}
+ {}
+ {\dodoubleempty\dosetupproperty}
+\def\dosetupproperty[#1][#2]% local
+ {\ifsecondargument
+ \getparameters[\??py#1][#2]%
+ \else
+ \getparameters[\??py][#1]%
+ \fi}
+% beware, normally \*parameter concerns the current one
+\def\propertyparameter#1#2% expands to #1 when not defined (see \define...)
+ {\csname\??py
+ \ifcsname\??py#1#2\endcsname
+ #1#2%
+ \else\ifcsname\??py\csname\??py#1\c!type\endcsname#2\endcsname
+ \csname\??py#1\c!type\endcsname#2%
+ \else
+ \s!empty
+ \fi\fi
+ \endcsname}
+\def\currentpropertyparameter % self and class
+ {\propertyparameter\currentproperty}
+\def\checkedpropertyparameter#1% only self
+ {\executeifdefined{\??py\currentproperty#1}}
+\def\propertyhandler #1{\getvalue{\??py*#1}}
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/prop-lay.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/prop-lay.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..77c48ca6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/prop-lay.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=prop-lay,
+%D version=2003.04.20,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Property Macros,
+%D subtitle=Layers,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Property Macros / Layers}
+%D Highly experimental, will probably change/evolve. Also, quite certainly
+%D we will no longer share code between mkii and mkiv.
+ {\doifelse{\checkedpropertyparameter\v!printable\currentproperty}\v!no
+ {\def\printviewerlayer{0}}
+ {\def\printviewerlayer{1}}%
+ \dodefineviewerlayer
+ \currentproperty % tag
+ {\checkedpropertyparameter\c!title\currentproperty}%
+ {\checkedpropertyparameter\c!state\v!start}% visible or hidden
+ {0}% type (1=frozen)
+ {\printviewerlayer}}% 1=printable
+ {\let\currentlayerproperty\currentproperty
+ \dostartviewerlayer\currentproperty}
+ {\dostopviewerlayer
+ \let\currentlayerproperty\previousproperty}
+ {\iflocation
+ \expandafter\domakeviewerlayerlist
+ \else
+ \expandafter\gobbleoneargument
+ \fi}
+\setglobalsystemreference \rt!exec \v!HideLayer {hidelayer}
+\setglobalsystemreference \rt!exec \v!VideLayer {videlayer}
+\setglobalsystemreference \rt!exec \v!ToggleLayer {togglelayer}
+\setexecutecommandcheck {hidelayer} \domakelayerpropertylist
+\setexecutecommandcheck {videlayer} \domakelayerpropertylist
+\setexecutecommandcheck {togglelayer} \domakelayerpropertylist
+% \currentlayerproperty
+% \checklayerproperty
+% \startlayerproperty
+% \stoplayerproperty
+% \domakelayerpropertylist
+%D \starttext
+%D \setuppapersize[S4][S4]
+%D \setuplayout[middle]
+%D \setupcolors[state=start]
+%D \setupinteraction[state=start,color=,contrastcolor=]
+%D \defineproperty [L1] [layer] [title=layer 1]
+%D \defineproperty [L2] [layer] [title=layer 2]
+%D \button{HIDE L1}[HideLayer{L1}]
+%D \button{VIDE L1}[VideLayer{L1}]
+%D \button{TOGGLE L1}[ToggleLayer{L1}]
+%D \button{HIDE L2}[HideLayer{L2}]
+%D \button{VIDE L2}[VideLayer{L2}]
+%D \button{TOGGLE L2}[ToggleLayer{L2}]
+%D \noheaderandfooterlines \centerbox{\startoverlay
+%D {\definedfont[Mono at 150pt]%
+%D \startproperty[L1]\red TEST\stopproperty}
+%D {\definedfont[Mono at 150pt]%
+%D \startproperty[L2]\green TEST\stopproperty}
+%D \stopoverlay} \page
+%D \noheaderandfooterlines \centerbox{\startoverlay
+%D {\definedfont[Mono at 15pt]%
+%D \goto{\startproperty[L1]\red TEST\stopproperty}[CloseDocument]}
+%D {\definedfont[Mono at 15pt]%
+%D \goto{\startproperty[L2]\green TEST\stopproperty}[CloseDocument]}
+%D \stopoverlay} \page
+%D \startproperty[L1]
+%D level 1 \startproperty[L2]level 2 \stopproperty level 1
+%D \stopproperty
+%D \startproperty[L1]
+%D level 1 \page \startproperty[L2]level 2 \stopproperty level 1
+%D \stopproperty
+%D \stoptext
+%D Handy for tracing:
+ {\let\startlayoutcomponent\dostartlayoutcomponent
+ \let\stoplayoutcomponent \dostoplayoutcomponent}
+ {\doifelsenothing{#2}%
+ {\defineproperty[#1][\s!layer]}%
+ {\defineproperty[#1][\s!layer][\c!title=#2]}}
+ {\doifelseproperty{#1}\donothing{\dodefinelayoutcomponent{#1}{#2}}%
+ \startproperty[#1]}
+ {\stopproperty}
+\let\stoplayoutcomponent \relax
+\protect \endinput
+% \def\remaplayering
+% {\dodoubleargument\doremaplayering}
+% \def\remaplayering[#1][#2]%
+% {\setvalue{\??lm#1}{#2}}
+% \def\remappedlayering#1%
+% {\ifcsname\??lm#1\endcsname
+% \@EA\remappedlayering\csname\??lm#1\endcsname\else#1%
+% \fi}
+% \def\startshowlayering#1#2%
+% {\ifshowlayering
+% \defineproperty[\remappedlayering{#1}][\s!layer][\c!titel=#2]%
+% \startproperty[\remappedlayering{#1}]%
+% \fi}
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/prop-mis.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/prop-mis.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..47fb9ea06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/prop-mis.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=prop-mis,
+%D version=2004.05.29, % some code moved from private modules
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Property Macros,
+%D subtitle=Miscelaneous,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Property Macros / Miscelaneous}
+%D This module contains some code that has been in use in some
+%D private modules (p-*). These features depend on the fact
+%D that pdftex writes the page content as one stream.
+%D Stream based overprint and knockout:
+\defineproperty[\v!overprint][\s!overprint] [\c!method=\v!command]
+\defineproperty[\v!knockout] [\s!overprint] [\c!method=\v!command]
+%D Negation.
+\defineproperty [\v!negative] [\s!negative] [\c!method=\v!command]
+\defineproperty [\v!positive] [\s!negative] [\c!method=\v!command]
+%D Special font effects.
+ [\s!effect]
+ [\c!rulethickness=\zeropoint,
+ \c!stretch=0]
+\defineproperty [\v!inner] [\s!effect] [\c!rulethickness=.25pt]
+\defineproperty [\v!outer] [\s!effect] [\c!rulethickness=.25pt]
+\defineproperty [\v!both] [\s!effect] [\c!rulethickness=.25pt]
+\defineproperty [\v!normal] [\s!effect]
+\defineproperty [\v!hidden] [\s!effect]
+\defineproperty [\v!stretch] [\s!effect] [\c!stretch=1]
+%D Overprint cum suis.
+\definepropertyhandler \v!overprint {\dostartoverprint}
+\definepropertyhandler \v!knockout {\dostopoverprint }
+ {\ifincolor
+ \propertyhandler\currentproperty
+ \dooverprintmark\currentproperty
+ \fi}
+ {\ifincolor
+ \ifcase\currentpropertylevel\or
+ \dostopoverprint
+ \dooverprintmark\empty
+ \else
+ \propertyhandler\previousproperty
+ \dooverprintmark\previousproperty
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+ {\ifinpagebody \else \ifinframed \else
+ \expanded{\rawsetmark\noexpand\overprintmark{#1}}%
+ \fi \fi}
+ {\doifsomething{\rawgetbotmark\overprintmark}\dostopoverprint}
+ {\doifsomething{\rawgetbotmark\overprintmark}%
+ {\propertyhandler{\rawgetbotmark\overprintmark}}}
+ {\getsplitmarks\overprintmark % hier wel
+ \doifsomething{\rawgetsplitbotmark\overprintmark}%
+ {\propertyhandler{\rawgetsplitbotmark\overprintmark}}}
+\appendtoks \pushoverprintproperty \to \everypushproperties
+\appendtoks \popoverprintproperty \to \everypopproperties
+\appendtoks \popsplitoverprintproperty \to \everypopsplitproperties
+%D Negative cum suis.
+\definepropertyhandler \v!negative {\dostartnegative}
+\definepropertyhandler \v!positive {\dostopnegative }
+ {\ifincolor
+ \propertyhandler\currentproperty
+ \donegativemark\currentproperty
+ \fi}
+ {\ifincolor
+ \ifcase\currentpropertylevel\or
+ \dostopnegative
+ \donegativemark\empty
+ \else
+ \propertyhandler\previousproperty
+ \donegativemark\previousproperty
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+ {\ifinpagebody \else \ifinframed \else
+ \expanded{\rawsetmark\noexpand\negativemark{#1}}%
+ \fi \fi}
+ {\doifsomething{\rawgetbotmark\negativemark}\dostopnegative}
+ {\doifsomething{\rawgetbotmark\overprintmark}%
+ {\propertyhandler{\rawgetbotmark\negativemark}}}
+ {\getsplitmarks\negativemark % hier wel
+ \doifsomething{\rawgetsplitbotmark\negativemark}%
+ {\propertyhandler{\rawgetsplitbotmark\negativemark}}}
+\appendtoks \pushnegativeproperty \to \everypushproperties
+\appendtoks \popnegativeproperty \to \everypopproperties
+\appendtoks \popsplitnegativeproperty \to \everypopsplitproperties
+%D Effects.
+\definepropertyhandler \v!normal {0}
+\definepropertyhandler \v!inner {0}
+\definepropertyhandler \v!outer {1}
+\definepropertyhandler \v!both {2}
+\definepropertyhandler \v!hidden {3}
+\definepropertyhandler \v!stretch{0}
+ {{\propertyhandler{#1}}%
+ {\propertyparameter{#1}\c!rulethickness}%
+ {\propertyparameter{#1}\c!stretch}}
+ {\expanded{\dostartfonteffect\effectpropertydata\currentproperty}%
+ \doeffectmark{\effectpropertydata\currentproperty}}
+ {\dostopfonteffect
+ \ifcase\currentpropertylevel\or
+ \doeffectmark\empty
+ \else
+ \expanded{\dostartfonteffect\effectpropertydata\previousproperty}%
+ \doeffectmark{\effectpropertydata\previousproperty}%
+ \fi}
+ {\ifinpagebody \else \ifinframed \else
+ \expanded{\rawsetmark\noexpand\effectmark{#1}}% could be number
+ \fi \fi}
+ {\doifsomething{\rawgetbotmark\effectmark}\dostopfonteffect}
+ {\doifsomething{\rawgetbotmark\effectmark}%
+ {\expanded{\dostartfonteffect\rawgetbotmark\effectmark}}}
+ {\getsplitmarks\effectmark
+ \doifsomething{\rawgetsplitbotmark\effectmark}%
+ {\expanded{\dostartfonteffect\rawgetsplitbotmark\effectmark}}}
+\appendtoks \pusheffectproperty \to \everypushproperties
+\appendtoks \popeffectproperty \to \everypopproperties
+\appendtoks \popspliteffectproperty \to \everypopsplitproperties
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/regi-8859-1.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/regi-8859-1.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..00439ae9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/regi-8859-1.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=regi-8859-1,
+%D version=2005.12.26,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Encoding Macros,
+%D subtitle=iso-8859-1 (West European),
+%D author=script-generated,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D Support for iso-8859-1/Latin1 input encoding (regime) for West European languages,
+%D see also cp1252 and iso-8859-15 (includes Euro).
+%D (Contributors to the original file: Daniel Flipo, Hans Hagen \& Denis Roegel.)
+%D Usage: \type{\enableregime[8859-1]} (see \type {regi-syn} for
+%D alternatives calls).
+\defineactivetoken 128 {\unknownchar} % 0080 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 129 {\unknownchar} % 0081 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 130 {\unknownchar} % 0082 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 131 {\unknownchar} % 0083 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 132 {\unknownchar} % 0084 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 133 {\unknownchar} % 0085 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 134 {\unknownchar} % 0086 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 135 {\unknownchar} % 0087 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 136 {\unknownchar} % 0088 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 137 {\unknownchar} % 0089 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 138 {\unknownchar} % 008A <control>
+\defineactivetoken 139 {\unknownchar} % 008B <control>
+\defineactivetoken 140 {\unknownchar} % 008C <control>
+\defineactivetoken 141 {\unknownchar} % 008D <control>
+\defineactivetoken 142 {\unknownchar} % 008E <control>
+\defineactivetoken 143 {\unknownchar} % 008F <control>
+\defineactivetoken 144 {\unknownchar} % 0090 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 145 {\unknownchar} % 0091 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 146 {\unknownchar} % 0092 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 147 {\unknownchar} % 0093 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 148 {\unknownchar} % 0094 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 149 {\unknownchar} % 0095 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 150 {\unknownchar} % 0096 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 151 {\unknownchar} % 0097 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 152 {\unknownchar} % 0098 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 153 {\unknownchar} % 0099 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 154 {\unknownchar} % 009A <control>
+\defineactivetoken 155 {\unknownchar} % 009B <control>
+\defineactivetoken 156 {\unknownchar} % 009C <control>
+\defineactivetoken 157 {\unknownchar} % 009D <control>
+\defineactivetoken 158 {\unknownchar} % 009E <control>
+\defineactivetoken 159 {\unknownchar} % 009F <control>
+\defineactivetoken 160 {\nonbreakablespace} % 00A0 NO-BREAK SPACE
+\defineactivetoken 161 {\exclamdown} % 00A1 INVERTED EXCLAMATION MARK
+\defineactivetoken 162 {\textcent} % 00A2 CENT SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 163 {\textsterling} % 00A3 POUND SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 164 {\textcurrency} % 00A4 CURRENCY SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 165 {\textyen} % 00A5 YEN SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 166 {\textbrokenbar} % 00A6 BROKEN BAR
+\defineactivetoken 167 {\sectionmark} % 00A7 SECTION SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 168 {\textdiaeresis} % 00A8 DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 169 {\copyright} % 00A9 COPYRIGHT SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 170 {\ordfeminine} % 00AA FEMININE ORDINAL INDICATOR
+\defineactivetoken 171 {\leftguillemot} % 00AB LEFT-POINTING DOUBLE ANGLE QUOTATION MARK
+\defineactivetoken 172 {\textlognot} % 00AC NOT SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 173 {\softhyphen} % 00AD SOFT HYPHEN
+\defineactivetoken 174 {\registered} % 00AE REGISTERED SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 175 {\textmacron} % 00AF MACRON
+\defineactivetoken 176 {\textdegree} % 00B0 DEGREE SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 177 {\textpm} % 00B1 PLUS-MINUS SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 178 {\twosuperior} % 00B2 SUPERSCRIPT TWO
+\defineactivetoken 179 {\threesuperior} % 00B3 SUPERSCRIPT THREE
+\defineactivetoken 180 {\textacute} % 00B4 ACUTE ACCENT
+\defineactivetoken 181 {\textmu} % 00B5 MICRO SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 182 {\paragraphmark} % 00B6 PILCROW SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 183 {\periodcentered} % 00B7 MIDDLE DOT
+\defineactivetoken 184 {\textcedilla} % 00B8 CEDILLA
+\defineactivetoken 185 {\onesuperior} % 00B9 SUPERSCRIPT ONE
+\defineactivetoken 186 {\ordmasculine} % 00BA MASCULINE ORDINAL INDICATOR
+\defineactivetoken 187 {\rightguillemot} % 00BB RIGHT-POINTING DOUBLE ANGLE QUOTATION MARK
+\defineactivetoken 188 {\onequarter} % 00BC VULGAR FRACTION ONE QUARTER
+\defineactivetoken 189 {\onehalf} % 00BD VULGAR FRACTION ONE HALF
+\defineactivetoken 190 {\threequarter} % 00BE VULGAR FRACTION THREE QUARTERS
+\defineactivetoken 191 {\questiondown} % 00BF INVERTED QUESTION MARK
+\defineactivetoken 192 {\Agrave} % 00C0 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH GRAVE
+\defineactivetoken 193 {\Aacute} % 00C1 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 194 {\Acircumflex} % 00C2 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\defineactivetoken 195 {\Atilde} % 00C3 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH TILDE
+\defineactivetoken 196 {\Adiaeresis} % 00C4 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 197 {\Aring} % 00C5 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH RING ABOVE
+\defineactivetoken 198 {\AEligature} % 00C6 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER AE
+\defineactivetoken 199 {\Ccedilla} % 00C7 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C WITH CEDILLA
+\defineactivetoken 200 {\Egrave} % 00C8 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH GRAVE
+\defineactivetoken 201 {\Eacute} % 00C9 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 202 {\Ecircumflex} % 00CA LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\defineactivetoken 203 {\Ediaeresis} % 00CB LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 204 {\Igrave} % 00CC LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH GRAVE
+\defineactivetoken 205 {\Iacute} % 00CD LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 206 {\Icircumflex} % 00CE LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\defineactivetoken 207 {\Idiaeresis} % 00CF LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 208 {\Eth} % 00D0 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER ETH
+\defineactivetoken 209 {\Ntilde} % 00D1 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N WITH TILDE
+\defineactivetoken 210 {\Ograve} % 00D2 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH GRAVE
+\defineactivetoken 211 {\Oacute} % 00D3 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 212 {\Ocircumflex} % 00D4 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\defineactivetoken 213 {\Otilde} % 00D5 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH TILDE
+\defineactivetoken 214 {\Odiaeresis} % 00D6 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 215 {\textmultiply} % 00D7 MULTIPLICATION SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 216 {\Ostroke} % 00D8 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH STROKE
+\defineactivetoken 217 {\Ugrave} % 00D9 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH GRAVE
+\defineactivetoken 218 {\Uacute} % 00DA LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 219 {\Ucircumflex} % 00DB LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\defineactivetoken 220 {\Udiaeresis} % 00DC LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 221 {\Yacute} % 00DD LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 222 {\Thorn} % 00DE LATIN CAPITAL LETTER THORN
+\defineactivetoken 223 {\ssharp} % 00DF LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S
+\defineactivetoken 224 {\agrave} % 00E0 LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH GRAVE
+\defineactivetoken 225 {\aacute} % 00E1 LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 226 {\acircumflex} % 00E2 LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\defineactivetoken 227 {\atilde} % 00E3 LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH TILDE
+\defineactivetoken 228 {\adiaeresis} % 00E4 LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 229 {\aring} % 00E5 LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH RING ABOVE
+\defineactivetoken 230 {\aeligature} % 00E6 LATIN SMALL LETTER AE
+\defineactivetoken 231 {\ccedilla} % 00E7 LATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH CEDILLA
+\defineactivetoken 232 {\egrave} % 00E8 LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH GRAVE
+\defineactivetoken 233 {\eacute} % 00E9 LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 234 {\ecircumflex} % 00EA LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\defineactivetoken 235 {\ediaeresis} % 00EB LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 236 {\igrave} % 00EC LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH GRAVE
+\defineactivetoken 237 {\iacute} % 00ED LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 238 {\icircumflex} % 00EE LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\defineactivetoken 239 {\idiaeresis} % 00EF LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 240 {\eth} % 00F0 LATIN SMALL LETTER ETH
+\defineactivetoken 241 {\ntilde} % 00F1 LATIN SMALL LETTER N WITH TILDE
+\defineactivetoken 242 {\ograve} % 00F2 LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH GRAVE
+\defineactivetoken 243 {\oacute} % 00F3 LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 244 {\ocircumflex} % 00F4 LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\defineactivetoken 245 {\otilde} % 00F5 LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH TILDE
+\defineactivetoken 246 {\odiaeresis} % 00F6 LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 247 {\textdiv} % 00F7 DIVISION SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 248 {\ostroke} % 00F8 LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH STROKE
+\defineactivetoken 249 {\ugrave} % 00F9 LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH GRAVE
+\defineactivetoken 250 {\uacute} % 00FA LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 251 {\ucircumflex} % 00FB LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\defineactivetoken 252 {\udiaeresis} % 00FC LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 253 {\yacute} % 00FD LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 254 {\thorn} % 00FE LATIN SMALL LETTER THORN
+\defineactivetoken 255 {\ydiaeresis} % 00FF LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH DIAERESIS
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/regi-8859-10.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/regi-8859-10.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..664686034
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/regi-8859-10.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=regi-8859-10,
+%D version=2005.12.26,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Encoding Macros,
+%D subtitle=iso-8859-10 (Nordic),
+%D author=script-generated,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D Support for iso-8859-10/Latin6 input encoding (regime) for Nordic languages.
+%D Usage: \type{\enableregime[8859-10]} (see \type {regi-syn} for
+%D alternatives calls).
+\defineactivetoken 128 {\unknownchar} % 0080 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 129 {\unknownchar} % 0081 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 130 {\unknownchar} % 0082 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 131 {\unknownchar} % 0083 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 132 {\unknownchar} % 0084 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 133 {\unknownchar} % 0085 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 134 {\unknownchar} % 0086 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 135 {\unknownchar} % 0087 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 136 {\unknownchar} % 0088 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 137 {\unknownchar} % 0089 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 138 {\unknownchar} % 008A <control>
+\defineactivetoken 139 {\unknownchar} % 008B <control>
+\defineactivetoken 140 {\unknownchar} % 008C <control>
+\defineactivetoken 141 {\unknownchar} % 008D <control>
+\defineactivetoken 142 {\unknownchar} % 008E <control>
+\defineactivetoken 143 {\unknownchar} % 008F <control>
+\defineactivetoken 144 {\unknownchar} % 0090 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 145 {\unknownchar} % 0091 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 146 {\unknownchar} % 0092 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 147 {\unknownchar} % 0093 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 148 {\unknownchar} % 0094 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 149 {\unknownchar} % 0095 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 150 {\unknownchar} % 0096 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 151 {\unknownchar} % 0097 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 152 {\unknownchar} % 0098 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 153 {\unknownchar} % 0099 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 154 {\unknownchar} % 009A <control>
+\defineactivetoken 155 {\unknownchar} % 009B <control>
+\defineactivetoken 156 {\unknownchar} % 009C <control>
+\defineactivetoken 157 {\unknownchar} % 009D <control>
+\defineactivetoken 158 {\unknownchar} % 009E <control>
+\defineactivetoken 159 {\unknownchar} % 009F <control>
+\defineactivetoken 160 {\nonbreakablespace} % 00A0 NO-BREAK SPACE
+\defineactivetoken 161 {\Aogonek} % 0104 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH OGONEK
+\defineactivetoken 162 {\Emacron} % 0112 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH MACRON
+\defineactivetoken 163 {\Gcommaaccent} % 0122 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER G WITH CEDILLA
+\defineactivetoken 164 {\Imacron} % 012A LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH MACRON
+\defineactivetoken 165 {\Itilde} % 0128 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH TILDE
+\defineactivetoken 166 {\Kcommaaccent} % 0136 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER K WITH CEDILLA
+\defineactivetoken 167 {\sectionmark} % 00A7 SECTION SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 168 {\Lcommaaccent} % 013B LATIN CAPITAL LETTER L WITH CEDILLA
+\defineactivetoken 169 {\Dstroke} % 0110 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER D WITH STROKE
+\defineactivetoken 170 {\Scaron} % 0160 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S WITH CARON
+\defineactivetoken 171 {\Tstroke} % 0166 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER T WITH STROKE
+\defineactivetoken 172 {\Zcaron} % 017D LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z WITH CARON
+\defineactivetoken 173 {\softhyphen} % 00AD SOFT HYPHEN
+\defineactivetoken 174 {\Umacron} % 016A LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH MACRON
+\defineactivetoken 175 {\Neng} % 014A LATIN CAPITAL LETTER ENG
+\defineactivetoken 176 {\textdegree} % 00B0 DEGREE SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 177 {\aogonek} % 0105 LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH OGONEK
+\defineactivetoken 178 {\emacron} % 0113 LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH MACRON
+\defineactivetoken 179 {\gcommaaccent} % 0123 LATIN SMALL LETTER G WITH CEDILLA
+\defineactivetoken 180 {\imacron} % 012B LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH MACRON
+\defineactivetoken 181 {\itilde} % 0129 LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH TILDE
+\defineactivetoken 182 {\kcommaaccent} % 0137 LATIN SMALL LETTER K WITH CEDILLA
+\defineactivetoken 183 {\periodcentered} % 00B7 MIDDLE DOT
+\defineactivetoken 184 {\lcommaaccent} % 013C LATIN SMALL LETTER L WITH CEDILLA
+\defineactivetoken 185 {\dstroke} % 0111 LATIN SMALL LETTER D WITH STROKE
+\defineactivetoken 186 {\scaron} % 0161 LATIN SMALL LETTER S WITH CARON
+\defineactivetoken 187 {\tstroke} % 0167 LATIN SMALL LETTER T WITH STROKE
+\defineactivetoken 188 {\zcaron} % 017E LATIN SMALL LETTER Z WITH CARON
+\defineactivetoken 189 {\texthorizontalbar} % 2015 HORIZONTAL BAR
+\defineactivetoken 190 {\umacron} % 016B LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH MACRON
+\defineactivetoken 191 {\neng} % 014B LATIN SMALL LETTER ENG
+\defineactivetoken 192 {\Amacron} % 0100 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH MACRON
+\defineactivetoken 193 {\Aacute} % 00C1 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 194 {\Acircumflex} % 00C2 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\defineactivetoken 195 {\Atilde} % 00C3 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH TILDE
+\defineactivetoken 196 {\Adiaeresis} % 00C4 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 197 {\Aring} % 00C5 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH RING ABOVE
+\defineactivetoken 198 {\AEligature} % 00C6 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER AE
+\defineactivetoken 199 {\Iogonek} % 012E LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH OGONEK
+\defineactivetoken 200 {\Ccaron} % 010C LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C WITH CARON
+\defineactivetoken 201 {\Eacute} % 00C9 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 202 {\Eogonek} % 0118 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH OGONEK
+\defineactivetoken 203 {\Ediaeresis} % 00CB LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 204 {\Edotaccent} % 0116 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH DOT ABOVE
+\defineactivetoken 205 {\Iacute} % 00CD LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 206 {\Icircumflex} % 00CE LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\defineactivetoken 207 {\Idiaeresis} % 00CF LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 208 {\Eth} % 00D0 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER ETH
+\defineactivetoken 209 {\Ncommaaccent} % 0145 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N WITH CEDILLA
+\defineactivetoken 210 {\Omacron} % 014C LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH MACRON
+\defineactivetoken 211 {\Oacute} % 00D3 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 212 {\Ocircumflex} % 00D4 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\defineactivetoken 213 {\Otilde} % 00D5 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH TILDE
+\defineactivetoken 214 {\Odiaeresis} % 00D6 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 215 {\Utilde} % 0168 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH TILDE
+\defineactivetoken 216 {\Ostroke} % 00D8 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH STROKE
+\defineactivetoken 217 {\Uogonek} % 0172 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH OGONEK
+\defineactivetoken 218 {\Uacute} % 00DA LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 219 {\Ucircumflex} % 00DB LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\defineactivetoken 220 {\Udiaeresis} % 00DC LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 221 {\Yacute} % 00DD LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 222 {\Thorn} % 00DE LATIN CAPITAL LETTER THORN
+\defineactivetoken 223 {\ssharp} % 00DF LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S
+\defineactivetoken 224 {\amacron} % 0101 LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH MACRON
+\defineactivetoken 225 {\aacute} % 00E1 LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 226 {\acircumflex} % 00E2 LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\defineactivetoken 227 {\atilde} % 00E3 LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH TILDE
+\defineactivetoken 228 {\adiaeresis} % 00E4 LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 229 {\aring} % 00E5 LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH RING ABOVE
+\defineactivetoken 230 {\aeligature} % 00E6 LATIN SMALL LETTER AE
+\defineactivetoken 231 {\iogonek} % 012F LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH OGONEK
+\defineactivetoken 232 {\ccaron} % 010D LATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH CARON
+\defineactivetoken 233 {\eacute} % 00E9 LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 234 {\eogonek} % 0119 LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH OGONEK
+\defineactivetoken 235 {\ediaeresis} % 00EB LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 236 {\edotaccent} % 0117 LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH DOT ABOVE
+\defineactivetoken 237 {\iacute} % 00ED LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 238 {\icircumflex} % 00EE LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\defineactivetoken 239 {\idiaeresis} % 00EF LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 240 {\eth} % 00F0 LATIN SMALL LETTER ETH
+\defineactivetoken 241 {\ncommaaccent} % 0146 LATIN SMALL LETTER N WITH CEDILLA
+\defineactivetoken 242 {\omacron} % 014D LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH MACRON
+\defineactivetoken 243 {\oacute} % 00F3 LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 244 {\ocircumflex} % 00F4 LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\defineactivetoken 245 {\otilde} % 00F5 LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH TILDE
+\defineactivetoken 246 {\odiaeresis} % 00F6 LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 247 {\utilde} % 0169 LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH TILDE
+\defineactivetoken 248 {\ostroke} % 00F8 LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH STROKE
+\defineactivetoken 249 {\uogonek} % 0173 LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH OGONEK
+\defineactivetoken 250 {\uacute} % 00FA LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 251 {\ucircumflex} % 00FB LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\defineactivetoken 252 {\udiaeresis} % 00FC LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 253 {\yacute} % 00FD LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 254 {\thorn} % 00FE LATIN SMALL LETTER THORN
+\defineactivetoken 255 {\kkra} % 0138 LATIN SMALL LETTER KRA
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/regi-8859-13.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/regi-8859-13.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f1b1dbe78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/regi-8859-13.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=regi-8859-13,
+%D version=2005.12.26,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Encoding Macros,
+%D subtitle=iso-8859-13 (Baltic),
+%D author=script-generated,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D Support for iso-8859-13/Latin7 input encoding (regime) for Baltic languages,
+%D see also iso-8859-4 and cp1257.
+%D Usage: \type{\enableregime[8859-13]} (see \type {regi-syn} for
+%D alternatives calls).
+\defineactivetoken 128 {\unknownchar} % 0080 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 129 {\unknownchar} % 0081 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 130 {\unknownchar} % 0082 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 131 {\unknownchar} % 0083 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 132 {\unknownchar} % 0084 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 133 {\unknownchar} % 0085 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 134 {\unknownchar} % 0086 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 135 {\unknownchar} % 0087 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 136 {\unknownchar} % 0088 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 137 {\unknownchar} % 0089 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 138 {\unknownchar} % 008A <control>
+\defineactivetoken 139 {\unknownchar} % 008B <control>
+\defineactivetoken 140 {\unknownchar} % 008C <control>
+\defineactivetoken 141 {\unknownchar} % 008D <control>
+\defineactivetoken 142 {\unknownchar} % 008E <control>
+\defineactivetoken 143 {\unknownchar} % 008F <control>
+\defineactivetoken 144 {\unknownchar} % 0090 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 145 {\unknownchar} % 0091 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 146 {\unknownchar} % 0092 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 147 {\unknownchar} % 0093 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 148 {\unknownchar} % 0094 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 149 {\unknownchar} % 0095 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 150 {\unknownchar} % 0096 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 151 {\unknownchar} % 0097 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 152 {\unknownchar} % 0098 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 153 {\unknownchar} % 0099 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 154 {\unknownchar} % 009A <control>
+\defineactivetoken 155 {\unknownchar} % 009B <control>
+\defineactivetoken 156 {\unknownchar} % 009C <control>
+\defineactivetoken 157 {\unknownchar} % 009D <control>
+\defineactivetoken 158 {\unknownchar} % 009E <control>
+\defineactivetoken 159 {\unknownchar} % 009F <control>
+\defineactivetoken 160 {\nonbreakablespace} % 00A0 NO-BREAK SPACE
+\defineactivetoken 161 {\quotedblright} % 201D RIGHT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK
+\defineactivetoken 162 {\textcent} % 00A2 CENT SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 163 {\textsterling} % 00A3 POUND SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 164 {\textcurrency} % 00A4 CURRENCY SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 165 {\quotedblbase} % 201E DOUBLE LOW-9 QUOTATION MARK
+\defineactivetoken 166 {\textbrokenbar} % 00A6 BROKEN BAR
+\defineactivetoken 167 {\sectionmark} % 00A7 SECTION SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 168 {\Ostroke} % 00D8 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH STROKE
+\defineactivetoken 169 {\copyright} % 00A9 COPYRIGHT SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 170 {\Rcommaaccent} % 0156 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER R WITH CEDILLA
+\defineactivetoken 171 {\leftguillemot} % 00AB LEFT-POINTING DOUBLE ANGLE QUOTATION MARK
+\defineactivetoken 172 {\textlognot} % 00AC NOT SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 173 {\softhyphen} % 00AD SOFT HYPHEN
+\defineactivetoken 174 {\registered} % 00AE REGISTERED SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 175 {\AEligature} % 00C6 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER AE
+\defineactivetoken 176 {\textdegree} % 00B0 DEGREE SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 177 {\textpm} % 00B1 PLUS-MINUS SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 178 {\twosuperior} % 00B2 SUPERSCRIPT TWO
+\defineactivetoken 179 {\threesuperior} % 00B3 SUPERSCRIPT THREE
+\defineactivetoken 180 {\quotedblleft} % 201C LEFT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK
+\defineactivetoken 181 {\textmu} % 00B5 MICRO SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 182 {\paragraphmark} % 00B6 PILCROW SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 183 {\periodcentered} % 00B7 MIDDLE DOT
+\defineactivetoken 184 {\ostroke} % 00F8 LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH STROKE
+\defineactivetoken 185 {\onesuperior} % 00B9 SUPERSCRIPT ONE
+\defineactivetoken 186 {\rcommaaccent} % 0157 LATIN SMALL LETTER R WITH CEDILLA
+\defineactivetoken 187 {\rightguillemot} % 00BB RIGHT-POINTING DOUBLE ANGLE QUOTATION MARK
+\defineactivetoken 188 {\onequarter} % 00BC VULGAR FRACTION ONE QUARTER
+\defineactivetoken 189 {\onehalf} % 00BD VULGAR FRACTION ONE HALF
+\defineactivetoken 190 {\threequarter} % 00BE VULGAR FRACTION THREE QUARTERS
+\defineactivetoken 191 {\aeligature} % 00E6 LATIN SMALL LETTER AE
+\defineactivetoken 192 {\Aogonek} % 0104 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH OGONEK
+\defineactivetoken 193 {\Iogonek} % 012E LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH OGONEK
+\defineactivetoken 194 {\Amacron} % 0100 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH MACRON
+\defineactivetoken 195 {\Cacute} % 0106 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 196 {\Adiaeresis} % 00C4 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 197 {\Aring} % 00C5 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH RING ABOVE
+\defineactivetoken 198 {\Eogonek} % 0118 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH OGONEK
+\defineactivetoken 199 {\Emacron} % 0112 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH MACRON
+\defineactivetoken 200 {\Ccaron} % 010C LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C WITH CARON
+\defineactivetoken 201 {\Eacute} % 00C9 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 202 {\Zacute} % 0179 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 203 {\Edotaccent} % 0116 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH DOT ABOVE
+\defineactivetoken 204 {\Gcommaaccent} % 0122 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER G WITH CEDILLA
+\defineactivetoken 205 {\Kcommaaccent} % 0136 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER K WITH CEDILLA
+\defineactivetoken 206 {\Imacron} % 012A LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH MACRON
+\defineactivetoken 207 {\Lcommaaccent} % 013B LATIN CAPITAL LETTER L WITH CEDILLA
+\defineactivetoken 208 {\Scaron} % 0160 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S WITH CARON
+\defineactivetoken 209 {\Nacute} % 0143 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 210 {\Ncommaaccent} % 0145 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N WITH CEDILLA
+\defineactivetoken 211 {\Oacute} % 00D3 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 212 {\Omacron} % 014C LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH MACRON
+\defineactivetoken 213 {\Otilde} % 00D5 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH TILDE
+\defineactivetoken 214 {\Odiaeresis} % 00D6 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 215 {\textmultiply} % 00D7 MULTIPLICATION SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 216 {\Uogonek} % 0172 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH OGONEK
+\defineactivetoken 217 {\Lstroke} % 0141 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER L WITH STROKE
+\defineactivetoken 218 {\Sacute} % 015A LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 219 {\Umacron} % 016A LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH MACRON
+\defineactivetoken 220 {\Udiaeresis} % 00DC LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 221 {\Zdotaccent} % 017B LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z WITH DOT ABOVE
+\defineactivetoken 222 {\Zcaron} % 017D LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z WITH CARON
+\defineactivetoken 223 {\ssharp} % 00DF LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S
+\defineactivetoken 224 {\aogonek} % 0105 LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH OGONEK
+\defineactivetoken 225 {\iogonek} % 012F LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH OGONEK
+\defineactivetoken 226 {\amacron} % 0101 LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH MACRON
+\defineactivetoken 227 {\cacute} % 0107 LATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 228 {\adiaeresis} % 00E4 LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 229 {\aring} % 00E5 LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH RING ABOVE
+\defineactivetoken 230 {\eogonek} % 0119 LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH OGONEK
+\defineactivetoken 231 {\emacron} % 0113 LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH MACRON
+\defineactivetoken 232 {\ccaron} % 010D LATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH CARON
+\defineactivetoken 233 {\eacute} % 00E9 LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 234 {\zacute} % 017A LATIN SMALL LETTER Z WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 235 {\edotaccent} % 0117 LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH DOT ABOVE
+\defineactivetoken 236 {\gcommaaccent} % 0123 LATIN SMALL LETTER G WITH CEDILLA
+\defineactivetoken 237 {\kcommaaccent} % 0137 LATIN SMALL LETTER K WITH CEDILLA
+\defineactivetoken 238 {\imacron} % 012B LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH MACRON
+\defineactivetoken 239 {\lcommaaccent} % 013C LATIN SMALL LETTER L WITH CEDILLA
+\defineactivetoken 240 {\scaron} % 0161 LATIN SMALL LETTER S WITH CARON
+\defineactivetoken 241 {\nacute} % 0144 LATIN SMALL LETTER N WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 242 {\ncommaaccent} % 0146 LATIN SMALL LETTER N WITH CEDILLA
+\defineactivetoken 243 {\oacute} % 00F3 LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 244 {\omacron} % 014D LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH MACRON
+\defineactivetoken 245 {\otilde} % 00F5 LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH TILDE
+\defineactivetoken 246 {\odiaeresis} % 00F6 LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 247 {\textdiv} % 00F7 DIVISION SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 248 {\uogonek} % 0173 LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH OGONEK
+\defineactivetoken 249 {\lstroke} % 0142 LATIN SMALL LETTER L WITH STROKE
+\defineactivetoken 250 {\sacute} % 015B LATIN SMALL LETTER S WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 251 {\umacron} % 016B LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH MACRON
+\defineactivetoken 252 {\udiaeresis} % 00FC LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 253 {\zdotaccent} % 017C LATIN SMALL LETTER Z WITH DOT ABOVE
+\defineactivetoken 254 {\zcaron} % 017E LATIN SMALL LETTER Z WITH CARON
+\defineactivetoken 255 {\quoteright} % 2019 RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/regi-8859-15.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/regi-8859-15.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1455161c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/regi-8859-15.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=regi-8859-15,
+%D version=2005.12.26,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Encoding Macros,
+%D subtitle=iso-8859-15 (West European),
+%D author=script-generated,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D Support for iso-8859-15/Latin9 input encoding (regime) for
+%D West European languages, almost the same as iso-8859-1 with rarely
+%D used symbols (currency symbol,%D fractions, accents) replaced by
+%D Euro and some additional letters,%D see also cp1252.
+%D Usage: \type{\enableregime[8859-15]} (see \type {regi-syn} for
+%D alternatives calls).
+\defineactivetoken 128 {\unknownchar} % 0080 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 129 {\unknownchar} % 0081 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 130 {\unknownchar} % 0082 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 131 {\unknownchar} % 0083 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 132 {\unknownchar} % 0084 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 133 {\unknownchar} % 0085 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 134 {\unknownchar} % 0086 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 135 {\unknownchar} % 0087 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 136 {\unknownchar} % 0088 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 137 {\unknownchar} % 0089 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 138 {\unknownchar} % 008A <control>
+\defineactivetoken 139 {\unknownchar} % 008B <control>
+\defineactivetoken 140 {\unknownchar} % 008C <control>
+\defineactivetoken 141 {\unknownchar} % 008D <control>
+\defineactivetoken 142 {\unknownchar} % 008E <control>
+\defineactivetoken 143 {\unknownchar} % 008F <control>
+\defineactivetoken 144 {\unknownchar} % 0090 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 145 {\unknownchar} % 0091 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 146 {\unknownchar} % 0092 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 147 {\unknownchar} % 0093 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 148 {\unknownchar} % 0094 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 149 {\unknownchar} % 0095 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 150 {\unknownchar} % 0096 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 151 {\unknownchar} % 0097 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 152 {\unknownchar} % 0098 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 153 {\unknownchar} % 0099 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 154 {\unknownchar} % 009A <control>
+\defineactivetoken 155 {\unknownchar} % 009B <control>
+\defineactivetoken 156 {\unknownchar} % 009C <control>
+\defineactivetoken 157 {\unknownchar} % 009D <control>
+\defineactivetoken 158 {\unknownchar} % 009E <control>
+\defineactivetoken 159 {\unknownchar} % 009F <control>
+\defineactivetoken 160 {\nonbreakablespace} % 00A0 NO-BREAK SPACE
+\defineactivetoken 161 {\exclamdown} % 00A1 INVERTED EXCLAMATION MARK
+\defineactivetoken 162 {\textcent} % 00A2 CENT SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 163 {\textsterling} % 00A3 POUND SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 164 {\texteuro} % 20AC EURO SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 165 {\textyen} % 00A5 YEN SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 166 {\Scaron} % 0160 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S WITH CARON
+\defineactivetoken 167 {\sectionmark} % 00A7 SECTION SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 168 {\scaron} % 0161 LATIN SMALL LETTER S WITH CARON
+\defineactivetoken 169 {\copyright} % 00A9 COPYRIGHT SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 170 {\ordfeminine} % 00AA FEMININE ORDINAL INDICATOR
+\defineactivetoken 171 {\leftguillemot} % 00AB LEFT-POINTING DOUBLE ANGLE QUOTATION MARK
+\defineactivetoken 172 {\textlognot} % 00AC NOT SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 173 {\softhyphen} % 00AD SOFT HYPHEN
+\defineactivetoken 174 {\registered} % 00AE REGISTERED SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 175 {\textmacron} % 00AF MACRON
+\defineactivetoken 176 {\textdegree} % 00B0 DEGREE SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 177 {\textpm} % 00B1 PLUS-MINUS SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 178 {\twosuperior} % 00B2 SUPERSCRIPT TWO
+\defineactivetoken 179 {\threesuperior} % 00B3 SUPERSCRIPT THREE
+\defineactivetoken 180 {\Zcaron} % 017D LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z WITH CARON
+\defineactivetoken 181 {\textmu} % 00B5 MICRO SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 182 {\paragraphmark} % 00B6 PILCROW SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 183 {\periodcentered} % 00B7 MIDDLE DOT
+\defineactivetoken 184 {\zcaron} % 017E LATIN SMALL LETTER Z WITH CARON
+\defineactivetoken 185 {\onesuperior} % 00B9 SUPERSCRIPT ONE
+\defineactivetoken 186 {\ordmasculine} % 00BA MASCULINE ORDINAL INDICATOR
+\defineactivetoken 187 {\rightguillemot} % 00BB RIGHT-POINTING DOUBLE ANGLE QUOTATION MARK
+\defineactivetoken 188 {\OEligature} % 0152 LATIN CAPITAL LIGATURE OE
+\defineactivetoken 189 {\oeligature} % 0153 LATIN SMALL LIGATURE OE
+\defineactivetoken 190 {\Ydiaeresis} % 0178 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y WITH DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 191 {\questiondown} % 00BF INVERTED QUESTION MARK
+\defineactivetoken 192 {\Agrave} % 00C0 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH GRAVE
+\defineactivetoken 193 {\Aacute} % 00C1 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 194 {\Acircumflex} % 00C2 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\defineactivetoken 195 {\Atilde} % 00C3 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH TILDE
+\defineactivetoken 196 {\Adiaeresis} % 00C4 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 197 {\Aring} % 00C5 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH RING ABOVE
+\defineactivetoken 198 {\AEligature} % 00C6 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER AE
+\defineactivetoken 199 {\Ccedilla} % 00C7 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C WITH CEDILLA
+\defineactivetoken 200 {\Egrave} % 00C8 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH GRAVE
+\defineactivetoken 201 {\Eacute} % 00C9 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 202 {\Ecircumflex} % 00CA LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\defineactivetoken 203 {\Ediaeresis} % 00CB LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 204 {\Igrave} % 00CC LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH GRAVE
+\defineactivetoken 205 {\Iacute} % 00CD LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 206 {\Icircumflex} % 00CE LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\defineactivetoken 207 {\Idiaeresis} % 00CF LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 208 {\Eth} % 00D0 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER ETH
+\defineactivetoken 209 {\Ntilde} % 00D1 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N WITH TILDE
+\defineactivetoken 210 {\Ograve} % 00D2 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH GRAVE
+\defineactivetoken 211 {\Oacute} % 00D3 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 212 {\Ocircumflex} % 00D4 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\defineactivetoken 213 {\Otilde} % 00D5 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH TILDE
+\defineactivetoken 214 {\Odiaeresis} % 00D6 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 215 {\textmultiply} % 00D7 MULTIPLICATION SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 216 {\Ostroke} % 00D8 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH STROKE
+\defineactivetoken 217 {\Ugrave} % 00D9 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH GRAVE
+\defineactivetoken 218 {\Uacute} % 00DA LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 219 {\Ucircumflex} % 00DB LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\defineactivetoken 220 {\Udiaeresis} % 00DC LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 221 {\Yacute} % 00DD LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 222 {\Thorn} % 00DE LATIN CAPITAL LETTER THORN
+\defineactivetoken 223 {\ssharp} % 00DF LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S
+\defineactivetoken 224 {\agrave} % 00E0 LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH GRAVE
+\defineactivetoken 225 {\aacute} % 00E1 LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 226 {\acircumflex} % 00E2 LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\defineactivetoken 227 {\atilde} % 00E3 LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH TILDE
+\defineactivetoken 228 {\adiaeresis} % 00E4 LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 229 {\aring} % 00E5 LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH RING ABOVE
+\defineactivetoken 230 {\aeligature} % 00E6 LATIN SMALL LETTER AE
+\defineactivetoken 231 {\ccedilla} % 00E7 LATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH CEDILLA
+\defineactivetoken 232 {\egrave} % 00E8 LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH GRAVE
+\defineactivetoken 233 {\eacute} % 00E9 LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 234 {\ecircumflex} % 00EA LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\defineactivetoken 235 {\ediaeresis} % 00EB LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 236 {\igrave} % 00EC LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH GRAVE
+\defineactivetoken 237 {\iacute} % 00ED LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 238 {\icircumflex} % 00EE LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\defineactivetoken 239 {\idiaeresis} % 00EF LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 240 {\eth} % 00F0 LATIN SMALL LETTER ETH
+\defineactivetoken 241 {\ntilde} % 00F1 LATIN SMALL LETTER N WITH TILDE
+\defineactivetoken 242 {\ograve} % 00F2 LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH GRAVE
+\defineactivetoken 243 {\oacute} % 00F3 LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 244 {\ocircumflex} % 00F4 LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\defineactivetoken 245 {\otilde} % 00F5 LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH TILDE
+\defineactivetoken 246 {\odiaeresis} % 00F6 LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 247 {\textdiv} % 00F7 DIVISION SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 248 {\ostroke} % 00F8 LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH STROKE
+\defineactivetoken 249 {\ugrave} % 00F9 LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH GRAVE
+\defineactivetoken 250 {\uacute} % 00FA LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 251 {\ucircumflex} % 00FB LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\defineactivetoken 252 {\udiaeresis} % 00FC LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 253 {\yacute} % 00FD LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 254 {\thorn} % 00FE LATIN SMALL LETTER THORN
+\defineactivetoken 255 {\ydiaeresis} % 00FF LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH DIAERESIS
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/regi-8859-16.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/regi-8859-16.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f284c4116
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/regi-8859-16.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=regi-8859-16,
+%D version=2005.12.26,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Encoding Macros,
+%D subtitle=iso-8859-16 (Romanian),
+%D author=script-generated,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D Support for iso-8859-16/Latin10 input encoding (regime) for Romanian.
+%D Usage: \type{\enableregime[8859-16]} (see \type {regi-syn} for
+%D alternatives calls).
+\defineactivetoken 128 {\unknownchar} % 0080 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 129 {\unknownchar} % 0081 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 130 {\unknownchar} % 0082 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 131 {\unknownchar} % 0083 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 132 {\unknownchar} % 0084 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 133 {\unknownchar} % 0085 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 134 {\unknownchar} % 0086 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 135 {\unknownchar} % 0087 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 136 {\unknownchar} % 0088 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 137 {\unknownchar} % 0089 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 138 {\unknownchar} % 008A <control>
+\defineactivetoken 139 {\unknownchar} % 008B <control>
+\defineactivetoken 140 {\unknownchar} % 008C <control>
+\defineactivetoken 141 {\unknownchar} % 008D <control>
+\defineactivetoken 142 {\unknownchar} % 008E <control>
+\defineactivetoken 143 {\unknownchar} % 008F <control>
+\defineactivetoken 144 {\unknownchar} % 0090 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 145 {\unknownchar} % 0091 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 146 {\unknownchar} % 0092 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 147 {\unknownchar} % 0093 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 148 {\unknownchar} % 0094 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 149 {\unknownchar} % 0095 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 150 {\unknownchar} % 0096 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 151 {\unknownchar} % 0097 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 152 {\unknownchar} % 0098 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 153 {\unknownchar} % 0099 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 154 {\unknownchar} % 009A <control>
+\defineactivetoken 155 {\unknownchar} % 009B <control>
+\defineactivetoken 156 {\unknownchar} % 009C <control>
+\defineactivetoken 157 {\unknownchar} % 009D <control>
+\defineactivetoken 158 {\unknownchar} % 009E <control>
+\defineactivetoken 159 {\unknownchar} % 009F <control>
+\defineactivetoken 160 {\nonbreakablespace} % 00A0 NO-BREAK SPACE
+\defineactivetoken 161 {\Aogonek} % 0104 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH OGONEK
+\defineactivetoken 162 {\aogonek} % 0105 LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH OGONEK
+\defineactivetoken 163 {\Lstroke} % 0141 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER L WITH STROKE
+\defineactivetoken 164 {\texteuro} % 20AC EURO SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 165 {\quotedblbase} % 201E DOUBLE LOW-9 QUOTATION MARK
+\defineactivetoken 166 {\Scaron} % 0160 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S WITH CARON
+\defineactivetoken 167 {\sectionmark} % 00A7 SECTION SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 168 {\scaron} % 0161 LATIN SMALL LETTER S WITH CARON
+\defineactivetoken 169 {\copyright} % 00A9 COPYRIGHT SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 170 {\Scommaaccent} % 0218 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S WITH COMMA BELOW
+\defineactivetoken 171 {\leftguillemot} % 00AB LEFT-POINTING DOUBLE ANGLE QUOTATION MARK
+\defineactivetoken 172 {\Zacute} % 0179 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 173 {\softhyphen} % 00AD SOFT HYPHEN
+\defineactivetoken 174 {\zacute} % 017A LATIN SMALL LETTER Z WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 175 {\Zdotaccent} % 017B LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z WITH DOT ABOVE
+\defineactivetoken 176 {\textdegree} % 00B0 DEGREE SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 177 {\textpm} % 00B1 PLUS-MINUS SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 178 {\Ccaron} % 010C LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C WITH CARON
+\defineactivetoken 179 {\lstroke} % 0142 LATIN SMALL LETTER L WITH STROKE
+\defineactivetoken 180 {\Zcaron} % 017D LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z WITH CARON
+\defineactivetoken 181 {\quotedblright} % 201D RIGHT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK
+\defineactivetoken 182 {\paragraphmark} % 00B6 PILCROW SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 183 {\periodcentered} % 00B7 MIDDLE DOT
+\defineactivetoken 184 {\zcaron} % 017E LATIN SMALL LETTER Z WITH CARON
+\defineactivetoken 185 {\ccaron} % 010D LATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH CARON
+\defineactivetoken 186 {\scommaaccent} % 0219 LATIN SMALL LETTER S WITH COMMA BELOW
+\defineactivetoken 187 {\rightguillemot} % 00BB RIGHT-POINTING DOUBLE ANGLE QUOTATION MARK
+\defineactivetoken 188 {\OEligature} % 0152 LATIN CAPITAL LIGATURE OE
+\defineactivetoken 189 {\oeligature} % 0153 LATIN SMALL LIGATURE OE
+\defineactivetoken 190 {\Ydiaeresis} % 0178 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y WITH DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 191 {\zdotaccent} % 017C LATIN SMALL LETTER Z WITH DOT ABOVE
+\defineactivetoken 192 {\Agrave} % 00C0 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH GRAVE
+\defineactivetoken 193 {\Aacute} % 00C1 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 194 {\Acircumflex} % 00C2 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\defineactivetoken 195 {\Abreve} % 0102 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH BREVE
+\defineactivetoken 196 {\Adiaeresis} % 00C4 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 197 {\Cacute} % 0106 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 198 {\AEligature} % 00C6 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER AE
+\defineactivetoken 199 {\Ccedilla} % 00C7 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C WITH CEDILLA
+\defineactivetoken 200 {\Egrave} % 00C8 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH GRAVE
+\defineactivetoken 201 {\Eacute} % 00C9 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 202 {\Ecircumflex} % 00CA LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\defineactivetoken 203 {\Ediaeresis} % 00CB LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 204 {\Igrave} % 00CC LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH GRAVE
+\defineactivetoken 205 {\Iacute} % 00CD LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 206 {\Icircumflex} % 00CE LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\defineactivetoken 207 {\Idiaeresis} % 00CF LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 208 {\Dstroke} % 0110 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER D WITH STROKE
+\defineactivetoken 209 {\Nacute} % 0143 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 210 {\Ograve} % 00D2 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH GRAVE
+\defineactivetoken 211 {\Oacute} % 00D3 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 212 {\Ocircumflex} % 00D4 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\defineactivetoken 213 {\Ohungarumlaut} % 0150 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH DOUBLE ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 214 {\Odiaeresis} % 00D6 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 215 {\Sacute} % 015A LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 216 {\Uhungarumlaut} % 0170 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH DOUBLE ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 217 {\Ugrave} % 00D9 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH GRAVE
+\defineactivetoken 218 {\Uacute} % 00DA LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 219 {\Ucircumflex} % 00DB LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\defineactivetoken 220 {\Udiaeresis} % 00DC LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 221 {\Eogonek} % 0118 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH OGONEK
+\defineactivetoken 222 {\Tcommaaccent} % 021A LATIN CAPITAL LETTER T WITH COMMA BELOW
+\defineactivetoken 223 {\ssharp} % 00DF LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S
+\defineactivetoken 224 {\agrave} % 00E0 LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH GRAVE
+\defineactivetoken 225 {\aacute} % 00E1 LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 226 {\acircumflex} % 00E2 LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\defineactivetoken 227 {\abreve} % 0103 LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH BREVE
+\defineactivetoken 228 {\adiaeresis} % 00E4 LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 229 {\cacute} % 0107 LATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 230 {\aeligature} % 00E6 LATIN SMALL LETTER AE
+\defineactivetoken 231 {\ccedilla} % 00E7 LATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH CEDILLA
+\defineactivetoken 232 {\egrave} % 00E8 LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH GRAVE
+\defineactivetoken 233 {\eacute} % 00E9 LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 234 {\ecircumflex} % 00EA LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\defineactivetoken 235 {\ediaeresis} % 00EB LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 236 {\igrave} % 00EC LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH GRAVE
+\defineactivetoken 237 {\iacute} % 00ED LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 238 {\icircumflex} % 00EE LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\defineactivetoken 239 {\idiaeresis} % 00EF LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 240 {\dstroke} % 0111 LATIN SMALL LETTER D WITH STROKE
+\defineactivetoken 241 {\nacute} % 0144 LATIN SMALL LETTER N WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 242 {\ograve} % 00F2 LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH GRAVE
+\defineactivetoken 243 {\oacute} % 00F3 LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 244 {\ocircumflex} % 00F4 LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\defineactivetoken 245 {\ohungarumlaut} % 0151 LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH DOUBLE ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 246 {\odiaeresis} % 00F6 LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 247 {\sacute} % 015B LATIN SMALL LETTER S WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 248 {\uhungarumlaut} % 0171 LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH DOUBLE ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 249 {\ugrave} % 00F9 LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH GRAVE
+\defineactivetoken 250 {\uacute} % 00FA LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 251 {\ucircumflex} % 00FB LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\defineactivetoken 252 {\udiaeresis} % 00FC LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 253 {\eogonek} % 0119 LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH OGONEK
+\defineactivetoken 254 {\tcommaaccent} % 021B LATIN SMALL LETTER T WITH COMMA BELOW
+\defineactivetoken 255 {\ydiaeresis} % 00FF LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH DIAERESIS
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/regi-8859-2.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/regi-8859-2.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9efc27a79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/regi-8859-2.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=regi-8859-2,
+%D version=2005.12.26,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Encoding Macros,
+%D subtitle=iso-8859-2 (East European),
+%D author=script-generated,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D Support for iso-8859-2/Latin2 input encoding (regime) for
+%D Central European languages, see also cp1250.
+%D Usage: \type{\enableregime[8859-2]} (see \type {regi-syn} for
+%D alternatives calls).
+\defineactivetoken 128 {\unknownchar} % 0080 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 129 {\unknownchar} % 0081 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 130 {\unknownchar} % 0082 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 131 {\unknownchar} % 0083 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 132 {\unknownchar} % 0084 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 133 {\unknownchar} % 0085 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 134 {\unknownchar} % 0086 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 135 {\unknownchar} % 0087 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 136 {\unknownchar} % 0088 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 137 {\unknownchar} % 0089 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 138 {\unknownchar} % 008A <control>
+\defineactivetoken 139 {\unknownchar} % 008B <control>
+\defineactivetoken 140 {\unknownchar} % 008C <control>
+\defineactivetoken 141 {\unknownchar} % 008D <control>
+\defineactivetoken 142 {\unknownchar} % 008E <control>
+\defineactivetoken 143 {\unknownchar} % 008F <control>
+\defineactivetoken 144 {\unknownchar} % 0090 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 145 {\unknownchar} % 0091 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 146 {\unknownchar} % 0092 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 147 {\unknownchar} % 0093 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 148 {\unknownchar} % 0094 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 149 {\unknownchar} % 0095 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 150 {\unknownchar} % 0096 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 151 {\unknownchar} % 0097 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 152 {\unknownchar} % 0098 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 153 {\unknownchar} % 0099 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 154 {\unknownchar} % 009A <control>
+\defineactivetoken 155 {\unknownchar} % 009B <control>
+\defineactivetoken 156 {\unknownchar} % 009C <control>
+\defineactivetoken 157 {\unknownchar} % 009D <control>
+\defineactivetoken 158 {\unknownchar} % 009E <control>
+\defineactivetoken 159 {\unknownchar} % 009F <control>
+\defineactivetoken 160 {\nonbreakablespace} % 00A0 NO-BREAK SPACE
+\defineactivetoken 161 {\Aogonek} % 0104 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH OGONEK
+\defineactivetoken 162 {\textbreve} % 02D8 BREVE
+\defineactivetoken 163 {\Lstroke} % 0141 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER L WITH STROKE
+\defineactivetoken 164 {\textcurrency} % 00A4 CURRENCY SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 165 {\Lcaron} % 013D LATIN CAPITAL LETTER L WITH CARON
+\defineactivetoken 166 {\Sacute} % 015A LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 167 {\sectionmark} % 00A7 SECTION SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 168 {\textdiaeresis} % 00A8 DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 169 {\Scaron} % 0160 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S WITH CARON
+\defineactivetoken 170 {\Scedilla} % 015E LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S WITH CEDILLA
+\defineactivetoken 171 {\Tcaron} % 0164 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER T WITH CARON
+\defineactivetoken 172 {\Zacute} % 0179 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 173 {\softhyphen} % 00AD SOFT HYPHEN
+\defineactivetoken 174 {\Zcaron} % 017D LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z WITH CARON
+\defineactivetoken 175 {\Zdotaccent} % 017B LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z WITH DOT ABOVE
+\defineactivetoken 176 {\textdegree} % 00B0 DEGREE SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 177 {\aogonek} % 0105 LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH OGONEK
+\defineactivetoken 178 {\textogonek} % 02DB OGONEK
+\defineactivetoken 179 {\lstroke} % 0142 LATIN SMALL LETTER L WITH STROKE
+\defineactivetoken 180 {\textacute} % 00B4 ACUTE ACCENT
+\defineactivetoken 181 {\lcaron} % 013E LATIN SMALL LETTER L WITH CARON
+\defineactivetoken 182 {\sacute} % 015B LATIN SMALL LETTER S WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 183 {\textcaron} % 02C7 CARON
+\defineactivetoken 184 {\textcedilla} % 00B8 CEDILLA
+\defineactivetoken 185 {\scaron} % 0161 LATIN SMALL LETTER S WITH CARON
+\defineactivetoken 186 {\scedilla} % 015F LATIN SMALL LETTER S WITH CEDILLA
+\defineactivetoken 187 {\tcaron} % 0165 LATIN SMALL LETTER T WITH CARON
+\defineactivetoken 188 {\zacute} % 017A LATIN SMALL LETTER Z WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 189 {\texthungarumlaut} % 02DD DOUBLE ACUTE ACCENT
+\defineactivetoken 190 {\zcaron} % 017E LATIN SMALL LETTER Z WITH CARON
+\defineactivetoken 191 {\zdotaccent} % 017C LATIN SMALL LETTER Z WITH DOT ABOVE
+\defineactivetoken 192 {\Racute} % 0154 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER R WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 193 {\Aacute} % 00C1 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 194 {\Acircumflex} % 00C2 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\defineactivetoken 195 {\Abreve} % 0102 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH BREVE
+\defineactivetoken 196 {\Adiaeresis} % 00C4 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 197 {\Lacute} % 0139 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER L WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 198 {\Cacute} % 0106 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 199 {\Ccedilla} % 00C7 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C WITH CEDILLA
+\defineactivetoken 200 {\Ccaron} % 010C LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C WITH CARON
+\defineactivetoken 201 {\Eacute} % 00C9 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 202 {\Eogonek} % 0118 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH OGONEK
+\defineactivetoken 203 {\Ediaeresis} % 00CB LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 204 {\Ecaron} % 011A LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH CARON
+\defineactivetoken 205 {\Iacute} % 00CD LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 206 {\Icircumflex} % 00CE LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\defineactivetoken 207 {\Dcaron} % 010E LATIN CAPITAL LETTER D WITH CARON
+\defineactivetoken 208 {\Dstroke} % 0110 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER D WITH STROKE
+\defineactivetoken 209 {\Nacute} % 0143 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 210 {\Ncaron} % 0147 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N WITH CARON
+\defineactivetoken 211 {\Oacute} % 00D3 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 212 {\Ocircumflex} % 00D4 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\defineactivetoken 213 {\Ohungarumlaut} % 0150 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH DOUBLE ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 214 {\Odiaeresis} % 00D6 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 215 {\textmultiply} % 00D7 MULTIPLICATION SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 216 {\Rcaron} % 0158 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER R WITH CARON
+\defineactivetoken 217 {\Uring} % 016E LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH RING ABOVE
+\defineactivetoken 218 {\Uacute} % 00DA LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 219 {\Uhungarumlaut} % 0170 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH DOUBLE ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 220 {\Udiaeresis} % 00DC LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 221 {\Yacute} % 00DD LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 222 {\Tcedilla} % 0162 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER T WITH CEDILLA
+\defineactivetoken 223 {\ssharp} % 00DF LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S
+\defineactivetoken 224 {\racute} % 0155 LATIN SMALL LETTER R WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 225 {\aacute} % 00E1 LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 226 {\acircumflex} % 00E2 LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\defineactivetoken 227 {\abreve} % 0103 LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH BREVE
+\defineactivetoken 228 {\adiaeresis} % 00E4 LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 229 {\lacute} % 013A LATIN SMALL LETTER L WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 230 {\cacute} % 0107 LATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 231 {\ccedilla} % 00E7 LATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH CEDILLA
+\defineactivetoken 232 {\ccaron} % 010D LATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH CARON
+\defineactivetoken 233 {\eacute} % 00E9 LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 234 {\eogonek} % 0119 LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH OGONEK
+\defineactivetoken 235 {\ediaeresis} % 00EB LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 236 {\ecaron} % 011B LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH CARON
+\defineactivetoken 237 {\iacute} % 00ED LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 238 {\icircumflex} % 00EE LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\defineactivetoken 239 {\dcaron} % 010F LATIN SMALL LETTER D WITH CARON
+\defineactivetoken 240 {\dstroke} % 0111 LATIN SMALL LETTER D WITH STROKE
+\defineactivetoken 241 {\nacute} % 0144 LATIN SMALL LETTER N WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 242 {\ncaron} % 0148 LATIN SMALL LETTER N WITH CARON
+\defineactivetoken 243 {\oacute} % 00F3 LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 244 {\ocircumflex} % 00F4 LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\defineactivetoken 245 {\ohungarumlaut} % 0151 LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH DOUBLE ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 246 {\odiaeresis} % 00F6 LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 247 {\textdiv} % 00F7 DIVISION SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 248 {\rcaron} % 0159 LATIN SMALL LETTER R WITH CARON
+\defineactivetoken 249 {\uring} % 016F LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH RING ABOVE
+\defineactivetoken 250 {\uacute} % 00FA LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 251 {\uhungarumlaut} % 0171 LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH DOUBLE ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 252 {\udiaeresis} % 00FC LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 253 {\yacute} % 00FD LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 254 {\tcedilla} % 0163 LATIN SMALL LETTER T WITH CEDILLA
+\defineactivetoken 255 {\textdotaccent} % 02D9 DOT ABOVE
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/regi-8859-3.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/regi-8859-3.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..99fa66ac3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/regi-8859-3.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=regi-8859-3,
+%D version=2005.12.26,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Encoding Macros,
+%D subtitle=iso-8859-3 (South European),
+%D author=script-generated,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D Support for iso-8859-3/Latin3 input encoding (regime) for South
+%D European languages, esp. for Esperanto and Maltese.
+%D Usage: \type{\enableregime[8859-3]} (see \type {regi-syn} for
+%D alternatives calls).
+\defineactivetoken 128 {\unknownchar} % 0080 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 129 {\unknownchar} % 0081 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 130 {\unknownchar} % 0082 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 131 {\unknownchar} % 0083 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 132 {\unknownchar} % 0084 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 133 {\unknownchar} % 0085 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 134 {\unknownchar} % 0086 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 135 {\unknownchar} % 0087 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 136 {\unknownchar} % 0088 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 137 {\unknownchar} % 0089 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 138 {\unknownchar} % 008A <control>
+\defineactivetoken 139 {\unknownchar} % 008B <control>
+\defineactivetoken 140 {\unknownchar} % 008C <control>
+\defineactivetoken 141 {\unknownchar} % 008D <control>
+\defineactivetoken 142 {\unknownchar} % 008E <control>
+\defineactivetoken 143 {\unknownchar} % 008F <control>
+\defineactivetoken 144 {\unknownchar} % 0090 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 145 {\unknownchar} % 0091 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 146 {\unknownchar} % 0092 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 147 {\unknownchar} % 0093 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 148 {\unknownchar} % 0094 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 149 {\unknownchar} % 0095 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 150 {\unknownchar} % 0096 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 151 {\unknownchar} % 0097 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 152 {\unknownchar} % 0098 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 153 {\unknownchar} % 0099 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 154 {\unknownchar} % 009A <control>
+\defineactivetoken 155 {\unknownchar} % 009B <control>
+\defineactivetoken 156 {\unknownchar} % 009C <control>
+\defineactivetoken 157 {\unknownchar} % 009D <control>
+\defineactivetoken 158 {\unknownchar} % 009E <control>
+\defineactivetoken 159 {\unknownchar} % 009F <control>
+\defineactivetoken 160 {\nonbreakablespace} % 00A0 NO-BREAK SPACE
+\defineactivetoken 161 {\Hstroke} % 0126 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER H WITH STROKE
+\defineactivetoken 162 {\textbreve} % 02D8 BREVE
+\defineactivetoken 163 {\textsterling} % 00A3 POUND SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 164 {\textcurrency} % 00A4 CURRENCY SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 166 {\Hcircumflex} % 0124 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER H WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\defineactivetoken 167 {\sectionmark} % 00A7 SECTION SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 168 {\textdiaeresis} % 00A8 DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 169 {\Idotaccent} % 0130 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH DOT ABOVE
+\defineactivetoken 170 {\Scedilla} % 015E LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S WITH CEDILLA
+\defineactivetoken 171 {\Gbreve} % 011E LATIN CAPITAL LETTER G WITH BREVE
+\defineactivetoken 172 {\Jcircumflex} % 0134 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER J WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\defineactivetoken 173 {\softhyphen} % 00AD SOFT HYPHEN
+\defineactivetoken 175 {\Zdotaccent} % 017B LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z WITH DOT ABOVE
+\defineactivetoken 176 {\textdegree} % 00B0 DEGREE SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 177 {\hstroke} % 0127 LATIN SMALL LETTER H WITH STROKE
+\defineactivetoken 178 {\twosuperior} % 00B2 SUPERSCRIPT TWO
+\defineactivetoken 179 {\threesuperior} % 00B3 SUPERSCRIPT THREE
+\defineactivetoken 180 {\textacute} % 00B4 ACUTE ACCENT
+\defineactivetoken 181 {\textmu} % 00B5 MICRO SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 182 {\hcircumflex} % 0125 LATIN SMALL LETTER H WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\defineactivetoken 183 {\periodcentered} % 00B7 MIDDLE DOT
+\defineactivetoken 184 {\textcedilla} % 00B8 CEDILLA
+\defineactivetoken 185 {\dotlessi} % 0131 LATIN SMALL LETTER DOTLESS I
+\defineactivetoken 186 {\scedilla} % 015F LATIN SMALL LETTER S WITH CEDILLA
+\defineactivetoken 187 {\gbreve} % 011F LATIN SMALL LETTER G WITH BREVE
+\defineactivetoken 188 {\jcircumflex} % 0135 LATIN SMALL LETTER J WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\defineactivetoken 189 {\onehalf} % 00BD VULGAR FRACTION ONE HALF
+\defineactivetoken 191 {\zdotaccent} % 017C LATIN SMALL LETTER Z WITH DOT ABOVE
+\defineactivetoken 192 {\Agrave} % 00C0 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH GRAVE
+\defineactivetoken 193 {\Aacute} % 00C1 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 194 {\Acircumflex} % 00C2 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\defineactivetoken 196 {\Adiaeresis} % 00C4 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 197 {\Cdotaccent} % 010A LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C WITH DOT ABOVE
+\defineactivetoken 198 {\Ccircumflex} % 0108 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\defineactivetoken 199 {\Ccedilla} % 00C7 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C WITH CEDILLA
+\defineactivetoken 200 {\Egrave} % 00C8 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH GRAVE
+\defineactivetoken 201 {\Eacute} % 00C9 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 202 {\Ecircumflex} % 00CA LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\defineactivetoken 203 {\Ediaeresis} % 00CB LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 204 {\Igrave} % 00CC LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH GRAVE
+\defineactivetoken 205 {\Iacute} % 00CD LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 206 {\Icircumflex} % 00CE LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\defineactivetoken 207 {\Idiaeresis} % 00CF LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 209 {\Ntilde} % 00D1 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N WITH TILDE
+\defineactivetoken 210 {\Ograve} % 00D2 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH GRAVE
+\defineactivetoken 211 {\Oacute} % 00D3 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 212 {\Ocircumflex} % 00D4 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\defineactivetoken 213 {\Gdotaccent} % 0120 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER G WITH DOT ABOVE
+\defineactivetoken 214 {\Odiaeresis} % 00D6 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 215 {\textmultiply} % 00D7 MULTIPLICATION SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 216 {\Gcircumflex} % 011C LATIN CAPITAL LETTER G WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\defineactivetoken 217 {\Ugrave} % 00D9 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH GRAVE
+\defineactivetoken 218 {\Uacute} % 00DA LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 219 {\Ucircumflex} % 00DB LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\defineactivetoken 220 {\Udiaeresis} % 00DC LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 221 {\Ubreve} % 016C LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH BREVE
+\defineactivetoken 222 {\Scircumflex} % 015C LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\defineactivetoken 223 {\ssharp} % 00DF LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S
+\defineactivetoken 224 {\agrave} % 00E0 LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH GRAVE
+\defineactivetoken 225 {\aacute} % 00E1 LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 226 {\acircumflex} % 00E2 LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\defineactivetoken 228 {\adiaeresis} % 00E4 LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 229 {\cdotaccent} % 010B LATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH DOT ABOVE
+\defineactivetoken 230 {\ccircumflex} % 0109 LATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\defineactivetoken 231 {\ccedilla} % 00E7 LATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH CEDILLA
+\defineactivetoken 232 {\egrave} % 00E8 LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH GRAVE
+\defineactivetoken 233 {\eacute} % 00E9 LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 234 {\ecircumflex} % 00EA LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\defineactivetoken 235 {\ediaeresis} % 00EB LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 236 {\igrave} % 00EC LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH GRAVE
+\defineactivetoken 237 {\iacute} % 00ED LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 238 {\icircumflex} % 00EE LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\defineactivetoken 239 {\idiaeresis} % 00EF LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 241 {\ntilde} % 00F1 LATIN SMALL LETTER N WITH TILDE
+\defineactivetoken 242 {\ograve} % 00F2 LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH GRAVE
+\defineactivetoken 243 {\oacute} % 00F3 LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 244 {\ocircumflex} % 00F4 LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\defineactivetoken 245 {\gdotaccent} % 0121 LATIN SMALL LETTER G WITH DOT ABOVE
+\defineactivetoken 246 {\odiaeresis} % 00F6 LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 247 {\textdiv} % 00F7 DIVISION SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 248 {\gcircumflex} % 011D LATIN SMALL LETTER G WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\defineactivetoken 249 {\ugrave} % 00F9 LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH GRAVE
+\defineactivetoken 250 {\uacute} % 00FA LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 251 {\ucircumflex} % 00FB LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\defineactivetoken 252 {\udiaeresis} % 00FC LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 253 {\ubreve} % 016D LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH BREVE
+\defineactivetoken 254 {\scircumflex} % 015D LATIN SMALL LETTER S WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\defineactivetoken 255 {\textdotaccent} % 02D9 DOT ABOVE
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/regi-8859-4.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/regi-8859-4.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c7adf3471
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/regi-8859-4.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=regi-8859-4,
+%D version=2005.12.26,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Encoding Macros,
+%D subtitle=iso-8859-4 (North European),
+%D author=script-generated,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D Support for iso-8859-4/Latin4 input encoding (regime) for West
+%D European languages, see also cp1257 and iso-8859-13.
+%D Usage: \type{\enableregime[8859-4]} (see \type {regi-syn} for
+%D alternatives calls).
+\defineactivetoken 128 {\unknownchar} % 0080 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 129 {\unknownchar} % 0081 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 130 {\unknownchar} % 0082 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 131 {\unknownchar} % 0083 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 132 {\unknownchar} % 0084 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 133 {\unknownchar} % 0085 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 134 {\unknownchar} % 0086 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 135 {\unknownchar} % 0087 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 136 {\unknownchar} % 0088 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 137 {\unknownchar} % 0089 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 138 {\unknownchar} % 008A <control>
+\defineactivetoken 139 {\unknownchar} % 008B <control>
+\defineactivetoken 140 {\unknownchar} % 008C <control>
+\defineactivetoken 141 {\unknownchar} % 008D <control>
+\defineactivetoken 142 {\unknownchar} % 008E <control>
+\defineactivetoken 143 {\unknownchar} % 008F <control>
+\defineactivetoken 144 {\unknownchar} % 0090 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 145 {\unknownchar} % 0091 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 146 {\unknownchar} % 0092 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 147 {\unknownchar} % 0093 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 148 {\unknownchar} % 0094 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 149 {\unknownchar} % 0095 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 150 {\unknownchar} % 0096 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 151 {\unknownchar} % 0097 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 152 {\unknownchar} % 0098 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 153 {\unknownchar} % 0099 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 154 {\unknownchar} % 009A <control>
+\defineactivetoken 155 {\unknownchar} % 009B <control>
+\defineactivetoken 156 {\unknownchar} % 009C <control>
+\defineactivetoken 157 {\unknownchar} % 009D <control>
+\defineactivetoken 158 {\unknownchar} % 009E <control>
+\defineactivetoken 159 {\unknownchar} % 009F <control>
+\defineactivetoken 160 {\nonbreakablespace} % 00A0 NO-BREAK SPACE
+\defineactivetoken 161 {\Aogonek} % 0104 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH OGONEK
+\defineactivetoken 162 {\kkra} % 0138 LATIN SMALL LETTER KRA
+\defineactivetoken 163 {\Rcommaaccent} % 0156 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER R WITH CEDILLA
+\defineactivetoken 164 {\textcurrency} % 00A4 CURRENCY SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 165 {\Itilde} % 0128 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH TILDE
+\defineactivetoken 166 {\Lcommaaccent} % 013B LATIN CAPITAL LETTER L WITH CEDILLA
+\defineactivetoken 167 {\sectionmark} % 00A7 SECTION SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 168 {\textdiaeresis} % 00A8 DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 169 {\Scaron} % 0160 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S WITH CARON
+\defineactivetoken 170 {\Emacron} % 0112 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH MACRON
+\defineactivetoken 171 {\Gcommaaccent} % 0122 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER G WITH CEDILLA
+\defineactivetoken 172 {\Tstroke} % 0166 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER T WITH STROKE
+\defineactivetoken 173 {\softhyphen} % 00AD SOFT HYPHEN
+\defineactivetoken 174 {\Zcaron} % 017D LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z WITH CARON
+\defineactivetoken 175 {\textmacron} % 00AF MACRON
+\defineactivetoken 176 {\textdegree} % 00B0 DEGREE SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 177 {\aogonek} % 0105 LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH OGONEK
+\defineactivetoken 178 {\textogonek} % 02DB OGONEK
+\defineactivetoken 179 {\rcommaaccent} % 0157 LATIN SMALL LETTER R WITH CEDILLA
+\defineactivetoken 180 {\textacute} % 00B4 ACUTE ACCENT
+\defineactivetoken 181 {\itilde} % 0129 LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH TILDE
+\defineactivetoken 182 {\lcommaaccent} % 013C LATIN SMALL LETTER L WITH CEDILLA
+\defineactivetoken 183 {\textcaron} % 02C7 CARON
+\defineactivetoken 184 {\textcedilla} % 00B8 CEDILLA
+\defineactivetoken 185 {\scaron} % 0161 LATIN SMALL LETTER S WITH CARON
+\defineactivetoken 186 {\emacron} % 0113 LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH MACRON
+\defineactivetoken 187 {\gcommaaccent} % 0123 LATIN SMALL LETTER G WITH CEDILLA
+\defineactivetoken 188 {\tstroke} % 0167 LATIN SMALL LETTER T WITH STROKE
+\defineactivetoken 189 {\Neng} % 014A LATIN CAPITAL LETTER ENG
+\defineactivetoken 190 {\zcaron} % 017E LATIN SMALL LETTER Z WITH CARON
+\defineactivetoken 191 {\neng} % 014B LATIN SMALL LETTER ENG
+\defineactivetoken 192 {\Amacron} % 0100 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH MACRON
+\defineactivetoken 193 {\Aacute} % 00C1 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 194 {\Acircumflex} % 00C2 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\defineactivetoken 195 {\Atilde} % 00C3 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH TILDE
+\defineactivetoken 196 {\Adiaeresis} % 00C4 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 197 {\Aring} % 00C5 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH RING ABOVE
+\defineactivetoken 198 {\AEligature} % 00C6 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER AE
+\defineactivetoken 199 {\Iogonek} % 012E LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH OGONEK
+\defineactivetoken 200 {\Ccaron} % 010C LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C WITH CARON
+\defineactivetoken 201 {\Eacute} % 00C9 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 202 {\Eogonek} % 0118 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH OGONEK
+\defineactivetoken 203 {\Ediaeresis} % 00CB LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 204 {\Edotaccent} % 0116 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH DOT ABOVE
+\defineactivetoken 205 {\Iacute} % 00CD LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 206 {\Icircumflex} % 00CE LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\defineactivetoken 207 {\Imacron} % 012A LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH MACRON
+\defineactivetoken 208 {\Dstroke} % 0110 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER D WITH STROKE
+\defineactivetoken 209 {\Ncommaaccent} % 0145 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N WITH CEDILLA
+\defineactivetoken 210 {\Omacron} % 014C LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH MACRON
+\defineactivetoken 211 {\Kcommaaccent} % 0136 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER K WITH CEDILLA
+\defineactivetoken 212 {\Ocircumflex} % 00D4 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\defineactivetoken 213 {\Otilde} % 00D5 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH TILDE
+\defineactivetoken 214 {\Odiaeresis} % 00D6 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 215 {\textmultiply} % 00D7 MULTIPLICATION SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 216 {\Ostroke} % 00D8 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH STROKE
+\defineactivetoken 217 {\Uogonek} % 0172 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH OGONEK
+\defineactivetoken 218 {\Uacute} % 00DA LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 219 {\Ucircumflex} % 00DB LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\defineactivetoken 220 {\Udiaeresis} % 00DC LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 221 {\Utilde} % 0168 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH TILDE
+\defineactivetoken 222 {\Umacron} % 016A LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH MACRON
+\defineactivetoken 223 {\ssharp} % 00DF LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S
+\defineactivetoken 224 {\amacron} % 0101 LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH MACRON
+\defineactivetoken 225 {\aacute} % 00E1 LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 226 {\acircumflex} % 00E2 LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\defineactivetoken 227 {\atilde} % 00E3 LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH TILDE
+\defineactivetoken 228 {\adiaeresis} % 00E4 LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 229 {\aring} % 00E5 LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH RING ABOVE
+\defineactivetoken 230 {\aeligature} % 00E6 LATIN SMALL LETTER AE
+\defineactivetoken 231 {\iogonek} % 012F LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH OGONEK
+\defineactivetoken 232 {\ccaron} % 010D LATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH CARON
+\defineactivetoken 233 {\eacute} % 00E9 LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 234 {\eogonek} % 0119 LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH OGONEK
+\defineactivetoken 235 {\ediaeresis} % 00EB LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 236 {\edotaccent} % 0117 LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH DOT ABOVE
+\defineactivetoken 237 {\iacute} % 00ED LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 238 {\icircumflex} % 00EE LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\defineactivetoken 239 {\imacron} % 012B LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH MACRON
+\defineactivetoken 240 {\dstroke} % 0111 LATIN SMALL LETTER D WITH STROKE
+\defineactivetoken 241 {\ncommaaccent} % 0146 LATIN SMALL LETTER N WITH CEDILLA
+\defineactivetoken 242 {\omacron} % 014D LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH MACRON
+\defineactivetoken 243 {\kcommaaccent} % 0137 LATIN SMALL LETTER K WITH CEDILLA
+\defineactivetoken 244 {\ocircumflex} % 00F4 LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\defineactivetoken 245 {\otilde} % 00F5 LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH TILDE
+\defineactivetoken 246 {\odiaeresis} % 00F6 LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 247 {\textdiv} % 00F7 DIVISION SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 248 {\ostroke} % 00F8 LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH STROKE
+\defineactivetoken 249 {\uogonek} % 0173 LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH OGONEK
+\defineactivetoken 250 {\uacute} % 00FA LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 251 {\ucircumflex} % 00FB LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\defineactivetoken 252 {\udiaeresis} % 00FC LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 253 {\utilde} % 0169 LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH TILDE
+\defineactivetoken 254 {\umacron} % 016B LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH MACRON
+\defineactivetoken 255 {\textdotaccent} % 02D9 DOT ABOVE
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/regi-8859-5.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/regi-8859-5.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..807d74640
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/regi-8859-5.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=regi-8859-5,
+%D version=2005.12.26,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Encoding Macros,
+%D subtitle=iso-8859-5 (Cyrillic),
+%D author=script-generated,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D Support for iso-8859-5 input encoding (regime) for Cyrillic,
+%D see also regi-cyr and regi-cyp.
+%D Usage: \type{\enableregime[8859-5]} (see \type {regi-syn} for
+%D alternatives calls).
+\defineactivetoken 128 {\unknownchar} % 0080 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 129 {\unknownchar} % 0081 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 130 {\unknownchar} % 0082 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 131 {\unknownchar} % 0083 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 132 {\unknownchar} % 0084 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 133 {\unknownchar} % 0085 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 134 {\unknownchar} % 0086 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 135 {\unknownchar} % 0087 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 136 {\unknownchar} % 0088 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 137 {\unknownchar} % 0089 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 138 {\unknownchar} % 008A <control>
+\defineactivetoken 139 {\unknownchar} % 008B <control>
+\defineactivetoken 140 {\unknownchar} % 008C <control>
+\defineactivetoken 141 {\unknownchar} % 008D <control>
+\defineactivetoken 142 {\unknownchar} % 008E <control>
+\defineactivetoken 143 {\unknownchar} % 008F <control>
+\defineactivetoken 144 {\unknownchar} % 0090 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 145 {\unknownchar} % 0091 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 146 {\unknownchar} % 0092 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 147 {\unknownchar} % 0093 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 148 {\unknownchar} % 0094 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 149 {\unknownchar} % 0095 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 150 {\unknownchar} % 0096 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 151 {\unknownchar} % 0097 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 152 {\unknownchar} % 0098 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 153 {\unknownchar} % 0099 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 154 {\unknownchar} % 009A <control>
+\defineactivetoken 155 {\unknownchar} % 009B <control>
+\defineactivetoken 156 {\unknownchar} % 009C <control>
+\defineactivetoken 157 {\unknownchar} % 009D <control>
+\defineactivetoken 158 {\unknownchar} % 009E <control>
+\defineactivetoken 159 {\unknownchar} % 009F <control>
+\defineactivetoken 160 {\nonbreakablespace} % 00A0 NO-BREAK SPACE
+\defineactivetoken 161 {\cyrillicYO} % 0401 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER IO
+\defineactivetoken 162 {\cyrillicDJE} % 0402 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER DJE
+\defineactivetoken 163 {\cyrillicGJE} % 0403 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER GJE
+\defineactivetoken 164 {\cyrillicIE} % 0404 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER UKRAINIAN IE
+\defineactivetoken 165 {\cyrillicDZE} % 0405 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER DZE
+\defineactivetoken 166 {\cyrillicII} % 0406 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER BYELORUSSIAN-UKRAINIAN I
+\defineactivetoken 167 {\cyrillicYI} % 0407 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER YI
+\defineactivetoken 168 {\cyrillicJE} % 0408 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER JE
+\defineactivetoken 169 {\cyrillicLJE} % 0409 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER LJE
+\defineactivetoken 170 {\cyrillicNJE} % 040A CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER NJE
+\defineactivetoken 171 {\cyrillicTSHE} % 040B CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER TSHE
+\defineactivetoken 172 {\cyrillicKJE} % 040C CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER KJE
+\defineactivetoken 173 {\softhyphen} % 00AD SOFT HYPHEN
+\defineactivetoken 174 {\cyrillicUSHRT} % 040E CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER SHORT U
+\defineactivetoken 175 {\cyrillicDZHE} % 040F CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER DZHE
+\defineactivetoken 176 {\cyrillicA} % 0410 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER A
+\defineactivetoken 177 {\cyrillicB} % 0411 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER BE
+\defineactivetoken 178 {\cyrillicV} % 0412 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER VE
+\defineactivetoken 179 {\cyrillicG} % 0413 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER GHE
+\defineactivetoken 180 {\cyrillicD} % 0414 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER DE
+\defineactivetoken 181 {\cyrillicE} % 0415 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER IE
+\defineactivetoken 182 {\cyrillicZH} % 0416 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER ZHE
+\defineactivetoken 183 {\cyrillicZ} % 0417 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER ZE
+\defineactivetoken 184 {\cyrillicI} % 0418 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER I
+\defineactivetoken 185 {\cyrillicISHRT} % 0419 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER SHORT I
+\defineactivetoken 186 {\cyrillicK} % 041A CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER KA
+\defineactivetoken 187 {\cyrillicL} % 041B CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER EL
+\defineactivetoken 188 {\cyrillicM} % 041C CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER EM
+\defineactivetoken 189 {\cyrillicN} % 041D CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER EN
+\defineactivetoken 190 {\cyrillicO} % 041E CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER O
+\defineactivetoken 191 {\cyrillicP} % 041F CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER PE
+\defineactivetoken 192 {\cyrillicR} % 0420 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER ER
+\defineactivetoken 193 {\cyrillicS} % 0421 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER ES
+\defineactivetoken 194 {\cyrillicT} % 0422 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER TE
+\defineactivetoken 195 {\cyrillicU} % 0423 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER U
+\defineactivetoken 196 {\cyrillicF} % 0424 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER EF
+\defineactivetoken 197 {\cyrillicH} % 0425 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER HA
+\defineactivetoken 198 {\cyrillicC} % 0426 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER TSE
+\defineactivetoken 199 {\cyrillicCH} % 0427 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER CHE
+\defineactivetoken 200 {\cyrillicSH} % 0428 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER SHA
+\defineactivetoken 201 {\cyrillicSHCH} % 0429 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER SHCHA
+\defineactivetoken 202 {\cyrillicHRDSN} % 042A CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER HARD SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 203 {\cyrillicERY} % 042B CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER YERU
+\defineactivetoken 204 {\cyrillicSFTSN} % 042C CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER SOFT SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 205 {\cyrillicEREV} % 042D CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER E
+\defineactivetoken 206 {\cyrillicYU} % 042E CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER YU
+\defineactivetoken 207 {\cyrillicYA} % 042F CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER YA
+\defineactivetoken 208 {\cyrillica} % 0430 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER A
+\defineactivetoken 209 {\cyrillicb} % 0431 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER BE
+\defineactivetoken 210 {\cyrillicv} % 0432 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER VE
+\defineactivetoken 211 {\cyrillicg} % 0433 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER GHE
+\defineactivetoken 212 {\cyrillicd} % 0434 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER DE
+\defineactivetoken 213 {\cyrillice} % 0435 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER IE
+\defineactivetoken 214 {\cyrilliczh} % 0436 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER ZHE
+\defineactivetoken 215 {\cyrillicz} % 0437 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER ZE
+\defineactivetoken 216 {\cyrillici} % 0438 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER I
+\defineactivetoken 217 {\cyrillicishrt} % 0439 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER SHORT I
+\defineactivetoken 218 {\cyrillick} % 043A CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER KA
+\defineactivetoken 219 {\cyrillicl} % 043B CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER EL
+\defineactivetoken 220 {\cyrillicm} % 043C CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER EM
+\defineactivetoken 221 {\cyrillicn} % 043D CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER EN
+\defineactivetoken 222 {\cyrillico} % 043E CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER O
+\defineactivetoken 223 {\cyrillicp} % 043F CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER PE
+\defineactivetoken 224 {\cyrillicr} % 0440 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER ER
+\defineactivetoken 225 {\cyrillics} % 0441 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER ES
+\defineactivetoken 226 {\cyrillict} % 0442 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER TE
+\defineactivetoken 227 {\cyrillicu} % 0443 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER U
+\defineactivetoken 228 {\cyrillicf} % 0444 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER EF
+\defineactivetoken 229 {\cyrillich} % 0445 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER HA
+\defineactivetoken 230 {\cyrillicc} % 0446 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER TSE
+\defineactivetoken 231 {\cyrillicch} % 0447 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER CHE
+\defineactivetoken 232 {\cyrillicsh} % 0448 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER SHA
+\defineactivetoken 233 {\cyrillicshch} % 0449 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER SHCHA
+\defineactivetoken 234 {\cyrillichrdsn} % 044A CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER HARD SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 235 {\cyrillicery} % 044B CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER YERU
+\defineactivetoken 236 {\cyrillicsftsn} % 044C CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER SOFT SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 237 {\cyrillicerev} % 044D CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER E
+\defineactivetoken 238 {\cyrillicyu} % 044E CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER YU
+\defineactivetoken 239 {\cyrillicya} % 044F CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER YA
+\defineactivetoken 240 {\textnumero} % 2116 NUMERO SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 241 {\cyrillicyo} % 0451 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER IO
+\defineactivetoken 242 {\cyrillicdje} % 0452 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER DJE
+\defineactivetoken 243 {\cyrillicgje} % 0453 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER GJE
+\defineactivetoken 244 {\cyrillicie} % 0454 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER UKRAINIAN IE
+\defineactivetoken 245 {\cyrillicdze} % 0455 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER DZE
+\defineactivetoken 246 {\cyrillicii} % 0456 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER BYELORUSSIAN-UKRAINIAN I
+\defineactivetoken 247 {\cyrillicyi} % 0457 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER YI
+\defineactivetoken 248 {\cyrillicje} % 0458 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER JE
+\defineactivetoken 249 {\cyrilliclje} % 0459 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER LJE
+\defineactivetoken 250 {\cyrillicnje} % 045A CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER NJE
+\defineactivetoken 251 {\cyrillictshe} % 045B CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER TSHE
+\defineactivetoken 252 {\cyrillickje} % 045C CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER KJE
+\defineactivetoken 253 {\sectionmark} % 00A7 SECTION SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 254 {\cyrillicushrt} % 045E CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER SHORT U
+\defineactivetoken 255 {\cyrillicdzhe} % 045F CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER DZHE
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/regi-8859-7.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/regi-8859-7.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1c8197a42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/regi-8859-7.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=regi-8859-7,
+%D version=2005.12.26,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Encoding Macros,
+%D subtitle=iso-8859-7 (Greek),
+%D author=script-generated,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D Support for iso-8859-7 input encoding (regime) for Greek,
+%D see also cp1253.
+%D (Contributor to the original file: Apostolos Syropoulos.)
+%D Usage: \type{\enableregime[8859-7]} (see \type {regi-syn} for
+%D alternatives calls).
+\defineactivetoken 128 {\unknownchar} % 0080 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 129 {\unknownchar} % 0081 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 130 {\unknownchar} % 0082 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 131 {\unknownchar} % 0083 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 132 {\unknownchar} % 0084 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 133 {\unknownchar} % 0085 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 134 {\unknownchar} % 0086 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 135 {\unknownchar} % 0087 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 136 {\unknownchar} % 0088 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 137 {\unknownchar} % 0089 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 138 {\unknownchar} % 008A <control>
+\defineactivetoken 139 {\unknownchar} % 008B <control>
+\defineactivetoken 140 {\unknownchar} % 008C <control>
+\defineactivetoken 141 {\unknownchar} % 008D <control>
+\defineactivetoken 142 {\unknownchar} % 008E <control>
+\defineactivetoken 143 {\unknownchar} % 008F <control>
+\defineactivetoken 144 {\unknownchar} % 0090 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 145 {\unknownchar} % 0091 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 146 {\unknownchar} % 0092 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 147 {\unknownchar} % 0093 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 148 {\unknownchar} % 0094 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 149 {\unknownchar} % 0095 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 150 {\unknownchar} % 0096 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 151 {\unknownchar} % 0097 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 152 {\unknownchar} % 0098 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 153 {\unknownchar} % 0099 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 154 {\unknownchar} % 009A <control>
+\defineactivetoken 155 {\unknownchar} % 009B <control>
+\defineactivetoken 156 {\unknownchar} % 009C <control>
+\defineactivetoken 157 {\unknownchar} % 009D <control>
+\defineactivetoken 158 {\unknownchar} % 009E <control>
+\defineactivetoken 159 {\unknownchar} % 009F <control>
+\defineactivetoken 160 {\nonbreakablespace} % 00A0 NO-BREAK SPACE
+\defineactivetoken 161 {\quoteleft} % 2018 LEFT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK
+\defineactivetoken 162 {\quoteright} % 2019 RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK
+\defineactivetoken 163 {\textsterling} % 00A3 POUND SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 164 {\texteuro} % 20AC EURO SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 165 {\unknownchar} % 20AF DRACHMA SIGN (TODO)
+\defineactivetoken 166 {\textbrokenbar} % 00A6 BROKEN BAR
+\defineactivetoken 167 {\sectionmark} % 00A7 SECTION SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 168 {\textdiaeresis} % 00A8 DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 169 {\copyright} % 00A9 COPYRIGHT SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 170 {\unknownchar} % 037A GREEK YPOGEGRAMMENI (TODO)
+\defineactivetoken 171 {\leftguillemot} % 00AB LEFT-POINTING DOUBLE ANGLE QUOTATION MARK
+\defineactivetoken 172 {\textlognot} % 00AC NOT SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 173 {\softhyphen} % 00AD SOFT HYPHEN
+\defineactivetoken 175 {\texthorizontalbar} % 2015 HORIZONTAL BAR
+\defineactivetoken 176 {\textdegree} % 00B0 DEGREE SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 177 {\textpm} % 00B1 PLUS-MINUS SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 178 {\twosuperior} % 00B2 SUPERSCRIPT TWO
+\defineactivetoken 179 {\threesuperior} % 00B3 SUPERSCRIPT THREE
+\defineactivetoken 180 {\greektonos} % 0384 GREEK TONOS
+\defineactivetoken 181 {\greekdialytikatonos} % 0385 GREEK DIALYTIKA TONOS
+\defineactivetoken 182 {\greekAlphatonos} % 0386 GREEK CAPITAL LETTER ALPHA WITH TONOS
+\defineactivetoken 183 {\periodcentered} % 00B7 MIDDLE DOT
+\defineactivetoken 184 {\greekEpsilontonos} % 0388 GREEK CAPITAL LETTER EPSILON WITH TONOS
+\defineactivetoken 185 {\greekEtatonos} % 0389 GREEK CAPITAL LETTER ETA WITH TONOS
+\defineactivetoken 186 {\greekIotatonos} % 038A GREEK CAPITAL LETTER IOTA WITH TONOS
+\defineactivetoken 187 {\rightguillemot} % 00BB RIGHT-POINTING DOUBLE ANGLE QUOTATION MARK
+\defineactivetoken 188 {\greekOmicrontonos} % 038C GREEK CAPITAL LETTER OMICRON WITH TONOS
+\defineactivetoken 189 {\onehalf} % 00BD VULGAR FRACTION ONE HALF
+\defineactivetoken 190 {\greekUpsilontonos} % 038E GREEK CAPITAL LETTER UPSILON WITH TONOS
+\defineactivetoken 191 {\greekOmegatonos} % 038F GREEK CAPITAL LETTER OMEGA WITH TONOS
+\defineactivetoken 192 {\greekiotadialytikatonos} % 0390 GREEK SMALL LETTER IOTA WITH DIALYTIKA AND TONOS
+\defineactivetoken 193 {\greekAlpha} % 0391 GREEK CAPITAL LETTER ALPHA
+\defineactivetoken 194 {\greekBeta} % 0392 GREEK CAPITAL LETTER BETA
+\defineactivetoken 195 {\greekGamma} % 0393 GREEK CAPITAL LETTER GAMMA
+\defineactivetoken 196 {\greekDelta} % 0394 GREEK CAPITAL LETTER DELTA
+\defineactivetoken 197 {\greekEpsilon} % 0395 GREEK CAPITAL LETTER EPSILON
+\defineactivetoken 198 {\greekZeta} % 0396 GREEK CAPITAL LETTER ZETA
+\defineactivetoken 199 {\greekEta} % 0397 GREEK CAPITAL LETTER ETA
+\defineactivetoken 200 {\greekTheta} % 0398 GREEK CAPITAL LETTER THETA
+\defineactivetoken 201 {\greekIota} % 0399 GREEK CAPITAL LETTER IOTA
+\defineactivetoken 202 {\greekKappa} % 039A GREEK CAPITAL LETTER KAPPA
+\defineactivetoken 203 {\greekLambda} % 039B GREEK CAPITAL LETTER LAMDA
+\defineactivetoken 204 {\greekMu} % 039C GREEK CAPITAL LETTER MU
+\defineactivetoken 205 {\greekNu} % 039D GREEK CAPITAL LETTER NU
+\defineactivetoken 206 {\greekXi} % 039E GREEK CAPITAL LETTER XI
+\defineactivetoken 207 {\greekOmicron} % 039F GREEK CAPITAL LETTER OMICRON
+\defineactivetoken 208 {\greekPi} % 03A0 GREEK CAPITAL LETTER PI
+\defineactivetoken 209 {\greekRho} % 03A1 GREEK CAPITAL LETTER RHO
+\defineactivetoken 210 {\unknownchar} % <undefined>
+\defineactivetoken 211 {\greekSigma} % 03A3 GREEK CAPITAL LETTER SIGMA
+\defineactivetoken 212 {\greekTau} % 03A4 GREEK CAPITAL LETTER TAU
+\defineactivetoken 213 {\greekUpsilon} % 03A5 GREEK CAPITAL LETTER UPSILON
+\defineactivetoken 214 {\greekPhi} % 03A6 GREEK CAPITAL LETTER PHI
+\defineactivetoken 215 {\greekChi} % 03A7 GREEK CAPITAL LETTER CHI
+\defineactivetoken 216 {\greekPsi} % 03A8 GREEK CAPITAL LETTER PSI
+\defineactivetoken 217 {\greekOmega} % 03A9 GREEK CAPITAL LETTER OMEGA
+\defineactivetoken 218 {\greekIotadialytika} % 03AA GREEK CAPITAL LETTER IOTA WITH DIALYTIKA
+\defineactivetoken 219 {\greekUpsilondialytika} % 03AB GREEK CAPITAL LETTER UPSILON WITH DIALYTIKA
+\defineactivetoken 220 {\greekalphatonos} % 03AC GREEK SMALL LETTER ALPHA WITH TONOS
+\defineactivetoken 221 {\greekepsilontonos} % 03AD GREEK SMALL LETTER EPSILON WITH TONOS
+\defineactivetoken 222 {\greeketatonos} % 03AE GREEK SMALL LETTER ETA WITH TONOS
+\defineactivetoken 223 {\greekiotatonos} % 03AF GREEK SMALL LETTER IOTA WITH TONOS
+\defineactivetoken 224 {\greekupsilondialytikatonos} % 03B0 GREEK SMALL LETTER UPSILON WITH DIALYTIKA AND TONOS
+\defineactivetoken 225 {\greekalpha} % 03B1 GREEK SMALL LETTER ALPHA
+\defineactivetoken 226 {\greekbeta} % 03B2 GREEK SMALL LETTER BETA
+\defineactivetoken 227 {\greekgamma} % 03B3 GREEK SMALL LETTER GAMMA
+\defineactivetoken 228 {\greekdelta} % 03B4 GREEK SMALL LETTER DELTA
+\defineactivetoken 229 {\greekepsilon} % 03B5 GREEK SMALL LETTER EPSILON
+\defineactivetoken 230 {\greekzeta} % 03B6 GREEK SMALL LETTER ZETA
+\defineactivetoken 231 {\greeketa} % 03B7 GREEK SMALL LETTER ETA
+\defineactivetoken 232 {\greektheta} % 03B8 GREEK SMALL LETTER THETA
+\defineactivetoken 233 {\greekiota} % 03B9 GREEK SMALL LETTER IOTA
+\defineactivetoken 234 {\greekkappa} % 03BA GREEK SMALL LETTER KAPPA
+\defineactivetoken 235 {\greeklambda} % 03BB GREEK SMALL LETTER LAMDA
+\defineactivetoken 236 {\greekmu} % 03BC GREEK SMALL LETTER MU
+\defineactivetoken 237 {\greeknu} % 03BD GREEK SMALL LETTER NU
+\defineactivetoken 238 {\greekxi} % 03BE GREEK SMALL LETTER XI
+\defineactivetoken 239 {\greekomicron} % 03BF GREEK SMALL LETTER OMICRON
+\defineactivetoken 240 {\greekpi} % 03C0 GREEK SMALL LETTER PI
+\defineactivetoken 241 {\greekrho} % 03C1 GREEK SMALL LETTER RHO
+\defineactivetoken 242 {\greekfinalsigma} % 03C2 GREEK SMALL LETTER FINAL SIGMA
+\defineactivetoken 243 {\greeksigma} % 03C3 GREEK SMALL LETTER SIGMA
+\defineactivetoken 244 {\greektau} % 03C4 GREEK SMALL LETTER TAU
+\defineactivetoken 245 {\greekupsilon} % 03C5 GREEK SMALL LETTER UPSILON
+\defineactivetoken 246 {\greekphi} % 03C6 GREEK SMALL LETTER PHI
+\defineactivetoken 247 {\greekchi} % 03C7 GREEK SMALL LETTER CHI
+\defineactivetoken 248 {\greekpsi} % 03C8 GREEK SMALL LETTER PSI
+\defineactivetoken 249 {\greekomega} % 03C9 GREEK SMALL LETTER OMEGA
+\defineactivetoken 250 {\greekiotadialytika} % 03CA GREEK SMALL LETTER IOTA WITH DIALYTIKA
+\defineactivetoken 251 {\greekupsilondiaeresis} % 03CB GREEK SMALL LETTER UPSILON WITH DIALYTIKA
+\defineactivetoken 252 {\greekomicrontonos} % 03CC GREEK SMALL LETTER OMICRON WITH TONOS
+\defineactivetoken 253 {\greekupsilontonos} % 03CD GREEK SMALL LETTER UPSILON WITH TONOS
+\defineactivetoken 254 {\greekomegatonos} % 03CE GREEK SMALL LETTER OMEGA WITH TONOS
+\defineactivetoken 255 {\unknownchar} % <undefined>
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/regi-8859-9.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/regi-8859-9.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..60757b2e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/regi-8859-9.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=regi-8859-9,
+%D version=2005.12.26,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Encoding Macros,
+%D subtitle=iso-8859-9 (Turkish),
+%D author=script-generated,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D Support for iso-8859-9/Latin5 input encoding (regime) for Turkish,
+%D see also cp1254.
+%D Usage: \type{\enableregime[8859-9]} (see \type {regi-syn} for
+%D alternatives calls).
+\defineactivetoken 128 {\unknownchar} % 0080 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 129 {\unknownchar} % 0081 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 130 {\unknownchar} % 0082 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 131 {\unknownchar} % 0083 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 132 {\unknownchar} % 0084 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 133 {\unknownchar} % 0085 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 134 {\unknownchar} % 0086 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 135 {\unknownchar} % 0087 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 136 {\unknownchar} % 0088 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 137 {\unknownchar} % 0089 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 138 {\unknownchar} % 008A <control>
+\defineactivetoken 139 {\unknownchar} % 008B <control>
+\defineactivetoken 140 {\unknownchar} % 008C <control>
+\defineactivetoken 141 {\unknownchar} % 008D <control>
+\defineactivetoken 142 {\unknownchar} % 008E <control>
+\defineactivetoken 143 {\unknownchar} % 008F <control>
+\defineactivetoken 144 {\unknownchar} % 0090 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 145 {\unknownchar} % 0091 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 146 {\unknownchar} % 0092 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 147 {\unknownchar} % 0093 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 148 {\unknownchar} % 0094 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 149 {\unknownchar} % 0095 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 150 {\unknownchar} % 0096 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 151 {\unknownchar} % 0097 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 152 {\unknownchar} % 0098 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 153 {\unknownchar} % 0099 <control>
+\defineactivetoken 154 {\unknownchar} % 009A <control>
+\defineactivetoken 155 {\unknownchar} % 009B <control>
+\defineactivetoken 156 {\unknownchar} % 009C <control>
+\defineactivetoken 157 {\unknownchar} % 009D <control>
+\defineactivetoken 158 {\unknownchar} % 009E <control>
+\defineactivetoken 159 {\unknownchar} % 009F <control>
+\defineactivetoken 160 {\nonbreakablespace} % 00A0 NO-BREAK SPACE
+\defineactivetoken 161 {\exclamdown} % 00A1 INVERTED EXCLAMATION MARK
+\defineactivetoken 162 {\textcent} % 00A2 CENT SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 163 {\textsterling} % 00A3 POUND SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 164 {\textcurrency} % 00A4 CURRENCY SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 165 {\textyen} % 00A5 YEN SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 166 {\textbrokenbar} % 00A6 BROKEN BAR
+\defineactivetoken 167 {\sectionmark} % 00A7 SECTION SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 168 {\textdiaeresis} % 00A8 DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 169 {\copyright} % 00A9 COPYRIGHT SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 170 {\ordfeminine} % 00AA FEMININE ORDINAL INDICATOR
+\defineactivetoken 171 {\leftguillemot} % 00AB LEFT-POINTING DOUBLE ANGLE QUOTATION MARK
+\defineactivetoken 172 {\textlognot} % 00AC NOT SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 173 {\softhyphen} % 00AD SOFT HYPHEN
+\defineactivetoken 174 {\registered} % 00AE REGISTERED SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 175 {\textmacron} % 00AF MACRON
+\defineactivetoken 176 {\textdegree} % 00B0 DEGREE SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 177 {\textpm} % 00B1 PLUS-MINUS SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 178 {\twosuperior} % 00B2 SUPERSCRIPT TWO
+\defineactivetoken 179 {\threesuperior} % 00B3 SUPERSCRIPT THREE
+\defineactivetoken 180 {\textacute} % 00B4 ACUTE ACCENT
+\defineactivetoken 181 {\textmu} % 00B5 MICRO SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 182 {\paragraphmark} % 00B6 PILCROW SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 183 {\periodcentered} % 00B7 MIDDLE DOT
+\defineactivetoken 184 {\textcedilla} % 00B8 CEDILLA
+\defineactivetoken 185 {\onesuperior} % 00B9 SUPERSCRIPT ONE
+\defineactivetoken 186 {\ordmasculine} % 00BA MASCULINE ORDINAL INDICATOR
+\defineactivetoken 187 {\rightguillemot} % 00BB RIGHT-POINTING DOUBLE ANGLE QUOTATION MARK
+\defineactivetoken 188 {\onequarter} % 00BC VULGAR FRACTION ONE QUARTER
+\defineactivetoken 189 {\onehalf} % 00BD VULGAR FRACTION ONE HALF
+\defineactivetoken 190 {\threequarter} % 00BE VULGAR FRACTION THREE QUARTERS
+\defineactivetoken 191 {\questiondown} % 00BF INVERTED QUESTION MARK
+\defineactivetoken 192 {\Agrave} % 00C0 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH GRAVE
+\defineactivetoken 193 {\Aacute} % 00C1 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 194 {\Acircumflex} % 00C2 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\defineactivetoken 195 {\Atilde} % 00C3 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH TILDE
+\defineactivetoken 196 {\Adiaeresis} % 00C4 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 197 {\Aring} % 00C5 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH RING ABOVE
+\defineactivetoken 198 {\AEligature} % 00C6 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER AE
+\defineactivetoken 199 {\Ccedilla} % 00C7 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C WITH CEDILLA
+\defineactivetoken 200 {\Egrave} % 00C8 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH GRAVE
+\defineactivetoken 201 {\Eacute} % 00C9 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 202 {\Ecircumflex} % 00CA LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\defineactivetoken 203 {\Ediaeresis} % 00CB LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 204 {\Igrave} % 00CC LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH GRAVE
+\defineactivetoken 205 {\Iacute} % 00CD LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 206 {\Icircumflex} % 00CE LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\defineactivetoken 207 {\Idiaeresis} % 00CF LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 208 {\Gbreve} % 011E LATIN CAPITAL LETTER G WITH BREVE
+\defineactivetoken 209 {\Ntilde} % 00D1 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N WITH TILDE
+\defineactivetoken 210 {\Ograve} % 00D2 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH GRAVE
+\defineactivetoken 211 {\Oacute} % 00D3 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 212 {\Ocircumflex} % 00D4 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\defineactivetoken 213 {\Otilde} % 00D5 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH TILDE
+\defineactivetoken 214 {\Odiaeresis} % 00D6 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 215 {\textmultiply} % 00D7 MULTIPLICATION SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 216 {\Ostroke} % 00D8 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH STROKE
+\defineactivetoken 217 {\Ugrave} % 00D9 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH GRAVE
+\defineactivetoken 218 {\Uacute} % 00DA LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 219 {\Ucircumflex} % 00DB LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\defineactivetoken 220 {\Udiaeresis} % 00DC LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 221 {\Idotaccent} % 0130 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH DOT ABOVE
+\defineactivetoken 222 {\Scedilla} % 015E LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S WITH CEDILLA
+\defineactivetoken 223 {\ssharp} % 00DF LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S
+\defineactivetoken 224 {\agrave} % 00E0 LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH GRAVE
+\defineactivetoken 225 {\aacute} % 00E1 LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 226 {\acircumflex} % 00E2 LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\defineactivetoken 227 {\atilde} % 00E3 LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH TILDE
+\defineactivetoken 228 {\adiaeresis} % 00E4 LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 229 {\aring} % 00E5 LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH RING ABOVE
+\defineactivetoken 230 {\aeligature} % 00E6 LATIN SMALL LETTER AE
+\defineactivetoken 231 {\ccedilla} % 00E7 LATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH CEDILLA
+\defineactivetoken 232 {\egrave} % 00E8 LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH GRAVE
+\defineactivetoken 233 {\eacute} % 00E9 LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 234 {\ecircumflex} % 00EA LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\defineactivetoken 235 {\ediaeresis} % 00EB LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 236 {\igrave} % 00EC LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH GRAVE
+\defineactivetoken 237 {\iacute} % 00ED LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 238 {\icircumflex} % 00EE LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\defineactivetoken 239 {\idiaeresis} % 00EF LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 240 {\gbreve} % 011F LATIN SMALL LETTER G WITH BREVE
+\defineactivetoken 241 {\ntilde} % 00F1 LATIN SMALL LETTER N WITH TILDE
+\defineactivetoken 242 {\ograve} % 00F2 LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH GRAVE
+\defineactivetoken 243 {\oacute} % 00F3 LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 244 {\ocircumflex} % 00F4 LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\defineactivetoken 245 {\otilde} % 00F5 LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH TILDE
+\defineactivetoken 246 {\odiaeresis} % 00F6 LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 247 {\textdiv} % 00F7 DIVISION SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 248 {\ostroke} % 00F8 LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH STROKE
+\defineactivetoken 249 {\ugrave} % 00F9 LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH GRAVE
+\defineactivetoken 250 {\uacute} % 00FA LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 251 {\ucircumflex} % 00FB LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\defineactivetoken 252 {\udiaeresis} % 00FC LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 253 {\dotlessi} % 0131 LATIN SMALL LETTER DOTLESS I
+\defineactivetoken 254 {\scedilla} % 015F LATIN SMALL LETTER S WITH CEDILLA
+\defineactivetoken 255 {\ydiaeresis} % 00FF LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH DIAERESIS
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/regi-cp1250.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/regi-cp1250.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c13ee53e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/regi-cp1250.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=regi-cp1250,
+%D version=2005.12.26,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Encoding Macros,
+%D subtitle=cp1250 (East European),
+%D author=script-generated,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D Support for cp1250 input encoding (regime) for Central European languages,
+%D see also iso-8859-2.
+%D Usage:
+%D \type{\enableregime[cp1250]} or \type{\enablereregime[windows-1250]}
+\defineactivetoken 128 {\texteuro} % 20AC EURO SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 129 {\unknownchar} % <undefined>
+\defineactivetoken 130 {\quotesinglebase} % 201A SINGLE LOW-9 QUOTATION MARK
+\defineactivetoken 131 {\unknownchar} % <undefined>
+\defineactivetoken 132 {\quotedblbase} % 201E DOUBLE LOW-9 QUOTATION MARK
+\defineactivetoken 133 {\textellipsis} % 2026 HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS
+\defineactivetoken 134 {\textdag} % 2020 DAGGER
+\defineactivetoken 135 {\textddag} % 2021 DOUBLE DAGGER
+\defineactivetoken 136 {\unknownchar} % <undefined>
+\defineactivetoken 137 {\perthousand} % 2030 PER MILLE SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 138 {\Scaron} % 0160 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S WITH CARON
+\defineactivetoken 139 {\guilsingleleft} % 2039 SINGLE LEFT-POINTING ANGLE QUOTATION MARK
+\defineactivetoken 140 {\Sacute} % 015A LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 141 {\Tcaron} % 0164 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER T WITH CARON
+\defineactivetoken 142 {\Zcaron} % 017D LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z WITH CARON
+\defineactivetoken 143 {\Zacute} % 0179 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 144 {\unknownchar} % <undefined>
+\defineactivetoken 145 {\quoteleft} % 2018 LEFT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK
+\defineactivetoken 146 {\quoteright} % 2019 RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK
+\defineactivetoken 147 {\quotedblleft} % 201C LEFT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK
+\defineactivetoken 148 {\quotedblright} % 201D RIGHT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK
+\defineactivetoken 149 {\textbullet} % 2022 BULLET
+\defineactivetoken 150 {\endash} % 2013 EN DASH
+\defineactivetoken 151 {\emdash} % 2014 EM DASH
+\defineactivetoken 152 {\unknownchar} % <undefined>
+\defineactivetoken 153 {\trademark} % 2122 TRADE MARK SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 154 {\scaron} % 0161 LATIN SMALL LETTER S WITH CARON
+\defineactivetoken 155 {\guilsingleright} % 203A SINGLE RIGHT-POINTING ANGLE QUOTATION MARK
+\defineactivetoken 156 {\sacute} % 015B LATIN SMALL LETTER S WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 157 {\tcaron} % 0165 LATIN SMALL LETTER T WITH CARON
+\defineactivetoken 158 {\zcaron} % 017E LATIN SMALL LETTER Z WITH CARON
+\defineactivetoken 159 {\zacute} % 017A LATIN SMALL LETTER Z WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 160 {\nonbreakablespace} % 00A0 NO-BREAK SPACE
+\defineactivetoken 161 {\textcaron} % 02C7 CARON
+\defineactivetoken 162 {\textbreve} % 02D8 BREVE
+\defineactivetoken 163 {\Lstroke} % 0141 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER L WITH STROKE
+\defineactivetoken 164 {\textcurrency} % 00A4 CURRENCY SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 165 {\Aogonek} % 0104 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH OGONEK
+\defineactivetoken 166 {\textbrokenbar} % 00A6 BROKEN BAR
+\defineactivetoken 167 {\sectionmark} % 00A7 SECTION SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 168 {\textdiaeresis} % 00A8 DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 169 {\copyright} % 00A9 COPYRIGHT SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 170 {\Scedilla} % 015E LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S WITH CEDILLA
+\defineactivetoken 171 {\leftguillemot} % 00AB LEFT-POINTING DOUBLE ANGLE QUOTATION MARK
+\defineactivetoken 172 {\textlognot} % 00AC NOT SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 173 {\softhyphen} % 00AD SOFT HYPHEN
+\defineactivetoken 174 {\registered} % 00AE REGISTERED SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 175 {\Zdotaccent} % 017B LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z WITH DOT ABOVE
+\defineactivetoken 176 {\textdegree} % 00B0 DEGREE SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 177 {\textpm} % 00B1 PLUS-MINUS SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 178 {\textogonek} % 02DB OGONEK
+\defineactivetoken 179 {\lstroke} % 0142 LATIN SMALL LETTER L WITH STROKE
+\defineactivetoken 180 {\textacute} % 00B4 ACUTE ACCENT
+\defineactivetoken 181 {\textmu} % 00B5 MICRO SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 182 {\paragraphmark} % 00B6 PILCROW SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 183 {\periodcentered} % 00B7 MIDDLE DOT
+\defineactivetoken 184 {\textcedilla} % 00B8 CEDILLA
+\defineactivetoken 185 {\aogonek} % 0105 LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH OGONEK
+\defineactivetoken 186 {\scedilla} % 015F LATIN SMALL LETTER S WITH CEDILLA
+\defineactivetoken 187 {\rightguillemot} % 00BB RIGHT-POINTING DOUBLE ANGLE QUOTATION MARK
+\defineactivetoken 188 {\Lcaron} % 013D LATIN CAPITAL LETTER L WITH CARON
+\defineactivetoken 189 {\texthungarumlaut} % 02DD DOUBLE ACUTE ACCENT
+\defineactivetoken 190 {\lcaron} % 013E LATIN SMALL LETTER L WITH CARON
+\defineactivetoken 191 {\zdotaccent} % 017C LATIN SMALL LETTER Z WITH DOT ABOVE
+\defineactivetoken 192 {\Racute} % 0154 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER R WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 193 {\Aacute} % 00C1 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 194 {\Acircumflex} % 00C2 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\defineactivetoken 195 {\Abreve} % 0102 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH BREVE
+\defineactivetoken 196 {\Adiaeresis} % 00C4 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 197 {\Lacute} % 0139 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER L WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 198 {\Cacute} % 0106 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 199 {\Ccedilla} % 00C7 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C WITH CEDILLA
+\defineactivetoken 200 {\Ccaron} % 010C LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C WITH CARON
+\defineactivetoken 201 {\Eacute} % 00C9 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 202 {\Eogonek} % 0118 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH OGONEK
+\defineactivetoken 203 {\Ediaeresis} % 00CB LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 204 {\Ecaron} % 011A LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH CARON
+\defineactivetoken 205 {\Iacute} % 00CD LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 206 {\Icircumflex} % 00CE LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\defineactivetoken 207 {\Dcaron} % 010E LATIN CAPITAL LETTER D WITH CARON
+\defineactivetoken 208 {\Dstroke} % 0110 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER D WITH STROKE
+\defineactivetoken 209 {\Nacute} % 0143 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 210 {\Ncaron} % 0147 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N WITH CARON
+\defineactivetoken 211 {\Oacute} % 00D3 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 212 {\Ocircumflex} % 00D4 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\defineactivetoken 213 {\Ohungarumlaut} % 0150 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH DOUBLE ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 214 {\Odiaeresis} % 00D6 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 215 {\textmultiply} % 00D7 MULTIPLICATION SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 216 {\Rcaron} % 0158 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER R WITH CARON
+\defineactivetoken 217 {\Uring} % 016E LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH RING ABOVE
+\defineactivetoken 218 {\Uacute} % 00DA LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 219 {\Uhungarumlaut} % 0170 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH DOUBLE ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 220 {\Udiaeresis} % 00DC LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 221 {\Yacute} % 00DD LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 222 {\Tcedilla} % 0162 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER T WITH CEDILLA
+\defineactivetoken 223 {\ssharp} % 00DF LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S
+\defineactivetoken 224 {\racute} % 0155 LATIN SMALL LETTER R WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 225 {\aacute} % 00E1 LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 226 {\acircumflex} % 00E2 LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\defineactivetoken 227 {\abreve} % 0103 LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH BREVE
+\defineactivetoken 228 {\adiaeresis} % 00E4 LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 229 {\lacute} % 013A LATIN SMALL LETTER L WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 230 {\cacute} % 0107 LATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 231 {\ccedilla} % 00E7 LATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH CEDILLA
+\defineactivetoken 232 {\ccaron} % 010D LATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH CARON
+\defineactivetoken 233 {\eacute} % 00E9 LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 234 {\eogonek} % 0119 LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH OGONEK
+\defineactivetoken 235 {\ediaeresis} % 00EB LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 236 {\ecaron} % 011B LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH CARON
+\defineactivetoken 237 {\iacute} % 00ED LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 238 {\icircumflex} % 00EE LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\defineactivetoken 239 {\dcaron} % 010F LATIN SMALL LETTER D WITH CARON
+\defineactivetoken 240 {\dstroke} % 0111 LATIN SMALL LETTER D WITH STROKE
+\defineactivetoken 241 {\nacute} % 0144 LATIN SMALL LETTER N WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 242 {\ncaron} % 0148 LATIN SMALL LETTER N WITH CARON
+\defineactivetoken 243 {\oacute} % 00F3 LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 244 {\ocircumflex} % 00F4 LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\defineactivetoken 245 {\ohungarumlaut} % 0151 LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH DOUBLE ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 246 {\odiaeresis} % 00F6 LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 247 {\textdiv} % 00F7 DIVISION SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 248 {\rcaron} % 0159 LATIN SMALL LETTER R WITH CARON
+\defineactivetoken 249 {\uring} % 016F LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH RING ABOVE
+\defineactivetoken 250 {\uacute} % 00FA LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 251 {\uhungarumlaut} % 0171 LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH DOUBLE ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 252 {\udiaeresis} % 00FC LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 253 {\yacute} % 00FD LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 254 {\tcedilla} % 0163 LATIN SMALL LETTER T WITH CEDILLA
+\defineactivetoken 255 {\textdotaccent} % 02D9 DOT ABOVE
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/regi-cp1251.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/regi-cp1251.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..66576bd16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/regi-cp1251.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=regi-cp1251,
+%D version=2005.12.26,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Encoding Macros,
+%D subtitle=cp1251 (Cyrillic),
+%D author=script-generated,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D Support for cp1251 input encoding (regime) for Cyrillic.
+%D Usage:
+%D \type{\enableregime[cp1251]} or \type{\enablereregime[windows-1251]}
+\defineactivetoken 128 {\cyrillicDJE} % 0402 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER DJE
+\defineactivetoken 129 {\cyrillicGJE} % 0403 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER GJE
+\defineactivetoken 130 {\quotesinglebase} % 201A SINGLE LOW-9 QUOTATION MARK
+\defineactivetoken 131 {\cyrillicgje} % 0453 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER GJE
+\defineactivetoken 132 {\quotedblbase} % 201E DOUBLE LOW-9 QUOTATION MARK
+\defineactivetoken 133 {\textellipsis} % 2026 HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS
+\defineactivetoken 134 {\textdag} % 2020 DAGGER
+\defineactivetoken 135 {\textddag} % 2021 DOUBLE DAGGER
+\defineactivetoken 136 {\texteuro} % 20AC EURO SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 137 {\perthousand} % 2030 PER MILLE SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 138 {\cyrillicLJE} % 0409 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER LJE
+\defineactivetoken 139 {\guilsingleleft} % 2039 SINGLE LEFT-POINTING ANGLE QUOTATION MARK
+\defineactivetoken 140 {\cyrillicNJE} % 040A CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER NJE
+\defineactivetoken 141 {\cyrillicKJE} % 040C CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER KJE
+\defineactivetoken 142 {\cyrillicTSHE} % 040B CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER TSHE
+\defineactivetoken 143 {\cyrillicDZHE} % 040F CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER DZHE
+\defineactivetoken 144 {\cyrillicdje} % 0452 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER DJE
+\defineactivetoken 145 {\quoteleft} % 2018 LEFT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK
+\defineactivetoken 146 {\quoteright} % 2019 RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK
+\defineactivetoken 147 {\quotedblleft} % 201C LEFT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK
+\defineactivetoken 148 {\quotedblright} % 201D RIGHT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK
+\defineactivetoken 149 {\textbullet} % 2022 BULLET
+\defineactivetoken 150 {\endash} % 2013 EN DASH
+\defineactivetoken 151 {\emdash} % 2014 EM DASH
+\defineactivetoken 152 {\unknownchar} % <undefined>
+\defineactivetoken 153 {\trademark} % 2122 TRADE MARK SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 154 {\cyrilliclje} % 0459 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER LJE
+\defineactivetoken 155 {\guilsingleright} % 203A SINGLE RIGHT-POINTING ANGLE QUOTATION MARK
+\defineactivetoken 156 {\cyrillicnje} % 045A CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER NJE
+\defineactivetoken 157 {\cyrillickje} % 045C CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER KJE
+\defineactivetoken 158 {\cyrillictshe} % 045B CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER TSHE
+\defineactivetoken 159 {\cyrillicdzhe} % 045F CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER DZHE
+\defineactivetoken 160 {\nonbreakablespace} % 00A0 NO-BREAK SPACE
+\defineactivetoken 161 {\cyrillicUSHRT} % 040E CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER SHORT U
+\defineactivetoken 162 {\cyrillicushrt} % 045E CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER SHORT U
+\defineactivetoken 163 {\cyrillicJE} % 0408 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER JE
+\defineactivetoken 164 {\textcurrency} % 00A4 CURRENCY SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 165 {\cyrillicGHEupturn} % 0490 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER GHE WITH UPTURN
+\defineactivetoken 166 {\textbrokenbar} % 00A6 BROKEN BAR
+\defineactivetoken 167 {\sectionmark} % 00A7 SECTION SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 168 {\cyrillicYO} % 0401 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER IO
+\defineactivetoken 169 {\copyright} % 00A9 COPYRIGHT SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 170 {\cyrillicIE} % 0404 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER UKRAINIAN IE
+\defineactivetoken 171 {\leftguillemot} % 00AB LEFT-POINTING DOUBLE ANGLE QUOTATION MARK
+\defineactivetoken 172 {\textlognot} % 00AC NOT SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 173 {\softhyphen} % 00AD SOFT HYPHEN
+\defineactivetoken 174 {\registered} % 00AE REGISTERED SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 175 {\cyrillicYI} % 0407 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER YI
+\defineactivetoken 176 {\textdegree} % 00B0 DEGREE SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 177 {\textpm} % 00B1 PLUS-MINUS SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 178 {\cyrillicII} % 0406 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER BYELORUSSIAN-UKRAINIAN I
+\defineactivetoken 179 {\cyrillicii} % 0456 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER BYELORUSSIAN-UKRAINIAN I
+\defineactivetoken 180 {\cyrillicgheupturn} % 0491 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER GHE WITH UPTURN
+\defineactivetoken 181 {\textmu} % 00B5 MICRO SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 182 {\paragraphmark} % 00B6 PILCROW SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 183 {\periodcentered} % 00B7 MIDDLE DOT
+\defineactivetoken 184 {\cyrillicyo} % 0451 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER IO
+\defineactivetoken 185 {\textnumero} % 2116 NUMERO SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 186 {\cyrillicie} % 0454 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER UKRAINIAN IE
+\defineactivetoken 187 {\rightguillemot} % 00BB RIGHT-POINTING DOUBLE ANGLE QUOTATION MARK
+\defineactivetoken 188 {\cyrillicje} % 0458 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER JE
+\defineactivetoken 189 {\cyrillicDZE} % 0405 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER DZE
+\defineactivetoken 190 {\cyrillicdze} % 0455 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER DZE
+\defineactivetoken 191 {\cyrillicyi} % 0457 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER YI
+\defineactivetoken 192 {\cyrillicA} % 0410 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER A
+\defineactivetoken 193 {\cyrillicB} % 0411 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER BE
+\defineactivetoken 194 {\cyrillicV} % 0412 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER VE
+\defineactivetoken 195 {\cyrillicG} % 0413 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER GHE
+\defineactivetoken 196 {\cyrillicD} % 0414 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER DE
+\defineactivetoken 197 {\cyrillicE} % 0415 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER IE
+\defineactivetoken 198 {\cyrillicZH} % 0416 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER ZHE
+\defineactivetoken 199 {\cyrillicZ} % 0417 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER ZE
+\defineactivetoken 200 {\cyrillicI} % 0418 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER I
+\defineactivetoken 201 {\cyrillicISHRT} % 0419 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER SHORT I
+\defineactivetoken 202 {\cyrillicK} % 041A CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER KA
+\defineactivetoken 203 {\cyrillicL} % 041B CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER EL
+\defineactivetoken 204 {\cyrillicM} % 041C CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER EM
+\defineactivetoken 205 {\cyrillicN} % 041D CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER EN
+\defineactivetoken 206 {\cyrillicO} % 041E CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER O
+\defineactivetoken 207 {\cyrillicP} % 041F CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER PE
+\defineactivetoken 208 {\cyrillicR} % 0420 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER ER
+\defineactivetoken 209 {\cyrillicS} % 0421 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER ES
+\defineactivetoken 210 {\cyrillicT} % 0422 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER TE
+\defineactivetoken 211 {\cyrillicU} % 0423 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER U
+\defineactivetoken 212 {\cyrillicF} % 0424 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER EF
+\defineactivetoken 213 {\cyrillicH} % 0425 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER HA
+\defineactivetoken 214 {\cyrillicC} % 0426 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER TSE
+\defineactivetoken 215 {\cyrillicCH} % 0427 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER CHE
+\defineactivetoken 216 {\cyrillicSH} % 0428 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER SHA
+\defineactivetoken 217 {\cyrillicSHCH} % 0429 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER SHCHA
+\defineactivetoken 218 {\cyrillicHRDSN} % 042A CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER HARD SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 219 {\cyrillicERY} % 042B CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER YERU
+\defineactivetoken 220 {\cyrillicSFTSN} % 042C CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER SOFT SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 221 {\cyrillicEREV} % 042D CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER E
+\defineactivetoken 222 {\cyrillicYU} % 042E CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER YU
+\defineactivetoken 223 {\cyrillicYA} % 042F CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER YA
+\defineactivetoken 224 {\cyrillica} % 0430 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER A
+\defineactivetoken 225 {\cyrillicb} % 0431 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER BE
+\defineactivetoken 226 {\cyrillicv} % 0432 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER VE
+\defineactivetoken 227 {\cyrillicg} % 0433 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER GHE
+\defineactivetoken 228 {\cyrillicd} % 0434 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER DE
+\defineactivetoken 229 {\cyrillice} % 0435 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER IE
+\defineactivetoken 230 {\cyrilliczh} % 0436 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER ZHE
+\defineactivetoken 231 {\cyrillicz} % 0437 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER ZE
+\defineactivetoken 232 {\cyrillici} % 0438 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER I
+\defineactivetoken 233 {\cyrillicishrt} % 0439 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER SHORT I
+\defineactivetoken 234 {\cyrillick} % 043A CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER KA
+\defineactivetoken 235 {\cyrillicl} % 043B CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER EL
+\defineactivetoken 236 {\cyrillicm} % 043C CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER EM
+\defineactivetoken 237 {\cyrillicn} % 043D CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER EN
+\defineactivetoken 238 {\cyrillico} % 043E CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER O
+\defineactivetoken 239 {\cyrillicp} % 043F CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER PE
+\defineactivetoken 240 {\cyrillicr} % 0440 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER ER
+\defineactivetoken 241 {\cyrillics} % 0441 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER ES
+\defineactivetoken 242 {\cyrillict} % 0442 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER TE
+\defineactivetoken 243 {\cyrillicu} % 0443 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER U
+\defineactivetoken 244 {\cyrillicf} % 0444 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER EF
+\defineactivetoken 245 {\cyrillich} % 0445 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER HA
+\defineactivetoken 246 {\cyrillicc} % 0446 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER TSE
+\defineactivetoken 247 {\cyrillicch} % 0447 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER CHE
+\defineactivetoken 248 {\cyrillicsh} % 0448 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER SHA
+\defineactivetoken 249 {\cyrillicshch} % 0449 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER SHCHA
+\defineactivetoken 250 {\cyrillichrdsn} % 044A CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER HARD SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 251 {\cyrillicery} % 044B CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER YERU
+\defineactivetoken 252 {\cyrillicsftsn} % 044C CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER SOFT SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 253 {\cyrillicerev} % 044D CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER E
+\defineactivetoken 254 {\cyrillicyu} % 044E CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER YU
+\defineactivetoken 255 {\cyrillicya} % 044F CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER YA
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/regi-cp1252.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/regi-cp1252.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..316d694a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/regi-cp1252.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=regi-cp1252,
+%D version=2005.12.26,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Encoding Macros,
+%D subtitle=cp1252 (West European),
+%D author=script-generated,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D Support for cp1252 input encoding (regime) for West European languages,
+%D see also iso-8859-1 and iso-8859-15.
+%D (Contributors to the original file: Tobias Burnus, Hans Hagen \& Victor Figurnov.)
+%D Usage:
+%D \type{\enableregime[cp1252]} or \type{\enablereregime[windows-1252]}
+%D % and \enableregime[win] for backward-compatibility
+\defineactivetoken 128 {\texteuro} % 20AC EURO SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 129 {\unknownchar} % <undefined>
+\defineactivetoken 130 {\quotesinglebase} % 201A SINGLE LOW-9 QUOTATION MARK
+\defineactivetoken 131 {\fhook} % 0192 LATIN SMALL LETTER F WITH HOOK
+\defineactivetoken 132 {\quotedblbase} % 201E DOUBLE LOW-9 QUOTATION MARK
+\defineactivetoken 133 {\textellipsis} % 2026 HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS
+\defineactivetoken 134 {\textdag} % 2020 DAGGER
+\defineactivetoken 135 {\textddag} % 2021 DOUBLE DAGGER
+\defineactivetoken 136 {\textcircumflex} % 02C6 MODIFIER LETTER CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT
+\defineactivetoken 137 {\perthousand} % 2030 PER MILLE SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 138 {\Scaron} % 0160 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S WITH CARON
+\defineactivetoken 139 {\guilsingleleft} % 2039 SINGLE LEFT-POINTING ANGLE QUOTATION MARK
+\defineactivetoken 140 {\OEligature} % 0152 LATIN CAPITAL LIGATURE OE
+\defineactivetoken 141 {\unknownchar} % <undefined>
+\defineactivetoken 142 {\Zcaron} % 017D LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z WITH CARON
+\defineactivetoken 143 {\unknownchar} % <undefined>
+\defineactivetoken 144 {\unknownchar} % <undefined>
+\defineactivetoken 145 {\quoteleft} % 2018 LEFT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK
+\defineactivetoken 146 {\quoteright} % 2019 RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK
+\defineactivetoken 147 {\quotedblleft} % 201C LEFT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK
+\defineactivetoken 148 {\quotedblright} % 201D RIGHT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK
+\defineactivetoken 149 {\textbullet} % 2022 BULLET
+\defineactivetoken 150 {\endash} % 2013 EN DASH
+\defineactivetoken 151 {\emdash} % 2014 EM DASH
+\defineactivetoken 152 {\texttilde} % 02DC SMALL TILDE
+\defineactivetoken 153 {\trademark} % 2122 TRADE MARK SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 154 {\scaron} % 0161 LATIN SMALL LETTER S WITH CARON
+\defineactivetoken 155 {\guilsingleright} % 203A SINGLE RIGHT-POINTING ANGLE QUOTATION MARK
+\defineactivetoken 156 {\oeligature} % 0153 LATIN SMALL LIGATURE OE
+\defineactivetoken 157 {\unknownchar} % <undefined>
+\defineactivetoken 158 {\zcaron} % 017E LATIN SMALL LETTER Z WITH CARON
+\defineactivetoken 159 {\Ydiaeresis} % 0178 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y WITH DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 160 {\nonbreakablespace} % 00A0 NO-BREAK SPACE
+\defineactivetoken 161 {\exclamdown} % 00A1 INVERTED EXCLAMATION MARK
+\defineactivetoken 162 {\textcent} % 00A2 CENT SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 163 {\textsterling} % 00A3 POUND SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 164 {\textcurrency} % 00A4 CURRENCY SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 165 {\textyen} % 00A5 YEN SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 166 {\textbrokenbar} % 00A6 BROKEN BAR
+\defineactivetoken 167 {\sectionmark} % 00A7 SECTION SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 168 {\textdiaeresis} % 00A8 DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 169 {\copyright} % 00A9 COPYRIGHT SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 170 {\ordfeminine} % 00AA FEMININE ORDINAL INDICATOR
+\defineactivetoken 171 {\leftguillemot} % 00AB LEFT-POINTING DOUBLE ANGLE QUOTATION MARK
+\defineactivetoken 172 {\textlognot} % 00AC NOT SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 173 {\softhyphen} % 00AD SOFT HYPHEN
+\defineactivetoken 174 {\registered} % 00AE REGISTERED SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 175 {\textmacron} % 00AF MACRON
+\defineactivetoken 176 {\textdegree} % 00B0 DEGREE SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 177 {\textpm} % 00B1 PLUS-MINUS SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 178 {\twosuperior} % 00B2 SUPERSCRIPT TWO
+\defineactivetoken 179 {\threesuperior} % 00B3 SUPERSCRIPT THREE
+\defineactivetoken 180 {\textacute} % 00B4 ACUTE ACCENT
+\defineactivetoken 181 {\textmu} % 00B5 MICRO SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 182 {\paragraphmark} % 00B6 PILCROW SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 183 {\periodcentered} % 00B7 MIDDLE DOT
+\defineactivetoken 184 {\textcedilla} % 00B8 CEDILLA
+\defineactivetoken 185 {\onesuperior} % 00B9 SUPERSCRIPT ONE
+\defineactivetoken 186 {\ordmasculine} % 00BA MASCULINE ORDINAL INDICATOR
+\defineactivetoken 187 {\rightguillemot} % 00BB RIGHT-POINTING DOUBLE ANGLE QUOTATION MARK
+\defineactivetoken 188 {\onequarter} % 00BC VULGAR FRACTION ONE QUARTER
+\defineactivetoken 189 {\onehalf} % 00BD VULGAR FRACTION ONE HALF
+\defineactivetoken 190 {\threequarter} % 00BE VULGAR FRACTION THREE QUARTERS
+\defineactivetoken 191 {\questiondown} % 00BF INVERTED QUESTION MARK
+\defineactivetoken 192 {\Agrave} % 00C0 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH GRAVE
+\defineactivetoken 193 {\Aacute} % 00C1 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 194 {\Acircumflex} % 00C2 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\defineactivetoken 195 {\Atilde} % 00C3 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH TILDE
+\defineactivetoken 196 {\Adiaeresis} % 00C4 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 197 {\Aring} % 00C5 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH RING ABOVE
+\defineactivetoken 198 {\AEligature} % 00C6 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER AE
+\defineactivetoken 199 {\Ccedilla} % 00C7 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C WITH CEDILLA
+\defineactivetoken 200 {\Egrave} % 00C8 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH GRAVE
+\defineactivetoken 201 {\Eacute} % 00C9 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 202 {\Ecircumflex} % 00CA LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\defineactivetoken 203 {\Ediaeresis} % 00CB LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 204 {\Igrave} % 00CC LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH GRAVE
+\defineactivetoken 205 {\Iacute} % 00CD LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 206 {\Icircumflex} % 00CE LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\defineactivetoken 207 {\Idiaeresis} % 00CF LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 208 {\Eth} % 00D0 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER ETH
+\defineactivetoken 209 {\Ntilde} % 00D1 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N WITH TILDE
+\defineactivetoken 210 {\Ograve} % 00D2 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH GRAVE
+\defineactivetoken 211 {\Oacute} % 00D3 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 212 {\Ocircumflex} % 00D4 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\defineactivetoken 213 {\Otilde} % 00D5 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH TILDE
+\defineactivetoken 214 {\Odiaeresis} % 00D6 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 215 {\textmultiply} % 00D7 MULTIPLICATION SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 216 {\Ostroke} % 00D8 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH STROKE
+\defineactivetoken 217 {\Ugrave} % 00D9 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH GRAVE
+\defineactivetoken 218 {\Uacute} % 00DA LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 219 {\Ucircumflex} % 00DB LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\defineactivetoken 220 {\Udiaeresis} % 00DC LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 221 {\Yacute} % 00DD LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 222 {\Thorn} % 00DE LATIN CAPITAL LETTER THORN
+\defineactivetoken 223 {\ssharp} % 00DF LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S
+\defineactivetoken 224 {\agrave} % 00E0 LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH GRAVE
+\defineactivetoken 225 {\aacute} % 00E1 LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 226 {\acircumflex} % 00E2 LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\defineactivetoken 227 {\atilde} % 00E3 LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH TILDE
+\defineactivetoken 228 {\adiaeresis} % 00E4 LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 229 {\aring} % 00E5 LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH RING ABOVE
+\defineactivetoken 230 {\aeligature} % 00E6 LATIN SMALL LETTER AE
+\defineactivetoken 231 {\ccedilla} % 00E7 LATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH CEDILLA
+\defineactivetoken 232 {\egrave} % 00E8 LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH GRAVE
+\defineactivetoken 233 {\eacute} % 00E9 LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 234 {\ecircumflex} % 00EA LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\defineactivetoken 235 {\ediaeresis} % 00EB LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 236 {\igrave} % 00EC LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH GRAVE
+\defineactivetoken 237 {\iacute} % 00ED LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 238 {\icircumflex} % 00EE LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\defineactivetoken 239 {\idiaeresis} % 00EF LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 240 {\eth} % 00F0 LATIN SMALL LETTER ETH
+\defineactivetoken 241 {\ntilde} % 00F1 LATIN SMALL LETTER N WITH TILDE
+\defineactivetoken 242 {\ograve} % 00F2 LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH GRAVE
+\defineactivetoken 243 {\oacute} % 00F3 LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 244 {\ocircumflex} % 00F4 LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\defineactivetoken 245 {\otilde} % 00F5 LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH TILDE
+\defineactivetoken 246 {\odiaeresis} % 00F6 LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 247 {\textdiv} % 00F7 DIVISION SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 248 {\ostroke} % 00F8 LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH STROKE
+\defineactivetoken 249 {\ugrave} % 00F9 LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH GRAVE
+\defineactivetoken 250 {\uacute} % 00FA LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 251 {\ucircumflex} % 00FB LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\defineactivetoken 252 {\udiaeresis} % 00FC LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 253 {\yacute} % 00FD LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 254 {\thorn} % 00FE LATIN SMALL LETTER THORN
+\defineactivetoken 255 {\ydiaeresis} % 00FF LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH DIAERESIS
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/regi-cp1253.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/regi-cp1253.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..05d53c129
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/regi-cp1253.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=regi-cp1253,
+%D version=2005.12.26,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Encoding Macros,
+%D subtitle=cp1253 (Greek),
+%D author=script-generated,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D Support for cp1253 input encoding (regime) for Greek,
+%D see also iso-8859-7.
+%D Usage:
+%D \type{\enableregime[cp1253]} or \type{\enablereregime[windows-1253]}
+\defineactivetoken 128 {\texteuro} % 20AC EURO SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 129 {\unknownchar} % <undefined>
+\defineactivetoken 130 {\quotesinglebase} % 201A SINGLE LOW-9 QUOTATION MARK
+\defineactivetoken 131 {\fhook} % 0192 LATIN SMALL LETTER F WITH HOOK
+\defineactivetoken 132 {\quotedblbase} % 201E DOUBLE LOW-9 QUOTATION MARK
+\defineactivetoken 133 {\textellipsis} % 2026 HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS
+\defineactivetoken 134 {\textdag} % 2020 DAGGER
+\defineactivetoken 135 {\textddag} % 2021 DOUBLE DAGGER
+\defineactivetoken 136 {\unknownchar} % <undefined>
+\defineactivetoken 137 {\perthousand} % 2030 PER MILLE SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 138 {\unknownchar} % <undefined>
+\defineactivetoken 139 {\guilsingleleft} % 2039 SINGLE LEFT-POINTING ANGLE QUOTATION MARK
+\defineactivetoken 140 {\unknownchar} % <undefined>
+\defineactivetoken 141 {\unknownchar} % <undefined>
+\defineactivetoken 142 {\unknownchar} % <undefined>
+\defineactivetoken 143 {\unknownchar} % <undefined>
+\defineactivetoken 144 {\unknownchar} % <undefined>
+\defineactivetoken 145 {\quoteleft} % 2018 LEFT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK
+\defineactivetoken 146 {\quoteright} % 2019 RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK
+\defineactivetoken 147 {\quotedblleft} % 201C LEFT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK
+\defineactivetoken 148 {\quotedblright} % 201D RIGHT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK
+\defineactivetoken 149 {\textbullet} % 2022 BULLET
+\defineactivetoken 150 {\endash} % 2013 EN DASH
+\defineactivetoken 151 {\emdash} % 2014 EM DASH
+\defineactivetoken 152 {\unknownchar} % <undefined>
+\defineactivetoken 153 {\trademark} % 2122 TRADE MARK SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 154 {\unknownchar} % <undefined>
+\defineactivetoken 155 {\guilsingleright} % 203A SINGLE RIGHT-POINTING ANGLE QUOTATION MARK
+\defineactivetoken 156 {\unknownchar} % <undefined>
+\defineactivetoken 157 {\unknownchar} % <undefined>
+\defineactivetoken 158 {\unknownchar} % <undefined>
+\defineactivetoken 159 {\unknownchar} % <undefined>
+\defineactivetoken 160 {\nonbreakablespace} % 00A0 NO-BREAK SPACE
+\defineactivetoken 161 {\greekdialytikatonos} % 0385 GREEK DIALYTIKA TONOS
+\defineactivetoken 162 {\greekAlphatonos} % 0386 GREEK CAPITAL LETTER ALPHA WITH TONOS
+\defineactivetoken 163 {\textsterling} % 00A3 POUND SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 164 {\textcurrency} % 00A4 CURRENCY SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 165 {\textyen} % 00A5 YEN SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 166 {\textbrokenbar} % 00A6 BROKEN BAR
+\defineactivetoken 167 {\sectionmark} % 00A7 SECTION SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 168 {\textdiaeresis} % 00A8 DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 169 {\copyright} % 00A9 COPYRIGHT SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 170 {\unknownchar} % <undefined>
+\defineactivetoken 171 {\leftguillemot} % 00AB LEFT-POINTING DOUBLE ANGLE QUOTATION MARK
+\defineactivetoken 172 {\textlognot} % 00AC NOT SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 173 {\softhyphen} % 00AD SOFT HYPHEN
+\defineactivetoken 174 {\registered} % 00AE REGISTERED SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 175 {\texthorizontalbar} % 2015 HORIZONTAL BAR
+\defineactivetoken 176 {\textdegree} % 00B0 DEGREE SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 177 {\textpm} % 00B1 PLUS-MINUS SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 178 {\twosuperior} % 00B2 SUPERSCRIPT TWO
+\defineactivetoken 179 {\threesuperior} % 00B3 SUPERSCRIPT THREE
+\defineactivetoken 180 {\greektonos} % 0384 GREEK TONOS
+\defineactivetoken 181 {\textmu} % 00B5 MICRO SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 182 {\paragraphmark} % 00B6 PILCROW SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 183 {\periodcentered} % 00B7 MIDDLE DOT
+\defineactivetoken 184 {\greekEpsilontonos} % 0388 GREEK CAPITAL LETTER EPSILON WITH TONOS
+\defineactivetoken 185 {\greekEtatonos} % 0389 GREEK CAPITAL LETTER ETA WITH TONOS
+\defineactivetoken 186 {\greekIotatonos} % 038A GREEK CAPITAL LETTER IOTA WITH TONOS
+\defineactivetoken 187 {\rightguillemot} % 00BB RIGHT-POINTING DOUBLE ANGLE QUOTATION MARK
+\defineactivetoken 188 {\greekOmicrontonos} % 038C GREEK CAPITAL LETTER OMICRON WITH TONOS
+\defineactivetoken 189 {\onehalf} % 00BD VULGAR FRACTION ONE HALF
+\defineactivetoken 190 {\greekUpsilontonos} % 038E GREEK CAPITAL LETTER UPSILON WITH TONOS
+\defineactivetoken 191 {\greekOmegatonos} % 038F GREEK CAPITAL LETTER OMEGA WITH TONOS
+\defineactivetoken 192 {\greekiotadialytikatonos} % 0390 GREEK SMALL LETTER IOTA WITH DIALYTIKA AND TONOS
+\defineactivetoken 193 {\greekAlpha} % 0391 GREEK CAPITAL LETTER ALPHA
+\defineactivetoken 194 {\greekBeta} % 0392 GREEK CAPITAL LETTER BETA
+\defineactivetoken 195 {\greekGamma} % 0393 GREEK CAPITAL LETTER GAMMA
+\defineactivetoken 196 {\greekDelta} % 0394 GREEK CAPITAL LETTER DELTA
+\defineactivetoken 197 {\greekEpsilon} % 0395 GREEK CAPITAL LETTER EPSILON
+\defineactivetoken 198 {\greekZeta} % 0396 GREEK CAPITAL LETTER ZETA
+\defineactivetoken 199 {\greekEta} % 0397 GREEK CAPITAL LETTER ETA
+\defineactivetoken 200 {\greekTheta} % 0398 GREEK CAPITAL LETTER THETA
+\defineactivetoken 201 {\greekIota} % 0399 GREEK CAPITAL LETTER IOTA
+\defineactivetoken 202 {\greekKappa} % 039A GREEK CAPITAL LETTER KAPPA
+\defineactivetoken 203 {\greekLambda} % 039B GREEK CAPITAL LETTER LAMDA
+\defineactivetoken 204 {\greekMu} % 039C GREEK CAPITAL LETTER MU
+\defineactivetoken 205 {\greekNu} % 039D GREEK CAPITAL LETTER NU
+\defineactivetoken 206 {\greekXi} % 039E GREEK CAPITAL LETTER XI
+\defineactivetoken 207 {\greekOmicron} % 039F GREEK CAPITAL LETTER OMICRON
+\defineactivetoken 208 {\greekPi} % 03A0 GREEK CAPITAL LETTER PI
+\defineactivetoken 209 {\greekRho} % 03A1 GREEK CAPITAL LETTER RHO
+\defineactivetoken 210 {\unknownchar} % <undefined>
+\defineactivetoken 211 {\greekSigma} % 03A3 GREEK CAPITAL LETTER SIGMA
+\defineactivetoken 212 {\greekTau} % 03A4 GREEK CAPITAL LETTER TAU
+\defineactivetoken 213 {\greekUpsilon} % 03A5 GREEK CAPITAL LETTER UPSILON
+\defineactivetoken 214 {\greekPhi} % 03A6 GREEK CAPITAL LETTER PHI
+\defineactivetoken 215 {\greekChi} % 03A7 GREEK CAPITAL LETTER CHI
+\defineactivetoken 216 {\greekPsi} % 03A8 GREEK CAPITAL LETTER PSI
+\defineactivetoken 217 {\greekOmega} % 03A9 GREEK CAPITAL LETTER OMEGA
+\defineactivetoken 218 {\greekIotadialytika} % 03AA GREEK CAPITAL LETTER IOTA WITH DIALYTIKA
+\defineactivetoken 219 {\greekUpsilondialytika} % 03AB GREEK CAPITAL LETTER UPSILON WITH DIALYTIKA
+\defineactivetoken 220 {\greekalphatonos} % 03AC GREEK SMALL LETTER ALPHA WITH TONOS
+\defineactivetoken 221 {\greekepsilontonos} % 03AD GREEK SMALL LETTER EPSILON WITH TONOS
+\defineactivetoken 222 {\greeketatonos} % 03AE GREEK SMALL LETTER ETA WITH TONOS
+\defineactivetoken 223 {\greekiotatonos} % 03AF GREEK SMALL LETTER IOTA WITH TONOS
+\defineactivetoken 224 {\greekupsilondialytikatonos} % 03B0 GREEK SMALL LETTER UPSILON WITH DIALYTIKA AND TONOS
+\defineactivetoken 225 {\greekalpha} % 03B1 GREEK SMALL LETTER ALPHA
+\defineactivetoken 226 {\greekbeta} % 03B2 GREEK SMALL LETTER BETA
+\defineactivetoken 227 {\greekgamma} % 03B3 GREEK SMALL LETTER GAMMA
+\defineactivetoken 228 {\greekdelta} % 03B4 GREEK SMALL LETTER DELTA
+\defineactivetoken 229 {\greekepsilon} % 03B5 GREEK SMALL LETTER EPSILON
+\defineactivetoken 230 {\greekzeta} % 03B6 GREEK SMALL LETTER ZETA
+\defineactivetoken 231 {\greeketa} % 03B7 GREEK SMALL LETTER ETA
+\defineactivetoken 232 {\greektheta} % 03B8 GREEK SMALL LETTER THETA
+\defineactivetoken 233 {\greekiota} % 03B9 GREEK SMALL LETTER IOTA
+\defineactivetoken 234 {\greekkappa} % 03BA GREEK SMALL LETTER KAPPA
+\defineactivetoken 235 {\greeklambda} % 03BB GREEK SMALL LETTER LAMDA
+\defineactivetoken 236 {\greekmu} % 03BC GREEK SMALL LETTER MU
+\defineactivetoken 237 {\greeknu} % 03BD GREEK SMALL LETTER NU
+\defineactivetoken 238 {\greekxi} % 03BE GREEK SMALL LETTER XI
+\defineactivetoken 239 {\greekomicron} % 03BF GREEK SMALL LETTER OMICRON
+\defineactivetoken 240 {\greekpi} % 03C0 GREEK SMALL LETTER PI
+\defineactivetoken 241 {\greekrho} % 03C1 GREEK SMALL LETTER RHO
+\defineactivetoken 242 {\greekfinalsigma} % 03C2 GREEK SMALL LETTER FINAL SIGMA
+\defineactivetoken 243 {\greeksigma} % 03C3 GREEK SMALL LETTER SIGMA
+\defineactivetoken 244 {\greektau} % 03C4 GREEK SMALL LETTER TAU
+\defineactivetoken 245 {\greekupsilon} % 03C5 GREEK SMALL LETTER UPSILON
+\defineactivetoken 246 {\greekphi} % 03C6 GREEK SMALL LETTER PHI
+\defineactivetoken 247 {\greekchi} % 03C7 GREEK SMALL LETTER CHI
+\defineactivetoken 248 {\greekpsi} % 03C8 GREEK SMALL LETTER PSI
+\defineactivetoken 249 {\greekomega} % 03C9 GREEK SMALL LETTER OMEGA
+\defineactivetoken 250 {\greekiotadialytika} % 03CA GREEK SMALL LETTER IOTA WITH DIALYTIKA
+\defineactivetoken 251 {\greekupsilondiaeresis} % 03CB GREEK SMALL LETTER UPSILON WITH DIALYTIKA
+\defineactivetoken 252 {\greekomicrontonos} % 03CC GREEK SMALL LETTER OMICRON WITH TONOS
+\defineactivetoken 253 {\greekupsilontonos} % 03CD GREEK SMALL LETTER UPSILON WITH TONOS
+\defineactivetoken 254 {\greekomegatonos} % 03CE GREEK SMALL LETTER OMEGA WITH TONOS
+\defineactivetoken 255 {\unknownchar} % <undefined>
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/regi-cp1254.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/regi-cp1254.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..73f8f2708
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/regi-cp1254.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=regi-cp1254,
+%D version=2005.12.26,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Encoding Macros,
+%D subtitle=cp1254 (Turkish),
+%D author=script-generated,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D Support for cp1254 input encoding (regime) for Turkish,
+%D see also iso-8859-9.
+%D Usage:
+%D \type{\enableregime[cp1254]} or \type{\enablereregime[windows-1254]}
+\defineactivetoken 128 {\texteuro} % 20AC EURO SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 129 {\unknownchar} % <undefined>
+\defineactivetoken 130 {\quotesinglebase} % 201A SINGLE LOW-9 QUOTATION MARK
+\defineactivetoken 131 {\fhook} % 0192 LATIN SMALL LETTER F WITH HOOK
+\defineactivetoken 132 {\quotedblbase} % 201E DOUBLE LOW-9 QUOTATION MARK
+\defineactivetoken 133 {\textellipsis} % 2026 HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS
+\defineactivetoken 134 {\textdag} % 2020 DAGGER
+\defineactivetoken 135 {\textddag} % 2021 DOUBLE DAGGER
+\defineactivetoken 136 {\textcircumflex} % 02C6 MODIFIER LETTER CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT
+\defineactivetoken 137 {\perthousand} % 2030 PER MILLE SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 138 {\Scaron} % 0160 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S WITH CARON
+\defineactivetoken 139 {\guilsingleleft} % 2039 SINGLE LEFT-POINTING ANGLE QUOTATION MARK
+\defineactivetoken 140 {\OEligature} % 0152 LATIN CAPITAL LIGATURE OE
+\defineactivetoken 141 {\unknownchar} % <undefined>
+\defineactivetoken 142 {\unknownchar} % <undefined>
+\defineactivetoken 143 {\unknownchar} % <undefined>
+\defineactivetoken 144 {\unknownchar} % <undefined>
+\defineactivetoken 145 {\quoteleft} % 2018 LEFT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK
+\defineactivetoken 146 {\quoteright} % 2019 RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK
+\defineactivetoken 147 {\quotedblleft} % 201C LEFT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK
+\defineactivetoken 148 {\quotedblright} % 201D RIGHT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK
+\defineactivetoken 149 {\textbullet} % 2022 BULLET
+\defineactivetoken 150 {\endash} % 2013 EN DASH
+\defineactivetoken 151 {\emdash} % 2014 EM DASH
+\defineactivetoken 152 {\texttilde} % 02DC SMALL TILDE
+\defineactivetoken 153 {\trademark} % 2122 TRADE MARK SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 154 {\scaron} % 0161 LATIN SMALL LETTER S WITH CARON
+\defineactivetoken 155 {\guilsingleright} % 203A SINGLE RIGHT-POINTING ANGLE QUOTATION MARK
+\defineactivetoken 156 {\oeligature} % 0153 LATIN SMALL LIGATURE OE
+\defineactivetoken 157 {\unknownchar} % <undefined>
+\defineactivetoken 158 {\unknownchar} % <undefined>
+\defineactivetoken 159 {\Ydiaeresis} % 0178 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y WITH DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 160 {\nonbreakablespace} % 00A0 NO-BREAK SPACE
+\defineactivetoken 161 {\exclamdown} % 00A1 INVERTED EXCLAMATION MARK
+\defineactivetoken 162 {\textcent} % 00A2 CENT SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 163 {\textsterling} % 00A3 POUND SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 164 {\textcurrency} % 00A4 CURRENCY SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 165 {\textyen} % 00A5 YEN SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 166 {\textbrokenbar} % 00A6 BROKEN BAR
+\defineactivetoken 167 {\sectionmark} % 00A7 SECTION SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 168 {\textdiaeresis} % 00A8 DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 169 {\copyright} % 00A9 COPYRIGHT SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 170 {\ordfeminine} % 00AA FEMININE ORDINAL INDICATOR
+\defineactivetoken 171 {\leftguillemot} % 00AB LEFT-POINTING DOUBLE ANGLE QUOTATION MARK
+\defineactivetoken 172 {\textlognot} % 00AC NOT SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 173 {\softhyphen} % 00AD SOFT HYPHEN
+\defineactivetoken 174 {\registered} % 00AE REGISTERED SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 175 {\textmacron} % 00AF MACRON
+\defineactivetoken 176 {\textdegree} % 00B0 DEGREE SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 177 {\textpm} % 00B1 PLUS-MINUS SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 178 {\twosuperior} % 00B2 SUPERSCRIPT TWO
+\defineactivetoken 179 {\threesuperior} % 00B3 SUPERSCRIPT THREE
+\defineactivetoken 180 {\textacute} % 00B4 ACUTE ACCENT
+\defineactivetoken 181 {\textmu} % 00B5 MICRO SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 182 {\paragraphmark} % 00B6 PILCROW SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 183 {\periodcentered} % 00B7 MIDDLE DOT
+\defineactivetoken 184 {\textcedilla} % 00B8 CEDILLA
+\defineactivetoken 185 {\onesuperior} % 00B9 SUPERSCRIPT ONE
+\defineactivetoken 186 {\ordmasculine} % 00BA MASCULINE ORDINAL INDICATOR
+\defineactivetoken 187 {\rightguillemot} % 00BB RIGHT-POINTING DOUBLE ANGLE QUOTATION MARK
+\defineactivetoken 188 {\onequarter} % 00BC VULGAR FRACTION ONE QUARTER
+\defineactivetoken 189 {\onehalf} % 00BD VULGAR FRACTION ONE HALF
+\defineactivetoken 190 {\threequarter} % 00BE VULGAR FRACTION THREE QUARTERS
+\defineactivetoken 191 {\questiondown} % 00BF INVERTED QUESTION MARK
+\defineactivetoken 192 {\Agrave} % 00C0 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH GRAVE
+\defineactivetoken 193 {\Aacute} % 00C1 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 194 {\Acircumflex} % 00C2 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\defineactivetoken 195 {\Atilde} % 00C3 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH TILDE
+\defineactivetoken 196 {\Adiaeresis} % 00C4 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 197 {\Aring} % 00C5 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH RING ABOVE
+\defineactivetoken 198 {\AEligature} % 00C6 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER AE
+\defineactivetoken 199 {\Ccedilla} % 00C7 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C WITH CEDILLA
+\defineactivetoken 200 {\Egrave} % 00C8 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH GRAVE
+\defineactivetoken 201 {\Eacute} % 00C9 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 202 {\Ecircumflex} % 00CA LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\defineactivetoken 203 {\Ediaeresis} % 00CB LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 204 {\Igrave} % 00CC LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH GRAVE
+\defineactivetoken 205 {\Iacute} % 00CD LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 206 {\Icircumflex} % 00CE LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\defineactivetoken 207 {\Idiaeresis} % 00CF LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 208 {\Gbreve} % 011E LATIN CAPITAL LETTER G WITH BREVE
+\defineactivetoken 209 {\Ntilde} % 00D1 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N WITH TILDE
+\defineactivetoken 210 {\Ograve} % 00D2 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH GRAVE
+\defineactivetoken 211 {\Oacute} % 00D3 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 212 {\Ocircumflex} % 00D4 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\defineactivetoken 213 {\Otilde} % 00D5 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH TILDE
+\defineactivetoken 214 {\Odiaeresis} % 00D6 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 215 {\textmultiply} % 00D7 MULTIPLICATION SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 216 {\Ostroke} % 00D8 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH STROKE
+\defineactivetoken 217 {\Ugrave} % 00D9 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH GRAVE
+\defineactivetoken 218 {\Uacute} % 00DA LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 219 {\Ucircumflex} % 00DB LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\defineactivetoken 220 {\Udiaeresis} % 00DC LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 221 {\Idotaccent} % 0130 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH DOT ABOVE
+\defineactivetoken 222 {\Scedilla} % 015E LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S WITH CEDILLA
+\defineactivetoken 223 {\ssharp} % 00DF LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S
+\defineactivetoken 224 {\agrave} % 00E0 LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH GRAVE
+\defineactivetoken 225 {\aacute} % 00E1 LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 226 {\acircumflex} % 00E2 LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\defineactivetoken 227 {\atilde} % 00E3 LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH TILDE
+\defineactivetoken 228 {\adiaeresis} % 00E4 LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 229 {\aring} % 00E5 LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH RING ABOVE
+\defineactivetoken 230 {\aeligature} % 00E6 LATIN SMALL LETTER AE
+\defineactivetoken 231 {\ccedilla} % 00E7 LATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH CEDILLA
+\defineactivetoken 232 {\egrave} % 00E8 LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH GRAVE
+\defineactivetoken 233 {\eacute} % 00E9 LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 234 {\ecircumflex} % 00EA LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\defineactivetoken 235 {\ediaeresis} % 00EB LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 236 {\igrave} % 00EC LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH GRAVE
+\defineactivetoken 237 {\iacute} % 00ED LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 238 {\icircumflex} % 00EE LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\defineactivetoken 239 {\idiaeresis} % 00EF LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 240 {\gbreve} % 011F LATIN SMALL LETTER G WITH BREVE
+\defineactivetoken 241 {\ntilde} % 00F1 LATIN SMALL LETTER N WITH TILDE
+\defineactivetoken 242 {\ograve} % 00F2 LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH GRAVE
+\defineactivetoken 243 {\oacute} % 00F3 LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 244 {\ocircumflex} % 00F4 LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\defineactivetoken 245 {\otilde} % 00F5 LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH TILDE
+\defineactivetoken 246 {\odiaeresis} % 00F6 LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 247 {\textdiv} % 00F7 DIVISION SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 248 {\ostroke} % 00F8 LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH STROKE
+\defineactivetoken 249 {\ugrave} % 00F9 LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH GRAVE
+\defineactivetoken 250 {\uacute} % 00FA LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 251 {\ucircumflex} % 00FB LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\defineactivetoken 252 {\udiaeresis} % 00FC LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 253 {\dotlessi} % 0131 LATIN SMALL LETTER DOTLESS I
+\defineactivetoken 254 {\scedilla} % 015F LATIN SMALL LETTER S WITH CEDILLA
+\defineactivetoken 255 {\ydiaeresis} % 00FF LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH DIAERESIS
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/regi-cp1257.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/regi-cp1257.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4c9cb56f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/regi-cp1257.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=regi-cp1257,
+%D version=2005.12.26,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Encoding Macros,
+%D subtitle=cp1257 (Windows Baltic),
+%D author=script-generated,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D Support for cp1257 input encoding (regime) for Baltic languages,
+%D see also iso-8859-4 and iso-8859-13.
+%D Usage:
+%D \type{\enableregime[cp1257]} or \type{\enablereregime[windows-1257]}
+\defineactivetoken 128 {\texteuro} % 20AC EURO SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 129 {\unknownchar} % <undefined>
+\defineactivetoken 130 {\quotesinglebase} % 201A SINGLE LOW-9 QUOTATION MARK
+\defineactivetoken 131 {\unknownchar} % <undefined>
+\defineactivetoken 132 {\quotedblbase} % 201E DOUBLE LOW-9 QUOTATION MARK
+\defineactivetoken 133 {\textellipsis} % 2026 HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS
+\defineactivetoken 134 {\textdag} % 2020 DAGGER
+\defineactivetoken 135 {\textddag} % 2021 DOUBLE DAGGER
+\defineactivetoken 136 {\unknownchar} % <undefined>
+\defineactivetoken 137 {\perthousand} % 2030 PER MILLE SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 138 {\unknownchar} % <undefined>
+\defineactivetoken 139 {\guilsingleleft} % 2039 SINGLE LEFT-POINTING ANGLE QUOTATION MARK
+\defineactivetoken 140 {\unknownchar} % <undefined>
+\defineactivetoken 141 {\textdiaeresis} % 00A8 DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 142 {\textcaron} % 02C7 CARON
+\defineactivetoken 143 {\textcedilla} % 00B8 CEDILLA
+\defineactivetoken 144 {\unknownchar} % <undefined>
+\defineactivetoken 145 {\quoteleft} % 2018 LEFT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK
+\defineactivetoken 146 {\quoteright} % 2019 RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK
+\defineactivetoken 147 {\quotedblleft} % 201C LEFT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK
+\defineactivetoken 148 {\quotedblright} % 201D RIGHT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK
+\defineactivetoken 149 {\textbullet} % 2022 BULLET
+\defineactivetoken 150 {\endash} % 2013 EN DASH
+\defineactivetoken 151 {\emdash} % 2014 EM DASH
+\defineactivetoken 152 {\unknownchar} % <undefined>
+\defineactivetoken 153 {\trademark} % 2122 TRADE MARK SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 154 {\unknownchar} % <undefined>
+\defineactivetoken 155 {\guilsingleright} % 203A SINGLE RIGHT-POINTING ANGLE QUOTATION MARK
+\defineactivetoken 156 {\unknownchar} % <undefined>
+\defineactivetoken 157 {\textmacron} % 00AF MACRON
+\defineactivetoken 158 {\textogonek} % 02DB OGONEK
+\defineactivetoken 159 {\unknownchar} % <undefined>
+\defineactivetoken 160 {\nonbreakablespace} % 00A0 NO-BREAK SPACE
+\defineactivetoken 161 {\unknownchar} % <undefined>
+\defineactivetoken 162 {\textcent} % 00A2 CENT SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 163 {\textsterling} % 00A3 POUND SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 164 {\textcurrency} % 00A4 CURRENCY SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 165 {\unknownchar} % <undefined>
+\defineactivetoken 166 {\textbrokenbar} % 00A6 BROKEN BAR
+\defineactivetoken 167 {\sectionmark} % 00A7 SECTION SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 168 {\Ostroke} % 00D8 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH STROKE
+\defineactivetoken 169 {\copyright} % 00A9 COPYRIGHT SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 170 {\Rcommaaccent} % 0156 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER R WITH CEDILLA
+\defineactivetoken 171 {\leftguillemot} % 00AB LEFT-POINTING DOUBLE ANGLE QUOTATION MARK
+\defineactivetoken 172 {\textlognot} % 00AC NOT SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 173 {\softhyphen} % 00AD SOFT HYPHEN
+\defineactivetoken 174 {\registered} % 00AE REGISTERED SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 175 {\AEligature} % 00C6 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER AE
+\defineactivetoken 176 {\textdegree} % 00B0 DEGREE SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 177 {\textpm} % 00B1 PLUS-MINUS SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 178 {\twosuperior} % 00B2 SUPERSCRIPT TWO
+\defineactivetoken 179 {\threesuperior} % 00B3 SUPERSCRIPT THREE
+\defineactivetoken 180 {\textacute} % 00B4 ACUTE ACCENT
+\defineactivetoken 181 {\textmu} % 00B5 MICRO SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 182 {\paragraphmark} % 00B6 PILCROW SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 183 {\periodcentered} % 00B7 MIDDLE DOT
+\defineactivetoken 184 {\ostroke} % 00F8 LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH STROKE
+\defineactivetoken 185 {\onesuperior} % 00B9 SUPERSCRIPT ONE
+\defineactivetoken 186 {\rcommaaccent} % 0157 LATIN SMALL LETTER R WITH CEDILLA
+\defineactivetoken 187 {\rightguillemot} % 00BB RIGHT-POINTING DOUBLE ANGLE QUOTATION MARK
+\defineactivetoken 188 {\onequarter} % 00BC VULGAR FRACTION ONE QUARTER
+\defineactivetoken 189 {\onehalf} % 00BD VULGAR FRACTION ONE HALF
+\defineactivetoken 190 {\threequarter} % 00BE VULGAR FRACTION THREE QUARTERS
+\defineactivetoken 191 {\aeligature} % 00E6 LATIN SMALL LETTER AE
+\defineactivetoken 192 {\Aogonek} % 0104 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH OGONEK
+\defineactivetoken 193 {\Iogonek} % 012E LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH OGONEK
+\defineactivetoken 194 {\Amacron} % 0100 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH MACRON
+\defineactivetoken 195 {\Cacute} % 0106 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 196 {\Adiaeresis} % 00C4 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 197 {\Aring} % 00C5 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH RING ABOVE
+\defineactivetoken 198 {\Eogonek} % 0118 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH OGONEK
+\defineactivetoken 199 {\Emacron} % 0112 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH MACRON
+\defineactivetoken 200 {\Ccaron} % 010C LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C WITH CARON
+\defineactivetoken 201 {\Eacute} % 00C9 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 202 {\Zacute} % 0179 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 203 {\Edotaccent} % 0116 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH DOT ABOVE
+\defineactivetoken 204 {\Gcommaaccent} % 0122 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER G WITH CEDILLA
+\defineactivetoken 205 {\Kcommaaccent} % 0136 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER K WITH CEDILLA
+\defineactivetoken 206 {\Imacron} % 012A LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH MACRON
+\defineactivetoken 207 {\Lcommaaccent} % 013B LATIN CAPITAL LETTER L WITH CEDILLA
+\defineactivetoken 208 {\Scaron} % 0160 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S WITH CARON
+\defineactivetoken 209 {\Nacute} % 0143 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 210 {\Ncommaaccent} % 0145 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N WITH CEDILLA
+\defineactivetoken 211 {\Oacute} % 00D3 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 212 {\Omacron} % 014C LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH MACRON
+\defineactivetoken 213 {\Otilde} % 00D5 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH TILDE
+\defineactivetoken 214 {\Odiaeresis} % 00D6 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 215 {\textmultiply} % 00D7 MULTIPLICATION SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 216 {\Uogonek} % 0172 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH OGONEK
+\defineactivetoken 217 {\Lstroke} % 0141 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER L WITH STROKE
+\defineactivetoken 218 {\Sacute} % 015A LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 219 {\Umacron} % 016A LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH MACRON
+\defineactivetoken 220 {\Udiaeresis} % 00DC LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 221 {\Zdotaccent} % 017B LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z WITH DOT ABOVE
+\defineactivetoken 222 {\Zcaron} % 017D LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z WITH CARON
+\defineactivetoken 223 {\ssharp} % 00DF LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S
+\defineactivetoken 224 {\aogonek} % 0105 LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH OGONEK
+\defineactivetoken 225 {\iogonek} % 012F LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH OGONEK
+\defineactivetoken 226 {\amacron} % 0101 LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH MACRON
+\defineactivetoken 227 {\cacute} % 0107 LATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 228 {\adiaeresis} % 00E4 LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 229 {\aring} % 00E5 LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH RING ABOVE
+\defineactivetoken 230 {\eogonek} % 0119 LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH OGONEK
+\defineactivetoken 231 {\emacron} % 0113 LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH MACRON
+\defineactivetoken 232 {\ccaron} % 010D LATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH CARON
+\defineactivetoken 233 {\eacute} % 00E9 LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 234 {\zacute} % 017A LATIN SMALL LETTER Z WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 235 {\edotaccent} % 0117 LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH DOT ABOVE
+\defineactivetoken 236 {\gcommaaccent} % 0123 LATIN SMALL LETTER G WITH CEDILLA
+\defineactivetoken 237 {\kcommaaccent} % 0137 LATIN SMALL LETTER K WITH CEDILLA
+\defineactivetoken 238 {\imacron} % 012B LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH MACRON
+\defineactivetoken 239 {\lcommaaccent} % 013C LATIN SMALL LETTER L WITH CEDILLA
+\defineactivetoken 240 {\scaron} % 0161 LATIN SMALL LETTER S WITH CARON
+\defineactivetoken 241 {\nacute} % 0144 LATIN SMALL LETTER N WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 242 {\ncommaaccent} % 0146 LATIN SMALL LETTER N WITH CEDILLA
+\defineactivetoken 243 {\oacute} % 00F3 LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 244 {\omacron} % 014D LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH MACRON
+\defineactivetoken 245 {\otilde} % 00F5 LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH TILDE
+\defineactivetoken 246 {\odiaeresis} % 00F6 LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 247 {\textdiv} % 00F7 DIVISION SIGN
+\defineactivetoken 248 {\uogonek} % 0173 LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH OGONEK
+\defineactivetoken 249 {\lstroke} % 0142 LATIN SMALL LETTER L WITH STROKE
+\defineactivetoken 250 {\sacute} % 015B LATIN SMALL LETTER S WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 251 {\umacron} % 016B LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH MACRON
+\defineactivetoken 252 {\udiaeresis} % 00FC LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS
+\defineactivetoken 253 {\zdotaccent} % 017C LATIN SMALL LETTER Z WITH DOT ABOVE
+\defineactivetoken 254 {\zcaron} % 017E LATIN SMALL LETTER Z WITH CARON
+\defineactivetoken 255 {\textdotaccent} % 02D9 DOT ABOVE
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/regi-cyp.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/regi-cyp.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3f45ace23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/regi-cyp.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,1169 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=regi-cyp,
+%D version=2003.01.24,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Encoding Macros,
+%D subtitle=Cyrillic Plus,
+%D author=...,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D In this file several rarely user cyrillic input regimes
+%D are defined.
+\defineactivetoken 128 {\cyrillicdje}
+\defineactivetoken 129 {\cyrillicDJE}
+\defineactivetoken 130 {\'\cyrillicg}
+\defineactivetoken 131 {\'\cyrillicG}
+\defineactivetoken 132 {\cyrillicyo}
+\defineactivetoken 133 {\cyrillicYO}
+\defineactivetoken 134 {\cyrillicie}
+\defineactivetoken 135 {\cyrillicIE}
+\defineactivetoken 136 {\cyrillicdze}
+\defineactivetoken 137 {\cyrillicDZE}
+\defineactivetoken 138 {\cyrillicii}
+\defineactivetoken 139 {\cyrillicII}
+\defineactivetoken 140 {\cyrillicyi}
+\defineactivetoken 141 {\cyrillicYI}
+\defineactivetoken 142 {\cyrillicje}
+\defineactivetoken 143 {\cyrillicJE}
+\defineactivetoken 144 {\cyrilliclje}
+\defineactivetoken 145 {\cyrillicLJE}
+\defineactivetoken 146 {\cyrillicnje}
+\defineactivetoken 147 {\cyrillicNJE}
+\defineactivetoken 148 {\cyrillictshe}
+\defineactivetoken 149 {\cyrillicTSHE}
+\defineactivetoken 150 {\'\cyrillick}
+\defineactivetoken 151 {\'\cyrillicK}
+\defineactivetoken 152 {\cyrillicushrt}
+\defineactivetoken 153 {\cyrillicUSHRT}
+\defineactivetoken 154 {\cyrillicdzhe}
+\defineactivetoken 155 {\cyrillicDZHE}
+\defineactivetoken 156 {\cyrillicyu}
+\defineactivetoken 157 {\cyrillicYU}
+\defineactivetoken 158 {\cyrillichrdsn}
+\defineactivetoken 159 {\cyrillicHRDSN}
+\defineactivetoken 160 {\cyrillica}
+\defineactivetoken 161 {\cyrillicA}
+\defineactivetoken 162 {\cyrillicb}
+\defineactivetoken 163 {\cyrillicB}
+\defineactivetoken 164 {\cyrillicc}
+\defineactivetoken 165 {\cyrillicC}
+\defineactivetoken 166 {\cyrillicd}
+\defineactivetoken 167 {\cyrillicD}
+\defineactivetoken 168 {\cyrillice}
+\defineactivetoken 169 {\cyrillicE}
+\defineactivetoken 170 {\cyrillicf}
+\defineactivetoken 171 {\cyrillicF}
+\defineactivetoken 172 {\cyrillicg}
+\defineactivetoken 173 {\cyrillicG}
+\defineactivetoken 174 {\leftguillemot}
+\defineactivetoken 175 {\rightguillemot}
+\defineactivetoken 181 {\cyrillich}
+\defineactivetoken 182 {\cyrillicH}
+\defineactivetoken 183 {\cyrillici}
+\defineactivetoken 184 {\cyrillicI}
+\defineactivetoken 189 {\cyrillicishrt}
+\defineactivetoken 190 {\cyrillicISHRT}
+\defineactivetoken 198 {\cyrillick}
+\defineactivetoken 199 {\cyrillicK}
+\defineactivetoken 207 {\textcurrency}
+\defineactivetoken 208 {\cyrillicl}
+\defineactivetoken 209 {\cyrillicL}
+\defineactivetoken 210 {\cyrillicm}
+\defineactivetoken 211 {\cyrillicM}
+\defineactivetoken 212 {\cyrillicn}
+\defineactivetoken 213 {\cyrillicN}
+\defineactivetoken 214 {\cyrillico}
+\defineactivetoken 215 {\cyrillicO}
+\defineactivetoken 216 {\cyrillicp}
+\defineactivetoken 221 {\cyrillicP}
+\defineactivetoken 222 {\cyrillicya}
+\defineactivetoken 224 {\cyrillicYA}
+\defineactivetoken 225 {\cyrillicr}
+\defineactivetoken 226 {\cyrillicR}
+\defineactivetoken 227 {\cyrillics}
+\defineactivetoken 228 {\cyrillicS}
+\defineactivetoken 229 {\cyrillict}
+\defineactivetoken 230 {\cyrillicT}
+\defineactivetoken 231 {\cyrillicu}
+\defineactivetoken 232 {\cyrillicU}
+\defineactivetoken 233 {\cyrilliczh}
+\defineactivetoken 234 {\cyrillicZH}
+\defineactivetoken 235 {\cyrillicv}
+\defineactivetoken 236 {\cyrillicV}
+\defineactivetoken 237 {\cyrillicsftsn}
+\defineactivetoken 238 {\cyrillicSFTSN}
+\defineactivetoken 239 {\textnumero}
+\defineactivetoken 240 {\-}
+\defineactivetoken 241 {\cyrillicery}
+\defineactivetoken 242 {\cyrillicERY}
+\defineactivetoken 243 {\cyrillicz}
+\defineactivetoken 244 {\cyrillicZ}
+\defineactivetoken 245 {\cyrillicsh}
+\defineactivetoken 246 {\cyrillicSH}
+\defineactivetoken 247 {\cyrillicerev}
+\defineactivetoken 248 {\cyrillicEREV}
+\defineactivetoken 249 {\cyrillicshch}
+\defineactivetoken 250 {\cyrillicSHCH}
+\defineactivetoken 251 {\cyrillicch}
+\defineactivetoken 252 {\cyrillicCH}
+\defineactivetoken 253 {\sectionmark}
+\defineactivetoken 254 {\textblacksquare}
+\defineactivetoken 255 {\nonbreakablespace}
+\defineactivetoken 128 {\cyrillicA}
+\defineactivetoken 129 {\cyrillicB}
+\defineactivetoken 130 {\cyrillicV}
+\defineactivetoken 131 {\cyrillicG}
+\defineactivetoken 132 {\cyrillicD}
+\defineactivetoken 133 {\cyrillicE}
+\defineactivetoken 134 {\cyrillicZH}
+\defineactivetoken 135 {\cyrillicZ}
+\defineactivetoken 136 {\cyrillicI}
+\defineactivetoken 137 {\cyrillicISHRT}
+\defineactivetoken 138 {\cyrillicK}
+\defineactivetoken 139 {\cyrillicL}
+\defineactivetoken 140 {\cyrillicM}
+\defineactivetoken 141 {\cyrillicN}
+\defineactivetoken 142 {\cyrillicO}
+\defineactivetoken 143 {\cyrillicP}
+\defineactivetoken 144 {\cyrillicR}
+\defineactivetoken 145 {\cyrillicS}
+\defineactivetoken 146 {\cyrillicT}
+\defineactivetoken 147 {\cyrillicU}
+\defineactivetoken 148 {\cyrillicF}
+\defineactivetoken 149 {\cyrillicH}
+\defineactivetoken 150 {\cyrillicC}
+\defineactivetoken 151 {\cyrillicCH}
+\defineactivetoken 152 {\cyrillicSH}
+\defineactivetoken 153 {\cyrillicSHCH}
+\defineactivetoken 154 {\cyrillicHRDSN}
+\defineactivetoken 155 {\cyrillicERY}
+\defineactivetoken 156 {\cyrillicSFTSN}
+\defineactivetoken 157 {\cyrillicEREV}
+\defineactivetoken 158 {\cyrillicYU}
+\defineactivetoken 159 {\cyrillicYA}
+\defineactivetoken 160 {\cyrillica}
+\defineactivetoken 161 {\cyrillicb}
+\defineactivetoken 162 {\cyrillicv}
+\defineactivetoken 163 {\cyrillicg}
+\defineactivetoken 164 {\cyrillicd}
+\defineactivetoken 165 {\cyrillice}
+\defineactivetoken 166 {\cyrilliczh}
+\defineactivetoken 167 {\cyrillicz}
+\defineactivetoken 168 {\cyrillici}
+\defineactivetoken 169 {\cyrillicishrt}
+\defineactivetoken 170 {\cyrillick}
+\defineactivetoken 171 {\cyrillicl}
+\defineactivetoken 172 {\cyrillicm}
+\defineactivetoken 173 {\cyrillicn}
+\defineactivetoken 174 {\cyrillico}
+\defineactivetoken 175 {\cyrillicp}
+\defineactivetoken 224 {\cyrillicr}
+\defineactivetoken 225 {\cyrillics}
+\defineactivetoken 226 {\cyrillict}
+\defineactivetoken 227 {\cyrillicu}
+\defineactivetoken 228 {\cyrillicf}
+\defineactivetoken 229 {\cyrillich}
+\defineactivetoken 230 {\cyrillicc}
+\defineactivetoken 231 {\cyrillicch}
+\defineactivetoken 232 {\cyrillicsh}
+\defineactivetoken 233 {\cyrillicshch}
+\defineactivetoken 234 {\cyrillichrdsn}
+\defineactivetoken 235 {\cyrillicery}
+\defineactivetoken 236 {\cyrillicsftsn}
+\defineactivetoken 237 {\cyrillicerev}
+\defineactivetoken 238 {\cyrillicyu}
+\defineactivetoken 239 {\cyrillicya}
+\defineactivetoken 240 {\cyrillicYO}
+\defineactivetoken 241 {\cyrillicyo}
+\defineactivetoken 252 {\textnumero}
+\defineactivetoken 253 {\textcurrency}
+\defineactivetoken 254 {\textblacksquare}
+\defineactivetoken 255 {\nonbreakablespace}
+\defineactivetoken 246 {\mathematics\rightarrow}
+\defineactivetoken 247 {\mathematics\leftarrow}
+\defineactivetoken 248 {\mathematics\downarrow}
+\defineactivetoken 249 {\mathematics\uparrow}
+\defineactivetoken 250 {\textdiv}
+\defineactivetoken 251 {\textpm}
+\defineactivetoken 128 {\cyrillicA}
+\defineactivetoken 129 {\cyrillicB}
+\defineactivetoken 130 {\cyrillicV}
+\defineactivetoken 131 {\cyrillicG}
+\defineactivetoken 132 {\cyrillicD}
+\defineactivetoken 133 {\cyrillicE}
+\defineactivetoken 134 {\cyrillicZH}
+\defineactivetoken 135 {\cyrillicZ}
+\defineactivetoken 136 {\cyrillicI}
+\defineactivetoken 137 {\cyrillicISHRT}
+\defineactivetoken 138 {\cyrillicK}
+\defineactivetoken 139 {\cyrillicL}
+\defineactivetoken 140 {\cyrillicM}
+\defineactivetoken 141 {\cyrillicN}
+\defineactivetoken 142 {\cyrillicO}
+\defineactivetoken 143 {\cyrillicP}
+\defineactivetoken 144 {\cyrillicR}
+\defineactivetoken 145 {\cyrillicS}
+\defineactivetoken 146 {\cyrillicT}
+\defineactivetoken 147 {\cyrillicU}
+\defineactivetoken 148 {\cyrillicF}
+\defineactivetoken 149 {\cyrillicH}
+\defineactivetoken 150 {\cyrillicC}
+\defineactivetoken 151 {\cyrillicCH}
+\defineactivetoken 152 {\cyrillicSH}
+\defineactivetoken 153 {\cyrillicSHCH}
+\defineactivetoken 154 {\cyrillicHRDSN}
+\defineactivetoken 155 {\cyrillicERY}
+\defineactivetoken 156 {\cyrillicSFTSN}
+\defineactivetoken 157 {\cyrillicEREV}
+\defineactivetoken 158 {\cyrillicYU}
+\defineactivetoken 159 {\cyrillicYA}
+\defineactivetoken 160 {\cyrillica}
+\defineactivetoken 161 {\cyrillicb}
+\defineactivetoken 162 {\cyrillicv}
+\defineactivetoken 163 {\cyrillicg}
+\defineactivetoken 164 {\cyrillicd}
+\defineactivetoken 165 {\cyrillice}
+\defineactivetoken 166 {\cyrilliczh}
+\defineactivetoken 167 {\cyrillicz}
+\defineactivetoken 168 {\cyrillici}
+\defineactivetoken 169 {\cyrillicishrt}
+\defineactivetoken 170 {\cyrillick}
+\defineactivetoken 171 {\cyrillicl}
+\defineactivetoken 172 {\cyrillicm}
+\defineactivetoken 173 {\cyrillicn}
+\defineactivetoken 174 {\cyrillico}
+\defineactivetoken 175 {\cyrillicp}
+\defineactivetoken 224 {\cyrillicr}
+\defineactivetoken 225 {\cyrillics}
+\defineactivetoken 226 {\cyrillict}
+\defineactivetoken 227 {\cyrillicu}
+\defineactivetoken 228 {\cyrillicf}
+\defineactivetoken 229 {\cyrillich}
+\defineactivetoken 230 {\cyrillicc}
+\defineactivetoken 231 {\cyrillicch}
+\defineactivetoken 232 {\cyrillicsh}
+\defineactivetoken 233 {\cyrillicshch}
+\defineactivetoken 234 {\cyrillichrdsn}
+\defineactivetoken 235 {\cyrillicery}
+\defineactivetoken 236 {\cyrillicsftsn}
+\defineactivetoken 237 {\cyrillicerev}
+\defineactivetoken 238 {\cyrillicyu}
+\defineactivetoken 239 {\cyrillicya}
+\defineactivetoken 240 {\cyrillicYO}
+\defineactivetoken 241 {\cyrillicyo}
+\defineactivetoken 248 {\textdegree}
+\defineactivetoken 249 {\textbullet}
+\defineactivetoken 250 {\periodcentered}
+\defineactivetoken 254 {\textblacksquare}
+\defineactivetoken 255 {\nonbreakablespace}
+\defineactivetoken 242 {\mathematics\geq}
+\defineactivetoken 243 {\mathematics\leq}
+\defineactivetoken 246 {\textdiv}
+\defineactivetoken 247 {\mathematics\sim}
+\defineactivetoken 251 {\textsurd}
+\defineactivetoken 252 {\high{\txx n}}
+\defineactivetoken 253 {\twosuperior}
+\defineactivetoken 128 {\cyrillicA}
+\defineactivetoken 129 {\cyrillicB}
+\defineactivetoken 130 {\cyrillicV}
+\defineactivetoken 131 {\cyrillicG}
+\defineactivetoken 132 {\cyrillicD}
+\defineactivetoken 133 {\cyrillicE}
+\defineactivetoken 134 {\cyrillicZH}
+\defineactivetoken 135 {\cyrillicZ}
+\defineactivetoken 136 {\cyrillicI}
+\defineactivetoken 137 {\cyrillicISHRT}
+\defineactivetoken 138 {\cyrillicK}
+\defineactivetoken 139 {\cyrillicL}
+\defineactivetoken 140 {\cyrillicM}
+\defineactivetoken 141 {\cyrillicN}
+\defineactivetoken 142 {\cyrillicO}
+\defineactivetoken 143 {\cyrillicP}
+\defineactivetoken 144 {\cyrillicR}
+\defineactivetoken 145 {\cyrillicS}
+\defineactivetoken 146 {\cyrillicT}
+\defineactivetoken 147 {\cyrillicU}
+\defineactivetoken 148 {\cyrillicF}
+\defineactivetoken 149 {\cyrillicH}
+\defineactivetoken 150 {\cyrillicC}
+\defineactivetoken 151 {\cyrillicCH}
+\defineactivetoken 152 {\cyrillicSH}
+\defineactivetoken 153 {\cyrillicSHCH}
+\defineactivetoken 154 {\cyrillicHRDSN}
+\defineactivetoken 155 {\cyrillicERY}
+\defineactivetoken 156 {\cyrillicSFTSN}
+\defineactivetoken 157 {\cyrillicEREV}
+\defineactivetoken 158 {\cyrillicYU}
+\defineactivetoken 159 {\cyrillicYA}
+\defineactivetoken 160 {\cyrillica}
+\defineactivetoken 161 {\cyrillicb}
+\defineactivetoken 162 {\cyrillicv}
+\defineactivetoken 163 {\cyrillicg}
+\defineactivetoken 164 {\cyrillicd}
+\defineactivetoken 165 {\cyrillice}
+\defineactivetoken 166 {\cyrilliczh}
+\defineactivetoken 167 {\cyrillicz}
+\defineactivetoken 168 {\cyrillici}
+\defineactivetoken 169 {\cyrillicishrt}
+\defineactivetoken 170 {\cyrillick}
+\defineactivetoken 171 {\cyrillicl}
+\defineactivetoken 172 {\cyrillicm}
+\defineactivetoken 173 {\cyrillicn}
+\defineactivetoken 174 {\cyrillico}
+\defineactivetoken 175 {\cyrillicp}
+\defineactivetoken 224 {\cyrillicr}
+\defineactivetoken 225 {\cyrillics}
+\defineactivetoken 226 {\cyrillict}
+\defineactivetoken 227 {\cyrillicu}
+\defineactivetoken 228 {\cyrillicf}
+\defineactivetoken 229 {\cyrillich}
+\defineactivetoken 230 {\cyrillicc}
+\defineactivetoken 231 {\cyrillicch}
+\defineactivetoken 232 {\cyrillicsh}
+\defineactivetoken 233 {\cyrillicshch}
+\defineactivetoken 234 {\cyrillichrdsn}
+\defineactivetoken 235 {\cyrillicery}
+\defineactivetoken 236 {\cyrillicsftsn}
+\defineactivetoken 237 {\cyrillicerev}
+\defineactivetoken 238 {\cyrillicyu}
+\defineactivetoken 239 {\cyrillicya}
+\defineactivetoken 240 {\cyrillicYO}
+\defineactivetoken 241 {\cyrillicyo}
+\defineactivetoken 242 {\cyrillicSCHWA}
+\defineactivetoken 243 {\cyrillicschwa}
+\defineactivetoken 244 {\cyrillicOTLD}
+\defineactivetoken 245 {\cyrillicotld}
+\defineactivetoken 246 {\cyrillicY}
+\defineactivetoken 247 {\cyrillicy}
+\defineactivetoken 248 {\cyrillicZHDSC}
+\defineactivetoken 249 {\cyrilliczhdsc}
+\defineactivetoken 250 {\cyrillicNDSC}
+\defineactivetoken 251 {\cyrillicndsc}
+\defineactivetoken 252 {\cyrillicSHHA}
+\defineactivetoken 253 {\cyrillicshha}
+\defineactivetoken 254 {\textblacksquare}
+\defineactivetoken 255 {\nonbreakablespace}
+\defineactivetoken 171 {\leftguillemot}
+\defineactivetoken 187 {\rightguillemot}
+\defineactivetoken 192 {\cyrillicA}
+\defineactivetoken 193 {\cyrillicB}
+\defineactivetoken 194 {\cyrillicV}
+\defineactivetoken 195 {\cyrillicG}
+\defineactivetoken 196 {\cyrillicD}
+\defineactivetoken 197 {\cyrillicE}
+\defineactivetoken 168 {\cyrillicYO}
+\defineactivetoken 198 {\cyrillicZH}
+\defineactivetoken 199 {\cyrillicZ}
+\defineactivetoken 200 {\cyrillicI}
+\defineactivetoken 201 {\cyrillicISHRT}
+\defineactivetoken 202 {\cyrillicK}
+\defineactivetoken 203 {\cyrillicL}
+\defineactivetoken 204 {\cyrillicM}
+\defineactivetoken 205 {\cyrillicN}
+\defineactivetoken 206 {\cyrillicO}
+\defineactivetoken 170 {\cyrillicOTLD}
+\defineactivetoken 207 {\cyrillicP}
+\defineactivetoken 208 {\cyrillicR}
+\defineactivetoken 209 {\cyrillicS}
+\defineactivetoken 210 {\cyrillicT}
+\defineactivetoken 211 {\cyrillicU}
+\defineactivetoken 175 {\cyrillicY}
+\defineactivetoken 212 {\cyrillicF}
+\defineactivetoken 213 {\cyrillicH}
+\defineactivetoken 214 {\cyrillicC}
+\defineactivetoken 215 {\cyrillicCH}
+\defineactivetoken 216 {\cyrillicSH}
+\defineactivetoken 217 {\cyrillicSHCH}
+\defineactivetoken 218 {\cyrillicHRDSN}
+\defineactivetoken 219 {\cyrillicERY}
+\defineactivetoken 220 {\cyrillicSFTSN}
+\defineactivetoken 221 {\cyrillicEREV}
+\defineactivetoken 222 {\cyrillicYU}
+\defineactivetoken 223 {\cyrillicYA}
+\defineactivetoken 224 {\cyrillica}
+\defineactivetoken 225 {\cyrillicb}
+\defineactivetoken 226 {\cyrillicv}
+\defineactivetoken 227 {\cyrillicg}
+\defineactivetoken 228 {\cyrillicd}
+\defineactivetoken 229 {\cyrillice}
+\defineactivetoken 184 {\cyrillicyo}
+\defineactivetoken 230 {\cyrilliczh}
+\defineactivetoken 231 {\cyrillicz}
+\defineactivetoken 232 {\cyrillici}
+\defineactivetoken 233 {\cyrillicishrt}
+\defineactivetoken 234 {\cyrillick}
+\defineactivetoken 235 {\cyrillicl}
+\defineactivetoken 236 {\cyrillicm}
+\defineactivetoken 237 {\cyrillicn}
+\defineactivetoken 238 {\cyrillico}
+\defineactivetoken 186 {\cyrillicotld}
+\defineactivetoken 239 {\cyrillicp}
+\defineactivetoken 240 {\cyrillicr}
+\defineactivetoken 241 {\cyrillics}
+\defineactivetoken 242 {\cyrillict}
+\defineactivetoken 243 {\cyrillicu}
+\defineactivetoken 191 {\cyrillicy}
+\defineactivetoken 244 {\cyrillicf}
+\defineactivetoken 245 {\cyrillich}
+\defineactivetoken 246 {\cyrillicc}
+\defineactivetoken 247 {\cyrillicch}
+\defineactivetoken 248 {\cyrillicsh}
+\defineactivetoken 249 {\cyrillicshch}
+\defineactivetoken 250 {\cyrillichrdsn}
+\defineactivetoken 251 {\cyrillicery}
+\defineactivetoken 252 {\cyrillicsftsn}
+\defineactivetoken 253 {\cyrillicerev}
+\defineactivetoken 254 {\cyrillicyu}
+\defineactivetoken 255 {\cyrillicya}
+\defineactivetoken 128 {\cyrillicA}
+\defineactivetoken 129 {\cyrillicB}
+\defineactivetoken 130 {\cyrillicV}
+\defineactivetoken 131 {\cyrillicG}
+\defineactivetoken 132 {\cyrillicD}
+\defineactivetoken 133 {\cyrillicE}
+\defineactivetoken 134 {\cyrillicYO}
+\defineactivetoken 135 {\cyrillicZH}
+\defineactivetoken 136 {\cyrillicZ}
+\defineactivetoken 137 {\cyrillicI}
+\defineactivetoken 139 {\cyrillicISHRT}
+\defineactivetoken 140 {\cyrillicK}
+\defineactivetoken 142 {\cyrillicL}
+\defineactivetoken 143 {\cyrillicM}
+\defineactivetoken 144 {\cyrillicN}
+\defineactivetoken 145 {\cyrillicO}
+\defineactivetoken 146 {\cyrillicOTLD}
+\defineactivetoken 147 {\cyrillicP}
+\defineactivetoken 148 {\cyrillicR}
+\defineactivetoken 149 {\cyrillicS}
+\defineactivetoken 150 {\cyrillicT}
+\defineactivetoken 151 {\cyrillicU}
+\defineactivetoken 152 {\cyrillicY}
+\defineactivetoken 153 {\cyrillicF}
+\defineactivetoken 154 {\cyrillicH}
+\defineactivetoken 155 {\cyrillicC}
+\defineactivetoken 156 {\cyrillicCH}
+\defineactivetoken 157 {\cyrillicSH}
+\defineactivetoken 158 {\cyrillicSHCH}
+\defineactivetoken 159 {\cyrillicHRDSN}
+\defineactivetoken 160 {\cyrillicERY}
+\defineactivetoken 161 {\cyrillicSFTSN}
+\defineactivetoken 162 {\cyrillicEREV}
+\defineactivetoken 163 {\cyrillicYU}
+\defineactivetoken 164 {\cyrillicYA}
+\defineactivetoken 165 {\cyrillica}
+\defineactivetoken 166 {\cyrillicb}
+\defineactivetoken 167 {\cyrillicv}
+\defineactivetoken 168 {\cyrillicg}
+\defineactivetoken 169 {\cyrillicd}
+\defineactivetoken 170 {\cyrillice}
+\defineactivetoken 171 {\cyrillicyo}
+\defineactivetoken 172 {\cyrilliczh}
+\defineactivetoken 173 {\cyrillicz}
+\defineactivetoken 174 {\cyrillici}
+\defineactivetoken 175 {\cyrillicishrt}
+\defineactivetoken 225 {\cyrillick}
+\defineactivetoken 226 {\cyrillicl}
+\defineactivetoken 227 {\cyrillicm}
+\defineactivetoken 228 {\cyrillicn}
+\defineactivetoken 229 {\cyrillico}
+\defineactivetoken 230 {\cyrillicotld}
+\defineactivetoken 231 {\cyrillicp}
+\defineactivetoken 232 {\cyrillicr}
+\defineactivetoken 233 {\cyrillics}
+\defineactivetoken 234 {\cyrillict}
+\defineactivetoken 235 {\cyrillicu}
+\defineactivetoken 236 {\cyrillicy}
+\defineactivetoken 237 {\cyrillicf}
+\defineactivetoken 238 {\cyrillich}
+\defineactivetoken 239 {\cyrillicc}
+\defineactivetoken 241 {\cyrillicch}
+\defineactivetoken 242 {\cyrillicsh}
+\defineactivetoken 243 {\cyrillicshch}
+\defineactivetoken 244 {\cyrillichrdsn}
+\defineactivetoken 245 {\cyrillicery}
+\defineactivetoken 246 {\cyrillicsftsn}
+\defineactivetoken 247 {\cyrillicerev}
+\defineactivetoken 248 {\cyrillicyu}
+\defineactivetoken 249 {\cyrillicya}
+\defineactivetoken 160 {\nonbreakablespace}
+\defineactivetoken 161 {\cyrillicYO}
+\defineactivetoken 162 {\cyrillicDJE}
+\defineactivetoken 163 {\'\cyrillicG}
+\defineactivetoken 164 {\cyrillicIE}
+\defineactivetoken 165 {\cyrillicDZE}
+\defineactivetoken 166 {\cyrillicII}
+\defineactivetoken 167 {\cyrillicYI}
+\defineactivetoken 168 {\cyrillicJE}
+\defineactivetoken 169 {\cyrillicLJE}
+\defineactivetoken 170 {\cyrillicNJE}
+\defineactivetoken 171 {\cyrillicTSHE}
+\defineactivetoken 172 {\'\cyrillicK}
+\defineactivetoken 173 {\-}
+\defineactivetoken 174 {\cyrillicUSHRT}
+\defineactivetoken 175 {\cyrillicDZHE}
+\defineactivetoken 176 {\cyrillicA}
+\defineactivetoken 177 {\cyrillicB}
+\defineactivetoken 178 {\cyrillicV}
+\defineactivetoken 179 {\cyrillicG}
+\defineactivetoken 180 {\cyrillicD}
+\defineactivetoken 181 {\cyrillicE}
+\defineactivetoken 182 {\cyrillicZH}
+\defineactivetoken 183 {\cyrillicZ}
+\defineactivetoken 184 {\cyrillicI}
+\defineactivetoken 185 {\cyrillicISHRT}
+\defineactivetoken 186 {\cyrillicK}
+\defineactivetoken 187 {\cyrillicL}
+\defineactivetoken 188 {\cyrillicM}
+\defineactivetoken 189 {\cyrillicN}
+\defineactivetoken 190 {\cyrillicO}
+\defineactivetoken 191 {\cyrillicP}
+\defineactivetoken 192 {\cyrillicR}
+\defineactivetoken 193 {\cyrillicS}
+\defineactivetoken 194 {\cyrillicT}
+\defineactivetoken 195 {\cyrillicU}
+\defineactivetoken 196 {\cyrillicF}
+\defineactivetoken 197 {\cyrillicH}
+\defineactivetoken 198 {\cyrillicC}
+\defineactivetoken 199 {\cyrillicCH}
+\defineactivetoken 200 {\cyrillicSH}
+\defineactivetoken 201 {\cyrillicSHCH}
+\defineactivetoken 202 {\cyrillicHRDSN}
+\defineactivetoken 203 {\cyrillicERY}
+\defineactivetoken 204 {\cyrillicSFTSN}
+\defineactivetoken 205 {\cyrillicEREV}
+\defineactivetoken 206 {\cyrillicYU}
+\defineactivetoken 207 {\cyrillicYA}
+\defineactivetoken 208 {\cyrillica}
+\defineactivetoken 209 {\cyrillicb}
+\defineactivetoken 210 {\cyrillicv}
+\defineactivetoken 211 {\cyrillicg}
+\defineactivetoken 212 {\cyrillicd}
+\defineactivetoken 213 {\cyrillice}
+\defineactivetoken 214 {\cyrilliczh}
+\defineactivetoken 215 {\cyrillicz}
+\defineactivetoken 216 {\cyrillici}
+\defineactivetoken 217 {\cyrillicishrt}
+\defineactivetoken 218 {\cyrillick}
+\defineactivetoken 219 {\cyrillicl}
+\defineactivetoken 220 {\cyrillicm}
+\defineactivetoken 221 {\cyrillicn}
+\defineactivetoken 222 {\cyrillico}
+\defineactivetoken 223 {\cyrillicp}
+\defineactivetoken 224 {\cyrillicr}
+\defineactivetoken 225 {\cyrillics}
+\defineactivetoken 226 {\cyrillict}
+\defineactivetoken 227 {\cyrillicu}
+\defineactivetoken 228 {\cyrillicf}
+\defineactivetoken 229 {\cyrillich}
+\defineactivetoken 230 {\cyrillicc}
+\defineactivetoken 231 {\cyrillicch}
+\defineactivetoken 232 {\cyrillicsh}
+\defineactivetoken 233 {\cyrillicshch}
+\defineactivetoken 234 {\cyrillichrdsn}
+\defineactivetoken 235 {\cyrillicery}
+\defineactivetoken 236 {\cyrillicsftsn}
+\defineactivetoken 237 {\cyrillicerev}
+\defineactivetoken 238 {\cyrillicyu}
+\defineactivetoken 239 {\cyrillicya}
+\defineactivetoken 240 {\textnumero}
+\defineactivetoken 241 {\cyrillicyo}
+\defineactivetoken 242 {\cyrillicdje}
+\defineactivetoken 243 {\'\cyrillicg}
+\defineactivetoken 244 {\cyrillicie}
+\defineactivetoken 245 {\cyrillicdze}
+\defineactivetoken 246 {\cyrillicii}
+\defineactivetoken 247 {\cyrillicyi}
+\defineactivetoken 248 {\cyrillicje}
+\defineactivetoken 249 {\cyrilliclje}
+\defineactivetoken 250 {\cyrillicnje}
+\defineactivetoken 251 {\cyrillictshe}
+\defineactivetoken 252 {\'\cyrillick}
+\defineactivetoken 253 {\sectionmark}
+\defineactivetoken 254 {\cyrillicushrt}
+\defineactivetoken 255 {\cyrillicdzhe}
+\defineactivetoken 225 {\cyrillicA}
+\defineactivetoken 226 {\cyrillicB}
+\defineactivetoken 247 {\cyrillicV}
+\defineactivetoken 231 {\cyrillicG}
+\defineactivetoken 228 {\cyrillicD}
+\defineactivetoken 229 {\cyrillicE}
+\defineactivetoken 179 {\cyrillicYO}
+\defineactivetoken 246 {\cyrillicZH}
+\defineactivetoken 250 {\cyrillicZ}
+\defineactivetoken 233 {\cyrillicI}
+\defineactivetoken 234 {\cyrillicISHRT}
+\defineactivetoken 235 {\cyrillicK}
+\defineactivetoken 236 {\cyrillicL}
+\defineactivetoken 237 {\cyrillicM}
+\defineactivetoken 238 {\cyrillicN}
+\defineactivetoken 239 {\cyrillicO}
+\defineactivetoken 240 {\cyrillicP}
+\defineactivetoken 242 {\cyrillicR}
+\defineactivetoken 243 {\cyrillicS}
+\defineactivetoken 244 {\cyrillicT}
+\defineactivetoken 245 {\cyrillicU}
+\defineactivetoken 230 {\cyrillicF}
+\defineactivetoken 232 {\cyrillicH}
+\defineactivetoken 227 {\cyrillicC}
+\defineactivetoken 254 {\cyrillicCH}
+\defineactivetoken 251 {\cyrillicSH}
+\defineactivetoken 253 {\cyrillicSHCH}
+\defineactivetoken 255 {\cyrillicHRDSN}
+\defineactivetoken 249 {\cyrillicERY}
+\defineactivetoken 248 {\cyrillicSFTSN}
+\defineactivetoken 252 {\cyrillicEREV}
+\defineactivetoken 224 {\cyrillicYU}
+\defineactivetoken 241 {\cyrillicYA}
+\defineactivetoken 193 {\cyrillica}
+\defineactivetoken 194 {\cyrillicb}
+\defineactivetoken 215 {\cyrillicv}
+\defineactivetoken 199 {\cyrillicg}
+\defineactivetoken 196 {\cyrillicd}
+\defineactivetoken 197 {\cyrillice}
+\defineactivetoken 163 {\cyrillicyo}
+\defineactivetoken 214 {\cyrilliczh}
+\defineactivetoken 218 {\cyrillicz}
+\defineactivetoken 201 {\cyrillici}
+\defineactivetoken 202 {\cyrillicishrt}
+\defineactivetoken 203 {\cyrillick}
+\defineactivetoken 204 {\cyrillicl}
+\defineactivetoken 205 {\cyrillicm}
+\defineactivetoken 206 {\cyrillicn}
+\defineactivetoken 207 {\cyrillico}
+\defineactivetoken 208 {\cyrillicp}
+\defineactivetoken 210 {\cyrillicr}
+\defineactivetoken 211 {\cyrillics}
+\defineactivetoken 212 {\cyrillict}
+\defineactivetoken 213 {\cyrillicu}
+\defineactivetoken 198 {\cyrillicf}
+\defineactivetoken 200 {\cyrillich}
+\defineactivetoken 195 {\cyrillicc}
+\defineactivetoken 222 {\cyrillicch}
+\defineactivetoken 219 {\cyrillicsh}
+\defineactivetoken 221 {\cyrillicshch}
+\defineactivetoken 223 {\cyrillichrdsn}
+\defineactivetoken 217 {\cyrillicery}
+\defineactivetoken 216 {\cyrillicsftsn}
+\defineactivetoken 220 {\cyrillicerev}
+\defineactivetoken 192 {\cyrillicyu}
+\defineactivetoken 209 {\cyrillicya}
+\defineactivetoken 160 {\nonbreakablespace}
+\defineactivetoken 161 {\cyrillicdje}
+\defineactivetoken 162 {\'\cyrillicg}
+\defineactivetoken 164 {\cyrillicie}
+\defineactivetoken 165 {\cyrillicdze}
+\defineactivetoken 166 {\cyrillicii}
+\defineactivetoken 167 {\cyrillicyi}
+\defineactivetoken 168 {\cyrillicje}
+\defineactivetoken 169 {\cyrilliclje}
+\defineactivetoken 170 {\cyrillicnje}
+\defineactivetoken 171 {\cyrillictshe}
+\defineactivetoken 172 {\'\cyrillick}
+\defineactivetoken 173 {\-}
+\defineactivetoken 174 {\cyrillicushrt}
+\defineactivetoken 175 {\cyrillicdzhe}
+\defineactivetoken 176 {\textnumero}
+\defineactivetoken 177 {\cyrillicDJE}
+\defineactivetoken 178 {\'\cyrillicG}
+\defineactivetoken 180 {\cyrillicIE}
+\defineactivetoken 181 {\cyrillicDZE}
+\defineactivetoken 182 {\cyrillicII}
+\defineactivetoken 183 {\cyrillicYI}
+\defineactivetoken 184 {\cyrillicJE}
+\defineactivetoken 185 {\cyrillicLJE}
+\defineactivetoken 186 {\cyrillicNJE}
+\defineactivetoken 187 {\cyrillicTSHE}
+\defineactivetoken 188 {\'\cyrillicK}
+\defineactivetoken 189 {\textcurrency}
+\defineactivetoken 190 {\cyrillicUSHRT}
+\defineactivetoken 191 {\cyrillicDZHE}
+\defineactivetoken 128 {\cyrillicA}
+\defineactivetoken 129 {\cyrillicB}
+\defineactivetoken 130 {\cyrillicV}
+\defineactivetoken 131 {\cyrillicG}
+\defineactivetoken 132 {\cyrillicD}
+\defineactivetoken 133 {\cyrillicE}
+\defineactivetoken 134 {\cyrillicZH}
+\defineactivetoken 135 {\cyrillicZ}
+\defineactivetoken 136 {\cyrillicI}
+\defineactivetoken 137 {\cyrillicISHRT}
+\defineactivetoken 138 {\cyrillicK}
+\defineactivetoken 139 {\cyrillicL}
+\defineactivetoken 140 {\cyrillicM}
+\defineactivetoken 141 {\cyrillicN}
+\defineactivetoken 142 {\cyrillicO}
+\defineactivetoken 143 {\cyrillicP}
+\defineactivetoken 144 {\cyrillicR}
+\defineactivetoken 145 {\cyrillicS}
+\defineactivetoken 146 {\cyrillicT}
+\defineactivetoken 147 {\cyrillicU}
+\defineactivetoken 148 {\cyrillicF}
+\defineactivetoken 149 {\cyrillicH}
+\defineactivetoken 150 {\cyrillicC}
+\defineactivetoken 151 {\cyrillicCH}
+\defineactivetoken 152 {\cyrillicSH}
+\defineactivetoken 153 {\cyrillicSHCH}
+\defineactivetoken 154 {\cyrillicHRDSN}
+\defineactivetoken 155 {\cyrillicERY}
+\defineactivetoken 156 {\cyrillicSFTSN}
+\defineactivetoken 157 {\cyrillicEREV}
+\defineactivetoken 158 {\cyrillicYU}
+\defineactivetoken 159 {\cyrillicYA}
+\defineactivetoken 160 {\cyrillica}
+\defineactivetoken 161 {\cyrillicb}
+\defineactivetoken 162 {\cyrillicv}
+\defineactivetoken 163 {\cyrillicg}
+\defineactivetoken 164 {\cyrillicd}
+\defineactivetoken 165 {\cyrillice}
+\defineactivetoken 166 {\cyrilliczh}
+\defineactivetoken 167 {\cyrillicz}
+\defineactivetoken 168 {\cyrillici}
+\defineactivetoken 169 {\cyrillicishrt}
+\defineactivetoken 170 {\cyrillick}
+\defineactivetoken 171 {\cyrillicl}
+\defineactivetoken 172 {\cyrillicm}
+\defineactivetoken 173 {\cyrillicn}
+\defineactivetoken 174 {\cyrillico}
+\defineactivetoken 175 {\cyrillicp}
+\defineactivetoken 176 {\cyrillicr}
+\defineactivetoken 177 {\cyrillics}
+\defineactivetoken 178 {\cyrillict}
+\defineactivetoken 179 {\cyrillicu}
+\defineactivetoken 180 {\cyrillicf}
+\defineactivetoken 181 {\cyrillich}
+\defineactivetoken 182 {\cyrillicc}
+\defineactivetoken 183 {\cyrillicch}
+\defineactivetoken 184 {\cyrillicsh}
+\defineactivetoken 185 {\cyrillicshch}
+\defineactivetoken 186 {\cyrillichrdsn}
+\defineactivetoken 187 {\cyrillicery}
+\defineactivetoken 188 {\cyrillicsftsn}
+\defineactivetoken 189 {\cyrillicerev}
+\defineactivetoken 190 {\cyrillicyu}
+\defineactivetoken 191 {\cyrillicya}
+\defineactivetoken 213 {\textnumero}
+\defineactivetoken 214 {\sectionmark}
+\defineactivetoken 248 {\textdegree}
+\defineactivetoken 249 {\textbullet}
+\defineactivetoken 250 {\periodcentered}
+\defineactivetoken 254 {\textblacksquare}
+\defineactivetoken 255 {\nonbreakablespace}
+\defineactivetoken 224 {\mathematics\alpha}
+\defineactivetoken 225 {\mathematics\beta}
+\defineactivetoken 226 {\mathematics\Gamma}
+\defineactivetoken 227 {\mathematics\pi}
+\defineactivetoken 228 {\mathematics\Sigma}
+\defineactivetoken 229 {\mathematics\sigma}
+\defineactivetoken 230 {\textmu}
+\defineactivetoken 231 {\mathematics\tau}
+\defineactivetoken 232 {\mathematics\Phi}
+\defineactivetoken 233 {\mathematics\Theta}
+\defineactivetoken 234 {\mathematics\Omega}
+\defineactivetoken 235 {\mathematics\delta}
+\defineactivetoken 236 {\mathematics\infty}
+\defineactivetoken 237 {\mathematics\emptyset}
+\defineactivetoken 238 {\mathematics\in}
+\defineactivetoken 239 {\mathematics\cap}
+\defineactivetoken 240 {\mathematics\equiv}
+\defineactivetoken 241 {\textpm}
+\defineactivetoken 242 {\mathematics\geq}
+\defineactivetoken 243 {\mathematics\leq}
+\defineactivetoken 246 {\textdiv}
+\defineactivetoken 247 {\mathematics\sim}
+\defineactivetoken 251 {\textsurd}
+\defineactivetoken 252 {\high{\txx n}}
+\defineactivetoken 253 {\twosuperior}
+% The symbols 194 to 253 are defined in Mongolian fonts in
+% the Mon\TeX\ package (?)
+\defineactivetoken 128 {\cyrillicB}
+\defineactivetoken 129 {\cyrillicy}
+\defineactivetoken 130 {\cyrillicD}
+\defineactivetoken 131 {\cyrillicYO}
+\defineactivetoken 132 {\cyrillicerev}
+\defineactivetoken 133 {\cyrillicZH}
+\defineactivetoken 134 {\cyrillicZ}
+\defineactivetoken 135 {\cyrillicI}
+\defineactivetoken 136 {\cyrillicISHRT}
+\defineactivetoken 137 {\cyrillicyo}
+\defineactivetoken 138 {\cyrillicL}
+\defineactivetoken 139 {\cyrillicishrt}
+\defineactivetoken 140 {\cyrillicOTLD}
+\defineactivetoken 141 {\cyrillicP}
+\defineactivetoken 142 {\cyrillicEREV}
+\defineactivetoken 143 {\cyrillicU}
+\defineactivetoken 144 {\cyrillicF}
+\defineactivetoken 145 {\cyrillicC}
+\defineactivetoken 146 {\cyrillicCH}
+\defineactivetoken 147 {\cyrillicSH}
+\defineactivetoken 148 {\cyrillicotld}
+\defineactivetoken 149 {\cyrillicSHCH}
+\defineactivetoken 150 {\cyrillicHRDSN}
+\defineactivetoken 151 {\cyrillicERY}
+\defineactivetoken 152 {\cyrillicSFTSN}
+\defineactivetoken 153 {\cyrillicOTLD}
+\defineactivetoken 154 {\cyrillicY}
+\defineactivetoken 155 {\cyrillicEREV}
+\defineactivetoken 156 {\cyrillicYU}
+\defineactivetoken 157 {\cyrillicYA}
+\defineactivetoken 158 {\cyrillicb}
+\defineactivetoken 159 {\cyrillicv}
+\defineactivetoken 160 {\cyrillicg}
+\defineactivetoken 161 {\cyrillicd}
+\defineactivetoken 162 {\cyrilliczh}
+\defineactivetoken 163 {\cyrillicz}
+\defineactivetoken 164 {\cyrillici}
+\defineactivetoken 165 {\cyrillicishrt}
+\defineactivetoken 166 {\cyrillick}
+\defineactivetoken 167 {\cyrillicl}
+\defineactivetoken 168 {\cyrillicm}
+\defineactivetoken 169 {\cyrillicn}
+\defineactivetoken 170 {\cyrillicotld}
+\defineactivetoken 171 {\cyrillicp}
+\defineactivetoken 172 {\cyrillict}
+\defineactivetoken 173 {\cyrillicy}
+\defineactivetoken 174 {\leftguillemot}
+\defineactivetoken 175 {\rightguillemot}
+\defineactivetoken 176 {\cyrillicf}
+\defineactivetoken 177 {\cyrillicc}
+\defineactivetoken 178 {\cyrillicch}
+\defineactivetoken 180 {\cyrillicsh}
+\defineactivetoken 181 {\cyrillicshch}
+\defineactivetoken 182 {\cyrillichrdsn}
+\defineactivetoken 183 {\cyrillicery}
+\defineactivetoken 184 {\cyrillicsftsn}
+\defineactivetoken 189 {\cyrillicerev}
+\defineactivetoken 190 {\cyrillicyu}
+\defineactivetoken 193 {\cyrillicya}
+\defineactivetoken 226 {\cyrillicG}
+\defineactivetoken 225 {\ss}
+\defineactivetoken 231 {\mathematics{\gamma}}
+\defineactivetoken 255 {\nonbreakablespace}
+\defineactivetoken 194 {\titem}
+\defineactivetoken 195 {\shud}
+\defineactivetoken 197 {\secondaryshud}
+\defineactivetoken 198 {\shilbe}
+\defineactivetoken 199 {\gedes}
+\defineactivetoken 207 {\secondarygedes}
+\defineactivetoken 208 {\cegteishud}
+\defineactivetoken 209 {\lewer}
+\defineactivetoken 210 {\suuliinlewer}
+\defineactivetoken 211 {\tertiarylewer}
+\defineactivetoken 212 {\mewer}
+\defineactivetoken 213 {\suuliinmewer}
+\defineactivetoken 214 {\xewteeqix}
+\defineactivetoken 215 {\dawxarcegtxewteeqix}
+\defineactivetoken 216 {\halfnum}
+\defineactivetoken 219 {\num}
+\defineactivetoken 220 {\halfnumtgedes}
+\defineactivetoken 221 {\numtaigedes}
+\defineactivetoken 222 {\buruuxarsangedes}
+\defineactivetoken 223 {\gedesteishilbe}
+\defineactivetoken 224 {\erweeljinshilbe}
+\defineactivetoken 227 {\secerweeljin}
+\defineactivetoken 228 {\bosooshilbe}
+\defineactivetoken 229 {\etgershilbe}
+\defineactivetoken 230 {\zawj}
+\defineactivetoken 232 {\suuliinzawj}
+\defineactivetoken 233 {\dawxarcegtzawj}
+\defineactivetoken 234 {\sereeewer}
+\defineactivetoken 235 {\matgarshilbe}
+\defineactivetoken 236 {\bituushilbe}
+\defineactivetoken 237 {\secondaryqagt}
+\defineactivetoken 238 {\qagt}
+\defineactivetoken 239 {\secnumtdelbenqix}
+\defineactivetoken 240 {\numtdelbenqix}
+\defineactivetoken 241 {\secsertenqixtnum}
+\defineactivetoken 242 {\sertenqixtnum}
+\defineactivetoken 243 {\zadgaizardigt}
+\defineactivetoken 244 {\bituuzardigt}
+\defineactivetoken 245 {\malgaitaititem}
+\defineactivetoken 246 {\suul}
+\defineactivetoken 247 {\orxic}
+\defineactivetoken 248 {\biodoisuul}
+\defineactivetoken 249 {\bagodoisuul}
+\defineactivetoken 250 {\nceg}
+\defineactivetoken 251 {\gceg}
+\defineactivetoken 252 {\ceg}
+\defineactivetoken 253 {\dorwoljin}
+\defineactivetoken 128 {\cyrillicA}
+\defineactivetoken 129 {\cyrillicB}
+\defineactivetoken 130 {\cyrillicV}
+\defineactivetoken 131 {\cyrillicG}
+\defineactivetoken 132 {\cyrillicD}
+\defineactivetoken 133 {\cyrillicE}
+\defineactivetoken 134 {\cyrillicYO}
+\defineactivetoken 135 {\cyrillicZH}
+\defineactivetoken 136 {\cyrillicZ}
+\defineactivetoken 137 {\cyrillicI}
+\defineactivetoken 138 {\cyrillicISHRT}
+\defineactivetoken 139 {\cyrillicK}
+\defineactivetoken 140 {\cyrillicL}
+\defineactivetoken 141 {\cyrillicM}
+\defineactivetoken 142 {\cyrillicN}
+\defineactivetoken 143 {\cyrillicO}
+\defineactivetoken 144 {\cyrillicOTLD}
+\defineactivetoken 145 {\cyrillicP}
+\defineactivetoken 146 {\cyrillicR}
+\defineactivetoken 147 {\cyrillicS}
+\defineactivetoken 148 {\cyrillicT}
+\defineactivetoken 149 {\cyrillicU}
+\defineactivetoken 150 {\cyrillicY}
+\defineactivetoken 151 {\cyrillicF}
+\defineactivetoken 152 {\cyrillicH}
+\defineactivetoken 153 {\cyrillicC}
+\defineactivetoken 154 {\cyrillicCH}
+\defineactivetoken 155 {\cyrillicSH}
+\defineactivetoken 156 {\cyrillicSHCH}
+\defineactivetoken 157 {\cyrillicHRDSN}
+\defineactivetoken 158 {\cyrillicERY}
+\defineactivetoken 159 {\cyrillicSFTSN}
+\defineactivetoken 160 {\cyrillicEREV}
+\defineactivetoken 161 {\cyrillicYU}
+\defineactivetoken 162 {\cyrillicYA}
+\defineactivetoken 163 {\cyrillica}
+\defineactivetoken 164 {\cyrillicb}
+\defineactivetoken 165 {\cyrillicv}
+\defineactivetoken 166 {\cyrillicg}
+\defineactivetoken 167 {\cyrillicd}
+\defineactivetoken 168 {\cyrillice}
+\defineactivetoken 169 {\cyrillicyo}
+\defineactivetoken 170 {\cyrilliczh}
+\defineactivetoken 173 {\cyrillicz}
+\defineactivetoken 224 {\cyrillici}
+\defineactivetoken 225 {\cyrillicishrt}
+\defineactivetoken 226 {\cyrillick}
+\defineactivetoken 227 {\cyrillicl}
+\defineactivetoken 228 {\cyrillicm}
+\defineactivetoken 229 {\cyrillicn}
+\defineactivetoken 230 {\cyrillico}
+\defineactivetoken 231 {\cyrillicotld}
+\defineactivetoken 232 {\cyrillicp}
+\defineactivetoken 233 {\cyrillicr}
+\defineactivetoken 234 {\cyrillics}
+\defineactivetoken 235 {\cyrillict}
+\defineactivetoken 236 {\cyrillicu}
+\defineactivetoken 237 {\cyrillicy}
+\defineactivetoken 238 {\cyrillicf}
+\defineactivetoken 239 {\cyrillich}
+\defineactivetoken 240 {\cyrillicc}
+\defineactivetoken 241 {\cyrillicch}
+\defineactivetoken 242 {\cyrillicsh}
+\defineactivetoken 243 {\cyrillicshch}
+\defineactivetoken 244 {\cyrillichrdsn}
+\defineactivetoken 245 {\cyrillicery}
+\defineactivetoken 248 {\cyrillicsftsn}
+\defineactivetoken 252 {\cyrillicerev}
+\defineactivetoken 253 {\cyrillicyu}
+\defineactivetoken 254 {\cyrillicya}
+\defineactivetoken 128 {\cyrillicA}
+\defineactivetoken 129 {\cyrillicB}
+\defineactivetoken 130 {\cyrillicV}
+\defineactivetoken 131 {\cyrillicG}
+\defineactivetoken 132 {\cyrillicD}
+\defineactivetoken 133 {\cyrillicE}
+\defineactivetoken 160 {\cyrillicYO}
+\defineactivetoken 134 {\cyrillicZH}
+\defineactivetoken 135 {\cyrillicZ}
+\defineactivetoken 136 {\cyrillicI}
+\defineactivetoken 137 {\cyrillicISHRT}
+\defineactivetoken 138 {\cyrillicK}
+\defineactivetoken 139 {\cyrillicL}
+\defineactivetoken 140 {\cyrillicM}
+\defineactivetoken 141 {\cyrillicN}
+\defineactivetoken 142 {\cyrillicO}
+\defineactivetoken 153 {\cyrillicOTLD}
+\defineactivetoken 143 {\cyrillicP}
+\defineactivetoken 144 {\cyrillicR}
+\defineactivetoken 145 {\cyrillicS}
+\defineactivetoken 146 {\cyrillicT}
+\defineactivetoken 147 {\cyrillicU}
+\defineactivetoken 154 {\cyrillicY}
+\defineactivetoken 148 {\cyrillicF}
+\defineactivetoken 149 {\cyrillicH}
+\defineactivetoken 150 {\cyrillicC}
+\defineactivetoken 151 {\cyrillicCH}
+\defineactivetoken 152 {\cyrillicSH}
+\defineactivetoken 164 {\cyrillicSHCH}
+\defineactivetoken 162 {\cyrillicHRDSN}
+\defineactivetoken 155 {\cyrillicERY}
+\defineactivetoken 156 {\cyrillicSFTSN}
+\defineactivetoken 157 {\cyrillicEREV}
+\defineactivetoken 158 {\cyrillicYU}
+\defineactivetoken 159 {\cyrillicYA}
+\defineactivetoken 224 {\cyrillica}
+\defineactivetoken 225 {\cyrillicb}
+\defineactivetoken 226 {\cyrillicv}
+\defineactivetoken 227 {\cyrillicg}
+\defineactivetoken 228 {\cyrillicd}
+\defineactivetoken 229 {\cyrillice}
+\defineactivetoken 161 {\cyrillicyo}
+\defineactivetoken 230 {\cyrilliczh}
+\defineactivetoken 231 {\cyrillicz}
+\defineactivetoken 232 {\cyrillici}
+\defineactivetoken 233 {\cyrillicishrt}
+\defineactivetoken 234 {\cyrillick}
+\defineactivetoken 235 {\cyrillicl}
+\defineactivetoken 236 {\cyrillicm}
+\defineactivetoken 237 {\cyrillicn}
+\defineactivetoken 238 {\cyrillico}
+\defineactivetoken 249 {\cyrillicotld}
+\defineactivetoken 239 {\cyrillicp}
+\defineactivetoken 240 {\cyrillicr}
+\defineactivetoken 241 {\cyrillics}
+\defineactivetoken 242 {\cyrillict}
+\defineactivetoken 243 {\cyrillicu}
+\defineactivetoken 250 {\cyrillicy}
+\defineactivetoken 244 {\cyrillicf}
+\defineactivetoken 245 {\cyrillich}
+\defineactivetoken 246 {\cyrillicc}
+\defineactivetoken 247 {\cyrillicch}
+\defineactivetoken 248 {\cyrillicsh}
+\defineactivetoken 165 {\cyrillicshch}
+\defineactivetoken 163 {\cyrillichrdsn}
+\defineactivetoken 251 {\cyrillicery}
+\defineactivetoken 252 {\cyrillicsftsn}
+\defineactivetoken 253 {\cyrillicerev}
+\defineactivetoken 254 {\cyrillicyu}
+\defineactivetoken 168 {\cyrillicya}
+\defineactivetoken 128 {\cyrillicA}
+\defineactivetoken 129 {\cyrillicB}
+\defineactivetoken 130 {\cyrillicV}
+\defineactivetoken 131 {\cyrillicG}
+\defineactivetoken 132 {\cyrillicD}
+\defineactivetoken 133 {\cyrillicE}
+\defineactivetoken 134 {\cyrillicYO}
+\defineactivetoken 135 {\cyrillicZH}
+\defineactivetoken 136 {\cyrillicZ}
+\defineactivetoken 137 {\cyrillicI}
+\defineactivetoken 139 {\cyrillicISHRT}
+\defineactivetoken 140 {\cyrillicK}
+\defineactivetoken 142 {\cyrillicL}
+\defineactivetoken 143 {\cyrillicM}
+\defineactivetoken 144 {\cyrillicN}
+\defineactivetoken 145 {\cyrillicO}
+\defineactivetoken 146 {\cyrillicOTLD}
+\defineactivetoken 147 {\cyrillicP}
+\defineactivetoken 148 {\cyrillicR}
+\defineactivetoken 149 {\cyrillicS}
+\defineactivetoken 150 {\cyrillicT}
+\defineactivetoken 151 {\cyrillicU}
+\defineactivetoken 152 {\cyrillicY}
+\defineactivetoken 153 {\cyrillicF}
+\defineactivetoken 154 {\cyrillicH}
+\defineactivetoken 155 {\cyrillicC}
+\defineactivetoken 156 {\cyrillicCH}
+\defineactivetoken 157 {\cyrillicSH}
+\defineactivetoken 158 {\cyrillicSHCH}
+\defineactivetoken 159 {\cyrillicHRDSN}
+\defineactivetoken 160 {\cyrillicERY}
+\defineactivetoken 161 {\cyrillicSFTSN}
+\defineactivetoken 162 {\cyrillicEREV}
+\defineactivetoken 163 {\cyrillicYU}
+\defineactivetoken 164 {\cyrillicYA}
+\defineactivetoken 165 {\cyrillica}
+\defineactivetoken 166 {\cyrillicb}
+\defineactivetoken 167 {\cyrillicv}
+\defineactivetoken 168 {\cyrillicg}
+\defineactivetoken 169 {\cyrillicd}
+\defineactivetoken 170 {\cyrillice}
+\defineactivetoken 171 {\cyrillicyo}
+\defineactivetoken 172 {\cyrilliczh}
+\defineactivetoken 173 {\cyrillicz}
+\defineactivetoken 225 {\cyrillici}
+\defineactivetoken 226 {\cyrillicishrt}
+\defineactivetoken 227 {\cyrillick}
+\defineactivetoken 228 {\cyrillicl}
+\defineactivetoken 229 {\cyrillicm}
+\defineactivetoken 230 {\cyrillicn}
+\defineactivetoken 231 {\cyrillico}
+\defineactivetoken 232 {\cyrillicotld}
+\defineactivetoken 233 {\cyrillicp}
+\defineactivetoken 234 {\cyrillicr}
+\defineactivetoken 235 {\cyrillics}
+\defineactivetoken 236 {\cyrillict}
+\defineactivetoken 237 {\cyrillicu}
+\defineactivetoken 238 {\cyrillicy}
+\defineactivetoken 239 {\cyrillicf}
+\defineactivetoken 240 {\cyrillich}
+\defineactivetoken 241 {\cyrillicc}
+\defineactivetoken 242 {\cyrillicch}
+\defineactivetoken 243 {\cyrillicsh}
+\defineactivetoken 244 {\cyrillicshch}
+\defineactivetoken 245 {\cyrillichrdsn}
+\defineactivetoken 246 {\cyrillicery}
+\defineactivetoken 247 {\cyrillicsftsn}
+\defineactivetoken 248 {\cyrillicerev}
+\defineactivetoken 249 {\cyrillicyu}
+\defineactivetoken 251 {\cyrillicya}
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/regi-cyr.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/regi-cyr.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1910c0e7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/regi-cyr.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,722 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=regi-cyr,
+%D version=2003.01.24,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Encoding Macros,
+%D subtitle=Cyrillic,
+%D author=...,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D Here are additional input regimes for cyrillic encodings others than cp1251
+%D and iso-8859-5:
+%D \startitemize
+%D \item two variants of dos
+%D \item three variants of koi-8 for *nix: russian,
+%D ukrainian and mixed
+%D \item two variants for the mac
+%D \stopitemize
+%D Other, not so popular regimes, can be found in \type
+%D {regi-cy2}.
+\defineactivetoken 128 {\cyrillicA}
+\defineactivetoken 129 {\cyrillicB}
+\defineactivetoken 130 {\cyrillicV}
+\defineactivetoken 131 {\cyrillicG}
+\defineactivetoken 132 {\cyrillicD}
+\defineactivetoken 133 {\cyrillicE}
+\defineactivetoken 134 {\cyrillicZH}
+\defineactivetoken 135 {\cyrillicZ}
+\defineactivetoken 136 {\cyrillicI}
+\defineactivetoken 137 {\cyrillicISHRT}
+\defineactivetoken 138 {\cyrillicK}
+\defineactivetoken 139 {\cyrillicL}
+\defineactivetoken 140 {\cyrillicM}
+\defineactivetoken 141 {\cyrillicN}
+\defineactivetoken 142 {\cyrillicO}
+\defineactivetoken 143 {\cyrillicP}
+\defineactivetoken 144 {\cyrillicR}
+\defineactivetoken 145 {\cyrillicS}
+\defineactivetoken 146 {\cyrillicT}
+\defineactivetoken 147 {\cyrillicU}
+\defineactivetoken 148 {\cyrillicF}
+\defineactivetoken 149 {\cyrillicH}
+\defineactivetoken 150 {\cyrillicC}
+\defineactivetoken 151 {\cyrillicCH}
+\defineactivetoken 152 {\cyrillicSH}
+\defineactivetoken 153 {\cyrillicSHCH}
+\defineactivetoken 154 {\cyrillicHRDSN}
+\defineactivetoken 155 {\cyrillicERY}
+\defineactivetoken 156 {\cyrillicSFTSN}
+\defineactivetoken 157 {\cyrillicEREV}
+\defineactivetoken 158 {\cyrillicYU}
+\defineactivetoken 159 {\cyrillicYA}
+\defineactivetoken 160 {\cyrillica}
+\defineactivetoken 161 {\cyrillicb}
+\defineactivetoken 162 {\cyrillicv}
+\defineactivetoken 163 {\cyrillicg}
+\defineactivetoken 164 {\cyrillicd}
+\defineactivetoken 165 {\cyrillice}
+\defineactivetoken 166 {\cyrilliczh}
+\defineactivetoken 167 {\cyrillicz}
+\defineactivetoken 168 {\cyrillici}
+\defineactivetoken 169 {\cyrillicishrt}
+\defineactivetoken 170 {\cyrillick}
+\defineactivetoken 171 {\cyrillicl}
+\defineactivetoken 172 {\cyrillicm}
+\defineactivetoken 173 {\cyrillicn}
+\defineactivetoken 174 {\cyrillico}
+\defineactivetoken 175 {\cyrillicp}
+\defineactivetoken 224 {\cyrillicr}
+\defineactivetoken 225 {\cyrillics}
+\defineactivetoken 226 {\cyrillict}
+\defineactivetoken 227 {\cyrillicu}
+\defineactivetoken 228 {\cyrillicf}
+\defineactivetoken 229 {\cyrillich}
+\defineactivetoken 230 {\cyrillicc}
+\defineactivetoken 231 {\cyrillicch}
+\defineactivetoken 232 {\cyrillicsh}
+\defineactivetoken 233 {\cyrillicshch}
+\defineactivetoken 234 {\cyrillichrdsn}
+\defineactivetoken 235 {\cyrillicery}
+\defineactivetoken 236 {\cyrillicsftsn}
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+\defineactivetoken 238 {\cyrillicyu}
+\defineactivetoken 239 {\cyrillicya}
+\defineactivetoken 240 {\cyrillicYO}
+\defineactivetoken 241 {\cyrillicyo}
+\defineactivetoken 242 {\cyrillicIE}
+\defineactivetoken 243 {\cyrillicie}
+\defineactivetoken 244 {\cyrillicYI}
+\defineactivetoken 245 {\cyrillicyi}
+\defineactivetoken 246 {\cyrillicUSHRT}
+\defineactivetoken 247 {\cyrillicushrt}
+\defineactivetoken 248 {\textdegree}
+\defineactivetoken 249 {\bullet}
+\defineactivetoken 250 {\periodcentered}
+\defineactivetoken 252 {\textnumero}
+\defineactivetoken 253 {\textcurrency}
+\defineactivetoken 254 {\textblacksquare}
+\defineactivetoken 255 {\nonbreakablespace}
+\defineactivetoken 251 {\textsurd}
+\defineactivetoken 128 {\cyrillicA}
+\defineactivetoken 129 {\cyrillicB}
+\defineactivetoken 130 {\cyrillicV}
+\defineactivetoken 131 {\cyrillicG}
+\defineactivetoken 132 {\cyrillicD}
+\defineactivetoken 133 {\cyrillicE}
+\defineactivetoken 134 {\cyrillicZH}
+\defineactivetoken 135 {\cyrillicZ}
+\defineactivetoken 136 {\cyrillicI}
+\defineactivetoken 137 {\cyrillicISHRT}
+\defineactivetoken 138 {\cyrillicK}
+\defineactivetoken 139 {\cyrillicL}
+\defineactivetoken 140 {\cyrillicM}
+\defineactivetoken 141 {\cyrillicN}
+\defineactivetoken 142 {\cyrillicO}
+\defineactivetoken 143 {\cyrillicP}
+\defineactivetoken 144 {\cyrillicR}
+\defineactivetoken 145 {\cyrillicS}
+\defineactivetoken 146 {\cyrillicT}
+\defineactivetoken 147 {\cyrillicU}
+\defineactivetoken 148 {\cyrillicF}
+\defineactivetoken 149 {\cyrillicH}
+\defineactivetoken 150 {\cyrillicC}
+\defineactivetoken 151 {\cyrillicCH}
+\defineactivetoken 152 {\cyrillicSH}
+\defineactivetoken 153 {\cyrillicSHCH}
+\defineactivetoken 154 {\cyrillicHRDSN}
+\defineactivetoken 155 {\cyrillicERY}
+\defineactivetoken 156 {\cyrillicSFTSN}
+\defineactivetoken 157 {\cyrillicEREV}
+\defineactivetoken 158 {\cyrillicYU}
+\defineactivetoken 159 {\cyrillicYA}
+\defineactivetoken 160 {\cyrillica}
+\defineactivetoken 161 {\cyrillicb}
+\defineactivetoken 162 {\cyrillicv}
+\defineactivetoken 163 {\cyrillicg}
+\defineactivetoken 164 {\cyrillicd}
+\defineactivetoken 165 {\cyrillice}
+\defineactivetoken 166 {\cyrilliczh}
+\defineactivetoken 167 {\cyrillicz}
+\defineactivetoken 168 {\cyrillici}
+\defineactivetoken 169 {\cyrillicishrt}
+\defineactivetoken 170 {\cyrillick}
+\defineactivetoken 171 {\cyrillicl}
+\defineactivetoken 172 {\cyrillicm}
+\defineactivetoken 173 {\cyrillicn}
+\defineactivetoken 174 {\cyrillico}
+\defineactivetoken 175 {\cyrillicp}
+\defineactivetoken 224 {\cyrillicr}
+\defineactivetoken 225 {\cyrillics}
+\defineactivetoken 226 {\cyrillict}
+\defineactivetoken 227 {\cyrillicu}
+\defineactivetoken 228 {\cyrillicf}
+\defineactivetoken 229 {\cyrillich}
+\defineactivetoken 230 {\cyrillicc}
+\defineactivetoken 231 {\cyrillicch}
+\defineactivetoken 232 {\cyrillicsh}
+\defineactivetoken 233 {\cyrillicshch}
+\defineactivetoken 234 {\cyrillichrdsn}
+\defineactivetoken 235 {\cyrillicery}
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+\defineactivetoken 238 {\cyrillicyu}
+\defineactivetoken 239 {\cyrillicya}
+\defineactivetoken 240 {\cyrillicYO}
+\defineactivetoken 241 {\cyrillicyo}
+\defineactivetoken 242 {\cyrillicGUP}
+\defineactivetoken 243 {\cyrillicgup}
+\defineactivetoken 244 {\cyrillicIE}
+\defineactivetoken 245 {\cyrillicie}
+\defineactivetoken 246 {\cyrillicII}
+\defineactivetoken 247 {\cyrillicii}
+\defineactivetoken 248 {\cyrillicYI}
+\defineactivetoken 249 {\cyrillicyi}
+\defineactivetoken 250 {\cyrillicUSHRT}
+\defineactivetoken 251 {\cyrillicushrt}
+\defineactivetoken 252 {\textnumero}
+\defineactivetoken 253 {\leftguillemot}
+\defineactivetoken 254 {\rightguillemot}
+\defineactivetoken 255 {\nonbreakablespace}
+\defineactivetoken 225 {\cyrillicA}
+\defineactivetoken 226 {\cyrillicB}
+\defineactivetoken 247 {\cyrillicV}
+\defineactivetoken 231 {\cyrillicG}
+\defineactivetoken 228 {\cyrillicD}
+\defineactivetoken 229 {\cyrillicE}
+\defineactivetoken 179 {\cyrillicYO}
+\defineactivetoken 246 {\cyrillicZH}
+\defineactivetoken 250 {\cyrillicZ}
+\defineactivetoken 233 {\cyrillicI}
+\defineactivetoken 234 {\cyrillicISHRT}
+\defineactivetoken 235 {\cyrillicK}
+\defineactivetoken 236 {\cyrillicL}
+\defineactivetoken 237 {\cyrillicM}
+\defineactivetoken 238 {\cyrillicN}
+\defineactivetoken 239 {\cyrillicO}
+\defineactivetoken 240 {\cyrillicP}
+\defineactivetoken 242 {\cyrillicR}
+\defineactivetoken 243 {\cyrillicS}
+\defineactivetoken 244 {\cyrillicT}
+\defineactivetoken 245 {\cyrillicU}
+\defineactivetoken 230 {\cyrillicF}
+\defineactivetoken 232 {\cyrillicH}
+\defineactivetoken 227 {\cyrillicC}
+\defineactivetoken 254 {\cyrillicCH}
+\defineactivetoken 251 {\cyrillicSH}
+\defineactivetoken 253 {\cyrillicSHCH}
+\defineactivetoken 255 {\cyrillicHRDSN}
+\defineactivetoken 249 {\cyrillicERY}
+\defineactivetoken 248 {\cyrillicSFTSN}
+\defineactivetoken 252 {\cyrillicEREV}
+\defineactivetoken 224 {\cyrillicYU}
+\defineactivetoken 241 {\cyrillicYA}
+\defineactivetoken 193 {\cyrillica}
+\defineactivetoken 194 {\cyrillicb}
+\defineactivetoken 215 {\cyrillicv}
+\defineactivetoken 199 {\cyrillicg}
+\defineactivetoken 196 {\cyrillicd}
+\defineactivetoken 197 {\cyrillice}
+\defineactivetoken 163 {\cyrillicyo}
+\defineactivetoken 214 {\cyrilliczh}
+\defineactivetoken 218 {\cyrillicz}
+\defineactivetoken 201 {\cyrillici}
+\defineactivetoken 202 {\cyrillicishrt}
+\defineactivetoken 203 {\cyrillick}
+\defineactivetoken 204 {\cyrillicl}
+\defineactivetoken 205 {\cyrillicm}
+\defineactivetoken 206 {\cyrillicn}
+\defineactivetoken 207 {\cyrillico}
+\defineactivetoken 208 {\cyrillicp}
+\defineactivetoken 210 {\cyrillicr}
+\defineactivetoken 211 {\cyrillics}
+\defineactivetoken 212 {\cyrillict}
+\defineactivetoken 213 {\cyrillicu}
+\defineactivetoken 198 {\cyrillicf}
+\defineactivetoken 200 {\cyrillich}
+\defineactivetoken 195 {\cyrillicc}
+\defineactivetoken 222 {\cyrillicch}
+\defineactivetoken 219 {\cyrillicsh}
+\defineactivetoken 221 {\cyrillicshch}
+\defineactivetoken 223 {\cyrillichrdsn}
+\defineactivetoken 217 {\cyrillicery}
+\defineactivetoken 216 {\cyrillicsftsn}
+\defineactivetoken 220 {\cyrillicerev}
+\defineactivetoken 192 {\cyrillicyu}
+\defineactivetoken 209 {\cyrillicya}
+\defineactivetoken 148 {\textblacksquare}
+\defineactivetoken 149 {\textbullet}
+\defineactivetoken 154 {\nonbreakablespace}
+\defineactivetoken 156 {\textdegree}
+\defineactivetoken 158 {\periodcentered}
+\defineactivetoken 191 {\copyright}
+\defineactivetoken 150 {\textsurd}
+\defineactivetoken 151 {\mathematics\sim}
+\defineactivetoken 152 {\mathematics\leq}
+\defineactivetoken 153 {\mathematics\geq}
+\defineactivetoken 157 {\twosuperior}
+\defineactivetoken 159 {\textdiv}
+\defineactivetoken 225 {\cyrillicA}
+\defineactivetoken 226 {\cyrillicB}
+\defineactivetoken 247 {\cyrillicV}
+\defineactivetoken 231 {\cyrillicG}
+\defineactivetoken 228 {\cyrillicD}
+\defineactivetoken 229 {\cyrillicE}
+\defineactivetoken 179 {\cyrillicYO}
+\defineactivetoken 246 {\cyrillicZH}
+\defineactivetoken 250 {\cyrillicZ}
+\defineactivetoken 233 {\cyrillicI}
+\defineactivetoken 234 {\cyrillicISHRT}
+\defineactivetoken 235 {\cyrillicK}
+\defineactivetoken 236 {\cyrillicL}
+\defineactivetoken 237 {\cyrillicM}
+\defineactivetoken 238 {\cyrillicN}
+\defineactivetoken 239 {\cyrillicO}
+\defineactivetoken 240 {\cyrillicP}
+\defineactivetoken 242 {\cyrillicR}
+\defineactivetoken 243 {\cyrillicS}
+\defineactivetoken 244 {\cyrillicT}
+\defineactivetoken 245 {\cyrillicU}
+\defineactivetoken 230 {\cyrillicF}
+\defineactivetoken 232 {\cyrillicH}
+\defineactivetoken 227 {\cyrillicC}
+\defineactivetoken 254 {\cyrillicCH}
+\defineactivetoken 251 {\cyrillicSH}
+\defineactivetoken 253 {\cyrillicSHCH}
+\defineactivetoken 255 {\cyrillicHRDSN}
+\defineactivetoken 249 {\cyrillicERY}
+\defineactivetoken 248 {\cyrillicSFTSN}
+\defineactivetoken 252 {\cyrillicEREV}
+\defineactivetoken 224 {\cyrillicYU}
+\defineactivetoken 241 {\cyrillicYA}
+\defineactivetoken 193 {\cyrillica}
+\defineactivetoken 194 {\cyrillicb}
+\defineactivetoken 215 {\cyrillicv}
+\defineactivetoken 199 {\cyrillicg}
+\defineactivetoken 196 {\cyrillicd}
+\defineactivetoken 197 {\cyrillice}
+\defineactivetoken 163 {\cyrillicyo}
+\defineactivetoken 214 {\cyrilliczh}
+\defineactivetoken 218 {\cyrillicz}
+\defineactivetoken 201 {\cyrillici}
+\defineactivetoken 202 {\cyrillicishrt}
+\defineactivetoken 203 {\cyrillick}
+\defineactivetoken 204 {\cyrillicl}
+\defineactivetoken 205 {\cyrillicm}
+\defineactivetoken 206 {\cyrillicn}
+\defineactivetoken 207 {\cyrillico}
+\defineactivetoken 208 {\cyrillicp}
+\defineactivetoken 210 {\cyrillicr}
+\defineactivetoken 211 {\cyrillics}
+\defineactivetoken 212 {\cyrillict}
+\defineactivetoken 213 {\cyrillicu}
+\defineactivetoken 198 {\cyrillicf}
+\defineactivetoken 200 {\cyrillich}
+\defineactivetoken 195 {\cyrillicc}
+\defineactivetoken 222 {\cyrillicch}
+\defineactivetoken 219 {\cyrillicsh}
+\defineactivetoken 221 {\cyrillicshch}
+\defineactivetoken 223 {\cyrillichrdsn}
+\defineactivetoken 217 {\cyrillicery}
+\defineactivetoken 216 {\cyrillicsftsn}
+\defineactivetoken 220 {\cyrillicerev}
+\defineactivetoken 192 {\cyrillicyu}
+\defineactivetoken 209 {\cyrillicya}
+\defineactivetoken 147 {\upperleftsinglesixquote}
+\defineactivetoken 148 {\textblacksquare}
+\defineactivetoken 149 {\textbullet} % Changed by V.F. 07/02/2003 (was: \bullet)
+\defineactivetoken 150 {\upperrightdoubleninequote}
+\defineactivetoken 151 {\emdash}
+\defineactivetoken 152 {\textnumero}
+\defineactivetoken 153 {\trademark} % Changed by V.F. 07/02/2003 (was: \texttrademark)
+\defineactivetoken 154 {\nonbreakablespace}
+\defineactivetoken 155 {\rightguillemot}
+\defineactivetoken 156 {\registered}
+\defineactivetoken 157 {\leftguillemot}
+\defineactivetoken 158 {\periodcentered} % Changed by V.F. 07/02/2003 (was: \textperiodcentered)
+\defineactivetoken 159 {\textcurrency}
+\defineactivetoken 164 {\cyrillicie}
+\defineactivetoken 166 {\cyrillicii}
+\defineactivetoken 167 {\cyrillicyi}
+\defineactivetoken 173 {\cyrillicgup}
+\defineactivetoken 174 {\cyrillicushrt}
+\defineactivetoken 180 {\cyrillicIE}
+\defineactivetoken 182 {\cyrillicII}
+\defineactivetoken 183 {\cyrillicYI}
+\defineactivetoken 189 {\cyrillicGUP}
+\defineactivetoken 190 {\cyrillicUSHRT}
+\defineactivetoken 191 {\copyright}
+\defineactivetoken 225 {\cyrillicA}
+\defineactivetoken 226 {\cyrillicB}
+\defineactivetoken 247 {\cyrillicV}
+\defineactivetoken 231 {\cyrillicG}
+\defineactivetoken 228 {\cyrillicD}
+\defineactivetoken 229 {\cyrillicE}
+\defineactivetoken 179 {\cyrillicYO}
+\defineactivetoken 246 {\cyrillicZH}
+\defineactivetoken 250 {\cyrillicZ}
+\defineactivetoken 233 {\cyrillicI}
+\defineactivetoken 234 {\cyrillicISHRT}
+\defineactivetoken 235 {\cyrillicK}
+\defineactivetoken 236 {\cyrillicL}
+\defineactivetoken 237 {\cyrillicM}
+\defineactivetoken 238 {\cyrillicN}
+\defineactivetoken 239 {\cyrillicO}
+\defineactivetoken 240 {\cyrillicP}
+\defineactivetoken 242 {\cyrillicR}
+\defineactivetoken 243 {\cyrillicS}
+\defineactivetoken 244 {\cyrillicT}
+\defineactivetoken 245 {\cyrillicU}
+\defineactivetoken 230 {\cyrillicF}
+\defineactivetoken 232 {\cyrillicH}
+\defineactivetoken 227 {\cyrillicC}
+\defineactivetoken 254 {\cyrillicCH}
+\defineactivetoken 251 {\cyrillicSH}
+\defineactivetoken 253 {\cyrillicSHCH}
+\defineactivetoken 255 {\cyrillicHRDSN}
+\defineactivetoken 249 {\cyrillicERY}
+\defineactivetoken 248 {\cyrillicSFTSN}
+\defineactivetoken 252 {\cyrillicEREV}
+\defineactivetoken 224 {\cyrillicYU}
+\defineactivetoken 241 {\cyrillicYA}
+\defineactivetoken 193 {\cyrillica}
+\defineactivetoken 194 {\cyrillicb}
+\defineactivetoken 215 {\cyrillicv}
+\defineactivetoken 199 {\cyrillicg}
+\defineactivetoken 196 {\cyrillicd}
+\defineactivetoken 197 {\cyrillice}
+\defineactivetoken 163 {\cyrillicyo}
+\defineactivetoken 214 {\cyrilliczh}
+\defineactivetoken 218 {\cyrillicz}
+\defineactivetoken 201 {\cyrillici}
+\defineactivetoken 202 {\cyrillicishrt}
+\defineactivetoken 203 {\cyrillick}
+\defineactivetoken 204 {\cyrillicl}
+\defineactivetoken 205 {\cyrillicm}
+\defineactivetoken 206 {\cyrillicn}
+\defineactivetoken 207 {\cyrillico}
+\defineactivetoken 208 {\cyrillicp}
+\defineactivetoken 210 {\cyrillicr}
+\defineactivetoken 211 {\cyrillics}
+\defineactivetoken 212 {\cyrillict}
+\defineactivetoken 213 {\cyrillicu}
+\defineactivetoken 198 {\cyrillicf}
+\defineactivetoken 200 {\cyrillich}
+\defineactivetoken 195 {\cyrillicc}
+\defineactivetoken 222 {\cyrillicch}
+\defineactivetoken 219 {\cyrillicsh}
+\defineactivetoken 221 {\cyrillicshch}
+\defineactivetoken 223 {\cyrillichrdsn}
+\defineactivetoken 217 {\cyrillicery}
+\defineactivetoken 216 {\cyrillicsftsn}
+\defineactivetoken 220 {\cyrillicerev}
+\defineactivetoken 192 {\cyrillicyu}
+\defineactivetoken 209 {\cyrillicya}
+\defineactivetoken 164 {\cyrillicie}
+\defineactivetoken 166 {\cyrillicii}
+\defineactivetoken 167 {\cyrillicyi}
+\defineactivetoken 173 {\cyrillicgup}
+\defineactivetoken 180 {\cyrillicIE}
+\defineactivetoken 182 {\cyrillicII}
+\defineactivetoken 183 {\cyrillicYI}
+\defineactivetoken 189 {\cyrillicGUP}
+\defineactivetoken 128 {\cyrillicA}
+\defineactivetoken 129 {\cyrillicB}
+\defineactivetoken 130 {\cyrillicV}
+\defineactivetoken 131 {\cyrillicG}
+\defineactivetoken 132 {\cyrillicD}
+\defineactivetoken 133 {\cyrillicE}
+\defineactivetoken 134 {\cyrillicZH}
+\defineactivetoken 135 {\cyrillicZ}
+\defineactivetoken 136 {\cyrillicI}
+\defineactivetoken 137 {\cyrillicISHRT}
+\defineactivetoken 138 {\cyrillicK}
+\defineactivetoken 139 {\cyrillicL}
+\defineactivetoken 140 {\cyrillicM}
+\defineactivetoken 141 {\cyrillicN}
+\defineactivetoken 142 {\cyrillicO}
+\defineactivetoken 143 {\cyrillicP}
+\defineactivetoken 144 {\cyrillicR}
+\defineactivetoken 145 {\cyrillicS}
+\defineactivetoken 146 {\cyrillicT}
+\defineactivetoken 147 {\cyrillicU}
+\defineactivetoken 148 {\cyrillicF}
+\defineactivetoken 149 {\cyrillicH}
+\defineactivetoken 150 {\cyrillicC}
+\defineactivetoken 151 {\cyrillicCH}
+\defineactivetoken 152 {\cyrillicSH}
+\defineactivetoken 153 {\cyrillicSHCH}
+\defineactivetoken 154 {\cyrillicHRDSN}
+\defineactivetoken 155 {\cyrillicERY}
+\defineactivetoken 156 {\cyrillicSFTSN}
+\defineactivetoken 157 {\cyrillicEREV}
+\defineactivetoken 158 {\cyrillicYU}
+\defineactivetoken 159 {\cyrillicYA}
+\defineactivetoken 160 {\textdag} % Changed by V.F. 07/02/2003 (was: dag)
+\defineactivetoken 161 {\textdegree}
+\defineactivetoken 162 {\textcent}
+\defineactivetoken 163 {\textsterling} % Changed by V.F. 07/02/2003 (was: \sterling)
+\defineactivetoken 164 {\sectionmark} % Changed by V.F. 07/02/2003 (was: \S)
+\defineactivetoken 165 {\textbullet} % Changed by V.F. 07/02/2003 (was: \bullet}
+\defineactivetoken 166 {\paragraphmark} % Changed by V.F. 07/02/2003 (was: \P)
+\defineactivetoken 167 {\cyrillicII}
+\defineactivetoken 168 {\registered}
+\defineactivetoken 169 {\copyright}
+\defineactivetoken 170 {\trademark} % Changed by V.F. 07/02/2003 (was: \texttrademark}
+\defineactivetoken 171 {\cyrillicDJE}
+\defineactivetoken 172 {\cyrillicdje}
+\defineactivetoken 174 {\'\cyrillicG}
+\defineactivetoken 175 {\'\cyrillicg}
+\defineactivetoken 180 {\cyrillicii}
+\defineactivetoken 183 {\cyrillicJE}
+\defineactivetoken 184 {\cyrillicIE}
+\defineactivetoken 185 {\cyrillicie}
+\defineactivetoken 186 {\cyrillicYI}
+\defineactivetoken 187 {\cyrillicyi}
+\defineactivetoken 188 {\cyrillicLJE}
+\defineactivetoken 189 {\cyrilliclje}
+\defineactivetoken 190 {\cyrillicNJE}
+\defineactivetoken 191 {\cyrillicnje}
+\defineactivetoken 192 {\cyrillicje}
+\defineactivetoken 193 {\cyrillicDZE}
+\defineactivetoken 196 {\textflorin} % Changed by V.F. 07/02/2003 (was: \florijn)
+\defineactivetoken 199 {\leftguillemot}
+\defineactivetoken 200 {\rightguillemot}
+\defineactivetoken 201 {\textellipsis} % Changed by V.F. 07/02/2003 (was: \dots)
+\defineactivetoken 202 {\nonbreakablespace}
+\defineactivetoken 203 {\cyrillicTSHE}
+\defineactivetoken 204 {\cyrillictshe}
+\defineactivetoken 205 {\'\cyrillicK}
+\defineactivetoken 206 {\'\cyrillick}
+\defineactivetoken 207 {\cyrillicdze}
+\defineactivetoken 208 {\endash}
+\defineactivetoken 209 {\emdash}
+\defineactivetoken 210 {\upperleftdoublesixquote} % Changed by V.F. 07/02/2003
+ % (was: \upperleftsinglesixquote)
+\defineactivetoken 211 {\upperrightdoubleninequote}
+\defineactivetoken 212 {\upperleftsinglesixquote}
+\defineactivetoken 213 {\upperrightsingleninequote}
+\defineactivetoken 215 {\lowerleftdoubleninequote}
+\defineactivetoken 216 {\cyrillicUSHRT}
+\defineactivetoken 217 {\cyrillicushrt}
+\defineactivetoken 218 {\cyrillicDZHE}
+\defineactivetoken 219 {\cyrillicdzhe}
+\defineactivetoken 220 {\textnumero}
+\defineactivetoken 221 {\cyrillicYO}
+\defineactivetoken 222 {\cyrillicyo}
+\defineactivetoken 223 {\cyrillicya}
+\defineactivetoken 224 {\cyrillica}
+\defineactivetoken 225 {\cyrillicb}
+\defineactivetoken 226 {\cyrillicv}
+\defineactivetoken 227 {\cyrillicg}
+\defineactivetoken 228 {\cyrillicd}
+\defineactivetoken 229 {\cyrillice}
+\defineactivetoken 230 {\cyrilliczh}
+\defineactivetoken 231 {\cyrillicz}
+\defineactivetoken 232 {\cyrillici}
+\defineactivetoken 233 {\cyrillicishrt}
+\defineactivetoken 234 {\cyrillick}
+\defineactivetoken 235 {\cyrillicl}
+\defineactivetoken 236 {\cyrillicm}
+\defineactivetoken 237 {\cyrillicn}
+\defineactivetoken 238 {\cyrillico}
+\defineactivetoken 239 {\cyrillicp}
+\defineactivetoken 240 {\cyrillicr}
+\defineactivetoken 241 {\cyrillics}
+\defineactivetoken 242 {\cyrillict}
+\defineactivetoken 243 {\cyrillicu}
+\defineactivetoken 244 {\cyrillicf}
+\defineactivetoken 245 {\cyrillich}
+\defineactivetoken 246 {\cyrillicc}
+\defineactivetoken 247 {\cyrillicch}
+\defineactivetoken 248 {\cyrillicsh}
+\defineactivetoken 249 {\cyrillicshch}
+\defineactivetoken 250 {\cyrillichrdsn}
+\defineactivetoken 251 {\cyrillicery}
+\defineactivetoken 252 {\cyrillicsftsn}
+\defineactivetoken 253 {\cyrillicerev}
+\defineactivetoken 254 {\cyrillicyu}
+\defineactivetoken 255 {\textcurrency}
+\defineactivetoken 173 {\mathematics{\neq}} % Added by V.F. 07/02/2003
+\defineactivetoken 176 {\mathematics{\infty}} % Added by V.F. 07/02/2003
+\defineactivetoken 177 {\textpm} % Added by V.F. 07/02/2003
+\defineactivetoken 178 {\mathematics{\leq}} % Added by V.F. 07/02/2003
+\defineactivetoken 179 {\mathematics{\geq}} % Added by V.F. 07/02/2003
+\defineactivetoken 181 {\textmu} % Added by V.F. 07/02/2003
+\defineactivetoken 182 {\mathematics{\partial}} % Added by V.F. 07/02/2003
+\defineactivetoken 194 {\textlognot} % Added by V.F. 07/02/2003
+\defineactivetoken 195 {\textsurd} % Added by V.F. 07/02/2003
+\defineactivetoken 197 {\mathematics{\approx}} % Added by V.F. 07/02/2003
+\defineactivetoken 198 {\mathematics{\Delta}} % Added by V.F. 07/02/2003
+\defineactivetoken 214 {\textdiv} % Added by V.F. 07/02/2003
+\defineactivetoken 128 {\cyrillicA}
+\defineactivetoken 129 {\cyrillicB}
+\defineactivetoken 130 {\cyrillicV}
+\defineactivetoken 131 {\cyrillicG}
+\defineactivetoken 132 {\cyrillicD}
+\defineactivetoken 133 {\cyrillicE}
+\defineactivetoken 134 {\cyrillicZH}
+\defineactivetoken 135 {\cyrillicZ}
+\defineactivetoken 136 {\cyrillicI}
+\defineactivetoken 137 {\cyrillicISHRT}
+\defineactivetoken 138 {\cyrillicK}
+\defineactivetoken 139 {\cyrillicL}
+\defineactivetoken 140 {\cyrillicM}
+\defineactivetoken 141 {\cyrillicN}
+\defineactivetoken 142 {\cyrillicO}
+\defineactivetoken 143 {\cyrillicP}
+\defineactivetoken 144 {\cyrillicR}
+\defineactivetoken 145 {\cyrillicS}
+\defineactivetoken 146 {\cyrillicT}
+\defineactivetoken 147 {\cyrillicU}
+\defineactivetoken 148 {\cyrillicF}
+\defineactivetoken 149 {\cyrillicH}
+\defineactivetoken 150 {\cyrillicC}
+\defineactivetoken 151 {\cyrillicCH}
+\defineactivetoken 152 {\cyrillicSH}
+\defineactivetoken 153 {\cyrillicSHCH}
+\defineactivetoken 154 {\cyrillicHRDSN}
+\defineactivetoken 155 {\cyrillicERY}
+\defineactivetoken 156 {\cyrillicSFTSN}
+\defineactivetoken 157 {\cyrillicEREV}
+\defineactivetoken 158 {\cyrillicYU}
+\defineactivetoken 159 {\cyrillicYA}
+\defineactivetoken 160 {\textdag} % Changed by V.F. 07/02/2003 (was: \dag)
+\defineactivetoken 161 {\textdegree}
+\defineactivetoken 162 {\cyrillicGUP}
+\defineactivetoken 163 {\textsterling} % Changed by V.F. 07/02/2003 (was: \sterling)
+\defineactivetoken 164 {\sectionmark} % Changed by V.F. 07/02/2003 (was: \S)
+\defineactivetoken 165 {\textbullet} % Changed by V.F. 07/02/2003 (was: \bullet}
+\defineactivetoken 166 {\paragraphmark} % Changed by V.F. 07/02/2003 (was: \P)
+\defineactivetoken 167 {\cyrillicII}
+\defineactivetoken 168 {\registered}
+\defineactivetoken 169 {\copyright}
+\defineactivetoken 170 {\trademark} % Changed by V.F. 07/02/2003 (was: \texttrademark}
+\defineactivetoken 171 {\cyrillicDJE}
+\defineactivetoken 172 {\cyrillicdje}
+\defineactivetoken 174 {\'\cyrillicG}
+\defineactivetoken 175 {\'\cyrillicg}
+\defineactivetoken 180 {\cyrillicii}
+\defineactivetoken 182 {\cyrillicgup}
+\defineactivetoken 183 {\cyrillicJE}
+\defineactivetoken 184 {\cyrillicIE}
+\defineactivetoken 185 {\cyrillicie}
+\defineactivetoken 186 {\cyrillicYI}
+\defineactivetoken 187 {\cyrillicyi}
+\defineactivetoken 188 {\cyrillicLJE}
+\defineactivetoken 189 {\cyrilliclje}
+\defineactivetoken 190 {\cyrillicNJE}
+\defineactivetoken 191 {\cyrillicnje}
+\defineactivetoken 192 {\cyrillicje}
+\defineactivetoken 193 {\cyrillicDZE}
+\defineactivetoken 196 {\textflorin} % Changed by V.F. 07/02/2003 (was: \florijn)
+\defineactivetoken 199 {\leftguillemot}
+\defineactivetoken 200 {\rightguillemot}
+\defineactivetoken 201 {\textellipsis} % Changed by V.F. 07/02/2003 (was: \dots)
+\defineactivetoken 202 {\nonbreakablespace}
+\defineactivetoken 203 {\cyrillicTSHE}
+\defineactivetoken 204 {\cyrillictshe}
+\defineactivetoken 205 {\'\cyrillicK}
+\defineactivetoken 206 {\'\cyrillick}
+\defineactivetoken 207 {\cyrillicdze}
+\defineactivetoken 208 {\endash}
+\defineactivetoken 209 {\emdash}
+\defineactivetoken 210 {\upperleftdoublesixquote} % Changed by V.F. 07/02/2003
+ % (was: \upperleftsinglesixquote)
+\defineactivetoken 211 {\upperrightdoubleninequote}
+\defineactivetoken 212 {\upperleftsinglesixquote}
+\defineactivetoken 213 {\upperrightsingleninequote}
+\defineactivetoken 215 {\lowerleftdoubleninequote}
+\defineactivetoken 216 {\cyrillicUSHRT}
+\defineactivetoken 217 {\cyrillicushrt}
+\defineactivetoken 218 {\cyrillicDZHE}
+\defineactivetoken 219 {\cyrillicdzhe}
+\defineactivetoken 220 {\textnumero}
+\defineactivetoken 221 {\cyrillicYO}
+\defineactivetoken 222 {\cyrillicyo}
+\defineactivetoken 223 {\cyrillicya}
+\defineactivetoken 224 {\cyrillica}
+\defineactivetoken 225 {\cyrillicb}
+\defineactivetoken 226 {\cyrillicv}
+\defineactivetoken 227 {\cyrillicg}
+\defineactivetoken 228 {\cyrillicd}
+\defineactivetoken 229 {\cyrillice}
+\defineactivetoken 230 {\cyrilliczh}
+\defineactivetoken 231 {\cyrillicz}
+\defineactivetoken 232 {\cyrillici}
+\defineactivetoken 233 {\cyrillicishrt}
+\defineactivetoken 234 {\cyrillick}
+\defineactivetoken 235 {\cyrillicl}
+\defineactivetoken 236 {\cyrillicm}
+\defineactivetoken 237 {\cyrillicn}
+\defineactivetoken 238 {\cyrillico}
+\defineactivetoken 239 {\cyrillicp}
+\defineactivetoken 240 {\cyrillicr}
+\defineactivetoken 241 {\cyrillics}
+\defineactivetoken 242 {\cyrillict}
+\defineactivetoken 243 {\cyrillicu}
+\defineactivetoken 244 {\cyrillicf}
+\defineactivetoken 245 {\cyrillich}
+\defineactivetoken 246 {\cyrillicc}
+\defineactivetoken 247 {\cyrillicch}
+\defineactivetoken 248 {\cyrillicsh}
+\defineactivetoken 249 {\cyrillicshch}
+\defineactivetoken 250 {\cyrillichrdsn}
+\defineactivetoken 251 {\cyrillicery}
+\defineactivetoken 252 {\cyrillicsftsn}
+\defineactivetoken 253 {\cyrillicerev}
+\defineactivetoken 254 {\cyrillicyu}
+\defineactivetoken 255 {\textcurrency}
+\defineactivetoken 173 {\mathematics{\neq}} % Added by V.F. 07/02/2003
+\defineactivetoken 176 {\mathematics{\infty}} % Added by V.F. 07/02/2003
+\defineactivetoken 177 {\textpm} % Added by V.F. 07/02/2003
+\defineactivetoken 178 {\mathematics{\leq}} % Added by V.F. 07/02/2003
+\defineactivetoken 179 {\mathematics{\geq}} % Added by V.F. 07/02/2003
+\defineactivetoken 181 {\textmu} % Added by V.F. 07/02/2003
+\defineactivetoken 194 {\textlognot} % Added by V.F. 07/02/2003
+\defineactivetoken 195 {\textsurd} % Added by V.F. 07/02/2003
+\defineactivetoken 197 {\mathematics{\approx}} % Added by V.F. 07/02/2003
+\defineactivetoken 198 {\mathematics{\Delta}} % Added by V.F. 07/02/2003
+\defineactivetoken 214 {\textdiv} % Added by V.F. 07/02/2003
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/regi-def.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/regi-def.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3af0c9d3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/regi-def.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=regi-def,
+%D version=2000.20.12, % split from less verbose base file
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Regime Macros,
+%D subtitle=Default Character Definitions,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+ {\expanded{\defineactivetoken\recurselevel\space{\rawcharacter\recurselevel}}}%
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/regi-ibm.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/regi-ibm.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5756e7705
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/regi-ibm.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=regi-ibm,
+%D version=1995.01.01,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Encoding Macros,
+%D subtitle=The Good Old MSDOS IBM codepage,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D This module activates the \cap{IBM PC} high \ASCII\
+%D characters, such as and .
+\startregime [ibm]
+\defineactivetoken 145 {\aeligature} %
+\defineactivetoken 146 {\AEligature} %
+\defineactivetoken 152 {\ijligature} %
+\defineactivetoken 225 {\ssharp} %
+\defineactivetoken 160 {\aacute} %
+\defineactivetoken 130 {\eacute} %
+\defineactivetoken 144 {\Eacute} %
+\defineactivetoken 161 {\iacute} %
+\defineactivetoken 162 {\oacute} %
+\defineactivetoken 163 {\uacute} %
+\defineactivetoken 135 {\ccedilla} %
+\defineactivetoken 128 {\Ccedilla} %
+\defineactivetoken 132 {\adiaeresis} %
+\defineactivetoken 142 {\Adiaeresis} %
+\defineactivetoken 137 {\ediaeresis} %
+\defineactivetoken 139 {\idiaeresis} %
+\defineactivetoken 148 {\odiaeresis} %
+\defineactivetoken 153 {\Odiaeresis} %
+\defineactivetoken 129 {\udiaeresis} %
+\defineactivetoken 154 {\Udiaeresis} %
+\defineactivetoken 164 {\ntilde} %
+\defineactivetoken 165 {\Ntilde} %
+\defineactivetoken 134 {\aring} %
+\defineactivetoken 143 {\Aring} %
+\defineactivetoken 131 {\acircumflex} %
+\defineactivetoken 136 {\ecircumflex} %
+\defineactivetoken 140 {\icircumflex} %
+\defineactivetoken 147 {\ocircumflex} %
+\defineactivetoken 150 {\ucircumflex} %
+\defineactivetoken 133 {\agrave} %
+\defineactivetoken 138 {\egrave} %
+\defineactivetoken 141 {\igrave} %
+\defineactivetoken 149 {\ograve} %
+\defineactivetoken 151 {\ugrave} %
+% todo
+\startregime [ibm]
+\defineactivetoken {\ifvmode\leavevmode\fi\leftguillemot\prewordbreak}
+\defineactivetoken {\prewordbreak\rightguillemot}
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/regi-ini.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/regi-ini.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1122ce18a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/regi-ini.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=regi-ini,
+%D version=2000.12.27, % 1998.12.03,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Regime Macros,
+%D subtitle=Initialization,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D Remark: regimes accumulate, so there is no explicit reset in
+%D mkii mode.
+%D Variables.
+\def\@reg@{@r@eg@} % regime prefix
+%D \macros
+%D {currentregime}
+%D Some low level inheritance stuff (mkii).
+ {\ifnum#2>127
+ \expanded{\defineactivetoken #2 \@EA\noexpand\csname#1\endcsname}%
+ \fi}
+%D \macros
+%D {startregime}
+%D Sometimes it makes sense to activate the characters in the
+%D upper half of the character table. Such a bundle of
+%D characters can be packages in a regime. Later we will see
+%D encodings (that links characters slots to glyphs) and
+%D mappings (that take care of hyphenation and case changes).
+%D When character~231 is of category code letter, it
+%D directly maps to glyph~231 (unless of course some virtual
+%D font is used). By making character~231 active, we can map
+%D it onto for instance the glyph in slot 233. This mapping
+%D can in itself be indirect, in the sense that it is for
+%D instance handled by an accent command.
+%D Regimes are implemented roughly the same as mappings, but
+%D enabled under different circumstances. In the future, the
+%D low level implementation may change.
+ {\pushmacro\currentregime
+ \edef\currentregime{#1}%
+ \checkregimetoks}
+ {\doifundefined{\@reg@\currentregime}
+ {\@EA\newtoks\csname\@reg@\currentregime\endcsname}}
+ {\popmacro\currentregime}
+ {\checkregimetoks
+ \@EA\let\@EA\regimetoks\csname\@reg@\currentregime\endcsname}
+%D \macros
+%D {defineactivedecimal, defineactivedecimals, defineactivetoken}
+%D The following commands are rather ugly ones. It makes a
+%D character active and assigns it a value. When expanded,
+%D the decimal number of the character is passed as first
+%D argument.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\decimalcharacter#1{\message{#1 is now active}}
+%D \defineactivedecimal 122 {\decimalcharacter}
+%D \defineactivedecimals 128 to 255 as {\decimalcharacter}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D This command is typically used in coding definitions,
+%D like the \UNICODE\ one.
+\def\dodefineactivedecimal#1#2% \unexpanded ? pdfdoc encoding
+ {\catcode#1\active
+ \scratchcounter\uccode\activehackcode
+ \uccode\activehackcode#1\relax
+ \uppercase{\unexpanded\edef~{\noexpand#2{\number#1}}}%
+ \uccode\activehackcode\scratchcounter}
+\long\def\defineactivedecimal#1 #2 %
+ {\setregimetoks
+ \regimetoks\expandafter{\the\regimetoks\dodefineactivedecimal{#1}{#2}}}
+\long\def\defineactivedecimals#1 to #2 as #3 %
+ {\setregimetoks
+ \dostepwiserecurse{#1}{#2}\plusone
+ {\regimetoks\@EA\@EA\@EA{\@EA\the\@EA\regimetoks\@EA\dodefineactivedecimal\@EA{\recurselevel}{#3}}}}
+ {\ifnum#1>\scratchcounter
+ \expandafter\gobbletwoarguments
+ \else
+ \noexpand\dodefineactivedecimal{#1}{\the\scratchtoks}%
+ \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\doexpandactivedecimal\expandafter
+ \fi\expandafter{\the\numexpr#1+\plusone\relax}}
+\long\def\defineactivedecimals#1 to #2 as #3 %
+ {\setregimetoks
+ \scratchcounter#2\relax
+ \scratchtoks{#3}%
+ \expanded{\regimetoks{\the\regimetoks\doexpandactivedecimal{#1}}}%
+ \ignorespaces}
+\long\def\defineactivetoken #1 #2% no {} after #2, else no kern
+ {\setregimetoks
+ \regimetoks\expandafter{\the\regimetoks\defineactivecharacter#1 {#2}}}
+\long\def\defineactiveinspector #1 #2% watch the missing {}
+ {\setregimetoks
+ \regimetoks\expandafter{\the\regimetoks\defineactivecharacter#1 {#2}}}
+%D \macros
+%D {defineregimesynonym,trueregimename}
+ {\dodoubleargument\dodefineregimesynonym}
+ {\setevalue{\@reg@:s:#1}{#2}}
+ {\executeifdefined{\@reg@:s:#1}{#1}}
+%D \macros
+%D {useregime}
+ {\processcommalist[#1]\douseregime}
+ {\doifundefined{\c!file\f!regimeprefix#1}%
+ {\letgvalue{\c!file\f!regimeprefix#1}\empty
+ \makeshortfilename[\truefilename{\f!regimeprefix#1}]%
+ \startreadingfile
+ \readsysfile{\shortfilename.mkii}
+ {\showmessage\m!regimes2{#1}}
+ {\showmessage\m!regimes3{#1}}%
+ \stopreadingfile}}
+%D \macros
+%D {enableregime,disableregime}
+ {\edef\currentregime{\trueregimename{#1}}%
+ \doifelsenothing\currentregime
+ {\disableregime}
+ {\douseregime\currentregime
+ \the\executeifdefined{\@reg@\currentregime}\emptytoks}}
+ {\let\currentregime\empty}
+%D \macros
+%D {protectregime, settoletterunlessactive, settocodeunlessactive}
+%D The next boolean is used later on to prevent unwanted
+%D catcode changes. Use it with care.
+\newif\ifprotectregime \protectregimetrue
+ {\ifprotectregime\ifnum\catcode#1=\active\else
+ \catcode#1\@@letter
+ \fi\else
+ \catcode#1\@@letter
+ \fi}
+ {\ifprotectregime\ifnum\catcode#1=\active\else
+ \catcode#1=\@@other
+ \fi\else
+ \catcode#1=\@@other
+ \fi}
+ {\ifprotectregime\ifnum\catcode#1=\active\else
+ \catcode#1=#2\relax
+ \fi\else
+ \catcode#1=#2\relax
+ \fi}
+%D Goodie:
+ {\doifnot{#1}{utf}
+ {\bgroup
+ \enableregime[#1]%
+ \starttabulate[|l|l|l|]
+ \dostepwiserecurse{128}{255}{1}
+ {\expanded
+ {\scantokens
+ {\NC \recurselevel
+ \NC \rawcharacter\recurselevel
+ \NC \noexpand\tttf
+ \noexpand\meaning\rawcharacter\recurselevel \NC \NR}}}%
+ \stoptabulate
+ \unskip
+ \egroup}}
+%D Sort related:
+ {\the\executeifdefined{\@reg@#1}\emptytoks}
+%D Simplify matters for \XETEX.
+ \def\enableregime[#1]%
+ {\doifelse{#1}{utf}%
+ {\writestatus\m!regimes{mapping utf to utf-8}%
+ \XeTeXinputencoding{utf-8}}
+ {\XeTeXinputencoding{#1}}}
+ \def\disableregime
+ {\XeTeXinputencoding{utf-8}}
+ \def\loadregime[#1]{}
+ \let\walkregime \gobbleoneargument
+ \let\doautosetregime \gobbletwoarguments
+ \useregime[def,uni,utf] % we load the rest runtime
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/regi-mac.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/regi-mac.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..30f57ab18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/regi-mac.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=regi-mac,
+%D version=2001.03.18,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Encoding Macros,
+%D subtitle=Mac Encoding,
+%D author={Michel Bovani \& Adam Lindsay \& Hans Hagen},
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\startregime [mac]
+\defineactivetoken 128 {\Adiaeresis}
+\defineactivetoken 129 {\Aring}
+\defineactivetoken 130 {\Ccedilla}
+\defineactivetoken 131 {\Eacute}
+\defineactivetoken 132 {\Ntilde}
+\defineactivetoken 133 {\Odiaeresis}
+\defineactivetoken 134 {\Udiaeresis}
+\defineactivetoken 135 {\aacute}
+\defineactivetoken 136 {\agrave}
+\defineactivetoken 137 {\acircumflex}
+\defineactivetoken 138 {\adiaeresis}
+\defineactivetoken 139 {\atilde}
+\defineactivetoken 140 {\aring}
+\defineactivetoken 141 {\ccedilla}
+\defineactivetoken 142 {\eacute}
+\defineactivetoken 143 {\egrave}
+\defineactivetoken 144 {\ecircumflex}
+\defineactivetoken 145 {\ediaeresis}
+\defineactivetoken 146 {\iacute}
+\defineactivetoken 147 {\igrave}
+\defineactivetoken 148 {\icircumflex}
+\defineactivetoken 149 {\idiaeresis}
+\defineactivetoken 150 {\ntilde}
+\defineactivetoken 151 {\oacute}
+\defineactivetoken 152 {\ograve}
+\defineactivetoken 153 {\ocircumflex}
+\defineactivetoken 154 {\odiaeresis}
+\defineactivetoken 155 {\otilde}
+\defineactivetoken 156 {\uacute}
+\defineactivetoken 157 {\ugrave}
+\defineactivetoken 158 {\ucircumflex}
+\defineactivetoken 159 {\udiaeresis}
+\defineactivetoken 160 {\textdag}
+\defineactivetoken 161 {\textdegree}
+\defineactivetoken 162 {\textcent}
+\defineactivetoken 163 {\textsterling}
+\defineactivetoken 164 {\sectionmark}
+\defineactivetoken 165 {\textbullet}
+\defineactivetoken 166 {\paragraphmark}
+\defineactivetoken 167 {\ssharp}
+\defineactivetoken 168 {\registered}
+\defineactivetoken 169 {\copyright}
+\defineactivetoken 170 {\trademark}
+\defineactivetoken 171 {\textacute}
+\defineactivetoken 172 {\textdiaeresis}
+\defineactivetoken 173 {\mathematics\neq}
+\defineactivetoken 174 {\AEligature}
+\defineactivetoken 175 {\Ostroke}
+\defineactivetoken 176 {\mathematics\infty}
+\defineactivetoken 177 {\textpm}
+\defineactivetoken 178 {\mathematics\leq}
+\defineactivetoken 179 {\mathematics\geq}
+\defineactivetoken 180 {\textyen}
+\defineactivetoken 181 {\textmu}
+\defineactivetoken 182 {\mathematics\partial}
+\defineactivetoken 183 {\mathematics\Sigma}
+\defineactivetoken 184 {\mathematics\Pi}
+\defineactivetoken 185 {\mathematics\pi}
+\defineactivetoken 186 {\mathematics\smallint}
+\defineactivetoken 187 {\ordfeminine}
+\defineactivetoken 188 {\ordmasculine}
+\defineactivetoken 189 {\mathematics\Omega}
+\defineactivetoken 190 {\aeligature}
+\defineactivetoken 191 {\ostroke}
+\defineactivetoken 192 {\questiondown}
+\defineactivetoken 193 {\exclamdown}
+\defineactivetoken 194 {\textlognot}
+\defineactivetoken 195 {\mathematics{\sqrt{}}}
+\defineactivetoken 196 {\textflorin}
+\defineactivetoken 197 {\mathematics\approx}
+\defineactivetoken 198 {\mathematics\Delta}
+\defineactivetoken 199 {\leftguillemot}
+\defineactivetoken 200 {\rightguillemot}
+\defineactivetoken 201 {\dots}
+\defineactivetoken 202 {\nonbreakablespace}
+\defineactivetoken 203 {\Agrave}
+\defineactivetoken 204 {\Atilde}
+\defineactivetoken 205 {\Otilde}
+\defineactivetoken 206 {\OEligature}
+\defineactivetoken 207 {\oeligature}
+\defineactivetoken 208 {\endash}
+\defineactivetoken 209 {\emdash}
+\defineactivetoken 210 {\quotedblleft}
+\defineactivetoken 211 {\quotedblright}
+\defineactivetoken 212 {\quoteleft}
+\defineactivetoken 213 {\quoteright}
+\defineactivetoken 214 {\textdiv}
+\defineactivetoken 215 {\mathematics\diamond}
+\defineactivetoken 216 {\ydiaeresis}
+\defineactivetoken 217 {\Ydiaeresis}
+\defineactivetoken 218 {\textfraction}
+\defineactivetoken 219 {\texteuro}
+\defineactivetoken 220 {\guilsingleleft}
+\defineactivetoken 221 {\guilsingleright}
+\defineactivetoken 222 {fi}
+\defineactivetoken 223 {fl}
+\defineactivetoken 224 {\textddag}
+\defineactivetoken 225 {\periodcentered}
+\defineactivetoken 226 {\quotesinglebase}
+\defineactivetoken 227 {\quotedblbase }
+\defineactivetoken 228 {\perthousand}
+\defineactivetoken 229 {\Acircumflex}
+\defineactivetoken 230 {\Ecircumflex}
+\defineactivetoken 231 {\Aacute}
+\defineactivetoken 232 {\Ediaeresis}
+\defineactivetoken 233 {\Egrave}
+\defineactivetoken 234 {\Iacute}
+\defineactivetoken 235 {\Icircumflex}
+\defineactivetoken 236 {\Idiaeresis}
+\defineactivetoken 237 {\Igrave}
+\defineactivetoken 238 {\Oacute}
+\defineactivetoken 239 {\Ocircumflex}
+%defineactivetoken 240 % No definition for Apple logo glyph yet.
+\defineactivetoken 241 {\Ograve}
+\defineactivetoken 242 {\Uacute}
+\defineactivetoken 243 {\Ucircumflex}
+\defineactivetoken 244 {\Ugrave}
+\defineactivetoken 245 {\dotlessi}
+\defineactivetoken 246 {\textcircumflex}
+\defineactivetoken 247 {\texttilde}
+\defineactivetoken 248 {\textmacron}
+\defineactivetoken 249 {\textbreve}
+\defineactivetoken 250 {\textdotaccent}
+\defineactivetoken 251 {\textring}
+\defineactivetoken 252 {\textcedilla}
+\defineactivetoken 253 {\texthungarumlaut}
+\defineactivetoken 254 {\textogonek}
+\defineactivetoken 255 {\textcaron}
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/regi-syn.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/regi-syn.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..09fd59dee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/regi-syn.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=regi-syn,
+%D version=2006.04.04,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Regime Macros,
+%D subtitle=Synonyms,
+%D author=Mojca Miklavec \& Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Regime Macros / Synonyms}
+\defineregimesynonym [windows-1250] [cp1250]
+\defineregimesynonym [windows-1251] [cp1251]
+\defineregimesynonym [windows-1252] [cp1252]
+\defineregimesynonym [windows-1253] [cp1253]
+\defineregimesynonym [windows-1254] [cp1254]
+%defineregimesynonym [windows-1255] [cp1255] % not supported yet (Hebrew)
+%defineregimesynonym [windows-1256] [cp1256] % not supported yet (Arabic)
+\defineregimesynonym [windows-1257] [cp1257]
+%defineregimesynonym [windows-1258] [cp1258] % not supported yet (Vietnamese)
+\defineregimesynonym [il1] [8859-1]
+\defineregimesynonym [il2] [8859-2]
+\defineregimesynonym [il3] [8859-3]
+\defineregimesynonym [il4] [8859-4]
+\defineregimesynonym [il5] [8859-9]
+\defineregimesynonym [il6] [8859-10]
+\defineregimesynonym [il7] [8859-13]
+%defineregimesynonym [il8] [8859-14]
+\defineregimesynonym [il9] [8859-15]
+\defineregimesynonym [il10] [8859-16]
+\defineregimesynonym [iso-8859-1] [8859-1]
+\defineregimesynonym [iso-8859-2] [8859-2]
+\defineregimesynonym [iso-8859-3] [8859-3]
+\defineregimesynonym [iso-8859-4] [8859-4]
+\defineregimesynonym [iso-8859-9] [8859-9]
+\defineregimesynonym [iso-8859-10] [8859-10]
+\defineregimesynonym [iso-8859-13] [8859-13]
+%defineregimesynonym [iso-8859-14] [8859-14]
+\defineregimesynonym [iso-8859-15] [8859-15]
+\defineregimesynonym [iso-8859-16] [8859-16]
+\defineregimesynonym [latin1] [8859-1]
+\defineregimesynonym [latin2] [8859-2]
+\defineregimesynonym [latin3] [8859-3]
+\defineregimesynonym [latin4] [8859-4]
+\defineregimesynonym [latin5] [8859-9]
+\defineregimesynonym [latin6] [8859-10]
+\defineregimesynonym [latin7] [8859-13]
+%defineregimesynonym [latin8] [8859-14]
+\defineregimesynonym [latin9] [8859-15]
+\defineregimesynonym [latin10] [8859-16]
+% kind of special
+\defineregimesynonym [utf-8] [utf]
+\defineregimesynonym [utf8] [utf]
+% for historical reasons / compatibility
+\defineregimesynonym [windows] [cp1252]
+\defineregimesynonym [grk] [8859-7]
+\defineregimesynonym [iso88595] [8859-5]
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/regi-uni.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/regi-uni.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fe2f99a4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/regi-uni.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=enco-uni,
+%D version=1998.10.18,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Encoding Macros,
+%D subtitle=Unicode,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D This module activates all characters in the upper range
+%D and sets them to the basic unicodehandler. Beware, this is
+%D a special purpose handler (esp for chinese encodings).
+\defineactivedecimals 128 to 255 as {\handleunicodeflowglyph}
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/regi-utf.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/regi-utf.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..09926a172
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/regi-utf.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=regi-utf,
+%D version=2002.12.03,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Encoding Macros,
+%D subtitle=UTF-8,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+ \expandafter \endinput
+%D This regime activates the characters $>192$ and let them
+%D handle \UTF\ encoded content streams. This regime runs on
+%D top of the \type {unic} modules. We use an active inspector
+%D instead of a active token handler because here we don't want
+%D the \type {{}}. We only support this in \ETEX.
+% ÀÁÂÃÄÅàáâãäå
+% ÆÇæç
+% ÈÉÊËèéêë
+% ÌÍÎÏÞìíîïþ
+% Ðð
+% Ññ
+% ÒÓÔÕÖòóôõö
+% Øø
+% ÙÚÛÜùúûü
+% Ýýÿ
+% ß
+% Ţţ
+ {\expanded{\defineactiveinspector{\recurselevel} {\noexpand\utftwouniglph {\recurselevel}}}} % space delimited
+ {\expanded{\defineactiveinspector{\recurselevel} {\noexpand\utfthreeuniglph{\recurselevel}}}} % space delimited
+ {\expanded{\defineactiveinspector{\recurselevel} {\noexpand\utffouruniglph {\recurselevel}}}} % space delimited
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/regi-vis.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/regi-vis.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1807bdc93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/regi-vis.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=regi-vis,
+%D version=2005.12.26,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Encoding Macros,
+%D subtitle=viscii,
+%D author=script-generated,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D Support for VISCII input encoding (regime) for Vietnamese.
+%D Usage:
+%D \type{\enableregime[vis]}
+\defineactivetoken 2 {\Abrevehook} % 1EB2 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH BREVE AND HOOK ABOVE
+\defineactivetoken 5 {\Abrevetilde} % 1EB4 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH BREVE AND TILDE
+\defineactivetoken 6 {\Acircumflextilde} % 1EAA LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH CIRCUMFLEX AND TILDE
+\defineactivetoken 20 {\Yhook} % 1EF6 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y WITH HOOK ABOVE
+\defineactivetoken 25 {\Ytilde} % 1EF8 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y WITH TILDE
+\defineactivetoken 30 {\Ydotbelow} % 1EF4 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y WITH DOT BELOW
+\defineactivetoken 128 {\Adotbelow} % 1EA0 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH DOT BELOW
+\defineactivetoken 129 {\Abreveacute} % 1EAE LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH BREVE AND ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 130 {\Abrevegrave} % 1EB0 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH BREVE AND GRAVE
+\defineactivetoken 131 {\Abrevedotbelow} % 1EB6 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH BREVE AND DOT BELOW
+\defineactivetoken 132 {\Acircumflexacute} % 1EA4 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH CIRCUMFLEX AND ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 133 {\Acircumflexgrave} % 1EA6 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH CIRCUMFLEX AND GRAVE
+\defineactivetoken 134 {\Acircumflexhook} % 1EA8 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH CIRCUMFLEX AND HOOK ABOVE
+\defineactivetoken 135 {\Acircumflexdotbelow} % 1EAC LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH CIRCUMFLEX AND DOT BELOW
+\defineactivetoken 136 {\Etilde} % 1EBC LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH TILDE
+\defineactivetoken 137 {\Edotbelow} % 1EB8 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH DOT BELOW
+\defineactivetoken 138 {\Ecircumflexacute} % 1EBE LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH CIRCUMFLEX AND ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 139 {\Ecircumflexgrave} % 1EC0 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH CIRCUMFLEX AND GRAVE
+\defineactivetoken 140 {\Ecircumflexhook} % 1EC2 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH CIRCUMFLEX AND HOOK ABOVE
+\defineactivetoken 141 {\Ecircumflextilde} % 1EC4 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH CIRCUMFLEX AND TILDE
+\defineactivetoken 142 {\Ecircumflexdotbelow} % 1EC6 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH CIRCUMFLEX AND DOT BELOW
+\defineactivetoken 143 {\Ocircumflexacute} % 1ED0 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH CIRCUMFLEX AND ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 144 {\Ocircumflexgrave} % 1ED2 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH CIRCUMFLEX AND GRAVE
+\defineactivetoken 145 {\Ocircumflexhook} % 1ED4 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH CIRCUMFLEX AND HOOK ABOVE
+\defineactivetoken 146 {\Ocircumflextilde} % 1ED6 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH CIRCUMFLEX AND TILDE
+\defineactivetoken 147 {\Ocircumflexdotbelow} % 1ED8 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH CIRCUMFLEX AND DOT BELOW
+\defineactivetoken 148 {\Ohorndotbelow} % 1EE2 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH HORN AND DOT BELOW
+\defineactivetoken 149 {\Ohornacute} % 1EDA LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH HORN AND ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 150 {\Ohorngrave} % 1EDC LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH HORN AND GRAVE
+\defineactivetoken 151 {\Ohornhook} % 1EDE LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH HORN AND HOOK ABOVE
+\defineactivetoken 152 {\Idotbelow} % 1ECA LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH DOT BELOW
+\defineactivetoken 153 {\Ohook} % 1ECE LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH HOOK ABOVE
+\defineactivetoken 154 {\Odotbelow} % 1ECC LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH DOT BELOW
+\defineactivetoken 155 {\Ihook} % 1EC8 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH HOOK ABOVE
+\defineactivetoken 156 {\Uhook} % 1EE6 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH HOOK ABOVE
+\defineactivetoken 157 {\Utilde} % 0168 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH TILDE
+\defineactivetoken 158 {\Udotbelow} % 1EE4 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH DOT BELOW
+\defineactivetoken 159 {\Ygrave} % 1EF2 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y WITH GRAVE
+\defineactivetoken 160 {\Otilde} % 00D5 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH TILDE
+\defineactivetoken 161 {\abreveacute} % 1EAF LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH BREVE AND ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 162 {\abrevegrave} % 1EB1 LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH BREVE AND GRAVE
+\defineactivetoken 163 {\abrevedotbelow} % 1EB7 LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH BREVE AND DOT BELOW
+\defineactivetoken 164 {\acircumflexacute} % 1EA5 LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH CIRCUMFLEX AND ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 165 {\acircumflexgrave} % 1EA7 LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH CIRCUMFLEX AND GRAVE
+\defineactivetoken 166 {\Acircumflexhook} % 1EA8 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH CIRCUMFLEX AND HOOK ABOVE
+\defineactivetoken 167 {\acircumflexdotbelow} % 1EAD LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH CIRCUMFLEX AND DOT BELOW
+\defineactivetoken 168 {\etilde} % 1EBD LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH TILDE
+\defineactivetoken 169 {\edotbelow} % 1EB9 LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH DOT BELOW
+\defineactivetoken 170 {\ecircumflexacute} % 1EBF LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH CIRCUMFLEX AND ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 171 {\ecircumflexgrave} % 1EC1 LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH CIRCUMFLEX AND GRAVE
+\defineactivetoken 172 {\ecircumflexhook} % 1EC3 LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH CIRCUMFLEX AND HOOK ABOVE
+\defineactivetoken 173 {\ecircumflextilde} % 1EC5 LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH CIRCUMFLEX AND TILDE
+\defineactivetoken 174 {\ecircumflexdotbelow} % 1EC7 LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH CIRCUMFLEX AND DOT BELOW
+\defineactivetoken 175 {\ocircumflexacute} % 1ED1 LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH CIRCUMFLEX AND ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 176 {\ocircumflexgrave} % 1ED3 LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH CIRCUMFLEX AND GRAVE
+\defineactivetoken 177 {\ocircumflexhook} % 1ED5 LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH CIRCUMFLEX AND HOOK ABOVE
+\defineactivetoken 178 {\ocircumflextilde} % 1ED7 LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH CIRCUMFLEX AND TILDE
+\defineactivetoken 179 {\Ohorntilde} % 1EE0 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH HORN AND TILDE
+\defineactivetoken 180 {\Ohorn} % 01A0 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH HORN
+\defineactivetoken 181 {\ocircumflexdotbelow} % 1ED9 LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH CIRCUMFLEX AND DOT BELOW
+\defineactivetoken 182 {\ohorngrave} % 1EDD LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH HORN AND GRAVE
+\defineactivetoken 183 {\ohornhook} % 1EDF LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH HORN AND HOOK ABOVE
+\defineactivetoken 184 {\idotbelow} % 1ECB LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH DOT BELOW
+\defineactivetoken 185 {\Uhorndotbelow} % 1EF0 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH HORN AND DOT BELOW
+\defineactivetoken 186 {\Uhornacute} % 1EE8 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH HORN AND ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 187 {\Uhorngrave} % 1EEA LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH HORN AND GRAVE
+\defineactivetoken 188 {\Uhornhook} % 1EEC LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH HORN AND HOOK ABOVE
+\defineactivetoken 189 {\ohorn} % 01A1 LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH HORN
+\defineactivetoken 190 {\ohornacute} % 1EDB LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH HORN AND ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 191 {\Uhorn} % 01AF LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH HORN
+\defineactivetoken 192 {\Agrave} % 00C0 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH GRAVE
+\defineactivetoken 193 {\Aacute} % 00C1 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 194 {\Acircumflex} % 00C2 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\defineactivetoken 195 {\Atilde} % 00C3 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH TILDE
+\defineactivetoken 196 {\Ahook} % 1EA2 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH HOOK ABOVE
+\defineactivetoken 197 {\Abreve} % 0102 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH BREVE
+\defineactivetoken 198 {\abrevehook} % 1EB3 LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH BREVE AND HOOK ABOVE
+\defineactivetoken 199 {\abrevetilde} % 1EB5 LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH BREVE AND TILDE
+\defineactivetoken 200 {\Egrave} % 00C8 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH GRAVE
+\defineactivetoken 201 {\Eacute} % 00C9 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 202 {\Ecircumflex} % 00CA LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\defineactivetoken 203 {\Ehook} % 1EBA LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH HOOK ABOVE
+\defineactivetoken 204 {\Igrave} % 00CC LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH GRAVE
+\defineactivetoken 205 {\Iacute} % 00CD LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 206 {\Itilde} % 0128 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH TILDE
+\defineactivetoken 207 {\ygrave} % 1EF3 LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH GRAVE
+\defineactivetoken 208 {\Dstroke} % 0110 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER D WITH STROKE
+\defineactivetoken 209 {\uhornacute} % 1EE9 LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH HORN AND ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 210 {\Ograve} % 00D2 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH GRAVE
+\defineactivetoken 211 {\Oacute} % 00D3 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 212 {\Ocircumflex} % 00D4 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\defineactivetoken 213 {\adotbelow} % 1EA1 LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH DOT BELOW
+\defineactivetoken 214 {\yhook} % 1EF7 LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH HOOK ABOVE
+\defineactivetoken 215 {\uhorngrave} % 1EEB LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH HORN AND GRAVE
+\defineactivetoken 216 {\uhornhook} % 1EED LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH HORN AND HOOK ABOVE
+\defineactivetoken 217 {\Ugrave} % 00D9 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH GRAVE
+\defineactivetoken 218 {\Uacute} % 00DA LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 219 {\ytilde} % 1EF9 LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH TILDE
+\defineactivetoken 220 {\ydotbelow} % 1EF5 LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH DOT BELOW
+\defineactivetoken 221 {\Yacute} % 00DD LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 222 {\ohorntilde} % 1EE1 LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH HORN AND TILDE
+\defineactivetoken 223 {\uhorn} % 01B0 LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH HORN
+\defineactivetoken 224 {\agrave} % 00E0 LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH GRAVE
+\defineactivetoken 225 {\aacute} % 00E1 LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 226 {\acircumflex} % 00E2 LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\defineactivetoken 227 {\atilde} % 00E3 LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH TILDE
+\defineactivetoken 228 {\ahook} % 1EA3 LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH HOOK ABOVE
+\defineactivetoken 229 {\abreve} % 0103 LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH BREVE
+\defineactivetoken 230 {\uhorntilde} % 1EEF LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH HORN AND TILDE
+\defineactivetoken 231 {\acircumflextilde} % 1EAB LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH CIRCUMFLEX AND TILDE
+\defineactivetoken 232 {\egrave} % 00E8 LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH GRAVE
+\defineactivetoken 233 {\eacute} % 00E9 LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 234 {\ecircumflex} % 00EA LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\defineactivetoken 235 {\ehook} % 1EBB LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH HOOK ABOVE
+\defineactivetoken 236 {\igrave} % 00EC LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH GRAVE
+\defineactivetoken 237 {\iacute} % 00ED LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 238 {\itilde} % 0129 LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH TILDE
+\defineactivetoken 239 {\ihook} % 1EC9 LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH HOOK ABOVE
+\defineactivetoken 240 {\dstroke} % 0111 LATIN SMALL LETTER D WITH STROKE
+\defineactivetoken 241 {\uhorndotbelow} % 1EF1 LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH HORN AND DOT BELOW
+\defineactivetoken 242 {\ograve} % 00F2 LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH GRAVE
+\defineactivetoken 243 {\oacute} % 00F3 LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 244 {\ocircumflex} % 00F4 LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\defineactivetoken 245 {\otilde} % 00F5 LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH TILDE
+\defineactivetoken 246 {\ohook} % 1ECF LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH HOOK ABOVE
+\defineactivetoken 247 {\odotbelow} % 1ECD LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH DOT BELOW
+\defineactivetoken 248 {\udotbelow} % 1EE5 LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH DOT BELOW
+\defineactivetoken 249 {\ugrave} % 00F9 LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH GRAVE
+\defineactivetoken 250 {\uacute} % 00FA LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 251 {\utilde} % 0169 LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH TILDE
+\defineactivetoken 252 {\uhook} % 1EE7 LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH HOOK ABOVE
+\defineactivetoken 253 {\yacute} % 00FD LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH ACUTE
+\defineactivetoken 254 {\ohorndotbelow} % 1EE3 LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH HORN AND DOT BELOW
+\defineactivetoken 255 {\Uhorntilde} % 1EEE LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH HORN AND TILDE
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/scrn-fld.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/scrn-fld.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..993b510ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/scrn-fld.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,1247 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=scrn-fld,
+%D version=1997.05.18,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Screen Macros,
+%D subtitle=Fields,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+% \appendtocommalist versus \addtocommalist
+% * as default trigger in radiofields ?
+% beware: weblink plugin truncates on length, while save as doesn't;
+% more precise: (1) first time right string is sent, (2)
+% internal string truncated, (3) second time truncated
+% string is sent.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Screen Macros / Fields}
+% messages
+%D First we hook fields into the (viewer based) layering mechanism
+%D (implemented as properties).
+\ifx\currentlayerproperty\undefined\else \let\currentlayerproperty\empty\fi
+ \doif\@@iafieldlayer\v!auto
+ {\def\@@iafieldlayer{\currentlayerproperty}}%
+\to \everysetupinteraction
+ [\c!fieldlayer=\v!auto] % auto by default
+%D Internal command, linked to \type{\definesymbol}.
+ {\getobject{SYM}{#1}}
+ {\checkobjectreferences
+ \doifobjectfoundelse{SYM}{#1}
+ {}
+ {\settightobject{SYM}{#1}\hbox{\symbol[#1]}%
+ \flushatshipout
+ {\setbox0\hbox{\hskip-\maxdimen\getobject{SYM}{#1}}%
+ \smashbox0\box0}}}
+\def\presetfieldsymbols[#1]% slow
+ {\def\dopresetfieldsymbols##1%
+ {\processcommalist[##1]\dopresetfieldsymbol}%
+ \@EA\processcommalist\@EA[#1]\dopresetfieldsymbols}
+ {\definesymbol[defaultyes][$\times$]%
+ \definesymbol[defaultno][$\cdot$]}
+\def\resetfieldsymbol[#1]% for experimental usage only
+ {\resetobject{SYM}{#1}}
+%D The interface to the specials. DEFAULT NOG ANDERS
+\def\preparefieldvariables % evt \def's at the outer level (test) or \edef's here for fast testing
+ {\let\@@DriverFieldNumber \@@fdn
+ \let\@@DriverFieldStyle \@@fdstyle
+ \let\@@DriverFieldColor \@@fdcolor
+ \let\@@DriverFieldBackgroundColor\@@fdfieldbackgroundcolor
+ \let\@@DriverFieldFrameColor \@@fdfieldframecolor
+ \let\@@DriverFieldLayer \@@fdfieldlayer
+ \let\@@DriverFieldOption \@@fdoption
+ \let\@@DriverFieldAlign \@@fdalign
+ \let\@@DriverFieldClickIn \@@fdclickin
+ \let\@@DriverFieldClickOut \@@fdclickout
+ \let\@@DriverFieldRegionIn \@@fdregionin
+ \let\@@DriverFieldRegionOut \@@fdregionout
+ \let\@@DriverFieldAfterKey \@@fdafterkey
+ \let\@@DriverFieldFormat \@@fdformat
+ \let\@@DriverFieldValidate \@@fdvalidate
+ \let\@@DriverFieldCalculate \@@fdcalculate
+ \let\@@DriverFieldFocusIn \@@fdfocusin
+ \let\@@DriverFieldFocusOut \@@fdfocusout}
+% todo : remove arguments, consider DriverField a namespace
+ {\preparefieldvariables
+ \dopresetlinefield
+ {\@@DriverFieldName}
+ {\@@DriverFieldWidth}
+ {\@@DriverFieldHeight}
+ {\@@DriverFieldDefault}
+ {\@@DriverFieldNumber}
+ {\@@DriverFieldStyle,\@@DriverFieldColor,\@@DriverFieldBackgroundColor,\@@DriverFieldFrameColor}
+ {\@@DriverFieldOption}
+ {\@@DriverFieldAlign}
+ {\@@DriverFieldClickIn,\@@DriverFieldClickOut,\@@DriverFieldRegionIn,\@@DriverFieldRegionOut,%
+ \@@DriverFieldAfterKey,\@@DriverFieldFormat,\@@DriverFieldValidate,\@@DriverFieldCalculate,%
+ \@@DriverFieldFocusIn,\@@DriverFieldFocusOut}}
+ {\preparefieldvariables
+ \dopresettextfield
+ {\@@DriverFieldName}
+ {\@@DriverFieldWidth}
+ {\@@DriverFieldHeight}
+ {\@@DriverFieldDefault}
+ {\@@DriverFieldNumber}
+ {\@@DriverFieldStyle,\@@DriverFieldColor,\@@DriverFieldBackgroundColor,\@@DriverFieldFrameColor}
+ {\@@DriverFieldOption}
+ {\@@DriverFieldAlign}
+ {\@@DriverFieldClickIn,\@@DriverFieldClickOut,\@@DriverFieldRegionIn,\@@DriverFieldRegionOut,%
+ \@@DriverFieldAfterKey,\@@DriverFieldFormat,\@@DriverFieldValidate,\@@DriverFieldCalculate,%
+ \@@DriverFieldFocusIn,\@@DriverFieldFocusOut}}
+ {\preparefieldvariables
+ \dopresetchoicefield
+ {\@@DriverFieldName}
+ {\@@DriverFieldWidth}
+ {\@@DriverFieldHeight}
+ {\@@DriverFieldDefault}
+ {\@@DriverFieldStyle,\@@DriverFieldColor,\@@DriverFieldBackgroundColor,\@@DriverFieldFrameColor}
+ {\@@DriverFieldOption}
+ {\@@DriverFieldValues}
+ {\@@DriverFieldClickIn,\@@DriverFieldClickOut,\@@DriverFieldRegionIn,\@@DriverFieldRegionOut,%
+ \@@DriverFieldAfterKey,\@@DriverFieldFormat,\@@DriverFieldValidate,\@@DriverFieldCalculate,%
+ \@@DriverFieldFocusIn,\@@DriverFieldFocusOut}}
+ {\preparefieldvariables
+ \dopresetpopupfield
+ {\@@DriverFieldName}
+ {\@@DriverFieldWidth}
+ {\@@DriverFieldHeight}
+ {\@@DriverFieldDefault}
+ {\@@DriverFieldStyle,\@@DriverFieldColor,\@@DriverFieldBackgroundColor,\@@DriverFieldFrameColor}
+ {\@@DriverFieldOption}
+ {\@@DriverFieldValues}
+ {\@@DriverFieldClickIn,\@@DriverFieldClickOut,\@@DriverFieldRegionIn,\@@DriverFieldRegionOut,%
+ \@@DriverFieldAfterKey,\@@DriverFieldFormat,\@@DriverFieldValidate,\@@DriverFieldCalculate,%
+ \@@DriverFieldFocusIn,\@@DriverFieldFocusOut}}
+ {\preparefieldvariables
+ \dopresetcombofield
+ {\@@DriverFieldName}
+ {\@@DriverFieldWidth}
+ {\@@DriverFieldHeight}
+ {\@@DriverFieldDefault}
+ {\@@DriverFieldStyle,\@@DriverFieldColor,\@@DriverFieldBackgroundColor,\@@DriverFieldFrameColor}
+ {\@@DriverFieldOption}
+ {\@@DriverFieldValues}
+ {\@@DriverFieldClickIn,\@@DriverFieldClickOut,\@@DriverFieldRegionIn,\@@DriverFieldRegionOut,%
+ \@@DriverFieldAfterKey,\@@DriverFieldFormat,\@@DriverFieldValidate,\@@DriverFieldCalculate,%
+ \@@DriverFieldFocusIn,\@@DriverFieldFocusOut}}
+ {\preparefieldvariables
+ \presetfieldsymbols[\@@DriverFieldValues]%
+ \dopresetcheckfield
+ {\@@DriverFieldName}
+ {\@@DriverFieldWidth}
+ {\@@DriverFieldHeight}
+ {\@@DriverFieldDefault}
+ {\@@DriverFieldOption}
+ {\@@DriverFieldValues}
+ {\@@DriverFieldClickIn,\@@DriverFieldClickOut,\@@DriverFieldRegionIn,\@@DriverFieldRegionOut,%
+ \@@DriverFieldAfterKey,\@@DriverFieldFormat,\@@DriverFieldValidate,\@@DriverFieldCalculate,%
+ \@@DriverFieldFocusIn,\@@DriverFieldFocusOut}}
+ {\preparefieldvariables
+ %\edef\@@DriverFieldValues{{\@@DriverFieldValues}}% makes sure {a,b,c} is passed
+ \presetfieldsymbols[\@@DriverFieldValues]%
+ \dopresetpushfield
+ {\@@DriverFieldName}
+ {\@@DriverFieldWidth}
+ {\@@DriverFieldHeight}
+ {\@@DriverFieldDefault}
+ {\@@DriverFieldOption}
+ {\@@DriverFieldValues}
+ {\@@DriverFieldClickIn,\@@DriverFieldClickOut,\@@DriverFieldRegionIn,\@@DriverFieldRegionOut,%
+ \@@DriverFieldAfterKey,\@@DriverFieldFormat,\@@DriverFieldValidate,\@@DriverFieldCalculate,%
+ \@@DriverFieldFocusIn,\@@DriverFieldFocusOut}}
+ {\preparefieldvariables
+ \presetfieldsymbols[\@@DriverFieldValues]%
+ \dopresetradiofield
+ {\@@DriverFieldName}
+ {\@@DriverFieldWidth}
+ {\@@DriverFieldHeight}
+ {\@@DriverFieldDefault}
+ {\@@DriverFieldOption}
+ {\@@DriverFieldRoot}
+ {\@@DriverFieldValues}
+ {\@@DriverFieldClickIn,\@@DriverFieldClickOut,\@@DriverFieldRegionIn,\@@DriverFieldRegionOut,%
+ \@@DriverFieldAfterKey,\@@DriverFieldFormat,\@@DriverFieldValidate,\@@DriverFieldCalculate,%
+ \@@DriverFieldFocusIn,\@@DriverFieldFocusOut}}
+ {\preparefieldvariables
+ \dopresetradiorecord
+ {\@@DriverFieldName}
+ {\@@DriverFieldDefault}
+ {\@@DriverFieldOption}
+ {\@@DriverFieldKids}
+ {\@@DriverFieldClickIn,\@@DriverFieldClickOut,\@@DriverFieldRegionIn,\@@DriverFieldRegionOut,%
+ \@@DriverFieldAfterKey,\@@DriverFieldFormat,\@@DriverFieldValidate,\@@DriverFieldCalculate,%
+ \@@DriverFieldFocusIn,\@@DriverFieldFocusOut}}
+ {\xdef\@@DriverFieldMode{#1}% % 0 1 2 3
+ \xdef\@@DriverFieldFree{#2}% % 0 1
+ \xdef\@@DriverFieldAuto{#3}} % 0 1
+ {\bgroup
+ \doglobal\increment\numberoffields
+ \iftracefields
+ \doglobal\addtocommalist{#1}\collectedfields
+ \fi
+ \the\everysetfield
+ \setxvalue{fielddata#1}% kortere tag #7 needs expansion etc
+ {\noexpand\dosetfield{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}{#6}{#7}{#8}{#9}}%
+ \egroup}
+ {\xdef\@@DriverFieldName {#1}%
+ \xdef\@@DriverFieldType {#2}%
+ \xdef\@@DriverFieldRoot {#3}%
+ \xdef\@@DriverFieldParent {#4}%
+ \xdef\@@DriverFieldKids {#5}%
+ \xdef\@@DriverFieldGroup {#6}%
+ \setfieldmodes #7%
+ \bgroup
+ \def\par{\string\n\string\n}%
+ \xdef\@@DriverFieldValues {#8}%
+ \xdef\@@DriverFieldDefault{#9}%
+ \egroup}
+ {\setfield{#1}\@@DriverFieldType\@@DriverFieldRoot\@@DriverFieldParent\@@DriverFieldKids\@@DriverFieldGroup
+ {\@@DriverFieldMode\@@DriverFieldFree\@@DriverFieldAuto}\@@DriverFieldValues\@@DriverFieldDefault}
+\def\getfield#1% name
+ {\doifundefinedelse{fielddata#1}
+ {\dosetfield{#1}\empty\empty\empty\empty\empty{\empty00}\empty\empty}
+ {\getvalue{fielddata#1}}}
+\newif\iftracefields \tracefieldsfalse
+\def\doshowfields[#1]% todo: tabulate van maken en runtime
+ {\bgroup
+ \switchtobodyfont[8pt,tt]%
+ \doifsomething{#1}{\def\collectedfields{#1}}%
+ \ifx\collectedfields\empty
+ \par specify [fieldlist] or say \type{\tracefieldstrue} first\par
+ \else
+ \def\normalizedfieldmode##1##2##3%
+ {\ifcase0##2 \else\sl\fi
+ \ifcase0##1 loner\or parent\or clone\or copy\fi}%
+ \def\dosetfield##1##2##3##4##5##6##7##8##9%
+ {##1&##2&##3&##4&##5&##6&\normalizedfieldmode##7&##8&##9\cr}%
+ \halign
+ {&##\strut\hss\quad\cr
+ \noalign{\hrule}%
+ \noalign{\hrule}%
+ \@EA\globalprocesscommalist\@EA[\collectedfields]\getfield
+ \noalign{\hrule}}%
+ \fi
+ \egroup}
+ {\dosingleempty\doshowfields}
+ {\bgroup
+ \immediate\openout\scratchwrite=fields.log
+ \doifsomething{#1}{\def\collectedfields{#1}}%
+ \ifx\colledtedfields\empty
+ \immediate\write\scratchwrite{use \tracefieldstrue}%
+ \else
+ \def\normalizedfieldmode##1##2##3%
+ {\edef\@@DriverFieldMode
+ {\ifcase##1 loner \or parent \or clone \or copy \fi
+ \ifcase##2 \else(done)\fi}}%
+ \def\dosetfield##1##2##3##4##5##6##7##8##9%
+ {\normalizedfieldmode##7%
+ \immediate\write\scratchwrite
+ {N=##1 / T=##2 / R=##3 / P=##4 / K=##5 / G=##6 /
+ M=\@@DriverFieldMode\space/ V=##8 / D=##9}}%
+ \processcommacommand[\collectedfields]\getfield
+ \fi
+ \immediate\closeout\scratchwrite
+ \egroup}
+ {\dosingleempty\doLogFields}
+%D \starttyping
+%D \definefield [name] [type] [group] [values] [default]
+%D \definefield [WWWW] [text] [textsetup] [default text]
+%D \definefield [XXXX] [push] [pushsetup] [yes,no] [yes]
+%D \definefield [XXXX] [check] [checksetup] [yes,no] [yes]
+%D \definefield [YYYY] [combo] [combosetup] [a,b,c,d] [b]
+%D \definefield [ZZZZ] [radio] [radiosetup] [W,X,Y,Z] [Y]
+%D \definesubfield [W] [subsetup] [p,q]
+%D \definesubfield [X,Y] [subsetup] [p,r]
+%D \definesubfield [Z] [subsetup] [y,z]
+%D evt \definemainfield ... wanneer geplaatst voor subs gegeven
+%D \clonefield [XXXX] [XX,YY] [mysetup] [on,off]
+%D \clonefield [Z] [AA,BB] [somesetup] [true,false]
+%D \clonefield [Z] [CC,DD] [anothersetup]
+%D \copyfield [XXXX] [PP,QQ,RR]
+%D \field[XXXX]
+%D \fitfield[XXXX]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Beware, in \MKII\ we don't support autocloning for radiofields.
+\newif\ifdefinemainfield \definemainfieldfalse
+%D We need to keep track of cloned (related) fields and so by
+%D maintaining lists of field clones.
+%D The first alternative used a two pass data list and was
+%D implemented as follows:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\getmainfieldkids#1%
+%D {\let\@@DriverFieldKids\empty
+%D \ifdefinemainfield
+%D \definetwopasslist{fld:#1}% defined by system
+%D \doloop
+%D {\gettwopassdata{fld:#1}%
+%D \iftwopassdatafound
+%D %\addtocommalist\twopassdata\@@DriverFieldKids
+%D \appendtocommalist\twopassdata\@@DriverFieldKids
+%D \else
+%D \exitloop
+%D \fi}%
+%D \fi}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D However, the next alternative is much faster when we have
+%D a field with thousands of clones, something not that
+%D imaginary.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\getmainfieldkids#1%
+%D {\let\@@DriverFieldKids\empty
+%D \ifdefinemainfield
+%D \definetwopasslist{fld:#1}% runtime defined by system
+%D \getnamedtwopassdatalist{fld:#1}\@@DriverFieldKids
+%D \fi}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The data is written by file using:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \newcounter\nofmainfieldkids
+%D \def\setmainfieldkid#1#2%
+%D {\doglobal\increment\nofmainfieldkids
+%D \savetwopassdata{fld:#1}{\nofmainfieldkids}{#2}}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The trade of of this mechanism is that for each cloned or
+%D copied field, the uitlity file is to be read in order to
+%D fetch the data.
+%D The next, much faster alternative uses a dedicated %
+%D reference mechanism.
+ {\immediatewriteutilitycommand{\fieldreference{#1}{#2}}}
+ {\startnointerference
+ \protectlabels
+ \doutilities{fieldreferences}\jobname\empty\relax\relax
+ \global\let\checkfieldreferences\relax
+ \stopnointerference}
+ {\def\fieldreference##1##2%
+ {\ifundefined{\r!widget##1}%
+ \setxvalue{\r!widget##1}{##2}%
+ \else
+ \edef\!!stringa{\getvalue{\r!widget##1}}%
+ \setxvalue{\r!widget##1}{\!!stringa,##2}%
+ \fi}}
+ {\let\fieldreference\gobbletwoarguments}
+ {\checkfieldreferences
+ \ifdefinemainfield
+ \doifundefinedelse{\r!widget#1}%
+ {\let\@@DriverFieldKids\empty}
+ {\@EA\let\@EA\@@DriverFieldKids\csname\r!widget#1\endcsname}%
+ \else
+ \let\@@DriverFieldKids\empty
+ \fi}
+%D Of course it costs a few more tokens to implement, but it's
+%D worth the memory: running for instance the 2000 page
+%D english examns publishing on demand document went down from
+%D 1350 seconds to less than 950 on a 650 Mhz pentium.
+ {\definemainfieldfalse\doquintupleempty\dodefinefield}
+ {\definemainfieldtrue \doquintupleempty\dodefinefield}
+ {\ifcase\numberoffields\relax\else
+ \savecurrentvalue\totalnumberoffields\numberoffields
+ \fi}
+\appendtoks \savenumberoffields \to \everybye % \everylastshipout
+% \def\presetfieldreferences
+% {\ifnum\totalnumberoffields>0
+% \definereference[AtOpenInitializeForm][\v!ResetForm]%
+% \fi}
+% \definereference[AtOpenInitializeForm][\v!geen]
+% \appendtoks \presetfieldreferences \to \everycheckreferences
+ {\ifsecondargument
+ \edef\currentfieldname{#1}% just in case we're inside a loop
+ \doifundefinedelse{define#2field}
+ {\writestatus\m!fields{unknown field type #2}}
+ {\doifundefined{fielddata\currentfieldname}
+ {\getmainfieldkids\currentfieldname
+ \ifdefinemainfield
+ \ifx\@@DriverFieldKids\empty
+ \let\@@DriverFieldMode\fieldlonermode
+ \else
+ \let\@@DriverFieldMode\fieldparentmode
+ \fi
+ \def\@@DriverFieldAuto{1}%
+ \else
+ \let\@@DriverFieldMode\fieldlonermode
+ \def\@@DriverFieldAuto{0}%
+ \fi
+ \def\@@DriverFieldFree{0}%
+ \getvalue{define#2field}{\currentfieldname}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}}}%
+ \else
+ \writestatus\m!fields{pass fieldname and fieldtype}%
+ \fi}
+ {\setfield{#1}{#2}{}{}{\@@DriverFieldKids}{#3}{\@@DriverFieldMode\@@DriverFieldFree\@@DriverFieldAuto}{}{#4}}
+ {\doifelsenothing{#4}
+ {\def\@@DriverFieldValues{yes,no}}
+ {\def\@@DriverFieldValues{#4}}%
+ \doifelsenothing{#5}
+ {\dogetcommacommandelement2\from\@@DriverFieldValues \to\@@DriverFieldDefault
+ \dogetcommacommandelement1\from\@@DriverFieldDefault\to\@@DriverFieldDefault}
+ {\def\@@DriverFieldDefault{#5}}%
+ \setfield{#1}{#2}{}{}{\@@DriverFieldKids}{#3}{\@@DriverFieldMode\@@DriverFieldFree\@@DriverFieldAuto}{\@@DriverFieldValues}{\@@DriverFieldDefault}}
+% {\doifelsenothing{#4}
+% {\definedefaultsymbols
+% \def\@@DriverFieldValues{defaultyes}}
+% {\def\@@DriverFieldValues{#4}}%
+% \doifelsenothing{#5}
+% {\dogetcommacommandelement2\from\@@DriverFieldValues\to\@@DriverFieldDefault
+% \dogetcommacommandelement1\from\@@DriverFieldDefault\to\@@DriverFieldDefault}
+% {\def\@@DriverFieldDefault{#5}}%
+% \setfield{#1}{#2}{}{}{\@@DriverFieldKids}{#3}{\@@DriverFieldMode\@@DriverFieldFree\@@DriverFieldAuto}{\@@DriverFieldValues}{\@@DriverFieldDefault}}
+%D Since these fields have an on/off state only, we pass 1/0
+%D to the driver as default values.
+ {\doifelsenothing{#4}
+ {\definedefaultsymbols
+ \def\@@DriverFieldValues{defaultyes}}
+ {\def\@@DriverFieldValues{#4}}%
+ \doifelsenothing{#5}
+ {\def\@@DriverFieldDefault{2}}
+ {\dogetcommacommandelement1\from\@@DriverFieldValues\to\@@DriverFieldDefault
+ \doifinstringelse{#5}{\@@DriverFieldDefault}
+ {\def\@@DriverFieldDefault{1}}
+ {\def\@@DriverFieldDefault{0}}}%
+ \setfield
+ {#1}{#2}{}{}{\@@DriverFieldKids}{#3}%
+ {\@@DriverFieldMode\@@DriverFieldFree\@@DriverFieldAuto}%
+ {\@@DriverFieldValues}{\@@DriverFieldDefault}}
+ {\iffourthargument
+ \doifelsenothing{#5}
+ {\dogetcommacommandelement1\from#4\to\SavedFieldDefault
+ \dogetcommacommandelement1\from\SavedFieldDefault\to\SavedFieldDefault}
+ {\def\SavedFieldDefault{#5}}%
+% when opt works
+% \@EA\beforesplitstring\SavedFieldDefault\at=>\to\SavedFieldDefault
+ \ifx\@@DriverFieldKids\empty
+ \setfield{#1}{#2}{}{}{#4}{#3}{\@@DriverFieldMode\@@DriverFieldFree\@@DriverFieldAuto}{}{\SavedFieldDefault}%
+ \else
+ \setfield{#1}{#2}{}{}{#4,\@@DriverFieldKids}{#3}{\@@DriverFieldMode\@@DriverFieldFree\@@DriverFieldAuto}{}{\SavedFieldDefault}%
+ \fi
+ \def\docommand##1%
+ {\doifelse{##1}\SavedFieldDefault
+ {\def\@@DriverFieldDefault{##1}}%
+ {\let\@@DriverFieldDefault\empty}%
+ \setfield{##1}{#2}{#1}{}{}{#3}{\@@DriverFieldMode\@@DriverFieldFree\@@DriverFieldAuto}{}{\@@DriverFieldDefault}}%
+% when opt works
+% \def\docommand##1%
+% {\@EA\beforesplitstring##1\at=>\to\FieldValue
+% \doifelse\FieldValue\SavedFieldDefault
+% {\let\@@DriverFieldDefault\FieldValue}%
+% {\let\@@DriverFieldDefault\empty}%
+% \setfield\FieldValue{#2}{#1}{}{}{#3}{\@@DriverFieldMode\@@DriverFieldFree\@@DriverFieldAuto}{}{\@@DriverFieldDefault}}%
+ \processcommalist[#4]\docommand
+ \else
+ \writestatus\m!fields{pass values too}%
+ \fi}
+ {\dotripleempty\dodefinesubfield}
+\def\dodefinesubfield[#1][#2][#3]% for the moment only radio ones
+ {\ifsecondargument
+ \def\docommand##1%
+ {\getfield{##1}%
+ \ifx\@@DriverFieldType\empty
+ \writestatus\m!fields{unknown field ##1}% to do
+ \else
+ \doifsomething{#2}
+ {\edef\@@DriverFieldGroup{#2}}%
+ \doifelsenothing{#3}
+ {\definedefaultsymbols
+ \def\@@DriverFieldValues{defaultyes}}
+ {\def\@@DriverFieldValues{#3}}%
+ \changefield{##1}%
+ \fi}%
+ \processcommalist[#1]\docommand
+ \else
+ \writestatus\m!fields{pass fieldname, setupgroup, values and default}%
+ \fi}
+\def\doclonefield[#1][#2][#3][#4]% parent children setupgroup values
+ {\ifsecondargument
+ \getfield{#1}%
+ \ifx\@@DriverFieldType\empty
+ \writestatus\m!fields{unknown field #1}%
+ \else
+ \let\@@DriverFieldMode\fieldparentmode
+ %\def\docommand##1{\addtocommalist{##1}\@@DriverFieldKids}%
+ \def\docommand##1{\appendtocommalist{##1}\@@DriverFieldKids}%
+ \processcommalist[#2]\docommand
+ \changefield{#1}%
+ \let\@@DriverFieldAutoParent\@@DriverFieldAuto
+ \def\@@DriverFieldParent{#1}%
+ \let\@@DriverFieldKids\empty
+ \let\@@DriverFieldRoot\empty
+ \let\@@DriverFieldMode\fieldchildmode
+ \def\@@DriverFieldFree{0}%
+ \def\@@DriverFieldAuto{0}%
+ \doifsomething{#3}{\edef\@@DriverFieldGroup{#3}}%
+ \doifsomething{#4}{\edef\@@DriverFieldValues{#4}}%
+ \def\docommand##1%
+ {\ifcase\@@DriverFieldAutoParent\else
+ \setmainfieldkid{\@@DriverFieldParent}{##1}%
+ \fi
+ \changefield{##1}}%
+ \processcommalist[#2]\docommand
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \writestatus\m!fields{pass parent field and clones}%
+ \fi}
+ {\doquadrupleempty\doclonefield}
+\def\docopyfield[#1][#2]% parent children
+ {\ifsecondargument
+ \getfield{#1}%
+ \ifx\@@DriverFieldType\empty
+ \writestatus\m!fields{unknown field #1}%
+ \else
+ \let\@@DriverFieldMode\fieldparentmode
+ %\def\docommand##1{\addtocommalist{##1}\@@DriverFieldKids}%
+ \def\docommand##1{\appendtocommalist{##1}\@@DriverFieldKids}%
+ \processcommalist[#2]\docommand
+ \changefield{#1}%
+ \let\@@DriverFieldAutoParent\@@DriverFieldAuto
+ \def\@@DriverFieldParent{#1}%
+ \let\@@DriverFieldKids\empty
+ \let\@@DriverFieldRoot\empty
+ \let\@@DriverFieldMode\fieldcopymode
+ \def\@@DriverFieldFree{0}%
+ \def\@@DriverFieldAuto{0}%
+ \def\docommand##1%
+ {\ifcase\@@DriverFieldAutoParent\else
+ \setmainfieldkid{\@@DriverFieldParent}{##1}%
+ \fi
+ \changefield{##1}}%
+ \processcommalist[#2]\docommand
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \writestatus\m!fields{pass parent field and copies}%
+ \fi}
+\unexpanded\def\field {\dotripleempty\dofield[\dohandlefield]}
+ {\iffirstargument
+ \bgroup
+ \getfield{#2}%
+ \ifsecondargument
+ \def\@@DriverFieldLabel{#3}%
+ \else
+ \let\@@DriverFieldLabel\@@DriverFieldName
+ \fi
+ \ifx\@@DriverFieldType\empty
+ \writestatus\m!fields{unknown field #2}%
+ \else\ifcase\@@DriverFieldFree\relax
+ \doifdefinedelse{\strippedcsname\setupfield\@@DriverFieldGroup}
+ {\let\dosetupfield=#1\getvalue{\strippedcsname\setupfield\@@DriverFieldGroup}}
+ {#1[\@@DriverFieldName][\v!label,\v!frame,\v!horizontal][][][]}%
+ \def\@@DriverFieldFree{1}%
+ \changefield{#2}%
+ \else\ifcase\@@DriverFieldAuto\relax
+ % \writestatus\m!fields{field #2 already typeset}%
+ \else
+ % \writestatus\m!fields{field #2 automatically copied}%
+ \nextsystemfield
+ \copyfield[\@@DriverFieldName][\currentsystemfield]%
+ \dotripleempty\dofield[#1][\currentsystemfield][#3]% get the if's right
+ \fi\fi\fi
+ \egroup
+ \fi}
+ {\useJSscripts[fld]%
+ \ifx\@@DriverFieldRoot\empty \else
+ \let\@@SavedFieldName\@@DriverFieldName
+ \getfield\@@DriverFieldRoot
+ \ifcase\@@DriverFieldFree\relax
+ \dosetfieldstatus\@@DriverFieldMode\@@DriverFieldParent\@@DriverFieldKids\@@DriverFieldRoot
+ \dopresetrecord
+ \def\@@DriverFieldFree{1}%
+ \changefield\@@DriverFieldName
+ \fi
+ \getfield\@@SavedFieldName
+ \fi
+ \ifx\@@DriverFieldKids\empty
+ \donefalse
+ \else
+ \donetrue
+ \fi
+ \ifdone
+ \let\@@DriverFieldParent\@@DriverFieldName
+ %\addtocommalist\@@DriverFieldParent\@@DriverFieldKids
+ \appendtocommalist\@@DriverFieldParent\@@DriverFieldKids
+ \dosetfieldstatus\@@DriverFieldMode\@@DriverFieldParent\@@DriverFieldKids\@@DriverFieldRoot
+ \dopresetfield
+ \let\@@DriverFieldMode\fieldchildmode
+ \fi
+ \dosetfieldstatus\@@DriverFieldMode\@@DriverFieldParent\@@DriverFieldKids\@@DriverFieldRoot
+ \dopresetfield}
+ {\iftrialtypesetting\else\iflocation\getvalue{preset\@@DriverFieldType field}\fi\fi}
+ {\iftrialtypesetting\else\iflocation\getvalue{preset\@@DriverFieldType record}\fi\fi}
+ {\dodefinefieldset{#1}{#2}}
+ {\dodoubleargument\dodefinethefieldset}
+ {\doifdefinedelse{\strippedcsname\setupfield#1}
+ {\pushmacro\dosetupfield
+ \def\dosetupfield[##1][##2][##3][##4][##5]%
+ {\setvalue{\strippedcsname\setupfield#1}{\dosetupfield[#1][##2,#2][##3,#3][##4,#4][##5,#5]}}%
+ \getvalue{\strippedcsname\setupfield#1}%
+ \popmacro\dosetupfield}
+ {\setvalue{\strippedcsname\setupfield#1}{\dosetupfield[#1][#2][#3][#4][#5]}}}
+ {\setvalue{\strippedcsname\setupfield#1}{\dosetupfield[#1][#2][#3][#4][#5]}}
+ {\iffifthargument
+ \def\docommand##1{\dodosetupfield[##1][#2][#3][#4][#5]}%
+ \processcommalist[#1]\docommand
+ \else\ifthirdargument
+ \def\docommand##1{\dodosetupfield[##1][#2][][][#3]}%
+ \processcommalist[#1]\docommand
+ \else\ifsecondargument
+ \doifelse{#2}\v!reset
+ {\def\docommand##1{\donosetupfield[#1][][][][]}}
+ {\def\docommand##1{\dodosetupfield[##1][][][][#2]}}%
+ \processcommalist[#1]\docommand
+ \else\iffirstargument
+ \def\docommand##1{\dodosetupfield[##1][][][][]}%
+ \processcommalist[#1]\docommand
+ \else
+ \writestatus\m!fields{provide either 1, 2, 3 or 5 arguments}%
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi}
+ {\doquintupleempty\dosetupfield}
+ {\ifsecondargument
+ \def\dodosetupfield[##1][##2][##3][##4][##5]%
+ {\doifdefinedelse{\strippedcsname\setupfield##1}
+ {\def\dosetupfield[####1][####2][####3][####4][####5]%
+ {\setvalue{\strippedcsname\setupfield##1}{\dosetupfield[##1][#1,####2,##2][#2,####3,##3][#3,####4,##4][#4,####5,##5]}}%
+ \getvalue{\strippedcsname\setupfield##1}}
+ {\setvalue{\strippedcsname\setupfield##1}{\dosetupfield[##1][#1,##2][#2,##3][#3,##4][#4,##5]}}}%
+ \else\iffirstargument
+ \doifelse{#1}\v!reset
+ {\resetfields}
+ {\setupfields[][][][#1]}% checken
+ \else
+ \writestatus\m!fields{provide either 1 or 4 arguments}%
+ \fi\fi}
+ {\doquadrupleempty\dosetupfields}
+ {\let\dodosetupfield\normaldodosetupfield}
+% \setupfields[\v!reset]
+% opties: veld, label, kader, vertikaal/horizontaal
+% way to slow/complicated, we need some simple alternative
+% as well
+ {\presetlocalframed[\??fd]%
+ \processallactionsinset
+ [#2]
+ [ \v!reset=>\ShowFieldLabelfalse\ShowFieldFramefalse
+ \HorizontalFieldfalse\VerticalFieldfalse,
+ \v!label=>\ShowFieldLabeltrue,
+ \v!frame=>\ShowFieldFrametrue,
+ \v!horizontal=>\HorizontalFieldtrue,
+ \v!vertical=>\VerticalFieldtrue]%
+ \ifVerticalField
+ \getparameters[\??fd]
+ [\c!distance=\!!zeropoint,\c!inbetween=\vskip\@@localoffset,
+ \c!align=\v!right,\c!width=20em]%
+ \else\ifHorizontalField
+ \getparameters[\??fd]
+ [\c!distance=\@@localoffset,\c!inbetween=,\c!align=\c!left,
+ \c!height=10ex]%
+ \else
+ \getparameters[\??fd]
+ [\c!distance=\!!zeropoint,\c!inbetween=,\c!align=\c!left]%
+ \fi\fi
+ \getparameters[\??fd]
+ [\c!n=,\c!before=,\c!after=\vss,\c!style=,\c!color=,#3]%
+ \reshapeframeboxfalse % else ugly spacing
+ \ifShowFieldFrame
+ \localframed[\??fd][\c!strut=\v!no,\c!align=]\bgroup
+ \else
+ \vbox\bgroup
+ \fi
+ \dontcomplain
+ \ifShowFieldLabel
+ \setbox0\hbox
+ {\reshapeframeboxtrue % else wrong dimensions
+ \framed
+ [\c!style=,\c!color=,\c!align=\c!right,#4]
+ {\@@DriverFieldLabel}}%
+ \fi
+ \setbox2\hbox
+ {\reshapeframeboxtrue % else wrong dimensions
+ \ifVerticalField
+ \setupframed[\c!height=6ex,\c!width=\hsize]%
+ \else\ifHorizontalField
+ \setupframed[\c!height=\vsize,\c!width=20em]%
+ \else
+ \setupframed[\c!height=2cm,\c!width=2cm]%
+ \fi\fi
+ \framed
+ [\c!align=\v!right,\c!strut=\v!no,#5]
+ {\getparameters
+ [\??fd]
+ [\c!color=,\c!style=,\c!align=\v!right,\c!option=,
+ \c!clickin=,\c!clickout=,\c!regionin=,\c!regionout=,
+ \c!afterkey=,\c!format=,\c!validate=,\c!calculate=,
+ \c!focusin=,\c!focusout=,
+ \c!fieldoffset=\!!zeropoint,\c!fieldbackgroundcolor=,
+ \c!fieldframecolor=,\c!fieldlayer=\@@iafieldlayer,#5]%
+ \scratchdimen\framedwidth \edef\@@DriverFieldWidth {\the\scratchdimen}%
+ \scratchdimen\framedheight\edef\@@DriverFieldHeight{\the\scratchdimen}%
+ \vfill
+ \hbox{\lower\@@fdfieldoffset\hbox{\typesetfield}}
+ \vss}}%
+ \ifShowFieldLabel
+ \ifVerticalField
+ \vbox
+ {\copy0
+ \@@fdinbetween
+ \copy2}%
+ \else
+ \hbox
+ {\vbox \ifdim\ht2>\ht0 to \ht2 \fi
+ {\@@fdbefore
+ \copy0
+ \@@fdafter}%
+ \hskip\@@fddistance
+ \vbox \ifdim\ht0>\ht2 to \ht0 \fi
+ {\@@fdbefore
+ \box2
+ \@@fdafter}}%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \box2
+ \fi
+ \egroup}
+\chardef\fitfieldmode\plusone % 3 = best
+\def\dohandlefitfield[#1][#2][#3][#4][#5]% alleen check
+ {\presetlocalframed[\??fd]%
+ \localframed
+ [\??fd]
+ [\c!n=1024, % beware: weblink plug in truncates
+ \c!strut=\v!no,\c!color=,\c!style=,\c!option=,
+ \c!clickin=,\c!clickout=,\c!regionin=,\c!regionout=,
+ \c!focusin=,\c!focusout=,
+ \c!afterkey=,\c!format=,\c!validate=,\c!calculate=,
+ \c!fieldoffset=\!!zeropoint,\c!fieldbackgroundcolor=,
+ \c!fieldframecolor=,\c!fieldlayer=\@@iafieldlayer,#5,\c!align=]
+ {\dogetcommacommandelement1\from\@@DriverFieldValues\to\@@DriverFieldValue
+ \ifx\@@DriverFieldValue\empty
+ \let\@@DriverFieldValue\@@DriverFieldDefault
+ \fi
+ \dopresetfieldsymbol\@@DriverFieldValue
+ \setbox\scratchbox\hbox{\dogetfieldsymbol\@@DriverFieldValue}%
+ \scratchdimen\wd\scratchbox \edef\@@DriverFieldWidth {\the\scratchdimen}%
+ \scratchdimen\ht\scratchbox \edef\@@DriverFieldHeight{\the\scratchdimen}%
+ \ifcase\fitfieldmode
+ \typesetfield
+ \or % 1 = ignore depth (original, assumed no depth, actually a bug)
+ \vbox to \ht\scratchbox{\vfill\hbox to \wd\scratchbox{\typesetfield\hfill}\vss}%
+ \or % 2 = add depth to height, but no depth in result
+ \advance\scratchdimen\dp\scratchbox \edef\@@DriverFieldHeight{\the\scratchdimen}%
+ \vbox to \ht\scratchbox{\vfill\hbox to \wd\scratchbox{\typesetfield\hfill}\vss}%
+ \or % 3 = add depth to height, and apply depth to result
+ \advance\scratchdimen\dp\scratchbox \edef\@@DriverFieldHeight{\the\scratchdimen}%
+ \hbox to \wd\scratchbox{\lower\dp\scratchbox\hbox{\typesetfield}\hfill}%
+ \fi}}
+%D Common stuff
+ {\doglobal\increment\nofsystemfields
+ \def\currentsystemfield{sys::\nofsystemfields}}
+%D An example:
+ {\dosingleempty\dofillinfield}
+ {\dontleavehmode
+ \hbox
+ {\forgetall
+ \setupfields[\v!reset]%
+ \nextsystemfield
+ \useJSscripts[ans]%
+ \doifelsenothing{#1}
+ {\def\therightanswer{#2}}
+ {\def\therightanswer{#1}}%
+ \setbox0\hbox{#2}%
+ \setbox2\hbox{\therightanswer}%
+ \dimen0=\ifdim\wd0>\wd2 \wd0 \else \wd2 \fi
+ \advance\dimen0 .2em
+ \definefield
+ [\currentsystemfield][line][systemfield]%
+ \setupfield
+ [systemfield]
+ [\c!n=1024, % beware: weblink plugin truncates
+ \c!location=\v!low,\c!strut=\v!yes,\c!fieldoffset=0pt,
+ \c!height=1.2\openlineheight,\c!width=\dimen0,\c!offset=\v!overlay,
+ \c!style=,\c!align=\v!middle,\c!frame=\v!off,
+ \c!color=red,\c!fieldbackgroundcolor=\s!white,\c!fieldframecolor=blue,
+ \c!validate=JS(Check_Answer{\currentsystemfield,\therightanswer})]%
+ \switchtobodyfont
+ [\c!small]%
+ \hbox to \wd0
+ {\copy0\hskip-\wd0\hss\field[\currentsystemfield]\hss}}}
+%D and another one:
+ {\dosingleempty\dotooltip}
+ {\bgroup
+ \setupfields[\v!reset]%
+ \useJSscripts[fld]%
+ \setbox0\hbox
+ {\dontcomplain
+ \nextsystemfield
+ \setbox0\hbox{#2}%
+ \definesymbol
+ [\currentsystemfield:txt]
+ [{\inframed[\c!frame=\v!off,\c!background=\v!screen]{#3}}]%
+ \setbox2\hbox{\symbol[\currentsystemfield:txt]}%
+ \definefield
+ [\currentsystemfield:txt][check]
+ [dummy][\currentsystemfield:txt][\currentsystemfield:txt]%
+ \setupfield
+ [dummy]
+ [\c!frame=\v!off,
+ \c!regionout=JS(Hide_Field{\currentsystemfield:txt}),
+ \c!option=\v!hidden]%
+ \hbox to \zeropoint
+ {\dimen0\wd2\advance\dimen0 -\wd0
+ \doifelse{#1}\v!left
+ {\hskip-\dimen0}
+ {\doif{#1}\v!middle
+ {\hskip-.5\dimen0}}%
+ \lower\openlineheight\hbox to \zeropoint
+ {\fitfield[\currentsystemfield:txt]}}%
+ \dimen0=\ifdim\wd0=\zeropoint 3em\else\wd0\fi
+ \definesymbol
+ [\currentsystemfield:but]
+ [{\framed[\c!height=2ex,\c!width=\dimen0,\c!frame=\v!off]{}}]%
+ \definefield
+ [\currentsystemfield:but][push]
+ [dummy][\currentsystemfield:but][\currentsystemfield:but]%
+ \setupfield
+ [dummy]
+ [\c!frame=\v!off,
+ \c!option=,
+ \c!regionin=JS(Vide_Field{\currentsystemfield:txt}),
+ \c!regionout=JS(Hide_Field{\currentsystemfield:txt}),
+ \c!fieldlayer=\@@iafieldlayer]%
+ \lower2ex\hbox to \zeropoint
+ {\fitfield[\currentsystemfield:but]}%
+ #2}%
+ \ht0\strutht\dp0\strutdp\box0
+ \egroup}
+%D And one more:
+ {\dotripleargument\dodefinefieldstack}
+\def\dodefinefieldstack[#1][#2][#3]% name, symbols, settings
+ {\doifundefined{fieldstack:#1}
+ {\setgvalue{fieldstack:#1}{\dodofieldstack[#1][#2][#3]}}}
+\def\dodofieldstack[#1][#2][#3]% start=n, 0 == leeg
+ {\bgroup
+ \getparameters[\??fd][\c!start=1,#3]%
+ \setupfields[\v!reset]%
+ \definesymbol[\v!empty][]%
+ \useJSscripts[fld][FieldStack]%
+ \newcounter\stackedfieldnumber
+ \def\dododofieldstack##1%
+ {\increment\stackedfieldnumber
+ \ifnum\stackedfieldnumber=\@@fdstart\relax
+ \definefield[#1:\stackedfieldnumber][check][#1][##1,\v!empty][##1]%
+ \else
+ \definefield[#1:\stackedfieldnumber][check][#1][##1,\v!empty][\v!empty]%
+ \fi}%
+ \processcommalist[#2]\dododofieldstack
+ \setupfield[#1][\v!reset]% added
+ \setupfield[#1][\c!option=\v!readonly,#3]% #3 swapped
+ \newcounter\stackedfieldnumber
+ \def\dododofieldstack##1%
+ {\doglobal\increment\stackedfieldnumber
+ \fitfield[#1:\stackedfieldnumber]\egroup\bgroup}%
+ \startoverlay
+ \bgroup
+ \globalprocesscommalist[#2]\dododofieldstack
+ \egroup
+ \stopoverlay
+ \egroup}
+ {\ifsecondargument
+ \dodefinefieldstack[#1][#2][#3]\fieldstack[#1]%
+ \else
+ \getvalue{fieldstack:#1}\setgvalue{fieldstack:#1}{[#1]}%
+ \fi}
+ {\dotripleempty\dofieldstack}
+%D When submitting a form, we need to tell the driver module
+%D that we want \FDF\ or \HTML.
+ {\dodoubleargument\getparameters[\??fr]}
+ {\setsubmitoutputformat\@@frmethod}
+\setexecutecommandcheck {submitform} \checksubmitform
+ [\c!method=HTML]
+%D Goodie:
+\def\definepushbutton % name optional setup
+ {\dodoubleempty\dodefinepushbutton}
+\def\dodefinepushbutton[#1][#2]% name setup
+ {\dododefinepushbutton{#1}{n}{push}%
+ \dododefinepushbutton{#1}{r}{\symbol[psym:#1:n]}%
+ \dododefinepushbutton{#1}{d}{\symbol[psym:#1:r]}%
+ \setvalue{pushbutton:#1}{\dohandlepushbutton{#1}{#2}}}
+ {\doifsymboldefinedelse{psym:#1:#2}%
+ \donothing{\definesymbol[psym:#1:#2][{#3}]}}
+ {\dotripleargument\dodefinepushsymbol}
+\def\dodefinepushsymbol[#1][#2]% [#3]
+ {\definesymbol[psym:#1:#2]}
+ {\executeifdefined{pushbutton:#1}\gobbleoneargument{#2}}
+ {\dodoubleargument\dopushbutton}
+\def\dohandlepushbutton#1#2#3% identifier setup script
+ {\bgroup
+ \nextsystemfield
+ \setupfield
+ [pushbutton]
+ [\c!frame=\v!overlay,
+ \c!offset=\v!overlay,
+ \c!clickout=#3,#2]%
+ \definefield
+ [\currentsystemfield]
+ [push]
+ [pushbutton]
+ [psym:#1:n,psym:#1:r,psym:#1:d]%
+ \fitfield
+ [\currentsystemfield]%
+ \egroup}
+% \def\do@@ampsh
+% {\dodoubleargument\dodo@@ampsh}
+% \def\dodo@@ampsh[#1][#2]#3\\%
+% {\txt\pushbutton[#1][#2]\\}%
+%\appendtoks \let\psh\do@@ampsh \to \everysetmenucommands
+\appendtoks \let\psh\@@ampsh \to \everysetmenucommands
+% \definepushbutton [reset]
+% \definepushsymbol [reset] [n] [\uniqueMPgraphic{whatever}{color=green}]
+% \definepushsymbol [reset] [r] [\uniqueMPgraphic{whatever}{color=white}]
+% \startinteractionmenu[bottom]
+% \psh [reset] [JS(reset_something)] \\
+% \stopinteractionmenu
+%D Another goodie:
+% \definecolor[rollover:n][red]
+% \definecolor[rollover:r][green]
+% \definecolor[rollover:d][blue]
+ [rollover]
+ [n=red,
+ r=green,
+ d=blue]
+ {\dontleavehmode
+ \bgroup
+ \doglobal\increment\nofrollovers
+ \doglobal\increment\nofrollbuttons
+ \unexpanded\def\dosetlocationbox[##1]##2[##3]%
+ {\getparameters[##1][##3]%
+ \definecolor[rollover][rollover:##2]%
+ \doifelse{##2}{n}{\doifelsevalue{##1\c!alternative}\v!hidden\phantom\hbox}\hbox
+ {\localframed[##1]
+ [\c!framecolor=rollover,\c!backgroundcolor=rollover,\c!color=rollover]%
+ {\dolocationattributes{##1}\c!style\c!color{#3}}}}%
+ \iffirstargument
+ \ifsecondargument
+ \def\setlocationbox##1{\dosetlocationbox[\??am#1]{##1}[#2]}%
+ \else
+ \doifassignmentelse{#1}
+ {\def\setlocationbox##1{\dosetlocationbox[\??bt]{##1}[#1]}}
+ {\def\setlocationbox##1{\dosetlocationbox[\??am#1]{##1}[]}}%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \def\setlocationbox##1{\dosetlocationbox[\??bt]{##1}[]}%
+ \fi
+ % todo: share symbols, tricky since different dimensions
+ \definesymbol[rsym:\nofrollovers:n][\setlocationbox n]%
+ \definesymbol[rsym:\nofrollovers:r][\setlocationbox r]%
+ \definesymbol[rsym:\nofrollovers:d][\setlocationbox d]%
+ \setupfield
+ [rollbutton]
+ [\c!frame=\v!off,
+ \c!offset=\v!overlay,
+ \c!clickout={#4}]%
+ \definefield
+ [roll:\nofrollbuttons][push][rollbutton]
+ [rsym:\nofrollovers:n,%
+ rsym:\nofrollovers:r,%
+ rsym:\nofrollovers:d]%
+ \fitfield[roll:\nofrollbuttons]%
+ \egroup}
+ {\dodoubleempty\dorollbutton}
+ {\txt\rollbutton[\currentmenu]{\ignorespaces#2\unskip}[#1]\\}%
+\appendtoks \let\rob\menu@rob \to \everysetmenucommands
+% calls:
+% {..} [JS..]
+% [left] {..} [JS..]
+% [a=b] {..} [JS..]
+% [left] [a=b] {..} [JS..]
+% \setupbuttons[offset=0pt,frame=off] % alternative=hidden
+% \rollbutton {Manuals} [JS(Goto_File{show-man.pdf})]
+% \rollbutton {Articles} [JS(Goto_File{show-art.pdf})]
+% \rollbutton {Papers} [JS(Goto_File{show-pap.pdf})]
+% \rollbutton {Presentations} [JS(Goto_File{show-pre.pdf})]
+% \rollbutton {Resources} [JS(Goto_File{show-res.pdf})]
+% \rob [JS(...)] bla bla \\
+ {\dodoubleargument\dooverlayrollbutton}
+ {\bgroup
+ \nextsystemfield
+ \setupfield
+ [overlayrollbutton]
+ [\c!frame=\v!off,\c!offset=\v!overlay,\c!regionin={#1},\c!regionout={#2}]%
+ \definesymbol
+ [\currentsystemfield]
+ [{\framed[\c!frame=\v!off,\c!width=\overlaywidth,\c!height=\overlayheight]{}}]%
+ \definefield
+ [\currentsystemfield][push][overlayrollbutton][\currentsystemfield][\currentsystemfield]%
+ \fitfield[\currentsystemfield]%
+ \egroup}
+% \defineoverlay
+% [ShowMenu]
+% [{\overlayrollbutton[VideLayer{navigation}][HideLayer{navigation}]}]
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/scrn-hlp.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/scrn-hlp.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c526f51eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/scrn-hlp.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=scrn-hlp,
+%D version=1998.10.10,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Screen Macros,
+%D subtitle=Help (Experimental),
+%D author={Hans Hagen \& Ton Otten},
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+% todo : dedicated vide/hide voor helps
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Screen Macros / Help popups}
+%D This is an experimental and private module, so the interface
+%D and functionality can change. Pieces of code will be moved
+%D to other modules. More features are possible but will be
+%D interfaces later. See m-chart for an application as well
+%D as the second tno-tpd manual (graphic in margin, click
+%D on it, pop up big one, use menu with hides, as well as
+%D background, etc. etc.
+ [\v!helptext]
+ [\v!helptext]
+ [\c!width=.75\textwidth,
+ \c!align=\v!normal,
+ \c!frame=\v!off,
+ \c!background=\v!screen]
+\newcounter \nofhelpdataentries
+\newconditional \somehelpdatadefined
+\appendtoks \getpagehelpdata \to \beforeeverypage
+\appendtoks \synchronizepagehelpdata \to \aftereverypage
+% will be proper state variable
+ {\let\synchronizepagehelpdata\relax}
+ {\iflocation
+ \let\synchronizepagehelpdata\resetpagehelpdata
+ \global\let\pagehelpdata\empty
+ \resetreference[HideHelp]%
+ \fi}
+ {\iflocation\ifcase\nofhelpdataentries\else
+ \let\pagehelpdata\empty
+ \ifconditional\somehelpdatadefined
+ \definetwopasslist{hlp:\realfolio}%
+ \doloop
+ {\gettwopassdata{hlp:\realfolio}%
+ \iftwopassdatafound
+ \addtocommalist\twopassdata\pagehelpdata
+ \else
+ \exitloop
+ \fi}%
+ \fi
+ \ifx\pagehelpdata\empty \else
+ \useJSscripts[fld]%
+ \definereference[HideHelp][JS(Hide_Fields)]% for the moment
+ \fi
+ \fi\fi}
+ {\iflocation\expanded{\dosetpagehelpdata{#1}}\fi}
+ {\doglobal\increment\nofhelpdataentries
+ \savetwopassdata{hlp:\realfolio}{\nofhelpdataentries}{#1}}
+ {\iflocation
+ \global\settrue\somehelpdatadefined
+ \setvalue{\e!stop\v!helptext}%
+ %{\definesymbol[helpinfo:#1][{\doframedtext[\v!helptext]{\getbuffer[\v!helptext]}}]%
+ % \dopresetfieldsymbol{helpinfo:#1}}%
+ {\definesymbol[\v!helptext:#1][{\doframedtext[\v!helptext]{\getbuffer[\v!helptext]}}]%
+ \dopresetfieldsymbol{\v!helptext:#1}}%
+ \else
+ \letvalue{\e!stop\v!helptext}\relax
+ \fi
+ \dostartbuffer[\v!helptext][\e!start\v!helptext][\e!stop\v!helptext]}
+ {\iflocation
+ \global\settrue\somehelpdatadefined
+ %\definesymbol[helpinfo:#1][{\doframedtext[\v!helptext]{#2}}]%
+ %\dopresetfieldsymbol{helpinfo:#1}%
+ \definesymbol[\v!helptext:#1][{\doframedtext[\v!helptext]{#2}}]%
+ \dopresetfieldsymbol{\v!helptext:#1}%
+ \fi}
+\let\definehelptext\helptext % for backward compabilities sake
+ {\setbox\scratchbox\hbox
+ {\startoverlay
+ {\box\scratchbox}
+ %{\definemainfield[help:#1][check][helpsetup][helpinfo:#1][helpinfo:#1]%
+ {\definemainfield[help:#1][check][helpsetup][\v!helptext:#1][\v!helptext:#1]%
+ \fitfield[help:#1]}
+ \stopoverlay}}
+ {\iflocation
+ \bgroup
+ %\getpagehelpdata
+ \ifx\pagehelpdata\empty \else
+ \setupfields[\v!reset]%
+ \setupfield
+ [helpsetup]
+ [\c!width=\v!fit,
+ \c!height=\v!fit,
+ \c!frame=\v!off,
+ \c!clickin=JS(Hide_Fields),
+ \c!option={\v!readonly,\v!hidden}]%
+ \setbox\scratchbox\emptybox
+ \processcommacommand[\pagehelpdata]\dohelpdata
+ \box\scratchbox
+ \fi
+ \egroup
+ \fi}
+\def\helpbutton % also gobble spaces between [][]
+ {\dodoubleempty\dohelpbutton}
+ {\ifsecondargument
+ \expandafter\donohelpbutton
+ \else
+ \expandafter\dodohelpbutton
+ \fi}
+\def\dodohelpbutton[#1][#2]#3[#4]% #2 is space gobbling dummy
+ {\iflocation
+ \setpagehelpdata[#4]%
+ \useJSscripts[fld]%
+ \button[#1]{#3}[JS(Vide_Hide_Fields{help:#4})]%
+ \fi}
+ {\dodohelpbutton[#1][]{}[#2]}
+ {\iflocation
+ \doifsymboldefinedelse{helpinfo:#1}{#2}\donothing
+ \fi}
+ {\iflocation
+ \doifsymboldefinedelse{helpinfo:#1}{#2}{#3}%
+ \fi}
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/scrn-int.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/scrn-int.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..01d8501e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/scrn-int.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,2312 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=scrn-int,
+%D version=1995.01.01,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Core Macros,
+%D subtitle=Interaction,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+% evt interactionbaren runtime laden (scheelt 8K)
+%D Still to be done properly.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Screen Macros / Interaction}
+% \expand vs \expanded
+% linked registers implementeren als een koppeling == mooier
+ {\dodoubleargument\getparameters[\??lk]}
+\def\definieerkoppeling[#1]% % local loading !
+ {\doifundefined{\s!link:#1:\s!list}
+ {\expanded{\definetwopasslist{\s!link:#1}}% \expanded{\doloadtwopassdata{\s!link:#1}}%
+ \getfirsttwopassdata{\s!link:#1}%
+ \let\firstlink\twopassdata
+ \getlasttwopassdata{\s!link:#1}%
+ \let\lastlink\twopassdata
+ \let\noflinks\noftwopassitems
+ \gettwopassdata{\s!link:#1}%
+ \let\currentlink\twopassdata
+ \let\nextlink\twopassdata
+ \setxvalue{\s!link:#1:}{\firstlink:\lastlink:\noflinks:\currentlink:\nextlink}}}
+ {\bgroup
+ \definieerkoppeling[#1]%
+ \doglobal\increment\numberoflinks
+ \gettwopassdata{\s!link:#1}%
+ \def\next[##1:##2:##3:##4:##5]%
+ {\edef\firstlink {0##1}%
+ \edef\lastlink {0##2}%
+ \edef\noflinks {0##3}%
+ \edef\prevlink {0##4}%
+ \edef\currentlink{0##5}}%
+ \expanded{\next[\getvalue{\s!link:#1:}]}%
+ \edef\nextlink{0\iftwopassdatafound\twopassdata\else\lastlink\fi}%
+ \setxvalue{\s!link:#1:}{\firstlink:\lastlink:\noflinks:\currentlink:\nextlink}%
+ \lazysavetwopassdata{\s!link:#1}{\numberoflinks}{\noexpand\realfolio}%
+ \ifnum\noflinks<\plustwo
+ \locationfalse
+ \fi
+ \iflocation
+ \hbox
+ {\setinteractionparameter\c!width\!!zeropoint
+ #2\relax
+ \hskip\@@lkdistance
+ \dogotosomepage\??lk\gotobegincharacter\firstlink\hss
+ \ifnum\noflinks>\plustwo
+ \dogotosomepage\??lk\gobackwardcharacter\prevlink\hss
+ \fi
+ \ifnum\noflinks>\plustwo
+ \dogotosomepage\??lk\goforwardcharacter\nextlink\hss
+ \hskip\@@lkdistance
+ \fi
+ \dogotosomepage\??lk\gotoendcharacter\lastlink}%
+ \else
+ \hbox{#2}%
+ \fi
+ \egroup}
+ {\doifelse\@@scwidth\v!fit
+ {\!!widtha\leftcombitotal
+ \ifdim\backspace>\!!widtha\ifdim\backspace>\zeropoint\relax
+ \advance\backspace -\!!widtha
+ \fi\fi
+ \advance\!!widtha\rightcombitotal
+ \advance\!!widtha 2\dimexpr\@@scbackspace+\@@schoroffset\relax
+ \advance\!!widtha \makeupwidth}
+ {\doifelse\@@scwidth\v!max
+ {\!!widtha\printpaperwidth}
+ {\!!widtha\@@scwidth}}%
+ \doifelse\@@scheight\v!fit
+ {\!!heighta\dimexpr\topheight+\topdistance\relax
+ \ifdim\topspace>\!!heighta\ifdim\topspace>\zeropoint\relax
+ \advance\topspace -\!!heighta
+ \fi\fi
+ \advance\!!heighta \dimexpr\makeupheight+\bottomdistance+\bottomheight\relax
+ \advance\!!heighta 2\dimexpr\@@sctopspace+\@@scveroffset\relax}
+ {\doifelse\@@scheight\v!max
+ {\!!heighta\printpaperheight}
+ {\!!heighta\@@scheight}}%
+ \doif\@@scdelay\v!none{\let\@@scdelay\zerocountervalue}}
+% The macro is not to be changed; only the \@@ia-variables
+% may be set! ConTeXt is the producer but we no longer
+% mention the pragma site, since we don't want to be bothered
+% with remarks about third party documents and/or associated
+% with documents produced outside our control.
+\def\doprepareidentity % beware, we need to construct
+ {\let\!!stringa\@@iakeyword % an unexpanded space separated
+ \let\@@iakeyword\empty % list of keywords from a comma
+ \def\doprepareidentity##1% % separated one
+ {\ifx\@@iakeyword\empty
+ \appended\def\@@iakeyword{##1}%
+ \else
+ \appended\def\@@iakeyword{ ##1}%
+ \fi}%
+ \@EA\processcommalist\@EA[\!!stringa]\doprepareidentity
+ \global\let\doprepareidentity\relax}
+%D The Creator field is changed per 12/04/2006 due to user presure. This
+%D means that I need to put my own status info someplace else.
+ {\doprepareidentity
+ \dosetupidentity % no \expanded{..} will be done in special (else no pdfdoc)
+ {\@@iatitle}{\@@iasubtitle}{\@@iaauthor}%
+ {ConTeXt - \contextversion}%
+ {\@@iadate}{\@@iakeyword}%
+ \global\let\initializeidentity\relax}
+\appendtoks \initializeidentity \to \everyshipout
+ {\bgroup
+ \ifx\@@ppleft \empty
+ \ifx\@@ppright\empty
+ \ifx\@@pptop \empty
+ \ifx\@@ppbottom \empty
+ \ifx\@@pcstate\v!start
+ \locationfalse\fi\else
+ \locationfalse\fi\else
+ \locationfalse\fi\else
+ \locationfalse\fi\else
+ \locationfalse\fi
+ \iflocation % without screen settings
+ \egroup
+ \dosetuppaper\papersize\paperwidth\paperheight
+ \else
+ \egroup
+ \dosetuppaper\printpapersize\printpaperwidth\printpaperheight
+ \fi}
+\appendtoks \initializepaper \to \everyshipout
+ {\bgroup
+ \docalculateinteractionscreen
+ \ifdim\!!widtha>\paperwidth\ifdim\!!widtha>\zeropoint
+ \paperwidth\!!widtha
+ \fi\fi
+ \ifdim\!!heighta>\paperheight\ifdim\!!heighta>\zeropoint
+ \paperheight\!!heighta
+ \fi\fi
+ \dosetuppaper
+ {\printpapersize}
+ {\the\paperwidth}
+ {\the\paperheight}%
+ \egroup}
+\def\dosetupinteractionscreens % met a, b en \number
+ {\doifnot\@@pcstate\v!start\dodosetupinteractionscreens}
+\setvalue{\??sc\c!option\v!max }{1} % tzt share with driver
+\setvalue{\??sc\c!option\v!bookmark }{2} % tzt share with driver
+\setvalue{\??sc\c!option\v!fit }{3} % tzt share with driver
+\setvalue{\??sc\c!option\v!doublesided}{4} % tzt share with driver
+\def\dodosetupinteractionscreens % met a, b en \number
+ {\bgroup
+ \docalculateinteractionscreen
+ \!!counte=0\getvalue{\??sc\c!option\@@scoption}\relax
+ % niet waterdicht
+ \doifnot{\the\!!widtha\the\!!heighta}\@@pcscreendata
+ {\xdef\@@pcscreendata{\the\!!widtha\the\!!heighta}%
+ \showmessage\m!interactions1{\withoutpt\the\!!widtha,\withoutpt\the\!!heighta}}%
+ % needs to be split: dimensions for each page
+ % and mode per document and only once !
+ \dosetupscreen \backoffset\topoffset\!!widtha\!!heighta{\the\!!counte}%
+ \dosetupcropbox\backoffset\topoffset\!!widtha\!!heighta
+ \egroup}
+ {\getparameters[\??sc][#1]%
+ \ifproductionrun
+ \let\initializepaper\doinitializepaper
+ \let\setupinteractionscreens\dosetupinteractionscreens
+ \fi}
+\appendtoks \setupinteractionscreens \to \everyfirstshipout % needed to get option=max etc working
+\appendtoks \setupinteractionscreens \to \everyshipout % needed for page/screen dimensions
+ {\dosingleempty\dosetupinteractionscreen}
+%D Due to requests I finally decided to support bookmarks, a
+%D driver dependant way of showing tables of content. The most
+%D simple way of support is hooking bookmark generation into
+%D the existing list mechanisms. That way users can generate
+%D bookmarks automatically, although its entirely valid to add
+%D bookmarks by defining alternative ones. These will be added
+%D at the appropriate place in the list.
+% \hoofdstuk{het eerste hoofdstuk}
+% \bookmark {de eerste bookmark} % optional overruled hoofdstuk
+% .... text ....
+% \placebookmarks [hoofdstuk,paragraaf,subparagraaf,subsubparagraaf,mylist]
+% [open list]
+% \bookmark[mylist]{whatever}
+\def\@@bookmark {bm::}
+ {\the\postponedbookmarks
+ \global\postponedbookmarks\emptytoks}
+ {\doglobal\prependtoks
+ \writetolist[\@@bookmark]{}{#1}%
+ \to\postponedbookmarks}
+ {\doglobal\appendtoks\writetolist[#1]{}{#2}\to\postponedbookmarks}
+\newif\iftracebookmarks \tracebookmarksfalse
+ {\dodoubleempty\doplacebookmarks}
+ {\iflocation
+ \iffirstargument
+ \bgroup
+ \ifsecondargument
+ \doifelse{#2}\v!all
+ {\edef\openbookmarklist{#1}}
+ {\edef\openbookmarklist{#2}}%
+ \else
+ \let\openbookmarklist\empty
+ \fi
+ \xdef\doplacebookmarksindeed{\noexpand\dodoplacebookmarksindeed[#1][\openbookmarklist]}
+ \egroup
+ \else
+ \expanded{\placebookmarks\@EA[\getvalue{\??ih\v!content\c!list}]}%
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+ {\bgroup
+ \edef\openbookmarklist{#2}%
+ \global\let\bookmarklevellist\empty
+ \def\bookmarklevelcount{0}%
+ \doprocessbookmarks[#1]\dogetbookmarkelement
+ \dolistelement{}{}{}{}{}{}% needed to finish the first pass
+ \doprocessbookmarks[#1]\doputbookmarkelement
+ \flushbookmark
+ \egroup}
+ \doplacebookmarksindeed % new, now postponed so that halfway defined commands work out ok
+\to \everystoptext
+ {\let\dolistelement#2\relax
+ \scratchcounter\zerocount
+ \def\docommand##1%
+ {\advance\scratchcounter \plusone
+ \getlistlevel[##1]\listlevel{\the\scratchcounter}%
+ \setxvalue{\@@bookcount\the\scratchcounter}{1}%
+ \setxvalue{\@@booklevel##1}{\listlevel}}%
+ \processcommalist[#1]\docommand
+ \setxvalue{\@@bookcount0}{1}%
+ \global\chardef\currentbookmarklevel\zerocount
+ \global\chardef\previousbookmarklevel\zerocount
+ \doutilities{listentries,#1,\@@bookmark}\jobname{#1}\relax\relax}
+ {\doifelsenothing{#1}
+ {\global\chardef\currentbookmarklevel\zerocount}
+ {\global\chardef\currentbookmarklevel\getvalue{\@@booklevel#1}\relax}%
+ \ifnum\currentbookmarklevel>\previousbookmarklevel
+ \setxvalue{\@@bookcount\the\currentbookmarklevel}{1}%
+ \else\ifnum\currentbookmarklevel<\previousbookmarklevel
+ \bgroup
+ \!!counta\previousbookmarklevel
+ \doloop
+ {\let\bookmarktag\empty
+ \!!countb\!!counta
+ \advance\!!countb \minusone
+ \dorecurse\!!countb
+ {\edef\bookmarktag
+ {\bookmarktag\getvalue{\@@bookcount\recurselevel}:}}%
+ \edef\bookmarklevelcount
+ {\getvalue{\@@bookcount\the\!!counta}}%
+ \xdef\bookmarklevellist
+ {\bookmarklevellist/\bookmarktag:\bookmarklevelcount/}%
+ \advance\!!counta \minusone
+ \ifnum\!!counta=\currentbookmarklevel
+ \exitloop
+ \fi}%
+ \egroup
+ \@EA\doglobal\@EA\increment\csname \@@bookcount\the\currentbookmarklevel\endcsname\relax
+ \else
+ \@EA\doglobal\@EA\increment\csname \@@bookcount\the\previousbookmarklevel\endcsname\relax
+ \fi\fi
+ \global\utilitydonetrue
+ \global\chardef\previousbookmarklevel\currentbookmarklevel}
+ {\@EA\def\@EA\docommand\@EA[\@EA##\@EA1\@EA/\bookmarktag:##2/##3]%
+ {\def\bookmarklevelcount{##2}}%
+ \@EA\@EA\@EA\docommand\@EA\@EA\@EA[\@EA\bookmarklevellist\@EA/\bookmarktag:0/]}
+ {\doifelsenothing{#1}
+ {\global\chardef\currentbookmarklevel\zerocount}
+ {\global\chardef\currentbookmarklevel\getvalue{\@@booklevel#1}\relax}%
+ \ifnum\currentbookmarklevel>\previousbookmarklevel
+ \setxvalue{\@@bookcount\the\currentbookmarklevel}{1}%
+ \else\ifnum\currentbookmarklevel<\previousbookmarklevel
+ \@EA\doglobal\@EA\increment\csname \@@bookcount\the\currentbookmarklevel\endcsname\relax
+ \else
+ \@EA\doglobal\@EA\increment\csname \@@bookcount\the\previousbookmarklevel\endcsname\relax
+ \fi\fi
+ \let\bookmarktag\empty
+ \!!countb\currentbookmarklevel
+ \dorecurse\!!countb
+ {\edef\bookmarktag
+ {\bookmarktag\getvalue{\@@bookcount\recurselevel}:}}%
+ \getbookmarklevelcount
+ \iftracebookmarks
+ \bgroup
+ \par
+ \bookmarktag\quad
+ \dorecurse\currentbookmarklevel{\quad}\unskip#1\quad
+ (\bookmarklevelcount)\quad
+ \egroup
+ \fi
+ \global\chardef\previousbookmarklevel\currentbookmarklevel
+ \global\utilitydonetrue
+ \insertsomebookmark{#1}{\the\currentbookmarklevel}{\bookmarklevelcount}{#4}{#6}}
+ {\doifnot{#1}\@@bookmark
+ {\dodogetbookmarkelement{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}{#6}}}
+ {\doifelse{#1}\@@bookmark
+ {\localbookmark{#4}}
+ {\flushbookmark
+ \dodoputbookmarkelement{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}{#6}}}
+ {\gdef\flushbookmark
+ {\doinsertsomebookmark{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}{g}}%
+ \gdef\localbookmark##1%
+ {\doinsertsomebookmark{#1}{#2}{#3}{##1}{#5}{l}}}
+ {\global\utilitydonetrue
+ \global\let\localbookmark\gobbleoneargument
+ \global\let\flushbookmark\relax
+ \doifinstringelse{#1}\openbookmarklist
+ {\chardef\openbookmark\plusone}
+ {\chardef\openbookmark\zerocount}%
+ \iftracebookmarks(#6: #4)\quad(\the\openbookmark)\par\fi
+ \doinsertbookmark{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}{\openbookmark}}
+% \startinteractionmenu[rechts]
+% \but [eerste] eerste \\
+% \txt hello world \\
+% \but [tweede] tweede \\
+% \nop \\
+% \but [tweede] tweede \\
+% \rul whow \\
+% \but [tweede] tweede \\
+% \raw hello world \\
+% \but [tweede] tweede \\
+% \com \vfill \\
+% \but [derde] derde \\
+% \stopinteractionmenu
+ {\iflocation
+ \doifelse\@@iamenu\v!on
+ {\doifelsevalue{\??am#1\c!state}\v!start
+ {\global\locationmenupermittedtrue}
+ {\global\locationmenupermittedfalse}}
+ {\global\locationmenupermittedfalse}%
+ \else
+ \global\locationmenupermittedfalse
+ \fi}
+ {\def\dododisableinteractionmenu##1%
+ {\doifelse{#3}{}
+ {\letvalue{\??am##1\c!obstruction}\empty}
+ {\edef\interactieblokkade{\getvalue{\??am##1\c!obstruction}}
+ \def\docommand####1{#1{####1}{\interactieblokkade}}% #1 = \remove or \add
+ \processcommalist[#3]\docommand
+ \setevalue{\??am##1\c!obstruction}{\interactieblokkade}}}%
+ \processcommalist[#2]\dododisableinteractionmenu}
+ {\dotripleempty\dodisableinteractionmenu[\addtocommalist]}
+ {\dotripleempty\dodisableinteractionmenu[\removefromcommalist]}
+% ja : kader/achtergrond met tekst
+% leeg : kader/achtergrond maar geen tekst
+% nee : alleen ruimte reserveren
+% geen : helemaal weglaten
+% ja : kader/achtergrond met tekst
+% leeg : kader/achtergrond maar geen tekst
+% nee : alleen ruimte reserveren
+% geen : helemaal weglaten
+% \setupinteractionmenu[right][samepage=yes, unknownreference=yes]
+% \setupinteractionmenu[right][samepage=empty,unknownreference=empty]
+% \setupinteractionmenu[right][samepage=no, unknownreference=no]
+% \setupinteractionmenu[right][samepage=none, unknownreference=none]
+% \startinteractionmenu[right]
+% \but [firstpage] first \\
+% \but [lastpage] last \\
+% \but [somepage] crap \\
+% \stopinteractionmenu
+ {\global\skippedmenuitemfalse
+ \setbox\locationbox\hbox
+ {\resetgoto % anders cyclische aanroep !
+ \localframed[#1][#2]{\dolocationattributes{#1}\c!style\c!color{#3}}}%
+ \iflocationclick
+ \hbox{\gotolocation{#4}{\box\locationbox}}%
+ \else
+ \hbox{\box\locationbox}%
+ \fi}
+ {\dosetlocationboxcontent{#1}[\c!empty=\v!yes,}
+ {\dosetlocationboxcontent{#1}[\c!empty=\v!yes,\c!frame=,\c!background=,}
+ {\global\skippedmenuitemtrue}
+ {\locationclicktrue
+ \setbox\locationbox\hbox
+ {\resetgoto % anders cyclische aanroep !
+ \global\skippedmenuitemfalse
+ \gotolocation
+ {#4}% % needed
+ {\ifrealreferencepage
+ \ifcase\csname\??am\??am\csname#1\c!samepage\endcsname\endcsname\relax
+ \copycsname#1\c!color\endcsname\csname#1\c!contrastcolor\endcsname
+ \localframed[#1][#2]{\dolocationattributes{#1}\c!style\c!color{#3}}%
+ \or
+ \localframed[#1][\c!empty=\v!yes,#2]{\dolocationattributes{#1}\c!style\c!color{#3}}%
+ \or
+ \localframed[#1][\c!empty=\v!yes,\c!frame=,\c!background=,#2]{\dolocationattributes{#1}\c!style\c!color{#3}}%
+ \or
+ \global\skippedmenuitemtrue
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \localframed[#1][#2]{\dolocationattributes{#1}\c!style\c!color{#3}}%
+ \fi}}%
+ \ifskippedmenuitem\else\box\locationbox\fi}
+\def\setlocationboxnop#1[#2]#3[#4]% inefficient as text can be outside box
+ {\locationclickfalse
+ \setbox\locationbox\hbox
+ {\resetgoto % anders cyclische aanroep !
+ \global\skippedmenuitemfalse
+ \ifcase\csname\??am\??am\csname#1\c!unknownreference\endcsname\endcsname\relax
+ \localframed[#1][#2]{\dolocationattributes{#1}\c!style\c!color{#3}}%
+ \or
+ \localframed[#1][\c!empty=\v!yes,#2]{\dolocationattributes{#1}\c!style\c!color{#3}}%
+ \or
+ \localframed[#1][\c!empty=\v!yes,\c!frame=,\c!background=,#2]{\dolocationattributes{#1}\c!style\c!color{#3}}%
+ \or
+ \global\skippedmenuitemtrue
+ \fi}%
+ \ifskippedmenuitem\else\box\locationbox\fi}
+ {\localframed[#1][#2]{\dolocationattributes{#1}\c!style\c!color{#3}}}
+ {\bgroup % really needed !
+ \edef\permittedreferences{\csname#1\c!obstruction\endcsname}%
+ \doifreferencepermittedelse{#4}%
+ {\setlocationboxyes{#1}[#2]{#3}[#4]}%
+ {\setlocationboxnop{#1}[#2]{#3}[#4]}%
+ \egroup}
+ {\localframed[#1][#2]{#3}}
+ {%\processaction
+ % [\getvalue{\??am#1\c!dummy}]
+ % [ \v!yes=>\chardef\handleunknownmenuitem=0\relax,
+ % \v!empty=>\chardef\handleunknownmenuitem=1\relax,
+ % \v!no=>\chardef\handleunknownmenuitem=2\relax]%
+ \getvalue{\??am#1#3}\relax
+ \setamboxcommands{#1}{#4}%
+ \ignorespaces#2\unskip
+ \getvalue{\??am#1#5}}
+ {\def\currentmenu{#1}% % kan nog eerder
+ \def\currentsubmenu{#2}% % ? ?
+ \doglobal\newcounter\currentamposition
+ \the\everysetmenucommands}
+ {\dontleavehmode
+ \bgroup
+ \ignorespaces#1\unskip\relax
+ \ifskippedmenuitem \else
+ \getvalue{\??am\currentmenu\currentsubmenu}%
+ \fi
+ \egroup
+ \ignorespaces}
+ \let\@@amboxcommand\menu@@amboxcommand
+\to \everysetmenucommands
+ {\@@amboxcommand\gotobox{\ignorespaces#2\unskip}[#1]\\}%
+ {\@@amboxcommand\do@@amposition\currentmenu{#1}{\setlocationbox{\??am\currentmenu}[]{\ignorespaces#2\unskip}[#1]}\\}%
+\def\menu@got[#1]#2\\% pas op! offset
+ {\@@amboxcommand\setlocationbox{\??am\currentmenu}[\c!frame=\v!off,\c!background=]{\ignorespaces#2\unskip}[#1]\\}%
+ {\@@amboxcommand\setlocationboxraw{\??am\currentmenu}[\c!frame=\v!off,\c!background=,\c!empty=\v!yes]{\ignorespaces#1\unskip}[]\\}%
+ {\@@amboxcommand\localframed[\??am\currentmenu][\c!frame=\v!off,\c!background=]{\ignorespaces#1\unskip}\\}%
+\def\menu@rul#1\\% ook \do@@amposition !
+ {\@@amboxcommand\localframed[\??am\currentmenu][]{\ignorespaces#1\unskip}\\}%
+ {\ignorespaces#1\unskip\ignorespaces}%
+ \let\raw\menu@raw
+ \let\but\menu@but
+ \let\got\menu@got
+ \let\nop\menu@nop
+ \let\txt\menu@txt
+ \let\rul\menu@rul
+ \let\com\menu@com
+\to \everysetmenucommands
+ \let\do@@amposition\gobbletwoarguments % hook for positional thingies
+% beware : never change the concept of pbgoffset
+ {\def\currentmenu{#3}%
+ \testinteractionmenu{#3}%
+ \iflocationmenupermitted
+ \bgroup
+ \showcomposition
+ \scratchdimen\dimexpr
+ \makeupwidth
+ +\pagebackgroundhoffset
+ +\pagebackgroundhoffset
+ -\menuparameter\c!leftoffset
+ -\menuparameter\c!rightoffset
+ \relax
+ \setbox\scratchbox\hbox to \scratchdimen
+ {\forgetall\executeamboxcommands{#3}{#4}\c!left\c!middle\c!right}%
+ \setbox\scratchbox\hbox{\do@@ammenuposition{#3}{\box\scratchbox}}%
+ \wd\scratchbox\makeupwidth % geen \ht=#2 setting (yet)
+ \hskip\dimexpr-\pagebackgroundhoffset+\menuparameter\c!leftoffset\relax
+ \box\scratchbox
+ \egroup
+ \else
+ #1\relax
+ \fi}
+\def\@@amvbox#1#2#3#4% don't change skipping, this one works!
+ {\def\currentmenu{#3}%
+ \testinteractionmenu{#3}%
+ \iflocationmenupermitted
+ \bgroup
+ \showcomposition
+ \scratchdimen\dimexpr
+ \textheight
+ +\pagebackgroundvoffset
+ +\pagebackgroundvoffset
+ +\pagebackgrounddepth
+ -\menuparameter\c!topoffset
+ -\menuparameter\c!bottomoffset
+ \relax
+ \setbox\scratchbox\vbox to \scratchdimen
+ {\forgetall % Voor't geval de afstand
+ %\setupblank[\v!standard]% % (tijdelijk) is aangepast.
+ \restorestandardblank
+ \hsize#2\relax
+ \executeamboxcommands{#3}{#4}\c!before\c!inbetween\c!after}%
+ \setbox\scratchbox\vbox{\hbox{\do@@ammenuposition{#3}{\box\scratchbox}}}%
+ \setbox\scratchbox\vbox
+ {\ht\scratchbox\zeropoint
+ \vskip\dimexpr-\pagebackgroundvoffset+\menuparameter\c!topoffset\relax
+ \box\scratchbox
+ \vskip\pagebackgroundvoffset}% overbodig
+ \ht\scratchbox\textheight
+ \wd\scratchbox#2\relax
+ \box\scratchbox
+ \egroup
+ \else
+ #1\relax
+ \fi}
+ \let\do@@ammenuposition\gobbleoneargument % hook for positional thingies
+\setvalue{\??am\s!do\v!right }{\@@amvbox{\dodummypageskip\v!right }\rightedgewidth}
+\setvalue{\??am\s!do\v!left }{\@@amvbox{\dodummypageskip\v!left }\leftedgewidth }
+\setvalue{\??am\s!do\v!top }{\@@amhbox{\dodummypageskip\v!top }\topheight }
+\setvalue{\??am\s!do\v!bottom}{\@@amhbox{\dodummypageskip\v!bottom}\bottomheight }
+ {\getvalue{\??am\s!do\getvalue{\??am#1\c!location}}{#1}{#2}}
+ {\getvalue{\??am\c!menu#1}}
+ {\ifdim#2>\zeropoint % new
+ \scratchdimen\zeropoint
+ \setbox\scratchbox\hbox
+ {\def\docommand##1%
+ {\doifnotvalue{\??am##1\c!state}\v!none
+ {\hskip\scratchdimen
+ \setbox2\hbox to #2
+ {\getvalue{\??am##1#3}\interactionmenu[##1]\getvalue{\??am##1#4}}%
+ \doifelsevalue{\??am##1\c!distance}\v!overlay
+ {\scratchdimen\zeropoint
+ \wd2\zeropoint}%
+ {\scratchdimen\getvalue{\??am##1\c!distance}}%
+ \box2}}%
+ \startinteraction
+ \processcommacommand[\getvalue{\??am#1}]\docommand
+ \stopinteraction}%
+ \wd\scratchbox#2\relax
+ \box\scratchbox
+ \fi}
+ {\ifdim#2>\zeropoint % new
+ \scratchdimen\zeropoint
+ \setbox\scratchbox\vbox
+ {\def\docommand##1%
+ {\doifnotvalue{\??am##1\c!state}\v!none
+ {\vskip\scratchdimen
+ \setbox2\vbox to #2
+ {\getvalue{\??am##1#3}\interactionmenu[##1]\getvalue{\??am##1#4}}%
+ \doifelsevalue{\??am##1\c!distance}\v!overlay
+ {\scratchdimen\zeropoint
+ \offinterlineskip
+ \dp2\zeropoint
+ \ht2\zeropoint}%
+ {\scratchdimen\getvalue{\??am##1\c!distance}}%
+ \box2}}%
+ \startinteraction
+ \processcommacommand[\getvalue{\??am#1}]\docommand
+ \stopinteraction}%
+ \ht\scratchbox#2\relax
+ \dp\scratchbox\zeropoint
+ \box\scratchbox
+ \fi}
+\letvalue{\??am\v!left }\empty
+\letvalue{\??am\v!top }\empty
+\letvalue{\??am\v!bottom }\empty
+% todo : \defineinteractionmenuclass
+ {\iflocation
+ \getvalue{\??am\??am\c!menu#1}%
+ \else
+ \dodummypageskip{#1}%
+ \fi}
+\setvalue{\??am\??am\c!menu\v!left }{\horizontalinteractionmenu\v!left \leftedgewidth \c!left \c!right}
+\setvalue{\??am\??am\c!menu\v!right }{\horizontalinteractionmenu\v!right \rightedgewidth\c!left \c!right}
+\setvalue{\??am\??am\c!menu\v!top }{\verticalinteractionmenu \v!top \topheight \c!before\c!after}
+\setvalue{\??am\??am\c!menu\v!bottom}{\verticalinteractionmenu \v!bottom\bottomheight \c!before\c!after}
+% this can be implemented with the following command (which
+% is new, undocumented, experimental, untested, etc etc)
+ {\dodoubleargument\dodefineinteractionmenuclass}
+\def\dodefineinteractionmenuclass[#1][#2]% tag hori|veri
+ {\doifelse{#2}\v!vertical
+ {\setvalue{\??am\??am\c!menu#1}{\verticalinteractionmenu {#1}{\getvalue{\??am#1\c!width }}\c!before\c!after}}
+ {\setvalue{\??am\??am\c!menu#1}{\horizontalinteractionmenu{#1}{\getvalue{\??am#1\c!height}}\c!left\c!right }}}
+% \setupinteraction[menu=on,state=start]
+% \defineinteractionmenuclass[test] [vertical]
+% \defineinteractionmenuclass[another][horizontal]
+% \defineinteractionmenu[test] [left][state=start,width=4cm]
+% \defineinteractionmenu[another][top] [state=start,height=1cm]
+% \startinteractionmenu[test]
+% \but [firstpage] test-a \\
+% \but [nextpage] test-b \\
+% \stopinteractionmenu
+% \startinteractionmenu[another]
+% \but [firstpage] test-a \\
+% \but [nextpage] test-b \\
+% \stopinteractionmenu
+% \setupheadertexts[{\interactionmenu[another]}]
+% \starttext
+% test \interactionmenu[test] \page
+% test \interactionmenu[test] \page
+% \stoptext
+%D This can save complicated menu macros when one want to
+%D keep control over parts of a menu (i.e.\ turn them on and
+%D off). We could have achieved something similar with modes.
+\def\local@@ambox#1#2#3#4% don't change skipping, this one works!
+ {\bgroup
+ \testinteractionmenu{#3}%
+ \iflocationmenupermitted
+ \executeamboxcommands{#3}{#4}\c!before\c!inbetween\c!after
+ \else
+ #1\relax
+ \fi
+ \egroup}
+ {\doifvalue{\??am#1\c!state}\v!local
+ {\bgroup
+ \letvalue{\??am#1\c!state}\v!start
+ \let\@@amvbox\local@@ambox
+ \let\@@amhbox\local@@ambox
+ \getvalue{\??am\c!menu#1}%
+ \egroup}}
+%D We also need an explicit position control some day. I'll
+%D do that when I need it. [The stacking order.]
+% [name] [location]
+% [name] [location] [pars]
+ {\dotripleempty\dodefineinteractionmenu}
+ {% main settings
+ \letvalue{\??am\c!menu#1}\empty
+ \setvalue{\@@dodolistelement#1}{\def\dosomelistelement{\dodomenulistelement{#1}}}%
+ \presetlocalframed[\??am#1]%
+ % register location
+ \expanded{\addtocommalist{#1}\@EA\noexpand\csname\??am#2\endcsname}%
+ % inherit settings
+ \doifnot{#1}{#2}
+ {\copyparameters[\??am#1][\??am#2]
+ [\c!left,\c!middle,\c!right,\c!before,\c!after,\c!inbetween,%
+ \c!width,\c!height,\c!distance,\c!offset,%
+ \c!frame,\c!framecolor,\c!rulethickness,%
+ \c!background,\c!backgroundcolor,\c!backgroundscreen,%
+ \c!style,\c!color,\c!contrastcolor,\c!samepage,\c!unknownreference,%
+ \c!leftoffset,\c!rightoffset,\c!topoffset,\c!bottomoffset]}%
+ % additional settings
+ \getparameters[\??am#1][\c!location=#2,\c!obstruction=,#3]}
+ {\dodoubleargument\dosetupinteractionmenu}
+ {\def\docommand##1{\getparameters[\??am##1][#2]}%
+ \processcommalist[#1]\docommand}
+\expandafter\chardef\csname\??am\??am\v!yes \endcsname\zerocount
+\expandafter\chardef\csname\??am\??am\v!no \endcsname\plustwo
+\expandafter\chardef\csname\??am\??am\v!none \endcsname\plusthree
+\expandafter\chardef\csname\??am\??am \endcsname\plusone % default
+ {\dodostartinteractionmenu#1\dodostopinteractionmenu}
+ {\setvalue{\??am\c!menu#1}{\extendedmenutrue\dointeractionmenu{#1}{#2}}}
+ {\letvalue{\??am\c!menu#1}\empty}
+ {\setbox0=\hbox
+ {\let\gotolocation\gobbleoneargument % hack to catch last []
+ %\locationclickfalse % ipv ^
+ \docheckrealreferencepage{#7}%
+ \setlocationboxyes
+ {\??am#1}% % needed !
+ []% no settings
+ {\limitatetext{#5}{\getvalue{\??li#2\c!maxwidth}}{\unknown}}% % needed !
+ []}% normally the destination, catch by gobble
+ \@@amboxcommand\do@@amposition{#1}{#7}% beware, we pass the pagenumber
+ {\ignorespaces\linklisttoelement{#3}{#6}{#7}{\box0}\unskip}\\}
+% \scherm moet worden als \page
+ {\dosingleempty\doscreen}
+ {\iflocation\page[#1]\fi}
+ {\dodoubleempty\domenubutton}
+ {\iffirstargument
+ \ifsecondargument
+ \@EAEAEA\domenubuttonB
+ \else
+ \doifassignmentelse{#1}
+ {\@EAEAEA\domenubuttonC}
+ {\@EAEAEA\domenubuttonD}%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \@EA\domenubuttonA
+ \fi[#1]}
+\def\domenubuttonA[#1][#2]#3[#4]% normal button, no parameters
+ {\bgroup
+ %\locationdummytrue
+ \setlocationbox\??bt[]{#3}[#4]%
+ \egroup}
+\def\domenubuttonB[#1][#2]#3[#4]% menu button, with parameters
+ {\bgroup
+ %\locationdummytrue
+ \setlocationbox{\??am#1}[#2]{#3}[#4]%
+ \egroup}
+\def\domenubuttonC[#1][#2]#3[#4]% normal button, with parameters
+ {\bgroup
+ %\locationdummytrue
+ \setlocationbox\??bt[#1]{#3}[#4]%
+ \egroup}
+\def\domenubuttonD[#1][#2]#3[#4]% menu button, no parameters
+ {\bgroup
+ %\locationdummytrue
+ \setlocationbox{\??am#1}[]{#3}[#4]%
+ \egroup}
+ {\dodoubleempty\domenubox}
+ {\bgroup
+ \let\setlocationbox\setlocationboxraw
+ \domenubutton[#1][#2]#3[]%
+ \egroup}
+% Hier volgen de synchronisatiemacro's:
+ {\iflocation\ifsynchronisation
+ \doglobal\increment\synccounter
+ \fi\fi}
+ {\iflocation\ifsynchronisation
+ %\thisisdestination{\syncprefix:\synccounter}%
+ \pagereference[\syncprefix:\synccounter]%
+ \ifvmode
+ \@EA\setmark\@EA\syncmarker\@EA{\synccounter} % \marking[\syncmarker]{\synccounter}%
+ \else
+ \showmessage\m!interactions4\synccounter
+ \fi
+ \fi\fi}
+ {\startsynchronization
+ \stopsynchronization}
+ {\getparameters[\??sy][#1]%
+ \doifelse\@@systate\v!start
+ \synchronisationtrue
+ \synchronisationfalse}
+ {\dosingleargument\dosetupsynchronization}
+ {\dosingleargument\dodefinesynchronization}
+ {\dodoubleargument\getparameters[\??ba]}
+ {\bgroup
+ %\setupinteraction[\c!width=\!!zeropoint]%
+ \setinteractionparameter\c!width\!!zeropoint
+ \setbox0\hbox
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+ % {\hbox to \dimen0{\color[\locationcolor\@@bacolor]{\atthebottom}}}}%
+ \gotobox
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+ [#1::\syncprefix:##1]}%
+ \hbox
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+ \wd2=\zeropoint\box2
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+ \egroup}
+ {\bgroup
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+ %\gotodestination
+ % {}{##1}{\syncprefix:#1}{0}
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+ \gotobox %
+ {\color[\locationcolor\@@bacolor]{\blackrule}}%
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+ [\c!text=\getvalue{doc:des:#1},#2]%
+ \getvalue{synchronisatie\@@baalternative}[#1]%
+ \egroup
+ \fi\fi}
+% A nice application of glue. All this code will be rewritten and
+% generalized.
+\def\dogotosomepage#1#2#3% nog checken !
+ {\checkreferences % nodig ??
+ \hbox
+ {\iflocation
+ \ifnum#3=\realpageno
+ #2%
+ \else
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+\def\dogotosomecontrastpage#1#2#3% nog checken, may replace previous
+ {\checkreferences % nodig ??
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+ \fi
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+ \fi}}
+\def\interactionbara % we need better control over contrastcolor
+ {\iflocation % maybe just use gotopage and set colors
+ \bgroup
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+ \s!unknown=>\scratchdimen\!!widtha]%
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+ \egroup
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+ \unskip % not needed
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+\def\interactionbare% KAN WORDEN GECOMBINEERD MET D
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+ \def\dogotox##1%
+ {\hbox{\symbol[\ifcase##1 \v!previous\or\v!somewhere\or\v!next\fi}}%
+ \else
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+ {\hbox{\vrule\!!height\@@ibheight\!!depth\@@ibdepth\!!width\!!widtha}}%
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+\def\interactionbarf % !! KAN WORDEN GECOMBINEERD MET D !!
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+ \ifdim\!!widtha<\@@ibdistance\relax
+ \repeat
+ \ifnum\!!countc>\plusone
+ % this is not that well tested
+ \advance\!!countc \minustwo
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+ \advance\!!widtha \@@ibwidth
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+ \or
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+ [\@@ibalternative]
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+ \getvalue{interactionbar\@@ibalternative}%
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+% Er wordt vooralsnog uitgegaan van een symmetrische
+% start-stop situatie.
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+ \processcommalist[#1]\dododefineprofile
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+% Als met \getpar wordt gewerkt, dan moet \next worden toegepast.
+% TZT initialisatie!
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+ {\processoneprofile
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+ \processcommacommand
+ [\getvalue{\c!profiel!!##1}]\dodoprocessprofile}%
+ {- }%
+ ]\nobreak\blank}%
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+ {\def\dodoprocessprofile####1%
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+ \let\next\relax % since ugly and never used
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+% Als er nog geen tekst op de pagina staat, dan heeft het
+% profiel betrekking op het bovenstaande, dus soms een vorige
+% pagina! Vreemd, omdat PDF paginagewijs werkt. Gelukkig
+% biedt /page een oplossing. Echter: expansie van een
+% \special kan niet worden uitgesteld, zodat alleen een
+% two-pass een oplossing vormt. Het onderstaande kan komen
+% te vervallen als Acrobat dit ondervangt. Het scheelt een
+% pass en een lijst.
+% Er kunnen eventueel twee lijsten worden gebruikt. Een voor
+% het begin (start) en een voor het eind (stop). Nu staat
+% alles in een lijst.
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+% is this stuff used at all
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+ \advance\scratchcounter -#2%
+ \advance\scratchcounter \plusone
+ \leaders\vrule\hskip\zeropoint\!!plus \scratchcounter\!!fill
+ \vrule\!!width\zeropoint\!!height#4\!!depth#5%
+ \hskip\zeropoint\!!plus #3\!!fill
+ \hskip\zeropoint\!!plus-#1\!!fill}}
+ {\vbox to \vsize
+ {\scratchcounter#1%
+ \advance\scratchcounter -#2%
+ \advance\scratchcounter \plusone
+ \leaders\hrule\vskip\zeropoint\!!plus\scratchcounter\!!fill
+ \hrule\!!width#4\!!height\zeropoint\!!depth\zeropoint
+ \vskip\zeropoint\!!plus #3\!!fill
+ \vskip\zeropoint\!!plus-#1\!!fill}}
+ {\let\next\relax % new
+ \processaction
+ [\@@cclocation]
+ [% \v!text=>\let\next\relax, % new
+ \v!inmargin=>\let\next\inmargin, % brr not the same as inleft|rightmargin
+ \v!leftedge=>\let\next\inleftedge,
+ \v!rightedge=>\let\next\inrightedge,
+ \v!leftmargin=>\let\next\inleftmargin,
+ \v!rightmargin=>\let\next\inrightmargin]%
+ \next{\hbox{\raise\strutht\box\commentbox}}}
+\def\flushcommentanchors % in everypar so indirect
+ {\ifvoid\commentbox\else \doflushcommentanchors \fi}
+ {\dodoubleargument\getparameters[\??cc]}
+\setvalue{\e!start\v!comment}% the dummy triple gobbles trailing spaces
+ {\dotripleempty\dostartcommentaar}
+ {\dodoubleempty\docomment}
+ {\!!widtha\@@ccwidth
+ \!!heighta\@@ccheight
+ \doifelse\@@ccoption\v!max
+ {\let\@@ccopen \!!plusone}{\let\@@ccopen \!!zerocount}%
+ \doifelse\@@ccoption\v!buffer
+ {\let\@@cccollect\!!plusone}{\let\@@cccollect\!!zerocount}%
+ \preparecommentvariables
+ \doinsertcomment
+ \@@cctitle\!!widtha\!!heighta
+ \@@cccolor\@@ccopen\@@ccsymbol
+ \@@cccollect{#1}}
+\def\preparecommentvariables % more will move here as with fields
+ {\let\@@DriverCommentLayer\@@cctextlayer}
+ {\doifassignmentelse{#1}
+ {\getparameters[\??cc][#1]}
+ {\getparameters[\??cc][\c!title=#1,#2]}%
+ \obeylines
+ \doif\@@ccspace\v!yes\obeyspaces}
+ {\bgroup
+ \doifelse\@@ccstate\v!start
+ {\dopreparecommentaar{#1}{#2}%
+ \long\def\docommand##1%
+ {\global\setbox\commentbox\frozenhbox
+ {\hbox to \zeropoint
+ {\struttedbox{\tbox{\dodocomment{##1}}}\hss}%
+ \hskip\ifvoid\commentbox\@@ccmargin\else\@@ccdistance\fi
+ \box\commentbox}%
+ \egroup}}%
+ {\long\def\docommand##1%
+ {\egroup}}%
+ \grabuntil{\e!stop\v!comment}\docommand}
+\letvalue{\e!stop\v!comment}\relax % handy for \expanded{...}
+ {\doif\@@ccstate\v!start
+ {\hbox to \zeropoint
+ {\dopreparecommentaar{#1}{#2}%
+ \hskip-\@@ccmargin
+ \struttedbox{\tbox{\dodocomment{#3}}\hss}}}%
+ \ignorespaces}
+% \startcomment
+% hello beautiful\\world
+% \stopcomment
+% \startcomment[hello]
+% hello << \'e\'erste >>
+% beautiful
+% world
+% \stopcomment
+% \startcomment[hello][color=green,width=4cm,height=3cm]
+% hello \leftguillemot\ \'e\'erste \rightguillemot\
+% beautiful
+% world
+% \stopcommentaar
+% \startcomment[hello][color=green,width=4cm,height=3cm]
+% hello \leftguillemot\ \'e\'erste \rightguillemot\ test
+% beautiful
+% world
+% \stopcomment
+% \startcomment[symbol=Balloon]
+% Do we want this kind of rubish? And, why isn't this and
+% some more features related to text annotations so poorly
+% (actually not) documented? Anyhow, by providing this
+% functionality we demonstrate that \pdfTeX\ can do it. By
+% the way, it's funny that when in Acrobat we scale up the
+% text, the symbols scale down.
+% \stopcomment
+% \definesymbol [comment-normal][{\externalfigure[cow.pdf]}]
+% \definesymbol [comment-down] [{\externalfigure[cow.pdf]}]
+% \def\CowSymbol#1#2%
+% {\scale
+% [\c!height=#1]
+% {\startMPcode
+% loadfigure "" number 1 ;
+% refill currentpicture withcolor #2 ;
+% \stopMPcode}}
+% \definesymbol [comment-normal]
+% [\CowSymbol{4ex}{red}]
+% \definesymbol [comment-down]
+% [\CowSymbol{4ex}{green}]
+% \setupcomment
+% [\c!symbol={comment-normal,comment-down},
+% \c!option=\v!buffer]
+% \setupfootertexts[\placecomments]
+ {\doflushcomments}
+% \setupinteraction[state=start]
+% \useattachment[test.tex]
+% \useattachment[whatever][test.tex]
+% \useattachment[whatever][newname][test.tex]
+% \useattachment[whatever][title][newname][test.tex]
+% % \setupattachments[\c!symbol={symbol-normal,symbol-down}]
+% \starttext \attachment[whatever] \stoptext
+ {\doquadrupleempty\douseattachment}
+\def\douseattachment[#1][#2][#3][#4]% tag title newname filename
+ {\iffourthargument
+ \setgvalue{\??at:#1}{{#2}{#3}{#4}}% tooltip kind of case
+ \else\ifthirdargument
+ \setgvalue{\??at:#1}{{#2}{#2}{#3}}% full path case
+ \else\ifsecondargument
+ \setgvalue{\??at:#1}{{#2}{#2}{#2}}% obvious case
+ \else
+ \setgvalue{\??at:#1}{{#1}{#1}{#1}}% worst case
+ \fi\fi\fi}
+\let\attachmentname \empty
+\let\attachmentfile \empty
+ {\edef\attachmenttitle{\filterfromvalue{\??at:#1}31}% description
+ \edef\attachmentname {\filterfromvalue{\??at:#1}32}% new name
+ \edef\attachmentfile {\filterfromvalue{\??at:#1}33}% original
+ \expandafter\splitstring\attachmentname\at.\to\!!stringa\and\!!stringb
+ \ifx\!!stringb\empty % no suffix, so we need to inherit it
+ \expandafter\splitstring\attachmentfile\at.\to\!!stringc\and\!!stringd
+ \edef\attachmentname{\attachmentname.\!!stringd}%
+ \fi}
+ {\dodoubleempty\doattachment}
+\def\doattachment[#1][#2]% currently title equals newname
+ {\iflocation
+ \ifsecondargument
+ \doifundefined{\??at:#2}
+ {\showmessage\m!interactions6{#2}%
+ \useattachment[#2]}%
+ \doif\@@atstate\v!start
+ {\bgroup
+ \getattachmentdata[#2]%
+ \doiffileelse\attachmentfile
+ {\setupattachments[#1]%
+ \presetattachmentvariables
+ \doattachfile
+ \attachmenttitle
+ {1em}\strutheight\strutdepth\@@atcolor\@@atsymbol
+ \attachmentname
+ \attachmentfile}%
+ {\showmessage\m!interactions5\attachmentfile}%
+ \egroup}%
+ \else\iffirstargument
+ \attachment[][#1]%
+ \fi\fi
+ \fi}
+ {\let\@@DriverAttachmentLayer\@@attextlayer}
+ {\dodoubleempty\getparameters[\??at]}
+ [\c!state=\v!start,
+ \c!color=\@@iacolor,
+ \c!textlayer=,
+ \c!symbol=]
+% jammer, tussen/midden had erin gemoeten; \c!commando toevoegen
+ {{\textonly\noindent#1\space}} % no math switching
+\def\doregistermenubuttons[#1][#2]% [menu id] [register]
+ {\bgroup
+ \ifsecondargument
+ \setupinteractionmenu
+ [#1][\c!unknownreference=\v!yes,\c!samepage=\v!yes]%
+ \def\docommand##1%
+ {\registermenucommand{\menubutton[#1]{##1}[#2:##1]}}%
+ \else
+ \def\docommand##1%
+ {\registermenucommand
+ {\button
+ [\c!unknownreference=\v!yes,\c!samepage=\v!yes]
+ {##1}[#1:##1]}}%
+ \fi
+ \handletokens abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\with\docommand % moet anders
+ \egroup}
+ {\dodoubleempty\doregistermenubuttons}
+% It took quite a while to figure this out (using the preliminary 1.5
+% spec). There are still a lot of things to be implemented. This is
+% the third alternative.
+% todo: multiple instances, dus indirect
+\definereference[StartCurrentRendering] [\v!StartRendering {\currentrendering}]
+\definereference[StopCurrentRendering] [\v!StopRendering {\currentrendering}]
+\definereference[PauseCurrentRendering] [\v!PauseRendering {\currentrendering}]
+\def\setinternalrendering{\dodoubleempty \dosetinternalrendering}
+\def\douseexternalrendering[#1][#2][#3][#4]% tag mime file options
+ {\setgvalue{\??rd:#1}{\plusone{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}}}
+\def\dosetinternalrendering[#1][#2]% tag options {content}
+ {\bgroup
+ \dowithnextbox
+ {\setgvalue{\??rd:#1}{\plustwo{#1}{IRO}{#1}{#2}}%
+ \let\objectoffset\zeropoint
+ \setobject{IRO}{#1}\hbox{\box\nextbox}%
+ \egroup}%
+ \hbox}
+\def\checkrendering#1% let's hope that \next is not used
+ {\iflocation
+ \doifsomething{#1}%
+ {\doifdefined{\??rd:#1}%
+ {\expanded{\getvalue{\??rd::\number\renderingtype{#1}}%
+ {\filterfromvalue{\??rd:#1}52}{\filterfromvalue{\??rd:#1}53}%
+ {\filterfromvalue{\??rd:#1}54}{\filterfromvalue{\??rd:#1}55}}}}%
+ \fi}
+\def\renderingtype #1{\filterfromvalue{\??rd:#1}51}
+\setexecutecommandcheck {startrendering} \checkrendering
+\setexecutecommandcheck {stoprendering} \checkrendering
+\setexecutecommandcheck {pauserendering} \checkrendering
+\setexecutecommandcheck {resumerendering} \checkrendering
+% by using a nice trick (used in other places of context as well) we
+% can easily overload the default size to match the opbject size
+\def\renderingwidth {8cm}
+ {\dodoubleempty\dodefinerenderingwindow}
+ {\presetlocalframed[\??rw#1]%
+ \getparameters%
+ [\??rw#1]%
+ [\c!openpageaction=,\c!closepageaction=,%
+ \c!width=\renderingwidth,\c!height=\renderingheight,%
+ #2]}
+ {\dodoubleargument\dosetuprenderingwindow}
+ {\getparameters[\??rw#1]}
+ {\dodoubleempty\doplacerenderingwindow}
+ {\bgroup
+ \edef\currentrendering{\ifsecondargument#2\else#1\fi}%
+ \ifcase\renderingtype\currentrendering\or
+ % a file
+ \or
+ % an object
+ \getobjectdimensions{IRO}\currentrendering
+ \scratchdimen\objectheight
+ \advance\scratchdimen\objectdepth
+ \edef\renderingheight{\the\scratchdimen}%
+ \edef\renderingwidth{\objectwidth}%
+ \fi
+ % create fall back if needed
+ \doifdefinedelse{\??rw#1\c!width}
+ {\def\currentrenderingwindow{#1}}
+ {\let\currentrenderingwindow\s!default
+ \definerenderingwindow[\currentrenderingwindow]}%
+ \checkrendering\currentrendering
+ \handlereferenceactions{\getvalue{\??rw\currentrenderingwindow\c!openpageaction }}\dosetuprenderingopenpageaction
+ \handlereferenceactions{\getvalue{\??rw\currentrenderingwindow\c!closepageaction}}\dosetuprenderingclosepageaction
+ \localframed
+ [\??rw\currentrenderingwindow][\c!offset=\v!overlay]%
+ {\expanded{\doinsertrenderingwindow
+ \noexpand\currentrendering\hsize\vsize{\renderingoptions\currentrendering}}}%
+ \egroup}
+% todo:
+% \setinternalrendering[example-1][options]{}
+% test file:
+% \definerenderingwindow
+% [example]
+% [width=320pt,height=150pt,frame=off,
+% background=color,backgroundcolor=gray,
+% openpageaction=StartCurrentRendering,
+% closepageaction=NextPage]% StopCurrentRendering]
+% \useexternalrendering[example-1][audio/mpeg] [eldorado.mp3]
+% \useexternalrendering[example-2][audio/mpeg] [myst-12.mp3]
+% \useexternalrendering[example-3][application/x-shockwave-flash][http://localhost/mb.swf] [auto]
+% \useexternalrendering[example-4][application/x-shockwave-flash][celebration.swf]
+% \useexternalrendering[example-5][video/quicktime] []
+% \useexternalrendering[example-6][application/smil] [quadratic_map.smi]
+% \def\renderingmenu[#1]%
+% {\hbox
+% {\setupbuttons[width=2.5em]%
+% \button{\symbol[StartRendering]} [StartRendering{#1}]\enspace
+% \button{\symbol[StopRendering]} [StopRendering{#1}]\enspace
+% \button{\symbol[PauseRendering]} [PauseRendering{#1}]\enspace
+% \button{\symbol[ResumeRendering]}[ResumeRendering{#1}]}}
+% \renderingmenu[example-1]\blank
+% \renderingmenu[example-2]\blank
+% \renderingmenu[example-3]\blank
+% \renderingmenu[example-4] \placefigure{A ShockWave}{\placerenderingwindow[example][example-4]} \page
+% \renderingmenu[example-5] \placefigure{A Movie}{\placerenderingwindow[example][example-5]} \page
+% \renderingmenu[example-6] \placefigure{A Smile}{\placerenderingwindow[example][example-6]}
+ [\c!distance=.25em,
+ \c!width=\v!fit,
+ \c!location=\v!low,
+ \c!color=\@@iacolor,
+ \c!frame=\v!off,
+ \c!background=,
+ \c!backgroundscreen=\@@rsscreen,
+ \c!backgroundcolor=]
+ [\v!right]
+ [\v!right]
+ [\c!before=,
+ \c!after=\vfil,
+ \c!inbetween=\blank,
+ \c!distance=\bodyfontsize, % 12pt
+ \c!left=\hss,
+ \c!right=\hss,
+ \c!width=\rightedgewidth,
+ \c!height=\v!broad]
+ [\v!left]
+ [\v!left]
+ [\c!before=,
+ \c!after=\vfil,
+ \c!inbetween=\blank,
+ \c!distance=\bodyfontsize, % 12pt
+ \c!left=\hss,
+ \c!right=\hss,
+ \c!width=\leftedgewidth,
+ \c!height=\v!broad]
+ [\v!bottom]
+ [\v!bottom]
+ [\c!before=\vss,
+ \c!after=\vss,
+ \c!middle=\hfil,
+ \c!distance=\bodyfontsize, % 12pt
+ \c!width=\v!fit,
+ \c!height=\v!broad]
+ [\v!top]
+ [\v!top]
+ [\c!before=\vss,
+ \c!after=\vss,
+ \c!middle=\hfil,
+ \c!distance=\bodyfontsize, % 12pt
+ \c!width=\v!fit,
+ \c!height=\v!broad]
+ [\v!left,\v!right,\v!top,\v!bottom]
+ [\c!offset=.25em,
+ \c!position=\v!no,
+ \c!frame=\v!on,
+ \c!background=,
+ \c!backgroundcolor=,
+ \c!backgroundscreen=\@@rsscreen,
+ \c!style=\@@iastyle,
+ \c!color=\@@iacolor,
+ \c!contrastcolor=\@@iacontrastcolor,
+ \c!state=\v!start,
+ \c!samepage=\v!yes,
+ \c!unknownreference=\v!empty,
+ \c!topoffset=\!!zeropoint,
+ \c!bottomoffset=\!!zeropoint,
+ \c!leftoffset=\!!zeropoint,
+ \c!rightoffset=\!!zeropoint]
+\def\placeleftedgetextblock % Is \hss/\hsize really needed here?
+ {\hbox to \leftedgewidth % (check outer level and settings)
+ {\hsize\leftedgewidth\hss\interactionmenus[\v!left]}}
+\def\placerightedgetextblock % Is \hss/\hsize really needed here?
+ {\hbox to \rightedgewidth % (check outer level and settings)
+ {\hsize\rightedgewidth\interactionmenus[\v!right]\hss}}
+ {\vbox to \topheight
+ {\vsize\topheight
+ \csname\??tk\v!top\c!before\endcsname
+ \interactionmenus[\v!top]%
+ \csname\??tk\v!top\c!after\endcsname
+ \kern\zeropoint}}
+ {\vbox to \bottomheight
+ {\vsize\bottomheight
+ \csname\??tk\v!bottom\c!before\endcsname
+ \interactionmenus[\v!bottom]%
+ \csname\??tk\v!bottom\c!after\endcsname
+ \kern\zeropoint}}
+\ifx\leftedgetextcontent\undefined \else
+ \appendtoks \placeleftedgetextblock \hskip-\leftedgewidth \to \leftedgetextcontent
+ \appendtoks \placerightedgetextblock \hskip-\rightedgewidth \to \rightedgetextcontent
+ \appendtoks \placetoptextblock \vskip-\topheight \to \toptextcontent
+ \appendtoks \placebottomtextblock \vskip-\bottomheight \to \bottomtextcontent
+ [\c!width=\printpaperwidth,
+ \c!height=\printpaperheight,
+ \c!horoffset=\!!zeropoint,
+ \c!veroffset=\!!zeropoint,
+ \c!backspace=\backspace,
+ \c!topspace=\topspace,
+ \c!option=\v!min,
+ \c!delay=\v!none]
+ [\c!state=\v!start,
+ \c!width=\v!fit,
+ \c!height=\v!broad,
+ \c!offset=0.25em,
+ \c!frame=\v!on,
+ \c!background=,
+ \c!backgroundscreen=\@@rsscreen,
+ \c!backgroundcolor=,
+ \c!style=\@@iastyle,
+ \c!color=\@@iacolor,
+ \c!contrastcolor=\@@iacontrastcolor,
+ \c!samepage=\v!yes,
+ \c!unknownreference=\v!yes]
+ [\c!state=\v!start,
+ \c!alternative=a,
+ \c!symbol=\v!no,
+ \c!width=\rightedgewidth,
+ \c!height=, % these are taken care
+ \c!depth=, % of at calling time
+ \c!distance=.5em, % beter relateren aan breedte
+ \c!step=1,
+ \c!color=\@@iacolor,
+ \c!contrastcolor=\@@iacontrastcolor,
+ \c!frame=\v!on,
+ \c!background=,
+ \c!backgroundscreen=\@@rsscreen,
+ \c!backgroundcolor=,
+ \c!samepage=\v!yes,
+ \c!unknownreference=\v!yes]
+ [\c!alternative=\v!page,
+ \c!width=\rightedgewidth,
+ \c!style=\@@iastyle,
+ \c!color=\@@iacolor,
+ \c!background=,
+ \c!backgroundscreen=\@@rsscreen,
+ \c!backgroundcolor=]
+ [\c!state=\v!stop]
+ [\c!option=]
+ [\v!reset]
+ [\c!state=\v!start,
+ \c!margin=2.5em,
+ \c!distance=1em,
+ \c!width=.3\textwidth,
+ \c!height=.2\textheight,
+ \c!color=\@@iacolor,
+ \c!title=,
+ \c!space=\v!no,
+ \c!symbol=\v!normal,
+ \c!location=\v!inmargin,
+ \c!option=,
+ \c!textlayer=]
+\setupversions % beware, @ is made active here,
+ [\c!number=1, % therefore we set this one at the end
+ \c!style=\ss,
+ \c!color=]
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/scrn-nav.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/scrn-nav.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3bb56bace
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/scrn-nav.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,379 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=scrn-nav,
+%D version=1998.01.15,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Core Macros,
+%D subtitle=Navigation,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Screen Macros / Navigation}
+%D Support for interactive document is very present in
+%D \CONTEXT\ and interwoven in many modules. This means that in
+%D this module, where we deal with some common navigational
+%D features, there will be quite some forward references.
+%D When I started implementing hypertext support, the macros
+%D were mostly dealing with things related to locations, that
+%D is click in this location and goto that one. The
+%D functionality of many macro depends on the output medium:
+%D paper or screen. The next boolean holds the state:
+\newif\iflocation \def\ifinteractief{\iflocation} % upw comp
+%D We also allocate a scratchbox:
+%D There is no interaction at all unless enabled by saying:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \setupinteraction[state=start]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The other settings are:
+%D \showsetup{setupinteraction}
+%D In the special driver modules we introduced a switch that
+%D forces page destinations (instead of named ones). We set
+%D this switch here.
+\def\setinteractionparameter#1#2% use with case, no checking done
+ {\setvalue{\??ia#1}{#2}} % pass #2, can be \blabla
+\def\resetinteractionparameter#1% use with case, no checking done
+ {\letvalue{\??ia#1}\empty}
+% \def\interactionparameter#1%
+% {\csname\??ia#1\endcsname}
+ {\dosingleargument\dodosetupinteraction}
+\def\dodosetupinteraction[#1]% % \dosetupinteraction == special
+ {\getparameters[\??ia][#1]%
+ \the\everysetupinteraction}
+% todo, move partial append to where the action happens
+ \doifelse\@@iastate\v!start
+ {\iflocation\else
+ \showmessage\m!interactions2{\ifusepagedestinations\space(PAGE)\fi}%
+ \global\locationtrue
+ \fi}
+ {\iflocation
+ \showmessage\m!interactions3{\ifusepagedestinations\space(PAGE)\fi}%
+ \global\locationfalse
+ \fi}%
+ \iflocation
+ \setsystemmode \v!interaction
+ \else
+ \resetsystemmode\v!interaction
+ \fi
+ \dosetuppageview\@@iafocus
+ \doifsomething\@@iacalculate
+ {\doregistercalculationset\@@iacalculate}%
+ \doifelse\@@iastrut\v!yes
+ \locationstruttrue
+ \locationstrutfalse
+ \doifelse\@@iaclick\v!yes
+ \highlighthyperlinkstrue
+ \highlighthyperlinksfalse
+ \doifelse\@@iasplit\v!yes
+ \locationsplittrue
+ \locationsplitfalse
+ \doifelse\@@iadisplay\v!new
+ \gotonewwindowtrue
+ \gotonewwindowfalse
+ \doifelse\@@iapage\v!yes
+ {\global\usepagedestinationstrue}
+ {\global\usepagedestinationsfalse}%
+\to \everysetupinteraction
+%D We have to make sure of some settings:
+ {\iflocation
+ \dosetupinteraction
+ \handlereferenceactions\@@iaopenaction \dosetupopenaction
+ \handlereferenceactions\@@iacloseaction\dosetupcloseaction
+ \setupinteractionscreens
+ \global\let\dolocationstartup\relax
+ \fi}
+\appendtoks \dolocationstartup \to \everyshipout
+\def\dolocationpagecheck % brr pdf dependent
+ {\iflocation
+ \handlereferenceactions\@@iaopenpageaction \dosetupopenpageaction
+ \handlereferenceactions\@@iaclosepageaction\dosetupclosepageaction
+ \fi}
+\appendtoks \dolocationpagecheck \to \everyshipout
+%D The next few macros are really horrible. For proper
+%D navigation a in||line hypertext fragment must have
+%D comfortable properties, so we must force some minimal
+%D dimensions. On the other hand button, and here I mean those
+%D pieces of text with fancy outlines and/or backgrounds, often
+%D have fixed, preset dimensions.
+%D To make things even worse, if we choose to let the optimal
+%D dimensions depend on the height and depth of a strut, a not
+%D too uncommon practice in \TEX, we have to deal with the fact
+%D that such a strut, set inside a box, is unknown too the
+%D outside world.
+%D The solution lays in passing the strut characteristics in
+%D a proper way, in our case by applying \type{\presetgoto}:
+%D \starttyping
+%D {some piece of text \presetgoto}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D This macro stores the current strut values.
+ {\globallet\@@ia@@hoogte\!!zeropoint
+ \globallet\@@ia@@diepte\!!zeropoint}
+ {\iflocationstrut
+ \setstrut
+ %\xdef\@@ia@@hoogte{\the\strutht}%
+ %\xdef\@@ia@@diepte{\the\strutdp}%
+ \globallet\@@ia@@hoogte\strutheight
+ \globallet\@@ia@@diepte\strutdepth
+ \else
+ \globallet\@@ia@@hoogte\@@iaheight
+ \globallet\@@ia@@diepte\@@iadepth
+ \fi}
+%D In the macros that deal with making areas into hyperlinks,
+%D we use:
+ {\global\setbox\driverresources\hbox{\box\driverresources#1}}
+ {\ifvoid\driverresources\else\box\driverresources\fi}
+ {\ifsecondaryreference
+ \bgroup\setbox0\hbox{#2#3}\egroup
+ \else
+ \hbox
+ {\setbox0\hbox{#1}%
+ \ifdim\wd0<\@@iawidth\relax
+ \buttonwidth\@@iawidth\relax
+ \else
+ \buttonwidth\wd0
+ \fi
+ \ifdim\ht0<\@@ia@@hoogte\relax
+ \buttonheight\@@ia@@hoogte\relax
+ \else
+ \buttonheight\ht0
+ \fi
+ \ifdim\dp0<\@@ia@@diepte\relax
+ \dimen0=\@@ia@@diepte\relax % = !
+ \else
+ \dimen0\dp0
+ \fi
+ \advance\buttonheight \dimen0
+ \setbox2\hbox
+ {\lower\dimen0\hbox
+ {\dontcomplain
+ \dimen0=.5\wd0 % direct skipping is faster of course
+ \advance\dimen0 -.5\buttonwidth % buts this is nicer
+ \hskip\dimen0#2#3}}% when visualizing things
+ \naturalhbox % needed for omega / moved from plus-omg
+ {\ifreversegoto
+ \dimen0\wd0\box0\kern-\dimen0\smashbox2\box2\kern\dimen0
+ \else
+ \smashbox2\box2\box0
+ \fi
+ \flushdriverresources}%
+ \resetgoto}%
+ \fi}
+%D The secondary references are processed but not typeset. The
+%D special driver must collect the data needed.
+%D The width of the active area depends on the dimensions
+%D preset, the actual dimens and/or the height and depth of the
+%D strut.
+%D Normally the hyper active area is laid on top of the text.
+%D This enables stacking hyperlinks on top of each other. When,
+%D for some reason the opposite is prefered, one can use the
+%D next boolean to signal this wish.
+\newif\ifreversegoto \reversegotofalse
+%D As long as there a natural feeling of what can be considered
+%D hyper active or not, we have to tell users where they can
+%D possibly click. We've already seen a few macros that deal
+%D with this visualization, something we definitely do not let
+%D up to the viewer. One way of telling is using a distinctive
+%D typeface, another way is using color.
+%D There are two colors involved: one for normal hyperlinks,
+%D and one for those that point to the currentpage, the
+%D contrast color.
+\definecolor [interactioncolor] [r=0, g=.6, b=0]
+\definecolor [interactioncontrastcolor] [r=.8, g=0, b=0]
+\definecolor [interactiekleur] [interactioncolor]
+\definecolor [interactiecontrastkleur] [interactioncontrastcolor]
+%D The next few macros are responsible for highlighting hyper
+%D links. The first one, \type{\showlocation}, is used in those
+%D situations where the typeface is handled by the calling
+%D macro.
+\def\interactioncolor % todo \??ia as argument
+ {\iflocation
+ \ifrealreferencepage
+ \@@iacontrastcolor
+ \else
+ \@@iacolor
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+ {\iflocation\color[\@@iacolor]{#1\presetgoto}\else#1\fi}
+%D When local color settings are to be used, we can use the
+%D next macro, where \type{#1} is a tag like \type{\??tg} and
+%D \type{#2} some text.
+ {\iflocation
+ \color[\getvalue{#1\c!color}]{#2\presetgoto}%
+ \else
+ #2%
+ \fi}
+%D When we're dealing with pure page references, contrast
+%D colors are used when we are already at the page mentioned.
+\def\showcontrastlocation#1#2#3% the \@EA is needed
+ {\iflocation
+ \ifnum#2=\realpageno\relax
+ \doifelsevaluenothing{#1\c!color}
+ {#3\presetgoto}
+ {\color[\getvalue{#1\c!contrastcolor}]{#3\presetgoto}}%
+ \else
+ \color[\getvalue{#1\c!color}]{#3\presetgoto}%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ #3%
+ \fi}
+%D The next simple macro can be used in color specifications,
+%D like \type{\color[\locationcolor{green}]}.
+ {\iflocation#1\fi}
+%D More tokens are spend when we want both typeface and color
+%D highlighting.
+ {\bgroup
+ \let\fontattribute\empty
+ \let\colorattribute\empty
+ \doifdefined{#1#2}{\def\fontattribute{\getvalue{#1#2}}}%
+ \iflocation
+ \doifdefined{#1#3}{\def\colorattribute{\getvalue{#1#3}}}%
+ \fi
+ \startcolor[\colorattribute]%
+ \@EA\doconvertfont\@EA{\fontattribute}{#4}% no \edef, but \@EA here
+ \stopcolor
+ \egroup}
+ {\dolocationattributes\??ia\c!style\c!color}
+%D Although not decently supported in current viewers, a
+%D provisory hiding mechanims is implemented. Areas marked as
+%D such, are visible on screen, but invisible on paper. Don't
+%D trust this mechanism yet!
+ {\bgroup
+ \let\stopinteraction\egroup
+ \dowithnextbox{\dostarthide\flushnextbox\dostophide\egroup}\hbox}
+\let\startinteraction = \relax
+\let\stopinteraction = \relax
+% in the future:
+% eerst boolean invoeren bij menu, achtergrond, balk, button
+% enz; verder startinteractie een argument meegeven {#1} ->
+% \getvalue{#1\c!print}=={\v!ja} enz. Consequent menubutton
+% gebruiken!
+ {\the\normalyear
+ \ifnum\normalmonth<10 0\fi\the\normalmonth
+ \ifnum\normalday <10 0\fi\the\normalday}
+% happens in core-fld
+% \definereference [AtOpenInitializeForm] [\v!geen]
+\setupinteraction % start fit page and reset form
+ [\c!state=\v!stop,
+ \c!page=\v!no,
+ \c!click=\v!yes,
+ \c!display=,
+ %\c!openaction={\v!firstpage,AtOpenInitializeForm},
+ %\c!openaction={\v!firstpage,\v!ResetForm},
+ %\c!openaction=\v!ResetForm, % too buggy in reader 4.05
+ \c!openaction=,
+ \c!closeaction=,
+ \c!openpageaction=,
+ \c!closepageaction=,
+ \c!display=\v!normal,
+ \c!focus=\v!fit,
+ \c!menu=\v!off,
+ \c!style=\v!bold,
+ \c!calculate=,
+ \c!strut=\v!yes,
+ \c!split=\v!yes,
+ \c!color=interactioncolor,
+ \c!contrastcolor=interactioncontrastcolor,
+ \c!symbolset=,
+ \c!width=1em,
+ \c!height=\!!zeropoint,
+ \c!depth=\!!zeropoint,
+ \c!title=\jobname, % needed for fdf/x
+ \c!subtitle=,
+ \c!author=,
+ \c!keyword=,
+ \c!date=\@@iatimestamp]
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/sort-def.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/sort-def.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..168f94e9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/sort-def.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,450 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=sort-def,
+%D version=2005.08.08,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Sort Macros,
+%D subtitle=Defaults,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D This module replaces existing sort key handling and is meant to be
+%D used with the new texutil functionality. Here we define the default
+%D mappings
+\exportsortexpansion{aeligature} {ae}
+\exportsortexpansion{AEligature} {AE}
+\exportsortexpansion{ijligature} {ij}
+\exportsortexpansion{IJligature} {IJ}
+\exportsortexpansion{oeligature} {oe}
+\exportsortexpansion{OEligature} {OE}
+\exportsortexpansion{ssharp} {ss}
+\exportsortexpansion{Ssharp} {SS}
+\exportsortexpansion{thorn} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Thorn} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{eth} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Eth} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{dj} {dstroke}
+\exportsortexpansion{Dj} {Dstroke}
+\exportsortexpansion{Acircumflex} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{acircumflex} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Ccircumflex} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{ccircumflex} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Ecircumflex} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{ecircumflex} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Gcircumflex} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{gcircumflex} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Hcircumflex} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{hcircumflex} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Icircumflex} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{icircumflex} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Jcircumflex} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{jcircumflex} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Ocircumflex} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{ocircumflex} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Scircumflex} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{scircumflex} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Ucircumflex} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{ucircumflex} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Wcircumflex} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{wcircumflex} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Ycircumflex} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{ycircumflex} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Agrave} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{agrave} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Egrave} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{egrave} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Igrave} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{igrave} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Ograve} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{ograve} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Ugrave} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{ugrave} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Ygrave} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{ygrave} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Atilde} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{atilde} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Itilde} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{itilde} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Ntilde} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{ntilde} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Otilde} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{otilde} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Utilde} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{utilde} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Ytilde} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{ytilde} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Adiaeresis} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{adiaeresis} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Ediaeresis} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{ediaeresis} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Idiaeresis} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{idiaeresis} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Odiaeresis} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{odiaeresis} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Udiaeresis} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{udiaeresis} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Ydiaeresis} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{ydiaeresis} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Aacute} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{aacute} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Cacute} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{cacute} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Eacute} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{eacute} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Iacute} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{iacute} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Lacute} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{lacute} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Nacute} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{nacute} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Oacute} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{oacute} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Racute} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{racute} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Sacute} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{sacute} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Uacute} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{uacute} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Yacute} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{yacute} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Zacute} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{zacute} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{dstroke} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Dstroke} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Hstroke} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{hstroke} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Tstroke} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{tstroke} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Cdotaccent} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{cdotaccent} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Edotaccent} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{edotaccent} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Gdotaccent} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{gdotaccent} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Idotaccent} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{idotaccent} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Zdotaccent} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{zdotaccent} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Amacron} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{amacron} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Emacron} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{emacron} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Imacron} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{imacron} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Omacron} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{omacron} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Umacron} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{umacron} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Ccedilla} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{ccedilla} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Kcedilla} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{kcedilla} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Lcedilla} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{lcedilla} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Ncedilla} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{ncedilla} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Rcedilla} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{rcedilla} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Scedilla} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{scedilla} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Tcedilla} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{tcedilla} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Ohungarumlaut} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{ohungarumlaut} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Uhungarumlaut} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{uhungarumlaut} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Aogonek} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{aogonek} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Eogonek} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{eogonek} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Iogonek} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{iogonek} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Uogonek} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{uogonek} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Aring} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{aring} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Uring} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{uring} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Abreve} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{abreve} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Ebreve} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{ebreve} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Gbreve} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{gbreve} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Ibreve} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{ibreve} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Obreve} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{obreve} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Ubreve} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{ubreve} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Ccaron} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{ccaron} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Dcaron} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{dcaron} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Ecaron} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{ecaron} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Lcaron} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{lcaron} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Ncaron} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{ncaron} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Rcaron} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{rcaron} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Scaron} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{scaron} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Tcaron} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{tcaron} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Ycaron} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{ycaron} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Zcaron} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{zcaron} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Lstroke} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{lstroke} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Ostroke} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{ostroke} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{aumlaut} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{eumlaut} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{iumlaut} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{oumlaut} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{uumlaut} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Aumlaut} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Eumlaut} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Iumlaut} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Oumlaut} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Uumlaut} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{scommaaccent} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Scommaaccent} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{tcommaaccent} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Tcommaaccent} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Etilde} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{etilde} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Ahook} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{ahook} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Ehook} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{ehook} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Ihook} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{ihook} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Ohook} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{ohook} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Uhook} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{uhook} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Yhook} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{yhook} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Acircumflexgrave} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Acircumflexacute} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Acircumflextilde} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Acircumflexhook} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{acircumflexgrave} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{acircumflexacute} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{acircumflextilde} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{acircumflexhook} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Ecircumflexgrave} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Ecircumflexacute} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Ecircumflextilde} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Ecircumflexhook} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{ecircumflexgrave} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{ecircumflexacute} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{ecircumflextilde} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{ecircumflexhook} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Ocircumflexgrave} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Ocircumflexacute} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Ocircumflextilde} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Ocircumflexhook} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{ocircumflexgrave} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{ocircumflexacute} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{ocircumflextilde} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{ocircumflexhook} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Abrevegrave} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Abreveacute} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Abrevetilde} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Abrevehook} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{abrevegrave} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{abreveacute} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{abrevetilde} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{abrevehook} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Adotbelow} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{adotbelow} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Edotbelow} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{edotbelow} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Idotbelow} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{idotbelow} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Odotbelow} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{odotbelow} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Udotbelow} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{udotbelow} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Ydotbelow} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{ydotbelow} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Ohorndotbelow} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{ohorndotbelow} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Uhorndotbelow} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{uhorndotbelow} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Acircumflexdotbelow} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{acircumflexdotbelow} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Ecircumflexdotbelow} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{ecircumflexdotbelow} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Ocircumflexdotbelow} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{ocircumflexdotbelow} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Abrevedotbelow} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{abrevedotbelow} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Ohorn} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Ohorngrave} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Ohornacute} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Ohorntilde} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Ohornhook } {}
+\exportsortexpansion{ohorn} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{ohorngrave} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{ohornacute} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{ohorntilde} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{ohornhook } {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Uhorn} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Uhorngrave} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Uhornacute} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Uhorntilde} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{Uhornhook } {}
+\exportsortexpansion{uhorn} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{uhorngrave} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{uhornacute} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{uhorntilde} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{uhornhook} {}
+\exportsortexpansion{eszett} {ssharp}
+\exportsortexpansion{Eszett} {Ssharp}
+\exportsortexpansion{lslash} {lstroke}
+\exportsortexpansion{Lslash} {Lstroke}
+\exportsortexpansion{dslash} {dstroke}
+\exportsortexpansion{Dslash} {Dstroke}
+\exportsortexpansion{oslash} {ostroke}
+\exportsortexpansion{Oslash} {Ostroke}
+\exportsortexpansion{dcroat} {dstroke}
+\exportsortexpansion{Dcroat} {Dstroke}
+% more
+\exportsortshortcut{\^ A} {\Acircumflex} \exportsortshortcut{\^ a} {\acircumflex}
+\exportsortshortcut{\^ C} {\Ccircumflex} \exportsortshortcut{\^ c} {\ccircumflex}
+\exportsortshortcut{\^ E} {\Ecircumflex} \exportsortshortcut{\^ e} {\ecircumflex}
+\exportsortshortcut{\^ G} {\Gcircumflex} \exportsortshortcut{\^ g} {\gcircumflex}
+\exportsortshortcut{\^ H} {\Hcircumflex} \exportsortshortcut{\^ h} {\hcircumflex}
+\exportsortshortcut{\^ I} {\Icircumflex} \exportsortshortcut{\^ i} {\icircumflex} \exportsortshortcut{\^\i} {\icircumflex}
+\exportsortshortcut{\^ J} {\Jcircumflex} \exportsortshortcut{\^ j} {\jcircumflex} \exportsortshortcut{\^\j} {\jcircumflex}
+\exportsortshortcut{\^ O} {\Ocircumflex} \exportsortshortcut{\^ o} {\ocircumflex}
+\exportsortshortcut{\^ S} {\Scircumflex} \exportsortshortcut{\^ s} {\scircumflex}
+\exportsortshortcut{\^ U} {\Ucircumflex} \exportsortshortcut{\^ u} {\ucircumflex}
+\exportsortshortcut{\^ W} {\Wcircumflex} \exportsortshortcut{\^ w} {\wcircumflex}
+\exportsortshortcut{\^ Y} {\Ycircumflex} \exportsortshortcut{\^ y} {\ycircumflex}
+\exportsortshortcut{\` A} {\Agrave} \exportsortshortcut{\` a} {\agrave}
+\exportsortshortcut{\` E} {\Egrave} \exportsortshortcut{\` e} {\egrave}
+\exportsortshortcut{\` I} {\Igrave} \exportsortshortcut{\` i} {\igrave} \exportsortshortcut{\`\i} {\igrave}
+\exportsortshortcut{\` O} {\Ograve} \exportsortshortcut{\` o} {\ograve}
+\exportsortshortcut{\` U} {\Ugrave} \exportsortshortcut{\` u} {\ugrave}
+\exportsortshortcut{\` Y} {\Ygrave} \exportsortshortcut{\` y} {\ygrave}
+\exportsortshortcut{\~ A} {\Atilde} \exportsortshortcut{\~ a} {\atilde}
+\exportsortshortcut{\~ I} {\Itilde} \exportsortshortcut{\~ i} {\itilde} \exportsortshortcut{\~\i} {\itilde}
+\exportsortshortcut{\~ O} {\Otilde} \exportsortshortcut{\~ o} {\otilde}
+\exportsortshortcut{\~ U} {\Utilde} \exportsortshortcut{\~ u} {\utilde}
+\exportsortshortcut{\" A} {\Adiaeresis} \exportsortshortcut{\" a} {\adiaeresis}
+\exportsortshortcut{\" E} {\Ediaeresis} \exportsortshortcut{\" e} {\ediaeresis}
+\exportsortshortcut{\" I} {\Idiaeresis} \exportsortshortcut{\" i} {\idiaeresis} \exportsortshortcut{\"\i} {\idiaeresis}
+\exportsortshortcut{\" O} {\Odiaeresis} \exportsortshortcut{\" o} {\odiaeresis}
+\exportsortshortcut{\" U} {\Udiaeresis} \exportsortshortcut{\" u} {\udiaeresis}
+\exportsortshortcut{\" Y} {\Ydiaeresis} \exportsortshortcut{\" y} {\ydiaeresis}
+\exportsortshortcut{\' A} {\Aacute} \exportsortshortcut{\' a} {\aacute}
+\exportsortshortcut{\' C} {\Cacute} \exportsortshortcut{\' c} {\cacute}
+\exportsortshortcut{\' E} {\Eacute} \exportsortshortcut{\' e} {\eacute}
+\exportsortshortcut{\' I} {\Iacute} \exportsortshortcut{\' i} {\iacute} \exportsortshortcut{\'\i} {\iacute}
+\exportsortshortcut{\' L} {\Lacute} \exportsortshortcut{\' l} {\lacute}
+\exportsortshortcut{\' N} {\Nacute} \exportsortshortcut{\' n} {\nacute}
+\exportsortshortcut{\' O} {\Oacute} \exportsortshortcut{\' o} {\oacute}
+\exportsortshortcut{\' R} {\Racute} \exportsortshortcut{\' r} {\racute}
+\exportsortshortcut{\' S} {\Sacute} \exportsortshortcut{\' s} {\sacute}
+\exportsortshortcut{\' U} {\Uacute} \exportsortshortcut{\' u} {\uacute}
+\exportsortshortcut{\' Y} {\Yacute} \exportsortshortcut{\' y} {\yacute}
+\exportsortshortcut{\' Z} {\Zacute} \exportsortshortcut{\' z} {\zacute}
+\exportsortshortcut{\. C} {\Cdotaccent} \exportsortshortcut{\. c} {\cdotaccent}
+\exportsortshortcut{\. E} {\Edotaccent} \exportsortshortcut{\. e} {\edotaccent}
+\exportsortshortcut{\. G} {\Gdotaccent} \exportsortshortcut{\. g} {\gdotaccent}
+\exportsortshortcut{\. I} {\Idotaccent} \exportsortshortcut{\. i} {\idotaccent} \exportsortshortcut{\.\i} {\idotaccent}
+\exportsortshortcut{\. Z} {\Zdotaccent} \exportsortshortcut{\. z} {\zdotaccent}
+\exportsortshortcut{\= A} {\Amacron} \exportsortshortcut{\= a} {\amacron}
+\exportsortshortcut{\= E} {\Emacron} \exportsortshortcut{\= e} {\emacron}
+\exportsortshortcut{\= I} {\Imacron} \exportsortshortcut{\= i} {\imacron} \exportsortshortcut{\=\i} {\imacron}
+\exportsortshortcut{\= O} {\Omacron} \exportsortshortcut{\= o} {\omacron}
+\exportsortshortcut{\= U} {\Umacron} \exportsortshortcut{\= u} {\umacron}
+\exportsortshortcut{\c C} {\Ccedilla} \exportsortshortcut{\c c} {\ccedilla}
+\exportsortshortcut{\c K} {\Kcedilla} \exportsortshortcut{\c k} {\kcedilla}
+\exportsortshortcut{\c L} {\Lcedilla} \exportsortshortcut{\c l} {\lcedilla}
+\exportsortshortcut{\c N} {\Ncedilla} \exportsortshortcut{\c n} {\ncedilla}
+\exportsortshortcut{\c R} {\Rcedilla} \exportsortshortcut{\c r} {\rcedilla}
+\exportsortshortcut{\c S} {\Scedilla} \exportsortshortcut{\c s} {\scedilla}
+\exportsortshortcut{\c T} {\Tcedilla} \exportsortshortcut{\c t} {\tcedilla}
+\exportsortshortcut{\H O} {\Ohungarumlaut} \exportsortshortcut{\H o} {\ohungarumlaut}
+\exportsortshortcut{\H u} {\uhungarumlaut} \exportsortshortcut{\H U} {\Uhungarumlaut}
+\exportsortshortcut{\k A} {\Aogonek} \exportsortshortcut{\k a} {\aogonek}
+\exportsortshortcut{\k E} {\Eogonek} \exportsortshortcut{\k e} {\eogonek}
+\exportsortshortcut{\k I} {\Iogonek} \exportsortshortcut{\k i} {\iogonek}
+\exportsortshortcut{\k U} {\Uogonek} \exportsortshortcut{\k u} {\uogonek}
+\exportsortshortcut{\r A} {\Aring} \exportsortshortcut{\r a} {\aring}
+\exportsortshortcut{\r U} {\Uring} \exportsortshortcut{\r u} {\uring}
+\exportsortshortcut{\u A} {\Abreve} \exportsortshortcut{\u a} {\abreve}
+\exportsortshortcut{\u E} {\Ebreve} \exportsortshortcut{\u e} {\ebreve}
+\exportsortshortcut{\u G} {\Gbreve} \exportsortshortcut{\u g} {\gbreve}
+\exportsortshortcut{\u I} {\Ibreve} \exportsortshortcut{\u i} {\ibreve} \exportsortshortcut{\u\i} {\ibreve}
+\exportsortshortcut{\u O} {\Obreve} \exportsortshortcut{\u o} {\obreve}
+\exportsortshortcut{\u U} {\Ubreve} \exportsortshortcut{\u u} {\ubreve}
+\exportsortshortcut{\v C} {\Ccaron} \exportsortshortcut{\v c} {\ccaron}
+\exportsortshortcut{\v D} {\Dcaron} \exportsortshortcut{\v d} {\dcaron}
+\exportsortshortcut{\v E} {\Ecaron} \exportsortshortcut{\v e} {\ecaron}
+\exportsortshortcut{\v L} {\Lcaron} \exportsortshortcut{\v l} {\lcaron}
+\exportsortshortcut{\v N} {\Ncaron} \exportsortshortcut{\v n} {\ncaron}
+\exportsortshortcut{\v R} {\Rcaron} \exportsortshortcut{\v r} {\rcaron}
+\exportsortshortcut{\v S} {\Scaron} \exportsortshortcut{\v s} {\scaron}
+\exportsortshortcut{\v T} {\Tcaron} \exportsortshortcut{\v t} {\tcaron}
+\exportsortshortcut{\v Z} {\Zcaron} \exportsortshortcut{\v z} {\zcaron}
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/sort-ini.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/sort-ini.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8114f82c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/sort-ini.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=sort-ini,
+%D version=2005.08.08,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Sorting Macros,
+%D subtitle=Initialization,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+% todo: autokeyexpansion => igv utf: \setupregister[index][keyexpansion=yes]
+%D This module replaces existing sort key handling and is meant to be
+%D used with the new texutil functionality. This module defines a few
+%D auxiliary macros.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Sorting Macros / Initialization}
+%D This module replaces existing sort key handling and is meant to be
+%D used with the new texutil functionality. This module defines a few
+%D auxiliary macros.
+\ifx\exportsortaction\undefined \else \endinput \fi
+%D The sorting method is largely bases on the one used in the old version
+%D of texutil but i've changed the interface a bit. It all boils down to
+%D a bunch of substitutions. The reimplementation makes it easier to extend
+%D the rules. Currently we have multipass substitution and onepass sorting,
+%D but we may change this some day. Since there is a plugin mechanism, using
+%D an external sorter is also possible.
+% test file:
+% \mainlanguage[sl] \readfile{sort-ini}{}{}
+% \starttext
+% test \index {aa1} test \index {ab1} test \index {aa2}
+% test \index {ab2} test \index {aa10} test \index {aa8}
+% test \index {aa9} test \index {aa11} test \index {aa10}
+% test \index {cccc} test \index {\ccaron ccc} test \index {\cacute ccc}
+% test \index {caaa} test \index {\ccaron aaa} test \index {\cacute aaa}
+% \placeindex
+% \stoptext
+% definitions:
+% \exportsortshortcut{\\\'\\i}{iacute}
+% \exportsortshortcut{\\\'i} {iacute}
+% \exportsortshortcut{\\\"e} {ediaeresis}
+% \exportsortshortcut{\\\'o} {oacute}
+% \exportsortexpansion{aeligature}{ae}
+% \exportsortexpansion{ijligature}{y}
+% \exportsortexpansion{oacute} {oz}
+% \exportsortexpansion{eacute} {ezzz} % or e3
+% \exportsortexpansion{egrave} {ezz} % or e2
+% \exportsortexpansion{ediaeresis}{ez} % or e1
+% \exportsortexpansion{adiaeresis}{az}
+% \exportsortreduction{ch} {c}
+% \exportsortreduction{ij} {y}
+% \exportsortexpansion{ccaron} {cz}
+% \exportsortexpansion{cacute} {czz}
+% \exportsortexpansion{dstroke} {dz}
+% \exportsortexpansion{scaron} {sz}
+% \exportsortexpansion{zcaron} {zz}
+% \exportsortreduction{ch}{c}
+% \exportsortreduction{ij}{y}
+% \exportsortexpansion {ccaron} {c+1}
+% \exportsortdivision {c+1} {ccaron}
+% ==
+% \exportsortrule {ccaron} {c+1}
+ {\ifproductionrun
+ \the\everysavesortkeys
+ \global\everysavesortkeys\emptytoks
+ \fi}
+\appendtoks \savesortkeys \to \everyshipout
+ {\defconvertedargument\asciia{#2}%
+ \defconvertedargument\asciib{#3}%
+ \immediatewriteutility{x #1 {\currentexportclass} {\asciia} {\asciib}}}
+\def\exportsortshortcut {\exportsortaction s}
+\def\exportsortexpansion{\exportsortaction e}
+\def\exportsortreduction{\exportsortaction r}
+\def\exportsortdivision {\exportsortaction d}
+ {\exportsortexpansion{#1}{#2}%
+ \exportsortdivision {#2}{#1}}
+ {\bgroup
+ \edef\utfsorta{\string\unknownchar}%
+ \dostepwiserecurse{#2}{#3}\plusone
+ {\edef\utfsortb{\@EA\string\csname\doutfunihash{#1}{\recurselevel}\endcsname}%
+ \ifx\utfsortb\utfsorta \else
+ \edef\utfsortc{\numbertoutf{\numexpr#1*256+\recurselevel\relax}}%
+ \expanded{\exportsortshortcut{\utfsortc}{\utfsortb\space}}% space is really needed
+ \fi}%
+ \egroup}
+ {\bgroup
+ \doifelse \currentregime {utf}
+ {\exportutfsortexpansion{0}{128}{255}%
+ \exportutfsortexpansion{1}{0}{255}}
+ {\def\defineactivecharacter##1 ##2% mkii code !
+ {\doifnumberelse{##1}
+ {\expanded{\exportsortshortcut{\rawcharacter{##1}}}{##2}}%
+ {\expanded{\exportsortshortcut{\rawcharacter{\number`##1}}}{##2}}}%
+ \doifelsenothing\currentregime
+ {\doifnot\characterencoding\nocharacterencoding % to be sure, autoregime
+ {\dowalkregime\characterencoding}}%
+ {\dowalkregime\characterencoding}}%
+ \egroup
+ \startnointerference
+ \setcatcodetable\ctxcatcodes
+ \readsysfile{\f!sortprefix def.mkii}\donothing\donothing % default
+ \stopnointerference
+ \global\let\savesortdefinitions\relax}
+\def\savesortlanguage#1% language specifics
+ {\doifsomething{#1}
+ {\doifundefined{\f!sortprefix::#1}%
+ {\startnointerference
+ \global\letvalue{\f!sortprefix::#1}\empty
+ \def\currentexportclass{#1}%
+ \enablemode[sortorder-#1]%
+ \setcatcodetable\ctxcatcodes
+ \readsysfile{\f!sortprefix lan.mkii}\donothing\donothing
+ \stopnointerference}}}
+ \savesortdefinitions
+\to \everysavesortkeys
+% \defineregister[one]
+% \defineregister[two] \setupregister[two][language=cz]
+% \starttext
+% test \one{one} test \one{two} test \one {\aacute} test \one{alpha} test \one{chow}
+% test \two{one} test \two{two} test \two {\aacute} test \two{alpha} test \two{chow}
+% \blank[3*big] \placeregister[one]
+% \blank[3*big] \placeregister[two]
+% \stoptext
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/sort-lan.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/sort-lan.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c23962371
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/sort-lan.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=sort-lan,
+%D version=2005.08.08,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Sort Macros,
+%D subtitle=Language Definitions,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+% for testing:
+ \exportsortexpansion{aacute}{a+1}
+ \exportsortexpansion{Aacute}{A+2}
+ \exportsortexpansion{agrave}{a+1}
+ \exportsortexpansion{Agrave}{A+2}
+%D This module replaces existing sort key handling and is meant to be
+%D used with the new texutil functionality. Here we define the language
+%D specific sort rules.
+% slovenian
+% a-c, ccaron, cacute, d, dstroke, e-s, scaron, t-z, zcaron
+% \enableregime[utf]
+% \mainlanguage[sl]
+% \starttext
+% \ccaron\index{\ccaron\space 1}
+% \Ccaron\index{\Ccaron\space 1}
+% č\index{č 2}
+% Č\index{Č 2}
+% \v c\index{\v c 3}
+% \v C\index{\v C 3}
+% \placeindex
+% \stoptext
+% \startmode[sortorder-sl]
+% \exportsortexpansion {ccaron} {cz}
+% \exportsortexpansion {cacute} {czz}
+% \exportsortexpansion {dstroke} {dz}
+% \exportsortexpansion {scaron} {sz}
+% \exportsortexpansion {zcaron} {zz}
+% \exportsortdivision {cz} {ccaron}
+% \exportsortdivision {czz} {cacute}
+% \exportsortdivision {dz} {dstroke}
+% \exportsortdivision {sz} {scaron}
+% \exportsortdivision {zz} {zcaron}
+% \stopmode
+% \startmode[sortorder-sl]
+% \exportsortexpansion {ccaron} {c+1}
+% \exportsortexpansion {cacute} {c+2}
+% \exportsortexpansion {dstroke} {d+1}
+% \exportsortexpansion {scaron} {s+1}
+% \exportsortexpansion {zcaron} {z+1}
+% \exportsortdivision {c+1} {ccaron}
+% \exportsortdivision {c+2} {cacute}
+% \exportsortdivision {d+1} {dstroke}
+% \exportsortdivision {s+1} {scaron}
+% \exportsortdivision {z+1} {zcaron}
+% \stopmode
+ \exportsortrule {ccaron} {c+1}
+ \exportsortrule {cacute} {c+2}
+ \exportsortrule {dstroke} {d+1}
+ \exportsortrule {scaron} {s+1}
+ \exportsortrule {zcaron} {z+1}
+% finnish
+% a-u, v+w sorted together, x-z, aring, adiaeresis, odiaeresis
+ \exportsortrule {v} {w}
+ \exportsortrule {aring} {z+1}
+ \exportsortrule {adiaeresis} {z+2}
+ \exportsortrule {odiaeresis} {z+3}
+% swedish
+% a-z, aring, adiaeresis, odiaeresis
+% \mainlanguage[sv]
+% \starttext
+% a\index{a}
+% a\index{a}
+% z\index{z}
+% z\index{z}
+% q\index{q}
+% q\index{q}
+% \index{}
+% \index{}
+% \index{}
+% \index{}
+% \index{}
+% \index{}
+% \index{}
+% \index{}
+% \index{}
+% \aring\index{\aring}
+% \adiaeresis\index{\adiaeresis}
+% \odiaeresis\index{\odiaeresis}
+% A\index{A}
+% \index{}
+% \index{}
+% \index{}
+% \Aring\index{\Aring}
+% \Adiaeresis\index{\Adiaeresis}
+% \Odiaeresis\index{\Odiaeresis}
+% \placeindex
+% \stoptext
+ \exportsortrule {aring} {z+1}
+ \exportsortrule {adiaeresis} {z+2}
+ \exportsortrule {odiaeresis} {z+3}
+% norwegian, danish
+% a-z, aeligature, oslash, aring
+ \exportsortrule {aeligature} {z+1}
+ \exportsortrule {oslash} {z+2}
+ \exportsortrule {aring} {z+3}
+% islandic
+% a, aacute, b, c, d, eth, e, eacute, f-i, iacute, j-o, oacute, p-u, uacute, v, w (?), x, y, yacute, z, aeligature, oslash, thorn
+% estonian
+% a-s, scaron, z, zcaron, t-w, otilde, adiaeresis, odiaeresis, udiaeresis, x, y
+% czech
+% a) make a single group for: "a", "", "A", ""
+% b) make a different two groups for: "c", "C" and "c", "C"
+% c) sorting rule: "A" < "" < "a" < "" < "C" < "c" < "C" < "c"
+% d) sorting rule: "h" < "ch" < "i" ("c" < "h")
+ \exportsortexpansion {aacute} {a}
+ \exportsortexpansion {Aacute} {A}
+ \exportsortexpansion {ccaron} {c+1}
+ \exportsortexpansion {Ccaron} {C+1}
+ \exportsortdivision {c+1} {ccaron}
+ \exportsortexpansion {dcaron} {d}
+ \exportsortexpansion {Dcaron} {D}
+ %\exportsortdivision {d+1} {dcaron}
+ \exportsortexpansion {eacute} {e}
+ \exportsortexpansion {Eacute} {E}
+ \exportsortexpansion {ecaron} {e}
+ \exportsortexpansion {Ecaron} {E}
+ \exportsortreduction {ch} {h+1}
+ \exportsortexpansion {ch} {h+1}
+ \exportsortreduction {Ch} {H+1}
+ \exportsortexpansion {Ch} {H+1}
+ \exportsortdivision {h+1} {czsortdivisionch}
+ \exportsortexpansion {iacute} {i}
+ \exportsortexpansion {Iacute} {I}
+ \exportsortexpansion {ncaron} {n}
+ \exportsortexpansion {Ncaron} {N}
+ %\exportsortdivision {n+1} {ncaron}
+ \exportsortexpansion {oacute} {o}
+ \exportsortexpansion {Oacute} {O}
+ \exportsortexpansion {rcaron} {r+1}
+ \exportsortexpansion {Rcaron} {R+1}
+ \exportsortdivision {r+1} {rcaron}
+ \exportsortexpansion {scaron} {s+1}
+ \exportsortexpansion {Scaron} {S+1}
+ \exportsortdivision {s+1} {scaron}
+ \exportsortexpansion {tcaron} {t}
+ \exportsortexpansion {Tcaron} {T}
+ %\exportsortdivision {t+1} {tcaron}
+ \exportsortexpansion {uacute} {u}
+ \exportsortexpansion {Uacute} {U}
+ \exportsortexpansion {uring} {u}
+ \exportsortexpansion {Uring} {U}
+ \exportsortexpansion {yacute} {y}
+ \exportsortexpansion {Yacute} {Y}
+ \exportsortexpansion {zcaron} {z+1}
+ \exportsortexpansion {Zcaron} {Z+1}
+ \exportsortdivision {z+1} {zcaron}
+% Polish:
+ \exportsortrule {aogonek} {a+1}
+ \exportsortrule {cacute} {c+1}
+ \exportsortrule {eogonek} {e+1}
+ \exportsortrule {lstroke} {l+1}
+ \exportsortrule {nacute} {n+1}
+ \exportsortrule {oacute} {o+1}
+ \exportsortrule {sacute} {s+1}
+ \exportsortrule {zacute} {z+1}
+ \exportsortrule {zdotaccent} {z+2}
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/spac-gen.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/spac-gen.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..91e379250
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/spac-gen.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,4667 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=core-spa,
+%D version=1997.03.31,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Core Macros,
+%D subtitle=Spacing,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Core Macros / Spacing}
+% to be sorted out: dependencies, order of initialization / also some dutch code here
+% some will move to core-var
+\newif \ifgridsnapping
+\newif \iffuzzyvskip
+\let \fuzzyvskip \gobbleoneargument
+\let \removelastfuzzyvskip \relax
+\let \startbaselinecorrection \relax
+\let \stopbaselinecorrection \relax
+\let \baselinecorrection \relax
+\let \offbaselinecorrection \relax
+\appendtoks \spacing 1\to \everybodyfont
+\appendtoks \presetnormallineheight \to \everybodyfont
+\appendtoks \setnormalbaselines \to \everybodyfont % check if redundant
+\appendtoks \setstrut \to \everybodyfont % check if redundant
+\appendtoks \settopskip \to \everybodyfont
+\appendtoks \setmaxdepth \to \everybodyfont
+%appendtoks \spacing 1\to \everybodyfont
+\appendtoks \simplesetupindenting \to \everybodyfont
+\appendtoks \simplesetupblank \to \everybodyfont
+\appendtoks \simplesetupwhitespace \to \everybodyfont
+%appendtoks \checknotes \to \everybodyfont % not
+\appendtoks \simplesetupspacing \to \everybodyfont % nieuw
+\appendtoks \setrelativeinterlinespace \to \everybodyfont
+\appendtoks \updateraggedskips \to \everyfontswitch % under test
+\prependtoks \let\par\endgraf \to \everypagebody % see \fillinline
+\appendtoks \simplesetupspacing \to \everydefinedfont
+% if you want to hyphenate the first word of a paragraph ... \appendtoks\hskip0pt\to\everypar
+ {\simplesetupwhitespace
+ \simplesetupblank
+ \settopskip
+ \setmaxdepth}
+ {\relax\ifhmode\hskip\parfillskip\break\fi}
+ {\ifdim\lastskip=\zeropoint
+ \ifnum\lastpenalty=\zerocount
+ \ifnum\lastkern=\zerocount
+ \let\poplastnode\relax
+ \else
+ \edef\poplastnode{\kern\the\lastkern\relax}\kern-\lastkern % untested
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \edef\poplastnode{\penalty\the\lastpenalty\relax}\nobreak % untested
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \edef\poplastnode{\vskip\the\lastskip\relax}\vskip-\lastskip % \removelastskip
+ \fi}
+%D The dreadful sequence \type {\bgroup} \unknown\
+%D \type {\carryoverpar} \unknown\ \type {\egroup} is needed
+%D when for instance sidefloats are used in combination with
+%D something that starts with a group. This is because
+%D otherwise the indentation as set (by the output routine)
+%D inside the group are forgotten afterwards. (I must
+%D not forget its existence).
+ {\expanded % \scratchtoks{#1}%
+ {\noexpand#1% \the\scratchtoks
+ \hangindent\the\hangindent
+ \hangafter \the\hangafter
+ \parskip \the\parskip
+ \leftskip \the\leftskip
+ \rightskip \the\rightskip}}
+%D A quick way to determine left|/|middle|/|right states
+%D (experimental).
+\setvalue{\??as\v!left }{0}
+\setvalue{\??as\v!right }{2}
+ {\chardef\alignmentswitch0\csname\??as#1\endcsname\relax}
+%D There are two ways to influence the interline spacing. The
+%D most general and often most consistent way is using
+%D \showsetup{setupinterlinespace}
+%D For instance
+%D \starttyping
+%D \setupinterlinespace[line=2.8ex]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D This setting adapts itself to the bodyfontsize, while for
+%D instance saying
+%D \starttyping
+%D \setupinterlinespace[line=12pt]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D sets things fixed for all sizes, which is definitely not
+%D what we want. Therefore one can also say:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \definebodyfontenvironment[9pt][interlinespace=11pt]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D One can still use \type{\setupinterlinespace} (without
+%D arguments) to set the interline space according to the
+%D current font, e.g. a \type{\bfa}.
+% font-ini
+ \let\bodyfontinterlinespecs\empty
+ \let\bodyfontinterlinespace\empty
+ {\edef\normallineheight{\@@itline}%
+% done elsewhere : \spacing\!!plusone % new per 10/08/2004, else problems in otr / !! needed
+ \iflocalinterlinespace \else
+ \doifdefined\bodyfontinterlinespecs
+ {\doifsomething\bodyfontinterlinespace
+ {\edef\normallineheight{\bodyfontinterlinespace}}}%
+ \fi}
+ {\getparameters[\??it][#1]%
+ \scratchdimen0\@@itheight\points
+ \advance\scratchdimen 0\@@itdepth\points
+ \ifdim\scratchdimen>\onepoint
+ \showmessage\m!layouts{10}{\@@itheight,\@@itdepth}%
+ \let\@@itheight\strutheightfactor
+ \let\@@itdepth \strutdepthfactor
+ \else
+ \let\strutheightfactor\@@itheight
+ \let\strutdepthfactor \@@itdepth
+ \fi
+ \let\minimumstrutheight \@@itminheight
+ \let\minimumstrutdepth \@@itmindepth
+ \let\minimumlinedistance\@@itdistance
+ \let\normallineheight \@@itline % let ! ! ! ! ! ivm ex
+ \doifelse\@@ittop\v!height % new, topskip does more bad than good
+ {\let\topskipfactor \@@itheight}
+ {\let\topskipfactor \@@ittop }%
+ \let\maxdepthfactor \@@itbottom
+ \let\baselinegluefactor \@@itstretch
+ \setfontparameters % redundant, can be \setstrut, test first
+ \updateraggedskips} % yes indeed
+% \let\currentrelativeinterlinespace\empty
+% \def\setuprelativeinterlinespace[#1]%
+% {\processallactionsinset
+% [#1]
+% [ \v!on=>\oninterlineskip,
+% \v!off=>\offinterlineskip,
+% \v!reset=>\let\currentrelativeinterlinespace\empty
+% \setfontparameters,% just \setstrut, test first
+% \s!unknown=>\assignvalue{#1}\currentrelativeinterlinespace{1.00}{1.25}{1.50}%
+% \spacing\currentrelativeinterlinespace]}
+% \setupinterlinespace[big] \switchtobodyfont[11pt] -> forgotten
+% \setupinterlinespace[auto,big] \switchtobodyfont[11pt] -> remembered
+ {\processallactionsinset
+ [#1]
+ [ \v!on=>\oninterlineskip,
+ \v!off=>\offinterlineskip,
+ \v!reset=>\let\currentrelativeinterlinespace\empty
+ \let\setrelativeinterlinespace\relax
+ \setfontparameters,
+ \v!auto=>\let\setrelativeinterlinespace\dosetrelativeinterlinespace,
+ \s!unknown=>\assignvalue\commalistelement\currentrelativeinterlinespace{1.00}{1.25}{1.50}%
+ \spacing\currentrelativeinterlinespace]}
+ {\ifx\currentrelativeinterlinespace\empty\else
+ \spacing\currentrelativeinterlinespace
+ \fi}
+% \appendtoks \setrelativeinterlinespace \to \everybodyfont
+\def\complexsetupinterlinespace[#1]% \commalistelement ipv #1
+ {\doifassignmentelse{#1}\setupspecifiedinterlinespace\setuprelativeinterlinespace[#1]}
+ {\localinterlinespacetrue
+ \setupinterlinespace[#1]%
+ \localinterlinespacefalse}
+ {\localinterlinespacetrue
+ \setfontparameters
+ \updateraggedskips % funny one here
+ \localinterlinespacefalse}
+% In earlier versions \type{\bigskipamount} was
+% \type{\ht\strutbox} and the stretch was plus or minus
+% \type{.4\dp\strutbox}. Don't ask me why. The most recent
+% implementation is based on a user supplied distance, which
+% is by default \type{.75\normalskipamount} where
+% \type{\normalskipamount} equals the current baseline
+% distance.
+% \lineskiplimit = -\maxdimen -> freezes baselineskip
+% can be conditionals
+\newif\ifblanknowhite \blanknowhitefalse
+\newif\ifblankindeed \blankindeedfalse
+\newif\ifblankreset \blankresetfalse
+\newif\ifblankdisable \blankdisablefalse
+\newif\ifblankflexible \blankflexibletrue
+\newskip\blankskip \blankskip=\bigskipamount
+\def\skipfactor {.75}
+ {\openlineheight
+ \ifgridsnapping \else \ifblankflexible
+ \!!plus \skipgluefactor\openlineheight
+ \!!minus\skipgluefactor\openlineheight
+ \fi \fi
+ \relax}
+\def\linedistance {\normalskipamount}
+\def\lastblankskip {\blankskip}
+\def\currentblank {\v!big}
+\def\oldprevdepth {\prevdepth}
+\def\newprevdepth {-1001pt}
+\def\mindimen {1sp} % was: 0.00002pt
+\def\geenblanko{\removelastskip} % will become obsolete
+%%%% pas op, wordt ook in core-pos gebruikt
+\def\doassignsomeskip#1\to#2% ook nog \v!halfline+fuzzysnap
+ {\doifelse{#1}\v!line
+ {#2\openlineheight}
+ {\ifgridsnapping
+ \assigndimension{#1}{#2}{.25\openlineheight}{.5\openlineheight}\openlineheight
+ \else
+ \assigndimension{#1}{#2}\smallskipamount\medskipamount\bigskipamount
+ \fi}%
+ \relax}
+% \relax is really needed, else we may loose stretch due to lookahead; somehow
+% this bug was introduced a while ago but somehow went unnoticed; fixed 2/7/2008
+\defineblankmethod [\v!big] {\addblankskip+\bigskipamount \openlineheight}
+\defineblankmethod [-\v!big] {\addblankskip-\bigskipamount \openlineheight}
+\defineblankmethod [\v!medium] {\addblankskip+\medskipamount {.5\openlineheight}}
+\defineblankmethod [-\v!medium] {\addblankskip-\medskipamount {.5\openlineheight}}
+\defineblankmethod [\v!small] {\addblankskip+\smallskipamount{.25\openlineheight}}
+\defineblankmethod [-\v!small] {\addblankskip-\smallskipamount{.25\openlineheight}}
+\defineblankmethod [\v!white] {\addblankskip+\parskip \openlineheight}
+\defineblankmethod [-\v!white] {\addblankskip-\parskip \openlineheight}
+\defineblankmethod [\v!line] {\addblankskip+\openlineheight \openlineheight}
+\defineblankmethod [-\v!line] {\addblankskip-\openlineheight \openlineheight}
+\defineblankmethod [\v!formula] {\global\advance\blankskip\medskipamount}
+\defineblankmethod [\v!nowhite] {\global\blanknowhitetrue}
+\defineblankmethod [\v!disable] {\global\blankdisabletrue}
+\defineblankmethod [\v!force] {\global\blankforcetrue}
+\defineblankmethod [\v!outer] {\ifvmode\ifinner\blankoutertrue\fi\fi}
+\defineblankmethod [\v!reset] {\global\blankresettrue}
+\defineblankmethod [\v!flexible] {\global\localblankflexibletrue}
+\defineblankmethod [\v!fixed] {\global\localblankfixedtrue}
+\defineblankmethod [\v!back] {\global\blankgobacktrue} % {\geenblanko}
+\defineblankmethod [\v!halfline] {\ifgridsnapping\global\fuzzyvskiptrue\fi
+ \global\advance\blankskip .5\lineheight}
+\defineblankmethod [\v!none] {\global\blankresettrue}
+\defineblankmethod [\v!joinedup] {\ifvmode\nointerlineskip\fi}
+\defineblankmethod[\v!synchronize] {\verticalstrut\vskip-2\lineheight\verticalstrut}
+% \vtop{\blank[synchronize]\blank[line]test}
+\defineblankmethod [\v!always] {\redowhitespace} % experimental
+% happens often, so we speed this up:
+% \defineblankmethod [2*\v!line] {\addblankskip+{2\openlineheight}{2\openlineheight}}
+% \defineblankmethod [2*\v!big] {\addblankskip+{2\bigskipamount }{2\openlineheight}}
+% no, with 2\whatever we loose the stretch and shrink! Taco's alternative:
+ [2*\v!line]
+ {\addblankskip+\openlineheight\openlineheight
+ \addblankskip+\openlineheight\openlineheight}
+ [2*\v!big]
+ {\addblankskip+\bigskipamount\openlineheight
+ \addblankskip+\bigskipamount\openlineheight}
+ {\edefconvertedargument\ascii{#1}%
+ \ifx\ascii\empty\else
+ \ifcsname\??bo\??bo\ascii\endcsname % internal def
+ \csname\??bo\??bo\ascii\endcsname
+ \else\ifcsname\??bo\ascii\endcsname % user def / slow
+ \@EA\rawprocesscommalist\@EA[\csname\??bo\ascii\endcsname]\doblank\relax
+ \else
+ \dorepeatwithcommand[#1]\redoblank
+ \fi\fi
+ \fi
+ \relax}
+ {\edefconvertedargument\ascii{#1}%
+ \ifx\ascii\empty\else
+ \ifcsname\??bo\??bo\ascii\endcsname % internal def
+ \csname\??bo\??bo\ascii\endcsname
+ \else\ifcsname\??bo\ascii\endcsname % user def / slow
+ \@EA\rawprocesscommalist\@EA[\csname\??bo\ascii\endcsname]\doblank\relax
+ \else
+ \global\advance\blankskip#1\relax
+ \fi\fi
+ \fi
+ \relax}
+\unexpanded\def\blank % the \relax is definitely needed due to the many \if's
+ {\relax\complexorsimple\doblank}
+ {\flushnotes
+ \ifmmode
+ \@EA\nocomplexdoblank
+ \else
+ \ifopelkaar
+ \ifinpagebody
+ \@EA\@EAEAEA\@EA\docomplexdoblank
+ \else
+ \@EA\@EAEAEA\@EA\nocomplexdoblank
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \@EAEAEA\docomplexdoblank
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+ {% evt blokkeerfalse
+ \ifmmode\else\par\fi}
+% Overloaded in cont-new!
+% \def\doinhibitblank
+% {\kern\noblanksignal}
+% \def\inhibitblank% the fast, local way
+% {\endgraf\ifvmode\prevdepth\newprevdepth\fi}
+% \def\docomplexdoblank[#1]% pas op \relax's zijn nodig ivm volgende \if
+% {\global\blankresetfalse
+% \global\blankdisablefalse
+% \global\blanknowhitefalse
+% \global\localblankflexiblefalse
+% \global\localblankfixedfalse
+% \global\blankskip\zeropoint
+% \global\blankforcefalse
+% \global\blankgobackfalse
+% \blankouterfalse
+% \expanded{\rawprocesscommalist[#1]}\doblank
+% \ifdim\blankskip=\zeropoint\relax
+% \iflocalblankflexible
+% \doglobal\advance\blankskip \currentblank
+% \else\iflocalblankfixed
+% \doglobal\advance\blankskip \currentblank
+% \fi\fi
+% \fi
+% \ifblankouter
+% \else
+% \par
+% \ifvmode
+% \ifblankgoback
+% \removelastskip
+% \fi
+% \ifblankforce
+% % dit gaat mis in pos fonts
+% % \ifdim\prevdepth>\zeropoint\else ...
+% % -1000pt signals top of page or column (\ejectcolumn)
+% \bgroup\forgeteverypar\verticalstrut\egroup\kern-\struttotal
+% \fi
+% \ifblankdisable
+% \global\blankindeedfalse
+% \ifgridsnapping
+% \ifdim\prevdepth<\zeropoint
+% % brrr
+% \else
+% % dirty trick: smaller blanks are ignored after
+% % a larger one, so 10 lines is probably safe; first make
+% % sure that we honor penalties
+% \scratchcounter\lastpenalty
+% % now comes the trick (cross our fingers that this works
+% % well in multi columns; maybe an ifinner test is needed
+% % \vskip-10\lineheight
+% % \ifnum\scratchcounter=\zerocount \else \penalty\lastpenalty \fi
+% % \vskip 10\lineheight
+% % allas, this leads to overfull pages, so we try this:
+% \kern-\noblanksignal
+% \ifnum\scratchcounter=\zerocount
+% \else
+% \penalty\lastpenalty
+% \fi
+% \kern\noblanksignal
+% % end-of-dirty-trick
+% \fi
+% \else
+% \ifdim\prevdepth<\zeropoint
+% % brrr
+% \else
+% % ensure at least a proper prevdepth, this should be
+% % an option
+% \vskip-\prevdepth
+% \vskip\strutdepth
+% \prevdepth\strutdepth
+% \fi
+% % the old crappy piece of code
+% \edef\oldprevdepth{\the\prevdepth}%
+% \prevdepth\newprevdepth
+% \fi
+% \else
+% \global\blankindeedtrue
+% \fi
+% \ifblankreset
+% \global\blankindeedtrue
+% \ifgridsnapping
+% % let's play safe and not fool around with the depth, if
+% % only because it took a lot of effort to sort out the grid
+% % stuff in the first place
+% \else
+% \ifdim\prevdepth=\newprevdepth
+% \prevdepth\oldprevdepth
+% \fi
+% \fi
+% \fi
+% \ifblankindeed
+% \ifdim1\lastskip<1\blankskip\relax
+% % else when \blanko[2*groot] + \blanko[3*groot] with parskip
+% % equaling 1*groot, gives a groot=\parskip so adding a small
+% % value makes it distinguishable; can also be done at parskip
+% % setting time (better)
+% \global\advance\blankskip \mindimen\relax % = skip
+% % test this on 2* + 3* and parskip groot
+% \ifblanknowhite
+% \global\advance\blankskip -\parskip
+% \else
+% \ifdim\lastskip=\parskip
+% \else % force this due to previous comment
+% \ifdim\parskip>\zeropoint\relax
+% \ifdim\blankskip<\parskip\relax
+% \global\blankskip\zeropoint
+% \else
+% \global\advance\blankskip -\parskip
+% \fi
+% \fi
+% \fi
+% \fi
+% \ifblankflexible \else
+% \blankskip1\blankskip
+% \fi
+% \iflocalblankfixed
+% \blankskip1\blankskip
+% \fi
+% \iflocalblankflexible
+% \blankskip1\blankskip
+% \!!plus\skipgluefactor\blankskip
+% \!!minus\skipgluefactor\blankskip
+% \fi
+% \ifdim\lastkern=\noblanksignal % controled and grid
+% \global\blankindeedfalse
+% \else\ifgridsnapping\else\ifdim\prevdepth=\newprevdepth
+% \global\blankindeedfalse
+% \fi\fi\fi
+% \ifblankindeed
+% \iffuzzyvskip
+% \removelastfuzzyvskip
+% \fuzzyvskip\blankskip\relax
+% \else
+% \removelastskip
+% \vskip\blankskip\relax
+% \fi
+% \fi
+% \else
+% \iffuzzyvskip
+% \removelastfuzzyvskip
+% \fuzzyvskip\blankskip\relax
+% \else
+% % new, test this on pascal
+% \ifdim\blankskip<\zeropoint
+% \advance\blankskip-\lastskip
+% \removelastskip
+% \ifdim\blankskip>\zeropoint
+% \vskip\blankskip
+% \else
+% \vskip\zeropoint
+% \fi
+% \else
+% % also new
+% \ifdim\blankskip=\zeropoint
+% \ifblanknowhite
+% \geenwitruimte
+% \fi
+% \fi
+% \fi
+% \fi
+% \fi
+% \fi
+% \fi
+% \fi
+% \global\fuzzyvskipfalse
+% \presetindentation}
+% goback was broken:
+% \def\doinhibitblank
+% {\kern\noblanksignal}
+% \def\inhibitblank% the fast, local way
+% {\endgraf\ifvmode\prevdepth\newprevdepth\fi}
+% problem: we cannot look back in the mvl so we need 3 kinds of signals
+\def\inhibitgridblank % was doinhibitblank
+ {\ifvmode\else\endgraf\fi
+ \ifvmode
+ \ifnum\lastpenalty<10000
+ \kern-\noblanksignal % new
+ \kern \noblanksignal
+ \else
+ \penalty\noblankpsignal
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+\def\inhibittextblank % was inhibitblank
+ {\endgraf
+ \ifvmode
+ \prevdepth\newprevdepth
+ \fi}
+% new macro
+% \def\inhibitblank % need some work
+% {\endgraf
+% \ifvmode
+% \ifgridsnapping
+% \inhibitgridblank
+% \else
+% % this one spoils the grid
+% \inhibittextblank
+% \fi
+% \fi}
+\def\inhibitblank {\inhibittextblank}
+% will become obsolete
+\ifx\undefined\savedlastskip \newskip \savedlastskip \fi
+\ifx\undefined\savedlastpenalty \newcount\savedlastpenalty \fi
+% beware, prevdepth can have funny values (e.g. mvl value when in box)
+\def\docomplexdoblank[#1]% pas op \relax's zijn nodig ivm volgende \if
+ {\global\blankresetfalse
+ \global\blankdisablefalse
+ \global\blanknowhitefalse
+ \global\localblankflexiblefalse
+ \global\localblankfixedfalse
+ \global\blankforcefalse
+ \global\blankgobackfalse
+ \blankouterfalse
+ \global\blankskip\zeropoint
+\edefconvertedargument\ascii{#1}% todo fast check for simple
+\ifcsname\??bo\??bo\ascii\endcsname % internal def
+ \csname\??bo\??bo\ascii\endcsname
+\else\ifcsname\??bo\ascii\endcsname % user def / slow
+ \@EA\rawprocesscommalist\@EA[\csname\??bo\ascii\endcsname]\doblank\relax
+ \expanded{\rawprocesscommalist[#1]}\doblank
+ \relax % to be sure
+ \ifdim\blankskip=\zeropoint\relax
+ \iflocalblankflexible
+ \doglobal\advance\blankskip \currentblank
+ \else\iflocalblankfixed
+ \doglobal\advance\blankskip \currentblank
+ \fi\fi
+ \fi
+ \relax % to be sure
+ \ifblankouter
+ % do nothing
+ \else
+ \par
+ \ifvmode
+ \ifblankgoback
+ \ifdim\lastskip>\zeropoint \vskip-\lastskip \fi
+ \savedlastskip\zeropoint
+ \else\ifdim\lastskip>\zeropoint
+ \savedlastskip\lastskip
+ \else % todo: lastnode, dan namelijk geen skip !
+ \savedlastskip\zeropoint
+ \fi\fi
+ \ifblankforce
+ % dit gaat mis in pos fonts
+ % \ifdim\prevdepth>\zeropoint\else ...
+ % -1000pt signals top of page or column (\ejectcolumn)
+ \bgroup\forgeteverypar\verticalstrut\egroup\kern-\struttotal
+ \savedlastskip\zeropoint
+ \fi
+ \savedlastpenalty\lastpenalty % hm, now it gets lost
+ \ifblankdisable
+ \global\blankindeedfalse % keep this, i.e. disable current too
+ \ifgridsnapping
+ \ifdim\prevdepth<\zeropoint
+ % brrr
+ \else
+ % dirty trick: smaller blanks are ignored after a
+ % larger one, so 10 lines is probably safe; we need
+ % to make sure that we honor penalties; here comes the
+ % trick (cross our fingers that this works well in
+ % multi columns; maybe an ifinner test is needed
+ % \scratchcounter\lastpenalty
+ % \vskip-10\lineheight
+ % \ifnum\scratchcounter=\zerocount \else \penalty\lastpenalty \fi
+ % \vskip 10\lineheight
+ % alas, this leads to overfull pages, so we try this:
+ \inhibitgridblank
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \ifdim\prevdepth<\zeropoint
+ % brrr
+ \else
+ % ensure at least a proper prevdepth, this should be
+ % an option
+ \vskip-\prevdepth
+ \vskip\strutdepth
+ \prevdepth\strutdepth
+ \fi
+ % the old crappy piece of code
+ \edef\oldprevdepth{\the\prevdepth}%
+ \prevdepth\newprevdepth % == \inhibittextblank
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \global\blankindeedtrue
+ \fi
+ \ifblankreset
+ \global\blankindeedtrue
+ \ifgridsnapping
+ % let's play safe and not fool around with the depth, if
+ % only because it took a lot of effort to sort out the grid
+ % stuff in the first place
+ \else
+ \ifdim\prevdepth=\newprevdepth
+ \prevdepth\oldprevdepth
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \ifblankindeed
+ \ifdim1\savedlastskip<1\blankskip\relax
+ % else when \blank[2*groot] + \blank[3*groot] with parskip
+ % equaling 1*groot, gives a groot=\parskip so adding a small
+ % value makes it distinguishable; can also be done at parskip
+ % setting time (better)
+ \global\advance\blankskip \mindimen\relax % = skip
+ % test this on 2* + 3* and parskip groot
+ \ifblanknowhite
+ \global\advance\blankskip -\parskip
+ \else
+ \ifdim\savedlastskip=\parskip
+ \else % force this due to previous comment
+ \ifdim\parskip>\zeropoint\relax
+ \ifdim\blankskip<\parskip\relax
+ \global\blankskip\zeropoint
+ \else
+ \global\advance\blankskip -\parskip
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \ifblankflexible \else
+ \blankskip1\blankskip
+ \fi
+ \iflocalblankfixed
+ \blankskip1\blankskip
+ \fi
+ \iflocalblankflexible
+ \blankskip1\blankskip
+ \!!plus \skipgluefactor\blankskip
+ \!!minus\skipgluefactor\blankskip
+ \fi
+ \ifdim\lastkern=\noblanksignal\relax % controlled and grid
+ \global\blankindeedfalse
+ \else\ifnum\savedlastpenalty=\noblankpsignal\relax % controlled and grid
+ \global\blankindeedfalse
+ \else\ifgridsnapping\else\ifdim\prevdepth=\newprevdepth
+ \global\blankindeedfalse
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi
+ \ifblankindeed
+ \iffuzzyvskip
+ \removelastfuzzyvskip
+ \fuzzyvskip\blankskip\relax
+ \else
+ \relax\ifdim\savedlastskip=\zeropoint\else
+ \vskip-\savedlastskip
+ \fi
+ \vskip\blankskip\relax
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \iffuzzyvskip
+ \removelastfuzzyvskip
+ \fuzzyvskip\blankskip\relax
+ \else
+ % new, test this on pascal
+ \ifdim\blankskip<\zeropoint
+ \relax\ifdim\savedlastskip=\zeropoint\else
+ \advance\blankskip-\savedlastskip
+ \vskip-\savedlastskip
+ \fi
+ \ifdim\blankskip>\zeropoint
+ \vskip\blankskip
+ \else
+ \vskip\zeropoint
+ \fi
+ \else
+ % also new
+ \ifdim\blankskip=\zeropoint
+ \ifblanknowhite
+ \nowhitespace
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \global\fuzzyvskipfalse
+ \presetindentation}
+%D For a long time we had:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\simpledoblank%
+%D {\doifelse{\currentwhitespace}{\v!geen}
+%D {\blank[\currentblank]}
+%D {\blank[\currentwhitespace]}}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D But Berend de Boer wanted more control, so now we have:
+\def\simpledoblank % ...
+ {\doifelse\currentwhitespace\v!none
+ {\blank[\currentblank]}
+ {\blank[\s!default]}}
+%D Another useful definition would be:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \defineblank
+%D [\s!default]
+%D [\v!groot]
+%D \stoptyping
+\def\dosetupblank#1% amount are an plain inheritance
+ {\bigskipamount#1\relax
+ \ifblankflexible \else
+ \bigskipamount1\bigskipamount
+ \fi
+ \medskipamount \bigskipamount \divide\medskipamount \plustwo
+ \smallskipamount\bigskipamount \divide\smallskipamount\plusfour}%
+\def\complexsetupblank[#1]% more \let's -> this also wil become installable
+ {\ifgridsnapping
+ \blankflexiblefalse
+ \else
+ \ExpandFirstAfter\processallactionsinset
+ [#1]
+ [ \v!flexible=>\blankflexibletrue,
+ \v!fixed=>\blankflexiblefalse]%
+ \fi
+ \ExpandFirstAfter\processallactionsinset
+ [#1]
+ [ \v!flexible=>\dosetupblank\appliedblankskip,
+ \v!fixed=>\dosetupblank\appliedblankskip,
+ \v!line=>\edef\appliedblankskip{\linedistance}%
+ \dosetupblank\appliedblankskip,
+ \v!halfline=>\scratchskip.5\linedistance
+ \edef\appliedblankskip{\the\scratchskip}%
+ \dosetupblank\appliedblankskip,
+ \v!big=>\ifgridsnapping
+ \edef\appliedblankskip{\linedistance}%
+ \dosetupblank\appliedblankskip
+ \fi
+ \let\currentblank\v!big,
+ \v!medium=>\let\currentblank\v!medium,
+ \v!small=>\let\currentblank\v!small,
+ \v!global=>\let\currentblank\v!global,
+ \v!normal=>\dosetupblank\appliedblankskip,
+ \v!standard=>\edef\appliedblankskip{\skipfactor\linedistance}%
+ \dosetupblank\appliedblankskip,
+ \s!default=>\dosetupblank\appliedblankskip,
+ \s!unknown=>\let\appliedblankskip\commalistelement
+ \dosetupblank\appliedblankskip]%
+ \simplesetupwhitespace}
+% \definecomplexorsimpleempty\setupblank
+% speed gain: 60 sec -> 30 sec
+\def\simplesetupblank % == snelle \setupblank[\s!default]
+ {\ifgridsnapping
+ \blankflexiblefalse
+ \fi
+ \dosetupblank\appliedblankskip
+ % \let\deblanko\v!big
+ \simplesetupwhitespace}
+\def\restorestandardblank% \v!standard
+ {\edef\appliedblankskip{\skipfactor\linedistance}%
+ \dosetupblank\appliedblankskip
+ }%\let\deblanko\v!big}
+ {\def\docommand##1{\setvalue{\??bo##1}{#2}}%
+ \processcommalist[#1]\docommand}
+ {\dodoubleargument\dodefineblank}
+ {\edef\restorecurrentblank
+ {\bigskipamount\the\bigskipamount
+ \medskipamount\the\medskipamount
+ \smallskipamount\the\smallskipamount
+ \noexpand\def\noexpand\currentblank{\currentblank}%
+ \ifblankflexible
+ \noexpand\blankflexibletrue
+ \else
+ \noexpand\blankflexiblefalse
+ \fi}}
+%D Now.
+\defineblank [\s!default] [\v!white]
+\defineblank [\v!height] [\strutheight]
+\defineblank [\v!depth] [\strutdepth]
+% old implementation
+% \let\currentindentation=\empty
+% \newdimen\ctxparindent
+% \newif\ifindentfirstparagraph % \indentfirstparagraphtrue
+% \def\presetindentation
+% {\doifoutervmode{\ifindentfirstparagraph\else\noindentation\fi}}
+% \definecomplexorsimple\setupindenting
+% \def\complexsetupindenting[#1]%
+% {\processallactionsinset
+% [#1]
+% [ \v!first=>\indentfirstparagraphtrue,
+% \v!next=>\indentfirstparagraphfalse,
+% \s!default=>\simplesetupindenting,
+% \s!unknown=>\edef\currentindentation{\commalistelement}%
+% \simplesetupindenting]}
+% \def\simplesetupindenting
+% {\assigndimension\currentindentation\ctxparindent{1em}{1.5em}{2em}%
+% \parindent\ctxparindent\relax}
+% \def\indenting % watch out: \dodo and no \do
+% {\dosingleargument\dodoindenting}
+% \def\dodoindenting[#1]% oeps, we needed a commalist handler here!
+% {\edef\currentindenting{#1}%
+% \processcommacommand[#1]\dododoindenting}
+% \def\dododoindenting#1%
+% {\executeifdefined{\??in:#1}\donothing}
+% \let\currentindenting\empty
+% \def\defineindentingmethod[#1]#2%
+% {\setvalue{\??in:#1}{#2}}
+% \defineindentingmethod [\v!no] {\parindent\ctxparindent\noindent}
+% \defineindentingmethod [\v!not] {\parindent\ctxparindent\noindent}
+% \defineindentingmethod [\v!first] {\indentfirstparagraphtrue}
+% \defineindentingmethod [\v!next] {\indentfirstparagraphfalse}
+% \defineindentingmethod [\v!yes] {\parindent\ctxparindent\relax} % no \indent !
+% \defineindentingmethod [\v!always] {\parindent\ctxparindent\relax} % no \indent !
+% \defineindentingmethod [\v!never] {\parindent\zeropoint\relax} % no \indent !
+% \def\noindenting{\indenting[\v!no,\v!next]} % was \nietinspringen
+% \def\doindenting{\indenting[\v!yes,\v!first]} % was \welinspringen
+% \def\dochecknextindentation#1% internal one
+% {\checknextindentation[\getvalue{#1\c!indentnext}]}
+% \def\checknextindentation[#1]%
+% {\processaction[#1][%\v!keep=>,
+% \v!yes=>\doindentation,
+% \v!no=>\noindentation,
+% \v!auto=>\autoindentation]}
+% \def\doindentation% too simple
+% {\gdef\checkindentation{\global\indentationtrue}}
+% \ifx\autoindentation\undefined
+% \let\autoindentation\relax
+% \fi
+% \newif\ifindentation \indentationtrue % documenteren, naar buiten
+% \let\checkindentation=\relax
+% \def\donoindentation
+% {\ifdim\parindent=\zeropoint \else
+% \bgroup \setbox\scratchbox\lastbox \egroup
+% \fi}
+% \def\noindentation % made global
+% {\ifinpagebody \else
+% \global\indentationfalse
+% \gdef\checkindentation
+% {\donoindentation
+% \gdef\checkindentation{\global\indentationtrue}}%
+% \fi}
+% \def\nonoindentation % bv bij floats
+% {\ifinpagebody \else
+% \global\indentationtrue
+% \gdef\checkindentation{\global\indentationtrue}%
+% \fi}
+% \def\indentation
+% {\ifvmode \ifdim\parindent=\zeropoint \else
+% % was : \hskip\parindent
+% % can be: \indent
+% % but we test:
+% \noindent\hskip\parindent
+% \fi \fi}
+\let\currentindentation\empty % amount/keyword
+% \let\normalindentation \empty % used for reinstating normal indentation
+\let\currentindenting \empty % method
+\newif\ifindentfirstparagraph % \indentfirstparagraphtrue
+%D After a blank or comparable situation (left side floats) we
+%D need to check if the next paragraph has to be indented.
+ {\doifoutervmode{\ifindentfirstparagraph\else\noindentation\fi}}
+%D This sets up the (normally) global indentation behavior as well
+%D as the amounts.
+% \def\complexsetupindenting[#1]%
+% {\edef\currentindenting{#1}%
+% \indentfirstparagraphtrue
+% \parindent\ctxparindent
+% \chardef\indentingtoggle\zerocount
+% \processcommalist[#1]\docomplexsetupindenting
+% \ifindentfirstparagraph\else\noindentation\fi % added
+% \toggleindentation}
+% \newtoks\savedeverypar \savedeverypar\everypar
+% \def\restoreeverypar{\everypar\savedeverypar}
+% we need a better everypar model: for each option a switch, which we
+% set to false with \forgetall and can enable when needed (context 4);
+% that way we can control the order of execution of options
+\def\checkeverypar % currently a hack
+ {\ifzeropt\parindent\else
+ \doifsometokselse\everypar\donothing{\appendtoks\checkindentation\to\everypar}%
+ \fi}
+ {\edef\currentindenting{#1}%
+ \doifsomething\currentindenting % handy when a parameter is passed
+ {% not here: \indentfirstparagraphtrue
+ % not here: \parindent\ctxparindent
+ % not here: \chardef\indentingtoggle\zerocount
+ % we use commacommand in order to catch #1 being a command (expanded parameter)
+ \processcommacommand[\currentindenting]\docomplexsetupindentingA % catch small, medium, etc
+ \processcommacommand[\currentindenting]\docomplexsetupindentingB % catch rest
+ \checkeverypar % only when non-empty #1
+ \ifindentfirstparagraph\else\noindentation\fi % added
+ \toggleindentation}}
+ {\edefconvertedargument\!!stringa{#1}%
+ \doifundefined{\??in:\!!stringa}%
+ {\edef\currentindentation{#1}%
+ \let\normalindentation\currentindentation
+ \simplesetupindenting}}
+ {\edefconvertedargument\!!stringa{#1}% catch #1=\somedimen
+ \executeifdefined{\??in:\!!stringa}\donothing}
+\def\simplesetupindenting % empty case, a it strange, needed this way?
+ {\assigndimension\currentindentation\ctxparindent{1em}{1.5em}{2em}}
+\def\indenting % kind of obsolete
+ {\dosingleargument\complexsetupindenting}
+% use \noindentation to suppress next indentation
+ {\setvalue{\??in:#1}{#2}}
+\defineindentingmethod [\v!no] {\parindent\zeropoint}% was: \ctxparindent\noindent}
+\defineindentingmethod [\v!not] {\parindent\zeropoint}% was: \ctxparindent\noindent}
+\defineindentingmethod [\v!first] {\indentfirstparagraphtrue}
+\defineindentingmethod [\v!next] {\indentfirstparagraphfalse}
+\defineindentingmethod [\v!yes] {\parindent\ctxparindent\relax} % no \indent !
+\defineindentingmethod [\v!always] {\parindent\ctxparindent\relax} % no \indent !
+\defineindentingmethod [\v!never] {\parindent\zeropoint\relax % no \indent !
+ \chardef\indentingtoggle\zerocount}
+\defineindentingmethod [\v!odd] {\chardef\indentingtoggle\plusone}
+\defineindentingmethod [\v!even] {\chardef\indentingtoggle\plustwo}
+\defineindentingmethod [\v!normal] {\ifx\normalindentation\empty\else
+ \let\currentindentation\normalindentation
+ \simplesetupindenting
+ \fi}
+\defineindentingmethod [\v!reset] {\indentfirstparagraphtrue
+ \parindent\zeropoint
+ \chardef\indentingtoggle\zerocount}
+\def\noindenting{\indenting[\v!no, \v!next ]}
+%D This one sets up the local indentation behaviour (i.e. either or not
+%D a next paragraph will be indented).
+\def\dochecknextindentation#1% internal one
+ {\checknextindentation[\getvalue{#1\c!indentnext}]}
+ {\processaction
+ [#1]
+ [%\v!keep=>,
+ \v!yes=>\doindentation,
+ \v!no=>\noindentation,
+ \v!auto=>\autoindentation]}
+%D Here come the handlers.
+\newif\ifindentation \indentationtrue % documenteren, naar buiten
+\ifx\autoindentation\undefined \let\autoindentation\relax \fi % hook
+ {\gdef\checkindentation{\global\indentationtrue}}
+\def\noindentation % made global
+ {\ifinpagebody \else
+ \global\indentationfalse
+ \gdef\checkindentation
+ {\donoindentation
+ \gdef\checkindentation{\global\indentationtrue}}%
+ \fi}
+\def\nonoindentation % bv bij floats
+ {\ifinpagebody \else
+ \global\indentationtrue
+ \gdef\checkindentation{\global\indentationtrue}%
+ \fi}
+ {\ifdim\parindent=\zeropoint \else
+ \bgroup \setbox\scratchbox\lastbox \egroup
+ \fi}
+ {\ifvmode \ifdim\parindent=\zeropoint \else
+ % was : \hskip\parindent
+ % can be: \indent
+ % but we test:
+ \noindent\hskip\parindent
+ \fi \fi}
+ {\ifcase\indentingtoggle
+ % nothing
+ \or
+ \notoggleindentation
+ \or
+ \dotoggleindentation
+ \fi}
+ {\gdef\checkindentation{\global\indentationfalse\donoindentation}}
+ {\gdef\checkindentation{\global\indentationfalse\notoggleindentation\donoindentation}}
+ {\gdef\checkindentation{\global\indentationtrue\dotoggleindentation}}
+ \pushmacro\checkindentation
+ \pushmacro\ifindentation
+\to \everypushsomestate
+ \popmacro\ifindentation
+ \popmacro\checkindentation
+\to \everypopsomestate
+% we need to save the state if we want to adapt behaviour to empty lines
+% \def\setlasthvmode
+% {\global\chardef\savedhvmode\ifhmode\plusone\else\ifvmode\plustwo\else\zerocount\fi\fi}
+% \def\resetlasthvmode
+% {\global\chardef\savedhvmode\zerocount}
+% \chardef\savedhvmode\zerocount
+% This is a user requested hack (using the auto-hook).
+ {\global\chardef\recheckindentationmode\zerocount}
+ {\ifcase\recheckindentationmode
+ % nothing
+ \or
+ \dontrechecknextindentation
+ \expandafter\doautoindentation
+ \fi}
+ {\doifnextcharelse\par\donothing\noindentation}
+ {\global\chardef\recheckindentationmode\plusone}
+%D An example of usage:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \setupindenting[small,yes]
+%D \setupitemize [indentnext=auto]
+%D \setuptyping [indentnext=auto]
+%D \setupformulas[indentnext=auto]
+%D \input tufte
+%D \startitemize
+%D \item itemize
+%D \stopitemize
+%D \input tufte
+%D \startitemize
+%D \item itemize
+%D \stopitemize
+%D \input tufte
+%D \startitemize
+%D \item itemize
+%D \stopitemize
+%D \page
+%D \input tufte
+%D \starttyping
+%D verbatim
+%D \stoptyping
+%D \input tufte
+%D \starttyping
+%D verbatim
+%D \stoptyping
+%D \input tufte
+%D \starttyping
+%D verbatim
+%D \stoptyping
+%D \page
+%D \input tufte
+%D \startformula
+%D a = b
+%D \stopformula
+%D \input tufte
+%D \startformula
+%D a = b
+%D \stopformula
+%D \input tufte
+%D \startformula
+%D a = b
+%D \stopformula
+%D \macros
+%D {frenchspacing,nonfrenchspacing}
+%D Smehow \type{\frenchspacing} can lead to hyphenation between
+%D dashes so we now have \type {\newfrenchspacing} (moved from
+%D \type {syst-chr}).
+%D Hm ... todo:
+ {\sfcode`\.#1 \sfcode`\,#1\relax
+ \sfcode`\?#1 \sfcode`\!#1\relax
+ \sfcode`\:#1 \sfcode`\;#1\relax}
+ {\setfrenchspacing{1000}}
+ {\sfcode`\.3000 \sfcode`\,1250
+ \sfcode`\?3000 \sfcode`\!3000
+ \sfcode`\:2000 \sfcode`\;1500 }
+\def\frenchspacing {\setfrenchspacing{1000}}
+\definespacingmethod[\v!broad ]{\nonfrenchspacing}
+ {\executeifdefined{\??sg\??sg#1}\relax
+ \updateraggedskips}
+ {\updateraggedskips}
+\let\normalspaceprimitive=\ % space-comment is really needed else \<newline>
+\letcatcodecommand \ctxcatcodes `\~ \nonbreakablespace
+\def\space { }
+\def\nospace {\removelastspace\ignorespaces}
+% in tables we need:
+% \def\fixedspace {\hskip.5em\relax}
+% but, since not all fonts have .5em digits:
+ {\setbox\scratchbox\normalhbox{\mathortext{0}{0}}%
+ \hskip\wd\scratchbox\relax}
+ {\letcatcodecommand \ctxcatcodes `\~ \fixedspace}
+ {\ifhmode % we also need to unskip 0pt skips
+ \unskip\unskip\unskip\unskip\unskip
+ \unskip\unskip\unskip\unskip\unskip
+ \fi}
+ \let~\space
+ \let\ \space
+% still not fixed in aleph / luatex
+% \def\removeunwantedspaces
+% {\ifhmode \ifnum\lastnodetype=\@@gluenode
+% \unskip \@EAEAEA\removeunwantedspaces
+% \fi \fi}
+%D For old time sake, will disappear soon.
+\let\geenspatie \nospace
+% \startbuffer
+% \startlines \tt \fixedspaces
+% 0~1~~2~~~3~~~~4~~~~~5
+% 0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~5
+% $0~1~~2~~~3~~~~4~~~~~5$
+% $0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~5$
+% \stoplines
+% \starttabulate[|~|]
+% \NC 0~1~~2~~~3~~~~4~~~~~5 \NC \NR \NC 0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~5 \NC \NR
+% \NC $0~1~~2~~~3~~~~4~~~~~5$ \NC \NR \NC $0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~5$ \NC \NR
+% \stoptabulate
+% \starttable[||]
+% \NC 0~1~~2~~~3~~~~4~~~~~5 \NC \AR \NC 0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~5 \NC \AR
+% \NC $0~1~~2~~~3~~~~4~~~~~5$ \NC \AR \NC $0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~5$ \NC \AR
+% \stoptable
+% \stopbuffer
+% \setupbodyfont[cmr] \getbuffer
+% \setupbodyfont[lbr] \getbuffer
+ {\nointerlineskip}
+ {\relax
+ \ifhmode\endgraf\fi
+ \ifvmode\nointerlineskip\vskip#1\relax\fi}
+%D A couple of plain macros:
+ \def\thinspace {\kern .16667em }
+ \def\negthinspace{\kern-.16667em }
+ \def\enspace {\kern .5em }
+ \def\thinspace {\kern .16667\emwidth}
+ \def\negthinspace{\kern-.16667\emwidth}
+ \def\enspace {\kern .5\emwidth}
+ \def\enskip{\hskip.5em\relax}
+ \def\quad {\hskip 1em\relax}
+ \def\qquad {\hskip 2em\relax}
+ \def\enskip{\hskip.5\emwidth}
+ \def\quad {\hskip \emwidth}
+ \def\qquad {\hskip 2\emwidth}
+ \def\smallskip{\vskip\smallskipamount}
+ \def\medskip {\vskip\medskipamount}
+ \def\bigskip {\vskip\bigskipamount}
+ \def\break {\penalty\ifhmode-\plustenthousand\else\ejectpenalty\fi}
+ \def\nobreak {\penalty \plustenthousand}
+ \def\allowbreak{\penalty \zeropoint}
+ \def\filbreak {\par\vfil\penalty-200\vfilneg}
+ \def\goodbreak {\par\penalty-500 }
+%D Made slightly more readable:
+ \def\vglue {\afterassignment\dovglue\scratchskip=}
+ \def\hglue {\afterassignment\dohglue\scratchskip=}
+ \def\topglue{\nointerlineskip\vglue-\topskip\vglue}
+ \def\dovglue
+ {\par
+ \scratchdimen\prevdepth
+ \hrule\!!height\zeropoint
+ \nobreak\vskip\scratchskip
+ \prevdepth\scratchdimen}
+ \def\dohglue
+ {\dontleavehmode % \leavevmode
+ \scratchcounter\spacefactor
+ \vrule\!!width\zeropoint
+ \nobreak\hskip\scratchskip
+ \spacefactor\scratchcounter}
+\unexpanded\def\textormathglue#1#2#3% cleaned up one
+ {\begingroup
+ \ifmmode
+ \mskip#1#2%
+ \else
+ \scratchdimen#1\hspaceamount\empty{#3}%
+ \scratchskip\scratchdimen\!!plus.5\scratchdimen\!!minus.3\scratchdimen
+ \hskip\scratchskip
+ \fi
+ \endgroup}
+\def\thinglue {\textormathglue+\thinmuskip 1}
+\def\medglue {\textormathglue+\medmuskip 2}
+ \def\eject{\par\break}
+ \def\supereject{\par\penalty\superpenalty}
+ \def\dosupereject
+ {\ifnum\insertpenalties>\zerocount % something is being held over
+ \line{}
+ \kern-\topskip
+ \nobreak
+ \vfill\supereject
+ \fi}
+%D We adapt plain's \type {\removelastskip} a bit:
+ \def\removelastskip
+ {\ifvmode \ifdim\lastskip=\zeropoint \else
+ \vskip-\lastskip
+ \fi \fi}
+ {\par
+ \ifdim\lastskip<\smallskipamount
+ \removelastskip
+ \penalty-50
+ \smallskip
+ \fi}
+ {\par
+ \ifdim\lastskip<\medskipamount
+ \removelastskip
+ \penalty-100
+ \medskip
+ \fi}
+ {\par
+ \ifdim\lastskip<\bigskipamount
+ \removelastskip
+ \penalty-200
+ \bigskip
+ \fi}
+\newskip\ctxparskip \ctxparskip\zeropoint
+\newconditional \flexiblewhitespace \settrue\flexiblewhitespace
+\def\blankokleinmaat {\smallskipamount}
+\def\blankomiddelmaat {\medskipamount}
+\def\blankogrootmaat {\bigskipamount}
+\def\currentwhitespace {\zeropoint}
+% \def\simplesetupwhitespace
+% {\doifnot\currentwhitespace\v!none\dosetupwhitespace}
+% \def\complexsetupwhitespace[#1]%
+% {\doifelsenothing{#1}
+% {\simplesetupwhitespace}
+% {\edef\currentwhitespace{#1}%
+% \dosetupwhitespace}}
+% \def\dosetupwhitespace
+% {\processcommacommand[\currentwhitespace]\dowhitespacemethod
+% \dodosetupwhitespace}
+ {\doifnot\currentwhitespace\v!none\dosetupwhitespace}
+ {\edef\nextcurrentwhitespace{#1}%
+ \ifx\nextcurrentwhitespace\empty
+ \simplesetupwhitespace
+ \else
+ \let\currentwhitespace\nextcurrentwhitespace
+ \dosetupwhitespace
+ \fi}
+\def\dosetupwhitespace % quick test for no list
+ {\doifdefinedelse{\??ws\??ws\currentwhitespace}% no ifcsname due to nested \lineheight
+ {\getvalue{\??ws\??ws\currentwhitespace}}%
+ {\processcommacommand[\currentwhitespace]\dowhitespacemethod}%
+ \ifgridsnapping
+ \setfalse\flexiblewhitespace
+ \ifdim\ctxparskip>\zeropoint
+ \ctxparskip
+ \ifcase\baselinegridmode
+ \baselineskip % normal ! ! ! ! !!
+ \or
+ \ifdim\scratchdimen=\baselineskip % maybe range
+ \baselineskip % normal ! ! ! ! !!
+ \else
+ \numexpr\ctxparskip/\dimexpr.5\lineheight\relax\relax\dimexpr.5\lineheight\relax
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \baselineskip % normal ! ! ! ! !!
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \ifconditional\flexiblewhitespace \else \ctxparskip1\ctxparskip \fi
+ \fi
+ \parskip\ctxparskip}
+\chardef\baselinegridmode=0 % option in layout / 1=permit_half_lines
+ {\ifgridsnapping
+ \setfalse\flexiblewhitespace
+ \ctxparskip1\ctxparskip
+ \ifdim\ctxparskip>\zeropoint
+ \ifcase\baselinegridmode
+ \ctxparskip\baselineskip % normal ! ! ! ! !!
+ \or
+ \ifdim\scratchdimen=\baselineskip % maybe range
+ \ctxparskip\baselineskip % normal ! ! ! ! !!
+ \else
+ \ctxparskip\numexpr\ctxparskip/\dimexpr.5\lineheight\relax\relax\dimexpr.5\lineheight\relax
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \ctxparskip\baselineskip % normal ! ! ! ! !!
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \ifconditional\flexiblewhitespace \else \ctxparskip1\ctxparskip \fi
+ \fi
+ \parskip\ctxparskip}
+\definesystemvariable {ws} % whitespace
+\definewhitespacemethod [\v!fix] {}
+\definewhitespacemethod [\v!fixed] {\setfalse\flexiblewhitespace}
+\definewhitespacemethod [\v!flexible] {\settrue\flexiblewhitespace}
+\definewhitespacemethod [\v!line] {\ctxparskip \baselineskip}
+\definewhitespacemethod [\v!halfline] {\ctxparskip.5\baselineskip}
+\definewhitespacemethod [\v!none] {\ctxparskip \zeropoint}
+\definewhitespacemethod [\v!big] {\ctxparskip \bigskipamount}
+\definewhitespacemethod [\v!medium] {\ctxparskip \medskipamount}
+\definewhitespacemethod [\v!small] {\ctxparskip \smallskipamount}
+\definewhitespacemethod [\s!default] {\simplesetupwhitespace} % {\stelwitruimteopnieuwin}
+% \def\dowhitespacemethod#1%
+% {\executeifdefined{\??ws\??ws#1}{\ctxparskip#1}\relax}
+\def\dowhitespacemethod#1% \doifdefined because of \lineheight
+ {\doifdefinedelse{\??ws\??ws#1}{\getvalue{\??ws\??ws#1}}{\ctxparskip#1}\relax}
+ {\ifdim\parskip>\zeropoint\relax
+ \ifdim\lastskip=-\parskip
+ \else
+ \vskip-\parskip
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+ {\ifdim\lastskip>\zeropoint \else
+ \nowhitespace
+ \fi}
+ {\ifdim\lastskip>-\parskip \else
+ \vskip\parskip
+ \fi}
+ {\edef\restorecurrentwhitespace
+ {\ctxparskip\the\ctxparskip
+ \parskip\the\parskip
+ \noexpand\def\noexpand\currentwhitespace{\currentwhitespace}%
+ \ifconditional\flexiblewhitespace
+ \noexpand\settrue\flexiblewhitespace
+ \else
+ \noexpand\setfalse\flexiblewhitespace
+ \fi}}
+% deze variant is nodig binnen \startopelkaar
+% steeds testen:
+% \hoofdstuk{..}
+% \plaatslijst[..]
+% \hoofdstuk{..}
+% \input tufte
+% met/zonder witruimte
+ {\par
+ \ifdim\parskip>\zeropoint\relax
+ %\ifdim\lastskip>\parskip \else
+ % \removelastskip interferes with blanko blokkeer en klein
+ \vskip\parskip
+ %\fi
+ \fi}
+ {\par}
+ {\dosingleempty\nonoblanko}
+% De onderstaande macro handelt ook de situatie dat er geen
+% tekst tussen \start ... \stop is geplaatst. Daartoe wordt de
+% laatste skip over de lege tekst heen gehaald. Dit komt goed
+% van pas bij het plaatsen van (mogelijk lege) lijsten.
+\newsignal \noparskipsignal % \def\noparskipsignal {0.00001pt}
+\def\lastdoneparskip {0pt}
+ {\dosingleempty\dostartpacked}
+\def\dostartpacked[#1]% nesting afvangen
+ {\par
+ \ifvmode
+ \edef\lastdoneparskip {\the\lastskip}%
+ \edef\lastdoneprevdepth{\the\prevdepth}% zeer recent toegevoegd
+ \ifdim\prevdepth=-\thousandpoint % toegevoegd omdat binnen
+ \else % een vbox een extra skip
+ \whitespace % ongewenst is; dit kan
+ \baselinecorrection %% zie in \placeregister[n=1]
+ \vskip\noparskipsignal % waarschijnlijk ook in
+ \fi % blanko blokkeer
+ \bgroup
+ \doifelse{#1}\v!blank
+ \opelkaarfalse
+ \opelkaartrue
+ \blank[\v!disable] % dit is nog niet ok, gaat fout
+ \setupwhitespace[\v!none] % bovenin vtop (dwz, baseline)
+ \fi}
+ {\par
+ \ifvmode
+ \egroup
+ \ifdim\lastskip=\noparskipsignal\relax
+ \removelastskip
+ \nowhitespace
+ \vskip-\lastdoneparskip
+ \vskip+\lastdoneparskip
+ \prevdepth-\lastdoneprevdepth % zeer recent toegevoegd
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+ {\blank
+ \leavevmode
+ \bgroup}
+ {\egroup
+ \blank}
+% De onderstaande macro's moeten nog eens nader worden uitgewerkt.
+% Ze spelen een rol bij de spatiering rond omkaderde teksten
+% en/of boxen zonder diepte.
+\def\regelcorrectie {\baselinecorrection}
+% \prevdepth crosses pageboundaries!
+% todo: a version that works ok inside a box
+ {\dodoubleempty\dostartlinecorrection}
+\def\dostartlinecorrection[#1][#2]% #2 gobbles spaces
+ {\bgroup
+ \processaction
+ [#1]
+ [ \v!blank=>\let\doaroundlinecorrection\blank,
+ \s!default=>\let\doaroundlinecorrection\relax,
+ \s!unknown=>{\def\doaroundlinecorrection{\blank[#1]}}]%
+ \doaroundlinecorrection
+ \startbaselinecorrection
+ \offbaselinecorrection
+ \ignorespaces}
+ {\stopbaselinecorrection
+ \doaroundlinecorrection
+ \egroup}
+ {\dowithnextbox
+ {\startbaselinecorrection
+ \flushnextbox
+ \stopbaselinecorrection}%
+ \vbox}
+\def\verticalstrut {\normalvbox{\hsize\zeropoint\forgetall\strut}}
+\def\horizontalstrut{\normalhbox {\strut}}
+% Hieronder volgen enkele instellingen en macro's ten behoeve
+% van de interlinie en \strut. De waarden 2.8, 0.07, 0.72 en
+% 0.28 zijn ooit eens ontleend aan INRS-TEX en moeten wellicht
+% nog eens instelbaar worden.
+% \lineheight : de hoogte van een regel
+% \spacing{getal} : instellen interlinie
+% \normalbaselines : instellen regelafstend
+% \setstrut : instellen \strut
+% \setnostrut : resetten \strut, \endstrut, \begstrut
+% \setteststrut : instellen zichtbare struts
+% \resetteststrut : instellen onzichtbare struts
+% \setfontparameters : instellen na fontset
+% De hoogte van een regel (\lineheight) is gelijk aan de
+% som van de hoogte (\ht) en diepte (\dp) van \strutbox.
+% \strut : denkbeeldig blokje met hoogte en diepte
+% Een \hbox kan als deze aan het begin van een regel staat
+% een breedte \hsize krijgen. Dit is soms te voorkomen met het
+% commando \leavevmode. Binnen een \vbox geeft dit echter
+% niet altijd het gewenste resultaat, vandaar het commando
+% \leaveoutervmode
+% Pas op: niet zomaar \topskip en \baselineskip aanpassen
+% en zeker niet \widowpenalty. Dit kan ernstige gevolgen
+% hebben voor kolommen.
+% Enige glue kan op zich geen kwaad, echter als blanko=vast,
+% dan moet ook de rek 0 zijn. Binnen kolommen is rek ook
+% niet bepaald mooi. Een hele kleine waarde (0.025) voldoet,
+% omdat een positieve glue eindeloos rekbaar is.
+\def\strutheightfactor {.72}
+\def\strutdepthfactor {.28}
+\def\baselinefactor {2.8}
+\def\baselinegluefactor {0}
+\def\minimumstrutheight {0pt}
+\def\minimumstrutdepth {0pt}
+\def\normallineheight {\baselinefactor ex}
+\def\minimumlinedistance {\lineskip}
+\def\strutheight {0pt}
+\def\strutdepth {0pt}
+\def\strutwidth {0pt}
+\def\spacingfactor {1}
+\def\topskipfactor {1.0}
+\def\maxdepthfactor {0.5}
+\def\systemtopskipfactor {\topskipfactor}
+\def\systemmaxdepthfactor {\maxdepthfactor}
+% De onderstaande definitie wordt in de font-module overruled
+ \newdimen\globalbodyfontsize
+ \globalbodyfontsize=12pt
+ \def\normalizedbodyfontsize{12pt}
+% door een \dimen. Dit is geen probleem omdat (1) de default
+% korpsgrootte 12pt is en (2) de fonts nog niet geladen zijn
+% en de instellingen bij het laden nogmaals plaatsvinden.
+% \def\topskipcorrection
+% {\ifdim\topskip>\openstrutheight
+% % == \vskip\topskipgap
+% \vskip\topskip
+% \vskip-\openstrutheight
+% \fi
+% \verticalstrut
+% \vskip-\struttotal}
+ {\simpletopskipcorrection
+ \vskip-\struttotal
+ \verticalstrut}
+ {\ifdim\topskip>\openstrutheight
+ % == \vskip\topskipgap
+ \vskip\topskip
+ \vskip-\openstrutheight
+ \fi}
+% \def\settopskip % the extra test is needed for the lbr family
+% {\topskip\systemtopskipfactor\globalbodyfontsize
+% \ifgridsnapping \else
+% \ifr@ggedbottom\!!plus5\globalbodyfontsize\fi
+% \fi
+% \relax % the skip
+% \topskipgap\topskip
+% \advance\topskipgap -\openstrutheight\relax
+% \ifdim\topskip<\strutheightfactor\openlineheight
+% \topskip\strutheightfactor\openlineheight\relax
+% \fi}
+\def\settopskip % the extra test is needed for the lbr family
+ {\topskip\systemtopskipfactor\globalbodyfontsize
+ \ifgridsnapping \else
+ \ifr@ggedbottom\!!plus5\globalbodyfontsize\fi
+ \fi
+ \relax % the skip
+ \topskipgap\topskip
+ \advance\topskipgap -\openstrutheight\relax
+ \ifdim\topskip<\minimumstrutheight
+ \topskip\minimumstrutheight\relax
+ \fi
+ \ifdim\topskip<\strutheightfactor\openlineheight
+ \topskip\strutheightfactor\openlineheight\relax
+ \fi
+ {\maxdepth\systemmaxdepthfactor\globalbodyfontsize}
+ {\baselineskip \normalbaselineskip
+ \lineskip \normallineskip
+ \lineskiplimit\normallineskiplimit}
+% \def\setnormalbaselines
+% {\ifdim\normallineheight>\zeropoint
+% \lineheight\normallineheight
+% \fi
+% \openlineheight\spacingfactor\lineheight
+% \openstrutheight\strutheightfactor\openlineheight
+% \openstrutdepth \strutdepthfactor \openlineheight
+% \normalbaselineskip\openlineheight
+% \!!plus\baselinegluefactor\openlineheight
+% \!!minus\baselinegluefactor\openlineheight
+% \normallineskip\minimumlinedistance\relax % \onepoint\relax
+% \normallineskiplimit\zeropoint\relax
+% \normalbaselines}
+ {\ifdim\normallineheight>\zeropoint
+ \lineheight\normallineheight
+ \fi
+ \openlineheight\spacingfactor\lineheight
+ \openstrutheight \ifdim\minimumstrutheight>\zeropoint
+ \minimumstrutheight % new
+ \else
+ \strutheightfactor\openlineheight
+ \fi
+ \openstrutdepth \ifdim\minimumstrutdepth>\zeropoint
+ \minimumstrutdepth % new
+ \else
+ \strutdepthfactor \openlineheight
+ \fi
+ \ifdim\dimexpr\minimumstrutdepth+\minimumstrutheight\relax>\zeropoint
+ \openlineheight\dimexpr\openstrutheight+\openstrutdepth\relax % new
+ \fi
+ \normalbaselineskip\openlineheight
+ \ifgridsnapping\else
+ \!!plus \baselinegluefactor\openlineheight
+ \!!minus\baselinegluefactor\openlineheight
+ \fi
+ \normallineskip\minimumlinedistance\relax % \onepoint\relax
+ \normallineskiplimit\zeropoint\relax
+ \normalbaselines}
+% \def\setspacingfactor#1\to#2\by#3\\%
+% {\strutdimen#2\points
+% \strutdimen#3\strutdimen
+% \edef#1{\withoutpt\the\strutdimen}}
+% \def\spacing#1%
+% {\ifgridsnapping
+% %\doifnot{#1}{1}{\showmessage\m!layouts{11}{#1}}%
+% \ifdim#1\points=\onepoint\else\showmessage\m!layouts{11}{#1}\fi
+% \edef\spacingfactor{1}%
+% \else
+% \edef\spacingfactor{#1}%
+% \fi
+% \setspacingfactor\systemtopskipfactor \to\topskipfactor \by#1\\% why no \spacingfactor ?
+% \setspacingfactor\systemmaxdepthfactor\to\maxdepthfactor\by#1\\% why no \spacingfactor ?
+% \setnormalbaselines
+% \setstrut}
+% \def\setspacingfactor#1#2#3%
+% {\edef#1{\withoutpt\the\dimexpr#2\points*#3\relax}}
+ {\ifgridsnapping
+ \ifdim#1\points=\onepoint\else\showmessage\m!layouts{11}{#1}\fi
+ \edef\spacingfactor{1}%
+ \else
+ \edef\spacingfactor{#1}%
+ \fi
+ %\setspacingfactor\systemtopskipfactor \topskipfactor {#1}% why no \spacingfactor ?
+ %\setspacingfactor\systemmaxdepthfactor\maxdepthfactor{#1}% why no \spacingfactor ?
+ \edef\systemtopskipfactor {\withoutpt\the\dimexpr#1\dimexpr\topskipfactor \points}%
+ \edef\systemmaxdepthfactor{\withoutpt\the\dimexpr#1\dimexpr\maxdepthfactor\points}%
+ \setnormalbaselines
+ \setstrut}
+%D Sometimes one needs to freeze the interlinespacing
+%D \starttyping
+%D \rm \saveinterlinespace .... {\ss \restoreinterlinespace .... \endgraf}
+%D \stoptyping
+ {\edef\restoreinterlinespace
+ {\lineheight \the\lineheight
+ \openstrutheight \the\openstrutheight
+ \openstrutdepth \the\openstrutdepth
+ \openlineheight \the\openlineheight
+ \normalbaselineskip \the\normalbaselineskip
+ \normallineskip \the\normallineskip
+ \normallineskiplimit\the\normallineskiplimit
+ \noexpand\def\noexpand\normallineheight{\the\dimexpr\normallineheight}%
+ \noexpand\normalbaselines}}
+% plain definition:
+% \def\strut{\relax\ifmmode\copy\strutbox\else\unhcopy\strutbox\fi}
+% could be:
+% \def\strut{\relax\ifmmode\copy\else\unhcopy\fi\strutbox}
+ \newbox\strutbox
+ \setbox\strutbox=\normalhbox{\vrule height8.5pt depth3.5pt width\zeropoint}
+ %\def\strut{\relax\ifmmode\copy\strutbox\else\unhcopy\strutbox\fi}
+ \def\strut{\relax\ifmmode\copy\else\unhcopy\fi\strutbox}
+% The double \hbox construction enables us to \backtrack
+% boxes.
+% \def\setstrutdimen#1#2#3% % een strut is n.m maal ex
+% {\strutdimen\normallineheight % wat niet per se \lineheight
+% \strutdimen#2\strutdimen % is omdat een strut lokaal
+% \strutdimen#3\strutdimen % kan afwijken van de globale
+% \edef#1{\the\strutdimen}} % macro % strut
+% \def\setstrutdimen#1#2#3% % een strut is n.m maal ex
+% {\strutdimen\normallineheight % wat niet per se \lineheight
+% \strutdimen#2\strutdimen % is omdat een strut lokaal
+% \strutdimen#3\strutdimen % kan afwijken van de globale
+% \edef#1{\the\strutdimen}} % macro % strut
+% \def\setstrut
+% {\setstrutdimen\strutheight\strutheightfactor\spacingfactor
+% \setstrutdimen\strutdepth \strutdepthfactor \spacingfactor
+% \let\strut=\normalstrut
+% \setbox\strutbox=\normalhbox
+% {\normalhbox
+% {\vrule
+% \!!width \strutwidth
+% \!!height \strutheight
+% \!!depth \strutdepth
+% \normalkern-\strutwidth}}}
+% \def\setstrut
+% {\setstrutdimen\strutheight\strutheightfactor\spacingfactor
+% \setstrutdimen\strutdepth \strutdepthfactor \spacingfactor
+% \dosetstrut}
+% \def\setstrut
+% {\strutdimen\normallineheight
+% \strutdimen\strutheightfactor\strutdimen
+% \strutdimen\spacingfactor\strutdimen
+% \edef\strutheight{\the\strutdimen}%
+% \strutdimen\normallineheight
+% \ifgridsnapping
+% \advance\strutdimen-\strutheight
+% \else
+% \strutdimen\strutdepthfactor\strutdimen
+% \strutdimen\spacingfactor\strutdimen
+% \fi
+% \edef\strutdepth{\the\strutdimen}%
+% \dosetstrut}
+% interesting, strutdepth is 4.05064pt vs 4.05066pt depending on grid
+% nasty rounding problem
+% \def\setstrut
+% {% height
+% \strutdimen\normallineheight
+% \ifdim\minimumstrutheight>\zeropoint
+% \strutdimen\minimumstrutheight
+% \else
+% \strutdimen\strutheightfactor\strutdimen
+% \fi
+% \strutdimen\spacingfactor\strutdimen
+% \edef\strutheight{\the\strutdimen}%
+% % depth
+% \strutdimen\normallineheight
+% \ifgridsnapping
+% \ifdim\minimumstrutdepth>\zeropoint
+% \strutdimen\minimumstrutdepth
+% \else
+% \advance\strutdimen-\strutheight
+% \fi
+% \else
+% \ifdim\minimumstrutdepth>\zeropoint
+% \strutdimen\minimumstrutdepth
+% \else
+% \strutdimen\strutdepthfactor\strutdimen
+% \fi
+% \strutdimen\spacingfactor\strutdimen
+% \fi
+% \edef\strutdepth{\the\strutdimen}%
+% % finish
+% \dosetstrut}
+% \def\setstrut
+% {% height
+% \ifdim\minimumstrutheight>\zeropoint
+% \edef\strutheight{\the\dimexpr\spacingfactor\dimexpr\minimumstrutheight}%
+% \else
+% \edef\strutheight{\the\dimexpr\spacingfactor\dimexpr\strutheightfactor\dimexpr\normallineheight}%
+% \fi
+% % depth
+% \ifgridsnapping
+% \ifdim\minimumstrutdepth>\zeropoint
+% \edef\strutdepth{\the\dimexpr\minimumstrutdepth}%
+% \else
+% \edef\strutdepth{\the\dimexpr\normallineheight-\strutheight}%
+% \fi
+% \else
+% \ifdim\minimumstrutdepth>\zeropoint
+% \edef\strutdepth{\the\dimexpr\spacingfactor\dimexpr\minimumstrutdepth}%
+% \else
+% \edef\strutdepth{\the\dimexpr\spacingfactor\dimexpr\strutdepthfactor\dimexpr\normallineheight}%
+% \fi
+% \fi
+% % finish
+% \dosetstrut}
+ {% height
+ \edef\strutheight
+ {\the\dimexpr\spacingfactor\dimexpr
+ \ifdim\minimumstrutheight>\zeropoint
+ \minimumstrutheight
+ \else
+ \strutheightfactor\dimexpr\normallineheight
+ \fi}%
+ % depth
+ \edef\strutdepth
+ {\the\dimexpr
+ \ifgridsnapping
+ \ifdim\minimumstrutdepth>\zeropoint
+ \minimumstrutdepth
+ \else
+ \normallineheight-\strutheight
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \spacingfactor\dimexpr
+ \ifdim\minimumstrutdepth>\zeropoint
+ \minimumstrutdepth
+ \else
+ \strutdepthfactor\dimexpr\normallineheight
+ \fi
+ \fi}%
+ % finish
+ \dosetstrut}
+ {\setbox\strutbox\normalhbox{#1}%
+ \edef\strutheight{\the\strutht}%
+ \edef\strutdepth {\the\strutdp}%
+ \dosetstrut}
+% \def\setfontstrut
+% {\setcharstrut{(}}
+% better, since some fonts have small (but descending Q etc)
+ {\setcharstrut{(gplQT}}
+\unexpanded\def\setcapstrut% could be M, but Q has descender
+ {\setcharstrut{Q}}
+%D Handy for math (used in mathml):
+ {\begingroup
+ \setcharstrut{GJY}%
+ \vrule\!!width\zeropoint\!!depth\zeropoint\!!height\strutht
+ \endgroup}
+ {\begingroup
+ \setcharstrut{gjy}%
+ \vrule\!!width\zeropoint\!!depth\strutdp\!!height\zeropoint
+ \endgroup}
+%D Centered looks nicer:
+% \def\dosetstrut
+% {\let\strut\normalstrut
+% \setbox\strutbox\normalhbox
+% {\normalhbox to \zeropoint
+% {% \hss % new, will be option
+% \vrule
+% \!!width \strutwidth
+% \!!height\strutheight
+% \!!depth \strutdepth
+% \hss}}%
+% \struttotal\dimexpr\strutht+\strutdp\relax}
+% because of all the callbacks in mkiv, we avoid unnecessary boxes ...
+% maybe use an attribute so that we can tag boxes that don't need a
+% treatment; tests with using an attribute so far have shown that
+% it's slower because testing the attribute takes time too
+ {\let\strut\normalstrut
+ \ifdim\strutwidth=\zeropoint
+ \setbox\strutbox\normalhbox
+ {\vrule
+ \!!width \zeropoint
+ \!!height\strutheight
+ \!!depth \strutdepth}%
+ \else
+ \setbox\strutbox\normalhbox
+ {\normalhbox to \zeropoint
+ {% \hss % new, will be option
+ \vrule
+ \!!width \strutwidth
+ \!!height\strutheight
+ \!!depth \strutdepth
+ \hss}}%
+ \fi
+ \struttotal\dimexpr\strutht+\strutdp\relax}
+%D The dimen \type {\struttotal} holds the exact size of the
+%D strut; occasionally a one scaled point difference can show
+%D up with the lineheight.
+%D Sometimes a capstrut comes in handy
+%D \starttabulate[|Tl|l|l|]
+%D \NC yes \NC normal strut \NC {\showstruts\setupstrut[yes]\strut} \NC \NR
+%D \NC no \NC no strut \NC {\showstruts\setupstrut[no]\strut} \NC \NR
+%D \NC kap \NC a capital strut (i.e. Q) \NC {\showstruts\setupstrut[cap]\strut} \NC \NR
+%D \NC A B \unknown \NC a character strut (e.g. A) \NC {\showstruts\setupstrut[A]\strut} \NC \NR
+%D \NC \NC a normal strut \NC {\showstruts\setupstrut\strut} \NC \NR
+%D \stoptabulate
+ {\dosingleempty\dosetupstrut}
+\def\dosetupstrut[#1]% yet undocumented, todo: fontstrut
+ {\processaction
+ [#1]
+ [ \v!yes=>\setstrut,
+ \v!auto=>\setautostrut,
+ \v!no=>\setnostrut,
+ \v!cap=>\setcapstrut,
+ \v!fit=>\setfontstrut,
+ \v!line=>\setstrut,
+ \s!default=>\setstrut,
+ \s!unknown=>\setcharstrut\commalistelement]}
+ {\def\strutwidth{.8pt}%
+ \setstrut}
+ {\begingroup
+ \setbox\scratchbox\copy\strutbox
+ \setstrut
+ \ifdim\ht\strutbox>\autostrutfactor\ht\scratchbox
+ \endgroup \setstrut
+ \else\ifdim\dp\strutbox>\autostrutfactor\dp\scratchbox
+ \endgroup \setstrut
+ \else
+ \endgroup
+ \fi\fi}
+% simple version
+% \def\begstrut
+% {\relax\ifcase\strutht\else
+% \strut
+% \normalpenalty\plustenthousand
+% \normalhskip\zeropoint
+% \ignorespaces
+% \fi}
+% \def\endstrut
+% {\relax\ifhmode\ifcase\strutht\else
+% \removeunwantedspaces
+% \normalpenalty\plustenthousand
+% \normalhskip\zeropoint
+% \strut
+% \fi\fi}
+% when enabled, sigstruts will remove themselves if nothing
+% goes inbetween
+\newsignal\strutsignal \setfalse\sigstruts
+ {\relax\ifcase\strutht\else
+ \ifconditional\sigstruts
+ \noindent\horizontalstrut
+ \normalpenalty\plustenthousand
+ \normalhskip-\strutsignal
+ \normalhskip\strutsignal
+ \else
+ \strut
+ \normalpenalty\plustenthousand
+ \normalhskip\zeropoint
+ \fi
+ \expandafter \ignorespaces
+ \fi}
+ {\relax\ifhmode\ifcase\strutht\else
+ \ifconditional\sigstruts
+ \ifdim\lastskip=\strutsignal
+ \unskip\unskip\unpenalty\setbox\scratchbox\lastbox
+ \else
+ \normalpenalty\plustenthousand
+ \normalhskip\zeropoint
+ \strut
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \removeunwantedspaces
+ \normalpenalty\plustenthousand
+ \normalhskip\zeropoint
+ \strut
+ \fi
+ \fi\fi}
+\newbox\nostrutbox \setbox\nostrutbox\normalhbox{} % {\normalhbox{}}
+ {\setbox\strutbox\copy\nostrutbox
+ \let\strut\empty
+ \let\endstrut\empty
+ \let\begstrut\empty
+ \let\crlfplaceholder\empty}
+% unsave:
+% \def\pseudostrut
+% {\bgroup
+% \setnostrut
+% \normalstrut
+% \egroup}
+% try:
+% \startchemie
+% \chemie[ONE,Z0,SB15,MOV1,SB15,Z0][C,C]
+% \stopchemie
+% so:
+ {\noindent} % better: \dontleavehmode
+ {\let\strutwidth\zeropoint
+ \setstrut}
+ % problems ! ! ! !
+ \def\setfontparameters{\the\everybodyfont}
+%D Handy:
+%D We need \type{\normaloffinterlineskip} because the new
+%D definition contains an assignment, and |<|don't ask me
+%D why|>| this assignment gives troubles in for instance the
+%D visual debugger.
+%D The plain ones:
+ {\baselineskip-\thousandpoint
+ \lineskip\zeropoint
+ \lineskiplimit\maxdimen}
+ {\prevdepth-\thousandpoint}
+\let\normaloffinterlineskip=\offinterlineskip % knuth's original
+%D My own one:
+ {\ifdim\baselineskip>\zeropoint
+ \edef\oninterlineskip
+ {\baselineskip\the\baselineskip
+ \lineskip\the\lineskip
+ \lineskiplimit\the\lineskiplimit
+ \let\noexpand\offinterlineskip\noexpand\normaloffinterlineskip}%
+ \else
+ \let\oninterlineskip\setnormalbaselines
+ \fi
+ \normaloffinterlineskip}
+ {\ifvmode\ifinner\else
+ \leavevmode
+ \fi\fi}
+% We stellen enkele penalties anders in dan Plain TEX:
+% oud
+% \widowpenalty=\defaultwidowpenalty\relax
+% \clubpenalty =\defaultclubpenalty \relax
+ {\ifx#1\undefined\else
+ #1\minusone
+ \fi}
+ {\ifx#1\undefined\else % space before #3 prevents lookahead problems, needed when #3=text
+ #1\numexpr#2+\plusone\relax\space\doexpandedrecurse{\the\numexpr#2\relax}{ #3}\zerocount\relax
+ \fi}
+ {\ifnum#1>\zerocount#2\@EA\doexpandedrecurse\@EA{\the\numexpr#1-1\relax}{#2}\fi}
+%D \macros
+%D {keeplinestogether}
+%D Dirty hack, needed in margin content that can run of a page.
+ {\xdef\restoreinterlinepenalty{\global\resetpenalties\interlinepenalties}%
+ \global\setpenalties\interlinepenalties{#1}\plustenthousand}
+\newif\ifgridsnapping % to be sure
+\def\defaultwidowpenalty {2000} % was: 1000
+\def\defaultclubpenalty {2000} % was: 800
+\def\defaultdisplaywidowpenalty {50}
+\def\defaultbrokenpenalty {100}
+\def\defaultgridwidowpenalty {0}
+\def\defaultgridclubpenalty {0}
+\def\defaultgriddisplaywidowpenalty {0}
+\def\defaultgridbrokenpenalty {0}
+% The original approach:
+% \def\setdefaultpenalties
+% {\ifgridsnapping
+% \widowpenalty\defaultgridwidowpenalty
+% \clubpenalty \defaultgridclubpenalty
+% \else
+% \widowpenalty\defaultwidowpenalty
+% \clubpenalty \defaultclubpenalty
+% \fi}
+% However, we will use setups:
+% to be documented
+ {\widowpenalty \zerocount
+ \clubpenalty \zerocount
+ \brokenpenalty \zerocount
+ \doublehyphendemerits\zerocount
+ \finalhyphendemerits \zerocount
+ \adjdemerits \zerocount}
+ {\directsetup{\systemsetupsprefix\s!default}}
+\startsetups [\systemsetupsprefix\s!reset]
+ \resetpenalties\widowpenalties
+ \resetpenalties\clubpenalties
+ \resetpenalties\interlinepenalties
+% we use \directsetup because it's faster and we know there is no csl
+\startsetups [\systemsetupsprefix\s!default]
+ \directsetup{\systemsetupsprefix\s!reset}
+ \widowpenalty \defaultwidowpenalty
+ \clubpenalty \defaultclubpenalty
+ \displaywidowpenalty\defaultdisplaywidowpenalty
+ \brokenpenalty \defaultbrokenpenalty
+\startsetups [\v!grid] [\systemsetupsprefix\s!default]
+ \directsetup{\systemsetupsprefix\s!reset}
+ \widowpenalty \defaultgridwidowpenalty
+ \clubpenalty \defaultgridclubpenalty
+ \displaywidowpenalty\defaultgriddisplaywidowpenalty
+ \brokenpenalty \defaultgridbrokenpenalty
+% as an illustration:
+\startsetups [\systemsetupsprefix\v!strict]
+ \directsetup{\systemsetupsprefix\s!reset}
+ \setpenalties\widowpenalties2\maxdimen
+ \setpenalties\clubpenalties 2\maxdimen
+ \brokenpenalty \maxdimen
+\setdefaultpenalties % will happen later in \setuplayout
+% Suggested by GB (not the name -):
+\def\rapfillskip{.5\hsize plus .092\hsize minus .5\hsize} % D.A.'s value
+% Bovendien definieren we enkele extra \fill's:
+% De onderstaande hulpmacro's moeten nog eens instelbaar worden
+% gemaakt.
+\def\dotfkern#1{{\tf\kern #1}}
+% needs a proper \definenarrower or installnarrower
+ {\processaction
+ [#1]
+ [ \v!left=>\global\advance\ctxleftskip \@@slleft,
+ \v!middle=>\global\advance\ctxmidskip \@@slmiddle,
+ \v!right=>\global\advance\ctxrightskip \@@slright,
+ -\v!left=>\global\advance\ctxleftskip -\@@slleft,
+ -\v!middle=>\global\advance\ctxmidskip -\@@slmiddle,
+ -\v!right=>\global\advance\ctxrightskip-\@@slright,
+ \v!reset=>\global\ctxleftskip \zeropoint
+ \global\ctxmidskip \zeropoint
+ \global\ctxrightskip\zeropoint,
+ \v!none=>,
+ \s!unknown=>\global\advance\ctxmidskip \commalistelement]}
+% \def\donarrower[#1]% hm, can be dorepeat directly
+% {\processaction
+% [#1]
+% [ \v!left=>\global\advance\ctxleftskip \@@slleft,
+% \v!middle=>\global\advance\ctxmidskip \@@slmiddle,
+% \v!right=>\global\advance\ctxrightskip \@@slright,
+% \v!none=>,% handy for delimitedtexts
+% \s!unknown=>{\dorepeatwithcommand[#1]\dosinglenarrower}]}
+\def\donarrower[#1]% hm, can be dorepeat directly
+ {\dorepeatwithcommand[#1]\dosinglenarrower}
+ {\@@slbefore % was hard coded \par
+ \bgroup
+ \global\ctxleftskip \zeropoint
+ \global\ctxrightskip\zeropoint
+ \global\ctxmidskip \zeropoint
+ \processcommalistwithparameters[#1]\donarrower
+ \advance\leftskip \ctxleftskip
+ \advance\rightskip \ctxrightskip
+ \advance\leftskip \ctxmidskip
+ \advance\rightskip \ctxmidskip
+ \seteffectivehsize}
+% todo: definenarrower
+ {\startnarrower[\v!middle]}
+ {\@@slafter % was hard coded \par / needed, else skips forgotten
+ \egroup}
+ {\dodoubleargument\getparameters[\??sl]}
+\newdimen\@@effectivehsize \def\effectivehsize {\hsize}
+\newdimen\@@effectiveleftskip \def\effectiveleftskip {\leftskip}
+\newdimen\@@effectiverightskip \def\effectiverightskip{\rightskip}
+ {\setlocalhsize
+ \@@effectivehsize \localhsize
+ \@@effectiveleftskip \leftskip
+ \@@effectiverightskip \rightskip
+ \let\effectivehsize \@@effectivehsize
+ \let\effectiveleftskip \@@effectiveleftskip
+ \let\effectiverightskip\@@effectiverightskip}
+ {\setvalue{hbox#1}##1%
+ {\hbox to #2{\begstrut##1\endstrut\hss}}}
+ {\dodoubleargument\dodefinehbox}
+\def\iobox#1#2#3#% here #3# is not really needed
+ {\vbox\bgroup % we want to return a vbox like the others
+ \hbox\bgroup% we need to pack the signal with the box
+ \signalrightpage
+ \dowithnextboxcontent
+ {\let\\=\endgraf\forgetall\doifrightpageelse#1#2}
+ {\box\nextbox\egroup\egroup}
+ \vbox#3}
+\def\obox{\iobox\raggedleft \raggedright} % outerbox
+\def\ibox{\iobox\raggedright\raggedleft} % innerbox
+ {\let\raggedbox\vbox
+ \processfirstactioninset
+ [#1]
+ [ \v!left=>\let\raggedbox\lbox,
+ \v!right=>\let\raggedbox\rbox,
+ \v!middle=>\let\raggedbox\cbox,
+ \v!inner=>\let\raggedbox\ibox,
+ \v!outer=>\let\raggedbox\obox,
+ \v!flushleft=>\let\raggedbox\rbox,
+ \v!flushright=>\let\raggedbox\lbox,
+ \v!center=>\let\raggedbox\cbox,
+ \v!no=>\def\raggedbox{\vbox\bgroup\raggedright\let\next=}]}
+ {\let\raggedbox\hbox
+ \processaction % slow
+ [#1]
+ [ \v!left=>\def\raggedbox{\doalignedline\v!left },
+ \v!right=>\def\raggedbox{\doalignedline\v!right },
+ \v!middle=>\def\raggedbox{\doalignedline\v!middle},
+ \v!inner=>\def\raggedbox{\doalignedline\v!inner },
+ \v!outer=>\def\raggedbox{\doalignedline\v!outer },
+ \v!flushleft=>\def\raggedbox{\doalignedline\v!right },
+ \v!flushright=>\def\raggedbox{\doalignedline\v!left },
+ \v!center=>\def\raggedbox{\doalignedline\v!middle}]}
+ {\expanded{\dodosetraggedcommand{#1}}}
+% \def\dodosetraggedcommand#1% beware: #1=empty is ignored, keep that!
+% {\let\raggedcommand \relax
+% \let\raggedtopcommand \empty
+% \let\raggedbottomcommand\empty
+% \chardef\raggedoneliner\zerocount
+% \doifsomething{#1}
+% {\doifinsetelse\v!broad{#1}\!!doneatrue\!!doneafalse
+% \doifinsetelse\v!wide {#1}\!!donebtrue\!!donebfalse
+% \!!donectrue
+% \rawprocesscommalist[#1]\dododosetraggedcommand}}
+\def\dodosetraggedcommand#1% beware: #1=empty is ignored, keep that!
+ {\everyraggedcommand \emptytoks
+ \let\raggedtopcommand \empty
+ \let\raggedbottomcommand\empty
+ \chardef\raggedoneliner\zerocount
+ \doifsomething{#1}
+ {\doifinsetelse\v!broad{#1}\!!doneatrue\!!doneafalse
+ \doifinsetelse\v!wide {#1}\!!donebtrue\!!donebfalse
+ \!!donectrue
+ \rawprocesscommalist[#1]\dododosetraggedcommand}}
+ {\executeifdefined{\@@ragged@@command\string#1}\relax}
+\setvalue{\@@ragged@@command\v!hanging }{\appendtoks\enableprotruding \to\everyraggedcommand}
+\setvalue{\@@ragged@@command\v!nothanging }{\appendtoks\disableprotruding \to\everyraggedcommand}
+\setvalue{\@@ragged@@command\v!hz }{\appendtoks\enableadjusting \to\everyraggedcommand}
+\setvalue{\@@ragged@@command\v!nohz }{\appendtoks\disableadjusting \to\everyraggedcommand}
+\setvalue{\@@ragged@@command\v!spacing }{\appendtoks\enablespacehandling
+ \enablekernhandling \to\everyraggedcommand}
+\setvalue{\@@ragged@@command\v!nospacing }{\appendtoks\disablespacehandling
+ \disablekernhandling \to\everyraggedcommand}
+\setvalue{\@@ragged@@command\v!hyphenated }{\appendtoks\dohyphens \to\everyraggedcommand}
+\setvalue{\@@ragged@@command\v!nothyphenated}{\appendtoks\nohyphens \to\everyraggedcommand}
+\setvalue{\@@ragged@@command\v!tolerant }{\appendtoks\tolerance3000\relax \to\everyraggedcommand}
+\setvalue{\@@ragged@@command\v!verytolerant}{\appendtoks\tolerance4500\relax \to\everyraggedcommand}
+\setvalue{\@@ragged@@command\v!stretch }{\appendtoks\emergencystretch\bodyfontsize\to\everyraggedcommand}
+ {\if!!donea \appendtoks\veryraggedleft\to\everyraggedcommand
+ \else \appendtoks\raggedleft \to\everyraggedcommand
+ \fi
+ \!!donecfalse}
+ {\if!!donea \appendtoks\veryraggedright\to\everyraggedcommand
+ \else \appendtoks\raggedright \to\everyraggedcommand
+ \fi
+ \!!donecfalse}
+ {\if!!donec
+ \if!!doneb \appendtoks\raggedwidecenter\to\everyraggedcommand
+ \else\if!!donea \appendtoks\veryraggedcenter\to\everyraggedcommand
+ \else \appendtoks\raggedcenter \to\everyraggedcommand
+ \fi\fi
+ \!!donecfalse
+ \else
+ \let\raggedbottomcommand\vfilll % bonus, pretty strong
+ \let\raggedtopcommand \vfilll % used with \framed for
+ \fi} % instance in tables
+\setvalue{\@@ragged@@command\v!flushleft }{\getvalue{\@@ragged@@command\v!right }}
+\setvalue{\@@ragged@@command\v!flushright}{\getvalue{\@@ragged@@command\v!left }}
+\setvalue{\@@ragged@@command\v!center }{\getvalue{\@@ragged@@command\v!middle}}
+ {\let\raggedbottomcommand\vfilll} % and since we lack a
+ {\let\raggedtopcommand\vfilll} % proper keyword, but
+ {\let\raggedbottomcommand\vfilll % we do support the
+ \let\raggedtopcommand\vfilll} % ugly laho (lohi)
+ {\appendtoks\raggedright\to\everyraggedcommand}
+ {\appendtoks\notragged\to\everyraggedcommand}
+ {\appendtoks\notragged\to\everyraggedcommand}
+\setvalue{\@@ragged@@command\v!inner}% not yet perfect
+ {\signalrightpage % may interfere
+ \doifrightpageelse
+ {\getvalue{\@@ragged@@command\v!right}}
+ {\getvalue{\@@ragged@@command\v!left}}}
+\setvalue{\@@ragged@@command\v!outer}% not yet perfect
+ {\signalrightpage % may interfere
+ \doifrightpageelse
+ {\getvalue{\@@ragged@@command\v!left}}
+ {\getvalue{\@@ragged@@command\v!right}}}
+ {\appendtoks\lesshyphens\to\everyraggedcommand}
+ {\appendtoks\morehyphens\to\everyraggedcommand}
+% compare:
+% \framed[width=4cm,align=no] {\hfil xxx}
+% \framed[width=4cm,align=disable]{\hfil xxx}
+\setvalue{\@@ragged@@command\v!disable}% for one liners
+ {\appendtoks\raggedright\parfillskip\zeropoint\to\everyraggedcommand}
+ {\chardef\raggedoneliner\plusone}
+%D Unofficial, may disappear. Now handled directly in the
+%D core-rul module.
+% \def\@@startraggedoneliner
+% {\ifcase\raggedoneliner\else
+% \dontleavehmode\hbox to \hsize \bgroup % hsize added, else useless
+% \ifcase\raggedstatus\or\hss\or\hss\fi
+% \ignorespaces
+% \bgroup
+% \aftergroup\removeunwantedspaces
+% \fi}
+% \def\@@stopraggedoneliner
+% {\ifcase\raggedoneliner\else
+% \egroup
+% \ifcase\raggedstatus\or\or\hss\or\hss\fi
+% \egroup
+% \ignorespaces % ? ? ?
+% \fi}
+% \def\@@handleoneliner
+% {\ifcase\raggedoneliner\else
+% \@@startraggedoneliner
+% \aftergroup\@@stopraggedoneliner
+% \fi}
+% Nog doen:
+% \goodbreak -> \allowbreak en \dosomebreak{..} in koppen
+% bij koppen zowieso: \blanko[reset]
+% Nog in commando verwerken:
+% \voorkeur la \blanko
+% Om ongewenste witruimte te voorkomen kan met \dosomebreak{\break}
+% een \penalty voor witruimte worden geplaatst.
+\def\removelastskip % a redefinition of plain
+ {\ifvmode\ifdim\lastskip=\zeropoint\else\vskip-\lastskip\fi\fi}
+% first version:
+% \def\dosomebreak#1%
+% {\scratchskip\lastskip
+% \removelastskip
+% %\type{#1}%
+% #1\relax
+% \ifdim\scratchskip=\zeropoint \else
+% \vskip\scratchskip
+% \fi}
+% don't change the next improvement:
+% \def\dosomebreak#1%
+% {\endgraf % beware, this forces a newline
+% \ifvmode
+% \ifdim\lastskip=\zeropoint
+% #1\relax
+% \else
+% \scratchskip\lastskip
+% \removelastskip
+% #1\relax
+% \vskip\scratchskip
+% \fi
+% \fi}
+% beter, vooral in \vbox; nog in \pagina toepassen s!
+ {\ifvmode\ifinner\else#1\fi\fi}
+\ifx\dosomebreak\undefined % defined in mkiv
+ \def\dosomebreak#1%
+ {\doifoutervmode
+ {\scratchskip\lastskip
+ \removelastskip
+ %\leavevmode\type{#1}%
+ #1\relax
+ \ifdim\scratchskip=\zeropoint % else interference with footnotes
+ \else
+ \vskip\scratchskip
+ \fi}}
+ {\everypar{\the\neverypar}}
+% {\forgeteverypar
+% \indentfirstparagraphtrue % recently added
+% \setupindenting[\v!geen]}
+% {\setupwhitespace[\v!geen]}
+ {\forgeteverypar
+ \indentfirstparagraphtrue % recently added
+ \let\currentindentation\v!none
+ \ctxparindent\zeropoint
+ \parindent\zeropoint\relax}
+ {\let\currentwhitespace\v!none
+ \ctxparskip\zeropoint
+ \parskip\zeropoint\relax}
+ {\tolerance1500
+ \leftskip\zeropoint
+ \rightskip\zeropoint\relax}
+ {\emergencystretch\zeropoint}
+\newif\ifforgotten % rather good signal for inner
+\appendtoks \forgottentrue \to \everyforgetall
+\appendtoks \forgetragged \to \everyforgetall
+\appendtoks \forgetparskip \to \everyforgetall
+\appendtoks \forgetparindent \to \everyforgetall
+\appendtoks \forgetbothskips \to \everyforgetall
+\appendtoks \forgetspacing \to \everyforgetall % i.v.m. funny spacing in pagebody
+\appendtoks \spacing\!!plusone \to \everyforgetall % new per 10/08/2004, else problems in otr / !! needed
+\appendtoks \everypar\emptytoks \to \everyforgetall % indeed!
+ {\vbox#1\bgroup
+ \forgetparskip
+ \setlocalhsize
+ \hsize\localhsize
+ \forgetparindent
+ \forgetbothskips
+ \forgeteverypar
+ \let\next=}
+% ach ja, hoort niet hier
+% \unexpanded\def\dostartattributes#1#2#3%
+% {\begingroup % geen \bgroup, anders in mathmode lege \hbox
+% \doifdefinedelse{#1#2}
+% {\def\fontattribute{\getvalue{#1#2}}}
+% {\let\fontattribute=\empty}%
+% \doifdefinedelse{#1#3}
+% {\def\colorattribute{\getvalue{#1#3}}}
+% {\let\colorattribute=\empty}%
+% \startcolor[\colorattribute]%
+% \@EA\doconvertfont\@EA{\fontattribute}}
+% \unexpanded\def\dostopattributes%
+% {\stopcolor
+% \endgroup}
+% \unexpanded\def\doattributes#1#2#3#4%
+% {\dostartattributes{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}\dostopattributes}
+%D A hardly faster implementation follows. We cannot use
+%D \type {csname} testing since the first argument can be
+%D anything, even a raw fontswitch. No a real improvement
+%D (some 5 seconds on 260 seconds for the maps bibliography).
+\let\dostopattributes\relax % in case these commands end up in an edef
+ {\begingroup % geen \bgroup, anders in mathmode lege \hbox
+ \ifcsname#1#3\endcsname
+ \let\dostopattributes\@@dostopattributes
+ \startcolor[\csname#1#3\endcsname]%
+ \else
+ \let\dostopattributes\@@nostopattributes
+ \fi
+ \ifcsname#1#2\endcsname
+ \expandafter\doconvertfont
+ \else
+ \expandafter\gobbleoneargument
+ \fi{\csname#1#2\endcsname}}
+\newconditional \parbasedattributes
+ {\ifconditional\parbasedattributes
+ \setfalse\parbasedattributes
+ \par
+ \fi}
+ {\settrue\parbasedattributes
+ \dostopattributes}
+ {\stopcolor
+ \finishparbasedattributes
+ \endgroup}
+ {\finishparbasedattributes
+ \endgroup}
+ {\dostartattributes{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}\dostopattributes}
+% An even faster \ETEX\ version:
+ {\begingroup % geen \bgroup, anders in mathmode lege \hbox
+ \ifincolor
+ \ifcsname#1#3\endcsname
+ \let\dostopattributes\@@dostopattributes
+ \faststartcolor[\csname#1#3\endcsname]%
+ \else
+ \let\dostopattributes\@@nostopattributes
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \let\dostopattributes\@@nostopattributes
+ \fi
+ \ifcsname#1#2\endcsname
+ % \@EAEAEA\doconvertfont\@EA\@EA\csname#1#2\endcsname
+ \@EA\doconvertfont\csname#1#2\@EA\endcsname
+ \fi}
+ {\faststopcolor
+ \finishparbasedattributes
+ \endgroup}
+ {\finishparbasedattributes
+ \endgroup}
+%D Bonus macro, see core-sec.tex
+ {\ifcsname#1#2\endcsname
+ \@EA\doconvertfont\csname#1#2\@EA\endcsname
+ \fi\empty}
+%D Since this happens a lot, and sometimes large arguments
+%D are passed in \type {#4}, we just copy some code:
+ {\begingroup % geen \bgroup, anders in mathmode lege \hbox
+ \ifincolor
+ \ifcsname#1#3\endcsname
+ \let\dostopattributes\@@dostopattributes
+ \faststartcolor[\csname#1#3\endcsname]%
+ \else
+ \let\dostopattributes\endgroup
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \let\dostopattributes\endgroup
+ \fi
+ \ifcsname#1#2\endcsname
+ % \@EAEAEA\doconvertfont\@EA\@EA\csname#1#2\endcsname
+ \@EA\doconvertfont\csname#1#2\@EA\endcsname
+ \fi
+ {#4}%
+ \dostopattributes}
+% Kan vaker worden toegepast en moet bovendien sneller!
+ {\dosetleftskipadaption{#1}%
+ \advance\leftskip \leftskipadaption}
+ {\dosetrightskipadaption{#1}%
+ \advance\rightskip \rightskipadaption}
+\setvalue{@lsa@\v!yes }{\ifdim\ctxparindent=\zeropoint\@@slleft\else\ctxparindent\fi}
+\letvalue{@lsa@\v!no }\zeropoint
+\letvalue{@lsa@\empty }\zeropoint
+\setvalue{@rsa@\v!yes }{\@@slright}
+\letvalue{@rsa@\v!no }\zeropoint
+\letvalue{@rsa@\empty }\zeropoint
+% not safe for 2\parindent
+% \def\dosetleftskipadaption#1%
+% {\leftskipadaption
+% \ifcsname @lsa@#1\endcsname
+% \csname @lsa@#1\endcsname
+% \else
+% #1%
+% \fi
+% \relax}
+ {\edefconvertedargument\ascii{@lsa@#1}%
+ \leftskipadaption
+ \ifcsname\ascii\endcsname
+ \csname\ascii\endcsname
+ \else
+ #1%
+ \fi
+ \relax}
+ {\edefconvertedargument\ascii{@rsa@#1}%
+ \rightskipadaption
+ \ifcsname\ascii\endcsname
+ \csname\ascii\endcsname
+ \else
+ #1%
+ \fi
+ \relax}
+\newcount \noftrackedpagestates
+\newif \ifpagestatemismatch
+\newcount \realpagestateno
+\chardef \frozenpagestate \zerocount
+ {\ifdoublesided \ifinpagebody \else
+ \doforcedtrackpagestate{#1}{#2}%
+ \fi \fi}
+ {\ifcase\frozenpagestate
+ \global\advance\noftrackedpagestates\plusone
+ \global\advance#2\plusone
+ \lazysavetaggedtwopassdata{#1}{\number\noftrackedpagestates}{\number#2}{\noexpand\realfolio}%
+ %\llap{\infofont\number\noftrackedpagestates/\number#2}% tracing
+ \fi}
+ {\ifcase\frozenpagestate
+ \pagestatemismatchfalse
+ \realpagestateno\realfolio
+ \ifinpagebody
+ \ifdoublesided
+ \ifodd\realpageno\relax
+ \twopassdatafoundtrue \else \twopassdatafoundfalse
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \twopassdatafoundtrue
+ \fi
+ \else\ifdoublesided
+ \findtwopassdata{#1}{\number#2}%
+ \iftwopassdatafound
+ \realpagestateno\twopassdata\relax
+ \ifnum\twopassdata=\realpageno \else
+ \pagestatemismatchtrue
+ \fi
+ \ifodd\twopassdata\relax
+ \twopassdatafoundtrue \else \twopassdatafoundfalse
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \ifodd\realpageno\relax
+ \twopassdatafoundtrue \else \twopassdatafoundfalse
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \twopassdatafoundtrue
+ \fi\fi
+ \else
+ \ifodd\realpagestateno\relax
+ \twopassdatafoundtrue \else \twopassdatafoundfalse
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \iftwopassdatafound
+ \@EA\firstoftwoarguments
+ \else
+ \@EA\secondoftwoarguments
+ \fi}
+ {\ifcase\frozenpagestate
+ \pagestatemismatchfalse
+ \realpagestateno\realfolio
+ \findtwopassdata{#1}{\number#2}%
+ \iftwopassdatafound
+ \realpagestateno\twopassdata\relax
+ \ifnum\twopassdata=\realpageno \else
+ \pagestatemismatchtrue
+ \fi
+ \ifodd\twopassdata\relax
+ \twopassdatafoundtrue \else \twopassdatafoundfalse
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \ifodd\realpageno\relax
+ \twopassdatafoundtrue \else \twopassdatafoundfalse
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \ifodd\realpagestateno\relax
+ \twopassdatafoundtrue \else \twopassdatafoundfalse
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \iftwopassdatafound
+ \@EA\firstoftwoarguments
+ \else
+ \@EA\secondoftwoarguments
+ \fi}
+\def\freezepagestate {\chardef\frozenpagestate\plusone }
+% we can make more of these on top, but how to deal with mixed frozen states
+\definetwopasslist\s!paragraph \newcount \nofraggedparagraphs
+\def\signalrightpage {\dotrackpagestate \s!paragraph\nofraggedparagraphs}
+\def\startsignalrightpage % one may do a \postsignalrightplace
+ {\advance\pagesignallevel\plusone
+ \presignalrightpage
+ \let\signalrightpage\relax
+ \let\presignalrightpage\relax
+ \let\startsignalrightpage\relax
+ \doifrightpageelse\donothing\donothing
+ \freezepagestate}
+ {\ifcase\pagesignallevel\or\postsignalrightpage\fi
+ \advance\pagesignallevel\minusone}
+ {\signalrightpage\doifrightpageelse} % move it there
+\ifx\swapmargins\undefined \let\swapmargins\undefined \fi % todo
+\def\doifswappedrightpageelse#1#2% alleen in box construction !
+ {\doifrightpageelse
+ {#1}
+ {\scratchcounter\realpageno
+ \realpageno\realpagestateno\relax
+ \swapmargins
+ \realpageno\scratchcounter
+ #2}}
+\newbox\signaledrightpage % this way we can avoid interference, i.e. postpone placement
+\def\presignalrightpage {\global\setbox\signaledrightpage\hbox{\signalrightpage}}
+% The next feature is is used in:
+% \definenumber[test][way=bypage]
+% \def\Test
+% {\incrementnumber[test]\rawnumber[test]/%
+% \incrementnumber[test]\rawnumber[test]/%
+% \incrementnumber[test]\rawnumber[test]\space
+% \checkpagechange{oeps}\changedpage{oeps}\space
+% \ifpagechanged TRUE\else FALSE\fi}
+% \Test\page \Test\par \Test\page \Test\par \Test\page \Test\page
+% (adapted from cont-new.tex:)
+\newif\ifpagechanged \let\lastchangedpage\empty
+ {\pagechangedfalse
+ \doforcedtrackpagestate{#2}{#3}%
+ \findtwopassdata{#2}{\number#3}%
+ \iftwopassdatafound
+ \ifnum\twopassdata>0\getvalue{#2:p:#1}\relax
+ \pagechangedtrue
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \ifpagechanged
+ \letgvalue{#2:p:#1}\twopassdata
+ \globallet\lastchangedpage\twopassdata
+ \else
+ \globallet\lastchangedpage\realfolio
+ \fi}
+ {\executeifdefined{#2:p:#1}{0}}
+\def\changedpage #1{\changedpagestate{#1}\s!paragraph}
+% saved struts
+\ifx\savedstrutbox\undefined \newbox\savedstrutbox \fi
+\def\savestrut {\setbox\savedstrutbox\copy\strutbox}
+\def\savedstrut{\copy \savedstrutbox}
+% De onderstaande macro's zijn opgenomen in Plain TeX.
+% \def\raggedright%
+% {\rightskip\zeropoint plus2em \spaceskip.3333em \xspaceskip.5em\relax}
+% \def\ttraggedright%
+% {\tttf\rightskip\zeropoint plus2em\relax}
+% \newif\ifr@ggedbottom
+% \def\raggedbottom%
+% {\topskip 10\points plus60\points \r@ggedbottomtrue}
+% \def\normalbottom%
+% {\topskip 10\points \r@ggedbottomfalse}
+% en worden hieronder wat aangepast.
+% the three boolean will become obsolete some day in favour
+% of \bottomraggedness
+\chardef\bottomraggedness=0 % 0=ragged 1=normal/align 2=baseline
+ {% \topskip 10pt
+ \r@ggedbottomfalse}
+ {\chardef\bottomraggedness\zerocount
+ \n@rmalbottomfalse
+ \r@ggedbottomtrue
+ \b@selinebottomfalse
+ \settopskip}
+ {\chardef\bottomraggedness\plusone
+ \n@rmalbottomtrue
+ \r@ggedbottomfalse
+ \b@selinebottomfalse
+ \settopskip}
+ {\chardef\bottomraggedness\plustwo
+ \n@rmalbottomfalse
+ \r@ggedbottomfalse
+ \b@selinebottomtrue
+ \settopskip}
+\let\normalbottom=\alignbottom % downward compatible
+% so, the new one will be
+% \chardef\bottomraggedness=0 % 0=ragged 1=normal/align 2=baseline
+% \def\bottomalignlimit{3\lineheight} % will be settable
+% \def\raggedbottom {\chardef\bottomraggedness=0 \settopskip}
+% \def\alignbottom {\chardef\bottomraggedness=1 \settopskip}
+% \def\baselinebottom{\chardef\bottomraggedness=2 \settopskip}
+% \let\normalbottom =\alignbottom
+% \hyphenpenalty = ( 2.5 * \hsize ) / \raggedness
+% \tolerance >= 1500 % was 200
+% \raggedness = 2 .. 6\bodyfontsize
+\chardef\raggedstatus=0 % normal left center right
+\def\leftraggedness {2\bodyfontsize}
+\def\rightraggedness {2\bodyfontsize}
+\def\middleraggedness {6\bodyfontsize}
+\def\middleraggedness {.5\hsize} % was: 6\bodyfontsize, fails on: \placefigure{x $x=x$ x}{}
+% oeps, hsize can be 0pt in which case we get a strange division
+\def\middleraggedness {\ifdim\hsize=\zeropoint6\bodyfontsize\else.5\hsize\fi} % was: 6\bodyfontsize, fails on: \placefigure{x $x=x$ x}{}
+%D More hyphenation control, will be combined with align
+%D setup.
+ {\ifx\dohyphens\relax
+ \edef\dohyphens
+ {\hyphenpenalty\the\hyphenpenalty
+ \exhyphenpenalty\the\exhyphenpenalty\relax}%
+ \fi
+ \hyphenpenalty\plustenthousand
+ \exhyphenpenalty\plustenthousand}
+%D To prevent unwanted side effects, we also have to check
+%D for hyphens here:
+% \def\setraggedness#1%
+% {\ifnum\tolerance<1500\relax % small values have
+% \tolerance1500\relax % unwanted side effects
+% \fi
+% \spaceskip2.5\hsize % we misuse these registers
+% \xspaceskip#1\relax % for temporary storage;
+% \divide\spaceskip \xspaceskip % they are changed anyway
+% \ifx\dohyphens\relax
+% \hyphenpenalty\spaceskip % \else no hyphens is active
+% \fi}
+ {\ifnum\tolerance<1500\relax % small values have
+ \tolerance1500\relax % unwanted side effects
+ \fi
+ \ifx\dohyphens\relax
+ % this code will be reconsidered / kind of fuzzy (and old)
+ \@@raggedskipa 2.5\hsize
+ \@@raggedskipb #1\relax
+ \divide\@@raggedskipa \@@raggedskipb
+ \hyphenpenalty\@@raggedskipa
+ \fi}
+\def\setraggedskips#1#2#3#4#5#6#7% never change this name
+ {\def\updateraggedskips{\dosetraggedskips{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}{#6}{#7}}%
+ \updateraggedskips}
+ {\chardef \raggedstatus#1\relax
+ \leftskip 1\leftskip \!!plus#2\relax % zie: Tex By Topic 8.1.3
+ \rightskip 1\rightskip\!!plus#3\relax % zie: Tex By Topic 8.1.3
+ \spaceskip #4\relax
+ \xspaceskip #5\relax
+ \parfillskip\zeropoint\!!plus#6\relax
+ \parindent #7\relax}
+% \def\notragged%
+% {\setraggedskips{0}{0em}{0em}{0em}{0em}{1fil}{\parindent}}
+% older (context) names:
+\let\spaceamount \interwordspace
+% tracing:
+ {\ifx#1\relax\else
+ \hbox{\string#1: \the#1}\endgraf
+ \expandafter\doshowpardata
+ \fi}
+ {\edef\thepardata
+ {\hbox{font: \fontname\font}\endgraf
+ \doshowpardata
+ \interwordspace \interwordstretch \interwordshrink \emwidth \exheight \extraspace
+ \hsize \vsize
+ \leftskip \rightskip
+ \spaceskip \xspaceskip
+ \parindent \parfillskip
+ \hyphenpenalty \exhyphenpenalty
+ \displaywidowpenalty \widowpenalty \clubpenalty \brokenpenalty
+ \doublehyphendemerits \finalhyphendemerits \adjdemerits
+ \relax}%
+ \begingroup
+ \dontshowcomposition
+ \inleftmargin{\vsmash
+ {\switchtobodyfont[7pt,tt]%
+ \framed[\c!align=\v!right]{\thepardata}}}%
+ \endgroup}
+ {\begingroup
+ \showcomposition
+ \showstruts\tracepositionstrue \tracingparagraphs\maxdimen
+ \appendtoksonce\showpardata\let\showpardata\relax\to\everypar}
+ {\endgraf
+ \endgroup}
+% \defineXMLenvironment[showpardata] \startshowpardata \stopshowpardata
+% \defineXMLsingular [showpardata] \showpardata
+% defaults
+\def\raggedfillamount {1fil}
+\def\raggedspaceamount {\interwordspace} % {.3333em}
+\def\raggedxspaceamount {.5em}
+ {\chardef\raggedstatus\zerocount
+ \leftskip 1\leftskip
+ \rightskip 1\rightskip
+ \spaceskip \zeropoint
+ \xspaceskip \zeropoint
+ \parfillskip\zeropoint\!!plus\raggedfillamount\relax
+ \let\updateraggedskips\relax} % new
+ {\setraggedness\leftraggedness
+ \setraggedskips1\leftraggedness\zeropoint\raggedspaceamount
+ \raggedxspaceamount\zeropoint\zeropoint}
+ {\setraggedness\middleraggedness
+ \setraggedskips2\middleraggedness\middleraggedness\raggedspaceamount
+ \raggedxspaceamount\zeropoint\zeropoint}
+%D We used to have:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\raggedright
+%D {\setraggedness\rightraggedness
+%D \setraggedskips{3}{0em}{\rightraggedness}{.3333em}{.5em}{0em}{\parindent}}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D However, the next alternative, suggested by Taco, is better.
+ {\setraggedness\rightraggedness
+ \setraggedskips3\zeropoint\rightraggedness\raggedspaceamount
+ \raggedxspaceamount\raggedfillamount\parindent}
+ {\setraggedskips1\raggedfillamount\zeropoint\raggedspaceamount
+ \raggedxspaceamount\zeropoint\zeropoint}
+%D When we want the last line to have a natural width:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\veryraggedleft%
+%D {\setraggedskips{1}{1fil}{0em}{.3333em}{.5em}{0em}{-1fil}}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D but this one is not accepted by the macros.
+ {\setraggedskips2\raggedfillamount\raggedfillamount\raggedspaceamount
+ \raggedxspaceamount\zeropoint\zeropoint}
+ {\setraggedskips3\zeropoint\raggedfillamount\raggedspaceamount
+ \raggedxspaceamount\zeropoint\parindent}
+ {\tttf
+ \setraggedskips3\zeropoint\rightraggedness
+ \zeropoint\zeropoint\zeropoint\parindent} % \ctxparindent
+%D A bonus one:
+ {\setraggedness\middleraggedness
+ \setraggedskips2\raggedhalffillamount\raggedhalffillamount
+ \raggedspaceamount\raggedxspaceamount\zeropoint\zeropoint}
+\newif\if@@asragged \@@asraggedtrue % old method
+% todo
+% \setuplayout[grid=yes,lines=44] \showgrid
+% \starttext
+% test \vfill test \endgraf \strut \endgraf \vskip-\lineheight \removedepth \pagina test
+% \stoptext
+% \setupalign[reset,new,right,old]
+\def\@@align@@rl{\if!!donea\veryraggedleft \else\raggedleft \fi}
+\def\@@align@@rr{\if!!donea\veryraggedright \else\raggedright \fi}
+\setvalue{@@ngila@@\v!broad }{\!!doneatrue}
+\setvalue{@@ngila@@\v!wide }{\!!donebtrue}
+\def\installalign#1#2{\setvalue{@@align@@#1}{#2}} % can be used for overloads
+\installalign \v!new {\@@asraggedfalse}
+\installalign \v!old {\@@asraggedtrue}
+\installalign \empty {}
+\installalign \v!line {\baselinebottom}
+\installalign \v!bottom {\raggedbottom}
+\installalign \v!height {\normalbottom}
+\installalign \v!width {\notragged}
+\installalign \v!normal {\notragged}
+\installalign \v!yes {\notragged}
+\installalign \v!no {\raggedright}
+\installalign \v!inner {\if@@asragged \setraggedparagraphmode\@@align@@rl\@@align@@rr \else
+ \setraggedparagraphmode\@@align@@rr\@@align@@rl \fi}
+\installalign \v!outer {\if@@asragged \setraggedparagraphmode\@@align@@rr\@@align@@rl \else
+ \setraggedparagraphmode\@@align@@rl\@@align@@rr \fi}
+\installalign \v!left {\if@@asragged\@@align@@rl\else\@@align@@rr\fi}
+\installalign \v!right {\if@@asragged\@@align@@rr\else\@@align@@rl\fi}
+\installalign \v!middle {\if!!doneb\raggedwidecenter\else\@@align@@rc\fi}
+\installalign \v!flushleft {\if!!donea\veryraggedright \else\raggedright\fi}
+\installalign \v!flushright {\if!!donea\veryraggedleft \else\raggedleft \fi}
+\installalign \v!flushouter {\setraggedparagraphmode\raggedleft\raggedright}
+\installalign \v!flushinner {\setraggedparagraphmode\raggedright\raggedleft}
+\installalign \v!center {\if!!doneb\raggedwidecenter\else\@@align@@rc\fi}
+\installalign \v!hanging {\enableprotruding}
+\installalign \v!nothanging {\disableprotruding}
+\installalign \v!hz {\enableadjusting}
+\installalign \v!nohz {\disableadjusting}
+\installalign \v!spacing {\enablespacehandling \enablekernhandling}
+\installalign \v!nospacing {\disablespacehandling\disablekernhandling}
+\installalign \v!hyphenated {\dohyphens}
+\installalign \v!nothyphenated {\nohyphens}
+\installalign \v!new {\@@asraggedfalse} % so new will give you consistency
+\installalign \v!reset {\notragged\normalbottom}
+\installalign \v!tolerant {\tolerance3000 \relax}
+\installalign \v!verytolerant {\tolerance4500 \relax}
+\installalign \v!stretch {\emergencystretch\bodyfontsize}
+\ifx\sethyphenationvariables\undefined \let\sethyphenationvariables\relax \fi
+ {\advance\hyphenminoffset\plusone
+ \sethyphenationvariables}
+ {\ifcase\hyphenminoffset \else
+ \advance\hyphenminoffset\minusone
+ \fi
+ \sethyphenationvariables}
+\installalign \v!lesshyphenation {\lesshyphens}
+\installalign \v!morehyphenation {\morehyphens}
+\def\dodosetupalign#1{\csname @@align@@#1\endcsname}
+\def\dodosetupngila#1{\csname @@ngila@@#1\endcsname}
+ {\dosingleargument\dosetupalign}
+\def\dosetupalign[#1]% can be made faster by checking for defined #1
+ {\!!doneafalse
+ \!!donebfalse
+ \processcommacommand[#1]\dodosetupngila
+ \processcommacommand[#1]\dodosetupalign}
+% \setupalign[flushleft] \input ward \par % lijnlinks
+% \setupalign[right] \input ward \par
+% \setupalign[flushright] \input ward \par % lijnrechts
+% \setupalign[left] \input ward \par
+% \setupalign[middle] \input ward \par % centreer
+% \setupalign[center] \input ward \par
+ {\bgroup
+ \setupalign}
+ {\par
+ \egroup}
+% see later for the real definition, which in the simple case is:
+\newtoks \everyleftofalignedline
+\newtoks \everyrightofalignedline
+\def\shiftalignedline#1#2#3#4% left, right, inner, outer
+ {\rightorleftpageaction
+ {\everyleftofalignedline {\hskip\dimexpr#1+#3\relax}%
+ \everyrightofalignedline{\hskip\dimexpr#2+#4\relax}}
+ {\everyleftofalignedline {\hskip\dimexpr#1+#4\relax}%
+ \everyrightofalignedline{\hskip\dimexpr#2+#3\relax}}}
+% \def\doalignline#1#2% \\ == newline
+% {\begingroup
+% \setlocalhsize % new
+% \def\\{\egroup\par\doalignline{#1}{#2}\bgroup}%
+% \dowithnextbox
+% {\noindentation % was \noindent
+% \dontleavehmode % added in marrakesch at TUG 2006
+% \hbox to \localhsize
+% {\ifcase\alignstrutmode\or\strut\fi
+% \the\everyleftofalignedline
+% #1\unhbox\nextbox#2\relax
+% \the\everyrightofalignedline}%
+% \endgroup}
+% \hbox}
+\def\doalignline#1#2% \\ == newline
+ {\noindentation % was \noindent
+ \dontleavehmode % added in marrakesch at TUG 2006\begingroup
+ \begingroup
+ \setlocalhsize % new
+ \def\\{\egroup\par\doalignline{#1}{#2}\bgroup}%
+ \dowithnextbox
+ {\hbox to \localhsize
+ {\ifcase\alignstrutmode\or\strut\fi
+ \the\everyleftofalignedline
+ #1\unhbox\nextbox#2\relax
+ \the\everyrightofalignedline}%
+ \endgroup}
+ \hbox}
+% plain commands
+\ifx\undefined\line \def\line {\hbox to\hsize} \fi
+\ifx\undefined\leftline \def\leftline #1{\line{#1\hss}} \fi
+\ifx\undefined\rightline \def\rightline #1{\line{\hss#1}} \fi
+\ifx\undefined\centerline \def\centerline#1{\line{\hss#1\hss}} \fi
+% directe commando's
+\def\leftaligned {\doalignline \relax \hss }
+\def\midaligned {\doalignline \hss \hss }
+\def\rightaligned{\doalignline \hss \relax}
+\def\regelbegrensd#1{\limitatetext{#1}{\hsize}{\unknown}} % to be translated
+% indirecte commando's
+\letvalue{\s!do\v!line\v!left }\leftaligned
+\letvalue{\s!do\v!line\v!right }\rightaligned
+\letvalue{\s!do\v!line\v!middle }\midaligned
+\letvalue{\s!do\v!line\v!flushleft }\rightaligned
+\letvalue{\s!do\v!line\v!center }\midaligned
+%D Experimental:
+% simple version
+% \def\doxalignline#1#2%
+% {\bgroup
+% \setlocalhsize
+% \def\\{\egroup\par\doxalignline{#1}{#2}\bgroup}% inefficient
+% \dowithnextbox
+% {\noindent\hbox to \localhsize
+% {\ifcase\alignstrutmode\or\strut\fi
+% \signalrightpage
+% \doifrightpageelse{#1\unhbox\nextbox#2}{#2\unhbox\nextbox#1}}%
+% \egroup}
+% \hbox}
+% \setvalue{\s!do\v!regel\v!binnen}{\doxalignline\relax\hss}
+% \setvalue{\s!do\v!regel\v!buiten}{\doxalignline\hss\relax}
+% more extensive:
+ {\noindentation % was \noindent
+ \dontleavehmode % added in marrakesch at TUG 2006\begingroup
+ \begingroup
+ \setlocalhsize
+ \def\\{\egroup\par\doxalignline#1#2#3#4#5#6\bgroup}% inefficient
+ \dowithnextbox
+ {%\noindent moved up
+ \hbox to \localhsize
+ {#1\hskip\ifdone#2\else#3\fi#4%
+ \hbox to \localhsize
+ {\the\everyleftofalignedline
+ \ifcase\alignstrutmode\or\strut\fi
+ \ifdone#5\unhbox\nextbox#6\else#6\unhbox\nextbox#5\fi
+ \the\everyrightofalignedline}%
+ \hss}%
+ \endgroup}
+ \hbox}
+ {\signalrightpage\doifrightpageelse\donetrue\donefalse}
+\setvalue{\s!do\v!line\v!inner }{\doxalignline\doxcheckline++\zeropoint \relax\hss }
+\setvalue{\s!do\v!line\v!outer }{\doxalignline\doxcheckline++\zeropoint \hss \relax}
+\setvalue{\s!do\v!line\v!innermargin}{\doxalignline\doxcheckline-+\innermargintotal\relax\hss }
+\setvalue{\s!do\v!line\v!outermargin}{\doxalignline\doxcheckline+-\outermargintotal\hss \relax}
+\setvalue{\s!do\v!line\v!inneredge }{\doxalignline\doxcheckline-+\inneredgetotal \relax\hss }
+\setvalue{\s!do\v!line\v!outeredge }{\doxalignline\doxcheckline+-\outeredgetotal \hss \relax}
+\setvalue{\s!do\v!line\v!backspace }{\doxalignline\doxcheckline-+\backspace \relax\hss }
+\setvalue{\s!do\v!line\v!cutspace }{\doxalignline\doxcheckline+-\cutspace \hss \relax}
+\setvalue{\s!do\v!line\v!leftmargin }{\doxalignline\donefalse --\leftmargintotal \hss \relax}
+\setvalue{\s!do\v!line\v!rightmargin}{\doxalignline\donefalse ++\rightmargintotal\relax\hss }
+\setvalue{\s!do\v!line\v!leftedge }{\doxalignline\donefalse --\leftedgetotal \hss \relax}
+\setvalue{\s!do\v!line\v!rightedge }{\doxalignline\donefalse ++\rightedgetotal \relax\hss }
+% ! ! ! beware, redefining \doalignline gives the wrong results ! ! !
+% \def\doalignline{\doxalignline\donefalse++\zeropoint}
+%D Better:
+% \def\alignedline#1#2% setting default
+% {\csname
+% \s!do\v!line
+% \ifundefined{\s!do\v!line#1}#2\else#1\fi
+% \endcsname}
+\def\alignedline#1#2% setting default
+ {\csname\s!do\v!line\ifcsname\s!do\v!line#1\endcsname#1\else#2\fi\endcsname}
+%D ...
+ {\doifinsetelse\v!vertical{#1}%
+ {\ExpandFirstAfter\processallactionsinset
+ [#1]
+ [ \v!verystrict=>\def\bottomtolerance{},
+ \v!strict=>\def\bottomtolerance{.050},
+ \v!tolerant=>\def\bottomtolerance{.075},
+ \v!verytolerant=>\def\bottomtolerance{.100}]}%
+ {\ExpandFirstAfter\processallactionsinset
+ [#1]
+ [ \v!stretch=>\emergencystretch\bodyfontsize,
+ \v!space=>\spaceskip.5em\!!plus.25em\!!minus.25em\relax,
+ \v!verystrict=>\tolerance 200,
+ \v!strict=>\tolerance1500,
+ \v!tolerant=>\tolerance3000,
+ \v!verytolerant=>\tolerance4500]}}
+ {\dosingleargument\dosetuptolerance}
+% \def\woordrechts
+% {\groupedcommand{\hfill\hbox}{\parfillskip\zeropoint}}
+% beware: \wordright{whatever\kern-\rightskip} should work!
+% so, no funny boxing here
+ {% don't change
+ \groupedcommand
+ {\removeunwantedspaces
+ \hfill
+ \allowbreak % changed back from \hskip\zeropoint
+ \strut
+ \hfill
+ \quad % decent spacing
+ \hbox}
+ {\doifelse{#1}\v!right{\kern-\rightskip}{\doifsomething{#1}{\kern-#1}}%
+ \parfillskip\zeropoint
+ %\finalhyphendemerits\zerocount % yes or no
+ \par}}
+ {\dosingleempty\dowordright}
+% \dorecurse{5}{something } \wordright{--someone} \endgraf
+% \dorecurse{6}{something } \wordright{--someone} \endgraf
+% \dorecurse{7}{something } \wordright{--someone} \endgraf
+% \dorecurse{5}{something } \wordright{--someone else entirely} \endgraf
+% \dorecurse{6}{something } \wordright{--someone else entirely} \endgraf
+% \dorecurse{7}{something } \wordright{--someone else entirely} \endgraf
+% \wordright[\rightskip]{whatever}
+% \simplealignedbox{2cm}{right}{x}
+\setvalue{\s!simple\c!align\v!right }#1#2{\hbox to #1{#2\hss}}
+\setvalue{\s!simple\c!align\v!left }#1#2{\hbox to #1{\hss#2}}
+\setvalue{\s!simple\c!align\v!flushright }#1#2{\hbox to #1{\hss#2}}
+\setvalue{\s!simple\c!align\v!flushleft }#1#2{\hbox to #1{#2\hss}}
+\setvalue{\s!simple\c!align\v!middle }#1#2{\hbox to #1{\hss#2\hss}}
+%D \macros
+%D {pushindentation,popindentation}
+%D The pushing and popping is done by:
+ {\bgroup
+ \ifhmode
+ \unskip
+ \setbox\indentationboxA\lastbox % get \strut if present
+ \unskip
+ \setbox\indentationboxB\lastbox % get \indent generated box
+ \unskip
+ \else
+ \hskip\zeropoint % switch to horizontal mode
+ \unskip
+ \setbox\indentationboxA\lastbox % get \indent generated box
+ \setbox\indentationboxB\emptybox
+ \fi}
+ {\box\indentationboxB\box\indentationboxA % put back the boxes
+ \egroup}
+%D The only complication lays in \type{\strut}. In \PLAIN\
+%D \TEX\ a \type{\strut} is defined as:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\strut%
+%D {\relax\ifmmode\copy\strutbox\else\unhcopy\strutbox\fi}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D But what is a \type{\strut}? Normally it's a rule of width
+%D zero, but when made visual, it's a rule and a negative skip.
+%D The mechanism for putting things in the margins described
+%D here cannot handle this situation very well. One
+%D characteristic of \type{\strut} is that the \type{\unhcopy}
+%D results in entering horizontal mode, which in return leads
+%D to some indentation.
+%D To serve our purpose a bit better, the macro \type{\strut}
+%D can be redefined as:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\strut
+%D {\relax\ifmmode\else\hskip0pt\fi\copy\strutbox}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Or more compatible:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\strut
+%D {\relax\ifmmode
+%D \copy\strutbox
+%D \else
+%D \bgroup\setbox\strutbox=\normalhbox{\box\strutbox}\unhcopy\strutbox\egroup
+%D \fi}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D In \CONTEXT\ however we save some processing time by putting
+%D an extra \type{\hbox} around the \type{\strutbox}.
+% moved from page-lin.tex to here (due to visualization added
+% in august 2003)
+% \unexpanded \def\crlf
+% {\ifhmode\unskip\else\strut\fi\ifcase\raggedstatus\hfil\fi\break}
+\unexpanded \def\crlf
+ {\ifhmode
+ \unskip
+ \prewordbreak\crlfplaceholder
+ \ifcase\raggedstatus\hfil\or\or\or\hfil\fi
+ \break
+ \else
+ \crlfplaceholder
+ \endgraf
+ \fi}
+ {\strut}
+ {\def\crlfplaceholder
+ {\hbox to \zeropoint
+ {\strut{\infofont\kern.25em}\lohi{\infofont CR}{\infofont LF}\hss}}}
+%D \starttyping
+%D % \setuplayout[gridgrid=yes] \showgrid
+%D \startbuffer
+%D test 1\crlf
+%D test 2\crlf
+%D \crlf test 3
+%D test 4\crlf
+%D test 5
+%D \crlf
+%D \crlf
+%D \crlf
+%D test 6
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \hbox
+%D {\hsize5em
+%D \ruledvtop{\getbuffer}\enspace
+%D \ruledvtop{\showstruts\getbuffer}\enspace
+%D \hsize15em \setuptyping[before=,after=]%
+%D \ruledvtop{\typebuffer}}
+%D \stoptyping
+\def\opeenregel % to be used grouped
+ {\def\crlf{\removelastspace\space}\let\\\crlf}
+ {\setteststrut
+ \settestcrlf}
+ {\dotripleempty\dodefinehspace}
+\def\dodefinehspace[#1][#2][#3]% #1 = optional namespace
+ {\ifthirdargument
+ \setvalue{\??hs#1:#2}{#3}%
+ \else
+ \setvalue{\??hs:#1}{#2}%
+ \fi}
+ {\dodoubleempty\dohspace}
+% {\ifhmode
+% \removeunwantedspaces
+% \hskip
+% \ifsecondargument
+% \hspaceamount{#1}{#2}%
+% \else
+% \hspaceamount\empty{\iffirstargument#1\else\s!default\fi}%
+% \fi
+% \expandafter\ignorespaces
+% \fi}
+ {\ifsecondargument
+ \dodohspace[#1][#2]%
+ \else\iffirstargument
+ \hspace[][#1]%
+ \else
+ \hspace[][\s!default]%
+ \fi\fi}
+% \def\dodohspace[#1][#2#3]%
+% {\ifhmode
+% \removeunwantedspaces
+% \doifelse{#2}{-}
+% {{\scratchskip\hspaceamount{#1}{#3}\hskip-\scratchskip}}
+% {\hskip\hspaceamount{#1}{#2#3}}%
+% \expandafter\ignorespaces
+% \fi}
+% not needed, tex handles -- as +
+ {\ifhmode
+ \removeunwantedspaces
+ \hskip\hspaceamount{#1}{#2}%
+ \expandafter\ignorespaces
+ \fi}
+ {\executeifdefined{\??hs#1:#2}{\executeifdefined{\??hs:#2}\zeropoint}}
+\definehspace [\v!small] [.25\emspaceamount]
+\definehspace [\v!medium] [.5\emspaceamount]
+\definehspace [\v!big] [1\emspaceamount]
+\definehspace [\v!normal] [1\spaceamount]
+\definehspace [\v!default] [\spaceamount]
+%D Taken from Taco's math module (cq. \AMS\ macros), but
+%D adapted to \type {\hspace}:
+ {\ifmmode\mskip#1#2\else\kern#1\hspaceamount\empty{#3}\fi\relax}
+\newmuskip\hairmuskip \hairmuskip=.15mu
+\def\hairspace {\textormathspace+\hairmuskip{.5}}
+\def\thinspace {\textormathspace+\thinmuskip 1}
+\def\medspace {\textormathspace+\medmuskip 2}
+\def\thickspace {\textormathspace+\thickmuskip3}
+\def\neghairspace {\textormathspace-\thinmuskip{.5}}
+\def\negthinspace {\textormathspace-\thinmuskip 1}
+\def\negmedspace {\textormathspace-\medmuskip 2}
+% needed for unicode:
+\def\twoperemspace {\hskip\dimexpr\emwidth/2\relax} % == \enspace
+\def\threeperemspace {\hskip\dimexpr\emwidth/3\relax}
+\def\fourperemspace {\hskip\dimexpr\emwidth/4\relax}
+\def\fiveperemspace {\hskip\dimexpr\emwidth/5\relax} % goodie
+\def\sixperemspace {\hskip\dimexpr\emwidth/6\relax}
+\def\figurespace {\begingroup\setbox\scratchbox\hbox{0}\hskip\wd\scratchbox\endgroup} % there is a command for this
+\def\punctuationspace {\begingroup\setbox\scratchbox\hbox{.}\hskip\wd\scratchbox\endgroup}
+\def\ideographicspace {\hskip\dimexpr\emwidth/1\relax}
+%def\nobreakspace {\penalty\plustenthousand\space}
+\def\nobreakspace {\penalty\plustenthousand\kern\interwordspace}
+\def\narrownobreakspace {\penalty\plustenthousand\thinspace}
+%def\zerowidthnobreakspace {\penalty\plustenthousand\hskip\zeropoint}
+\def\zerowidthnobreakspace {\penalty\plustenthousand\kern\zeropoint}
+\def\zerowidthspace {\hskip\zeropoint}
+\definehspace[.5][.1250\emspaceamount] % could also be [.1250\spaceamount]
+\definehspace[1] [.1667\emspaceamount]
+\definehspace[2] [.2222\emspaceamount]
+\definehspace[3] [.2777\emspaceamount]
+\let \, \thinspace
+\let \: \medspace
+\let \; \thickspace
+\let \! \negthinspace
+% this will become an alternative bunch of \blank settings
+% \startlines
+% \scratchskip=.23pt plus 10pt minus 4pt \relax \number\scratchskip \space \the\scratchskip
+% \setsimplifiedskip\scratchskip1 \number\scratchskip \space \the\scratchskip
+% \setsimplifiedskip\scratchskip2 \number\scratchskip \space \the\scratchskip
+% \getsimplifiedskip\scratchskip\scratchcounter \number\scratchcounter
+% \stoplines
+% \hrule width10cm \endgraf
+% \discardedskip{10pt}
+% \retainedskip {4pt}
+% \discardedskip {5pt}
+% \hrule width10cm \endgraf
+% \blockedskip{0pt}
+% \discardedskip{10pt}
+% \retainedskip {4pt}
+% \discardedskip {5pt}
+% \hrule width10cm \endgraf
+% \frozenskip {4cm}
+% \hrule width10cm \endgraf
+% \vskip10pt
+% \hrule width10cm \endgraf
+% ! ! ! etex only, evt splitskip macro gebruiken (syst-new)
+\chardef\@@retainedskip 2
+\chardef\@@forcedskip 3
+\chardef\@@blockedskip 4
+\chardef\@@frozenskip 5 % after heads, no break
+ {#1\dimexpr(10\dimexpr(#1/10)) plus \gluestretch#1 minus \glueshrink#1\relax
+ \advance#1\numexpr(#2)sp\relax}
+ {\simplifiedskip#1\relax
+ \ifzeropt\simplifiedskip % \ifdim\simplifiedskip=\zeropoint
+ #2\zerocount
+ \else
+ \simplifiedcounter\dimexpr10\dimexpr#1/10\relax\relax
+ \advance\simplifiedskip-\simplifiedcounter
+ #2\number\simplifiedskip\relax
+ \fi}
+ {\scratchskip#1\relax
+ \setsimplifiedskip\scratchskip#2\relax
+ \vskip\scratchskip\relax}
+ {\scratchskip\lastskip\penalty50000\normalvskip-\scratchskip\penalty50000\relax}
+ {\endgraf
+ \ifvmode
+ \getsimplifiedskip\lastskip\scratchcounter
+ \ifdim\lastskip>#1\else
+ \defrostskip
+ \conditionalskip{#1}\@@frozenskip
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+ {\endgraf
+ \ifvmode
+ \getsimplifiedskip\lastskip\scratchcounter
+ \ifcase\scratchcounter
+ \conditionalskip{#1}\@@discardedskip
+ \or % discard
+ \ifdim\lastskip>#1\else
+ \normalvskip-\lastskip
+ \conditionalskip{#1}\@@discardedskip
+ \fi
+ \or % retain
+ \ifdim\lastskip>#1\else
+ \normalvskip-\lastskip
+ \conditionalskip{#1}\@@discardedskip
+ \fi
+ \or % forced
+ \conditionalskip{#1}\@@discardedskip
+ \or % ignored
+ \or % frozen
+ \ifdim\lastskip>#1\else
+ \defrostskip
+ \conditionalskip{#1}\@@frozenskip
+ \fi
+ \else\ifdim#1=\zeropoint\else
+ \vskip#1\relax
+ \fi\fi
+ \fi}
+ {\endgraf
+ \ifvmode
+ \getsimplifiedskip\lastskip\scratchcounter
+ \ifcase\scratchcounter
+ \conditionalskip{#1}\@@retainedskip
+ \or % discard
+ \normalvskip-\lastskip
+ \conditionalskip{#1}\@@retainedskip
+ \or % retain
+ \ifdim\lastskip>#1\else
+ \normalvskip-\lastskip
+ \conditionalskip{#1}\@@retainedskip
+ \fi
+ \or % forced
+ \conditionalskip{#1}\@@retainedskip
+ \or % ignored
+ \or % frozen
+ \ifdim\lastskip>#1\else
+ \defrostskip
+ \conditionalskip{#1}\@@frozenskip
+ \fi
+ \else\ifdim#1=\zeropoint\else
+ \vskip#1\relax
+ \fi\fi
+ \fi}
+ {\endgraf
+ \ifvmode
+ \conditionalskip{#1}\@@forcedskip
+ \fi}
+ {\endgraf
+ \ifvmode
+ \getsimplifiedskip\lastskip\scratchcounter
+ \ifcase\scratchcounter
+ \conditionalskip{#1}\@@blockedskip
+ \or % discard
+ \conditionalskip{#1}\@@blockedskip
+ \or % retain
+ \conditionalskip{#1}\@@blockedskip
+ \or % forced
+ \conditionalskip{#1}\@@blockedskip
+ \or % ignored
+ \or % frozen
+ \ifdim\lastskip>#1\else
+ \defrostskip
+ \conditionalskip{#1}\@@frozenskip
+ \fi
+ \else\ifdim#1=\zeropoint\else
+ \vskip#1\relax
+ \fi\fi
+ \fi}
+% beware, changing this will break some code (like pos/backgrounds)
+ {\dodoubleempty\dosetupparagraphintro}
+ {\processallactionsinset
+ [#1]
+ [ \v!reset=>\global\chardef\everyparagraphintro\zerocount
+ \global\everyfirstparagraphintro\emptytoks
+ \global\everynextparagraphintro \emptytoks,
+ \v!first=>\global\chardef\everyparagraphintro\plusone
+ \doglobal\appendtoks#2\to\everyfirstparagraphintro,
+ \v!next=>\ifcase\everyparagraphintro\global\chardef\everyparagraphintro\plusone\fi
+ \doglobal\appendtoks#2\to\everynextparagraphintro,
+ \v!each=>\ifcase\everyparagraphintro\global\chardef\everyparagraphintro\plustwo\fi
+ \doglobal\appendtoks#2\to\everyfirstparagraphintro
+ \doglobal\appendtoks#2\to\everynextparagraphintro]}
+%D We can say:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \setupparagraphintro[first][\index{Knuth}]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Maybe more convenient is:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \flushatparagraph{\index{Zapf}}
+%D \stoptyping
+ {\global\chardef\everyparagraphintro\plusone
+ \global\appendtoks{#1}\to\everyfirstparagraphintro}
+% \def\doinsertparagraphintro
+% {\ifcase\everyparagraphintro\relax
+% % no data
+% \@@everyparagraphtoks\emptytoks
+% \or
+% % first data
+% \global\chardef\everyparagraphintro\plustwo
+% \@@everyparagraphtoks\everyfirstparagraphintro
+% \global\everyfirstparagraphintro\emptytoks
+% \or
+% % next data
+% \@@everyparagraphtoks\everynextparagraphintro
+% \fi
+% \the\@@everyparagraphtoks}
+ {\begingroup
+ \everypar\emptytoks
+ \ifcase\everyparagraphintro\relax
+ % no data
+ \@@everyparagraphtoks\emptytoks
+ \or
+ % first data
+ \global\chardef\everyparagraphintro\plustwo
+ \@@everyparagraphtoks\everyfirstparagraphintro
+ \global\everyfirstparagraphintro\emptytoks
+ \or
+ % next data
+ \@@everyparagraphtoks\everynextparagraphintro
+ \fi
+ \the\@@everyparagraphtoks
+ \endgroup}
+ {\ifcase\everyparagraphintro\else\@EA\doinsertparagraphintro\fi}
+% \appendtoksonce\insertparagraphintro\to\everypar % should come last
+%D \starttyping
+%D \setupparagraphintro[first][\hbox to 3.5em{\tt FIRST \hss}]
+%D \setupparagraphintro[first][\hbox to 3.5em{\tt TSRIF \hss}]
+%D \setupparagraphintro[next] [\hbox to 3.5em{\tt NEXT \hss}]
+%D \setupparagraphintro[next] [\hbox to 3.5em{\tt TXEN \hss}]
+%D \setupparagraphintro[each] [\hbox to 3.0em{\tt EACH \hss}]
+%D \setupparagraphintro[each] [\hbox to 3.0em{\tt HCEA \hss}]
+%D some paragraph \par
+%D some paragraph \par
+%D some paragraph \par
+%D \definelabel[parnumber]
+%D \setupparagraphintro[reset,each][\inleft{\slxx\parnumber}]
+%D some paragraph \par
+%D some paragraph \par
+%D some paragraph \par
+%D \stoptyping
+%D \macros
+%D {flushatnextpar}
+%D This macro collects data that will be flushed at the next paragraph.
+%D By using this macro you can avoid interfering nodes (writes, etc).
+\newbox \postponednodedata
+ {\bgroup
+ \dowithnextbox
+ {\global\setbox\postponednodedata\hbox{\box\postponednodedata\box\nextbox}\egroup}%
+ \hbox}
+ {\ifvoid\postponednodedata\else
+ \hbox{\smashedbox\postponednodedata}%
+ \fi}
+% Very nasty but needed for margin stuff inside colored
+% paragraphs.
+% \def\graphicvadjust % bad, those low level color calls here
+% {\dowithnextbox
+% {\normalvadjust
+% {\dostartgraphicgroup
+% \localstarttextcolor
+% \unvbox\nextbox
+% \localstoptextcolor
+% \dostopgraphicgroup}}%
+% \vbox}
+% test this prikkels/pascal margin text before heads (mode
+% 1) as well as uitwerkingen (mode 2)
+%chardef\graphicvadjustmode=0 % fake
+%chardef\graphicvadjustmode=1 % normal
+\chardef\graphicvadjustmode=2 % normal + compensate (== default)
+\def\graphicvadjust % bad, those low level color calls here
+ {\dowithnextboxcontent
+ {\forgetall}
+ {\ifcase\graphicvadjustmode \@EA \fakedvadjust \else \@EA\normalvadjust \fi
+ {\dostartgraphicgroup % don't ask
+ \localstarttextcolor
+ \unvbox\nextbox
+ \localstoptextcolor % don't ask
+ \dostopgraphicgroup
+ \ifcase\graphicvadjustmode \or \or
+ % corrects for one line paragraphs
+ \nointerlineskip
+ \kern-\struttotal
+ \nointerlineskip
+ \verticalstrut
+ \fi}}%
+ \vbox}
+%D This works only in a properly strutted line, and is meant
+%D for deeply burried operations, like in heads.
+ {\dowithnextbox
+ {\setbox\nextbox\hbox{\llap{\lower\strutdepth\box\nextbox}}%
+ \smashedbox\nextbox}%
+ \vtop}
+ {#1\interwordspace
+ \!!plus#2\interwordstretch
+ \!!minus#3\interwordshrink}
+ {#1\interwordspace}
+%D This is a dangerous feature because it makes the \TEX\ source
+%D less portable, i.e. any parser now needs to apply exactly the
+%D same algorithm when it wants to interpret the source. We
+%D strongly recommend not to mention this feature in manuals! It's
+%D provided for users who are hooked to such a mechanism.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \setupsorting[logo][next=\autoinsertnextspace] \logo[TEX]{\TeX}
+%D bla bla \TEX bla bla \TEX (bla) bla (\TEX)
+%D \stoptyping
+\def\doautoinsertnextspace % slightly extended version of a user supplied macro
+ {\ifx\nexttoken \bgroup\else \ifx\nexttoken\begingroup\else
+ \ifx\nexttoken \egroup\else \ifx\nexttoken \endgroup\else
+ \ifx\nexttoken \/\else \ifx\nexttoken /\else \ifx\nexttoken ~\else
+ \ifx\nexttoken \ \else \ifx\nexttoken \blankspace\else \ifx\nexttoken \space\else
+ \ifx\nexttoken .\else \ifx\nexttoken ,\else
+ \ifx\nexttoken !\else \ifx\nexttoken ?\else
+ \ifx\nexttoken :\else \ifx\nexttoken ;\else
+ \ifx\nexttoken '\else \ifx\nexttoken "\else
+ \ifx\nexttoken )\else \ifx\nexttoken -\else \ifx\nexttoken |\else
+ \ifx\nexttoken \%\else \ifx\nexttoken \&\else
+ \space
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi}
+% moved from page-lin
+\def\installspacehandler#1#2% needs to set \obeyedspace
+ {\setvalue{\??sr#1}{#2}}
+\installspacehandler \v!on
+ {\obeyspaces
+ \def\obeyedspace{\mathortext\normalspace{\dontleavehmode{\tt\controlspace}}}%
+ \let\ =\obeyedspace}
+\installspacehandler \v!yes
+ {\obeyspaces
+ \def\obeyedspace{\mathortext\normalspace{\dontleavehmode \normalspace }}%
+ \let\ =\obeyedspace}
+\installspacehandler \v!off % == default
+ {\normalspaces
+ \let\obeyedspace\normalspace
+ \let\ =\normalspaceprimitive} % was \normalspace
+\installspacehandler \v!fixed
+ {\obeyspaces
+ \def\obeyedspace{\mathortext\normalspace{\dontleavehmode\fixedspace}}%
+ \let\ =\obeyedspace}
+ {\executeifdefined{\??sr#1}{\activatespacehandler\v!off}}
+% moved from page-lin
+%D When spacing is active we need to handle commands in
+%D a special way:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \setuplines[space=on]
+%D \startlines
+%D Let's talk about this{\ttsl\gobbleoneargument or}that.
+%D \stoplines
+%D \startlines
+%D Let's talk about this{\getvalue{ttsl}or}that.
+%D \stoplines
+%D \stoptyping
+%D One can indent in several ways:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \setupindenting[medium] \setuplines[indenting=odd] % no yes odd even
+%D \startlines
+%D first
+%D second
+%D third
+%D fourth
+%D \stoplines
+%D \stoptyping
+ {\dodoubleargument\getparameters[\??rg]}
+ {\@@rgbefore
+ \pushmacro\checkindentation
+ \whitespace
+ %\page[\v!preference]} gaat mis na koppen, nieuw: later \nobreak
+ \begingroup
+ \setupindenting[\@@rgindenting]%
+ \typesettinglinestrue
+ \setupwhitespace[\v!none]%
+ \obeylines
+ \ignorespaces
+ \gdef\afterfirstobeyedline % tzt two pass, net als opsomming
+ {\gdef\afterfirstobeyedline
+ {\nobreak
+ \doifnot\@@rgoption\v!packed{\global\let\afterfirstobeyedline\relax}}}%
+ \def\obeyedline
+ {\par
+ \futurelet\next\dobetweenthelines}%
+ \activatespacehandler\@@rgspace
+ \GotoPar}
+ {\endgroup
+ \popmacro\checkindentation
+ \@@rgafter}
+ {\doifmeaningelse\next\obeyedline
+ {\@@rginbetween}
+ {\afterfirstobeyedline}}
+ [\c!option=,
+ \c!before=\blank,
+ \c!after=\blank,
+ \c!inbetween=\blank,
+ \c!indenting=\v!no,
+ \c!space=\v!default]
+ {\dosingleempty\doemptylines}
+ {\endgraf\dorecurse{\iffirstargument#1\else3\fi}\crlf}
+ [\v!none]
+% still old-fashioned
+ [\v!never]
+ [\v!none]
+ [\v!standard,
+ \v!big]
+\defineblank[\v!default] [\currentblank]
+\defineblank[\v!before] [\v!default]
+\defineblank[\v!after] [\v!before]
+ [\c!minheight=0pt, % only special purpose
+ \c!mindepth=0pt, % only special purpose
+ \c!height=.72,
+ \c!depth=.28,
+ \c!top=1.0,
+ \c!bottom=0.4,
+ \c!distance=1pt,
+ \c!line=2.8ex,
+ \c!stretch=0]
+ [\c!before=\endgraf,
+ \c!after=\endgraf,
+ \c!left=1.5em,
+ \c!right=1.5em,
+ \c!middle=1.5em]
+ [\v!horizontal,\v!verystrict]
+ [\v!vertical,\v!strict]
+ [\v!bottom,
+ \v!width]
+ [\v!packed]
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/spac-grd.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/spac-grd.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..97699de51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/spac-grd.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,1074 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=core-grd,
+%D version=1998.03.10,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Core Macros,
+%D subtitle=Grid Snapping (Experimental),
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Core Macros / Grid Snapping}
+%D Moved from supp-box:
+%D \macros
+%D {startbaselinecorrection,baselinecorrection,
+%D showbaselinecorrection,offbaselinecorrection}
+%D Spacing around ruled boxes can get pretty messed up. The
+%D next macro tries as good as possible to fix this.
+%D \startbuffer[1]
+%D \startbaselinecorrection
+%D \ruledhbox{Rule Brittanica}
+%D \stopbaselinecorrection
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer[1]
+%D The macros put some white space around the box:
+%D \getbuffer[1]
+%D A simple alternative is \type {\baselinecorrection}, which
+%D only looks at the previous line.
+%D \startbuffer[2]
+%D \baselinecorrection
+%D \ruledhbox{Rule Brittanica}
+%D \baselinecorrection
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer[2]
+%D This time the last preceding line gets a correction,%
+%D dependant on the depth.
+%D \getbuffer[2]
+%D One can make the correction visible by saying \type
+%D {\showbaselinecorrection}. Part of the correction is
+%D calculated from the dimensions of a~(. One can disble the
+%D correction by calling \type {\offbaselinecorrection}.
+%D When visualize the first example looks like:
+%D {\showbaselinecorrection\getbuffer[1]}
+%D and the second one comes out as:
+%D {\showbaselinecorrection\getbuffer[2]}
+% \definecolor[GridLineColor][red]
+% \definecolor[GridTextColor][blue]
+ [grid]
+ [ one=red,
+ two=green,
+ three=blue,
+ four=gray]
+ {\setbox0\hbox{\setstrut\strut}%
+ \setbox2\hbox{(}%
+ \dimen0\ht0\advance\dimen0 -\ht2
+ \ifdim\dimen0<\zeropoint\dimen0\zeropoint\fi
+ \dimen2\dp0\advance\dimen2 -\dp2
+ \ifdim\dimen2<\zeropoint\dimen2\zeropoint\fi
+ \edef\thetopbaselinecorrection {\the\dimen0}\dimen0-\dimen0
+ \edef\thebotbaselinecorrection {\the\dimen2}\dimen2-\dimen2
+ \edef\thenegtopbaselinecorrection{\the\dimen0}%
+ \edef\thenegbotbaselinecorrection{\the\dimen2}}
+\def\dotopbaselinecorrection {\kern\thetopbaselinecorrection}
+\def\dobotbaselinecorrection {\kern\thebotbaselinecorrection}
+ {\def\dobaselinecorrection % visualization is not watertight!
+ {\bgroup
+ \setbox0\null
+ \wd0\hsize
+ \dp0\strutdp
+ \nointerlineskip
+ \forgetall
+ \ruledvbox{\box0}%
+ \egroup
+ \prevdepth\strutdp}%
+ \def\dotopbaselinecorrection
+ {\hrule\!!height\thetopbaselinecorrection}%
+ \def\dobotbaselinecorrection
+ {\hrule\!!height\thebotbaselinecorrection}}
+ {\ifdim\prevdepth>\zeropoint\kern-\prevdepth\fi
+ \kern\strutdp
+ \prevdepth\strutdp}
+% \def\baselinecorrection
+% {\endgraf
+% \ifvmode
+% \ifdim\prevdepth<\maxdimen
+% \ifdim\prevdepth<\zeropoint \else
+% \ifdim\prevdepth<\strutdp
+% \dobaselinecorrection
+% \fi
+% \fi
+% \fi
+% \fi}
+ {\endgraf
+ \ifvmode
+ \ifdim\prevdepth<\maxdimen
+ \ifdim\prevdepth<\zeropoint \else
+ \ifdim\prevdepth<\strutdepth \relax
+ \pushlastnode
+ \dobaselinecorrection
+ \poplastnode
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+ {\ifdim\pagegoal<\maxdimen
+ \ifdim\pagetotal>\lineheight % or \topskip
+ \scratchdimen\pagetotal
+ \advance\scratchdimen\lineheight
+ \ifdim\scratchdimen<\pagegoal
+ \baselinecorrection
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+% Beware, keep this one as it is, see for instance module
+% m-steps.tex, where we apply a \localhsize to the \vbox, in
+% order to follow narrower and side floats !
+% \def\startbaselinecorrection
+% {\baselinecorrection
+% \ifvmode
+% \bgroup
+% \setbox\scratchbox\vbox\bgroup
+% \ignorespaces
+% \let\stopbaselinecorrection\dostopbaselinecorrection
+% \else
+% \let\stopbaselinecorrection\relax
+% \fi}
+% \def\dostopbaselinecorrection % I have to check columns yet.
+% {\endgraf
+% \egroup
+% \topbaselinecorrection
+% \box\scratchbox
+% \botbaselinecorrection
+% \egroup}
+% \let\stopbaselinecorrection=\relax
+ {\bgroup
+ \let\stopbaselinecorrection\egroup
+ \ifcase\baselinecorrectionmode
+ \or % normal
+ \baselinecorrection
+ \ifvmode
+ \setbox\scratchbox\vbox\bgroup\ignorespaces
+ \let\stopbaselinecorrection\donormalstopbaselinecorrection
+ \fi
+ \or % off
+ \or % force
+ \baselinecorrection
+ \ifvmode
+ \setbox\scratchbox\vbox\bgroup\ignorespaces
+ \let\stopbaselinecorrection\doforcedstopbaselinecorrection
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+\def\donormalstopbaselinecorrection % I have to check columns yet.
+ {\egroup
+ \topbaselinecorrection
+ \box\scratchbox
+ \botbaselinecorrection
+ \egroup}
+\def\doforcedstopbaselinecorrection % I have to check columns yet.
+ {\egroup
+ \forcedtopbaselinecorrection
+ \box\scratchbox
+ \forcedbotbaselinecorrection
+ \egroup}
+%D We do a bit more checking than needed. The pageborder check
+%D is not needed, but I want to look the visualization as good
+%D as possible too.
+% \def\offbaselinecorrection % Can be used inside correction.
+% {\def\startbaselinecorrection{\bgroup\let\stopbaselinecorrection\egroup}}
+\def\onbaselinecorrection {\chardef\baselinecorrectionmode\plusone }
+\def\offbaselinecorrection {\chardef\baselinecorrectionmode\plustwo }
+%D \macros
+%D {topbaselinecorrection,botbaselinecorrection}
+%D The actual top and bottom corrections are implemented as:
+% \def\topbaselinecorrection
+% {\ifvmode \ifdim\pagegoal<\maxdimen
+% \bgroup
+% \setbaselinecorrections
+% \whitespace
+% \nointerlineskip
+% \dotopbaselinecorrection
+% \egroup
+% \fi \fi}
+ {\ifvmode \ifdim\pagegoal<\maxdimen
+ \forcedtopbaselinecorrection
+ \fi \fi}
+ {\ifvmode
+ \bgroup
+ \setbaselinecorrections
+ \whitespace
+ \nointerlineskip
+ \dotopbaselinecorrection
+ \egroup
+ \fi}
+ {\ifvmode
+ \bgroup
+ \setbaselinecorrections
+ \dobotbaselinecorrection
+ \allowbreak % new, otherwise problems when many in a row
+ \prevdepth\strutdp
+ \egroup
+ \fi}
+%D Still very experimental and therefore undocumented.
+\newif\ifgridsnapping % UNDER DEVELOPMENT, USE WITH CARE
+\newif\ifforcepresnap \forcepresnaptrue % false in mixed single/double
+\newif\ifstrutsnapping \strutsnappingtrue % sometimes handy to be false
+\def\positiveextrasnap {\gdef\extrasnapsign{+}}
+\def\negativeextrasnap {\gdef\extrasnapsign{-}}
+\def\extrasnapreset {\global\chardef\@@extrasnap0
+ \positiveextrasnap}
+\def\extrasnapbefore {\global\chardef\@@extrasnap1 }
+\def\extrasnaparound {\global\chardef\@@extrasnap2 }
+\def\extrasnapafter {\global\chardef\@@extrasnap3 }
+\def\enablepresnapcorrection {\global\chardef\@@presnap\zerocount}
+\def\disablepresnapcorrection {\global\chardef\@@presnap\plusone}
+\extrasnapreset \enablepresnapcorrection
+ {\tracegridsnappingtrue
+ \showgridboxestrue}
+\chardef\@@alignsnap =0
+\chardef\@@alignsnapbox =0
+\let\presnapskip \!!zeropoint \def\presnap {-}
+\let\postsnapskip\!!zeropoint \let\postsnap\presnap
+ {\iftracegridsnapping
+ \llap
+ {\startlayoutcomponent{gridsnaps}{grid snaps}%
+ \infofont
+ \global\advance\currentgridsnap\plusone
+ \color[grid:three]{\vl\presnapskip
+ \vl\presnap
+ \vl\postsnap
+ \ifcase\@@alignsnapbox\relax
+ \vl\ifcase\@@extrasnap
+ 00\or
+ \extrasnapsign0\or
+ \extrasnapsign\extrasnapsign\or
+ 0\extrasnapsign\fi
+ \fi
+ \vl\the\currentgridsnap\vl}%
+ \stoplayoutcomponent}%
+ \fi}
+\def\snaptogrid% [#1]#2 -> #2 == \hbox|\vbox
+ {\dosingleempty\dosnaptogrid}
+% \def\dosnaptogrid[#1]%
+% {\ifgridsnapping
+% \iffirstargument\doifsomething{#1}{\verplaatsopgrid[#1]}\fi
+% \expandafter\dodosnaptogrid
+% \fi}
+% \def\dosnaptogrid[#1]%
+% {\resetlastlinewidth % maybe in more places, otherwise spacing gets messed up
+% \ifgridsnapping
+% \iffirstargument\doifsomething{#1}{\moveongrid[#1]}\fi
+% \expandafter\dodosnaptogrid
+% \fi}
+ {\resetlastlinewidth % maybe in more places, otherwise spacing gets messed up
+ \doifinsetelse\v!force{#1}%
+ {\moveongrid[#1]%
+ \dodosnaptogrid}
+ {\ifgridsnapping
+ \doifsomething{#1}{\moveongrid[#1]}%
+ \expandafter\dodosnaptogrid
+ \fi}}
+% \def\forcedpresnapcorrection % test this on 'details'
+% {\ifforcepresnap
+% \ifvmode \else \par \fi % new
+% % we don't want top of page space when 'top' option
+% %\verticalstrut\nobreak\vskip-\struttotal
+% %\verticalstrut\vskip-\struttotal
+% % nobreak really needed
+% \allowbreak\verticalstrut\nobreak\vskip-\struttotal
+% %\ifdim\pagetotal>\topskip \else
+% % eigenlijk signal
+% %\writestatus{grid}{removing dummy at top of page}%
+% %\bgroup
+% %\output{\setbox\scratchbox\box255}%
+% %\penalty\outputpenalty
+% %\egroup
+% %\fi
+% \fi}
+\def\forcedpresnapcorrection % test this on 'details'
+ {\ifforcepresnap
+ \ifvmode \else \par \fi % new
+ % we don't want top of page space when 'top' option
+ % \verticalstrut\nobreak\vskip-\struttotal
+ % \verticalstrut\vskip-\struttotal
+ % \nobreak really needed
+ % \dosomebreak\allowbreak % no: spoils heads, so only under know situation, not in snapper
+ \verticalstrut
+ \nobreak
+ \vskip-\struttotal
+ %\ifdim\pagetotal>\topskip \else
+ % eigenlijk signal
+ %\writestatus{grid}{removing dummy at top of page}%
+ %\bgroup
+ %\output{\setbox\scratchbox\box255}%
+ %\penalty\outputpenalty
+ %\egroup
+ %\fi
+ \fi}
+\def\setgridtracebox#1[#2]% % maybe reverse the order
+ {\setbox\nextbox#1%
+ {\hbox
+ {\hbox to \zeropoint
+ {\startlayoutcomponent{gridsnaps}{grid snaps}%
+ \color[grid:#2]{\ruledhbox{\fakebox\nextbox}}%
+ \stoplayoutcomponent
+ \hss}%
+ \flushnextbox}}}
+\newif\ifboxedsnapping \boxedsnappingtrue
+\chardef\depthsnapmethod \plusone % downward compatible, minus one line
+\chardef\heightsnapmethod\plusone % downward compatible, minus one line
+ {\dowithnextbox
+ {\bgroup
+ \ifcase\@@alignsnapmethod \or
+ % we're dealing with text with a possible big depth/height
+ \chardef\depthsnapmethod \plustwo
+ \chardef\heightsnapmethod\plustwo
+ \fi
+ \ifdim\nextboxht<\textheight % handle special case (like page fig)
+ \ifcase\@@alignsnapbox\relax
+ \ifcase\@@alignsnap\else % 1=top 2=high 3=middle 4=low
+ \ifshowgridboxes
+ \setgridtracebox\hbox[two]%
+ \fi
+ %\getnoflines{\nextboxht}%
+ \getnoflines\nextboxht
+ \setbox\nextbox\vbox to \noflines\lineheight
+ {\ifnum\@@alignsnap=1 \kern\lineheight\kern-\topskip\fi
+ \ifnum\@@alignsnap>2 \vfill\fi
+ \flushnextbox
+ \ifnum\@@alignsnap<4 \vfill\fi}%
+ \fi
+ \ifshowgridboxes
+ \setgridtracebox\hbox[three]%
+ \fi
+ \forgetall
+ \par
+ \ifvbox\nextbox
+ \setbox\nextbox\hbox{\flushnextbox}% don't ask
+ \fi
+ \scratchskip\lastskip
+ \edef\presnapskip{\the\lastskip}%
+ % mixing single/double columns sometimes goes wrong,
+ % check 'som' document
+ \ifinsidecolumns
+ \forcepresnaptrue
+ \fi
+ \forcedpresnapcorrection
+ \ifdim\nextboxht>\strutht
+ \scratchdimen\nextboxht
+ \ifcase\@@presnap\relax
+ \ifdim\scratchskip>\zeropoint\relax
+ \scratchcounter\scratchskip
+ \advance\scratchcounter -\openlineheight
+ \ifnum\scratchcounter<0
+ \scratchcounter-\scratchcounter
+ \fi
+ \ifnum\scratchcounter<10 % \lastkip is about \openlineheight
+ \advance\scratchdimen -\openstrutdepth
+ \edef\presnapskip{*\presnapskip}%
+ \else\ifdim\scratchskip>\openlineheight
+ %<\openlineheight \else
+ \advance\scratchdimen -\openstrutdepth
+ \edef\presnapskip{*\presnapskip}%
+ \fi\fi
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ % \getnoflines\scratchdimen % maybe raw ?
+ % \advance\noflines -1
+ \ifcase\heightsnapmethod
+ % raw
+ \or
+ \advance\scratchdimen-\lineheight % tight (default)
+ \or
+ \advance\scratchdimen-\strutheight % fit (text)
+ \or
+ \advance\scratchdimen-\strutheight % tolerant
+ \advance\scratchdimen-\roundingeps
+ \fi
+ \getnoflines\scratchdimen
+ \ifnum\noflines>0
+ \scratchdimen\noflines\lineheight
+ \else
+ \scratchdimen\zeropoint
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \scratchdimen\zeropoint
+ \fi
+ \ifnum\@@extrasnap=1 \advance\scratchdimen \extrasnapsign \lineheight \fi
+ \ifnum\@@extrasnap=2 \advance\scratchdimen \extrasnapsign.5\lineheight \fi
+ \edef\presnap{\the\scratchdimen}%
+ \ifstrutsnapping
+ \ifboxedsnapping
+ \getrawnoflines\scratchdimen
+ \advance\scratchdimen-\noflines\lineheight
+ \vskip\scratchdimen % disappears at top of page
+ \dorecurse\noflines{\verticalstrut\nobreak}%
+ \else \ifdim\scratchdimen=\zeropoint
+ % nothing to skip
+ \else % disappears at top of page
+ \vskip\scratchdimen
+ \fi \fi
+ \fi
+ \ifdim\nextboxdp>\strutdp
+ % \getnoflines\nextboxdp
+ % \advance\noflines \minusone
+ \scratchdimen\nextboxdp\relax
+ \ifcase\depthsnapmethod
+ % raw
+ \or
+ \advance\scratchdimen-\lineheight % tight (default)
+ \or
+ \advance\scratchdimen-\strutdepth % fit (text)
+ \or
+ \advance\scratchdimen-\strutdepth % tolerant
+ \advance\scratchdimen-\roundingeps
+ \fi
+ \getnoflines\scratchdimen
+ \ifnum\noflines>0
+ \scratchdimen\noflines\lineheight
+ \else
+ \scratchdimen\zeropoint
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \scratchdimen\zeropoint
+ \fi
+ \ifnum\@@extrasnap=2 \advance\scratchdimen \extrasnapsign.5\lineheight \fi
+ \ifnum\@@extrasnap=3 \advance\scratchdimen \extrasnapsign \lineheight \fi
+ \edef\postsnap{\the\scratchdimen}%
+ \ifstrutsnapping
+ \nextboxht\strutht
+ \nextboxdp\strutdp
+ \else
+ \scratchdimen\presnap
+ \advance\scratchdimen \strutht
+ \nextboxht\scratchdimen
+ \scratchdimen\postsnap
+ \advance\scratchdimen \strutdp
+ \nextboxdp\scratchdimen
+ \fi
+ \hbox{\tracedsnapping\flushnextbox}%
+ \ifstrutsnapping
+ \ifdim\scratchdimen=\zeropoint\else\vskip\scratchdimen\fi
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \scratchdimen\nextboxht\relax
+ \ifcase\@@alignsnapbox
+ % can't happen here
+ \or
+ \getrawnoflines\scratchdimen
+ \else
+ \getnoflines \scratchdimen
+ \fi
+ \scratchdimen\noflines\lineheight\relax
+ \advance\scratchdimen-\strutdepth
+ % spoils the whole game (fit/broad/line)
+ % \ifnum\pagetotal>\zeropoint \else % disable this as option
+ % \advance\scratchdimen-\strutheight
+ % \advance\scratchdimen+\topskip
+ % \fi
+ \dimen0=\scratchdimen
+ \dimen2=\strutdepth
+ \ifshowgridboxes
+ \setgridtracebox\hbox[two]%
+ \fi
+ \nextboxdp\strutdp
+ \dimen4=\nextboxht
+ \dimen6=\nextboxdp
+ \iftracegridsnapping
+ \setbox\scratchbox\hbox
+ {\scratchdimen\@@alignsnapamount\relax
+ \ifdim\scratchdimen<\zeropoint
+ \tracedgridamount\zeropoint{-\scratchdimen}%
+ \else
+ \tracedgridamount\scratchdimen\zeropoint
+ \fi}%
+ \smashbox\scratchbox
+ \setbox\nextbox\hbox{\box\scratchbox\flushnextbox}%
+ \fi
+ \setbox\nextbox\hbox
+ {\scratchdimen\@@alignsnapamount\relax
+ \ifcase\@@alignsnapdepth\or
+ % don't change this ever !
+ \ifdim\dimen0<\lineheight
+ % otherwise it is ok, but ending up inside
+ % the next paragraph is seldom what we want,
+ % so we move one line up
+ \advance\scratchdimen-\lineheight
+ \advance\scratchdimen\strutheight
+ \else
+ % otherwise we can move down to the
+ % baseline
+ \advance\scratchdimen\dimen6 % == \strutdepth
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \lower\scratchdimen\flushnextbox}%
+ \nextboxht\dimen4
+ \nextboxdp\dimen6
+ \ifnum\@@alignsnap<4 % 4 = regel
+ \setbox\nextbox\vbox to \scratchdimen
+ {\forgetall
+ \ifnum\@@alignsnap>2 \vfill\fi % 3 4
+ \flushnextbox
+ \nointerlineskip % \offinterlineskip
+ \ifnum\@@alignsnap<4 \vfill\fi % 2 3
+ \kern\zeropoint}%
+ \fi
+ \ifshowgridboxes
+ \setgridtracebox\vbox[three]%
+ \fi
+ \scratchdimen\@@alignsnapamount
+ \edef\presnapskip{\the\scratchdimen}%
+ \ifnum\@@alignsnap>2 \def\presnap {+}\fi
+ \ifnum\@@alignsnap<4 \def\postsnap{+}\fi
+ \setbox\nextbox\hbox{\tracedsnapping\flushnextbox}%
+ \par
+ \nextboxht\dimen0
+ \nextboxdp\dimen2
+ \forcedpresnapcorrection
+ \nointerlineskip
+ \flushnextbox
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \setbox\nextbox\vbox to \textheight
+ {\ifdim\nextboxdp=\zeropoint
+ \hbox{\lower\strutdepth\flushnextbox}
+ \else % this branch is yet untested
+ \vss
+ \hbox{\lower\nextboxdp\flushnextbox}
+ \vskip-\strutdepth
+ \fi}%
+ \nextboxdp\strutdepth
+ \flushnextbox
+ \fi
+ \extrasnapreset
+ \enablepresnapcorrection
+ \global\chardef\@@alignsnap\zerocount
+ \global\chardef\@@alignsnapbox\zerocount
+ \egroup}}
+ {\startlayoutcomponent{gridsnaps}{grid snaps}%
+ \color[grid:four]{\vrule\!!width\nextboxwd\!!height#1\!!depth#2}%
+ \stoplayoutcomponent}
+\def\snaptomathgrid % probably not working ok, also kind of obsolete
+ {\ifgridsnapping
+ \dowithnextbox
+ {\blank[\v!line]\snaptogrid\vbox{\flushnextbox}\blank[\v!line]}
+ \vbox\bgroup
+ \forgetdisplayskips
+ \@EA\let\@EA\next
+ \fi}
+ {\ifgridsnapping
+ \dowithnextbox
+ {\scratchdimen\nextboxht
+ \advance\scratchdimen -\strutht
+ \advance\scratchdimen \topskip
+ \nextboxht\scratchdimen
+ \nextboxdp\zeropoint
+ \flushnextbox
+ \kern\lineheight
+ \kern-\topskip
+ \nointerlineskip}
+ \hbox
+ \fi}
+% \def\centertogrid % meant for special situations
+% {\ifgridsnapping
+% \dowithnextboxcontent
+% {\ignorespaces}
+% {\bgroup
+% \par
+% \scratchdimen\nextboxht
+% \advance\scratchdimen \nextboxdp
+% \getnoflines\scratchdimen
+% \setbox\nextbox\vbox to \noflines\lineheight
+% {\forgetall
+% \vskip\zeropoint \!!plus \nextboxht
+% \copy\nextbox
+% \kern.5\strutdp % VOORLOPIGE WAARDE
+% \vskip\zeropoint \!!plus \nextboxdp}%
+% \noindent\snaptogrid\vbox{\flushnextbox}%
+% \egroup}
+% \vbox % was \hbox
+% \fi}
+% The next implementation is sub-optimal
+% \def\centertogrid % usage: see ie pascal / stepcharts
+% {\snaptogrid[\v!midden,.5\strutdp]\vbox}
+\def\centertogrid % meant for special situations
+ {\ifgridsnapping
+ \dowithnextboxcontent
+ {\ignorespaces}
+ {\bgroup
+ \par
+ \scratchdimen\nextboxht
+ \advance\scratchdimen \nextboxdp
+ \getnoflines\scratchdimen
+ \setbox\nextbox\vbox to \noflines\lineheight
+ {\forgetall
+ \vss
+ \topbaselinecorrection
+ \copy\nextbox
+ \botbaselinecorrection
+ \vss}%
+ \setbox\nextbox\hbox{\lower\strutdp\flushnextbox}%
+ \forgeteverypar % new per 3/4/2008, prevents duplicate pos nodes resulting in extra whitespace
+ \noindent\snaptogrid\vbox{\flushnextbox}%
+ \egroup}
+ \vbox % was \hbox
+ \fi}
+% testbed for \centertogrid
+% \strut Bruggetje
+% \startlinecorrection
+% \startcombination
+% {\framed{test}} {} {\framed{test}} {}
+% \stopcombination
+% \stoplinecorrection
+% \strut Bruggetje
+% \startlinecorrection
+% \startcombination[2*2]
+% {\framed{test}} {} {\framed{test}} {}
+% {\framed{test}} {} {\framed{test}} {}
+% \stopcombination
+% \stoplinecorrection
+% \strut Bruggetje
+% \startlinecorrection[blank]
+% \startcombination
+% {\framed{test}} {} {\framed{test}} {}
+% \stopcombination
+% \stoplinecorrection
+% \strut Bruggetje
+% \startlinecorrection[blank]
+% \startcombination[2*2]
+% {\framed{test}} {} {\framed{test}} {}
+% {\framed{test}} {} {\framed{test}} {}
+% \stopcombination
+% \stoplinecorrection
+% \strut Bruggetje
+% \startlinecorrection
+% \startcombination
+% {\framed[lines=1]{test}} {} {\framed[lines=1]{test}} {}
+% \stopcombination
+% \stoplinecorrection
+% \strut Bruggetje
+% \startlinecorrection
+% \startcombination[2*2]
+% {\framed[lines=1]{test}} {} {\framed[lines=1]{test}} {}
+% {\framed[lines=1]{test}} {} {\framed[lines=1]{test}} {}
+% \stopcombination
+% \stoplinecorrection
+% \strut Bruggetje
+% \startlinecorrection[blank]
+% \startcombination
+% {\framed[lines=1]{test}} {} {\framed[lines=1]{test}} {}
+% \stopcombination
+% \stoplinecorrection
+% \strut Bruggetje
+% \startlinecorrection[blank]
+% \startcombination[2*2]
+% {\framed[lines=1]{test}} {} {\framed[lines=1]{test}} {}
+% {\framed[lines=1]{test}} {} {\framed[lines=1]{test}} {}
+% \stopcombination
+% \stoplinecorrection
+\ifx\startbaselinecorrection\undefined \wait \fi % change order
+ {\ifgridsnapping
+ \centertogrid\bgroup
+ \let\stopbaselinecorrection\egroup
+ \else
+ \normalstartbaselinecorrection
+ \fi}
+\chardef\gridboxlinemode \plusone % 0:nothing 1:all 2:lines 3:frame
+\def\gridboxvbox {\ifcase\gridboxlinemode\vbox\or\ruledvbox\or\vbox\or\ruledvbox\else\ruledvbox\fi}
+ {\setbox#1\gridboxvbox to #3 % given size
+ {\forgetall
+ \resetteststrut
+ \offinterlineskip
+ \hsize#2%
+ \baselinerulefalse
+ \gridboxvbox % calculated size
+ {\getrawnoflines{#3}% \getnoflines{#3}%
+ \vskip\topskip
+ \vskip-\strutht
+ \scratchdimen#2\advance\scratchdimen \lineheight
+ \dorecurse\noflines
+ {\strut
+ \hskip-.5\lineheight
+ \ifcase\gridboxlinenomode\or
+ \rlap
+ {\hskip.2\bodyfontsize\hskip\scratchdimen
+ \infofont\hbox to 1em{\hss\recurselevel}}%
+ \or
+ \llap
+ {\infofont\hbox to 1em{\hss\recurselevel}%
+ \hskip.2\bodyfontsize}%
+ \fi
+ \vrule
+ \!!height \gridboxwidth
+ \!!depth \gridboxwidth
+ \!!width \scratchdimen
+ \par}}
+ \vfill}}
+%D Some intervention macros:
+\def\gridwarning#1{\message{[beware of #1 extra snap]}}
+ {\global\chardef\@@alignsnapbox\plusthree
+ \global\let\@@alignsnapamount\commalistelement}
+ {\ifgridsnapping\doifsomething{#1}{\dodomoveongrid[#1]}\fi}
+\def\dodomoveongrid[#1]% some day : speed up
+ {\global\chardef\@@alignsnap\zerocount
+ \global\chardef\@@alignsnapbox\zerocount
+ \global\chardef\@@alignsnapdepth\zerocount
+ \global\chardef\@@alignsnapmethod\zerocount
+ \global\let\@@alignsnapamount\!!zeropoint
+ \donefalse
+ \expanded{\processallactionsinset[#1]}
+ [\v!standard=>,
+ \v!normal=>, % to be sure
+ \v!yes=>, % to be sure
+ \v!top=>\gridwarning+\positiveextrasnap\extrasnapbefore,
+ \v!bottom=>\gridwarning+\positiveextrasnap\extrasnapafter,
+ \v!both=>\positiveextrasnap\extrasnaparound,
+ -\v!top=>\gridwarning-\negativeextrasnap\extrasnapbefore,
+ -\v!bottom=>\gridwarning-\negativeextrasnap\extrasnapafter,
+ -\v!both=>\negativeextrasnap\extrasnaparound,
+ \v!text=>\global\chardef\@@alignsnapmethod\plusone, % accurate calculations
+ \v!page=>\global\chardef\@@alignsnap\plusone, % topskip
+ \v!high=>\global\chardef\@@alignsnap\plustwo,
+ \v!middle=>\global\chardef\@@alignsnap\plusthree,
+ \v!low=>\global\chardef\@@alignsnap\plusfour,
+ \v!fit=>\global\chardef\@@alignsnapbox\plusone, % new
+ \v!broad=>\global\chardef\@@alignsnapbox\plustwo, % new
+ \v!depth=>\global\chardef\@@alignsnapdepth\plusone, % new
+ \v!line=>\global\chardef\@@alignsnapbox\plusthree
+% \global\chardef\@@alignsnapdepth\plusone
+ \global\chardef\@@alignsnap\plusfour,
+ \v!reset=>\positiveextrasnap\extrasnapreset,
+ \v!none=>\global\chardef\@@alignsnap\zerocount
+ \global\chardef\@@alignsnapbox\zerocount,
+ \v!force=>, % turns on grid snapping even when not on
+ \s!default=>,
+ \s!unknown=>\@@unknowngriddisplacement]}
+ {\dosingleempty\domoveongrid}
+ {\domoveongrid[#1]\snaptogrid\vbox}
+ {\dosingleempty\doplaceongrid}
+%D Snapping is rather robust as long as we use whole lines.
+%D Half lines of white space can however be handled when they
+%D come in pairs. The corrections needed when crossing page
+%D boundaries in the middle of such a pair, are handled by
+%D macros that are (named) sort of fuzzy. This fuzzy mechanism
+%D was written as an extension to the grid typesetting needed
+%D for typesetting (part of) the \MAPS.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \setuptyping
+%D [before={\blank[halfline]},
+%D after={\blank[halfline]}]
+%D \stoptyping
+\newif \iffuzzyvskip
+\newif \iffuzzysnapdone
+\newif \iffuzzysnapping
+\newif \iffuzzysnapped
+\chardef \fuzzysnappedleft=0 % ==1 when fuzzybegin still open
+\newpersistentmark\fuzzymark % (!)
+\newcount \fuzzymarker
+\newbox \fuzzysnapbox
+\newbox \fuzzysnapsplit
+ {\ifvmode\ifdim\lastskip<\lineheight\ifdim\lastskip>\zeropoint
+ \bgroup % - added 28/2/2003: check this, there was no -
+ \endgraf\forgetall\verticalstrut\nobreak\vskip-\struttotal
+ \egroup
+ \fi\fi\fi}
+ {\iffuzzysnapdone
+ \dosyncfuzzyvskip % NEWER
+ \endfuzzysnapping
+ \vskip#1\relax
+ \global\fuzzysnapdonefalse
+ \else
+ \vskip#1\relax
+ \beginfuzzysnapping
+ \global\fuzzysnapdonetrue
+ \fi}
+\def\setfuzzymark#1#2#3% #1/#2 => error recovery
+ {\ifgridsnapping
+ \global\fuzzysnappingtrue
+ \global\advance\fuzzymarker \ifodd\fuzzymarker#1\else#2\fi
+ \nobreak
+ \ifshowfuzzyskips
+ \hbox{\color[grid:three]
+ {\llap{\infofont#3\vl\the\fuzzymarker}\nobreak
+ \vrule\!!width\hsize\!!height.1\lineheight}}
+ \nobreak
+ \fi
+ %[\the\fuzzymarker]
+ %\expandafter\fuzzymark\expandafter{\the\fuzzymarker}%
+ \expandafter\rawsetmark\expandafter\fuzzymark\expandafter{\the\fuzzymarker}%
+ \nobreak
+ \fi}
+\def\beginfuzzysnapping{\setfuzzymark21\v!start} % odd
+\def\endfuzzysnapping {\setfuzzymark12\v!stop } % even
+ {\ifgridsnapping
+ \iffuzzysnapping
+ \ifdim\lastskip<\openlineheight
+ \else
+ \removelastskip
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \removelastskip
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \removelastskip
+ \fi}
+ {\bgroup
+ \dontcomplain
+ \setbox\fuzzysnapbox\copy#1\relax
+ \setbox\fuzzysnapsplit\vsplit\fuzzysnapbox to 1\lineheight
+ \let\topfuzzymark\empty % indeed here ... no real mark
+ \getsplitmarks\fuzzymark
+% \ifcase0\topfuzzymark
+ \ifcase0\rawgetsplittopmark\fuzzymark
+ \global\chardef\fuzzysnappedleft\zerocount
+ \global\fuzzysnappedfalse
+% \else\ifodd\topfuzzymark
+ \else\ifodd\rawgetsplittopmark\fuzzymark
+ \global\chardef\fuzzysnappedleft\plusone
+ \global\fuzzysnappedtrue
+ \else
+ \global\chardef\fuzzysnappedleft=2
+ \global\fuzzysnappedtrue
+ \fi\fi
+ \iffuzzysnapped \else
+ \doloop
+ {\ifvoid\fuzzysnapbox
+ \exitloop
+ \else
+ \setbox\fuzzysnapsplit=\vsplit\fuzzysnapbox to \lineheight
+ %\let\topfuzzymark=\empty % ... but not here
+ \getsplitmarks\fuzzymark
+% \ifcase0\topfuzzymark
+ \ifcase0\rawgetsplittopmark\fuzzymark
+ % continue
+% \else\ifodd\topfuzzymark
+ \else\ifodd\rawgetsplittopmark\fuzzymark
+ \exitloop
+ \else
+ \global\chardef\fuzzysnappedleft\plusone
+ \global\fuzzysnappedtrue
+ \exitloop
+ \fi\fi
+ \fi}%
+ \fi
+ \egroup}
+ {\global\let\presnapcorrection \relax
+ \global\let\postsnapcorrection\relax
+ \ifgridsnapping\iffuzzysnapping
+ \docheckfuzzysnap{#1}%
+ \iffuzzysnapped
+ \iftracegridsnapping
+ \gdef\presnapcorrection
+ {\color[grid:four]{\hrule\!!height.5\openlineheight\!!width\hsize}}%
+ \else
+ \gdef\presnapcorrection{\kern.5\openlineheight}%
+ \fi
+ \gdef\postsnapcorrection{\kern-.5\openlineheight}% get the height ok
+ \fi
+ \fi\fi}
+\def\fuzzysnappedbox#1#2% \box<n> \unvbox<n>
+ {\getfuzzysnapcorrection{#2}%
+ \presnapcorrection
+ #1#2%
+ \postsnapcorrection}
+ {\ifgridsnapping\iffuzzysnapping\ifcase\fuzzysnappedleft\or % see dopagecontents
+ \scratchdimen\pagegoal
+ \advance\scratchdimen -.5\openlineheight
+ \global\pagegoal\scratchdimen
+ \global\advance\vsize -.5\openlineheight
+ \global\chardef\fuzzysnappedleft0
+ \fi\fi\fi}
+%D New, experimental, used in caption snapping:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \startcolumnset
+%D \setupcaption[figure][style=\tfx\setupinterlinespace,inbetween=,grid=top]
+%D \placefigure [lrtb] {\dorecurse{5}{green gras}}
+%D {\externalfigure[dummy][width=\textwidth,height=3cm,grid=height]}
+%D \placefigure [lrtb] {\dorecurse{15}{green gras}}
+%D {\externalfigure[dummy][width=\textwidth,height=3cm,grid=height]}
+%D \setupcaption[figure][style=\tfx\setupinterlinespace,inbetween=,grid=bottom]
+%D \placefigure [rltb] {\dorecurse{5}{green gras}}
+%D {\externalfigure[dummy][width=\textwidth,height=3cm,grid=height]}
+%D \placefigure [rltb] {\dorecurse{15}{green gras}}
+%D {\externalfigure[dummy][width=\textwidth,height=3cm,grid=height]}
+%D \input thuan
+%D \stopcolumnset
+%D \stoptyping
+\def\moveboxontogrid#1#2#3% box method firstlineht % experimental ! ! !
+ {\doifsomething{#2}
+ {\getnoflines{\ht#1}% no depth taken into account, depth preserved
+ \scratchdimen\noflines\lineheight
+ \advance\scratchdimen-\strutdp
+ \bgroup
+ \advance\scratchdimen-\onepoint % be a bit tolerant
+ \ifdim\scratchdimen>\ht#1\relax
+ \egroup
+ \doif{#2}\v!top {\setbox#1\vbox to \scratchdimen{\vskip-#3\vskip\strutht\box#1\vfill}}%
+ \doif{#2}\v!bottom{\setbox#1\vbox to \scratchdimen{\vfill\box#1\removedepth}}%
+ \dp#1\strutdp
+ \else
+ \egroup
+ \ht#1\scratchdimen
+ \dp#1\strutdp
+ \fi}}
+%D New:
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/spec-def.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/spec-def.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..60051579d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/spec-def.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,1016 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=spec-def,
+%D version=1996.01.25,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Special Macros,
+%D subtitle=Definitions,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D This module used to be integrated in \type {spec-ini},
+%D but testing optimization is more convenient this way.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Special Macros / Definitions}
+%D Ok, messy, but we need this because we load drivers before
+%D references.
+%D The following libraries are defined. Two postscript
+%D drivers are supported, as well as two mechanisms for
+%D interactive texts.
+%D \startlinecorrection
+%D \starttable[|l|l|l|l|l|]
+%D \HL
+%D \NC \bf file \NC
+%D \bf name \NC
+%D \bf calls \NC
+%D \bf support \NC
+%D \bf program / driver \NC\SR
+%D \HL
+%D \NC \tttf spec-tex \NC
+%D \tttf tex \NC
+%D \NC
+%D Generic \TEX\ (\DVI) \NC
+%D (default) \NC\FR
+%D \NC \tttf spec-tpd \NC
+%D \tttf \PDF \NC
+%D \NC
+%D Han The Thanh \NC
+%D (pdftex) \NC\MR
+%D \NC \tttf spec-ps \NC
+%D \tttf postscript \NC
+%D \NC
+%D Adobe PostScript \NC
+%D (default) \NC\MR
+%D \NC \tttf spec-tr \NC
+%D \tttf rokicki \NC
+%D \tttf postscript \NC
+%D Thomas Rokicki \NC
+%D (dvips) \NC\MR
+%D \NC \tttf spec-yy \NC
+%D \tttf yandy \NC
+%D \tttf postscript \NC
+%D YandY \NC
+%D (dvipsone, dviwindo) \NC\MR
+%D \NC \tttf spec-pdf \NC
+%D \tttf pdf \NC
+%D \NC
+%D Adobe PDF \NC
+%D (Acrobat) \NC\MR
+%D \NC \tttf spec-win \NC
+%D \tttf dviwindo \NC
+%D YandY \NC
+%D (dviwindo) \NC\MR
+%D \NC \tttf spec-htm \NC
+%D \tttf html \NC
+%D \NC
+%D HTML V 2.0 \NC
+%D (dvips) \NC\LR
+%D \HL
+%D \stoptable
+%D \stoplinecorrection
+%D \macros
+%D {dostartgraymode,dostopgraymode,
+%D dostartrgbcolormode,dostartcmykcolormode,dostartgraycolormode,dostopcolormode}
+%D Switching to and from color can be done in two ways:
+%D \startitemize[packed,n]
+%D \item insert driver specific commands
+%D \item pass instructions to the output device
+%D \stopitemize
+%D The first approach is more general and lays the
+%D responsibility at the driver side. Probably due to the fact
+%D that \TEX\ does not directly support color, we have been
+%D confronted for the last few years with changing special
+%D definitions. The need for support depends on how a macro
+%D package handles colored text that crosses the page boundary.
+%D Again, there are two approaches.
+%D \startitemize[packed,n]
+%D \item let \TEX\ do the job
+%D \item let the driver handle things
+%D \stopitemize
+%D The first approach is as driver independant as possible and
+%D can easily be accomplished by using \TEX's mark mechanism.
+%D In \CONTEXT\ we follow this approach. More and more, drivers
+%D are starting to support color, including stacking them.
+%D Colors as well as grayscales can be represented in scales
+%D from~0 to~1. When drivers use values in the range 0..255,
+%D this value has to be adapted in the translation process.
+%D Technically it's possible to get a grayscale from combining
+%D colors. In the \cap{RGB} color system, a color with Red,
+%D Green and Blue components of 0.80 show the same gray as a
+%D Gray Scale specified 0.80. The \cap{CMYK} color system
+%D supports a Black component apart from Cyan, Magenta and
+%D Yellow.
+%D Depending on the target format, color support differs from
+%D gray support. PostScript for example offers different
+%D operators for setting gray and color. This is because
+%D printing something using three colors is someting else than
+%D printing with just black.
+%D In \CONTEXT\ we have implemented a color subsystem that
+%D supports the use of well defined colors that, when printed
+%D in black and white, still can be distinguished. This
+%D approach enables us to serve both printed and electronic
+%D versions, using colored text and illustrations. More on the
+%D fundamentals of this topic can be found in the \cap{MAPS} of
+%D the Dutch User Group, 14 (95.1).
+%D To satisfy all those needs, we define four specials which
+%D supply enough information for drivers to act upon. We
+%D could have used more general commands with the keywords
+%D 'rgb' and 'gray', but because these specials are used often,
+%D we prefer the more direct and shorter alternative.
+%D We start with the installation of color and grayscale
+%D specials. The values are in the range 0..1 (e.g. 0.25).
+%D \starttyping
+%D \dostartgraymode {gray} ... \dostopgraymode
+%D \dostartrgbcolormode {red} {green} {blue} ... \dostopcolormode
+%D \dostartcmykcolormode {cyan} {magenta} {yellow} {black} ... \dostopcolormode
+%D \dostartgraycolormode {gray} ... \dostopcolormode
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Because we can expect conflicts between drivers, we
+%D implement them as category \type{or}. In previous versions
+%D of \DVIPSONE\ the use of their color||specials did not
+%D interfere with the PostScript ones, but recent versions do.
+\installspecial [\dostartgraymode] [or] [1]
+\installspecial [\dostopgraymode] [or] [0]
+\installspecial [\dostartrgbcolormode] [or] [3]
+\installspecial [\dostartcmykcolormode] [or] [4]
+\installspecial [\dostartgraycolormode] [or] [1]
+\installspecial [\dostopcolormode] [or] [0]
+%D New and experimental:
+\installspecial [\dostartspotcolormode] [or] [2]
+\installspecial [\doregisterrgbspotcolor] [or] [7]
+\installspecial [\doregistercmykspotcolor] [or] [8]
+\installspecial [\doregistergrayspotcolor] [or] [5]
+\installspecial [\doregisterrgbindexcolor] [or] [7]
+\installspecial [\doregistercmykindexcolor] [or] [8]
+\installspecial [\doregistergrayindexcolor] [or] [5]
+\installspecial [\doregisterspotcolorname] [or] [2]
+\installspecial [\dostartnonecolormode] [or] [0]
+\installspecial [\doregisternonecolor] [or] [0]
+%D For some drivers, the stop special is of no use and can
+%D simply call the start one with zero arguments.
+%D \macros
+%D {dogetfiguresize,doinsertfile,doinsertMPfile}
+%D Probably the most problematic special is the following
+%D one. Because we want to be able to support different
+%D schemes, we pass a lot of data to it.
+%D The support of inserting files (like illustrations) comes in
+%D many flavors. Some drivers use scales, some take dimensions.
+%D Some need offsets and others act on stored characteristics.
+%D They need one thing in common: a filename. Although separate
+%D specials for different formats sometimes are more clear, we
+%D decided to combine them all in one:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \doinsertfile {type,method} {file,label}
+%D {xscale} {yscale} {x} {y} {w} {h}
+%D {options}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The scale is given percents, the other values are base
+%D points.
+%D Per 2006 we have simplified this model. The amount of drivers
+%D is not growing and all support scaling. We pass variables via
+%D Driver specific macros.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \doinsertfile
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The special is implemented as \type{or}. Because \DVIPSONE\
+%D understands them all, a chain of alternatives would generate
+%D multiple occurrences of the same illustration.
+%D When option 1 is passed, the viewers is asked to present a
+%D preview, like the first frame of a movie.
+\installspecial [\dogetfiguresize][or] [0] % now a special
+\installspecial [\doinsertfile] [or] [0] % [9]
+\installspecial [\doinsertMPfile] [or] [1] % speed up
+%D No start||stop construction is needed here, because there in
+%D no further interference of \TEX. All dimensions are output
+%D in points and scales as a number, where 100 equal 100\%. (We
+%D used to pass scaled points).
+%D \macros
+%D {doinsertsoundtrack}
+%D Sounds are (for the moment) just files with
+%D associated options.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \doinsertsoundtrack {file} {label} {options}
+%D \stoptyping
+\installspecial [\doinsertsoundtrack] [or] [3]
+%D \macros
+%D {dogetnofinsertpages}
+%D Some file formats support more than one page, like \PDF,
+%D and for special applications, one may want to have access
+%D to the total number of pages.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \dogetnofinsertpages{filename}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The number is also available after the insert is placed,
+%D since inclusion may take place immediate when an insert is
+%D called upon.
+\def\nofinsertpages{1} % one of the few 'talk backs'
+\installspecial [\dogetnofinsertpages] [or] [1]
+%D \macros
+%D {dostartrotation,
+%D dostoprotation}
+%D We support rotation with the special:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \dostartrotation {angle} ... \dostoprotation
+%D \stoptyping
+%D For the moment these specials are installed as
+%D category \type{or}.
+\installspecial [\dostartrotation] [or] [1]
+\installspecial [\dostoprotation] [or] [0]
+%D \macros
+%D {dostartscaling,
+%D dostopscaling}
+%D Scaling is also supported:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \dostartscaling {x} {y} ... \dostopscaling
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Like the previous one, these specials are of category
+%D \type{or}.
+\installspecial [\dostartscaling] [or] [2]
+\installspecial [\dostopscaling] [or] [0]
+%D \macros
+%D {dostartmirroring,
+%D dostopmirroring}
+%D And indeed, mirroring is there too:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \dostartmirroring {x} {y} ... \dostopmirroring
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Again these specials are installed as category \type{or}.
+\installspecial [\dostartmirroring] [or] [0]
+\installspecial [\dostopmirroring] [or] [0]
+%D \macros
+%D {dostartnegative,
+%D dostopnegative}
+%D When producing output for an image setter, negating the
+%D page comes into view. Here are the tools:
+\installspecial [\dostartnegative] [or] [0]
+\installspecial [\dostopnegative] [or] [0]
+%D \macros
+%D {dostartoverprint,
+%D dostopoverprint}
+%D Rudimentary overprint (knockout) control is implemented
+%D using:
+\installspecial [\dostartoverprint] [or] [0]
+\installspecial [\dostopoverprint] [or] [0]
+%D The following two specials are used in for instance \type
+%D {\vadjust}'d margin material inside colored paragraphs.
+\installspecial [\dostartgraphicgroup] [or] [0]
+\installspecial [\dostopgraphicgroup ] [or] [0]
+%D \macros
+%D {doselectfirstpaperbin,
+%D doselectsecondpaperbin}
+%D Here are some very printer||specific ones. No further
+%D comment.
+\installspecial [\doselectfirstpaperbin] [or] [0]
+\installspecial [\doselectsecondpaperbin] [or] [0]
+%D \macros
+%D {doovalbox}
+%D When we look at the implementation, this is a complicated
+%D one. There are seven arguments.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \doovalbox {w} {h} {d} {linewidth} {radius} {stroke} {fill} {variant}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D This command has to return a \type{\vbox} which can be used
+%D to lay over another one (with text). The radius is in
+%D degrees, the stroke and fill are~\type{1} (true) of~\type{0}
+%D (false).
+\installspecial [\doovalbox] [or] [8]
+%D \macros
+%D {dostartclipping,dostopclipping}
+%D Clipping is implemented in such a way that an arbitrary
+%D can be fed.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \dostartclipping {pathname}{width} {height}
+%D \dostopclipping
+%D \stoptyping
+\installspecial [\dostartclipping] [or] [3]
+\installspecial [\dostopclipping] [or] [0]
+%D \macros
+%D {dosetupidentity}
+%D We can declare some characteristics of the document with
+%D \starttyping
+%D \dosetupidentity {title} {subject} {author} {creator} {date} {keys}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D All data is in string format.
+\installspecial [\dosetupidentity] [and] [6]
+%D \macros
+%D {dosetuppaper}
+%D This special can be used to tell the driver what page size
+%D to use. The special takes three arguments.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \dosetuppaper {type} {width} {height}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The type is one of the common identifiers, like A4, A5 or
+%D B2.
+\installspecial [\dosetuppaper] [and] [3]
+%D \macros
+%D {dosetupprinter}
+%D Some drivers enable the user to specify the paper type
+%D used and/or page dimensions to be taken into account.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \dosetupprinter {type} {hoffset} {voffset} {width} {height}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The first argument is one of \type{letter}, \type{legal},
+%D \type{A4}, \type{A5} etc. The dimensions are in
+%D basepoints.
+\installspecial [\dosetupprinter] [and] [5]
+%D \macros
+%D {dosetupopenaction, dosetupclosaction,
+%D dosetupopenpageaction, dosetupclospageaction,
+%D dosetupinteraction,
+%D dosetupscreen,
+%D dosetupviewmode}
+%D Here come some obscure interactive commands. Probably the
+%D specs will change with the development of the macros that
+%D use them.
+%D The first ones can be used to set up the interaction.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \dosetupinteraction
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Normally this command does nothing but giving a message
+%D that some scheme is supported.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \dosetupstartaction
+%D \dosetupstopaction
+%D \stoptyping
+%D These two setup the actions to be executed when the document
+%D is opened and closed.
+%D The next commands sets up the page and screen. They are
+%D kind of related.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \dosetuppage {hoffset} {voffset} {width} {height} {options}
+%D \dosetupscreen {hoffset} {voffset} {width} {height} {options}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The first four arguments are in points. Option~1 results in a
+%D full screen launch.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \dosetuppageview {keyword}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D For the moment we only support \type{fit}.
+\installspecial [\dosetupinteraction] [and] [0]
+\installspecial [\dosetupopenaction] [and] [0]
+\installspecial [\dosetupscreen] [and] [5]
+\installspecial [\dosetuppageview] [and] [1]
+\installspecial [\dosetupcloseaction] [and] [0]
+\installspecial [\dosetupopenpageaction] [and] [0]
+\installspecial [\dosetupclosepageaction] [and] [0]
+\installspecial [\dosetuprenderingopenpageaction] [and] [0]
+\installspecial [\dosetuprenderingclosepageaction] [and] [0]
+% new, yet undocumented, replaces \dosetupscreen
+\installspecial [\dosetupcropbox] [and] [4]
+\installspecial [\dosetuptrimbox] [and] [4]
+\installspecial [\dosetupartbox] [and] [4]
+\installspecial [\dosetupbleedbox] [and] [4]
+%D \macros
+%D {dostarthide,
+%D dostophide}
+%D Not every part of the screen is suitable for paper. Menus
+%D for instance have no meaning on an non||interactive medium.
+%D These elements are hidden by means of:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \dostarthide
+%D \dostophide
+%D \stoptyping
+\installspecial [\dostarthide] [or] [0]
+\installspecial [\dostophide] [or] [0]
+%D \macros
+%D {dostartgotolocation, dostopgotolocation,
+%D dostartgotorealpage, dostopgotorealpage}
+%D When we want to support hypertext buttons, again we have
+%D to deal with two concepts.
+%D \startitemize[packed,n]
+%D \item let \TEX\ highlight the text
+%D \item let the driver show us where to click
+%D \stopitemize
+%D The first approach is the most secure one. It gives us
+%D complete control over the visual appearance of hyper
+%D buttons. The second alternative lets the driver guess what
+%D part of the text needs highlighting. As long as we deal with
+%D not too complicated textual buttons, this is no problem.
+%D It's even a bit more efficient when we take long mid
+%D paragraph active regions into account. When we let \TEX\
+%D handle active sentences {\em for instance marked like this
+%D one}, we have to take care of line- and pagebreaks ourselve.
+%D However, it's no trivial matter to let a driver find out
+%D where things begin and end. Because most hyperlinks can be
+%D found in tables of contents and registers, the saving in
+%D terms of bytes can be neglected and the first approach is a
+%D clear winner.
+%D The most convenient way of cross||referencing is using named
+%D destinations. A more simple scheme is using page numbers as
+%D destinations. Because the latter alternative can often be
+%D implemented more efficient, and because we cannot be sure
+%D what scheme a driver supports, we always have to supply a
+%D pagenumber, even when we use named destinations.
+%D To enable a driver to find out what to make active, we have
+%D to provide begin and endpoints, so like with color, we use
+%D pairs of specials. The first scheme can be satisfied with
+%D proper dimensions of the areas to be made active.
+%D The interactive real work is done by the following four
+%D specials. The reason for providing the first one with both
+%D a label and a number, is a result of the quite poor
+%D implementation of \type{pdfmarks} in version 1.0 of
+%D Acrobat. Because only pagenumbers were supported as
+%D destination, we had to provide both labels (\DVIWINDO) and
+%D pagenumbers (\PDF). Some drivers use start stop pairs.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \dostartgotolocation {w} {h} {url} {file} {label} {page}
+%D \dostartgotorealpage {w} {h} {url} {file} {page}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Their counterparts are:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \dostopgotolocation
+%D \dostopgotorealpage
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The internal alternative is used for system||generated
+%D links, the external one for user||generated links. The
+%D Uniform Resource Locator can be used to let the reader
+%D surf the net.
+\installspecial [\dostartgotolocation] [and] [6]
+\installspecial [\dostopgotolocation] [and] [0]
+\installspecial [\dostartgotorealpage] [and] [5]
+\installspecial [\dostopgotorealpage] [and] [0]
+%D One may wonder why jumps to page and location are not
+%D combined. By splitting them, we enable macro||packages to
+%D force the prefered alternative, while on the other hand
+%D drivers can pick up the alternative desired most.
+%D \macros
+%D {dostartgotoJS, doflushJSpreamble}
+%D Rather special is the option to include and execute
+%D JavaScript code. This is a typical \PDF\ option.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \dostartgotoJS {w} {h} {script}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D This not so standard \TEX\ feature should be used with
+%D care. Preamble scripts are flushed by
+%D \doflushJSpreamble {script}
+\installspecial [\dostartgotoJS] [and] [3]
+\installspecial [\dostopgotoJS] [and] [0]
+\installspecial [\doflushJSpreamble][and] [1]
+%D \macros
+%D {dostartthisislocation, dostopthisislocation,
+%D dostartthisisrealpage, dostopthisisrealpage}
+%D Before we can goto some location or page, we have to tell
+%D the system where it can be found. Because some drivers
+%D follow the \SGML\ approach of begin||end tags, we have to
+%D support pairs. A possible extension to this scheme is
+%D supplying coordinates for viewing the text.
+%D The opposite commands of \type{\dogotosomething} have only
+%D one argument:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \dostartthisislocation {label}
+%D \dostartthisisrealpage {page}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D These commands are accompanied by:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \dostopthisislocation
+%D \dostopthisisrealpage
+%D \stoptyping
+%D As with all interactive commands's they are installed as
+%D \type{and} category specials.
+\installspecial [\dostartthisislocation] [and] [1]
+\installspecial [\dostopthisislocation] [and] [0]
+\installspecial [\dostartthisisrealpage] [and] [1]
+\installspecial [\dostopthisisrealpage] [and] [0]
+%D In \CONTEXT\ we don't use the \type{\stopsomething}
+%D macros because we let \TEX\ take care of typographic
+%D issues.
+%D \macros
+%D {doresetgotowhereever}
+%D These and others need:
+\installspecial [\doresetgotowhereever] [and] [0]
+%D \macros
+%D {dostartexecutecommand, dostopexecutecommand}
+%D The actual behavior of the next pair of commands depends
+%D much on the viewing engine. Therefore one cannot depend
+%D too much on their support.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \dostartexecutecommand {w} {h} {command} {options}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D At least the next commands are supported (more examples
+%D can be found in \type {spec-fdf.tex}:
+%D \startlinecorrection\setupalign[middle]\leavevmode
+%D \starttable[|l|l|]
+%D \HL
+%D \NC \bf command \NC \bf action \NC\SR
+%D \HL
+%D \NC first \NC go to the first page \NC\FR
+%D \NC previous \NC go to the previous page \NC\MR
+%D \NC next \NC go to the next page \NC\MR
+%D \NC last \NC go to the last page \NC\MR
+%D \NC backward \NC go back to the link list \NC\MR
+%D \NC forward \NC go forward in the link list \NC\MR
+%D \NC print \NC enter print mode \NC\MR
+%D \NC exit \NC exit viewer \NC\MR
+%D \NC close \NC close document \NC\MR
+%D \NC enter \NC enter viewer \NC\MR
+%D \NC help \NC show help on the viewer \NC\LR
+%D \HL
+%D \stoptable
+%D \stoplinecorrection
+%D Options are to be passed as a comma separated list of
+%D assignments.
+\installspecial [\dostartexecutecommand] [and] [4]
+\installspecial [\dostopexecutecommand] [and] [0]
+%D \macros
+%D {dostartobject,
+%D dostopobject,
+%D doresetobjects,
+%D doinsertobject}
+%D Reuse of object can reduce the output filesize
+%D considerably. Reusable objects are implemented with:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \dostartobject{class}{name}{width}{height}{depth}
+%D some typeset material
+%D \dostopobject
+%D \stoptyping
+%D \starttyping
+%D \doinsertobject{class}{name}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The savings can be huge in interactive texts. The next macro needs
+%D to be called after a graphic is inserted (in order to clean up
+%D global references).
+%D \starttyping
+%D \doresetobjects
+%D \stoptyping
+\installspecial [\dostartobject] [or] [5]
+\installspecial [\dostopobject] [or] [0]
+\installspecial [\doinsertobject] [or] [2]
+\installspecial [\doresetobjects] [or] [0]
+%D \macros
+%D {doregisterfigure, doregisterfigurecolor}
+%D Images can be objects as well and it's up to the driver to
+%D handle this. Alternative images are also up to the driver,
+%D and the next macro tells the driver that the previous image
+%D is somehow followed by another and that both have to be
+%D handled together. This is a rather fuzzy model, but for the
+%D moment it suits its purpose: low res screen versions combined
+%D with high res printable ones.
+\installspecial [\doregisterfigure] [or] [2]
+\installspecial [\doregisterfigurecolor][or] [1]
+% %D \macros
+% %D {dogetobjectreference}
+% %D
+% %D For very special purposes, one can ask for the internal
+% %D reference to the object. Beware!
+% \installspecial [\dogetobjectreference] [or] [3]
+% %D The first argument is the name, the second a macro that
+% %D gets the associated value.
+%D \macros
+%D {dostartrunprogram, dostoprunprogram,
+%D dostartgotoprofile, dostopgotoprofile,
+%D dobeginofprofile,
+%D doendofprofile}
+%D These specials are still experimental. They are not yet
+%D supported by the programs the way they should be.
+%D {\em --- still undocumented ---}
+\installspecial [\dostartrunprogram] [and] [4]
+\installspecial [\dostoprunprogram] [and] [0]
+\installspecial [\dostartgotoprofile] [and] [3]
+\installspecial [\dostopgotoprofile] [and] [0]
+\installspecial [\dobeginofprofile] [and] [4]
+\installspecial [\doendofprofile] [and] [0]
+%D \macros
+%D {doinsertbookmark}
+%D Bookmarks, that is viewer generated tables of contents, are
+%D a strange phenomena, mainly because \TEX\ can provide
+%D whatever kind of table in much better quality.
+\installspecial [\doinsertbookmark] [and] [5]
+%D This special is called as:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \doinstallbookmark {level} {nofsubentries} {text} {page} {open}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D This definition is very \PDF\ oriented, so for more
+%D information we kindly refer to the \PDF\ manuals.
+%D \macros
+%D {dosetpagetransition}
+%D In presentations, fancy page transitions can, at least for a
+%D short moment, let the audience focus at the screen. Like the
+%D previous one, this special is very \PDF.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \dosetpagetransition{dissolve}{0}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Transitions have symbolic names, like dissolve, box, split,
+%D blinds, wipe and glitter. The second argument determines
+%D the wait time (unless zero).
+\installspecial [\dosetpagetransition] [or] [2]
+%D \macros
+%D {dopresettextfield,dopresetlinefield,
+%D dopresetchoicefield,dopresetpopupfield,dopresetcombofield,
+%D dopresetbuttonfield,dopresetcheckfield,
+%D dopresetradiofield,dopresetradiorecord}
+%D The special drivers are programmed independant from their
+%D calling macros are thereby use the standard \TEX\ way of
+%D passing parameters. Unfortunately fields often have more
+%D than nine characteristics, so we pack some arguments in one.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \dopresettextfield / \dopresetlinefield
+%D {name} {width} {height} {default} {length}
+%D {style,color} {options} {alignment} {actions}
+%D \dopresetchoicefield / \dopresetpopupfield / \dopresetcombofield
+%D {name} {width} {height} {default}
+%D {style,color} {options} {values} {actions}
+%D \dopresetpushfield
+%D {name} {width} {height} {default}
+%D {options} {values} {actions}
+%D \dopresetcheckfield
+%D {name} {width} {height} {default}
+%D {options} {values} {actions}
+%D \dopresetradiofield
+%D {name} {width} {height} {default}
+%D {options} {parent} {values} {actions}
+%D \dopresetradiorecord
+%D {name} {top} {options} {kids} {actions}
+%D \stoptyping
+\installspecial [\dopresetlinefield] [or] [9]
+\installspecial [\dopresettextfield] [or] [9]
+\installspecial [\dopresetchoicefield] [or] [8]
+\installspecial [\dopresetpopupfield] [or] [8]
+\installspecial [\dopresetcombofield] [or] [8]
+\installspecial [\dopresetpushfield] [or] [7]
+\installspecial [\dopresetcheckfield] [or] [7]
+\installspecial [\dopresetradiofield] [or] [8]
+\installspecial [\dopresetradiorecord] [or] [5]
+%D \macros
+%D {dodefinefieldset,dogetfieldset,doiffieldset}
+%D Field sets, used in resetting and submitting, are handled
+%D by:
+\installspecial [\dodefinefieldset] [or] [2]
+\installspecial [\dogetfieldset] [or] [1]
+\installspecial [\doiffieldset] [or] [2]
+%D \macros
+%D {dosetfieldstatus}
+%D For practical reasons we set some field characteristics
+%D using:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \dosetfieldstatus {mode} {parent} {kids} {root}
+%D \stoptyping
+\installspecial [\dosetfieldstatus] [or] [4]
+%D with:
+\def\fieldlonermode {0} % no \chardef here
+\def\fieldparentmode{1} % no \chardef here
+\def\fieldchildmode {2} % no \chardef here
+\def\fieldcopymode {3} % no \chardef here
+%D \macros
+%D {doregistercalculationset}
+%D We can define a calculation order list with:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \doregistercalculationset {set identifier}
+%D \stoptyping
+\installspecial [\doregistercalculationset] [or] [1]
+%D \macros
+%D {doinsertcomment, doflushcomments}
+%D Not so much out of need, but to be complete, we also
+%D implement text annotations, so called comment:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \doinsertcomment
+%D {title} {width} {height} {color} {open} {symbol} {collect} {data}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D When enables, comments can be collected and flushed:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \doflushcomments
+%D \stoptyping
+\installspecial[\doinsertcomment] [and] [8]
+\installspecial[\doflushcomments] [and] [0]
+%D \macros
+%D {dosetposition, dosetpositionwhd, dosetpositionplus,
+%D dosetpositionpapersize}
+%D Not natural to \TEX, but available in \PDFTEX, and by
+%D means of postprocessed \DVI, we can save and call upon
+%D positions.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \dosetposition {identifier}
+%D \dosetpositionwhd {identifier} {width} {height} {depth}
+%D \dosetpositionplus {identifier} {width} {height} {depth} {list}
+%D \dosetpositionpapersize {width} {height}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D This is one of the few specials where when using \PDFTEX\
+%D the driver directly deals with the utility file.
+%D Support is moved to spec-mis.tex. The whole idea originates
+%D and was implemented first in \PDFTEX. Later \DVIPDFMX\
+%D supported the \CONTEXT\ specific specials and nowadays
+%D \PDFTEX\ supports this feature in \DVI\ mode and \XETEX\
+%D implements it as well. This means that only \ALEPH\ is
+%D still dependent on specials, but that variant of \TEX\ has
+%D become obsolete anyway.
+% \installspecial [\dosetposition] [or] [1]
+% \installspecial [\dosetpositionwhd] [or] [4]
+% \installspecial [\dosetpositionplus] [or] [5]
+% \installspecial [\dosetpositionpapersize] [or] [2]
+%D \macros
+%D {dostarttransparency,dostoptransparency}
+%D \starttyping
+%D \dostarttransparency{fraction}{type}
+%D \dostoptransparency
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Although in \CONTEXT\ transparency is closely integrated
+%D in the color drivers, in the end it is an independent
+%D feature.
+\installspecial [\dostarttransparency] [or] [2]
+\installspecial [\dostoptransparency] [or] [0]
+%D \macros
+%D {doattachfile}
+%D \starttyping
+%D \doattachfile{title}{width}{height}{depth}{color}{symbol}{filename}{source}
+%D \stoptyping
+\installspecial [\doattachfile] [or] [8]
+%D Experimental (properties):
+\installspecial[\dostartviewerlayer] [or] [1]
+\installspecial[\dostopviewerlayer] [or] [0]
+\installspecial[\dodefineviewerlayer] [or] [5]
+%installspecial[\doflushviewertextlayers] [or] [0]
+%installspecial[\doflushviewerpagelayers] [or] [0]
+\installspecial[\domakeviewerlayerlist] [or] [1]
+\installspecial[\doinsertrenderingwindow] [or] [4]
+\installspecial[\doinsertrendering] [or] [4]
+\installspecial[\doinsertrenderingobject] [or] [4]
+\installspecial[\doinsertrenderingobject] [or] [4]
+\installspecial[\dostartfonteffect] [or] [3]
+\installspecial[\dostopfonteffect] [or] [0]
+%D From now on, mapfile loading is also a special; we assume the
+%D more or less standard dvips syntax.
+\installspecial[\doresetmapfilelist] [and] [0]
+\installspecial[\doloadmapfile] [and] [2] % + - = | filename
+\installspecial[\doloadmapline] [and] [2] % + - = | fileline
+%D We define a couple of backends:
+\defineoutput [dvipsone] [dvi,ps,yy]
+\defineoutput [dviwindo] [dvi,ps,yy,win]
+\defineoutput [dvips] [dvi,ps,tr]
+\defineoutput [dviview] [dvi,ps,tr,dv]
+\defineoutput [pdftex] [tpd]
+\defineoutput [pdf] [tpd]
+\defineoutput [dvipdfm] [dpm]
+\defineoutput [dpm] [dpm]
+\defineoutput [dvipdfmx] [dpx]
+\defineoutput [dpx] [dpx]
+\defineoutput [acrobat] [pdf,ps,tr]
+\defineoutput [xetex] [dpx,xet]
+\defineoutput [xtx] [dpx,xet]
+\defineoutput [xdv] [dvi,xtx,xet]
+\defineoutput [xdv2pdf] [dvi,xtx,xet]
+%D We don't enable \ACROBAT, because pure \POSTSCRIPT\ is not
+%D that strong on objects and \PDFTEX\ does a better job.
+%D Some reasonable alternatives are:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \setupoutput [dvipsone,acrobat]
+%D \setupoutput [dviwindo,acrobat]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Although, better is:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \setupoutput [pdftex]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Please let me know if we need more. From now on we default
+%D to:
+ \setupoutput[dvips]%
+\to \everydump
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/spec-dpm.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/spec-dpm.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fe721405a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/spec-dpm.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,444 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=spec-dpm,
+%D version=1998.11.24,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Special Macros,
+%D subtitle=DVIPDFM support,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D This driver is build on top of the general \PDF\ macros,
+%D as defined in \type{spec-fdf}, so we inherit that one. Remark:
+%D this driver is no longer actively maintained, use the dpx one
+%D instead!
+%D \macros
+%D {jobsuffix}
+%D Because no intermediate output format is used, we set the
+%D jobsuffix to \PDF.
+%D Literal \PDF\ inclusion is implemented as:
+\def\PDFcode #1{\special{pdf: content #1}}
+\def\PDFcontentcode#1{\special{pdf: content #1}}
+\def\PDFdirectcode #1{\special{pdf: literal #1}}
+%D \macros
+%D {dosetuppaper}
+%D A simple one.
+ {\bgroup
+ \scratchdimen#2\edef\width {\the\scratchdimen\space}%
+ \scratchdimen#3\edef\height{\the\scratchdimen\space}%
+ \special{pdf: pagesize width \width height \height}%
+ \global\let\doDPMsetuppaper\gobblethreearguments
+ \egroup}
+ {\doDPMsetuppaper{#1}{#2}{#3}}
+%D \macros
+%D {doinsertfile}
+%D Only \METAPOST, \JPG\ and \PDF\ inclusion are supported.
+ {\dofileinsertion{dpm}\@@DriverImageType}
+ {\PointsToWholeBigPoints\@@DriverImageWidth \width
+ \PointsToWholeBigPoints\@@DriverImageHeight\height
+ \special
+ {PSfile="\@@DriverImageFile"\space
+ llx=\EPSllx\space lly=\EPSlly\space
+ urx=\EPSurx\space ury=\EPSury\space
+ rwi=\width0\space rhi=\height0}}
+ {\special{pdf: epdf
+ width \@@DriverImageWidth \space
+ height \@@DriverImageHeight\space
+ (\@@DriverImageFile)}}
+ {\special{pdf: image
+ width \@@DriverImageWidth \space
+ height \@@DriverImageHeight\space
+ (\@@DriverImageFile)}}
+%D \macros
+%D {doinsertsoundtrack}
+%D Sounds are supported too.
+%D \macros
+%D {doovalbox}
+%D \macros
+%D {dostartgraymode,dostopgraymode,
+%D dostartrgbcolormode,dostartcmykcolormode,dostartgraycolormode,
+%D dostopcolormode,
+%D dostartrotation,dostoprotation,
+%D dostartscaling,dostopscaling,
+%D dostartmirroring,dostopmirroring,
+%D dostartnegative,dostopnegative}
+%D Unfortunately the direct \PDF\ inclusion is not suited
+%D for the next macros, which means that we cannot use the
+%D \type {\doPDF..} alternatives. Since \CONTEXT\ maintains
+%D its own colorstack, we use the \DVIPS\ alternatives.
+\definespecial\dostartgraymode #1{\special{color gray #1}}
+\definespecial\dostopgraymode {\special{color gray 0}}
+\definespecial\dostartrgbcolormode #1#2#3{\special{color rgb #1 #2 #3}}
+\definespecial\dostartcmykcolormode#1#2#3#4{\special{color cmyk #1 #2 #3 #4}}
+\definespecial\dostartgraycolormode #1{\special{color gray #1}}
+\definespecial\dostopcolormode {\special{color gray 0}}
+\definespecial\dostartrotation #1{\special{pdf: bt rotate #1}}
+\definespecial\dostoprotation {\special{pdf: et}}
+\definespecial\dostartscaling #1#2{\special{pdf: bt xscale #1 yscale #2}}
+\definespecial\dostopscaling {\special{pdf: et}}
+\definespecial\dostartmirroring {\special{pdf: bt xscale -1}} % ?
+\definespecial\dostopmirroring {\special{pdf: et}}
+%D Negation is not (yet) supported:
+% \definespecial\dostartnegative {}
+% \definespecial\dostopnegative {}
+% \definespecial\dostarttransparency {}
+% \definespecial\dostoptransparency {}
+%D \macros
+%D {dosetupinteraction,
+%D dosetupopenaction,dosetupcloseaction}
+ {\showmessage\m!interactions{21}{DVIPDFM}}
+\definespecial\dosetupopenaction {\doPDFsetupopenaction}
+%D \macros
+%D {doresetgotowhereever,
+%D dostartthisisrealpage,dostartthisislocation,
+%D dostartgotorealpage,dostartgotolocation,dostartgotoJS}
+\definespecial\doresetgotowhereever {\doPDFresetgotowhereever}
+\definespecial\dostartgotoJS {\doPDFstartgotoJS}
+%D \macros
+%D {doflushJSpreamble}
+ {\bgroup
+ \let\compositeJScode=\empty
+ \def\docommand##1%
+ {\edef\sanitizedJScode{\getJSpreamble{##1}}%
+ \@EA\doPSsanitizeJScode\sanitizedJScode\to\sanitizedJScode
+ \special{pdf: object @JS:#1 <</S /JavaScript /JS (\sanitizedJScode)>>}%
+ \edef\compositeJScode{\compositeJScode\space (##1) @JS:#1}}%
+ \processcommalist[#1]\docommand
+ \special{pdf: object @JS:JS <</Names [\compositeJScode]>>}%
+ \special{pdf: put @names <</JavaScript @JS:JS>>}%
+ \egroup}
+%D \macros
+%D {dostarthide,dostophide}
+\definespecial\dostophide {}
+%D \macros
+%D {dosetupscreen}
+\definespecial\dosetupscreen {\doPDFsetupscreen \printpaperheight}
+\definespecial\dosetupartbox {\doPDFsetupartbox \printpaperheight}
+\definespecial\dosetupcropbox {\doPDFsetupcropbox \printpaperheight}
+\definespecial\dosetuptrimbox {\doPDFsetuptrimbox \printpaperheight}
+%D \macros
+%D {dostartexecutecommand}
+%D \macros
+%D {dosetupidentity}
+%D \macros
+%D {dostartrunprogam}
+%D \macros
+%D {dostartgotoprofile, dostopgotoprofile,
+%D dobeginofprofile, doendofprofile}
+ {\bgroup
+ \setPDFdestination{#1}%
+ \scratchdimen#2\edef\width {\the\scratchdimen\space}%
+ \scratchdimen#3\edef\height{\the\scratchdimen\space}%
+ \doifsomething{\PDFdestination}
+ {\special
+ {pdf: thread @ART::\PDFdestination\space
+ width \width height \height
+ <</Title (\PDFdestination)>>}}%
+ \egroup}
+ {}
+%D \macros
+%D {doinsertbookmark}
+%D \macros
+%D {dostartobject,dostopobject,doinsertobject}
+% \definespecial\dostartobject#1#2#3#4#5%
+% {\bgroup
+% \setbox\nextbox=\hbox\bgroup
+% \dosetobjectreference{#1}{#2}{#1::#2}%
+% \scratchdimen#3\edef\width {\the\scratchdimen\space}%
+% \scratchdimen#4\edef\height{\the\scratchdimen\space}%
+% \special{pdf: bxobj @#1::#2 width \width height \height}}
+% \definespecial\dostopobject%
+% {\special{pdf: exobj}%
+% \egroup
+% \smashbox\nextbox
+% \flushatshipout{\box\nextbox}%
+% \egroup}
+ {\bgroup
+ \dowithnextbox
+ {\dosetobjectreference{#1}{#2}{#1::#2}%
+ \scratchdimen#3\edef\width {\the\scratchdimen\space}%
+ \scratchdimen#4\edef\height{\the\scratchdimen\space}%
+ \setbox\nextbox\vbox
+ {\special{pdf: bxobj @#1::#2 width \width height \height}%
+ % we need to compensate for the box offset (ugly, sigh)
+ \scratchdimen\nextboxht
+ \advance\scratchdimen\nextboxdp
+ \advance\scratchdimen-#4\relax
+ \nextboxdp\zeropoint
+ \nextboxht\zeropoint
+ \hbox to #3{\hss\lower.5\scratchdimen\box\nextbox\hss}%
+ \special{pdf: exobj}%
+ \global\let\currentPDFresources\empty}%
+ \smashbox\nextbox
+ \flushatshipout{\box\nextbox}%
+ \egroup}%
+ \hbox\bgroup}
+ {\egroup}
+ {\hbox
+ {\dogetobjectreference{#1}{#2}\PDFobjectreference
+ \ifx\PDFobjectreference\empty \else
+ \special{pdf: usexobj @#1::#2}%
+ \fi}}
+%D \macros
+%D {dosetpagetransition}
+%D \macros
+%D {doinsertcomment, doflushcomments}
+%D \macros
+%D {dopresetlinefield,dopresettextfield,
+%D dopresetchoicefield,dopresetpopupfield,dopresetcombofield,
+%D dopresetpushfield,dopresetcheckfield,
+%D dopresetradiofield,dopresetradiorecord}
+\definespecial\dopresetlinefield {\doFDFpresetlinefield}
+\definespecial\dopresettextfield {\doFDFpresettextfield}
+\definespecial\dopresetpopupfield {\doFDFpresetpopupfield}
+\definespecial\dopresetcombofield {\doFDFpresetcombofield}
+\definespecial\dopresetpushfield {\doFDFpresetpushfield}
+\definespecial\dopresetcheckfield {\doFDFpresetcheckfield}
+\definespecial\dopresetradiofield {\doFDFpresetradiofield}
+%D \macros
+%D {dodefinefieldset,dogetfieldset,doiffieldset}
+\definespecial\dogetfieldset {\doFDFgetfieldset}
+\definespecial\doiffieldset {\doFDFiffieldset}
+%D \macros
+%D {doregistercalculationset}
+%D \macros
+%D {doPDFdestination}
+ {\special{pdf: dest (#1) [@thispage /View [/Fit]]}}
+%D \macros
+%D {doPDFaction,doPDFannotation,ifsharePDFactions}
+%D Sharing is not yet supported.
+\newif\ifsharePDFactions \sharePDFactionsfalse
+ {\ifcollectreferenceactions
+ \xdef\lastPDFaction{#4}%
+ \else
+ \bgroup
+ % this is yet untested
+ %\ifsharePDFactions
+ % \ifcase\similarreference\relax
+ % \xdef\lastPDFaction{<<#4>>}%
+ % \or
+ % \global\advance\nofPDFsimilar by 1
+ % \special{pdf: object @PDF::sim:\the\nofPDFsimilar\space<<#4>>}%
+ % \xdef\lastPDFaction{@PDF::sim:\the\nofPDFsimilar}%
+ % \else
+ % % leave \lastPDFaction untouched
+ % \fi
+ %\else
+ \xdef\lastPDFaction{<<#4>>}%
+ %\fi
+ \scratchdimen#2\edef\width {\the\scratchdimen\space}%
+ \scratchdimen#3\edef\height{\the\scratchdimen\space}%
+ \special{pdf: ann #1 width \width height \height
+ <</Subtype /Link /Border [0 0 0]
+ \ifhighlighthyperlinks \else /H /N \fi
+ /A \lastPDFaction\space>>}%
+ \egroup
+ \fi}
+ {\dodoPDFaction\empty{#1}{#2}{#3}}
+ {\bgroup
+ \scratchdimen#1\edef\width {\the\scratchdimen\space}%
+ \scratchdimen#2\edef\height{\the\scratchdimen\space}%
+ \special{pdf: ann width \width height \height
+ <</Subtype /Link /Border [0 0 0] /A <<#3>>}%
+ \egroup}
+%D \macros
+%D {doPDFannotationobject,doPDFactionobject}
+ {\bgroup
+ \scratchdimen#3\edef\width {\the\scratchdimen\space}%
+ \scratchdimen#4\edef\height{\the\scratchdimen\space}%
+ \special{pdf: ann @#1::#2 width \width height \height <<#5>>}%
+ \dosetobjectreference{#1}{#2}{@#1::#2}%
+ \egroup}
+ {\dodoPDFaction{@#1::#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}%
+ \dosetobjectreference{#1}{#2}{#1::#2}}
+%D \macros
+%D {doPDFaddtocatalog,doPDFaddtoinfo,
+%D doPDFpageattribute,doPDFpagesattribute}
+ {\special{pdf: put @catalog <<#1>>}}
+\def\doPDFaddtoinfo#1% Is this auto appended? Not checked!
+ {\special{pdf: docinfo <<#1>>}} % put @docinfo <<#1>>}}
+ {\special{pdf: put @thispage <<#1>>}}
+ {\special{pdf: put @pages <<#1>>}}
+ {\message{[skipping PDF resource]}}
+\let\doPDFresetpageresources \relax
+%D \macros
+%D {doPDFbookmark}
+ {\ifcase#2\else
+ \scratchcounter#4\advance\scratchcounter\minusone
+ \special{pdf: out \ifcase#5-\fi#2
+ % <</Page \the\scratchcounter\space /View [/Fit] /Title (#3)>>}%
+ % <</Title (#3) /A <</S /GoTo /D [@page\number#4\space\PDFpageviewwrd]>> >>}%
+ <</Title \ifPDFunicode<#3>\else(#3)\fi\space /A <</S /GoTo /D [@page\number#4\space\PDFpageviewwrd]>> >>}%
+ \fi}
+%D \macros
+%D {doPDFdictionaryobject,doPDFarrayobject}
+ {\special{pdf: object @#1::#2 <<#3>>}}
+ {\special{pdf: object @#1::#2 [#3]}}
+%D \macros
+%D {defaultobjectreference,doPDFgetobjectreference}
+ {\dogetobjectreference{#1}{#2}#3%
+ \ifx#3\empty\else\edef#3{{#3}}\fi}
+% \def\doPDFgetobjectpage #1#2#3{..}
+% \def\doPDFgetobjectpagereference#1#2#3{..}
+ {\edef#2{@page#1}}
+%D Done.
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/spec-dpx.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/spec-dpx.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..323152e0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/spec-dpx.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,792 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=spec-dpx,
+%D version=2005.08.12,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Special Macros,
+%D subtitle=DVIPDFMx support,
+%D author=Jin-Hwan Cho,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={Jin-Hwan Cho \& Hans Hagen}]
+%C DVIPDFMx is an eXtended version of the DVIPDFM, a DVI to PDF
+%C translator, still under construction by Jin-Hwan Cho and
+%C Shunsaku Hirata.
+%C It supports multi-byte character encodings and large character
+%C sets for East Asian languages by CID-keyed font technology,
+%C and many features including PDF encryption, PDF bookmarks and
+%C annotations with Chinese, Japanese, Korean characters, etc.
+%C DVIPDFMx (and information) can be downloaded from:
+%D This driver is built on top of the general \PDF\ macros,
+%D as defined in \type{spec-fdf}, so we inherit that one.
+%D 1. Modified codes from \type{spec-dpm}
+%D \macros
+%D {jobsuffix}
+%D Because no intermediate output format is used, we set the
+%D jobsuffix to \PDF.
+%D Map files (experimental)
+ {\flushatshipout{\special{pdf:mapfile +#2}}}
+%D DVIPDFMx supports the special command \type{pdf: literal ...}
+%D since the version \type{dvipdfmx-20021028}.
+%D 1. \type{pdf: literal #1} puts the given PDF commands \#1
+%D after changing the text matrix with \type{"1 0 0 1 x y cm"}
+%D to set the current DVI position $(x,y)$ to the origin.
+%D 2. \type{pdf: literal reverse #1} puts the given PDF commands \#1
+%D after changing the text matrix with \type{"1 0 0 1 -x -y cm"}.
+%D 3. \type{pdf: literal direct #1} puts directly the given PDF
+%D commands \#1 without changing the text matrix.
+%D Since the version \type{dvipdfmx-20050812}, the role of the special
+%D command \type{pdf:literal} is changed so that
+%D 1. \type{pdf:literal #1} puts the given PDF commands \#1
+%D after changing the text matrix with \type{"1 0 0 1 x y cm"}
+%D to set the current DVI position $(x,y)$ to the origin. After that
+%D it restores the previous setting by changing the text matrix with
+%D \type{"1 0 0 1 -x -y cm"}.
+%D 2. \type{pdf:literal direct #1} puts directly the given PDF commands
+%D \type {#1} without changing the text matrix.
+%D Literal \PDF\ inclusion is implemented as:
+\def\PDFcode #1{\special{pdf:literal #1}}
+\def\PDFcontentcode#1{\special{pdf:content #1}}
+\def\PDFdirectcode #1{\special{pdf:literal direct #1}}
+%D \type{\dosetuppaper} in \type{spec-dpm} did not work properly
+%D because DVIPDFM did not permit changing the page size.
+%D However, DVIPDFMx permits different page size in each page
+%D since the version \type{dvipdfmx-20021028}.
+%D \macros
+%D {dosetuppaper}
+%D A simple one.
+\let\PDFpagexyzspec\relax \def\PDFpagexyzspec{@xpos @ypos 0} % untested
+ {\bgroup
+ \scratchdimen#2\edef\width {\the\scratchdimen\space}%
+ \scratchdimen#3\edef\height{\the\scratchdimen\space}%
+ \special{pdf:pagesize width \width height \height}%
+ \egroup}
+%D \macros
+%D {doinsertfile}
+%D Only \METAPOST, \BMP\ \JPG\ \PNG\ and \PDF\ inclusion are supported.
+ {\dofileinsertion{dpx}\@@DriverImageType}
+%D Even though DVIPDFM supports \METAPOST directly, the funtionality
+%D is not good. It conflicts much with \CONTEXT.
+%D So, \METAPOST will be treated as the same way as PDFTeX using
+%D MPtoPDF in DVIPDFMx since the version \type{dvipdfmx-20021028}.
+%D DVIPDFM (and DVIPDFMx too) supports the image files with
+%D the extension, \PDF, \JPG, \PNG, \BMP, and \EPS.
+% \def\handleepsimage
+% {\PointsToWholeBigPoints\@@DriverImageWidth \width
+% \PointsToWholeBigPoints\@@DriverImageHeight\height
+% \special
+% {PSfile="\@@DriverImageFile"\space
+% llx=\EPSllx\space lly=\EPSlly\space
+% urx=\EPSurx\space ury=\EPSury\space
+% rwi=\width0\space rhi=\height0}}
+% \definefileinsertion{dpx}{mps}{\handleepsimage}
+ {\hbox
+ {\convertMPtoPDF\@@DriverImageFile{1}{1}%
+ \global\let\PDFimagereference\empty}}
+ {\special{pdf: image
+ width \@@DriverImageWidth \space
+ height \@@DriverImageHeight\space
+ (\@@DriverImageFile)}}
+%D \macros
+%D {doinsertsoundtrack}
+%D Sounds are supported too.
+%D \macros
+%D {doovalbox}
+%D \macros
+%D {dostartgraymode,dostopgraymode,
+%D dostartrgbcolormode,dostartcmykcolormode,dostartgraycolormode,
+%D dostopcolormode,
+%D dostartrotation,dostoprotation,
+%D dostartscaling,dostopscaling,
+%D dostartmirroring,dostopmirroring,
+%D dostartnegative,dostopnegative}
+%D Unfortunately the direct \PDF\ inclusion is not suited
+%D for the next macros, which means that we cannot use the
+%D \type {\doPDF..} alternatives. Since \CONTEXT\ maintains
+%D its own colorstack, we use the \DVIPS\ alternatives.
+\definespecial\dostartgraymode {\doPDFstartgraymode}
+\definespecial\dostopgraymode {\doPDFstopgraymode}
+\definespecial\dostartrgbcolormode {\doPDFstartrgbcolormode}
+\definespecial\dostopcolormode {\doPDFstopcolormode}
+\definespecial\doregisterrgbspotcolor {\doPDFregisterrgbspotcolor}
+\definespecial\doregisterrgbindexcolor {\doPDFregisterrgbindexcolor}
+\definespecial\doregisternonecolor {\doPDFregisternonecolor}
+\definespecial\dostartrotation #1{\special{pdf:btrans rotate #1}}
+\definespecial\dostoprotation {\special{pdf:etrans}}
+\definespecial\dostartscaling#1#2{\special{pdf:btrans xscale #1 yscale #2}}
+\definespecial\dostopscaling {\special{pdf:etrans}}
+\definespecial\dostartmirroring {\special{pdf:btrans xscale -1}}
+\definespecial\dostopmirroring {\special{pdf:etrans}}
+%D Negation is not (yet) supported:
+\definespecial\dostartnegative {\doPDFstartnegative}
+\definespecial\dostopnegative {\doPDFstopnegative}
+\definespecial\dostartoverprint {\doPDFstartoverprint}
+\definespecial\dostopoverprint {\doPDFstopoverprint}
+\definespecial\dostoptransparency {\doPDFstoptransparency}
+ \newcount\PDFcurrenttransparency \PDFcurrenttransparency=0 % -1
+ {\def\PDFtransparencyidentifier{/Tr#1}%
+ \def\PDFtransparencyreference{@TR:#2}} % todo: \PDFobjref{TR:#2}
+ {\initializePDFtransparency
+ \executeifdefined{\@@PDT#1:#2}{\dopresetPDFtransparency{#1}{#2}}}
+ {\global\advance\PDFcurrenttransparency \plusone
+ \doPDFreserveDPXobject{TR:\the\PDFcurrenttransparency}{<< >>}% hack
+ \special{pdf:\doPDFcheckedDPXobject{TR:\the\PDFcurrenttransparency}\PDFtransparancydictionary{#1}{#2}{}}%
+ \edef\PDFtransparencyidentifier{/Tr\the\PDFcurrenttransparency}%
+ \edef\PDFtransparencyreference {@TR:\the\PDFcurrenttransparency}%
+ \setxvalue{\@@PDT#1:#2}%
+ {\noexpand\assignPDFtransparency{\the\PDFcurrenttransparency}{\the\PDFcurrenttransparency}}%
+ \appendtoPDFdocumentextgstates
+ {\PDFtransparencyidentifier\space
+ \PDFtransparencyreference\space}}
+ {\doPDFreserveDPXobject{TR:0}{<< >>}% hack
+ \special{pdf:\doPDFcheckedDPXobject{TR:0}\PDFtransparancydictionary{1}{1}{/AIS false}}%
+ \xdef\PDFtransparencyresetidentifier{/Tr0}%
+ \xdef\PDFtransparencyresetreference{@TR:0}%
+ \setxvalue{\@@PDT0:0}%
+ {\noexpand\assignPDFtransparency{0}{0}}%
+ \appendtoPDFdocumentextgstates
+ {\PDFtransparencyresetidentifier\space
+ \PDFtransparencyresetreference\space}%
+ \global\let\initializePDFtransparency\relax}
+%D \macros
+%D {dosetupinteraction,
+%D dosetupopenaction,dosetupcloseaction}
+ {\showmessage\m!interactions{21}{DVIPDFMx}}
+\definespecial\dosetupopenaction {\doPDFsetupopenaction}
+%D \macros
+%D {doresetgotowhereever,
+%D dostartthisisrealpage,dostartthisislocation,
+%D dostartgotorealpage,dostartgotolocation,dostartgotoJS}
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+\definespecial\dostartgotoJS {\doPDFstartgotoJS}
+%D \macros
+%D {doflushJSpreamble}
+ {\bgroup
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+ \@EA\doPSsanitizeJScode\sanitizedJScode\to\sanitizedJScode
+ \special{pdf:object @JS:##1 <</S /JavaScript /JS (\sanitizedJScode)>>}%
+ \edef\compositeJScode{\compositeJScode\space (##1) @JS:##1}}%
+ \processcommalist[#1]\docommand
+ \special{pdf:names /JavaScript [\compositeJScode]}%
+ \egroup}
+%D \macros
+%D {dostarthide,dostophide}
+\definespecial\dostophide {}
+%D \macros
+%D {dosetupscreen}
+\definespecial\dosetupscreen {\doPDFsetupscreen \printpaperheight}
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+%D \macros
+%D {dostartexecutecommand}
+%D \macros
+%D {dosetupidentity}
+%D \macros
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+%D \macros
+%D {dostartgotoprofile, dostopgotoprofile,
+%D dobeginofprofile, doendofprofile}
+ {\bgroup
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+ \doifsomething{\PDFdestination}
+ {\special
+ {pdf:thread @ART::\PDFdestination\space
+ width \width height \height
+ <</Title (\PDFdestination)>>}}%
+ \egroup}
+ {}
+%D \macros
+%D {doinsertbookmark}
+%D \macros
+%D {dostartobject,dostopobject,doinsertobject}
+%D Modified to support the color shading feature since version
+%D \type{dvipdfmx-20021128}.
+% wd nextbox > #3 ivm offset
+% \definespecial\dostartobject#1#2#3#4#5%
+% {\bgroup
+% \dowithnextbox
+% {\dosetobjectreference{#1}{#2}{@#1::#2}%
+% \scratchdimen#3\edef\width {\the\scratchdimen\space}%
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+% \setbox\nextbox\vbox
+% {\special{pdf:bxobj @#1::#2 width \width height \height}%
+% % we need to compensate for the box offset (ugly, sigh)
+% \scratchdimen\nextboxht
+% \advance\scratchdimen\nextboxdp
+% \advance\scratchdimen-#4\relax
+% \nextboxdp\zeropoint
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+% \global\let\currentPDFresources\empty
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+% \smashbox\nextbox
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+% \egroup}%
+% \hbox\bgroup}
+% \definespecial\dostopobject
+% {\egroup}
+ {\bgroup
+ \dowithnextbox
+ {\ifcase#1\or\dosetobjectreference{#2}{#3}{@#2::#3}\fi
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+ \setbox\nextbox\vbox
+ {\special{pdf:bxobj @#2::#3 width \width height \height}%
+ % we need to compensate for the box offset (ugly, sigh)
+ \scratchdimen\nextboxht
+ \advance\scratchdimen\nextboxdp
+ \advance\scratchdimen-#5\relax
+ \nextboxdp\zeropoint
+ \nextboxht\zeropoint
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+ \ifx\currentPDFresources\empty
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+ \special{pdf:exobj}}%
+ \finalizeobjectbox\nextbox
+ \smashbox\nextbox
+ \flushatshipout{\box\nextbox}%
+ \egroup}%
+ \hbox\bgroup}
+ {\egroup}
+ {\doDVIPDFMXstartobject\plusone{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}}
+ {\doDVIPDFMXstopobject}
+ {\hbox
+ {\doPDFgetobjectreference{#1}{#2}\PDFobjectreference
+ \ifx\PDFobjectreference\empty \else
+ \special{pdf:uxobj @#1::#2}%
+ \fi}}
+%D \macros
+%D {dosetpagetransition}
+%D \macros
+%D {doinsertcomment, doflushcomments}
+%D \macros
+%D {dopresetlinefield,dopresettextfield,
+%D dopresetchoicefield,dopresetpopupfield,dopresetcombofield,
+%D dopresetpushfield,dopresetcheckfield,
+%D dopresetradiofield,dopresetradiorecord}
+\definespecial\dopresetlinefield {\doFDFpresetlinefield}
+\definespecial\dopresettextfield {\doFDFpresettextfield}
+\definespecial\dopresetpopupfield {\doFDFpresetpopupfield}
+\definespecial\dopresetcombofield {\doFDFpresetcombofield}
+\definespecial\dopresetpushfield {\doFDFpresetpushfield}
+\definespecial\dopresetcheckfield {\doFDFpresetcheckfield}
+\definespecial\dopresetradiofield {\doFDFpresetradiofield}
+%D \macros
+%D {dodefinefieldset,dogetfieldset,doiffieldset}
+\definespecial\dogetfieldset {\doFDFgetfieldset}
+\definespecial\doiffieldset {\doFDFiffieldset}
+%D \macros
+%D {doregistercalculationset}
+%D \type{\doPDFdestination} in \type{spec-dpm} had a bug.
+%D \macros
+%D {doPDFdestination}
+ {\special{pdf:names /Dests (#1) [@thispage \PDFpageviewwrd]}}
+%D \macros
+%D {doPDFaction,doPDFannotation,ifsharePDFactions}
+%D Sharing is not yet supported.
+\newif\ifsharePDFactions \sharePDFactionsfalse
+ {\ifcollectreferenceactions
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+ \else
+ \bgroup
+ % this is yet untested
+ %\ifsharePDFactions
+ % \ifcase\similarreference\relax
+ % \xdef\lastPDFaction{<<#4>>}%
+ % \or
+ % \global\advance\nofPDFsimilar by 1
+ % \special{pdf: object @PDF::sim:\the\nofPDFsimilar\space<<#4>>}%
+ % \xdef\lastPDFaction{@PDF::sim:\the\nofPDFsimilar}%
+ % \else
+ % % leave \lastPDFaction untouched
+ % \fi
+ %\else
+ \xdef\lastPDFaction{<<#4>>}%
+ %\fi
+ \scratchdimen#2\edef\width {\the\scratchdimen\space}%
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+ \special{pdf:ann #1 width \width height \height
+ <</Subtype /Link /Border [0 0 0]
+ \ifhighlighthyperlinks \else /H /N \fi
+ /A \lastPDFaction\space>>}%
+ \egroup
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+ {\dodoPDFaction\empty{#1}{#2}{#3}}
+%D \type{\doPDFannotation} in \type{spec-dpm} had a bug.
+%D \type{\doPDFannotation} conflicts with \type{\doPDFinsertmov},
+%D since width and height also defined in \type{\doPDFinsertmov}.
+ {\bgroup
+ \edef\data{#3}%
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+ \special{pdf:ann width \width height \height <<\data>>}%
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+%D \macros
+%D {doPDFannotationobject,doPDFactionobject}
+ {\bgroup
+ \scratchdimen#3\edef\width {\the\scratchdimen\space}%
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+ \special{pdf:ann @#1::#2 width \width height \height <<#5>>}%
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+ {\dodoPDFaction{@#1::#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}%
+ \dosetobjectreference{#1}{#2}{@#1::#2}}
+%D \macros
+%D {doPDFaddtocatalog,doPDFaddtoinfo,
+%D doPDFpageattribute,doPDFpagesattribute}
+% we could move much more to spec-fdf
+% \ifx\pdfcatalog \undefined \newtoks\pdfcatalog \fi
+% \ifx\pdfinfo \undefined \newtoks\pdfinfo \fi
+% \ifx\pdfpageattr \undefined \newtoks\pdfpageattr \fi
+% \ifx\pdfpageresources\undefined \newtoks\pdfpageresources \fi
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+% \appendtoks
+% \special{pdf: put @catalog <<#1>>}%
+% \special{pdf: docinfo <<#1>>}%
+% \special{pdf: put @pages <<#1>>}%
+% \to \everylastshipout
+% \appendtoks
+% \special{pdf: put @thispage <<#1>>}%
+% \to\everyshipout
+ {\special{pdf:put @catalog <<#1>>}}
+ {\special{pdf:put @docinfo <<#1>>}}
+ {\special{pdf:put @thispage <<#1>>}}
+ {\special{pdf:put @pages <<#1>>}}
+ {\special{pdf:put @resources <<#1>>}}
+\let\doPDFresetpageresources \relax
+%D \type{\doPDFbookmark} in \type{spec-dpm} had a bug.
+%D The openbookmark option \#5 is not supported yet.
+%D \macros
+%D {doPDFbookmark}
+ {\ifcase#1\else
+ %\scratchcounter#4\advance\scratchcounter\minusone
+ \special{pdf:outline #1 %\ifcase#5 opened\fi
+ % <</Title (#3) /A <</S /GoTo /D (page:\the\scratchcounter)>>>>}%
+ % <</Title (#3) /A <</S /GoTo /D [@page\number#4\space\PDFpageviewwrd]>> >>}%
+ <</Title \ifPDFunicode<#3>\else(#3)\fi\space /A <</S /GoTo /D [@page\number#4\space\PDFpageviewwrd]>> >>}%
+ \fi}
+%D \macros
+%D {doPDFdictionaryobject,doPDFarrayobject}
+% Dvipdfmx can't handle
+% \special{pdf:put @foo << /Bar @bar >>}
+% \special{pdf:put @bar << /Foo @foo >>}
+% Objects must be defined before they are used.
+% \special{pdf:obj @foo << >>}
+% \special{pdf:obj @bar << >>}
+% \special{pdf:put @foo << /Bar @bar >>}
+% \special{pdf:put @bar << /Foo @foo >>}
+% However, this only works for dictionary and array.
+ {\ifundefined{r:pdx:d:#1}%
+ % we need a \flushatshipoutprep (prepended, normally appended)
+ \flushatshipout{\special{pdf:object @#1 #2}}%
+ \global\letvalue{r:pdx:d:#1}\empty
+ \fi}
+ {\ifundefined{r:pdx:d:#1}%
+ \doglobal\prependtoks\special{pdf:object @#1 #2}\to\everyfirstshipout
+ \global\letvalue{r:pdx:d:#1}\empty
+ \fi}
+\def\doPDFcheckedDPXobject#1{\ifundefined{r:pdx:d:#1}object\else put\fi\space @#1\space}
+% new, experimental, can save a run, bugged, too many xforms now
+% \def\doreservePDFobject#1#2%
+% {\dosetobjectreference{#1}{#2}{@#1::#2}}
+% \def\doPDFreserveddictionaryobject#1#2#3%
+% {\flushatshipout{\special{pdf:object @#1::#2 << #3 >>}}}
+% \def\doPDFreservedarrayobject#1#2#3%
+% {\flushatshipout{\special{pdf:object @#1::#2 [ #3 ]}}}
+% \doreservePDFobject{FDF}{docuextgstates}
+% \doreservePDFobject{FDF}{colorspaces}
+% \doreservePDFobject{FDF}{docushades}
+% so this is to be checked
+ {\flushatshipout
+ {\special{pdf:\doPDFcheckedDPXobject{#1::#2}<<#3>>}%
+ \dosetobjectreference{#1}{#2}{@#1::#2}}}
+ {\flushatshipout
+ {\special{pdf:\doPDFcheckedDPXobject{#1::#2}[#3]}%
+ \dosetobjectreference{#1}{#2}{@#1::#2}}}
+%D \macros
+%D {defaultobjectreference,doPDFgetobjectreference}
+%D \type{\doPDFgetobjectreference} in \type{spec-dpm} had a bug.
+ {\dogetobjectreference{#1}{#2}#3%
+ \ifx#3\empty\else\edef#3{#3}\fi}
+ {\edef#2{@page#1}}
+%D Done.
+% %D 2. Modified codes from \type{spec-fdf}
+% \definespecial\dostartgraphicgroup{\special{pdf: literal direct q}}
+% \definespecial\dostopgraphicgroup {\special{pdf: literal direct Q}}
+%D 3. Copied codes from \type{spec-tpd}
+%D \macros
+%D {dostartclipping,dostopclipping}
+%D Clipping in \PDFTEX\ is rather trivial. We can even hook
+%D in \METAPOST\ without problems.
+ {\PointsToBigPoints{#2}\width
+ \PointsToBigPoints{#3}\height
+ \grabMPclippath{#1}{1}\width\height
+ {0 0 m \width\space 0 l \width \height l 0 \height l}%
+ \PDFcode
+ {q 0 w \MPclippath\space W n}}
+ {\PDFcode{Q n}}
+%D 4. Modified codes from \type{supp-pdf}
+ {\global\advance\currentPDFshade \plusone
+ \special{pdf:object @ftn:Sh:\currentPDFshade\space
+ <</FunctionType 2
+ /Domain [\gMPs1 \gMPs2]
+ /C0 [\MPshadeA]
+ /C1 [\MPshadeB]
+ /N \gMPs3>>}%
+ \special{pdf:object @obj:Sh:\currentPDFshade\space
+ <</ShadingType #1
+ /ColorSpace /\MPresolvedspace
+ /Function @ftn:Sh:\currentPDFshade\space
+ /Coords [\MPshadeC]
+ /Extend [true true]>>}%
+ \appendtoPDFdocumentshades{/Sh\the\currentPDFshade\space @obj:Sh:\currentPDFshade}%
+ \setxvalue{\@@MPSK#2}{\noexpand\dohandleMPshade{\the\currentPDFshade}}}
+\def\handleMPfigurespecial#1#2#3#4#5#6#7% toto : combine with ext fig
+ {\doiffileelse{#7}
+ {\vbox to \zeropoint
+ {\vss
+ \hbox to \zeropoint
+ {\special{pdf:btrans matrix #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6}%
+ \rlap{\special{pdf:image width 1bp height 1bp (#7)}}
+ \special{pdf:etrans}\hss}}}
+ {\message{[unknown figure #7]}}}
+%D 5. Modified codes from \type{supp-pdf}
+\def\setMPPDFobject#1#2% resources boxnumber
+ {\doglobal\increment\MPPDFobjectcounter
+ \xdef\getMPPDFobject
+ {\vbox to \the\ht#2%
+ {\vss
+ \hbox to \the\wd#2%
+ {%\scratchdimen\wd#2\scratchdimen.5\scratchdimen\hskip-\the\scratchdimen
+ \special{pdf:uxobj @MPPDF::\MPPDFobjectcounter}}}}%
+ \expanded{\doDVIPDFMXstartobject\zerocount{MPPDF}\MPPDFobjectcounter{\the\wd#2}{\the\ht#2}{\the\dp#2}}%
+ \finalizeobjectbox#2%
+ \box#2%
+ \doDVIPDFMXstopobject}
+ {\doiffileelse{./#1}{\includeMPasPDF{./#1}}{\message{[MP #1]}}}
+%D Experimental (untested):
+ {\ifdim#2>\zeropoint
+ \PointsToBigPoints{#2}\ascii
+ \PDFdirectcode{\ascii\space w}%
+ \fi
+ \ifdim#3\points=\onepoint\else
+ \scratchdimen#3\points
+ \PDFdirectcode{\withoutpt{\the\scratchdimen}\space Tc}%
+ \fi
+ \PDFdirectcode{\purenumber#1 Tr}}
+ {\PDFdirectcode{1 w 0 Tc 0 Tr}}
+%D 6. Modified codes from \type{core-obj}
+%D In the viewpoint of TeX, the special command \type{pdf:uxobj @obj}
+%D generates a box with zero point width and zero point height so that
+%D it must be careful to place the box at the reference point.
+\def\dogetobject#1#2#3#4#5#6#7% don't change this, should work for dvi & pdf
+ {\initializepaper
+ \forgetall
+ \dontshowcomposition
+ \setbox\scratchbox\vbox
+ {\doinsertobject{#1}{#2}}%
+ \setbox\scratchbox#3%
+ {\vbox to #5\scaledpoint
+ {\ifdim\ht\scratchbox>#5\scaledpoint
+ \vss\hbox to #4\scaledpoint{\hss\box\scratchbox\hss}\vss
+ \else\ifdim\wd\scratchbox>#4\scaledpoint
+ \vss\hbox to #4\scaledpoint{\hss\box\scratchbox\hss}\vss
+ \else
+ %\vss\box\scratchbox
+ \vss\hbox to #4\scaledpoint{\box\scratchbox\hss}%
+ \fi\fi}}%
+ \box\scratchbox
+ \elabelgroup}
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/spec-dvi.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/spec-dvi.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..89a1330a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/spec-dvi.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=spec-dvi,
+%D version=1996.01.25,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Special Macros,
+%D subtitle=Generic \TEX\ Solutions,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D \macros
+%D {dostartobject,
+%D dostopobject,
+%D doinsertobject}
+%D Reuse of object is not supported by the \DVI\ format. We
+%D therefore just duplicate them using boxes.
+\setjobsuffix{dvi} % can be overloaded in other spec's
+\newbox\DVIobjects \newcounter\DVIobjectcounter
+ {\setbox\nextbox\vbox\bgroup
+ \def\dodostopobject
+ {\egroup
+ \doglobal\increment\DVIobjectcounter
+ \global\setbox\DVIobjects\vbox
+ {\offinterlineskip
+ \forgetall
+ \unvbox\DVIobjects
+ \setbox\nextbox\hbox{\box\nextbox}%
+ \wd\nextbox\zeropoint
+ \dp\nextbox\zeropoint
+ \ht\nextbox\onepoint
+ \allowbreak
+ \box\nextbox}%
+ \dosetobjectreference{#1}{#2}{\DVIobjectcounter}}}
+ {\dodostopobject}
+ {\bgroup
+ \dogetobjectreference{#1}{#2}\DVIobjectreference
+ \splittopskip\zeropoint
+ \setbox0=\copy\DVIobjects
+ \dimen0=\DVIobjectreference\onepoint
+ \advance\dimen0 -\onepoint
+ \setbox2\vsplit0 to \dimen0
+ \ifdim\ht0>\onepoint
+ \setbox0\vsplit0 to \onepoint
+ \fi
+ \unvbox0
+ \setbox0\lastbox
+ \hbox{\unhbox0}% the \hbox is really needed!
+ \egroup}
+%D \macros
+%D {dosetposition,
+%D dosetpositionwhd,
+%D dosetpositionplus}
+%D The next specials only identify a position. It is up to
+%D a \DVI\ postprocessing utility to merge the right commands
+%D into the utility file. Since in \CONTEXT, we only deal
+%D with relative positions, the reference point is not so
+%D important.
+%D The postprocessor should translate the specials into
+%D commands and append these to \type {jobname.tuo} using the
+%D format:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \pospxy {identifier}{page}{x}{y}
+%D \pospxywhd {identifier}{page}{x}{y}{w}{h}{d}
+%D \pospxyplus{identifier}{page}{x}{y}{w}{h}{d}{list}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The postprocessor should, of course, provide the \type
+%D {page}, \type {x}, and \type {y} values.
+%D Now in spec-mis.tex:
+% \definespecial\dosetposition#1%
+% {\special{pos:pxy "#1"}}
+% \definespecial\dosetpositionwhd#1#2#3#4%
+% {\special{pos:pxywhd "#1" #2 #3 #4}}
+% \definespecial\dosetpositionplus#1#2#3#4#5%
+% {\special{pos:pxyplus "#1" #2 #3 #4 #5}}
+%D The next special tells the position postprocessor what
+%D page dimensions were used.
+%D Also in spec-mis.tex:
+% \let\flushDVIpositionpapersize\relax
+% \definespecial\dosetpositionpapersize#1#2%
+% {\xdef\flushDVIpositionpapersize%
+% {\special{pos:papersize \number#1 \number#2}%
+% \noexpand\installprogram{dvipos -o \jobname.tuo \jobname.dvi }%
+% \global\noexpand\let\noexpand\flushDVIpositionpapersize\relax}}
+% \prependtoksonce \flushDVIpositionpapersize \to \everyshipout
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/spec-fdf.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/spec-fdf.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0713fa80c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/spec-fdf.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,3532 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=spec-fdf,
+%D version=1998.05.18,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ \PDF\ Macros,
+%D subtitle=Support Macros,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D The name of this module is a bit strange but it started with fields
+%D so we keep the name.
+%D When dealing with resources, we share the resource dictionaries
+%D between all xforms. This is inefficent in the sense that when no
+%D resources are used, redundant entries take space, but on the other
+%D hand we save redundant dictionaries so it's a nice compromise. Maybe
+%D that in \LUATEX\ I will reimplement most of the code here anyway.
+%D We need to check if we can use \type {\driverreferenced}
+%D object in more places.
+%D Initialization of fields is tricky. If a field has no
+%D value, it is kind of not there. If ResetForm is used, the
+%D default is assigned, but pushbuttons are spoiled. Adding a
+%D \type {/MK} dictionary helps, but gives ugly down
+%D appearances (displaced with background). What a mess.
+%D Also, in order to get at least something, the \type {/AS}
+%D key should be provided.
+% to do : /IF << /SW /N >> == no scaling / clipping of widget
+%D \macros
+%D {PDFobjref}
+%D Just a shortcut.
+% Watch out, \def\PDFobjref#1{\purenumber#1 0 R} also works, but not when
+% #1 == \the\whatever
+\def\PDFobjref#1{\purenumber{#1} 0 R}
+%D \macros
+%D {PDFswapdir}
+\let\PDFswapdir\empty \def\PDFswapdir{\ifcase\inlinedirection\or\or-\fi}
+% the pdf spec changed cq. viewers started behaving differently / 5+
+\chardef\overcomePDFpage\plusone % page numbers/ beware: optimizers remove this one
+\chardef\overcomePDFpage\plustwo % page:number
+%chardef\overcomePDFpage\plusthree % pdftex page ref feature
+\ifx\pdfpageref\undefined \else \chardef\overcomePDFpage\plusthree \fi
+%D \macros
+%D {setPDFdestination}
+%D \PDF\ destinations should obey the specifications laid down
+%D in the \PDF\ reference manual. The next macro strips illegal
+%D characters from the destination name.
+%D The \ACROBAT\ programs are not bug free. By setting the next
+%D switches, we will at least try to prevent problems.
+\newif\ifovercomePDFbugs \overcomePDFbugsfalse % dest sort problem / 3-
+\newif\ifovercomePDFspace \overcomePDFspacetrue % dest sort problem / 3-
+\let\setPDFdestination\gobbleoneargument % a MK specific definition
+%D \macros
+%D {sanitizePDFstring}
+%D This macro at least tries to convert a arbitrary string
+%D into a sequence of characters valid for \PDF\ bookmarks and
+%D alike.
+%D \macros
+%D {doPDFdestination,
+%D doPDFaction,
+%D doPDFannotation,
+%D doPDFannotationobject,
+%D doPDFdictionaryobject,
+%D doPDFarrayobject,
+%D doPDFaddtocatalog,
+%D doPDFaddtoinfo,
+%D doPDFpageattribute,
+%D doPDFpageresource,
+%D doPDFpagesattribute,
+%D doPDFbookmark,
+%D defaultobjectreference,
+%D doPDFgetobjectreference}
+%D This module deals with \PDF\ support, including fill||in
+%D forms. Before we present the largely unreadable bunch of
+%D macros, we introduce the here||not||defined low level
+%D interface macros. These must be provided by the special
+%D drivers \type{pdf} (\ACROBAT) and \type{tpd} (\PDFTEX).
+%D \starttyping
+%D \doPDFdestination #1 name
+%D \doPDFaction #1#2#3 width height action
+%D \doPDFannotation #1#2#3 width height data
+%D \doPDFannotationobject #1#2#3#4#5 class name width height data
+%D \doPDFdictionaryobject #1#2#3 class name data
+%D \doPDFarrayobject #1#2#3 class name data
+%D \doPDFaddtocatalog #1
+%D \doPDFaddtoinfo #1
+%D \doPDFpageattribute #1
+%D \doPDFpageresource #1
+%D \doPDFpagesattribute #1
+%D \doPDFbookmark #1#2#3#4#5 level n text page open
+%D \defaultobjectreference #1#2 class name
+%D \doPDFgetobjectreference #1#2#3 class name \PDFobjectreference
+%D \doPDFgetobjectpagereference #1#2#3 class name \PDFobjectreference
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The keywords reflect their use. For the moment we stick to
+%D keywords, because that way at we get an indication of what
+%D we're doing.
+%D Common:
+% \def\doPDFgetobjectreference#1#2#3%
+% {\def#3{..}}
+ {\dogetobjectreferencepage{#1}{#2}#3%
+ \ifx#3\empty\def#3{\realfolio}\fi}
+ {\dogetobjectreferencepage{#1}{#2}#3%
+ \ifx#3\empty
+ \doPDFgetpagereference\realfolio#3%
+ \else
+ \doPDFgetpagereference#3#3% we assume that #3 gets expanded
+ \fi}
+% \def\doPDFgetpagereference#1#2%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+% {\def#2{...}}
+%D Due to the fact that \PDFTEX\ has a different concept of
+%D page attributes, we need:
+\let\doPDFresetpageresources \relax
+ \doPDFresetpageattributes
+ \doPDFresetpageresources
+\to \everyaftershipout
+ \ifx\pdfliteral\undefined
+ \def\PDFcode#1{\message{[ignored pdfliteral: #1]}}
+ \else
+ \let\PDFcode\pdfliteral
+ \fi
+%D For special (\METAPOST) effects, we need to build
+%D resource dictionaries. Here is the framework.
+ {\ifx\docuPDFextgstates\empty \else
+ \ifnum\realpageno=\lastpage\relax
+ %\doPDFreserveddictionaryobject{FDF}{docuextgstates}{\docuPDFextgstates}%
+ \doPDFdictionaryobject{FDF}{docuextgstates}{\docuPDFextgstates}%
+ \fi
+ \doPDFgetobjectreference{FDF}{docuextgstates}\PDFobjectreference
+ \doPDFpageresource{/ExtGState \PDFobjectreference}%
+ \fi}
+ \checkPDFextgstates
+\to \everyshipout
+ {\xdef\docuPDFextgstates{\docuPDFextgstates\space#1}}
+%D Patterns (for tikz)
+ {\ifx\docuPDFpatterns\empty \else
+ \ifnum\realpageno=\lastpage\relax
+ \doPDFdictionaryobject{FDF}{docupatterns}{\docuPDFpatterns}%
+ \fi
+ \doPDFgetobjectreference{FDF}{docupatterns}\PDFobjectreference
+ \doPDFpageresource{/Pattern \PDFobjectreference}%
+ \fi}
+ \checkPDFpatterns
+\to \everyshipout
+ {\xdef\docuPDFpatterns{\docuPDFpatterns\space#1}}
+%D Another special mechanism (needed for color separation):
+ {\ifx\docuPDFcolorspaces\empty \else
+ \ifnum\realpageno=\lastpage\relax
+ %\doPDFreserveddictionaryobject{FDF}{colorspaces}{\docuPDFcolorspaces}%
+ \doPDFdictionaryobject{FDF}{colorspaces}{\docuPDFcolorspaces}%
+ \fi
+ \doPDFgetobjectreference{FDF}{colorspaces}\PDFobjectreference
+ \doPDFpageresource{/ColorSpace \PDFobjectreference}%
+ \fi}
+ \checkPDFcolorspaces
+\to \everyshipout
+ {\xdef\docuPDFcolorspaces{\docuPDFcolorspaces\space#1}}
+%D And another one (used to be in spec-pdf)
+ {\ifx\docuPDFshades\empty \else
+ \ifnum\realpageno=\lastpage\relax
+ %\doPDFreserveddictionaryobject{FDF}{docushades}{\docuPDFshades}%
+ \doPDFdictionaryobject{FDF}{docushades}{\docuPDFshades}%
+ \fi
+ \doPDFgetobjectreference{FDF}{docushades}\PDFobjectreference
+ \doPDFpageresource{/Shading \PDFobjectreference}%
+ \fi}
+ \checkPDFshades
+\to \everyshipout
+ {\xdef\docuPDFshades{\docuPDFshades\space#1}}
+%D \macros
+%D {doPDFsetupscreen,doPDFsetupidentity}
+%D Opposite to \DVI\ drivers, \PDF\ ones must know which what
+%D page dimensions they are dealing. We also use the
+%D opportunity to launch full screen (1) or show bookmarks (2).
+\let\currentPDFpagemode \empty % document catalog
+\let\currentPDFviewerprefs\empty % document catalog
+\let\currentPDFcropbox \empty % page attributes
+\let\currentPDFbleedbox \empty % page attributes
+\let\currentPDFartbox \empty % page attributes
+\let\currentPDFtrimbox \empty % page attributes
+\def\doPDFsetupscreen#1#2#3#4#5#6% watch the extra argument
+ {\bgroup
+% \!!widtha#4%
+% \advance\!!widtha#2%
+% \!!heighta-#5%
+% \!!heightb#1% extra argument
+% \advance\!!heightb -#3%
+% \advance\!!heighta \!!heightb
+% % sometimes whole values give better results
+% % \PointsToWholeBigPoints{#2}\left
+% % \PointsToWholeBigPoints\!!heighta\bottom
+% % \PointsToWholeBigPoints\!!widtha \width
+% % \PointsToWholeBigPoints\!!heightb\height
+% % but since pdf/x does not round when checking if
+% % the boxes fit inside the media box ...
+% \PointsToBigPoints{#2}\left
+% \PointsToBigPoints\!!heighta\bottom
+% \PointsToBigPoints\!!widtha \width
+% \PointsToBigPoints\!!heightb\height
+% \xdef\currentPDFcropboxspec
+% {[\left\space\bottom\space\width\space\height]}%
+% \global\let\currentPDFtrimboxspec\currentPDFcropboxspec
+% \xdef\currentPDFpagemode
+% {/PageMode \ifcase#6
+% /UseNone\or/FullScreen\or/UseOutlines\else/UseNone\fi}%
+ \xdef\currentPDFpagemode
+ {\ifnum#6=4
+ /PageLayout /TwoColumnRight
+ \else
+ /PageMode \ifcase#6
+ /UseNone\or/FullScreen\or/UseOutlines\else/UseNone\fi
+ \fi}%
+ \xdef\currentPDFviewerprefs % space after #6 needed, else \relax
+ {\ifcase#6 \or\or\else /ViewerPreferences << /FitWindow true >>\fi}%
+ \egroup}
+% not that good if we switch drivers
+ {\doPDFaddtocatalog{\currentPDFpagemode\currentPDFviewerprefs}%
+ \doPDFaddtocatalog{/Version /\PDFversion}%
+ \doPDFaddtoinfo{/Trapped /False}%
+ \doPDFaddtoinfo{/ConTeXt.Version (\contextversion)}%
+ \doPDFaddtoinfo{/ConTeXt.Time (\number\normalyear.\twodigits\normalmonth.\twodigits\normalday\space \twodigits\currenthour:\twodigits\currentminute)}%
+ \doPDFaddtoinfo{/ConTeXt.Jobname (\jobname)}%
+ \doPDFaddtoinfo{/ConTeXt.Url (}}
+\appendtoksonce % hack to prevent duplicates
+ \addPDFdocumentinfo
+\to \everyfirstshipout
+ \ifx\pdfoptionpdfminorversion\undefined
+ \newcount\pdfminorversion
+ \else
+ \let\pdfminorversion\pdfoptionpdfminorversion
+ \fi
+ \def\PDFversion{1.\the\pdfminorversion}%
+ \let\addPDFdocumentinfo\relax
+\to \everyresetspecials
+\def\doPDFsetupwhateverbox#1#2#3#4#5#6% watch the extra arguments
+ {\bgroup
+ \!!widtha \dimexpr#5+#3\relax
+ \!!heightb\dimexpr#2-#4\relax
+ \!!heighta\dimexpr\!!heightb-#6\relax
+ % sometimes whole values give better results
+ % \PointsToWholeBigPoints{#3}\left
+ % \PointsToWholeBigPoints\!!heighta\bottom
+ % \PointsToWholeBigPoints\!!widtha \width
+ % \PointsToWholeBigPoints\!!heightb\height
+ % but since pdf/x does not round when checking if
+ % the boxes fit inside the media box ...
+ \PointsToBigPoints{#3}\left
+ \PointsToBigPoints\!!heighta\bottom
+ \PointsToBigPoints\!!widtha \width
+ \PointsToBigPoints\!!heightb\height
+ \xdef#1{[\left\space\bottom\space\width\space\height]}%
+ \egroup}
+\def\doPDFsetupartbox {\doPDFsetupwhateverbox\currentPDFartbox }
+\def\doPDFsetupcropbox {\doPDFsetupwhateverbox\currentPDFcropbox }
+\def\doPDFsetuptrimbox {\doPDFsetupwhateverbox\currentPDFtrimbox }
+\gdef\currentPDFtrimbox{\currentPDFcropbox} % default, needed for pdf/x
+ {\doifsomething{#1}{\doPDFpageattribute{/#2Box #1}}}
+ {\flushPDFwhateverbox\currentPDFartbox {Art}%
+ \flushPDFwhateverbox\currentPDFcropbox {Crop}%
+ \flushPDFwhateverbox\currentPDFbleedbox{Bleed}%
+ \flushPDFwhateverbox\currentPDFtrimbox {Trim}}
+ \flushPDFpageboxes
+\to \everyshipout
+% \def\doPDFsetupidentity#1#2#3#4#5#6%
+% {\bgroup
+% \enablePDFdocencoding
+% \edef\!!stringa{#5}%
+% \ifx\!!stringa\empty \ifx\pdfdate\undefined\else
+% \edef\!!stringa{D:\pdfdate}%
+% \fi \fi
+% \expanded{\doPDFaddtoinfo
+% {/Title (#1)
+% /Subject (#2)
+% /Author (#3)
+% /Creator (#4)
+% /ModDate (\!!stringa)
+% /ID (\jobname.\!!stringa) % needed for pdf/x
+% /Keywords (#6)}}%
+% \egroup}
+ {\bgroup
+ \enablePDFdocencoding
+ \sanitizePDFencoding#1\to\idtitle \stripstring\idtitle
+ \sanitizePDFencoding#2\to\idsubject\stripstring\idsubject
+ \sanitizePDFencoding#3\to\idauthor \stripstring\idauthor
+ \sanitizePDFencoding#4\to\idcreator\stripstring\idcreator
+ \sanitizePDFencoding#6\to\idkeyword\stripstring\idkeyword
+ \expanded{\doPDFaddtoinfo
+ {/Title \ifPDFunicode<\idtitle >\else(\idtitle )\fi
+ /Subject \ifPDFunicode<\idsubject>\else(\idsubject)\fi
+ /Author \ifPDFunicode<\idauthor >\else(\idauthor )\fi
+ /Creator \ifPDFunicode<\idcreator>\else(\idcreator)\fi
+ /ModDate (#4)
+ /ID (\jobname.#5) % needed for pdf/x
+ /Keywords \ifPDFunicode<\idkeyword>\else(\idkeyword)\fi}}%
+ \egroup}
+%D \macros
+%D {doPDFsetupopenaction,doPDFsetupcloseaction,
+%D doPDFsetupopenpageaction,doPDFsetupclosepageaction}
+%D Setting the open and close actions is kind of fuzzy
+%D because action chains are derived from the reference
+%D mechanism.
+%D Starting with version~5 viewers, when the open actions
+%D started yto give problems, for testing purposes we
+%D decided use indirect actions.
+% \definespecial\dosetupopenaction {\doPDFsetupopenaction}
+% \definespecial\dosetupcloseaction {\doPDFsetupcloseaction}
+% \definespecial\dosetupopenpageaction {\doPDFsetupopenpageaction}
+% \definespecial\dosetupclosepageaction{\doPDFsetupclosepageaction}
+%D We can safe a couple of references by moving this code
+%D to the specific drivers.
+%D The following code used to work okay, but as with any
+%D update of Acrobat Viewers, upward compatibility was
+%D just a dream.
+\definespecial\dosetupopenaction {\doPDFaddtocatalog{/OpenAction <<\lastPDFaction>>}}
+\definespecial\dosetupcloseaction{\doPDFaddtocatalog{/CloseAction <<\lastPDFaction>>}}
+% todo: /AA << dictionary in catalog >>
+% \globalletempty\PDFdocumentclose
+% \globalletempty\PDFwillsave
+% \globalletempty\PDFdidsave
+% \globalletempty\PDFwillprint
+% \globalletempty\PDFdidprint
+% \definespecial\dosetupdocumentcloseaction {\global\let\PDFdocumentclose\lastPDFaction}
+% \definespecial\dosetupwillsaveaction {\global\let\PDFwillsave \lastPDFaction}
+% \definespecial\dosetupdidsaveaction {\global\let\PDFdidsave \lastPDFaction}
+% \definespecial\dosetupwillprintaction {\global\let\PDFwillprint \lastPDFaction}
+% \definespecial\dosetupdidprintaction {\global\let\PDFdidprint \lastPDFaction}
+% \def\checkPDFdocumentactions
+% {\iflocation
+% \doPDFpageattribute
+% {/AA <<\ifx\PDFdocumentclose\empty \else /DC <<\PDFdocumentclose>> \fi
+% \ifx\PDFwillsave \empty \else /WS <<\PDFwillsave >> \fi
+% \ifx\PDFdidsave \empty \else /DS <<\PDFdidsave >> \fi
+% \ifx\PDFwillprint \empty \else /WP <<\PDFwillprint >> \fi
+% \ifx\PDFdidprint \empty \else /DP <<\PDFdidprint >> \fi>>}%
+% % \globalletempty\PDFdocumentclose
+% % \globalletempty\PDFwillsave
+% % \globalletempty\PDFdidsave
+% % \globalletempty\PDFwillprint
+% % \globalletempty\PDFdidprint
+% \global\let\checkPDFdocumentactions\relax
+% \fi}
+% \appendtoksonce
+% \checkPDFdocumentactions
+% \to \everylastshipout
+% {\doPDFdictionaryobject{FDF}{local:openaction}\lastPDFaction
+% \doPDFgetobjectreference{FDF}{local:openaction}\PDFobjectreference
+% \doPDFaddtocatalog{/OpenAction \PDFobjectreference}}
+% {\doPDFdictionaryobject{FDF}{local:closeaction}\lastPDFaction
+% \doPDFgetobjectreference{FDF}{local:closeaction}\PDFobjectreference
+% \doPDFaddtocatalog{/CloseAction \PDFobjectreference}}
+\let\PDFopenpageaction \empty
+\definespecial\dosetupopenpageaction {\global\let\PDFopenpageaction \lastPDFaction}
+ {\iflocation % important since direct -)
+ \donefalse
+ \ifx\PDFopenpageaction \empty\!!doneafalse\else\donetrue\!!doneatrue\fi
+ \ifx\PDFclosepageaction\empty\!!donebfalse\else\donetrue\!!donebtrue\fi
+ \ifdone
+ \doPDFpageattribute
+ {/AA <<\if!!donea/O <<\PDFopenpageaction >> \fi
+ \if!!doneb/C <<\PDFclosepageaction>> \fi>>}%
+ \fi
+ \global\let\PDFopenpageaction \empty
+ \global\let\PDFclosepageaction\empty
+ \fi}
+ \checkPDFpageactions
+\to \everyshipout
+%D \macros
+%D {doPDFstartthisislocation}
+%D Next we define the macros that deal with hyperreferencing,
+%D graphic inclusion and general document features. These are
+%D the olderst ones. I won't comment much because one needs
+%D knowledge of \PDF\ itself, and explaning \PDF\ is beyond
+%D this documentation.
+ {\bgroup
+ \setPDFdestination{#1}%
+ \ifx\PDFdestination\empty \else
+ \doPDFdestination{\PDFdestination}%
+ \fi
+ \egroup}
+%D \macros
+%D {doPDFstartgotolocation,
+%D doPDFstartgotorealpage,
+%D doPDFstartgotoJS}
+%D The goto macros use the switch \type{\ifsecondaryreference}
+%D to determine if actions should be linked.
+% \def\preparePDFlocationfile#1#2%
+% {\setreferencefilename#1\to#2%
+% \expanded{\doifnotinstring{.\locationfilesuffix}{#2}}
+% {\edef#2{#2.\locationfilesuffix}}}
+% \def\preparePDFlocationfile#1\to#2%
+% {\setreferencefilename#1\to#2%
+% \expanded{\doifnotinstring{.pdf}{#2}}{\edef#2{#2.pdf}}}
+ {\bgroup
+ \doifelsenothing{#3}
+ {\setPDFdestination{#5}%
+ \doifelsenothing\PDFdestination
+ {\let\action\empty}
+ {\doifelsenothing{#4}
+ {\let\PDFfile\empty}
+ {\expanded{\beforesplitstring#4}\at.\to\PDFfile
+ \doifparentfileelse\PDFfile % {#4}
+ {\let\PDFfile\empty}
+ %{\setreferencefilename#4.\locationfilesuffix\to\PDFfile
+ {\@EA\setreferencefilename\PDFfile.\locationfilesuffix\to\PDFfile
+ \edef\PDFfile
+ {R /F (\PDFfile)\ifgotonewwindow\space/NewWindow true \fi}}}%
+ \edef\action%
+ {/S /GoTo\PDFfile\space /D (\PDFdestination)}}}
+ {\doifelsenothing{#4}
+ {\let\PDFfile\empty
+ \let\PDFdestination\empty}
+ {\setreferencefilename/#4\to\PDFfile
+ \setPDFdestination{#5}%
+ \doifsomething\PDFdestination
+ {\edef\PDFdestination{\URLhash\PDFdestination}}}%
+ \edef\action{/S /URI /URI (#3\PDFfile\PDFdestination)}}%
+ \ifx\action\empty\else
+ \ifsecondaryreference
+ \savesecondaryPDFreference\action
+ \else
+ \getsecondaryPDFreferences
+ \doPDFaction{\PDFswapdir#1}{#2}{\action \secondaryPDFreferences}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \egroup}
+\def\PDFgotonewwindow{\ifgotonewwindow\space/NewWindow true \fi}
+% optimization in tpd driver
+% \edef\PDFdestination{(page:\the\scratchcounter)}%
+% ==>
+% \advance\scratchcounter 1
+% \edef\PDFdestination{[\pdfpageref \PDFobjref\scratchcounter\PDFpageviewwrd]}%
+% \doPDFgetpagedestination#1#2% pagenumber macro % % fuzzy hack
+\def\doPDFstartgotorealpage#1#2#3#4#5% watch the R append trick
+ {\bgroup
+ \doifelsenothing{#3}% #1 = url
+ {\scratchcounter0#5\relax
+ \ifnum\scratchcounter>0
+ \doifelsenothing{#4}
+ {\let\PDFfile\empty}
+ {\expanded{\beforesplitstring#4}\at.\to\PDFfile
+ \doifparentfileelse\PDFfile % {#4}
+ {\let\PDFfile\empty}
+ %{\setreferencefilename#4.\locationfilesuffix\to\PDFfile
+ {\@EA\setreferencefilename\PDFfile.\locationfilesuffix\to\PDFfile
+ \edef\PDFfile{R /F (\PDFfile)\PDFgotonewwindow}}}%
+ \ifx\PDFfile\empty
+ \ifcase\overcomePDFpage
+ \or % pdf starts numbering at zero
+ \advance\scratchcounter \minusone
+ \edef\PDFdestination{[\the\scratchcounter\space\PDFpageviewwrd]}%
+ \or % pdf starts numbering at zero
+ \advance\scratchcounter \minusone
+ \edef\PDFdestination{(page:\the\scratchcounter)}%
+ \or % pdftex starts numbering at one
+ \edef\PDFdestination{[\pdfpageref\scratchcounter\space0 R \PDFpageviewwrd]}%
+ \fi
+ \else % across files it's a page number / pdf starts numbering at zero
+ \advance\scratchcounter \minusone
+ \edef\PDFdestination{[\the\scratchcounter\space\PDFpageviewwrd]}%
+ \fi
+ \edef\action{/S /GoTo\PDFfile\space /D \PDFdestination}%
+ \else
+ \let\action\empty
+ \fi}
+ {\doifelsenothing{#4}
+ {\let\PDFfile\empty}
+ {\setreferencefilename/#4\to\PDFfile}%
+ \edef\action{/S /URI /URI (#3\PDFfile)}}%
+ \ifx\action\empty\else
+ \ifsecondaryreference
+ \savesecondaryPDFreference\action
+ \else
+ \getsecondaryPDFreferences
+ \doPDFaction{\PDFswapdir#1}{#2}{\action \secondaryPDFreferences}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \egroup}
+\def\fakePDFpagedestination % as in pdf, we start numbering at zero
+ {\iflocation \ifarrangingpages \else \ifnum\overcomePDFpage=\plustwo
+ \ifnum\lastfakedPDFpage<\realpageno
+ \bgroup
+ \xdef\lastfakedPDFpage{\realfolio}%
+ \advance\realpageno \minusone % is \expanded needed ?
+ \expanded{\doPDFdestination{page:\realfolio}}%
+ \egroup
+ \fi
+ \fi \fi \fi}
+ \fakePDFpagedestination
+\to \everyshipout
+ {\bgroup
+ \doPSsanitizeJScode#3\to\sanitizedJScode
+ \edef\action
+ {/S /JavaScript /JS (\sanitizedJScode)}%
+ \ifsecondaryreference
+ \savesecondaryPDFreference\action
+ \else
+ \getsecondaryPDFreferences
+ \doPDFaction{\PDFswapdir#1}{#2}{\action \secondaryPDFreferences}%
+ \fi
+ \egroup}
+%D \macros
+%D {doPDFstartexecutecommand}
+%D At the cost of much auxiliary placeholders, we can pretty
+%D fast convert the command asked for. This is how the \PDF\
+%D code looks like.
+ {/Movie
+ /T (\ifcase#1movie \else sound \fi\ifx\argumentA\empty#2\else\argumentA\fi)
+ /Operation /\ifcase#3Play\or Stop\or Pause\or Resume\fi\space}
+\def\PDFexecutestartmovie {\PDFmoviecode0\currentmovie0}
+\def\PDFexecutestopmovie {\PDFmoviecode0\currentmovie1}
+\def\PDFexecutepausemovie {\PDFmoviecode0\currentmovie2}
+\def\PDFexecuteresumemovie {\PDFmoviecode0\currentmovie3}
+\def\PDFexecutestartsound {\PDFmoviecode1\currentsound0}
+\def\PDFexecutestopsound {\PDFmoviecode1\currentsound1}
+\def\PDFexecutepausesound {\PDFmoviecode1\currentsound2}
+\def\PDFexecuteresumesound {\PDFmoviecode1\currentsound3}
+ {\doFDFiffieldset{#1}{/Field [\doFDFgetfieldset{#1}]}}
+% bit 3 = html
+% bit 6 = xml
+% bit 4 = get
+\ifx\PDFsubmitfiller\undefined \let\PDFsubmitfiller\empty \fi
+\chardef\PDFformmethod=1 % 0=GET 1=POST
+\def\PDFexecuteimportform {/Named /N /AcroForm:ImportFDF}
+\def\PDFexecuteexportform {/Named /N /AcroForm:ExportFDF}
+\def\PDFexecuteresetform {/ResetForm \PDFformcode\argumentA}
+\def\PDFexecutesubmitform {/SubmitForm \PDFformcode\argumentB
+ /Flags \ifcase\submitoutputformat\space
+ \PDFformflag{12} {4} % 0=unknown
+ \or \PDFformflag{12} {4} % 1=HTML
+ \or \PDFformflag {8} {0} % 2=FDF
+ \or \PDFformflag{40}{32} % 3=XML
+ \else \PDFformflag{12} {4} % ?=unknown
+ \fi
+ /F (\argumentA)\PDFsubmitfiller}
+% urifill permits url substitution
+\def\PDFexecutehide {/Hide /T (\argumentA) /H true}
+\def\PDFexecuteshow {/Hide /T (\argumentA) /H false}
+\def\PDFexecutefirst {/Named /N /FirstPage}
+\def\PDFexecuteprevious {/Named /N /PrevPage}
+\def\PDFexecutenext {/Named /N /NextPage}
+\def\PDFexecutelast {/Named /N /LastPage}
+\def\PDFexecutebackward {/Named /N /GoBack}
+\def\PDFexecuteforward {/Named /N /GoForward}
+\def\PDFexecuteprint {/Named /N /Print}
+\def\PDFexecuteexit {/Named /N /Quit}
+\def\PDFexecuteclose {/Named /N /Close}
+\def\PDFexecutesave {/Named /N /Save}
+\def\PDFexecutesavenamed {/Named /N /SaveAs}
+\def\PDFexecuteopennamed {/Named /N /Open}
+\def\PDFexecutehelp {/Named /N /HelpUserGuide}
+\def\PDFexecutetoggle {/Named /N /FullScreen}
+\def\PDFexecutesearch {/Named /N /Find}
+\def\PDFexecutesearchagain {/Named /N /FindAgain}
+\def\PDFexecutegotopage {/Named /N /GoToPage}
+\def\PDFexecutequery {/Named /N /AcroSrch:Query}
+\def\PDFexecutequeryagain {/Named /N /AcroSrch:NextHit}
+\def\PDFexecutefitwidth {/Named /N /FitWidth}
+\def\PDFexecutefitheight {/Named /N /FitHeight}
+\let\PDFobjectname \empty
+ {\doifdefined{PDFexecute#3}
+ {\bgroup
+ \edef\argument{#4}%
+ \ifx\argument\empty
+ \let\argumentA\empty
+ \let\argumentB\empty
+ \else
+ \@EA\dogetcommalistelement\@EA1\@EA\from#4\to\argumentA
+ \@EA\dogetcommalistelement\@EA2\@EA\from#4\to\argumentB
+ \fi
+ \edef\action%
+ {/S \getvalue{PDFexecute#3}}%
+ \ifsecondaryreference
+ \savesecondaryPDFreference\action
+ \else
+ \getsecondaryPDFreferences
+% \ifx\PDFobjectclass\empty
+% \let\next\doPDFaction
+% \else
+% \edef\next{\doPDFactionobject{\PDFobjectclass}{\PDFobjectname}}%
+% \globalletempty\PDFobjectclass
+% \globalletempty\PDFobjectname
+% \fi
+% \next
+ \doPDFaction{\PDFswapdir#1}{#2}{\action \secondaryPDFreferences}%
+ \fi
+ \egroup}}
+%D \macros
+%D {doPDFstartrunprogram}
+%D Running programs is possible, but is non that portable, and
+%D therefore dangerous.
+\def\doPDFstartrunprogram#1#2#3#4% new: #3 => #3#4
+ {\bgroup
+ %\edef\string{#3}%
+ %\@EA\beforesplitstring\string\at{ }\to\program
+ %\@EA\aftersplitstring \string\at{ }\to\parameters
+ %\edef\action%
+ % {/S /Launch /F (\program) /P (\parameters) /D (.)}%
+ \edef\action
+ {/S /Launch /F (#3) /P (#4) /D (.)}%
+ \ifsecondaryreference
+ \savesecondaryPDFreference\action
+ \else
+ \getsecondaryPDFreferences
+ \doPDFaction{\PDFswapdir#1}{#2}{\action \secondaryPDFreferences}%
+ \fi
+ \egroup}
+%D \macros
+%D {doPDFstartgotoprofile}
+%D Far from perfect, but nevertheless present, is the profile
+%D handler. We want to misuse article threads for reder
+%D profiles.
+\def\doPDFstartgotoprofile#1#2#3% to be done: file
+ {\bgroup
+ \setPDFdestination{#3}%
+ \doifsomething\PDFdestination
+ {\edef\action
+ {/S /Thread /D (\PDFdestination)}%
+ \ifsecondaryreference
+ \savesecondaryPDFreference\action
+ \else
+ \getsecondaryPDFreferences
+ \doPDFaction{\PDFswapdir#1}{#2}{\action \secondaryPDFreferences}%
+ \fi}%
+ \egroup}
+%D \macros
+%D {doPDFsetpagetransition}
+%D This array holds a reasonable selection of transitions
+%D (watch out: \type{replace} is not in this list). Most of
+%D the transitions look awful anyway. By the way, \CONTEXT\ is
+%D able to select transitions randomly.
+% some day, when 1.5 is on linux and apple, we will add:
+% \def\pagetransitions
+% {{split,in,vertical},{split,in,horizontal},
+% {split,out,vertical},{split,out,horizontal},
+% {blinds,horizontal},{blinds,vertical},
+% {box,in},{box,out},
+% {wipe,east},{wipe,west},{wipe,north},{wipe,south},
+% dissolve,
+% {glitter,east},{glitter,south},
+% {fly,in,east},{fly,in,west},{fly,in,north},{fly,in,south},
+% {fly,out,east},{fly,out,west},{fly,out,north},{fly,out,south},
+% {push,east},{push,west},{push,north},{push,south},
+% {cover,east},{cover,west},{cover,north},{cover,south},
+% {uncover,east},{uncover,west},{uncover,north},{uncover,south},
+% fade}
+ {{split,in,vertical},{split,in,horizontal},
+ {split,out,vertical},{split,out,horizontal},
+ {blinds,horizontal},{blinds,vertical},
+ {box,in},{box,out},
+ {wipe,east},{wipe,west},{wipe,north},{wipe,south},
+ dissolve,
+ {glitter,east},{glitter,south}}
+%D Again, we use macros as placeholders for \PDF\ key||value
+%D pairs.
+\def\PDFpagesplit {/S /Split }
+\def\PDFpageblinds {/S /Blinds }
+\def\PDFpagebox {/S /Box }
+\def\PDFpagewipe {/S /Wipe }
+\def\PDFpagedissolve {/S /Dissolve }
+\def\PDFpageglitter {/S /Glitter }
+\def\PDFpagereplace {/S /R }
+\def\PDFpagefly {/S /Fly } % 1.5
+\def\PDFpagepush {/S /Push } % 1.5
+\def\PDFpagecover {/S /Cover } % 1.5
+\def\PDFpageuncover {/S /Uncover } % 1.5
+\def\PDFpagefade {/S /Fade } % 1.5
+\def\PDFpagehorizontal {/Dm /H }
+\def\PDFpagevertical {/Dm /V }
+\def\PDFpagein {/M /I }
+\def\PDFpageout {/M /O }
+\def\PDFpageeast {/Di 0 }
+\def\PDFpagenorth {/Di 90 }
+\def\PDFpagewest {/Di 180 }
+\def\PDFpagesouth {/Di 270 }
+ {\doifdefined{PDFpage#1}
+ {\edef\PDFpagetransitions{\PDFpagetransitions\getvalue{PDFpage#1}}}}
+ {\let\PDFpagetransitions\empty
+ \processcommalist[#1]\dodoPDFsetpagetransition
+ \doPDFpageattribute
+ %{\ifnum#2>0 /Dur #2 \fi
+ {\ifnum0<0#2 /Dur #2 \fi
+ \ifx\PDFpagetransitions\empty\else/Trans <<\PDFpagetransitions>>\fi}}
+% \ifx\PDFpagetransitions\empty\else/Trans <</Type /Trans \PDFpagetransitions>>\fi}}
+%D \macros
+%D {doPDFinsertmov}
+%D Most of the annotations we use here are of type {\em
+%D link}, but here is another one: the {\em movie} annotation.
+%D The driver module must implement \type {setcurrentmovie}.
+%D Great: this will become an obsolete pdf feature; why did we have to
+%D keep up with the bugs ... and by the time acrobat gets better in
+%D handling it have to drop it.
+ {\bgroup
+ \xdef\currentmovie{\@@DriverImageLabel}%
+ \PointsToBigPoints\@@DriverImageWidth \width
+ \PointsToBigPoints\@@DriverImageHeight\height
+ \let\pdf@@options\empty
+ \let\pdf@@actions\empty
+ \donefalse
+ \expanded{\processallactionsinset[\@@DriverImageOptions]}
+ [\v!controls=>\donetrue,
+ \v!repeat=>\edef\pdf@@actions{\pdf@@actions /Mode /Repeat },
+ \v!preview=>\edef\pdf@@options{\pdf@@options /Poster true }]%
+ \edef\pdf@@actions{\pdf@@actions /ShowControls \ifdone true\else false\fi}%
+ \doPDFannotation\@@DriverImageWidth\@@DriverImageHeight
+ {/Subtype /Movie
+ /Border [0 0 0]
+ /T (movie \currentmovie)
+ /Movie << /F (\@@DriverImageFile) /Aspect [\width\space\height] \pdf@@options >>
+ /A << \pdf@@actions >>}%
+ \egroup}
+%D \macros
+%D {doPDFinsertsoundtrack}
+%D In \PDF\ sounds can be embedded like movies.
+\ifx\everygoto\undefined \newtoks\everygoto \fi
+ {\bgroup
+ \xdef\currentsound{#2}%
+ \let\pdf@@actions\empty
+ \@EA\processallactionsinset\@EA
+ [#3]
+ [\v!repeat=>\edef\pdf@@actions{\pdf@@actions /Mode /Repeat }]%
+ \collectdriverresource
+ %\flushatshipout % since it can be buried in a chained box
+ {\doPDFannotation{0pt}{0pt}
+ {/Subtype /Movie
+ /Border [0 0 0]
+ /T (sound \currentsound)
+ /Movie <</F (#1)>>%
+ \ifx\pdf@@actions\empty\else/A << \pdf@@actions >>\fi}}%
+ \egroup}
+%D \macros
+%D {doPDFattachfile}
+ {}
+ {0}
+ {0 0 R}
+ {\bgroup % title width height color symbol file
+ \edefconvertedargument\PDFfile{#8}%
+ % beware: the symbol may (indirectly) use the file
+ % reference when typesetting the object number;
+ \presetPDFsymbolappearance{#5}{#6}{#2}{#3}{#4}% sets width/height
+ \startPDFsymbolappearance
+ \doPDFembedfile\PDFfile{#7}{#8}%
+ \doPDFgetembeddedfilereference\PDFfile\PDFobjectreference
+ \setFDFlayer\@@DriverAttachmentLayer
+ \doPDFannotation{\width}{\totalheight}
+ {/Subtype /FileAttachment
+ /FS \PDFobjectreference\space
+ /Contents (#1)
+ \PDFsymbol
+ \FDFlayer
+ \PDFattributes}%
+ \stopPDFsymbolappearance
+ \egroup}
+% semi-public
+\def\doPDFembedfile#1#2#3% symbolic name | filename | user name
+ {\edefconvertedargument\PDFfile{#1}%
+ \doifnotflagged{a:\PDFfile}%
+ {\doPDFfilestreamobject{PDFEF}{\PDFfile}{#2}{#3}%
+ \doglobal\setflag{a:\PDFfile}}}
+ {\edefconvertedargument\PDFfile{#1}%
+ \doPDFgetobjectreference{PDFEF}\PDFfile#2}
+ {\edefconvertedargument\PDFfile{#1}%
+ \doPDFgetfilestreamreference\PDFfile#2} % == \doPDFgetobjectreference{PDFFS}\PDFfile#2
+\definespecial \doattachfile {\doPDFattachfile}
+% requested by Jens-Uwe Morawski: permits usage of pdftosrc
+% in viewers that don't support attachments:
+% \definesymbol
+% [ObjectNumber]
+% % [object number {\PDFattachmentnumber[xx]}] % named
+% [object number \PDFattachmentnumber] % current
+% \useattachment[test][xx][test.tex]
+% \setupattachments[symbol=ObjectNumber]
+% \attachment[test]
+ {\dosingleargument\doPDFattachmentnumber}
+ {\iffirstargument
+ \doPDFfilestreamidentifier{#1}%
+ \else
+ \doPDFfilestreamidentifier\PDFfile
+ \fi}
+%D \macros
+%D {...}
+%D Rather preliminary. We have to wait till the complete specs
+%D show up. As usual, we cannot really check it (Acrobat 6.0
+%D has a bug that inhibits us to make a test file). Half a day
+%D of testing made clear that trying to control the plugin fails
+%D in most cases (we need plugin specs -). We also miss a feature
+%D to let acrobat wait with proceeding (action processing) till
+%D the media clip is ready.
+% aiff audio/aiff
+% au audio/basic
+% avi video/avi
+% mid audio/midi
+% mov video/quicktime
+% mp3 audio/x-mp3 (mpeg)
+% mp4 audio/mp4
+% mp4 video/mp4
+% mpeg video/mpeg
+% smil application/smil
+% swf application/x-shockwave-flash
+% beware, this is preliminary code, should be improved
+\def\PDFexecutestartrendering {/Rendition /OP 0 \PDFrenderingspecs\argumentA}
+\def\PDFexecutestoprendering {/Rendition /OP 1 \PDFrenderingspecs\argumentA}
+\def\PDFexecutepauserendering {/Rendition /OP 2 \PDFrenderingspecs\argumentA}
+\def\PDFexecuteresumerendering {/Rendition /OP 3 \PDFrenderingspecs\argumentA}
+% todo : sub files
+% \doPDFembedfile{pier-39.png}{pier-39.png}{pier-39.png}%
+% \doPDFgetembeddedfilestreamreference{pier-39.png}\xPDFobjectreference
+% \edef\xxxx{/RF [(pier-39.png) \xPDFobjectreference]}%
+% todo: alternative renderings
+% object_1 -> <</Type /Rendition /S /MR /C << /Type /MediaClip ... >> >>
+% object_2 -> <</Type /Rendition /S /MR /C << /Type /MediaClip ... >> >>
+% rendering -> <</Type /Rendition /S /MS [objref_1 objref_2]>>
+% todo: embedded files (too buggy)
+% \let\PDFattribute\empty
+% % /D \PDFobjectreference
+% % test one, no error, but ignored
+% \doifinset\v!file{#4}
+% {\doPDFembedfile{#3}{#3}{#3}%
+% \doPDFgetembeddedfilestreamreference{#3}\PDFobjectreference
+% \edef\PDFattribute{/EF \PDFobjectreference}}%
+% % official, does not work either
+% \doifinset\v!file{#4}
+% {\doPDFembedfile{#3}{#3}{#3}%
+% \doPDFgetembeddedfilereference{#3}\PDFobjectreference}
+% % do we play the game as follows
+\definespecial\doinsertrendering#1#2#3#4% tag mime file options
+ {\ifundefined{PDFMR:#1}%
+ \doifinstringelse{://}{#3}\donetrue\donefalse % evt url as keyword
+ \doPDFdictionaryobject{PDFMF}{#1}
+ {/Type /Rendition
+ /S /MR
+ % does not work: /SP << /Type /MediaScreenParam /BE << /B [1 0 0] /O 0.5 >> >>
+ /C << /Type /MediaClip
+ /S /MCD
+ /N (#1)
+ /Alt [() (file not found)] % language id + message
+ /D << /Type /Filespec
+ /F (#3)
+ \ifdone/FS /URL\fi >>
+ /CT (#2) >>}%
+ % common code
+ \doifobjectreferencefoundelse{PDFMS}{#1}
+ {\doPDFgetobjectreference{PDFMS}{#1}\PDFobjectreferenceB}
+ {\doPDFgetobjectreference{PDFMU}{#1}\PDFobjectreferenceB}%
+ \doPDFgetobjectreference{PDFMF}{#1}\PDFobjectreferenceA
+ \setxvalue{PDFMR:#1}% needed /AA actions in /Screen
+ {/R \PDFobjectreferenceA
+ /AN \PDFobjectreferenceB}%
+ \doifobjectreferencefoundelse{PDFMS}{#1}\donothing
+ {\dodoinsertrenderingwindow{PDFMU}{#1}\zeropoint\zeropoint{#4}}%
+ \fi}
+\definespecial\doinsertrenderingobject#1#2#3#4% tag class objectname options
+ {\ifundefined{PDFMR:#1}%
+ \doPDFgetobjectreference{#2}{#3}\PDFobjectreference
+ \doPDFdictionaryobject{PDFMF}{#1}
+ {/Type /Rendition
+ /S /MR
+ /C << /Type /MediaClip
+ /S /MCD
+ /N (#1)
+ /D \PDFobjectreference>>}%
+ % common code
+ \doifobjectreferencefoundelse{PDFMS}{#1}
+ {\doPDFgetobjectreference{PDFMS}{#1}\PDFobjectreferenceB}
+ {\doPDFgetobjectreference{PDFMU}{#1}\PDFobjectreferenceB}%
+ \doPDFgetobjectreference{PDFMF}{#1}\PDFobjectreferenceA
+ \setxvalue{PDFMR:#1}% needed /AA actions in /Screen
+ {/R \PDFobjectreferenceA
+ /AN \PDFobjectreferenceB}%
+ \doifobjectreferencefoundelse{PDFMS}{#1}\donothing
+ {\dodoinsertrenderingwindow{PDFMU}{#1}\zeropoint\zeropoint{#4}}%
+ \fi}
+ {\dodoinsertrenderingwindow{PDFMS}}
+ {\vbox to #4 \bgroup
+ \checkPDFscreenactions{#2}{#5}%
+ \doPDFgetobjectpagereference{PDFMF}{#2}\PDFobjectreferenceA
+ \doPDFgetobjectreference {PDFMF}{#2}\PDFobjectreferenceB
+ \vss
+ \hbox to #3 \bgroup
+ \doPDFannotationobject{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}
+ {/Subtype /Screen
+ /P \PDFobjectreferenceA
+ /A \PDFobjectreferenceB
+ \PDFattributes
+ /Border [0 0 0]}%
+ \hss
+ \egroup
+ \egroup}
+\global\let\PDFrenderingopenpageaction \empty
+ {\let\PDFattributes\empty
+ \iflocation % important since direct -)
+ % the action can either (already) be set by the window handler
+ % or (normally when no window [i.e a zero dimensions one] is present) by keyword
+ \doifinset\v!auto{#2}
+ {% brrr, here instead of in navigation module, must move and become special
+ % now two sided dependency
+ \let\checkrendering\gobbleoneargument
+ \ifx\PDFrenderingopenpageaction \empty
+ \handlereferenceactions{\v!StartRendering{#1}}\dosetuprenderingopenpageaction
+ \fi
+ \ifx\PDFrenderingclosepageaction\empty
+ \handlereferenceactions{\v!StopRendering {#1}}\dosetuprenderingclosepageaction
+ \fi
+ }%
+ \donefalse
+ \ifx\PDFrenderingopenpageaction \empty\!!doneafalse\else\donetrue\!!doneatrue\fi
+ \ifx\PDFrenderingclosepageaction\empty\!!donebfalse\else\donetrue\!!donebtrue\fi
+ \ifdone
+ \edef\PDFattributes
+ {/AA <<\if!!donea/PO <<\PDFrenderingopenpageaction >> \fi
+ \if!!doneb/PC <<\PDFrenderingclosepageaction>> \fi>>}%
+ \fi
+ \global\let\PDFrenderingopenpageaction \empty
+ \global\let\PDFrenderingclosepageaction\empty
+ \fi}
+\definespecial\dosetuprenderingopenpageaction {\global\let\PDFrenderingopenpageaction \lastPDFaction}
+%D \macros
+%D {doPDFinsertbookmark}
+%D Well, here is the dreadfull bookmark, rather useless because
+%D only standard encoding is possible, no typography is done,
+%D and a maximum of 32~characters is advized.
+\def\doPDFinsertbookmark#1#2#3#4#5% level sublevels text page open=1
+ {\bgroup
+ \sanitizePDFencoding#3\to\bookmarktext % uses scratchcounter
+ \stripstring\bookmarktext
+ \doPDFbookmark{#1}{#2}{\bookmarktext}{#4}{#5}%
+ \egroup}
+%D The next section of this module is dedicated to form
+%D support. These macros are complicated by the fact that
+%D cloning is possible.
+%D \macros
+%D {FDFflag...,FDFplus...}
+%D The \type{/FT} key determines the type of field: text,
+%D button or choice. The latter two come in several disguises,
+%D which are set by flipping bits in the \type{/Ff}. Other bits
+%D are used to set states. Personally I hate this bitty way of
+%D doing things. The next six bit determine the field sub type:
+\def\FDFflagMultiLine {4096} % 13
+\def\FDFflagNoToggleToOff {16384} % 15
+\def\FDFflagRadio {32768} % 16 (not used as such)
+\def\FDFflagPushButton {65536} % 17
+\def\FDFflagPopUp {131072} % 18
+\def\FDFflagEdit {262144} % 19
+% bugged anyway, so we need to drop it:
+\def\FDFflagRadiosInUnison {33554432} % 26
+%D A few more (pdf 1.4) flags, what the spell check one: for
+%D obscure reasons for Adobe downward compatibility means
+%D enabling features that harm old applications like testing.
+\def\FDFflagDoNotSpellCheck {4194304} % 23
+\def\FDFflagDoNotScroll {8388608} % 24
+%D The next bits (watch how strange the bits are organized)
+%D take care of the states:
+\def\FDFflagReadOnly {1} % 1
+\def\FDFflagRequired {2} % 2
+\def\FDFflagNoExport {4} % 3
+\def\FDFflagPassword {8192} % 14
+\def\FDFflagSort {524288} % 20
+\def\FDFflagFileSelect {1048576} % 21
+%D There is a second, again bitset oriented, \type{/F} flag:
+\def\FDFplusInvisible {1} % 1
+\def\FDFplusHidden {2} % 2
+\def\FDFplusPrintable {4} % 3
+%def\FDFplusNoView {32} % 6
+%def\FDFplusToggleNoView {256} % 9
+\def\FDFplusAutoView {256} % {288} % 6+9
+%D \macros
+%D {setFDFswitches}
+%D The non||type bits are mapped onto user||interface
+%D swithes, to be used later on:
+\letvalue {\@@FDFflag\v!readonly}=\FDFflagReadOnly
+\letvalue {\@@FDFflag\v!required}=\FDFflagRequired
+\letvalue {\@@FDFflag\v!protected}=\FDFflagPassword
+\letvalue {\@@FDFflag\v!sorted}=\FDFflagSort
+\letvalue {\@@FDFflag\v!unavailable}=\FDFflagNoExport
+\letvalue {\@@FDFflag\v!nocheck}=\FDFflagDoNotSpellCheck
+\letvalue {\@@FDFflag\v!fixed}=\FDFflagDoNotScroll
+\letvalue {\@@FDFflag\v!file}=\FDFflagFileSelect
+\letvalue {\@@FDFplus\v!hidden}=\FDFplusHidden
+\letvalue {\@@FDFplus\v!printable}=\FDFplusPrintable
+\letvalue {\@@FDFplus\v!auto}=\FDFplusAutoView
+%D A set of switches is collected into the flags we mentioned
+%D before by the next macro (we don't handle negations yet,
+%D but do take care of redundancy):
+ {\bgroup
+ \!!counta\zerocount
+ \!!countb\zerocount
+ \def\docommand##1%
+ {\doifsomething{##1}
+ {\advance\!!counta 0\getvalue{\@@FDFflag##1}%
+ \setvalue{\@@FDFflag##1}{0}%
+ \advance\!!countb 0\getvalue{\@@FDFplus##1}%
+ \setvalue{\@@FDFplus##1}{0}}}%
+ \processcommacommand[#1]\docommand
+ \xdef\FDFflag{\the\!!counta}%
+ \xdef\FDFplus{\the\!!countb}%
+ \egroup}
+%D \macros
+%D {setFDFvalues}
+%D Menu items are passed as an array of \type{(string)}'s and
+%D the content of this array is build with:
+\let\FDFvalues \empty
+\let\FDFfirstvalues \empty
+\let\FDFkidlist \empty
+% Why do we need to tweak this mechanism each time acrobat updates ...
+% it would make sense to have version specific sections in pdf files
+% since my guess is that it never will be done right since each year
+% new programmers have new ideas about what is supposed to happen with
+% kids. So .. best is not to trust this feature esp not for radio
+% widgets. (new flags, different interpretation of AS etc etc)
+\def\setFDFvalues[#1][#2]% #1 = list (item=>value) #2 = default
+ {\let\FDFvalues \empty
+ %when radio opt works ok
+ %\let\FDFfirstvalues \empty
+ %\let\FDFsecondvalues\empty
+ \let\FDFkidlist \empty
+ %\let\FDFdefaultindex\!!zerocount
+ %\let\FDFdefaultvalue\empty
+ %\scratchcounter\zerocount
+ \def\dodocommand##1=>##2=>##3\end
+ {\addtocommalist{##1}\FDFkidlist
+ %\edef\FDFfirstvalues{\FDFfirstvalues(##1)}%
+ %\doif{##1}{#2}{\edef\FDFdefaultindex{\the\scratchcounter}}%
+ %\advance\scratchcounter\plusone
+ \doifelsenothing{##2}
+ {\doif{##1}{#2}{\edef\FDFdefaultvalue{##1}}%
+ %\edef\FDFsecondvalues{\FDFsecondvalues(##1)}%
+ \edef\FDFvalues{\FDFvalues [(##1)(##1)] }}
+ {\doif{##1}{#2}{\edef\FDFdefaultvalue{##2}}%
+ %\edef\FDFsecondvalues{\FDFsecondvalues(##2)}%
+ \edef\FDFvalues{\FDFvalues [(##2)(##1)] }}}% ! ##1 is shown
+ \def\docommand##1%
+ {\dodocommand##1=>=>\end}%
+ \expanded{\processcommalist[#1]}\docommand}
+%D This macro accepts comma separated \type{visual=>result}
+%D pairs.
+%D \macros
+%D {setFDFalignment}
+%D Text and line fields can be entered and showed in three
+%D alternative alingments, indicated by a digit:
+ {\processaction
+ [#1]
+ [ \v!left=>\edef\FDFalign{2}, % raggedleft
+ \v!middle=>\edef\FDFalign{1}, % raggedcenter
+ \v!right=>\edef\FDFalign{0}]} % raggedright
+%D \macros
+%D {setFDFattributes}
+%D The weak part of (at least version 2.1 \PDF) is that only
+%D default fonts are handled well. Another restriction is that
+%D the encoding vector must be the standard \PDF\ document one.
+%D Although the \PDF\ reference explictly states that one could
+%D use the normal text operators, leading is not yet handled.
+%D For the moment the current \CONTEXT\ font is mapped onto
+%D one best suitable default font. The color attribute is
+%D less problematic and is directly derived from the \CONTEXT\
+%D color.
+\def\FDFattributes{/Helv 12 Tf 0 g 14.4 TL}
+\def\FDFrm {TiRo} \def\FDFss {Helv} \def\FDFtt {Cour}
+\def\FDFrmtf{TiRo} \def\FDFsstf{Helv} \def\FDFtttf{Cour}
+\def\FDFrmbf{TiBo} \def\FDFssbf{HeBo} \def\FDFttbf{CoBo}
+\def\FDFrmit{TiIt} \def\FDFssit{HeOb} \def\FDFttit{CoOb}
+\def\FDFrmsl{TiIt} \def\FDFsssl{HeOb} \def\FDFttsl{CoOb}
+\def\FDFrmbi{TiBI} \def\FDFssbi{HeBO} \def\FDFttbi{CoBO}
+\def\FDFrmbs{TiBI} \def\FDFssbs{HeBO} \def\FDFttbs{CoBO}
+\def\setFDFattributes[#1,#2,#3,#4]% style, color, backgroundcolor, framecolor
+ {\bgroup % nog interlinie: n TL
+ \setbox\scratchbox\hbox
+ \bgroup
+ \doconvertfont{#1}{}%
+ \PointsToBigPoints\bodyfontsize\size % x/xx, so better the actual size
+ \doifdefinedelse{FDF\fontstyle\fontalternative}
+ {\xdef\FDFattributes{\getvalue{FDF\fontstyle\fontalternative}}}
+ {\doifdefinedelse{FDF\fontstyle}
+ {\xdef\FDFattributes{\getvalue{FDF\fontstyle}}}
+ {\xdef\FDFattributes{\FDFrm}}}%
+ \doglobal\addtocommalist\FDFattributes\FDFusedfonts
+ \xdef\FDFattributes% move up with "x.y Ts"
+ {/\FDFattributes\space\size\space Tf\space\PDFcolor{#2}}%
+ \doifelsenothing{#3}
+ {\global\let\FDFsurroundings\empty}
+ {\xdef\FDFsurroundings{/BG \FDFcolor{#3}}}%
+ \doifsomething{#4}
+ {\xdef\FDFsurroundings{\FDFsurroundings\space /BC \FDFcolor{#4}}}%
+ \ifx\FDFsurroundings\empty \else
+ \xdef\FDFsurroundings{/MK << \FDFsurroundings\space>>}%
+ \fi
+ \egroup
+ \egroup}
+%D \macros
+%D {setFDFactions}
+%D Depending on the type of the field, one can assign
+%D \JAVASCRIPT\ code to a mouse event or keystroke. The next
+%D preparation macro shows what events are handled.
+ {\global\let\FDFactions\empty
+ \setFDFaction D#1\relax% mousedown
+ \setFDFaction U#2\relax% mouseup
+ \setFDFaction E#3\relax% enterregion
+ \setFDFaction X#4\relax% exitregion
+ \setFDFaction K#5\relax% afterkeystroke
+ \setFDFaction F#6\relax% formatresult
+ \setFDFaction V#7\relax% validateresult
+ \setFDFaction C#8\relax% calculatewhatever
+ \setFDFactionsmore}
+ {\setFDFaction{Fo}#1\relax% focusin
+ \setFDFaction{Bl}#2\relax% focusout % was I (now pdf ref manual explicitly talks about lowercase l)
+ \ifx\FDFactions\empty\else
+ \xdef\FDFactions{/AA << \FDFactions >>}% since 1.3 no longer inherited
+ \fi}
+% todo, when new var scheme is implemented
+% \setFDFaction{PO}\@@DriverFieldPageOpen\relax
+% \setFDFaction{PC}\@@DriverFieldPageClose\relax
+% \setFDFaction{PV}\@@DriverFieldPageVisible\relax
+% \setFDFaction{PI}\@@DriverFieldPageInVisible\relax
+%D The event handler becomes something:
+%D \starttyping
+%D /AA << /D << /S ... >> ... /C << /S ... >>
+%D /A << /S /JavaScript /JS (...) >>
+%D \stoptyping
+% \def\setFDFaction#1#2\relax%
+% {\bgroup
+% \global\let\sanitizedJScode\empty
+% \def\setFDFaction##1%
+% {\doifreferencefoundelse{##1}
+% {\doifelse{\currentreferencespecial}{JS} % filter non-js
+% {\presetJScode
+% \currentreferenceoperation
+% \currentreferencearguments
+% \doPSsanitizeJScode\JScode\to\JScode
+% \xdef\sanitizedJScode{\sanitizedJScode\space\JScode}}
+% {\illegalreference{##1}}}
+% {\unknownreference{##1}}}%
+% \@EA\processcommalist\@EA[#2]\setFDFaction % one level expansion
+% \ifx\sanitizedJScode\empty \else
+% \xdef\FDFactions%
+% {\FDFactions /#1 << /S /JavaScript /JS (\sanitizedJScode) >> }%
+% \fi
+% \egroup}
+% acrobat 5 supports other that JS actions too
+ {\bgroup
+ \def\docommand{\xdef\FDFactions{\FDFactions /#1 << \lastPDFaction >> }}%
+ \@EA\handlereferenceactions\@EA{#2}\docommand % one level expansion
+ \egroup}
+%D \macros
+%D {testFDFactions}
+%D This rather confusion prone series of script can be tested
+%D with:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \testFDFactions
+%D \stoptyping
+%D which simply redefined the previous macro to one that prints
+%D a message to the console.
+ {\def\setFDFaction##1##2\relax%
+ {\doPSsanitizeJScode;console.println("executing:##1"); \to\sanitizedJScode
+ \edef\FDFactions{\FDFactions /##1 << /S /JavaScript /JS (\sanitizedJScode) >> }}}
+%D \macros
+%D {doFDFregistercalculationset}
+%D There is at most one calculation order list, which defines
+%D the order in which fields are calculated.
+ {\def\PDFcalculationset{#1}}
+%D \macros
+%D {registerFDFobject,everylastshipout}
+%D Officially one needs to embed some general datastructures
+%D that tell the viewer what fields are present in the file, as
+%D well as what resources they use. The next mechanism does that
+%D job automatically when one registers the field.
+ {\ifbuildFDFdictionary
+ \ifx\FDFcollection\empty\else
+ \ifbuildFDFencodingvector
+ \doPDFdictionaryobject{FDF}{local:encodingvector}{\FDFencodingvector}%
+ \fi
+ \defineFDFfonts
+ \doPDFarrayobject{FDF}{local:fields}{\FDFcollection}%
+ \doPDFgetobjectreference{FDF}{local:fields}\PDFobjectreference
+ % The /NeedAppearances is pretty important because
+ % otherwise Acrobat 5 blows up on cloned radio widgets
+ \doPDFdictionaryobject{FDF}{local:acroform}
+ {/Fields \PDFobjectreference\space
+ /NeedAppearances true
+ \doFDFiffieldset\PDFcalculationset{/CO [\doFDFgetfieldset\PDFcalculationset]}
+ /DR << /Font << \FDFfonts >> >>
+ /DA (/Helv 10 Tf 0 g)}%
+ \doPDFgetobjectreference{FDF}{local:acroform}\PDFobjectreference
+ \doPDFaddtocatalog
+ {/AcroForm \PDFobjectreference}%
+ \global\let\FDFcollection\empty
+ \global\let\flushFDFnames\relax
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+ {\ifbuildFDFdictionary
+ \ifx\flushFDFnames\relax
+ \writestatus{FDF}{second run needed for field list (#1)}%
+ \fi
+ \doPDFgetobjectreference{FDF}{#1}\PDFobjectreference
+ \xdef\FDFcollection{\FDFcollection\space\PDFobjectreference}%
+ \fi}
+\appendtoksonce \flushFDFnames \to \everylastshipout % test \everybye / was \prependtoksonce
+%D \macros
+%D {defineFDFfonts,
+%D ifbuildFDFdictionary,
+%D ifbuildFDFencodingvector}
+%D Another datastruture concerns the fonts used. We only
+%D define the fonts we use.
+\newif\ifbuildFDFdictionary \buildFDFdictionarytrue
+\newif\ifbuildFDFencodingvector \buildFDFencodingvectortrue
+ {\let\FDFfonts\empty
+ \processcommacommand[\FDFusedfonts]\defineFDFfont}
+ {\ifbuildFDFencodingvector
+ \doPDFgetobjectreference{FDF}{local:encodingvector}\PDFobjectreference
+ \fi
+ \doPDFdictionaryobject{FDF}{local:#1}
+ {/Type /Font
+ /Subtype /Type1
+ /Name /#1
+ \ifbuildFDFencodingvector /Encoding \PDFobjectreference\space\fi
+ /BaseFont /\getvalue{FDFname#1}}%
+ \doPDFgetobjectreference{FDF}{local:#1}\PDFobjectreference
+ \edef\FDFfonts{\FDFfonts \space/#1 \PDFobjectreference}}
+%D Another list of constants:
+\def\FDFnameTiRo {Times-Roman}
+\def\FDFnameTiBo {Times-Bold}
+\def\FDFnameTiIt {Times-Italic}
+\def\FDFnameTiBI {Times-BoldItalic}
+\def\FDFnameHelv {Helvetica}
+\def\FDFnameHeBo {Helvetica-Bold}
+\def\FDFnameHeOb {Helvetica-Oblique}
+\def\FDFnameHeBO {Helvetica-BoldOblique}
+\def\FDFnameCour {Courier}
+\def\FDFnameCoBo {Courier-Bold}
+\def\FDFnameCoOb {Courier-Oblique}
+\def\FDFnameCoBO {Courier-BoldOblique}
+%D And a big one: (should be run time loaded (spec-run or
+%D so)).
+ {/Type /Encoding
+ /Differences
+ [ 24 /breve /caron /circumflex /dotaccent /hungarumlaut /ogonek
+ /ring /tilde
+ 39 /quotesingle
+ 96 /grave
+ 128 /bullet /dagger /daggerdbl /ellipsis /emdash /endash /florin
+ /fraction /guilsinglleft /guilsinglright /minus /perthousand
+ /quotedblbase /quotedblleft /quotedblright /quoteleft
+ /quoteright /quotesinglbase /trademark /fi /fl /Lslash /OE
+ /Scaron /Ydieresis /Zcaron /dotlessi /lslash /oe /scaron
+ /zcaron
+ 164 /currency
+ 166 /brokenbar
+ 168 /dieresis /copyright /ordfeminine
+ 172 /logicalnot /.notdef /registered /macron /degree /plusminus
+ /twosuperior /threesuperior /acute /mu
+ 183 /periodcentered /cedilla /onesuperior /ordmasculine
+ 188 /onequarter /onehalf /threequarters 192 /Agrave /Aacute
+ /Acircumflex /Atilde /Adieresis /Aring /AE /Ccedilla /Egrave
+ /Eacute /Ecircumflex /Edieresis /Igrave /Iacute /Icircumflex
+ /Idieresis /Eth /Ntilde /Ograve /Oacute /Ocircumflex /Otilde
+ /Odieresis /multiply /Oslash /Ugrave /Uacute /Ucircumflex
+ /Udieresis /Yacute /Thorn /germandbls /agrave /aacute
+ /acircumflex /atilde /adieresis /aring /ae /ccedilla /egrave
+ /eacute /ecircumflex /edieresis /igrave /iacute /icircumflex
+ /idieresis /eth /ntilde /ograve /oacute /ocircumflex /otilde
+ /odieresis /divide /oslash /ugrave /uacute /ucircumflex
+ /udieresis /yacute /thorn /ydieresis ]}
+%D \macros
+%D {currentFDFmode,currentFDFparent,currentFDFkids,currenrFDFroot}
+%D There are three more quasi global interfacing variables
+%D that need to be set.
+\let\currentFDFmode =\fieldlonermode
+\let\currentFDFkids =\empty
+\let\currentFDFroot =\empty
+%D \macros
+%D {dosetfieldstatus}
+%D And here comes the special that deals with them.
+ {\chardef\currentFDFmode #1%
+ \edef\currentFDFparent {#2}%
+ \edef\currentFDFkids {#3}%
+ \edef\currentFDFroot {#4}}
+%D \macros
+%D {dosetuppageview}
+%D Because this command will seldom be called, we can permit
+%D slow action processing. We need three settings, one for
+%D direct \PDF\ inclusion, the other as \PDFTEX\ keyword, an
+%D a last one for form. All determine in what way the
+%D screen is adapted when going to a destination. Watch the
+%D space.
+\def\PDFpageview {/View [\PDFpageviewwrd] }
+\let\PDFpagexyzspec\relax % 0 0 0 hack, pdftex does handle this, for dvipdfmx we need height
+\def\dosetuppageview#1% watch the v-h swapping here
+ {\processaction
+ [#1]
+ [ \v!fit=>\def\PDFpageviewkey {fit}\def\PDFpageviewwrd{/Fit},
+ \v!width=>\def\PDFpageviewkey {fith}\def\PDFpageviewwrd{/FitH},
+ \v!height=>\def\PDFpageviewkey {fitv}\def\PDFpageviewwrd{/FitV},
+ \v!minwidth=>\def\PDFpageviewkey{fitbh}\def\PDFpageviewwrd{/FitBH},
+ \v!minheight=>\def\PDFpageviewkey{fitbv}\def\PDFpageviewwrd{/FitBV},
+ \v!standard=>\ifx\PDFpagexyzspec\relax
+ % empty does not work too wel with dpx
+ \def\PDFpageviewkey{fit}%
+ \def\PDFpageviewwrd{/Fit}%
+ \else
+ \edef\PDFpageviewkey{xyz \PDFpagexyzspec}%
+ \edef\PDFpageviewwrd{/XYZ \PDFpagexyzspec}%
+ \fi,
+ \s!unknown=>\def\PDFpageviewkey {fit}\def\PDFpageviewwrd{/Fit}]%
+ \edef\PDFpageview{\ifx\PDFpageviewwrd\empty\else/View [\PDFpageviewwrd]\fi}}
+%D \macros
+%D {setFDFkids}
+%D Clones as well as radiofields (which themselves can have
+%D cloned components) need a list of kids. The next macro
+%D builds one.
+\def\setFDFkids[#1][#2]% tag commalist
+ {\let\FDFkids\empty
+ \def\docommand##1%
+ {\doPDFgetobjectreference{FDF}{#1##1}\PDFobjectreference
+ \edef\FDFkids{\FDFkids\PDFobjectreference\space}}%
+ \@EA\processcommalist\@EA[#2]\docommand
+ \ifx\FDFkids\empty\else\edef\FDFkids{/Kids [\FDFkids]}\fi
+% \edef\FDFkids{/Kids [\FDFkids]}%
+ }
+%D \macros
+%D {doFDFpresetlinefield,doFDFpresettextfield,
+%D doFDFpresetchoicefield,doFDFpresetpopupfield,doFDFpresetcombofield,
+%D doFDFpresetpushfield,doFDFpresetcheckfield,
+%D doFDFpresetfield,doFDFpresetradiorecord}
+%D I would say: read the \PDF\ reference manual first and see
+%D what happens here next. Lucky us that they have so much in
+%D common.
+ {\bgroup
+ \setFDFlayer\@@DriverFieldLayer
+ \setFDFswitches[#7]%
+ \setFDFattributes[#6]%
+ \setFDFalignment[#8]%
+ \setFDFactions[#9]%
+ \expanded{\escapePSstring#4}\to\FDFtext
+ \ifcase\currentFDFmode
+ \doPDFannotationobject{FDF}{#1}{#2}{#3}
+ {/Subtype /Widget /T (#1) /FT /Tx
+ /MaxLen \ifcase0#5 1000 \else#5 \fi
+ %/DV (#4) /V (#4) % value added
+ /DV (\FDFtext) /V (\FDFtext) % value added
+ /Ff \FDFflag\space
+ /F \FDFplus\space
+ /DA (\FDFattributes)
+ \FDFlayer\space
+ \FDFsurroundings\space
+ /Q \FDFalign\space
+ \FDFactions}%
+ \registerFDFobject{#1}%
+ \or
+ \setFDFkids[kids:][\currentFDFkids]%
+ \doPDFdictionaryobject{FDF}{#1}
+ {/T (#1) /FT /Tx
+ /MaxLen \ifcase0#5 1000 \else#5 \fi
+ \FDFkids\space
+ %/DV (#4) /V (#4) % value added
+ /DV (\FDFtext) /V (\FDFtext) % value added
+ /Ff \FDFflag\space
+ /F \FDFplus\space
+ /DA (\FDFattributes)
+ \FDFlayer\space
+ \FDFsurroundings\space
+ /Q \FDFalign\space
+ \FDFactions}%
+ \registerFDFobject{#1}%
+ \or
+ \doPDFgetobjectreference{FDF}\currentFDFparent\PDFobjectreference
+ %\global\objectreferencingtrue
+ \doPDFannotationobject{FDF}{kids:#1}{#2}{#3}
+ {/Subtype /Widget
+ /Parent \PDFobjectreference
+ /Ff \FDFflag\space
+ /F \FDFplus\space
+ /DA (\FDFattributes)
+ \FDFlayer\space
+ \FDFsurroundings\space
+ /Q \FDFalign\space
+ \FDFactions}%
+ \or
+ \doPDFgetobjectreference{FDF}\currentFDFparent\PDFobjectreference
+ %\global\objectreferencingtrue
+ \doPDFannotationobject{FDF}{kids:#1}{#2}{#3}
+ {/Subtype /Widget
+ /Parent \PDFobjectreference
+ /F \FDFplus
+ \FDFactions}%
+ \fi
+ \egroup}
+ {\doFDFpresetlinefield{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}{#6}{MultiLine,#7}{#8}{#9}}
+ {\bgroup
+ \setFDFlayer\@@DriverFieldLayer
+ \setFDFswitches[#6]%
+ \setFDFattributes[#5]%
+ \setFDFvalues[#7][#4]%
+ \setFDFactions[#8]%
+ \ifcase\currentFDFmode
+ \doPDFannotationobject{FDF}{#1}{#2}{#3}
+ {/Subtype /Widget
+ /T (#1) /FT /Ch
+ /DV (#4) /V (#4)
+ /Ff \FDFflag\space
+ /F \FDFplus\space
+ /DA (\FDFattributes)
+ \FDFlayer\space
+ \FDFsurroundings\space
+ /Opt [\FDFvalues]
+ \FDFactions}%
+ \registerFDFobject{#1}%
+ \or
+ \setFDFkids[kids:][\currentFDFkids]%
+ \doPDFdictionaryobject{FDF}{#1}
+ {/T (#1) /FT /Ch
+ \FDFkids\space
+ /DV (#4) /V (#4)
+ /Ff \FDFflag\space
+ /F \FDFplus\space
+ /DA (\FDFattributes)
+ \FDFlayer\space
+ \FDFsurroundings\space
+ /Opt [\FDFvalues]
+ \FDFactions}%
+ \registerFDFobject{#1}%
+ \or
+ \doPDFgetobjectreference{FDF}\currentFDFparent\PDFobjectreference
+ %\global\objectreferencingtrue
+ \doPDFannotationobject{FDF}{kids:#1}{#2}{#3}
+ {/Subtype /Widget
+ /Parent \PDFobjectreference
+ /Ff \FDFflag\space
+ /F \FDFplus\space
+ /DA (\FDFattributes)
+ \FDFlayer\space
+ \FDFsurroundings\space
+ \FDFactions}%
+ \or
+ \doPDFgetobjectreference{FDF}\currentFDFparent\PDFobjectreference
+ %\global\objectreferencingtrue
+ \doPDFannotationobject{FDF}{kids:#1}{#2}{#3}
+ {/Subtype /Widget
+ /Parent \PDFobjectreference
+ /F \FDFplus
+ \FDFactions}%
+ \fi
+ \egroup}
+ {\doFDFpresetchoicefield{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}{PopUp,#6}{#7}{#8}}
+ {\doFDFpresetchoicefield{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}{PopUp,Edit,#6}{#7}{#8}}
+\def\doFDFpresetpushcheckfield#1#2#3#4#5#6#7#8% in acro<5 (\FDFdefault)
+ {\bgroup % in acro>5 /\FDFdefault
+ \setFDFlayer\@@DriverFieldLayer
+ \ifcase#8\relax\FDFvaluesfalse\else\FDFvaluestrue\fi
+ \setFDFswitches[#5]%
+ \setFDFactions[#7]%
+ \doifelse{#4}{1}
+ {\def\FDFdefault{On}}
+ {\def\FDFdefault{Off}}%
+ \ifcase\currentFDFmode
+ \doFDFappearance{On}{#6}{#8}%
+ \doPDFannotationobject{FDF}{#1}{#2}{#3}
+ {/Subtype /Widget /T (#1) /FT /Btn
+ \ifFDFvalues
+ /DV /\FDFdefault\space
+ /V /\FDFdefault\space
+ /AS /\FDFdefault\space
+ \fi
+ \FDFlayer
+ /Ff \FDFflag\space
+ /F \FDFplus\space
+ \FDFlayer\space
+ \FDFappearance\space
+% /IF << /SW /N >> % strange, only works for stupid buttons
+ \FDFactions}%
+ \registerFDFobject{#1}%
+ \or % no appearance and layer ?
+ \setFDFkids[kids:][\currentFDFkids]%
+ \doPDFdictionaryobject{FDF}{#1}
+ {/T (#1) /FT /Btn
+ \FDFkids\space
+ \ifFDFvalues
+ /DV /\FDFdefault\space
+ /V /\FDFdefault\space
+ /AS /\FDFdefault\space
+ \fi
+ /Ff \FDFflag\space
+ /F \FDFplus\space
+ \FDFactions}%
+ \registerFDFobject{#1}%
+ \or
+ \doFDFappearance{On}{#6}{#8}%
+ \doPDFgetobjectreference{FDF}\currentFDFparent\PDFobjectreference
+ %\global\objectreferencingtrue
+ \doPDFannotationobject{FDF}{kids:#1}{#2}{#3}
+ {/Subtype /Widget
+ /Parent \PDFobjectreference\space
+ \ifFDFvalues
+ /DV /\FDFdefault\space
+ /V /\FDFdefault\space
+ /AS /\FDFdefault\space
+ \fi
+ /Ff \FDFflag\space
+ /F \FDFplus\space
+ \FDFlayer\space
+ \FDFappearance\space
+ \FDFactions}%
+ \or
+ \doFDFappearance{On}{#6}{#8}%
+ \doPDFgetobjectreference{FDF}\currentFDFparent\PDFobjectreference
+ %\global\objectreferencingtrue
+ \doPDFannotationobject{FDF}{kids:#1}{#2}{#3}
+ {/Subtype /Widget
+ /Parent \PDFobjectreference\space
+ /F \FDFplus\space
+ \ifFDFvalues
+ /DV /\FDFdefault\space
+ /V /\FDFdefault\space
+ /AS /\FDFdefault\space
+ \fi
+ \FDFlayer\space
+ \FDFappearance
+ \FDFactions}%
+ \fi
+ \egroup}
+ {\doFDFpresetpushcheckfield{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{PushButton,#5}{#6}{#7}{0}}
+ {\doFDFpresetpushcheckfield{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}{#6}{#7}{1}}
+% As pdf widgets are rather consistently upward incompatible
+% especially with regards to inheritance, the following code is not
+% quite okay. I've decided no longer to bother about in it in MkII
+% and use a flat model in MkIV which somehow seems to work better.
+ {\bgroup
+ \setFDFlayer\@@DriverFieldLayer
+ \FDFvaluestrue
+ \setFDFswitches[#5]%
+ \setFDFactions[#8]%
+ \doifelsenothing{#4}
+ {\def\FDFdefault{Off}}
+ {\def\FDFdefault{#4}}%
+ \@EA\aftersplitstring\FDFdefault\at=>\to\FDFdefaultvalue
+ \ifx\FDFdefaultvalue\empty\else\let\FDFdefault\FDFdefaultvalue\fi
+ \ifcase\currentFDFmode
+ \doFDFappearance{#1}{#7}{1}%
+ \doPDFgetobjectreference{FDF}{#6}\PDFobjectreference
+ \doPDFannotationobject{FDF}{#1}{#2}{#3}
+ {/Subtype /Widget
+ /Parent \PDFobjectreference\space
+ /F \FDFplus\space
+ /AS /\FDFdefault\space
+ \FDFlayer\space
+ \FDFappearance\space
+ \FDFactions}%
+ \registerFDFobject{#1}%
+ \or
+ \setFDFkids[kids:][\currentFDFkids]%
+ \doPDFgetobjectreference{FDF}{#6}\PDFobjectreference
+ \doPDFdictionaryobject{FDF}{#1}
+ {/Parent \PDFobjectreference\space
+ \FDFkids\space
+ /F \FDFplus\space
+ \FDFactions}%
+ \registerFDFobject{#1}%
+ \or
+ %\doFDFappearance{#1}{#7}{1}%
+ \doFDFappearance{\currentFDFparent}{#7}{1}%
+ \doPDFgetobjectreference{FDF}\currentFDFparent\PDFobjectreference
+ %\global\objectreferencingtrue % nb
+ \doPDFannotationobject{FDF}{kids:#1}{#2}{#3}
+ {/Subtype /Widget
+ /Parent \PDFobjectreference\space
+ /AS /\FDFdefault\space
+ /F \FDFplus\space
+ \FDFlayer\space
+ \FDFappearance\space
+ \FDFactions}%
+ \or
+ %\doFDFappearance{#1}{#7}{1}%
+ \doFDFappearance{\currentFDFparent}{#7}{1}%
+ \doPDFgetobjectreference{FDF}\currentFDFparent\PDFobjectreference
+ %\global\objectreferencingtrue
+ \doPDFannotationobject{FDF}{kids:#1}{#2}{#3}
+ {/Subtype /Widget
+ /Parent \PDFobjectreference\space
+ /AS /\FDFdefault\space
+ /F \FDFplus\space
+ \FDFlayer\space
+ \FDFappearance\space
+ \FDFactions}%
+ \fi
+ \egroup}
+%D \macros
+%D {setFDFstrings}
+%D This one creates a string array.
+% {\let\FDFstrings\empty
+% \def\docommand##1{\edef\FDFstrings{\FDFstrings(##1)}}%
+% \processcommacommand[#1]\docommand}
+% Beware, RadiosInUnison is really needed in the pre 1.5/6 time this
+% was the default but out of a sudden it's no longer the case. Also
+% the NoToggleToOff interferes with kids of kids and both it will
+% break older documents, i.e. so much for pdf as standard. With
+% features like widgets we can probably best wait till adobe tools
+% themselves support it because that's probably the moment that
+% functionality gets frozen/becomes definitive. Actually, acrobat
+% flattens the kids tree, so that's yet another situation. The
+% interesting thing is that it worked ok in acrobat 2/3 but got bugged
+% in later versions. [The rationale is in html compatibility, which
+% seems to be more important than compatibility of documents, which in
+% turn renders acrobat useless for forms.] Anyway, synchronization is
+% broken or not depending on the combination pdfversion/acrobatversion.
+% Hm, nowadays Radio will overload RadiosInUnison so we need to use only one
+% of them.
+ {\bgroup
+ % < pdf 1.5 (1.5 was broken)
+ % \setFDFswitches[Radio,NoToggleToOff,RadiosInUnison,#3]%
+ % > pdf 1.5
+ % \setFDFswitches[Radio,RadiosInUnison,#3]%
+ % > pdf 1.6
+ \setFDFswitches[RadiosInUnison,#3]%
+ %setFDFswitches[PushButton,RadiosInUnison,#3]% this is what acrobat itself does
+ % older, else fatal error
+ % \setFDFkids[#4][]%
+ % newer
+ \setFDFvalues[#4][#2]% inits kidlist
+ \expanded{\setFDFkids[][\FDFkidlist]}%
+ %
+ \setFDFactions[#5]%
+ \doPDFdictionaryobject{FDF}{#1}
+ {%/Subtype /Widget
+ /FT /Btn /T (#1) /Rect [0 0 0 0]
+ % used to be this
+ % /V (#2)
+ % then this
+ % /DV (#2)
+ % since this bomded in 5
+ % /V (#2)
+ % and now finally this works
+ /H /N
+ % /opt is buggy in 5.05, only works once, sigh
+ %\ifx\FDFfirstvalues\FDFsecondvalues
+ /V /#2
+ %\else
+ % /V /\FDFdefaultindex\space
+ % /Opt [\FDFsecondvalues]
+ %\fi
+ /Ff \FDFflag\space
+ /F \FDFplus\space
+ \FDFkids\space
+ \FDFactions}%
+ \egroup}
+%D At the cost of some more references, we can save bytes,
+%D by sharing appearance dictionaries. This code needs more
+%D documentation. Surprise:
+ {\ifx#2\empty\else
+ \dogetcommacommandelement1\from#2\to\commalistelement
+ \ifx\commalistelement\empty\else
+ \doPDFgetobjectreference{SYM}\commalistelement\PDFobjectreference
+ \edef\N{\ifFDFvalues\N /#1 \fi\PDFobjectreference\space}%
+ \fi
+ \dogetcommacommandelement2\from#2\to\commalistelement
+ \ifx\commalistelement\empty\else
+ \doPDFgetobjectreference{SYM}\commalistelement\PDFobjectreference
+ \edef\R{\ifFDFvalues\R /#1 \fi\PDFobjectreference\space}%
+ \fi
+ \dogetcommacommandelement3\from#2\to\commalistelement
+ \ifx\commalistelement\empty\else
+ \doPDFgetobjectreference{SYM}\commalistelement\PDFobjectreference
+ \edef\D{\ifFDFvalues\D /#1 \fi\PDFobjectreference\space}%
+ \def\FDFappearance{/H /P }%
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+ {\ifx#1\empty\else
+ \dogetcommacommandelement3\from#1\to\commalistelement
+ \ifx\commalistelement\empty\else
+ \def\FDFappearance{/H /P }%
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+ {\ifcase#3\relax % push only field
+ \edef\yes{#2}%
+ \let\no\empty
+ \else % on / off field
+ \dogetcommacommandelement1\from#2,\to\yes
+ \dogetcommacommandelement2\from#2,\to\no
+ \fi
+ \def\FDFappearance{/H /N}%
+ \doifobjectfoundelse{FDF}{ap:#1:\yes:\no}
+ {\redoFDFappearance\yes
+ \redoFDFappearance\no}
+ {\presetobject{FDF}{ap:#1:\yes:\no}% funny hack
+ \let\N\empty\let\R\empty\let\D\empty
+ \dodoFDFappearance{#1}\yes
+ \dodoFDFappearance{Off}\no
+ \doPDFdictionaryobject{FDF}{ap:#1:\yes:\no}
+ {\ifx\N\empty\else/N \ifFDFvalues<<\N>>\else\N\fi\fi
+ \ifx\R\empty\else/R \ifFDFvalues<<\R>>\else\R\fi\fi
+ \ifx\D\empty\else/D \ifFDFvalues<<\D>>\else\D\fi\fi}}%
+ \doPDFgetobjectreference{FDF}{ap:#1:\yes:\no}\PDFobjectreference
+ \edef\FDFappearance{\FDFappearance /AP \PDFobjectreference}}
+% {\dogetcommacommandelement1\from#1,\to\commalistelement
+% \dogetcommacommandelement1\from\commalistelement\to\commalistelement
+% \doifelse{\commalistelement}{#2} % kan ook met \ifx
+% {\def\FDFdefault{On}}{\def\FDFdefault{Off}}}
+ {\doifelse{#2}{1}{\def\FDFdefault{On}}{\def\FDFdefault{Off}}}
+%D Layer support:
+\def\setFDFlayer#1% todo : \ifx\PDFobjectreference\noPDFobjectreference ipv found
+ {\letempty\FDFlayer
+ \doifsomething{#1}%
+ {\checkproperty[#1]% == \dodocheckproperty\@@DriverFieldLayer
+ \doifobjectreferencefoundelse{PDLN}{#1}
+ {\doPDFgetobjectreference{PDLN}{#1}\!!stringa % we need to avoid a clash with other macros
+ \edef\FDFlayer{/OC \!!stringa}}%
+ \donothing}}
+%D The three appearances {\em normal}, \type{roll over} and
+%D \type{push down} are passed as comma separated triplets,
+%D that is, the second argument can look like:
+%D \starttyping
+%D {yes,ok,fine},{no,rubish,awful}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D \macros
+%D {doFDFdefinefieldset,doFDFgetfieldset,doFDFiffieldset}
+%D Field sets, the ones we use in submitting and resetting
+%D fields, are implemented using the next low level specials:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \doFDFdefinefieldset{TAG}{name,name,...}
+%D \doFDFgetfieldset{TAG}
+%D \doFDFiffieldset{TAG}{sequence}
+%D \stoptyping
+\def\doFDFdefinefieldset#1#2% tag commalist
+ {\let\FDFfieldset\empty
+ \def\docommand##1%
+ {\doPDFgetobjectreference{FDF}{##1}\PDFobjectreference
+ \edef\FDFfieldset{\FDFfieldset\PDFobjectreference\space}}%
+ \processcommacommand[#2]\docommand % nb: command
+ \setevalue{FDF:set:#1}{\FDFfieldset}}
+ {\getvalue{FDF:set:#1}}
+ {\ifundefined{FDF:set:#1}\else#2\fi}
+%D In the goto specials we took care of secondary references.
+%D Here we define the macros used.
+ {\global\let\secondaryPDFreferences\empty}
+\doPDFresetgotowhereever % just to be sure
+% we can (in etex) share more by testing on this
+ {\@EA\xdef\csname PDF-SR:\the\nofsecondaryreferences\endcsname{#1}}
+\def\savesecondaryPDFreference % #1 == \action
+ {\global\@EA\let\csname PDF-SR:\the\nofsecondaryreferences\endcsname}
+% {\ifcase\nofsecondaryreferences\else
+% %\doifdefined{PDF-SR:\the\nofsecondaryreferences}
+% \xdef\secondaryPDFreferences%
+% {/Next << \csname PDF-SR:\the\nofsecondaryreferences\endcsname\space
+% \secondaryPDFreferences >>}%
+% \global\advance\nofsecondaryreferences \minusone
+% \expandafter\getsecondaryPDFreferences
+% \fi}
+% test should happen in core-ref
+ {\ifcase\nofsecondaryreferences\else
+ \ifcsname PDF-SR:\the\nofsecondaryreferences\endcsname
+ \xdef\secondaryPDFreferences
+ {/Next << \csname PDF-SR:\the\nofsecondaryreferences\endcsname\space
+ \secondaryPDFreferences >>}%
+ \fi
+ \global\advance\nofsecondaryreferences \minusone
+ \expandafter\getsecondaryPDFreferences
+ \fi}
+%D \macros
+%D {loadFDFfields, showFDFfields,
+%D getFDFfield, setFDFfield}
+%D Once filled in, we can export or submit the field in the
+%D \FDF\ file format. Such a file can be loaded by
+%D \starttyping
+%D \loadFDFfields{fiel-ini}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D or inspected by
+%D \starttyping
+%D \showFDFfields{fiel-ini}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D After both commands, one can use
+%D \starttyping
+%D \getFDFfield{name}
+%D \setFDFfield{name}{value}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D to inspect and overrule the data.
+%D By default \CONTEXT\ calls the perl script \type{fdf2tex}.
+%D This script reads the \type{fdf} file and produces a file
+%D named \type{filename.fdt}. If one disables the call to this
+%D script, by saying:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \runFDFconverterfalse
+%D \stoptyping
+%D or when \CONTEXT\ cannot find the \type{fdt} file, it tries
+%D to interpret the \type{fdf} file directly. Both mechanisms
+%D are rather crude.
+\newif\ifrunFDFconverter \runFDFconvertertrue
+%D The \PERL\ script produces a file formatted as:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \beginFDFobject
+%D \beginFDFdata
+%D \beginFDFfields
+%D \FDFfield[name=,value=]
+%D \endFDFfields
+%D \endFDFdata
+%D \endFDFobject
+%D \stoptyping
+%D One reason for using key value pairs is that we cannot be
+%D sure or the order in which the name and value are given
+%D (actually the reverse).
+\def\PERLloadFDFfields#1% will become obsolete soon
+ {\bgroup
+ \global\let\allFDFfields\empty
+ \ifrunFDFconverter
+ \executesystemcommand{fdf2tex #1}%
+ \let\beginFDFobject\relax \let\endFDFobject\relax
+ \let\beginFDFdata \relax \let\endFDFdata \relax
+ \let\beginFDFfields\relax \let\endFDFfields\relax
+ \def\FDFfield[##1]%
+ {\getparameters[FDF][##1]%
+ \doglobal\addtocommalist\FDFname\allFDFfields
+ \global\setFDFfield{\FDFname}{\FDFvalue}}%
+ \ReadFile{#1.fdt}%
+ \fi
+ \egroup}
+%D The next macro does the same job, but now in the \TEX\ way
+%D of doing things. Easy eh? Will become obsolete!
+\gdef\TEXloadFDFfields#1% will become obsolete due to XFDF
+ {\bgroup
+ \setbox0=\hbox
+ {\global\let\allFDFfields\empty
+ \scratchcounter=0
+ \escapechar=-1
+ \catcode`\/=\@@escape
+ \catcode`\(=\@@begingroup
+ \catcode`\)=\@@endgroup
+ \catcode`\%=\@@letter
+ \let/A =\relax \let/AS =\relax \let/Kids=\relax \let/Fields=\relax
+ \let/F =\relax \let/ID =\relax \let/SetF=\relax \let/setFf =\relax
+ \let/Ff=\relax \let/Opt=\relax \let/ClrF=\relax \let/ClrFf =\relax
+ \let/AP=\relax \let/FDF=\relax \let/Root=\relax
+ \def/T##1{\check\Title{##1}}
+ \def/V{\bgroup\catcode`\/=\@@other\futurelet\next/doV}
+ \def/doV{\ifx\next\normalslash\@EA/doVb\else\@EA/doVa\fi}
+ \def/doVa##1{\egroup\check\Value{##1}}
+ \def/doVb##1##2 {\egroup\check\Value{##2}} % watch the space
+ \def\check##1##2%
+ {\def##1{##2}
+ \advance\scratchcounter\plusone\relax
+ \ifodd\scratchcounter \else
+ \defconvertedcommand\asciia\Title
+ \global\setFDFfield{\asciia}{\Value}
+ \doglobal\addtocommalist\Title\allFDFfields
+ \fi}
+ \ReadFile{#1.fdf}}%
+ \egroup}
+%D Whatever mechanism is used, the next macros can be used to
+%D fetch the values.
+\def\getFDFfield #1{\getvalue {FDFfield::#1}}
+%D Of course the fields are only present when the file is
+%D loaded.
+ {\PERLloadFDFfields{#1}%
+ \ifx\allFDFfields\empty
+ \TEXloadFDFfields{#1}%
+ \fi}
+ {\bgroup
+ \loadFDFfields{#1}
+ \def\docommand##1{\par##1 = \getFDFfield{##1}\par}%
+ \processcommacommand[\allFDFfields]\docommand
+ \egroup}
+%D \macros
+%D {sanitizePDFencoding,sanitizePDFdocencoding}
+%D We already dealt with the encoding vector. Conversion from
+%D \TEX\ \ASCII\ encoding to the other one, is accomplished by
+%D the next few macros. Wach out: we don't group here.
+%D This will be reimplemented using the mapping mechanism.
+% \def\enablePDFdocencoding
+% {\reducetocoding[pdfdoc]\simplifycommands}
+ {\enablecoding[pdfdoc]%
+ \enablelanguagespecifics[\currentlanguage]% redundant ?
+ \simplifycommands}
+ {\enablePDFcrlf
+ \enablePDFdocencoding
+ %\honorunexpanded % otherwise problems with "e etc in de
+ \edef#2{#1}}
+ {\def\\{\string\r}%
+ \def\par{\\\\}%
+ \def\endgraf{\\\\}%
+ \catcode`\^^M=\@@active%
+ \let^^M=\\}
+% \let\sanitizePDFencoding\sanitizePDFdocencoding
+%D The conversions comes down to (for the sake of speed the
+%D implementation combines steps):
+%D \startitemize
+%D \item we expand the \UTF\ sequences into \type {\unicodechar}'s
+%D \item spaces become character 255's (so that they are not
+%D gobbled in argument fetching
+%D \item normal \ASCII\ chars are unchanged
+%D \item \par's and alike are converted to \type {\unicodechar}'s
+%D \stopitemize
+%D This happens by expansion; next we convert the resulting
+%D sequence by interpreting the stream.
+ {\enablePDFunicrlf
+ \simplifycommands % added due to Dohyun Kim
+ \let\unicodechar\relax % prevent further expansion
+ \retainlccodes\lccode32=255 % slooow
+ \lowercasestring\PDFunicodetrigger#1\to#2%
+ \edef#2{\expandafter\doPDFuni#2\empty\empty}} % slooow
+%D Handling of empty lines:
+ {\def\\{\unicodechar{13}}%
+ \def\par{\\\\}%
+ \catcode`\^^M=\@@active%
+ \let^^M=\\}
+%D Conversion to 16 bit \UNICODE:
+ {\@EA\lchexnumbers\@EA{\number\utfdiv{#1}}%
+ \@EA\lchexnumbers\@EA{\number\utfmod{#1}}}
+ {\unicodechar{65279}}
+%D The postprocessor:
+ {\ifx#1\relax
+ \@EA\dodoPDFuni
+ \else\ifx#1\empty
+ % quit
+ \else
+ \@EAEAEA\nodoPDFuni
+ \fi\fi#1}
+ {\PDFunicodechar{\ifnum`#1=255 32\else`#1\fi}\doPDFuni}
+ {\PDFunicodechar{#2}\doPDFuni}
+ {\doifelse\currentregime{utf}{\PDFunicodetrue\sanitizePDFuniencoding}\sanitizePDFdocencoding}
+%D A bit out of place, but useful:
+\ifdefined\everysetfield \else \newtoks\everysetfield \fi
+ \enablePDFdocencoding
+ \enablePDFcrlf
+\to \everysetfield
+%D \macros
+%D {doPDFinsertcomment}
+%D An example its use is the next special, one that deals with
+%D text annotations.
+% starting point (keep this)
+% \long\def\doPDFinsertcomment#1#2#3#4#5#6#7#8%
+% {\bgroup % title width height color open symbol collect data
+% \doifelsenothing{#1}
+% {\let\PDFidentifier\empty}
+% {\def\PDFidentifier{/T (#1)}}%
+% \doifelsenothing{#4}
+% {\let\PDFattributes\empty}
+% {\def\PDFattributes{/C \FDFcolor{#4}}}%
+% \doifundefinedelse{PDFsymbol#6}
+% {\let\PDFsymbol\empty}
+% {\def\PDFsymbol{/Name \getvalue{PDFsymbol#6} }}%
+% \sanitizePDFencoding#8\to\PDFdata
+% \setbox\scratchbox\vbox to #3
+% {\vfill
+% \doPDFannotation{#2}{#3}
+% {/Subtype /Text
+% \ifcase#5 \else/Open true\fi
+% /Contents \ifPDFunicode <\PDFdata> \else(\PDFdata) \fi
+% \PDFsymbol
+% \PDFidentifier
+% \PDFattributes}}%
+% \wd\scratchbox\zeropoint
+% \ht\scratchbox\zeropoint
+% \dp\scratchbox\zeropoint
+% \box\scratchbox
+% \egroup}
+\newif\ifPDFpopupcomments \PDFpopupcommentstrue
+ {\box\PDFsymbolbox}
+\long\def\doPDFinsertcomment#1#2#3#4#5#6#7#8% % \@@DriverCommentLayer set otherwise
+ {\bgroup % title width height color open symbol collect data
+ \presetPDFsymbolappearance{#4}{#6}{#2}{#3}\!!zeropoint% sets width/height
+% \doifelsenothing{#1}
+% {\let\PDFidentifier\empty}
+% {\def\PDFidentifier{/T (#1)}}%
+ \doifelsenothing{#1}
+ {\let\PDFidentifier\empty}
+ {\sanitizePDFencoding#1\to\PDFcommenttitle
+ \def\PDFidentifier{/T \ifPDFunicode <\PDFcommenttitle>\else (\PDFcommenttitle)\fi}}%
+ \sanitizePDFencoding#8\to\PDFdata
+ \setFDFlayer\@@DriverCommentLayer
+ \startPDFsymbolappearance
+ \ifPDFpopupcomments
+ \doglobal\increment\nofFDFcomments
+ \doifobjectreferencefoundelse{FDF}{c:\nofFDFcomments}
+ {\doPDFgetobjectreference{FDF}{c:\nofFDFcomments}\PDFobjectreference
+ \donetrue}
+ \donefalse
+ \ifdone
+ \setbox\scratchbox\hbox
+ {\doPDFannotationobject{FDF}{c::\nofFDFcomments}{#2}{#3}% text window, size does not work
+ {/Subtype /Popup
+ /Parent \PDFobjectreference}}%
+ \ifcase#7\relax
+ \vbox to \height{\forgetall\vskip#3\box\scratchbox\vss}%
+ \else % incredible trial and error hack
+ % it's quite a mess, the annot width cannot be set, well, it can
+ % but the appearance and text sizes get mixed up
+% \setbox\scratchbox\vbox to \height{\forgetall\vskip#3\box\scratchbox\vss}%
+% \global\setbox\PDFsymbolbox\vbox
+% {\hsize#2%
+% \forgetall
+% \vsmash{\box\PDFsymbolbox}
+% \box\scratchbox}%
+ % this may change when acrobat gets less bugged
+ \setbox\scratchbox\vbox to #3{\forgetall\vss\box\scratchbox}%
+ \wd\scratchbox#2%
+ \global\setbox\PDFsymbolbox\vbox
+ {\startoverlay{\box\PDFsymbolbox}{\box\scratchbox}\stopoverlay}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ % generic
+ \doifobjectreferencefoundelse{FDF}{c::\nofFDFcomments}
+ {\doPDFgetobjectreference{FDF}{c::\nofFDFcomments}\PDFobjectreference
+ \donetrue}
+ \donefalse
+ \doPDFannotationobject{FDF}{c:\nofFDFcomments}{\width}{\height}
+ {/Subtype /Text
+ \ifcase#5 \else/Open true\fi
+ % pdftex (efficient)
+ % \ifdone /Popup \PDFobjref\pdflastannot\fi
+ % generic (less efficient)
+ \ifdone /Popup \PDFobjectreference\fi
+ /Contents \ifPDFunicode <\PDFdata> \else(\PDFdata) \fi
+ \PDFidentifier
+ \FDFlayer
+ \PDFsymbol
+ \PDFattributes}%
+ \else
+ \doPDFannotation{#2}{#3}
+ {/Subtype /Text
+ \ifcase#5 \else/Open true\fi
+ /Contents \ifPDFunicode <\PDFdata> \else(\PDFdata) \fi
+ \FDFlayer
+ \PDFsymbol
+ \PDFidentifier
+ \PDFattributes}%
+ \fi
+ \stopPDFsymbolappearance
+ \egroup}
+% symbols with a reasonable default of 18/24 pt
+\def\PDFsymbolNew {/Insert}
+\def\PDFsymbolBalloon {/Comment}
+\def\PDFsymbolAddition {/NewParagraph}
+\def\PDFsymbolHelp {/Help}
+\def\PDFsymbolParagraph {/Paragraph}
+\def\PDFsymbolKey {/Key }
+\def\PDFsymbolGraph {/Graph}
+\def\PDFsymbolPaperclip {/Paperclip}
+\def\PDFsymbolTag {/Tag}
+ {\setbox\scratchbox\vbox to \totalheight \bgroup \vfill}
+ {\egroup
+ \setbox\scratchbox\hbox{\lower\depth\box\scratchbox}%
+ \wd\scratchbox\width
+ \ht\scratchbox\height
+ \dp\scratchbox\depth
+ \box\scratchbox}
+\def\presetPDFsymbolappearance#1#2#3#4#5% symbol color width height depth
+ {\doifelsenothing{#1}
+ {\let\PDFattributes\empty}
+ {\def\PDFattributes{/C \FDFcolor{#1}}}%
+ \scratchdimen#3\edef\width {\the\scratchdimen}%
+ \scratchdimen#4\edef\height{\the\scratchdimen}%
+ \scratchdimen#5\edef\depth {\the\scratchdimen}%
+ \advance\scratchdimen\height\edef\totalheight{\the\scratchdimen}%
+ \doifelsenothing{#2}
+ {\let\PDFsymbol\empty}
+ {\ifundefined{PDFsymbol#2}%
+ \getfromcommacommand[#2][1]\let\PDFsymbolnormalsymbol\commalistelement
+ \getfromcommacommand[#2][2]\let\PDFsymboldownsymbol \commalistelement
+ \doifsymboldefinedelse\PDFsymbolnormalsymbol
+ {\doifsymboldefinedelse\PDFsymboldownsymbol
+ {\dopresetPDFsymbolappearance
+ \PDFsymbolnormalsymbol\PDFsymboldownsymbol}
+ {\dopresetPDFsymbolappearance
+ \PDFsymbolnormalsymbol\PDFsymbolnormalsymbol}}
+ {\doifsymboldefinedelse\PDFsymboldownsymbol
+ {\dopresetPDFsymbolappearance
+ \PDFsymboldownsymbol\PDFsymboldownsymbol}
+ {\let\PDFsymbol\empty}}%
+ \else
+ \def\PDFsymbol{/Name \getvalue{PDFsymbol#2} }%
+ \fi}}
+ {\dopresetfieldsymbol{#1}%
+ \dopresetfieldsymbol{#2}%
+ \setbox\scratchbox\hbox{\symbol[#1]}%
+ \edef\width {\the\wd\scratchbox}%
+ \edef\height{\the\ht\scratchbox}%
+ \edef\depth {\the\dp\scratchbox}%
+ \scratchdimen\height \advance\scratchdimen\depth
+ \edef\totalheight{\the\scratchdimen}%
+ \doPDFgetobjectreference{SYM}{#1}\FDFsymbolNappearance
+ \doPDFgetobjectreference{SYM}{#2}\FDFsymbolDappearance
+ \edef\PDFsymbol
+ {/AP <</N \FDFsymbolNappearance /D \FDFsymbolDappearance>>}}
+%D Hooked into \CONTEXT, this special supports
+%D \starttyping
+%D \startcomment
+%D hello beautiful\\world
+%D \stopcomment
+%D \startcomment[hello]
+%D de \'e\'erste keer
+%D the f\'irst time
+%D \stopcommen
+%D \startcommentaar[hallo][color=green,width=4cm,height=3cm]
+%D first
+%D second
+%D \stopcommentaar
+%D \stoptyping
+%D So, special characters, forced linebreaks using \type{\\}
+%D and \type{\par} are handled in the appropriate way.
+%D \macros
+%D {doPDFovalbox}
+%D For drawing ovals we use quite raw \PDF\ code. The next
+%D implementation does not differ that much from the one
+%D implemented in the \POSTSCRIPT\ driver.
+ {\dimen2=#1%
+ \advance\dimen2 #2\relax
+ \PointsToBigPoints{\dimen2}#3}
+\def\doPDFovalbox#1#2#3#4#5#6#7#8% todo: \scratchdimen/\scatchbox
+ {\forcecolorhack
+ \bgroup
+ \dimen0=#4\divide\dimen0 \plustwo
+ \doPDFovalcalc{0pt}{+\dimen0}\xmin
+ \doPDFovalcalc{#1}{-\dimen0}\xmax
+ \doPDFovalcalc{#2}{-\dimen0}\ymax
+ \doPDFovalcalc{-#3}{+\dimen0}\ymin
+ \advance\dimen0 by #5%
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+ \or % 3
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+ \xmin \space \ymin \space l
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+ \or % 4
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+ \xmin \space \ymax \space l
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+ \or % 5
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+ \xmin \space \ymax \space l
+ \xmin \space \ymin \space l
+ h
+ \or % 6
+ \xmin \space \ymin \space m
+ \xxmax\space \ymin \space l
+ \xmax \space \ymin \space \xmax \space \yymin\space y
+ \xmax \space \ymax \space l
+ \xmin \space \ymax \space l
+ \xmin \space \ymin \space l
+ h
+ \or
+ \xxmin\space \ymin \space m
+ \xmax \space \ymin \space l
+ \xmax \space \ymax \space l
+ \xmin \space \ymax \space l
+ \xmin \space \yymin\space l
+ \xmin \space \ymin \space \xxmin\space \ymin \space y
+ h
+ \or
+ \xmin \space \ymin \space m
+ \xmax \space \ymin \space l
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+ \xxmin\space \ymax \space l
+ \xmin \space \ymax \space \xmin \space \yymax\space y
+ \xmin \space \ymin \space l
+ h
+ \or % 9 top open
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+ \xxmax\space \ymin \space l
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+ \or % 10 right open
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+ \xmin \space \yymin\space l
+ \xmin \space \ymin \space \xxmin\space \ymin \space y
+ \xmax\space \ymin \space l
+ \or % 11 bottom open
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+ \xxmin\space \ymax \space l
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+ \xmin \space \ymin \space l
+ \or % 12 left open
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+ \xmax \space \yymin\space l
+ \xmax \space \ymin \space \xxmax\space \ymin \space y
+ \xmin \space \ymin \space l
+ \or % 13
+ \xmin \space \ymax \space m
+ \xxmax\space \ymax \space l
+ \xmax \space \ymax \space \xmax \space \yymax\space y
+ \xmax\space \ymin \space l
+ \or % 14
+ \xmax \space \ymax \space m
+ \xmax \space \yymin\space l
+ \xmax \space \ymin \space \xxmax\space \ymin \space y
+ \xmin \space \ymin \space l
+ \or % 15
+ \xmax \space \ymin \space m
+ \xxmin\space \ymin \space l
+ \xmin \space \ymin \space \xmin \space \yymin\space y
+ \xmin \space \ymax \space l
+ \or % 16
+ \xmin \space \ymin \space m
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+ \xmax \space \ymax \space l
+ \or % 17
+ \xxmax\space \ymax \space m
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+ \or % 18
+ \xmax \space \yymin\space m
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+ \or % 19
+ \xxmin\space \ymin \space m
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+ \or % 20
+ \xmin \space \yymax\space m
+ \xmin \space \ymax \space \xxmin\space \ymax \space y
+ \or % 21
+ \xxmax\space \ymax \space m
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+ \xmin \space \yymax\space m
+ \xmin \space \ymax \space \xxmin\space \ymax \space y
+ \or % 22
+ \xxmax\space \ymax \space m
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+ \xmax \space \yymin\space m
+ \xmax \space \ymin \space \xxmax\space \ymin \space y
+ \or % 23
+ \xmax \space \yymin\space m
+ \xmax \space \ymin \space \xxmax\space \ymin \space y
+ \xxmin\space \ymin \space m
+ \xmin \space \ymin \space \xmin \space \yymin\space y
+ \or % 24
+ \xxmin\space \ymin \space m
+ \xmin \space \ymin \space \xmin \space \yymin\space y
+ \xmin \space \yymax\space m
+ \xmin \space \ymax \space \xxmin\space \ymax \space y
+ \or % 25
+ \xxmax\space \ymax \space m
+ \xmax \space \ymax \space \xmax \space \yymax\space y
+ \xmax \space \yymin\space m
+ \xmax \space \ymin \space \xxmax\space \ymin \space y
+ \xxmin\space \ymin \space m
+ \xmin \space \ymin \space \xmin \space \yymin\space y
+ \xmin \space \yymax\space m
+ \xmin \space \ymax \space \xxmin\space \ymax \space y
+ \or % 26
+ \xmax \space \yymin\space m
+ \xmax \space \ymin \space \xxmax\space \ymin \space y
+ \xmin \space \yymax\space m
+ \xmin \space \ymax \space \xxmin\space \ymax \space y
+ \or % 27
+ \xxmax\space \ymax \space m
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+ \xmin \space \ymin \space \xmin \space \yymin\space y
+ \or % 28
+ \fi
+ \ifnum\mode>8
+ S
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+ \fi
+ Q}%
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+ \wd\scratchbox#1\ht\scratchbox#2\dp\scratchbox#3\box\scratchbox
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+%D \macros
+%D {doPDFstartgraymode,doPDFstopgraymode,
+%D doPDFstartrgbcolormode,doPDFstartcmykcolormode,doPDFstartgraycolormode,
+%D doPDFstopcolormode}
+%D In \PDF\ there are two color states, one for strokes and one
+%D for fills. This means that we have to set the color in a
+%D rather redundant looking way. Unfortunately this makes the
+%D \PDF\ file much larger than needed. We can save few bytes
+%D by not setting the stroke color. Due to zip compression we
+%D only save a few percent.
+% \newif\ifPDFstrokecolor \PDFstrokecolortrue
+% {\PDFdirectcode{#1 g\ifPDFstrokecolor\space#1 G\fi}}
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+% {\PDFdirectcode{#1 g\ifPDFstrokecolor\space#1 G\fi}}
+ {\PDFcode{#1 g\ifPDFstrokecolor\space#1 G\fi}}
+\def\doPDFstartspotcolormode#1#2% redefining spotcolors is not possible anyway
+ {\ifundefined{pdf:scs:#2}%
+ \bgroup
+ \getcommacommandsize[#2]%
+ \ifcase\commalistsize\or
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+ \else
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+% \PDFdirectcode{/#1 cs /#1 CS \PDFgetspotcolorspec{#2}}}
+ \PDFcode{/#1 cs /#1 CS \PDFgetspotcolorspec{#2}}}
+ {\executeifdefined{pdf:scs:#1}\empty} % better no default than one with too less args
+% {\PDFdirectcode{/None CS 1 SC /None cs 1 sc}}
+ {\PDFcode{/None CS 1 SC /None cs 1 sc}}
+% {\PDFdirectcode{0 g\ifPDFstrokecolor\space0 G\fi}}
+ {\PDFcode{0 g\ifPDFstrokecolor\space0 G\fi}}
+%D We need to register the spot colors and their fallbacks.
+% we cannot use /DeviceN since GS <=7.21 breaks on it
+% and Jaws does not handle it at all {[/DeviceN [/All|/None]
+% /Device#2 \PDFobjref\pdflastobj]} so we use separation
+% colors that work and print ok
+\def\doPDFregistersomespotcolor#1#2#3#4% implemented in the driver
+ {\writestatus\m!systems{missing spot color definition}\wait}
+\def\doPDFregisternonecolor % internal command
+ {\doPDFregistergrayspotcolor{None}{1}%
+ \globallet\doPDFregisternonecolor\relax}
+\def\doPDFregisterspotcolorname#1#2% implemented in the driver
+ {}
+\def\dodoPDFregisterrgbspotcolor#1#2#3#4#5#6#7% name noffractions names p's r g b
+ {\doPDFregistersomespotcolor{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{RGB}{0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0}%
+ {\ifcase#2\or dup #5 mul exch dup #6 mul exch #7 mul\else#5 #6 #7\fi}}
+\def\dodoPDFregistercmykspotcolor#1#2#3#4#5#6#7#8% name noffractions names p's c m y k
+ {\doPDFregistersomespotcolor{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{CMYK}{0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0}%
+ {\ifcase#2\or dup #5 mul exch dup #6 mul exch dup #7 mul exch #8 mul\else #5 #6 #7 #8\fi}}
+\def\dodoPDFregistergrayspotcolor#1#2#3#4#5% name noffractions names p's s
+ {\doPDFregistersomespotcolor{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{Gray}{0.0 1.0}%
+ {\ifcase#2\or #5 mul\else #5\fi}}
+% \let\doPDFregisterrgbspotcolor \dodoPDFregisterrgbspotcolor
+% \let\doPDFregistercmykspotcolor\dodoPDFregistercmykspotcolor
+% \let\doPDFregistergrayspotcolor\dodoPDFregistergrayspotcolor
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+ {\ifRGBsupported
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+ \else
+ \edef\@@cl@@r{#5}\edef\@@cl@@g{#6}\edef\@@cl@@b{#7}%
+ \ifCMYKsupported
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+ \dodoPDFregistercmykspotcolor{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}\@@cl@@c\@@cl@@m\@@cl@@y\@@cl@@k
+ \else
+ \convertRGBtoGRAY\@@cl@@r\@@cl@@g\@@cl@@b
+ \dodoPDFregistergrayspotcolor{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}\@@cl@@s
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+\def\doPDFregistercmykspotcolor#1#2#3#4#5#6#7#8% name noffractions names p's c m y k
+ {\ifCMYKsupported
+ \dodoPDFregistercmykspotcolor{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}{#6}{#7}{#8}%
+ \else
+ \edef\@@cl@@c{#5}\edef\@@cl@@m{#6}\edef\@@cl@@y{#7}\edef\@@cl@@k{#8}%
+ \ifRGBsupported
+ \convertCMYKtoRGB\@@cl@@c\@@cl@@m\@@cl@@y\@@cl@@k
+ \dodoPDFregisterrgbspotcolor{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}\@@cl@@r\@@cl@@g\@@cl@@b
+ \else
+ \convertCMYKtoGRAY\@@cl@@c\@@cl@@m\@@cl@@y\@@cl@@k
+ \dodoPDFregistergrayspotcolor{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}\@@cl@@s
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+%D New and very experimental.
+\def\doPDFregistercmykindexcolor#1#2#3#4#5#6#7#8% name noffractions names p's c m y k
+ {\doPDFregistersomeindexcolor{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{CMYK}{0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0}%
+ {dup #5 mul exch dup #6 mul exch dup #7 mul exch #8 mul}}
+\def\doPDFregisterrgbindexcolor#1#2#3#4#5#6#7% name noffractions names p's r g b
+ {\doPDFregistersomeindexcolor{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{RGB}{0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0}%
+ {dup #5 mul exch dup #6 mul exch #7 mul}}
+\def\doPDFregistergrayindexcolor#1#2#3#4#5% name noffractions names p's s
+ {\doPDFregistersomeindexcolor{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{Gray}{0.0 1.0}%
+ {pop}}
+\let\checkpredefinedcolor\predefineindexcolor % we need an index in order to negate bitmaps
+\def\doPDFregisterfigurecolor#1% always an index color
+ {\dogetobjectreference
+ {\internalspotcolorname{#1}}
+ \PDFimagecolorreference}
+%D \macros
+%D {doPDFstartrotation,doPDFstoprotation}
+%D Rotating some text can be accomplished by setting the first
+%D four elements of the transform matrix. We only support some
+%D fixed angles. The \type{q}'s take care of grouping.
+% The original:
+% \def\doPDFstartrotation#1%
+% {\PDFcode{q}%
+% \processaction
+% [#1]
+% [ 90=>\PDFcode{ 0 1 -1 0 0 0 cm},
+% 180=>\PDFcode{-1 0 0 -1 0 0 cm},
+% 270=>\PDFcode{ 0 -1 1 0 0 0 cm},
+% 360=>\PDFcode{ 1 0 0 1 0 0 cm}]}
+% We cannot directly pass an angle, but have to calculate
+% factors (rx and ry). As in the \METAPOST\ to \PDF\
+% converter module we need to compensate the deformation
+% by setting (sx and sy).
+% Optimized but bigger:
+% \def\doPDFstartrotation#1%
+% {\PDFcode{q}%
+% \processaction
+% [#1]
+% [ 0=>\PDFcode{ 1 0 0 1 0 0 cm},
+% 90=>\PDFcode{ 0 1 -1 0 0 0 cm},
+% 180=>\PDFcode{-1 0 0 -1 0 0 cm},
+% 270=>\PDFcode{ 0 -1 1 0 0 0 cm},
+% 360=>\PDFcode{ 1 0 0 1 0 0 cm},
+% #1=>\setcalculatedcos\cos{#1}%
+% \setcalculatedsin\sin{#1}%
+% \PDFcode{\cos \space % cos
+% \sin \space % sin
+% \negated\sin\space % -sin
+% \cos \space % cos
+% 0 0 cm}]}
+% Since the sine and cosine values are preset and rounded we
+% can use the next alternative without running into inaccuracies.
+\def\doPDFstartrotation#1% grouped
+ {\setcalculatedcos\cos{#1}%
+ \setcalculatedsin\sin{#1}%
+ \forcecolorhack
+ \PDFcode{q \cos\space\sin\space\negated\sin\space\cos\space0 0 cm}}
+ {\PDFcode{Q}}
+%D \macros
+%D {doPDFstartscaling,doPDFstopscaling}
+%D Scaling is rather straightforward:
+\def\doPDFstartscaling#1#2% the test is needed because acrobat is bugged!
+ {\forcecolorhack
+ \PDFcode{q \ifdim#1\points=\zeropoint\@@PDFzeroscale\else#1\fi\space 0 0
+ \ifdim#2\points=\zeropoint\@@PDFzeroscale\else#2\fi\space 0 0 cm}}
+% \def\doPDFstartscaling#1#2% the test is needed because acrobat is bugged!
+% {\PDFcode{q\ifdim#1\points=\zeropoint\else\ifdim#2\points=\zeropoint\else
+% \space#1\space 0 0 #2\space 0 0 cm\fi\fi}}
+ {\PDFcode{Q}}
+%D \macros
+%D {doPDFstartmirroring,doPDFstopmirroring}
+%D Mirroring is implemented in a similar way:
+ {\PDFcode{-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm}}
+ {\PDFcode{-1 0 0 1 0 0 cm}}
+%D \macros
+%D {doPDFstartnegative,doPDFstopnegative}
+%D When producing output for an image setter, sometimes negative
+%D output is needed.
+ {\ifx\initializePDFnegative\undefined\else
+ \initializePDFnegative
+% \PDFdirectcode{/GSnegative gs}%
+ \PDFcode{/GSnegative gs}%
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+% \PDFdirectcode{/GSpositive gs}%
+ \PDFcode{/GSpositive gs}%
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+%D \macros
+%D {doPDFstartoverprint,doPDFstopoverprint}
+%D Some printers like overprint more than knockout.
+ {\ifx\initializePDFoverprint\undefined\else
+ \initializePDFoverprint
+% \PDFdirectcode{/GSoverprint gs}%
+ \PDFcode{/GSoverprint gs}%
+ \fi}
+ {\ifx\initializePDFoverprint\undefined\else
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+% \PDFdirectcode{/GSknockout gs}%
+ \PDFcode{/GSknockout gs}% wrong
+ \fi}
+%D Transparency support:
+\def\PDFtransparancydictionary#1#2#3% type fraction extras
+ {<</Type /ExtGState
+ /ca #2 /CA #2
+ /BM /\ifcase#1 Normal\or Normal\or Multiply\or Screen\or
+ Overlay\or SoftLight\or HardLight\or ColorDodge\or
+ ColorBurn\or Darken\or Lighten\or Difference\or
+ Exclusion\or Hue\or Saturation\or Color\or
+ Luminosity\else Compatible\fi
+ #3>>}
+ {\presetPDFtransparency{#1}{#2}%
+ \PDFcode{\PDFtransparencyidentifier\space gs }}
+ {\PDFcode{/Tr0 gs }}
+ {\ifPDFtransparencysupported
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+ \else
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+% \let\doPDFstoptransparency\relax
+% This is tricky: because a text stream is handled before
+% the page body is built, we can run into stops that will
+% match an outer start; however, the stop is needed in case
+% of a text color: [text color text] [other color text] on a
+% first page combined with color splitting will go wrong if
+% we stick to the relaxing method.
+ {\ifPDFtransparencysupported
+ \initializetransparency
+ \dodoPDFstoptransparency
+ \fi}
+%D These use:
+\let\PDFtransparencyresetreference \empty
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+\let\presetPDFtransparency \gobbletwoarguments
+%D New trickery:
+\definespecial\dostopgraphicgroup {\PDFcode{Q}}
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+\definespecial\dostopviewerlayer {\doPDFstoplayer}
+% \def\doPDFstartlayer#1{\PDFdirectcode{/OC /#1 BDC}}
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+% /Intent/Design
+% ocmd
+% /P /AllOn
+% kan zelf ocmd bevatten
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+ % used properties
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+\prependtoksonce \flushPDFtextlayers \to \everylastshipout
+\def\PDFexecutehidelayer {/SetOCGState /State [/OFF \PDFlayeractionlist]}
+\def\PDFexecutevidelayer {/SetOCGState /State [/ON \PDFlayeractionlist]}
+\def\PDFexecutetogglelayer {/SetOCGState /State [/Toggle \PDFlayeractionlist]}
+ {\bgroup
+ \globallet\PDFlayeractionlist\empty
+ \def\docommand##1%
+ {\doPDFgetobjectreference{PDLN}{##1}\PDFobjectreference
+ \xdef\PDFlayeractionlist{\PDFlayeractionlist\space\PDFobjectreference}}%
+ \processcommalist[#1]\docommand
+ \egroup}
+%D Something rather pdf dependent:
+% #1 => 1=fill 2=stroke 3=strokedfill 4=invisible
+% #2 => linewidth
+% #3 => spacing (beware, one needs to set the hsize as well)
+ {\ifdim#2>\zeropoint
+ \PointsToBigPoints{#2}\ascii
+% \PDFdirectcode{\ascii\space w}%
+ \PDFcode{\ascii\space w}%
+ \fi
+ \ifdim#3\points=\onepoint\else
+ \scratchdimen#3\points
+% \PDFdirectcode{\withoutpt{\the\scratchdimen}\space Tc}%
+ \PDFcode{\withoutpt{\the\scratchdimen}\space Tc}%
+ \fi
+% \PDFdirectcode{\purenumber#1 Tr}}
+ \PDFcode{\purenumber#1 Tr}}
+% {\PDFdirectcode{1 w 0 Tc 0 Tr}}
+ {\PDFcode{1 w 0 Tc 0 Tr}}
+%D Handy for the \METAPOST\ to \PDF\ converter:
+\ifdefined\everyPDFximage \else \newtoks\everyPDFximage \fi
+\ifdefined\everyPDFxform \else \newtoks\everyPDFxform \fi
+ \collectPDFresources
+ \global\let\currentPDFresources\collectedPDFresources
+\to \everyPDFxform
+\def\collectPDFresources % suboptimal
+ {\doifobjectreferencefoundelse{FDF}{docushades} % redundant, we have an reserved object now
+ {\doPDFgetobjectreference{FDF}{docushades}\PDFobjectreference
+ \xdef\collectedPDFresources{\collectedPDFresources/Shading \PDFobjectreference}}\donothing
+ \doifobjectreferencefoundelse{FDF}{docuextgstates}
+ {\doPDFgetobjectreference{FDF}{docuextgstates}\PDFobjectreference
+ \xdef\collectedPDFresources{\collectedPDFresources/ExtGState \PDFobjectreference}}\donothing
+ \doifobjectreferencefoundelse{FDF}{docupatterns}
+ {\doPDFgetobjectreference{FDF}{docupatterns}\PDFobjectreference
+ \xdef\collectedPDFresources{\collectedPDFresources/Pattern \PDFobjectreference}}\donothing
+ \doifobjectreferencefoundelse{FDF}{colorspaces}
+ {\doPDFgetobjectreference{FDF}{colorspaces}\PDFobjectreference
+ \xdef\collectedPDFresources{\collectedPDFresources/ColorSpace \PDFobjectreference}}\donothing
+ \global\let\collectPDFresources\relax}
+%D And that was about all.
+\ifx\fullytransparentcolor\undefined \else
+ \def\fullytransparentcolor
+ {\doPDFregisternonecolor
+ \doPDFstartnonecolormode}
+ \let\doPDFstarttransparency\gobbletwoarguments
+ \let\doPDFstoptransparency\relax
+%D Temporary hack:
+\def\TransparencyHack % png: /CS /DeviceRGB /I true
+ {\appendtoks
+ \doPDFpageattribute{/Group << /S /Transparency /I true /K true>>}%
+ \to \everyPDFxform
+ \appendtoks
+ \doPDFpageattribute{/Group << /S /Transparency /I true /K true>>}%
+ \to \everyshipout}
+%D We still need to implement a few helpers:
+ {\bgroup
+ \retainlccodes
+ \lccode`\/\safePDFcode \lccode`\#\safePDFcode
+ \lccode`\<\safePDFcode \lccode`\>\safePDFcode
+ \lccode`\[\safePDFcode \lccode`\]\safePDFcode
+ \lccode`\(\safePDFcode \lccode`\)\safePDFcode
+ \ifovercomePDFspace
+ \lccode`\ \safePDFcode
+ \fi
+ \ifovercomePDFbugs
+ \xdef\PDFdestination{'#1'}%
+ \else
+ \xdef\PDFdestination{#1}%
+ \fi
+ % nicer \xdef\PDFdestination{\ifovercomePDFbugs'\fi#1\ifovercomePDFbugs'\fi}%
+ \lowercase\@EA{\@EA\xdef\@EA\PDFdestination\@EA{\PDFdestination}}%
+ \egroup}
+%D This is much faster since we don't have to set the full
+%D range of lc-codes; about 5 sec on a 1000mhz PIII for
+%D 20K named destinations "x(x) x"). Of course when you use
+%D page destinations, the saving is nil.
+% \doifnotmode{atpragma}{\let\next\setPDFdestination} % experimental
+% \catcode`\/=\@@active \catcode`\#=\@@active
+% \catcode`\<=\@@active \catcode`\>=\@@active
+% \catcode`\[=\@@active \catcode`\]=\@@active
+% \catcode`\(=\@@active \catcode`\)=\@@active
+% \gdef\PDFrepchar{-}
+% \gdef\setPDFdcharacters
+% {\catcode`\/=\@@active \let/\PDFrepchar
+% \catcode`\#=\@@active \let#\PDFrepchar
+% \catcode`\<=\@@active \let<\PDFrepchar
+% \catcode`\>=\@@active \let>\PDFrepchar
+% \catcode`\[=\@@active \let[\PDFrepchar
+% \catcode`\]=\@@active \let]\PDFrepchar
+% \catcode`\(=\@@active \let(\PDFrepchar
+% \catcode`\)=\@@active \let)\PDFrepchar}
+% \egroup
+% \def\setPDFdestination#1% expansion is needed, otherwise embedded
+% {\bgroup % macros will not expand under the new
+% \setPDFdcharacters % catcode regime
+% \ifovercomePDFspace
+% \catcode32=\@@ignore
+% \fi
+% \xdef\PDFdestination{\ifovercomePDFbugs'\fi#1\ifovercomePDFbugs'\fi}%
+% \scantokens\@EA{\@EA\xdef\@EA\PDFdestination\@EA{\PDFdestination}}%
+% \egroup}
+% \doifnotmode{atpragma}{\let\setPDFdestination\next} % experimental
+%D This is a slow one, that uses \type{\lccode}'s to
+%D change the glyph as well as converts sensisitve ones into a
+%D \PDF\ command sequence, so \type{(} becomes \type{\(}. In
+%D fact we translate the string to lowercase inactive and non
+%D special characters, limit their number and finaly convert
+%D some of the characters to save ones.
+\def\sanitizePDFstring#1\to#2% bugged
+ {\bgroup
+ \retainlccodes
+ \lccode`( \zerocount \lccode`) \zerocount
+ \lccode`< \zerocount \lccode`> \zerocount
+ \lccode`[ \zerocount \lccode`] \zerocount
+ \lccode`\\\zerocount \lccode`/ \zerocount
+ \lowercase{\defconvertedargument\ascii{#1}}%
+ % by integrating the split in the loop below
+ % \splitofftokens\maxPDFstringsize\from\ascii\to\ascii
+ % we diminish the processing time considerably
+ \scratchcounter\maxPDFstringsize
+ \def\docommand##1%
+ {\ifcase\scratchcounter\else
+ \advance\scratchcounter \minusone
+ \ifcase\lccode`##1\relax
+ \xdef#2{#2\expandafter\string\csname##1\endcsname}%
+ \else
+ \xdef#2{#2##1}%
+ \fi
+ \fi}%
+ %\global\let#2=\empty
+ % or to permit #2 to be \ascii too:
+ \global\@EA\let\@EA#2\@EA\empty
+ \@EA\handletokens\ascii\with\docommand
+ \egroup}
+% \doifnotmode{atpragma}{\let\next\sanitizePDFstring} % experimental
+% \bgroup
+% \catcode`\.=\@@escape
+% .catcode`./=.@@active
+% .catcode`.<=.@@active .catcode`.>=.@@active
+% .catcode`.[=.@@active .catcode`.]=.@@active
+% .catcode`.(=.@@active .catcode`.)=.@@active
+% .gdef.setPDFscharacters%
+% {.catcode`.\=.@@other
+% .catcode`./=.@@active .def/{.noexpand./}%
+% .catcode`.<=.@@active .def<{.noexpand.<}%
+% .catcode`.>=.@@active .def>{.noexpand.>}%
+% .catcode`.[=.@@active .def[{.noexpand.[}%
+% .catcode`.]=.@@active .def]{.noexpand.]}%
+% .catcode`.(=.@@active .def({.noexpand.(}%
+% .catcode`.)=.@@active .def){.noexpand.)}}
+% {.bgroup
+% .setPDFscharacters
+% .catcode`=.@@escape
+% .scantokens{setxvalue{next}{#1}}%
+% .egroup}
+% .egroup
+% \doifnotmode{atpragma}{\let\sanitizePDFstring\next} % experimental
+% There is an unicode variant in spec-tst!
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/spec-ini.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/spec-ini.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9361ed222
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/spec-ini.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,559 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=spec-ini,
+%D version=1996.01.25,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Special Macros,
+%D subtitle=Initialization,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+% todo: make this one more plain so that i can use it in plain jobs
+% todo: no args, named vars instead
+% maybe also drop multiple drivers and make simplify the default, then simplier defs
+\newif\ifsimplifyspecials \simplifyspecialstrue % see later
+%D We will forbid loading specials after the first page is
+%D shipped out.
+ \countdef\realpageno=0 \realpageno=1
+%D Specials are \TEX's channel to the outside world. They make
+%D \TEX\ even more platform independant and permit easy
+%D adaption to new developments. One major drawback of specials
+%D is that they have to be supported by printer drivers. We've
+%D tried to overcome this problem by implementing specials as
+%D a sort of drivers themselves.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Special Macros / Initialization}
+%D \TEX\ produces files in the \DVI\ format. This format is
+%D well defined and stable. In this format one||byte commands
+%D are used which can optionally be followed by length
+%D specifiers and arguments. The \DVI||format incorporates a
+%D channel to the outside world. This channel is activated by
+%D the \TEX\ primitive \type {\special}. The sequence
+%D \starttyping
+%D \special{Hello here I am.}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D results in \DVI||codes:
+%D \starttyping
+%D xxx1 16 Hello here I am.
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The \type {xxx1} is represented in byte code 239 and the
+%D number of following bytes in a~1, 2, 3 or~4 byte number. So
+%D here we get $1+1+16$ bytes of code.
+%D Translating these codes is upto the \DVI\ driver. It's
+%D common use to ignore specials that cannot be interpreted, so
+%D the example string should have no consequences for the
+%D output.
+%D \macros
+%D {jobsuffix}
+%D By default, \TEX\ produces \DVI\ files which can be
+%D converted to other filetypes. Sometimes it is handy to
+%D know what the target file will be. In other driver
+%D modules we wil set \type {\jobsuffix} to \type {pdf}.
+ {\resetsystemmode\jobsuffix
+ \edef\jobsuffix{#1}%
+ \setsystemmode\jobsuffix}
+%D \macros
+%D {everyresetspecials}
+%D Now what will this one do? We'll see in a few lines.
+\newtoks \everyresetspecials
+ \ifx\setjobsuffix\undefined\else\setjobsuffix{dvi}\fi
+\to \everyresetspecials
+%D A rather fundamental difference between special and direct
+%D settings is that the latter don't interfere with typesetting
+%D but must be set before the first shipout, while the specials
+%D must be packaged in the shipped out box in such a way that
+%D they don't interfere.
+\newif\ifspecialbasedsettings \specialbasedsettingstrue
+ \specialbasedsettingstrue
+\to \everyresetspecials
+%D Because there is no standardization in the use of specials,
+%D more than one driver or program can be supported. The
+%D specials are grouped in libraries. Some of these are
+%D general, such as the \type{postscript} library, some are
+%D tuned to a special kind of program, like the \type{pdf}
+%D ones, and some support a specific driver, as we can see in
+%D the \type{yandy} library. A library is build with the
+%D commands:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \startspecials[name][inheritance]
+%D \definespecial\none{...}
+%D \definespecial\onlyone#1{...}
+%D \definespecial\alot#1#2#3#4{...}
+%D \stopspecials
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Because drivers can have overlap in low level macros, a
+%D mechanism of inheritance is implemented. The libraries
+%D defined as second argument are loaded first.
+%D Every special has to be predefined first. We do this with
+%D the command:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \installspecial [\none] [and] [0]
+%D \installspecial [\onlyone] [and] [1]
+%D \installspecial [\alot] [or] [4]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D This means as much as: there is a special names
+%D \type{\none} which has no arguments and has more than one
+%D appearance. The special \type{\alot} on the other hand has
+%D four arguments and is only defined once. Every instance in
+%D the libraries of a special of category \type{and} is
+%D executed when called upon, but only one special of
+%D category \type{or} can be active. Most of the
+%D \type{postscript}||specials are of category \type{or},
+%D because they tend to interfere with driver specific ones.
+%D The interactive specials of \type{dviwindo} and \type{pdf}
+%D are an example of specials that can be called both.
+%D A library is defined in a file with the name
+%D \type{spec-...}. We load a library with the command:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \usespecials [list]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D where the list can contain one or more file tags, the
+%D \type{...} in the filename. The keyword \type{reset}
+%D resets all loaded specials. This is equivalent to
+%D \type{\resetspecials}.
+%D Although a mechanism of nesting can be implemented, we
+%D prefer to use a inheritance mechanism as mentioned. Calls
+%D upon \type{\usespecials} within a \type{\startspecials}
+%D would lead to confusion and errors.
+%D We define some local constants and variables. They look a
+%D bit horrible but we don't want conflicts.
+% not faster
+% \def\@@specfil@@{@sp@f@}
+% \def\@@speclst@@{@sp@l@}
+% \def\@@speccat@@{@sp@c@}
+% \def\@@specarg@@{@sp@a@}
+% \def\@@specexc@@{@sp@e@}
+\let\currentspecial \empty
+%D \macros
+%D {startspecials}
+%D Every library has a unique name, which is given as the first
+%D argument to \type{\startspecials}. When another library is
+%D defined with the same name, previous specials can be
+%D overruled. The name may differ from the file||tag.
+%D The optional second argument can consist of a list of
+%D libraries that are to be loaded first.
+ {\doifsomething{#2}
+ {\processcommalist[#2]\dousespecials}%
+ \doifelsenothing{#1}
+ {\let\currentspecial\s!unknown}
+ {\def\currentspecial{#1}}%
+ \unprotect}
+ {\localpushmacro\currentspecial
+ \dodoubleempty\dostartspecials}
+ {\localpopmacro\currentspecial
+ \protect}
+%D \macros
+%D {installspecial,
+%D resetspecials}
+%D We have to install specials before we can define and use
+%D them. The command itself is defined as a call to another
+%D command that executes one or more user||defined specials,
+%D depending of it's category: \type{or} versus \type{and}.
+%D The command \type{\installspecial} takes three
+%D (non||optional) arguments: the name of the command, the
+%D category it belongs to and the number of arguments it
+%D takes.
+%D With \type{\resetspecials} we can unload the predefined
+%D specials. Special reset actions |<|look in \type{spec-mis}
+%D for an example|>| can be assigned to the token register
+%D \type{\everyresetspecials}.
+ {\letvalue{\@@speclst@@\string#1}\empty
+ \setvalue{\@@speccat@@\string#1}{#2}%
+ \setvalue{\@@specarg@@\string#1}{#3}%
+ \addtocommalist{\string#1}\@@allspecials
+ \def#1{\executespecial#1}}
+ {\dotripleargument\doinstallspecial}
+ {\the\everyresetspecials
+ \def\docommand##1%
+ {\letvalue{\@@speclst@@##1}\empty}%
+ \processcommacommand[\@@allspecials]\docommand}
+%D \macros
+%D {definespecial}
+%D The command \type{\definespecial} take the place of
+%D \type{\def} in the definition of a special. Just to be
+%D sure, we first check if the command is permitted, i.e.
+%D installed. If not, we give a warning and gobble the
+%D illegal command in an quite elegant way.
+%D If the command can be combined (\type{and}) with others,
+%D we append it to a list, otherwise (\type{or}) it becomes
+%D the only item in the list.
+ {\ifx#1\undefined
+ \showmessage\m!specials4{\string#1}%
+ \def\next
+ {\def\@@illegalspecial@@}%
+ \else
+ \def\next
+ {\doifelsevalue{\@@speccat@@\string#1}{or}
+ {\edef\@@newspeclst@@{\currentspecial}}
+ {\edef\@@newspeclst@@{\getvalue{\@@speclst@@\string#1}}%
+ \addtocommalist\currentspecial\@@newspeclst@@}%
+ \setevalue{\@@speclst@@\string#1}{\@@newspeclst@@}%
+ \setvalue{\currentspecial\string#1}}%
+ \fi
+ \next}
+%D \macros
+%D {usespecials}
+%D We use \type{\usespecials} to load a specific library.
+%D This command is only permitted outside the definition part.
+ {\doifelse{#1}\v!reset
+ {\resetspecials}
+ {\doifdefinedelse{\@@specfil@@#1}
+ {\edef\currentspecialfile{\getvalue{\@@specfil@@#1}}}
+ {\edef\currentspecialfile{#1}}%
+ \makeshortfilename[\truefilename{\f!specialprefix\currentspecialfile}]%
+ \startreadingfile
+ \readsysfile{\shortfilename.mkii}{\showmessage\m!specials5\currentspecialfile}\donothing
+ \stopreadingfile}}
+ {\ifnum\realpageno<2
+ \doifelsenothing\currentspecial
+ {\processcommalist[#1]\dousespecials}
+ {\showmessage\m!specials6\empty}%
+ \fi}
+%D \macros
+%D {executespecials}
+%D The command \type{\executespecials} is used to execute the
+%D defined specials. Once a special is installed, the special
+%D itself calls for this command, so it's not needed outside
+%D this module. One can use it if wanted.
+%D A former implementation grouped the execution. Recent
+%D additions however |<|like the specials that implement object
+%D handling|>| asked for non||grouped execution.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\executespecials#1#2%
+%D {\def\doonespecial##1%
+%D {\getvalue{##1\string#1}#2\relax}%
+%D \processcommacommand
+%D [\getvalue{\@@speclst@@\string#1}]\doonespecial}
+%D \def\executespecial#1%
+%D {\expandafter\ifcase\getvalue{\@@specarg@@\string#1}\relax
+%D \def\next%
+%D {\executespecials#1{}}%
+%D \or
+%D \def\next##1%
+%D {\executespecials#1{{##1}}}%
+%D \or
+%D \def\next##1##2%
+%D {\executespecials#1{{##1}{##2}}}%
+%D \or
+%D \def\next##1##2##3%
+%D {\executespecials#1{{##1}{##2}{##3}}}%
+%D \or
+%D \def\next##1##2##3##4%
+%D {\executespecials#1{{##1}{##2}{##3}{##4}}}%
+%D \or
+%D \def\next##1##2##3##4##5%
+%D {\executespecials#1{{##1}{##2}{##3}{##4}{##5}}}%
+%D \or
+%D \def\next##1##2##3##4##5##6%
+%D {\executespecials#1{{##1}{##2}{##3}{##4}{##5}{##6}}}%
+%D \or
+%D \def\next##1##2##3##4##5##6##7%
+%D {\executespecials#1{{##1}{##2}{##3}{##4}{##5}{##6}{##7}}}%
+%D \or
+%D \def\next##1##2##3##4##5##6##7##8%
+%D {\executespecials#1{{##1}{##2}{##3}{##4}{##5}{##6}{##7}{##8}}}%
+%D \or
+%D \def\next##1##2##3##4##5##6##7##8##9%
+%D {\executespecials#1{{##1}{##2}{##3}{##4}{##5}{##6}{##7}{##8}{##9}}}%
+%D \else
+%D \def\next%
+%D {\message{illegal special: \string#1}}%
+%D \fi
+%D \next}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Because specials happen quite often, we will use a bit more
+%D brute force. Keep in mind that we have to collect the
+%D arguments because we want to support more drivers at once.
+%D I tested this on the next test. Where the previous alternative
+%D took about 32 seconds, the new alternative takes 25 seconds.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \testfeature{10000}{\setbox0=\hbox{test \color[red]{oeps} test}}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\executespecials#1%
+%D {\def\doonespecial##1%
+%D {\csname##1\xspecialcommand\endcsname#1\relax}%
+%D \@EA\rawprocesscommalist\@EA
+%D [\csname\@@speclst@@\xspecialcommand\endcsname]\doonespecial}
+%D \def\executespecial#1%
+%D {\def\xspecialcommand{\string#1}%
+%D \@EA\@EA\@EA\executespecials\csname\@@exsp\csname\@@specarg@@\xspecialcommand\endcsname\endcsname}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Some more speed can be gained by using a dedicated string
+%D processing routine. Now we can bring down the execution
+%D time to 21 seconds, one third less than the original run time.
+ {\@EA\let\@EA\speciallist\csname\@@speclst@@\xspecialcommand\endcsname
+ \ifx\speciallist\empty\else
+ \def\doonespecial##1%
+ {\csname##1\xspecialcommand\endcsname#1\relax}%
+ \@EA\dodoonespecial\speciallist,\end,%
+ \fi}
+ {\def\xspecialcommand{\string#1}%
+ \@EA\@EA\@EA\executespecials\csname\@@exsp\csname\@@specarg@@\xspecialcommand\endcsname\endcsname}
+ {\ifx\end#1\else
+ \doonespecial{#1}\expandafter\dodoonespecial
+ \fi}
+%D This kind of saving only shows up when making interative
+%D documents with lots of color switches. In such documents
+%D tens of thousands of special calls are rather normal.
+%D On a 650 Mhz Pentium, the previous test takes 15 seconds
+%D less (on about 65 seconds). When processing 2000 page
+%D interactive documents this saving can be neglected.
+%D In the previous macros, the \type{{{...}}} are needed
+%D because we pass all those arguments to the specials support
+%D macro.
+\let\openspecialfile \relax
+\let\closespecialfile \relax
+%D \macros
+%D {doifspecialavailableelse}
+%D For testing purposes (this was first needed when object
+%D support was implemented) we have:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \doifspecialavailableelse\specialcommand{true}{false}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D e.g:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \doifspecialavailableelse\doinsertobject{...}{...}
+%D \stoptyping
+ {\doifelsevaluenothing{\@@speclst@@\string#1}{#3}{#2}}
+%D So far for the macros that deal with installing specials.
+%D In the file \type {spec-def} you will find the predefined
+%D specials.
+%D Now that we have seen the flexible way (permitting
+%D special chains) we will implement a faster and flat
+%D alternative. But only if flag si set.
+ \def\doinstallspecial[#1][#2][#3]%
+ {\appendtoks\forgetspecial#1{#3}\to\everyresetspecials
+ \@EA\chardef\csname\@@speclst@@\string#1\endcsname\zerocount
+ \forgetspecial#1{#3}}
+ \def\forgetspecial#1#2%
+ {\ifcase#2\relax
+ \let#1\relax \or
+ \let#1\gobbleoneargument \or
+ \let#1\gobbletwoarguments \or
+ \let#1\gobblethreearguments \or
+ \let#1\gobblefourarguments \or
+ \let#1\gobblefivearguments \or
+ \let#1\gobblesixarguments \or
+ \let#1\gobblesevenarguments \or
+ \let#1\gobbleeightarguments \or
+ \let#1\gobbleninearguments \or
+ \let#1\gobbletenarguments \fi}
+ \def\resetspecials
+ {\the\everyresetspecials}
+ \def\definespecial#1%
+ {\@EA\chardef\csname\@@speclst@@\string#1\endcsname=1
+ \def#1}
+ \def\doifspecialavailableelse#1%
+ {\ifcase\csname\@@speclst@@\string#1\endcsname
+ \expandafter\secondoftwoarguments
+ \else
+ \expandafter\firstoftwoarguments
+ \fi}
+%D For quite some time the \CONTEXT\ way of specifying the
+%D output format has been:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \usespecials[ps,yy,win,pdf]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Because at \PRAGMA\ we use \DVIPSONE, this was a suitable
+%D setting, but with \CONTEXT\ going public, the next sequence
+%D is more suitable for \DVIPS\ users:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \usespecials[reset,ps,tr,pdf]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D On the other hand, for \PDFTEX\ we needed:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \usespecials[tpd]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D To simplify things, I decided to provide a higher level
+%D command.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \defineoutput[name][specials]
+%D \setupoutput[name,...]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D In a \type {spec-def} you can find some examples.
+ {\dodoubleargument\dodefineoutput}
+ {\setvalue{\??ui#1}{#2}}
+ {\doifdefinedelse{\??ui#1}
+ {\processcommacommand[\getvalue{\??ui#1}]\dousespecials}
+ {\doifdefinedelse{\@@specfil@@#1}
+ {\dousespecials{#1}}
+ {\showmessage\m!specials7{#1}}}}
+% Beware, from now on changing the (default) driver files demands
+% remaking the format (no big deal, since only i adapt the driver
+% and need delayed loading).
+ {\doifnot{#1}{\currentoutput}
+ {\ifnum\realpageno<\plustwo % new
+ \resetspecials\processcommacommand[#1]\dosetupoutput
+ \edef\currentoutput{#1}%
+ \fi}}
+\def\preloadspecials % it's nicer to report this
+ {\doifsomething\currentoutput
+ {\showmessage\m!specials1\currentoutput}}
+ \savecurrentvalue\usedoutputdriver\currentoutput
+\to \everyfirstshipout
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/spec-mis.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/spec-mis.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..de0debd3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/spec-mis.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=spec-mis,
+%D version=1997.04.01,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Special Macros,
+%D subtitle=Miscellaneous Macros,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D Quite some modules in this group are dedicated to supporting
+%D \PDF\ directly by means of \PDFTEX or indirectly by using
+%D Acrobat Distiller. This module implements some common
+%D features.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Special Macros / Miscellaneous Macros}
+%D \macros
+%D {URLhash}
+%D A rather trivial macro:
+%D \macros
+%D {ifusepagedestinations}
+%D In \PDF\ version 1.0 only page references were supported,
+%D while in \DVIWINDO\ 1.N only named references were accepted.
+%D Therefore \CONTEXT\ supports both methods of referencing. In
+%D \PDF\ version 1.1 named destinations arrived. Lack of
+%D continuous support of version 1.1 viewers for \MSDOS\
+%D therefore sometimes forces us to prefer page references. As
+%D a bonus, they are faster too and have no limitations. How
+%D fortunate we were having both mechanisms available when the
+%D version 3.0 (\PDF\ version 1.2) viewers proved to be too
+%D bugged to support named destinations.
+%D \macros
+%D {ifhighlighthyperlinks}
+%D The next switch can be used to make user hyperlinks are
+%D not highlighted when clicked on.
+%D \macros
+%D {ifgotonewwindow}
+%D To make the {\em goto previous jump} feature more
+%D convenient when using more than one file, it makes sense
+%D to force the viewer to open a new window for each file
+%D opened.
+%D \macros
+%D {ifPDFstrokecolor}
+%D We can reduce the filesize a bit by setting the next switch
+%D to false. The amount of reduction depends on the use of
+%D color, but don't expect more than a few percent. Zip
+%D compression is already rather efficient in itself.
+\newif\ifPDFstrokecolor \PDFstrokecolortrue
+%D \macros
+%D {dofileinsertion,definefileinsertion,doiffileinsertionsupported}
+%D File insertion depend on the driver or \TEX\ variant used.
+%D All driver modules use the same scheme for file insertion,
+%D and therefore have the next macro in common (stupified
+%D per august 2006):
+\let\supportedfilecheckers \empty
+ {\addtocommalist{#2}\supportedfileinsertions
+ \setvalue{do#1insert#2}{#3}}
+ {\addtocommalist{#2}\supportedfilecheckers
+ \setvalue{do#1check#2}{#3}}
+\def\dofilechecker #1#2{\executeifdefined{do#1check#2} \donothing}
+\appendtoks \let\supportedfileinsertions\empty \to \everyresetspecials
+\appendtoks \let\supportedfilecheckers \empty \to \everyresetspecials
+% \def\doiffileinsertionsupportedelse#1%
+% {\expanded{\doifinstringelse{#1}{\c!tex,\c!tmp,\supportedfileinsertions}}}
+\def\doiffileinsertionsupportedelse#1% lowercasing happens at tex end
+ {\expanded{\doifinstringelse{\truegraphictype{#1}}{\c!tex,\c!tmp,\supportedfileinsertions}}}
+%D This macro is called with 10 arguments, where the first
+%D one specifies the driver, like \type{yy} or \type{tr}. The
+%D second argument is a \type{{type,method}} pair and the
+%D third the filename.
+%D Just in case this one is undefined (which can happen if
+%D this module is used outside \CONTEXT):
+ \def\setreferencefilename#1\to#2{\edef#2{#1}}
+%D When submitting forms, we need to communicate the format.
+\chardef\submitoutputformat=0 % 0=unknown 1=HTML 2=FDF 3=XML
+ {\doifinsetelse{#1}{FDF,fdf}
+ {\chardef\submitoutputformat2}
+ {\doifinsetelse{#1}{XML,xml}
+ {\chardef\submitoutputformat3}
+ {\chardef\submitoutputformat1}}%
+ \relax}
+%D \macros
+%D {escapePSstring}
+%D \starttyping
+%D \escapePSstring(t\e\1st)))))\to\crap \crap
+%D \stoptyping
+% testcase: webschrift met lege regels en unbalanced ()
+ {*aftergroup*string
+ *ifnum`#1=12
+ *aftergroup*n%
+ *else*ifnum`#1=13
+ *aftergroup*n%
+ *else*if#1(%
+ *aftergroup*(%
+ *else*if#1)%
+ *aftergroup*)%
+ *else*if#1\%
+ *aftergroup*\%
+ *else
+ *aftergroup#1%
+ *fi*fi*fi*fi*fi}
+ {\defconvertedargument#2{#1}%
+ \bgroup
+ \ifx#2\empty \else
+ \setverbosecscharacters
+ \aftergroup\edef
+ \aftergroup#2%
+ \aftergroup{%
+ \expandafter\handletokens#2\with\escapedPSstring
+ \aftergroup}%
+ \fi
+ \egroup}
+% \long\def\preservePSpar#1\to#2%
+% {\bgroup
+% \def\par{\rawcharacter{12}}%
+% \expanded{\egroup\noexpand\def\noexpand#2{#1}}}
+ {\bgroup
+ \def\par{\rawcharacter{12}\rawcharacter{12}}% hm, should be one 13 but 12 ff is platform safe
+ \expanded{\egroup\noexpand\def\noexpand#2{#1}}}
+%D \macros
+%D {ifPDFunicode}
+%D We can use this switch to signal that content streams has
+%D to be unicoded.
+%D \macros
+%D {makeMPintoPDFobject, handleMPfshow, setMPPDFobject, getMPPDFobject}
+%D \METAPOST\ support.
+\ifx\makeMPintoPDFobject\undefined \newcount\makeMPintoPDFobject \fi
+ \makeMPintoPDFobject\zerocount
+ \def\setMPPDFobject#1#2{\def\getMPPDFobject{\box#2}}%
+\to \everyresetspecials
+ \let\handleMPfshow\dohandleMPfshow
+\to \everyresetspecials
+%D \macros
+%D {dosetposition, dosetpositionwdh, dosetpositionplus}
+%D Opposite to its \DVI\ counterpart, the \PDFTEX\ backend
+%D can provide positional information directly. Since
+%D \CONTEXT\ only uses relative positions, the origin is of
+%D less importance. Nowadays \XETEX\ also supports this
+%D feature.
+ % only for ancient pdftex, less old xetex and current aleph
+ \def\dosetposition #1{\special{pos:pxy "#1"}}
+ \def\dosetpositionwhd #1#2#3#4{\special{pos:pxywhd "#1" #2 #3 #4}}
+ \def\dosetpositionplus#1#2#3#4#5{\special{pos:pxyplus "#1" #2 #3 #4 #5}}
+ \let\flushDVIpositionpapersize\relax
+ \def\dosetpositionpapersize#1#2%
+ {\xdef\flushDVIpositionpapersize
+ {\special{pos:papersize \number#1 \number#2}%
+ \noexpand\installprogram{dvipos -o \jobname.tuo \jobname.dvi }%
+ \global\noexpand\let\noexpand\flushDVIpositionpapersize\relax}}
+ % kind of obsolete since nowadays xetex supports \pdfsavepos as well
+ \ifnum\texengine=\xetexengine
+ \def\dosetpositionpapersize#1#2%
+ {\xdef\flushDVIpositionpapersize
+ {\special{pos:papersize \number#1 \number#2}%
+ \noexpand\installprogram{dvipos -o \jobname.tuo \jobname.xdv }%
+ \global\noexpand\let\noexpand\flushDVIpositionpapersize\relax}}
+ \fi
+ \prependtoksonce \flushDVIpositionpapersize \to \everyshipout
+ \def\dosetposition#1%
+ {\pdfsavepos
+ \dolazysaveposition
+ {#1}%
+ {\noexpand\realfolio}%
+ {\noexpand\the\dimexpr\pdflastxpos\scaledpoint\relax}%
+ {\noexpand\the\dimexpr\pdflastypos\scaledpoint\relax}}%
+ \def\dosetpositionwhd#1#2#3#4%
+ {\pdfsavepos
+ \dolazysavepositionwhd
+ {#1}%
+ {\noexpand\realfolio}%
+ {\noexpand\the\dimexpr\pdflastxpos\scaledpoint\relax}%
+ {\noexpand\the\dimexpr\pdflastypos\scaledpoint\relax}%
+ {#2}{#3}{#4}}
+ \def\dosetpositionplus#1#2#3#4#5%
+ {\pdfsavepos
+ \dolazysavepositionplus
+ {#1}%
+ {\noexpand\realfolio}%
+ {\noexpand\the\dimexpr\pdflastxpos\scaledpoint\relax}%
+ {\noexpand\the\dimexpr\pdflastypos\scaledpoint\relax}%
+ {#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}}
+ \let\dosetpositionpapersize\gobbletwoarguments
+%D Handy to have this available asap:
+\ifdefined\everyPDFxform \newtoks\everyPDFxform \fi
+\ifdefined\everyPDFximage \newtoks\everyPDFximage \fi
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/spec-pdf.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/spec-pdf.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..33722f603
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/spec-pdf.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,482 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=spec-pdf,
+%D version=1997.09.20,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Special Macros,
+%D subtitle=Adobe \ACROBAT\ version 2.1,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+% funny things: mail to yeny: "please geen auto-crlf in special"
+%D This driver is build on top of the general \PDF\ macros,
+%D as defined in \type{spec-fdf}, so we inherit that one.
+%D \macros
+%D {dosetupinteraction,
+%D doPDFsetopenaction,doPDFsetcloseaction}
+%D Instead of a prolog, we can put the code in the file
+%D ourselve.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \definespecial\dosetupinteraction%
+%D {\special
+%D {\@@insertpostscriptretain
+%D /pdfmark where
+%D {pop}
+%D {userdict /pdfmark /cleartomark load put}
+%D ifelse}}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D We decided to use a prolog file. The following code has to
+%D be put somewhere, e.g.\ in the startup directory of
+%D \DISTILLER. To overcome problems, we always embed the fonts,
+%D but copyrights force us always to make subsets.
+%D \starttyping
+%D /currentdistillerparams where
+%D { pop } { userdict /currentdistillerparams { 1 dict } put } ifelse
+%D /setdistillerparams where
+%D { pop } { userdict /setdistillerparams { pop } put } ifelse
+%D << /AntiAliasColorImages true
+%D /AntiAliasGrayImages true
+%D /AntiAliasMonoImages true
+%D /ConvertCMYKImagesToRGB true
+%D /MaxSubsetPct 99
+%D /EmbedAllFonts true
+%D /SubSetFonts true >> setdistillerparams
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Beware, this is the PostScript Level 2 way of doing things.
+ {\showmessage\m!interactions{21}{acrobat}}
+\definespecial\dosetupopenaction {\doPDFsetupopenaction}
+%D \macros
+%D {dostartthisislocation}
+%D We share a lot of macros with the \PDFTEX\ driver. First
+%D the one that handles named destinations.
+\definespecial\dostartthisislocation {\doPDFstartthisislocation}
+%D \macros
+%D {doresetgotowhereever,
+%D dostartgotolocation,dostartgotorealpage,dostartgotoJS,
+%D dostartexecutecommand,dostartrunprogram,dostartgotoprofile}
+%D The next specials are responsible for handling references.
+%D Each goto handler can handle multiple references.
+\definespecial\doresetgotowhereever {\doPDFresetgotowhereever}
+\definespecial\dostartgotolocation {\doPDFstartgotolocation}
+\definespecial\dostartgotorealpage {\doPDFstartgotorealpage}
+\definespecial\dostartgotoJS {\doPDFstartgotoJS}
+\definespecial\dostartrunprogram {\doPDFstartrunprogram}
+\definespecial\dostartgotoprofile {\doPDFstartgotoprofile}
+%D \macros
+%D {doflushJSpreamble}
+%D Thanks to the fact that \DISTILLER\ cannot handle multiple
+%D names entries in the document catalog, for the moment we
+%D have to misuse the page attributes. Beware, the preambles
+%D must be packed.
+ {\bgroup
+ \ifoneJSpreamble
+ \edef\sanitizedJScode{\getJSpreamble{#1}}%
+ \expandafter\doPSsanitizeJScode\sanitizedJScode\to\sanitizedJScode
+ \special % nota bene, the page starts at 1
+ {\@@insertpostscriptretain
+ [ /_objdef{JS:#1} /type /dict /OBJ pdfmark
+ [ {JS:#1} << /S /JavaScript /JS (\sanitizedJScode) >> /PUT pdfmark
+ [ {Page1} << /AA << /O {JS:#1} >> >> /PUT pdfmark}%
+ \else % temporary message
+ \writestatus{\m!specials}{Acrobat workaround needed: please pack JS preambles}%
+ \fi
+ \egroup}
+%D \macros
+%D {dostarthide,dostophide}
+%D Hopefully some day hiding navigational things when
+%D printing \PDF\ files will be supported properly.
+ {\special
+ {\@@insertpostscriptretain
+ [ /DataSource (false \iftrue\string{\else}\fi)
+ /PS
+ pdfmark}}
+ {\special
+ {\@@insertpostscriptretain
+ [ /DataSource (\iffalse{\else\string}\fi if)
+ /PS
+ pdfmark}}
+%D \macros
+%D {dosetupscreen,
+%D dosetupidentity}
+%D We can set up the page dimensions, full screen start up
+%D mode and identify the file with:
+\definespecial\dosetupscreen {\doPDFsetupscreen \printpaperheight}
+\definespecial\dosetupartbox {\doPDFsetupartbox \printpaperheight}
+\definespecial\dosetupcropbox {\doPDFsetupcropbox \printpaperheight}
+\definespecial\dosetuptrimbox {\doPDFsetuptrimbox \printpaperheight}
+%D \macros
+%D {dobeginofprofile,doendofprofile}
+%D Profile support is still far from perfect. This is
+%D especially due to the fact that the specification of
+%D threads are sort of fuzzy and depend on the viewer.
+\definespecial\dobeginofprofile#1#2#3#4% label width height page
+ {\bgroup
+ \setPDFdestination{#1}%
+ \doifsomething{\PDFdestination}
+ {\PointsToBigPoints{#2}\width
+ \PointsToBigPoints{#3}\height
+ \special
+ {\@@insertpostscriptretain
+ [ /Title (\PDFdestination)
+ /Rect [0 0 \width\space\height]
+ pdfmark}}%
+ \egroup}
+ {}
+%D Apart from movies, graphic inclusion is handled in the
+%D \POSTSCRIPT\ drivers. We just link the movie annotation
+%D handled to the file inclusion system.
+%D \macros
+%D {doinsertsoundtrack}
+%D Sounds look much like movies:
+%D \macros
+%D {dostartobject,dostopobject,
+%D doinsertobject}
+%D Objects, those nice reusable pieces of text and graphics,
+%D are handled by three specials:
+ {\bgroup
+ \setbox\nextbox=\hbox\bgroup
+ \bgroup
+ \PointsToBigPoints{#3}\width
+ \PointsToBigPoints{#4}\height
+ \PointsToBigPoints{#5}\depth
+ \dosetobjectreference{#1}{#2}{#1::#2}%
+ \special
+ {\@@insertpostscriptretain
+ [ /BBox [0 -\depth\space \width\space \height]
+ /_objdef {#1::#2}
+ /BP
+ pdfmark}%
+ \egroup}
+ {\special
+ {\@@insertpostscriptretain
+ [ /EP
+ pdfmark}%
+ \egroup
+ \smashbox\nextbox
+ \flushatshipout{\box\nextbox}%
+ \egroup}
+ {\hbox
+ {\dogetobjectreference{#1}{#2}\PDFobjectreference
+ \ifx\PDFobjectreference\empty \else
+ \special
+ {\@@insertpostscriptretain
+ [ {\PDFobjectreference}
+ /SP
+ pdfmark}%
+ \fi}}
+%D \macros
+%D {doinsertbookmark}
+%D Although personally I never use bookmarks, \CONTEXT\ does
+%D support them, due to user requests.
+\definespecial\doinsertbookmark {\doPDFinsertbookmark}
+%D \macros
+%D {dosetpagetransition}
+%D Page transitions, again a user wish, is taken care of by:
+%D \macros
+%D {doinsertcomment, doflushcomments}
+%D I never needed (and used) one until now, but here is the
+%D text annotation special:
+%D \macros
+%D {dopresetlinefield,dopresettextfield,
+%D dopresetchoicefield,dopresetpopupfield,dopresetcombofield,
+%D dopresetpushfield,dopresetcheckfield,
+%D dopresetradiofield,dopresetradiorecord}
+%D There is nothing enervating to the next few mappings.
+\definespecial\dopresetlinefield {\doFDFpresetlinefield}
+\definespecial\dopresettextfield {\doFDFpresettextfield}
+\definespecial\dopresetpopupfield {\doFDFpresetpopupfield}
+\definespecial\dopresetcombofield {\doFDFpresetcombofield}
+\definespecial\dopresetpushfield {\doFDFpresetpushfield}
+\definespecial\dopresetcheckfield {\doFDFpresetcheckfield}
+\definespecial\dopresetradiofield {\doFDFpresetradiofield}
+%D \macros
+%D {dodefinefieldset,dogetfieldset,doiffieldset}
+%D Field sets, used in resetting and submitting, are handled
+%D by:
+\definespecial\dogetfieldset {\doFDFgetfieldset}
+\definespecial\doiffieldset {\doFDFiffieldset}
+%D \macros
+%D {doregistercalculationset}
+%D The calculation order is defined using:
+%D \macros
+%D {doPDFdestination}
+%D Last we implement the low level pdfmark macros. The
+%D definitions are rather verbose. First the destination
+%D macro.
+ {\special
+ {\@@insertpostscriptretain
+ [ /Dest /#1\space
+ \PDFpageview
+ pdfmark}}
+%D \macros
+%D {doPDFaction,doPDFannotation,doPDFannotationobject,
+%D ifsharePDFactions}
+%D We have three alternative annotation macros. The first
+%D handles the goto ones, the second takes care of for instance
+%D movies and the third is used in fields.
+\newif\ifsharePDFactions \sharePDFactionstrue
+ {\ifcollectreferenceactions
+ \xdef\lastPDFaction{#4}%
+ \else
+ \bgroup
+ % does not work well with distiller 4
+ %\ifsharePDFactions
+ % \ifcase\similarreference\relax
+ % \xdef\lastPDFaction{<<#4>>}%
+ % \or
+ % \global\advance\nofPDFsimilar by 1
+ % \special
+ % {\@@insertpostscriptretain
+ % [ /_objdef {PDF::sim:\the\nofPDFsimilar} /type /dict /OBJ pdfmark
+ % [ {PDF::sim:\the\nofPDFsimilar} <<#4>>\space /PUT pdfmark}%
+ % \xdef\lastPDFaction{{PDF::sim:\the\nofPDFsimilar}}%
+ % \else
+ % % leave \lastPDFaction untouched
+ % \fi
+ %\else
+ \xdef\lastPDFaction{<<#4>>}%
+ %\fi
+ \PointsToBigPoints{#2}\width
+ \PointsToBigPoints{#1}\height
+ \special
+ {\@@insertpostscriptretain
+ [ #1
+ /Action \lastPDFaction\space
+ /Rect [0 0 \width\space \height]
+ /Border [0 0 0]
+ \ifhighlighthyperlinks \else /H /N \fi
+ /Subtype /Link
+ /ANN
+ pdfmark}%
+ \egroup
+ \fi}
+ {\dodoPDFaction\empty{#1}{#2}{#3}}
+ {\bgroup
+ \PointsToBigPoints{#1}\width
+ \PointsToBigPoints{#2}\height
+ \special
+ {\@@insertpostscriptretain
+ [ /Rect [0 0 \width\space \height] #3
+ /ANN
+ pdfmark}%
+ \egroup}
+ {\bgroup
+ \PointsToBigPoints{#3}\width
+ \PointsToBigPoints{#4}\height
+ \special
+ {\@@insertpostscriptretain
+ [ /_objdef {#1::#2}
+ /Rect [0 0 \width\space \height] #5
+ /ANN
+ pdfmark}%
+ \egroup
+ \dosetobjectreference{#1}{#2}{#1::#2}}
+ {\dodoPDFaction{/_objdef {#1::#2}}{#3}{#4}{#5}%
+ \dosetobjectreference{#1}{#2}{#1::#2}}
+%D \macros
+%D {doPDFdictionaryobject,doPDFarrayobject}
+%D These two macros are used to build low level objects.
+ {\special
+ {\@@insertpostscriptretain
+ [ /_objdef {#1::#2} /type /dict /OBJ pdfmark
+ [ {#1::#2} << #3 >> /PUT pdfmark}%
+ \dosetobjectreference{#1}{#2}{#1::#2}}
+ {\special
+ {\@@insertpostscriptretain
+ [ /_objdef {#1::#2} /type /array /OBJ pdfmark
+ [ {#1::#2} 0 [#3] /PUTINTERVAL pdfmark}%
+ \dosetobjectreference{#1}{#2}{#1::#2}}
+%D \macros
+%D {doPDFaddtocatalog,doPDFaddtoinfo,
+%D doPDFpageattribute,doPDFpagesattribute}
+%D Next come our housekeeping macros.
+ {\doifsomething{#1}
+ {\special
+ {\@@insertpostscriptretain
+ [ {Catalog} << #1 >> /PUT pdfmark}}}
+\def\doPDFaddtoinfo#1% unchecked
+ {\special
+ {\@@insertpostscriptretain
+ [ #1 /DOCINFO pdfmark}} % [ {DocInfo} << #1 >> /PUT pdfmark}}
+ {\doifsomething{#1}
+ {\special
+ {\@@insertpostscriptretain
+ [ {ThisPage} << #1 >> /PUT pdfmark}}}
+ {\message{[skipping PDF resource]}}
+ {\doifsomething{#1}
+ {\special
+ {\@@insertpostscriptretain
+ [ #1 /PAGES pdfmark}}}
+\let\doPDFresetpageresources \relax
+%D \macros
+%D {doPDFbookmark}
+%D This is how we force bookmarks entries in the file.
+ {\scratchcounter#4\advance\scratchcounter\minusone
+ \special
+ {\@@insertpostscriptretain
+ [ /Page \the\scratchcounter\space
+ \ifcase#2 \else/Count \ifcase#5-\fi#2 \fi
+ \PDFpageview
+ /Title (#3)
+ /OUT
+ pdfmark}}
+%D \macros
+%D {defaultobjectreference,doPDFgetobjectreference}
+%D The object references are \type{{named}}, that is, no hard
+%D coded numbers are needed (opposite to \PDFTEX).
+ {\dogetobjectreference{#1}{#2}#3%
+ \ifx#3\empty\else\edef#3{{#3}}\fi}
+ %\edef#3{\ifx#3\empty null\else{#3}\fi}}
+% \def\doPDFgetobjectpage #1#2#3{..}
+% \def\doPDFgetobjectpagereference#1#2#3{..}
+ {\edef#2{{page#1}}}
+%D Done.
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/spec-ps.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/spec-ps.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..02ec16453
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/spec-ps.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=spec-ps,
+%D version=1996.01.25,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Special Macros,
+%D subtitle=Adobe PostScript,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D \macros
+%D {dostartgraymode,dostopgraymode,
+%D dostartrgbcolormode,dostartcmykcolormode,dostartgraycolormode,dostopcolormode,
+%D dostartrotation,dostoprotation,
+%D dostartscaling,dostopscaling,
+%D dostartmirroring,dostopmirroring,
+%D dostartnegative,dostopnegative,
+%D dostartoverprint,dostopoverprint,
+%D doselectfirstpaperbin,
+%D doselectsecondpaperbin}
+%D This implementation is straightforward and can be used as
+%D a default with postscript||drivers. We use \type{ps:} as
+%D opening, because most drivers support this.
+\def\@@insertpostscriptliteral {ps: }
+\def\@@insertpostscriptretain {" }
+ {\special
+ {\@@insertpostscriptliteral
+ #1\space setgray}}
+ {\special
+ {\@@insertpostscriptliteral
+ 0 setgray}}
+ {\special
+ {\@@insertpostscriptliteral
+ #1\space #2\space #3\space setrgbcolor}}
+ {\special
+ {\@@insertpostscriptliteral
+ #1\space #2\space #3\space #4\space setcmykcolor}}
+ {\special
+ {\@@insertpostscriptliteral
+ #1\space setgray}}
+ {\special
+ {\@@insertpostscriptliteral
+ 0 setgray}}
+ {\special
+ {\@@insertpostscriptliteral
+ statusdict begin 1 setpapertray end}} % checken
+ {\special
+ {\@@insertpostscriptliteral
+ statusdict begin 0 setpapertray end}} % checken
+\definespecial\dostartrotation#1% straight from the YandY manual
+ {\special
+ {\@@insertpostscriptliteral
+ gsave currentpoint currentpoint translate
+ \number#1\space\space rotate neg exch neg exch translate}}
+ {\special
+ {\@@insertpostscriptliteral
+ currentfont currentpoint grestore moveto setfont}}
+\definespecial\dostartscaling#1#2% conforming the YandY manual
+ {\special
+ {\@@insertpostscriptliteral
+ gsave currentpoint currentpoint translate
+ #1\space #2\space scale neg exch neg exch translate}}
+ {\special
+ {\@@insertpostscriptliteral
+ currentfont currentpoint grestore moveto setfont}}
+\definespecial\dostartmirroring % some translate and exch stuff from YandY
+ {\special
+ {\@@insertpostscriptliteral
+ gsave currentpoint currentpoint translate
+ [-1 0 0 1 0 0] concat neg exch neg exch translate}}
+ {\special
+ {\@@insertpostscriptliteral
+ currentfont currentpoint grestore moveto setfont}}
+ {\special{\@@insertpostscriptliteral gsave {1 exch sub} settransfer}}
+ {\special{\@@insertpostscriptliteral grestore}}
+ {\special{\@@insertpostscriptliteral true setoverprint}}
+ {\special{\@@insertpostscriptliteral false setoverprint}}
+ {\special{\@@insertpostscriptliteral gsave}}
+ {\special{\@@insertpostscriptliteral grestore}}
+%D \macros
+%D {doovalbox}
+%D This implementation is a mixture of several possible
+%D implementations. We use some constants that may not be
+%D changed. It took some time to find them, but these values
+%D offer quite accurate results. The macro calls for
+%D \type{\forgetall}, which resets indentation, skips and
+%D \type{\everypar}.
+%D Because a stroke follows the line, we correct for half of
+%D the linewidth. Furthermore we use scaling to overcome some
+%D limitations in the precision ($<1$~sp) and to prevent
+%D rounding errors. We also do some correction for large
+%D values. We let PostScript compare some arguments with
+%D \type{a b eq {action} fi}.
+%D The path is based on a macro of J.~Hefferon cs. We also
+%D tried the D.~Salomon implementation, but this did not work
+%D well, just like some other alternatives.
+% #1 = width #2 = height #3 = depth
+% #4 = linewidth #5 = radius
+% #5 = stroke (ja,nee) #7 = fill (ja,nee)
+\def\@@insertpostscriptliteral {ps: }
+\def\@@insertpostscriptretain {postscript } % unknown
+ {\dimen2=#1%
+ \advance\dimen2 #2%
+ \PointsToBigPoints{\dimen2}#3}
+\def\dosomeovalbox#1#2#3#4#5#6#7#8% variant not yet supported
+ {\bgroup
+ \dimen0=#4\divide\dimen0 2
+ \dosomeovalcalc{0pt}{+\dimen0}\xmin
+ \dosomeovalcalc{#1}{-\dimen0}\xmax
+ \dosomeovalcalc{#2}{-\dimen0}\ymax
+ \dosomeovalcalc{-#3}{+\dimen0}\ymin
+ \dosomeovalcalc{#4}{0pt}\stroke
+ \dosomeovalcalc{#5}{0pt}\radius
+ \edef\dostroke{#6}%
+ \edef\dofill{#7}%
+ \setbox\nextbox\hbox
+ {\ifnum\dostroke\dofill>0
+ \special
+ {\@@insertpostscriptretain
+ gsave
+ newpath
+ \xmin\space \radius\space add \ymin\space moveto
+ \xmax\space \ymin\space \xmax\space \ymax\space \radius\space arcto
+ \xmax\space \ymax\space \xmin\space \ymax\space \radius\space arcto
+ \xmin\space \ymax\space \xmin\space \ymin\space \radius\space arcto
+ \xmin\space \ymin\space \xmax\space \ymin\space \radius\space arcto
+ \xmin\space \radius\space add \ymin\space moveto
+ 16 {pop} repeat
+ closepath
+ (\dostroke) (1) eq
+ {\stroke\space 0 ne
+ {gsave
+ \stroke\space setlinewidth
+ stroke
+ grestore} if} if
+ (\dofill) (1) eq
+ {fill} if
+ grestore}%
+ \fi}%
+ \nextboxwd#1%
+ \nextboxht#2%
+ \nextboxdp#3%
+ \flushnextbox
+ \egroup}
+%D The indirect call permits a (rather) dirty hack, needed
+%D for \DVIPS\ support.
+ {\dosomeovalbox}
+%D \macros
+%D {dostartclipping,dostopclipping}
+%D These two specials are not yet working as expected.
+ {\PointsToBigPoints{#2}\width
+ \PointsToBigPoints{#3}\height
+ \grabMPclippath{#1}{0}{\width}{\height}
+ {0 0 moveto \width 0 lineto \width \height lineto 0 \height\space lineto}%
+ \special
+ {\@@insertpostscriptliteral\space
+ save newpath \MPclippath\space closepath clip}}
+ {\special{\@@insertpostscriptliteral\space restore}}
+%D Some MP stuff:
+ {\doiffileelse{./#1}{\includeMPasEPS{./#1}}{\message{[MP #1]}}}
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/spec-tpd.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/spec-tpd.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..042d5cdfe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/spec-tpd.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,1334 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=spec-tpd,
+%D version=1996.01.25,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Special Macros,
+%D subtitle=\PDFTEX,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+% once we can be sure that the latest versions of pdftex are
+% available we can use:
+% \pdfobj reserveobjnum \edef\one{\the\pdflastobj}
+% \pdfobj reserveobjnum \edef\two{\the\pdflastobj}
+% \pdfobj useobjnum \one {x}
+% \pdfobj useobjnum \two {x}
+% we then can rewrite part of spec-fdf because the other drivers
+% already support symbolic references
+% layers and links don't work while the spec says they should
+% method = auto
+% \definefileinsertion{tpd}{auto}%
+% {\executesystemcommand{t:/ruby/pstopdf.rb #2}%
+% \dofileinsertion{tpd}{pdf}}
+% \let\PDFdestvoffset\zeropoint
+% \newbox\pdfdestbox
+% \def\doPDFdestination#1%
+% {\ifdim\PDFdestvoffset=\zeropoint\relax
+% \pdfdest name {#1}\PDFpageviewkey
+% \else
+% \setbox\pdfdestbox\hbox to \zeropoint
+% {\raise\PDFdestvoffset\hbox{\pdfdest name {#1}\PDFpageviewkey}}%
+% \ht\pdfdestbox\zeropoint
+% \box\pdfdestbox
+% \fi}
+% \def\PDFdestvoffset{2\lineheight} % {1.5\strutht}
+%D \macros
+%D {jobsuffix}
+%D Being one of the first typographical systems able to support
+%D advances \PDF\ support, \TEX\ is also one of the first
+%D systems to produce high quality \PDF\ code directly. Thanks
+%D to Han The Thanh c.s. the \TEX\ community can leap forward
+%D once again.
+%D One important characteristic of \PDFTEX\ is that is can
+%D produce standard \DVI\ code as well as \PDF\ code. This
+%D enables us to use one format file to support both output
+%D formats.
+%D All modules in this group use specials to tell drivers what
+%D non||\TEX\ actions to take. Because from the \TEX\ point of
+%D view, there is no difference between \DVI\ and \PDF, we
+%D therefore only have to bend the \DVI\ driver support into
+%D \PDF\ support. Technically spoken, specials no longer serve
+%D a purpose, except from ending up as comment in the \PDF\
+%D file.
+%D Before we continue we need to make sure if indeed those
+%D \PDFTEX\ primitives are permitted. If no primitives are
+%D available, we just stop reading any further.
+ \writestatus\m!systems{you should use pdfTeX binaries}\wait
+ \protect\expandafter\endinput
+ \writestatus\m!systems{your pdfTeX version is much too old}\wait
+ \protect\expandafter\endinput
+ \writestatus\m!systems{please update your pdfTeX binaries}
+ \pdfhorigin=1 true in
+ \pdfvorigin=1 true in
+%D We default to 300 dots per inch image resolution and 600 dpi
+%D bitmap fonts (when asked for).
+\ifx\pdfimageresolution\undefined \newcount\pdfimageresolution \fi
+\ifx\pdfpkresolution \undefined \newcount\pdfpkresolution \fi
+\pdfpkresolution =600
+%D Another downward compatible hack:
+ \newcount\pdflastximagepages \pdflastximagepages=1
+%D And:
+ \newtoks\pdfpageresources
+%D In order to get high quality \METAPOST\ inclusion, we set
+%D the number of digits to~5 (prevents rounding errors).
+ \newcount\pdfdecimaldigits
+ \ifx\pdfoptionpdfinclusionerrorlevel\undefined
+ \newcount\pdfinclusionerrorlevel
+ \else
+ \let\pdfinclusionerrorlevel\pdfoptionpdfinclusionerrorlevel
+ \fi
+ \ifx\pdfoptionpdfminorversion\undefined
+ \newcount\pdfminorversion
+ \else
+ \let\pdfminorversion\pdfoptionpdfminorversion
+ \fi
+% %D Why are the Acrobat viewers so buggy? To prevent font cache
+% %D mismatches, we say:
+% \ifx\pdfuniqueresname\undefined \else
+% \pdfuniqueresname=1
+% \fi
+%D Once we are sure that we're indeed supporting \PDFTEX, we
+%D force \PDF\ output at the highest compression. For debugging
+%D purposes one can set the compresslevel to~0. We also have to
+%D make sure no other specials are supported, else \PDFTEX\
+%D will keep on telling us that we're wrong. We also load the
+%D general \PDF\ macros that are shared between this driver and
+%D the \ACROBAT\ one.
+%D This means that by saying
+%D \starttyping
+%D \usespecials[tpd]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D we get ourselves full \PDF\ output.
+%D For some internal testing we need to know the output
+%D suffix.
+%D We don't use specials here, which means that we must flush
+%D settings before the page is shipped out.
+%D Some more internal settings.
+ \pdfoutput\zerocount
+\to \everyresetspecials
+\pdfoutput=1 % we reset that one with \everyresetspecials
+%D Just in case we mimmick specials, we have to make sure no
+%D default specials end up in the process.
+ \let\defaultspecial\normalspecial
+\to \everyresetspecials
+\let\PDFcode \pdfliteral
+\def\PDFdirectcode {\pdfliteral direct}
+%D \macros
+%D {everyPDFximage}
+%D This token register is flushed before an ximage is loaded.
+\ifdefined\everyPDFximage \else \newtoks\everyPDFximage \fi
+\ifdefined\everyPDFxform \else \newtoks\everyPDFxform \fi
+%D \macros
+%D {dosetuppaper}
+%D If we don't set the paper size, \PDFTEX\ will certainly do
+%D it in a way we don't want, therefore we need:
+ {\global\pdfpagewidth #2\relax
+ \global\pdfpageheight#3\relax}
+%D \macros
+%D {doloadmapfile,doloadmapline,doresetmapfilelist}
+\ifx\pdfmapfile\undefined \let\pdfmapfile\gobbletwoarguments \fi
+\ifx\pdfmapline\undefined \let\pdfmapline\gobbletwoarguments \fi
+ {\global\let\doresetmapfilelist\relax
+ \pdfmapfile{}}
+ \definespecial\doloadmapfile #1#2{\pdfmapfile{+#2}}
+ \definespecial\doloadmapline #1#2{}
+ \definespecial\doloadmapfile #1#2{\pdfmapfile{#1#2}}
+ \definespecial\doloadmapline #1#2{\pdfmapline{#1#2}}
+%D nasty but needed
+\appendtoksonce \loadallfontmapfiles \to \everyPDFximage
+\appendtoksonce \loadallfontmapfiles \to \everyPDFxform
+%D \macros
+%D {doinsertfile,dogetnofinsertpages}
+%D Graphics are not part of \TEX\ and therefore not part of the
+%D \DVI\ standard. \PDF\ on the other hand has several graphic
+%D primitives. During the multi||step process \TEX\
+%D $\rightarrow$ \DVI\ $\rightarrow$ \POSTSCRIPT\ $\rightarrow$
+%D \PDF\ one can insert graphics using specials. In \PDFTEX\
+%D however there is only one step! This means that \PDFTEX\
+%D itself has to do the inclusion.
+%D At the moment \PDFTEX\ supports inclusion of bitmap \PNG\
+%D graphics as well as not too complicated \PDF\ code. Using
+%D this last option, we are able to include both \METAPOST\ and
+%D \PDF\ output produced by \GHOSTSCRIPT.
+%D We fall back on the generic \CONTEXT\ module supp-pdf to
+%D accomplish \PDF\ inclusion. The methods implemented there
+%D are hooked into both the figure placement mechanisms of
+%D \CONTEXT\ and the specials inclusion mechanism.
+ {\dofileinsertion{tpd}{\truegraphictype\@@DriverImageType}}
+%D The number of pages in (for instance an \PDF) insert
+%D file, can be asked for using:
+ {\xdef\nofinsertpages{1}% global
+ \doifvalidpdfimagefileelse{#1}%
+ {\pdfximage{#1}\xdef\nofinsertpages{\the\pdflastximagepages}}
+ {}}
+%D Currently we support \type{pdf} for \PDF\ files, \type{mps}
+%D for \METAPOST\ graphics, \type{png} and \type{jpg} for
+%D bitmap graphics.
+ {\hbox
+ {\convertMPtoPDF\@@DriverImageFile{1}{1}%
+ \global\let\PDFimagereference\empty}}
+% \definefileinsertion{tpd}{jpeg} {\handlepdfimage}
+% \definefileinsertion{tpd}{jbig2}{\handlepdfimage}
+%D Experimental:
+%D The main file insertion macro is as follows. Because
+%D \PDFTEX\ does not support arbitrary suffixes, we double
+%D check on a user supplied filename, because \PDFTEX\ chokes
+%D on unknown suffixes.
+\def\doifvalidpdfimagefileelse#1% todo: greedy split
+ {\doiffileelse{#1}
+ {\edef\filesuffix{#1}%
+ \doloop
+ {\@EA\aftersplitstring\filesuffix\at.\to\temp
+ \ifx\temp\empty
+ \exitloop
+ \else
+ \lowercasestring\temp\to\filesuffix % insertion check also needs lowercase
+ % a temporary hack
+ \doif\filesuffix{pdf}{\pdfimageresolution72}%
+ % because pdfTeX scales back
+ \fi}}
+ {\let\filesuffix\s!unknown}%
+ \doiffileinsertionsupportedelse\filesuffix}
+\ifx\pdflastximagepages\undefined \chardef\pdflastximagepages=1 \fi
+ {\edef\pdfimagepagenumber
+ {\ifx\@@DriverImagePage\empty\else\ifnum\@@DriverImagePage>\zerocount
+ \space page\space\@@DriverImagePage\space
+ \fi\fi}}
+ \def\handlepdfimage
+ {\bgroup
+ \the\everyPDFximage
+ \doifvalidpdfimagefileelse\@@DriverImageFile
+ {\checkpdfimagepagenumber
+ \ifx\pdfimagepagenumber\empty\@EA\pdfimmediateximage\else\@EA\pdfximage\fi
+ \ifdim\@@DriverImageWidth >\zeropoint \!!width \@@DriverImageWidth \fi
+ \ifdim\@@DriverImageHeight>\zeropoint \!!height\@@DriverImageHeight\fi
+ \pdfimagepagenumber
+ \@@DriverImageBox
+ {\@@DriverImageFile}
+ \xdef\PDFimagereference{\the\pdflastximage}%
+ \xdef\nofinsertpages{\the\pdflastximagepages}%
+ \pdfrefximage\pdflastximage}
+ {\framed[\c!width=\@@DriverImageWidth,\c!height=\@@DriverImageHeight]{\@@DriverImageFile}}%
+ \egroup}
+ \def\handlepdfimage
+ {\bgroup
+ \doifvalidpdfimagefileelse\@@DriverImageFile
+ {\pdfimage
+ \ifdim\@@DriverImageWidth >\zeropoint \!!width \@@DriverImageWidth \fi
+ \ifdim\@@DriverImageHeight>\zeropoint \!!height \@@DriverImageHeight\fi
+ {\@@DriverImageFile}}%
+ {\framed[\c!width=\@@DriverImageWidth,\c!height=\@@DriverImageHeight]{\@@DriverImageFile}}%
+ \egroup}
+%D As we will see now, \PDFTEX\ not only directly supports
+%D \type{mps}, \type{png}, \type{pdf}, \type{jpg} but also
+%D \type{mov}. In \CONTEXT\ we support movie inserts in a way
+%D similar to figure inclusion. The next macro calls the
+%D general \PDF\ one.
+%D \macros
+%D {doinsertsoundtrack}
+%D We use numbers instead of labels to keep track of sounds.
+%D For the moment we don't test for alternatives that
+%D themselves have alternatives, especially cylcic
+%D dependencies.
+% some day we will do a proper check on bitmap depth,
+% \pdfobj reserveobjnum\relax
+% \pdfximage colorspace \pdflastobj {some file}
+% ... \pdflastximagecolordepth ...
+% \immediate\pdfobj useobjnum \pdflastobj {some spec}
+\ifx\@@DriverImageBox\undefined \def\@@DriverImageBox{artbox} \fi
+ \def\checkpdfimageattributes
+ {\ifx\PDFfigurereference\empty
+ \global\let\pdfimageattributes\empty
+ \else
+ \immediate\pdfobj
+ {[ << /Image \PDFobjref\PDFfigurereference
+ /DefaultForPrinting true >> ]}%
+ \xdef\pdfimageattributes
+ {attr {/Alternates \PDFobjref\pdflastobj}}%
+ \fi}
+ \global\let\PDFimagecolorreference\empty
+ \def\checkpdfimagecolorspecs
+ {\ifx\pdflastximagecolordepth \undefined
+ \global\let\pdfimagecolorspecs\empty
+ \else\ifx\PDFimagecolorreference\empty
+ \global\let\pdfimagecolorspecs\empty
+ \else
+ \xdef\pdfimagecolorspecs{colorspace \PDFimagecolorreference\space}%
+ \fi\fi
+ \global\let\PDFimagecolorreference\empty}
+ \def\dogetTPDfiguresize
+ {\doifvalidpdfimagefileelse\@@DriverImageFile
+ {\ifvoid\foundexternalfigure
+ \donetrue
+ \else\ifx\PDFfigurereference\empty
+ \donetrue
+ \else
+ % hm, is this still needed
+ \doifinstringelse\filesuffix{\c!png,\c!jpg}\donetrue\donefalse
+ \fi\fi}
+ {\donefalse}%
+ \ifdone
+ \the\everyPDFximage
+ \checkpdfimageattributes
+ \checkpdfimagecolorspecs
+ \checkpdfimagepagenumber
+ \global\setbox\foundexternalfigure\hbox
+ {\ifx\pdfimagepagenumber\empty\@EA\pdfimmediateximage\else\@EA\pdfximage\fi
+ \pdfimageattributes
+ \pdfimagecolorspecs
+ \pdfimagepagenumber
+ \@@DriverImageBox
+ {\@@DriverImageFile}%
+ \xdef\PDFimagereference{\the\pdflastximage}%
+ \xdef\nofinsertpages{\the\pdflastximagepages}%
+ \pdfrefximage\pdflastximage}%
+ \xdef\analyzedfigurewidth {\the\wd\foundexternalfigure}%
+ \xdef\analyzedfigureheight{\the\ht\foundexternalfigure}%
+ \global\let\PDFfigurereference\empty
+ \global\let\PDFimageattributes\empty
+ \else
+ \global\let\analyzedfigurewidth \!!zeropoint
+ \global\let\analyzedfigureheight\!!zeropoint
+ \fi}
+ \def\dogetTPDfiguresize
+ {\doifvalidpdfimagefileelse\@@DriverImageFile
+ {\global\setbox\foundexternalfigure\vbox{\pdfimage{\@@DriverImageFile}}%
+ \xdef\analyzedfigurewidth {\the\wd\foundexternalfigure}%
+ \xdef\analyzedfigureheight{\the\ht\foundexternalfigure}}
+ {\global\let\analyzedfigurewidth \!!zeropoint
+ \global\let\analyzedfigureheight\!!zeropoint}}
+ {\dofilechecker{tpd}{\truegraphictype\@@DriverImageType}}
+%D \macros
+%D {doregisterfigure}
+%D Here is the fuzzy, very special dependant figure
+%D registration special. We need to refer to the innermost
+%D object (ximage).
+ \definespecial\doregisterfigure#1#2%
+ {\doifundefined{IM::#1::#2}
+ {\setxvalue{IM::#1::#2}{\the\pdflastximage}}%
+ \xdef\PDFfigurereference{\getvalue{IM::#1::#2}}}
+%D \macros
+%D {doovalbox}
+%D Drawing frames with round corners is inherited from the
+%D main module.
+\definespecial\doovalbox {\doPDFovalbox}
+%D \macros
+%D {dostartgraymode,dostopgraymode,
+%D dostartrgbcolormode,dostartcmykcolormode,dostartgraycolormode,
+%D dostopcolormode,
+%D dostartrotation,dostoprotation,
+%D dostartscaling,dostopscaling,
+%D dostartmirroring,dostopmirroring,
+%D dostartnegative,dostopnegative,
+%D dostartoverprint,dostopoverprint}
+%D These are implemented in the main \PDF\ module.
+\definespecial\dostartgraymode {\doPDFstartgraymode}
+\definespecial\dostopgraymode {\doPDFstopgraymode}
+\definespecial\dostartrgbcolormode {\doPDFstartrgbcolormode}
+\definespecial\dostopcolormode {\doPDFstopcolormode}
+\definespecial\dostartrotation {\doPDFstartrotation}
+\definespecial\dostoprotation {\doPDFstoprotation}
+\definespecial\dostartscaling {\doPDFstartscaling}
+\definespecial\dostopscaling {\doPDFstopscaling}
+\definespecial\dostartmirroring {\doPDFstartmirroring}
+\definespecial\dostopmirroring {\doPDFstopmirroring}
+\definespecial\dostartnegative {\doPDFstartnegative}
+\definespecial\dostopnegative {\doPDFstopnegative}
+\definespecial\dostartoverprint {\doPDFstartoverprint}
+\definespecial\dostopoverprint {\doPDFstopoverprint}
+\definespecial\doregisterrgbspotcolor {\doPDFregisterrgbspotcolor}
+\definespecial\doregisterrgbindexcolor {\doPDFregisterrgbindexcolor}
+\definespecial\doregisternonecolor {\doPDFregisternonecolor}
+\def\doPDFregisterspotcolorname#1#2% no need for escape in luatex
+ {\bgroup
+ \let\ascii\empty
+ \def\docommand##1%
+ {\edef\ascii{\ascii
+ \ifx\nexthandledtoken\space
+ \letterhash20%
+ \else\ifx\nexthandledtoken\blankspace
+ \letterhash20%
+ \else
+ ##1%
+ \fi\fi}}%
+ \expanded{\handletokens#2}\with\docommand
+ \letgvalue{@@pdf@@scn@@#1}\ascii
+ \egroup}
+\def\doPDFregistersomespotcolor#1#2#3#4#5#6#7% name fractions names p's space domain function
+ {\bgroup
+ \let\spotpops\empty
+ \ifcase#2\or
+ %def\PDFspotcolornames{/Separation /#1}%
+ \edef\PDFspotcolornames{/Separation /\executeifdefined{@@pdf@@scn@@#1}{#1}}%
+ \def\PDFspotcolordomain{0.0 1.0}%
+ \else
+ \dorecurse{#2}{\edef\spotpops{\spotpops pop }}%
+ \let\PDFspotcolornames \empty
+ \let\PDFspotcolordomain\empty
+ \def\dospotcolorcommand##1%
+ {\edef\PDFspotcolornames {\PDFspotcolornames/\executeifdefined{@@pdf@@scn@@##1}{##1}\space}%
+ \edef\PDFspotcolordomain{\PDFspotcolordomain 0.0 1.0\space}}%
+ \processcommacommand[#3]\dospotcolorcommand
+ \edef\PDFspotcolornames{/DeviceN [\PDFspotcolornames]}%
+ \fi
+ \immediate \pdfobj stream attr
+ {/FunctionType 4 /Domain [\PDFspotcolordomain] /Range [#6]}{{\spotpops#7}}%
+ \immediate \pdfobj
+ {[\PDFspotcolornames\space /Device#5 \PDFobjref\pdflastobj]}%
+ \dosetobjectreference{PDFCS}{#1}{\the\pdflastobj}%
+ \appendtoPDFdocumentcolorspaces{/#1 \PDFobjref\pdflastobj}%
+ \egroup}
+%D New and very experimental.
+% \def\doPDFregistersomeindexcolor#1#2#3#4#5#6#7% name fractions names p's space domain function
+% {\bgroup
+% \let\spotpops\empty
+% \dorecurse{#2}{\edef\spotpops{\spotpops exch pop\space}}%
+% \let\PDFspotcolornames \empty
+% \let\PDFspotcolordomain\empty
+% \def\docommand##1%
+% {\edef\PDFspotcolornames{\PDFspotcolornames/\executeifdefined{@@pdf@@scn@@##1}{##1}\space}%
+% \edef\PDFspotcolordomain{\PDFspotcolordomain 0.0 1.0\space}}%
+% \processcommacommand[#3,None]\docommand
+% \let\PDFcolorindexvector\empty
+% \def\docommand##1%
+% {\scratchdimen##1\points
+% \scratchdimen\recurselevel\scratchdimen
+% \scratchcounter\scratchdimen
+% \divide\scratchcounter \maxcard
+% \edef\PDFcolorindexvector{\PDFcolorindexvector\uchexnumbers\scratchcounter}}%
+% \dostepwiserecurse\zerocount{255}\plusone
+% {\rawprocesscommacommand[#4,1]\docommand
+% \xdef\PDFcolorindexvector{\PDFcolorindexvector\space}}%
+% \immediate \pdfobj stream attr
+% {/FunctionType 4 /Domain [\PDFspotcolordomain] /Range [#6]}{{\spotpops#7}}%
+% \immediate \pdfobj
+% {[/Indexed
+% [/DeviceN [\PDFspotcolornames] /Device#5 \PDFobjref\pdflastobj] %
+% 255 <\PDFcolorindexvector>]}%
+% \dosetobjectreference{PDFIX}{#1}{\the\pdflastobj}%
+% \appendtoPDFdocumentcolorspaces{/#1_INDEXED \PDFobjref\pdflastobj}%
+% \egroup}
+% we reverse the index; an alternative is to negate the graphic itself (\start/stop negative)
+\def\doPDFregistersomeindexcolor#1#2#3#4#5#6#7% name fractions names p's space domain function
+ {\bgroup
+ \let\spotpops\empty
+ \dorecurse{#2}{\edef\spotpops{\spotpops exch pop\space}}%
+ \let\PDFspotcolornames \empty
+ \let\PDFspotcolordomain\empty
+ \def\docommand##1%
+ {%\edef\PDFspotcolornames {\PDFspotcolornames/##1\space}%
+ \edef\PDFspotcolornames{\PDFspotcolornames/\executeifdefined{@@pdf@@scn@@##1}{##1}\space}%
+ \edef\PDFspotcolordomain{\PDFspotcolordomain 0.0 1.0\space}}%
+ \processcommacommand[#3,None]\docommand
+ \let\PDFcolorindexvector\empty
+ \def\docommand##1%
+ {\scratchdimen##1\points
+ \scratchdimen\recurselevel\scratchdimen
+ \scratchcounter\scratchdimen
+ \divide\scratchcounter \maxcard
+ \edef\PDFcolorindexvector{\PDFcolorindexvector\uchexnumbers\scratchcounter}}%
+ %\dostepwiserecurse\zerocount{255}\plusone
+ \dostepwiserecurse{255}\zerocount\minusone % we need to negate
+ {\rawprocesscommacommand[#4,1]\docommand
+ \xdef\PDFcolorindexvector{\PDFcolorindexvector\space}}%
+ \immediate \pdfobj stream attr
+ {/FunctionType 4 /Domain [\PDFspotcolordomain] /Range [#6]}{{\spotpops#7}}%
+ \immediate \pdfobj
+ {[/Indexed
+ [/DeviceN [\PDFspotcolornames] /Device#5 \the\pdflastobj\space0 R] %
+ 255 <\PDFcolorindexvector>]}%
+ \dosetobjectreference{PDFIX}{#1}{\the\pdflastobj}%
+ \appendtoPDFdocumentcolorspaces{/#1_INDEXED \the\pdflastobj\space0 R}%
+ \egroup}
+%D \macros
+%D {dostarttransparency,dostoptransparency}
+%D For transparency, we need to implement a couple of
+%D auxiliary macros. If needed, we will generalize them later.
+\definespecial\dostoptransparency {\doPDFstoptransparency}
+ \newcount\PDFcurrenttransparency \PDFcurrenttransparency=0 % -1
+ {\edef\PDFtransparencyidentifier{/Tr#1}%
+ \edef\PDFtransparencyreference{\PDFobjref{#2}}}
+ {\initializePDFtransparency
+ \executeifdefined{\@@PDT#1:#2}{\dopresetPDFtransparency{#1}{#2}}}
+ {\global\advance\PDFcurrenttransparency \plusone
+ \immediate\pdfobj{\PDFtransparancydictionary{#1}{#2}{}}%
+ \edef\PDFtransparencyidentifier{/Tr\the\PDFcurrenttransparency}%
+ \edef\PDFtransparencyreference {\PDFobjref\pdflastobj}%
+ \setxvalue{\@@PDT#1:#2}%
+ {\noexpand\assignPDFtransparency{\the\PDFcurrenttransparency}{\the\pdflastobj}}%
+ \appendtoPDFdocumentextgstates
+ {\PDFtransparencyidentifier\space
+ \PDFtransparencyreference\space}}
+ {\immediate\pdfobj{\PDFtransparancydictionary{1}{1}{/AIS false}}%
+ \xdef\PDFtransparencyresetidentifier{/Tr0}%
+ \xdef\PDFtransparencyresetreference{\PDFobjref\pdflastobj}%
+ \setxvalue{\@@PDT0:0}%
+ {\noexpand\assignPDFtransparency{0}{\the\pdflastobj}}%
+ \appendtoPDFdocumentextgstates
+ {\PDFtransparencyresetidentifier\space
+ \PDFtransparencyresetreference\space}%
+ \global\let\initializePDFtransparency\relax}
+%D \macros
+%D {dostartclipping,dostopclipping}
+%D Clipping in \PDFTEX\ is rather trivial. We can even hook
+%D in \METAPOST\ without problems.
+ {\PointsToBigPoints{#2}\width
+ \PointsToBigPoints{#3}\height
+ \grabMPclippath{#1}{1}\width\height
+ {0 0 m \width\space 0 l \width \height l 0 \height l}%
+ \pdfliteral % PDFcode ?
+ {q 0 w \MPclippath\space W n}}
+ {\pdfliteral{Q n}} % PDFcode
+%D \macros
+%D {dosetupinteraction}
+%D Nothing special is needed to enable \PDF\ commands and
+%D interaction. We stick with a message.
+ {\showmessage\m!interactions{21}{pdftex}}
+%D \macros
+%D {doresetgotowhereever,
+%D dostartthisisrealpage,dostartthisislocation,
+%D dostartgotorealpage,dostartgotolocation,dostartgotoJS}
+%D The interactions macros are the core of this module. We
+%D support both page destinations and named ones. We don't
+%D need the \type{\stop}||alternatives. We also don't need
+%D to set the special that sets the real page number.
+\definespecial\doresetgotowhereever {\doPDFresetgotowhereever}
+%D When going to a location, we obey the time and space saving
+%D boolean \type{\ifusepagedestination}. Named destinations are
+%D stripped and made robust. This all happens in the macros
+%D called for.
+\definespecial\dostartgotoJS {\doPDFstartgotoJS}
+\let\PDFpagexyzspec\empty % pdftex does not accept spec
+%D \macros
+%D {doflushJSpreamble}
+%D It does not make sense to duplicate common \JAVASCRIPT\
+%D functions, and therefore they can be predefined and must be
+%D output separately. Currently this special is not shared
+%D with the \ACROBAT\ one, simply because \DISTILLER\ does not
+%D yet support something \type{\pdfnames}.
+% \oneJSpreamblefalse % buggy in acrobat
+ {\bgroup
+ \let\compositeJScode\empty
+ \def\docommand##1%
+ {\edef\sanitizedJScode{\getJSpreamble{##1}}%
+ \@EA\doPSsanitizeJScode\sanitizedJScode\to\sanitizedJScode
+ \immediate\pdfobj {<< /S /JavaScript /JS (\sanitizedJScode) >>}%
+ \edef\compositeJScode
+ {\compositeJScode\space (##1) \PDFobjref\pdflastobj}}%
+ \processcommalist[#1]\docommand
+ \immediate\pdfobj{<< /Names [ \compositeJScode ] >>}%
+ \pdfnames{/JavaScript \PDFobjref\pdflastobj}%
+ \egroup}
+%D \macros
+%D {dostarthide,dostophide}
+%D Hiding parts of the document for printing is not yet
+%D supported by \PDF\ and therefore \PDFTEX.
+\definespecial\dostophide {}
+%D \macros
+%D {dosetupscreen}
+%D Setting of the screen boundingbox involves some
+%D calculations. Here we also take care of (non) full screen
+%D startup. The dimensions are rounded. Because \PDFTEX\ and
+%D \ACROBAT\ handle setting the page dimensions in a
+%D different way, we do not share this special.
+\definespecial\dosetupscreen {\doPDFsetupscreen \pdfpageheight}
+\definespecial\dosetupartbox {\doPDFsetupartbox \pdfpageheight}
+\definespecial\dosetupcropbox {\doPDFsetupcropbox \pdfpageheight}
+\definespecial\dosetuptrimbox {\doPDFsetuptrimbox \pdfpageheight}
+%D \macros
+%D {dostartexecutecommand}
+%D \PDF\ viewers enable us to navigate using menus and shortcut
+%D keys. These navigational tools can also be accessed by using
+%D annotations. The next special takes care of inserting them.
+%D \macros
+%D {dosetupidentity}
+%D Documents can be tagged with an application accessible title
+%D and subtitle, the authorname, a date, the creator, keywords
+%D etc. For the moment \PDFTEX\ only supports the first three
+%D of these.
+%D \macros
+%D {dostartrunprogam}
+%D We can run a program form within a document, although this
+%D feature is rather weak, due to path problems and buggy
+%D argument passing.
+%D \macros
+%D {dostartgotoprofile, dostopgotoprofile,
+%D dobeginofprofile, doendofprofile}
+%D \CONTEXT\ user profiles and version control fall back on
+%D \PDF\ article threads. Unfortunately one cannot influence
+%D the view yet in an (for me) acceptable way.
+%D Some day, I'll reimplement threading in a useful way.
+%D Currently the viewers handle threads rather diffuse.
+ {\setPDFdestination{#1}%
+ \doifsomething\PDFdestination
+ {\pdfthread
+ width #2 height #3
+ attr {/Title (\PDFdestination)} % can be omitted
+ name {\PDFdestination}}}
+ {}
+%D \macros
+%D {doinsertbookmark}
+%D In \PDF\ bookmarks are the building blocks of a viewer
+%D provided sort of table of contents. \TEX\ has to provide
+%D the entry as well as the number of child entries. Strings
+%D need to be sanatized as good as possible to suit the default
+%D encoding. In \CONTEXT\ users can overrule this string by
+%D supplying an alternative one. Look at the macro called for
+%D to see how funny these bookmarks are defined.
+%D \macros
+%D {dostartobject,dostopobject,doinsertobject}
+%D Due to \PDF's object oriented character, we can include and
+%D reuse objects. These can be compared with \TEX's boxes. The
+%D \TEX\ counterpart is defined in the module \type{spec-dvi}.
+%D We don't use the dimensions here.
+%D The next solution is not that beautiful. Because objects are
+%D containers for whatever kind of content, graphics can be
+%D part of this content, and a graphic object can be part of
+%D the more general type. In practice this means that an ximage
+%D would be embedded in an xform, which in itself is not that
+%D big a problem, apart from a few bytes overhead. However, for
+%D reasons unknown to me alternative images must be pure
+%D ximages |<|indeed, somehow one cannot use a vector graphic
+%D as alternative|>| that are not embedded into forms, so this
+%D is why the object handler treats them different. This
+%D implies knowledge of the calling routines, especially the
+%D \type{FIG} trigger, that signals that we just embedded an
+%D image. Alternatively I could have introduced a dual object
+%D system, but the overhead in duplicate specials is currently
+%D not what we want. I'd rather implement a more mature
+%D object support system from scratch.
+\let\PDFimageattributes \empty
+\let\PDFfigurereference \empty
+\let\PDFimagereference \empty
+ \definespecial\dostartobject#1#2#3#4#5%
+ {\bgroup
+ \setbox\nextbox\vbox\bgroup
+ \def\dodostopobject
+ {\egroup
+ \ifx\PDFimagereference\empty
+ % We also flush page resources, since shared
+ % resources end up there; otherwise transparencies
+ % won't work in xforms; some day I will optimize
+ % this.
+ \the\everyPDFxform
+ \finalizeobjectbox\nextbox
+ \immediate\pdfxform
+ resources {\currentPDFresources\the\pdfpageresources}%
+ \nextbox
+ \global\let\currentPDFresources\empty
+ \dosetobjectreference{#1}{#2}{\the\pdflastxform}%
+ \else
+ \dosetobjectreference{#1}{#2}{-\PDFimagereference}%
+ \global\let\PDFimagereference\empty
+ \fi}}
+ \definespecial\dostopobject
+ {\dodostopobject
+ \egroup}
+ \definespecial\doresetobjects
+ {\global\let\PDFimagereference\empty}
+ \definespecial\doinsertobject#1#2%
+ {\bgroup
+ \doifobjectreferencefoundelse{#1}{#2}
+ {\dogetobjectreference{#1}{#2}\PDFobjectreference
+ \ifnum\PDFobjectreference<0
+ \@EA\@EA\@EA\pdfrefximage\@EA\gobbleoneargument\PDFobjectreference
+ \else
+ \pdfrefxform\PDFobjectreference
+ \fi}%
+ {}%
+ \egroup}
+ \definespecial\dostartobject#1#2#3#4#5%
+ {\bgroup
+ \setbox\nextbox\vbox\bgroup
+ \def\dodostopobject
+ {\egroup
+ \the\everyPDFxform
+ \pdfform\nextbox
+ \dosetobjectreference{#1}{#2}{\the\pdflastform}}}
+ \definespecial\dostopobject
+ {\dodostopobject
+ \egroup}
+ \definespecial\doinsertobject#1#2%
+ {\bgroup
+ \dogetobjectreference{#1}{#2}\PDFobjectreference
+ \pdfrefform\PDFobjectreference
+ \egroup}
+ \collectPDFresources
+ \global\let\currentPDFresources\collectedPDFresources
+\to \everyPDFxform
+%D \macros
+%D {dosetpagetransition}
+%D Page transitions only make sence in presentations. They are
+%D passed as raw \PDF\ code to the page object. Take a look
+%D at the implementation to get an impression of the rubish
+%D passed on.
+%D The expansion is needed because else the \type{\pdfpageattr}
+%D token list flushes an unexpanded \type{\csname}. The
+%D \type{\global} is needed because the assignment can take
+%D place deeply buried (for instance in the \type{\shipout}
+%D box.
+%D \macros
+%D {doinsertcomment, doflushcomments}
+%D Text annotation, or comments, are provided too:
+%D \macros
+%D {dopresetlinefield,dopresettextfield,
+%D dopresetchoicefield,dopresetpopupfield,dopresetcombofield,
+%D dopresetpushfield,dopresetcheckfield,
+%D dopresetradiofield,dopresetradiorecord}
+%D \PDF\ offers extensive field support. The next bunch of
+%D definitions map the specials.
+\definespecial\dopresetlinefield {\doFDFpresetlinefield}
+\definespecial\dopresettextfield {\doFDFpresettextfield}
+\definespecial\dopresetpopupfield {\doFDFpresetpopupfield}
+\definespecial\dopresetcombofield {\doFDFpresetcombofield}
+\definespecial\dopresetpushfield {\doFDFpresetpushfield}
+\definespecial\dopresetcheckfield {\doFDFpresetcheckfield}
+\definespecial\dopresetradiofield {\doFDFpresetradiofield}
+%D \macros
+%D {dodefinefieldset,dogetfieldset,doiffieldset}
+%D Field sets, needed for reset and submit handling, are
+%D taken care of by:
+\definespecial\dogetfieldset {\doFDFgetfieldset}
+\definespecial\doiffieldset {\doFDFiffieldset}
+%D \macros
+%D {doregistercalculationset}
+%D The calculation order is defined using:
+%D \macros
+%D {doPDFdestination}
+%D Finally we implement some low level macros to deal with
+%D flushing \PDF\ code. First we handle the named destinations.
+ {\pdfdest name {#1}\PDFpageviewkey}
+%D \macros
+%D {doPDFaction,doPDFannotation,ifsharePDFactions}
+%D Next we handle annotations. All link annotations are
+%D implemented using the action dictionary. This enables us to
+%D use multiple actions. The second macro is for instance
+%D used for movie inclusion.
+\newif\ifsharePDFactions \sharePDFactionstrue
+% hm, due to some stupid optimization this feature has been
+% disabled for some time, watch out \lastPDFaction is to be
+% persistent
+ \def\doPDFaction#1#2#3%
+ {\xdef\lastPDFcontent{#3}%
+ \ifcollectreferenceactions
+ \global\let\lastPDFaction\lastPDFcontent
+ \else
+ \ifsharePDFactions
+ \ifcase\similarreference\relax
+ \xdef\lastPDFaction{<<\lastPDFcontent>>}%
+ \or
+ \immediate\pdfobj{<<\lastPDFcontent>>}%
+ \xdef\lastPDFaction{\PDFobjref\pdflastobj}%
+ \else
+ % leave \lastPDFaction untouched
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \xdef\lastPDFaction{<<\lastPDFcontent>>}%
+ \fi
+ \pdfannot
+ width #1 height #2 depth \zeropoint
+ {/Subtype /Link
+ /Border [0 0 0]
+ \ifhighlighthyperlinks \else /H /N \fi
+ /A \lastPDFaction}%
+ \fi}
+ \def\doPDFaction#1#2#3%
+ {\ifcollectreferenceactions
+ \xdef\lastPDFaction{#3}%
+ \else
+ \ifsharePDFactions
+ \ifcase\similarreference\relax
+ \xdef\lastPDFaction{<<#3>>}%
+ \or
+ \immediate\pdfobj{<<#3>>}%
+ \xdef\lastPDFaction{\PDFobjref\pdflastobj}%
+ \else
+ % leave \lastPDFaction untouched
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \xdef\lastPDFaction{<<#3>>}%
+ \fi
+ \pdfannotlink % could be \pdfannot if not the - problem was there
+ width #1 height #2 depth \zeropoint
+ user {/Subtype /Link
+ /Border [0 0 0]
+ \ifhighlighthyperlinks \else /H /N \fi
+ /A \lastPDFaction}%
+ \pdfendlink
+ \fi}
+% pdftex and viewers give problems with this one (printing forms)
+% {\pdfannot width #1sp height -#2sp depth \zeropoint{#3}}
+% This is corrected in version 14. When this version is wide
+% spread, this will be cleaned up.
+ \def\doPDFannotation#1#2#3%
+ {\pdfannot width #1 height #2 depth \zeropoint{#3}}
+ \def\doPDFannotation#1#2#3%
+ {\hbox{\raise#2\hbox{\pdfannot width #1 height #2 depth \zeropoint{#3}}}}
+%D \macros
+%D {doPDFannotationobject,doPDFactionobject}
+%D For field support we need annotation objects. Although in
+%D many cases we can do without indirect references (and use
+%D the last annotation object number directly), we take the
+%D save route.
+ {\doPDFannotation{#3}{#4}{#5}%
+ \dosetobjectreference{#1}{#2}{\the\pdflastannot}}
+ {\doPDFaction{#3}{#4}{#5}%
+ \dosetobjectreference{#1}{#2}{\the\pdflastannot}}
+%D \macros
+%D {doPDFaddtocatalog,doPDFaddtoinfo,
+%D doPDFpageattribute,doPDFpagesattribute}
+%D Next some simple ones. Watch the global directive and the
+%D expansion in the page attribute macro.
+ {\pdfcatalog}
+ {\pdfinfo}
+ {\expanded{\global\pdfpageattr{#1\the\pdfpageattr}}}
+ {\expanded{\global\pdfpageresources{#1\the\pdfpageresources}}}
+ {\expanded{\global\pdfpagesattr{#1\the\pdfpagesattr}}}
+ {\global\pdfpageattr\emptytoks}
+ {\global\pdfpageresources\emptytoks}
+%D \macros
+%D {doPDFbookmark}
+%D Well, isn't the next one ugly? Thanks to the \PDF\
+%D standard.
+ {\doPDFgetpagereference{#4}\PDFobjectreference
+ \pdfoutline
+ user {<</S /GoTo /D [\PDFobjectreference\space\PDFpageviewwrd]>>}%
+ \ifcase#2 \else count \ifcase#5-\fi#2 \fi
+ {\ifPDFunicode<#3>\else#3\fi}}
+%D \macros
+%D {doPDFdictionaryobject,doPDFarrayobject}
+%D Where \PDFTEX\ has only one object primitive, optionally a
+%D stream one, \ACROBAT\ has several operators.
+ {\flushatshipout
+ {\immediate\pdfobj{<< #3 >>}%
+ \dosetobjectreference{#1}{#2}{\the\pdflastobj}}}
+ {\flushatshipout
+ {\immediate\pdfobj{[ #3 ]}%
+ \dosetobjectreference{#1}{#2}{\the\pdflastobj}}}
+% tricky .. too many xforms now
+% \def\doreservePDFobject#1#2%
+% {\pdfobj reserveobjnum{}%
+% \driverreferenced\dosetobjectreference{#1}{#2}{\the\pdflastobj}}
+% \def\doPDFreserveddictionaryobject#1#2#3%
+% {\doPDFgetobjectnumber{#1}{#2}\PDFobjectnumber
+% \immediate\pdfobj useobjnum \PDFobjectnumber {<< #3 >>}}
+% \def\doPDFreservedarrayobject#1#2#3%
+% {\doPDFgetobjectnumber{#1}{#2}\PDFobjectnumber
+% \immediate\pdfobj useobjnum \PDFobjectnumber {[ #3 ]}}
+% \doreservePDFobject{FDF}{docuextgstates}
+% \doreservePDFobject{FDF}{colorspaces}
+% \doreservePDFobject{FDF}{docushades}
+%D \macros
+%D {defaultobjectreference,doPDFgetobjectreference}
+%D Because in \PDFTEX\ we have to construct the object
+%D references \type{N 0 R}, we can default to the non existing
+%D zero object number.
+ {0}
+ {\dogetobjectreference{#1}{#2}#3%
+ \edef#3{\ifx#3\empty null\else\PDFobjref{#3}\fi}}
+ {\dogetobjectreference{#1}{#2}#3%
+ \edef#3{\ifx#3\empty 0\else#3\fi}}
+% \def\doPDFgetobjectpage #1#2#3{..}
+% \def\doPDFgetobjectpagereference#1#2#3{..}
+ \def\doPDFgetpagereference % number macro
+ {\installprogram{texutil --filter \jobname}%
+ \gdef\doPDFgetpagereference##1{\doPDFgetobjectreference{PDFP}{\number##1}}% {##2}
+ \doPDFgetpagereference}
+ \def\doPDFgetpagereference#1#2% number macro
+ {\edef#2{\ifnum#1>\zerocount\PDFobjref{\pdfpageref#1}\else null\fi}}
+%D \macros
+%D {initializePDFnegative,initializePDFoverprint}
+%D Here follow some rather obscure macros. They will only
+%D come into action when one wants negated output.
+%D Todo: move code to fdf module
+ {\immediate\pdfobj stream attr {/FunctionType 4 /Range [0 1] /Domain [0 1]} {{1 exch sub}}%
+ \immediate\pdfobj{<</Type /ExtGState /TR \PDFobjref\pdflastobj>>}%
+ \appendtoPDFdocumentextgstates{/GSnegative \PDFobjref\pdflastobj}%
+ \immediate\pdfobj{<</Type /ExtGState /TR /Identity>>}%
+ \appendtoPDFdocumentextgstates{/GSpositive \PDFobjref\pdflastobj}%
+ \global\let\initializePDFnegative\relax}
+ {\immediate\pdfobj{<</Type /ExtGState /OP false /OPM 0>>}% /op defaults to /OP
+ \appendtoPDFdocumentextgstates{/GSknockout \PDFobjref\pdflastobj}%
+ \immediate\pdfobj{<</Type /ExtGState /OP true /OPM 1>>}% /op defaults to /OP
+ \edef\PDFobjectreferenceB{\the\pdflastobj}%
+ \appendtoPDFdocumentextgstates{/GSoverprint \PDFobjref\pdflastobj}%
+ \global\let\initializePDFoverprint\relax}
+%D File embedding. Storing the stream identifier is needed
+%D to get access to the number. When typeset, the user can
+%D feed this number to \type {pdftosrc} and filter the
+%D file from the \PDF\ file.
+\let\PDFlaststreamobject \s!unknown
+%def\PDFlaststreamreference{0 0 R}
+ {\immediate\pdfobj stream file{#4}%
+ \edef\PDFlaststreamobject{\the\pdflastobj}%
+ \dosetobjectreference{PDFFS}{#2}{\PDFlaststreamobject}%
+ \doPDFdictionaryobject{#1}{#2}{/Type /Filespec /F (#3) /EF <</F \PDFobjref\PDFlaststreamobject>>}}
+ {\doPDFgetobjectreference{PDFFS}{#1}#2}
+ {\doifsomething{#1}
+ {\doPDFgetfilestreamreference{#1}\PDFobjectreference
+ \@EA\beforesplitstring\PDFobjectreference\at{ }\to\PDFlaststreamobject
+ \PDFlaststreamobject}}
+% %D We can set \METAPOST\ prologues to~1:
+%D Experimental:
+\definespecial\dostopfonteffect {\doPDFstopfonteffect}
+%D Some MP stuff:
+\let\handleMPfshow\dohandleMPfshow % default anyway
+ \def\setMPPDFobject#1#2% resources boxnumber
+ {\def\getMPPDFobject{\box#2}}
+ \def\setMPPDFobject#1#2% resources boxnumber
+ {\the\everyPDFxform
+ \finalizeobjectbox{#2}%
+ \immediate\pdfxform resources{#1}#2%
+ \edef\getMPPDFobject{\noexpand\pdfrefxform\the\pdflastxform}}
+ {\doiffileelse{./#1}{\includeMPasPDF{./#1}}{\message{[MP #1]}}}
+%D Now we can finish this module.
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/spec-tr.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/spec-tr.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..19ddb7495
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/spec-tr.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=spec-tr,
+%D version=1996.01.25,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Special Macros,
+%D subtitle=Thomas Rokicki's \DVIPS,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D Especially the rotation proved to be incompatible with
+%D the default \POSTSCRIPT\ special driver. Many thanks to
+%D Gilbert van den Dobbelsteen for testing and hacking the
+%D \DVIPS\ source and pinpointing the problem.
+%D \macros
+%D {doinsertfile}
+%D We overrule the figure||insertion special. Things should
+%D be more accurate, but maybe someday \unknown
+\def\@@insertpostscriptliteral {ps: }
+\def\@@insertpostscriptretain {" }
+%D Ugly but useful:
+ {\bgroup
+ \PointsToWholeBigPoints\@@DriverImageWidth \width
+ \PointsToWholeBigPoints\@@DriverImageHeight\height
+ \special
+ {PSfile="\@@DriverImageFile"\space
+ llx=\EPSllx\space
+ lly=\EPSlly\space
+ urx=\EPSurx\space
+ ury=\EPSury\space
+ \ifdim\@@DriverImageWidth >\zeropoint rwi=\width 0\space\fi
+ \ifdim\@@DriverImageHeight>\zeropoint rhi=\height0 \fi}%
+ \egroup}
+ {\hbox
+ {\convertMPcolors\@@DriverImageFile
+ \dofileinsertion{tr}{eps}}}
+ {\dofileinsertion{tr}\@@DriverImageType}
+%D Some MP stuff:
+ {\doiffileelse{./#1}{\includeMPasEPS{./#1}}{\message{[MP #1]}}}
+%D \macros
+%D {dostartrotation}
+%D Because \DVIPS\ uses a reverse rotation scheme, we have
+%D to add an extra \type{neg} to the default \POSTSCRIPT\
+%D rotation definition:
+\definespecial\dostartrotation#1% straight from the YandY manual / 1st neg added
+ {\special
+ {\@@insertpostscriptliteral
+ gsave currentpoint currentpoint translate
+ \number#1\space\space neg rotate neg exch neg exch translate}}
+ {\special
+ {\@@insertpostscriptliteral
+ currentfont currentpoint grestore moveto setfont}}
+%D Drawing ovals in \DVIPS\ is complicated by the fact that
+%D the colors get reset. Therefore we need a more literal
+%D approach and therefore scale to local units. By redefining
+%D the retain constant into a macro, we can use the already
+%D present \POSTSCRIPT\ definition (see \type{spec-ps}).
+\definespecial\doovalbox#1#2#3#4#5#6#7#8% variant not yet supported
+ {\bgroup
+ \edef\@@insertpostscriptretain gsave%
+ {\@@insertpostscriptliteral
+ gsave
+ Resolution 72 div
+ VResolution 72 div neg scale currentpoint translate}%
+ \dosomeovalbox{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}{#6}{#7}{#8}%
+ \egroup}
+%D \macros
+%D {dosetuppaper}
+%D Relatively new:
+ {\begingroup
+ \!!dimena#2%
+ \!!dimenb#3%
+ \special{papersize=\the\!!dimena,\the\!!dimenb}%
+ \endgroup}
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/spec-tst.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/spec-tst.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4f580e7b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/spec-tst.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=spec-tst,
+%D version=2002.12.08,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ \PDF\ Macros,
+%D subtitle=Special Test Macro,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D The code is now merged into spec-*.mkii
+ [state=start,
+ title={Thử tiếng Việt},
+ author={Tác Văn Giả},
+ keyword={Thử tiếng Việt}]
+\chapter{Thử tiếng Việt}
+\section {Mục thứ nhất}
+\subsection{Mục nhỏ thứ nhất} Thử tiếng Việt
+\subsection{Mục nhỏ thứ hai} Thử tiếng Việt
+\section {Mục thứ hai}
+\subsection{Mục nhỏ thứ nhất} Thử tiếng Việt
+\subsection{Mục nhỏ thứ hai} Thử tiếng Việt
+\section {Mục thứ ba}
+\subsection{Mục nhỏ thứ nhất} Thử tiếng Việt
+\subsection{Mục nhỏ thứ hai} Thử tiếng Việt
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/spec-var.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/spec-var.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3641ba959
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/spec-var.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=spec-var,
+%D version=2003.10.10,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Special Macros,
+%D subtitle=Variables,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D This module used to be integrated in \type {spec-ini},
+%D but testing optimization is more convenient this way.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Special Macros / Variables}
+% new approach, 'global' variables, since we run out of
+% arguments
+% This variable holds a comma separated list of (supported) figure
+% types. It may be changes by other modules.
+ \letempty \@@DriverFieldName
+ \letempty \@@DriverFieldWidth
+ \letempty \@@DriverFieldHeight
+ \letempty \@@DriverFieldDefault
+ \letempty \@@DriverFieldNumber
+ \letempty \@@DriverFieldNumber
+ \letempty \@@DriverFieldStyle
+ \letempty \@@DriverFieldColor
+ \letempty \@@DriverFieldBackgroundColor
+ \letempty \@@DriverFieldFrameColor
+ \letempty \@@DriverFieldLayer
+ \letempty \@@DriverFieldOption
+ \letempty \@@DriverFieldAlign
+ \letempty \@@DriverFieldClickIn
+ \letempty \@@DriverFieldClickOut
+ \letempty \@@DriverFieldRegionIn
+ \letempty \@@DriverFieldRegionOut
+ \letempty \@@DriverFieldAfterKey
+ \letempty \@@DriverFieldFormat
+ \letempty \@@DriverFieldValidate
+ \letempty \@@DriverFieldCalculate
+ \letempty \@@DriverFieldFocusIn
+ \letempty \@@DriverFieldFocusOut
+ \letempty \@@DriverCommentLayer
+ \letempty \@@DriverAttachmentLayer
+ \letempty \@@DriverImageBox
+ \letempty \@@DriverImageOptions
+ \letempty \@@DriverImageWidth
+ \letempty \@@DriverImageHeight
+ \letempty \@@DriverImageFile
+ \letempty \@@DriverImageLabel
+ \letempty \@@DriverImageType
+ \letempty \@@DriverImageMethod
+ \letempty \@@DriverImagePage
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/spec-win.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/spec-win.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e16984a56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/spec-win.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=spec-win,
+%D version=1996.01.25,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Special Macros,
+%D subtitle=\YandY's \DVIWINDO,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D Remark: chained references are not yet implemented.
+%D \macros
+%D {dosetupinteraction,
+%D dostartthisislocation,
+%D dostartthisisrealpage,
+%D dostartgotolocation,
+%D dostartgotorealpage,
+%D dostartrunprogram,
+%D usepagedestinations}
+%D {}
+%D As told before, these were the first interactive specials.
+%D In those days, these kind of specials were still elegant
+%D and straightforward.
+ {\showmessage\m!interactions{21}{dviwindo}}
+ {\bgroup
+ \doifelsenothing{#3}
+ {\doifelsenothing{#4}
+ {\!!doneafalse}
+ {\doifparentfileelse{#4}
+ {\!!doneafalse}
+ {\!!doneatrue}}%
+ \setreferencefilename#4\to\DVIfile
+ \scratchdimen#1\edef\width {\the\scratchdimen\space}%
+ \scratchdimen#2\edef\height{\the\scratchdimen\space}%
+ \special
+ {button:
+ \width \height
+ \if!!donea
+ file: \DVIfile,
+ \fi
+ "#5"}}
+ {}% nog uri afhandelen
+ \egroup}
+ {\bgroup
+ \doifelsenothing{#3}
+ {\doifelsenothing{#4}
+ {\!!doneafalse}
+ {\doifparentfileelse{#4}
+ {\!!doneafalse}
+ {\!!doneatrue}}%
+ \setreferencefilename#4\to\DVIfile
+ \scratchdimen#1\edef\width {\the\scratchdimen\space}%
+ \scratchdimen#2\edef\height{\the\scratchdimen\space}%
+ \special
+ {button:
+ \width \height
+ \if!!donea
+ file: \DVIfile,
+ \fi
+ \ifnum0#5=0 \else
+ page: #5
+ \fi}}
+ {}% nog uri afhandelen
+ \egroup}
+ {\special{mark: "#1"}}
+ {}
+ {\bgroup
+ \scratchdimen#1\edef\width {\the\scratchdimen\space}%
+ \scratchdimen#2\edef\height{\the\scratchdimen\space}%
+ \special{button: \width \height launch: #3 #4}%
+ \egroup}
+\let\doyandyinsertmov = \docommoninsertmov
+\let\dotrinsertmov = \docommoninsertmov
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/spec-xet.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/spec-xet.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0cbd55ba7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/spec-xet.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=spec-xtx,
+%D version=2004.11.08,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Special Macros,
+%D subtitle=\XETEX\ support,
+%D author={Adam Lindsay \& Hans Hagen \& \unknown},
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={Adam Lindsay \& Hans Hagen}]
+ {\dofileinsertion{xtx}\@@DriverImageType}
+\definefileinsertion{xtx}{pdf}{\xtxhandlepdfimage }
+ {\edef\pdfimagepagenumber
+ {\ifx\@@DriverImagePage\empty\else\ifnum\@@DriverImagePage>\zerocount
+ \space page\space\@@DriverImagePage\space
+ \fi\fi}}
+ {\XeTeXpicfile "\@@DriverImageFile"
+ \ifdim\@@DriverImageWidth >\zeropoint \!!width \@@DriverImageWidth \space\fi
+ \ifdim\@@DriverImageHeight>\zeropoint \!!height \@@DriverImageHeight \fi
+ \relax}
+ {\checkpdfimagepagenumber
+ \XeTeXpdffile "\@@DriverImageFile"
+ \pdfimagepagenumber
+ \ifdim\@@DriverImageWidth >\zeropoint \!!width \@@DriverImageWidth \space\fi
+ \ifdim\@@DriverImageHeight>\zeropoint \!!height \@@DriverImageHeight \fi
+ \relax}
+ {\setbox\foundexternalfigure\vbox{\XeTeXpicfile "\@@DriverImageFile"\relax}%
+ \xdef\analyzedfigurewidth {\the\wd\foundexternalfigure}%
+ \xdef\analyzedfigureheight{\the\ht\foundexternalfigure}}
+ {\checkpdfimagepagenumber
+ \setbox\foundexternalfigure\vbox{\XeTeXpdffile "\@@DriverImageFile" \pdfimagepagenumber\relax}%
+ \xdef\analyzedfigurewidth {\the\wd\foundexternalfigure}%
+ \xdef\analyzedfigureheight{\the\ht\foundexternalfigure}}
+\definefilechecker{xtx}{pdf}{\dogetXTXpdfsize }
+ {\dofilechecker{xtx}\@@DriverImageType}
+%D The figure object system caused no end of headaches. They all
+%D went away with this single line:
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/spec-xtx.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/spec-xtx.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..81b83e663
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/spec-xtx.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=spec-xtx,
+%D version=2004.11.08,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Special Macros,
+%D subtitle=\XETEX\ support,
+%D author={Adam Lindsay \& Hans Hagen \& \unknown},
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={Adam Lindsay \& Hans Hagen}]
+%D Actually, there's an intermediate ``\type{xdv}''
+%D output format, but by default, it's tranparently
+%D converted to \PDF\ by \XETEX.
+%D Rotation looks fine.
+ {\special{x:gsave}\special{x:rotate #1}}
+ {\special{x:grestore}}
+%D Scaling and mirroring are also fine.
+ {\special{x:gsave}\special{x:scale #1 #2}}
+ {\special{x:grestore}}
+ {\special{x:gsave}\special{x:scale -1 1}}
+ {\special{x:grestore}}
+%D Colors are done with the \DVIPDFMX\ color model, which are
+%D inherited.
+%D Although hex colors were accommodated by Hans, we'll try the
+%D more familiar \DVIPDFMX\ ones. One good side-effect of the
+%D previous approach was that it kept track of the color state
+%D (transparency in XeTeX is accomplished setting the color to
+%D an RGBA quadruple, rather than an RGB triple). So transparency
+%D will need another plan.
+% \macros
+% {dostarttransparency,dostoptransparency}
+% \starttypen
+% \dostarttransparency{fraction}{type}
+% \dostoptransparency
+% \stoptypen
+% Although in \CONTEXT\ transparency is closely integrated
+% in the color drivers, in the end it is an independent
+% feature.
+%\installspecial [\dostarttransparency] [or] [2]
+%\installspecial [\dostoptransparency] [or] [0]
+%D \macros
+%D {doloadmapfile,doloadmapline,doresetmapfilelist}
+%D \XETEX\ 0.91 allows map file additions, via a special.
+\definespecial\doloadmapfile #1#2{\special{x:fontmapfile #1#2}}
+\definespecial\doloadmapline #1#2{\special{x:fontmapline #1#2}}
+%D \macros
+%D {dosetuppaper}
+\ifx\pdfpagewidth\undefined \else
+ \definespecial\dosetuppaper#1#2#3%
+ {\global\pdfpagewidth #2\relax
+ \global\pdfpageheight#3\relax}
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/spec-yy.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/spec-yy.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b5a1d590b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/spec-yy.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=spec-yy,
+%D version=1996.01.25,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Special Macros,
+%D subtitle=\YandY's \DVIPSONE\ and \DVIWINDO,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D \macros
+%D {dostartgraymode,dostopgraymode,
+%D dostartrgbcolormode,dostartcmykcolormode,dostartgraycolormode,dostopcolormode,
+%D doinsertfile}
+%D We implement a nice and simple figure||insertion special
+%D and make use of \YandY's color specials. Otherwise \DVIWINDO\
+%D would not show colors.
+\def\@@insertpostscriptliteral {ps: }
+\def\@@insertpostscriptretain {" } % this was: {postscript}
+ {\special{color gray #1}}
+ {\special{color gray 0}}
+ {\special{color rgb #1 #2 #3}}
+ {\special{color cmyk #1 #2 #3 #4}}
+ {\special{color gray #1}}
+ {\special{color gray 0}}
+% \definefileinsertion{yy}{eps}%
+% {\PointsToBigPoints\@@DriverImageWidth \width
+% \PointsToBigPoints\@@DriverImageHeight\height
+% \special
+% {psfile=\@@DriverImageFile\space
+% %hscale=100\space
+% %vscale=100\space
+% hoffset=\width\space
+% voffset=\height}}
+ {\bgroup
+ \PointsToWholeBigPoints\@@DriverImageWidth \width
+ \PointsToWholeBigPoints\@@DriverImageHeight\height
+ \special
+ {PSfile="\@@DriverImageFile"\space
+ llx=\EPSllx\space
+ lly=\EPSlly\space
+ urx=\EPSurx\space
+ ury=\EPSury\space
+ \ifdim\@@DriverImageWidth >\zeropoint rwi=\width 0\space\fi
+ \ifdim\@@DriverImageHeight>\zeropoint rhi=\height0 \fi}%
+ \egroup}
+ {\hbox
+ {\includeMPfonts \@@DriverImageFile
+ \convertMPcolors\@@DriverImageFile
+ \dofileinsertion{yy}{eps}}}
+ {\special{insertimage:
+ \@@DriverImageFile \space
+ \@@DriverImageWidth\space
+ \@@DriverImageHeight}}
+ {\dofileinsertion{yy}\@@DriverImageType}
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/strc-blk.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/strc-blk.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b6056769c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/strc-blk.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,548 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=strc-blk, % split off core-buf.tex
+%D version=2000.01.05,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Structure Macros,
+%D subtitle=Blockmoves,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+% investigate etex's \readline and \scantokens
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Structure Macros / Blockmoves}
+\def\blockversion {1996.03.10}
+ {\showmessage\m!textblocks1\empty
+ \global\let\@@blockerrormessage\relax}
+ {\doifnot\blockversion{#1}{\@@blockerrormessage\endinput}}
+ {\ifcopyingblocks
+ \immediate\closeout\outblocks
+ \copyblockfile
+ \global\copyingblocksfalse
+ \fi}
+ {\expanded{\setvalue{\??se\s!old#2}{\@@filterheadpart[#1]}}%
+ \doifnot{#2}\lastsection
+ {\expanded{\dodosetblockcounters[\@@filtertailpart[#1]]}%
+ {\getvalue{\??se#2\c!after}}}} % ????
+ {\ifblockpermitted
+ \expanded{\dodosetblockcounters[\@@filtersecondpart[#1]]}\firstsection
+ \expanded{\setsectiontype[\@@filterfirstpart[#1]]}%
+ \def\@@sectionvalue##1{\getvalue{\??se\s!old##1}}%
+ \let\@@sectionconversion\secondoftwoarguments
+ \fi}
+ {\ifx\blockstatus\empty \else
+ \@EA\dosetblockcounters\@EA[\blockstatus]%
+ \fi}
+ {\dosetfilterlevel{\@@bscriterium}\empty
+ \expanded{\doifblklevelelse[#1\sectionseparator\sectionseparator0]}
+ {\global\blockpermittedtrue}
+ {\global\blockpermittedfalse}%
+ \def\blockstatus{#1}}
+ {\dodoubleargument\dosetupblockparameters}
+ {\getparameters[\??tb#1][#2]}
+ {\@EA\csname\ifcsname\??tb#1#2\endcsname\??tb#1#2\else\s!empty\fi\endcsname}
+\ifx\outblocks\undefined \newwrite\outblocks \fi
+\ifx\inpblocks\undefined \newread \inpblocks \fi
+\ifx\tmpblocks\undefined \newwrite\tmpblocks \fi
+\ifx\blockbox \undefined \newbox \blockbox \fi
+\def\setblocklevel#1% sign
+ {\global\advance\blocklevel #11
+ \ifcase\blocklevel\doingblocksfalse\else\doingblockstrue\fi}
+ {\immediate\openout\tmpblocks\TEXbufferfile{\f!utilityfilename\the\blocklevel}}
+ {\immediate\write\tmpblocks{}% een lege regel is handig voor \par commando's
+ \immediate\closeout\tmpblocks}
+ {\iftmpblockstarted
+ \immediate\write\tmpblocks{#1}%
+ \else
+ \doifsomething{#1}
+ {\tmpblockstartedtrue
+ \immediate\write\tmpblocks{\string#1}}%
+ \fi}
+ {\global\copyingblocksfalse}
+ {\ifcopyingblocks
+ \else
+ \immediate\openout\outblocks\f!utilityfilename.\f!blockextension%
+ \immediate\write\outblocks{\string\thisisblockversion{\blockversion}}%
+ \immediate\write\outblocks{\string\thisissectionseparator{\sectionseparator}}%
+ \global\copyingblockstrue
+ \fi}
+ {\ifcopyingblocks
+ \immediate\closeout\outblocks
+ \copyblockfile
+ \global\copyingblocksfalse
+ \fi}
+ {\stopcopyingblocks}
+ {\ifcopyingblocks
+ \begingroup
+ \showmessage\m!textblocks2{\jobname.\f!blockextension}%
+ \openlocin\inpblocks{\f!utilityfilename.\f!blockextension}%
+ \immediate\openout\outblocks\jobname.\f!blockextension
+ \setupcopyblock
+ \catcode`\^^M=\@@ignore\relax
+ \def\copynextline
+ {\read\inpblocks to \!!stringa
+ \immediate\write\outblocks{\!!stringa}%
+ \ifeof\inpblocks\else\expandafter\copynextline\fi}%
+ \copynextline
+ \immediate\closein\inpblocks
+ \immediate\closeout\outblocks
+ \immediate\openout\tmpblocks\f!utilityfilename.\f!blockextension
+ \immediate\closeout\tmpblocks
+ \endgroup
+ \fi}
+ {\beginrestorecatcodes
+ \catcode`\^^M=\@@endofline\relax
+ \readjobfile{#1.\f!blockextension}
+ {\showmessage\m!textblocks3{#1.\f!blockextension}}
+ {\showmessage\m!textblocks4\empty}%
+ \endrestorecatcodes}
+ {\setcatcodetable\vrbcatcodes
+ \obeylines}
+ {\immediate\write\outblocks}
+\long\def\processnextblocklineAB#1% #2#3%
+ {\defconvertedargument\next{#1 }%
+ \doifinstringelse\endofblockA\next
+ \firstoftwoarguments
+ {\doifinstringelse\endofblockB\next
+ \firstoftwoarguments\secondoftwoarguments}}
+ {\processnextblocklineAB{#1}\closeblock{\writeoutblocks{#1}\writetmpblock{#1}\copyblocklineAB}}
+ {\processnextblocklineAB{#1}\closeblock\skipblocklineAB}
+\long\def\processnextblockline#1% #2#3%
+ {\defconvertedargument\next{#1 }%
+ \ifx\next\emptybufferline
+ \expandafter\secondoftwoarguments% #3%
+ \else
+ \emptybufferlinefalse
+ \doifinstringelse\endofblock\next
+ {\expandafter\firstoftwoarguments }% #2}
+ {\expandafter\secondoftwoarguments}% #3}%
+ \fi}
+ {\processnextblockline{#1}\closeblock{\writeoutblocks{#1}\writetmpblock{#1}\copyblockline}}
+ {\processnextblockline{#1}\closeblock\skipblockline}
+ {\checkcopyingblocks
+ \defconvertedcommand\endofblock{\string\thiswasblock{#1}}% command expands once !
+ \let\openblock\begingroup
+ \let\closeblock\endgroup
+ \openblock
+ \setupcopyblock
+ \skipblockline}
+\let\doafterblock \gobbletwoarguments
+ {\executeifdefined{\s!thisisblock#1}{\skipblock{#1}}}
+ {\getvalue{\s!thiswasblock#1}}
+ {\checkcopyingblocks
+ \obeylines
+ \@EA\defconvertedcommand\@EA\endofblockA\@EA{\@EA\string\csname\e!end#1\endcsname}%
+ \defconvertedcommand\endofblockB{\string\endblock[#1]}% % MULTI LINGUAL MAKEN
+ \def\openblock
+ {\dobeforeblock{#1}{#2}%
+ \opentmpblock
+ \begingroup
+ \makesectionformat
+ \immediate\write\outblocks{}%
+ \immediate\write\outblocks{\string\thisisblock{#1}{\sectionformat}[#2]}}%
+ \def\closeblock
+ {\immediate\write\outblocks{}% handig voor \par commando's
+ \immediate\write\outblocks{\string\thiswasblock{#1}}%
+ \endgroup
+ \closetmpblock
+ \doafterblock{#1}{#2}%
+ \egroup}%
+ \openblock
+ \setupcopyblock
+ \copyblocklineAB}
+ {\let\opentmpblock\empty
+ \let\closetmpblock\empty
+ \let\writetmpblock\gobbleoneargument
+ \saveblock}
+ {\edef\blockfilename{\TEXbufferfile{\f!utilityfilename\the\blocklevel}}%
+ \setblocklevel+%
+ \readjobfile\blockfilename\donothing\donothing
+ \setblocklevel-}%
+ {\bypassblock[#1]%
+ \keepblocks[#1]%
+ \setupblock
+ [#1]
+ [\c!before=\blank,
+ \c!after=\blank,
+ \c!inner=,
+ \c!style=,
+ \c!file=\jobname]}
+% \def\defineblock
+% {\dosingleargumentwithset\dodefineblock}
+ {\dosingleargument\dodefineblock}
+ {\getparameters[\??tb#1][#2]}
+ {\dodoubleargumentwithset\dosetupblock}
+ {\setvalue{\s!thisisblock#1}##1[##2]{\skipblock{#1}}}
+ {\doifassignmentelse{#3}
+ {\dodohideblock[#1][#2][][#3]}
+ {\dodohideblock[#1][#2][#3][]}}
+ {\doifelsenothing{#2}
+ {\global\blockpermittedfalse
+ \edef\blocktitle{#1}}
+ {\doifelsenothing{#3}
+ {\global\blockpermittedtrue
+ \edef\blocktitle{#1}}
+ {\doifcommonelse{#2}{#3}
+ {\global\blockpermittedfalse
+ \edef\blocktitle{#1:#2}}
+ {\global\blockpermittedtrue
+ \edef\blocktitle{#1:#3}}}}%
+ \ifblockpermitted
+ \showwarning\m!textblocks5\blocktitle
+ \def\next
+ {\def\dobeforeblock####1####2%
+ {\begingroup}%
+ \def\doafterblock####1####2%
+ {\endgroup
+ \doexecuteloadedblock{#1}{#4}}%
+ \saveblock{#1}{#3#4}}%
+ \else
+ \doifinsetelse{+}{#3}
+ {\showwarning\m!textblocks6\blocktitle
+ \def\next
+ {\def\dobeforeblock####1####2%
+ {\begingroup
+ \visiblefalse}%
+ \def\doafterblock####1####2%
+ {{\setbox0\vbox
+ {\catcode`\^^M=\@@endofline\relax
+ \loadoneblock
+ \par}}%
+ \endgroup}%
+ \saveblock{#1}{#3#4}}}%
+ {\showwarning\m!textblocks7\blocktitle
+ \def\next
+ {\def\dobeforeblock####1####2%
+ {\begingroup
+ \globaldefs\minusone}%
+ \def\doafterblock####1####2%
+ {\endgroup}%
+ \copyblock{#1}{#3#4}}}%
+ \fi
+ \next}
+ {\def\docommand##1%
+ {\setvalue{\e!begin##1}%
+ {\bgroup\obeylines\dotripleempty\dohideblock[##1][#2]}}%
+ \processcommalist[#1]\docommand}
+ {\dodoubleempty\dohideblocks}
+ {\blockpermittedtrue % ?
+ \bgroup % before \c!before (think of: \c!before=\startitemize)
+ \dosetupblockparameters[#1][#2]% voor 'voor'?
+ \getvalue{\??tb#1\c!before}%
+ \dostartattributes{\??tb#1}\c!style\c!color\empty
+ \visibletrue
+ \catcode`\^^M=\@@endofline\relax
+ \getvalue{\??tb#1\c!inner}%
+ \ignorespaces
+ \loadoneblock
+ % \par moved
+ \dostopattributes
+ \getvalue{\??tb#1\c!after}%
+ \par
+ \egroup}
+ {\doifassignmentelse{#3}
+ {\dodokeepblock[#1][#2][][#3]}
+ {\dodokeepblock[#1][#2][#3][]}}
+ {\doifelsenothing{#2}
+ {\global\blockpermittedtrue
+ \edef\blocktitle{#1}}
+ {\doifcommonelse{#2}{#3}
+ {\global\blockpermittedtrue
+ \edef\blocktitle{#1:#2}}
+ {\doifinsetelse\v!all{#2}
+ {\doifelsenothing{#3}
+ {\global\blockpermittedtrue
+ \edef\blocktitle{#1}}
+ {\global\blockpermittedfalse
+ \edef\blocktitle{#1:#3}}}
+ {\global\blockpermittedfalse
+ \doifelsenothing{#3}
+ {\edef\blocktitle{#1}}
+ {\edef\blocktitle{#1:#3}}}}}%
+ \ifblockpermitted
+ \showwarning\m!textblocks8\blocktitle
+ \def\dobeforeblock##1##2%
+ {\begingroup}%
+ \def\doafterblock##1##2%
+ {\endgroup
+ \doexecuteloadedblock{#1}{#4}}%
+ \else
+ \showwarning\m!textblocks9\blocktitle
+ \fi
+ \saveblock{#1}{#3#4}}
+ {\def\docommand##1%
+ {\setvalue{\e!begin##1}%
+ {\bgroup\obeylines\dotripleempty\dokeepblock[##1][#2]}}%
+ \processcommalist[#1]\docommand}
+ {\dodoubleempty\dokeepblocks}
+ {\getblockstatus{#2}%
+ \ifblockpermitted
+ \setfalse\dummyblockstatus
+ \doifassignmentelse{#3}
+ {\settrue \blockassignmentstatus}
+ {\setfalse\blockassignmentstatus}%
+ \doifelsenothing{#4}
+ {\edef\blocktitle{#1}}
+ {\ifconditional\blockassignmentstatus
+ \edef\blocktitle{#1}%
+ \else
+ \doifnotcommon{#3}{#4}
+ {\ifconditional\processblockstatus
+ \settrue\dummyblockstatus
+ \else
+ \global\blockpermittedfalse
+ \fi}%
+ \edef\blocktitle{#1:#3}%
+ \fi}%
+ \else
+ \edef\blocktitle{#1}%
+ \fi
+ \ifblockpermitted
+ \setblocklevel+%
+ \ifconditional\blockassignmentstatus \else
+ \doifinset{-}{#3}{\settrue\dummyblockstatus}%
+ \fi
+ \ifconditional\dummyblockstatus
+ \showwarning\m!textblocks{10}\blocktitle
+ \setvalue{\s!thiswasblock#1}%
+ {\removeunwantedspaces
+ \par
+ \egroup
+ \setblocklevel-}%
+ \def\next
+ {\setbox0\vbox\bgroup
+ \ifconditional\blockassignmentstatus
+ \dosetupblockparameters[#1][#3]%
+ \fi}%
+ \else
+ \showwarning\m!textblocks{11}\blocktitle
+ \setvalue{\s!thiswasblock#1}%
+ {\removeunwantedspaces
+ % \par moved
+ \dostopattributes
+ \getvalue{\??tb#1\c!after}%
+ \par
+ \egroup
+ \setblocklevel-}%
+ \def\next
+ {\bgroup
+ \ifconditional\blockassignmentstatus
+ \dosetupblockparameters[#1][#3]%
+ \fi
+ \getvalue{\??tb#1\c!before}%
+ \dostartattributes{\??tb#1}\c!style\c!color\empty
+ \visibletrue
+ \getvalue{\??tb#1\c!inner}%
+ \ignorespaces}%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \def\next
+ {\showwarning\m!textblocks{12}\blocktitle
+ \skipblock{#1}}%
+ \fi
+ \next}
+ {\setvalue{\s!thisisblock#1}##1[##2]{\dodouseblock{#1}{##1}{##2}{#2}}}
+ {\def\docommand##1%
+ {\douseblock[##1][#2]}%
+ \processcommalist[#1]\docommand
+ \dogetcommalistelement1\from#1\to\commalistelement
+ \doifdefined{\??tb\commalistelement\c!file}
+ {\loadallblocks{\getvalue{\??tb\commalistelement\c!file}}}%
+ \endgroup}
+ {\begingroup
+ \doassign[\??bs][\c!criterium=\v!all]%
+ \dodoubleempty\dodouseblocks}
+ {\setfalse\processblockstatus\douseblocks}
+ {\settrue \processblockstatus\douseblocks}
+ {\begingroup
+ \doifelsenothing{#3}
+ {\getparameters[\??bs][\c!criterium=\v!all,#2]%
+ \dodouseblocks[#1][]}
+ {\getparameters[\??bs][\c!criterium=\v!all,#3]%
+ \dodouseblocks[#1][#2]}}%
+ {\dotripleempty\doselectblocks}
+\def\beginblock[#1]% % we also check \endblock[..]
+ {\getvalue{\e!begin#1}}
+ {\def\docommand##1%
+ {\setvalue{\e!begin##1}%
+ {\setblocklevel+\bgroup
+ \dodoubleempty\doforceblock[##1]}%
+ \setvalue{\e!end##1}%
+ {\dostopattributes
+ \getvalue{\??tb##1\c!after}%
+ \egroup\setblocklevel-}}%
+ \processcommalist[#1]\docommand}
+ {\doifassignmentelse{#2}
+ {\settrue \blockassignmentstatus}
+ {\setfalse\blockassignmentstatus}%
+ \ifconditional\blockassignmentstatus
+ \dosetupblockparameters[#1][#2]%
+ \fi
+ \getvalue{\??tb#1\c!before}%
+ \dostartattributes{\??tb#1}\c!style\c!color\empty
+ \getvalue{\??tb#1\c!inner}%
+ \ignorespaces}
+ {\def\docommand##1%
+ {\setvalue{\e!begin##1}%
+ {\setblocklevel+\bgroup
+ \obeylines % here, since we look ahead
+ \dodoubleempty\dobypassblock[##1]}%}%
+ \setvalue{\e!end##1}%
+ {}}%
+ \processcommalist[#1]\docommand}
+ {\def\closeblock
+ {\egroup\setblocklevel-}%
+ \checkcopyingblocks
+ \obeylines
+ \@EA\defconvertedcommand\@EA\endofblockA\@EA{\@EA\string\csname\e!end#1\endcsname}%
+ \defconvertedcommand\endofblockB{\string\endblock[#1]} % MULTI LINGUAL MAKEN
+ \setupcopyblock
+ \skipblocklineAB}
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/strc-des.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/strc-des.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e699df9ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/strc-des.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,921 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=strc-des,
+%D version=1997.03.31,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Structure Macros,
+%D subtitle=Descriptions,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Structure Macros / Descriptions}
+%D In order to be more flexible with theorems Aditya Mahajan added
+%D support for titles and endsymbols. At the same time we some more
+%D flexible support for inheriting numbers was added.
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \defineenumeration[one]
+%D \defineenumeration[two] [one]
+%D \defineenumeration[three] [number=one,style=slanted]
+%D \defineenumeration[four] [three]
+%D \defineenumeration[five] [three] [number=five]
+%D \startone test test 1 \stopone
+%D \starttwo test test 2 \stoptwo
+%D \startthree test test 3 \stopthree
+%D \startfour test test 4 \stopfour
+%D \startfive test test 1 \stopfive
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer \start \getbuffer \stop
+% Dit kan en moet dus anders:
+% \start... : \vbox\bgroup
+% \stop... : \egroup
+% llap enz.
+% geen indent!
+% enz. enz.
+% Op die manier is meer mogelijk en worden \par's geskipt.
+% De macro \??dd#1\s!do\c!commando levert de koppeling tussen
+% \doornummeren en \doordefinieren. Deze constructie is nodig
+% omdat doornummeren geen argument heeft en omdat subnummers
+% niet worden genest binnen het hogere niveau.
+% herimplementeren met \nextbox en \unhbox\unvbox
+% list and titles are experiental
+% \definedescription[test] [location=left,hang=4,headalign={right},distance=1em,list=test]
+% \defineenumeration[lemma][title=yes,right=:,textdistance=1em, location=top, titlestyle=\bs,list=lemma]
+% \defineenumeration[ammel][title=yes,right=:,textdistance=.5em,location=left,titlestyle=\it,width=9em]
+% \placelist[enumeration:lemma]
+% \placelist[description:test][width=0pt]
+% \starttest {something something something} \input zapf \stoptest
+% \startlemma {with a title of a certain length} \input tufte \stoplemma
+% \startammel {with a title} \input zapf \stopammel
+% \defineenumeration[lemma][...]
+% \defineenumeration[titledlemma][lemma][title=yes,right=:,text=lemma,list=lemma]
+% \def\normal@@descriptionhandler[#1]#2#3%
+% {\doattributes
+% {\??dd\currentdescription}\c!headstyle\c!headcolor
+% {\descriptionparameter\c!command{#3}}% NAAR BUITENSTE NIVEAU !
+% \rawreference\s!def{#1}{#2}} % brrr moet in #4
+ {\doattributes
+ {\??dd\currentdescription}\c!headstyle\c!headcolor
+ {\descriptionparameter\c!command{#3}}% NAAR BUITENSTE NIVEAU !
+ \doifsomething{\descriptionparameter\c!list}
+ {\dowritetolist
+ {\descriptionparameter\c!type:\descriptionparameter\c!list}
+ {}{#2}{\currentdescription}}%
+ % beware: with footnotes #2 can be something messy but then #1 is
+ % empty anyway, so we have an extra safeguard
+ \doifsomething{#1}{\rawreference\s!def{#1}{#2}}} % brrr moet in #4
+ {\@@descriptionhang\@@descriptionleftpure\@@descriptionlefthang}
+ {\@@descriptionhang\@@descriptionrightpure\@@descriptionrighthang}
+ {\processaction
+ [\descriptionparameter\c!hang]
+ [ \v!none=>\let\next#1,%
+ 0=>\let\next#1,%
+ \s!unknown=>\let\next#2,%
+ \s!default=>\let\next#1]%
+ \next}
+ {\@@dostartdescription[#1]{\def\\{\crlf}}{#2}%
+ \noindent\ignorespaces
+ \leftskip\@@leftdescriptionskip
+ \rightskip\@@rightdescriptionskip
+ \advance\leftskip \!!widtha
+ \@@makedescriptionpurebox\raggedright
+ \advance\leftskip \!!widthb
+ \llap
+ {\hbox to \leftskip
+ {\hskip\@@leftdescriptionskip
+ \copy\@@descriptionbox\hss}}%
+ \@@dodescription}
+ {\@@dostartdescription[#1]{\def\\{\crlf}}{#2}%
+ \noindent\ignorespaces
+ \leftskip\@@leftdescriptionskip
+ \rightskip\@@rightdescriptionskip
+ \advance\rightskip \!!widtha
+ \@@makedescriptionpurebox\raggedleft
+ \rlap
+ {\hskip\hsize
+ \hskip-\leftskip
+ \hskip-\rightskip
+ \copy\@@descriptionbox
+ \hskip\@@rightdescriptionskip}%
+ \advance\rightskip \!!widthb
+ \@@dodescription}
+ {\setbox\@@descriptionbox\vtop
+ {\dontcomplain
+ \hsize\!!widtha
+ \leftskip\zeropoint
+ \rightskip\zeropoint
+ #1\setupalign[\descriptionparameter\c!align]%
+ \ifhbox\@@descriptionbox\unhcopy\else\copy\fi\@@descriptionbox}%
+ \ht\@@descriptionbox\strutht
+ \dp\@@descriptionbox\strutdp}
+ {\@@dostartdescription[#1]{\def\\{\crlf}}{#2}%
+ \dontcomplain
+ \advance\!!widtha \!!widthb
+ \hangindent\!!widtha
+ \@@makedescriptionhangbox\raggedright{\advance\rightskip \!!widthb}%
+ \noindent\ignorespaces
+ \llap
+ {\dontshowcomposition
+ \vtop to \zeropoint{\box\@@descriptionbox}}%
+ \@@dodescription}
+ {\@@dostartdescription[#1]{\def\\{\crlf}}{#2}%
+ \dontcomplain
+ \advance\!!widtha \!!widthb
+ \hangindent-\!!widtha
+ \@@makedescriptionhangbox\raggedleft{\advance\leftskip \!!widthb}%
+ \noindent\ignorespaces
+ \rlap
+ {\dontcomplain
+ \dontshowcomposition
+ \scratchdimen\hsize
+ \advance\scratchdimen -\leftskip
+ \advance\scratchdimen -\rightskip
+ \hbox to \scratchdimen
+ {\hss\vtop to \zeropoint{\box\@@descriptionbox}}}%
+ \@@dodescription}
+ {\setbox\@@descriptionbox\vtop % \vbox gaat fout in hang
+ {\forgetall
+ \dontcomplain
+ \hsize\!!widtha
+ #1\setupalign[\descriptionparameter\c!align]#2%
+ \ifhbox\@@descriptionbox\unhcopy\else\copy\fi\@@descriptionbox}%
+ \ht\@@descriptionbox\strutht
+ \dp\@@descriptionbox\strutdp
+ \doifsomething{\descriptionparameter\c!hang}
+ {\doifinsetelse{\descriptionparameter\c!hang}{\v!fit,\v!broad}
+ {\scratchdimen\ht\@@descriptionbox
+ \advance\scratchdimen \dp\@@descriptionbox
+ \doif{\descriptionparameter\c!hang}\v!broad
+ {\advance\scratchdimen .5\strutht}%
+ \getnoflines\scratchdimen
+ \hangafter-\noflines}
+ {\hangafter-\descriptionparameter\c!hang}}}
+ {%\page[\v!preference]% % Weg ermee!
+ %\dosomebreak{\goodbreak}% % Dit is beter en nodig!
+ \dohandlepagebreakX\plusone % En dit moet het maar worden.
+ \@@dostartdescription[#1]{\let\\=\space}{#2}%
+ \noindent\ignorespaces
+ \copy\@@descriptionbox\par
+ \nobreak
+ \descriptionparameter\c!inbetween
+ \nobreak
+ \@@dodescription}
+ {\@@dostartdescription[#2]{\def\\{\crlf}}{#3}%
+ \noindent\ignorespaces % not needed this ignore
+ #1{\ifhbox\@@descriptionbox\unhcopy\else\copy\fi\@@descriptionbox}%
+ \@@dodescription}
+\setvalue{@@description\v!inmargin }{\do@@description\inmargin}
+\setvalue{@@description\v!inleft }{\do@@description\inleft }
+\setvalue{@@description\v!inright }{\do@@description\inright }
+\setvalue{@@description\v!margin }{\do@@description\inmargin}
+\setvalue{@@description\v!leftmargin }{\do@@description\inleft }
+\setvalue{@@description\v!rightmargin }{\do@@description\inright }
+\setvalue{@@description\v!innermargin }{\do@@description\ininner }
+\setvalue{@@description\v!outermargin }{\do@@description\inouter }
+ {\@@dostartdescription[#1]{\def\\{\crlf}}{#2}%
+ \noindent\ignorespaces
+ \ifhbox\@@descriptionbox\unhcopy\else\copy\fi\@@descriptionbox
+ \hskip\!!widthb % toegevoegd
+ \@@dodescription}
+ {\@@dostartdescription[#1]{\def\\{\crlf}}{#2}%
+ \noindent\ignorespaces
+ \ifhbox\@@descriptionbox\unhcopy\else\copy\fi\@@descriptionbox
+ \hskip\!!widthb \!!plus .5\!!widthb \!!minus .25\!!widthb
+ \@@dodescription}
+ {\@@dostartdescription[#1]{\def\\{\crlf}}{#2}%
+ \noindent\ignorespaces
+ \hbox to \!!widtha
+ {\ifhbox\@@descriptionbox\unhcopy\else\copy\fi\@@descriptionbox\hss}%
+ \hskip\!!widthb
+ \ignorespaces
+ \@@dodescription}
+ {\processaction
+ [\descriptionparameter\c!width]
+ [ \v!fit=>\let\next\v!fit,
+ \v!broad=>\let\next\v!broad,
+ \s!unknown=>\let\next\v!wide,
+ \s!default=>\let\next\v!broad]%
+ \getvalue{@@description\v!serried\next}[#1]{#2}}
+ {\@@dostartdescription[#1]{\def\\{\crlf}}{#2}% % adds \c!margin to \leftskip
+ \noindent\ignorespaces
+ \advance\leftskip -\leftskipadaption \relax
+ \ifdim\leftskipadaption=\zeropoint
+ \leftskipadaption1.5em % just some default
+ \ifnum\nesteddescriptionstate=\plusone
+ \ifdim\leftskip>\zeropoint \relax
+ \leftskipadaption\leftskip
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \ifnum\nesteddescriptionstate>\zerocount % was \ifnum\nesteddescriptionstate=\plusone
+ \advance\leftskip \leftskipadaption % but we're already further on
+ \fi
+ \hskip-\leftskipadaption
+ \ifhbox\@@descriptionbox\unhcopy\else\copy\fi\@@descriptionbox
+ \kern\ifdim\!!widthb=\zeropoint .75em\else\!!widthb\fi
+ \ignorespaces
+ \@@dodescription}
+%D A bonus definition
+%D \starttyping
+%D \setupfootnotedefinition[location=command,headcommand=\llap]
+%D \stoptyping
+ {\do@@description{\executeifdefined{\??dd#1\c!headcommand}\framed}{#1}}
+%D A new key 'headalign' in definitions.
+\def\resetdescriptions % to be used in e.g. footnotes
+ {\chardef\nesteddescriptionstate\zerocount}
+\let\@@leftdescriptionskip \!!zeropoint
+ {\descriptionparameter\c!before
+ \begingroup
+ \doadaptleftskip{\descriptionparameter\c!margin}%
+ \showcomposition
+ \!!widthb\descriptionparameter\c!distance\relax
+ \ifdim\!!widthb=\zeropoint\relax
+ \doif{\descriptionparameter\c!width}\v!broad{\!!widthb=1em}%
+ \fi
+ % temp hack, we need to avoid this kind of preprocessing
+ \setbox\@@descriptionbox\hbox % preroll
+ {\forgetall
+ \trialtypesettingtrue
+ \dontcomplain
+ #2% sets \\ to space or \crlf
+ \@@descriptionhandler[#1]{#3}{\begstrut\descriptionparameter\c!text\ignorespaces#3\endstrut}}%
+ % so far
+ \assignwidth
+ \!!widtha
+ {\descriptionparameter\c!width}%
+ {\doifelsenothing{\descriptionparameter\c!sample}%
+ {% preroll can move here (test first)
+ \ifhbox\@@descriptionbox\unhcopy\else\copy\fi \@@descriptionbox}%
+ {\@@descriptionhandler[#1]{#3}{\descriptionparameter\c!text\descriptionparameter\c!sample}}}
+ \!!widthb
+ \setbox\@@descriptionbox\hbox
+ {\forgetall
+ \dontcomplain
+ #2% sets \\ to space or \crlf
+ \doifelse{\descriptionparameter\c!location}\v!serried
+ {\@@descriptionhandler[#1]{#3}{\begstrut\descriptionparameter\c!text#3\endstrut}}
+ {\@@descriptionhandler[#1]{#3}{\vtop{\hsize\!!widtha\advance\hsize-\!!widthb
+ \begstrut\descriptionparameter\c!text\ignorespaces#3\endstrut}}}}%
+ \doifelse{\descriptionparameter\c!aligntitle}\v!no
+ {\edef\@@leftdescriptionskip {\the\leftskip }%
+ \edef\@@rightdescriptionskip{\the\rightskip}}
+ {\ifcase\nesteddescriptionstate
+ \edef\@@leftdescriptionskip {\the\leftskip }%
+ \edef\@@rightdescriptionskip{\the\rightskip}%
+ \fi}%
+ \expanded{\indenting[\descriptionparameter\c!indenting]}%
+ % better a system mode
+ \ifcase\nesteddescriptionstate
+ \chardef\nesteddescriptionstate\plusone
+ \or
+ \chardef\nesteddescriptionstate\plustwo
+ \fi% now happens elsewhere : \noindent\ignorespaces
+ \@@resetdescriptionclosesymbol}
+ {\def\currentdescription{#1}%
+ \@@placedescriptionclosesymbol
+ % was \par \dostopattributes % here, else problems with interlinespace and font change
+ \dostopparbasedattributes % == \settrue\parbasedattributes \dostopattributes
+ \endgroup
+ \descriptionparameter\c!after %hm, which currentdescription?
+ \egroup % temporary hack
+ \def\currentdescription{#1}%
+ \dochecknextindentation{\??dd\currentdescription}%
+ \dorechecknextindentation}
+ {\dostartattributes{\??dd\currentdescription}\c!style\c!color\empty
+ \ignorespaces}
+% starters:
+ {\def\currentdescription{#1}%
+ \doifelse{\descriptionparameter\c!title}\v!yes
+ % {\dowithwargument{\@@startsomedescription{#1}[#2]}} % patched for theorems
+ {\permitspacesbetweengroups
+ \dodoublegroupempty{\@@startsomedescription{#1}[#2]}}
+ {\@@startsomedescription{#1}[#2]{}}}
+ {\def\currentdescription{#1}%
+ \doifelse{\descriptionparameter\c!title}\v!yes
+ % {\dowithwargument{\@@somedescription{#1}[#2]}} % patched for theorems
+ {\permitspacesbetweengroups
+ \dodoublegroupempty{\@@somedescription{#1}[#2]}}
+ {\@@somedescription{#1}[#2]{}}}
+% these call:
+ {\dowithpar
+ {\bgroup\@@makedescription{#1}[#2]{#3}}%
+ {\@@stopdescription{#1}}}
+ {\bgroup % temporary hack
+ \BeforePar{\@@makedescription{#1}[#2]{#3}}%
+ \GotoPar}
+% which calls:
+ {\postponenotes % new, assumes grouping
+ \def\currentdescription{#1}%
+ \executeifdefined
+ {@@description\descriptionparameter\c!location}
+ {\getvalue{@@description\v!left}}}
+% \def\@@makedescription#1%
+% {\def\currentdescription{#1}%
+% \ifundefined{@@description\descriptionparameter\c!location}%
+% \letvalue{\??dd#1\c!location}\v!left
+% \fi
+% \getvalue{@@description\descriptionparameter\c!location}}
+% definitions
+ {\dodoubleempty\dosetupdescriptions}
+\def\dosetupdescriptions[#1][#2]% % beter: \iffirstargument
+ {\ConvertToConstant\doifelse{#2}{}
+ {\dodosetupdescriptions[][#1]}
+ {\dodoubleargumentwithset\dodosetupdescriptions[#1][#2]}}
+\def\dodosetupdescriptions[#1]% [#2]%
+ {\getparameters[\??dd#1]} % [#2]}
+ {\copyparameters[\??dd#1][\??dd]
+ [\c!location,\c!headstyle,\c!style,\c!color,\c!headcolor,\c!title,
+ \c!width,\c!hang,\c!sample,\c!before,\c!inbetween,\c!after,\c!margin,
+ \c!indenting,\c!indentnext,\c!align,\c!text,\c!distance,\c!titledistance,\c!command,
+ \c!titleleft,\c!titleright,\c!titlecommand,\c!closesymbol,\c!closecommand]%
+ \getparameters[\??dd#1]
+ [\c!title=\v!yes,\s!do\c!command=\normal@@descriptionhandler,
+ \c!type=\v!description,\c!list=,\c!listtext=,
+ \c!level=,#2]%AM?? Why do we have title=yes here?
+ %\doifvalue{\??dd#1\c!location}\v!top{\doassign[\??dd#1][\c!inbetween=\blank]}%
+ \doifvalue{\??dd#1\c!location}\v!top % we actually need more granularity
+ {\doifnotvalue{\??dd#1\c!inbetween}{\doassign[\??dd#1][\c!inbetween=\blank]}}%
+ \doifvaluesomething{\??dd#1\c!list}
+ {\definelist[\getvalue{\??dd#1\c!type}:\getvalue{\??dd#1\c!list}]}% new
+ \setvalue {#1}{\dodoubleempty\@@description[#1]}%
+ \setvalue{\e!start#1}{\dodoubleempty\@@startdescription[#1]}%
+ \setvalue{\e!stop #1}{\@@stopdescription{#1}}}
+ {\dodoubleemptywithset\dodefinedescription}
+\def\currentdescriptionnumber {\csname\??dd\currentdescription\??dd\c!number\endcsname}
+\def\directcurrentdescriptionnumber#1{\csname\??dd #1\??dd\c!number\endcsname}
+\ifx\preparednumber\undefined \let\preparednumber\empty \fi
+ {\strut
+ \doifelse{\descriptionparameter\c!number}\v!no
+ \!!doneafalse{\doifelse{#1}{-}\!!doneafalse\!!doneatrue}%
+ \chardef\descriptioncoupling\zerocount
+ \iflocation
+ \doifsomething{\descriptionparameter\c!coupling}
+ {\processaction % genereert > of <
+ [\descriptionparameter\c!couplingway]
+ [ \v!local=>\chardef\descriptioncoupling\plusone, % old: default
+ \v!global=>\chardef\descriptioncoupling\plustwo]}% new: global crosslinking
+ \fi
+ \setupnumber % the number is called indirectly
+ [\currentdescriptionnumber]
+ [\c!sectionnumber=\descriptionparameter\c!sectionnumber]%
+ \if!!donea
+ \makeprecedingsectionnumber[\currentdescriptionnumber]%
+ \prepareprefixnumber{\??dd\currentdescription}\precedingsectionnumber\preparednumber
+ \iftrialtypesetting\startlocal\fi
+ \getvalue{\e!next\currentdescription}% tricky but we need the preroll
+ \iftrialtypesetting\stoplocal\fi
+ % \getvalue{\e!next#2#1}%
+ \iflocation
+ \bgroup
+ \letvalue{\??dd\currentdescription\c!sectionnumber}\v!yes
+ \protectconversion
+ \makeprecedingsectionnumber[\currentdescriptionnumber]%
+ \prepareprefixnumber{\??dd\currentdescription}\precedingsectionnumber\preparednumber
+ \ifcase\descriptioncoupling \or
+ \xdef\@@internalenumber{\doshowdnnumber}%
+ \rawreference\s!num{#1:\@@internalenumber}{}%
+ \or
+ \xdef\@@internalenumber{\countervalue{\??dd\c!coupling\currentdescription}}%
+ \rawreference\s!num{\currentdescription:\@@internalenumber}{}%
+ \fi
+ \egroup
+ \fi
+ %\makeprecedingsectionnumber[\currentdescriptionnumber]%
+ %\prepareprefixnumber{\??dd\currentdescription}\precedingsectionnumber\preparednumber
+ \disablepseudocaps % sorry, uppercase causes troubles
+ \doattributes % \nocase primitive needed
+ {\??dd\currentdescription}\c!headstyle\c!headcolor % todo: sub as well
+ {\descriptionparameter\c!command
+ {\showdntext
+ \descriptionparameter\c!left
+ \strut\doshowdnnumber
+ \showdntitle{#2}%
+ \descriptionparameter\c!stopper
+ \descriptionparameter\c!right}}%
+ \doifsomething{\descriptionparameter\c!list}
+ {\dowritetolist
+ {\descriptionparameter\c!type:\descriptionparameter\c!list}
+ {\showdnlisttext\doshowdnnumber}{#2}{\currentdescription}}%
+ \iflocation\ifcase\descriptioncoupling \else
+ \edef\localconnection{\descriptionparameter\c!coupling:\@@internalenumber}%
+ \doifreferencefoundelse\localconnection
+ {\in[\localconnection]}\donothing % genereert > of <
+ \fi\fi
+ \doifnot{#1}{-}{\rawreference\s!num{#1}{{\doshowdnnumber}{#2}}}%
+ \else
+ \doattributes{\??dd\currentdescription}\c!headstyle\c!headcolor
+ {\descriptionparameter\c!command
+ {\showdnpuretext
+ \descriptionparameter\c!left
+ \showdntitle{#2}%
+ \descriptionparameter\c!stopper
+ \descriptionparameter\c!right}}%
+ \doifnot{#1}{-}{\rawreference\s!num{#1}{{}{#2}}}%
+ \fi}
+ {\doif{\descriptionparameter\c!title}\v!yes % new, for david antos
+ {\doifsomething{#1}
+ {\doattributes{\??dd\currentdescription}\c!titlestyle\c!titlecolor
+ {\hskip\descriptionparameter\c!titledistance
+ \descriptionparameter\c!titlecommand
+ {\descriptionparameter\c!titleleft
+ \begstrut#1\endstrut
+ \descriptionparameter\c!titleright}}}}}
+ {\strut\descriptionparameter\c!text} % geen spatie
+ {\descriptionparameter\c!listtext} % space in default
+ {\doifelsenothing{\descriptionparameter\c!text}
+ {\ignorespaces}
+ {\strut
+ \descriptionparameter\c!text
+ \removeunwantedspaces\fixedspace}}
+ {\getvalue{showdn\descriptionparameter\c!level\c!number}}
+% maybe recursive until end condition undefined
+ {\preparednumber
+ \convertednumber[\currentdescriptionnumber]}
+ {\getvalue{showdn\c!number}%
+ \spr{\descriptionparameter\c!separator}%
+ \convertednumber[\v!sub\currentdescriptionnumber]}
+ {\getvalue{showdn\v!sub\c!number}%
+ \spr{\descriptionparameter\c!separator}%
+ \convertednumber[\v!sub\v!sub\currentdescriptionnumber]}
+ {\getvalue{showdn\v!sub\v!sub\c!number}%
+ \spr{\descriptionparameter\c!separator}%
+ \convertednumber[\v!sub\v!sub\v!sub\currentdescriptionnumber]}
+ {\descriptionparameter\c!left
+ \strut\doshowdnnumber
+ \descriptionparameter\c!stopper
+ \descriptionparameter\c!right}
+ {\edef\@@descriptionnumber{\directcurrentdescriptionnumber{#1}}%
+ \setnumber[\v!sub\v!sub\v!sub\@@descriptionnumber]}
+ {\getvalue{\??dd\s!reset\v!sub\v!sub\v!sub\c!number}{#1}%
+ \setnumber[\v!sub\v!sub\@@descriptionnumber]}
+ {\getvalue{\??dd\s!reset\v!sub\v!sub\c!number}{#1}%
+ \setnumber[\v!sub\@@descriptionnumber]}
+ {\getvalue{\??dd\s!reset\v!sub\c!number}{#1}%
+ \setnumber[\@@descriptionnumber]}
+ {\edef\@@descriptionnumber{\directcurrentdescriptionnumber{#1}}%
+ \resetnumber[\v!sub\v!sub\v!sub\@@descriptionnumber]}
+ {\getvalue{\??dd\s!reset\v!sub\v!sub\v!sub\c!number}{#1}%
+ \resetnumber[\v!sub\v!sub\@@descriptionnumber]}
+ {\getvalue{\??dd\s!reset\v!sub\v!sub\c!number}{#1}%
+ \resetnumber[\v!sub\@@descriptionnumber]}
+ {\getvalue{\??dd\s!reset\v!sub\c!number}{#1}%
+ \resetnumber[\@@descriptionnumber]}
+ {\edef\@@descriptionnumber{\directcurrentdescriptionnumber{#1}}%
+ \incrementnumber[\v!sub\v!sub\v!sub\@@descriptionnumber]%
+ \rawreference\s!num{#2}{\getvalue{showdn\v!sub\v!sub\v!sub\c!number}}}%
+ {\getvalue{\??dd\s!reset\v!sub\v!sub\v!sub\c!number}{#1}%
+ \incrementnumber[\v!sub\v!sub\@@descriptionnumber]%
+ \rawreference\s!num{#2}{\getvalue{showdn\v!sub\v!sub\c!number}}}%
+ {\getvalue{\??dd\s!reset\v!sub\v!sub\c!number}{#1}%
+ \incrementnumber[\v!sub\@@descriptionnumber]%
+ \rawreference\s!num{#2}{\getvalue{showdn\v!sub\c!number}}}%
+ {\getvalue{\??dd\s!reset\v!sub\c!number}{#1}%
+ \incrementnumber[\@@descriptionnumber]%
+ \rawreference\s!num{#2}{\getvalue{showdn\c!number}}}%
+ {\getparameters[\??dd#1][#2]%
+ \doifdefined{\??dd#1\c!start}
+ {\setupnumber[#1][\c!start=\getvalue{\??dd#1\c!start}]}%
+ \setupnumber[#1][\c!conversion=\getvalue{\??dd#1\c!conversion}]}
+ {\ConvertToConstant\doifelse{#2}{}
+ {\getparameters[\??dn][#1]}
+ {\dodoubleargumentwithset\dodosetupenumerations[#1][#2]}}
+ {\dodoubleempty\dosetupenumerations}
+ {\processaction
+ [\getvalue{\??dd#2\c!number}]
+ [ \v!yes=>\setvalue{\??dd#2\??dd\c!number}{#3},%
+ \v!no=>\setvalue{\??dd#2\??dd\c!number}{#3},%
+ \v!default=>\setvalue{\??dd#2\??dd\c!number}{#3},%
+ \v!unknown=>\letvalue{\??dd#2\??dd\c!number}\commalistelement]}
+ {\makecounter{\??dd\c!coupling#1}% new: global cross linking
+ \dodefinedescription[#3#1]%
+ [\c!title=\v!no,\c!level=#3,\c!type=\v!enumeration,\c!list=,%
+ \s!do\c!command=\special@@descriptionhandler]%
+ \copyparameters[\??dd#3#1][\??dn]
+ [\c!location,\c!headstyle,\c!style,\c!color,\c!headcolor,
+ \c!width,\c!number,\c!distance,\c!titledistance,\c!command,
+ \c!sample,\c!hang,\c!align,\c!before,\c!inbetween,\c!after,
+ \c!levels,\c!way,\c!blockway,\c!separator,\c!margin,
+ \c!indenting,\c!indentnext,\c!stopper,\c!sectionnumber,
+ \c!title,\c!titleleft,\c!titleright,\c!titlecommand,\c!closesymbol,\c!closecommand]%
+ \doifassignmentelse{#4}
+ {\getparameters[\??dd#3#1]%
+ [\c!text=#1,\??dd\c!number=#1,\c!conversion=,\c!listtext=#1\space,
+ \c!left=,\c!right=,\c!coupling=,\c!couplingway=\v!local,#4]%
+ \docheckenumerationnumber{#1}{#3#1}{#1}}%
+ {\doifelsenothing{#4}
+ {\getparameters[\??dd#3#1]%
+ [\c!text=#1,\??dd\c!number=#1,\c!conversion=,
+ \c!stopper=,
+ \c!left=,\c!right=,\c!coupling=,\c!couplingway=,#4]%
+ \docheckenumerationnumber{#1}{#3#1}{#1}}%
+ {\copyparameters[\??dd#3#1][\??dd#3#4]
+ [\c!location,\c!headstyle,\c!style,\c!color,\c!headcolor,
+ \c!width,\c!number,\c!distance,\c!titledistance,\c!command,\c!margin,
+ \c!sample,\c!hang,\c!align,\c!before,\c!inbetween,\c!after,
+ \c!stopper,\c!indenting,\c!indentnext,\c!left,\c!right,
+ \c!coupling,\c!couplingway,
+ \c!title,\c!titleleft,\c!titleright,\c!titlecommand,\c!closesymbol,\c!closecommand]%
+ \getparameters[\??dd#3#1]
+ [\c!text=#1,\??dd\c!number=#4,\c!conversion=,#5]%
+ %docheckenumerationnumber{#1}{#3#1}{#4}}}%
+ \docheckenumerationnumber{#1}{#3#1}{\getvalue{\??dd#3#4\??dd\c!number}}}}%
+ \doifvalue{\??dd#3#1\??dd\c!number}{#1}
+ {\definenumber
+ [#3#1]
+ [\c!way=\descriptionparentparameter\c!way,
+ \c!blockway=\descriptionparentparameter\c!blockway,
+ \c!conversion=\descriptionparentparameter\c!conversion,
+ \c!sectionnumber=\descriptionparentparameter\c!sectionnumber]%
+ \doifvalue{\??dd#1\c!levels}{#2}% % for
+ {\doifsomething{\getvalue{\??dd#1\c!conversion}}% % old
+ {\setupnumber[#3#1] % times
+ [\c!conversion=\descriptionparameter\c!conversion]}}}% % sake
+ \doifvaluesomething{\??dd#3#1\c!list}
+ {\definelist[\getvalue{\??dd#3#1\c!type}:\getvalue{\??dd#3#1\c!list}]}% new
+ % should work ...
+ %setvalue{\s!set #3#1}{\dosetenumerationnumber[#1][#3]}%
+ %setvalue{\s!reset#3#1}{\doresetenumerationnumber[#1][#3]}%
+ %setvalue{\e!next #3#1}{\dotripleempty\donextenumerationnumber[#1][#3]}}
+ % but since we use \currentdescription, we need ...
+ \setevalue{\s!set #3#1}{\noexpand \dosetenumerationnumber [#1][#3]}%
+ \setevalue{\s!reset#3#1}{\noexpand \doresetenumerationnumber[#1][#3]}%
+ \setevalue{\e!next #3#1}{\noexpand\dotripleempty\noexpand\donextenumerationnumber [#1][#3]}}
+ {\dododefineenumeration{#1}{1}{}[#2][#3]%
+ \dododefineenumeration{#1}{2}{\v!sub}[#2][#3]%
+ \dododefineenumeration{#1}{3}{\v!sub\v!sub}[#2][#3]%
+ \dododefineenumeration{#1}{4}{\v!sub\v!sub\v!sub}[#2][#3]}
+ {\dotripleemptywithset\dodefineenumeration}
+\def\doresetenumerationnumber[#1][#2]% name level
+ {\getvalue{\??dd\s!reset#2\c!number}{#1}}%
+\def\dosetenumerationnumber[#1][#2]% name level
+ {\getvalue{\??dd\s!set#2\c!number}{#1}}%
+\def\donextenumerationnumber[#1][#2][#3]% name level reference
+ {\pluscounter{\??dd\c!coupling#1}% new: global crosslinking
+ \getvalue{\??dd\e!next#2\c!number}{#1}{#3}}%
+ {\global\@EA\settrue\csname\??dd\currentdescription:mrk\endcsname
+ \let\placeclosesymbol\@@placedescriptionclosesymbol
+ \let\qed \@@placedescriptionclosesymbol}
+ {\ifconditional\csname\??dd\currentdescription:mrk\endcsname
+ \global\@EA\setfalse\csname\??dd\currentdescription:mrk\endcsname
+ \doifsomething{\descriptionparameter\c!closesymbol}{\descriptionparameter\c!closecommand{\descriptionparameter\c!closesymbol}}%
+ \fi}
+% Het default-mechanisme kan mooier: leegtest, enz.
+% Werkprocedure buiten description
+ {\getparameters[\??ds#1][#2]}
+ {\ConvertToConstant\doifelse{#2}{}
+ {\dodosetupindentations[][#1]}
+ {\dodoubleargumentwithset\dodosetupindentations[#1][#2]}}
+ {\dodoubleempty\dosetupindentations}
+% what to do with this
+ {\whitespace
+ \@@dsbefore
+ \dosomebreak\goodbreak % \page[\v!preference]
+ \begingroup
+ \parskip\zeropoint\relax}
+ {\endgroup
+ \@@dsafter}
+ {\par
+ \getvalue{\??ds#1\c!before}%
+ \begingroup
+ \doifvaluenothing{\??ds#1\c!sample}
+ {\setvalue{\??ds#1\c!sample}%
+ {\getvalue{\??ds#1\c!text}}}%
+ \assignwidth
+ {\!!widtha}
+ {\getvalue{\??ds#1\c!width}}
+ {\doattributes
+ {\??ds#1}\c!headstyle\c!headcolor
+ {\getvalue{\??ds#1\c!sample}%
+ \spr{\getvalue{\??ds#1\c!separator}}}}
+ {\getvalue{\??ds#1\c!distance}}%
+ \advance\!!widtha \getvalue{\??ds#1\c!distance}%
+ \setbox2\hbox to \!!widtha
+ {\doattributes
+ {\??ds#1}\c!headstyle\c!headcolor
+ {\strut
+ \getvalue{\??ds#1\c!text}%
+ \hss
+ \spr{\getvalue{\??ds#1\c!separator}}%
+ \hskip\getvalue{\??ds#1\c!distance}}}%
+ \parindent\zeropoint
+ \hskip#2\!!widtha\indent\box2%
+ \hangindent#3\!!widtha
+ \doattributes{\??ds#1}\c!style\c!color\empty
+ \AfterPar{\endgroup\getvalue{\??ds#1\c!after}}% must be redone
+ \GetPar}
+ {\copyparameters[\??ds#1][\??ds]
+ [\c!text,\c!separator,\c!width,\c!style,\c!color,
+ \c!headstyle,\c!sample,\c!before,\c!after,\c!distance]%
+ \getparameters[\??ds#1][#2]%
+ \setvalue {#1}{\dododefineindenting{#1}{0}{1}}%
+ \setvalue {\v!sub#1}{\dododefineindenting{#1}{1}{2}}%
+ \setvalue{\v!sub\v!sub#1}{\dododefineindenting{#1}{2}{3}}}
+ {\dodoubleargumentwithset\dodefineindenting}
+ {\dodoubleargumentwithset\dodefinelabel}
+ {\definenumber
+ [#1]
+ [\c!command=,\c!location=,#2]%
+ % downward compatible
+ \processaction
+ [\numberparameter{#1}\c!location]
+ [ \v!inmargin=>{\setupnumber[#1][\c!command=\inmargin]},
+ \v!inleft=>{\setupnumber[#1][\c!command=\inleft ]},
+ \v!inright=>{\setupnumber[#1][\c!command=\inright ]},
+ \v!margin=>{\setupnumber[#1][\c!command=\inmargin]}]%
+ % generated commands (in addition to the number ones)
+ \setvalue {#1}{\dodoubleempty\do@@label[#1]}%
+ \setvalue{\s!reset #1}{\resetnumber[#1]}%
+ \setvalue{\e!increment#1}{\incrementnumber[#1]}%
+ \setvalue{\e!next #1}{\dodoubleempty\do@@nextlabel[#1]}%
+ \setvalue{\c!current #1}{\currentnumber[#1]}}
+ {\numberparameter{#1}\c!before
+ \numberparameter{#1}\c!command{\doattributes{\@@thenumber{#1}}\c!headstyle\c!headcolor{\getvalue{\e!next#1}[#2]}}%
+ \numberparameter{#1}\c!after}%
+ {\nextnumber[#1][\s!lab][#2]}
+\def\currentnumber[#1]% kan tekst hier weg ?
+ {\dotextprefix{\numberparameter{#1}\c!text}\sectionnumberonly[#1]}
+ {\incrementnumber[#1]%
+ \currentnumber[#1]%
+ \rawreference{#2}{#3}{\composedsectionnumber}}
+ [\c!location=\v!left,
+ \c!headstyle=\v!bold,
+ \c!titlestyle=\v!bold,
+ \c!style=\v!normal,
+ \c!color=,
+ \c!headcolor=,
+ \c!titlecolor=,
+ \c!width=8em,
+ \c!distance=0pt,
+ \c!titledistance=0.5em,
+ \c!hang=,
+ \c!sample=,
+ \c!align=,
+ \c!margin=\v!no,
+ \c!before=\blank,
+ \c!inbetween=\blank,
+ \c!after=\blank,
+ \c!indentnext=\v!yes,
+ \c!indenting=\v!never,
+ \c!titleleft=(,
+ \c!titleright=),
+ \c!closesymbol=,
+ \c!closecommand=\wordright,
+ \c!command=,
+ \c!titlecommand=]
+ [\c!location=\v!top,
+ \c!headstyle=\v!bold,
+ \c!headcolor=,
+ \c!titlestyle=\v!bold,
+ \c!titlecolor=,
+ \c!style=\v!normal,
+ \c!color=,
+ \c!width=8em,
+ \c!distance=0pt,
+ \c!titledistance=0.5em,
+ \c!hang=,
+ \c!sample=,
+ \c!align=,
+ \c!margin=\v!no,
+ \c!before=\blank,
+ \c!inbetween=\blank,
+ \c!after=\blank,
+ \c!indentnext=\v!yes,
+ \c!indenting=\v!never,
+ \c!text=,
+ \c!levels=3, % to be upward compatible
+ \c!conversion=, % to be upward compatible
+ \c!way=\v!by\v!text,
+ \c!sectionnumber=\v!yes,
+ \c!separator=\@@koseparator, % per 2006.06.23, was .
+ \c!stopper=,
+ \c!titleleft=(,
+ \c!titleright=),
+ \c!closesymbol=,
+ \c!closecommand=\wordright,
+ \c!number=,
+ \c!command=,
+ \c!titlecommand=]
+ [\c!style=\v!normal,
+ \c!headstyle=\v!normal,
+ \c!color=,
+ \c!headcolor=,
+ \c!width=\v!fit,
+ \c!text=\unknown,
+ \c!sample=,
+ \c!before=\blank,
+ \c!after=\blank,
+ \c!distance=1em,
+ \c!separator={ :}]
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/strc-flt.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/strc-flt.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..26125c65f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/strc-flt.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,2173 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=strc-flt,
+%D version=2000.10.20,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Structure Macros,
+%D subtitle=Floating Bodies,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Structure Macros / Float Numbering}
+%D Some of the sidefloat settings should move to page-sid; now it's quite
+%D fuzzy the way the variables are set/reset.
+\ifx\addlocalbackgroundtobox\undefined \def\addlocalbackgroundtobox{\resetglobal\gobbleoneargument} \fi
+\def\placefloats{\doflushfloats} % keep this one
+\def\floatparameter #1{\csname\??fl\currentfloat#1\endcsname}
+% \def\floatparameter #1{\csname \ifcsname\??fl\currentfloat#1\endcsname\??fl\currentfloat\else\??bk\fi#1\endcsname}
+% \def\floatcaptionparameter#1{\csname\??kj\ifcsname\??kj\currentfloat#1\endcsname \currentfloat \fi#1\endcsname}
+% for the moment we need to define the parameters anyway, first we need to implement a
+% proper parent chain (also for framed); no problem now that machines are fast (tests
+% show that this may save 20 k or more in the format)
+% \def\floatparameter #1{\executeifdefined{\??fl\currentfloat#1}{\csname\??fl#1\endcsname}}
+% \def\floatcaptionparameter#1{\executeifdefined{\??kj\currentfloat#1}{\csname\??bk#1\endcsname}}
+ {\dodoubleargument\getparameters[\??bk]} % funny, why not \??fl, must be a reason
+ {\dodoubleargument\getparameters[\??kj]}
+ {\def\docommand##1{\getparameters[\??fl##1][#2]}%
+ \processcommalist[#1]\docommand}
+ {\dodoubleargument\dosetupfloat}
+ {\def\docommand##1{\getparameters[\??kj##1][#2]}%
+ \processcommalist[#1]\docommand}
+ {\dodoubleargument\dosetupcaption}
+ {\localframed
+ [\??fl#1]
+ [\c!frame=\v!on,
+ \c!width=\@@bkwidth,
+ \c!height=\@@bkheight,
+ \c!location=\v!normal,
+ \c!offset=\@@bkoffset]%
+ {\getmessage\m!floatblocks{12}\empty}}
+% A complication is that we may have to handle a pagebreak
+% first, which in turn may issue a (postponed) float.
+% Therefore we may not trust on variable assignments before
+% we're realy dealing with the float. Some day I'll root out
+% the global settings.
+\def\docomplexplacefloat[#1][#2]% [#3]#4%
+ {\edef\currentfloat{#1}%
+ \doifelsenothing\currentfloat
+ {\let\currentfloat\v!figure}
+ {}% {\doifundefined{\??fl#1\c!default}{\let\currentfloat\v!figure}}%
+ \doifelsenothing{#2}
+ {\edef\floatlocation{\floatparameter\c!default}}
+ {\edef\floatlocation{#2}}%
+ \doifinsetelse\v!split{#2}
+ {\expanded{\dodocomplexsplitfloat[\currentfloat][\floatlocation]}}
+ {\expanded{\dodocomplexplacefloat[\currentfloat][\floatlocation]}}}
+ {\splitfloat{\dodocomplexplacefloat[#1][#2][#3]{#4}}}
+ {\v!left,\v!right,\v!inner,\v!outer,%
+ \v!backspace,\v!cutspace,%
+ \v!inleft,\v!inright,\v!inmargin,%
+ \v!leftmargin,\v!rightmargin,\v!leftedge,\v!rightedge,%
+ \v!innermargin,\v!outermargin,\v!inneredge,\v!outeredge,%
+ \v!text,\v!opposite}% \v!page
+ {\flushnotes
+ \flushsidefloats % here !
+ \ifsomefloatwaiting
+ % this was \checkwaitingfloats spread all over
+ \doifinsetelse\v!always{#2}
+ {\showmessage\m!floatblocks5\empty}
+ {\expanded{\doifcommonelse{#2}{\flushfloatslist}}\doflushfloats\donothing}%
+ % but which should be done before using box \floatbox
+ \fi
+ \ifmargeblokken
+ \doifinset\v!margin{#2}\endgraf
+ \fi
+ \global\insidefloattrue
+ \begingroup % **
+ \ifmargeblokken
+ \doifinset\v!margin{#2}{\hsize\@@mbwidth}%
+ \fi
+ \the\everyinsidefloat
+ \let\@@extrafloat\empty
+ \presetmorefloatvariables{#2}%
+ \dowithnextboxcontent % better a \the\everyfloattoks
+ {\setlocalfloathsize
+ \floatparameter\c!inner
+ \fuzzysnappingfalse
+ \postponenotes} % new
+ {\doifsomething{\floatparameter\c!criterium}
+ {\ifdim\wd\nextbox>\floatparameter\c!criterium\relax
+ \edef\forcedfloatmethod{\executeifdefined{\??fl\currentfloat\c!fallback}\v!here}%
+ \fi}%
+ \xdocompletefloat{#1}{#3}{#1}{#2}{#1}{#4}% ** not yet done
+ % we need to carry over the par because of side floats
+ \doifnotinset\v!text{#2}{\carryoverpar\endgroup}%
+ \global\sidefloatdownshift \zeropoint
+ \global\sidefloatextrashift\zeropoint
+ \ifparfloat
+ \doifinset\v!reset{#2}\forgetsidefloats
+ \doinhibitblank
+ \fi}% better move this to side floats
+ \vbox}
+ {\rightorleftpageaction{\let\@@extrafloat#1}{\let\@@extrafloat#2}}
+\chardef\textfloatmethod=0 % 0=raw 1=safe (.99) 2=tight (-1pt)
+\chardef\sidefloatmethod=1 % 0=raw 1=safe (.99) 2=tight (-1pt)
+ {\doifcommonelse
+ {#2}
+ {\v!left,\v!right,\v!inner,\v!outer,%
+ \v!inleft,\v!inright,\v!inmargin,%
+ \v!backspace,\v!cutspace,%
+ \v!innermargin,\v!outermargin,\v!inneredge,\v!outeredge,%
+ \v!leftmargin,\v!leftedge,\v!rightmargin,\v!rightedge}
+ {\global\parfloattrue}
+ {\global\parfloatfalse}%
+ \ifinsidecolumns
+ \global\parfloatfalse
+ \fi
+ \global\sidefloatshift\zeropoint
+ \global\sidefloatmaximum\zeropoint
+ \global\chardef\sidefloatmethod\floatparameter\c!sidemethod
+ \global\chardef\textfloatmethod\floatparameter\c!textmethod
+ \global\chardef\sidefloatalign\zerocount
+ \globallet\floatrotation\!!zerocount
+ \calculatefloatskips
+ \ifparfloat
+ \processaction
+ [\floatparameter\c!sidealign]
+ [\v!height=>\global\chardef\sidefloatalign\plusone,%
+ \v!line=>\global\chardef\sidefloatalign\plustwo,% (***)
+ \v!depth=>\global\chardef\sidefloatalign\plusthree,%
+ \v!grid=>\global\chardef\sidefloatalign4,%
+ \v!halfline=>\global\chardef\sidefloatalign5]%
+% todo (test first): \doifinset\v!lokaal{#2}{\chardef\sidefloatalign\zerocount}%
+ \ifcase\sidefloatalign\relax % todo: optie v!lokaal => \else
+ \doifinset\v!height {#2}{\global\chardef\sidefloatalign\plusone}%
+ \doifinset\v!line {#2}{\global\chardef\sidefloatalign\plustwo}%
+ \doifinset\v!depth {#2}{\global\chardef\sidefloatalign\plusthree}%
+ \doifinset\v!grid {#2}{\global\chardef\sidefloatalign4}%
+ \doifinset\v!halfline{#2}{\global\chardef\sidefloatalign5}% meant for 'none'
+ \fi
+ \doifinset\v!high{#2}{\global\sidefloattopskip \zeropoint}%
+ \doifinset\v!low {#2}{\global\sidefloatbottomskip\zeropoint}%
+ \doifinset\v!fit {#2}
+ {\global\sidefloattopskip \zeropoint
+ \global\sidefloatbottomskip\zeropoint
+ \global\floatsideskip \zeropoint}%
+ \else
+ \processallactionsinset
+ [#2]
+ [ 90=>\globallet\floatrotation\commalistelement,%
+ 180=>\globallet\floatrotation\commalistelement,%
+ 270=>\globallet\floatrotation\commalistelement]%
+ \fi
+ \doifinsetelse\v!nonumber{#2}
+ {\global\nofloatnumbertrue}
+ {\doifelse{\floatcaptionparameter\c!number}\v!yes
+ {\global\nofloatnumberfalse}
+ {\global\nofloatnumbertrue}}%
+ \ConvertToConstant\doifelse{#4}{}
+ {\global\emptyfloatcaptiontrue}
+ {\global\emptyfloatcaptionfalse}%
+ \doifinsetelse\v!none{#2}
+ {\global\nofloatcaptiontrue}
+ {\ConvertToConstant\doifelse{#4}\v!none
+ {\global\nofloatcaptiontrue}
+ {\global\nofloatcaptionfalse}}%
+ \doif{\floatcaptionparameter\c!number}\v!none % new
+ {\global\nofloatcaptiontrue}%
+ \ifemptyfloatcaption \ifnofloatnumber
+ \global\nofloatcaptiontrue
+ \fi \fi}
+% documenteren in details
+ {\doifelse\@@bklocal\v!yes % fout keyword
+ \globalcenterfloatboxtrue
+ \globalcenterfloatboxfalse
+ \ifglobalcenterfloatbox
+ \localcenterfloatboxtrue
+ \else
+ \doifinsetelse\v!local{#1}
+ \localcenterfloatboxtrue
+ \localcenterfloatboxfalse
+ \fi
+ \doifnotcommon{\v!always,\v!here,\v!force}{#1} % ! ! ! ! ! !
+ {\globalcenterfloatboxfalse
+ \localcenterfloatboxfalse}}
+ {\iflocalcenterfloatbox
+ \seteffectivehsize
+ \hsize\localhsize
+ \fi}
+ \everyinsidefloat\emptytoks % in case it's called earlier
+ \dogetfloatdata
+\to \everyinsidefloat
+% \fuzzysnappingfalse
+%\to \everyinsidefloat
+ {\ifdoublesided
+ \ifsinglesided
+ \@EAEAEA\firstoftwoarguments
+ \else
+ \@EAEAEA\doifoddfloatpageelse
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \@EA\firstoftwoarguments
+ \fi}
+ {\ifodd\purenumber\twopassfloatdata\space
+ \@EA\firstoftwoarguments
+ \else
+ \@EA\secondoftwoarguments
+ \fi}
+ \let\rightorleftpageaction\doifrightpagefloatelse
+\to \everyinsidefloat
+\newif\ifextrafloatactions \extrafloatactionstrue
+% \let\movesidefloat\gobbleoneargument
+% new : \place...[leftmargin,-2*line]; we need to catch fxtb:2*3
+% watch out: line alone aligns on the line ! ! !
+\def\movesidefloat[#1]% (-)n*line|x=,y=
+ {\global\sidefloatdownshift \zeropoint
+ \global\sidefloatextrashift\zeropoint
+ \doifassignmentelse{#1}%
+ {\bgroup
+ \getparameters[\??fl][\c!x=\zeropoint,\c!y=\zeropoint,#1]%
+ \ifgridsnapping
+ \getnoflines\@@fly
+ \global\sidefloatdownshift\noflines\lineheight
+ \else
+ \global\sidefloatdownshift\@@fly
+ \fi
+ \global\sidefloatextrashift\@@flx
+ \egroup}
+ {\movedownsidefloat[#1]}}
+\def\movedownsidefloat[#1]% already in core
+ {\bgroup
+ \cleanupfeatures
+ \doifinstringelse{:}{#1}
+ \donothing
+ {\def\docommand##1%
+ {\processaction
+ [##1]%
+ [ \v!line=>\dodocommand+,%
+ +\v!line=>\dodocommand+,%
+ -\v!line=>\dodocommand-]}%
+ \def\dodocommand##1%
+ {\ifdone\else\global\sidefloatdownshift\zeropoint\donetrue\fi
+ \global\advance\sidefloatdownshift##1\lineheight}%
+ \donefalse\expanded{\dorepeatwithcommand[#1]}\docommand
+ \def\docommand##1%
+ {\processaction
+ [##1]%
+ [ \v!hang=>\dodocommand+,%
+ +\v!hang=>\dodocommand+,%
+ -\v!hang=>\dodocommand-]}%
+ \def\dodocommand##1% inefficient but who cares
+ {\ifdone\else\global\sidefloatsidelines\zeropoint\donetrue\fi
+ \global\advance\sidefloatsidelines\plusone\relax}%
+ \donefalse\expanded{\dorepeatwithcommand[#1]}\docommand}%
+ \egroup}
+ {\global\sidefloatsidelines#1\relax}
+ {\ifextrafloatactions
+ \doifinsetelse\v!text{#4}
+ {% fuzzy, text overloads left, since then it's a directive
+ \docompletefloat{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}{#6}\nextbox}
+ {\let\@@extrafloat\empty
+ % \sidefloatdownshift will be reset afterwards, and can
+ % already be set at this point
+ \processallactionsinset
+ [#4] % ininner/inouter : for old times sake
+ [ \v!inner=>\xxdocompletefloat\v!left \v!right,
+ \v!outer=>\xxdocompletefloat\v!right \v!left,
+ \v!innermargin=>\xxdocompletefloat\v!leftmargin \v!rightmargin,
+ \v!outermargin=>\xxdocompletefloat\v!rightmargin\v!leftmargin,
+ \v!inneredge=>\xxdocompletefloat\v!leftedge \v!rightedge,
+ \v!outeredge=>\xxdocompletefloat\v!rightedge \v!leftedge,
+ \v!backspace=>\xxdocompletefloat\v!backspace \v!cutspace,
+ \v!cutspace=>\xxdocompletefloat\v!cutspace \v!backspace,
+% \v!margin=>\xxdocompletefloat\v!cutspace \v!backspace,
+ \v!left=>\xxdocompletefloat\v!left \v!left,
+ \v!right=>\xxdocompletefloat\v!right \v!right,
+ \v!line=>, % only -n*line is handled (see ***)
+ \s!unknown=>{\movedownsidefloat[\commalistelement]}]%
+ \ifx\@@extrafloat\empty
+ \docompletefloat{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}{#6}\nextbox
+ \else
+ \docompletefloat{#1}{#2}{#3}{\@@extrafloat,#4}{#5}{#6}\nextbox
+ \fi}%
+ \else % downward compatible
+ \docompletefloat{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}{#6}\nextbox
+ \fi}
+% pas op, maxbreedte niet instellen als plaats=links/rechts
+ {\global\sidefloatshift \zeropoint % duplicate
+ \global\sidefloatmaximum\zeropoint\relax % duplicate
+ \ifextrafloatactions
+ \ifdim\sidefloatdownshift=\zeropoint\else
+ \global\setbox\floatbox\vbox
+ {\vskip\sidefloatdownshift\nointerlineskip\box\floatbox}%
+ \fi
+ \doifsomething{\floatparameter\c!minwidth}
+ {\scratchdimen\floatparameter\c!minwidth\relax
+ \ifdim\wd\floatbox<\scratchdimen
+ \global\setbox\floatbox\hbox to \scratchdimen
+ {\doifnot{\floatparameter\c!location}\v!left \hss
+ \box\floatbox%
+ \doifnot{\floatparameter\c!location}\v!right\hss}%
+ \fi}%
+ % todo: rand / rug
+ \doifinset\v!hanging{#1}
+ {\doifcommonelse{\v!inleft,\v!leftmargin}{#1}
+ {\letvalue{\??fl\currentfloat\c!maxwidth}\leftmarginwidth}%
+ {\doifcommon{\v!inright,\v!rightmargin}{#1}
+ {\letvalue{\??fl\currentfloat\c!maxwidth}\rightmarginwidth}}}%
+ \doifsomething{\floatparameter\c!maxwidth}
+ {\scratchdimen\floatparameter\c!maxwidth\relax
+ \ifdim\wd\floatbox>\scratchdimen
+ \doifcommonelse{\v!inright,\v!rightmargin,\v!rightedge
+ \v!inleft,\v!leftmargin,\v!leftedge}{#1}
+ {\global\sidefloatmaximum\scratchdimen}
+ {\global\setbox\floatbox\hbox to \scratchdimen
+ {\doifcommonelse{\v!right,\v!left}{#1}
+ {\doifnotinset\v!right{#1}\hss
+ \box\floatbox
+ \doifnotinset\v!left{#1}\hss}%
+ {\doifnot{\floatparameter\c!location}\v!left\hss
+ \box\floatbox
+ \doifnot{\floatparameter\c!location}\v!right\hss}}}%
+ \fi}%
+ \fi}
+ {\flushnotes
+ \flushsidefloats % hoort eigenlijk niet hier
+ \docomplexplacefloat[#1][\v!text,#2,\v!left][#3]}
+ {\getvalue{\e!place#1}[#3][#4]{#5}{\localframed[\??fl#1][#2]{#1}}}
+ {\flushsidefloats % hoort eigenlijk niet hier
+ \docomplexreserveblock[#1][#2][\v!text,#3,\v!left][#4]}
+ {\dotripleempty\dodefinefloat}
+\def\dodefinefloat[#1][#2][#3]% #1=naam #2=meervoud #3=parent
+ {\ifthirdargument
+ \redodefinefloat[#1][#2][#3]%
+ \else\ifsecondargument
+ \dododefinefloat[#1][#2]%
+ \else
+ \dododefinefloat[#1][#1]%
+ \fi\fi}
+% todo: \floatparameter + \currentfloat - saves many hash entries
+\def\dododefinefloat[#1][#2]% inherits from kj and not from parent
+ {\def\currentfloat{#1}%
+ \presetlocalframed[\??fl#1]%
+ \setupfloat
+ [#1]
+ [%\c!width=8\lineheight, % 15\bodyfontsize,
+ %\c!height=6\lineheight, % 10\bodyfontsize,
+ \c!offset=\v!overlay,
+ \c!width=\v!fit,
+ \c!height=\v!fit,
+ \c!minwidth=,
+ \c!maxwidth=,
+ \c!maxheight=,
+ \c!criterium=,
+ % inherited
+ \c!sidespacebefore=\@@bksidespacebefore,
+ \c!sidespaceafter=\@@bksidespaceafter,
+ \c!sidealign=\@@bksidealign, % \v!line
+ \c!margin=\@@bkmargin,
+ \c!leftmargin=\@@bkleftmargin,
+ \c!rightmargin=\@@bkrightmargin,
+ \c!innermargin=\@@bkinnermargin,
+ \c!outermargin=\@@bkoutermargin,
+ \c!leftmargindistance=\@@bkleftmargindistance,
+ \c!rightmargindistance=\@@bkrightmargindistance,
+ \c!frame=\@@bkframe,
+ \c!radius=\@@bkradius,
+ \c!corner=\@@bkcorner,
+ \c!location=\@@bklocation,
+ \c!background=\@@bkbackground,
+ \c!backgroundscreen=\@@bkbackgroundscreen,
+ \c!backgroundcolor=\@@bkbackgroundcolor,
+ \c!backgroundoffset=\@@bkbackgroundoffset,
+ \c!topframe=\@@bktopframe,
+ \c!bottomframe=\@@bkbottomframe,
+ \c!leftframe=\@@bkleftframe,
+ \c!rightframe=\@@bkrightframe,
+ \c!frameoffset=\@@bkframeoffset,
+ \c!framecolor=\@@bkframecolor,
+ %\c!local=\@@bklocal,
+ \c!textmethod=\@@bktextmethod,
+ \c!sidemethod=\@@bksidemethod,
+ \c!method=\@@bkmethod,
+ \c!pageboundaries=,
+ \c!default=]%
+ \setupcaption
+ [#1]
+ [\c!headstyle=\@@kjheadstyle,
+ \c!headcolor=\@@kjheadcolor,
+ \c!textstyle=\@@kjtextstyle,
+ \c!textcolor=\@@kjtextcolor,
+ \c!style=\@@kjstyle,
+ \c!color=\@@kjcolor,
+ \c!location=\@@kjlocation,
+ \c!grid=\@@kjgrid,
+ %\c!before=\@@kjbefore,
+ \c!inbetween=\@@kjinbetween,
+ %\c!after=\@@kjafter,
+ \c!spacebefore=\@@kjspacebefore,
+ \c!spaceinbetween=\@@kjspaceinbetween,
+ \c!spaceafter=\@@kjspaceafter,
+ \c!width=\@@kjwidth,
+ \c!minwidth=\@@kjminwidth,
+ \c!align=\@@kjalign,
+ \c!number=\@@kjnumber,
+ \c!way=\@@kjway,
+ \c!blockway=\@@kjblockway,
+ \c!sectionnumber=\@@kjsectionnumber,
+ \c!distance=\@@kjdistance,
+ \c!separator=\@@kjseparator,
+ \c!stopper=\@@kjstopper,
+ \c!suffix=\@@kjsuffix, % hook
+ \c!command=\@@kjcommand,
+ \c!conversion=\@@kjconversion,
+ \c!leftmargin=\@@kjleftmargin,
+ \c!rightmargin=\@@kjrightmargin,
+ \c!outermargin=\@@kjoutermargin,
+ \c!innermargin=\@@kjinnermargin,
+ \c!setups=\@@kjsetups,
+ ]%
+ \definenumber % \definelabel
+ [#1]
+ [\c!text=#1,
+ \c!location=\v!intext,
+ \c!way=\floatcaptionparameter\c!way,
+ \c!blockway=\floatcaptionparameter\c!blockway,
+ \c!sectionnumber=\floatcaptionparameter\c!sectionnumber,
+ \c!conversion=\floatcaptionparameter\c!conversion]%
+ \presetlabeltext[#1=\Word{#1}~]%
+ \newnodelocation{\v!float\@@thenumber{#1}}%
+ \dodefinefloatcommands[#1][#2]}
+ {\definelist[#1]%
+ \presetheadtext[#2=\Word{#2}]%
+ \setvalue {\e!place\e!listof#2}{\dodoubleempty\doplacelist[#1]}%
+ \setvalue {\e!complete\e!listof#2}{\dotripleempty\dodocompletelist[#1][#2]}%
+ \setvalue {\e!place#1}{\dotripleempty\docomplexplacefloat[#1]}%
+ \setvalue {\e!reserve#1}{\doquadrupleempty\docomplexreserveblock[#1]}%
+ \setvalue {\e!start#1\e!text}{\dotripleempty\docomplexstarttextblock[#1]}%
+ \setvalue {\e!stop#1\e!text}{\dostoptextfloat}%
+ \setvalue{\e!start\e!reserve#1\e!text}{\doquadrupleempty\docomplexstartreservetextblock[#1]}%
+ \setvalue {\e!stop\e!reserve#1\e!text}{\dostoptextfloat}}
+% \setupfloat[...][leftmargindistance=1cm,default={left,none}]
+\def\redodefinefloat[#1][#2][#3]% same label/number
+ {\presetlocalframed[\??fl#1]%
+ \copylocalframed[\??fl#1][\??fl#3]%
+ \copyparameters[\??fl#1][\??fl#3]
+ [\c!width,\c!height,%\c!local,
+ \c!maxwidth,\c!maxheight,\c!minwidth,
+ \c!margin,\c!sidespacebefore,\c!sidespaceafter,\c!sidealign,
+ \c!leftmargindistance,\c!rightmargindistance,\c!criterium,
+ \c!leftmargin,\c!rightmargin,\c!innermargin,\c!outermargin,
+ \c!frame,\c!radius,\c!corner,\c!location,\c!background,\c!framecolor,
+ \c!backgroundscreen,\c!backgroundcolor,\c!backgroundoffset,
+ \c!topframe,\c!bottomframe,\c!leftframe,\c!rightframe,
+ \c!frameoffset,\c!pageboundaries,\c!default,
+ \c!textmethod,\c!sidemethod,\c!method]%
+ \copyparameters[\??kj#1][\??kj#3]
+ [\c!location,\c!before,\c!inbetween,\c!after,
+ \c!spacebefore,\c!spaceinbetween,\c!spaceafter,
+ \c!width,\c!headstyle,\c!headcolor,\c!style,\c!color,
+ \c!textstyle,\c!textcolor,\c!minwidth,
+ \c!leftmargin,\c!rightmargin,\c!innermargin,\c!outermargin,
+ \c!align,\c!number,\c!way,\c!blockway,\c!setups,
+ \c!sectionnumber,\c!separator,\c!stopper,\c!suffix,\c!distance,\c!conversion]%
+ \definenumber[#1][#3]%
+ \presetlabeltext[#1=\labeltext{#3}]%
+ \dodefinefloatcommands[#1][#2]}
+ {\dotripleempty\docomplexplacefloat}
+%D Extra float registers.
+\newif\ifsomefloatwaiting \somefloatwaitingfalse
+\newif\ifroomforfloat \roomforfloattrue
+\newif\ifnofloatpermitted \nofloatpermittedfalse
+\newcount\totalnoffloats \totalnoffloats =0
+\newcount\savednoffloats \savednoffloats =0
+\newcount\noffloatinserts \noffloatinserts=0
+\newif\ifflushingfloats \flushingfloatsfalse
+% the tricky part of getting float related two pass data is
+% that we should fetch is early but can only save it with
+% the composed float box; this determines the order: get it
+% before saving it
+\definetwopasslist{\s!float\s!data} \newcounter\noffloatdata
+\def\dosavefloatdata % \expanded
+ {\doglobal\increment\noffloatdata
+ \lazysavetaggedtwopassdata{\s!float\s!data}{\noffloatdata}{\noffloatpages}{\noexpand\realfolio}}% later {}{}{}{} and \getfirst...
+\def\dogetfloatdata % precedes save !
+ {\doglobal\increment\noffloatpages
+ \findtwopassdata{\s!float\s!data}{\noffloatpages}%
+ \iftwopassdatafound
+ \globallet\twopassfloatdata\twopassdata
+ \else
+ \globallet\twopassfloatdata\realpageno % \realfolio
+ \fi}
+ {\doifnot\@@bknumbering\v!nocheck{\tagnodelocation{\v!float\@@thenumber{#1}}}}
+ {\xdef\floatcaptionnumber{#1}%
+ \doifelsenodelocation{\v!float\@@thenumber{#1}}
+ \donothing {\chardef\nodelocationmode\zerocount}%
+ \doifelse\@@bknumbering\v!nocheck
+ {\incrementnumber[#1]%
+ \makesectionnumber[#1]%
+ \ifconditional\retainfloatnumber\decrementnumber[#1]\fi}
+ {\ifinsidecolumns
+ \chardef\nodelocationmode\zerocount
+ % to be perfected:
+ % \chardef\nodelocationmode\plustwo
+ \fi
+ \ifcase\nodelocationmode
+ \incrementnumber[#1]%
+ \makesectionnumber[#1]%
+ \ifconditional\retainfloatnumber\decrementnumber[#1]\fi
+ \else
+ % force check, so that we get a proper way-sync and
+ % can use the accumulated number
+ % \checknumber[#1]% \incrementnumber does this
+ \incrementnumber[#1]%
+ \savenumber[#1]%
+ % the real work is done here
+ \nextnodelocation{\v!float\@@thenumber{#1}}% better \nextfloatnumber
+ \analyzenodelocation{\v!float\@@thenumber{#1}}%
+ \scratchcounter\getnodelocationo{\v!float\@@thenumber{#1}}%
+ \advance\scratchcounter\minusone
+ % here we correct for 'per whatever handling'
+ \advance\scratchcounter-\accumulatednumber[#1]%
+ \setnumber[#1]\scratchcounter
+ \incrementnumber[#1]%
+ \makesectionnumber[#1]%
+ \restorenumber[#1]%
+ % now we're back to normal numbering
+ \fi}}
+%D test case:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \setupfloat[figure][criterium=\marginwidth,fallback=bottom]
+%D \dorecurse{3}{
+%D \chapter{test}
+%D \placefigure[bottom]{1}{\framed{bottom}}
+%D test
+%D \placetable[bottom]{1}{\framed{table}}
+%D test
+%D \placetable{2}{\framed{table}}
+%D test
+%D \placefigure[left]{2}{\framed{left but way too wide}}
+%D \input tufte
+%D \placefigure[left]{3}{\framed{left but ok}}
+%D \input tufte }
+%D \stoptyping
+% In \dofloatinfomessage wordt {{ }} gebruikt omdat anders
+% binnen \startpostponing...\stoppostponing geen goede
+% melding in de marge volgt: \ifinner is dan namelijk true.
+ {\bgroup
+ \showmessage\m!floatblocks{#2}{#3}%
+ \setmessagetext\m!floatblocks{#2}%
+ \@EA\floatinfo\@EA#1\@EA{\currentmessagetext}%
+ \egroup}
+ {\dofloatinfomessage>2{\the\totalnoffloats}}
+ {\bgroup
+ \!!counta\totalnoffloats
+ \advance\!!counta -\savednoffloats
+ \dofloatinfomessage<3{\the\!!counta}%
+ \egroup}
+ {\dofloatinfomessage<4{\the\totalnoffloats}}
+ {\ifsomefloatwaiting
+ \global\setbox\floatlist\vbox
+ {\unvbox\floatlist
+ \global\setbox\globalscratchbox\lastbox}%
+ \ifcenterfloatbox
+ \ifdim\wd\globalscratchbox<\hsize
+ \setbox\floatbox\hbox to \hsize{\hss\box\globalscratchbox\hss}%
+ \else
+ \setbox\floatbox\box\globalscratchbox % local !
+ % retain special alignments
+ \ifinsidecolumns
+ \ifdim\wd\floatbox>\makeupwidth
+ \wd\floatbox\makeupwidth
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \setbox\floatbox\box\globalscratchbox % local !
+ \fi
+ \global\advance\savednoffloats \minusone
+ \ifcase\savednoffloats
+ \global\somefloatwaitingfalse
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \global\savednoffloats\zerocount
+ \global\setbox\floatbox\emptybox
+ \fi}
+ {\ifcenterfloatbox
+ \ifhbox\floatbox\relax % remove centering
+ \ifdim\wd\floatbox=\hsize
+ \ifhbox\floatbox
+ \setbox\scratchbox\hbox
+ {\unhbox\floatbox
+ \unskip\unskip
+ \global\setbox\globalscratchbox\lastbox}%
+ \box\globalscratchbox
+ \else
+ \box\floatbox
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \box\floatbox
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \box\floatbox
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \box\floatbox
+ \fi}
+ {\global\setbox\floatlist\vbox
+ {\nointerlineskip
+ \uncenteredfloatbox
+ \unvbox\floatlist}%
+ \global\advance\savednoffloats \plusone
+ \global\somefloatwaitingtrue
+ \dosavefloatinfo
+ \nonoindentation}
+ {\global\setbox\floatlist\vbox
+ {\nointerlineskip
+ \unvbox\floatlist
+ \uncenteredfloatbox}%
+ \global\advance\savednoffloats \plusone
+ \global\somefloatwaitingtrue}
+ {\global\setbox\floatlist\vbox
+ {\nointerlineskip
+ \unvbox\floatlist
+ \uncenteredfloatbox}%
+ \global\advance\savednoffloats \plusone
+ \global\somefloatwaitingtrue
+ \dosavefloatinfo}
+% better (todo): \savednofsavedfloats
+ {\global\setbox\savedfloatlist\copy\floatlist
+ \global\setbox\savedfloatbox \copy\floatbox
+ \xdef\dorestorefloatstatus
+ {\global\setbox\floatlist\box\savedfloatlist
+ \global\setbox\floatbox \box\savedfloatbox
+ \global\savednoffloats\the\savednoffloats}}
+\ifx\doflushfloats\undefined \let\doflushfloats\relax \fi
+\ifx\flushfloatbox\undefined \let\flushfloatbox\relax \fi
+% needed in the splitter:
+ {\global\setbox\savedfloatlist\box\floatlist
+ \global\savedsavednoffloats\savednoffloats
+ \global\savednoffloats\savednoffloats
+ \global\somefloatwaitingfalse
+ \gdef\dopopsavedfloats
+ {\global\advance\savednoffloats\savedsavednoffloats
+ \global\setbox\floatlist\vbox\bgroup
+ \ifvoid\floatlist \else\unvbox\floatlist \fi
+ \ifvoid\savedfloatlist\else\unvbox\savedfloatlist\fi
+ \egroup
+ \global\ifcase\savednoffloats
+ \somefloatwaitingfalse\else\somefloatwaitingtrue\fi
+ \globallet\dopopsavedfloats\relax}}
+\def\doflushsavedfloats % simplified \OTRONEdodoflushfloats
+ {\doloop
+ {\ifsomefloatwaiting
+ \dogetfloat
+ \dofloatflushedinfo
+ \docheckiffloatfits
+ \ifroomforfloat
+ \doplacefloatbox
+ \else
+ \doreversesavefloat
+ \exitloop
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \exitloop
+ \fi}}
+% top and bottom
+\newif\ifcenterfloatbox \centerfloatboxtrue
+\newif\iflocalcenterfloatbox \localcenterfloatboxfalse
+\newif\ifglobalcenterfloatbox \globalcenterfloatboxfalse
+% beter de laatste skip buiten de \insert uitvoeren,
+% bovendien bij volle flush onder baseline.
+\def\betweenfloatblanko% assumes that \@@bkspaceafter is present
+ {\bgroup
+ \setbox0\vbox{\strut\blank[\@@bkspacebefore]\strut}%
+ \setbox2\vbox{\strut\blank[\@@bkspaceafter ]\strut}%
+ \ifdim\ht0>\ht2
+ \blank[-\@@bkspaceafter,\@@bkspacebefore]%
+ \fi
+ \egroup}
+ {%\forgetall % NJET!
+ \whitespace
+ \blank[\@@bkspacebefore]
+ \flushfloatbox
+ \blank[\@@bkspaceafter]}
+\ifx\someherefloat\undefined \let\someherefloat\doplacefloatbox \fi
+\ifx\somefixdfloat\undefined \let\somefixdfloat\doplacefloatbox \fi
+\ifx\somepagefloat\undefined \let\somepagefloat\doplacefloatbox \fi
+\ifx\sometopsfloat\undefined \let\sometopsfloat\doplacefloatbox \fi
+\ifx\somebotsfloat\undefined \let\somebotsfloat\doplacefloatbox \fi
+\ifx\somesidefloat\undefined \let\somesidefloat\doplacefloatbox \fi
+\ifx\somefacefloat\undefined \let\somefacefloat\doplacefloatbox \fi
+\ifx\sometextfloat\undefined \let\sometextfloat\doplacefloatbox \fi
+% brr, wordt deze niet overladen in page-one? weg er mee
+% \def\somepagefloat[#1]% links, rechts, midden, hoog, midden, laag
+% {%\checkwaitingfloats{#1}%
+% \global\setbox\collectedpagefloats\vbox
+% {\unvbox\collectedpagefloats
+% \vbox to \textheight
+% {\doifnotinset\v!high{#1}\vfill
+% \box\floatbox
+% \doifnotinset\v!low{#1}\vfill}%
+% \goodbreak}%
+% \doinsertfloatinfo}
+% \def\OTRONEsomepagefloat[#1]%
+% {%\checkwaitingfloats{#1}%
+% \global\setbox\collectedpagefloats\vbox
+% {\ifvoid\collectedpagefloats\else\unvbox\collectedpagefloats\fi
+% \vbox to \textheight % vss and unvbox catch too high and limited floats
+% {\vss
+% \doifnotinset\v!high{#1}\vfill
+% \unvbox\floatbox
+% \doifnotinset\v!low{#1}\vfill
+% \vss}%
+% \goodbreak}%
+% \doinsertfloatinfo}
+% test case:
+% \placefigure[page,none]{}{\blackrule[width=\textwidth,height=0.9\textheight,color=green]}
+% \placefigure[page,none]{}{\blackrule[width=\textwidth,height=1.0\textheight,color=green]}
+% \placefigure[page,none]{}{\blackrule[width=\textwidth,height=1.1\textheight,color=green]}
+\def\sometextfloat[#1]% lang, links, rechts, hoog, midden, laag, offset
+ {%\checkwaitingfloats{#1}%
+ \gdef\dostoptextfloat{\dodostoptextfloat[#1]}% brr global
+ \global\floattextwidth\hsize
+ \global\floatwidth\wd\floatbox
+ \global\floatheight\ht\floatbox % forget about the depth
+ \global\advance\floattextwidth -\floatwidth
+ \global\advance\floattextwidth -\@@bkmargin\relax % was \tfskipsize
+ \doifinsetelse\v!tall{#1}
+ {\floattextheight\pagegoal
+ \advance\floattextheight -\pagetotal
+ \advance\floattextheight -\bigskipamount % lelijk
+ \ifdim\floattextheight>\textheight
+ \floattextheight\textheight
+ \fi
+ \boxmaxdepth\zeropoint \relax % toegevoegd
+ \ifdim\floattextheight<\floatheight
+ \floattextheight\floatheight
+ \fi
+ \setbox\floattext\vbox to \floattextheight}
+ {\setbox\floattext\vbox}%
+ \bgroup
+ \forgetall \setupblank \setupwhitespace % new, also needed for footnotes
+ \blank[\v!disable]
+ \hsize\floattextwidth
+ \ignorespaces}
+\def\dodostoptextfloat[#1]% % de tekst kan beter in een soort
+ {\egroup % kadertekst zonder kader, is flexibeler
+ \doifnotinset\v!tall{#1}% en beter
+ {\ifdim\ht\floattext<\floatheight
+ \floattextheight\floatheight
+ \else
+ \floattextheight\ht\floattext
+ \fi}%
+ \setbox\floatbox\vbox to \floattextheight
+ {\hsize\floatwidth
+ \doifinsetelse\v!both{#1}%
+ {\doifinsetelse\v!low{#1}
+ {\vfill\box\floatbox}
+ {\doifinsetelse\v!middle{#1}
+ {\vfill\box\floatbox\vfill}
+ {\box\floatbox\vfill}}}
+ {\box\floatbox\vfill}}%
+ \setbox\floattext\vbox to \floattextheight
+ {\hsize\floattextwidth
+ \doifinsetelse\v!low{#1}
+ {\vfill
+ \box\floattext
+ \doifinset\c!offset{#1}{\whitespace\blank}}
+ {\doifinsetelse\v!middle{#1}
+ {\vfill
+ \box\floattext
+ \vfill}
+ {\doifinset\v!offset{#1}{\whitespace\blank}%
+ \box\floattext
+ \vfill}}}%
+ \doifinsetelse\v!right{#1}% \floatmethod
+ {\setbox\floatbox\hbox to \hsize
+ {\box\floattext
+ \hfill
+ \box\floatbox}}
+ {\setbox\floatbox\hbox to \hsize
+ {\box\floatbox
+ \hfill
+ \box\floattext}}%
+ \baselinecorrection
+ \whitespace
+ \blank[\@@bkspacebefore]%
+ \doifnotinset\v!tall{#1}%
+ {\dp\floatbox\openstrutdepth}% dp\strutbox}% % toegevoegd
+ \box\floatbox
+ \blank[\@@bkspaceafter]%
+ \endgroup % **
+ \doinsertfloatinfo}
+\def\somefacefloat[#1]% links, rechts, midden, hoog, midden, laag
+ {%\checkwaitingfloats{#1}%
+ \startopposite\box\floatbox\stopopposite
+ \doinsertfloatinfo}
+ {\doifinsetelse\v!here{#1}
+ {\doifinsetelse\v!always{#1}
+ {\page[\v!preference]%
+ \docheckiffloatfits
+ \ifroomforfloat
+ \placesomeherefloat[#1]%
+ \else
+ \showmessage\m!floatblocks9\empty
+ \doreversesavefloat
+ \fi}
+ {\ifsomefloatwaiting
+ \dosavefloat
+ \else
+ \page[\v!preference]%
+ \docheckiffloatfits
+ \ifroomforfloat
+ \placesomeherefloat[#1]%
+ \else
+ \dosavefloat
+ \fi
+ \fi}}
+ {\doifinsetelse\v!always{#1}
+ {\docheckiffloatfits
+ \ifroomforfloat
+ \sometopbottomfloat[#1]
+ \else
+ \showmessage\m!floatblocks9\empty
+ \doreversesavefloat
+ \fi}
+ {\docheckiffloatfits
+ \ifroomforfloat
+ \sometopbottomfloat[#1]
+ \else
+ \dosavefloat
+ \fi}}}
+ {\doifelse\floatmethod\v!auto
+ {\ifdim\pagetotal<\floatautofactor\pagegoal % when empty page, maxdimen
+ \placesometopsfloat[#1]%
+ \else
+ \placesomebotsfloat[#1]%
+ \fi}
+ {\doifelse\floatmethod\v!top
+ {\placesometopsfloat[#1]}
+ {\doifelse\floatmethod\v!bottom
+ {\placesomebotsfloat[#1]}
+ {\placesomeherefloat[#1]}}}}
+% De onderstaande macro wordt gebruikt bij de macros
+% voor het plaatsen van tabellen en figuren (klopt niet
+% meer).
+% \dofloat {plaats} {label1} {label2}
+% \docompletefloat {nummer} {referentie} {lijst}
+% {plaats} {label1} {label2} {inhoud}
+% \box\floatbox inhoud+referentie
+% \do???float#1 #1 = boxnummer
+\newdimen\floatsideskip \floatsideskip =12pt
+\newdimen\floattopskip \floattopskip =\floattopskip
+\newdimen\floatbottomskip \floatbottomskip=\floattopskip
+\newdimen\sidefloattopskip \sidefloattopskip =\floattopskip
+\newdimen\sidefloatbottomskip \sidefloatbottomskip=\floatbottomskip
+\def\sidefloattopoffset {\openstrutdepth} % {\strutdp}
+\newcount\noftopfloats \noftopfloats=2
+\newcount\nofbotfloats \nofbotfloats=0
+ {\doifelsenothing{#2}
+ {\global#1\zeropoint}
+ {\doifelse{#2}\v!none
+ {\global#1\zeropoint}
+ {\setbox0\vbox{\whitespace\expanded{\blank[#2]}}%
+ \global#1\ht0}}}
+ {{\docalculatefloatskip\floattopskip \@@bkspacebefore
+ \docalculatefloatskip\floatbottomskip \@@bkspaceafter
+ \docalculatefloatskip\sidefloattopskip {\floatparameter\c!sidespacebefore}%
+ \docalculatefloatskip\sidefloatbottomskip{\floatparameter\c!sidespaceafter }%
+ \gdef \sidefloattopoffset{\openstrutdepth}% was \def
+ \global\floatsideskip \floatparameter\c!margin
+ \global\sidefloatleftshift \floatparameter\c!leftmargindistance
+ \global\sidefloatrightshift\floatparameter\c!rightmargindistance
+ \global\noftopfloats \@@bkntop \relax
+ \global\nofbotfloats \@@bknbottom\relax}}
+\let\floatcaptionsuffix\empty % an optional suffix
+\let\floatcaptionnumber\empty % a logical counter
+% Quite experimental !
+% the split is needed when for instance the float goes into
+% a multi page field and the list of figs becomes larger than
+% one page: cycle between 'only flush when object ref ok'
+% and 'one/many page fig list'; see "uguide finometer"
+% potential sync bug with sectionblocks, see uguide.tex
+ {\dodoubleempty\doplacefloatcaption}
+ {\setfloatcaption[#1][#2]{#3}%
+ \placefloatcaptiontext[#1]%
+ \placefloatcaptionreference[#1]}
+\def\setfloatcaption % \dosetfloatcaption already in use
+ {\dodoubleempty\dodosetfloatcaption} % beware, name clash
+\long\def\dodosetfloatcaption[#1][#2]#3% to do namespace for number/ascii
+ {\ifnofloatnumber % also handle trialtypesetting
+ \letgvalue{@fl@r@#1}\relax
+ \letgvalue{@fl@t@#1}\relax
+ \else
+ \preparefloatnumber{#1}%
+ \letgvalue{@fl@n@#1}\composedsectionnumber
+ % indirect macro can be more efficient
+ \setgvalue{@fl@r@#1}%
+ {\tracefloatnumber{#1}%
+ \dowritetolist{#1}{\getvalue{@fl@n@#1}}{#3}{#1}%
+ \gdefconvertedargument\flasciititle{#3}% \asciititle is global
+ \doifsomething{#2}{\rawreference\s!flt{#2}{{\getvalue{@fl@n@#1}}{\flasciititle}}}%
+ \letgvalue{@fl@r@#1}\relax}% nils
+ \setgvalue{@fl@t@#1}%
+ {\preparefullnumber{\??kj#1}{\getvalue{@fl@n@#1}}\preparednumber
+ \doattributes{\??kj#1}\c!style\c!color
+ {\doattributes{\??kj#1}\c!headstyle\c!headcolor
+ {\labeltexts{#1}{\preparednumber}}%
+ \doattributes{\??kj#1}\c!textstyle\c!textcolor
+ {\dotfskip{\floatcaptionparameter\c!distance}#3}}}%
+ \fi}
+\def\placefloatcaptiontext [#1]{\getvalue{@fl@t@#1}}
+\def\placefloatcaptionnumber [#1]{\getvalue{@fl@n@#1}}
+% still needed for uguide
+\let\placefloatlabel \placefloatcaption
+\let\placefloatlabeltext \placefloatcaptiontext
+\let\placefloatlabelreference \placefloatcaptionreference
+ {\localframed[\??fl\currentfloat][\c!location=\v!normal]{\box\floatbox}}
+ {\doifsomething{\floatcaptionparameter\c!spacebefore}{\blank[\floatcaptionparameter\c!spacebefore]}%
+% \floatcaptionparameter\c!before % test for side effects first
+ \noindent
+ \xdef\lastcaptiontag{\strut#1}%
+ \dostartattributes{\??kj\currentfloat}\c!style\c!color\empty
+ \ifnofloatnumber
+ \else
+ \hbox{\doattributes{\??kj\currentfloat}\c!headstyle\c!headcolor{\strut#1}}%
+ \ifnofloatcaption \else \ifemptyfloatcaption \else
+ \doifelsenothing{\floatcaptionparameter\c!spaceinbetween}
+ {\scratchskip\floatcaptionparameter\c!distance\relax
+ \dotfskip\scratchskip\emergencystretch.5\scratchskip}
+ {\blank[\floatcaptionparameter\c!spaceinbetween]}%
+ \fi \fi
+ \fi
+ \ifnofloatcaption
+ \globallet\lastcaptionht\!!zeropoint
+ \globallet\lastcaptiondp\!!zeropoint
+ \else
+ \doattributes{\??kj\currentfloat}\c!textstyle\c!textcolor
+ {\xdef\lastcaptionht{\strutheight}%
+ \xdef\lastcaptiondp{\strutdepth}%
+ \begstrut#2\endstrut\endgraf}%
+ \fi
+ \dostopattributes
+% \floatcaptionparameter\c!after % test for side effects first
+ \doifsomething{\floatcaptionparameter\c!spaceafter}{\blank[\floatcaptionparameter\c!spaceafter]}}
+% new
+ {\iftracecaptions\setbox\tempcaptionbox\ruledhbox{\box\tempcaptionbox}\fi}
+% \definefloat [figure-1] [figure]
+% \definefloat [figure-2] [figure]
+% \setupfloat [figure-1] [location=left,leftmargin=10mm]
+% \setupfloat [figure-2] [location=left,leftmargin=-5mm]
+% \setupcaption [figure-1] [align=flushleft]
+% \setupcaption [figure-2] [align=flushleft,leftmargin=15mm]
+% \startsetups somefigure
+% \ifdim\wd\nextbox>\textwidth
+% \placefloat[figure-2][][]{}{\box\nextbox}
+% \else
+% \placefloat[figure-1][][]{}{\box\nextbox}
+% \fi
+% \stopsetups
+% \def\setupswithbox[#1]{\dowithnextbox{\setups[#1]}\vbox}
+% test \setupswithbox[somefigure]{\framed[width=3cm] {}} test
+% test \setupswithbox[somefigure]{\framed[width=\dimexpr\textwidth+3cm\relax]{}} test
+ {\setups[\floatcaptionparameter\c!setups]% expanded ?
+% \advance\leftskip \floatcaptionparameter\c!leftmargin
+% \advance\rightskip\floatcaptionparameter\c!rightmargin
+ \relax}
+ {\hbox{\dosetcaptionthings\hskip\leftskip\hskip\rightskip}}
+ {\ifnofloatcaption \else
+ \setbox\tempcaptionbox\hbox
+ {\trialtypesettingtrue
+ \notesenabledfalse
+ \putcompletecaption{#1}{#2}}%
+ % new, \placefigure{\XMLflush{somecaption}}{} passes earlier empty check
+ % so here we misuse the scratch box; actually this means that the previous
+ % test can go away (some day, when i redo this module)
+ \ifdim\wd\tempcaptionbox=\zeropoint
+ \global\emptyfloatcaptiontrue
+ \ifnofloatnumber
+ \global\nofloatcaptiontrue
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \setbox\tempcaptionbox\hbox{\dosetcaptionthings\hskip\leftskip\box\tempcaptionbox}% yet incomplete
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+% minwidth=fit,width=max : no overshoot, as wide as graphic
+\ifx\moveboxontogrid\undefined \let\movecaptionontogrid\gobblethreearguments \fi
+ {\chardef\alignstrutmode\zerocount
+ \shiftalignedline
+ {\floatparameter\c!leftmargin }{\floatparameter\c!rightmargin}%
+ {\floatparameter\c!innermargin}{\floatparameter\c!outermargin}%
+ \alignedline{\floatparameter\c!location}\v!middle}
+ {\chardef\alignstrutmode\zerocount
+ \shiftalignedline
+ {\floatcaptionparameter\c!leftmargin }{\floatcaptionparameter\c!rightmargin}%
+ {\floatcaptionparameter\c!innermargin}{\floatcaptionparameter\c!outermargin}%
+ \alignedline{\floatparameter\c!location}\v!middle}
+\long\def\dosetpagfloat#1#2#3% \copy wegwerken
+ {\bgroup
+ \setlocalfloathsize
+ \ifnum\floatrotation>0
+ \swapdimens\hsize\vsize
+ \fi
+ \forgetall
+ \postponenotes
+ \dontcomplain
+ \setbox\tempfloatbox\vbox{\borderedfloatbox}%
+ \let\locatefloat \locatefloatbox
+ \let\locatecaption\locatecaptionbox
+ \docheckcaptioncontent{#2}{#3}%
+ \ifcase\floatparameter\c!method
+ \or % automatic
+ \ifnofloatcaption
+ \dopreparenocaption{#1}{#2}{#3}%
+ \edef\width{\the\wd\floatbox}%
+ \doglobal\addlocalbackgroundtobox\floatbox
+ \else
+ % todo: installable maken, variant/method=auto vs macro
+ \dopreparedocaption{#1}{#2}{#3}%
+ \settracedcaptionbox
+ \edef\width{\the\wd\tempfloatbox}%
+ \addlocalbackgroundtobox\tempfloatbox
+ \setbox\tempcaptionbox\hbox
+ {\dosetcaptionthings
+ \floatcaptionparameter\c!command{\box\tempcaptionbox}}%
+ \moveboxontogrid\tempcaptionbox{\floatcaptionparameter\c!grid}\lastcaptionht
+ \addlocalbackgroundtobox\tempcaptionbox
+ \buildfloatbox
+ \fi
+ \or % semi automatic
+ \or % manual
+ \fi
+ \ifnum\floatrotation>0
+ \global\setbox\floatbox\vbox
+ {\rotate[\c!rotation=\floatrotation]{\box\floatbox}}%
+ \edef\width{\the\wd\tempfloatbox}%
+ \else
+ \postcenterfloatbox\width
+ \fi
+ \egroup}
+\def\captionminwidth {15\bodyfontsize}
+\def\captionovershoot {2em}
+ {\global\setbox\floatbox\vbox % pas op als wd groter dan hsize
+ {\ifinsidecolumns\ifdim\wd\tempfloatbox>\hsize
+ \let\locatefloat\relax
+ \fi\fi
+ \locatefloat{\copy\tempfloatbox}}}
+ {\doifinsetelse{\floatcaptionparameter\c!location}{\v!top,\v!bottom}
+ {\doifinsetelse{\floatcaptionparameter\c!width}{\v!fit,\v!max}
+ {\doifelse{\floatcaptionparameter\c!minwidth}\v!fit
+ {\doifelse{\floatcaptionparameter\c!width}\v!max
+ {\dopreparestackcaptionmax{#1}{#2}{#3}}
+ {\ifdim\wd\tempcaptionbox>\wd\tempfloatbox % wider caption
+ \doifelse{\floatcaptionparameter\c!width}\v!fit
+ {\dopreparestackcaptionaut{#1}{#2}{#3}}
+ {\dopreparestackcaptionwid{#1}{#2}{#3}}%
+ \else
+ \dopreparestackcaptionmin{#1}{#2}{#3}%
+ \fi}}
+ {\dopreparestackcaptionfix{#1}{#2}{#3}}}%
+ {\dopreparesidewidthcaption{#1}{#2}{#3}}}% new, special effects (see icare)
+ {\doifinsetelse{\floatcaptionparameter\c!width}{\v!fit,\v!max}
+ {\dopreparesideautocaption{#1}{#2}{#3}}
+ {\dopreparesidewidthcaption{#1}{#2}{#3}}}}
+% \def\dosettempcaptionbox
+% {\dosetraggedvbox{\floatcaptionparameter\c!align}%
+% \setbox\tempcaptionbox\raggedbox}
+ {\setbox\tempcaptionbox\vbox\bgroup
+ %expanded{\setupalign[\v!new,\v!reset,\floatcaptionparameter\c!align,\v!old]}% wrong! see icare
+ \expanded{\setupalign[\v!reset,\floatcaptionparameter\c!align]}% i need to check what reset does
+ \dosetcaptionthings
+ \let\next}
+ {\scratchdimen\dimexpr\hsize-\wd\tempfloatbox-\@@bkmargin\relax % was \tfskipsize\relax
+ \ifdim\wd\tempcaptionbox>\scratchdimen
+ \ifdim\wd\tempcaptionbox<1.3\scratchdimen
+ \scratchdimen0.8\scratchdimen
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \dosettempcaptionbox
+ {\hsize\scratchdimen
+ \putcompletecaption{#2}{#3}}}
+ {\dosettempcaptionbox
+ {\hsize\floatcaptionparameter\c!width
+ \putcompletecaption{#2}{#3}}}
+ {\dosettempcaptionbox
+ {\hsize\floatcaptionparameter\c!minwidth % special effects
+ \putcompletecaption{#2}{#3}}}
+ {\dosettempcaptionbox
+ {\hsize\wd\tempfloatbox
+ \putcompletecaption{#2}{#3}}}
+ {\dosettempcaptionbox
+ {\hsize\floatcaptionparameter\c!width
+ \putcompletecaption{#2}{#3}}}
+ {\dosettempcaptionbox
+ {\hsize\wd\tempfloatbox
+ \doifnothing{\floatcaptionparameter\c!align}\raggedcenter % on purpose overloads align !
+ \putcompletecaption{#2}{#3}}}
+ {\doifsomething{\floatcaptionparameter\c!align}
+ {\doifnotinset{\v!middle}{\floatcaptionparameter\c!align}%
+ {\let\captionovershoot\!!zeropoint}}%
+ \edef\captionhsize{\the\wd\tempfloatbox}%
+ \ifdim\captionhsize>\hsize
+ % float is wider than \hsize
+ \dosettempcaptionbox
+ {\trialtypesettingtrue
+ \hsize\captionhsize
+ \notesenabledfalse
+ \putcompletecaption{#2}{#3}}%
+ \ifdim\ht\scratchbox>\lineheight % more lines
+ \dosettempcaptionbox
+ {\hsize\captionhsize
+ \advance\hsize -\captionovershoot\relax
+ \ifdim\hsize<\captionminwidth\relax
+ \hsize\captionhsize
+ \fi
+ \putcompletecaption{#2}{#3}}%
+ \else
+ \dosettempcaptionbox
+ {\hsize\captionhsize
+ \putcompletecaption{#2}{#3}}%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ % float is smaller of equal to \hsize
+ \ifdim\captionhsize<\captionminwidth\relax
+ \scratchdimen\captionminwidth % float smaller than min width
+ \edef\captionhsize{\the\scratchdimen}%
+ \fi
+ \setbox\scratchbox\vbox % test with overshoot
+ {\trialtypesettingtrue
+ \scratchdimen\captionhsize
+ \advance\scratchdimen \captionovershoot
+ \advance\scratchdimen 3em % an average word length
+ \ifdim\scratchdimen<\hsize \hsize\scratchdimen \fi
+ \notesenabledfalse
+ \putcompletecaption{#2}{#3}}%
+ \ifdim\ht\scratchbox>\lineheight
+ % at least an average word longer than a line
+ \dosettempcaptionbox
+ {\scratchdimen\captionhsize
+ \advance\scratchdimen \captionovershoot
+ \ifdim\scratchdimen<\hsize \hsize\scratchdimen \fi
+ \putcompletecaption{#2}{#3}}%
+ \else
+ % just over a line, don't use an overshoot % % % todo: outer/inner and such
+ \doifcommonelse{\floatcaptionparameter\c!align}{\v!left,\v!right,\v!flushleft,\v!flushright}
+ {\dosettempcaptionbox
+ {\hsize\captionhsize
+ % strange : \raggedcenter
+ \putcompletecaption{#2}{#3}}}
+ {% nicer
+ \dosettempcaptionbox
+ {\hsize\captionhsize
+ \doifnothing{\floatcaptionparameter\c!align}\raggedcenter% overloads
+ \putcompletecaption{#2}{#3}}}%
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+ {\endgraf\nointerlineskip\floatcaptionparameter\c!inbetween\endgraf}
+\def\dofloatboxdefaultbuilder % done
+ {\locatefloat{\box\tempfloatbox}}
+ {\ifparfloat \hbox \else \expandafter \locatefloat \fi
+ {\tempfloatheight\ht\tempfloatbox
+ \box\tempfloatbox
+ \expanded{\doifnotinset{\v!hang}{\floatcaptionparameter\c!location}}{\dotfskip{\floatcaptionparameter\c!distance}}%
+ \vbox to\tempfloatheight{#1}}}
+ {\ifparfloat \hbox \else \expandafter \locatefloat \fi
+ {\tempfloatheight\ht\tempfloatbox
+ \vbox to\tempfloatheight{#1}%
+ \expanded{\doifnotinset{\v!hang}{\floatcaptionparameter\c!location}}{\dotfskip{\floatcaptionparameter\c!distance}}%
+ \box\tempfloatbox}}
+ {\doifrightpagefloatelse\dofloatboxnextrightbuilder\dofloatboxnextleftbuilder}
+ {\doifrightpagefloatelse\dofloatboxnextleftbuilder\dofloatboxnextrightbuilder}
+ {\ifparfloat \hbox \else \expandafter \locatefloat \fi
+ {\tempfloatheight\ht\tempfloatbox
+ \box\tempfloatbox
+ \vbox to\tempfloatheight{#1}}}
+ {\ifparfloat \hbox \else \expandafter \locatefloat \fi
+ {\tempfloatheight\ht\tempfloatbox
+ \vbox to\tempfloatheight{#1}%
+ \box\tempfloatbox}}
+ {\ifparfloat
+ \hbox\bgroup
+ \tempfloatheight\ht\tempfloatbox
+ \box\tempfloatbox
+ \hsmash{\hskip#1\vbox to\tempfloatheight{#2}}%
+ \egroup
+ \else
+ \begingroup
+ \tempfloatheight\ht\tempfloatbox
+ \everyrightofalignedline{\hsmash{\hskip#1\vbox to\tempfloatheight{#2}}}%
+ \locatefloat{\box\tempfloatbox}%
+ \endgroup
+ \fi}
+ {\ifparfloat
+ \hbox\bgroup
+ \tempfloatheight\ht\tempfloatbox
+ \hsmash{\hskip-\dimexpr#1+\wd\tempcaptionbox\relax\vbox to\tempfloatheight{#2}}%
+ \box\tempfloatbox
+ \egroup
+ \else
+ \begingroup
+ \tempfloatheight\ht\tempfloatbox
+ \everyleftofalignedline{\hsmash{\hskip-\dimexpr#1+\wd\tempcaptionbox\relax\vbox to\tempfloatheight{#2}}}%
+ \locatefloat{\box\tempfloatbox}%
+ \endgroup
+ \fi}
+\def\dofloatboxnextleftmarginbuilder {\dodofloatboxnextleftmarginbuilder \leftmargindistance }
+ {\doifrightpagefloatelse
+ {\dodofloatboxnextrightmarginbuilder\rightmargindistance}
+ {\dodofloatboxnextleftmarginbuilder \rightmargindistance}}
+ {\doifrightpagefloatelse
+ {\dodofloatboxnextleftmarginbuilder \leftmargindistance}
+ {\dodofloatboxnextrightmarginbuilder\leftmargindistance}}
+\def\dofloatboxnextbuilder % beware, we first check on left/rightmargin because there can be left/right also
+ {\let\next\dofloatboxnextleftbuilder
+ \expanded{\processallactionsinset[\floatcaptionparameter\c!location]}
+ [ \v!outermargin=>\let\next\dofloatboxnextoutermarginbuilder,
+ \v!innermargin=>\let\next\dofloatboxnextinnermarginbuilder,
+ \v!leftmargin=>\let\next\dofloatboxnextleftmarginbuilder,
+ \v!rightmargin=>\let\next\dofloatboxnextrightmarginbuilder,
+ \v!lefthanging=>\let\next\dofloatboxnextlefthangbuilder,
+ \v!righthanging=>\let\next\dofloatboxnextrighthangbuilder,
+ \v!outer=>\let\next\dofloatboxnextouterbuilder,
+ \v!inner=>\let\next\dofloatboxnextinnerbuilder,
+ \v!left=>\let\next\dofloatboxnextleftbuilder,
+ \v!right=>\let\next\dofloatboxnextrightbuilder]%
+ \next}
+ {\ifparfloat
+ \let\next\dofloatboxhighbuilder
+ \else
+ \let\next\dofloatboxmiddlebuilder
+ \expanded{\processallactionsinset[\floatcaptionparameter\c!location]}
+ [ \v!low=>\let\next\dofloatboxlowbuilder,
+ \v!middle=>\let\next\dofloatboxmiddlebuilder,
+ \v!high=>\let\next\dofloatboxhighbuilder]%
+ \fi
+ \next}
+ {\hsmash{\llap{\box\tempcaptionbox\dotfskip{\floatcaptionparameter\c!distance}}}}
+ {\hsmash{\rlap{\dotfskip{\floatcaptionparameter\c!distance}\box\tempcaptionbox}}}
+ {\expanded{\doifinsetelse{\v!righthanging}{\floatcaptionparameter\c!location}}
+ {\doflushfloatrightcaptionhang}
+ {\expanded{\doifinsetelse{\v!lefthanging}{\floatcaptionparameter\c!location}}
+ {\doflushfloatleftcaptionhang}
+ {\expanded{\doifinsetelse{\v!hang}{\floatcaptionparameter\c!location}}
+ {\expanded{\doifinsetelse{\v!outer}{\floatcaptionparameter\c!location}}
+ {\doifrightpagefloatelse{\doflushfloatrightcaptionhang}{\doflushfloatleftcaptionhang}}
+ {\expanded{\doifinsetelse{\v!right}{\floatcaptiondirectives}}
+ {\doflushfloatrightcaptionhang}
+ {\doflushfloatleftcaptionhang}}}
+ {\box\tempcaptionbox}}}}
+ {\dofloatboxnextbuilder{\dofloatboxbetweenstack\doflushfloatcaptionhang\vfill}}
+ {\dofloatboxnextbuilder{\vfill\doflushfloatcaptionhang\dofloatboxbetweenstack}}
+ {\dofloatboxnextbuilder{\vfill\box\tempcaptionbox\vfill}}
+% \definefloat
+% [lefty][lefties][figure]
+% \setupfloat
+% [lefty]
+% [default=left,
+% rightmargindistance=-2cm,
+% leftmargindistance=-2cm]
+% \setupcaption
+% [lefty]
+% [location={bottom,overlay}]
+% \starttext
+% \placelefty{}{} \input tufte \input tufte
+% \placelefty{}{} \input tufte \input tufte
+% \stoptext
+\def\bothangfloat#1{\ruledvbox to \ht\tempfloatbox{#1\vss}}
+\def\tophangfloat#1{\ruledvbox to \ht\tempfloatbox{\vss#1}}
+ {\expanded{\doifinset{\v!overlay}{\floatcaptionparameter\c!location}}\tophangfloat
+ {\tempfloatwidth\wd\tempfloatbox
+ \ifparfloat
+ \hbox{\locatesidefloat{\box\tempcaptionbox}}%
+ \dofloatboxbetweenstack
+ \hbox{\hbox {\box\tempfloatbox }}%
+ \else
+ \hbox{\locatetextfloat{\box\tempcaptionbox}}
+ \dofloatboxbetweenstack
+ \hbox{\locatefloat {\box\tempfloatbox }}%
+ \fi}}
+ {\expanded{\doifinset{\v!overlay}{\floatcaptionparameter\c!location}}\bothangfloat
+ {\tempfloatwidth\wd\tempfloatbox
+ \ifparfloat
+ \hbox{\hbox {\box\tempfloatbox }}%
+ \dofloatboxbetweenstack
+ \hbox{\locatesidefloat{\box\tempcaptionbox}}%
+ \else
+ \hbox{\locatefloat {\box\tempfloatbox }}%
+ \dofloatboxbetweenstack
+ \hbox{\locatetextfloat{\box\tempcaptionbox}}%
+ \fi}}
+ {\dp\tempcaptionbox\strutdepth
+ \setbox\scratchbox\vbox
+ {\tempfloatwidth\wd\tempfloatbox
+ \ifparfloat
+ \locatesidefloat{\box\tempcaptionbox}%
+ \vss\dofloatboxbetweenstack
+ \hbox {\box\tempfloatbox }%
+ \else
+ \locatetextfloat{\box\tempcaptionbox}%
+ \vss\dofloatboxbetweenstack
+ \locatefloat {\box\tempfloatbox }%
+ \fi}%
+ \getnoflines{\dimexpr\htdp\scratchbox-10\scaledpoint\relax}% get rid of inaccuracy
+ \vbox to \noflines\lineheight{\unvbox\scratchbox}}
+ {\dp\tempcaptionbox\strutdepth
+ \setbox\scratchbox\vbox
+ {\tempfloatwidth\wd\tempfloatbox
+ \ifparfloat
+ \hbox {\box\tempfloatbox }%
+ \vss\dofloatboxbetweenstack
+ \locatesidefloat{\box\tempcaptionbox}%
+ \else
+ \locatefloat {\box\tempfloatbox }%
+ \vss\dofloatboxbetweenstack
+ \locatetextfloat{\box\tempcaptionbox}%
+ \fi}%
+ \getnoflines{\dimexpr\htdp\scratchbox-10\scaledpoint\relax}% get rid of inaccuracy
+ \vbox to \noflines\lineheight{\unvbox\scratchbox}}
+ {\dp\tempcaptionbox\strutdepth
+ \setbox\scratchbox\vbox
+ {\locatecaption{\copy\tempcaptionbox}%
+ \locatefloat {\copy\tempfloatbox }}%
+ \getnoflines{\dimexpr\htdp\scratchbox-10\scaledpoint\relax}% get rid of inaccuracy
+ \vbox to \noflines\lineheight
+ {\tempfloatwidth\wd\tempfloatbox
+ \ifparfloat
+ \locatesidefloat{\box\tempcaptionbox}%
+ \vss\dofloatboxbetweenstack\vss
+ \hbox {\box\tempfloatbox }%
+ \else
+ \locatetextfloat{\box\tempcaptionbox}%
+ \vss\dofloatboxbetweenstack\vss
+ \locatefloat {\box\tempfloatbox }%
+ \fi}}
+ {\dp\tempcaptionbox\strutdepth
+ \setbox\scratchbox\vbox
+ {\locatefloat {\copy\tempfloatbox }%
+ \locatecaption{\copy\tempcaptionbox}}%
+ \getnoflines{\dimexpr\htdp\scratchbox-10\scaledpoint\relax}% get rid of inaccuracy
+ \vbox to \noflines\lineheight
+ {\tempfloatwidth\wd\tempfloatbox
+ \ifparfloat
+ \hbox {\box\tempfloatbox }%
+ \vss\dofloatboxbetweenstack\vss
+ \locatesidefloat{\box\tempcaptionbox}
+ \else
+ \locatefloat {\box\tempfloatbox }%
+ \vss\dofloatboxbetweenstack\vss
+ \locatetextfloat{\box\tempcaptionbox}%
+ \fi}}
+ {\let\next\dofloatboxnormaltopstackbuilder
+ \expanded{\processfirstactioninset[\floatcaptionparameter\c!location]}
+ [ \v!grid=>\let\next\dofloatboxgridstackbuilder,
+ \v!stretch=>\let\next\dofloatboxstretchstackbuilder]%
+ \next}
+ {\let\next\dofloatboxnormalbotstackbuilder
+ \expanded{\processfirstactioninset[\floatcaptionparameter\c!location]}
+ [ \v!grid=>\let\next\dofloatboxgridstackbuilder,
+ \v!stretch=>\let\next\dofloatboxstretchstackbuilder]%
+ \next}
+\def\relocatecaptionright#1{\locatecaption{\hbox to \tempfloatwidth{\hss#1}}}
+\def\relocatecaptionleft #1{\locatecaption{\hbox to \tempfloatwidth{#1\hss}}}
+ {\global\setbox\floatbox\vbox
+ {\setlocalfloathsize
+ \forgetall
+ \let\floatcaptionarrangement\s!default
+ \def\docommand##1%
+ {\doifdefined{\??kj:##1}{\def\floatcaptionarrangement{##1}\quitcommalist}}%
+ \processcommacommand[\floatcaptionparameter\c!location]\docommand
+ \executeifdefined{\??kj:\floatcaptionarrangement}{\getvalue{\??kj:\s!default}}}}
+ {\let\next\locatecaption
+ \expanded{\processallactionsinset[\floatcaptionparameter\c!location]}
+ [ \v!left=>\let\next\relocatecaptionleft,
+ \v!right=>\let\next\relocatecaptionright,
+ \v!inner=>\doifrightpagefloatelse{\let\next\relocatecaptionleft }{\let\next\relocatecaptionright},
+ \v!outer=>\doifrightpagefloatelse{\let\next\relocatecaptionright}{\let\next\relocatecaptionleft }]%
+ \next}
+\installfloatboxbuilder \v!none \dofloatboxdefaultbuilder
+\installfloatboxbuilder \s!default \dofloatboxdefaultbuilder
+\installfloatboxbuilder \v!high \dofloatboxhighbuilder
+\installfloatboxbuilder \v!low \dofloatboxlowbuilder
+\installfloatboxbuilder \v!middle \dofloatboxmiddlebuilder
+\installfloatboxbuilder \v!left \dofloatboxsidebuilder
+\installfloatboxbuilder \v!right \dofloatboxsidebuilder
+\installfloatboxbuilder \v!top \dofloatboxtopbuilder
+\installfloatboxbuilder \v!bottom \dofloatboxbottombuilder
+% \setuplayout[grid=yes] \showgrid \setupcaptions[style=smallbodyfont,location=grid,inbetween=]
+% \starttext
+% test \placefigure{} {\externalfigure[cow.pdf][frame=on,grid=yes]} test \page
+% test \placefigure{\input zapf\relax}{\externalfigure[cow.pdf][frame=on,grid=yes]} test \page
+% test \placefigure{} {\externalfigure[cow.pdf][frame=on,grid=depth]} test \page
+% test \placefigure{\input zapf\relax}{\externalfigure[cow.pdf][frame=on,grid=depth]} test \page
+% \stoptext
+\newif\ifpostponecolumnfloats \postponecolumnfloatsfalse % don't change
+ {\scratchdimen
+ \ifcase\postcenterfloatmethod
+ #1% \wd\floatbox
+ \or\ifinsidecolumns
+ \ifpostponecolumnfloats\makeupwidth\else#1\fi
+ \else\ifdim#1>\hsize
+ \hsize
+ \else
+ \wd\floatbox
+ \fi\fi\fi
+ \global\setbox\floatbox\hbox to \scratchdimen
+ % {\hfill\box\floatbox\hfill}} % geen \hss, gaat mis in kolommen !
+ % {\hss \box\floatbox\hss }} % wel \hss, anders mis in colset
+ {\ifglobalcenterfloatbox
+ \donetrue
+ \else\iflocalcenterfloatbox
+ \donetrue
+ \else
+ \donefalse
+ \fi\fi
+ \ifdim\scratchdimen>\effectivehsize
+ \donefalse
+ \fi
+ \hss\ifdone\hskip\effectiveleftskip\fi
+ \box\floatbox
+ \ifdone\hskip\effectiverightskip\fi\hss}}
+ {\bgroup
+ \forgetall
+ \postponenotes
+ \dontcomplain
+ %\showcomposition
+ \setbox\tempfloatbox\vbox{\borderedfloatbox}%
+ \addlocalbackgroundtobox\tempfloatbox % no \doglobal
+ \docheckcaptioncontent{#2}{#3}%
+ \ifnofloatcaption
+ \global\setbox\floatbox\vbox{\box\tempfloatbox}%
+ \else
+ \dopreparedosidecaption{#1}{#2}{#3}%
+ \settracedcaptionbox
+ \setbox\tempcaptionbox\hbox{\floatcaptionparameter\c!command{\box\tempcaptionbox}}%
+ \moveboxontogrid\tempcaptionbox{\floatcaptionparameter\c!grid}\lastcaptionht
+ \addlocalbackgroundtobox\tempcaptionbox % no \doglobal
+ \buildsidefloatbox
+ \fi
+ \egroup}
+\def\dopreparedosidecaption#1#2#3% will be enhanced
+ {\doifelse{\floatcaptionparameter\c!width}\v!max
+ {\dosettempcaptionbox
+ {\hsize\wd\tempfloatbox
+ \putcompletecaption{#2}{#3}}}%
+ {\doifelse{\floatcaptionparameter\c!width}\v!fit
+ {\ifdim\wd\tempcaptionbox>\wd\tempfloatbox\relax
+ \setbox\tempcaptionbox\vbox
+ {\forgetall % needed?
+ \hsize\wd\tempfloatbox
+ \dosetcaptionthings
+ \putcompletecaption{#2}{#3}}%
+ \else
+ \setbox\tempcaptionbox\hbox to \wd\tempfloatbox
+ {\hss\box\tempcaptionbox\hss}%
+ \fi}
+ {\dosettempcaptionbox
+ {\hsize\floatcaptionparameter\c!width % \wd\tempfloatbox
+ \putcompletecaption{#2}{#3}}}}}
+ {\let\locatefloat \relax
+ \let\locatecaption\relax
+ \def\locatesidefloat##1%
+ {\begingroup
+ \chardef\alignstrutmode\zerocount
+ \hsize\tempfloatwidth \forgetall
+ \alignedline{\floatparameter\c!location}\v!middle{##1}%
+ \endgroup}%
+ \buildfloatbox}
+\long\def\dosetfloatbox#1#2#3% todo : \global\setbox
+ {\ifvisible
+ \par
+ \edef\floatcaptiondirectives{\floatparameter\c!location,\floatcaptionparameter\c!location}%
+ \ifparfloat\@EA\dosetparfloat\else\@EA\dosetpagfloat\fi{#1}{#2}{#3}%
+ \setlocalfloatdimensions{#1}%
+ \setbox\floatbox\hbox
+ {\dosavefloatdata\restoretextcolor{\box\floatbox}}%
+ \global\floatheight\ht\floatbox
+ \global\advance\floatheight \dp\floatbox
+ \global\floatwidth\wd\floatbox
+ \global\advance\totalnoffloats \plusone
+ \doifnotinset\v!margin{#1} % gaat namelijk nog fout
+ {\setbox\floatbox\vbox
+ {\parindent\zeropoint
+ \doifconcepttracing{\inleftmargin{\framed{\infofont\the\totalnoffloats}}}%
+ \box\floatbox}}%
+ \wd\floatbox\floatwidth
+ \dimen0=\floatheight
+ \advance\dimen0 \lineheight
+ \ifdim\dimen0<\textheight
+ \else
+ \global\floatheight\textheight
+ \global\advance\floatheight -\lineheight
+ \ht\floatbox\floatheight
+ \dp\floatbox\zeropoint
+ \showmessage\m!floatblocks{10}{\the\totalnoffloats}%
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+ {\dosetfloatbox{#1}{#2}{#3}%
+ \dogetfloatbox{#1}\empty}
+\let\naturalfloatwidth \!!zeropoint
+\let\naturalfloatdepth \!!zeropoint
+ {\xdef\naturalfloatheight{\the\ht#1}%
+ \xdef\naturalfloatwidth {\the\wd#1}%
+ \xdef\naturalfloatdepth {\the\dp#1}}
+ {\ifinsidesplitfloat\ifconditional\splitfloatfirstdone#2\else#1\fi\else#1\fi}
+\long\def\docompletefloat#1#2#3#4#5#6#7% #7 = box number
+ {%\flushsidefloats % moved
+ \presetfloatvariables{#1}{#4}{#2}{#6}%
+ \bgroup
+ \setnaturalfloatdimensions#7%
+ \global\setbox\floatbox\vbox
+ {\executeifdefined{\??fl#1\c!command}\firstofoneargument{\box#7}}%
+ \setnaturalfloatdimensions\floatbox
+ \dimen0 \ht\floatbox
+ \advance\dimen0 \dp\floatbox
+ \ifdim\dimen0=\zeropoint
+ \showmessage\m!floatblocks{11}\empty
+ \global\setbox\floatbox\vbox{\doemptyblock{#3}}%
+ \fi
+ \ifnofloatcaption
+ \global\setbox\floatbox\vbox
+ {\unvbox\floatbox
+ \doifelsemainfloatbody{\rawpagereference\s!flt{#2}}\donothing
+ \vss}% gets rid of the depth (unless tabulate)
+ \egroup
+ \dofloat{#4}{}{#6}%
+ \else
+ \gdefconvertedargument\asciititle{#6}% \asciititle is global
+ \ifnofloatnumber
+ \global\setbox\floatbox\vbox
+ {\unvbox\floatbox % no \vss, keep the depth
+ \doifelsemainfloatbody{\rawreference\s!flt{#2}{{}{\asciititle}}}\donothing}%
+ \egroup
+ \dofloat{#4}{}{#6}%
+ \else
+ \preparefloatnumber{#1}%
+ \global\setbox\floatbox\vbox
+ {\unvbox\floatbox % no \vss, keep the depth
+ \doifelsemainfloatbody
+ {\tracefloatnumber{#1}%
+ \rawreference\s!flt{#2}{{\composedsectionnumber}{\asciititle}}%
+ \dowritetolist{#3}{\composedsectionnumber}{#6}{#3}}
+ \donothing
+ }%
+ \egroup
+ \preparefullnumber{\??kj#1}\composedsectionnumber\preparednumber
+ \dofloat{#4}{\labeltexts{#5}{\preparednumber}}{#6}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \global\insidefloatfalse}
+\def\dooutput{\sidefloatoutput} % redefinition of \dooutput
+ [\v!figure]
+ [\v!figures]
+ [\v!table]
+ [\v!tables]
+ [\v!table]
+ [\c!frame=\v!off]
+ [\v!intermezzo]
+ [\v!intermezzi]
+ [\v!graphic]
+ [\v!graphics]
+ [\c!location=\v!bottom,
+ \c!grid=,
+ \c!before=, % not used (yet)
+ \c!inbetween={\blank[\v!medium]},
+ \c!after=, % not used (yet)
+ \c!spacebefore=,
+ \c!spaceinbetween=, % replaces fuzzy inbetween dual usage
+ \c!spaceafter=,
+ \c!width=\v!fit,
+ \c!minwidth=\v!fit, % id est: the width of the floatbox in some cases
+ \c!headstyle=\v!bold,
+ \c!headcolor=,
+ \c!leftmargin=\zeropoint,
+ \c!rightmargin=\zeropoint,
+ \c!outermargin=\zeropoint,
+ \c!innermargin=\zeropoint,
+ \c!setups=,
+ \c!style=\v!normal,
+ \c!color=,
+ \c!textstyle=,
+ \c!textcolor=,
+ \c!align=,
+ \c!number=\v!yes,
+ \c!way=\@@nrway,
+ \c!blockway=\@@nrblockway,
+ \c!sectionnumber=\@@nrsectionnumber,
+ \c!separator=\@@koseparator,
+ \c!stopper=\@@kostopper,
+ \c!suffix=\floatcaptionsuffix, % hook
+ \c!distance=1em,
+ \c!command=,
+ \c!conversion=\v!numbers]
+ [\c!location=\v!middle,
+ \c!width=8\lineheight,
+ \c!height=6\lineheight,
+ \c!offset=\v!overlay,
+ \c!frame=\v!off,
+ \c!radius=.5\bodyfontsize,
+ \c!corner=\v!rectangular,
+ \c!background=,
+ \c!backgroundscreen=\@@rsscreen,
+ \c!backgroundcolor=,
+ \c!backgroundoffset=\!!zeropoint,
+ \c!topframe=,
+ \c!bottomframe=,
+ \c!leftframe=,
+ \c!rightframe=,
+ \c!framecolor=,
+ \c!frameoffset=\!!zeropoint,
+ \c!before=,
+ \c!after=,
+ \c!spacebefore=\v!big,
+ \c!spaceafter=\v!big,
+ \c!sidespacebefore=\@@bkspacebefore,
+ \c!sidespaceafter=\@@bkspaceafter,
+ \c!sidealign=\v!normal,
+ \c!textmethod=\ifgridsnapping2\else0\fi, % 0=raw 1=safe (.99pg) 2=tight (-1pt)
+ \c!sidemethod=\ifgridsnapping2\else1\fi, % 0=raw 1=safe (.99pg) 2=tight (-1pt)
+ \c!indentnext=\v!no,
+ \c!margin=1em,
+ \c!method=1,
+ \c!cache=\v!yes, % when no, then intermediate flush
+ \c!leftmargin=\zeropoint, % displacement in 'normal floats'
+ \c!rightmargin=\zeropoint, % idem
+ \c!innermargin=\zeropoint, % idem
+ \c!outermargin=\zeropoint, % idem
+ \c!leftmargindistance=\zeropoint,
+ \c!rightmargindistance=\@@bkleftmargindistance,
+ \c!ntop=2,
+ \c!nbottom=0,
+ \c!nlines=4,
+ \c!local=,
+ \c!default=, % was \v!figure but this is the location
+ \c!numbering=\v!yes]
+% float strategy, replaces some of the above macros
+\let\floatmethod \empty
+\let\floatcolumn \empty
+\let\floatrow \empty
+ {\ifvisible
+ \doifelsenothing{#2}
+ {\getfromcommalist[#1][1]%
+ \@EA\beforesplitstring\commalistelement\at:\to\floatmethod
+ \@EA\aftersplitstring \commalistelement\at:\to\floatcolumn
+ \@EA\aftersplitstring \floatcolumn\at*\to\floatrow
+ \@EA\beforesplitstring\floatcolumn\at*\to\floatcolumn
+ % todo: nog algemeen otr
+ \ifx\OTRSETsetpreferedcolumnslot\undefined\else
+ \OTRSETsetpreferedcolumnslot\floatcolumn\floatrow
+ \fi}
+ {\let\floatcolumn\empty
+ \let\floatrow\empty
+ \edef\floatmethod{#2}}%
+ \doifundefined{\string\floatmethod\floatmethod}
+ {\let\floatmethod\v!here}%
+ \doifsomething\forcedfloatmethod
+ {\edef\floatmethod{\forcedfloatmethod}}%
+ %\getvalue{\string\floatmethod\floatmethod}[#1]%
+ \getvalue{\string\floatmethod\floatmethod}[\floatmethod,#1]%
+ \fi}
+\def\installfloathandler#1#2% #1=keyword #2=handler
+ {\setvalue{\string\floatmethod#1}{#2}}
+\installfloathandler \v!here \someherefloat
+\installfloathandler \v!force \somefixdfloat
+\installfloathandler \v!left \someleftsidefloat
+\installfloathandler \v!right \somerightsidefloat
+\installfloathandler \v!text \sometextfloat
+\installfloathandler \v!top \sometopfloat
+\installfloathandler \v!bottom \somebottomfloat
+\installfloathandler \v!auto \someautofloat
+\installfloathandler \v!margin \somemarginfloat
+\installfloathandler \v!opposite \somefacefloat
+\installfloathandler \v!page \somepagefloat
+\installfloathandler \v!leftpage \someleftpagefloat
+\installfloathandler \v!rightpage \somerightpagefloat
+\installfloathandler \v!inmargin \someinmarginfloat
+\installfloathandler \v!inleft \someinleftmarginfloat
+\installfloathandler \v!inright \someinrightmarginfloat
+\installfloathandler \v!leftmargin \someinleftmarginfloat
+\installfloathandler \v!rightmargin \someinrightmarginfloat
+\installfloathandler \v!leftedge \someinleftedgefloat
+\installfloathandler \v!rightedge \someinrightedgefloat
+\installfloathandler \v!backspace \somebackspacefloat
+\installfloathandler \v!cutspace \somecutspacefloat
+\installfloathandler {tblr} \someslotfloat
+\installfloathandler {lrtb} \someslotfloat
+\installfloathandler {tbrl} \someslotfloat
+\installfloathandler {rltb} \someslotfloat
+\installfloathandler {btlr} \someslotfloat
+\installfloathandler {lrbt} \someslotfloat
+\installfloathandler {btrl} \someslotfloat
+\installfloathandler {rlbt} \someslotfloat
+\installfloathandler {fxtb} \someslotfloat
+\installfloathandler {fxbt} \someslotfloat
+\def\placesomeslotfloat {\OTRcommand\someslotfloat}
+\def\placesomeherefloat {\OTRcommand\someherefloat}
+\def\placesomefixdfloat {\OTRcommand\somefixdfloat}
+\def\placesomepagefloat {\OTRcommand\somepagefloat}
+\def\placesomeleftpagefloat {\OTRcommand\someleftpagefloat}
+\def\placesometopsfloat {\OTRcommand\sometopsfloat}
+\def\placesomebotsfloat {\OTRcommand\somebotsfloat}
+\def\placesomesidefloat {\OTRcommand\somesidefloat}
+\def\placesomefacefloat {\OTRcommand\somefacefloat}
+\def\someleftsidefloat [#1]{\somesidefloat[#1]\presetindentation}
+\def\somerightsidefloat [#1]{\somesidefloat[#1]}
+\def\sometopfloat [#1]{\someelsefloat[#1]\nonoindentation}
+\def\somebottomfloat [#1]{\someelsefloat[#1]}
+\def\someautofloat [#1]{\someelsefloat[#1]}
+\def\somemarginfloat [#1]{\somenextfloat[#1]\nonoindentation}
+\def\someinleftmarginfloat [#1]{\somesidefloat[#1]}
+\def\someinleftedgefloat [#1]{\somesidefloat[#1]}
+\def\someinrightedgefloat [#1]{\somesidefloat[#1]}
+\def\someinmarginfloat [#1]{\somesidefloat[#1]}
+\def\someherefloat [#1]{\someelsefloat[\v!here,#1]}
+\def\somebackspacefloat [#1]{\somesidefloat[#1]}
+\def\somecutspacefloat [#1]{\somesidefloat[#1]}
+\def\somefixdfloat {\placesomefixdfloat}
+\def\somepagefloat {\placesomepagefloat}
+\def\someleftpagefloat {\placesomeleftpagefloat}
+\def\somefacefloat {\placesomefacefloat}
+\def\someslotfloat {\placesomeslotfloat}
+%D Local floats.
+ {\getparameters[\??lf]}
+ [%\c!before=\blank,
+ %\c!after=\blank,
+ \c!inbetween=\blank]
+\installfloathandler \v!local \somelocalfloat
+ {\doglobal\newcounter\noflocalfloats
+ \initializeboxstack{localfloats}}
+ {\doglobal\increment\noflocalfloats
+ \savebox{localfloats}{\noflocalfloats}{\box\floatbox}}
+ {\dorecurse\noflocalfloats
+ {\ifnum\recurselevel=\plusone % 1\relax
+ \getvalue{\??lf\c!before}%
+ \else
+ \getvalue{\??lf\c!inbetween}%
+ \fi
+ \dontleavehmode\hbox{\foundbox{localfloats}\recurselevel}%
+ \ifnum\recurselevel=\noflocalfloats\relax
+ \getvalue{\??lf\c!after}%
+ \fi}}
+ {\getlocalfloats
+ \resetlocalfloats}
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/strc-itm.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/strc-itm.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..697618323
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/strc-itm.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,1335 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=strc-itm, % updated
+%D version=1997.03.31,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Structure Macros,
+%D subtitle=itemgroups,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+% new: text + lefttext=(,righttext=)
+% start=
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Structure Macros / Itemgroups}
+% - instellingen in macro
+% - [0] voor start op 0
+% - start=2
+\newconditional\sublistitem \setfalse\sublistitem
+\newconditional\symbollistitem \setfalse\symbollistitem
+\newconditional\headlistitem \setfalse\headlistitem
+\newconditional\introlistitem \setfalse\introlistitem
+\newconditional\randomizeitems \setfalse\randomizeitems
+\newconditional\autointrolistitem \setfalse\autointrolistitem
+\newconditional\optimizelistitem \settrue \optimizelistitem
+\newconditional\packlistitem \setfalse\packlistitem
+\newconditional\paragraphlistitem \setfalse\paragraphlistitem
+\newconditional\textlistitem \setfalse\textlistitem
+\newconditional\firstlistitem \setfalse\firstlistitem
+\newconditional\beforelistitem \setfalse\beforelistitem
+\newconditional\afterlistitem \setfalse\afterlistitem
+\newconditional\nowhitelistitem \setfalse\nowhitelistitem
+\newconditional\joinedlistitem \setfalse\joinedwhitelistitem
+\newconditional\reverselistitem \setfalse\reverselistitem
+\newconditional\continuelistitems \setfalse\continuelistitems
+\newconditional\fittinglistitems \setfalse\fittinglistitems
+\let\currentitemlevel \!!zerocount
+\let\currentitemgroup \empty
+\let\currentnofitems \!!zerocount
+\let\currentitemoffset \!!zerocount
+% tricky ... we cannot use trialtypesetting here because there can be
+% multiple itemizes in e.g. a table, so we need something more advanced
+% where counters etc are reset to pre-outertrial values
+ {\ifconditional\continuelistitems
+ \savetaggedtwopassdata\s!list{\number\currentnoflists}{\number\currentnoflists}%
+ {\currentitemlevel:\noflistelements:c:\getitemparameter\currentitemlevel\c!maxwidth}%
+ \else
+ \savetaggedtwopassdata\s!list{\number\currentnoflists}{\number\currentnoflists}%
+ {\currentitemlevel:\noflistelements:n:\getitemparameter\currentitemlevel\c!maxwidth}%
+ \fi}
+ {\expanded{\findtwopassdata{\s!list}{\number#1}}%
+ \expandafter\dosplititemtwopassdata\twopassdata:0:0:0:0:0\relax}
+ {\edef\itemdatal{#1}\edef\itemdatan{#2}\edef\itemdatat{#3}\edef\itemdataw{#4}}
+ {\splititemtwopassdata\currentnoflists
+ \iftwopassdatafound
+ \ifcase\itemdatan\relax % \scratchcounter
+ \let\currentnofitems \!!zerocount
+ \let\currentminnofitems\!!plusone
+ \let\currentmaxnofitems\!!zerocount
+ \else
+ \scratchcounter\itemdatan\relax
+ \edef\currentnofitems{\the\scratchcounter}%
+ \let\currentitemtag\itemdatat
+ \doloop
+ {\splititemtwopassdata{\numexpr\currentnoflists+\recurselevel\relax}%
+ \iftwopassdatafound
+ \ifnum\itemdatal=\currentitemlevel\relax
+ \doifelse{c}\itemdatat
+ {\advance\scratchcounter\itemdatan\relax}
+ {\exitloop}%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \exitloop
+ \fi}%
+ \edef\currentmaxnofitems{\the\scratchcounter}%
+ \scratchcounter\zerocount
+ \doif{c}\currentitemtag
+ {\doloop
+ {\splititemtwopassdata{\numexpr\currentnoflists-\recurselevel\relax}%
+ \iftwopassdatafound
+ \ifnum\itemdatal=\currentitemlevel\relax
+ \doifelse{c}\itemdatat
+ {\advance\scratchcounter\itemdatan\relax}
+ {\advance\scratchcounter\itemdatan\exitloop}%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \exitloop
+ \fi}}%
+ \advance\scratchcounter\plusone
+ \edef\currentminnofitems{\the\scratchcounter}%
+ % [[\currentnofitems,\currentminnofitems,\currentmaxnofitems]]
+ \fi
+ \else % new, when no tuo yet
+ \let\currentnofitems \!!zerocount
+ \let\currentminnofitems\!!plusone
+ \let\currentmaxnofitems\!!zerocount
+ \fi} % [[\currentnofitems,\currentminnofitems,\currentmaxnofitems]]
+% \startitemize[n,packed]
+% \item test \item test \item test
+% \stopitemize
+% \startitemize[n,packed,reverse]
+% \item test \item test \item test
+% \stopitemize
+% \startitemize[n,packed,reverse] \item test \item test \stopitemize
+% \startitemize[continue]
+% \item test \startitemize[n,packed] \item test \item test \stopitemize
+% \item test
+% \item test
+% \stopitemize
+% \startitemize[continue] \item test \stopitemize
+% \startitemize[n,packed] \item test \item test \stopitemize
+% \startitemize[continue] \item test \stopitemize
+% \startitemize[continue] \item test \stopitemize
+\def\unknownitemreference{0} \let\itemreferences\unknownitemreference
+% #1=level #2=parameter
+\def\getitemparameter #1#2{\csname\??op\currentitemgroup#1#2\endcsname}
+\def\setitemparameter #1#2{\@EA\def\csname\??op\currentitemgroup#1#2\endcsname} % #3 -> {#3}
+\def\letitemparameter #1#2{\@EA\let\csname\??op\currentitemgroup#1#2\endcsname}
+% works ok but not needed (also possible compatibility problem)
+% \def\getitemparameter#1#2%
+% {\executeifdefined{\??op\currentitemgroup#1#2}%
+% {\executeifdefined{\??op\currentitemgroup #2}%
+% {\executeifdefined{\??oo #2}%
+% {}}}}
+% test this: saves hash entries and is also faster
+% \let\doinitializeitemgrouplevel\gobbleoneargument % todo ! ! !
+ {\executeifdefined{\??op\currentitemgroup#1#2}%
+ {\executeifdefined{\??op\currentitemgroup #2}%
+ {\executeifdefined{\??oo #2}%
+ {}}}}
+\def\doitemattributes #1{\doattributes{\??op\currentitemgroup#1}}
+\def\@@globalitemsymbol #1{\??op\currentitemgroup\c!symbol\s!global#1}
+\def\@@localitemsymbol #1{\??op\currentitemgroup\c!symbol\s!local #1}
+\def\@@currentitemsymbol#1{\??op\currentitemgroup\c!symbol #1}
+% \def\doitembreak#1{\ifconditional\textlistitem\else\dosomebreak#1\fi}
+% s-pre-61 / pre-dis, test extensively, 2004/5
+ {\ifundefined{\@@globalitemsymbol{#1}}%
+ \edef\itemreferences{\itemreferences,#1}%
+ \makecounter{\@@itemcounter#1}%
+ \setevalue{\@@globalitemsymbol{#1}}{#1}%
+ \fi}
+\def\initializeitemgrouplevel#1% safeguard
+ {\ifundefined{\??op\currentitemgroup#1\c!width}%
+ \doinitializeitemgrouplevel{#1}%
+ \fi}
+ {\copyparameters
+ [\??op\currentitemgroup#1][\??oo]
+ [\c!width,\c!factor,\c!distance,\c!align,\c!symalign,\c!option,%
+ \c!style,\c!marstyle,\c!symstyle,\c!headstyle,%
+ \c!color,\c!marcolor,\c!symcolor,\c!headcolor,%
+ \c!beforehead,\c!afterhead,\c!before,\c!inbetween,\c!after,%
+ \c!stopper,\c!placestopper,\c!indenting,%
+ \c!n,\c!inner,\c!symbol,\c!margin,\c!items,%
+ \c!leftmargin,\c!rightmargin,\c!indentnext,%
+ \c!command,%
+ \c!start,\c!lefttext,\c!righttext]}
+ {\dosingleargument\dosetupitemgroups}
+\def\dosetupitemgroups[#1]% still undocumented
+ {\getparameters[\??oo][\c!levels=4,#1]%
+ % will change (remove)
+ \ifnum\@@oolevels>\maxitemdepth
+ \maxitemdepth\@@oolevels\relax
+ \dorecurse\maxitemdepth{\initializeitemgroupslevel\recurselevel}%
+ \fi}
+ {\ifnum\currentitemlevel>#1\relax
+ \ifnum#1>\zerocount \tempsymbol \fi
+ \getvalue{\@@currentitemsymbol{#2}}%
+ \doitemreference#2,#3\\%
+ \fi}
+ {\expandafter\doitemreference\itemreferences,,\\}
+ {\ifcase\currentitemlevel \else \settrue\packlistitem \fi}
+\def\dosetupitemgroupvariable[#1]% [#2]% niveau instellingen
+ {\doifelsenothing{#1}
+ {\getparameters[\??op\currentitemgroup\currentitemlevel]}% [#2]}%
+ {\getparameters[\??op\currentitemgroup#1]}}% [#2]}}
+\newconditional\inlinelistitem \setfalse\inlinelistitem
+\def\dododosetupitemgroupconstant[#1][#2#3#4]% * permits [2]
+ {\global\setitemparameter\currentitemlevel\c!maxwidth{0}%
+ \processaction
+ [#2#3#4]
+ [ \v!packed*=>\packitems,
+ \v!intro*=>\settrue\introlistitem, % here? not set to false
+% no: \v!random*=>\settrue\randomizeitems,% here? not set to false
+ \v!autointro*=>\settrue\autointrolistitem,
+ \v!broad*=>\setitemparameter{#1}\c!factor{1},
+ #2#3*\v!broad*=>\setitemparameter{#1}\c!factor{#2#3},
+ #2*\v!broad*=>\setitemparameter{#1}\c!factor{#2},
+ \v!text*=>\settrue\textlistitem
+ \settrue\inlinelistitem
+ \settrue\joinedlistitem % \dosetuppackeditemgroup{#1}%
+ \packitems,
+ \v!columns*=>\packitems,
+ \v!before*=>\settrue\beforelistitem,
+ \v!after*=>\settrue\afterlistitem,
+ \v!nowhite*=>\settrue\nowhitelistitem, % \def\packeditemspacing{\nowhitespace},
+ \v!margin*=>\setitemparameter{#1}\c!width{-2em}, % signal
+ \v!inmargin*=>\setitemparameter{#1}\c!width{-2em}, % signal
+ \v!atmargin*=>\doifnot{#1}{1}{\setitemparameter{#1}\c!width{0em}}, % signal
+ \v!intext*=>\settrue\inlinelistitem, % new
+ \v!loose*=>\setfalse\optimizelistitem,
+ \v!fit*=>\settrue\fittinglistitems,
+ \v!nofit*=>\setfalse\fittinglistitems,
+ \v!paragraph*=>\settrue\paragraphlistitem
+ \packitems,
+ \v!joinedup*=>\settrue\joinedlistitem % \dosetuppackeditemgroup{#1}%
+ \packitems,
+ \v!serried*=>\setitemparameter{#1}\c!factor{-1},
+ #2#3*\v!serried*=>\setitemparameter{#1}\c!factor{-#2#3},
+ #2*\v!serried*=>\setitemparameter{#1}\c!factor{-#2},
+ \v!stopper*=>\setitemparameter{#1}\c!placestopper{\v!yes}, % keep {}
+ \v!unpacked*=>\setfalse\packlistitem,
+ \v!repeat*=>\settrue\repeatlistitem, % new
+ \v!reverse*=>\settrue\reverselistitem,
+ \v!standard*=>\dosetupstandarditemgroup{#1}]}
+ {\getparameters
+ [\??op\currentitemgroup#1]
+ [\c!width=1.5em,
+ \c!factor=0,
+ \c!distance=.5em,
+ \c!beforehead=,
+ \c!afterhead=\blank,
+ \c!before=\blank,
+ \c!inbetween=\blank,
+ \c!after=\blank,
+ \c!inner=]}
+% \def\packeditemspacing{\empty}
+% \setupwhitespace[big]
+% \starttext
+% test \startitemize[joinedup] \item test \item test \stopitemize test \par
+% test \startitemize[joinedup,nowhite] \item test \item test \stopitemize test \par
+% test \startitemize[joinedup,nowhite,before] \item test \item test \stopitemize test \par
+% test \startitemize[joinedup,nowhite,after] \item test \item test \stopitemize test \par
+% \stoptext
+ {\ifconditional\nowhitelistitem
+ \ifconditional\beforelistitem
+ \ifcase\currentitemlevel\or\getitemparameter\currentitemlevel\c!before\fi
+ \else
+ \nowhitespace
+ \fi
+ \else\ifconditional\joinedlistitem
+ % \empty
+ \else
+ \getitemparameter\currentitemlevel\c!before
+ \fi\fi}
+ {\ifconditional\nowhitelistitem
+ \ifconditional\afterlistitem
+ \ifcase\currentitemlevel\or\getitemparameter\currentitemlevel\c!after\fi
+ \else
+ \nowhitespace
+ \fi
+ \else\ifconditional\joinedlistitem
+ % \empty
+ \else
+ \getitemparameter\currentitemlevel\c!after
+ \fi\fi}
+ {\ifconditional\nowhitelistitem
+ \nowhitespace
+ \else\ifconditional\joinedlistitem
+ % \empty
+ \else
+ \getitemparameter\currentitemlevel\c!inbetween
+ \fi\fi}
+ {\ifconditional\nowhitelistitem
+ \nowhitespace
+ \else\ifconditional\joinedlistitem
+ % \empty
+ \else
+ \getitemparameter\currentitemlevel\c!beforehead
+ \fi\fi}
+ {\ifconditional\nowhitelistitem
+ \nowhitespace
+ \else\ifconditional\joinedlistitem
+ % \empty
+ \else
+ \getitemparameter\currentitemlevel\c!afterhead
+ \fi\fi}
+% \def\dosetuppackeditemgroup#1%
+% {\setitemparameter{#1}\c!beforehead{\packeditemspacing}%
+% \setitemparameter{#1}\c!afterhead {\packeditemspacing}%
+% \setitemparameter{#1}\c!before {\packeditemspacing}%
+% \setitemparameter{#1}\c!after {\packeditemspacing}%
+% \setitemparameter{#1}\c!inbetween {\packeditemspacing}}
+ {\def\dodosetupitemgroupconstant##1% catches empty in [a,b,] handy for xml
+ {\doifsomething{##1}{\dododosetupitemgroupconstant[#1][##1*]}}%
+ \processcommacommand[#2]\dodosetupitemgroupconstant} % expansion of #2 is handy for xml
+ {\doifassignmentelse{#2}%
+ {\dosetupitemgroupvariable[#1][#2]}%
+ {\setitemparameter{#1}\c!option{#2}}}%
+ {\ConvertToConstant\doifnot{#2}{}
+ {\doifelse{#1}\v!each
+ {\dorecurse\maxitemdepth{\ExpandFirstAfter\dododododosetupitemgroup[\recurselevel][#2]}}
+ {\ExpandFirstAfter\dododododosetupitemgroup[#1][#2]}}}
+ {\ConvertToConstant\doifelse{#2}{}
+ {\ifcase\currentitemlevel\relax
+ \dodododosetupitemgroup[\v!each][#1]%
+ \else
+ \dodododosetupitemgroup[\currentitemlevel][#1]%
+ \fi}
+ {\doifelsenothing{#1}
+ {\dodododosetupitemgroup[\currentitemlevel][#2]}
+ {\dodododosetupitemgroup[#1][#2]}}}
+ {\pushmacro\currentitemgroup
+ \def\currentitemgroup{#1}%
+ \dododosetupitemgroup[#2][#3]%
+ \ConvertToConstant\doifnot{#4}{} % anders wordt #2 overruled
+ {\dododosetupitemgroup[#2][#4]}%
+ \popmacro\currentitemgroup}
+ {\def\docommand##1{\dodosetupitemgroup[##1][#2][#3][#4]}%
+ \processcommalist[#1]\docommand}
+ {\doquadrupleempty\dosetupitemgroup}
+ {\ifconditional\sublistitem\else\ifconditional\symbollistitem\else
+ \pluscounter{\@@itemcounter\currentitemlevel}%
+ \fi\fi}
+ {\ifnum\currentitemlevel>\zerocount
+ \settrue\firstlistitem
+ % \expanded{\setitemparameter{\currentitemlevel}{\c!start}{1}}% ***
+ \doifinset{0}{#1}{\setitemparameter\currentitemlevel\c!start{0}}% ***
+ \setcounter{\@@itemcounter\currentitemlevel}{\the\numexpr\getitemparameter\currentitemlevel\c!start-1\relax}% ***
+ \doifelsenothing{\getitemparameter\currentitemlevel\c!start}
+ {\def\currentitemoffset{1}}
+ {\def\currentitemoffset{\getitemparameter\currentitemlevel\c!start}%
+ \letitemparameter\currentitemlevel\c!start\empty}%
+ \def\tempnumber
+ {\countervalue{\@@itemcounter\currentitemlevel}}%
+ \doifelse{\getitemparameter\currentitemlevel\c!placestopper}\v!yes
+ {\def\tempsymbol{\getitemparameter\currentitemlevel\c!stopper}}
+ {\let\tempsymbol\empty}%
+ \fi}
+ {\ifconditional\reverselistitem
+ \convertnumber\currentitemsymbol{\numexpr\currentmaxnofitems+\currentitemoffset-\currentitemnumber+1\relax}%
+ \else
+ \convertnumber\currentitemsymbol{\numexpr\currentminnofitems+\currentitemoffset+\currentitemnumber-1\relax}%
+ \fi}
+% PAS OP: ook 'opelkaar' en zo worden getest, nog eens afvangen!
+\def\setitemmark#1% % en pas op: resets \docommand
+ {\doifsymboldefinedelse{#1}
+ {\edef\currentitemsymbol{#1}%
+ \setxvalue{\@@globalitemsymbol\currentitemlevel}{\currentitemsymbol}%
+ \setgvalue{\@@localitemsymbol \currentitemlevel}{\unknownitemsymbol}%
+ \def\listitem{\symbol[\currentitemsymbol]}%
+ \let\@@opsymbol\empty}% \let\docommand\gobbleoneargument}
+ {\doifconversiondefinedelse{#1}
+ {\edef\currentitemsymbol{#1}%
+ \setxvalue{\@@globalitemsymbol\currentitemlevel}{\currentitemsymbol}%
+ \setgvalue{\@@localitemsymbol\currentitemlevel }{\actualitemnumber }%
+ \ifconditional\textlistitem
+ \doifsomething{\getitemparameter\currentitemlevel\c!lefttext}
+ {\let\tempsymbol\empty}%
+ \fi
+ \def\listitem
+ {\getitemparameter\currentitemlevel
+ {\ifconditional\textlistitem\c!lefttext\else\c!left\fi}%
+ \getvalue{\@@localitemsymbol\currentitemlevel}\tempsymbol
+ \getitemparameter\currentitemlevel
+ {\ifconditional\textlistitem\c!righttext\else\c!right\fi}}%
+ \let\@@opsymbol\empty}%\let\docommand\gobbleoneargument}
+ {}}}
+\def\calculatelistwidth#1#2% distance deals with 'broad'
+ {#2=\getitemparameter{#1}\c!distance\relax
+ \ifnum\getitemparameter{#1}\c!factor>\zerocount
+ \ifdim#2=\zeropoint #2=.5em\fi
+ \fi
+ \multiply#2 \getitemparameter{#1}\c!factor
+ \advance #2 \getitemparameter{#1}\c!width\relax}
+% The next conditionals deal with \item \startitemgroup. It
+% looks like a hack to skip back, but that way we preserve
+% the indentation and bullet placement. It's a rather
+% untested feature.
+\newconditional\concatnextitem \setfalse\concatnextitem
+\newconditional\autoconcatnextitem \settrue \autoconcatnextitem
+\newsignal \itemsignal
+ {\dotripleempty\dostartitemgroup}
+% \def\dostartitemgroup[#1][#2][#3]%
+% {\bgroup
+% \def\currentitemgroup{#1}%
+% \ifthirdargument
+% \dodostartitemgroup[#2][#3]%
+% \else
+% \doifassignmentelse{#2}
+% {\dodostartitemgroup[][#2]}
+% {\dodostartitemgroup[#2][]}%
+% \fi}
+ {\bgroup
+ \ifnum\currentitemlevel=\zerocount
+ \def\currentitemgroup{#1}% no nested mixing of itemgroups
+ \fi
+ \ifthirdargument
+ \dodostartitemgroup[#2][#3]%
+ \else
+ \doifassignmentelse{#2}
+ {\dodostartitemgroup[][#2]}
+ {\dodostartitemgroup[#2][]}%
+ \fi}
+\def\dodostartitemgroup[#1]% [#2]%
+ {\relax % prevents lookahead
+ \ifnum\currentitemlevel=\maxitemdepth\relax
+ \showmessage\m!layouts9{\number\maxitemdepth}%
+ \let\itemincrement\zerocount
+ \else
+ \let\itemincrement\plusone
+ \fi
+ \global\advance\itemdepth\itemincrement
+ \xdef\currentitemlevel{\number\itemdepth}%
+ \initializeitemgrouplevel\currentitemlevel % safeguard
+ \edef\itemgroupoptions{\getitemparameter\currentitemlevel\c!option}%
+ \ifx\itemgroupoptions\empty
+ \edef\itemgroupoptions{#1}%
+ \else
+ \doifsomething{#1}{\edef\itemgroupoptions{\itemgroupoptions,#1}}%
+ \fi
+ \expanded{\redostartitemgroup[\itemgroupoptions]}}% [#2]
+\let\stopcollectitems \relax
+%D A nice example of a plugin:
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \startitemize[a,random,packed]
+%D \startitem first \stopitem \startitem second \stopitem
+%D \startitem third \stopitem \startitem fourth \stopitem
+%D \stopitemize
+%D \startitemize[a,random,packed]
+%D \startitem first \stopitem \startitem second \stopitem
+%D \startitem third \stopitem \startitem fourth \stopitem
+%D \stopitemize
+%D \startitemize[a,packed]
+%D \startitem first \stopitem \startitem second \stopitem
+%D \startitem third \stopitem \startitem fourth \stopitem
+%D \stopitemize
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer \getbuffer
+% better collectitems als conditional and a real plugin mechanism (some day)
+ {\increment\itemcollectcounter
+ \long\setvalue{\v!item*\itemcollectcounter}{\item#1\par}}
+ {\ifconditional\randomizeitems
+ \getrandomnumber\itemcollectcounternow\plusone\itemcollectcounter
+ \else
+ \increment\itemcollectcounternow
+ \fi
+ \doifdefined{\v!item*\itemcollectcounternow}
+ {\getvalue{\v!item*\itemcollectcounternow}%
+ \letbeundefined{\v!item*\itemcollectcounternow}%
+ \increment\itemcollectcounterdone}%
+ \ifnum\itemcollectcounterdone<\itemcollectcounter\relax
+ \expandafter\flushcollecteditems
+ \fi}
+ {\ifconditional\randomizeitems
+ \newcounter\itemcollectcounterdone
+ \ifnum\itemcollectcounter>\zerocount
+ \@EAEAEA\flushcollecteditems
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+ {\ifconditional\randomizeitems
+ \newcounter\itemcollectcounter
+ \letvalue{\e!start\v!item}\collectitemgroupitem
+ \fi}
+%D End of plugin.
+\ifx\startcolumns\undefined \def\startcolumns[#1]{} \fi
+\ifx\stopcolumns \undefined \let\stopcolumns\relax \fi
+\def\dosetsymalign#1% hm, we should use one of the core-spa macros or make a helper
+ {\processaction
+ [#1]
+ [ \v!flushleft=>\let\symalignleft\relax,
+ \v!right=>\let\symalignleft\relax,
+ \v!flushright=>\let\symalignleft\hfill,
+ \v!left=>\let\symalignleft\hfill,
+ \v!middle=>\let\symalignleft\hfil,
+ \v!center=>\let\symalignleft\hfil]}
+ {\setfalse\inlinelistitem % new, no indent (leftskip)
+ \setfalse\concatnextitem % new, concat
+ \setfalse\txtlistitem
+ \ifhmode
+ \ifconditional\autoconcatnextitem % new, concat
+ \ifdim\lastskip=\itemsignal % new, concat
+ \settrue\concatnextitem % new, concat
+ \fi % new, concat
+ \fi % new, concat
+ \ifconditional\textlistitem\else\doifnotinset\v!text{#1}\par\fi % suboptimal
+ \fi
+ \begingroup
+ % new where, ok or not / we should integrate random, intro, continue here
+ % beware, the following no longer inherit from the previous level, is this ok?
+ \setfalse\reverselistitem
+ \setfalse\introlistitem
+ \setfalse\autointrolistitem
+ \setfalse\beforelistitem
+ \setfalse\afterlistitem
+ \setfalse\nowhitelistitem
+ \setfalse\randomizeitems
+ %
+ \doifinsetelse\v!intro {#1}{\settrue\introlistitem }{\setfalse\introlistitem }%
+ \doifinsetelse\v!random {#1}{\settrue\randomizeitems }{\setfalse\randomizeitems }%
+ \doifinsetelse\v!continue{#1}{\settrue\continuelistitems}{\setfalse\continuelistitems}%
+ % == \doifinsetelse\v!intro{#1}\settrue\setfalse\introlistitem
+ \global\advance\noflists\plusone
+ \currentnoflists=\noflists
+ \newcounter\noflistelements
+ \setfalse\headlistitem
+ \setfalse\sublistitem
+ \setfalse\symbollistitem
+ \let\marsymbol\relax
+ \globallet\doitemdestination\empty
+ \let\symsymbol\empty
+ \let\symalignleft\relax
+ \the\itemgroupcommands
+ % \getitemparameter\currentitemlevel\empty
+ \let\listitem\empty % ** start value
+ \doifelsenothing{#1} % iffirstargument
+ {\edef\@@opsymbol{\getitemparameter\currentitemlevel\c!symbol}%
+ \letgvalueempty{\@@globalitemsymbol\currentitemlevel}%
+ \global\letitemparameter\currentitemlevel\v!continue\empty
+ % \setitemmark\@@opsymbol % ** default value
+ \dosetupitemgroupvariable[\currentitemlevel][#2]}
+ {\dosetupitemgroupconstant[\currentitemlevel][#1]%
+ \dosetupitemgroupvariable[\currentitemlevel][#2]%
+ \doifinsetelse\v!continue{#1}% \noexpand, else problems in non-etex with chinese
+ {\edef\@@opsymbol{\noexpand\getvalue{\@@globalitemsymbol\currentitemlevel}}%
+ \getitemparameter\currentitemlevel\v!continue}
+ {\edef\@@opsymbol{\noexpand\getitemparameter{\currentitemlevel}{\c!symbol}}%
+ \global\setitemparameter\currentitemlevel\v!continue
+ {\dosetupitemgroupconstant[\currentitemlevel][#1]%
+ \dosetupitemgroupvariable[\currentitemlevel][#2]}}%
+ \def\docommand##1% \setitemmark resets \docommand
+ {\doifnot{##1}{0}{\setitemmark{##1}}}%
+ % \processcommalist[#1,\@@opsymbol]\docommand
+ \processcommalist[#1]\docommand}% ** preset sequence or provided sequence
+ % moved to here, after settings
+ \ifnum\currentitemlevel=\plusone % NIEUW
+ \doadaptleftskip {\getitemparameter1\c!margin}%
+ \doadaptleftskip {\getitemparameter1\c!leftmargin}%
+ \doadaptrightskip{\getitemparameter1\c!rightmargin}%
+ \fi
+ \dosetraggedcommand{\getitemparameter\currentitemlevel\c!align}\raggedcommand
+ \dosetsymalign{\getitemparameter\currentitemlevel\c!symalign}%
+ \doifsomething{\getitemparameter\currentitemlevel\c!indenting}
+ {% is \expanded needed?
+ \expanded{\setupindenting[\getitemparameter\currentitemlevel\c!indenting]}}%
+ %
+ \setitemlevel{#1}% moved to here
+ \ifx\listitem\empty
+ \setitemmark\@@opsymbol % ** default value
+ \ifx\listitem\empty
+ \edef\currentitemsymbol{\currentitemlevel}% ** fall back
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \ifconditional\autointrolistitem\ifnum\prevgraf<3
+ \settrue\introlistitem
+ \fi\fi
+ \ifconditional\paragraphlistitem
+ \ifnum\currentitemlevel>\plusone
+ \letitemparameter\currentitemlevel\c!inbetween\empty
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \ifconditional\packlistitem
+ \letitemparameter\currentitemlevel\c!inbetween\empty
+ \fi
+ \doifinset\v!columns{#1}%
+ {\ifinsidecolumns\else\ifcase\itemcolumndepth
+ \global\itemcolumndepth\currentitemlevel\relax
+ \itembeforecommand
+ \processfirstactioninset
+ [#1]
+ [ \v!one=>\!!counta1\relax,
+ \v!two=>\!!counta2\relax,
+ \v!three=>\!!counta3\relax,
+ \v!four=>\!!counta4\relax,
+ \v!five=>\!!counta5\relax,
+ \s!unknown=>\@EA\!!counta\getitemparameter\currentitemlevel\c!n]%
+ \startcolumns
+ [\c!n=\!!counta, % netter \??op\currentitemlevel\c!n
+ \c!height=,
+ \c!rule=\v!off,
+ \c!balance=\v!yes,
+ \c!align=\v!no]%
+ \fi\fi}%
+ \splititemtwopassdata\currentnoflists
+ \ifdim\itemdataw sp>\zeropoint
+ \expanded{\setitemparameter{\currentitemlevel}{\c!width}{\itemdataw sp}}%
+ \fi
+ \calculatelistwidth\currentitemlevel{\dimen0}%
+ \ifdim\dimen0>\zeropoint\relax
+ \ifconditional\inlinelistitem\else
+ \advance\leftskip \dimen0\relax
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \startcollectitems}
+% test / example
+% \startnarrower[left] \startcolumns[n=3] \startitemize
+% \item \input ward \item \input ward \item \input ward
+% \stopitemize \stopcolumns\stopnarrower \blank
+% \startnarrower[left] \startitemize[columns,three]
+% \item \input ward \item \input ward \item \input ward
+% \stopitemize \stopnarrower \blank
+% \setupitemize[leftmargin=1.5em] \startitemize[columns,three]
+% \item \input ward \item \input ward \item \input ward
+% \stopitemize \blank
+ {\stopcollectitems
+ \ifconditional\textlistitem
+ \removeunwantedspaces\space\ignorespaces
+ \else
+ \par
+ \fi
+ \dolistreference
+ \ifconditional\firstlistitem \else \endgroup \fi % toegevoegd, eerste \som opent groep
+ \ifnum\itemcolumndepth=\currentitemlevel\relax
+ \stopcolumns
+ \global\itemcolumndepth\zerocount
+ \itemaftercommand
+ \dontrechecknextindentation
+ \else
+ \ifnum\currentitemlevel=\plusone
+ \doitembreak\allowbreak % toegevoegd
+ \itemaftercommand % \getitemparameter\currentitemlevel\c!after
+ % was: \dochecknextindentation\??oo, is now:
+ \dochecknextindentation{\??op\currentitemgroup\currentitemlevel}%
+ \else
+ % nieuw, not yet nobreak handling
+ \ifcase\autoitemgroupspacing
+ \itemaftercommand
+ \or
+ \itemaftercommand
+ \fi
+ \dontrechecknextindentation
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ % new test, needed in sidefloats (surfaced in volker's proceedings)
+ \ifconditional\textlistitem % else forgotten
+ \endgroup
+ \global\advance\itemdepth-\itemincrement
+ \xdef\currentitemlevel{\number\itemdepth}%
+ \egroup
+ \else
+ \endgroup
+ \global\advance\itemdepth-\itemincrement
+ \xdef\currentitemlevel{\number\itemdepth}%
+ \egroup
+ \par
+ \fi
+ \dorechecknextindentation}
+ {\doitemgroupitem}
+ {\doitemgroupnoitem}
+ {\gdef\doitemdestination{#1}%
+ \itemgroupitem}
+ {\itemgroupsymbol{\strut}\strut}
+ {\settrue\sublistitem
+ \itemgroupitem}
+ {\def\symsymbol{\doitemattributes\currentitemlevel\c!symstyle\c!symcolor{#1}}%
+ \settrue\symbollistitem
+ \itemgroupitem}
+ {\itemgroupsymbol
+ {\calculatelistwidth\currentitemlevel{\dimen0}%
+ \hbox to \dimen0
+ {#1\hskip\getitemparameter\currentitemlevel\c!distance}}}
+ {\settrue\headlistitem\doitemgrouphead}
+ {\dosingleempty\doitemgroupitems}
+ {\itemgroupedge
+ {\dorecurse{0\getitemparameter\currentitemlevel\c!items}{\listitem\hss}%
+ \unskip}}
+ {\def\marsymbol
+ {\llap
+ {\doitemattributes\currentitemlevel\c!marstyle\c!marcolor{#1}%
+ \hskip\leftskip\hskip\leftmargindistance}}%
+ \itemgroupitem}
+\appendtoks \let\item \itemgroupitem \to \itemgroupcommands
+\appendtoks \let\noitem \itemgroupnoitem \to \itemgroupcommands
+\appendtoks \letvalue\v!item \itemgroupitem \to \itemgroupcommands
+\appendtoks \let\itm \itemgroupitem \to \itemgroupcommands
+\appendtoks \let\but \itemgroupbutton \to \itemgroupcommands
+\appendtoks \let\nop \itemgroupdummy \to \itemgroupcommands
+\appendtoks \letvalue\v!sub \itemgroupsubitem \to \itemgroupcommands
+\appendtoks \letvalue\v!sym \itemgroupsymbol \to \itemgroupcommands
+\appendtoks \letvalue\v!ran \itemgroupedge \to \itemgroupcommands
+\appendtoks \letvalue\v!head \itemgrouphead \to \itemgroupcommands
+\appendtoks \letvalue\v!its \itemgroupitems \to \itemgroupcommands
+\appendtoks \letvalue\v!mar \itemgroupmargin \to \itemgroupcommands
+% todo : \startitem .. \stopitem
+ \letvalue{\e!start\v!item}\itemgroupitem
+ \letvalue{\e!stop \v!item}\endgraf
+\to \itemgroupcommands
+ \setvalue{\e!start\v!head}#1{\itemgrouphead#1\par}%
+ \letvalue{\e!stop \v!head}\endgraf
+\to \itemgroupcommands
+% \startitemize
+% \starthead {xx} test \stophead
+% \startitem test \stopitem
+% \startitem test \stopitem
+% \stopitemize
+% Sometimes the user demands get pretty weird:
+% \startitemize
+% \item test
+% \item test
+% \headsym{xx} test \par test
+% \stopitemize
+% aligned items
+% \startitemize[n,fit,broad][itemalign=flushright]
+% \dorecurse{100}{\item The first item.}
+% \stopitemize
+% \setupitemgroup[itemize][each][fit]
+% \setupitemgroup[itemize][each][distance=.5em,factor=1,itemalign=flushright]
+% \startitemize[n]
+% \dorecurse{100}{\item The first item.}
+% \stopitemize
+\appendtoks \let\headsym \itemgroupheadsym \to \itemgroupcommands
+ {\def\symsymbol{\doitemattributes\currentitemlevel\c!symstyle\c!symcolor{#1}}%
+ \settrue\symbollistitem
+ \settrue\headlistitem
+ \doitemgrouphead}
+% \defineitemgroup[gbitemize]
+% \setupitemgroup[gbitemize][each][headstyle=bold]
+% \startgbitemize
+% \txt{italian} some italians like this kind of cross||breed between
+% an itemize and a description
+% \txt{sicilians} i wonder how many sicilian mathematicians do a thesis
+% on the math involved in predicting the next big bang of the vulcano
+% \stopgbitemize
+\appendtoks \letvalue\v!txt \itemgrouptext \to \itemgroupcommands
+\newconditional\txtlistitem \setfalse\txtlistitem
+ {\def\symsymbol{\doitemattributes\currentitemlevel\c!headstyle\c!headcolor{#1}}%
+ \settrue\symbollistitem
+ \settrue\txtlistitem
+ \itemgroupitem}
+\def\itembreak % -10
+ {\flushnotes\penalty-5\relax}
+\def\itemnobreak % +5
+ {\flushnotes\penalty+5\ifinsidecolumns\else00\fi\relax}
+ {\scratchdimen\wd8
+ \advance \scratchdimen \getitemparameter\currentitemlevel\c!distance\relax
+ \ifdim\scratchdimen>\dimen0
+ \advance\scratchdimen -\dimen0
+ \else
+ \scratchdimen\zeropoint
+ \fi
+ \llap{\hbox to \dimen0{\ifconditional\sublistitem\llap{+}\fi\box8\hss}}% was: \hfill
+ \hskip\scratchdimen}
+ {\ifcase\itemcolumndepth \ifconditional\optimizelistitem
+ \ifcase \currentnofitems \else
+ \ifnum\currentnofitems=\plusthree
+ \ifnum\noflistelements>\plusone
+ \doitembreak\itemnobreak
+ \fi
+ \else\ifnum\currentnofitems>\plusthree
+ \ifnum\noflistelements=\plustwo
+ \ifconditional\introlistitem
+ \doitembreak\nobreak
+ \else
+ \doitembreak\itemnobreak
+ \fi
+ \else\ifnum\currentnofitems=\noflistelements\relax
+ \doitembreak\itemnobreak
+ \else\ifnum\noflistelements>\plustwo
+ \doitembreak\itembreak
+ \else
+ \ifconditional\introlistitem\else\doitembreak\itembreak\fi
+ \fi\fi\fi
+ \fi\fi
+ \fi
+ \fi\fi}
+\def\dolistitem % evt aantal items opslaan per niveau, scheelt zoeken
+ {\ifconditional\textlistitem
+ % begin of item
+ \else
+ \par
+ \fi
+% \ignorespaces
+ \increment\noflistelements
+ \optimizelistitemsbreak
+ \noindent
+ \setbox8\hbox
+ {\ifconditional\headlistitem
+ \ifconditional\symbollistitem
+ \symsymbol
+ \else
+ \doitemattributes\currentitemlevel\c!headstyle\c!headcolor{\listitem}%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \ifconditional\symbollistitem
+ \symsymbol % no attributes, why?
+ \else
+ \doitemattributes\currentitemlevel\c!style\c!color{\listitem}%
+ \fi
+ \fi}%
+ \ifdim\wd8>\getitemparameter\currentitemlevel\c!maxwidth sp\relax
+ \expanded{\global\noexpand\setitemparameter{\currentitemlevel}{\c!maxwidth}{\number\wd8}}%
+ \fi
+ \splititemtwopassdata\currentnoflists
+ \ifdim\itemdataw sp>\zeropoint
+ \setbox8\simplealignedbox{\getitemparameter\currentitemlevel\c!itemalign}{\itemdataw sp}{\box8}%
+ \fi
+ \doifsomething\doitemdestination
+ {\setbox8\hbox{\goto{\box8}[\doitemdestination]}}%
+ \globallet\doitemdestination\empty
+ \dimen2=\getitemparameter\currentitemlevel\c!width\relax
+ % new, prevents loops when symbol is (not yet found) graphic
+ \ht8=\strutheight
+ \dp8=\strutdepth
+ % so that content differs per run (esp mp graphics afterwards)
+ \checkforrepeatedlistitem
+ \ifdim\dimen2<\zeropoint\relax
+ \llap{\ifconditional\sublistitem\llap{+}\fi\box8\hskip\leftmargindistance}%
+ \else
+ \ifdim\dimen2=\zeropoint\relax
+ \calculatelistwidth1{\dimen0}%
+ \else
+ \calculatelistwidth\currentitemlevel{\dimen0}%
+ \fi
+ \ifconditional\textlistitem
+ \hbox{\ifconditional\sublistitem+\fi\box8\hskip\interwordspace}\nobreak
+ \else\ifconditional\inlinelistitem
+ \hbox to \dimen0{\ifconditional\sublistitem\llap{+}\fi\box8\hss}% was: \hfill
+ \else\ifconditional\txtlistitem
+ \dodotxtitem
+ \else
+ % todo: align+marge binnen de hbox
+% \llap{\hbox to \dimen0{\ifconditional\sublistitem\llap{+}\fi\box8\hfill}}%
+ \llap{\hbox to \dimen0{\ifconditional\sublistitem\llap{+}\fi
+ \symalignleft
+ \box8\hfil
+ \hskip\getitemparameter\currentitemlevel\c!distance% T h
+ }}%
+ \fi\fi\fi
+ \fi
+ \forceunexpanded % needed for m conversion (\os) / i need to look into this
+ \setevalue{\@@currentitemsymbol\currentitemlevel}%
+ {\getvalue{\@@localitemsymbol\currentitemlevel}}% still problems with \uchar ?
+ %{\noexpand\getvalue{\@@localitemsymbol\currentitemlevel}}% no, spoils subrefs
+ \resetunexpanded
+ \setfalse\headlistitem
+ \setfalse\sublistitem
+ \setfalse\symbollistitem
+ \EveryPar{\ignorespaces}% needed ?
+ \ignorespaces}
+% For Wolfgang Schuster
+% \startitemize[n,repeat]
+% \noitem \startitemize[a] \item Item 1.a. \item Item 1.b. \stopitemize
+% \noitem \startitemize[a] \item Item 2.a. \item Item 2.b. \stopitemize
+% \stopitemize
+\def\donolistitem % reduced \dolistitem
+ {\increment\noflistelements
+ \setbox8\hbox
+ {\doitemattributes\currentitemlevel\c!style\c!color{\listitem}}%
+ \checkforrepeatedlistitem
+ \ignorespaces}
+ {\doadvanceitem\donolistitem}
+% For Frank Grieshaber and Mojca Miklavec:
+ {\ifnum\currentitemlevel=\plusone
+ \initializeboxstack{item}%
+ \fi
+ \ifconditional\repeatlistitem
+ \savebox{item}{\currentitemlevel}{\hbox{\copy8}}%
+ \setbox8\hbox to \wd8
+ {\setbox\scratchbox\hbox
+ {\scratchcounter\currentitemlevel
+ \advance\scratchcounter\minusone
+ \dorecurse\scratchcounter{\foundbox{item}{\recurselevel}}}%
+ \ifnum\currentitemlevel>\plusone
+ \ifdim\wd\scratchbox>\zeropoint
+ \hskip-\dimen2
+ \box\scratchbox
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \box8 }%
+ \fi}
+% \startbuffer
+% \item
+% \startitemize[n]
+% \item item 1.1
+% \item item 1.2
+% \startitemize[n] \item item 1.2.1 \item item 1.2.2 \stopitemize
+% \item item 1.3
+% \stopitemize
+% \item
+% \startitemize[n] \item item 2.1 \item item 2.2 \stopitemize
+% \item item 3
+% \startitemize[n] \item item 3.1 \item item 3.2 \stopitemize
+% \item
+% \startitemize[n] \item item 4.1 \item item 4.2 \stopitemize
+% \stopbuffer
+% \startitemize[n,repeat,6*broad,packed] \getbuffer \stopitemize \blank[3*big]
+% \startitemize[n,repeat,packed] \getbuffer \stopitemize \blank[3*big]
+% \setupitemize[each][atmargin][width=3em]
+% \startitemize[n,repeat,packed] \getbuffer \stopitemize
+\chardef\autoitemgroupspacing=2 % 0 = voor/na, 1=tussen als geen voor 2=(prev)tussen=old/normal
+ {\ifconditional\textlistitem
+ % begin of item
+ \else
+ \par
+ \fi
+% \ignorespaces
+ \ifconditional\concatnextitem % new, concat
+ \doitembreak\nobreak % new, concat
+ \fi % new, concat
+ \doadvanceitem
+ \ifcase\itemcolumndepth \ifnum\noflistelements>0\relax
+ % wrong, but why was this here in the first place, probably some
+ % mistaken change when cleaning up: \doitembreak\nobreak
+ \fi\fi
+ \ifconditional\firstlistitem
+ \setfalse\firstlistitem
+ \begingroup
+ \ifcase\currentitemlevel
+ \or % 1
+ \ifcase\itemcolumndepth
+ \ifconditional\introlistitem\doitembreak\nobreak\fi
+ \itembeforecommand % \getitemparameter\currentitemlevel\c!before
+ \ifconditional\introlistitem\doitembreak\nobreak\fi
+ \fi
+ \else % 2 en hoger
+ \ifconditional\paragraphlistitem \else
+ \let\previtemlevel\currentitemlevel
+ \decrement\previtemlevel
+ \ifcase\autoitemgroupspacing\relax % nieuw
+ \itembeforecommand
+ \or
+ \doifelsenothing{\itembeforecommand}
+ {\itembeforecommand}
+ {\getitemparameter\previtemlevel\c!inbetween}%
+ \else
+ \getitemparameter\previtemlevel\c!inbetween % == itemlevel-1
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \else
+\ifconditional\textlistitem % was bugged: \inlinelistitem
+% \removeunwantedspaces\hskip\interwordspace\!!plus\emwidth\relax % new per 2006/10/20
+ \removeunwantedspaces\hskip\emwidth\!!plus\interwordstretch\!!minus\interwordshrink\relax % new per 2006/10/20
+ \iteminbetweencommand
+ \fi
+ \ifconditional\concatnextitem % new, concat
+ \vskip-\lastskip % new, concat
+ \vskip-\lineheight % new, concat
+ \nobreak % new, concat
+ \fi % new, concat
+% \ignorespaces
+ \dolistitem
+ \relax
+ \ifconditional\packlistitem
+ \setupwhitespace[\v!none]%
+ \fi
+ \getitemparameter\currentitemlevel\c!inner
+ \marsymbol
+ \let\marsymbol\relax
+ \doifsomething{#1}
+ {\doifnot\itemreference\unknownitemreference
+ {\bgroup
+ \protectconversion
+ \rawreference\s!lst{#1}\itemreference
+ \egroup}}%
+ \strut % added 11-08-99
+ \setfalse\concatnextitem % new, concat
+ \nobreak % else problems with intext items
+ \hskip\itemsignal % new, concat
+ \getitemparameter\currentitemlevel\c!command} % \defaultitemcommand
+ {\EveryPar{\ignorespaces}% needed ?
+ \ignorespaces}
+% For Giuseppe "Oblomov" Bilotta, inspired on a suggestion by Taco
+% Hoekwater.
+% \def\MyItemCommand#1{{\bf#1}\quad}
+% \setupitemgroup[itemize][command=\MyItemCommand]
+% \startitemize
+% \item {test} is this okay?
+% \item {test} is this okay?
+% \item {test} is this okay?
+% \stopitemize
+\def\complexitem[#1]#2\par % todo: no two pass data
+ {\startitemgroup[#1]%
+ \complexdoitemgroupitem[]\begstrut#2\endstrut\par
+ \stopitemgroup}
+ {\startitemgroup[#1]%
+ \complexdoitemgrouphead[]\begstrut#2\endstrut\par\begstrut#3\endstrut\par
+ \stopitemgroup}
+% \def\complexdoitemgrouphead[#1]#2\par% % beter in \complexdosom hangen met een if
+% {\ifconditional\firstlistitem\else\doitembreak\allowbreak\fi
+% \ifconditional\packlistitem\else\itembeforeheadcommand\fi
+% \ifconditional\firstlistitem\ifconditional\introlistitem\else\ifcase\currentitemlevel % incr in \complexdosom
+% \doitembreak\allowbreak
+% \fi\fi\fi
+% \complexdoitemgroupitem[#1]{\doitemattributes\currentitemlevel\c!headstyle\c!headcolor
+% {\ignorespaces#2}}%
+% \ifconditional\textlistitem
+% \removeunwantedspaces\space\ignorespaces
+% \else
+% \par
+% \fi
+% \doitembreak\nobreak
+% \ifconditional\packlistitem\else\itemafterheadcommand\fi
+% \doitembreak\nobreak
+% \noindentation}
+% the next solution accepts \head test \type{x{x}x} test ...
+\def\dostopitemattributes {\dostopattributes}
+\def\complexdoitemgrouphead[#1]% beter in \complexdosom hangen met een if
+ {\ifconditional\firstlistitem\else\doitembreak\allowbreak\fi
+ \ifconditional\packlistitem\else\itembeforeheadcommand\fi
+ \ifconditional\firstlistitem\ifconditional\introlistitem\else\ifcase\currentitemlevel % incr in \complexdosom
+ \doitembreak\allowbreak
+ \fi\fi\fi
+ \complexdoitemgroupitem[#1]%
+ \bgroup
+ \dostartitemattributes\currentitemlevel\c!headstyle\c!headcolor\empty
+ \ignorespaces
+ \let\par\enditemhead} % brrrr but simple anyway
+ {\removeunwantedspaces
+ \dostopitemattributes
+ \egroup
+ \ifconditional\textlistitem
+ \space\ignorespaces
+ \else
+ \par
+ \fi
+ \doitembreak\nobreak
+ \ifconditional\packlistitem\else\itemafterheadcommand\fi
+ \doitembreak\nobreak
+ \noindentation}
+% \def\sym#1%
+% {\noindent
+% \begingroup
+% \setbox\scratchbox\hbox{\trialtypesettingtrue#1}%
+% \setbox\scratchbox\hbox
+% \ifdim\wd\scratchbox<1em to 1.5\else spread 1\fi em{#1\hfil}%
+% \hangindent\wd\scratchbox
+% \box\scratchbox
+% \endgroup
+% \ignorespaces}
+ {\noindent
+ \begingroup
+ \setbox\scratchbox\hbox{\trialtypesettingtrue#1}%
+ \setbox\scratchbox\hbox
+ \ifdim\wd\scratchbox<1em to 1.5\else spread 1\fi em{#1\hfil}%
+ \expanded{\box\scratchbox\endgroup\hangindent\the\wd\scratchbox}%
+ \ignorespaces}
+\setupitemgroups % undocumented
+ [\c!levels=6,
+ \c!margin=\zeropoint,
+ \c!leftmargin=\zeropoint,
+ \c!rightmargin=\zeropoint,
+ \c!indentnext=\v!yes,
+ \c!width=1.5em,
+ \c!factor=0,
+ \c!distance=.5em,
+ %\c!align=\v!normal, % definitely not \v!normal, see mails and
+ \c!align=, % debug reports of David A & Patrick G on context list
+ \c!symalign=,
+ \c!color=,
+ \c!indenting=, % untouched if empty
+ \c!color=,
+ \c!style=, % kan tzt weg
+ \c!marstyle=\c!type, % \c! ???
+ \c!symstyle=,
+ \c!headstyle=,
+ \c!marcolor=,
+ \c!symcolor=,
+ \c!headcolor=,
+ \c!beforehead=,
+ \c!afterhead=\blank,
+ \c!before=\blank,
+ \c!inbetween=\blank,
+ \c!after=\blank,
+ \c!stopper=.,
+ \c!placestopper=\v!yes,
+ \c!inner=,
+ \c!n=2,
+ \c!items=4,
+ \c!lefttext=(,
+ \c!righttext=),
+ \c!start=1,
+ \c!option=,
+ \c!command=\defaultitemcommand,
+ \c!symbol=\currentitemlevel] % \v!niveau
+ {\dodoubleempty\dodefineitemgroup}
+ {\doifsomething{#1}
+ {\pushmacro\currentitemgroup
+ \def\currentitemgroup{#1}%
+ \setvalue{\e!start#1}{\startitemgroup[#1]}%
+ \setvalue{\e!stop#1}{\stopitemgroup}%
+ \setvalue{\e!setup#1\e!endsetup}{\setupitemgroup[#1]}%
+ \getparameters[\??ig#1][\c!levels=3,#2]%
+ \ifnum\getvalue{\??ig#1\c!levels}<\maxitemdepth\relax
+ \setevalue{\??ig#1\c!levels}{\number\maxitemdepth}%
+ \fi
+ \dorecurse{\getvalue{\??ig#1\c!levels}}{\initializeitemgrouplevel\recurselevel}%
+ \popmacro\currentitemgroup}}
+% efficient default itemize as well as upward compatible
+% definition:
+\defineitemgroup [\v!itemize] [\c!levels=6]
+% keep these, needed for styles:
+% \def\startitemize {\startitemgroup[\v!itemize]}
+% \def\stopitemize {\stopitemgroup}
+% \def\setupitemize {\setupitemgroup[\v!itemize]}
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/strc-lnt.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/strc-lnt.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3c878a8d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/strc-lnt.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=strc-lnt,
+%D version=2002.05.10,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Structure Macros,
+%D subtitle=Line Notes,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Structure Macros / Line Notes}
+%D This module loads on top of the footnote and line numbering macros.
+\newtoks \collectedlinenotes
+\newif \iftracelinenotes
+ \the\collectedlinenotes
+\to \everylinenumber
+ \global\collectedlinenotes\emptytoks
+\to \beforeeverylinenumbering
+ {\bgroup
+ \expanded{\beforesplitstring#2}\at--\to\linenotelinenumber
+ \ifnum\linenotelinenumber=\linenumber\relax
+ % todo: \onlyfootnote{#2}{#3}% == configurable
+ % \setupnote[#1][\c!numbercommand=\gobbleoneargument]%
+ % \setnotetext[#1]{\rawreference\s!fnt{\s!fnt:f:\number\internalnotereference}{}#2: #3}%
+ \def\linenotelinenumber##1{#2}%
+ \setupnote[#1][\c!numbercommand=\linenotelinenumber,\c!textcommand=\gobbleoneargument]%
+ \setnote[#1]{#3}%
+ \fi
+ \egroup}
+ {\iftracelinenotes
+ \hbox to \zeropoint
+ {\forgetall
+ \localcolortrue
+ \hsize\zeropoint
+ \hss
+ \vbox to \strutheight{\llap{\red\infofont\setstrut\linenotecounter}\vss}%
+ {\color[blue]{\vl}}%
+ \vbox to \strutheight{\rlap{\red\infofont\setstrut#1}\vss}%
+ \hss}%
+ \prewordbreak
+ \fi}
+ {\doglobal\increment\linenotecounter
+ \doifreferencefoundelse{\??rr:\linenotecounter}%
+ {\expanded{\doglobal\noexpand\appendtoks\noexpand\dohandlelinenote
+ {#1}{\currenttextreference}}{#2}\to\collectedlinenotes}
+ \donothing
+ \dotracedlinenote\empty
+ \expanded{\someline[\??rr:\linenotecounter]}}
+ {\doifreferencefoundelse{\??rr:#2}%
+ {\expanded{\doglobal\noexpand\appendtoks\noexpand\dohandlelinenote
+ {#1}{\currenttextreference}}{#3}\to\collectedlinenotes}
+ \donothing
+ \dotracedlinenote{#2}%
+ \startline[\??rr:#2]}
+ {\stopline[\??rr:#2]}
+% defining them
+ {\dodoubleempty\dodefinelinenote}
+ {\definenote[#1][#2]%
+ \setvalue {#1}{\dolinenote {#1}}%
+ \setvalue{\e!start#1}{\dostartlinenote{#1}}%
+ \setvalue{\e!stop #1}{\dostoplinenote {#1}}}
+\def\setuplinenote % convenient
+ {\setupnote}
+% We predefine one, namely \type {\linenote} cum suis.
+% \startbuffer[test]
+% \startlinenumbering[100]
+% test \linenote {oeps} test test test test test test
+% test \startlinenote [well] {oeps} test test test test test test
+% test \linenote {oeps} test test test test test test
+% test \linenote {oeps} test test test test test test
+% test \linenote {oeps} test test test test test test
+% test \linenote {oeps} test test test test test test
+% test \stoplinenote [well] test test test test test test
+% \stoplinenumbering
+% \stopbuffer
+% \setupnotedefinition[linenote] [location=serried,distance=.5em]
+% {\typebuffer[test] \getbuffer[test]} \page
+% \startbuffer[setup]
+% \setuplinenumbering
+% [align=left]
+% \stopbuffer
+% {\typebuffer[setup] \getbuffer[setup,test]} \page
+% \startbuffer[setup]
+% \setuplinenumbering
+% [width=1em,
+% align=left]
+% \stopbuffer
+% {\typebuffer[setup] \getbuffer[setup,test]} \page
+% \startbuffer[setup]
+% \setuplinenumbering
+% [width=2em,
+% distance=.5em,
+% align=left]
+% \stopbuffer
+% {\typebuffer[setup] \getbuffer[setup,test]} \page
+% \startbuffer[setup]
+% \setuplinenumbering
+% [width=2em,
+% align=middle]
+% \stopbuffer
+% {\typebuffer[setup] \getbuffer[setup,test]} \page
+% \startbuffer[setup]
+% \setuplinenumbering
+% [conversion=romannumerals,
+% start=1,
+% step=1,
+% location=text,
+% style=slanted,
+% color=blue,
+% width=1.5em]
+% \stopbuffer
+% {\typebuffer[setup] \startnarrower\getbuffer[setup,test]\stopnarrower} \page
+% \startbuffer[setup]
+% \setuplinenumbering
+% [width=4em,
+% left=--,
+% right=--,
+% align=middle]
+% \stopbuffer
+% {\typebuffer[setup] \getbuffer[setup,test]} \page
+% \startbuffer[setup-1]
+% \setuplinenumbering
+% [style=\bfxx,
+% command=\WatchThis]
+% \stopbuffer
+% \startbuffer[setup-2]
+% \def\WatchThis#1%
+% {\ifodd\linenumber
+% \definecolor[linecolor][red]%
+% \else
+% \definecolor[linecolor][green]%
+% \fi
+% \inframed
+% [offset=1pt,frame=off,background=color,backgroundcolor=linecolor]
+% {#1}}
+% \stopbuffer
+% {\typebuffer[setup-1,setup-2] \getbuffer[setup-1,setup-2,test]} \page
+% \startbuffer[setup-1]
+% \setuplinenumbering
+% [location=inright,
+% style=\bfxx,
+% command=\WatchThis]
+% \stopbuffer
+% {\typebuffer[setup-1] \getbuffer[setup-1,setup-2,test]} \page
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/strc-lst.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/strc-lst.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ffb1a4dbd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/strc-lst.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,1150 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=strc-lst,
+%D version=1997.03.31,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Structure Macros,
+%D subtitle=Lists,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Structure Macros / Lists}
+% \getlistlevel[hoofdstuk]\test{0} \test
+% can be made faster if needed
+\def\getlistlevel[#1]#2#3% [list] \variable \default
+ {\doifdefinedelse{\??ko#1\c!section}
+ {\edef#2{\getvalue{\??ko#1\c!section}}%
+ \doifdefinedelse{\??se#2\c!level}
+ {\edef#2{\getvalue{\??se#2\c!level}}}
+ {\edef#2{#3}}}
+ {\edef#2{#3}}}
+% Auto cross document links work by either using logical or
+% page references, depending on the general settings. The
+% locations are stored in global references where the auto tag
+% number uses the text container. We use reference mapping
+% (define reference) to keep track of the current ref.
+% \@@sectie == current level
+ {\doifelsevalue{\??li#1\c!state}\v!start
+ \dodowritetolist\gobblefourarguments{#1}}
+ {\begingroup
+ \expanded{\everylistentry\emptytoks\the\everylistentry}% \emptytoks, else loop
+ \def\currentlist{#1}% evt naar dowritetolist
+ \defconvertexpanded\asciilistentry{\getvalue{\??li\currentlist\c!expansion}}{#3}%
+ \makesectionformat
+ \doifelse\@@nmstate\v!start
+ {\def\dopagenummer{\noexpand\pagenumber}}
+ {\let\dopagenummer\!!zerocount}%
+ % niet waterdicht, wat te doen met figuren en zo
+ % first hack: scheelt rommel, second hack: alleen koppen
+ \doifelsevalue{\??rf\currentlist\c!state}\v!start
+ {\doif{\@@sectionlevel\@@sectie}{0}\autocrossdocumentfalse}
+ {\autocrossdocumentfalse}%
+ % weak and inefficient
+ \ifautocrossdocument
+ \bgroup
+ \thisisnextinternal\currentlist
+ %\thisisdestination{\currentlist::\sectionformat}%
+ \expanded{\setsectieenkoppeling{\currentlist}}%
+ \edef\currentlevel{\@@sectionlevel\@@sectie}%
+ \processcommacommand[\crossdocumentreferences]\dododowritetolist
+ \egroup
+ \else
+ \thisisnextinternal\currentlist
+ \fi
+ \expanded
+ {\writeutilitycommand % todo: also an immediate option
+ {\noexpand\listentry
+ {\currentlist}%
+ {\nextinternalreference}%
+ {#2}%
+ {\asciilistentry}%
+ {\sectionformat\sectionseparator\sectionseparator\dopagenummer}%
+ {\noexpand\realfolio}}}%
+ \endgroup}
+ {\def\docommand##1%
+ {\doifvalue{\??rf##1\c!state}\v!start
+ {\setsectieenkoppeling{##1}%
+ \def\level{\@@sectionlevel\@@sectie}%
+ \ifnum\level>\currentlevel
+ \expanded{\definereference[#1::##1][\v!none]}%
+ \else\ifnum\level=\currentlevel
+ \expanded{\definereference[#1::##1][#1::{##1::\sectionformat}]}%
+ \fi\fi}}%
+ \processcommacommand[\crossdocumentelements]\docommand}
+% so far
+ {\doifvalue{\??li#1\c!state}\v!start
+ {\begingroup
+ \defconvertedargument\ascii{#2}%
+ \makesectionformat
+ \doifelse{\@@nmstate}\v!start
+ {\def\dopagenummer{\noexpand\pagenumber}}
+ {\let\dopagenummer\!!zerocount}%
+ \expanded
+ {\writeutilitycommand
+ {\noexpand\listbetween
+ {#1}%
+ {\ascii}%
+ {\sectionformat\sectionseparator\sectionseparator\dopagenummer}%
+ {\noexpand\realfolio}}}%
+ \endgroup}}
+% experimental (no nodes in mvl), needed for naw
+ {\begingroup
+ \defconvertexpanded\asciilistentry{\getvalue{\??li#1\c!expansion}}{#3}%
+ \makesectionformat
+ \immediatewriteutilitycommand
+ {\listentry
+ {#1}{}{#2}{\asciilistentry}%
+ {\sectionformat\sectionseparator\sectionseparator\number#4}%
+ {\realfolio}}%
+ \endgroup}
+ {\begingroup
+ \defconvertedargument\asciilistentry{#2}%
+ \makesectionformat
+ \immediatewriteutilitycommand
+ {\listbetween
+ {#1}{\asciilistentry}%
+ {\sectionformat\sectionseparator\sectionseparator0}%
+ {\realfolio}}%
+ \endgroup}
+ {\def\listentry ##1{\executeifdefined{##1\c!list }\gobblefivearguments }%
+ \def\listbetween##1{\executeifdefined{##1\c!inbetween}\gobblethreearguments}}
+ {\let\listentry \gobblesixarguments
+ \let\listbetween\gobblefourarguments}
+% old values:
+% a: \def\listfill {\hskip 1.75em}
+% b: \def\listfill {\hskip.5em\hfill}
+% c: \def\listfill {\hskip.5em\listdots\hskip.5em}
+% todo: interface them
+% \setvalue{\??li\c!alternative a}% nr - tit - pag
+% {\def\listfill {\hskip.25em\relax}%
+% \def\listskip {0pt}%
+% \def\listwidth {2em}%
+% \def\liststretch{10em}}
+% \setvalue{\??li\c!alternative b}% nr - tit - fill - pag
+% {\def\listfill {\hfill}%
+% \def\listskip {5em}%
+% \def\listwidth {2em}%
+% \def\liststretch{10em}}
+% \setvalue{\??li\c!alternative c}% nr - tit - dots - pag
+% {\def\listfill {\hskip.5em\listdots\hskip.5em\relax}%
+% \def\listskip {5em}%
+% \def\listwidth {0pt}%
+% \def\liststretch{10em}}
+ {\csname\??li\??li\listparameter\c!alternative#1\endcsname}
+ {\dodoubleargument\getparameters[\??li\??li#1]}
+ % \listfill cum suis will be replaced by the direct call
+\def\listfill {\listalternativeparameter\c!command }
+\def\listskip {\listalternativeparameter\c!distance}
+\def\listwidth {\listalternativeparameter\c!width }
+\def\liststretch{\listalternativeparameter\c!stretch }
+% a : nr - tit - pag
+% b : nr - tit - fill - pag
+% c : nr - tit - dots - pag
+\def\listdots{\leaders\hbox to .5em{\hss.\hss}\hfill}
+% \starttext
+% \placelist[section][alternative=c]
+% \setuplistalternative[c][distance=1em,stretch=0em]
+% \placelist[section][alternative=c]
+% \section{test}
+% \section{\readfile{tufte}{}{}}
+% \stoptext
+\setvalue{\??li\c!alternative}{\getvalue{\??li\c!alternative b}}
+\def\setlistparameter#1#2#3{\@EA\def\csname\??li#1#2\endcsname{#3}} % often
+\def\listparameter #1{\csname\??li\currentlist#1\endcsname}
+\def\dosetuplist[#1][#2]% slow -)
+ {\def\docommand##1%
+ {\getparameters[\??li##1][#2]%
+ \preparepageprefix{\??li##1}}%
+ \processcommalist[#1]\docommand}
+ {\dodoubleargument\dosetuplist}
+ {\def\nolist{\splitsequence{\getvalue{\??li#1\c!limittext}}}%
+ \setvalue{#1\c!inbetween}{\dobetweenlist{#1}}%
+ \setvalue{#1\c!list }{\dolistelement{#1}}}
+% \def\dodoresetlist#1%
+% {\let\nolist\empty
+% \setvalue{#1\c!inbetween}{\gobblefourarguments{#1}}%
+% \setvalue{#1\c!list }{\gobblesixarguments {#1}}}
+ {\let\nolist\empty
+ \letvalue{#1\c!inbetween}\gobblethreearguments
+ \letvalue{#1\c!list }\gobblefivearguments}
+ {\presetlocalframed[\??li#1]%
+ \getparameters
+ [\??li#1]
+ [\c!height=\v!broad,
+ \c!depth=\v!broad,
+ \c!offset=0.25em,
+ \c!maxwidth=,
+ \c!align=,
+ \c!state=\v!start,
+ \c!coupling=\v!off,
+ \c!criterium=\v!local,
+ \c!width=3em,
+ \c!alternative=\c!b,
+ \c!style=\v!normal,
+ \c!textstyle=\listparameter\c!style,
+ \c!numberstyle=\listparameter\c!style,
+ \c!pagestyle=\listparameter\c!style,
+ \c!color=,
+ \c!textcolor=\listparameter\c!color,
+ \c!numbercolor=\listparameter\c!color,
+ \c!pagecolor=\listparameter\c!color,
+ \c!numbercommand=\listnumbercommand,
+ \c!textcommand=\listtextcommand,
+ \c!pagecommand=\listpagecommand,
+ \c!pagenumber=\v!yes,
+ \c!headnumber=\v!yes,
+ \c!pageboundaries=,
+ \c!margin=\!!zeropoint,
+ \c!aligntitle=,
+ \c!before=,
+ \c!after=,
+ \c!inbetween=,
+ \c!symbol=,
+ \c!interaction=\v!sectionnumber,
+ \v!part\v!number=\v!yes, % nodig ? % v
+ %\c!prefix=\v!no, % we need to initialize it
+ \c!label=\v!no,
+ \c!distance=\!!zeropoint,
+ \c!separator=\@@koseparator,
+ \c!limittext=\@@kolimittext,
+ \c!stopper=,
+ \c!expansion=]%
+ \doifassignmentelse{#2}
+ {\getparameters[\??li#1][#2]}
+ {\ConvertToConstant\doifnot{#2}{} % not \doifsomething ivm Convert...
+ {\copyparameters % interactie ?
+ [\??li#1][\??li#2]
+ [\c!state,\c!width,\c!alternative,\c!style,\c!color,
+ \c!textstyle,\c!textcolor,\c!textcommand,
+ \c!pagestyle,\c!pagecommand,\c!pagecolor,
+ \c!numberstyle,\c!numbercolor,\c!numbercommand,
+ \c!headnumber,
+ \c!pagenumber,\c!pageboundaries,\c!margin,\c!symbol,\c!limittext,
+ \c!aligntitle,\c!before,\c!after,\c!inbetween,\v!part\c!number,\c!label]%
+ \getparameters[\??li#1][#3]}}%
+ \addutilityreset{#1}%
+ \setvalue{\s!set #1}{\dodosetlist {#1}}%
+ \setvalue{\s!reset#1}{\dodoresetlist{#1}}}
+ {\dotripleempty\dodefinelist}
+\def\iflijstgeplaatst{\ifutilitydone} % obsolete, is now a mode
+ {\dodoubleempty\doplacelist}
+ {\dodoubleempty\doplacerawlist}
+ {\begingroup
+ \startpacked[\v!blank]}
+ {\stoppacked
+ \endgroup}
+ {\dobeginoflist
+ \doplacerawlist[#1][#2]%
+ \doendoflist}
+ {\begingroup
+ \dogetcommalistelement1\from#1\to\firstlistelement
+ \dosetuplist[#1][#2]%
+ \doifvalue{\??li\firstlistelement\c!coupling}\v!on
+ {\startlistreferences{#1}}%
+ \dosettoclevel\??li\firstlistelement
+ \honorlocalfilterlevel
+ \doutilities{listentries,#1}\jobname{#1}\relax\par
+ \stoplistreferences
+ \dosetlistmode
+ \endgroup}
+% the simple approach:
+% \def\dosettoclevel#1#2%
+% {\dosetfilterlevel{\getvalue{#1#2\c!criterium}}\empty}
+% but we want to to support selection by number:
+% \starttypen
+% \placelist[section][criterium=chapter,number=1] \blank
+% \placelist[section][criterium=chapter,number=2] \blank
+% \placelist[section][criterium=chapter,number=3] \blank
+% \chapter{first} \section{AA} \section{BB}
+% \chapter{second} \section{CC} \section{DD}
+% \chapter{third} \section{EE} \section{FF}
+% \stoptypen
+\def\dosettoclevel#1#2% todo: check if criterium is headid, else error
+ {\ifundefined{#1#2\c!number}%
+ \dosetfilterlevel{\getvalue{#1#2\c!criterium}}\empty
+ \else
+ % \doifnot{#2}\v!local ...
+ \doifelsevaluenothing{#1#2\c!number}%
+ {\dosetfilterlevel{\getvalue{#1#2\c!criterium}}\empty}
+ {\setsectieenkoppeling{\getvalue{#1#2\c!criterium}}%
+ \dosetfilterlevel
+ {\previoussection\@@sectie}%
+ {\getvalue{#1#2\c!number}}}%
+ \fi}
+ {\ifutilitydone
+ \setsystemmode \v!list
+ \else
+ \resetsystemmode\v!list
+ \fi}
+\def\dodocompletelist[#1][#2][#3]% enkelvoud, meervoud, instellingen
+ {\expanded{\systemsuppliedtitle[#2]{\noexpand\headtext{#2}}}% expansion needed for v! vs french !
+ \doplacelist[#1][#3]}
+ {\dodocompletelist[#1][#1][#2]}
+ {\dodoubleempty\docompletelist}
+\def\listelements {} % list of page breaks
+\def\listnumbercommand #1{#1} % no strut due to interactive version
+\def\listtextcommand #1{\begstrut#1\endstrut}
+\def\listpagecommand #1{\strut#1}
+ {\doifinsetelse{#2}{\v!fit,\v!broad}{#1=#3}{#1=#2}\relax}
+% \let\dohandlelistnumber\firstofoneargument
+% can be anything, so no \expanded{\separatednumber{#1}} !
+ {\begingroup
+ \def\currentlist{#1}%
+ \def\currentlistnumber{#2}%
+ \currentlistsymbol
+ \endgroup}
+% Beware, the list symbol macro gets an argument passed, i.e. when this
+% argument is not picked up, the symbol becomes a kind of prefix.
+% for historical reasons we're stuck to symbols, so in order to generalize,
+% we have to hook it into the symbol handler; we need a beter clean up later
+% < 2005
+% \def\dosetlistsymbol % #1
+% {\executeifdefined{listsymbol@\listparameter\c!symbol}\listsymbol@default} % {#1}
+% >= 2005
+% at this symbol level, we have access to the raw 'number' in
+% \currentlistnumber
+\definesymbol[\v!list][\v!none ][\listsymbol@none ]
+\definesymbol[\v!list][\v!one ][\listsymbol@one ]
+\definesymbol[\v!list][\v!two ][\listsymbol@two ]
+\definesymbol[\v!list][\v!three ][\listsymbol@three ]
+ {\doifinsymbolsetelse\v!list{\listparameter\c!symbol}
+ {\directsymbol\v!list{\listparameter\c!symbol}}
+ {\directsymbol\v!list\s!default}}
+ {\doassigndimen\scratchdimen{\listparameter\c!width}{1.5em}%
+ \hbox to \scratchdimen{}}
+ {\strut$\bullet$}
+ {\vrule\!!width1em\!!height1ex\!!depth\zeropoint}
+ {\begingroup
+ \doassigndimen{\dimen0}{\listparameter\c!width }{1.5em}%
+ \doassigndimen{\dimen2}{\listparameter\c!height}{1ex}%
+ \doassigndimen{\dimen4}{\listparameter\c!depth }\zeropoint
+ \vrule\!!width\dimen0\!!height\dimen2\!!depth\dimen4%
+ \endgroup}
+ {\doifelse{\listparameter\c!prefix}\v!no % ook nog eerste
+ {\edef\splitlistsymbol{\@EA\removefirstprefix\@EA{\currentlistnumber}}}% one level expansion
+ {\doifelse{\listparameter\c!prefix}\v!none
+ {\edef\splitlistsymbol{\@EA\removeallprefixes\@EA{\currentlistnumber}}}%
+ {\let\splitlistsymbol\currentlistnumber}}% geen \edef ivm 8 bit enz
+ \doif{\listparameter\c!label}\v!yes{\leftlabeltext\currentlist}%
+ \strut
+ \def\numberseparator{\listparameter\c!separator}% overloaded, todo
+ \@EA\dohandlelistnumber\@EA{\splitlistsymbol}%
+ \listparameter\c!stopper
+ \doif{\listparameter\c!label}\v!yes{\rightlabeltext\currentlist}}
+ {\listparameter\c!symbol}
+% so far for list symbols
+\def\dosomelistelement#1#2#3{#1 #2 \translatednumber[#3]}
+\setvalue{\@@dodolistelement a}{\let\dosomelistelement\dodofixdlistelementABC}
+\setvalue{\@@dodolistelement b}{\let\dosomelistelement\dodofixdlistelementABC}
+\setvalue{\@@dodolistelement c}{\let\dosomelistelement\dodofixdlistelementABC}
+\setvalue{\@@dodolistelement d}{\let\dosomelistelement\dodofixdlistelementD}
+\setvalue{\@@dodolistelement e}{\let\dosomelistelement\dodofixdlistelementE}
+\setvalue{\@@dodolistelement f}{\let\dosomelistelement\dodofixdlistelementF}
+\setvalue{\@@dodolistelement g}{\let\dosomelistelement\dodofixdlistelementG}
+\setvalue{\@@dodolistelement\v!none }{\def\dosomelistelement{\dodofreevlistelement}}
+\setvalue{\@@dodolistelement\v!vertical }{\def\dosomelistelement{\dodofreevlistelement}}
+\setvalue{\@@dodolistelement\v!command }{\let\dosomelistelement\dodocommandlistelement}
+% \setuplist
+% [section]
+% [alternative=MyListItem,
+% after=\blank,
+% before=\blank]
+% \definelistplacement[MyListItem][none]#1#2#3%
+% {(#1) (#2) (#3)}
+ {\dodoubleempty\dodefinelistplacement}
+ {\setvalue{\@@dodolistelement#1}%
+ {\doifelsenothing{#2}
+ {\getvalue{\@@dodolistelement\v!command}}%
+ {\executeifdefined{\@@dodolistelement#2}
+ {\getvalue{\@@dodolistelement\v!command}}}%
+ \setvalue{\??li\currentlist\c!command}{\getvalue{\@@dodolistelement::#1}}}%
+ \setvalue{\@@dodolistelement::#1}}
+% don't mess arround with endgraf/grouping else we loose leftskip
+% \strippedcsname\dodolistelement
+\def\dolistelement#1#2#3#4#5#6% pas op: wordt ook elders gedefinieerd
+ {\doiftoclevelelse[#5]{\dodolistelement{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}{#6}}{}}
+ {\def\currentlist{#1}%
+ \def\currentlistnumber{#3}%
+ \getvalue{\@@dodolistelement\listparameter\c!alternative}%
+ %\showcomposition
+ \let\@@iawidth\!!zeropoint % moet boolean worden
+ \bgroup
+ \edef\listelements
+ {\listparameter\c!pageboundaries}%
+ \ExpandBothAfter\doifinset{#3}\listelements
+ {\showmessage\m!systems{14}{#3}%
+ \page}%
+ \egroup
+ \dontcomplain
+ \setfullsectionnumber{\??li\currentlist}%
+ \dosomelistelement{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}{#6}%
+ \global\utilitydonetrue}
+ {\doifvaluesomething{\??li\currentlist#2} % color
+ {\resetinteractionparameter\c!color
+ \resetinteractionparameter\c!contrastcolor}%
+ \dolistattributes{#1}{#2}}
+\def\dostoplistattributes {\dostopattributes}
+\def\dolistattributes {\doattributes{\??li\currentlist}}
+ {\doifdefinedelse{\??li#1\c!command}
+ {\listparameter\c!command
+ {#3}{#4}{\pageprefix\??li\currentlist[#5]\translatednumber[#5]}}
+ {[\currentlist: #3 - #4 - \pageprefix\??li\currentlist[#5]\translatednumber[#5]]}}
+ {\def\makelistelement##1##2%
+ {\noindent % new and needed
+ \hbox
+ {\doifelse{\listparameter\c!interaction}{##1} % \??li ipv \??ia
+ {\setbox0\hbox{\showcontrastlocation{\??li\currentlist}{#6}{##2}}%
+ \linklisttoelement{#2}{#5}{#6}{\box0}}%{\copy0}}%
+ {##2}}}%
+ \listparameter\c!before% can be \hskip
+ \doifdefinedelse{\??li#1\c!command}
+ {\makelistelement{\listparameter\c!interaction}% this forces all
+ {\listparameter\c!command
+ {#3}% geen conversies etc
+ {#4}% geen conversies etc
+ {\pageprefix\??li\currentlist[#5]%
+ \translatednumber[#5]}}}
+ {#7%
+ \vbox
+ {\forgetall
+ \makelistelement\v!all
+ {%
+ {\makelistelement\v!sectionnumber
+ {\donestedlistattributes\c!numberstyle\c!numbercolor
+ {\listparameter\c!numbercommand{\currentlistsymbol}}}%
+ \makelistelement\v!text
+ {\donestedlistattributes\c!textstyle\c!textcolor
+ {\let\\=\newlineinlist
+ \dontconvertfont
+ \listparameter\c!textcommand{#4}}}%
+ \doif{\listparameter\c!pagenumber}\v!yes
+ {\doifsomething{#5}
+ {\makelistelement\v!pagenumber
+ {\donestedlistattributes\c!pagestyle\c!pagecolor
+ {\listparameter\c!pagecommand
+ {\pageprefix\??li\currentlist[#5]%
+ \translatednumber[#5]}}}}}}}%
+ #8}%
+ \listparameter\c!after}
+ {\dodofreelistelement{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}{#6}
+ {\noindent}{}}
+\def\dodofreevlistelement#1#2#3#4#5#6% % \nointerlineskip needed,
+ {\dodofreelistelement{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}{#6} % otherwise wrong spacing
+ {\ifvmode\nointerlineskip\fi} % at multi-line lists
+ {\ifvmode\nointerlineskip\fi\endgraf\allowbreak}} % test is saveguard
+% to be documented: align, hang
+% now also in abc
+ {\doifelsenothing{\listparameter\c!maxwidth}
+ {\listparameter\c!textcommand{#1}}
+ {\listparameter\c!textcommand
+ {\limitatetext
+ {#1}%
+ {\listparameter\c!maxwidth}%
+ {\splitsymbol{\listparameter\c!limittext}}}}}
+\def\dodofixdlistelementABC#1#2#3#4#5#6% weeden
+ {\endgraf
+ \leftskip\listparameter\c!margin% na de \endgraf !
+ \listparameter\c!before
+ \!!widthc\listparameter\c!distance
+ \doifelse{\listparameter\c!width}\v!fit
+ {\!!widtha\zeropoint}
+ {\doifelsenothing{#3}
+ {\doifelse{\listparameter\c!aligntitle}\v!yes
+ {\!!widtha\zeropoint
+ \!!widthc\zeropoint}
+ {\!!widtha\listparameter\c!width}}
+ {\!!widtha\listparameter\c!width}}%
+ \getvalue{\??li\c!alternative\listparameter\c!alternative}%
+ \endgraf
+ \def\makelistelement##1##2%
+ {\doifelse{\listparameter\c!interaction}{##1}
+ {\setbox0\hbox{\showcontrastlocation\??ia{#6}{##2}}%
+ \linklisttoelement{#2}{#5}{#6}{\box0}}%{\copy0}}%
+ {\hbox{##2}}}%
+ \doif{\listparameter\c!interaction}\v!text % not supported ! ! ! ! ! ! text == all
+ {\setlistparameter\currentlist\c!interaction\v!all}%
+ % \dontleavehmode % new, else no margin, but wrong, better (else \indent as well):
+ \noindent
+ \makelistelement\v!all
+ {\setlocalhsize
+ \hsize\localhsize
+ \hbox to \hsize
+ {\forgetall
+ \dostartlistattributes\c!style\c!color\empty
+ \!!widthb\hsize
+ \doifelse{\listparameter\c!headnumber}\v!yes
+ {\setbox2\hbox \ifdim\!!widtha>\zeropoint to \!!widtha \fi
+ {\makelistelement\v!sectionnumber
+ {\donestedlistattributes\c!numberstyle\c!numbercolor
+ {\listparameter\c!numbercommand{\currentlistsymbol}}%
+ \hfill}}}
+ {\!!widtha\zeropoint
+ \!!widthc\zeropoint
+ \setbox2\hbox{}}%
+ \setbox4\hbox
+ {\doif{\listparameter\c!pagenumber}\v!yes
+ {\doifsomething{#5} % \listwidth is new ; temp hack
+ {\hbox \ifdim\listwidth>\zeropoint to \listwidth\fi
+ {\hfill
+ \makelistelement\v!pagenumber
+ {\donestedlistattributes\c!pagestyle\c!pagecolor
+ {\listparameter\c!pagecommand
+ {\pageprefix\??li\currentlist[#5]%
+ \translatednumber[#5]}}}}}}}%
+ \vbox
+ {\hsize\!!widthb
+ \setupalign[\listparameter\c!align]%
+ \ifdim\!!widtha<\hsize
+ \hangindent\wd2
+ \dimen2=\!!widthc % \listparameter\c!distance
+ \advance\hangindent \dimen2
+ \hangafter\plusone
+ \doif{\listparameter\c!hang}\v!no{\hangafter\zerocount}%
+ \ifdim\wd4=\zeropoint % \ifvoid4
+ % we kunnen gewoon afbreken aan het eind
+ \else
+ \ifdim\listskip>\zeropoint\relax
+ \rightskip\listskip\!!plus\liststretch\relax
+ \parfillskip-\rightskip
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \dimen2\zeropoint
+ \fi
+ \parindent\zeropoint\relax
+ \leavevmode
+ \box2\relax
+ \hskip\dimen2
+ \bgroup
+ \donestedlistattributes\c!textstyle\c!textcolor
+ {\let\\=\newlineinlist
+ \dontconvertfont
+ %\listparameter\c!textcommand{#4}}%
+ \limitatedlistentry{#4}}%
+ %\carryoverpar % new otherwise wrong linespacing
+ \egroup
+ \ifdim\wd4=\zeropoint\relax % \ifvoid4
+ % \ifdim\!!widtha<\hsize \hfill\strut \fi % spoils align
+ \else
+ \nobreak\listfill
+ \box4\relax
+ \relax
+ \fi}%
+ \hss
+ \dostoplistattributes}}% new
+ \endgraf % new, else problems with nointerlinespace and prevdepth
+ \nointerlineskip % anders verkeerde spatiering bij multi-line
+ \endgraf
+ \allowbreak
+ \listparameter\c!after}
+% % example from the context list
+% \setuphead [part] [page=right,placehead=yes]
+% \setuplist [chapter] [alternative=d,before=\blank,after=\blank]
+% \setuplist [part] [before=\blank,after=\blank]
+% \starttext
+% \startnarrower[2*right] \placecontent \stopnarrower
+% \blank[4*big]
+% \startsetups chapter
+% \blank \startnarrower[3*middle] \placecontent[criterium=local] \stopnarrower
+% \stopsetups
+% \placelist[part][criterium=text,after=\setups{chapter}]
+% \part{First part} \chapter{Chapter one} \chapter{Chapter two}
+% \chapter{Chapter three} \chapter{Chapter four} \chapter{Chapter five}
+% \part{Second part} \chapter{Chapter one} \chapter{Chapter two}
+% \chapter{Chapter three} \chapter{Chapter four} \chapter{Chapter five}
+% \part{Third part} \chapter{Chapter one} \chapter{Chapter two}
+% \chapter{Chapter three} \chapter{Chapter four} \chapter{Chapter five}
+% \stoptext
+% overrulen interactie kan sneller, bv door hulpconstanten
+% te gebruiken en die te letten
+ {%\leftskip=\listparameter\c!margin
+ \ifvmode
+ \advance\leftskip\listparameter\c!margin% AANGEPAST
+ \fi
+ \bgroup
+ \ifvmode
+ \noindent\leavevmode % leavevmode ? ? ?
+ \fi
+ \doif{\listparameter\c!interaction}\v!text % not supported
+ {\setlistparameter\currentlist\c!interaction\v!sectionnumber}%
+ \doif{\listparameter\c!interaction}\v!all % not supported
+ {\setlistparameter\currentlist\c!interaction\v!sectionnumber}%
+ \def\makelistelement##1##2%
+ {\doifelse{\listparameter\c!interaction}{##1}
+ {\setbox0\hbox{\showcontrastlocation\??ia{#6}{##2}}%
+ \linklisttoelement{#2}{#5}{#6}{\box0}}%{\copy0}}%
+ {\hbox{##2}}}%
+ \setbox4\hbox
+ {\doif{\listparameter\c!pagenumber}\v!yes
+ {\doifsomething{#5}
+ {\makelistelement\v!pagenumber
+ {\donestedlistattributes\c!pagestyle\c!pagecolor
+ {\listparameter\c!pagecommand
+ {\pageprefix\??li\currentlist[#5]%
+ \translatednumber[#5]}}}}}}%
+ \donetrue
+ \doifnothing{#3}{\doifnothing{\listparameter\c!symbol}\donefalse}%
+ % == \doifnothing{#3\listparameter\c!symbol}\donefalse
+ \ifdone
+ \hbox
+ {\listparameter\c!left
+ \makelistelement\v!sectionnumber
+ {\donestedlistattributes\c!numberstyle\c!numbercolor
+ {\listparameter\c!numbercommand{\currentlistsymbol}}}%
+ \listparameter\c!right
+ \hskip.5em}%
+ \nobreak
+ \fi
+ \tolerance3500 % niet zomaar veranderen
+ \donestedlistattributes\c!textstyle\c!textcolor
+ {\let\\=\newlineinlist
+ \dontconvertfont
+ %\listparameter\c!textcommand{#4}}%
+ \limitatedlistentry{#4}}%
+ \ifvoid4\else
+ \nobreak
+ \hskip.75em\relax
+ \nobreak
+ \box4
+ \fi
+ \dimen0=\listparameter\c!distance\relax
+ \ifdim\dimen0<1em\relax
+ \hskip1em\!!plus1em\!!minus.25em\relax
+ \else
+ \hskip\dimen0\!!plus.5\dimen0\!!minus.25\dimen0\relax
+ \fi
+ \egroup}
+ {\dodofixdlistelementEFG
+ {\setupinteraction[\c!strut=\v!no]}
+ {\localframed[\??li\currentlist][\c!depth=\!!zeropoint,\c!color=]}
+ {}}
+ {\dodofixdlistelementEFG
+ {}
+ {\dosetraggedhbox{\listparameter\c!align}\raggedbox}
+ {}}
+ {\dodofixdlistelementEFG
+ {}
+ \midaligned
+ {}}
+ {\noindent
+ \bgroup
+ \def\makelistelement##1##2% isolated by Wolfgang Schuster
+ {\doifelse{\listparameter\c!interaction}{##1}
+ {#2{##2}}
+ {\setbox0\hbox{#2{\showcontrastlocation\??ia{#8}{##2}}}%
+ \linklisttoelement{#4}{#7}{#8}{\box0}}}%
+ \makelistelement\v!no
+ {\let\\=\newlineinlist
+ #1% in case E nils the strut (still needed?)
+ \dostartlistattributes\c!style\c!color\empty
+ \ignorespaces\dontconvertfont\setstrut
+ \begstrut
+ \limitatedlistentry{#6}%
+ \endstrut
+ \dostoplistattributes}%
+ \egroup
+ \par
+ \listparameter\c!inbetween}
+% better:
+% \def\linklisttoelement#1#2#3#4% % list location format page data
+% {\ifautocrossdocument
+% \gotodestination{}{}{\currentlist::\@@filterblocknumberpart[#2]}{#3}{#4}%
+% \else
+% \gotonextinternal\currentlist{#1}{#3}{#4}%
+% \fi}
+% but for the moment:
+\def\linklisttoelement#1#2#3#4% % list location format page data
+ {\gotonextinternal\currentlist{#1}{#3}{#4}}
+ {\doifsomething{#1}
+ {\defconvertedargument\firstlistelement{#2}%
+ \@EA\dowritetolist\@EA{#1}{\firstlistelement}{#3}{\v!head}}}
+\def\dobetweenlist#1#2#3#4% pas op: wordt ook elders gedefinieerd
+ {\doiftoclevelelse[#3]{#2}{}}
+ {\@EA\dowritebetweenlist\@EA{#1}{#2}} % #2 weg en \expanded
+\def\listwidth {\utilitylistwidth}
+\def\utilitylistlength {0}
+\def\utilitylistwidth {0pt}
+\def\utilitylistheight {0pt}
+ {\doiftoclevelelse[#5]
+ {\doglobal\increment\utilitylistlength
+ \hbox
+ {\dolistattributes\c!textstyle\c!textcolor
+ {\let\\=\newlineinlist
+ \dontconvertfont
+ \listparameter\c!textcommand{#4}}}%
+ \global\utilitydonetrue}
+ {}}
+ {\begingroup
+ \doglobal\newcounter\utilitylistlength
+ \let\dolistelement\dolistelementX
+ \dosetuplist[#1][#2]%
+ \dogetcommalistelement1\from#1\to\commalistelement
+ \dosettoclevel\??li\commalistelement
+ \setbox0\vbox{\doutilities{listentries,#1}\jobname{#1}\relax\par}%
+ \xdef\utilitylistheight{\the\ht0}%
+ \xdef\utilitylistwidth {\the\wd0}%
+ \endgroup
+ \dosetlistmode}
+ {\dodoubleempty\dodeterminelistcharacteristics}
+% \definerreferencelist
+% [externalfigure]
+% [command=\showbigfigure,
+% before=\page,
+% after=\page]
+% \definereferencelist
+% [externaltable]
+% [command=\showbigtable,
+% before=\page,
+% after=\page]
+% \def\showbigfigure#1%
+% {\externalfigure[#1][frame=on,factor=max]}
+% \def\showbigtable#1%
+% {\switchtobodyfont[12pt]\getbuffer[#1]}
+% \writetoreferencelist[externalfigure]{koe} {\externalfigure[koe] [width=3cm,frame=on]}
+% \writetoreferencelist[externalfigure]{paard}{\externalfigure[paard][width=3cm,frame=on]}
+% \startbuffer[kanweg]
+% \starttable[|||]
+% \HL
+% \VL test \VL test \VL\SR
+% \HL
+% \VL test \VL test \VL\FR
+% \VL test \VL test \VL\MR
+% \VL test \VL test \VL\LR
+% \HL
+% \stoptable
+% \stopbuffer
+% \writetoreferencelist[externaltable]{kanweg}{\switchtbodyfont[5pt]\getbuffer[kanweg]}
+% \placereferencelist[externalfigure,externaltable]
+% algemeen
+ {\hbox\bgroup % the \hbox is needed to bypass
+ \let\referenceprefix\empty % \dontleavehmode in \gotobox
+ \setupinteraction[\c!color=,\c!contrastcolor=,\c!strut=]%
+ \setupreferencing[\c!prefix=]%
+ \gotobox{\hbox{\ignorespaces#1}}[#2]%
+ \egroup}
+ {\doiftoclevelelse[#4]
+ {\getvalue{\??rl#1\c!before}%
+ \referencebutton
+ {\getvalue{\??rl#1\c!command}{#3}\pagereference[\r!to#2]}%
+ [\r!from#2]%
+ \global\utilitydonetrue
+ \getvalue{\??rl#1\c!after}}
+ {}}
+ {\begingroup
+ \setupreferencelist[#1][#2,\c!state=\v!stop]%
+ \dogetcommalistelement1\from#1\to\commalistelement
+ \dosettoclevel\??rl\commalistelement
+ \doutilities{listentries,#1}\jobname{#1}\relax\par
+ \endgroup}
+ {\dodoubleempty\doplacereferencelist}
+ {\doifvalue{\??rl#1\c!state}\v!start
+ {\begingroup
+ \makesectionformat
+ \doifelse{\@@nmstate}\v!start
+ {\def\dopagenummer{\noexpand\pagenumber}}
+ {\let\dopagenummer\!!zerocount}%
+ \expanded
+ {\writeutilitycommand%
+ {\noexpand\referencelistentry%
+ {#1}% tag
+ {#2}% number
+ {#3}% data
+ {\sectionformat\sectionseparator\sectionseparator\dopagenummer}%
+ {\noexpand\realfolio}}}%
+ \endgroup}}
+\def\writetoreferencelist[#1]#2% #1=class #2=data #3=visualization
+ {\dowithnextbox
+ {\doifelsevalue{\??rl#1\c!state}\v!start
+ {\doglobal\increment\referencecounter % must be resolved due to #2
+ \referencebutton
+ {\flushnextbox
+ \pagereference[\r!from\referencecounter]%
+ \dowritetoreferencelist{#1}{\referencecounter}{#2}}%
+ [\r!to\referencecounter]}
+ {\flushnextbox}}
+ \hbox} % \vbox ?
+ {\executeifdefined{#1\c!list}\gobblefourarguments}
+ {\setvalue{#1\c!list}{\doreferencelistelement{#1}}}
+ {\setvalue{#1\c!list}{\gobblefourarguments}}
+ {\setupreferencelist[#1]
+ [\c!command=,
+ \c!state=\v!start,
+ \c!criterium=\v!all,
+ \c!before=,
+ \c!after=,
+ #2]%
+ \resetcounter{#1}%
+ \addutilityreset{#1}%
+ \setvalue{\s!set #1}{\dodosetreferencelist {#1}}%
+ \setvalue{\s!reset#1}{\dodoresetreferencelist{#1}}}
+ {\dodoubleempty\dodefinereferencelist}
+ {\getparameters[\??rl#1][#2]}
+ {\dodoubleempty\dosetupreferencelist}
+ {\getparameters[\??ih#1][#2]%
+ \expanded{\setuplist[\getvalue{\??ih#1\c!list}]}[#2]}
+ {\dodoubleargument\dosetupcombinedlist}
+ {\begingroup
+ \getparameters[\??ih#1][#2]%
+ \dosettoclevel\??ih{#1}%
+ \edef\combinedlist{\getvalue{\??ih#1\c!list}}%
+ \doifelsevalue{\??ih#1\c!level}\v!current %
+ {\!!counta=0\@@kolevel} % hm: \@@kolevel
+ {\fullexpandoneargafter\doifnumberelse{\getvalue{\??ih#1\c!level}}% in verband
+ {\!!counta\getvalue{\??ih#1\c!level}% met de vorige implementatie
+ \advance\!!counta \plusone % accepteren we ook nummers (0==deel)
+ \getfromcommacommand[\combinedlist][\!!counta]%
+ \edef\maximumlist{\commalistelement}}%
+ {\edef\maximumlist{\getvalue{\??ih#1\c!level}}}%
+ \doifdefinedelse{\??ko\maximumlist\c!section}
+ {\!!counta\getvalue{\??se\getvalue{\??ko\maximumlist\c!section}\c!level}}%
+ {\!!counta\zerocount}}
+ \let\!!stringa\combinedlist
+ \let\combinedlist\empty
+ \def\docommand##1%
+ {\doifdefinedelse{\??ko##1\c!section}
+ {\ifnum\getvalue{\??se\getvalue{\??ko##1\c!section}\c!level}>\!!counta\else
+ \addtocommalist{##1}\combinedlist
+ \fi}%
+ {\addtocommalist{##1}\combinedlist}}%
+ \processcommacommand[\!!stringa]\docommand
+ \doifvalue{\??ih#1\c!coupling}\v!on
+ {\startlistreferences{#1}}%
+ \ExpandFirstAfter\dodoplacecombinedlist[\combinedlist][#2]%
+ \stoplistreferences
+ \endgroup
+ \dosetlistmode}
+ {\dobeginoflist
+ \dosetuplist[#1][#2]%
+ \doutilities{listentries,#1}\jobname{#1}\relax\par
+ \doendoflist}
+ {\expanded{\systemsuppliedtitle[#1]{\noexpand\headtext{#1}}}% expansion due to v! vs french !
+ \doplacecombinedlist[#1][#2]}
+ {\makerawcommalist[#2]\combinedlist % for fast processing
+ \letvalue{\??ih#1\c!list}\combinedlist
+ \getcommalistsize[#2]%
+ \getfromcommalist[#2][\commalistsize]%
+ \doeassign[\??ih#1][\c!level=\commalistelement]%
+ \getparameters
+ [\??ih#1]
+ [\c!criterium=\v!local,#3]%
+ \setvalue{\e!setup#1\e!endsetup}%
+ {\dodoubleempty\dosetupcombinedlist[#1]}%
+ \setvalue{\e!place#1}%
+ {\dodoubleempty\doplacecombinedlist[#1]}%
+ \setvalue{\e!complete#1}%
+ {\dodoubleempty\docompletecombinedlist[#1]}}
+ {\dotripleempty\dodefinecombinedlist}
+ {\dodoubleempty\doplacecombinedlist}
+% new and yet undocumented (used in cocoa qa)
+% \setupremaininglistlength
+% [left=\hss nog~,right=~ingangen]
+% \resetremaininglistlength
+% [section][settings]
+% \placelist
+% [section]
+% [before=\showremaininglistlength]
+% \dorecurse{100}{\section{hans}}
+\definesystemvariable {ll} % ListLength
+ {\getparameters[\??ll][#1]%
+ \globallet\listlengthcounter\!!zerocount}
+ [\c!left=\hss,\c!right=,\c!number=\v!yes,
+ \c!before=\blank,\c!after=\page,
+ \c!style=\v!smallnormal,\c!color=]
+ {\dodoubleempty\doresetremaininglistlength}
+ {\determinelistcharacteristics[#1][#2]% \determinelistcharacteristics[#1][#2]%
+ \xdef\listlengthcounter{\number\utilitylistlength}}
+ {\bgroup
+ \ifnum\listlengthcounter>\plusone
+ \setbox\scratchbox\vbox
+ {\@@llbefore\par\horizontalstrut\par\horizontalstrut\par\@@llafter}%
+ \scratchdimen\pagetotal
+ \advance\scratchdimen \ht\scratchbox
+ \advance\scratchdimen \dp\scratchbox
+ \ifdim\scratchdimen>\pagegoal
+ \@@llbefore
+ \nobreak\hbox to \hsize
+ {\doifnot\@@llnumber\v!yes{\let\listlengthcounter\empty}%
+ \doattributes\??ll\c!style\c!color{\@@llleft\listlengthcounter\@@llright}}
+ \@@llafter
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \doglobal\decrement\listlengthcounter\relax
+ \egroup}
+ [\c!style=\v!normal]
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/strc-mar.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/strc-mar.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2ae81e47b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/strc-mar.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,318 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=strc-mar,
+%D version=1997.03.31,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Structure Macros,
+%D subtitle=Markings,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Structure Macros / Markings}
+\prependtoks \getallmarks \to \everybeforepagebody
+\prependtoks \setallmarks \to \everyafterpagebody % currently \relax
+% voor 'interne' doeleinden zijn beschikbaar:
+% \fetchmark[naam][plaats]
+ {\ifcsname\??mk#1\c!coupling\endcsname
+ \csname\??mk#1\c!coupling\endcsname
+ \fi}
+ {\ifcsname\??mk#1\c!coupling\endcsname
+ \@EA\resetmark\csname\??mk\csname\??mk#1\c!coupling\endcsname\endcsname
+ \fi}
+ {\expanded{\rawprocesscommalist[#1]}\fastresetmarker}
+ {\processcommalist[#1]\fastresetmarker}
+ {\dosingleargument\doresetmarking}
+ {\def\docommand##1{\getparameters[\??mk##1][#2]}%
+ \processcommalist[#1]\docommand}
+ {\dodoubleargument\dosetupmarking}
+% betere protectie
+\letvalue{\??mk\??mk\v!first }\getfirstmark
+\letvalue{\??mk\??mk\v!last }\getbotmark
+\letvalue{\??mk\??mk\v!current }\getcurrentmark
+% todo: make it work in balancing
+% \definemarking[vers][]
+% \setupheadertexts
+% [\doiftext{\getmarking[vers][first]}
+% {\doiftextelse{\getmarking[vers][column:last]}
+% {\getmarking[vers][first] -- \getmarking[vers][column:last]}
+% {\getmarking[vers][first]}}]
+% \starttext
+% \startcolumns[n=2,balance=no]
+% \dorecurse{10}{\expanded{\marking[vers]{\recurselevel}} \recurselevel:\dorecurse{4}{\input ward } \endgraf}
+% \stopcolumns
+% \stoptext
+\letvalue{\??mk\??mk\v!column:\v!last }\getsplitbottommark
+\ifx\decouplemarking\undefined \def\decouplemarking[#1]{} \fi
+ {\getparameters[\??mk#1]
+ [\c!expansion=\v!no, % saves a macro
+ \c!separator={\space\emdash\space},
+ \c!limittext=\@@kolimittext,
+ \c!state=\v!start]%
+ \decouplemarking[#1]% % no coupling with sections
+ \setevalue{\??mk#1\c!coupling}{#2}%
+ \doglobal\addtocommalist{#2}\alldefinedmarks
+ \expandafter\newmark\csname\??mk#2\endcsname
+ \showmessage\m!systems{13}{#1,[#2]}}
+ {\doifelsenothing{#2}
+ {\dododefinemarking[#1][#1]}
+ {\dododefinemarking[#1][#2]}}
+ {\dodoubleempty\dodefinemarking}
+\def\definerawmarking[#1]% global ! ! ! !
+ {\getgparameters[\??mk#1]
+ [\c!expansion=\v!no, % saves a macro
+ \c!separator={ --- }, % watch the spaces
+ \c!limittext=,
+ \c!state=\v!start]%
+ \setxvalue{\??mk#1\c!coupling}{#1}%
+ \expandafter\newmark\csname\??mk#1\endcsname
+ \showmessage\m!systems{13}{#1}}
+\def\fetchmark[#1][#2]% % expandable / never use \unexpanded
+ {\ifcsname\??mk::#1\endcsname % saved mark
+ \csname\??mk::\??mk::#2\@EA\@EA\@EA\endcsname
+ \csname\??mk::#1\endcsname
+ \else\ifcsname\??mk#1\c!coupling\endcsname % real mark
+ \csname\??mk\??mk#2\@EA\endcsname
+ \csname\??mk\csname\??mk#1\c!coupling\endcsname\endcsname
+ \fi\fi}
+\letvalue{\??mk::\??mk::\v!first }\secondoffourarguments
+\letvalue{\??mk::\??mk::\v!last }\thirdoffourarguments
+\letvalue{\??mk::\??mk::\v!current }\fourthoffourarguments
+% this version can be used when a page is built up in steps without
+% feedback of the otr'd list to the mvl (i.e.\ a page made of pages,
+% as in column sets where content is buffered)
+% reset at begin
+% preset before page
+% bubble in column
+% refresh at end
+\def\refreshsavedmark[#1][#2]% mark tag (packing saves many hash entries)
+ {\setxvalue{\??mk::#1:#2}%
+ {{\@EA\ifx\csname\??mk::#1:pp\endcsname\relax
+ % empty
+ \else
+ \csname\??mk::#1:pp\endcsname
+ \fi}%
+ {\@EA\ifx\csname\??mk::#1:ff\endcsname\relax
+ \fetchmark[#1][\v!first]%
+ \else
+ \csname\??mk::#1:ff\endcsname
+ \fi}%
+ {\fetchmark[#1][\v!last]}%
+ {\fetchmark[#1][\v!current]}}%
+ \setxvalue{\??mk::#1:pp}{\fetchmark[#1][\v!first]}%
+ \letgvalue{\??mk::#1:ff}\relax
+ }
+\def\bubblesavedmark[#1][#2]% no packing (not now, maybe make a six-pack later)
+ {\@EA\ifx\csname\??mk::#1:ff\endcsname\relax
+ \setxvalue{\??mk::#1:ff}{\fetchmark[#1][\v!first]}%
+ \fi}
+\def\resetsavedmark[#1][#2]% mark tag
+ {\doifelsenothing{\fetchmark[#1][\v!previous]}
+ {\letgvalue{\??mk::#1:pp}\relax}
+ {\setxvalue{\??mk::#1:pp}{\fetchmark[#1][\v!previous]}}%
+ \doifelsenothing{\fetchmark[#1][\v!first]}
+ {\letgvalue{\??mk::#1:ff}\relax}
+ {\setxvalue{\??mk::#1:ff}{\fetchmark[#1][\v!first]}}%
+ \letgvalue{\??mk::#1:#2}\emptysavedmark}
+\def\presetsavedmark[#1][#2]% mark tag
+ {\letgvalue{\??mk::#1:#2}\emptysavedmark}
+% new (can be used in column sets)
+% \getsavedmarking[M][previous]
+% \getsavedmarking[M][first]
+% \getsavedmarking[M][last]
+ {\dodoubleargument\dogetsavedmarking}
+ {\doifelse{#2}\v!previous
+ {\getmarking[#1][1][\v!previous]}
+ {\doifelse{#2}\v!first
+ {\getmarking[#1][1][\v!first]}
+ {\getmarking[#1][\v!last]}}}
+% fetching
+ {\dofetchtwomarks[#1][#1]}
+ {\dofetchallmarks[#1][#1]}
+\def\dofetchtwomarks[#1][#2]% class class:tag
+ {\doifsomething{\fetchmark[#2][\v!first]}
+ {\fetchmark[#2][\v!first]%
+ \doifsomething{\fetchmark[#2][\v!last]}
+ {\doifnot{\fetchmark[#2][\v!first]}{\fetchmark[#2][\v!last]}
+ {\getvalue{\??mk#1\c!separator}\fetchmark[#2][\v!last]}}}}
+ {\doifsomething{\fetchmark[#2][\v!first]}
+ {\doifsomething{\fetchmark[#2][\v!previous]}
+ {\doifnot{\fetchmark[#2][\v!previous]}{\fetchmark[#2][\v!first]}
+ {\fetchmark[#2][\v!previous]\getvalue{\??mk#1\c!separator}}}}%
+ \fetchtwomarks[#1][#2]}
+% \newtoks \everymarking
+% \def\Interesting{\doifmodeelse{*\v!marking}{Interesting}{Boring}}
+% \setupheadertexts[chapter]
+% \starttext
+% \chapter{This Is \Interesting}
+% \stoptext
+ {\doifvalue{\??mk#1\c!state}\v!start
+ {\bgroup
+ \setsystemmode\v!marking
+ \the\everymarking
+ %\def\nomarking##1{\unknown\ }%
+ \def\nomarking{\splitsequence{\getvalue{\??mk#1\c!limittext}}}%
+ \setfullsectionnumber{\??mk#1}%
+ \ifthirdargument
+ \processaction % slow
+ [#3]
+ [ \v!both=>{\dofetchtwomarks[#1][#1:#2]},
+ \v!all=>{\dofetchallmarks[#1][#1:#2]},
+ \s!default=>{\fetchmark [#1:#2][\v!first]},
+ \s!unknown=>{\fetchmark [#1:#2][#3]}]%
+ \else
+ \processaction % slow
+ [#2]
+ [ \v!both=>{\dofetchtwomarks[#1][#1]},
+ \v!all=>{\dofetchallmarks[#1][#1]},
+ \s!default=>{\fetchmark [#1][\v!first]},
+ \s!unknown=>{\fetchmark [#1][#2]}]%
+ \fi
+ \egroup}}
+ {}
+ {\dotripleargument\dogetmarking}
+ {\ifcsname\??mk#1\c!coupling\endcsname
+ \bgroup
+ \doifelsevalue{\??mk#1\c!expansion}\v!yes
+ \expandmarkstrue\expandmarksfalse
+ \@EA\setsomemark\csname\??mk\csname\??mk#1\c!coupling\endcsname\endcsname{#2}%
+ \egroup
+ \fi}
+ {\dosingleargument\domarking}
+%D Used in placing text lines.
+ {\ifundefined{\??mk#1\c!coupling}%
+ \expandafter\secondoftwoarguments
+ \else
+ \expandafter\firstoftwoarguments
+ \fi}
+%D And then \unknown\ we had a chaptertitle packaged in a
+%D makeup environment. And we don't want to loose marks there!
+\def\flushmarks % use with care to avoid empty pages
+ {\ifvoid\collectedmarks\else\unhbox\collectedmarks\fi}
+ {\let\setsomemark\postponemark}
+ {%\writestatus{marks}{postponing \string#1 => #2}%
+ \global\setbox\collectedmarks\hbox
+ {\unhbox\collectedmarks\setmark{#1}{#2}}}
+\protect \endinput
+% Pseudo marks: (for Hraban)
+% \def\RegisterPageMark#1#2%
+% {\iftrialtypesetting \else
+% \doglobal\increment\NameCounter
+% \textreference[#1:t:\NameCounter]{#2}%
+% \doifreferencefoundelse{#1:t:\NameCounter}
+% {\doifundefined{#1:f:\currentrealreference}%
+% {\setxvalue{#1:f:\currentrealreference}%
+% {\noexpand\in[#1:t:\NameCounter]}}%
+% \setxvalue{#1:l:\currentrealreference}%
+% {\noexpand\in[#1:t:\NameCounter]}}%
+% {}%
+% \fi}
+% \def\GetFirstOnPage#1{\getvalue{#1:f:\realfolio}}
+% \def\GetLastOnPage #1{\getvalue{#1:l:\realfolio}}
+% \setupheadertexts[\GetFirstOnPage{Name}][\GetLastOnPage{Name}]
+% \starttext
+% \def\Name#1{\RegisterPageMark{Name}{#1}#1}
+% \def\TestLine#1{\NC test \NC \Name {test: #1} \NC \NR}
+% \starttabulate
+% \dorecurse{100}{\expanded{\TestLine{\recurselevel}}}
+% \stoptabulate
+% \stoptext
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/strc-mat.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/strc-mat.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..34f716f3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/strc-mat.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,2925 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=strc-mat,
+%D version=2006.03.27, % 1998.12.07
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Structure Macros,
+%D subtitle=Math Fundamentals,
+%D author={Hans Hagen, Taco Hoekwater \& Aditya Mahajan},
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+% engels maken
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Structure Macros / Math Fundamentals}
+% \startlines
+% $\mathopnolimits{\rm d}x$
+% $\mathopnolimits{\kern\zeropoint \rm d}x$
+% $\puremathcomm{nolop}{\rm d}x$
+% $\puremathcomm{nolop}{\kern\zeropoint\rm d}x$
+% \blank
+% $\puremathcomm{nolop}{\mr d}x$
+% $\puremathcomm{nolop}{\kern\zeropoint\mr d}x$
+% $\mathop{\kern\zeropoint\mr d}x$
+% $\mathopnolimits{\kern\zeropoint d}x$
+% \stoplines
+% \definemessageconstant{math}
+% % messages moved
+% \def\invalidmathcommand#1{\showmessage\m!math1{#1}}
+% \appendtoks
+% \def\eqno {\invalidmathcommand{\string\eqno }}%
+% \def\leqno{\invalidmathcommand{\string\leqno}}%
+% \to \everydisplay
+% \appendtoks
+% \let\eqno\normaleqno
+% \let\leqno\normaleqno
+% \to \everymath
+% \placeformula\startformula
+% H(K|M,C) = H(K|C) - H(M|C)\eqno{\hbox{(\in{}[eq:keyapp])}}
+% \stopformula
+ {\ifmmode
+ \expandafter\firstoftwoarguments
+ \else
+ \expandafter\secondoftwoarguments
+ \fi}
+% \defineactivecharacter _ {\mathortext{_}{\_}} text_text $a^2$
+% force text mode, will be overloaded later
+\ifx\text\undefined \let\text\hbox \fi
+% does not work at all
+% \def\setlastlinewidth
+% {\resetlastlinewidth
+% \ifmmode\else\ifhmode\else\ifoptimizedisplayspacing
+% \bgroup
+% \forgetdisplayskips
+% $$\global\lastlinewidth\predisplaysize$$
+% \vskip-\baselineskip
+% \egroup
+% \fi\fi\fi}
+% test \par \dorecurse{10}{test } \moveformula \startformula test \stopformula test \endgraf
+% test \par \dorecurse{10}{test } \startformula test \stopformula test \endgraf
+% \dorecurse{30}{\bpar \dorecurse\recurselevel{test } \epar \startformula formula \stopformula}
+ {\resetlastlinewidth
+ \ifoptimizedisplayspacing\ifmmode\else\ifhmode
+ \bgroup
+ \forgetdisplayskips
+ \displaywidowpenalty\widowpenalty % brrr, else widowpenalty does not work
+ \everymath \emptytoks
+ \everydisplay\emptytoks
+ $$\strut\global\lastlinewidth\predisplaysize$$
+ \vskip-\lineheight
+ \vskip\zeropoint
+ \egroup
+ \fi\fi\fi}
+ {\global\lastlinewidth\zeropoint\relax}
+% not here: \appendtoks \setlastlinewidth \to \everyendofpar
+%D moved from main-001
+%\newevery \everymath \EveryMath
+\abovedisplayskip = \zeropoint
+\abovedisplayshortskip = \zeropoint % evt. 0pt minus 3pt
+\belowdisplayskip = \zeropoint
+\belowdisplayshortskip = \zeropoint % evt. 0pt minus 3pt
+\predisplaypenalty = \zerocount
+\postdisplaypenalty = \zerocount % -5000 gaat mis, zie penalty bij \paragraaf
+% we don't use the skip's
+\def\displayskipsize#1#2% obsolete
+ {\ifdim\ctxparskip>\zeropoint
+ #1\ctxparskip\!!plus#2\ctxparskip\!!minus#2\ctxparskip\relax
+ \else
+ #1\lineheight\!!plus#2\lineheight\!!minus#2\lineheight\relax
+ \fi}
+\def\displayskipfactor {1.0} % obsolete
+\def\displayshortskipfactor {0.8} % obsolete
+\def\displayskipgluefactor {0.3} % obsolete
+\def\displayshortskipgluefactor {0.2} % obsolete
+\def\abovedisplayskipsize% obsolete
+ {\displayskipsize\displayskipfactor\displayskipgluefactor}
+\def\belowdisplayskipsize% obsolete
+ {\displayskipsize\displayskipfactor\displayskipgluefactor}
+\def\abovedisplayshortskipsize% obsolete
+ {\displayskipsize\displayshortskipfactor\displayshortskipgluefactor}
+\def\belowdisplayshortskipsize% obsolete
+ {\displayskipsize\displayshortskipfactor\displayshortskipgluefactor}
+\def\forgetdisplayskips % to do
+ {\abovedisplayskip \zeropoint
+ \belowdisplayskip \zeropoint
+ \abovedisplayshortskip\zeropoint
+ \belowdisplayshortskip\zeropoint}
+\definenumber % \definelabel
+ [\v!formula]
+ [\c!text=\v!formula,
+ \c!way=\@@fmway,
+ \c!blockway=\@@fmblockway,
+ \c!location=\v!intext,
+ \c!conversion=\@@fmconversion]
+ {\dodoubleargument\getparameters[\??fm]}
+ {\doifsomething{#1}{\doifnotinset{#1}{+,-}{\rawreference\s!for{#1}{#2}}}}
+\def\dododoformulanumber#1#2#3#4% (#1,#2)=outer(ref,sub) (#3,#4)=inner(ref,sub)
+ {\hbox\bgroup
+ \ifconditional\handleformulanumber
+ \ifconditional\incrementformulanumber
+ \incrementnumber[\v!formula]%
+ \fi
+ \makesectionnumber[\v!formula]%
+ \setbox0\hbox{\ignorespaces#2\unskip}%
+ \ifdim\wd0>\zeropoint
+ \edef\hetsubnummer{\@@fnseparator#2}%AM: was \edef\hetsubnummer{#2}%
+ \else
+ \let\hetsubnummer\empty
+ \fi
+ \doformulareference{#1}{\composedsectionnumber\hetsubnummer}%
+ \setbox0\hbox{\ignorespaces#4\unskip}%
+ \ifdim\wd0>\zeropoint
+ \edef\hetsubnummer{\@@fnseparator#4}%AM: was \edef\hetsubnummer{#4}%
+ \fi
+ \doformulareference{#3}{\composedsectionnumber\hetsubnummer}%
+ \doflushformulalistentry{\composedsectionnumber\hetsubnummer}%
+ \rm % nodig ?
+ \doif{\formulaparameter\c!location}\v!right{\hskip\formuladistance}%
+ \@@fmnumbercommand
+ {\dostartattributes\??fm\c!numberstyle\c!numbercolor
+ \strut
+ \@@fmleft
+ \preparefullnumber\??fm\composedsectionnumber\preparednumber
+ \labeltexts\v!formula
+ {\ignorespaces\preparednumber\ignorespaces\hetsubnummer\unskip}%
+ \@@fmright
+ \dostopattributes}%
+ \doif{\formulaparameter\c!location}\v!left{\hskip\formuladistance}%
+ \fi
+ \egroup}
+ {\doquadruplegroupempty\dododoformulanumber{#1}{#2}{#3}}
+ {\dotripleempty\dodoformulanumber}
+\setvalue{\e!stop \v!formula}{\dostopformula}
+ {\dodoubleempty\dodefinieerformule}
+ {\doifsomething{#1}
+ {\copyparameters
+ [\??fm#1][\??fm]
+ [\c!spacebefore,\c!spaceafter,\c!grid,
+ \c!leftmargin,\c!rightmargin,\c!margin,
+ \c!indentnext,\c!alternative,
+ \c!strut,\c!align,\c!distance]%
+ \setupformulas[#1][#2]%
+ \setvalue{\e!start#1\v!formula}{\dostartformula{#1}}%
+ \setvalue{\e!stop #1\v!formula}{\dostopformula}}}
+\newtoks \everysetupformulas \relax % we need a hook for extensions in modules
+ {\dodoubleempty\dosetupformulas}
+ {\ifsecondargument
+ \getparameters[\??fm#1][#2]%
+ \else
+ \getparameters[\??fm][#1]%
+ \fi
+ \the\everysetupformulas}
+ {\csname\??fm\currentformula#1\endcsname}
+ [\c!way=\@@nrway,
+ \c!blockway=,
+ \c!sectionnumber=\@@nrsectionnumber,
+ \c!conversion=\v!numbers,
+ \c!location=\v!right,
+ \c!left=(,
+ \c!right=),
+ \c!spacebefore=,
+ \c!spaceafter=\@@fmspacebefore,
+ \c!leftmargin=\!!zeropoint,
+ \c!rightmargin=\!!zeropoint,
+ \c!margin=,
+ \c!indentnext=\v!no,
+ \c!alternative=\s!default,
+ \c!align=,
+ \c!strut=\v!no,
+ \c!separator=\@@koseparator,
+ \c!distance=1em]
+\def\currentformula {}
+\def\predisplaysizethreshhold{2em} % was 3em
+\def\leftdisplayskip {\leftskip}
+\def\rightdisplayskip {\rightskip}
+\def\leftdisplaymargin {\formulaparameter\c!leftmargin}
+\def\rightdisplaymargin {\formulaparameter\c!rightmargin}
+ {\doifnot{\formulaparameter\c!spacebefore}\v!none{\blank[\formulaparameter\c!spacebefore]}}
+ {\doifnot{\formulaparameter\c!spaceafter }\v!none{\blank[\formulaparameter\c!spaceafter ]}}
+ {\predisplaysize#1\relax
+ \ifdim\predisplaysize<\maxdimen
+ \ifdim\predisplaysize>\zeropoint
+ \advance\predisplaysize \predisplaysizethreshhold
+ \fi
+ \advance\predisplaysize \displayindent % needed ?
+ \ifdim\predisplaysize>\hsize
+ \predisplaysize\hsize
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \predisplaysize\zeropoint
+ \fi}
+ {\displayindent\leftdisplayskip
+ \advance\displayindent\leftdisplaymargin
+ \displaywidth\hsize
+% \setlocalhsize
+% \displaywidth\localhsize
+ \ifdim\hangindent>\zeropoint
+ \advance\displayindent\hangindent
+ \else
+ \advance\displaywidth\hangindent
+ \fi
+ \advance\displaywidth-\displayindent
+ \advance\displaywidth-\rightdisplayskip
+ \advance\displaywidth-\rightdisplaymargin
+ \hsize\displaywidth} % new, else overfull in itemize
+ {\dodoubleempty\dodostartformula[#1]}
+% hm, invoke otr in hmode in order to move skips to mvl, could be an option
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \startformula[9pt] x = 1 \stopformula
+%D \startformula[7pt] x = 1 \stopformula
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer \getbuffer
+\def\dodostartformula[#1][#2]% setting leftskip adaption is slow !
+ {% todo: test first
+ %
+ % \ifdim\lastskip>\zeropoint
+ % \resetlastlinewidth % else problems with in between stuff without \epar
+ % \fi
+ \bgroup % HERE
+ \the\everybeforedisplayformula
+ \formulaparskip\parskip
+ \formulastrutdp\strutdepth
+ \formulastrutht\strutheight
+ \switchtoformulabodyfont[#2]%
+ \parskip\formulaparskip
+ \def\currentformula{#1}%
+ % may look better in itemizations
+ \doif{\formulaparameter\c!option}\v!middle
+ {\def\leftdisplayskip{\zeropoint}%
+ \def\rightdisplayskip{\zeropoint}}%
+ % this was an experiment
+ \doifsomething{\formulaparameter\c!margin}% so we test first
+ {\dosetleftskipadaption{\formulaparameter\c!margin}%
+ \edef\leftdisplaymargin{\the\leftskipadaption}}% overloaded
+ \long\def\dostartformula##1{\bgroup\let\dostopformula\egroup}%
+ \freezedimenmacro\leftdisplayskip
+ \freezedimenmacro\rightdisplayskip
+ \freezedimenmacro\leftdisplaymargin
+ \freezedimenmacro\rightdisplaymargin
+ \freezedimenmacro\predisplaysizethreshhold
+ \forgetdisplayskips
+ \ifoptimizedisplayspacing
+ \ifdim\lastlinewidth>\zeropoint
+ \abovedisplayshortskip-\strutht\relax
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \resetlastlinewidth
+ \fi
+ \getvalue{\e!start\formulaparameter\c!alternative\v!formula}}
+ {\begingroup
+ \switchtoformulabodyfont[#1]%
+ % not : \def\doformula[##1]##2{\mathematics{##2}}%
+ \mathematics{#2}%
+ \endgroup}
+ {\doplaceformulanumber
+ \getvalue{\e!stop\formulaparameter\c!alternative\v!formula}%
+ \resetlastlinewidth
+ \nonoindentation
+ \dochecknextindentation{\??fm\currentformula}%
+ \egroup
+ \hangafter\minusone % added for side floats
+ \hangindent\zeropoint % added for side floats
+ \setfalse\handleformulanumber
+ \dorechecknextindentation} % here ?
+ {\ifgridsnapping
+ \beforedisplayspace
+ \snapmathtogrid\vbox
+ \bgroup
+ \informulatrue
+ %\forgetall % breaks side floats
+ \else
+ \bgroup
+ \parskip\formulaparskip % ! !
+ \informulatrue
+ %\forgetall % otherwise backgrounds fail
+ \ifdim\lastskip<\zeropoint\else
+ \par
+ \ifvmode \ifdim\parskip>\zeropoint\relax
+ \whitespace \vskip-\parskip % kind of forces and cancels again
+ \fi \fi
+ \fi
+ \doif\displaygridcorrection{-\v!top}{\kern-\strutht}% new, currently only option/default
+ \beforedisplayspace
+ \par
+ \ifvmode
+ \ifindentfirstparagraph % tricky, probably needs more testing
+ \prevdepth-\maxdimen % texbook pagina 79-80
+ % otherwise problems at the top of a page, don't remove:
+ \verticalstrut
+ \vskip-\struttotal
+ \vskip-\baselineskip
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ $$\setdisplaydimensions
+ \setpredisplaysize\lastlinewidth
+ \startinnermath}
+ {\stopinnermath
+ $$%
+ \ifgridsnapping
+ \egroup
+ \afterdisplayspace
+ \else
+ \par\ifvmode\ifdim\parskip>\zeropoint\whitespace\vskip-\parskip\fi\fi
+ \afterdisplayspace
+ \egroup
+ \fi
+ \globallet\displaylinecorrection\empty
+ \gdef\displaygridcorrection{\displaygridsnapping}}
+\newif\ifclipdisplaymath \clipdisplaymathtrue
+\def\snapmathtogrid % to do \dp
+ {\dowithnextbox
+ {\bgroup
+ \donefalse
+ \ifclipdisplaymath
+ \ifdim\nextboxht<\displaymathclipfactor\lineheight
+ \donetrue
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \ifdone
+ \nextboxht\lineheight
+ \else
+ \getnoflines\nextboxht
+ \setbox\nextbox\vbox to \noflines\lineheight
+ {\vfill\flushnextbox\vfill}%
+ \setbox\nextbox\hbox{\lower\strutdepth\flushnextbox}%
+ \fi
+ \snaptogrid[\displaygridcorrection]\hbox{\flushnextbox}%
+ \egroup}}
+ {\dosingleempty\domoveformula}
+\def\domoveformula[#1]% brr gaat mogelijk fout
+ {\iffirstargument
+ \xdef\displaygridcorrection{#1}%
+ \else
+ \gdef\displaygridcorrection{-\v!top}% handy with short preline
+ \fi
+ \globallet\displaylinecorrection\displaygridcorrection}
+\let\stopinnermath \empty
+ {\dotripleargument\dodefineformulaalternative}
+ {\setvalue{\e!start#1\v!formula}{#2}%
+ \setvalue{\e!stop #1\v!formula}{#3}}
+% sp = single line paragraph sd = single line display
+% mp = multi line paragraph md = multy line display
+\defineformulaalternative[multi] [\startdisplaymath][\stopdisplaymath]
+ [sp]
+ [\c!spacebefore=\v!none,\c!spaceafter=\v!none,
+ \c!indentnext=\v!no,
+ \c!alternative=single]
+ [sd]
+ [\c!spacebefore=\v!none,\c!spaceafter=\v!none,
+ \c!indentnext=\v!yes,
+ \c!alternative=single]
+ [mp]
+ [\c!indentnext=\v!no,
+ \c!alternative=multi]
+ [md]
+ [\c!indentnext=\v!yes,
+ \c!alternative=multi]
+% \defineformulaalternative[multi][\begindmath][\enddmath]
+% \fakewords{20}{40}\epar
+% \placeformula {a} $$ \fakespacingformula $$
+% \fakewords{20}{40}\epar
+% \placeformula {b} \startformule \fakespacingformula \stopformule
+% \placeformula {b} \startformule \fakespacingformula \stopformule
+% \fakewords{20}{40}\epar
+% \placeformula {c} \startmdformule \fakespacingformula \stopmdformule
+% \placeformula {c} \startmdformule \fakespacingformula \stopmdformule
+% \fakewords{20}{40}\epar
+% \placeformula {d} \startmpformule \fakespacingformula \stopmpformule
+% \placeformula {d} \startmpformule \fakespacingformula \stopmpformule
+% \fakewords{20}{40}\epar
+% \placeformula {e} \startsdformule \fakespacingformula \stopsdformule
+% \placeformula {e} \startsdformule \fakespacingformula \stopsdformule
+% \fakewords{20}{40}\epar
+% \placeformula {f} \startspformule \fakespacingformula \stopspformule
+% \placeformula {f} \startspformule \fakespacingformula \stopspformule
+% \fakewords{20}{40}
+ {\settrue\incrementformulanumber
+ \dodoubleempty\doplaceformula}
+ {\setfalse\incrementformulanumber
+ \dodoubleempty\doplaceformula}
+%D \macros
+%D {setupsubformulas, startsubformulas}
+%D New code (by Aditya Mahajan / cleaned up by HH, please check):
+% \setupsubformulas[conversion=romannumerals]
+% \placeformula
+% \startsubformulas[Maxwell]
+% \startformulas
+% \startformula \startalign
+% \NC \nabla\cdot\bf E \NC = \frac{\rho}{\varepsilon_0} \NR[Maxwell 1]
+% \NC \nabla\times\bf E \NC = - \frac{\partial\bf B}{\partial t} \NR[Maxwell II]
+% \stopalign \stopformula
+% \startformula \startalign
+% \NC \nabla\cdot \bf B \NC = 0 \NR[Maxwell III]
+% \NC \nabla\times\bf B \NC = \mu_0{\bf j}+\varepsilon_0\mu_0\frac{\partial\bf E}{\partial t} \NR[Maxwell IV]
+% \stopalign \stopformula
+% \stopformulas
+% \stopsubformulas
+% Maxwell : \in [Maxwell] and II : \in [Maxwell II]
+ {\dodoubleargument\getparameters[\??fn]}
+\def\subformulaconversion % #1
+ {\getnumber[\v!formula*]\@@fnseparator\convertnumber\@@fnconversion} % #1
+ {\dosingleempty\dostartsubformulas}
+ {\incrementnumber[\v!formula]%
+ \makesectionnumber[\v!formula]%
+ \doflushformulalistentry{\composedsectionnumber}%
+ \doformulareference{#1}\composedsectionnumber
+ \expanded{\setupnumber
+ [\v!formula*]
+ [\c!start={\rawnumber[\v!formula]},
+ \c!way=\@@fmway,
+ \c!conversion=\@@fmconversion]}%
+ \bgroup
+ \savenumber[\v!formula]%
+ \setupformulas
+ [\c!conversion=\v!subformula,
+ \c!way=\v!by\v!text]%
+ \resetnumber
+ [\v!formula]}
+ {\restorenumber[\v!formula]%
+ \egroup
+ \resetlastlinewidth
+ \nonoindentation
+ \dochecknextindentation\??fn
+ \dorechecknextindentation} % here ?
+%D Named subformulas
+ {\dosingleempty\dostartnamedsubformulas}
+ {\setformulalistentry{#2}%
+ \startsubformulas[#1]}
+ {\stopsubformulas}
+ [\c!conversion=\v!character,
+ %\c!separator=\@@fmseparator,
+ \c!separator=,% AM: for compatibility with \placesubformula
+ \c!indentnext=\@@fmindentnext]
+%D Experimental goodie:
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \placelist[formula][criterium=text] \blank[2*big]
+%D \placenamedformula[one]{first} \startformula a = 1 \stopformula \endgraf
+%D \placeformula \startformula a = 2 \stopformula \endgraf
+%D \placenamedformula {second} \startformula a = 3 \stopformula \endgraf
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer \getbuffer
+ {\gdef\doflushformulalistentry##1%
+ {\expanded{\writetolist[\v!formula]{##1}}{#1}%
+ \global\let\doflushformulalistentry\gobbleoneargument}}
+ {\dosingleempty\doplacenamedformula}
+ {\iffirstargument
+ \def\next{\placeformula[#1]}%
+ \else
+ \let\next\placeformula
+ \fi
+ \setformulalistentry{#2}%
+ \next}
+%D The implementation of placement is a bit ugly:
+\def\doplaceformula[#1][#2]% #2 = dummy, gobbles spaces
+ {\def\redoplaceformula
+ {\bgroup
+ \ifx\next\bgroup
+ \egroup \@EA\moreplaceformula % [ref]{}
+ \else
+ \let\nextnext$% no def
+ \ifx\next\nextnext
+ \egroup \@EAEAEA\dispplaceformula % [ref]$$
+ \else
+ \egroup \@EAEAEA\dodoplaceformula % [ref]\start
+ \fi
+ \fi[#1]{}}%
+ \futurelet\next\redoplaceformula}
+\long\def\moreplaceformula[#1]#2#3#4% #2 dummy #4 gobbles spaces
+ {\def\redoplaceformula
+ {\bgroup
+ \let\nextnext$% no def
+ \ifx\next\nextnext
+ \egroup \@EA\dispplaceformula % [ref]$$
+ \else
+ \egroup \@EA\dodoplaceformula % [ref]\start
+ \fi
+ [#1]{#3}}%
+ \futurelet\next\redoplaceformula#4}
+\let\stopplaceformula \relax
+\def\startformulas#1\stopformulas % new / to be internationalized
+ {\bgroup
+ \forgetdisplayskips
+ \startdisplaymath
+ \setlocalhsize
+ \long\def\startformula##1\stopformula
+ {\advance\scratchcounter\plusone}%
+ \scratchcounter\zerocount
+ #1% preroll
+ \ifcase\scratchcounter\else
+ \divide \hsize \scratchcounter
+ \fi
+ \hbox to \localhsize \bgroup
+ \hss
+ \def\normalstartformula{\vskip-\strutdepth$$}% i hate this
+ \def\normalstopformula {$$}%
+ \def\startformula {$\vcenter\bgroup\normalstartformula}%
+ \def\stopformula {\normalstopformula\egroup$\hss}%
+ #1%
+ \egroup
+ \stopdisplaymath
+ \egroup
+ \hangafter\minusone % added for side floats
+ \hangindent\zeropoint} % added for side floats
+ {\dodoplaceformula[#1]{#2}\dostartformula{}#3\dostopformula}
+\def\dodoplaceformula[#1]#2% messy, needs a clean up
+ {\doifelse{#1}{-}
+ {\setfalse\handleformulanumber}
+ {\doifelse{#2}{-}
+ {\setfalse\handleformulanumber}
+ {\settrue\handleformulanumber}}%
+ \ifconditional\handleformulanumber
+ \def\formulanumber
+ {%\global\let\subformulanumber\doformulanumber % no, bug
+ \doformulanumber[#1][#2]}%
+ \def\donestedformulanumber##1##2%
+ {\doifsomething{##1}
+ {\doifelse{##1}{+}{\doformulanumber[#1]}{\doformulanumber[##1]}[##2][]{}}}%
+ \def\subformulanumber
+ {\setfalse\incrementformulanumber
+ \formulanumber}%
+ \gdef\doplaceformulanumber
+ {\global\let\doplaceformulanumber\empty
+ \doifelse\@@fmlocation\v!left
+ {\normalleqno{\doformulanumber[#1][#2][]{}}}
+ {\normalreqno{\doformulanumber[#1][#2][]{}}}}%
+ \else
+ \def\formulanumber{\doformulanumber[#1][#2]}%
+ \let\donestedformulanumber\gobbletwoarguments
+ \let\subformulanumber\doformulanumber % was \global
+ \global\let\doplaceformulanumber\empty
+ \fi}
+%D We need a hook into the plain math alignment macros
+%D \starttyping
+%D \displaylines
+%D \eqalignno
+%D \eqalignno
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Otherwise we get a missing \type {$$} error reported.
+ {\let\normalleqno\relax \let\leqno\relax
+ \let\normalreqno\relax \let\eqno \relax
+ \let\doplaceformulanumber\empty}
+%D The next code is derived from plain \TEX.
+\newcount\interdisplaylinepenalty \interdisplaylinepenalty=100
+ {\global\dt@ptrue
+ \openup\displayopenupvalue % was \openup\jot
+ \everycr
+ {\noalign
+ {\ifdt@p
+ \global\dt@pfalse
+ \ifdim\prevdepth>-\thousandpoint
+ \vskip-\lineskiplimit
+ \vskip\normallineskiplimit
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \penalty\interdisplaylinepenalty
+ \fi}}}
+\def\m@th{\mathsurround\zeropoint} % obsolete
+%D Here we implement a basic math alignment mechanism. Numbers
+%D are also handled. The macros \type {\startinnermath} and
+%D \type {\stopinnermath} can be overloaded in specialized
+%D modules.
+ {\getvalue{\e!start\??fm\formulaparameter\c!align}}
+ {\getvalue{\e!stop \??fm\formulaparameter\c!align}}
+ {\doif{\formulaparameter\c!strut}\v!yes\strut}
+ {\setvalue{\e!start\??fm#1}{#2}%
+ \setvalue{\e!stop \??fm#1}{#3}}
+ {\iftracemath\ruledhbox\else\hbox\fi}
+\chardef\mathraggedstatus=0 % normal left center right
+\chardef\mathnumberstatus=0 % nothing normal shift_right
+ {\hsize\displaywidth
+ \global\chardef\mathnumberstatus\plusone
+ \chardef\mathraggedstatus#1\relax
+ \let\mathnumbercorrection\!!zeropoint
+ \global\let\@eqno \empty \def\eqno {\gdef\@eqno }%
+ \global\let\@leqno\empty \def\leqno{\gdef\@leqno}%
+ % added
+ \let\normalreqno\eqno
+ \let\normalleqno\leqno
+ % added
+ \doplaceformulanumber
+ \setbox\scratchbox\mathhbox to \displaywidth\bgroup
+ \mathinnerstrut
+ $%
+ \displaystyle
+ \ifcase\mathraggedstatus\or\hfill\or\hfill\fi}
+ {\ifcase\mathraggedstatus\or
+ \@eqno
+ \or
+ \llap{\@eqno}%
+ \or
+ \llap{\@eqno}%
+ \fi}
+ {\ifcase\mathraggedstatus\or
+ \rlap{\@leqno}%
+ \or
+ \rlap{\@leqno}%
+ \or
+ \@leqno
+ \fi}
+ {$%
+ \ifcase\mathraggedstatus\or\or\hfill\or\hfill\fi
+ \egroup
+ \setbox0\hbox{\unhcopy\scratchbox}%
+ \scratchdimen\wd0
+ \ifdim\scratchdimen>\displaywidth
+ \donetrue
+ \else
+ \donefalse
+ \fi
+ \hbox to \displaywidth\bgroup
+ \ifcase\mathnumberstatus
+ \box\scratchbox
+ \or
+ \ifx\@leqno\empty
+ \ifx\@eqno\empty
+ \box\scratchbox
+ \else
+ \ifdone
+ \vbox{\box\scratchbox\hbox to \displaywidth{\hss\llappedmathno}}%
+ \else
+ \hss\box\scratchbox\llappedmathno % hss makes room for number
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \ifdone
+ \vbox{\hbox to \displaywidth{\rlappedmathno\hss}\box\scratchbox}%
+ \else
+ \rlappedmathno\box\scratchbox\hss % hss makes room for number
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \or
+ \hskip\mathnumbercorrection
+ \box\scratchbox
+ \hss
+ \else
+ \box\scratchbox
+ \fi
+ \egroup}
+\defineinnermathhandler\v!left {\startmathbox\plusone }{\stopmathbox}
+\defineinnermathhandler\v!middle {\startmathbox\plustwo }{\stopmathbox}
+\defineinnermathhandler\v!right {\startmathbox\plusthree}{\stopmathbox}
+\defineinnermathhandler\v!flushleft {\startmathbox\plusthree}{\stopmathbox}
+\defineinnermathhandler\v!center {\startmathbox\plustwo }{\stopmathbox}
+\defineinnermathhandler\v!flushright{\startmathbox\plusone }{\stopmathbox}
+%D [The examples below are in english and don't process in the
+%D documentation style, which will be english some day.]
+%D Normally a formula is centered, but in case you want to
+%D align it left or right, you can set up formulas to behave
+%D that way. Normally a formula will adapt is left indentation
+%D to the environment:
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \fakewords{20}{40}\epar
+%D \startitemize
+%D \item \fakewords{20}{40}\epar
+%D \placeformula \startformula \fakeformula \stopformula
+%D \item \fakewords{20}{40}\epar
+%D \stopitemize
+%D \fakewords{20}{40}\epar
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D % \getbuffer
+%D In the next examples we explicitly align formulas to the
+%D left (\type {\raggedleft}), center and right (\type
+%D {\raggedright}):
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \setupformulas[align=left]
+%D \startformula\fakeformula\stopformula
+%D \setupformulas[align=middle]
+%D \startformula\fakeformula\stopformula
+%D \setupformulas[align=right]
+%D \startformula\fakeformula\stopformula
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+%D Or in print:
+%D % {\getbuffer}
+%D With formula numbers these formulas look as follows:
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \setupformulas[align=left]
+%D \placeformula \startformula\fakeformula\stopformula
+%D \setupformulas[align=middle]
+%D \placeformula \startformula\fakeformula\stopformula
+%D \setupformulas[align=right]
+%D \placeformula \startformula\fakeformula\stopformula
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D % {\getbuffer}
+%D This was keyed in as:
+%D \typebuffer
+%D When tracing is turned on (\type {\tracemathtrue}) you can
+%D visualize the bounding box of the formula,
+%D % {\tracemathtrue\getbuffer}
+%D As you can see, the dimensions are the natural ones, but if
+%D needed you can force a normalized line:
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \setupformulas[strut=yes]
+%D \placeformula \startformula \fakeformula \stopformula
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+%D This time we get a more spacy result.
+%D % {\tracemathtrue\getbuffer}
+%D We will now show a couple of more settings and combinations
+%D of settings. In centered formulas, the number takes no space
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \setupformulas[align=middle]
+%D \startformula \fakeformula \stopformula
+%D \placeformula \startformula \fakeformula \stopformula
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer % {\tracemathtrue\getbuffer}
+%D You can influence the placement of the whole box with the
+%D parameters \type {leftmargin} and \type {rightmargin}.
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \setupformulas[align=right,leftmargin=3em]
+%D \startformula \fakeformula \stopformula
+%D \placeformula \startformula \fakeformula \stopformula
+%D \setupformulas[align=left,rightmargin=1em]
+%D \startformula \fakeformula \stopformula
+%D \placeformula \startformula \fakeformula \stopformula
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer % {\tracemathtrue\getbuffer}
+%D You can also inherit the margin from the environment.
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \setupformulas[align=right,margin=standard]
+%D \startformula \fakeformula \stopformula
+%D \placeformula \startformula \fakeformula \stopformula
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer % {\tracemathtrue\getbuffer}
+%D The distance between the formula and the number is only
+%D applied when the formula is left or right aligned.
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \setupformulas[align=left,distance=2em]
+%D \startformula \fakeformula \stopformula
+%D \placeformula \startformula \fakeformula \stopformula
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer % {\tracemathtrue\getbuffer}
+%D \macros
+%D {big..}
+%D Because they are related to the bodyfontsize, we redefine
+%D some \PLAIN\ macros.
+ {{\hbox{$\left#2\vbox\!!to#1\bodyfontsize{}\right.\nulldelimiterspace\zeropoint\relax\mathsurround\zeropoint$}}}
+\def\big {\@@dobig{0.85}}
+\def\Big {\@@dobig{1.15}}
+%D \macros
+%D {bordermatrix}
+%D We already redefined \type {\bordermatrix} in \type
+%D {font-ini}.
+%D \macros
+%D {setuptextformulas}
+%D This command sets up in||line math. Most features deals
+%D with grid snapping and are experimental.
+\newevery \everysetuptextformulas \relax
+ {\dosingleempty\dosetuptextformulas}
+ {\getparameters[\??mt][#1]%
+ \the\everysetuptextformulas}
+%D \macros
+%D {super, sub}
+%D \TEX\ uses \type{^} and \type{_} for entering super- and
+%D subscript mode. We want however a bit more control than
+%D normally provided, and therefore provide \type {\super}
+%D and \type{sub}.
+\newevery\everysupersub \EverySuperSub
+\appendtoks \advance\supersubmode \plusone \to \everysupersub
+ \gridsupsubstyle
+\to \everysupersub
+ \doifelse\@@mtsize\v!small
+ {\let\gridsupsubstyle \scriptscriptstyle
+ \let\gridsupsubbodyfont \setsmallbodyfont}%
+ {\let\gridsupsubstyle \scriptstyle
+ \let\gridsupsubbodyfont \relax}%
+\to \everysetuptextformulas
+ [\c!size=\v!normal]
+ {\begingroup
+ \setbox\nextbox\iftracegridsnapping\ruledhbox\else\hbox\fi
+ {\gridsupsubbodyfont
+ $\strut^{\the\everysupersub#1}_{\the\everysupersub#2}$}%
+ \nextboxht\strutheight
+ \nextboxdp\strutdepth
+ \flushnextbox
+ \endgroup}
+ {\ifconditional\crazymathsnapping
+ \ifgridsnapping
+ \@EAEAEA\dogridsupsub
+ \else
+ \@EAEAEA\normalsupsub
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \@EA\normalsupsub
+ \fi}
+ {^{\the\everysupersub#1}_{\the\everysupersub#2}}
+ \let\gridsupsubstyle \relax
+ \let\gridsupsubbodyfont\relax
+ \let\gridsupsub \normalsupsub
+\to \everydisplay
+%\def\super#1{\gridsupsub{#1}{}} %
+%\def\suber#1{\gridsupsub{}{#1}} %
+% \let\sup\super % math char
+% \let\sub\suber
+% test set:
+% \startbuffer
+% \sform{x\frac{1}{2}}
+% \sform{x\sup{\frac{1}{2}} + x\sup{2} + 2}
+% \sform{x\supsub{\frac{1}{2}}{\frac{1}{2}} + x\sup{2} + 2}
+% \stopbuffer
+% \typebuffer
+% \startlines
+% \getbuffer
+% \stoplines
+% \startbuffer
+% $x\frac{1}{2}$
+% $x\sup{\frac{1}{2}} + x^2 + 2$
+% $x\supsub{\frac{1}{2}}{\frac{1}{2}} + x^2 + 2$
+% \stopbuffer
+% \typebuffer
+% \start
+% \enablesupersub
+% \enableautomath
+% \startlines
+% \getbuffer
+% \stoplines
+% \stop
+%D \macros
+%D {enablesupersub,enablesimplesupersub}
+%D We can let \type {^} and \type {_} act like \type {\super}
+%D and \type {\sub} by saying \type {\enablesupersub}.
+ {\catcode`\^=\@@active
+ \def^{\ifmmode\expandafter\super\else\expandafter\normalsuper\fi}%
+ \catcode`\_=\@@active
+ \def_{\ifmmode\expandafter\suber\else\expandafter\normalsuber\fi}}
+%D \macros
+%D {enableautomath}
+%D The next one can be dangerous, but handy in controlled
+%D situations.
+\bgroup \catcode`\$=\active
+ {\catcode`\$=\active
+ \def$##1${\snappedinlineformula{##1}}}
+% \gdef\enableautomath
+% {\catcode`\$=\active
+% \def${\doifnextcharelse$\doautodmath\doautoimath}%
+% \def\doautoimath##1${\snappedinlineformula{##1}}%
+% \def\doautodmath$##1$${\startformula##1\stopformula}}
+%D \macros
+%D {...}
+%D New and experimental: snapping big inline math!
+\newconditional\halfcrazymathlines % \settrue\halfcrazymathlines
+\newconditional\crazymathsnapping % \settrue\crazymathsnapping
+ \doifelse\@@mtgrid\v!yes \settrue\setfalse\crazymathsnapping
+ \doifelse\@@mtstep\v!halfline\settrue\setfalse\halfcrazymathlines
+\to \everysetuptextformulas
+ [\c!grid=\v!yes,
+ \c!step=\v!line]
+\let\lastcrazymathline \!!zeropoint
+\let\lastcrazymathpage \!!zerocount
+\let\lastcrazymathprelines \!!zerocount
+ {\nextboxht\strutheight
+ \nextboxdp\strutdepth
+ \hbox{\iftracegridsnapping\ruledhbox\fi{\flushnextbox}}}
+% possible pdftex bug:
+% \dorecurse{100}{gest \vadjust {\strut} \par} \page
+% \dorecurse{100}{gest \vadjust pre {\strut} \par} \page
+% duplicate depth compensation with pre
+ {\dosingleempty\dosnappedinlineformula}
+%D \starttabulate[|Tl|l|]
+%D \NC - \NC half lines \NC \NR
+%D \NC + \NC full lines \NC \NR
+%D \NC = \NC force \NC \NR
+%D \NC < \NC force, minus pre \NC \NR
+%D \NC > \NC force, minus post \NC \NR
+%D \stoptabulate
+ {\ifvmode\dontleavehmode\fi % tricky
+ \strut % prevents funny space at line break
+ \begingroup % interesting: \bgroup can make \vadjust disappear
+ \ifconditional\crazymathsnapping
+ \ifgridsnapping
+ \ifx\pdftexversion\undefined
+ \donefalse
+ \else
+ \checktextbackgrounds % we need pos tracking, to be made less redundant
+ \donetrue
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \donefalse
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \donefalse
+ \fi
+ \!!doneafalse % forced or not auto
+ \!!donebfalse % too heigh
+ \!!donecfalse % too low
+ \!!donedfalse % less before
+ \!!doneefalse % less after
+ \ifdone
+ \setbox\nextbox\hbox{$#2$}%
+ \iftracegridsnapping
+ \setbox\nextbox\ruledhbox
+ {\incolortrue\localcolortrue
+ \backgroundline[gray]{\showstruts\strut\flushnextbox}}%
+ \fi
+ \def\docommand##1%
+ {\doif{##1}-{\settrue \halfcrazymathlines}%
+ \doif{##1}+{\setfalse\halfcrazymathlines}%
+ \doif{##1}={\!!doneatrue}%
+ \doif{##1}<{\!!donedtrue}%
+ \doif{##1}>{\!!doneetrue}}%
+ \processcommalist[#1]\docommand
+ \if!!donec \else
+ \setfalse\halfcrazymathlines
+ \fi
+ \if!!donec
+ \setfalse\halfcrazymathlines
+ \fi
+ \donefalse
+ \if!!donea
+ \donetrue
+\scratchdimen \nextboxht
+\advance\scratchdimen .5\lineheight
+\scratchdimen \nextboxdp
+\advance\scratchdimen .5\lineheight
+ \else\ifdim\nextboxht>\strutht
+ \donetrue
+ \else\ifdim\nextboxdp>\strutdp
+ \donetrue
+ \fi\fi\fi
+ \ifconditional\autocrazymathsnapping \else \if!!donea \else
+ % don't compensate, just snap to strut
+ \donefalse
+ % signal for next else, snap line to strut
+ \!!doneatrue
+ \fi \fi
+ \fi
+ \ifdone
+ % analyze height
+ \scratchdimen\inlinemathmargin
+ \advance\scratchdimen \strutht
+ \ifdim\nextboxht<\scratchdimen \else \!!donebtrue \fi
+ % analyze depth
+ \scratchdimen\inlinemathmargin
+ \advance\scratchdimen \strutdp
+ \ifdim\nextboxdp<\scratchdimen \else \!!donectrue \fi
+ % analyzed or forced
+ \ifdone
+ \global\advance\crazymathhack\plusone
+ \donefalse
+ \ifnum\MPp\crazymathtag=\lastcrazymathpage\relax
+ \ifdim\MPy\crazymathtag=\lastcrazymathline\relax
+ \donetrue
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \ifnum\MPp\crazymathtag=\zerocount \donefalse \fi
+ \ifdim\MPy\crazymathtag=\zeropoint \donefalse \fi
+ \ifdone
+ % same page and same line
+ \else
+ \global\let\lastcrazymathprelines \!!zerocount
+ \global\let\lastcrazymathpostlines\!!zerocount
+ \xdef\lastcrazymathpage{\MPp\crazymathtag}%
+ \xdef\lastcrazymathline{\MPy\crazymathtag}%
+ \fi
+ \if!!doneb
+ % \getrawnoflines\nextboxht
+ \scratchdimen\nextboxht
+ \advance\scratchdimen-\strutht
+ \getnoflines\scratchdimen
+ \if!!doned \advance\noflines\minusone \fi
+ \scratchcounter\noflines
+ \advance\noflines-\lastcrazymathprelines\relax
+ \ifnum\noflines>\zerocount
+ \xdef\lastcrazymathprelines{\the\scratchcounter}%
+ \scratchdimen\noflines\lineheight
+ \ifconditional\halfcrazymathlines
+ \advance\scratchdimen-.5\lineheight
+ \fi
+ \advance\scratchdimen-\strutdepth
+ \setbox\scratchbox\null
+ \wd\scratchbox2\bodyfontsize
+ \ht\scratchbox\scratchdimen
+ \dp\scratchbox\strutdepth
+ %%% top correction code (see below)
+ \normalvadjust pre
+ {%\allowbreak % sometimes breaks spacing
+ \forgetall
+ \crazymathindent
+ \iftracegridsnapping
+ \setbox\scratchbox\hbox
+ {\incolortrue\localcolortrue\green
+ \ruledhbox{\box\scratchbox}}%
+ \fi
+ \box\scratchbox
+ \endgraf
+ \nobreak}%
+ \else\ifnum\scratchcounter>\zerocount
+ \normalvadjust pre
+ {\nobreak}%
+ \fi\fi
+ \fi
+ \if!!donec
+ % \getrawnoflines\nextboxdp
+ \scratchdimen\nextboxdp
+ \advance\scratchdimen-\strutdp
+ \getnoflines\scratchdimen
+ \if!!donee \advance\noflines\minusone \fi
+ \scratchcounter\noflines
+ \advance\noflines-\lastcrazymathpostlines\relax
+ \ifnum\noflines>\zerocount
+ \donetrue
+ \else\ifnum\lastcrazymathpostlines=\zerocount
+ \donetrue
+ \else
+ \donefalse
+ \fi\fi
+ \else
+ \donefalse
+ \fi
+ \ifdone
+ \xdef\lastcrazymathpostlines{\the\scratchcounter}%
+ \ifnum\lastcrazymathpostlines=\zerocount
+ \global\let\lastcrazymathpostlines\!!plusone
+ \fi
+ \hbox{\setposition\crazymathtag\flushcrazymathbox}%
+ \scratchdimen\noflines\lineheight
+ \advance\scratchdimen-\lineheight
+ \advance\scratchdimen+\strutheight
+\ifdim\scratchdimen>\zeropoint \else
+ \scratchdimen=\strutheight % todo : test for half lines
+ \ifconditional\halfcrazymathlines
+ \advance\scratchdimen-.5\lineheight
+ \fi
+ \setbox\scratchbox\null
+ \wd\scratchbox2\bodyfontsize
+ \ht\scratchbox\scratchdimen
+ \dp\scratchbox\strutdepth
+ \normalvadjust
+ {\forgetall
+ \crazymathindent
+ \iftracegridsnapping
+ \setbox\scratchbox\hbox
+ {\incolortrue\localcolortrue\color[blue]{\ruledhbox{\box\scratchbox}}}%
+ \fi
+ \box\scratchbox
+ \endgraf
+ % precaution: else we stick below the text bottom
+ \ifconditional\halfcrazymathlines
+ \allowbreak
+ \else
+ \vskip-\lineheight
+ \vskip \lineheight
+ \fi}%
+ \else
+ \hbox{\setposition\crazymathtag\flushcrazymathbox}%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \flushcrazymathbox
+ \fi
+ \else\if!!donea
+ \flushcrazymathbox
+ \else
+ \mathematics{#2}%
+ \fi\fi
+ \endgroup}
+%%% top correction code
+%%% correct for fuzzy top of page situations
+% \scratchdimen\lastcrazymathprelines\lineheight
+% \advance\scratchdimen\MPy\crazymathtag
+% \advance\scratchdimen\lineheight
+% \advance\scratchdimen\topskip
+% \advance\scratchdimen-\strutheight
+% \dimen0=\MPy\crazytexttag
+% \advance\dimen0 \MPh\crazytexttag
+% \advance\scratchdimen-\dimen0\relax
+% % do we need correction at all
+% \ifdim\scratchdimen>\strutdepth\relax
+% \donefalse
+% \else\ifdim\scratchdimen<\zeropoint
+% \donefalse
+% \else
+% \donetrue
+% \fi\fi
+% % analysis done
+% \donefalse
+% \ifdone
+% \edef\crazymathcorrection{\the\scratchdimen}%
+% \advance\scratchdimen-\dp\scratchbox
+% \dp\scratchbox-\scratchdimen
+% \else
+% \let\crazymathcorrection\zeropoint
+% \fi
+%%% keep the previous code
+% test set:
+% \startbuffer
+% Crazy math \gform {1+x} or \gform {\dorecurse {100} {1+} 1 =
+% 101} and even gore crazy \gform {2^{2^2}_{1_1}}
+% again\dorecurse {20} { and again} \gform {\sqrt {\frac
+% {x^{5^5}} {\frac {1} {2}}}} even gore\dorecurse {50} { and
+% gore} \tform {\dorecurse {12} {\gform {\sqrt {\frac
+% {x^{5^5}} {3}}}+\gform {\sqrt {\frac {x^{5^5}} {\frac {1}
+% {2}}}}+}x=10}\dorecurse{20} { super crazy math}: \tform
+% {\dorecurse {30} {\gform {\sqrt {\frac {x^{5^5}} {3}}}+
+% \gform {\sqrt {\frac {x^{5^5}} {\frac {1} {2}}}}+ }x = 10},
+% and we're\dorecurse {20} { done}!
+% \stopbuffer
+% \setupcolors[state=start] \setuppapersize[S6][S6]
+% \showgrid \tracegridsnappingtrue \showstruts
+% \starttext
+% \setuplayout[grid=yes,lines=15]\getbuffer \page
+% \setuplayout[grid=yes,lines=16]\getbuffer \page
+% \setuplayout[grid=yes,lines=17]\getbuffer \page
+% \setuplayout[grid=yes,lines=18]\getbuffer \page
+% \setuplayout[grid=yes,lines=19]\getbuffer \page
+% \stoptext
+% test
+% \startregels
+% \gform[<]{35 \cdot p^{\frac{3}{4}} = 70}
+% \gform{12{,}4 \cdot d^3 = 200}
+% \gform{a \cdot x^b}.
+% \gform{12x^6 \cdot \negative 3x^4}
+% \gform{\frac{12x^6}{\negative 3x^4}}
+% \gform{(4x^2)^3}
+% \gform{4x \sqrt{x} \cdot 3x^2}
+% \gform{\frac{2x^4}{4x \sqrt{x}}}
+% \gform{y = a \cdot x^b}.
+% \gform{y_1 = \frac{15x^2}{x}}
+% \gform{y_2 = x \cdot \sqrt{x}}
+% \gform{y_3 = \frac{6x^3}{x^2}}
+% \gform[<]{y_4 = \left(2x^2\right)^{\frac{1}{2}}}
+% \gform{y_1 = \frac{4x^5}{x^2}}
+% \gform{y_2 = 4 \cdot \sqrt{x}}
+% \gform{y_3 = 4x^3}
+% \gform{y_4 = \frac{100x}{\sqrt{x}}}
+% \gform[<]{y_5 = 4 \cdot x^{\frac{1}{2}}}
+% \gform{y_6 = \frac{1}{2} x \cdot 4x^2}
+% \gform{y_7 = 2 \cdot x^3}
+% \gform{y_8 = 100 \cdot x^{\frac{1}{2}}}
+% \gform{4x^8 \cdot 8x^3}
+% \gform{\frac{4x^8}{8x^3}}
+% \gform{\left(\negative3x^4\right)^3}
+% \gform{x^3 \sqrt{x} \cdot 3x^2}
+% \gform{\frac{6x^3}{x^2 \sqrt{x}}}
+% \gform{\frac{6}{2x^4}}
+% \gform{\frac{1}{3x^6}}
+% \gform{\frac{12x^8}{4x^{10}}}
+% \gform{\frac{4}{\sqrt{x}}}
+% \gform{\frac{1}{2x \sqrt{x}}}
+% \gform{\frac{2{,}25}{p} = 0{,}35}
+% \gform{4{,}50 + \frac{300}{k} = 4{,}70}
+% \gform{\frac{1200}{k+12} - 42 = 6}
+% \stopregels
+%D \macros
+%D {restoremathstyle}
+%D We can pick up the current math style by calling \type
+%D {\restoremathstyle}.
+ {\ifmmode
+ \ifcase\supersubmode
+ \textstyle
+ \or
+ \scriptstyle
+ \else
+ \scriptscriptstyle
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+%D \macros
+%D {mathstyle}
+%D If one want to be sure that something is typeset in the
+%D appropriate style, \type {\mathstyle} can be used:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \mathstyle{something}
+%D \stoptyping
+ {\mathchoice
+ {\displaystyle #1}%
+ {\textstyle #1}%
+ {\scriptstyle #1}%
+ {\scriptscriptstyle#1}}
+%D Something similar can be used in the (re|)|definition
+%D of \type {\text}. This version is a variation on the one
+%D in the math module (see \type{m-math} and|/|or \type
+%D {m-newmat}).
+ {\mathortext\domathtext\hbox}
+ {\mathchoice
+ {\dodomathtext\displaystyle \textface {#1}}%
+ {\dodomathtext\textstyle \textface {#1}}%
+ {\dodomathtext\scriptstyle \scriptface {#1}}%
+ {\dodomathtext\scriptscriptstyle\scriptscriptface{#1}}}
+\def\dodomathtext#1#2#3% no \everymath !
+ %{\hbox{\everymath{#1}\switchtobodyfont [#2]#3}} % 15 sec
+ {\hbox{\everymath{#1}\setcurrentfontbody{#2}#3}} % 3 sec (no math)
+%D Because we may overload \type {\text} in other (structuring)
+%D macros, we say:
+\appendtoks \let\text\mathtext \to \everymathematics
+%D \macros
+%D {\definemathalignment, setupmathalignment, startmathalignment}
+%D Modules may provide additional alignment features. The following
+%D mechanisms are provided by the core.
+% n>1 #### needed, strange # interaction in recurse
+\def\presetdisplaymath{\displ@y} % some day i will relocate the plain stuff
+ {\scratchtoks\emptytoks
+ \dorecurse{\mathalignmentparameter\c!m}
+ {\ifnum\recurselevel>\plusone
+ \appendtoks
+ \tabskip\mathalignmentparameter\c!distance&\tabskip\zeropoint
+ \to\scratchtoks
+ \fi
+ \expanded{\scratchtoks{\the\scratchtoks\the\!!toksa}}%
+ \dorecurse{\numexpr\mathalignmentparameter\c!n-\plusone\relax}
+ {\expanded{\scratchtoks{\the\scratchtoks\the\!!toksb}}}}%
+ \expanded{\scratchtoks{\the\scratchtoks\the\!!toksc}}}
+ {\tabskip\zeropoint\everycr\emptytoks}
+\let\nextineqalign \empty
+\let\leftofeqalign \empty
+\def\eqalign#1% why no halign here, probably because of displaywidth
+ {\null\,\vcenter
+ {\openup.25\bodyfontsize% was: \openup\jot
+ \mathsurround\zeropoint
+ \ialign{\strut\hfil$\displaystyle{##}$&$\displaystyle{{}##{}}$\hfil\crcr#1\crcr}%
+ }\,}
+% preamble is scanned for tabskips so we need the span to prevent an error message
+ {\!!toksa{\strut\firstineqalign\hfil\leftofeqalign\span\mathineqalign{##}\rightofeqalign\tabskip\zeropoint}%
+ \!!toksb{&\nextineqalign\leftofeqalign\span\mathineqalign{##}\rightofeqalign\tabskip\zeropoint}%
+ \ifnum\mathraggedstatus=\plusone
+ \!!toksc{\hfil&\span\textineqalign{##}\tabskip\zeropoint}%
+ \else\ifnum\mathraggedstatus=\plusthree
+ \!!toksc{\hfil\tabskip\zeropoint\!!plus 1\!!fill&\span\textineqalign{##}\tabskip\zeropoint}%
+ \else
+ \!!toksc{\hfil\tabskip\centering&\llap{\span\textineqalign{##}}\tabskip\zeropoint}%
+ \fi\fi
+ \global\chardef\mathnumberstatus\zerocount
+ \buildeqalign
+ \presetdisplaymath
+ \tabskip\centering}
+ {\!!toksa{\strut\firstineqalign\hfil\leftofeqalign\span\mathineqalign{##}\rightofeqalign\tabskip\zeropoint}%
+ \!!toksb{&\nextineqalign\leftofeqalign\span\mathineqalign{##}\rightofeqalign\tabskip\zeropoint}%
+ % problem: number is handled after rest and so ends up in the margin
+ \ifnum\mathraggedstatus=\plusone
+ \!!toksc{\hfil&\kern-\displaywidth\rlap{\span\textineqalign{##}}\tabskip\displaywidth}%
+ \else\ifnum\mathraggedstatus=\plusthree
+ \!!toksc{\hfil\tabskip\zeropoint\!!plus 1\!!fill&\kern-\displaywidth\span\mrlap{\span\textineqalign{##}}\tabskip\displaywidth}%
+ \else
+ \!!toksc{\hfil\tabskip\centering&\kern-\displaywidth\rlap{\span\textineqalign{##}}\tabskip\displaywidth}%
+ \fi\fi
+ \global\chardef\mathnumberstatus\zerocount
+ \buildeqalign
+ \presetdisplaymath
+ \tabskip\centering}
+ {\ifmmode
+ \displ@y % \let\doplaceformulanumber\relax % strange hack
+ \vcenter\bgroup
+ \let\finishalignno\egroup
+ \else
+ \let\finishalignno\relax
+ \fi
+ #1%
+ \halign \ifcase\eqalignmode \or to \displaywidth \fi \@EA {\the\scratchtoks\crcr#2\crcr}%
+ \finishalignno}
+ {\ifmmode
+ \displ@y
+ \global\chardef\mathnumberstatus\plusone
+ \ifcase\mathraggedstatus
+ \def\finishalignno{\crcr\egroup}%
+ \else
+ % we're in a mathbox
+ \vcenter\bgroup
+ \def\finishalignno{\crcr\egroup\egroup}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ #1%
+ \halign \ifcase\eqalignmode \or to \displaywidth \fi \@EA \bgroup\the\scratchtoks\crcr}
+ {\setbox\scratchbox\hbox{#1}%
+ \ifdim\wd\scratchbox>\mathnumbercorrection
+ \xdef\mathnumbercorrection{\the\wd\scratchbox}%
+ \fi
+ \box\scratchbox
+ \global\chardef\mathnumberstatus\plustwo}
+% \def\dobothaligneqalignno#1%
+% {\ifmmode
+% \displ@y
+% \global\chardef\mathnumberstatus\plusone
+% we're in a mathbox
+% \vcenter\bgroup
+% \def\finishalignno{\crcr\egroup\egroup}%
+% \else
+% \def\finishalignno{\crcr\egroup}%
+% \fi
+% #1%
+% \halign \ifcase\eqalignmode \or to \displaywidth \fi \@EA \bgroup\the\scratchtoks\crcr}
+\def\reqalignno {\dobotheqalignno \preparereqalignno}
+\def\leqalignno {\dobotheqalignno \prepareleqalignno}
+\def\finishalignno {\crcr\egroup}
+\let \equalignno \reqalignno
+%D Here we implement the user interface part.
+ {\dodoubleempty\dosetupmathalignment}
+ {\ifsecondargument
+ \getparameters[\??eq#1][#2]%
+ \else
+ \getparameters[\??eq][#1]%
+ \fi}
+ {\executeifdefined{\??eq\currentmathalignment#1}{\executeifdefined{\??eq#1}\empty}}
+ [\c!n=2,
+ \c!m=1,
+ \c!distance=1em]
+ {\doifelse\@@fmlocation\v!left\alignleqalignno\alignreqalignno}
+ {\ifx#2[\expandafter\dodoxxdoubleempty\else\expandafter\noxxdoubleempty\fi#1#2}
+ {\ifx#3[\else\expandafter\nonoxxdoubleempty\fi#1[#2]#3}
+\def\noxxdoubleempty #1{#1[][]}
+\def\nextineqalign {\global\advance\eqaligncolumn\plusone}
+\def\leftofeqalign {\getvalue{\??eq:\v!left :\number\eqaligncolumn}}
+ {\letvalue{\??eq:\v!left :\number\eqaligncolumn}\empty
+ \letvalue{\??eq:\v!right:\number\eqaligncolumn}\empty
+ \doif{#1}\v!left {\letvalue{\??eq:\v!right:\number\eqaligncolumn}\hfill}%
+ \doif{#1}\v!right {\letvalue{\??eq:\v!left :\number\eqaligncolumn}\hfill}%
+ \doif{#1}\v!middle{\letvalue{\??eq:\v!right:\number\eqaligncolumn}\hfill
+ \letvalue{\??eq:\v!left :\number\eqaligncolumn}\hfill}}
+ {\gdef\doalignNC##1{&##1}}
+ {\donestedformulanumber{#1}{#2}\crcr}
+%D \starttyping
+%D \placeformula[eqn0]\startformula \startalign[n=1] a\NR \stopalign \stopformula See \in[eqn0]
+%D \placeformula[eqn1]\startformula \startalign[n=1] a\NR \stopalign \stopformula See \in[eqn1]
+%D \placeformula \startformula \startalign[n=1] a\NR[eqn2] \stopalign \stopformula See \in[eqn2]
+%D \placeformula[eqn3]\startformula \startalign[n=1] a\NR[+] \stopalign \stopformula See \in[eqn3]
+%D \stoptyping
+% todo: pop in cell
+ {% \begingroup not permitted ($$...assignments...\halign... )
+ \pushmacro\doalignNC
+ \edef\currentmathalignment{#1}%
+ \doifassignmentelse{#2}{\setupmathalignment[#1][#2]}\donothing
+ \def\NC{\doalignNC}%
+ \global\let\doalignNC\dodoalignNC
+ \def\EQ{&=}%
+ \def\NR{&\global\let\doalignNC\dodoalignNC\doxxdoubleempty\doalignNR}%
+ % amstex compatibility mode: (ugly, will disappear)
+ \def\notag{\def\\{&\crcr}}%
+ \doifelse{#2}{*}{\def\\{&\crcr}}{\def\\{&\doalignNR[+][]\crcr}}%
+ % end of compatibility mode
+ \eqaligncolumn\zerocount
+ \processcommacommand
+ [\mathalignmentparameter\c!align]
+ {\advance\eqaligncolumn\plusone\doseteqaligncolumn}% takes argument
+ % the real action
+ \global\eqaligncolumn\plusone
+ \numberedeqalign}
+ {\finishalignno
+ \popmacro\doalignNC}
+ {\dodoubleempty\dodefinemathalignment}
+\def\dodefinemathalignment[#1]% [#2]%
+ {\setvalue{\e!start#1}{\dodoubleempty\dostartmathalignment[#1]}%
+ \setvalue{\e!stop #1}{\dostopmathalignment}%
+ \setupmathalignment[#1]}% [#2]
+%D For the moment we only provide english commands.
+\definemathalignment[align] % default case (this is what amstex users expect)
+\definemathalignment[\v!mathalignment] % prefered case (this is cleaner, less clashing)
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \placeformula \startformula \eqalignno {
+%D a &= b & \formulanumber \cr
+%D c &= d \cr
+%D &= e \cr
+%D &= f & \formulanumber
+%D } \stopformula
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer \getbuffer
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \placeformula \startformula \startalign
+%D \NC a \EQ b \NR[+]
+%D \NC c \EQ d \NR
+%D \NC \EQ f \NR[for:demo-a-1]
+%D \NC \EQ g \NR[for:demo-a-2][a]
+%D \NC \EQ h \NR[for:demo-a-3][b]
+%D \NC \EQ i \NR
+%D \stopalign \stopformula
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer \getbuffer
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \placeformula \startformula \startalign
+%D \NC a \EQ b \NR[+]
+%D \NC c \EQ d \NR
+%D \NC \EQ f \NR
+%D \NC \EQ g \NR
+%D \NC \EQ h \NR
+%D \NC \EQ i \NR[+]
+%D \stopalign \stopformula
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer \getbuffer
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \placeformula \startformula \startalign
+%D a &= b \\
+%D c &= d \notag \\
+%D &= e \notag \\
+%D &= f \\
+%D \stopalign \stopformula
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer \getbuffer
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \placeformula \startformula \startalign
+%D \NC a \NC \eq b \NR[+]
+%D \NC c \NC \neq d \NR
+%D \NC \NC \neq f \NR[for:demo-b-1]
+%D \NC \NC \geq g \NR[for:demo-b-2][a]
+%D \NC \NC \leq h \NR[for:demo-b-3][b]
+%D \NC \NC \neq i \NR
+%D \stopalign \stopformula
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer \getbuffer
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \placeformula \startformula \startalign[*]
+%D a &= b \\
+%D c &= d \\
+%D &= e \\
+%D &= f \\
+%D \stopalign \stopformula
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer \getbuffer
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \placeformula \startformula \startalign
+%D x &= y \\
+%D a &= b \\
+%D \stopalign \stopformula
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer \getbuffer
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \placeformula \startformula \startalign[m=3]
+%D x &= y & x &= y & z &= t \\
+%D a &= b & p &= q & w &= s \\
+%D \stopalign \stopformula
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer \getbuffer
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \placeformula \startformula \startalign[m=3,distance=0pt]
+%D x &= y &= x &= y &= z &= t \\
+%D a &= b &= p &= q &= w &= s \\
+%D \stopalign \stopformula
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer \getbuffer
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \placeformula \startformula \startalign[n=5,distance=0pt]
+%D x &= yy &= xx &= yy &= zz \\
+%D a &= b &= p &= q &= w \\
+%D \stopalign \stopformula
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer \getbuffer
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \placeformula \startformula \startalign[n=3,align={left,middle,right}]
+%D \NC l \NC = \NC r \NR
+%D \NC left \NC = \NC right \NR
+%D \stopalign \stopformula
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer \getbuffer
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \placeformula \startformula \startalign[n=3,align={right,middle,left}]
+%D \NC l \NC = \NC r \NR
+%D \NC left \NC = \NC right \NR
+%D \stopalign \stopformula
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer \getbuffer
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \placeformula \startformula \startalign[n=3,align={middle,middle,middle}]
+%D \NC l \NC = \NC r \NR
+%D \NC left \NC = \NC right \NR
+%D \stopalign \stopformula
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer \getbuffer
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \placeformula
+%D \startformula
+%D \startalign[n=3,align={middle,middle,middle}]
+%D \NC a \NC = \NC b \NR[+]
+%D \NC 2a \NC = \NC 2b \NR
+%D \stopalign
+%D \stopformula
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer \getbuffer
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \placeformula
+%D \startformulas
+%D \setupmathalignment[n=3,align={middle,middle,middle}]%
+%D \startformula
+%D \startalign
+%D \NC a \NC = \NC b \NR[+]
+%D \NC 2a \NC = \NC 2b \NR
+%D \stopalign
+%D \stopformula
+%D \startformula
+%D \startalign
+%D \NC a \NC = \NC b \NR[+]
+%D \NC 2a \NC = \NC 2b \NR
+%D \stopalign
+%D \stopformula
+%D \stopformulas
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer \getbuffer
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \placeformula
+%D \startformulas
+%D \dorecurse{5}{\startformula
+%D \startalign[n=3,align={middle,middle,middle}]
+%D \NC a \NC = \NC b \NR[+]
+%D \NC 2a \NC = \NC 2b \NR
+%D \stopalign
+%D \stopformula}
+%D \stopformulas
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer \getbuffer
+%D \macros
+%D {definemathcases, setupmathcases, startmathcases}
+%D Another wish \unknown
+ {\dodoubleempty\dosetupmathcases}
+ {\ifsecondargument
+ \getparameters[\??ce#1][#2]%
+ \else
+ \getparameters[\??ce][#1]%
+ \fi}
+ {\executeifdefined{\??ce\currentmathcases#1}{\executeifdefined{\??ce#1}\empty}}
+ [\c!distance=1em,
+ \c!numberdistance=2.5em,
+ \c!left={\left\{\,},
+ \c!right={\right.}]
+ {\gdef\docasesNC{\endmath&}}
+ {\begingroup
+ \edef\currentmathcases{#1}%
+ \doifassignmentelse{#2}{\setupmathcases[#1][#2]}\donothing
+ \mathcasesparameter\c!left
+ \vcenter\bgroup
+ \pushmacro\docasesNC
+ \let\endmath\relax
+ \def\NC{\docasesNC}%
+ \def\MC{\docasesNC\ifmmode\else$\def\endmath{$}\fi}%
+ \global\let\docasesNC\dodocasesNC
+ \def\NR{\unskip\endmath&\global\let\docasesNC\dodocasesNC\doxxdoubleempty\docasesNR}%
+ \normalbaselines
+ \mathsurround\zeropoint
+ \everycr\emptytoks
+ \tabskip\zeropoint
+ \global\eqaligncolumn\plusone
+ \halign\bgroup
+ $\mathcasesparameter\c!style##$\hfil
+ &\hskip\mathcasesparameter\c!distance\relax
+ \popmacro\docasesNC##\hfil
+ &\hskip\mathcasesparameter\c!numberdistance\relax
+ \let\formuladistance\!!zeropoint
+ \span\textineqalign{##}%
+ \crcr} % todo: number
+ {\crcr
+ \egroup
+ \popmacro\docasesNC
+ \egroup
+ \mathcasesparameter\c!right
+ \endgroup}
+ {\dodoubleempty\dodefinemathcases}
+\def\dodefinemathcases[#1]% [#2]%
+ {\setvalue{\e!start#1}{\dodoubleempty\dostartmathcases[#1]}%
+ \setvalue{\e!stop #1}{\dostopmathcases}%
+ \setupmathcases[#1]}% [#2]
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \placeformula \startformula \startcases
+%D \NC 2 \NC $ y > 0 $ \NR
+%D \NC 7 \NC $ x = 7 $ \NR[+]
+%D \NC 4 \NC otherwise \NR
+%D \stopcases \stopformula
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer \getbuffer
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \placeformula \startformula x \startcases
+%D \NC 2 \NC $ y > 0 $ \NR[+]
+%D \NC 7 \NC $ x = 7 $ \NR
+%D \NC 4 \NC otherwise \NR
+%D \stopcases \stopformula
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer \getbuffer
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \placeformula \startformula \startcases
+%D \NC 2 \NC $ y > 0 $ \NR
+%D \NC 7 \NC $ x = 7 $ \NR
+%D \NC 4 \NC otherwise \NR
+%D \stopcases \stopformula
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer \getbuffer
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \placeformula \startformula x \startcases
+%D \NC 2 \NC $ y > 0 $ \NR
+%D \NC 7 \NC $ x = 7 $ \NR
+%D \NC 4 \NC otherwise \NR
+%D \stopcases \stopformula
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer \getbuffer
+%D \macros
+%D {definemathmatrix, setupmathmatrix, startmathmatrix}
+%D Yet another one \unknown
+ {\dodoubleempty\dosetupmathmatrix}
+ {\ifsecondargument
+ \getparameters[\??mx#1][#2]%
+ \else
+ \getparameters[\??mx][#1]%
+ \fi}
+ {\executeifdefined{\??mx\currentmathmatrix#1}{\executeifdefined{\??mx#1}\empty}}
+ [\c!distance=1em,
+ \c!left=,
+ \c!right=,
+ \c!align=\v!middle]
+\def\dosetmatrixcolumn#1% hh: todo: \definematrixalign
+ {\letvalue{\??eq:\v!left :\number\eqaligncolumn}\hfil
+ \letvalue{\??eq:\v!right:\number\eqaligncolumn}\hfil
+ \doif{#1}\v!left {\letvalue{\??eq:\v!left :\number\eqaligncolumn}\relax
+ \letvalue{\??eq:\v!right:\number\eqaligncolumn}\hfil}%
+ \doif{#1}\v!right {\letvalue{\??eq:\v!left :\number\eqaligncolumn}\hfil
+ \letvalue{\??eq:\v!right:\number\eqaligncolumn}\relax }%
+ \doif{#1}\v!middle{\letvalue{\??eq:\v!left :\number\eqaligncolumn}\hfil
+ \letvalue{\??eq:\v!right:\number\eqaligncolumn}\hfil}}
+\def\buildmathmatrix % beware: etex only
+ {\scratchtoks\emptytoks
+ \expanded{\scratchtoks{\the\scratchtoks\the\!!toksa}}%
+ \dorecurse{\numexpr\scratchcounter-\plusone\relax}
+ {\expanded{\scratchtoks{\the\scratchtoks\the\!!toksb}}}%
+ \expanded{\scratchtoks{\the\scratchtoks\the\!!toksc }}}
+ {\!!toksa{\strut \firstineqalign\leftofeqalign \span
+ \textineqalign{\mathmatrixparameter\c!style ##}\rightofeqalign}%
+ \!!toksb{&\hskip\mathmatrixparameter\c!distance
+ \nextineqalign\leftofeqalign \span
+ \textineqalign{\mathmatrixparameter\c!style ##}\rightofeqalign}%
+ \!!toksc{&&\hskip\mathmatrixparameter\c!distance
+ \leftofeqalign \span
+ \textineqalign{\mathmatrixparameter\c!style ##}\rightofeqalign}%
+ \buildmathmatrix
+ \halign \@EA \bgroup\the\scratchtoks \crcr}
+ {\dodoubleempty\dodefinemathmatrix}
+\def\dodefinemathmatrix[#1]% [#2]%
+ {\setvalue{\e!start#1}{\dodoubleempty\dostartmathmatrix[#1]}%
+ \setvalue{\e!stop #1}{\dostopmathmatrix}%
+ \setupmathmatrix[#1]}% [#2]
+ {\gdef\domatrixNC{\endmath&}}
+ {\setvalue{\??mx:#1}{#2}}
+% First alternative:
+% \def\processlowhighmathmatrix#1%
+% {\def\mathmatrixleft
+% {\setbox\nextbox}
+% \def\mathmatrixright
+% {#1.5\dimexpr\nextboxdp-\nextboxht\relax
+% \hbox{$\mathmatrixparameter\c!left
+% \vcenter{\unvbox\nextbox}%
+% \mathmatrixparameter\c!right$}}%
+% \let\mathmatrixbox\vbox}
+% \installmathmatrixhandler\v!high {\processlowhighmathmatrix\raise}
+% \installmathmatrixhandler\v!low {\processlowhighmathmatrix\lower}
+% \installmathmatrixhandler\v!top {\processlowhighmathmatrix\raise}
+% \installmathmatrixhandler\v!bottom{\processlowhighmathmatrix\lower}
+% \installmathmatrixhandler\v!lohi
+% {\def\mathmatrixleft {\mathmatrixparameter\c!left}%
+% \def\mathmatrixright{\mathmatrixparameter\c!right}%
+% \let\mathmatrixbox\vcenter}
+% An alternative
+% \let\mathmatrixleft \empty
+% \let\mathmatrixright\empty
+% \def\processlowhighmathmatrix#1%
+% {\dowithnextbox
+% {#1.5\dimexpr\nextboxdp-\nextboxht\relax
+% \hbox{$\mathmatrixparameter\c!left
+% \vcenter{\unvbox\nextbox}%
+% \mathmatrixparameter\c!right$}}%
+% \vbox}
+% \def\processlohimathmatrix
+% {\dowithnextbox
+% {\mathmatrixparameter\c!left
+% \vcenter{\unvbox\nextbox}%
+% \mathmatrixparameter\c!right}%
+% \vbox}
+% \installmathmatrixhandler\v!high {\def\mathmatrixbox{\processlowhighmathmatrix\raise}}
+% \installmathmatrixhandler\v!low {\def\mathmatrixbox{\processlowhighmathmatrix\lower}}
+% \installmathmatrixhandler\v!top {\def\mathmatrixbox{\processlowhighmathmatrix\raise}}
+% \installmathmatrixhandler\v!bottom{\def\mathmatrixbox{\processlowhighmathmatrix\lower}}
+% \installmathmatrixhandler\v!lohi {\let\mathmatrixbox \processlohimathmatrix}
+% Final version
+\let\mathmatrixleft \empty % experimental hook
+\let\mathmatrixright\empty % experimental hook
+ {\dowithnextbox
+ {\scratchdimen\dimexpr(\nextboxdp-\nextboxht)/2 \ifcase#2\or+\mathaxisheight\textfont2\fi\relax
+ \ifcase#1\relax\or\lower\scratchdimen\or\or\raise\scratchdimen\fi
+ \hbox{$\mathmatrixparameter\c!left
+ \vcenter{\unvbox\nextbox}%
+ \mathmatrixparameter\c!right$}}%
+ \vbox}
+\installmathmatrixhandler\v!top {\def\mathmatrixbox{\processlowhighmathmatrix\plusthree\plusone }}
+\installmathmatrixhandler\v!high {\def\mathmatrixbox{\processlowhighmathmatrix\plusthree\zerocount}}
+\installmathmatrixhandler\v!lohi {\def\mathmatrixbox{\processlowhighmathmatrix\plustwo \zerocount}}
+\installmathmatrixhandler\v!low {\def\mathmatrixbox{\processlowhighmathmatrix\plusone \zerocount}}
+\installmathmatrixhandler\v!bottom{\def\mathmatrixbox{\processlowhighmathmatrix\plusone \plusone }}
+ {\begingroup
+ \edef\currentmathmatrix{#1}%
+ \doifassignmentelse{#2}{\setupmathmatrix[#1][#2]}\donothing
+ \null
+ \executeifdefined{\??mx:\mathmatrixparameter\c!location}{\getvalue{\??mx:\v!lohi}}%
+ \mathmatrixleft
+ \mathmatrixbox\bgroup
+ \pushmacro\domatrixNC
+ \let\endmath\relax
+ \def\NC{\domatrixNC}%
+ \def\MC{\domatrixNC\ifmmode\else$\def\endmath{$}\fi}%
+ \global\let\domatrixNC\dodomatrixNC
+ \def\NR{\endmath\global\let\domatrixNC\dodomatrixNC\crcr}%
+ \normalbaselines
+ \mathsurround\zeropoint
+ \everycr\emptytoks
+ \tabskip\zeropoint
+ \eqaligncolumn\zerocount % could be \scratchcounter
+ \processcommacommand[\mathmatrixparameter\c!align]{\advance\eqaligncolumn\plusone\dosetmatrixcolumn}%
+ \scratchcounter=\ifnum\eqaligncolumn>\zerocount \eqaligncolumn \else \plusone \fi
+ \global\eqaligncolumn\plusone
+ \preparemathmatrix } % uses scratchcounter
+ {\crcr
+ \mathstrut\crcr
+ \noalign{\kern-\baselineskip}%
+ \egroup
+ \popmacro\domatrixNC
+ \egroup
+ \mathmatrixright
+ \endgroup}
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \placeformula \startformula[-] \startmatrix
+%D \NC 1 \NC x \NC a \NR
+%D \NC 2 \NC y \NC b \NR
+%D \NC 3 \NC z \NC c \NR
+%D \stopmatrix \stopformula
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer \getbuffer
+%D \definemathmatrix[bmatrix][left={\left[\,},right={\,\right]}]
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \placeformula \startformula[-] \startbmatrix
+%D \NC 1 \NC x \NC a \NR
+%D \NC 2 \NC y \NC b \NR
+%D \NC 3 \NC z \NC c \NR
+%D \stopbmatrix \stopformula
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer \getbuffer
+%D Taco added some code (dedicated to Aditya Mahajan) that gives more
+%D control over aligments:
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \startformula
+%D \startmatrix
+%D \NC a + x \NC = \NC a + d \NR
+%D \NC y \NC = \NC d \NR
+%D \stopmatrix
+%D \stopformula
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer \getbuffer
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \startformula
+%D \startmatrix [distance=3pt,align={right,left}]
+%D \NC a + x \NC = a + d \NR
+%D \NC y \NC = d \NR
+%D \stopmatrix
+%D \stopformula
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer \getbuffer
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \startformula
+%D \startmatrix [left=\left(,right=\right)]
+%D \NC a + x \NR
+%D \NC y \NR
+%D \stopmatrix
+%D \stopformula
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer \getbuffer
+%D A bit more complex code:
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \startformula
+%D \text{Let }{\cal R} = \bigcup_{P_{X_1},P_{X_2}}
+%D \left\{ (R_1, R_2) :
+%D \startmatrix[distance=1em,align={left,left,right}]
+%D \NC R_1 \NC < I(X_1 ; Y \mid X_2) \NC R_1 \NR
+%D \NC \hfill Q_2 \NC < I(X_2 ; Y \mid X_1) \NC R_2 \NR
+%D \NC R_1 + R_2 \NC < I(X_1 ; Y) \NC R_1 + R_2 \NR
+%D \stopmatrix
+%D \right\}
+%D \stopformula
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer \getbuffer
+%D \macros
+%D {startmatrices}
+%D Just a handy keystroke safer:
+ {\begingroup
+ \setupmathmatrix}
+ {\endgroup}
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \startformula
+%D \startmatrix[left={\left(},right={\right)}]
+%D \NC A \NC B \NR \NC C \NC D \NR
+%D \stopmatrix
+%D =
+%D \startmatrix[left={\left(},right={\right)},location=low]
+%D \NC A \NC B \NR \NC C \NC D \NR
+%D \stopmatrix
+%D =
+%D \startmatrix[left={\left(},right={\right)},location=high]
+%D \NC A \NC B \NR \NC C \NC D \NR
+%D \stopmatrix
+%D \stopformula
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer \getbuffer
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \startformula
+%D \startmatrices[left={\left(},right={\right)}]
+%D \startmatrix
+%D \NC A \NC B \NR \NC C \NC D \NR
+%D \stopmatrix
+%D =
+%D \startmatrix[location=bottom]
+%D \NC A \NC B \NR \NC C \NC D \NR
+%D \stopmatrix
+%D =
+%D \startmatrix[location=top]
+%D \NC A \NC B \NR \NC C \NC D \NR
+%D \stopmatrix
+%D \stopmatrices
+%D \stopformula
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer \getbuffer
+%D \macros
+%D {startintertext}
+%D Preliminary feature:
+%D {\em example code}
+ {\noalign{\dointertext{#1}}}
+ {\noalign{\dointertext{#1}}}
+ {\penalty\postdisplaypenalty
+ \afterdisplayspace
+ \vbox{\forgetall\noindent#1\par}%
+ \penalty\predisplaypenalty
+ \beforedisplayspace}
+% %D \macros
+% %D {substack}
+% %D
+% %D Preliminary code:
+% %D
+% %D \starttyping
+% %D \startformula
+% %D \sum_{%
+% %D \startsubstack
+% %D i = 1 \NR
+% %D i \neq n \NR
+% %D i \neq m
+% %D \stopsubstack
+% %D }a_i
+% %D \stopformula
+% %D \stoptyping
+% \def\startsubstack
+% {\begingroup
+% \null
+% \vcenter\bgroup
+% \pushmacro\domatrixNC
+% \let\stopmathmode\relax
+% \def\NC{\domatrixNC}%
+% \def\MC{\domatrixNC\startmathmode}%
+% \global\let\domatrixNC\dodomatrixNC
+% \def\NR
+% {\stopmathmode
+% \global\let\domatrixNC\dodomatrixNC
+% \crcr\noalign{\nointerlineskip}}%
+% \mathsurround\zeropoint
+% \everycr\emptytoks
+% \halign\bgroup\hfil$\scriptstyle\mathstrut##$\hfil\crcr}
+% \def\stopsubstack
+% {\crcr
+% \egroup
+% \popmacro\domatrixNC
+% \egroup
+% \endgroup}
+%D \macros
+%D {substack}
+%D Preliminary code:
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \startformula
+%D \sum_{%
+%D \startsubstack
+%D i = 1 \NR
+%D i \neq n \NR
+%D i \neq m
+%D \stopsubstack
+%D }a_i
+%D \stopformula
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \getbuffer which was typed as \typebuffer
+%D Notice that these macros give the correct spacing for
+%D subscripts. Compare for example
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \startformula
+%D \sum_{\startsubstack a \NR b \NR \stopsubstack}
+%D \text{ and }
+%D \sum_{\scriptstyle a \atop \scriptstyle}
+%D \stopformula
+%D \typebuffer which gives \getbuffer
+ {\begingroup
+ \vcenter\bgroup
+ \baselineskip\mathstacktotal
+ \lineskip\mathstackvgap
+ \lineskiplimit\lineskip
+ \let\stopmathmode\relax
+ \def\NC{\domatrixNC}%
+ \def\MC{\domatrixNC\startmathmode}%
+ \global\let\domatrixNC\dodomatrixNC
+ \def\NR
+ {\stopmathmode
+ \global\let\domatrixNC\dodomatrixNC
+ \crcr}%
+ \mathsurround\zeropoint
+ \everycr\emptytoks
+ \halign\bgroup\hfil$\scriptstyle##$\hfil\crcr}
+ {\crcr
+ \egroup
+ \egroup
+ \endgroup}
+%D \macros
+%D {frac, xfrac, xxfrac}
+%D This is another one Tobias asked for. It replaces the
+%D primitive \type {\over}. We also take the opportunity to
+%D handle math style restoring, which makes sure units and
+%D chemicals come out ok.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\frac#1#2%
+%D {\relax
+%D \ifmmode
+%D {{\mathstyle{#1}}\over{\mathstyle{#2}}}%
+%D \else
+%D $\frac{#1}{#2}$%
+%D \fi}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Better is:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\frac#1#2%
+%D {\relax\mathematics{{{\mathstyle{#1}}\over{\mathstyle{#2}}}}}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The \type {\frac} macro kind of replaces the awkward \type
+%D {\over} primitive. Say that we have the following formulas:
+%D \startbuffer[sample]
+%D test $\frac {1}{2}$ test $$1 + \frac {1}{2} = 1.5$$
+%D test $\xfrac {1}{2}$ test $$1 + \xfrac {1}{2} = 1.5$$
+%D test $\xxfrac{1}{2}$ test $$1 + \xxfrac{1}{2} = 1.5$$
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer[sample]
+%D With the most straightforward definitions, we get:
+%D \startbuffer[code]
+%D \def\dofrac#1#2#3{\relax\mathematics{{{#1{#2}}\over{#1{#3}}}}}
+%D \def\frac {\dofrac\mathstyle}
+%D \def\xfrac {\dofrac\scriptstyle}
+%D \def\xxfrac{\dofrac\scriptscriptstyle}
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer[code] \getbuffer[code,sample]
+%D Since this does not work well, we can try:
+%D \startbuffer[code]
+%D \def\xfrac #1#2{\hbox{$\dofrac\scriptstyle {#1}{#2}$}}
+%D \def\xxfrac#1#2{\hbox{$\dofrac\scriptscriptstyle{#1}{#2}$}}
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer[code] \getbuffer[code,sample]
+%D This for sure looks better than:
+%D \startbuffer[code]
+%D \def\xfrac #1#2{{\scriptstyle \dofrac\relax{#1}{#2}}}
+%D \def\xxfrac#1#2{{\scriptscriptstyle\dofrac\relax{#1}{#2}}}
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer[code] \getbuffer[code,sample]
+%D So we stick to the next definitions (watch the local
+%D overloading of \type {\xfrac}).
+% \unexpanded\def\frac
+% {\dofrac\mathstyle}
+% \chardef\mathfracmode=0 $\frac{1}{2}$
+% \chardef\mathfracmode=1 $\frac{1}{2}$
+% \chardef\mathfracmode=2 $\frac{1}{2}$
+% \chardef\mathfracmode=3 $\frac{1}{2}$
+% \chardef\mathfracmode=4 $\frac{1}{2}$
+% \chardef\mathfracmode=5 $\frac{1}{2}$
+\chardef\mathfracmode=0 % 0=mathstyle, 1=displaystyle, 2=textstyle, 3=scriptstyle, 4=scriptscriptstyle
+ {\ifcase\mathfracmode
+ \expandafter\dofrac\expandafter\mathstyle
+ \or
+ \expandafter\dofrac\expandafter\displaystyle
+ \or
+ \expandafter\dofrac\expandafter\textstyle
+ \or
+ \expandafter\dofrac\expandafter\scriptstyle
+ \or
+ \expandafter\dofrac\expandafter\scriptscriptstyle
+ \else
+ \expandafter\dofrac\expandafter\mathstyle
+ \fi}
+ {\begingroup
+ \let\xfrac\xxfrac
+ \dofrac\scriptstyle{#1}{#2}%
+ \endgroup}
+ {\begingroup
+ \dofrac\scriptscriptstyle{#1}{#2}%
+ \endgroup}
+%D The \type {xx} variant looks still ugly, so maybe it's
+%D best to say:
+ {\begingroup
+ \dofrac\scriptscriptstyle{#1}{\raise.25ex\hbox{$\scriptscriptstyle#2$}}%
+ \endgroup}
+%D Something low level for scientific calculator notation:
+ {#1\times10^{#2}}
+%D The next macro, \type {\ch}, is \PPCHTEX\ aware. In
+%D formulas one can therefore best use \type {\ch} instead of
+%D \type {\chemical}, especially in fractions.
+ \let\mathstyle\relax
+ {\ifx\@@chemicalletter\undefined
+ \mathstyle{\rm#1}%
+ \else
+ \dosetsubscripts
+ \mathstyle{\@@chemicalletter{#1}}%
+ \doresetsubscripts
+ \fi}
+%D \macros
+%D {/}
+%D Just to be sure, we restore the behavior of some typical
+%D math characters.
+\catcode`\/=\@@other \global \let\normalforwardslash/
+\catcode`\/=\@@active \doglobal\appendtoks\let/\normalforwardslash\to\everymathematics
+%D These macros were first needed by Frits Spijker (also
+%D known as Gajes) for typesetting the minus sign that is
+%D keyed into scientific calculators.
+% This is the first alternative, which works okay for the
+% minus, but less for the plus.
+% \def\dodoraisedmathord#1#2#3%
+% {\mathord{{#2\raise.#1ex\hbox{#2#3}}}}
+% \def\doraisedmathord#1%
+% {\mathchoice
+% {\dodoraisedmathord5\tf #1}%
+% {\dodoraisedmathord5\tf #1}%
+% {\dodoraisedmathord4\tfx #1}%
+% {\dodoraisedmathord3\tfxx#1}}
+% \def\negative{\doraisedmathord-}
+% \def\positive{\doraisedmathord+}
+% So, now we use the monospaced signs, that we also
+% define as symbol, so that they can be overloaded.
+ {\mathord{{#2\raise.#1ex\hbox{#2\symbol[#3]}}}}
+ {\mathchoice
+ {\dodoraisedmathord5\tf {#1}}%
+ {\dodoraisedmathord5\tf {#1}}%
+ {\dodoraisedmathord4\tx {#1}}%
+ {\dodoraisedmathord3\txx{#1}}}
+ {\setbox\scratchbox\hbox{0}%
+ \mathord{\hbox to \wd\scratchbox{\hss#1\symbol[#2]\hss}}}
+ {\mathchoice
+ {\dodonumbermathord\tf {#1}}%
+ {\dodonumbermathord\tf {#1}}%
+ {\dodonumbermathord\tx {#1}}%
+ {\dodonumbermathord\txx{#1}}}
+\definesymbol[positive] [\getglyph{Mono}{+}]
+\definesymbol[negative] [\getglyph{Mono}{-}]
+\def\negative {\doraisedmathord{negative}}
+\def\positive {\doraisedmathord{positive}}
+%D The following macros are used in the MathML interpreter, so
+%D there is a good change of them never being documented for
+%D other usage.
+\let\normalorfiller \firstoftwoarguments
+\def\enabledelimiter {\let\normalordelimiter\secondoftwoarguments}
+\def\enablefiller {\let\normalorfiller\secondoftwoarguments}
+\def\disablefiller {\let\normalorfiller\firstoftwoarguments}
+\def\mathopnolimits#1{\mathop{\mr#1}\nolimits} % was \rm, which follows text fonts (used in mml parser)
+\def\mathopdolimits#1{\mathop{\mr#1}} % was \rm, which follows text fonts (used in mml parser)
+%D \macros{overset, underset}
+%D The macros \type{\overset} and \type{\underset} are provided by
+%D \AMS\ packages in \LATEX. These macro allows you to place a symbol
+%D above or below another symbol, irrespective of whether the other
+%D symbol is a relation or something else, and without influencing the
+%D spacing. For most cases there is a better way to do such things
+%D (declaring a math command with limop option, or using accents), but
+%D occasionally these macros can be useful, for example:
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \startformula
+%D \overset{*}{X} \underset{*}{X}
+%D \stopformula
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer \getbuffer
+%D Use these macros sparingly. Remember, \TEX\ was designed for
+%D mathematics, so there is usually a proper method for typesetting
+%D common math notation.
+%D These macros are a clearer version of \type{\binrel@} and
+%D \type{\binrel@@} macros in \AMSTEX\ packages.
+ {\begingroup
+ \setbox\scratchbox\hbox
+ {\thinmuskip 0mu
+ \medmuskip -1mu
+ \thickmuskip -1mu
+ \setbox\scratchbox\hbox{$#1\mathsurround\zeropoint$}%
+ \kern-\wd\scratchbox
+ ${}#1{}\mathsurround\zeropoint$}%
+ \expanded
+ {\endgroup
+ \let\noexpand\currentbinrel
+ \ifdim\wd\scratchbox<\zeropoint
+ \mathbin
+ \else\ifdim\wd\scratchbox>\zeropoint
+ \mathrel
+ \else
+ \relax
+ \fi\fi}}
+ {\preparebinrel{#2}%
+ \currentbinrel{\mathop{\kern\zeropoint#2}\limits^{#1}}}
+ {\preparebinrel{#2}%
+ \currentbinrel{\mathop{\kern\zeropoint#2}\limits_{#1}}}
+%D \macros
+%D {boldsymbol}
+%D The math definition is inspired by amsmath.
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \definetypeface [boldmath] [mm] [boldmath] [latin-modern] [modern] [encoding=texnansi]
+%D $a \times b$ $a \boldsymbol{\times} b$
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer \start \getbuffer \stop
+ {\preparebinrel{#1}%
+ \currentbinrel{\mathchoice
+ {\hbox{\switchtoformulabodyfont [boldmath]$\mathsurround\zeropoint#1$}}
+ {\hbox{\switchtoformulabodyfont [boldmath]$\mathsurround\zeropoint#1$}}
+ {\hbox{\switchtoformulabodyfont [boldmath,script]$\mathsurround\zeropoint#1$}}
+ {\hbox{\switchtoformulabodyfont[boldmath,scriptscript]$\mathsurround\zeropoint#1$}}}}
+ {\mathortext\mathboldsymbol\bold}
+%D Some encoding hackery (for Mojca. who else):
+%D \starttyping
+%D \startmathcollection[eul:texnansi]
+%D \definemathsymbol [breve] [accent] [tf] ["15]
+%D \stopmathcollection
+%D \startmathcollection[eul:ec]
+%D \definemathsymbol [breve] [accent] [tf] ["08]
+%D \stopmathcollection
+%D $\breve e$
+%D \stoptyping
+ {\ifx\outerencoding\empty
+ \ifx\outerencoding\s!default\else
+ \edef\outerencoding{\currentencoding}%
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+ \checkoutermathencoding
+\to \everymathematics
+%D More. (A temp hack, else no proper default fall back (like \type
+%D {\textmultiply}); todo: sync encoding.
+ {\expanded{\everyhbox{\the\everyhbox\noexpand\fastenableencoding{\currentencoding}}}%
+ \expanded{\everyvbox{\the\everyvbox\noexpand\fastenableencoding{\currentencoding}}}%
+ \def\dealwithmathtextencoding{\let\characterencoding\nocharacterencoding}%
+ \dealwithmathtextencoding}
+ \dealwithmathtextencoding
+\to \everymathematics
+%D How negative such a symbol looks is demonstrated in:
+%D $\negative 10^{\negative 10^{\negative 10}}$.
+ [\c!way=\@@nrway,
+ \c!blockway=,
+ \c!sectionnumber=\@@nrsectionnumber,
+ \c!location=\v!right,
+ \c!left=(,
+ \c!right=),
+ \c!numberstyle=,
+ \c!numbercolor=,
+ \c!numbercommand=,
+ \c!spacebefore=\v!big,
+ \c!spaceafter=\@@fmspacebefore,
+ \c!grid=]
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/strc-not.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/strc-not.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bee21342e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/strc-not.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,1470 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=strc-not,
+%D version=2002.05.10, % 1997.09.15
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Structure Macros,
+%D subtitle=Note Handling, % Footnote Handling
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Structure Macros / Note Handling}
+%D Unfortunately we cannot force an even number of lines in
+%D a two column footnote placement.
+%D There are some (still) dutch core commands used in this
+%D file.
+% \dochecknote in processnotes
+% splitskips setten
+%D Footnotes are can be characterized by three components:
+%D \startitemize[packed]
+%D \item a small number \footnote {a footnote number} or
+%D symbol {\setupfootnotes [conversion=set 2]\footnote
+%D {a footnote}}
+%D \item and a similar mark at the bottom of the page
+%D \item followed by some additional text
+%D \stopitemize
+%D Because footnotes are declared at the location of their
+%D reference they can be seen as a special kind of
+%D floating bodies. Their placement is postponed but has to be
+%D taken into account in the pagebreak calculations. This kind
+%D of calculations are forced by using \type{\insert}.
+%D \macros
+%D {setupnote,setupnotedefinition}
+%D We can influence footnote typesetting with the setup
+%D command:
+%D \showsetup{setupfootnotes} % ! !
+%D It's sort of a custom to precede footnotes by a horizontal
+%D rule and although fancy rules like
+%D \starttyping
+%D \hbox to 10em{\hskip-3em\dotfill}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Are quite ligitimate, we default to a simple one 20\% of the
+%D text width.
+%D When \type{n} exceeds~1, footnotes are typeset in
+%D multi||columns, using the algoritm presented on page~397
+%D of \TEX book. Footnotes can be places on a per page basis
+%D or whereever suitable. When we set~\type{n} to~0, we get a
+%D rearanged paragraph, typeset by the algoritms on pages 398
+%D and~389. We definitely did not reinvent that wheel.
+\newif\ifendnotes \endnotesfalse
+\newif\ifbottomnotes \bottomnotestrue
+\chardef\clevernotes=\zerocount % 0=page 1=firstcolumn 2=lastcolumn
+%D The next definitions indicate that we can frame the footnote
+%D area. The footnotes themselves are treated as definitions.
+%D \showsetup{setupfootnotes}
+\def\noteparameter #1{\csname\??vn \currentnote#1\endcsname}
+\def\notedefparameter #1{\csname\??vn\??vn\currentnote#1\endcsname}
+\def\footnoteparameter #1{\csname\??vn \v!footnote#1\endcsname}
+\def\startnotedef {\resetdescriptions\csname\e!start\??vn\??vn\currentnote\endcsname}
+\def\stopnotedef {\csname\e!stop \??vn\??vn\currentnote\endcsname}
+\def\noteinsertion #1{\csname\??vn:#1\endcsname}
+\def\currentnoteins {\csname\??vn:\currentnote\endcsname}
+\def\currentsaveins {\csname\??vn-\currentnote\endcsname}
+\def\localpostponednotes {\csname\??vn+\currentnote\endcsname}
+\def\backupnoteins #1{\@EA\backupinsertion\csname\??vn:#1\endcsname}
+%D The numbers that accompany a footnote are generated using
+%D the standard \CONTEXT\ numbering mechanism, and thereby can
+%D be assigned on a per whatever sectioning basis.
+\ifx\noteinsertions\undefined \let\noteinsertions\empty \fi % permits reload
+\def\doprocessnotes#1#2% #1 may be { ... }
+ {\def\currentnote{#2}#1}
+\def\doprocessnotescs#1#2% #1 == \cs that takes arg
+ {\def\currentnote{#2}\@EA#1\csname\??vn:\currentnote\endcsname}
+\def\processnotes #1{\processcommacommand[\noteinsertions]{\doprocessnotes {#1}}}
+\def\savenotecontent {\processnotescs\saveinsertionbox }
+\def\erasenotebackup {\processnotescs\eraseinsertionbackup}
+\def\savenotedata {\processnotescs\saveinsertiondata }
+\def\restorenotecontent{\processnotescs\restoreinsertionbox }
+\def\restorenotedata {\processnotescs\restoreinsertiondata}
+%D ... due to invisibility of inserts ... maybe save them twice
+%D and split new part ... todo ...
+\def\doenablenotes % brrr
+ {\global\count\currentnoteins\plusthousand
+ \global\skip \currentnoteins1\baselineskip\relax}
+ {\global\count\currentnoteins\zerocount
+ \global\skip \currentnoteins\zeropoint}
+\def\enablenotes {\processnotes\doenablenotes }
+ {\global\setbox\currentsaveins\vbox
+ {\ifvoid\currentsaveins\else\unvbox\currentsaveins\fi
+ \box\currentnoteins}}
+ {\ifvoid\currentsaveins\else
+ \insert\currentnoteins{\unvbox\currentsaveins}%
+ \fi}
+\def\savenotes {\processnotes\dosavenotes }
+%D Both these parameters are coupled to the setup command we
+%D will implement in a moment. This means that, given a
+%D suitable symbol set, symbols can be used instead of numbers,
+%D by saying:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \setupfootnotes[conversion=set 2]
+%D \stoptyping
+% experiment: (compare scope=text and scope=page)
+% \definenote[mynote][way=bytext,location=text,width=\leftmarginwidth,scope=page,rule=,before=,after=,factor=0]
+% \setuptexttexts[margin][\vbox to \textheight{\placenotes[mynote]\vfill}][]
+ {\dodoubleempty\dodefinenote}
+% maybe we should inherit (todo)
+ {\def\currentnote{#1}%
+ \ifundefined{\??vn:\currentnote}%
+ \@EA\installinsertion \csname\??vn:\currentnote\endcsname\relax
+ \@EA\installbackupinsertion\csname\??vn:\currentnote\endcsname\relax
+% \@EA\newbox\csname\??vn::\currentnote\endcsname % scratch box % needed ?
+ \@EA\newbox\csname\??vn+\currentnote\endcsname % local box
+ \@EA\newbox\csname\??vn-\currentnote\endcsname % local box
+ \doglobal\addtocommalist{#1}\noteinsertions
+ \fi
+ \definedescription
+ [\??vn\??vn\currentnote]
+ [\c!location=\@@defaultnotedefloc,
+ \c!distance=\@@defaultnotedefdis,
+ \c!width=\v!fit,
+ \c!headstyle=\noteparameter\c!style,
+ \c!headcolor=\noteparameter\c!color,
+ \c!before=,
+ \c!after=]%
+ \presetlocalframed
+ [\??vn\currentnote]%
+ \getparameters
+ [\??vn\currentnote]
+ [\c!location=\v!page,
+ \c!way=\v!by\v!part,
+ \c!sectionnumber=\v!no,
+ \c!conversion=,
+ \c!rule=\v!on,
+ \c!before=\blank,
+ \c!bodyfont=\v!small,
+ \c!style=,
+ \c!color=,
+ \c!after=,
+ \c!rulecolor=,
+ \c!rulethickness=\linewidth,
+ \c!frame=\v!off,
+ \c!margindistance=.5em,
+ \c!columndistance=1em,
+ \c!distance=.125em,
+ \c!align=\v!normal,
+ \c!tolerance=\v!tolerant,
+ \c!split=\v!tolerant,
+ %\c!width=\makeupwidth,
+ %\c!width=\ifdim\hsize<\makeupwidth\hsize\else\makeupwidth\fi,
+ \c!width=\defaultnotewidth,
+ \c!height=\textheight,
+ \c!numbercommand=\high,
+ \c!command=\noteparameter\c!numbercommand, % downward compatible
+ \c!separator=\@@koseparator,
+ \c!textcommand=\high,
+ \c!textstyle=\tx,
+ \c!textcolor=,
+ \c!interaction=\v!yes,
+ \c!factor=,
+ \c!scope=, % \v!text \v!page
+ \c!next=\autoinsertnextspace, % new, experimental with startnotes
+ \c!n=1]%
+ \definenumber
+ [\currentnote]
+ [\c!way=\noteparameter\c!way,
+ \c!sectionnumber=\noteparameter\c!way,
+ \c!conversion=\noteparameter\c!conversion]%
+ \letvalue{\??vn\c!rule:\currentnote}\normalnoterule
+ \unexpanded\setvalue{\currentnote }{\setnote[#1]}%
+ \unexpanded\setvalue{\currentnote\v!text }{\setnotetext[#1]}%
+ \unexpanded\setvalue{\e!start\currentnote}{\dodoubleempty\dostartcurrentnote[#1]}%
+ \unexpanded\setvalue{\e!stop\currentnote }{\dostopcurrentnote}%
+ \setupnote[\currentnote][#2]}
+\def\dostopcurrentnote {\removeunwantedspaces\egroup\noteparameter\c!next}
+ {\setupdescriptions[\??vn\??vn#1]}
+ {\dodoubleempty\dosetupnote}
+ {\edef\currentnote{#1}%
+ \ifsecondargument
+ \ifcase\localnodemode\or
+ \edef\localnode@n{\noteparameter\c!n}%
+ \edef\localnode@l{\noteparameter\c!location}%
+ \fi
+ \getparameters[\??vn\currentnote][#2]%
+ \ifcase\localnodemode\or
+ \letvalue{\??vn\currentnote\c!n }\localnode@n
+ \letvalue{\??vn\currentnote\c!location}\localnode@l
+ \fi
+ \processaction
+ [\noteparameter\c!rule]
+ [ \v!on=>\letvalue{\??vn\c!rule:\currentnote}\normalnoterule,
+ \v!off=>\letvalue{\??vn\c!rule:\currentnote}\relax,
+ \s!default=>\letvalue{\??vn\c!rule:\currentnote}\relax,
+ \s!unknown=>\setvalue{\??vn\c!rule:\currentnote}{\noteparameter\c!rule}]%
+ \processaction % todo
+ [\noteparameter\c!split]
+ [ \v!tolerant=>\notepenalty\zeropoint,
+ \v!strict=>\notepenalty9999,
+ \v!verystrict=>\notepenalty\maxdimen,
+ \s!default=>\notepenalty\zeropoint,
+ \s!unknown=>\notepenalty\commalistelement]%
+ \fi
+ \dochecknote}
+ {\ifsecondargument
+ \edef\noteinsertions{#1}%
+ \processnotes{\setupnote[\currentnote][#2]}%
+ \else\iffirstargument
+ \doifassignmentelse{#1}
+ {\processnotes{\setupnote[\currentnote][#1]}}
+ {\edef\noteinsertions{#1}}%
+ \fi\fi}
+% redefined:
+% so that it matches:
+% todo: make sure less calls, is quite some code
+\def\dochecknote % only to be called locally, some bools will become class-ones
+ {% for the moment no mixed text/endnotes modes, so we use
+ % \footnoteparameter and not \noteparameter (**)
+ \setnotedistance
+ \count\currentnoteins\plusthousand
+ \expanded{\doifcommonelse{\v!columns,\v!lastcolumn}{\noteparameter\c!location}}% **
+ {\chardef\clevernotes\plustwo}
+ {\expanded{\doifinsetelse{\v!firstcolumn}{\noteparameter\c!location}}% **
+ {\chardef\clevernotes\plusone}%
+ {\chardef\clevernotes\zerocount}}%
+ \ifcase\clevernotes\relax
+ % notes not in column areas
+ \ifnum\noteparameter\c!n=\zerocount % no ifcase
+ \settextnotes
+ \scratchcounter\plusone
+ \else
+ \setcolumnnotes
+ \scratchcounter\noteparameter\c!n\relax
+ \divide\count\currentnoteins \scratchcounter
+ \fi
+ \global\endnotesfalse
+ \expanded{\doifinsetelse{\v!page}{\noteparameter\c!location}}% **
+ {\expanded{\doifinsetelse{\v!high}{\noteparameter\c!location}}% **
+ {\global\bottomnotesfalse}
+ {\global\bottomnotestrue}}
+ {\global\endnotestrue
+ \global\bottomnotestrue}% not: \postponenotes, else global
+ \else
+ % notes in column areas
+ \ifnum\@@kln=\zerocount % no ifcase / brrr dependency on \??kl
+ \scratchcounter\plusone
+ \else
+ \scratchcounter\footnoteparameter\c!n\relax % **
+ \fi
+ \global\endnotesfalse
+ \global\bottomnotestrue
+ \setclevernotes
+ \fi
+ \doifsomething{\noteparameter\c!factor}
+ {\ifnum\noteparameter\c!factor<\zerocount\else
+ \count\currentnoteins\noteparameter\c!factor
+ \fi}%
+ \ifnotelimit
+ \dimen\currentnoteins\noteparameter\c!height
+ \multiply\dimen\currentnoteins \scratchcounter
+ \fi
+ \ifendnotes
+ \dimen\currentnoteins\maxdimen
+ \count\currentnoteins\zerocount
+ \skip \currentnoteins\zeropoint
+ \fi}
+ {\processnotes\dochecknote}
+% Example of using factor:
+% \definenote[mynote][way=bypage,location=text,width=\marginwidth,rule=,before=,factor=0]
+% \setuplayout[backspace=5cm,margin=3cm,margindistance=.5cm,width=middle]
+% \setuptexttexts[margin][\vbox to \textheight{\placenotes[mynote]\vfill}][]
+% \starttext
+% \dorecurse{10}{test \mynote{one one one one one one} \input zapf \mynote{one one one one one one} }
+% \stoptext
+%D The noterule can be a graphic and therefore calling this
+%D setup macro at every skipswitch is tricky (many many MP
+%D runs). Let's just reserve a few points, that probably match
+%D those of the stretch component.
+ {\getvalue{\??vn\c!rule:\currentnote}}
+ {\ifvmode
+ \color
+ [\noteparameter\c!rulecolor]
+ {\hrule
+ \!!width .2\hsize
+ \!!height\noteparameter\c!rulethickness
+ \!!depth \zeropoint}%
+ \kern\strutdepth
+ \fi}
+%D The following switch can be used to disable limiting the
+%D height of the footnote area, something that is needed in
+%D multi column balancing. Use this switch with care.
+\newif\ifnotelimit \notelimittrue
+ {\setbox\scratchbox\vbox
+ {\forgetall
+ \noteparameter\c!before
+ \placenoterule
+ \noteparameter\c!after}%
+ \global\skip\currentnoteins\ht\scratchbox
+ \setbox\scratchbox\emptybox} % scratchbox can be in use
+ \def\setnotehsize{\hsize\noteparameter\c!width} % can be overloaded
+ {\def\startpushnote {\bgroup % wellicht ooit kopuitlijnen
+ \setupinmargin[\c!align=\v!left]%
+ \startnotedef}%
+ \def\stoppushnote {\stopnotedef
+ \egroup}%
+ \let\startpopnotes \donothing
+ \let\stoppopnotes \donothing}
+ {\def\startpushnote {\setnotehsize % possibly overloaded
+ \setrigidcolumnhsize\hsize{\noteparameter\c!columndistance}{\noteparameter\c!n}%
+ \bgroup
+ \setupinmargin[\c!align=\v!left]%
+ \startnotedef}%
+ \def\stoppushnote {\stopnotedef
+ \egroup}%
+ \def\startpopnotes {\bgroup
+ \setnotehsize
+ \setrigidcolumnhsize\hsize{\noteparameter\c!columndistance}{\noteparameter\c!n}%
+ \setbox0\vbox\bgroup}%
+ \def\stoppopnotes {\egroup
+ \setbox0\vbox
+ {\unvbox0\setbox0\lastbox
+ \ifvbox0\unvbox\else\box\fi0}%
+ \rigidcolumnbalance0\egroup}}
+% \def\settextnotes
+% {\def\startpushnote {\startvboxtohbox
+% \dostartattributes{\??vn\currentnote}\c!style\c!color\empty}%
+% \def\stoppushnote {\hskip\noteparameter\c!columndistance % plus.5em minus.5em
+% \dostopattributes
+% \stopvboxtohbox}%
+% \def\startpopnotes {\vbox\bgroup
+% \doifnotinset{\noteparameter\c!width}{\v!fit,\v!broad}\setnotehsize
+% \beginofshapebox}%
+% \def\stoppopnotes {\endofshapebox
+% \reshapebox{\ifhbox\shapebox\unhbox\else\box\fi\shapebox\endgraf}%
+% \flushshapebox
+% \egroup}}
+% this was wrong (for ages)
+% \def\settextnotes
+% {\def\startpushnote {\startvboxtohbox
+% \dostartattributes{\??vn\currentnote}\c!style\c!color\empty}%
+% \def\stoppushnote {\hskip\noteparameter\c!columndistance % plus.5em minus.5em
+% \dostopattributes
+% \stopvboxtohbox}%
+% %\def\startpopnotes {\vbox\bgroup
+% % \doifnotinset{\noteparameter\c!width}{\v!fit,\v!broad}\setnotehsize}
+% %\def\stoppopnotes {\convertvboxtohbox
+% % \egroup}%
+% \def\startpopnotes {\vbox\bgroup
+% \doifnotinset{\noteparameter\c!width}{\v!fit,\v!broad}\setnotehsize
+% \beginofshapebox}%
+% \def\stoppopnotes {\endofshapebox
+% \doreshapebox{\box\shapebox}{}{}{}% get rid of penalties etc
+% \innerflushshapebox
+% \convertvboxtohbox
+% \egroup}%
+% }
+ {\def\startpushnote {\startvboxtohbox
+ \edef\@@defaultnotedefloc{\ifnum\noteparameter\c!n=\zerocount\v!serried\else\v!inleft \fi}%
+ \edef\@@defaultnotedefdis{\ifnum\noteparameter\c!n=\zerocount .5em\else\!!zeropoint\fi}%
+ \startnotedef}%
+ \def\stoppushnote {\stopnotedef
+ \hskip\noteparameter\c!columndistance % plus.5em minus.5em
+ \stopvboxtohbox}%
+ \def\startpopnotes {\vbox\bgroup
+ % here, else problems in preroll
+ \doifnotinset{\noteparameter\c!width}{\v!fit,\v!broad}\setnotehsize
+ \beginofshapebox}%
+ \def\stoppopnotes {\endofshapebox
+ \doreshapebox{\box\shapebox}{}{}{}% get rid of penalties etc
+ \innerflushshapebox
+ \convertvboxtohbox
+ \egroup}}
+%D The formatting depends on the width of the table, so we
+%D have to set \type {n} to zero.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \bTR \bTD one \footnote{\dorecurse{10}{abcd }} \eTD \bTD two \eTD \eTR
+%D \bTR \bTD three fout five six seven eight nine \eTD \bTD ten \eTD \eTR
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \startlocalfootnotes[n=0,location={text,none}]
+%D \placelegend[n=2]{\getbuffer}{\placelocalfootnotes}
+%D \stoplocalfootnotes
+%D \stoptyping
+%D \macros
+%D {footnote}
+%D A footnote can have a reference as optional argument and
+%D therefore its formal specification looks like:
+%D \showsetup{footnote}
+%D This command has one optional command: the reference. By
+%D saying \type{[-]} the number is omitted. The footnote
+%D command is not that sensitive to spacing, so it's quite
+%D legal to say:
+%D \startbuffer
+%D Users of \CONTEXT\ must keep both feet \footnote{Given they
+%D have two.} on the ground and not get confused \footnote{Or
+%D even crazy.} by all those obscure \footnote{But fortunately
+%D readable.} parameters.
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+%D When setting the \type{conversion} to \type{set 2} we get
+%D something like:
+%D \bgroup
+%D \startnarrower
+%D \setupfootnotes[conversion=set 1]
+%D \getbuffer
+%D \stopnarrower
+%D \egroup
+%D Typesetting footnotes is, at least for the moment, disabled
+%D when reshaping boxes.
+%D The additional macro \type {\footnotetext} and the
+%D associated \type {\note} macro were implemented at
+%D request of users on the mailing list and a suggestion by
+%D taco to split of the symbol placement. I decided to
+%D merge this functionality with the existing \type {\note}
+%D functionality.
+\unexpanded\def\setnote {\dotripleempty\dosetnote[1]}
+ {\removeunwantedspaces
+ \def\currentnote{#2}%
+ \dochecknote % sometimes needed for local notes
+ \ifcase#1\relax
+ \global\notesymbolfalse
+ \else
+ \global\notesymboltrue
+ \fi
+ \ifvisible % misty feature, make it obsolete
+ \ifreshapingbox
+ \@EAEAEA\gobbletwoarguments
+ \else
+ \@EAEAEA\dodonote
+ \fi
+ \else % todo: \iftrialtypesetting
+ \@EA\gobbletwoarguments
+ \fi{#3}}
+%D \macros
+%D {notesenabled}
+%D Before we come to typesetting a footnote, we first check
+%D if we have to typeset a number. When a \type{-} is passed
+%D instead of a reference, no number is typeset. We can
+%D temporary disable footnotes by saying
+%D \starttyping
+%D \notesenabledfalse
+%D \stoptyping
+%D which can be handy while for instance typesetting tables
+%D of contents. The pagewise footnote numbering is dedicated
+%D to Han The Thanh, who needed it first.
+\newif\ifnotesenabled \notesenabledtrue
+\appendtoks \notesenabledfalse \to \everymarking
+\newconditional\pagewisenotes % saves two hash entries
+ {\ifconditional\pagewisenotes
+ \doifreferencefoundelse{\s!fnt:t:\number\internalnotereference}
+ {\let\savedrealreference\currentrealreference
+ \doifreferencefoundelse{\s!fnt:f:\number\internalnotereference}
+ {\ifnum\savedrealreference<\currentrealreference\relax\symbol[#1]\else
+ \ifnum\savedrealreference>\currentrealreference\relax\symbol[#2]\fi\fi}
+ \donothing}
+ \donothing
+ \fi}
+% maybe some day
+% \newconditional\tracemovednotes
+% \def\domovednote#1#2%
+% {\iflocation
+% \doshowmovednote{#1}{#2}%
+% \else\ifconditional\tracemovednotes
+% \doshowtracednote{#1}{#2}%
+% \fi\fi}
+% \def\doshowmovednote#1#2%
+% {\doifreferencefoundelse{\s!fnt:t:\number\internalnotereference}
+% {\let\savedrealreference\currentrealreference
+% \doifreferencefoundelse{\s!fnt:f:\number\internalnotereference}
+% {\ifnum\savedrealreference<\currentrealreference\relax
+% \symbol[#1]%
+% \else\ifnum\savedrealreference>\currentrealreference\relax
+% \symbol[#2]%
+% \fi\fi}
+% \donothing}
+% \donothing}
+% \def\doshowtracednote#1#2%
+% {\doifreferencefoundelse{\s!fnt:t:\number\internalnotereference}
+% {\let\savedrealreference\currentrealreference
+% \doifreferencefoundelse{\s!fnt:f:\number\internalnotereference}
+% {\ifnum\savedrealreference<\currentrealreference\relax
+% \writestatus{NOTE}{forward note reference on real page \currentrealreference}%
+% \else\ifnum\savedrealreference>\currentrealreference\relax
+% \writestatus{NOTE}{backward note reference on real page \currentrealreference}%
+% \fi\fi}
+% \donothing}
+% \donothing}
+ {\ifnotesenabled
+ \iftrialtypesetting
+ \@EAEAEA\nododonote
+ \else
+ \@EAEAEA\dododonote
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \@EA\gobbletwoarguments
+ \fi}
+% \def\nododonote#1%
+% {\doifnot{#1}{-}{\kern.5em}% quick hack, approximation
+% \gobbleoneargument}
+% more correct:
+ {\doifnot{#1}{-}
+ {\ifconditional\pagewisenotes
+ \doifreferencefoundelse{\s!fnt:t:\number\internalnotereference}
+ {\ifnum\currentrealreference>\lastnotepage\relax
+ \globallet\lastnotepage\currentrealreference
+ \resetnumber[\currentnote]%
+ \fi}
+ {}%
+ \fi
+ \incrementnumber[\currentnote]%
+ \makesectionnumber[\currentnote]%
+ \let\lastnotenumber\composedsectionnumber
+ \dolastnotesymbol
+ \decrementnumber[\currentnote]}}
+ {\global\advance\internalnotereference\plusone
+ \doifelse{\noteparameter\c!way}{\v!by\v!page}
+ {\settrue\pagewisenotes}
+ {\setfalse\pagewisenotes}%
+ \doifelse{#1}{-}
+ {\let\lastnotenumber\empty}
+ {\ifconditional\pagewisenotes
+ \doifreferencefoundelse{\s!fnt:t:\number\internalnotereference}
+ {\ifnum\currentrealreference>\lastnotepage\relax
+ \globallet\lastnotepage\currentrealreference
+ \resetnumber[\currentnote]%
+ \fi}
+ {}%
+ \fi
+ \incrementnumber[\currentnote]%
+ \makesectionnumber[\currentnote]%
+ \rawreference\s!fnt{#1}\composedsectionnumber
+ \let\lastnotenumber\composedsectionnumber}%
+ \dostartnote}
+%D The main typesetting routine is more or less the same as the
+%D \PLAIN\ \TEX\ one, except that we only handle one type while
+%D \PLAIN\ also has something \type{\v...}. In most cases
+%D footnotes can be handled by a straight insert, but we do so
+%D by using an indirect call to the \type{\insert} primitive.
+ {\dochecknote
+ \ifendnotes
+ \global\setbox\localpostponednotes\vbox\bgroup
+ \ifvoid\localpostponednotes\else\unvbox\localpostponednotes\fi
+ \else
+ \insert\currentnoteins\bgroup
+ \fi}
+\let\stoplocalnoteinsert \egroup
+%D Making footnote numbers active is not always that logical,
+%D Making footnote numbers active is not always that logical,
+%D especially when we keep the reference and text at one page.
+%D On the other hand we need interactivity when we refer to
+%D previous notes or use end notes. Therefore we support
+%D interactive footnote numbers in two ways \footnote{This
+%D feature was implemented years after we were able to do so,
+%D mainly because endnotes had to be supported.} that is,
+%D automatically (vise versa) and by user supplied reference.
+\let\stoppushnote =\relax
+\newcount \notepenalty
+\notepenalty=0 % needed in order to split in otrset
+ {\rawreference\s!fnt{\s!fnt:f:\number\internalnotereference}{}}
+ {\global\advance\crossreferencenumber\minusone\relax % else problem, needs further testing
+ \rawreference\s!fnt{\s!fnt:t:\number\internalnotereference}{}}
+\def\dostartnote% nog gobble als in pagebody
+ {\pushsomestates
+ \bgroup
+ \settrue\processingnote
+ %\restorecatcodes % to be tested first
+ \iftypesettinglines % otherwise problems with \type <crlf> {xxx}
+ \ignorelines % makes footnotes work in \startlines ... \stoplines
+ \fi
+ \ifnotesymbol
+ \dolastnotesymbol
+ \else
+ \unskip\unskip
+ \globallet\lastnotesymbol\dolastnotesymbol
+ \fi
+ \startlocalnoteinsert
+ \doif{\noteparameter\c!scope}\v!page{\floatingpenalty\maxdimen}% experiment
+ \penalty\notepenalty
+ \forgetall
+ \setnotebodyfont
+ \redoconvertfont % to undo \undo calls in in headings etc
+ \splittopskip\strutht % not actually needed here
+ \splitmaxdepth\strutdp % not actually needed here
+ \leftmargindistance\noteparameter\c!margindistance
+ \rightmargindistance\leftmargindistance
+ \ifnum\noteparameter\c!n=\zerocount % no ifcase new 31-07-99 ; always ?
+ \doifnotinset{\noteparameter\c!width}{\v!fit,\v!broad}\setnotehsize
+ \fi
+ \startpushnote
+ {\ifx\lastnotenumber\empty \else
+ \preparefullnumber{\??vn\currentnote}\lastnotenumber\preparednumber
+ \doifelse{\noteparameter\c!interaction}\v!no
+ {\noteparameter\c!numbercommand
+ {\preparednumber\domovednote\v!nextpage\v!previouspage}}%
+ {\gotobox{\noteparameter\c!command % was \c!numbercommand, but compatible
+ {\preparednumber\domovednote\v!nextpage\v!previouspage}}%
+ [\s!fnt:f:\number\internalnotereference]}%
+ \fi
+ \doifelse{\noteparameter\c!interaction}\v!no
+ {\ifconditional\pagewisenotes
+ \footnotereferenceto
+ \fi}%
+ {\footnotereferenceto}}%
+ \bgroup
+ \postponenotes
+ \aftergroup\dostopnote
+ \begstrut
+ \let\next}
+ {\endstrut
+ \stoppushnote
+ \egroup
+ \stoplocalnoteinsert
+ \kern\notesignal\relax % \relax is needed to honor spaces
+ \popsomestates}
+ {\removeunwantedspaces
+ \doifitalicelse\/\donothing % Charles IV \footnote{the fourth}
+ \ifdim\lastkern=\notesignal
+ \dodonotesymbol{\kern\noteparameter\c!distance}% gets the font right, hack !
+ \fi
+ \nobreak
+ \doifelse{\noteparameter\c!interaction}\v!no
+ {\dodonotesymbol{\lastnotenumber\domovednote\v!previouspage\v!nextpage}%
+ \ifconditional\pagewisenotes
+ \footnotereferencefrom
+ \fi}
+ {\gotobox
+ {\dodonotesymbol{\lastnotenumber\domovednote\v!previouspage\v!nextpage}}%
+ [\s!fnt:t:\number\internalnotereference]%
+ \footnotereferencefrom}%
+ \globallet\lastnotesymbol\relax}
+%D \macros
+%D {note}
+%D Refering to a note is accomplished by the rather short
+%D command:
+%D \showsetup{note}
+%D This command is implemented rather straightforward as:
+ {\dodoubleempty\donotesymbol}
+% \def\donotesymbol[#1][#2]%
+% {\bgroup
+% \ifnotesenabled
+% \def\currentnote{#1}%
+% \ifsecondargument
+% \ifx\lastnotesymbol\relax
+% \unskip
+% \naarbox{\high{\tx\currenttextreference}}[#2]%
+% \else
+% \lastnotesymbol
+% \fi
+% \else
+% \lastnotesymbol
+% \fi
+% \fi
+% \egroup}
+ {\noteparameter\c!textcommand{\doattributes{\??vn\currentnote}\c!textstyle\c!textcolor{#1}}}
+% \def\donotesymbol[#1][#2]%
+% {\bgroup
+% \ifnotesenabled
+% \def\currentnote{#1}%
+% \ifsecondargument
+% \ifx\lastnotesymbol\relax % bugged
+% \unskip
+% \gotobox{\dodonotesymbol\currenttextreference}[#2]%
+% \else
+% \lastnotesymbol
+% \fi
+% \else
+% \lastnotesymbol
+% \fi
+% \fi
+% \egroup}
+ {\bgroup
+ \ifnotesenabled
+ \def\currentnote{#1}%
+ \ifsecondargument
+ \unskip
+ \gotobox{\dodonotesymbol\currenttextreference}[#2]%
+ \else
+ \lastnotesymbol
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \egroup}
+%D Normally footnotes are saved as inserts that are called upon
+%D as soon as the pagebody is constructed. The footnote
+%D insertion routine looks just like the \PLAIN\ \TEX\ one,
+%D except that we check for the end note state.
+\let\startpopnotes = \relax
+\let\stoppopnotes = \relax
+ {\processnotes\doplacenoteinserts}
+% testcase for split bottom alignment see (a) below
+% \dorecurse{6}{\input tufte\footnote{\input ward \input tufte \relax}}
+ {%\ifvoid\currentnoteins \else % unsafe, strange
+ \relax\ifdim\ht\currentnoteins>\zeropoint\relax
+ \dochecknote
+ \ifendnotes \else
+ \noteparameter\c!before
+ \placenoterule % alleen in ..mode
+ \bgroup
+ \setnotebodyfont
+ \setbox0\hbox
+ {\startpopnotes
+ \setnotebodyfont
+% % this should be checked, smells like a mix-up
+% % does not split: \ifcase\noteparameter\c!n\unvbox\else\box\fi\currentnoteins
+ \ifcase\noteparameter\c!n\relax
+% \unvbox\currentnoteins
+ \or
+% \box\currentnoteins
+ \obeydepth % (a) added , since split footnotes will not align properly
+ \else
+% \unvbox\currentnoteins
+ \fi
+ % this is too ugly actually
+ \stoppopnotes}%
+ \setbox2\hbox
+ {\localframed
+ [\??vn\currentnote]
+ [\c!width=\v!fit,
+ \c!height=\v!fit,
+ \c!strut=\v!no,
+ \c!offset=\v!overlay]
+ {\ifdim\dp0=\zeropoint % this hack is needed because \vadjust
+ \hbox{\lower\strutdp\box0}% % in margin number placement
+ \else % hides the (always) present depth
+ \box0
+ \fi}}%
+ \setbox2\hbox{\lower\strutdepth\box2}%
+ \dp2=\strutdepth % so we know that it has the note bodyfont depth
+ \box2
+ \egroup
+ \noteparameter\c!after
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+%D Supporting end notes is surprisingly easy. Even better, we
+%D can combine this feature with solving the common \TEX\
+%D problem of disappearing inserts when they're called for in
+%D deeply nested boxes. The general case looks like:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \postponenotes
+%D \.box{whatever we want with footnotes}
+%D \flushnotes
+%D \stoptyping
+%D This alternative can be used in headings, captions, tables
+%D etc. The latter one sometimes calls for notes local to
+%D the table, which can be realized by saying
+%D \starttyping
+%D \setlocalfootnotes
+%D some kind of table with local footnotes
+%D \placelocalfootnotes
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Postponing is accomplished by simply redefining the (local)
+%D insert operation. A not too robust method uses the
+%D \type{\insert} primitive when possible. This method fails in
+%D situations where it's not entirely clear in what mode \TEX\
+%D is. Therefore the auto method can is to be overruled when
+%D needed.
+ {\def\startlocalnoteinsert % not global
+ {\ifinner
+ %\message{[postponed note]}%
+ \global\setbox\localpostponednotes\vbox\bgroup
+ \global\settrue\postponednote
+ \ifvoid\localpostponednotes\else\unvbox\localpostponednotes\fi
+ \else
+ %\message{[inserted note]}%
+ \expandafter\dostartlocalnoteinsert
+ \fi}}
+ {\let\autopostponenotes\postponenotes
+ \let\postponenotes\relax % prevent loops
+ \def\startlocalnoteinsert % not global
+ {%\message{[postponed note]}%
+ \global\setbox\localpostponednotes\vbox\bgroup
+ \global\settrue\postponednote
+% \unvbox\localpostponednotes}}
+ \ifvoid\localpostponednotes\else\unvbox\localpostponednotes\fi}}
+\def\dodoflushnotes % per class, todo: handle endnotes here
+ {\ifdim\ht\localpostponednotes>\zeropoint
+ \bgroup
+ \dochecknote
+ \ifendnotes \else
+ % not that accurate when multiple notes
+ \ifdim\dimexpr\pagegoal-\pagetotal\relax<\ht\localpostponednotes
+ \message{[moved note \currentnote]}%
+ \fi
+ \insert\currentnoteins\bgroup\unvbox\localpostponednotes\egroup
+ \fi
+ \egroup
+ \fi}
+\def\doflushnotes % also called directly, \ifvoid is needed !
+ {\ifconditional\processingnote \else \ifconditional\postponednote
+ \let\localnoteinsert\normalnoteinsert % not global
+ \processnotes\dodoflushnotes
+ \global\setfalse\postponednote
+ \fi \fi}
+ {\ifconditional\processingnote \else \ifconditional\postponednote
+ \ifinner \else \ifinpagebody \else
+ %\ifvmode % less interference, but also less secure
+ \doflushnotes
+ %\fi
+ \fi \fi
+ \fi \fi}
+%D For old times sake:
+\def\flushfootnotes {\flushnotes}
+%D This is a nasty and new secondary footnote flusher. It
+%D can be hooked into \type {\everypar} like:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \appendtoks \synchronizenotes \to \everypar
+%D \stoptyping
+ {\ifvoid\currentnoteins\else\insert\currentnoteins{\unvbox\currentnoteins}\fi}
+ {\processnotes\dosynchronizenotes}
+%D There are several placement alternatives.
+ {\ifdim\ht#1>\zeropoint
+ \endgraf
+ \ifvmode
+ \whitespace
+ \noteparameter\c!before
+ \fi
+ \snaptogrid\hbox
+ {\setnotebodyfont
+ \setbox0\hbox
+ {\startpopnotes
+ \unvbox#1\endgraf\relax
+ \stoppopnotes}%
+ \doif{\noteparameter\c!width}\v!fit % new, auto width
+ {\setbox0\hbox % uggly but ok.
+ {\beginofshapebox
+ \unhbox0\setbox0=\lastbox\unvbox0
+ \endofshapebox
+ \reshapebox{\hbox{\unhbox\shapebox}}%
+ \vbox{\flushshapebox}}}%
+ \localframed
+ [\??vn\currentnote]
+ [ \c!width=\v!fit,
+ \c!height=\v!fit,
+ \c!strut=\v!no,
+ \c!offset=\v!overlay]
+ {\ifdim\dp0=\zeropoint % this hack is needed because \vadjust
+ \hbox{\lower\strutdp\box0}% % in margin number placement
+ \else % hides the (always) present depth
+ \box0
+ \fi}}%
+ \ifvmode
+ \noteparameter\c!after
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+%D A stupid alternative is also provided:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \setupfootnotes[location={text,none}]
+%D \stoptyping
+\def\placenotesasnone#1% is grouped already
+ {\ifdim\ht#1>\zeropoint
+ \noteparameter\c!before
+ \setnotebodyfont
+ \startpopnotes % make sure that fake height is killed
+ \unvbox#1\endgraf
+ \stoppopnotes
+ % weird
+ \ifhmode
+ \setbox0=\lastbox \ifvbox0 \unvbox0\else\box0\fi % enable columns
+ \fi
+ \noteparameter\c!after
+ \fi}
+%D \macros
+%D {startlocalfootnotes,placelocalfootnotes}
+%D The next two macros can be used in for instance tables, as
+%D we'll demonstrate later on.
+%D \showsetup{startlocalfootnotes}
+%D \showsetup{placelocalfootnotes}
+% \def\collectlocalnotes
+% {\def\localnoteinsert##1% was \gdef, but never reset!
+% {%\message{[local note]}%
+% \global\setbox\localpostponednotes\vbox\bgroup
+% \ifvoid\localpostponednotes \else
+% \unvbox\localpostponednotes
+% \fi
+% \let\next}}
+ {\def\startlocalnoteinsert% was \gdef, but never reset!
+ {%\message{[local note]}%
+ \global\setbox\localpostponednotes\vbox\bgroup
+ \ifvoid\localpostponednotes\else\unvbox\localpostponednotes\fi}}
+ {\bgroup % here because we support \vbox\startlocalnotes
+ \dosingleempty\dostartlocalnotes}
+ {\let\autopostponenotes\postponenotes
+ \let\postponenotes\collectlocalnotes
+ \chardef\localnodemode\plusone % new
+ \def\defaultnotewidth{\ifdim\hsize<\makeupwidth\hsize\else\makeupwidth\fi}%
+ \processnotes
+ {\doifsomething{#1}{\setupnote[\currentnote][#1]}%
+ \savenumber[\currentnote]%
+ \resetnumber[\currentnote]}%
+ \collectlocalnotes}
+ {\processnotes{\restorenumber[\currentnote]}%
+ \egroup
+ \checknotes} % really needed, else wrong main settings
+ {\dodoubleempty\doplacelocalnotes}
+ {\bgroup
+ \chardef\localnodemode\plusone % new
+ \dolocalsetupnotes{#1}{#2}%
+ \processnotes\dodoplacelocalnotes
+ \egroup
+ \checknotes} % probably not needed
+ {\dochecknote
+ \expanded{\doifinsetelse{\v!none}{\noteparameter\c!location}}
+ \placenotesasnone\placenotesintext
+ \localpostponednotes}
+%D These commands can be used like:
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \startlocalnotes[width=.3\hsize,n=0]
+%D \placetable
+%D {Some Table}
+%D \placeontopofeachother
+%D {\starttable[|l|r|]
+%D \HL
+%D \VL Nota\footnote{Bene} \VL Bene\footnote{Nota} \VL\SR
+%D \VL Bene\footnote{Nota} \VL Nota\footnote{Bene} \VL\SR
+%D \HL
+%D \stoptable}
+%D {\placelocalnotes}
+%D \stoplocalnotes
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+%D Because this table placement macro expect box content, and
+%D thanks to the grouping of the local footnotes, we don't need
+%D additional braces.
+%D \getbuffer
+%D \macros
+%D {placefootnotes}
+%D We still have no decent command for placing footnotes
+%D somewhere else than at the bottom of the page (for which no
+%D user action is needed). Footnotes (endnotes) can be
+%D placed by using
+%D \showsetup{placefootnotes}
+ {\processnotes\dodoplacenotes}
+% \definecomplexorsimple\placenotes
+% \def\simpleplacenotes
+% {\processnotes\dodoplacenotes}
+% \def\complexplacenotes[#1]%
+% {\bgroup
+% \edef\noteinsertions{#1}%
+% \simpleplacenotes
+% \egroup}
+ {\dodoubleempty\doplacenotes}
+ {\bgroup
+ \dolocalsetupnotes{#1}{#2}%
+ \processnotes\dodoplacenotes
+ \egroup}
+ {\dochecknote
+ \ifendnotes
+ \ifinpagebody \else \ifdim\ht\localpostponednotes>\zeropoint
+ \expanded{\doifinsetelse{\v!none}{\noteparameter\c!location}}
+ \placenotesasnone\placenotesintext\localpostponednotes
+ \fi \fi
+ \else \ifdim\ht\currentnoteins>\zeropoint
+ \placenoteinserts
+ \fi \fi}
+%D \macros
+%D {fakenotes}
+ {\ifhmode\endgraf\fi\ifvmode
+ \calculatetotalclevernoteheight
+ \ifdim\totalnoteheight>\zeropoint \kern\totalnoteheight \fi
+ \fi}
+ {\ifhmode\endgraf\fi\ifvmode
+ \calculatetotalpagenoteheight
+ \ifdim\totalnoteheight>\zeropoint \kern\totalnoteheight \fi
+ \fi}
+ {\ifdim\ht#1>\zeropoint
+ \advance\totalnoteheight\ht #1%
+ \advance\totalnoteheight\skip#1%
+ \fi}
+ {\ifcase\clevernotes % tricky here ! ! ! to be sorted out ! ! !
+ \doaddtototalnoteheight\currentnoteins
+ \else
+ \doaddtototalnoteheight\currentbackupnoteins
+ \fi}
+ {\ifcase\clevernotes \else % tricky here ! ! ! to be sorted out ! ! !
+ \doaddtototalnoteheight\currentnoteins
+ \fi}
+ {\doaddtototalnoteheight\currentnoteins}
+\def\calculatetotalnoteheight {\totalnoteheight\zeropoint\processnotes\docalculatetotalnoteheight}
+\def\calculatetotalpagenoteheight {\totalnoteheight\zeropoint\processnotes\docalculatetotalpagenoteheight}
+ {\ifdim\ht\currentnoteins>\zeropoint
+ \notespresenttrue
+ \fi}
+ {\notespresentfalse
+ \processnotes\dochecknotepresence}
+%D Now how can this mechanism be hooked into \CONTEXT\ without
+%D explictly postponing footnotes? The solution turned out to
+%D be rather simple:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \everypar {...\flushnotes...}
+%D \neverypar {...\postponenotes}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D and
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\ejectinsert%
+%D {...
+%D \flushnotes
+%D ...}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D We can use \type{\neverypar} because in most commands
+%D sensitive to footnote gobbling we disable \type{\everypar}
+%D in favor for \type{\neverypar}. In fact, this footnote
+%D implementation is the first to use this scheme.
+%D When typesetting footnotes, we have to return to the
+%D footnote specific bodyfont size, which is in most cases derived
+%D from the global document bodyfont size. In the previous macros
+%D we already used a footnote specific font setting macro.
+ {\let\setnotebodyfont\relax
+ \restoreglobalbodyfont
+ \switchtobodyfont[\noteparameter\c!bodyfont]%
+ \setuptolerance[\noteparameter\c!tolerance]%
+ \setupalign[\noteparameter\c!align]}
+%D The footnote mechanism defaults to a traditional one
+%D column way of showing them. By default we precede them by
+%D a small line.
+\ifx\v!endnote\undefined \def\v!endnote{endnote} \fi
+\definenote [\v!footnote ]
+\definenote [\v!endnote ] [\c!location=\v!none] % else no break
+% \definenote
+% [mynote]
+% [way=bypage,
+% location={page,high},
+% factor=0,
+% width=\leftmarginwidth,
+% scope=page,
+% rule=,
+% before=,
+% after=]
+% \setuptexttexts
+% [margin]
+% [\vbox to \textheight{\placenotes[mynote]\vfill}]
+% []
+%D Compatibility macros:
+ \def\setupfootnotedefinition{\setupnotedefinition [\v!footnote]}
+ \def\setupfootnotes {\setupnote [\v!footnote]}
+\unexpanded \def\footnote {\setnote [\v!footnote]}
+\unexpanded \def\footnotetext {\setnotetext [\v!footnote]}
+ \def\note {\dodoubleempty\notesymbol [\v!footnote]} % alleen footnote
+ \def\placefootnotes {\dodoubleempty\doplacefootnotes [\v!footnote]}
+ \def\placelocalfootnotes {\dodoubleempty\doplacelocalfootnotes[\v!footnote]}
+ \def\startlocalfootnotes {\startlocalnotes}
+ \def\stoplocalfootnotes {\stoplocalnotes }
+\def\doplacefootnotes [#1][#2]%
+ {\ifsecondargument\placenotes [#1][#2,\c!height=\textheight]\else\placenotes [#1]\fi}
+ {\ifsecondargument\placelocalnotes[#1][#2,\c!height=\textheight]\else\placelocalnotes[#1]\fi}
+%D Backward compatibility command:
+\def\footins {\noteinsertion\currentnote}
+\def\postponefootnotes {\postponenotes}
+%D New trickery:
+\def\ownnotesymbol#1% #1 gets number passed
+ {\executeifdefined{\??vn::\currentnote}\empty}
+ {\prewordbreak % prevent lookback
+ \gdef\lastnotenumber{#2}%
+ \setgvalue{\??vn::#1}{#3}
+ \dolastnotesymbol}
+ {\setnotesymbol[#1]{#2}{#3}%
+ \setnotetext [#1]{#4}}
+ [ownnote]
+ [\ownnotesymbol]
+%D Usage:
+% maybe we should predefine this one
+% \definenote
+% [glossary]
+% [way=bypage,
+% location={page,high},
+% factor=0,
+% width=\leftmarginwidth,
+% scope=page,
+% conversion=ownnote,
+% numbercommand=,
+% textcommand=,
+% textstyle=,
+% rule=,
+% before=,
+% after=]
+% \setupnotedefinition
+% [glossary]
+% [location=left,
+% width=fit,
+% distance=.5em,
+% align={right,tolerant,stretch},
+% headstyle=bold,
+% hang=1]
+% \setuplayout
+% [width=middle,
+% height=middle,
+% backspace=5cm,
+% margin=4cm,
+% margindistance=.25cm,
+% cutspace=2cm]
+% \setuptexttexts
+% [margin]
+% [\setups{glossary}]
+% [\setups{glossary}]
+% \startsetups glossary
+% \vbox to \textheight {\placenotes[glossary]\vfill}
+% \stopsetups
+% \dorecurse{10}
+% {\dorecurse{5}
+% {\ownnote[glossary]{whow}{whatever needs to be glossed:~\recurselevel}%
+% \input tufte \relax}}
+\protect \endinput
+% \def\myfootnote[#1]#2% let's guess that #2 is without catcode problems
+% {\setgvalue{note:t:#1}%
+% {\setxvalue{note:l:#1}{\getvalue{note:n:#1}}%
+% \footnote[note:a:#1:\getvalue{note:l:#1}]{#2}}%
+% \setgvalue{note:n:#1}%
+% {1}%
+% \getvalue{note:t:#1}}%
+% \def\mynote[#1]%
+% {\removeunwantedspaces
+% \scratchcounter\getvalue{note:n:#1}\relax
+% \edef\NoteNumber{\the\scratchcounter}%
+% \doglobal\incrementvalue{note:n:#1}\relax
+% \doifreferencefoundelse{note:a:#1:1}
+% {\edef\NotePageA{\number\currentrealreference}%
+% \doifreferencefoundelse{note:a:#1:\getvalue{note:n:#1}}
+% {\edef\NotePageB{\number\currentrealreference}%
+% \doifreferencefoundelse{note:a:#1:\NoteNumber}
+% {\ifnum\currentrealreference=\NotePageB\relax
+% \pagereference[note:a:#1:\getvalue{note:n:#1}]%
+% \note[note:a:#1:\getvalue{note:l:#1}]%
+% \else\ifnum\NotePageA=\NotePageB\relax
+% \pagereference[note:a:#1:\getvalue{note:n:#1}]%
+% \note[note:a:#1:\getvalue{note:l:#1}]%
+% \else
+% \getvalue{note:t:#1}%
+% \fi\fi}
+% {\ifnum\NotePageA=\NotePageB\relax
+% \pagereference[note:a:#1:\getvalue{note:n:#1}]%
+% \note[note:a:#1:\getvalue{note:l:#1}]%
+% \else
+% \getvalue{note:t:#1}%
+% \fi}}
+% {\pagereference[note:a:#1:\getvalue{note:n:#1}]%
+% \note[note:a:#1:\getvalue{note:l:#1}]}}
+% {\pagereference[note:a:#1:\getvalue{note:n:#1}]%
+% \note[note:a:#1:\getvalue{note:l:#1}]}}
+% \starttext
+% funny \myfootnote[funny]{funny} funny \mynote[funny] \page
+% funny \mynote[funny] funny \mynote[funny] funny \mynote[funny] \page
+% funny \mynote[funny] funny \mynote[funny] \page
+% funny \mynote[funny] funny \mynote[funny] funny \mynote[funny] \page
+% \stoptext
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/strc-num.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/strc-num.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..99fb687c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/strc-num.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=strc-num,
+%D version=1997.03.31,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Structure Macros,
+%D subtitle=Numbering,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Structure Macros / Numbering}
+% Commando's ten behoeve van nummeren:
+% \definenumber[name]
+% \setupnumber[name][wijze=,blok=,tekst=,plaats=,conversie=,start=]
+% \setnumber[name]{value}
+% \resetnumber[name]
+% \incrementnumber[name]
+% \decrementnumber[name]
+% \convertednumber[name] % getnumber
+% \savenumber[name]
+% \restorenumber[name]
+% \convertednumber[name]
+% \rawnumber[name]
+% private (defined in core-des.tex)
+% \nextnumber[name][tag][reference]
+% \currentnumber[name]
+% this will be the new (public) one: \let\numberparameterprefix\@@thenumber
+\def\numberparameter#1#2{\csname\@@thenumber{#1}#2\endcsname} % sort of public
+ {\@EA\let\@EA\savedstartnumber\csname\@@thenumber{#1}\c!start\endcsname
+ \getparameters[\@@thenumber{#1}][\c!start=,#2]%
+ \doifelsenothing{\numberparameter{#1}\c!start}
+ {\letvalue{\@@thenumber{#1}\c!start}\savedstartnumber}
+ {\setcounter{\@@thenumber{#1}}{\numberparameter{#1}\c!start}}}
+ {\dodoubleargument\dosetupnumber}
+ {\dodoubleempty\dodefinenumber}
+\def\dodefinenumber[#1][#2]% ook overal class als localframed
+ {\doifassignmentelse{#2}
+ {\dododefinenumber[#1][#2]}
+ {\doifelsenothing{#2} % can break on not yet defined macros in #2
+ {\dododefinenumber[#1][#2]}
+ {\setvalue{\s!number#1\c!number}{#2}}}}
+ {\getparameters
+ [\s!number#1]
+ [\c!number=#1,
+ \s!check=,
+ \c!way=\@@nrway,
+ \c!way\c!local=\numberparameter{#1}\c!way,
+ \c!sectionnumber=\v!yes,
+ \c!text=, % no longer used here, will go away
+ \c!location=, % no longer used here, will go away (was ooit \c!zetwijze)
+ \c!conversion=\v!numbers,
+ \c!start=0,
+ \c!state=\v!start,
+ #2]%
+ \makecounter{\@@thenumber{#1}}%
+ \setxvalue{\@@thenumber{#1}\c!n}{\countervalue{\@@thenumber{#1}}}%
+ \setcounter{\@@thenumber{#1}}{\numberparameter{#1}\c!start}}
+ {\setcounter{\@@thenumber{#1}}{#2}}
+ {\setcounter{\@@thenumber{#1}}{0\numberparameter{#1}\c!start}}
+ {\savecounter{\@@thenumber{#1}}}
+ {\restorecounter{\@@thenumber{#1}}}
+%D Bonus macro (we need to keep this one for downward
+%D compatibility reasons).
+ {\processcommalist[#1]\dodoreset}
+ {\getvalue{\s!reset#1}}%
+ {\dosingleargument\doreset}
+\def\incrementnumber[#1]% bypage tricky: needs a
+ {\doifelse{\numberparameter{#1}\c!way}{\v!by\v!page}
+ {\checkpagechange{#1}%
+ \ifpagechanged\resetcounter{\@@thenumber{#1}}\fi}
+ {\checknumber[#1]}%
+ \doifelse\@@nrstate\v!start % only here
+ {\doif{\numberparameter{#1}\c!state}\v!start{\pluscounter{\@@thenumber{#1}}}}
+ {\setcounter{\@@thenumber{#1}}{0\numberparameter{#1}\c!start}}}
+% \defineenumeration [test] [way=bypage,text=\lastchangedpage]
+% \starttext \dorecurse{10}{\test \input tufte \par} \stoptext
+ {\minuscounter{\@@thenumber{#1}}}
+ {\convertnumber
+ {\numberparameter{#1}\c!conversion}
+ {\countervalue{\@@thenumber{#1}}}}
+ {\countervalue{\@@thenumber{#1}}}
+ {\getvalue{\@@thenumber{#1}\c!n}}
+\def\doifdefinednumber #1{\doifdefined {\csname\s!number#1\c!number\endcsname}}
+\def\doifundefinednumber #1{\doifundefined {\csname\s!number#1\c!number\endcsname}}
+\ifx\checknumber\undefined \def\checknumber[#1]{} \fi
+% ook de pag nummers hierheen halen ivm \@@nrwijze
+ {\dodoubleempty\getparameters[\??nr]}
+ [\c!way=\v!by\v!chapter,
+ \c!blockway=,
+ \c!sectionnumber=\v!yes,
+ \c!state=\v!start]
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/strc-pag.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/strc-pag.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..40e69b849
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/strc-pag.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,534 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=strc-num, % moved here from main-001
+%D version=1997.03.31,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Structure Macros,
+%D subtitle=Numbering,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Structure Macros / Numbering}
+% todo: {}{}{} ipv ...--...-...-...--... in pag ref
+% \gotonextsubpage : voor de pagebody
+% \subpaginanummer : alleen in de voet/kopregels
+% \aantalsubpaginas : alleen in de voet/kopregels
+% \firstsubpage : eerste \realpageno, voor interne doeleinden
+% \prevsubpage : vorige \realpageno, voor interne doeleinden
+% \nextsubpage : volgende \realpageno, voor interne doeleinden
+% \lastsubpage : laatste \realpageno, voor interne doeleinden
+% \nofsubpages : laatste subpage (in berekeningen)
+% \subpageno : huidige subpage (in berekeningen)
+ [\s!subpage]
+ [\s!subpage]
+ [\c!way=\@@snway]
+% hard to sync
+% \def\resetsubpagenumber
+% {\resetnumber[\s!subpage]%
+% \global\subpageno=\rawnumber[\s!subpage]}
+% better sync
+ {\global\resettingsubpagenumbertrue}
+% so far for sync, see \gotonext...
+ {\doifelse{#1}\v!reset
+ \resetsubpagenumber % \resetnumber[\s!subpage]
+ {\getparameters[\??sn][#1]%
+ \processaction
+ [\@@snstate]
+ [ \v!stop=>\ifsubpaging
+ \resetsubpagenumber % new, see sync
+ \else
+ \subpagingfalse
+ \fi
+ \showingsubpagefalse,
+ \v!start=>\subpagingtrue
+ \showingsubpagetrue,
+ \v!none=>\subpagingtrue
+ \showingsubpagefalse]}}
+ {\ifshowingsubpage\nofsubpages\else0\fi}
+ {\ifshowingsubpage\the\subpageno\else0\fi}
+ {\dosingleargument\dosetupsubpagenumber}
+\def\nofsubpages {0}
+\def\firstsubpage {1}
+\def\prevsubpage {1}
+\def\nextsubpage {1}
+\def\lastsubpage {1}
+\def\nextpage {1}
+\def\prevpage {1}
+ {\ifsubpaging
+ \showmessage\m!layouts6{\newnofsubpages,\the\subpageno}%
+ \immediatesavetwopassdata{\s!subpage}{\newnofsubpages}{\the\subpageno}%
+ \fi}
+ {\iftwopassdatafound
+ \bgroup
+ \xdef \nofsubpages {\twopassdata}%
+ \xdef \firstsubpage {\realfolio}%
+ \advance\realpageno \nofsubpages
+ \advance\realpageno \minusone
+ \xdef \lastsubpage {\realfolio}%
+ \egroup
+ \else
+ \xdef \nofsubpages{0}%
+ \fi}
+\def\gotonextsubpage % overlapt behoorlijk met realpage macro
+ {\global\let\checksubpages\relax
+ \ifresettingsubpagenumber
+ \resetnumber[\s!subpage]%
+ \global\resettingsubpagenumberfalse
+ \fi
+ \ifsubpaging
+ \xdef\oldsubpage{\the\subpageno}%
+ \incrementnumber[\s!subpage]%
+ \global\subpageno\rawnumber[\s!subpage]\relax
+ \ifnum\subpageno=\plusone
+ \gettwopassdata\s!subpage
+ \setsubpagenumbers
+ \ifnum\oldsubpage>\zerocount
+ \showmessage\m!layouts6{\newnofsubpages,\oldsubpage}%
+ \savetwopassdata{\s!subpage}{\newnofsubpages}{\oldsubpage}%
+ \fi
+ \doglobal\increment\newnofsubpages\relax
+ \fi
+ \setglobalsystemreference\rt!page\v!firstsubpage\firstsubpage
+ \setglobalsystemreference\rt!page\v!lastsubpage\lastsubpage
+ \bgroup
+ \ifnum\realpageno=\firstsubpage\relax
+ \global\let\prevsubpage\firstsubpage
+ \setglobalsystemreference\rt!page\v!subbackward\lastsubpage
+ \else
+ \xdef\prevsubpage{\realfolio}%
+ \doglobal\decrement\prevsubpage
+ \setglobalsystemreference\rt!page\v!subbackward\prevsubpage
+ \fi
+ \setglobalsystemreference\rt!page\v!previoussubpage\prevsubpage
+ \ifnum\realpageno=\lastsubpage\relax
+ \global\let\nextsubpage\lastsubpage
+ \setglobalsystemreference\rt!page\v!subforward\firstsubpage
+ \else
+ \xdef\nextsubpage{\realfolio}%
+ \doglobal\increment\nextsubpage
+ \setglobalsystemreference\rt!page\v!subforward\nextsubpage
+ \fi
+ \setglobalsystemreference\rt!page\v!nextsubpage\nextsubpage
+ \egroup
+ \fi}
+ {\getfromtwopassdata\s!subpage1%
+ \setsubpagenumbers
+ \global\let\checksubpages\relax}
+% Omdat \gotonextrealpage gebruik maakt van de hulpfile,
+% moet het initialiseren van \realpageno plaatsvinden in
+% een later stadium, namelijk zodra referenties worden
+% gebruikt (anders gaat het mis op nog niet gedefinieerde
+% lijstcommando's e.d.). De eerst aanroep vindt dan ook
+% plaats vlak nadat de hulpfile voor de eerste maal is
+% ingelezen.
+\countdef\realpageno = 0 \realpageno = 1
+\countdef\userpageno = 1 \userpageno = 1
+\countdef\subpageno = 2 \subpageno = 0 % !!
+\countdef\arrangeno = 3 \arrangeno = 0 % !!
+% we don't want conflicts when \pageno is used by other
+% packages, like CWEB, so we redefine \pageno
+\newcount\pageno \pageno = 1
+ {\global\userpageno#1\relax
+ \global\pageno\userpageno}
+\def\realfolio {\the\realpageno}
+\def\folio {\the\userpageno}
+\def\firstpage {1}
+\def\lastpage {1}
+\def\currentpage {\the\realpageno}
+ {\global\advance\realpageno \plusone\relax
+ \ifnum\realpageno>\lastpage
+ \xdef\lastpage{\realfolio}%
+ \fi
+ \setglobalsystemreference\rt!page\v!firstpage \firstpage
+ \setglobalsystemreference\rt!page\v!lastpage\lastpage
+ \bgroup
+ \ifnum\realpageno>\plusone
+ \advance\realpageno \minusone
+ \xdef\prevpage{\realfolio}%
+ \setglobalsystemreference\rt!page\v!backward\prevpage
+ \else
+ \global\let\prevpage\firstpage
+ \setglobalsystemreference\rt!page\v!backward\lastpage
+ \fi
+ \setglobalsystemreference\rt!page\v!previouspage\prevpage
+ \egroup
+ \bgroup
+ \ifnum\realpageno<\lastpage\relax
+ \advance\realpageno \plusone
+ \xdef\nextpage{\realfolio}%
+ \setglobalsystemreference\rt!page\v!page\nextpage
+ \setglobalsystemreference\rt!page\v!forward\nextpage
+ \bgroup
+ \xdef\nextnextpage{\realfolio}%
+ \ifodd\realpageno
+ \setglobalsystemreference\rt!page\v!nextoddpage\nextnextpage
+ \else
+ \setglobalsystemreference\rt!page\v!nextevenpage\nextnextpage
+ \fi
+ \advance\realpageno \plusone
+ \xdef\nextnextpage{\realfolio}%
+ \ifnum\realpageno>\lastpage\relax
+ %\ifodd\realpageno
+ % \setglobalsystemreference\rt!page\v!nextoddpage\lastpage
+ %\else
+ % \setglobalsystemreference\rt!page\v!nextevenpage\lastpage
+ %\fi
+ \else
+ \ifodd\realpageno
+ \setglobalsystemreference\rt!page\v!nextoddpage\nextnextpage
+ \else
+ \setglobalsystemreference\rt!page\v!nextevenpage\nextnextpage
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \egroup
+ \else
+ \global\let\nextpage\lastpage
+ \setglobalsystemreference\rt!page\v!page\firstpage
+ \setglobalsystemreference\rt!page\v!forward\firstpage
+ \setglobalsystemreference\rt!page\v!nextoddpage\lastpage
+ \setglobalsystemreference\rt!page\v!nextevenpage\lastpage
+ \fi
+ \setglobalsystemreference\rt!page\v!nextpage\realfolio
+ \egroup}
+ {\global\realpageno\zerocount
+ \gotonextrealpage
+ \global\let\checkrealpage\relax}
+ {\bgroup
+ \advance\realpageno \minusone
+ \savecurrentvalue\lastpage\realfolio
+ \advance\userpageno \minusone
+ \savecurrentvalue\lastpagenumber\folio
+ \egroup}
+ {\lastpage}
+ {\setuserpageno{\rawnumber[\s!page]}%
+ \doifelse\@@snstate\v!stop
+ {\global\subpageno\zerocount}
+ {\global\subpageno\rawnumber[\s!subpage]}\relax}
+% Standaard is \count0 in Plain TeX de paginateller. Omwille
+% van de afhandeling van lokaal nummeren, definieren we
+% echter een eigen nummer.
+ [\s!page]
+ [\c!conversion=\@@nmconversion,
+ \c!way=\@@nmway,
+ \c!state=\@@nmstate,
+ \c!start=1]
+% \@@pnstatus global, but \@@nmstatus local and only start/stop
+\global\let\@@pnstate\@@pnstate % brrr
+\def\poppagestate {\globalpopmacro \@@pnstate}
+ {\getparameters[\??pn][\c!number=,#1]%
+ \global\let\@@pnstate\@@pnstate
+ \doifsomething\@@pnnumber
+ {\setnumber[\s!page]{\@@pnnumber}%
+ \setuserpageno{\rawnumber[\s!page]}}%
+ % this makes starting at an even page possible
+ \ifnum\realpageno=1 \ifodd\pageno \else
+ \global\shiftedrealpagenotrue
+ \fi \fi}
+ {\dosingleargument\dosetuppagenumber}
+ {\decrementnumber[\s!page]\setuserpageno{\rawnumber[\s!page]}}
+ {\incrementnumber[\s!page]\setuserpageno{\rawnumber[\s!page]}}
+ {\global\let\@@pnstate\v!start}
+\letvalue{\??pn-\v!none }\dodecrementpagenumber
+\letvalue{\??pn+\v!none }\doincrementpagenumber
+\letvalue{\??pn+\v!keep }\dosynchronizepagenumber
+% so far
+ {\checknumber[\s!page]}
+% \getpagestatus
+% \ifrightpage als odd/singlesided
+\newif\ifrightpage \rightpagetrue
+\newcounter \nofpagesets
+ {\doglobal\increment\nofpagesets\relax
+ \lazysavetwopassdata{\s!page}{\nofpagesets}{\noexpand\realfolio}}
+\def\getpagestatus % hierboven gebruiken
+ {\ifdoublesided
+ \gettwopassdata\s!page
+ \iftwopassdatafound \else
+ \let\twopassdata\realpageno
+ \fi
+ \ifodd\twopassdata
+ \global\rightpagetrue
+ \else
+ \global\rightpagefalse
+ \fi
+ \dopagesetreference
+ \else
+ \global\rightpagetrue
+ \fi}
+\def\@@nmin {} % kan vervallen (upward compatibility)
+\def\@@nmlocation {} % mag {plaats, in} zijn
+ {\ifnum#1=\@@pagenumberlocation\@@plaatspaginanummer\fi}
+\def\dodosetpagenumberlocation#1% tricky because of ...texts
+ {\increment\@@pagenumberlocation
+ \ifx\@@nmlocation\empty\else
+ \def\dododosetpagenumberlocation##1%
+ {\donetrue
+ \setevalue{\??tk#1##1}{\noexpand\do@@plaatspaginanummer{\@@pagenumberlocation}}}%
+ \donefalse
+ \ExpandFirstAfter\processallactionsinset
+ [\@@nmlocation]
+ [ \v!middle=>\dododosetpagenumberlocation{\v!text\c!middletext},
+ \v!left=>\dododosetpagenumberlocation{\v!text\c!lefttext},
+ \v!right=>\dododosetpagenumberlocation{\v!text\c!righttext},
+ \v!inleft=>\dododosetpagenumberlocation{\v!margin\c!lefttext},
+ \v!inright=>\dododosetpagenumberlocation{\v!margin\c!righttext},
+ \v!inmargin=>\dododosetpagenumberlocation{\v!margin\ifdoublesided\c!margintext\else\c!righttext\fi},
+ \v!margin=>\dododosetpagenumberlocation{\v!margin\ifdoublesided\c!margintext\else\c!righttext\fi},
+ \v!atmargin=>\dododosetpagenumberlocation{\v!text\c!marginedgetext},
+ \v!marginedge=>\dododosetpagenumberlocation{\v!text\c!marginedgetext}]%
+ \ifdone \else
+ \dododosetpagenumberlocation{\v!text\c!middletext}% default
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+ {\ExpandBothAfter\doifinsetelse\v!header{\@@nmlocation,\@@nmin}
+ {\dodosetpagenumberlocation\v!header}
+ {\dodosetpagenumberlocation\v!footer }}
+ {\getparameters[\??nm][#1]%
+ \preparepageprefix\??nm
+ \singlesidedfalse
+ \doublesidedfalse
+ \ExpandFirstAfter\processallactionsinset
+ [\@@nmalternative]
+ [ \v!singlesided=>\singlesidedtrue,
+ \v!doublesided=>\doublesidedtrue]%
+ \ifx\trackingmarginnotestrue\undefined\else
+ \ifdoublesided
+ \trackingmarginnotestrue
+ \else
+ \trackingmarginnotesfalse
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \dosetpagenumberlocation
+ \recalculatebackgrounds
+ \recalculatelogos}
+ {\dosingleempty\dosetuppagenumbering}
+% wrong
+% \def\preparepageprefix#1%
+% {\def\dopreparepageprefix##1%
+% {\doifvalue{#1##1\c!number}{\v!yes}
+% {\setvalue{#1\getvalue{\??by##1}\c!nummer}{\v!yes}}}%
+% \processcommacommand[\@@kolijst]\dopreparepageprefix}
+% more wrong
+% \def\preparepageprefix#1%
+% {\def\dopreparepageprefix##1%
+% {\doifelsevalue{#1##1\v!number}{\v!yes} % v
+% {\setvalue{#1\getvalue{\??by##1}\v!nummer}{\v!yes}} % v
+% {\setvalue{#1\getvalue{\??by##1}\v!nummer}{\v!no}}}% % v
+% \processcommacommand[\@@kolijst]\dopreparepageprefix}
+% best, beware, chapter (yes) can be followed by title (no)
+ {\def\dopreparepageprefix##1%
+ {\ifcsname\??by##1\endcsname\letvalue{#1\csname\??by##1\endcsname\v!number}\v!no\fi}% %v
+ \rawprocesscommalist[\@@kolist]\dopreparepageprefix
+ \def\dopreparepageprefix##1%
+ {\doifvalue{#1##1\v!number}\v!yes %v
+ {\ifcsname\??by##1\endcsname\letvalue{#1\csname\??by##1\endcsname\v!number}\v!yes\fi}}%
+ \rawprocesscommalist[\@@kolist]\dopreparepageprefix}
+\def\dodopageprefix#1% uti seperator --
+ {\let\normaluchar\uchar \let\uchar\relax % ugly but needed
+ \doifelsevalue{\pageprefixtype#1\v!number}\v!yes % \v! and no \c!
+ {\edef\preprefix {\@@filterheadpart[\postprefix]}%
+ \edef\postprefix{\@@filtertailpart[\postprefix]}%
+ \let\uchar\normaluchar % ugly but needed
+ \ifx\preprefix\empty \else
+ \ifx\preprefix\zerocountervalue\else
+ \preprefix\@@nmnumberseparator
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+ {\edef\postprefix{\@@filtertailpart[\postprefix]}%
+ \let\uchar\normaluchar}} % ugly but needed
+ {\dodopageprefix{#1}%
+ \donexttracklevel{#1}}
+ {\ifcase\pageprefixmode
+ % skip
+ \or
+ \bgroup
+ \edef\pageprefixtype{#1}%
+ \edef\postprefix{\@@filternumberpart[#2]}%
+ \let\donexttrackcommando\dopageprefix
+ \donexttrackcommando\firstsection
+ \egroup
+ \fi}
+%D It was Marco Kuhlmann who uncovered the missing strut. This
+%D was a pretty old bug kind of covered up by the fact that non
+%D oldstyle numbers are about as high as strutheight. Rather
+%D interesting that it went unnoticed for so long.
+\unexpanded\def\@@plaatspaginanummer % called in empty tests
+ {\doif{\@@nmstate\@@pnstate}{\v!start\v!start}
+ {{\doif\@@nmstrut\v!yes\strut
+ \@@nmcommand{\doattributes\??nm\c!style\c!color{\completepagenumber}}}}}
+\def\userfolio {\convertednumber[\s!page]} % naast realfolio
+ {\let\donexttrackcommando\dopageprefixes
+ \donexttrackcommando\firstsection}
+ {\doifvalue{\??nm#1\v!number}\v!yes % v
+ {\ifnum\countervalue{\??se#1}>\zerocount
+ \getvalue{#1\c!number}\@@nmnumberseparator
+ \fi}%
+ \doifsomething\@@nmtext{\@@nmtext\@@nmnumberseparator}% strange option, what was the purpose of text?
+ \donexttracklevel{#1}}
+ {\doif{\@@nmstate\@@pnstate}{\v!start\v!start}
+ {\@@nmleft\labeltexts\v!pagenumber{\pageprefixes\pagenumber}\@@nmright}}
+ {\doif{\@@nmstate\@@pnstate}{\v!start\v!start}
+ {\labeltexts\v!pagenumber{\pagenumber}}}
+% Nog een variant; wat is een goeie naam?
+% \unexpanded\def\placexxpagenumber
+% {\@@plaatspaginanummer}
+% \def\translatednumber[#1::#2::#3]{#3}
+ {\doifelsenothing{#1}{?}%
+ {\preparepageprefix\??rf
+ \pageprefix\??rf[#1]\translatednumber[#1]}}
+ [\c!state=\v!start,
+ \c!number=1]
+ [\c!way=\v!by\v!part,
+ \c!state=\v!stop]
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/strc-ref.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/strc-ref.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8a135eb04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/strc-ref.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,3025 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=strc-ref,
+%D version=1998.01.15,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Structure Macros,
+%D subtitle=Cross Referencing,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+% we will merge mkii code back in here
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Structure Macros / Cross Referencing}
+% todo : unknown/illegal reference no arg
+% todo : +n pages check on 'samepage' (contrastcolor)
+% Makes more sense to build action data first, especially now
+% openaction etc are supported.
+% \definespecial\doexecuteactionchain w h
+% \definespecial\dosetgotolocation
+% \definespecial\dosetexecuteJScode
+% ...
+% complication: what when direct? Two calls!
+% I considered to change / simplify
+% rt!page -> \definereference
+% rt!list -> \definereference
+% rt!exec -> \definereference
+% but for the moment will not do so, if only because
+% the current implementation permits us to determine
+% the page state and is also more efficient
+% the code is rather fuzzy (and will be redone some day); this is
+% due to the chaining (collect secondary and then hook that into
+% the primary etc
+%D This module deals with referencing. In \CONTEXT\ referencing
+%D is one of the core features, although at a first glance
+%D probably nobody will notice. This is good, because
+%D referencing should be as hidden as possible.
+%D In paper documents, referencing comes down to cross
+%D referencing, but in their interactive counterparts, is also
+%D involves navigation. Many features implemented here are
+%D therefore closely related to navigation.
+%D Many \CONTEXT\ commands can optionally be fed with a
+%D reference. Such a reference, when called upon, returns the
+%D number of a figure, table, chapter etc, a piece of text, or
+%D a pagenumber.
+%D There are three ways of defining a reference:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \pagereference[here]
+%D \textreference[here]{some text}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D the third alternative combines them in:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \reference[here]{some text}
+%D \stoptyping
+\def\textreference {\dosingleargument\dotextreference}
+\def\pagereference {\dosingleargument\dopagereference}
+\def\reference {\dosingleargument\doreference }
+%D These are implemented in a low level form as:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\dotextreference[#1]{\rawtextreference\s!txt{#1}} % #2
+%D \def\dopagereference[#1]{\rawpagereference\s!pag{#1}}
+%D \def\doreference [#1]{\rawreference \s!ref{#1}} % #2
+%D \stoptyping
+%D or without expansion problems:
+ {\bgroup
+ \def\asciia{#1}%
+ \defconvertexpanded\asciib\@@rfexpansion{#2}%
+ \@EA\rawtextreference\@EA\s!txt\@EA\asciia\@EA{\asciib}%
+ \egroup}
+ {\rawpagereference\s!pag{#1}}
+ {\bgroup
+ \def\asciia{#1}%
+ \defconvertexpanded\asciib\@@rfexpansion{#2}%
+ \@EA\rawreference\@EA\s!ref\@EA\asciia\@EA{\asciib}%
+ \egroup}
+%D Actually there is not much difference between a text and a
+%D full reference, but it's the concept that counts. The low
+%D level implementation is:
+ {\bgroup
+ \the\everyreference
+ \makesectionformat
+ \writereference{#2}
+ {\sectionformat\sectionseparator\sectionseparator\noexpand\pagenumber}%
+ {\noexpand\realfolio}%
+ {#3}%
+ \egroup}
+ {\bgroup
+ \the\everyreference
+ \makesectionformat
+ \writereference{#2}
+ {\sectionformat\sectionseparator\sectionseparator\noexpand\pagenumber}%
+ {\noexpand\realfolio}%
+ {}%
+ \egroup}
+ {\bgroup
+ \the\everyreference
+ \writereference{#2}
+ {}%
+ {\noexpand\realfolio}%
+ {#3}%
+ \egroup}
+%D The last reference is saved in a macro named \type
+%D {\lastreference} (indeed). To keep track of the order of
+%D references, later we will see for what purpose, we maintain
+%D a counter.
+\newcount\crossreferencenumber \crossreferencenumber\plusone
+ {\ifreferencing
+ \edef\!!stringa{#1}%
+ \ifx\!!stringa\empty \else
+ \def\dowritereference##1%
+ {\xdef\lastreference{##1}%
+ \@EA\dodowritereference\lastreference\empty\empty\end{#2}{#3}{#4}}%
+ \rawprocesscommalist[\!!stringa]\dowritereference
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+%D Beware: \type {#2} gobbles space in references so that
+%D \typ {a nice ref} becomes \typ {anice ref}.
+ {\bgroup
+ \global\advance\crossreferencenumber \plusone\relax
+ \if#1-\if#2:%
+ \let\referenceprefix\empty
+ \xdef\lastreference{#3}%
+ \else
+ % \xdef\lastreference{#1#2#3}% here we loose the space
+ \fi\else
+ % \xdef\lastreference{#1#2#3}% here we loose the space
+ \fi
+ \ifx\lastreference\empty \else
+ \doiffirstreferenceoccurance\lastreference
+ {\thisisdestination{\referenceprefix\lastreference}}%
+ \referenceinfo>\lastreference
+ \expanded{\writeutilitycommand{\noexpand\mainreference{\referenceprefix}{\lastreference}{#4}{#5}{#6}}}%
+ \fi
+ \egroup}
+%D We will implement \type {\doiffirstreferenceoccurance}
+%D later on.
+%D These macros depend on three other ones,
+%D \type {\makesectionformat}, that generated \type
+%D {\sectionformat}, \type {\pagenumber}. The not yet used
+%D argument \type{#1} is a tag that specifies the type of
+%D reference.
+%D \macros
+%D {everyreference}
+%D For rather tricky purposes, one can assign sanitizing
+%D macros to \type{\everyreference}.
+\newevery \everyreference \relax
+%D This is really needed, since for instance Polish has a
+%D different alphabet and needs accented entries in registers.
+ \cleanupfeatures
+\to \everyreference
+%D Why do we have to write down references? \TEX, and therefore
+%D \CONTEXT\ is a batch processing system. During the
+%D typesetting process, pages are shipped out, which means that
+%D especially forward references are not yet known when the
+%D page is typeset. That's why we always need a second (and
+%D sometimes even a third) pass to get the cross references
+%D right. The same goes for lists and other pagenumber
+%D dependant data.
+%D Therefore, during a pass, \CONTEXT\ writes the references to
+%D a the utility file. The next macro does the job and
+%D generates entries like: (for mkii)
+%D \starttyping
+%D \mainreference{prefix}{reference}{page}{realpage}{text}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D We did not yet discuss prefixing. Especially in interactive
+%D documents, it's not always easy to keep track of duplicate
+%D references. The prefix mechanism, which we will describe
+%D later on, solves this problem. By (automatically) adding a
+%D prefix one keeps references local, but the global ones in
+%D view. To enable this feature, we explictly split the prefix
+%D from the reference.
+%D A former implementation used \type{\removesubstring} to get
+%D rid of the don't||use||a||prefix signal (\type{-:}), but the
+%D next one proved to be more than twice as fast.
+\let\lastreference =\empty
+%D When (during a second pass over the document) references are
+%D loaded, they are saved in a macro, one for each reference.
+%D In practice this comes to giving \type {\mainreference} a
+%D appropriate meaning and loading the utility file.
+%D For a long time the only way to access an external file was
+%D to use the file prefix (\type {somefile::}. However, when
+%D you split up a document, redefining the references may be
+%D such a pain, that another approach is feasible. By setting
+%D the \type {autofile} variable to \type {yes} or \type
+%D {page}, you can access the reference directly. The latter
+%D case nills the prefix method, thereby saving some memory.
+%D \starttabulate[||||]
+%D \NC filename::tag \NC page(filename::pnum) \NC tag \NC\NR
+%D \NC $\star$ \NC \NC \NC\NR
+%D \NC $\star$ \NC $\star$ \NC $\star$ \NC\NR
+%D \NC \NC $\star$ \NC \NC\NR
+%D \stoptabulate
+\def\setreferences% some day, filename will be stored in ref record
+ {\the\everyreference % we're grouped anyway
+ \def\mainreference##1##2##3##4##5% can be made faster by indirect calls
+ {\ifcsname\r!cross\fileprefix##1##2\endcsname
+ \ifcase0##4\else
+ \showmessage\m!references2{[##1][##2],##4 (\currentutilityfilename)}%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \ifcase\autocrossfilereferences
+ \setglobalcrossreference{##1##2}{##3}{##4}{##5}%
+ \or
+ \setglobalcrossreference{##1##2}{##3}{##4}{##5}%
+ \ifcsname\r!cross##1##2\endcsname
+ \showmessage\m!references2{[##1][##2],##4 (auto \currentutilityfilename)}%
+ \else
+ \expanded{\definereference[##1##2][\fileprefix##1##2]}%
+ \fi
+ \or
+ \ifcsname\r!cross##1##2\endcsname
+ \showmessage\m!references2{[##1][##2],##4 (auto \currentutilityfilename)}%
+ \else
+ \expanded{\definereference[##1##2][\noexpand\v!page(\fileprefix##4)]}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi}}
+ {\let\mainreference\gobblefivearguments}
+%D Here we see another kind of prefix surface: \type
+%D {\fileprefix}. This prefix enables us to use references from
+%D different files in one document. This is no really useful in
+%D paper documents, but many interactive ones cannot do
+%D without.
+%D Loading references is done using the normal utility file
+%D handling macros. The \type{\hbox} trick prevents spaces
+%D creeping in (references are set globally anyway).
+%D When we load references, the file name is stored in a
+%D list.
+%D We only load references ones.
+%D This token list is expanded after the references are loaded.
+%D This hook can be used to initialize mechanisms that depend
+%D on the reference mechsnism. An example can be found in the
+%D field module.
+ {\bgroup
+ \let\fileprefix\empty
+ \global\let\checkreferences\relax
+ \usereferences[\jobname]%
+ \checkrealpage
+ \egroup
+ \the\everycheckreferences}
+ {\startnointerference
+ \checkreferences
+ \doifparentfileelse{#1}
+ {\ifconditional\jobreferencesloaded\else
+ \doutilities{references}{#1}\empty\relax\relax
+ \global\settrue\jobreferencesloaded
+ \fi}
+ {\ExpandBothAfter\doifnotinset{#1}{\loadedreferences}
+ {\doutilities{references}{#1}\empty\relax\relax
+ \ifx\fileprefix\empty\else
+ \doglobal\addtocommalist{#1}\loadedreferences
+ \fi}}
+ \stopnointerference}
+%D As mentioned we will also use the cross reference mechanism
+%D for navigational purposes. The main reason for this is that
+%D we want to treat both categories alike:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \goto{go back}[PreviousJump]
+%D \goto{colofon}[colofon page]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Here \type{PreviousJump} is handled by the viewer, while the
+%D \type{colofon page} reference is, apart from hyperlinking, a
+%D rather normal reference.
+%D We already saw that cross refences are written to and read
+%D from a file. The pure navigational ones don't need to be
+%D written to file, but both for fast processing and
+%D transparant integration, they are saved internally as a sort
+%D of reference. We can easily distinguish such system
+%D references from real cross reference ones by their tag:
+\chardef\rt!cross=0 % even means possible page reference
+\chardef\rt!done =1
+\chardef\rt!page =2 % and is used in \checkrealreferencepage
+\chardef\rt!exec =3
+\chardef\rt!list =4 % to determine the page state
+%D We also use the odd/even characteristic to determine the
+%D page state.
+%D Here the \type{\rt!exec} tags a viewer specific navigational
+%D reference, while for instance \type{\rt!page} gives fast
+%D access to for instance the previous or next page. The
+%D counter serves a purpose to be explained later. We use a
+%D token register to prevent expansion of the text component,
+%D which can contain all kind of \TEX\ commands.
+% these are used often so we sped them up
+ {\scratchtoks{#4}%
+ \@EA\edef\csname\r!cross\fileprefix#1\endcsname
+ {\rt!cross{#2}{#3}{\the\scratchtoks}{0}}}
+ {\scratchtoks{#4}%
+ \global\advance\crossreferenceorder \plusone
+ \@EA\xdef\csname\r!cross\fileprefix#1\endcsname
+ {\rt!cross{#2}{#3}{\the\scratchtoks}{\the\crossreferenceorder}}}
+ {\@EA\edef\csname\r!cross\fileprefix#2\endcsname{#1{#3}}}
+ {\@EA\xdef\csname\r!cross\fileprefix#2\endcsname{#1{#3}}}
+\def\copycrossreference#1#2#3% file from to / slow
+ {\bgroup
+ \doifelse{#1}{}
+ {\let\fileprefix\empty}
+ {\def\fileprefix{#1::}}%
+ \def\rt!cross##1##2##3##4%
+ {\setxvalue{\r!cross\fileprefix#3}%
+ {\noexpand\rt!cross{##1}{##2}{##3}{##4}}}%
+ \getvalue{\r!cross\fileprefix#2}%
+ \egroup}
+%D References from other files are defined globally without
+%D ordering data. The first definition, the one without
+%D \type{#1}, is used as a signal that references are defined.
+ {\toks0={#4}%
+ \@EA\xdef\csname\r!cross\fileprefix \endcsname{\rt!cross{}{}{1}{0}}%
+ \@EA\xdef\csname\r!cross\fileprefix#1\endcsname{\rt!cross{#2}{#3}{\the\toks0}{0}}}
+%D In practice accessing a reference comes down to:
+%D \startitemize[packed]
+%D \item checking the validity
+%D \item determining the type
+%D \item filtering the content
+%D \stopitemize
+%D We'll deal with the last two steps first. References are
+%D saved in the general format:
+%D \starttyping
+%D {\referenceclass{realpage}{page}{text}}
+%D {\referenceclass{type}{data}}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D When we filter the content, next macros are set when we
+%D meet a normal cross reference:
+\let\currentrealreference =\empty
+\let\currentpagereference =\empty
+\let\currenttextreference =\empty
+\let\currentsubtextreference =\empty
+%D System references only have one component:
+%D Because internally a reference comes in two disguises, one
+%D with four arguments and one with only two, we need a two
+%D step filter.
+\def\getreferenceelements#1% only one level expansion permitted!
+ {\@EA\@EA\@EA\dogetreferenceelements\csname\r!cross\referenceprefix#1\endcsname\empty\empty\empty\empty}
+%D In the following step, the \type{\ifx#1} test is needed
+%D because we can access this macro directly, and therefore
+%D \type{#1} can be an undefined reference (in fact, this hack
+%D was needed for the line numbering mechanism).
+%D We already introduced a few counters. Here we see why we
+%D need those. The discrepancy between the cross reference
+%D definition order (determined by the utility file) and the
+%D moment the reference is defined in the text, is a measure
+%D for it's forward character. This enables references like
+%D {\em as we will see later on}.
+ {\doifnumberelse{#1}
+ {\ifnum#1=\realpageno
+ \realreferencepagetrue
+ \else
+ \realreferencepagefalse
+ \fi}
+ {\realreferencepagefalse}}
+ {\chardef\currentreferencetype=\ifx#1\relax0\else#1\fi\relax
+ \ifnum\currentreferencetype<\plustwo
+ \edef\currentpagereference{#2}%
+ \let \currentdatareference\empty
+ \edef\currentlocationreference{#2}%
+ \ifx\currentpagereference \empty
+ \let\currentfolioreference\folio
+ \else
+ \def \currentpagereference {\referencepagenumber[#2]}%
+ \edef\currentfolioreference{\dosplitofffoliopart[#2]}%
+ \fi
+ \edef\currentrealreference{#3}%
+ \settextreferences#4\end
+ \ifnum0#5<\crossreferencenumber
+ \forwardreferencetrue
+ \else
+ \forwardreferencefalse
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \let \currentlocationreference\empty
+ \edef\currentrealreference {#3}%
+ \def \currentdatareference {#2}%
+ \let \currentfolioreference\folio
+ \settextreferences#4\end
+ \forwardreferencefalse
+ \fi
+ \ifodd\currentreferencetype
+ \realreferencepagefalse
+ \else
+ \docheckrealreferencepage\currentrealreference
+ \ifrealreferencepage \else
+ \docheckrealreferencepage\currentdatareference
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+ \def\referencepagenumber[#1]{?}
+%D Text references can contain more than one entry and
+%D therefore we check for
+%D \starttyping
+%D {entry}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D or
+%D \starttyping
+%D {{entry}{entry}{entry}}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D and split accordingly.
+ {\futurelet\next\dosettextreferences}
+ {\ifx\next\bgroup
+ \expandafter\dotriplegroupempty\expandafter\dodosettextreferences
+ \else
+ \expandafter\donosettextreferences
+ \fi}
+ {\def\currenttextreference{#1}%
+ \let\currentsubtextreference\empty
+ \let\currentsubsubtextreference\empty}
+ {\def\currenttextreference{#1}%
+ \def\currentsubtextreference{#2}%
+ \def\currentsubsubtextreference{#3}}
+%D When inside this testing macro we can savely use:
+ {\ifforwardreference#1\else#2\fi}
+%D Duplicate references are reported while loading the utility
+%D file. To prevent problems with document viewers cq.
+%D preprocessors, one can enable a (bit time consuming) check.
+%D The next rather dirty trick is needed to preserve the
+%D meaning of the original cross reference. In fact,
+%D \type{\rt!cross} is toggled to \type{\rt!done}.
+ {\bgroup
+ \let\rt!cross\rt!crossdone
+ \@EA\xdef\csname\r!cross\referenceprefix#1\endcsname % no let !
+ {\csname\r!cross\referenceprefix#1\endcsname}%
+ \egroup}
+\def\checkfirstreferenceoccurance#1#2% etex
+ {\@EA\ifx\csname\r!cross\referenceprefix#1\endcsname\relax % no ifcsname needed here
+ \predefinereference{#1}%
+ #2%
+ \else
+ \getreferenceelements{#1}%
+ \ifnum\currentreferencetype=\rt!cross
+ \dohandleduplicatereference{#1}%
+ #2%
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+ {\ifcheckduplicatereferences
+ \@EA\checkfirstreferenceoccurance
+ \else
+ \@EA\secondoftwoarguments
+ \fi}
+%D We still have to test for the existence of a reference, but
+%D before we come to that, we first look into the way a
+%D reference can be accessed. It will be no surprise that
+%D references can come in several forms.
+%D Cross references appear as numbers (figure~1.1, chapter~2)
+%D or pagenumbers (page~2, page 3--2), and are called with
+%D \type{\in} and \type{\at}. In interactive documents we also
+%D have \type{\goto}, \type{\button} and alike. These are more
+%D versatile and look like:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \goto[reference]
+%D \goto[outer reference::]
+%D \goto[outer reference::inner reference]
+%D \goto[operation(argument)]
+%D \goto[operation(action{argument,argument})]
+%D \goto[action]
+%D \goto[action{argument}]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The first one is a normal reference, the second and third
+%D are references to a file or \URL. The brace delimited
+%D references for instance refer to a \JAVASCRIPT. The last
+%D example shows that we can pass arguments to the actions.
+%D When we split off the components of such a reference, the
+%D results are available in:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \currentreferencespecial
+%D \currentreferenceoperation
+%D \currentreferencearguments
+%D \currentinnerreference
+%D \currentouterreference
+%D \currentfullreference
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Splitting a reference is done by:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \splitofffullreference {reference}
+%D \splitoffreference {reference}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The second alternative can be used in a second stage
+%D splitoff and only handles \type{::}.
+\let\currentfullreference \empty
+\let\currentreferencespecial \empty
+\let\currentouterreference \empty
+\let\currentinnerreference \empty
+ {\def\currentreferencespecial {#1}%
+ \def\currentreferenceoperation{#2}%
+ \def\currentreferencearguments{#3}%
+ \def\currentouterreference {#4}%
+ \def\currentinnerreference {#5}}
+ {\edef\currentfullreference{#1}%
+ \@EA\dosplitofffullreference\currentfullreference\empty(\relax)\empty\end}
+ {\ifx#2)%
+ \let\currentreferenceoperation\empty
+ \let\currentreferencearguments\empty
+ \let\currentinnerreference \empty
+ \dodosplitofffullreferenceA#1::::\empty\end
+ \currentouterreference\currentreferencespecial
+ \else\ifx#2\relax
+ \let\currentreferencespecial \empty
+ \let\currentreferenceoperation\empty
+ \let\currentreferencearguments\empty
+ \dodosplitofffullreferenceA#1::::\empty\end
+ \currentouterreference\currentinnerreference
+ \else
+ \dosplitoffreferenceoperation#2#3{}\end
+ \let\currentinnerreference\empty
+ \dodosplitofffullreferenceB#1::::\empty\end
+ \currentouterreference\currentreferencespecial
+ \fi\fi}
+ {\def\currentreferenceoperation{#1}%
+ \dodosplitoffreferenceoperation}
+ {\def\currentreferencearguments{#1}}
+ {\if#3:%
+ \dosetfullreferenceA#5#1{}\edef#6{#2}%
+ \else
+ \dosetfullreferenceA#6#1{}\let#5\empty
+ \fi}
+ {\edef#1{#2}%
+ \def\currentreferencearguments}
+ {\if#3:%
+ \edef#5{#1}\edef#6{#2}%
+ \else
+ \let#5\empty\edef#6{#1}%
+ \fi}
+ {\expandafter\dodosplitofffullreferenceB#1::::\empty\end
+ \currentouterreference\currentinnerreference}
+%D Although the previous split macros have a multistep
+%D character, there performance is quite reasonable.
+%D For debugging purposes we provide a showcase macro:
+ {\defconvertedcommand\ascii{#2}%
+ \edef\currentreferenceshow{\currentreferenceshow/#1/\ascii/#3/}}
+ {\edef\currentreferenceshow{/\ifreferencefound+\else-\fi/#1}%
+ \dodoshowcurrentreference ful\from\currentfullreference \with#1%
+ \dodoshowcurrentreference spe\from\currentreferencespecial \with#1%
+ \dodoshowcurrentreference ope\from\currentreferenceoperation\with#1%
+ \dodoshowcurrentreference arg\from\currentreferencearguments\with#1%
+ \dodoshowcurrentreference out\from\currentouterreference \with#1%
+ \dodoshowcurrentreference inn\from\currentinnerreference \with#1}
+ {\bgroup\tttf\doshowcurrentreference\par\currentreferenceshow\egroup}
+%D We use this visualizer to demonstrate the way references are
+%D split.
+%D \hbox{\splitofffullreference{rr}\showcurrentreference}
+%D \hbox{\splitofffullreference{pp{rr}}\showcurrentreference}
+%D \hbox{\splitofffullreference{pp(qq)}\showcurrentreference}
+%D \hbox{\splitofffullreference{pp(qq{aa,bb})}\showcurrentreference}
+%D \hbox{\splitofffullreference{ff::}\showcurrentreference}
+%D \hbox{\splitofffullreference{ff::rr}\showcurrentreference}
+%D \hbox{\splitofffullreference{ff::pp()}\showcurrentreference}
+%D \hbox{\splitofffullreference{ff::pp(qq)}\showcurrentreference}
+%D \hbox{\splitofffullreference{ff::pp(qq{aa})}\showcurrentreference}
+%D Now we've come to the promissed testing step. As we can
+%D see, this macro does bit more than testing: it also resolves
+%D the reference. This means that whenever we test for the
+%D existance of a reference at an outer level, we have all the
+%D relevant properties of that reference avaliable inside the
+%D true branche~(\type{#2}).
+%D The prefix has to do with localizing references. When a
+%D prefix is set, looking for a reference comes to looking for
+%D the prefixed one, and when not found, looking for the non
+%D prefixed one. Consider for instance the prefix set to
+%D \type{sidetrack}.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \pagereference[important]
+%D \pagereference[unimportant]
+%D \setupreferencing[prefix=sidetrack]
+%D \pagereference[important]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D results in saving (writing) the references
+%D \starttyping
+%D ...{}{important}
+%D ...{}{unimportant}
+%D ...{sidetrack}{important}...
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Now when we call for \type{unimportant}, we will indeed get
+%D the pagenumber associated to this reference. But when we
+%D call for \type{important}, while the prefix is still set, we
+%D will get the pagenumber bound to the prefixed one.
+%D {\em Some day, when processing time and memory are no longer
+%D performance factors, we will introduce multi||level
+%D prefixes.}
+%D Before we start analyzing, I introduce a general
+%D definition macro. Consider:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \goto{do}[JS(My_Script{"test",123}),titlepage]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D This can also be achieved by:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \definereference[startup][JS(My_Script{"test",123}),titlepage]
+%D \goto{do}[REF(startup)]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Now is this is a handy feature or not?
+%D \showsetup{definereference}
+%D We can trace references by setting the next switch to
+%D true.
+ {\ifsecondargument
+ \doifelsenothing{#2}
+ {\resetreference[#1]}%
+ {\@EA\gdef\csname\specialREFidentifier#1\endcsname{#2}}%
+ \else\iffirstargument
+ \resetreference[#1]%
+ \fi\fi}
+ {\dodoubleempty\dodefinereference}
+ {\global\letbeundefined{\specialREFidentifier#1}}
+ {\ifx#2\relax
+ \ifcsname\specialREFidentifier#1\endcsname
+ \edef\expandedreference{\csname\specialREFidentifier#1\endcsname,}%
+ \else
+ \global\advance\nofexpandedreferences \plusone
+ \@EA\xdef\csname REF::\number\nofexpandedreferences\endcsname{#1}%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \ifcsname\specialREFidentifier#2#3\endcsname
+ \edef\expandedreference{\csname\specialREFidentifier#2#3\endcsname,}%
+ \else
+ % not set
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+ {\if]#1\else
+ \let\expandedreference\empty
+ \dodoexpandreferences#1REF(\relax)\relax
+ \@EAEAEA\doexpandreferences\@EA\expandedreference
+ \fi}
+ {\global\nofexpandedreferences\zerocount
+ \doexpandreferences#1,],}
+ {\@EA\splitofffullreference\@EA{#1}%
+ \ifx\currentreferencespecial\empty
+ \ifx\currentouterreference\empty
+ \docheckinnerreference
+ \ifreferencefound \else
+ \checkglobalfilereferences
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \docheckouterreference
+ \fi
+ \ifreferencefound
+ \ifx\currentreferencearguments\empty
+ \getreferenceelements\currentfullreference
+ \else
+ \getreferenceelements\currentinnerreference
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \docheckspecialreference
+ \fi
+ \iftracereferences
+ \doshowcurrentreference\space
+ \writestatus\m!references\currentreferenceshow
+ \fi}
+%D Although this can be considered a hack, we provide the
+%D option to locate unknown references in other (loaded) files.
+%D This can be dangerous, since there can be conflicting
+%D definitions.
+\def\checkglobalfilereferences% sloooow
+ {\ifconditional\autoglobalfilereferences
+% \processcommacommand[\loadedreferences]\docheckglobalfilereference
+ \rawprocesscommalist[\loadedreferences]\docheckglobalfilereference
+ \fi}
+ {\ifcsname\r!cross#1::\currentinnerreference\endcsname
+ \def\currentouterreference{#1}%
+ \edef\currentfullreference%
+ {\currentouterreference::\currentinnerreference}%
+ \global\referencefoundtrue
+ \quitcommalist
+ \fi}
+%D For most situations, we could use:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \let\doifreferencefoundelse=\dodoifreferencefoundelse
+%D \stoptyping
+%D But when we also want to support chained references, we need
+%D some more. Such a chained reference is defined as:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \goto{somewhere}[JS(somescript),nextpage,JS(anotherscript)]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Actually supporting chains is up to the special driver. Here
+%D we only provide the hooks.
+%D \macros
+%D {ifenablereferencechains}
+%D First we provide a switch to turn this mechanism off:
+\newif\ifenablereferencechains \enablereferencechainstrue
+%D We don't use the general commalist processing macros,
+%D because we don't want to pay a speed penalty.
+% Aanpassen: eerst alle refs scannen en componenten opslaan in
+% lijst, dan de chain doorlopen. Momenteel mag alleen laatste
+% laatste undefined zijn, eigenlijk moet dat overal kunnen met
+% 'geen' zonder melding. Is wel trager. Dus niet.
+\def\doifreferencefoundelse#1#2#3% REF \cs / never more than one group (else \aftergroup usage problems)
+ {\checkreferences
+ % first we collect the secondary ones
+ \bgroup
+ \the\everyreference
+ \let\referenceprefix\empty
+ \expandreferences{#1}%
+ \egroup
+ \doresetgotowhereever
+ \global\nofsecondaryreferences \zerocount
+ \ifcase\nofexpandedreferences\relax % #1 can be number -)
+ % no ref
+ \or
+ % one ref
+ \or
+ % two refs
+ \ifenablereferencechains \iflocation
+ \global\secondaryreferencetrue
+ \xdef\secondaryreference{\csname REF::2\endcsname}%
+ % test: \global\letcscsname\secondaryreference\csname REF::2\endcsname
+ \bgroup
+ %%\let\doifreferencefoundelse\localdoifreferencefoundelse
+ \let\unharmedreferenceprefix\referenceprefix
+ \dodoifreferencefoundelse\secondaryreference
+ \ifreferencefound
+ \global\nofsecondaryreferences \plusone
+ #2%
+ \else
+ \dohandlenoto{#3}%
+ \fi
+ \egroup
+ \fi \fi
+ \else
+ % more than two refs
+ \ifenablereferencechains \iflocation
+ \global\secondaryreferencetrue
+ \scratchcounter\plustwo
+ \loop
+ \xdef\secondaryreference{\csname REF::\number\scratchcounter\endcsname}%
+ % test: \global\letcscsname\secondaryreference\csname REF::\number\scratchcounter\endcsname
+ \bgroup
+ %%\let\doifreferencefoundelse\localdoifreferencefoundelse
+ \let\unharmedreferenceprefix\referenceprefix
+ \dodoifreferencefoundelse\secondaryreference
+ \ifreferencefound
+ \global\advance\nofsecondaryreferences \plusone
+ #2%
+ \else
+ \dohandlenoto{#3}%
+ \fi
+ \egroup
+ \ifnum\scratchcounter<\nofexpandedreferences\relax
+ \advance\scratchcounter \plusone
+ \repeat
+ \fi \fi
+ \fi
+ \global\secondaryreferencefalse
+ \xdef\primaryreference{\csname REF::1\endcsname}%
+ % test: \global\letcscsname\secondaryreference\csname REF::1\endcsname
+ \bgroup
+ % now we handle the primary one
+ %%\let\doifreferencefoundelse\localdoifreferencefoundelse
+ \let\unharmedreferenceprefix\referenceprefix
+ \dodoifreferencefoundelse\primaryreference
+ \ifreferencefound#2\else#3\fi
+ \egroup
+ \doresetgotowhereever} % to prevent problems with direct goto's
+%D The following local redefinition permits the usage of
+%D nested \type {\doifreferencefoundelse}; see for an
+%D example the local test for file|/|url references. This is
+%D a fuzzy part of this mechanism and a result of the choice
+%D to let speed prevail over beauty in resolving chained
+%D references with symbolic (defined) references.
+ {\dodoifreferencefoundelse{#1}%
+ \ifreferencefound\@EA\firstoftwoarguments\else\@EA\secondoftwoarguments\fi}
+%D Somewhere else we will properly define \type {\dohandlegoto};
+%D the noto alternative takes care of undefined references in
+%D a sequence
+ \def\dohandlenoto#1%
+ {\ifsecondaryreference\else{#1}\fi}
+ \def\dohandlegoto#1#2#3%
+ {\ifsecondaryreference\else{#1}\fi}
+%D As one can see, while processing the references, the first
+%D one is handled last. While scanning the second and following
+%D ones, we increment a counter and set a boolean to true.
+%D The next fast one permits rather raw references with
+%D \type{()}'s and is used in the object reference mechanism.
+ {\checkreferences
+ \bgroup
+ \edef\currentfullreference{#1}%
+ \ifcsname\r!cross\currentfullreference\endcsname
+ \getreferenceelements\currentfullreference
+ \global\referencefoundtrue#2%
+ \else
+ \global\referencefoundfalse#3%
+ \fi
+ \egroup}
+%D The inner case is simple. Only two cases have to be taken
+%D care of:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \goto{some text}[reference]
+%D \goto{some text}[prefix:reference]
+%D \stoptyping
+ {\global\let\predefinedreference\currentinnerreference
+ \ifx\currentreferencearguments\empty
+ \ifcsname\r!cross\referenceprefix\currentfullreference\endcsname
+ \global\referencefoundtrue
+ \else
+ \let\referenceprefix\empty
+ \ifcsname\r!cross\currentfullreference\endcsname
+ \global\referencefoundtrue
+ \else
+ \global\referencefoundfalse
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \else % [SomeThing{with,me}]
+ \let\referenceprefix\empty
+ \ifcsname\r!cross\currentinnerreference\endcsname
+ \global\referencefoundtrue
+ \else
+ \global\referencefoundfalse
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \doifpredefinedreferenceelse{\global\referencefoundfalse}\donothing}
+%D References to other files however are treated strict or
+%D tolerant, depending on their loading and availability:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \useexternaldocument[somefile][filename][a nice description]
+%D \goto{checked reference}[somefile::reference]
+%D \goto{unchecked reference}[somefile::]
+%D \goto{unchecked reference}[anotherfile::reference]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Here we use the dummy reference \type{somefile::} set in
+%D \type{\setouterreference} as a signal that indeed references
+%D are defined for the outer file.
+\newif\ifstrictouterreferences \strictouterreferencesfalse
+ {\ifcsname\specialREFidentifier\currentfullreference\endcsname
+ \@EA\@EA\@EA\splitofffullreference\@EA\@EA\@EA % 1 level
+ {\csname\specialREFidentifier\currentfullreference\endcsname}%
+ \docheckouterreference
+ \else\ifstrictouterreferences
+ \global\referencefoundfalse
+ \else
+ % already \global\referencefoundtrue % no checking done
+ \fi\fi}
+ {\let\referenceprefix\empty
+ \let\unharmedreferenceprefix\empty
+ \xdef\predefinedreference
+ {\currentouterreference::\currentinnerreference}%
+ \ifx\innerreference\empty
+ \global\referencefoundtrue % no checking done
+ \else
+ \ifcsname\r!cross\currentouterreference::\endcsname
+ \ifcsname\r!cross\currentfullreference\endcsname
+ \global\referencefoundtrue
+ \else
+ \dodocheckouterreference
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \ifstrictouterreferences
+ \global\referencefoundfalse
+ \else
+ \global\referencefoundtrue % no checking done
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \doifpredefinedreferenceelse{\global\referencefoundfalse}\donothing}
+%D Special references are only tested when some test routine is
+%D defined.
+ {\let\referenceprefix\empty
+ \let\unharmedreferenceprefix\empty
+ \xdef\predefinedreference
+ {\currentreferencespecial::\currentreferenceoperation}%
+ \executeifdefined{\s!do:\v!test:\currentreferencespecial}%
+ {\global\referencefoundtrue\gobbletwoarguments}%
+ {\global\referencefoundtrue}{\global\referencefoundfalse}%
+ \doifpredefinedreferenceelse{\global\referencefoundfalse}\donothing}
+%D An unknown reference is reported on the screen, in the log
+%D file and, when enabled, in the left margin of the text.
+ {\bgroup
+ \the\everyreference % cleanup : etc in french
+ \ifinpagebody\else
+ \doifconcepttracing
+ {\doifsomething{#2}
+ {\inleft
+ {\infofont
+ \scratchdimen\leftmarginwidth
+ \advance\scratchdimen -2em
+ \doboundtext{#2}\scratchdimen{..}->}}}%
+ \fi
+ \doifpredefinedreferenceelse
+ \donothing
+ {\predefinereference\predefinedreference
+ \showmessage\m!references{#1}{[\unharmedreferenceprefix][#2]}}%
+ \egroup}
+%D Although not actually needed, we default the unharmed
+%D reference prefix to the normal one.
+%D When a reference is not found, we typeset a placeholder
+%D (two glyphs are often enough to represent the reference
+%D text).
+\def\dummyreference{{\tttf ??}}
+%D To prevent repetitive messages concerning a reference
+%D being defined, we set such an unknown reference to an empty
+%D one after the first encounter.
+% we need to predefine in order to make dup checking possible (when no ref
+% is defined yet)
+\def\predefinereference#1% takes now an argument
+ {\global\@EA\let\csname\r!cross #1\endcsname\dummypredefinedreference
+ \global\@EA\let\csname\r!cross\unharmedreferenceprefix#1\endcsname\dummypredefinedreference}
+%D Testing on existance then becomes:
+\def\doifpredefinedreferenceelse % \referenceprefix added
+ {\@EA\ifx\csname\r!cross\referenceprefix\predefinedreference\endcsname\dummypredefinedreference
+ \expandafter\firstoftwoarguments
+ \else
+ \expandafter\secondoftwoarguments
+ \fi}
+%D Sometimes we want to temporary put a reference out of
+%D order. An example can be found in the menu macros.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \doifreferencepermittedelse{reference}{set}{true}{false}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The second argument can be a comma seperated list.
+\def\doifreferencepermittedelse#1#2#3% ref found notfound
+ {\doifreferencefoundelse{#1}
+ {\donetrue
+ \ifx\permittedreferences\empty \else
+ \docheckifreferencepermitted{#1}%
+ \fi
+ \ifdone#2\else#3\fi}
+ {#3\unknownreference{#1}}}
+ {\ifx\currentinnerreference\empty
+ \ifx\currentouterreference\empty \else
+ \doifinstring{\currentouterreference::}\permittedreferences\donefalse
+ \fi
+ \else\ifx\currentouterreference\empty
+ \doifinstring{\currentinnerreference}\permittedreferences\donefalse
+ \else
+ \doifinstring{\currentouterreference::\currentinnerreference}\permittedreferences\donefalse
+ \fi\fi}
+%D Apart from cross references supplied by the user, \CONTEXT\
+%D generates cross references itself. Most of them are not
+%D saved as a reference, but stored with their source, for
+%D instance a list or an index entry. Such automatically
+%D generated, for the user invisible, references are called
+%D {\em internal references}. The user supplied ones are
+%D labeled as {\em external references}.
+%D A second important characteristic is that when we want to
+%D support different backends (viewers), we need to support
+%D named destinations as well as page numbers. I invite readers
+%D to take a glance at the special driver modules to understand
+%D the fine points of this. As a result we will deal with {\em
+%D locations} as well as {\em real page numbers}. We explictly
+%D call this pagenumber a real one, because it is independant
+%D of the page numbering scheme used in the document.
+%D One of the reasons for \CONTEXT\ being the first \TEX\ base
+%D macropackage to support sophisticated interactive \PDF\
+%D files, lays in the mere fact that real page numbers are
+%D available in most two pass data, like references, list data
+%D and index entries.
+%D We will speak of \type{thisis...} when we are marking a
+%D location, and \type{goto...} when we point to such a
+%D location. The latter one can be seen as a hyperlink to the
+%D former one. In the next macros one we use constructs like:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \dostart...
+%D \dostop...
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Such macros are used to invoke the relevant specials from
+%D the special driver modules (see \type{spec-ini}). The flag
+%D \type{\iflocation} signals if we're in interactive mode.
+\def\thisisdestination#1% destination
+ {\iflocation \ifusepagedestinations \else
+ \dostartthisislocation{#1}\dostopthisislocation
+ \fi \fi}
+\def\thisisrealpage#1% pagenumber
+ {\iflocation
+ \dostartthisisrealpage{#1}\dostopthisisrealpage
+ \fi}
+%D The previous tho macros were easy ones, opposite to their
+%D counterparts. A common component in these is:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \dohandlegoto{..}{..}{..}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Here data can be whatever needs highlighting, e.g. {\em
+%D figure 2.4}, and the start and stop entries handle the
+%D specials. The two \DIMENSIONS\ \type{\buttonwidth} and
+%D \type{\buttonheight} have to be set when handling the
+%D data~(\type{#2}).
+\ifx\buttonheight\undefined \newdimen\buttonheight \fi
+\ifx\buttonwidth \undefined \newdimen\buttonwidth \fi
+\def\gotodestination#1#2#3#4#5% url file destination page data
+ {\iflocation
+ \ifusepagedestinations
+ \gotorealpage{#1}{#2}{\number#4}{#5}%
+ \else
+ \dohandlegoto
+ {#5}%
+ {\the\everyreference\dostartgotolocation\buttonwidth\buttonheight{#1}{#2}{#3}{\number#4}}%
+ {\dostopgotolocation}%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ {#5}%
+ \fi}
+\def\gotorealpage#1#2#3#4% url file page data
+ {\iflocation
+ \dohandlegoto
+ {#4}%
+ {\dostartgotorealpage\buttonwidth\buttonheight{#1}{#2}{\number#3}}%
+ {\dostopgotorealpage}%
+ \else
+ {#4}%
+ \fi}
+%D \macros
+%D {setreferencefilename}
+%D This command can be used in the special drivers to
+%D uppercase filenames. This is needed when one wants to
+%D produce \CDROM's conforming to ISO9660. We consider is the
+%D savest to enable this feature by default. We cannot handle
+%D uppercase here, since the suffix is handled in the special
+%D driver. Conversion is taken care of by:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \setreferencefilename somefilename\to\SomeFileName
+%D \stoptyping
+% \def\setreferencefilename#1\to#2%
+% {\doifelse{\@@converteerfile}{\v!ja} % boolean is sneller
+% {\uppercasestring#1\to#2}
+% {\edef#2{#1}}}
+ {\ifcase\referencefilecase
+ \edef#2{#1}%
+ \or
+ \uppercasestring#1\to#2%
+ \or
+ \lowercasestring#1\to#2%
+ \else
+ \edef#2{#1}%
+ \fi}
+%D Internal references can best be set using the next few
+%D macros. Setting such references to unique values is
+%D completely up to the macros that call them.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \thisissomeinternal{tag}{identifier}
+%D \gotosomeinternal {tag}{identifier}{pagenumber}{text}
+%D \stoptyping
+\def\thisissomeinternal#1#2% tag reference
+ {\doifsomething{#2}{\thisisdestination{#1:#2}}}
+\def\gotosomeinternal#1#2% #3#4
+ {\gotodestination\empty\empty{#1:#2}}
+%D An automatic mechanism is provided too:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \thisisnextinternal{tag}
+%D \gotonextinternal {tag}{number}{pagenumber}{text}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The first macro increments a counter. The value of this
+%D counter is available in the macro \type{\nextinternalreference}
+%D and should be saved somewhere (for instance in a file) for
+%D future reference. The second argument of
+%D \type {\gotonextinternal} takes such a saved number. One can
+%D turn on tracing these references, in which case the
+%D references are a bit more verbose.
+\newif\ifinternalnamedreferences \internalnamedreferencestrue
+ {\the\locationcount}
+ {\global\advance\locationcount \plusone
+ \ifinternalnamedreferences
+ \thisisdestination{\s!aut\iftraceinternalreferences:#1\fi:\nextinternalreference}%
+ \fi}
+% beter:
+% \def\thisisnextinternal#1%
+% {\iftrialtypesetting\else
+% \global\advance\locationcount \plusone
+% \ifinternalnamedreferences
+% \thisisdestination{\s!aut\iftraceinternalreferences:#1\fi:\nextinternalreference}%
+% \fi
+% \fi}
+ {\ifinternalnamedreferences
+ \gotodestination\empty\empty{\s!aut\iftraceinternalreferences:#1\fi:#2}{#3}{#4}%
+ \else
+ \gotorealpage\empty\empty{#3}{#4}%
+ \fi}
+%D We already went through a lot of problems to sort out what
+%D kind of reference we're dealing with. Sorting out the user
+%D supplied cross references (show/goto this or that) as well
+%D as user supplied system references (invoke this or that) is
+%D already taken care of in the test routine, but we still have
+%D to direct the request to the right (first) routine.
+\def\gotolocation% #1#2%
+ {\ifx\currentreferencespecial\empty
+ \ifx\currentouterreference\empty
+ \ifnum\currentreferencetype<2
+ \@EA\@EAEAEA\@EA\gotoinnerlocation
+ \else
+ \@EA\@EAEAEA\@EA\gotosystemlocation
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \@EAEAEA\gotoouterlocation
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \@EA\gotospeciallocation
+ \fi} % {#1}{#2}
+%D An inner reference refers to some place in the document
+%D itself.
+\def\gotoinnerlocation#1% #2%
+ {\gotodestination\empty\empty
+ {\referenceprefix\currentinnerreference}\currentrealreference} % {#2}
+%D The outer location refers to another document, specified as
+%D file or \URL.
+\def\gotoouterlocation#1#2% % page checken!
+ {\bgroup
+ \let\referenceprefix\empty
+ \setouterlocation\currentouterreference
+ \ifx\currentinnerreference\empty
+ \gotorealpage
+ \otherURL\otherfile1{#2}%
+ \else
+ \gotodestination
+ \otherURL\otherfile\currentinnerreference\currentrealreference{#2}%
+ \fi
+ \egroup}
+%D Special locations are those that are accessed by saying
+%D things like:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \goto{calculate total}[JS(summarize{10,23,56}]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D After several intermediate steps this finally arrives at
+%D the next macro and expands into (simplified):
+%D \starttyping
+%D \gotoJSlocation{total{summarize{10,23,56}}}{calculate total}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The first argument is the full reference, the second one
+%D is the text, in some kind of manipulated form. In practice
+%D we split references, so we get:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \gotoJSlocation{summarize{10,23,56}}{calculate}
+%D \gotoJSlocation{summarize{10,23,56}}{total}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D where \type{calculate} and \type{total} are colored, boxed
+%D or whatever \type{\goto} is told to do.
+%D The macro \type{\gotoJSlocation} can use \type
+%D {\currentreferenceoperation} (in our example
+%D \type{summarize}) and \type{\currentreference} (here
+%D being \type {10,23,56}) to perform its task.
+ {\executeifdefined{goto\currentreferencespecial location}\gobbleoneargument}
+%D Such special macros can be defined by:
+ {\setvalue{goto#1location}}
+%D The associated test is to be defined by:
+ {\setvalue{\s!do:\v!test:#1}}
+%D This \type{\def} alike macro is to be used as:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \definespeciallocation{JS}#1#2{... #1 ... #2 ...}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D In module \type {java-ini} one can see that \type
+%D {\gotoJSlocation} looks much like the previous goto
+%D definitions.
+%D A system location is not always a location, but for the
+%D consistency we also consider actions as such.
+ {\csname\r!syst\the\currentreferencetype\endcsname}
+ {\setgvalue{\r!syst\the#1}{#2}}
+%D In this module we define three system references: one for
+%D handling navigational, viewer specific, commands, another
+%D for jumping to special pages, like the first or last one,
+%D and a third reference for linking tree like lists, like
+%D tables of contents. The latter two adapt themselves to the
+%D current state.
+\definesystemreferencehandler \rt!exec \handleexecreference
+\definesystemreferencehandler \rt!page \handlepagereference
+\definesystemreferencehandler \rt!list \handlelistreference
+ {\checkexecutecommand\currentdatareference\currentreferencearguments
+ \executecommand\currentdatareference\currentreferencearguments}
+ {\gotorealpage\empty\empty\currentdatareference}
+\def\handlelistreference#1% is deze nog echt nodig?
+ {\gotodestination\empty\empty\currentdatareference{\getvalue{\currentdatareference}}}
+%D \macros
+%D {setexecutecommandcheck}
+%D In case a command action needs to do some checking in
+%D advance, one can assign an check function by:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \setexecutecommandcheck{startsound}\checksoundtrack
+%D \stoptyping
+\def\setexecutecommandcheck#1#2% #2 permits \first \second
+ {\setvalue{\s!do:\s!do:#1}{#2}}
+\def\checkexecutecommand#1#2% evt geen #1 en #2
+ {\ifx#2\empty \else \ifcsname\s!do:\s!do:#1\endcsname
+ \@EA\let\@EA\docheckexecutecommand\csname\s!do:\s!do:#1\endcsname
+ \rawprocesscommalist[#2]\docheckexecutecommand
+ \fi \fi }
+%D Command references (in dutch, english, german of
+%D whatever interface language) are translated into a bit
+%D shorter reference (\type{close}) and passed to the
+%D special driver (using \type{\executecommand}).
+% better: [action(name)] and \definereference[name][action(name)]
+\setglobalsystemreference \rt!exec \v!CloseDocument {close}
+\setglobalsystemreference \rt!exec \v!ExitViewer {exit}
+\setglobalsystemreference \rt!exec \v!FirstPage {first}
+\setglobalsystemreference \rt!exec \v!LastPage {last}
+\setglobalsystemreference \rt!exec \v!NextJump {forward}
+\setglobalsystemreference \rt!exec \v!NextPage {next}
+\setglobalsystemreference \rt!exec \v!PauseMovie {pausemovie}
+\setglobalsystemreference \rt!exec \v!PauseSound {pausesound}
+\setglobalsystemreference \rt!exec \v!PauseRendering {pauserendering}
+\setglobalsystemreference \rt!exec \v!PreviousJump {backward}
+\setglobalsystemreference \rt!exec \v!PreviousPage {previous}
+\setglobalsystemreference \rt!exec \v!PrintDocument {print}
+\setglobalsystemreference \rt!exec \v!SaveForm {exportform}
+\setglobalsystemreference \rt!exec \v!LoadForm {importform}
+\setglobalsystemreference \rt!exec \v!ResetForm {resetform}
+\setglobalsystemreference \rt!exec \v!ResumeMovie {resumemovie}
+\setglobalsystemreference \rt!exec \v!ResumeSound {resumesound}
+\setglobalsystemreference \rt!exec \v!ResumeRendering {resumerendering}
+\setglobalsystemreference \rt!exec \v!SaveDocument {save}
+\setglobalsystemreference \rt!exec \v!SaveNamedDocument{savenamed}
+\setglobalsystemreference \rt!exec \v!OpenNamedDocument{opennamed}
+\setglobalsystemreference \rt!exec \v!SearchDocument {search}
+\setglobalsystemreference \rt!exec \v!SearchAgain {searchagain}
+\setglobalsystemreference \rt!exec \v!StartMovie {startmovie}
+\setglobalsystemreference \rt!exec \v!StartSound {startsound}
+\setglobalsystemreference \rt!exec \v!StartRendering {startrendering}
+\setglobalsystemreference \rt!exec \v!StopMovie {stopmovie}
+\setglobalsystemreference \rt!exec \v!StopSound {stopsound}
+\setglobalsystemreference \rt!exec \v!StopRendering {stoprendering}
+\setglobalsystemreference \rt!exec \v!SubmitForm {submitform}
+\setglobalsystemreference \rt!exec \v!ToggleViewer {toggle}
+\setglobalsystemreference \rt!exec \v!ViewerHelp {help}
+\setglobalsystemreference \rt!exec \v!HideField {hide}
+\setglobalsystemreference \rt!exec \v!ShowField {show}
+\setglobalsystemreference \rt!exec \v!GotoPage {gotopage}
+\setglobalsystemreference \rt!exec \v!GotoPage {gotopage}
+\setglobalsystemreference \rt!exec \v!Query {query}
+\setglobalsystemreference \rt!exec \v!QueryAgain {queryagain}
+\setglobalsystemreference \rt!exec \v!FitWidth {fitwidth}
+\setglobalsystemreference \rt!exec \v!FitHeight {fitheight}
+\setglobalsystemreference \rt!exec \v!ShowThumbs {thumbnails}
+\setglobalsystemreference \rt!exec \v!ShowBookmarks {bookmarks}
+%D Executing the command looks alike the previous goto macros.
+ {\iflocation
+ \dohandlegoto
+ {#3}%
+ {\dostartexecutecommand\buttonwidth\buttonheight{#1}{#2}}%
+ {\dostopexecutecommand}%
+ \else
+ {#3}%
+ \fi}
+%D We could have done without the short tags and thereby saving
+%D some tokens, but the current approach leaves room for future
+%D extensions.
+%D It is possible to disable the writing of references to the
+%D utility file by setting:
+\newif\ifreferencing \referencingtrue
+%D One can also activate an automatic prefix mechanism. By
+%D setting the \type{\prefix} variable to \type{+}, the prefix
+%D is incremented, when set to \type{-} or empty, the prefix is
+%D reset. Other values become the prefix.
+%D These settings are accomplished by:
+%D \showsetup{setupreferencing}
+%D In interactive documents verbose references don't always
+%D make sense (what is a page number in an unnumbered
+%D document). By setting the \type{interaction} variable, one
+%D can influences the way interactive references are set.
+% \newif\ifreferencestrut % some day an option
+ {\dosingleargument\dosetupreferencing}
+ {\getparameters
+ [\??rf]
+ [\c!prefix=\s!unknown,#1]%
+ \processaction
+ [\@@rfstate]
+ [ \v!stop=>\referencingfalse,
+ \v!start=>\referencingtrue]%
+ \processaction
+ [\@@rfinteraction]
+ [ \v!all=>\let\dowantedreference\docompletereference,
+ \v!label=>\let\dowantedreference\dolabelonlyreference,
+ \v!text=>\let\dowantedreference\dotextonlyreference,
+ \v!symbol=>\let\dowantedreference\dosymbolreference]%
+ \chardef\autocrossfilereferences\zerocount
+ \processaction
+ [\@@rfautofile]
+ [ \v!yes=>\chardef\autocrossfilereferences\plusone,
+ \v!page=>\chardef\autocrossfilereferences\plustwo]%
+ \chardef\referencefilecase\zerocount
+ \processaction[\@@rfconvertfile]
+ [ \v!yes=>\chardef\referencefilecase\plusone,
+ \v!big=>\chardef\referencefilecase\plusone,
+ \v!small=>\chardef\referencefilecase\plustwo]%
+ %\doifelse\@@rfstrut\v!yes % some day an option
+ % \referencetruttrue\referencestrutfalse
+ \setupreferenceprefix[\@@rfprefix]%
+ \doifelse\@@rfglobal\v!yes
+ {\settrue \autoglobalfilereferences}
+ {\setfalse\autoglobalfilereferences}}
+ {\edef\@@rfprefix{#1}%
+ \ifx\@@rfprefix\empty
+ \let\referenceprefix\empty
+ \else\ifx\@@rfprefix\incrementreferenceprefix
+ \advance\prefixcounter \plusone % should be global
+ \edef\referenceprefix{\the\prefixcounter:}%
+ \let\@@rfprefix\s!unknown
+ \else\ifx\@@rfprefix\decrementreferenceprefix
+ \let\referenceprefix\empty
+ \let\@@rfprefix\s!unknown
+ \else\ifx\@@rfprefix\s!unknown
+ % forget about it
+ \else
+ \edef\referenceprefix{\@@rfprefix:}%
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi}
+%D \macros
+%D {handlereferenceactions,
+%D collectreferenceactions}
+%D Sometimes we need to pass the actions connected to
+%D references to variables instead of rectangular areas on
+%D which one can click. The next macro collects the actions
+%D and passes them to a handle. This is a rather dreadfull
+%D hack!
+%D \starttyping
+%D \handlereferenceactions{references}\handle
+%D \stoptyping
+%D So, \type {\handle} does the final job, which in for
+%D instance the \PDF\ drivers comes down to doing something
+%D with \type {\lastPDFaction}.
+ {\doifsomething{#1}
+ {\bgroup
+ \collectreferenceactionstrue
+ \@EA\doifreferencefoundelse\@EA{#1}
+ {\gotolocation{#1}{}\ifsecondaryreference\else#2\fi}
+ {\unknownreference{#1}}%
+ \egroup}}
+%D The most straightforward way of retrieving references is
+%D using \type{\ref}. Consider the reference:
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \reference[my ref]{{Look}{Here}{I am}}
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+%D \getbuffer
+%D We can ask for upto five reference components:
+%D \startbuffer
+%D user page reference: \ref[p][my ref]
+%D text reference: \ref[t][my ref]
+%D real page reference: \ref[r][my ref]
+%D sub text reference: \ref[s][my ref]
+%D extra text reference: \ref[e][my ref]
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+%D And get back:
+%D \startlines
+%D \getbuffer
+%D \stoplines
+ {\ifsecondargument
+ \doifreferencefoundelse{#2}
+ {\executeifdefined{reftype#1}\reftypep}
+ {\unknownreference{#2}\dummyreference}%
+ \else
+ \dummyreference
+ \fi}
+%D We can typeset a reference using \type{\in}, \type{\at} and
+%D \type{\about} and goto specific locations using
+%D \type{\goto}. The last one does not make that much sense in
+%D a paper document. To complicate things, \PLAIN\ \TEX\ also
+%D implements an \type {\in} but fortunately that one only
+%D makes sense in math mode.
+%\let\donormalin =\in
+%\let\donormalover=\over % about/oppassen beter nederlands dan engels!
+% {\ifmmode
+% \expandafter\donormalin
+% \else
+% \expandafter\doinatreference\expandafter\currenttextreference
+% \fi}
+% we need to bypass math tokens
+% \let\normalover \over
+\definecommand in {\dospecialin}
+\definecommand at {\dospecialat}
+\definecommand about {\dospecialabout}
+\definecommand from {\dospecialfrom}
+\definecommand over {\dospecialabout} % needed here, else math problems
+ {\dontleavehmode
+ \bgroup
+ \def\thecurrentsubtextreference
+ {\limitatetext\currentsubtextreference\@@rfwidth\unknown}%
+ %\leaveoutervmode % no
+ \@@rfleft
+ \doifreferencefoundelse{#1}
+ {\let\crlf\space
+ \let\\\space
+ \let\dogotofixed\dogotospace
+ \dogotospace{\thecurrentsubtextreference}[#1]}
+ {\unknownreference{#1}\dummyreference}%
+ \@@rfright
+ \referenceinfo{<}{#1}%
+ \egroup}
+%D Typesetting the reference is a bit more complicated than one
+%D would at first sight expect. This is due to the fact that we
+%D distinguish three (five) alternative calls:
+%D \placefigure
+%D [here][three calls]
+%D {Three alternatives reference calls.}
+%D {\startcombination[1*3]
+%D {\framed{\type{ \in }}} {a}
+%D {\framed{\type{ \at }}} {b}
+%D {\framed{\type{\goto}}} {c}
+%D \stopcombination}
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \in figure[fig:three calls]
+%D \in{figure}[fig:three calls]
+%D \in figure a[fig:three calls]
+%D \in{figure}{a}[fig:three calls]
+%D figure~\in[fig:three calls]
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+%D This turns up as:
+%D \startlines
+%D \getbuffer
+%D \stoplines
+%D The dual \type{{}} results in a split reference. In a
+%D document meant for paper, one is tempted to use the last
+%D (most straightforward) alternative. When a document is also
+%D meant voor electronic distribution, the former alternatives
+%D have preference, because everything between the \type{\in}
+%D and~\type{[} becomes active (and when asked for, typeset
+%D in a different color and typeface).
+ {\doifnextoptionalelse{\dodoinatreference{#1}{}}{\dodoinatreference{#1}}}
+ {\def\dododoinatreference{\dodododoinatreference{#1}}%
+ \futurelet\next\dododoinatreference}
+% overloaded
+% \def\dodododoinatreference#1#2#3[#4]%
+% {\ifx\next\bgroup
+% \dododododoinatreference{#1\ignorespaces#3}{#2}[#4]%
+% \else
+% \dododododoinatreference{#1}{#2#3}[#4]%
+% \fi}
+%D We arrived at the last step. Before we do the typesetting,
+%D we forget all previous (paragraph bound) settings and make
+%D sure that we remain in horizontal mode. Next we choose
+%D among the several representations.
+% overloaded
+% \def\dododododoinatreference#1#2[#3]%
+% {\dontleavehmode
+% \bgroup
+% \forgetall
+% %\leaveoutervmode
+% \doifreferencefoundelse{#3}
+% {\bgroup
+% \let\ignorespaces\empty % rather dirty but ok
+% \doifelsenothing{#1}
+% {\egroup\dosymbolreference{#1}{#2}[#3]}
+% {\egroup\dowantedreference{#1}{#2}[#3]}}
+% {\dounknownreference{#1}{#2}[#3]}%
+% \referenceinfo{<}{#3}%
+% \egroup}
+%D The previously discussed setup macro lets us specify the
+%D representation of references. A symbol reference does not
+%D show the specific data, like the number of a figure, but
+%D shows one of: \hbox {$^\goforwardcharacter$
+%D $^\gobackwardcharacter$ $^\gonowherecharacter$}, depending
+%D on the direction to go.
+ {\bgroup
+ \setupsymbolset[\@@iasymbolset]%
+ \removelastskip
+ \ifx\currentreferencespecial\empty
+ \ifx\currentouterreference\empty
+ \ifnum0\currentrealreference=\zerocount
+ \ifhmode\strut\high{\symbol[\v!nowhere]}\fi
+ \else\ifnum0\currentrealreference>\realpageno
+ \dodosymbolreference{#2}{\high{\symbol[\v!next]}}%
+ \else\ifnum0\currentrealreference<\realpageno
+ \dodosymbolreference{#2}{\high{\symbol[\v!previous]}}%
+ \else
+ \ifhmode\strut\high{\symbol[\v!nowhere]}\fi
+ \fi\fi\fi
+ \else
+ \gotoouterlocation{#3}{\showlocation{\high{\symbol[\v!somewhere]}}}%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \gotospeciallocation{#3}{\showlocation{\high{\symbol[\v!somewhere]}}}%
+ \fi
+ \egroup}
+ {#1\hbox{\gotorealpage\empty\empty\currentrealreference
+ {\dolocationattributes\??ia\c!style\c!color{#2}}}}
+%D The other alternatives just conform their names: only the
+%D label, only the text, or the label and the text.
+ {\unknownreference{#3}\dotextprefix{#2}\dummyreference}%
+ {\iflocationsplit
+ \doifsomespaceelse{#2}\dogotospace\dogotofixed{\dotextprefix{#2}#1}[#3]%
+ \else
+ \dogotofixed{\dotextprefix{#2}#1}[#3]%
+ \fi}
+ {\doifsomespaceelse{#2}
+ {\doifsomething{#2}{\dogotospace{#2}[#3]}}
+ {\dogotofixed{\dotextprefix{#2}}[#3]}}
+ {\dotextprefix{#2}\dogotofixed{#1}[#3]}
+%D \macros
+%D {definereferenceformat}
+%D The next few macros were made for for David Arnold and Taco
+%D Hoekwater. They can be used for predefining reference
+%D texts, and thereby stimulate efficiency.
+%D [more documentation will be added]
+%D \starttyping
+%D \definereferenceformat[informula] [left=(,right=),text=formula]
+%D \definereferenceformat[informulas] [left=(,right=),text=formulas]
+%D \definereferenceformat[andformula] [left=(,right=),text=and]
+%D \definereferenceformat[andformulas][left=(,right=),text=and]
+%D \informula [b] and \informula [for:c]
+%D the \informula {formulas}[b] \informula {and} [for:c]
+%D the \informulas {formulas}[b] \informula {and} [for:c]
+%D the \informulas [b] \informula {en} [for:c]
+%D the \informulas [b] \andformula [for:c]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Instead of a text, one can specify a label, which should
+%D be defined with \type {\setuplabeltext}.
+ {\dodoubleargument\dodefinereferenceformat}
+ {\iffirstargument
+ \getparameters[\??rf#1]
+ [\c!left=, % of the number
+ \c!right=, % of the number
+ \c!text=, % before the number
+ \c!label=, % can be {left}{right}
+ \c!command=\in,
+ #2]%
+ \unexpanded\setvalue{#1}%
+ {\dontleavehmode\doexecutereferenceformat{#1}}%
+ \fi}
+ {\doifvaluesomething{\??rf#1\c!text}
+ {\gdef\textofreference{\csname\??rf#1\c!text\endcsname}}%
+ \csname\??rf#1\c!command\endcsname}
+ {\csname\??rf#1\c!command\endcsname
+ {\leftlabeltext {\csname\??rf#1\c!label\endcsname}}%
+ {\rightlabeltext{\csname\??rf#1\c!label\endcsname}}}
+ {\gdef\leftofreference {\csname\??rf#1\c!left \endcsname}%
+ \gdef\rightofreference{\csname\??rf#1\c!right\endcsname}%
+ \global\let\textofreference\empty % otherwise ~ added
+ \doifelsevaluenothing{\??rf#1\c!label}
+ \noexecutelabelreferenceformat\doexecutelabelreferenceformat{#1}}
+\let\leftofreference \relax
+\let\textofreference \relax
+\def\dodododoinatreference#1#2#3[#4]% \removeunwantedspaces added june 2004
+ {\ifx\next\bgroup % but removed later, fails on metafun
+ \dododododoinatreference
+ % fails on metafun {\leftofreference#1\ignorespaces#3\removeunwantedspaces\rightofreference}{#2}[#4]%
+ {\leftofreference#1\ignorespaces#3\rightofreference}{#2}[#4]%
+ \else
+ \dododododoinatreference
+ {\leftofreference#1\rightofreference}{#2#3}[#4]%
+ \fi}
+ {\dontleavehmode % replaces \leaveoutervmode
+ \bgroup
+ \forgetall
+ \postponenotes
+ %\leaveoutervmode % replaced by \dontleavehmode
+ \doifreferencefoundelse{#3}
+ {\bgroup
+ \let\ignorespaces \empty % rather dirty trick, but ok
+ \let\leftofreference \empty % the same, again ok
+ \let\rightofreference\empty % and once more
+ \def\textofreference {#2}% % temporary value
+ \ifx\textofreference\empty % simple expansion
+ %\doifelsenothing{#1}
+ % {\egroup\dosymbolreference{#1}{\textofreference}[#3]}
+ % {\egroup\dowantedreference{#1}{\textofreference}[#3]}%
+ \doifelsenothing{#1}%
+ {\egroup\dosymbolreference}%
+ {\egroup\dowantedreference}%
+ {#1}{\textofreference}[#3]%
+ \else
+ %\doifelsenothing{#1}
+ % {\egroup\dosymbolreference{#1}{#2}[#3]}
+ % {\egroup\dowantedreference{#1}{#2}[#3]}%
+ \doifelsenothing{#1}%
+ {\egroup\dosymbolreference}%
+ {\egroup\dowantedreference}%
+ {#1}{#2}[#3]%
+ \fi}
+ {\dounknownreference{#1}{#2}[#3]}%
+ \referenceinfo<{#3}%
+ \global\let\leftofreference \empty
+ \global\let\rightofreference\empty
+ \global\let\textofreference \empty
+ \egroup}
+%D In interactive documents going to a specific location is not
+%D bound to cross references. The \type{\goto} commands can be
+%D used to let users access another part of the document. In
+%D this respect, interactive tables of contents and registers
+%D can be considered goto's. Because in fact a \type{\goto} is
+%D just a reference without reference specific data, the
+%D previous macros are implemented using the goto
+%D functionality.
+%D \showsetup{goto}
+%D One important chaacteristic is that the first argument of
+%D \type{\goto} (and therefore \type{\at} and \type{\in} is
+%D split at spaces. This means that, although hyphenation is
+%D prevented, long references can cross line endings.
+ {\dontleavehmode
+ \bgroup
+ \postponenotes
+ \doifreferencefoundelse{#2}
+ {\doifelsenothing{#1}
+ {\dosymbolreference{}{}[#2]}
+ {\dogotospace{#1}[#2]}}
+ {\unknownreference{#2}#1\relax}% \relax catches lookahead
+ \egroup
+ \referenceinfo{<}{#2}}
+ {\dogoto{#1}#2}
+\newif\ifsharesimilarreferences \sharesimilarreferencestrue
+\newcount\similarreference % 0=noppes 1=create/refer 2,3,..=refer
+ {\iflocationsplit
+ \ifsecondaryreference\setbox0\hbox\fi % due to space insertion
+ {\let\dogotospace\dogotofixed
+ \iflocation
+ \def\processisolatedword##1%
+ {\ifisolatedwords\ifsharesimilarreferences
+ \global\advance\similarreference \plusone
+ \fi\fi
+ \hbox{\gotolocation{#2}{##1\presetgoto}}}%
+ \doattributes\??ia\c!style\c!color
+ {\processisolatedwords{#1}\processisolatedword}%
+ \else
+ #1\relax % \relax prevents #1's next macros from gobbling \fi
+ \fi}%
+ \else
+ \iflocation
+ \doattributes\??ia\c!style\c!color
+ {\gotolocation{#2}{#1\presetgoto}}%
+ \else
+ #1\relax % \relax prevents #1's next macros from gobbling \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \global\similarreference\zerocount}
+ {{\iflocation
+ \hbox{\gotolocation{#2}{\doattributes\??ia\c!style\c!color
+ {#1\presetgoto}}}%
+ \else
+ #1%
+ \fi}}
+%D In case the auto split feature is not needed or even not
+%D even wanted, \type{\gotobox} can be used.
+ {\dontleavehmode
+ \bgroup
+ \locationstrutfalse
+ %\leaveoutervmode
+ \doifreferencefoundelse{#2}
+ {\dogotofixed{#1}[#2]}
+ {\hbox{\unknownreference{#2}#1}}%
+ \referenceinfo{<}{#2}%
+ \egroup}
+%D An reference to another document can be specified as a file
+%D or as an \URL. Both are handled by the same mechanism and
+%D can be issued by saying something like:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \goto[dictionary::the letter a]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The macros that are responsible for handling these
+%D references, use the next six variables:
+\let\otherlabel = \empty
+\let\fileprefix = \empty
+\def\otherfile {\jobname}
+\let\otherURL = \empty
+\let\otherprefix = \empty
+\let\dowithdocdes = \empty
+%D One can imagine that many references to such a dictionary
+%D are made, so in most cases such a document reference in an
+%D indirect one.
+%D \showsetup{useexternaldocument}
+%D For example:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \useexternaldocument
+%D [dictionary][engldict]
+%D [The Famous English Dictionary]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The next macro implements these relations, and also take
+%D care of loading the document specific references.
+ {\dotripleargument\douseexternaldocument}
+ {\bgroup
+ \ifsecondargument
+ \doifelsenothing{#1}
+ {\douseexternaldocument[#2][#2][#3]}
+ {\doifelsenothing{#3}
+ {\douseexternaldocument[#1][#2][#2]}
+ {\doifsomething{#2}
+ {\setgvalue{\v!file:::#1}{\doexternaldocument{}{#2}{#3}}% just \do
+ \doif\@@rfstate\v!start
+ {\doifparentfileelse{#2}
+ {\showmessage\m!references{21}{#2}}
+ {\dodouseexternaldocument{#1}{#2}}}}}}%
+ \else
+ \dodouseexternaldocument{#1}{#1}%
+ \fi
+ \egroup}
+ {\bgroup % prevents wrong loading of \jobname
+ \def\fileprefix{#1::}%
+ \let\setglobalcrossreference\setoutercrossreference
+ \usereferences[#2]%
+ \egroup % when called nested
+ \showmessage\m!references{21}{#2}}
+%D The \URL\ alternative takes four arguments:
+%D \showsetup{useURL}
+%D like:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \useURL
+%D [dictionary][][engldict]
+%D [The Famous English Dictionary]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Several specifications are possible:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \useURL [id] [url] [file] [description]
+%D \useURL [id] [url] [file]
+%D \useURL [id] [url]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D This time we don't load the references when no file is
+%D specified. This is logical when one keeps in mind that a
+%D valid \URL\ can also be a mail address.
+ {\bgroup
+ \protectlabels
+ \catcode`\#=\@@other\catcode`\%=\@@other\catcode`\/=\@@other
+ \catcode`\_=\@@other\catcode`\~=\@@other\catcode`\:=\@@other
+ \dodoubleempty\douseURL}
+ {\egroup\doquadrupleempty\dodouseURL[#1][#2]}
+\def\dodouseURL[#1][#2][#3][#4]% to be redone: not too tricky redefs ad reuse
+ {\iffirstargument
+ \iffourthargument\setgvalue{\v!file:::#1}{\doexternaldocument{#2}{#3}{#4}}\else
+ \ifthirdargument \setgvalue{\v!file:::#1}{\doexternalurl {#2}{#3}{#1}}\else
+ \ifsecondargument\setgvalue{\v!file:::#1}{\doexternalurl {#2}{} {#1}}\fi\fi\fi
+ \fi}
+ {\bgroup
+ \doifsomething\@@urstyle{\let\@@iastyle\@@urstyle\let\@@urstyle\empty}%
+ \doifsomething\@@urcolor{\let\@@iacolor\@@urcolor\let\@@urcolor\empty}%
+ \doexternaldocument{#1}{#2}{\url[#3]}%
+ \egroup}
+\def\doifurldefinedelse #1{\doifdefinedelse{\v!file:::#1}}
+%D \macros
+%D {url,setupurl}
+%D We also have: \type{\url} for directly calling the
+%D description. So we can say:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \useURL [one] []
+%D \useURL [two] [] [] [Some Site]
+%D \url[one] or \from[two] or \goto{Whatever Site}[URL(two)]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D An \URL\ can be set up with
+%D \showsetup{setupurl}
+ {\dodoubleargument\getparameters[\??ur]}
+\unexpanded\def\url[#1]% slow
+ {\bgroup
+ \processaction
+ [\@@uralternative]
+ [ \v!none=>\chardef\urlsplitmode\zerocount,
+ \v!both=>\chardef\urlsplitmode\plusone,
+ \v!after=>\chardef\urlsplitmode\plustwo,
+ \v!before=>\chardef\urlsplitmode\plusthree]%
+ \doifelse\@@urspace\v!yes
+ {\setbetweenisolatedwords{\scratchskip\currentspaceskip\hskip\zeropoint\!!plus.2\scratchskip}}
+ {\setbetweenisolatedwords\allowbreak}%
+ \def\doexternaldocument##1##2##3{\hyphenatedurl{##1}}% awful hack
+ \dostartattributes\??ur\c!style\c!color{}%
+ \getvalue{\v!file:::#1}%
+ \dostopattributes
+ \egroup}
+%D This macro is hooked into a support macro, and thereby
+%D \URL's break ok, according to the setting of a switch,
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \useURL
+%D [test]
+%D [sentence_sentence%sentence#sentence~sentence/sentence//sentence:sentence.sentence]
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+%D Such an \URL\ is, depending on the settings, hyphenated as:
+%D \getbuffer
+%D \startlinecorrection
+%D \hbox to \hsize
+%D {\hss\en
+%D \setupreferencing[urlalternative=both]%
+%D \vbox{\hsize.25cm\hbox{\bf both}\prewordbreak\url[test]}%
+%D \hss
+%D \setupreferencing[urlalternative=before]%
+%D \vbox{\hsize.25cm\hbox{\bf before}\prewordbreak\url[test]}%
+%D \hss
+%D \setupreferencing[urlalternative=after]%
+%D \vbox{\hsize.25cm\hbox{\bf after}\prewordbreak\url[test]}%
+%D \hss}
+%D \stoplinecorrection
+%D By setting \type{urlspace=yes} one can get slightly better
+%D spacing when using very long \URL's.
+%D Many macro definitions ago we called for the auxiliary macro
+%D \type {\setouterlocation} and now is the time to define this
+%D one.
+ {\edef\otherURL{#1}%
+ \edef\otherfile{#2}}%
+ {\ifcsname\v!file:::#1\endcsname
+ \let\doexternaldocument\setouterfilelocation % will change
+ \let\doexternalurl \setouterfilelocation % will change
+ \csname\v!file:::#1\endcsname
+ \else
+ \ifconditional\forceURLlocation
+ \edef\otherURL{#1}%
+ \let\otherfile\empty
+ \else
+ \let\otherURL\empty
+ \edef\otherfile{#1}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \setfalse\forceURLlocation
+ \doifparentfileelse\otherfile
+ {\let\otherURL\empty
+ \let\otherfile\empty
+ \global\let\otherlabel\empty
+ \let\otherprefix\empty}
+ {\xdef\otherlabel{#1}%
+ \edef\otherprefix{#1::}}}
+%D When defining the external source of information, one can
+%D also specify a suitable name (the last argument). This name
+%D can be called upon with:
+%D \showsetup{from}
+%D As can be expected, this macro used \type{\goto} to
+%D perform its task.
+\def\dospecialfrom % retest this one !
+ {\dosingleempty\dodospecialfrom}
+ {\dontleavehmode % added, but probably not needed
+ \bgroup
+ \protectlabels % needed for active french :'s
+ \iffirstargument
+ \edef\!!stringa{#1}%
+ \doifincsnameelse{::}\!!stringa\donothing{\edef\!!stringa{#1::}}%
+ \expanded{\redospecialfrom[\!!stringa]}%
+ \else
+ \expanded{\nodospecialfrom[\otherlabel]}%
+ \fi
+ \egroup}
+ {\ifcsname\v!file:::#1\endcsname
+ \def\doexternaldocument##1##2##3{\goto{##3}[#1::#2]}%
+ \csname\v!file:::#1\endcsname
+ \else
+ \tttf[#1]%
+ \fi}
+ {\ifcsname\v!file:::#1\endcsname
+ \def\doexternaldocument##1##2##3{##3}% different than ^
+ \csname\v!file:::#1\endcsname
+ \else
+ \tttf[#1]%
+ \fi}
+%D We also support:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \goto{some text}[file(identifier{location}]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D which is completely equivalent with
+%D \starttyping
+%D \goto{some text}[identifier::location]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The fastest implementation would be:
+\definespecialtest\v!file {\setfalse\forceURLlocation\handlespecialFILEandURL}
+\definespecialtest\v!URL {\settrue \forceURLlocation\handlespecialFILEandURL}
+\definespecialtest\v!url {\settrue \forceURLlocation\handlespecialFILEandURL}
+\definespeciallocation\v!URL {\settrue \forceURLlocation\handlespecialallocationFILEandURL}
+\definespeciallocation\v!url {\settrue \forceURLlocation\handlespecialallocationFILEandURL}
+ {\localdoifreferencefoundelse
+ {\currentreferenceoperation::\currentreferencearguments}}
+ {\let\currentouterreference\currentreferenceoperation
+ \let\currentinnerreference\currentreferencearguments
+ \let\currentreferenceoperation\empty
+ \let\currentreferencearguments\empty
+ \gotoouterlocation}
+%D Now we have file references as special ones, it's rather
+%D logical to have the viewer specific ones available in a dual
+%D way too. At first glance we could do with:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \definespeciallocation\v!action
+%D {\getreferenceelements\currentreferenceoperation
+%D \handleexecreference}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D An better alternative, slower but error aware, is
+% \definespecialtest\v!actie
+% {\localdoifreferencefoundelse\currentreferenceoperation}
+\definespecialtest\v!action % rather ugly action(whatever{argument})
+ {\expanded{\localdoifreferencefoundelse{\currentreferenceoperation
+ \ifx\currentreferencearguments\empty\else{\currentreferencearguments}\fi}}}
+ {\handleexecreference}
+%D So now we can say:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \goto{some action}[PreviousJump]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D as well as:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \goto{some text}[action(PreviousJump]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D A special case of references are those to programs. These,
+%D very system dependant references are implemented by abusing
+%D some of the previous macros.
+%D \showsetup{setupprograms}
+%D \showsetup{defineprogram}
+%D \showsetup{program}
+%D The latter gives access to the description of the program,
+%D being the last argument to the definition command.
+ {\dodoubleargument\getparameters[\??pr]}
+ {\setgvalue{\v!program:::#1}{\doprogram{#2}{#3}}}
+ {\dotripleargument\dodefineprogram}
+ {\bgroup
+ \ifcsname\v!program:::#2\endcsname
+ \def\doprogram##1##2{\goto{\doifelsenothing{#1}{##2}{#1}}[\v!program(#2)]}%
+ \csname\v!program:::#2\endcsname
+ \else
+ {\tttf[#2]}%
+ \fi
+ \egroup}
+% needs an update: program(abc{arg})
+ {\bgroup
+ \iflocation
+ \ifcsname\v!program:::\currentreferenceoperation\endcsname
+ \def\doprogram##1##2{\def\@@programfile{##1}}%
+ \getvalue{\v!program:::\currentreferenceoperation}%
+ \else
+ \let\@@programfile\currentreferenceoperation
+ \fi
+ \defconvertedcommand\ascii\@@programfile
+ \dohandlegoto
+ {#2}%
+ {\dostartrunprogram\buttonwidth\buttonheight{\@@prdirectory\ascii}\currentreferencearguments}%
+ {\dostoprunprogram}%
+ \else
+ {#2}%
+ \fi
+ \egroup}
+%D As we can see, we directly use the special reference
+%D mechanism, which means that
+%D \starttyping
+%D \goto{some text}[program(name{args})]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D is valid.
+%D The next macro provides access to the actual pagenumbers.
+%D When documenting and sanitizing the original reference
+%D macros, I decided to keep the present meaning as well as to
+%D make this meaning available as a special reference method.
+%D So now one can use:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \gotopage{some text}[location]
+%D \gotopage{some text}[number]
+%D \gotopage{some text}[file::number]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D as well as:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \goto{some text}[page(location)]
+%D \goto{some text}[page(number)]
+%D \goto{some text}[file::page(number)]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Here location is a keyword like \type{nextpage}.
+%D \showsetup{gotopage}
+ {\setvalue{\v!page:::#1}{#2}}
+ {\dodoubleargument\dodefinepage}
+\definepage [\v!firstpage] [\firstpage]
+\definepage [\v!previouspage] [\prevpage]
+\definepage [\v!nextpage] [\nextpage]
+\definepage [\v!lastpage] [\lastpage]
+\definepage [\v!firstsubpage] [\firstsubpage]
+\definepage [\v!previoussubpage] [\prevsubpage]
+\definepage [\v!nextsubpage] [\nextsubpage]
+\definepage [\v!lastsubpage] [\lastsubpage]
+\definepage [\v!first] [\firstpage]
+\definepage [\v!previous] [\prevpage]
+\definepage [\v!next] [\nextpage]
+\definepage [\v!last] [\lastpage]
+\definepage [\v!first\v!sub] [\firstsubpage]
+\definepage [\v!previous\v!sub] [\prevsubpage]
+\definepage [\v!next\v!sub] [\nextsubpage]
+\definepage [\v!last\v!sub] [\lastsubpage]
+%D Because we combine both methods, we have to take care of
+%D the \type{file::page(n)} as well as \type{page(file::n)}.
+\definespeciallocation\v!page#1#2% page(n) page(+n) page(-n)
+ {\iflocation
+ \ifx\currentouterreference\empty
+ \splitoffreference\currentreferenceoperation
+ \else
+ \let\currentinnerreference\currentreferenceoperation
+ \fi
+ \ifx\currentouterreference\empty
+ \doifinstringelse+\currentinnerreference{\edef\currentinnerreference{\the\numexpr\realpageno\currentinnerreference}}
+ {\doifinstring -\currentinnerreference{\edef\currentinnerreference{\the\numexpr\realpageno\currentinnerreference}}}%
+ \doifnonzeropositiveelse\currentinnerreference\donothing{\edef\currentinnerreference{1}}%
+ \docheckrealreferencepage\currentinnerreference % new
+ \let\currentrealreference\currentinnerreference % handy to have this available
+ \gotorealpage\empty\empty\currentinnerreference{#2}%
+ \else
+ \setouterlocation\currentouterreference
+ \doifnonzeropositiveelse\currentinnerreference\donothing{\edef\currentinnerreference{\executeifdefined{\v!page:::\currentinnerreference}1}}%
+ \gotorealpage\otherURL\otherfile\currentinnerreference{#2}%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ {#2}%
+ \fi}
+ {\goto{#1}[\v!page(#2)]}
+%D A still very rudimentary|/|experimental forward|/|backward
+%D reference mechanism is provided by the macro \type{\atpage}:
+%D \starttyping
+%D ... \somewhere{backward text}{forward text}[someref] ...
+%D ... \atpage[someref] ...
+%D \stoptyping
+%D In future versions there will be more sophisticated
+%D support, also suitable for references to floating bodies.
+\unexpanded\def\somewhere#1#2#3[#4]% #3 gobbles space around #2
+ {\dontleavehmode
+ %\leaveoutervmode
+ \doifreferencefoundelse{#4}
+ {\ifforwardreference
+ \doifelsenothing{#1}
+ {\dosymbolreference{}{}[#4]}
+ {\dogotospace{#1}[#4]}%
+ \else
+ \doifelsenothing{#2}
+ {\dosymbolreference{}{}[#4]}
+ {\dogotospace{#2}[#4]}%
+ \fi}
+ {\unknownreference{#4}#1/#2}%
+ \referenceinfo{<}{#4}}
+ {\dontleavehmode
+ %\leaveoutervmode
+ \doifreferencefoundelse{#1}
+ {\ifrealreferencepage
+ \ifforwardreference
+ \dogotofixed{\labeltext\v!hencefore}[#1]%
+ \else
+ \dogotofixed{\labeltext\v!hereafter}[#1]%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \dogotofixed{\labeltexts\v!atpage\currentpagereference}[#1]%
+ \fi}
+ {\unknownreference{#1}%
+ \labeltexts\v!page\dummyreference}%
+ \referenceinfo{<}{#1}}
+%D We can cross link documents by using:
+%D \showsetup{coupledocument}
+%D like:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \coupledocument[print][somefile][chapter,section]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D After which when applicable, we have available the
+%D references:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \goto{print version}[print::chapter]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D and alike. The title placement definition macros have a
+%D key \type{file}, which is interpreted as the file to jump
+%D to, that is, when one clicks on the title.
+\def\docoupledocument[#1][#2][#3][#4]% is this :/- safe ?
+ {\ifthirdargument
+ \begingroup
+ \def\dolistelement##1##2##3##4##5##6% 2=aut 6=pag / 2 goes into text ref slot
+ {\global\utilitydonetrue %{Watch the braces here below!}
+ \setglobalcrossreference{{##1::\@@filterblocknumberpart[##5]}}{}{##6}{##2}}%
+ \def\usereferences[##1]%
+ %{\setbox0\vbox{\doutilities{#3}{##1}{#3}\relax\relax}}%
+ {\startnointerference
+ \doutilities{#3}{##1}{#3}\relax\relax
+ \stopnointerference}%
+ \douseexternaldocument[#1][#2][#4]%
+ \doglobal\addtocommalist{#1}\crossdocumentreferences
+ \def\docommand##1%
+ {\letgvalue{\??rf##1\c!state}\v!start % for fast checking
+ \doglobal\addtocommalist{##1}\crossdocumentelements}%
+ \processcommalist[#3]\docommand
+ \ifutilitydone
+ \global\autocrossdocumenttrue
+ \fi
+ \endgroup
+ \fi}
+ {\doquadrupleempty\docoupledocument}
+ {\ifnum\currentreferencetype=\rt!page\ifnum\currentdatareference=\realpageno
+ \doifdefined{#1\c!contrastcolor}{\setevalue{#1\c!color}{\getvalue{#1\c!contrastcolor}}}%
+ \fi\fi}
+ {\ifnum\currentreferencetype=\rt!page\relax\ifnum\currentdatareference=\realpageno
+ \copycsname#1\c!color\endcsname\csname#1\c!contrastcolor\endcsname
+ \fi\fi}
+%D Buttons are just what their names says: things that can be
+%D clicked (pushed) on. They are similar to \type{\goto},
+%D except that the text argument is not interpreted.
+%D Furthermore one can apply anything to them that can be done
+%D with \type{\framed}.
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \button[width=3cm,height=1.5cm]{Exit}[ExitViewer]
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+%D gives
+%D \getbuffer
+%D This command is formally specified as:
+%D \showsetup{button}
+%D The characteristics can be set with:
+%D \showsetup{setupbuttons}
+ {\dodoubleargument\getparameters[\??bt]}
+ {\docomplexbutton\??bt}
+\long\def\docomplexbutton#1[#2]#3#4% get rid of possible space before [#4]
+ {\dodocomplexbutton#1[#2]{#3}#4} % #4 == [
+\def\buttonframed{\dodoubleempty\localframed[\??bt]} % goodie
+\long\def\dodocomplexbutton#1[#2]#3[#4]% #3 can contain [] -> {#3} later
+ {\bgroup
+ \doifvalue{#1\c!state}\v!stop\locationfalse
+ \iflocation
+ \resetgoto
+ \ConvertConstantAfter\doifelse{#3}\v!none\hphantom\hbox
+ {\doifelsenothing{#4}
+ {\setlocationboxnop#1[#2]{#3}[#4]}
+ {\doifreferencefoundelse{#4}
+ {\setlocationboxyes#1[#2]{#3}[#4]}
+ {\unknownreference{#4}%
+ \setlocationboxnop#1[#2]{#3}[#4]}}}%
+ \fi
+ \egroup}
+%D Interaction buttons, in fact a row of tiny buttons, are
+%D typically only used for navigational purposed. The next
+%D macro builds such a row based on a specification list.
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \interactionbuttons
+%D [width=\hsize][page,PreviousJump,ExitViewer]
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+%D gives
+%D \getbuffer
+%D Apart from individual entries, one can use \type{page} and
+%D \type {subpage} as shortcuts to their four associated buttons.
+%D The symbols are derived from the symbols linked to the
+%D entries.
+% does not work well with for instance SomeRef{whatever}
+ {\dodoubleempty\dointeractionbuttons}
+\def\dointeractionbuttons[#1][#2]% er is een verdeel macro \horizontalfractions
+ {\iflocation
+ % BUG: fails when frame=off; best is to rewrite this macro
+ \bgroup
+ \doif\@@ibstate\v!stop\locationfalse
+ \iflocation
+ \ifsecondargument
+ \setupinteractionbar[#1]%
+ \checkinteractionbar{1.5em}\v!broad\!!zeropoint % brrrrr
+ \setbox2\hbox
+ {\localframed[\??ib][\c!background=]{\symbol[\@@iasymbolset][\v!previouspage]}}%
+ \!!heighta\ht2 % needed because we default to nothing
+ \setupinteractionbar[\c!strut=\v!no]%
+ \setinteractionparameter\c!width\!!zeropoint
+ \!!counta\zerocount % new, was 1
+ \processallactionsinset
+ [#2]
+ [ \v!page=>\advance\!!counta 4,
+ \v!subpage=>\advance\!!counta 4,
+ \s!unknown=>\advance\!!counta 1]%
+ \ifdim\@@ibwidth=\zeropoint
+ \!!widtha2em
+ \advance\!!widtha \@@ibdistance % new
+ \!!widthb\!!counta\!!widtha
+ \advance\!!widthb -\@@ibdistance % new
+ \else
+ \!!widtha\@@ibwidth
+ \!!widthb\@@ibdistance % new
+ \multiply\!!widthb \!!counta % new
+ \advance\!!widthb -\@@ibdistance % new
+ \advance\!!widtha -\!!widthb % new
+ \divide\!!widtha \!!counta
+ \!!widthb\@@ibwidth
+ \fi
+ \def\goto##1% clash ?
+ {\setnostrut
+ \edef\localreference{##1}%
+ \expanded{\dodocomplexbutton\??ib[\c!height=\the\!!heighta,\c!width=\the\!!widtha]}%
+ {\dontleavehmode\symbol[\@@iasymbolset][\localreference]}%
+ [\localreference]%
+ \hss}%
+ \hbox to \!!widthb
+ {\processallactionsinset
+ [#2]
+ [ \v!page=>\goto\v!firstpage
+ \goto\v!nextpage
+ \goto\v!previouspage
+ \goto\v!lastpage,
+ \v!subpage=>\goto\v!firstsubpage
+ \goto\v!nextsubpage
+ \goto\v!previoussubpage
+ \goto\v!lastsubpage,
+ \s!unknown=>\goto\commalistelement]%
+ \unskip}%
+ \else
+ \interactionbuttons[][#1]%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \egroup
+ \fi}
+%D \macros
+%D {overlaybutton}
+%D For converience we provide:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \overlaybutton[reference]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D This command can be used to define overlays an/or can be
+%D used in the whatevertext areas, like:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \defineoverlay[PrevPage][\overlaybutton{PrevPage}]
+%D \setupbackgrounds[page][background=PrevPage]
+%D \setuptexttexts[\overlaybutton{NextPage}]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D For practical reasons, this macro accepts square brackets
+%D as well as braces.
+ {\complexoverlaybutton[#1]}
+ {\iflocation
+ \doifreferencefoundelse{#1}
+ {\overlayfakebox {#1}}
+ {\unknownreference{#1}}%
+ \fi}
+ {\hbox
+ {\setbox\scratchbox\null
+ \wd\scratchbox\overlaywidth
+ \ht\scratchbox\overlayheight
+ \locationstrutfalse
+ \gotolocation{#1}{\box\scratchbox\presetgoto}}}
+%D \macros
+%D {dotextprefix}
+%D In previous macros we used \type {\dotextprefix} to
+%D generate a space between a label and a number.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \dotextprefix{text}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Only when \type {text} is not empty, a space is inserted.
+ {\bgroup
+ \global\labeltextdonefalse % this is an ugly dependancy,
+ \setbox\scratchbox\hbox{#1}% to be solved some day
+ \ifdim\wd\scratchbox>\zeropoint
+ \unhbox\scratchbox
+ \iflabeltextdone\else\@@rfseparator\fi
+ \else
+ \unhbox\scratchbox
+ \fi
+ \egroup}
+%D Plugin code:
+%D In the next settings we see some variables that were not
+%D used here and that concern the way the pagenumbers refered
+%D to are typeset.
+ [\c!state=\v!start,
+ \c!autofile=\v!no,
+ \v!part\c!number=\v!yes,
+ \v!chapter\c!number=\v!no,
+ \c!interaction=\v!all,
+ %\c!urlalternative=\v!both,
+ %\c!urlspace=\v!no,
+ %\c!urlletter=,
+ %\c!urlkleur=,
+ \c!convertfile=\v!no,
+ %\c!strut=\v!no, % some day an option
+ \c!prefix=,
+ \c!width=.75\makeupwidth,
+ \c!left=\quotation\bgroup,
+ \c!right=\egroup,
+ \c!global=\v!no,
+ \c!expansion=\v!no,
+ \c!separator=\nonbreakablespace]
+ [\c!alternative=\v!both,
+ \c!space=\v!no,
+ \c!style=\v!type,
+ \c!color=]
+ [\c!directory=]
+%D We cannot set up buttons (not yet, this one calls a menu macro):
+% under consideration:
+% \setupinteraction[state=start]
+% \unprotect
+% \chardef\rt!extern=5
+% \definesystemreferencehandler \rt!extern \handleexecreference
+% \definespecialtest\v!extern
+% {\expanded{\localdoifreferencefoundelse{\currentreferenceoperation
+% \ifx\currentreferencearguments\empty\else{\currentreferencearguments}\fi}}}
+% \definespeciallocation\v!extern
+% {\handleexecreference}
+% \def\defineexternalreference[#1]%
+% {\setglobalsystemreference\rt!extern{#1}{#1}}
+% \protect
+% \defineexternalreference[NewOne]
+% \def\PDFexecuteNewOne{/SomeNewAction /SomeParameter (\argumentA)}
+% \starttext
+% \goto{test}[AVDP{../../nach-dateipfad.pdf}]
+% \blank
+% \goto{test}[external(AVDP{../../nach-dateipfad.pdf})]
+% \blank
+% \goto{test}[AVDP{../../nach-dateipfad.pdf}]
+% \blank
+% \goto{test}[external(AVDP{../../nach-dateipfad.pdf})]
+% \blank
+% \goto{test}[CloseDocument]
+% \blank
+% \goto{test}[action(CloseDocument)]
+% \stoptext
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/strc-reg.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/strc-reg.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..45be82525
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/strc-reg.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,1243 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=strc-reg,
+%D version=1999.12.27,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Structure Macros,
+%D subtitle=Register Management,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Structure Macros / Register Management}
+\newif \ifautoregisterhack % for the moment a private hack
+% new: eigennummer=ja => eerste {} ipv pag nummer
+%D Isolated but still indocumented.
+% Formaat tex-utility-input-file <>:
+% i e {tag} {loc} {pure} {entry+..} {p:c:p:sp:ssp=>page} {realpage}
+% i s {tag} {loc} {pure} {entry+..} {other entry}
+% In plaats van + kan een & worden gebruikt. Ook kan als
+% eerste karakter worden opgegeven wat de scheider is.
+% \index {entry}
+% \index[key] {entry}
+% \index[pageclass::] {entry}
+% \index[pageclass::key]{entry}
+% \index {textclass::entry}
+% \index[key] {textclass::entry}
+% \index[pageclass::] {textclass::entry}
+% \index[pageclass::key]{textclass::entry}
+% Deze file wordt met het Perl script TeXUtil omgezet in
+% een in te lezen file met de commando's:
+% \registerentrya {tag} {ingang}
+% \registerentryb {tag} {subingang}
+% \registerentryc {tag} {subsubingang}
+% \registerpage {tag} {pag,txt} {volgnummer} {paginanummer} {volgnummer}
+% \registersee {tag} {pag,txt} {andere ingang}
+% \registerentry {tag} {letter}
+ {\ifthirdargument
+ \def\dodosetupregister##1%
+ {\getparameters[\??id##1#2][#3]%
+ \preparepageprefix{\??id##1}}%
+ \else
+ \def\dodosetupregister##1%
+ {\getparameters[\??id##1][#2]%
+ \doifvalue{\??id##1\c!coupling}\v!yes
+ {\appendtoks\coupleregister[##1][#2]\to\everystarttext}%
+ \preparepageprefix{\??id##1}}%
+ \fi
+ \processcommalist[#1]\dodosetupregister}
+ {\dotripleempty\dosetupregister}
+ {\def\docommand##1{\def\!!stringa{##1}}%
+ \processseparatedlist[#1][+]\docommand
+ \!!stringa}
+% \enableregime[windows] \setupregister[index][keyexpansion=strict]
+% \index[tsch]{tsch} test \index{Qtsch} test \index[ratsch]{Rtsch} test
+\newif\ifwritetoregister \writetoregistertrue
+\def\doprocesspageregister[#1]#2#3% key altnum entry
+ {\ifwritetoregister
+ \begingroup
+ \thisisnextinternal\s!ind
+ \ifduplicate\getlastregisterentry{#3}\fi
+ \defconvertexpanded\asciiregisterentryA{\registerparameter\c!keyexpansion}{#1}%
+ \defconvertexpanded\asciiregisterentryB{\registerparameter\c!expansion }{#3}%
+ \doifsomething{\registerparameter\c!keyexpansion}
+ {\ifx\asciiregisterentryA\empty
+ \defconvertexpanded\asciiregisterentryA{\registerparameter\c!keyexpansion}{#3}%
+ \fi}%
+ \makesectionformat
+ \doifelse{\registerparameter\c!ownnumber}\v!yes
+ \donetrue\donefalse
+ \expanded{\writeutility{r % spaces are essential
+ \ifcase\registerpagestatus\space\or e\or f\or t\fi\space
+ {\currentregister} %
+ {\nextinternalreference} %
+ {\asciiregisterentryA} %
+ {\asciiregisterentryB} %
+ {\sectionformat\sectionseparator\sectionseparator\ifdone#2\else\noexpand\pagenumber\fi} %
+ {\noexpand\realfolio}}}%
+ \getfirstcharacter\currentregister
+ \registerinfo{> \firstcharacter}{#3}%
+ \endgroup
+ \fi}
+ {\chardef\registerpagestatus\plusone
+ \def\currentregister{#1}%
+ \doifelse{\registerparameter\c!ownnumber}\v!yes
+ {\dosingleempty\dodoregister}
+ {\dosingleempty\donoregister}}
+ {\dodoregister[#1]{}}
+% \long\def\doflushatpar#1%
+% %{\dogotopar{#1}}
+% %{\dogotopar{\dontleavehmode#1}} % this one can introduce empty lines
+% {\dogotopar{#1\ifvmode\nobreak\fi}} % while this one can mess up vertical space
+% fails when [text] \index{test} [empty line] [text] so we now have
+% Taco's test based solution:
+ {\ifvmode
+ \expandafter\dogotopar
+ \else
+ \expandafter\firstofoneargument
+ \fi}
+ {\doflushatpar{\doprocesspageregister[#1]{#2}{#3}}}
+\def\writetoregister[#1]% to be documented
+ {\doregister{#1}}
+% \def\startregister
+% {\dotripleempty\dostartregister}
+% \def\dostartregister[#1][#2][#3]#4%
+% {\chardef\registerpagestatus\plustwo
+% \def\currentregister{#1}%
+% \setgvalue{\??id#1\??id#2}{\dodostopregister[#1][#3]{#4}}%
+% \dodoregister[#3]{}{#4}}
+ {\doquadrupleempty\dostartregister}
+\def\dostartregister[#1][#2][#3][#4]#5% % 3 args: #3 is sortkey
+ {\chardef\registerpagestatus\plustwo % 4 args: #3 is type, #4 is sortkey
+ \def\currentregister{#1}%
+ \iffourthargument
+ \setgvalue{\??id#1\??id#2}{\dodostopregister[#1][#4]{#5}}%
+ \dodoregister[#4]{#3}{#5}%
+ \else
+ \setgvalue{\??id#1\??id#2}{\dodostopregister[#1][#3]{#5}}%
+ \dodoregister[#3]{}{#5}%
+ \fi}
+ {\dodoubleargument\dostopregister}
+ {\getvalue{\??id#1\??id#2}\letgvalue{\??id#1\??id#2}\relax}
+ {\chardef\registerpagestatus\plusthree
+ \def\currentregister{#1}%
+ \dodoregister[#2]{}{#3}} % key altnum entry
+ {\ifwritetoregister
+ \begingroup
+ \thisisnextinternal\s!ind
+ \ifduplicate\getlastregisterentry{#2}\fi
+ \defconvertexpanded\asciiregisterentryA{\registerparameter\c!keyexpansion}{#1}%
+ \defconvertexpanded\asciiregisterentryB{\registerparameter\c!expansion }{#2}%
+ \defconvertexpanded\asciiregisterentryC{\registerparameter\c!expansion }{#3}%
+ \doifsomething{\registerparameter\c!keyexpansion}
+ {\ifx\asciiregisterentryA\empty
+ \defconvertexpanded\asciiregisterentryA{\registerparameter\c!keyexpansion}{#2}%
+ \fi}%
+ \makesectionformat
+ \expanded{\writeutility{r s %
+ {\currentregister} %
+ {\nextinternalreference} %
+ {\asciiregisterentryA} %
+ {\asciiregisterentryB} %
+ {\asciiregisterentryC} %
+ {\sectionformat}}}%
+ \endgroup
+ \registerinfo{> see}{#2}%
+ \fi}
+ {\doflushatpar{\doprocessseeregister[#1]{#2}{#3}}}
+ {\def\currentregister{#1}%
+ \complexorsimpleempty\doseeregister} % = \dosingleempty\doseeregister
+\def\dowritetoregister[#1]% % de twee-traps-aanroep is nodig
+ {\edef\currentregister{#1}% % om gebruik van \ExpandBothAfter
+ \doprocesspageregister} % mogelijk te maken
+ {\dodoubleempty\dowritetoregister}
+ {\iffirstregisterpage
+ \doglobal\newcounter\registerpagenumber
+ \fi
+ \doglobal\increment\registerpagenumber}
+ {\nextregisterpage
+ \hbox to 1em{\hss\doregisterpagehowto{#1}{#2}\hss}}
+% todo: \installregisterpagehandler
+\def\setregisterpage#1% todo: currentregister gebruiken
+ {\let\registerpageseparator\empty
+ \processaction
+ [\getvalue{\??id#1\c!symbol}]
+ [ \c!n=>{\def\doregisterpage##1[##2]%
+ {\doregisterpagelocation{#1}{\registerpagenumber}\/}},
+ \c!a=>{\def\doregisterpage##1[##2]%
+ {\doregisterpagelocation{#1}{\character{\registerpagenumber}\/}}},
+ 1=>{\def\doregisterpage##1[##2]%
+ {\doregisterpagelocation{#1}{$\bullet$}}},
+ 2=>{\def\doregisterpage##1[##2]%
+ {\doregisterpagelocation{#1}{\vrule\!!width1em\!!height1ex\!!depth\zeropoint}}},
+ \v!none=>{\def\doregisterpage##1[##2]{}},%
+ \s!unknown=>{\def\registerpagesymbol{\getvalue{\??id#1\c!symbol}}%
+ \def\doregisterpage##1[##2]%
+ {\doregisterpagelocation{#1}{\registerpagesymbol}}},
+ \s!default=>{\def\registerpageseparator{,}%
+ \let\doregisterpage\doregisterpagedefault}]}
+ {\doregisterpagehowto{#1}{\strut\pageprefix{\??id#1}[#2]\translatednumber[#2]}}
+% test case
+% \starttext
+% \placelist[section][criterium=all] \blank[2*big]
+% \placeregister[index][compress=no] \blank[2*big]
+% \placeregister[index][compress=no,sectionnumber=yes] \blank[2*big]
+% \placeregister[index][compress=yes] \page
+% test text \index{test index}
+% \section{heading}
+% more test text \index{test index}
+% \section{heading}
+% more test text \index{test index}
+% \page
+% \section{heading text \index{test index}}
+% more test text \index{test index}
+% \page
+% test text \index{test index}
+% \section{heading text \index{test index}}
+% more test text \index{test index}
+% \stoptext
+ {\def\registerpagehowto{#1}%
+ \def\registertexthowto{#2}}%
+ {\dostartattributes{\??id#1\registertexthowto}\c!textstyle\c!textcolor\empty
+ \getvalue{\??id#1\c!textcommand}{#2}%
+ \dostopattributes}
+ {\dostartattributes{\??id#1\registerpagehowto}\c!pagestyle\c!pagecolor\empty
+ \getvalue{\??id#1\c!pagecommand}{#2}%
+ \dostopattributes}
+\def\registerentry #1{\executeifdefined{#1\s!entry }\gobbleoneargument }
+\def\registerentrya#1{\executeifdefined{#1\s!entrya}\gobbleoneargument }
+\def\registerentryb#1{\executeifdefined{#1\s!entryb}\gobbleoneargument }
+\def\registerentryc#1{\executeifdefined{#1\s!entryc}\gobbleoneargument }
+\def\registerentryd#1{\executeifdefined{#1\s!entryd}\gobbleoneargument }
+\def\registersee #1{\executeifdefined{#1\s!see }\gobblethreearguments}
+\def\registerpage #1{\executeifdefined{#1\s!page }\gobblefourarguments }
+\def\registerfrom #1{\executeifdefined{#1\s!from }\gobblefourarguments }
+\def\registerto #1{\executeifdefined{#1\s!to }\gobblefourarguments }
+ {\letvalue{#1\s!entrya}\gobbleoneargument
+ \letvalue{#1\s!entryb}\gobbleoneargument
+ \letvalue{#1\s!entryc}\gobbleoneargument
+ \letvalue{#1\s!entryd}\gobbleoneargument
+ \letvalue{#1\s!see }\gobblethreearguments
+ \letvalue{#1\s!page }\gobblefourarguments
+ \letvalue{#1\s!from }\gobblefourarguments
+ \letvalue{#1\s!to }\gobblefourarguments
+ \letvalue{#1\s!entry }\gobbleoneargument}
+\let\c!entryletter =\empty
+\let\c!entrya =\relax
+\let\c!entryb =\relax
+\let\c!entryc =\relax
+\let\c!entryd =\relax
+ {\getvalue{\??id#1\c!textcommand}%
+ {\doifelsenothing{\??id#1\c!maxwidth}
+ {#2}
+ {\limitatetext{#2}{\getvalue{\??id#1\c!maxwidth}}{\unknown}}}}
+ {\doifreglevelelse[#5]{\dodosetpageregisterpage{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}{#6}}{}}
+ {\global\utilitydonetrue
+ \c!entryletter
+ \setregisterhowto[#3]%
+ \def\dohandleregisterentry##1%
+ {\bgroup
+ \if!!donea % \strut nieuw
+ \hhboxindent\hangindent % maybe also left and right skip
+ \setbox0\hbox{\doregistertexthowto{#2}{\strut\limitedregisterentry{#2}{##1}}}%
+ \unhhbox0\with{\gotonextinternal\s!ind{#4}{#6}{\box\hhbox}}%
+ \else
+ \doregistertexthowto{#2}{##1}%
+ \fi
+ \egroup
+ \!!doneafalse}%
+ \!!doneafalse
+ \doifelsevalue{\??id#2\c!interaction}\v!text
+ {\ifcase\currententrylevel \or
+ \!!doneatrue\c!entrya\c!entryb\c!entryc\c!entryd \or
+ \c!entrya\!!doneatrue\c!entryb\c!entryc\c!entryd \or
+ \c!entrya\c!entryb\!!doneatrue\c!entryc\c!entryd \or
+ \c!entrya\c!entryb\c!entryc\!!doneatrue\c!entryd \fi}
+ {\c!entrya\c!entryb\c!entryc\c!entryd}%
+ \global\let\c!entrya\relax
+ \global\let\c!entryb\relax
+ \global\let\c!entryc\relax
+ \global\let\c!entryd\relax
+ \global\let\c!entryletter\relax
+ \global\let\c!entryreference\relax}
+% \def\dodosetpageregisterpageB#1#2#3#4#5#6%
+% {\iffirstregisterpage
+% \expandafter\hskip\getvalue{\??id#2\c!distance}\relax
+% \else\ifnum#1=3
+% \strut|--|\relax % -- !
+% \else
+% % \relax after space needed because | looks ahead
+% \strut\registerpageseparator|\space|\relax
+% \fi\fi
+% \iftrue % \iftrue ...\fi to preserve indentation, can be folded out
+% \begingroup
+% %
+% \doifelsevalue{\??id#2\c!prefix}\v!none % default v!both
+% {\chardef\pageprefixmode\zerocount}%
+% {\doifvalue{\??id#2\c!prefix}\v!first % only first in range (1.2-4)
+% {\ifnum#1=3 \chardef\pageprefixmode\zerocount \fi}}%
+% %
+% \doifelsevalue{\??id#2\c!interaction}\v!pagenumber
+% {\bgroup
+% \setbox0\hbox{\showlocation{\doregisterpage{#2}[#5]\ifnum#1=2\/\fi}}%
+% \gotonextinternal{\s!ind}{#4}{#6}{\box0}%{\copy0}%
+% \egroup}
+% {\hbox{\doregisterpage{#2}[#5]\ifnum#1=2\/\fi}}%
+% \endgroup
+% \ignorespaces
+% \relax
+% \fi
+% \global\firstregisterpagefalse}
+ {\iffirstregisterpage
+ \expandafter\hskip\getvalue{\??id#2\c!distance}\relax
+ \else\ifnum#1=3
+ \strut|--|\relax % -- !
+ \else
+ % \relax after space needed because | looks ahead
+% TH: next line replaced
+% \strut\registerpageseparator|\space|\relax
+ \strut \registerpageseparator{ }%
+% /TH
+ \fi\fi
+ \iftrue % \iftrue ...\fi to preserve indentation, can be folded out
+ \begingroup
+ %
+ \doifelsevalue{\??id#2\c!prefix}\v!none % default v!both
+ {\chardef\pageprefixmode\zerocount}%
+ {\doifvalue{\??id#2\c!prefix}\v!first %
+ {\ifnum#1=3 \chardef\pageprefixmode\zerocount \fi}}%
+ %
+ \doifelsevalue{\??id#2\c!interaction}\v!pagenumber
+ {\bgroup
+ \setbox0
+ \hbox{\showlocation{\doregisterpage{#2}[#5]\ifnum#1=2\/\fi}}%
+ \gotonextinternal{\s!ind}{#4}{#6}{\box0}%{\copy0}%
+ \egroup}
+ {\hbox{\doregisterpage{#2}[#5]\ifnum#1=2\/\fi}}%
+ \endgroup
+ \ignorespaces
+ \relax
+ \fi
+ \global\firstregisterpagefalse}
+ {\global\let\firstseenregisterreal \relax
+ \global\let\currentseenregisterreal\relax
+ \global\let\lastseenregisterreal \relax
+ \global\let\firstseenregisterpage \relax
+ \global\let\currentseenregisterpage\relax
+ \global\let\lastseenregisterpage \relax}
+ {\xdef\currentseenregisterpage{#5}%
+ \xdef\currentseenregisterreal{#6}%
+ \ifx\firstseenregisterreal\relax
+ % no range yet
+ \global\let\firstseenregisterreal\currentseenregisterreal
+ \global\let\firstseenregisterpage\currentseenregisterpage
+ \global\let\lastseenregisterreal \currentseenregisterreal
+ \global\let\lastseenregisterpage \currentseenregisterpage
+ \else\ifnum\lastseenregisterreal=\currentseenregisterreal\relax
+ % same page (catch error)
+ \else\ifnum\numexpr\lastseenregisterreal+\plusone\relax=\currentseenregisterreal\relax
+ \global\let\lastseenregisterreal \currentseenregisterreal
+ \global\let\lastseenregisterpage \currentseenregisterpage
+ \else
+ \global\let\savedcurrentseenregisterreal\currentseenregisterreal
+ \global\let\savedcurrentseenregisterpage\currentseenregisterpage
+ \flushseenregisterpage
+ \global\let\firstseenregisterreal\savedcurrentseenregisterreal
+ \global\let\firstseenregisterpage\savedcurrentseenregisterpage
+ \global\let\lastseenregisterreal \savedcurrentseenregisterreal
+ \global\let\lastseenregisterpage \savedcurrentseenregisterpage
+ \fi\fi\fi
+ \gdef\flushseenregisterpage{\doflushseenregisterpage{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}}}
+% \def\dodosetpageregisterpageC#1#2#3#4#5#6%
+% {\xdef\currentseenregisterpage{#5}%
+% \xdef\currentseenregisterreal{#6}%
+% \firstregisterpagefalse
+% \gdef\flushseenregisterpage{\doflushseenregisterpage{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}}%
+% \ifx\firstseenregisterreal\relax
+% % no range yet
+% \global\let\firstseenregisterreal\currentseenregisterreal
+% \global\let\firstseenregisterpage\currentseenregisterpage
+% \global\let\lastseenregisterreal \currentseenregisterreal
+% \global\let\lastseenregisterpage \currentseenregisterpage
+% \else\ifnum\firstseenregisterreal=\currentseenregisterreal\relax
+% \global\let\firstseenregisterreal\currentseenregisterreal
+% \global\let\firstseenregisterpage\currentseenregisterpage
+% \global\let\lastseenregisterreal \currentseenregisterreal
+% \global\let\lastseenregisterpage \currentseenregisterpage
+% \else\ifnum\lastseenregisterreal=\currentseenregisterreal\relax
+% \global\let\lastseenregisterpage \currentseenregisterpage
+% \else\ifnum\numexpr\lastseenregisterreal+\plusone\relax=\currentseenregisterreal\relax
+% \global\let\lastseenregisterreal \currentseenregisterreal
+% \global\let\lastseenregisterpage \currentseenregisterpage
+% \else
+% % back up, flush, go on
+% \global\let\savedcurrentseenregisterreal\currentseenregisterreal
+% \global\let\savedcurrentseenregisterpage\currentseenregisterpage
+% \let\currentseenregisterpage\lastseenregisterpage
+% \let\currentseenregisterreal\lastseenregisterreal
+% \flushseenregisterpage
+% \global\let\firstseenregisterreal\savedcurrentseenregisterreal
+% \global\let\firstseenregisterpage\savedcurrentseenregisterpage
+% \global\let\lastseenregisterreal \savedcurrentseenregisterreal
+% \global\let\lastseenregisterpage \savedcurrentseenregisterpage
+% \fi\fi\fi\fi}
+ {\global\let\flushseenregisterpage\relax
+ \ifx\firstseenregisterreal\relax
+ % nothing in the hold
+ \else\ifx\firstseenregisterreal\lastseenregisterreal
+ \expanded{\dodosetpageregisterpageB{1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{\lastseenregisterpage}{\lastseenregisterreal}}%
+ \else
+ \expanded{\dodosetpageregisterpageB{2}{#2}{#3}{#4}{\firstseenregisterpage}{\firstseenregisterreal}}%
+ \expanded{\dodosetpageregisterpageB{3}{#2}{#3}{#4}{\lastseenregisterpage }{\lastseenregisterreal }}%
+ \fi\fi
+ \resetseenregisterpage}
+ {\ifcase\collapseregisterpages
+ \expandafter\dodosetpageregisterpagenormal
+ \else
+ \expandafter\dodosetpageregisterpagecollapsed
+ \fi}
+ {\dodosetpageregisterpageA{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}{#6}%
+ \dodosetpageregisterpageB{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}{#6}}
+% \def\dodosetpageregisterpagecollapsed#1#2#3#4#5#6%
+% {\dodosetpageregisterpageA{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}{#6}%
+% \dodosetpageregisterpageC{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}{#6}}
+ {\ifx\firstseenregisterreal\relax\flushseenregisterpage\fi
+ \dodosetpageregisterpageA{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}{#6}%
+ \dodosetpageregisterpageC{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}{#6}}
+% test case for collapsing (experimental, for Steffen Wolfrum)
+% \starttext
+% \chardef\collapseregisterpages\zerocount \placeregister[index] \blank[2*big]
+% \chardef\collapseregisterpages\plusone \placeregister[index] \page
+% \dorecurse{10}{test 1:!\index{test} test \page}
+% \dorecurse{5} {test 2:\recurselevel \page}
+% \dorecurse{10}{test 3:!\index{test} test \page}
+% \dorecurse{5} {test 4:\recurselevel \page}
+% \dorecurse{1} {test 5:!\index{test} test \page}
+% \dorecurse{5} {test 6:\recurselevel \page}
+% \dorecurse{10}{test 7:!\index{test} test \page}
+% \dorecurse{5} {test 8:\recurselevel \page}
+% oeps \index{oeps}
+% xxxx \index{xxxx}
+% todo \index{todo}
+% \stoptext
+\def\dosetpageregistersee#1#2#3#4% ugly separator hack
+ {\flushseenregisterpage
+ \expanded{\doifreglevelelse[#4\sectionseparator\sectionseparator0]}%
+ {{\global\utilitydonetrue
+ \setregisterhowto[#2]%
+ \def\dohandleregisterentry##1% dubbelop | \strut nieuw
+ {\doregistertexthowto{#1}{\strut\limitedregisterentry{#1}{##1}}}%
+ \getvalue
+ {#1\ifcase\currententrylevel\s!entrya\or\s!entryb\or\s!entryc\else\s!entryd\fi}%
+ {\doregisterpagehowto{#1}{\labeltexts\v!see{#3}}}%
+ \c!entryletter\c!entrya\c!entryb\c!entryc\c!entryd
+ \global\let\c!entrya\relax
+ \global\let\c!entryb\relax
+ \global\let\c!entryc\relax
+ \global\let\c!entryd\relax
+ \global\let\c!entryletter\relax
+ \global\let\c!entryreference\relax
+ % \global\firstregisterentrytrue
+ \global\firstregisterpagetrue}}
+ {}}
+%D Extended with variant:
+ {\global\firstregisterentrytrue
+ \doifsomething{#2}
+ {\doifelsevalue{\??id#1\c!indicator}\v!yes
+ {\executeifdefined
+ {\strippedcsname\doregistercharacter\getvalue{\??id#1\c!alternative}}%
+ \doregistercharactera
+ [#1]{#2}}
+ {\noregistercharacter[#1]{#2}}}}
+ {\getvalue{\??id#1\c!before}%
+ \goodbreak}
+% a = <before> <goodbreak> <character> <par> <after> <nobreak>
+ {\getvalue{\??id#1\c!before}%
+ \vskip\lineheight\goodbreak\vskip-\lineheight
+ \ifhmode\unskip\else\noindent\fi % brrr
+ \getvalue{\??id#1\c!command}{\doattributes{\??id#1}\c!style\c!color{\strut\ignorespaces#2}}%
+ \getvalue{\??id#1\c!after}%
+ \par\nobreak}
+% b = <goodbreak> <before> <character> <after> <nobreak>
+\def\doregistercharacterb[#1]#2% here no lineheight hackery ! ! !
+ {\getvalue{\??id#1\c!before}%
+ \ifhmode\unskip\else\noindent\fi % brrr
+ \getvalue{\??id#1\c!command}%
+ {\doattributes{\??id#1}\c!style\c!color{\strut\ignorespaces#2}}%
+ \getvalue{\??id#1\c!after}%
+ \nobreak}
+%D Don't use \type{\string#2}; another hack is needed, since
+%D \type {#2} can be \type {\string} itself.
+% \def\doregisterreference[#1]#2%
+% {\doifvalue{\??id#1\c!referencing}\v!on
+% {\pagereference[#1:#2]}}
+ {\doifsomething{#2}
+ {\doifvalue{\??id#1\c!referencing}\v!on
+ {\pagereference[#1:\strippedcsname#2]}}}
+ {\flushseenregisterpage
+ \gdef\c!entryreference
+ {\global\let\c!entryreference\relax
+ \doregisterreference[#1]{#2}}%
+ \gdef\c!entryletter
+ {\global\utilitydonetrue
+ \global\let\c!entryletter\relax
+ \doregistercharacter[#1]{#2}}}
+% \def\HowUgly #1{\doHowUgly#1\relax}
+% \def\doHowUgly#1#2\relax{\iffirstregisterentry{\bf#1}\else#1\fi#2} % unchecked
+% \setupregister[index][indicator=no,deeptextcommand=\HowUgly]
+% \starttext
+% \chapter{First Chapter}
+% Some text...\index{word}
+% \section {First Section}
+% Some text...\index{word}
+% Some text...\index{another entry}
+% Some text...\index{ansi}
+% Some text...\index{another entry}
+% \page[yes]
+% \completeindex
+% \stoptext
+ {\dohandleregisterentry{\executeifdefined{\??id#1\c!deeptextcommand}\firstofoneargument{#2}}}
+ {\flushseenregisterpage
+ \edef\currententrylevel{1}%
+ \global\let\c!entryb\relax
+ \global\let\c!entryc\relax
+ \global\let\c!entryd\relax
+ \gdef\c!entrya
+ {\iffirstregisterentry\else\endgraf\fi % new
+ \global\firstregisterpagetrue
+ \hangindent1em\noindent\c!entryreference
+ \dohandlepageregisterentry{#1}{#2}%
+ \global\firstregisterentryfalse
+ \global\firstsubentrytrue
+ \global\firstsubsubentrytrue}}
+ {\flushseenregisterpage % redundant
+ \edef\currententrylevel{2}%
+ \global\let\c!entryd\relax
+ \global\let\c!entryc\relax
+ \global\def\c!entryb
+ {\iffirstregisterentry\else\endgraf\fi % new
+ \global\firstregisterpagetrue
+ \global\let\c!entrya\relax
+ \iffirstsubentry\nobreak\fi
+ \hangindent2em\noindent\c!entryreference\hskip1em\relax
+ \dohandlepageregisterentry{#1}{#2}%
+ \global\firstregisterentryfalse
+ \global\firstsubentryfalse
+ \global\firstsubsubentrytrue}}
+ {\flushseenregisterpage % redundant
+ \edef\currententrylevel{3}%
+ \gdef\c!entryc
+ {\iffirstregisterentry\else\endgraf\fi % new
+ \global\firstregisterpagetrue
+ \global\let\c!entrya\relax
+ \global\let\c!entryb\relax
+ \iffirstsubsubentry\nobreak\fi
+ \hangindent3em\noindent\c!entryreference\hskip2em\relax
+ \dohandlepageregisterentry{#1}{#2}%
+ \global\firstregisterentryfalse
+ \global\firstsubsubentryfalse}}
+ {\flushseenregisterpage % redundant
+ \edef\currententrylevel{4}%
+ \gdef\c!entryd
+ {\iffirstregisterentry\else\endgraf\fi % new
+ \global\firstregisterpagetrue
+ \global\let\c!entrya\relax
+ \global\let\c!entryb\relax
+ \global\let\c!entryc\relax
+ \iffirstsubsubentry\nobreak\fi
+ \hangindent4em\noindent\c!entryreference\hskip3em\relax
+ \dohandlepageregisterentry{#1}{#2}%
+ \global\firstregisterentryfalse
+ \global\firstsubsubentryfalse}}
+\def\dosetpageregister#1% \currentregister gebruiken
+ {\dosetreglevel{#1}%
+ \global\let\currentregisterentry\empty
+ \global\firstsubentrytrue
+ \global\firstsubsubentrytrue
+ \setregisterpage{#1}%
+ \setvalue{#1\s!entrya}{\dosetpageregisterentrya {#1}}%
+ \setvalue{#1\s!entryb}{\dosetpageregisterentryb {#1}}%
+ \setvalue{#1\s!entryc}{\dosetpageregisterentryc {#1}}%
+ \setvalue{#1\s!entryd}{\dosetpageregisterentryd {#1}}%
+ \setvalue{#1\s!page }{\dosetpageregisterpage{1}{#1}}%
+ \setvalue{#1\s!from }{\dosetpageregisterpage{2}{#1}}%
+ \setvalue{#1\s!to }{\dosetpageregisterpage{3}{#1}}%
+ \setvalue{#1\s!see }{\dosetpageregistersee {#1}}%
+ \setvalue{#1\s!entry }{\dosetpageregisterletter {#1}}}
+ {\dosetfilterlevel{\getvalue{\??id#1\c!criterium}}\empty}
+ {\gdefconvertexpanded\currentregisterentry{\getvalue{\??id#1\c!expansion}}{#2}%
+ \doifdefinedelse{\??id#1\??id\currentregisterentry}
+ {\edef\alllistreferences%
+ {\getvalue{\??id#1\??id\currentregisterentry}}%
+ \beforesplitstring\alllistreferences\at::\to\internallistreference
+ \aftersplitstring \alllistreferences\at::\to\alllistreferences}
+ {\let\alllistreferences\empty
+ \def\internallistreference{0}}}
+\def\dosetlinkregister#1% is die page reference echt nodig?
+ {\dosetreglevel{#1}%
+ \setregisterpage{#1}%
+ \global\let\currentregisterentry\empty
+ \global\firstsubentrytrue % not needed
+ \global\firstsubsubentrytrue % not needed too
+ \setvalue{#1\s!entrya}##1{\dosetlinkregisterentrya{#1}{##1}}%
+ \setvalue{#1\s!entry }##1{\dosetpageregisterletter{#1}{##1}}}
+ {\global\utilitydonetrue
+ \c!entryletter
+ \iflocation
+ \getalllistreferences{#1}{#2}%
+ % no \endgraf
+ \hangindent1em\noindent\c!entryreference
+ %
+ %\thisissomeinternal{\s!lin}{\internallistreference}%
+ %
+ \pagereference[-:\s!lin:\internallistreference]% -: added
+ %
+ \getcommacommandsize[\alllistreferences]%
+ \getfromcommacommand[\alllistreferences][1]%
+ \ifnum\commalistsize=1
+ \let\firstlistreference\empty
+ \let\midlistreference\commalistelement
+ \let\lastlistreference\empty
+ \else
+ \let\firstlistreference\commalistelement
+ \getfromcommacommand[\alllistreferences][\commalistsize]%
+ \let\lastlistreference\commalistelement
+ \ifnum\commalistsize=2
+ \let\midlistreference\empty
+ \else
+ \!!counta\commalistsize
+ \divide\!!counta 2
+ \getfromcommacommand[\alllistreferences][\!!counta]%
+ \let\midlistreference\commalistelement
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ % aangepast
+ \def\dodocommand[##1-##2]%
+ {\gotonextinternal{\s!ind}{##1}{##2}{\box0}}%
+ \doifelsevalue{\??id#1\c!interaction}\v!pagenumber
+ {\limitedregisterentry{#1}{#2}} % paginanummer
+ {{\setbox0\hbox{\limitedregisterentry{#1}{\begstrut#2}}%
+ \ifx\firstlistreference\empty % tekst,alles
+ \ifx\midlistreference\empty
+ \box0
+ \else
+ \expandafter\dodocommand\expandafter[\midlistreference]%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \expandafter\dodocommand\expandafter[\firstlistreference]%
+ \fi}}%
+ \doifvalue{\??id#1\c!number}\v!yes
+ {\hskip\getvalue{\??id#1\c!distance}(\commalistsize)}%
+ \doifnotvalue{\??id#1\c!interaction}\v!text % paginanummer,alles
+ {\def\docommand##1##2%
+ {{\setbox0\hbox{\showlocation{\hbox to 1em{\hss\symbol[##2]\hss}}}%
+ \ifx##1\empty
+ % \hskip\wd0 % (optioneel maken)
+ \else
+ \expandafter\dodocommand\expandafter[##1]%
+ \fi}}%
+ \hskip\getvalue{\??id#1\c!distance}%
+ \docommand\firstlistreference\v!previous
+ \docommand\midlistreference\v!somewhere
+ \docommand\lastlistreference\v!next}%
+ % tot hier
+ \else
+ % no \endgraf
+ \noindent\c!entryreference
+ \limitedregisterentry{#1}{#2}%
+ \fi
+ {\doifelsevalue{\??id#1\c!coupling}\v!yes
+ {\ifautoregisterhack
+ \dosetautoregister{#1}%
+ \else
+ \dosetlinkregister{#1}%
+ \fi}
+ {\dosetpageregister{#1}}}
+ {\dosetreglevel{#1}%
+ \setregisterpage{#1}%
+ \global\let\currentregisterentry\empty
+ \global\firstregisterpagetrue
+ \setvalue{#1\s!entrya}##1%
+ {\global\firstregisterpagetrue
+ \gdefconvertedargument\currentregisterentry{##1}% global nodig?
+ \doglobal\increment\internallistreference}%
+ \setvalue{#1\s!from}%
+ {\getvalue{#1\s!page}}%
+ \ifautoregisterhack
+ \setvalue{#1\s!page}##1##2##3##4%
+ {\doifreglevelelse[##3]
+ {\global\utilitydonetrue
+ \iffirstregisterpage
+ \@EA\xdef\csname\??id#1\??id\currentregisterentry\endcsname
+ {\internallistreference::##4}%
+ \else % catches errors in index
+ \ifcsname\??id#1\??id\currentregisterentry\endcsname
+ \@EA\xdef\csname\??id#1\??id\currentregisterentry\endcsname
+ {\csname\??id#1\??id\currentregisterentry\endcsname,##4}%
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+ {}}%
+ \else
+ \setvalue{#1\s!page}##1##2##3##4%
+ {\doifreglevelelse[##3]
+ {\global\utilitydonetrue
+ \iffirstregisterpage
+ \global\firstregisterpagefalse
+ \@EA\xdef\csname\??id#1\??id\currentregisterentry\endcsname
+ {\internallistreference::##2-##4}%
+ \else % catches errors in index
+ \ifcsname\??id#1\??id\currentregisterentry\endcsname
+ \@EA\xdef\csname\??id#1\??id\currentregisterentry\endcsname
+ {\csname\??id#1\??id\currentregisterentry\endcsname,##2-##4}%
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+ {}}%
+ \fi}
+ {\iflocation
+ \ifcase0\countervalue{autolink:#1}\relax % only once
+ \begingroup
+ \let\dosetregister\doloadregisterlinks
+ \def\currentregister{#1}%
+ \setupregister[#1][#2]%
+ \doutilities\currentregister{\registerparameter\c!file}\currentregister\dobeforeplaceregister\doafterplaceregister
+ \endgroup
+ \ifautoregisterhack
+ \doinitializeautoregister{#1}%
+ \else
+ \doinitializelinkregister{#1}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+ {\dodoubleempty\docoupleregister}
+ {\def\lastlistreference{#1-#2}}
+ {\def\lastlistreference{#1-#2}%
+ \ifx\firstlistreference\empty
+ \let\firstlistreference\lastlistreference
+ \fi
+ \ifnum#1<\nextinternalreference\relax
+ \let\prevlistreference\lastlistreference
+ \else\ifnum#1>\nextinternalreference\relax
+ \let\nextlistreference\lastlistreference
+ \let\dodocommandprolinrefA\dodocommandprolinrefAA
+ \else
+ \let\selflistreference\lastlistreference
+ \fi\fi}
+ {\dodocommandprolinrefA[#1]}
+ {\gotonextinternal{\s!ind}{#1}{#2}{\box0}}
+ {\bgroup
+ \ifx#2\empty
+ \doifvalue{\??id#1\c!unknownreference}\v!empty{\hskip1em}%
+ \else
+ \setbox0\hbox to 1em{\hss\showlocation{\symbol[#3]}\hss}%
+ \expandafter\dodocommandprolinrefB\expandafter[#2]%
+ \fi
+ \egroup}
+ {\hbox
+ {\doprocesspageregister[#2]{}{#3}%
+ \let\firstlistreference\empty
+ \let\lastlistreference\empty
+ \let\selflistreference\empty
+ \let\prevlistreference\empty
+ \let\nextlistreference\empty
+ \getalllistreferences{#1}{#3}%
+ \ifx\alllistreferences\empty \else
+ \expanded{\rawprocesscommalist[\alllistreferences]}\docommandprolinrefA
+ \fi
+ \ifx\prevlistreference\empty
+ \let\prevlistreference\lastlistreference
+ \fi
+ \ifx\nextlistreference\empty
+ \let\nextlistreference\firstlistreference
+ \fi
+ \ifx\prevlistreference\selflistreference
+ \let\prevlistreference\empty
+ \let\nextlistreference\empty
+ \fi
+ \setalignmentswitch{\getvalue{\??id#1\c!location}}%
+ \ifcase\alignmentswitch
+ % links
+ \docommandprolinrefB{#1}\prevlistreference\v!previous
+ \docommandprolinrefB{#1}\nextlistreference\v!next
+ \or
+ % midden
+ \docommandprolinrefB{#1}\prevlistreference\v!previous
+ \or
+ % rechts
+ \fi
+ \doifreferencefoundelse{\s!lin:\internallistreference}
+ {\gotosomeinternal
+ \s!lin \internallistreference \currentrealreference
+ {\showlocation{\limitedregisterentry{#1}{#3}}}}
+ {\hbox{\limitedregisterentry{#1}{#3}}}%
+ \ifcase\alignmentswitch
+ % links
+ \or
+ % midden
+ \docommandprolinrefB{#1}\nextlistreference\v!next
+ \or
+ % rechts
+ \docommandprolinrefB{#1}\prevlistreference\v!previous
+ \docommandprolinrefB{#1}\nextlistreference\v!next
+ \fi}}
+\def\doprocesslinkedregister[#1][#2]#3% page auto link
+ {\bgroup
+ \chardef\registerpagestatus\plusone
+ \def\currentregister{#1}%
+ \iflocation % \next is not needed
+ \ifautoregisterhack
+ \def\next{\doprocessautoregister[#1][#2]}%
+ \else
+ \def\next{\doprocesslinkregister[#1][#2]}%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \def\next{\doprocesspageregister[#2]{}}%
+ \fi
+ \next{#3}%
+ \egroup}
+\def\dodolinkedregister[#1][#2]#3% page auto link
+ {\doflushatpar{\doprocesslinkedregister[#1][#2]{#3}}}
+ {\dodoubleempty\dodolinkedregister[#1]}
+ {\makecounter{autolink:#1}%
+ \dosetreglevel{#1}%
+ \setregisterpage{#1}%
+ \global\let\currentregisterentry\empty
+ \global\firstsubentrytrue % not needed
+ \global\firstsubsubentrytrue % not needed too
+ \setvalue{#1\s!entrya}##1{\dosetautoregisterentrya{#1}{##1}}%
+ \setvalue{#1\s!entry }##1{\dosetpageregisterletter{#1}{##1}}}
+ {\global\utilitydonetrue
+ \c!entryletter
+ \iflocation
+ \getalllistreferences{#1}{#2}%
+ \endgraf\hangindent1em\noindent\c!entryreference
+ \pagereference[-:\s!lin:\internallistreference]%
+ \pluscounter{autolink:#1}%
+ \bgroup
+ %\setupinteraction[\c!color=,\c!contrastcolor=,\c!style=]% kan sneller
+ \resetinteractionparameter\c!color
+ \resetinteractionparameter\c!contrastcolor
+ \resetinteractionparameter\c!style
+ \gotobox
+ {\limitedregisterentry{#1}{\begstrut#2}}%
+ [JS(SetRegisterEntry{\v!register,\countervalue{autolink:#1},#2,{\alllistreferences}})]%
+ \egroup
+ \else
+ \endgraf\noindent\c!entryreference
+ \limitedregisterentry{#1}{#2}%
+ \fi}
+ {\hbox
+ {\doprocesspageregister[#2]{}{#3}%
+ \doifreferencefoundelse{\s!lin:\internallistreference}
+ {\gotosomeinternal \s!lin
+ {\internallistreference}{\currentrealreference}
+ {\showlocation{\limitedregisterentry{#1}{#3}}}}
+ {\hbox{\limitedregisterentry{#1}{#3}}}}}
+% \appendmacro aan openpaginaactie (in shipout)
+%D The first implementation used one main field with clones.
+%D In a 2500 page document this resulted in a rather (anoying)
+%D long start||up time. This \quote {every page its own field}
+%D solution, combined with a \quote {page open action}, works
+%D much faster, but is conceptually pretty weak.
+ {\definefield[#1:\realfolio][line][\v!register]%
+ \field[#1:\realfolio]}
+ {\complexregisterfield[\v!register]}
+ [\v!register]
+ [\c!width=10em,
+ \c!height=3ex,
+ \c!align=\v!middle,
+ \c!option=\v!readonly,
+ \c!location=\v!low]
+ {\useJSscripts[reg]%
+ \useJSpreamblenow{LinkedRegisters}%
+ \setupinteraction[\c!openpageaction=JS(UpdateRegisterField{\v!register})]%
+ \definereference[\v!reset\v!register][JS(ResetRegisterEntry{\v!register})]%
+ \definereference[\v!first\v!register][JS(GotoFirstRegisterEntry{\v!register})]%
+ \definereference[\v!previous\v!register][JS(GotoPreviousRegisterEntry{\v!register})]%
+ \definereference[\v!next\v!register][JS(GotoNextRegisterEntry{\v!register})]%
+ \definereference[\v!last\v!register][JS(GotoLastRegisterEntry{\v!register})]}
+ {}
+% todo ruwe register
+ {\dodoubleempty\doplaceregister}
+ {\iffirstargument
+ \begingroup
+ \edef\currentregister{#1}%
+ \setupregister[\currentregister][#2]%
+ \doifelse{\registerparameter\c!compress}\v!yes % new
+ {\chardef\collapseregisterpages\plusone}
+ {\chardef\collapseregisterpages\zerocount}%
+% TH: disable next line
+% \raggedright
+% /TH
+ \startcolumns
+ [\c!n=\registerparameter\c!n,
+ \c!balance=\registerparameter\c!balance,
+ \c!align=\registerparameter\c!align,
+ tolerance=stretch]%
+ \dontcomplain
+ \startpacked[\v!blank]%
+ \doutilities\currentregister{\registerparameter\c!file}\currentregister\dobeforeplaceregister\doafterplaceregister
+ \stoppacked
+ \stopcolumns
+ \endgroup
+ \fi}
+ {\resetseenregisterpage
+ \relax}
+ {\flushseenregisterpage
+ \par}
+ {\dodoubleempty\docompleteregister}
+ {\iffirstargument
+ \begingroup
+ \edef\currentregister{#1}%
+ % the expansion is needed because we don't want \v!'s in the tuo file (french)
+ \expanded{\systemsuppliedchapter[\currentregister]{\noexpand\headtext{\currentregister}}}%
+ \placeregister[\currentregister][#2]%
+ \page[\v!yes]%
+ \endgroup
+ \fi}
+ {\savesortlanguage{\getvalue{\??id#1\s!language}}%
+ \expanded{\immediatewriteutility{r l {#1} {\getvalue{\??id#1\s!language}}}}}
+ {\setupregister[#1]%
+ [\c!n=2,
+ \c!balance=\v!yes, % \v!no komt niet zo vaak voor
+ \c!align=\v!flushleft,
+ \c!before=\blank, % binnen kolommen: \blank[\v!line]
+ \c!after=,
+ \c!symbol=,
+ \c!compress=\v!no,
+ \c!interaction=\v!pagenumber,
+ \c!alternative=\v!a,
+ \c!distance=1em,
+ \c!style=\v!bold,
+ \c!pagestyle=\v!slanted,
+ \c!indicator=\v!yes,
+ \v!part\v!number=\v!yes, % v
+ \v!chapter\c!number=\v!no,
+ \c!criterium=\v!all,
+ \c!command=,
+ \c!referencing=\v!on,
+ \c!location=\v!middle,
+ \c!maxwidth=,
+ \c!number=\v!no,
+ \c!unknownreference=\v!empty,
+ \c!prefix=\v!both,
+ \c!expansion=,
+ \c!keyexpansion=,
+ \c!file=\jobname,
+ %\c!deeptextcommand=, % undefined by default !
+ \s!language=\currentmainlanguage]%
+ \doglobal\appendtoksonce
+ \doregisterregisterlanguage{#1}%
+ \to \everysavesortkeys
+ \presetheadtext[#1=\Word{#1}]%
+ \addutilityreset{#1}%
+ \setvalue{#1}{\doregister{#1}}%
+ \setvalue{\e!coupled#1}{\dolinkedregister{#1}}%
+ \setvalue{\s!set#1}{\dosetregister{#1}}%
+ \setvalue{\s!reset#1}{\doresetregister{#1}}%
+ \setvalue{\e!see#1}{\doseeregister{#1}}%
+ \setvalue{\e!place#1}{\placeregister[#1]}%
+ \setvalue{\e!complete#1}{\completeregister[#1]}%
+ \setvalue{\e!setup#1\e!endsetup}[##1]{\getparameters[\??id#1][##1]}}
+ {\dodoubleargument\dodefineregister}
+ {\begingroup
+ \def\currentregister{#1}%
+ \setupregister[#1][#2]%
+ \dosetreglevel{#1}%
+ \setvalue{#1\s!from}%
+ {\getvalue{#1\s!page}}%
+ \setvalue{#1\s!page}##1##2##3##4%
+ {\doifreglevelelse[##3]
+ {\doglobal\increment\utilitylistlength
+ \global\utilitydonetrue}
+ {}}%
+ \doglobal\newcounter\utilityregisterlength
+ \setbox0\vbox{\doutilities\currentregister{\registerparameter\c!file}\currentregister\dobeforeplaceregister\doafterplaceregister}%
+ \endgroup
+ \ifregistergeplaatst
+ \setsystemmode \v!register
+ \else
+ \resetsystemmode\v!register
+ \fi}
+ {\dodoubleempty\dodetermineregistercharacteristics}
+%D Default index:
+ [\v!index]
+ [\v!indices]
+% \setupregister[index][koppeling=ja]
+% \stelveldenin
+% [register][achtergrond=raster,kader=uit]
+% \stelvoettekstenin
+% [{\field[index]}]
+% \stelhoofdtekstenin
+% [{\naar {first}[eersteindex]\quad
+% \naar{previous}[vorigeindex]\quad
+% \naar {next}[volgendeindex]\quad
+% \naar {last}[laatsteindex]\quad\quad
+% \naar {index}[index]}]
+% \starttekst
+% oeps~~~\gekoppeldeindex{oeps} \blanko
+% flop~~~\gekoppeldeindex{flop} \blanko
+% test~~~\gekoppeldeindex{test} \pagina
+% flop~~~\gekoppeldeindex{flop} \blanko
+% test~~~\gekoppeldeindex{test} \pagina
+% oeps~~~\gekoppeldeindex{oeps} \blanko
+% test~~~\gekoppeldeindex{test} \pagina
+% flop~~~\gekoppeldeindex{flop} \blanko
+% oeps~~~\gekoppeldeindex{oeps} \pagina
+% \volledigeindex
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/strc-sec.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/strc-sec.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..01ca71ead
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/strc-sec.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,2591 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=strc-sec,
+%D version=1997.03.31,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Structure Macros,
+%D subtitle=Sectioning,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+% start-stop per section en dan combineren met sectieblok; in dat geval
+% eenvoudiger per-* acties
+% nummeren per sectieblok implementeren
+% this module needs a clean up, currently some manipulations
+% take place multiple times; also, some clever recursive level
+% thing makes more sense
+% in manual (zie prikkels) : tussen=\blanko is enige hook om
+% met kop-in-hoofd een spatiering af te dwingen
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Structure Macros / Sectioning}
+% new and to be tested
+ {\ifx\sepnumber\undefined\def\sepnumber{0}\fi
+ \increment\sepnumber
+ \getfromcommacommand[#1][\sepnumber]%
+ \ifx\commalistelement\empty
+ \getcommalistsize[#1]%
+ \def\sepnumber{\number\commalistsize}%
+ \getfromcommacommand[#1][\sepnumber]%
+ \fi
+ \commalistelement}
+% \setuphead[section] [separator=\separatorlist{?,!,*}]
+% \setuphead[subsection][separator=\separatorlist{??,!!,**}]
+% \let\spr\separatorlist % this will enable this feature
+% \setuphead[section] [separator={?,!,*}]
+% \setuphead[subsection][separator={??,!!,**}]
+% \setupheads[separator={A,B,C,D,E,F}]
+% \chapter{test}
+% \section{test} \subsection{test} \subsection{test}
+% \section{test} \subsection{test} \subsection{test}
+% from now on, internaly numbers are separated by a period
+% and postprocessed on demand; this will change to {} {} {}
+\def\numberseparator {.} % reasonable default
+\def\sectionseparator{-} % was : but is now -
+\def\@@filterfirstpart [#1--#2]{#1}
+\def\@@filtersecondpart [#1--#2]{#2}
+\def\@@filterblockpart [#1--#2--#3]{#1}
+\def\@@filternumberpart [#1--#2--#3]{#2}
+\def\@@filterpagepart [#1--#2--#3]{#3}
+\def\separatednumber #1{\doseparatednumber #1.\empty\relax}
+ {#1%
+ \ifx#2\empty
+ \@EA\gobbleuntilrelax
+ \else \numberseparator
+ \@EA\doseparatednumber
+ \fi#2}
+ {\ifx#2\empty
+ #1\@EA\gobbleuntilrelax
+ \else
+ \@EA\doremoveallprefixes
+ \fi#2}
+ {\ifx#2\empty
+ #1\@EA\gobbleuntilrelax
+ \else
+ \@EA\noremovefirstprefix
+ \fi#2}
+ {#1}
+% we need to expand in order to get something separatable
+ {\expanded{\separatednumber{#1}}}
+\def\dodochecknumber#1#2#3% will become ugly after speed up
+ {\bgroup
+ \doifinstringelse{.0}{.#2}
+ {\doifnot{#3}\v!by
+ {%\debuggerinfo\m!systems{number #1 #3 becomes \getnumbervariable{#1\c!way}}%
+ \setevalue{\@@thenumber{#1}\c!way}{#3}% geen \xdef, gaat mis met \subpage
+ \dochecknumber{#1}}} % tricky and ugly
+ {\doifnotvalue{\@@thenumber{#1}\s!check}{#2}
+ {% new, calculate accumulated number
+ \scratchcounter\getvalue{\@@thenumber{#1}\c!n}\relax
+ \advance\scratchcounter\countervalue{\@@thenumber{#1}}\relax
+ \setxvalue{\@@thenumber{#1}\c!n}{\the\scratchcounter}%
+ %
+ \setcounter{\@@thenumber{#1}}{0\getvalue{\@@thenumber{#1}\c!start}}%
+ \setxvalue{\@@thenumber{#1}\c!way\c!local}{\getvalue{\@@thenumber{#1}\c!way}}%
+ \setxvalue{\@@thenumber{#1}\s!check}{#2}}}%
+ \egroup}
+ {\edef\currentsection{\csname\??by\csname\@@thenumber{#1}\c!way\endcsname\endcsname}%
+ \ifx\currentsection\empty\else
+ \dodochecknumber
+ {#1}%
+ {\csname\currentsection\c!number\endcsname}%
+ {\v!by\previoussection\currentsection}%
+ \fi}
+ {\bgroup
+ %\ifcase\blocklevel\else
+ \ifdoingblocks
+ \doifnotvalue{\@@thenumber{#1}\c!blockway}\v!no\setblockcounters
+ \fi
+ \dochecknumber{#1}%
+ \egroup}
+ {\countervalue{\??se#1}}
+\def\precedingseparator{\@@koseparator} % brrr
+\def\domakeprecedingsectionnumber[#1]% will become ugly after speed up
+ {\bgroup % added
+ \globallet\precedingsectionnumber\empty
+ \ifsectionnumber
+ \doifvalue{\??sb\@@sectionblock\c!number}\v!yes % added
+ {\doifelsevalue{\@@thenumber{#1}\c!sectionnumber}\v!yes
+ \donetrue\donefalse
+ \doifvalue{\@@thenumber{#1}\c!sectionnumber}\v!number
+ {\donetrue\let\@@sectionconversion\gobbleoneargument}%
+ \ifdone
+ \edef\currentsection
+ {\getvalue{\??by\getvalue{\@@thenumber{#1}\c!way\c!local}}}%
+ \doifnot\currentsection\zerosection
+ {\doifnot{\@@sectionvalue\currentsection}{0}
+ {\xdef\precedingsectionnumber
+ {\getvalue{\currentsection\c!number}%
+ \spr{\precedingseparator}}}}%
+ \fi}%
+ \fi
+ \egroup}
+ {\bgroup
+ %\ifnum\blocklevel>0
+ %\ifcase\blocklevel\else
+ \ifdoingblocks
+ \doifnotvalue{\@@thenumber{#1}\c!blockway}\v!no\setblockcounters
+ \fi
+ \domakeprecedingsectionnumber[#1]%
+ \egroup}
+% \def\makesectionnumber[#1]%
+% {\makeprecedingsectionnumber[#1]%
+% \xdef\composedsectionnumber%
+% {\precedingsectionnumber\convertednumber[#1]}}%
+% hack needed for chinese and oldstyle in normal tex, will change
+ {\bgroup
+ \forceunexpanded % i don't like this hack
+ \makeprecedingsectionnumber[#1]%
+ \xdef\composedsectionnumber% was \xdef maar dat gaat fout met font switches
+ {\precedingsectionnumber\convertednumber[#1]}%
+ \egroup}
+% \def\preparethenumber#1#2#3% {\??id#1} \number \result
+% {\doifelsevaluenothing{#1\c!separator}
+% {\let\numberseparator\empty
+% \let#3#2}
+% {% was \unexpanded \edef, but we need it unexpanded !
+% \edef\numberseparator{\spr{\getvalue{#1\c!separator}}}%
+% \doifelsenothing{\executeifdefined{#1\c!suffix}\empty}
+% {\edef#3%
+% {\@EA\separatednumber\@EA{#2}%
+% }}%\stp{\getvalue{#1\c!stopper}}}}
+% {\edef#3%
+% {\@EA\separatednumber\@EA{#2}%
+% \spr{\getvalue{#1\c!separator}}%
+% \getvalue{#1\c!suffix}%
+% \stp{\getvalue{#1\c!stopper}}}}}}
+% some day we do a real cleanup
+\def\analyzenumber#1#2#3% {\??id#1} \(precedingsection)number \result
+ {% was \unexpanded \edef, but we need it unexpanded !
+ \doifelsenothing{\executeifdefined{#1\c!suffix}\empty}
+ {\let \numbersuffix \empty}
+ {\edef\numbersuffix{\spr{\getvalue{#1\c!suffix}}}}%
+ \doifelsenothing{\executeifdefined{#1\c!stopper}\empty}
+ {\let \numberstopper \empty}
+ {\edef\numberstopper{\spr{\getvalue{#1\c!stopper}}}}%
+ \doifelsenothing{\executeifdefined{#1\c!separator}\empty}
+ {\let \numberseparator \empty}
+ {\edef\numberseparator{\spr{\getvalue{#1\c!separator}}}}%
+ \let\numberprefix\empty}
+\def\preparefullnumber#1#2#3% {\??id#1} \(precedingsection)number \result
+ {\analyzenumber{#1}#2#3%
+ \ifx\numberseparator\empty
+ \edef\numberprefix{#2}%
+ \else
+ \edef\numberprefix{\@EA\separatednumber\@EA{#2}}%
+ \fi
+ \ifx\numbersuffix\empty
+ \ifx\numberprefix\empty
+ \let #3\empty
+ \else
+ \edef#3{\numberprefix\numberstopper}%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \ifx\numberprefix\empty
+ \edef#3{\numbersuffix\numberstopper}%
+ \else
+ \edef#3{\numberprefix\numberseparator\numbersuffix\numberstopper}%
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+\def\prepareprefixnumber#1#2#3% {\??id#1} \number \result
+ {\analyzenumber{#1}#2#3%
+ \ifx\numberseparator\empty
+ \edef\numberprefix{#2}%
+ \else
+ \edef\numberprefix{\@EA\separatednumber\@EA{#2}}%
+ \fi
+ \let#3\numberprefix}
+ {\makesectionnumber[#1]%
+ \composedsectionnumber}
+% sectioning
+\let\zerosection \v!text
+\let\lastsection \empty
+\let\@@sectie \empty
+\let\@@koppeling \empty
+\letvalueempty{\??se\v!text\c!after }
+\setvalue {\v!text\c!number}{0}
+\letvalueempty{\??sk }
+\letvalue{\??by }\v!text
+\letvalue{\??by\v!text }\v!text
+\letvalue{\??by\v!all }\v!text
+\letvalue{\??by\v!by }\v!text
+\letvalue{\??by\v!by\v!all }\v!text
+\letvalue{\??by\v!by\v!page}\v!text % see footnotes
+ {\dotripleempty\dosetupsection}
+ {\doifdefinedelse{\??se#1}
+ {\dodosetupsection[#1]}%
+ {\dodosetupsection[\sectionofhead{#1}]}}
+ {\doifdefined{\??se#1}
+ {\ifthirdargument
+ \getparameters[\??se#1#2][#3]%
+ \else
+ \getparameters[\??se#1][#2]%
+ \fi
+ \doifelsevalue{\??se#1\c!previousnumber}\v!yes
+ {\setvalue{#1\c!number}{\@@longsectionnumber {#1}}}
+ {\setvalue{#1\c!number}{\@@shortsectionnumber{#1}}}}}
+ {\doifdefinedelse{\??ko#2\c!section}
+ {\docouplemarking[#1][\getvalue{\??ko#2\c!section}]}
+ {\def\donexttrackcommando##1%
+ {\edef\coupledmarkings{\getvalue{\??se##1\c!marking}}%
+ \doifelse{##1}{#2}
+ {\addtocommalist{#1}\coupledmarkings}
+ {\removefromcommalist{#1}\coupledmarkings}%
+ \setevalue{\??se##1\c!marking}{\coupledmarkings}%
+ \donexttracklevel{##1}}%
+ \donexttracklevel{\zerosection}}} % \firstsection
+ {\dodoubleargument\docouplemarking}
+ {\couplemarking[#1][]}
+ {\doifundefined{\??se#1}
+ {\doifelsenothing\firstsection
+ {\def\firstsection{#1}%
+ \setevalue{\??se#1\c!before}{\v!text}%
+ \setevalue{\??se\v!text\c!after}{#1}}
+ {\setevalue{\??se\commalistelement\c!after}{#1}% commalistelement ?
+ \setevalue{\??se#1\c!before}{\lastsection}%
+ \setevalue{\??se\lastsection\c!after}{#1}}%
+ \advance\nofsections \plusone
+ \setevalue{\??se#1\c!level}{\the\nofsections}%
+ \letvalue{\??se#1\c!after}\empty
+ \setvalue{\e!next#1}{\@@nextsectionnumber{#1}}%
+ \setvalue{#1\c!number}{\@@longsectionnumber{#1}}%
+ \setvalue{#1\s!format}{\@@longformatnumber{#1}}%
+ \setevalue{\??by#1}{#1}%
+ \setevalue{\??by\v!by#1}{#1}%
+ \makecounter{\??se#1}%
+ \makecounter{\??se\v!last#1}% GB
+ \edef\lastsection{#1}%
+ \setvalue{\??sk#1}{#1}%
+ \letvalue{\??se#1\c!marking}\empty
+ \setupsection[#1][\c!previousnumber=\v!yes]}}%
+\def\nextsection #1{\csname\??se#1\c!after \endcsname}
+\let\preservedsection\v!unknown % \def\preservedsection{\firstsection}
+\def\checkpreservevalueafter#1% GB
+ {\ifnum\getvalue{\??se#1\c!level}<\nofsections
+ \edef\preservedsection{\getvalue{\??se#1\c!after}}%
+ \ifconditional\@@resetsubheadnumbers
+ \setcounter{\??se\v!last\preservedsection}\zerocount % {0}%
+ \else
+ \setcounter{\??se\v!last\preservedsection}{\countervalue{\??se\preservedsection}}%
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+ {\letgvalueempty{\??se#1\s!start}% signal i.p.v. boolean
+ \setcounter{\??se#1}{#2}%
+ \checkpreservevalueafter{#1}% GB
+ \resetsectioncounters{#1}%
+ \checkpagecounter}
+\def\@@nextsectionnumber#1% patched by GB
+ {\letgvalueempty{\??se#1\s!start}% signal i.p.v. boolean
+ \ifnum\countervalue{\??se\v!last#1}>\zerocount
+ \setcounter{\??se#1}{\countervalue{\??se\v!last#1}}%
+ \setcounter{\??se\v!last#1}\zerocount % {0}%
+ \fi
+ \pluscounter{\??se#1}%
+ \checkpreservevalueafter{#1}%
+ \resetsectioncounters{#1}%
+ \checkpagecounter}
+\def\@@sectionvalue#1% % nog niet overal doorgevoerd
+ {\countervalue{\??se#1}} % zoeken op \??se
+% suited for chinese too:
+\def\@@sectionconversion#1#2% a doublure with \@@shortsectionnumber
+ {\ifnum#2=0 0\else % else troubles with \uchar
+ \@EA\ifx\csname\??se#1\@@sectionblock\c!conversion\endcsname\relax
+ \@EA\ifx\csname\??se#1\c!conversion\endcsname\relax
+ #2%
+ \else
+ \convertnumber{\getvalue{\??se#1\c!conversion}}{#2}%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \convertnumber{\getvalue{\??se#1\@@sectionblock\c!conversion}}{#2}%
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+% \def\@@sectionlevel#1%
+% {\ifundefined{\??se#1\c!level}0\else\getvalue{\??se#1\c!level}\fi}
+ {\executeifdefined{\??se#1\c!level}0}
+% Omdat een markering kan worden herdefinieerd moeten we
+% eerst testen of er wel een keten||afhankelijkheid is.
+\def\resetsectionmarks#1% can invoke a break
+ {\ifundefined{\??se#1}%
+ \fastresetmarker[\mainmarking{#1}]% % redundant \mainmarking
+ \else
+ \let\donexttrackcommando\doresetsectionmarks
+ \donexttracklevel{#1}%
+ \fi}
+ {\ifundefined{\??se#1\c!marking}\else % skip zero level
+ \fastresetmarkerlist[\csname\??se#1\c!marking\endcsname]%
+ \fi
+ \donexttracklevel{#1}}
+% I'm not sure if the next one is better:
+% \def\doresetsectionmarks#1%
+% {\ifundefined{\??se#1\c!markering}% skip zero level
+% \donexttracklevel{#1}%
+% \else
+% \fastresetmarkerlist[\csname\??se#1\c!markering\endcsname]%
+% \fi}
+% and indeed, it isn't, actually, it does not work at all, so let's drop it.
+% packaged:
+% \def\resetsectioncounters#1%
+% {\def\donexttrackcommando##1%
+% {\resetcounter{\??se##1}%
+% \donexttracklevel{##1}}%
+% \donexttracklevel{#1}}
+% nicer
+% \def\doresetsectioncounters#1%
+% {\resetcounter{\??se#1}%
+% \donexttracklevel{#1}}
+% obey eigennummer
+ {\resetcounter{\??se#1}%
+ \letgvalue{\??se#1\c!ownnumber}\relax
+ \donexttracklevel{#1}}
+\def\resetsectioncounters % #1
+ {\let\donexttrackcommando\doresetsectioncounters
+ \donexttracklevel} % #1
+% bij checken kan geen prefix worden bekeken, anders vallen
+% er titels buiten de inhoudsopgave
+% evt ook level gaan opslaan tbv snelle selectie
+% \def\makesectionformat
+% {\edef\sectionformat
+% {\@@sectiontype\sectionseparator
+% \csname\lastsection\s!format\endcsname}}
+\unprotected \def\makesectionformat % we don't want eigennummers here
+ {\pushmacro\@@shortsectionnumber
+ \let\@@shortsectionnumber\@@sectionvalue
+ \edef\sectionformat
+ {\@@sectiontype\sectionseparator
+ \csname\lastsection\s!format\endcsname}%
+ \popmacro\@@shortsectionnumber}
+ {\doifnot{\previoussection{#1}}\zerosection
+ {\dobacktrackcommando{\previoussection{#1}}}}
+ {\doifnot{#1}\lastsection
+ {\donexttrackcommando{\nextsection{#1}}}}
+ {\global\chardef\alltoclevels\zerocount
+ \xdef\currentlevel{\getvalue{\lastsection\s!format}}}
+ {\global\chardef\alltoclevels\plusone
+ \globallet\currentlevel\empty
+ \def\dobacktrackcommando##1%
+ {\ifnum\countervalue{\??se##1}>\zerocount
+ \global\chardef\alltoclevels\zerocount
+ \xdef\currentlevel{\getvalue{\previoussection{##1}\s!format}}%
+ \else
+ \dobacktracklevel{##1}%
+ \fi}%
+ \dobacktrackcommando\lastsection}
+ {\global\chardef\alltoclevels\plusone
+ \globallet\currentlevel\empty}
+ {\doifdefinedelse{\??ko#1\c!section} % beter alteratief: ook
+ {\edef\@@sectie{\getvalue{\??ko#1\c!section}}} % hoofdstuk\c!format
+ {\edef\@@sectie{#1}}%
+ \doifdefinedelse{\??se\@@sectie}
+ {\global\chardef\alltoclevels\zerocount
+ \xdef\currentlevel{\getvalue{\@@sectie\s!format}}}
+ {\global\chardef\alltoclevels\plusone
+ \globallet\currentlevel\empty
+ \def\dobacktrackcommando##1%
+ {\@EA\ifx\csname\??se##1\c!start\endcsname\relax
+ \dobacktracklevel{##1}%
+ \else
+ \ifnum\countervalue{\??se##1}>\zerocount
+ \global\chardef\alltoclevels\zerocount
+ \xdef\currentlevel{\getvalue{##1\s!format}}%
+ \else
+ \dobacktracklevel{##1}%
+ \fi
+ \fi}%
+ \dobacktrackcommando\lastsection}}
+% \def\ignoresectionconversion % brrr
+% {\let\@@sectionconversion\secondoftwoarguments}
+% todo: criterium=appendix|frontmatter|....
+\def\dosetfilterlevel#1#2% beware: this one is \let
+ {\bgroup
+ \let\@@shortsectionnumber\@@sectionvalue
+% \ignoresectionconversion
+ \edef\askedlevel{#1}%
+ \edef\askedfilter{#2}%
+ \ifx\askedlevel\v!current
+ \dosetcurrentlevel\askedlevel
+ \else\ifx\askedlevel\v!previous
+ \dosetpreviouslevel\askedlevel
+ \else\ifx\askedlevel\v!all
+ \global\chardef\alltoclevels\plusone
+ \else\ifx\askedlevel\v!text
+ \global\chardef\alltoclevels\plusone
+ \else
+ \edef\byaskedlevel{\csname\??by\askedlevel\endcsname}%
+ \ifx\byaskedlevel\v!text
+ \dosettextlevel\askedlevel
+ \else
+ \dosetotherlevel\askedlevel
+ \fi
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi
+ % experiment
+ \ifx\askedfilter\empty \else
+ \xdef\currentlevel{\currentlevel\sectionseparator\askedfilter}%
+ \fi
+ \egroup}
+% \def\dontsetfilterlevel#1#2%
+% {\let\currentlevel\somesavedlevel
+% \chardef\alltoclevels\zerocount}
+ {\let\currentlevel\somesavedlevel
+ \let\@@sectiontype\@@tocsectiontype
+ \chardef\alltoclevels\zerocount}
+\def\honorlocalfilterlevel % local lists will be real local
+ {\let\dosetfilterlevel\dontsetfilterlevel}
+% cleaner
+% \def\doifnextlevelelse[#1::#2]#3#4%
+% {\ifcase\alltoclevels
+% \doifelse{\@@sectiontype}{#1}
+% {\doifinstringelse{=\currentlevel:}{=:#2:}
+% {\doifinstringelse{=\currentlevel:0}{=:#2:}{#4}{#3}}
+% {#4}}
+% {#4}%
+% \else
+% #3%
+% \fi}
+% \def\doifprevlevelelse[#1::#2]#3#4%
+% {\ifcase\alltoclevels
+% \doifelse{\@@sectiontype}{#1}
+% {\doifinstringelse{=\currentlevel:}{=:#2:}{#3}{#4}}
+% {#4}%
+% \else
+% #3%
+% \fi}
+% faster
+% \def\doifnextlevelelse[#1::#2]%
+% {\ifcase\alltoclevels
+% \doifelse{\@@sectiontype}{#1}
+% {\doifinstringelse{=\currentlevel:}{=:#2:}
+% {\doifinstringelse{=\currentlevel:0}{=:#2:}\donefalse\donetrue}
+% \donefalse}
+% \donefalse
+% \else
+% \donetrue
+% \fi
+% \ifdone
+% \expandafter\firstoftwoarguments
+% \else
+% \expandafter\secondoftwoarguments
+% \fi}
+% \def\doifprevlevelelse[#1::#2]%
+% {\ifcase\alltoclevels
+% \doifelse{\@@sectiontype}{#1}
+% {\doifinstringelse{=\currentlevel:}{=:#2:}\donetrue\donefalse}
+% \donefalse
+% \else
+% \donetrue
+% \fi
+% \ifdone
+% \expandafter\firstoftwoarguments
+% \else
+% \expandafter\secondoftwoarguments
+% \fi}
+% meaner
+% \setuplist
+% [chapter]
+% [after={\startcolumns\placelist[section]\stopcolumns}]
+% \def\dosavesomelevel[#1:0:0:0:#2]%
+% {\def\somesavedlevel{:#1}}
+% \def\doifnextlevelelse[#1::#2]%
+% {\dosavesomelevel[#2:0:0:0:0]%
+% \ifcase\alltoclevels
+% \doifelse{\@@sectiontype}{#1}
+% {\doifinstringelse{=\currentlevel:}{=:#2:}
+% {\doifinstringelse{=\currentlevel:0}{=:#2:}\donefalse\donetrue}
+% \donefalse}
+% \donefalse
+% \else
+% \donetrue
+% \fi
+% \ifdone
+% \expandafter\firstoftwoarguments
+% \else
+% \expandafter\secondoftwoarguments
+% \fi}
+% \def\doifprevlevelelse[#1::#2]%
+% {\dosavesomelevel[#2:0:0:0:0]%
+% \ifcase\alltoclevels
+% \doifelse{\@@sectiontype}{#1}
+% {\doifinstringelse{=\currentlevel:}{=:#2:}\donetrue\donefalse}
+% \donefalse
+% \else
+% \donetrue
+% \fi
+% \ifdone
+% \expandafter\firstoftwoarguments
+% \else
+% \expandafter\secondoftwoarguments
+% \fi}
+% again faster:
+% \def\doifnextlevelelse[#1::#2]% beware: this one is \let
+% {\dosavesomelevel[#2:0:0:0:0]%
+% \ifcase\alltoclevels
+% \ifnum\@@sectiontype=#1
+% \def\levelstring{=:#2:}%
+% \doifincsnameelse{=\currentlevel:}\levelstring
+% {\doifincsnameelse{=\currentlevel:0}\levelstring\donefalse\donetrue}
+% \donefalse
+% \else
+% \donefalse
+% \fi
+% \else
+% \donetrue
+% \fi
+% \ifdone
+% \expandafter\firstoftwoarguments
+% \else
+% \expandafter\secondoftwoarguments
+% \fi}
+%\def\doifprevlevelelse[#1::#2]% beware: this one is \let
+% {\dosavesomelevel[#2:0:0:0:0]%
+% \ifcase\alltoclevels
+% \ifnum\@@sectiontype=#1
+% \doifinstringelse{=\currentlevel:}{=:#2:}\donetrue\donefalse
+% \else
+% \donefalse
+% \fi
+% \else
+% \donetrue
+% \fi
+% \ifdone
+% \expandafter\firstoftwoarguments
+% \else
+% \expandafter\secondoftwoarguments
+% \fi}
+% \let\doiftoclevelelse\doifnextlevelelse
+% \let\doifreglevelelse\doifprevlevelelse
+% \let\doifblklevelelse\doifprevlevelelse
+% we want to be able to overload them globally
+% This will be reimplemented some day soon
+% {nn}{xx}{yy}
+% -> \scan{..}{..}{0} met 0 als sentinel
+% still not perfect
+% \def\doifnextlevelelse[#1]% !! this one is \let / uti seperator --
+% {\edef\somesavedlevel{\sectionseparator\@@filterlevelpart[#1]}%
+% \ifcase\alltoclevels
+% \ifnum\@@sectiontype=\@@filterblockpart[#1]\relax
+% \edef\levelstring{=\sectionseparator\@@filternumberpart[#1]\sectionseparator}%
+% \doifincsnameelse{=\currentlevel\sectionseparator}\levelstring
+% {\doifincsnameelse{=\currentlevel\sectionseparator0}\levelstring
+% \donefalse
+% \donetrue}
+% \donefalse
+% \else
+% \donefalse
+% \fi
+% \else
+% \donetrue
+% \fi
+% \ifdone
+% \expandafter\firstoftwoarguments
+% \else
+% \expandafter\secondoftwoarguments
+% \fi}
+% \def\doifprevlevelelse[#1]% !! this one is \let / uti seperator --
+% {\edef\somesavedlevel{\sectionseparator\@@filterlevelpart[#1]}%
+% \ifcase\alltoclevels
+% \ifnum\@@sectiontype=\@@filterblockpart[#1]\relax
+% \doifinstringelse
+% {=\currentlevel\sectionseparator}
+% {=\sectionseparator\@@filternumberpart[#1]\sectionseparator}
+% \donetrue\donefalse
+% \else
+% \donefalse
+% \fi
+% \else
+% \donetrue
+% \fi
+% \ifdone
+% \expandafter\firstoftwoarguments
+% \else
+% \expandafter\secondoftwoarguments
+% \fi}
+\def\doifnextlevelelse[#1]% !! this one is \let / uti seperator --
+ {\edef\somesavedlevel{\sectionseparator\@@filterlevelpart[#1]}%
+ \edef\@@tocsectiontype{\@@filterblockpart[#1]}% needed for nested tocs
+ \ifcase\alltoclevels
+ \ifnum\@@sectiontype=\@@tocsectiontype\relax
+ \edef\levelstring{=\sectionseparator\@@filternumberpart[#1]\sectionseparator}%
+ \doifincsnameelse{=\currentlevel\sectionseparator}\levelstring
+ {\doifincsnameelse{=\currentlevel\sectionseparator0}\levelstring
+ \donefalse
+ \donetrue}
+ \donefalse
+ \else
+ \donefalse
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \donetrue
+ \fi
+ \ifdone
+ \expandafter\firstoftwoarguments
+ \else
+ \expandafter\secondoftwoarguments
+ \fi}
+\def\doifprevlevelelse[#1]% !! this one is \let / uti seperator --
+ {\edef\somesavedlevel{\sectionseparator\@@filterlevelpart[#1]}%
+ \edef\@@tocsectiontype{\@@filterblockpart[#1]}% needed for nested tocs
+ \ifcase\alltoclevels
+ \ifnum\@@sectiontype=\@@tocsectiontype\relax
+ \doifinstringelse
+ {=\currentlevel\sectionseparator}
+ {=\sectionseparator\@@filternumberpart[#1]\sectionseparator}
+ \donetrue\donefalse
+ \else
+ \donefalse
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \donetrue
+ \fi
+ \ifdone
+ \expandafter\firstoftwoarguments
+ \else
+ \expandafter\secondoftwoarguments
+ \fi}
+% we need to cover the special case of nested lists in section blocks
+% \starttext
+% \def\ChapterEntry#1#2#3%
+% {chapter : \hbox to \hsize{\strut\bf#2\hss#3}\endgraf\placelist[section]}
+% \startfrontmatter % optional
+% \placelist[chapter][alternative=command,command=\ChapterEntry,criterium=text] \page
+% \stopfrontmatter % optional
+% \startbodymatter % optional
+% \chapter{first} \section{one} test \section{two} test \page
+% \chapter{second} \section{alpha} test \section{beta} test \page
+% \stopbodymatter % optional
+% \stoptext
+ {\csname\previoussection{#1}\s!format\endcsname
+ \sectionseparator
+ \@@shortsectionnumber{#1}}
+% \def\@@longsectionnumber#1%
+% {\ifnum\countervalue{\??se\previoussection{#1}}>\zerocount
+% \csname\previoussection{#1}\c!nummer\endcsname.%
+% \fi
+% \@@shortsectionnumber{#1}}
+ {\ifreversesectionnumbers
+ \@@shortsectionnumber{#1}%
+ \ifnum\countervalue{\??se\previoussection{#1}}>\zerocount
+ .\csname\previoussection{#1}\c!number\endcsname
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \ifnum\countervalue{\??se\previoussection{#1}}>\zerocount
+ \csname\previoussection{#1}\c!number\endcsname.%
+ \fi
+ \@@shortsectionnumber{#1}%
+ \fi}
+% suited for chinese too:
+% \def\@@shortsectionnumber#1%
+% {\@EA\ifx\csname\??se#1\@@sectionblock\c!conversie\endcsname\relax
+% \@@sectionvalue{#1}%
+% \else
+% \@@sectionconversion{#1}{\@@sectionvalue{#1}}%
+% \fi}
+% obey eigennummer
+% \def\@@shortsectionnumber#1%
+% {\@EA\ifx\csname\??se#1\c!eigennummer\endcsname\relax
+% \@EA\ifx\csname\??se#1\@@sectionblock\c!conversie\endcsname\relax
+% \@EA\ifx\csname\??se#1\c!conversie\endcsname\relax
+% \@@sectionvalue{#1}%
+% \else
+% \@@sectionconversion{#1}{\@@sectionvalue{#1}}%
+% \fi
+% \else
+% \@@sectionconversion{#1}{\@@sectionvalue{#1}}%
+% \fi
+% \else
+% \csname\??se#1\c!eigennummer\endcsname
+% \fi}
+ {\@EA\ifx\csname\??se#1\c!ownnumber\endcsname\relax
+ \@EA\ifx\csname\??se#1\@@sectionblock\c!conversion\endcsname\relax
+ \@EA\ifx\csname\??se#1\c!conversion\endcsname\relax
+ \@@sectionvalue{#1}%
+ \else
+ \@@sectionconversion{#1}{\@@sectionvalue{#1}}%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \@@sectionconversion{#1}{\@@sectionvalue{#1}}%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \csname\??se#1\c!ownnumber\endcsname
+ \fi}
+\def\dosetlocalsectionblock#1#2#3% new \edef's
+ {\edef\@@sectiontype {#1}%
+ \edef\@@sectionblock {#2}%
+ \edef\@@sectionblocks{#3}}
+% beware, the \resetsectionmarks generates some nodes that
+% will result in an additional last page, which needs to be
+% captured at the end
+% \def\doaroundsectionblock#1%
+% {\doifvaluesomething{\??sb#1\c!page}
+% {\ExpandFirstAfter\page[\getvalue{\??sb#1\c!page}]}%
+% \resetsectioncounters\zerosection % was firstsection
+% \resetsectionmarks\zerosection}
+% \def\dostartsectionblock#1#2%
+% {\begingroup
+% \doaroundsectionblock{#1}% % going to a new page or so
+% \getvalue{\??sb#1}% % set name of section block
+% \getsectionblockenvironment{#1}% % special settings, grouped
+% %\expandafter\csname#2true\endcsname % obsolete
+% \setsystemmode{#1}% % can be used in conditionals
+% \getvalue{\??sb\@@sectionblock\c!before}% this one is not to be moved!
+% \showmessage\m!structures1\@@sectionblocks}
+% \def\dostopsectionblock
+% {\showmessage\m!structures2\@@sectionblocks
+% \getvalue{\??sb\@@sectionblock\c!after}% don't move
+% \doaroundsectionblock\@@sectionblock
+% \endgroup}
+ {\doifvaluesomething{\??sb\@@sectionblock\c!page}
+ {\page[\getvalue{\??sb\@@sectionblock\c!page}]}%
+ \resetsectioncounters\zerosection % was firstsection
+ \resetsectionmarks\zerosection}
+ {\begingroup
+ \getvalue{\??sb#1}%
+ \doaroundsectionblock
+% \doifvaluesomething{\??sb\@@sectionblock\c!page}{\page[\getvalue{\??sb\@@sectionblock\c!page}]}%
+% \resetsectioncounters\zerosection % was firstsection
+% \resetsectionmarks\zerosection
+ \getsectionblockenvironment\@@sectionblock
+ \setsystemmode\@@sectionblock
+ \getvalue{\??sb\@@sectionblock\c!before}%
+ \showmessage\m!structures1\@@sectionblocks}
+ {\showmessage\m!structures2\@@sectionblocks
+ \getvalue{\??sb\@@sectionblock\c!after}% don't move
+ \doaroundsectionblock
+% \doifvaluesomething{\??sb\@@sectionblock\c!page}{\page[\getvalue{\??sb\@@sectionblock\c!page}]}%
+% \resetsectioncounters\zerosection % was firstsection
+% \resetsectionmarks\zerosection
+ \endgroup}
+\def\dosetupsectionblock[#1]% [#2]
+ {\getparameters[\??sb#1]}
+ {\dodoubleargument\dosetupsectionblock}
+ {\long\setvalue{\??sb\s!do#1}{\do{#2}}}
+ {\let\do\firstofoneargument\getvalue{\??sb\s!do#1}}
+ {\dosingleargument\dostartsectionblockenvironment}
+\def\dostartsectionblockenvironment[#1]% evt \pushendofline \popendofline
+ {\long\def\do##1##2{\setsectionblockenvironment{#1}{##1##2}}%
+ \grabuntil{\e!stop\v!sectionblockenvironment}{\getvalue{\??sb\s!do#1}}}
+%D \starttyping
+%D \startsectionblockenvironment[frontpart]
+%D \setuppagenumbering[conversion=romannumerals]
+%D \stopsectionblockenvironment
+%D \startsectionblockenvironment[bodypart]
+%D \setuppagenumber[number=1]
+%D \stopsectionblockenvironment
+%D \startsectionblockenvironment[frontpart]
+%D \setuppagenumbering[conversion=character]
+%D \stopsectionblockenvironment
+%D \starttext
+%D \startfrontmatter \chapter{test} \stopfrontmatter
+%D \startbodymatter \chapter{test} \stopbodymatter
+%D \startappendices \chapter{test} \stopappendices
+%D \stoptext
+%D \stoptyping
+% We used to use the first char as id, but a counter is
+% better, because in english we get a name clash.
+ {\getparameters
+ [\??sb#1]
+ [\c!number=\v!yes,
+ \c!page=\v!right, % anders worden marks te vroeg gereset !
+ %\c!before=,
+ %\c!after=,
+ #3]%
+ \expandafter\newif\csname if#2\endcsname % better a mode
+ \doglobal\increment\currentsectionblock
+ \setsectionblockenvironment{#1}{}%
+ \setevalue{\??sb #1}{\noexpand\dosetlocalsectionblock{\currentsectionblock}{#1}{#2}}%
+ \setvalue {\e!start#2}{\dostartsectionblock{#1}{#2}}%
+ \setvalue {\e!stop #2}{\dostopsectionblock}}
+ {\dotripleargument\dodefinesectionblock}
+ {\@EA\ifx\csname\??ko#1\@@sectionblock\c!label\endcsname\relax
+ \labeltexts{#1}{#2}%
+ \else
+ \labeltexts{\getvalue{\??ko#1\@@sectionblock\c!label}}{#2}%
+ \fi}
+\dosetlocalsectionblock{2}{\v!bodypart}{\v!bodymatter} % hm, dirty
+ {\getvalue{\??sb#1}}
+\def\writesection#1#2#3% #3 -> \asciititle
+ {\bgroup
+ \edef\!!stringa{#1}%
+ \@EA\writestatus\@EA
+ {\!!stringa}
+ {\ifsectionnumber#2\else(#2)\fi\normalspace\asciititle}%
+ \egroup}
+\def\@@kolevel{1} \def\headlevel{\@@kolevel}
+ {\ifnum\lastpenalty>0
+ \global\pagebreakdisabledtrue
+ \fi}
+% \setuphead[section][aligntitle=float] % permits title next to sidefloat
+% \placefigure[left]{}{} \section{\dorecurse{10}{bagger }} \input tufte
+% \def\dohandlepagebreakAB#1% will be replaced by a more clever (signaling) mechanism (in beta)
+% {\doifnotvalue{\??ko#1\c!aligntitle}\v!float\flushsidefloats
+% \getvalue{\??ko#1\c!before}%
+% % \whitespace vervangen door \noindent elders
+% \relax
+% \ifpagebreakdisabled
+% \global\pagebreakdisabledfalse
+% \else
+% \!!countb\getvalue{\??se\@@sectie\c!level}\relax
+% \ifnum\!!countb>\@@kolevel\relax
+% \!!counta20000
+% \multiply\!!countb 500
+% \advance\!!counta \!!countb
+% \dosomebreak{\penalty\!!counta}%
+% \else
+% \dosomebreak\allowbreak
+% \fi
+% \fi
+% \doifvalue{\??ko#1\c!aligntitle}\v!float\indent
+% \xdef\@@kolevel{\getvalue{\??se\@@sectie\c!level}}}
+\def\dohandlepagebreakAB#1% will be replaced by a more clever (signaling) mechanism (in beta)
+ {\doifnotvalue{\??ko#1\c!aligntitle}\v!float\flushsidefloats
+ \getvalue{\??ko#1\c!before}%
+ % \whitespace vervangen door \noindent elders
+ \relax
+ \ifpagebreakdisabled
+ \global\pagebreakdisabledfalse
+ \else
+ \ifcase\somebreakmethod
+ % 0 = nothing
+ \or
+ % 1 = old weighted version
+ \!!countb\getvalue{\??se\@@sectie\c!level}\relax
+ \ifnum\!!countb>\@@kolevel\relax
+ \!!counta20000
+ \multiply\!!countb 500
+ \advance\!!counta \!!countb
+ \dosomebreak{\penalty\!!counta}%
+ \else
+ \dosomebreak\allowbreak % brr
+ \fi
+ \or
+ % 2 = strict version
+ \dosomebreak{\penalty\maxdimen}%
+ \else
+ % nothing
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \doifvalue{\??ko#1\c!aligntitle}\v!float\indent
+ \xdef\@@kolevel{\getvalue{\??se\@@sectie\c!level}}}
+ {%\doifinsetelse{\getvalue{\??tk#2\c!state}}{\v!normal,\v!start}
+ \doifelselayouttextline{#2}
+ {\doifvaluesomething{\??ko#1#3}
+ {\setuplayouttext[#2][\c!state=\getvalue{\??ko#1#3}]}}
+ \donothing}
+ {\doifvaluesomething{\??ko#1\c!page}
+ {\def\resetcurrentsectionmarks% toegevoegd, zie \page
+ {\resetsectionmarks{\previoussection\@@sectie}}%
+ \page[\getvalue{\??ko#1\c!page}]%
+ \dohandlepagebreakBB{#1}\v!header\c!header
+ \dohandlepagebreakBB{#1}\v!text \c!text
+ \dohandlepagebreakBB{#1}\v!footer\c!footer}}
+\def\dohandlepagebreakX#1% zie doordefinieren / boven
+ {\bgroup
+ \!!countb\@@kolevel
+ \advance\!!countb #1
+ \multiply\!!countb 500
+ \!!counta20000
+ \advance\!!counta \!!countb
+ \dosomebreak{\penalty\!!counta}%
+ \egroup}
+ {\ifconditional\ignorehandlepagebreak
+ \setfalse\ignorehandlepagebreak
+ \else
+ \dohandlepagebreakAA{#1}%
+ \ifnum\countervalue{\??se\previoussection\@@sectie}>\zerocount\relax
+ \ifnum\countervalue{\??se\@@sectie}>\zerocount
+ \dohandlepagebreakB{#1}%
+ \else
+ \doifnotvalue{\??ko#1\c!continue}\v!yes{\dohandlepagebreakB{#1}}%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \dohandlepagebreakB{#1}%
+ \fi
+ \dohandlepagebreakAB{#1}%
+ \fi}
+ {\ifconditional\ignorehandlepagebreak
+ \setfalse\ignorehandlepagebreak
+ \else
+ \xdef\@@kolevel{\getvalue{\??se\@@sectie\c!level}}%
+ \nobreak
+ \fi}
+\def\localheadheight {\strutht}
+\def\localheaddepth {\strutdp}
+\def\dolocalheadsetup#1% koppeling met standaard kopcommando / engels
+ {\forgetall % traag dus ...
+ \doifvaluesomething{\??ko#1\c!align} % wordt al expanded in spa
+ {\expanded{\setupalign[\getvalue{\??ko#1\c!align}]}}%
+ \doifvaluesomething{\??ko#1\c!tolerance} % wordt al expanded in spa
+ {\expanded{\setuptolerance[\getvalue{\??ko#1\c!tolerance}]}}%
+ \doifvalue{\??ko#1\c!strut}\v!no % wordt al expanded in spa
+ {\setnostrut}% new
+ \def\\{\crlf\strut\ignorespaces}}
+\def\localkopsetup{\localheadsetup} % kan tzt weg
+% todo: make them conditionals:
+\newif\ifreversesectionnumbers % todo: key/val
+\newif\ifsectionnumber \sectionnumbertrue
+\newif\ifdisplaysectionhead \displaysectionheadtrue
+\newif\ifheadnumbercontent % niet meer wijzigen / wordt mode
+% new
+ {\edef\@@koppeling{\getvalue{\??ko#1\c!coupling}}%
+ \edef\@@sectie{\getvalue{\??ko#1\c!section}}%
+ \doifnothing\@@koppeling
+ {\edef\@@koppeling{#1}}%
+ \doifnothing\@@sectie
+ {\edef\@@sectie{\getvalue{\??ko\@@koppeling\c!section}}}}
+% \handlepagebreak komt het eerst omdat eventueel
+% subpaginanummers moeten worden afgehandeld. Vervolgens
+% worden de nummers opgehoogd en referenties geset, dan
+% volgt de kop en tot slot de worden de marks en de prefix
+% geset.
+% \hoofdstuk {tekst}
+% \hoofdstuk tekst
+% \hoofdstuk <niets>
+ {\ifundefined{\@@sectie\c!number}\else
+ \ifsomeheadconversion
+ \@@shortsectionnumber\@@sectie
+ \else
+ \getvalue{\@@sectie\c!number}%
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+\def\findsectionnumber#1#2#3% class file title / uti seperator --
+ {\begingroup
+ \setsectieenkoppeling{#1}%
+ \xdef\foundsectionnumber{1}%
+ \def\dolistelement##1##2##3##4##5##6%
+ {\doif{##1}{#1}
+ {\ConvertConstantAfter\doif{##4}{#3}
+ {\global\utilitydonetrue
+ \scratchcounter=0\getvalue{\??se\@@sectie\c!level}%
+ %
+ %\advance\scratchcounter 2
+ %\@EA\def\@EA\do\@EA####\@EA1\sectionseparator####2]%
+ % {\advance\scratchcounter -1
+ % \ifcase\scratchcounter
+ % \xdef\foundsectionnumber{####1}%
+ % \else
+ % \do####2]%
+ % \fi}%
+ %\do##5]}}}%
+ %
+ \def\do####1\relax % :/- clean
+ {\advance\scratchcounter \minusone
+ \ifcase\scratchcounter
+ \xdef\foundsectionnumber{\@@filterheadpart[####1]}%
+ \else
+ \@EAEAEA\do\@@filtertailpart[####1]\relax
+ \fi}%
+ \@EA\do\@@filternumberpart[##5]\relax}}}%
+ \setbox0\vbox
+ {\doutilities{#1}{#2}{#1}\relax\relax}%
+ \endgroup
+ \doifnumberelse\foundsectionnumber
+ {\doif\foundsectionnumber\!!zerocount
+ {\globallet\foundsectionnumber\!!plusone}}
+ {\globallet\foundsectionnumber\!!plusone}% an appendix or so
+ \setupheadnumber[#1][\foundsectionnumber]%
+ \setupheadnumber[#1][-1]}
+% deal with eigennummer
+ {\someheadconversionfalse
+ \doifelsevalue{\??ko#1\c!ownnumber}\v!yes
+ {\setgvalue{\??se\@@sectie\c!ownnumber}{#2}%
+ \def\someheadconversion{#2}}
+ {\letgvalue{\??se\@@sectie\c!ownnumber}\relax
+ \determineheadnumber[#1]%
+ \@EA\ifx\csname\??se\@@sectie\@@sectionblock\c!headconversion\endcsname\relax
+ \@EA\ifx\csname\??se\@@sectie\c!headconversion\endcsname\relax
+ \def\someheadconversion{#2}%
+ \else
+ \@EA\ifx\csname\??se\@@sectie\c!headconversion\endcsname\empty
+ \def\someheadconversion{#2}%
+ \else
+ \someheadconversiontrue
+ \def\someheadconversion%
+ {\fullsectionnumber{#1}{\getvalue{\??se\@@sectie\c!headconversion}}{#2}}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \@EA\ifx\csname\??se\@@sectie\@@sectionblock\c!headconversion\endcsname\empty
+ \def\someheadconversion{#2}%
+ \else
+ \someheadconversiontrue
+ \def\someheadconversion%
+ {\fullsectionnumber{#1}{\getvalue{\??se\@@sectie\@@sectionblock\c!headconversion}}{#2}}%
+ \fi
+ \fi}}
+ {\string\fullsectionnumber}
+ {#3}
+ {\convertnumber{#2}{#3}}
+ {\sectionblocklabel{#1}{\convertnumber{#2}{#3}}}
+ {\convertnumber{#2}{#3}}
+ {\doifelsevalue{#1\c!headconversion}\v!yes
+ {\doifelsevalue{#1\c!headlabel}\v!yes
+ {\let\fullsectionnumber\naturalfullsectionnumber}
+ {\let\fullsectionnumber\limitedfullsectionnumber}}
+ {\let\fullsectionnumber\ignoredfullsectionnumber}}
+% from cont-new:
+ {\@EA\ifx\csname#1\endcsname\empty
+ \expandafter\secondoftwoarguments
+ \else
+ \expandafter\firstoftwoarguments
+ \fi
+ {\csname#1\endcsname}}
+ {\expandifnonempty{\??ko#1\c!coupling}{#1}}
+ {\expandifnonempty{\??ko#1\c!section}{\@@sectiekoppeling{#1}}}
+ {\@@sectionvalue{\@@sectiesectie{#1}}}
+% \dodododoconstructhead IS NON GROUPED, SO WE NEED TO RESTORE !!!!
+% dit kan dus beter \everyaroundhead zijn
+\let\currentheadtext \empty
+\def\dodoconstructhead#1[#2]#3% [ref] {title}
+ {\doifelsevalue{\??ko#1\c!ownnumber}\v!yes
+ {\doquadruplegroupempty\dododoconstructhead{#1}{#2}{#3}}
+ {\fourthargumentfalse \dododoconstructhead{#1}{#2}{#3}{}}}
+\def\dododoconstructhead#1#2#3#4% [ref] {own} {title}
+ {\iffourthargument
+ \def\next{\dodododoconstructhead{#1}[#2]{#3}{#4}}%
+ \else
+ \def\next{\dodododoconstructhead{#1}[#2]{\finalsectionnumber}{#3}}%
+ \fi
+ \next}
+% pas met \ExpandFirstAfter op bij twee||taligheid
+ \let\dohandleheadnumber\firstofoneargument
+\def\emptyheadcorrection % experimental, should work
+ {\ifemptyhead % well with na=\blank
+ \vskip-\lineheight
+ \dosomebreak\nobreak
+ \kern\zeropoint
+ \prevdepth\strutdepth
+ \fi}
+\def\headparameter#1% to do: everywhere in core-sec
+ {\executeifdefined{\??ko\currenthead#1}\empty}
+% todo: write to list etc in both args or in enclosing h/vbox else it gets
+% lost when no #1 or #2 is typeset
+% we will use variables here
+\def\dodododoconstructhead#1[#2]#3#4% [ref] {number} {title}
+ {\def\currenthead{#1}% dus #1 overal vervangen
+ \let\finalsectionnumber\dofinalsectionnumber % overloaded ungrouped -)
+ \unexpanded\def\\{\space}%
+ \edef\numberseparator{\spr{\getvalue{\??ko\currenthead\c!separator}}}%
+ \flushingcolumnfloatsfalse % {number} can be \finalsectionnumber
+ \someheadconversionfalse
+ \let\fullsectionnumber\limitedfullsectionnumber
+ \setsectieenkoppeling{#1}%
+ \doifelsevaluenothing{\??ko#1\c!prefix}
+ \headprefixfalse\headprefixtrue
+ \ifheadprefix
+ \doifelsevalue{\??ko#1\c!prefix}{+}
+ {\doifelsenothing{#2}
+ {\def\localkopprefix{+}}
+ {\def\localkopprefix{#2}}} % eigenlijk alleen eerste
+ {\edef\localkoprefix{\getvalue{\??ko#1\c!prefix}}}%
+ \else
+ \let\localkoprefix\empty
+ \fi
+ \placeheadtrue
+ \processaction
+ [\getvalue{\??ko#1\c!placehead}]
+ [ \v!yes=>\emptyheadfalse,
+ \v!empty=>\emptyheadtrue,
+ \v!no=>\emptyheadtrue\placeheadfalse]%
+ \doifelsevalue{\??ko#1\c!resetnumber}\v!no
+ {\setfalse\@@resetsubheadnumbers}%
+ {\settrue \@@resetsubheadnumbers}%
+ \writetolistfalse
+ \processaction
+ [\getvalue{\??ko#1\c!incrementnumber}]
+ [ \v!yes=>\incrementnumbertrue,
+ \v!no=>\incrementnumberfalse,
+ \v!list=>\incrementnumberfalse
+ % beware, since no numbers are used, no nested lists are
+ % possible here
+ \writetolisttrue,
+ \s!unknown=>{\ifx\currentproduct\empty
+ \findsectionnumber{#1}\commalistelement{#4}%
+ \fi
+ \incrementnumbertrue}]%
+ \edef\numberheaddistance {\getvalue{\??ko#1\c!distance}}%
+ \edef\numberheadalternative{\getvalue{\??ko#1\c!alternative}}%
+ \doifelsevalue{\??ko:\numberheadalternative}\v!horizontal
+ \displaysectionheadfalse
+ \displaysectionheadtrue
+ \ifsectionnumber
+ \doifelsevalue{\??sb\@@sectionblock\c!number}\v!yes
+ {\doifelsevalue{\??ko#1\c!number}\v!yes
+ \headnumbertrue
+ \headnumberfalse}
+ {\headnumberfalse}%
+ \else
+ \headnumberfalse
+ \fi
+ \defconvertexpanded\asciititle{\getvalue{\??ko#1\c!expansion}}{#4}%
+ %
+ \gdef\currentheadtext{#4}% scheelt args
+ \globallet\currentheadnumber\empty
+ %
+ \ifincrementnumber
+ \ifplacehead
+ \checknexthead\handlepagebreak{#1}%
+ \setsectieenkoppeling{#1}% can be changed when [voor=\somehead{..}...]
+ \ifheadprefix
+ %\setupreferencing[\c!prefix=-]%
+ \setupreferenceprefix[-]%
+ \fi
+ \getvalue{\e!next\@@sectie}%
+ \ifheadnumber
+ \setsomeheadconversion{#1}{#3}%
+ \let\fullsectionnumber\expandablefullsectionnumber
+ \xdef\currentheadnumber{\someheadconversion}%
+ \getvalue{\??ko#1\c!inbetween}%
+ \ifsomeheadconversion
+ \let\fullsectionnumber\naturalfullsectionnumber
+ \doplaceheadnumbertext
+ {#1}
+ {\setsectionlistreference{\@@sectie}{#1}%
+ \pagetype[\@@koppeling]%
+ \let\fullsectionnumber\writtenfullsectionnumber
+ \rawreference\s!sec{#2}{{\someheadconversion}{\asciititle}}%
+ \resetsectionmarks\@@sectie
+ \setlistparameter\@@koppeling\c!expansion{\getvalue{\??ko#1\c!expansion}}%
+ \let\fullsectionnumber\writtenfullsectionnumber
+ \dowritetolist\@@koppeling\someheadconversion{#4}\v!head}%
+ {\dohandleheadnumber\someheadconversion}% handle is new
+ {#4}
+ {\marking[#1]{#4}%
+ \let\fullsectionnumber\storedfullsectionnumber
+ \expanded{\marking[#1\v!number]{\someheadconversion}}}%
+ \let\fullsectionnumber\ignoredfullsectionnumber
+ \writesection{#1}{\someheadconversion}{#4}%
+ \else
+ \doplaceheadnumbertext
+ {#1}
+ {\setsectionlistreference{\@@sectie}{#1}%
+ \pagetype[\@@koppeling]%
+ \rawreference\s!sec{#2}{{#3}{\asciititle}}%
+ \resetsectionmarks\@@sectie
+ \setlistparameter\@@koppeling\c!expansion{\getvalue{\??ko#1\c!expansion}}%
+ \dowritetolist\@@koppeling{#3}{#4}\v!head}
+ {\sectionblocklabel{#1}{\dohandleheadnumber{#3}}}% handle is new
+ {#4}
+ {\marking[#1]{#4}%
+ \doifelsevalue{\??ko#1\c!ownnumber}\v!yes % rommelig omdat
+ {\edef\finalsectionnumber{#3}} % #3 al is toegekend
+ {\determineheadnumber[#1]}% migreert naar 3e argument
+ \expanded{\marking[#1\v!number]{\finalsectionnumber}}}%
+ \writesection{#1}{#3}{#4}%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \getvalue{\??ko#1\c!inbetween}%
+ \doplaceheadtext
+ {#1}
+ {\setsectionlistreference{\@@sectie}{#1}%
+ \pagetype[\@@koppeling]%
+ \rawreference\s!sec{#2}{{#3}{\asciititle}}%
+ \resetsectionmarks\@@sectie
+ \setlistparameter\@@koppeling\c!expansion{\getvalue{\??ko#1\c!expansion}}%
+ \doifelsevalue{\??ko#1\c!ownnumber}\v!yes % brrr, new per 18/1/2005, sometimes we need
+ {\dowritetolist\@@koppeling{#3}{#4}\v!head} % entries in the list (special purpose) but
+ {\dowritetolist\@@koppeling {}{#4}\v!head}% not in the header, ok we could pop in a command
+ }% \dowritetolist\@@koppeling{}{#4}\v!head}
+ {#4}
+ {\marking[#1]{#4}%
+ \doifelsevalue{\??ko#1\c!ownnumber}\v!yes % brrr
+ {\edef\finalsectionnumber{#3}}
+ {\determineheadnumber[#1]}%
+ % todo : geen markering (leeg maken)
+ \expanded{\marking[#1\v!number]{\finalsectionnumber}}}%
+ \writesection{#1}{-}{#4}%
+ \fi
+ \ifheadprefix
+ \setupreferenceprefix[\localkopprefix]%
+ \fi
+ \ifdisplaysectionhead
+ \dosomebreak\nobreak
+ \emptyheadcorrection
+ \getvalue{\??ko#1\c!after}%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ % Whatever future tex's will do with nodes,
+ % we assume a node here, because other \c!after=\blank
+ % will fail! See 'prikkels'
+ %
+ % so, maybe we need an explicit \kern
+ %
+ % do nothing / should be vbox to 0pt
+ %
+ \checknexthead\dohandlepagebreakB{#1}% toegevoegd ivm subpaginanr / tug sheets
+ \setsectieenkoppeling{#1}% can be changed when [voor=\somehead{..}...]
+ \ifheadprefix
+ \setupreferenceprefix[-]%
+ \fi
+ \getvalue{\e!next\@@sectie}%
+ \ifheadnumber
+ \setsomeheadconversion{#1}{#3}%
+ \let\fullsectionnumber\expandablefullsectionnumber
+ \xdef\currentheadnumber{\someheadconversion}%
+ \fi
+ \getvalue{\??ko#1\c!inbetween}% documenteren, is enige hook
+ \bgroup
+ \setsectionlistreference{\@@sectie}{#1}%
+ \resetsectionmarks\@@sectie
+ \marking[#1]{#4}%
+ \doifelsevalue{\??ko#1\c!ownnumber}\v!yes
+ {\edef\finalsectionnumber{#3}}
+ {\determineheadnumber[#1]}%
+ \expanded{\marking[#1\v!number]{\finalsectionnumber}}%
+ \pagetype[\@@koppeling]%
+% \bgroup
+ \setlistparameter\@@koppeling\c!expansion{\getvalue{\??ko#1\c!expansion}}%
+ \ifheadnumber
+ \rawreference\s!sec{#2}{{#3}{\asciititle}}%
+ \dowritetolist\@@koppeling{#3}{#4}\v!head
+ \writesection{#1}{#3}{#4}%
+ \else % hm, also no own number
+ \rawreference\s!sec{#2}{{#3}{\asciititle}}%
+ \dowritetolist\@@koppeling{}{#4}\v!head
+ \writesection{#1}{-}{#4}%
+ \fi
+ \egroup
+ \ifheadprefix
+ \setupreferenceprefix[\localkopprefix]%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \else
+ % todo : ref prefix
+ \ifplacehead
+ \checknexthead\handlepagebreak{#1}%
+ \setsectieenkoppeling{#1}% can be changed when [voor=\somehead{..}...]
+ \getvalue{\??ko#1\c!inbetween}%
+ \doplaceheadtext
+ {#1}
+ {\forcesectiontolist{#1}{#4}%
+ \rawreference\s!sec{#2}{{#3}{\asciititle}}} % #3 ?
+ {#4}
+ %{}% new:
+ {\marking[#1]{#4}%
+ \marking[#1\v!number]{}}%
+ \writesection{#1}{-}{#4}%
+ \ifdisplaysectionhead
+ \dosomebreak\nobreak
+ \emptyheadcorrection
+ \getvalue{\??ko#1\c!after}%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ % do nothing / should be vbox to 0pt
+ \checknexthead\handlepagebreak{#1}%
+ \setsectieenkoppeling{#1}% can be changed when [voor=\somehead{..}...]
+ \getvalue{\??ko#1\c!inbetween}%
+ \forcesectiontolist{#1}{#4}%
+ \rawreference\s!sec{#2}{{#3}{\asciititle}}% #3 ?
+ \marking[#1]{#4}%
+ \marking[#1\v!number]{}%
+ \writesection{#1}{-}{#4}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \flushingcolumnfloatstrue
+ \someheadconversionfalse
+ \setfalse\ignorehandlepagebreak
+ \let\fullsectionnumber\limitedfullsectionnumber
+ % ignorespaces prevents spaces creeping in when after=\dontleavehmode
+ \ifdisplaysectionhead\ignorespaces\else\expandafter\GotoPar\fi}
+ {\ifwritetolist
+ % we need to make sure that there is a number set (non
+ % zero) else the list mechanism cannot determine the
+ % level
+ \bgroup
+ \setupheadnumber[#1][+1]% traag, wordt \getvalue{\c!next...}
+ \setlistparameter\@@koppeling\c!expansion{\getvalue{\??ko#1\c!expansion}}%
+ \dowritetolist\@@koppeling{}{#2}\v!head
+ \setupheadnumber[#1][-1]% traag, wordt \getvalue{\c!previous...}
+ \egroup
+ \fi}
+\let\currentsectionformat \empty
+\let\updatelistreferences \relax
+ {\ifnum\countervalue{\??se\previoussection{#1}}>0\relax
+ \xdef\previoussectionformat{\@@longformatnumber{\previoussection{#1}}}%
+ \else
+ \globallet\previoussectionformat\empty
+ \fi
+ \xdef\currentsectionformat{\@@longformatnumber{#1}}}
+ {\thisissomeinternal{\s!lst}{#1\currentsectionformat}%
+ \setxvalue{\s!lst:#1}{\realfolio}% to be sure
+ \setxvalue{\s!lst:#1\currentsectionformat}{\realfolio}%
+ \setxvalue{\e!previouslocal#1}{\s!lst:#1\previoussectionformat}%
+ \setxvalue{\e!currentlocal#1}{\s!lst:#1\currentsectionformat}%
+ \doifelse{\currentsectionformat}{}
+ {\setglobalcrossreference
+ {\e!previous#1}{}{\realfolio}{}}
+ {\setglobalsystemreference\rt!list
+ {\e!previous#1}{\getvalue{\e!previouslocal#1}}}%
+ \def\stoplistreferences{\dostoplistreferences{#1}}}
+ {\ifutilitydone
+ \addtocommalist{#1}\updatedlistreferences % nog global (\doglobal)
+ \globallet\updatedlistreferences\updatedlistreferences % een noodverbandje
+ \gdef\updatelistreferences%
+ {\def\docommand####1%
+ {\setglobalsystemreference\rt!list
+ {\e!previous####1}{\getvalue{\e!currentlocal####1}}}%
+ \processcommacommand[\updatedlistreferences]\docommand
+ \globallet\updatelistreferences\relax
+ \globallet\updatedlistreferences\empty}%
+ \fi}
+ \updatelistreferences
+% \prevdepth\strutdp % is belangrijk, vergelijk naast elkaar:
+% \subject{test} \input tufte
+% \subject{test} \strut \input tufte
+% \subject{test} \placelist[...]
+% todo: kap
+% to be documented: \placeheadtext \placeheadnumber
+ {\doquintupleempty\doplaceheadtextornumber
+ [\c!textstyle][\c!textcolor][\empty]}
+ {\doquintupleempty\doplaceheadtextornumber
+ [\c!numberstyle][\c!numbercolor][\v!number]}
+ {\bgroup
+ \edef\@@sectie{\??ko\iffifthargument#5\else#4\fi}%
+ \dostartattributes\@@sectie\c!style\c!color\empty
+ \dontconvertfont
+ \dostartattributes\@@sectie{#1}{#2}\empty
+ \setupinterlinespace
+ \begstrut\getmarking[\mainmarking{#4#3}]\endstrut
+ \endgraf
+ \dostopattributes
+ \dostopattributes
+ \egroup}
+% \chardef\headtimingmode=1 % 0 also works ok now too
+% Martin Kolarik's problem:
+% \setuphead[section][command=\doTitle]
+% \def\doTitle#1#2%
+% {\ruledvbox{\forgetall \hsize=4cm
+% \ruledhbox{\ruledvtop{#1}\ruledvtop{#2}}}}
+% \section{test test test test test test test test test test
+% test test test test test test test}
+\newevery \everyheadstart \relax
+ {\the\everyheadstart
+ \doifvalue{\??ko#1\c!margintext}\v!yes\placemargincontent}
+ {\beginheadplacement{#1}%
+ \ifemptyhead % = needed
+ \setbox0=\ifvertical\vbox\else\hbox\fi to \zeropoint
+ {\headnumbercontentfalse
+ \resetsystemmode\v!sectionnumber
+ #2}%
+ \makestrutofbox0
+ \else % = needed
+ \setbox0=\ifvertical\vbox\else\hbox\fi % \vhbox
+ {\headnumbercontentfalse
+ \resetsystemmode\v!sectionnumber
+ % less interfering
+ \ifcase\headtimingmode\or#2\fi
+ % outerside font determines distance
+ \dosetfontattribute{\??ko#1}\c!style
+ % but we don't want color to influence user commands
+ % todo: get the if-else out of it
+ \getvalue{\??ko#1\c!command}
+ {} % no number
+ {\dostartattributes{\??ko#1}\c!style\c!color\empty
+ \dostartattributes{\??ko#1}\c!textstyle\c!textcolor\empty
+ \dontconvertfont
+ \ifdisplaysectionhead
+ \setupinterlinespace
+ \else
+ \setupspacing
+ \fi
+ % \ifcase\headtimingmode#2\fi % can introduce cr
+ \getvalue{\??ko#1\c!commandbefore}%
+ \placeheadmargintexts{#1}% binnen #3?
+ \ifdisplaysectionhead
+ \getvalue{\??ko#1\c!textcommand}% struts can be nilled with \setnostrut
+ {\setstrut
+ \begstrut
+ \ifcase\headtimingmode\hbox{#2}\fi
+ \executeifdefined{\??ko#1\c!deeptextcommand}\firstofoneargument{#3}%
+ \endstrut}% \hbox prevents break
+ \xdef\localheadheight {\the\strutht}%
+ \xdef\localheaddepth {\the\strutdp}%
+ \xdef\localheadlineheight{\the\lineheight}%
+ % == \globallet\localheaddepth\strutdepth
+ \else
+ \ifcase\headtimingmode#2\fi
+ \getvalue{\??ko#1\c!textcommand}%
+ {\executeifdefined{\??ko#1\c!deeptextcommand}\firstofoneargument{#3}}%
+ \fi
+ \getvalue{\??ko#1\c!commandafter}%
+ \ifdisplaysectionhead\endgraf\fi
+ \dostopattributes
+ \dostopattributes}}%
+ \fi
+ \endheadplacement{#1}{#4}}
+\def\doplaceheadnumbertext#1#2#3#4#5% maybe move modes outside box
+ {\beginheadplacement{#1}%
+ \ifemptyhead % = needed
+ \setbox0=\ifvertical\vbox\else\hbox\fi to \zeropoint
+ {\doiftextelse{#3}
+ {\setsystemmode \v!sectionnumber\headnumbercontenttrue }
+ {\resetsystemmode\v!sectionnumber\headnumbercontentfalse}%
+ #2}%
+ \makestrutofbox0
+ \else % = needed
+ \setbox0=\ifvertical\vbox\else\hbox\fi % \vhbox
+ {\doiftextelse{#3}
+ {\setsystemmode \v!sectionnumber\headnumbercontenttrue }
+ {\resetsystemmode\v!sectionnumber\headnumbercontentfalse}%
+ % less interfering
+ \ifcase\headtimingmode\or#2\fi
+ % outerside font determines distance
+ \dosetfontattribute{\??ko#1}\c!style
+ % but we don't want color to influence user commands
+ \getvalue{\??ko#1\c!command}%
+ {\dostartattributes{\??ko#1}\c!style\c!color\empty
+ \dostartattributes{\??ko#1}\c!numberstyle\c!numbercolor\empty
+ % \getvalue{\??ko#1\c!commandbefore}% strange, why here? moved 21/11/2005
+ \placeheadmargintexts{#1}% binnen #3?
+ \ifdisplaysectionhead
+ % can be nilled with \setnostrut
+ \getvalue{\??ko#1\c!numbercommand}%
+ {\setstrut
+ \begstrut
+ \executeifdefined{\??ko#1\c!deepnumbercommand}\firstofoneargument{#3}%
+ \endstrut}%
+ \else
+ \getvalue{\??ko#1\c!numbercommand}%
+ {\executeifdefined{\??ko#1\c!deepnumbercommand}\firstofoneargument{#3}}%
+ \fi
+ \dostopattributes
+ \dostopattributes}
+ {\dostartattributes{\??ko#1}\c!style\c!color\empty
+ \dostartattributes{\??ko#1}\c!textstyle\c!textcolor\empty
+ \dontconvertfont
+ \ifdisplaysectionhead
+ \setupinterlinespace
+ \else
+ \setupspacing
+ \fi
+ % \ifcase\headtimingmode#2\fi % can introduce cr
+ \getvalue{\??ko#1\c!commandbefore}% makes more sense here
+ \placeheadmargintexts{#1}% binnen #3?
+ \ifdisplaysectionhead
+ \getvalue{\??ko#1\c!textcommand}% struts can be nilled with \setnostrut
+ {\setstrut
+ \begstrut
+ \ifcase\headtimingmode\hbox{#2}\fi
+ \executeifdefined{\??ko#1\c!deeptextcommand}\firstofoneargument{#4}%
+ \endstrut}% \hbox prevents break
+ \xdef\localheadheight {\the\strutht}%
+ \xdef\localheaddepth {\the\strutdp}%
+ \xdef\localheadlineheight{\the\lineheight}%
+ % == \globallet\localheaddepth\strutdepth
+ \else
+ \ifcase\headtimingmode#2\fi % inside textcommand ?
+ \getvalue{\??ko#1\c!textcommand}%
+ {\executeifdefined{\??ko#1\c!deeptextcommand}\firstofoneargument{#4}}%
+ \fi
+ \getvalue{\??ko#1\c!commandafter}%
+ \ifdisplaysectionhead\endgraf\fi
+ \dostopattributes
+ \dostopattributes}}%
+ \fi
+ \endheadplacement{#1}{#5}}
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\StretchedBox#1%
+%D {\framed
+%D [frame=off,offset=.5em,align=middle,width=broad]
+%D {\sc\def\stretchedspaceamount{.3em}\stretchednormalcase{#1}}}
+%D \definehead[MySubject][subject]
+%D \setuphead [MySubject][deeptextcommand=\StretchedBox]
+%D \MySubject{feeling stretched feeling stretched feeling stretched feeling stretched}
+%D \stoptyping
+ {\bgroup
+ \setsystemmode{#1}% to be documented
+ \ifgridsnapping\iftracegridsnapping\showstruts\fi\fi
+ \xdef\localheadheight {\the\strutht}%
+ \xdef\localheaddepth {\the\strutdp}%
+ \xdef\localheadlineheight{\the\lineheight}%
+ % == \globallet\localheaddepth\strutdp
+ \everypar\emptytoks % needed indeed
+ \noindent % ipv \whitespace elders, na \forgetall !
+ \bgroup
+ \doifinsetelse{\getvalue{\??ko#1\c!aligntitle}}{\v!yes,\v!float}% new
+ {\skip0 1\leftskip
+ \skip2 1\rightskip
+ \xdef\localheadskip{\the\skip0}%
+ \forgetall
+ \leftskip\skip0
+ \rightskip\skip2
+ \setlocalhsize\hsize\localhsize
+ \forgetbothskips}
+ {\globallet\localheadskip\!!zeropoint
+ \forgetall}%
+ \dontcomplain
+ \postponenotes
+ \iflocation\ifdisplaysectionhead\else\noninterferingmarks\fi\fi
+ \resetinteractionparameter\c!style
+ \resetinteractionparameter\c!color
+ \resetinteractionparameter\c!contrastcolor
+ \strictouterreferencestrue % tzt instelling
+ \def\localheadsetup{\dolocalheadsetup{#1}}%
+ \startsynchronization}
+% \setuphead[chapter] [style=\bfd,after=,hang=line] % fit broad 2
+% \setuphead[section] [style=\bfc,after=,hang=line]
+% \setuphead[subsection] [style=\bfb,after=,hang=line]
+% \setuphead[subsubsection] [style=\bfa,after=,hang=line]
+% \setuphead[subsubsubsection][style=\bf ,after=,hang=line]
+% \chapter {Test} \input tufte \page
+% \section {Test} \input tufte \page
+% \subsection {Test} \input tufte \page
+% \subsubsection {Test} \input tufte \page
+% \subsubsubsection{Test} \input tufte \page
+% \chapter {Test\\Test} \input tufte \page
+% \section {Test\\Test} \input tufte \page
+% \subsection {Test\\Test} \input tufte \page
+% \subsubsection {Test\\Test} \input tufte \page
+% \subsubsubsection{Test\\Test} \input tufte \page
+ {\scratchdimen\localheadlineheight
+ \bgroup
+ \openlineheight\scratchdimen
+ \scratchdimen\ht0
+ \advance\scratchdimen\dp0
+ \getnoflines\scratchdimen
+ \advance\noflines\minusone
+ \expanded{\egroup\noflines\the\noflines}% brrr
+ \setbox0\hbox{\lower\noflines\scratchdimen\box0}%
+ \scratchdimen\ht0
+ \advance\scratchdimen\dp0
+ \advance\scratchdimen-\localheadheight
+ \advance\scratchdimen+\strutdp
+ \ht0 \strutht
+ \dp0 \strutdp
+ \edef\localheaddepth{\the\strutdp}}
+\newconditional\continuoussectionhead % oeps, \newif\ifcontinuoushead got lost
+ {\doifelsevalue{\??rf#1\c!state}\v!start
+ {\doifvaluenothing{\??ko#1\c!file}{\autocrossdocumentfalse}}
+ {\autocrossdocumentfalse}%
+ % no message needed here, should be a proper switch
+ \noflines\zerocount
+ \ifdisplaysectionhead
+ % new (tod tight == one following line up)
+ \processaction
+ [\getvalue{\??ko#1\c!hang}]
+ [ \v!line=>\hangheadplacement\noflines\zerocount,
+ \v!broad=>\hangheadplacement\getnoflines\scratchdimen,
+ \v!fit=>\hangheadplacement\getrawnoflines\scratchdimen,
+ \v!none=>\noflines\zerocount,
+ \v!default=>\noflines\zerocount,
+ \v!unknown=>\hangheadplacement\noflines0\commalistelement\advance\noflines\minusone]%
+ % so far
+ \let\headlastlinewidth\!!zeropoint
+ \snaptogrid[\getvalue{\??ko#1\c!grid}]\hbox
+ {\hskip\localheadskip
+ \hskip\getvalue{\??ko#1\c!margin}\relax
+ \iflocation
+ \ifautocrossdocument
+ \doifreferencefoundelse{\getvalue{\??ko#1\c!file}::#1}
+ {\edef\currentinnerreference{\s!aut:\currenttextreference}% stored in
+ \gotoouterlocation{}{\box0}} % text slot
+ {\hbox{\box0}}%
+ \else
+ \hbox{\box0}%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \hbox{\box0}%
+ \fi}%
+ \doflushnotes % new, not really needed
+ \endgraf
+ \ifvmode
+ \ifnum\noflines>\zerocount
+ \dorecurse\noflines{\nointerlineskip\dosomebreak\nobreak\strut\endgraf}%
+ \fi
+ \nointerlineskip
+ \dosomebreak\nobreak
+ \fi
+ #2%
+ \else
+ \strut
+ \doflushnotes % new, here since we're in par mode
+ \iflocation
+ \ifautocrossdocument
+ \hhboxindent=\ifconditional\continuoussectionhead\headlastlinewidth\else\zeropoint\fi
+ \unhhbox0\with{\gotobox{\box\hhbox}[\getvalue{\??ko#1\c!file}::#1]}%
+ \advance\lasthhboxwidth by \numberheaddistance
+ \xdef\headlastlinewidth{\the\lasthhboxwidth}%
+ \else
+ \unhbox0
+ \globallet\headlastlinewidth\!!zeropoint
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \unhbox0
+ \globallet\headlastlinewidth\!!zeropoint
+ \fi
+ #2%
+ \dimen0=\numberheaddistance
+ \hskip\dimen0 \!!plus \dimen0 \!!minus .25\dimen0
+ \hskip\headsignal\ignorespaces
+ \fi
+ \ifdisplaysectionhead \ifvmode
+ \ifgridsnapping % important, font related depth, see comment
+ \prevdepth\strutdp
+ \else
+ \prevdepth\localheaddepth
+ \fi
+ \fi \fi
+ \stopsynchronization
+ \egroup
+ \egroup
+ \ifdisplaysectionhead
+ \dochecknextindentation{\??ko#1}%
+ \else
+ \nonoindentation % recently added, was a bug
+ \fi}
+\def\checknexthead#1#2% nog optioneel
+ {\ifhmode
+ \scratchcounter=\lastpenalty\unpenalty % no beauty in this
+ \ifdim\lastskip=\headsignal
+ \handlenopagebreak{#1}%
+ \global\settrue\continuoussectionhead
+ \else
+ \penalty\scratchcounter
+ \global\setfalse\continuoussectionhead
+ #1{#2}%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \global\setfalse\continuoussectionhead
+ #1{#2}%
+ \fi}
+\def\dosetupheadnumber[#1][#2#3]% todo: = (don't reset)
+ {\bgroup
+ \setsectieenkoppeling{#1}%
+ \doifinstringelse{#2}{+-}
+ {\doifelsenothing{#3}
+ {\@@nextsectionnumber\@@sectie}
+ {\!!counta=#2#3\relax
+ \advance\!!counta \@@sectionvalue\@@sectie
+ \@@setsectionnumber\@@sectie\!!counta}}
+ {\@@setsectionnumber\@@sectie{#2#3}}%
+ \egroup}
+ {\dodoubleargument\dosetupheadnumber}
+ {\bgroup
+ \setsectieenkoppeling{#1}%
+ \xdef\currentheadnumber{\@@sectionvalue{\@@sectie}}%
+ \egroup}
+ {\bgroup
+ \edef\currentheadnumber{#1}%
+ \doifinsetelse{-}{#1} % br undocumented
+ {\removefromcommalist{-}\currentheadnumber % br
+ \setsectieenkoppeling\currentheadnumber
+ \setupsection[\@@sectie][\c!previousnumber=\v!no]}%
+ {\setsectieenkoppeling\currentheadnumber}%
+ \xdef\currentheadnumber{\@@sectionvalue{\@@sectie}}%
+ \doifnot{\currentheadnumber}{0}{\finalsectionnumber}%
+ \egroup}
+ {\currentheadnumber}
+ {\par}
+% nice testcase
+% \setupheads[aligntitle=yes]
+% \startnarrower
+% \subject{\dorecurse{100}{x }}
+% \section{\dorecurse{100}{x }}
+% \input tufte \par
+% \setupheads[alternative=inmargin]
+% \subject{\dorecurse{100}{x }}
+% \section{\dorecurse{100}{x }}
+% \input tufte \par
+% \stopnarrower
+ {\dodoubleargument\dodefineheadplacement}
+\def\dodefineheadplacement[#1][#2]% #3#4
+ {\setvalue{\??ko:#1}{#2}%
+ \setvalue{\??ko::#1}}
+ {\executeifdefined
+ {\??ko::\numberheadalternative}
+ {\getvalue{\??ko::\v!normal}}}
+ {\vbox
+ {\localheadsetup
+ \begstrut\ifheadnumbercontent#1\hskip\numberheaddistance\fi#2}}
+% \defineheadplacement[\v!normal][\v!vertical]#1#2%
+% {\ifheadnumbercontent
+% \setbox0\hbox{{#1}\hskip\numberheaddistance}%
+% \vbox
+% {\localheadsetup
+% \hangindent 1\wd0
+% \hangafter 1
+% \noindent
+% \unhbox0 % don't use \strut's here!
+% #2}%
+% \else
+% \vbox
+% {\localheadsetup\noindent#2}%
+% \fi}
+% enhanced version:
+% \setuphead
+% [chapter]
+% [numberwidth=2cm,hang=line,after={\blank[3*line]}]
+% \chapter{Oeps oeps oeps} \input tufte \section{Oeps}
+% \chapter{Oeps oeps oeps} \section{Oeps} \input tufte
+ {\vbox
+ {\localheadsetup
+ \edef\headwidth {\headparameter\c!width }%
+ \edef\headnumberwidth{\headparameter\c!numberwidth}%
+ \edef\headtextwidth {\headparameter\c!textwidth }%
+ \ifheadnumbercontent
+ \ifx\headwidth\empty
+ \else
+ \ifx\headnumberwidth\empty
+ \ifx\headtextwidth\empty\else
+ \edef\headnumberwidth{\the\dimexpr\headwidth-\headtextwidth\relax}%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \ifx\headtextwidth\empty
+ \edef\headtextwidth{\the\dimexpr\headwidth-\headnumberwidth\relax}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \hsize\headwidth
+ \fi
+ \ifx\headnumberwidth\empty\else
+ \let\numberheaddistance\!!zeropoint
+ \fi
+ \setbox\scratchbox\hbox \ifx\headnumberwidth\empty\else to \headnumberwidth\fi{{#1}}%
+ \scratchdimen\dimexpr\wd\scratchbox+\numberheaddistance\relax
+ \ifx\headtextwidth\empty\else
+ \hsize\dimexpr\scratchdimen+\headparameter\c!textwidth\relax
+ \fi
+ \hangindent\scratchdimen
+ \hangafter \plusone
+ \noindent
+ \box\scratchbox\hskip\numberheaddistance
+ \else
+ \ifx\headtextwidth\empty
+ \ifx\headwidth\empty
+ \else
+ \hsize\headwidth
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \hsize\headtextwidth
+ \fi
+ \noindent
+ \fi
+ #2}}
+ {\vbox
+ {\localheadsetup
+ \begstrut % use one \strut here!
+ \dontleavehmode % in case there is no strut, else side effects with llap
+ \ifheadnumbercontent
+ \llap{\hbox to 5em{\hfill{#1}\hskip\localheadskip\hskip\leftmargindistance}}% introduces whitespace
+ % maybe better:
+ % \inleftmargin{\hbox{\hss{#1}\hskip\localheadskip}}%
+ \fi
+ {#2}}}
+\defineheadplacement[\v!margin] [\v!vertical]#1#2{\placeheadmargin{#1}{#2}}
+ {\vbox
+ {\localheadsetup
+ \veryraggedcenter
+ \let\\\endgraf
+ \let\crlf\endgraf
+ \ifheadnumbercontent\strut#1\par\fi\begstrut#2}}
+ {\bgroup
+ \localheadsetup % no stretch in distance
+ \ifheadnumbercontent{#1}\kern\numberheaddistance\fi{\begstrut#2}%
+ \egroup}
+ {\ifheadnumbercontent
+ \setbox0\hbox{#2}
+ \setbox2=#1{\localheadsetup\advance\hsize-\wd0\relax#3}%
+ \hbox{\box0\hskip\numberheaddistance\box2}%
+ \else
+ #1{\localheadsetup\noindent#3}%
+ \fi}
+% onder/boven lijnt het nummer op de onderste/bovenste regel
+% uit van een meerregelige kop
+\defineheadplacement[\v!top] [\v!vertical]#1#2{\placeheadlohi\vtop{#1}{#2}}
+% default == instellingen
+% koppeling == koppen, breaks, marks, enz.
+% sectie == nummering
+\def\dododefinehead#1#2% % don't preset prefix to much
+ {\presetlabeltext[#1=]%
+ \getparameters
+ [\??ko#1]
+ [\c!numberstyle=\getvalue{\??ko#1\c!style},
+ \c!textstyle=\getvalue{\??ko#1\c!style},
+ \c!numbercolor=\getvalue{\??ko#1\c!color},
+ \c!textcolor=\getvalue{\??ko#1\c!color}]%
+ % deeptextcommand and deepnumbercommand are left undefined !
+ \doifassignmentelse{#2}
+ {\getparameters
+ [\??ko#1]
+ [\c!section=\getvalue{\??ko\getvalue{\??ko#1\c!coupling}\c!section},
+ \c!default=,
+ \c!coupling=,
+ \c!prefix=,
+ \c!before=,
+ \c!after=,
+ \c!distance=\!!zeropoint,
+ \c!page=,
+ \c!header=,
+ \c!text=,
+ \c!footer=,
+ \c!style=,
+ \c!numbercommand=,
+ \c!textcommand=,
+ \c!ownnumber=\v!no,
+ \c!number=\v!yes,
+ \c!color=,
+ \c!continue=\v!yes,
+ \c!placehead=\v!yes,
+ \c!resetnumber=\v!yes,
+ \c!incrementnumber=\v!yes,
+ \c!alternative=\@@koalternative,
+ \c!command=\normalplacehead,
+ \c!separator=\@@koseparator,
+ \c!stopper=\@@kostopper,
+ \c!align=\@@koalign,
+ \c!aligntitle=\@@koaligntitle,
+ \c!tolerance=\@@kotolerance,
+ \c!indentnext=\@@koindentnext,
+ \c!strut=\@@kostrut,
+ \c!hang=\@@kohang,
+ \c!file=,
+ \c!expansion=,
+ \c!grid=,
+ \c!margintext=,
+ \c!margin=\@@komargin,
+ #2]%
+ \ConvertToConstant\doifnot{#1}{\getvalue{\??ko#1\c!default}}
+ {\doifsomething{\getvalue{\??ko#1\c!default}}
+ {\copyparameters
+ [\??ko#1][\??ko\getvalue{\??ko#1\c!default}]
+ [\c!before,\c!after,\c!command,\c!file,\c!page,\c!continue,
+ \c!header,\c!text,\c!footer,\c!separator,\c!stopper,\c!resetnumber,
+ \c!number,\c!ownnumber,\c!placehead,\c!incrementnumber,
+ \c!style,\c!color,\c!distance,\c!alternative,\c!indentnext,
+ % new per 20/03/3002 (o-pbu-l) / was too confusing
+ % \c!numberstyle,\c!textstyle,\c!expansion,
+ % again too confusing
+ \c!align,\c!aligntitle,\c!tolerance,\c!grid,\c!hang,\c!strut,
+ \c!numbercommand,\c!textcommand,\c!margintext,\c!margin]}}%
+ \getparameters[\??ko#1][#2]%
+ \doifsomething{\getvalue{\??ko#1\c!section}}
+ {\doifelsemarking{#1}% \doifundefined{\??mk#1}
+ {}% marking #1 already defined
+ {\definemarking[#1]%
+ \couplemarking[#1][\getvalue{\??ko#1\c!section}]%
+ \definemarking[#1\v!number]%
+ \couplemarking[#1\v!number][\getvalue{\??ko#1\c!section}]}}%
+ \doifundefined{\??li#1}{\definelist[#1]}}
+ {\ConvertToConstant\doifelse{#1}{#2}
+ {\doifundefined{\??li#1}{\definelist[#1]}}
+ {\copyparameters
+ [\??ko#1][\??ko#2]
+ [\c!level,\c!section,\c!coupling,\c!prefix,
+ \c!before,\c!after,\c!command,\c!file,\c!page,\c!continue,
+ \c!separator,\c!stopper,
+ \c!header,\c!text,\c!footer,\c!resetnumber,
+ \c!number,\c!ownnumber,\c!placehead,\c!incrementnumber,
+ \c!style,\c!color,\c!distance,\c!alternative,\c!indentnext,
+ % new per 20/03/3002 (o-pbu-l) / was too confusing
+ % \c!numberstyle,\c!textstyle,\c!expansion,
+ % again too confusing
+ \c!align,\c!aligntitle,\c!tolerance,\c!grid,\c!hang,\c!strut,
+ \c!numbercommand,\c!textcommand,\c!margintext,\c!margin]%
+ \getparameters[\??ko#1][\c!expansion=]% iig een value, rather fuzzy
+ \definemarking[#1][#2]%
+ \definemarking[#1\v!number][#2\v!number]%
+ \doifundefined{\??li#1}{\definelist[#1][#2]}}}%
+ \addtocommalist{#1}\@@kolist
+ \setevalue{\??sk#1}{\getvalue{\??ko#1\c!coupling}}%
+ \setevalue{\??by#1}{\getvalue{\??ko#1\c!section}}%
+ \setevalue{\??by\v!by#1}{\getvalue{\??ko#1\c!section}}%
+ \setvalue{#1}{\dodoubleempty\doconstructhead[#1]}}
+ {\doifelsenothing{#2}
+ {% todo: message that it's an invalid definition
+ \setvalue{#1}{\endgraf[#1]\kern.5em}}
+ {\doifassignmentelse{#2}
+ {\dododefinehead{#1}{#2}}
+ {\doifdefined{\??ko#2\c!section}
+ {\dododefinehead{#1}{#2}}}}}
+ {\dodoubleemptywithset\dodefinehead}
+ {\dowithpargument{\dodoconstructhead{#1}[#2]}}
+ {\getparameters[\??ko#1][#2]%
+ % The next check prevents hard to trace problems. I once
+ % set \c!command to nothing and (quite natural) got the
+ % wrong references etc. The whole bunch should be boxed!
+ \expandafter\defconvertedcommand\expandafter\ascii\csname\??ko#1\c!command\endcsname
+ \doifnothing\ascii{\setvalue{\??ko#1\c!command}{\normalplacehead}}}
+ {\dodoubleargumentwithset\dosetuphead}
+ {\getparameters[\??ko][#1]%
+ \doifelse{\@@kosectionnumber}\v!yes\sectionnumbertrue\sectionnumberfalse}
+ {\dosingleargument\dosetupheads}
+\def\systemsuppliedchapter {\getvalue{\v!chapter}}
+\def\systemsuppliedtitle {\getvalue{\v!title}}
+% a left over
+ {\page[\v!right]
+ \setuppagenumbering[\c!state=\v!stop]
+ \systemsuppliedchapter[#1]{#2}
+ \page[\v!right]
+ \setuppagenumbering[\c!state=\v!start]
+ \setuppagenumbering[\c!number=1]}
+ {\complexorsimpleempty\bijlage}
+ [\c!alternative=\v!normal,
+ \c!sectionnumber=\v!yes,
+ \c!separator=.,
+ \c!stopper=,
+ \c!limittext=\v!yes,
+ \c!align=,
+ \c!aligntitle=,
+ \c!tolerance=,
+ \c!strut=,
+ \c!indentnext=\v!no,
+ \c!margin=\zeropoint,
+ \c!hang=\v!none,
+ \c!command=]
+\definesectionblock [\v!frontpart] [\v!frontmatter] [\c!number=\v!no]
+\definesectionblock [\v!bodypart] [\v!bodymatter] [\c!number=\v!yes]
+\definesectionblock [\v!appendix] [\v!appendices] [\c!number=\v!yes]
+\definesectionblock [\v!backpart] [\v!backmatter] [\c!number=\v!no]
+\definesection[\s!section-1] % part
+\definesection[\s!section-2] % chapter
+\definesection[\s!section-3] % section
+\definesection[\s!section-4] % subsection
+\definesection[\s!section-5] % subsubsection
+\definesection[\s!section-6] % subsubsubsection
+\definesection[\s!section-7] % subsubsubsubsection
+% \c!eigennummer ook hier?
+ [\v!part]
+ [\c!section=\s!section-1,
+ \c!ownnumber=\v!no]
+ [\v!chapter]
+ [\c!section=\s!section-2,
+ \c!ownnumber=\v!no]
+ [\v!section]
+ [\c!section=\s!section-3,
+ \c!ownnumber=\v!no]
+ [\v!subsection]
+ [\c!section=\s!section-4,
+ \c!default=\v!section,
+ \c!ownnumber=\v!no]
+ [\v!subsubsection]
+ [\c!section=\s!section-5,
+ \c!default=\v!subsection,
+ \c!ownnumber=\v!no]
+ [\v!subsubsubsection]
+ [\c!section=\s!section-6,
+ \c!default=\v!subsubsection,
+ \c!ownnumber=\v!no]
+ [\v!subsubsubsubsection]
+ [\c!section=\s!section-7,
+ \c!default=\v!subsubsubsection,
+ \c!ownnumber=\v!no]
+ [\v!title]
+ [\c!coupling=\v!chapter,
+ \c!default=\v!chapter,
+ \c!incrementnumber=\v!no]
+ [\v!subject]
+ [\c!coupling=\v!section,
+ \c!default=\v!section,
+ \c!incrementnumber=\v!no]
+ [\v!subsubject]
+ [\c!coupling=\v!subsection,
+ \c!default=\v!subsection,
+ \c!incrementnumber=\v!no]
+ [\v!subsubsubject]
+ [\c!coupling=\v!subsubsection,
+ \c!default=\v!subsubsection,
+ \c!incrementnumber=\v!no]
+ [\v!subsubsubsubject]
+ [\c!coupling=\v!subsubsubsection,
+ \c!default=\v!subsubsubsection,
+ \c!incrementnumber=\v!no]
+ [\v!subsubsubsubsubject]
+ [\c!coupling=\v!subsubsubsubsection,
+ \c!default=\v!subsubsubsubsection,
+ \c!incrementnumber=\v!no]
+ [\s!section-2]
+ [\v!appendix\c!conversion=\v!Character,
+ \c!previousnumber=\v!no]
+ [\v!part]
+ [\c!placehead=\v!no]
+ [\v!chapter]
+ [\v!appendix\c!label=\v!appendix,
+ \v!bodypart\c!label=\v!chapter] % bijlageconversie=\Character
+ [\v!section]
+ [\v!appendix\c!label=\v!section,
+ \v!bodypart\c!label=\v!section] % bijlageconversie=\Character
+ [\v!subsection]
+ [\v!appendix\c!label=\v!subsection,
+ \v!bodypart\c!label=\v!subsection] % bijlageconversie=\Character
+ [\v!subsubsection]
+ [\v!appendix\c!label=\v!subsubsection,
+ \v!bodypart\c!label=\v!subsubsection] % bijlageconversie=\Character
+ [\v!part,\v!chapter]
+ [%\c!align=,
+ %\c!indentnext=\v!no,
+ \c!continue=\v!no,
+ \c!page=\v!right,
+ \c!header=,
+ \c!style=\tfc,
+ \c!distance=.75em,
+ \c!before={\blank[2*\v!big]},
+ \c!after={\blank[2*\v!big]}]
+ [\v!section]
+ [%\c!align=,
+ %\c!indentnext=\v!no,
+ \c!style=\tfa,
+ \c!distance=.75em,
+ \c!before={\blank[2*\v!big]},
+ \c!after=\blank]
+\setuphead % nieuw
+ [\v!subsection]
+ [\c!page=]
+ [\v!content]
+ [\v!part,
+ \v!chapter,
+ \v!section,
+ \v!subsection,
+ \v!subsubsection,
+ \v!subsubsubsection,
+ \v!subsubsubsubsection]
+ [\c!level=\v!subsubsubsubsection,
+ \c!criterium=\v!local]
+ [\v!part]
+ [\c!before={\blank\page[\v!preference]},
+ \c!after=\blank,
+ \c!label=\v!yes,
+ \c!separator=:,
+ \c!distance=1em]
+ [\v!chapter]
+ [\c!before={\blank\page[\v!preference]},
+ \c!after=]
+\setuplist [\v!part] [\c!width=0em]
+\setuplist [\v!chapter] [\c!width=2em]
+\setuplist [\v!section] [\c!width=3em]
+\setuplist [\v!subsection] [\c!width=4em]
+\setuplist [\v!subsubsection] [\c!width=5em]
+\setuplist [\v!subsubsubsection] [\c!width=6em]
+\setuplist [\v!subsubsubsubsection] [\c!width=7em]
+% hm
+\setuppagenumbering % na instellen hoofdteksten !
+ [\c!alternative=\v!singlesided,
+ \c!location={\v!header,\v!middle},
+ \c!conversion=\v!numbers,
+ \c!width=, % in geval van \v!marginedge
+ \c!left=,
+ \c!right=,
+ \c!way=\v!by\v!part,
+ \c!text=,
+ \v!chapter\v!number=\v!no, % v
+ \v!part\v!number=\v!yes, % v
+ \c!numberseparator=--,
+ \c!textseparator=\tfskip,
+ \c!state=\v!start,
+ \c!command=,
+ \c!strut=\v!yes, % nieuw
+ \c!style=, % \v!normal, % empty, otherwise conflict
+ \c!color=]
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/strc-swd.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/strc-swd.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1525ab597
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/strc-swd.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=strc-swd,
+%D version=2007.08.14,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Structure Macros,
+%D subtitle=Section Worlds,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D This is a prelude to a rewrite of sectioning.
+% options : before after setups page text number label bookmark
+% dodo : listtext
+% \startsectionworld[chapter][text={Test}]
+% \stopsectionworld
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Structure Macros / Sectionworlds}
+ \def\pushvalue#1{\expandafter\pushmacro\csname#1\endcsname}
+ \def\popvalue #1{\expandafter\popmacro \csname#1\endcsname}
+% brrr
+ {\@EA\@EA\@EA\@EA\@EA\@EA\@EA#1\@EA\@EA\@EA\@EA\@EA\@EA\@EA#2\@EA\@EA\@EA\@EA\@EA\@EA\@EA}
+ {\csnameexpanded\def\csexpandeda{#2}%
+ \@EA#1\@EA{\csexpandeda}}
+ {\csnameexpanded\def\csexpandeda{#2}%
+ \csnameexpanded\def\csexpandedb{#3}%
+ \@EA\@EA\@EA#1\@EA\@EA\@EA{\@EA\csexpandeda\@EA}\@EA{\csexpandedb}}
+ {\csnameexpanded\def\csexpandeda{#2}%
+ \csnameexpanded\def\csexpandedb{#3}%
+ \csnameexpanded\def\csexpandedc{#4}%
+ \@EA\@EA\@EA\@EA\@EA\@EA\@EA#1\@EA\@EA\@EA\@EA\@EA\@EA\@EA{\@EA\@EA\@EA\csexpandeda\@EA\@EA\@EA}\@EA\@EA\@EA{\@EA\csexpandedb\@EA}\@EA{\csexpandedc}}
+% \def\xx{XX}\setvalue{xx:yy}{abc \xx def}\def\param#1{\csname xx:#1\endcsname}
+% \def\testa #1{\defconvertedargument\ascii{#1}{\tttf\ascii}}
+% \def\testb #1#2{\defconvertedargument\ascii{#1 #2}{\tttf\ascii}}
+% \def\testc#1#2#3{\defconvertedargument\ascii{#1 #2 #3}{\tttf\ascii}}
+% \noindent 1 \csnameexpandedoneargument \testa{\param{yy}}
+% \noindent 2 \csnameexpandedtwoarguments \testb{\param{yy}}{\param{yy}}
+% \noindent 3 \csnameexpandedthreearguments\testc{\param{yy}}{\param{yy}}{\param{yy}}
+% rewrite the sectioning to use the variables, a bit tricky because then
+% we need a special expansion trick
+\def\sectionworldparameter #1{\csname\??sw\currentsectionworldname#1\endcsname}
+\def\popsectionworldparameter #1{\expandafter\popmacro \csname\??sw\currentsectionworldname#1\endcsname}
+ {\dodoubleargument\dosetupsectionworld}
+ {\getparameters[\??sw#1][#2]} % maybe some extra things
+ {\ifcsname\??sw\currentsectionworldname\endcsname\else
+ \getparameters
+ [\??sw\currentsectionworldname]
+ [\c!before=,
+ \c!after=,
+ \c!setups=,
+ \c!page=]%
+ \fi}
+ {\dodoubleargument\dostartsectionworld}
+ {\pushmacro\currentsectionworldname
+ \def\currentsectionworldname{#1}%
+ \dochecksectionworld\currentsectionworldname
+ \pushsectionworldparameter\c!before
+ \pushsectionworldparameter\c!after
+ \pushsectionworldparameter\c!setups
+ \getparameters
+ [\??sw\currentsectionworldname]
+ [\c!text=,\c!number=\finalsectionnumber,\c!label=,\c!bookmark=,#2]%
+ \doifsomething{\sectionworldparameter\c!page}
+ {\setsectieenkoppeling\currentsectionworldname
+ %\handlepagebreak\currentsectionworldname
+ \checknexthead\handlepagebreak\currentsectionworldname}%
+ \sectionworldparameter\c!before
+ \begingroup
+ \doifsomething{\sectionworldparameter\c!page}
+ {\settrue\ignorehandlepagebreak}%
+ \doifsomething{\sectionworldparameter\c!setups}
+ {\setups[\sectionworldparameter\c!setups]}%
+ \csnameexpandedthreearguments \doconstructheadwithvars
+ {\sectionworldparameter\c!label }%
+ {\sectionworldparameter\c!number}%
+ {\sectionworldparameter\c!text }%
+ \doifsomething{\sectionworldparameter\c!bookmark}
+ {\expanded{\bookmark[\sectionworldparameter\c!bookmark]}}%
+ \ignorespaces} % for inline heads
+ {\dodododoconstructhead\currentsectionworldname[#1]}% {#2}{#3}}
+ {\endgraf
+ \endgroup
+ \sectionworldparameter\c!after
+ \popsectionworldparameter\c!setups
+ \popsectionworldparameter\c!after
+ \popsectionworldparameter\c!before
+ \popmacro\currentsectionworldname}
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/strc-syn.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/strc-syn.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2ba5c9467
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/strc-syn.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,438 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=strc-syn,
+%D version=1997.03.31,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Structure Macros,
+%D subtitle=Synonyms and Sorts,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Structure Macros / Synonyms and Sorts}
+% \checkdefined kan hierheen
+% Formaat tex-utility-input-file <>:
+% synonym entry {tag} {pure} {text} {synonym}
+% Deze file wordt met het programma TeXUtil omgezet in een
+% in te lezen TeXFile met de commando's:
+% \synonymentry {tag} {pure} {text} {synonym}
+% todo: \def\synonymparameter#1{\csname\??sm\currentsynonym#1\endcsname}
+ {\getparameters[\??sm#1][#2]}
+ {\dodoubleargument\dosetupsynonyms}
+ {\letvalue{#1\s!entry}\gobblethreearguments}
+ {\bgroup
+ \global\utilitydonetrue
+ \syndef
+ {\doattributes{\??sm#1}\c!textstyle\c!textcolor{#3}}
+ \ConvertToConstant\doifelse{#4}{}{\unknown}{#4}\par
+ \egroup}
+ {\executeifdefined{#1\s!entry}\gobblethreearguments}
+ {\doifdefinedelse{\??sm#1\c!command}
+ {\setvalue{#1\s!entry}{\getvalue{\??sm#1\c!command}}} % 3 argumenten
+ {\setvalue{#1\s!entry}{\dohandlesynonymentry{#1}}}}
+ {\whitespace
+ \begingroup
+ \def\currentsynonym{#1}%
+ \definedescription % nog eens een class van maken, net als framed
+ [syndef]
+ [\c!location=\synonymparameter\c!location,
+ \c!width=\synonymparameter\c!width,
+ \c!distance=\synonymparameter\c!distance,
+ \c!sample=\synonymparameter\c!sample,
+ \c!hang=\synonymparameter\c!hang,
+ \c!align=\synonymparameter\c!align,
+ \c!before=\synonymparameter\c!before,
+ \c!inbetween=\synonymparameter\c!inbetween,
+ \c!after=\synonymparameter\c!after,
+ \c!indentnext=\synonymparameter\c!indentnext,
+ \c!headstyle=\synonymparameter\c!headstyle,
+ \c!headcolor=\synonymparameter\c!headcolor,
+ \c!style=,
+ \c!color=]%
+ \setupwhitespace[\v!none]%
+ %doutilities{#1}\jobname{#2}\relax\par % no longer \par
+ \doutilities{#1}\jobname{#1}\relax\relax
+ \endgroup
+ \ifutilitydone\else\nowhitespace\fi}
+\def\docompletelistofsynonyms#1#2% expansion needed to avoid v! (due to french active !)
+ {\expanded{\systemsuppliedchapter[#1]{\noexpand\headtext{#2}}}%
+ \doplacelistofsynonyms{#1}{#2}%
+ \page[\v!yes]}
+ {\begingroup % anders in mathmode lege \hbox, zie eenheden
+ \ifsynonymmeaning
+ \synonymmeaningfalse
+ \doattributes{\??sm#1}\c!synonymstyle\c!synonymcolor{#3}%
+ \else
+ \dontleavehmode
+ \doattributes{\??sm#1}\c!textstyle\c!textcolor{#2}%
+ \fi
+ \endgroup}
+ {\bgroup
+ \doifundefined{#2#3}
+ {\setgvalue{#2#3}{{\tt[#3]}}%
+ \showmessage\m!systems{18}{#1,#3}}%
+ \synonymmeaningtrue
+ \getvalue{#2#3}%
+ \egroup}
+ {\begingroup % anders in mathmode lege \hbox
+ \defconvertexpanded\asciisynonym{\getvalue{\??sm#1\c!expansion}}{#3}%
+ \defconvertexpanded\asciimeaning{\getvalue{\??sm#1\c!expansion}}{#4}%
+ \immediatewriteutility{s e {#1} {#2} {\asciisynonym} {\asciimeaning}}%
+ \endgroup}
+ {\processsynonym{#1}{#2}{#3}%
+ \getvalue{\??sm#1\c!next}} % not formally documented
+ {\ifdoinpututilities \else
+ \dowritesynonym{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}%
+ \unexpanded\setgvalue{#2}{\reprocesssynonym{#1}{#3}{#4}}%
+ \fi}
+ {\preexecutesynonym{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}%
+ \processsynonym{#1}{#3}{#4}%
+ \getvalue{\??sm#1\c!next}} % not formally documented
+ {{\synonymmeaningtrue
+ \processsynonym{#1}{#3}{#4}}}
+ {\setgvalue{#2}{\executesynonym{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}}}
+ {\setvalue{#1\s!entry}##1##2##3%
+ {\doifelsenothing{##1}
+ {\dodoloadsynonym{#1}{##2}{##2}{##3}}
+ {\dodoloadsynonym{#1}{##1}{##2}{##3}}%
+ \global\utilitydonetrue}}
+ {\bgroup
+ \let\dosetsynonym\doloadsynonym
+ \showmessage\m!systems{19}{#2}%
+ \doutilities{#1}\jobname{#1}\relax\relax
+ \egroup
+ \setvalue{\s!check#1}##1{}}
+ {\doifsomething{#2}
+ {\getvalue{\s!check#1}{#2}%
+ \doglobal\appendtoks\setvalue{#2}{#2}\to\simplifiedcommands
+ \doifelsevalue{\??sm#1\c!conversion}\v!yes
+ {\unexpanded\setgvalue{#2}{\expandsynonym{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}}}
+ {\doifelsevalue{\??sm#1\c!state}\v!start
+ {\doifelsevalue{\??sm#1\c!criterium}\v!all
+ {\preexecutesynonym{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}}
+ {\unexpanded\setgvalue{#2}{\executesynonym{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}}}}
+ {\unexpanded\setgvalue{#2}{\processsynonym{#1}{#3}{#4}}}}}}
+ {\ifthirdargument
+ \dodocomplexsynonym[#2][#1#3]{#4}{#5}%
+ \else
+ \dodocomplexsynonym[#2][#1#4]{#4}{#5}%
+ \fi}
+ {\savesortlanguage{\getvalue{\??sm#1\s!language}}%
+ \immediatewriteutility{s l {#1} {\getvalue{\??sm#1\s!language}}}}
+ {\iffourthargument
+ \unexpanded\def#4##1{\getsynonymmeaning{#1}{\??sm:#1:}{##1}}%
+ \ifthirdargument
+ \unexpanded\def#3##1{\getvalue{\??sm:#1:##1}}%
+ \fi
+ \setvalue{#1}{\dotripleempty\docomplexsynonym[\??sm:#1:][#1]}%
+ \else
+ \ifthirdargument
+ \unexpanded\def#3##1{\getsynonymmeaning{#1}{}{##1}}%
+ \fi
+ \setvalue{#1}{\dotripleempty\docomplexsynonym[][#1]}%
+ \fi
+ \dosetupsynonyms
+ [#1]%
+ [\c!synonymstyle=,\c!textstyle=,
+ \c!headstyle=,\c!headcolor=,
+ \c!state=\v!start,\c!criterium=,
+ \c!location=\v!left,\c!width=5em,\c!distance=0pt,
+ \c!sample=,\c!hang=,\c!align=,
+ \c!before=,\c!inbetween=,\c!after=,
+ \c!indentnext=\v!no,
+ \c!expansion=,
+ \s!language=\currentmainlanguage]%
+ \doglobal\appendtoksonce
+ \doregistersynonymlanguage{#1}%
+ \to \everysavesortkeys
+ \presetheadtext[#2=\Word{#2}]% changes the \if...argument
+ \addutilityreset{#1}%
+ \setvalue{\e!setup #2\e!endsetup}{\dodoubleargument\getparameters[\??sm#1]}% to be obsolete
+ \setvalue{\s!set #1}{\dosetsynonym{#1}}%
+ \setvalue{\s!reset #1}{\doresetsynonym{#1}}%
+ \setvalue{\s!check #1}##1{\checkdefined{synonym}{#1}{##1}}%
+ \setvalue{\e!load #2}{\doloadsynonyms{#1}{#2}}%
+ \setvalue{\e!place\e!listof #2}{\doplacelistofsynonyms{#1}{#2}}%
+ \setvalue{\e!complete\e!listof#2}{\docompletelistofsynonyms{#1}{#2}}}
+ {\doquadrupleempty\dodefinesynonyms}
+% Formaat tex-utility-input-file <>:
+% synonym entry {tag} {pure} {text} {}
+% Deze file wordt met het programma TeXUtil omgezet in een
+% in te lezen TeXFile met de commando's:
+% \synonymentry {tag} {pure} {text} {}
+ {\getparameters[\??so#1][#2]}
+ {\dodoubleargument\dosetupsorting}
+ {\letvalue{#1\s!entry}\gobblethreearguments}
+ {\setvalue{#1\s!entry}##1##2##3%
+ {\let\dowritesort\gobblethreearguments
+ \global\utilitydonetrue
+ \bgroup
+ \doifdefinedelse{\??so#1\c!command}
+ {\getvalue{\??so#1\c!command}{##2}} % 1 argument
+ {\getvalue{\??so#1\c!before}%
+ \doattributes{\??so#1}\c!style\c!color{##2}%
+ \getvalue{\??so#1\c!after}}%
+ \egroup}}
+\def\doplacelistofsorts#1% NOG EEN RUWE VERSIE MAKEN
+ \begingroup
+ \setupwhitespace[\v!none]%
+ \doutilities{#1}\jobname{#1}\relax\relax
+ \endgroup
+ \ifutilitydone\else\nowhitespace\fi}
+% to be tested
+% \def\doplacelistofsorts#1% NOG EEN RUWE VERSIE MAKEN
+% {\startpacked
+% %doutilities{#1}\jobname{#1}\relax\par
+% \doutilities{#1}\jobname{#1}\relax\relax
+% \stoppacked}
+ {\expanded{\systemsuppliedchapter[#1]{\noexpand\headtext{#2}}}%
+ \doplacelistofsorts{#1}%
+ \page[\v!yes]}
+% todo:
+% \def\placelistofsorts[#1]%
+% {\doplacelistofsorts{#1}}
+ {\dontleavehmode
+ \begingroup % was \bgroup
+ \doattributes{\??so#1}\c!style\c!color{#2}%
+ \endgroup} % was \egroup
+ {\bgroup
+ \defconvertexpanded\asciisynonym{\getvalue{\??so#1\c!expansion}}{#3}%
+ \immediatewriteutility{s e {#1} {#2} {\asciisynonym} {}}%
+ \egroup}
+ {\executeifdefined{#1\s!entry}\gobblethreearguments}
+ {\processsort{#1}{#2}{#3}%
+ \getvalue{\??so#1\c!next}}
+ {\ifdoinpututilities \else
+ \dowritesort{#1}{#2}{#3}%
+ \unexpanded\setgvalue{#2}{\reprocesssort{#1}{#3}{#2}}%
+ \fi}
+ {\begingroup
+ \let\executesort\thirdofthreearguments % Trick needed for nested logo's.
+ \preexecutesort{#1}{#2}{#3}%
+ \processsort{#1}{#3}{#2}%
+ \endgroup
+ \getvalue{\??so#1\c!next}} % not formally documented
+ {\setvalue{#1\s!entry}##1##2##3%
+ {\setgvalue{##1}{##2}%
+ \global\utilitydonetrue}}
+ {\bgroup
+ \let\dosetsort\doloadsort
+ \showmessage\m!systems{20}{#2}%
+ \doutilities{#1}\jobname{#1}\relax\relax
+ \egroup
+ \setvalue{\s!check#1}##1{}}
+ {\doifsomething{#2}
+ {\getvalue{\s!check#1}{#2}%
+ \doglobal\appendtoks\setvalue{#2}{#2}\to\simplifiedcommands
+ \doifelsevalue{\??so#1\c!state}\v!start
+ {\doifelsevalue{\??so#1\c!criterium}\v!all
+ {\preexecutesort{#1}{#2}{#3}}
+ {\unexpanded\setgvalue{#2}{\executesort{#1}{#2}{#3}}}}
+ {\unexpanded\setgvalue{#2}{\processsort{#1}{#3}{#2}}}}}
+ {\ifthirdargument
+ \dodocomplexsort[#2][#1#3]{#4}%
+ \else
+ \dowritesort{#2}{#4}{#4}%
+ \fi}
+% if #3=\relax or \v!none, then no command but still protected
+ {\savesortlanguage{\getvalue{\??so#1\s!language}}%
+ \immediatewriteutility{s l {#1} {\getvalue{\??so#1\s!language}}}}
+ {\getparameters[\??so#1]
+ [%\c!command=, % we test for defined !
+ \c!state=\v!start,
+ \c!criterium=,
+ \c!style=,
+ \c!before=,
+ \c!after=\endgraf,
+ \c!expansion=,
+ \s!language=\currentmainlanguage]%
+ \doglobal\appendtoksonce
+ \doregistersortinglanguage{#1}%
+ \to \everysavesortkeys
+ \ifthirdargument
+ \ConvertConstantAfter\doifnot{#3}\v!none
+ {\ifx#3\relax \else
+ \def#3##1{\getvalue{\??so:#1:##1}}
+ \fi}%
+ \setvalue{#1}{\dotripleempty\docomplexsort[\??so:#1:][#1]}%
+ \else
+ \setvalue{#1}{\dotripleempty\docomplexsort[][#1]}%
+ \fi
+ \addutilityreset{#1}%
+ \presetheadtext[#2=\Word{#2}]% after \ifthirdargument -)
+ \setvalue{\e!setup#2\e!endsetup}[##1]{\getparameters[\??so#1][##1]}% to be obsolete
+ \setvalue{\s!set#1}{\dosetsort{#1}}%
+ \setvalue{\s!reset#1}{\doresetsort{#1}}%
+ \setvalue{\e!load#2}{\doloadsort{#1}{#2}}%
+ \setvalue{\s!check#1}##1{\checkdefined{sort}{#1}{##1}}%
+ \setvalue{\e!place\e!listof#2}{\doplacelistofsorts{#1}}%
+ \setvalue{\e!complete\e!listof#2}{\docompletelistofsorts{#1}{#2}}}
+ {\dotripleempty\dodefinesorting}
+%D Here we define a support macro that can sort simple comma
+%D separated lists. It's a multi-list variant of a prototype
+%D written by Taco.
+ {\doutilities{#1}\jobname{#1}\relax\relax}
+ {\begingroup
+ \doglobal\increment\nofsortedalphalists
+ \edef\currentsortedalphalist{alpha:\nofsortedalphalists}%
+ \definesorting[\currentsortedalphalist][\currentsortedalphalist]%
+ \processcommacommand[#1]{\getvalue\currentsortedalphalist}%
+ \global\let\sortedcommalist\empty
+ \def\makesortedlist##1{\doglobal\appendtocommalist{##1}\sortedcommalist}%
+ \setupsorting[\currentsortedalphalist][\c!criterium=\v!all,\c!command=\makesortedlist]%
+ \processlistofsorts[\currentsortedalphalist]%
+ \endgroup
+ \dodoglobal\let#1\sortedcommalist}
+% \starttext
+% \def\whatever{a,b,q,d,r,f} \sortalphacommacommand\whatever \whatever \endgraf
+% \def\whatever{ax,bx,qx,dx,rx,fx} \sortalphacommacommand\whatever \whatever \endgraf
+% \stoptext
+%D Presets.
+ [\v!abbreviation]
+ [\v!abbreviations]
+ [\infull]
+ [\v!abbreviation]
+ [\c!textstyle=\v!capital,
+ \c!textcolor=,
+ \c!synonymstyle=,
+ \c!synonymcolor=,
+ \c!headstyle=,
+ \c!headcolor=,
+ \c!location=\v!left,
+ \c!width=5em,
+ \c!state=\v!start]
+ [\v!logo]
+ [\v!logos]
+% no [\logogram]
+ [\v!unit]
+ [\v!units]
+ [\unitmeaning]
+ [\v!unit]
+ [\c!textstyle=\dimension]
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/supp-ali.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/supp-ali.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c4a1aadc5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/supp-ali.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=supp-ali,
+%D version=2000.04.17,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Support Macros,
+%D subtitle=Alignment,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D Yet undocumented.
+% 0 = centered
+% 1 = left in before
+% 2 = right in before
+% 3 = left in after
+% 4 = right in after
+% \starttabulate[|cg{.}|cg{,}|cg{,}|]
+% \NC period \NC comma \NC comma \NC\NR
+% \NG 100.000,00 \NG 100.000,00 \NG 100,00 \NC\NR
+% \NG 10.000,00 \NG 10.000,00 \NG 1000,00 \NC\NR
+% \NG 100,00 \NG 100,00 \NG 10,00 \NC\NR
+% \NG 100,00 \NG 100,00 \NG 10,00 \NC\NR
+% \NG 10\\ \NG 10\\ \NG 0,00 \NC\NR
+% \NG 10 \NG 10 \NG 0,00 \NC\NR
+% \NG 10 \NG 10 \NG 0,00 \NC\NR
+% \stoptabulate
+\let\afterassignwidth \!!zeropoint
+\let\alignmentclass\s!default % can be used to handle multiple mixed ones
+ {\popcharacteralign
+ \expanded{\dosetfirstpasscharacteralign{\alignmentcharacter}}}
+ {\def\checkalignment##1%
+ {\popcharacteralign
+ \let\\\empty
+ \setbox\scratchbox\hbox{#1}%
+ \edef\characterassignwidth{\the\wd\scratchbox}%
+ \setbox\scratchbox\null
+ \docheckalignment##1#1\relax\relax
+ \scratchdimen-\wd\scratchbox
+ \setbox\scratchbox\hbox{\ignorespaces##1\unskip}%
+ \advance\scratchdimen \wd\scratchbox
+ \ifdim\scratchdimen>\beforeassignwidth\relax
+ \edef\beforeassignwidth{\the\scratchdimen}%
+ \fi
+ \ifdim\scratchdimen=\zeropoint
+ \setbox\scratchbox\hbox{\ignorespaces##1\unskip}%
+ \scratchdimen\wd\scratchbox
+ \ifcase\characteralignmentmode
+ % do nothing
+ \else\ifnum\characteralignmentmode<\plusthree
+ \advance\scratchdimen \characterassignwidth
+ \ifdim\scratchdimen>\beforeassignwidth\relax
+ \edef\beforeassignwidth{\the\scratchdimen}%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \ifdim\scratchdimen>\afterassignwidth\relax
+ \edef\afterassignwidth{\the\scratchdimen}%
+ \fi
+ \fi\fi
+ \fi
+ \pushcharacteralign}%
+ \def\docheckalignment##1#1##2##3\relax
+ {\ifx##2\relax
+ \setbox\scratchbox\hbox{\ignorespaces##1\unskip}%
+ \ifdim\wd\scratchbox>\afterassignwidth
+ \edef\afterassignwidth{\the\wd\scratchbox}%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \docheckalignment##2##3\relax\relax
+ \fi}}
+ {\popcharacteralign
+ \expanded{\dosetsecondpasscharacteralign{\alignmentcharacter}}}
+ {\def\checkalignment##1%
+ {\popcharacteralign
+ \let\\\empty % beware, no grouping
+ \setbox\scratchbox\hbox{#1}%
+ \edef\characterassignwidth{\the\wd\scratchbox}%
+ \setbox\scratchbox\null
+ % new 12,34 vs 10\\ where 10 aligns on 12 if #1 = ,
+ \ifcase\characteralignmentslot
+ \docheckalignment##1#1\relax\relax
+ \scratchdimen\wd\scratchbox
+ \setbox\scratchbox\hbox{\ignorespaces##1\unskip}%
+ \else
+ \def\\{#1}%
+ \expanded{\docheckalignment##1#1\relax\relax}%
+ \scratchdimen\wd\scratchbox
+ \setbox\scratchbox\hbox{\def\\{\hphantom{#1}}\ignorespaces##1\unskip}%
+ \fi
+ \noindent
+ \ifdim\scratchdimen=\wd\scratchbox
+ \ifcase\characteralignmentmode
+ \box\scratchbox
+ \else
+ \hbox
+ {\dontcomplain
+ \hbox to \beforeassignwidth
+ {\ifcase\characteralignmentmode\or
+ \box\scratchbox\hss
+ \or
+ \hss\box\scratchbox\hskip\characterassignwidth
+ \or
+ \hss\rlap{\box\scratchbox}%
+ \or
+ \hss\rlap{\hbox to \afterassignwidth{\hss\box\scratchbox}}%
+ \fi}%
+ \hskip\afterassignwidth}%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \hbox
+ {\hbox to \beforeassignwidth
+ {\hss\box\scratchbox\hskip-\scratchdimen}%
+ \hskip\afterassignwidth}%
+ \fi}%
+ \def\docheckalignment##1#1##2##3\relax
+ {\ifx##2\relax
+ \setbox\scratchbox\hbox{\ignorespaces##1\unskip}%
+ \else
+ \docheckalignment##2##3\relax\relax
+ \fi}}
+% provide a means to use multiple alignments mixed
+ {\ifundefined{@cac@\alignmentclass}%
+ \doglobal\appendetoks\noexpand\do{\alignmentclass}\to\@@characteralignlst
+ \fi
+ \setxvalue{@cac@\alignmentclass}{\noexpand\do
+ {\afterassignwidth}{\beforeassignwidth}{\alignmentcharacter}}}
+ {\def\do##1##2##3%
+ {\def\afterassignwidth {##1}%
+ \def\beforeassignwidth {##2}%
+ \def\alignmentcharacter{##3}}%
+ \executeifdefined{@cac@\alignmentclass}\donothing}
+\def\resetcharacteralign % does not work well nested
+ {\def\do##1{\global\letbeundefined{@cac@##1}}% global !
+ \the\@@characteralignlst
+ \global\@@characteralignlst\emptytoks}
+ {\bgroup
+ \setfirstpasscharacteralign #1%
+ \setsecondpasscharacteralign#1%
+ \egroup}
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/supp-box.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/supp-box.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..55641fd63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/supp-box.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,3126 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=supp-box,
+%D version=1995.10.10,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Support Macros,
+%D subtitle=Boxes,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D This module implements some box manipulation macros. Some
+%D are quite simple, some are more advanced and when understood
+%D well, all can be of use.
+%D No longer generic, why bother.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Support Macros / Boxes}
+%D \macros
+%D {strutdp,strutht,strutwd}
+%D The next shortcuts save memory and keying. The width is
+%D normally zero points (if not, you're in trouble). These
+%D shortcuts can be used like a dimension, opposite to the
+%D core macros \type {\strutdepth} and alike, which are
+%D values.
+%D \macros
+%D {resetbox, emptybox}
+%D Let's start with an easy one. The next macro hides the
+%D ugly \type {@} in \type {\voidb@x}.
+\ifx\voidbox\undefined \newbox\voidbox \fi
+\ifx\voidb@x\undefined \let\voidb@x\voidbox \fi
+\def\emptybox {\box \voidbox}
+\def\unvoidbox {\unhbox\voidbox}
+%D \macros
+%D {nextdepth}
+%D Let's start with a rather simple declaration. Sometimes we
+%D need to save the \TEX\ \DIMENSION\ \type{\prevdepth} and
+%D append it later on. The name \type{\nextdepth} suits
+%D this purpose well.
+%D \macros
+%D {smashbox, smashedbox}
+%D Smashing is introduced in \PLAIN\ \TEX, and stands for
+%D reducing the dimensions of a box to zero. The most resolute
+%D one is presented first.
+ {\wd#1\zeropoint
+ \ht#1\zeropoint
+ \dp#1\zeropoint}
+ {\smashbox{#1}%
+ \box#1\relax}
+%D \macros
+%D {hsmashbox,vsmashbox}
+%D Smashing can be used for overlaying boxes. Depending on
+%D the mode, horizontal or vertical, one can use:
+ {\wd#1\zeropoint}
+ {\ht#1\zeropoint
+ \dp#1\zeropoint}
+%D The next implementation is less sensitive for spurious
+%D spaces.
+ {\afterassignment\dosmashbox\registercount}
+ {\wd\registercount\zeropoint
+ \ht\registercount\zeropoint
+ \dp\registercount\zeropoint}
+ {\afterassignment\thesmashedbox\registercount}
+ {\dosmashbox
+ \box\registercount}
+ {\afterassignment\dohsmashbox\registercount}
+ {\wd\registercount\zeropoint}
+ {\afterassignment\dovsmashbox\registercount}
+ {\ht\registercount\zeropoint
+ \dp\registercount\zeropoint}
+%D \macros
+%D {hsmash,vsmash,
+%D hsmashed,vsmashed}
+%D While the previous macros expected a \BOX, the next act on a
+%D content. They are some subtle differences betreen the smash
+%D and smashed alternatives. The later ones reduce all
+%D dimensions to zero.
+% Ok, but inefficient and/or catcode unsafe:
+% \def\hsmash #1{\bgroup\setbox0=\normalhbox{#1}\hsmashbox0\box0\egroup}
+% \def\vsmash #1{\bgroup\setbox0=\normalvbox{#1}\vsmashbox0\box0\egroup}
+% \def\hsmashed#1{\bgroup\setbox0=\normalhbox{#1}\smashbox 0\box0\egroup}
+% \def\vsmashed#1{\bgroup\setbox0=\normalvbox{#1}\smashbox 0\box0\egroup}
+% Better, but a waste of tokens:
+% \def\hsmash {\bgroup\dowithnextbox{\hsmashbox\nextbox\flushnextbox\egroup}\normalhbox}
+% \def\vsmash {\bgroup\dowithnextbox{\vsmashbox\nextbox\flushnextbox\nextbox\egroup}\normalvbox}
+% \def\hsmashed{\bgroup\dowithnextbox{\smashbox \nextbox\flushnextbox\nextbox\egroup}\normalhbox}
+% \def\vsmashed{\bgroup\dowithnextbox{\smashbox \nextbox\flushnextbox\nextbox\egroup}\normalvbox}
+% The best:
+\def\dosomesmash#1% (begin|end)group ipv (b|e)group ?
+ {\bgroup\dowithnextbox{#1\nextbox\flushnextbox\egroup}}
+\def\hsmash {\dosomesmash\hsmashbox\normalhbox}
+\def\vsmash {\dosomesmash\vsmashbox\normalvbox}
+\def\hsmashed{\dosomesmash\smashbox \normalhbox}
+\def\vsmashed{\dosomesmash\smashbox \normalvbox}
+%D \macros
+%D {smashedhbox,smashedvbox}
+%D Also handy (all dimensions zeroed):
+%D \starttyping
+%D \smashedhbox to ... {...}
+%D \smashedvbox to ... {...}
+%D \stoptyping
+ %{#1\bgroup\dowithnextbox{\smashbox\nextbox\flushnextbox\egroup}#1}
+ {#1\bgroup\dowithnextbox{\smashedbox\nextbox\egroup}#1}
+%D \macros
+%D {smash}
+%D This smash alternative takes an optional arg [whdtb] as
+%D well as is potentially catcode safer. It is needed by the
+%D math module (although the \type {\leavevmode} is not added
+%D here).
+ {\futurelet\nexttoken\dosmash}
+ {\ifx\nexttoken[\@EA\dodosmash\else\@EA\donosmash\fi}
+ {\dodosmash[hd]}
+ {\edef\@@smash{#1}\futurelet\nexttoken\dododosmash}
+\def\dododosmash % if needed we can avoid the \next
+ {\ifmmode
+ \def\next##1{\mathpalette\mathsm@sh{##1}}%
+ \else\ifx\nexttoken\bgroup
+ \let\next\finsm@sh
+ \else
+ \def\next##1{\finsm@sh{##1}}%
+ \fi\fi
+ \next}
+\def\mathsm@sh#1#2% redefined plain macro
+ {\finsm@sh{$\mathsurround\zeropoint#1{#2}$}}
+\def\makesm@sh#1% redefined plain macro (handles t b h d w)
+ {\if#1w\nextboxwd\zeropoint\else
+ \if#1h\nextboxht\zeropoint\else
+ \if#1d\nextboxdp\zeropoint\else
+ \if#1t\nextboxht\zeropoint\else
+ \if#1b\nextboxdp\zeropoint\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi}
+\def\finsm@sh % redefined plain macro
+ {\dowithnextbox{\@EA\handletokens\@@smash\with\makesm@sh\flushnextbox}\normalhbox}
+%D \starttabulate[|l|l|]
+%D \NC w \NC \ruledhbox{\smash [w]{This is some great smashing, isn't it?}} \NC \NR
+%D \NC h \NC \ruledhbox{\smash [h]{This is some great smashing, isn't it?}} \NC \NR
+%D \NC d \NC \ruledhbox{\smash [d]{This is some great smashing, isn't it?}} \NC \NR
+%D \NC tb \NC \ruledhbox{\smash [tb]{This is some great smashing, isn't it?}} \NC \NR
+%D \NC whd \NC \ruledhbox{\smash[whd]{This is some great smashing, isn't it?}} \NC \NR
+%D \stoptabulate
+%D \macros
+%D {phantom, hphantom, vphantom, mathstrut}
+%D The next implementation of \type {\phantom} cum suis does
+%D not grab an argument in the non||math case, which is better.
+\unexpanded\def\phantom {\ph@nt\nextbox\nextbox\nextbox}
+%D Due to a complicated call to \type {\mathpallete} and
+%D thereby \type {\mathchoice}, the next macro looks ugly.
+%D We also take care of non||braced arguments.
+ {\def\doph@nt
+ {\ifmmode
+ \def\mathph@nt####1####2{\makeph@nt#1#2#3{$\mathsurround\zeropoint####1{####2}$}}%
+ \def\nextph@nt{\mathpalette\mathph@nt}%
+ \else\ifx\nextph@nt\bgroup
+ \def\nextph@nt{\makeph@nt#1#2#3}%
+ \else
+ \def\nextph@nt####1{\makeph@nt#1#2#3{####1}}%
+ \fi\fi
+ \nextph@nt}%
+ \futurelet\nextph@nt\doph@nt}
+ {\begingroup
+ \dowithnextbox
+ {\setbox\scratchbox\null
+ \ht\scratchbox\ht#1%
+ \dp\scratchbox\dp#2%
+ \wd\scratchbox\wd#3%
+ \box\scratchbox
+ \endgroup}
+ \normalhbox}
+%D We also define plain's \type {\mathstrut}.
+%D \macros
+%D {getboxheight}
+%D Although often needed, \TEX\ does not support arithmics
+%D like:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \dimen0 = \ht0 + \dp0
+%D \stoptyping
+%D so we implemented:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \getboxheight ... \of \box...
+%D \stoptyping
+%D For instance,
+%D \starttyping
+%D \getboxheight \dimen0 \of \box0
+%D \getboxheight \someheight \of \box \tempbox
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The implementation is rather stupid:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\getboxheight#1\of#2\box#3%
+%D {#1\ht#3\advance#1\dp#3\relax}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The next alternative is slightly more clever, since
+%D it accepts \type {{12}} as well as \type {12} as box
+%D number.
+ {\def\next{#1\dimexpr\ht\registercount+\dp\registercount\relax}%
+ \afterassignment\next\registercount=#3}
+%D For a long time the following three macros were part of
+%D the grid snapping core module, but it makes more sense to
+%D have them here so that users can see them.
+%D \macros
+%D {getnoflines, getroundednoflines, getrawnoflines}
+%D Het commando \type{\getnoflines} converteert een hoogte
+%D (dimensie) in een aantal regels en kent dit toe aan
+%D \type{\noflines}.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \getnoflines{dimensie}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Er wordt gedeeld door \type{\openlineheight} en een hoogte
+%D van~0pt komt overeen met 0~regels. The raw alternative
+%D does not round.
+%D For a long time we had:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \newcount\noflines
+%D \newdimen\noflinesheight
+%D \def\dogetnoflines#1#2%
+%D {\noflinesheight#2\relax
+%D \ifzeropt\noflinesheight % \ifdim\noflinesheight=\zeropoint
+%D \noflines\zerocount
+%D \else
+%D \divide\noflinesheight \openlineheight
+%D \noflines\noflinesheight
+%D #1\ifdim\noflines\openlineheight=#2\relax \else
+%D \advance\noflines\ifdim#2>\zeropoint\plusone\else\minusone\fi
+%D \fi\fi
+%D \fi}
+%D \def\getnoflines {\dogetnoflines\iftrue } % compensated
+%D \def\getrawnoflines{\dogetnoflines\iffalse} % no compensation
+%D \stoptyping
+%D A more recent variant is:
+\ifx\roundingeps\undefined \newdimen\roundingeps \roundingeps=10sp \fi
+% \def\getnoflines {\xdogetnoflines\plusone } % compensated
+% \def\getroundednoflines{\xdogetnoflines\plustwo } % rounded
+% \def\getrawnoflines {\xdogetnoflines\plusthree} % truncated
+% \def\xdogetnoflines#1#2%
+% {\noflinesheight#2\relax
+% \ifzeropt\noflinesheight
+% \noflines\zerocount
+% \else\ifdim\noflinesheight>\zeropoint
+% \ifcase#1\or
+% \advance\noflinesheight-\roundingeps
+% \divide\noflinesheight\openlineheight
+% \noflines\noflinesheight
+% \advance\noflines\plusone
+% \or
+% \advance\noflinesheight\roundingeps
+% \divide\noflinesheight\openlineheight
+% \noflines\noflinesheight
+% \or
+% \advance\noflinesheight\roundingeps
+% \advance\noflinesheight.5\openlineheight
+% \divide\noflinesheight\openlineheight
+% \noflines\noflinesheight
+% \fi
+% \else
+% \ifcase#1\or
+% \advance\noflinesheight\roundingeps
+% \divide\noflinesheight\openlineheight
+% \noflines\noflinesheight
+% \advance\noflines\minusone
+% \or
+% \advance\noflinesheight-\roundingeps
+% \divide\noflinesheight\openlineheight
+% \noflines\noflinesheight
+% \or
+% \advance\noflinesheight-\roundingeps
+% \advance\noflinesheight-.5\openlineheight
+% \divide\noflinesheight\openlineheight
+% \noflines\noflinesheight
+% \fi
+% \fi\fi}
+ {\noflinesheight#1\relax
+ \ifzeropt\noflinesheight
+ \noflines\zerocount
+ \else\ifdim\noflinesheight>\zeropoint
+ \advance\noflinesheight-\roundingeps
+ \divide\noflinesheight\openlineheight
+ \noflines\noflinesheight
+ \advance\noflines\plusone
+ \else
+ \advance\noflinesheight\roundingeps
+ \divide\noflinesheight\openlineheight
+ \noflines\noflinesheight
+ \advance\noflines\minusone
+ \fi\fi}
+ {\noflinesheight#1\relax
+ \ifzeropt\noflinesheight
+ \noflines\zerocount
+ \else\ifdim\noflinesheight>\zeropoint
+ \advance\noflinesheight\roundingeps
+ \divide\noflinesheight\openlineheight
+ \noflines\noflinesheight
+ \else
+ \advance\noflinesheight-\roundingeps
+ \divide\noflinesheight\openlineheight
+ \noflines\noflinesheight
+ \fi\fi}
+ {\noflinesheight#1\relax
+ \ifzeropt\noflinesheight
+ \noflines\zerocount
+ \else\ifdim\noflinesheight>\zeropoint
+ \advance\noflinesheight\roundingeps
+ \advance\noflinesheight.5\openlineheight
+ \divide\noflinesheight\openlineheight
+ \noflines\noflinesheight
+ \else
+ \advance\noflinesheight-\roundingeps
+ \advance\noflinesheight-.5\openlineheight
+ \divide\noflinesheight\openlineheight
+ \noflines\noflinesheight
+ \fi\fi}
+%D Let's proof that it works:
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \scratchdimen\dimexpr(3pt) \getnoflines\scratchdimen 1=\the\noflines \endgraf
+%D \scratchdimen\dimexpr(10\lineheight) \getnoflines\scratchdimen 10=\the\noflines \endgraf
+%D \scratchdimen\dimexpr(10.1\lineheight) \getnoflines\scratchdimen 11=\the\noflines \endgraf
+%D \scratchdimen\dimexpr(10.5\lineheight) \getnoflines\scratchdimen 11=\the\noflines \endgraf
+%D \scratchdimen\dimexpr(10.9\lineheight) \getnoflines\scratchdimen 11=\the\noflines \endgraf
+%D \scratchdimen\dimexpr(10\lineheight+3pt) \getnoflines\scratchdimen 11=\the\noflines \endgraf
+%D \scratchdimen\dimexpr(10\lineheight+3sp) \getnoflines\scratchdimen 10=\the\noflines \endgraf
+%D \scratchdimen\dimexpr(10\lineheight-3sp) \getnoflines\scratchdimen 10=\the\noflines \endgraf
+%D \scratchdimen\dimexpr(3pt) \getrawnoflines\scratchdimen 0=\the\noflines \endgraf
+%D \scratchdimen\dimexpr(10\lineheight) \getrawnoflines\scratchdimen 10=\the\noflines \endgraf
+%D \scratchdimen\dimexpr(10.1\lineheight) \getrawnoflines\scratchdimen 10=\the\noflines \endgraf
+%D \scratchdimen\dimexpr(10.5\lineheight) \getrawnoflines\scratchdimen 11=\the\noflines \endgraf
+%D \scratchdimen\dimexpr(10.9\lineheight) \getrawnoflines\scratchdimen 11=\the\noflines \endgraf
+%D \scratchdimen\dimexpr(10\lineheight+3pt) \getrawnoflines\scratchdimen 10=\the\noflines \endgraf
+%D \scratchdimen\dimexpr(10\lineheight+3sp) \getrawnoflines\scratchdimen 10=\the\noflines \endgraf
+%D \scratchdimen\dimexpr(10\lineheight-3sp) \getrawnoflines\scratchdimen 10=\the\noflines \endgraf
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer \getbuffer
+%D \macros
+%D {determinenoflines}
+%D The next macro determines the number of lines and
+%D returns it it \type {\noflines}. The macro works
+%D reasonable well as long as the content can be unboxed.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \determinenoflines{test\\test}
+%D \determinenoflines{\bfd test\\test}
+%D \determinenoflines{\definedfont[Sans at 40pt]test\\test}
+%D \stoptyping
+\def\determinenoflines % can be mkiv'd
+ {\bgroup
+ \forgetall
+ \let\crlf\endgraf
+ \let\\\endgraf
+ \dowithnextbox
+ {\beginofshapebox
+ \unvbox\nextbox
+ \endofshapebox
+ % \global\count1\zerocount
+ % \reshapebox{\global\advance\count1\plusone}%
+ % \egroup\noflines\count1 }%
+ \scratchcounter\zerocount
+ \reshapebox{\global\advance\scratchcounter\plusone}%
+ \expandafter\egroup\expandafter\noflines\the\scratchcounter\relax
+ }\vbox}
+%D \macros
+%D {doiftextelse, doiftext}
+%D When \type {\doifelse} cum suis hopelessly fail, for
+%D instance because we pass data, we can fall back on the next
+%D macro:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \doiftextelse {data} {then branch} {else branch}
+%D \doiftext {data} {then branch}
+%D \stoptyping
+ {\bgroup
+ \setbox\scratchbox\normalhbox
+ {\trialtypesettingtrue
+ \ignorespaces#1\removeunwantedspaces}%
+ \ifzeropt\wd\scratchbox
+ \egroup\@EA\secondoftwoarguments
+ \else
+ \egroup\@EA\firstoftwoarguments
+ \fi}
+ {\doiftextelse{#1}{#2}\donothing}
+%D \macros
+%D {dowithnextbox,nextbox}
+%D Sometimes we want a macro to grab a box and do something
+%D on the content. One could pass an argument to a box, but
+%D this can violate the specific \CATCODES\ of its content and
+%D leads to unexpected results. The next macro treats the
+%D following braced text as the content of a box and
+%D manipulates it afterwards in a predefined way.
+%D The first argument specifies what to do with the content.
+%D This content is available in \type{\nextbox}. The second
+%D argument is one of \type{\hbox}, \type{\vbox} or
+%D \type{\vtop}. The third argument must be grouped with
+%D \type{\bgroup} and \type{\egroup}, \type{{...}} or can be
+%D a \type{\box} specification.
+%D In \CONTEXT\ this macro is used for picking up a box and
+%D treating it according to earlier specifications. We use for
+%D instance something like:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\getfloat%
+%D {\def\handlefloat{...\flushnextbox...}
+%D \dowithnextbox\handlefloat\normalvbox}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D instead of:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\getfloat#1%
+%D {...#1...}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D In this implementation the \type{\aftergroup} construction
+%D is needed because \type{\afterassignment} is executed inside
+%D the box.
+\ifx\nextbox\undefined \newbox\nextbox \fi
+ {\long\def\dodowithnextbox{#1}%
+ \afterassignment\dododowithnextbox
+ \setbox\nextbox}
+ {\aftergroup\dodowithnextbox}
+ {\let\dodowithnextbox#1%
+ \afterassignment\dododowithnextbox
+ \setbox\nextbox}
+ {\aftergroup\dodowithnextbox}
+%D So in fact we get:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \setbox\nextbox { \aftergroup\dodowithnextbox ... }
+%D \stoptyping
+%D or
+%D \starttyping
+%D \setbox\nextbox { ... } \dodowithnextbox
+%D \stoptyping
+%D A slower but more versatile implementation is:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \long\def\dowithnextbox#1#2%
+%D {\long\def\dodowithnextbox{#1}%
+%D \ifx#2\normalhbox
+%D \afterassignment\dododowithnextbox
+%D \else\ifx#2\normalvbox
+%D \afterassignment\dododowithnextbox
+%D \else\ifx#2\normalvtop
+%D \afterassignment\dododowithnextbox
+%D \else\ifx#2\normalvcenter
+%D \afterassignment\dododowithnextbox
+%D \else
+%D \afterassignment\dodowithnextbox
+%D \fi\fi\fi\fi
+%D \setbox\nextbox#2}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D This alternative also accepts \type{\box0} and alike, but
+%D we don't really need this functionality now.
+%D \macros
+%D {nextboxht,nextboxwd,nextboxdp,flushnextbox}
+%D The next couple of shortcuts saves us memory as well as
+%D \type {{}}'s in passing parameters.
+%D \macros
+%D {dowithnextboxcontent}
+%D But, occasionally we do need to pass some local settings
+%D without wanting to use additional grouping. Therefore we
+%D provide:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \dowithnextboxcontent{inside}{after}{box content}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D {\em todo: Search source for potential usage!}
+\long\def\dowithnextboxcontent#1#2% inside, after
+ {\long\def\dodowithnextbox{#2}%
+ \def\dododowithnextbox{#1\aftergroup\dodowithnextbox}%
+ \afterassignment\dododowithnextbox
+ \setbox\nextbox}
+%D Now we can redefine \type {\dowithnextbox} as follows:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\dowithnextbox{\dowithnextboxcontent\empty}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D But since this macro is used often and since this implementation
+%D is slower, we will not use that definition.
+% maybe:
+% depending on the size of the action, about 10% faster
+% \newtoks\nextboxtoks
+% \def\dowithnextbox {\afterassignment\redowithnextbox\nextboxtoks}
+% \def\redowithnextbox {\afterassignment\dododowithnextbox\setbox\nextbox}
+% \def\dododowithnextbox{\aftergroup\dodowithnextbox}
+% \def\dodowithnextbox {\the\nextboxtoks}
+% \long\def\dowithnextboxcontent#1% #2% inside, after
+% {\def\dododowithnextbox{#1\aftergroup\dodowithnextbox}%
+% \afterassignment\redowithnextboxcontent\nextboxtoks}
+% \def\redowithnextboxcontent
+% {\afterassignment\dododowithnextbox\setbox\nextbox}
+%D \macros
+%D {llap, rlap, tlap, blap, clap}
+%D Some well known friends, but we implement them our own
+%D way. We want the macros to work in both math and text mode.
+\def\dodorlap{\normalhbox to \zeropoint{\flushnextbox\normalhss}\endgroup}
+\def\dodollap{\normalhbox to \zeropoint{\normalhss\flushnextbox}\endgroup}
+\def\dodoclap{\normalhbox to \zeropoint{\normalhss\flushnextbox\normalhss}\endgroup}
+\def\domathclap{\mathpalette\dodomathclap} \def\dodomathclap#1#2{\doclap{$\mathsurround\zeropoint#1#2$}}
+\def\domathllap{\mathpalette\dodomathllap} \def\dodomathllap#1#2{\dollap{$\mathsurround\zeropoint#1#2$}}
+\def\domathrlap{\mathpalette\dodomathrlap} \def\dodomathrlap#1#2{\dorlap{$\mathsurround\zeropoint#1#2$}}
+\def\dodotlap{\normalvbox to \zeropoint{\normalvss\flushnextbox}\endgroup}
+\def\dodoblap{\normalvbox to \zeropoint{\flushnextbox\normalvss}\endgroup}
+%D \macros
+%D {beginofshapebox,
+%D reshapebox, doreshapebox,
+%D flushshapebox,
+%D innerflushshapebox,
+%D shapebox,
+%D ifreshapingbox}
+%D The next utility macro originates from some linenumbering
+%D mechanism. Due to \TEX's advanced way of typesetting
+%D paragraphs, it's not easy to do things on a line||by||line
+%D basis. This macro is able to reprocess a given box and can
+%D act upon its vertical boxed components, such as lines. The
+%D unwinding sequence in this macro is inspired by a \NTG\
+%D workshop of David Salomon in June 1992.
+%D First we have to grab the piece of text we want to act
+%D upon. This is done by means of the duo macros:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \beginofshapebox
+%D a piece of text
+%D \endofshapebox
+%D \stoptyping
+%D When all texts is collected, we can call \type{\reshapebox}
+%D and do something with it's vertical components. We can make
+%D as much passes as needed. When we're done, the box can be
+%D unloaded with \type{\flushshapebox}. The only condition in
+%D this scheme is that \type{\reshapebox} must somehow unload
+%D the \BOX\ \type{\shapebox}.
+%D An important aspect is that the content is unrolled
+%D bottom||up. The next example illustrates this maybe
+%D unexpected characteristic.
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \beginofshapebox
+%D \em \input tufte
+%D \endofshapebox
+%D \newcounter\LineNumber
+%D \reshapebox
+%D {\doglobal\increment\LineNumber
+%D \normalhbox{\llap{\LineNumber\hskip2em}\box\shapebox}}
+%D \flushshapebox
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+%D \getbuffer
+%D As we can see, when some kind of numbering is done, we have
+%D to add a second pass.
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \newcounter\LineNumber
+%D \newcounter\NumberOfLines
+%D \reshapebox
+%D {\doglobal\increment\NumberOfLines
+%D \box\shapebox}
+%D \reshapebox
+%D {\doglobal\increment\LineNumber
+%D \normalhbox
+%D {\llap{\LineNumber\ (\NumberOfLines)\hskip2em}%
+%D \box\shapebox}%
+%D \doglobal\decrement\NumberOfLines}
+%D \flushshapebox
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+%D \getbuffer
+%D This example shows that the content of the box is still
+%D available after flushing. Another feature is that only the
+%D last reshaping counts. Multiple reshaping can be done by:
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \beginofshapebox
+%D \flushshapebox
+%D \endofshapebox
+%D \reshapebox
+%D {\doglobal\increment\LineNumber
+%D \normalhbox{\llap{$\star$\hskip1em}\box\shapebox}%
+%D \doglobal\decrement\NumberOfLines}
+%D \flushshapebox
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+%D \getbuffer
+%D The macros are surprisingly easy to follow and in fact
+%D introduce no new concepts. Nearly all books on \TEX\ show
+%D similar solutions for unwinding \BOXES.
+%D Some macros, like footnote ones, can be sensitive for
+%D reshaping, which can result in an endless loop. We
+%D therefore offer:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \ifreshapingbox
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Some \CONTEXT\ commands are protected this way. Anyhow,
+%D reshaping is aborted after 100 dead cycles.
+%D By the way, changing the height and depth of \BOX\
+%D \type{\shapebox} results in bad spacing. This means that
+%D for instance linenumbers etc. should be given zero height
+%D and depth before being lapped into the margin. The
+%D previous examples ignore this side effect, but beware!
+\newif \ifsomeshapeleft
+\newif \ifreshapingbox
+\newbox \shapebox
+\newcount \shapepenalty
+\newdimen \shapekern
+\newskip \shapeskip
+\newbox \newshapebox
+\newbox \oldshapebox
+\newcount \shapecounter
+\newevery \everyshapebox \relax
+\def\shapesignal{.12345678pt} % or 12345sp
+% todo: in etex lastnode
+ {\doreshapebox
+ {#1}%
+ {\penalty\shapepenalty}%
+ {\kern \shapekern }%
+ {\vskip \shapeskip }}
+\newif\ifreshapingfailed % may save redundant runs
+\def\doreshapebox#1#2#3#4% \shapebox, \shapepenalty, \shapekern, \shapeskip
+ {\global\reshapingfailedfalse
+ \ifzeropt\ht\oldshapebox % \ifdim\ht\oldshapebox=\zeropoint
+ \setbox\newshapebox\normalvbox{}%
+ \else
+ \setbox\newshapebox\normalvbox
+ {\unvcopy\oldshapebox
+ \resetbox\newshapebox
+ \shapecounter\zerocount
+ \doloop{\dodoreshapebox{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}}}%
+ \setbox\newshapebox\box\tmpshapebox
+ \fi}
+\ifx\originalshapebox\undefined \let\originalshapebox\oldshapebox \fi
+% %D The old traditional tex variant:
+% \def\insertshapesignal
+% {\normalhbox to \shapesignal{\strut\hss}% plus \strut
+% \prevdepth\strutdp} % never \nointerlineskip
+% \def\restoreshapebox % compensates for the signal
+% {\global\setbox\tmpshapebox\vbox{\vskip-\lineheight\unvcopy\oldshapebox}}
+% \def\shapeboxstrut % put this in front if needed !
+% {\vrule\!!width\zeropoint\!!height\ht\shapebox\!!depth\dp\shapebox}
+% \def\dodoreshapebox#1#2#3#4% \shapebox, \shapepenalty, \shapekern, \shapeskip
+% {\ifzeropt\lastskip % \ifdim\lastskip=\zeropoint\relax
+% \ifzeropt\lastkern % \ifdim\lastkern=\zeropoint\relax
+% \ifcase\lastpenalty % \ifnum\lastpenalty=\zerocount
+% \setbox\shapebox\lastbox
+% \ifvoid\shapebox
+% \unskip\unpenalty\unkern
+% \else
+% \ifdim\wd\shapebox=\shapesignal\relax
+% \exitloop
+% \else
+% \shapecounter\zerocount
+% \global\setbox\tmpshapebox\normalvbox{#1\unvbox\tmpshapebox}%
+% \fi
+% \fi
+% \else
+% \shapepenalty\lastpenalty
+% \global\setbox\tmpshapebox\normalvbox{#2\unvbox\tmpshapebox}%
+% \unpenalty
+% \fi
+% \else
+% \shapekern\lastkern
+% \global\setbox\tmpshapebox\normalvbox{#3\unvbox\tmpshapebox}%
+% \unkern
+% \fi
+% \else
+% \shapeskip\lastskip
+% \global\setbox\tmpshapebox\normalvbox{#4\unvbox\tmpshapebox}%
+% \unskip
+% \fi
+% \ifnum\shapecounter>100 % can be less
+% \global\reshapingfailedtrue
+% \message{!!forced exit from shapebox!!}%
+% \restoreshapebox
+% \exitloop
+% \else
+% \advance\shapecounter \plusone
+% \fi}
+% But now that the lastnode bugfixes are wide spread we can use:
+% We will turn this into a \MKIV\ variant.
+ {\normalhbox to \shapesignal{\strut\hss}% plus \strut
+ \prevdepth\strutdp} % never \nointerlineskip
+\def\restoreshapebox % compensates for the signal
+ {\global\setbox\tmpshapebox\vbox{\vskip-\lineheight\unvcopy\oldshapebox}}
+\def\dodoreshapebox#1#2#3#4% \shapebox, \shapepenalty, \shapekern, \shapeskip
+ {\ifnum\lastnodetype=\@@gluenode
+ \shapeskip\lastskip
+ \global\setbox\tmpshapebox\normalvbox{#4\unvbox\tmpshapebox}%
+ \unskip
+ \else\ifnum\lastnodetype=\@@kernnode
+ \shapekern\lastkern
+ \global\setbox\tmpshapebox\normalvbox{#3\unvbox\tmpshapebox}%
+ \unkern
+ \else\ifnum\lastnodetype=\@@penaltynode
+ \shapepenalty\lastpenalty
+ \global\setbox\tmpshapebox\normalvbox{#2\unvbox\tmpshapebox}%
+ \unpenalty
+ \else\ifnum\lastnodetype<\zeropoint
+ \exitloop
+ \else
+ \setbox\shapebox\lastbox
+ \ifvoid\shapebox
+ \else\ifdim\wd\shapebox=\shapesignal\relax
+ \exitloop
+ \else
+ \shapecounter\zerocount
+ \global\setbox\tmpshapebox\normalvbox{#1\unvbox\tmpshapebox}%
+ \fi\fi
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi
+ \ifnum\shapecounter>100 % can be less
+ \global\reshapingfailedtrue
+ \message{!!forced exit from shapebox \the\lastnodetype !!}%
+ \restoreshapebox
+ \exitloop
+ \else
+ \advance\shapecounter \plusone
+ \fi}
+ {\setbox\oldshapebox\normalvbox
+ \bgroup
+ \reshapingboxtrue
+ \the\everyshapebox
+ \insertshapesignal}
+ {\endgraf
+ \egroup}
+\let\endshapebox \endofshapebox
+ {\bgroup
+ \ifzeropt\ht\newshapebox % \ifdim\ht\newshapebox=\zeropoint
+ \else
+ % make \prevdepth legal
+ % \par before the next \vskip gives far worse results
+ \ifdim\parskip>\zeropoint\vskip\parskip\else\par\fi
+ % and take a look
+ \ifdim\prevdepth=-\thousandpoint
+ \prevdepth\zeropoint
+ \fi
+ \ifdim\prevdepth<\zeropoint\relax
+ % something like a line or a signal or ...
+ \donetrue
+ \else\ifinner
+ % not watertight and not ok
+ \donefalse
+ \else\ifdim\pagegoal=\maxdimen
+ \donetrue
+ \else
+ % give the previous line a normal depth
+ \donetrue
+ {\forgeteverypar\verticalstrut}\nobreak
+ \kern-\struttotal % geen \vskip
+ \kern-\parskip
+ % \vskip-\strutdp
+ \fi\fi\fi
+ \scratchdimen\dp\newshapebox
+ \unvbox\newshapebox
+ % \prevdepth=0pt and \dp\newshapebox depend on last line
+ \kern-\scratchdimen % ??
+ % now \prevdepth=0pt
+ \ifdone
+ \kern\strutdp
+ \prevdepth\strutdp
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \egroup}
+%D In real inner situations we can use:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \flushinnershapebox
+%D \stoptyping
+%D This one is used in \type{\framed}.
+% The kern fails on for instance:
+% \omlijnd[offset=0pt,hoogte=8mm,uitlijnen={rechts,laho}]{\bfa test}
+ {\ifzeropt\ht\newshapebox \else
+ \unvcopy\newshapebox\relax % unvcopy ! else spacing problem
+ % \kern-\dp\newshapebox\relax
+ \fi}
+%D For absolute control, one can use \type{\doreshapebox}
+%D directly. This macro takes four arguments, that take care
+%D of:
+%D \startitemize[n,packed]
+%D \item \type{\shapebox}
+%D \item \type{\shapepenalty}
+%D \item \type{\shapekern}
+%D \item \type{\shapeskip}
+%D \stopitemize
+%D \macros
+%D {shapedhbox}
+%D When constructing a new box, using the content of \type
+%D {\shapebox}, one can best use \type {\shapedhbox} instead
+%D of \type {\normalhbox}, since it manages the height and depth of
+%D the line.
+% \def\shapedhbox
+% {\dowithnextbox
+% {\nextboxht\zeropoint
+% \nextboxdp\zeropoint
+% \flushnextbox}
+% \normalhbox}
+\def\shapedhbox % lines with non strutted dimensions have
+ {\expanded{\dowithnextbox % interlineskip so if we want the original
+ {\nextboxht\the\ht\shapebox % spacing, we need to preserve the original
+ \nextboxdp\the\dp\shapebox % height and depth which is definitely
+ \noexpand\flushnextbox}} % needed if we apply struts to the 'new'
+ \normalhbox} % box or do something that changed ist size
+%D \macros
+%D {hyphenatedword,
+%D hyphenatedpar,
+%D hyphenatedfile,
+%D dohyphenateword}
+%D The next one is a tricky one. \PLAIN\ \TEX\ provides
+%D \type{\showhyphens} for showing macros on the terminal. When
+%D preparing a long list of words we decided to show the
+%D hyphens, but had to find out that the \PLAIN\ alternative
+%D can hardly be used and|/|or adapted to typesetting. The next
+%D two macros do the job and a little more. First we define the
+%D (slightly adapted) plain variant:
+ {\begingroup
+ \setbox\scratchbox\vbox
+ {\parfillskip\zerocount
+ \hsize\maxdimen
+ %\tenrm
+ \pretolerance\minusone
+ \tolerance\minusone
+ \hbadness\zerocount
+ \showboxdepth\zerocount
+ \ #1}%
+ \endgroup}
+%D The simple command \type{\hyphenatedword} accepts one
+%D argument and gives the hyphenated word. This macro calls for
+%D \starttyping
+%D \dohyphenateword {n} {pre} {word}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The next examples tell more than lots of words:
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \dohyphenateword{0} {} {dohyphenatedword}
+%D \dohyphenateword{1} {...} {dohyphenatedword}
+%D \dohyphenateword{2} {...} {dohyphenatedword}
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+%D Here, \type{\hyphenatedword{dohyphenatedword}} is the
+%D shorter alternative for the first line.
+%D \startvoorbeeld
+%D \getbuffer
+%D \stopvoorbeeld
+%D These macros are slow but effective and not that hard to
+%D program at all.
+\ifx\scantokens\undefined \let\scantokens\firstofoneargument \fi
+ {\bgroup
+ \setbox\scratchbox\normalhbox
+ {\dontcomplain
+ \nopenalties % \widowpenalty \clubpenalty \brokenpenalty \doublehyphendemerits \finalhyphendemerits \adjdemerits
+ \hyphenpenalty \zerocount
+ \exhyphenpenalty\zerocount
+ \setbox0\normalvbox
+ {\hsize\zeropoint
+ \hskip\zeropoint\relax % really needed
+ \ifnum#1<\zeropoint
+ \obeyspaces
+ \obeylines
+ \def\obeyedspace{\hskip\zeropoint\hbox to \onepoint{}\hskip\zeropoint}%
+ \let\obeyedline \obeyedspace
+ \ifcase-#1\or
+ \def\next{#3\relax}\scantokens\expandafter{\next}% relax catches lookahead problem
+ % also ok: \scantokens{#3}% % as in \hyphenatedword{spanish|?|}
+ \or
+ \readfile{#3}\donothing\donothing
+ \else
+ #3%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ #3%
+ \fi}%
+ \ifnum#1>\zerocount
+ \dorecurse{#1}
+ {\setbox2\normalhbox
+ {\splittopskip\openstrutheight
+ \vsplit0 to \baselineskip}}%
+ #2%
+ \fi
+ \doloop
+ {\setbox2\normalhbox
+ {\splittopskip\openstrutheight
+ \vsplit0 to \baselineskip}%
+ \setbox2\normalhbox
+ {\unhbox2
+ \setbox2\lastbox
+ \normalvbox
+ {\unvbox2
+ \setbox2\lastbox
+ \normalhbox{\unhbox2}}}%
+ \ifnum#1<\zeropoint\ifdim\wd2=\onepoint\space\else\box2\allowbreak\fi\else\box2\fi
+ \ifzeropt\ht0 \exitloop\fi}% % \ifdim\ht0=\zeropoint\exitloop\fi}%
+ \removeunwantedspaces}%
+ \ifnum#1>\zerocount
+ \ht\scratchbox\strutht
+ \dp\scratchbox\strutdp
+ \box\scratchbox
+ \else
+ \unhbox\scratchbox
+ \fi
+ \egroup}
+\def\hyphenatedpar {\dohyphenateword\minusone \empty}
+%D You may want to give the following call a try:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \hyphenatedpar{\readfile{zapf}{}{}}\endgraf
+%D \stoptyping
+%D \macros
+%D {processtokens}
+%D We fully agree with (most) typographers that inter||letter
+%D spacing is only permitted in fancy titles, we provide a
+%D macro that can be used to do so. Because this is
+%D (definitely and fortunately) no feature of \TEX, we have to
+%D step through the token list ourselves.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \processtokens {before} {between} {after} {space} {tokens}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D An example of a call is:
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \processtokens {[} {+} {]} {\space} {hello world}
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+%D This results in:
+%D \getbuffer
+%D The list of tokens may contain spaces, while \type{\\},
+%D \type{{}} and \type{\ } are handled as space too.
+ {\ifx\nextprocessedtoken\lastcharacter
+ \after
+ \let\nextprocessedtoken\relax
+ \else\ifx\nextprocessedtoken\bgroup
+ \def\nextprocessedtoken
+ {\dowithnextbox
+ {\before{\copy\nextbox}% \before can use nextbox several times
+ \let\before\between
+ \doprocesstokens}
+ \hbox\bgroup}%
+ \else
+ \expandafter\if\space\nextprocessedtoken
+ \after\white
+ \let\before\savedbefore
+ \else
+ \before\nextprocessedtoken
+ \let\before\between
+ \fi
+ \let\nextprocessedtoken\doprocesstokens
+ \fi\fi
+ \nextprocessedtoken}
+\def\doprocesstokens% the space after = is essential
+ {\afterassignment\dodoprocesstokens\let\nextprocessedtoken= }
+ {\begingroup
+ \def\lastcharacter{\lastcharacter}%
+ \def\space{ }%
+ \let\\=\space
+ \def\before {#1}%
+ \def\between{#2}%
+ \def\after {#3}%
+ \def\white {#4}%
+ \let\savedbefore\before
+ \doprocesstokens#5\lastcharacter
+ \endgroup}
+%D \macros
+%D {doboundtext}
+%D Sometimes there is not enough room to show the complete
+%D (line of) text. In such a situation we can strip of some
+%D characters by using \type{\doboundtext}. When the text is
+%D wider than the given width, it's split and the third
+%D argument is appended. When the text to be checked is packed
+%D in a command, we'll have to use \type{\expandafter}.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \doboundtext{a very, probably to long, text}{3cm}{...}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D When calculating the room needed, we take the width of the
+%D third argument into account, which leads to a bit more
+%D complex macro than needed at first sight.
+% \def\dodoboundtext#1%
+% {\setbox0=\normalhbox{\unhcopy0 #1}%
+% \ifdim\wd0>\dimen0
+% \let\dodoboundtext=\gobbleoneargument
+% \else
+% #1\relax
+% \fi}
+% \def\doboundtext#1#2#3%
+% {\normalhbox
+% {\setbox0=\normalhbox{#1}%
+% \dimen0=#2\relax
+% \ifdim\wd0>\dimen0
+% \setbox2=\normalhbox{#3}%
+% \advance\dimen0 by -\wd2
+% \setbox0=\normalhbox{}%
+% \processtokens
+% {\dodoboundtext}
+% {\dodoboundtext}
+% {}
+% {\space}
+% {#1}%
+% \box2
+% \else
+% \box0
+% \fi}}
+ {\setbox0\normalhbox{#1}%
+ \advance\scratchdimen -\wd0
+ \ifdim\scratchdimen>\zeropoint\relax#1\fi}%
+ {\normalhbox
+ {\setbox\scratchbox\normalhbox{#1}%
+ \scratchdimen#2\relax
+ \ifdim\wd\scratchbox>\scratchdimen
+ \setbox\scratchbox\normalhbox{#3}%
+ \advance\scratchdimen -\wd\scratchbox
+ \handletokens#1\with\dodoboundtext
+ \fi
+ \box\scratchbox}}
+%D \macros
+%D {limitatetext}
+%D A bit more beautiful alternative for the previous command is
+%D the next one. This command is more robust because we let
+%D \TEX\ do most of the job. The previous command works better
+%D on text that cannot be hyphenated.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \limitatetext {text} {width} {sentinel}
+%D \limitatetext {text} {-width} {prelude}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D When no width is given, the whole text comes available. The
+%D sentinel is optional. This is about the third version.
+\ifx\fakecompoundhyphen\undefined \let\fakecompoundhyphen\relax \fi
+\ifx\veryraggedright \undefined \def\veryraggedright{\raggedright} \fi
+%D The simple alternative is as follows:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \unexpanded\def\limitatetext%
+%D {\bgroup % evt \setstrut
+%D \forgetall
+%D \fakecompoundhyphen % dangerous ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
+%D \dowithnextbox\dolimitatetext\normalhbox}
+%D \def\dolimitatetext#1#2%
+%D {\doifelsenothing{#1}
+%D {\unhbox\nextbox}
+%D {\widowpenalty=0
+%D \clubpenalty=0
+%D \scratchdimen=#1\relax
+%D \ifdim\nextboxwd>\scratchdimen
+%D \setbox\scratchbox=\normalhbox{ #2}%
+%D \advance\scratchdimen by -\wd\scratchbox
+%D \setbox\nextbox=\normalvbox
+%D {\hsize=\scratchdimen
+%D \hfuzz\maxdimen
+%D \veryraggedright
+%D \strut\unhcopy\nextbox}%
+%D \ifdim\nextboxht>\strutht \else
+%D \setbox\scratchbox\null % overfull and not split
+%D \fi
+%D \setbox\nextbox=\normalvbox % if omitted: missing brace reported
+%D {\splittopskip=\openstrutheight
+%D \setbox\nextbox=\vsplit\nextbox to \strutht
+%D \unvbox\nextbox
+%D \setbox\nextbox=\lastbox
+%D \global\setbox1=\normalhbox
+%D {\unhbox\nextbox\unskip\kern\zeropoint\box\scratchbox\unskip}}%
+%D \unhbox1
+%D \else
+%D \unhbox\nextbox
+%D \fi}%
+%D \egroup}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The next alternative accepts a negative width. A negative
+%D value crops the beginning. The macro thereby becomes less
+%D readable, which is why we kept the original here too.
+ {\bgroup % evt \setstrut
+ \forgetall % otherwise indentation and so
+ %\def\limitatetext##1##2##3{##1}% \def !
+ \let\limitatetext\firstofthreearguments
+ \fakecompoundhyphen % dangerous ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
+ \dowithnextboxcs\dolimitatetext\normalhbox}
+ {\doifelsenothing{#1}
+ {\unhbox\nextbox}
+ {\nopenalties
+ \scratchdimen#1\relax
+ \ifdim\scratchdimen<\zeropoint\relax % we'll take the last line
+ \donefalse
+ \scratchdimen-\scratchdimen
+ \else
+ \donetrue
+ \fi
+ \ifdim\nextboxwd>\scratchdimen
+ \setbox\scratchbox\normalhbox{\ifdone\space#2\else#2\space\fi}%
+ \advance\scratchdimen -\wd\scratchbox
+ \setbox0\flushnextbox
+ \setbox\nextbox\normalvbox
+ {\hsize\scratchdimen
+ \hfuzz\maxdimen
+ \veryraggedright
+ \strut
+ \ifdone \else
+ \parfillskip\zeropoint
+ \rightskip\zeropoint
+ \hskip\zeropoint \!!plus 1\!!fill % \hsize
+ \fi
+ \unhcopy0}%
+ \ifdim\nextboxht>\strutht
+ \setbox\nextbox\normalvbox % if omitted: missing brace reported
+ {\splittopskip\openstrutheight
+ \ifdone
+ \setbox\nextbox\vsplit\nextbox to \strutht
+ \else
+ \doloop
+ {\setbox0\vsplit\nextbox to \strutht
+ \ifdim\nextboxht>\strutht \else \exitloop \fi}%
+ \fi
+ \unvbox\nextbox
+ \setbox\nextbox\lastbox
+ \global\setbox1\normalhbox
+ {\ifdone
+ \unhbox\nextbox\unskip\kern\zeropoint\box\scratchbox
+ \else
+ \box\scratchbox\unhbox\nextbox
+ \fi
+ \unskip}}%
+ \unhbox1
+ \else
+ \unhbox0
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \unhbox\nextbox
+ \fi}%
+ \egroup}
+%D We can also limit a text with more control:
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \limitatetext {\input tufte } {2cm,5mm} {\unknown}
+%D \limitatetext {ton en hans} {2cm,5mm} {\unknown}
+%D \limitatetext {ton en hans zijn eikels} {2cm,5mm} {\unknown}
+%D \limitatetext {ton} {2cm,5mm} {\unknown}
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer \getbuffer
+%D We build this feature on top of the previous macro.
+\def\speciallimitatetext#1#2#3#4% text left right placeholder
+ {%\dontleavehmode
+ \bgroup
+ %\def\speciallimitatetext##1##2##3##4{##1}% \def !
+ \let\speciallimitatetext\firstoffourarguments
+ \setbox0\normalhbox
+ {\nohyphens
+ \normallimitatetext{#1}{+#2}{}#4%
+ \normallimitatetext{#1}{-#3}{}}%
+ \setbox2\normalhbox
+ {#1}%
+ \ifdim\wd2<\wd0 #1\else\unhbox0\fi
+ \egroup}
+\def\limitatetext#1#2#3% \expanded added 2003/01/16
+ {\expanded{\beforesplitstring#2}\at,\to\leftlimit
+ \expanded{\aftersplitstring #2}\at,\to\rightlimit
+ \ifx\rightlimit\empty
+ \normallimitatetext {#1}\leftlimit {#3}%
+ \else
+ \speciallimitatetext{#1}\leftlimit\rightlimit{#3}%
+ \fi}
+%D Undocumented bonus (see wiki):
+%D \starttyping
+%D \limitatefirstline{\input tufte\relax}{10cm}{\unknown}
+%D \stoptyping
+ {\hbox\bgroup\strut
+ \setbox\scratchbox\hbox{\begstrut#1\endstrut}%
+ \ifdim\wd\scratchbox>#2\relax
+ \setbox\scratchbox\hbox{#3}%
+ \hsize#2\relax
+ \advance\hsize-\wd\scratchbox
+ \setbox\scratchbox\vbox{\forgetall\veryraggedright#1}%
+ \setbox\scratchbox\vsplit\scratchbox to \lineheight
+ \vbox
+ {\unvbox\scratchbox
+ \global\setbox\plusone\lastbox
+ \global\setbox\plusone\hbox{\strut\unhbox\plusone}%
+ \hbox % to #2
+ {\ifx\clip\undefined
+ \box\plusone
+ \else\ifdim\wd\plusone>\hsize
+ \lower\strutdepth\hbox{\clip[\c!width=\hsize,\c!height=\lineheight]{\hbox{\raise\strutdepth\box\plusone}}}%
+ \else
+ \box\plusone
+ \fi\fi
+ \removeunwantedspaces#3}}% \removeunwantedspaces\hss#3}}%
+ \else
+ #1%
+ \fi
+ \egroup}
+%D \macros
+%D {processisolatedwords,
+%D betweenisolatedwords,nothingbetweenisolatedwords}
+%D References are often made up of one word or a combination
+%D of tightly connected words. The typeset text {\bf
+%D chapter~5} is for instance the results of the character
+%D sequence:
+%D \starttyping
+%D The typeset text \in{chapter}[texniques] is for instance
+%D \stoptyping
+%D When such words are made active in interactive texts, the
+%D combination cannot longer be hyphenated. Normally this is no
+%D problem, because \TEX\ tries to prevent hyphenation as best
+%D as can.
+%D Sometimes however we need a few more words to make things
+%D clear, like when we want to refer to {\bf \TEX\ by Topic}.
+%D The macros that are responsible for typesetting hyperlinks,
+%D take care of such sub||sentences by breaking them up in
+%D words. Long ago we processed words using the space as a
+%D separator, but the more advanced our interactive text became,
+%D the more we needed a robust solution. Well, here it is and
+%D it called as:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \processisolatedwords{some words}\someaction
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The second argument \type{someactions} handles the
+%D individual words, like in:
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \processisolatedwords{some more words} \ruledhbox \par
+%D \processisolatedwords{and some $x + y = z$ math} \ruledhbox \par
+%D \processisolatedwords{and a \normalhbox{$x + y = z$}} \ruledhbox \par
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+%D which let the words turn up as:
+%D \startvoorbeeld
+%D \getbuffer
+%D \stopvoorbeeld
+%D The macro has been made a bit more clever than needed at
+%D first sight. This is due to the fact that we don't want to
+%D generate more overhead in terms of interactive commands than
+%D needed.
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \processisolatedwords{see this \ruledhskip1em} \ruledhbox
+%D \processisolatedwords{and \ruledhskip1em this one} \ruledhbox
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+%D becomes:
+%D \startvoorbeeld
+%D \startlines
+%D \getbuffer
+%D \stoplines
+%D \stopvoorbeeld
+%D Single word arguments are treated without further
+%D processing. This was needed because this command is used in
+%D the \type{\goto} command, to which we sometimes pass very
+%D strange and|/|or complicated arguments or simply boxes
+%D whose dimensions are to be left intact.
+%D First we build a \type{\normalhbox}. This enables us to save the
+%D last skip. Next we fill a \type{\normalvbox} without hyphenating
+%D words. After we've tested if there is more than one word, we
+%D start processing the individual lines (words). We need some
+%D splitting, packing and unpacking to get the spacing and
+%D dimensions right.
+%D Normally the isolated words are separated by space, but
+%D one can overrule this separator by changing the next macros.
+%D When needed, spacing can be suppressed by \type
+%D {\nothingbetweenisolatedwords}.
+\newif\ifisolatedwords % public, e.g. used in core-ref
+ {\hskip\currentspaceskip}
+%D In order to prevent problems with nested isolated words, we
+%D do process them, but only split at the outermost level.
+\chardef\isolatedwordsmode=0 % no nesting
+\def\processisolatedwords#1#2% todo: vbox ipv hbox ivm afbreken!
+ {\bgroup % todo: doloop
+ \fakecompoundhyphen
+ \dontcomplain
+ \forgetall
+ \nopenalties
+ \ifcase\isolatedwordsmode
+ \def\processisolatedwords##1##2{##2{##1}}% we split only once
+ \fi
+ \global\let\localbetweenisolatedwords\betweenisolatedwords
+ \setbox0\normalhbox % we default to spaces, but from inside out
+ {\normallanguage\minusone % needed for mkiv
+ \ignorespaces#1% \localbetweenisolatedwords can be overruled
+ \global\isolatedlastskip\lastskip}%
+ \setbox2\normalvbox
+ {%\hyphenpenalty10000 % this one fails in \url breaking,
+ \lefthyphenmin\maxcard % but this trick works ok, due to them
+ \righthyphenmin\maxcard % total>63, when no hyphenation is done
+ \hsize\zeropoint
+ \unhcopy0}% == #1
+ \ifdim\ht0=\ht2
+ \isolatedwordsfalse
+ #2{\unhbox0}% == #2{#1} % was \unhcopy0
+ \else
+ \isolatedwordstrue
+ \setbox0\normalhbox
+ {\ignorespaces
+ \loop
+ \setbox4\normalhbox
+ {\splittopskip\openstrutheight
+ \vsplit2 to \baselineskip}%
+ \normalhbox
+ {\unhbox4\unskip % recently added
+ \setbox4\lastbox
+ \normalvbox % outer \normalhbox needed
+ {\unvbox4 % for nested use
+ \setbox4\lastbox
+ \normalhbox{#2{\normalhbox
+ {\unhbox4
+ \unskip\unpenalty % remove end of line stuff
+ \global\dimen1\lastkern}}}}}%
+ \ifdim\ht2>\zeropoint\relax
+ \ifdim\dimen1=\compoundbreakpoint
+ \allowbreak
+ \else
+ \localbetweenisolatedwords
+ \fi
+ \repeat
+ \unskip}%
+ \unhbox0\unskip
+ \ifzeropt\isolatedlastskip\else % added % \ifdim\isolatedlastskip=\zeropoint\else % added
+ \hskip\isolatedlastskip
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \egroup}
+%D One can use the next macro to change the intersplit
+%D material. An example can be found in the \type {\url}
+%D macro. The innermost setting is used. In the url case, it
+%D means that either very small spaces are used or no spaces
+%D at all. So, the innermost settings are used, while the
+%D outermost split takes place.
+ {\gdef\localbetweenisolatedwords{#1}}
+%D \macros
+%D {sbox}
+%D This is a rather strange command. It grabs some box content
+%D and and limits the size to the height and depth of a
+%D \type{\strut}. The resulting bottom||alligned box can be used
+%D aside other ones, without disturbing the normal baseline
+%D distance.
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \ruledhbox to .5\hsize{\sbox{eerste\par tweede \par derde}}
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+%D Shows up as:
+%D \startvoorbeeld
+%D \vskip3\baselineskip
+%D \getbuffer
+%D \stopvoorbeeld
+%D Before displaying the result we added some skip, otherwise
+%D the first two lines would have ended up in the text. This
+%D macro can be useful when building complicated menus, headers
+%D and footers and|/|or margin material.
+\def\sbox% in handleiding, voorbeeld \inleft{xx} \extern..
+ {\normalvbox\bgroup % new ! ! !
+ \dowithnextbox
+ {\setbox\scratchbox\normalhbox
+ {\strut
+ \nextboxdp\zeropoint
+ \lower\strutdepth\flushnextbox}%
+ \dp\scratchbox\strutdepth
+ \ht\scratchbox\strutheight
+ \box\scratchbox
+ \egroup}%
+ \normalvbox}
+%D \macros
+%D {struttedbox}
+%D This boxing macro limits the height and depth to those of
+%D a strut.
+ {\normalhbox\bgroup % new ! ! !
+ \dowithnextbox
+ {\nextboxdp\strutdepth
+ \nextboxht\strutheight
+ \flushnextbox
+ \egroup}%
+ \normalhbox}
+%D \macros
+%D {topskippedbox}
+%D This macro compensates the difference between the topskip
+%D and strutheight. Watch how we preserve the depth when it
+%D equals strutdepth.
+ {\normalhbox\bgroup
+ \dowithnextbox
+ {\edef\next
+ {\ifdim\strutdepth=\nextboxdp\nextboxdp\the\nextboxdp\fi}%
+ \lower\topskip\normalhbox{\raise\strutheight\flushnextbox}%
+ \next
+ \egroup}%
+ \normalhbox}
+%D \macros
+%D {centeredbox, centerednextbox}
+%D Here is another strange one. This one offers a sort of overlay
+%D with positive or negative offsets. This command can be used
+%D in well defined areas where no offset options are available.
+%D We first used it when building a button inside the margin
+%D footer, where the button should have a horizontal offset and
+%D should be centered with respect to the surrounding box. The
+%D last of the three examples we show below says:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \vsize=3cm
+%D \hsize=3cm
+%D \ruledvbox to \vsize
+%D {\centeredbox height .5cm width -1cm
+%D {\vrule width \hsize height \vsize}}}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Here the \type{\ruledvbox} just shows the surrounding box
+%D and \type{\vrule} is used to show the centered box.
+%D \def\AnExample#1#2%
+%D {\vsize=3cm
+%D \hsize=3cm
+%D \ruledvbox to \vsize
+%D {\centeredbox height #1 width #2
+%D {\color[green]{\vrule width \hsize height \vsize}}}}
+%D \startlinecorrection
+%D \startcombination[3*1]
+%D {\AnExample {-1cm} {.5cm}} {}
+%D {\AnExample {.5cm} {-1cm}} {}
+%D {\AnExample {-1cm} {-.5cm}} {}
+%D \stopcombination
+%D \stoplinecorrection
+%D This command takes two optional arguments: \type{width} and
+%D \type{height}. Observing readers can see that we use \TEX's
+%D own scanner for grabbing these arguments: \type{#1#} reads
+%D everyting till the next brace and passes it to both rules.
+%D The setting of the box dimensions at the end is needed for
+%D special cases. The dimensions of the surrounding box are kept
+%D intact. This commands handles positive and negative
+%D dimensions (which is why we need two boxes with rules).
+\def\centeredbox#1#% height +/-dimen width +/-dimen
+ {\bgroup
+ \setbox0\normalvbox to \vsize
+ \bgroup
+ \dontcomplain
+ \forgetall
+ \setbox0\normalhbox{\vrule\!!width \zeropoint#1}%
+ \setbox2\normalvbox{\hrule\!!height\zeropoint#1}%
+ \advance\vsize \ht2
+ \advance\hsize \wd0
+ \normalvbox to \vsize
+ \bgroup
+ \vskip-\ht2
+ \vss
+ \normalhbox to \hsize
+ \bgroup
+ \dowithnextbox
+ {\hskip-\wd0
+ \hss
+ \flushnextbox
+ \hss
+ \egroup
+ \vss
+ \egroup
+ \egroup
+ \wd0\hsize
+ \ht0\vsize
+ \box0
+ \egroup}
+ \normalhbox}
+%D For those who don't want to deal with \type {\hsize}
+%D and \type {\vsize}, we have:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \centerednextbox width 2bp height 2bp
+%D {\framed[width=100bp,height=100bp]{}}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Do you see what we call this one \type {next}?
+ {\bgroup
+ \dowithnextbox
+ {\hsize\nextboxwd
+ \vsize\nextboxht
+ \centeredbox#1{\flushnextbox}%
+ \egroup}
+ \normalhbox}
+%D \macros
+%D {centerbox}
+%D Centering on the available space is done by:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \centerbox <optional specs> {content}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D When omitted, the current \type {\hsize} and \type
+%D {\vsize} are used. Local dimensions are supported.
+\long\def\centerbox#1#% optional height +/-dimen width +/-dimen
+ {\bgroup
+ \dowithnextbox
+ {\setlocalhsize
+ \setbox0\normalhbox{\vrule\!!width \zeropoint#1}%
+ \setbox2\normalvbox{\hrule\!!height\zeropoint#1}%
+ \ifzeropt\wd0\else\hsize\wd0\fi % \hsize\ifdim\wd0=\zeropoint\hsize\else\wd0\fi
+ \ifzeropt\ht2\else\vsize\ht2\fi % \vsize\ifdim\ht2=\zeropoint\vsize\else\ht2\fi
+ \normalvbox to \vsize{\vss\normalhbox to \hsize{\hss\flushnextbox\hss}\vss}%
+ \egroup}%
+ \normalhbox}
+%D \macros
+%D {setrigidcolumnhsize,rigidcolumnbalance,rigidcolumnlines}
+%D These macros are copied from the \TEX book, page~397, and
+%D extended by a macro that sets the \type{\hsize}.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \setrigidcolumnhsize {total width} {distance} {n}
+%D \rigidcolumnbalance {box}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Both these macros are for instance used in typesetting
+%D footnotes.
+%D Men kan het proces van breken enigzins beinvloeden met de
+%D volgende twee switches:
+\newif\iftightrigidcolumns % if true: just a vbox, no depth/noflines/gridsnap corrrections
+%D De eerste switch bepaald het uitlijnen, de tweede rekt de
+%D individuele kolommen op naar \type{\vsize}.
+\def\setrigidcolumnhsize#1#2#3% todo: \dimexpr
+ {\xdef\savedrigidhsize{\the\hsize}%
+ \hsize#1\relax
+ \global\chardef\rigidcolumns#3\relax
+ \scratchdimen -#2\relax
+ \multiply\scratchdimen #3\relax
+ \advance\scratchdimen #2\relax
+ \advance\hsize \scratchdimen
+ \divide\hsize #3\relax}
+% ==
+% \def\setrigidcolumnhsize#1#2#3%
+% {\xdef\savedrigidhsize{\the\hsize}%
+% \global\chardef\rigidcolumns#3\relax
+% \hsize=\dimexpr(#1-\numexpr#3-1\relax\dimexpr#2\relax)/#3\relax}
+ {\ifnum\rigidcolumns=1 % tzt ook h/d correctie
+ \ifinner\ifhmode\box\else\unvbox\fi\else\unvbox\fi#1\relax
+ \else
+ \normalvbox
+ {\forgetall
+ \nopenalties
+ \dontcomplain
+ \setbox\rigidcolumnbox\normalvbox
+ {\line{}\goodbreak\unvbox#1\removebottomthings}%
+ \splittopskip\openstrutheight
+ \setbox\scratchbox\vsplit\rigidcolumnbox to \zeropoint
+ \ifcase\rigidcolumnlines\relax
+ % \iffalse
+ % % maybe some day an option
+ % \scratchskip\ht\rigidcolumnbox
+ % \advance\scratchskip\dp\rigidcolumnbox
+ % \getnoflines\scratchskip
+ % \ifodd\noflines
+ % \advance\noflines\plusone
+ % \fi
+ % \divide\noflines\rigidcolumns
+ %\else
+ \scratchdimen\ht\rigidcolumnbox
+ \divide\scratchdimen \rigidcolumns
+ \getnoflines\scratchdimen
+ %\fi
+ \else
+ \noflines\rigidcolumnlines % to be sure
+ \fi
+ \scratchdimen\noflines\lineheight
+ % new: we now loop so that we don't loose content
+ % since in practice we also use this macro for
+ % funny lineheights and border cases
+ \setbox0=\box\rigidcolumnbox
+ \doloop
+ {\setbox\rigidcolumnbox=\copy0
+ \setbox\scratchbox\normalhbox to \savedrigidhsize
+ {\dorecurse\rigidcolumns
+ {\setbox\scratchbox\vsplit\rigidcolumnbox to \scratchdimen
+ \dp\scratchbox\openstrutdepth
+ \setbox\scratchbox\normalvtop
+ \ifalignrigidcolumns to
+ \ifstretchrigidcolumns\vsize\else\scratchdimen\fi
+ \fi
+ {\unvbox\scratchbox}%
+ \wd\scratchbox\hsize
+ \box\scratchbox
+ \hfill}%
+ \hfillneg}%
+ \ifvoid\rigidcolumnbox\exitloop\else\advance\scratchdimen\lineheight\fi}%
+ \iftightrigidcolumns
+ \setbox\scratchbox\normalhbox{\raise\dp\scratchbox\box\scratchbox}%
+ \else
+ \advance\scratchdimen -\openstrutdepth
+ \setbox\scratchbox\normalhbox{\raise\scratchdimen\box\scratchbox}%
+ \dp\scratchbox\openstrutdepth
+ \ht\scratchbox\scratchdimen
+ \fi
+ \box\scratchbox}%
+ \fi}
+%D \macros
+%D {startvboxtohbox,stopvboxtohbox,convertvboxtohbox}
+%D Here is another of Knuth's dirty tricks, as presented on
+%D pages 398 and 399 of the \TEX book. These macros can be used
+%D like:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \normalvbox
+%D \bgroup
+%D \startvboxtohbox ... \stopvboxtohbox
+%D \startvboxtohbox ... \stopvboxtohbox
+%D \startvboxtohbox ... \stopvboxtohbox
+%D \egroup
+%D \normalvbox
+%D \bgroup
+%D \convertvboxtohbox
+%D \egroup
+%D \stoptyping
+%D These macros are used in reformatting footnotes, so they do
+%D what they're meant for.
+ {\bgroup
+ \ifdim\baselineskip<16pt \relax
+ \scratchdimen\baselineskip
+ \multiply\scratchdimen 1024
+ \else
+ \message{cropping \baselineskip to 16pt}%
+ \scratchdimen\maxdimen
+ \fi
+ \divide\scratchdimen \hsize
+ \multiply\scratchdimen 64
+ \xdef\normalvboxtohboxfactor{\withoutpt\the\scratchdimen}%
+ \egroup}
+ {\bgroup
+ \setvboxtohbox
+ \setbox\scratchbox\normalhbox\bgroup}
+ {\egroup
+ \dp\scratchbox\zeropoint
+ \ht\scratchbox\normalvboxtohboxfactor\wd\scratchbox
+ \box\scratchbox
+ \egroup}
+% % to be done: start halfway a line combined with one line
+% % extra to start with (skip) and one line less than counted.
+% \def\stopvboxtohbox%
+% {\egroup
+% \setbox2=\normalvbox
+% {\forgetall\unhcopy0\par\xdef\globalvhlines{\the\prevgraf}}%
+% \setbox2=\normalvbox
+% {\unvbox2
+% \setbox2=\lastbox
+% \setbox2=\normalhbox{\unhbox2}%
+% \xdef\globalvhwidth{\the\wd2}}%
+% \decrement\globalvhlines
+% \dimen0=\globalvhwidth
+% \dimen0=\normalvboxtohboxfactor\dimen0
+% \advance\dimen0 by \globalvhlines\lineheight
+% \dp0=\zeropoint
+% \ht0=\dimen0
+% %\writestatus{guessed size}
+% % {w:\the\wd0\space\space
+% % b:\the\baselineskip\space
+% % l:\globalvhlines\space
+% % e:\globalvhwidth\space
+% % h:\the\dimen0}%
+% \box0
+% \egroup}
+% todo: \scratchbox
+ {\setvboxtohbox
+ \makehboxofhboxes
+ \setbox0\normalhbox{\unhbox0 \removehboxes}%
+ \noindent\unhbox0\par}
+ {\setbox0\normalhbox{}%
+ \loop % \doloop { .. \exitloop .. }
+ \setbox2\lastbox
+ \ifhbox2
+ \setbox0\normalhbox{\box2\unhbox0}%
+ \repeat}
+% \def\makehboxofhboxes
+% {\setbox0\normalhbox{}%
+% \doloop % \doloop { .. \exitloop .. }
+% {% \dorecurse{3}{\unskip\unpenalty}% get rid of ... (better do this in a shapeloop)
+% \setbox2\lastbox
+% \ifhbox2
+% \setbox0\normalhbox{\box2\unhbox0}%
+% \else
+% \exitloop
+% \fi}}
+% \def\flushboxesonly % feed this into \makehboxofhboxes
+% {\dowithnextbox
+% {\beginofshapebox
+% \unvbox\nextbox
+% \endofshapebox
+% \doreshapebox{\box\shapebox}{}{}{}% get rid of penalties etc
+% \innerflushshapebox}
+% \vbox}
+ {\setbox0\lastbox
+ \ifhbox0
+ {\removehboxes}\unhbox0
+ \fi}
+%D \macros
+%D {unhhbox}
+%D The next macro is used in typesetting inline headings.
+%D Let's first look at the macro and then show an example.
+\newbox \unhhedbox
+\newbox \hhbox
+\newdimen \lasthhboxwidth
+\newskip \hhboxindent
+ {\bgroup
+ \nopenalties
+ \dontcomplain
+ \forgetall
+ \setbox\unhhedbox\normalvbox{\hskip\hhboxindent\strut\unhbox#1}% => \hsize
+ \doloop
+ {\setbox\hhbox\vsplit\unhhedbox to \lineheight
+ \ifvoid\unhhedbox
+ \setbox\hhbox\normalhbox{\strut\normalhboxofvbox\hhbox}%
+ \fi
+ \ht\hhbox\strutht
+ \dp\hhbox\strutdp
+ \ifzeropt\hhboxindent\else % \ifdim\hhboxindent=\zeropoint\else
+ \setbox\hhbox\normalhbox{\hskip-\hhboxindent\box\hhbox}%
+ \hhboxindent\zeropoint
+ \fi
+ \global\lasthhboxwidth\wd\hhbox
+ #2\relax
+ \ifvoid\unhhedbox
+ \exitloop
+ \else
+ \hskip\zeropoint \!!plus \zeropoint
+ \fi}%
+ \egroup}
+ {\setbox0\normalvbox{\unvbox\scratchcounter\global\setbox1\lastbox}%
+ \unhbox1
+ \egroup}
+ {\bgroup
+ \afterassignment\dohboxofvbox
+ \scratchcounter=}
+%D This macro can be used to break a paragraph apart and treat
+%D each line seperately, for instance, making it clickable. The
+%D main complication is that we want to be able to continue the
+%D paragraph, something that's needed in the in line section
+%D headers.
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \setbox0=\normalhbox{\input tufte \relax}
+%D \setbox2=\normalhbox{\input knuth \relax}
+%D \unhhbox0\with{\ruledhbox{\box\hhbox}}
+%D \hskip1em plus 1em minus 1em
+%D \hhboxindent=\lasthhboxwidth
+%D \advance\hhboxindent by \lastskip
+%D \unhhbox2\with{\ruledhbox{\box\hhbox}}
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \getbuffer
+%D This piece of text was typeset by saying:
+%D \typebuffer
+%D Not that nice a definition, but effective. Note the stretch
+%D we've build in the line that connects the two paragraphs.
+%D \macros
+%D {doifcontent}
+%D When processing depends on the availability of content, one
+%D can give the next macro a try.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \doifcontent{pre content}{post content}{no content}\somebox
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Where \type{\somebox} is either a \type{\normalhbox} or
+%D \type{\normalvbox}. If the dimension of this box suggest some
+%D content, the resulting box is unboxed and surrounded by the
+%D first two arguments, else the third arguments is executed.
+ {\dowithnextbox
+ {\ifhbox\nextbox
+ \ifdim\nextboxwd>\zeropoint
+ #1\unhbox\nextbox#2\relax
+ \else
+ #3\relax
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \ifdim\nextboxht>\zeropoint
+ #1\unvbox\nextbox#2\relax
+ \else
+ #3\relax
+ \fi
+ \fi}}
+%D So when we say:
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \doifcontent{[}{]}{}\normalhbox{content sensitive typesetting}
+%D \doifcontent{}{\page}{}\normalvbox{content sensitive typesetting}
+%D \doifcontent{}{}{\message{Didn't you forget something?}}\normalhbox{}
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+%D We get:
+%D \getbuffer
+%D Where the last call of course does not show up in this
+%D document, but definitely generates a confusing message.
+%D \macros
+%D {processboxes}
+%D The next macro gobble boxes and is for instance used for
+%D overlays. First we show the general handler.
+ {\bgroup
+ \def\doprocessbox{#1}% #1 can be redefined halfway
+ \resetbox\processbox
+ \afterassignment\dogetprocessbox\let\next=}
+ {\ifhmode\unskip\fi
+ \box\processbox
+ \next
+ \egroup}
+ {\ifx\next\bgroup
+ \expandafter\dodogetprocessbox
+ \else
+ \expandafter\endprocessboxes
+ \fi}
+ {\dowithnextbox
+ {\ifhmode\unskip\fi\doprocessbox % takes \nextbox makes \processbox
+ \afterassignment\dogetprocessbox\let\next=}
+ \normalhbox\bgroup}
+%D \macros
+%D {startoverlay}
+%D We can overlay boxes by saying:
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \startoverlay
+%D {\framed{hans}}
+%D {\framed[width=3cm]{ton}}
+%D {\framed[height=2cm]{oeps}}
+%D \stopoverlay
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+%D shows up as:
+%D \leavevmode\getbuffer
+% \def\dooverlaybox%
+% {\ifhmode\unskip\fi
+% \ifdim\nextboxht>\ht\processbox
+% \setbox\processbox\normalvbox to \nextboxht
+% {\vss\box\processbox\vss}%
+% \else
+% \setbox\nextbox\normalvbox to \ht\processbox
+% {\vss\flushnextbox\vss}%
+% \fi
+% \scratchdimen=\wd
+% \ifdim\nextboxwd>\wd\processbox
+% \nextbox
+% \else
+% \processbox
+% \fi
+% \setbox\processbox=\normalhbox to \scratchdimen
+% {\normalhbox to \scratchdimen{\hss\box\processbox\hss}%
+% \hskip-\scratchdimen
+% \normalhbox to \scratchdimen{\hss\flushnextbox\hss}}}
+% \def\startoverlay%
+% {\bgroup
+% \let\stopoverlay\egroup
+% \processboxes\dooverlaybox}
+ {\ifhmode\unskip\fi
+ \scratchdimen\dp
+ \ifdim\nextboxdp>\dp\processbox
+ \nextbox
+ \else
+ \processbox
+ \fi
+ \ifdim\nextboxht>\ht\processbox
+ \setbox\processbox\normalvbox to \nextboxht
+ {\dp\processbox\zeropoint\vss\box\processbox\vss}%
+ \else
+ \setbox\nextbox\normalvbox to \ht\processbox
+ {\nextboxdp\zeropoint\vss\flushnextbox\vss}%
+ \fi
+ \nextboxdp\scratchdimen
+ \dp\processbox\scratchdimen
+ \scratchdimen\wd
+ \ifdim\nextboxwd>\wd\processbox
+ \nextbox
+ \else
+ \processbox
+ \fi
+ \setbox\processbox\normalhbox to \scratchdimen
+ {\normalhbox to \scratchdimen{\hss\box\processbox\hss}%
+ \hskip-\scratchdimen
+ \normalhbox to \scratchdimen{\hss\flushnextbox\hss}}}
+ {\bgroup
+ \let\stopoverlay\egroup
+ \processboxes\dooverlaybox}
+% %D \macros
+% %D {starthspread}
+% %D
+% %D In a similar way we can build a horizontal box, spread
+% %D over the available width.
+% %D
+% %D \startbuffer
+% %D \starthspread
+% %D {hans}
+% %D {ton}
+% %D {oeps}
+% %D \stophspread
+% %D
+% %D \stopbuffer
+% %D
+% %D \typebuffer
+% %D
+% %D shows up as:
+% %D
+% %D \leavevmode\getbuffer
+% \def\dohspread
+% {\flushnextbox
+% \def\dohspread{\hfil\flushnextbox}}
+% \def\starthspread
+% {\normalhbox to \hsize \bgroup
+% \let\stophspread\egroup
+% \processboxes\dohspread}
+%D \macros
+%D {fakebox}
+%D The next macro is a rather silly one, but saves space.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \normalhbox{\fakebox0}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D returns an empty box with the dimensions of the box
+%D specified, here being zero.
+ {\setbox\scratchbox\null
+ \wd\scratchbox\wd\scratchcounter
+ \ht\scratchbox\ht\scratchcounter
+ \dp\scratchbox\dp\scratchcounter
+ \ifhbox\scratchcounter\normalhbox\else\normalvbox\fi{\box\scratchbox}%
+ \egroup}
+ {\bgroup
+ \afterassignment\dofakebox\scratchcounter}
+%D \macros
+%D {lbox,rbox,cbox,tbox,bbox}
+%D Here are some convenient alternative box types:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \lbox{text ...}
+%D \cbox{text ...}
+%D \rbox{text ...}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Are similar to \type {\normalvbox}, which means that they also
+%D accept something like \type{to 3cm}, but align to the left,
+%D middle and right. These box types can be used to typeset
+%D paragraphs.
+ {#1#3\bgroup \forgetall \let\\=\endgraf #2\let\next=}
+%D The alternatives \type {\tbox} and \type {\bbox} can be used
+%D to properly align boxes, like in:
+%D \setupexternalfigures[directory={../sample}]
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \starttable[|||]
+%D \HL
+%D \VL \tbox{\externalfigure[cow][height=3cm,frame=on]} \VL top aligned \VL\SR
+%D \HL
+%D \VL \bbox{\externalfigure[cow][height=3cm,frame=on]} \VL bottom aligned \VL\SR
+%D \HL
+%D \stoptable
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+%D The positioning depends on the strut settings:
+%D \getbuffer
+ {\normalhbox\bgroup
+ \dowithnextbox
+ {\scratchdimen\nextboxht
+ \advance\scratchdimen\nextboxdp
+ \advance\scratchdimen-#1\strutbox
+ #1\nextbox#1\strutbox
+ #2\nextbox\scratchdimen
+ \setbox\nextbox\normalhbox
+ {\lower\nextboxdp\flushnextbox}%
+ #1\nextbox#1\strutbox
+ #2\nextbox\scratchdimen
+ \flushnextbox
+ \egroup}
+ \normalhbox}
+%D \macros
+%D {lhbox,mhbox,rhbox}
+%D A few more boxes.
+\def\dodolhbox{\normalhbox to \hsize{\flushnextbox\hss }}
+\def\dodomhbox{\normalhbox to \hsize{\hss\flushnextbox\hss}}
+\def\dodorhbox{\normalhbox to \hsize{\hss\flushnextbox }}
+\let\lefthbox \lhbox
+\let\midhbox \mhbox
+%D \macros
+%D {boxofsize}
+%D Sometimes we need to construct a box with a height or
+%D width made up of several dimensions. Instead of cumbersome
+%D additions, we can use:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \boxofsize \normalvbox 10cm 3cm -5cm {the text to be typeset}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D This example demonstrates that one can use positive and
+%D negative values. Dimension registers are also accepted.
+ {\bgroup
+ \sizeofbox\zeropoint
+ \scratchdimen\zeropoint
+ \def\docommand
+ {\advance\sizeofbox\scratchdimen
+ \futurelet\next\dodocommand}%
+ \def\dodocommand
+ {\ifx\next\bgroup
+ \expanded{\egroup#1 to \the\sizeofbox}%
+ \else
+ \@EA\afterassignment\@EA\docommand\@EA\scratchdimen
+ \fi}%
+ \docommand}
+%D Some new, still undocumented features:
+% limitatetext -> beter {text} als laatste !!
+% \limitvbox
+% \limithbox
+\def\limitatelines#1#2% size sentinel
+ {\dowithnextbox
+ {\dimen0=#1\hsize
+ \ifdim\nextboxwd>\dimen0
+ \setbox\nextbox\normalhbox
+ {\advance\dimen0 -.1\hsize
+ \limitatetext{\unhbox\nextbox}{\dimen0}{\nobreak#2}}%
+ \fi
+ \unhbox\nextbox}
+ \normalhbox}
+\def\fittoptobaselinegrid % weg hier
+ {\dowithnextbox
+ {\bgroup
+ \par
+ \dimen0\nextboxht
+ \nextboxht\strutht
+ \nextboxdp\strutdp
+ \normalhbox{\flushnextbox}
+ \prevdepth\strutdp
+ \doloop
+ {\advance\dimen0 -\lineheight
+ \ifdim\dimen0<\zeropoint
+ \exitloop
+ \else
+ \nobreak
+ \normalhbox{\strut}
+ \fi}
+ \egroup}
+ \normalvbox}
+%D Some more undocumented macros (used in m-chart).
+\newif\iftraceboxplacement % \traceboxplacementtrue
+ {\vrule\!!width\zeropoint\!!height\zeropoint\!!depth\zeropoint}
+\def\boxcursor % overloaded in core-vis
+ {\iftraceboxplacement
+ \bgroup
+ \scratchdimen2pt
+ \setbox\scratchbox\normalhbox to \zeropoint
+ {\hss
+ \vrule
+ \!!width \scratchdimen
+ \!!height\scratchdimen
+ \!!depth \scratchdimen
+ \hss}%
+ \smashedbox\scratchbox
+ \egroup
+ \else
+ \copy\fakedboxcursor
+ \fi}
+ {\iftraceboxplacement\ruledhbox\else\normalhbox\fi}
+% {\normalhbox
+% {\setbox0=\placedbox{#1}%
+% \dimen0=.5\ht0\advance\dimen0 -.5\dp0
+% \boxcursor\hskip\boxoffset\lower\dimen0\box0}}
+ {\normalhbox
+ {\setbox0\placedbox{#1}%
+ \global\boxhdisplacement\boxoffset
+ \global\boxvdisplacement.5\ht0
+ \global\advance\boxvdisplacement-.5\dp0
+ \boxcursor\hskip\boxhdisplacement\lower\boxvdisplacement\box0}}
+% {\normalhbox
+% {\setbox0=\placedbox{#1}%
+% \dimen0=.5\ht0\advance\dimen0 -.5\dp0
+% \boxcursor\hskip-\wd0\hskip-\boxoffset\lower\dimen0\box0}}
+ {\normalhbox
+ {\setbox0\placedbox{#1}%
+ \global\boxhdisplacement-\wd0
+ \global\advance\boxhdisplacement-\boxoffset
+ \global\boxvdisplacement.5\ht0
+ \global\advance\boxvdisplacement-.5\dp0
+ \boxcursor\hskip\boxhdisplacement\lower\boxvdisplacement\box0}}
+% {\normalhbox
+% {\setbox0=\placedbox{#1}%
+% \dimen0=\boxoffset\advance\dimen0 \dp0
+% \boxcursor\hskip-.5\wd0\raise\dimen0\box0}}
+ {\normalhbox
+ {\setbox0\placedbox{#1}%
+ \global\boxhdisplacement-.5\wd0
+ \global\boxvdisplacement-\dp0
+ \global\advance\boxvdisplacement-\boxoffset
+ \boxcursor\hskip\boxhdisplacement\raise-\boxvdisplacement\box0}}
+% {\normalhbox
+% {\setbox0=\placedbox{#1}%
+% \dimen0=\boxoffset\advance\dimen0 \ht0
+% \boxcursor\hskip-.5\wd0\lower\dimen0\box0}}
+ {\normalhbox
+ {\setbox0\placedbox{#1}%
+ \global\boxhdisplacement-.5\wd0
+ \global\boxvdisplacement\ht0
+ \global\advance\boxvdisplacement\boxoffset
+ \boxcursor\hskip\boxhdisplacement\lower\boxvdisplacement\box0}}
+% {\normalhbox
+% {\setbox0=\placedbox{#1}%
+% \dimen0=\boxoffset\advance\dimen0 \dp0
+% \advance\boxoffset\wd0
+% \boxcursor\hskip-\boxoffset\raise\dimen0\box0}}
+ {\normalhbox
+ {\setbox0\placedbox{#1}%
+ \global\boxhdisplacement-\wd0
+ \global\advance\boxhdisplacement-\boxoffset
+ \global\boxvdisplacement-\dp0
+ \global\advance\boxvdisplacement-\boxoffset
+ \boxcursor\hskip\boxhdisplacement\raise-\boxvdisplacement\box0}}
+% {\normalhbox
+% {\setbox0=\placedbox{#1}%
+% \dimen0=\boxoffset\advance\dimen0 \dp0
+% \boxcursor\hskip\boxoffset\raise\dimen0\box0}}
+ {\normalhbox
+ {\setbox0\placedbox{#1}%
+ \global\boxhdisplacement\boxoffset
+ \global\boxvdisplacement-\dp0
+ \global\advance\boxvdisplacement-\boxoffset
+ \boxcursor\hskip\boxhdisplacement\raise-\boxvdisplacement\box0}}
+% {\normalhbox
+% {\setbox0=\placedbox{#1}%
+% \dimen0=\boxoffset\advance\dimen0 \ht0
+% \advance\boxoffset\wd0
+% \boxcursor\hskip-\boxoffset\lower\dimen0\box0}}
+ {\normalhbox
+ {\setbox0\placedbox{#1}%
+ \global\boxhdisplacement-\wd0
+ \global\advance\boxhdisplacement-\boxoffset
+ \global\boxvdisplacement\ht0
+ \global\advance\boxvdisplacement\boxoffset
+ \boxcursor\hskip\boxhdisplacement\lower\boxvdisplacement\box0}}
+% {\normalhbox
+% {\setbox0=\placedbox{#1}%
+% \dimen0=\boxoffset\advance\dimen0 \ht0
+% \boxcursor\hskip\boxoffset\lower\dimen0\box0}}
+ {\normalhbox
+ {\setbox0\placedbox{#1}%
+ \global\boxhdisplacement\boxoffset
+ \global\boxvdisplacement\ht0
+ \global\advance\boxvdisplacement\boxoffset
+ \boxcursor\hskip\boxhdisplacement\lower\boxvdisplacement\box0}}
+\let\topleftbox \lefttopbox
+\let\toprightbox \righttopbox
+\let\bottomleftbox \leftbottombox
+ {\normalhbox{\setbox0\placedbox{#1}\boxoffset=-.5\wd0\rightbox{\box0}}}
+ {\normalhbox
+ {\setbox0\placedbox{#1}%
+ \global\boxhdisplacement-.5\wd0
+ \global\advance\boxhdisplacement-\boxoffset
+ \global\boxvdisplacement-\boxoffset
+ \boxcursor\hskip\boxhdisplacement\raise-\boxvdisplacement\box0}}
+ {\normalhbox
+ {\setbox0\placedbox{#1}%
+ \global\boxhdisplacement-\wd0
+ \global\advance\boxhdisplacement-\boxoffset
+ \global\boxvdisplacement-\boxoffset
+ \boxcursor\hskip\boxhdisplacement\raise-\boxvdisplacement\box0}}
+ {\normalhbox
+ {\setbox0\placedbox{#1}%
+ \global\boxhdisplacement\boxoffset
+ \global\boxvdisplacement-\boxoffset
+ \boxcursor\hskip\boxhdisplacement\raise-\boxvdisplacement\box0}}
+%D \macros
+%D {obox}
+%D Experimental, not yet frozen:
+\def\lrtbbox#1#2#3#4% l r t b
+ {\bgroup
+ \dowithnextboxcontent
+ {\advance\hsize-#1\advance\hsize-#2\advance\vsize-#3\advance\vsize-#4\relax}
+ {\forgetall\vbox to \vsize{\vskip#3\hbox to \hsize{\hskip#1\box\nextbox\hss}\vss}\egroup}
+ \vbox}
+%D \macros
+%D {toplinebox}
+%D See core-tbl.tex for an example of its usage:
+ {\dowithnextbox
+ {\ifdim\nextboxdp>\strutdepth
+ \scratchdimen\nextboxdp
+ \advance\scratchdimen-\strutdepth
+ \getnoflines\scratchdimen
+ \struttedbox{\flushnextbox}%
+ \dorecurse\noflines\verticalstrut
+ \else
+ \flushnextbox
+ \fi}%
+ \tbox}
+%D \macros
+%D {initializeboxstack,savebox,foundbox}
+%D At the cost of some memory, but saving box registers, we
+%D have implemented a box repository.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \initializeboxstack{one}
+%D \savebox{one}{a}{test a}
+%D \savebox{one}{p}{test p}
+%D \savebox{one}{q}{test q}
+%D \normalhbox{a:\foundbox{one}{a}} \par
+%D \normalhbox{q:\foundbox{one}{q}} \par
+%D \normalhbox{p:\foundbox{one}{p}} \par
+%D \normalhbox{x:\foundbox{one}{x}} \par
+%D \normalhbox{y:\foundbox{two}{a}} \par
+%D \stoptyping
+% we keep it around as a demonstration of good old tex code:
+% \def\@@stackbox{boxstack:b:}
+% \def\@@stackmax{boxstack:m:}
+% \def\@@stacktag{boxstack:t:}
+% \def\@@stacklst{boxstack:l:}
+% \def\initializeboxstack#1%
+% {\ifundefined{\@@stackbox#1}%
+% \@EA\newbox\csname\@@stackbox#1\endcsname
+% \else
+% \global\setbox\csname\@@stackbox#1\endcsname\normalvbox{}%
+% \def\docommand##1{\global\letbeundefined{\@@stacktag#1:##1}}%
+% \processcommacommand[\getvalue{\@@stacklst#1}]\docommand
+% \fi
+% \global\letvalue{\@@stacklst#1}\empty
+% \global\letvalue{\@@stackmax#1}\!!zeropoint}
+% \def\savebox#1#2% stack name
+% {\dowithnextbox
+% {\doifdefined{\@@stackbox#1}
+% {\@EA\doglobal\@EA\increment\csname\@@stackmax#1\endcsname
+% \setxvalue{\@@stacktag#1:#2}{\csname\@@stackmax#1\endcsname}%
+% \setxvalue{\@@stacklst#1}{\getvalue{\@@stacklst#1},#2}%
+% \global\setbox\csname\@@stackbox#1\endcsname\normalvbox
+% {\forgetall
+% \setbox\scratchbox\normalvbox{\flushnextbox}
+% \ht\scratchbox\onepoint
+% \dp\scratchbox\zeropoint
+% \unvbox\csname\@@stackbox#1\endcsname
+% \offinterlineskip
+% \allowbreak
+% \box\scratchbox}}}%
+% \normalvbox}
+% \def\foundbox#1#2%
+% {\normalvbox
+% {\doifdefined{\@@stackbox#1}
+% {\doifdefined{\@@stacktag#1:#2}
+% {\setbox\scratchbox\normalvbox
+% {\splittopskip\zeropoint
+% \setbox0\copy\csname\@@stackbox#1\endcsname
+% \dimen0=\getvalue{\@@stacktag#1:#2}\points
+% \advance\dimen0 -\onepoint
+% \setbox2\vsplit0 to \dimen0
+% \ifdim\ht0>\onepoint
+% \setbox0\vsplit0 to \onepoint
+% \fi
+% \unvbox0\setbox0\lastbox\unvbox0}%
+% \unvbox\scratchbox}}}}
+% \def\doifboxelse#1#2%
+% {\doifdefinedelse{\@@stacktag#1:#2}}
+ {\ifcsname\@@stackbox:#1:#2\endcsname\else
+ \expandafter\newbox\csname\@@stackbox:#1:#2\endcsname
+ \fi
+ \global\setbox\csname\@@stackbox:#1:#2\endcsname\normalvbox}
+ {\def\docommand##1{\setstackbox{#1}{##1}{}}%
+ \ifcsname\@@stacklst#1\endcsname
+ \processcommacommand[\getvalue{\@@stacklst#1}]\docommand
+ \fi
+ \global\letvalue{\@@stacklst#1}\empty}
+\def\savebox#1#2% stack name
+ {% beware, \setxvalue defines the cs beforehand so we cannot use the
+ % test inside the { }
+ \ifcsname\@@stacklst#1\endcsname
+ \setxvalue{\@@stacklst#1}{\csname\@@stacklst#1\endcsname,#2}%
+ \else
+ \setxvalue{\@@stacklst#1}{#2}%
+ \fi
+ \setstackbox{#1}{#2}}
+ {\normalvbox
+ {\ifcsname\@@stackbox:#1:#2\endcsname
+ \copy\csname\@@stackbox:#1:#2\endcsname
+ \fi}}
+ {\ifcsname\@@stackbox:#1:#2\endcsname
+ \ifvoid\csname\@@stackbox:#1:#2\endcsname#4\else#3\fi
+ \else
+ #4%
+ \fi}
+%D \macros
+%D {removedepth, obeydepth}
+%D While \type {\removedepth} removes the preceding depth,
+%D \type {\obeydepth} makes sure we have depth. Both macros
+%D leave the \type {\prevdepth} untouched.
+ {\ifvmode \ifdim\prevdepth>\zeropoint \kern-\prevdepth \fi \fi}
+ {\par \removedepth \ifvmode \kern\strutdp \fi}
+ {\dowithnextbox{\nextboxdp\zeropoint\flushnextbox}\hbox}
+%D \macros
+%D {removebottomthings, removelastskip}
+%D A funny (but rather stupid) one, plus a redefinition.
+ {\dorecurse5{\unskip\unkern\unpenalty}}
+\def\removelastskip % \ifvmode the plain tex one \fi
+% {\ifvmode\ifdim\lastskip=\zeropoint\else\vskip-\lastskip\fi\fi}
+ {\ifvmode\ifzeropt\lastskip\else\vskip-\lastskip\fi\fi}
+%D \macros
+%D {makestrutofbox}
+%D This macro sets the dimensions of a box to those of a
+%D strut.
+ {\ht\registercount\strutht
+ \dp\registercount\strutdp
+ \wd\registercount\zeropoint}
+ {\afterassignment\domakestrutofbox\registercount}
+%D \macros
+%D {raisebox,lowerbox}
+%D Some more box stuff, related to positioning (under
+%D construction). Nice stuff for a tips and tricks maps
+%D article.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \raisebox{100pt}\normalhbox{test}
+%D \raisebox50pt\normalhbox{test}
+%D \hsmash{\raisebox{100pt}\normalhbox{test}}
+%D \stoptyping
+\def\doraiselowerbox#1#2% a nice trick us used to accept
+ {\def\next % both direct and {} dimensions
+ {\dowithnextbox
+ {\setbox\nextbox\normalhbox{#1\scratchdimen\flushnextbox}%
+ \nextboxht\strutht
+ \nextboxdp\strutdp
+ \flushnextbox}}%
+ \afterassignment\next\scratchdimen=#2}
+% maybe some day we need this
+% \def\appendvbox#1% % uses \box8
+% {\bgroup
+% \ifdim\prevdepth<\zeropoint
+% \ifdim\pagetotal=\zeropoint
+% \setbox8=\normalvtop{\unvcopy#1}%
+% \hrule\c!!height\zeropoint
+% \kern-\ht8
+% \box#1\relax
+% \else
+% \box#1\relax
+% \fi
+% \else
+% \dimen0=\prevdepth
+% \hrule\c!!height\zeropoint
+% \setbox8=\normalvtop{\unvcopy#1}%
+% \dimen2=\baselineskip
+% \advance\dimen2 by -\dimen0
+% \advance\dimen2 by -\ht8
+% \kern\dimen2
+% \box#1\relax
+% \fi
+% \egroup}
+% %D Also new:
+% %D
+% %D \startbuffer
+% %D \normbox[1cm][bba]{m} % b(efore) a(fter) v(box) s(trut) f(rame)
+% %D \normbox[1cm][bba]{m}
+% %D \normbox[1cm][bba]{m}
+% %D \stopbuffer
+% %D
+% %D \typebuffer
+% %D \getbuffer
+% \def\dodonormbox#1#2#3#4#5#6#7%
+% {\doifnumberelse{#1}
+% {\dimen0=#1}{\setbox0=#3{#1}\dimen0=#50}%
+% \doifinstringelse{f}{#2}
+% {\let\next#4}{\let\next#3}%
+% \next to \dimen0
+% {\counttoken b\in#2\to\!!counta\dorecurse{\!!counta}{#6}#6%
+% #7\nextbox
+% \counttoken a\in#2\to\!!counta\dorecurse{\!!counta}{#6}#6}}
+% \def\donormbox[#1][#2]%
+% {\bgroup
+% \doifinstringelse{v}{#2}
+% {\let\next\normalvbox}
+% {\let\next\normalhbox}%
+% \dowithnextbox
+% {\ifvbox\nextbox
+% \let\\=\par
+% \dodonormbox{#1}{#2}\normalvbox\ruledvbox\ht\vfil\unvbox
+% \else
+% \let\\=\space
+% \dodonormbox{#1}{#2}\normalhbox\ruledhbox\wd\hfil\unhbox
+% \fi
+% \egroup}%
+% \next}
+% \def\normbox
+% {\dodoubleempty\donormbox}
+% vcenter in text, we kunnen vcenter overloaden
+ {\dowithnextbox
+ {\nextboxdp\zeropoint
+ \setbox\nextbox\normalhbox{\lower.5\nextboxht\flushnextbox}%
+ \flushnextbox}
+ \normalhbox}
+%D New:
+ {\ifdim#1>\zeropoint\else#1=#2\fi}
+%D And even rawer:
+\let\naturalhbox \normalhbox
+\let\naturalvbox \normalvbox
+\let\naturalvtop \normalvtop
+\let\naturalvcenter \normalvtop
+ \def\naturalhbox{\normalhbox dir TLT}
+ \def\naturalvbox{\normalvbox dir TLT}
+ %def\naturalvtop{\normalvtop dir TLT}
+%D \macros
+%D {vcenter}
+%D Also new: tex mode \type {\vcenter}.
+\let\verynormalvcenter \vcenter % since \vcenter can be visualized
+ {\normalvbox\bgroup
+ \dowithnextbox{\normalhbox{$\verynormalvcenter{\flushnextbox}$}\egroup}
+ \normalvbox}
+% could be \everymathematics
+\prependtoks \let\vcenter\normalvcenter \to \everymath
+\prependtoks \let\vcenter\normalvcenter \to \everydisplay
+%D \macros
+%D {frozenhbox}
+%D A not so well unhboxable bxo can be made with:
+ {\hbox\bgroup\dowithnextbox{\hbox{\hbox{\flushnextbox}}\egroup}\hbox}
+%D \macros
+%D {setboxllx,setboxlly,gsetboxllx,gsetboxlly,getboxllx,getboxlly}
+%D A prelude to an extended \TEX:
+% \def\setboxllx #1#2{\bgroup\scratchdimen#2\expanded{\egroup\noexpand\setevalue{b@@x\number#1}{\the\scratchdimen}}}
+% \def\setboxlly #1#2{\bgroup\scratchdimen#2\expanded{\egroup\noexpand\setevalue{b@@y\number#1}{\the\scratchdimen}}}
+% \def\gsetboxllx#1#2{\bgroup\scratchdimen#2\setxvalue{b@@x\number#1}{\the\scratchdimen}\egroup}
+% \def\gsetboxlly#1#2{\bgroup\scratchdimen#2\setxvalue{b@@y\number#1}{\the\scratchdimen}\egroup}
+%D \macros
+%D {shownextbox}
+%D Handy for tracing
+%D \starttyping
+%D \shownextbox\vbox{test}
+%D \shownextbox\vbox{test\endgraf}
+%D \shownextbox\vbox{test\endgraf\strut\endgraf}
+%D \shownextbox\vbox{test\endgraf\thinrule}
+%D \shownextbox\vbox{\setupwhitespace[big]test\endgraf\thinrule}
+%D \stoptyping
+ {\dowithnextbox
+ {\bgroup
+ \showboxbreadth\maxdimen
+ \showboxdepth \maxdimen
+ \scratchcounter\interactionmode
+ \batchmode
+ \showbox\nextbox
+ \box\nextbox
+ \interactionmode\scratchcounter
+ \egroup}}
+\def\spreadhbox#1% rebuilds \hbox{<box><hss><box><hss><box>}
+ {\bgroup
+ \ifhbox#1\relax
+ \setbox2\emptybox
+ \unhbox#1%
+ \doloop
+ {\unpenalty\unskip\unpenalty\unskip\unpenalty\unskip
+ \setbox0\lastbox
+ \ifvoid0
+ \exitloop
+ \else
+ \setbox2\hbox
+ {\ifhbox0 \spreadhbox0\else\box0\fi
+ \ifvoid2 \else\hss\unhbox2\fi}%
+ \fi}%
+ \ifvoid2\else\unhbox2\fi
+ \else
+ \box#1%
+ \fi
+ \egroup}
+% makes sense but too much log for overfull boxes:
+% \showboxbreadth\maxdimen
+% \showboxdepth \maxdimen
+\protect \endinput
+% a bit of test code:
+\hbox \bgroup
+ \ruledvbox {\hbox{\strut gans}}
+ \ruledvbox to \lineheight {\hbox{\strut gans}}
+ \ruledvbox to \lineheight {\hbox {gans}}
+ \ruledvbox to \strutheight{\hbox {gans}}
+ \ruledvbox to \strutheight{\hbox{\strut gans}}
+ \ruledvbox to \strutheight{\vss\hbox{gans}}
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/supp-dir.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/supp-dir.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f4f294903
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/supp-dir.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=supp-dir,
+%D version=2004.11.11,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Support Macros,
+%D subtitle=Directional Things,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D Inspired by and needed for Adam Lindsay's \XETEX\ efforts:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \starttext
+%D \input tufte \par
+%D \pardir TRT \input tufte \par \input tufte \par
+%D \pardir TLT \input tufte \par
+%D \stoptext
+%D \stoptyping
+\chardef\inlinedirection\zerocount % 0==notset 1==LR 2==RL
+\def\pardir#1#2#3% messages end up in a higher level command
+ {\global\TeXXeTstate\plusone
+ \if#2L\chardef\inlinedirection\plusone\else
+ \if#2R\chardef\inlinedirection\plustwo\fi\fi
+ \checkinlinedirection} % needed / added
+ {\ifcase\inlinedirection\or\beginL\or\beginR\fi}
+% see core-ini.tex
+% \appendtoks \checkinlinedirection \to \everypar
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/supp-emp.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/supp-emp.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ba9e09e3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/supp-emp.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,398 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=supp-emp,
+%D version=2000.08.09,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Support Macros,
+%D subtitle=\EMTEX\ specials to \PDF\ conversion,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%M \input supp-emp
+%D When \THANH, the author of \PDFTEX, and I were exchanging
+%D some emails on \PDFTEX\ functionality, positional
+%D information popped up as potential extension. Actually, it
+%D did not take that much time to cook up the basic
+%D functionality and the author had implemented it before I
+%D could even start to think about real advanced applications.
+%D I'm sure that \TEX\ programmers can spend many days on how
+%D and what kind of information is needed if you want to have
+%D access to positions, but since high level macros will
+%D probably be used anyway, even things like multiple reference
+%D points have proved to be rather unimportant at the system
+%D level.
+%D Therefore, \PDFTEX\ provides just these three primitives:
+%D \starttabulate[|l|l|]
+%D \NC \type {\pdfsavepos} \NC marks the current position \NC \NR
+%D \NC \type {\pdflastxpos} \NC the last marked horizontal position \NC \NR
+%D \NC \type {\pdflastypos} \NC the last marked vertical position \NC \NR
+%D \stoptabulate
+%D Based on these three primitives, very advanced systems can
+%D be build, and for some time now, \CONTEXT\ has such a
+%D system in its core. However, not everyone uses \CONTEXT, so
+%D we will demonstrate position tracking in generic applications.
+%D Because \PDFTEX\ produces its output directly, many of those
+%D nice tricks provided by back||ends by means of \type
+%D {\special} fail when producing \PDF\ code directly. Take for
+%D instance \EMTEX\ specials. When someone sent me a mail
+%D asking if \PDFTEX\ did support those specials, the original
+%D answer was \quotation {no}, but in the last few years I have learned
+%D that you must never underestimate \TEX's capabilities.
+%D I must admit that I never use those specials myself, but
+%D from the way they were used in the macros I was sent, I
+%D learned that they depend on the back||end's capability to
+%D access the current position. For those who know \TEX\ this
+%D may be bad news, since pure \TEX\ does not provide any
+%D positional information. So in order to use those specials,
+%D you must be sure that they are supported by every driver you
+%D use. However, the good news is that \PDFTEX\ does support
+%D position tracking, so here is our generic example.
+%D The two \EMTEX\ specials we need to implement are packaged
+%D into the macros \type {\EMmoveto} and \type {\EMlineto},
+%D like:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\EMmoveto{\special{em:moveto}}
+%D \def\EMlineto{\special{em:lineto}}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D They are used in macro packages to draw lines, and the
+%D results are often boxes with content like the following:
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \vbox to 2cm
+%D {\offinterlineskip \EMmoveto
+%D \hskip 7cm \EMlineto
+%D \vskip 2cm \EMlineto
+%D \vskip-2cm \EMlineto}
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+%D This box will contain a triangle, and when typeset, it should
+%D look like:
+%D \startlinecorrection[blank]
+%D \getbuffer
+%D \stoplinecorrection
+\ifx\dosetpositionpt\undefined % non context part
+%D These two macros can be implemented as follows. When moving
+%D to a position, we only have to register the new coordinates.
+%D Once they are known, we use them to draw a line and
+%D afterwards we save these end coordinates as starting point
+%D for the next line segment. So, at each point specified by
+%D \type {\EMlineto} we need to know the coordinates.
+ {\EMgetposition\EMlastmovex\EMlastmovey}
+%D The primitives \type {\pdflastxpos} and \type
+%D {\pdflastypos} return a number, representing the $x$ and
+%D $y$ coordinate in scaled points, \TEX's smallest unit of
+%D length. We need to convert this number into base points as
+%D used by \POSTSCRIPT\ and \PDF. When done, we insert some
+%D literal \PDF\ code into the text using \type {\pdfliteral}.
+%D Here, the \type {m} means \quote {moveto}, the \type {l}
+%D means \quote {lineto} and the \type {S} operator \quote
+%D {strokes} (draws) the line. The macro \type {\EMlinewd}
+%D holds the linewidth in basepoints.
+ {\bgroup
+ \EMgetposition\EMlastlinex\EMlastliney
+ \count0=\EMlastmovex \advance\count0 -\EMlastlinex
+ \count2=\EMlastmovey \advance\count2 -\EMlastliney
+ \divide\count0 65536
+ \divide\count2 65536
+ \PDFcode{\EMlinewd\space w 0 0 m \the\count0 \space\the\count2 \space l S}%
+ \global\let\EMlastmovex\EMlastlinex
+ \global\let\EMlastmovey\EMlastliney
+ \egroup}
+%D We need a fresh start, so we first set the current position
+%D to zero.
+ {\gdef\EMlastmovex{0}\gdef\EMlastmovey{0}}
+%D Next comes the macro that keeps track of the position. The
+%D current position is marked with \type {\pdfsavepos} and its
+%D coordinates are written to a file whenever the page is
+%D shipped out, since \type {\write} postpones its action
+%D until that moment. The file has entries like:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \EMsetpos 1 4661756 46651918
+%D \EMsetpos 2 5000359 46990521
+%D \EMsetpos 3 4661756 46313315
+%D \EMsetpos 4 5338962 46990521
+%D \EMsetpos 5 4661756 45974712
+%D \stoptyping
+%D These lines are written with the command:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \write\EMfile
+%D {\EMsetpos\number\EMcounter
+%D \space\number\pdflastxpos\space\number\pdflastypos}%
+%D \stoptyping
+%D In reality the argument to \type {\write} looks slightly
+%D more complicated, because we have to make sure that the
+%D number of the current position is frozen and \type
+%D {\EMsetpos} is not expanded. We do so by explicitly
+%D expanding the number beforehand and preventing expansion of
+%D \type {\EMsetpos}.
+ {\bgroup
+ \pdfsavepos
+ \global\advance\EMcounter 1
+ \expandafter\write\expandafter\EMfile\expandafter
+ {\expandafter\noexpand\expandafter\EMsetpos\number\EMcounter
+ \space\number\pdflastxpos\space\number\pdflastypos}%
+ \EMsetcounters
+ \xdef#1{\the\count0}%
+ \xdef#2{\the\count2}%
+ \egroup}
+%D The counter mentioned a few lines ago needs to be
+%D declared before it can be used.
+%D We also need a dedicated file slot.
+%D Before we open the file for writing, we read in the data
+%D written in the previous pass, but only if the file is
+%D present.
+ {\resetEMspecials
+ \openin\scratchread=\EMfilename \relax
+ \ifeof\scratchread\else \input \EMfilename \relax \fi
+ \closein\scratchread
+ \immediate\openout\EMfile=\EMfilename\relax}
+ {\closeout\EMfile}
+%D Just to be sure, we test if \type {\scratchread} is defined,
+%D and if not, we allocate a slot.
+\ifx\undefined\scratchread \newread\scratchread \fi
+%D This leaves us two commands. The \type {\EMsetpos} command
+%D that ends up in the file stores each position in a macro.
+%D When this macro is expanded, it assigns the coordinates to
+%D two scratch counters.
+\def\EMsetpos#1 #2 #3 % number x y
+ {\expandafter\xdef\csname EM:#1\endcsname{\count0=#2 \count2=#3}}
+%D This position is recalled with its companion macro. First we
+%D set the counters to zero. When the position is unknown,
+%D nothing happens since the \type {\csname...} will expand to
+%D \type {\relax}.
+ {\count0=0 \count2=0
+ \csname EM:\the\EMcounter\endcsname}
+%D These macros are rather independent of the macro package you
+%D use. For instance, in \CONTEXT\ the following works well:
+%D \startbuffer[pos-en]
+%D \setuppositioning[unit=ex]
+%D \startpositioning
+%D \dostepwiserecurse{-10}{10}{1}
+%D {\position(0,\recurselevel){\EMmoveto}
+%D \position(\recurselevel,0){\EMlineto}}
+%D \stoppositioning
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \startbuffer[pos-nl]
+%D \setuppositioning[uniteenheid=ex]
+%D \startpositioning
+%D \dostepwiserecurse{-10}{10}{1}
+%D {\position(0,\recurselevel){\EMmoveto}
+%D \position(\recurselevel,0){\EMlineto}}
+%D \stoppositioning
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer[pos-en]
+%D Here, we hook the \EMTEX\ macros into an existing text
+%D positioning mechanism, which positions the commands
+%D using \TEX's skips and kerns.
+%D \startlinecorrection[blank]
+%D \getbuffer[pos-nl]
+%D \stoplinecorrection
+%D Of course one should start and end the file with:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \startEMspecials
+%D \stopEMspecials
+%D \stoptyping
+%D and, if needed, reset the begin position at each page using:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \resetEMspecials
+%D \stoptyping
+\fi % end of non context part
+\ifx\dosetpositionpt\undefined \else % context part
+% \edef\EMlinewd{\withoutpt\the\linewidth}
+%D A few pages ago, we mentioned that \CONTEXT\ has built||in
+%D position tracking. This means that when we want to implement
+%D this kind of trickery in this macro package, we can fall
+%D back on existing functionality. In the following alternative
+%D we will also use a few skips. This keeps the source readable
+%D and \CONTEXT\ has plenty of unused registers to accomodate
+%D this strategy.
+\newcount\EMcounter \def\EMvariable{EM:\the\EMcounter}
+\newskip \EMlastmovex \newskip \EMlastmovey
+\newskip \EMlastlinex \newskip \EMlastliney
+ {\global\EMlastmovex=0pt \global\EMlastmovey=\EMlastmovex}
+\resetEMspecials \appendtoks\resetEMspecials\to\everyshipout
+%D Watch how we reset the specials after a page is flushed. We
+%D don't have to bother about files here, because saving and
+%D recalling is already implemented. Although not needed, we
+%D define the start||stop macros, so that \CONTEXT\ users who
+%D key them in are not confronted with error messages.
+\let\startEMspecials\relax \let\stopEMspecials\relax
+ {\global\advance\EMcounter 1
+ \setposition\EMvariable
+ \global#1=\POSx\EMvariable
+ \global#2=\POSy\EMvariable}
+ {\EMgetposition\EMlastmovex\EMlastmovey}
+ {\EMgetposition\EMlastlinex\EMlastliney
+ \global\advance\EMlastmovex -\EMlastlinex
+ \global\advance\EMlastmovey -\EMlastliney
+ \ScaledPointsToBigPoints{\number\EMlastmovex}\EMx
+ \ScaledPointsToBigPoints{\number\EMlastmovey}\EMy
+ \PDFcode{\EMlinewd\space w 0 0 m \EMx \space \EMy \space l S}%
+ \global\EMlastmovex\EMlastlinex
+ \global\EMlastmovey\EMlastliney}
+%D The command \type {\setposition} registers a position by
+%D name (here \type {\EMvariable}), while \type {\POSx} and
+%D \type {\POSy} give you access to the coordinates.
+%D These three commands are containes in a suite of low level
+%D commands that can be used to register and get access to
+%D positional information. The current mechanism is not yet
+%D complete, but already provides enough hooks for advanced
+%D embedded graphics. Its functionality is a natural extension
+%D to the \METAPOST\ support already present in \CONTEXT.
+%D Therefore, more advanced examples can be found in the
+%D \METAFUN\ manual, since they fall beyond the scope of this
+%D module.
+\fi % end of context part
+%D As a bonus, I will now provide a few macros that will make
+%D this mechanism transparant to \DVI\ as well as \PDF\
+%D output. We will use \type {\pdfiteral} as trigger.
+ \ifx\pdfliteral\undefined
+ \def\PDFcode#1{\special{PDF: #1}}
+ \else
+ \let\PDFcode\pdfliteral
+ \fi
+ \def\EMpdfordvi#1#2{#2}
+ \def\EMpdfordvi#1#2{#2}
+ \def\EMpdfordvi#1#2{\ifcase\pdfoutput#2\else#1\fi}
+%D We save some of the macros we defined previously:
+\let\pdfEMmoveto\EMmoveto \let\pdfstartEMspecials\startEMspecials
+\let\pdfEMlineto\EMlineto \let\pdfstopEMspecials \stopEMspecials
+%D We now redefine them to support \DVI\ and \PDF.
+\def\stopEMspecials {\EMpdfordvi\pdfstopEMspecials \relax}
+%D If there is any real demand for this in \CONTEXT, I will
+%D hook these macros in the special drivers, so that their
+%D support becomes more natural.
+%D You may want to change the default linewidth. The following
+%D macro does the job. Beware of the fact that \type
+%D {\special}'s may interfere with the typesetting process.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \setEMlinewidth{1pt}
+%D \stoptyping
+\def\setEMlinewidth#1% this could be done more efficient for
+ {\bgroup % context alone, but it's a hack anyway
+ \dimen0=#1\relax
+ \count0=\dimen0
+ \divide\count0 65536
+ \pdfordvi\relax{\special{em:linewidth \the\dimen0}}%
+ \xdef\EMlinewd{\the\count0}%
+ \egroup}
+%D You may wonder to what extent positional tracking is
+%D \PDFTEX\ specific. In \CONTEXT, we also support position
+%D tracking in \DVI\ by using specials and analyzing the \DVI\
+%D file afterwards using \DVIPOS. Since many of the advanced
+%D \TEX\ features depend on some kind of back||end, we don't
+%D consider it to be a disadvantage. Of course, the \PDFTEX\
+%D way is not only cleaner, but also faster. It was more out
+%D of curiosity than out of need that we provided the \DVI\
+%D methods as well. Also, it is always good to have more roads
+%D to reach the same goal.
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/supp-eps.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/supp-eps.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fb99469c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/supp-eps.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=supp-eps,
+%D version=1998.05.06,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Support Macros,
+%D subtitle=\EPS\ tools,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\ifx \undefined \writestatus \input supp-mis.tex \relax \fi
+%D The macros in this module are rather old and were originally
+%D part of the figure inclusion macros. When \PDFTEX\ started
+%D to support \PDF\ inclusion, where some accompanying macros
+%D were put in \type{supp-pdf}, I considered it more suitable
+%D to give the \EPS\ macros their own module.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Support Macros / EPS}
+%D \macros
+%D {dogetEPSboundingbox}
+%D The predecessors of the following macro's are derived from
+%D Thomas Rockicky's macro's. They are rewritten to a more
+%D compact form, made a bit more robust and also handle the
+%D \type{HiResBoundingBox} and \type{ExactBoundingBox} that
+%D are sometimes present.
+%D A bounding box has the form:
+%D \starttyping
+%D %%BoundingBox: llx lly urx ury
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Before we scan the file, we have to reset special
+%D characters and set some others. The percentage symbol also
+%D needs special treatment. When a bounding box is
+%D encountered, we keep on scanning until no more directives
+%D are found, i.e. a line is found that does not start with a
+%D percentage symbol. We also abort scanning after finding a
+%D high resolution bounding box.
+%D This method also works inside verbatim mode (like when we
+%D are typesetting sources and putting eps coded logos into
+%D a heading. Temporary restoring the \CATCODES\ is done in
+%D the calling routine.
+%D The creator as well as external support for specials are
+%D analyzed as well and their status is available in \type
+%D {\EPScreator} and \type {\EPSshading}. The boundingbox
+%D components are available in \type {\EPSllx} etc.
+\def\EPSllx{0} \let\MPllx\EPSllx % just in case these
+\def\EPSlly{0} \let\MPlly\EPSlly % are used while running
+\def\EPSurx{0} \let\MPurx\EPSurx % in fast mode we set
+\def\EPSury{0} \let\MPury\EPSury % them to 0.
+\chardef\EPSfound =0
+\chardef\EPSstatus =0
+\def\dofinishEPSfile{\dofinishfile} % no \let, can be overloaded
+ {\bgroup
+ \global\chardef\EPSfound \zerocount
+ \global\chardef\EPScreator\zerocount
+ \global\chardef\EPSspecial\zerocount
+ \global\chardef\EPSstatus \zerocount
+ \global\let\EPScreatorstring\empty
+ \the\extraEPSpreambleresets
+ \uncatcodespecials
+ \catcode`\^^M=\@@ignore
+ \def\doprocessEPSline
+ {\advance\scratchcounter\plusone
+ \expandafter\checkEPSboundingbox\fileline\empty\empty:.:.\end}%
+ \scratchcounter\zerocount
+ \doprocessfile\scratchread{#1}\doprocessEPSline
+ \egroup
+ % Using \EPSllx bp instead of \dimen0=1bp and \EPSllx\dimen0 is more accurate (.005pt).
+ \ifnum\EPSfound>\zerocount
+ #2\dimexpr\EPSllx\onebasepoint \relax
+ #3\dimexpr\EPSlly\onebasepoint \relax
+ #4\dimexpr\EPSurx\onebasepoint-#2\relax
+ #5\dimexpr\EPSury\onebasepoint-#3\relax
+ \else
+ #2\zeropoint
+ #3\zeropoint
+ #4\zeropoint
+ #5\zeropoint
+ \fi
+ %\message{[bbox #1: \EPSllx\space\EPSurx\space\EPSlly\space\EPSury]}\wait
+ \global\let\MPllx\EPSllx \global\let\MPlly\EPSlly
+ \global\let\MPurx\EPSurx \global\let\MPury\EPSury}
+\bgroup \catcode`\%=\@@other \xdef\letterpercent{\string%} \egroup
+\def\EPSboundingboxtag {BoundingBox}
+\def\EPScreatortag {Creator}
+\def\EPSmetaposttag {MetaPost}
+\def\EPSmetapostspecialtag {MetaPostSpecial}
+\def\EPSpagetag {Page}
+\let\EPSspecialstring \empty
+% new metapost construct (hires bb followed by creator + version)
+%%BoundingBox: -71 -1 651 496
+%%HiResBoundingBox: -70.9945 -0.5 650.5 495.24907
+%%Creator: MetaPost 0.901
+%%CreationDate: 2005.06.02:1633
+%%Pages: 1
+ {\if\string#1\letterpercent
+ \if\string#2\letterpercent
+ \edef\EPSspecialstring{#3}%
+ \edef\EPSspecialcontent{#4}%
+ \ifx\EPSspecialstring\EPScreatortag
+ \getEPScreatorspec
+ \else\ifx\EPSspecialstring\EPSboundingboxtag
+ \getEPSboundingboxspec
+ \global\chardef\EPSfound\plusone
+ \else\ifx\EPSspecialstring\EPShiresboundingboxtag
+ \getEPSboundingboxspec
+ \global\chardef\EPSfound\plustwo
+ \scratchcounter\zerocount
+ \else\ifx\EPSspecialstring\EPSexactboundingboxtag
+ \getEPSboundingboxspec
+ \global\chardef\EPSfound\plustwo
+ \scratchcounter\zerocount
+ \else\ifx\EPSspecialstring\EPSmetapostspecialtag % only before finish!
+ \global\chardef\EPSspecial\plusone % ah, we've met some MP extensions
+ \else\ifx\EPSspecialstring\EPSmetapostspecialstag % only before finish!
+ \global\chardef\EPSspecial\plusone % ah, we've met some MP extensions
+ \else\ifx\EPSspecialstring\EPSpagetag
+ \global\chardef\EPSstatus \plusone % we passed MP font defs
+ \else
+ \the\extraEPSpreambleparsers
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi
+ \fi
+ \else\ifnum\EPSfound>\zerocount
+ % bb found
+ \ifnum\EPScreator=\plusone % that is, we are dealing with MP output
+ \ifcase\EPSstatus
+ % we've run into MP fontdefs
+ \or
+ \dofinishEPSfile
+ \fi
+ \else\ifnum\scratchcounter>\plusthree
+ % too late for mps creator (we don't want to run into crap data)
+ \dofinishEPSfile
+ \else
+ \fi\fi
+ \fi\fi}
+ {\edef\EPSspecialstring{\EPSspecialcontent\space . . . . }%
+ \expandafter\dogetEPSboundingboxspec\EPSspecialstring\end}
+\def\dogetEPSboundingboxspec#1 #2 #3 #4 #5\end
+ {\gdef\EPSllx{#1}%
+ \ifx\EPSllx\empty
+ \dogetEPSboundingboxspec#2 #3 #4 #5\end
+ \else
+ \gdef\EPSlly{#2}%
+ \gdef\EPSurx{#3}%
+ \gdef\EPSury{#4}%
+ \fi}
+ {\edef\EPSspecialstring{\EPSspecialcontent\space . .}%
+ \expandafter\dogetEPScreatorspec\EPSspecialstring\end}
+\def\dogetEPScreatorspec#1#2 #3\end
+ {\edef\EPScreatorstring{#1#2}%
+ \global\chardef\EPScreator\ifx\EPScreatorstring\EPSmetaposttag\plusone\else\zerocount\fi\relax}
+\def\dogetEPSpreambledata#1% can be combined with \extraEPSpreambleparsers
+ {\bgroup
+ \let\dofinishEPSfile\relax % dirty trick, read past all bboxes
+ \dogetEPSboundingbox{#1}\!!widtha\!!heighta\!!widthb\!!heightb
+ \egroup}
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/supp-fil.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/supp-fil.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9a981797e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/supp-fil.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,722 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=supp-fil,
+%D version=1995.10.10,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Support Macros,
+%D subtitle=Files,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D \TEX\ operates on files, so one wouldn't wonder that there
+%D is a separate module for file support. In \CONTEXT\ files
+%D are used for several purposes:
+%D \startitemize[packed]
+%D \item general textual input
+%D \item logging status information
+%D \item saving registers, lists and references
+%D \item buffering defered textual input
+%D \stopitemize
+%D When dealing with files we can load them as a whole, using
+%D the \type{\input} primitive or load them on a line||by||line
+%D basis, using \type{\read}. Writing is always done line by
+%D line, using \type{\write}.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Support Macros / Files}
+ \def\f!pathseparator{/}
+ \def\f!currentpath {.}
+ \def\f!parentpath {..}
+ \def\openinputfile #1#2{\openin #1{#2}\relax}
+ \def\openoutputfile#1#2{\immediate\openout#1{#2}\relax}
+ \def\openinputfile #1#2{\openin #1 "#2"\relax}
+ \def\openoutputfile#1#2{\immediate\openout#1 "#2"\relax}
+\def\closeinputfile #1{\immediate\closein #1}
+%D \macros
+%D {pushendofline,popendofline}
+%D When we are loading files in the middle of the typesetting
+%D process, for instance when we load references, we have to be
+%D sure that the reading process does not generate so called
+%D 'spurious spaces'. This can be prevented by assigning the
+%D line ending character the \CATCODE\ comment. This is
+%D accomplished by
+%D \starttyping
+%D \pushendofline
+%D ... reading ...
+%D \popendofline
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Just to be sure, we save the current meaning of \type{^^M}
+%D in \type{\poppedendofline}.
+% \chardef\poppedendofline\catcode`\^^M
+% \def\pushendofline
+% {\chardef\poppedendofline\catcode`\^^M\relax
+% \catcode`\^^M\@@comment\relax}
+% \def\popendofline
+% {\catcode`\^^M\poppedendofline}
+% support for nested usage:
+\newcount \endoflinelevel
+\ifx\newlinecode\undefined \chardef\newlinecode=`\^^M \fi
+ {\advance\endoflinelevel\plusone
+ \expandafter\chardef\csname :eol:\number\endoflinelevel\endcsname\catcode\newlinecode
+ \catcode\newlinecode\@@comment\relax}
+ {\catcode\newlinecode\csname :eol:\number\endoflinelevel\endcsname
+ \advance\endoflinelevel\minusone}
+ {\catcode\newlinecode\@@endofline}
+%D \macros
+%D {scratchread, scratchwrite}
+%D We define a scratch file for reading. Keep in mind that
+%D the number of files is limited to~16, so use this one when
+%D possible. We also define a scratch output file.
+\ifx\undefined\scratchread \newread \scratchread \fi
+\ifx\undefined\scratchwrite \newwrite\scratchwrite \fi
+%D \macros
+%D {unlinkfile}
+%D Sometimes we want to make sure a file is deleted, so here
+%D is a macro that does the job. It's named after the \PERL\
+%D one.
+ {\openoutputfile \scratchwrite{#1}%
+ \closeoutputfile\scratchwrite}
+%D \macros
+%D {writeln}
+%D This saves a few tokens:
+ {\doifelsenothing{#1}
+ {\secondoftwoarguments}
+ {\openinputfile\scratchread{#1}%
+ \ifeof\scratchread
+ \closeinputfile\scratchread
+ \expandafter\secondoftwoarguments
+ \else
+ \closeinputfile\scratchread
+ \expandafter\firstoftwoarguments
+ \fi}}
+%D \macros
+%D {doprocessfile,fileline,fileprocessedtrue,dofinishfile}
+%D The next macro offers a framework for processing files on a
+%D line by line basis.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \doprocessfile \identifier {name} \action
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The first argument can for instance be \type{\scratchread}.
+%D The action must do something with \type{\fileline}, which
+%D holds the current line. One can halfway step out using
+%D \type{\dofinishfile} and ise \type{\iffileprocessed} to
+%D see if indeed some content was found.
+ {\openinputfile{#1}{#2}%
+ \ifeof#1%
+ \fileprocessedfalse
+ \closeinputfile#1%
+ \else
+ \fileprocessedtrue
+ \gdef\dofinishfile
+ {\closeinputfile#1%
+ \global\let\doprocessline\relax}%
+ \gdef\doprocessline
+ {\ifeof#1%
+ \expandafter\dofinishfile
+ \else
+ \global\read#1 to \fileline
+ #3\relax
+ \expandafter\doprocessline
+ \fi}%
+ \expandafter\doprocessline
+ \fi}
+%D \macros
+%D {pathplusfile,assignfullfilename,sanitizefilename}
+%D Use \type{\pathplusfile} to compose a full file name, like
+%D in:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \pathplusfile{path}{file}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D By default, this expands into {\tt \pathplusfile{path}{file}}.
+%D This one constructs a filename from a (possible empty)
+%D path and filename.
+ {\doifelsenothing{#1}
+ {\edef#3{#2}}
+ {\edef#3{#1\f!pathseparator#2}}}
+%D For the moment, we limit sanitizing to taking care of
+%D active \type {/}.
+\bgroup % todo: _ cleanup
+ {\bgroup
+ \edef/{\string/}%
+ \edef:{\string:}%
+ \edef~{\string~}%
+ \edef_{\string_}%
+ \retainlccodes
+ \lccode`\\=`\/
+ \lowercase{\expanded{\xdef\noexpand\sanitizedfilename{#1}}}%
+ \egroup
+ \let#2\sanitizedfilename}
+%D NEW:
+\chardef\kindoffile=0 % 0=normal 1=full path spec (or http)
+ {\doifinstringelse{@@/}{@@#1}% unix: /full/path
+ {\chardef\kindoffile\plusone}
+ {\doifinstringelse{:/}{#1}% windows: e:/full/path or http://
+ {\chardef\kindoffile\plusone}
+ {\chardef\kindoffile\zerocount}}}
+%D \macros
+%D {input, normalinput}
+%D Sometimes we run into troubles when \type {\input} wants to get
+%D expanded, e.g. in a \type {\write} (which happens in the metafun
+%D manual when we permit long MP lines). So, instead of fixing that,
+%D we go for a redefinition of \type {\input}. Of course it's better
+%D to use \type {\readfile} or \type {\processfile}.
+ \def\inputgivenfile#1{\normalinput{#1}\relax}
+ \def\inputgivenfile#1{\normalinput"#1"\relax}
+%D \macros
+%D {readfile,ReadFile,maxreadlevel}
+%D One cannot be sure if a file exists. When no file can be
+%D found, the \type{\input} primitive gives an error message
+%D and switches to interactive mode. The macro \type{\readfile}
+%D takes care of non||existing files. This macro has two faces.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \ReadFile {filename}
+%D \readfile {filename} {before loading} {not found}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Many \TEX\ implementations have laid out some strategy for
+%D locating files. This can lead to unexpected results,
+%D especially when one loads files that are not found in the
+%D current directory. Let's give an example of this. In
+%D \CONTEXT\ illustrations can be defined in an external file.
+%D The resizing macro first looks if an illustration is defined
+%D in the local definitions file. When no such file is found,
+%D it searches for a global file and when this file is not
+%D found either, the illustration itself is scanned for
+%D dimensions. One can imagine what happens if an adapted,
+%D localy stored illustration, is scaled according to
+%D dimensions stored somewhere else.
+%D When some \TEX\ implementation starts looking for a file, it
+%D normally first looks in the current directory. When no file
+%D is found, \TEX\ starts searching on the path where format
+%D and|/|or style files are stored. Depending on the implementation
+%D this can considerably slow down processing speed.
+%D In \CONTEXT, we support a project||wise ordening of files.
+%D In such an approach it seems feasible to store common files
+%D in a lower directory. When for instance searching for a
+%D general layout file, we therefore have to backtrack.
+%D These three considerations have lead to a more advanced
+%D approach for loading files.
+%D We first present an earlier implementation of
+%D \type{\readfile}. This command backtracks parent
+%D directories, upto a predefined level. Users can change this
+%D level, but we default to~3.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\maxreadlevel {3}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D This is a pseudo \COUNTER.
+%D We use \type{\normalinput} instead of \type{\input}
+%D because we want to be able to redefine the original
+%D \type{\input} when needed, for instance when loading third
+%D party libraries.
+\newevery \everybeforereadfile \EveryBeforeReadFile
+\newevery \everyafterreadfile \EveryAfterReadFile
+\let \everyreadfile \everybeforereadfile
+% We need to postpone loading, else we got frozen type-* files and so when
+% a format is generated on a source path.
+ {\sanitizefilename#2\to\readfilename
+ \ifx\readfilename\empty
+ % silently ignore
+ \else
+ \let\trackedfilename\readfilename
+ \ifconditional\trackfilenames
+ \doifundefinedelse{fn..\trackedfilename}\donetrue\donefalse
+ \else
+ \donetrue
+ \fi
+ \ifdone
+ \checkfilename\readfilename
+ \ifcase\kindoffile
+ \iftracefiles\writestatus\m!systems{searching for \readfilename\space on #1}\fi
+ % not a full path or url, check for existence
+ \doifelsenothing{#1}
+ {\def\next{\redoreadfile\readfilename{#3}{#4}}}%
+ {\def\next{\redoreadfile{\pathplusfile{#1}{\readfilename}}{#3}{#4}}}%
+ \else
+ % a full path or url, no further checking done
+ \doiffileexistselse\readfilename
+ {\iftracefiles\writestatus\m!systems{located \readfilename}\fi
+ \def\next{#3\dodoreadfile}}%
+ {\iftracefiles\writestatus\m!systems{not found \readfilename}\fi
+ \def\next{#4}}%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \edef\readfilename{\getvalue{fn..\readfilename}}%
+ \iftracefiles\writestatus\m!systems{already located \readfilename}\fi
+ \def\next{#3\dodoreadfile}%
+ \fi
+ \expandafter\next
+ \fi}
+ {\doiffileexistselse{#1}%
+ {\edef\readfilename{#1}%
+ \iftracefiles\writestatus\m!systems{#1 located}\fi
+ \def\next{#2\dodoreadfile}}%
+ {\iftracefiles\writestatus\m!systems{cannot locate #1}\fi
+ \advance\readlevel\minusone
+ \ifnum\readlevel>\zerocount
+ \edef\readfilename{\pathplusfile{\f!parentpath}{\readfilename}}%
+ \def\next{\redoreadfile\readfilename{#2}{#3}}%
+ \else
+ \def\next{#3}%
+ \fi}%
+ \next}
+\def\dodoreadfile % we provide hooks, for instance for \enableXML
+ {\ifconditional\trackfilenames
+ \setxvalue{fn..\trackedfilename}{\readfilename}%
+ \fi
+ \the\everybeforereadfile
+% \normalinput\readfilename\relax
+ \relax\inputgivenfile\readfilename\relax
+ \the\everyafterreadfile}
+% too less:
+% \unexpanded\def\readfile% #1%
+% {\readlevel\maxreadlevel
+% \doreadfile\empty} % {#1}
+% too much:
+% \unexpanded\def\readfile#1#2#3%
+% {\readlocfile{#1}{#2}
+% {\readjobfile{#1}{#2}
+% {\readsysfile{#1}{#2}{#3}}}}
+% just ok:
+ {\readlocfile{#1}{#2}{\readsysfile{#1}{#2}{#3}}}
+ {\pushcatcodetable \catcodetable \ctxcatcodes
+ \readfile{#1}{#2}{#3}%
+ \popcatcodetable}
+\ifdefined\xmlcatcodes \else \let\xmlcatcodes\xmlcatcodesn \fi
+ {\pushcatcodetable \catcodetable \xmlcatcodes
+ \readfile{#1}{#2}{#3}%
+ \popcatcodetable}
+ {\readfile{#1}\donothing\donothing}
+%D \macros
+%D {readjobfile,readlocfile,readsysfile,
+%D readfixfile,readsetfile}
+%D This implementation honnors the third situation, but we
+%D still can get unwanted files loaded and/or can get involved
+%D in extensive searching.
+%D Due to different needs, we decided to offer four alternative
+%D loading commands. With \type{\readjobfile} we load a local
+%D file and do no backtracking, while \type{\readlocfile}
+%D backtracks~\number\readlevel\ directories, including the current
+%D one.
+\unexpanded\def\readjobfile % #1% current path, no backtracking
+ {\readlevel\zerocount
+ \doreadfile\f!currentpath} % {#1}}
+\unexpanded\def\readlocfile % #1% current path, backtracking
+ {\readlevel\maxreadlevel
+ \doreadfile\f!currentpath} % {#1}}
+%D System files can be anywhere and therefore
+%D \type{\readsysfile} is not bound to the current directory
+%D and obeys the \TEX\ implementation.
+\unexpanded\def\readsysfile % #1% current path, obeys tex search
+ {\readlevel\zerocount
+ \doreadfile\empty} % {#1}}
+%D Of the last two, \type{\readfixfile} searches on the
+%D directory specified and backtracks too, while
+%D \type{\readsetfile} does only search on the specified path.
+\unexpanded\def\readfixfile % #1#2% specified path, backtracking
+ {\readlevel\maxreadlevel
+ \doreadfile} % {#1}{#2}}
+\unexpanded\def\readsetfile % #1#2% specified path, no backtracking
+ {\readlevel\zerocount
+ \doreadfile} % {#1}{#2}}
+%D After having defined this commands, we reconsidered the
+%D previously defined \type{\readfile}. This time we more or
+%D less impose the search order.
+ {\readlocfile{#1}{#2}
+ {\readjobfile{#1}{#2}
+ {\readsysfile{#1}{#2}{#3}}}}
+%D So now we've got ourselves five file loading commands:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \readfile {filename} {before loading} {not found}
+%D \readjobfile {filename} {before loading} {not found}
+%D \readlocfile {filename} {before loading} {not found}
+%D \readfixfile {filename} {before loading} {not found}
+%D \readsysfile {directory} {filename} {before loading} {not found}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D \macros
+%D {readjobfile,readlocfile,readsysfile,readfixfile}
+%D The next four alternatives can be used for opening files
+%D for reading on a line||by||line basis. These commands get
+%D an extra argument, the filetag. Explicit closing is done
+%D in the normal way by \type{\closein}.
+ {\sanitizefilename#2\to\readfilename
+ \checkfilename\readfilename
+ \ifcase\kindoffile
+ \advance\readlevel\plusone
+ \openinputfile{#1}\readfilename
+ \ifeof#1% \relax
+ \ifnum\readlevel>\maxreadlevel % \relax
+ \else
+ \closeinputfile#1% \relax
+ \doopenin{#1}{\pathplusfile\f!parentpath{#2}}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+ {\readlevel\zerocount
+ \doopenin{#1}{\pathplusfile\f!currentpath{#2}}}
+\def\opensysin % #1#2%
+ {\readlevel\maxreadlevel
+ \doopenin} % {#1}{#2}}
+ {\readlevel\maxreadlevel
+ \doopenin{#1}{\pathplusfile\f!currentpath{#2}}}
+ {\readlevel\maxreadlevel
+ \doopenin{#1}{\pathplusfile{#2}{#3}}}
+%D \macros
+%D {doiffileelse,doiflocfileelse}
+%D The next alternative only looks if a file is present. No
+%D loading is done. This one obeys the standard \TEX\
+%D implementation method.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \doiffileelse {filename} {found} {not found}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D \starttyping
+%D \doiflocfileelse {filename} {before loading} {not found}
+%D \stoptyping
+\def\doiffileelse {\doiffileexistselse}
+\def\doiffile #1{\doiffileexistselse{#1}\firstofoneargument\gobbleoneargument}
+\def\doifnotfile #1{\doiffileexistselse{#1}\gobbleoneargument\firstofoneargument}
+ {\makelocreadfilename{#1}%
+ \doiffileelse\readfilename}
+ {\sanitizefilename#1\to\readfilename
+ \checkfilename\readfilename
+ \ifcase\kindoffile
+ \edef\readfilename{\pathplusfile\f!currentpath{#1}}%
+ \fi}
+%D \macros
+%D {doonlyonce, doinputonce, doendinputonce}
+%D Especially macropackages need only be loaded once.
+%D Repetitive loading not only costs time, relocating registers
+%D often leads to abortion of the processing because \TEX's
+%D capacity is limited. One can prevent multiple execution and
+%D loading by using one of both:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \doonlyonce{actions}
+%D \doinputonce{filename}
+%D \doendinputonce{filename}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D This command obeys the standard method for locating files.
+ {\doifundefinedelse{@@@#1@@@}
+ {\letgvalue{@@@#1@@@}\empty
+ \firstofoneargument}
+ {\gobbleoneargument}}
+% {\doonlyonce{#1}{\doiffileelse{#1}{\normalinput#1\relax}\donothing}}
+ {\doonlyonce{#1}{\doiffileelse{#1}{\inputgivenfile{#1}}\donothing}}
+ {\doifdefined{@@@#1@@@}\endinput}
+ {\global\letbeundefined{@@@#1@@@}}
+%D \macros
+%D {doifparentfileelse}
+%D The test \type{\doifelse{\jobname}{filename}} does not give
+%D the desired result, simply because \type{\jobname} expands
+%D to characters with \CATCODE~12, while the characters in
+%D \type{filename} have \CATCODE~11. So we can better use:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \doifparentfileelse{filename}{yes}{no}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Since \TEXEXEC\ (and thereby \CONTEXT) supports renaming of
+%D the outputfile, we also need to check on that alternative
+%D name.
+\ifx\outputfilename\undefined \def\outputfilename{\jobname} \fi
+ {\doifsamestringelse{#1}{\jobname }\firstoftwoarguments
+ {\doifsamestringelse{#1}{\jobname.\c!tex}\firstoftwoarguments
+ {\doifsamestringelse{#1}{\outputfilename}\firstoftwoarguments\secondoftwoarguments}}}
+\def\normalless {<} % geen \let !
+\def\normalmore {>} % geen \let !
+\def\normalequal {=} % geen \let !
+\def\normaldblquote{"} % geen \let !
+ {\ifnum\catcode`#1=\@@other \ifnum#2=\@@other \else
+ %\message{[popping catcode #1 to #2]}%
+ \catcode`#1=#2\relax
+ \fi \fi}
+\ifx\\\undefined \let\\\relax \fi
+%D This changing catcodes is a direct result from the fact
+%D that we support some long standing conventions with
+%D regards to active characters (german ", polish /,
+%D french : and ;).
+%D We need to redo this: catcode sets and such
+\newtoks \everystartreadingfile
+\newtoks \everystopreadingfile
+\def\startreadingfile% beter een every en \setnormalcatcodes
+ {\global\advance\readingfilelevel\plusone
+ \the\everystartreadingfile
+ \beginrestorecatcodes
+ \setcatcodetable\prtcatcodes}
+ {\endrestorecatcodes
+ \the\everystopreadingfile
+ \global\advance\readingfilelevel\minusone}
+\let\normalstopreadingfile \stopreadingfile
+%D \macros
+%D {splitfilename}
+%D I should have made this one sooner. This macro was first needed when
+%D ran into graphic with a period in the pathpart.
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \def\showfilesplit
+%D {\bgroup \tttf
+%D \hbox{(full: \splitofffull)}\space
+%D \hbox{(path: \splitoffpath)}\space
+%D \hbox{(base: \splitoffbase)}\space
+%D \hbox{(name: \splitoffname)}\space
+%D \hbox{(type: \splitofftype)}\space
+%D \egroup}
+%D \splitfilename{c:/aa/bb/cc/} \showfilesplit \endgraf
+%D \splitfilename{c:/aa/bb/cc/} \showfilesplit \endgraf
+%D \splitfilename{c:/aa/bb/cc/dd} \showfilesplit \endgraf
+%D \splitfilename{} \showfilesplit \endgraf
+%D \splitfilename{} \showfilesplit \endgraf
+%D \splitfilename{dd} \showfilesplit \endgraf
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \start \typebuffer \getbuffer \stop
+\def\splitoffroot{.} \chardef\splitoffkind\zerocount
+% \def\splitfilename#1%
+% {\edef\splitofffull{#1}% normally outside this call: \sanitizefilename#1\to\sanitizedfilename
+% \greedysplitstring\splitofffull\at/\to\splitoffpath\and\splitoffbase
+% \ifx\splitoffbase\empty
+% \let\splitoffpath\empty
+% \let\splitoffbase\splitofffull
+% \fi
+% \greedysplitstring\splitoffbase\at.\to\splitoffname\and\splitofftype
+% \chardef\splitoffkind % can be used to test if pathpart was empty
+% \ifx\splitoffpath\empty \zerocount \else
+% \ifx\splitoffpath\splitoffroot \plusone \else
+% \plustwo \fi\fi
+% \ifx\splitoffname\empty\let\splitoffname\splitoffbase\fi
+% \ifx\splitoffpath\empty\let\splitoffpath\splitoffroot\fi}
+% better, since it also handles leading /'s
+% \splitfilename{oeps/test.pdf} [\splitoffpath\quad\splitoffname\quad\splitofftype]
+% \splitfilename{/oeps/test.pdf} [\splitoffpath\quad\splitoffname\quad\splitofftype]
+% \splitfilename{/test.pdf} [\splitoffpath\quad\splitoffname\quad\splitofftype]
+ {\edef\splitofffull{#1}% normally outside this call: \sanitizefilename#1\to\sanitizedfilename
+ \greedysplitstring\splitofffull\at/\to\splitoffpath\and\splitoffbase
+ \ifx\splitoffpath\splitofffull
+ \let\splitoffpath\empty
+ \fi
+ \ifx\splitoffbase\empty
+ \let\splitoffpath\empty
+ \let\splitoffbase\splitofffull
+ \fi
+ \greedysplitstring\splitoffbase\at.\to\splitoffname\and\splitofftype
+ \chardef\splitoffkind % can be used to test if pathpart was empty
+ \ifx\splitoffpath\empty \zerocount \else
+ \ifx\splitoffpath\splitoffroot \plusone \else
+ \plustwo \fi\fi
+ \ifx\splitoffname\empty\let\splitoffname\splitoffbase\fi
+ \ifx\splitoffpath\empty\let\splitoffpath\splitoffroot\fi}
+ {\edef\splitofffull{#1}% normally outside this call: \sanitizefilename#1\to\sanitizedfilename
+ \let\splitoffpath\empty
+ \greedysplitstring\splitofffull\at.\to\splitoffname\and\splitofftype}
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/supp-fun.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/supp-fun.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9bba4f5a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/supp-fun.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,746 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=supp-fun,
+%D version=1995.10.10,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Support Macros,
+%D subtitle=Fun Stuff,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D This module implements some typographics tricks that can
+%D be fun when designing document layouts. The examples use
+%D macros that are typical to \CONTEXT, but non \CONTEXT\
+%D users can use the drop caps and first line treatment
+%D macros without problems. This module will be extended
+%D when the need for more of such tricks arises.
+\ifx \undefined \writestatus \input supp-mis.tex \relax \fi
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Support Macros / Fun Stuff}
+ \def\definedfont[#1]{\font\temp#1\relax\temp}
+%D \macros
+%D {DroppedCaps, DroppedString, DroppedIndent, DroppedLines}
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \DroppedCaps
+%D {\color[green]} {cmbx12}
+%D {2.2\baselineskip} {2pt} {\baselineskip} {2}
+%D Let's start
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \getbuffer with dropped caps, those blown up first
+%D characters of a paragraph. It's hard to implement a general
+%D mechanism that suits all situations, but dropped caps are so
+%D seldomly used that we can permit ourselves a rather user
+%D unfriendly implementation.
+%D \typebuffer
+%D As we will see, there are 7 different settings involved. The
+%D first argument takes a command that is used to do whatever
+%D fancy things we want to do, but normally this one will be
+%D empty. The second argument takes the font. Because we're
+%D dealing with something very typographic, there is no real
+%D reason to adopt complicated font switching schemes, a mere
+%D name will do. Font encodings can bring no harm, because the
+%D alphanumeric characters are nearly always located at their
+%D natural position in the encoding vector.
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \DroppedCaps
+%D {\color[red]} {cmbx12}
+%D {\baselineskip} {0pt} {0pt} {1}
+%D This simple
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \getbuffer case shows us what happens when we apply minimal
+%D values. Here we used:
+%D \typebuffer
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \DroppedCaps
+%D {\color[red]} {cmbx12}
+%D {2\baselineskip} {0pt} {\baselineskip} {2}
+%D Is this ugly
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \getbuffer example the third argument tells
+%D this macro that we want a dropped capital scaled to the
+%D baseline distance. The two zero point arguments are the
+%D horizontal and vertical offsets and the last arguments
+%D determines the hanging indentation. In this paragraph we
+%D set the height to two times the baselinedistance and use
+%D two hanging lines:
+%D \typebuffer
+%D Here, the first character is moved down one baseline. Here
+%D we also see why the horizontal offset is important. The
+%D first example (showing the~L) sets this to a few points and
+%D also used a slightly larger height.
+%D Of course common users (typist) are not supposed to see this
+%D kind of fuzzy definitions, but fortunately \TEX\ permits us
+%D to hide them in macros. Using a macro also enables us to
+%D garantee consistency throughout the document:
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \def\MyDroppedCaps%
+%D {\DroppedCaps
+%D {\color[green]} {cmbx12}
+%D {5\baselineskip} {3pt} {3\baselineskip} {4}}
+%D \MyDroppedCaps The implementation
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+%D \getbuffer of the general macro is rather simple and only
+%D depends on the arguments given and the dimensions of the
+%D strut box. We explicitly load the font, which is no problem
+%D because \TEX\ does not load a font twice. We could have
+%D combined some arguments, like the height, vertical offset
+%D and the number of lines, but the current implementation
+%D proved to be the most flexible. One should be aware of the
+%D fact that the offsets depend on the design of the glyphs
+%D used.
+\let\DroppedIndent\!!zeropoint \def\DroppedLines{0}
+\let\globaldropcaps\global % will be an option, but on by default
+\chardef\DroppedStatus = 0 % 0=done 1=starting 2=doing 3=error
+\chardef\DropMode = 0 % 1 == marginhang
+ \let\keeplinestogether\gobbleoneargument
+\def\DroppedCaps#1#2#3#4#5#6#7% does not yet handle accented chars
+ {\defconvertedargument\asciia{#7}%
+ \defconvertedcommand \asciib{\DroppedString}%
+ \ExpandBothAfter\doifinstringelse\asciia\asciib
+ {\noindentation
+ \dontleavehmode
+ \checkindentation % redo this one
+ %\ifhmode\hskip-\parindent\fi % sensitive for context mechanism
+ \keeplinestogether{#6}%
+ \setbox0\hbox{\definedfont[#2 at #3]#1{#7}\hskip#4}%
+ \ifdim\dp0>\strutdp % one of those Q's , will be option
+ \setbox2\hbox{\raise\dp0\hbox{\lower\strutdp\copy0}}%
+ \ht2\ht0
+ \dp0\strutdp
+ \setbox0\box2
+ \fi
+ \setbox0\hbox
+ {\ifnum\DropMode=\plusone
+ \hskip-\wd0\wd0\zeropoint
+ \fi
+ \lower#5\box0}%
+ \ht0\strutht
+ \dp0\strutdp
+ \ifnum\DropMode=\plusone
+ \globaldropcaps\let\DroppedIndent\!!zeropoint
+ \globaldropcaps\edef\DroppedLines{\number\maxdimen}%
+ \globaldropcaps\chardef\DroppedStatus\plusthree
+ \else
+ \globaldropcaps\edef\DroppedIndent{\the\wd0}%
+ \globaldropcaps\edef\DroppedLines {\number#6}%
+ \globaldropcaps\chardef\DroppedStatus\plustwo
+ \globaldropcaps\hangindent\DroppedIndent
+ \globaldropcaps\hangafter-\DroppedLines
+% \noindent
+ \noindentation
+ \checkindentation % redo this one
+ \hskip-\DroppedIndent
+ \fi
+ \vbox{\forgetall\box0}%
+ \nobreak
+ \let\next\ignorespaces} % Could be a one character word !
+ {\globaldropcaps\let\DroppedIndent\!!zeropoint
+ \globaldropcaps\edef\DroppedLines{\number\maxdimen}%
+ \globaldropcaps\chardef\DroppedStatus\plusthree
+ \def\next{#7}}%
+ \let\globaldropcaps\global
+ \next}
+%D Before we go to the next topic, we summarize this command:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \DroppedCaps
+%D {command} {font}
+%D {height} {hoffset} {voffset} {lines}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Sometimes you need to make sure that the global settings are
+%D kept local, as in:
+% %D \startbuffer
+% %D \defineparagraphs[SomePar][n=2,rule=on]
+% %D \setupparagraphs [SomePar][1][width=.5\textwidth]
+% %D \setupparagraphs [SomePar][2][width=.5\textwidth]
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \defineparagraphs[SomePar][n=2,rule=on]
+%D \setupparagraphs [SomePar][1][width=.5\textwidth]
+%D \setupparagraphs [SomePar][2][width=.5\textwidth]
+%D \startSomePar
+%D \localdropcaps\NiceDroppedCaps{}{cmr12}{0pt}{2}Here we need
+%D to explicitly keep the hanging indentation local, like it or
+%D not.
+%D \SomePar
+%D \localdropcaps\NiceDroppedCaps{}{cmr12}{0pt}{2}Here we need
+%D to explicitly keep the hanging indentation local, like it or
+%D not.
+%D \stopSomePar
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer \getbuffer
+%D \macros
+%D {AutoDroppedCaps, CheckDroppedCaps}
+%D {\em To be documented.}
+% example usage
+% \def\bpar{\ifvmode\CheckDroppedCaps\fi}
+% \def\epar{\ifhmode\par\fi\CheckDroppedCaps}
+ {\global\lastprevgraf\prevgraf}
+\def\AutoDroppedCaps % will be proper core stuff since it
+ {\globaldropcaps\chardef\DroppedStatus\plusone
+ \global\lastprevgraf\zerocount
+ \global\droppedlines\zerocount
+ \EveryPar{\doAutoDroppedCaps}}
+ \def\AutoDroppedCapsCommand{\NiceDroppedCaps{}{SerifBold}{.125em}{3}}
+ {\ifcase\DroppedStatus % done
+ \let\next\relax
+ \or % starting
+ % \ifnum\lastprevgraf>0 % tricky, probably a wrong par
+ % \globaldropcaps\chardef\DroppedStatus=3 % and inhibits dropped
+ % \let\next\relax % caps after titles and more than once
+ % \else % so let's nill this rubishly code fragment
+ \let\next\AutoDroppedCapsCommand
+ % \fi % and hope for the best
+ \or % doing
+ \global\advance\droppedlines \lastprevgraf
+ \ifnum\droppedlines=\zerocount
+ \globaldropcaps\chardef\DroppedStatus\zerocount
+ \let\next\relax
+ \else\ifnum\droppedlines>\zerocount
+ \ifnum\droppedlines<\DroppedLines\relax
+ \globaldropcaps\hangindent\DroppedIndent
+ \globaldropcaps\hangafter-\DroppedLines
+ \globaldropcaps\advance\hangafter \droppedlines
+ \hskip-\parindent % brrr
+ \let\next\AutoDroppedNext
+ \else
+ \globaldropcaps\chardef\DroppedStatus\zerocount
+ \let\next\relax
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \globaldropcaps\chardef\DroppedStatus\zerocount
+ \let\next\relax
+ \fi\fi
+ \or % error
+ \globaldropcaps\chardef\DroppedStatus\zerocount
+ \let\next\relax
+ \fi
+ \next}
+%D \macros
+%D {LineDroppedCaps, NiceDroppedCaps}
+%D To save definitions, we also provide:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \LineDroppedCaps {command} {font} {hoffset} {lines}
+%D \NiceDroppedCaps {command} {font} {hoffset} {lines}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The first command scales the font to the exact height, while
+%D the second command scales the font to a nice 2.5 times the
+%D line height, a value that gives a pleasant grayness.
+\def\DoLineDroppedCaps#1#2#3#4#5% compensation command font offset lines
+ {\scratchcounter#5%
+ \advance\scratchcounter \minusone
+ \scratchdimen\scratchcounter\baselineskip
+ \advance\scratchdimen #1%
+ \NormalizeFontHeight\DummyFont{W}\scratchdimen{#3}%
+ \DroppedCaps{#2}{#3}\TheNormalizedFontSize{#4}
+ {\scratchcounter\baselineskip}{#5}}
+\def\LineDroppedCaps% command font offset lines
+ {\DoLineDroppedCaps{\strutht}}
+\def\NiceDroppedCaps% command font offset lines
+ {\DoLineDroppedCaps{.5\baselineskip}}
+%D \macros
+%D {TreatFirstLine}
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \TreatFirstLine {\sc} {} {} {}
+%D Instead of limiting its action to one token, the next macro
+%D treats the whole first line. This paragraph was typeset by
+%D saying:
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \getbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \TreatFirstLine {\startcolor[red]\bf} {\stopcolor} {} {}
+%D The combined color and font effect is also possible,
+%D although one must be careful in using macros that accumulate
+%D grouping, but the commands used here are pretty save in that
+%D respect.
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \getbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+%D Before we explain the third and fourth argument, we show the
+%D implementation. Those who know a bit about the way \TEX\
+%D treats tokens, will probably see in one glance that this
+%D alternative works all right for most text||only situations
+%D in which there is enough text available for the first line,
+%D but that more complicated things will blow. One has to live
+%D with that. A workaround is rather trivial but obscures the
+%D principles used.
+\def\TreatFirstLine#1#2#3#4% before, after, first, next
+ {\leavevmode
+ \bgroup
+ \forgetall
+ \bgroup
+ #1%
+ \setbox0\emptybox
+ \setbox2\emptybox
+ \def\grabfirstline##1 %
+ {\setbox2\hbox
+ {\ifvoid0
+ {#3{\ignorespaces##1}}%
+ \else
+ \unhcopy0\ {#4{##1}}%
+ \fi}%
+ \ifdim\wd2=\zeropoint
+ \setbox0\emptybox
+ \setbox2\emptybox
+ \@EA\grabfirstline
+ \else\ifdim\wd2>\hsize
+ \hbox to \hsize{\strut\unhbox0}#2\egroup
+ \break##1\
+ \egroup
+ \else
+ \setbox0\box2
+ \@EAEAEA\grabfirstline
+ \fi\fi}%
+ \grabfirstline}
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \gdef\FunnyCommand
+%D {\getrandomfloat\FunnyR{0}{1}%
+%D \getrandomfloat\FunnyG{0}{1}%
+%D \getrandomfloat\FunnyB{0}{1}%
+%D \definecolor[FunnyColor][r=\FunnyR,g=\FunnyG,b=\FunnyB]%
+%D \color[FunnyColor]}
+%D %\TreatFirstLine {\bf} {} {\FunnyCommand} {\FunnyCommand}
+%D The third and fourth argument can be used to gain special
+%D effects on the individual words. Of course one needs ...
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \getbuffer
+%D to know a bit more about the macro package used to get real
+%D nice effects, but this example probably demonstrates the
+%D principles well.
+%D \typebuffer
+%D Like in dropped caps case, one can hide such treatments in a
+%D macro, like:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\MyTreatFirstLine%
+%D {\TreatFirstLine{\bf}{}{\FunnyCommand}{\FunnyCommand}}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D \macros
+%D {reshapebox}
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \beginofshapebox
+%D When using \CONTEXT, one can also apply this funny command
+%D to whole lines by using the reshape mechanism. Describing
+%D this interesting mechanism falls outside the scope of this
+%D module, so we only show the trick. This is an example of
+%D low level \CONTEXT\ functionality: it's all there, and it's
+%D stable, but not entirely meant for novice users.
+%D \endofshapebox
+%D \reshapebox{\FunnyCommand{\box\shapebox}} \flushshapebox
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \getbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+%D This mechanism permits hyphenation and therefore gives
+%D better results than the previously discussed macro
+%D \type{\TreatFirstLine}.
+%D \macros
+%D {TreatFirstCharacter}
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \TreatFirstCharacter{\bf\color[green]} Just to be
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \getbuffer complete we also offer a very simple one
+%D character alternative, that is not that hard to understand:
+\def\TreatFirstCharacter#1#2% command, character
+ {{#1{#2}}}
+%D A previous paragraph started with:
+%D \typebuffer
+%D \macros
+%D {StackCharacters}
+%D The next hack deals with vertical stacking.
+\def\StackCharacters#1#2#3#4% sequence vsize vskip command
+ {\vbox #2
+ {\forgetall
+ \baselineskip\zeropoint
+ \def\StackCharacter##1{#4{##1}\cr\noalign{#3}}%
+ \halign
+ {\hss##\hss&##\cr
+ \handletokens#1\with\StackCharacter\cr}}}
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \StackCharacters{CONTEXT}{}{\vskip.2ex}{\FunnyCommand}
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D Such a stack looks like:
+%D \startlinecorrection
+%D \hbox to \hsize
+%D {$\hss\bfd
+%D \vcenter{\StackCharacters{TEX} {}{\vskip.2ex}{\FunnyCommand}}%
+%D \hss
+%D \vcenter{\StackCharacters{CON} {}{\vskip.2ex}{\FunnyCommand}}
+%D \hss
+%D \vcenter{\StackCharacters{TEXT} {}{\vskip.2ex}{\FunnyCommand}}
+%D \hss
+%D \vcenter{\StackCharacters{CONTEXT}{}{\vskip.2ex}{\FunnyCommand}}
+%D \hss$}
+%D \stoplinecorrection
+%D and is typeset by saying:
+%D \typebuffer
+%D An alternative would have been
+%D \starttyping
+%D \StackCharacters {CONTEXT} {to 5cm} {\vfill} {\FunnyCommand}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D \macros
+%D {processtokens}
+%D At a lower level horizontal and vertical manipulations are
+%D already supported by:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \processtokens {begin} {between} {end} {space} {text}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D \startbuffer[a]
+%D \processtokens
+%D {\hbox to .5\hsize\bgroup} {\hfill}
+%D {\egroup} {\space} {LET'S HAVE}
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \startbuffer[b]
+%D \processtokens
+%D {\vbox\bgroup\raggedcenter\hsize1em}
+%D {\vskip.25ex} {\egroup} {\strut} {FUN}
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D This macro is able to typeset:
+%D \leavevmode\hbox to \hsize
+%D {$\hfil\hfil
+%D \vcenter{\bf\getbuffer[a]}%
+%D \hfil
+%D \vcenter{\bfd\getbuffer[b]}%
+%D \hfil\hfil$}
+%D which was specified as:
+%D \typebuffer[a]
+%D \typebuffer[b]
+%D \macros
+%D {NormalizeFontHeight, NormalizeFontWidth,
+%D TheNormalizedFontSize}
+%D Next we introduce some font manipulation macros. When we
+%D want to typeset some text spread in a well defined area, it
+%D can be considered bad practice to manipulate character and
+%D word spacing. In such situations the next few macros can be
+%D of help:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \NormalizeFontHeight \name {sample text} {height} {font}
+%D \NormalizeFontWidth \name {sample text} {width} {font}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D These are implemented using an auxilliary macro:
+\def\NormalizeFontWidth {\NormalizeFontSize\wd}
+% \def\NormalizeFontSize#1#2#3#4#5%
+% {\bgroup
+% \dimen0=#4% #4 can be \ht0 or so
+% \setbox0\hbox{\definedfont[#5 at 10pt]#3}%
+% \ifdim\wd0>\zeropoint
+% \dimen2=#10 % #1 is \wd or \ht
+% \dimen4=10000pt
+% \divide\dimen4 \dimen2
+% \divide\dimen0 \plusthousand
+% \dimen0=\number\dimen4\dimen0
+% \xdef\TheNormalizedFontSize{\the\dimen0}%
+% \else
+% \dimen0\bodyfontsize
+% \fi
+% \definedfont[#5 at \the\dimen0]%
+% \expandafter
+% \egroup
+% \expandafter\font\expandafter#2\fontname\font\relax}
+% the familiar struggle with accuracy forces us to use:
+ {\bgroup
+ \dimen0=#4% #4 can be \ht0 or so
+ \setbox0\hbox{\definedfont[#5 at 5pt]#3}% 10pt
+ \ifdim\wd0>\zeropoint
+ \dimen2=#10 % #1 is \wd or \ht
+ \dimen4=\maxdimen % 10000pt
+ \divide\dimen4 \dimen2
+ \divide\dimen0 1638 % 1000
+ \dimen0=\number\dimen4\dimen0
+ \divide \dimen0 \plustwo % ...
+ \xdef\TheNormalizedFontSize{\the\dimen0}%
+ \else
+ \dimen0\bodyfontsize
+ \fi
+ % mkii
+ % \definedfont[#5 at \the\dimen0]%
+ % \expandafter
+ % \egroup
+ % \expandafter\font\expandafter#2\fontname\font\relax}
+ % mkiv safe (file: prefix etc)
+ \expanded{\egroup\def\noexpand#2{\definedfont[#5 at \the\dimen0]}}}
+%D Afterwards, we have access to the calculated size by:
+%D Extra:
+\def\WidthSpanningText#1#2#3% text width font
+ {\hbox{\NormalizeFontWidth\temp{#1}{#2}{#3}\temp\the\everydefinedfont#1}}
+%D Consider for instance:
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \NormalizeFontHeight \tmp {X} {2\baselineskip} {cmr10}
+%D {\tmp To Be Or Not To Be}
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+%D This shows up as (we also show the baselines):
+%D {\showbaselines\getbuffer}
+%D The horizontal counterpart is:
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \NormalizeFontWidth \tmp {This Line Fits} {\hsize} {cmr10}
+%D \hbox{\tmp This Line Fits}
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+%D The calculated font scale is avaliable in the macro
+%D \type{\NormalizedFontSize}.
+%D \startlinecorrection
+%D \ruledhbox{\getbuffer}
+%D \stoplinecorrection
+%D One can of course combine these macros with the ones
+%D described earlier, like in:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \NormalizeFontHeight {text} \DroppedFont {2\baselineskip} {cmbx12}
+%D \def\NicelyDroppedCaps
+%D {\DroppedCaps
+%D {\color[green]}
+%D {\DroppedFont}
+%D {2pt}
+%D {\baselineskip}
+%D {2}}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D It's up to the reader to test this one.
+\unexpanded\def\FirstNCharacters#1#2% \FirstNCharacters{3}{fr{\"o}beln}
+ {\bgroup
+ \scratchcounter\zerocount
+ \def\docommand##1%
+ {\ifnum\scratchcounter=#1\else
+ ##1\relax % catches ##1 = \"e and alike
+ \advance\scratchcounter\plusone
+ \fi}
+ \handletokens#2\with\docommand
+ \egroup}
+%D \macros
+%D {FittingText}
+%D First used in Pascal (demo-bbv):
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \ruledvbox{\FittingText{3cm}{1cm}{Serif}{24pt}{1pt}{1}
+%D {\veryraggedright
+%D \hangindent1em\hangafter1\relax
+%D \begstrut \dorecurse{8}{Bram Marta }\unskip \endstrut}}
+%D \ruledvbox{\FittingText{3cm}{1cm}{Serif}{24pt}{1pt}{1}
+%D {\raggedleft\begstrut Bram\\Marta \unskip\endstrut}}
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+%D \startlinecorrection
+%D \getbuffer
+%D \stoplinecorrection
+% #1 width #2 height #3 font #4 size #5 step #6 interlinie #7 text
+ {\bgroup
+ \forgetall
+ \dontcomplain
+ \setuptolerance[\v!verytolerant]% == \tolerance4500
+ \hsize#1%
+ \def\\{\softbreak}%
+ \!!heighta#4%
+ \!!heightb#2%
+ \doloop
+ {\ifdim\!!heighta>\onepoint
+ \expanded{\definefont[\s!dummy][#3 at \the\!!heighta][\c!interlinespace=#6]}%
+ \getvalue\s!dummy
+ \setbox\scratchbox\vbox{#7\endgraf}%
+ \ifdim\ht\scratchbox>\!!heightb
+ \advance\!!heighta-#5%
+ \else
+ \beginshapebox
+ \unvcopy\scratchbox
+ \endshapebox
+ \global\dimen1\hsize
+ \reshapebox
+ {\setbox\shapebox\hbox{\unhbox\shapebox}%
+ \ifdim\wd\shapebox>\dimen1
+ \global\dimen1\wd\shapebox
+ \fi}%
+ \ifdim\dimen1>\hsize
+ \advance\!!heighta-#5%
+ \else
+ \exitloop
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \exitloop
+ \fi}%
+ %\writestatus{\strippedcsname\FittingText}{height: \the\!!heighta}%
+ \unvbox\scratchbox
+ \egroup}
+%D New:
+% \font width gap font spec text
+ {\global\setfalse\NFSpread
+ \scratchdimen#3%
+ \scratchdimen-.5\scratchdimen
+ \advance\scratchdimen#2\relax
+ \NormalizeFontWidth
+ #1%
+ {\def\+{\global\settrue\NFSpread\gobbleuntil\relax}%
+ \def\\{\gobbleuntil\relax}% newline
+ \setupspacing
+ #6\relax}%
+ {\scratchdimen}%
+ {#4}%
+ \ifconditional\NFSpread
+ % de gap valt in de binding
+ \else
+ \definefont[\strippedcsname#1][#4 #5]%
+ \fi}
+ {{\def\+{\kern#1}#2}}
+\def\GapText#1#2#3#4#5% width distance font spec title
+ {\bgroup
+ \NormalizeFontWidthSpread\DummyFont{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}%
+ \DummyFont\setupspacing\SpreadGapText{#2}{#5}\endgraf
+ \egroup}
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/supp-lat.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/supp-lat.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..343a7674c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/supp-lat.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=syst-ltx,
+%D version=2009.10.13,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ System Macros,
+%D subtitle=General,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D The bib module assumes that sometimes this command is used but
+%D in \MKIV\ we no longer assume that.
+%D \macros
+%D {newcommand}
+%D This module replaces \type {t-bibltx} and implements the
+%D \LATEX\ newcommand (sort of). This command is not to be
+%D used directly but only is there for the occasional
+%D \BIBTEX\ file that uses it.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \newcommand\oeps {oeps}
+%D \newcommand\oeps[6] {oeps[#1]#6}
+%D \newcommand\oeps[6][whatever]{oeps[#1]#6}
+%D \stoptyping
+ {\dotripleempty\donewcommand[#1]}
+ {\ifthirdargument
+ \expandafter\donewcommandtwo
+ \else\ifsecondargument
+ \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\donewcommandone
+ \else
+ \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\donewcommandzero
+ \fi\fi}
+ {\long\def#1}
+ {\scratchtoks{\long\def#1}%
+ \dorecurse{#2}{\scratchtoks\expandafter{\the\scratchtoks######1}}%
+ \the\scratchtoks}
+ {\long\def#1{\doifnextcharelse[{\getvalue{>>\string#1>>}}{\getvalue{>>\string#1>>}[#3]}}%
+ \scratchtoks{\long\setvalue{>>\string#1>>}[##1]}%
+ \dostepwiserecurse{2}{#2}{1}{\scratchtoks\expandafter{\the\scratchtoks######1}}%
+ \the\scratchtoks}
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/supp-mat.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/supp-mat.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e8a34fc90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/supp-mat.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=supp-mat,
+%D version=1998.09.10,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Support Macros,
+%D subtitle=Math,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D For practical reasons, I decided to move some math things to
+%D a support module. There is nothing spectacular here. It may move
+%D back to math-ini.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Support Macros / Math}
+%D \macros
+%D {mathematics, math, nomathematics, startmathmode}
+%D The \type{$} can be both an begin and end math character.
+%D This can lead to confusing and errorprone situations when
+%D macros insert \type{$}. When for instance we have defined:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\MyPlus{$\,+\,$}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D the sequence \type{$x^2 \MyPlus y^2 = r^2$} will expand to:
+%D \starttyping
+%D $x^2 $\,+\,$ y^2 = r^2$
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Here the \type{\,} are given outside math mode and \TEX\ will
+%D definitely complain about this. A more save definition would
+%D have been:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\MyPlus{\mathematics{\,+\,}}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Which is implemented as:
+\long\def\mathematics#1{\relax\ifmmode#1\else $#1$\fi} % lookahead bug reported by brooks
+\long\def\inlinemath #1{\dontleavehmode\relax\ifmmode#1\else $#1$\fi}
+\def\startmathmode % cannot be used nested
+ {\relax\ifmmode
+ \let\stopmathmode\relax
+ \else
+ $\def\stopmathmode{$}% \let\stopmathmode=$
+ \fi}
+\def\startmathmode % nested variant
+ {\relax\ifmmode
+ \begingroup\let\stopmathmode\endgroup
+ \else
+ $\let\stopmathmode$%
+ \fi}
+ {\relax\ifmmode\hbox{#1}\else#1\fi}
+%D \macros
+%D {displaymathematics,inlinemathematics,automathematics}
+%D An example of usage of the following can be found in the MathML module:
+ \def\inlinemathematics {\dontleavehmode\mathematics}
+ \def\automathematics {\relax\ifhmode\@EA\inlinemathematics\else\@EA\displaymathematics\fi}
+% better, esp when used in bTABLE ... eTABLE
+ {\relax
+ \ifhmode
+ \expandafter\inlinemathematics
+ \else\ifintable
+ \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\inlinemathematics
+ \else
+ \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\displaymathematics
+ \fi\fi}
+%D \macros
+%D {dimension, nodimension}
+%D The next few macros are used for typesetting dimensions in
+%D such a way that spacing is acceptable. I won't spend much
+%D words on these macros, because they will be overloaded in
+%D the units module.
+\def\dimensiontypeface {\tf}
+\def\dimensionhalfspace {\,}
+ {\def\dodimensionsignal{\kern\dimensionsignal}%
+ \ifdim\lastskip=\zeropoint\relax
+ \ifdim\lastkern=\zeropoint\relax
+ \ifmmode
+ \mathematics{\dimensionhalfspace\dimensionhalfspace\dimensiontypeface#1}%
+ \else
+ \mathematics{\dimensiontypeface#1}%
+ \fi
+ \else\ifdim\lastkern=\dimensionsignal
+ \mathematics{\dimensionhalfspace\dimensiontypeface#1}%
+ \else
+ \unkern\mathematics{\dimensionhalfspace\dimensionhalfspace\dimensiontypeface#1}%
+ \fi\fi
+ \else
+ \unskip\mathematics{\dimensionhalfspace\dimensionhalfspace\dimensiontypeface#1}%
+ \fi
+ \dodimensionsignal}
+ {\unskip#1\global\let\dodimensionsignal\relax}
+%D \macros
+%D {super, suber}
+%D \TEX\ uses \type{^} and \type{_} for entering super- and
+%D subscript mode. We want however a bit more control than
+%D normally provided, and therefore provide \type {\super}
+%D and \type{\suber} (\type {\sub} is already taken).
+\newevery\everysupersub \EverySuperSub
+\appendtoks \advance\supersubmode 1\relax \to \everysupersub
+% \def\dodosuper#1{\normalsuper{\the\everysupersub#1}}
+% \def\dodosuber#1{\normalsuber{\the\everysupersub#1}}
+% \def\dosuper{\ifx\next\bgroup\expandafter\dodosuper\else\normalsuper\fi}
+% \def\dosuber{\ifx\next\bgroup\expandafter\dodosuber\else\normalsuber\fi}
+% \def\super{\futurelet\next\dosuper}
+% \def\suber{\futurelet\next\dosuber}
+%D \macros
+%D {enablesupsub}
+%D We can let \type {^} and \type {_} act like \type {\super}
+%D and \type {\suber} by saying \type {\enablesupsub}.
+ {\catcode`\^=\@@active
+ \def^{\ifmmode\expandafter\super\else\expandafter\normalsuper\fi}%
+ \catcode`\_=\@@active
+ \def_{\ifmmode\expandafter\suber\else\expandafter\normalsuber\fi}}
+%D \macros
+%D {restoremathstyle}
+%D We can pick up the current math style by calling \type
+%D {\restoremathstyle}.
+ {\ifmmode
+ \ifcase\supsubmode
+ \textstyle
+ \or
+ \scriptstyle
+ \else
+ \scriptscriptstyle
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+%D \macros
+%D {cramped}
+%D \TEX provides no primitive to force in cramped math mode. Here is
+%D a macro that does so. It is based on a solution by Don Knuth (\useurl
+%D {}).
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \ruledhbox{$\left\{{x^2\over y^2}\right\}$}
+%D \ruledhbox{$\cramped{\left\{ {x^2\over y^2}\right\}}$}
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer \getbuffer
+ {\mathpalette\docramped}
+%D We force a cramped style by issuing a non||existing radical (box).
+%D After that we make sure the height is correct. (Comment taken from
+%D Morten Høgholm's mathtools package.) Macro suggested by AM and
+%D cleaned up a bit by HH.
+% original
+% \def\docramped#1#2%
+% {\setbox\scratchbox\hbox
+% {\nulldelimiterspace\zeropoint
+% $\mathsurround\zeropoint#1\radical\zerocount{#2}$}%
+% \ifx#1\displaystyle
+% \scratchdimen\fontdimen8\textfont3
+% \advance\scratchdimen .25\fontdimen5\textfont2
+% \else
+% \scratchdimen1.25\fontdimen8
+% \ifx#1\textstyle\textfont
+% \else
+% \ifx#1\scriptstyle\scriptfont\else\scriptscriptfont\fi
+% \fi
+% 3
+% \fi
+% \advance\scratchdimen-\ht\scratchbox
+% \ht\scratchbox-\scratchdimen
+% \box\scratchbox}
+ {\begingroup % added HH, made even more cramped
+ \setbox\scratchbox\hbox
+ {\nulldelimiterspace\zeropoint
+ $\mathsurround\zeropoint#1\radical\zerocount{#2}$}%
+ \ht\scratchbox-\dimexpr
+ \ifx#1\displaystyle
+ \fontdimen8\textfont3
+ +.25\fontdimen5\textfont2
+ \else
+ 1.25\fontdimen8
+ \ifx#1\textstyle
+ \textfont
+ \else\ifx#1\scriptstyle
+ \scriptfont
+ \else
+ \scriptscriptfont
+ \fi \fi
+ \plusthree
+ \fi
+ -\ht\scratchbox
+ \relax
+ \box\scratchbox
+ \endgroup}
+%D \macros
+%D {cramedllap, crampedrlap, crampedclap}
+%D In many cases, one wants to use the \tex {clap} macro in
+%D math mode while using subscripts. Normally, subscripts are
+%D in cramped mode, and these macros allow you to go to
+%D cramped mode. For example:
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \startformula
+%D \sum_{a^2 < b^2 < c^2} \quad
+%D \sum_{\clap{a^2 < b^2 < c^2}} \quad
+%D \sum_{\crampedclap{a^2 < b^2 < c^2}}
+%D \stopformula
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \start
+%D \typebuffer
+%D \switchtobodyfont[24pt]
+%D \getbuffer
+%D \stop
+%D Notice that \type {\clap{\cramped ... }} would also work,
+%D but it requires \TEX\ to typeset it arguments 16 times.
+\def\docrampedllap#1#2{{}\dollap{\docramped #1{#2}}}
+\def\docrampedrlap#1#2{{}\dorlap{\docramped #1{#2}}}
+\def\docrampedclap#1#2{{}\doclap{\docramped #1{#2}}}
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/supp-mis.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/supp-mis.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bc511e518
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/supp-mis.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,733 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=supp-mis,
+%D version=2004.10.26, % 1997.01.04,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Support Macros,
+%D subtitle=Missing (For Generic Use),
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D I will clean up this module (a la supp-pdf.tex preamble).
+%D Some support modules are more or less independant. This
+%D module, which is not part of plain \CONTEXT, provides the
+%D missing macros and declarations of registers.
+\ifx \undefined \writestatus \else \expandafter \endinput \fi
+%D Because \LATEX\ has no safe package loading mechanism, we
+%D need to take care of possible interference.
+\def\StartLatexHack % replace this by the one in supp-pdf
+ {\edef\StopLatexHack
+ {\catcode\string`\noexpand/=\the\catcode\string`/
+ \catcode\string`\noexpand-=\the\catcode\string`-
+ \catcode\string`\noexpand:=\the\catcode\string`:
+ \catcode\string`\noexpand;=\the\catcode\string`;
+ \catcode\string`\noexpand"=\the\catcode\string`"
+ \catcode\string`\noexpand<=\the\catcode\string`<
+ \catcode\string`\noexpand>=\the\catcode\string`>
+ \catcode\string`\noexpand`=\the\catcode\string``}%
+ \catcode\string`/=12 \catcode\string`-=12
+ \catcode\string`:=12 \catcode\string`;=12
+ \catcode\string`"=12 \catcode\string`<=12
+ \catcode\string`>=12 \catcode\string``=12 }
+%D This hack is needed especially for \LATEX\ users who use
+%D the Babel package. The Germans have active \type {"}'s, the
+%D Poles have \type {/}, while the French have \type {:} and
+%D \type {;} defines as command (thanks to Daniel Flipo for
+%D pointing that out and testing). Potentially active \type
+%D {?}'s and \type {!}'s are less dangerous since they are
+%D handled by the \type {\protect} and \type {\unprotect}
+%D macros.
+%D \macros
+%D {ifnocontextobject}
+%D First we take care of redundant defining. The next set of
+%D macros are a bit complicated by the fact that Plain
+%D \TEX\ defines the \type{\new}||macros as being outer.
+%D Furthermore nested \type{\if}'s can get us into
+%D trouble.
+ {\iftrue}
+ {\setbox0\hbox
+ \bgroup
+ \long\def\gobblecontextobject##1\fi{\egroup}%
+ \expandafter\gobblecontextobject\string}
+ {\ifx#1\undefined
+ \expandafter\definecontextobject
+ \else
+ %\writestatus{system}{beware of conflicting \string#1}%
+ \expandafter\gobblecontextobject
+ \fi}
+%D \macros
+%D {beginETEX,beginTEX}
+%D Outside \CONTEXT\ we will not be \ETEX||aware.
+\long\def\beginETEX #1\endETEX {}
+\let\beginTEX\relax \let\endTEX\relax
+%D \macros
+%D {writestatus}
+%D We start each module with a message. Normally the output is
+%D formatted, but here we keep things simple.
+\ifnocontextobject \writestatus \do
+ \def\writestatus#1#2{\immediate\write16{#1 : #2}}
+%D Let's see if it works.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Support Macros / Miscellaneous (2004.10.26)}
+%D \macros
+%D {protect,unprotect}
+%D Next we present a poor mans alternative for \type{\protect}
+%D and \type{\unprotect}, two commands that enable us to use
+%D the characters \type{@}, \type{!} and \type{?} in macro
+%D names.
+\ifnocontextobject \protect \do
+ \let\protect\relax
+\ifnocontextobject \unprotect \do
+ \def\unprotect
+ {\advance\protectiondepth 1
+ \ifnum\protectiondepth=1
+ \let\normalprotect=\protect
+ \def\protect
+ {\ifnum\protectiondepth>0
+ \advance\protectiondepth -1
+ \ifnum\protectiondepth=0
+ \doprotect
+ \let\protect=\normalprotect
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+ \edef\doprotect
+ {\catcode`\noexpand @=\the\catcode`@\relax
+ \catcode`\noexpand !=\the\catcode`!\relax
+ \catcode`\noexpand ?=\the\catcode`?\relax}
+ \catcode`@=11
+ \catcode`!=11
+ \catcode`?=11
+ \fi}
+%D We start using this one it at once.
+%D \macros
+%D {scratch...,if...,next...}
+%D We need some scratch registers. Users are free to use them,
+%D but can never be sure of their value once another macro is
+%D called. We only allocate things when they are yet
+%D undefined. This way we can't mess up other macro packages,
+%D but of course previous definitions can mess up our modules.
+\ifnocontextobject \donetrue \do \newif\ifdone \fi
+% no time now, will do a better test later (based on dimendef)
+\def\!!stringa{plain} \ifx\!!stringa\fmtname \donetrue \else
+\def\!!stringa{eplain} \ifx\!!stringa\fmtname \donetrue \else
+\def\!!stringa{babel-plain} \ifx\!!stringa\fmtname \donetrue \else
+ \donefalse \fi \fi \fi
+ % plain defines some 15 dimens, so we need to define a few
+ % dummies in order to get out of the scratch area
+ \newdimen\scratchdimen % 16
+ \newdimen\scratchdimen % 17
+ \newdimen\scratchdimen % 18
+ \newdimen\scratchdimen % 19
+ \newdimen\scratchdimen % 20
+ \newdimen\scratchdimen % 21
+ {\ifnum10<9#1 #1\else\expandafter\stripnewabove\fi}%
+\def\newabove\csname#1\endcsname#2% \dimen \name
+ {\csname#1\endcsname#2%
+ \ifnum\expandafter\stripnewabove\meaning#2>20\else
+ \newabove\csname#1\endcsname#2%
+ \fi}
+\ifnocontextobject \scratchcounter \do \newabove \csname newcount\endcsname \scratchcounter \fi
+\ifnocontextobject \scratchtoks \do \newabove \csname newtoks\endcsname \scratchtoks \fi
+\ifnocontextobject \scratchdimen \do \newabove \csname newdimen\endcsname \scratchdimen \fi
+\ifnocontextobject \scratchskip \do \newabove \csname newskip\endcsname \scratchskip \fi
+\ifnocontextobject \scratchmuskip \do \newabove \csname newmuskip\endcsname \scratchmuskip \fi
+\ifnocontextobject \scratchbox \do \csname newbox\endcsname \scratchbox \fi
+\ifnocontextobject \scratchread \do \csname newread\endcsname \scratchread \fi
+\ifnocontextobject \scratchwrite \do \csname newwrite\endcsname \scratchwrite \fi
+%D Watch out, in the past we ran into troubles with \type {\onepoint}
+%D (and others) mening something different in \LATEX\ then here. In
+%D such situations clashes are bound to happen. For this reason the
+%D assignments are no inside the test. We try to catch those situations
+%D but we cannot keep ahead of the future.
+\ifnocontextobject \zeropoint \do \newdimen \zeropoint \zeropoint = 0pt \fi % else problems with dimen12
+\ifnocontextobject \onepoint \do \newdimen \onepoint \onepoint = 1pt \fi
+\ifnocontextobject \onebasepoint \do \newdimen \onebasepoint \onebasepoint = 1bp \fi
+\ifnocontextobject \zerocount \do \chardef \zerocount = 0 \fi
+\ifnocontextobject \plusone \do \chardef \plusone = 1 \fi
+\ifnocontextobject \minusone \do \newcount \minusone \minusone = -1 \fi
+\ifnocontextobject \thousandpoint \do \newdimen \thousandpoint \thousandpoint = 1000pt \fi
+\ifnocontextobject \onerealpoint \do \newdimen \onerealpoint \onerealpoint = 1pt \fi % latex has a funny \onepoint
+\ifnocontextobject \emptytoks \do \newtoks \emptytoks \fi
+\ifnocontextobject \nextbox \do \newbox \nextbox \fi
+\ifnocontextobject \nextdepth \do \newdimen \nextdepth \fi
+\ifnocontextobject \CONTEXTtrue \do \newif\ifCONTEXT \fi
+\ifnocontextobject \eightbitcharacterstrue \do \newif\ifeightbitcharacters \fi
+\ifnocontextobject \MPdrawingdonetrue \do \newif\ifMPdrawingdone \fi
+\ifnocontextobject \ifzeropt \do \let\ifzeropt\ifcase \fi
+%D \macros
+%D {@@...}
+%D We use symbolic name for \CATCODES. They can only be used
+%D when we are in unprotected state.
+\ifnocontextobject \@@escape \do \chardef\@@escape = 0 \fi
+\ifnocontextobject \@@begingroup \do \chardef\@@begingroup = 1 \fi
+\ifnocontextobject \@@endgroup \do \chardef\@@endgroup = 2 \fi
+\ifnocontextobject \@@endofline \do \chardef\@@endofline = 5 \fi
+\ifnocontextobject \@@ignore \do \chardef\@@ignore = 9 \fi
+\ifnocontextobject \@@space \do \chardef\@@space = 10 \fi
+\ifnocontextobject \@@letter \do \chardef\@@letter = 11 \fi
+\ifnocontextobject \@@other \do \chardef\@@other = 12 \fi
+\ifnocontextobject \@@active \do \chardef\@@active = 13 \fi
+\ifnocontextobject \@@comment \do \chardef\@@comment = 14 \fi
+%D \macros
+%D {@EA,expanded,expandoneargafter,expandtwoargsafter}
+%D Also needed:
+\let\@EA=\expandafter \let\@@expanded\empty
+ {\long\xdef\@@expanded{\noexpand#1}\@@expanded}
+ {\@EA#1\@EA{#2}}
+ {\@EA\@EA\@EA#1\@EA\@EA\@EA{\@EA#2\@EA}\@EA{#3}}
+%D \macros
+%D {everyline,EveryLine,EveryPar}
+%D In \CONTEXT\ we use \type{\everypar} for special purposes
+%D and provide \type{\EveryPar} as an alternative. The same
+%D goes for \type{\everyline} and \type{\EveryLine}.
+\ifnocontextobject \everyline \do \newtoks\everyline \fi
+\ifnocontextobject \EveryPar \do \let\EveryPar =\everypar \fi
+\ifnocontextobject \EveryLine \do \let\EveryLine=\everyline \fi
+%D \macros
+%D {globallet}
+%D \macros
+%D {!!...}
+%D We reserve ourselves some scratch strings (i.e. macros)
+%D and some more counters.
+\ifnocontextobject \!!stringa \do \def\!!stringa {} \fi
+\ifnocontextobject \!!stringb \do \def\!!stringb {} \fi
+\ifnocontextobject \!!stringc \do \def\!!stringc {} \fi
+\ifnocontextobject \!!stringd \do \def\!!stringd {} \fi
+\ifnocontextobject \!!counta \do \newcount\!!counta {} \fi
+\ifnocontextobject \!!countb \do \newcount\!!countb {} \fi
+%D \macros
+%D {!!...}
+%D The next set of definitions speed up processing a bit.
+%D Furthermore it saves memory.
+\ifnocontextobject \!!zeropoint \do \def\!!zeropoint {0pt} \fi
+\ifnocontextobject \!!zerocount \do \def\!!zerocount {0} \fi
+\ifnocontextobject \!!tenthousand \do \def\!!tenthousand {10000} \fi
+\ifnocontextobject \!!width \do \def\!!width {width} \fi
+\ifnocontextobject \!!height \do \def\!!height {height} \fi
+\ifnocontextobject \!!depth \do \def\!!depth {depth} \fi
+\ifnocontextobject \!!plus \do \def\!!plus {plus} \fi
+\ifnocontextobject \!!minus \do \def\!!minus {minus} \fi
+\ifnocontextobject \!!to \do \def\!!to {to} \fi
+%D \macros
+%D {smashbox}
+%D The system modules offer a range of smashing macros, of
+%D which we only copied \type{\smashbox}.
+\ifnocontextobject \smashbox \do
+ \def\smashbox#1%
+ {\wd#1\zeropoint
+ \ht#1\zeropoint
+ \dp#1\zeropoint}
+%D \macros
+%D {dowithnextbox}
+%D Also without further comment, we introduce a macro that
+%D gets the next box and does something usefull with it.
+%D Because the \type{\afterassignment} is executed inside the
+%D box, we have to use a \type{\aftergroup} too.
+\ifnocontextobject \dowithnextbox \do
+ \def\dowithnextbox#1%
+ {\def\dodowithnextbox{#1}%
+ \afterassignment\dododowithnextbox
+ \setbox\nextbox}
+ \def\dododowithnextbox%
+ {\aftergroup\dodowithnextbox}
+%D \macros
+%D {setvalue,setevalue,setxvalue,,setgvalue,
+%D getvalue,
+%D letvalue,letgvalue}
+%D The next two macros expand their argument to
+%D \type{\argument}. The first one is used to define macro's
+%D the second one executes them.
+\ifnocontextobject \setvalue \do
+ \def\setvalue #1{\expandafter\def\csname#1\endcsname}
+ \def\setevalue#1{\expandafter\edef\csname#1\endcsname}
+ \def\setgvalue#1{\expandafter\gdef\csname#1\endcsname}
+ \def\setxvalue#1{\expandafter\xdef\csname#1\endcsname}
+ \def\getvalue #1{\csname#1\endcsname}
+ \def\letvalue #1{\expandafter\let\csname#1\endcsname}
+ \def\letgvalue#1{\global\expandafter\let\csname#1\endcsname}
+%D \macros
+%D {unexpanded}
+%D The next command can be used as prefixed for commands that
+%D need protection during tests and writing to files. This
+%D is a very \CONTEXT\ specific one.
+\ifnocontextobject \unexpanded \do
+ \let\unexpanded\relax
+%D \macros
+%D {convertargument}
+%D The original one offers a bit more, like global assignment, the
+%D the next implementation is however a bit more byte saving.
+\ifnocontextobject \convertargument \do
+ \def\doconvertargument#1>{}
+ \long\def\convertargument#1\to#2%
+ {\long\def\@@convertedargument{#1}%
+ \edef#2{\expandafter\doconvertargument\meaning\@@convertedargument}}
+%D \macros
+%D {forgetall}
+%D Sometimes we have to disable interference of whatever kind
+%D of skips and mechanisms. The next macro resets some.
+\ifnocontextobject \forgetall \do
+ \def\forgetall
+ {\parskip\zeropoint
+ \leftskip\zeropoint
+ \parindent\zeropoint
+ \everypar{}}
+%D \macros
+%D {withoutpt,
+%D ScaledPointsToBigPoints,ScaledPointsToWholeBigPoints}
+%D \TEX\ lacks some real datastructure. We can however use
+%D \DIMENSIONS. This kind of trickery is needed when we want
+%D \TEX\ to communicate with the outside world (by means of
+%D \type{\specials}).
+\ifnocontextobject \withoutpt \do
+ {\catcode`\.=\@@other
+ \catcode`\p=\@@other
+ \catcode`\t=\@@other
+ \gdef\WITHOUTPT#1pt{#1}}
+ \def\withoutpt#1%
+ {\expandafter\WITHOUTPT#1}
+ \def\ScaledPointsToBigPoints#1#2%
+ {\scratchdimen=#1sp\relax
+ \scratchdimen=.996264\scratchdimen
+ \edef#2{\withoutpt{\the\scratchdimen}}}
+ \def\ScaledPointsToWholeBigPoints#1#2%
+ {\scratchdimen=#1sp
+ \scratchdimen=.996264\scratchdimen
+ \scratchcounter=\scratchdimen
+ \advance\scratchcounter by 32768
+ \divide\scratchcounter by 65536
+ \edef#2{\the\scratchcounter}}
+%D \macros
+%D {doprocessfile}
+%D This macro takes three arguments: the file number, the
+%D filename and a macro that handles the content of a read
+%D line.
+\ifnocontextobject \doprocessfile \do
+ \def\doprocessfile#1#2#3%
+ {\openin#1=#2\relax
+ \ifeof#1%
+ \fileprocessedfalse
+ \closein#1\relax
+ \else
+ \fileprocessedtrue
+ \gdef\dofinishfile%
+ {\closein#1\relax
+ \global\let\doprocessline\relax}%
+ \gdef\doprocessline%
+ {\ifeof#1%
+ \dofinishfile
+ \else
+ \global\read#1 to \fileline
+ #3\relax
+ \expandafter\doprocessline
+ \fi}%
+ \expandafter\doprocessline
+ \fi}
+%D \macros
+%D {uncatcodespecials}
+%D This one is taken from the \TEX\ book. The \CONTEXT\
+%D alternative is a bit different, but we hope this one works
+%D here.
+ \def\dospecials
+ {\do\ \do\\\do\{\do\}\do\$%
+ \do\#\do\^\do\_\do\&\do\%%
+ \do\~\do\^^A\do\^^K}
+\ifnocontextobject \uncatcodespecials \do
+ \def\uncatcodespecials
+ {\def\do##1{\catcode`##1=12 }\dospecials
+ \catcode`\ =\@@space
+ \catcode`\^^L=\@@ignore
+ \catcode`\^^M=\@@endofline
+ \catcode`\^^?=\@@ignore}
+\ifnocontextobject \setnaturalcatcodes \do
+ {\catcode`\!=\@@other \catcode`\?=\@@other \catcode`\@=\@@other
+ \catcode`\#=\@@other \catcode`\&=\@@other \catcode`\|=\@@other
+ \catcode`\$=\@@other \catcode`\^=\@@other \catcode`\_=\@@other
+ \catcode`\*=\@@other \catcode`\/=\@@other
+ \catcode`\-=\@@other \catcode`+=\@@other
+ \catcode`\==\@@other \catcode`\<=\@@other \catcode`\>=\@@other
+ \catcode`\"=\@@other \catcode`\'=\@@other \catcode`\`=\@@other
+ \catcode`\:=\@@other \catcode`\;=\@@other
+ \catcode`\,=\@@other \catcode`\.=\@@other \catcode`\~=\@@other
+ \catcode`\(=\@@other \catcode`\)=\@@other
+ \catcode`\{=\@@other \catcode`\}=\@@other
+ \catcode`\\=\@@other \catcode`\%=\@@other }
+%D \macros
+%D {doglobal}
+%D Some \CONTEXT\ low level macros can have a \type{\doglobal}
+%D prefix. Let's just forget about that here:
+\ifnocontextobject \doglobal \do \let\doglobal\relax \fi
+%D The next obscure one is needed in the generic verbatim
+%D environment. When we end up with more of these, it's time
+%D to load the module \type{syst-gen}.
+\ifnocontextobject \doifincsnameelse \do
+ \def\dodoifincsnameelse#1#2%
+ {\def\dododoifincsnameelse##1#1##2##3\war%
+ {\csname\if##2@iffalse\else iftrue\fi\endcsname}%
+ \expandafter\dododoifincsnameelse#2#1@@\war}
+ \long\def\doifincsnameelse#1#2#3#4%
+ {\edef\@@instring{#1}%
+ \expandafter\dodoifincsnameelse\expandafter{\@@instring}{#2}%
+ #3%
+ \else
+ #4%
+ \fi}
+%D \macros
+%D {dostepwiserecurse, dorecurse, doloop, exitloop}
+%D The next loop macro is a real weak one, and does not offer
+%D the full \CONTEXT\ functionality, let alone nesting, but
+%D for simple purposes, its behaviour is acceptable.
+\def\dostepwiserecurse#1#2#3#4% very weak and rubishly version
+ {\ifnum#2<#1\relax\else\dodostepwiserecurse{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}\fi}
+\def\dodostepwiserecurse#1#2#3#4% very weak and rubishly version
+ {\recursecounter=#1\relax
+ \loop
+ \edef\recurselevel{\the\recursecounter}%
+ #4\relax
+ \ifnum\recursecounter<#2\relax
+ \advance\recursecounter by #3\relax
+ \repeat}
+ {\dostepwiserecurse{1}{#1}{1}}
+ {\dostepwiserecurse{1}{\maxdimen}{1}}
+ {\recursecounter=\maxdimen}
+%D \macros
+%D {ifundefined,doifdefined,doifundefined,
+%D doifdefinedelse,doifundefinedelse}
+%D These alteratives are not robust but suitable for simple
+%D usage. The official ones are a bit faster.
+\ifnocontextobject \doifdefined \do
+ \def\ifundefined#1%
+ {\expandafter\ifx\csname#1\endcsname\relax}
+ \def\doifdefinedelse#1#2#3%
+ {\expandafter\ifx\csname#1\endcsname\relax#3\else#2\fi}
+ \def\doifundefinedelse#1#2#3%
+ {\expandafter\ifx\csname#1\endcsname\relax#2\else#3\fi}
+ \def\doifdefined#1#2%
+ {\expandafter\ifx\csname#1\endcsname\relax\else#2\fi}
+ \def\doifundefined#1#2%
+ {\expandafter\ifx\csname#1\endcsname\relax#2\fi}
+%D \macros
+%D {doifinstringelse}
+%D It seems like we end up with more and more macros here.
+%D Sigh.
+\ifnocontextobject \doifinstringelse \do
+ \def\p!doifinstringelse#1#2%
+ {\def\pp!doifinstringelse##1#1##2##3\war%
+ {\csname if\if##2@fals\else tru\fi e\endcsname}%
+ \expanded{\pp!doifinstringelse#2#1@@\noexpand\war}}
+ \long\def\doifinstringelse#1#2#3#4%
+ {\edef\@@@instring{#1}%
+ \@EA\p!doifinstringelse\@EA{\@@@instring}{#2}#3\else#4\fi}
+%D \macros
+%D {twodigitrounding}
+%D We don't support rounding outside \CONTEXT. Sorry.
+%D \macros
+%D {lineheight}
+%D In \CONTEXT\ we have \type{\lineheight}, which in many
+%D cases matches \type {\baselineskip}.
+\ifnocontextobject \lineheight \do
+ \def\lineheight{\baselineskip}
+%D \macros
+%D {dohandletokens}
+%D The following macro is the simplified version, but good
+%D enough for day to day hacks.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \dohandletokens some text\with\somemacro
+%D \stoptyping
+\ifnocontextobject \dohandletokens \do
+ {\ifx\next\end \else
+ \docommand{\next}%
+ \expandafter\dohandletokens
+ \fi}
+ {\afterassignment\dodohandletokens\let\next= }
+ {\let\docommand=#2%
+ \dohandletokens#1\end}
+%D Very reduced:
+ {\scratchtoks{#1}\expanded{#2{\the#2\the\scratchtoks}}}
+%D Well, also handy.
+ {\immediate\openin\scratchread=#1\relax
+ \ifeof\scratchread
+ \def\next{#3}%
+ \else
+ \def\next{#2}%
+ \fi
+ \immediate\closein\scratchread
+ \next}
+%D New.
+%D Also new:
+\def\letempty #1{\let#1\empty}
+\def\letvalueempty #1{\expandafter\let\csname#1\endcsname\empty}
+%D Sigh
+\def\settrue #1{\chardef#1\zerocount}
+\let\newconditional = \setfalse
+\let\ifconditional = \ifcase
+%D We could load \type {norm-tex} but this takes less hash space:
+\let \normalif = \if
+\let \normalifcase = \ifcase
+\let \normalifcat = \ifcat
+\let \normalifdim = \ifdim
+\let \normalifeof = \ifeof
+\let \normaliffalse = \iffalse
+\let \normalifhbox = \ifhbox
+\let \normalifhmode = \ifhmode
+\let \normalifinner = \ifinner
+\let \normalifmmode = \ifmmode
+\let \normalifnum = \ifnum
+\let \normalifodd = \ifodd
+\let \normaliftrue = \iftrue
+\let \normalifvbox = \ifvbox
+\let \normalifvmode = \ifvmode
+\let \normalifvoid = \ifvoid
+\let \normalifx = \ifx
+\let \normalfi = \fi
+\let \normalelse = \else
+\let \normalunexpanded = \unexpanded % beware the primitive, not the context one
+%D That's it. Please forget this junk and take a look at how
+%D it should be done.
+\StopLatexHack \protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/supp-mis.tex b/tex/context/base/mkii/supp-mis.tex
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bda8d4f6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/supp-mis.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+% This file is not needed, for instance supp-pdf has the relevant code
+% built in and ppchtex is adapted.
+\input supp-mis.mkii
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/supp-mpe.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/supp-mpe.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2e5e7e528
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/supp-mpe.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,1371 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=supp-mpe,
+%D version=1999.07.10,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Support Macros,
+%D subtitle=METAPOST Special Extensions,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+% fuzzy and complicating is the fact that we need to support
+% context as well as mptopdf, so we cannot fall back on the
+% special drivers and color module (although there may be
+% good reasons to use a smaller context instead); also,
+% shading is handled here while it should move to the special
+% driver - to do!
+%D This module is still experimental and deals with some
+%D extensions to \METAPOST. When using \POSTSCRIPT\ output,
+%D these extensions can be supplied by means of proper
+%D preamble definitions, but when producing \PDF\ we have to
+%D set up the appropriate datastructures ourselves. It acts as
+%D a plug in into \type {supp-pdf}. As soon as we need more
+%D extensions, we will generalize these macro. Some
+%D definitions will move to the special drivers.
+%D For usage in plain \TEX, say something:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \input supp-pdf
+%D \input supp-mpe
+%D \MPcmykcolorstrue
+%D \MPspotcolorstrue
+%D \makeMPintoPDFobject\plusone
+%D \stoptyping
+ \immediate\write16{[Loading MPS to PDF extensions.]}
+ \writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Support Macros / MPS extensions}
+%D We implement extensions by using the \METAPOST\ special
+%D mechanism. Opposite to \TEX's specials, the \METAPOST\ ones
+%D are flushed before or after the graphic data, but thereby
+%D are no longer connected to a position.
+%D We implement specials by overloading the \type {fill}
+%D operator. By counting the fills, we can let the converter
+%D treat the appropriate fill in a special way. The
+%D specification of the speciality can have two forms,
+%D determined by the setting of a boolean variable:
+%D \starttyping
+%D _inline_specials_ := false ; % comment like code (default)
+%D _inline_specials_ := true ; % command like code
+%D \stoptyping
+%D When the specification is embedded as comment, it looks
+%D like:
+%D \starttyping
+%D %%MetaPostSpecial <size> <data> <number> <identifier>
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The in||line alternative is more tuned for \POSTSCRIPT,
+%D since it permits us to define a macro \type {special}.
+%D \starttyping
+%D inline : <data> <number> <identifier> <size> special
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The \type {identifier} determines what to do, and the data
+%D can be used to accomplish this. A type~2 shading function
+%D has identifier~2. Alltogether, the number of parameters is
+%D specified in \type {size}. The \type {number} is the number
+%D of the fill that needs the special treatment. For a type~2
+%D and~3 shaded fill, the datablock contains the following
+%D data:
+%D \starttyping
+%D from to n inner_r g b x y outer_r g b x y
+%D from to n inner_r g b x y radius outer_r g b x y radius
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The implementation below saves the data on the stack in
+%D a way similar to the macros in \type {supp-pdf.tex}, and
+%D just overload a few already defined handlers. That way,
+%D the existing macros are still generic. \footnote {Actually,
+%D the macros here are just as generic.}
+%D Currently the only extension concerns shading, which is
+%D accomplished by handling yet another value of \type
+%D {\finiMPpath}. The recource disctionary is stored and
+%D later picked up by the general \CONTEXT\ figure inclusion
+%D macros.
+%D The \type {%%MetaPostSpecials: version.revision signal} line
+%D triggers this module into handling color specifications kind
+%D of special. We need this safeguard for non||special
+%D usage.
+\chardef\MPspecialversion = 0 % specials when >1
+\chardef\MPspecialrevision = 0 % specials when >1
+\chardef\MPspecialsignal = 0 % passed on by graphic
+\chardef\inlineMPspecials = 1 % only needed for stack resetting
+%D This macro handles the special definitions that are
+%D passed as comment.
+ {\setMPargument{#1}%
+ \advance\scratchcounter \minusone
+ \ifcase\scratchcounter
+ \handleMPspecialcommand
+ \donetrue
+ \doresetMPstack
+ \let\handleMPsequence\dohandleMPsequence
+ \expandafter\handleMPsequence
+ \else
+ \expandafter\dohandleMPspecialcomment
+ \fi}
+\def\handleMPspecialcomment #1 % number of arguments
+ {\doresetMPstack
+ \scratchcounter#1\relax
+ \ifcase\scratchcounter % when zero, inline shading is used
+ \chardef\inlineMPspecials\plusone
+ \let\handleMPsequence\dohandleMPsequence
+ \expandafter\handleMPsequence
+ \else
+ \chardef\inlineMPspecials\zerocount
+ \expandafter\dohandleMPspecialcomment
+ \fi}
+%D When defined inline, we use another macro to handle the
+%D definitions. Actually, this macro is called by the
+%D previous ones.
+ {\ifcase\inlineMPspecials\or
+ \advance\nofMParguments \minusone % pop the size
+ \fi
+ \ifundefined\MPspecial
+ \message{[unknown \MPspecial]}%
+ \else
+ \csname\MPspecial\endcsname
+ \fi
+ \ifcase\inlineMPspecials
+ \doresetMPstack % 0
+ \else
+ \resetMPstack % 1
+ \fi}
+%D This macro triggers special support. Currently, the
+%D version and revision number are not used. Any version number
+%D greater than zero will enable special support.
+\newconditional\manyMPspecials % \settrue\manyMPspecials
+\def\handleMPspecialscomment #1.#2 #3 % version.revision signal #4=div=1000|10000
+ {\doresetMPstack
+ \chardef\MPspecialversion #1%
+ \chardef\MPspecialrevision#2%
+ \chardef\MPspecialsignal #3%
+ \let\handleMPsequence\dohandleMPsequence
+ \ifnum#1=\plusone
+ \expandafter\handleMPsequence
+ \else
+ \expandafter\handleMPspecialscommentx
+ \fi}
+\def\handleMPspecialscommentx #1 % version 2
+% {\doifelsedoifelse{#1}{10000}{\settrue\manyMPspecials}{\setfalse\manyMPspecials}% local
+ {\ifnum10000=0#1\relax
+ \settrue \manyMPspecials
+ \else
+ \setfalse\manyMPspecials
+ \fi
+ \setMPextensions
+ \handleMPsequence}
+% one can say (in meta-ini):
+% \prependtoks
+% _special_div_ := 1000\ifconditional\manyMPspecials0\fi ;
+% \to \MPextensions
+%D In case of \PDF, we need to prepare resourcs.
+ {\the\MPstartresources
+ \ifx\currentPDFresources\empty\else
+ \message{[unused resources]}%
+ \fi
+ \global\let\currentPDFresources\empty}
+ {\let\currentPDFresources\empty
+ \the\MPstopresources}
+%D Since colors are not subjected to transformations, we can
+%D only use colors as signal. In our case, we use a dummy colored
+%D path with a red color component of \type {0.n}, so \type
+%D {0.001} is the first path and \type {0.010} the tenth. Since
+%D \METAPOST strips trailing zeros, we have to padd the string.
+\ifx\normalhandleMPrgbcolor\undefined % in case we reload this module
+ \let\normalhandleMPrgbcolor \handleMPrgbcolor
+ \let\normalhandleMPcmykcolor\handleMPcmykcolor
+ \let\normalhandleMPgraycolor\handleMPgraycolor
+ \let\normalhandleMPspotcolor\handleMPspotcolor
+%D When we are using \CONTEXT, we will fall back to the
+%D better color conversion routines. This also has the advantage
+%D that we don't have to parse and convert the file. In this
+%D alternative, \type {\!MP} is not (yet) supported. Because
+%D we can (for efficiency reasons) turn off strokecolor,
+%D something we cannot do in \METAPOST\ converted code.
+\newif\ifPDFMPstrokecolor \PDFMPstrokecolortrue
+%D [This code should move to meta-ini.]
+\ifCONTEXT % we can use this for a better xgstate handling
+ \def\checkPDFMPstrokecolor
+ {\ifPDFMPstrokecolor \PDFstrokecolortrue \fi}
+ \def\normalhandleMPrgbcolor
+ {{\checkPDFMPstrokecolor\execcolorR\gMPa1:\gMPa2:\gMPa3:0:0\od}}
+ \def\normalhandleMPcmykcolor
+ {{\checkPDFMPstrokecolor\execcolorC\gMPa1:\gMPa2:\gMPa3:\gMPa4:0:0\od}}
+ \def\normalhandleMPgraycolor
+ {{\checkPDFMPstrokecolor\execcolorS\gMPa1:0:0\od}}
+% \def\normalhandleMPspotcolor
+% {{\checkPDFMPstrokecolor\execcolorP\gMPa1:\gMPa2:0:0\od}}
+ \def\normalhandleMPspotcolor % ???
+ {{\checkPDFMPstrokecolor\execcolorP\gMPa1:\gMPa2:\gMPa3:\gMPa4:0:0\od}}
+% In the previous macros we use the special drivers. A more
+% direct approach would have been:
+% \def\doPDFstartrgbcolormode#1#2#3%
+% {\PDFcode{#1 #2 #3 rg #1 #2 #3 RG}}
+% \def\doPDFstartcmykcolormode#1#2#3#4%
+% {\PDFcode{#1 #2 #3 #4 k #1 #2 #3 #4 K}}
+% \def\doPDFstartgraycolormode#1%
+% {\PDFcode{#1 g #1 G}}
+% \appendtoks
+% \let\dostartrgbcolormode \doPDFstartrgbcolormode
+% \let\dostartcmykcolormode\doPDFstartcmykcolormode
+% \let\dostartgraycolormode\doPDFstartgraycolormode
+% \to \everyMPtoPDFconversion
+%D Now we can handle special color signals. We only do this
+%D when special are detected.
+% \def\MPrgbnumber#1{\expandafter\doMPrgbnumber#1000.0000\relax}
+% \def\doMPrgbnumber#1.#2#3#4#5\relax{#2#3#4}
+%D We cannot use \type {\everyMPtoPDFconversion} because in \MPTOPDF\
+%D we don't have the \type {\appendtoks} macro available.
+ {\ifconditional\manyMPspecials
+ \def\MPrgbnumber##1{\expandafter\doMPrgbnumber##10000.00000\relax}%
+ \def\doMPrgbnumber##1.##2##3##4##5##6\relax{##2##3##4##5}%
+ \else
+ \def\MPrgbnumber##1{\expandafter\doMPrgbnumber##1000.0000\relax}%
+ \def\doMPrgbnumber##1.##2##3##4##5\relax{##2##3##4}%
+ \fi}
+%D The naive case looks like:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\handleMPrgbcolor%
+%D {\setMPcolor
+%D \ifcase\MPspecialversion
+%D \resetMPcolor\normalhandleMPrgbcolor
+%D \else\ifnum\MPrgbnumber\lastMPrvalue=\MPspecialsignal
+%D % consider it to be a signal
+%D \else
+%D \resetMPcolor\normalhandleMPrgbcolor
+%D \fi\fi}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D However, since we want \CMYK\ support, we will use the
+%D following implementation:
+% \def\setMPcolor
+% {\edef\lastMPrvalue{\gMPa1}%
+% \edef\lastMPgvalue{\gMPa2}%
+% \edef\lastMPbvalue{\gMPa3}}
+% speed up (hardly called, so no let is needed)
+ {\edef\lastMPrvalue{\csname\@@MP01\endcsname}%
+ \edef\lastMPgvalue{\csname\@@MP02\endcsname}%
+ \edef\lastMPbvalue{\csname\@@MP03\endcsname}}
+ {\let\lastMPrvalue\zeroMPrgbvalue
+ \let\lastMPgvalue\zeroMPrgbvalue
+ \let\lastMPbvalue\zeroMPrgbvalue}
+\def\interceptMPcmykcolor % todo : \ifMPcmykcolors
+ {\ifcase\MPrgbnumber\lastMPgvalue
+ % cannot happen
+ \or
+ % 1 == cmyk color spec
+ \ifMPcmykcolors \dointerceptMPcmykcolor \fi
+ \or
+ % 2 == spot color
+ \ifMPspotcolors \dointerceptMPspotcolor \fi
+ \or
+ % 3 == rgb transparency
+ \invokeMPtransparencyspecial
+ \or
+ % 4 == cmyk transparency
+ \ifMPcmykcolors \invokeMPtransparencyspecial \fi
+ \or
+ % 5 == spot transparency
+ \ifMPspotcolors \invokeMPtransparencyspecial \fi
+ \else
+ % \writestatus{MPtoPDF}{unknown direct special}%
+ \fi}
+% ifcsname
+ {\revokeMPtransparencyspecial
+ \@EA\ifx\csname\@@MPSK\number\MPrgbnumber\lastMPbvalue\endcsname\relax\else
+ \@EA\@EA\@EA\setMPcmyk\csname\@@MPSK\number\MPrgbnumber\lastMPbvalue\endcsname
+ \normalhandleMPcmykcolor
+ \fi}
+ {\revokeMPtransparencyspecial
+ \@EA\ifx\csname\@@MPSP\number\MPrgbnumber\lastMPbvalue\endcsname\relax\else
+ \@EA\@EA\@EA\setMPspot\csname\@@MPSP\number\MPrgbnumber\lastMPbvalue\endcsname
+ \normalhandleMPspotcolor
+ \fi}
+ {\resetMPcolor
+ \ifcase\MPspecialversion
+ \normalhandleMPrgbcolor
+ \else
+ \setMPcolor
+ \ifnum\MPrgbnumber\lastMPrvalue=\MPspecialsignal\relax
+ \interceptMPcmykcolor
+ \else
+ \revokeMPtransparencyspecial
+ \normalhandleMPrgbcolor
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+ {\resetMPcolor
+ \ifcase\MPspecialversion \else \revokeMPtransparencyspecial \fi
+ \normalhandleMPgraycolor}
+ {\resetMPcolor
+ \ifcase\MPspecialversion \else \revokeMPtransparencyspecial \fi
+ \normalhandleMPcmykcolor}
+%D Specials are define and recalled using:
+ {MP special \gMPs\nofMParguments}
+ {\setvalue{MP special #1}{#2}}
+%D The path processing macro is slightly extended.
+\newtoks \invokeMPspecials
+ {\PDFcode
+ {\ifcase\finiMPpath W n\or S\or f\or B\else W n\fi
+ \extraMPpathcode}}
+ {\checkMPpath % !
+ \ifcase\nofMPsegments\else
+ \let\extraMPpathcode\empty
+ \ifcase\MPspecialversion\else
+ \ifnum\MPrgbnumber\lastMPrvalue=\MPspecialsignal
+ \ifnum\MPrgbnumber\lastMPgvalue>10 % really needed
+ \scratchcounter\MPrgbnumber\lastMPbvalue
+ \edef\currentMPspecial{\the\scratchcounter}%
+\ifx\previousMPcolorspec\currentMPcolorspec \else
+ \revokeMPtransparencyspecial
+ \ifnum\finiMPpath=2 % to outer level
+ \the\invokeMPspecials
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \flushMPpath
+ \closeMPpath
+ \finishMPpath
+ \fi
+ \let\handleMPsequence\dohandleMPsequence
+ \resetMPstack
+ \nofMPsegments0
+ \handleMPsequence}
+%D Shading is an example of a more advanced graphic feature,
+%D but users will seldom encounter those complications. Here
+%D we only show a few simple examples, but many other
+%D alternatives are possible by setting up the functions built
+%D in \PDF\ in the appropriate way.
+%D Shading has to do with interpolation between two or more
+%D points or user supplied ranges. In \PDF, the specifications
+%D of a shade has to be encapsulated in objects and passed on
+%D as resources. This is a \PDF\ level 1.3. feature. One can
+%D simulate three dimensional shades as well and define simple
+%D functions using a limited set of \POSTSCRIPT\ primitives.
+%D Given the power of \METAPOST\ and these \PDF\ features, we
+%D can achieve superb graphic effects.
+%D Since everything is hidden in \TEX\ and \METAPOST\ graphics,
+%D we can stick to high level \CONTEXT\ command, as shown in
+%D the following exmples.
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \startuniqueMPgraphic{CircularShade}
+%D path p ; p := unitsquare xscaled \overlaywidth yscaled \overlayheight ;
+%D circular_shade(p,0,.2red,.9red) ;
+%D \stopuniqueMPgraphic
+%D \startuniqueMPgraphic{LinearShade}
+%D path p ; p := unitsquare xscaled \overlaywidth yscaled \overlayheight ;
+%D linear_shade(p,0,.2blue,.9blue) ;
+%D \stopuniqueMPgraphic
+%D \startuniqueMPgraphic{DuotoneShade}
+%D path p ; p := unitsquare xscaled \overlaywidth yscaled \overlayheight ;
+%D linear_shade(p,2,.5green,.5red) ;
+%D \stopuniqueMPgraphic
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+%D \getbuffer
+%D These graphics can be hooked into the overlay mechanism,
+%D which is available in many commands.
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \defineoverlay[demo 1][\uniqueMPgraphic{CircularShade}]
+%D \defineoverlay[demo 2][\uniqueMPgraphic {LinearShade}]
+%D \defineoverlay[demo 3][\uniqueMPgraphic {DuotoneShade}]
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+%D \getbuffer
+%D These backgrounds can for instance be applied to \type
+%D {\framed}:
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \setupframed[width=3cm,height=2cm,frame=off]
+%D \startcombination[3*1]
+%D {\framed[background=demo 1]{\bfd \white Demo 1}} {}
+%D {\framed[background=demo 2]{\bfd \white Demo 2}} {}
+%D {\framed[background=demo 3]{\bfd \white Demo 3}} {}
+%D \stopcombination
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+%D \startlinecorrection
+%D \getbuffer
+%D \stoplinecorrection
+%D There are a few more alternatives, determined by the second
+%D parameter passed to \type {circular_shade} and alike.
+%D \def\SomeShade#1#2#3#4#5%
+%D {\startuniqueMPgraphic{Shade-#1}
+%D width := \overlaywidth ;
+%D height := \overlayheight ;
+%D path p ; p := unitsquare xscaled width yscaled height ;
+%D #2_shade(p,#3,#4,#5) ;
+%D \stopuniqueMPgraphic
+%D \defineoverlay[Shade-#1][\uniqueMPgraphic{Shade-#1}]%
+%D \framed[backgroundachtergrond=Shade-#1,width=2cm,height=2cm,frame=off]{}}
+%D \startlinecorrection
+%D \startcombination[5*1]
+%D {\SomeShade{10}{circular}{0}{.3blue}{.9blue}} {circular 0}
+%D {\SomeShade{11}{circular}{1}{.3blue}{.9blue}} {circular 1}
+%D {\SomeShade{12}{circular}{2}{.3blue}{.9blue}} {circular 2}
+%D {\SomeShade{13}{circular}{3}{.3blue}{.9blue}} {circular 3}
+%D {\SomeShade{14}{circular}{4}{.3blue}{.9blue}} {circular 4}
+%D \stopcombination
+%D \stoplinecorrection
+%D \blank
+%D \startlinecorrection
+%D \startcombination[5*1]
+%D {\SomeShade{20}{circular}{0}{.9green}{.3green}} {circular 0}
+%D {\SomeShade{21}{circular}{1}{.9green}{.3green}} {circular 1}
+%D {\SomeShade{22}{circular}{2}{.9green}{.3green}} {circular 2}
+%D {\SomeShade{23}{circular}{3}{.9green}{.3green}} {circular 3}
+%D {\SomeShade{24}{circular}{4}{.9green}{.3green}} {circular 4}
+%D \stopcombination
+%D \stoplinecorrection
+%D \blank
+%D \startlinecorrection
+%D \startcombination[4*1]
+%D {\SomeShade{30}{linear}{0}{.3red}{.9red}} {linear 0}
+%D {\SomeShade{31}{linear}{1}{.3red}{.9red}} {linear 1}
+%D {\SomeShade{32}{linear}{2}{.3red}{.9red}} {linear 2}
+%D {\SomeShade{33}{linear}{3}{.3red}{.9red}} {linear 3}
+%D \stopcombination
+%D \stoplinecorrection
+%D These macros closely cooperate with the \METAPOST\ module
+%D \type {}, which is part of the \CONTEXT\
+%D distribution.
+%D The low level (\PDF) implementation is based on the \TEX\
+%D based \METAPOST\ to \PDF\ converter. Shading is supported
+%D by overloading the \type {fill} operator as implemented
+%D earlier. In \PDF\ type~2 and~3 shading functions are
+%D specified in terms of:
+%D \starttabulate[|Tl|l|]
+%D \NC /Domain \NC sort of meeting range \NC \NR
+%D \NC /C0 \NC inner shade \NC \NR
+%D \NC /C1 \NC outer shade \NC \NR
+%D \NC /N \NC smaller values, bigger inner circles \NC \NR
+%D \stoptabulate
+\newcount\currentPDFshade % 0 % global (document wide) counter
+ {\edef\currentMPspecial{\gMPs{#1}}}
+ {\global\advance\currentPDFshade \plusone
+ \setxvalue{obj:Sh:\currentMPspecial}%
+ {/Sh\the\currentPDFshade\space\the\pdflastobj\space0 R }%
+ \setxvalue{mps:Sh:\currentMPspecial}%
+ {\the\currentPDFshade}}
+ \global\let\currentMPshades\empty
+\to \MPstartresources
+ \ifx\currentMPshades\empty \else
+ \xdef\currentPDFresources{\currentPDFresources
+ /Shading <<\currentMPshades>>}%
+ \fi
+\to \MPstopresources
+ {\ifundefined{mps:Sh:\currentMPspecial}\else
+ \edef\currentMPshade{\getvalue{obj:Sh:\currentMPspecial}}%
+ \doifinstringelse\currentMPshade\currentMPshades \donothing
+ {\xdef\currentMPshades{\currentMPshades\currentMPshade}}%
+ \def\extraMPpathcode{/Sh\getvalue{mps:Sh:\currentMPspecial} sh Q}%
+ \chardef\finiMPpath\zerocount
+ \PDFcode{q /Pattern cs}%
+ \fi}
+\appendtoks \invokeMPshadespecial \to \invokeMPspecials
+%D We need to convert the \CMYK\ specials into colors, because
+%D we have to do it twice, we define a macro.
+% \def\checkMPshadingcolor#1#2#3#4#5%
+% {\edef\tempMPrvalue{\csname\@@MP0#1\endcsname}%
+% \edef\tempMPgvalue{\csname\@@MP0#2\endcsname}%
+% \edef\tempMPbvalue{\csname\@@MP0#3\endcsname}%
+% \edef#5%
+% {\ifx\tempMPrvalue\tempMPgvalue
+% \ifx\tempMPrvalue\tempMPbvalue
+% \ifx\tempMPgvalue\tempMPbvalue
+% \tempMPbvalue
+% \fi
+% \fi
+% \fi}%
+% \edef#4% todo : spotcolors
+% {\ifnum\MPrgbnumber\tempMPrvalue=\MPspecialsignal\space
+% \ifMPcmykcolors\getvalue{\@@MPSK\number\MPrgbnumber\tempMPbvalue}\fi
+% \fi}}
+ {\edef\tempMPrvalue{\csname\@@MP0#1\endcsname}%
+ \edef\tempMPgvalue{\csname\@@MP0#2\endcsname}%
+ \edef\tempMPbvalue{\csname\@@MP0#3\endcsname}%
+ \global\let\MPresolvedspace\MPgrayspace
+ \global\let\MPresolvedcolor\!!zerocount
+ \ifnum\MPrgbnumber\tempMPrvalue=\MPspecialsignal\relax
+ \ifcase\MPrgbnumber\tempMPgvalue
+ \or % 1 = cmyk
+ \ifMPcmykcolors
+ \expanded{\resolveMPcmykcolor\getvalue{\@@MPSK\number\MPrgbnumber\tempMPbvalue}}\end
+ \fi
+ \or % 2 = spot
+ \ifMPspotcolors
+ \expanded{\resolveMPspotcolor\getvalue{\@@MPSP\number\MPrgbnumber\tempMPbvalue}}\end
+ \fi
+ \or
+ % 3 = rgb transparency
+ % to do
+ \or
+ % 4 == cmyk transparency
+ % \ifMPcmykcolors
+ % to do
+ % \fi
+ \or
+ % 5 == spot transparency
+ % \ifMPspotcolors
+ % to do
+ % \fi
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \ifx\tempMPrvalue\tempMPgvalue
+ \ifx\tempMPrvalue\tempMPbvalue
+ \expanded{\resolveMPgraycolor\tempMPbvalue}\end
+ \else
+ \expanded{\resolveMPrgbcolor\tempMPrvalue\space\tempMPgvalue\space\tempMPbvalue}\end
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \expanded{\resolveMPrgbcolor\tempMPrvalue\space\tempMPgvalue\space\tempMPbvalue}\end
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \let#4\MPresolvedcolor
+ \let#5\MPresolvedspace}
+%D We also need to make sure that we have two \RGB\ or
+%D \CMYK colors, since we have to set the colorspace.
+\def\setMPshadingcolors#1#2#3#4#5#6% color space
+ {\checkMPshadingcolor{#1}{#2}{#3}\MPshadeAc\MPshadeAs
+ \checkMPshadingcolor{#4}{#5}{#6}\MPshadeBc\MPshadeBs
+ \ifx\MPshadeAs\MPshadeBs
+ \let\MPshadeA\MPshadeAc
+ \let\MPshadeB\MPshadeBc
+ \let\MPshadeC\MPshadeAs
+ \else\ifx\MPshadeAs\MPgrayspace
+ \ifx\MPshadeBs\MPrgbspace
+ \edef\MPshadeA{\MPshadeAc\space\MPshadeAc\space\MPshadeAc}%
+ \else
+ \negatecolorcomponent\MPshadeAc
+ \edef\MPshadeA{0 0 0 \MPshadeAc}%
+ \fi
+ \let\MPshadeB\MPshadeBc
+ \let\MPshadeC\MPshadeBs
+ \else\ifx\MPshadeBs\MPgrayspace
+ \let\MPshadeA\MPshadeAc
+ \ifx\MPshadeAs\MPrgbspace
+ \edef\MPshadeB{\MPshadeBc\space\MPshadeBc\space\MPshadeBc}%
+ \else
+ \negatecolorcomponent\MPshadeBc
+ \edef\MPshadeB{0 0 0 \MPshadeBc}%
+ \fi
+ \let\MPshadeC\MPshadeAs
+ \else
+ % different color spaces
+ \def\MPshadeA{1}%
+ \def\MPshadeB{1}%
+ \let\MPshadeC\MPgrayspace
+ \fi\fi\fi}
+%D The reason why this macro is a bit complicates is that we
+%D handle black and white situations (otherwise we would have
+%D to use \CMYK\ b/w in case of a \CMYK\ shade).
+%D Here are the special handlers:
+ {\startMPshading{14}% type 2
+ \setMPshadingcolors{4}{5}{6}{9}{10}{11}%
+ \immediate\pdfobj
+ {<</FunctionType 2
+ /Domain [\gMPs1 \gMPs2]
+ /C0 [\MPshadeA]
+ /C1 [\MPshadeB]
+ /N \gMPs3>>}%
+ \immediate\pdfobj
+ {<</ShadingType 2
+ /ColorSpace /\MPshadeC\space
+ /Function \the\pdflastobj\space 0 R
+ /Coords [\gMPs7 \gMPs8 \gMPs{12} \gMPs{13}]
+ /Extend [true true]>>}%
+ \stopMPshading}
+ {\startMPshading{16}% type 3
+ \setMPshadingcolors{4}{5}{6}{10}{11}{12}%
+ \immediate\pdfobj
+ {<</FunctionType 2
+ /Domain [\gMPs1 \gMPs2]
+ /C0 [\MPshadeA]
+ /C1 [\MPshadeB]
+ /N \gMPs3>>}%
+ \immediate\pdfobj
+ {<</ShadingType 3
+ /ColorSpace /\MPshadeC\space
+ /Function \the\pdflastobj\space 0 R
+ /Coords [\gMPs7 \gMPs8 \gMPs9 \gMPs{13} \gMPs{14} \gMPs{15}]
+ /Extend [true true]>>}%
+ \stopMPshading}
+%D Figure inclusion is kind of strange to \METAPOST, but when
+%D Santiago Muelas started discussing this with me, I was able
+%D to cook up a solution using specials.
+ {\getvalue{mps:gr:\currentMPspecial}} % or \relax
+\appendtoks \invokeMPfigurespecial \to \invokeMPspecials
+ {\setxvalue{mps:gr:\gMPs8}%
+ {\noexpand\handleMPfigurespecial
+ {\gMPs1}{\gMPs2}{\gMPs3}{\gMPs4}{\gMPs5}{\gMPs6}{\gMPs7}%
+ \noexpand\setxvalue{mps:gr:\gMPs8}{}}}
+% \def\handleMPfigurespecial#1#2#3#4#5#6#7%
+% {\vbox to 0pt
+% {\vss
+% \hbox to 0pt
+% {\pdfliteral{q #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 cm}%
+% \pdfimage width 1bp height 1bp {#7}% maybe 10 is better
+% \pdfliteral{Q}%
+% \hss}}}
+% better, since xform reuse
+\def\handleMPfigurespecial#1#2#3#4#5#6#7% todo : combine with ext fig
+ {\vbox to \zeropoint
+ {\vss
+ \hbox to \zeropoint
+ {\ifcase\pdfoutput\or % will be hooked into the special driver
+ \doiffileelse{#7}
+ {\doifundefinedelse{mps:x:#7}
+ {\immediate\pdfximage\!!width\onebasepoint\!!height\onebasepoint{#7}%
+ \setxvalue{mps:x:#7}{\pdfrefximage\the\pdflastximage}}%
+ {\message{[reusing figure #7]}}%
+ \PDFcode{q #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 cm}%
+ \rlap{\getvalue{mps:x:#7}}%
+ \PDFcode{Q}}
+ {\message{[unknown figure #7]}}%
+ \fi
+ \hss}}}
+%D An example of using both special features is the
+%D following.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \startMPpage
+%D externalfigure "hakker1b.png" scaled 22cm rotated 10 shifted (-2cm,0cm);
+%D externalfigure "hakker1b.png" scaled 10cm rotated -10 ;
+%D externalfigure "hakker1b.png" scaled 7cm rotated 45 shifted (8cm,12cm) ;
+%D path p ; p := unitcircle xscaled 15cm yscaled 20cm;
+%D path q ; q := p rotatedaround(center p,90) ;
+%D path r ; r := buildcycle(p,q) ; clip currentpicture to r ;
+%D path s ; s := boundingbox currentpicture enlarged 5mm ;
+%D picture c ; c := currentpicture ; currentpicture := nullpicture ;
+%D circular_shade(s,0,.2red,.9red) ;
+%D addto currentpicture also c ;
+%D \stopMPpage
+%D \stoptyping
+%D This is some experimental hyperlink driver that I wrote
+%D for Mark Wicks.
+ {\setxvalue{mps:hl:\gMPs6}%
+ {\noexpand\handleMPhyperlink
+ {\gMPs1}{\gMPs2}{\gMPs3}{\gMPs4}{\gMPs5}%
+ \noexpand\setxvalue{mps:hl:\gMPs6}{}}}
+ {%\ifcase\pdfoutput\or
+ \setbox\scratchbox\hbox
+ {\setbox\scratchbox\null
+ \scratchdimen#1\onebasepoint\scratchdimen-\scratchdimen
+ \advance\scratchdimen#3\onebasepoint
+ \wd\scratchbox\scratchdimen
+ \scratchdimen#2\onebasepoint\scratchdimen-\scratchdimen
+ \advance\scratchdimen#4\onebasepoint
+ \ht\scratchbox\scratchdimen
+ \incolorfalse
+ \gotobox{\box\scratchbox}[#5]}%
+ \setbox\scratchbox\hbox
+ {\scratchdimen\MPxoffset\onebasepoint\advance\scratchdimen#1\onebasepoint
+ \hskip\scratchdimen
+ \scratchdimen\MPyoffset\onebasepoint\advance\scratchdimen#2\onebasepoint
+ \raise\scratchdimen\box\scratchbox}%
+ \smashbox\scratchbox
+ \box\scratchbox
+ }%\fi}
+ {\getvalue{mps:hl:\currentMPspecial}} % or \relax
+\appendtoks \invokeMPhyperlinkspecial \to \invokeMPspecials
+%D Special number~1 is dedicated to \CMYK\ support. If you
+%D want to know why: look at this:
+%D \startbuffer[mp]
+%D fill fullcircle xyscaled (3cm,1cm) withcolor \MPcolor{test} ;
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \startbuffer[cmyk]
+%D \startcombination[4*1]
+%D {\definecolor[test][c=1,y=.3,k=.3] \processMPbuffer[mp]} {c=1 y=.3 k=.3}
+%D {\definecolor[test][c=.9,y=.15] \processMPbuffer[mp]} {c=.9 y=.15}
+%D {\definecolor[test][c=.25,y=.8] \processMPbuffer[mp]} {c=.25 y=.8}
+%D {\definecolor[test][c=.45,y=.1] \processMPbuffer[mp]} {c=.45 y=.1}
+%D \stopcombination
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \placefigure
+%D {\CMYK\ support disabled,
+%D conversion to \RGB.}
+%D {\setupcolors[cmyk=nee,state=start]\getbuffer[cmyk]}
+%D \placefigure
+%D {\CMYK\ support enabled,
+%D no support in \METAPOST.}
+%D {\setupcolors[cmyk=ja,mpcmyk=nee,state=start]\getbuffer[cmyk]}
+%D \placefigure
+%D {\CMYK\ support enabled,
+%D no conversion to \RGB,
+%D support in \METAPOST}
+%D {\setupcolors[cmyk=ja,state=start]\getbuffer[cmyk]}
+ {\ifMPcmykcolors
+ \setxvalue{\@@MPSK\gMPs1}{\gMPs2 \gMPs3 \gMPs4 \gMPs5 }%
+ \fi}
+\def\setMPcmyk#1 #2 #3 #4 %
+ {\setvalue{\@@MP01}{#1}%
+ \setvalue{\@@MP02}{#2}%
+ \setvalue{\@@MP03}{#3}%
+ \setvalue{\@@MP04}{#4}}
+% {\ifMPspotcolors
+% \setxvalue{\@@MPSP\gMPs1}{\gMPs2 \gMPs3 }%
+% \fi}
+% \defineMPspecial{2}
+% {\ifMPspotcolors
+% \setxvalue{\@@MPSP\gMPs1}{\gMPs2 \gMPs3 }%
+% \checkMPspot{\gMPs2}{\gMPs3}%
+% \fi}
+% \def\setMPspot#1 #2 %
+% {\setvalue{\@@MP01}{#1}%
+% \setvalue{\@@MP02}{#2}}
+% \def\checkMPspot#1#2%
+% {\expanded{\resolveMPspotcolor#1 #2}\end
+% \ifx\MPspotspace\MPresolvedspace
+% \edef\MPspotspacespec{/\MPspotspace\space}%
+% \doifinstringelse\MPspotspacespec\currentMPcolorspaces
+% \donothing\registerMPcolorspace
+% \fi}
+ {\ifMPspotcolors
+ \setxvalue{\@@MPSP\gMPs1}{\gMPs2 \gMPs3 \gMPs4 \gMPs5 }% space is essential
+ \checkMPspot{\gMPs2}{\gMPs3}{\gMPs4}{\gMPs5}%
+ \fi}
+\def\setMPspot#1 #2 #3 #4 %
+ {\setvalue{\@@MP01}{#1}%
+ \setvalue{\@@MP02}{#2}%
+ \setvalue{\@@MP03}{#3}%
+ \setvalue{\@@MP04}{#4}}
+ {\expanded{\resolveMPspotcolor#1 #2 #3 #4}\end
+ \ifx\MPspotspace\MPresolvedspace
+ \edef\MPspotspacespec{/\MPspotspace\space}%
+ \doifinstringelse\MPspotspacespec\currentMPcolorspaces
+ \donothing\registerMPcolorspace
+ \fi}
+%D This special (number 50) passes positions to a tex file.
+%D This method uses a two||pass approach an (mis|)|used the
+%D context positioning macros. In \type {core-pos} we will
+%D implement the low level submacro needed.
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \definelayer[test]
+%D \setlayer
+%D [test]
+%D [x=\MPx{somepos-1},y=\MPy{somepos-1}]
+%D {Whatever we want here!}
+%D \setlayer
+%D [test]
+%D [x=\MPx{somepos-2},y=\MPy{somepos-2}]
+%D {Whatever we need there!}
+%D \startuseMPgraphic{oeps}
+%D draw fullcircle scaled 6cm withcolor red ;
+%D register ("somepos-1",1cm,2cm,center currentpicture) ;
+%D register ("somepos-2",4cm,3cm,(-1cm,-2cm)) ;
+%D \stopuseMPgraphic
+%D \framed[background=test,offset=overlay]{\useMPgraphic{oeps}}
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+%D Here the width and height are not realy used, but one can
+%D imagine situations where tex has to work with values
+%D calculated by \METAPOST.
+%D \startlinecorrection
+%D \getbuffer
+%D \stoplinecorrection
+%D Later we will implement a more convenient macro:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \setMPlayer [test] [somepos-1] {Whatever we want here!}
+%D \setMPlayer [test] [somepos-2] {Whatever we need there!}
+%D \stoptyping
+ \let\dosavepositionwhd\gobblesevenarguments
+\defineMPspecial{50} % x y width height label
+ {\bgroup
+ \scratchdimen\MPllx\onebasepoint\scratchdimen-\scratchdimen
+ % \scratchdimen-\MPllx\onebasepoint % moet ook werken
+ \advance\scratchdimen\gMPs1\onebasepoint
+ \edef\x{\number\scratchdimen}%
+ \scratchdimen\gMPs2\onebasepoint
+ \scratchdimen-\scratchdimen
+ \advance\scratchdimen\MPury\onebasepoint
+ \edef\y{\number\scratchdimen}%
+ \scratchdimen\gMPs3\onebasepoint
+ \edef\w{\number\scratchdimen}%
+ \scratchdimen\gMPs4\onebasepoint
+ \edef\h{\number\scratchdimen}%
+ \dosavepositionwhd{\gMPs5}0\x\y\w\h0%
+ \egroup}
+%D Transparency support used specials 60 (rgb) and 61
+%D (cmyk).
+%D \startbuffer
+%D u := 2cm ; path p ; p := fullcircle scaled u shifted (u/4,0);
+%D fill p rotated 90 withcolor transparent(1,.5,yellow) ;
+%D fill p rotated 210 withcolor transparent(1,.5,green) ;
+%D fill p rotated 330 withcolor transparent(1,.5,blue) ;
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+%D \startlinecorrection \processMPbuffer \stoplinecorrection
+%D One can also communicate colors between \CONTEXT\ and
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \definecolor[tcyan] [c=1,k=.2,t=.5]
+%D \definecolor[tmagenta][m=1,k=.2,t=.5]
+%D \definecolor[tyellow] [y=1,k=.2,t=.5]
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer \getbuffer
+%D \startbuffer
+%D u := 2cm ; path p ; p := fullcircle scaled u shifted (u/4,0);
+%D fill p rotated 90 withcolor \MPcolor{tcyan} ;
+%D fill p rotated 210 withcolor \MPcolor{tmagenta} ;
+%D fill p rotated 330 withcolor \MPcolor{tyellow} ;
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \startlinecorrection \processMPbuffer \stoplinecorrection
+%D We save all the three components needed in one macro,
+%D just to save hash space.
+ {\edef\PDFtransparencyidentifier{#1}%
+ \edef\PDFtransparencyreference {#2}%
+ \edef\PDFtransparencycolorspecs{#3}}
+% \def\PDFtransparencyspec
+% {\ifx\MPresolvedspace\MPgrayspace
+% \MPresolvedcolor\space g \MPresolvedcolor\space G%
+% \else\ifx\MPresolvedspace\MPrgbspace
+% \MPresolvedcolor\space rg \MPresolvedcolor\space RG%
+% \else\ifx\MPresolvedspace\MPcmykspace
+% \MPresolvedcolor\space k \MPresolvedcolor\space K%
+% \else\ifx\MPresolvedspace\empty\else
+% /\MPresolvedspace\space cs \MPresolvedcolor\space sc
+% /\MPresolvedspace\space CS \MPresolvedcolor\space SC%
+% \fi\fi\fi\fi}
+\def\PDFtransparencyspec % todo
+ {\ifx\MPresolvedspace\MPgrayspace
+ \MPresolvedcolor\space g
+ \MPresolvedcolor\space G%
+ \else\ifx\MPresolvedspace\MPrgbspace
+ \MPresolvedcolor\space rg
+ \MPresolvedcolor\space RG%
+ \else\ifx\MPresolvedspace\MPcmykspace
+ \MPresolvedcolor\space k
+ \MPresolvedcolor\space K%
+ \else\ifx\MPresolvedspace\empty\else
+ /\MPresolvedspace\space cs
+ /\MPresolvedspace\space CS
+ \PDFgetspotcolorspec\MPresolvedcolor
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi}
+\defineMPspecial{3} % rgb
+ {\edef\currentMPspecial{\gMPs6}%
+ \presetPDFtransparency{\gMPs1}{\gMPs2}%
+ \expanded{\resolveMPrgbcolor\gMPs3 \gMPs4 \gMPs5}\end
+ \setevalue{\@@MPST\currentMPspecial}% was \setxvalue, bug !
+ {\noexpand\assignMPStransparency
+ {\PDFtransparencyidentifier}%
+ {\PDFtransparencyreference}%
+ {\PDFtransparencyspec}}}
+\defineMPspecial{4} % cmyk
+ {\edef\currentMPspecial{\gMPs7}%
+ \presetPDFtransparency{\gMPs1}{\gMPs2}%
+ \expanded{\resolveMPcmykcolor\gMPs3 \gMPs4 \gMPs5 \gMPs6}\end
+ \setevalue{\@@MPST\currentMPspecial}% was \setxvalue, bug !
+ {\noexpand\assignMPStransparency
+ {\PDFtransparencyidentifier}%
+ {\PDFtransparencyreference}%
+ {\PDFtransparencyspec}}}
+% \defineMPspecial{5} % spot
+% {\edef\currentMPspecial{\gMPs5}%
+% \presetPDFtransparency{\gMPs1}{\gMPs2}%
+% \checkMPspot{\gMPs3}{\gMPs4}%
+% \setevalue{\@@MPST\currentMPspecial}% was \setxvalue, bug !
+% {\noexpand\assignMPStransparency
+% {\PDFtransparencyidentifier}%
+% {\PDFtransparencyreference}%
+% {\PDFtransparencyspec}}}
+\defineMPspecial{5} % spot
+ {\edef\currentMPspecial{\gMPs7}%
+ \presetPDFtransparency{\gMPs1}{\gMPs2}%
+ \checkMPspot{\gMPs3}{\gMPs4}{\gMPs5}{\gMPs6}%
+ \setevalue{\@@MPST\currentMPspecial}% was \setxvalue, bug !
+ {\noexpand\assignMPStransparency
+ {\PDFtransparencyidentifier}%
+ {\PDFtransparencyreference}%
+ {\PDFtransparencyspec}}}
+% beware: for the moment only supported in pdftex; needs a cleanup!
+ {\doifobjectreferencefoundelse{PDFCS}\MPspotspace
+ {\doPDFgetobjectreference{PDFCS}\MPspotspace\PDFobjectreference
+ \xdef\currentMPcolorspaces
+ {\currentMPcolorspaces\MPspotspacespec\PDFobjectreference\space}}
+ \donothing}
+%D We need to add resource specifications!
+ \global\let\currentMPcolorspaces\empty
+\to \MPstartresources
+ \ifx\currentMPcolorspaces\empty \else
+ \xdef\currentPDFresources{\currentPDFresources
+ /ColorSpace <<\currentMPcolorspaces>>}%
+ \fi
+\to \MPstopresources
+%D For efficiency reasons, we fall back on the allocation
+%D mechanisms already present. For use within \MPTOPDF, we
+%D provide a fall back routine.
+% \def\invokeMPtransparencyspecial
+% {\doifdefined{\@@MPST\currentMPspecial}
+% {\getvalue{\@@MPST\currentMPspecial}%
+% \doifinstringelse
+% {\PDFtransparencyidentifier}{\currentMPtransparencies}
+% {}
+% {\xdef\currentMPtransparencies
+% {\currentMPtransparencies
+% \PDFtransparencyidentifier\space
+% \PDFtransparencyreference\space}}%
+% \def\extraMPpathcode{ Q}%
+% \PDFcode{q
+% \PDFtransparencycolorspecs\space
+% \PDFtransparencyidentifier\space gs}}}
+% this one triggers a new graphic state
+ {\scratchcounter\MPrgbnumber\lastMPbvalue
+ \edef\currentMPspecial{\the\scratchcounter}%
+ \ifundefined{\@@MPST\currentMPspecial}\else
+ \getvalue{\@@MPST\currentMPspecial}%
+ \doifinstringelse\PDFtransparencyidentifier\currentMPtransparencies
+ \donothing\registerMPtransparencyresource % slow
+ \PDFcode
+ {\PDFtransparencycolorspecs\space
+ \PDFtransparencyidentifier\space gs}%
+ % potential optimization
+ % \setevalue{\@@MPST\currentMPspecial}%
+ % {\PDFcode
+ % {\PDFtransparencycolorspecs\space
+ % \PDFtransparencyidentifier\space gs}}%
+ % \getvalue{\@@MPST\currentMPspecial}%
+ \let\revokeMPtransparencyspecial\dorevokeMPtransparencyspecial
+ \fi}
+% this one does a reset
+ \revokeMPtransparencyspecial
+\to \MPstopresources
+\def\dorevokeMPtransparencyspecial % only called if state is set
+ {\ifx\PDFtransparencyresetidentifier\empty\else
+ \doifinstringelse\PDFtransparencyresetidentifier\currentMPtransparencies
+ \donothing\registerMPtransparencyresetresource
+ \PDFcode{\PDFtransparencyresetidentifier\space gs}%
+ % potential optimization
+ % \def\dorevokeMPtransparencyspecial
+ % {\PDFcode
+ % {\PDFtransparencycolorspecs\space
+ % \PDFtransparencyidentifier\space gs}}%
+ \let\dorevokeMPtransparencyspecial\dodorevokeMPtransparencyspecial
+ \let\revokeMPtransparencyspecial\relax % invoke sets it
+ \fi}
+% and this one a simplified reset
+% \def\dodorevokeMPtransparencyspecial % used after first invocation
+% {\getvalue{\@@MPST0}%
+% \PDFcode{\PDFtransparencyidentifier\space gs}}
+\def\dodorevokeMPtransparencyspecial % used after first invocation
+ {\PDFcode{\PDFtransparencyresetidentifier\space gs}%
+ \let\revokeMPtransparencyspecial\relax} % invoke sets it
+% add a resource entry
+ {\xdef\currentMPtransparencies
+ {\currentMPtransparencies
+ \PDFtransparencyidentifier\space
+ \PDFtransparencyreference\space}}
+ {\xdef\currentMPtransparencies
+ {\currentMPtransparencies
+ \PDFtransparencyresetidentifier\space
+ \PDFtransparencyresetreference\space}}
+\appendtoks \invokeMPtransparencyspecial \to \invokeMPspecials
+\ifCONTEXT \else
+ \def\@@MPSTN{@MPSTN@}
+ \def\@@MPSTO{@MPSTO@}
+ \newcount\PDFcurrenttransparency
+ \let\PDFtransparencyresetidentifier\empty
+ \let\PDFtransparencyresetreference \empty
+ \let\PDFtransparencyidentifier\empty
+ \let\PDFtransparencyreference \empty
+ \def\initializePDFtransparency
+ {\global\let\initializePDFtransparency\relax
+ \presetPDFtransparency{1}{1}%
+ \xdef\PDFtransparencyresetidentifier{/Tr0}%
+ \xdef\PDFtransparencyresetreference{\the\pdflastobj\space 0 R}}
+ \def\presetPDFtransparency#1#2%
+ {\initializePDFtransparency
+ \@EA\ifx\csname\@@MPSTO#1:#2\endcsname\relax
+ \global\advance\PDFcurrenttransparency \plusone
+ \immediate\pdfobj{\PDFtransparencydictionary{#1}{#2}{}}%
+ \setxvalue{\@@MPSTN#1:#2}{\the\PDFcurrenttransparency}%
+ \setxvalue{\@@MPSTO#1:#2}{\the\pdflastobj}%
+ \fi
+ \edef\PDFtransparencyidentifier{/Tr\getvalue{\@@MPSTN#1:#2}}%
+ \edef\PDFtransparencyreference{\getvalue{\@@MPSTO#1:#2} 0 R}}
+ \def\PDFtransparencydictionary#1#2#3% type fraction extras
+ {<</Type /ExtGState
+ /ca #2 /CA #2
+ /BM /\ifcase#1 Normal\or Normal\or Multiply\or Screen\or
+ Overlay\or SoftLight\or HardLight\or ColorDodge\or
+ ColorBurn\or Darken\or Lighten\or Difference\or
+ Exclusion\or Hue\or Saturation\or Color\or
+ Luminosity\else Compatible\fi
+ #3>>}
+ \global\let\currentMPtransparencies\empty
+\to \MPstartresources
+ \ifx\currentMPtransparencies\empty \else
+ \xdef\currentPDFresources{\currentPDFresources
+ /ExtGState <<\currentMPtransparencies>>}%
+ \fi
+\to \MPstopresources
+%D In all cases, we need to keep track of the resources
+%D used.
+%D A few auxiliary macros:
+\def\MPrgbspace {DeviceRGB}
+\def\MPcmykBlack{0 0 0 0}
+\def\MPcmykWhite{0 0 0 1}
+ \def\startMPcolorresolve
+ {\bgroup
+ \def\dostartgraycolormode##1%
+ {\global\let\MPresolvedspace\MPgrayspace
+ \xdef\MPresolvedcolor{##1}}%
+ \def\dostartrgbcolormode ##1##2##3%
+ {\global\let\MPresolvedspace\MPrgbspace
+ \xdef\MPresolvedcolor{##1 ##2 ##3}}%
+ \def\dostartcmykcolormode##1##2##3##4%
+ {\global\let\MPresolvedspace\MPcmykspace
+ \xdef\MPresolvedcolor{##1 ##2 ##3 ##4}}%
+ \def\dostartspotcolormode##1##2%
+ {\global\let\MPspotspace\empty
+ \xdef\MPresolvedspace{##1}%
+ \xdef\MPresolvedcolor{##2}%
+ \global\let\MPspotspace\MPresolvedspace}% signal
+ \dostartgraycolormode\!!zerocount} % kind of hackery initialization
+ \let\stopMPcolorresolve\egroup
+ \def\resolveMPrgbcolor#1 #2 #3\end
+ {\startMPcolorresolve
+ \execcolorR#1:#2:#3:0:0\od
+ \stopMPcolorresolve}
+ \def\resolveMPcmykcolor#1 #2 #3 #4\end
+ {\startMPcolorresolve
+ \execcolorC#1:#2:#3:#4:0:0\od
+ \stopMPcolorresolve}
+ \def\resolveMPgraycolor#1\end
+ {\startMPcolorresolve
+ \execcolorS#1:0:0\od
+ \stopMPcolorresolve}
+% \def\resolveMPspotcolor#1 #2\end
+% {\startMPcolorresolve
+% \execcolorP#1:#2:0:0\od
+% \stopMPcolorresolve}
+ \def\resolveMPspotcolor#1 #2 #3 #4\end
+ {\startMPcolorresolve
+ \ifnum#2>\plusone
+ \checkmultitonecolor{#1}%
+ \fi
+ \execcolorP#1:#2:#3:#4:0:0\od
+ \stopMPcolorresolve}
+ \def\resolveMPspotcolor#1 #2\end
+ {\global\let\MPresolvedspace\MPgrayspace
+ \xdef\MPresolvedcolor{0}}
+ \def\resolveMPrgbcolor#1 #2 #3\end
+ {\global\let\MPresolvedspace\MPrgbspace
+ \xdef\MPresolvedcolor{#1 #2 #3}}
+ \def\resolveMPcmykcolor#1 #2 #3 #4\end
+ {\global\let\MPresolvedspace\MPcmykspace
+ \xdef\MPresolvedcolor{#1 #2 #3 #4}}
+ \def\resolveMPgraycolor#1\end
+ {\global\let\MPresolvedspace\MPgrayspace
+ \xdef\MPresolvedcolor{#1}} % should be inverted
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/supp-mpe.tex b/tex/context/base/mkii/supp-mpe.tex
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f4438133a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/supp-mpe.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+% This file is not needed as I don't expect other macro packages
+% to support the metafun extensions.
+\input supp-mpe.mkii
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/supp-mps.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/supp-mps.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3991280e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/supp-mps.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,2134 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=supp-mps,
+%D version=1997.07.05,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Support Macros,
+%D subtitle=\METAPOST\ Inclusion,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D Forget about generic modules \unknown\ ...
+\ifx \undefined \contextversion \endinput \fi
+%D \METAPOST\ is John Hobbys alternative for \METAFONT\ and
+%D produces superior \POSTSCRIPT\ code. In this module we
+%D integrate \METAPOST\ support int \CONTEXT. We offer two
+%D tracks:
+%D \startitemize
+%D \item generating \METAPOST\ code, running this program from
+%D within \TEX\ using \type{\write18}, and importing the
+%D result
+%D \item generating \METAPOST\ code, processing the code
+%D afterward, and importing the result in a second pass
+%D \stopitemize
+%D The first approach uses a non standard \TEX\ feature,
+%D implemented in Web2c. I'm not going to discuss the pros and
+%D cons of running programs from within others, but all
+%D arguments against this can be overcome by implementing a
+%D \TEX\ worthy primitive:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \excuteMetaPost filename
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Ok then, let's start:
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Support Macros / MetaPost Inclusion}
+%D First we define a handy constant:
+\bgroup \catcode`\%=\@@other \xdef\letterpercent{\string%} \egroup
+% todo : sort out ^^M, \par and ; mess
+%D \macros
+%D {everyMPgraphic}
+%D Because some graphics interact with \TEX\ (i.e.\ \CONTEXT), we
+%D provide a hook for additional actions: \type {\everyMPgraphic}.
+\newtoks\everyMPgraphic \everyMPgraphic{\everyMPgraphic\emptytoks}
+%D \macros
+%D {startMPgraphic}
+%D From within \TEX\ one can execute \METAPOST\ code by putting
+%D it between the two commands
+%D \starttyping
+%D \startMPgraphic
+%D \stopMPgraphic
+%D \stoptyping
+%D This is implemented as:
+ {\startwritingMPgraphic
+ \writecheckedMPgraphic{#1}% % potential speedup: pass #1 as macro
+ \stopwritingMPgraphic}
+%D \macros
+%D {startMPrun}
+%D If we just want to run \METAPOST\ code, that is, not to
+%D explictly generate a figure in terms of \type{beginfig} and
+%D \type{endfig}, we can use:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \startMPgraphic
+%D \stopMPgraphic
+%D \stoptyping
+%D \starttyping
+%D \startMPrun
+%D \stopMPrun
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The next booleans are for internal purposes only.
+% some day a bit more more clear:
+% run directly/run afterwards/run external defined
+% insert directly/insert whenever
+% use object/don't use objects
+\newif\ifMPgraphics \MPgraphicstrue
+\newif\ifMPrun \MPrunfalse
+\newif\ifMPwrapper \MPwrappertrue
+ \long\def\dostartMPrun#1#2\stopMPrun
+ {\bgroup
+ \MPruntrue
+ \doifsomething{#1}{\def\MPgraphicfile{#1}}%
+ \startwritingMPgraphic
+ \writecheckedMPgraphic{#2}%
+ \stopwritingMPgraphic
+ \egroup}
+ \def\startMPrun
+ {\dosinglegroupempty\dostartMPrun}
+ \long\def\startMPrun#1\stopMPrun
+ {\MPruntrue
+ \startwritingMPgraphic
+ \writecheckedMPgraphic{#1}%
+ \stopwritingMPgraphic
+ \MPrunfalse}
+%D \macros
+%D {startwritingMPgraphic,
+%D writeMPgraphic,
+%D stopwritingMPgraphic}
+%D If the writing process is divided into more steps, one can
+%D use the components of this macro directly.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \startwritingMPgraphic
+%D ...
+%D \writeMPgraphic{...}
+%D ...
+%D \writeMPgraphic{...}
+%D ...
+%D \stopwritingMPgraphic
+%D \stoptyping
+%D \macros
+%D {ifrunMPgraphics,ifrunMPTEXgraphics,ifinsertMPgraphics}
+%D These macros look a bit more complicated that one would
+%D expect at first sight. This is due to the two ways of
+%D processing these graphics, mentioned in a previous
+%D paragraph. Which method is used, the direct or indirect
+%D one, depends on a boolean.
+\newif\ifrunMPgraphics \runMPgraphicsfalse
+\newif\ifrunMPTEXgraphics \runMPTEXgraphicsfalse
+\newif\ifinsertMPgraphics \insertMPgraphicstrue
+%D If set to true, one can do with a single pass, else one must
+%D process the \METAPOST\ file \type{mpgraph} between two
+%D succesive \TEX\ runs.
+\def\MPgraphicfile{mp\ifMPrun run\else graph\fi}
+%D \macros
+%D {MPgraphic}
+%D When we run \METAPOST\ from within \TEX, each graphic is
+%D processed at once, which means that we reuse this file many
+%D times. When however the execution is delayed, all graphics
+%D are saved in a separate figure. The current graphic is
+%D characterized bij a \COUNTER. This counter is available
+%D in \type{\MPgraphic}.
+% %D \macros
+% %D {ifreuseMPgraphics}
+% %D
+% %D If one want to reuse grapics, one can save much redundant
+% %D run time by setting the next switch to true.
+% \newif\ifreuseMPgraphics \reuseMPgraphicstrue
+%D The three macros responsible for writing the graphic
+%D implement both schemes.
+%D \macros
+%D {MPinclusions, startMPinclusions, MPinitializations}
+%D One can include for instance common input commands by
+%D passing them to \type{\MPinclusions}:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \startMPinclusions
+%D input mp-mine ;
+%D \stopMPinclusions
+%D \stoptyping
+%D \starttyping
+%D \MPinclusions{input mp-mine}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D These commands reset their content each time. You can append
+%D code as follows:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \startMPinclusions[+]
+%D input mp-mine ;
+%D \stopMPinclusions
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The token register \type {\MPinitializations} is expanded
+%D before all other inclusions, the extensions are expanded
+%D only once per run.
+%D The next hack prevents too long lines:
+ {\catcode35=11\relax % goodie
+ \ifx\rawcharacter\undefined
+ \let\obeyedline\space
+ \else
+ \obeylines
+ \ifx\outputnewlinechar\undefined
+ \edef\obeyedline{\rawcharacter{\endlinechar}}%
+ \else
+ \let\obeyedline\outputnewlinechar
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+\long\def\obeyMPlines % anyhow, we end up with ^^M's in the input
+ {\obeylines
+ \let\obeyedline\relax} % delay expansion
+ % maybe we're not using context
+ \appendtoks
+ \let\obeyMPlines\runtimeobeyMPlines
+ \to \everydump
+%D We use two distinguished token registers:
+\newtoks \MPextensions % once per run (can be multiple graphics)
+\newtoks \MPinitializations % each graphic
+\let\stopMPextensions \relax % so that we can use it in \expanded
+\let\stopMPinitializations\relax % so that we can use it in \expanded
+\let\stopMPinclusions \relax % so that we can use it in \expanded
+\def\startMPextensions % no text checking done here !
+ {\begingroup
+ \obeyMPlines
+ \dostartMPextensions}
+ {\endgroup
+ \MPextensions\expandafter{\the\MPextensions#1}}
+\def\startMPinitializations % no text checking done here !
+ {\begingroup
+ \obeyMPlines
+ \dostartMPinitializations}
+ {\endgroup
+ \MPinitializations\expandafter{\the\MPinitializations#1}}
+ {\begingroup
+ \dosingleempty\dostartMPinclusions}
+ {\obeyMPlines
+ \dodostartMPinclusions}
+\long\def\dodostartMPinclusions[#1]#2\stopMPinclusions % document wide
+ {\endgroup
+ \doifelse{#1}{+}
+ {\@EA\long\@EA\def\@EA\theMPinclusions\@EA
+ {\theMPinclusions
+ \writeMPgraphic{#2}}}
+ {\long\def\theMPinclusions
+ {% \expanded !
+% \@EA\expanded\@EA{\@EA\writeMPgraphic\@EA{\the\MPextensions;}}% new
+ \writeMPgraphic{#2}}}}
+ {\dosingleempty\doMPinclusions}
+ {\startMPinclusions[#1]#2\stopMPinclusions}
+ {\@EA\expanded\@EA{\@EA\writeMPgraphic\@EA{\the\MPextensions;}}}
+ {\@EA\expanded\@EA{\@EA\writeMPgraphic\@EA{\the\MPinitializations;}}}
+\startMPinclusions \stopMPinclusions
+%D \macros
+%D {iflongMPlines}
+%D When grabbing a graphic deifnition, newlines are turned
+%D into spaces. By default we split the graphic definition
+%D at the colon, but long lines are still possible by
+%D setting the next boolean to true.
+\newif\iflongMPlines \longMPlinestrue % we now have \obeyMPlines
+\ifx \overlaywidth \undefined \def \overlaywidth {4cm} \fi
+\ifx \overlayheight \undefined \def \overlayheight {3cm} \fi
+\ifx \overlaylinewidth \undefined \def \overlaylinewidth {0pt} \fi
+ {\edef\overlaywidth {\overlaywidth \space}%
+ \edef\overlayheight {\overlayheight \space}%
+ \edef\overlaylinewidth {\overlaylinewidth\space}%
+ \edef\currentwidth {\the\hsize \space}%
+ \edef\currentheight {\the\vsize \space}}
+%D The \type {;} aware method (the \type {\else} branch) also
+%D takes care of \type {btex}||\type {etex}, \type
+%D {verbatimtex}||\type {etex}. The space after \type {tex}
+%D is essential, since it protects \type {text}.
+ \globallet\bufferedMPgraphicsline\empty
+\to \everyMPgraphic
+\chardef\MPgraphicsscanmode\plustwo % 0=no scanning, 1=simple scanning, 2=less simple, 3=even less
+% the next fails with \chardef\MPgraphicsscanmode\plusone
+% \startMPextensions
+% gp_num_points_with_tex := 3 ;
+% \stopMPextensions
+\def\writeMPgraphic % no big #1 passing here
+ {\iflongMPlines
+ \ifMPTEXgraphic
+ \ifcase\MPgraphicsscanmode
+ \let\next\writeMPgraphiclongR
+ \else
+ \let\next\writeMPgraphiclongT
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \let\next\writeMPgraphiclongN
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \ifMPTEXgraphic
+ \ifcase\MPgraphicsscanmode
+ \let\next\writeMPgraphicshortN % we could \let \writeMPgraphicshortR\writeMPgraphicshortN
+ \else
+ \let\next\writeMPgraphicshortT
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \let\next\writeMPgraphicshortN
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \next}
+\appendtoks \obeyMPlines \to \everyMPgraphic % more efficient than in each following grouped write
+\long\def\writeMPgraphiclongR#1% fast, no scanning
+ {\bgroup
+ \let\par\space
+ \immediate\write\MPwrite{#1}%
+ \egroup}
+ {\bgroup
+ \let\par\space
+ \longMPflushT#1\empty\par\relax\par
+ \egroup}
+ {\bgroup
+ \let\par\space
+ \shortMPflushT#1\empty;\relax;%
+ \egroup}
+ {\ifx#1\relax \else
+ \dowriteMPgraphicline#1#2tex \relax etex\MPend
+ \expandafter\longMPflushT
+ \fi}
+ {\ifx#1\relax \else
+ \dowriteMPgraphicline#1#2tex \relax etex\MPend
+ \expandafter\shortMPflushT
+ \fi}
+ {\bgroup
+ \let\par\space
+ \longMPflushN#1\empty\par\relax\par
+ \egroup}
+ {\bgroup
+ \let\par\space
+ \shortMPflushN#1\empty;\relax;%
+ \egroup}
+ {\ifx#1\relax \else
+ \nowriteMPgraphicline#1#2\MPend
+ \expandafter\longMPflushN
+ \fi}
+ {\ifx#1\relax \else
+ \nowriteMPgraphicline#1#2\MPend
+ \expandafter\shortMPflushN
+ \fi}
+%D Will move (check if next is needed):
+ {\ifx\next\empty\else\ifx\next\relax\else
+ \bgroup
+ \let\par\space
+ \iflongMPlines
+ %\immediate\write\MPwrite{#1;}% oeps, ; invalid
+ \immediate\write\MPwrite{#1}%
+ \else
+ \long\edef\ascii{#1}%
+ \expandafter\flushMPgraphicline\ascii\empty;\relax;%
+ \fi
+ \egroup
+ \fi\fi}
+%D A first version:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \long\def\dodowriteMPgraphicline#1tex #2#3etex#4\MPend%
+%D {\ifx\next\empty\else\ifx\next\relax\else
+%D \bgroup
+%D \let\par=\space
+%D \ifx#2\relax
+%D \immediate\write\MPwrite{#1;}%
+%D \egroup
+%D \else
+%D \global\MPTEXgraphictrue
+%D \convertargument#2#3\to\ascii
+%D \immediate\write\MPwrite{#1tex \ascii etex}%
+%D \egroup
+%D \dowriteMPgraphicline#4tex \relax etex\MPend
+%D \fi
+%D \fi\fi}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The next alternative also handles inclusions well.
+\newtoks \everyMPTEXgraphic
+%D Before we supported the graph module, we had:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \convertargument etex\to\MPasciiB
+%D \convertargument textext\to\MPasciiC % geen "text"
+%D \convertargument graphictext\to\MPasciiD % geen "text"
+%D \long\def\checkMPTEXgraphic#1%
+%D {\ifforceMPTEXgraphic
+%D \global\MPTEXgraphictrue
+%D \else
+%D \expandafter\convertargument#1\to\MPasciia
+%D \doifstringinstringelse\MPasciiB\MPasciia{\global\MPTEXgraphictrue}
+%D {\doifstringinstringelse\MPasciiC\MPasciia{\global\MPTEXgraphictrue}
+%D {\doifstringinstringelse\MPasciiD\MPasciia{\global\MPTEXgraphictrue}
+%D {\global\MPTEXgraphicfalse}}}%
+%D \fi}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The next alternative permits extensions in other modules
+%D without the need to know the details of testing.
+ {\ifforceMPTEXgraphic
+ \global\MPTEXgraphictrue
+ \else
+ \global\MPTEXgraphicfalse
+ \edef\ascii{#1}\convertcommand\ascii\to\MPascii
+ \the\MPTEXgraphicchecks\relax % \relax is end condition!
+ \fi
+ \flushMPTEXgraphic % verbatimtex etc
+ \writeMPgraphic{#1}} % potential optimization: pass \ascii
+%D We could have used a kind of array approach using a
+%D counter appended to \type {MPascii}, but this is an
+%D as efficient alternative. (The uglyness comes from
+%D expanding after the string \type {#1}).
+ {\addtocommalist{#1}\MPTEXchecklist
+ \expanded{\convertargument#1\noexpand\to
+ \@EA\noexpand\csname MPascii#1\endcsname}%
+ \@EA\appendtoks
+ \@EA\doifincsnameelse\csname MPascii#1\endcsname\MPascii
+ {\global\MPTEXgraphictrue\gobbleuntil\relax}\donothing
+ \to \MPTEXgraphicchecks}
+%D \starttyping
+%D \forceMPTEXgraphictrue
+%D \forceMPTEXcheck{lintext}
+%D \forceMPTEXcheck{logtext}
+%D \startMPcode
+%D draw hlintext.lft(0, 20, 5, 20cm, "@3e") ;
+%D draw, 10, 9, 10cm, "@3e") ;
+%D \stopMPcode
+%D \stoptyping
+%D A goodie for Mojca (the gnuplot wizzard):
+%D \starttyping
+%D \startMPcode
+%D draw fullcircle scaled 4cm ;
+%D draw \textext{$\sqrt{\frac{3}{2}^3}$} ;
+%D \stopMPcode
+%D \stoptyping
+\long\def\textext#1{\normalunexpanded{textext("#1")}} % or \detokenize
+ {\ifMPTEXgraphic
+ \immediate\write\MPwrite{verbatimtex \the\everyMPTEXgraphic\space etex;}%
+ \fi}
+ {\ifx#1\relax \else
+ \immediate\write\MPwrite{#1#2;}%
+ \expandafter\flushMPgraphicline
+ \fi}
+% the next one fails on btex \vbox {\hbox .. leading to \vbox \hbox
+% \long\def\dodowriteMPgraphicline#1tex #2#3etex#4\MPend
+% {\ifx\next\empty\else\ifx\next\relax\else
+% \bgroup
+% \let\par\space
+% \ifx#2\relax
+% \iflongMPlines
+% \immediate\write\MPwrite{#1;}%
+% \else
+% \edef\ascii{#1}%
+% \expandafter\flushMPgraphicline\ascii\empty;\relax;%
+% \fi
+% \egroup
+% \else
+% \convertargument#2#3\to\ascii
+% \immediate\write\MPwrite{#1tex \ascii etex}%
+% \egroup
+% \dowriteMPgraphicline#4tex \relax etex\MPend
+% \fi
+% \fi\fi}
+% so we need a two step approach
+% \long\def\dodowriteMPgraphicline#1tex %
+% {\doifnextcharelse\relax
+% {\nododowriteMPgraphicline{#1}}
+% {\redodowriteMPgraphicline{#1}}}
+% better and faster
+% \long\def\dodowriteMPgraphicline#1tex #2%
+% {\ifx#2\relax
+% \expandafter\nododowriteMPgraphicline
+% \else
+% \expandafter\redodowriteMPgraphicline
+% \fi{#1} #2}
+% \long\def\redodowriteMPgraphicline#1#2etex#3\MPend
+% {\ifx\next\empty\else\ifx\next\relax\else
+% \bgroup
+% \let\par\space
+% \convertargument#2\to\ascii
+% \immediate\write\MPwrite{#1tex \ascii etex}%
+% \egroup
+% \dowriteMPgraphicline#3tex \relax etex\MPend
+% \fi\fi}
+% \long\def\nododowriteMPgraphicline#1#2\MPend
+% {\ifx\next\empty\else\ifx\next\relax\else
+% \bgroup
+% \let\par\space
+% \iflongMPlines
+% \immediate\write\MPwrite{#1;}%
+% \else
+% \long\edef\ascii{#1}%
+% \expandafter\flushMPgraphicline\ascii\empty;\relax;%
+% \fi
+% \egroup
+% \fi\fi}
+% extra scanning
+\long\def\dodowriteMPgraphicline#1tex #2% kind of ok
+ {\ifx#2\relax
+ \expandafter\nododowriteMPgraphicline
+ \else
+ \ifcase\MPgraphicsscanmode
+ % can't happen
+ \or
+ \@EAEAEA\redodowriteMPgraphicline
+ \or
+ \doifinstringelse{b$} {#1$}{\@EAEAEA\redodowriteMPgraphicline}%
+ {\doifinstringelse{verbatim$}{#1$}{\@EAEAEA\redodowriteMPgraphicline}%
+ {\@EAEAEA\dododowriteMPgraphicline}}%
+ \else
+ \doifinstringelse { b$}{#1$}{\@EAEAEA\redodowriteMPgraphicline}%
+ {\doifinstringelse {(b$}{#1$}{\@EAEAEA\redodowriteMPgraphicline}%
+ {\doifinstringelse {=b$}{#1$}{\@EAEAEA\redodowriteMPgraphicline}%
+ {\doifinstringelse{verbatim$}{#1$}{\@EAEAEA\redodowriteMPgraphicline}%
+ {\@EAEAEA\dododowriteMPgraphicline}}}}%
+ \fi
+ \fi{#1} #2}
+ {\doifsomething{#1}{\xdef\bufferedMPgraphicsline{\bufferedMPgraphicsline#1tex }}%
+ \dowriteMPgraphicline#2tex \relax etex\MPend}
+ {\ifx\next\empty
+ \else\ifx\next\relax
+ \else
+ \bgroup
+ \let\par\space
+ \convertargument#2\to\ascii
+ \immediate\write\MPwrite{\bufferedMPgraphicsline#1tex \ascii etex}%
+ \globallet\bufferedMPgraphicsline\empty
+ \egroup
+ \dowriteMPgraphicline#3tex \relax etex\MPend
+ \fi\fi}
+ {\ifx\next\empty
+ \else\ifx\next\relax
+ \else
+ \bgroup
+ \let\par\space
+ \iflongMPlines
+ \immediate\write\MPwrite{\bufferedMPgraphicsline#1;}%
+ \globallet\bufferedMPgraphicsline\empty
+ \else
+ \long\edef\ascii{\bufferedMPgraphicsline#1}%
+ \expandafter\flushMPgraphicline\ascii\empty;\relax;%
+ \fi
+ \egroup
+ \fi\fi}
+%D This stripper is suboptimal in the sense that more
+%D \type{;}'s are output than feasible. Anyhow, \METAPOST\
+%D can handle this and users may consider it being a sort
+%D of error prevention bonus.
+ \let\blabelgroup\bgroup
+ \let\elabelgroup\egroup
+\newconditional\firstMPgraphic \settrue\firstMPgraphic
+ \let \# \letterhash
+ \let \_ \letterunderscore
+ \let \& \letterampersand
+ \let \{ \letteropenbrace
+ \let \} \letterclosebrace
+\to \everyMPgraphic
+%D Not the best place but we need to make sure that no funny
+%D active characters creep in. Some day we will move this code.
+ \let\disablediscretionaries\relax
+ \disablediscretionaries
+\to \everyMPgraphic
+ {\immediate\write\MPwrite{mpgraph:=\the\currentMPgraphic;}}
+ {\blabelgroup
+ \global\advance\nofMPgraphics \plusone
+ \ifMPrun \else
+ \allocateMPslot\currentMPgraphic
+ \fi
+ \enableincludeMPgraphics
+ \xdef\MPgraphic{\the\currentMPgraphic}%
+ \the\everyMPgraphic
+ \presetMPdefinitions % moved to here from \writeMPgraphic
+ \ifrunMPgraphics
+ \openMPgraphicfile1{runtime}%
+ % no reset here !
+ \theMPextensions
+ \theMPinclusions
+ \else
+ \openMPgraphicfile0{collected}%
+ % reset here ! global added (due to adding \blabelgroup)
+ \theMPextensions
+ \theMPinclusions
+ \global\let\theMPextensions\relax
+ \global\let\theMPinclusions\relax
+ \fi
+ \theMPinitializations % always
+ \ifMPrun
+ \else
+ \ifMPwrapper
+ \immediate\write\MPwrite{let mprunend = end ;}%
+ \immediate\write\MPwrite{beginfig(\the\currentMPgraphic);}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \globallet\flushMPgraphics\closeMPgraphicfiles % \dodostopwritingMPgraphic
+ \globallet\stopwritingMPgraphic\dostopwritingMPgraphic}
+\def\openMPgraphicfile#1#2% #1=alwaysopen #2=message
+ {\@EA\ifx\csname\@@MPG\@@MPG\MPgraphicfile\endcsname\relax
+ \donetrue
+ % \@EA\newwrite\csname\@@MPG\@@MPG\MPgraphicfile\endcsname
+ % for the sake of plain usage
+ \@EA\@EA\csname newwrite\endcsname\csname\@@MPG\@@MPG\MPgraphicfile\endcsname
+ \doglobal\addtocommalist\MPgraphicfile\MPgraphicfiles
+ \else
+ \ifcase#1\relax\donefalse\else\donetrue\fi
+ \fi
+ \@EA\let\@EA\MPwrite\csname\@@MPG\@@MPG\MPgraphicfile\endcsname
+ \ifdone
+ \immediate\openout\MPwrite\\relax
+ \ifx\MPinputtranslation\empty\else
+ \immediate\write\MPwrite{\MPinputtranslation}%
+ \immediate\write\MPwrite{verbatimtex \MPinputtranslation etex ;}%
+ \fi
+ \immediate\write\MPwrite{\letterpercent\space #2 graphics of job "\jobname"}%
+ \writeMPgraph
+ \setMPrandomseed
+ \fi}
+ {\ifMPrun \else
+ \ifMPwrapper
+ \immediate\write\MPwrite{endfig;}%
+ \immediate\write\MPwrite{let end=mprunend;}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \ifrunMPgraphics
+ \dodostopwritingMPgraphic
+ \fi
+ \elabelgroup}
+ {\ifnum\currentMPgraphic>\zerocount
+ \donetrue
+ \else\ifMPrun
+ \donetrue
+ \else
+ \donefalse
+ \fi\fi
+ \ifdone
+ \finishwritingMPgraphics
+ \runMPgraphic\MPgraphicfile
+ \fi
+ \globallet\flushMPgraphics\relax}
+ {\ifMPwrapper\immediate\write\MPwrite{end.}\fi
+ \immediate\closeout\MPwrite}
+ {\ifrunMPgraphics \else \ifx\MPgraphicsfiles\empty\else
+ \def\docommand##1%
+ {\message{[flush and process afterwards]}%
+ \@EA\let\@EA\MPwrite\csname\@@MPG\@@MPG##1\endcsname
+ \finishwritingMPgraphics}%
+ \processcommacommand[\MPgraphicfiles]\docommand
+ \fi \fi}
+\let\flushMPgraphics \relax
+%D By default each graphic gets its own slot (number). Later
+%D on we will define a recycle bin.
+\def \allocateMPslot#1{\global\advance#1\plusone}
+%D \macros
+%D {translateMPinput}
+%D For my polish friends:
+%D \starttyping
+%D % translate=il2-pl
+%D \translateMPinput{il2-pl}
+%D \startMPenvironment[global]
+%D \setupbodyfont[plr]
+%D \stopMPenvironment
+%D \TeX: ± ¶
+%D \startMPcode
+%D draw btex MetaPost: ± ¶ etex scaled 5 ;
+%D \stopMPcode
+%D \stoptyping
+% {\xdef\MPinputtranslation{\letterpercent -translate-file=#1\space}} % at some point
+% {\xdef\MPinputtranslation{\letterpercent --8bit}} % some time later
+ {\globallet\MPinputtranslation\empty} % the new mpost is 8 bit clean
+%D \macros
+%D {setMPrandomseed}
+%D Did you notice the random seed initialization? This is
+%D needed because \METAPOST\ has a rather poor initialization,
+%D which in some implementations depends on the time in
+%D minutes. So, in quick successive runs, random is not that
+%D random.
+\newif\ifsetMPrandomseed \setMPrandomseedtrue % false by default
+ {\ifsetMPrandomseed \ifx\getrandomnumber\undefined \else
+ \getrandomnumber\localMPseed\zerocount{4095}%
+ \writeMPgraphic{randomseed:=\localMPseed;}%
+ \fi\fi}
+%D This feature has become optional. Thanks to Fabrice Popineau,
+%D \METAPOST\ can now do a far better job!
+%D \macros
+%D {flushMPgraphics}
+%D When we use the indirect method, all graphics are saved in
+%D one file. This means that we cannot close this file after
+%D every \type{\stopMPgraphic}. Therefore we need to say:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \flushMPgraphics
+%D \stoptyping
+%D else the file is closed without writing the \METAPOST\ end
+%D command. One will notice this fast enough when in indirect
+%D mode. When using the direct mode this command is not
+%D implicitly needed, but ommiting it makes files less
+%D portable.
+%D \macros
+%D {loadcurrentMPgraphic,
+%D placeMPgraphic}
+%D Once defined, we can call for this graphic by saying:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \loadcurrentMPgraphic{setups}
+%D \placeMPgraphic
+%D \stoptyping
+%D This two stage insert permits some intermediate manipulations
+%D of the graphic, which temporary saved in:
+ {\loadMPgraphic{\MPgraphicfile.\the\currentMPgraphic}{#1}%
+ \deallocateMPslot\currentMPgraphic} % added
+ \def\loadcurrentMPgraphic{\dosinglegroupempty\doloadcurrentMPgraphic}
+ \let\loadcurrentMPgraphic\doloadcurrentMPgraphic
+ {\setbox\MPgraphicbox\hbox{\ifinsertMPgraphics\insertMPfile{#1}{#2}\fi}}
+% \def\placeMPgraphic%
+% {\ifMPshiftdrawing
+% \hbox{\hskip\MPllx\onebasepoint\raise\MPlly\onebasepoint\box\MPgraphicbox}%
+% \else
+% \box\MPgraphicbox
+% \fi}
+% experimental:
+ {\ifMPshiftdrawing
+ \edef\next
+ {\wd\MPgraphicbox\the\wd\MPgraphicbox
+ \ht\MPgraphicbox\the\ht\MPgraphicbox
+ \dp\MPgraphicbox\the\dp\MPgraphicbox}%
+ \setbox\MPgraphicbox\hbox
+ {\hskip\MPllx\onebasepoint\raise\MPlly\onebasepoint\box\MPgraphicbox}%
+ \next
+ \fi
+ \box\MPgraphicbox}
+%D \macros
+%D {startreusableMPgraphic, reuseMPgraphic, useMPbox}
+%D One can use the next macro for defining graphics that are
+%D to be reused. When the next switch is set, graphics are
+%D cached.
+\newif\ifuseMPbox \useMPboxtrue
+%D We assume that one can set objects:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\douseMPbox#1%
+%D {\setobject{MP}{#1}\vbox
+%D {\forgetall
+%D \loadMPgraphic{\MPgraphicfile.\the\currentMPgraphic}{}%
+%D \deallocateMPslot\currentMPgraphic
+%D \placeMPgraphic}%
+%D \setgvalue{#1}{\getobject{MP}{#1}}}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D More safe is to use a number for \type {{MP}{#1}} which permits
+%D redefinition. We also saves the boundingbox. This helps positioning
+%D reused graphics in layers.
+\ifx\getobject\undefined \def\setobject#1#2{\setbox\scratchbox} \fi % makes dep check happy
+\ifx\getobject\undefined \def\getobject#1#2{\box \scratchbox} \fi % makes dep check happy
+ {\global\advance\MPobjectcounter\plusone
+ \setobject{MP}{\number\MPobjectcounter}\vbox
+ {\forgetall
+ \loadMPgraphic{\MPgraphicfile.\the\currentMPgraphic}{}%
+ \deallocateMPslot\currentMPgraphic
+ \placeMPgraphic}%
+ \setxvalue{#1}%
+ {\noexpand\dodouseMPbox{\number\MPobjectcounter}{\MPllx}{\MPlly}{\MPurx}{\MPury}}}
+\def\dodouseMPbox#1#2#3#4#5% space delimiting would save some tokens
+ {\xdef\MPllx{#2}% but it's not worth the effort and looks
+ \xdef\MPlly{#3}% ugly as well
+ \xdef\MPurx{#4}%
+ \xdef\MPury{#5}%
+ \getobject{MP}{#1}}
+ {\setxvalue{#1}%
+ {\noexpand\forgetall
+ \noexpand\loadMPgraphic{\MPgraphicfile.\the\currentMPgraphic}{}%
+ \noexpand\deallocateMPslot{\currentMPgraphic}%
+ \noexpand\placeMPgraphic}}
+\ifCONTEXT \else \let\douseMPbox\nouseMPbox \fi
+\ifCONTEXT \else \let\doifobjectssupportedelse\relax \fi
+ {\blabelgroup
+ \enableincludeMPgraphics
+ \startMPgraphic#2\stopMPgraphic
+ \doifobjectssupportedelse\donothing\useMPboxfalse
+ \ifuseMPbox
+ \expandafter \douseMPbox
+ \else
+ \expandafter \nouseMPbox
+ \fi {\@@MPG#1}%
+ \getvalue{\@@MPG#1}%
+ \elabelgroup}
+% \long\def\startreusableMPgraphic#1#2\stopreusableMPgraphic
+% {\ifundefined{\@@MPG#1}%
+% \long\setgvalue{\@@MPG#1}{\handlereusableMPgraphic{#1}{#2}}%
+% \fi}
+ {\blabelgroup
+ \long\setgvalue{\@@MPG#1}{\handlereusableMPgraphic{#1}{#2}}%
+ \elabelgroup}
+ {\blabelgroup
+ \getvalue{\@@MPG#1}%
+ \elabelgroup}
+\let\stopreusableMPgraphic \relax % so that we can use it in \expanded
+%D \macros
+%D {startuseMPgraphic,useMPgraphic}
+%D The every||time||it's||used original one is defined below.
+%D This one makes sense when the graphic uses random numbers.
+%D We can run (process graphic) without including them at that
+%D particular place. Therefore we explicitly disable
+%D inclusions (resulting in an dummy figure) when we are in MP
+%D run mode (see mfun-004 for an example, we process an
+%D example buffer which produced graphics).
+ {\bgroup
+ \enableincludeMPgraphics
+ \startMPgraphic#2\stopMPgraphic
+ \ifMPrun \else
+ \loadMPgraphic{\MPgraphicfile.\the\currentMPgraphic}{}%
+ \placeMPgraphic
+ \fi
+ \deallocateMPslot\currentMPgraphic
+ \egroup}
+ {\blabelgroup
+ \obeyMPlines
+ \dostartuseMPgraphic}
+ {\long\setgvalue{\@@MPG#1}{\handleuseMPgraphic{#1}{#2}}%
+ \elabelgroup}
+ {\blabelgroup
+ \obeyMPlines
+ \dostartusableMPgraphic}
+ {\long\setgvalue{\@@MPG#1}{\handleuseMPgraphic{#1}{#2}}%
+ \elabelgroup}
+\let\stopuseMPgraphic \relax % so that we can use it in \expanded
+\let\stopusableMPgraphic \relax % so that we can use it in \expanded
+%D \macros
+%D {doifMPgraphicelse}
+%D For (mainly internal) purposes we provide a test macro.
+% \def\doifMPgraphicelse#1%
+% {\doifdefinedelse{\@@MPG#1}}
+ {\blabelgroup
+ \doifdefinedelse{\@@MPG#1}%
+ {\elabelgroup\firstoftwoarguments}
+ {\elabelgroup\secondoftwoarguments}}
+%D \macros
+%D {includeMPgraphic}
+%D In a graphic one can call up another (predefined one)
+%D like:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \startuseMPgraphic{a}
+%D fill fullcircle scaled 100 ;
+%D \stopuseMPgraphic
+%D \startuseMPgraphic{b}
+%D \includeMPgraphic{a}
+%D fill fullsquare rotated 45 scaled 50 withcolor red ;
+%D \stopuseMPgraphic
+%D \useMPgraphic{b}
+%D \stoptyping
+ {\executeifdefined{\@@MPG#1};} % ; if not found
+ {\let\handleuseMPgraphic \secondoftwoarguments
+ \let\handlereusableMPgraphic\secondoftwoarguments}
+%D We didn't yet define the macro responsible for processing
+%D the graphic from within \TEX.
+ {\ifrunMPgraphics
+ \executeMETAPOST{#1}%
+ \else
+ % \message{[flush and process \ afterwards]}%
+ \fi}
+%D \macros
+%D {useMETAFUNformat}
+%D For faster running, one can generate a format, saying
+%D \starttyping
+%D mpost -ini context
+%D \stoptyping
+%D (The resulting \type {mem} file should be moved to the
+%D right location. Watch out for misatching \type {progname}
+%D directives, since they can clutter memory.
+%D \macros
+%D {executeMetaPost, executeMETAPOST, executesystemcommand}
+%D With \type{\executeMETAPOST} being defined as:
+ \def\executeMETAPOST#1{\executesystemcommand{\executeMetaPost{#1}}}
+%D There are two system dependant definitions:
+ \def\executesystemcommand#1{\immediate\write18{#1}}
+\ifx\TEXEXECcommand \undefined \def\TEXEXECcommand{texmfstart texexec} \fi
+ \ifx\undefined\interactionmode \chardef\interactionmode=255 \fi
+ \def\MPOSTbatchswitch {-interaction=batchmode} % was -int, but newer mpost does not support partial flags
+ \def\MPOSTnonstopswitch {-interaction=nonstopmode} % was -int, but newer mpost does not support partial flags
+ \def\MPOSTformatswitch {-progname=metafun -mem=}
+ \def\MPOSTdriver {dvips}
+ \def\executeMPOST#1% direct call
+ {mpost
+ \ifcase\interactionmode\MPOSTbatchswitch\or\MPOSTnonstopswitch\fi
+ \space\ifuseMETAFUNformat \MPOSTformatswitch metafun \fi #1}
+ \def\executeMPTEX#1% slower, due to nested texexec call
+ {\TEXEXECcommand\space
+ --batch \ifcase\interactionmode --logfile='mptex.log' \fi
+ --output=\MPOSTdriver\space
+ \ifuseMETAFUNformat --mpformat=metafun \fi --mptex --nomp --once #1}
+ \def\executeMetaPost
+ {\ifrunMPTEXgraphics
+ \ifMPTEXgraphic
+ \@EAEAEA\executeMPTEX
+ \else
+ \@EAEAEA\executeMPOST
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \@EA\executeMPOST
+ \fi}
+%D The batchmode and nonstopmode (introduced in 2003 for
+%D Patrick Gundlach) switches may differ per binary and are
+%D supported by \TEXEXEC.
+%D \macros
+%D {insertMPfile}
+%D One can define this command in advance or redefine it after
+%D loading this module. The same goes for the forward
+%D reference to the figure loading macro:
+ \def\insertMPfile#1#2%
+ {\ifx\undefined\externalfigure
+ \message{[insert file #1 here]}%
+ \else
+ \externalfigure
+ [#1]
+ [\c!type=\c!mps,\c!object=\v!no,
+ \c!symbol=\v!yes,\c!reset=\v!yes,
+ \c!maxwidth=,\c!maxheight=,
+ \c!frame=\v!off,\c!background=,
+ #2]%
+ \fi}
+%D This macro takes {\em two} arguments, the second one can be
+%D used to pass info to the inclusion macro. Some examples
+%D of its use can be found in the modules \type{supp-tpi} and
+%D \type{prag-log}.
+%D This module can be used in \PLAIN\ \TEX too. When using
+%D \DVIPS, just try to process:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \input supp-mps
+%D \runMPgraphicstrue
+%D \def\insertMPfile#1#2%
+%D {\special{psfile=#1}}
+%D \startuseMPgraphic{1}
+%D prologues := 1;
+%D draw (0,0) withpen pencircle scaled 100;
+%D \stopuseMPgraphic
+%D \useMPgraphic{1}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Don't forget to enable \type{\write18}. When does not say
+%D \type{\runMPgraphicstrue}, the \METAPOST\ scratch file
+%D must be closed by saying
+%D \starttyping
+%D \flushMPgraphics
+%D \stoptyping
+%D When using the indirect method, one has to process the file
+%D \type{} between two successive \TEX\ runs.
+%D \METAPOST\ needs the public domain \DVI\ to \POSTSCRIPT\
+%D converter \DVIPS. This symbiosis originates in the need to
+%D include the fonts (glyphs) that \METAPOST\ uses in the
+%D \POSTSCRIPT\ file. Driver independancy was one of my
+%D prerequisites for using \METAPOST, so I decided to build
+%D this kind of support myself. Personally I consider driver
+%D dependancy a drawback for the dissemination of such a
+%D package. The second part of this module more or less
+%D decouples \METAPOST\ and \DVIPS.
+%D The macros hereafter are copied from the module
+%D \type{m-metapost}. After writing module \type{supp-pdf} I
+%D added this method to the module named and after a while
+%D decided to hook it into module \type{spec-yy}. Therefore
+%D they made it into a support module, but in a slightly
+%D different way.
+%D \macros
+%D {includeMPfonts, ifincludeMPfonts}
+%D The method we use is both robust and simple: one can do
+%D with calling the next macro with the filename as argument:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \includeMPfonts{filename}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D We can turn of this mechanism with:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \includeMPfontsfalse
+%D \stoptyping
+%D {\em Currently this method fails for situations where the
+%D font definition is not on one line, which is he case when
+%D unkerned fonts are used along with long lines. One solution
+%D for this is to increase the value of \type {max_print_line}
+%D in \type {texmf.cnf}.}}
+\newif\ifincludeMPfonts \includeMPfontstrue
+ {\ifincludeMPfonts
+ \bgroup
+ \message{[MP fonts #1]}%
+ %\uncatcodespecials
+ \endlinechar\minusone
+ \setMPspecials
+ \obeyMPspecials
+ \setbox\scratchbox\hbox
+ {\hskip-\maxdimen
+ \doprocessfile\scratchread{#1}\handleMPfont}%
+ \smashbox\scratchbox
+ \box\scratchbox
+ \egroup
+ \fi}
+\def\UseMetaPostGraphic {\includeMPfonts} % upward compatible
+\def\DontUseMetaPostGraphics {\includeMPfontsfalse} % upward compatible
+%D The characters are collected in a box and moved as far as
+%D possible into the left margin. The resulting box has no
+%D dimensions and can be prepended (appended) to the special
+%D that handles the inclusion. The characters are in the file
+%D but made invisible.
+%D In \CONTEXT\ font handling is intergrated in the figure
+%D inclusion macros. A decent plain \TEX\ alternative is:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\includeMPgraphic#1%
+%D {\hbox\bgroup
+%D \includeMPfonts{#1}%
+%D \dogetEPSboundingbox{#1}{\dimen2}{\dimen4}{\dimen6}{\dimen8}%
+%D \advance\dimen6 by -\dimen2
+%D \advance\dimen8 by -\dimen4
+%D \vbox to \dimen8
+%D {\forgetall
+%D \vfill
+%D \hsize\dimen6
+%D \special
+%D {PSfile="#1"\space
+%D llx=\EPSllx\space
+%D lly=\EPSlly\space
+%D urx=\EPSurx\space
+%D ury=\EPSury\space}}%
+%D \egroup}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D This macro needs \type {supp-eps.tex} and provided no
+%D scaling. For \LATEX\ users the next one will do:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\includeMPgraphic#1#%
+%D {\hbox\bgroup
+%D \def\includeMPgraphics##1%
+%D {\includeMPfonts{##1}%
+%D \includegraphics[typetype=mps,#1]{##1}% or whatever type they use
+%D \egroup}%
+%D \includeMPgraphics}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D We scan the graphics file for the \type{fshow} operator,
+%D that is, lines that start with \type{(}. If found it
+%D interprets the line, which looks like:
+%D \starttyping
+%D (string ... string) font size fshow
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Font definitions specified in the preamble are simply
+%D ignored. Only lines starting with \type{(} are interpreted.
+ {\if#1(\expandafter\includeMPcharacters\fileline\relax\fi}
+ {\expandafter\dohandleMPfont\fileline\relax}
+%D Before we start scanning for data, we first change some
+%D \CATCODES. The first set of macro's is copied from module
+%D \type{supp-pdf}. This scheme is a bit overdone for this
+%D module, but using the same macros saves us some memory.
+ {\char'#1#2#3\relax}
+ B\let%\letterpercent|
+ \def[B\noexpand[E|
+ \def]B\noexpand]E|
+ \def{B\noexpand{E|
+ \def}B\noexpand}EE
+ B\let%\letterpercent|
+ \def[BE|
+ \def]BE|
+ \def{BE|
+ \def}BEE
+ B\def%B\char 37\relax E|
+ \def[B\char 91\relax E|
+ \def]B\char 93\relax E|
+ \def{B\char123\relax E|
+ \def}B\char125\relax EE
+ B\setnaturalcatcodes
+ \catcode`\\=\@@escape
+ \catcode`\%=\@@active
+ \catcode`\[=\@@active
+ \catcode`\]=\@@active
+ \catcode`\{=\@@active
+ \catcode`\}=\@@active
+ \lccode`\-=0 | latex sets this to `\-
+ \lccode`\%=`\% | otherwise it's seen as a number
+ \def\(B\char40\relax E|
+ \def\)B\char41\relax E|
+ \def\\B\char92\relax E|
+ \def\0B\octalMPcharacter0E|
+ \def\1B\octalMPcharacter1E|
+ \def\2B\octalMPcharacter2E|
+ \def\3B\octalMPcharacter3E|
+ \def\4B\octalMPcharacter4E|
+ \def\5B\octalMPcharacter5E|
+ \def\6B\octalMPcharacter6E|
+ \def\7B\octalMPcharacter7E|
+ \def\8B\octalMPcharacter8E|
+ \def\9B\octalMPcharacter9EE
+%D The lines starting with \type{(} are interpreted and
+%D handled by
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\includeMPcharacters(#1) #2 #3 #4\relax%
+%D {\font\temp=#2 at #3bp\temp#1}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D While processing some \TUG~98 proceedings, I also had to
+%D deal with:
+%D \starttyping
+%D /nfont {10 div dup scale 10} def
+%D (T) ANTTB 7.13086 nfont fshow
+%D \stoptyping
+%D which comes to rounding sizes. This is something
+%D experimental. (The macro in supp-pdf.tex is more
+%D advanced.)
+\def\includeMPcharacters(#1) #2 #3 #4#5#6#7#8#9\relax
+ {\edef\temp{#4#5#6#7#8}%
+ \ifx\temp\PSnfont % round font size (to pt)
+ \scratchdimen#3\onepoint
+ \ifdim\scratchdimen<\onepoint
+ \def\size{1pt}%
+ \else
+ \advance\scratchdimen .5\onepoint
+ \def\size##1.##2\relax{\def\size{##1pt}}%
+ \expandafter\size\the\scratchdimen\relax
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \edef\size{#3bp}%
+ \fi
+ \font\temp=#2 at \size
+ \temp\if#1 \char32\else#1\fi}
+%D This method is both robust and reasonable fast. The only
+%D disadvantage is that when not embedded properly in the
+%D graphics inclusion macros, one has to load all graphics by
+%D hand.
+%D Now let's see if things work all right and show the example
+%D files that are part of the \METAPOST\ distribution:
+%D \setupexternalfigures[directory={../sample}]
+%D \startlinecorrection
+%D \setupalign[middle]
+%D \leavevmode
+%D \startcombination[3*3]
+%D {\externalfigure[mp-exa-1][frame=on,width=.2\hsize]} {}
+%D {\externalfigure[mp-exa-2][frame=on,width=.2\hsize]} {}
+%D {\externalfigure[mp-exa-3][frame=on,width=.2\hsize]} {}
+%D {\externalfigure[mp-exa-4][frame=on,width=.2\hsize]} {}
+%D {\externalfigure[mp-exa-5][frame=on,width=.2\hsize]} {}
+%D {\externalfigure[mp-exa-6][frame=on,width=.2\hsize]} {}
+%D {\externalfigure[mp-exa-7][frame=on,width=.2\hsize]} {}
+%D {\externalfigure[mp-exa-8][frame=on,width=.2\hsize]} {}
+%D {\externalfigure[mp-exa-9][frame=on,width=.2\hsize]} {}
+%D \stopcombination
+%D \stoplinecorrection
+%D Here we used calls like:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \externalfigure[mp-exa-1][methode-mps,frame=on,width=.2\hsize]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D \macros
+%D {convertMPcolors,
+%D ifconvertMPcolors,ifreduceMPcolors,ifforceMPcolors}
+%D When I told the editors that I wanted to use colored
+%D \METAPOST\ graphics in the color issue of the \MAPS, I was
+%D asked to use the \cap{CMYK} colorspace instead of \cap{RGB}
+%D one. However, \METAPOST\ only supports \cap{RGB} colors. I
+%D decided to write a utility to convert the \type
+%D {setrgbcolor} operators into \type {setcmykcolor} ones, and
+%D some experiments showed me that I could best let \TEX\ do it
+%D itself. Here it is:
+%D There are two booleans that control the conversion process.
+%D These are false by default.
+%D The main macro is called as:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \convertMPcolors{filename}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D When active, this macro returns a message saying if indeed
+%D conversion took place. The old file is overwritten! This
+%D saves time in a succesive passes and can't harm, simply
+%D because MP can generate them anew.
+\def\convertMPcolors#1% todo: open on local path, no copy
+ {\bgroup
+ \ifforcegrayMPcolors
+ \donetrue
+ \else\ifconvertMPcolors
+ \donetrue
+ \else
+ \donefalse
+ \fi\fi
+ \ifdone
+ \message{[MP color conversion #1}%
+ \endlinechar\minusone
+ \uncatcodespecials
+ \donefalse
+ \immediate\openout\scratchwrite\convertMPcolorpath\convertMPcolorfile\relax
+ \doprocessfile\scratchread{#1}\handleMPcolor
+ \immediate\closeout\scratchwrite
+ \ifdone
+ \immediate\openout\scratchwrite\convertMPcolorpath#1\relax
+ \doprocessfile\scratchread{\convertMPcolorpath \convertMPcolorfile}\handleMPcopy
+ \immediate\closeout\scratchwrite
+ \message{done]}%
+ \else
+ \message{not needed]}%
+ \fi
+ \immediate\openout\scratchwrite\convertMPcolorpath\convertMPcolorfile
+ \immediate\closeout\scratchwrite
+ \fi
+ \egroup}
+%D The process is rather simple: read a line, look for the
+%D \type {setrgbcolor} operator, recalculate the components and
+%D check for gray reduction or black removal, write the result
+%D to a temporary file, and go on. Afterwards, the file is
+%D copied back. We don't have to reduce to gray scales;
+%D \METAPOST\ already takes care of that.
+%D The next macro is needed for forced conversion. This macro
+%D is copied from \type{colo-ini}, just in case one uses this
+%D module outside \CONTEXT.
+\ifx\@@cl@@s \undefined \def\@@cl@@s{0} \fi
+ {\scratchdimen#1\onepoint
+ \scratchdimen300\scratchdimen
+ \scratchcounter\scratchdimen
+ \scratchdimen#2\onepoint
+ \scratchdimen590\scratchdimen
+ \advance\scratchcounter \scratchdimen
+ \scratchdimen#3\onepoint
+ \scratchdimen110\scratchdimen
+ \advance\scratchcounter \scratchdimen
+ \advance\scratchcounter \!!medcard
+ \divide\scratchcounter \!!maxcard
+ \edef\@@cl@@s{\realcolorvalue\scratchcounter}}
+%D BTW, this code is quite old, and not as complete as the
+%D \PDF\ converter, which also handles spot colors and so.
+ {\expandafter\dohandleMPcolor\fileline setrgbcolor*\\}
+ {\if#2*%
+ \immediate\write\scratchwrite{#1}%
+ \else
+ \dodohandleMPcolor#1setrgbcolor#2#3\\%
+ \fi}
+\def\dodohandleMPcolor#1 #2 #3setrgbcolor#4setrgbcolor*\\% old and maybe broke
+ {\bgroup
+ \ifdim#1pt=.123pt
+ \immediate\write\scratchwrite{#1 #2 #3 setrgbcolor}%
+ \else
+ \ifforcegrayMPcolors
+ \convertRGBtoGRAY{#1}{#2}{#3}%
+ \immediate\write\scratchwrite
+ {\@@cl@@s \space setgray #4}%
+ \else
+ \dimen0=\onepoint \advance\dimen0 -#1\points
+ \dimen2=\onepoint \advance\dimen2 -#2\points
+ \dimen4=\onepoint \advance\dimen4 -#3\points
+ \ifreduceMPcolors
+ \dimen6\dimen0
+ \ifdim\dimen2<\dimen6 \dimen6\dimen2 \fi
+ \ifdim\dimen4<\dimen6 \dimen6\dimen4 \fi
+ \advance\dimen0 -\dimen6
+ \advance\dimen2 -\dimen6
+ \advance\dimen4 -\dimen6
+ \else
+ \dimen6\zeropoint
+ \fi
+ \immediate\write\scratchwrite
+ {\withoutpt\the\dimen0 \space
+ \withoutpt\the\dimen2 \space
+ \withoutpt\the\dimen4 \space
+ \withoutpt\the\dimen6 \space setcmykcolor #4}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \egroup
+ \donetrue} % needed for message
+ {\immediate\write\scratchwrite{\fileline}}
+%D The next examples show the color conversion macros in
+%D action. These examples also demonstrate in||text \METAPOST\
+%D handling. As we will see, the conversion is hooked into the
+%D \CONTEXT\ color mechanism.
+%D By setting both \type{rgb} and \type{cmyk} to off, we force
+%D conversion to gray scales using:
+%D \placeformula[-]
+%D \startformula
+%D G = .30r + .59g + .11b
+%D \stopformula
+%D By using buffers, we keep the \ASCII\ layout clean:
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \startbuffer[rgb]
+%D \setupcolors[rgb=ja,cmyk=nee,reduction=no,conversion=no]
+%D \useMPgraphic{hans}
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \startbuffer[cmyk]
+%D \setupcolors[rgb=nee,cmyk=ja,reduction=no,conversion=no]
+%D \useMPgraphic{hans}
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \startbuffer[cmy]
+%D \setupcolors[rgb=nee,cmyk=ja,reduction=yes,conversion=no]
+%D \useMPgraphic{hans}
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \startbuffer[gray]
+%D \setupcolors[rgb=nee,cmyk=nee,reduction=no,conversion=no]
+%D \useMPgraphic{hans}
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+%D \getbuffer
+%D The graphic is rather simple and is generated each time
+%D it's called:
+%D \global\runMPgraphicstrue
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \startbuffer[graphic]
+%D \startuseMPgraphic{hans}
+%D width :=\the\textwidth/5;
+%D height := width/4;
+%D fill fullcircle
+%D xscaled width
+%D yscaled height
+%D withcolor (\RedGreenBlue);
+%D \stopuseMPgraphic
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+%D \getbuffer
+%D Next we combine the four alternative interpretations in a
+%D combination:
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \startbuffer[result]
+%D \startcombination[4]
+%D {\getbuffer[rgb]} {\tfxx original}
+%D {\getbuffer[cmyk]} {\ttxx\string\convertMPcolorstrue}
+%D {\getbuffer[cmy]} {\ttxx\string\reduceMPcolorstrue}
+%D {\getbuffer[gray]} {\ttxx\string\forcegrayMPcolorstrue}
+%D \stopcombination
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+%D \getbuffer
+%D Finally we call the buffers, using different setting:
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \placefigure
+%D {\METAPOST\ color conversions}
+%D {\def\RedGreenBlue{.1,.4,.6}\getbuffer[graphic]\getbuffer[result]\vskip6pt
+%D \def\RedGreenBlue{.1,.6,.4}\getbuffer[graphic]\getbuffer[result]\vskip6pt
+%D \def\RedGreenBlue{.4,.1,.6}\getbuffer[graphic]\getbuffer[result]\vskip6pt
+%D \def\RedGreenBlue{.4,.6,.1}\getbuffer[graphic]\getbuffer[result]\vskip6pt
+%D \def\RedGreenBlue{.6,.1,.4}\getbuffer[graphic]\getbuffer[result]\vskip6pt
+%D \def\RedGreenBlue{.6,.4,.1}\getbuffer[graphic]\getbuffer[result]}
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+%D \getbuffer
+%D By the way, when the \POSTSCRIPT\ file resulting from
+%D this input is converted into \PDF\ and viewed in Acrobat
+%D Reader, one can quite different colors from those
+%D displayed in \GHOSTSCRIPT, which view equals the
+%D \POSTSCRIPT\ originals.
+%D \macros
+%D {experimental}
+%D Some experimental macros:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \startMPdrawing
+%D \stopMPdrawing
+%D \pushMPdrawing
+%D \popMPdrawing
+%D \resetMPdrawing
+%D \ifMPdrawingdone
+%D \getMPdrawing
+%D \MPdivten[number]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D These macros are used in \PPCHTEX.
+\newif\ifMPdrawingdone \MPdrawingdonefalse
+\newif\ifMPshiftdrawing \MPshiftdrawingfalse
+ {\globallet\MPdrawingdata\empty
+ \global\MPdrawingdonefalse}
+% why global push/pop here?
+ {\globalpushmacro\MPdrawingdata
+ \globallet\MPdrawingdata\empty}
+ {\globalpopmacro\MPdrawingdata}
+ {\ifMPdrawingdone
+ \expandafter\startMPgraphic\MPdrawingdata\stopMPgraphic
+ \loadcurrentMPgraphic{}%
+ \deallocateMPslot\currentMPgraphic
+ \placeMPgraphic
+ \fi}
+ {\dosingleempty\dostartMPdrawing}
+ {\relax
+ \bgroup
+ \enableincludeMPgraphics
+ \presetMPdefinitions % in case #2 has measures
+ \doifelse{#1}{-}{\convertargument#2\to\asciia}{\long\def\asciia{#2}}%
+ \long\xdef\MPdrawingdata{\MPdrawingdata\asciia}%
+ \egroup}
+ {\@EA\@EA\@EA\doMPdivten\@EA\@EA\@EA[\@EA#1]}
+ {\ifnum#1> 9999 \dodoMPdivtenB#1\else
+ \ifnum#1> 999 \dodoMPdivtenC#1\else
+ \ifnum#1> 99 \dodoMPdivtenD#1\else
+ \ifnum#1> 9 \dodoMPdivtenE#1\else
+ \ifnum#1> 0 \dodoMPdivtenF#1\else
+ \ifnum#1<-9999 \dodoMPdivtenA#1\else
+ \ifnum#1< -999 \dodoMPdivtenB#1\else
+ \ifnum#1< -99 \dodoMPdivtenC#1\else
+ \ifnum#1< -9 \dodoMPdivtenD#1\else
+ \ifnum#1< 0 \dodoMPdivtenE#1\else
+ 0 \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi}
+\def\dodoMPdivtenB #1#2#3#4#5{#1#2#3#4.#5}
+\def\dodoMPdivtenC #1#2#3#4{#1#2#3.#4}
+\def\dodoMPdivtenD #1#2#3{#1#2.#3}
+\def\dodoMPdivtenE #1#2{#1.#2}
+\def\dodoMPdivtenF #1{.#1}
+% if we assume etex ... \def\MPdivten[#1]{\withoutpt\the\dimexpr#1pt/10\relax}
+%D \macros
+%D {startMPclip,grabMPclippath}
+%D We can use \METAPOST\ to calculate arbitrary clipping
+%D paths. Such a path is defined by (for instance):
+%D \starttyping
+%D \startMPclip{window}
+%D clip currentpicture to fullcircle xscaled \width yscaled \height ;
+%D \stopMPclip
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Such a path can be extracted (processed) by:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \grabMPclippath{window}{method}{width}{height}{default path}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Currently only method 1 makes sense; it produces \PDF\
+%D code. This macro only makes sense when hooked into a
+%D special routine.
+ {\blabelgroup
+ \long\setgvalue{MPC:#1}{\startMPgraphic#2\stopMPgraphic\dograbMPclippath}%
+ \elabelgroup}
+ {\blabelgroup
+ \edef\width {#3\space}\let\overlaywidth \width
+ \edef\height{#4\space}\let\overlayheight\height
+ \doifdefinedelse{MPC:#1}
+ {\getvalue{MPC:#1}%
+ \setxvalue{MPC:#1}{\noexpand\xdef\noexpand\MPclippath{\MPclippath}}}%
+ {\xdef\MPclippath{#5}}%
+ \ifcase#2\else % method 1 :
+ \doglobal\stripcharacter urveto\from\MPclippath\to\MPclippath
+ \doglobal\stripcharacter oveto\from\MPclippath\to\MPclippath
+ \doglobal\stripcharacter ineto\from\MPclippath\to\MPclippath
+ \fi
+ \elabelgroup}
+%D We pose some restrictions to the \METAPOST\ code and pickup
+%D the clip path from the file.
+%D We turn the slash into a comment. The \type {\hbox} grabs spaces
+%D and the \type {%} triggers the grabber. Next we filter the
+%D clipping path, or actually, the first path.
+% \bgroup
+% \catcode`\%=\@@active
+% \catcode`\/=\@@comment
+% \gdef\dograbMPclippath/
+% {\setbox\scratchbox=\hbox\bgroup/
+% \catcode`\%=\@@active
+% \obeylines\let\obeyedline\space
+% \def\do##1newpath##2closepath##3\od/
+% {\xdef\MPclippath{##2}\endinput}/
+% \def%##1%%EOF/
+% {\do##1newpathclosepath\od\endinput}/
+% \readfile{\MPgraphicfile.\the\currentMPgraphic}{}{}/
+% \deallocateMPslot\currentMPgraphic / new
+% \egroup}
+% \egroup
+ {\setbox\scratchbox=\hbox\bgroup/
+ \catcode`\%=\@@active
+ \obeylines\let\obeyedline\space
+ \def\do##1q n##2p W##3\od/
+ {\xdef\MPclippath{##2}\endinput}/
+ \def%##1%%EOF/
+ {\do##1q np W\od\endinput}/
+ \readfile{\MPgraphicfile.\the\currentMPgraphic}{}{}/
+ \ifx\MPclippath\empty
+ \def\do##1newpath##2closepath##3\od/
+ {\xdef\MPclippath{##2}\endinput}/
+ \def%##1%%EOF/
+ {\do##1newpathclosepath\od\endinput}/
+ \readfile{\MPgraphicfile.\the\currentMPgraphic}{}{}/
+ \fi
+ \deallocateMPslot\currentMPgraphic / new
+ \egroup}
+%D \macros
+%D {recycleMPslots}
+%D When coding and embedding many \METAPOST\ figures in a
+%D document, one can save quite some disk space by using
+%D \PDFTEX\ and setting the next switch:
+\newif\ifrecycleMPslots \recycleMPslotstrue
+%D When a graphic takes space in the text flow, we can run
+%D into deadlock typesetting. In the first pass, the graphic
+%D is not available, but in the second pass it is. The
+%D placeholder that was put there in the first pass in now
+%D replace by the real graphic and as a result the document
+%D shrinks or grows and pages are removed or added. This in
+%D turn can trigger generation of other graphics, like those
+%D in the background. Graphics start swapping place and again
+%D page breaks change. You can imagine the mess we en dup
+%D with.
+%D This is why we provide was to use a dedicate range if
+%D numbers for fixed graphcs. Such graphics will not en dup
+%D in the text flow (at least their dimensions don't
+%D contribute to the main vertical list, and thereby they
+%D cannot interfere. We use a rather safe maximum of 4000
+%D graphics here and 8000 in \type {meta-ini}.
+\newcount \maxnofMPgraphics \maxnofMPgraphics = 4000 % 8000
+\newcount \minnofMPgraphics \minnofMPgraphics = 1
+\newif \ifMPstaticgraphic \MPstaticgraphicfalse % determines slot allocation
+\def\locateMPslot#1% slightly faster on one slot, much faster on multiple slots
+ {\ifundefined{\number#1MP}% no \ifcsname
+ \letgvalueempty{\number#1MP}%
+ \expandafter\gobbletwoarguments
+ \else
+ \global\advance#1\plusone
+ \fi
+ \locateMPslot#1}
+ {\ifrunMPgraphics
+ \ifx\pdfliteral\undefined
+ \recycleMPslotsfalse % quite certainly not pdftex
+ \else\ifcase\pdfoutput
+ \recycleMPslotsfalse % dvi mode or not pdftex (we need to handle dvipdfmx)
+ \fi\fi
+ \else
+ \recycleMPslotsfalse
+ \fi
+ \ifrecycleMPslots
+ % \doloop % slow but used seldom
+ % {\doifundefined{\recurselevel MP}
+ % {\letgvalueempty{\recurselevel MP}%
+ % \global#1\recurselevel
+ % \exitloop}}%
+ \global#1\plusone
+ \locateMPslot#1%
+ % \message{[MP slot + \number#1]%
+ \else\ifMPstaticgraphic % beware not the same as static graphics
+ \global#1\maxnofMPgraphics
+ \global\advance\maxnofMPgraphics \minusone
+ \else
+ \global#1\minnofMPgraphics
+ \global\advance\minnofMPgraphics \plusone
+ \fi\fi
+ \ifnum\minnofMPgraphics<\maxnofMPgraphics \else
+ \writestatus\m!systems{increase \string\maxnofMPgraphics}%
+ \fi}
+ {\ifrunMPgraphics
+ \ifcase\pdfoutput \recycleMPslotsfalse \fi
+ \else
+ \recycleMPslotsfalse
+ \fi
+ \ifrecycleMPslots
+ \global\letbeundefined{\number#1MP}%
+ %\message{[MP slot - \number#1]}%
+ \fi}
+%D Experimental and overloaded later, since we need to be
+%D more clever due to \METAPOST's limit of 4~open files.
+ {mp-\the\currentMPgraphic.mpd}
+ {\input \MPdatafile\relax}
+%D \macros
+%D {MPtoks, MPbox}
+%D For convenience, we provide some scratch registers:
+\ifx\undefined\MPtoks \newtoks\MPtoks \fi
+\ifx\undefined\MPbox \newbox \MPbox \fi
+%D \macros
+%D {startMPcode}
+%D We can save some typing with:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \startMPcode whatever \stopMPcode
+%D \stoptyping
+%D this automatically places the graphic
+ {\begingroup
+ \obeyMPlines
+ \dostartMPcode}
+ {\startuseMPgraphic{@@}#1\stopuseMPgraphic
+ \useMPgraphic{@@}%
+ \endgroup}
+%D \macros
+%D {startstaticMPgraphic}
+%D Dedicated to Aditya Mahajan. See meta-ini for usage.
+% \long\def\startstaticMPgraphic#1#2\stopstaticMPgraphic
+% {\bgroup
+% \MPstaticgraphictrue
+% \setMPrandomseedfalse
+% \def\MPgraphicfile{#1}% no \jobname here
+% \let\allocateMPslot \gobbleoneargument
+% \let\deallocateMPslot\gobbleoneargument
+% \let\runMPgraphic \gobbleoneargument
+% \MPextensions\emptytoks
+% \MPinitializations\emptytoks
+% \runMPgraphicstrue
+% \MPwrapperfalse
+% \enableincludeMPgraphics
+% \def\sometxt##1{\string\sometxt{##1}}%
+% \currentMPgraphic\plusone % hack, else no close
+% \startMPgraphic#2\stopMPgraphic
+% \executeMPgraphicfile
+% \egroup}
+% different version, less messy hooked into the rest
+ {\blabelgroup
+ \def\MPgraphicfile{#1}% no \jobname here
+ \let\MPwrite\MPstaticwrite
+ \immediate\openout\MPwrite=\
+ \setMPrandomseedfalse
+ \enableincludeMPgraphics
+ \def\sometxt##1{\string\sometxt{##1}}%
+ \the\everyMPgraphic
+ \presetMPdefinitions
+ \theMPinclusions % brrr
+ \writeMPgraphic{\letterpercent mpenvironment: \the\everyMPTEXgraphic}%
+ \writeMPgraphic{beginfig(1);}%
+ \writeMPgraphic{#2}%
+ \writeMPgraphic{endfig; end.}%
+ \immediate\closeout\MPwrite
+ \executeMPgraphicfile
+ \elabelgroup}
+% this will go to meta-ini
+ {\ifx\installprogram\undefined
+ \expandafter\executesystemcommand
+ \else
+ \expandafter\installprogram
+ \fi}
+ {texmfstart --ifchanged=\ texexec --mpstatic \}
+ \def\executeMPgraphicfile
+ {\ifrunMPgraphics\@EA\executesystemcommand\else\@EA\delaysystemcommand\fi{\MPgraphicfilerunner}}
+ \def\executeMPgraphicfile{\doifmode{*\v!first}
+ {\ifrunMPgraphics\@EA\executesystemcommand\else\@EA\delaysystemcommand\fi{\MPgraphicfilerunner}}}
+%D Special for \XETEX\ (problem with newlines). This will go
+%D away once the version supporting \type {--8bit} is
+%D widespread.
+ \let\obeyMPlines\relax
+ \longMPlinesfalse % alas
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/supp-mrk.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/supp-mrk.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b9d476c2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/supp-mrk.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,591 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=supp-mrk,
+%D version=1995.10.10,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Support Macros,
+%D subtitle=Marks,
+%D author=Jim Fox / Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D Remark: due to the lack of \type {\clearmark}, the \ETEX\
+%D dedicated mechanism is not yet operational.
+%D This module has deverted so much from the original that I
+%D can probably rewrite it to a more efficient one now and
+%D I will do so.
+%D \BOXES, 16~in- and output buffers, but there is only one
+%D \MARK. In TugBoat~8 (1987, no~1) Jim Fox presents a set of
+%D macros that can be used to mimmick multiple marks. We
+%D gladly adopt them here. I may rewrite this module from
+%D scratch some day, since some low level \CONTEXT\ commands
+%D can be used.
+%D This module was changed on behalf of \ETEX. The main
+%D extension is that \type{\get..} and alike is used instead of
+%D direct calls. The \TEX\ based multiple marks needs to store
+%D the mark data but \ETEX\ uses a different approach.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Support Macros / Marks}
+%D We start with the presetting the interface macros.
+%D \starttabulate[|||]
+%D \NC \type{\getmarks} \NC sets the marks to their values \NC \NR
+%D \NC \type{\getallmarks} \NC sets all marks to their values \NC \NR
+%D \NC \type{\getsplitmarks} \NC sets the splitmarks to their values\NC \NR
+%D \NC \type{\getallsplitmarks} \NC sets all splitmarks to their values\NC \NR
+%D \NC \type{\setmarks} \NC synchronizes topmarks (\ETEX) \NC \NR
+%D \stoptabulate
+%D Later we will overload these, dependent of the brand of
+%D \TEX\ that we use.
+\let \getmarks \gobbleoneargument
+\let \getallmarks \relax
+\let \getsplitmarks \gobbleoneargument
+\let \getallsplitmarks \relax
+\let \setallmarks \relax
+\let \newmark \gobbleoneargument
+\let \newpersistentmark \gobbleoneargument
+\let \resetmark \gobbleoneargument
+\let \setmark \gobbletwoargument
+%D \macros
+%D {expandmarks}
+%D We can force expansion of marks with the following switch.
+\newif\ifexpandmarks \expandmarkstrue % hm, true indeed ?
+%D This implementation is more or less compatible with the
+%D other \type {\new} macros in \PLAIN\ \TEX. A mark is
+%D defined by:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \newmark\name
+%D \stoptyping
+%D and can be called upon with:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \gettopmark \name % or \topname
+%D \getbotmark \name % or \botname
+%D \getfirstmark\name % or \firstname
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The only drawback of his approach is that the marks must be
+%D preloaded in the output routine. This is accomplished by
+%D means of:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \getmarks\name
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The macros presented here are in most aspects copies of
+%D those presented by Jim Fox. We've taken the freedom to
+%D change a few things for more or less obvious reasons:
+%D \startitemize
+%D \item Because the original macros look quite complicated,
+%D which is mainly due to extensive use of
+%D \type{\expandafter}'s and \type{\csname}'s, we changed
+%D those in favor of \type{\getvalue}.
+%D \item To be more in line with the rest of \CONTEXT, we've
+%D changed some of the names of macros.
+%D \item Because we are already short on \COUNTERS\ we use
+%D macros when possible.
+%D \item We maintain a list of defined marks and use one
+%D call for getting them all at once.
+%D \item We have extended the mechanism to splitmarks (not
+%D perfected yet).
+%D \item We've introduced optional expansion of the contents
+%D of marks.
+%D \stopitemize
+%D Whatever changes we've made, the credits still go to Jim,
+%D whatever goes wrong is due to me. The method is described
+%D in the TugBoat mentioned before, so we won't go into
+%D details. All marks belonging to a group are packed in a
+%D list. In this list they are preceded by a macro that can
+%D be defined at will and a number concerning the position at
+%D which it was defined.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\somelist{... \domark5{this} ... \domark31{that} ...}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The original \type{\mark} keeps track of the number and
+%D \type{\topmark} and \type{\botmark} are used to extract the
+%D actual marks from the list. The counting is done by
+%D \starttyping
+%D \currentmarker
+%D \stoptyping
+%D In \CONTEXT\ we use the mark mechanism to keep track of
+%D colors. In a complicated documents with many colors per
+%D page, \type{\currentmarker} can therefore get pretty high.
+%D (Well, this is not completely true, because we don't
+%D always have to use marks.)
+%D The original implementation used a few more \COUNTERS. Two
+%D have been substituted by macros, one has been replaced by
+%D our scratch counter.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \newcount\topmarker
+%D \newcount\botmarker
+%D \newcount\foundmarker
+%D \stoptyping
+%D We've also introduced some constants, one for the lists and
+%D three for composing the mark commands.
+\def\@@marklist@@ {*m*} % {marklist}
+\def\@@marktop@@ {*t*} % {top}
+\def\@@markbot@@ {*b*} % {bot}
+\def\@@markfirst@@ {*f*} % {first}
+\def\@@markcurrent@@ {*c*} % {current}
+%D The next one is new too. All defined marks are packed in a
+%D comma seperated list. This could of course have been a token
+%D list but \CONTEXT\ has some preference for comma lists.
+%D The next macro replaces the multiple step expansion and
+%D command name constructors of Jim. This alternative leads to
+%D a more readable source (we hope).
+\def\makemarknames#1% kan genest werken
+ {\bgroup
+ \escapechar=-1
+ \xdef\markname{\string#1}%
+ \xdef\marklist{\@@marklist@@\markname}%
+ \egroup}
+%D \macros
+%D {newmark,resetmark}
+%D A mark is defined by \type{\newmark}. At the same time,
+%D the name of the mark is added to a commalist. The
+%D three initializations were not in the original design, but
+%D make calls from outside the output routine a bit more
+%D robust.
+\let\domark\relax % saves a restore on the stack
+ {\bgroup
+ \makemarknames{#1}%
+ #2%
+ \letgvalueempty{\@@markcurrent@@\markname}%
+ \letgvalueempty{\@@marktop@@ \markname}%
+ \letgvalueempty{\@@markfirst@@ \markname}%
+ \letgvalueempty{\@@markbot@@ \markname}%
+ \setgvalue{\marklist}{\domark0{}}% beware of halfway definitions
+ \long\gdef#1{\addmarker#1}%
+ \egroup}
+ {\definenewmark#1{\doglobal\addtocommalist\markname\allmarks}}
+%D Don't ask me, but sometimes we need more control over
+%D updating the marks, thereby we have:
+\def\newpersistentmark#1% for an example see core-grd.tex
+ {\definenewmark#1\relax}
+\let\setmark \empty
+%D Some more natural interfacing macros:
+\def\getcurrentmark #1{\getvalue{\@@markcurrent@@\strippedcsname#1}}
+\def\gettopmark #1{\getvalue{\@@marktop@@ \strippedcsname#1}}
+\def\getbottommark #1{\getvalue{\@@markbot@@ \strippedcsname#1}}
+\def\getfirstmark #1{\getvalue{\@@markfirst@@ \strippedcsname#1}}
+\def\getsplitbottommark#1{\getvalue{\@@markbot@@ \strippedcsname#1}}
+\def\getsplitfirstmark #1{\getvalue{\@@markfirst@@ \strippedcsname#1}}
+%D \macros
+%D {setmark}
+%D Setting a new mark and adding a mark to the designated
+%D list is done by \type{\addmarker}. This is an internal
+%D command, the user set a marks bij calling it's name:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \setmark\mymark{some text} % or \mymark{some text}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Where \type{\mymark} is previously defined by
+%D \type{\newmark}.
+ {\bgroup
+ \makemarknames{#1}%
+ \setgvalue{\@@markcurrent@@\markname}{#2}%
+ \global\advance\currentmarker \plusone
+ \normalmark{\the\currentmarker}%
+ \!!toksa\@EA\@EA\@EA{\csname\marklist\endcsname}%
+ \ifexpandmarks
+ \setxvalue\marklist
+ {\the\!!toksa
+ \noexpand\domark
+ \the\currentmarker{#2}}%
+ \else
+ \!!toksb\@EA{#2}% one level, why ? handy for cs
+ \setxvalue\marklist
+ {\the\!!toksa
+ \noexpand\domark
+ \the\currentmarker{\the\!!toksb}}%
+ \fi
+ \egroup}
+%D \macros
+%D {getmarks,getallmarks,
+%D getsplitmarks,getallsplitmarks}
+%D In fact, marks make only sense in the output routine. Marks
+%D are derived from their list by means of \type{\getmarks}.
+%D Only one call per mark is permitted in the output routine.
+%D Therefore, it's far more easy to get them all at once, by
+%D means of \type{\getallmarks}, which is not part of the
+%D original design.
+%D This grabbing is done by processing the list using the
+%D embedded \type{\domark} macros. When a relevant mark is
+%D found, this macro is reassigned and from then on serves
+%D in building the new list.
+% Hm, resetting \!!toksa got lost and took me a half a day to
+% trace down ([] showed up in the pagebody); I really have
+% to clean up this messy module (write it from scratch).
+\newif\ifnofirstmarker % an auxiliary switch
+ {\bgroup
+ \makemarknames{#1}%
+ \edef\topmarker{0\normaltopmark}%
+ \edef\botmarker{0\normalbotmark}%
+ \!!toksa\emptytoks
+ \!!toksb\emptytoks
+ \nofirstmarkertrue
+ % does more worse than good
+ \let\fi\relax
+ \let\or\relax
+ \let\else\relax
+ %
+ \let\domark\doscanmarks
+ \getvalue\marklist\lastmark
+ %\message{markstatus : [\the\!!toksa\the\!!toksb\the\!!toksc]}%
+ \long\setxvalue\marklist{\the\!!toksa\the\!!toksb\the\!!toksc}%
+ \egroup}
+ {\bgroup
+ \makemarknames{#1}%
+ % \@EA\let\@EA\savedmarklist\@EA\csname\marklist\endcsname
+ \edef\topmarker{0\normalsplitfirstmark}%
+ \edef\botmarker{0\normalsplitbotmark}%
+ \!!toksa\emptytoks
+ \!!toksb\emptytoks
+ \nofirstmarkertrue
+ % does more worse than good
+ \let\fi\relax
+ \let\or\relax
+ \let\else\relax
+ %
+ \let\domark\doscanmarks
+ \getvalue\marklist\lastmark
+ % \global\@EA\let\csname\marklist\endcsname\savedmarklist
+ \egroup}
+\def\getallmarks {\processcommacommand[\allmarks]\getmarks}
+\def\getallmarks {\@EA\processcommalist\@EA[\allmarks]\getmarks}
+ {\ifnum\scratchcounter>\topmarker\relax
+ \normalelse
+ \long\setgvalue{\@@marktop@@\markname}{#1}%
+ \normalfi
+ \ifnum\scratchcounter>\botmarker\relax
+ \let\domark\dorecovermarks
+ \!!toksb\@EA{\@EA\domark\the\scratchcounter{#1}}%
+ \normalelse
+ \ifnofirstmarker
+ \long\setgvalue{\@@markfirst@@\markname}{#1}%
+ \ifnum\scratchcounter>\topmarker\relax
+ \nofirstmarkerfalse
+ \normalfi
+ \normalfi
+ \long\setgvalue{\@@markbot@@\markname}{#1}%
+ \!!toksa\@EA{\@EA\domark\the\scratchcounter{#1}}%
+ \normalfi}
+ {\afterassignment\dodoscanmarks\scratchcounter=}
+\long\def\dorecovermarks#1\lastmark% nice trick
+ {\!!toksc{\domark#1}}
+\def\lastmark% rest of trick
+ {\!!toksc\emptytoks}
+%D The \ETEX\ way of doing things \unknown
+\beginETEX \marks cum suis
+\newtoks \listofmarks
+%D We will use two state variables per mark, one to signal
+%D that a new mark value is set, and one to trigger (on the
+%D next page) the setting of the top mark.
+\def\checkedtopmarks #1{\csname\@@trk\string#1\endcsname}
+\def\checkedbotmarks #1{\csname\@@brk\string#1\endcsname}
+\def\thecurrentmarks #1{\csname\@@crk\string#1\endcsname}
+ {%\writestatus{marks}{setting \string#1}\wait
+ \global\@EA\chardef\csname\@@mrk\string#1\endcsname\plusone
+ %\@EA\normalmarks\csname\@@prk\string#1\endcsname{1}%
+ \@EA\normalmarks\csname\@@prk\string#1\endcsname{\realfolio}%
+ \ifexpandmarks\@EA\setexpandedmark\else\@EA\setnormalmark\fi#1}
+\def\setexpandedmark#1#2% % marks expand anyway
+ {\@EA\xdef\csname\@@crk\string#1\endcsname{#2}%
+ \normalmarks#1{#2}}
+\def\setnormalmark#1#2% using a tok prevents unwanted expansion in mark
+ {\begingroup % don't ask why, but grouping is needed
+ \scratchtoks{#2}% in order to to mess up scratchtoks
+ \@EA\xdef\csname\@@crk\string#1\endcsname{\the\scratchtoks}%
+ \normalmarks#1{\the\scratchtoks}% one level expansion
+ \endgroup}
+ {%\writestatus{marks}{checking \string#1}\wait
+ \ifcase\csname\@@mrk\string#1\endcsname\else\dochecktopmark#1\fi}
+% {\ifcase0\@EA\normalfirstmarks\csname\@@prk\string#1\endcsname\else
+% \@EA\ifx\csname\@@frk\string#1\endcsname\empty
+% \@EA\gdef\csname\@@frk\string#1\endcsname{\normalfirstmarks#1}%
+% \@EA\gdef\csname\@@brk\string#1\endcsname{\normalbotmarks #1}%
+% \else
+% \@EA\gdef\csname\@@trk\string#1\endcsname{\normaltopmarks #1}%
+% \global\@EA\chardef\csname\@@mrk\string#1\endcsname\zerocount
+% \fi
+% \fi}
+ {\ifx*\@EA\normalfirstmarks\csname\@@prk\string#1\endcsname*\else
+ \@EA\ifx\csname\@@frk\string#1\endcsname\empty
+ \@EA\gdef\csname\@@frk\string#1\endcsname{\normalfirstmarks#1}%
+ \@EA\gdef\csname\@@brk\string#1\endcsname{\normalbotmarks #1}%
+ \else
+ \@EA\gdef\csname\@@trk\string#1\endcsname{\normaltopmarks #1}%
+ \global\@EA\chardef\csname\@@mrk\string#1\endcsname\zerocount
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+%\def\resetmark#1% we cannot use \normalmarks#1{}
+% {\global\@EA\chardef\csname\@@mrk\string#1\endcsname\zerocount
+% \@EA\normalmarks\csname\@@prk\string#1\endcsname{0}%
+% \global\@EA\let\csname\@@trk\string#1\endcsname\empty
+% \global\@EA\let\csname\@@frk\string#1\endcsname\empty
+% \global\@EA\let\csname\@@brk\string#1\endcsname\empty
+% \global\@EA\let\csname\@@crk\string#1\endcsname\empty}
+\def\resetmark#1% we cannot use \normalmarks#1{}
+ {\global\@EA\chardef\csname\@@mrk\string#1\endcsname\zerocount
+ \@EA\normalmarks\csname\@@prk\string#1\endcsname{}% {0}%
+ \global\@EA\let\csname\@@trk\string#1\endcsname\empty
+ \global\@EA\let\csname\@@frk\string#1\endcsname\empty
+ \global\@EA\let\csname\@@brk\string#1\endcsname\empty
+ \global\@EA\let\csname\@@crk\string#1\endcsname\empty}
+ {\ifcsname\@@prk\string#1\endcsname\else % this is etex -)
+ \newmarks#1\doglobal\appendtoks\checktopmark#1\to\listofmarks
+ \@EA\newmarks\csname\@@prk\string#1\endcsname % status mark
+ \fi
+ \global\@EA\mathchardef\csname\@@mrk\string#1\endcsname\zerocount
+ \global\@EA\let\csname\@@crk\string#1\endcsname\empty
+ \@EA\gdef\csname\@@trk\string#1\endcsname{\normaltopmarks #1}%
+ \@EA\gdef\csname\@@frk\string#1\endcsname{\normalfirstmarks#1}%
+ \@EA\gdef\csname\@@brk\string#1\endcsname{\normalbotmarks #1}}
+\let \newmark \definenewmark
+\let \newpersistentmark \newmarks % \definenewmark
+\let \normalsetmark \setmark
+\def\getallmarks{\the\listofmarks} % \def\setallmarks{\the\listofmarks}
+%D In \type {page-ini} or \type {core-mar} we should say:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \appendtoks \getallmarks \to \everybeforepagebody
+%D \appendtoks \setallmarks \to \everyafterpagebody
+%D \stoptyping
+\let\getcurrentmark \thecurrentmarks
+\let\gettopmark \checkedtopmarks
+\let\getbottommark \checkedbotmarks % \normalbotmarks
+\let\getfirstmark \checkedfirstmarks % \normalfirstmarks
+\let\getsplitbottommark \normalsplitbotmarks
+\let\getsplitfirstmark \normalsplitfirstmarks
+\let\getbotmark \getbottommark
+\let\getsplitbotmark \normalsplitbotmarks
+\let\getsplittopmark \normalsplitfirstmarks
+%D A couple of goodies:
+\let\getbotmark \getbottommark
+%D \macros
+%D {noninterferingmarks}
+%D Marks can interfere badly with for instance postprocessing
+%D paragraphs, for instance when we want to grab the last box
+%D using \type {\lastbox}, when at the same time using colors.
+ {\ifhmode\prewordbreak\hbox\fi{\normalsetmark{#1}{#2}}}
+ {\let\noninterferingmarks\relax
+ \let\setmark\noninterferingsetmark}
+%D This macro is for instance used in the inline headings
+%D postprocessing, as needed when we want to make those
+%D clickable.
+%D Right from the beginning, \CONTEXT\ supported more than one
+%D mark, using an extended version of Jim Fox multiple mark
+%D mechanism. In \ETEX\ we can however directly access more
+%D marks than we will ever need.
+%D Resetting marks in not compatible with the old method.
+%D Here a node is inserted, which can interfere badly. In
+%D fact, a real \type {\clearmarks\name} is needed.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\resetmark#1{\marks#1{}}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D A possible macro solution is presented here. When discussing
+%D \type {\clearmarks} on the \ETEX\ discussion list, Chris
+%D Rowley suggested to use a reset flag. Unfortunately this
+%D is not enough since we need to keep track of both set and
+%D reset state then. This means that we must postpone resetting
+%D to the page following the set, and as a result we need
+%D another auxiliary macro. The current solution is the best
+%D I could come up with so far, especially given that we
+%D need a fast mechanism.
+%D For those who want to know the story behind resetting
+%D marks, here are some examples of interference
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \setbox0=\vbox{test}
+%D \unvbox0\setbox0=\lastbox
+%D \ruledhbox{\unhbox0}
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer\blank\getbuffer\blank
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \setbox0=\vbox{test\normalmark{}}
+%D \unvbox0\setbox0=\lastbox
+%D \ruledhbox{\unhbox0}
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer\blank\getbuffer\blank
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \setbox0=\vbox{test\hbox{\normalmark{}}}
+%D \unvbox0\setbox0=\lastbox
+%D \ruledhbox{\unhbox0}
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer\blank\getbuffer\blank
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \setbox0=\vbox{test\vbox{\normalmark{}}}
+%D \unvbox0\setbox0=\lastbox
+%D \ruledhbox{\unhbox0}
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer\blank\getbuffer\blank
+%D One final advice. Use marks with care. When used in globally
+%D assigned boxes, the list can grow quite big, and processing
+%D can slow down considerably. This drawback is removed in
+%D \ETEX\ mode.
+\let\rawnewmark \newmark
+\let\rawdefinemark \newmark
+\let\rawsetmark \setmark
+\let\rawgettopmark \gettopmark
+\let\rawgetfirstmark \getfirstmark
+\let\rawgetbotmark \getbotmark
+\let\rawgetsplitbotmark \normalsplitbotmark
+\let\rawgetsplittopmark \normalsplitfirstmark
+\let\rawnewmark \newmarks
+\let\rawdefinemark \newmarks
+\let\rawsetmark \normalmarks
+\let\rawgettopmark \normaltopmarks
+\let\rawgetfirstmark \normalfirstmarks
+\let\rawgetbotmark \normalbotmarks
+\let\rawgetsplitbotmark \normalsplitbotmarks
+\let\rawgetsplittopmark \normalsplitfirstmarks
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/supp-num.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/supp-num.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5e35a20b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/supp-num.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,422 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=supp-num,
+%D version=1998.05.15,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Support Macros,
+%D subtitle=Numbers,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Support Macros / Numbers}
+%D \macros
+%D {digits, setdigitmode, setdigitsign}
+%D Depending on the digit mode the command \type {\digits}
+%D normalizes number patterns depending on the language set.
+%D \starttyping
+%D This will never be a \digits{1.000.000} seller.
+%D \stoptyping
+%D or
+%D \starttyping
+%D I will never grow longer than \digits 1.86 \Meter.
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The different modes are shown in:
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \setdigitmode 1 \digits 12.345,90 \digits 12.345.000 \digits 1,23
+%D \setdigitmode 2 \digits 12.345,90 \digits 12.345.000 \digits 1,23
+%D \setdigitmode 3 \digits 12.345,90 \digits 12.345.000 \digits 1,23
+%D \setdigitmode 4 \digits 12.345,90 \digits 12.345.000 \digits 1,23
+%D \setdigitmode 5 \digits 12.345,90 \digits 12.345.000 \digits 1,23
+%D \setdigitmode 6 \digits 12.345,90 \digits 12.345.000 \digits 1,23
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+%D This is typset as:
+%D \startlines
+%D \getbuffer
+%D \stoplines
+%D The sign can be typeset as is or within the space of a
+%D digit.
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \setdigitsign 0 \digits +12.345,90
+%D \setdigitmode 1 \digits +12.345,90
+%D \setdigitmode 2 \digits +12.345,90
+%D \setdigitmode 3 \digits +12.345,90
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+%D This is typset as:
+%D \startlines
+%D \getbuffer
+%D \stoplines
+\chardef\digitoutputmode=1 % 0..6
+\chardef\digitsignmode =0 % 0..3
+%D The digit modes are:
+%D \startitemize[packed]
+%D \item periods \& comma
+%D \item commas \& period
+%D \item thinmuskips \& comma
+%D \item thinmuskips \& period
+%D \item thickmuskips \& comma
+%D \item thickmuskips \& period
+%D \stopitemize
+\let\collecteddigits \empty \chardef\digitinputmode =1
+\let\saveddigits \empty \chardef\skipdigit =0
+\let\savedpowerdigits\empty \chardef\powerdigits =0
+%D The first stage of the \type {\digit} macro takes care of
+%D the grouped call, the other branch handles the fuzzy
+%D delimited calls.
+\ifx\mbox\undefined \let\mbox\normalhbox \fi
+% \unexpanded\def\digits
+% {\bgroup\let~@\doifnextbgroupelse\dodigits\grabdigit}
+ {\bgroup
+ \let~@%
+ \doifnextbgroupelse\dodigits{\doifnextcharelse\normalmathshift\domathdigits\grabdigit}}
+ {\grabdigit#1\relax}
+ {\mbox{\grabdigit#1\relax}} % adding $ $ goes wrong in tabulate
+ {\futurelet\next\scandigit}
+%D Watch the test for \type {\nextobeyedline}, because the
+%D endofline token can be \type {\def'd}, not \type {\let}'d,
+%D we need to do an indirect test (see \type {verb-ini.tex})
+%D for details.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def ^^M{\obeyedline}
+%D \def\nextbeyedline{\obeyedline}
+%D \stoptyping
+\ifx\normalmathshift\undefined \let\normalmathshift=$ \fi
+ {\ifx\next\blankspace
+ \let\next\handledigits
+ \else\ifx\next\nextobeyedline % the indirect one
+ \let\next\handledigits
+ \else\ifx\next\bgroup
+ \let\next\handledigits
+ \else\ifx\next\egroup
+ \let\next\handledigits
+ \else\ifx\next\normalmathshift
+ \let\next\handledigits
+ \else
+ \let\next\collectdigit
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi
+ \next}
+%D We store the power||of||ten (to be signaled by \type {^},
+%D \type {e} or~\type {E}) in a seperate macro so that we can
+%D typeset it in superscript. The space placeholders are
+%D replaced by a \type {@}.
+ {\edef#1{#1\saveddigits#2}\let\saveddigits\empty}
+ {\ifx#1~%
+ \savedigit\collecteddigits @%
+ \else\if#1_%
+ \savedigit\collecteddigits @%
+ \else\if\noexpand#1\relax
+ \let\grabdigit\handledigits
+ \else\ifcase\powerdigits
+ \if#1E%
+ \chardef\powerdigits\plusone
+ \else\if#1e%
+ \chardef\powerdigits\plusone
+ \else\if#1^%
+ \chardef\powerdigits\plusone
+ \else
+ \savedigit\collecteddigits#1%
+ %\doifnumberelse{#1}
+ % {\savedigit\collecteddigits#1}
+ % {\def\saveddigits{#1}}%
+ \fi\fi\fi
+ \else
+ \savedigit\savedpowerdigits#1%
+ %\doifnumberelse{#1}
+ % {\savedigit\savedpowerdigits#1}
+ % {\def\saveddigits{#1}}%
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi
+ \grabdigit}
+ {%\ifcase\powerdigits
+ % \edef\collecteddigits{\collecteddigits\saveddigits}%
+ %\else
+ % \edef\savedpowerdigits{\savedpowerdigits\saveddigits}%
+ %\fi
+ \ifmmode
+ \handlemathdigits{\dohandledigits}%
+ \else
+ \dontleavehmode\hbox{\handletextdigits{\dohandledigits}}%
+ \fi
+ \egroup}
+%D Although we could do with one pass, a second pass for
+%D handling the stored sequence is more readable.
+ \def\dohandledigits
+ {\mathcode`\,="002C \mathcode`\.="002E % pretty hard coded
+ \expandafter\handletokens\collecteddigits\with\scandigits
+ \ifcase\powerdigits\else\digitpowerseparator^{\savedpowerdigits}\fi}
+ \chardef\mathaxisfontid\zerocount
+ \def\dohandledigits
+ {\mathcode`\,="013B \mathcode`\.="013A % pretty hard coded
+ \expandafter\handletokens\collecteddigits\with\scandigits
+ \ifcase\powerdigits\else\digitpowerseparator^{\savedpowerdigits}\fi}
+ \chardef\mathaxisfontid\plustwo
+ {\ifcase\skipdigit\@EA\hbox\else\@EA\hphantom\fi\bgroup
+ \mathematics % brr, needed because of stored punctuation
+ {\ifnum\digitinputmode=#1\relax
+ \ifcase\digitoutputmode
+ \or .%
+ \or ,%
+ \or \mskip\thinmuskip
+ \or \mskip\thinmuskip
+ \or \mskip\thickmuskip
+ \or \mskip\thickmuskip
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \ifodd\digitoutputmode,\else.\fi
+ \fi}%
+ \egroup}
+%D The signs can be made smaller and sqeezed into the width
+%D of a digit. Watch the \type {\mathaxisheight} trickery (this
+%D font related register stored the math axis).
+% 0,=
+% 0,== second = results in delta(00,=)
+% 0,- is invalid, should be =
+% 0,-- is invalid, should be ==
+ {\digitsgn\zeroamount
+ \def\digitzeroamount
+ {\hphantom
+ {00\setbox\scratchbox\hbox{$\zeroamount$}%
+ \hskip-\wd\scratchbox}%
+ \let\digitzeroamount\empty}}
+ {\if#1.\digitsep1\else
+ \if#1,\digitsep2\else
+ \if#1@\digitnop \else
+ \if#1_\digitnop \else
+ \if#1/\digitsgn{\hphantom{+}}\chardef\skipdigit0\else
+ \if#1-\ifcase\skipdigit\digitsgn-\else
+ \box\digitsepbox\digitzeroamount \fi\chardef\skipdigit0\else
+ \if#1+\digitsgn+\chardef\skipdigit0\else
+ \if#1=\box\digitsepbox\digitzeroamount \chardef\skipdigit0\else
+ \if#1s\digitsgn{\hphantom{\positive}}\chardef\skipdigit0\else
+ \if#1p\digitsgn\positive\chardef\skipdigit0\else
+ \if#1m\digitsgn\negative\chardef\skipdigit0\else
+ \if#1n\digitsgn\negative\chardef\skipdigit0\else
+ \box\digitsepbox #1\chardef\skipdigit0\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi}
+\newbox\digitsepbox \chardef\autodigitmode=1
+ {\ifcase\autodigitmode
+ \doscandigit#1%
+ \else
+ \setbox\digitsepbox\hbox{\doscandigit#1}%
+ \fi
+ \chardef\skipdigit0\relax}
+% strange, does not work
+% \def\digitnop
+% {\hphantom{\box\digitsepbox}%
+% \hphantom{0}\chardef\skipdigit1\relax}
+% while this works
+ {\hbox{\hphantom{\box\digitsepbox}}%
+ \hphantom{0}\chardef\skipdigit1\relax}
+% but this doesn't
+% \def\digitnop
+% {\hphantom{\box\digitsepbox0}%
+% \chardef\skipdigit1\relax}
+ {\ifcase\digitsignmode#1\else
+ \hbox
+ {\setbox\scratchbox\hbox{0}%
+ \scratchdimen\mathaxisheight\textfont\mathaxisfontid
+ \def\digitsgn##1##2%
+ {\advance\scratchdimen-\mathaxisheight##1\mathaxisfontid
+ \raise\scratchdimen
+ \hbox to \wd\scratchbox{\hss$##2#1$\hss}}%
+ \ifcase\digitsignmode\or
+ \digitsgn\textfont \textstyle \or
+ \digitsgn\scriptfont \scriptstyle \or
+ \digitsgn\scriptscriptfont\scriptscriptstyle\fi}%
+ \fi}
+\ifx\undefined\zeroamount \def\zeroamount{-} \fi
+\ifx\undefined\positive \def\positive {+} \fi
+\ifx\undefined\negative \def\negative {-} \fi
+%D The digit parser handles a bunch of special characters as
+%D well as different formats. We strongly suggest you to use
+%D the grouped call.
+%D \starttabulate[|l|l|l|]
+%D \NC \type{.} \NC , . \NC comma or period \NC \NR
+%D \NC \type{,} \NC , . \NC comma or period \NC \NR
+%D \NC \type{@} \NC \NC invisible space \NC \NR
+%D \NC \type{_} \NC \NC invisible space \NC \NR
+%D \NC \type{/} \NC \NC invisible sign \NC \NR
+%D \NC \type{-} \NC $-$ \NC minus sign \NC \NR
+%D \NC \type{+} \NC $+$ \NC plus sign \NC \NR
+%D \NC \type{s} \NC \NC invisible high sign \NC \NR
+%D \NC \type{p} \NC $\positive$ \NC high plus sign \NC \NR
+%D \NC \type{m} \NC $\negative$ \NC high minus sign \NC \NR
+%D \NC \type{n} \NC $\negative$ \NC high minus (negative) sign \NC \NR
+%D \NC \type{=} \NC $\zeroamount$ \NC zero padding \NC \NR
+%D \stoptabulate
+%D These triggers are used in the following examples.
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \digits 12
+%D \digits{~~~.~~~.~~~.68.712,34}
+%D \digits ~~~.~~~.~~~.68.712,34
+%D \digits ___.___.111.68.712,34
+%D \digits,34
+%D \digits 12.345,90
+%D \digits 12.345.000
+%D \digits 12,34
+%D \digits{392.857.230.68.712,34}
+%D {\digits1234}
+%D \digits{1234}
+%D \digits 1234\relax
+%D $\digits 123.222,00$
+%D \digits 123.222,00
+%D \digits 123.222,==
+%D \digits 123.222,00^10
+%D \digits 123.222,00e10
+%D \digits /123.222,00e-12
+%D \digits -123.222,00e-12
+%D \digits +123.222,00e-12
+%D \digits n123.222,00e-12
+%D \digits s123.222,00e-12
+%D \digits p123.222,00e-12
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+%D \startlines
+%D \getbuffer
+%D \stoplines
+%D \macros
+%D {Digits}
+%D We also permit:
+%D These macros are complicated by the fact that we also
+%D have to support cases like:
+%D \starttyping
+%D {\digits1234}
+%D \digits{1234}
+%D \digits 1234\whatever
+%D $\digits 123.222,00$
+%D \digits 123.222,00.
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The latter case shows us that trailing non digits are to
+%D be passed untreated.
+%D Another interesting case is:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \digits 123.222,00^10
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The separator is defined as:
+% \def\digitpowerseparator%
+% {\cdot10} % {\times10}
+ {\ifx\collecteddigits\empty\else\cdot\fi10}
+%D \macros
+%D {digittemplate}
+%D Users can specify the way they enter those digits by saying
+%D something like:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \digittemplate 12.000.000,00 % \digittemplate .,
+%D \stoptyping
+\def\digittemplate #1 %
+ {\chardef\digitinputmode\zerocount
+ \handletokens#1\with\scandigittemplate}
+ {\if #1.\ifcase\digitinputmode\chardef\digitinputmode\plusone \fi% period
+ \else\if#1,\ifcase\digitinputmode\chardef\digitinputmode\plustwo \fi% comma
+ \fi\fi}
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/supp-pat.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/supp-pat.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..425eae215
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/supp-pat.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=supp-pat,
+%D version=2005.02.12,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Support Macros,
+%D subtitle=Patterns,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D We support:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \patterns {
+%D ...[namedglyphs]...
+%D }
+%D \stoptyping
+%D as well as:
+%D \starttyping
+%D <patterns>
+%D ...&namedglyphs;...
+%D </patterns>
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The \XML\ variant has very limited \XML\ parsing capabilities and
+%D is meant as an experiment.
+\ifx\writestatus\undefined \else
+ \writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Support Macros / Patterns}
+\ifx\startmapping\undefined \else \ifx\startencoding\undefined \else
+ \def\fetchpatterntoken#1{\csname#1\endcsname}
+\fi \fi
+%D First we define the \ETEX\ variant. We cannot do that inside
+%D the if statement because normal \TEX\ gets confused over the
+%D csname test (which it does not see as if but it does see the
+%D else's and fi's).
+ {\csname
+ \ifcsname @pattok@#1\endcsname
+ @pattok@#1%
+ \else\ifcsname#1\endcsname
+ #1%
+ \else
+ @pattok@default%
+ \fi\fi
+ \endcsname}
+\ifx \fetchpatterntoken \undefined
+ \ifx \eTeXversion \undefined
+ \def\fetchpatterntoken#1%
+ {\csname
+ \expandafter\ifx\csname @pattok@#1\endcsname\relax
+ \expandafter\ifx\csname#1\endcsname\relax
+ @pattok@default%
+ \else
+ #1%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ @pattok@#1%
+ \fi
+ \endcsname}
+ \else
+ \let\fetchpatterntoken\etexfetchpatterntoken
+ \fi
+\def\definepatterntoken #1 #2 %
+ {\expandafter\def\csname @pattok@#1\endcsname{#2}}
+%D \TEX\ based:
+\bgroup \catcode`\[=\active
+ \gdef\enablepatterntokens
+ {\catcode`\[=\active \let[\handlepatterntoken}
+ {\fetchpatterntoken{#1}}
+%D \XML\ based:
+\bgroup \catcode`\<=\active \catcode`\&=\active
+ \gdef\enablepatternxml
+ {\catcode`\<=\active
+ \catcode`\&=\active
+ \let&\handlepatternentity
+ \let<\handlepatternxml}
+ {\fetchpatterntoken{#1}}
+%D We use a very simple \XML\ parser, and we only trigger on the first
+%D two characters of the tag name. Consider this feature a playground
+%D (and a bit of a joke).
+\def\handlepatternxml#1#2% we only distinguish the first two chars
+ {\csname @patxml@\ifcsname @patxml@#1#2\endcsname#1#2\else de\fi\endcsname}
+\def\definepatternxml #1#2#3 #4%
+ {\expandafter\def\csname @patxml@#1#2\endcsname{#4}}
+ {\bgroup
+ \long\def\next##1>{\egroup}%
+ \catcode`\<=2 % \@@endgroup
+ \afterassignment\next
+ #1\bgroup}
+ {\bgroup
+ \catcode`\%=11
+ \dogobblepatternxml}
+ {\egroup}
+%D Here are the default definitions. We don't catch empty elements.
+\definepatternxml patterns {\fetchpatternxml\patterns}
+\definepatternxml hyphenations {\fetchpatternxml\hyphenation}
+\definepatternxml pattern {\fetchpatternxml\patterns}
+\definepatternxml hyphenation {\fetchpatternxml\hyphenation}
+\definepatternxml default {\gobblepatternxml}
+\definepatterntoken default x
+\ifx\pattern \undefined \let\pattern \patterns \fi
+\ifx\hyphenations\undefined \let\hyphenations\hyphenation \fi
+%D An example of usage in another format than \CONTEXT:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \bgroup
+%D \lccode"E4="E4 \definepatterntoken adiaeresis ^^e4
+%D \lccode"F6="F6 \definepatterntoken odiaeresis ^^f6
+%D \lccode"FC="FC \definepatterntoken ediaeresis ^^fc
+%D \lccode"FF="FF \definepatterntoken ssharp ^^ff
+%D \enablepatterntokens
+%D \enablepatternxml
+%D \input lang-de.pat
+%D \input lang-de.hyp
+%D \egroup
+%D \stoptyping
+%D This is a minimal example for EC encoding, and of course
+%D a couple of more language related settings need to take
+%D place (like uc mappings).
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/supp-pdf.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/supp-pdf.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4dd2db776
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/supp-pdf.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,2187 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=supp-pdf,
+%D version=2006.09.02, % 2004.12.16,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Support Macros,
+%D subtitle=\METAPOST\ to \PDF\ conversion,
+%D author=Hans Hagen \& others (see text),
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+ \immediate\write16{[Loading MPS to PDF converter (version 2006.09.02).]}
+ \writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Support Macros / PDF}
+%D This module is not optimized because it is used outside
+%D \CONTEXT\ and we cannot forsee what interference will take
+%D place. We no longer load supp-mis. I got too tired of
+%D keeping track of interferences with non \CONTEXT\ usage so
+%D I moved the necessary code in here and use a derived version
+%D in \CONTEXT. When I have the time I will clean up some of the
+%D code that is of no use for non||\CONTEXT\ users.
+ \chardef\mptopdfstoredatcode\catcode`\@
+ \catcode\string`@=11
+ \def\unprotect
+ {\let\@@mpstopdf@@unprotect \unprotect
+ \let\@@mpstopdf@@protect \protect
+ \edef\protect
+ {\noexpand \let \noexpand \protect \noexpand \@@mpstopdf@@protect
+ \noexpand \let \noexpand \unprotect \noexpand \@@mpstopdf@@unprotect
+ % context specific
+ \catcode\string`\noexpand @=\the\catcode\string`@
+ \catcode\string`\noexpand !=\the\catcode\string`!
+ \catcode\string`\noexpand ?=\the\catcode\string`?
+ % latex specific
+ \catcode\string`\noexpand /=\the\catcode\string`/
+ \catcode\string`\noexpand -=\the\catcode\string`-
+ \catcode\string`\noexpand :=\the\catcode\string`:
+ \catcode\string`\noexpand ;=\the\catcode\string`;
+ \catcode\string`\noexpand "=\the\catcode\string`"
+ \catcode\string`\noexpand <=\the\catcode\string`<
+ \catcode\string`\noexpand >=\the\catcode\string`>
+ \catcode\string`\noexpand `=\the\catcode\string``}
+ \catcode\string`@=11 \catcode\string`!=11 \catcode\string`?=11
+ \catcode\string`/=12 \catcode\string`-=12
+ \catcode\string`:=12 \catcode\string`;=12
+ \catcode\string`>=12 \catcode\string`<=12
+ \catcode\string`"=12 \catcode\string``=12 }
+ \def\defineMPtoPDFfallbacks
+ {% shortcuts
+ \chardef\@@escape 0
+ \chardef\@@begingroup 1
+ \chardef\@@endgroup 2
+ \chardef\@@endofline 5
+ \chardef\@@ignore 9
+ \chardef\@@space 10
+ \chardef\@@letter 11
+ \chardef\@@other 12
+ \chardef\@@active 13
+ \chardef\@@comment 14
+ % placeholders
+ \ifx\withoutpt \undefined \let\withoutpt \@@mptopdf@@withoutpt \fi
+ \ifx\twodigitrounding \undefined \let\twodigitrounding \@@mptopdf@@twodigitrounding \fi
+ \ifx\forgetall \undefined \let\forgetall \@@mptopdf@@forgetall \fi
+ \ifx\uncatcodespecials \undefined \let\uncatcodespecials \@@mptopdf@@uncatcodespecials \fi
+ \ifx\setnaturalcatcodes\undefined \let\setnaturalcatcodes\@@mptopdf@@setnaturalcatcodes \fi
+ \ifx\dospecials \undefined \let\dospecials \@@mptopdf@@dospecials \fi}
+ \def\@@mptopdf@@forgetall
+ {\parskip0pt\leftskip0pt\parindent0pt\everypar{}}
+ \def\@@mptopdf@@twodigitrounding#1%
+ {#1}%
+ \def\@@mptopdf@@uncatcodespecials
+ {\def\do##1{\catcode`##1=\@@other}\dospecials
+ \catcode`\ =\@@space
+ \catcode`\^^L=\@@ignore
+ \catcode`\^^M=\@@endofline
+ \catcode`\^^?=\@@ignore}
+ \def\@@mptopdf@@setnaturalcatcodes
+ {\catcode`\!=\@@other \catcode`\?=\@@other \catcode`\@=\@@other
+ \catcode`\#=\@@other \catcode`\&=\@@other \catcode`\|=\@@other
+ \catcode`\$=\@@other \catcode`\^=\@@other \catcode`\_=\@@other
+ \catcode`\*=\@@other \catcode`\/=\@@other
+ \catcode`\-=\@@other \catcode`+=\@@other
+ \catcode`\==\@@other \catcode`\<=\@@other \catcode`\>=\@@other
+ \catcode`\"=\@@other \catcode`\'=\@@other \catcode`\`=\@@other
+ \catcode`\:=\@@other \catcode`\;=\@@other
+ \catcode`\,=\@@other \catcode`\.=\@@other \catcode`\~=\@@other
+ \catcode`\(=\@@other \catcode`\)=\@@other
+ \catcode`\{=\@@other \catcode`\}=\@@other
+ \catcode`\\=\@@other \catcode`\%=\@@other}
+ \def\@@mptopdf@@dospecials
+ {\do\ \do\\\do\{\do\}\do\$%
+ \do\#\do\^\do\_\do\&\do\%%
+ \do\~\do\^^A\do\^^K}
+ {
+ \catcode`\.=12
+ \catcode`\p=12
+ \catcode`\t=12
+ \gdef\@@MPTOPDF@@WITHOUTPT#1pt{#1}
+ }
+ \def\@@mptopdf@@withoutpt#1%
+ {\expandafter\@@MPTOPDF@@WITHOUTPT#1}
+% \def\@@mptopdf@@newabove#1#2% \dimen \name
+% {#1#2%
+% \ifnum\expandafter\gobblesixarguments\meaning#2>20\else
+% \expandafter\@@mptopdf@@newabove\expandafter#1\expandafter#2%
+% \fi}
+ \def\@@mptopdf@@stripnewabove#1%
+ {\ifnum10<9#1 #1\else\expandafter\@@mptopdf@@stripnewabove\fi}%
+ \def\@@mptopdf@@newabove\csname#1\endcsname#2% \dimen \name
+ {\csname#1\endcsname#2%
+ \ifnum\expandafter\@@mptopdf@@stripnewabove\meaning#2>20\else
+ \@@mptopdf@@newabove\csname#1\endcsname#2%
+ \fi}
+ \@@mptopdf@@newabove \csname newcount\endcsname \scratchcounter
+ \@@mptopdf@@newabove \csname newdimen\endcsname \scratchdimen
+ \csname newbox\endcsname \scratchbox
+ \expandafter \newif \csname ifdone\endcsname
+ \catcode`\@=\mptopdfstoredatcode
+ \let\defineMPtoPDFfallbacks\relax
+%D These macros are written as generic as possible. Some
+%D general support macro's are loaded from a small module
+%D especially made for non \CONTEXT\ use. In this module I
+%D use a matrix transformation macro written by Tanmoy
+%D Bhattacharya. Thanks to extensive testing by Sebastian
+%D Ratz I was able to complete this module within reasonable
+%D time. This module has support for \METAPOST\ extensions
+%D built in.
+%D Daniel H. Luecking came up with a better (more precise)
+%D transformation method. You can recognize his comment by
+%D his initials. (We keep the old code around because it's a
+%D nice illustration on how a module like this evolves.)
+%D Beware, we cannot use \type{\zeropoint} here since it may be
+%D defined in the range \type{\dimen0} - 20 which we happen to use
+%D as scratch registers; inside context we may consider
+%D using dedicated registers.
+%D This module handles some \PDF\ conversion and insertions
+%D topics. By default, the macros use the \PDFTEX\ primitive
+%D \type{\pdfliteral} when available. Since \PDFTEX\ is now the
+%D default engine for \TEX\ distributions, we need a more complex
+%D test.
+ \ifx\pdfliteral\undefined
+ \def\PDFcode#1{\special{PDF: #1}}
+ \else\ifx\pdfoutput\undefined
+ \def\PDFcode#1{\special{PDF: #1}}
+ \else\ifcase\pdfoutput
+ \def\PDFcode#1{\special{PDF: #1}}
+ \else % pdftex as well as in pdf mode
+ \let\PDFcode\pdfliteral
+ \fi\fi\fi
+ % we probably use context
+%D First we define a handy constant:
+\bgroup \defineMPtoPDFfallbacks \catcode`\%=\@@other \xdef\letterpercent{\string%} \egroup
+%D \macros
+%D {pdfimage,pdfimages,pdfclippedimage}
+%D Starting with pdftex version 14, images are included more
+%D natural to the form embedding. This enables alternative
+%D images to be embedded.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \pdfimage <optional dimensions> {file}
+%D \pdfimages <optional dimensions> {high res file} {low res file}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The first one replaces the pre||version||14 original,
+%D while the latter provides alternative images.
+%D The next macro is dedicated to Maarten Gelderman, who
+%D needed to paste prepared \PDF\ pages into conference
+%D proceedings.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \pdfclippedimage <optional dimensions> {file} {l} {r} {t} {b}
+%D \stoptyping
+\ifx\pdftexversion\undefined \else \ifnum\pdftexversion>13
+ \def\pdfimage#1#%
+ {\dopdfimage{#1}}
+ \def\dopdfimage#1#2%
+ {\immediate\pdfximage#1{#2}%
+ \pdfrefximage\pdflastximage}
+ \def\pdfimages#1#%
+ {\dopdfimages{#1}}
+ \def\dopdfimages#1#2#3%
+ {\immediate\pdfximage#1{#2}%
+ \immediate\pdfobj{[ << /Image \the\pdflastximage\space0 R /DefaultForPrinting true >> ]}%
+ \immediate\pdfximage#1 attr {/Alternates \the\pdflastobj\space0 R}{#3}%
+ \pdfrefximage\pdflastximage}
+ \def\pdfclippedimage#1#% specs {file}{left}{right}{top}{bottom}
+ {\dopdfclippedimage{#1}}
+ \def\dopdfclippedimage#1#2#3#4#5#6%
+ {\bgroup
+ \pdfximage#1{#2}%
+ \setbox\scratchbox\hbox
+ {\pdfrefximage\pdflastximage}%
+ \hsize\wd\scratchbox
+ \advance\hsize -#3
+ \advance\hsize -#4
+ \vsize\ht\scratchbox
+ \advance\vsize -#5
+ \advance\vsize -#6
+ \setbox\scratchbox\vbox to \vsize
+ {\vskip-#5\hbox to \hsize{\hskip-#3\box\scratchbox\hss}}%
+ \pdfxform\scratchbox
+ \pdfrefxform\pdflastxform
+ \egroup}
+\fi \fi
+%D If you want to save a few hash entries, you may prefer the
+%D less readable alternatives, like:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\pdfimage#1#% This one is less readable but needs no additional
+%D {\bgroup % hash entry for the second stage macro.
+%D \def\pdfimage##1%
+%D {\immediate\pdfximage##1{#2}%
+%D \pdfrefximage\pdflastximage\egroup}}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D For old times sake we provide a few aliases. These will be
+%D removed some day.
+\ifx\pdftexversion\undefined \else \ifnum\pdftexversion>13
+ \let\pdfform =\pdfxform
+ \let\pdflastform=\pdflastxform
+ \let\pdfrefform =\pdfrefxform
+\fi \fi
+%D The main conversion macro wraps the \PDF\ codes in a box
+%D that is output as an object. The graphics are embedded
+%D in~\type{q} and~\type{Q} and are scaled and positioned using
+%D one transform call (\type{cm}). This saves some additional
+%D scaling.
+%D \macros
+%D {convertMPtoPDF}
+%D The next set of macros implements \METAPOST\ to \PDF\
+%D conversion. Because we want to test as fast as possible, we
+%D first define the \POSTSCRIPT\ operators that \METAPOST\
+%D uses. We don't define irrelevant ones, because these are
+%D skipped anyway.
+%D The converter can be made a bit faster by replacing the
+%D two test macros (the ones with the many \type {\if's}) by
+%D a call to named branch macros (something \typ {\getvalue
+%D {xPSmoveto}}. For everyday documents with relatively
+%D small graphics the gain in speed can be neglected.
+\def \PScurveto {curveto}
+\def \PSlineto {lineto}
+\def \PSmoveto {moveto}
+\def \PSshowpage {showpage}
+\def \PSnewpath {newpath}
+\def \PSfshow {fshow}
+\def \PSclosepath {closepath}
+\def \PSfill {fill}
+\def \PSstroke {stroke}
+\def \PSclip {clip}
+\def \PSrlineto {rlineto}
+\def \PSsetlinejoin {setlinejoin}
+\def \PSsetlinecap {setlinecap}
+\def \PSsetmiterlimit {setmiterlimit}
+\def \PSsetgray {setgray}
+\def \PSsetrgbcolor {setrgbcolor}
+\def \PSsetcmykcolor {setcmykcolor}
+\def \PSsetdash {setdash}
+\def \PSgsave {gsave}
+\def \PSgrestore {grestore}
+\def \PStranslate {translate}
+\def \PSscale {scale}
+\def \PSconcat {concat}
+\def \PSdtransform {dtransform}
+\def \PSsetlinewidth {setlinewidth}
+\def \PSpop {pop}
+\def \PSnfont {nfont} % was needed for TUG98 proceedings
+\def \PSspecial {special} % extensions to MetaPost
+%D A previous version set \type {%} to ignore, which
+%D simplified the following definitions. At the start of
+%D conversion the percent character was made active again.
+%D Because the whole graphic is one paragraph (there are no
+%D empty lines) this does not give the desired effect. This
+%D went unnoticed untill Scott Pakin sent me a test file
+%D percent characters in a string. So, from now on we have
+%D to prefix the following strings with percentages.
+%D Some day I'll figure out a better solution (line by line reading
+%D using \ETEX).
+\edef \PSBoundingBox {\letterpercent\letterpercent BoundingBox:}
+\edef \PSHiResBoundingBox {\letterpercent\letterpercent HiResBoundingBox:}
+\edef \PSExactBoundingBox {\letterpercent\letterpercent ExactBoundingBox:}
+\edef \PSMetaPostSpecial {\letterpercent\letterpercent MetaPostSpecial:}
+\edef \PSMetaPostSpecials {\letterpercent\letterpercent MetaPostSpecials:}
+\edef \PSPage {\letterpercent\letterpercent Page:}
+\edef \PSBeginProlog {\letterpercent\letterpercent BeginProlog}
+\edef \PSEndProlog {\letterpercent\letterpercent EndProlog}
+\edef \PSEof {\letterpercent\letterpercent EOF}
+%D By the way, the \type {setcmykcolor} operator is not
+%D output by \METAPOST\ but can result from converting the
+%D \cap{RGB} color specifications, as implemented in
+%D \type{supp-mps}.
+%D In \POSTSCRIPT\ arguments precede the operators. Due to the
+%D fact that in some translations we need access to those
+%D arguments, and also because sometimes we have to skip them,
+%D we stack them up. The stack is one||dimensional for non path
+%D operators and two||dimensional for operators inside a path.
+%D This is because we have to save the whole path for
+%D (optional) postprocessing. Values are pushed onto the stack
+%D by:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \setMPargument {value}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D They can be retrieved by the short named macros:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \gMPa {number}
+%D \gMPs {number}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D When scanning a path specification, we also save the
+%D operator, using
+%D \starttyping
+%D \setMPkeyword {n}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The path drawing operators are coded for speed: \type{clip},
+%D \type{stroke}, \type{fill} and \type{fillstroke} become
+%D 1, 2, 3 and~4.
+%D When processing the path this code can be retrieved
+%D using
+%D \starttyping
+%D \getMPkeyword % {n}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D When setting an argument, the exact position on the stack
+%D depends on the current value of the \COUNTERS\
+%D \type{\nofMPsegments} and \type{\nofMParguments}.
+%D These variables hold the coordinates. The argument part of
+%D the stack is reset by:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \resetMPstack
+%D \stoptyping
+%D We use the prefix \type{@@MP} to keep the stack from
+%D conflicting with existing macros. To speed up things a bit
+%D more, we use the constant \type{\@@MP}.
+\def\setMPargument% #1%
+ {\advance\nofMParguments 1
+ \expandafter\def
+ \csname\@@MP\the\nofMPsegments\the\nofMParguments\endcsname} % {#1}
+ {\advance\nofMParguments 1
+ \expandafter\let
+ \csname\@@MP\the\nofMPsegments\the\nofMParguments\endcsname}
+\def\setMPsequence#1 %
+ {\advance\nofMParguments 1
+ \expandafter\def
+ \csname\@@MP\the\nofMPsegments\the\nofMParguments\endcsname{#1}%
+ \handleMPsequence}
+ {\csname\@@MP0\number#1\endcsname}
+ {\csname\@@MP\the\nofMPsegments\number#1\endcsname}
+ {\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\do\csname\@@MP0\number#1\endcsname}
+\def\setMPkeyword#1 %
+ {\expandafter\def\csname\@@MP\the\nofMPsegments0\endcsname{#1}%
+ \advance\nofMPsegments 1
+ \nofMParguments0}
+\def\getMPkeyword% #1%
+ {\csname\@@MP\the\nofMPsegments0\endcsname} % {\csname\@@MP#10\endcsname}
+\def\docleanupMPargument#1% we need this because args can have [ or ] pre/appended
+ {\expandafter\edef\csname\@@MP\the\nofMPsegments\number#1\endcsname
+ {\csname\@@MP\the\nofMPsegments\number#1\endcsname}}
+%D When we reset the stack, we can assume that all further
+%D comment is to be ignored and handled in strings.
+%D By redefining the reset macro after the first call, we
+%D save some run time. Only use this macro after all
+%D comments are processed and use the simple alternative
+%D when dealing with comments.
+ {\nofMParguments0\relax}
+ {\let\handleMPgraphic\handleMPendgraphic
+ \let\resetMPstack\doresetMPstack
+ \resetMPstack}
+%D The arguments are saved with the preceding command
+%D \type{\do}. By default this command expands to nothing, but
+%D when we deal with strings it's used to strip off the
+%D \type{(} and \type{)}.
+%D Strings are kind of tricky, because characters can be
+%D passed verbatim \type{(hello)}, by octal number
+%D \type{(\005)} or as command \type{(\()}. We therefore
+%D cannot simply ignore \type{(} and \type{)}, the way we do
+%D with \type{[} and \type{]}. Another complication is that
+%D strings may contain characters that normally have a
+%D special meaning in \TEX, like \type{$} and \type{{}}.
+%D A previous solution made \type{\} an active character and
+%D let it look ahead for a number or characters. We had to
+%D abandon this scheme because of the need for verbatim
+%D support. The next solution involved some \CATCODE\
+%D trickery but works well.
+ {\char'#1#2#3\relax}
+%D curly braces and squarly brackets are stored in the argument stack
+%D as part of strings, for instance in:
+%D \starttyping
+%D /fshow {exch findfont exch scalefont setfont show}bind def
+%D [3 3 ] 0 setdash
+%D \stoptyping
+%D but we need to keep them in situation like
+%D \starttyping
+%D ([bla bla] bla bla) ec-lmr10 9.96265 fshow
+%D ({bla bla} bla bla) ec-lmr10 9.96265 fshow
+%D \stoptyping
+%D So, when we store the snippets, we keep the special tokens, and
+%D when needed we either ignore or obey them
+ B\let%\letterpercent|
+ \def[B\noexpand[E|
+ \def]B\noexpand]E|
+ \def{B\noexpand{E|
+ \def}B\noexpand}EE
+ B\let%\letterpercent|
+ \def[BE|
+ \def]BE|
+ \def{BE|
+ \def}BEE
+ B\def%B\char 37\relax E|
+ \def[B\char 91\relax E|
+ \def]B\char 93\relax E|
+ \def{B\char123\relax E|
+ \def}B\char125\relax EE
+ B\setnaturalcatcodes
+ \catcode`\\=\@@escape
+ \catcode`\%=\@@active
+ \catcode`\[=\@@active
+ \catcode`\]=\@@active
+ \catcode`\{=\@@active
+ \catcode`\}=\@@active
+ \lccode`\-=0 | latex sets this to `\-
+ \lccode`\%=`\% | otherwise it's seen as a number
+ \def\(B\char40\relax E|
+ \def\)B\char41\relax E|
+ \def\\B\char92\relax E|
+ \def\0B\octalMPcharacter0E|
+ \def\1B\octalMPcharacter1E|
+ \def\2B\octalMPcharacter2E|
+ \def\3B\octalMPcharacter3E|
+ \def\4B\octalMPcharacter4E|
+ \def\5B\octalMPcharacter5E|
+ \def\6B\octalMPcharacter6E|
+ \def\7B\octalMPcharacter7E|
+ \def\8B\octalMPcharacter8E|
+ \def\9B\octalMPcharacter9EE
+%D We use the comment symbol as a sort of trigger. Beware!
+%D The whole graphic is seen as on eparagraph, which means
+%D that we cannot change the catcodes in between.
+%D In earlier versions we used the sequence
+%D \starttyping
+%D \expandafter\handleMPsequence\input filename\relax
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Persistent problems in \LATEX\ however forced us to use a
+%D different scheme. Every \POSTSCRIPT\ file starts with a
+%D \type{%}, so we temporary make this an active character
+%D that starts the scanning and redefines itself. (The problem
+%D originates in the redefinition by \LATEX\ of the
+%D \type{\input} primitive.)
+ {\keepMPspecials
+ \handleMPsequence}
+%D Here comes the main loop. Most arguments are numbers. This
+%D means that they can be recognized by their \type{\lccode}.
+%D This method saves a lot of processing time. We could
+%D speed up the conversion by handling the \type{path}
+%D seperately.
+ {\ifdone
+ \ifcase\lccode`#1\relax
+ \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\dohandleMPsequenceA
+ \else
+ \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\dohandleMPsequenceB
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \expandafter\dohandleMPsequenceC
+ \fi#1}
+ {\expandafter\def\csname\@@MP:N:#1\endcsname{#2}}
+\def\installMPSshortcutN#1#2% todo: \let
+ {\expandafter\let\csname\@@MP:N:#1\expandafter\endcsname\csname\@@MP:N:#2\endcsname}
+\def\dohandleMPsequenceB#1 %
+ {\edef\somestring{#1}%
+ \ifcsname\@@MP:N:\somestring\endcsname
+ \csname\@@MP:N:\somestring\expandafter\endcsname
+ \else
+ \expandafter\handleMPgraphic
+ \fi
+ \handleMPsequence}
+ \def\dohandleMPsequenceB#1 %
+ {\edef\somestring{#1}%
+ \expandafter\ifx\csname\@@MP:N:\somestring\endcsname\relax
+ \expandafter\handleMPgraphic
+ \else
+ \csname\@@MP:N:\somestring\expandafter\endcsname
+ \fi
+ \handleMPsequence}
+\installMPSkeywordN \PSmoveto
+ {\edef\lastMPmoveX{\gMPa1}%
+ \edef\lastMPmoveY{\gMPa2}%
+ \resetMPstack}
+\installMPSkeywordN \PSnewpath
+ {\let\handleMPsequence\handleMPpath}
+\installMPSkeywordN \PSgsave
+ {\PDFcode{q}%
+ \resetMPstack}
+\installMPSkeywordN \PSgrestore
+ {\PDFcode{Q}%
+ \resetMPstack}
+\installMPSkeywordN \PSdtransform % == setlinewidth
+ {\let\handleMPsequence\handleMPdtransform}
+ % after that we will encounter more tokens until setlinewidth+pop
+ % or pop+setlinewidth which we catch next; we explicitly need to
+ % reset the stack since [] n setdash may follow; a more clever
+ % approach would be to read on till the condition is met, but it's
+ % the only pop / setlinewidth we will encounter so ...
+\installMPSkeywordN \PSsetlinewidth
+ {% already handled in dtransform
+ \resetMPstack}
+\installMPSkeywordN \PSpop
+ {% already handled in dtransform
+ \resetMPstack}
+\installMPSkeywordN \PSconcat
+ {\cleanupMPconcat
+ \PDFcode{\gMPa1 \gMPa2 \gMPa3 \gMPa4 \gMPa5 \gMPa6 cm}%
+ \resetMPstack}
+\installMPSkeywordN \PSsetrgbcolor
+ {\handleMPrgbcolor
+ \resetMPstack}
+\installMPSkeywordN \PSsetcmykcolor
+ {\handleMPcmykcolor
+ \resetMPstack}
+\installMPSkeywordN \PSsetgray
+ {\handleMPgraycolor
+ \resetMPstack}
+\installMPSkeywordN \PStranslate
+ {\PDFcode{1 0 0 1 \gMPa1 \gMPa2 cm}%
+ \resetMPstack}
+\installMPSkeywordN \PSsetdash
+ {\handleMPsetdash
+ \resetMPstack}
+\installMPSkeywordN \PSsetlinejoin
+ {\PDFcode{\gMPa1 j}%
+ \resetMPstack}
+\installMPSkeywordN \PSsetmiterlimit
+ {\PDFcode{\gMPa1 M}%
+ \resetMPstack}
+\installMPSkeywordN \PSfshow
+ {%\PDFcode{n}% removed !
+ \handleMPfshow
+ \resetMPstack}
+\installMPSkeywordN \PSsetlinecap
+ {\PDFcode{\gMPa1 J}%
+ \resetMPstack}
+\installMPSkeywordN \PSrlineto
+ {\flushMPmoveto
+ \PDFcode{\!MP\lastMPmoveX\space\!MP\lastMPmoveY\space l S}%
+ \resetMPmoveto
+ \resetMPstack}
+\installMPSkeywordN \PSscale
+ {\PDFcode{\gMPa1 0 0 \gMPa2 0 0 cm}%
+ \resetMPstack}
+\installMPSkeywordN \PSspecial
+ {\handleMPspecialcommand
+ \resetMPstack}
+\installMPSshortcutN {n} \PSnewpath
+\installMPSshortcutN {p} \PSclosepath
+\installMPSshortcutN {l} \PSlineto
+\installMPSshortcutN {r} \PSrlineto
+\installMPSshortcutN {m} \PSmoveto
+\installMPSshortcutN {c} \PScurveto
+\installMPSshortcutN {C} \PSsetcmykcolor
+\installMPSshortcutN {G} \PSsetgray
+\installMPSshortcutN {R} \PSsetrgbcolor
+\installMPSshortcutN {lj} \PSsetlinejoin
+\installMPSshortcutN {ml} \PSsetmiterlimit
+\installMPSshortcutN {lc} \PSsetlinecap
+\installMPSshortcutN {sd} \PSsetdash
+\installMPSshortcutN {S} \PSstroke
+\installMPSshortcutN {F} \PSfill
+\installMPSshortcutN {W} \PSclip
+\installMPSshortcutN {q} \PSgsave
+\installMPSshortcutN {Q} \PSgrestore
+\installMPSshortcutN {s} \PSscale
+\installMPSshortcutN {t} \PSconcat
+\installMPSshortcutN {P} \PSshowpage
+\installMPSkeywordN {hlw} {\PDFcode{\gMPa1 w}\resetMPstack}
+\installMPSkeywordN {vlw} {\PDFcode{\gMPa1 w}\resetMPstack}
+\installMPSkeywordN {rd} {\PDFcode{[] 0 d}\resetMPstack}
+\def\dohandleMPsequenceC#1 %
+ {\edef\somestring{#1}%
+ \handleMPgraphic % {#1}%
+ \handleMPsequence}
+%D Since colors are not sensitive to transformations, they
+%D are sometimes used for signaling. Therefore, we handle them
+%D separately. The next macro can be redefined if needed.
+ {\PDFcode{\!MPgMPa1 \!MPgMPa2 \!MPgMPa3 rg
+ \!MPgMPa1 \!MPgMPa2 \!MPgMPa3 RG}}
+ {\PDFcode{\!MPgMPa1 \!MPgMPa2 \!MPgMPa3 \!MPgMPa4 k
+ \!MPgMPa1 \!MPgMPa2 \!MPgMPa3 \!MPgMPa4 K}}
+ {\PDFcode{\!MPgMPa1 g
+ \!MPgMPa1 G}}
+ {\PDFcode{0 g
+ 0 G}}
+%D Beginning and ending the graphics is taken care of by the
+%D macro \type{\handleMPgraphic}, which is redefined when
+%D the first graphics operator is met.
+\def\handleMPendgraphic % #1%
+ {\ifx\somestring\PSshowpage
+ \let\handleMPsequence\finishMPgraphic
+ \else\ifx\somestring\PSEof
+ \let\handleMPsequence\finishMPgraphic
+ \else
+ \letMPargument\somestring % {#1}%
+ \fi\fi}
+\def\handleMPbegingraphic % #1%
+ {\ifx\somestring\PSBoundingBox
+ \def\handleMPsequence{\handleMPboundingbox1}%
+ \else\ifx\somestring\PSHiResBoundingBox
+ \def\handleMPsequence{\handleMPboundingbox2}%
+ \else\ifx\somestring\PSExactBoundingBox
+ \def\handleMPsequence{\handleMPboundingbox3}%
+ \else\ifx\somestring\PSshowpage
+ \let\handleMPsequence\finishMPgraphic
+ \else\ifx\somestring\PSEof
+ \let\handleMPsequence\finishMPgraphic
+ \else\ifx\somestring\PSPage
+ \let\handleMPsequence\handleMPpage
+ \else\ifx\somestring\PSMetaPostSpecials
+ \let\handleMPsequence\handleMPspecialscomment
+ \else\ifx\somestring\PSMetaPostSpecial
+ \let\handleMPsequence\handleMPspecialcomment
+ \else\ifx\somestring\PSBeginProlog
+ \let\handleMPsequence\handleMPprolog
+ \else
+ \letMPargument\somestring % {#1}%
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi}
+%D New: we can best filter the prolog because nowdays it can contain
+%D quite some code.
+% hm, catcode mess, so we need to tweak %'s catcode here
+% \long\expandafter\def\expandafter\handleMPprolog\expandafter#\expandafter1\PSEndProlog%
+% but today i'm not in the mood for ugly stuff
+\long\def\handleMPprolog#1EndProlog %
+ {\doresetMPstack
+ \let\handleMPsequence\dohandleMPsequence
+ \handleMPsequence}
+%D We check for three kind of bounding boxes: the normal one
+%D and two high precision ones:
+%D \starttyping
+%D BoundingBox: llx lly ucx ucy
+%D HiResBoundingBox: llx lly ucx ucy
+%D ExactBoundingBox: llx lly ucx ucy
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The original as well as the recalculated dimensions are
+%D saved for later use.
+\newif\ifskipemptyMPgraphic \skipemptyMPgraphicfalse
+\def\handleMPboundingbox#1#2 #3 #4 #5
+ {\ifnum#1>\currentMPboundingbox
+ \xdef\MPllx{#2}\xdef\MPlly{#3}%
+ \xdef\MPurx{#4}\xdef\MPury{#5}%
+ \dimen0=#2pt
+ \dimen0=-\MPxscale\dimen0
+ \dimen2=#3pt
+ \dimen2=-\MPyscale\dimen2
+ \xdef\MPxoffset{\withoutpt\the\dimen0}%
+ \xdef\MPyoffset{\withoutpt\the\dimen2}%
+ \dimen0=#2bp
+ \dimen0=-\dimen0
+ \dimen2=#3bp
+ \dimen2=-\dimen2
+ \advance\dimen0 #4bp
+ \dimen0=\MPxscale\dimen0
+ \xdef\MPwidth{\the\dimen0}%
+ \advance\dimen2 #5bp
+ \xdef\MPyshift{\the\dimen2}% unscaled
+ \dimen2=\MPyscale\dimen2
+ \xdef\MPheight{\the\dimen2}%
+ \chardef\currentMPboundingbox#1\relax
+ \fi
+ \doresetMPstack
+ \let\handleMPsequence\dohandleMPsequence
+ \let\next\handleMPsequence
+ \ifskipemptyMPgraphic
+ \ifdim\MPheight=0pt\relax\ifdim\MPwidth=0pt\relax
+ \def\next{\endinput\finishMPgraphic}%
+ \fi\fi
+ \fi
+ \next}
+%D Unless defined otherwise, we simply ignore specialcomments.
+ {\doresetMPstack
+ \let\handleMPsequence\dohandleMPsequence
+ \handleMPsequence}
+%D We use the \type{page} comment as a signal that
+%D stackbuilding can be started.
+\def\handleMPpage #1 #2
+ {\doresetMPstack
+ \donetrue
+ \let\handleMPsequence\dohandleMPsequence
+ \handleMPsequence}
+%D The same applies to the special extensions.
+ {\doresetMPstack
+ \let\handleMPsequence\dohandleMPsequence
+ \handleMPsequence}
+%D \METAPOST\ draws its dots by moving to a location and
+%D invoking \type{0 0 rlineto}. This operator is not
+%D available in \PDF. Our solution is straightforward: we draw
+%D a line from $(current\_x, current\_y)$ to itself. This
+%D means that the arguments of the preceding \type{moveto} have
+%D to be saved.
+%D These saved coordinates are also used when we handle the
+%D texts. Text handling proved to be a bit of a nuisance, but
+%D finally I saw the light. It proved that we also had to
+%D take care of \type{(split arguments)}.
+% \def\setMPfshowfont#1#2%
+% {\font\temp=#1\space at #2\relax\temp}
+% \startMPcode
+% draw btex Ga toch effe f\kern0ptietsen?{}` etex ;
+% \stopMPcode
+\newtoks \everyMPshowfont
+ {\font\temp=#1\space at #2\relax\temp
+ \the\everyMPshowfont}
+%D The next hackery handles characters one by one. We only support this
+%D for the latest greatest \METAPOST\ binaries, the ones that escape
+%D problematic chars.
+ {\edef\!!stringa{#1}%
+ \expandafter\dodoflushMPtext\!!stringa\relax}
+ {\afterassignment\dododoflushMPtext\let\nexttoken=}
+ {\ifx\nexttoken\relax
+ % done
+ \else\ifx\nexttoken\char
+ \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\dodododoflushMPtext
+ \else
+ {\nexttoken}%
+ \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\dodoflushMPtext
+ \fi\fi}
+ {\afterassignment\dododododoflushMPtext\scratchcounter}
+ {{\char\scratchcounter}\let\next\dodoflushMPtext}
+ {\bgroup
+ \setbox\scratchbox\hbox
+ {\obeyMPspecials
+ \let\ \relax % mp breaks long lines and appends a \
+ \edef\size{\gMPa\nofMParguments}%
+ \ifx\size\PSnfont % round font size (to pt)
+ \advance\nofMParguments -1
+ \expandafter\scratchdimen\gMPa\nofMParguments pt\relax
+ \ifdim\scratchdimen<1pt
+ \def\size{1pt}%
+ \else
+ \advance\scratchdimen .5pt
+ \def\size##1.##2\relax{\def\size{##1pt}}%
+ \expandafter\size\the\scratchdimen\relax
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \edef\size{\size bp}%
+ \fi
+ \advance\nofMParguments -1
+ %\font\temp=\gMPa\nofMParguments\space at \size
+ \let\temp\relax % to be sure
+ \setMPfshowfont{\gMPa\nofMParguments}\size
+ \advance\nofMParguments -1
+ \temp
+ \MPfshowcommand
+ {\ifnum\nofMParguments=1
+ \def\do(##1){##1}%
+ \doflushMPtext{\dogMPa1}% only latest mp gets this treatment
+ \else
+ % we need to catch ( a ) (a a a) (\123 \123 \123) etc
+ \scratchcounter1
+ \def\dodo##1% Andreas Fieger's bug: (\304...)
+ {\edef\!!stringa{##1\empty\empty}% and another one: ( 11) -> \ifx 11
+ \ifx\!!stringa\MPspacechar\MPspacechar\else\expandafter##1\fi}%
+ \def\do(##1{\dodo{##1}}%
+ \dogMPa\scratchcounter\MPspacechar
+ \let\do\relax
+ \loop
+ \advance\scratchcounter 1
+ \ifnum\scratchcounter<\nofMParguments\relax
+ \gMPa\scratchcounter\MPspacechar
+ \repeat
+ \def\do##1){\dodo{##1}}%
+ \dogMPa\scratchcounter
+ \fi
+ \unskip}}%
+ \setbox\scratchbox\hbox
+ {\hskip\lastMPmoveX bp\raise\lastMPmoveY bp\box\scratchbox}%
+ \ht\scratchbox0pt%
+ \dp\scratchbox0pt%
+ \wd\scratchbox0pt%
+ \box\scratchbox
+ \egroup}
+\let\handleMPfshow\dohandleMPfshow % so we can overload this one later
+%D You could consider the following definition to be the most
+%D natural one.
+% \def\MPspacechar{\space} % normal case
+\def\MPspacechar{\char32\relax} % old solution does not work with math
+%D However, the following implementation is more robust, since
+%D some fonts have funny visible spaces in the space slot. This
+%D gives a mismatch between the space that \METAPOST\ took into
+%D account and the \quote {natural} space. This only happens in
+%D labels, since \type {btex}||\type {etex} thingies don't have
+%D spaces. This phenomena showed up when preparing the
+%D \METAFUN\ manual, where Palatino fonts are used. We can
+%D safely assume that \METAPOST\ considers \type {\char32} to
+%D be the space.
+%D Well, this does not work with math fonts, so:
+%D Most operators are just converted and keep their
+%D arguments. Dashes however need a bit different treatment,
+%D otherwise \PDF\ viewers complain loudly. Another
+%D complication is that one argument comes after the \type{]}.
+%D When reading the data, we simply ignore the array boundary
+%D characters. We save ourselves some redundant newlines and
+%D at the same time keep the output readable by packing the
+%D literals.
+ {\bgroup
+ \ignoreMPspecials
+ \def\somestring{[}%
+ \scratchcounter1
+ \loop
+ \ifnum\scratchcounter<\nofMParguments
+ \edef\somestring{\somestring\space\gMPa\scratchcounter}%
+ \advance\scratchcounter 1
+ \repeat
+ \edef\somestring{\somestring]\gMPa\scratchcounter\space d}%
+ \PDFcode{\somestring}%
+ \egroup}
+%D The \type{setlinewidth} commands looks a bit complicated. There are
+%D two alternatives, that result in a similar look in both
+%D $x$- and $y$-dorection. As John Hobby says:
+%D \startnarrower \switchtobodyfont[ss]
+%D \starttyping
+%D x 0 dtransform exch truncate exch idtransform pop setlinewidth
+%D 0 y dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop
+%D \stoptyping
+%D These are just fancy versions of \type{x setlinewidth} and
+%D \type{y setlinewidth}. The \type{x 0 ...} form is used if
+%D the path is {\em primarily vertical}. It rounds the width
+%D so that vertical lines come out an integer number of pixels
+%D wide in device space. The \type{0 y ...} form does the same
+%D for paths that are {\em primarily horizontal}. The reason
+%D why I did this is Knuth insists on getting exactly the
+%D widths \TEX\ intends for the horizontal and vertical rules
+%D in \type{btex...etex} output. (Note that PostScript scan
+%D conversion rules cause a horizontal or vertical line of
+%D integer width $n$ in device space to come out $n+1$ pixels
+%D wide, regardless of the phase relative to the pixel grid.)
+%D \stopnarrower
+%D The common operator in these sequences is \type{dtransform},
+%D so we can use this one to trigger setting the linewidth.
+ {\ifdim\gMPa1 pt>0pt
+ \PDFcode{\gMPa1 w}%
+ \def\next##1 ##2 ##3 ##4 ##5 ##6 {\handleMPsequence}%
+ \else
+ \PDFcode{\gMPa2 w}%
+ \def\next##1 ##2 ##3 ##4 {\handleMPsequence}%
+ \fi
+ \let\handleMPsequence\dohandleMPsequence
+ \resetMPstack
+ \next}
+%D The most complicated command is \type{concat}. \METAPOST\
+%D applies this operator to \type{stroke}. At that moment the
+%D points set by \type{curveto} and \type{moveto}, are already
+%D fixed. In \PDF\ however the \type{cm} operator affects the
+%D points as well as the pen (stroke). Like more \PDF\
+%D operators, \type{cm} is defined in a bit ambiguous way.
+%D The only save route for non||circular penshapes, is saving
+%D the path, recalculating the points and applying the
+%D transformation matrix in such a way that we can be sure
+%D that its behavior is well defined. This comes down to
+%D inverting the path and applying \type{cm} to that path as
+%D well as the pen. This all means that we have to save the
+%D path.
+%D In \METAPOST\ there are three ways to handle a path $p$:
+%D \starttyping
+%D draw p; fill p; filldraw p;
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The last case outputs a \type{gsave fill grestore} before
+%D \type{stroke}. Handling the path outside the main loops
+%D saves about 40\% run time.\footnote{We can save some more by
+%D following the \METAPOST\ output routine, but for the moment
+%D we keep things simple.} Switching between the main loop and
+%D the path loop is done by means of the recursely called
+%D macro \type{\handleMPsequence}.
+ {\chardef\finiMPpath0
+ \let\closeMPpath\relax
+ \let\flushMPpath\flushnormalMPpath
+ \resetMPstack
+ \nofMPsegments1
+ \let\handleMPsequence\dohandleMPpath
+ \dohandleMPpath}
+%D Most paths are drawn with simple round pens. Therefore we've
+%D split up the routine in two.
+ {\ifcase\getMPkeyword\relax
+ \PDFcode{\!MPgMPs1 \!MPgMPs2 l}%
+ \or
+ \PDFcode{\!MPgMPs1 \!MPgMPs2 \!MPgMPs3 \!MPgMPs4 \!MPgMPs5 \!MPgMPs6 c}%
+ \or
+ \PDFcode{\!MP\lastMPmoveX\space\!MP\lastMPmoveY\space l}%
+ \or
+ \edef\lastMPmoveX{\gMPs1}% evt \!MP here
+ \edef\lastMPmoveY{\gMPs2}%
+ \PDFcode{\!MP\lastMPmoveX\space \!MP\lastMPmoveY\space m}%
+ \fi}
+ {\ifcase\getMPkeyword\relax
+ \doMPconcat{\gMPs1}\a{\gMPs2}\b%
+ \PDFcode{\!MP\a\space\!MP\b\space l}%
+ \or
+ \doMPconcat{\gMPs1}\a{\gMPs2}\b%
+ \doMPconcat{\gMPs3}\c{\gMPs4}\d%
+ \doMPconcat{\gMPs5}\e{\gMPs6}\f%
+ \PDFcode{\!MP\a\space\!MP\b\space
+ \!MP\c\space\!MP\d\space
+ \!MP\e\space\!MP\f\space c}%
+ \or
+ \bgroup
+ \noMPtranslate
+ \doMPconcat\lastMPmoveX\a\lastMPmoveY\b%
+ \PDFcode{\!MP\a\space\!MP\b\space l S}%
+ \egroup
+ \or
+ \edef\lastMPmoveX{\gMPs1}%
+ \edef\lastMPmoveY{\gMPs2}%
+ \doMPconcat\lastMPmoveX\a\lastMPmoveY\b%
+ \PDFcode{\!MP\a\space\!MP\b\space m}%
+ \fi}
+% \def\flushnormalMPpath
+% {\scratchcounter\nofMPsegments
+% \nofMPsegments 1
+% \loop
+% \flushnormalMPsegment
+% \advance\nofMPsegments 1
+% \ifnum\nofMPsegments<\scratchcounter
+% \repeat}
+% \def\flushconcatMPpath
+% {\scratchcounter\nofMPsegments
+% \nofMPsegments 1
+% \loop
+% \flushconcatMPsegment
+% \advance\nofMPsegments 1
+% \ifnum\nofMPsegments<\scratchcounter
+% \repeat}
+% an alternative is presented below: (no \def assignment)
+ {\dodoflushsomeMPpath
+ \advance\nofMPsegments 1
+ \ifnum\nofMPsegments<\scratchcounter
+ \expandafter\doflushsomeMPpath
+ \fi}
+ {\scratchcounter\nofMPsegments
+ \nofMPsegments 1
+ \doflushsomeMPpath}
+%OLD \def\flushconcatMPpath{\let\dodoflushsomeMPpath\flushconcatMPsegment\flushsomeMPpath}
+%NEW pre-calculate 1/D so it needn't be repeated for each control point.
+ {\MPreciprocaldeterminant
+ \let\dodoflushsomeMPpath\flushconcatMPsegment\flushsomeMPpath}
+%D The transformation of the coordinates is handled by one of
+%D the macros Tanmoy posted to the \PDFTEX\ mailing list.
+%D I rewrote and optimized the original macro to suit the other
+%D macros in this module.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \doMPconcat {x position} \xresult {y position} \yresult
+%D \stoptyping
+%D By setting the auxiliary \DIMENSIONS\ \type{\dimen0} upto
+%D \type{\dimen10} only once per path, we save over 20\% run
+%D time. Some more speed was gained by removing some parameter
+%D passing. These macros can be optimized a bit more by using
+%D more constants. There is however not much need for further
+%D optimization because penshapes usually are round and
+%D therefore need no transformation. Nevertheless we move the
+%D factor to the outer level and use a bit different \type{pt}
+%D removal macro. Although the values represent base points,
+%D we converted them to pure points, simply because those can
+%D be converted back.
+%OLD \mathchardef\MPconcatfactor=256 % beware don't remove spaces before it
+%OLD \def\doMPreducedimen#1
+%OLD {\count0\MPconcatfactor
+%OLD \advance\dimen#1 \ifdim\dimen#1>0pt .5\else -.5\fi\count0
+%OLD \divide\dimen#1 \count0\relax}
+%OLD % too inaccurate (see old pragma logo)
+%OLD \def\doMPreducedimen#1
+%OLD {\count0=\MPconcatfactor
+%OLD \divide\dimen#1 \count0\relax}
+%OLD \def\doMPreducedimen#1
+%OLD {\advance\dimen#1 \ifdim\dimen#1>0pt .5\else -.5\fi\MPconcatfactor
+%OLD \divide\dimen#1 \MPconcatfactor}
+%D The transformation code is rewritten by Daniel H. Luecking who
+%D describes his patch as follows:
+%D We would like to divide 1 by $X$, but all divisions are integer so
+%D for accuracy we want to convert to large integers and make sure the
+%D integer quotient has as many significant digits as possible. Thus we
+%D need to replace $1/X$ with $M/N$ where $N$ is as large as possible
+%D and $M/N$ is as large as possible. Also for simplicity $M$ should be
+%D a power of 2. So we make $M = 2^{30}$ \footnote{$2^{31} - 1$ is the
+%D largest legal integer. Using it (and simply ignoring the inaccuracy
+%D caused by $-1$) turns out to be at least as accurate in all cases,
+%D and more accurate in some.} (largest legal power of 2) and adjust
+%D $X$ downward (if necessary) to the the range $1-2^{16}$. This gives
+%D at least 15 significant binary digits, (almost as accurate as
+%D \METAPOST\ for numbers near 1) or almost 5 significant figures
+%D (decimal).
+\newdimen\MPscratchDim % will be assigned global
+\def\MPadjustdimen % sets \MPscratchDim and \MPscratchCnt
+ {\MPscratchCnt0
+ \doMPadjustdimen}
+ {\ifdim\MPscratchDim>1pt
+ \divide\MPscratchDim 2
+ \advance\MPscratchCnt 1
+ \expandafter\doMPadjustdimen
+ \fi}
+%OLD \def\doMPexpanddimen#1
+%OLD {\multiply\dimen#1 \MPconcatfactor\relax}
+%D DHL: When viewed as an integer, $1 \hbox{pt}=2^{16}$ so $2^{32}/X$
+%D is the right way to do $(1 \hbox{pt})/(X \hbox{pt})$ and get the
+%D answer in points. But we are limited to $2^{30}/X$. However, we
+%D actually do $[ 2^{30} / (X/2^K) ]*2^{2-K}$ where $K$ is the number
+%D of halvings it takes to bring $X$ below $1 \hbox{pt}$. If $K$ is 0
+%D or 1 we readjust by multiplying by 4 or 2, otherwise by halving
+%D $(K-2)$ times \type {\MPscratchCnt} holds the value of $K$ from
+%D \type {\MPadjustdimen}.
+\def\MPreadjustdimen % acts on \MPscratchDim and MPscratchCnt
+ {\ifcase\MPscratchCnt
+ \multiply\scratchdimen 4
+ \or
+ \multiply\scratchdimen 2
+ \else
+ \expandafter\doMPreadjustdimen
+ \fi}
+ {\ifnum\MPscratchCnt>2
+ \divide\scratchdimen 2
+ \advance\MPscratchCnt -1
+ \expandafter\doMPreadjustdimen
+ \fi}
+ {\scratchdimen\withoutpt\the\dimen0 \dimen6 % s_x*s_y
+ \advance\scratchdimen - \withoutpt\the\dimen2 \dimen4 % s_x*s_y - r_x*r_y
+ \ifdim\scratchdimen<0pt % we need a positive dimension
+ \scratchdimen-\scratchdimen % for \MPadjustdimen (?)
+ \doMPreciprocal
+ \scratchdimen-\scratchdimen
+ \else
+ \doMPreciprocal
+ \fi
+ \edef\MPreciprocal{\withoutpt\the\scratchdimen}}
+\newcount\MPnumerator \MPnumerator = 1073741824 % 2^{30}
+% todo: dimexpr
+\def\doMPreciprocal % replace \scratchdimen with its reciprocal
+ {\ifdim\scratchdimen=1pt \else
+ \MPadjustdimen
+ \scratchcounter\MPnumerator
+ \divide\scratchcounter\scratchdimen
+ \scratchdimen1\scratchcounter % 1 needed !
+ \MPreadjustdimen
+ \fi}
+%OLD \def\presetMPconcat
+%OLD {\dimen 0=\gMPs1pt \doMPreducedimen 0 % r_x
+%OLD \dimen 2=\gMPs2pt \doMPreducedimen 2 % s_x
+%OLD \dimen 4=\gMPs3pt \doMPreducedimen 4 % s_y
+%OLD \dimen 6=\gMPs4pt \doMPreducedimen 6 % r_y
+%OLD \dimen 8=\gMPs5pt \doMPreducedimen 8 % t_x
+%OLD \dimen10=\gMPs6pt \doMPreducedimen10 } % t_y
+%OLD \def\presetMPscale
+%OLD {\dimen 0=\gMPs1pt \doMPreducedimen 0
+%OLD \dimen 2=0pt
+%OLD \dimen 4=0pt
+%OLD \dimen 6=\gMPs2pt \doMPreducedimen 6
+%OLD \dimen 8=0pt
+%OLD \dimen10=0pt}
+ {\ignoreMPspecials
+ \docleanupMPargument1%
+ \docleanupMPargument6%
+ \keepMPspecials}
+ {\dimen 0=\gMPs1pt % s_x
+ \dimen 2=\gMPs2pt % r_x
+ \dimen 4=\gMPs3pt % r_y
+ \dimen 6=\gMPs4pt % s_y
+ \dimen 8=\gMPs5pt % t_x
+ \dimen10=\gMPs6pt} % t_y
+ {\dimen 0=\gMPs1pt
+ \dimen 2=0pt
+ \dimen 4=0pt
+ \dimen 6=\gMPs2pt
+ \dimen 8=0pt
+ \dimen10=0pt}
+\def\noMPtranslate % use this one grouped
+ {\dimen 8=0pt % t_x
+ \dimen10=0pt} % t_y
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\doMPconcat#1#2#3#4%
+%D {\dimen12=#1 pt \doMPreducedimen12 % p_x
+%D \dimen14=#3 pt \doMPreducedimen14 % p_y
+%D %
+%D \dimen16 \dimen 0
+%D \multiply \dimen16 \dimen 6
+%D \dimen20 \dimen 2
+%D \multiply \dimen20 \dimen 4
+%D \advance \dimen16 -\dimen20
+%D %
+%D \dimen18 \dimen12
+%D \multiply \dimen18 \dimen 6
+%D \dimen20 \dimen14
+%D \multiply \dimen20 \dimen 4
+%D \advance \dimen18 -\dimen20
+%D \dimen20 \dimen 4
+%D \multiply \dimen20 \dimen10
+%D \advance \dimen18 \dimen20
+%D \dimen20 \dimen 6
+%D \multiply \dimen20 \dimen 8
+%D \advance \dimen18 -\dimen20
+%D %
+%D \multiply \dimen12 -\dimen 2
+%D \multiply \dimen14 \dimen 0
+%D \advance \dimen12 \dimen14
+%D \dimen20 \dimen 2
+%D \multiply \dimen20 \dimen 8
+%D \advance \dimen12 \dimen20
+%D \dimen20 \dimen 0
+%D \multiply \dimen20 \dimen10
+%D \advance \dimen12 -\dimen20
+%D %
+%D \doMPreducedimen16
+%D \divide \dimen18 \dimen16 \doMPexpanddimen18
+%D \divide \dimen12 \dimen16 \doMPexpanddimen12
+%D %
+%D \edef#2{\withoutpt\the\dimen18}% % p_x^\prime
+%D \edef#4{\withoutpt\the\dimen12}} % p_y^\prime
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The following optimization resulted from some tests by
+%D and email exchanges with Sanjoy Mahajan.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\doMPconcat#1#2#3#4%
+%D {\dimen12=#1 pt \doMPreducedimen12 % p_x
+%D \dimen14=#3 pt \doMPreducedimen14 % p_y
+%D %
+%D \dimen16 \dimen 0
+%D \multiply \dimen16 \dimen 6
+%D \dimen20 \dimen 2
+%D \multiply \dimen20 \dimen 4
+%D \advance \dimen16 -\dimen20
+%D %
+%D \dimen18 \dimen12
+%D \multiply \dimen18 \dimen 6
+%D \dimen20 \dimen14
+%D \multiply \dimen20 \dimen 4
+%D \advance \dimen18 -\dimen20
+%D \dimen20 \dimen 4
+%D \multiply \dimen20 \dimen10
+%D \advance \dimen18 \dimen20
+%D \dimen20 \dimen 6
+%D \multiply \dimen20 \dimen 8
+%D \advance \dimen18 -\dimen20
+%D %
+%D \multiply \dimen12 -\dimen 2
+%D \multiply \dimen14 \dimen 0
+%D \advance \dimen12 \dimen14
+%D \dimen20 \dimen 2
+%D \multiply \dimen20 \dimen 8
+%D \advance \dimen12 \dimen20
+%D \dimen20 \dimen 0
+%D \multiply \dimen20 \dimen10
+%D \advance \dimen12 -\dimen20
+%D %
+%D %\ifdim\dimen16>1pt % oeps, can be < 1pt too
+%D \ifdim\dimen16=1pt \else
+%D \ifdim\dimen16>\MPconcatfactor pt
+%D \doMPreducedimen16
+%D \divide \dimen18 \dimen16 \doMPexpanddimen18
+%D \divide \dimen12 \dimen16 \doMPexpanddimen12
+%D \else
+%D \divide \dimen18 \dimen16 \doMPexpanddimen18 \doMPexpanddimen18
+%D \divide \dimen12 \dimen16 \doMPexpanddimen12 \doMPexpanddimen12
+%D \fi
+%D \fi
+%D %
+%D \edef#2{\withoutpt\the\dimen18}% % p_x^\prime
+%D \edef#4{\withoutpt\the\dimen12}} % p_y^\prime
+%D \stoptyping
+%D But, this one is still too inaccurate, so we now have:
+% \def\doMPconcat#1#2#3#4%
+% {\dimen12=#1pt % p_x
+% \dimen14=#3pt % p_y
+% %
+% % we should test for >-1024 too, but for the moment take the gamble
+% \chardef\MPfactor1\ifdim\dimen12<1024pt \ifdim\dimen14<1024pt 6\fi\fi
+% %
+% \multiply\dimen12 \MPfactor
+% \multiply\dimen14 \MPfactor
+% %
+% \doMPreducedimen12
+% \doMPreducedimen14
+% %
+% \dimen16 \dimen 0
+% \multiply \dimen16 \dimen 6
+% \dimen20 \dimen 2
+% \multiply \dimen20 \dimen 4
+% \advance \dimen16 -\dimen20
+% %
+% \dimen18 \dimen12
+% \multiply \dimen18 \dimen 6
+% \dimen20 \dimen14
+% \multiply \dimen20 \dimen 4
+% \advance \dimen18 -\dimen20
+% \dimen20 \dimen 4
+% \multiply \dimen20 \dimen10
+% \advance \dimen18 \dimen20
+% \dimen20 \dimen 6
+% \multiply \dimen20 \dimen 8
+% \advance \dimen18 -\dimen20
+% %
+% \multiply \dimen12 -\dimen 2
+% \multiply \dimen14 \dimen 0
+% \advance \dimen12 \dimen14
+% \dimen20 \dimen 2
+% \multiply \dimen20 \dimen 8
+% \advance \dimen12 \dimen20
+% \dimen20 \dimen 0
+% \multiply \dimen20 \dimen10
+% \advance \dimen12 -\dimen20
+% %
+% \ifdim\dimen16=1pt \else
+% \ifdim\dimen16>\MPconcatfactor pt
+% \doMPreducedimen16
+% \divide \dimen18 \dimen16 \doMPexpanddimen18
+% \divide \dimen12 \dimen16 \doMPexpanddimen12
+% \else
+% \divide \dimen18 \dimen16 \doMPexpanddimen18 \doMPexpanddimen18
+% \divide \dimen12 \dimen16 \doMPexpanddimen12 \doMPexpanddimen12
+% \fi
+% \fi
+% %
+% \divide\dimen18 \MPfactor
+% \divide\dimen12 \MPfactor
+% %
+% \edef#2{\withoutpt\the\dimen18}% % p_x^\prime
+% \edef#4{\withoutpt\the\dimen12}} % p_y^\prime
+%D DHL: Ideally, $r_x$, $r_y$, $s_x$, $s_y$ should be in macros, not
+%D dimensions (they are scalar quantities after all, not lengths). I
+%D suppose the authors decided to do calculations with integer
+%D arithmetic instead of using real factors because it's faster.
+%D However, the actual macros test slower, possibly because I've
+%D omitted three nested loops. In my test files, my approach is more
+%D accurate. It is also far simpler and overflow does not seem to be a
+%D significant concern. The scale factors written by Metapost are (?)
+%D always $<=1$ (it scales coordinates internally) and coordinates are
+%D always likely to be less than \type {\maxdimen}.
+%D If this should ever cause problems, the scale factors can be reduced.
+% \def\doMPconcat#1#2#3#4%
+% {\dimen12=#1pt % p_x % #1pt
+% \dimen14=#3pt % p_y % #3pt
+% \advance\dimen12 -\dimen8 % p_x - t_x
+% \advance\dimen14 -\dimen10 % p_y - t_y
+% \dimen18=\withoutpt\the\dimen6 \dimen12 % s_y(p_x - t_x)
+% \advance\dimen18 -\withoutpt\the\dimen4 \dimen14 % - r_y(p_y-t_y)
+% \dimen14=\withoutpt\the\dimen0 \dimen14 % s_x(p_y-t_y)
+% \advance\dimen14 -\withoutpt\the\dimen2 \dimen12 % - r_x(p_x-t_x)
+% % \MPscratchDim contains precomputed 1/D:
+% \dimen18=\withoutpt\the\MPscratchDim \dimen18
+% \dimen14=\withoutpt\the\MPscratchDim \dimen14
+% \edef#2{\withoutpt\the\dimen18}% % p_x^\prime
+% \edef#4{\withoutpt\the\dimen14}} % p_y^\prime
+ {\dimen12=#1pt % p_x % #1pt
+ \dimen14=#3pt % p_y % #3pt
+ \advance\dimen12 -\dimen8 % p_x - t_x
+ \advance\dimen14 -\dimen10 % p_y - t_y
+ \dimen18=\withoutpt\the\dimen6 \dimen12 % s_y(p_x - t_x)
+ \advance\dimen18 -\withoutpt\the\dimen4 \dimen14 % - r_y(p_y-t_y)
+ \dimen14=\withoutpt\the\dimen0 \dimen14 % s_x(p_y-t_y)
+ \advance\dimen14 -\withoutpt\the\dimen2 \dimen12 % - r_x(p_x-t_x)
+ % \MPreciprocal contains precomputed 1/D:
+ \dimen18=\MPreciprocal\dimen18
+ \dimen14=\MPreciprocal\dimen14
+ \edef#2{\withoutpt\the\dimen18}% % p_x^\prime
+ \edef#4{\withoutpt\the\dimen14}} % p_y^\prime
+% faster but not that often used
+% \def\doMPconcat#1#2#3#4%
+% {\dimen12\dimexpr#1\points-\dimen 8\relax % p_x-t_x
+% \dimen14\dimexpr#3\points-\dimen10\relax % p_y-t_y
+% \dimen18\dimexpr\withoutpt\the\dimen6\dimen12-\withoutpt\the\dimen4\dimen14\relax % s_y(p_x-t_x)-r_y(p_y-t_y)
+% \dimen14\dimexpr\withoutpt\the\dimen0\dimen14-\withoutpt\the\dimen2\dimen12\relax % s_x(p_y-t_y)-r_x(p_x-t_x)
+% \edef#2{\withoutpt\the\dimexpr\MPreciprocal\dimen18\relax}% % p_x^\prime
+% \edef#4{\withoutpt\the\dimexpr\MPreciprocal\dimen14\relax}} % p_y^\prime
+%D One reason for Daniel to write this patch was that at small sizes
+%D the accuracy was less than optimal. Here is a test that demonstrates
+%D that his alternative is pretty good:
+%D \startlinecorrection
+%D \startMPcode
+%D for i = 5cm,1cm,5mm,1mm,.5mm,.1mm,.01mm :
+%D draw fullcircle scaled i withpen pencircle xscaled (i/10) yscaled (i/20) rotated 45 ;
+%D endfor ;
+%D \stopMPcode
+%D \stoplinecorrection
+%D The following explanation of the conversion process was
+%D posted to the \PDFTEX\ mailing list by Tanmoy. The original
+%D macro was part of a set of macro's that included sinus and
+%D cosinus calculations as well as scaling and translating. The
+%D \METAPOST\ to \PDF\ conversion however only needs
+%D transformation.
+%M \start \switchtobodyfont [ss]
+%D Given a point $(U_x, U_y)$ in user coordinates, the business
+%D of \POSTSCRIPT\ is to convert it to device space. Let us say
+%D that the device space coordinates are $(D_x, D_y)$. Then, in
+%D \POSTSCRIPT\ $(D_x, D_y)$ can be written in terms of
+%D $(U_x, U_y)$ in matrix notation, either as
+%D \placeformula
+%D \startformula
+%D \pmatrix{D_x&D_y&1\cr} = \pmatrix{U_x&U_y&1\cr}
+%D \pmatrix{s_x&r_x&0\cr
+%D r_y&s_y&0\cr
+%D t_x&t_y&1\cr}
+%D \stopformula
+%D or
+%D \placeformula
+%D \startformula
+%D \pmatrix{D_x\cr D_y\cr 1} = \pmatrix{s_x&r_y&t_x\cr
+%D r_x&s_y&t_y\cr
+%D 0 &0 &1 \cr}
+%D \pmatrix{U_x\cr
+%D U_y\cr
+%D 1 \cr}
+%D \stopformula
+%D both of which is a shorthand for the same set of equations:
+%D \placeformula
+%D \startformula
+%D D_x = s_x U_x + r_y U_y + t_x
+%D \stopformula
+%D \placeformula
+%D \startformula
+%D D_y = r_x U_x + s_y U_y + t_y
+%D \stopformula
+%D which define what is called an `affine transformation'.
+%D \POSTSCRIPT\ represents the `transformation matrix' as a
+%D six element matrix instead of a $3\times 3$ array because
+%D three of the elements are always~0, 0 and~1. Thus the above
+%D transformation is written in postscript as $[s_x\, r_x\,
+%D r_y\, s_y\, t_x\, t_y]$. However, when doing any
+%D calculations, it is useful to go back to the original
+%D matrix notation (whichever: I will use the second) and
+%D continue from there.
+%D As an example, if the current transformation matrix is
+%D $[s_x\, r_x\, r_y\, s_y\, t_x\, t_y]$ and you say \typ{[a b
+%D c d e f] concat}, this means:
+%D \startnarrower
+%D Take the user space coordinates and transform them to an
+%D intermediate set of coordinates using array $[a\, b\, c\, d\,
+%D e\, f]$ as the transformation matrix.
+%D Take the intermediate set of coordinates and change them to
+%D device coordinates using array $[s_x\, r_x\, r_y\, s_y\, t_x\, t_y]$
+%D as the transformation matrix.
+%D \stopnarrower
+%D Well, what is the net effect? In matrix notation, it is
+%D \placeformula
+%D \startformula
+%D \pmatrix{I_x\cr I_y\cr 1\cr} = \pmatrix{a&c&e\cr
+%D b&d&f\cr
+%D 0&0&1\cr}
+%D \pmatrix{U_x\cr
+%D U_y\cr
+%D 1 \cr}
+%D \stopformula
+%D \placeformula
+%D \startformula
+%D \pmatrix{D_y\cr D_y\cr 1\cr} = \pmatrix{s_x&r_y&t_x\cr
+%D r_x&s_y&t_y\cr
+%D 0 &0 &1 \cr}
+%D \pmatrix{I_x\cr
+%D I_y\cr
+%D 1 \cr}
+%D \stopformula
+%D where $(I_x, I_y)$ is the intermediate coordinate.
+%D Now, the beauty of the matrix notation is that when there is
+%D a chain of such matrix equations, one can always compose
+%D them into one matrix equation using the standard matrix
+%D composition law. The composite matrix from two matrices can
+%D be derived very easily: the element in the $i$\high{th}
+%D horizontal row and $j$\high{th} vertical column is
+%D calculated by`multiplying' the $i$\high{th} row of the first
+%D matrix and the $j$\high{th} column of the second matrix (and
+%D summing over the elements). Thus, in the above:
+%D \placeformula
+%D \startformula
+%D \pmatrix{D_x\cr D_y\cr 1} = \pmatrix{s_x^\prime&r_y^\prime&t_x^\prime\cr
+%D r_x^\prime&s_y^\prime&t_y^\prime\cr
+%D 0 &0 &0 \cr}
+%D \pmatrix{U_x\cr
+%D U_y\cr
+%D 1 \cr}
+%D \stopformula
+%D with
+%D \placeformula
+%D \startformula
+%D \eqalign
+%D {s_x^\prime & = s_x a + r_y b \cr
+%D r_x^\prime & = r_x a + s_y b \cr
+%D r_y^\prime & = s_x c + r_y d \cr
+%D s_y^\prime & = r_x c + s_y d \cr
+%D t_x^\prime & = s_x e + r_y f + t_x \cr
+%D t_y^\prime & = r_x e + s_y f + t_y \cr}
+%D \stopformula
+%D In fact, the same rule is true not only when one is going
+%D from user coordinates to device coordinates, but whenever
+%D one is composing two `transformations' together
+%D (transformations are `associative'). Note that the formula
+%D is not symmetric: you have to keep track of which
+%D transformation existed before (i.e.\ the equivalent of
+%D $[s_x\, r_x\, r_y\, s_y\, t_x\, t_y]$) and which was
+%D specified later (i.e.\ the equivalent of $[a\, b\, c\, d\,
+%D e\, f]$). Note also that the language can be rather
+%D confusing: the one specified later `acts earlier',
+%D converting the user space coordinates to intermediate
+%D coordinates, which are then acted upon by the pre||existing
+%D transformation. The important point is that order of
+%D transformation matrices cannot be flipped (transformations
+%D are not `commutative').
+%D Now what does it mean to move a transformation matrix
+%D before a drawing? What it means is that given a point
+%D $(P_x, P_y)$ we need a different set of coordinates
+%D $(P_x^\prime, P_y^\prime)$ such that if the transformation
+%D acts on $(P_x^\prime, P_y^\prime)$, they produce $(P_x,
+%D P_y)$. That is we need to solve the set of equations:
+%D \placeformula
+%D \startformula
+%D \pmatrix{P_x\cr P_y\cr 1\cr} = \pmatrix{s_x&r_y&t_x\cr
+%D r_x&s_y&t_y\cr
+%D 0 &0 &1 \cr}
+%D \pmatrix{P_x^\prime\cr
+%D P_y^\prime\cr
+%D 1 \cr}
+%D \stopformula
+%D Again matrix notation comes in handy (i.e. someone has
+%D already solved the problem for us): we need the inverse
+%D transformation matrix. The inverse transformation matrix can
+%D be calculated very easily:
+%D \placeformula
+%D \startformula
+%D \pmatrix{P_x^\prime\cr P_y^\prime\cr 1\cr} =
+%D \pmatrix{s_x^\prime&r_y^\prime&t_x^\prime\cr
+%D r_x^\prime&s_y^\prime&t_y^\prime\cr
+%D 0 &0 &1 \cr}
+%D \pmatrix{P_x\cr
+%D P_y\cr
+%D 1 \cr}
+%D \stopformula
+%D where, the inverse transformation matrix is given by
+%D \placeformula
+%D \startformula
+%D \eqalign
+%D {D & = s_x s_y - r_x r_y \cr
+%D s_x^\prime & = s_y / D \cr
+%D s_y^\prime & = s_x / D \cr
+%D r_x^\prime & = - r_x / D \cr
+%D r_y^\prime & = - r_y / D \cr
+%D t_x^\prime & = ( - s_y t_x + r_y t_y ) / D \cr
+%D t_y^\prime & = ( r_x t_x - s_x t_y ) / D \cr}
+%D \stopformula
+%D And you can see that when expanded out, this does
+%D give the formulas:
+%D \placeformula
+%D \startformula
+%D P_x^\prime = { { s_y(p_x-t_x) + r_y(t_y-p_y) } \over
+%D { s_x s_y-r_x r_y } }
+%D \stopformula
+%D \placeformula
+%D \startformula
+%D P_y^\prime = { { s_x(p_y-t_y) + r_x(t_x-p_x) } \over
+%D { s_x*s_y-r_x*r_y } }
+%D \stopformula
+%D The code works by representing a real number by converting
+%D it to a dimension to be put into a \DIMENSION\ register: 2.3 would
+%D be represented as 2.3pt for example. In this scheme,
+%D multiplying two numbers involves multiplying the \DIMENSION\
+%D registers and dividing by 65536. Accuracy demands that the
+%D division be done as late as possible, but overflow
+%D considerations need early division.
+%D Division involves dividing the two \DIMENSION\ registers and
+%D multiplying the result by 65536. Again, accuracy would
+%D demand that the numerator be multiplied (and|/|or the
+%D denominator divided) early: but that can lead to overflow
+%D which needs to be avoided.
+%D If nothing is known about the numbers to start with (in
+%D concat), I have chosen to divide the 65536 as a 256 in each
+%D operand. However, in the series calculating the sine and
+%D cosine, I know that the terms are small (because I never
+%D have an angle greater than 45 degrees), so I chose to
+%D apportion the factor in a different way.
+%M \stop
+%D The path is output using the values saved on the stack. If
+%D needed, all coordinates are recalculated.
+ {\PDFcode{\ifcase\finiMPpath W n\or S\or f\or B\fi}}
+ {\checkMPpath
+ \ifcase\nofMPsegments\else
+ \flushMPpath
+ \closeMPpath
+ \finishMPpath
+ \fi
+ \let\handleMPsequence\dohandleMPsequence
+ \resetMPstack
+ \nofMPsegments0
+ \handleMPsequence}
+%D The following \METAPOST\ code is quite valid but, when
+%D processed and converted to \PDF, will make a file
+%D unprintable on a Hewlett Packard printer (from Acrobat
+%D $v<=5$). Who is to blame, the driver of the OS layer in
+%D between, is hard to determine, so we add an additional
+%D check.
+%D \starttyping
+%D clip currentpicture to origin -- cycle ;
+%D setbounds currentpicture to fullsquare scaled 5cm ;
+%D \stoptyping
+ {\ifcase\finiMPpath
+ \ifnum\nofMPsegments<3 % n is one ahead
+ \message{omitting zero clip path}%
+ \nofMPsegments0
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+%D In \PDF\ the \type{cm} operator must precede the path
+%D specification. We therefore can output the \type{cm} at
+%D the moment we encounter it.
+ {\presetMPconcat
+ \PDFcode{\gMPs1 \gMPs2 \gMPs3 \gMPs4 \gMPs5 \gMPs6 cm}%
+ \resetMPstack}
+ {\presetMPscale
+ \PDFcode{\gMPs1 0 0 \gMPs2 0 0 cm}%
+ \resetMPstack}
+%D This macro interprets the path and saves it as compact as
+%D possible.
+ {\ifcase\lccode`#1\relax
+ \expandafter\dohandleMPpathA
+ \else
+ \expandafter\dohandleMPpathB
+ \fi#1}
+%\def\dohandleMPpathA#1 %
+% {\setMPargument{#1}%
+% \handleMPsequence}
+% \def\dohandleMPpathB#1 %
+% {\def\somestring{#1}%
+% \ifx\somestring\PSlineto
+% \setMPkeyword0
+% \else\ifx\somestring\PScurveto
+% \setMPkeyword1
+% \else\ifx\somestring\PSrlineto
+% \setMPkeyword2
+% \else\ifx\somestring\PSmoveto
+% \setMPkeyword3
+% \else\ifx\somestring\PSclip
+% % \chardef\finiMPpath0 % already
+% \let\handleMPsequence\processMPpath
+% \else\ifx\somestring\PSgsave
+% \chardef\finiMPpath3
+% \else\ifx\somestring\PSgrestore
+% \else\ifx\somestring\PSfill
+% \ifcase\finiMPpath
+% \chardef\finiMPpath2
+% \let\handleMPsequence\processMPpath
+% \fi
+% \else\ifx\somestring\PSstroke
+% \ifcase\finiMPpath
+% \chardef\finiMPpath1
+% \fi
+% \let\handleMPsequence\processMPpath
+% \else\ifx\somestring\PSclosepath
+% \def\closeMPpath{\PDFcode{h}}%
+% \else\ifx\somestring\PSconcat
+% \cleanupMPconcat
+% \let\flushMPpath\flushconcatMPpath
+% \handleMPpathconcat
+% \else\ifx\somestring\PSscale
+% \let\flushMPpath\flushconcatMPpath
+% \handleMPpathscale
+% \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi
+% \handleMPsequence}
+ {\expandafter\def\csname\@@MP:P:#1\endcsname{#2}}
+\def\installMPSshortcutP#1#2% todo: \let
+ {\expandafter\let\csname\@@MP:P:#1\expandafter\endcsname\csname\@@MP:P:#2\endcsname}
+\def\dohandleMPpathB#1 %
+ {\def\somestring{#1}%
+ \ifcsname\@@MP:P:\somestring\endcsname
+ \csname\@@MP:P:\somestring\expandafter\endcsname
+ \fi
+ \handleMPsequence}
+ \def\dohandleMPpathB#1 %
+ {\def\somestring{#1}%
+ \csname\@@MP:P:\somestring\endcsname
+ \handleMPsequence}
+\installMPSkeywordP \PSlineto
+ {\setMPkeyword0 }
+\installMPSkeywordP \PScurveto
+ {\setMPkeyword1 }
+\installMPSkeywordP \PSrlineto
+ {\setMPkeyword2 }
+\installMPSkeywordP \PSmoveto
+ {\edef\lastMPmoveX{\gMPs1}%
+ \edef\lastMPmoveY{\gMPs2}%
+ \resetMPstack
+ \setMPkeyword3 }
+\installMPSkeywordP \PSclip
+ {% \chardef\finiMPpath\zerocount % already
+ \let\handleMPsequence\processMPpath}
+\installMPSkeywordP \PSgsave
+ {\chardef\finiMPpath3 }
+\installMPSkeywordP \PSgrestore
+ {}
+\installMPSkeywordP \PSfill
+ {\ifcase\finiMPpath
+ \chardef\finiMPpath2
+ \let\handleMPsequence\processMPpath
+ \fi}
+\installMPSkeywordP \PSstroke
+ {\ifcase\finiMPpath
+ \chardef\finiMPpath1
+ \fi
+ \let\handleMPsequence\processMPpath}
+\installMPSkeywordP \PSclosepath
+ {\def\closeMPpath{\PDFcode{h}}}
+\installMPSkeywordP \PSconcat
+ {\cleanupMPconcat
+ \let\flushMPpath\flushconcatMPpath
+ \handleMPpathconcat}
+\installMPSkeywordP \PSscale
+ {\let\flushMPpath\flushconcatMPpath
+ \handleMPpathscale}
+\installMPSshortcutP {l} \PSlineto
+\installMPSshortcutP {r} \PSrlineto
+\installMPSshortcutP {m} \PSmoveto
+\installMPSshortcutP {c} \PScurveto
+\installMPSshortcutP {q} \PSgsave
+\installMPSshortcutP {Q} \PSgrestore
+\installMPSshortcutP {S} \PSstroke
+\installMPSshortcutP {F} \PSfill
+\installMPSshortcutP {B} \PSgsave
+\installMPSshortcutP {W} \PSclip
+\installMPSshortcutP {p} \PSclosepath
+\installMPSshortcutP {s} \PSscale
+\installMPSshortcutP {t} \PSconcat
+%D The main conversion command is:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \convertMPtoPDF {filename} {x scale} {y scale}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The dimensions are derived from the bounding box. So we
+%D only have to say:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \convertMPtoPDF{mp-pra-1.eps}{1}{1}
+%D \convertMPtoPDF{mp-pra-1.eps}{.5}{.5}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D \macros
+%D {makeMPintoPDFobject,lastPDFMPobject}
+%D For experts there are a few more options. When attributes
+%D are to be added, the code must be embedded in an object
+%D accompanied with the appropriate directives. One can
+%D influence this process with \type {\makeMPintoPDFobject}.
+%D This option defaults to~0, because \CONTEXT\ takes care
+%D of objects at another level, which saves some bytes.
+%D \starttabulate[|l|l|p|]
+%D \NC 0 \NC never \NC don't use an object \NC\NR
+%D \NC 1 \NC always \NC always use an object \NC\NR
+%D \NC 2 \NC optional \NC use object when needed \NC\NR
+%D \stoptabulate
+%D The last object number used is avaliable in the macro
+%D \type {\lastPDFMPobject}.
+\ifx\makeMPintoPDFobject\undefined \newcount\makeMPintoPDFobject \fi
+%D The additional code needed can be made available in the
+%D (global) macro \type {\currentPDFresources}.
+\def\convertMPtoPDF % #1#2#3%
+ {\bgroup
+ \defineMPtoPDFfallbacks
+ \ifx\pdfdecimaldigits\undefined\else \pdfdecimaldigits=5 \fi % new
+ \setbox\scratchbox\vbox\bgroup
+ \xdef\MPheight{0pt}%
+ \xdef\MPwidth {0pt}%
+ \forgetall
+ \offinterlineskip
+ \startMPresources
+ \doprocessMPtoPDFfile} %
+%D The next one is kind of private and probably will become obsolete):
+\def\processMPtoPDFfile % file xscale yscale
+ {\bgroup
+ \let\finishMPgraphic\egroup
+ \doprocessMPtoPDFfile}
+\def\doprocessMPtoPDFfile#1#2#3% file xscale yscale
+ {\setMPspecials
+ \setMPextensions
+ \the\everyMPtoPDFconversion
+ \catcode`\^^M=\@@endofline
+ \startMPscanning
+ \let\do\empty
+ \xdef\MPxscale{#2}%
+ \xdef\MPyscale{#3}%
+ \xdef\MPxoffset{0}%
+ \xdef\MPyoffset{0}%
+ \xdef\MPyshift{0pt}%
+ \donefalse
+ \let\handleMPsequence\dohandleMPsequence
+ \message{[MP to PDF]}% was: [MP to PDF #1] but there is a (#1) anyway
+ \input#1\relax}
+ {\ifx\objectoffset\undefined0pt\else\objectoffset\fi}
+\chardef\blackoutMPgraphic0 % in ConTeXt 1
+ {\stopMPresources
+ \egroup
+ \setbox\scratchbox\vbox
+ {\forgetall
+ \hbox
+ {\PDFcode{q \MPxscale\space 0 0 \MPyscale\space \MPxoffset\space \MPyoffset\space cm}%
+ \ifcase\blackoutMPgraphic\or\PDFcode{0 g 0 G}\fi
+ \lower\MPyshift\box\scratchbox % unscaled shift
+ \PDFcode{Q}}}%
+ \ht\scratchbox\MPheight
+ \wd\scratchbox\MPwidth
+ \dp\scratchbox0pt\relax
+ \dopackageMPgraphic\scratchbox
+ \egroup
+ \endinput}
+%D Alternative for \PDFTEX. We cannot come up with something more contexy
+%D because this module is also used in \LATEX.
+\def\dopackageMPgraphic#1% #1 = boxregister
+ {%\ifx\pdfxform\undefined
+ % \makeMPintoPDFobject0 % no pdftex at all
+ %\else\ifx\pdftexversion\undefined
+ % \makeMPintoPDFobject0 % no pdftex at all
+ %\else\ifnum\pdftexversion<14
+ % \makeMPintoPDFobject0 % no resource support
+ %\else
+ % % keep the default value
+ %\fi\fi\fi
+ \ifcase\makeMPintoPDFobject\or\or\ifx\currentPDFresources\empty\else
+ % an existing value of 2 signals object support (set elsewhere)
+ \makeMPintoPDFobject1
+ \fi\fi
+ \ifcase\makeMPintoPDFobject
+ \box#1%
+ \or
+ \scratchdimen\PDFMPformoffset\relax
+ \ifdim\scratchdimen>0pt % compensate for error
+ \setbox#1\vbox spread 2\scratchdimen
+ {\forgetall\vss\hbox spread 2\scratchdimen{\hss\box#1\hss}\vss}%
+ \fi
+ \setMPPDFobject{\currentPDFresources}{#1}%
+ \ifdim\scratchdimen>0pt % compensate for error
+ \vbox to \MPheight
+ {\forgetall\vss\hbox to \MPwidth{\hss\getMPPDFobject\hss}\vss}%
+ \else
+ \getMPPDFobject
+ \fi
+ \global\let\currentPDFresources\empty
+ \else
+ \box#1%
+ \fi}
+\def\setMPPDFobject#1#2% resources boxnumber
+ {\ifx\pdfxform\undefined
+ \def\getMPPDFobject{\box#2}%
+ \else\ifx\pdftexversion\undefined
+ \def\getMPPDFobject{\box#2}%
+ \else\ifnum\pdftexversion<14
+ \def\getMPPDFobject{\box#2}%
+ \else
+ \ifx\everyPDFxform\undefined\else\the\everyPDFxform\fi
+ \immediate\pdfxform resources{#1}#2%
+ \edef\getMPPDFobject{\noexpand\pdfrefxform\the\pdflastxform}%
+ \fi\fi\fi}
+%D \macros
+%D {deleteMPgraphic,
+%D startMPresources,
+%D stopMPresources}
+%D Here are a few hooks for \CONTEXT\ specific things.
+ \def\deleteMPgraphic#1{}
+ \let\startMPresources\relax
+ \let\stopMPresources\relax
+%D \macros
+%D {twodigitMPoutput}
+%D We can limit the precision to two digits after the comma
+%D by saying:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \twodigitMPoutput
+%D \stoptyping
+%D This option only works in \CONTEXT\ combined with \ETEX.
+ {\let\!MP \twodigitrounding
+ \def\!MPgMPs##1{\twodigitrounding{\gMPs##1}}%
+ \def\!MPgMPa##1{\twodigitrounding{\gMPa##1}}}
+\let\!MP \empty
+%D This kind of conversion is possible because \METAPOST\
+%D does all the calculations. Converting other \POSTSCRIPT\
+%D files would drive both me and \TEX\ crazy.
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/supp-pdf.tex b/tex/context/base/mkii/supp-pdf.tex
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2ae878067
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/supp-pdf.tex
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+\input supp-pdf.mkii
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/supp-ran.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/supp-ran.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0a39026bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/supp-ran.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=supp-ran,
+%D version=1998.01.21,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Support Macros,
+%D subtitle=Random Number Generation,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Support Macros / Random Number Generation}
+%D \macros
+%D {getrandomcount, getrandomdimen,
+%D getrandomfloat, getrandomnumber,
+%D setrandomseed, getrandomseed}
+%D This module load Donald Arseneau's generic file
+%D \type{random.tex}. A small shell is needed because we
+%D redefine some \TEX\ primitives. We also use different names
+%D for the two generators and add an extra one.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \getrandomcount \countregister {minimum} {maximum}
+%D \getrandomdimen \dimenregister {minimum} {maximum}
+%D \getrandomnumber \macroname {minimum} {maximum}
+%D \getrandomfloat \macroname {minimum} {maximum}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Of course the file \type{random.tex} needs to be present.
+%D To prevent name clashes, the \CONTEXT\ distribution
+%D contains a copy in \type {thrd-ran.tex}.
+%D The randomseed can be set by:
+%D \starttyping
+%d \setrandomseed{number>0}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D and get by:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \getrandomseed\randomseed
+%D \stoptyping
+\input thrd-ran.mkii
+ \let\verynormalnextrandom\nextrandom
+ \def\normalnextrandom
+ {\bgroup
+ \let\time \normaltime
+ \let\day \normalday
+ \let\month\normalmonth
+ \let\year \normalyear
+ \verynormalnextrandom
+ \egroup}
+ \writestatus{loading}{using TeX's built in randomizer (overloading macro)}
+ % For the meaning of the magic number, see \type {thrd-ran.tex}.
+ %
+ % Taco suggested to use the following alternative because \type
+ % {\uniformdeviate} can return a zero (as expected) while
+ % Donalds Arseneau's alternative has a minimum of~1.
+ \def\nextrandom
+ {\normalsetrandomseed\randomi\relax
+ \global\randomi\numexpr\normaluniformdeviate2147483646+1\relax}
+ \let\normalnextrandom\nextrandom
+ {\bgroup
+ \normalnextrandom
+ \gdef\nextrandom{\ifcase\randomseedfrozen\normalnextrandom\fi}%
+ \egroup}
+ {\ifcase\randomseedfrozen
+ \nextrandom \global\chardef\randomseedfrozen\plusone
+ \fi}
+ {\ifcase\randomseedfrozen\else
+ \global\chardef\randomseedfrozen\zerocount \nextrandom
+ \fi}
+ {\getrandomcount\scratchcounter{#2}{#3}%
+ \edef#1{\the\scratchcounter}}
+ {\getrandomdimen\scratchdimen{#2\points}{#3\points}%
+ \edef#1{\withoutpt\the\scratchdimen}}
+\unexpanded \def\setrandomseed#1%
+ {\global\randomi#1\relax} % global added
+\unexpanded \def\getrandomseed#1%
+ {\edef#1{\number\randomi}}
+ {\setrandomseed\minusone % signals thrd-ran to auto reseed
+ \nextrandom % this signal is needed for the
+ #1\randomi} % pseudo randomizer (see: third-ran)
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/supp-spe.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/supp-spe.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4625695c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/supp-spe.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=supp-spe,
+%D version=1997.07.05,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Support Macros,
+%D subtitle=Specials,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D This module implements some \type{\special} manipulation
+%D macros. I needed these when I implemented the code that
+%D handles the conversion of \TPIC\ specials to \PDF\ code.
+\ifx \undefined \writestatus \input supp-mis.tex \relax \fi
+\ifx \undefined \redefinespecial \else \expandafter \endinput \fi
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Support Macros / Specials}
+%D When interpreting specials we need to do some basic scanning.
+%D For the moment we distinguish between three cases. We need
+%D \starttyping
+%D \special{tag: arguments}
+%D \special{tag arguments}
+%D \special{tag}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D We cannot be sure that the first case isn't
+%D \starttyping
+%D \special{tag:arguments}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D So we have to take care of that one too.
+%D \macros
+%D {redefinespecial}
+%D Specials that are to be interpreted are defined with
+%D commands like:
+%D \startbuffer[tmp-1]
+%D \redefinespecial a: \using#1\endspecial%
+%D {let's execute special 'a:' using '#1'}
+%D \redefinespecial a \using#1\endspecial%
+%D {let's execute special 'a' using '#1'}
+%D \redefinespecial a \using#1\endspecial%
+%D {let's execute special 'a' using nothing}
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer[tmp-1]
+%D The first two always take an argument, the last one not.
+%D The definition of this redefinition macro is not that
+%D complex. The names are internally tagged with \type{\@rds@}
+%D which saves both time and space.
+\def\redefinespecial #1 {\setvalue{\@rds@#1}}
+%D \macros
+%D {mimmickspecials}
+%D Mimmicking specials is activated by saying:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \mimmickspecials
+%D \stoptyping
+%D This commands redefines the \PLAIN\ \TEX\ primitive
+%D \type{\special}.
+ {\let\special\domimmickspecial}
+%D The special mimmicking macro first looks if it can find an
+%D colon terminated tag, next it searches for a tag that end
+%D with a space. If both cannot find, the tag itself is treated
+%D without argument.
+ {\domimmickcolonspecial#1:\relax/:\relax/\end}
+ {\ifx#2\relax
+ \domimmickspacespecial#1 \relax/ \relax/\end
+ \else
+ \dodomimmickspecial#1:\using#2#3\endspecial
+ \fi}
+\def\domimmickspacespecial#1 #2#3 \relax/#4\end
+ {\ifx#2\relax
+ \dodomimmickspecial#1\using\endspecial
+ \else
+ \dodomimmickspecial#1\using#2#3\endspecial
+ \fi}
+ {\expandafter\ifx\csname\@rds@#1\endcsname\relax % \doifdefinedelse
+ \defaultspecial{#1 #2}%
+ \else
+ %\message{[mimmick special #1 with #2]}%
+ \getvalue{\@rds@#1}\using#2\endspecial
+ \fi}
+%D Now let's show that things work the way we want, using the
+%D previous definitions of tag~a.
+%D \startbuffer[tmp-2]
+%D \mimmickspecials
+%D \special{a: 1 2 3 4 5}
+%D \special{a: 1 2 3 4 5}
+%D \special{a}
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer[tmp-2]
+%D Which results in:
+%D \startlines
+%D \getbuffer[tmp-1]
+%D \getbuffer[tmp-2]
+%D \stoplines
+%D \macros
+%D {mimmickspecial}
+%D When needed, one can call a mimmicked special directly by
+%D saying for instance:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \mimmickspecial a: \using...\endspecial
+%D \stoptyping
+%D This can be handy when specials have much in common.
+\def\mimmickspecial #1 {\getvalue{\@rds@#1}}
+%D \macros
+%D {normalspecial,defaultspecial}
+%D Unknown specials are passed to the default special handler.
+%D One can for instance ignore all further specials by saying
+%D \type{\normalspecial}:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\defaultspecial#1{}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D But here we default to idle.
+\let\normalspecial \special
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/supp-tpi.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/supp-tpi.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2c3e282e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/supp-tpi.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,353 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=supp-tpi,
+%D version=1997.07.05,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Support Macros,
+%D subtitle=\TPIC\ Conversion,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D This modules implements the conversion of graphic \TPIC\
+%D specials using \METAPOST.
+%D We reimplement the \TPIC\ specials using the special
+%D mimmicking mechanism implemented in the support module
+%D \type{supp-spe} as well as the \METAPOST\ run||time support
+%D implemented in \type{supp-mps}.
+ \expandafter \endinput
+\ifx\undefined\writestatus \input supp-mis.mkii \relax \fi
+\ifx\undefined\mimmickspecials \input supp-spe.mkii \relax \fi
+\ifx\undefined\MPgraphicbox \input supp-mps.mkii \relax \fi
+\ifx\undefined\dogetEPSboundingbox \input supp-eps.mkii \relax \fi
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Support Macros / TPIC Conversion}
+%D Beware: we haven't activated both mechanism yet. This is
+%D to be done in the calling module.
+%D When we want to mimmick \TPIC\ specials in \PDFTEX, we need
+%D to map its graphic primitives into \PDF\ ones. The main
+%D problem in doing so is that \PDF\ does not support b-splines
+%D directly and also does not offer us something to draw arcs.
+%D Of course all this scan be implemented in \TEX, and the
+%D first implementation of this module did so, but the results
+%D were not that satisfying. Not having used these specials
+%D before, I had for instance to find out that the \TPIC\
+%D specials were not that unambiguesly defined.
+%D Then, while discussing something else, Sebastian Ratz told
+%D me that the Web2c implementation that \PDFTEX\ is base upon,
+%D offers some rather discutable, but nevertheless handy
+%D feature:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \write18{execute program with arguments}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Knowing this, I immediatelly decided to throw away the old
+%D conversion macros and use the marvelous \METAPOST, \TEX\
+%D related, drawing program to do the conversion in as high a
+%D quality as possible.
+%D implementation we're going to present here, not only uses
+%D for drawing purposes, but also uses the more efficient
+%D \METAPOST\ features to store the path.
+%D \in{Table}[tab:TPIC specials] lists the \TPIC\ specials as
+%D mentioned in the \LATEX\ Graphics Companion and the
+%D relevant part of the \DVIPS\ source. This list shows us
+%D that we have to store the path before we can use it, simply
+%D because we don't know in advance what actions to apply on
+%D it.
+%D \placetable[here][tab:TPIC specials]{The \TPIC\ special syntax.}
+%D \starttable[|||l|]
+%D \HL
+%D \NC \bf tag \NC \bf arguments \NC \bf meaning \NC\SR
+%D \HL
+%D \NC pn \NC $w$ \NC set linewidth \NC\FR
+%D \NC pa \NC $x$ $y$ \NC add point to path \NC\MR
+%D \NC fp \NC \NC draw/fill path \NC\MR
+%D \NC ip \NC \NC fill path \NC\MR
+%D \NC da \NC $l$ \NC draw dashed path \NC\MR
+%D \NC dt \NC $l$ \NC draw doted path \NC\MR
+%D \NC sp \NC $d$ \NC draw spline \NC\MR
+%D \NC ar \NC $x$ $y$ $r_x$ $r_y$ $b$ $e$ \NC draw (partial) arc \NC\MR
+%D \NC ia \NC $x$ $y$ $r_x$ $r_y$ $b$ $e$ \NC fill (partial) arc \NC\MR
+%D \NC sh \NC $s$ \NC fill next path \NC\LR
+%D \HL
+%D \stoptable
+%D The first problem we have to take care of is the fact that
+%D there is no decent begin or end of the drawing process
+%D defined. We can however be quite sure that writers of
+%D packages using these specials will put them into a box,
+%D simply because else this is the most common used way to
+%D treat something \TEX\ as as a whole, like:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \hbox{\special{}\special{}...}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D We just start a picture as soon as the first special is
+%D encountered, so this becomes:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \hbox{\openpicture\newspecial{}\newspecial{}...
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The first step in opening the picture is to start a group.
+%D Now we can savely use the egroup that closes the box to also
+%D end the picture.
+% BETER: check for context and include
+ {\bgroup
+ \let\startTPICspecials\relax
+ \aftergroup\stopTPICspecials
+ \resetMPdrawing
+ \startMPdrawing
+ input mp-tool.mpii ;
+ pair p[];
+ \stopMPdrawing}
+%D As soon as we begin a picture, we inhibit nesting by
+%D relaxing the start macro. The first \METAPOST\ action we
+%D take is declaring an array of pairs named $p$.
+%D Ending the picture is invoked by closing the current group.
+%D Because the \TPIC\ picture comes out mirrored, we have to
+%D reflect the current \METAPOST\ picture, stored in the system
+%D variable {\it currentpicture}, around the $x$-axis.
+ {\startMPdrawing
+ currentpicture:=currentpicture reflectedabout ((0,0),(4095,0));
+ \stopMPdrawing
+ \MPdrawingdonetrue
+ \setbox\MPgraphicbox\hbox
+ {\getMPdrawing}%
+ \setbox\MPgraphicbox\hbox to \zeropoint
+ {\kern-\wd\MPgraphicbox
+ \vbox to \zeropoint{\box\MPgraphicbox\vss}\hss}%
+ \ht\MPgraphicbox\zeropoint
+ \wd\MPgraphicbox\zeropoint
+ \dp\MPgraphicbox\zeropoint
+ \box\MPgraphicbox
+ \egroup}
+%D Here the macro \type{\stopwritingMPgraphic} has to take care
+%D of executing and including the \METAPOST\ code.
+%D We need to keep track of the number of elements that form
+%D the path. This is needed because we don't know in advance
+%D how the points are to be connected.
+%D When a path is draw, we can connect the points using a
+%D smooth curve of drawing straight lines. A closed path can be
+%D drawn or filled.
+%D The \TPIC\ specials permit specifying the line and fill
+%D color as well as the linetype, which can be solid, dashed or
+%D dotted. We'll save those specifications as a \METAPOST\
+%D string, using:
+\let\TPIClinetype =\empty
+%D The magic reduction factor $.07227$ is needed to map the
+%D \TPIC\ $1/1000$ of an inch to \POSTSCRIPT\ points. We cannot
+%D delegate this task to \METAPOST\ because this program does
+%D not accept values greater than 4095.
+%D I won't discuss all the specifics used in implementing
+%D the specials. The \METAPOST\ part is rather trivial. Many
+%D specials have much in common, so the amout of code is not
+%D that large.
+\redefinespecial pa \using#1 #2\endspecial
+ {\startTPICspecials
+ \bgroup
+ \global\advance\TPICcounter 1
+ \dimen0=#1pt \dimen0=.07227\dimen0
+ \dimen2=#2pt \dimen2=.07227\dimen2
+ \startMPdrawing
+ p[\the\TPICcounter]:=(\the\dimen0,\the\dimen2);
+ \stopMPdrawing
+ \egroup}
+\redefinespecial pn \using#1\endspecial
+ {\startTPICspecials
+ \bgroup
+ \dimen0=#1pt \dimen0=.07227\dimen0
+ \startMPdrawing
+ pickup pencircle scaled \the\dimen0;
+ \stopMPdrawing
+ \egroup}
+\redefinespecial sh \using#1\endspecial
+ {\startTPICspecials
+ \bgroup
+ \edef\g{#1}%
+ \edef\g{\ifx\g\empty.5\else#1\fi}%
+ \xdef\TPICgrayscale{withcolor (\g,\g,\g)}%
+ \egroup}
+\redefinespecial wh \using#1\endspecial
+ {\mimmickspecial sh \using0\endspecial}
+\redefinespecial bk \using#1\endspecial
+ {\mimmickspecial sh \using1\endspecial}
+\redefinespecial da \using#1\endspecial
+ {\startTPICspecials
+ \bgroup
+ \edef\l{#1}%
+ \ifx\l\empty
+ \gdef\TPIClinetype{dashed evenly}%
+ \else
+ \dimen0=#1in
+ \ifdim\dimen0<\!!zeropoint \dimen0=-\dimen0\fi
+ \edef\f{\the\dimen0 \space}%
+ \dimen0=.5\dimen0
+ \edef\h{\the\dimen0 \space}%
+ \xdef\TPIClinetype{dashed dashpattern (on \h off \f on \h)}%
+ \fi
+ \egroup
+ \TPICcurvefalse\TPICdrawtrue
+ \drawTPICpath\using#1\endspecial}
+\redefinespecial dt \using#1\endspecial
+ {\startTPICspecials
+ \bgroup
+ \edef\l{#1}%
+ \xdef\TPIClinetype{dashed withdots \ifx\l\empty\else scaled #1in\fi}%
+ \egroup
+ \TPICcurvefalse\TPICdrawtrue
+ \drawTPICpath\using#1\endspecial}
+\redefinespecial fp \using#1\endspecial
+ {\startTPICspecials
+ \TPICcurvefalse\TPICdrawtrue
+ \ifdim0#1pt=\!!zeropoint
+ \drawTPICpath\using#1\endspecial
+ \else\ifdim0#1pt<\!!zeropoint
+ \mimmickspecial dt\using#1\endspecial
+ \else
+ \mimmickspecial da\using#1\endspecial
+ \fi\fi}
+\redefinespecial sp
+ {\startTPICspecials\TPICdrawtrue\TPICcurvetrue\drawTPICpath}
+\redefinespecial ip
+ {\startTPICspecials\TPICfilltrue\drawTPICpath}
+\redefinespecial ar
+ {\startTPICspecials\TPICdrawtrue\drawTPICarc}
+\redefinespecial ia
+ {\startTPICspecials\TPICfilltrue\drawTPICarc}
+%D These substitutes use two auxiliary macros that take care of
+%D actually drawing the shape or arc. Here we use the stored
+%D linetype (solid, dashed, dotted) and color (grayscale).
+ {\bgroup
+ \ifTPICdraw
+ \def\TPICgrayscale{}%
+ \fi
+ \startMPdrawing
+ \ifTPICfill fill\fi\ifTPICdraw draw\fi\space
+ for i:=1 upto \the\TPICcounter-1:
+ p[i]\ifTPICcurve..\else--\fi
+ endfor
+ p[\the\TPICcounter]
+ \ifTPICfill\ifTPICcurve..\else--\fi cycle \fi
+ \TPIClinetype\space\TPICgrayscale;
+ \stopMPdrawing
+ \resetTPICvariables
+ \egroup}
+%D I have to admit that at the moment I wrote this macro, I
+%D could not write this piece of \METAPOST. Fortunately
+%D Thortsen Ohl promptly answered the question I posted to the
+%D \METAFONT\ discussion list.
+\def\drawTPICarc\using#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6\endspecial
+ {\bgroup
+ \ifTPICdraw
+ \def\TPICgrayscale{}%
+ \fi
+ \dimen 0=#1pt\dimen 0=.07227\dimen 0
+ \dimen 2=#2pt\dimen 2=.07227\dimen 2
+ \dimen10=#3pt\dimen10=.14454\dimen10
+ \dimen12=#4pt\dimen12=.14454\dimen12
+ \dimen20=#5pt
+ \dimen22=#6pt
+ \startMPdrawing
+ \ifTPICfill fill\fi\ifTPICdraw draw\fi \space
+ \ifTPICfill\else subpath 4/3.14159*(\the\dimen20,\the\dimen22) of \fi
+ fullcircle xscaled \the\dimen10 \space yscaled \the\dimen12 \space
+ shifted (\the\dimen0,\the\dimen2)
+ \TPIClinetype \space \TPICgrayscale;
+ \stopMPdrawing
+ \resetTPICvariables
+ \egroup}
+%D Resetting the variables need to be done globally because we
+%D cannot be sure if any further grouping is used by the
+%D envelopping macros.
+ {\global\TPICcounter\zerocount
+ \global\TPICfillfalse
+ \global\TPICdrawfalse
+ \global\let\TPIClinetype\empty
+ \global\let\TPICgrayscale\empty}
+%D I have to admit that by using the \METAPOST\ B‚zier cubics
+%D routines these implementation does produce better curves
+%D then most \DVI\ drivers do using the \TPIC\ prescribed
+%D b-splines. Take for instance the sequence:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \special{pa 2000 1000}
+%D \special{pa 1000 2000}
+%D \special{pa 0000 1000}
+%D \special{pa 1000 0000}
+%D \special{pa 2000 1000}
+%D \special{sp}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D One would expect that this code produced a closed circle,
+%D but the curve that comes out using b-splines is far from
+%D round. We can however savely asume that the arc producing
+%D specials will be used for drawing circle fragments, while
+%D the path specials will be used for arbitraty curves. And for
+%D b-splines to produce nice curves, one will often use many
+%D points to get the desired results. Therefore, using the
+%D \METAPOST\ B‚zier curves will certainly produce similar and
+%D even better graphics, except in those rare cases where one
+%D uses delinberately the not that accurate features of
+%D b-splines. Hereby the user is warned.
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/supp-vis.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/supp-vis.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..22a745b13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/supp-vis.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,1907 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=supp-vis,
+%D version=1996.10.21,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Support Macros,
+%D subtitle=Visualization,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+% no longer generic, who cares ...
+%D \gdef\ShowBufferedExample% private typeseting macro
+%D {\startlinecorrection
+%D \bgroup
+%D \setuptyping[margin=0pt,option=color]
+%D \showmakeup
+%D \centeredvcuetrue
+%D \dontinterfere
+%D \baselinerulefalse
+%D \normalvbox
+%D {\normalhbox to \hsize
+%D {$\hsize=.5\hsize
+%D \advance\hsize by -.5em
+%D \normalvcenter{\vbox{\getbuffer}}\normalhss
+%D \normalvcenter{\vbox{\dontshowcomposition\typebuffer}}$}}
+%D \egroup
+%D \stoplinecorrection}
+%D \gdef\ShowBufferedExampleBox% private typeseting macro
+%D {\startlinecorrection
+%D \bgroup
+%D \setuptyping[margin=0pt,option=color]
+%D \showmakeup
+%D \centeredvcuetrue
+%D \dontinterfere
+%D \baselinerulefalse
+%D \normalvbox
+%D {\normalhbox to \hsize
+%D {$\hsize=.5\hsize
+%D \advance\hsize by -.5em
+%D \normalvcenter{\baselineruletrue\vbox{\getbuffer}}\normalhss
+%D \normalvcenter{\vbox{\dontshowcomposition\typebuffer}}$}}
+%D \egroup
+%D \stoplinecorrection}
+%D Although an integral part of \CONTEXT, this module is one
+%D of the support modules. Its stand alone character permits
+%D use in \PLAIN\ \TEX\ or \TEX\ based macropackages.
+%D \ifCONTEXT \else If in some examples the verbatim listings
+%D don't show up nice, this is due to processing by a system
+%D that does not support buffering. In \CONTEXT\ we show the
+%D commands in the margin, use bit more advanced way of
+%D numbering, and typeset the source in \TEX nicolored
+%D verbatim. Sorry for this inconvenience.\fi
+%D Depending on my personal needs and those of whoever uses it,
+%D the macros will be improved in terms of visualization,
+%D efficiency and compatibility. These rather low level
+%D visualization macros are supplemented by ones that can
+%D visualize baselines, the page layout and whatever deserves
+%D attention. Most of those macros can be found in \type
+%D {core-vis} and other core modules. Their integration in
+%D \CONTEXT\ prohibits generic applications.
+\ifx \undefined \writestatus \input supp-mis.tex \fi
+%D One of the strong points of \TEX\ is abstraction of textual
+%D input. When macros are defined well and do what we
+%D want them to do, we will seldom need the tools present in
+%D What You See Is What You Get systems. For instance, when
+%D entering text we don't need rulers, because no manual
+%D shifting and/or alignment of text is needed. On the other
+%D hand, when we are designing macros or specifying layout
+%D elements, some insight in \TEX's advanced spacing, kerning,
+%D filling, boxing and punishment abilities will be handy.
+%D That's why we've implemented a mechanism that shows some of
+%D the inner secrets of \TEX.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Support Macros / Visualization}
+%D In this module we are going to redefine some \TEX\
+%D primitives and \PLAIN\ macro's. Their original meaning is
+%D saved in macros with corresponding names, preceded by
+%D \type{normal}. These original macros are (1)~used to
+%D temporary restore the old values when needed and
+%D (2)~used to prevent recursive calls in the macros that
+%D replace them.
+%D \macros
+%D {dontinterfere}
+%D Indentation, left and/or right skips, redefinition of
+%D \type{\par} and assignments to \type{\everypar} can lead to
+%D unwanted results. We can therefore turn all those things
+%D off with \type{\dontinterfere}.
+ {\everypar \emptytoks
+ \let\par \endgraf
+ \parindent\zeropoint
+ \parskip \zeropoint
+ \leftskip \zeropoint
+ \rightskip\zeropoint
+ \relax}
+%D \macros
+%D {dontcomplain}
+%D In this module we do a lot of box manipulations. Because we
+%D don't want to be confronted with to many over- and underfull
+%D messages we introduce \type{\dontcomplain}.
+ {\hbadness\!!tenthousand \vbadness\hbadness
+ \hfuzz \maxdimen \vfuzz \hfuzz}
+% This obsolete dutch name is sometimes uses in manual styles; when
+% cleaning up the codebase I decided to move this definition here.
+%D \macros
+%D {normaloffinterlineskip}
+%D The next hack is needed because in \CONTEXT\ we redefine
+%D \type{\offinterlineskip}.
+ \let\normaloffinterlineskip\offinterlineskip
+%D \macros
+%D {normalhbox,
+%D normalvbox,normalvtop}
+%D There are three types of boxes, one horizontal and two
+%D vertical in nature. As we will see later on, all three types
+%D are to be handled according to their orientation and
+%D baseline behavior. Especially \type{\vtop}'s need our
+%D special attention.
+% already saved
+%D \macros
+%D {normalhskip,
+%D normalvskip}
+%D Next come the flexible skips, which come in two flavors
+%D too. Like boxes these are handled with \TEX\ primitives.
+% already saved
+%D \macros
+%D {normalpenalty,
+%D normalkern}
+%D Both penalties and kerns are taken care of by mode sensitive
+%D primitives. This means that when making them visible, we
+%D have to take the current mode into account.
+% already saved
+%D \macros
+%D {normalhglue,
+%D normalvglue}
+%D Glues on the other hand are macro's defined in \PLAIN\ \TEX.
+%D As we will see, their definitions make the implementation of
+%D their visible counterparts a bit more \TeX{}nical.
+\let\normalhglue = \hglue
+\let\normalvglue = \vglue
+%D \macros
+%D {normalmkern,
+%D normalmskip}
+%D Math mode has its own spacing primitives, preceded by
+%D \type{m}. Due to the relation with the current font and the
+%D way math is typeset, their unit \type{mu} is not compatible
+%D with other dimensions. As a result, the visual appearance
+%D of these primitives is kept primitive too.
+% already saved
+%D \macros
+%D {hfilneg,
+%D vfilneg}
+%D Fills can be made visible quite easy. We only need some
+%D additional negation macros. Because \PLAIN\ \TEX\ only
+%D offers \type{\hfilneg} and \type{\vfilneg}, we define our
+%D own alternative double \type{ll}'ed ones.
+\def\hfilneg {\normalhskip\zeropoint \!!plus-1fil\relax}
+\def\vfilneg {\normalvskip\zeropoint \!!plus-1fil\relax}
+\def\hfillneg {\normalhskip\zeropoint \!!plus-1fill\relax}
+\def\vfillneg {\normalvskip\zeropoint \!!plus-1fill\relax}
+\def\hfilllneg{\normalhskip\zeropoint \!!plus-1filll\relax}
+\def\vfilllneg{\normalvskip\zeropoint \!!plus-1filll\relax}
+%D \macros
+%D {normalhss,normalhfil,normalhfill,
+%D normalvss,normalvfil,normalvfill}
+%D The positive stretch primitives are used independant and in
+%D combination with \type{\leaders}.
+% already saved
+%D \macros
+%D {normalhfilneg,normalhfillneg,
+%D normalvfilneg,normalvfillneg}
+%D Keep in mind that both \type{\hfillneg} and \type{\vfillneg}
+%D are not part of \PLAIN\ \TEX\ and therefore not documented
+%D in standard \TEX\ documentation. They can nevertheless be
+%D used at will.
+\let\normalhfillneg = \hfillneg
+\let\normalvfillneg = \vfillneg
+%D Visualization is not always wanted. Instead of turning this
+%D option off in those (unpredictable) situations, we just
+%D redefine a few \PLAIN\ macros.
+ \def\rlap#1{\normalhbox to \zeropoint{#1\normalhss}}
+ \def\llap#1{\normalhbox to \zeropoint{\normalhss#1}}
+ \def\blap#1{\normalvbox to \zeropoint{#1\normalvss}}
+ \def\tlap#1{\normalvbox to \zeropoint{\normalvss#1}}
+\ifx\contextversion\undefined \def~{\normalpenalty\!!tenthousand\ } \fi
+%D \macros
+%D {makeruledbox}
+%D Ruled boxes can be typeset is many ways. Here we present
+%D just one alternative. This implementation may be a little
+%D complicated, but it supports all three kind of boxes. The
+%D next command expects a \BOX\ specification, like:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \makeruledbox0
+%D \stoptyping
+%D \macros
+%D {baselinerule,baselinefill}
+%D We can make the baseline of a box visible, both dashed and
+%D as a rule. The line is drawn on top of the baseline. All
+%D we have to say is:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \baselineruletrue
+%D \baselinefilltrue
+%D \stoptyping
+%D At the cost of some overhead these alternatives are
+%D implemented using \type{\if}'s:
+\newif\ifbaselinerule \baselineruletrue
+\newif\ifbaselinefill \baselinefillfalse
+%D \macros
+%D {iftoprule,ifbottomrule,ifleftrule,ifrightrule}
+%D Rules can be turned on and off, but by default we have:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \topruletrue
+%D \bottomruletrue
+%D \leftruletrue
+%D \rightruletrue
+%D \stoptyping
+%D As we see below:
+\newif\iftoprule \topruletrue
+\newif\ifbottomrule \bottomruletrue
+\newif\ifleftrule \leftruletrue
+\newif\ifrightrule \rightruletrue
+%D \macros
+%D {boxrulewidth}
+%D The width in the surrounding rules can be specified by
+%D assigning an apropriate value to the dimension used. This
+%D module defaults the width to:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \boxrulewidth=.2pt
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Although we are already low on \DIMENSIONS\ it's best to
+%D spend one here, mainly because it enables easy manipulation,
+%D like multiplication by a given factor.
+\newdimen\boxrulewidth \boxrulewidth=.2pt
+%D The core macro \type{\makeruledbox} looks a bit hefty. The
+%D manipulation at the end is needed because we want to
+%D preserve both the mode and the baseline. This means that
+%D \type{\vtop}'s and \type{\vbox}'es behave the way we expect
+%D them to do.
+%D \startlinecorrection
+%D \hbox
+%D {\ruledhbox to 5em{\strut test\normalhss}\hskip1em
+%D \ruledvbox{\hsize 5em\strut test \par test\strut}\hskip1em
+%D \ruledvtop{\hsize 5em\strut test \par test\strut}}
+%D \stoplinecorrection
+%D The \type{\cleaders} part of the macro is responsible for
+%D the visual baseline. The \type{\normalhfill} belongs to this
+%D primitive too. By storing and restoring the height and depth
+%D of box \type{#1}, we preserve the mode.
+\let\ruleddepth \!!zeropoint
+\let\ruledwidth \!!zeropoint
+ {\edef\ruledheight{\the\ht#1}%
+ \edef\ruleddepth {\the\dp#1}%
+ \edef\ruledwidth {\the\wd#1}%
+ \setbox\scratchbox\normalvbox
+ {\dontcomplain
+ \normaloffinterlineskip
+ \visualhrule
+ \!!height\boxrulewidth
+ \iftoprule\else\!!width\zeropoint\fi
+ \normalvskip-\boxrulewidth
+ \normalhbox to \ruledwidth
+ {\visualvrule
+ \!!height\ruledheight
+ \!!depth\ruleddepth
+ \!!width\ifleftrule\else0\fi\boxrulewidth
+ \ifdim\ruledheight>\zeropoint \else \baselinerulefalse \fi
+ \ifdim\ruleddepth>\zeropoint \else \baselinerulefalse \fi
+ \ifbaselinerule
+ \ifdim\ruledwidth<20\boxrulewidth
+ \baselinefilltrue
+ \fi
+ \cleaders
+ \ifbaselinefill
+ \visualhrule
+ \!!height\boxrulewidth
+ \else
+ \normalhbox
+ {\normalhskip2.5\boxrulewidth
+ \visualvrule
+ \!!height\boxrulewidth
+ \!!width5\boxrulewidth
+ \normalhskip2.5\boxrulewidth}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \normalhfill
+ \visualvrule
+ \!!width\ifrightrule\else0\fi\boxrulewidth}%
+ \normalvskip-\boxrulewidth
+ \visualhrule
+ \!!height\boxrulewidth
+ \ifbottomrule\else\!!width\zeropoint\fi}%
+ \wd#1\zeropoint
+ \setbox#1=\ifhbox#1\normalhbox\else\normalvbox\fi
+ {\normalhbox
+ {\box#1%
+ \lower\ruleddepth\normalhbox{\dowithruledbox{\box\scratchbox}}}}%
+ \ht#1=\ruledheight
+ \wd#1=\ruledwidth
+ \dp#1=\ruleddepth}
+%D Just in case one didn't notice: the rules are in fact layed
+%D over the box. This way the contents of a box cannot
+%D visually interfere with the rules around (upon) it. A more
+%D advanced version of ruled boxes can be found in one of the
+%D core modules of \CONTEXT. There we take offsets, color,
+%D rounded corners, backgrounds and alignment into account too.
+%D \macros
+%D {ruledhbox,
+%D ruledvbox,ruledvtop,
+%D ruledvcenter}
+%D These macro's can be used instead of \type{\hbox},
+%D \type{\vbox}, \type{\vtop} and, when in math mode,
+%D \type{\vcenter}. They just do what their names state. Using
+%D an auxiliary macro would save us a few words of memory, but
+%D it would make their appearance even more obscure.
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \hbox
+%D {\strut
+%D one
+%D two
+%D \hbox{three}
+%D four
+%D five}
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \ShowBufferedExampleBox
+ {\normalhbox\bgroup
+ \dowithnextbox{\makeruledbox\nextbox\box\nextbox\egroup}%
+ \normalhbox}
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \vbox
+%D {\strut
+%D first line \par
+%D second line \par
+%D third line \par
+%D fourth line \par
+%D fifth line
+%D \strut }
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \ShowBufferedExampleBox
+ {\normalvbox\bgroup
+ \dowithnextbox{\makeruledbox\nextbox\box\nextbox\egroup}%
+ \normalvbox}
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \vtop
+%D {\strut
+%D first line \par
+%D second line \par
+%D third line \par
+%D fourth line \par
+%D fifth line
+%D \strut }
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \ShowBufferedExampleBox
+ {\normalvtop\bgroup
+ \dowithnextbox{\makeruledbox\nextbox\box\nextbox\egroup}%
+ \normalvtop}
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \hbox
+%D {$\vcenter{\hsize.2\hsize
+%D alfa \par beta}$
+%D $\vcenter to 3cm{\hsize.2\hsize
+%D alfa \par beta \par gamma}$
+%D $\vcenter{\hsize.2\hsize
+%D alfa \par beta}$}
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \ShowBufferedExampleBox
+ {\normalvbox\bgroup
+ \dontinterfere
+ \dowithnextbox
+ {\scratchdimen.5\ht\nextbox
+ \advance\scratchdimen .5\dp\nextbox
+ \ht\nextbox\scratchdimen
+ \dp\nextbox\scratchdimen
+ \ruledhbox{\box\nextbox}%
+ \egroup}%
+ \normalvbox}
+%D \macros
+%D {ruledbox,
+%D setruledbox}
+%D Of the next two macros the first can be used to precede a
+%D box of ones own choice. One can for instance prefix boxes
+%D with \type{\ruledbox} and afterwards --- when the macro
+%D satisfy the needs --- let it to \type{\relax}.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \ruledbox\hbox{What rules do you mean?}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The macro \type{\setruledbox} can be used to directly
+%D rule a box.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \setruledbox12=\hbox{Who's talking about rules here?}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D At the cost of some extra macros we can implement a
+%D variant that does not need the~\type{=}, but we stick to:
+ {\dowithnextbox{\makeruledbox\nextbox\box\nextbox}}
+ {\dowithnextbox{\makeruledbox\nextbox\setbox#1\nextbox}}
+%D \macros
+%D {investigateskip,
+%D investigatecount,
+%D investigatemuskip}
+%D Before we meet the visualizing macro's, we first implement
+%D ourselves some handy utility ones. Just for the sake of
+%D efficiency and readability, we introduce some status
+%D variables, that tell us a bit more about the registers we
+%D use:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \ifflexible
+%D \ifzero
+%D \ifnegative
+%D \ifpositive
+%D \stoptyping
+%D These status variables are set when we call for one of the
+%D investigation macros, e.g.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \investigateskip\scratchskip
+%D \stoptyping
+%D We use some dirty trick to check stretchability of \SKIPS.
+%D Users of these macros are invited to study their exact
+%D behavior first. The positive and negative states both
+%D include zero and are in fact non-negative ($\geq0$) and
+%D non-positive ($\leq0$) .
+ {\relax
+ \scratchdimen#1\relax
+ \edef\!!stringa{\the\scratchdimen}%
+ \edef\!!stringb{\the#1}%
+ \ifx\!!stringa\!!stringb \flexiblefalse \else \flexibletrue \fi
+ \ifdim#1=\zeropoint\relax
+ \zerotrue \else
+ \zerofalse \fi
+ \ifdim#1<\zeropoint\relax
+ \positivefalse \else
+ \positivetrue \fi
+ \ifdim#1>\zeropoint\relax
+ \negativefalse \else
+ \negativetrue \fi}
+% etex
+% \def\investigateskip#1%
+% {\relax
+% \ifdim\scratchskip=\zeropoint
+% \ifdim\gluestretch\scratchskip=\zeropoint
+% \ifdim\glueshrink\scratchskip=\zeropoint
+% \flexiblefalse
+% \else
+% \flexibletrue
+% \fi
+% \else
+% \flexibletrue
+% \fi
+% \else
+% \flexibletrue
+% \fi
+% \ifdim#1=\zeropoint\relax
+% \zerotrue \else
+% \zerofalse \fi
+% \ifdim#1<\zeropoint\relax
+% \positivefalse \else
+% \positivetrue \fi
+% \ifdim#1>\zeropoint\relax
+% \negativefalse \else
+% \negativetrue \fi}
+ {\relax
+ \flexiblefalse
+ \ifnum#1=\zerocount
+ \zerotrue \else
+ \zerofalse \fi
+ \ifnum#1<\zerocount
+ \positivefalse \else
+ \positivetrue \fi
+ \ifnum#1>\zerocount
+ \negativefalse \else
+ \negativetrue \fi}
+ {\relax
+ \edef\!!stringa{\the\scratchmuskip}%
+ \edef\!!stringb{0mu}%
+ \def\!!stringc##1##2\\{##1}%
+ \expandafter\edef\expandafter\!!stringc\expandafter
+ {\expandafter\!!stringc\!!stringa\\}%
+ \edef\!!stringd{-}%
+ \flexiblefalse
+ \ifx\!!stringa\!!stringb
+ \zerotrue
+ \negativefalse
+ \positivefalse
+ \else
+ \zerofalse
+ \ifx\!!stringc\!!stringd
+ \positivefalse
+ \negativetrue
+ \else
+ \positivetrue
+ \negativefalse
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+%D Now the neccessary utility macros are defined, we can make a
+%D start with the visualizing ones. The implementation of these
+%D macros is a compromise between readability, efficiency of
+%D coding and processing speed. Sometimes we do in steps what
+%D could have been done in combination, sometimes we use a few
+%D boxes more or less then actually needed, and more than once
+%D one can find the same piece of rule drawing code twice.
+%D \macros
+%D {ifcenteredvcue,normalvcue}
+%D Depending on the context, one can force visual vertical cues
+%D being centered along \type{\hsize} or being put at the
+%D current position. Although centering often looks better,
+%D we've chosen the second alternative as default. The main
+%D reason for doing so is that often when we don't set the
+%D \type{\hsize} ourselves, \TEX\ takes the value of the
+%D surrounding box. As a result the visual cues can migrate
+%D outside the current context.
+%D This behavior is accomplished by a small but effective
+%D auxiliary macro, which behavior can be influenced by the
+%D boolean \type{\centeredvcue}. By saying
+%D \starttyping
+%D \centeredvcuetrue
+%D \stoptyping
+%D one turns centering on. As said, we turn it off.
+\newif\ifcenteredvcue \centeredvcuefalse
+ {\normalhbox \ifcenteredvcue to \hsize \fi {\normalhss#1\normalhss}}
+%D We could have used the more robust version
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\normalvcue%
+%D {\normalhbox \ifcenteredvcue to \hsize \fi
+%D \bgroup\bgroup\normalhss
+%D \aftergroup\normalhss\aftergroup\egroup
+%D \let\next=}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D or the probably best one:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\normalvcue%
+%D {\hbox \ifcenteredvcue to \hsize
+%D \bgroup\bgroup\normalhss
+%D \aftergroup\normalhss\aftergroup\egroup
+%D \else
+%D \bgroup
+%D \fi
+%D \let\next=}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Because we don't have to preserve \CATCODES\ and only use
+%D small arguments, we stick to the first alternative.
+%D \macros
+%D {testrulewidth}
+%D We build our visual cues out of rules. At the cost of a much
+%D bigger \DVI\ file, this is to be prefered over using
+%D characters (1)~because we cannot be sure of their
+%D availability and (2)~because their dimensions are fixed.
+%D As with ruled boxes, we use a \DIMENSION\ to specify the
+%D width of the ruled elements. This dimension defaults to:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \testrulewidth=\boxrulewidth
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Because we prefer whole numbers for specifying the
+%D dimensions, we often use even multiples of
+%D \type{\testrulewidth}.
+%D \macros
+%D {visiblestretch}
+%D A second variable is introduced because of the stretch
+%D components of \SKIPS. At the cost of some accuracy we can
+%D make this stretch visible.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \visiblestretchtrue
+%D \stoptyping
+\newdimen\testrulewidth \testrulewidth=\boxrulewidth
+\newif\ifvisiblestretch \visiblestretchfalse
+%D \macros
+%D {ruledhss,
+%D ruledhfil,ruledhfilneg,
+%D ruledhfill,ruledhfillneg}
+%D We start with the easiest part, the fills. The scheme we
+%D follow is {\em visual filling -- going back -- normal
+%D filling}. Visualizing is implemented using \type{\cleaders}.
+%D Because the \BOX\ that follows this command is constructed
+%D only once, the \type{\copy} is not really a prerequisite. We
+%D prefer using a \type{\normalhbox} here instead of a
+%D \type{\hbox}.
+ {\setbox#1\normalhbox
+ {\visualvrule
+ \!!width #2\testrulewidth
+ \!!height#3\testrulewidth
+ \!!depth #4\testrulewidth}%
+ \smashbox#1}
+ {#1#2%
+ \bgroup
+ \dontinterfere
+ \dontcomplain
+ \setvisiblehfilbox0\to{4}{#3}{#4}%
+ \setvisiblehfilbox2\to422%
+ \copy0\copy2
+ \bgroup
+ \setvisiblehfilbox0\to422%
+ \cleaders
+ \normalhbox to 12\testrulewidth
+ {\normalhss\copy0\normalhss}%
+ #1%
+ \egroup
+ \setbox0\normalhbox
+ {\normalhskip-4\testrulewidth\copy0\copy2}%
+ \smashbox0%
+ \box0
+ \egroup}
+%D The horizontal fillers differ in their boundary
+%D visualization. Watch the small dots. Fillers can be
+%D combined within reasonable margins.
+%D \startlinecorrection
+%D \baselinerulefalse
+%D \ruledhbox to \hsize
+%D {\strut\type{\hss}\ruledhss test}
+%D \stoplinecorrection
+%D \startlinecorrection
+%D \baselinerulefalse
+%D \ruledhbox to \hsize
+%D {\strut\type{\hfil}\ruledhfil test}
+%D \stoplinecorrection
+%D \startlinecorrection
+%D \baselinerulefalse
+%D \ruledhbox to \hsize
+%D {\strut\type{\hfill}\ruledhfill test}
+%D \stoplinecorrection
+%D \startlinecorrection
+%D \baselinerulefalse
+%D \ruledhbox to \hsize
+%D {\strut
+%D \type{\hfil}\type{\hfil}\ruledhfil\ruledhfil
+%D test%
+%D \ruledhfil\type{\hfil}}
+%D \stoplinecorrection
+%D The negative counterparts are visualizes, but seldom
+%D become visible, apart from their boundaries.
+%D \startlinecorrection
+%D \baselinerulefalse
+%D \ruledhbox to \hsize
+%D {\strut\type{\hfilneg}\ruledhfilneg test}
+%D \stoplinecorrection
+%D \startlinecorrection
+%D \baselinerulefalse
+%D \ruledhbox to \hsize
+%D {\strut\type{\hfillneg}\ruledhfillneg test}
+%D \stoplinecorrection
+%D Although leaders are used for visualizing, they are
+%D visualized themselves correctly as the next example shows.
+%D \startlinecorrection
+%D \baselinerulefalse
+%D \ruledhbox to \hsize
+%D {\strut\cleaders\normalhbox to 2em{\normalhss$\circ$\normalhss}\ruledhfill}
+%D \stoplinecorrection
+%D All five substitutions use the same auxiliary macro. Watch
+%D the positive first -- negative next approach.
+ {\doruledhfiller\normalhss\normalhfilneg{0}{0}}
+ {\doruledhfiller\normalhfil\normalhfilneg{10}{-6}}
+ {\doruledhfiller\normalhfill\normalhfillneg{18}{-14}}
+ {\doruledhfiller\normalhfilneg\normalhfil{-6}{10}}
+ {\doruledhfiller\normalhfillneg\normalhfill{-14}{18}}
+%D \macros
+%D {ruledvss,
+%D ruledvfil,ruledvfilneg,
+%D ruledvfill,ruledvfillneg}
+%D The vertical mode commands adopt the same visualization
+%D scheme, but are implemented in a slightly different way.
+ {\setbox#1\normalhbox
+ {\visualvrule
+ \!!width #2\testrulewidth
+ \!!height#3\testrulewidth
+ \!!depth #4\testrulewidth}%
+ \smashbox#1}%
+ {#1#2%
+ \bgroup
+ \dontinterfere
+ \dontcomplain
+ \normaloffinterlineskip
+ \setvisiblevfilbox0\to422%
+ \setbox2\normalvcue
+ {\normalhskip -#3\testrulewidth\copy0}%
+ \smashbox2%
+ \copy2
+ \bgroup
+ \setbox2\normalvcue
+ {\normalhskip -2\testrulewidth\copy0}%
+ \smashbox2%
+ \copy2
+ \cleaders
+ \normalvbox to 12\testrulewidth
+ {\normalvss\copy2\normalvss}%
+ #1%
+ \setbox2\normalvbox
+ {\normalvskip-2\testrulewidth\copy2}%
+ \smashbox2%
+ \box2
+ \egroup
+ \box2
+ \egroup}
+%D Because they act the same as their horizontal counterparts
+%D we only show a few examples.
+%D \startlinecorrection
+%D \hbox to \hsize
+%D {\dontinterfere
+%D \baselinerulefalse
+%D \centeredvcuetrue
+%D \ruledvbox to 10ex
+%D {\hsize.18\hsize
+%D \type{\vss}\ruledvss last line}\normalhss
+%D \ruledvbox to 10ex
+%D {\hsize.18\hsize
+%D \type{\vfil}\ruledvfil last line}\normalhss
+%D \ruledvbox to 10ex
+%D {\hsize.18\hsize
+%D \type{\vfill}\ruledvfill last line}\normalhss
+%D \ruledvbox to 10ex
+%D {\hsize.18\hsize
+%D \type{\vfilneg}\ruledvfilneg last line}\normalhss
+%D \ruledvbox to 10ex
+%D {\hsize.18\hsize
+%D \type{\vfillneg}\ruledvfillneg last line}}
+%D \stoplinecorrection
+%D Keep in mind that \type{\vfillneg} is not part of \PLAIN\
+%D \TEX, but are mimmicked by a macro.
+\unexpanded\def\ruledvss {\doruledvfiller\normalvss \normalvfilneg {2}}
+\unexpanded\def\ruledvfil {\doruledvfiller\normalvfil \normalvfilneg {-4}}
+\unexpanded\def\ruledvfill {\doruledvfiller\normalvfill \normalvfillneg{-12}}
+\unexpanded\def\ruledvfilneg {\doruledvfiller\normalvfilneg \normalvfil {8}}
+\unexpanded\def\ruledvfillneg{\doruledvfiller\normalvfillneg\normalvfill {16}}
+%D \macros
+%D {ruledhskip}
+%D Skips differ from kerns in two important aspects:
+%D \startitemize[packed]
+%D \item line and pagebreaks are allowed at a skip
+%D \item skips can have a positive and/or negative
+%D stretchcomponent
+%D \stopitemize
+%D Stated a bit different: kerns are fixed skips at which no
+%D line or pagebreak can occur. Because skips have a more open
+%D character, they are visualized in a open way.
+%D \startbuffer
+%D one
+%D \hskip +30pt plus 5pt
+%D two
+%D \hskip +30pt
+%D \hskip -10pt plus 5pt
+%D three
+%D \hskip 0pt
+%D four
+%D \hskip +30pt
+%D five
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \ShowBufferedExample
+%D When skips have a stretch component, this is visualized by
+%D means of a dashed line. Positive skips are on top of the
+%D baseline, negative ones are below it. This way we can show
+%D the combined results. An alternative visualization of
+%D stretch could be drawing the mid line over a length of the
+%D stretch, in positive or negative direction.
+ {\relax
+ \dontinterfere
+ \dontcomplain
+ \investigateskip\scratchskip
+ \ifzero
+ \setbox0\normalhbox
+ {\normalhskip-\testrulewidth
+ \visualvrule
+ \!!width4\testrulewidth
+ \!!height16\testrulewidth
+ \!!depth16\testrulewidth}%
+ \else
+ \setbox0\normalhbox to \ifnegative-\fi\scratchskip
+ {\visualvrule
+ \!!width2\testrulewidth
+ \ifnegative\!!depth\else\!!height\fi16\testrulewidth
+ \cleaders
+ \visualhrule
+ \ifnegative
+ \!!depth2\testrulewidth
+ \!!height\zeropoint
+ \else
+ \!!height2\testrulewidth
+ \!!depth\zeropoint
+ \fi
+ \normalhfill
+ \ifflexible
+ \normalhskip\ifnegative\else-\fi\scratchskip
+ \normalhskip2\testrulewidth
+ \cleaders
+ \normalhbox
+ {\normalhskip 2\testrulewidth
+ \visualvrule
+ \!!width2\testrulewidth
+ \!!height\ifnegative-7\else9\fi\testrulewidth
+ \!!depth\ifnegative9\else-7\fi\testrulewidth
+ \normalhskip 2\testrulewidth}%
+ \normalhfill
+ \fi
+ \visualvrule
+ \!!width2\testrulewidth
+ \ifnegative\!!depth\else\!!height\fi16\testrulewidth}%
+ \setbox0\normalhbox
+ {\ifnegative\else\normalhskip-\scratchskip\fi
+ \box0}%
+ \fi
+ \smashbox0%
+ \ifvisiblestretch \else
+ \flexiblefalse
+ \fi
+ \ifflexible
+ % breaks ok but small displacements can occur
+ \skip2\scratchskip
+ \advance\skip2 -1\scratchskip
+ \divide\skip2 2
+ \advance\scratchskip -\skip2
+ \normalhskip\scratchskip
+ \normalpenalty\!!tenthousand
+ \box0
+ \normalhskip\skip2
+ \else
+ \normalhskip\scratchskip
+ \box0
+ \fi
+ \egroup}
+ {\bgroup
+ \afterassignment\doruledhskip
+ \scratchskip=}
+%D The visual skip is located at a feasible point. Normally
+%D this does not interfere with the normaltypesetting process.
+%D The next examples show (1)~the default behavior, (2)~the
+%D (not entirely correct) distributed stretch and (3)~the way
+%D the text is typeset without cues.
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \dorecurse
+%D {15}
+%D {test\hskip1em plus .5em minus .5em
+%D test\hskip2em
+%D test}
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \startlinecorrection
+%D \showmakeup
+%D \getbuffer
+%D \stoplinecorrection
+%D \startlinecorrection
+%D \showmakeup
+%D \visiblestretchtrue
+%D \getbuffer
+%D \stoplinecorrection
+%D \startlinecorrection
+%D \getbuffer
+%D \stoplinecorrection
+%D \macros
+%D {ruledvskip}
+%D We are less fortunate when implementing the vertical skips.
+%D This is a direct result of interference between the boxes that
+%D visualize the skip and skip removal at a pagebreak. Normally
+%D skips disappear at the top of a page, but not of course when
+%D visualized in a \type{\vbox}. A quite perfect simulation
+%D could have been built if we would have had available two
+%D more primitives: \type{\hnop} and \type{\vnop}. These new
+%D primitives could stand for boxes that are visible but are
+%D not taken into account in any way. They are there for us,
+%D but not for \TEX.
+%D \startbuffer
+%D first line
+%D \vskip +30pt plus 5pt
+%D second line
+%D \vskip +30pt
+%D \vskip -10pt plus 5pt
+%D third line
+%D \par
+%D fourth line
+%D \vskip +30pt
+%D fifth line
+%D \vskip 0pt
+%D sixth line
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \ShowBufferedExample
+%D We have to postpone \type{\prevdepth}. Although this
+%D precaution probably is not completely waterproof, it works
+%D quite well.
+ {\nextdepth\prevdepth
+ \dontinterfere
+ \dontcomplain
+ \normaloffinterlineskip
+ \investigateskip\scratchskip
+ \ifzero
+ \setbox0\normalvcue
+ {\visualvrule
+ \!!width32\testrulewidth
+ \!!height2\testrulewidth
+ \!!depth2\testrulewidth}%
+ \else
+ \setbox0\normalvbox to \ifnegative-\fi\scratchskip
+ {\visualhrule
+ \!!width16\testrulewidth
+ \!!height2\testrulewidth
+ \ifflexible
+ \cleaders
+ \normalhbox to 16\testrulewidth
+ {\normalhss
+ \normalvbox
+ {\normalvskip 2\testrulewidth
+ \visualhrule
+ \!!width2\testrulewidth
+ \!!height2\testrulewidth
+ \normalvskip 2\testrulewidth}%
+ \normalhss}%
+ \normalvfill
+ \else
+ \normalvfill
+ \fi
+ \visualhrule
+ \!!width16\testrulewidth
+ \!!height2\testrulewidth}%
+ \setbox2\normalvbox to \ht0
+ {\visualhrule
+ \!!width2\testrulewidth
+ \!!height\ht0}%
+ \ifnegative
+ \ht0\zeropoint
+ \setbox0\normalhbox
+ {\normalhskip2\testrulewidth % will be improved
+ \normalhskip-\wd0\box0}%
+ \fi
+ \smashbox0%
+ \smashbox2%
+ \setbox0\normalvcue
+ {\box2\box0}%
+ \setbox0\normalvbox
+ {\ifnegative\normalvskip\scratchskip\fi\box0}%
+ \smashbox0%
+ \fi
+ \ifvisiblestretch
+ \ifflexible
+ \skip2\scratchskip
+ \advance\skip2 -1\scratchskip
+ \divide\skip2 2
+ \advance\scratchskip -\skip2
+ \normalvskip\skip2
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \normalpenalty\!!tenthousand
+ \box0
+ \prevdepth\nextdepth % not \dp0=\nextdepth
+ \normalvskip\scratchskip}
+%D We try to avoid interfering at the top of a page. Of course
+%D we only do so when we are in the main vertical list.
+ {\endgraf % \par
+ \ifdim\pagegoal=\maxdimen
+ \ifinner
+ \dodoruledvskip
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \dodoruledvskip
+ \fi
+ \egroup}
+ {\bgroup
+ \afterassignment\doruledvskip
+ \scratchskip=}
+%D \macros
+%D {ruledkern}
+%D The macros that implement the kerns are a bit more
+%D complicated than needed, because they also serve the
+%D visualization of glue, our \PLAIN\ defined kerns with
+%D stretch or shrink. We've implemented both horizontal and
+%D vertical kerns as ruled boxes.
+%D \startbuffer
+%D one
+%D \kern +30pt
+%D two
+%D \kern +30pt
+%D \kern -10pt
+%D three
+%D \kern 0pt
+%D four
+%D \kern +30pt
+%D five
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \ShowBufferedExample
+%D Positive and negative kerns are placed on top or below the
+%D baseline, so we are able to track their added result. We
+%D didn't mention spacings of 0~pt yet. Zero values are
+%D visualized a bit different, because we want to see them
+%D anyhow.
+ {\dontinterfere
+ \dontcomplain
+ \baselinerulefalse
+ \investigateskip\scratchskip
+ \boxrulewidth2\testrulewidth
+ \ifzero
+ \setbox0\ruledhbox to 8\testrulewidth
+ {\visualvrule
+ \!!width\zeropoint
+ \!!height16\testrulewidth
+ \!!depth16\testrulewidth}%
+ \setbox0\normalhbox
+ {\normalhskip-4\testrulewidth\box0}%
+ \else
+ \setbox0\ruledhbox to \ifnegative-\fi\scratchskip
+ {\visualvrule
+ \!!width\zeropoint
+ \ifnegative\!!depth\else\!!height\fi16\testrulewidth
+ \ifflexible
+ \normalhskip2\testrulewidth
+ \cleaders
+ \normalhbox
+ {\normalhskip 2\testrulewidth
+ \visualvrule
+ \!!width2\testrulewidth
+ \!!height\ifnegative-7\else9\fi\testrulewidth
+ \!!depth\ifnegative9\else-7\fi\testrulewidth
+ \normalhskip 2\testrulewidth}%
+ \normalhfill
+ \else
+ \normalhfill
+ \fi}%
+ \testrulewidth2\testrulewidth
+ \setbox0\ruledhbox{\box0}% \make...
+ \fi
+ \smashbox0%
+ \normalpenalty\!!tenthousand
+ \normalhbox to \zeropoint
+ {\ifnegative\normalhskip1\scratchskip\fi
+ \box0}%
+ \afterwards\scratchskip
+ \egroup}
+ {\bgroup
+ \let\afterwards#1%
+ \afterassignment\doruledhkern
+ \scratchskip=}
+%D After having seen the horizontal ones, the vertical kerns
+%D will not surprise us. In this example we use \type{\par} to
+%D switch to vertical mode.
+%D \startbuffer
+%D first line
+%D \par \kern +30pt
+%D second line
+%D \par \kern +30pt
+%D \par \kern -10pt
+%D third line
+%D \par
+%D fourth line
+%D \par \kern +30pt
+%D fifth line
+%D \par \kern 0pt
+%D sixth line
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \ShowBufferedExample
+%D Like before, we have to postpone \type{\prevdepth}. If we
+%D leave out this trick, we got ourselves some wrong spacing.
+ {\nextdepth\prevdepth
+ \dontinterfere
+ \dontcomplain
+ \baselinerulefalse
+ \normaloffinterlineskip
+ \investigateskip\scratchskip
+ \boxrulewidth2\testrulewidth
+ \ifzero
+ \setbox0\ruledhbox to 32\testrulewidth
+ {\visualvrule
+ \!!width\zeropoint
+ \!!height4\testrulewidth
+ \!!depth4\testrulewidth}%
+ \else
+ \setbox0\ruledvbox to \ifnegative-\fi\scratchskip
+ {\hsize16\testrulewidth
+ \ifflexible
+ \cleaders
+ \normalhbox to 16\testrulewidth
+ {\normalhss
+ \normalvbox
+ {\normalvskip 2\testrulewidth
+ \visualhrule
+ \!!width2\testrulewidth
+ \!!height2\testrulewidth
+ \normalvskip 2\testrulewidth}%
+ \normalhss}%
+ \normalvfill
+ \else
+ \visualvrule
+ \!!width\zeropoint
+ \!!height\ifnegative-\fi\scratchskip
+ \normalhfill
+ \fi}
+ \fi
+ \testrulewidth2\testrulewidth
+ \setbox0\ruledvbox{\box0}% \make...
+ \smashbox0%
+ \setbox0\normalvbox
+ {\ifnegative\normalvskip\scratchskip\fi
+ \normalvcue
+ {\ifnegative\normalhskip-16\testrulewidth\fi\box0}}%
+ \smashbox0%
+ \normalpenalty\!!tenthousand
+ \box0
+ \prevdepth\nextdepth} % not \dp0=\nextdepth
+ {\ifdim\pagegoal=\maxdimen
+ \ifinner
+ \dodoruledvkern
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \dodoruledvkern
+ \fi
+ \afterwards\scratchskip
+ \egroup}
+ {\bgroup
+ \let\afterwards#1\relax
+ \afterassignment\doruledvkern
+ \scratchskip=}
+ {\ifvmode
+ \expandafter\ruledvkern
+ \else
+ \expandafter\ruledhkern
+ \fi
+ \normalkern}
+%D A a bit more \TEX nice solution is:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \unexpanded\def\ruledkern%
+%D {\csname ruled\ifvmode v\else h\fi kern\endcsname\normalkern}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D \macros
+%D {ruledhglue,ruledvglue}
+%D The non-primitive glue commands are treated as kerns with
+%D stretch. This stretch is presented as a dashed line. I
+%D have to admit that until now, I've never used these glue
+%D commands.
+%D \startbuffer
+%D one
+%D \hglue +30pt plus 5pt
+%D two
+%D \hglue +30pt
+%D \hglue -10pt plus 5pt
+%D three
+%D \hglue 0pt
+%D four
+%D \hglue +30pt
+%D five
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \ShowBufferedExample
+ {\leavevmode
+ \scratchcounter\spacefactor
+ \visualvrule\!!width\zeropoint
+ \normalpenalty\!!tenthousand
+ \ruledhkern\normalhskip\scratchskip
+ \spacefactor\scratchcounter
+ \egroup}
+ {\bgroup
+ \afterassignment\doruledhglue\scratchskip=}
+%D \startbuffer
+%D first line
+%D \vglue +30pt plus 5pt
+%D second line
+%D \vglue +30pt
+%D \vglue -10pt plus 5pt
+%D third line
+%D \par
+%D fourth line
+%D \vglue +30pt
+%D fifth line
+%D \vglue 0pt
+%D sixth line
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \ShowBufferedExample
+ {\endgraf % \par
+ \nextdepth\prevdepth
+ \visualhrule\!!height\zeropoint
+ \normalpenalty\!!tenthousand
+ \ruledvkern\normalvskip\scratchskip
+ \prevdepth\nextdepth
+ \egroup}
+ {\bgroup
+ \afterassignment\doruledvglue\scratchskip=}
+%D \macros
+%D {ruledmkern,ruledmskip}
+%D Mathematical kerns and skips are specified in mu. This
+%D font related unit is incompatible with those of \DIMENSIONS\
+%D and \SKIPS. Because in math mode spacing is often a very
+%D subtle matter, we've used a very simple, not overloaded way
+%D to show them.
+ {\dontinterfere
+ \dontcomplain
+ \setbox0\normalhbox
+ {$\normalmkern\ifnegative-\fi\scratchmuskip$}%
+ \setbox0\normalhbox to \wd0
+ {\visualvrule
+ \!!height16\testrulewidth
+ \!!depth16\testrulewidth
+ \!!width\testrulewidth
+ \leaders
+ \visualhrule
+ \!!height\ifpositive16\else-14\fi\testrulewidth
+ \!!depth\ifpositive-14\else16\fi\testrulewidth
+ \normalhfill
+ \ifflexible
+ \normalhskip-\wd0
+ \leaders
+ \visualhrule
+ \!!height\testrulewidth
+ \!!depth\testrulewidth
+ \normalhfill
+ \fi
+ \visualvrule
+ \!!height16\testrulewidth
+ \!!depth16\testrulewidth
+ \!!width\testrulewidth}%
+ \smashbox0%
+ \ifnegative
+ #1\scratchmuskip
+ \box0
+ \else
+ \box0
+ #1\scratchmuskip
+ \fi
+ \egroup}
+%D \startbuffer
+%D $a \mkern3mu = \mkern3mu
+%D b \quad
+%D \mkern-2mu + \mkern-2mu
+%D \quad c$
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \ShowBufferedExample
+ {\investigatemuskip\scratchmuskip
+ \flexiblefalse
+ \dodoruledmkern\normalmkern}
+ {\bgroup
+ \afterassignment\doruledmkern\scratchmuskip=}
+%D \startbuffer
+%D $a \mskip3mu = \mskip3mu
+%D b \quad
+%D \mskip-2mu + \mskip-2mu
+%D \quad c$
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \ShowBufferedExample
+ {\investigatemuskip\scratchmuskip
+ \flexibletrue
+ \dodoruledmkern\normalmskip}
+ {\bgroup
+ \afterassignment\doruledmskip\scratchmuskip=}
+%D \macros
+%D {penalty}
+%D After presenting fills, skip, kerns and glue we've come to
+%D see penalties. In the first implementation --- most of the
+%D time needed to develop this set of macros went into testing
+%D different types of visualization --- penalties were mere
+%D small blocks with one black half, depending on the sign.
+%D This most recent version also gives an indication of the
+%D amount of penalty. Penalties can go from less than $-10000$
+%D to over $+10000$, and their behavior is somewhat
+%D non-lineair, with some values having special meanings. We
+%D therefore decided not to use its value for a lineair
+%D indicator.
+%D \startbuffer
+%D one
+%D \penalty +100
+%D two
+%D \penalty +100
+%D \penalty -100
+%D three
+%D \penalty 0
+%D four
+%D \penalty +100
+%D five
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \ShowBufferedExample
+%D The small sticks at the side of the penalty indicate it
+%D size. The next example shows the positive and negative
+%D penalties of 0, 1, 10, 100, 1000 and 10000.
+%D \startlinecorrection
+%D \hbox
+%D {test \ruledhpenalty0
+%D test \ruledhpenalty1
+%D test \ruledhpenalty10
+%D test \ruledhpenalty100
+%D test \ruledhpenalty1000
+%D test \ruledhpenalty10000
+%D test}
+%D \stoplinecorrection
+%D \blank
+%D \startlinecorrection
+%D \hbox
+%D {test \ruledhpenalty0
+%D test \ruledhpenalty-1
+%D test \ruledhpenalty-10
+%D test \ruledhpenalty-100
+%D test \ruledhpenalty-1000
+%D test \ruledhpenalty-10000
+%D test}
+%D \stoplinecorrection
+%D \blank
+%D This way stacked penalties of different severance can be
+%D shown in combination.
+%D test \ruledhpenalty10 \ruledhpenalty100
+%D test
+%D test \ruledhpenalty1000 \ruledhpenalty-1000
+%D test
+ {\setbox#1\normalhbox
+ {\ifnum#2=0 \else
+ \edef\sign
+ {\ifnum#2>0 +\else-\fi}%
+ \dimen0=\ifnum\sign#2>9999
+ 28\else
+ \ifnum\sign#2>999
+ 22\else
+ \ifnum\sign#2>99
+ 16\else
+ \ifnum\sign#2>9
+ 10\else
+ 4
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi \testrulewidth
+ \ifnum#2<0
+ \normalhskip-\dimen0
+ \normalhskip-2\testrulewidth
+ \visualvrule
+ \!!width2\testrulewidth
+ \!!height#3\testrulewidth
+ \!!depth#4\testrulewidth
+ \fi
+ \visualvrule
+ \!!width\dimen0
+ \!!height#5\testrulewidth
+ \!!depth#6\testrulewidth
+ \ifnum#2>0
+ \visualvrule
+ \!!width2\testrulewidth
+ \!!height#3\testrulewidth
+ \!!depth#4\testrulewidth
+ \fi
+ \fi}%
+ \smashbox#1}
+ {\dontinterfere
+ \dontcomplain
+ \investigatecount\scratchcounter
+ \testrulewidth2\testrulewidth
+ \boxrulewidth\testrulewidth
+ \setbox0\ruledhbox to 8\testrulewidth
+ {\ifnegative\else\normalhss\fi
+ \visualvrule
+ \!!depth8\testrulewidth
+ \!!width\ifzero0\else4\fi\testrulewidth
+ \ifpositive\else\normalhss\fi}%
+ \setruledpenaltybox{2}{\scratchcounter}{0}{8}{-3.5}{4.5}%
+ \normalpenalty\!!tenthousand
+ \setbox0\normalhbox
+ {\normalhskip-4\testrulewidth
+ \ifnegative
+ \box2\box0
+ \else
+ \box0\box2
+ \fi}%
+ \smashbox0%
+ \box0
+ \normalpenalty\scratchcounter
+ \egroup}
+ {\bgroup
+ \afterassignment\doruledhpenalty
+ \scratchcounter=}
+%D The size of a vertical penalty is also shown on the
+%D horizontal axis. This way there is less interference with
+%D the often preceding or following skips and kerns.
+%D \startbuffer
+%D first line
+%D \par \penalty +100
+%D second line
+%D \par \penalty +100
+%D \par \penalty -100
+%D third line
+%D \par \penalty 0
+%D fourth line
+%D \par \penalty +100
+%D fifth line
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \ShowBufferedExample
+ {\ifdim\pagegoal=\maxdimen
+ \else
+ \nextdepth\prevdepth
+ \dontinterfere
+ \dontcomplain
+ \investigatecount\scratchcounter
+ \testrulewidth2\testrulewidth
+ \boxrulewidth\testrulewidth
+ \setbox0\ruledhbox
+ {\visualvrule
+ \!!height4\testrulewidth
+ \!!depth4\testrulewidth
+ \!!width\zeropoint
+ \visualvrule
+ \!!height\ifnegative.5\else4\fi\testrulewidth
+ \!!depth\ifpositive.5\else4\fi\testrulewidth
+ \!!width8\testrulewidth}%
+ \setruledpenaltybox{2}{\scratchcounter}{4}{4}{.5}{.5}%
+ \setbox0\normalhbox
+ {\normalhskip-4\testrulewidth
+ \ifnegative
+ \box2\box0
+ \else
+ \box0\box2
+ \fi
+ \normalhss}%
+ \smashbox0%
+ \normalpenalty\!!tenthousand
+ \nointerlineskip
+ \dp0\nextdepth % not \prevdepth=\nextdepth
+ \normalvbox
+ {\normalvcue{\box0}}%
+ \fi
+ \normalpenalty\scratchcounter
+ \egroup}
+ {\bgroup
+ \afterassignment\doruledvpenalty
+ \scratchcounter=}
+ {\ifvmode
+ \expandafter\ruledvpenalty
+ \else
+ \expandafter\ruledhpenalty
+ \fi}
+%D At the cost of some more tokens, a bit more clever
+%D implementation would be:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \unexpanded\def\ruledpenalty%
+%D {\csname ruled\ifvmode v\else h\fi penalty\endcsname}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D \macros
+%D {showfils,dontshowfils,
+%D showboxes,dontshowboxes,
+%D showskips,dontshowskips,
+%D showpenalties,dontshowpenalties}
+%D For those who want to manipulate the visual cues in detail,
+%D we have grouped them.
+\newif\ifshowingcomposition % see later why we need this
+ {\showingcompositiontrue
+ \let\hss \ruledhss
+ \let\hfil \ruledhfil
+ \let\hfill \ruledhfill
+ \let\hfilneg \ruledhfilneg
+ \let\hfillneg \ruledhfillneg
+ \let\vss \ruledvss
+ \let\vfil \ruledvfil
+ \let\vfill \ruledvfill
+ \let\vfilneg \ruledvfilneg
+ \let\vfillneg \ruledvfillneg}
+ {\let\hss \normalhss
+ \let\hfil \normalhfil
+ \let\hfill \normalhfill
+ \let\hfilneg \normalhfilneg
+ \let\hfillneg \normalhfillneg
+ \let\vss \normalvss
+ \let\vfil \normalvfil
+ \let\vfill \normalvfill
+ \let\vfilneg \normalvfilneg
+ \let\vfillneg \normalvfillneg}
+ {\showingcompositiontrue
+ \baselineruletrue
+ \let\hbox \ruledhbox
+ \let\vbox \ruledvbox
+ \let\vtop \ruledvtop
+ \let\vcenter \ruledvcenter}
+ {\let\hbox \normalhbox
+ \let\vbox \normalvbox
+ \let\vtop \normalvtop
+ \let\vcenter \normalvcenter}
+ {\showingcompositiontrue
+ \let\hskip \ruledhskip
+ \let\vskip \ruledvskip
+ \let\kern \ruledkern
+ \let\mskip \ruledmskip
+ \let\mkern \ruledmkern
+ \let\hglue \ruledhglue
+ \let\vglue \ruledvglue}
+ {\let\hskip \normalhskip
+ \let\vskip \normalvskip
+ \let\kern \normalkern
+ \let\mskip \normalmskip
+ \let\mkern \normalmkern
+ \let\hglue \normalhglue
+ \let\vglue \normalvglue}
+ {\showingcompositiontrue
+ \let\penalty \ruledpenalty}
+ {\let\penalty \normalpenalty}
+%D \macros
+%D {showcomposition,dontshowcomposition,
+%D showingcomposition}
+%D All these nice options come together in three macros. One
+%D for turning the options on, one for turning them off, and a
+%D boolean for enabling the mechanism outside the scope of the
+%D user. The first two macros only do their job when we are
+%D actually showing the composition.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \showingcompositiontrue
+%D \showcomposition
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Because the output routine can do tricky things, like
+%D multiple column typesetting and manipulation of the
+%D pagebody, shifting things around and so on, the macro
+%D \type{\dontshowcomposition} best can be called when we enter
+%D this routine. Too much visual cues just don't make sense. In
+%D \CONTEXT\ this has been taken care of.
+ {\ifshowingcomposition
+ \showfils
+ \showboxes
+ \showskips
+ \showpenalties
+ \fi}
+ {\ifshowingcomposition
+ \dontshowfils
+ \dontshowboxes
+ \dontshowskips
+ \dontshowpenalties
+ \fi}
+%D \macros
+%D {showmakeup,
+%D defaulttestrulewidth}
+%D Just to make things even more easy, we have defined:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \showmakeup
+%D \stoptyping
+%D For the sake of those who don't (yet) use \CONTEXT\ we
+%D preset \type{\defaulttestrulewidth} to the already set
+%D value. Otherwise we default to a bodyfontsize related value.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\defaulttestrulewidth{.2pt}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Beware, it's a macro not a \DIMENSION.
+ \edef\defaulttestrulewidth{\the\testrulewidth}
+ \def\defaulttestrulewidth{.02\bodyfontsize}
+ {\testrulewidth\defaulttestrulewidth
+ \showingcompositiontrue
+ \showcomposition}
+%D \ifCONTEXT \let\next=\relax \else \let\next=\endinput
+%D The documented source you have been reading was processed
+%D using some surrogate makeup. When this file is processed
+%D in \CONTEXT, a few more examples show up here, like a local
+%D table of contents and a local register.
+%D \fi \next
+%D Lets end with some more advanced examples.
+%D Definitions and enumerations come in many flavors. The
+%D next one for instance is defined as:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \definedescription[test][place=left,hang=3,width=6em]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D When applied to some text, this would look like:
+%D \bgroup
+%D \showmakeup
+%D \definedescription[test][location=left,hang=3,width=6em]
+%D \test{visual\\debugger} I would be very pleased if \TEX\
+%D had two more primitives: \type{\vnop} and \type{\hnop}. Both
+%D should act and show up as normal boxes, but stay invisible
+%D for \TEX\ when it's doing calculations. The \type{\vnop}
+%D for instance should not interact with the internal mechanism
+%D responsible for the disappearing skips, kerns and penalties
+%D at a pagebreak. As long as we don't have these two boxtypes,
+%D visual debugging will never be perfect.
+%D \egroup
+%D The index to this section looks like:
+%D {\setupreferencing[prefixprefix=dummy]\showmakeup\placeindex[criterium=local]}
+%D Although not impressive examples or typesetting, both
+%D show us how and where things happen. When somehow the last
+%D lines in this two column index don't allign, then this is
+%D due to some still unknown interference.
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/symb-cow.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/symb-cow.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..933a00c45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/symb-cow.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=symb-cow,
+%D version=2006.06.23,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Symbol Libraries,
+%D subtitle=Cow Symbols,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\definefontsynonym [Cows] [koeielett]
+\definefontsynonym [CowsContour] [koeielett-contour]
+\definefontsynonym [CowsLogo] [koeielogos]
+\definefontsynonym [CowsLogoContour] [koeielogos-contour]
+\definecolor [lsky] [r=.6,g=.6,b=1]
+\definecolor [dsky] [r=.1,g=.1,b=1]
+\definecolor [lground] [r=.3,g=.9,b=.3]
+\definecolor [dground] [r=0,g=.5,b=0]
+\definecolor [cspots] [r=.33,g=.1,b=0]
+\definecolor [tlsky] [t=.5,a=1,r=.6,g=.6,b=1]
+\definecolor [tdsky] [t=.5,a=1,r=.1,g=.1,b=1]
+\definecolor [tlground] [t=.5,a=1,r=.3,g=.9,b=.3]
+\definecolor [tdground] [t=.5,a=1,r=0,g=.5,b=0]
+\definecolor [tcspots] [t=.5,a=1,r=.33,g=.1,b=0]
+ [cow]
+ [normal=lground,
+ contour=dground,
+ sky=lsky]
+ {\dontleavehmode\hbox{\color[cow:normal]{\getglyph{Cows}{#1}}}}
+ {\dontleavehmode\hbox{\color[cow:normal]{\definedfont[Cows sa #1]#2}}}
+ {\dontleavehmode\hbox
+ {\color[cow:contour]{\hsmash{\definedfont[CowsContour sa #1]#2}}%
+ \color[cow:normal] {\definedfont[Cows sa #1]#2}}}
+ {\dontleavehmode\hbox
+ {\color[cow:contour]{\hsmash{\getglyph{CowsContour}{#1}}}%
+ \color[cow:normal] {\getglyph{Cows} {#1}}}}
+ {\dontleavehmode\hbox
+ {\color[cow:contour]{\hsmash{\getglyph{CowsLogoContour}{#1}}}%
+ \color[cow:normal] {\getglyph{CowsLogo} {#1}}}}
+\def\CowLogo #1{\getglyph{CowsLogo} {\char#1\relax}}
+\chardef\CowPragmaNormal= 1
+ \definesymbol[CowPragmaADE] [\CowLogo{0}]
+ \definesymbol[CowPragma] [\CowLogo{1}]
+ \definesymbol[CowConTeXt] [\CowLogo{2}]
+ \definesymbol[CowConTeXtComplete] [\CowLogo{3}]
+ \definesymbol[CowConTeXtShadow] [\CowLogo{4}]
+ \definesymbol[CowConTeXtContour] [\CowLogo{5}]
+ \definesymbol[CowConTeXtOutline] [\CowLogo{6}]
+ \definesymbol[CowConTeXtDots] [\CowLogo{7}]
+ \definesymbol[CowMP] [\CowLogo{8}]
+ \definesymbol[CowMPComplete] [\CowLogo{9}]
+ \definesymbol[CowTeX] [\CowLogo{10}]
+ \definesymbol[CowTeXComplete] [\CowLogo{11}]
+ \definesymbol[CowBoo] [\CowLogo{12}]
+ \definesymbol[CowCow] [\CowLogo{13}]
+ \definesymbol[CowExampleComplete] [\CowLogo{14}]
+ \definesymbol[CowFoxetComplete] [\CowLogo{15}]
+ \definesymbol[CowMetafun] [\CowLogo{16}]
+ \definesymbol[CowMetafunComplete] [\CowLogo{17}]
+ \definesymbol[CowTEXComplete] [\CowLogo{18}]
+ \definesymbol[CowWikiComplete] [\CowLogo{19}]
+ \definesymbol[CowPragmaADEComplete][\CowLogo{20}]
+ \definesymbol[CowPragmaComplete] [\CowLogo{21}]
+ \definesymbol[CowExample] [\CowLogo{22}]
+ \definesymbol[CowFoxet] [\CowLogo{23}]
+ \definesymbol[CowTEX] [\CowLogo{24}]
+ \definesymbol[CowWiki] [\CowLogo{25}]
+ \definesymbol[CowCowTeXtComplete] [\CowLogo{26}]
+ \definesymbol[CowCowTeXt] [\CowLogo{27}]
+ \definesymbol[CowPragmaADE] [\CowContourLogo{0}]
+ \definesymbol[CowPragma] [\CowContourLogo{1}]
+ \definesymbol[CowConTeXt] [\CowContourLogo{2}]
+ \definesymbol[CowConTeXtComplete] [\CowContourLogo{3}]
+ \definesymbol[CowConTeXtShadow] [\CowContourLogo{4}]
+ \definesymbol[CowConTeXtContour] [\CowContourLogo{5}]
+ \definesymbol[CowConTeXtOutline] [\CowContourLogo{6}]
+ \definesymbol[CowConTeXtDots] [\CowContourLogo{7}]
+ \definesymbol[CowMP] [\CowContourLogo{8}]
+ \definesymbol[CowMPComplete] [\CowContourLogo{9}]
+ \definesymbol[CowTeX] [\CowContourLogo{10}]
+ \definesymbol[CowTeXComplete] [\CowContourLogo{11}]
+ \definesymbol[CowBoo] [\CowContourLogo{12}]
+ \definesymbol[CowCow] [\CowContourLogo{13}]
+ \definesymbol[CowExampleComplete] [\CowContourLogo{14}]
+ \definesymbol[CowFoxetComplete] [\CowContourLogo{15}]
+ \definesymbol[CowMetafun] [\CowContourLogo{16}]
+ \definesymbol[CowMetafunComplete] [\CowContourLogo{17}]
+ \definesymbol[CowTEXComplete] [\CowContourLogo{18}]
+ \definesymbol[CowWikiComplete] [\CowContourLogo{19}]
+ \definesymbol[CowPragmaADEComplete][\CowContourLogo{20}]
+ \definesymbol[CowPragmaComplete] [\CowContourLogo{21}]
+ \definesymbol[CowExample] [\CowContourLogo{22}]
+ \definesymbol[CowFoxet] [\CowContourLogo{23}]
+ \definesymbol[CowTEX] [\CowContourLogo{24}]
+ \definesymbol[CowWiki] [\CowContourLogo{25}]
+ \definesymbol[CowCowTeXtComplete] [\CowContourLogo{26}]
+ \definesymbol[CowCowTeXt] [\CowContourLogo{27}]
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/symb-eur.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/symb-eur.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..67023ec91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/symb-eur.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=symb-eur,
+%D version=2000.06.22,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Symbol Libraries,
+%D subtitle=Adobe Euro Symbols,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\loadmapfile []
+\definefontsynonym [EuroSerif] [eurose]
+\definefontsynonym [EuroSerifBold] [euroseb]
+\definefontsynonym [EuroSerifItalic] [eurosei]
+\definefontsynonym [EuroSerifSlanted] [eurosei]
+\definefontsynonym [EuroSerifBoldItalic] [eurosebi]
+\definefontsynonym [EuroSerifBoldSlanted] [eurosebi]
+\definefontsynonym [EuroSans] [eurosa]
+\definefontsynonym [EuroSansBold] [eurosab]
+\definefontsynonym [EuroSansItalic] [eurosai]
+\definefontsynonym [EuroSansSlanted] [eurosai]
+\definefontsynonym [EuroSansBoldItalic] [eurosabi]
+\definefontsynonym [EuroSansBoldSlanted] [eurosabi]
+\definefontsynonym [EuroMono] [euromo]
+\definefontsynonym [EuroMonoBold] [euromob]
+\definefontsynonym [EuroMonoSlanted] [euromoi]
+\definefontsynonym [EuroMonoItalic] [euromoi]
+\definefontsynonym [EuroMonoBoldItalic] [euromobi]
+\definefontsynonym [EuroMonoBoldSlanted] [euromobi]
+\definesymbol [euro] [\getglyph{Euro}{\char160}]
+ \definecharacter texteuro {\symbol[euro]}
+% ok for one font series, but not for mixed sets
+% \unexpanded\def\euro
+% {\doiftextelse \texteuro \texteuro
+% {\unexpanded\def\euro{\symbol[euro]}\euro}
+%D The next table shows the complete set of symbols:
+%D \starttabulate[|l|c|c|c|c|c|c|]
+%D \NC \NC \tex{tf} \NC \tex{bf} \NC \tex{sl}
+%D \NC \tex{it} \NC \tex{bs} \NC \tex{bi} \NC\NR
+%D \NC \rm Serif \NC \rm\tf\euro \NC \rm\bf\euro \NC \rm\sl\euro
+%D \NC \rm\it\euro \NC \rm\bs\euro \NC \rm\bi\euro \NC\NR
+%D \NC \ss Sans \NC \ss\tf\euro \NC \ss\bf\euro \NC \ss\sl\euro
+%D \NC \ss\it\euro \NC \ss\bs\euro \NC \ss\bi\euro \NC\NR
+%D \NC \tt Mono \NC \tt\tf\euro \NC \tt\bf\euro \NC \tt\sl\euro
+%D \NC \tt\it\euro \NC \tt\bs\euro \NC \tt\bi\euro \NC\NR
+%D \stoptabulate
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/symb-glm.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/symb-glm.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ff94bfe7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/symb-glm.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=symb-glm,
+%D version=2002.05.07,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Symbol Libraries,
+%D subtitle=Guillemots,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D Watch the \type {x} before the local symbols.
+% \loadmapfile []
+% \loadmapfile []
+\loadmapfile []
+% this used to be:
+% \definefontsynonym [GuilSerif] [plr10] [encoding=ec]
+% \definefontsynonym [GuilSerifBold] [plbx10] [encoding=ec]
+% \definefontsynonym [GuilSerifItalic] [plti10] [encoding=ec]
+% \definefontsynonym [GuilSerifSlanted] [plsl10] [encoding=ec]
+% \definefontsynonym [GuilSerifBoldItalic] [plbxti10] [encoding=ec]
+% \definefontsynonym [GuilSerifBoldSlanted] [plbxsl10] [encoding=ec]
+% \definefontsynonym [GuilSans] [plss10] [encoding=ec]
+% \definefontsynonym [GuilSansBold] [plssbx10] [encoding=ec]
+% \definefontsynonym [GuilSansItalic] [plssi10] [encoding=ec]
+% \definefontsynonym [GuilSansSlanted] [plssi10] [encoding=ec]
+% \definefontsynonym [GuilSansBoldItalic] [plssbi10] [encoding=ec]
+% \definefontsynonym [GuilSansBoldSlanted] [plssbi10] [encoding=ec]
+% \definefontsynonym [GuilMono] [pltt10] [encoding=ec]
+% but was also one of the reasons for triggering the lm project, so:
+\definefontsynonym [GuilSerif] [ec-lmr10] [encoding=ec]
+\definefontsynonym [GuilSerifBold] [ec-lmbx10] [encoding=ec]
+\definefontsynonym [GuilSerifItalic] [ec-lmti10] [encoding=ec]
+\definefontsynonym [GuilSerifSlanted] [ec-lmsl10] [encoding=ec]
+\definefontsynonym [GuilSerifBoldItalic] [ec-lmbxti10] [encoding=ec]
+\definefontsynonym [GuilSerifBoldSlanted] [ec-lmbxsl10] [encoding=ec]
+\definefontsynonym [GuilSans] [ec-lmss10] [encoding=ec]
+\definefontsynonym [GuilSansBold] [ec-lmssbx10] [encoding=ec]
+\definefontsynonym [GuilSansItalic] [ec-lmssi10] [encoding=ec]
+\definefontsynonym [GuilSansSlanted] [ec-lmssi10] [encoding=ec]
+\definefontsynonym [GuilSansBoldItalic] [ec-lmssbi10] [encoding=ec]
+\definefontsynonym [GuilSansBoldSlanted] [ec-lmssbi10] [encoding=ec]
+\definefontsynonym [GuilMono] [ec-lmtt10] [encoding=ec]
+%definefontsynonym [GuilMonoBold] [ec-lmtt10] [encoding=ec]
+%definefontsynonym [GuilMonoSlanted] [ec-lmtt10] [encoding=ec]
+%definefontsynonym [GuilMonoItalic] [ec-lmtt10] [encoding=ec]
+%definefontsynonym [GuilMonoBoldItalic] [ec-lmtt10] [encoding=ec]
+%definefontsynonym [GuilMonoBoldSlanted] [ec-lmtt10] [encoding=ec]
+\definesymbol [xleftguillemot] [\getglyph{Guil}{\char19}]
+\definesymbol [xrightguillemot] [\getglyph{Guil}{\char20}]
+\definesymbol [xguilsingleleft] [\getglyph{Guil}{\char14}]
+\definesymbol [xguilsingleright] [\getglyph{Guil}{\char15}]
+%D A strange place, but okay (the \type {\relax} prevents space gobbling)
+\startencoding [default]
+ \definecharacter leftguillemot {\symbol[xleftguillemot]\relax}
+ \definecharacter rightguillemot {\symbol[xrightguillemot]\relax}
+ \definecharacter guilsingleleft {\symbol[xguilsingleleft]\relax}
+ \definecharacter guilsingleright {\symbol[xguilsingleright]\relax}
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/symb-ini.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/symb-ini.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3154c8a04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/symb-ini.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=symb-ini,
+%D version=1998.07.20,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Symbol Libraries,
+%D subtitle=Basic Symbols Commands,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D The macros described here used to be part of the \type
+%D {core-con} module. I decided to move them here when
+%D symbolsets saw the light. Let their light shine.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Symbol Libraries / Initialization}
+%D \macros
+%D {definesymbol, symbol}
+%D Converting numbers or levels into a character, romannumeral,
+%D symbol or something else, is supported by many \CONTEXT\
+%D commands. Therefore we need a mechanism for linking such
+%D numbers to their counterparts.
+%D First we take care of symbols. These are for instance used
+%D in enumerations and itemizations. We have:
+%D \showsetup{definesymbol}
+%D \showsetup{symbol}
+%D Symbols are simply linked to a tag. Such tags can be numbers
+%D or strings.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \definesymbol [1] [$\bullet$]
+%D \definesymbol [level 5] [$\star$]
+%D \stoptyping
+% ss:tag -> symbol
+% ss:set:tag -> symbol out of set
+% sstag -> list of symbols in set
+ {\dotripleempty\dodefinesymbol}
+% \def\dodefinesymbol[#1][#2][#3]% class name meaning
+% {\ifthirdargument
+% \setvalue{\??ss:#1:#2}{#3}%
+% \doifsomething{#1}{\addvalue{\??ss*#1}{#2}}%
+% \else
+% \setvalue{\??ss:\currentsymboldef:#1}{#2}%
+% \fi}
+\def\dodefinesymbol[#1][#2][#3]% class name meaning
+ {\ifthirdargument
+ \setvalue{\??ss:#1:#2}{#3}%
+ \doifsomething{#1}{\addvalue{\??ss*#1}{#2}}%
+ \else
+ \setvalue{\??ss:\currentsymboldef:#1}{#2}%
+ \addvalue{\??ss*\currentsymboldef}{#1}%
+ \fi}
+\def\doifinsymbolset #1#2{\doifdefined {\??ss:#1:#2}}
+\def\doifsymbolsetelse #1{\doifdefinedelse{\??ss*#1}}
+\def\symbolset#1{\executeifdefined{\??ss*#1}\empty} % no [#1], to be used in commalists etc
+%D Since symbols are used frequently in interactive
+%D documents, we speed up this one. Well, that was history,
+%D since now we simplified things a bit, because the low
+%D level macros have been sped up now and then.
+\unexpanded\def\symbol % This one always gobbles spaces,
+ {\dodoubleempty\dosymbol} % so never change it again!
+\newif\ifnosymbol \newtoks\everysymbol
+\def\dodosymbol#1#2% \relax's prevent lookahead problems
+ {\nosymbolfalse{\the\everysymbol\csname\??ss:#1:#2\endcsname\relax}\relax}
+\def\directsymbol#1#2% no \relax, there can be an argument, see lists
+ {\executeifdefined{\??ss:#1:#2}\firstofoneargument}
+% We support both:
+% Test test \symbol[whatever]\ test \symbol[whatever].
+% Test test \symbol{whatever} test \symbol{whatever}.
+\def\dosymbol % so we also handle \symbol{name}
+ {\iffirstargument % which is nicer with following spaces
+ \expandafter\donormalsymbol
+ \else
+ \expandafter\dospecialsymbol
+ \fi}
+ {\firstargumenttrue
+ \secondargumentfalse
+ \donormalsymbol[#3][]}
+ {\nosymboltrue
+ \ifsecondargument
+ \edef\currentsymbol{#2}%
+ \doifinsymbolset{#1}{#2}{\dodosymbol{#1}{#2}}%
+ \else
+ \edef\currentsymbol{#1}%
+ \fi
+ \ifnosymbol
+ \the\symbolsetups
+ \ifnosymbol
+ \redosymbol\currentsymbol
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+ {\ifnosymbol
+ \doifinsymbolset{#1}\currentsymbol{\dodosymbol{#1}\currentsymbol}%
+ \fi}
+% {\doifinsymbolsetelse\empty{#1}{\dodosymbol\empty{#1}}{#1}} % more efficient:
+ {\doifinsymbolsetelse\empty{#1}{\dodosymbol\empty}\firstofoneargument{#1}}
+% % % % %
+% this should go in symb-fig, to be loaded after core-fig
+%D \macros
+%D {definefiguresymbol}
+%D To simplify defining figure symbols, we offer:
+%D \showsetup{definefiguresymbol}
+%D By default, such symbols scale along the current bodyfont
+%D size or running font size (which is better).
+ {\dodoubleempty\dofiguresymbol}
+\ifx\externalfigure \undefined \def\externalfigure[#1][#2]{#1} \fi
+\ifx\resetexternalfigures\undefined \let\resetexternalfigures\relax \fi
+\def\dofiguresymbol[#1][% #2]%
+ {\externalfigure[#1][\c!reset=\v!yes,\c!symbol=\v!yes,\c!height=\defaultsymbolheight,}% #2]}
+\appendtoks \resetexternalfigures \to \everysymbol
+ {\dotripleempty\dodefinefiguresymbol}
+ {\ifsecondargument
+ \definesymbol[#1][{\dofiguresymbol[#2][#3]}]%
+ \fi}
+% but for the moment we keep it here
+% % % % % %
+% {\dopresetfieldsymbol{#1}\dogetfieldsymbol{#1}}
+%D \macros
+%D {doifsymboldefinedelse}
+%D A handy private one:
+% a bit messy
+ {\ifnosymbol
+ \doifinsymbolset{#1}\currentsymbol\nosymbolfalse
+ \fi}
+ {\doifinsymbolset\empty\currentsymbol\nosymbolfalse}
+ {\bgroup
+ \edef\currentsymbol{#1}%
+ \let\fetchsymbol\xfetchsymbol
+ \nosymboltrue
+ \the\symbolsetups
+ \ifnosymbol
+ \xredosymbol\currentsymbol
+ \ifnosymbol
+ \egroup\@EAEAEA\secondoftwoarguments
+ \else
+ \egroup\@EAEAEA\firstoftwoarguments
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \egroup\@EA\firstoftwoarguments
+ \fi}
+%D \macros
+%D {setupsymbolset,startsymbolset}
+%D From these macro definitions one can deduce that symbols can
+%D be grouped in symbol sets:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \startsymbolset [navigation 1]
+%D \definefiguresymbol [Next] [mp-symb.1]
+%D \definefiguresymbol [Prev] [mp-symb.2]
+%D \stopsymbolset
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Such a symbol can be typeset with:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \setupsymbolset[navigation 1]\symbol[Next]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D or simply:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \symbol[navigation 1][Next]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Formally:
+%D \showsetup{setupsymbolset}
+%D \showsetup{startsymbolset}
+ {\def\currentsymboldef{#1}}
+ {\let\currentsymboldef\empty}
+ {\prependtoksonce\fetchsymbol{#1}\to\symbolsetups}
+ {\symbolsetups\emptytoks}
+ {\symbolsetups{\fetchsymbol{#1}}}
+%D \macros
+%D {showsymbolset}
+%D \showsetup{showsymbolset}
+\fetchruntimecommand \showsymbolset {\f!symbolprefix\s!run}
+%D \macros
+%D {usesymbols}
+%D \showsetup{usesymbols}
+ {\startreadingfile
+ \readsysfile{\truefilename{\f!symbolprefix#1}.\mksuffix}
+ {\showmessage\m!symbols1{#1}}
+ {\readsysfile{\truefilename{\f!symbolprefix#1}}
+ {\showmessage\m!symbols1{#1}}
+ \donothing}%
+ \stopreadingfile}
+ {\processcommalist[#1]\dousesymbols}
+%D As longs as symbols are linked to levels or numbers, we can
+%D also use the conversion mechanism, but in for instance the
+%D itemization macros, we prefer symbols because they can more
+%D easier be (partially) redefined.
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/symb-jmn.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/symb-jmn.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..aea2dce7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/symb-jmn.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=symb-jmn,
+%D version=2004.08.02,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Symbol Libraries,
+%D subtitle=Special Navigational Symbols,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D This file defines a few navigational symbol vectors. The font used
+%D here is designed by Janusz M.~Nowacki, one of the Polish Font
+%D Gurus who made this font specially for me, hence the name. If you
+%D you want to meet its designer, come to Bachotek! In case you're
+%D not familiar with his work, take a look at the Antikwa, Iwona and
+%D Kurier fonts!
+%D \usesymbols[jmn]
+%D \showsymbolset[navigation 1]
+%D \showsymbolset[navigation 3]
+%D \showsymbolset[navigation 2]
+%D \showsymbolset[navigation 4]
+%D \page
+%D \showfont[NavigationNormal]
+%D \page
+%D \showfont[NavigationShadowed]
+%D \page
+% needed:
+% - inverted crossed
+% - curved diamond
+\loadmapfile[] % \loadmapfile []
+\definefontsynonym[NavigationNormal] [hans]
+\definefontsynonym[NavigationShadowed] [hans-sh]
+\definefontsynonym[NavigationFont] [NavigationNormal]
+%definefontsynonym[NavigationFont] [NavigationShadowed]
+\startsymbolset [navigation 1]
+ \definesymbol [\v!previouspage] [\NavigationGlyph {65}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!PreviousJump] [\NavigationGlyph{128}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!firstpage] [\NavigationGlyph{129}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!nextpage] [\NavigationGlyph {66}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!NextJump] [\NavigationGlyph{130}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!lastpage] [\NavigationGlyph{131}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!CloseDocument] [\NavigationGlyph{160}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!firstsubpage] [\NavigationGlyph{178}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!previoussubpage] [\NavigationGlyph{208}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!nextsubpage] [\NavigationGlyph{209}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!lastsubpage] [\NavigationGlyph{178}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!StartSound] [\NavigationGlyph {66}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!PauseSound] [\NavigationGlyph{168}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!StopSound] [\NavigationGlyph{170}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!StartMovie] [\NavigationGlyph {66}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!PauseMovie] [\NavigationGlyph{168}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!StopMovie] [\NavigationGlyph{170}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!StartRendering] [\NavigationGlyph {66}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!PauseRendering] [\NavigationGlyph{168}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!StopRendering] [\NavigationGlyph{170}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!ResumeRendering] [\NavigationGlyph {66}]
+\startsymbolset [navigation 2]
+ \definesymbol [\v!previouspage] [\NavigationGlyph {67}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!PreviousJump] [\NavigationGlyph{132}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!firstpage] [\NavigationGlyph{133}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!nextpage] [\NavigationGlyph {68}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!NextJump] [\NavigationGlyph{134}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!lastpage] [\NavigationGlyph{135}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!CloseDocument] [\NavigationGlyph{160}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!firstsubpage] [\NavigationGlyph{176}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!previoussubpage] [\NavigationGlyph{210}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!nextsubpage] [\NavigationGlyph{211}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!lastsubpage] [\NavigationGlyph{176}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!StartSound] [\NavigationGlyph {68}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!PauseSound] [\NavigationGlyph{170}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!StopSound] [\NavigationGlyph{168}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!StartMovie] [\NavigationGlyph {68}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!PauseMovie] [\NavigationGlyph{170}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!StopMovie] [\NavigationGlyph{168}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!StartRendering] [\NavigationGlyph {68}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!PauseRendering] [\NavigationGlyph{170}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!StopRendering] [\NavigationGlyph{168}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!ResumeRendering] [\NavigationGlyph {68}]
+\startsymbolset [navigation 3]
+ \definesymbol [\v!previouspage] [\NavigationGlyph {73}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!PreviousJump] [\NavigationGlyph{144}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!firstpage] [\NavigationGlyph{145}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!nextpage] [\NavigationGlyph {74}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!NextJump] [\NavigationGlyph{146}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!lastpage] [\NavigationGlyph{147}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!CloseDocument] [\NavigationGlyph{160}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!firstsubpage] [\NavigationGlyph{178}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!previoussubpage] [\NavigationGlyph{212}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!nextsubpage] [\NavigationGlyph{213}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!lastsubpage] [\NavigationGlyph{178}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!StartSound] [\NavigationGlyph {73}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!PauseSound] [\NavigationGlyph{168}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!StopSound] [\NavigationGlyph{170}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!StartMovie] [\NavigationGlyph {73}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!PauseMovie] [\NavigationGlyph{168}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!StopMovie] [\NavigationGlyph{170}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!StartRendering] [\NavigationGlyph {73}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!PauseRendering] [\NavigationGlyph{168}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!StopRendering] [\NavigationGlyph{170}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!ResumeRendering] [\NavigationGlyph {73}]
+% 1 left : 065 067 073 075
+% 2 left : 128 132 144 148
+% 3 left : 129 133 145 149
+% 1 right : 066 068 074 076
+% 2 right : 130 134 146 150
+% 3 right : 131 135 147 151
+% crossed : 160 160 160 160
+% opened : 152 152 156 156
+% closed : 154 154 158 158
+% larrow : 208 210 212 214
+% rarrow : 209 211 213 215
+% barrow : 178 178 178 178
+% ocircle : 168 168 168 168
+% ccircle : 170 170 170 170
+\startsymbolset [navigation 4]
+ \definesymbol [\v!previouspage] [\NavigationGlyph {75}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!PreviousJump] [\NavigationGlyph{148}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!firstpage] [\NavigationGlyph{149}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!nextpage] [\NavigationGlyph {76}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!NextJump] [\NavigationGlyph{150}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!lastpage] [\NavigationGlyph{151}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!CloseDocument] [\NavigationGlyph{160}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!firstsubpage] [\NavigationGlyph{176}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!previoussubpage] [\NavigationGlyph{214}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!nextsubpage] [\NavigationGlyph{215}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!lastsubpage] [\NavigationGlyph{176}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!StartSound] [\NavigationGlyph {75}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!PauseSound] [\NavigationGlyph{170}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!StopSound] [\NavigationGlyph{168}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!StartMovie] [\NavigationGlyph {75}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!PauseMovie] [\NavigationGlyph{170}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!StopMovie] [\NavigationGlyph{168}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!StartRendering] [\NavigationGlyph {75}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!PauseRendering] [\NavigationGlyph{170}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!StopRendering] [\NavigationGlyph{168}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!ResumeRendering] [\NavigationGlyph {75}]
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/symb-mis.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/symb-mis.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dacb816b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/symb-mis.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=symb-mis,
+%D version=2002.05.07,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Symbol Libraries,
+%D subtitle=Miscelaneous,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D We predefine some common symbols and conversions that will
+%D be understood by many commands.
+% \mathematics no longer needed, although only math fonts might have these
+\definesymbol [\v!none] []
+\definesymbol [bullet] [\mathematics{\bullet}]
+\definesymbol [dash] [\mathematics{-}]
+\definesymbol [star] [\mathematics{\star}]
+\definesymbol [triangle] [\mathematics{\triangleright}]
+\definesymbol [circle] [\mathematics{\circ}]
+\definesymbol [square] [\mathematics{\square}]
+\definesymbol [diamond] [\mathematics{\diamond}]
+\definesymbol [smallcircle] [\hbox{\raise.1ex\hbox{\mathematics{\scriptscriptstyle\bigcirc}}}]
+\definesymbol [medcircle] [\hbox{\raise.1ex\hbox{\mathematics{\scriptstyle \bigcirc}}}]
+\definesymbol [bigcircle] [\mathematics{\bigcirc}]
+\definesymbol [1] [\symbol{bullet}]
+\definesymbol [2] [\symbol{dash}]
+\definesymbol [3] [\symbol{star}]
+\definesymbol [4] [\symbol{triangle}]
+\definesymbol [5] [\symbol{circle}]
+\definesymbol [6] [\symbol{medcircle}]
+\definesymbol [7] [\symbol{bigcircle}]
+\definesymbol [8] [\symbol{square}]
+%D Special hyperlinks, namely those to pages or navigational
+%D properties, are associated with symbols.
+\definesymbol [\v!firstpage] [\gotobegincharacter]
+\definesymbol [\v!previouspage] [\gobackwardcharacter]
+\definesymbol [\v!nextpage] [\goforwardcharacter]
+\definesymbol [\v!lastpage] [\gotoendcharacter]
+\definesymbol [\v!firstsubpage] [\gotobegincharacter]
+\definesymbol [\v!previoussubpage] [\gobackwardcharacter]
+\definesymbol [\v!nextsubpage] [\goforwardcharacter]
+\definesymbol [\v!lastsubpage] [\gotoendcharacter]
+\definesymbol [\v!PreviousJump] [\gobackjumpcharacter]
+\definesymbol [\v!NextJump] [\goforjumpcharacter]
+\definesymbol [\v!CloseDocument] [\closecharacter]
+\definesymbol [\v!first] [\symbol{\v!firstpage}]
+\definesymbol [\v!previous] [\symbol{\v!previouspage}]
+\definesymbol [\v!next] [\symbol{\v!nextpage}]
+\definesymbol [\v!last] [\symbol{\v!lastpage}]
+\definesymbol [\v!somewhere] [\gotosomewherecharacter]
+\definesymbol [\v!nowhere] [\gonowherecharacter]
+\definesymbol [\v!backward] [\symbol{\v!previouspage}]
+\definesymbol [\v!forward] [\symbol{\v!nextpage}]
+%D The next two symbols (\symbol[P] and \symbol[S]) are
+%D variations in their math counterparts. The following ones
+%D {\em do} scale.
+% todo : hook this into \textsection
+\definesymbol [S] [\getglyph{MathSymbol}{\char"78}]
+\definesymbol [P] [\getglyph{MathSymbol}{\char"7B}]
+%D These symbols are taken from the Computer Moders Roman
+%D symbol set or, when present, from the additional symbols of
+%D the American Mathematical Society. Of course one can use
+%D his or her own symbols by redefining them.
+ {\ifx#1\undefined#2\else#3\fi}
+ {\hbox
+ {\dogotocharacter\blacktriangleleft
+ {\setbox0\hbox{\mathematics{\triangleleft}}%
+ \vrule\!!width.085ex\!!height1.075\ht0\!!depth\dp0
+ \kern-.11ex\box0}
+ {\setbox0\hbox{\mathematics{\blacktriangleleft}}%
+ \setbox2\hbox{\vrule\!!height\ht0\!!depth\dp0\!!width.25ex}%
+ \hbox{\lower.03ex\box2\kern-.35ex\box0}}}}
+ {\hbox
+ {\dogotocharacter\blacktriangleright
+ {\setbox0\hbox{\mathematics{\triangleright}}%
+ \copy0\kern-.11ex
+ \vrule\!!width.085ex\!!height1.075\ht0\!!depth\dp0}
+ {\setbox0\hbox{\mathematics{\blacktriangleright}}%
+ \setbox2\hbox{\vrule\!!height\ht0\!!depth\dp0\!!width.25ex}%
+ \hbox{\box0\kern-.35ex\lower.03ex\box2}}}}
+ {\mathematics{\dogotocharacter\blacktriangleright\triangleleft\blacktriangleleft}}
+ {\mathematics{\dogotocharacter\blacktriangleright\triangleright\blacktriangleright}}
+ {\mathematics{\bullet}}
+ {{\hbox{\hsmash{\symbol[\v!previous]}\symbol[\v!next]}}}
+ {\dogotocharacter\boxtimes
+ {\ruledhbox{\mathematics{\times}}}
+ {\mathematics{\boxtimes}}}
+ {\hbox{\goforwardcharacter \kern-.5em\goforwardcharacter}}
+ {\hbox{\gobackwardcharacter\kern-.5em\gobackwardcharacter}}
+%D The next two symbols are for Daniel Flipo:
+\ifx\high \undefined \let\high \firstofoneargument \fi % todo
+\ifx\notsmallcapped\undefined \let\notsmallcapped\firstofoneargument \fi % todo
+\definesymbol [Numero] [N\high{\notsmallcapped{o}\kern.2em}]
+\definesymbol [numero] [n\high{\notsmallcapped{o}\kern.2em}]
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/symb-mvs.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/symb-mvs.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..aae4e92d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/symb-mvs.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=symb-mvs,
+%D version=2000.03.30,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Symbol Libraries,
+%D subtitle=Martin Vogels Symbole,
+%D author=Tobias Burnus \& Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D This module implements the Martin Vogel Symbole font
+%D (marvosym). The names are derived from the \LATEX\ package
+%D \type {marvosym} of Thomas Henlich. The symbols are
+%D available as Type~1 font and are included in \TETEX\ and
+%D \FPTEX\ distributions.
+%D This symbol font offers the signs of the zodiac, four
+%D alternative the euro signs, some general office signs and
+%D some more.
+%D The font was designed by Martin Vogel who can be reached at
+%D \hyphenatedurl {}. More information
+%D can be found at \hyphenatedurl
+%D {}. The
+%D conversion to Type~1 font was done by Thomas Henlich, who
+%D can be reached at \hyphenatedurl
+%D {}.
+%D This module is based on the current \CTAN\ version (as of
+%D March 30, 2000) and is older than the TrueType version at
+%D Martin Vogel's Homepage. The definitions in this module
+%D reflect the \CTAN\ version. The font conversion was done by
+%D Thomas Henlich using \type {ttf2pt1}, a program that can be
+%D found at \hyphenatedurl
+%D {}.
+%D Using the new version of \type {marvosymb}, the MVzero will
+%D has a slash and the FHBOLOGO, (wo)manface, and (wo)manfront
+%D are replaced by other symbols.
+\loadmapfile[] % \loadmapfile[original-vogel-symbol]
+\definefontsynonym [MartinVogel] [umvs]
+% Astro signs and signs of the zodiac
+\startsymbolset [astronomic]
+ \definesymbol [Sun] [\MartinVogelSymbol{192}]
+ \definesymbol [Moon] [\MartinVogelSymbol{193}]
+ \definesymbol [Mercury] [\MartinVogelSymbol{194}]
+ \definesymbol [Venus] [\MartinVogelSymbol{195}]
+ \definesymbol [Mars] [\MartinVogelSymbol{196}]
+ \definesymbol [Jupiter] [\MartinVogelSymbol{197}]
+ \definesymbol [Saturn] [\MartinVogelSymbol{198}]
+ \definesymbol [Uranus] [\MartinVogelSymbol{199}]
+ \definesymbol [Neptune] [\MartinVogelSymbol{200}]
+ \definesymbol [Pluto] [\MartinVogelSymbol{201}]
+\startsymbolset [zodiac]
+ \definesymbol [Aries] [\MartinVogelSymbol{224}]
+ \definesymbol [Taurus] [\MartinVogelSymbol{225}]
+ \definesymbol [Gemini] [\MartinVogelSymbol{226}]
+ \definesymbol [Cancer] [\MartinVogelSymbol{227}]
+ \definesymbol [Leo] [\MartinVogelSymbol{228}]
+ \definesymbol [Virgo] [\MartinVogelSymbol{229}]
+ \definesymbol [Libra] [\MartinVogelSymbol{230}]
+ \definesymbol [Scorpio] [\MartinVogelSymbol{231}]
+ \definesymbol [Sagittarius] [\MartinVogelSymbol{232}]
+ \definesymbol [Capricorn] [\MartinVogelSymbol{233}]
+ \definesymbol [Aquarius] [\MartinVogelSymbol{234}]
+ \definesymbol [Pisces] [\MartinVogelSymbol{235}]
+% Euro signs and CE
+\startsymbolset [europe]
+ \definesymbol [EUR] [\MartinVogelSymbol{164}]
+ \definesymbol [EURhv] [\MartinVogelSymbol {99}]
+ \definesymbol [EURcr] [\MartinVogelSymbol{100}]
+ \definesymbol [EURtm] [\MartinVogelSymbol{101}]
+ \definesymbol [CEsign] [\MartinVogelSymbol {67}]
+ \definecharacter texteuro {\symbol[europe][EUR]}
+% Numbers 0 to 9, @, A and p
+% taco: are these more general, like also in zapf dingbats?
+\startsymbolset [martinvogel 1]
+ \definesymbol [MVZero] [\MartinVogelSymbol {48}]
+ \definesymbol [MVOne] [\MartinVogelSymbol {49}]
+ \definesymbol [MVTwo] [\MartinVogelSymbol {50}]
+ \definesymbol [MVThree] [\MartinVogelSymbol {51}]
+ \definesymbol [MVFour] [\MartinVogelSymbol {52}]
+ \definesymbol [MVFive] [\MartinVogelSymbol {53}]
+ \definesymbol [MVSix] [\MartinVogelSymbol {54}]
+ \definesymbol [MVSeven] [\MartinVogelSymbol {55}]
+ \definesymbol [MVEight] [\MartinVogelSymbol {56}]
+ \definesymbol [MVNine] [\MartinVogelSymbol {57}]
+ \definesymbol [MVAt] [\MartinVogelSymbol {64}]
+ \definesymbol [MVA] [\MartinVogelSymbol{240}]
+ \definesymbol [MVp] [\MartinVogelSymbol{241}]
+% Office signs, crosses, circles, arrows
+\startsymbolset [martinvogel 2]
+ \definesymbol [CheckedBox] [\MartinVogelSymbol {86}]
+ \definesymbol [CrossedBox] [\MartinVogelSymbol {88}]
+ \definesymbol [PointingHand] [\MartinVogelSymbol {90}]
+ \definesymbol [WritingHand] [\MartinVogelSymbol {98}]
+ \definesymbol [Heart] [\MartinVogelSymbol{140}]
+ \definesymbol [FlatSteel] [\MartinVogelSymbol{150}]
+ \definesymbol [Squarepipe] [\MartinVogelSymbol{151}]
+ \definesymbol [Rectpipe] [\MartinVogelSymbol{152}]
+ \definesymbol [Lsteel] [\MartinVogelSymbol{153}]
+ \definesymbol [TTsteel] [\MartinVogelSymbol{154}]
+ \definesymbol [Circpipe] [\MartinVogelSymbol{155}]
+ \definesymbol [Tsteel] [\MartinVogelSymbol{156}]
+ \definesymbol [Stopsign] [\MartinVogelSymbol {33}]
+ \definesymbol [Beam] [\MartinVogelSymbol {34}]
+ \definesymbol [Bearing] [\MartinVogelSymbol {35}]
+ \definesymbol [Loosebearing] [\MartinVogelSymbol {36}]
+ \definesymbol [Fixedbearing] [\MartinVogelSymbol {37}]
+ \definesymbol [Lefttorque] [\MartinVogelSymbol {38}]
+ \definesymbol [Righttorque] [\MartinVogelSymbol {39}]
+ \definesymbol [Force] [\MartinVogelSymbol {40}]
+ \definesymbol [Lineload] [\MartinVogelSymbol {41}]
+ \definesymbol [Circles] [\MartinVogelSymbol {46}]
+ \definesymbol [Squaredot] [\MartinVogelSymbol{247}]
+ \definesymbol [Correspondes] [\MartinVogelSymbol {61}]
+ \definesymbol [Vectorarrowhigh] [\MartinVogelSymbol {80}]
+ \definesymbol [Vectorarrow] [\MartinVogelSymbol{112}]
+ \definesymbol [Rightarrow] [\MartinVogelSymbol {62}]
+ \definesymbol [Lightning] [\MartinVogelSymbol {69}]
+ \definesymbol [Snowflake] [\MartinVogelSymbol {42}]
+ \definesymbol [Kross] [\MartinVogelSymbol {43}]
+ \definesymbol [Cross] [\MartinVogelSymbol{134}]
+ \definesymbol [Celtcross] [\MartinVogelSymbol{135}]
+ \definesymbol [Ankh] [\MartinVogelSymbol{136}]
+ \definesymbol [Yingyang] [\MartinVogelSymbol {77}]
+ \definesymbol [Pickup] [\MartinVogelSymbol {0}] % ?
+ \definesymbol [Letter] [\MartinVogelSymbol {66}] % ?
+ \definesymbol [Mobilephone] [\MartinVogelSymbol {72}]
+ \definesymbol [Telephone] [\MartinVogelSymbol {84}]
+ \definesymbol [fax] [\MartinVogelSymbol{116}]
+ \definesymbol [FAX] [\MartinVogelSymbol{117}]
+ \definesymbol [Faxmachine] [\MartinVogelSymbol{118}]
+ \definesymbol [Clocklogo] [\MartinVogelSymbol {85}]
+ \definesymbol [Industry] [\MartinVogelSymbol {73}]
+ \definesymbol [Coffeecup] [\MartinVogelSymbol {75}]
+ \definesymbol [Info] [\MartinVogelSymbol{105}]
+ \definesymbol [Football] [\MartinVogelSymbol{111}]
+ \definesymbol [Frowny] [\MartinVogelSymbol{167}]
+ \definesymbol [Smiley] [\MartinVogelSymbol{169}]
+ \definesymbol [Bicycle] [\MartinVogelSymbol{174}]
+ \definesymbol [Rightscissors] [\MartinVogelSymbol {81}]
+ \definesymbol [Leftscissors] [\MartinVogelSymbol {83}]
+ \definesymbol [Cutright] [\MartinVogelSymbol{113}]
+ \definesymbol [Cutleft] [\MartinVogelSymbol{115}]
+ \definesymbol [Kutline] [\MartinVogelSymbol {82}] % K ?
+ \definesymbol [Cutline] [\MartinVogelSymbol{114}]
+% FHBO (Fachhochschule Bochum), face, humans, bat
+\startsymbolset [martinvogel 3]
+ \definesymbol [FHBOlogo] [\MartinVogelSymbol {70}]
+ \definesymbol [FHBOLOGO] [\MartinVogelSymbol{102}]
+ \definesymbol [Womanside] [\MartinVogelSymbol{204}]
+ \definesymbol [Manside] [\MartinVogelSymbol{205}]
+ \definesymbol [Womanfront] [\MartinVogelSymbol{206}]
+ \definesymbol [Manfront] [\MartinVogelSymbol{207}]
+ \definesymbol [Bat] [\MartinVogelSymbol{253}]
+ \definesymbol [Womanface] [\MartinVogelSymbol{254}]
+ \definesymbol [MartinVogel] [\MartinVogelSymbol{255}]
+%D \showsymbolset[astronomic]
+%D \showsymbolset[zodiac]
+%D \showsymbolset[europe]
+%D \showsymbolset[martinvogel 1]
+%D \showsymbolset[martinvogel 2]
+%D \showsymbolset[martinvogel 3]
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/symb-nav.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/symb-nav.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c9d1aae1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/symb-nav.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=symb-nav,
+%D version=1998.07.20,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Symbol Libraries,
+%D subtitle=Navigational Symbols,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\loadmapfile[] % \loadmapfile []
+\definefontsynonym [ContextNavigation] [contnav]
+\startsymbolset [navigation 1]
+ \definesymbol [\v!firstpage] [\ContextNavigationGlyph{3}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!previouspage] [\ContextNavigationGlyph{1}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!nextpage] [\ContextNavigationGlyph{2}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!lastpage] [\ContextNavigationGlyph{4}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!PreviousJump] [\ContextNavigationGlyph{5}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!NextJump] [\ContextNavigationGlyph{6}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!CloseDocument] [\ContextNavigationGlyph{7}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!firstsubpage] [\ContextNavigationGlyph{3}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!previoussubpage] [\ContextNavigationGlyph{1}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!nextsubpage] [\ContextNavigationGlyph{2}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!lastsubpage] [\ContextNavigationGlyph{4}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!StartSound] [\ContextNavigationGlyph{2}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!PauseSound] [\ContextNavigationGlyph{8}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!StopSound] [\ContextNavigationGlyph{7}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!StartMovie] [\ContextNavigationGlyph{2}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!PauseMovie] [\ContextNavigationGlyph{8}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!StopMovie] [\ContextNavigationGlyph{7}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!StartRendering] [\ContextNavigationGlyph{2}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!PauseRendering] [\ContextNavigationGlyph{8}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!StopRendering] [\ContextNavigationGlyph{7}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!ResumeRendering] [\ContextNavigationGlyph{2}]
+\startsymbolset [navigation 2]
+ \definesymbol [\v!firstpage] [\ContextNavigationGlyph{103}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!previouspage] [\ContextNavigationGlyph{101}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!nextpage] [\ContextNavigationGlyph{102}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!lastpage] [\ContextNavigationGlyph{104}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!PreviousJump] [\ContextNavigationGlyph{105}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!NextJump] [\ContextNavigationGlyph{106}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!CloseDocument] [\ContextNavigationGlyph{107}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!firstsubpage] [\ContextNavigationGlyph{103}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!previoussubpage] [\ContextNavigationGlyph{101}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!nextsubpage] [\ContextNavigationGlyph{102}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!lastsubpage] [\ContextNavigationGlyph{104}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!StartSound] [\ContextNavigationGlyph{102}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!PauseSound] [\ContextNavigationGlyph{108}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!StopSound] [\ContextNavigationGlyph{107}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!StartMovie] [\ContextNavigationGlyph{102}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!PauseMovie] [\ContextNavigationGlyph{108}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!StopMovie] [\ContextNavigationGlyph{107}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!StartRendering] [\ContextNavigationGlyph{102}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!PauseRendering] [\ContextNavigationGlyph{108}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!StopRendering] [\ContextNavigationGlyph{107}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!ResumeRendering] [\ContextNavigationGlyph{102}]
+\startsymbolset [navigation 3]
+ \definesymbol [\v!firstpage] [\ContextNavigationGlyph{203}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!previouspage] [\ContextNavigationGlyph{201}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!nextpage] [\ContextNavigationGlyph{202}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!lastpage] [\ContextNavigationGlyph{204}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!PreviousJump] [\ContextNavigationGlyph{205}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!NextJump] [\ContextNavigationGlyph{206}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!CloseDocument] [\ContextNavigationGlyph{207}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!firstsubpage] [\ContextNavigationGlyph{203}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!previoussubpage] [\ContextNavigationGlyph{201}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!nextsubpage] [\ContextNavigationGlyph{202}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!lastsubpage] [\ContextNavigationGlyph{204}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!StartSound] [\ContextNavigationGlyph{202}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!PauseSound] [\ContextNavigationGlyph{208}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!StopSound] [\ContextNavigationGlyph{207}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!StartMovie] [\ContextNavigationGlyph{202}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!PauseMovie] [\ContextNavigationGlyph{208}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!StopMovie] [\ContextNavigationGlyph{207}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!StartRendering] [\ContextNavigationGlyph{202}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!PauseRendering] [\ContextNavigationGlyph{208}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!StopRendering] [\ContextNavigationGlyph{207}]
+ \definesymbol [\v!ResumeRendering] [\ContextNavigationGlyph{202}]
+%D \showsymbolset[navigation 1]
+%D \showsymbolset[navigation 2]
+%D \showsymbolset[navigation 3]
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/symb-run.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/symb-run.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8b8c62d8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/symb-run.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=symb-run, % code moved from symb-ini
+%D version=1998.07.20,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Symbol Libraries,
+%D subtitle=Runtime Macros,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\gdef\doshowsymbolset[#1][#2]% todo: make nicer, use legend or so
+ {\vbox\bgroup
+ \blank
+ \getparameters[\??ss][\c!n=5,#2]%
+ \forcesymbolset[#1]%
+ \doifsymbolsetelse{#1}
+ {\global\let\allfigures\empty
+ \doglobal\newcounter\figurecounter
+ \setupcolors[\c!state=\v!start]% to prevent mps color conversion
+ \dontcomplain
+ \def\doshowsymbols% global needed due to grouping in alignment
+ {\expanded{\globalprocesscommalist[\symbolset{#1}]}\docommand}%
+ \def\docommand##1%
+ {\vbox
+ {\forgetall
+ \tttf
+ \halign
+ {\hss\quad####\strut\quad\hss\cr
+ \symbol[##1]\quad{\red\ruledhbox{\black\symbol[##1]}}\cr
+ \tfx##1\cr}}%
+ \doglobal\increment\figurecounter
+ \ifnum\figurecounter=\@@ssn
+ \doglobal\newcounter\figurecounter
+ \def\next{\crcr\noalign{\vskip1ex}}%
+ \else
+ \def\next{&}%
+ \fi
+ \next}%
+ \tabskip\zeropoint \!!plus 1fill
+ \halign to \hsize
+ {&\hss##\hss\cr\doshowsymbols\crcr}}%
+ {}%
+ \blank
+ \egroup}
+ {\dodoubleempty\doshowsymbolset}
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/symb-uni.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/symb-uni.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f5435810f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/symb-uni.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,1123 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=symb-uni,
+%D version=2004.11.15,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Symbol Libraries,
+%D subtitle=Unicode Symbols,
+%D author=Adam T. Lindsay,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={Adam Lindsay \& Hans Hagen}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C prepared by Adam T. Lindsay.
+%D The content of this file originates from the Unicode standard, via some
+%D original XSLT scripts and some hand-editing. This file is open for use
+%D with the ConTeXt typesetting system.
+%D Adam considers the symbol names and categories to be stable, as they're
+%D directly derived from the Unicode standard.
+%D \startitemize[packed]
+%D \item Originated 2004-01-05 by Adam T. Lindsay
+%D \item Updated 2004-01-16 with Unicode vector 0x27xx and some in
+%D 215x and 246x
+%D \item Updated 2004-11-15 to include default fonts for MacOSX and
+%D \stopitemize
+%D The following macros adapt to default fonts (that contain the characters)
+%D in MacOSX. The font selection mechanism is likely to change once \XETEX\
+%D correctly supports \type{\doiffontcharelse}.
+ {\let\USymbChar \uchar
+ \let\USymbCharTwo \uchar
+ \let\USymbCharZapf\uchar}
+ {\def\USymbChar #1#2{\bgroup\UnicodeSymbolFont \uchar{#1}{#2}\relax\egroup}
+ \def\USymbCharTwo #1#2{\bgroup\UnicodeSymbolFontTwo \uchar{#1}{#2}\relax\egroup}
+ \def\USymbCharZapf#1#2{\bgroup\UnicodeSymbolFontZapf\uchar{#1}{#2}\relax\egroup}
+ \doifundefined{UnicodeSymbolFont} {\definefont[UnicodeSymbolFont] ["Apple Symbols" sa *]}
+ \doifundefined{UnicodeSymbolFontTwo} {\definefont[UnicodeSymbolFontTwo] ["Lucida Grande" sa *]}
+ \doifundefined{UnicodeSymbolFontZapf}{\definefont[UnicodeSymbolFontZapf]["Zapf Dingbats" sa *]}}
+\startsymbolset[Unicode Additional Punctuation] % 0x2000: Requires UnicodeRegular20
+ \definesymbol[Caret][\USymbChar{32}{56}] % CARET
+ \definesymbol[ReferenceMark][\USymbChar{32}{59}] % REFERENCE MARK
+ \definesymbol[DoubleExclamationMark][\USymbChar{32}{60}] % DOUBLE EXCLAMATION MARK
+ \definesymbol[Interrobang][\USymbChar{32}{61}] % INTERROBANG
+ \definesymbol[Overline][\USymbChar{32}{62}] % OVERLINE
+ \definesymbol[Undertie][\USymbChar{32}{63}] % UNDERTIE
+ \definesymbol[CharacterTie][\USymbChar{32}{64}] % CHARACTER TIE
+ \definesymbol[CaretInsertionPoint][\USymbChar{32}{65}] % CARET INSERTION POINT
+ \definesymbol[Asterism][\USymbChar{32}{66}] % ASTERISM
+ \definesymbol[HyphenBullet][\USymbChar{32}{67}] % HYPHEN BULLET
+ \definesymbol[FractionSlash][\USymbChar{32}{68}] % FRACTION SLASH
+ \definesymbol[LeftSquareBracketWithQuill][\USymbChar{32}{69}] % LEFT SQUARE BRACKET WITH QUILL
+ \definesymbol[RightSquareBracketWithQuill][\USymbChar{32}{70}] % RIGHT SQUARE BRACKET WITH QUILL
+ \definesymbol[QuestionExclamationMark][\USymbChar{32}{72}] % QUESTION EXCLAMATION MARK
+ \definesymbol[ExclamationQuestionMark][\USymbChar{32}{73}] % EXCLAMATION QUESTION MARK
+ \definesymbol[TironianSignEt][\USymbChar{32}{74}] % TIRONIAN SIGN ET
+ \definesymbol[ReversedPilcrowSign][\USymbChar{32}{75}] % REVERSED PILCROW SIGN
+ \definesymbol[BlackLeftwardsBullet][\USymbChar{32}{76}] % BLACK LEFTWARDS BULLET
+ \definesymbol[BlackRightwardsBullet][\USymbChar{32}{77}] % BLACK RIGHTWARDS BULLET
+\startsymbolset[Unicode Currency] % 0x20A0: Requires UnicodeRegular20
+ \definesymbol[Euro-currencySign][\USymbChar{32}{160}] % EURO-CURRENCY SIGN
+ \definesymbol[ColonSign][\USymbChar{32}{161}] % COLON SIGN
+ \definesymbol[CruzeiroSign][\USymbChar{32}{162}] % CRUZEIRO SIGN
+ \definesymbol[FrenchFrancSign][\USymbChar{32}{163}] % FRENCH FRANC SIGN
+ \definesymbol[LiraSign][\USymbChar{32}{164}] % LIRA SIGN
+ \definesymbol[MillSign][\USymbChar{32}{165}] % MILL SIGN
+ \definesymbol[NairaSign][\USymbChar{32}{166}] % NAIRA SIGN
+ \definesymbol[PesetaSign][\USymbChar{32}{167}] % PESETA SIGN
+ \definesymbol[RupeeSign][\USymbChar{32}{168}] % RUPEE SIGN
+ \definesymbol[WonSign][\USymbChar{32}{169}] % WON SIGN
+ \definesymbol[NewSheqelSign][\USymbChar{32}{170}] % NEW SHEQEL SIGN
+ \definesymbol[DongSign][\USymbChar{32}{171}] % DONG SIGN
+ \definesymbol[EuroSign][\USymbChar{32}{172}] % EURO SIGN
+ \definesymbol[KipSign][\USymbChar{32}{173}] % KIP SIGN
+ \definesymbol[TugrikSign][\USymbChar{32}{174}] % TUGRIK SIGN
+ \definesymbol[DrachmaSign][\USymbChar{32}{175}] % DRACHMA SIGN
+ \definesymbol[GermanPennySign][\USymbChar{32}{176}] % [Unassigned U+20B0]
+ \definesymbol[PfennigSign][\USymbChar{32}{176}] % Unofficial duplicate
+ \definesymbol[PesoSign][\USymbChar{32}{177}] % [Unassigned U+20B1]
+\startsymbolset[Unicode Letterlike] % 0x2100: Requires UnicodeRegular21
+ \definesymbol[DegreeCelsius][\USymbChar{33}{3}] % DEGREE CELSIUS
+ \definesymbol[EulerConstant][\USymbChar{33}{7}] % EULER CONSTANT
+ \definesymbol[Scruple][\USymbChar{33}{8}] % SCRUPLE
+ \definesymbol[DegreeFahrenheit][\USymbChar{33}{9}] % DEGREE FAHRENHEIT
+ \definesymbol[PlanckConstant][\USymbChar{33}{14}] % PLANCK CONSTANT
+ \definesymbol[PlanckConstantOverTwoPi][\USymbChar{33}{15}] % PLANCK CONSTANT OVER TWO PI
+ \definesymbol[LBBarSymbol][\USymbChar{33}{20}] % L B BAR SYMBOL
+ \definesymbol[Versicle][\USymbChar{33}{35}] % VERSICLE
+ \definesymbol[OunceSign][\USymbChar{33}{37}] % OUNCE SIGN
+ \definesymbol[OhmSign][\USymbChar{33}{38}] % OHM SIGN
+ \definesymbol[InvertedOhmSign][\USymbChar{33}{39}] % INVERTED OHM SIGN
+ \definesymbol[KelvinSign][\USymbChar{33}{42}] % KELVIN SIGN
+ \definesymbol[AngstromSign][\USymbChar{33}{43}] % ANGSTROM SIGN
+ \definesymbol[EstimatedSymbol][\USymbChar{33}{46}] % ESTIMATED SYMBOL
+\startsymbolset[Unicode Letterlike Additional] % 0x2100: Requires UnicodeRegular21
+ \definesymbol[AccountOf][\USymbChar{33}{0}] % ACCOUNT OF
+ \definesymbol[AddressedToTheSubject][\USymbChar{33}{1}] % ADDRESSED TO THE SUBJECT
+ \definesymbol[CareOf][\USymbChar{33}{5}] % CARE OF
+ \definesymbol[CadaUna][\USymbChar{33}{6}] % CADA UNA
+ \definesymbol[CentreLineSymbol][\USymbChar{33}{4}] % CENTRE LINE SYMBOL
+ \definesymbol[NumeroSign][\USymbChar{33}{22}] % NUMERO SIGN
+ \definesymbol[SoundRecordingCopyright][\USymbChar{33}{23}] % SOUND RECORDING COPYRIGHT
+ \definesymbol[PrescriptionTake][\USymbChar{33}{30}] % PRESCRIPTION TAKE
+ \definesymbol[Response][\USymbChar{33}{31}] % RESPONSE
+ \definesymbol[ServiceMark][\USymbChar{33}{32}] % SERVICE MARK
+ \definesymbol[TelephoneSign][\USymbChar{33}{33}] % TELEPHONE SIGN
+ \definesymbol[TradeMarkSign][\USymbChar{33}{34}] % TRADE MARK SIGN
+ \definesymbol[InformationSource][\USymbChar{33}{57}] % INFORMATION SOURCE
+ \definesymbol[PropertyLine][\USymbChar{33}{74}] % [Unassigned U+214A]
+\startsymbolset[Unicode Script Letterlike] % 0x2100: Requires UnicodeRegular21
+ \definesymbol[ScriptSmallG][\USymbChar{33}{10}] % SCRIPT SMALL G
+ \definesymbol[ScriptCapitalH][\USymbChar{33}{11}] % SCRIPT CAPITAL H
+ \definesymbol[ScriptCapitalI][\USymbChar{33}{16}] % SCRIPT CAPITAL I
+ \definesymbol[ScriptCapitalL][\USymbChar{33}{18}] % SCRIPT CAPITAL L
+ \definesymbol[ScriptSmallL][\USymbChar{33}{19}] % SCRIPT SMALL L
+ \definesymbol[ScriptCapitalP][\USymbChar{33}{24}] % SCRIPT CAPITAL P
+ \definesymbol[ScriptCapitalR][\USymbChar{33}{27}] % SCRIPT CAPITAL R
+ \definesymbol[ScriptSmallE][\USymbChar{33}{47}] % SCRIPT SMALL E
+ \definesymbol[ScriptCapitalE][\USymbChar{33}{48}] % SCRIPT CAPITAL E
+ \definesymbol[ScriptCapitalF][\USymbChar{33}{49}] % SCRIPT CAPITAL F
+ \definesymbol[ScriptCapitalB][\USymbChar{33}{44}] % SCRIPT CAPITAL B
+ \definesymbol[ScriptCapitalM][\USymbChar{33}{51}] % SCRIPT CAPITAL M
+ \definesymbol[ScriptSmallO][\USymbChar{33}{52}] % SCRIPT SMALL O
+\startsymbolset[Unicode Hebrew Letterlike] % 0x2100: Requires UnicodeRegular21
+ \definesymbol[AlefSymbol][\USymbChar{33}{53}] % ALEF SYMBOL
+ \definesymbol[BetSymbol][\USymbChar{33}{54}] % BET SYMBOL
+ \definesymbol[GimelSymbol][\USymbChar{33}{55}] % GIMEL SYMBOL
+ \definesymbol[DaletSymbol][\USymbChar{33}{56}] % DALET SYMBOL
+\startsymbolset[Unicode Turned Letterlike] % 0x2100: Requires UnicodeRegular21
+ \definesymbol[RotatedCapitalQ][\USymbChar{33}{58}] % ROTATED CAPITAL Q
+ \definesymbol[TurnedSansSerifCapitalG][\USymbChar{33}{65}] % [Unassigned U+2141]
+ \definesymbol[TurnedSansSerifCapitalL][\USymbChar{33}{66}] % [Unassigned U+2142]
+ \definesymbol[ReversedSansSerifCapitalL][\USymbChar{33}{67}] % [Unassigned U+2143]
+ \definesymbol[TurnedSansSerifCapitalY][\USymbChar{33}{68}] % [Unassigned U+2144]
+ \definesymbol[TurnedAmpersand][\USymbChar{33}{75}] % [Unassigned U+214B]
+ \definesymbol[TurnedGreekSmallLetterIota][\USymbChar{33}{41}] % TURNED GREEK SMALL LETTER IOTA
+ \definesymbol[TurnedCapitalF][\USymbChar{33}{50}] % TURNED CAPITAL F
+\startsymbolset[Unicode Black-letter Letterlike] % 0x2100: Requires UnicodeRegular21
+ \definesymbol[BlackLetterCapitalH][\USymbChar{33}{12}] % BLACK-LETTER CAPITAL H
+ \definesymbol[BlackLetterCapitalI][\USymbChar{33}{17}] % BLACK-LETTER CAPITAL I
+ \definesymbol[BlackLetterCapitalR][\USymbChar{33}{28}] % BLACK-LETTER CAPITAL R
+ \definesymbol[BlackLetterCapitalZ][\USymbChar{33}{40}] % BLACK-LETTER CAPITAL Z
+ \definesymbol[BlackLetterCapitalC][\USymbChar{33}{45}] % BLACK-LETTER CAPITAL C
+\startsymbolset[Unicode Double-struck Letterlike Math] % 0x2100: Requires UnicodeRegular21
+ \definesymbol[DoubleStruckCapitalC][\USymbChar{33}{2}] % DOUBLE-STRUCK CAPITAL C
+ \definesymbol[DoubleStruckCapitalH][\USymbChar{33}{13}] % DOUBLE-STRUCK CAPITAL H
+ \definesymbol[DoubleStruckCapitalN][\USymbChar{33}{21}] % DOUBLE-STRUCK CAPITAL N
+ \definesymbol[DoubleStruckCapitalP][\USymbChar{33}{25}] % DOUBLE-STRUCK CAPITAL P
+ \definesymbol[DoubleStruckCapitalQ][\USymbChar{33}{26}] % DOUBLE-STRUCK CAPITAL Q
+ \definesymbol[DoubleStruckCapitalR][\USymbChar{33}{29}] % DOUBLE-STRUCK CAPITAL R
+ \definesymbol[DoubleStruckCapitalZ][\USymbChar{33}{36}] % DOUBLE-STRUCK CAPITAL Z
+ \definesymbol[DoubleStruckSmallGamma][\USymbChar{33}{61}] % [Unassigned U+213D]
+ \definesymbol[DoubleStruckCapitalGamma][\USymbChar{33}{62}] % [Unassigned U+213E]
+ \definesymbol[DoubleStruckCapitalPi][\USymbChar{33}{63}] % [Unassigned U+213F]
+ \definesymbol[DoubleStruckNArySummation][\USymbChar{33}{64}] % [Unassigned U+2140]
+ \definesymbol[DoubleStruckItalicCapitalD][\USymbChar{33}{69}] % [Unassigned U+2145]
+ \definesymbol[DoubleStruckItalicSmallD][\USymbChar{33}{70}] % [Unassigned U+2146]
+ \definesymbol[DoubleStruckItalicSmallE][\USymbChar{33}{71}] % [Unassigned U+2147]
+ \definesymbol[DoubleStruckItalicSmallI][\USymbChar{33}{72}] % [Unassigned U+2148]
+ \definesymbol[DoubleStruckItalicSmallJ][\USymbChar{33}{73}] % [Unassigned U+2149]
+\startsymbolset[Unicode Roman Numerals] % 0x2150: Requires UnicodeRegular21
+ \definesymbol[RomanNumeralOne][\USymbCharTwo{33}{96}] % ROMAN NUMERAL ONE
+ \definesymbol[RomanNumeralTwo][\USymbCharTwo{33}{97}] % ROMAN NUMERAL TWO
+ \definesymbol[RomanNumeralThree][\USymbCharTwo{33}{98}] % ROMAN NUMERAL THREE
+ \definesymbol[RomanNumeralFour][\USymbCharTwo{33}{99}] % ROMAN NUMERAL FOUR
+ \definesymbol[RomanNumeralFive][\USymbCharTwo{33}{100}] % ROMAN NUMERAL FIVE
+ \definesymbol[RomanNumeralSix][\USymbCharTwo{33}{101}] % ROMAN NUMERAL SIX
+ \definesymbol[RomanNumeralSeven][\USymbCharTwo{33}{102}] % ROMAN NUMERAL SEVEN
+ \definesymbol[RomanNumeralEight][\USymbCharTwo{33}{103}] % ROMAN NUMERAL EIGHT
+ \definesymbol[RomanNumeralNine][\USymbCharTwo{33}{104}] % ROMAN NUMERAL NINE
+ \definesymbol[RomanNumeralTen][\USymbCharTwo{33}{105}] % ROMAN NUMERAL TEN
+ \definesymbol[RomanNumeralEleven][\USymbCharTwo{33}{106}] % ROMAN NUMERAL ELEVEN
+ \definesymbol[RomanNumeralTwelve][\USymbCharTwo{33}{107}] % ROMAN NUMERAL TWELVE
+ \definesymbol[RomanNumeralFifty][\USymbCharTwo{33}{108}] % ROMAN NUMERAL FIFTY
+ \definesymbol[RomanNumeralOneHundred][\USymbCharTwo{33}{109}] % ROMAN NUMERAL ONE HUNDRED
+ \definesymbol[RomanNumeralFiveHundred][\USymbCharTwo{33}{110}] % ROMAN NUMERAL FIVE HUNDRED
+ \definesymbol[RomanNumeralOneThousand][\USymbCharTwo{33}{111}] % ROMAN NUMERAL ONE THOUSAND
+ \definesymbol[RomanNumeralOneThousandCD][\USymbCharTwo{33}{128}] % ROMAN NUMERAL ONE THOUSAND C D
+ \definesymbol[RomanNumeralFiveThousand][\USymbCharTwo{33}{129}] % ROMAN NUMERAL FIVE THOUSAND
+ \definesymbol[RomanNumeralTenThousand][\USymbCharTwo{33}{130}] % ROMAN NUMERAL TEN THOUSAND
+ \definesymbol[RomanNumeralReversedOneHundred][\USymbCharTwo{33}{131}] % ROMAN NUMERAL REVERSED ONE HUNDRED
+\startsymbolset[Unicode Small Roman Numerals] % 0x2150: Requires UnicodeRegular21
+ \definesymbol[SmallRomanNumeralOne][\USymbCharTwo{33}{112}] % SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL ONE
+ \definesymbol[SmallRomanNumeralTwo][\USymbCharTwo{33}{113}] % SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL TWO
+ \definesymbol[SmallRomanNumeralThree][\USymbCharTwo{33}{114}] % SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL THREE
+ \definesymbol[SmallRomanNumeralFour][\USymbCharTwo{33}{115}] % SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL FOUR
+ \definesymbol[SmallRomanNumeralFive][\USymbCharTwo{33}{116}] % SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL FIVE
+ \definesymbol[SmallRomanNumeralSix][\USymbCharTwo{33}{117}] % SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL SIX
+ \definesymbol[SmallRomanNumeralSeven][\USymbCharTwo{33}{118}] % SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL SEVEN
+ \definesymbol[SmallRomanNumeralEight][\USymbCharTwo{33}{119}] % SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL EIGHT
+ \definesymbol[SmallRomanNumeralNine][\USymbCharTwo{33}{120}] % SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL NINE
+ \definesymbol[SmallRomanNumeralTen][\USymbCharTwo{33}{121}] % SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL TEN
+ \definesymbol[SmallRomanNumeralEleven][\USymbCharTwo{33}{122}] % SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL ELEVEN
+ \definesymbol[SmallRomanNumeralTwelve][\USymbCharTwo{33}{123}] % SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL TWELVE
+ \definesymbol[SmallRomanNumeralFifty][\USymbCharTwo{33}{124}] % SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL FIFTY
+ \definesymbol[SmallRomanNumeralOneHundred][\USymbCharTwo{33}{125}] % SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL ONE HUNDRED
+ \definesymbol[SmallRomanNumeralFiveHundred][\USymbCharTwo{33}{126}] % SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL FIVE HUNDRED
+ \definesymbol[SmallRomanNumeralOneThousand][\USymbCharTwo{33}{127}] % SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL ONE THOUSAND
+\startsymbolset[Unicode Arrows] % 0x2190: Requires UnicodeRegular21
+ \definesymbol[LeftwardsArrow][\USymbChar{33}{144}] % LEFTWARDS ARROW
+ \definesymbol[UpwardsArrow][\USymbChar{33}{145}] % UPWARDS ARROW
+ \definesymbol[RightwardsArrow][\USymbChar{33}{146}] % RIGHTWARDS ARROW
+ \definesymbol[DownwardsArrow][\USymbChar{33}{147}] % DOWNWARDS ARROW
+ \definesymbol[LeftRightArrow][\USymbChar{33}{148}] % LEFT RIGHT ARROW
+ \definesymbol[UpDownArrow][\USymbChar{33}{149}] % UP DOWN ARROW
+ \definesymbol[NorthWestArrow][\USymbChar{33}{150}] % NORTH WEST ARROW
+ \definesymbol[NorthEastArrow][\USymbChar{33}{151}] % NORTH EAST ARROW
+ \definesymbol[SouthEastArrow][\USymbChar{33}{152}] % SOUTH EAST ARROW
+ \definesymbol[SouthWestArrow][\USymbChar{33}{153}] % SOUTH WEST ARROW
+ \definesymbol[LeftwardsArrowWithStroke][\USymbChar{33}{154}] % LEFTWARDS ARROW WITH STROKE
+ \definesymbol[RightwardsArrowWithStroke][\USymbChar{33}{155}] % RIGHTWARDS ARROW WITH STROKE
+ \definesymbol[LeftwardsWaveArrow][\USymbChar{33}{156}] % LEFTWARDS WAVE ARROW
+ \definesymbol[RightwardsWaveArrow][\USymbChar{33}{157}] % RIGHTWARDS WAVE ARROW
+ \definesymbol[LeftwardsTwoHeadedArrow][\USymbChar{33}{158}] % LEFTWARDS TWO HEADED ARROW
+ \definesymbol[UpwardsTwoHeadedArrow][\USymbChar{33}{159}] % UPWARDS TWO HEADED ARROW
+ \definesymbol[RightwardsTwoHeadedArrow][\USymbChar{33}{160}] % RIGHTWARDS TWO HEADED ARROW
+ \definesymbol[DownwardsTwoHeadedArrow][\USymbChar{33}{161}] % DOWNWARDS TWO HEADED ARROW
+ \definesymbol[LeftwardsArrowWithTail][\USymbChar{33}{162}] % LEFTWARDS ARROW WITH TAIL
+ \definesymbol[RightwardsArrowWithTail][\USymbChar{33}{163}] % RIGHTWARDS ARROW WITH TAIL
+ \definesymbol[LeftwardsArrowFromBar][\USymbChar{33}{164}] % LEFTWARDS ARROW FROM BAR
+ \definesymbol[UpwardsArrowFromBar][\USymbChar{33}{165}] % UPWARDS ARROW FROM BAR
+ \definesymbol[RightwardsArrowFromBar][\USymbChar{33}{166}] % RIGHTWARDS ARROW FROM BAR
+ \definesymbol[DownwardsArrowFromBar][\USymbChar{33}{167}] % DOWNWARDS ARROW FROM BAR
+ \definesymbol[UpDownArrowWithBase][\USymbChar{33}{168}] % UP DOWN ARROW WITH BASE
+ \definesymbol[LeftwardsArrowWithHook][\USymbChar{33}{169}] % LEFTWARDS ARROW WITH HOOK
+ \definesymbol[RightwardsArrowWithHook][\USymbChar{33}{170}] % RIGHTWARDS ARROW WITH HOOK
+ \definesymbol[LeftwardsArrowWithLoop][\USymbChar{33}{171}] % LEFTWARDS ARROW WITH LOOP
+ \definesymbol[RightwardsArrowWithLoop][\USymbChar{33}{172}] % RIGHTWARDS ARROW WITH LOOP
+ \definesymbol[LeftRightWaveArrow][\USymbChar{33}{173}] % LEFT RIGHT WAVE ARROW
+ \definesymbol[LeftRightArrowWithStroke][\USymbChar{33}{174}] % LEFT RIGHT ARROW WITH STROKE
+ \definesymbol[DownwardsZigzagArrow][\USymbChar{33}{175}] % DOWNWARDS ZIGZAG ARROW
+ \definesymbol[UpwardsArrowWithTipLeftwards][\USymbChar{33}{176}] % UPWARDS ARROW WITH TIP LEFTWARDS
+ \definesymbol[UpwardsArrowWithTipRightwards][\USymbChar{33}{177}] % UPWARDS ARROW WITH TIP RIGHTWARDS
+ \definesymbol[DownwardsArrowWithTipLeftwards][\USymbChar{33}{178}] % DOWNWARDS ARROW WITH TIP LEFTWARDS
+ \definesymbol[DownwardsArrowWithTipRightwards][\USymbChar{33}{179}] % DOWNWARDS ARROW WITH TIP RIGHTWARDS
+ \definesymbol[RightwardsArrowWithCornerDownwards][\USymbChar{33}{180}] % RIGHTWARDS ARROW WITH CORNER DOWNWARDS
+ \definesymbol[DownwardsArrowWithCornerLeftwards][\USymbChar{33}{181}] % DOWNWARDS ARROW WITH CORNER LEFTWARDS
+ \definesymbol[AnticlockwiseTopSemicircleArrow][\USymbChar{33}{182}] % ANTICLOCKWISE TOP SEMICIRCLE ARROW
+ \definesymbol[ClockwiseTopSemicircleArrow][\USymbChar{33}{183}] % CLOCKWISE TOP SEMICIRCLE ARROW
+ \definesymbol[NorthWestArrowToLongBar][\USymbChar{33}{184}] % NORTH WEST ARROW TO LONG BAR
+ \definesymbol[AnticlockwiseOpenCircleArrow][\USymbChar{33}{186}] % ANTICLOCKWISE OPEN CIRCLE ARROW
+ \definesymbol[ClockwiseOpenCircleArrow][\USymbChar{33}{187}] % CLOCKWISE OPEN CIRCLE ARROW
+ \definesymbol[LeftwardsHarpoonWithBarbUpwards][\USymbChar{33}{188}] % LEFTWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB UPWARDS
+ \definesymbol[LeftwardsHarpoonWithBarbDownwards][\USymbChar{33}{189}] % LEFTWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB DOWNWARDS
+ \definesymbol[UpwardsHarpoonWithBarbRightwards][\USymbChar{33}{190}] % UPWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB RIGHTWARDS
+ \definesymbol[UpwardsHarpoonWithBarbLeftwards][\USymbChar{33}{191}] % UPWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB LEFTWARDS
+ \definesymbol[RightwardsHarpoonWithBarbUpwards][\USymbChar{33}{192}] % RIGHTWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB UPWARDS
+ \definesymbol[RightwardsHarpoonWithBarbDownwards][\USymbChar{33}{193}] % RIGHTWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB DOWNWARDS
+ \definesymbol[DownwardsHarpoonWithBarbRightwards][\USymbChar{33}{194}] % DOWNWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB RIGHTWARDS
+ \definesymbol[DownwardsHarpoonWithBarbLeftwards][\USymbChar{33}{195}] % DOWNWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB LEFTWARDS
+ \definesymbol[LeftwardsSquiggleArrow][\USymbChar{33}{220}] % LEFTWARDS SQUIGGLE ARROW
+ \definesymbol[RightwardsSquiggleArrow][\USymbChar{33}{221}] % RIGHTWARDS SQUIGGLE ARROW
+ \definesymbol[UpwardsArrowWithDoubleStroke][\USymbChar{33}{222}] % UPWARDS ARROW WITH DOUBLE STROKE
+ \definesymbol[DownwardsArrowWithDoubleStroke][\USymbChar{33}{223}] % DOWNWARDS ARROW WITH DOUBLE STROKE
+ \definesymbol[LeftwardsDashedArrow][\USymbChar{33}{224}] % LEFTWARDS DASHED ARROW
+ \definesymbol[UpwardsDashedArrow][\USymbChar{33}{225}] % UPWARDS DASHED ARROW
+ \definesymbol[RightwardsDashedArrow][\USymbChar{33}{226}] % RIGHTWARDS DASHED ARROW
+ \definesymbol[DownwardsDashedArrow][\USymbChar{33}{227}] % DOWNWARDS DASHED ARROW
+ \definesymbol[LeftwardsArrowToBar][\USymbChar{33}{228}] % LEFTWARDS ARROW TO BAR
+ \definesymbol[RightwardsArrowToBar][\USymbChar{33}{229}] % RIGHTWARDS ARROW TO BAR
+ \definesymbol[LeftwardsWhiteArrow][\USymbChar{33}{230}] % LEFTWARDS WHITE ARROW
+ \definesymbol[UpwardsWhiteArrow][\USymbChar{33}{231}] % UPWARDS WHITE ARROW
+ \definesymbol[RightwardsWhiteArrow][\USymbChar{33}{232}] % RIGHTWARDS WHITE ARROW
+ \definesymbol[DownwardsWhiteArrow][\USymbChar{33}{233}] % DOWNWARDS WHITE ARROW
+ \definesymbol[UpwardsWhiteArrowFromBar][\USymbChar{33}{234}] % UPWARDS WHITE ARROW FROM BAR
+ \definesymbol[UpwardsWhiteArrowOnPedestal][\USymbChar{33}{235}] % UPWARDS WHITE ARROW ON PEDESTAL
+ \definesymbol[UpwardsWhiteArrowOnPedestalWithHorizontalBar][\USymbChar{33}{236}] % UPWARDS WHITE ARROW ON PEDESTAL WITH HORIZONTAL BAR
+ \definesymbol[UpwardsWhiteArrowOnPedestalWithVerticalBar][\USymbChar{33}{237}] % UPWARDS WHITE ARROW ON PEDESTAL WITH VERTICAL BAR
+ \definesymbol[RightwardsWhiteArrowFromWall][\USymbChar{33}{240}] % RIGHTWARDS WHITE ARROW FROM WALL
+ \definesymbol[NorthWestArrowToCorner][\USymbChar{33}{241}] % NORTH WEST ARROW TO CORNER
+ \definesymbol[SouthEastArrowToCorner][\USymbChar{33}{242}] % SOUTH EAST ARROW TO CORNER
+ \definesymbol[UpDownWhiteArrow][\USymbChar{33}{243}] % UP DOWN WHITE ARROW
+\startsymbolset[Unicode Multi Arrows] % 0x2190: Requires UnicodeRegular21
+ \definesymbol[LeftwardsArrowToBarOverRightwardsArrowToBar][\USymbChar{33}{185}] % LEFTWARDS ARROW TO BAR OVER RIGHTWARDS ARROW TO BAR
+ \definesymbol[RightwardsArrowOverLeftwardsArrow][\USymbChar{33}{196}] % RIGHTWARDS ARROW OVER LEFTWARDS ARROW
+ \definesymbol[UpwardsArrowLeftwardsOfDownwardsArrow][\USymbChar{33}{197}] % UPWARDS ARROW LEFTWARDS OF DOWNWARDS ARROW
+ \definesymbol[LeftwardsArrowOverRightwardsArrow][\USymbChar{33}{198}] % LEFTWARDS ARROW OVER RIGHTWARDS ARROW
+ \definesymbol[LeftwardsPairedArrows][\USymbChar{33}{199}] % LEFTWARDS PAIRED ARROWS
+ \definesymbol[UpwardsPairedArrows][\USymbChar{33}{200}] % UPWARDS PAIRED ARROWS
+ \definesymbol[RightwardsPairedArrows][\USymbChar{33}{201}] % RIGHTWARDS PAIRED ARROWS
+ \definesymbol[DownwardsPairedArrows][\USymbChar{33}{202}] % DOWNWARDS PAIRED ARROWS
+ \definesymbol[LeftwardsHarpoonOverRightwardsHarpoon][\USymbChar{33}{203}] % LEFTWARDS HARPOON OVER RIGHTWARDS HARPOON
+ \definesymbol[RightwardsHarpoonOverLeftwardsHarpoon][\USymbChar{33}{204}] % RIGHTWARDS HARPOON OVER LEFTWARDS HARPOON
+ \definesymbol[LeftwardsDoubleArrowWithStroke][\USymbChar{33}{205}] % LEFTWARDS DOUBLE ARROW WITH STROKE
+ \definesymbol[LeftRightDoubleArrowWithStroke][\USymbChar{33}{206}] % LEFT RIGHT DOUBLE ARROW WITH STROKE
+ \definesymbol[RightwardsDoubleArrowWithStroke][\USymbChar{33}{207}] % RIGHTWARDS DOUBLE ARROW WITH STROKE
+ \definesymbol[LeftwardsDoubleArrow][\USymbChar{33}{208}] % LEFTWARDS DOUBLE ARROW
+ \definesymbol[UpwardsDoubleArrow][\USymbChar{33}{209}] % UPWARDS DOUBLE ARROW
+ \definesymbol[RightwardsDoubleArrow][\USymbChar{33}{210}] % RIGHTWARDS DOUBLE ARROW
+ \definesymbol[DownwardsDoubleArrow][\USymbChar{33}{211}] % DOWNWARDS DOUBLE ARROW
+ \definesymbol[LeftRightDoubleArrow][\USymbChar{33}{212}] % LEFT RIGHT DOUBLE ARROW
+ \definesymbol[UpDownDoubleArrow][\USymbChar{33}{213}] % UP DOWN DOUBLE ARROW
+ \definesymbol[NorthWestDoubleArrow][\USymbChar{33}{214}] % NORTH WEST DOUBLE ARROW
+ \definesymbol[NorthEastDoubleArrow][\USymbChar{33}{215}] % NORTH EAST DOUBLE ARROW
+ \definesymbol[SouthEastDoubleArrow][\USymbChar{33}{216}] % SOUTH EAST DOUBLE ARROW
+ \definesymbol[SouthWestDoubleArrow][\USymbChar{33}{217}] % SOUTH WEST DOUBLE ARROW
+ \definesymbol[LeftwardsTripleArrow][\USymbChar{33}{218}] % LEFTWARDS TRIPLE ARROW
+ \definesymbol[RightwardsTripleArrow][\USymbChar{33}{219}] % RIGHTWARDS TRIPLE ARROW
+ \definesymbol[UpwardsWhiteDoubleArrow][\USymbChar{33}{238}] % UPWARDS WHITE DOUBLE ARROW
+ \definesymbol[UpwardsWhiteDoubleArrowOnPedestal][\USymbChar{33}{239}] % UPWARDS WHITE DOUBLE ARROW ON PEDESTAL
+\startsymbolset[Unicode Optical Character Recognition] % 0x2440: Requires UnicodeRegular24
+ \definesymbol[OcrHook][\USymbChar{36}{64}] % OCR HOOK
+ \definesymbol[OcrChair][\USymbChar{36}{65}] % OCR CHAIR
+ \definesymbol[OcrFork][\USymbChar{36}{66}] % OCR FORK
+ \definesymbol[OcrInvertedFork][\USymbChar{36}{67}] % OCR INVERTED FORK
+ \definesymbol[OcrBeltBuckle][\USymbChar{36}{68}] % OCR BELT BUCKLE
+ \definesymbol[OcrBowTie][\USymbChar{36}{69}] % OCR BOW TIE
+ \definesymbol[OcrBranchBankIdentification][\USymbChar{36}{70}] % OCR BRANCH BANK IDENTIFICATION
+ \definesymbol[OcrAmountOfCheck][\USymbChar{36}{71}] % OCR AMOUNT OF CHECK
+ \definesymbol[OcrDash][\USymbChar{36}{72}] % OCR DASH
+ \definesymbol[OcrCustomerAccountNumber][\USymbChar{36}{73}] % OCR CUSTOMER ACCOUNT NUMBER
+ \definesymbol[OcrDoubleBackslash][\USymbChar{36}{74}] % OCR DOUBLE BACKSLASH
+\startsymbolset[Unicode Box Drawing] % 0x2500: Requires UnicodeRegular25
+ \definesymbol[LightHorizontal][\USymbChar{37}{0}] % BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT HORIZONTAL
+ \definesymbol[HeavyHorizontal][\USymbChar{37}{1}] % BOX DRAWINGS HEAVY HORIZONTAL
+ \definesymbol[LightVertical][\USymbChar{37}{2}] % BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT VERTICAL
+ \definesymbol[HeavyVertical][\USymbChar{37}{3}] % BOX DRAWINGS HEAVY VERTICAL
+ \definesymbol[LightTripleDashHorizontal][\USymbChar{37}{4}] % BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT TRIPLE DASH HORIZONTAL
+ \definesymbol[HeavyTripleDashHorizontal][\USymbChar{37}{5}] % BOX DRAWINGS HEAVY TRIPLE DASH HORIZONTAL
+ \definesymbol[LightTripleDashVertical][\USymbChar{37}{6}] % BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT TRIPLE DASH VERTICAL
+ \definesymbol[HeavyTripleDashVertical][\USymbChar{37}{7}] % BOX DRAWINGS HEAVY TRIPLE DASH VERTICAL
+ \definesymbol[LightQuadrupleDashHorizontal][\USymbChar{37}{8}] % BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT QUADRUPLE DASH HORIZONTAL
+ \definesymbol[HeavyQuadrupleDashHorizontal][\USymbChar{37}{9}] % BOX DRAWINGS HEAVY QUADRUPLE DASH HORIZONTAL
+ \definesymbol[LightQuadrupleDashVertical][\USymbChar{37}{10}] % BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT QUADRUPLE DASH VERTICAL
+ \definesymbol[HeavyQuadrupleDashVertical][\USymbChar{37}{11}] % BOX DRAWINGS HEAVY QUADRUPLE DASH VERTICAL
+ \definesymbol[LightDownAndRight][\USymbChar{37}{12}] % BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT DOWN AND RIGHT
+ \definesymbol[DownLightAndRightHeavy][\USymbChar{37}{13}] % BOX DRAWINGS DOWN LIGHT AND RIGHT HEAVY
+ \definesymbol[DownHeavyAndRightLight][\USymbChar{37}{14}] % BOX DRAWINGS DOWN HEAVY AND RIGHT LIGHT
+ \definesymbol[HeavyDownAndRight][\USymbChar{37}{15}] % BOX DRAWINGS HEAVY DOWN AND RIGHT
+ \definesymbol[LightDownAndLeft][\USymbChar{37}{16}] % BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT DOWN AND LEFT
+ \definesymbol[DownLightAndLeftHeavy][\USymbChar{37}{17}] % BOX DRAWINGS DOWN LIGHT AND LEFT HEAVY
+ \definesymbol[DownHeavyAndLeftLight][\USymbChar{37}{18}] % BOX DRAWINGS DOWN HEAVY AND LEFT LIGHT
+ \definesymbol[HeavyDownAndLeft][\USymbChar{37}{19}] % BOX DRAWINGS HEAVY DOWN AND LEFT
+ \definesymbol[LightUpAndRight][\USymbChar{37}{20}] % BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT UP AND RIGHT
+ \definesymbol[UpLightAndRightHeavy][\USymbChar{37}{21}] % BOX DRAWINGS UP LIGHT AND RIGHT HEAVY
+ \definesymbol[UpHeavyAndRightLight][\USymbChar{37}{22}] % BOX DRAWINGS UP HEAVY AND RIGHT LIGHT
+ \definesymbol[HeavyUpAndRight][\USymbChar{37}{23}] % BOX DRAWINGS HEAVY UP AND RIGHT
+ \definesymbol[LightUpAndLeft][\USymbChar{37}{24}] % BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT UP AND LEFT
+ \definesymbol[UpLightAndLeftHeavy][\USymbChar{37}{25}] % BOX DRAWINGS UP LIGHT AND LEFT HEAVY
+ \definesymbol[UpHeavyAndLeftLight][\USymbChar{37}{26}] % BOX DRAWINGS UP HEAVY AND LEFT LIGHT
+ \definesymbol[HeavyUpAndLeft][\USymbChar{37}{27}] % BOX DRAWINGS HEAVY UP AND LEFT
+ \definesymbol[LightVerticalAndRight][\USymbChar{37}{28}] % BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT VERTICAL AND RIGHT
+ \definesymbol[VerticalLightAndRightHeavy][\USymbChar{37}{29}] % BOX DRAWINGS VERTICAL LIGHT AND RIGHT HEAVY
+ \definesymbol[UpHeavyAndRightDownLight][\USymbChar{37}{30}] % BOX DRAWINGS UP HEAVY AND RIGHT DOWN LIGHT
+ \definesymbol[DownHeavyAndRightUpLight][\USymbChar{37}{31}] % BOX DRAWINGS DOWN HEAVY AND RIGHT UP LIGHT
+ \definesymbol[VerticalHeavyAndRightLight][\USymbChar{37}{32}] % BOX DRAWINGS VERTICAL HEAVY AND RIGHT LIGHT
+ \definesymbol[DownLightAndRightUpHeavy][\USymbChar{37}{33}] % BOX DRAWINGS DOWN LIGHT AND RIGHT UP HEAVY
+ \definesymbol[UpLightAndRightDownHeavy][\USymbChar{37}{34}] % BOX DRAWINGS UP LIGHT AND RIGHT DOWN HEAVY
+ \definesymbol[HeavyVerticalAndRight][\USymbChar{37}{35}] % BOX DRAWINGS HEAVY VERTICAL AND RIGHT
+ \definesymbol[LightVerticalAndLeft][\USymbChar{37}{36}] % BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT VERTICAL AND LEFT
+ \definesymbol[VerticalLightAndLeftHeavy][\USymbChar{37}{37}] % BOX DRAWINGS VERTICAL LIGHT AND LEFT HEAVY
+ \definesymbol[UpHeavyAndLeftDownLight][\USymbChar{37}{38}] % BOX DRAWINGS UP HEAVY AND LEFT DOWN LIGHT
+ \definesymbol[DownHeavyAndLeftUpLight][\USymbChar{37}{39}] % BOX DRAWINGS DOWN HEAVY AND LEFT UP LIGHT
+ \definesymbol[VerticalHeavyAndLeftLight][\USymbChar{37}{40}] % BOX DRAWINGS VERTICAL HEAVY AND LEFT LIGHT
+ \definesymbol[DownLightAndLeftUpHeavy][\USymbChar{37}{41}] % BOX DRAWINGS DOWN LIGHT AND LEFT UP HEAVY
+ \definesymbol[UpLightAndLeftDownHeavy][\USymbChar{37}{42}] % BOX DRAWINGS UP LIGHT AND LEFT DOWN HEAVY
+ \definesymbol[HeavyVerticalAndLeft][\USymbChar{37}{43}] % BOX DRAWINGS HEAVY VERTICAL AND LEFT
+ \definesymbol[LightDownAndHorizontal][\USymbChar{37}{44}] % BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT DOWN AND HORIZONTAL
+ \definesymbol[LeftHeavyAndRightDownLight][\USymbChar{37}{45}] % BOX DRAWINGS LEFT HEAVY AND RIGHT DOWN LIGHT
+ \definesymbol[RightHeavyAndLeftDownLight][\USymbChar{37}{46}] % BOX DRAWINGS RIGHT HEAVY AND LEFT DOWN LIGHT
+ \definesymbol[DownLightAndHorizontalHeavy][\USymbChar{37}{47}] % BOX DRAWINGS DOWN LIGHT AND HORIZONTAL HEAVY
+ \definesymbol[DownHeavyAndHorizontalLight][\USymbChar{37}{48}] % BOX DRAWINGS DOWN HEAVY AND HORIZONTAL LIGHT
+ \definesymbol[RightLightAndLeftDownHeavy][\USymbChar{37}{49}] % BOX DRAWINGS RIGHT LIGHT AND LEFT DOWN HEAVY
+ \definesymbol[LeftLightAndRightDownHeavy][\USymbChar{37}{50}] % BOX DRAWINGS LEFT LIGHT AND RIGHT DOWN HEAVY
+ \definesymbol[HeavyDownAndHorizontal][\USymbChar{37}{51}] % BOX DRAWINGS HEAVY DOWN AND HORIZONTAL
+ \definesymbol[LightUpAndHorizontal][\USymbChar{37}{52}] % BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT UP AND HORIZONTAL
+ \definesymbol[LeftHeavyAndRightUpLight][\USymbChar{37}{53}] % BOX DRAWINGS LEFT HEAVY AND RIGHT UP LIGHT
+ \definesymbol[RightHeavyAndLeftUpLight][\USymbChar{37}{54}] % BOX DRAWINGS RIGHT HEAVY AND LEFT UP LIGHT
+ \definesymbol[UpLightAndHorizontalHeavy][\USymbChar{37}{55}] % BOX DRAWINGS UP LIGHT AND HORIZONTAL HEAVY
+ \definesymbol[UpHeavyAndHorizontalLight][\USymbChar{37}{56}] % BOX DRAWINGS UP HEAVY AND HORIZONTAL LIGHT
+ \definesymbol[RightLightAndLeftUpHeavy][\USymbChar{37}{57}] % BOX DRAWINGS RIGHT LIGHT AND LEFT UP HEAVY
+ \definesymbol[LeftLightAndRightUpHeavy][\USymbChar{37}{58}] % BOX DRAWINGS LEFT LIGHT AND RIGHT UP HEAVY
+ \definesymbol[HeavyUpAndHorizontal][\USymbChar{37}{59}] % BOX DRAWINGS HEAVY UP AND HORIZONTAL
+ \definesymbol[LightVerticalAndHorizontal][\USymbChar{37}{60}] % BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL
+ \definesymbol[LeftHeavyAndRightVerticalLight][\USymbChar{37}{61}] % BOX DRAWINGS LEFT HEAVY AND RIGHT VERTICAL LIGHT
+ \definesymbol[RightHeavyAndLeftVerticalLight][\USymbChar{37}{62}] % BOX DRAWINGS RIGHT HEAVY AND LEFT VERTICAL LIGHT
+ \definesymbol[VerticalLightAndHorizontalHeavy][\USymbChar{37}{63}] % BOX DRAWINGS VERTICAL LIGHT AND HORIZONTAL HEAVY
+ \definesymbol[UpHeavyAndDownHorizontalLight][\USymbChar{37}{64}] % BOX DRAWINGS UP HEAVY AND DOWN HORIZONTAL LIGHT
+ \definesymbol[DownHeavyAndUpHorizontalLight][\USymbChar{37}{65}] % BOX DRAWINGS DOWN HEAVY AND UP HORIZONTAL LIGHT
+ \definesymbol[VerticalHeavyAndHorizontalLight][\USymbChar{37}{66}] % BOX DRAWINGS VERTICAL HEAVY AND HORIZONTAL LIGHT
+ \definesymbol[LeftUpHeavyAndRightDownLight][\USymbChar{37}{67}] % BOX DRAWINGS LEFT UP HEAVY AND RIGHT DOWN LIGHT
+ \definesymbol[RightUpHeavyAndLeftDownLight][\USymbChar{37}{68}] % BOX DRAWINGS RIGHT UP HEAVY AND LEFT DOWN LIGHT
+ \definesymbol[LeftDownHeavyAndRightUpLight][\USymbChar{37}{69}] % BOX DRAWINGS LEFT DOWN HEAVY AND RIGHT UP LIGHT
+ \definesymbol[RightDownHeavyAndLeftUpLight][\USymbChar{37}{70}] % BOX DRAWINGS RIGHT DOWN HEAVY AND LEFT UP LIGHT
+ \definesymbol[DownLightAndUpHorizontalHeavy][\USymbChar{37}{71}] % BOX DRAWINGS DOWN LIGHT AND UP HORIZONTAL HEAVY
+ \definesymbol[UpLightAndDownHorizontalHeavy][\USymbChar{37}{72}] % BOX DRAWINGS UP LIGHT AND DOWN HORIZONTAL HEAVY
+ \definesymbol[RightLightAndLeftVerticalHeavy][\USymbChar{37}{73}] % BOX DRAWINGS RIGHT LIGHT AND LEFT VERTICAL HEAVY
+ \definesymbol[LeftLightAndRightVerticalHeavy][\USymbChar{37}{74}] % BOX DRAWINGS LEFT LIGHT AND RIGHT VERTICAL HEAVY
+ \definesymbol[HeavyVerticalAndHorizontal][\USymbChar{37}{75}] % BOX DRAWINGS HEAVY VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL
+ \definesymbol[LightArcDownAndRight][\USymbChar{37}{109}] % BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT ARC DOWN AND RIGHT
+ \definesymbol[LightArcDownAndLeft][\USymbChar{37}{110}] % BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT ARC DOWN AND LEFT
+ \definesymbol[LightArcUpAndLeft][\USymbChar{37}{111}] % BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT ARC UP AND LEFT
+ \definesymbol[LightArcUpAndRight][\USymbChar{37}{112}] % BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT ARC UP AND RIGHT
+ \definesymbol[LightDiagonalUpperRightToLowerLeft][\USymbChar{37}{113}] % BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT DIAGONAL UPPER RIGHT TO LOWER LEFT
+ \definesymbol[LightDiagonalUpperLeftToLowerRight][\USymbChar{37}{114}] % BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT DIAGONAL UPPER LEFT TO LOWER RIGHT
+ \definesymbol[LightDiagonalCross][\USymbChar{37}{115}] % BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT DIAGONAL CROSS
+ \definesymbol[LightLeft][\USymbChar{37}{116}] % BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT LEFT
+ \definesymbol[LightUp][\USymbChar{37}{117}] % BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT UP
+ \definesymbol[LightRight][\USymbChar{37}{118}] % BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT RIGHT
+ \definesymbol[LightDown][\USymbChar{37}{119}] % BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT DOWN
+ \definesymbol[HeavyLeft][\USymbChar{37}{120}] % BOX DRAWINGS HEAVY LEFT
+ \definesymbol[HeavyUp][\USymbChar{37}{121}] % BOX DRAWINGS HEAVY UP
+ \definesymbol[HeavyRight][\USymbChar{37}{122}] % BOX DRAWINGS HEAVY RIGHT
+ \definesymbol[HeavyDown][\USymbChar{37}{123}] % BOX DRAWINGS HEAVY DOWN
+ \definesymbol[LightLeftAndHeavyRight][\USymbChar{37}{124}] % BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT LEFT AND HEAVY RIGHT
+ \definesymbol[LightUpAndHeavyDown][\USymbChar{37}{125}] % BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT UP AND HEAVY DOWN
+ \definesymbol[HeavyLeftAndLightRight][\USymbChar{37}{126}] % BOX DRAWINGS HEAVY LEFT AND LIGHT RIGHT
+ \definesymbol[HeavyUpAndLightDown][\USymbChar{37}{127}] % BOX DRAWINGS HEAVY UP AND LIGHT DOWN
+\startsymbolset[Unicode Circled Digits] % 0x2460: Requires UnicodeRegular24
+ \definesymbol[CircledOne][\USymbCharZapf{36}{96}] % CIRCLED DIGIT ONE
+ \definesymbol[CircledTwo][\USymbCharZapf{36}{97}] % CIRCLED DIGIT TWO
+ \definesymbol[CircledThree][\USymbCharZapf{36}{98}] % CIRCLED DIGIT THREE
+ \definesymbol[CircledFour][\USymbCharZapf{36}{99}] % CIRCLED DIGIT FOUR
+ \definesymbol[CircledFive][\USymbCharZapf{36}{100}] % CIRCLED DIGIT FIVE
+ \definesymbol[CircledSix][\USymbCharZapf{36}{101}] % CIRCLED DIGIT SIX
+ \definesymbol[CircledSeven][\USymbCharZapf{36}{102}] % CIRCLED DIGIT SEVEN
+ \definesymbol[CircledEight][\USymbCharZapf{36}{103}] % CIRCLED DIGIT EIGHT
+ \definesymbol[CircledNine][\USymbCharZapf{36}{104}] % CIRCLED DIGIT NINE
+ \definesymbol[CircledTen][\USymbCharZapf{36}{105}] % CIRCLED NUMBER TEN
+\startsymbolset[Unicode Double Box Drawing] % 0x2500: Requires UnicodeRegular25
+ \definesymbol[LightDoubleDashHorizontal][\USymbChar{37}{76}] % BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT DOUBLE DASH HORIZONTAL
+ \definesymbol[HeavyDoubleDashHorizontal][\USymbChar{37}{77}] % BOX DRAWINGS HEAVY DOUBLE DASH HORIZONTAL
+ \definesymbol[LightDoubleDashVertical][\USymbChar{37}{78}] % BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT DOUBLE DASH VERTICAL
+ \definesymbol[HeavyDoubleDashVertical][\USymbChar{37}{79}] % BOX DRAWINGS HEAVY DOUBLE DASH VERTICAL
+ \definesymbol[DoubleHorizontal][\USymbChar{37}{80}] % BOX DRAWINGS DOUBLE HORIZONTAL
+ \definesymbol[DoubleVertical][\USymbChar{37}{81}] % BOX DRAWINGS DOUBLE VERTICAL
+ \definesymbol[DownSingleAndRightDouble][\USymbChar{37}{82}] % BOX DRAWINGS DOWN SINGLE AND RIGHT DOUBLE
+ \definesymbol[DownDoubleAndRightSingle][\USymbChar{37}{83}] % BOX DRAWINGS DOWN DOUBLE AND RIGHT SINGLE
+ \definesymbol[DoubleDownAndRight][\USymbChar{37}{84}] % BOX DRAWINGS DOUBLE DOWN AND RIGHT
+ \definesymbol[DownSingleAndLeftDouble][\USymbChar{37}{85}] % BOX DRAWINGS DOWN SINGLE AND LEFT DOUBLE
+ \definesymbol[DownDoubleAndLeftSingle][\USymbChar{37}{86}] % BOX DRAWINGS DOWN DOUBLE AND LEFT SINGLE
+ \definesymbol[DoubleDownAndLeft][\USymbChar{37}{87}] % BOX DRAWINGS DOUBLE DOWN AND LEFT
+ \definesymbol[UpSingleAndRightDouble][\USymbChar{37}{88}] % BOX DRAWINGS UP SINGLE AND RIGHT DOUBLE
+ \definesymbol[UpDoubleAndRightSingle][\USymbChar{37}{89}] % BOX DRAWINGS UP DOUBLE AND RIGHT SINGLE
+ \definesymbol[DoubleUpAndRight][\USymbChar{37}{90}] % BOX DRAWINGS DOUBLE UP AND RIGHT
+ \definesymbol[UpSingleAndLeftDouble][\USymbChar{37}{91}] % BOX DRAWINGS UP SINGLE AND LEFT DOUBLE
+ \definesymbol[UpDoubleAndLeftSingle][\USymbChar{37}{92}] % BOX DRAWINGS UP DOUBLE AND LEFT SINGLE
+ \definesymbol[DoubleUpAndLeft][\USymbChar{37}{93}] % BOX DRAWINGS DOUBLE UP AND LEFT
+ \definesymbol[VerticalSingleAndRightDouble][\USymbChar{37}{94}] % BOX DRAWINGS VERTICAL SINGLE AND RIGHT DOUBLE
+ \definesymbol[VerticalDoubleAndRightSingle][\USymbChar{37}{95}] % BOX DRAWINGS VERTICAL DOUBLE AND RIGHT SINGLE
+ \definesymbol[DoubleVerticalAndRight][\USymbChar{37}{96}] % BOX DRAWINGS DOUBLE VERTICAL AND RIGHT
+ \definesymbol[VerticalSingleAndLeftDouble][\USymbChar{37}{97}] % BOX DRAWINGS VERTICAL SINGLE AND LEFT DOUBLE
+ \definesymbol[VerticalDoubleAndLeftSingle][\USymbChar{37}{98}] % BOX DRAWINGS VERTICAL DOUBLE AND LEFT SINGLE
+ \definesymbol[DoubleVerticalAndLeft][\USymbChar{37}{99}] % BOX DRAWINGS DOUBLE VERTICAL AND LEFT
+ \definesymbol[DownSingleAndHorizontalDouble][\USymbChar{37}{100}] % BOX DRAWINGS DOWN SINGLE AND HORIZONTAL DOUBLE
+ \definesymbol[DownDoubleAndHorizontalSingle][\USymbChar{37}{101}] % BOX DRAWINGS DOWN DOUBLE AND HORIZONTAL SINGLE
+ \definesymbol[DoubleDownAndHorizontal][\USymbChar{37}{102}] % BOX DRAWINGS DOUBLE DOWN AND HORIZONTAL
+ \definesymbol[UpSingleAndHorizontalDouble][\USymbChar{37}{103}] % BOX DRAWINGS UP SINGLE AND HORIZONTAL DOUBLE
+ \definesymbol[UpDoubleAndHorizontalSingle][\USymbChar{37}{104}] % BOX DRAWINGS UP DOUBLE AND HORIZONTAL SINGLE
+ \definesymbol[DoubleUpAndHorizontal][\USymbChar{37}{105}] % BOX DRAWINGS DOUBLE UP AND HORIZONTAL
+ \definesymbol[VerticalSingleAndHorizontalDouble][\USymbChar{37}{106}] % BOX DRAWINGS VERTICAL SINGLE AND HORIZONTAL DOUBLE
+ \definesymbol[VerticalDoubleAndHorizontalSingle][\USymbChar{37}{107}] % BOX DRAWINGS VERTICAL DOUBLE AND HORIZONTAL SINGLE
+ \definesymbol[DoubleVerticalAndHorizontal][\USymbChar{37}{108}] % BOX DRAWINGS DOUBLE VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL
+\startsymbolset[Unicode Block Elements] % 0x2580: Requires UnicodeRegular25
+ \definesymbol[UpperHalfBlock][\USymbChar{37}{128}] % UPPER HALF BLOCK
+ \definesymbol[LowerOneEighthBlock][\USymbChar{37}{129}] % LOWER ONE EIGHTH BLOCK
+ \definesymbol[LowerOneQuarterBlock][\USymbChar{37}{130}] % LOWER ONE QUARTER BLOCK
+ \definesymbol[LowerThreeEighthsBlock][\USymbChar{37}{131}] % LOWER THREE EIGHTHS BLOCK
+ \definesymbol[LowerHalfBlock][\USymbChar{37}{132}] % LOWER HALF BLOCK
+ \definesymbol[LowerFiveEighthsBlock][\USymbChar{37}{133}] % LOWER FIVE EIGHTHS BLOCK
+ \definesymbol[LowerThreeQuartersBlock][\USymbChar{37}{134}] % LOWER THREE QUARTERS BLOCK
+ \definesymbol[LowerSevenEighthsBlock][\USymbChar{37}{135}] % LOWER SEVEN EIGHTHS BLOCK
+ \definesymbol[FullBlock][\USymbChar{37}{136}] % FULL BLOCK
+ \definesymbol[LeftSevenEighthsBlock][\USymbChar{37}{137}] % LEFT SEVEN EIGHTHS BLOCK
+ \definesymbol[LeftThreeQuartersBlock][\USymbChar{37}{138}] % LEFT THREE QUARTERS BLOCK
+ \definesymbol[LeftFiveEighthsBlock][\USymbChar{37}{139}] % LEFT FIVE EIGHTHS BLOCK
+ \definesymbol[LeftHalfBlock][\USymbChar{37}{140}] % LEFT HALF BLOCK
+ \definesymbol[LeftThreeEighthsBlock][\USymbChar{37}{141}] % LEFT THREE EIGHTHS BLOCK
+ \definesymbol[LeftOneQuarterBlock][\USymbChar{37}{142}] % LEFT ONE QUARTER BLOCK
+ \definesymbol[LeftOneEighthBlock][\USymbChar{37}{143}] % LEFT ONE EIGHTH BLOCK
+ \definesymbol[RightHalfBlock][\USymbChar{37}{144}] % RIGHT HALF BLOCK
+ \definesymbol[UpperOneEighthBlock][\USymbChar{37}{148}] % UPPER ONE EIGHTH BLOCK
+ \definesymbol[RightOneEighthBlock][\USymbChar{37}{149}] % RIGHT ONE EIGHTH BLOCK
+\startsymbolset[Unicode Shade Characters] % 0x2580: Requires UnicodeRegular25
+ \definesymbol[LightShade][\USymbChar{37}{145}] % LIGHT SHADE
+ \definesymbol[MediumShade][\USymbChar{37}{146}] % MEDIUM SHADE
+ \definesymbol[DarkShade][\USymbChar{37}{147}] % DARK SHADE
+\startsymbolset[Unicode Terminal Graphics] % 0x2580: Requires UnicodeRegular25
+ \definesymbol[QuadrantLowerLeft][\USymbChar{37}{150}] % [Unassigned U+2596]
+ \definesymbol[QuadrantLowerRight][\USymbChar{37}{151}] % [Unassigned U+2597]
+ \definesymbol[QuadrantUpperLeft][\USymbChar{37}{152}] % [Unassigned U+2598]
+ \definesymbol[QuadrantUpperLeftAndLowerLeftAndLowerRight][\USymbChar{37}{153}] % [Unassigned U+2599]
+ \definesymbol[QuadrantUpperLeftAndLowerRight][\USymbChar{37}{154}] % [Unassigned U+259A]
+ \definesymbol[QuadrantUpperLeftAndUpperRightandLowerLeft][\USymbChar{37}{155}] % [Unassigned U+259B]
+ \definesymbol[QuadrantUpperLeftAndUpperRightAndLowerRight][\USymbChar{37}{156}] % [Unassigned U+259C]
+ \definesymbol[QuadrantUpperRight][\USymbChar{37}{157}] % [Unassigned U+259D]
+ \definesymbol[QuadrantUpperRightAndLowerLeft][\USymbChar{37}{158}] % [Unassigned U+259E]
+ \definesymbol[QuadrantUpperRightAndLowerLeftAndLowerRight][\USymbChar{37}{159}] % [Unassigned U+259F]
+\startsymbolset[Unicode Geometric Shapes] % 0x25A0: Requires UnicodeRegular25
+ \definesymbol[BlackSquare][\USymbChar{37}{160}] % BLACK SQUARE
+ \definesymbol[WhiteSquare][\USymbChar{37}{161}] % WHITE SQUARE
+ \definesymbol[WhiteSquareWithRoundedCorners][\USymbChar{37}{162}] % WHITE SQUARE WITH ROUNDED CORNERS
+ \definesymbol[WhiteSquareContainingBlackSmallSquare][\USymbChar{37}{163}] % WHITE SQUARE CONTAINING BLACK SMALL SQUARE
+ \definesymbol[SquareWithHorizontalFill][\USymbChar{37}{164}] % SQUARE WITH HORIZONTAL FILL
+ \definesymbol[SquareWithVerticalFill][\USymbChar{37}{165}] % SQUARE WITH VERTICAL FILL
+ \definesymbol[SquareWithOrthogonalCrosshatchFill][\USymbChar{37}{166}] % SQUARE WITH ORTHOGONAL CROSSHATCH FILL
+ \definesymbol[SquareWithUpperLeftToLowerRightFill][\USymbChar{37}{167}] % SQUARE WITH UPPER LEFT TO LOWER RIGHT FILL
+ \definesymbol[SquareWithUpperRightToLowerLeftFill][\USymbChar{37}{168}] % SQUARE WITH UPPER RIGHT TO LOWER LEFT FILL
+ \definesymbol[SquareWithDiagonalCrosshatchFill][\USymbChar{37}{169}] % SQUARE WITH DIAGONAL CROSSHATCH FILL
+ \definesymbol[BlackSmallSquare][\USymbChar{37}{170}] % BLACK SMALL SQUARE
+ \definesymbol[WhiteSmallSquare][\USymbChar{37}{171}] % WHITE SMALL SQUARE
+ \definesymbol[BlackRectangle][\USymbChar{37}{172}] % BLACK RECTANGLE
+ \definesymbol[WhiteRectangle][\USymbChar{37}{173}] % WHITE RECTANGLE
+ \definesymbol[BlackVerticalRectangle][\USymbChar{37}{174}] % BLACK VERTICAL RECTANGLE
+ \definesymbol[WhiteVerticalRectangle][\USymbChar{37}{175}] % WHITE VERTICAL RECTANGLE
+ \definesymbol[BlackParallelogram][\USymbChar{37}{176}] % BLACK PARALLELOGRAM
+ \definesymbol[WhiteParallelogram][\USymbChar{37}{177}] % WHITE PARALLELOGRAM
+ \definesymbol[BlackUpPointingTriangle][\USymbChar{37}{178}] % BLACK UP-POINTING TRIANGLE
+ \definesymbol[WhiteUpPointingTriangle][\USymbChar{37}{179}] % WHITE UP-POINTING TRIANGLE
+ \definesymbol[BlackUpPointingSmallTriangle][\USymbChar{37}{180}] % BLACK UP-POINTING SMALL TRIANGLE
+ \definesymbol[WhiteUpPointingSmallTriangle][\USymbChar{37}{181}] % WHITE UP-POINTING SMALL TRIANGLE
+ \definesymbol[BlackRightPointingTriangle][\USymbChar{37}{182}] % BLACK RIGHT-POINTING TRIANGLE
+ \definesymbol[WhiteRightPointingTriangle][\USymbChar{37}{183}] % WHITE RIGHT-POINTING TRIANGLE
+ \definesymbol[BlackRightPointingSmallTriangle][\USymbChar{37}{184}] % BLACK RIGHT-POINTING SMALL TRIANGLE
+ \definesymbol[WhiteRightPointingSmallTriangle][\USymbChar{37}{185}] % WHITE RIGHT-POINTING SMALL TRIANGLE
+ \definesymbol[BlackRightPointingPointer][\USymbChar{37}{186}] % BLACK RIGHT-POINTING POINTER
+ \definesymbol[WhiteRightPointingPointer][\USymbChar{37}{187}] % WHITE RIGHT-POINTING POINTER
+ \definesymbol[BlackDownPointingTriangle][\USymbChar{37}{188}] % BLACK DOWN-POINTING TRIANGLE
+ \definesymbol[WhiteDownPointingTriangle][\USymbChar{37}{189}] % WHITE DOWN-POINTING TRIANGLE
+ \definesymbol[BlackDownPointingSmallTriangle][\USymbChar{37}{190}] % BLACK DOWN-POINTING SMALL TRIANGLE
+ \definesymbol[WhiteDownPointingSmallTriangle][\USymbChar{37}{191}] % WHITE DOWN-POINTING SMALL TRIANGLE
+ \definesymbol[BlackLeftPointingTriangle][\USymbChar{37}{192}] % BLACK LEFT-POINTING TRIANGLE
+ \definesymbol[WhiteLeftPointingTriangle][\USymbChar{37}{193}] % WHITE LEFT-POINTING TRIANGLE
+ \definesymbol[BlackLeftPointingSmallTriangle][\USymbChar{37}{194}] % BLACK LEFT-POINTING SMALL TRIANGLE
+ \definesymbol[WhiteLeftPointingSmallTriangle][\USymbChar{37}{195}] % WHITE LEFT-POINTING SMALL TRIANGLE
+ \definesymbol[BlackLeftPointingPointer][\USymbChar{37}{196}] % BLACK LEFT-POINTING POINTER
+ \definesymbol[WhiteLeftPointingPointer][\USymbChar{37}{197}] % WHITE LEFT-POINTING POINTER
+ \definesymbol[BlackDiamond][\USymbChar{37}{198}] % BLACK DIAMOND
+ \definesymbol[WhiteDiamond][\USymbChar{37}{199}] % WHITE DIAMOND
+ \definesymbol[WhiteDiamondContainingBlackSmallDiamond][\USymbChar{37}{200}] % WHITE DIAMOND CONTAINING BLACK SMALL DIAMOND
+ \definesymbol[Fisheye][\USymbChar{37}{201}] % FISHEYE
+ \definesymbol[Lozenge][\USymbChar{37}{202}] % LOZENGE
+ \definesymbol[WhiteCircle][\USymbChar{37}{203}] % WHITE CIRCLE
+ \definesymbol[DottedCircle][\USymbChar{37}{204}] % DOTTED CIRCLE
+ \definesymbol[CircleWithVerticalFill][\USymbChar{37}{205}] % CIRCLE WITH VERTICAL FILL
+ \definesymbol[Bullseye][\USymbChar{37}{206}] % BULLSEYE
+ \definesymbol[BlackCircle][\USymbChar{37}{207}] % BLACK CIRCLE
+ \definesymbol[CircleWithLeftHalfBlack][\USymbChar{37}{208}] % CIRCLE WITH LEFT HALF BLACK
+ \definesymbol[CircleWithRightHalfBlack][\USymbChar{37}{209}] % CIRCLE WITH RIGHT HALF BLACK
+ \definesymbol[CircleWithLowerHalfBlack][\USymbChar{37}{210}] % CIRCLE WITH LOWER HALF BLACK
+ \definesymbol[CircleWithUpperHalfBlack][\USymbChar{37}{211}] % CIRCLE WITH UPPER HALF BLACK
+ \definesymbol[CircleWithUpperRightQuadrantBlack][\USymbChar{37}{212}] % CIRCLE WITH UPPER RIGHT QUADRANT BLACK
+ \definesymbol[CircleWithAllButUpperLeftQuadrantBlack][\USymbChar{37}{213}] % CIRCLE WITH ALL BUT UPPER LEFT QUADRANT BLACK
+ \definesymbol[LeftHalfBlackCircle][\USymbChar{37}{214}] % LEFT HALF BLACK CIRCLE
+ \definesymbol[RightHalfBlackCircle][\USymbChar{37}{215}] % RIGHT HALF BLACK CIRCLE
+ \definesymbol[InverseBullet][\USymbChar{37}{216}] % INVERSE BULLET
+ \definesymbol[InverseWhiteCircle][\USymbChar{37}{217}] % INVERSE WHITE CIRCLE
+ \definesymbol[UpperHalfInverseWhiteCircle][\USymbChar{37}{218}] % UPPER HALF INVERSE WHITE CIRCLE
+ \definesymbol[LowerHalfInverseWhiteCircle][\USymbChar{37}{219}] % LOWER HALF INVERSE WHITE CIRCLE
+ \definesymbol[UpperLeftQuadrantCircularArc][\USymbChar{37}{220}] % UPPER LEFT QUADRANT CIRCULAR ARC
+ \definesymbol[UpperRightQuadrantCircularArc][\USymbChar{37}{221}] % UPPER RIGHT QUADRANT CIRCULAR ARC
+ \definesymbol[LowerRightQuadrantCircularArc][\USymbChar{37}{222}] % LOWER RIGHT QUADRANT CIRCULAR ARC
+ \definesymbol[LowerLeftQuadrantCircularArc][\USymbChar{37}{223}] % LOWER LEFT QUADRANT CIRCULAR ARC
+ \definesymbol[LowerHalfCircle][\USymbChar{37}{225}] % LOWER HALF CIRCLE
+ \definesymbol[BlackLowerRightTriangle][\USymbChar{37}{226}] % BLACK LOWER RIGHT TRIANGLE
+ \definesymbol[BlackLowerLeftTriangle][\USymbChar{37}{227}] % BLACK LOWER LEFT TRIANGLE
+ \definesymbol[BlackUpperLeftTriangle][\USymbChar{37}{228}] % BLACK UPPER LEFT TRIANGLE
+ \definesymbol[BlackUpperRightTriangle][\USymbChar{37}{229}] % BLACK UPPER RIGHT TRIANGLE
+ \definesymbol[WhiteBullet][\USymbChar{37}{230}] % WHITE BULLET
+ \definesymbol[SquareWithLeftHalfBlack][\USymbChar{37}{231}] % SQUARE WITH LEFT HALF BLACK
+ \definesymbol[SquareWithRightHalfBlack][\USymbChar{37}{232}] % SQUARE WITH RIGHT HALF BLACK
+ \definesymbol[SquareWithUpperLeftDiagonalHalfBlack][\USymbChar{37}{233}] % SQUARE WITH UPPER LEFT DIAGONAL HALF BLACK
+ \definesymbol[SquareWithLowerRightDiagonalHalfBlack][\USymbChar{37}{234}] % SQUARE WITH LOWER RIGHT DIAGONAL HALF BLACK
+ \definesymbol[WhiteSquareWithVerticalBisectingLine][\USymbChar{37}{235}] % WHITE SQUARE WITH VERTICAL BISECTING LINE
+ \definesymbol[WhiteUpPointingTriangleWithDot][\USymbChar{37}{236}] % WHITE UP-POINTING TRIANGLE WITH DOT
+ \definesymbol[UpPointingTriangleWithLeftHalfBlack][\USymbChar{37}{237}] % UP-POINTING TRIANGLE WITH LEFT HALF BLACK
+ \definesymbol[UpPointingTriangleWithRightHalfBlack][\USymbChar{37}{238}] % UP-POINTING TRIANGLE WITH RIGHT HALF BLACK
+ \definesymbol[LargeCircle][\USymbChar{37}{239}] % LARGE CIRCLE
+ \definesymbol[UpperLeftTriangle][\USymbChar{37}{248}] % [Unassigned U+25F8]
+ \definesymbol[UpperRightTriangle][\USymbChar{37}{249}] % [Unassigned U+25F9]
+ \definesymbol[LowerLeftTriangle][\USymbChar{37}{250}] % [Unassigned U+25FA]
+ \definesymbol[WhiteMediumSquare][\USymbChar{37}{251}] % [Unassigned U+25FB]
+ \definesymbol[BlackMediumSquare][\USymbChar{37}{252}] % [Unassigned U+25FC]
+ \definesymbol[WhiteMediumSmallSquare][\USymbChar{37}{253}] % [Unassigned U+25FD]
+ \definesymbol[BlackMediumSmallSquare][\USymbChar{37}{254}] % [Unassigned U+25FE]
+ \definesymbol[LowerRightTriangle][\USymbChar{37}{255}] % [Unassigned U+25FF]
+\startsymbolset[Unicode Control Code Graphics] % 0x25A0: Requires UnicodeRegular25
+ \definesymbol[WhiteSquareWithUpperLeftQuadrant][\USymbChar{37}{240}] % WHITE SQUARE WITH UPPER LEFT QUADRANT
+ \definesymbol[WhiteSquareWithLowerLeftQuadrant][\USymbChar{37}{241}] % WHITE SQUARE WITH LOWER LEFT QUADRANT
+ \definesymbol[WhiteSquareWithLowerRightQuadrant][\USymbChar{37}{242}] % WHITE SQUARE WITH LOWER RIGHT QUADRANT
+ \definesymbol[WhiteSquareWithUpperRightQuadrant][\USymbChar{37}{243}] % WHITE SQUARE WITH UPPER RIGHT QUADRANT
+ \definesymbol[WhiteCircleWithUpperLeftQuadrant][\USymbChar{37}{244}] % WHITE CIRCLE WITH UPPER LEFT QUADRANT
+ \definesymbol[WhiteCircleWithLowerLeftQuadrant][\USymbChar{37}{245}] % WHITE CIRCLE WITH LOWER LEFT QUADRANT
+ \definesymbol[WhiteCircleWithLowerRightQuadrant][\USymbChar{37}{246}] % WHITE CIRCLE WITH LOWER RIGHT QUADRANT
+ \definesymbol[WhiteCircleWithUpperRightQuadrant][\USymbChar{37}{247}] % WHITE CIRCLE WITH UPPER RIGHT QUADRANT
+\startsymbolset[Unicode Weather and Astrological] % 0x2600: Requires UnicodeRegular26
+ \definesymbol[BlackSunWithRays][\USymbChar{38}{0}] % BLACK SUN WITH RAYS
+ \definesymbol[Cloud][\USymbChar{38}{1}] % CLOUD
+ \definesymbol[Umbrella][\USymbChar{38}{2}] % UMBRELLA
+ \definesymbol[Snowman][\USymbChar{38}{3}] % SNOWMAN
+ \definesymbol[Comet][\USymbChar{38}{4}] % COMET
+ \definesymbol[BlackStar][\USymbChar{38}{5}] % BLACK STAR
+ \definesymbol[WhiteStar][\USymbChar{38}{6}] % WHITE STAR
+ \definesymbol[Lightning][\USymbChar{38}{7}] % LIGHTNING
+ \definesymbol[Thunderstorm][\USymbChar{38}{8}] % THUNDERSTORM
+ \definesymbol[Sun][\USymbChar{38}{9}] % SUN
+ \definesymbol[AscendingNode][\USymbChar{38}{10}] % ASCENDING NODE
+ \definesymbol[DescendingNode][\USymbChar{38}{11}] % DESCENDING NODE
+ \definesymbol[Conjunction][\USymbChar{38}{12}] % CONJUNCTION
+ \definesymbol[Opposition][\USymbChar{38}{13}] % OPPOSITION
+ \definesymbol[FirstQuarterMoon][\USymbChar{38}{61}] % FIRST QUARTER MOON
+ \definesymbol[LastQuarterMoon][\USymbChar{38}{62}] % LAST QUARTER MOON
+ \definesymbol[Mercury][\USymbChar{38}{63}] % MERCURY
+ \definesymbol[FemaleSign][\USymbChar{38}{64}] % FEMALE SIGN
+ \definesymbol[Earth][\USymbChar{38}{65}] % EARTH
+ \definesymbol[MaleSign][\USymbChar{38}{66}] % MALE SIGN
+ \definesymbol[Jupiter][\USymbChar{38}{67}] % JUPITER
+ \definesymbol[Saturn][\USymbChar{38}{68}] % SATURN
+ \definesymbol[Uranus][\USymbChar{38}{69}] % URANUS
+ \definesymbol[Neptune][\USymbChar{38}{70}] % NEPTUNE
+ \definesymbol[Pluto][\USymbChar{38}{71}] % PLUTO
+\startsymbolset[Unicode Miscellaneous] % 0x2600: Requires UnicodeRegular26
+ \definesymbol[BlackTelephone][\USymbChar{38}{14}] % BLACK TELEPHONE
+ \definesymbol[WhiteTelephone][\USymbChar{38}{15}] % WHITE TELEPHONE
+ \definesymbol[BallotBox][\USymbChar{38}{16}] % BALLOT BOX
+ \definesymbol[BallotBoxWithCheck][\USymbChar{38}{17}] % BALLOT BOX WITH CHECK
+ \definesymbol[BallotBoxWithX][\USymbChar{38}{18}] % BALLOT BOX WITH X
+ \definesymbol[Saltire][\USymbChar{38}{19}] % SALTIRE
+ \definesymbol[ReversedRotatedFloralHeartBullet][\USymbChar{38}{25}] % REVERSED ROTATED FLORAL HEART BULLET
+ \definesymbol[WheelOfDharma][\USymbChar{38}{56}] % WHEEL OF DHARMA
+ \definesymbol[WhiteFrowningFace][\USymbChar{38}{57}] % WHITE FROWNING FACE
+ \definesymbol[WhiteSmilingFace][\USymbChar{38}{58}] % WHITE SMILING FACE
+ \definesymbol[BlackSmilingFace][\USymbChar{38}{59}] % BLACK SMILING FACE
+ \definesymbol[WhiteSunWithRays][\USymbChar{38}{60}] % WHITE SUN WITH RAYS
+ \definesymbol[HotSprings][\USymbChar{38}{104}] % HOT SPRINGS
+\startsymbolset[Unicode Japanese Chess] % 0x2600: Requires UnicodeRegular26
+ \definesymbol[WhiteShogiPiece][\USymbChar{38}{22}] % [Unassigned U+2616]
+ \definesymbol[BlackShogiPiece][\USymbChar{38}{23}] % [Unassigned U+2617]
+\startsymbolset[Unicode Pointing Hand] % 0x2600: Requires UnicodeRegular26
+ \definesymbol[BlackLeftPointingIndex][\USymbChar{38}{26}] % BLACK LEFT POINTING INDEX
+ \definesymbol[BlackRightPointingIndex][\USymbChar{38}{27}] % BLACK RIGHT POINTING INDEX
+ \definesymbol[WhiteLeftPointingIndex][\USymbChar{38}{28}] % WHITE LEFT POINTING INDEX
+ \definesymbol[WhiteUpPointingIndex][\USymbChar{38}{29}] % WHITE UP POINTING INDEX
+ \definesymbol[WhiteRightPointingIndex][\USymbChar{38}{30}] % WHITE RIGHT POINTING INDEX
+ \definesymbol[WhiteDownPointingIndex][\USymbChar{38}{31}] % WHITE DOWN POINTING INDEX
+\startsymbolset[Unicode Warning Signs] % 0x2600: Requires UnicodeRegular26
+ \definesymbol[SkullAndCrossbones][\USymbChar{38}{32}] % SKULL AND CROSSBONES
+ \definesymbol[CautionSign][\USymbChar{38}{33}] % CAUTION SIGN
+ \definesymbol[RadioactiveSign][\USymbChar{38}{34}] % RADIOACTIVE SIGN
+ \definesymbol[BiohazardSign][\USymbChar{38}{35}] % BIOHAZARD SIGN
+\startsymbolset[Unicode Healing Signs] % 0x2600: Requires UnicodeRegular26
+ \definesymbol[Caduceus][\USymbChar{38}{36}] % CADUCEUS
+ \definesymbol[Ankh][\USymbChar{38}{37}] % ANKH
+\startsymbolset[Unicode Religious and Political] % 0x2600: Requires UnicodeRegular26 and 27
+ \definesymbol[OrthodoxCross][\USymbChar{38}{38}] % ORTHODOX CROSS
+ \definesymbol[ChiRho][\USymbChar{38}{39}] % CHI RHO
+ \definesymbol[CrossOfLorraine][\USymbChar{38}{40}] % CROSS OF LORRAINE
+ \definesymbol[CrossOfJerusalem][\USymbChar{38}{41}] % CROSS OF JERUSALEM
+ \definesymbol[StarAndCrescent][\USymbChar{38}{42}] % STAR AND CRESCENT
+ \definesymbol[FarsiSymbol][\USymbChar{38}{43}] % FARSI SYMBOL
+ \definesymbol[AdiShakti][\USymbChar{38}{44}] % ADI SHAKTI
+ \definesymbol[HammerAndSickle][\USymbChar{38}{45}] % HAMMER AND SICKLE
+ \definesymbol[PeaceSymbol][\USymbChar{38}{46}] % PEACE SYMBOL
+ \definesymbol[YinYang][\USymbChar{38}{47}] % YIN YANG
+ \definesymbol[WestSyriacCross][\USymbChar{38}{112}] % WEST SYRIAC CROSS
+ \definesymbol[EastSyriacCross][\USymbChar{38}{113}] % EAST SYRIAC CROSS
+% 27xx starts here
+ \definesymbol[OutlinedGreekCross][\USymbCharZapf{39}{25}] % OUTLINED GREEK CROSS
+ \definesymbol[HeavyGreekCross][\USymbCharZapf{39}{26}] % HEAVY GREEK CROSS
+ \definesymbol[OpenCentreCross][\USymbCharZapf{39}{27}] % OPEN CENTRE CROSS
+ \definesymbol[HeavyOpenCentreCross][\USymbCharZapf{39}{28}] % HEAVY OPEN CENTRE CROSS
+ \definesymbol[LatinCross][\USymbCharZapf{39}{29}] % LATIN CROSS
+ \definesymbol[ShadowedWhiteLatinCross][\USymbCharZapf{39}{30}] % SHADOWED WHITE LATIN CROSS
+ \definesymbol[OutlinedLatinCross][\USymbCharZapf{39}{31}] % OUTLINED LATIN CROSS
+ \definesymbol[MalteseCross][\USymbCharZapf{39}{32}] % MALTESE CROSS
+ \definesymbol[StarOfDavid][\USymbCharZapf{39}{33}] % STAR OF DAVID
+\startsymbolset[Unicode Trigram] % 0x2600: Requires UnicodeRegular26
+ \definesymbol[TrigramForHeaven][\USymbChar{38}{48}] % TRIGRAM FOR HEAVEN
+ \definesymbol[TrigramForLake][\USymbChar{38}{49}] % TRIGRAM FOR LAKE
+ \definesymbol[TrigramForFire][\USymbChar{38}{50}] % TRIGRAM FOR FIRE
+ \definesymbol[TrigramForThunder][\USymbChar{38}{51}] % TRIGRAM FOR THUNDER
+ \definesymbol[TrigramForWind][\USymbChar{38}{52}] % TRIGRAM FOR WIND
+ \definesymbol[TrigramForWater][\USymbChar{38}{53}] % TRIGRAM FOR WATER
+ \definesymbol[TrigramForMountain][\USymbChar{38}{54}] % TRIGRAM FOR MOUNTAIN
+ \definesymbol[TrigramForEarth][\USymbChar{38}{55}] % TRIGRAM FOR EARTH
+\startsymbolset[Unicode Zodiac] % 0x2600: Requires UnicodeRegular26
+ \definesymbol[Aries][\USymbChar{38}{72}] % ARIES
+ \definesymbol[Taurus][\USymbChar{38}{73}] % TAURUS
+ \definesymbol[Gemini][\USymbChar{38}{74}] % GEMINI
+ \definesymbol[Cancer][\USymbChar{38}{75}] % CANCER
+ \definesymbol[Leo][\USymbChar{38}{76}] % LEO
+ \definesymbol[Virgo][\USymbChar{38}{77}] % VIRGO
+ \definesymbol[Libra][\USymbChar{38}{78}] % LIBRA
+ \definesymbol[Scorpius][\USymbChar{38}{79}] % SCORPIUS
+ \definesymbol[Sagittarius][\USymbChar{38}{80}] % SAGITTARIUS
+ \definesymbol[Capricorn][\USymbChar{38}{81}] % CAPRICORN
+ \definesymbol[Aquarius][\USymbChar{38}{82}] % AQUARIUS
+ \definesymbol[Pisces][\USymbChar{38}{83}] % PISCES
+\startsymbolset[Unicode Chess] % 0x2600: Requires UnicodeRegular26
+ \definesymbol[WhiteChessKing][\USymbChar{38}{84}] % WHITE CHESS KING
+ \definesymbol[WhiteChessQueen][\USymbChar{38}{85}] % WHITE CHESS QUEEN
+ \definesymbol[WhiteChessRook][\USymbChar{38}{86}] % WHITE CHESS ROOK
+ \definesymbol[WhiteChessBishop][\USymbChar{38}{87}] % WHITE CHESS BISHOP
+ \definesymbol[WhiteChessKnight][\USymbChar{38}{88}] % WHITE CHESS KNIGHT
+ \definesymbol[WhiteChessPawn][\USymbChar{38}{89}] % WHITE CHESS PAWN
+ \definesymbol[BlackChessKing][\USymbChar{38}{90}] % BLACK CHESS KING
+ \definesymbol[BlackChessQueen][\USymbChar{38}{91}] % BLACK CHESS QUEEN
+ \definesymbol[BlackChessRook][\USymbChar{38}{92}] % BLACK CHESS ROOK
+ \definesymbol[BlackChessBishop][\USymbChar{38}{93}] % BLACK CHESS BISHOP
+ \definesymbol[BlackChessKnight][\USymbChar{38}{94}] % BLACK CHESS KNIGHT
+ \definesymbol[BlackChessPawn][\USymbChar{38}{95}] % BLACK CHESS PAWN
+\startsymbolset[Unicode Playing Card] % 0x2600: Requires UnicodeRegular26
+ \definesymbol[BlackSpadeSuit][\USymbChar{38}{96}] % BLACK SPADE SUIT
+ \definesymbol[WhiteHeartSuit][\USymbChar{38}{97}] % WHITE HEART SUIT
+ \definesymbol[WhiteDiamondSuit][\USymbChar{38}{98}] % WHITE DIAMOND SUIT
+ \definesymbol[BlackClubSuit][\USymbChar{38}{99}] % BLACK CLUB SUIT
+ \definesymbol[WhiteSpadeSuit][\USymbChar{38}{100}] % WHITE SPADE SUIT
+ \definesymbol[BlackHeartSuit][\USymbChar{38}{101}] % BLACK HEART SUIT
+ \definesymbol[BlackDiamondSuit][\USymbChar{38}{102}] % BLACK DIAMOND SUIT
+ \definesymbol[WhiteClubSuit][\USymbChar{38}{103}] % WHITE CLUB SUIT
+\startsymbolset[Unicode Musical] % 0x2600: Requires UnicodeRegular26
+ \definesymbol[QuarterNote][\USymbChar{38}{105}] % QUARTER NOTE
+ \definesymbol[EighthNote][\USymbChar{38}{106}] % EIGHTH NOTE
+ \definesymbol[BeamedEighthNotes][\USymbChar{38}{107}] % BEAMED EIGHTH NOTES
+ \definesymbol[BeamedSixteenthNotes][\USymbChar{38}{108}] % BEAMED SIXTEENTH NOTES
+ \definesymbol[MusicFlatSign][\USymbChar{38}{109}] % MUSIC FLAT SIGN
+ \definesymbol[MusicNaturalSign][\USymbChar{38}{110}] % MUSIC NATURAL SIGN
+ \definesymbol[MusicSharpSign][\USymbChar{38}{111}] % MUSIC SHARP SIGN
+\startsymbolset[Unicode Recycling] % 0x2600: Requires UnicodeRegular26
+ \definesymbol[UniversalRecycling][\USymbChar{38}{114}] % [Unassigned U+2672]
+ \definesymbol[Type1Plastics][\USymbChar{38}{115}] % [Unassigned U+2673]
+ \definesymbol[Type2Plastics][\USymbChar{38}{116}] % [Unassigned U+2674]
+ \definesymbol[Type3Plastics][\USymbChar{38}{117}] % [Unassigned U+2675]
+ \definesymbol[Type4Plastics][\USymbChar{38}{118}] % [Unassigned U+2676]
+ \definesymbol[Type5Plastics][\USymbChar{38}{119}] % [Unassigned U+2677]
+ \definesymbol[Type6Plastics][\USymbChar{38}{120}] % [Unassigned U+2678]
+ \definesymbol[Type7Plastics][\USymbChar{38}{121}] % [Unassigned U+2679]
+ \definesymbol[GenericMaterials][\USymbChar{38}{122}] % [Unassigned U+267A]
+ \definesymbol[BlackUniversalRecycling][\USymbChar{38}{123}] % [Unassigned U+267B]
+ \definesymbol[RecycledPaper][\USymbChar{38}{124}] % [Unassigned U+267C]
+ \definesymbol[PartiallyRecycledPaper][\USymbChar{38}{125}] % [Unassigned U+267D]
+\startsymbolset[Unicode Dice] % 0x2600: Requires UnicodeRegular26
+ \definesymbol[DieFace1][\USymbChar{38}{128}] % [Unassigned U+2680]
+ \definesymbol[DieFace2][\USymbChar{38}{129}] % [Unassigned U+2681]
+ \definesymbol[DieFace3][\USymbChar{38}{130}] % [Unassigned U+2682]
+ \definesymbol[DieFace4][\USymbChar{38}{131}] % [Unassigned U+2683]
+ \definesymbol[DieFace5][\USymbChar{38}{132}] % [Unassigned U+2684]
+ \definesymbol[DieFace6][\USymbChar{38}{133}] % [Unassigned U+2685]
+\startsymbolset[Unicode Go Markers] % 0x2600: Requires UnicodeRegular26
+ \definesymbol[WhiteCircleWithDotRight][\USymbChar{38}{134}] % [Unassigned U+2686]
+ \definesymbol[WhiteCircleWithTwoDots][\USymbChar{38}{135}] % [Unassigned U+2687]
+ \definesymbol[BlackCircleWithWhiteDotRight][\USymbChar{38}{136}] % [Unassigned U+2688]
+ \definesymbol[BlackCircleWithTwoWhiteDots][\USymbChar{38}{137}] % [Unassigned U+2689]
+\startsymbolset[Unicode Scissors] % 0x2700: Requires UnicodeRegular27
+ \definesymbol[UpperBladeScissors][\USymbCharZapf{39}{1}] % UPPER BLADE SCISSORS
+ \definesymbol[BlackScissors][\USymbCharZapf{39}{2}] % BLACK SCISSORS
+ \definesymbol[LowerBladeScissors][\USymbCharZapf{39}{3}] % LOWER BLADE SCISSORS
+ \definesymbol[WhiteScissors][\USymbCharZapf{39}{4}] % WHITE SCISSORS
+\startsymbolset[Unicode Dingbats] % 0x2700: Requires UnicodeRegular27
+ \definesymbol[TelephoneLocationSign][\USymbCharZapf{39}{6}] % TELEPHONE LOCATION SIGN
+ \definesymbol[TapeDrive][\USymbCharZapf{39}{7}] % TAPE DRIVE
+ \definesymbol[Airplane][\USymbCharZapf{39}{8}] % AIRPLANE
+ \definesymbol[Envelope][\USymbCharZapf{39}{9}] % ENVELOPE
+ \definesymbol[VictoryHand][\USymbCharZapf{39}{12}] % VICTORY HAND
+ \definesymbol[WritingHand][\USymbCharZapf{39}{13}] % WRITING HAND
+ \definesymbol[LowerRightPencil][\USymbCharZapf{39}{14}] % LOWER RIGHT PENCIL
+ \definesymbol[Pencil][\USymbCharZapf{39}{15}] % PENCIL
+ \definesymbol[UpperRightPencil][\USymbCharZapf{39}{16}] % UPPER RIGHT PENCIL
+ \definesymbol[WhiteNib][\USymbCharZapf{39}{17}] % WHITE NIB
+ \definesymbol[BlackNib][\USymbCharZapf{39}{18}] % BLACK NIB
+ \definesymbol[BlackDiamondMinusWhiteX][\USymbCharZapf{39}{86}] % BLACK DIAMOND MINUS WHITE X
+\startsymbolset[Unicode Checks and Xs] % 0x2700: Requires UnicodeRegular27
+ \definesymbol[CheckMark][\USymbCharZapf{39}{19}] % CHECK MARK
+ \definesymbol[HeavyCheckMark][\USymbCharZapf{39}{20}] % HEAVY CHECK MARK
+ \definesymbol[MultiplicationX][\USymbCharZapf{39}{21}] % MULTIPLICATION X
+ \definesymbol[HeavyMultiplicationX][\USymbCharZapf{39}{22}] % HEAVY MULTIPLICATION X
+ \definesymbol[BallotX][\USymbCharZapf{39}{23}] % BALLOT X
+ \definesymbol[HeavyBallotX][\USymbCharZapf{39}{24}] % HEAVY BALLOT X
+\startsymbolset[Unicode Stars] % 0x2700: Requires UnicodeRegular27
+ \definesymbol[FourTeardropSpokedAsterisk][\USymbCharZapf{39}{34}] % FOUR TEARDROP-SPOKED ASTERISK
+ \definesymbol[FourBalloonSpokedAsterisk][\USymbCharZapf{39}{35}] % FOUR BALLOON-SPOKED ASTERISK
+ \definesymbol[HeavyFourBalloonSpokedAsterisk][\USymbCharZapf{39}{36}] % HEAVY FOUR BALLOON-SPOKED ASTERISK
+ \definesymbol[FourClubSpokedAsterisk][\USymbCharZapf{39}{37}] % FOUR CLUB-SPOKED ASTERISK
+ \definesymbol[BlackFourPointedStar][\USymbCharZapf{39}{38}] % BLACK FOUR POINTED STAR
+ \definesymbol[WhiteFourPointedStar][\USymbCharZapf{39}{39}] % WHITE FOUR POINTED STAR
+ \definesymbol[StressOutlinedWhiteStar][\USymbCharZapf{39}{41}] % STRESS OUTLINED WHITE STAR
+ \definesymbol[CircledWhiteStar][\USymbCharZapf{39}{42}] % CIRCLED WHITE STAR
+ \definesymbol[OpenCentreBlackStar][\USymbCharZapf{39}{43}] % OPEN CENTRE BLACK STAR
+ \definesymbol[BlackCentreWhiteStar][\USymbCharZapf{39}{44}] % BLACK CENTRE WHITE STAR
+ \definesymbol[OutlinedBlackStar][\USymbCharZapf{39}{45}] % OUTLINED BLACK STAR
+ \definesymbol[HeavyOutlinedBlackStar][\USymbCharZapf{39}{46}] % HEAVY OUTLINED BLACK STAR
+ \definesymbol[PinwheelStar][\USymbCharZapf{39}{47}] % PINWHEEL STAR
+ \definesymbol[ShadowedWhiteStar][\USymbCharZapf{39}{48}] % SHADOWED WHITE STAR
+ \definesymbol[HeavyAsterisk][\USymbCharZapf{39}{49}] % HEAVY ASTERISK
+ \definesymbol[OpenCentreAsterisk][\USymbCharZapf{39}{50}] % OPEN CENTRE ASTERISK
+ \definesymbol[EightSpokedAsterisk][\USymbCharZapf{39}{51}] % EIGHT SPOKED ASTERISK
+ \definesymbol[EightPointedBlackStar][\USymbCharZapf{39}{52}] % EIGHT POINTED BLACK STAR
+ \definesymbol[EightPointedPinwheelStar][\USymbCharZapf{39}{53}] % EIGHT POINTED PINWHEEL STAR
+ \definesymbol[SixPointedBlackStar][\USymbCharZapf{39}{54}] % SIX POINTED BLACK STAR
+ \definesymbol[EightPointedRectilinearBlackStar][\USymbCharZapf{39}{55}] % EIGHT POINTED RECTILINEAR BLACK STAR
+ \definesymbol[HeavyEightPointedRectilinearBlackStar][\USymbCharZapf{39}{56}] % HEAVY EIGHT POINTED RECTILINEAR BLACK STAR
+ \definesymbol[TwelvePointedBlackStar][\USymbCharZapf{39}{57}] % TWELVE POINTED BLACK STAR
+ \definesymbol[SixteenPointedAsterisk][\USymbCharZapf{39}{58}] % SIXTEEN POINTED ASTERISK
+ \definesymbol[TeardropSpokedAsterisk][\USymbCharZapf{39}{59}] % TEARDROP-SPOKED ASTERISK
+ \definesymbol[OpenCentreTeardropSpokedAsterisk][\USymbCharZapf{39}{60}] % OPEN CENTRE TEARDROP-SPOKED ASTERISK
+ \definesymbol[HeavyTeardropSpokedAsterisk][\USymbCharZapf{39}{61}] % HEAVY TEARDROP-SPOKED ASTERISK
+ \definesymbol[SixPetalledBlackAndWhiteFlorette][\USymbCharZapf{39}{62}] % SIX PETALLED BLACK AND WHITE FLORETTE
+ \definesymbol[BlackFlorette][\USymbCharZapf{39}{63}] % BLACK FLORETTE
+ \definesymbol[WhiteFlorette][\USymbCharZapf{39}{64}] % WHITE FLORETTE
+ \definesymbol[EightPetalledOutlinedBlackFlorette][\USymbCharZapf{39}{65}] % EIGHT PETALLED OUTLINED BLACK FLORETTE
+ \definesymbol[CircledOpenCentreEightPointedStar][\USymbCharZapf{39}{66}] % CIRCLED OPEN CENTRE EIGHT POINTED STAR
+ \definesymbol[HeavyTeardropSpokedPinwheelAsterisk][\USymbCharZapf{39}{67}] % HEAVY TEARDROP-SPOKED PINWHEEL ASTERISK
+ \definesymbol[Sparkle][\USymbCharZapf{39}{71}] % SPARKLE
+ \definesymbol[HeavySparkle][\USymbCharZapf{39}{72}] % HEAVY SPARKLE
+ \definesymbol[Balloon-spokedAsterisk][\USymbCharZapf{39}{73}] % BALLOON-SPOKED ASTERISK
+ \definesymbol[EightTeardrop-spokedPropellerAsterisk][\USymbCharZapf{39}{74}] % EIGHT TEARDROP-SPOKED PROPELLER ASTERISK
+ \definesymbol[HeavyEightTeardrop-spokedPropellerAsterisk][\USymbCharZapf{39}{75}] % HEAVY EIGHT TEARDROP-SPOKED PROPELLER ASTERISK
+\startsymbolset[Unicode Snowflakes] % 0x2700: Requires UnicodeRegular27
+ \definesymbol[Snowflake][\USymbCharZapf{39}{68}] % SNOWFLAKE
+ \definesymbol[TightTrifoliateSnowflake][\USymbCharZapf{39}{69}] % TIGHT TRIFOLIATE SNOWFLAKE
+ \definesymbol[HeavyChevronSnowflake][\USymbCharZapf{39}{70}] % HEAVY CHEVRON SNOWFLAKE
+\startsymbolset[Unicode Shadowed Shapes] % 0x2700: Requires UnicodeRegular27
+ \definesymbol[ShadowedWhiteCircle][\USymbCharZapf{39}{77}] % SHADOWED WHITE CIRCLE
+ \definesymbol[LowerRightDrop-shadowedWhiteSquare][\USymbCharZapf{39}{79}] % LOWER RIGHT DROP-SHADOWED WHITE SQUARE
+ \definesymbol[UpperRightDrop-shadowedWhiteSquare][\USymbCharZapf{39}{80}] % UPPER RIGHT DROP-SHADOWED WHITE SQUARE
+ \definesymbol[LowerRightShadowedWhiteSquare][\USymbCharZapf{39}{81}] % LOWER RIGHT SHADOWED WHITE SQUARE
+ \definesymbol[UpperRightShadowedWhiteSquare][\USymbCharZapf{39}{82}] % UPPER RIGHT SHADOWED WHITE SQUARE
+\startsymbolset[Unicode Bars] % 0x2700: Requires UnicodeRegular27
+ \definesymbol[LightVerticalBar][\USymbCharZapf{39}{88}] % LIGHT VERTICAL BAR
+ \definesymbol[MediumVerticalBar][\USymbCharZapf{39}{89}] % MEDIUM VERTICAL BAR
+ \definesymbol[HeavyVerticalBar][\USymbCharZapf{39}{90}] % HEAVY VERTICAL BAR
+\startsymbolset[Unicode Dingbat Punctuation] % 0x2700: Requires UnicodeRegular27
+ \definesymbol[HeavySingleTurnedCommaQuotationMark][\USymbCharZapf{39}{91}] % HEAVY SINGLE TURNED COMMA QUOTATION MARK ORNAMENT
+ \definesymbol[HeavySingleCommaQuotationMark][\USymbCharZapf{39}{92}] % HEAVY SINGLE COMMA QUOTATION MARK ORNAMENT
+ \definesymbol[HeavyDoubleTurnedCommaQuotationMark][\USymbCharZapf{39}{93}] % HEAVY DOUBLE TURNED COMMA QUOTATION MARK ORNAMENT
+ \definesymbol[HeavyDoubleCommaQuotationMark][\USymbCharZapf{39}{94}] % HEAVY DOUBLE COMMA QUOTATION MARK ORNAMENT
+ \definesymbol[CurvedStemParagraphSign][\USymbCharZapf{39}{97}] % CURVED STEM PARAGRAPH SIGN ORNAMENT
+ \definesymbol[HeavyExclamationMark][\USymbCharZapf{39}{98}] % HEAVY EXCLAMATION MARK ORNAMENT
+ \definesymbol[HeavyHeartExclamationMark][\USymbCharZapf{39}{99}] % HEAVY HEART EXCLAMATION MARK ORNAMENT
+\startsymbolset[Unicode Hearts] % 0x2700: Requires UnicodeRegular27
+ \definesymbol[HeavyBlackHeart][\USymbCharZapf{39}{100}] % HEAVY BLACK HEART
+ \definesymbol[RotatedHeavyBlackHeartBullet][\USymbCharZapf{39}{101}] % ROTATED HEAVY BLACK HEART BULLET
+ \definesymbol[FloralHeart][\USymbCharZapf{39}{102}] % FLORAL HEART
+ \definesymbol[RotatedFloralHeartBullet][\USymbCharZapf{39}{103}] % ROTATED FLORAL HEART BULLET
+\startsymbolset[Unicode Negative Circled Digits] % 0x2700: Requires UnicodeRegular27
+ \definesymbol[CircledOne][\USymbCharZapf{39}{118}] % DINGBAT NEGATIVE CIRCLED DIGIT ONE
+ \definesymbol[CircledTwo][\USymbCharZapf{39}{119}] % DINGBAT NEGATIVE CIRCLED DIGIT TWO
+ \definesymbol[CircledThree][\USymbCharZapf{39}{120}] % DINGBAT NEGATIVE CIRCLED DIGIT THREE
+ \definesymbol[CircledFour][\USymbCharZapf{39}{121}] % DINGBAT NEGATIVE CIRCLED DIGIT FOUR
+ \definesymbol[CircledFive][\USymbCharZapf{39}{122}] % DINGBAT NEGATIVE CIRCLED DIGIT FIVE
+ \definesymbol[CircledSix][\USymbCharZapf{39}{123}] % DINGBAT NEGATIVE CIRCLED DIGIT SIX
+ \definesymbol[CircledSeven][\USymbCharZapf{39}{124}] % DINGBAT NEGATIVE CIRCLED DIGIT SEVEN
+ \definesymbol[CircledEight][\USymbCharZapf{39}{125}] % DINGBAT NEGATIVE CIRCLED DIGIT EIGHT
+ \definesymbol[CircledNine][\USymbCharZapf{39}{126}] % DINGBAT NEGATIVE CIRCLED DIGIT NINE
+ \definesymbol[CircledTen][\USymbCharZapf{39}{127}] % DINGBAT NEGATIVE CIRCLED NUMBER TEN
+\startsymbolset[Unicode Circled Sans-serif Digits] % 0x2700: Requires UnicodeRegular27
+ \definesymbol[CircledOne][\USymbCharZapf{39}{128}] % DINGBAT CIRCLED SANS-SERIF DIGIT ONE
+ \definesymbol[CircledTwo][\USymbCharZapf{39}{129}] % DINGBAT CIRCLED SANS-SERIF DIGIT TWO
+ \definesymbol[CircledThree][\USymbCharZapf{39}{130}] % DINGBAT CIRCLED SANS-SERIF DIGIT THREE
+ \definesymbol[CircledFour][\USymbCharZapf{39}{131}] % DINGBAT CIRCLED SANS-SERIF DIGIT FOUR
+ \definesymbol[CircledFive][\USymbCharZapf{39}{132}] % DINGBAT CIRCLED SANS-SERIF DIGIT FIVE
+ \definesymbol[CircledSix][\USymbCharZapf{39}{133}] % DINGBAT CIRCLED SANS-SERIF DIGIT SIX
+ \definesymbol[CircledSeven][\USymbCharZapf{39}{134}] % DINGBAT CIRCLED SANS-SERIF DIGIT SEVEN
+ \definesymbol[CircledEight][\USymbCharZapf{39}{135}] % DINGBAT CIRCLED SANS-SERIF DIGIT EIGHT
+ \definesymbol[CircledNine][\USymbCharZapf{39}{136}] % DINGBAT CIRCLED SANS-SERIF DIGIT NINE
+ \definesymbol[CircledTen][\USymbCharZapf{39}{137}] % DINGBAT CIRCLED SANS-SERIF NUMBER TEN
+\startsymbolset[Unicode Negative Circled Sans-serif Digits] % 0x2700: Requires UnicodeRegular27
+ \definesymbol[CircledOne][\USymbCharZapf{39}{138}] % DINGBAT NEGATIVE CIRCLED SANS-SERIF DIGIT ONE
+ \definesymbol[CircledTwo][\USymbCharZapf{39}{139}] % DINGBAT NEGATIVE CIRCLED SANS-SERIF DIGIT TWO
+ \definesymbol[CircledThree][\USymbCharZapf{39}{140}] % DINGBAT NEGATIVE CIRCLED SANS-SERIF DIGIT THREE
+ \definesymbol[CircledFour][\USymbCharZapf{39}{141}] % DINGBAT NEGATIVE CIRCLED SANS-SERIF DIGIT FOUR
+ \definesymbol[CircledFive][\USymbCharZapf{39}{142}] % DINGBAT NEGATIVE CIRCLED SANS-SERIF DIGIT FIVE
+ \definesymbol[CircledSix][\USymbCharZapf{39}{143}] % DINGBAT NEGATIVE CIRCLED SANS-SERIF DIGIT SIX
+ \definesymbol[CircledSeven][\USymbCharZapf{39}{144}] % DINGBAT NEGATIVE CIRCLED SANS-SERIF DIGIT SEVEN
+ \definesymbol[CircledEight][\USymbCharZapf{39}{145}] % DINGBAT NEGATIVE CIRCLED SANS-SERIF DIGIT EIGHT
+ \definesymbol[CircledNine][\USymbCharZapf{39}{146}] % DINGBAT NEGATIVE CIRCLED SANS-SERIF DIGIT NINE
+ \definesymbol[CircledTen][\USymbCharZapf{39}{147}] % DINGBAT NEGATIVE CIRCLED SANS-SERIF NUMBER TEN
+\startsymbolset[Unicode Dingbat Arrows] % 0x2700: Requires UnicodeRegular27
+ \definesymbol[HeavyWideHeadedRightwardsArrow][\USymbCharZapf{39}{148}] % HEAVY WIDE-HEADED RIGHTWARDS ARROW
+ \definesymbol[HeavySouthEastArrow][\USymbCharZapf{39}{152}] % HEAVY SOUTH EAST ARROW
+ \definesymbol[HeavyRightwardsArrow][\USymbCharZapf{39}{153}] % HEAVY RIGHTWARDS ARROW
+ \definesymbol[HeavyNorthEastArrow][\USymbCharZapf{39}{154}] % HEAVY NORTH EAST ARROW
+ \definesymbol[DraftingPointRightwardsArrow][\USymbCharZapf{39}{155}] % DRAFTING POINT RIGHTWARDS ARROW
+ \definesymbol[HeavyRoundTippedRightwardsArrow][\USymbCharZapf{39}{156}] % HEAVY ROUND-TIPPED RIGHTWARDS ARROW
+ \definesymbol[TriangleHeadedRightwardsArrow][\USymbCharZapf{39}{157}] % TRIANGLE-HEADED RIGHTWARDS ARROW
+ \definesymbol[HeavyTriangleHeadedRightwardsArrow][\USymbCharZapf{39}{158}] % HEAVY TRIANGLE-HEADED RIGHTWARDS ARROW
+ \definesymbol[DashedTriangleHeadedRightwardsArrow][\USymbCharZapf{39}{159}] % DASHED TRIANGLE-HEADED RIGHTWARDS ARROW
+ \definesymbol[HeavyDashedTriangleHeadedRightwardsArrow][\USymbCharZapf{39}{160}] % HEAVY DASHED TRIANGLE-HEADED RIGHTWARDS ARROW
+ \definesymbol[BlackRightwardsArrow][\USymbCharZapf{39}{161}] % BLACK RIGHTWARDS ARROW
+ \definesymbol[3DTopLightedRightwardsArrowhead][\USymbCharZapf{39}{162}] % THREE-D TOP-LIGHTED RIGHTWARDS ARROWHEAD
+ \definesymbol[3DBottomLightedRightwardsArrowhead][\USymbCharZapf{39}{163}] % THREE-D BOTTOM-LIGHTED RIGHTWARDS ARROWHEAD
+ \definesymbol[BlackRightwardsArrowhead][\USymbCharZapf{39}{164}] % BLACK RIGHTWARDS ARROWHEAD
+ \definesymbol[HeavyBlackCurvedDownwardsAndRightwardsArrow][\USymbCharZapf{39}{165}] % HEAVY BLACK CURVED DOWNWARDS AND RIGHTWARDS ARROW
+ \definesymbol[HeavyBlackCurvedUpwardsAndRightwardsArrow][\USymbCharZapf{39}{166}] % HEAVY BLACK CURVED UPWARDS AND RIGHTWARDS ARROW
+ \definesymbol[SquatBlackRightwardsArrow][\USymbCharZapf{39}{167}] % SQUAT BLACK RIGHTWARDS ARROW
+ \definesymbol[HeavyConcavePointedBlackRightwardsArrow][\USymbCharZapf{39}{168}] % HEAVY CONCAVE-POINTED BLACK RIGHTWARDS ARROW
+ \definesymbol[CircledHeavyWhiteRightwardsArrow][\USymbCharZapf{39}{178}] % CIRCLED HEAVY WHITE RIGHTWARDS ARROW
+ \definesymbol[OpenOutlinedRightwardsArrow][\USymbCharZapf{39}{190}] % OPEN-OUTLINED RIGHTWARDS ARROW
+\startsymbolset[Unicode Shadowed Arrows] % 0x2700: Requires UnicodeRegular27
+ \definesymbol[RightShadedWhiteRightwardsArrow][\USymbCharZapf{39}{169}] % RIGHT-SHADED WHITE RIGHTWARDS ARROW
+ \definesymbol[LeftShadedWhiteRightwardsArrow][\USymbCharZapf{39}{170}] % LEFT-SHADED WHITE RIGHTWARDS ARROW
+ \definesymbol[BackTiltedShadowedWhiteRightwardsArrow][\USymbCharZapf{39}{171}] % BACK-TILTED SHADOWED WHITE RIGHTWARDS ARROW
+ \definesymbol[FrontTiltedShadowedWhiteRightwardsArrow][\USymbCharZapf{39}{172}] % FRONT-TILTED SHADOWED WHITE RIGHTWARDS ARROW
+ \definesymbol[HeavyLowerRightShadowedWhiteRightwardsArrow][\USymbCharZapf{39}{173}] % HEAVY LOWER RIGHT-SHADOWED WHITE RIGHTWARDS ARROW
+ \definesymbol[HeavyUpperRightShadowedWhiteRightwardsArrow][\USymbCharZapf{39}{174}] % HEAVY UPPER RIGHT-SHADOWED WHITE RIGHTWARDS ARROW
+ \definesymbol[NotchedLowerRightShadowedWhiteRightwardsArrow][\USymbCharZapf{39}{175}] % NOTCHED LOWER RIGHT-SHADOWED WHITE RIGHTWARDS ARROW
+ \definesymbol[NotchedUpperRightShadowedWhiteRightwardsArrow][\USymbCharZapf{39}{177}] % NOTCHED UPPER RIGHT-SHADOWED WHITE RIGHTWARDS ARROW
+\startsymbolset[Unicode Tailed Arrows] % 0x2700: Requires UnicodeRegular27
+ \definesymbol[WhiteFeatheredRightwardsArrow][\USymbCharZapf{39}{179}] % WHITE-FEATHERED RIGHTWARDS ARROW
+ \definesymbol[BlackFeatheredSouthEastArrow][\USymbCharZapf{39}{180}] % BLACK-FEATHERED SOUTH EAST ARROW
+ \definesymbol[BlackFeatheredRightwardsArrow][\USymbCharZapf{39}{181}] % BLACK-FEATHERED RIGHTWARDS ARROW
+ \definesymbol[BlackFeatheredNorthEastArrow][\USymbCharZapf{39}{182}] % BLACK-FEATHERED NORTH EAST ARROW
+ \definesymbol[HeavyBlack-featheredSouthEastArrow][\USymbCharZapf{39}{183}] % HEAVY BLACK-FEATHERED SOUTH EAST ARROW
+ \definesymbol[HeavyBlackFeatheredRightwardsArrow][\USymbCharZapf{39}{184}] % HEAVY BLACK-FEATHERED RIGHTWARDS ARROW
+ \definesymbol[HeavyBlackFeatheredNorthEastArrow][\USymbCharZapf{39}{185}] % HEAVY BLACK-FEATHERED NORTH EAST ARROW
+ \definesymbol[TeardropBarbedRightwardsArrow][\USymbCharZapf{39}{186}] % TEARDROP-BARBED RIGHTWARDS ARROW
+ \definesymbol[HeavyTeardropShankedRightwardsArrow][\USymbCharZapf{39}{187}] % HEAVY TEARDROP-SHANKED RIGHTWARDS ARROW
+ \definesymbol[WedgeTailedRightwardsArrow][\USymbCharZapf{39}{188}] % WEDGE-TAILED RIGHTWARDS ARROW
+ \definesymbol[HeavyWedgeTailedRightwardsArrow][\USymbCharZapf{39}{189}] % HEAVY WEDGE-TAILED RIGHTWARDS ARROW
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/symb-was.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/symb-was.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e131cf04d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/symb-was.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=symb-was,
+%D version=2005.10.15,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Symbol Libraries,
+%D subtitle=Roland Waldi's Symbols (wasy-2),
+%D author=Henning Hraban Ramm,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={Public Domain}]
+%C This module is in the public domain.
+%D This module implements the Roland Waldi Symbole font
+%D (wasy). The names are derived from the \LATEX\ package
+%D \type {wasysym} by Axel Kielhorn. The symbols are
+%D available as Type~1 font and are included in \TEX\ distributions.
+%D This symbol font offers basic sets of astronomical, astrological,
+%D geometrical, musical and general symbols, plus those needed
+%D for the APL programming language and some more.
+%D This module leaves out most of the math stuff, such as operators
+%D and integrals.
+%D The font was designed by Robert Waldi and is in the public domain.
+%D The PS Type 1 fonts are by Taco Hoekwater, \hyphenatedurl
+%D {}, and also in the public domain.
+%D The wasysym \LATEX\ package is (c) Axel Kielhorn, \hyphenatedurl
+%D {}, under the LaTeX Project Public License.
+%D This stuff lives in \hyphenatedurl {}.
+%D This \CONTEXT\ module is by Henning Hraban Ramm, \hyphenatedurl
+%D {}, given to the public domain as far as allowed
+%D (some parts are copied from the \LATEX\ package).
+%D Slightly patched by HH.
+% there are also fonts for 6, 7, 8, 9 pt; how can we access these automatically?
+% how about the bold wasy font?
+\definefontsynonym [WaldiSymbol] [wasy10]
+\definefontsynonym [WaldiSymbolBold] [wasyb10]
+\def\wasy@over#1#2{{\setbox0\hbox{$#2$}\hbox to \wd0{\hss$#1$\hss}\kern-\wd0\box0}}
+% general symbols
+\startsymbolset [wasy general]
+ \definesymbol [male] [\WaldiSymbol {26}]
+ \definesymbol [female] [\WaldiSymbol {25}]
+ \definesymbol [currency] [\WaldiSymbol {27}]
+ \definesymbol [cent] [\WaldiSymbol{103}]
+ \definesymbol [lozenge] [\WaldiSymbol {53}]
+ \definesymbol [kreuz] [\WaldiSymbol {54}]
+ \definesymbol [smiley] [\WaldiSymbol {44}]
+ \definesymbol [blacksmiley] [\WaldiSymbol {45}]
+ \definesymbol [frownie] [\WaldiSymbol {47}]
+ \definesymbol [sun] [\WaldiSymbol {46}]
+ \definesymbol [checked] [\WaldiSymbol {8}]
+ \definesymbol [brokenvert] [\WaldiSymbol{124}]
+ \definesymbol [diameter] [\WaldiSymbol {31}]
+ \definesymbol [invdiameter] [\WaldiSymbol {21}]
+ \definesymbol [phone] [\WaldiSymbol {7}]
+ \definesymbol [recorder] [\WaldiSymbol {6}]
+ \definesymbol [clock] [\WaldiSymbol {28}]
+ \definesymbol [permil] [\WaldiSymbol{104}]
+ \definesymbol [bell] [\WaldiSymbol {10}]
+ \definesymbol [ataribox] [\WaldiSymbol{109}]
+ \definesymbol [pointer] [\WaldiSymbol {9}]
+ \definesymbol [lightning] [\WaldiSymbol {18}]
+ \definesymbol [agemO] [\WaldiSymbol {48}]
+\startsymbolset [wasy music]
+ \definesymbol [eighthnote] [\WaldiSymbol{11}]
+ \definesymbol [quarternote] [\WaldiSymbol{12}]
+ \definesymbol [halfnote] [\WaldiSymbol{13}]
+ \definesymbol [fullnote] [\WaldiSymbol{14}]
+ \definesymbol [twonotes] [\WaldiSymbol{15}]
+\startsymbolset [wasy astronomy]
+ \definesymbol [ascnode] [\WaldiSymbol{19}]
+ \definesymbol [descnode] [\WaldiSymbol{20}]
+ \definesymbol [astrosun] [\mathematics{\odot}]
+ \definesymbol [sun] [\WaldiSymbol{46}] % additional
+ \definesymbol [newmoon] [\WaldiSymbol{32}]
+ \definesymbol [fullmoon] [\WaldiSymbol{35}]
+ \definesymbol [rightmoon] [\WaldiSymbol{37}]
+ \definesymbol [leftmoon] [\WaldiSymbol{36}]
+ \definesymbol [vernal] [\WaldiSymbol{23}]
+ \definesymbol [mercury] [\WaldiSymbol{39}]
+ \definesymbol [mars] [\dontleavehmode\lower.2ex\hbox{\WaldiSymbol{26}}]
+ \definesymbol [saturn] [\WaldiSymbol{89}]
+ \definesymbol [neptune] [\WaldiSymbol{91}]
+ \definesymbol [earth] [\dontleavehmode\lower.3ex\hbox{\WaldiSymbol{38}}]
+ \definesymbol [venus] [\dontleavehmode\raise.2ex\hbox{\WaldiSymbol{25}}]
+ \definesymbol [jupiter] [\WaldiSymbol{88}]
+ \definesymbol [uranus] [\WaldiSymbol{90}]
+ \definesymbol [pluto] [\WaldiSymbol{92}]
+\startsymbolset [wasy astrology]
+ \definesymbol [conjunction] [\WaldiSymbol {86}]
+ \definesymbol [opposition] [\WaldiSymbol {87}]
+ \definesymbol [aries] [\WaldiSymbol {23}]
+ \definesymbol [libra] [\WaldiSymbol {97}]
+ \definesymbol [taurus] [\WaldiSymbol {93}]
+ \definesymbol [scorpio] [\WaldiSymbol {98}]
+ \definesymbol [gemini] [\WaldiSymbol {94}]
+ \definesymbol [sagittarius] [\WaldiSymbol {99}]
+ \definesymbol [cancer] [\WaldiSymbol {95}]
+ \definesymbol [capricornus] [\WaldiSymbol{100}]
+ \definesymbol [leo] [\WaldiSymbol {19}]
+ \definesymbol [aquarius] [\WaldiSymbol{101}]
+ \definesymbol [virgo] [\WaldiSymbol {96}]
+ \definesymbol [pisces] [\WaldiSymbol{102}]
+\startsymbolset [wasy geometry]
+ \definesymbol [fivestar] [\WaldiSymbol {69}] % HHR additional
+ \definesymbol [hexstar] [\WaldiSymbol {65}]
+ \definesymbol [varhexstar] [\WaldiSymbol {66}]
+ \definesymbol [davidsstar] [\WaldiSymbol {67}]
+ \definesymbol [Circle] [\WaldiSymbol {35}]
+ \definesymbol [CIRCLE] [\WaldiSymbol {32}]
+ \definesymbol [Leftcircle] [\WaldiSymbol {73}]
+ \definesymbol [LEFTCIRCLE] [\WaldiSymbol {71}]
+ \definesymbol [Rightcircle] [\WaldiSymbol {74}]
+ \definesymbol [RIGHTCIRCLE] [\WaldiSymbol {72}]
+ \definesymbol [LEFTcircle] [\dontleavehmode\hbox to \zeropoint{\WaldiSymbol{71}\hss}\WaldiSymbol{35}]
+ \definesymbol [RIGHTcircle] [\dontleavehmode\hbox to \zeropoint{\WaldiSymbol{72}\hss}\WaldiSymbol{35}]
+ \definesymbol [LEFTarrow] [\WaldiSymbol {16}]
+ \definesymbol [RIGHTarrow] [\WaldiSymbol {17}]
+ \definesymbol [UParrow] [\WaldiSymbol {75}]
+ \definesymbol [DOWNarrow] [\WaldiSymbol {76}]
+ \definesymbol [Box] [\WaldiSymbol {50}]
+ \definesymbol [APLbox] [\WaldiSymbol{126}]
+ \definesymbol [XBox] [\WaldiSymbol {52}]
+ \definesymbol [Bowtie] [\WaldiSymbol {49}]
+ \definesymbol [Diamond] [\WaldiSymbol {51}]
+ \definesymbol [octagon] [\WaldiSymbol {56}]
+ \definesymbol [hexagon] [\WaldiSymbol {55}]
+ \definesymbol [varhexagon] [\WaldiSymbol {57}]
+ \definesymbol [pentagon] [\WaldiSymbol {68}]
+ \definesymbol [pentastar] [\dontleavehmode\hbox to \zeropoint{\WaldiSymbol{68}\hss}\lower.04em\hbox{\WaldiSymbol{69}}] % HHR additional
+\startsymbolset [wasy physics]
+ \definesymbol [varangle] [\WaldiSymbol{30}]
+ \definesymbol [invneg] [\WaldiSymbol{24}]
+ \definesymbol [leftturn] [\WaldiSymbol{34}]
+ \definesymbol [rightturn] [\WaldiSymbol{33}]
+ \definesymbol [diameter] [\WaldiSymbol{31}]
+ \definesymbol [invdiameter] [\WaldiSymbol{21}] % additional
+ \definesymbol [therefore] [\WaldiSymbol {5}]
+ \definesymbol [AC] [\mbox{\kern.05em\WaldiSymbol{58}\kern.05em}]
+ \definesymbol [HF] [\dontleavehmode
+ \lower.09em\hbox to \zeropoint{\kern.05em\WaldiSymbol{58}\hss}%
+ \raise.09em\hbox{\kern.05em\WaldiSymbol{58}\kern.05em}]
+ \definesymbol [VHF] [\WaldiSymbol{64}]
+ \definesymbol [photon] [\hbox{\WaldiSymbol{58}\WaldiSymbol{58}\WaldiSymbol{58}\WaldiSymbol{58}}]
+ \definesymbol [gluon] [\hbox{\WaldiSymbol{80}\WaldiSymbol{80}\WaldiSymbol{80}\WaldiSymbol{80}\WaldiSymbol{80}\WaldiSymbol{80}}]
+\startsymbolset [wasy apl]
+ \definesymbol [APLup] [\WaldiSymbol{0}]
+ \definesymbol [APLdown] [\WaldiSymbol{70}]
+ \definesymbol [APLbox] [\WaldiSymbol{126}]
+ \definesymbol [APLinv] [\dontleavehmode\hbox to \zeropoint{$\div$\hss}\WaldiSymbol{126}]
+ \definesymbol [APLleftarrowbox] [\WaldiSymbol{112}]
+ \definesymbol [APLrightarrowbox][\WaldiSymbol{113}]
+ \definesymbol [APLuparrowbox] [\WaldiSymbol{110}]
+ \definesymbol [APLdownarrowbox] [\WaldiSymbol{111}]
+ \definesymbol [APLinput] [\WaldiSymbol{125}]
+ \definesymbol [APLminus] [\dontleavehmode\raise.7ex\hbox{$-$}]
+ \definesymbol [APLlog] [\WaldiSymbol{22}]
+ \definesymbol [APLstar] [\WaldiSymbol{69}]
+ \definesymbol [APLcomment] [\WaldiSymbol{127}]
+ \definesymbol [notslash] [\wasy@over{/}{-}]
+ \definesymbol [notbackslash] [\wasy@over{\backslash}{-}]
+ %
+ %definesymbol [APLvert] [\WaldiSymbol{}]
+ %definesymbol [APLnot] [\WaldiSymbol{}]
+ %definesymbol [APLcirc] [\WaldiSymbol{}]
+ %
+ % HH: messy, best define all combinations (todo)
+ %
+ \def\APLnot #1{\wasy@over{\sim }{#1}}
+ \def\APLcirc#1{\wasy@over{\circ}{#1}}
+ \def\APLvert#1{\wasy@over{\vert}{#1}}
+ %
+%D \showsymbolset[wasy general]
+%D \showsymbolset[wasy music]
+%D \showsymbolset[wasy astronomy]
+%D \showsymbolset[wasy astrology]
+%D \showsymbolset[wasy geometry]
+%D \showsymbolset[wasy physics]
+%D \showsymbolset[wasy apl]
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/syst-con.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/syst-con.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c1ad788cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/syst-con.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=syst-con,
+%D version=2000.12.10, % actually very old -)
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ System Macros,
+%D subtitle=Conversions,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt System Macros / Conversions}
+%D When the number of conversions grew, it did no longer make
+%D sense to spread them over multiple files. So, instead of
+%D defining these in \type {font-ini}, we now have a dedicated
+%D module.
+\catcode127=12 % other, just to be sure
+%D \macros
+%D {lchexnumber,uchexnumber,lchexnumbers,uchexnumbers}
+%D In addition to the uppercase hex conversion, as needed in
+%D math families, we occasionally need a lowercase one, for
+%D instance when we want to compose gbsong fontnames.
+%D The ugly indirectness is needed to get rid of \TEX\
+%D induced spaces and \type {\relax}'s.
+%D \starttyping
+%D [\uchexnumber{0}]
+%D [\uchexnumber\scratchcounter]
+%D [\uchexnumber\zerocount]
+%D [\uchexnumber{\number0}]
+%D [\uchexnumber{\number\scratchcounter}]
+%D [\uchexnumber{\number\zerocount}]
+%D [\uchexnumber{\the\scratchcounter}]
+%D [\uchexnumber{\the\zerocount}]
+%D [\expandafter\uchexnumber\expandafter{\number0}]
+%D [\expandafter\uchexnumber\expandafter{\number\scratchcounter}]
+%D [\expandafter\uchexnumber\expandafter{\number\zerocount}]
+%D [\expandafter\uchexnumber\expandafter{\the\scratchcounter}]
+%D [\expandafter\uchexnumber\expandafter{\the\zerocount}]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D These macros may look slow but are actually rather fast due to
+%D the fact that \TEX\ handles conditional pretty fast. We need
+%D a two step approach in order to stay relax clean in fully
+%D expandable macros.
+ {\ifcase#1 0\or 1\or 2\or 3\or 4\or 5\or 6\or 7\or
+ 8\or 9\or a\or b\or c\or d\or e\or f\else 0\fi}
+ {\ifcase#1 0\or 1\or 2\or 3\or 4\or 5\or 6\or 7\or
+ 8\or 9\or A\or B\or C\or D\or E\or F\else 0\fi}
+ {\ifcase#1
+ 00\or 01\or 02\or 03\or 04\or 05\or 06\or 07\or 08\or 09\or 0a\or 0b\or 0c\or 0d\or 0e\or 0f\or
+ 10\or 11\or 12\or 13\or 14\or 15\or 16\or 17\or 18\or 19\or 1a\or 1b\or 1c\or 1d\or 1e\or 1f\or
+ 20\or 21\or 22\or 23\or 24\or 25\or 26\or 27\or 28\or 29\or 2a\or 2b\or 2c\or 2d\or 2e\or 2f\or
+ 30\or 31\or 32\or 33\or 34\or 35\or 36\or 37\or 38\or 39\or 3a\or 3b\or 3c\or 3d\or 3e\or 3f\or
+ 40\or 41\or 42\or 43\or 44\or 45\or 46\or 47\or 48\or 49\or 4a\or 4b\or 4c\or 4d\or 4e\or 4f\or
+ 50\or 51\or 52\or 53\or 54\or 55\or 56\or 57\or 58\or 59\or 5a\or 5b\or 5c\or 5d\or 5e\or 5f\or
+ 60\or 61\or 62\or 63\or 64\or 65\or 66\or 67\or 68\or 69\or 6a\or 6b\or 6c\or 6d\or 6e\or 6f\or
+ 70\or 71\or 72\or 73\or 74\or 75\or 76\or 77\or 78\or 79\or 7a\or 7b\or 7c\or 7d\or 7e\or 7f\or
+ 80\or 81\or 82\or 83\or 84\or 85\or 86\or 87\or 88\or 89\or 8a\or 8b\or 8c\or 8d\or 8e\or 8f\or
+ 90\or 91\or 92\or 93\or 94\or 95\or 96\or 97\or 98\or 99\or 9a\or 9b\or 9c\or 9d\or 9e\or 9f\or
+ a0\or a1\or a2\or a3\or a4\or a5\or a6\or a7\or a8\or a9\or aa\or ab\or ac\or ad\or ae\or af\or
+ b0\or b1\or b2\or b3\or b4\or b5\or b6\or b7\or b8\or b9\or ba\or bb\or bc\or bd\or be\or bf\or
+ c0\or c1\or c2\or c3\or c4\or c5\or c6\or c7\or c8\or c9\or ca\or cb\or cc\or cd\or ce\or cf\or
+ d0\or d1\or d2\or d3\or d4\or d5\or d6\or d7\or d8\or d9\or da\or db\or dc\or dd\or de\or df\or
+ e0\or e1\or e2\or e3\or e4\or e5\or e6\or e7\or e8\or e9\or ea\or eb\or ec\or ed\or ee\or ef\or
+ f0\or f1\or f2\or f3\or f4\or f5\or f6\or f7\or f8\or f9\or fa\or fb\or fc\or fd\or fe\or ff\fi}
+ {\ifcase#1
+ 00\or 01\or 02\or 03\or 04\or 05\or 06\or 07\or 08\or 09\or 0A\or 0B\or 0C\or 0D\or 0E\or 0F\or
+ 10\or 11\or 12\or 13\or 14\or 15\or 16\or 17\or 18\or 19\or 1A\or 1B\or 1C\or 1D\or 1E\or 1F\or
+ 20\or 21\or 22\or 23\or 24\or 25\or 26\or 27\or 28\or 29\or 2A\or 2B\or 2C\or 2D\or 2E\or 2F\or
+ 30\or 31\or 32\or 33\or 34\or 35\or 36\or 37\or 38\or 39\or 3A\or 3B\or 3C\or 3D\or 3E\or 3F\or
+ 40\or 41\or 42\or 43\or 44\or 45\or 46\or 47\or 48\or 49\or 4A\or 4B\or 4C\or 4D\or 4E\or 4F\or
+ 50\or 51\or 52\or 53\or 54\or 55\or 56\or 57\or 58\or 59\or 5A\or 5B\or 5C\or 5D\or 5E\or 5F\or
+ 60\or 61\or 62\or 63\or 64\or 65\or 66\or 67\or 68\or 69\or 6A\or 6B\or 6C\or 6D\or 6E\or 6F\or
+ 70\or 71\or 72\or 73\or 74\or 75\or 76\or 77\or 78\or 79\or 7A\or 7B\or 7C\or 7D\or 7E\or 7F\or
+ 80\or 81\or 82\or 83\or 84\or 85\or 86\or 87\or 88\or 89\or 8A\or 8B\or 8C\or 8D\or 8E\or 8F\or
+ 90\or 91\or 92\or 93\or 94\or 95\or 96\or 97\or 98\or 99\or 9A\or 9B\or 9C\or 9D\or 9E\or 9F\or
+ A0\or A1\or A2\or A3\or A4\or A5\or A6\or A7\or A8\or A9\or AA\or AB\or AC\or AD\or AE\or AF\or
+ B0\or B1\or B2\or B3\or B4\or B5\or B6\or B7\or B8\or B9\or BA\or BB\or BC\or BD\or BE\or BF\or
+ C0\or C1\or C2\or C3\or C4\or C5\or C6\or C7\or C8\or C9\or CA\or CB\or CC\or CD\or CE\or CF\or
+ D0\or D1\or D2\or D3\or D4\or D5\or D6\or D7\or D8\or D9\or DA\or DB\or DC\or DD\or DE\or DF\or
+ E0\or E1\or E2\or E3\or E4\or E5\or E6\or E7\or E8\or E9\or EA\or EB\or EC\or ED\or EE\or EF\or
+ F0\or F1\or F2\or F3\or F4\or F5\or F6\or F7\or F8\or F9\or FA\or FB\or FC\or FD\or FE\or FF\fi}
+\def\lchexnumber #1{\@EA\dolchexnumber \number#1\relax}
+\def\uchexnumber #1{\@EA\douchexnumber \number#1\relax}
+%D \macros
+%D {octnumber}
+%D For unicode remapping purposes, we need octal numbers.
+ {\ifcase#1
+ 000\or 001\or 002\or 003\or 004\or 005\or 006\or 007\or
+ 010\or 011\or 012\or 013\or 014\or 015\or 016\or 017\or
+ 020\or 021\or 022\or 023\or 024\or 025\or 026\or 027\or
+ 030\or 031\or 032\or 033\or 034\or 035\or 036\or 037\or
+ 040\or 041\or 042\or 043\or 044\or 045\or 046\or 047\or
+ 050\or 051\or 052\or 053\or 054\or 055\or 056\or 057\or
+ 060\or 061\or 062\or 063\or 064\or 065\or 066\or 067\or
+ 070\or 071\or 072\or 073\or 074\or 075\or 076\or 077\or
+ 100\or 101\or 102\or 103\or 104\or 105\or 106\or 107\or
+ 110\or 111\or 112\or 113\or 114\or 115\or 116\or 117\or
+ 120\or 121\or 122\or 123\or 124\or 125\or 126\or 127\or
+ 130\or 131\or 132\or 133\or 134\or 135\or 136\or 137\or
+ 140\or 141\or 142\or 143\or 144\or 145\or 146\or 147\or
+ 150\or 151\or 152\or 153\or 154\or 155\or 156\or 157\or
+ 160\or 161\or 162\or 163\or 164\or 165\or 166\or 167\or
+ 170\or 171\or 172\or 173\or 174\or 175\or 176\or 177\or
+ 200\or 201\or 202\or 203\or 204\or 205\or 206\or 207\or
+ 210\or 211\or 212\or 213\or 214\or 215\or 216\or 217\or
+ 220\or 221\or 222\or 223\or 224\or 225\or 226\or 227\or
+ 230\or 231\or 232\or 233\or 234\or 235\or 236\or 237\or
+ 240\or 241\or 242\or 243\or 244\or 245\or 246\or 247\or
+ 250\or 251\or 252\or 253\or 254\or 255\or 256\or 257\or
+ 260\or 261\or 262\or 263\or 264\or 265\or 266\or 267\or
+ 270\or 271\or 272\or 273\or 274\or 275\or 276\or 277\or
+ 300\or 301\or 302\or 303\or 304\or 305\or 306\or 307\or
+ 310\or 311\or 312\or 313\or 314\or 315\or 316\or 317\or
+ 320\or 321\or 322\or 323\or 324\or 325\or 326\or 327\or
+ 330\or 331\or 332\or 333\or 334\or 335\or 336\or 337\or
+ 340\or 341\or 342\or 343\or 344\or 345\or 346\or 347\or
+ 350\or 351\or 352\or 353\or 354\or 355\or 356\or 357\or
+ 360\or 361\or 362\or 363\or 364\or 365\or 366\or 367\or
+ 370\or 371\or 372\or 373\or 374\or 375\or 376\or 377\fi}
+%D \macros
+%D {twodigits, threedigits}
+%D These macros provides two or three digits always:
+\def\twodigits #1{\ifnum #1<10 0\fi\number#1}
+\def\threedigits#1{\ifnum#1<100 \ifnum#1<10 0\fi0\fi\number#1}
+%D \macros{modulonumber}
+%D In the conversion macros described in \type {core-con} we
+%D need a wrap||around method. The following solution is
+%D provided by Taco.
+%D The \type {modulonumber} macro expands to the mathematical
+%D modulo of a positive integer. It is crucial for it's
+%D application that this macro is fully exandable.
+%D The expression inside the \type {\numexpr} itself is
+%D somewhat bizarre because \ETEX\ uses a rounding
+%D division instead of truncation. If \ETEX's division
+%D would have behaved like \TEX's normal\type{\divide}, then
+%D the expression could have been somewhat simpler, like
+%D \type {#2-(#2/#1)*#1}. This works just as well, but a bit
+%D more complex.
+ {\the\numexpr#2-((((#2+(#1/2))/#1)-1)*#1)\relax}
+%D \macros{modulatednumber}
+%D Modulo numbers run from zero to one less than the limit,
+%D but for conversion sets, we need a value between 1 and the
+%D limit. The \type{\modulatednumber} arranges that. This
+%D macro also needs to be fully expandable, resulting in
+%D two \type{\numexpr}s.
+ {\ifnum\the\numexpr\modulonumber{#1}{#2}\relax=0 #1%
+ \else \the\numexpr\modulonumber{#1}{#2}\relax \fi}
+%D \macros
+%D {hexstringtonumber}
+%D This macro converts a two character hexadecimal number into
+%D a decimal number, thereby taking care of lowercase characters
+%D as well.
+\setvalue{@@uc@@a}{A} \setvalue{@@uc@@A}{A}
+\setvalue{@@uc@@b}{B} \setvalue{@@uc@@B}{B}
+\setvalue{@@uc@@c}{C} \setvalue{@@uc@@C}{C}
+\setvalue{@@uc@@d}{D} \setvalue{@@uc@@D}{D}
+\setvalue{@@uc@@e}{E} \setvalue{@@uc@@E}{E}
+\setvalue{@@uc@@f}{F} \setvalue{@@uc@@F}{F}
+\def\hexstringtonumber#1% {FF}
+ {\dohexstringtonumber#1}
+\def\dohexstringtonumber#1#2% FF
+ {"\csname @@uc@@#1\endcsname\csname @@uc@@#2\endcsname}
+%D \macros
+%D {rawcharacter}
+%D The next conversion macro produces raw characters. We have to
+%D construct the macro in a special way to avoid problems with
+%D characters with special meanings. So, we revert to the
+%D lowercase conversion trick to bypass \TEX's input parser.
+%D This macro can be used to produce proper 8 bit characters
+%D that we sometimes need in backends and round||trips.
+\catcode`\^^@=12 % ascii null == ignored in plain
+\catcode`\^^?=12 % ascii delete == invalid in plain
+\xdef\rawcharacter{ ^^00\or}
+ {\lccode`a=\recurselevel
+ \lowercase{\xdef\rawcharacter{\rawcharacter \string a\or}}} % string is needed for XeTeX
+ {\@EA\ifcase\@EA#\@EA1\rawcharacter\fi}
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/syst-ext.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/syst-ext.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..39f4145f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/syst-ext.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,5025 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=syst-ext,
+%D version=1995.10.10,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ System Macros,
+%D subtitle=Extras,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt System Macros / Extras}
+%D In this second system module, we continue the definition of
+%D some handy commands.
+%D \macros
+%D {rawgetparameters}
+%D A raw and dirty alternative for \type {\getparameters}; no
+%D checking is done!
+% \def\rawgetparameters[#1][#2]% scheelt 5\%
+% {\def\rawparameterprefix{#1}%
+% \expandafter\rawsetparameter#2,]=,}
+ {\if]#1\else
+ \expandafter\def\csname\rawparameterprefix#1\endcsname{#2}%
+ \expandafter\rawsetparameter
+ \fi}
+% the next one handles empty #1 okay:
+\def\rawgetparameters[#1][#2% some 5-10% faster
+ {\ifx#2]% test is needed, else bomb on [#1][]
+ \expandafter\gobbleoneargument
+ \else
+ \def\rawparameterprefix{#1}%
+ \expandafter\dorawgetparameters
+ \fi#2}
+ {\expandafter\rawsetparameter#1,]=,}
+%D \macros
+%D {doglobal,
+%D redoglobal,dodoglobal,resetglobal}
+%D The two macros \type {\redoglobal} and \type{\dodoglobal} are
+%D used in this and some other modules to enforce a user
+%D specified \type {\doglobal} action. The last and often only
+%D global assignment in a macro is done with
+%D \type {\dodoglobal}, but all preceding ones with
+%D \type {\redoglobal}. When using only alternatives, one can
+%D reset this mechanism with \type {\resetglobal}.
+ {\let\redoglobal\global
+ \def\dodoglobal{\resetglobal\global}}
+ {\let\redoglobal\relax
+ \let\dodoglobal\relax}
+%D New:
+ {\ifx\redoglobal\relax
+ \let\redoglobal\global
+ \let\dodoglobal\@@dodoglobal
+ %\else
+ % \writestatus{system}{global not reset, warn me!}%
+ \fi}
+ {\resetglobal\global}
+ {\let\@@dodoglobal\dodoglobal
+ \let\@@redoglobal\redoglobal}
+ {\let\redoglobal\@@redoglobal
+ \let\dodoglobal\@@dodoglobal}
+%D A very useful application of this macro is \type {\newif},
+%D \TEX's fake boolean type. Not being a primitive,
+%D \type {\global} hopelessly fails here. But a slight
+%D adaption of Knuth's original macro permits:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \doglobal\newif\iftest
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Of course one can still say:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \global\testtrue
+%D \global\testfalse
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Apart from the prefixes, a few more \type{\expandafters}
+%D are needed:
+ {\scratchcounter\escapechar
+ \escapechar\minusone
+ \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter
+ \redoglobal\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter
+ \edef\@if#1{true}{\let\noexpand#1\noexpand\iftrue}%
+ \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter
+ \redoglobal\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter
+ \edef\@if#1{false}{\let\noexpand#1\noexpand\iffalse}%
+ \dodoglobal\@if#1{false}%
+ \escapechar\scratchcounter}
+%D Also:
+ {\ifx#1\undefined
+ \expandafter\long\expandafter\def
+ \else
+ \message{[\noexpand#1is already defined]}%
+ \expandafter\long\expandafter\def\expandafter\gobbleddefinition
+ \fi#1}
+ {\ifx#1\undefined\else
+ \message{[\noexpand#1is redefined]}%
+ \fi
+ \long\def#1}
+% \define\hans{hans}
+% \redefine\hans{hans}
+% \define\hans#1[]#2#3{hans}
+%D The next variant fits nicely in the setups syntax:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \starttexdefinition bagger [#1] #2
+%D oeps
+%D #1
+%D oeps
+%D \stoptexdefinition
+%D \bagger [a] {b}
+%D \stoptyping
+\bgroup \obeylines
+ {\bgroup%
+ \obeylines%
+ \dostarttexdefinition}
+\gdef\dostarttexdefinition #1
+ {\catcode13=\@@ignore%
+ \doifinstringelse\letterhash{\detokenize{#1}}\dodostarttexdefinition\nonostarttexdefinition#1
+ }
+\long\gdef\dodostarttexdefinition#1 #2
+ {\dododostarttexdefinition{#1}{#2}}
+ {\egroup%
+ \long\setvalue{#1}#2{#3}}
+ {\nononostarttexdefinition{#1}{}}
+ {\egroup%
+ \long\setvalue{#1}{#3}}
+%D \macros
+%D {newcounter,
+%D increment,decrement}
+%D Unfortunately the number of \COUNTERS\ in \TEX\ is limited,
+%D but fortunately we can store numbers in a macro. We can
+%D increment such pseudo \COUNTERS\ with \type{\increment}.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \increment(\counter,20)
+%D \increment(\counter,-4)
+%D \increment(\counter)
+%D \increment\counter
+%D \stoptyping
+%D After this sequence of commands, the value of
+%D \type{\counter} is 20, 16, 17 and~18. Of course there is
+%D also the complementary command \type{\decrement}.
+%D Global assignments are possible too, using \type{\doglobal}:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \doglobal\increment\counter
+%D \stoptyping
+%D When \type{\counter} is undefined, it's value is initialized
+%D at~0. It is nevertheless better to define a \COUNTER\
+%D explicitly. One reason could be that the \COUNTER\ can be
+%D part of a test with \type{\ifnum} and this conditional does
+%D not accept undefined macro's. The \COUNTER\ in our example
+%D can for instance be defined with:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \newcounter\counter
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The command \type{\newcounter} must not be confused with
+%D \type{\newcount}! Of course this mechanism is much slower
+%D than using \TEX's \COUNTERS\ directly. In practice
+%D \COUNTERS\ (and therefore our pseudo counters too) are
+%D seldom the bottleneck in the processing of a text. Apart
+%D from some other incompatilities we want to mention a pitfal
+%D when using \type{\ifnum}.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \ifnum\normalcounter=\pseudocounter \doif \else \doelse \fi
+%D \ifnum\pseudocounter=\normalcounter \doif \else \doelse \fi
+%D \stoptyping
+%D In the first test, \TEX\ continues it's search for the
+%D second number after reading \type{\pseudocounter}, while
+%D in the second test, it stops reading after having
+%D encountered a real one. Tests like the first one therefore
+%D can give unexpected results, for instance execution
+%D of \type{\doif} even if both numbers are unequal.
+ {\dodoglobal\let#1\zerocountervalue}
+% This is the original implementation:
+% \def\dodododoincrement(#1,#2)%
+% {\ifx#1\undefined
+% \redoglobal\let#1\zerocountervalue
+% \else\ifx#1\relax % \csname...\endcsname
+% \redoglobal\let#1\zerocountervalue
+% \fi\fi
+% \scratchcounter=#2\relax
+% \scratchcounter=\incrementsign\scratchcounter
+% \advance\scratchcounter #1\relax
+% \dodoglobal\edef#1{\the\scratchcounter}}
+% \def\dododoincrement#1%
+% {\dodododoincrement(#1,1)}
+% \def\dodoincrement(#1%
+% {\doifnextcharelse,%
+% {\dodododoincrement(#1}{\dodododoincrement(#1,1}}
+% \def\doincrement#1%
+% {\def\incrementsign{#1}%
+% \doifnextcharelse(\dodoincrement\dododoincrement}
+% \def\increment{\doincrement+}
+% \def\decrement{\doincrement-}
+% And this is the one optimized for speed:
+% maxcounter = 2\maxdimen=1
+\def\!!zerocount {0} % alongside \zerocount
+\def\!!minusone {-1} % alongside \minusone
+\def\!!plusone {1} % alongside \plusone
+ {\ifx#2\undefined
+ \redoglobal\let#2\zerocountervalue
+ \else\ifx#2\relax % \csname...\endcsname
+ \redoglobal\let#2\zerocountervalue
+ \fi\fi
+ \scratchcounter#3\relax
+ \scratchcounter#1\scratchcounter
+ \advance\scratchcounter#2\relax
+ \dodoglobal\edef#2{\the\scratchcounter}}
+ {\doifnextcharelse,{\dodoindecrement+(#1}{\dodoindecrement+(#1,1}}
+ {\doifnextcharelse,{\dodoindecrement-(#1}{\dodoindecrement-(#1,1}}
+\def\doincrement#1% 10% faster alternative
+ {\ifx#1\undefined
+ \dodoglobal\let#1\!!plusone
+ \else\ifx#1\relax % \csname...\endcsname
+ \dodoglobal\let#1\!!plusone
+ \else
+ \fastincrement#1%
+ \fi\fi}
+\def\dodecrement#1% 10% faster alternative
+ {\ifx#1\undefined
+ \dodoglobal\let#1\!!minusone
+ \else\ifx#1\relax % \csname...\endcsname
+ \dodoglobal\let#1\!!minusone
+ \else
+ \fastdecrement#1%
+ \fi\fi}
+\def\fastdecrement#1% 50% faster alternative
+ {\scratchcounter#1\advance\scratchcounter\minusone
+ \dodoglobal\edef#1{\the\scratchcounter}}
+\def\fastincrement#1% 50% faster alternative
+ {\scratchcounter#1\advance\scratchcounter\plusone
+ \dodoglobal\edef#1{\the\scratchcounter}}
+\beginETEX \numexpr
+% \def\doindecrement#1#2%
+% {\dodoglobal\edef#2%
+% {\the\numexpr(\ifx#2\undefined\else\ifx#2\relax\else#2\fi\fi#11)}}
+% \def\doincrement{\doindecrement+}
+% \def\dodecrement{\doindecrement-}
+% some 3\% faster:
+ {\dodoglobal\edef#2%
+ {\the\numexpr\ifx#2\undefined\else\ifx#2\relax\else#2\fi\fi+#1\relax}}
+\def\doincrement{\doindecrement\plusone }
+ {\dodoglobal\edef#2%
+ {\the\numexpr\ifx#2\undefined\else\ifx#2\relax\else#2\fi\fi#1#3\relax}}
+ {\doifnextcharelse,{\dodoindecrement+#1}{\dodoindecrement+#1,\plusone}}
+ {\doifnextcharelse,{\dodoindecrement-#1}{\dodoindecrement-#1,\plusone}}
+\def\fastincrement#1{\dodoglobal\edef#1{\the\numexpr#1+\plusone \relax}}
+%D \macros
+%D {newsignal}
+%D When writing advanced macros, we cannot do without
+%D signaling. A signal is a small (invisible) kern or penalty
+%D that signals the next macro that something just happened.
+%D This macro can take any action depending on the previous
+%D signal. Signals must be unique and the next macro takes care
+%D of that.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \newsignal\somesignal
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Signals old dimensions and can be used in skips, kerns and
+%D tests like \type{\ifdim}.
+\newdimen\maximumsignal % step is about 0.00025pt
+ {\ifx#1\undefined
+ \advance\maximumsignal 2sp % to be save in rounding
+ \edef#1{\the\maximumsignal}%
+ \fi}
+%D \macros
+%D {newskimen}
+%D \TEX\ offers 256 \DIMENSIONS\ and \SKIPS. Unfortunately this
+%D amount is too small to suit certain packages. Therefore when
+%D possible one should use:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \newskimen\tempskimen
+%D \stoptyping
+%D This commands allocates a \DIMENSION\ or a \SKIP, depending
+%D on the availability. One should be aware of the difference
+%D between both. When searching for some glue \TEX\ goes on
+%D searching till it's sure that no other glue component if
+%D found. This search can be canceled by using \type{\relax}
+%D when possible and needed.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\newskimen#1%
+%D {\ifx#1\undefined
+%D \ifnum\count11>\count12
+%D \newskip#1\relax
+%D \else
+%D \newdimen#1\relax
+%D \fi
+%D \fi}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D In order to make this macro work in plain \TEX\ too, we
+%D use the following alternative, which fools \TEX\ about
+%D the new commands being \type {\outer} ones.
+% \def\newskimen#1%
+% {\ifx#1\undefined
+% \csname new\ifnum\count11>\count12 skip\else dimen\fi\endcsname#1%
+% \fi}
+\let\newskimen\newdimen % it's all etex or later now
+%D \macros
+%D {strippedcsname}
+%D The next macro can be very useful when using \type{\csname}
+%D like in:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \csname if\strippedcsname\something\endcsname
+%D \stoptyping
+%D This expands to \type{\ifsomething}.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\strippedcsname
+%D {\expandafter\gobbleoneargument\string}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Slower but better:
+ {\catcode`.=0 .catcode`.\ 12 .xdef.letterbackslash{.string\}} % hack
+\def\strippedcsname#1% this permits \strippedcsname{\xxx} and \strippedcsname{xxx}
+ {\expandafter\dostrippedcsname\string#1}
+ {\if\noexpand#1\letterbackslash\else#1\fi}
+%D \macros
+%D {savenormalmeaning}
+%D We will use this one in:
+ {\ifundefined{normal\strippedcsname#1}%
+ \letvalue{normal\strippedcsname#1}#1%
+ \fi}
+%D \macros
+%D {newconditional,
+%D settrue, setfalse,
+%D ifconditional,then}
+%D \TEX's lacks boolean variables, although the \PLAIN\ format
+%D implements \type{\newif}. The main disadvantage of this
+%D scheme is that it takes three hash table entries. A more
+%D memory saving alternative is presented here. A conditional
+%D is defined by:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \newconditional\doublesided
+%D \setfalse
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Setting a conditional is done by \type{\settrue} and
+%D \type{\setfalse}:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \settrue\doublesided
+%D \setfalse
+%D \stoptyping
+%D while testing is accomplished by:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \ifconditional\doublesided ... \else ... \fi
+%D \setfalse
+%D \stoptyping
+%D We cannot use the simple scheme:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\settrue #1{\let#1=\iftrue}
+%D \def\setfalse#1{\let#1=\iffalse}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Such an implementation gives problems with nested
+%D conditionals. The next implementation is abaou as fast
+%D and just as straightforward:
+\def\settrue #1{\chardef#1\zerocount}
+\let\newconditional = \setfalse
+\let\ifconditional = \ifcase
+\let\then\relax % so that we can say \ifnum1>2\then -)
+%D \macros
+%D {ifzeropt}
+%D The next macro is both cosmetic and byte saving. It is
+%D pretty \type{\if}||safe too. It can be used in cases
+%D like:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \ifzeropt \somedimen ... \else ... \fi
+%D \stoptyping
+%D \macros
+%D {dorecurse,recurselevel,recursedepth,
+%D dostepwiserecurse,
+%D for}
+%D \TEX\ does not offer us powerfull for||loop mechanisms. On
+%D the other hand its recursion engine is quite unique. We
+%D therefore identify the for||looping macros by this method.
+%D The most simple alternative is the one that only needs a
+%D number.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \dorecurse {n} {whatever we want}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D This macro can be nested without problems and therefore be
+%D used in situations where \PLAIN\ \TEX's \type{\loop} macro
+%D ungracefully fails. The current value of the counter is
+%D available in \type{\recurselevel}, before as well as after
+%D the \typ{whatever we wat} stuff.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \dorecurse % inner loop
+%D {10}
+%D {\recurselevel: % outer value
+%D \dorecurse % inner loop
+%D {\recurselevel} % outer value
+%D {\recurselevel} % inner value
+%D \dorecurse % inner loop
+%D {\recurselevel} % outer value
+%D {\recurselevel} % inner value
+%D \endgraf}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D In this example the first, second and fourth
+%D \type{\recurselevel} concern the outer loop, while the third
+%D and fifth one concern the inner loop. The depth of the
+%D nesting is available for inspection in \type{\recursedepth}.
+%D Both \type{\recurselevel} and \type{\recursedepth} are
+%D macros. The real \COUNTERS\ are hidden from the user because
+%D we don't want any interference.
+%D Acceptable:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \long\def\dostepwiserecurse#1#2#3%
+%D {\let\nextrecurse\gobblefourarguments
+%D \ifnum#3>0\relax\ifnum#2<#1\relax\else
+%D \def\nextrecurse{\dosetstepwiserecurse>}%
+%D \fi\fi
+%D \ifnum#3<0\relax\ifnum#1<#2\relax\else
+%D \def\nextrecurse{\dosetstepwiserecurse<}%
+%D \fi\fi
+%D \nextrecurse{#1}{#2}{#3}}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Better:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \long\def\dostepwiserecurse#1#2#3%
+%D {\let\nextrecurse\gobblefourarguments
+%D \ifnum#3>0\relax \ifnum#2<#1\relax \else
+%D \def\nextrecurse{\dosetstepwiserecurse>}%
+%D \fi \else \ifnum#3<0\relax \ifnum#1<#2\relax \else
+%D \def\nextrecurse{\dosetstepwiserecurse<}%
+%D \fi \fi \fi
+%D \nextrecurse{#1}{#2}{#3}}
+%D \def\@@irecurse{@@irecurse} % stepper
+%D \def\@@nrecurse{@@nrecurse} % number of steps
+%D \def\@@srecurse{@@srecurse} % step
+%D \def\@@drecurse{@@drecurse} % direction, < or >
+%D \def\@@arecurse{@@arecurse} % action
+%D \long\def\dosetstepwiserecurse#1#2#3#4#5%
+%D {\global\advance\outerrecurse 1
+%D \setevalue{\@@drecurse\recursedepth}{#1}%
+%D \setevalue{\@@irecurse\recursedepth}{\number#2}%
+%D \setevalue{\@@nrecurse\recursedepth}{\number#3}%
+%D \setevalue{\@@srecurse\recursedepth}{\number#4}%
+%D \long\setvalue{\@@arecurse\recursedepth}{#5}%
+%D \dodorecurse}
+%D \def\donorecurse
+%D {}
+%D \def\dododorecurse
+%D {\edef\recurselevel{\csname\@@irecurse\recursedepth\endcsname}%
+%D \getvalue{\@@arecurse\recursedepth}%
+%D \edef\recurselevel{\csname\@@irecurse\recursedepth\endcsname}%
+%D \innerrecurse\recurselevel
+%D \advance\innerrecurse \csname\@@srecurse\recursedepth\endcsname
+%D \setevalue{\@@irecurse\recursedepth}{\the\innerrecurse}%
+%D \dodorecurse}
+%D \def\dodorecurse
+%D {\ifnum\csname\@@irecurse\recursedepth\endcsname
+%D \csname\@@drecurse\recursedepth\endcsname
+%D \csname\@@nrecurse\recursedepth\endcsname\relax
+%D \expandafter\nododorecurse
+%D \else
+%D \expandafter\dododorecurse
+%D \fi}
+%D \def\nododorecurse
+%D {\global\advance\outerrecurse -1
+%D \edef\recurselevel{\csname\@@irecurse\recursedepth\endcsname}}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Cleaner and much faster:
+\def\@@irecurse{@@ir@@} % ecurse} % stepper
+\def\@@arecurse{@@ar@@} % ecurse} % action
+% \mathchardef
+\long\def\dostepwiserecurse#1#2#3#4% can be made faster by postponing #4
+ {\global\advance\outerrecurse \plusone
+ \long\global\@EA\def\csname\@@arecurse\recursedepth\endcsname{#4}%
+ \global\@EA\let\csname\@@irecurse\recursedepth\endcsname\recurselevel
+ \ifnum#3>0\relax
+ \ifnum#2<#1\relax
+ \let\nextrecurse\exitstepwiserecurse
+ \else
+ \let\nextrecurse\dodostepwiserecurse
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \ifnum#3<0\relax
+ \ifnum#1<#2\relax
+ \let\nextrecurse\exitstepwiserecurse
+ \else
+ \let\nextrecurse\dodostepwisereverse
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \let\nextrecurse\exitstepwiserecurse
+ \fi
+ \fi\expanded{\nextrecurse{\number#1}{\number#2}{\number#3}}}
+\beginETEX \numexpr
+\long\def\dodostepwiserecurse#1#2#3% from to step
+ {\ifnum#1>#2\relax
+ \@EA\nodostepwiserecurse
+ \else
+ \def\recurselevel{#1}%
+ \@EAEAEA\redostepwiserecurse\@EA
+ \fi\@EA{\the\numexpr\recurselevel+#3\relax}{#2}{#3}}
+\long\def\dodostepwiserecurse#1#2#3% from to step
+ {\ifnum#1>#2\relax
+ \@EA\nodostepwiserecurse
+ \else
+ \def\recurselevel{#1}%
+ \innerrecurse#1\advance\innerrecurse#3\relax
+ \@EAEAEA\redostepwiserecurse\@EA
+ \fi\@EA{\the\innerrecurse}{#2}{#3}}
+ {\csname\@@arecurse\recursedepth\endcsname}
+ {\expandrecursecontent\dodostepwiserecurse}
+\beginETEX \numexpr
+\long\def\dodostepwisereverse#1#2#3% from to step
+ {\ifnum#1<#2\relax
+ \@EA\nodostepwiserecurse
+ \else
+ \def\recurselevel{#1}%
+ \@EAEAEA\redostepwisereverse\@EA
+ \fi\@EA{\the\numexpr\recurselevel#3\relax}{#2}{#3}}
+\long\def\dodostepwisereverse#1#2#3% from to step
+ {\ifnum#1<#2\relax
+ \@EA\nodostepwiserecurse
+ \else
+ \def\recurselevel{#1}%
+ \innerrecurse#1\relax
+ \advance\innerrecurse#3\relax
+ \@EAEAEA\redostepwisereverse\@EA
+ \fi\@EA{\the\innerrecurse}{#2}{#3}}
+ {\expandrecursecontent\dodostepwisereverse}
+ {\nodostepwiserecurse\relax}
+ {\@EA\let\@EA\recurselevel\csname\@@irecurse\recursedepth\endcsname
+ \global\advance\outerrecurse \minusone}
+ {\@EA\let\@EA\recurselevel\csname\@@irecurse\recursedepth\endcsname
+ \global\advance\outerrecurse \minusone}
+ {\dostepwiserecurse1{#1}1}
+%D As we can see here, the simple command \type{\dorecurse} is
+%D a special case of the more general:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \dostepwiserecurse {from} {to} {step} {action}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D This commands accepts positive and negative steps. Illegal
+%D values are handles as good as possible and the macro accepts
+%D numbers and \COUNTERS.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \dostepwiserecurse {1} {10} {2} {...}
+%D \dostepwiserecurse {10} {1} {-2} {...}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Because the simple case is used often, we implement it
+%D more efficiently:
+ {\ifcase#1\relax
+ \expandafter\gobbletwoarguments
+ \or
+ \expandafter\ydorecurse
+ \else
+ \expandafter\xdorecurse
+ \fi{#1}}
+ {\global\advance\outerrecurse \plusone
+ \long\global\@EA\def\csname\@@arecurse\recursedepth\endcsname{#2}%
+ \global\@EA\let\csname\@@irecurse\recursedepth\endcsname\recurselevel
+ \@EA\dodorecurse\@EA1\@EA{\number#1}}
+ {\global\advance\outerrecurse \plusone
+ \global\@EA\let\csname\@@irecurse\recursedepth\endcsname\recurselevel
+ \let\recurselevel\!!plusone
+ #2%
+ \@EA\let\@EA\recurselevel\csname\@@irecurse\recursedepth\endcsname
+ \global\advance\outerrecurse \minusone}
+\beginETEX \numexpr
+\long\def\dodorecurse#1#2% from to
+ {\ifnum#1>#2\relax
+ \@EA\nodorecurse
+ \else
+ \def\recurselevel{#1}%
+ \@EAEAEA\redorecurse
+ \fi\@EA{\the\numexpr\recurselevel+\plusone\relax}{#2}}
+\long\def\dodorecurse#1#2% from to
+ {\ifnum#1>#2\relax
+ \@EA\nodorecurse
+ \else
+ \def\recurselevel{#1}%
+ \innerrecurse#1\advance\innerrecurse\plusone
+ \@EAEAEA\redorecurse
+ \fi\@EA{\the\innerrecurse}{#2}}
+ {\expandrecursecontent\dodorecurse}
+ {\@EA\let\@EA\recurselevel\csname\@@irecurse\recursedepth\endcsname
+ \global\advance\outerrecurse \minusone }
+%D \macros
+%D {doloop,exitloop}
+%D Sometimes loops are not determined by counters, but by
+%D (a combinations of) conditions. We therefore implement a
+%D straightforward loop, which can only be left when we
+%D explictly exit it. Nesting is supported. First we present
+%D a more extensive alternative.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \doloop
+%D {Some kind of typesetting punishment \par
+%D \ifnum\pageno>100 \exitloop \fi}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D When needed, one can call for \type{\looplevel} and
+%D \type{\loopdepth}.
+%D If we write this macros from scratch, we end up with
+%D something like the ones described above:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\@@eloop{@@eloop} % exit
+%D \def\@@iloop{@@iloop} % stepper
+%D \def\@@aloop{@@aloop} % action
+%D \newcount\outerloop
+%D \def\loopdepth%
+%D {\the\outerloop}
+%D \def\exitloop%
+%D {\setevalue{\@@eloop\loopdepth}{0}}
+%D \long\def\doloop#1%
+%D {\global\advance\outerloop by 1
+%D \setevalue{\@@iloop\loopdepth}{1}%
+%D \setevalue{\@@eloop\loopdepth}{1}%
+%D \long\setvalue{\@@aloop\loopdepth}{#1}%
+%D \dodoloop}
+%D \def\dodonoloop%
+%D {\global\advance\outerloop by -1\relax}
+%D \def\dododoloop%
+%D {\edef\looplevel{\getvalue{\@@iloop\loopdepth}}%
+%D \innerrecurse=\looplevel
+%D \advance\innerrecurse by 1
+%D \setevalue{\@@iloop\loopdepth}{\the\innerrecurse}%
+%D \getvalue{\@@aloop\loopdepth}%
+%D \edef\looplevel{\getvalue{\@@iloop\loopdepth}}%
+%D \dodoloop}
+%D \def\dodoloop%
+%D {\ifnum\getvalue{\@@eloop\loopdepth}=0
+%D \expandafter\dodonoloop
+%D \else
+%D \expandafter\dododoloop
+%D \fi}
+%D \def\doloop%
+%D {\dostepwiserecurse{1}{\maxdimen}{1}}
+%D \def\exitloop
+%D {\setvalue{\@@irecurse\recursedepth}{\maxdimen}}
+%D \def\looplevel{\recurselevel}
+%D \def\loopdepth{\recursedepth}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D We don't have to declare new counters for \type{\looplevel}
+%D and \type{\loopdepth} because we can use \type{\recurselevel}
+%D and \type{\recursedepth}.
+%D We prefer however a more byte saving implementation, that
+%D executes of course a bit slower.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\doloop%
+%D {\dostepwiserecurse1\maxdimen1}
+%D \def\exitloop%
+%D {\letvalue{\@@irecurse\recursedepth}\maxdimen}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Although, the next version is faster because it used the
+%D simple loop.
+ {\global\advance\outerrecurse \plusone
+ \long\global\@EA\def\csname\@@arecurse\recursedepth\endcsname{#1}%
+ \global\@EA\let\csname\@@irecurse\recursedepth\endcsname\recurselevel
+ \let\endofloop\dodoloop
+ \dodoloop1} % no \plusone else \recurselevel wrong
+\beginETEX \numexpr
+ {\def\recurselevel{#1}%
+ \@EA\redoloop\@EA{\the\numexpr\recurselevel+\plusone\relax}}
+ {\def\recurselevel{#1}%
+ \innerrecurse#1\advance\innerrecurse\plusone
+ \@EA\redoloop\@EA{\the\innerrecurse}}
+ {\expandrecursecontent\endofloop}
+ {\let\endofloop\dodoloop % new, permits nested \doloop's
+ \@EA\let\@EA\recurselevel\csname\@@irecurse\recursedepth\endcsname
+ \global\advance\outerrecurse\minusone}
+\def\exitloop % \exitloop quits at end
+ {\let\endofloop\nodoloop}
+\long\def\exitloopnow#1\endofloop % \exitloopnow quits directly
+ {\nodoloop}
+%D The loop is executed at least once, so beware of situations
+%D like:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \doloop {\exitloop some commands}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D It's just a matter of putting the text into the \type{\if}
+%D statement that should be there anyway, like in:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \doloop {\ifwhatever \exitloop \else some commands\fi}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D You can also quit a loop immediately, by using \type
+%D {\exitloopnow} instead. Beware, this is more sensitive
+%D for conditional errors.
+%D Krzysztof Leszczynski suggested to provide access to the level by
+%D means of a \type {#1}. I decided to pass the more frequently used
+%D level as \type {#1} and the less favoured depth as \type {#2}. The
+%D intended usage is:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \dorecurse{3}{\definesymbol[test-#1][xx-#1]}
+%D \def\test{\dorecurse{3}{\definesymbol[test-##1][xx-##1]}} \test
+%D \symbol[test-1]\quad\symbol[test-2]\quad\symbol[test-3]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Since the hashed arguments are expanded, we don't need tricky
+%D expansion here.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \dorecurse{3}{\expanded{\definesymbol[test-\recurselevel][xx-\recurselevel]}}
+%D \stoptyping
+ {\csname\@@arecurse\recursedepth\@EA\@EA\@EA\endcsname\@EA\@EA\@EA{\@EA\recurselevel\@EA}\@EA{\recursedepth}}
+ {\global\advance\outerrecurse \plusone
+ \long\global\@EA\def\csname\@@arecurse\recursedepth\endcsname##1##2{#2}%
+ \global\@EA\let\csname\@@irecurse\recursedepth\endcsname\recurselevel
+ \@EA\dodorecurse\@EA1\@EA{\number#1}}
+ {\global\advance\outerrecurse \plusone
+ \global\@EA\let\csname\@@irecurse\recursedepth\endcsname\recurselevel
+ \let\recurselevel\!!plusone
+ \long\global\@EA\def\csname\@@arecurse\recursedepth\endcsname##1##2{#2}%
+ \expandrecursecontent
+ \@EA\let\@EA\recurselevel\csname\@@irecurse\recursedepth\endcsname
+ \global\advance\outerrecurse \minusone}
+\long\def\dostepwiserecurse#1#2#3#4% can be made faster by postponing #4
+ {\global\advance\outerrecurse \plusone
+ \long\global\@EA\def\csname\@@arecurse\recursedepth\endcsname##1##2{#4}%
+ \global\@EA\let\csname\@@irecurse\recursedepth\endcsname\recurselevel
+ \ifnum#3>0\relax
+ \ifnum#2<#1\relax
+ \let\nextrecurse\exitstepwiserecurse
+ \else
+ \let\nextrecurse\dodostepwiserecurse
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \ifnum#3<0\relax
+ \ifnum#1<#2\relax
+ \let\nextrecurse\exitstepwiserecurse
+ \else
+ \let\nextrecurse\dodostepwisereverse
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \let\nextrecurse\exitstepwiserecurse
+ \fi
+ \fi\expanded{\nextrecurse{\number#1}{\number#2}{\number#3}}}
+ {\global\advance\outerrecurse \plusone
+ \long\global\@EA\def\csname\@@arecurse\recursedepth\endcsname##1##2{#1}%
+ \global\@EA\let\csname\@@irecurse\recursedepth\endcsname\recurselevel
+ \let\endofloop\dodoloop
+ \dodoloop1} % no \plusone else \recurselevel wrong
+%D For special purposes:
+ {\def\fastrecursebody{#4}%
+ \fastrecursecounter#1\relax
+ \lastrecursecounter#2\relax
+ \steprecursecounter#3\relax
+ \def\recurselevel{\number\fastrecursecounter}%
+ \dodofastrecurse}
+ {\ifnum\fastrecursecounter>\lastrecursecounter
+ % \resetrecurselevel % slows down
+ \else
+ \fastrecursebody
+ \advance\fastrecursecounter\steprecursecounter
+ \expandafter\dodofastrecurse
+ \fi}
+% \appendtoks \resetrecurselevel \to \everydump
+%D This alternative looks a bit different and uses a
+%D pseudo counter. When this macro is nested, we have to use
+%D different counters. This time we use keywords.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\alfa{2} \def\beta{100} \def\gamma{3}
+%D \for \n=55 \to 100 \step 1 \do {... \n ...}
+%D \for \n=\alfa \to \beta \step \gamma \do {... \n ...}
+%D \for \n=\n \to 120 \step 1 \do {... \n ...}
+%D \for \n=120 \to 100 \step -3 \do {... \n ...}
+%D \for \n=55 \to 100 \step 2 \do {... \n ...}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Only in the third example we need to predefine \type{\n}.
+%D The use of \type{\od} as a dilimiter would have made nested
+%D use more problematic.
+%D Don't use this one, it's kind of obsolete.
+ {\dostepwiserecurse{#2}{#3}{#4}
+ {\let#1\recurselevel#5\let#1\recurselevel}}
+%D \macros
+%D {newevery,everyline,EveryLine,EveryPar}
+%D Lets skip to something quite different. It's common use
+%D to use \type{\everypar} for special purposes. In \CONTEXT\
+%D we use this primitive for locating sidefloats. This means
+%D that when user assignments to \type{\everypar} can interfere
+%D with those of the package. We therefore introduce
+%D \type{\EveryPar}.
+%D The same goes for \type{\EveryLine}. Because \TEX\ offers
+%D no \type{\everyline} primitive, we have to call for
+%D \type{\everyline} when we are working on a line by line
+%D basis. Just by calling \type{\EveryPar{}} and
+%D \type{\EveryLine{}} we restore the old situation.
+%D The definition command \type{\DoWithEvery} will be quite
+%D unreadable, so let's first show an implementation that
+%D shows how things are done:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \newtoks \everyline
+%D \newtoks \oldeveryline
+%D \newif \ifeveryline
+%D \def\DoWithEvery#1#2#3#4%
+%D {#3\else\edef\next{\noexpand#2={\the#1}}\next\fi
+%D \edef\next{\noexpand#1={\the#2\the\scratchtoks}}\next
+%D #4}
+%D \def\doEveryLine%
+%D {\DoWithEvery\everyline\oldeveryline\ifeveryline\everylinetrue}
+%D \def\EveryLine%
+%D {\afterassignment\doEveryLine\scratchtoks}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The real implementation is a bit more complicated but we
+%D prefer something more versatile.
+% the old one
+% \def\DoWithEvery#1%
+% {\csname if\strippedcsname#1\endcsname \else
+% \edef\next%
+% {\@EA\noexpand\csname old\strippedcsname#1\endcsname=
+% {\the#1}}%
+% \next
+% \fi
+% \edef\next%
+% {\noexpand#1=
+% {\@EA\the\csname old\strippedcsname#1\endcsname\the\scratchtoks}}%
+% \next
+% \csname\strippedcsname#1true\endcsname}
+% \def\dowithevery#1%
+% {\@EA\afterassignment\csname do\strippedcsname#1\endcsname\scratchtoks}
+% \def\newevery#1#2%
+% {\ifx#1\undefined\newtoks#1\fi
+% \ifx#2\relax\else\ifx#2\undefined
+% \@EA\newtoks\csname old\strippedcsname#1\endcsname
+% \@EA\newif \csname if\strippedcsname#1\endcsname
+% \@EA\def \csname do\strippedcsname#2\endcsname{\DoWithEvery#1}%
+% \def#2{\dowithevery#2}%
+% \fi\fi}
+% cleaner and more efficient
+% {\def\dodowithevery%
+% {\ifcase\csname c\strippedcsname#1\endcsname \expandafter\chardef
+% \csname c\strippedcsname#1\endcsname=1
+% \csname t\strippedcsname#1\endcsname=#1%
+% \fi
+% \edef\next%
+% {#1={\the\csname t\strippedcsname#1\endcsname\the\scratchtoks}}%
+% \next}%
+% \afterassignment\dodowithevery\scratchtoks}
+% more efficient:
+ {\ifcase\csname c\strippedcsname#1\endcsname \expandafter\chardef
+ \csname c\strippedcsname#1\endcsname1
+ \csname t\strippedcsname#1\endcsname#1%
+ \fi
+ \edef\next%
+ {#1{\the\csname t\strippedcsname#1\endcsname\the\scratchtoks}}%
+ \next}
+ {\def\next{\dodowithevery#1}%
+ \afterassignment\next\scratchtoks}
+\bgroup \let\newtoks\relax % plain safe (\outer)
+ {\ifx#1\undefined\csname newtoks\endcsname#1\fi % plain safe (\outer)
+ \ifx#2\relax\else\ifx#2\undefined
+ \expandafter\newtoks\csname t\strippedcsname#1\endcsname
+ \expandafter\chardef\csname c\strippedcsname#1\endcsname\zerocount
+ \def#2{\dowithevery#1}%
+ \fi\fi}
+%D The first \type {\outer} hack is needed to trick \TEX\
+%D into thinking that \type {\newtoks} is no outer macro,
+%D the second hack is needed due to some funny interaction
+%D between outer macros and \type {\if} at expansion time.
+%D This one permits definitions like:
+\newevery \everypar \EveryPar
+\newevery \everyline \EveryLine
+%D and how about:
+\newevery \neverypar \NeveryPar
+%D Which we're going to use indeed! When the second argument
+%D equals \type {\relax}, the first token list is created
+%D unless it is already defined.
+%D Technically spoken we could have used the method we are
+%D going to present in the visual debugger. First we save
+%D the primitive \type{\everypar}:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \let\normaleverypar=\everypar
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Next we allocate a \TOKENLIST\ named \type{\everypar},
+%D which means that \type{\everypar} is no longer a primitive
+%D but something like \type{\toks44}.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \newtoks\everypar
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Because \TEX\ now executes \type{\normaleverypar} instead
+%D of \type{\everypar}, we are ready to assign some tokens to
+%D this internally known and used \TOKENLIST.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \normaleverypar={all the things the system wants to do \the\everypar}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Where the user can provide his own tokens to be expanded
+%D every time he expects them to expand.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \everypar={something the user wants to do}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D We don't use this method because it undoubtly leads to
+%D confusing situations, especially when other packages are
+%D used, but it's this kind of tricks that make \TEX\ so
+%D powerful.
+%D \macros
+%D {convertargument,convertcommand,convertvalue}
+%D Some persistent experimenting led us to the next macro. This
+%D macro converts a parameter or an expanded macro to it's
+%D textual meaning.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \convertargument ... \to \command
+%D \stoptyping
+%D For example,
+%D \starttyping
+%D \convertargument{one \two \three{four}}\to\ascii
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The resulting macro \type{\ascii} can be written to a file
+%D or the terminal without problems. In \CONTEXT\ we use this
+%D macro for generating registers and tables of contents.
+%D The second conversion alternative accepts a command:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \convertcommand\command\to\ascii
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Both commands accept the prefix \type{\doglobal} for global
+%D assignments.
+ {\expandafter\doconvertargument\meaning}
+ {\long\def#2{#1}% saves a restore
+ \dodoglobal\edef#2{\convertedcommand#2}}
+ {\dodoglobal\edef#2{\convertedcommand#1}}
+% no dodoglobal !
+\long\def\defconvertedargument#1#2% less sensitive for \to
+ {\long\def#1{#2}% saves a restore
+ \edef#1{\convertedcommand#1}}
+\long\def\defconvertedcommand#1#2% less sensitive for \to
+ {\edef#1{\convertedcommand#2}}
+\long\def\gdefconvertedargument#1#2% less sensitive for \to
+ {\long\gdef#1{#2}% saves a restore
+ \xdef#1{\convertedcommand#1}}
+\long\def\gdefconvertedcommand#1#2% less sensitive for \to
+ {\xdef#1{\convertedcommand#2}}
+ {\expandafter\convertcommand\csname#1\endcsname\to}
+\def\defconvertedvalue#1#2% less sensitive for \to
+ {\@EA\defconvertedcommand\@EA#1\csname#2\endcsname}
+%D \macros
+%D {doifassignmentelse}
+%D A lot of \CONTEXT\ commands take optional arguments, for
+%D instance:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \dothisorthat[alfa,beta]
+%D \dothisorthat[first=foo,second=bar]
+%D \dothisorthat[alfa,beta][first=foo,second=bar]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Although a combined solution is possible, we prefer a
+%D seperation. The next command takes care of propper
+%D handling of such multi||faced commands.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \doifassignmentelse {...} {then ...} {else ...}
+%D \stoptyping
+% not robust
+% \def\doifassignmentelse%
+% {\doifinstringelse{=}}
+% readable
+% \def\doifassignmentelse#1%
+% {\convertargument#1\to\ascii
+% \doifinstringelse{=}{\ascii}}
+ {\convertargument#1\to\ascii
+ \doifinstringelse=\ascii}
+%D \macros
+%D {convertasciiafter}
+%D Sometimes we need to convert an argument to a string (letters
+%D only), for instance when we compare it with another string:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \convertasciiafter\doifinstringelse{em}{\ascii}{...}
+%D \stoptyping
+ {\convertargument#2\to\asciiafter
+ \@EA#1\@EA{\asciiafter}}
+%D In \ETEX\ we can use \type {\detokenize} and gain some
+%D speed, but in general far less that 1\% for \type
+%D {\convertargument} and nil for \type {\convertcommand}.
+%D This macro is more robust than the pure \TEX\ one,
+%D something I found out when primitives like \type
+%D {\jobname} were fed (or something undefined).
+% command variant: one level expansion !
+\beginETEX \detokenize
+\long\def\convertcommand #1\to#2{\dodoglobal\edef#2{\@EA\detokenize\@EA{#1}}} % hm, only second is also ok
+\long\def\defconvertedargument #1#2{\edef#1{\detokenize {#2}}}
+\long\def\defconvertedcommand #1#2{\edef#1{\detokenize\@EA{#2}}}
+ \edef#1{\detokenize\@EA{#1}}}
+\long\def\gdefconvertedargument#1#2{\xdef#1{\detokenize {#2}}}
+\long\def\gdefconvertedcommand #1#2{\xdef#1{\detokenize\@EA{#2}}}
+ \xdef#1{\detokenize\@EA{#1}}}
+%D When you try to convert a primitive command, you'll find
+%D out that the \ETEX\ method fails on for instance \type
+%D {\jobname} in the sense that it returns the filename
+%D instead of just \type {\jobname}. So far this does not
+%D give real problems.
+%D This is typically a macro that one comes to after reading
+%D the \TEX book carefully. Even then, the definite solution
+%D was found after rereading the \TEX book. The first
+%D implementation was:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\doconvertargument#1->#2\\\\{#2}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The \type{-}, the delimiter \type{\\\\} and the the second
+%D argument are completely redundant.
+%D \macros
+%D {showvalue,showargument}
+%D Two handy macros for testing purposes only:
+ {\expandafter\show\csname#1\endcsname}
+ {\ifcsname#1\endcsname
+ \expandafter\show\csname#1\endcsname
+ \else
+ \show\undefined
+ \fi}
+ {\defconvertedargument\ascii{#1}\ascii}
+%D \macros
+%D {doifmeaningelse}
+%D We can use both commands in testing, but alas, not all
+%D meanings expand to something \type {->}. This is no problem
+%D in the \ETEX\ implementation, but since we want
+%D compatibility, we need:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \doifmeaningelse {\next} {\something} {true} {false}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Watch the one level expansion of the second argument.
+ {\edef\!!stringa{\meaning#1}%
+ \def\!!stringb{#2}\edef\!!stringb{\meaning\!!stringb}%
+ \ifx\!!stringa\!!stringb
+ \expandafter\firstoftwoarguments
+ \else
+ \expandafter\secondoftwoarguments
+ \fi}
+%D \macros
+%D {doifsamestringselse,doifsamestring,doifnotsamestring}
+%D The next comparison macro converts the arguments into
+%D expanded strings. This command can be used to compare for
+%D instance \type {\jobname} with a name stored in a macro.
+ {\edef\!!stringa{#1}%
+ \edef\!!stringb{#2}%
+ \convertcommand\!!stringa\to\!!stringa
+ \convertcommand\!!stringb\to\!!stringb
+ \ifx\!!stringa\!!stringb}
+ {\@@doifsamestringelse{#1}{#2}%
+ \expandafter\firstoftwoarguments
+ \else
+ \expandafter\secondoftwoarguments
+ \fi}
+ {\@@doifsamestringelse{#1}{#2}%
+ \expandafter\firstofoneargument
+ \else
+ \expandafter\gobbleoneargument
+ \fi}
+ {\@@doifsamestringelse{#1}{#2}%
+ \expandafter\gobbleoneargument
+ \else
+ \expandafter\firstofoneargument
+ \fi}
+%D \macros
+%D {ExpandFirstAfter,ExpandSecondAfter,ExpandBothAfter}
+%D These three commands support expansion of arguments before
+%D executing the commands that uses them. We can best
+%D illustrate this with an example.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\first {alfa,beta,gamma}
+%D \def\second {alfa,epsilon,zeta}
+%D \ExpandFirstAfter \doifcommon {\first} {alfa} {\message{OK}}
+%D \ExpandSecondAfter \doifcommon {alfa} {\second} {\message{OK}}
+%D \ExpandBothAfter \doifcommon {\first} {\second} {\message{OK}}
+%D \ExpandFirstAfter\processcommalist[\first]\message
+%D \ExpandAfter \doifcommon {\first} {alfa} {\message{OK}}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The first three calls result in the threefold message
+%D \type{OK}, the fourth one shows the three elements of
+%D \type{\first}. The command \type{\ExpandFirstAfter} takes
+%D care of (first) arguments that are delimited by \type{[ ]},
+%D but the faster \type{\ExpandAfter} does not.
+ {\long\xdef\@@expanded{\noexpand\ExpandCommand{#1}}\@@expanded}
+ {\long\xdef\@@expanded{\noexpand\ExpandCommand[#1]}\@@expanded}
+ {\let\ExpandCommand#1%
+ \doifnextoptionalelse\complexExpandFirstAfter\simpleExpandFirstAfter}
+ {\scratchtoks{#2}%
+ \long\xdef\@@expanded{\noexpand#1{\the\scratchtoks}{#3}}\@@expanded}
+ {\long\xdef\@@expanded{\noexpand#1{#2}{#3}}\@@expanded}
+ {\long\xdef\@@expanded{\noexpand#1{#2}}\@@expanded}
+%D Now we can for instance define \type{\ifinstringelse} as:
+ {\ExpandBothAfter\p!doifinstringelse}
+%D \macros
+%D {ConvertToConstant,ConvertConstantAfter}
+%D When comparing arguments with a constant, we can get into
+%D trouble when this argument consists of tricky expandable
+%D commands. One solution for this is converting the
+%D argument to a string of unexpandable characters. To make
+%D comparison possible, we have to convert the constant too
+%D \starttyping
+%D \ConvertToConstant\doifelse {...} {...} {then ...} {else ...}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D This construction is only needed when the first argument
+%D can give troubles. Misuse can slow down processing.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \ConvertToConstant\doifelse{\c!alfa} {\c!alfa}{...}{...}
+%D \ConvertToConstant\doifelse{alfa} {\c!alfa}{...}{...}
+%D \ConvertToConstant\doifelse{alfa} {alfa} {...}{...}
+%D \ConvertToConstant\doifelse{alfa \alfa test}{\c!alfa}{...}{...}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D In examples~2 and~3 both arguments equal, in~1 and~4
+%D they differ.
+ {\expandafter\defconvertedargument\expandafter\!!stringa\expandafter{#2}%
+ \expandafter\defconvertedargument\expandafter\!!stringb\expandafter{#3}%
+ #1{\!!stringa}{\!!stringb}}
+\beginETEX \detokenize
+ {\edef\!!stringa{\expandafter\detokenize\expandafter{#2}}%
+ \edef\!!stringb{\expandafter\detokenize\expandafter{#3}}%
+ #1{\!!stringa}{\!!stringb}}
+%D When the argument \type{#1} consists of commands, we had
+%D better use
+%D \starttyping
+%D \ConvertConstantAfter\processaction[#1][...]
+%D \ConvertConstantAfter\doifelse{#1}{\v!something}{}{}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D This commands accepts things like:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \v!constant
+%D constant
+%D \hbox to \hsize{\rubish}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D As we will see in the core modules, this macro permits
+%D constructions like:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \setupfootertexts[...][...]
+%D \setupfootertexts[margin][...][...]
+%D \setupfootertexts[\v!margin][...][...]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D where \type{...} can be anything legally \TEX.
+ {\@EA\convertargument\v!prefix!\to\ascii
+ \convertargument#1\to#2\relax
+ \doifinstringelse\ascii{#2}
+ {\expandafter\convertargument#1\to#2}
+ {}}
+ {\CheckConstantAfter{#2}\asciia
+ \CheckConstantAfter{#3}\asciib
+ #1{\asciia}{\asciib}}
+%D \macros
+%D {assignifempty}
+%D We can assign a default value to an empty macro using:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \assignifempty \macros {default value}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D We don't explicitly test if the macro is defined.
+\def\assignifempty#1#2% can be sped up
+ {\doifsomething{#1}{\def#1{#2}}} % {\doifnot{#1}{}{\def#1{#2}}}
+%D \macros
+%D {gobbleuntil,grabuntil,gobbleuntilrelax,
+%D processbetween,processuntil}
+%D In \TEX\ gobbling usually stand for skipping arguments, so
+%D here are our gobbling macros.
+%D In \CONTEXT\ we use a lot of \type{\start}||\type{\stop}
+%D like constructions. Sometimes, the \type{\stop} is used as a
+%D hard coded delimiter like in:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\startcommand#1\stopcommand%
+%D {... #1 ...}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D In many cases the \type{\start}||\type{\stop} pair is
+%D defined at format generation time or during a job. This
+%D means that we cannot hardcode the \type{\stop} criterium.
+%D Only after completely understanding \type{\csname} and
+%D \type{\expandafter} I was able to to implement a solution,
+%D starting with:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \grabuntil{stop}\command
+%D \stoptyping
+%D This commands executes, after having encountered
+%D \type {\stop} the command \type {\command}. This command
+%D receives as argument the text preceding the \type {\stop}.
+%D This means that:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\starthello%
+%D {\grabuntil{stophello}\message}
+%D \starthello Hello world!\stophello
+%D \stoptyping
+%D results in: \type{\message{Hello world!}}.
+ {\long\def\next##1#1{#2{##1}}\next}
+ {\expandafter\dograbuntil\expandafter{\csname#1\endcsname}}
+%D The next command build on this mechanism:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \processbetween{string}\command
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Here:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \processbetween{hello}\message
+%D \starthello Hello again!\stophello
+%D \stoptyping
+%D leads to: \type{\message{Hello again!}}. The command
+%D \starttyping
+%D \gobbleuntil{sequence}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D is related to these commands. This one simply throws away
+%D everything preceding \type{\command}.
+ {\setvalue{\s!start#1}{\grabuntil{\s!stop#1}{#2}}}
+ {\long\def\next##1#1{}\next}
+ {}
+%D The next one simply expands the pickup up tokens.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \processuntil{sequence}
+%D \stoptyping
+ {\long\def\next##1#1{##1}\next}
+%D \macros
+%D {groupedcommand}
+%D Commands often manipulate argument as in:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\doezomaarwat#1{....#1....}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D A disadvantage of this approach is that the tokens that
+%D form \type{#1} are fixed the the moment the argument is read
+%D in. Normally this is no problem, but for instance verbatim
+%D environments adapt the \CATCODES\ of characters and therefore
+%D are not always happy with already fixed tokens.
+%D Another problem arises when the argument is grouped not by
+%D \type{{}} but by \type{\bgroup} and \type{\egroup}. Such an
+%D argument fails, because the \type{\bgroup} is een as the
+%D argument (which is quite normal).
+%D The next macro offers a solution for both unwanted
+%D situations:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \groupedcommand {before} {after}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Which can be used like:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\cite%
+%D {\groupedcommand{\rightquote\rightquote}{\leftquote\leftquote}}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D This command is equivalent to, but more 'robust' than:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\cite#1%
+%D {\rightquote\rightquote#1\leftquote\leftquote}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D One should say that the next implementation would suffice:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\groupedcommand#1#2%
+%D {\def\BeforeGroup{#1\ignorespaces}%
+%D \def\AfterGroup{\unskip#2\egroup}%
+%D \bgroup\bgroup
+%D \aftergroup\AfterGroup
+%D \afterassignment\BeforeGroup
+%D \let\next=}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D It did indeed, but one day we decided to support the
+%D processing of boxes too:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\rightword%
+%D {\groupedcommand{\hfill\hbox}{\parfillskip\!!zeropoint}}
+%D .......... \rightword{the right way}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Here \TEX\ typesets \type{\bf the right way} unbreakable
+%D at the end of the line. The solution mentioned before does
+%D not work here.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \long\unexpanded\def\groupedcommand#1#2%
+%D {\bgroup
+%D \long\def\BeforeGroup%
+%D {\bgroup#1\bgroup\aftergroup\AfterGroup}%
+%D \long\def\AfterGroup%
+%D {#2\egroup\egroup}%
+%D \afterassignment\BeforeGroup
+%D \let\next=}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D We used this method some time until the next alternative
+%D was needed. From now on we support both
+%D \starttyping
+%D to be \bold{bold} or not, that's the question
+%D \stoptyping
+%D and
+%D \starttyping
+%D to be {\bold bold} or not, that's the question
+%D \stoptyping
+%D This alternative checks for a \type{\bgroup} token first.
+%D The internal alternative does not accept the box handling
+%D mentioned before, but further nesting works all right. The
+%D extra \type{\bgroup}||\type{\egroup} is needed to keep
+%D \type{\AfterGroup} both into sight and local.
+ {\bgroup
+ \long\def\BeforeGroup{\bgroup#1\bgroup\aftergroup\AfterGroup}%
+ \long\def\AfterGroup {#2\egroup\egroup}%
+ \afterassignment\BeforeGroup
+ \let\next=}
+\long\def\HandleSimpleGroup#1#2% no inner group (so no kerning interference)
+ {\bgroup
+ %long\def\BeforeGroup{\bgroup#1\aftergroup\AfterGroup}% interferes
+ \long\def\BeforeGroup{\bgroup\aftergroup\AfterGroup#1}%
+ \long\def\AfterGroup {#2\egroup}%
+ \afterassignment\BeforeGroup
+ \let\next=}
+ {\long\def\AfterGroup{#2\egroup}%
+ \bgroup\aftergroup\AfterGroup#1}
+%D These macros come together in:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \long\unexpanded\def\groupedcommand#1#2%
+%D {\def\dogroupedcommand%
+%D {\ifx\next\bgroup
+%D \let\next=\HandleGroup
+%D \else
+%D \let\next=\HandleNoGroup
+%D \fi
+%D \next{#1}{#2}}%
+%D \futurelet\next\dogroupedcommand}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D From the missing paragraph number one can deduce that the
+%D last macro is not the real one yet. I considered it a
+%D nuisance that
+%D \starttyping
+%D \color[green]
+%D {as grass}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D was not interpreted as one would expect. This is due to the
+%D fact that \type{\futurelet} obeys blank spaces, and a
+%D line||ending token is treated as a blank space. So the final
+%D implementation became:
+% {\bgroup
+% \def\dogroupedcommand%
+% {\ifx\next\bgroup
+% \def\\{\egroup\HandleGroup{#1}{#2}}%
+% \else\ifx\next\blankspace
+% \def\\ {\egroup\groupedcommand{#1}{#2}}%
+% \else
+% \def\\{\egroup\HandleNoGroup{#1}{#2}}%
+% \fi\fi
+% \\}%
+% \futurelet\next\dogroupedcommand}
+% compatible ?
+ {\doifnextbgroupelse{\HandleGroup{#1}{#2}}{\HandleNoGroup{#1}{#2}}}
+ {\doifnextbgroupelse{\HandleSimpleGroup{#1}{#2}}{\HandleNoGroup{#1}{#2}}}
+%D Users should be aware of the fact that grouping can
+%D interfere with ones paragraph settings that are executed
+%D after the paragraph is closed. One should therefore
+%D explictly close the paragraph with \type{\par}, else the
+%D settings will be forgotten and not applied. So it's:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\BoldRaggedCenter%
+%D {\groupedcommand{\raggedcenter\bf}{\par}}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D \macros
+%D {checkdefined}
+%D The bigger the system, the greater the change that
+%D user defined commands collide with those that are part of
+%D the system. The next macro gives a warning when a command is
+%D already defined. We considered blocking the definition, but
+%D this is not always what we want.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \checkdefined {category} {class} {command}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The user is warned with the suggestion to use
+%D \type{CAPITALS}. This suggestion is feasible, because
+%D \CONTEXT only defines lowcased macros.
+ {\writestatus\m!systems{#1 #2 replaces a macro, use CAPITALS!}}
+ {\doifdefined{#3}{\showdefinederror{#2}{#3}}}
+%D \macros
+%D {GotoPar,GetPar}
+%D Typesetting a paragraph in a special way can be done by
+%D first grabbing the contents of the paragraph and processing
+%D this contents grouped. The next macro for instance typesets
+%D a paragraph in boldface.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\remark#1\par%
+%D {\bgroup\bf#1\egroup}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D This macro has to be called like
+%D \starttyping
+%D \remark some text ... ending with \par
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Instead of \type{\par} we can of course use an empty line.
+%D When we started typesetting with \TEX, we already had
+%D produced lots of text in plain \ASCII. In producing such
+%D simple formatted texts, we adopted an open layout, and when
+%D switching to \TEX, we continued this open habit. Although
+%D \TEX\ permits a cramped and badly formatted source, it adds
+%D to confusion and sometimes introduces errors. So we prefer:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \remark
+%D some text ... ending with an empty line
+%D \stoptyping
+%D We are going to implement a mechanism that allows such open
+%D specifications. The definition of the macro handling
+%D \type{\remark} becomes:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\remark%
+%D {\BeforePar{\bgroup\bf}%
+%D \AfterPar{\egroup}%
+%D \GetPar}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D A macro like \type{\GetPar} can be defined in several
+%D ways. The recent version, the fourth one in a row,
+%D originally was far more complicated, but some functionality
+%D has been moved to other macros.
+%D We start with the more simple but in some cases more
+%D appropriate alternative is \type{\GotoPar}. This one leaves
+%D \type{\par} unchanged and is therefore more robust. On the
+%D other hand, \type{\AfterPar} is not supported.
+%D The original definition was:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\doGotoPar
+%D {\ifx\nextchar\blankspace
+%D \@EA\GotoPar
+%D \else\ifx\nextchar\endoflinetoken
+%D \@EAEAEA\GotoPar
+%D \else
+%D \@EAEAEA\dodoGotoPar
+%D \fi\fi}
+%D \def\dodoGotoPar
+%D {\the\BeforePar
+%D \BeforePar\emptytoks
+%D \nextchar}
+%D \def\GotoPar
+%D {\afterassignment\doGotoPar\let\nextchar=}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Its big brother \type{\GetPar} redefines the \type{\par}
+%D primitive, which can lead to unexpected results, depending
+%D in the context.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\GetPar
+%D {\expanded
+%D {\BeforePar
+%D {\the\BeforePar
+%D \BeforePar\emptytoks
+%D \bgroup
+%D \def\par
+%D {\egroup
+%D \par
+%D \the\AfterPar
+%D \BeforePar\emptytoks
+%D \AfterPar\emptytoks}}}%
+%D \GotoPar}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D However, we can implement a better alternative by using:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\dowithpar#1#2%
+%D {\def\handlepar##1\par{#1##1#2}%
+%D \def\gobblepar\par{\dowithpar{#1}{#2}}%
+%D \doifnextcharelse\par\gobblepar\handlepar}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Or, nicer
+ {\doifnextcharelse\par\redowithpar\dodowithpar}%
+ {\def\dodowithpar##1\par{#1##1#2}%
+ \redowithpar\par}
+ {\doifnextcharelse\par\redogotopar\dodogotopar}%
+ {\def\dodogotopar{#1}%
+ \redogotopar\par}
+%D The previosuly defined macros now become:
+ {\expanded
+ {\dowithpar
+ {\the\BeforePar
+ \BeforePar\emptytoks}
+ {\the\AfterPar
+ \BeforePar\emptytoks
+ \AfterPar\emptytoks}}}
+ {\expanded
+ {\dogotopar
+ {\the\BeforePar
+ \BeforePar\emptytoks}}}
+%D \macros
+%D {dowithpargument,dowithwargument}
+%D The next macros are a variation on \type{\GetPar}. When
+%D macros expect an argument, it interprets a grouped sequence
+%D of characters a one token. While this adds to robustness and
+%D less ambiguous situations, we sometimes want to be a bit
+%D more flexible, or at least want to be a bit more tolerant
+%D to user input.
+%D We start with a commands that acts on paragraphs. This
+%D command is called as:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \dowithpargument\command
+%D \dowithpargument{\command ... }
+%D \stoptyping
+%D In \CONTEXT\ we use this one to read in the titles of
+%D chapters, sections etc. The commands responsible for these
+%D activities accept several alternative ways of argument
+%D passing. In these examples, the \type{\par} can be omitted
+%D when an empty line is present.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \command{...}
+%D \command ... \par
+%D \command
+%D {...}
+%D \command
+%D ... \par
+%D \stoptyping
+%D We show two implementations, of which for the moment the
+%D we prefier to use the second one:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\dowithpargument#1%
+%D {\def\dodowithpargument%
+%D {\ifx\next\bgroup
+%D \def\next{#1}%
+%D \else
+%D \def\next####1 \par{#1{####1}}%
+%D \fi
+%D \next}%
+%D \futurelet\next\dodowithpargument}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D A second and better implementation was:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\dowithpargument#1%
+%D {\def\nextpar##1 \par{#1{##1}}%
+%D \def\nextarg##1{#1{##1}}%
+%D \doifnextcharelse\bgroup
+%D {\nextarg}
+%D {\nextpar}}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D We ended up with an alternative that also accepts en empty
+%D argument. This command permits for instance chapters to
+%D have no title.
+% {\def\nextpar##1 \par{#1{##1}}%
+% \def\nextarg##1{#1{##1}}%
+% \doifnextcharelse\bgroup
+% {\nextarg}
+% {\doifnextcharelse{\par}
+% {#1{}}
+% {\nextpar}}}
+ {\def\nextpar##1 \par{#1{##1}}%
+ \def\nextarg##1{#1{##1}}%
+ \doifnextbgroupelse\nextarg{\doifnextcharelse\par{#1{}}\nextpar}}
+%D The \type{p} in the previous command stands for paragraph.
+%D When we want to act upon words we can use the \type{w}
+%D alternative.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \dowithwargument\command
+%D \dowithwargument{... \command ...}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The main difference bwteen two alternatives is in the
+%D handling of \type{\par}'s. This time the space token acts
+%D as a delimiter.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \command{...}
+%D \command ...
+%D \command
+%D {...}
+%D \command
+%D ...
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Again there are two implementations possible:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\dowithwargument#1%
+%D {\def\dodowithwargument%
+%D {\ifx\next\bgroup
+%D \def\next{#1}%
+%D \else
+%D \def\next####1 {#1{####1}}%
+%D \fi
+%D \next}%
+%D \futurelet\next\dodowithwargument}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D We've chosen:
+% {\def\nextwar##1 {#1{##1}}%
+% \def\nextarg##1{#1{##1}}%
+% \doifnextcharelse\bgroup
+% {\nextarg}
+% {\nextwar}}
+ {\def\nextwar##1 {#1{##1}}%
+ \def\nextarg##1{#1{##1}}%
+ \doifnextbgroupelse\nextarg\nextwar}
+%D \macros
+%D {dorepeat,dorepeatwithcommand}
+%D When doing repetitive tasks, we stromgly advice to use
+%D \type{\dorecurse}. The next alternative however, suits
+%D better some of the \CONTEXT\ interface commands.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \dorepeat[n*\command]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The value of the used \COUNTER\ can be called within
+%D \type{\command} by \type{\repeater}.
+%D A slightly different alternative is:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \dorepeatwithcommand[n*{...}]\command
+%D \stoptyping
+%D When we call for something like:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \dorepeatwithcommand[3*{Hello}]\message
+%D \stoptyping
+%D we get ourselves three \type{\message{Hello}} messages in
+%D a row. In both commands, the \type{n*} is optional. When this
+%D specification is missing, the command executes once.
+% this one is obsolete:
+ {\dodorepeat#1*\empty*\relax}
+ {\ifx#2\empty#1\else\dorecurse{#1}{#2#3}\fi}
+ {\recurselevel}
+% this one will be kept
+ {\dodorepeatwithcommand#1*\empty*\relax}
+% \long\def\dodorepeatwithcommand#1*#2#3*#4\relax#5%
+% {\ifx#2\empty
+% #5{#1}%
+% \else
+% \dorecurse{#1}{#5{#2#3}}%
+% \fi}
+% more complex but better:
+% \long\def\dodorepeatwithcommand#1*#2#3*#4\relax#5%
+% {\ifx#2\empty
+% #5{#1}%
+% \else\ifnum#1<\zerocount
+% % a la etex
+% % \dorecurse{-\numexpr(#1)}{#5{-#2#3}}%
+% % indirect
+% %\innerrecurse#1%
+% %\expanded{\dorecurse{\number-\innerrecurse}}{#5{-#2#3}}%
+% % safer:
+% \bgroup\scratchcounter#1%
+% \expanded{\egroup\noexpand\dorecurse{\number-\scratchcounter}}{#5{-#2#3}}%
+% \else\ifx#2+%
+% \dorecurse{#1}{#5{#3}}%
+% \else
+% \dorecurse{#1}{#5{#2#3}}%
+% \fi\fi\fi}
+ {\dodorepeatwithcommand#1*\empty*\relax}
+ {\ifx#2\empty\redorepeatwithcommand[#1]#5\else\dododorepeatwithcommand{#1}{#2}{#3}#5\fi}
+ {\ifx#2\empty % redundant but gives cleaner extensions
+ #4{#1}%
+ \else\ifnum#1<\zerocount
+ \bgroup\scratchcounter#1%
+ \expanded{\egroup\noexpand\dorecurse{\number-\scratchcounter}}{#4{-#2#3}}%
+ \else\ifx#2+%
+ \dorecurse{#1}{#4{#3}}%
+ \else
+ \dorecurse{#1}{#4{#2#3}}%
+ \fi\fi\fi}
+ {#2{#1}}
+%D The extension hook permits something like:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \bgroup
+%D \catcode`\*=\@@superscript
+%D \gdef\redorepeatwithcommand[#1]%
+%D {\redodorepeatwithcommand#1*\empty*\relax}
+%D \long\gdef\redodorepeatwithcommand#1*#2#3*#4\relax#5%
+%D {\dododorepeatwithcommand{#1}{#2}{#3}#5}
+%D \egroup
+%D \stoptyping
+%D although one may wonder if changing the catcode of \type {*} is wise.
+%D \macros
+%D {normalbgroup,normalgroup}
+%D No comment.
+%D \macros
+%D {doifstringinstringelse}
+%D The next macro is meant for situations where both strings
+%D are macros. This save some unneeded expansion.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \long\def\doifstringinstringelse#1#2%
+%D {\p!doifinstringelse#1#2%
+%D \@EA\firstoftwoarguments
+%D \else
+%D \@EA\secondoftwoarguments
+%D \fi}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D A bit faster is:
+ {\if#1@%
+ \@EA\secondoftwoarguments
+ \else
+ \@EA\firstoftwoarguments
+ \fi}
+ {\long\@EA\def\@EA\p!doifstringinstringelse\@EA##\@EA1#1##2##3\war
+ {\pp!doifstringinstringelse##2}%
+ \@EA\@EA\@EA\p!doifstringinstringelse\@EA#2#1@@\war}
+%D \macros
+%D {appendtoks,prependtoks,appendtoksonce,prependtoksonce,
+%D doifintokselse,flushtoks,dotoks}
+%D We use \TOKENLISTS\ sparsely within \CONTEXT, because the
+%D comma separated lists are more suitable for the user
+%D interface. Nevertheless we have:
+%D \starttyping
+%D (\doglobal) \appendtoks ... \to\tokenlist
+%D (\doglobal) \prependtoks ... \to\tokenlist
+%D (\doglobal) \flushtoks\tokenlist
+%D \dotoks\tokenlist
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Er worden eerst enkele klad||registers gedefinieerd. These
+%D macros are clones of the ones implemented in page~378 of
+%D Knuth's \TeX book.
+%D A simple implementation, one that does not handle braces
+%D at the outer level, is:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\appendtoks#1\to#2%
+%D {\scratchtoks={#1}%
+%D \expanded{\dodoglobal\noexpand#2{\the#2\the\scratchtoks}}}
+%D \def\prependtoks#1\to#2%
+%D {\scratchtoks={#1}%
+%D \expanded{\dodoglobal\noexpand#2{\the\scratchtoks\the#2}}}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D But here we prefer:
+% before we had the once only alternatives, we had:
+% \def\appendtoks {\doappendtoks \relax}
+% \def\prependtoks{\doprependtoks\relax}
+% \long\def\doappendtoks#1\to#2%
+% {\@@scratchtoks\@EA{\gobbleoneargument#1}%
+% \expanded{\dodoglobal\noexpand#2{\the#2\the\@@scratchtoks}}}
+% \long\def\doprependtoks#1\to#2%
+% {\@@scratchtoks\@EA{\gobbleoneargument#1}%
+% \expanded{\dodoglobal\noexpand#2{\the\@@scratchtoks\the#2}}}
+\def\appendtoks {\doappendtoks \relax}
+\def\prependtoks {\doprependtoks \relax}
+\def\appendtoksonce {\doappendtoksonce \relax}
+% \def\dodoappendtoks#1%
+% {\expanded{\dodoglobal\noexpand#1{\the#1\the\@@scratchtoks}}}
+% \def\dodoprependtoks#1%
+% {\expanded{\dodoglobal\noexpand#1{\the\@@scratchtoks\the#1}}}
+% \long\def\doappendtoks#1\to%
+% {\@@scratchtoks\@EA{\gobbleoneargument#1}\dodoappendtoks}
+% \long\def\doprependtoks#1\to%
+% {\@@scratchtoks\@EA{\gobbleoneargument#1}\dodoprependtoks}
+% \long\def\doappendtoksonce#1\to#2%
+% {\@@scratchtoks\@EA{\gobbleoneargument#1}%
+% \doifintokselse\@@scratchtoks{#2}{}{\dodoappendtoks{#2}}}
+% \long\def\doprependtoksonce#1\to#2%
+% {\@@scratchtoks\@EA{\gobbleoneargument#1}%
+% \doifintokselse\@@scratchtoks{#2}{}{\dodoprependtoks{#2}}}
+% A slightly (but in the case of large arguments
+% significantly) faster alternative is given below:
+ {\dodoglobal\@@toks\@EAEAEA{\@EA\the\@EA\@@toks\the\@@scratchtoks}}
+ {\dodoglobal\@@toks\@EAEAEA{\@EA\the\@EA\@@scratchtoks\the\@@toks}}
+ {\def\@@toks{#2}%
+ \@@scratchtoks\@EA{\gobbleoneargument#1}\dodoappendtoks}
+ {\def\@@toks{#2}%
+ \@@scratchtoks\@EA{\gobbleoneargument#1}\dodoprependtoks}
+ {\def\@@toks{#2}%
+ \@@scratchtoks\@EA{\gobbleoneargument#1}%
+ \doifintokselse\@@scratchtoks\@@toks\donothing\dodoappendtoks}
+ {\def\@@toks{#2}%
+ \@@scratchtoks\@EA{\gobbleoneargument#1}%
+ \doifintokselse\@@scratchtoks\@@toks\donothing\dodoprependtoks}
+%D The test macro:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\doifintokselse#1#2% #1 en #2 zijn toks
+%D {\edef\!!stringa{\the#1}\convertcommand\!!stringa\to\asciia
+%D \edef\!!stringb{\the#2}\convertcommand\!!stringb\to\asciib
+%D \doifinstringelse\asciia\asciib}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Better:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\doifintokselse#1#2% #1 en #2 zijn toks
+%D {\edef\!!stringa{\the#1}\convertcommand\!!stringa\to\asciia
+%D \edef\!!stringb{\the#2}\convertcommand\!!stringb\to\asciib
+%D \doifstringinstringelse\asciia\asciib}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Even better:
+ \def\doifintokselse#1#2% #1 en #2 zijn toks
+ {\@EA\convertargument\the#1\to\asciia
+ \@EA\convertargument\the#2\to\asciib
+ \doifstringinstringelse\asciia\asciib}
+ \def\doifintokselse#1#2% #1 en #2 zijn toks
+ {\edef\asciia{\the#1}\convertcommand\asciia\to\asciia
+ \edef\asciib{\the#2}\convertcommand\asciib\to\asciib
+ \doifstringinstringelse\asciia\asciib}
+%D Also:
+\def\appendetoks #1\to{\expanded{\appendtoks #1}\to}
+%D Hm.
+\def\flushtoks#1% nb: can reassing to #1 again, hence the indirectness
+ {\@@scratchtoks#1\relax
+ \dodoglobal#1\emptytoks
+ \the\@@scratchtoks\relax}
+%D \macros
+%D {makecounter,pluscounter,minuscounter,
+%D resetcounter,setcounter,countervalue}
+%D Declaring, setting and resetting \COUNTERS\ can be doen
+%D with the next set of commands.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \makecounter {name}
+%D \pluscounter {name}
+%D \minuscounter {name}
+%D \resetcounter {name}
+%D \setcounter {name} {value}
+%D \countervalue {name}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D We prefer the use of global counters. This means that we
+%D have to load \PLAIN\ \TEX\ in a bit different way:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \let\oldouter=\outer
+%D \let\outer=\relax
+%D \input plain.tex
+%D \let\outer=\oldouter
+%D \def\newcount%
+%D {\alloc@0\count\countdef\insc@unt}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D First we show a solution in which we use real \COUNTERS.
+%D Apart from some expansion, nothing special is done.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\makecounter#1%
+%D {\expandafter\newcount\csname#1\endcsname}
+%D \def\pluscounter#1%
+%D {\global\advance\csname#1\endcsname by 1 }
+%D \def\minuscounter#1%
+%D {\global\advance\csname#1\endcsname by -1 }
+%D \def\resetcounter#1%
+%D {\expandafter\global\csname#1\endcsname=0 }
+%D \def\setcounter#1#2%
+%D {\expandafter\global\csname#1\endcsname=#2 }
+%D \def\countervalue#1%
+%D {\the\getvalue{#1}}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Because these macros are already an indirect way of working
+%D with counters, there is no harm in using pseudo \COUNTERS\
+%D here:
+ {\letgvalue{#1}\zerocountervalue} % see earlier
+% \def\countervalue#1%
+% {\getvalue{#1}}
+ {\scratchcounter\getvalue{#1}%
+ \advance\scratchcounter \plusone
+ \setxvalue{#1}{\the\scratchcounter}}
+ {\scratchcounter\getvalue{#1}%
+ \advance\scratchcounter \minusone
+ \setxvalue{#1}{\the\scratchcounter}}
+ {\letgvalue{#1}\zerocountervalue}
+\def\setcounter#1#2% or: \setxvalue{#1}{\number#2}
+ {\scratchcounter#2%
+ \setxvalue{#1}{\the\scratchcounter}}
+\def\incrementcounter#1#2% #1 name #2 value
+ {\setxvalue{#1}{\the\numexpr\csname#1\endcsname+#2\relax}}
+\def\decrementcounter#1#2% #1 name #2 value
+ {\setxvalue{#1}{\the\numexpr\csname#1\endcsname-#2\relax}}
+%D \macros
+%D {savecounter,restorecounter}
+%D These two commands can be used to save and restore counter
+%D values. Only one level is saved.
+ {{\scratchcounter\getvalue {#1}\setxvalue{!#1}{\the\scratchcounter}}}
+ {{\scratchcounter\getvalue{!#1}\setxvalue {#1}{\the\scratchcounter}}}
+% == {\setxvalue{#1}{\getvalue{!#1}}}
+%D The next \ETEX\ based solution is some 15\% faster, which
+%D goes unnoticed in any normal run, simply because these
+%D macros are not used milions of times.
+\beginETEX \numexpr
+ {\global\@EA\let\csname#1\endcsname\zerocountervalue} % see earlier
+ {\ifcsname#1\endcsname\csname#1\endcsname\fi}
+ {\@EA\xdef\csname#1\endcsname{\the\numexpr\csname#1\endcsname+\plusone\relax}}
+ {\@EA\xdef\csname#1\endcsname{\the\numexpr\csname#1\endcsname-\plusone\relax}}
+ {\global\@EA\let\csname#1\endcsname\zerocountervalue}
+ {\@EA\xdef\csname#1\endcsname{\the\numexpr#2\relax}}
+ {\@EA\xdef\csname !#1\endcsname{\the\numexpr\csname#1\endcsname\relax}}
+ {\@EA\xdef\csname#1\endcsname{\the\numexpr\csname !#1\endcsname\relax}}
+%D \macros
+%D {beforesplitstring,aftersplitstring}
+%D These both commands split a string at a given point in two
+%D parts, so \type{x.y} becomes \type{x} or \type{y}.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \beforesplitstring test.tex\at.\to\filename
+%D \aftersplitstring test.tex\at.\to\extension
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The first routine looks (and is indeed) a bit simpler than
+%D the second one. The alternative looking more or less like
+%D the first one did not always give the results we needed.
+%D Both implementations show some insight in the manipulation
+%D of arguments.
+ {\def\dosplitstring##1#2##2#2##3\\%
+ {\def#3{##1}}%
+ \@EA\dosplitstring#1#2#2\\}
+ {\def\dosplitstring##1#2##2@@@##3\\%
+ {\def#3{##2}}%
+ \@EA\dosplitstring#1@@@#2@@@\\}
+%D \macros
+%D {splitstring,greedysplitstring}
+%D A bonus macro.
+ {\def\dosplitstring##1#2##2\empty\empty\empty##3\\%
+ {\def#3{##1}%
+ \def\dosplitstring{##3}%
+ \ifx\dosplitstring\empty
+ \let#4\empty
+ \else
+ \def#4{##2}%
+ \fi}%
+ \@EA\dosplitstring#1\empty\empty\empty#2\empty\empty\empty\\}
+% Ok, but not for all cases:
+% \def\greedysplitstring#1\at#2\to#3\and#4%
+% {\edef\asciib{#1}%
+% \let\asciic\asciib
+% \let#3\empty
+% \let#4\empty
+% \doloop
+% {\expandafter\splitstring\asciib\at#2\to\asciia\and\asciib
+% \ifx\asciib\empty
+% \exitloop
+% \else
+% \edef#3{\ifx#3\empty\else#3#2\fi\asciia}%
+% \let#4\asciib
+% \fi}%
+% \ifx#3\empty\let#3\asciic\fi}
+% The next one is some 25\% faster, but it hardly matters because
+% we seldom use this macro.
+% \def\greedysplitstring#1\at#2\to#3\and#4%
+% {\edef\asciib{#1}%
+% \let\asciic\asciib
+% \let#3\empty
+% \let#4\empty
+% \def\dogreedysplitstring
+% {\expandafter\splitstring\asciib\at#2\to\asciia\and\asciib
+% \ifx\asciib\empty
+% \expandafter\dogreedysplitstring
+% \else
+% \edef#3{\ifx#3\empty\else#3#2\fi\asciia}%
+% \let#4\asciib
+% \fi}%
+% \dogreedysplitstring
+% \ifx#3\empty\let#3\asciic\fi}
+% The better alternative:
+ {\edef\asciib{#1}%
+ \let\asciic\asciib
+ \let#3\empty
+ \let#4\empty
+ \doloop
+ {\expandafter\splitstring\asciib\at#2\to\asciia\and\asciib
+ \ifx\asciib\empty
+ \exitloop
+ \else
+ % not \edef#3{\ifx#3\empty\else#3#2\fi\asciia} else
+ % /root/path fails because then #3==empty
+ \edef#3{\ifcase\recurselevel\or\else#3#2\fi\asciia}%
+ \let#4\asciib
+ \fi}%
+ \ifx#3\empty\let#3\asciic\fi}
+%D \macros
+%D {beforetestandsplitstring,
+%D aftertestandsplitstring,
+%D testandsplitstring}
+%D The next alternatives are for Simon Pepping. This time
+%D the result is empty when no split is done.
+% \def\beforetestandsplitstring#1\at#2\to#3%
+% {\def\dosplitstring##1#2##2#2##3\\{\doifelsenothing
+% {##3}{\let#3\empty}{\def#3{##1}}}%
+% \@EA\dosplitstring#1#2#2\\}
+% \def\aftertestandsplitstring#1\at#2\to#3%
+% {\def\dosplitstring ##1#2##2@@@##3\\{\doifelsenothing
+% {##3}{\let#3\empty}{\def#3{##2}}}%
+% \@EA\dosplitstring #1@@@#2@@@\\}
+% \def\testandsplitstring#1\at#2\to#3\and#4%
+% {\def\dosplitstring##1#2##2#2##3\\{\doifelsenothing
+% {##3}{\let#3\empty\let#4\empty}{\def#3{##1}\def#4{##2}}}%
+% \@EA\dosplitstring#1#2#2\\}
+% faster:
+ {\def\dosplitstring##1#2##2#2##3##4\\%
+ {\ifx##3\empty\let#3\empty\else\def#3{##1}\fi}%
+ \@EA\dosplitstring#1#2#2\empty\\}
+ {\def\dosplitstring ##1#2##2@@@##3##4\\%
+ {\ifx##3\empty\let#3\empty\else\def#3{##2}\fi}%
+ \@EA\dosplitstring #1@@@#2@@@\empty\\}
+ {\def\dosplitstring##1#2##2#2##3##4\\%
+ {\ifx##3\empty\let#3\empty\let#4\empty\else\def#3{##1}\def#4{##2}\fi}%
+ \@EA\dosplitstring#1#2#2\empty\\}
+%D \macros
+%D {removesubstring}
+%D A first application of the two routines defined above is:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \removesubstring-\from first-last\to\nothyphenated
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Which in terms of \TEX\ looks like:
+% {\doifinstringelse{#1}{#2}
+% {\beforesplitstring#2\at#1\to\!!stringa
+% \aftersplitstring #2\at#1\to\!!stringb
+% \edef#3{\!!stringa\!!stringb}%
+% \removesubstring#1\from#3\to#3}
+% {}}
+ {\splitstring#2\to\!!stringa\and\!!stringb
+ \dodoglobal#3{\!!stringa\!!stringb}}
+%D \macros
+%D {appendtocommalist,prependtocommalist,
+%D addtocommalist,removefromcommalist}
+%D When working with comma separated lists, one sooner or
+%D later want the tools to append or remove items from such a
+%D list. When we add an item, we first check if it's already
+%D there. This means that every item in the list is unique.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \addtocommalist {alfa} \name
+%D \addtocommalist {beta} \name
+%D \addtocommalist {gamma} \name
+%D \removefromcommalist {beta} \name
+%D \stoptyping
+%D These commands can be prefixed with \type{\doglobal}. The
+%D implementation of the second command is more complecated,
+%D because we have to take leading spaces into account. Keep in
+%D mind that users may provide lists with spaces after the
+%D commas. When one item is left, we also have to get rid of
+%D trailing spaces.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\words{alfa, beta, gamma, delta}
+%D \def\words{alfa,beta,gamma,delta}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Removing an item takes more time than adding one.
+%D A fast appending alternative, without any testing, is
+%D also provided:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \appendtocommalist {something} \name
+%D \prependtocommalist {something} \name
+%D \stoptyping
+%D This can be implemented as follows:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\appendtocommalist#1#2%
+%D {\ifx#2\empty
+%D \dodoglobal\edef#2{#1}%
+%D \else % no test on empty
+%D \dodoglobal\edef#2{#2,#1}%
+%D \fi}
+%D \def\prependtocommalist#1#2%
+%D {\ifx#2\empty
+%D \dodoglobal\edef#2{#1}%
+%D \else % no test on empty
+%D \dodoglobal\edef#2{#1,#2}%
+%D \fi}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The faster alternatives are:
+ {\dodoglobal\edef#2{\ifx#2\empty\else#2,\fi#1}}
+ {\dodoglobal\edef#2{#1\ifx#2\empty\else,#2\fi}}
+%D The old ones are:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\addtocommalist#1#2%
+%D {\ifx#2\empty
+%D \dodoglobal\edef#2{#1}%
+%D \else
+%D \edef\!!stringa{#2,,}%
+%D \beforesplitstring#2\at,,\to#2\relax
+%D \ExpandBothAfter\doifinsetelse{#1}{#2}
+%D {\resetglobal}
+%D {\dodoglobal\edef#2{#2,#1}}%
+%D \fi}
+%D \def\pretocommalist#1#2%
+%D {\ifx#2\empty
+%D \dodoglobal\edef#2{#1}%
+%D \else
+%D \edef\!!stringa{#2,,}%
+%D \beforesplitstring#2\at,,\to#2\relax
+%D \ExpandBothAfter\doifinsetelse{#1}{#2}
+%D {\resetglobal}
+%D {\dodoglobal\edef#2{#1,#2}}%
+%D \fi}
+%D \def\doremovefromcommalist#1#2#3% nog \doglobal
+%D {\edef\!!stringa{,,#3,,}%
+%D \beforesplitstring\!!stringa\at,#1#2,\to\!!stringb
+%D \aftersplitstring\!!stringa\at,#1#2,\to\!!stringc
+%D \edef#3{\!!stringb,\!!stringc}%
+%D \aftersplitstring#3\at,,\to#3\relax
+%D \beforesplitstring#3\at,,\to#3}
+%D \def\removefromcommalist#1#2%
+%D {\doremovefromcommalist{ }{#1}{#2}%
+%D \doremovefromcommalist{}{#1}{#2}%
+%D \dofrontstrip#2%
+%D \dodoglobal\edef#2{#2}}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Significantly faster (especially for longer lists):
+\def\addtocommalist#1#2% {item} \cs
+ {\rawdoifinsetelse{#1}#2\resetglobal
+ {\dodoglobal\edef#2{\ifx#2\empty\else#2,\fi#1}}}
+\def\pretocommalist#1#2% {item} \cs
+ {\rawdoifinsetelse{#1}#2\resetglobal
+ {\dodoglobal\edef#2{#1\ifx#2\empty\else,#2\fi}}}
+ {\expanded{\convertargument#1}\to\!!stringa
+ \expanded{\convertargument#2}\to\!!stringb
+ \rawdoifinsetelse\!!stringa\!!stringb}
+\def\robustaddtocommalist#1#2% {item} \cs
+ {\robustdoifinsetelse{#1}#2\resetglobal
+ {\dodoglobal\edef#2{\ifx#2\empty\else#2,\fi#1}}}
+\def\robustpretocommalist#1#2% {item} \cs
+ {\robustdoifinsetelse{#1}#2\resetglobal
+ {\dodoglobal\edef#2{#1\ifx#2\empty\else,#2\fi}}}
+\def\xsplitstring#1#2% \cs {str}
+ {\def\dosplitstring##1,#2,##2,#2,##3\\%
+ {\edef\!!stringa{\bcleanedupcommalist##1\empty\empty\relax}%
+ \edef\!!stringb{\acleanedupcommalist##2,,\relax}}%
+ \@EA\dosplitstring\@EA,#1,,#2,,#2,\\}
+% \def\removefromcommalist#1#2%
+% {\expanded{\xsplitstring\noexpand#2{#1}}%
+% \dodoglobal\edef#2%
+% {\ifx\!!stringa\empty
+% \!!stringb
+% \else
+% \@EA\acleanedupcommalist\!!stringa,,\relax
+% \ifx\!!stringb\empty\else,\!!stringb\fi
+% \fi}}
+ {\rawdoifinsetelse{#1}#2%
+ {\expanded{\xsplitstring\noexpand#2{#1}}%
+ \dodoglobal\edef#2%
+ {\ifx\!!stringa\empty
+ \!!stringb
+ \else
+ \!!stringa\ifx\!!stringb\empty\else,\!!stringb\fi
+ \fi}}
+ \resetglobal}
+%D \macros
+%D {substituteincommalist}
+%D Slow but seldom used, so for the moment we stick to this
+%D implementation.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \substituteincommalist{old}{new}{list}
+%D \stoptyping
+\def\substituteincommalist#1#2#3% old, new, list (slooow)
+ {\edef\!!stringb{#1}%
+ \edef\!!stringd{#2}%
+ \let\!!stringa#3%
+ \let#3\empty
+ \def\dosubstituteincommalist##1%
+ {\edef\!!stringc{##1}%
+ \ifx\!!stringb\!!stringc
+ \ifx\!!stringd\empty\else
+ \edef#3{#3\ifx#3\empty\else,\fi\!!stringd}%
+ \fi
+ \def\docommand####1{\edef#3{#3,####1}}%
+ \else
+ \edef#3{#3\ifx#3\empty\else,\fi##1}%
+ \fi}%
+ \@EA\rawprocesscommacommand\@EA[\!!stringa]\dosubstituteincommalist}
+%D A not so useful macro:
+ {\ifx#1\space
+ \def#3{#2}%
+ \else
+ \def#3{#1#2}%
+ \fi}
+ {\edef\!!stringa{#1}%
+ \ifx\!!stringa\empty \else
+ \@EA\dodofrontstrip\@EA[#1]#1%
+ \fi}
+%D \macros
+%D {replaceincommalist}
+%D The next macro can be used to replace an indexed element
+%D in a commalist:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \replaceincommalist\MyList{2}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Element~2 will be replaced by the current meaning of the macro
+%D \type {\newcommalistelement}. The old meaning is saved in
+%D \type {\commalistelement}. The replacement honors grouped items,
+%D like in:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\MyList{a,b,c,d,e,f} \replaceincommalist\MyList{3}
+%D \def\MyList{a,b,c,d,e,f} \replaceincommalist\MyList{3}
+%D \def\MyList{a,{b,c},d,e,f} \replaceincommalist\MyList{3}
+%D \def\MyList{a,b,c,{d,e,f}} \replaceincommalist\MyList{3}
+%D \stoptyping
+\def\replaceincommalist#1#2% #1 = commalistelement #2 = position starts at 1
+ {\def\doreplaceincommalist##1%
+ {\ifnum\commalistcounter=#2\relax
+ \ifx\newcommalistelement\empty\else
+ \ifx\newcommalist\empty
+ \let\newcommalist\newcommalistelement
+ \else
+ \@EA\@EA\@EA\def\@EA\@EA\@EA\newcommalist\@EA\@EA\@EA
+ {\@EA\newcommalist\@EA,\newcommalistelement}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \def\commalistelement{##1}%
+ \else
+ \ifx\newcommalist\empty
+ \ifx\nexttoken\bgroup % is known -)
+ \def\newcommalist{{##1}}%
+ \else
+ \def\newcommalist{##1}%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \ifx\nexttoken\bgroup % is known -)
+ \@EA\def\@EA\newcommalist\@EA{\newcommalist,{##1}}%
+ \else
+ \@EA\def\@EA\newcommalist\@EA{\newcommalist,##1}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \advance\commalistcounter\plusone}%
+ \let\commalistelement\empty
+ \let\newcommalist\empty
+ \commalistcounter\plusone
+ \@EA\processcommalist\@EA[#1]\doreplaceincommalist
+ \dodoglobal\let#1\newcommalist}
+%D \macros
+%D {globalprocesscommalist}
+%D The commalist processing commands are characterized by the
+%D fact that the way they handle expansion as well as the fact
+%D that they can be nested. This makes them kind of useless for
+%D handling comma lists in alignments. In these situations the
+%D next macro can be of use.
+ {\if]#1\else
+ \globalcommacommand{#1}%
+ \expandafter\globalprocesscommaitem
+ \fi}
+ {\global\let\globalcommacommand#2%
+ \expandafter\globalprocesscommaitem#1,],}
+%D \macros
+%D {startprocesscommalist,startprocesscommacommand}
+%D Two more:
+ {\long\def\currentcommalistcommand##1{\def\currentcommalistitem{##1}#2}%
+ \processcommalist[#1]\currentcommalistcommand}
+ {\long\def\currentcommalistcommand##1{\def\currentcommalistitem{##1}#2}%
+ \processcommacommand[#1]\currentcommalistcommand}
+%D \macros
+%D {withoutpt,PtToCm,
+%D numberofpoints,dimensiontocount}
+%D We can convert point into centimeters with:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \PtToCm{dimension}
+%D \stoptyping
+ \catcode`\p=\@@other
+ \catcode`\t=\@@other
+ \gdef\WITHOUTPT#1pt{#1}}
+ {\expandafter\WITHOUTPT#1}
+%D The capitals are needed because \type{p} and \type{t} have
+%D \CATCODE~12, while macronames only permit tokens with the
+%D \CATCODE~11. As a result we cannot use the \type{.group}
+%D primitives. Those who want to know more about this kind of
+%D manipulations, we advice to study the \TEX book in detail.
+%D Because this macro does not do any assignment, we can use it
+%D in the following way too.
+ {\begingroup
+ \scratchdimen#1\relax
+ \scratchdimen0.0351459804\scratchdimen % 2.54/72.27
+ \withoutpt\the\scratchdimen cm%
+ \endgroup}
+%D We also support:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \numberofpoints {dimension}
+%D \dimensiontocount {dimension} {\count}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Both macros return a rounded number.
+% \dimensiontocount{10.49pt}\scratchcounter \the\scratchcounter / \numberofpoints{10.49pt}
+% \dimensiontocount{10.51pt}\scratchcounter \the\scratchcounter / \numberofpoints{10.51pt}
+\def\numberofpoints #1{\the\numexpr\dimexpr#1\relax/\maxcard\relax}
+%D \macros
+%D {swapdimens,swapmacros}
+%D Simple but effective are the next two macros. There name
+%D exactly states their purpose. The \type{\scratchdimen} and
+%D \type{\!!stringa} can only be swapped when being the first
+%D argument.
+ {\scratchdimen #1\redoglobal #1#2\dodoglobal #2\scratchdimen}
+ {\let\!!stringa#1\redoglobal\let#1#2\dodoglobal\let#2\!!stringa}
+%D \macros
+%D {pushmacro,popmacro}
+%D Premature and a bit of beta, we offer:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \pushmacro\macro
+%D \popmacro\macro
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Beware: global!
+% \def\@s@{@s@}
+% \beginTEX
+% \def\globalpushmacro#1% we can use a faster incement here
+% {\@EA\doglobal\@EA\increment\csname\@s@*\string#1\endcsname
+% \global\@EA\let\csname\csname\@s@*\string#1\endcsname*\string#1\endcsname#1}
+% \def\globalpopmacro#1% \global\let
+% {\global\@EA\let\@EA#1\csname\csname\@s@*\string#1\endcsname*\string#1\endcsname
+% \@EA\doglobal\@EA\decrement\csname\@s@*\string#1\endcsname}
+% \def\localpushmacro#1% this one can be used to push a value over an \egroup
+% {\@EA\doglobal\@EA\increment\csname\@s@**\string#1\endcsname
+% \global\@EA\let\csname\csname\@s@**\string#1\endcsname**\string#1\endcsname#1}
+% \def\localpopmacro#1% \local\let
+% {\@EA\let\@EA#1\csname\csname\@s@**\string#1\endcsname**\string#1\endcsname
+% \global\@EA\decrement\csname\@s@**\string#1\endcsname}
+% \endTEX
+% \beginETEX \newcount
+% \def\globalpushmacro#1%
+% {\ifcsname\@s@*\string#1\endcsname \else
+% \@EA\newcount\csname\@s@*\string#1\endcsname
+% \fi
+% \global\advance\csname\@s@*\string#1\endcsname \plusone
+% \global\@EA\let\csname\the\csname\@s@*\string#1\endcsname*\string#1\endcsname#1}
+% \def\globalpopmacro#1% \global\let
+% {\global\@EA\let\@EA#1\csname\the\csname\@s@*\string#1\endcsname*\string#1\endcsname
+% \global\advance\csname\@s@*\string#1\endcsname \minusone}
+% \def\localpushmacro#1% this one can be used to push a value over an \egroup
+% {\ifcsname\@s@**\string#1\endcsname \else
+% \@EA\newcount\csname\@s@**\string#1\endcsname
+% \fi
+% \global\advance\csname\@s@**\string#1\endcsname \plusone
+% \global\@EA\let\csname\the\csname\@s@**\string#1\endcsname**\string#1\endcsname#1}
+% \def\localpopmacro#1% \local\let
+% {\@EA\let\@EA#1\csname\the\csname\@s@**\string#1\endcsname**\string#1\endcsname
+% \global\advance\csname\@s@**\string#1\endcsname \minusone }
+% \endETEX
+% some 5% faster (used a lot in typescripts, so ...)
+\def\globalpushmacro#1% we can use a faster incement here
+ {\xdef\@@pushedmacro{\string#1}%
+ \@EA\doglobal\@EA\increment\csname\@sg@\@@pushedmacro\endcsname
+ \global\@EA\let\csname\csname\@sg@\@@pushedmacro\endcsname\@@pushedmacro\endcsname#1}
+ {\xdef\@@pushedmacro{\string#1}%
+ \global\@EA\let\@EA#1\csname\csname\@sg@\@@pushedmacro\endcsname\@@pushedmacro\endcsname
+ \@EA\doglobal\@EA\decrement\csname\@sg@\@@pushedmacro\endcsname}
+\def\localpushmacro#1% this one can be used to push a value over an \egroup
+ {\xdef\@@pushedmacro{\string#1}%
+ \@EA\doglobal\@EA\increment\csname\@sl@\@@pushedmacro\endcsname
+ \global\@EA\let\csname\csname\@sl@\@@pushedmacro\endcsname\@@pushedmacro\endcsname#1}
+ {\xdef\@@pushedmacro{\string#1}%
+ \@EA\let\@EA#1\csname\csname\@sl@\@@pushedmacro\endcsname\@@pushedmacro\endcsname
+ \global\@EA\decrement\csname\@sl@\@@pushedmacro\endcsname}
+ {\xdef\@@pushedmacro{\string#1}%
+ \ifcsname\@sg@\@@pushedmacro\endcsname \else
+ \@EA\newcount\csname\@sg@\@@pushedmacro\endcsname
+ \fi
+ \global\advance\csname\@sg@\@@pushedmacro\endcsname \plusone
+ \global\@EA\let\csname\the\csname\@sg@\@@pushedmacro\endcsname\@@pushedmacro\endcsname#1}
+ {\xdef\@@pushedmacro{\string#1}%
+ \global\@EA\let\@EA#1\csname\the\csname\@sg@\@@pushedmacro\endcsname\@@pushedmacro\endcsname
+ \global\advance\csname\@sg@\@@pushedmacro\endcsname \minusone}
+\def\localpushmacro#1% this one can be used to push a value over an \egroup
+ {\xdef\@@pushedmacro{\string#1}%
+ \ifcsname\@sl@\@@pushedmacro\endcsname \else
+ \@EA\newcount\csname\@sl@\@@pushedmacro\endcsname
+ \fi
+ \global\advance\csname\@sl@\@@pushedmacro\endcsname \plusone
+ \global\@EA\let\csname\the\csname\@sl@\@@pushedmacro\endcsname\@@pushedmacro\endcsname#1}
+ {\xdef\@@pushedmacro{\string#1}%
+ \@EA\let\@EA#1\csname\the\csname\@sl@\@@pushedmacro\endcsname\@@pushedmacro\endcsname
+ \global\advance\csname\@sl@\@@pushedmacro\endcsname \minusone }
+% \let\pushmacro\globalpushmacro
+% \let\popmacro \globalpopmacro
+\let\popmacro \localpopmacro
+%D \macros
+%D {setlocalhsize}
+%D Sometimes we need to work with the \type{\hsize} that is
+%D corrected for indentation and left and right skips. The
+%D corrected value is available in \type{\localhsize}, which
+%D needs to be calculated with \type{\setlocalhsize} first.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \setlocalhsize \hbox to \localhsize{...}
+%D \setlocalhsize[-1em] \hbox to \localhsize{...}
+%D \setlocalhsize[.5ex] \hbox to \localhsize{...}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D These examples show us that an optional can be used. The
+%D value provided is added to \type{\localhsize}.
+\def\complexsetlocalhsize[#1]% don't change !
+ {\localhsize\hsize
+ \ifnum\hangafter<\zerocount
+ \advance\localhsize\ifdim\hangindent>\zeropoint-\fi\hangindent
+ \fi
+ \advance\localhsize -\leftskip
+ \advance\localhsize -\rightskip
+ \advance\localhsize #1\relax}
+ {\complexsetlocalhsize[\zeropoint]}
+%D \macros
+%D {doifvalue,doifnotvalue,doifelsevalue,
+%D doifnothing,doifsomething,doifelsenothing,
+%D doifvaluenothing,doifvaluesomething,doifelsevaluenothing}
+%D These long named \type{\if} commands can be used to access
+%D macros (or variables) that are normally accessed by using
+%D \type{\getvalue}. Using these alternatives safes us three
+%D tokens per call. Anyone familiar with the not||values
+%D ones, can derive their meaning from the definitions.
+ \def\doifvalue#1{\doif {\csname#1\endcsname}}
+ \def\doifnotvalue#1{\doifnot {\csname#1\endcsname}}
+ \def\doifelsevalue#1{\doifelse{\csname#1\endcsname}}
+ \def\doifnothing#1{\doif {#1}{}}
+ \def\doifsomething#1{\doifnot {#1}{}}
+ \def\doifelsenothing#1{\doifelse{#1}{}}
+ \def\doifvaluenothing#1{\doif {\csname#1\endcsname}{}}
+ \def\doifvaluesomething#1{\doifnot {\csname#1\endcsname}{}}
+%D Faster but spoiling inheritance (copying parameters):
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\doifelsevaluesomething#1#2#3%
+%D {\expandafter\ifx\csname#1\endcsname\empty#3\else#2\fi}
+%D \def\doifvaluesomething#1#2%
+%D {\expandafter\ifx\csname#1\endcsname\empty\else#2\fi}
+%D \def\doifvaluenothing#1#2%
+%D {\expandafter\ifx\csname#1\endcsname\empty#2\fi}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Slightly more efficient:
+ \def\doifnothing{\doif \empty}
+ \def\doifsomething{\doifnot \empty}
+%D The somewhat faster alternatives are:
+ {\edef\!!stringa{\csname#1\endcsname}\edef\!!stringb{#2}%
+ \ifx\!!stringa\!!stringb
+ \expandafter\firstofoneargument
+ \else
+ \expandafter\gobbleoneargument
+ \fi}
+ {\edef\!!stringa{\csname#1\endcsname}\edef\!!stringb{#2}%
+ \ifx\!!stringa\!!stringb
+ \expandafter\gobbleoneargument
+ \else
+ \expandafter\firstofoneargument
+ \fi}
+ {\edef\!!stringa{\csname#1\endcsname}\edef\!!stringb{#2}%
+ \ifx\!!stringa\!!stringb
+ \expandafter\firstoftwoarguments
+ \else
+ \expandafter\secondoftwoarguments
+ \fi}
+ {\edef\!!stringa{#1}%
+ \ifx\!!stringa\empty
+ \expandafter\firstofoneargument
+ \else
+ \expandafter\gobbleoneargument
+ \fi}
+ {\edef\!!stringa{#1}%
+ \ifx\!!stringa\empty
+ \expandafter\gobbleoneargument
+ \else
+ \expandafter\firstofoneargument
+ \fi}
+ {\edef\!!stringa{#1}%
+ \ifx\!!stringa\empty
+ \expandafter\firstoftwoarguments
+ \else
+ \expandafter\secondoftwoarguments
+ \fi}
+ {\edef\!!stringa{#1}%
+ \ifx\!!stringa\empty
+ \expandafter\secondoftwoarguments
+ \else
+ \expandafter\firstoftwoarguments
+ \fi}
+ {\edef\!!stringa{\csname#1\endcsname}%
+ \ifx\!!stringa\empty
+ \expandafter\firstofoneargument
+ \else
+ \expandafter\gobbleoneargument
+ \fi}
+ {\edef\!!stringa{\csname#1\endcsname}%
+ \ifx\!!stringa\empty
+ \expandafter\gobbleoneargument
+ \else
+ \expandafter\firstofoneargument
+ \fi}
+ {\edef\!!stringa{\csname#1\endcsname}%
+ \ifx\!!stringa\empty
+ \expandafter\firstoftwoarguments
+ \else
+ \expandafter\secondoftwoarguments
+ \fi}
+%D \macros
+%D {doifemptyelsevalue, doifemptyvalue, doifnotemptyvalue}
+%D Also handy:
+ {\@EA\ifx\csname#1\endcsname\empty
+ \expandafter\firstoftwoarguments
+ \else
+ \expandafter\secondoftwoarguments
+ \fi}
+ {\@EA\ifx\csname#1\endcsname\empty
+ \expandafter\firstofoneargument
+ \else
+ \expandafter\gobbleoneargument
+ \fi}
+ {\@EA\ifx\csname#1\endcsname\empty
+ \expandafter\gobbleoneargument
+ \else
+ \expandafter\firstofoneargument
+ \fi}
+%D \macros
+%D {doifallcommonelse}
+%D A complete match of two sets can be tested with
+%D \type {\doifallcommonelse}, where the first two
+%D arguments are sets.
+% {\def\p!docommoncheck##1%
+% {\doifnotinset{##1}{#2}{\donefalse}%
+% \ifdone\else\quitcommalist\fi}%
+% \donetrue
+% \processcommalist[#1]\p!docommoncheck
+% \ifdone#3\else#4\fi}
+\def\@@doifallcommonelse#1#2#3#4% slow
+ {\def\p!docommoncheck##1%
+ {\doifnotinset{##1}{#4}\donefalse
+ \ifdone\else\expandafter\quitcommalist\fi}%
+ \donetrue
+ \processcommalist[#3]\p!docommoncheck
+ \ifdone\expandafter#1\else\expandafter#2\fi}
+ {\@@doifallcommonelse\firstoftwoarguments\secondoftwoarguments}
+ {\@@doifallcommonelse\firstofonearguments\gobbleoneargument}
+ {\@@doifallcommonelse\gobbleoneargument\firstofonearguments}
+%D \macros
+%D \TEX\ is case sensitive. When comparing arguments, this
+%D feature sometimes is less desirable, for instance when we
+%D compare filenames. The next three alternatives upcase their
+%D arguments before comparing them.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \DOIF {string1} {string2} {...}
+%D \DOIFNOT {string1} {string2} {...}
+%D \DOIFELSE {string1} {string2} {then ...}{else ...}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D We have to use a two||step implementation, because the
+%D expansion has to take place outside \type{\uppercase}.
+ {\uppercase{\ifinstringelse{$#1$}{$#2$}}%
+ \expandafter\firstofoneargument
+ \else
+ \expandafter\gobbleoneargument
+ \fi}
+ {\uppercase{\ifinstringelse{$#1$}{$#2$}}%
+ \expandafter\gobbleoneargument
+ \else
+ \expandafter\firstofoneargument
+ \fi}
+ {\uppercase{\ifinstringelse{$#1$}{$#2$}}%
+ \expandafter\firstoftwoarguments
+ \else
+ \expandafter\secondoftwoarguments
+ \fi}
+ {\uppercase{\ifinstringelse{#1}{#2}}%
+ \expandafter\firstoftwoarguments
+ \else
+ \expandafter\secondoftwoarguments
+ \fi}
+\def\DOIF {\ExpandBothAfter\p!DOIF}
+\def\DOIFNOT {\ExpandBothAfter\p!DOIFNOT}
+\def\DOIFELSE {\ExpandBothAfter\p!DOIFELSE}
+%D \macros
+%D {dosingleargumentwithset,
+%D dodoubleargumentwithset,dodoubleemptywithset,
+%D dotripleargumentwithset,dotripleemptywithset}
+%D These maybe too mysterious macros enable us to handle more
+%D than one setup at once.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \dosingleargumentwithset \command[#1]
+%D \dodoubleargumentwithset \command[#1][#2]
+%D \dotripleargumentwithset \command[#1][#2][#3]
+%D \dodoubleemptywithset \command[#1][#2]
+%D \dotripleemptywithset \command[#1][#2][#3]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The first macro calls \type{\command[##1]} for each string
+%D in the set~\type{#1}. The second one calls for
+%D \type{\commando[##1][#2]} and the third, well one may guess.
+%D These commands support constructions like:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\dodefinesomething[#1][#2]%
+%D {\getparameters[\??xx#1][#2]}
+%D \def\definesomething%
+%D {\dodoubleargumentwithset\dodefinesomething}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Which accepts calls like:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \definesomething[alfa,beta,...][variable=...,...]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Now a whole bunch of variables like \type{\@@xxalfavariable}
+%D and \type{\@@xxbetavariable} is defined.
+ {\def\dododoublewithset[##1][##2]%
+ {\doifsomething{##1}
+ {\def\dodododoublewithset####1{#2[####1][##2]}%
+ \processcommalist[##1]\dodododoublewithset}}%
+ #1\dododoublewithset}
+\def\dodoubleemptywithset {\dodoublewithset\dodoubleempty}
+ {\def\dodotriplewithset[##1][##2][##3]%
+ {\doifsomething{##1}
+ {\def\dododotriplewithset####1{#2[####1][##2][##3]}%
+ \processcommalist[##1]\dododotriplewithset}}%
+ #1\dodotriplewithset}
+\def\dotripleemptywithset {\dotriplewithset\dotripleempty}
+%D \macros
+%D {stripcharacters,stripspaces}
+%D The next command was needed first when we implemented
+%D the \CONTEXT\ interactivity macros. When we use labeled
+%D destinations, we often cannot use all the characters we
+%D want. We therefore strip some of the troublemakers, like
+%D spaces, from the labels before we write them to the
+%D \DVI||file, which passes them to for instance a PostScript
+%D file.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \stripspaces\from\one\to\two
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Both the old string \type{\one} and the new one \type{\two}
+%D are expanded. This command is a special case of:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \stripcharacter\char\from\one\to\two
+%D \stoptyping
+%D As we can see below, spaces following a control sequence are
+%D to enclosed in \type{{}}.
+% keep this one:
+% \def\stripcharacter#1\from#2\to#3%
+% {\def\dostripcharacter##1#1##2\end
+% {\edef\!!strippedstring{\!!strippedstring##1}%
+% \doifnotempty{##2}{\dostripcharacter##2\end}}%
+% \let\!!strippedstring\empty
+% \edef\!!stringa{#2}%
+% \@EA\dostripcharacter\!!stringa#1\end
+% \dodoglobal\let#3\!!strippedstring}
+% the following is better (comes from syst-loc):
+ {\def\dostripcharacter##1#1##2\end
+ {\edef\!!strippedstring{\!!strippedstring##1}%
+ \doifnotempty{##2}{\dostripcharacter##2\end}}%
+ \let\!!strippedstring\empty
+ \edef\!!stringa{#2}%
+ \@EA\dostripcharacter\!!stringa#1\end
+ \dodoglobal\let#3\!!strippedstring}
+\def\stripspaces\from#1\to#2% will become \unspacestring#1\from#2
+ {\stripcharacter{ }\from#1\to#2}
+%D \macros
+%D {unspacestring}
+%D The next macro does the same but is more compatible with other macros,
+%D like \type {\convert...}.
+ {\stripcharacter{ }\from#1\to#2}
+%D \macros
+%D {executeifdefined}
+%D \CONTEXT\ uses one auxiliary file for all data concerning
+%D tables of contents, references, two||pass optimizations,
+%D sorted lists etc. This file is loaded as many times as
+%D needed. During such a pass we skip the commands thate are of
+%D no use at that moment. Because we don't want to come into
+%D trouble with undefined auxiliary commands, we call the
+%D macros in a way similar to \type{\getvalue}. The next macro
+%D take care of such executions and when not defined, gobbles
+%D the unwanted arguments.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \executeifdefined{name}\gobbleoneargument
+%D \stoptyping
+%D We can of course gobble more arguments using the
+%D appropriate gobbling command.
+\newif\ifexecuted % general purpose
+ {\ifundefined{#1}%
+ \def\next{#2}%
+ \else
+ \def\next{\getvalue{#1}}%
+ \fi
+ \next}
+%D Just for fun I times the next alternative: it was roughly
+%D timed about 15\% faster than the default (10+ sec to 9 sec)!
+\def\executeifdefined#1% #2 / never change this one again
+ {\ifundefined{#1}%
+ \expandafter\secondoftwoarguments
+ \else
+ \expandafter\firstoftwoarguments
+ \fi
+ {\csname#1\endcsname}}
+% \def\executeifdefined#1% #2 / never change this one again
+% {\ifcsname#1\endcsname
+% \expandafter\firstoftwoarguments
+% \else
+% \expandafter\secondoftwoarguments
+% \fi
+% {\csname#1\endcsname}}
+\def\executeifdefined#1% #2 / never change this one again
+ {\ifcsname#1\endcsname
+ \csname#1\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\endcsname\expandafter\gobbleoneargument
+ \else
+ \expandafter\firstofoneargument
+ \fi}
+% \letvalue{f }\firstofoneargument \def\executeifdefined#1{\csname\ifcsname#1\endcsname#1\else f \fi\endcsname}
+%D This one also has the advantage that it is fully
+%D expandable and that it can be used after an assignment.
+%D \macros
+%D {executeifdefinedcs}
+%D An also fully expandable variant is the following:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \executeifdefinedcs{a}{b}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D In dit geval zijn beide argumenten csnames.
+ {\csname\ifundefined{#1}#2\else#1\fi\endcsname}
+%D We considered an alternative implementation accepting
+%D commands directly, like:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \executeifdefined\name\gobblefivearguments
+%D \stoptyping
+%D For the moment we don't need this one, so we stick to the
+%D faster one.
+%D \macros
+%D {executeandforget}
+%D The following macros were requested by Simon. Watch the
+%D global variant.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \executeandforget\SomeCommand
+%D \doglobal\executeandforget\AnotherCommand
+%D \stoptyping
+ {\global\let\@@expanded#1%
+ \dodoglobal\let#1\relax
+ \@@expanded}
+%D \macros
+%D {doifsomespaceelse}
+%D The next command checks a string on the presence of a space
+%D and executed a command accordingly.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \doifsomespaceelse {tekst} {then ...} {else ...}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D We use this command in \CONTEXT\ for determing if an
+%D argument must be broken into words when made interactive.
+%D Watch the use of \type{\noexpand}.
+%D Is this one still needed?
+% \long\def\doifsomespaceelse#1#2#3%
+% {\def\p!doifsomespaceelse##1 ##2##3\war%
+% {\if\noexpand##2@#3\else#2\fi}%
+% \p!doifsomespaceelse#1 @ @\war}
+\def\p!doifsomespaceelse#1 #2#3\war{\if\noexpand#2@}
+\long\def\doifsomespaceelse#1% % #2#3%
+ {\p!doifsomespaceelse#1 @ @\war % #3\else#2\fi}
+ \expandafter\secondoftwoarguments
+ \else
+ \expandafter\firstoftwoarguments
+ \fi}
+%D \macros
+%D {adaptdimension,balancedimensions}
+%D Again we introduce some macros that are closely related to
+%D an interface aspect of \CONTEXT. The first command can be
+%D used to adapt a \DIMENSION.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \adaptdimension {dimension} {value}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D When the value is preceed by a \type{+} or minus, the
+%D dimension is advanced accordingly, otherwise it gets the
+%D value.
+% \def\doadaptdimension#1#2\\#3\\%
+% {\if#1+%
+% \dodoglobal\advance#3 #1#2\relax
+% \else\if#1-%
+% \dodoglobal\advance#3 #1#2\relax
+% \else
+% \dodoglobal#3=#1#2\relax
+% \fi\fi}
+% more fuzzy but also more efficient
+ {\if#1+%
+ \dodoglobal\advance
+ \else\if#1-%
+ \dodoglobal\advance
+ \else
+ \dodoglobal
+ \fi\fi
+ #3 #1#2\relax}
+ {\expandafter\doadaptdimension#2\\#1\\}
+%D A second command takes two \DIMENSIONS. Both are adapted,
+%D depending on the sign of the given value.
+%D maat. This time we take the value as it is, and don't look
+%D explicitly at the preceding sign.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \balancedimensions {dimension 1} {dimension 2} {value}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D When a positive value is given, the first dimension is
+%D incremented, the second ond is decremented. A negative value
+%D has the opposite result.
+ {\scratchdimen#3\relax
+ \redoglobal\advance#1 \scratchdimen
+ \dodoglobal\advance#2 -\scratchdimen}
+%D Both commands can be preceded by \type{\doglobal}. Here we
+%D use \type{\redo} first, because \type{\dodo} resets the
+%D global character.
+%D \macros
+%D {processseparatedlist}
+%D Maybe a bit late, but here is a more general version of the
+%D \type{\processcommalist} command. This time we don't handle
+%D nesting but accept arbitrary seperators.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \processseparatedlist[list][separator]\command
+%D \stoptyping
+%D One can think of things like:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \processseparatedlist[alfa+beta+gamma][+]\message
+%D \stoptyping
+%D First we show the simple alternative:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\processseparatedlist[#1][#2]#3%
+%D {\def\doprocessseparatedlist##1##2#2%
+%D {\if]##1%
+%D \let\next=\relax
+%D \else\if]##2%
+%D \let\next=\relax
+%D \else\ifx\blankspace##2%
+%D #3{##1}%
+%D \let\next=\doprocessseparatedlist
+%D \else
+%D #3{##1##2}%
+%D \let\next=\doprocessseparatedlist
+%D \fi\fi\fi
+%D \next}%
+%D \doprocessseparatedlist#1#2]#2}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D However, we want to handle all situations, like:
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \processseparatedlist[{aap noot}] [ ]{\def\xxx} \convertcommand\xxx\to\ascii {\tttf\ascii}
+%D \processseparatedlist[{aap} {noot}][ ]{\def\xxx} \convertcommand\xxx\to\ascii {\tttf\ascii}
+%D \processseparatedlist[aap {noot}] [ ]{\def\xxx} \convertcommand\xxx\to\ascii {\tttf\ascii}
+%D \processseparatedlist[aap noot] [ ]{\def\xxx} \convertcommand\xxx\to\ascii {\tttf\ascii}
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer \getbuffer
+%D Therefore we smuggle a \type {\relax} in front of the
+%D argument, which we remove afterwards.
+% \def\doprocessseparatedlist#1]#2[#3]#4%
+% {\def\dodoprocessseparatedlist##1##2#3%
+% {\if]##1%
+% \let\dodoprocessseparatedlist\relax
+% \else\if]##2%
+% \let\dodoprocessseparatedlist\relax
+% \else\ifx\blankspace##2%
+% #4{##1}%
+% \else
+% #4{##1##2}%
+% \fi\fi\fi
+% \dodoprocessseparatedlist}%
+% \@EA\dodoprocessseparatedlist\gobbleoneargument#1#3]#3}
+% testcase Vit Zyka:
+% \def\Do#1{(#1)}
+% 1\processseparatedlist[{aap noot}] [ ]\Do \par
+% 2\processseparatedlist[{aap} {noot}][ ]\Do \par
+% 3\processseparatedlist[aap {noot}] [ ]\Do \par
+% 4\processseparatedlist[aap noot] [ ]\Do \par
+% 5\processseparatedlist[aap;noot;a noot;noot a; noot a noot][;]\Do \par
+% 6\processseparatedlist[][;]\Do \par
+% 7\processseparatedlist[;][;]\Do \par
+ {\def\dodoprocessseparatedlist##1##2#3%
+ {\def\!!stringa{##2}% suggested by VZ
+ \if]##1%
+ \let\dodoprocessseparatedlist\relax
+ \else\ifx\blankspace\!!stringa
+ #4{##1}%
+ \else\if]##2%
+ \let\dodoprocessseparatedlist\relax
+ \else
+ #4{##1##2}%
+ \fi\fi\fi
+ \dodoprocessseparatedlist}%
+ \@EA\dodoprocessseparatedlist\gobbleoneargument#1#3]#3}
+ {\doprocessseparatedlist\relax}
+%D \macros
+%D {processlist}
+%D An even more general list processing macro is the
+%D following one:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \processlist{beginsym}{endsym}{separator}\docommand list
+%D \stoptyping
+%D This one supports arbitrary open and close symbols as well
+%D as user defined separators.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \processlist(){=>}\docommand(a=>b=>c=>d)
+%D \stoptyping
+\long\def\processlist#1#2#3#4% no blank skipping !
+ {\def\doprocesslist##1#2%
+ {\def\dodoprocesslist####1####2#3%
+ {\ifx#2####1%
+ \let\dodoprocesslist\relax
+ \else\ifx#2####2%
+ \let\dodoprocesslist\relax
+ \else
+ #4{####1####2}%
+ \fi\fi
+ \dodoprocesslist}%
+ \expandafter\dodoprocesslist\gobbleoneargument##1#3#2#3}%
+ \def\dodoprocesslist#1%
+ {\doprocesslist\relax}%
+ \dodoprocesslist}
+% %D \macros
+% %D {dohonorgroupedargument}
+% %D
+% %D The previous macro uses yet another auxiliary macro to
+% %D handle the special case.
+% \def\dohonorgroupedargument#1[%
+% {\doifnextbgroupelse{\dodohonorgroupedargument#1}{#1[}}
+% \def\dodohonorgroupedargument#1#2%
+% {#1[{{#2}}}
+%D \macros
+%D {processassignlist}
+%D Is possible to combine an assignment list with one
+%D containing keywords. Assignments are treated accordingly,
+%D keywords are treated by \type{\command}.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \processassignlist[...=...,...=...,...]\commando
+%D \stoptyping
+%D This command can be integrated in \type{\getparameters}, but
+%D we decided best not to do so.
+ {\def\p!dodogetparameter[##1=##2=##3]%
+ {\doifnot{##3}\relax{#3{##1}}}%
+ \def\p!dogetparameter##1%
+ {\p!dodogetparameter[##1==\relax]}%
+ \processcommalist[#2]\p!dogetparameter}
+% too ugly
+% %D \macros
+% %D {DoAfterFi,DoAfterFiFi}
+% %D
+% %D Sometimes \type{\fi}'s can get into the way. We can reach
+% %D over such a troublemaker with:
+% %D
+% %D \starttyping
+% %D \DoAfterFi{some commands}
+% %D \DoAfterFiFi{some commands}
+% %D \stoptyping
+% %D
+% %D It saves us a \type{\next} construction. Skipping
+% %D \type{\else...\fi} is more tricky, so this one is not
+% %D provided.
+% \def\DoAfterFi#1\fi{\fi#1}
+% \def\DoAfterFiFi#1\fi#2\fi{\fi\fi#1}
+%D \macros
+%D {untextargument
+%D untexcommand}
+%D When manipulating data(bases) and for instance generating
+%D index entries, the next three macros can be of help:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \untextargument{...}\to\name
+%D \untexcommand {...}\to\name
+%D \stoptyping
+%D They remove braces and backslashes and give us something to
+%D sort.
+ {\begingroup
+ \catcode`\{=\@@ignore
+ \catcode`\}=\@@ignore
+ \escapechar\minusone
+ \dountexsomething}
+ {\doglobal#1#2\to\untexedargument
+ \endgroup
+ \let#3\untexedargument}
+\def\untexcommand {\untexsomething\convertcommand}
+%D \macros
+%D {ScaledPointsToBigPoints,ScaledPointsToWholeBigPoints}
+%D One characteristic of \POSTSCRIPT\ and \PDF\ is that both
+%D used big points (\TEX's bp). The next macros convert points
+%D and scaled points into big points.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \ScaledPointsToBigPoints {number} \target
+%D \ScaledPointsToWholeBigPoints {number} \target
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The magic factor $72/72.27$ can be found in most \TEX\
+%D related books.
+% \def\ScaledPointsToBigPoints #1{\PointsToBigPoints {#1sp}}
+% \def\ScaledPointsToWholeBigPoints#1{\PointsToWholeBigPoints{#1sp}}
+% \def\PointsToBigPoints#1#2%
+% {\scratchdimen#1%
+% \scratchdimen.996264\scratchdimen
+% \edef#2{\withoutpt\the\scratchdimen}}
+% \def\PointsToWholeBigPoints#1#2%
+% {\scratchdimen#1%
+% \scratchdimen.996264\scratchdimen
+% \scratchcounter\scratchdimen
+% \advance\scratchcounter \medcard
+% \divide\scratchcounter \maxcard
+% \edef#2{\the\scratchcounter}}
+% \PointsToBigPoints{10.53940pt}\test \test
+% \PointsToBigPoints{10.53941pt}\test \test
+% \PointsToBigPoints{10.53942pt}\test \test
+% \PointsToWholeBigPoints{10.53940pt}\test \test
+% \PointsToWholeBigPoints{10.53941pt}\test \test
+% \PointsToWholeBigPoints{10.53942pt}\test \test
+ \def\PointsToBigPoints#1#2%
+ {\scratchdimen#1%
+ \scratchdimen.996264\scratchdimen
+ \edef#2{\withoutpt\the\scratchdimen}}
+ \def\PointsToWholeBigPoints#1#2%
+ {\scratchdimen#1%
+ \scratchdimen.996264\scratchdimen
+ \scratchcounter\scratchdimen
+ \advance\scratchcounter \medcard
+ \divide\scratchcounter \maxcard
+ \edef#2{\the\scratchcounter}}
+\beginETEX \dimexpr \numexpr
+% \def\PointsToBigPoints#1#2%
+% {\edef#2{\withoutpt\the\dimexpr(.996264\dimexpr(#1))}}
+% \def\PointsToWholeBigPoints#1#2%
+% {\edef#2{\the\numexpr(\numexpr(\dimexpr(.996264\dimexpr(#1)))/\maxcard)}}
+ \def\PointsToBigPoints#1#2%
+ {\edef#2{\withoutpt\the\dimexpr.996264\dimexpr#1\relax\relax}}
+ \def\PointsToWholeBigPoints#1#2%
+ {\edef#2{\the\numexpr\dimexpr.996264\dimexpr#1\relax\relax/\maxcard\relax}}
+\def\ScaledPointsToBigPoints #1{\PointsToBigPoints {\number#1\scaledpoint}}
+%D \macros
+%D {PointsToReal}
+%D Points can be stripped from their suffix by using
+%D \type{\withoutpt}. The next macro enveloppes this macro.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \PointsToReal {dimension} \target
+%D \stoptyping
+ {\scratchdimen#1%
+ \edef#2{\withoutpt\the\scratchdimen}}
+%D \macros
+%D {dontleavehmode}
+%D Sometimes when we enter a paragraph with some command, the
+%D first token gets the whole first line. We can prevent this
+%D by saying:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \dontleavehmode
+%D \stoptyping
+%D This command is used in for instance the language module
+%D \type{lang-ini}. The first version was:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\dontleavehmode{\ifhmode\else\ifmmode\else$ $\fi\fi}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Next, Taco came with a better alternative (using mathsurround):
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\dontleavehmode
+%D {\ifhmode\else \ifmmode\else
+%D {\mathsurround\zeropoint\everymath\emptytoks$ $}%
+%D \fi \fi}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D And finaly we got the following alternative, one that avoids
+%D interfering grouping at the cost of a box.
+\unexpanded \def\dontleavehmode
+ {\ifhmode\else \ifmmode\else
+ \setbox\@@dlhbox\hbox{\mathsurround\zeropoint\everymath\emptytoks$ $}\unhbox\@@dlhbox
+ \fi \fi}
+% Also ok, but more sensitive to lookahead expansion is:
+% \def\dontleavehmode{\ifvmode \indent \fi}
+% which assumes indent is kept unchanged. Protecting the macro is only
+% possible in etex (watch out: \unexpanded in context is eq to \protected).
+% \unexpanded \def\dontleavehmode{\ifvmode \indent \fi} % functional spec TH
+%D But, if you run a recent version of \TEX, we can use the new
+%D primitive:
+\ifx\normalquitvmode\undefined \else \let\dontleavehmode\normalquitvmode \fi
+%D \macros
+%D {uppercasestring,lowercasestring}
+%D The names tell what they do:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \uppercasestring somestring\to\somestring
+%D \lowercasestring somestring\to\somestring
+%D \stoptyping
+%D the first argument may be a \type{\macro}.
+\def\uppercasestring#1\to#2% first @EA redundant
+ {\edef#2{#1}\@EA\uppercase\@EA{\@EA\dodoglobal\@EA\edef\@EA#2\@EA{#2}}}
+\def\lowercasestring#1\to#2% first @EA redundant
+ {\edef#2{#1}\@EA\lowercase\@EA{\@EA\dodoglobal\@EA\edef\@EA#2\@EA{#2}}}
+%D \macros
+%D {handletokens}
+%D With the next macro we enter a critical area of macro
+%D expansion. What we want is a macro that looks like:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \handletokens some tokens\with \somemacro
+%D \stoptyping
+%D At first sight the next implementation will suffice, but
+%D running this one shows that we loose the spaces. This is no
+%D surprise because we grab arguments and spaces preceding those
+%D are just ignored.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\nohandletokens#1\end%
+%D {}
+%D \def\dohandletokens#1#2\end%
+%D {\ifx#1\endoftoken
+%D \expandafter\nohandletokens
+%D \else
+%D \docommand{#1}%
+%D \expandafter\dohandletokens
+%D \fi
+%D #2\end}
+%D \long\def\handletokens#1\with#2%
+%D {\let\docommand=#2\relax
+%D \dohandletokens#1\endoftoken\end}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D A second approach therefore grabs the individual characters
+%D by using \type{\afterassignment}, in which case the space is
+%D read in as space.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\dodohandletokens%
+%D {\ifx\next\end \else
+%D \docommand{\next}%
+%D \expandafter\dohandletokens
+%D \fi}
+%D \def\dohandletokens
+%D {\afterassignment\dodohandletokens\let\next= }
+%D \long\def\handletokens#1\with#2%
+%D {\let\docommand=#2%
+%D \dohandletokens#1\end}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D A bonus example:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \hbox{\handletokens tekst en meer tekst\with\ruledhbox}
+%D \def\weetikveel#1{\if#1\blankspace\space\else\ruledhbox{#1}\fi}
+%D \hbox{\handletokens tekst en meer tekst\with\weetikveel}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D \macros
+%D {counttoken,counttokens}
+%D For the few occasions that we want to know the number of
+%D specific tokens in a string, we can use:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \counttoken token\in string\to \count
+%D \counttokens string\to \count
+%D \stoptyping
+%D This macro, that for instance is used in \type{cont-tab},
+%D takes a real counter. The macro can be preceded by \type
+%D {\doglobal}.
+ {\redoglobal#3\zerocount
+ \def\!!stringa{#1}%
+ \def\!!stringb{\end}%
+ \def\docounttoken##1% obeys {}
+ {\def\!!stringc{##1}%
+ \ifx\!!stringb\!!stringc \else
+ \ifx\!!stringa\!!stringc
+ \dodoglobal\advance#3 \plusone
+ \fi
+ \expandafter\docounttoken
+ \fi}%
+ \docounttoken#2\end
+ \resetglobal}
+% \def\counttoken#1\in#2\to#3%
+% {\redoglobal#3\zerocount
+% \def\!!stringa{#1}%
+% \def\docounttoken##1% obeys {}
+% {\def\!!stringb{##1}%
+% \ifx\!!stringa\!!stringb
+% \dodoglobal\advance#3\plusone
+% \fi}%
+% \handletokens#1\with\docounttoken
+% \resetglobal}
+ {\redoglobal#2\zerocount
+ \def\docounttoken##1{\dodoglobal\advance#2\plusone}%
+ \handletokens#1\with\docounttoken
+ \resetglobal}
+%D \macros
+%D {splitofftokens}
+%D Running this one not always gives the expected results.
+%D Consider for instance the macro for which I originally
+%D wrote this token handler.
+ {\ifnum#1>\zerocount
+ \scratchcounter#1\relax
+ \def\dosplitofftokens##1%
+ {\ifnum\scratchcounter>\zerocount
+ \advance\scratchcounter \minusone
+ \edef#3{#3##1}%
+ \fi}%
+ % \let#3\empty % #3 can be #2, so:
+ \@EA\let\@EA#3\@EA\empty
+ \@EA\handletokens#2\with\dosplitofftokens
+ \else
+ \edef#3{#2}%
+ \fi}
+%D This macro can be called like:
+%D \startbuffer[example]
+%D \splitofftokens10\from01234567 890123456789\to\test [\test]
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D However, the characters that we expect to find in
+%D \type{\test} just don;t show up there. The reason for this
+%D is not that logical but follows from \TEX's sometimes
+%D mysterious way of expanding. Look at this:
+%D \startbuffer[next]
+%D \def\next{a} \edef\test{\next} [\test]
+%D \let\next=b \edef\test{\test\next} [\test]
+%D \let\next=c \edef\test{\next} [\test]
+%D \let\next=d \edef\test{\test\next} [\test]
+%D \let\next=e \@EA\edef\@EA\test\@EA{\test\next} [\test]
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer[next]
+%D Careful reading shows that inside an \type{\edef} macro's
+%D that are \type{\let} are not expanded!
+%D \unprotect\getbuffer[next]\protect
+%D That's why we finally end up with a macro that looks
+%D ahead by using an assignment, this time by using \type
+%D {\futurelet}, and grabbing an argument as well. That
+%D way we can handle the sentinal, a blank space and grouped
+%D tokens.
+\def\dohandletokens % \nexthandledtoken is part of interface
+ {\futurelet\nexthandledtoken\dodohandletokens}
+ {\gdef\dododohandletokens{#2}% permits more complex #2's
+ \dohandletokens#1\end}
+%D A previous version said \type{\docommand=#2}, but to enable
+%D use in alignments, I decided to use another placeholder, one
+%D that is not sensitive to the global assignment.
+%D This alternatives does not handle grouped tokens well, so
+%D next we had (for a short moment):
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\dodohandletokens#1%
+%D {\ifx\nexthandledtoken\blankspace
+%D \dododohandletokens{ }%
+%D \fi
+%D \ifx#1\end \else
+%D \dododohandletokens{#1}%
+%D \expandafter\dohandletokens
+%D \fi}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D This one failed on a trailing space, something we
+%D encounter in \JAVASCRIPT\ cleaning.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\dodohandletokens#1%
+%D {\ifx\nexthandledtoken\blankspace
+%D \dododohandletokens{ }%
+%D \fi
+%D \ifx\nexthandledtoken\end \else
+%D \dododohandletokens{#1}%
+%D \expandafter\dohandletokens
+%D \fi}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D So, now we have:
+\def\dodohandletokens % can be sped up
+ {\ifx\nexthandledtoken\blankspace
+ \def\next * {\dododohandletokens{ }\dohandletokens}%
+ \else\ifx\nexthandledtoken\end
+ \let\next\gobbletwoarguments
+ \else
+ \long\def\next *##1{\dododohandletokens{##1}\dohandletokens}%
+ \fi\fi
+ \next *}
+%D This macro is tested on:
+%D \def\xxx#1{[#1]}
+%D \startlines
+%D \handletokens abc\with\xxx
+%D \handletokens a b c\with\xxx
+%D \handletokens a b c\with\xxx
+%D \handletokens a{bc}d\with\xxx
+%D \handletokens a\space bc \with\xxx
+%D \stoplines
+%D And our previous example shows up as:
+%D \getbuffer[example]
+%D \macros
+%D {iftrialtypesetting, ifvisible}
+%D The next boolean is at first sight a strange one. Sometimes
+%D one does a trial typesetting run, for instance to determine
+%D dimensions. Some mechanisms, like object inclusion, can fail
+%D on such trials. Temporary setting the next boolean to true,
+%D helps a lot. The second boolena can be used to inhibit
+%D processing completely.
+\newif\iftrialtypesetting \trialtypesettingfalse
+\newif\ifvisible \visibletrue
+%D \macros
+%D {startlocal, startglobal}
+%D The next four macros are rather self explaining:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \startlocal
+%D whatever assignments
+%D \stoplocal
+%D \startglobal
+%D whatever assignments
+%D \stopglobal
+%D \stoptyping
+%D These macros are meant for those who know the difference
+%D between local and global assignments and are aware of the
+%D possible unwanted side effect
+ {\edef\!!stringa{\the\globaldefs}%
+ \ifnum\globaldefs#10
+ \globaldefs-\globaldefs
+ \fi
+ \advance\globaldefs#21
+ \letvalue{@gd@\the\globaldefs}\!!stringa}
+ {\doifdefinedelse{@gd@\the\globaldefs}
+ {\globaldefs\getvalue{@gd@\the\globaldefs}\relax}
+ {\globaldefs\zerocount}}
+\def\startlocal {\dostartglobaldefs>-}
+\def\stoplocal {\dostopglobaldefs}
+\def\startglobal {\dostartglobaldefs<+}
+\def\stopglobal {\dostopglobaldefs}
+%D \macros
+%D {twodigitrounding}
+%D When using \type {\special}s or \type {\pdfliteral}s, it
+%D sometimes makes sense to limit the precission. The next
+%D macro rounds a real number to two digits. It takes one
+%D argument and only works in \ETEX.
+ \let\integerrounding \firstofoneargument
+ \let\onedigitrounding \firstofoneargument
+ \let\twodigitrounding \firstofoneargument
+ \let\threedigitrounding\firstofoneargument
+\beginETEX \dimexpr
+ \def\dointegerrounding #1.#2\relax {#1}
+ \def\doonedigitrounding #1.#2#3\relax {\ifx#2*#1\else#1.#2\fi}
+ \def\dotwodigitrounding #1.#2#3#4\relax {\ifx#2*#1\else#1.#2#3\fi}
+ \def\dothreedigitrounding#1.#2#3#4#5\relax{\ifx#2*#1\else#1.#2#3#4\fi}
+ \def\integerrounding#1%
+ {\@EA\@EA\@EA\dointegerrounding \@EA\WITHOUTPT\the\dimexpr#1\points+.5\points \relax .\relax}
+ \def\onedigitrounding#1%
+ {\@EA\@EA\@EA\doonedigitrounding \@EA\WITHOUTPT\the\dimexpr#1\points+.05\points \relax 00.*0\relax}
+ \def\twodigitrounding#1%
+ {\@EA\@EA\@EA\dotwodigitrounding \@EA\WITHOUTPT\the\dimexpr#1\points+.005\points \relax 000.*00\relax}
+ \def\threedigitrounding#1%
+ {\@EA\@EA\@EA\dothreedigitrounding\@EA\WITHOUTPT\the\dimexpr#1\points+.0005\points\relax0000.*00\relax}
+% \def\dointegerrounding #1.#2\relax {#1}
+% \def\doonedigitrounding #1.#2#3\relax {#1.#2}
+% \def\dotwodigitrounding #1.#2#3#4\relax {#1.#2#3}
+% \def\dothreedigitrounding#1.#2#3#4#5\relax{#1.#2#3#4}
+% \def\integerrounding #1{\@EA\@EA\@EA\dointegerrounding \@EA\WITHOUTPT\the\dimexpr #1\points+.5\points\relax \relax}
+% \def\onedigitrounding #1{\@EA\@EA\@EA\doonedigitrounding \@EA\WITHOUTPT\the\dimexpr #1\points+.05\points\relax 0\relax}
+% \def\twodigitrounding #1{\@EA\@EA\@EA\dotwodigitrounding \@EA\WITHOUTPT\the\dimexpr #1\points+.005\points\relax 00\relax}
+% \def\threedigitrounding#1{\@EA\@EA\@EA\dothreedigitrounding\@EA\WITHOUTPT\the\dimexpr#1\points+.0005\points\relax000\relax}
+% \def\integerroundeddimen #1{\@EA\@EA\@EA\dointegerrounding \@EA\WITHOUTPT\the\dimexpr #1+.5\points\relax \relax}
+% \def\onedigitroundeddimen #1{\@EA\@EA\@EA\doonedigitrounding \@EA\WITHOUTPT\the\dimexpr #1+.05\points\relax 0\relax}
+% \def\twodigitroundeddimen #1{\@EA\@EA\@EA\dotwodigitrounding \@EA\WITHOUTPT\the\dimexpr #1+.005\points\relax 00\relax}
+% \def\threedigitroundeddimen#1{\@EA\@EA\@EA\dothreedigitrounding\@EA\WITHOUTPT\the\dimexpr#1+.0005\points\relax000\relax}
+%D \macros
+%D {processcontent}
+%D This is the first occasion where \TEX\ and \ETEX\ are no
+%D longer compatible, although in many cases things go ok.
+%D Beware of verbatim, i.e. catcode changes.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\starthans%
+%D {\processcontent{stophans}\test{\message{\test}\wait}}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D This macro is first used in the tabulation macros.
+ {\begingroup\@EA\doprocesscontent\csname#1\endcsname}
+ {\long\def\doprocesscontent##1#1%
+ {\endgroup\long\def#2{##1}#3}%
+ \doprocesscontent}
+% Hm. Side effect, spaces after \type{\test} in verbatim.
+% must set eof token
+%\beginETEX \scantokens
+% {\long\def\doprocesscontent##1#1%
+% {\egroup\long\def#2{\scantokens{##1}}#3}%
+% \doprocesscontent}
+%D \macros
+%D {dogobblesingleempty, dogobbledoubleempty}
+%D These two macros savely grab and dispose two arguments.
+\def\dodogobblesingleempty [#1]{}
+\let\gobblesingleempty\dogobblesingleempty % also used
+\let\gobbledoubleempty\dogobbledoubleempty % also used
+%D \macros
+%D {sortcommalist,sortcommacommand,
+%D donumericcompare,comparedresult}
+%D Sometimes we need to sort a commalist, so here is Taco's
+%D solution. This will in many cases be a list that is stored
+%D in a \type{\csname}, so both commalist and commacommands are
+%D supported. The sorting algorithm is very simple, so the list
+%D should not be too long or sorting will be very slow.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \sortcommalist[10,2,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,10,20]\donumericcompare
+%D \def\test{10,2,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,10,20}
+%D \sortcommacommand[\test]\donumericcompare
+%D \stoptyping
+%D In both cases, the result is available in the macro \type
+%D {\sortedcommalist}.
+%D Parameter \type{#2} is a macro that should accept two
+%D parameters, and it has to decide which one is larger, by
+%D setting the counter \type{\comparedresult} to~0 (for equal),
+%D 1~(if it's first argument is larger), or~2 (if it's second
+%D argument is larger).
+%D As said, these macro are largely written by Taco, and are
+%D (maybe therefore) also the first application of \type
+%D {\replaceincommalist}.
+ {\@EA\sortcommalist\@EA[#1]}
+ {\getcommalistsize[#1]%
+ \ifnum\commalistsize>1
+ \let\sortedcommalist\empty
+ \let\comparecommand#2%
+ \processcommalist[#1]\dosortcommacommand
+ \else
+ \def\sortedcommalist{#1}%
+ \fi}
+ {\ifx\sortedcommalist\empty
+ \def\sortedcommalist{#1}%
+ \else
+ \def\!!tempa{#1}%
+ \ifx\!!tempa\empty\else
+ \scratchcounter\plusone
+ \@EA\getcommalistsize\@EA[\sortedcommalist]%
+ \@EA\processcommalist\@EA[\sortedcommalist]\docompareitems
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+%D All those \type{\expandafter}'s are there because I do not
+%D want to use \type{\edef}.
+ {\doifnotempty{#1}
+ {\@EA\comparecommand\@EA{\!!tempa}{#1}\relax
+ %\ifcase\compareresult % equal
+ \ifnum\comparedresult<2
+ \ifnum\scratchcounter=\commalistsize
+ \@EA\@EA\@EA\def\@EA\@EA\@EA\sortedcommalist
+ \@EA\@EA\@EA{\@EA\sortedcommalist\@EA,\!!tempa}%
+ \fi
+ %\or % new element larger
+ % \ifnum\scratchcounter=\commalistsize
+ % \@EA\@EA\@EA\def\@EA\@EA\@EA\sortedcommalist
+ % \@EA\@EA\@EA{\@EA\sortedcommalist\@EA,\!!tempa}%
+ % \fi
+ \else % old element larger
+ \@EA\def\@EA\newcommalistelement\@EA{\!!tempa,#1}%
+ \replaceincommalist\sortedcommalist\scratchcounter
+ \expandafter\quitcommalist
+ \fi}%
+ \advance\scratchcounter \plusone} % bug, was \minusone
+%D The macro \type{\donumericcompare} considers everything
+%D that is not a number to be larger than any number.
+ {\doifnumberelse{#1}
+ {\doifnumberelse{#2}
+ {\ifnum#1>#2\relax
+ \comparedresult\plusone % #1 is larger
+ \else\ifnum#1<#2\relax
+ \comparedresult\plustwo % #2 is larger
+ \else
+ \comparedresult\zerocount % both are equal
+ \fi\fi}
+ {\comparedresult\plustwo}}
+ {\comparedresult\plusone}}
+%D \macros
+%D {@True, @False, @Not, @And}
+%D Some predicate logic functions, used in for instance the
+%D math module.
+\def\@True {00}
+\def\@False {01}
+\def\@Not #1{0\ifcase#11 \or\@EA 1\else \@EA 0\fi}
+\def\@And #1#2{0\ifcase#1#2 \@EA 0\else \@EA 1\fi}
+%D \macros
+%D {setdimensionwithunit, freezedimensionwithunit}
+%D The next assignments are all valid:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \setdimensionwithunit\scratchdimen{10} {cm}
+%D \setdimensionwithunit\scratchdimen{10cm}{cm}
+%D \setdimensionwithunit\scratchdimen{10cm}{}
+%D \freezedimensionwithunit\SomeWidth{\textwidth}
+%D \freezedimensionwithunit\SomeDepth{\dp\strutbox}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D As an alternative for the next macro we can use a global
+%D assignment inside a box. The \type{\empty}'s permits
+%D gobbling while preventing spurious \type{\relax}'s.
+\def\setdimensionwithunit#1#2#3% number unit dimension / nice trick
+ {\afterassignment\gobblefourarguments#1=#2#3pt\relax\empty\empty\empty\empty}
+ {\setdimensionwithunit\scratchdimen#1{#2}\edef#1{\the\scratchdimen}}
+%D \macros
+%D {doifsometokselse}
+%D Not that fast I guess, but here's a way to test for token
+%D registers being empty.
+\def\doifsometokselse#1% % #2#3%
+ {\edef\!!stringa{\the#1}%
+ \ifx\!!stringa\empty % #3\else#2\fi}
+ \expandafter\secondoftwoarguments
+ \else
+ \expandafter\firstoftwoarguments
+ \fi}
+%D \macros
+%D {startstrictinspectnextcharacter}
+%D This one if for Taco's bibliography module:
+\def\strictinspectnextcharacter% no user macro !
+ {\ifx\nexttoken\charactertoken
+ \expandafter\!!stringa
+ \else
+ \expandafter\!!stringb
+ \fi}
+% better: push/pop
+ {\let\inspectnextcharacter\strictinspectnextcharacter}
+ {\let\inspectnextcharacter\normalinspectnextcharacter}
+ {\startstrictinspectnextcharacter
+ \doifnextcharelse[{\stopstrictinspectnextcharacter#1}{\stopstrictinspectnextcharacter#2}}
+%D \macros
+%D {gobblespacetokens}
+%D This macro needs a speed-up!
+% {\doifnextcharelse\empty\donothing\donothing} % no {}\do\do !
+ {\afterassignment\nexttoken\let\nexttoken=}
+%D \macros
+%D {verbatimargument}
+%D As the name says, this macro converts its argument to a
+%D (rather safe) string.
+ {\convertargument#1\to\ascii\ascii}
+%D These are needed in ordinal number conversions:
+ {\@EA\thelastdigit\number#1\relax}
+ {\ifx#2\relax#1\else\@EA\thelastdigit\@EA#2\fi}
+ {\@EA\thelasttwodigits\@EA0\number#1\relax}
+\def\thelasttwodigits#1#2#3% 0 dig ... \relax
+ {\ifx#3\relax#1#2\else\@EA\thelasttwodigits\@EA#2\@EA#3\fi}
+%D \macros
+%D {serializecommalist}
+%D Concatenate commalists:
+ {\let\serializedcommalist\empty
+ \def\docommand##1{\edef\serializedcommalist{\serializedcommalist##1}}%
+ \processcommacommand[#1]\docommand}
+%D \macros
+%D {purenumber}
+%D Sometimes we need control over when \TEX\ stops reading a
+%D number, especially in full expandable macros where using
+%D \type {\relax} would lead to disasters.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \ifodd\purenumber{...}\space ... \else ... \fi
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Here we use a space as number delimiter in combination
+%D with a space- and relax-less \type {\purenumber}. This
+%D macro works ok with \type {\the}, \type {\number} as well
+%D as \ETEX's \type {\numexpr}.
+%D \macros
+%D {filterfromvalue}
+%D \starttyping
+%D \setvalue{xx}{{A}{B}{C}}
+%D \filterfromvalue{xx}{3}{3}
+%D \filterfromvalue{xx}{3}{2}
+%D \filterfromvalue{xx}{3}{1}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D An alternative is to store 'max' in the list, say:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \setvalue{xx}{3{A}{B}{C}}
+%D \filterfromvalues{3}{xx}{3}
+%D \filterfromvalues{3}{xx}{2}
+%D \filterfromvalues{3}{xx}{1}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D I'll implement this when I'm in \quotation {writing dirty
+%D macros mood}.
+\def\dofilterfromstr#1#2% max n
+ {\ifcase#1\or
+ \ifcase#2\or
+ \strippedcsname\firstofoneargument
+ \else
+ \strippedcsname\gobbleoneargument
+ \fi
+ \or
+ \ifcase#2\or
+ \strippedcsname\firstoftwoarguments
+ \or
+ \strippedcsname\secondoftwoarguments
+ \else
+ \strippedcsname\gobbletwoarguments
+ \fi
+ \or
+ \ifcase#2\or
+ \strippedcsname\firstofthreearguments
+ \or
+ \strippedcsname\secondofthreearguments
+ \or
+ \strippedcsname\thirdofthreearguments
+ \else
+ \strippedcsname\gobblethreearguments
+ \fi
+ \or
+ \ifcase#2\or
+ \strippedcsname\firstoffourarguments
+ \or
+ \strippedcsname\secondoffourarguments
+ \or
+ \strippedcsname\thirdoffourarguments
+ \or
+ \strippedcsname\fourthoffourarguments
+ \else
+ \strippedcsname\gobblefourarguments
+ \fi
+ \or
+ \ifcase#2\or
+ \strippedcsname\firstoffivearguments
+ \or
+ \strippedcsname\secondoffivearguments
+ \or
+ \strippedcsname\thirdoffivearguments
+ \or
+ \strippedcsname\fourthoffivearguments
+ \or
+ \strippedcsname\fifthoffivearguments
+ \else
+ \strippedcsname\gobblefivearguments
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+\def\filterfromvalue#1#2#3% value max n
+ {\@EA\@EAEAEA\csname % we use the fact that an
+ \@EA\ifx\csname#1\endcsname\relax % undefined cs has become \relax
+ \strippedcsname\gobbleoneargument % which we then gobble here
+ \else
+ \dofilterfromstr{#2}{#3}%
+ \fi
+ \endcsname\csname#1\endcsname}
+\def\filterfromnext#1#2% max n {..}{..}{..}{..}
+ {\csname\dofilterfromstr{#1}{#2}\endcsname}
+%D \macros
+%D {definemeasure}
+%D \starttyping
+%D \definemeasure[mywidth][\dimexpr(\textwidth-1cm)]
+%D ... \measure{mywidth} ...
+%D \stoptyping
+\def\??dm{@@dm} % brrr
+ {\dodoubleargument\dodefinemeasure}
+ {\setvalue{\??dm#1}{#2}}
+% #2 could be omitted, but we want to support spaces
+% \setmeasure {x} {1cm}
+% \setmeasure {xx} {1cm}
+% \setmeasure {xxx}{1cm}
+\def\setmeasure #1#2{\setvalue{\??dm#1}{#2}} % quick way
+\def\setemeasure#1#2{\setevalue{\??dm#1}{#2}} % quick way
+\def\setgmeasure#1#2{\setgvalue{\??dm#1}{#2}} % quick way
+\def\setxmeasure#1#2{\setxvalue{\??dm#1}{#2}} % quick way
+ {\ifcsname\??dm#1\endcsname\csname\??dm#1\endcsname\else\zeropoint\fi}
+%D \macros
+%D {doifdimensionelse}
+%D This is a dirty one: we simply append a unit and discard it when needed.
+ {\afterassignment\dodoifdimensionelse\scratchdimen#1pt\relax}
+ {\ifx#1\relax
+ \expandafter\secondoftwoarguments
+ \else % #1=p ... t\relax
+ \expandafter\thirdoffourarguments
+ \fi}
+%D \macros
+%D {comparedimension,comparedimensioneps}
+%D This is a dirty one: we simply append a unit and discard it when needed.
+\newdimen\roundingeps \roundingeps=10sp
+ {\chardef\compresult
+ \ifdim#1<#2%
+ \zerocount
+ \else\ifdim#1<#2%
+ \plusone
+ \else
+ \plustwo
+ \fi\fi}
+ {\chardef\compresult
+ \ifdim\dimexpr#1-#2\relax<\roudingeps
+ \zerocount
+ \else\ifdim\dimexpr#2-#1\relax<\roudingeps
+ \zerocount
+ \else\ifdim#1<#2%
+ \plusone
+ \else
+ \plustwo
+ \fi\fi\fi}
+ {\comparedimen#1\advance\comparedimen-#2\relax
+ \chardef\compresult
+ \ifdim\comparedimen<\roudingeps
+ \zerocount
+ \else\ifdim-\comparedimen<\roudingeps
+ \zerocount
+ \else\ifdim#1<#2%
+ \plusone
+ \else
+ \plustwo
+ \fi\fi\fi}
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/syst-fnt.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/syst-fnt.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5669475a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/syst-fnt.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=syst-fnt,
+%D version=2006.08.11,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ System Macros,
+%D subtitle=Font Things,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+% formal names cf the tb \& tbt
+\def\fontslantperpoint {\fontdimen\plusone }
+\def\fontinterwordspace {\fontdimen\plustwo }
+\def\fontinterwordshrink {\fontdimen\plusfour }
+\def\fontexheight {\fontdimen\plusfive }
+\def\fontemwidth {\fontdimen\plussix }
+\def\fontextraspace {\fontdimen\plusseven}
+\def\slantperpoint {\fontdimen\plusone \font}
+\def\interwordspace {\fontdimen\plustwo \font}
+\def\interwordstretch {\fontdimen\plusthree\font}
+\def\interwordshrink {\fontdimen\plusfour \font}
+\def\exheight {\fontdimen\plusfive \font}
+\def\emwidth {\fontdimen\plussix \font}
+\def\extraspace {\fontdimen\plusseven\font}
+\def\mathsupdisplay {\fontdimen13 }
+\def\mathsupnormal {\fontdimen14 }
+\def\mathsupcramped {\fontdimen15 }
+\def\mathsubnormal {\fontdimen16 }
+\def\mathsubcombined {\fontdimen17 }
+\def\mathaxisheight {\fontdimen22 }
+\def\currentspaceskip {\interwordspace\!!plus\interwordstretch\!!minus\interwordshrink\relax}
+\def\mathstacktotal {\dimexpr\fontdimen10\scriptfont\plustwo+\fontdimen12\scriptfont\plustwo\relax}
+\def\mathstackvgap {\plusthree\fontdimen8\scriptfont\plusthree}
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/syst-gen.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/syst-gen.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8b71b77d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/syst-gen.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,4459 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=syst-gen,
+%D version=1996.03.20,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ System Macros,
+%D subtitle=General,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+% nagaan : \ifinstringelse in syst-ext.tex
+% do => p! dodo pp! dododo ppp!
+% todo: \donetrue etc local maken
+%D The following macros are responsible for the interaction
+%D with \CONTEXT. These macros have proven their use. These
+%D macros are optimized as far as possible within of course,
+%D the know how of the author.
+%D In this module we also show some of the optimizations,
+%D mainly because we don't want to forget them and start doing
+%D things over and over again. If showing them has a learing
+%D effect for others too, we've surved another purpose too.
+%D \macros
+%D {abortinputifdefined}
+%D Because this module can be used in a different context, we
+%D want to prevent it being loaded more than once. This can be
+%D done using:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \abortinputifdefined\command
+%D \stoptyping
+%D where \type{\command} is a command defined in the module
+%D to be loaded only once.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\abortinputifdefined#1%
+%D {\ifx#1\undefined
+%D \let\next=\relax
+%D \else
+%D \let\next=\endinput
+%D \fi
+%D \next}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D This macro can be speed up in terms of speed as well as
+%D memory. Because this is a nice example of a bit strange
+%D command (\type{\endinput}), we spend some more lines on this.
+%D If we perform such actions directly, we can say:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \ifx\somecommand\undefined
+%D \let\next=\relax
+%D \else
+%D \let\next=\endinput
+%D \fi
+%D \next
+%D \stoptyping
+%D We need the \type{\next} because we need to end the
+%D \type{\fi}. The efficient one is:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \ifx\somecommand\undefined
+%D \else
+%D \expandafter\endinput
+%D \fi
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Because \type{\endinput} comes into action after the current
+%D line, we can also say:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \ifx\somecommand\undefined \else \endinput \fi
+%D \stoptyping
+%D When we define a macro, we tend to use a format which
+%D shows as besat as can how things are done. \TEX\ however
+%D stores the definitions as a sequence of tokens, so in fact
+%D we can use a formatted definition:
+ {\ifx#1\undefined \else
+ \endinput
+ \fi}
+%D which also works. Keep in mind that this is entirely due to
+%D the fact that \type{\endinput} after the line, i.e. at the
+%D end of the macro. We therefore can burry this primitive quite
+%D deep in code.
+%D And because this module implements \type{\writestatus}, we
+%D just say:
+% \abortinputifdefined\writestatus
+%D \macros
+%D {overloaded, superseded, forwarded, predefined}
+%D This prefix is used as signal for the \CONTEXT\ dependency
+%D checking features. The first four prefixes don't do anything
+%D useful, apart from signaling parsers.
+\def\overloaded{} % local change at the macro level
+\def\superseded{} % global change at the module level, replaces previous definitions
+\def\predefined{} % defined (first) here, but may be redefined anytime (no need for \overloaded)
+\def\forwarded {} % definition at the module level, only done when undefined
+ {}
+%D Normally we tell the users what module is being loaded.
+%D However, the command that is needed for this is not yet
+%D defined.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \writestatus{laden}{Context Systeem Macros (a)}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The next few macros are needed in case this module is
+%D used outside \CONTEXT.
+ \let\beginTEX\relax\let\endTEX\relax
+ \long\def\beginETEX #1\endETEX {}
+%D \macros
+%D [protecting]
+%D {protect,unprotect}
+%D We can shield macros from users by using some special
+%D characters in their names. Some characters that are normally
+%D no letters and therefore often used are: \type{@}, \type{!}
+%D and \type{?}. Before and after the definition of protected
+%D macros, we have to change the \CATCODE\ of these characters.
+%D This is done by \type{\unprotect} and \type{\protect}, for
+%D instance:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \unprotect
+%D \def\!test{test}
+%D \protect
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The defined command \type{\!test} can of course only be
+%D called upon when we are in the \type{\unprotect}'ed state,
+%D otherwise \TEX\ reads \type{\!} and probably complains
+%D loudly about not being in math mode.
+%D Both commands can be used nested, but only the \CATCODE\
+%D of the outermost level is saved. We make use of
+%D an auxilary macro \type{\doprotect} to prevent us from
+%D conflicts with existing macro's \type{\protect}. When
+%D nesting deeper than one level, the system shows the
+%D protection level.
+\ifx\protectionlevel\undefined \newcount\protectionlevel \fi
+ \def\protect{\writestatus{protection}{too much protection}}
+ % a simple version is already defined
+\let\normalprotect\protect % only for latex
+%D Although we don't need the \type{%} after commands that
+%D don't take arguments, unless lines are obeyed, I decided
+%D to put it there as a reminder. I only mention this once.
+ \chardef\protectionthreshold=10
+ \def\saveprotectedcharacters
+ {\edef\doprotectcharacters
+ {\catcode`\noexpand @\the\catcode`@
+ \catcode`\noexpand !\the\catcode`!
+ \catcode`\noexpand ?\the\catcode`? }}
+ \def\setprotectedcharacters
+ {\catcode`@=11
+ \catcode`!=11
+ \catcode`?=11 }
+ \def\unprotect
+ {\ifcase\protectionlevel
+ \saveprotectedcharacters
+ \let\protect\doprotect
+ \fi
+ \setprotectedcharacters
+ \advance\protectionlevel 1
+ \ifnum\protectionlevel>\protectionthreshold
+ \reportunprotection
+ \fi}
+ \def\doprotect
+ {\ifcase\protectionlevel\or
+ \doprotectcharacters
+ \let\doprotectcharacters\relax
+ \let\protect\normalprotect
+ \fi
+ \ifnum\protectionlevel>\protectionthreshold
+ \reportprotection
+ \fi
+ \advance\protectionlevel -1 }
+ \def\reportunprotection {\writestatus{protection}{unprotect \protectionstate}}
+ \def\reportprotection {\writestatus{protection}{protect \protectionstate}}
+ \def\reportprotectionstate{\writestatus{protection}{state \protectionstate}}
+ \def\protectionstate
+ {\the\protectionlevel
+ \ifcase\protectionthreshold
+ :\space
+ @=\the\catcode`@\space\space
+ !=\the\catcode`!\space\space
+ ?=\the\catcode`?%
+ \fi}
+ \ifx\everyeof\undefined
+ \let\checkprotection\relax
+ \else
+ \def\checkprotection{\everyeof{\writestatus{protection}{state: \protectionstate}}}
+ \fi
+ \let\reportprotectionstate\relax
+%D Now it is defined, we can make use of this very useful
+%D macro.
+%D \macros
+%D {@@escape,@@begingroup,@@endgroup,@@mathshift,@@alignment,
+%D @@endofline,@@parameter,@@superscript,@@subscript,
+%D @@ignore,@@space,@@letter,@@other,@@active,@@comment}
+%D In \CONTEXT\ we sometimes manipulate the \CATCODES\ of
+%D certain characters. Because we are not that good at numbers,
+%D we introduce some symbolic names.
+\chardef\@@escape = 0
+\chardef\@@begingroup = 1
+\chardef\@@endgroup = 2
+\chardef\@@mathshift = 3
+\chardef\@@alignment = 4
+\chardef\@@endofline = 5
+\chardef\@@parameter = 6
+\chardef\@@superscript = 7
+\chardef\@@subscript = 8
+\chardef\@@ignore = 9
+\chardef\@@space = 10
+\chardef\@@letter = 11
+\chardef\@@other = 12 \chardef\other = 12
+\chardef\@@active = 13 \chardef\active = 13
+\chardef\@@comment = 14
+%D \macros
+%D {normalspace}
+%D We often need a space as defined in \PLAIN\ \TEX. Because
+%D we cannot be sure of \type{\space} is redefined, we define:
+\def\normalspace{ }
+%D \macros
+%D {scratchcounter,
+%D scratchdimen,scratchskip,scratchmuskip,
+%D scratchbox,
+%D scratchtoks}
+%D Because we often need counters on a temporary basis, we
+%D define the \COUNTER\ \type{\scratchcounter}. This is a
+%D real \COUNTER, and not a pseudo one, as we will meet
+%D further on. We also define some other scratch registers.
+ {\ifnum10<9#1 #1\else\expandafter\stripnewabove\fi}%
+\def\newabove#1#2% \dimen \name
+ {#1#2%
+ \ifnum\expandafter\stripnewabove\meaning#2>\newabovelimit\else
+ \expandafter\newabove\expandafter#1\expandafter#2%
+ \fi}
+\newabove \newcount \scratchcounter \newabove \newcount \globalscratchcounter
+\newabove \newdimen \scratchdimen \newabove \newdimen \globalscratchdimen
+\newabove \newskip \scratchskip \newabove \newskip \globalscratchskip
+\newabove \newmuskip \scratchmuskip \newabove \newmuskip \globalscratchmuskip
+\newabove \newtoks \scratchtoks \newabove \newtoks \globalscratchtoks
+ \newbox \scratchbox \newbox \globalscratchbox
+\newdimen\scratchdimenone \newbox\scratchboxone \newcount\scratchcounterone
+\newdimen\scratchdimentwo \newbox\scratchboxtwo \newcount\scratchcountertwo
+%D \macros
+%D {ifdone}
+%D \macros
+%D In the system and support modules we sometimes show examples
+%D that make use of core commands. We can skip those parts of
+%D the documentation when we use another macropackage. Of
+%D course we default to false.
+\newif \ifCONTEXT
+%D \macros
+%D {!!count, !!toks, !!dimen, !!box,
+%D !!width, !!height, !!depth, !!string, !!done}
+%D We define some more \COUNTERS\ and \DIMENSIONS. We also
+%D define some shortcuts to the local scatchregisters~0, 2, 4,
+%D 6 and~8.
+\newcount\!!counta \toksdef\!!toksa=0 \dimendef\!!dimena= 0 \chardef\!!boxa =0
+\newcount\!!countb \toksdef\!!toksb=2 \dimendef\!!dimenb= 2 \chardef\!!boxb =2
+\newcount\!!countc \toksdef\!!toksc=4 \dimendef\!!dimenc= 4 \chardef\!!boxc =4
+\newcount\!!countd \toksdef\!!toksd=6 \dimendef\!!dimend= 6 \chardef\!!boxd =6
+\newcount\!!counte \toksdef\!!tokse=8 \dimendef\!!dimene= 8 \chardef\!!boxe =8
+\newcount\!!countf \dimendef\!!dimenf=10 %skipdef\!!skipa=0
+ \dimendef\!!dimeng=12 %skipdef\!!skipb=2
+ \dimendef\!!dimenh=14 %skipdef\!!skipc=4
+ \dimendef\!!dimeni=16 %skipdef\!!skipd=6
+ \dimendef\!!dimenj=18 %skipdef\!!skipe=8
+ \dimendef\!!dimenk=20 %skipdef\!!skipf=10
+\let\!!stringa\empty \let\!!stringb\empty \let\!!stringc\empty
+\let\!!stringd\empty \let\!!stringe\empty \let\!!stringf\empty
+\newdimen\!!widtha \newdimen\!!heighta \newdimen\!!deptha
+\newdimen\!!widthb \newdimen\!!heightb \newdimen\!!depthb
+\newdimen\!!widthc \newdimen\!!heightc \newdimen\!!depthc
+\newif\if!!donea \newif\if!!doneb \newif\if!!donec
+\newif\if!!doned \newif\if!!donee \newif\if!!donef
+\ifx\data\undefined \else \let\data \relax \fi % dep checker
+%D Beware: we don't reuse plain counters, too dangerous
+%D when <= 20 (e.g. in supp-pdf this messed up things).
+\ifx\undefined\zeroskip \newskip \zeroskip \fi
+\ifx\undefined\zeropoint \newdimen \zeropoint \fi
+\ifx\undefined\zerocount \newcount \zerocount \fi
+\ifx\undefined\minusone \newcount \minusone \fi \minusone = -1
+\ifx\undefined\minustwo \newcount \minustwo \fi \minustwo = -2
+\ifx\undefined\plusone \chardef \plusone = 1 \fi
+\ifx\undefined\plustwo \chardef \plustwo = 2 \fi
+\ifx\undefined\plusthree \chardef \plusthree = 3 \fi
+\ifx\undefined\plusfour \chardef \plusfour = 4 \fi
+\ifx\undefined\plusfive \chardef \plusfive = 5 \fi
+\ifx\undefined\plusten \mathchardef \plusten = 10 \fi
+\ifx\undefined\plushundred \mathchardef \plushundred = 100 \fi
+\ifx\undefined\plusthousand \mathchardef \plusthousand = 1000 \fi
+\ifx\undefined\plustenthousand \mathchardef \plustenthousand = 10000 \fi
+\ifx\undefined\plustwentythousand \mathchardef \plustwentythousand = 20000 \fi
+%D \macros
+%D {s!,c!,e!,p!,v!,@@,??}
+%D To save memory, we use constants (sometimes called
+%D variables). Redefining these constants can have desastrous
+%D results.
+\def\v!prefix! {v!} \def\c!prefix! {c!}
+\def\s!prefix! {s!} \def\p!prefix! {p!}
+\def\s!next {next} \def\s!default {default}
+\def\s!dummy {dummy} \def\s!unknown {unknown}
+\def\s!do {do} \def\s!dodo {dodo}
+\def\s!complex {complex} \def\s!start {start}
+\def\s!simple {simple} \def\s!stop {stop}
+\def\s!empty {empty}
+%D \macros
+%D {@EA,@EAEA,@EAEAEA,@EAEAEAEAEAEA,expanded,startexpanded}
+%D When in unprotected mode, to be entered with
+%D \type{\unprotect}, one can use \type{\@EA} as equivalent
+%D of \type{\expandafter}.
+\def\@EAEA {\expandafter\expandafter}
+%D Sometimes we pass macros as arguments to commands that
+%D don't expand them before interpretation. Such commands can
+%D be enclosed with \type{\expanded}, like:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \expanded{\setupsomething[\alfa]}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Such situations occur for instance when \type{\alfa} is a
+%D commalist or when data stored in macros is fed to index of
+%D list commands. If needed, one should use \type{\noexpand}
+%D inside the argument. Later on we will meet some more clever
+%D alternatives to this command.
+\long\def\@@expanded{} % always long; global (less restores)
+ {\long\xdef\@@expanded{\noexpand#1}\@@expanded}
+%D Beware, the next one has no \type {\noexpand} before its
+%D argument.
+\long\def\startexpanded#1\stopexpanded % see x-fo for example
+ {\long\xdef\@@expanded{#1}\@@expanded}
+%D \macros
+%D {safeexpanded,everysafeexpanded}
+%D In addition we provide:
+\long\def\safeexpanded#1% why the \noexpand
+ {\begingroup
+ \the\everysafeexpanded\long\xdef\@@expanded{\noexpand#1}%
+ \endgroup
+ \@@expanded}
+ {\begingroup
+ \the\everysafeexpanded\long\xdef\@@expanded{\noexpand#2}%
+ \endgroup
+ \let#1\@@expanded}
+ {\begingroup
+ \the\everysafeexpanded\long\xdef\@@expanded{\noexpand#2}%
+ \endgroup
+ \global\let#1\@@expanded}
+%D You can append protective measures to the token register if
+%D needed, as we will do later.
+%D \macros
+%D {expandoneargafter,expandtwoargsafter}
+%D These two commands make macros more readable by hiding a
+%D lot of \type {\expandafter}'s. They expand the arguments
+%D after the first command.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \expandoneargafter \command{\abc}
+%D \expandtwoargsafter\command{\abc}{\def}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D These commands expect the arguments to be macros.
+\def\expandoneargafter #1{\@EA#1\@EA}
+%D These two do a full expansion:
+\def\fullexpandoneargafter #1#2{\long\xdef\@@expanded{\noexpand#1{#2}}\@@expanded}
+%D \macros
+%D {gobbleoneargument,gobble...arguments}
+%D The next set of macros just do nothing, except that they
+%D get rid of a number of arguments.
+\long\def\gobbleoneargument #1{}
+\long\def\gobbletwoarguments #1#2{}
+\long\def\gobblethreearguments #1#2#3{}
+\long\def\gobblefourarguments #1#2#3#4{}
+\long\def\gobblefivearguments #1#2#3#4#5{}
+\long\def\gobblesixarguments #1#2#3#4#5#6{}
+\long\def\gobblesevenarguments #1#2#3#4#5#6#7{}
+\long\def\gobbleeightarguments #1#2#3#4#5#6#7#8{}
+\long\def\gobbleninearguments #1#2#3#4#5#6#7#8#9{}
+\long\def\gobbletenarguments #1{\gobbleninearguments}
+%D \macros
+%D {doifnextcharelse}
+%D When we started using \TEX\ in the late eighties, our
+%D first experiences with programming concerned a simple shell
+%D around \LATEX. The commands probably use most at \PRAGMA,
+%D are the itemizing ones. One of those few shell commands took
+%D care of an optional argument, that enabled us to specify
+%D what kind of item symbol we wanted. Without understanding
+%D anything we were able to locate a \LATEX\ macro that could
+%D be used to inspect the next character.
+%D It's this macro that the ancester of the next one presented
+%D here. It executes one of two actions, dependant of the next
+%D character. Disturbing spaces and line endings, which are
+%D normally interpreted as spaces too, are skipped.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \doifnextcharelse {karakter} {then ...} {else ...}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D This macro differs from the original in the use of \type
+%D {\localnext} because we don't want clashes with \type
+%D {\next}.
+\long\def\doifnextcharelse#1#2#3% #1 should not be {} !
+ {\let\charactertoken=#1% = needed here
+ \def\!!stringa{#2}%
+ \def\!!stringb{#3}%
+ \futurelet\nexttoken\inspectnextcharacter}
+ {\ifx\nexttoken\blankspace
+ \@EA\reinspectnextcharacter
+ \else\ifx\nexttoken\charactertoken
+ \@EAEAEA\!!stringa
+ \else
+ \@EAEAEA\!!stringb
+ \fi\fi}
+%D Because we will mostly use this macro for testing if the next
+%D character is \type {[}, we also make a slightly faster variant
+%D as it is not uncommon to have tens of thousands of calls to this
+%D test in a run. Of course it also is more convenient to read a
+%D trace then.
+ {\def\nextoptionalcommandyes{#1}%
+ \def\nextoptionalcommandnop{#2}%
+ \futurelet\nexttoken\inspectnextoptionalcharacter}
+ {\ifx\nexttoken\blankspace
+ \@EA\reinspectnextoptionalcharacter
+ \else\ifx\nexttoken\nextoptionalcharactertoken
+ \@EAEAEA\nextoptionalcommandyes
+ \else
+ \@EAEAEA\nextoptionalcommandnop
+ \fi\fi}
+ {\def\nextbgroupcommandyes{#1}%
+ \def\nextbgroupcommandnop{#2}%
+ \futurelet\nexttoken\inspectnextbgroupcharacter}
+ {\ifx\nexttoken\blankspace
+ \@EA\reinspectnextbgroupcharacter
+ \else\ifx\nexttoken\nextbgroupcharactertoken
+ \@EAEAEA\nextbgroupcommandyes
+ \else
+ \@EAEAEA\nextbgroupcommandnop
+ \fi\fi}
+%D This macro uses some auxiliary macros. Although we were able
+%D to program quite complicated things, I only understood these
+%D after rereading the \TEX book. The trick is in using a
+%D command with a one character name. Such commands differ from
+%D the longer ones in the fact that trailing spaces are {\em
+%D not} skipped. This enables us to indirectly define a long
+%D named macro that gobbles a space.
+%D In the first line we define \type{\blankspace}. Next we
+%D make \type{\:} equivalent to \type{\reinspect...}. This
+%D one||character command is expanded before the next
+%D \type{\def} comes into action. This way the space after
+%D \type{\:} becomes a delimiter of the longer named
+%D \type{\reinspectnextcharacter}. The chain reaction is
+%D visually compatible with the next sequence:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \expandafter\def\reinspectnextcharacter %
+%D {\futurelet\nexttoken\inspectnextcharacter}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D However complicated it may look, I'm still glad I stumbled
+%D into this construction. Saving and restoring \type {\:} is
+%D needed when we use \PPCHTEX\ in \LATEX.
+\def\:{\let\blankspace= } \:
+\expandafter\def\: {\futurelet\nexttoken\inspectnextcharacter}
+\expandafter\def\: {\futurelet\nexttoken\inspectnextoptionalcharacter}
+\expandafter\def\: {\futurelet\nexttoken\inspectnextbgroupcharacter}
+%D \macros
+%D {setvalue,setgvalue,setevalue,setxvalue,
+%D letvalue,
+%D getvalue,
+%D resetvalue}
+%D \TEX's primitive \type{\csname} can be used to construct
+%D all kind of commands that cannot be defined with
+%D \type{\def} and \type{\let}. Every macro programmer sooner
+%D or later wants macros like these.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \setvalue {name}{...} = \def\name{...}
+%D \setgvalue {name}{...} = \gdef\name{...}
+%D \setevalue {name}{...} = \edef\name{...}
+%D \setxvalue {name}{...} = \xdef\name{...}
+%D \letvalue {name}=\... = \let\name=\...
+%D \letgvalue {name}=\... = \global\let\name=\...
+%D \getvalue {name} = \name
+%D \resetvalue {name} = \def\name{}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D As we will see, \CONTEXT\ uses these commands many times,
+%D which is mainly due to its object oriented and parameter
+%D driven character.
+\def\setvalue #1{\expandafter \def\csname#1\endcsname}
+\def\setgvalue #1{\expandafter\gdef\csname#1\endcsname}
+\def\setevalue #1{\expandafter\edef\csname#1\endcsname}
+\def\setxvalue #1{\expandafter\xdef\csname#1\endcsname}
+\def\getvalue #1{\csname#1\endcsname}
+\def\letvalue #1{\expandafter\let\csname#1\endcsname}
+\def\letgvalue #1{\global\expandafter\let\csname#1\endcsname}
+\def\resetvalue #1{\expandafter\let\csname#1\endcsname\empty}
+\def\setuvalue #1{\normalprotected\expandafter \def\csname#1\endcsname}
+\def\setuevalue #1{\normalprotected\expandafter\edef\csname#1\endcsname}
+\def\setugvalue #1{\normalprotected\expandafter\gdef\csname#1\endcsname}
+\def\setuxvalue #1{\normalprotected\expandafter\xdef\csname#1\endcsname}
+%D \macros
+%D {globallet,glet}
+%D In \CONTEXT\ of May 2000 using \type {\globallet}
+%D instead of the two tokens will save us some
+%D $300\times4=1200$ bytes of format file on a 32~bit
+%D system. So:
+\def\globallet{\global\let} \let\glet\globallet
+%D \macros
+%D {donottest,unexpanded}
+%D When expansion of a macro gives problems, we can precede it
+%D by \type{\donottest}. It seems that protection is one of the
+%D burdens of developers of packages, so maybe that's why in
+%D \ETEX\ protection is solved in a more robust way.
+%D Sometimes prefixing the macro with \type{\donottest} leads
+%D to defining an auxiliary macro, like
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\dosomecommand {... ... ...}
+%D \def\somecommand {\donottest\dosomecommand}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D This double definition can be made transparant by using
+%D \type{\unexpanded}, as in:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \unexpanded\def\somecommand{... ... ...}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The protection mechanism uses:
+\def\doprocesstest #1{#1}
+\beginETEX \detokenize
+\def\donottest#1{#1} % {\detokenize{#1}}
+%D By the way, we use a placeholder because we don't want
+%D interference when testing on empty strings. Using a
+%D placeholder of 8~characters increases the processing time
+%D of simple \type{\doifelse} tests by about 10 \%. When we
+%D process the test, we have to remove the braces and
+%D therefore explictly gobble \type{#1}.
+%D \macros
+%D {honorunexpanded,forceunexpanded}
+%D The fact that many macros have the same prefix, could have
+%D a negative impact on searching in the hash table. Because
+%D some simple testing does not show differences, we just use:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\unexpanded#1#2%
+%D {\@EA#1\@EA#2\@EA{\@EA\donottest\csname\s!do\string#2\endcsname}%
+%D \@EA#1\csname\s!do\string#2\endcsname}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Well, in fact we use the bit more versatile alternative. The
+%D \type {\honorunexpanded} can be used to \type {\string}
+%D the protected command, which by the way is seldom needed
+%D in \CONTEXT.
+ {\@EA#1\@EA{\@EA#2\@EA}%
+ \@EA{\@EA\donottest\csname\s!do\@EA\string\csname#2\endcsname\endcsname}%
+ \@EA#1\@EA{\@EA\s!do\@EA\string\csname#2\endcsname}}
+ {\@EA#1\@EA#2\@EA{\@EA\donottest\csname\s!do\string#2\endcsname}%
+ \@EA#1\csname\s!do\string#2\endcsname}
+ {\def\dounexpanded
+ {\ifx\next\bgroup
+ \@EA\dosetunexpanded
+ \else
+ \@EA\docomunexpanded
+ \fi#1}%
+ \futurelet\next\dounexpanded}
+\def\honorunexpanded% for writing to a file or message
+ {\def\donottest##1{\expandafter\gobblethreearguments\string##1}}
+\def\forceunexpanded% for preventing expansion in \xdef
+ {\def\donottest##1%
+ {\expandafter\noexpand\csname\expandafter\gobblefourarguments\string##1\endcsname}}
+ {\let\donottest\doprocesstest}
+\beginETEX \protected
+\let \unexpanded \normalprotected
+\let \honorunexpanded \empty % \relax
+\let \forceunexpanded \empty % \relax
+\let \resetunexpanded \empty % \relax
+%D This one accepts the more direct \type{\def} and cousins
+%D as well as the \CONTEXT\ specific \type{\setvalue} ones.
+%D And so the definition in our example turns out to be:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\csname do\somecommand\endcsname{... ... ...}
+%D \def\somecommand{\donottest\csname do\somecommand\endcsname}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D In which \type{do\somecommand} is hidden from the user and
+%D cannot lead to confusion. It's still permitted to define
+%D auxiliary macros like \type{\dosomecommand}.
+%D When we are going to use e-\TEX, we'll probably end up
+%D redefining some commands, but we can probably keep the
+%D \type{\unexpanded} ones unchanged.
+%D \macros
+%D {doifundefined,doifdefined,
+%D doifundefinedelse,doifdefinedelse,
+%D doifalldefinedelse}
+%D The standard way of testing if a macro is defined is
+%D comparing its meaning with another undefined one, usually
+%D \type{\undefined}. To garantee correct working of the next
+%D set of macros, \type{\undefined} may never be defined!
+%D \starttyping
+%D \doifundefined {string} {...}
+%D \doifdefined {string} {...}
+%D \doifundefinedelse {string} {then ...} {else ...}
+%D \doifdefinedelse {string} {then ...} {else ...}
+%D \doifalldefinedelse {commalist} {then ...} {else ...}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Every macroname that \TEX\ builds gets an entry in the hash
+%D table, which is of limited size. It is expected that e-\TeX\
+%D will offer a less memory||consuming alternative.
+%D Although it will probably never be a big problem, it is good
+%D to be aware of the difference between testing on a macro
+%D name to be build by using \type{\csname} and
+%D \type{\endcsname} and testing the \type{\name} directly.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \expandafter\ifx\csname NameA\endcsname\relax ... \else ... \fi
+%D \ifx\NameB\undefined ... \else ... \fi
+%D \stoptyping
+%D I became aware of this when I mistakenly testen the first
+%D one against \type{\undefined}. When \TEX\ build a name using
+%D \type{\csname} it automatically sets it to \type{\relax},
+%D which is definitely not the same as \type{\undefined}. The
+%D quickest way to check these things is asking \TEX\ to show
+%D the meaning of the names:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \expandafter\show\csname NameA\endcsname
+%D \show\NameB
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The main reason why this never will be a big problem is that
+%D when one uses the \type{\csname} way, one probably has to do
+%D with some macroname that always is dealt with that way.
+%D Confusion can however arise when one applies both testing
+%D methods to the same macroname. By the way, the assignment
+%D of \type{\relax} obeys grouping.
+%D The first one gets rid of \type{#1}, but still expands to
+%D something and the second one expands to \type{#1}. Because
+%D we accept arguments between \type{{}}, we have to get rid
+%D of one level of braces.
+%D Our first implementation of \type{\ifundefined} was
+%D straightforward and readable:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\ifundefined#1%
+%D {\expandafter\ifx\csname#1\endcsname\relax}%
+%D \def\doifundefinedelse#1#2#3%
+%D {\let\donottest=\dontprocesstest
+%D \ifundefined{#1}%
+%D \let\donottest=\doprocesstest#2%
+%D \else
+%D \let\donottest=\doprocesstest#3%
+%D \fi}
+%D \def\doifdefinedelse#1#2#3%
+%D {\doifundefinedelse{#1}{#3}{#2}}
+%D \def\doifundefined#1#2%
+%D {\doifundefinedelse{#1}{#2}{}}
+%D \def\doifdefined#1#2%
+%D {\doifundefinedelse{#1}{}{#2}}
+%D \def\doifalldefinedelse#1#2#3%
+%D {\begingroup
+%D \donetrue
+%D \def\checkcommand##1%
+%D {\doifundefined{##1}{\donefalse}}%
+%D \processcommalist[#1]\checkcommand
+%D \ifdone
+%D \endgroup#2%
+%D \else
+%D \endgroup#3%
+%D \fi}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D When this module was optimized, timing showed that the
+%D next alternative can be upto twice as fast, especially when
+%D longer arguments are used. Watch how we reach over the
+%D \type {\else} and \type {\fi}: this way they cannot get
+%D into the way (and we can avoid those \type {\next}
+%D hacks); I started using this method after I did some
+%D speed optimization tests in the xtag modules; the
+%D efficiency of such hacks depends on the length of the
+%D argument etc. etc.)
+ {\expandafter\ifx\csname#1\endcsname\relax}
+ {\let\donottest\dontprocesstest
+ \expandafter\ifx\csname#1\endcsname\relax}
+ {\p!doifundefined{#1}%
+ \let\donottest\doprocesstest\@EA\firstoftwoarguments
+ \else
+ \let\donottest\doprocesstest\@EA\secondoftwoarguments
+ \fi}
+ {\p!doifundefined{#1}%
+ \let\donottest\doprocesstest\@EA\secondoftwoarguments
+ \else
+ \let\donottest\doprocesstest\@EA\firstoftwoarguments
+ \fi}
+ {\p!doifundefined{#1}%
+ \let\donottest\doprocesstest\@EA\firstofoneargument
+ \else
+ \let\donottest\doprocesstest\@EA\gobbleoneargument
+ \fi}
+ {\p!doifundefined{#1}%
+ \let\donottest\doprocesstest\@EA\gobbleoneargument
+ \else
+ \let\donottest\doprocesstest\@EA\firstofoneargument
+ \fi}
+\beginETEX \ifcsname
+\def\ifundefined#1% ongelukkige naam
+ {\unless\ifcsname#1\endcsname}
+ {\edef\p!defined{#1}%
+ \unless\ifcsname\detokenize\@EA{\p!defined}\endcsname}
+ {\edef\p!defined{#1}%
+ \ifcsname\detokenize\@EA{\p!defined}\endcsname
+ \expandafter\secondoftwoarguments
+ \else
+ \expandafter\firstoftwoarguments
+ \fi}
+ {\edef\p!defined{#1}%
+ \ifcsname\detokenize\@EA{\p!defined}\endcsname
+ \expandafter\firstoftwoarguments
+ \else
+ \expandafter\secondoftwoarguments
+ \fi}
+ {\edef\p!defined{#1}%
+ \ifcsname\detokenize\@EA{\p!defined}\endcsname
+ \expandafter\gobbleoneargument
+ \else
+ \expandafter\firstofoneargument
+ \fi}
+ {\edef\p!defined{#1}%
+ \ifcsname\detokenize\@EA{\p!defined}\endcsname
+ \expandafter\firstofoneargument
+ \else
+ \expandafter\gobbleoneargument
+ \fi}
+%D \macros
+%D {letbeundefined}
+%D Testing for being undefined comes down to testing on \type
+%D {\relax} when we use \type {\csname}, but when using \type
+%D {\ifx}, we test on being \type {\undefined}! In \ETEX\ we
+%D have \type {\ifcsname} and that way of testing on existance
+%D is not the same as the one described here. Therefore we
+%D introduce:
+ {\expandafter\let\csname#1\endcsname\relax}
+\beginETEX \undefined
+\def\letbeundefined#1% potential stack buildup when used \global
+ {\expandafter\let\csname#1\endcsname\undefined}
+\def\localundefine#1% conditional
+ {\ifcsname#1\endcsname\expandafter\let\csname#1\endcsname\undefined\fi}
+\def\globalundefine#1% conditional
+ {\ifcsname#1\endcsname\expandafter\global\let\csname#1\endcsname\undefined\fi}
+%D Beware, being \type {\undefined} in \ETEX\ means that the macro
+%D {\em is} defined!
+%D Before we start using this variant, we used another one,
+%D which is even a bit faster. This one looked like:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\p!doifundefined%
+%D {\begingroup
+%D \let\donottest=\dontprocesstest
+%D \ifundefined}
+%D \def\doifundefinedelse#1#2#3%
+%D {\p!doifundefined{#1}%
+%D \endgroup#2%
+%D \else
+%D \endgroup#3%
+%D \fi}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D A even more previous version used \type{\bgroup} and
+%D \type {\egroup}. In math mode however, \type{$1{x}2$} differs
+%D from \type{$1x2$}. This can been seen when one compares the
+%D output of:
+%D \starttyping
+%D $\kern10pt\showthe\lastkern$
+%D $\kern10pt{\showthe\lastkern}$
+%D $\kern10pt\begingroup\showthe\lastkern\endgroup$
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Also in math mode, one can better use \type {\begingroup}
+%D and companion instead of \type {\bgroup}.
+%D When we were developing the scientific units module, we
+%D encountered different behavior in text and math mode, which
+%D was due to this grouping subtilities. We therefore decided
+%D to use \type{\begingroup} instead of \type{\bgroup}.
+%D Later, when we had optimized some macro's the grouped
+%D solution turned out to be unsafe when typesetting this
+%D documentation, especially when using \type{\globaldefs}.
+%D We still have to define \type{\doifalldefinedelse}. Watch
+%D the use of grouping, which garantees local use of the
+%D boolean \type{\ifdone}.
+ {\ifundefined{#1}%
+ \donefalse
+ \fi}
+ {\begingroup
+ \let\donottest\dontprocesstest
+ \donetrue
+ \processcommalist[#1]\docheckonedefined
+ \ifdone
+ \endgroup\let\donottest\doprocesstest
+ \expandafter\firstoftwoarguments
+ \else
+ \endgroup\let\donottest\doprocesstest
+ \expandafter\secondoftwoarguments
+ \fi}
+\beginETEX \ifcsname
+ {\unless\ifcsname#1\endcsname
+ \donefalse
+ \fi}
+ {\begingroup
+ \donetrue \processcommalist[#1]\docheckonedefined
+ \ifdone
+ \endgroup\expandafter\firstoftwoarguments
+ \else
+ \endgroup\expandafter\secondoftwoarguments
+ \fi}
+%D \macros
+%D {doif,doifelse,doifnot,
+%D donottest}
+%D Programming in \TEX\ differs from programming in procedural
+%D languages like \MODULA. This means that one --- well, let me
+%D speek for myself --- tries to do the things in the well
+%D known way. Therefore the next set of \type{\ifthenelse}
+%D commands were between the first ones we needed. A few years
+%D later, the opposite became true: when programming in
+%D \MODULA, I sometimes miss handy things like grouping,
+%D runtime redefinition, expansion etc. While \MODULA\ taught
+%D me to structure, \TEX\ taught me to think recursive.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \doif {string1} {string2} {...}
+%D \doifnot {string1} {string2} {...}
+%D \doifelse {string1} {string2} {then ...}{else ...}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D When expansion gives problems, we can precede the
+%D troublemaker with \type{\donottest}.
+%D This implementatie does not use the construction which is
+%D more robust for nested conditionals.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \ifx\!!stringa\!!stringb
+%D \def\next{#3}%
+%D \else
+%D \def\next{#4}%
+%D \fi
+%D \next
+%D \stoptyping
+%D In practice, this alternative is at least 20\% slower than
+%D the alternative used here. The few cases in which we
+%D really need the \type{\next} construction, often need some
+%D other precautions and or adaptions too.
+% \long\def\doif#1#2#3%
+% {\let\donottest\dontprocesstest
+% \edef\!!stringa{#1}%
+% \edef\!!stringb{#2}%
+% \let\donottest\doprocesstest
+% \ifx\!!stringa\!!stringb
+% #3%
+% \fi}
+% \long\def\doifnot#1#2#3%
+% {\let\donottest\dontprocesstest
+% \edef\!!stringa{#1}%
+% \edef\!!stringb{#2}%
+% \let\donottest\doprocesstest
+% \ifx\!!stringa\!!stringb
+% \else
+% #3%
+% \fi}
+% \long\def\doifelse#1#2#3#4%
+% {\let\donottest\dontprocesstest
+% \edef\!!stringa{#1}%
+% \edef\!!stringb{#2}%
+% \let\donottest\doprocesstest
+% \ifx\!!stringa\!!stringb
+% #3%
+% \else
+% #4%
+% \fi}
+%D Slightly faster on big arguments, as well as \type
+%D {\next} avoiding:
+ {\let\donottest\dontprocesstest
+ \edef\!!stringa{#1}%
+ \edef\!!stringb{#2}%
+ \let\donottest\doprocesstest
+ \ifx\!!stringa\!!stringb
+ \expandafter\firstofoneargument
+ \else
+ \expandafter\gobbleoneargument
+ \fi}
+ {\let\donottest\dontprocesstest
+ \edef\!!stringa{#1}%
+ \edef\!!stringb{#2}%
+ \let\donottest\doprocesstest
+ \ifx\!!stringa\!!stringb
+ \expandafter\gobbleoneargument
+ \else
+ \expandafter\firstofoneargument
+ \fi}
+ {\let\donottest\dontprocesstest
+ \edef\!!stringa{#1}%
+ \edef\!!stringb{#2}%
+ \let\donottest\doprocesstest
+ \ifx\!!stringa\!!stringb
+ \expandafter\firstoftwoarguments
+ \else
+ \expandafter\secondoftwoarguments
+ \fi}
+\beginETEX \protected
+% \long\def\doif#1#2#3%
+% {\edef\!!stringa{#1}\edef\!!stringb{#2}%
+% \ifx\!!stringa\!!stringb#3\fi}
+% \long\def\doifnot#1#2#3%
+% {\edef\!!stringa{#1}\edef\!!stringb{#2}%
+% \unless\ifx\!!stringa\!!stringb#3\fi}
+% \long\def\doifelse#1#2#3#4%
+% {\edef\!!stringa{#1}\edef\!!stringb{#2}%
+% \ifx\!!stringa\!!stringb#3\else#4\fi}
+%D Slightly faster on big arguments, as well as \type
+%D {\next} avoiding:
+ {\edef\!!stringa{#1}\edef\!!stringb{#2}%
+ \ifx\!!stringa\!!stringb
+ \expandafter\firstofoneargument
+ \else
+ \expandafter\gobbleoneargument
+ \fi}
+ {\edef\!!stringa{#1}\edef\!!stringb{#2}%
+ \ifx\!!stringa\!!stringb
+ \expandafter\gobbleoneargument
+ \else
+ \expandafter\firstofoneargument
+ \fi}
+ {\edef\!!stringa{#1}\edef\!!stringb{#2}%
+ \ifx\!!stringa\!!stringb
+ \expandafter\firstoftwoarguments
+ \else
+ \expandafter\secondoftwoarguments
+ \fi}
+%D One could wonder why we don't follow the the same approach
+%D as in \type{\doifdefined} c.s.\ and use \type{\begingroup}
+%D and \type{\endgroup}. In this case, this alternative is
+%D slower, which is probably due to the fact that more meanings
+%D need to be restored.
+%D The in terms of memory more efficient alternative using a
+%D auxiliary macro also proved to be slower, so we definitely
+%D did not choose for:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\p!doifelse#1#2%
+%D {\let\donottest=\dontprocesstest
+%D \edef\!!stringa{#1}%
+%D \edef\!!stringb{#2}%
+%D \let\donottest=\doprocesstest
+%D \ifx\!!stringa\!!stringb}
+%D \long\def\doif#1#2#3%
+%D {\p!doifelse{#1}{#2}#3\fi}
+%D \long\def\doifnot#1#2#3%
+%D {\p!doifelse{#1}{#2}\else#3\fi}
+%D \long\def\doifelse#1#2#3#4%
+%D {\p!doifelse{#1}{#2}#3\else#4\fi}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Optimizations like this are related of course to the
+%D bottlenecks in \TEX. It seems that restoring saved meanings
+%D and passing arguments takes some time.
+%D \macros
+%D {doifempty,doifemptyelse,doifnotempty}
+%D We complete our set of conditionals with:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \doifempty {string} {...}
+%D \doifnotempty {string} {...}
+%D \doifemptyelse {string} {then ...} {else ...}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D This time, the string is not expanded.
+ {\def\!!stringa{#1}%
+ \ifx\!!stringa\empty
+ \expandafter\firstoftwoarguments
+ \else
+ \expandafter\secondoftwoarguments
+ \fi}
+ {\def\!!stringa{#1}%
+ \ifx\!!stringa\empty
+ \expandafter\firstofoneargument
+ \else
+ \expandafter\gobbleoneargument
+ \fi}
+ {\def\!!stringa{#1}%
+ \ifx\!!stringa\empty
+ \expandafter\gobbleoneargument
+ \else
+ \expandafter\firstofoneargument
+ \fi}
+%D \macros
+%D {doifinset,doifnotinset,doifinsetelse}
+%D We can check if a string is present in a comma separated
+%D set of strings. Depending on the result, some action is
+%D taken.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \doifinset {string} {string,...} {...}
+%D \doifnotinset {string} {string,...} {...}
+%D \doifinsetelse {string} {string,...} {then ...} {else ...}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The second argument is the comma separated set of strings.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \long\def\doifinsetelse#1#2#3#4%
+%D {\doifelse{#1}{}
+%D {#4}
+%D {\donefalse
+%D \def\p!checkiteminset##1%
+%D {\doif{#1}{##1}
+%D {\donetrue
+%D \let\p!checkiteminset=\gobbleoneargument}}%
+%D \processcommalist[#2]\p!checkiteminset
+%D \ifdone
+%D #3%
+%D \else
+%D #4%
+%D \fi}}
+%D \long\def\doifinset#1#2#3%
+%D {\doifinsetelse{#1}{#2}{#3}{}}
+%D \long\def\doifnotinset#1#2#3%
+%D {\doifinsetelse{#1}{#2}{}{#3}}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Because this macro is called quite often we've spent some
+%D time optimizing it. This time, the gain in speed is due to
+%D (1)~defining an external auxiliary macro, (2)~not calling
+%D any other macros and (3)~minimizing the passing of
+%D arguments. The gain in speed is impressive.
+% \def\p!dodocheckiteminset#1%
+% {\edef\!!stringb{#1}%
+% \ifx\!!stringa\!!stringb
+% \donetrue
+% \let\p!docheckiteminset\gobbleoneargument
+% \fi}
+% \beginTEX
+% \def\p!doifinsetelse#1#2%
+% {\let\donottest\dontprocesstest
+% \donefalse
+% \edef\!!stringa{#1}%
+% \ifx\!!stringa\empty
+% \else
+% \let\p!docheckiteminset\p!dodocheckiteminset
+% \processcommalist[#2]\p!docheckiteminset
+% \fi
+% \let\donottest\doprocesstest
+% \ifdone}
+% \endTEX
+% \beginETEX \protected
+% \def\p!doifinsetelse#1#2%
+% {\donefalse
+% \edef\!!stringa{#1}%
+% \ifx\!!stringa\empty
+% \else
+% \let\p!docheckiteminset\p!dodocheckiteminset
+% \processcommalist[#2]\p!docheckiteminset
+% \fi
+% \ifdone}
+% \endETEX
+% then we had:
+% \def\p!docheckiteminset#1%
+% {\edef\!!stringb{#1}%
+% \ifx\!!stringa\!!stringb
+% \donetrue
+% \expandafter\quitcommalist
+% \fi}
+% \beginTEX
+% \def\p!doifinsetelse#1#2%
+% {\let\donottest\dontprocesstest
+% \donefalse
+% \edef\!!stringa{#1}%
+% \ifx\!!stringa\empty
+% \else
+% \processcommalist[#2]\p!docheckiteminset
+% \fi
+% \let\donottest\doprocesstest
+% \ifdone}
+% \endTEX
+% % can be sped up with processnext...
+% \beginETEX \protected
+% \def\p!doifinsetelse#1#2%
+% {\donefalse
+% \edef\!!stringa{#1}%
+% \ifx\!!stringa\empty
+% \else
+% \processcommalist[#2]\p!docheckiteminset
+% \fi
+% \ifdone}
+% \endETEX
+% \long\def\doifinsetelse#1#2%
+% {\p!doifinsetelse{#1}{#2}%
+% \expandafter\firstoftwoarguments
+% \else
+% \expandafter\secondoftwoarguments
+% \fi}
+% \long\def\doifinset#1#2%
+% {\p!doifinsetelse{#1}{#2}%
+% \expandafter\firstofoneargument
+% \else
+% \expandafter\gobbleoneargument
+% \fi}
+% \long\def\doifnotinset#1#2%
+% {\p!doifinsetelse{#1}{#2}%
+% \expandafter\gobbleoneargument
+% \else
+% \expandafter\firstofoneargument
+% \fi}
+% now we have
+ {\edef\!!stringb{#1}%
+ \ifx\!!stringa\!!stringb
+ \donetrue
+ \expandafter\quitcommalist
+ \fi}
+ {\let\donottest\dontprocesstest
+ \donefalse
+ \edef\!!stringa{#3}%
+ \ifx\!!stringa\empty
+ \else
+ \processcommalist[#4]\p!docheckiteminset
+ \fi
+ \let\donottest\doprocesstest
+ \ifdone\expandafter#1\else\expandafter#2\fi}
+\beginETEX \protected
+ {\donefalse
+ \edef\!!stringa{#3}%
+ \ifx\!!stringa\empty
+ \else
+ \processcommalist[#4]\p!docheckiteminset
+ \fi
+ \ifdone\expandafter#1\else\expandafter#2\fi}
+ {\p!doifinsetelse\firstoftwoarguments\secondoftwoarguments}
+ {\p!doifinsetelse\firstofoneargument\gobbleoneargument}
+ {\p!doifinsetelse\gobbleoneargument\firstofoneargument}
+%D \macros
+%D {doifcommon,doifnotcommon,doifcommonelse}
+%D Probably the most time consuming tests are those that test
+%D for overlap in sets of strings.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \doifcommon {string,...} {string,...} {...}
+%D \doifnotcommon {string,...} {string,...} {...}
+%D \doifcommonelse {string,...} {string,...} {then ...} {else ...}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D We show the slower alternative first, because it shows us
+%D how things are done.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \long\def\doifcommonelse#1#2#3#4%
+%D {\donefalse
+%D \def\p!docommoncheck##1%
+%D {\def\p!dodocommoncheck####1%
+%D {\doif{####1}{##1}
+%D {\donetrue
+%D \def\commalistelement{##1}%
+%D \let\p!docommoncheck=\gobbleoneargument
+%D \let\p!dodocommoncheck=\gobbleoneargument}}%
+%D \processcommalist[#2]\p!dodocommoncheck}%
+%D \processcommalist[#1]\p!docommoncheck
+%D \ifdone
+%D #3%
+%D \else
+%D #4%
+%D \fi}
+%D \long\def\doifcommon#1#2#3%
+%D {\doifcommonelse{#1}{#2}{#3}{}}
+%D \long\def\doifnotcommon#1#2#3%
+%D {\doifcommonelse{#1}{#2}{}{#3}}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The processing time is shortened by getting the auxiliary
+%D macro to the outermost level and using less \type{\edef}'s.
+%D Sometimes it makes more sence to define local macro's not
+%D only because this way we can be sure that they are not
+%D redefined, but also because it shows the dependance. In
+%D compiled languages, this is no problem at all. It can even
+%D save us bytes and processing time. In interpreted languages
+%D like \TEX\ it nearly always slows down processing.
+% \def\p!dododocommoncheck#1%
+% {\edef\!!stringb{#1}%
+% \ifx\!!stringa\!!stringb
+% \donetrue
+% \let\p!docommoncheck\gobbleoneargument
+% \let\p!dodocommoncheck\gobbleoneargument
+% \fi}
+% \beginTEX
+% \def\p!doifcommonelse#1#2%
+% {\donefalse
+% \let\donottest\dontprocesstest
+% \let\p!dodocommoncheck\p!dododocommoncheck
+% \def\p!docommoncheck##1%
+% {\edef\!!stringa{##1}%
+% \def\commalistelement{##1}%
+% \processcommalist[#2]\p!dodocommoncheck}%
+% \processcommalist[#1]\p!docommoncheck
+% \let\donottest\doprocesstest
+% \ifdone}
+% \endTEX
+% \beginETEX \protected
+% \def\p!doifcommonelse#1#2%
+% {\donefalse
+% \let\p!dodocommoncheck\p!dododocommoncheck
+% \def\p!docommoncheck##1%
+% {\edef\!!stringa{##1}%
+% \def\commalistelement{##1}%
+% \processcommalist[#2]\p!dodocommoncheck}%
+% \processcommalist[#1]\p!docommoncheck
+% \ifdone}
+% \endETEX
+% \def\p!dodocommoncheck#1%
+% {\edef\!!stringb{#1}%
+% \ifx\!!stringa\!!stringb
+% \donetrue
+% \expandafter\quitprevcommalist
+% \fi}
+% \beginTEX
+% \def\p!doifcommonelse#1#2%
+% {\donefalse
+% \let\donottest\dontprocesstest
+% \def\p!docommoncheck##1%
+% {\edef\!!stringa{##1}%
+% \def\commalistelement{##1}% no let to stringa
+% \processcommalist[#2]\p!dodocommoncheck}%
+% \processcommalist[#1]\p!docommoncheck
+% \let\donottest\doprocesstest
+% \ifdone}
+% \endTEX
+% \beginETEX \protected
+% \def\p!doifcommonelse#1#2%
+% {\donefalse
+% \def\p!docommoncheck##1%
+% {\edef\!!stringa{##1}%
+% \def\commalistelement{##1}%
+% \processcommalist[#2]\p!dodocommoncheck}%
+% \processcommalist[#1]\p!docommoncheck
+% \ifdone}
+% \endETEX
+% \long\def\doifcommonelse#1#2% % #3#4%
+% {\p!doifcommonelse{#1}{#2}% % #3\else#4\fi}
+% \expandafter\firstoftwoarguments
+% \else
+% \expandafter\secondoftwoarguments
+% \fi}
+% \long\def\doifcommon#1#2%
+% {\p!doifcommonelse{#1}{#2}%
+% \expandafter\firstofoneargument
+% \else
+% \expandafter\gobbleoneargument
+% \fi}
+% \long\def\doifnotcommon#1#2%
+% {\p!doifcommonelse{#1}{#2}%
+% \expandafter\gobbleoneargument
+% \else
+% \expandafter\firstofoneargument
+% \fi}
+% todo: use dedicated done
+ {\edef\!!stringb{#1}%
+ \ifx\!!stringa\!!stringb
+ \donetrue
+ \expandafter\quitprevcommalist
+ \fi}
+ {\donefalse
+ \let\donottest\dontprocesstest
+ \def\p!docommoncheck##1%
+ {\edef\!!stringa{##1}%
+ \def\commalistelement{##1}% no let to stringa
+ \processcommalist[#4]\p!dodocommoncheck}%
+ \processcommalist[#3]\p!docommoncheck
+ \let\donottest\doprocesstest
+ \ifdone\expandafter#1\else\expandafter#2\fi}
+\beginETEX \protected
+ {\donefalse
+ \def\p!docommoncheck##1%
+ {\edef\!!stringa{##1}%
+ \def\commalistelement{##1}%
+ \processcommalist[#4]\p!dodocommoncheck}%
+ \processcommalist[#3]\p!docommoncheck
+ \ifdone\expandafter#1\else\expandafter#2\fi}
+ {\p!doifcommonelse\firstoftwoarguments\secondoftwoarguments}
+ {\p!doifcommonelse\firstofoneargument \gobbleoneargument}
+ {\p!doifcommonelse\gobbleoneargument \firstofoneargument}
+%D \macros
+%D {processcommalist,processcommacommand,quitcommalist,
+%D processcommalistwithparameters}
+%D We've already seen some macros that take care of comma
+%D separated lists. Such list can be processed with
+%D \starttyping
+%D \processcommalist[string,string,...]\commando
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The user supplied command \type{\commando} receives one
+%D argument: the string. This command permits nesting and
+%D spaces after commas are skipped. Empty sets are no problem.
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \def\dosomething#1{(#1)}
+%D 1: \processcommalist [\hbox{$a,b,c,d,e,f$}] \dosomething \par
+%D 2: \processcommalist [{a,b,c,d,e,f}] \dosomething \par
+%D 3: \processcommalist [{a,b,c},d,e,f] \dosomething \par
+%D 4: \processcommalist [a,b,{c,d,e},f] \dosomething \par
+%D 5: \processcommalist [a{b,c},d,e,f] \dosomething \par
+%D 6: \processcommalist [{a,b}c,d,e,f] \dosomething \par
+%D 7: \processcommalist [] \dosomething \par
+%D 8: \processcommalist [{[}] \dosomething \par
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+%D Before we show the result, we present the macro's:
+ {\csname\s!next\the\commalevel\endcsname}
+% {\ifx\nexttoken\blankspace
+% \let\nextcommaitem\redoprocesscommaitem
+% \else\ifx\nexttoken]%
+% \let\nextcommaitem\gobbleoneargument
+% \else
+% \let\nextcommaitem\dododoprocesscommaitem
+% \fi\fi
+% \nextcommaitem}
+% faster ?
+ {\ifx\nexttoken\blankspace
+ \@EA\redoprocesscommaitem
+ \else\ifx\nexttoken]%
+ \@EAEAEA\gobbleoneargument
+ \else
+ \@EAEAEA\dododoprocesscommaitem
+ \fi\fi}
+ {\futurelet\nexttoken\dodoprocesscommaitem}
+%D Empty arguments are not processed. Empty items (\type{,,})
+%D however are treated. We have to check for the special case
+%D \type{[{a,b,c}]}.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\processcommalist[%
+%D {\futurelet\nexttoken\docheckcommaitem}
+%D \def\docheckcommaitem%
+%D {\ifx\nexttoken]%
+%D \let\nextcommaitem\gobbletwoarguments
+%D \else\ifx\nexttoken\bgroup
+%D \let\nextcommaitem\doprocesscommalistA
+%D \else
+%D \let\nextcommaitem\doprocesscommalistB
+%D \fi\fi
+%D \nextcommaitem}
+%D \def\doprocesscommalistA#1#2]#3%
+%D {\global\advance\commalevel 1
+%D \long\expandafter\def\csname\s!next\the\commalevel\endcsname##1,%
+%D {#3{##1}\doprocesscommaitem}%
+%D \doprocesscommaitem{#1}#2,]\relax
+%D \global\advance\commalevel -1 }
+%D \def\doprocesscommalistB#1]#2%
+%D {\global\advance\commalevel 1
+%D \long\expandafter\def\csname\s!next\the\commalevel\endcsname##1,%
+%D {#2{##1}\doprocesscommaitem}%
+%D \doprocesscommaitem#1,]\relax
+%D \global\advance\commalevel -1 }
+%D \stoptyping
+%D However, this is not a the most straightforward solution!
+%D We can misuse one of \TEX's hidden features, and prepend
+%D and remove a \type {\relax}. By the way, although it
+%D involves less testing, this cleaner alternative is not
+%D faster.
+ {\futurelet\nexttoken\docheckcommaitem}
+ {\ifx\nexttoken]%
+ \expandafter\gobblethreearguments
+ \else
+ \expandafter\doprocesscommalist
+ \fi
+ \relax} % this one preserved the next {}
+ {\global\advance\commalevel \plusone
+ \long\expandafter\def\csname\s!next\the\commalevel\endcsname##1,%
+ {#2{##1}\doprocesscommaitem}%
+ \@EA\dodoprocesscommaitem\gobbleoneargument#1,]\relax
+ \global\advance\commalevel \minusone }
+%D One way of quitting a commalist halfway is:
+ {\begingroup\let\doprocesscommaitem\doquitcommalist}
+ {\endgroup}
+ {\begingroup\let\doprocesscommaitem\doquitprevcommalist}
+ {\let\doprocesscommaitem\doquitcommalist}
+%D The hack we used for checking the next character
+%D \type {\doifnextcharelse} is also used here.
+\expandafter\def\: {\futurelet\nexttoken\dodoprocesscommaitem}
+%D The previous examples lead to:
+%D \getbuffer
+%D When a list is saved in a macro, we can use a construction
+%D like:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \expandafter\processcommalist\expandafter[\list]\command
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Such solutions suit most situations, but we wanted a bit
+%D more.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \processcommacommand[string,\stringset,string]\commando
+%D \stoptyping
+%D where \type{\stringset} is a predefined set, like:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\first{aap,noot,mies}
+%D \def\second{laatste}
+%D \processcommacommand[\first]\message
+%D \processcommacommand[\first,second,third]\message
+%D \processcommacommand[\first,between,\second]\message
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Commands that are part of the list are expanded, so the
+%D use of this macro has its limits.
+ {\expanded{\processcommalist[#1]}}
+%D The argument to \type{\command} is not delimited. Because
+%D we often use \type{[]} as delimiters, we also have:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \processcommalistwithparameters[string,string,...]\command
+%D \stoptyping
+%D where \type{\command} looks like:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\command[#1]{... #1 ...}
+%D \stoptyping
+ {\def\docommand##1{#2[##1]}%
+ \processcommalist[#1]\docommand}
+%D \macros
+%D {processaction,
+%D processfirstactioninset,
+%D processallactionsinset}
+%D \CONTEXT\ makes extensive use of a sort of case or switch
+%D command. Depending of the presence of one or more provided
+%D items, some actions is taken. These macros can be nested
+%D without problems.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \processaction [x] [a=>\a,b=>\b,c=>\c]
+%D \processfirstactioninset [x,y,z] [a=>\a,b=>\b,c=>\c]
+%D \processallactionsinset [x,y,z] [a=>\a,b=>\b,c=>\c]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D We can supply both a \type{default} action and an action
+%D to be undertaken when an \type{unknown} value is met:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \processallactionsinset
+%D [x,y,z]
+%D [ a=>\a,
+%D b=>\b,
+%D c=>\c,
+%D default=>\default,
+%D unknown=>\unknown{... \commalistelement ...}]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D When \type{#1} is empty, this macro scans list \type{#2} for
+%D the keyword \type{default} and executed the related action
+%D if present. When \type{#1} is non empty and not in the list,
+%D the action related to \type{unknown} is executed. Both
+%D keywords must be at the end of list \type{#2}. Afterwards,
+%D the actually found keyword is available in
+%D \type{\commalistelement}. An advanced example of the use of
+%D this macro can be found in \PPCHTEX, where we completely
+%D rely on \TEX\ for interpreting user supplied keywords like
+%D \type{SB}, \type{SB1..6}, \type{SB125} etc.
+%D Even a quick glance at the macros below show some overlap,
+%D which means that more efficient alternatives are possible.
+%D Because these macro's are very sensitive to subtle changes,
+%D we've decided to present the readable originals first
+%D Maybe these these macros look complicated, but this is a
+%D direct result of the support of nesting. Protection is only
+%D applied in \type{\processaction}.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \newcount\processlevel
+%D \def\processaction[#1]#2[#3]%
+%D {\doifelse{#1}{}
+%D {\def\p!compareprocessaction[##1=>##2]%
+%D {\edef\!!stringa{##1}%
+%D \ifx\!!stringa\s!default
+%D \def\commalistelement{#1}%
+%D ##2%
+%D \fi}}
+%D {\let\donottest=\dontprocesstest
+%D \edef\!!stringb{#1}%
+%D \let\donottest=\doprocesstest
+%D \def\p!compareprocessaction[##1=>##2]%
+%D {\edef\!!stringa{##1}%
+%D \ifx\!!stringa\!!stringb
+%D \def\commalistelement{#1}%
+%D ##2%
+%D \let\p!doprocessaction=\gobbleoneargument
+%D \else\ifx\!!stringa\s!unknown
+%D \def\commalistelement{#1}%
+%D ##2%
+%D \fi\fi}}%
+%D \def\p!doprocessaction##1%
+%D {\p!compareprocessaction[##1]}%
+%D \processcommalist[#3]\p!doprocessaction}
+%D \def\processfirstactioninset[#1]#2[#3]%
+%D {\doifelse{#1}{}
+%D {\processaction[][#3]}
+%D {\def\p!compareprocessaction[##1=>##2][##3]%
+%D {\edef\!!stringa{##1}%
+%D \edef\!!stringb{##3}%
+%D \ifx\!!stringa\!!stringb
+%D \def\commalistelement{##3}%
+%D ##2%
+%D \let\p!doprocessaction=\gobbleoneargument
+%D \let\p!dodoprocessaction=\gobbleoneargument
+%D \else\ifx\!!stringa\s!unknown
+%D \def\commalistelement{##3}%
+%D ##2%
+%D \fi\fi}%
+%D \def\p!doprocessaction##1%
+%D {\def\p!dodoprocessaction####1%
+%D {\p!compareprocessaction[####1][##1]}%
+%D \processcommalist[#3]\p!dodoprocessaction}%
+%D \processcommalist[#1]\p!doprocessaction}}
+%D \def\processallactionsinset[#1]#2[#3]%
+%D {\doifelse{#1}{}
+%D {\processaction[][#3]}
+%D {\advance\processlevel by 1
+%D \def\p!compareprocessaction[##1=>##2][##3]%
+%D {\edef\!!stringa{##1}%
+%D \edef\!!stringb{##3}%
+%D \ifx\!!stringa\!!stringb
+%D \def\commalistelement{##3}%
+%D ##2%
+%D \let\p!dodoprocessaction=\gobbleoneargument
+%D \else\ifx\!!stringa\s!unknown
+%D \def\commalistelement{##3}%
+%D ##2%
+%D \fi\fi}%
+%D \setvalue{\s!do\the\processlevel}##1%
+%D {\def\p!dodoprocessaction####1%
+%D {\p!compareprocessaction[####1][##1]}%
+%D \processcommalist[#3]\p!dodoprocessaction}%
+%D \processcommalist[#1]{\getvalue{\s!do\the\processlevel}}%
+%D \advance\processlevel by -1 }}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The gain of speed in the (again) next implementation is
+%D around 20\%, depending on the application.
+ {\edef\!!stringb{#1}%
+ \ifx\!!stringb\s!default
+ \let\commalistelement\empty
+ #2%
+ \fi}
+% \def\p!compareprocessactionB[#1=>#2][#3]%
+% {\expandedaction\!!stringb{#1}%
+% \ifx\!!stringa\!!stringb
+% \def\commalistelement{#3}%
+% #2%
+% \let\p!doprocessaction\gobbleoneargument
+% \else
+% \edef\!!stringb{#1}%
+% \ifx\!!stringb\s!unknown
+% \def\commalistelement{#3}% beware of loops
+% #2%
+% \fi
+% \fi}
+% met \quitcommalist tot meer dan 25\% sneller
+ {\expandedaction\!!stringb{#1}%
+ \ifx\!!stringa\!!stringb
+ \def\commalistelement{#3}%
+ #2%
+ \expandafter\quitcommalist
+ \else
+ \edef\!!stringb{#1}%
+ \ifx\!!stringb\s!unknown
+ \def\commalistelement{#3}% beware of loops
+ #2%
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+ {\let\donottest\dontprocesstest
+ \expandedaction\!!stringa{#1}%
+ \let\donottest\doprocesstest
+ \ifx\!!stringa\empty
+ \let\p!compareprocessaction\p!compareprocessactionA
+ \else
+ \let\p!compareprocessaction\p!compareprocessactionB
+ \fi
+ \def\p!doprocessaction##1%
+ {\p!compareprocessaction[##1][#1]}%
+ \processcommalist[#3]\p!doprocessaction
+ \expandactions}
+\beginETEX \protected
+\def\processaction[#1]#2[#3]% faster version follows
+ {\expandedaction\!!stringa{#1}%
+ \ifx\!!stringa\empty
+ \let\p!compareprocessaction\p!compareprocessactionA
+ \else
+ \let\p!compareprocessaction\p!compareprocessactionB
+ \fi
+ \def\p!doprocessaction##1%
+ {\p!compareprocessaction[##1][#1]}%
+ \processcommalist[#3]\p!doprocessaction
+ \expandactions}
+% \def\p!compareprocessactionC[#1=>#2][#3]%
+% {\expandedaction\!!stringa{#1}%
+% \expandedaction\!!stringb{#3}%
+% \ifx\!!stringa\!!stringb
+% \def\commalistelement{#3}%
+% #2%
+% \let\p!doprocessaction\gobbleoneargument
+% \let\p!dodoprocessaction\gobbleoneargument
+% \else
+% \edef\!!stringa{#1}%
+% \ifx\!!stringa\s!unknown
+% \def\commalistelement{#3}%
+% #2%
+% \fi
+% \fi}
+ {\expandedaction\!!stringa{#1}%
+ \expandedaction\!!stringb{#3}%
+ \ifx\!!stringa\!!stringb
+ \def\commalistelement{#3}%
+ #2%
+ \expandafter\quitprevcommalist
+ \else
+ \edef\!!stringa{#1}%
+ \ifx\!!stringa\s!unknown
+ \def\commalistelement{#3}%
+ #2%
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+\def\processfirstactioninset[#1]#2[#3]% faster version follows
+ {\expandedaction\!!stringa{#1}%
+ \ifx\!!stringa\empty
+ \processaction[][#3]%
+ \else
+ \def\p!doprocessaction##1%
+ {\def\p!dodoprocessaction####1%
+ {\p!compareprocessactionC[####1][##1]}%
+ \processcommalist[#3]\p!dodoprocessaction}%
+ \processcommalist[#1]\p!doprocessaction
+ \fi
+ \expandactions}
+% \def\p!compareprocessactionD[#1=>#2][#3]%
+% {\expandedaction\!!stringa{#1}%
+% \expandedaction\!!stringb{#3}%
+% \ifx\!!stringa\!!stringb
+% \def\commalistelement{#3}%
+% #2%
+% \let\p!dodoprocessaction\gobbleoneargument
+% \else
+% \edef\!!stringa{#1}%
+% \ifx\!!stringa\s!unknown
+% \def\commalistelement{#3}%
+% #2%
+% \fi
+% \fi}
+ {\expandedaction\!!stringa{#1}%
+ \expandedaction\!!stringb{#3}%
+ \ifx\!!stringa\!!stringb
+ \def\commalistelement{#3}%
+ #2%
+ \expandafter\quitcommalist
+ \else
+ \edef\!!stringa{#1}%
+ \ifx\!!stringa\s!unknown
+ \def\commalistelement{#3}%
+ #2%
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+ {\csname\s!do\the\processlevel\endcsname}
+\def\processallactionsinset[#1]#2[#3]% faster version follows
+ {\expandedaction\!!stringa{#1}%
+ \ifx\!!stringa\empty
+ \processaction[][#3]%
+ \else
+ \advance\processlevel \plusone
+ \expandafter\def\csname\s!do\the\processlevel\endcsname##1%
+ {\def\p!dodoprocessaction####1%
+ {\p!compareprocessactionD[####1][##1]}%
+ \processcommalist[#3]\p!dodoprocessaction}%
+ \processcommalist[#1]\doprocessallactionsinset
+ \advance\processlevel \minusone
+ \fi
+ \expandactions}
+%D We can speed up these macros a bit when we use a dedicated
+%D commalist processor, one that avoids passing the (often)
+%D big action list.
+ {\let\donottest\dontprocesstest
+ \expandedaction\!!stringa{#1}%
+ \let\donottest\doprocesstest
+ \ifx\!!stringa\empty
+ \let\p!compareprocessaction\p!compareprocessactionA
+ \else
+ \let\p!compareprocessaction\p!compareprocessactionB
+ \fi
+ \def\p!doprocessaction##1%
+ {\p!compareprocessaction[##1][#1]}%
+ \processnextcommalist\relax\expandactions\p!doprocessaction[}
+ {\expandedaction\!!stringa{#1}%
+ \ifx\!!stringa\empty
+ \let\p!compareprocessaction\p!compareprocessactionA
+ \else
+ \let\p!compareprocessaction\p!compareprocessactionB
+ \fi
+ \def\p!doprocessaction##1%
+ {\p!compareprocessaction[##1][#1]}%
+ \processnextcommalist\relax\expandactions\p!doprocessaction[}
+ {\expandedaction\!!stringa{#1}%
+ \ifx\!!stringa\empty
+ \expandafter\processaction
+ \else
+ \expandafter\processfirstactionsinsetindeed
+ \fi
+ [#1]}
+ {\def\p!doprocessaction##1%
+ {\def\p!dodoprocessaction####1%
+ {\p!compareprocessactionC[####1][##1]}%
+ \processcommalist[#3]\p!dodoprocessaction}%
+ \processcommalist[#1]\p!doprocessaction
+ \expandactions}
+ {\expandedaction\!!stringa{#1}%
+ \ifx\!!stringa\empty
+ \expandafter\processaction
+ \else
+ \expandafter\processallactionsinsetindeed
+ \fi
+ [#1]}
+ {\advance\processlevel \plusone
+ \expandafter\def\csname\s!do\the\processlevel\endcsname##1%
+ {\def\p!dodoprocessaction####1%
+ {\p!compareprocessactionD[####1][##1]}%
+ \processcommalist[#3]\p!dodoprocessaction}%
+ \processcommalist[#1]\doprocessallactionsinset
+ \advance\processlevel \minusone
+ \expandactions}
+ {#1%
+ \let\nexttoken#4%
+ \global\advance\commalevel \plusone
+ \long\expandafter\def\csname\s!next\the\commalevel\endcsname##1,%
+ {#3{##1}\doprocesscommaitem}%
+ \dodoprocesscommaitem#4#5,]\relax
+ \global\advance\commalevel \minusone
+ #2}
+%D I do have an even faster version (saving 3 sec on a 13
+%D sec run for 50K invocations, but normally we don't have
+%D that many calls and that alternative uses more macros and is
+%D even less readable. What we did add, was \type {\@EA}, so
+%D that we can pass a command.
+%D \macros
+%D {unexpandedprocessaction,
+%D unexpandedprocessfirstactioninset,
+%D unexpandedprocessallactionsinset}
+%D Now what are those expansion commands doing there. Well,
+%D sometimes we want to compare actions that may consist off
+%D commands (i.e. are no constants). In such occasions we can
+%D use the a bit slower alternatives:
+\def\unexpandedprocessaction {\dontexpandactions\processaction}
+\def\unexpandedprocessallactionsinset {\dontexpandactions\processallactionsinset}
+%D By default we expand actions:
+\def\expandactions{\let\expandedaction\edef} \expandactions
+%D But when needed we convert the strings to meaningful
+%D sequences of characters.
+ {\def\@@convertedargument{#2}%
+ \@EA\edef\@EA#1\@EA{\@EA\unexpandedaction\meaning\@@convertedargument}}
+ {\let\expandedaction\noexpandedaction}
+%D \macros
+%D {getfirstcharacter, firstcharacter, remainingcharacters, doiffirstcharacter}
+%D Sometimes the action to be undertaken depends on the
+%D next character. This macro get this character and puts it in
+%D \type{\firstcharacter}.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \getfirstcharacter {string}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D A two step expansion is used to prevent problems with
+%D complicated arguments, for instance arguments that
+%D consist of two or more expandable tokens.
+ {\def\firstcharacter{#1}%
+ \def\remainingcharacters{#2}}
+ {\edef\!!stringa{#1}%
+ \expandafter\dogetfirstcharacter\!!stringa\relax}
+\def\doiffirstcharelse#1#2% char string
+% kort (maar onleesbaar)
+% {\expanded{\dogetfirstcharacter#2}\\\doifelse{#1}\firstcharacter}
+% korter (en begrijpelijk))
+ {\getfirstcharacter{#2}\doifelse{#1}\firstcharacter}
+% snel (maar zelden gebruikt, dus niet zo belangrijk)
+% {\getfirstcharacter{#2}%
+% \edef\!!stringa{#1}%
+% \ifx\!!stringa\firstcharacter
+% \expandafter\firstoftwoarguments
+% \else
+% \expandafter\secondoftwoarguments
+% \fi}
+%D \macros
+%D {doifinstringelse, doifincsnameelse}
+%D We can check for the presence of a substring in a given
+%D sequence of characters.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \doifinsetelse {substring} {string} {then ...} {else ...}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D An application of this command can be found further on.
+%D Like before, we first show some alternatives, like the one
+%D we started with:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \long\def\p!doifinstringelse#1#2#3#4%
+%D {\def\pp!doifinstringelse##1#1##2##3\war%
+%D {\if##2@%
+%D #4%
+%D \else
+%D #3%
+%D \fi}%
+%D \pp!doifinstringelse#2#1@@\war}
+%D \def\doifinstringelse%
+%D {\ExpandBothAfter\p!doifinstringelse}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D After this we came to:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\p!doifinstringelse#1#2%
+%D {\def\pp!doifinstringelse##1#1##2##3\war%
+%D {\if##2@}%
+%D \pp!doifinstringelse#2#1@@\war}
+%D \def\doifinstringelse#1#2#3#4%
+%D {\ExpandBothAfter\p!doifinstringelse{#1}{#2}%
+%D #4%
+%D \else
+%D #3%
+%D \fi}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Sometimes the second argument is passed as a macro. By
+%D postponing the expansion of this macro, we gain quite some
+%D run time, simply because the less tokens we pass, the faster
+%D \TEX\ runs. So finally the definition became:
+% \long\def\rawdoifinstringelse#1#2% ##2 can be {abc}
+% {\long\def\pp!doifinstringelse##1#1##2##3\war{\if##2@}%
+% \pp!doifinstringelse#2#1@@\war
+% \expandafter\secondoftwoarguments
+% \else
+% \expandafter\firstoftwoarguments
+% \fi}
+ {\edef\@@@instring{#1}% expand #1 here
+ \ifx\@@@instring\empty
+ \@EA\thirdofthreearguments
+ \else
+ \@EA\dodoifinstringelse
+ \fi}
+ {\p!doifinstringelse\@@@instring{#1}%
+ \@EA\firstoftwoarguments
+ \else
+ \@EA\secondoftwoarguments
+ \fi}
+ {\edef\@@@instring{#1}% expand #1 here
+ \ifx\@@@instring\empty
+ \@EA\gobbletwoarguments
+ \else
+ \@EA\dodoifinstring
+ \fi}
+ {\p!doifinstringelse\@@@instring{#1}%
+ \@EA\firstofoneargument
+ \else
+ \@EA\gobbleoneargument
+ \fi}
+ {\edef\@@@instring{#1}% expand #1 here
+ \ifx\@@@instring\empty
+ \@EA\gobbletwoarguments
+ \else
+ \@EA\dodoifnotinstring
+ \fi}
+ {\p!doifinstringelse\@@@instring{#1}%
+ \@EA\gobbleoneargument
+ \else
+ \@EA\firstofoneargument
+ \fi}
+%D \starttyping
+%D \beginTEX
+%D \long\def\p!doifinstringelse#1#2%
+%D {\long\def\pp!doifinstringelse##1#1##2##3\war%
+%D {\csname if\if##2@fals\else tru\fi e\endcsname}%
+%D \expanded{\pp!doifinstringelse#2#1@@\noexpand\war}} % expand #2 here
+%D \endTEX
+%D \beginETEX \unless
+%D \long\def\p!doifinstringelse#1#2%
+%D {\long\def\pp!doifinstringelse##1#1##2##3\war%
+%D {\unless\if##2@}%
+%D \expanded{\pp!doifinstringelse#2#1@@\noexpand\war}} % expand #2 here
+%D \endETEX
+%D \stoptyping
+%D And then \unknown\ after a couple of years, we ran into a
+%D situation where \type {##2} was something \type {{bla}}. So
+%D finally we need to use an auxiliary macro, otherwise we get
+%D funny strings in the output.
+% \long\def\p!doifinstringelse#1#2% ##2 can be {abc}
+% {\long\@EA\def\@EA\pp!doifinstringelse\@EA##\@EA1#1##2##3\war % expand #1 here
+% {\ppp!doifinstringelse##2\war}%
+% \expanded{\pp!doifinstringelse#2#1@@\noexpand\war}} % expand #2 here
+% \beginTEX
+% \def\ppp!doifinstringelse#1#2\war%
+% {\csname if\ifx#1@fals\else tru\fi e\endcsname}%
+% \endTEX
+% \beginETEX \unless
+% \def\ppp!doifinstringelse#1#2\war%
+% {\unless\ifx#1@}
+% \endETEX
+\long\def\p!doifinstringelse#1#2% ##2 can be {abc}
+ {\long\@EA\def\@EA\pp!doifinstringelse\@EA##\@EA1#1##2##3\war % expand #1 here
+ {\unless\if##2@}%
+% \expanded{\pp!doifinstringelse#2#1@@\noexpand\war}} % expand #2 here
+ \expanded{\pp!doifinstringelse#2#1}@@\war} % expand #2 here
+\long\def\p!doifinstringelse#1#2% ##2 can be {abc}
+ {\long\@EA\def\@EA\pp!doifinstringelse\@EA##\@EA1#1##2##3\war % expand #1 here
+ {\csname if\if##2@fals\else tru\fi e\endcsname}%
+ %\expanded{\pp!doifinstringelse#2#1@@\noexpand\war}} % expand #2 here
+ \expanded{\pp!doifinstringelse#2#1}@@\war} % expand #2 here
+%D The next alternative proved to be upto twice as fast on
+%D tasks like checking reserved words in pretty verbatim
+%D typesetting! This is mainly due to the fact that passing
+%D (expanded) strings is much slower that passing a macro.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \doifincsnameelse {substring} {\string} {then ...} {else ...}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Where \type{\doifinstringelse} does as much expansion as
+%D possible, the latter alternative does minimal (one level)
+%D expansion.
+ {\long\def\pp!doifincsnameelse##1#1##2##3\war
+ {\csname if\if##2@fals\else tru\fi e\endcsname}%
+ \@EA\pp!doifincsnameelse#2#1@@\war}
+\beginETEX \unless
+ {\long\def\pp!doifincsnameelse##1#1##2##3\war
+ {\unless\if##2@}%
+ \@EA\pp!doifincsnameelse#2#1@@\war}
+\long\def\doifincsnameelse#1#2% % #3#4%
+ {\edef\@@@instring{#1}%
+ \@EA\p!doifincsnameelse\@EA{\@@@instring}{#2}% % #3\else#4\fi}
+ \expandafter\firstoftwoarguments
+ \else
+ \expandafter\secondoftwoarguments
+ \fi}
+%D \macros
+%D {doifnumberelse}
+%D The next macro executes a command depending of the outcome
+%D of a test on numerals. This is probably one of the fastest
+%D test possible, exept from a less robust 10||step
+%D \type{\if}||ladder or some tricky \type{\lcode} checking.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \doifnumberelse {string} {then ...} {else ...}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The macro accepts \type{123}, \type{abc}, \type{{}},
+%D \type{\getal} and \type{\the\count...}. This macro is a
+%D rather dirty one.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \long\def\doifnumberelse#1#2#3%
+%D {\begingroup\donefalse
+%D \ifcase1#1\or\or\or\or\or\or\or\or\or\else\donetrue\fi
+%D \ifdone\endgroup#2\else\endgroup#3\fi}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Or better:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \long\def\doifnumberelse#1%
+%D {\begingroup\donefalse
+%D \ifcase1#1\or\or\or\or\or\or\or\or\or\else\donetrue\fi
+%D \ifdone
+%D \endgroup\expandafter\firstoftwoarguments
+%D \else
+%D \endgroup\expandafter\secondoftwoarguments
+%D \fi}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D A previous implementation was:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \long\def\doifnumberelse#1#2#3%
+%D {\getfirstcharacter{#1}%
+%D \@EA\p!doifinstringelse\@EA{\firstcharacter}{1234567890}%
+%D #2%
+%D \else
+%D #3%
+%D \fi}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D And before we had \type{\p!doifinstringelse} available, we
+%D used:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\doifnumberelse#1%
+%D {\getfirstcharacter{#1}%
+%D \rawdoifinsetelse{\firstcharacter}{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0}}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The implementation using \type {\ifcase} is much faster, but
+%D the next one is not, not even when testing milion calls.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \newif\ifitsanumber
+%D \long\def\isitanumber#1%
+%D {\itsanumberfalse
+%D \ifcase1#1\or\or\or\or\or\or\or\or\or\else\itsanumbertrue\fi}
+%D \long\def\doifnumberelse#1#2#3%
+%D {\isitanumber{#1}\ifitsanumber#2\else#3\fi}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D After a while the next evolved and this one is the one we
+%D will use. This one is some 5\% faster than the group/done
+%D one (partly because it does not have to pass arguments).
+%D Even more important is that this alternative is fully
+%D expandable!
+\long\def\doifnumberelse#1% does not accept counters
+ {\ifcase0\ifcase1#1\or\or\or\or\or\or\or\or\or\else1\fi\space
+ \expandafter\secondoftwoarguments
+ \else
+ \expandafter\firstoftwoarguments
+ \fi}
+%D \macros
+%D {makerawcommalist,
+%D rawdoinsetelse,
+%D rawprocesscommalist,
+%D rawprocessaction}
+%D Some of the commands mentioned earlier are effective but
+%D slow. When one is desperately in need of faster alternatives
+%D and when the conditions are predictable safe, the \type{\raw}
+%D alternatives come into focus. A major drawback is that
+%D they do not take \type{\c!constants} into account, simply
+%D because no expansion is done. This is no problem with
+%D \type{\rawprocesscommalist}, because this macro does not
+%D compare anything. Expandable macros are permitted as search
+%D string.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \makerawcommalist[string,string,...]\stringlist
+%D \rawdoifinsetelse{string}{string,...}{...}{...}
+%D \rawprocesscommalist[string,string,...]\commando
+%D \rawprocessaction[x][a=>\a,b=>\b,c=>\c]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Spaces embedded in the list, for instance after commas,
+%D spoil the search process. The gain in speed depends on the
+%D length of the argument (the longer the argument, the less
+%D we gain).
+%D The slow alternative looks like:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\makerawcommalist[#1]#2%
+%D {\def\appendtocommalist##1%
+%D {\doifelse{#2}{}
+%D {\edef#2{##1}}
+%D {\edef#2{#2,##1}}}%
+%D \def#2{}%
+%D \processcommalist[#1]\appendtocommalist}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D But we prefer:
+% \appendtocommalist is defined in syst-ext
+\def\makerawcommalist[#1]#2% use \processnext ... here
+ {\def\domakerawcommalist##1% we don't expand ##1
+ {\ifx#2\empty
+ \def#2{##1}%
+ \else
+ \@EA\def\@EA#2\@EA{#2,##1}%
+ \fi}%
+ \let#2\empty
+ \processcommalist[#1]\domakerawcommalist}
+\def\rawprocesscommaitem#1,#2% #2 eats up preceding space
+ {\if]#1\else
+ \csname\s!next\the\commalevel\endcsname{#1}%
+ \expandafter\rawprocesscommaitem
+ \fi#2}
+\def\rawprocesscommalist[#1]#2% accepteert ook [\cs]
+ {\global\advance\commalevel \plusone
+ \expandafter\let\csname\s!next\the\commalevel\endcsname#2%
+ \expandafter\rawprocesscommaitem#1,],% \relax
+ \global\advance\commalevel \minusone }
+\def\rawprocesscommacommand[#1]% not really needed
+ {\expanded{\rawprocesscommalist[#1]}}
+% \def\rawdoifinsetelse#1#2{\doifinstringelse{,#1,}{,#2,}}
+% \def\rawdoifinset #1#2{\doifinstring {,#1,}{,#2,}}
+ {\edef\@@@instring{,#1,}% expand #1 here
+ \ifx\@@@instring\@@rawempty
+ \@EA\thirdofthreearguments
+ \else
+ \@EA\rawdodoifinsetelse
+ \fi}
+ {\p!doifinstringelse\@@@instring{,#1,}%
+ \@EA\firstoftwoarguments
+ \else
+ \@EA\secondoftwoarguments
+ \fi}
+ {\edef\@@@instring{,#1,}% expand #1 here
+ \ifx\@@@instring\@@rawempty
+ \@EA\gobbletwoarguments
+ \else
+ \@EA\rawdodoifinset
+ \fi}
+ {\p!doifinstringelse\@@@instring{,#1,}%
+ \@EA\firstofoneargument
+ \else
+ \@EA\gobbleoneargument
+ \fi}
+%D Some more raw material:
+ {\def\pp!rawprocessaction##1,#1=>##2,##3\war%
+ {\if##3@\else
+ \def\!!processaction{##2}%
+ \fi}%
+ \pp!rawprocessaction,#2,#1=>,@\war}
+ {\edef\!!stringa{#1}%
+ \edef\!!stringb{undefined}% better \!!undefined
+ \let\!!processaction\!!stringb
+ \ifx\!!stringa\empty
+ \@EA\p!rawprocessaction\@EA[\s!default][#3]%
+ \else
+ \expandafter\p!rawprocessaction\expandafter[\!!stringa][#3]%
+ \ifx\!!processaction\!!stringb
+ \@EA\p!rawprocessaction\@EA[\s!unknown][#3]%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \ifx\!!processaction\!!stringb
+ \else
+ \!!processaction
+ \fi}
+% not needed
+% \def\rawprocessallactionsinset[#1]#2[#3]%
+% {\def\docommand##1%
+% {\rawprocessaction[##1][#3]}%
+% \processcommalist[#1]\docommand}
+%D When we process the list \type{a,b,c,d,e}, the raw routine
+%D takes over 30\% less time, when we feed $20+$ character
+%D strings we gain about 20\%. Alternatives which use
+%D \type{\futurelet} perform worse. Part of the speedup is
+%D due to the \type{\let} and \type{\expandafter} in the test.
+% %D \macros
+% %D {processunexpandedcommalist}
+% %D
+% %D When processing commalists, the arguments are expanded. The
+% %D main reason for doing so lays in the fact that these
+% %D macros are used for interfacing. The next alternative can be used
+% %D for
+% %D
+% %D \starttyping
+% %D \processunexpandedcommalist
+% %D [\alfa\beta,\gamma,\delta\epsilon]
+% %D \handleitem
+% %D \stoptyping
+% %D
+% %D This time nesting is not supported.
+% %\def\processunexpandedcommaitem#1,%
+% % {\if]\noexpand#1%
+% % \let\nextcommaitem\relax
+% % \else
+% % \handleunexpandedcommaitem{#1}%
+% % \let\nextcommaitem\processunexpandedcommaitem
+% \fi
+% \nextcommaitem}
+% faster:
+% \def\processunexpandedcommaitem#1,%
+% {\if]\noexpand#1\else
+% \handleunexpandedcommaitem{#1}%
+% \expandafter\processunexpandedcommaitem
+% \fi}
+% \def\processunexpandedcommalist[#1]#2%
+% {\def\handleunexpandedcommaitem{#2}%
+% \processunexpandedcommaitem#1,],}% \relax}
+% %D Or faster:
+% \def\processunexpandedcommaitem#1,%
+% {\if]\noexpand#1\else
+% \handleunexpandedcommaitem{#1}%
+% \expandafter\processunexpandedcommaitem
+% \fi}
+%D \macros
+%D {dosetvalue,dosetevalue,dosetgvalue,docopyvalue,doresetvalue,
+%D dogetvalue}
+%D When we are going to do assignments, we have to take
+%D multi||linguality into account. For the moment we keep
+%D things simple and single||lingual.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \dosetvalue {label} {variable} {value}
+%D \dosetevalue {label} {variable} {value}
+%D \dosetgvalue {label} {variable} {value}
+%D \docopyvalue {to label} {from label} {variable}
+%D \doresetvalue {label} {variable}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D These macros are in fact auxiliary ones and are not meant
+%D for use outside the assignment macros.
+\def\dosetvalue#1#2% #3
+ {\@EA\def\csname#1#2\endcsname} % {#3}}
+\def\dosetevalue#1#2% #3
+ {\@EA\edef\csname#1#2\endcsname} % {#3}}
+\def\dosetgvalue#1#2% #3
+ {\@EA\gdef\csname#1#2\endcsname} % {#3}}
+ {\@EA\let\csname#1#2\endcsname\empty}
+ {\@EA\let\csname#1#2\endcsname\empty}
+ {\@EA\def\csname#1#3\endcsname{\csname#2#3\endcsname}}
+%D \macros
+%D {doassign,undoassign,doassignempty}
+%D Assignments are the backbone of \CONTEXT. Abhorred by the
+%D concept of style file hacking, we took a considerable effort
+%D in building a parameterized system. Unfortunately there is a
+%D price to pay in terms of speed. Compared to other packages
+%D and taking the functionality of \CONTEXT\ into account, the
+%D total size of the format file is still very acceptable. Now
+%D how are these assignments done.
+%D Assignments can be realized with:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \doassign[label][variable=value]
+%D \undoassign[label][variable=value]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D and:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \doassignempty[label][variable=value]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Assignments like \type{\doassign} are compatible with:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\labelvariable{value}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D We do check for the presence of an \type{=} and loudly
+%D complain of it's missed. We will redefine this macro later
+%D on, when a more advanced message mechanism is implemented.
+ {\iferrorisfatal\wait\fi}
+ {\writestatus{setup}{missing or ungrouped '=' after '#1' in line #2}%
+ \waitonfatalerror}
+% {\let\donottest\dontprocesstest
+% \edef\!!stringa{#5}%
+% \let\!!stringb\relax
+% \let\donottest\doprocesstest
+% \ifx\!!stringa\!!stringb
+% \showassignerror{#3}%
+% \else
+% #1{#2}{#3}{#4}%
+% \fi}
+ {\ifx\empty#3\else % and definitely not \ifx#3\empty
+ \ifx\relax#5%
+ \showassignerror{#3}{\the\inputlineno\space(#2)}%
+ \else
+ #1{#2}{#3}{#4}%
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+\def\doassign [#1][#2]{\p!doassign\dosetvalue [#1][#2==\relax]}
+\def\doeassign [#1][#2]{\p!doassign\dosetevalue [#1][#2==\relax]}
+ {\ifundefined{#1#2}\dosetvalue{#1}{#2}{#3}\fi}
+%D \macros
+%D {processassignmentlist,processassignmentcommand,
+%D startprocessassignmentlist,startprocessassignmentcommand}
+%D For Wolfgang:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\showpair#1#2{key:#1, value:#2\par}
+%D \processassignmentlist[a=1,b=2]\showpair
+%D \stoptyping
+\def\processassignmentlist[#1]#2% #2 == \command{key}{value]
+ {\def\doprocessassignmententry##1{#2}% {##2}{##3} % namespace is ignored
+ \dogetparameters\doprocessassignmententry[][#1]}
+ {\normalexpanded{\noexpand\processassignmentlist[#1]}}
+ {\long\def\currentassignmentlistcommand##1##2{\def\currentassignmentlistkey{##1}\def\currentassignmentlistvalue{##2}#2}%
+ \processassignmentlist[#1]\currentassignmentlistcommand}
+ {\long\def\currentassignmentlistcommand##1##2{\def\currentassignmentlistkey{##1}\def\currentassignmentlistvalue{##2}#2}%
+ \normalexpanded{\noexpand\processassignmentlist[#1]}\currentassignmentlistcommand}
+%D \macros
+%D {getparameters,geteparameters,getgparameters,
+%D forgetparameters}
+%D Using the assignment commands directly is not our
+%D ideal of user friendly interfacing, so we take some further
+%D steps.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \getparameters [label] [...=...,...=...]
+% %D \forgetparameters [label] [...=...,...=...]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Again, the label identifies the category a variable
+%D belongs to. The second argument can be a comma separated
+%D list of assignments.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \getparameters
+%D [demo]
+%D [alfa=1,
+%D beta=2]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D is equivalent to
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\demoalfa{1}
+%D \def\demobeta{2}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D In the pre||multi||lingual stadium \CONTEXT\ took the next
+%D approach. With
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\??demo {@@demo}
+%D \def\!!alfa {alfa}
+%D \def\!!beta {beta}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D calling
+%D \starttyping
+%D \getparameters
+%D [\??demo]
+%D [\!!alfa=1,
+%D \!!beta=2]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D lead to:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\@@demoalfa{1}
+%D \def\@@demobeta{2}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Because we want to be able to distinguish the \type{!!}
+%D pre||tagged user supplied variables from internal
+%D counterparts, we will introduce a slightly different tag in
+%D the multi||lingual modules. There we will use \type{c!} or
+%D \type{v!}, depending on the context.
+%D By calling \type{\p!doassign} directly, we save ourselves
+%D some argument passing and gain some speed. Whatever
+%D optimizations we do, this command will always be one of the
+%D bigger bottlenecks.
+%D The alternative \type{\geteparameters} --- it's funny to
+%D see that this alternative saw the light so lately --- can be
+%D used to do expanded assigments.
+ {\def\p!dogetparameter##1%
+ {\p!doassign#1[#2][##1==\relax]}%
+ \processcommalist[#4]\p!dogetparameter}
+\def\getparameters {\dogetparameters\dosetvalue}
+\def\geteparameters {\dogetparameters\dosetevalue}
+\def\getgparameters {\dogetparameters\dosetgvalue}
+%D This one is slightly faster:
+ {\if\noexpand#4]%
+ \expandafter\gobbleoneargument
+ \else
+ \def\p!dogetparameter##1{\p!doassign#1[#2][##1==\relax]}%
+ \expandafter\xdogetparameters
+ \fi#4}
+ {\processcommalist[#1]\p!dogetparameter}
+%D The next alternative is much faster but also uglier. Because
+%D in \XML\ processing we will probably set much more parameters
+%D than normally we need this faster one.
+ {\if\noexpand#4]%
+ \expandafter\gobbleoneargument
+ \else
+ \def\p!dogetparameter{\p!doassign#1#2}%
+ \expandafter\xdogetparameters
+ \fi#4}
+ {\xprocesscommaitem#1,],\@relax@}
+% \long\def\xprocesscommaitem#1,#2% #2 takes space before ,
+% {\if]#1%
+% \expandafter\gobbleoneargument
+% \else
+% \p!dogetparameter\@relax@#1==\@relax@
+% \expandafter\xprocesscommaitem
+% \fi#2}
+\long\def\xprocesscommaitem#1,#2% #2 takes space before ,
+ {\if,#1,% dirty trick for testing #1=empty
+ \@EA\xprocesscommaitem
+ \else\if]#1%
+ \@EAEAEA\gobbleoneargument
+ \else
+ \p!dogetparameter\@relax@#1==\empty\@relax@
+ \@EAEAEA\xprocesscommaitem
+ \fi\fi#2}
+%D Here we use a slightly different assignment macro:
+% \def\p!doassign#1#2\@relax@#3=#4=#5\@relax@
+% {\ifx\@relax@#5\@EA\xshowassignerror\else\@EA#1\fi{#2}{#3}{#4}}
+% \def\p!doassign#1#2\@relax@#3=#4=#5\@relax@
+% {\ifx#5\empty\@EA\xshowassignerror\else\@EA#1\fi{#2}{#3}{#4}}
+ {\ifx#5\empty
+ \@EA\xshowassignerror
+ \else\ifx#5=%
+ \@EAEAEA#1%
+ \else
+ \@EAEAEA\xshowassignerror
+ \fi\fi
+ {#2}{#3}{#4}}
+ {\showassignerror{#2}{\the\inputlineno\space(#1)}}
+%D Now we also have to change the other macros that depend
+%D on this low level one.
+% \def\doassign [#1][#2]{\p!doassign\dosetvalue #1\@relax@#2==\@relax@}
+% \def\doeassign [#1][#2]{\p!doassign\dosetevalue #1\@relax@#2==\@relax@}
+% \def\undoassign[#1][#2]{\p!doassign\doresetvalue#1\@relax@#2==\@relax@}
+\def\doassign [#1][#2]{\p!doassign\dosetvalue #1\@relax@#2==\empty\@relax@}
+\def\doeassign [#1][#2]{\p!doassign\dosetevalue #1\@relax@#2==\empty\@relax@}
+%D When someone asked on the mailing list if it's possible to
+%D use the current value of a parameter, Taco posted a small module. His
+%D method had the disadvantage of making all assignments expanded and thereby
+%D fragile. The following alternative uses a prefix.
+%D \macros{currentvalue}
+%D Just in case a \type{\getparameter} argument itself ends up
+%D inside a \type{\write} or other expandable location, our
+%D new macro needs a default value.
+% \def\p!n!doassign#1#2\@relax@#3=#4=#5#6\@relax@% normal
+% {\ifx#5\empty
+% \@EA\xshowassignerror
+% \else\ifx#5=%
+% \@EAEAEA#1%
+% \else
+% \@EAEAEA\xshowassignerror
+% \fi\fi
+% {#2}{#3}{#4}}
+ {\ifx\empty#3\empty
+ \@EA\xshowassignerror
+ \else\ifx#5\empty
+ \@EAEAEA\xshowassignerror
+ \else
+ \@EAEAEA#1%
+ \fi\fi
+ {#2}{#3}{#4}}
+% \def\p!e!doassign#1#2\@relax@#3=#4=#5#6\@relax@
+% {\ifx#5\empty
+% \@EA\xshowassignerror
+% \else\ifx#5=%
+% \@EA\ifx\csname#2#3\endcsname\relax
+% \let\currentvalue\empty
+% \else
+% \@EA\let\@EA\currentvalue\csname#2#3\endcsname
+% \fi
+% \@EAEAEA#1%
+% \else
+% \@EAEAEA\xshowassignerror
+% \fi\fi
+% {#2}{#3}{#4}}
+ {\ifx\empty#3\empty
+ \@EA\xshowassignerror
+ \else\ifx#5\empty
+ \@EAEAEA\xshowassignerror
+ \else
+ \@EA\ifx\csname#2#3\endcsname\relax
+ \let\currentvalue\empty
+ \else
+ \@EA\let\@EA\currentvalue\csname#2#3\endcsname
+ \fi
+ \@EAEAEA#1%
+ \fi\fi
+ {#2}{#3}{#4}}
+% \def\p!e!doassign#1#2\@relax@#3=#4=#5#6\@relax@
+% {\ifx#5\empty
+% \@EA\xshowassignerror
+% \else\ifx#5=%
+% \ifcsname#2#3\endcsname
+% \@EA\let\@EA\currentvalue\csname#2#3\endcsname
+% \else
+% \let\currentvalue\empty
+% \fi
+% \@EAEAEA#1%
+% \else
+% \@EAEAEA\xshowassignerror
+% \fi\fi
+% {#2}{#3}{#4}}
+ {\ifx\empty#3\empty
+ \@EA\xshowassignerror
+ \else\ifx#5\empty
+ \@EAEAEA\xshowassignerror
+ \else
+ \ifcsname#2#3\endcsname
+ \@EA\let\@EA\currentvalue\csname#2#3\endcsname
+ \else
+ \let\currentvalue\empty
+ \fi
+ \@EAEAEA#1%
+ \fi\fi
+ {#2}{#3}{#4}}
+%D We default to:
+%D And set:
+%D \macros {expandparameters}
+%D Example usage:
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \getparameters[taco][name=taco]
+%D \convertcommand\taconame\to\ascii \ascii
+%D \expandparameters \getparameters[taco][name=\currentvalue\space hoekwater]
+%D \convertcommand\taconame\to\ascii \ascii
+%D \getparameters[taco][name=\currentvalue\space hoekwater]
+%D \convertcommand\taconame\to\ascii \ascii
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+%D \startlines
+%D \getbuffer
+%D \stoplines
+%D Here we hook in the code (beware, this is the optimized get **):
+ {\xprocesscommaitem#1,],\@relax@}
+ {\let\dosetnvalue\dosetvalue
+ \let\dosetvalue\dosetevalue
+ \let\p!doassign\p!e!doassign
+ \xprocesscommaitem#1,],\@relax@
+ \let\p!doassign\p!n!doassign
+ \let\dosetvalue\dosetnvalue
+ \let\xdogetparameters\xdoget@n@parameters
+ \let\currentvalue\empty}
+\let\xdogetparameters\xdoget@n@parameters % **
+%D \macros
+%D {getemptyparameters}
+%D Sometimes we explicitly want variables to default to an
+%D empty string, so we welcome:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \getemptyparameters [label] [...=...,...=...]
+%D \stoptyping
+ {\def\p!dogetemptyparameter##1%
+ {\doassignempty[#1][##1]}%
+ \processcommalist[#3]\p!dogetemptyparameter}
+%D \macros
+%D {copyparameters}
+%D Some \CONTEXT\ commands take their default setups from
+%D others. All commands that are able to provide backgounds
+%D or rules around some content, for instance default to the
+%D standard command for ruled boxes. Is situations like this
+%D we can use:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \copyparameters [to-label] [from-label] [name1,name2,...]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D For instance
+%D \starttyping
+%D \copyparameters
+%D [internal][external]
+%D [alfa,beta]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Leads to:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\internalalfa {\externalalfa}
+%D \def\internalbeta {\externalbeta}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D By using \type{\docopyvalue} we've prepared this command
+%D for use in a multi||lingual environment.
+ {\doifnot{#1}{#3}
+ {\def\docopyparameter{\docopyvalue{#1}{#3}}%
+ %\def\docopyparameter##1{\docopyvalue{#1}{#3}{##1}}%
+ \processcommalist[#5]\docopyparameter}}
+%D \macros
+%D {ifparameters,checkparameters}
+%D A slightly different one is \type{\checkparameters}, which
+%D also checks on the presence of a~\type{=}.
+%D The boolean \type{\ifparameters} can be used afterwards.
+%D Combining both in one \type{\if}||macro would lead to
+%D problems with nested \type{\if}'s.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \checkparameters[argument]
+%D \stoptyping
+ {\if#2@\parametersfalse\else\parameterstrue\fi}
+ {\p!checkparameters#1=@@\war}
+%D \macros
+%D {getfromcommalist,getfromcommacommand,
+%D commalistelement,
+%D getcommalistsize,getcommacommandsize}
+%D It's possible to get an element from a commalist or a
+%D command representing a commalist.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \getfromcommalist [string] [n]
+%D \getfromcommacommand [string,\strings,string,...] [n]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The difference betwee the two of them is the same as the
+%D difference between \type{\processcomma...}. The found string
+%D is stored in \type{\commalistelement}.
+%D We can calculate the size of a comma separated list by
+%D using:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \getcommalistsize [string,string,...]
+%D \getcommacommandsize [string,\strings,string,...]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Afterwards, the length is available in the macro
+%D \type{\commalistsize} (not a \COUNTER).
+ {\advance\commalistcounter\plusone}
+\def\getcommalistsize#1]% don't loose [{#1}]
+ {\commalistcounter\zerocount
+ \processcommalist#1]\p!dogetcommalistsize % was [{#1}]
+ \edef\commalistsize{\the\commalistcounter}}
+ {\edef\commacommand{#1}%
+ \scratchtoks\expandafter{\expandafter[\commacommand]}%
+ \expandafter\getcommalistsize\the\scratchtoks }
+% to be tested first
+% \def\getcommacommandsize[#1]%
+% {\expanded{\getcommalistsize[#1]}}
+% \def\p!dogetfromcommalist#1%
+% {\advance\commalistcounter \minusone
+% \ifcase\commalistcounter
+% \def\commalistelement{#1}%
+% \begingroup\def\doprocesscommaitem##1]{\endgroup}%
+% \fi}
+ {\advance\commalistcounter \minusone
+ \ifcase\commalistcounter
+ \def\commalistelement{#1}%
+ \expandafter\quitcommalist
+ \fi}
+ {\let\commalistelement\empty
+ \commalistcounter#3\relax
+ \processcommalist[#1]\p!dogetfromcommalist}
+% \def\getfromcommacommand[#1]% why so complicated, still needed?
+% {\edef\commacommand{#1}%
+% \toks0=\expandafter{\expandafter[\commacommand]}%
+% \expandafter\getfromcommalist\the\toks0 }
+ {\expanded{\getfromcommalist[#1]}}
+%D Because 0, 1 and~2 are often asked for, we optimize this
+%D macro for those cases. The indirect call however slows
+%D down the other cases.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\p!dogetfirstfromcommalist [#1,#2]{\def\commalistelement{#1}}
+%D \def\p!dogetsecondfromcommalist[#1,#2,#3]{\def\commalistelement{#2}}
+%D \let\p!dogetotherfromcommalist=\getfromcommalist
+%D \def\getfromcommalist[#1]#2[#3]% optimized for 0,1,2
+%D {\ifcase#3\relax
+%D \let\commalistelement\empty
+%D \or
+%D \p!dogetfirstfromcommalist[#1,]%
+%D \or
+%D \p!dogetsecondfromcommalist[#1,,]%
+%D \else
+%D \p!dogetotherfromcommalist[#1][#3]%
+%D \fi}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Even worse, this alternative does not strip preceding
+%D spaces, which is what we want. So, we stick to the slow
+%D alternative.
+%D Watertight (and efficient) solutions are hard to find, due
+%D to the handling of braces during parameters passing and
+%D scanning. Nevertheless:
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \def\dosomething#1{(#1=\commalistsize) }
+%D \getcommalistsize [\hbox{$a,b,c,d,e,f$}] \dosomething 1
+%D \getcommalistsize [{a,b,c,d,e,f}] \dosomething 1
+%D \getcommalistsize [{a,b,c},d,e,f] \dosomething 4
+%D \getcommalistsize [a,b,{c,d,e},f] \dosomething 4
+%D \getcommalistsize [a{b,c},d,e,f] \dosomething 4
+%D \getcommalistsize [{a,b}c,d,e,f] \dosomething 4
+%D \getcommalistsize [] \dosomething 0
+%D \getcommalistsize [{[}] \dosomething 1
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+%D reports:
+%D \getbuffer
+%D \macros
+%D {dogetcommalistelement,dogetcommacommandelement}
+%D For low level (fast) purposes, we can also use the next
+%D alternative, which can handle 8~elements at most.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \dogetcommalistelement1\from a,b,c\to\commalistelement
+%D \stoptyping
+ {\edef#9{\ifcase#1\relax\or#2\or#3\or#4\or#5\or#6\or#7\or#8\fi}}
+% maybe better:
+% {\@EA\edef\@EA#9\@EA{\ifcase#1\relax\or#2\or#3\or#4\or#5\or#6\or#7\or#8\fi}}
+ {\dodogetcommalistelement#1\from#2,,,,,,\to}
+% check sources
+ {\@EA\dodogetcommalistelement\@EA#1\@EA\from#2,,,,,,\to}
+%D \macros
+%D {dosingleargument,dodoubleargument,dotripleargument,
+%D doquadrupleargument,doquintupleargument,dosixtupleargument,
+%D doseventupleargument}
+%D When working with delimited arguments, spaces and
+%D lineendings can interfere. The next set of macros uses
+%D \TEX' internal scanner for grabbing everything between
+%D arguments. Forgive me the funny names.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \dosingleargument\commando = \commando[#1]
+%D \dodoubleargument\commando = \commando[#1][#2]
+%D \dotripleargument\commando = \commando[#1][#2][#3]
+%D \doquadrupleargument\commando = \commando[#1][#2][#3][#4]
+%D \doquintupleargument\commando = \commando[#1][#2][#3][#4][#5]
+%D \dosixtupleargument\commando = \commando[#1][#2][#3][#4][#5][#6]
+%D \doseventupleargument\command= \commando[#1][#2][#3][#4][#5][#6][#7]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D These macros are used in the following way:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\dosetupsomething[#1][#2]%
+%D {... #1 ... #2 ...}
+%D \def\setupsomething%
+%D {\dodoubleargument\dosetupsomething}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The implementation can be surprisingly simple and needs no
+%D further explanation, like:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\dosingleargument#1[#2]%
+%D {#1[#2]}
+%D \def\dotripleargument#1[#2]#3[#4]#5[#6]%
+%D {#1[#2][#4][#6]}
+%D \def\doquintupleargument#1%
+%D {\def\dodoquintupleargument[##1]##2[##3]##4[##5]##6[##7]##8[##9]%
+%D {#1[##1][##3][##5][##7][##9]}%
+%D \dodoquintupleargument}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Because \TEX\ accepts 9~arguments at most, we have to use
+%D two||step solution when getting five or more arguments.
+%D When developing more and more of the real \CONTEXT, we
+%D started using some alternatives that provided empty
+%D arguments (in fact optional ones) whenever the user failed
+%D to supply them. Because this more complicated macros enable
+%D us to do some checking, we reimplemented the non||empty
+%D ones.
+\def\dosingleargument {\chardef\expectedarguments 1 \dosingleempty }
+\def\dodoubleargument {\chardef\expectedarguments 2 \dodoubleempty }
+\def\dotripleargument {\chardef\expectedarguments 3 \dotripleempty }
+\def\doquadrupleargument {\chardef\expectedarguments 4 \doquadrupleempty }
+\def\doquintupleargument {\chardef\expectedarguments 5 \doquintupleempty }
+\def\dosixtupleargument {\chardef\expectedarguments 6 \dosixtupleempty }
+\def\doseventupleargument{\chardef\expectedarguments 7 \doseventupleempty}
+%D \macros
+%D {iffirstagument,ifsecondargument,ifthirdargument,
+%D iffourthargument,iffifthargument,ifsixthargument,
+%D ifseventhargument}
+%D We use some signals for telling the calling macros if all
+%D wanted arguments are indeed supplied by the user.
+%D \macros
+%D {dosingleempty,dodoubleempty,dotripleempty,
+%D doquadrupleempty,doquintupleempty,dosixtupeempty,
+%D doseventupleempty}
+%D The empty argument supplying macros mentioned before, look
+%D like:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \dosingleempty \command
+%D \dodoubleempty \command
+%D \dotripleempty \command
+%D \doquadrupleempty \command
+%D \doquintupleempty \command
+%D \dosixtupleempty \command
+%D \doseventupleempty\command
+%D \stoptyping
+%D So \type{\dodoubleempty} leades to:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \command[#1][#2]
+%D \command[#1][]
+%D \command[][]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Depending of the generousity of the user. Afterwards one can
+%D use the \type{\if...argument} boolean. For novice: watch
+%D the stepwise doubling of \type{#}'s
+% idea: \ignorespaces afterwards
+\chardef\expectedarguments =0
+ {\writestatus{systems}{#1 argument(s) expected in line #2}}
+% \long\def\dogetargument#1#2#3#4% redefined in mult-ini
+% {\doifnextcharelse{#1}
+% {\let\expectedarguments\noexpectedarguments
+% #3\dodogetargument}
+% {\ifnum\expectedarguments>\noexpectedarguments
+% \showargumenterror{\expectedarguments}
+% \fi
+% \let\expectedarguments\noexpectedarguments
+% #4\dodogetargument#1#2}}
+% less to pass
+ {\ifnum\expectedarguments>\noexpectedarguments
+ \showargumenterror{\number\expectedarguments}{\number\inputlineno}%
+ \fi
+ \noshowargumenterror}
+ {\let\expectedarguments\noexpectedarguments}
+% \long\def\dogetargument#1#2#3#4%
+% {\doifnextcharelse#1%
+% {\noshowargumenterror#3\dodogetargument}
+% {\doshowargumenterror#4\dodogetargument#1#2}}
+% faster ?
+ {\let\charactertoken=#1%
+ \def\!!stringa{\noshowargumenterror#3\dodogetargument}%
+ \def\!!stringb{\doshowargumenterror#4\dodogetargument#1#2}%
+ \futurelet\nexttoken\inspectnextcharacter}
+ {\def\dodogetargument%
+ {#3}%
+ \dogetargument#1#2\firstargumenttrue\firstargumentfalse}
+ {\def\dodogetargument#1##1#2%
+ {\def\dodogetargument%
+ {#3#1{##1}#2}%
+ \dogetargument#1#2\secondargumenttrue\secondargumentfalse}%
+ \dogetargument#1#2\firstargumenttrue\firstargumentfalse}
+ {\def\dodogetargument#1##1#2%
+ {\def\dodogetargument#1####1#2%
+ {\def\dodogetargument%
+ {#3#1{##1}#2%
+ #1{####1}#2}%
+ \dogetargument#1#2\thirdargumenttrue\thirdargumentfalse}%
+ \dogetargument#1#2\secondargumenttrue\secondargumentfalse}%
+ \dogetargument#1#2\firstargumenttrue\firstargumentfalse}
+ {\def\dodogetargument#1##1#2%
+ {\def\dodogetargument#1####1#2%
+ {\def\dodogetargument#1########1#2%
+ {\def\dodogetargument%
+ {#3#1{##1}#2%
+ #1{####1}#2%
+ #1{########1}#2}%
+ \dogetargument#1#2\fourthargumenttrue\fourthargumentfalse}%
+ \dogetargument#1#2\thirdargumenttrue\thirdargumentfalse}%
+ \dogetargument#1#2\secondargumenttrue\secondargumentfalse}%
+ \dogetargument#1#2\firstargumenttrue\firstargumentfalse}
+ {\def\dodogetargument#1##1#2%
+ {\def\dodogetargument#1####1#2%
+ {\def\dodogetargument#1########1#2%
+ {\def\dodogetargument#1################1#2%
+ {\def\dodogetargument%
+ {#3#1{##1}#2%
+ #1{####1}#2%
+ #1{########1}#2%
+ #1{################1}#2}%
+ \dogetargument#1#2\fifthargumenttrue\fifthargumentfalse}%
+ \dogetargument#1#2\fourthargumenttrue\fourthargumentfalse}%
+ \dogetargument#1#2\thirdargumenttrue\thirdargumentfalse}%
+ \dogetargument#1#2\secondargumenttrue\secondargumentfalse}%
+ \dogetargument#1#2\firstargumenttrue\firstargumentfalse}
+ {\def\dodogetargument#1##1#2%
+ {\def\dodogetargument#1####1#2%
+ {\def\dodogetargument#1########1#2%
+ {\def\dodogetargument#1################1#2%
+ {\def\dodogetargument#1################################1#2%
+ {\def\dodogetargument%
+ {#3#1{##1}#2%
+ #1{####1}#2%
+ #1{########1}#2%
+ #1{################1}#2%
+ #1{################################1}#2}%
+ \dogetargument#1#2\sixthargumenttrue\sixthargumentfalse}%
+ \dogetargument#1#2\fifthargumenttrue\fifthargumentfalse}%
+ \dogetargument#1#2\fourthargumenttrue\fourthargumentfalse}%
+ \dogetargument#1#2\thirdargumenttrue\thirdargumentfalse}%
+ \dogetargument#1#2\secondargumenttrue\secondargumentfalse}%
+ \dogetargument#1#2\firstargumenttrue\firstargumentfalse}
+ {\def\dodogetargument#1##1#2%
+ {\def\dodogetargument#1####1#2%
+ {\def\dodogetargument#1########1#2%
+ {\def\dodogetargument#1################1#2%
+ {\def\dodogetargument#1################################1#2%
+ {\def\dodogetargument#1################################%
+ ################################1#2%
+ {\def\dodogetargument%
+ {#3#1{##1}#2%
+ #1{####1}#2%
+ #1{########1}#2%
+ #1{################1}#2%
+ #1{################################1}#2%
+ #1{################################%
+ ################################1}#2}%
+ \dogetargument#1#2\seventhargumenttrue\seventhargumentfalse}%
+ \dogetargument#1#2\sixthargumenttrue\sixthargumentfalse}%
+ \dogetargument#1#2\fifthargumenttrue\fifthargumentfalse}%
+ \dogetargument#1#2\fourthargumenttrue\fourthargumentfalse}%
+ \dogetargument#1#2\thirdargumenttrue\thirdargumentfalse}%
+ \dogetargument#1#2\secondargumenttrue\secondargumentfalse}%
+ \dogetargument#1#2\firstargumenttrue\firstargumentfalse}
+\def\dosingleempty {\getsingleempty []}
+\def\dodoubleempty {\getdoubleempty []}
+\def\dotripleempty {\gettripleempty []}
+\def\doquadrupleempty {\getquadrupleempty []}
+\def\doquintupleempty {\getquintupleempty []}
+\def\dosixtupleempty {\getsixtupleempty []}
+%D Because some of these are called quite often, we will now
+%D replace the more general version by alternatives tuned for
+%D speed.
+ {\noshowargumenterror % \relax % prevents lookahead, brr
+ \doifnextoptionalelse
+ {\firstargumenttrue#1}
+ {\dosinglefakeempty#1}}
+ {\noshowargumenterror % \relax % prevents lookahead, brr
+ \doifnextoptionalelse
+ {\dodoubletestempty#1}
+ {\dodoublefakeempty#1}}
+ {\noshowargumenterror % \relax % prevents lookahead, brr
+ \doifnextoptionalelse
+ {\dotripletestempty#1}
+ {\dotriplefakeempty#1}}
+ {\firstargumentfalse#1[]}
+ {\firstargumentfalse\secondargumentfalse#1[][]}
+ {\firstargumentfalse\secondargumentfalse\thirdargumentfalse#1[][][]}
+ {\firstargumenttrue
+ \doifnextoptionalelse
+ {\secondargumenttrue #1[{#2}]}
+ {\secondargumentfalse#1[{#2}][]}}
+ {\firstargumenttrue
+ \doifnextoptionalelse
+ {\dotripletestemptyx #1[{#2}]}
+ {\secondargumentfalse
+ \thirdargumentfalse #1[{#2}][][]}}
+ {\secondargumenttrue
+ \doifnextoptionalelse
+ {\thirdargumenttrue #1[{#2}][{#3}]}
+ {\thirdargumentfalse#1[{#2}][{#3}][]}}
+%D \macros
+%D {strippedcsname}
+%D The next macro can be very useful when using \type{\csname}
+%D like in:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \csname if\strippedcsname\something\endcsname
+%D \stoptyping
+%D This expands to \type{\ifsomething}.
+ {\expandafter\gobbleoneargument\string}
+%D \macros
+%D {complexorsimple,complexorsimpleempty}
+%D Setups can be optional. A command expecting a setup is
+%D prefixed by \type{\complex}, a command without one gets the
+%D prefix \type{\simple}. Commands like this can be defined by:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \complexorsimple\command
+%D \stoptyping
+%D When \type{\command} is followed by a \type{[setup]}, then
+%D \starttyping
+%D \complexcommand [setup]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D executes, else we get
+%D \starttyping
+%D \simplecommand
+%D \stoptyping
+%D An alternative for \type{\complexorsimple} is:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \complexorsimpleempty {command}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Depending on the presence of \type{[setup]}, this one
+%D leads to one of:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \complexcommando [setup]
+%D \complexcommando []
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Many \CONTEXT\ commands started as complex or simple ones,
+%D but changed into more versatile (more object oriented) ones
+%D using the \type{\get..argument} commands.
+% This method is needed when traditional tex is used with
+% the efficient definition (marked **) below.
+% an old one:
+% \def\setnameofcommand#1% handles {abc} as well as \abc
+% {\begingroup
+% \escapechar=-1
+% \globaldefs=0 % pretty important!
+% \xdef\nameofcommand{\string#1}%
+% \endgroup}
+% \def\complexorsimple#1%
+% {\setnameofcommand{#1}%
+% \doifnextcharelse{[}
+% {\firstargumenttrue \getvalue{\s!complex\nameofcommand}}
+% {\firstargumentfalse\getvalue{\s!simple \nameofcommand}}}
+% \def\complexorsimpleempty#1%
+% {\setnameofcommand{#1}%
+% \doifnextcharelse{[}
+% {\firstargumenttrue \getvalue{\s!complex\nameofcommand}}
+% {\firstargumentfalse\getvalue{\s!complex\nameofcommand}[]}}
+% a newer one:
+ {% \relax % prevents lookahead, brrr
+ \doifnextoptionalelse
+ {\firstargumenttrue \csname\s!complex\strippedcsname#1\endcsname}
+ {\firstargumentfalse\csname\s!simple \strippedcsname#1\endcsname}}
+ {% \relax % prevents lookahead, brrr
+ \doifnextoptionalelse
+ {\firstargumenttrue \csname\s!complex\strippedcsname#1\endcsname}
+ {\firstargumentfalse\csname\s!complex\strippedcsname#1\endcsname[]}}
+%D \macros
+%D {definecomplexorsimple,definecomplexorsimpleempty}
+%D The previous commands are used that often that we found it
+%D worthwile to offer two more alternatives. Watch the build
+%D in protection.
+% See earlier. Because we don't want \type {\simple..} and
+% \type {\complex..} commands to show up in expansions, we need
+% to pass them as \type {simple..} and \type {complex..}.
+% \beginTEX
+% \def\definewithnameofcommand#1#2%
+% {\setnameofcommand{#2}%
+% \@EA\def\@EA#2\@EA{\@EA\donottest\@EA#1\@EA{\nameofcommand}}}
+% \def\definecomplexorsimple%
+% {\definewithnameofcommand\complexorsimple}
+% \def\definecomplexorsimpleempty%
+% {\definewithnameofcommand\complexorsimpleempty}
+% \endTEX
+% \beginETEX \protected
+% \def\definecomplexorsimple#1%
+% {\normalprotected\def#1{\complexorsimple#1}}
+% \def\definecomplexorsimpleempty#1%
+% {\normalprotected\def#1{\complexorsimpleempty#1}}
+% \endETEX
+% However, since this one uses an idirect method, things go
+% okay (at the cost of extra macros).
+% \def\definecomplexorsimple#1%
+% {\unexpanded\def#1{\complexorsimple#1}}
+% \def\definecomplexorsimpleempty#1%
+% {\unexpanded\def#1{\complexorsimpleempty#1}}
+% faster, since no \strippedcsname needed in call, but more spacy
+ {\doifnextoptionalelse{\firstargumenttrue#1}{\firstargumentfalse#2}}
+ {\doifnextoptionalelse{\firstargumenttrue#1}{\firstargumentfalse#1[]}}
+ {\unexpanded\edef#1%
+ {\noexpand\docomplexorsimple
+ \@EA\noexpand\csname\s!complex\strippedcsname#1\endcsname
+ \@EA\noexpand\csname\s!simple \strippedcsname#1\endcsname}}
+ {\unexpanded\edef#1%
+ {\noexpand\docomplexorsimpleempty
+ \@EA\noexpand\csname\s!complex\strippedcsname#1\endcsname}}
+%D These commands are called as:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \definecomplexorsimple\command
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Of course, we must have available
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\complexcommand[#1]{...}
+%D \def\simplecommand {...}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Using this construction saves a few string now and then.
+%D \macros
+%D {definestartstopcommand}
+%D Those who get the creeps of expansion may skip the next
+%D one. It's one of the most recent additions and concerns
+%D \type{\start}||\type{\stop} pairs with complicated
+%D arguments.
+%D We won't go into details here, but the general form of
+%D this using this command is:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \definestartstopcommand\somecommand\e!specifier{arg}{arg}%
+%D {do something with arg}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D This expands to something like:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\somecommand arg \startspecifier arg \stopspecifier%
+%D {do something with arg}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The arguments can be anything reasonable, but double
+%D \type{#}'s are needed in the specification part, like:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \definestartstopcommand\somecommand\e!specifier{[##1][##2]}{##3}%
+%D {do #1 something #2 with #3 arg}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D which becomes:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\somecommand[#1][#2]\startspecifier#3\stopspecifier%
+%D {do #1 something #2 with #3 arg}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D We will see some real applications of this command in the
+%D core modules.
+\def\definestartstopcommand#1#2#3#4% can be done with \expanded ot better, toks
+ {\def\!stringa{#3}% % but let's keep this unused one crappy
+ \def\!stringb{\e!start#2}%
+ \def\!stringc{#4}%
+ \def\!stringd{\e!stop#2}%
+ \@EA\@EA\@EA\@EA\@EA\@EA\@EA\@EA\@EA\@EA\@EA\@EA\@EA\@EA\@EA
+ \def\@EA\@EA\@EA\@EA\@EA\@EA\@EA\@EA\@EA\@EA\@EA\@EA\@EA\@EA\@EA
+ #1\@EA\@EA\@EA\@EA\@EA\@EA\@EA
+ \!stringa\@EA\@EA\@EA
+ \csname\@EA\@EA\@EA\!stringb\@EA\@EA\@EA\endcsname\@EA
+ \!stringc
+ \csname\!stringd\endcsname}
+%D \macros
+%D {dosinglegroupempty,dodoublegroupempty,dotriplegroupempty,
+%D doquadruplegroupempty, doquintuplegroupempty}
+%D We've already seen some commands that take care of
+%D optional arguments between \type{[]}. The next two commands
+%D handle the ones with \type{{}}. They are called as:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \dosinglegroupempty \ineedONEargument
+%D \dodoublegroupempty \ineedTWOarguments
+%D \dotriplegroupempty \ineedTHREEarguments
+%D \doquadruplegroupempty \ineedFOURarguments
+%D \doquintuplegroupempty \ineedFIVEarguments
+%D \stoptyping
+%D where \type{\ineedONEargument} takes one and the others
+%D two and three arguments. These macro's were first needed in
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\dogetgroupargument#1#2% redefined in mult-ini
+%D {\def\nextnextargument%
+%D {\ifx\nextargument\bgroup
+%D \let\expectedarguments\noexpectedarguments
+%D \def\nextargument{#1\dodogetargument}%
+%D %\else\ifx\nextargument\lineending % this can be an option
+%D % \def\nextargument{\begingroup\def\\ {\endgroup\dogetgroupargument#1#2}\\}%
+%D %\else\ifx\nextargument\blankspace % but it may never be default
+%D % \def\nextargument{\begingroup\def\\ {\endgroup\dogetgroupargument#1#2}\\}%
+%D \else
+%D \ifnum\expectedarguments>\noexpectedarguments
+%D \writestatus
+%D {setup}
+%D {\the\expectedarguments\space argument(s) expected
+%D in line \the\inputlineno\space}%
+%D \fi
+%D \let\expectedarguments\noexpectedarguments
+%D \def\nextargument{#2\dodogetargument{}}%
+%D \fi%\fi\fi % so let's get rid of it
+%D \nextargument}%
+%D \futurelet\nextargument\nextnextargument}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D In order to catch \type {\nextargument}'s that expand to
+%D \type {\if} and friends, in practice we will use a
+%D slightly more complicated macro.
+\newtoks \everyrobusttest
+ {\let\if \relax
+ \let\ifcat \relax
+ \let\ifnum \relax
+ \let\ifdim \relax
+ \let\ifodd \relax
+ \let\ifvmode \relax
+ \let\ifhmode \relax
+ \let\ifmmode \relax
+ \let\ifinner \relax
+ \let\ifvoid \relax
+ \let\ifhbox \relax
+ \let\ifvbox \relax
+ \let\ifx \relax
+ \let\ifeof \relax
+ \let\iftrue \relax
+ \let\iffalse \relax
+ \let\ifcase \relax
+ \let\ifdefined \relax
+ \let\ifcsname \relax
+ \let\iffontchar \relax
+ \let\ifincsname \relax
+ \let\ifprimitive\relax
+ \let\ifabsnum \relax
+ \let\ifabsdim \relax
+ \let\else \relax
+ \let\or \relax
+ \let\fi \relax}
+ {\begingroup
+ \the\everyrobusttest}
+%D We can add additional definitions later when we have defined
+%D \type {\appendtoks}.
+\def \permitspacesbetweengroups{\chardef\@@permitspacesbetweengroups=0 }
+\def\dontpermitspacesbetweengroups{\chardef\@@permitspacesbetweengroups=1 }
+% \def\dogetgroupargument#1#2%
+% {\def\nextnextargument%
+% {\normalifx\nextargument\bgroup
+% \endrobusttest
+% \noshowargumenterror
+% \def\nextargument{#1\dodogetargument}%
+% \normalelse
+% \normalifcase\@@permitspacesbetweengroups
+% \normalifx\nextargument\lineending
+% \endrobusttest
+% \def\nextargument{\begingroup\def\\ {\endgroup\dogetgroupargument#1#2}\\}%
+% \normalelse\normalifx\nextargument\blankspace
+% \endrobusttest
+% \def\nextargument{\begingroup\def\\ {\endgroup\dogetgroupargument#1#2}\\}%
+% \normalelse
+% \endrobusttest
+% \doshowargumenterror
+% \def\nextargument{#2\dodogetargument{}}%
+% \normalfi\normalfi
+% \normalelse
+% \endrobusttest
+% \doshowargumenterror
+% \def\nextargument{#2\dodogetargument{}}%
+% \normalfi
+% \normalfi
+% \nextargument}%
+% \beginrobusttest
+% \futurelet\nextargument\nextnextargument}
+ {\normalifx\nextargument\bgroup
+ \endrobusttest
+ \noshowargumenterror
+ \def\nextargument{\dogroupargumentyes\dodogetargument}%
+ \normalelse
+ \normalifcase\@@permitspacesbetweengroups
+ \normalifx\nextargument\lineending
+ \endrobusttest
+ \def\nextargument{\begingroup\def\\ {\endgroup\dogetgroupargument\dogroupargumentyes\dogroupargumentnop}\\}%
+ \normalelse\normalifx\nextargument\blankspace
+ \endrobusttest
+ \def\nextargument{\begingroup\def\\ {\endgroup\dogetgroupargument\dogroupargumentyes\dogroupargumentnop}\\}%
+ \normalelse
+ \endrobusttest
+ \doshowargumenterror
+ \def\nextargument{\dogroupargumentnop\dodogetargument{}}%
+ \normalfi\normalfi
+ \normalelse
+ \endrobusttest
+ \doshowargumenterror
+ \def\nextargument{\dogroupargumentnop\dodogetargument{}}%
+ \normalfi
+ \normalfi
+ \nextargument}%
+ {\let\dogroupargumentyes#1%
+ \let\dogroupargumentnop#2%
+ \beginrobusttest\futurelet\nextargument\dodogetgroupargument}
+ {\def\dodogetargument%
+ {\dontpermitspacesbetweengroups
+ #1}%
+ \dogetgroupargument\firstargumenttrue\firstargumentfalse}
+ {\def\dodogetargument##1%
+ {\def\dodogetargument%
+ {\dontpermitspacesbetweengroups
+ #1{##1}}%
+ \dogetgroupargument\secondargumenttrue\secondargumentfalse}%
+ \dogetgroupargument\firstargumenttrue\firstargumentfalse}
+ {\def\dodogetargument##1%
+ {\def\dodogetargument####1%
+ {\def\dodogetargument%
+ {\dontpermitspacesbetweengroups
+ #1{##1}{####1}}%
+ \dogetgroupargument\thirdargumenttrue\thirdargumentfalse}%
+ \dogetgroupargument\secondargumenttrue\secondargumentfalse}%
+ \dogetgroupargument\firstargumenttrue\firstargumentfalse}
+ {\def\dodogetargument##1%
+ {\def\dodogetargument####1%
+ {\def\dodogetargument########1%
+ {\def\dodogetargument%
+ {\dontpermitspacesbetweengroups
+ #1{##1}{####1}{########1}}%
+ \dogetgroupargument\fourthargumenttrue\fourthargumentfalse}%
+ \dogetgroupargument\thirdargumenttrue\thirdargumentfalse}%
+ \dogetgroupargument\secondargumenttrue\secondargumentfalse}%
+ \dogetgroupargument\firstargumenttrue\firstargumentfalse}
+ {\def\dodogetargument##1%
+ {\def\dodogetargument####1%
+ {\def\dodogetargument########1%
+ {\def\dodogetargument################1%
+ {\def\dodogetargument%
+ {\dontpermitspacesbetweengroups
+ #1{##1}{####1}{########1}{################1}}%
+ \dogetgroupargument\fifthargumenttrue\fifthargumentfalse}%
+ \dogetgroupargument\fourthargumenttrue\fourthargumentfalse}%
+ \dogetgroupargument\thirdargumenttrue\thirdargumentfalse}%
+ \dogetgroupargument\secondargumenttrue\secondargumentfalse}%
+ \dogetgroupargument\firstargumenttrue\firstargumentfalse}
+%D These macros can explictly take care of spaces, which means
+%D that the next definition and calls are valid:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\test#1#2#3{[#1#2#3]}
+%D \dotriplegroupempty\test {a}{b}{c}
+%D \dotriplegroupempty\test {a}{b}
+%D \dotriplegroupempty\test {a}
+%D \dotriplegroupempty\test
+%D \dotriplegroupempty\test {a} {b} {c}
+%D \dotriplegroupempty\test {a} {b}
+%D \dotriplegroupempty\test
+%D {a}
+%D {b}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D And alike.
+%D \macros
+%D {firstofoneargument, firstoftwoarguments, firstofthreearguments
+%D secondoftwoarguments, secondofthreearguments,
+%D thirdofthreearguments}
+%D The next six macros (dedicated to Taco) can conveniently
+%D used to select arguments. Their names explain their
+%D functionality.
+\long\def\firstoftwoarguments #1#2{#1}
+\long\def\firstofthreearguments #1#2#3{#1}
+\long\def\thirdofthreearguments #1#2#3{#3}
+\long\def\firstoffourarguments #1#2#3#4{#1}
+\long\def\thirdoffourarguments #1#2#3#4{#3}
+\long\def\firstoffivearguments #1#2#3#4#5{#1}
+\long\def\thirdoffivearguments #1#2#3#4#5{#3}
+\long\def\fifthoffivearguments #1#2#3#4#5{#5}
+\long\def\firstofsixarguments #1#2#3#4#5#6{#1}
+\long\def\thirdofsixarguments #1#2#3#4#5#6{#3}
+\long\def\fifthofsixarguments #1#2#3#4#5#6{#5}
+\long\def\sixthofsixarguments #1#2#3#4#5#6{#6}
+%D \macros
+%D {globalletempty,letempty,letvalueempty,letgvalueempty}
+%D Trivial:
+\def\letempty #1{\let#1\empty}
+\def\letvalueempty #1{\expandafter\let\csname#1\endcsname\empty}
+%D \macros
+%D {wait}
+%D The next macro hardly needs explanation. Because no
+%D nesting is to be expected, we can reuse \type{\wait} within
+%D \type{\wait} itself.
+ {\begingroup
+ \read16 to \wait
+ \endgroup}
+%D \macros
+%D {writestring,writeline,writebanner,
+%D writestatus,statuswidth,normalwritestatus}
+%D Maybe one didn't notice, but we've already introduced a
+%D macro for showing messages. In the multi||lingual modules,
+%D we will also introduce a mechanism for message passing. For
+%D the moment we stick to the core macros:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \writestring {string}
+%D \writeline
+%D \writestatus {category} {message}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Messages are formatted. One can provide the maximum with
+%D of the identification string with the macro \type
+%D {\statuswidth}.
+ \newtoks\everywritestring
+ \def\writedirect {\immediate\write\statuswrite}
+ \def\writeline {\writedirect{}}
+ \def\writestring#1{\begingroup\the\everywritestring\writedirect{#1}\endgroup}
+%D First we present the normal \TEX\ variant, later we will
+%D show the \ETEX-way.
+ \newcount\statuscounter
+ \def\dosplitstatus#1%
+ {\advance\statuscounter \minusone
+ \ifcase\statuscounter
+ \expandafter\nosplitstatus
+ \else
+ \scratchtoks\@EA{\the\scratchtoks#1}%
+ \expandafter\dosplitstatus
+ \fi}
+ \def\nosplitstatus#1\end
+ {}
+ \def\writestatus#1#2%
+ {\begingroup
+ \scratchtoks\emptytoks
+ \statuscounter\statuswidth
+ \expandafter\dosplitstatus#1%
+ \space\space\space\space\space\space\space
+ \space\space\space\space\space\space\space
+ \space\space\space\space\space\space\end
+ \@EA\writestring\@EA{\the\scratchtoks\space:\space#2}%
+ \endgroup}
+%D Because we're grouped, we could have initialized at forehand:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \statuscounter\statuswidth
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The next implementation saves only some 10 words of format
+%D memory, but we hardly gain any speed.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\dosplitstatus#1#2#3#4#5#6#7#8#9%
+%D {#1#2#3#4#5#6#7#8#9\dodosplitstatus}
+%D \def\dodosplitstatus#1#2#3#4#5#6\end
+%D {#1#2#3#4#5}
+%D \def\writestatus#1#2%
+%D {\writestring
+%D {\expandafter\dosplitstatus#1%
+%D \space\space\space\space\space
+%D \space\space\space\space\space
+%D \space\space\space\space\space\end
+%D \space:\space#2}}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Okay then, more obscure but slightly faster: no split grabs
+%D the do split part and skipping the else branch has to happen
+%D anyway, so:
+ \def\dosplitstatus#1%
+ {\advance\statuscounter \minusone
+ \ifcase\statuscounter
+ \expandafter\nosplitstatus
+ \fi
+ \scratchtoks\@EA{\the\scratchtoks#1}%
+ \dosplitstatus}
+%D The next (\ETEX\ specific) variant is twice as fast in 5/40
+%D situations, only gains some speed when multiple runs of large docs
+%D are done; fully expandable, no statuscounter needed, no restore (due
+%D to grouping) needed etc.
+\beginETEX \numexpr
+ \def\normalwritestatus#1#2%
+ {\writestring{\expandafter\dosplitstatus\expandafter\statuswidth#1%
+ \space\space\space\space\space\space\space
+ \space\space\space\space\space\space\space
+ \space\space\space\space\space\space\end
+ \space:\space#2}}
+ \def\dosplitstatus#1#2%
+ {\ifcase#1 \expandafter\nosplitstatus\fi#2%
+ \expandafter\dosplitstatus\expandafter{\the\numexpr#1+\minusone\relax}}
+ \def\nosplitstatus#1\end
+ {}
+%D \macros
+%D {emptytoks}
+%D For this we need an empty token register, analogous
+%D to \type {\empty}.
+%D \macros
+%D {debuggerinfo}
+%D For debugging purposes we can enhance macros with the
+%D next alternative. Here \type{debuggerinfo} stands for both
+%D a macro accepting two arguments and a boolean (in fact a
+%D few macro's too).
+ {\ifdebuggerinfo
+ \writestatus{debugger}{#1:: #2}%
+ \fi}
+%D Finally we do what from now on will be done at the top of
+%D the files: we tell the user what we are loading.
+% \ifx\writestatus\undefined \let\writestatus\normalwritestatus \fi
+% \ifx\writebanner\undefined \def\writebanner{\writestring} \fi
+ % for use within latex
+ \ifx\writestatus\undefined
+ \def\writestatus#1#2{\immediate\write16{#1 : #2}}
+ \fi
+ \let\writestatus\normalwritestatus
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt System Macros / General}
+%D Well, the real final command is the one that resets the
+%D unprotected characters \type{@}, \type{?} and \type{!}.
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/syst-ini.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/syst-ini.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7ae5f6c81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/syst-ini.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,1063 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=syst-ini,
+%D version=2008.11.04, % 2001.11.16, % 1999.03.17, % an oldie: 1995.10.10
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ System Macros,
+%D subtitle=Bootstrapping \TEX,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D We used to load plain \TEX\ in a special way, but redefining
+%D a couple of primitives so that for instance font loading was
+%D ignored. For those interested, this loader is found in
+%D \type {syst-tex.tex}. Some of the comment's are Don Knuth's
+%D and more of it can be found in the plain \TEX\ format.
+%D Characters can have special states, that can be triggered
+%D by setting their category coded. Some are preset, others
+%D are to be set as soon as possible, otherwise we cannot
+%D define any useful macros.
+%catcode`\^^@ = 9 % ascii null is ignored
+%catcode`\\ = 0 % backslash is TeX escape character
+\catcode`\{ = 1 % left brace is begin-group character
+\catcode`\} = 2 % right brace is end-group character
+\catcode`\$ = 3 % dollar sign is math shift
+\catcode`\& = 4 % ampersand is alignment tab
+\catcode`\# = 6 % hash mark is macro parameter character
+\catcode`\^ = 7 % circumflex and uparrow are for superscripts
+\catcode`\_ = 8 % underline and downarrow are for subscripts
+\catcode`\^^I = 10 % ascii tab is a blank space
+%catcode`\^^M = 5 % ascii return is end-line
+%catcode`\% = 14 % percent sign is comment character
+%catcode`\ = 10 % ascii space is blank space
+%catcode`\^^? = 15 % ascii delete is invalid
+\catcode`\~ = 13 % tilde is active
+\catcode`\^^L = 13 % ascii form-feed
+%catcode`\A = 11
+%catcode`\Z = 11
+%catcode`\a = 11
+%catcode`\z = 11
+\chardef\activecatcode = 13 % later this will become a counter
+\def ^^L{\par}
+\def\^^M{\ } % control <return> = control <space>
+\def\^^I{\ } % same for <tab>
+%D In \CONTEXT, we simply ignore end||of||file tokens:
+%D It makes sense to know what engine we're running so let's
+%D try to deduce it.
+\chardef\unknownengine = 0
+\chardef\pdftexengine = 1
+\chardef\xetexengine = 2
+\chardef\luatexengine = 3
+ \ifx\XeTeXversion\undefined
+ \ifx\pdftexversion\undefined
+ \let\texengine\unknownengine
+ \else
+ \let\texengine\pdftexengine
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \let\texengine\xetexengine
+ \fi
+ \let\texengine\luatexengine
+ \immediate\write16{>>>}
+ \immediate\write16{>>> only pdftex, xetex and luatex are supported}
+ \immediate\write16{>>>}
+ \let\dump\relax
+ \expandafter\end
+ \directlua 0 { % this info is stored in the format
+ % kpse.set_program_name("context")
+[0] = "main ctx instance"
+ local extraprimitives = tex.extraprimitives
+ local enableprimitives = tex.enableprimitives
+ local core = extraprimitives('core')
+ local btex = extraprimitives('tex')
+ local etex = extraprimitives('etex')
+ local pdftex = extraprimitives('pdftex')
+ local luatex = extraprimitives('luatex')
+ local omega = {
+ "textdir", "pagedir", "mathdir", "pardir", "bodydir",
+ "leftghost", "rightghost", "localleftbox", "localrightbox",
+ "localinterlinepenalty", "localbrokenpenalty",
+ }
+ local aleph = {
+ "boxdir", "pagebottomoffset", "pagerightoffset",
+ }
+ for _, subset in next, { etex, pdftex, luatex, omega, aleph } do
+ enableprimitives('',subset)
+ end
+ for _, subset in next, { core, btex, etex, pdftex, luatex, omega, aleph } do
+ enableprimitives('normal',subset)
+ end
+ }
+ % promoted
+ \let\pdfpagewidth \pagewidth
+ \let\pdfpageheight \pageheight
+ \let\pdfadjustspacing \adjustspacing
+ \let\pdfprotrudechars \protrudechars
+ \let\pdfnoligatures \ignoreligaturesinfont
+ \let\pdffontexpand \expandglyphsinfont
+ \let\pdfcopyfont \copyfont
+ \let\pdfxform \saveboxresource
+ \let\pdflastxform \lastsavedboxresourceindex
+ \let\pdfrefxform \useboxresource
+ \let\pdfximage \saveimageresource
+ \let\pdflastximage \lastsavedimageresourceindex
+ \let\pdflastximagepages\lastsavedimageresourcepages
+ \let\pdfrefximage \useimageresource
+ \let\pdfsavepos \savepos
+ \let\pdflastxpos \lastxpos
+ \let\pdflastypos \lastypos
+ % \let\pdftexversion \luatexversion
+ % \let\pdftexrevision \luatexrevision
+ \let\pdftexbanner \luatexbanner
+ \let\pdfoutput \outputmode
+ \let\pdfdraftmode \draftmode
+ \let\pdfpxdimen \pxdimen
+ \let\pdfinsertht \insertht
+ % also promoted
+ % \let\pdfnormaldeviate \normaldeviate
+ % \let\pdfuniformdeviate \uniformdeviate
+ % \let\pdfsetrandomseed \setrandomseed
+ % \let\pdfrandomseed \randomseed
+ %
+ % \let\pdfprimitive \primitive
+ %
+ % \let\expandafter\csname ifpdfabsnum\expandafter\endcsname\csname ifabsnum\endcsname
+ % \let\expandafter\csname ifpdfabsdim\expandafter\endcsname\csname ifabsdim\endcsname
+ % \let\expandafter\csname ifpdfprimitive\expandafter\endcsname\csname ifprimitive\endcsname
+ % removed (also some others but already long ago)
+ \newdimen\pdfeachlineheight
+ \newdimen\pdfeachlinedepth
+ \newdimen\pdflastlinedepth
+ \newdimen\pdffirstlineheight
+ \newdimen\pdfignoreddimen
+ % grouped
+ \protected\def\pdfliteral {\pdfextension literal}
+ \protected\def\pdfcolorstack {\pdfextension colorstack}
+ \protected\def\pdfsetmatrix {\pdfextension setmatrix}
+ \protected\def\pdfsave {\pdfextension save\relax}
+ \protected\def\pdfrestore {\pdfextension restore\relax}
+ \protected\def\pdfobj {\pdfextension obj }
+ \protected\def\pdfrefobj {\pdfextension refobj }
+ \protected\def\pdfannot {\pdfextension annot }
+ \protected\def\pdfstartlink {\pdfextension startlink }
+ \protected\def\pdfendlink {\pdfextension endlink\relax}
+ \protected\def\pdfoutline {\pdfextension outline }
+ \protected\def\pdfdest {\pdfextension dest }
+ \protected\def\pdfthread {\pdfextension thread }
+ \protected\def\pdfstartthread {\pdfextension startthread }
+ \protected\def\pdfendthread {\pdfextension endthread\relax}
+ \protected\def\pdfinfo {\pdfextension info }
+ \protected\def\pdfcatalog {\pdfextension catalog }
+ \protected\def\pdfnames {\pdfextension names }
+ \protected\def\pdfincludechars {\pdfextension includechars }
+ \protected\def\pdffontattr {\pdfextension fontattr }
+ \protected\def\pdfmapfile {\pdfextension mapfile }
+ \protected\def\pdfmapline {\pdfextension mapline }
+ \protected\def\pdftrailer {\pdfextension trailer }
+ \protected\def\pdfglyphtounicode {\pdfextension glyphtounicode }
+ % grouped
+ \def\pdftexversion {\numexpr\pdffeedback version}
+ \def\pdftexrevision {\pdffeedback revision}
+ \def\pdflastlink {\numexpr\pdffeedback lastlink}
+ \def\pdfretval {\numexpr\pdffeedback retval}
+ \def\pdflastobj {\numexpr\pdffeedback lastobj}
+ \def\pdflastannot {\numexpr\pdffeedback lastannot}
+ \def\pdfxformname {\numexpr\pdffeedback xformname}
+ \def\pdfcreationdate {\pdffeedback creationdate}
+ \def\pdffontname {\numexpr\pdffeedback fontname}
+ \def\pdffontobjnum {\numexpr\pdffeedback fontobjnum}
+ \def\pdffontsize {\dimexpr\pdffeedback fontsize}
+ \def\pdfpageref {\numexpr\pdffeedback pageref}
+ \def\pdfcolorstackinit {\pdffeedback colorstackinit}
+ % used when defined
+ \edef\pdfcompresslevel {\pdfvariable compresslevel} \pdfcompresslevel 9
+ \edef\pdfobjcompresslevel {\pdfvariable objcompresslevel} \pdfobjcompresslevel 1
+ \edef\pdfdecimaldigits {\pdfvariable decimaldigits} \pdfdecimaldigits 3
+ \edef\pdfgamma {\pdfvariable gamma} \pdfgamma 1000
+ \edef\pdfimageresolution {\pdfvariable imageresolution} \pdfimageresolution 71
+ \edef\pdfimageapplygamma {\pdfvariable imageapplygamma} \pdfimageapplygamma 0
+ \edef\pdfimagegamma {\pdfvariable imagegamma} \pdfimagegamma 2200
+ \edef\pdfimagehicolor {\pdfvariable imagehicolor} \pdfimagehicolor 1
+ \edef\pdfimageaddfilename {\pdfvariable imageaddfilename} \pdfimageaddfilename 1
+ \edef\pdfpkresolution {\pdfvariable pkresolution} \pdfpkresolution 72
+ \edef\pdfinclusioncopyfonts {\pdfvariable inclusioncopyfonts} \pdfinclusioncopyfonts 0
+ \edef\pdfinclusionerrorlevel {\pdfvariable inclusionerrorlevel} \pdfinclusionerrorlevel 0
+ \edef\pdfgentounicode {\pdfvariable gentounicode} \pdfgentounicode 0
+ \edef\pdfpagebox {\pdfvariable pagebox} \pdfpagebox 0
+ \edef\pdfminorversion {\pdfvariable minorversion} \pdfminorversion 4
+ \edef\pdfuniqueresname {\pdfvariable uniqueresname} \pdfuniqueresname 0
+ \edef\pdfhorigin {\pdfvariable horigin} \pdfhorigin 1in
+ \edef\pdfvorigin {\pdfvariable vorigin} \pdfvorigin 1in
+ \edef\pdflinkmargin {\pdfvariable linkmargin} \pdflinkmargin 0pt
+ \edef\pdfdestmargin {\pdfvariable destmargin} \pdfdestmargin 0pt
+ \edef\pdfthreadmargin {\pdfvariable threadmargin} \pdfthreadmargin 0pt
+ \edef\pdfpagesattr {\pdfvariable pagesattr}
+ \edef\pdfpageattr {\pdfvariable pageattr}
+ \edef\pdfpageresources {\pdfvariable pageresources}
+ \edef\pdfxformattr {\pdfvariable xformattr}
+ \edef\pdfxformresources {\pdfvariable xformresources}
+ \edef\pdfpkmode {\pdfvariable pkmode}
+%D \ETEX\ has a not so handy way of telling you the version number,
+%D i.e. the revision number has a period in it:
+\long\def\gobbleoneargument#1{} % will be defined later on anyway
+\mathchardef\etexversion =
+ \numexpr\eTeXversion*100+\expandafter\gobbleoneargument\eTeXrevision\relax
+%D First we define a simplified version of the \CONTEXT\
+%D protection mechanism.
+\def\unprotect{\catcode`@=11 }
+\def\protect {\catcode`@=12 }
+%D Some pretty important definitions:
+%D Allocation of registers is done slightly different than in plain
+%D \TEX. First of all we use different reserved counters. We also
+%D don't implement a family handler because users are not supposed
+%D to implement their own math. We reserve the lowest 31 registers
+%D for scratch purposes. Keep in mind that in the core engine
+%D some registers are reserved: counters 0 upto 9, and counter 255.
+%D As with plain \TEX\ we recommend that macro designers always use
+%D \type {\global} assignments with respect to registers numbered 1,
+%D 3, 5 \unknown\ 31, and always non||\type {\global} assignments
+%D with respect to registers 0, 2, 4, \unknown\ 30. This will prevent
+%D \quote {save stack buildup} that might otherwise occur.
+%D We reserve some registers for special (management) purposes:
+% 0 - 20 : scratch
+% 21 - 127 : internal
+% 128 - 254 : inserts
+% 255 : page
+% 256 - : user
+\countdef \minallocatedregister = 52 \minallocatedregister = 256
+\countdef \maxallocatedregister = 53 \maxallocatedregister = 32767
+\countdef \minallocatediochannel = 54 \minallocatediochannel = -1
+\countdef \maxallocatediochannel = 55 \maxallocatediochannel = 16
+\countdef \minallocatedlanguage = 56 \minallocatedlanguage = 0
+\countdef \maxallocatedlanguage = 57 \maxallocatedlanguage = 255
+\countdef \maxallocatedinsert = 58 \maxallocatedinsert = 254
+\countdef \minallocatedinsert = 59 \minallocatedinsert = 128
+\countdef \minallocatedfamily = 60 \minallocatedfamily = 128
+\countdef \maxallocatedfamily = 61 \maxallocatedfamily = 255
+\countdef \lastallocatedcount = 32 \lastallocatedcount = \minallocatedregister
+\countdef \lastallocateddimen = 33 \lastallocateddimen = \minallocatedregister
+\countdef \lastallocatedskip = 34 \lastallocatedskip = \minallocatedregister
+\countdef \lastallocatedmuskip = 35 \lastallocatedmuskip = \minallocatedregister
+\countdef \lastallocatedbox = 36 \lastallocatedbox = \minallocatedregister
+\countdef \lastallocatedtoks = 37 \lastallocatedtoks = \minallocatedregister
+\countdef \lastallocatedread = 38 \lastallocatedread = \minallocatediochannel
+\countdef \lastallocatedwrite = 39 \lastallocatedwrite = \minallocatediochannel
+\countdef \lastallocatedmarks = 40 \lastallocatedmarks = \minallocatedregister
+\countdef \lastallocatedlanguage = 41 \lastallocatedlanguage = \minallocatedlanguage % not used in context
+\countdef \lastallocatedinsertion = 42 \lastallocatedinsertion = \minallocatedinsert
+\countdef \lastallocatedfamily = 43 \lastallocatedfamily = \minallocatedfamily % not used in context
+\countdef \lastallocatedattribute = 44 \lastallocatedattribute = \minallocatedregister
+\countdef \mincountervalue = 125 \mincountervalue = -"7FFFFFFF % beware, we use index 125 at the lua end
+\countdef \maxcountervalue = 126 \maxcountervalue = "7FFFFFFF % beware, we use index 126 at the lua end
+%countdef \minusone = 127 \minusone = -1
+%chardef \zerocount = 0
+%chardef \plusone = 1
+\countdef \zerocount = 120 \zerocount = 0
+\countdef \plusone = 121 \plusone = 1
+\countdef \minusone = 122 \minusone = -1
+%chardef \normalpagebox = 255
+\countdef \normalpagebox = 127 \normalpagebox = 255 % hardcoded in pdftex/xetex
+% A few traditional allocations:
+\countdef \count@ = 255 % hm, used in \newif .. todo: replace it there
+\dimendef \dimen@ = 0
+\dimendef \dimen@i = 1 % global only
+\dimendef \dimen@ii = 2
+%D So, effectively we start allocating from 256 and upwards. The
+%D inserts sit in the range 128 upto 254. Page numbers use the
+%D counters 0 upto 9 and the pagebox is 255. Users can use the
+%D scratch registers upto 31 without problem but all others are
+%D reserved.
+\def\wlog#1{} % \def\wlog{\immediate\write\minusone} % write on log file (only)
+%D The allocators share a common helper macro.
+\def\newcount {\allocateregister\lastallocatedcount \count \countdef \maxallocatedregister}
+\def\newdimen {\allocateregister\lastallocateddimen \dimen \dimendef \maxallocatedregister}
+\def\newskip {\allocateregister\lastallocatedskip \skip \skipdef \maxallocatedregister}
+\def\newmuskip {\allocateregister\lastallocatedmuskip \muskip \muskipdef \maxallocatedregister}
+\def\newbox {\allocateregister\lastallocatedbox \box \mathchardef\maxallocatedregister}
+\def\newtoks {\allocateregister\lastallocatedtoks \toks \toksdef \maxallocatedregister}
+\def\newread {\allocateregister\lastallocatedread \read \chardef \maxallocatediochannel}
+\def\newwrite {\allocateregister\lastallocatedwrite \write \chardef \maxallocatediochannel}
+\def\newmarks {\allocateregister\lastallocatedmarks \marks \mathchardef\maxallocatedregister}
+\def\newinsert {\allocateregister\lastallocatedinsertion\insert \chardef \maxallocatedinsert}
+%D We don't need these in \CONTEXT:
+\def\newlanguage{\allocateregister\lastallocatedlanguage \language\chardef \maxallocatedlanguage}
+\def\newfamily {\allocateregister\lastallocatedfamily \fam \chardef \maxallocatedfamily}
+% Watch out, for the moment we disable the check for already being defined
+% later we will revert this but first all chardefs must be replaced.
+\def\newconstant #1{\ifdefined#1\let#1\undefined\fi\newcount#1}
+\def\setnewconstant#1{\ifdefined#1\let#1\undefined\fi\newcount#1#1} % just a number
+% maybe setconstant with check
+% %D The next definitions are really needed (in \CONTEXT):
+%newlinechar=10 \def\outputnewlinechar{\rawcharacter{10}}
+\newlinechar=10 \edef\outputnewlinechar{^^J}
+%D One reason to start high with allocation is that it permits us to
+%D allocate consecutive ranges more easily, for instance in \MPLIB\
+%D we want to allocate a continuous range of boxes. It also permits us
+%D to do a proper upward allocation for inserts. The current code
+%D evolved from code that dealt with older engines but as all engines
+%D now provide many registers we removed all traces.
+\def\writestatus#1#2{\immediate\write16{#1: #2}} \def\space { }
+\def\allocateregisteryes#1#2#3#4#5% last class method max name
+ {\ifnum#1<#4\relax
+ \global\advance#1\plusone
+ \global#3#5=#1\relax
+ \else
+ \writestatus{warning}{no room for \string#2\space \string#5\space (max: \number#4)}%
+ \fi}
+\def\allocateregisternop#1#2#3#4#5% last class method max name
+ {\writestatus{warning}{\string#2 \string#5 is already defined (\string\relax\space it first)}}
+\def\allocateregister#1#2#3#4#5% last class method max name
+ {\ifx#5\undefined
+ \expandafter\allocateregisteryes
+ \else\ifx#5\relax
+ \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\allocateregisteryes
+ \else
+ \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\allocateregisternop
+ \fi\fi
+ #1#2#3#4#5}
+%D Goodie:
+ \input luatex-pdf \relax
+%D Since the number of chars exceed 256 now, we can use \type
+%D {\chardef} instead of the more limited \type {\mathchardef}.
+ \def\newbox {\allocateregister\lastallocatedbox \box \chardef\maxallocatedregister}
+ \def\newmarks{\allocateregister\lastallocatedmarks\marks\chardef\maxallocatedregister}
+%D Attributes are something very \LUATEX. In \CONTEXT\ you are not
+%D supposed to use the attributes directly but always allocate then
+%D first. For instance attribute~0 is reserved for special purposes
+%D (this might change).
+ \let\attributeunsetvalue\mincountervalue % used to be \minusone
+ \def\newattribute{\allocateregister\lastallocatedattribute\attribute\attributedef\maxallocatedregister}
+%D Not used by \CONTEXT\ but for instance \PICTEX\ needs it. It's a
+%D trick to force strings instead of tokens that take more memory.
+%D It's a trick to trick to force strings.
+%D \macros
+%D {scratchcounter,
+%D scratchdimen,scratchskip,scratchmuskip,
+%D scratchbox,
+%D scratchtoks}
+%D We now define a few scratch registers, so that successive
+%D loads at least have some available.
+\newcount \scratchcounter \newcount \globalscratchcounter
+\newdimen \scratchdimen \newdimen \globalscratchdimen
+\newskip \scratchskip \newskip \globalscratchskip
+\newmuskip \scratchmuskip \newmuskip \globalscratchmuskip
+\newtoks \scratchtoks \newtoks \globalscratchtoks
+\newbox \scratchbox \newbox \globalscratchbox
+\newcount\scratchcounterone \newcount\scratchcountertwo \newcount\scratchcounterthree
+\newdimen \scratchdimenone \newdimen \scratchdimentwo \newdimen \scratchdimenthree
+\newdimen \scratchskipone \newdimen \scratchskiptwo \newdimen \scratchskipthree
+\newbox \scratchmuskipone \newbox \scratchmuskiptwo \newbox \scratchmuskipthree
+\newtoks \scratchtoksone \newtoks \scratchtokstwo \newtoks \scratchtoksthree
+\newbox \scratchboxone \newbox \scratchboxtwo \newbox \scratchboxthree
+%D More allocations:
+\newskip \zeroskip \zeroskip = 0pt plus 0pt minus 0pt
+\newdimen\zeropoint \zeropoint = 0pt
+\newdimen\onepoint \onepoint = 1pt
+\newdimen\maxdimen \maxdimen = 16383.99999pt
+\newdimen\onebasepoint \onebasepoint = 1bp
+\newdimen\scaledpoint \scaledpoint = 1sp
+\newdimen\thousandpoint\thousandpoint= 1000pt
+\newtoks \emptytoks
+%D And even more: (todo: countdefs 60+)
+%newcount \minusone \minusone = -1
+\newcount \minustwo \minustwo = -2
+%chardef \zerocount = 0
+%chardef \plusone = 1
+\chardef \plustwo = 2
+\chardef \plusthree = 3
+\chardef \plusfour = 4
+\chardef \plusfive = 5
+\chardef \plussix = 6
+\chardef \plusseven = 7
+\chardef \pluseight = 8
+\chardef \plusnine = 9
+\chardef \plusten = 10
+\chardef \plussixteen = 16
+\chardef \plushundred = 100
+\chardef \pluscxxvii = 127
+\chardef \pluscxxviii = 128
+\chardef \pluscclv = 255
+ \chardef \pluscclvi = 256
+ \chardef \plusthousand = 1000
+ \chardef \plustenthousand = 10000
+ \chardef \plustwentythousand = 20000
+ \chardef \medcard = 32768
+ \chardef \maxcard = 65536 % pdftex has less mathchars
+ \mathchardef\pluscclvi = 256
+ \mathchardef\plusthousand = 1000
+ \mathchardef\plustenthousand = 10000
+ \mathchardef\plustwentythousand = 20000
+ \newcount \medcard \medcard = 32768 % pdftex has less mathchars
+ \newcount \maxcard \maxcard = 65536 % pdftex has less mathchars
+%D We prefer the more readable variant than in plain
+%D \TEX. User should only use \type {\emptybox}:
+\newbox\voidbox % public
+\def\emptybox {\box \voidbox} % used in initializations so no attributes
+\def\emptyvbox{\normalvbox{}} % no copy as we need to set attributes
+\def\emptyhbox{\normalhbox{}} % no copy as we need to set attributes
+\let\leavevmode\unvoidbox % we prefer to use \dontleavehmode
+%D Some expected plain variants follow. We don't reuse registers
+%D because we don't want clashes.
+\newdimen\p@ \p@ \onepoint
+\newcount\m@ne \m@ne \minusone
+\newdimen\z@ \z@ \zeropoint
+\let \@ne \plusone
+\let \tw@ \plustwo
+\let \thr@@ \plusthree
+\let \sixt@@n \sixteen
+\let \@cclv \pluscclv
+\let \@cclvi \pluscclvi
+\newbox \voidb@x
+\newtoks \toks@
+%D We define \type {\newif} a la plain \TEX, but will
+%D redefine it later. As Knuth says:
+%D \startnarrower
+%D And here's a different sort of allocation: for example,
+%D \starttyping
+%D \newif\iffoo
+%D \stoptyping
+%D creates \type {\footrue}, \type {\foofalse} to go
+%D with \type {\iffoo}.
+%D \stopnarrower
+ {\count@\escapechar
+ \escapechar\minusone
+ \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\def\@if #1{true}{\let#1\iftrue }%
+ \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\def\@if#1{false}{\let#1\iffalse}%
+ \@if#1{false}% the condition starts out false
+ \escapechar\count@}
+ {\csname\expandafter\if@\string#1#2\endcsname}
+\bgroup % `if' is required
+ \uccode`1=`i \uccode`2=`f \uppercase{\gdef\if@12{}}
+%D Let's test this one:
+%D Potential primitive in \LUATEX:
+\ifdefined\htdp \else \def\htdp#1{\dimexpr\ht#1+\dp#1\relax} \fi
+%D \macros
+%D {@@escape,@@begingroup,@@endgroup,@@mathshift,@@alignment,
+%D @@endofline,@@parameter,@@superscript,@@subscript,
+%D @@ignore,@@space,@@letter,@@other,@@active,@@comment}
+%D In \CONTEXT\ we sometimes manipulate the \CATCODES\ of certain
+%D characters. Because we are not that good at remembering numbers,
+%D we introduce some symbolic names.
+%D As we now have catc-* files, we also have more readable names but
+%D We will keep the following around for a while.
+\chardef\@@escape = 0
+\chardef\@@begingroup = 1
+\chardef\@@endgroup = 2
+\chardef\@@mathshift = 3
+\chardef\@@alignment = 4
+\chardef\@@endofline = 5
+\chardef\@@parameter = 6
+\chardef\@@superscript = 7
+\chardef\@@subscript = 8
+\chardef\@@ignore = 9
+\chardef\@@space = 10
+\chardef\@@letter = 11
+\chardef\@@other = 12
+\chardef\@@active = 13
+\chardef\@@comment = 14
+%D Constants to be used with \type {\currentgrouptype}.
+\chardef\@@bottomlevelgroup = 0
+\chardef\@@simplegroup = 1
+\chardef\@@hboxgroup = 2
+\chardef\@@adjustedhboxgroup = 3
+\chardef\@@vboxgroup = 4
+\chardef\@@vtopgroup = 5
+\chardef\@@aligngroup = 6
+\chardef\@@noaligngroup = 7
+\chardef\@@outputgroup = 8
+\chardef\@@mathgroup = 9
+\chardef\@@discretionarygroup = 10
+\chardef\@@insertgroup = 11
+\chardef\@@vcentergroup = 12
+\chardef\@@mathchoicegroup = 13
+\chardef\@@semisimplegroup = 14
+\chardef\@@mathshiftgroup = 15
+\chardef\@@mathleftgroup = 16
+\chardef\@@vadjustgroup = \@@insertgroup
+%D Constants to be used with \type {\interactionmode}.
+\chardef\@@batchmode = 0
+\chardef\@@nonstopmode = 1
+\chardef\@@scrollmode = 2
+\chardef\@@errorstopmode = 3
+%D Constants to be used with \type {\lastnodetype}. The \type
+%D {\lastnodetype} primitive is \ETEX\ compliant. The valid range is
+%D still -1 .. 15 and glyph nodes have number 0 (used to be char
+%D node) and ligature nodes are mapped to 7. That way macro packages
+%D can use the same symbolic names as in traditional \ETEX. Keep in
+%D mind that the internal node numbers are different and that there
+%D are more node types that 15.
+\chardef\@@charnode = 0
+\chardef\@@hlistnode = 1
+\chardef\@@vlistnode = 2
+\chardef\@@rulenode = 3
+\chardef\@@insertnode = 4
+\chardef\@@marknode = 5
+\chardef\@@adjustnode = 6
+\chardef\@@ligaturenode = 7
+\chardef\@@discretionarynode = 8
+\chardef\@@whatsitnode = 9
+\chardef\@@mathnode = 10
+\chardef\@@gluenode = 11
+\chardef\@@kernnode = 12
+\chardef\@@penaltynode = 13
+\chardef\@@unsetnode = 14
+\chardef\@@mathsnode = 15
+%D Constants to be used with \type {\currentiftype}.
+\chardef\@@charif = 1
+\chardef\@@catif = 2
+\chardef\@@numif = 3
+\chardef\@@dimif = 4
+\chardef\@@oddif = 5
+\chardef\@@vmodeif = 6
+\chardef\@@hmodeif = 7
+\chardef\@@mmodeif = 8
+\chardef\@@innerif = 9
+\chardef\@@voidif = 10
+\chardef\@@hboxif = 11
+\chardef\@@vboxif = 12
+\chardef\@@xif = 13
+\chardef\@@eofif = 14
+\chardef\@@trueif = 15
+\chardef\@@falseif = 16
+\chardef\@@caseif = 17
+\chardef\@@definedif = 18
+\chardef\@@csnameif = 19
+\chardef\@@fontcharif = 20
+%D Of course we want even bigger log files, so we copied this
+%D from the \ETEX\ source files.
+%D When watching such logs, beware of nasty side effects of
+%D \type {\scantokens}, as in:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \bgroup
+%D \lccode`a=12\lowercase{\xdef\whatever{a}}\egroup
+%D \def\whatever{test \whatever test}
+%D \scantokens\expandafter{\whatever}
+%D \egroup
+%D \stoptyping
+%D In \LUATEX\ we have ways around this.
+ {\tracingonline \plusone
+ \tracingcommands \plusthree
+ \tracingstats \plustwo
+ \tracingpages \plusone
+ \tracingoutput \plusone
+ \tracinglostchars \plustwo
+ \tracingmacros \plustwo
+ \tracingparagraphs\plusone
+ \tracingrestores \plusone
+ \showboxbreadth \maxdimen
+ \showboxdepth \maxdimen
+ \tracinggroups \plusone
+ \tracingifs \plusone
+ \tracingscantokens\plusone
+ \tracingnesting \plusone
+ \tracingassigns \plustwo
+ \errorstopmode}
+ {\tracingall
+ \tracingonline \zerocount}
+ {\tracingassigns \zerocount
+ \tracingnesting \zerocount
+ \tracingscantokens\zerocount
+ \tracingifs \zerocount
+ \tracinggroups \zerocount
+ \showboxdepth \plusthree
+ \showboxbreadth \plusfive
+ \tracingrestores \zerocount
+ \tracingparagraphs\zerocount
+ \tracingmacros \zerocount
+ \tracinglostchars \plusone
+ \tracingoutput \zerocount
+ \tracingpages \zerocount
+ \tracingstats \zerocount
+ \tracingcommands \zerocount
+ \tracingonline \zerocount}
+%D Just for tracing purposes we set:
+%D Here we also save \type {\input}, more will be saved later.
+\ifdefined\normalinput \else \let\normalinput\input \fi
+%D We don't like outer commands, and we always want access
+%D to the original \type {\input} primitive.
+\let\normalouter\outer \def\outer{} % no longer \relax
+%D To circumvent dependencies, we can postpone certain
+%D initializations to dumping time, by appending them to the
+%D \type {\everydump} token register.
+\ifdefined\normaldump \else \let\normaldump\dump \fi
+%D The same applies for the startup actions.
+\ifdefined\normaleveryjob \else \let\normaleveryjob\everyjob \fi
+\let\everyjob\relax \newtoks\everyjob
+\def\appendtotoks #1{\def\temp{#1}\afterassignment\doappendtotoks \scratchtoks=}
+\def\doappendtotoks {\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter{\expandafter\the\expandafter\temp\the\scratchtoks}}
+%D \macros
+%D {begcsname}
+%D Handy for \ETEX-only usage (avoids making \type {\relax}'s:
+%D Now come a few macros that might be needed in successive loading:
+\def\space{ }
+\def\null {\hbox{}}
+%D The following two might be overloaded later on but some modules need
+%D then earlier. These functionality is reflected in the name and will not
+%D change.
+ \catcode`\^^M=\activecatcode%
+ \gdef\obeylines{\catcode`\^^M\activecatcode \let^^M\par}%
+ \global\let^^M\par%
+ \gdef\obeyspaces{\catcode`\ \activecatcode}%
+ \obeyspaces\global\let =\space%
+%D A constant:
+%D Also needed might be a simple loop structure and we borrow
+%D plain \TEX's one as it is often expected to be present and
+%D it is about the fastest you can get. Beware: this macro
+%D does not support nested loops. We use a namespace prefix
+%D \type {@@pln}.
+%D The following makes \type {\loop} \unknown\ \type {\if}
+%D \unknown\ \type {\repeat} skippable (clever trick):
+\let\repeat\fi % so both \loop and \repeat are reserved words!
+%D The original (no \type {@@pln} there):
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\@@plniterate{\@@plnbody\let\next\@@plniterate\else\let\next\relax\fi\next}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D A more efficient alternative:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\@@plniterate{\@@plnbody\expandafter\@@plniterate\else\expandafter\relax\fi}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D An even more efficient one:
+%D We don't define a real output routine yet but at least get rid
+%D of pages:
+%D Although we don't add pagenumbers yet we alias the default
+%D register used for counting pages:
+\countdef\pageno=0 \pageno=1 % first page is number 1
+%D Beside the raw counter \type {\pageno} the \type {\folio}
+%D macro provides the value.
+\def\folio{\the\pageno} % kind of expected and therefore reserved
+%D The following registers are kind of standard and (for the moment)
+%D we define them here. This might change.
+\newskip \bigskipamount \bigskipamount = 12pt plus 4pt minus 4pt
+\newskip \medskipamount \medskipamount = 6pt plus 2pt minus 2pt
+\newskip \smallskipamount \smallskipamount = 3pt plus 1pt minus 1pt
+\baselineskip = 12pt
+\lineskip = 1pt
+\lineskiplimit = 0pt
+%D Again a few kind-of-extensions the core:
+\newskip \hideskip \hideskip = -1000pt plus 1fill
+\newskip \centering \centering = 0pt plus 1000pt minus 1000pt
+\def\hidewidth % for alignment entries that can stick out
+ {\hskip\hideskip}
+\def\ialign % initialized \halign
+ {\everycr{}%
+ \tabskip\zeroskip
+ \halign}
+\newcount \mscount
+\def\spanomit{\span\omit} % bypass error message
+ {\omit
+ \mscount#1\relax
+ \loop
+ \ifnum\mscount>\plusone
+ \spanomit \advance\mscount\minusone
+ \repeat}
+%D The next section deals with selective definitions in
+%D later modules. One can of course use the \type {\texengine}
+%D number that we defined earlier instead.
+\bgroup \obeylines
+ \gdef\pickupSOMETEX#1%
+ {\expandafter\gdef\csname begin#1\endcsname{\bgroup\obeylines\dopickupSOMETEX{#1}}}
+ \gdef\dopickupSOMETEX#1#2
+ % {\egroup\immediate\write16{special code for #1 -> [line \the\inputlineno] \detokenize{#2}}}
+ {\egroup}
+\let\endTEX \relax \long\def\beginTEX #1\endTEX {}
+\let\endETEX \relax \long\def\beginETEX #1\endETEX {}
+\let\endXETEX \relax \long\def\beginXETEX #1\endXETEX {}
+\let\endLUATEX\relax \long\def\beginLUATEX#1\endLUATEX{}
+\let\endOLDTEX\relax \long\def\beginOLDTEX#1\endOLDTEX{}
+\let\endNEWTEX\relax \long\def\beginNEWTEX#1\endNEWTEX{}
+%D \macros
+%D {bindprimitive}
+%D We can remap primitives (which is needed because of changes in
+%D for instance \PDFTEX).
+\def\bindprimitive#1 #2 % new old
+ {\ifcsname#1\endcsname \else \ifcsname#2\endcsname
+ \expandafter\let\csname#1\expandafter\endcsname\csname#2\endcsname
+ \fi \fi}
+%D Because \XETEX\ also implements some \PDFTEX\ functionality, we take
+%D care of this here instead of a dedicated module. Later modules need
+%D to handle the undefined cases.
+%D These messy checks will disappear.
+% new after 1.10, watch the change in prefix
+\bindprimitive quitvmode ptexquitvmode
+\bindprimitive noligatures ptexnoligatures
+\bindprimitive setrandomseed ptexsetrandomseed
+\bindprimitive uniformdeviate ptexuniformdeviate
+\bindprimitive quitvmode pdfquitvmode
+\bindprimitive noligatures pdfnoligatures
+\bindprimitive setrandomseed pdfsetrandomseed
+\bindprimitive uniformdeviate pdfuniformdeviate
+\bindprimitive resettimer pdfresettimer
+\bindprimitive elapsedtime pdfelapsedtime
+% new per 1.40
+\bindprimitive ifprimitive ifpdfprimitive
+\bindprimitive primitive pdfprimitive
+\bindprimitive ifabsdim ifpdfabsdim
+\bindprimitive ifabsnum ifpdfabsnum
+\ifnum\texengine=\xetexengine \else % this test might disappear some day
+ \pdfminorversion \plusfive
+ \ifdefined\pdfcompresslevel \else \newcount\pdfcompresslevel \fi
+ \ifdefined\pdfobjcompresslevel \else \newcount\pdfobjcompresslevel \fi
+ \ifdefined\pdfgentounicode \else \newcount\pdfgentounicode \fi \pdfgentounicode \plusone
+ \ifdefined\pdfinclusioncopyfonts\else \newcount\pdfinclusioncopyfonts \fi \pdfinclusioncopyfonts\plusone
+ \def\nopdfcompression {\pdfobjcompresslevel\zerocount \pdfcompresslevel\zerocount}
+ \def\maximumpdfcompression{\pdfobjcompresslevel\plusnine \pdfcompresslevel\plusnine }
+ \def\normalpdfcompression {\pdfobjcompresslevel\plusthree \pdfcompresslevel\plusthree}
+ \normalpdfcompression
+ \let\normalsetrandomseed \setrandomseed
+ \let\normaluniformdeviate\uniformdeviate
+%D Handy.
+ \ifdefined\suppresslongerror % for the moment test
+ \suppresslongerror\plusone
+ \fi
+%D Basic status stuff.
+%D We need to make sure that we start up in \DVI\ mode, so,
+%D after testing for running \PDFTEX, we default to \DVI.
+\ifx\pdftexversion\undefined \newcount\pdfoutput \fi \pdfoutput=0
+%D For those who expect this \unknown
+\ifx\fmtname \undefined \def\fmtname {ConTeXt Minimized Plain TeX} \fi
+\ifx\fmtversion\undefined \def\fmtversion{3.1415926} \fi
+%D A few bonus macros:
+ \edef\xetexversion {\numexpr\XeTeXversion*100+(\expandafter\gobbleoneargument\XeTeXrevision-5)/10\relax}
+ \edef\xetexrevision {\the\numexpr(\expandafter\gobbleoneargument\XeTeXrevision-50)/100\relax}
+ \def\texenginename {impossible}
+ \edef\texengineversion{0}
+ \def\texenginename {pdfTeX}
+ \edef\texengineversion{\dividonumber{100}\pdftexversion.\modulonumber{100}\pdftexversion.\pdftexrevision}
+ \def\texenginename {XeTeX}
+ \edef\texengineversion{\dividonumber{100}\xetexversion .\modulonumber{100}\xetexversion .\xetexrevision}
+ \def\texenginename {LuaTeX}
+ \edef\texengineversion{\dividonumber{100}\luatexversion.\modulonumber{100}\luatexversion.\luatexrevision}
+ \def\texenginename {impossible}
+ \edef\texengineversion{0}
+%D While cleaning this code up a bit I was listening to Heather
+%D Nova's \CD\ Redbird. The first song on that \CD\ ends with
+%D a few lines suitable for ending this initialization module:
+%D \startlines
+%D And there's so much I can do for you
+%D Given time I know that I can prove
+%D Now my world is opened up to you
+%D Come inside
+%D Welcome to my life
+%D Welcome to my world
+%D Come inside
+%D \stoplines
+%D So let's see what \TEX\ can do now that we've opened up
+%D the basic machinery.
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/syst-new.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/syst-new.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..34b535b90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/syst-new.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,868 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=syst-new,
+%D version=1997.01.03,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Support Macros,
+%D subtitle=New Ones,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D Code from this module will move. For instance to
+%D syst-dat.tex (datastructures).
+% pretty ugly but fast
+% \copycsname xxx\endcsname\csname ..\endcsname
+% \letcscsname \crap \csname ..\endcsname
+% \letcsnamecs \csname ..\endcsname\crap
+% \letcsnamecsname\csname ..\endcsname\csname ..\endcsname
+\def\letcscsname {\@EA\let\@EA}
+\def\letcsnamecs {\@EA\let}
+% another one, add an item to a commalist
+\def\addvalue#1#2% cs item
+ {\ifundefined{#1}\@EA\let\csname#1\endcsname\empty\fi
+ \expanded{\addtocommalist{#2}\@EA\noexpand\csname#1\endcsname}}
+% faster, and looks okay
+ {\dounspaced#1\end}
+ {\ifx#1\end
+ \@EA\gobbleoneargument
+ \else
+ \ifx#1\blankspace\else#1\fi
+ \fi
+ \dounspaced}
+ {\defconvertedargument#2{#1}%
+ \@EA\edef\@EA#2\@EA{\@EA\unspaced\@EA{#2}}}
+ {\edef\ascii{\dounspaced#2\end}\@EA#1\@EA{\ascii}}
+% etex, much faster
+% \def\unspaceargument#1\to#2%
+% {\scratchcounter\catcode'32\catcode32=\@@ignore
+% \scantokens{\edef#2{#1}}%
+% \catcode32=\scratchcounter}
+ {\edef\ascii{\dounspaced#2\end}\@EA#1\@EA{\ascii}}
+% sometimes handy:
+ {\edef\!!stringa{#1}%
+ \expanded{\dodoifhasspaceelse#1\space}\empty\relax}
+\def\dodoifhasspaceelse#1 #2#3\relax % \space\empty\relax
+ {\ifx\!!stringa\space
+ \@EA\firstoftwoarguments
+ \else\ifx#2\empty
+ \@EAEAEA\secondoftwoarguments
+ \else
+ \@EAEAEA\firstoftwoarguments
+ \fi\fi}
+% this will replace loadfile once and alike !!! todo
+ {\@EA\dodoglobal\@EA\chardef\csname\@flg@#1\endcsname\zerocount}
+ {\@EA\dodoglobal\@EA\chardef\csname\@flg@#1\endcsname\plusone}
+ {\@EA\ifx\csname\@flg@#1\endcsname\relax
+ \@EA\secondoftwoarguments
+ \else\ifcase\csname\@flg@#1\endcsname
+ \@EAEAEA\firstoftwoarguments
+ \else
+ \@EAEAEA\secondoftwoarguments
+ \fi\fi}
+ {\@EA\ifx\csname\@flg@#1\endcsname\relax
+ \@EA\firstofoneargument
+ \else\ifcase\csname\@flg@#1\endcsname
+ \@EAEAEA\gobbleoneargument
+ \else
+ \@EAEAEA\firstofoneargument
+ \fi\fi}
+\def\inheritparameter[#1]#2[#3]#4[#5]% tag tokey fromkey % [bypasses k!prefix]
+ {\@EAEAEA\def\@EA\csname\@EA#1\@EA#3\@EA\endcsname\@EA
+ {\csname#1#5\endcsname}}
+% \buildarray[test][aa,bb,cc,dd,ee,ff]
+% \setarrayelement{test}{1}{qq}
+% \arrayelement{test}{1}
+% \arraylength{test}
+% \def\buildarray[#1][#2]%
+% {\scratchcounter=0
+% \def\docommand##1%
+% {\advance\scratchcounter by 1
+% \setvalue{@@aa#1\the\scratchcounter}{##1}}%
+% \processcommalist[#2]\docommand
+% \setevalue{@@aa#1}{\the\scratchcounter}}%
+% \def\setarrayelement#1#2{\setvalue{@@aa#1#2}}
+% \def\arrayelement #1#2{\getvalue{@@aa#1#2}}
+% \def\arraylength #1{\getvalue{@@aa#1}}
+% \newsignal\junksignal
+% \def\setjunksignal%
+% {\ifhmode
+% \hskip\junksignal
+% \let\removejunkspaces\doremovejunkspaces
+% \else
+% \let\removejunkspaces\relax
+% \fi}
+% \def\doremovejunkspaces%
+% {\doloop{\ifdim\lastskip=\junksignal\unskip\else\exitloop\fi}}
+% \def\doifnonzeropositiveelse#1#2#3%
+% {\bgroup
+% \setbox\scratchbox=\hbox{\scratchcounter=0#1}%
+% \ifdim\wd\scratchbox=\!!zeropoint\egroup#2\else\egroup#3\fi}
+% \def\dodoifnonzeropositiveelse#1#2\end#3#4%
+% {\egroup
+% \ifx#1\relax#3\else#4\fi}
+% \def\doifnonzeropositiveelse#1%
+% {\bgroup
+% \afterassignment\dodoifnonzeropositiveelse\scratchcounter=0#1\relax\empty\end}
+\def\dodoifnonzeropositiveelse#1#2\end % #3#4%
+ {\ifx#1\relax
+ \ifcase\scratchcounter
+ \endgroup
+ \@EAEAEA\secondoftwoarguments
+ \else
+ \endgroup
+ \@EAEAEA\firstoftwoarguments
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \endgroup
+ \@EA\secondoftwoarguments
+ \fi}
+ {\begingroup\afterassignment\dodoifnonzeropositiveelse\scratchcounter=0#1\relax\empty\end}
+% here ?
+\def\dosetrawvalue #1#2#3{\@EA \def\csname#1#2\endcsname{#3}}
+\def\getrawparameters {\dogetparameters\dosetrawvalue }
+\def\getraweparameters {\dogetparameters\dosetrawevalue}
+\def\getrawgparameters {\dogetparameters\dosetrawgvalue}
+\def\getrawxparameters {\dogetparameters\dosetrawxvalue}
+\def\globalgetrawparameters{\dogetparameters\dosetrawgvalue} % obsolete
+ {\scratchskip\zeropoint \!!plus \onepoint \!!minus \onepoint
+ \advance\scratchskip#1\relax % \relax is realy needed here
+ \expandafter\SPLITSKIP\the\scratchskip}
+ \catcode`\p=\@@other
+ \catcode`\l=\@@other
+ \catcode`\u=\@@other
+ \catcode`\s=\@@other
+ \catcode`\m=\@@other
+ \catcode`\i=\@@other
+ \catcode`\n=\@@other
+ \catcode`\t=\@@other
+ \gdef\SPLITSKIP#1pt plus #2pt minus #3pt%
+ {\DOSPLITSKIP#1 #2 #3 }}
+% \def\DOSPLITSKIP#1 #2 #3
+% {\dimen0=#1pt\dimen2=#2pt\dimen4=#3pt
+% \advance\dimen2 -\onepoint
+% \advance\dimen4 -\onepoint}
+\def\DOSPLITSKIP#1 #2 #3
+ {\dimen0=#1\onepoint
+ \dimen2=\dimexpr#2\onepoint-\onepoint\relax
+ \dimen4=\dimexpr#3\onepoint-\onepoint\relax}
+% \def\minimaxskip#1#2%
+% {\splitskip#2\relax
+% \scratchdimen=#2\relax
+% #2=\scratchdimen
+% \advance#2 by #1\relax}
+% \def\maximizeskip%
+% {\minimaxskip{-\dimen4}}
+% \def\maximizeskip%
+% {\minimaxskip{\dimen2}}
+% \def\maximizespacing%
+% {\maximizeskip\blankskipamount
+% \maximizeskip\parskip
+% \maximizeskip\ctxparskip
+% \maximizeskip\baselineskip
+% \maximizeskip\bigskipamount
+% \maximizeskip\medskipamount
+% \maximizeskip\smallskipamount}
+%\def\DoMod #1by#2to#3%
+% {\modcounter#1\divide\modcounter#2\multiply\modcounter#2%
+% #3#1\advance#3 -\modcounter}
+%\def\DoDiv #1by#2to#3%
+% {#3#1\divide#3 #2\relax}
+ {\modcounter#1\divide\modcounter#2\multiply\modcounter#2%
+ #3#1\advance#3-\modcounter}
+ {#3#1\divide#3 #2\relax}
+\def\DoMod#1by#2to#3{\dosetmodulo {#1}{#2}{#3}}
+ {#1\protect}
+ {\unprotect\dounprotected}
+%D Standaard kan een spatie (zoals ~) uitrekken. Dit is in
+%D overzichten niet altijd de bedoeling, vandaar:
+% \def\fixedspace{\hskip\interwordspace\relax}
+% {\!!toksa={#2}%
+% \edef\!!stringa{#3}%
+% \edef\expanded%
+% {\noexpand#1{\the\!!toksa}{\!!stringa}}%
+% \expanded}
+% {\!!toksa={#2}%
+% \!!toksb={#3}%
+% \edef\!!stringa{#4}%
+% \edef\expanded%
+% {\noexpand#1{\the\!!toksa}{\the\!!toksb}{\!!stringa}}%
+% \expanded}
+% {\@EA#1\@EA#2\@EA{\@EA#3\csname\s!do\string#2\endcsname}%
+% \@EA#1\csname\s!do\string#2\endcsname}
+% {\indirect#1#2\dodoublempty}
+% {...}
+% {...}
+% in mult-set
+% {\writestatus{setup}{choose #1 setupfile}%
+% \bgroup
+% \endlinechar=-1
+% \global\read16 to \usersetup
+% \egroup
+% \ifx\usersetup\empty
+% \let\usersetup=\defaultsetup
+% \fi
+% \readfile{#2\usersetup}{}{}%
+% \writestatus{setup}{loading #1 setupfile #2\usersetup}}
+% awaiting the definitive implementation
+ \let\resettimer \relax
+ \newcount\elapsedtime
+ {\def\dotestfeature
+ {\advance\featuretest \plusone
+ \ifnum\featuretest>#1\else#2\expandafter\dotestfeature\fi}%
+ \retestfeature}
+\def\retestfeature % timer support is new per 10/5/2005
+ {\bgroup
+ \ifcase\interactionmode\let\wait\relax\fi
+ \writestatus\m!systems{starting feature test}\wait
+ \resettimer
+ \featuretest\zerocount \dotestfeature
+ \writestatus\m!systems{feature test done (\elapsedseconds s)}%
+ \wait
+ \egroup}
+\def\elapsedseconds{\expandafter\withoutpt\the\dimexpr\elapsedtime sp\relax}
+ {\writestatus{runtime}{\elapsedseconds\space s / #1}}
+% \edef\elapsedtime{\expandafter\withoutpt\the\dimexpr\elapsedtime\relax s}%
+% \writestatus\m!systems{feature test done (\elapsedtime)}%
+ {\let\wait\relax\testfeature{#1}{#2}\end}
+%D \macros
+%D {adddimenregister,adddimenmacro}
+%D Instead of using numerous \type {\advance}'s, one can use
+%D the next macros to add|/|subtract a series of dimensions
+%D to a register or macro.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \adddimenregister 10pt 5pt \paperwidth \to \somedimen
+%D \adddimenmacro 10pt 5pt \paperwidth \to \bagger
+%D \stoptyping
+% \newdimen\dimentoaddto
+% \def\adddimenregister#1\to#2% will be obsolete once full etex
+% {\begingroup
+% #2=\zeropoint
+% \dimentoaddto\zeropoint
+% \def\docommand%
+% {\advance#2 \dimentoaddto
+% \futurelet\next\dodocommand}%
+% \def\dodocommand%
+% {\ifx\next\relax
+% \expanded{\endgroup#2=\the#2}%
+% \else
+% \@EA\afterassignment\@EA\docommand\@EA\dimentoaddto
+% \fi}%
+% \docommand#1\relax}
+% \def\adddimenmacro#1\to#2%
+% {\adddimenregister#1\to\scratchdimen
+% \edef#2{\the\scratchdimen}}
+%D \macros
+%D {freezedimenmacro}
+%D This macro is use as:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \freezedimenmacro\leftmargindistance
+%D \stoptyping
+% \def\freezedimenmacro#1%
+% {\scratchdimen#1\edef#1{\the\scratchdimen}}
+ {\edef#1{\the\dimexpr#1}}
+%D The next one is slower:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\freezedimenmacro#1{\edef#1{\the\dimexpr(#1)}}
+%D \stoptyping
+% \newcount\rawrecursecounter
+% \def\rawrecurselevel{\the\rawrecursecounter}%
+% \def\dorawrecurse#1#2%
+% {\rawrecursecounter\plusone
+% \let\oldrecurselevel\recurselevel
+% \let\recurselevel\rawrecurselevel
+% \def\dodorawrecurse
+% {\ifnum\rawrecursecounter>#1\relax
+% \let\recurselevel\oldrecurselevel
+% \else
+% #2\advance\rawrecursecounter \plusone
+% \expandafter\dodorawrecurse
+% \fi}%
+% \dodorawrecurse}
+%D The next macro negates a macro (dimension or number, or actually, whatever.
+%D It's a typical example of \type {\if} usage:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \if-\whatever \else-\whatever\fi => else => -whatever
+%D \if--\whatever\else-\whatever\fi => then => whatever
+%D \stoptyping
+\def\negated#1{\if-#1\else-#1\fi} % does only work in macros or text
+% This permits things like ^\index{hans}^, where hans is
+% duplicated in the text.
+\gdef\checkduplication % in line with Knuth
+ {\ifmmode\expandafter^\else\expandafter\startduplication\fi}
+ {\ifmmode\expandafter^\else\expandafter\egroup\fi}
+ {\catcode`\^=\@@active \let^\checkduplication}
+ {\catcode`\^=\@@superscript}
+ {\bgroup \duplicatetrue \let^\insideduplication}
+ {\afterassignment\gobbleassigndimen#1=#2\!!zeropoint\\}
+ {\@EA\let\csname#1\endcsname\iftrue}
+ {\@EA\let\csname#1\endcsname\iffalse}
+ {\@EA\ifx\csname#1\endcsname\relax
+ \resetusage{#1}%
+ \fi
+ \csname#1\endcsname}
+\beginETEX \ifcsname
+ {\ifcsname#1\endcsname\else
+ \resetusage{#1}%
+ \fi
+ \csname#1\endcsname}
+%D Very handy, more efficient than \type{{}}, and more readable
+%D than \type {\empty}.
+% The following macros are used in XML handling.
+% \long\def\dowithstringed#1#2#3#4% " ' space
+% {\if#4"\@EA#1\else\if#4'\@EAEAEA#2\else\@EAEAEA#3\fi\fi#4}
+% \def\unstringed
+% {\dowithstringed\unstringdouble\unstringsingle\unstringspaced}
+% \long\def\unstringdouble"#1"{#1}
+% \long\def\unstringsingle'#1'{#1}
+% \long\def\unstringspaced #1 {#1}
+% \def\grabstring
+% {\dowithstringed\grabstringdouble\grabstringsingle\grabstringspaced}
+% \def\dowithgrabbedstring#1%
+% {\def\@@dowithgrabbedstring{#1}%
+% \afterassignment\@@dowithgrabbedstring\grabstring}
+% \long\def\grabstringdouble"#1"{\scratchtoks{#1}}
+% \long\def\grabstringsingle'#1'{\scratchtoks{#1}}
+% \long\def\grabstringspaced #1 {\scratchtoks{#1}}
+\long\setvalue{@u@s@"}#1#2"{#2} \long\setvalue{@g@s@"}#1#2"{\scratchtoks{#2}}
+\long\setvalue{@u@s@'}#1#2'{#2} \long\setvalue{@g@s@'}#1#2'{\scratchtoks{#2}}
+\long\setvalue{@u@s@ }#1#2 {#2} \long\setvalue{@g@s@ }#1#2 {\scratchtoks{#2}}
+\long\def\unstringed#1{\csname\ifcsname @u@s@#1\endcsname @u@s@#1\else\s!empty\fi\endcsname#1}
+\long\def\grabstring#1{\csname\ifcsname @g@s@#1\endcsname @g@s@#1\else\s!empty\fi\endcsname#1}
+ {\def\@@dowithgrabbedstring{#1}%
+ \afterassignment\@@dowithgrabbedstring\grabstring}
+ {\@@ifequal#1\relax\relax\@@and#2\relax\relax\@@then}
+ {\ifx#1\relax
+ \ifx#3\relax
+ \@EAEAEA\@@if@@equal@@true
+ \else
+ \@EAEAEA\@@if@@equal@@false
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \ifx#3\relax
+ \@EAEAEAEAEAEA\@@if@@equal@@false
+ \else\ifx#1#3%
+ % go on
+ \else
+ \@EAEAEAEAEAEA\@@if@@equal@@false
+ \fi\fi
+ \fi
+ \@@ifequal#2\@@and}
+\long\def\@@if@@equal@@true #1\@@then#2#3{#2}
+%D new stuff :
+ {\let\@@notexpanded\noexpand
+ \long\xdef\@@expanded{\noexpand#1}%
+ \let\@@notexpanded\empty
+ \@@expanded}
+% for Simon ; watch how we make them fully expandable (i.e.
+% no \type {\relax}es) popping up
+ {\ifnum#1=\@the@number@{#2} % space needed
+ \expandafter\firstofoneargument
+ \else
+ \expandafter\gobbleoneargument
+ \fi}
+ {\ifnum#1=\@the@number@{#2} % space needed
+ \expandafter\gobbleoneargument
+ \else
+ \expandafter\firstofoneargument
+ \fi}
+ {\ifnum#1=\@the@number@{#2} % space needed
+ \expandafter\firstoftwoarguments
+ \else
+ \expandafter\secondoftwoarguments
+ \fi}
+% \edef\xxxx{\doifnum{1}{2}{no}} \show \xxxx
+% \edef\xxxx{\doifnum{2}{2}{yes}} \show \xxxx
+% \scratchcounter0 \edef\xxxx{\doifnum{1}{\scratchcounter}{no}} \show \xxxx
+% \scratchcounter1 \edef\xxxx{\doifnum{1}{\scratchcounter}{yes}} \show \xxxx
+\def\appendvalue #1{\@EA\appended\@EA \def\csname#1\endcsname}
+\def\prependvalue #1{\@EA\prepended\@EA \def\csname#1\endcsname}
+%D \macros
+%D {compresscommacommandnrs,compresscommalistnrs,compressedcommalistnrs,
+%D compresscommacommand,compresscommalist,compressedcommalist,
+%D reversecommacommand,reversecommalist,reversedcommalist}
+%D The following two list processing macros are needed by Taco's
+%D bibliography module. The numbers compressor converts the
+%D list in a list of ranges. The normal compressor remove duplicate
+%D and empty entries.
+ {\let\compressedlist\empty
+ \!!counta\maxdimen
+ \!!countb\maxdimen
+ \processcommalist[#1]\docompresslistnrs
+ \ifnum\!!counta=\maxdimen\else\dodocompresslistnrs\fi}
+ {\expanded{\compresscommalistnrs[#1]}}
+ {\edef\commalistelement{#1}%
+ \ifx\commalistelement\empty\else
+ \ifnum\!!counta=\maxdimen
+ \!!counta\commalistelement\relax
+ \!!countb\!!counta
+ \else
+ \advance\!!countb\plusone
+ \ifnum\commalistelement>\!!countb
+ \advance\!!countb\minusone
+ \dodocompresslistnrs
+ \!!counta\commalistelement\relax
+ \!!countb\!!counta
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+ {\edef\compressedlist
+ {\ifx\compressedlist\empty\else\compressedlist,\fi
+ {\the\!!counta}{\ifnum\!!countb>\!!counta\the\!!countb\fi}}}
+%D \def\test#1{{\tttf#1->\compresscommalistnrs[#1]\defconvertedcommand\ascii\compressedlist\ascii}}
+%D \startlines
+%D \test{}
+%D \test{1}
+%D \test{1,3}
+%D \test{1,3,4}
+%D \test{1,3,3,4,5}
+%D \test{1,3,3,4,5,8}
+%D \test{1,3,3,4,5,5,8,10}
+%D \test{1,3,4,5,8,10,11}
+%D \test{1,,3,,4,,5,,8,,10,,11,}
+%D \stoplines
+ {\let\compressedlist\empty
+ \let\!!stringa\empty
+ \processcommalist[#1]\docompresslist}
+ {\expanded{\compresscommalist[#1]}}
+ {\edef\commalistelement{#1}%
+ \ifx\commalistelement\empty \else
+ \ifx\!!stringa\commalistelement \else
+ \ifx\compressedlist\empty
+ \def\compressedlist{#1}%
+ \else
+ \appended\def\compressedlist{,#1}%
+ \fi
+ \let\!!stringa\commalistelement
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+%D \def\test#1{{\tttf#1->\compresscommalist[#1]\defconvertedcommand\ascii\compressedlist\ascii}}
+%D \startlines
+%D \test{}
+%D \test{1}
+%D \test{1,3}
+%D \test{1,3,4}
+%D \test{1,3,3,4,5}
+%D \test{1,3,3,4,5,8}
+%D \test{1,3,3,4,5,5,8,10}
+%D \test{1,3,4,5,8,10,11}
+%D \test{1,,3,,4,,5,,8,,10,,11,}
+%D \stoplines
+ {\let\reversedlist\empty
+ \processcommalist[#1]\doreverselist}
+ {\ifx\reversedlist\empty
+ \def\reversedlist{#1}%
+ \else
+ \prepended\def\reversedlist{#1,}%
+ \fi}
+ {\expanded{\reversecommalist[#1]}}
+%D \def\test#1{{\tttf#1->\reversecommalist[#1]\defconvertedcommand\ascii\reversedlist\ascii}}
+%D \startlines
+%D \test{}
+%D \test{1}
+%D \test{1,3}
+%D \test{1,3,4}
+%D \test{1,3,3,4,5}
+%D \test{1,3,3,4,5,8}
+%D \test{1,3,3,4,5,5,8,10}
+%D \test{1,3,4,5,8,10,11}
+%D \test{1,,3,,4,,5,,8,,10,,11,}
+%D \stoplines
+%D \macros
+%D {stripstring}
+%D Needed in bookmarks:
+%D \starttyping
+%D {\sanitizePDFdocencoding test \CONTEXT\ test \to\oeps\stripstring\oeps\tttf[\oeps]}
+%D \stoptyping
+\def\stripstring#1% #1 is \cs
+ {\bgroup
+ \defconvertedcommand\ascii{#1}%
+ \global\let\globalascii\empty
+ \donefalse
+ \expandafter\handletokens\ascii\with\dostripstring
+ \egroup
+ \let#1\globalascii}
+ {\ifx#1\blankspace
+ \donetrue
+ \else
+ \ifdone\ifx\globalascii\empty\else
+ \xdef\globalascii{\globalascii\space}%
+ \donefalse
+ \fi\fi
+ \xdef\globalascii{\globalascii#1}%
+ \fi}
+%D \macros
+%D {dowithrange}
+%D This one is for Mojca Miklavec, who made me aware of the fact that
+%D \type {page-imp.tex} was not the best place to hide it.
+\def\dowithrange#1#2% #2 takes number
+ {\splitstring#1\at:\to\fromrange\and\torange
+ \ifx\torange\empty\let\torange\fromrange\fi
+ \dostepwiserecurse\fromrange\torange1{#2{\recurselevel}}}
+%D \macros {uncompresslist}
+%D When given a list like \type{1,4-7,9} as argument, this macro
+%D will store the expanded commalist in \type{\uncompressedlist}.
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \def\MojcaHasToDoTheTasks[#1]#2%
+%D {{\uncompresslist[#1]%
+%D \def\processitem##1{I have to do ##1 #2\par}%
+%D \processcommacommand[\uncompressedlist]\processitem}}
+%D \MojcaHasToDoTheTasks [1-4,7,9-11] {until tomorrow}
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D Here is an example of how to use \type {\uncompresslist}:
+%D \typebuffer
+%D The output of this is:
+%D \getbuffer
+\beginETEX \numexpr
+\def\uncompresslist[#1]% by TH
+ {\let\uncompressedlist\empty
+ \def\docompressedlistitem##1-##2-%
+ {\@EA\dorecurse\@EA
+ {\the\numexpr1+##2-##1\relax}%
+ {\@EA\appendtocommalist\@EA{\the\numexpr##1-1+####1\relax}\uncompressedlist}}%
+ \def\douncompresslist##1%
+ {\doifinstringelse{-}{##1}
+ {\docompressedlistitem##1-}
+ {\appendtocommalist{##1}\uncompressedlist}}%
+ \processcommalist[#1]\douncompresslist}
+ {\def\uncompressedlist{#1}}
+%D \macros
+%D {ignoreimplicitspaces}
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \def\whatever[#1]{\expanded{\definedfont[#1 at 12pt]}\ignorespaces}
+%D {a\whatever[Serif]b a\whatever[Serif] b a\whatever[Serif]\space b}
+%D \def\whatever[#1]{\expanded{\definedfont[#1 at 12pt]}\ignoreimplicitspaces}
+%D {a\whatever[Serif]b a\whatever[Serif] b a\whatever[Serif]\space b}
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer \getbuffer
+ {\doifnextcharelse\relax\relax\relax}
+% new
+% \startnointerference
+% all kind of code
+% \stopnointerference
+ {\setbox\nointerferencebox\vbox
+ \bgroup}
+ {\egroup
+ \setbox\nointerferencebox\emptybox}
+\protect \endinput
+% \def\appendtovaluelist#1#2%
+% {\ifcsname#1\endcsname
+% \expandafter\ifx\csname#1\endcsname\empty
+% \expandafter\def\csname#1\endcsname{#2}%
+% \else
+% \expandafter\def\csname#1\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\endcsname
+% \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter{\csname#1\endcsname,#2}%
+% \fi
+% \else
+% \expandafter\def\csname#1\endcsname{#2}%
+% \fi}
+% or
+% \def\appendtovaluelist#1%
+% {\ifcsname#1\endcsname
+% \expandafter\ifx\csname#1\endcsname\empty
+% \expandafter\noappendtovaluelist\csname#1\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\endcsname
+% \else
+% \expandafter\doappendtovaluelist\csname#1\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\endcsname
+% \fi
+% \else
+% \expandafter\noappendtovaluelist\csname#1\expandafter\endcsname
+% \fi}
+% \def\doappendtovaluelist#1#2{\expandafter\def\expandafter#1\expandafter{#1,#2}}
+% \def\noappendtovaluelist#1#2{\def#1{#2}}
+% \appendtovaluelist{mylist}{aap}
+% \appendtovaluelist{mylist}{noot}
+% \appendtovaluelist{mylist}{mies}
+% \showvalue{mylist}
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/syst-pln.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/syst-pln.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1032b40b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/syst-pln.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=syst-pln,
+%D version=2001.11.16, % 1999.03.17, % an oldie: 1995.10.10
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ System Macros,
+%D subtitle=Efficient \PLAIN\ \TEX\ loading,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D This module set a couple of variables to the plain \TEX\
+%D values. Later they might be overloaded.
+%D Build||in numeric variables.
+\adjdemerits = 10000
+\binoppenalty = 700
+\brokenpenalty = 100
+\clubpenalty = 150
+%day = 0
+\defaulthyphenchar = `\-
+\defaultskewchar = -1
+\delimiterfactor = 901
+\displaywidowpenalty = 50
+\doublehyphendemerits = 10000
+%endlinechar = `\^^M
+\errorcontextlines = 5
+%escapechar = `\\
+\exhyphenpenalty = 50
+%fam = 0
+\finalhyphendemerits = 5000
+%floatingpenalty = 0
+%globaldefs = 0
+%hangafter = 1
+\hbadness = 1000
+%holdinginserts = 0
+\hyphenpenalty = 50
+%interlinepenalty = 0
+%language = 0
+\lefthyphenmin = 2
+\linepenalty = 10
+%looseness = 0
+%mag = 1000
+%maxdeadcycles = 25
+%month = 0
+%newlinechar = -1 % commented i.e. no plain value
+%outputpenalty = 0
+%pausing = 0
+%postdisplaypenalty = 0
+\predisplaypenalty = 10000
+\pretolerance = 100
+\relpenalty = 500
+\righthyphenmin = 3
+\showboxbreadth = 5
+\showboxdepth = 3
+%time = 0
+\tolerance = 200
+%tracingcommands = 0
+\tracinglostchars = 1
+%tracingmacros = 0
+%tracingonline = 0
+%tracingoutput = 0
+%tracingpages = 0
+%tracingparagraphs = 0
+%tracingrestores = 0
+%tracingstats = 0
+\uchyph = 1
+\vbadness = 1000
+\widowpenalty = 150
+%year = 0
+%D Build in dimension variables.
+\abovedisplayshortskip = 0pt plus 3pt
+\abovedisplayskip = 12pt plus 3pt minus 9pt
+%baselineskip = 0pt
+\belowdisplayshortskip = 7pt plus 3pt minus 4pt
+\belowdisplayskip = 12pt plus 3pt minus 9pt
+\boxmaxdepth = \maxdimen
+\delimitershortfall = 5pt
+%displayindent = 0pt
+%displaywidth = 0pt
+%hangindent = 0pt
+\hfuzz = 0.1pt
+%hoffset = 0pt
+\hsize = 6.5in
+%leftskip = 0pt
+%lineskip = 0pt
+%lineskiplimit = 0pt
+%mathsurround = 0pt
+\maxdepth = 4pt
+\medmuskip = 4mu plus 2mu minus 4mu
+\nulldelimiterspace = 1.2pt
+\overfullrule = 5pt
+\parfillskip = 0pt plus 1fil
+\parindent = 20pt
+\parskip = 0pt plus 1pt
+%predisplaysize = 0pt
+%rightskip = 0pt
+\scriptspace = 0.5pt
+%spaceskip = 0pt
+\splitmaxdepth = \maxdimen
+\splittopskip = 10pt
+%tabskip = 0pt
+\thickmuskip = 5mu plus 5mu
+\thinmuskip = 3mu
+\topskip = 10pt
+\vfuzz = 0.1pt
+%voffset = 0pt
+\vsize = 8.9in
+%xspaceskip = 0pt
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/syst-rtp.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/syst-rtp.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fc0f503b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/syst-rtp.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=syst-rtp, % copied from core-job
+%D version=1997.03.31,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Core Macros,
+%D subtitle=Run Time Processes,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/syst-rtp.mkiv b/tex/context/base/mkii/syst-rtp.mkiv
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..82c0778b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/syst-rtp.mkiv
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=syst-rtp,
+%D version=2006.10.13,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Core Macros,
+%D subtitle=Run Time Processes,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/syst-str.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/syst-str.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..aacb70ec7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/syst-str.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=syst-str,
+%D version=2006.09.18,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ System Macros,
+%D subtitle=String Processing,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D We need a convenient way to change lccode vectors.
+ {\@EA\chardef\csname-\recurselevel\endcsname\recurselevel}
+ {\expanded
+ {\appendtoks\noexpand\withcharacter\csname-\recurselevel\endcsname
+ \noexpand\to\withminorcharacters}}
+ {\expanded
+ {\appendtoks\noexpand\withcharacter\csname-\recurselevel\endcsname
+ \noexpand\to\withlowercharacters}}
+ {\expanded
+ {\appendtoks\noexpand\withcharacter\csname-\recurselevel\endcsname
+ \noexpand\to\withuppercharacters}}
+\chardef\obeyedlccode=`. % so <32 and >127 chars become .
+%D \macros
+%D {retainlccodes}
+%D One way of manipulating characters is changing the their
+%D \type{\lccode} and applying \type{\lowcase}. An example of
+%D this can be found in \type{spec-mis}.
+\def\setownlccode #1{\lccode#1#1}
+ {\let\withcharacter\setownlccode
+ \the\withlowercharacters
+ \let\withcharacter\setobeyedlccode
+ \the\withminorcharacters
+ \the\withuppercharacters
+ \relax}
+ {\let\withcharacter\setownlccode
+ \the\withlowercharacters
+ \the\withminorcharacters
+ \the\withuppercharacters
+ \relax}
+%D I got tired of making dedicated clean up macros using the
+%D same mechanism again and again, so now we have:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\xxxx{abc.d} \replacecharacters\xxxx{a.}{-} \xxxx
+%D \stoptyping
+\def\replacecharacters#1#2#3% macro characters replacement
+ {\bgroup
+ \edef\ascii{#1}%
+ \retainlccodes
+ \def\docommand##1{\lccode\expandafter`\csname##1\endcsname=\expandafter`\csname#3\endcsname}%
+ \handletokens#2\with\docommand
+ \lowercase\@EA{\@EA\xdef\@EA\globalascii\@EA{\ascii}}%
+ \egroup
+ \dodoglobal\let#1\globalascii}
+% \bgroup
+% \catcode`\ =\@@other % needed in order to get it visible
+% \lccode`\ =`\-
+% \lowercase{\xdef\globalascii{aap noot}}%
+% \egroup
+% [\globalascii] {\tttf [\globalascii]}
+% interesting:
+% \setvalue{xxx}{oeps}
+% \setvalue{test-test}{\getvalue{xxx}oeps}
+% \bgroup\lccode`\ =`\-\lowercase{\egroup\csname test test\endcsname}
+% \setvalue{test\string~test}{\getvalue{xxx}oeps}
+% \bgroup\lccode`\ =`\~\lowercase{\egroup\csname test test\endcsname}
+% \bgroup\catcode`\~=\@@letter\lowercase{\egroup\csname test~test\endcsname}
+ {\bgroup
+ \retainlccodes
+ \lccode `\ =`\,%
+ % when typesetting: \catcode`\ =\@@other
+ \edef\ascii{#1}%
+ \lowercase\@EA{\@EA\xdef\@EA\globalascii\@EA{\ascii}}%
+ \egroup
+ \let#2\globalascii}
+ {\bgroup
+ \def\obeyedspace{-}%
+ \sanitizefilename#1\to\ascii
+ \retainlccodes
+ \lccode `\ =`\-%
+ % when typesetting: \catcode`\ =\@@other
+ \lowercase\@EA{\@EA\xdef\@EA\globalascii\@EA{\ascii}}%
+ \egroup
+ \let#2\globalascii}
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/syst-tex.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/syst-tex.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fee2b51b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/syst-tex.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,314 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=syst-tex,
+%D version=1999.03.17, % an oldie: 1995.10.10
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ System Macros,
+%D subtitle=Efficient \PLAIN\ \TEX\ loading,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D This file is used by mptopdf.
+%D We've build \CONTEXT\ on top of \PLAIN\ \TEX. Because we
+%D want to make the format file as independant as possible of
+%D machine dependant font encodings, we have to bypass the
+%D loading of fonts.
+%D Let's start at the beginning. Because \PLAIN\ is not yet
+%D loaded we have to define some \CATCODES\ ourselves.
+\catcode`\{=1 % left brace is begin-group character
+\catcode`\}=2 % right brace is end-group character
+\catcode`\#=6 % hash mark is macro parameter character
+\catcode`\^=7 % circumflex is for superscripts
+%D To prevent all kind of end||of||file problems, for the
+%D moment we simply ignore the Control~Z token.
+%D We are going to report to the user what we are skipping.
+\def\skipmessage#1{\immediate\write16{skipping #1 in plain}}
+%D We want to be able to use the \type{\newsomething}
+%D declarations not only on the \type{\outer} level. This can
+%D be done by redefining \type{\outer} so we have to save its
+%D original meaning.
+\let\normalouter = \outer
+\let\outer = \relax
+%D We also want to postpone the loading of hyphenation patters,
+%D so we redefine and therefore save \type{\input}.
+\let\normalinput = \input
+\def\input #1 {\skipmessage{\string\input}}
+%D Finaly are going to we redefine some font specification
+%D commands and that's why we save them too. The redefinitions
+%D are straightforward because the macros have to do nothing
+%D but skipping.
+\let\normalskewchar = \skewchar
+\def\skewchar #1=#2 {\skipmessage{\string\skewchar}}
+\let\normaltextfont = \textfont
+\let\normalscriptfont = \scriptfont
+\let\normalscriptscriptfont = \scriptscriptfont
+\def\textfont #1=#2{\skipmessage{\string\textfont}}
+\def\scriptfont #1=#2{\skipmessage{\string\scriptfont}}
+\def\scriptscriptfont #1=#2{\skipmessage{\string\scriptscriptfont}}
+%D The redefinition of \type{\font} is a bit more complicated,
+%D because in version 3.14159 a scaled specification was
+%D introduced.
+\let\normalfont = \font
+\def\skipscaled scaled #1 {}
+\long\def\font#1=#2 #3%
+ {\ifx#3s%
+ \skipmessage{scaled \string\font}%
+ \let\next\skipscaled
+ \else
+ \skipmessage{\string\font}%
+ \let\next\relax
+ \fi
+ \next#3}
+% or:
+% \long\def\font#1=#2 #3%
+% {\ifx#3s%
+% \skipmessage{scaled \string\font}%
+% \expandafter\skipscaled
+% \else
+% \skipmessage{\string\font}%
+% \fi
+% #3}
+%D Relaxing some font switching macros is needed because we
+%D don't want any error messages during loading. These
+%D unharmfull messages could be ingored.
+%D The next substitution is needed for determining
+%D \type{\p@renwd} in the macro \type{\bordermatrix}.
+ {\skipmessage{used \string\tenex}\hskip8.75002pt}
+%D We need to define \type{\tenrm} for switching to
+%D \type{\rm}.
+ {\skipmessage{\string\tenrm}}
+%D In \CONTEXT\ all \PLAIN\ \TEX\ fonts are available, just
+%D like \type{\p@renwd}. We only postpone loading them until
+%D they are actually needed.
+%D By bypassing fonts, some definitions become less valid so
+%D we have to redefine them afterwards.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \let\normalbordermatrix=\bordermatrix
+%D \def\bordermatrix%
+%D {\bgroup
+%D \setbox0=\hbox{\getvalue{\textface\c!mm\c!ex}B}%
+%D \global\p@renwd=\wd0\relax
+%D \egroup
+%D \normalbordermatrix}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Now we are ready for loading \PLAIN\ \TEX. Of couse we use
+%D \type{\normalinput} and not \type{\input}.
+\normalinput plain.tex \let\normalfmtversion\fmtversion
+%D We have to take care of unwanted \PDFTEX\
+%D initializations. We just want to default to \DVI\ output.
+ \chardef\pdfoutput=0
+ \pdfoutput=0
+%D When applicable, we also load the \ETEX\ source and
+%D definition files.
+\bgroup \obeylines
+ \long\gdef\beginETEX#1\endETEX%
+ {}
+ \gdef\beginTEX%
+ {\bgroup\obeylines\dobeginTEX}
+ \gdef\dobeginTEX#1
+ {\egroup}
+ \global\let\endTEX\relax
+ \long\gdef\beginTEX#1\endTEX%
+ {}
+ \gdef\beginETEX%
+ {\bgroup\obeylines\dobeginETEX}
+% \gdef\dobeginETEX#1
+% {\egroup\immediate\write16%
+% {system (E-TEX) : [line \the\inputlineno] \detokenize{#1}}}
+ \gdef\dobeginETEX#1
+ {\egroup}
+ \global\let\endETEX\relax
+% \ifx\eTeXversion\undefined
+% \long\def\onlyTEX #1{#1}
+% \long\def\onlyETEX#1{}
+% \else
+% \long\def\only TEX#1{}
+% \long\def\onlyETEX#1{#1}
+% \fi
+%D Well, this redefintion of \type {\input} fails on \ETEX,
+%D because of some \type {\cs\fi} constructs. So now we use:
+% \beginETEX etex.src etexdefs.lib
+% \def\input#1%
+% {\bgroup
+% \skipmessage{\string\input}%
+% \expandafter\ifx\expandafter#1\csname l@ngdefnfile\endcsname
+% \let\input\egroup
+% \else
+% \def\input##1 {\egroup}%
+% \fi
+% \input}
+% \normalinput etex.src \relax
+% \normalinput etexdefs.lib \relax
+% \let\fmtversion\normalfmtversion
+% \savinghyphcodes=1
+% \endETEX
+% \ifx\normalprotected \undefined \let\normalprotected \protected \fi
+% \ifx\normalunexpanded\undefined \let\normalunexpanded\unexpanded \fi
+% \ifx\normalexpanded \undefined \let\normalexpanded \expanded \fi
+\beginETEX \savinghyphcodes
+ \savinghyphcodes=1
+%D We restore some redefined primitives to their old meaning.
+\let\font = \normalfont
+\let\skewchar = \normalskewchar
+\let\textfont = \normaltextfont
+\let\scriptfont = \normalscriptfont
+\let\scriptscriptfont = \normalscriptscriptfont
+\let\input = \normalinput
+\let\outer = \normalouter
+%D We reset some of the used auxiliary macro's to
+%D \type{\undefined}. One never knows what testing on them is
+%D done elsewhere.
+\let\skipmessage = \undefined
+\let\skipscaled = \undefined
+\let\normalfont = \undefined
+\let\normalskewchar = \undefined
+\let\normaltextfont = \undefined
+\let\normalscriptfont = \undefined
+\let\normalscriptscriptfont = \undefined
+% \let\normalinput = \undefined
+% \let\normalouter = \undefined
+%D We want a bit more statistics and some less logging info
+%D in the \type{log} file.
+% \let\normalwlog\wlog
+% \def\wlog#1{\normalwlog{system (\string\wlog) : #1}}
+%D To prevent clashes, we slightly redefine the phantom
+%D macros: we let them hide their behaviour by grouping.
+%D Somehow this one does not work ok in math mode:
+ {\bgroup
+ \ifmmode
+ \expandafter\mathpalette\expandafter\mathph@nt
+ \else
+ \expandafter\makeph@nt
+ \fi}
+ {\setbox\tw@\null
+ \ifv@ \ht\tw@\ht\z@ \dp\tw@\dp\z@ \fi
+ \ifh@ \wd\tw@\wd\z@ \fi
+ \box\tw@
+ \egroup}
+%D But this one does work.
+ {\ifmmode
+ \expandafter\mathpalette\expandafter\mathph@nt
+ \else
+ \bgroup\expandafter\makeph@nt
+ \fi}
+ {\setbox\tw@\null
+ \ifv@ \ht\tw@\ht\z@ \dp\tw@\dp\z@ \fi
+ \ifh@ \wd\tw@\wd\z@ \fi
+ \box\tw@
+ \ifmmode\else\egroup\fi}
+%D Just for tracing purposes wet set:
+%D To circumvent dependencies, we can postpone certain
+%D initializations to dumping time, by appending them to the
+%D \type {\everydump} token register.
+\newtoks \everydump
+\let\normaldump \dump
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/tabl-com.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/tabl-com.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8a0bb9e0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/tabl-com.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=tabl-com,
+%D version=2009.08.22,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Table Macros,
+%D subtitle=Common Code,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Table Macros / Common Code}
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/tabl-ltb.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/tabl-ltb.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bac2b5893
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/tabl-ltb.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,866 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=tabl-ltb,
+%D version=2002.10.31,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Table Macros,
+%D subtitle=Line Tables,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+% testfile: tfmetrics.tex
+% todo: als nx>1, dan in geval van rek tussenruimte berekenen en optellen
+% bij breedte, dus: nx nog niet gebruiken in combinatie met rek ! ! ! ! !
+% This module is experimental, undocumented, and currently only set up
+% eTeX. It provides a mechanism for typesetting very large tables,
+% spanning many pages horizontally and vertically, with repeated
+% header lines and (entry) columns, tab tracking, color, etc. In does
+% two passes over a table, which is why the table goes into a
+% buffer or file. As said, tables can be real huge.
+% \BH \BC .. \EC \BC .. \EC \EH % append
+% \BR \BC .. \EC \BC .. \EC \ER
+% or
+% \NC .. \NC .. \NC \NR (todo: optional last \NC)
+% alternative:
+% (1) direct run, save content in macro, but only if needed
+% todo
+% (2) buffered table content
+% \startbuffer
+% \startlinetablehead
+% \stoplinetablehead
+% \startlinetablebody
+% \stoplinetablebody
+% \stopbuffer
+% \processlinetablebuffer[buffer]
+% in buffer : head and body
+% (3) unbuffered run, multipass
+% - run with starting width zero / prev run
+% - clip on prev run
+% - flush real widths
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Table Macros / Line Tables}
+\chardef\linetableheadstate \zerocount
+\newbox \linetablecell
+\let\noflinetablerows \!!zerocount
+\let\noflinetablelines \!!zerocount
+\let\noflinetableparts \!!zerocount
+\let\linetablepart \!!plusone
+\let\linetablestep \!!plusone
+\let\linetableline \!!zerocount
+\let\linetablerow \!!zerocount
+\let\linetablerows \!!zerocount
+\initializetablebox \zerocount % holds repeater
+\chardef\linetablehmode \zerocount
+\chardef\linetablepage \zerocount
+ {\dotripleempty\dosetuplinetable}
+ {\ifthirdargument
+ \getparameters[\??le:#1:#2][#3]%
+ \else\ifsecondargument
+ \getparameters[\??lec#1][#2]%
+ \else
+ \getparameters[\??le][#1]%
+ \fi\fi}
+ [\c!n=\!!maxcard,
+ \c!lines=\!!maxcard,
+ \c!nx=\plusone,
+ \c!nleft=0,
+ \c!repeat=\v!yes, % when \c!nleft>0, repeat on both pages
+ \c!before=,
+ \c!after=,
+ \c!inbetween=\page,
+ \c!distance=\zeropoint,
+ \c!stretch=\v!no,
+ \c!align=\c!right,
+ \c!leftoffset=.25ex,
+ \c!rightoffset=\linetableparameter\c!leftoffset,
+ \c!maxwidth=\zeropoint,
+ \c!width=5em,
+ \c!height=\v!fit, % \v!line = faster
+ \c!background=,
+ \c!backgroundcolor=]
+ {\csname\??le#1\endcsname}
+ {\ifcsname\??lec\number\linetablecolumn#1\endcsname
+ \expandafter\firstoftwoarguments
+ \else
+ \expandafter\secondoftwoarguments
+ \fi}
+ {\csname
+ \ifcsname\??lec\number\linetablecolumn#1\endcsname
+ \??lec\number\linetablecolumn
+ \else
+ \??le
+ \fi
+ #1\endcsname}
+\def\linetablerparameter#1% faster, leaner and meaner
+ {\csname
+ \ifnum\linetablerow=\zerocount % geen ifcase
+ \ifcsname\??ler\v!header#1\endcsname
+ \??ler\v!header#1%
+ \else\ifcsname\??ler0#1\endcsname
+ \??ler0#1%
+ \else
+ \s!empty
+ \fi\fi
+ \else
+ \ifcsname\??ler\number\linetablerow#1\endcsname
+ \??ler\number\linetablerow#1%
+ \else\ifcsname\??ler\v!oddeven\linetablerow#1\endcsname
+ \??ler\v!oddeven\linetablerow#1%
+ \else
+ \s!empty
+ \fi\fi
+ \fi
+ \endcsname}
+ {\doifelse{\linetableparameter\c!lines}\v!fit
+ {% whitespace already added by vertical strut
+ \ifdim\pagegoal<\maxdimen
+ \scratchdimen\pagegoal
+ \advance\scratchdimen -\pagetotal
+ \else
+ \scratchdimen\textheight
+ \fi
+ \getrawnoflines\scratchdimen
+ \xdef\noflinetablelines{\the\noflines}
+\iflinetablepreroll \else \ifnum\noflinetablelines<\plustwo
+ \page \setnoftableslines
+\fi \fi
+ {\xdef\noflinetablelines{\linetableparameter\c!lines}}}
+ {\dosingleempty\dostartlinetablecell}
+ {\global\setbox\linetablecell\hbox\bgroup
+ \iffirstargument
+ \getparameters[\??lec\number\linetablecolumn][#1]%
+ \fi
+ \xdef\linetablestep{\linetablecparameter\c!nx}%
+ \ifcase\linetablestep\or
+ \scratchdimen\linetablecparameter\c!width
+ \scratchskip \linetablecparameter\c!distance
+ \else
+ \scratchdimen \zeropoint
+ \scratchskip \zeropoint
+ \scratchcounter\linetablecolumn
+ \dorecurse\linetablestep
+ {\advance\scratchdimen\linetablecparameter\c!width
+ %\advance\scratchskip \linetablecparameter\c!distance
+ \global\advance \linetablecolumn\plusone
+ \advance\scratchskip \linetablecparameter\c!distance
+ }%
+ \global\linetablecolumn\scratchcounter
+ \fi
+ \chardef\linetablemode
+ \iflinetablepreroll
+ \ifdim\scratchdimen>\zeropoint \zerocount \else \plustwo \fi
+ \else
+ \zerocount
+ \fi
+ \ifcase\linetablemode
+ \ifcase\linetablehmode
+ % nothing
+ \or
+ % fit, keep it simple
+ \or
+ \chardef\linetablemode\plusone % line
+ \else
+ % some already calculated height
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \setbox\scratchbox\hbox
+ \bgroup
+ \dontcomplain
+ \hskip\linetablecparameter\c!leftoffset\relax
+ % 0 = width, unknown height
+ % 1 = width, fixed height
+ % 2 = no width, auto hsize
+ \ifnum\linetablemode<\plustwo
+ \advance\scratchdimen-\linetablecparameter\c!leftoffset
+ \advance\scratchdimen-\linetablecparameter\c!rightoffset
+ \fi
+ \ifcase\linetablemode
+ \dosetraggedcommand{\linetablecparameter\c!align}%
+ \vtop \ifdim\linetableheight>\zeropoint to\linetableheight \fi \bgroup
+ \hsize\scratchdimen
+ \raggedcommand
+ \else
+ \setalignmentswitch{\linetablecparameter\c!align}%
+ \hbox \ifcase\linetablemode \or to\scratchdimen \fi \bgroup
+ \ifcase\alignmentswitch\hss\or\hss\fi
+ \fi
+ \dostartattributes{\??lec\number\linetablecolumn}\c!style\c!color\empty
+ \begstrut \ignorespaces}
+% \def\stoplinetablecell
+% {\unskip \endstrut
+% \dostopattributes
+% \ifcase\linetablemode
+% \endgraf
+% \else
+% \ifcase\alignmentswitch\else\hss\fi
+% \fi
+% \egroup
+% \hskip\linetablecparameter\c!rightoffset
+% \egroup
+% \iflinetablepreroll
+% \box\scratchbox
+% \else
+% \doif{\linetablecparameter\c!background}\v!color
+% {\backgroundline[\linetablecparameter\c!backgroundcolor]}%
+% {\box\scratchbox}%
+% \fi
+% \egroup}
+\newconditional\linetableautoheight \settrue\linetableautoheight
+ {\unskip \endstrut
+ \dostopattributes
+ \ifcase\linetablemode
+ \endgraf
+ \else
+ \ifcase\alignmentswitch\else\hss\fi
+ \fi
+ \egroup
+ \hskip\linetablecparameter\c!rightoffset
+ \egroup
+ \iflinetablepreroll
+ \box\scratchbox
+ \else
+ \doifelse{\linetablecparameter\c!background}\v!color
+ {\ifconditional\linetableautoheight
+ \hbox{\blackrule
+ [ \c!color=\linetablecparameter\c!backgroundcolor,
+ \c!height=\linetablerparameter{x\c!height},
+ \c!depth=\linetablerparameter{x\c!depth},
+ \c!width=\wd\scratchbox]%
+ \hskip-\wd\scratchbox\box\scratchbox}%
+ \else
+ \backgroundline[\linetablecparameter\c!backgroundcolor]{\box\scratchbox}%
+ \fi}%
+ {\box\scratchbox}%
+ \fi
+ \egroup}
+% \def\stoplinetablecell
+% {\unskip \endstrut
+% \dostopattributes
+% \ifcase\linetablemode
+% \endgraf
+% \else
+% \ifcase\alignmentswitch\else\hss\fi
+% \fi
+% \egroup
+% \hskip\linetablecparameter\c!rightoffset
+% \egroup
+% \iflinetablepreroll
+% \box\scratchbox
+% \else
+% \doifelse{\linetablecparameter\c!background}\v!color
+% {\ifconditional\linetableautoheight
+% % \hbox{\blackrule
+% % [ \c!color=\linetablecparameter\c!backgroundcolor,
+% % \c!height=\linetablerparameter{x\c!height},
+% % \c!depth=\linetablerparameter{x\c!depth},
+% % \c!width=\wd\scratchbox]%
+% % \hskip-\wd\scratchbox\box\scratchbox}%
+% \dp\scratchbox\linetablerparameter{x\c!depth}%
+% \ht\scratchbox\linetablerparameter{x\c!height}%
+% \framed
+% [\c!offset=\v!overlay,
+% \c!frameoffset=.5\linewidth,
+% \c!leftframe=\v!off,\c!rightframe=\v!off,
+% \c!background=\v!color,
+% \c!backgroundcolor=\linetablecparameter\c!backgroundcolor%
+% ]{\box\scratchbox}%
+% \else
+% \backgroundline[\linetablecparameter\c!backgroundcolor]{\box\scratchbox}%
+% \fi}%
+% {\box\scratchbox}%
+% \fi
+% \egroup}
+ {\global\setbox\tablebox\linetablepart
+ \ifnum\linetablepart=\zerocount
+ \box\scratchbox % just storing
+ \else
+ \vbox
+ {\ifvoid\tablebox\linetablepart\else\unvbox\tablebox\linetablepart\fi
+ \doif{\linetablerparameter\c!background}\v!color
+ {\backgroundline[\linetablerparameter\c!backgroundcolor]}%
+ {\box\scratchbox}% is also arg to \backgroundline
+ \endgraf
+ \linetablerparameter\c!after}%
+ \fi}
+ {\doglobal\increment\linetableline
+ \ifnum\linetableline<\noflinetablelines
+ % keep collecting
+ \else
+ \iflinetablepreroll
+ % forget about them
+ \else
+ \dorecurse\noflinetableparts
+ {\let\linetablepart\recurselevel
+ \dp\tablebox\linetablepart\strutdepth
+ % noindent en endgraf needed else whitespace mess-up!
+ \whitespace % here not after verticalstrut
+ \ifdim\topskipgap=\zeropoint\else
+ \verticalstrut\nobreak\kern-\struttotal\kern-\parskip\nobreak\nointerlineskip % fix topskip
+ \fi
+ \noindent\strut\hbox to \hsize{\box\tablebox\linetablepart\hss}\endgraf
+ \ifnum\linetablepart<\noflinetableparts\relax
+ \linetableparameter\c!inbetween
+ \fi}%
+ \ifnum\linetablerows<\noflinetablerows\relax
+ \linetableparameter\c!inbetween
+ \else
+ % after, later
+ \fi
+ \chardef\linetableheadstate\plusthree
+ \global\setbox\tablebox\zerocount\emptybox % here
+ \fi
+ % reset \linetablerow will be an option, currently
+ % starts at zero after split
+ \globallet\linetablerow\!!zerocount
+ \globallet\linetableline\!!zerocount
+ \global\chardef\linetablepage\zerocount
+ \global\linetablewidth\zeropoint
+ \setnoftableslines
+ \fi}
+ {\global\linetablesubcol\zerocount
+ \setbox\scratchbox\hbox\bgroup
+ \doconvertfont{\linetablerparameter\c!style}%
+ \startcolor[\linetablerparameter\c!color]%
+ \ignorespaces}
+ {\ifnum\linetablepart>\zerocount
+ \unskip \unskip % remove last intercolumn skip (distance+fill)
+ \fi
+ \stopcolor
+ \egroup
+ \iflinetablepreroll \else
+ \ifcase\linetablepart
+ % we're collecting the repeater
+ \else
+ \scratchdimen\hsize \advance\scratchdimen-\wd\scratchbox\relax
+ \ifdim\scratchdimen>\linetableparameter\c!stretch\else
+ \setbox\scratchbox\hbox to \hsize{\unhbox\scratchbox}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+ {\global\advance\linetablewidth\wd\linetablecell
+ \global\advance\linetablecolumn\linetablestep
+ \global\advance\linetablesubcol\linetablestep
+ \relax
+ %\message{\the\linetablecolumn,\the\linetablesubcol}\wait
+ % from now on the column counter is already incremented
+ \ifcase\linetablesplitstate
+ \iflinetablepreroll \else
+ \box\linetablecell
+ % the columncounter is one ahead !
+% \hskip\linetablecparameter\c!afstand
+ \hskip\scratchskip
+ \fi
+ %%%
+ \donefalse
+ \ifcase\linetablerepeat\else
+ % van te voren berekenen
+ \scratchcounter\linetablecolumn\advance\scratchcounter-\plustwo
+ \ifnum\linetablerepeat=\scratchcounter
+ \donetrue % collecting repeater
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ %%%%
+ \ifdone
+ % collecting repeater
+ \else
+ \ifnum\linetablecolumn>\getvalue{\??le::\linetablepart}\relax
+ \donetrue
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \ifdone
+ \stoplinetablepart
+ \iflinetablepreroll \else
+ \savelinetablepart
+ \fi
+ \ifcase\linetablepage \or
+ \global\chardef\linetablepage \plustwo
+ \else
+ \global\chardef\linetablepage \plusone
+ \fi
+ \doglobal\increment\linetablepart
+ \global\linetablewidth\wd\tablebox\zerocount
+ \startlinetablepart
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \donefalse
+ \!!doneafalse
+ \ifcase\linetablerepeat\else
+ % van te voren berekenen
+ \scratchcounter\linetablecolumn \advance\scratchcounter-\plustwo
+ \ifnum\linetablerepeat=\scratchcounter
+ \donetrue % collecting repeater
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \ifdone
+ \!!doneatrue
+ % collecting repeater
+ \else\ifdim\linetablewidth>\hsize
+ \donetrue
+ \else
+% \global\advance\linetablewidth\linetablecparameter\c!afstand\relax
+ \global\advance\linetablewidth\scratchskip
+ \ifdim\linetablewidth>\hsize % ?
+ \donetrue
+ \fi
+ \fi\fi
+ \ifdone
+ \stoplinetablepart
+ \savelinetablepart
+ \ifcase\linetablepage \or
+ \global\chardef\linetablepage \plustwo
+ \else
+ \global\chardef\linetablepage \plusone
+ \fi
+ \doglobal\increment\linetablepart
+ \ifnum\linetablepart>\noflinetableparts
+ \globallet\noflinetableparts\linetablepart
+ \initializetablebox\linetablepart
+ \fi
+ \global\linetablewidth\wd\linetablecell
+ \startlinetablepart
+ \if!!doneb \else \ifcase\linetablerepeat \else
+ % check for left/right page
+ \ifcase\linetablepage\donetrue\or\donetrue\or\donefalse\fi\ifdone
+ % insert repeater
+ \global\advance\linetablewidth\wd\tablebox\zerocount
+ \iflinetablepreroll\kern\wd\else\unhcopy\fi\tablebox\zerocount
+ \fi
+ \fi \fi
+ \fi
+ \iflinetablepreroll \else
+ \box\linetablecell
+ % the columncounter is one ahead !
+% \hskip\linetablecparameter\c!afstand
+% \hskip\scratchskip
+ \hskip\scratchskip
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+% \linetableparameter\c!var -> \@@levar (when no classes)
+\def\startlinetablerun % to do: quit when nested
+ {\bgroup
+ \inlinetabletrue
+ % autowidth
+ \doif{\linetableparameter\c!maxwidth}\v!fit
+ {\setuplinetable[\c!maxwidth=\zeropoint]}%
+ \processaction
+ [\linetableparameter\c!stretch]
+ [ \v!no=>{\setuplinetable[\c!stretch=\maxdimen]},% no stretch
+ \v!yes=>{\setuplinetable[\c!stretch=\zeropoint]}]% max stretch
+ \chardef\linetablerepeat\linetableparameter\c!nleft
+ \chardef\linetablesplitstate % =
+ \ifdim\linetableparameter\c!maxwidth>\zeropoint
+ \zerocount \else \plusone
+ \fi
+ % optional prevdepth correction
+ \iflinetablepreroll
+ \globallet\noflinetablerows\!!zerocount
+ \else
+ \linetableparameter\c!before
+ \fi
+ \globallet\linetablerows\!!zerocount
+ \globallet\noflinetablecolumns\!!zerocount
+ \globallet\noflinetableparts\!!zerocount
+ \!!counta\zerocount
+ \def\docommand##1%
+ {\doglobal\increment\noflinetableparts
+ \advance\!!counta##1%
+ \setxvalue{\??le::\noflinetableparts}{\the\!!counta}}%
+ \processcommacommand[\linetableparameter\c!n]\docommand
+ \initializetableboxes\noflinetableparts
+ \ifcase\linetablerepeat
+ \globallet\linetablepart\!!plusone
+ \else
+ \globallet\linetablepart\!!zerocount % repeater
+ \fi
+ \globallet\linetablestep\!!plusone
+ \globallet\linetableline\!!zerocount
+ \globallet\linetablerow \!!zerocount
+ \global\linetablecolumn \zerocount
+ \global\linetablesubcol \zerocount
+ \global\linetablewidth \zeropoint
+\iflinetablepreroll \else \ifdim\pagetotal>\zeropoint
+ \verticalstrut\kern-\struttotal
+\fi \fi
+ \setnoftableslines
+ \checklinetablepage
+ \let\BR\linetableBR
+ \let\ER\linetableER
+ \let\BH\linetableBR
+ \let\EH\linetableER
+ \let\BC\linetableBC
+ \let\EC\linetableEC
+ \let\NC\linetableNC
+ \let\NR\linetableNR
+ \flushlinetablehead}
+ {\globallet\linetableline\!!maxcard
+ \chardef\linetableheadstate\zerocount % blocked
+ \flushlinetableparts
+ \iflinetablepreroll \else
+ \linetableparameter\c!after
+ \fi
+ \globallet\linetablepart \!!zerocount
+ \globallet\noflinetableparts\!!zerocount
+ \egroup}
+% \def\checklinecolumnwidth
+% {\ifundefined{\??lew\number\linetablecolumn}%
+% \donetrue
+% \else\ifdim\getvalue{\??lew\number\linetablecolumn}<\wd\linetablecell
+% \donetrue
+% \else
+% \donefalse
+% \fi\fi
+% \ifdone
+% \setxvalue{\??lew\number\linetablecolumn}{\the\wd\linetablecell}%
+% \fi}
+% \def\checklinecolumnwidth
+% {\ifcsname\??lew\number\linetablecolumn\endcsname
+% \ifdim\csname\??lew\number\linetablecolumn\endcsname<\wd\linetablecell
+% \donetrue
+% \else
+% \donefalse
+% \fi
+% \else
+% \donetrue
+% \fi
+% \ifdone
+% \setxvalue{\??lew\number\linetablecolumn}{\the\wd\linetablecell}%
+% \fi}
+% \def\checklinecolumnwidth
+% {\expandafter\xdef\csname\??lew\number\linetablecolumn\endcsname
+% {\expandafter\ifx\csname\??lew\number\linetablecolumn\endcsname\relax
+% \the\wd\linetablecell
+% \else\ifdim\csname\??lew\number\linetablecolumn\endcsname<\wd\linetablecell
+% \the\wd\linetablecell
+% \else
+% \csname\??lew\number\linetablecolumn\endcsname
+% \fi\fi}}
+ {\expandafter\xdef\csname#1\number#3\endcsname
+ {\expandafter\ifx\csname#1\number#3\endcsname\relax
+ \the#2\linetablecell
+ \else\ifdim\csname#1\number#3\endcsname<#2\linetablecell
+ \the#2\linetablecell
+ \else
+ \csname#1\number#3\endcsname
+ \fi\fi}}
+\def\checklinecolumnwidth {\checklinecolumndimension\??lew\wd\linetablecolumn}
+\def\checklinecolumndepth {\checklinecolumndimension\??led\dp\linetablerow}
+ {\dosingleempty\dolinetableBR}
+\def\dolinetableBR[#1]% #1 not yet implemented
+ {\ifnum\linetableheadstate=1\else
+ \doglobal\increment\linetablerow
+ \doglobal\increment\linetablerows
+ \fi
+ \global\linetablecolumn\plusone
+ \global\linetablesubcol\plusone
+% \linetableheight\linetablerparameter\c!height
+% \ifx\linetableheight\empty
+% % nothing
+% \else\ifx\linetableheight\v!fit
+% % keep it simple
+% \else\ifx\linetableheight\v!line
+% \chardef\linetablemode\plusone
+% \else
+% \!!heighta\linetableheight
+% \advance\!!heighta-\strutdepth
+% \fi\fi\fi
+ \linetableheight\zeropoint
+ \edef\!!stringa{\linetablerparameter\c!height}%
+ \ifx\!!stringa\empty
+ \chardef\linetablehmode\zerocount
+ \else\ifx\!!stringa\v!fit
+ \chardef\linetablehmode\plusone
+ \else\ifx\!!stringa\v!line
+ \chardef\linetablehmode\plustwo
+ \else
+ \linetableheight\!!stringa
+ \advance\linetableheight-\strutdepth
+ \fi\fi\fi
+ \startlinetablepart}
+ {\startlinetablecell}
+ {\stoplinetablecell
+ \iflinetablepreroll
+ \checklinecolumnwidth
+ \checklinecolumnheight
+ \checklinecolumndepth
+ \fi
+ \checklinetablepart}
+ {% \stoplinetablecell
+ % no \box\linetablecell, i.e. dummy columnn, last \NC \NR
+ \stoplinetablepart
+ \savelinetablepart
+ \advance\linetablecolumn \minusone
+ \ifnum\linetablecolumn>\noflinetablecolumns
+ \xdef\noflinetablecolumns{\number\linetablecolumn}%
+ \fi
+ \flushlinetableparts
+ \global\linetablecolumn\zerocount
+ \global\linetablewidth \zeropoint
+ \ifcase\linetablerepeat
+ \globallet\linetablepart\!!plusone
+ \else
+ \globallet\linetablepart\!!zerocount % repeater
+ \fi
+ \checklinetablepage
+ \flushlinetablehead}
+ {\global\chardef\linetablepage\zerocount
+ \ifcase\linetablerepeat \else \ifcase\linetablepage
+ \doif{\linetableparameter\c!repeat}\v!no
+ {\global\chardef\linetablepage\doifoddpageelse\plusone\plustwo}%
+ \fi \fi}
+ {\ifcase\linetableheadstate
+ % 0 blocked
+ \or
+ % 1 doing head
+ \or
+ % 2 head done
+ \or
+ % 3 trigger flush
+ \chardef\linetableheadstate\plusone
+ \the\@@linetablehead\relax
+ \chardef\linetableheadstate\plustwo
+ \fi}
+\def\linetableNC % first time special treatment
+ {\relax
+ \ifcase\linetablecolumn
+ \linetableBR
+ \else
+ \linetableEC
+ \fi
+ \linetableBC} % beware, this will result in BR BC EC BC NR
+ {\stoplinetablecell % dummy
+ \linetableER}
+ {\startlinetablerun}
+ {\stoplinetablerun}
+ {\bgroup
+ \linetableprerolltrue
+ \trialtypesettingtrue
+ \startlinetablerun}
+ {\stoplinetablerun
+ \egroup
+ \globallet\noflinetablerows\linetablerows
+ \dorecurse\noflinetablerows % global, from last run {\linetableparameter\c!n}
+ {%\writestatus{linetable}{\recurselevel->\getvalue{\??lew\recurselevel}}%
+ \setevalue{\??ler\recurselevel x\c!height}{\getvalue{\??leh\recurselevel}}%
+ \setevalue{\??ler\recurselevel x\c!depth }{\getvalue{\??led\recurselevel}}%
+ \letgvalue{\??leh\recurselevel}\!!zeropoint
+ \letgvalue{\??led\recurselevel}\!!zeropoint}
+ \dorecurse\noflinetablecolumns % global, from last run {\linetableparameter\c!n}
+ {%\writestatus{linetable}{\recurselevel->\getvalue{\??lew\recurselevel}}%
+ \setevalue{\??lec\recurselevel\c!width}{\getvalue{\??lew\recurselevel}}%
+ \letgvalue{\??lew\recurselevel}\!!zeropoint}} % init next table
+% todo: store in box instead of macro
+\newtoks \@@linetablehead
+ {\ifinlinetable
+ \@@linetablehead\emptytoks
+ \fi
+ \chardef\linetableheadstate3 % full
+ \@@linetablehead{#1}%
+ \ifinlinetable
+ \flushlinetablehead
+ \fi}
+ {\ifx\EC\relax
+ % signal, grabbing lines
+ \else
+ \@@linetablehead\emptytoks
+ \fi
+ \pushmacro\BC
+ \pushmacro\EC
+ \def\BC##1\EC{\appendtoks##1\to\@@linetablehead}%
+ \let\EC\relax} % signal
+ {\popmacro\EC
+ \popmacro\BC
+ \@EA\startlinetablehead\the\@@linetablehead\stoplinetablehead}
+\let\stoplinetablebody \donothing
+ {\dosingleempty\doprocesslinetablebuffer}
+ {\bgroup
+ \let\startlinetable\donothing
+ \let\stoplinetable \donothing
+ \startlinetableanalysis\getbuffer[#1]\stoplinetableanalysis
+ \startlinetablerun \getbuffer[#1]\stoplinetablerun
+ \egroup}
+ {\bgroup
+ \let\startlinetable\donothing
+ \let\stoplinetable \donothing
+ \startlinetableanalysis\readfile{#1}\donothing\donothing\stoplinetableanalysis
+ \startlinetablerun \readfile{#1}\donothing\donothing\stoplinetablerun
+ \egroup}
+% will go away:
+ {\bgroup
+ \let\startlinetable\donothing
+ \let\stoplinetable \donothing
+ \startlinetableanalysis\processXMLfile{#1}\stoplinetableanalysis
+ \startlinetablerun \processXMLfile{#1}\stoplinetablerun
+ \egroup}
+\protect \endinput
+\setuplinetable[n=6,m={2,2,2},lines=25] % m ?
+\setuplinetable[c][1] [width=2cm,background=color,backgroundcolor=red]
+\setuplinetable[c][4] [width=3cm,background=color,backgroundcolor=yellow]
+\setuplinetable[c][6] [width=3cm,background=color,backgroundcolor=magenta]
+\setuplinetable[r][odd] [background=color,backgroundcolor=gray]
+\showframe \showstruts
+\NC aaa\crlf aaa \NC bb \NC c \NC ddddd \NC eeee \NC ff \NC \NR
+\dorecurse{100}{\NC aaa \NC bb \NC c \NC ddddd \NC eeee \NC ff \NC \NR}
+\NC[style=slanted,color=green,background=color,backgroundcolor=darkred,nx=2,uitlijnen=middle] xxx
+ \NC yy \NC ddddd \NC eeee \NC ff \NC \NR
+\dorecurse{100}{\NC aaa \NC bb \NC c \NC ddddd \NC eeee \NC ff \NC \NR}
+% \startbuffer[lt]
+% \NC aaa\crlf aaa \NC bb \NC c \NC ddddd \NC ee \NC ff \NC \NR
+% \NC aaa\crlf aaa \NC b \NC cc \NC ddd \NC eeee \NC f \NC \NR
+% \stopbuffer
+% \processlinetablebuffer[lt]
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/tabl-ntb.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/tabl-ntb.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fbf43eb1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/tabl-ntb.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,1611 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=core-ntb,
+%D version=2000.04.18,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Table Macros,
+%D subtitle=Natural Tables,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D This is an unfinished, preliminary module. At least two
+%D runs are needed to get the table fixed. Ugly code.
+% todo: special parsetb for argless variant
+% todo: protect \tbl...
+% todo: tblnx also count
+% todo: get rid of recurse
+% todo: fast if
+% todo: avoid halign (just do it manual) and thereby globals
+% optie=rek beschrijven
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Table Macros / Natural Tables}
+%D As always, this is the nth version. Much time went in
+%D trying to speed up the many cell calculations, some
+%D optimizations were rejected in order not to complicate this
+%D module too much (and in order to prevail extensibility).
+% shapebox fails here in mkii
+% \setupcolors[state=start]
+% \bTABLE
+% \bTR [align=middle]\bTH Range\eTH{}\bTH Value\eTH{}\eTR
+% \bTR \bTD \type{<} 12\eTD{}\bTD 3\eTD{}\eTR
+% \bTR \bTD 12--16\eTD{}\bTD 2\eTD{}\eTR
+% \bTR \bTD \type{>}16\eTD{}\bTD 1\eTD{}\eTR
+% \eTABLE
+% \starttext
+% \placefigure[left]{}{}
+% \startlinecorrection \dontleavehmode \bTABLE
+% \bTR \bTD oeps \eTD \eTR
+% \eTABLE
+% \stoplinecorrection
+% \placefigure[right]{}{}
+% \startlinecorrection \dontleavehmode \bTABLE
+% \bTR \bTD oeps \eTD \eTR
+% \eTABLE
+% \stoplinecorrection
+% \stoptext
+%D To Do:
+%D \starttyping
+%D splitsen = ja | herhaal => als nofTH>1 then ja als herhaal
+%D \stoptyping
+%D To Do:
+%D \starttyping
+%D break over pagina
+%D kop herhalen
+%D reset settings
+%D \setupTABLE [c|column|x] [nx|odd|even|first|last][a=b]
+%D \setupTABLE [r|row |y] [nx|odd|even|first|last][a=b]
+%D \setupTABLE [nx|odd|even|first|last][ny|odd|even|first|last][a=b]
+%D \setupTABLE [nx|odd|even|first|last] [a=b]
+%D \setupTABLE [a=b]
+%D \bTH \eTH
+%D \stoptyping
+% the section setup does not work yet, data needs to be stored,
+% i.e.each row should know if it's a head/body/foot, and there
+% should be \setupTABLE[head]... and alike
+%D A simple way to force equal line spacing is to say:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\bTBLCELL{\begstrut}
+%D \def\eTBLCELL{\endstrut}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D However, the next alternative also takes care of preceding
+%D and following white space.
+% \def\bTBLCELL % why not \doinhibitblank
+% {\inhibitblank\doconvertfont\tbltblstyle\empty\everypar{\delayedbegstrut}}
+% \def\eTBLCELL
+% {\ifhmode
+% \delayedendstrut
+% \par % added 13/4/2006
+% \else
+% \par
+% \ifdim\prevdepth<\zeropoint % =-1000pt ?
+% \vskip-\strutdp
+% \else
+% \removebottomthings
+% \fi
+% \fi}
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \bTABLE[left={(},right={)},top=\startnarrower,bottom=\stopnarrower]
+%D \bTR \bTD something \eTD \eTR
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer \getbuffer
+\def\bTBLCELL % why not \doinhibitblank
+ {\inhibitblank
+ \doconvertfont\tbltblstyle\empty
+ \everypar{\tbltblleft\delayedbegstrut}}
+ {\ifhmode
+ \delayedendstrut
+ \tbltblright
+ \par % added 13/4/2006
+ \else
+ % not sure yet:\tbltblright
+ \par
+ \ifdim\prevdepth<\zeropoint % =-1000pt ?
+ \vskip-\strutdp
+ \else
+ \removebottomthings
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+\def\@@tbl{tbl} \def\tblcell{1} \def\tblnone{2}
+\def\@@tblprefix{tbl:} \let\@@rawtblprefix\@@tblprefix
+%D This should be done more efficient: soon
+% \let as well as \expandafter\edef's
+\def\@@tblprefix{\@@tbl:\ifnum\TBLlevel>1 :\TBLlevel:\fi}
+% \def\tblsetprefix % not yet used, figure out when .. may interfere with setup
+% {\edef\@@tblprefix{\@@tbl:\ifnum\TBLlevel>1 :\TBLlevel:\fi}}
+\def\settblwd#1#2{\expandafter\xdef\csname\@@tblprefix\number#1:\number#2:wd\endcsname} % global !
+\def\settblht#1#2{\expandafter\xdef\csname\@@tblprefix\number#1:\number#2:ht\endcsname} % global !
+\def\lettblwd#1#2{\global\expandafter\let\csname\@@tblprefix\number#1:\number#2:wd\endcsname} % global !
+\def\lettblht#1#2{\global\expandafter\let\csname\@@tblprefix\number#1:\number#2:ht\endcsname} % global !
+\def\gettblwd #1#2{\csname\@@tblprefix\number#1:\number#2:wd\endcsname}
+\def\gettblht #1#2{\csname\@@tblprefix\number#1:\number#2:ht\endcsname}
+\def\settblwid#1{\expandafter\xdef\csname\@@tblprefix\number#1:w\endcsname} % {#2} global !
+\def\settblhei#1{\expandafter\xdef\csname\@@tblprefix\number#1:h\endcsname} % {#2} global !
+\def\settbldis#1{\expandafter\xdef\csname\@@tblprefix\number#1:d\endcsname} % {#2} global !
+\def\settblaut#1{\expandafter\xdef\csname\@@tblprefix\number#1:a\endcsname} % {#2} global !
+\def\lettblwid#1{\global\expandafter\let\csname\@@tblprefix\number#1:w\endcsname} % {#2} global !
+\def\lettblhei#1{\global\expandafter\let\csname\@@tblprefix\number#1:h\endcsname} % {#2} global !
+\def\lettbldis#1{\global\expandafter\let\csname\@@tblprefix\number#1:d\endcsname} % {#2} global !
+\def\lettblaut#1{\global\expandafter\let\csname\@@tblprefix\number#1:a\endcsname} % {#2} global !
+\def\gettblaut#1{\csname \@@tblprefix\number#1:a\endcsname}
+\def\doiftbltag #1#2{\ifcsname\@@tblprefix\number#1:\number#2:s\endcsname\@EA\firstofoneargument \else\@EA\gobbleoneargument \fi}
+\def\doifnottbltag #1#2{\ifcsname\@@tblprefix\number#1:\number#2:s\endcsname\@EA\gobbleoneargument \else\@EA\firstofoneargument \fi}
+\def\doiftblrow #1#2{\ifcsname\@@tblprefix\number#1:\number#2:r\endcsname\@EA\firstofoneargument \else\@EA\gobbleoneargument \fi}
+\def\doiftblcol #1#2{\ifcsname\@@tblprefix\number#1:\number#2:c\endcsname\@EA\firstofoneargument \else\@EA\gobbleoneargument \fi}
+\def\doifnottblcol #1#2{\ifcsname\@@tblprefix\number#1:\number#2:c\endcsname\@EA\gobbleoneargument \else\@EA\firstofoneargument \fi}
+\def\settblspn #1{\expandafter\let\csname\@@tblprefix\number#1:s\endcsname \!!plusone}
+\def\doifelsetblspn#1{\doifelse {\csname\@@tblprefix\number#1:s\endcsname}\!!plusone}
+% \def\doifelsetblspn#1{\@EA\ifx\csname\@@tblprefix\number#1:s\endcsname\plusone\@EA\firstoftwoarguments\else\@EA\secondoftwoarguments\fi}
+\def\settblspn #1{\setvalue {\@@tblprefix\number#1:s}{1}}
+% \long\def\settbltxt#1#2#3%
+% {\setxvalue{\@@tblprefix#1:#2:l}{\TBLlevel}%
+% \long\setvalue{\@@tblprefix#1:#2:t}%
+% {\doifdefined{\@@tblprefix#1:#2:l}
+% {\edef\TBLlevel{\getvalue{\@@tblprefix#1:#2:l}}}%
+% #3}}
+ {\long\@EA\def\csname\@@tblprefix\number#1:\number#2:t\@EA\endcsname\@EA{\@EA\def\@EA\TBLlevel\@EA{\TBLlevel}#3}}
+ {\csname\@@tblprefix\number#1:\number#2:t\endcsname}
+\let\popTBLparameters \relax
+\newif\ifsqueezeTBLspan \squeezeTBLspantrue % spans one column cell over multi column par cells
+\newif\ifautosqueezeTBLspan \autosqueezeTBLspantrue % unless explicit widths are given
+\newif\ifautoTBLspread \autoTBLspreadfalse
+\newif\ifautoTBLhsize \autoTBLhsizetrue
+\newif\ifautoTBLrowspan \autoTBLrowspantrue
+\newif\ifautoTBLemptycell \autoTBLemptycelltrue
+\newif\ifautoTBLcheckwidth \autoTBLcheckwidthtrue
+\newif\ifappendTBLsetups \appendTBLsetupstrue
+\newif\ifenableTBLbreak \enableTBLbreakfalse
+\newif\ifmultipleTBLheads \multipleTBLheadsfalse
+\newif\iftraceTABLE \traceTABLEfalse
+ {\dotripleempty\dosetupTABLE}
+ {\ifthirdargument
+ \processaction
+ [#1]
+ [ \v!row=>{\dosetupTABLExy[\c!y][#2][#3]},%
+ \v!column=>{\dosetupTABLExy[\c!x][#2][#3]},%
+ r=>{\dosetupTABLExy[\c!y][#2][#3]},%
+ c=>{\dosetupTABLExy[\c!x][#2][#3]},%
+ y=>{\dosetupTABLExy[\c!y][#2][#3]},%
+ x=>{\dosetupTABLExy[\c!x][#2][#3]},%
+ \v!start=>{\dosetupTABLExy[#1][#2][#3]},%
+ \v!header=>{\dosetupTABLExy[#1][#2][#3]},%
+ \s!unknown=>{\dosetupTABLEzz[#1][#2][#3]}]%
+ \else\ifsecondargument
+ \processaction
+ [#1]
+ [ \v!row=>{\dosetupTABLExy[\c!y][\v!each][#2]},%
+ \v!column=>{\dosetupTABLExy[\c!x][\v!each][#2]},%
+ r=>{\dosetupTABLExy[\c!y][\v!each][#2]},%
+ c=>{\dosetupTABLExy[\c!x][\v!each][#2]},%
+ y=>{\dosetupTABLExy[\c!y][\v!each][#2]},%
+ x=>{\dosetupTABLExy[\c!x][\v!each][#2]},%
+ \v!start=>{\dosetupTABLExy[#1][\v!each][#2]},%
+ \v!header=>{\dosetupTABLExy[#1][\v!each][#2]},%
+ \s!unknown=>{\dosetupTABLEzz[\c!x][#1][#2]}]%
+ \else
+ \getparameters[\@@tbl\@@tbl][#1]%
+ \fi\fi}
+ {\def\dodosetupTABLE##1{\setTABLEparameters[#1##1][#3]}%
+ \processcommalist[#2]\dodosetupTABLE}
+ {\def\dodosetupTABLE##1%
+ {\def\dododosetupTABLE####1{\setTABLEparameters[\c!x##1\c!y####1][#3]}%
+ \processcommalist[#2]\dododosetupTABLE}%
+ \processcommalist[#1]\dodosetupTABLE}
+ {\letvalue{\@@tblprefix#1}\empty}
+ {\pushTBLparameters
+ \ifappendTBLsetups
+ \doifdefinedelse{\@@tblprefix#1}
+ {\def\getTABLEparameters[##1][##2]%
+ {\setvalue{\@@tblprefix#1}{\getTABLEparameters[\@@tbl\@@tbl][##2,#2]}}%
+ \getvalue{\@@tblprefix#1}%
+ \let\getTABLEparameters\getparameters}
+ {\setvalue{\@@tblprefix#1}{\getTABLEparameters[\@@tbl\@@tbl][#2]}}%
+ \else
+ \setvalue{\@@tblprefix#1}{\getTABLEparameters[\@@tbl\@@tbl][#2]}%
+ \fi
+ \popTBLparameters}
+% % \setupTABLE [y] [first][background=color,backgroundcolor=blue,frame=off,bottomframe=on,topframe=on,framecolor=white]
+% \setupTABLE [first][first][backgroundcorner=2,corner=10,frame=on]
+% \setupTABLE [last] [first][backgroundcorner=4,corner=12,frame=on]
+% \setupTABLE [row] [each] [background=color,backgroundcolor=blue,frame=on,framecolor=white]
+% \setupTABLE [first][2] [corner=8]
+% \setupTABLE [last] [2] [corner=5]
+% \setupTABLE [first][last] [corner=7]
+% \setupTABLE [last] [last] [corner=6]
+% \startTEXpage
+% \bTABLE[frame=off,align=middle]
+% \bTR \bTD one \eTD \bTD two \eTD \bTD three \eTD \eTR
+% \bTR \bTD first \eTD \bTD second \eTD \bTD third \eTD \eTR
+% \bTR \bTD alpha \eTD \bTD beta \eTD \bTD gamma \eTD \eTR
+% \eTABLE
+% \stopTEXpage
+% \setupTABLE [first] [two][corner=2] % special case
+% \setupTABLE [last] [two][corner=4] % special case
+% % % \setupTABLE [one] [first] ... special case of span
+% \startTEXpage
+% \bTABLE[frame=off,align=middle]
+% \bTR \bTD one \eTD \bTD two \eTD \bTD three \eTD \eTR
+% \bTR \bTD first \eTD \bTD second \eTD \bTD third \eTD \eTR
+% \eTABLE
+% \stopTEXpage
+\def\setupTBLcell#1#2% cell over col over row
+ {\setupTBLsection % already forgotten
+ \edef\positiverow{\number#1}%
+ \edef\positivecol{\number#2}%
+ \edef\negativerow{\the\numexpr-\maximumrow+#1+\minusone\relax}%
+ \edef\negativecol{\the\numexpr-\maximumcol+#2+\minusone\relax}%
+ % each each
+ \csname\@@tblprefix\c!x\v!each\c!y\v!each\endcsname
+ \csname\@@tblprefix\c!y\v!each\endcsname
+ \csname\@@tblprefix\c!x\v!each\endcsname
+ % odd even
+ \csname\@@tblprefix\c!y\v!oddeven\positiverow\endcsname
+ \csname\@@tblprefix\c!x\v!oddeven\positivecol\endcsname
+ \csname\@@tblprefix\c!x\v!oddeven\positivecol\c!y\v!oddeven\positiverow\endcsname
+ % row/col number combinations
+ \ifcsname\@@tblprefix\c!y\positiverow\endcsname\csname\@@tblprefix\c!y\positiverow\endcsname\fi
+ \ifcsname\@@tblprefix\c!y\negativerow\endcsname\csname\@@tblprefix\c!y\negativerow\endcsname\fi
+ \csname\@@tbl\@@tbl\c!extras\endcsname
+ \@EA\let\csname\@@tbl\@@tbl\c!extras\endcsname\relax % new, see x-fo
+ \ifcsname\@@tblprefix\c!x\positivecol\endcsname\csname\@@tblprefix\c!x\positivecol\endcsname\fi
+ \ifcsname\@@tblprefix\c!x\negativecol\endcsname\csname\@@tblprefix\c!x\negativecol\endcsname\fi
+ \csname\@@tbl\@@tbl\c!extras\endcsname
+ \@EA\let\csname\@@tbl\@@tbl\c!extras\endcsname\relax % new, see x-fo
+ % first/last combinations
+ \ifnum\positiverow=\plusone
+ \csname\@@tblprefix\c!y\v!first\endcsname
+ \ifcsname\@@tblprefix\c!x\positivecol\c!y\v!first\endcsname\csname\@@tblprefix\c!x\positivecol\c!y\v!first\endcsname\fi
+ \fi
+ \ifnum\positivecol=\plusone
+ \csname\@@tblprefix\c!x\v!first\endcsname
+ \ifcsname\@@tblprefix\c!x\v!first\c!y\positiverow\endcsname\csname\@@tblprefix\c!x\v!first\c!y\positiverow\endcsname\fi
+ \fi
+ \ifnum\positiverow=\maximumrow\relax
+ \csname\@@tblprefix\c!y\v!last\endcsname
+ \ifcsname\@@tblprefix\c!x\positivecol\c!y\v!last\endcsname\csname\@@tblprefix\c!x\positivecol\c!y\v!last\endcsname\fi
+ \fi
+ \ifnum\positivecol=\maximumcol\relax
+ \csname\@@tblprefix\c!x\v!last\endcsname
+ \ifcsname\@@tblprefix\c!x\v!last\c!y\positiverow\endcsname\csname\@@tblprefix\c!x\v!last\c!y\positiverow\endcsname\fi
+ \fi
+ \ifnum\positiverow=\maximumrow\relax \ifnum\positivecol=\maximumcol\relax
+ \csname\@@tblprefix\c!x\v!last\c!y\v!last\endcsname
+ \fi\fi
+ \ifnum\positiverow=\plusone \ifnum\positivecol=\plusone
+ \csname\@@tblprefix\c!x\v!first\c!y\v!first\endcsname
+ \fi\fi
+ \ifnum\positiverow=\plusone \ifnum\positivecol=\maximumcol\relax
+ \csname\@@tblprefix\c!x\v!last\c!y\v!first\endcsname
+ \fi\fi
+ \ifnum\positiverow=\maximumrow\relax \ifnum\positivecol=\plusone
+ \csname\@@tblprefix\c!x\v!first\c!y\v!last\endcsname
+ \fi\fi
+ % special case: two rows and last row : two&first and two&last (round corners)
+ \ifnum\maximumrow=\plustwo\relax
+ \ifnum\positiverow=\maximumrow\relax \ifnum\positivecol=\plusone
+ \csname\@@tblprefix\c!x\v!first\c!y\v!two\endcsname
+ \fi\fi
+ \ifnum\positiverow=\maximumrow\relax \ifnum\positivecol=\maximumcol\relax
+ \csname\@@tblprefix\c!x\v!last\c!y\v!two\endcsname
+ \fi\fi
+ \fi
+ \ifnum\gettblcol\positiverow\positivecol=\maximumcol\relax % top span over whole width
+ \ifnum\positiverow=\plusone
+ \csname\@@tblprefix\c!x\v!one\c!y\v!first\endcsname
+ \fi
+ \ifnum\positiverow=\maximumrow\relax
+ \csname\@@tblprefix\c!x\v!one\c!y\v!last\endcsname
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ % header things
+ \ifnum#1>\noftblhdnxlines\else
+ \ifcsname\@@tblprefix\v!header\v!each \endcsname\csname\@@tblprefix\v!header\v!each \endcsname\fi
+ \ifcsname\@@tblprefix\v!header\positivecol\endcsname\csname\@@tblprefix\v!header\positivecol\endcsname\fi
+ \fi
+ % explicit cells
+ \ifcsname\@@tblprefix\c!x\positivecol\c!y\positiverow\endcsname\csname\@@tblprefix\c!x\positivecol\c!y\positiverow\endcsname\fi
+ \ifcsname\@@tblprefix\c!x\negativecol\c!y\negativerow\endcsname\csname\@@tblprefix\c!x\negativecol\c!y\negativerow\endcsname\fi
+ % done
+ \global\letcscsname\@@tblsplitafter \csname\@@tbl\@@tbl\c!after \endcsname
+ \global\letcscsname\@@tblsplitbefore \csname\@@tbl\@@tbl\c!before \endcsname
+ \global\letcscsname\@@tblsplitsamepage\csname\@@tbl\@@tbl\c!samepage\endcsname
+ \relax}
+% we cannot use +n (checking on number/last/first would slow down too much)
+% \setupTABLE[r] [2][color=red]
+% \setupTABLE[r] [-2][color=red]
+% \setupTABLE[c] [2][color=green]
+% \setupTABLE[c] [-2][color=green]
+% \setupTABLE[4] [4][color=blue]
+% \setupTABLE[-4][-4][color=blue]
+% \bTABLE
+% \dorecurse{10}{\bTR \dorecurse{6}{\bTD xxx \eTD} \eTR}
+% \eTABLE
+\globallet\@@tblsplitafter \relax
+\globallet\@@tblsplitbefore \relax
+% split + page:
+% \bTABLE[split=yes]
+% \bTR \bTD left \eTD\bTD right \eTD\eTR
+% \bTR[after=\page] \bTD left \eTD\bTD right \eTD\eTR
+% \bTR \bTD left \eTD\bTD right \eTD\eTR
+% \eTABLE
+% todo: protect counters
+\newcount\row \newcount\col
+\newcount\xrow \newcount\xcol
+\newcount\xxrow \newcount\xxcol
+\newcount\maximumrow \newcount\maximumcol \newcount\maximumrowspan
+ \newcount\currentcol
+\def\parseTR[#1][#2]% [#2] is dummy that kills spaces / no #3 argument
+ {\currentcol\zerocount
+ \advance\maximumrow\plusone
+ \iffirstargument\setTABLEparameters[\c!y\number\maximumrow][#1]\fi}
+\long\def\parseTD[#1][#2]#3\eTD % [#2] is dummy that kills spaces
+ {\def\tblny{\tblnr}%
+ \def\tblnx{\tblnc}%
+ \let\tblnc\plusone
+ \let\tblnr\plusone
+ \let\tbln\currentcol
+ \let\tblm\empty
+ \iffirstargument
+ \getparameters[\@@tbl][#1]%
+ \fi
+ % goto first cell % NEW, n/m=cellnumber
+ \edef\@@tblnindeed{\csname\@@tbl\c!n\endcsname}%
+ \ifx\@@tblnindeed\empty
+ \global\advance\tblspn\tblnx\relax
+ \else\ifnum\@@tblnindeed=\currentcol\else
+ \scratchcounter\numexpr\@@tblnindeed-\currentcol+\minusone-\tblspn\relax
+ \ifnum\scratchcounter>\zerocount
+ \expanded{\parseTD[\c!nx=\the\scratchcounter,\c!n=,\c!m=,*sq=\v!no][]}\eTD
+ \fi
+ % can also be made faster
+ \getparameters[\@@tbl][\c!ny=\tblnr,\c!nx=\tblnc,nc=1,nr=1,#1,\c!n=,\c!m=]%
+ \fi\fi
+ \edef\@@tblmindeed{\csname\@@tbl\c!m\endcsname}%
+ \ifx\@@tblmindeed\empty \else
+ \ifnum\@@tblmindeed=\currentcol \else
+ \scratchcounter\numexpr\@@tblmindeed-\currentcol+\minusone-\tblspn\relax
+ \dorecurse\scratchcounter{\expanded{\parseTD[\c!n=,\c!m=][]}\eTD}%
+ % can be sped up
+ \getparameters[\@@tbl][\c!ny=\tblnr,\c!nx=\tblnc,nc=1,nr=1,#1,\c!n=,\c!m=]%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \doloop % skip over columns that result from earlier span
+ {\advance\currentcol\plusone
+ \doifnottbltag\maximumrow\currentcol\exitloop}%
+ % == \def\next{\advance\currentcol\plusone\doiftbltag\maximumrow\currentcol\next}\next
+ % fill r*c cells and set span
+ \ifnum\tblnx=\plusone
+ \ifnum\tblny=\plusone
+ \ifnum\currentcol>\maximumcol\relax
+ \maximumcol\currentcol
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \presetTBLcell
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \presetTBLcell
+ \fi
+ % set values
+ \lettbltag\maximumrow\currentcol\tblcell
+ \settblcol\maximumrow\currentcol{\number\tblnx}%
+ \settblrow\maximumrow\currentcol{\number\tblny}%
+ \settblref\maximumrow\currentcol{\ifcsname\@@tbl\c!action\endcsname\csname\@@tbl\c!action\endcsname\fi}%
+ % save text
+ \edef\celltag{{\number\maximumrow}{\number\currentcol}}%
+ \@EA\settbltxt\@EA\maximumrow\@EA\currentcol\@EA{\@EA\handleTBLcell\celltag[#1]{#3}}}
+ {\row\maximumrow
+ \col\currentcol
+ \dorecurse\tblny
+ {\col\currentcol
+ \settblcol\row\col{\number\tblnx}%
+ \ifnum\tblnx>\maximumrowspan\relax
+ \maximumrowspan\tblnx
+ \fi
+ \dorecurse\tblnx
+ {\lettbltag\row\col\tblnone
+ \advance\col\plusone}%
+ \advance\row\plusone}%
+ % check max column
+ \advance\col\minusone
+ \ifnum\col>\maximumcol\relax
+ \maximumcol\col
+ \fi}
+%D The usage of n and m:
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \bTABLE[width=3em]
+%D \bTR\bTD d1 \eTD\bTD[n=2] d2 \eTD\bTD[n=5] d5 \eTD\bTD[n=7] d7 \eTD\eTR
+%D \bTR\bTD f1 \eTD\bTD[n=4] f4 \eTD\bTD[n=5] f5 \eTD\bTD[n=7] f7 \eTD\eTR
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer \getbuffer
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \bTABLE[width=3em]
+%D \bTR\bTD d1 \eTD\bTD[m=2] d2 \eTD\bTD[m=5] d5 \eTD\bTD[m=7] d7 \eTD\eTR
+%D \bTR\bTD f1 \eTD\bTD[m=4] f4 \eTD\bTD[m=5] f5 \eTD\bTD[m=7] f7 \eTD\eTR
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer \getbuffer
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \bTABLE[frame=on]
+%D \bTR \bTH[nc=3] One \eTH \bTH[m=4] Four \eTH\eTR
+%D \bTR \bTD a \eTD\bTD b \eTD\bTD c \eTD\bTD d \eTD\eTR
+%D \bTABLE[frame=on]
+%D \bTR \bTH[nr=2] One \eTH \bTH[m=3] Three \eTH\eTR
+%D \bTR \bTD[m=3] a \eTD\bTD b \eTD\bTD c \eTD\bTD d \eTD\eTR
+%D \bTR \bTD[m=3] a \eTD\bTD b \eTD\bTD c \eTD\bTD d \eTD\eTR
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer \getbuffer
+ {\parseTD[#1,\c!color=\tbltblheadcolor,\c!style=\tbltblheadstyle,\c!aligncharacter=\v!no]#2\eTD}
+%D new
+ {\parseTD[#1]\digits#2\relax\eTD}
+%D Vit Zyka needed the option to create a distance between columns, so I
+%D added support for individual column distances.
+%D \startbuffer
+%D % \setupTABLE[c][each][distance=2em]
+%D \setupTABLE[c][1][distance=2em]
+%D \setupTABLE[c][2][distance=3em]
+%D \bTR \bTD test \eTD \bTD test \eTD \bTD test \eTD \eTR
+%D \bTR \bTD[nx=2] test \eTD \bTD test \eTD \eTR
+%D \bTR \bTD test \eTD \bTD[nx=2] test \eTD \eTR
+%D \bTABLE[option=stretch]
+%D \bTR \bTD test \eTD \bTD test \eTD \bTD test \eTD \eTR
+%D \bTR \bTD[nx=2] test \eTD \bTD test \eTD \eTR
+%D \bTR \bTD test \eTD \bTD[nx=2] test \eTD \eTR
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer \startlinecorrection \getbuffer \stoplinecorrection
+%D and he provided patches for the global left and right margin distances
+%D as well as the columndistance (although i changed the names -). Here
+%D is his testcase:
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \framed[offset=overlay]\bgroup
+%D \setupTABLE[column][2][align=left]%
+%D \setupTABLE[column][3][align=right]%
+%D \bTABLE[columndistance=2cm,leftmargindistance=.3cm,rightmargindistance=.5cm]
+%D \bTR \bTH[nc=3] Table head\eTH \eTR
+%D \bTR \bTD[nc=2] AB\eTD \bTD C\eTD \eTR
+%D \bTR \bTD[nc=2,align=left] AB\eTD \bTD C\eTD \eTR
+%D \bTR \bTD[nc=2,align=middle] AB\eTD \bTD C\eTD \eTR
+%D \bTR \bTD A\eTD \bTD B\eTD \bTD C\eTD \eTR
+%D \bTR \bTD Aa\eTD \bTD Bb\eTD \bTD Cccc\eTD \eTR
+%D \bTR \bTD[nc=3,align=middle] ABC\eTD \eTR
+%D \egroup
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer \startlinecorrection \getbuffer \stoplinecorrection
+% to be done: head <raw> foot, dus state var
+\unexpanded\def\bTABLEhead{\dosingleempty\doTABLEhead} \let\eTABLEhead\relax
+\unexpanded\def\bTABLEnext{\dosingleempty\doTABLEnext} \let\eTABLEnext\relax
+\unexpanded\def\bTABLEbody{\dosingleempty\doTABLEbody} \let\eTABLEbody\relax
+\unexpanded\def\bTABLEfoot{\dosingleempty\doTABLEfoot} \let\eTABLEfoot\relax
+ {\def\setupTBLsection{\getparameters[\@@tbl\@@tbl][#1]}%
+ #2%
+ \let\setupTBLsection\relax}
+\let\popTBL \relax
+\def\presetallTABLEparameters% each odd|even level / can be sped up but only once per table
+ {\executeifdefined{\@@rawtblprefix\v!start\v!each}\relax
+ \executeifdefined{\@@rawtblprefix\v!start\v!oddeven\TBLlevel}\relax
+ \executeifdefined{\@@rawtblprefix\v!start\number\TBLlevel}\relax}
+ {\dosingleempty\dobTABLE}
+ {\pushTBL
+ % box not here
+ \bgroup
+ \TBLhead\emptytoks
+ \TBLnext\emptytoks
+ \TBLbody\emptytoks
+ \TBLfoot\emptytoks
+ \ifhmode\kern\zeropoint\fi % blocks \removeunwantedspaces: check this on icare handelingsschema
+ \resetcharacteralign % new
+ \getparameters
+ [\@@tbl\@@tbl]
+ [\c!align={\v!right,\v!broad,\v!high},#1]%
+ \hsize\tbltbltextwidth
+ \processaction
+ [\tbltblsplit]
+ [ \v!yes=>\enableTBLbreaktrue,
+ \v!repeat=>\enableTBLbreaktrue\multipleTBLheadstrue,
+ \v!auto=>\ifinsidesplitfloat\enableTBLbreaktrue\fi]
+ \processaction
+ [\tbltblheader]
+ [\v!repeat=>\multipleTBLheadstrue]%
+ \localcolortrue
+ \presetallTABLEparameters
+ \ExpandFirstAfter\processallactionsinset
+ [\tbltbloption]
+ [\v!stretch=>\autoTBLspreadtrue]%
+ \linewidth\tbltblrulethickness % needs to be frozen
+ \dontcomplain
+ \currentcol\zerocount
+ \maximumrowspan\plusone
+ \maximumcol\zerocount
+ \maximumrow\zerocount
+ \let\bTR\dobTR
+ \let\bTD\dobTD
+ \let\bTH\dobTH
+ \let\bTN\dobTN}
+% permits \expanded{\bTD ... \eTD}
+\def\eTABLE % beware, we need to get rid of spurious spaces when in hmode
+ {% tricky and dirty order -)
+ \doifsometokselse\TBLhead % slow, better a flag
+ {\the\TBLhead
+ \edef\noftblheadlines{\number\maximumrow}%
+ \doifsometokselse\TBLnext
+ {\the\TBLnext
+ \edef\noftblnextlines{\number\numexpr\maximumrow-\noftblheadlines\relax}}%
+ {\let\noftblnextlines\zerocount}% was 1
+ \edef\noftblhdnxlines{\number\maximumrow}}
+ {\let\noftblheadlines\zerocount % was 1
+ \let\noftblnextlines\zerocount
+ \let\noftblhdnxlines\zerocount}%
+ \the\TBLbody
+ \the\TBLfoot
+ \removeunwantedspaces % only if hmode
+ % finish cells
+ \dorecurse\maximumrow
+ {\row\recurselevel\relax
+ \dorecurse\maximumcol
+ {\col\recurselevel\relax
+ \doifnottbltag\row\col
+ {\xxcol\col
+ \xxrow\row
+ \xrow\row
+ \doloop
+ {\xcol\col
+ \doloop
+ {\doifelsetbltag\xrow\xcol \exitloop
+ {\advance\xcol\plusone
+ \ifnum\xcol>\maximumcol\relax \exitloop \fi}}%
+ \doifelsetbltag\xrow\xcol \exitloop
+ {\xxrow\xrow \xxcol\xcol \advance\xrow\plusone
+ \ifnum\xrow>\maximumrow \exitloop \fi}}%
+ \ifnum\xxrow>\maximumrow\xxrow\maximumrow\fi
+ \ifnum\xxcol>\maximumcol\xxcol\maximumcol\fi
+ \xxrow\numexpr\xxrow-\row+\plusone\relax
+ \xxcol\numexpr\xxcol-\col+\plusone\relax
+ \xrow\row
+ \dorecurse\xxrow
+ {\xcol\col \settblcol\xrow\xcol{\number\xxcol}%
+ \dorecurse\xxcol
+ {\lettbltag\xrow\xcol\tblnone \advance\xcol\plusone}%
+ \advance\xrow\plusone}%
+ \lettbltag\row\col\tblcell
+ \settblcol\row\col{\the\xxcol}%
+ \settblrow\row\col{\the\xxrow}%
+ \ifautoTBLemptycell
+ \edef\celltag{{\number\row}{\number\col}}%
+ \@EA\settbltxt\@EA\row\@EA\col\@EA{\@EA\handleTBLcell\celltag[]{\strut}}%
+ \fi}}}%
+ % to be sure
+ \dorecurse\maximumrow
+ {\row\recurselevel\relax
+ \dorecurse\maximumcol
+ {\col\recurselevel\relax
+ \doiftblrow\row\col
+ {\scratchcounter\numexpr\maximumrow-\row+\plusone\relax
+ \ifnum\gettblrow\row\col>\scratchcounter
+ \settblrow\row\col{\the\scratchcounter}%
+ \fi}%
+ \lettblht\row\col\zeropoint
+ \lettblwd\row\col\zeropoint
+ \doifnottblcol\row\col{\lettblcol\row\col\zerocount}%
+ \doifnottbltag\row\col{\lettbltag\row\col\tblnone}}}%
+ % check and do
+ \ifcase\maximumcol\else
+ \startTBLprocessing
+ \begTBL
+ \dorecurse\maximumrow
+ {\bTBL
+ \row\recurselevel\relax
+ \dorecurse\maximumcol
+ {\col\recurselevel\relax
+ \expanded{\doTBL{\number\row}{\number\col}}}%
+ \eTBL}%
+ \removeunwantedspaces % only if hmode
+ \endTBL
+ \stopTBLprocessing
+ % wrong ! ! ! better to have an auto-offset-overlay
+ % \ifnum\TBLlevel>1
+ % \vskip-\strutdp
+ % \fi
+ \fi
+ \egroup
+ \popTBL}
+\let\stopTBLprocessing \relax
+\newcount\prelocatedTBLrows % \prelocateTBLrows{1000} may speed up large tables
+ {\writestatus\m!systems{fatal error: use \string\prelocateTBLrows\space to increase table memory (now: \number\prelocatedTBLrows)}}
+\def\prelocateTBLrows#1% we start at zero so we have one to much, better play safe anyway
+ {\dostepwiserecurse\prelocatedTBLrows{#1}\plusone{\expandafter\newtoks\csname tbl:\recurselevel\endcsname}%
+ \def\bTBL
+ {\ifnum\tblrow<\prelocatedTBLrows\relax
+ \@EA\let\@EA\tblrowtoks\csname tbl:\the\tblrow\endcsname\tblrowtoks\emptytoks
+ \else
+ \prelocateTBLerror
+ \fi}%
+ \def\eTBL
+ {\tbltoks\@EA\@EA\@EA{\@EA\the\@EA\tbltoks\@EA\begintblrow\@EA\the\csname tbl:\the\tblrow\endcsname\endtblrow}}%
+ \global\prelocatedTBLrows#1\relax}
+% \prelocateTBLrows{1000} % may speed up large tables
+% We use aligments to handle the empty (skipped) columns, so
+% that we don't have to (re|)|calculate these.
+ {\global\advance\tblcol\plusone}
+ {\global\advance\tblcol\plusone
+ \kern\tbltblcolumndistance
+ &}
+ {\span}
+ {\noalign
+ {\global\advance\tblrow\plusone
+ \global\tblcol\zerocount
+ \global\tblspn\zerocount
+ \bgroup % protect local vars
+ \@@tblsplitbefore
+ \egroup
+ \ifx\@@tblsplitsamepage\v!before
+ \unpenalty
+ \nobreak
+ \else\ifx\@@tblsplitsamepage\v!both
+ \unpenalty
+ \nobreak
+ \fi\fi}%
+ \nexttblcol
+ \kern\dimexpr\tbltblleftmargindistance-\tbltblcolumndistance\relax}
+ {\kern\dimexpr\tbltblrightmargindistance-\tbltblcolumndistance\relax
+ \crcr
+ \noalign
+ {\nointerlineskip
+ \ifnum\tblrow>\noftblheadlines
+ \ifnum\gettblnob\tblrow=\zerocount
+ \unpenalty
+ \ifx\@@tblsplitsamepage\v!after
+ \nobreak
+ \else\ifx\@@tblsplitsamepage\v!both
+ \nobreak
+ \else
+ \allowbreak
+ \fi\fi
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \allowbreak % else no proper head split off
+ \fi
+ \bgroup % protect local vars
+ \@@tblsplitafter
+ \egroup
+ \bgroup % protect local vars
+ \scratchcounter\numexpr\tblrow+\plusone\relax
+ \ifnum\scratchcounter>\noftblhdnxlines\relax
+ \ifnum\scratchcounter<\maximumrow\relax
+ \doifsomething\tbltblspaceinbetween{\blank[\tbltblspaceinbetween]}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \egroup}}
+ {\global\tblspn\zerocount
+ \global\tblcol\zerocount
+ \global\tblrow\zerocount
+ \global\advance\tblrow\minusone
+ \tabskip\zeropoint
+ \halign\bgroup
+ \registerparoptions % new
+ \ignorespaces##\unskip&&\ignorespaces##\unskip\cr}
+ {\egroup}
+\setvalue{\tblnone TBL}#1#2%
+ {\spanTBL{#1}{#2}}
+\setvalue{\tblcell TBL}#1#2%
+ {\tblrowtoks\expandafter{\the\tblrowtoks\makeTBL #1 #2 }% space delimited -> less tokens
+ \spanTBL{#1}{#2}}
+ {\scratchcounter\gettblcol{#1}{#2}\relax
+ \ifnum\scratchcounter>\zerocount
+ \advance\scratchcounter \minusone
+ \dorecurse\scratchcounter{\tblrowtoks\expandafter{\the\tblrowtoks\spantblcol}}%
+ \dorecurse\scratchcounter{\tblrowtoks\expandafter{\the\tblrowtoks\skiptblcol}}%
+ \tblrowtoks\expandafter{\the\tblrowtoks\nexttblcol}%
+ \fi}
+ {\csname\gettbltag{#1}{#2}TBL\endcsname{#1}{#2}}
+ {\global\tblspn\zerocount
+ \global\tblrow\zerocount
+ \global\tblcol\zerocount
+ \chardef\tblpass\zerocount
+ \tbltoks\emptytoks}
+\def\domakeTBLone#1 #2 %
+ {\gettbltxt{#1}{#2}}%
+\def\domakeTBLtwo#1 #2 % meer in cellD
+ {\scratchdimen\zeropoint
+ \scratchcounter\tblcol
+ \!!counta\gettblcol{#1}{#2}\relax
+ \dorecurse\!!counta
+ {\advance\scratchdimen\dimexpr\gettblwid\scratchcounter+\tbltblcolumndistance\relax
+ \ifnum\recurselevel<\!!counta \advance\scratchdimen \gettbldis\scratchcounter\fi
+ \advance\scratchcounter\plusone}%
+ \edef\widthTBL{\the\dimexpr\scratchdimen-\tbltblcolumndistance\relax}%
+ \setbox\scratchbox\hbox{\gettbltxt{#1}{#2}}%
+ \settblht{#1}{#2}{\the\ht\scratchbox}%
+ \settblwd{#1}{#2}{\the\wd\scratchbox}%
+ \ifdim\ht\scratchbox>\gettblhei{#1}\relax
+ \settblhei{#1}{\the\ht\scratchbox}%
+ \fi}%
+\def\domakeTBLthree#1 #2 %
+ {% height
+ \!!counta \gettblcol{#1}{#2}\relax
+ \!!countb \gettblrow{#1}{#2}\relax
+ \!!heighta\gettblht {#1}{#2}\relax
+ \scratchdimen\zeropoint
+ \ifnum\!!counta=\maximumcol\relax
+ % case: nc=maxcolumns
+ \else
+ \scratchcounter#1\relax
+ \dorecurse\!!countb
+ {\advance\scratchdimen
+ \gettblhei\scratchcounter
+ \advance\scratchcounter\plusone}%
+ \ifdim\scratchdimen<\!!heighta\relax
+ \scratchdimen\!!heighta
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \edef\heightTBL{\the\scratchdimen}%
+ % width
+ \scratchdimen\zeropoint
+ \scratchcounter\tblcol
+ \dorecurse\!!counta
+ {\advance\scratchdimen\dimexpr\gettblwid\scratchcounter+\tbltblcolumndistance\relax
+ \ifnum\recurselevel<\!!counta \advance\scratchdimen \gettbldis\scratchcounter\fi
+ \advance\scratchcounter\plusone}%
+ \edef\widthTBL{\the\dimexpr\scratchdimen-\tbltblcolumndistance\relax}%
+ % cell
+ \setbox\scratchbox\hbox{\gettbltxt{#1}{#2}}%
+ \ifnum\!!counta=\maximumcol\relax
+ % case: nc=maxcolumns
+ \else
+ \scratchdimen\gettblhei{#1}%
+ \setbox\scratchbox\hbox
+ {\lower\ht\scratchbox\hbox{\raise\scratchdimen\box\scratchbox}}%
+ \ht\scratchbox\scratchdimen
+ \fi
+ \dp\scratchbox\zeropoint
+ \edef\!!stringa{\gettblref{#1}{#2}}%
+ \ifx\!!stringa\empty
+ \box\scratchbox
+ \else
+ \expanded{\gotobox{\box\scratchbox}[\!!stringa]}%
+ \fi
+ \box\scratchbox}
+\def\inTBLcell#1#2% hm, do we need #1 #2 ? we use tblcol anyway
+ {\ExpandBothAfter\doifinsetelse\localwidth{\v!fit,\v!broad} % user set
+ {}
+ {\scratchdimen\gettblaut\tblcol\relax
+ \ifdim\localwidth>\scratchdimen
+ \settblaut\tblcol{\the\dimexpr\localwidth\relax}%
+ \fi}}%
+ {\setbox\scratchbox\hbox
+ {\localframed
+ [\@@tbl\@@tbl]
+ [\c!frame=\v!off,\c!background=,\c!align=\v!no]
+ {\strut}}%
+ \edef\minimalcellheight{\the\ht\scratchbox}%
+ \dorecurse\maximumcol
+ {\lettblaut\recurselevel\zeropoint
+ % new
+ \xcol\recurselevel\relax
+ \dorecurse\maximumrow
+ {\lettblwd\recurselevel\xcol\zeropoint
+ \lettblht\recurselevel\xcol\zeropoint}%
+ % till here
+ \lettblwid\recurselevel\zeropoint
+ \lettbldis\recurselevel\zeropoint}%
+ \dorecurse\maximumrow
+ {\lettblhei\recurselevel\maxdimen}%
+ \chardef\tblpass\plusone
+ \let\makeTBL\domakeTBLone
+ \let\handleTBLcell\dohandleTBLcellA
+ \setbox0\vbox{\trialtypesettingtrue \flushtbltoks}%
+% \setbox\scratchbox\vbox{\trialtypesettingtrue \flushtbltoks}%
+ \lettbldis\maximumcol\zeropoint
+ \ifautoTBLspread
+ % experimental, stretch non fixed cells to \hsize
+ \checktblwidthsone % trial run
+ \checktblwidthstwo % real run
+ \stretchtblwidths
+ \let\handleTBLcell\dohandleTBLcellB
+ \setbox\scratchbox\vbox{\trialtypesettingtrue \flushtbltoks}%
+ \else\ifdim\wd0>\hsize
+ \ifautoTBLhsize
+ \checktblwidthsone % trial run
+ \checktblwidthstwo % real run
+ \let\handleTBLcell\dohandleTBLcellB
+ \setbox\scratchbox\vbox{\trialtypesettingtrue \flushtbltoks}%
+ \fi
+ \else\ifautoTBLrowspan\ifnum\maximumrowspan>1 % max ?
+ % added jan 2002 because nx=* did no longer work
+ \edef\savedhsize{\the\hsize}%
+ \hsize\wd0\relax % new per 17/04/2006
+ \checktblwidthsone % trial run
+ \checktblwidthstwo % real run
+ \hsize\savedhsize
+ %
+ \let\handleTBLcell\dohandleTBLcellC
+ \setbox\scratchbox\vbox{\trialtypesettingtrue \flushtbltoks}%
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi
+ \let\handleTBLcell\dohandleTBLcellD
+ \chardef\tblpass\plustwo
+ \let\makeTBL\domakeTBLtwo
+ \setbox\scratchbox\vbox{\trialtypesettingtrue \flushtbltoks}%
+ \checktblheightsone
+ \checktblheightstwo
+ \let\handleTBLcell\dohandleTBLcellE
+ \chardef\tblpass\plusthree
+ \let\makeTBL\domakeTBLthree
+ \ifnum\TBLlevel>\plusone
+ \@EA\notsplittblbox
+ \else\ifenableTBLbreak
+ \@EAEAEA\splittblbox
+ \else
+ \@EAEAEA\notsplittblbox
+ \fi\fi{\flushtbltoks}}
+\def\stretchtblwidths % more variants, e.g. a max to \dimend
+ {\ifcase\maximumcol\else % else division by zero
+ \!!dimend\zeropoint
+ \!!dimene\hsize
+ \dorecurse\maximumcol
+ {\advance\!!dimend\dimexpr\gettblwid\recurselevel+\tbltblcolumndistance\relax
+ \advance\!!dimene-\gettbldis\recurselevel}%
+ \advance\!!dimend\dimexpr-\tbltblcolumndistance+\tbltblleftmargindistance+\tbltblrightmargindistance\relax
+ % distribute width (stretch)
+ \ifdim\!!dimend<\!!dimene
+ \advance\!!dimend-\!!dimene
+ \!!dimend-\!!dimend
+ \divide\!!dimend\maximumcol
+ \dorecurse\maximumcol
+ {\settblwid\recurselevel{\the\dimexpr\gettblwid\recurselevel+\!!dimend\relax}}%
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+ {\setbox\finaltblbox\vbox{#1}%
+ \postprocessTABLEbox\finaltblbox
+ \beforeTABLEbox
+ \box\finaltblbox
+ \afterTABLEbox}
+ {\ifinsidesplitfloat
+ \donetrue
+ \else\ifinsidefloat
+ \donefalse
+ \else
+ \donetrue
+ \fi\fi
+ \ifdone
+ \executeifdefined{dosplittblbox\tbltblsplitmethod}\dosplittblbox{#1}%
+ \else
+ \notsplittblbox{#1}%
+ \fi}
+\newbox\TABLEsplitbox % public, don't change
+\let\extratblsplitheight\zeropoint % additional space taken by before/afterTABLEsplitbox
+ {\resettsplit
+ \def\tsplitminimumfreelines{2}%
+ \def\tsplitminimumfreespace{\dimexpr\extratblsplitheight+\tbltblsplitoffset\relax}%
+ \def\tsplitbeforeresult {\beforeTABLEsplitbox}%
+ \def\tsplitafterresult {\afterTABLEsplitbox}%
+ \def\tsplitafter {\@@tblsplitafter}%
+ \setbox\tsplitcontent\vbox{#1}%
+ \ifmultipleTBLheads
+ \dorecurse\noftblheadlines
+ {\setbox\scratchbox\vsplit\tsplitcontent to \lineheight
+ \setbox\tsplithead\vbox{\unvcopy\tsplithead\unvcopy\scratchbox}}%
+ \dorecurse\noftblnextlines
+ {\setbox\scratchbox\vsplit\tsplitcontent to \lineheight
+ \setbox\tsplitnext\vbox{\unvcopy\tsplitnext\unvcopy\scratchbox}}%
+ \fi
+ \doifsomething\tbltblspaceinbetween
+ {\def\tsplitinbetween{\blank[\tbltblspaceinbetween]}}%
+ \def\postprocesstsplit{\postprocessTABLEsplitbox{\box\tsplitresult}}%
+ \handletsplit}
+% ! ! ! ! TODO: naast \postprocessTABLEsplitbox ook evt \postprocessTABLEbox voor niet split
+\let\postprocessTABLEbox \gobbleoneargument
+\let\afterTABLEsplitbox \relax
+\let\beforeTABLEbox \relax
+\let\afterTABLEbox \relax
+\def\checktblwidthsone{\dochecktblwidths0} % 0 = trial run
+\def\checktblwidthstwo{\dochecktblwidths1} % 1 = real run
+ {\iftraceTABLE\showtblwids{B#1}\fi
+ \!!counta\zerocount
+ \!!dimena\dimexpr\hsize-\tbltblleftmargindistance-\tbltblrightmargindistance-\tbltblcolumndistance\relax
+ \dorecurse\maximumcol
+ {\scratchdimen\gettblaut\recurselevel\relax
+ \advance\!!dimena-\gettbldis\recurselevel\relax
+ \ifdim\scratchdimen>\zeropoint\relax
+ \advance\!!dimena -\scratchdimen
+ \else
+ \scratchdimen\gettblwid\recurselevel\relax
+ \ifdim\scratchdimen>\tbltblmaxwidth\relax
+ \ifcase#1\else\lettblwid\recurselevel\zeropoint\fi
+ \advance\!!counta \plusone
+ \else
+ \ifdim\scratchdimen>\zeropoint\relax
+ \advance\!!dimena -\scratchdimen
+ \else
+ % eigenlijk moet dit alleen als de kolom wordt overspannen door een
+ % vorige, maw extra dubbele loop en status var
+ \advance\!!counta \plusone
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi}%
+ \ifcase\!!counta \else \divide\!!dimena \!!counta \fi
+ \dorecurse\maximumcol
+ {\scratchdimen\gettblwid\recurselevel\relax
+ \ifcase#1\relax
+ \ifdim\scratchdimen<\!!dimena % take natural width
+ \settblaut\recurselevel{\the\scratchdimen}%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \ifdim\scratchdimen=\zeropoint % auto set width
+ \settblwid\recurselevel{\the\!!dimena}%
+ \fi
+ \fi}%
+ \iftraceTABLE\showtblwids{E#1}\fi}
+% dikke arg naar recurse wegwerken
+ {\!!countb\gettblrow\xrowTBL\xcolTBL\relax
+ % check row span
+ \ifnum\!!countb>\plusone
+ % current height in row
+ \dimen0=\gettblht\xrowTBL\xcolTBL
+ % find nearest height in row
+ \dimen2=\zeropoint
+ \dorecurse\maximumcol
+ {\ifnum\recurselevel=\xcolTBL\else
+ \doiftblrow\xrowTBL\recurselevel
+ {\!!countc=\gettblrow\xrowTBL\recurselevel\relax
+ \ifnum\!!countc=\plusone
+ \dimen4=\gettblht\xrowTBL\recurselevel\relax
+ \ifdim\dimen2<\dimen4
+ \dimen2=\dimen4
+ \fi
+ \fi}%
+ \fi}%
+ \xxrowTBL\xrowTBL
+ % calculate cummulative height
+ \dimen4=\dimen2
+ \!!countc\xrowTBL
+ \advance\!!countc\minusone
+ \dorecurse\!!countb
+ {\ifnum\xxrowTBL=\xrowTBL\else
+ \advance\dimen4 \gettblhei\xxrowTBL
+ \fi
+ \ifnum\recurselevel=\!!countb\else
+ \settblnob\!!countc
+ \advance\!!countc\plusone
+ \fi
+ \advance\xxrowTBL\plusone}%
+ % distribute overshoot equally
+\ifdim\dimen2>\zeropoint % see natural-003
+ \ifdim\dimen4<\dimen0
+ \advance\dimen0 -\dimen4
+ \divide\dimen0 \!!countb
+ \xxrowTBL\xrowTBL
+ \settblhei\xrowTBL{\the\dimen2}%
+ \dorecurse\!!countb
+ {\dorecurse\maximumcol
+ {\ifnum\recurselevel=\xcolTBL\else
+ \scratchdimen\dimexpr\gettblht\xxrowTBL\recurselevel+\dimen0\relax
+ \settblht\xxrowTBL\recurselevel{\the\scratchdimen}%
+ \ifdim\gettblhei\xxrowTBL<\scratchdimen
+ \settblhei\xxrowTBL{\the\scratchdimen}%
+ \fi
+ \fi}%
+ \advance\xxrowTBL\plusone}%
+ \else\ifdim\dimen4>\dimen0
+ \settblhei\xrowTBL{\the\dimen2}%
+ \fi\fi
+ \fi}
+ {\dorecurse\maximumrow
+ {\xrowTBL\recurselevel\relax
+ \dorecurse\maximumcol
+ {\xcolTBL\recurselevel\relax
+ \doiftblrow\xrowTBL\xcolTBL\dochecktblheightsone}}}
+ {}
+ {\vbox
+ {\forgetall\tttf[#1]\dorecurse\maximumcol
+ {\scratchdimen\gettblwid\recurselevel\relax
+ [\recurselevel:\the\scratchdimen]}}}
+ {\doifelse\tbltblaligncharacter\v!yes
+ \doTBLcharalign\gobbleoneargument}
+\long\def\doTBLcharalign#1#2% column data
+ {\edef\alignmentclass{#1}%
+ \edef\alignmentcharacter{\tbltblalignmentcharacter}%
+ \ifcase\tblpass\or
+ \setfirstpasscharacteralign\checkalignment{#2}% {\strut#2\unskip}%
+ \fi % force hsize, so always a second
+ \setsecondpasscharacteralign \checkalignment{#2}% {\strut#2\unskip}%
+ \ignorespaces}
+% new, needed for icare first col of 'doeltabel', experimental
+\long\def\dohandleTBLcellA#1#2[#3]#4% grouping added ! ! !
+ {\bgroup
+ \setupTBLcell{#1}{#2}%
+ \setbox\scratchbox\hbox
+ {\scratchdimen\tbltbldistance\relax
+ \ifdim\scratchdimen>\gettbldis{#2}\relax
+ \settbldis{#2}{\the\scratchdimen}%
+ \fi
+ \localframed
+ [\@@tbl\@@tbl]
+ [#3,\c!background=,\c!frame=\v!off]% 25% faster
+ {\bTBLCELL\TBLcharalign{#2}{#4}\eTBLCELL\inTBLcell{#1}{#2}}}%
+ \scratchdimen\gettblwid\tblcol\relax
+ \ifdim\wd\scratchbox>\scratchdimen
+ \ifsqueezeTBLspan
+ \ifautosqueezeTBLspan
+ \doifinsetelse\tbltblwidth{\v!fit,\v!fixed,\v!broad,\v!local}
+ \donetrue \donefalse
+ \else
+ \donetrue
+ \fi
+ \ifdone % brr, 0
+ \ifnum\number\gettblcol{#1}{#2}>\plusone \settblspn\tblcol\fi
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \doifelsetblspn\tblcol
+ \donothing
+ {\ifdim\gettblwid\tblcol<\wd\scratchbox
+ \settblwid\tblcol{\the\wd\scratchbox}%
+ \fi}% auto set
+ \fi
+ \scratchcounter\numexpr\tblrow+\plusone\relax
+ \scratchdimen\gettblhei\scratchcounter\relax
+ \ifdim\ht\scratchbox<\scratchdimen
+ \settblhei\scratchcounter{\the\ht\scratchbox}% auto set
+ \fi
+ \settblht{#1}{#2}{\the\ht\scratchbox}%
+ \settblwd{#1}{#2}{\the\wd\scratchbox}%
+ \ifautoTBLcheckwidth
+ \ifdim\wd\scratchbox<.75\hsize
+ \ifdim\ht\scratchbox>2\openlineheight % honor width since this
+ \scratchdimen\gettblaut\tblcol\relax % can be a figure or so
+ \ifdim\scratchdimen=\zeropoint
+ % side effect: when width is set to 0pt,
+ % we can force a span that fits the sum of spans widths
+ \settblaut\tblcol{\the\scratchdimen}%
+ \else\ifdim\wd\scratchbox>\scratchdimen
+ % unless span
+ \settblaut\tblcol{\the\wd\scratchbox}%
+ % to be translated
+ \writestatus\m!TABLE
+ {no auto width in (\number#1,\number#2)\space\the\wd\scratchbox/\the\hsize}%
+ \fi\fi
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \setbox2\null
+ \wd2\wd\scratchbox \ht2\ht\scratchbox \dp2\dp\scratchbox
+ \box2
+ \egroup}
+ {\setbox\scratchbox\hbox
+ {\setupTBLcell{#2}{#3}%
+ \localframed
+ [\@@tbl\@@tbl]
+ [#4,#1,\c!frame=\v!off,\c!background=]
+ \setbox2\null
+ \wd2\wd\scratchbox \ht2\ht\scratchbox \dp2\dp\scratchbox
+ \ifautoTBLrowspan
+ \scratchcounter\numexpr\tblrow+\plusone\relax
+ \doiftblrow\scratchcounter\tblcol
+ {\scratchdimen\gettblhei\scratchcounter\relax % moved inside test
+ \ifnum\gettblrow\scratchcounter\tblcol>\plusone \ifdim\ht\scratchbox>\scratchdimen
+ \scratchdimen-\scratchdimen \advance\scratchdimen -\ht\scratchbox
+ \ht2\scratchdimen
+ \fi \fi}%
+ \fi
+ \box2 }
+ {\scratchdimen\gettblaut\tblcol\relax
+ \ifdim\scratchdimen>\zeropoint\relax
+ \let\tblwidthkey\c!width
+ \edef\tblwidth{\the\scratchdimen}%
+ \else
+ \scratchdimen\gettblwid\tblcol\relax
+ \ifdim\scratchdimen>\zeropoint\relax
+ \ifnum\gettblcol{#1}{#2}=\maximumcol\relax
+ \scratchdimen\hsize
+ \fi
+ \let\tblwidthkey\c!width
+ \edef\tblwidth{\the\scratchdimen}%
+ \else
+ \let\tblwidthkey\s!unknown
+ \let\tblwidth\zeropoint
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \dohandleTBLcellBC{\tblwidthkey=\tblwidth}{#1}{#2}[#3]{\TBLcharalign{#2}{#4}}}
+ {\dohandleTBLcellBC{}}
+ {\setupTBLcell{#1}{#2}%
+ \bgroup
+ \localframed
+ [\@@tbl\@@tbl]
+ [#3,\c!width=\widthTBL,\c!background=,\c!frame=\v!off]% 25% faster
+ {\bTBLCELL\TBLcharalign{#2}{#4}\eTBLCELL}%
+ \egroup}
+ {\setupTBLcell{#1}{#2}%
+ \getparameters[\@@tbl\@@tbl][#3]% to get the color right, the way we
+ \color % handle color here prevents interference due to whatsit nodes
+ [\tbltblcolor] % as well as permits local colors to take precedence
+ {\ifdim\heightTBL=\zeropoint\relax % case: nc=maxcolumns
+ \localframed
+ [\@@tbl\@@tbl]
+ [\c!color=,\c!width=\widthTBL]
+ {\bTBLCELL\TBLcharalign{#2}{#4}\eTBLCELL}%
+ \else
+ \localframed
+ [\@@tbl\@@tbl]
+ [\c!color=,\c!width=\widthTBL,\c!height=\heightTBL]
+ {\bTBLCELL\TBLcharalign{#2}{#4}\eTBLCELL}%
+ \fi}%
+ \hskip\gettbldis{#2}}
+ [\c!frameoffset=.5\linewidth,
+ \c!backgroundoffset=\v!frame,
+ \c!framecolor=\s!black,
+ \c!color=,
+ \c!style=,
+ \c!headstyle=\v!bold,
+ \c!headcolor=,
+ \c!strut=\v!yes,
+ \c!autostrut=\v!no,
+ \c!aligncharacter=\v!no,
+ \c!alignmentcharacter={,},
+ \c!option=, % \v!stretch
+ \c!header=,
+ \c!spaceinbetween=,
+ \c!maxwidth=8em,
+ \c!textwidth=\hsize,
+ \c!split=\v!auto,
+ \c!splitoffset=0pt,
+ \c!distance=\zeropoint, % individual column
+ \c!columndistance=\zeropoint, % each column (whole table)
+ \c!leftmargindistance=\zeropoint, % whole table
+ \c!rightmargindistance=\zeropoint,% whole table
+ \c!left=,
+ \c!right=,
+ \c!splitmethod=a]
+%D We have already prepared the previous macros for nesting,
+%D so we only have to pop in the right ones:
+%D New:
+ {\globalpushmacro\TBLlevel
+ \ifcase\tblpass
+ % we're just after \bTABLE
+ \else\ifnum\TBLlevel>\zerocount
+ \doglobal\increment\TBLlevel\relax
+ \fi\fi}
+ {\globalpopmacro\TBLlevel}
+ {\ifnum\TBLlevel=\zerocount
+ \global\advance\currenttbl\plusone
+ \fi
+ \doglobal\increment\TBLlevel\relax
+ \ifnum\TBLlevel>\plusone
+ \resetallTABLEparameters
+ % we need a proper count push/pop
+ \xdef\savedtblrow{\the\tblrow}\globalpushmacro\savedtblrow
+ \xdef\savedtblcol{\the\tblcol}\globalpushmacro\savedtblcol
+ \else
+ \global\intabletrue
+ \fi}
+ {\ifnum\TBLlevel>\plusone
+ \globalpopmacro\savedtblrow\global\tblrow\savedtblrow
+ \globalpopmacro\savedtblcol\global\tblcol\savedtblcol
+ \else
+ \global\intablefalse
+ \fi
+ \doglobal\decrement\TBLlevel\relax}
+% \bgroup
+% \setupTABLE[column][1][aligncharacter=yes, alignmentcharacter={,}]
+% \bTABLE
+% \bTR \bTD 1,2 \eTD \bTD 2 \eTD \eTR
+% \bTR \bTD 11,2 \eTD \bTD
+% {\setupTABLE[column][1][aligncharacter=yes, alignmentcharacter={,}]
+% \bTABLE
+% \bTR \bTD 1,2 \eTD \bTD 2 \eTD \eTR
+% \bTR \bTD 11,22 \eTD \bTD 2 \eTD \eTR
+% \bTR \bTD 11,2 \eTD \bTD 2 \eTD \eTR \eTABLE} \eTD \eTR
+% \bTR \bTD 11,22 \eTD \bTD 2 \eTD \eTR
+% \eTABLE
+% \egroup
+\newconditional\resetTABLEmode \settrue\resetTABLEmode
+\def\resetallTABLEparameters% moet genest wel werken
+ {\ifnum\TBLlevel>\plusone % in ieder geval
+ \ifconditional\resetTABLEmode
+ \presetlocalframed % breedte hoogte diepte offset
+ [\@@tbl\@@tbl]% % achtergrond, achtergrondraster, achtergrondkleur
+ % not ok yet
+ \setupTABLE [%
+ \c!frameoffset=.5\linewidth,
+ \c!backgroundoffset=\v!frame,
+ \c!framecolor=\s!black,
+ \c!width=fit,
+ \c!height=fit,
+% \c!rulethickness=\linewidth,
+% \c!strut=\v!no,
+\c!strut=\v!yes, % needed for mathml, but ... maybe we need another resetTABLEmode
+ \c!color=,
+ \c!style=,
+ \c!headstyle=,
+ \c!headcolor=,
+ \c!aligncharacter=\v!no,
+ \c!alignmentcharacter={,},
+ \c!maxwidth=8em]%
+ \else
+ \setupTABLE
+ [\c!width=\v!fit,
+ \c!height=\v!fit]%
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+%D Spacing:
+% \starttabulate
+% \NC text \NC text \NC \NR
+% \TB[small]
+% \NC text \NC text \NC \NR
+% \TB[4*big]
+% \NC text \NC text \NC \NR
+% \stoptabulate
+% \starttable[|||]
+% \VL text \VL text \VL \AR
+% \TB[small]
+% \VL text \VL text \VL \AR
+% \TB[4*big]
+% \VL text \VL text \VL \AR
+% \stoptable
+\def\simpleTableTB {\TABLEnoalign{\blank}}
+ {\complexorsimpleTable{TB}}
+\def\doTableinterline% #1
+ {\ifnum\currentTABLEcolumn>\maxTABLEcolumn
+ \chuckTABLEautorow
+ \else\ifnum\currentTABLEcolumn=\zerocount
+ \TABLEnoalign
+ {\globalletempty\checkTABLEautorow
+ \globalletempty\chuckTABLEautorow}%
+ \else
+ \setTABLEerror\TABLEmissingcolumn
+ \handleTABLEerror
+ \fi\fi
+ \complexorsimpleTable} % {#1}
+\appendtoks\let\TB\TableTB \to\everytable
+\appendtoks\let\TB\TabulateTB\to\everytabulate % strange place
+\appendtoks \chardef\recodeverbatimmode\plustwo \to \everytable
+% new (for Olivier Turlier)
+% \defineTABLEsetup [xx] [foregroundcolor=red]
+% \bTABLE
+% \bTR \bTD oeps \eTD \bTD oeps \eTD \eTR
+% \bTR \bTDs[xx] oeps \eTDs \bTD oeps \eTD \eTR
+% \bTRs[xx] \bTD oeps \eTD \bTD oeps \eTD \eTRs
+% \eTABLE
+ {\dodoubleargument\dodefineTABLEsetup}
+ {\setvalue{\@@tbl:set:#1}{#2}}
+ {\doifdefinedelse{\@@tbl:set:#1}
+ {\@EA\@EA\@EA\bTD\@EA\@EA\@EA[\csname\@@tbl:set:#1\endcsname]#2\eTD}
+ {\bTD[]#2\eTD}}
+ {\doifdefinedelse{\@@tbl:set:#1}
+ {\@EA\@EA\@EA\bTR\@EA\@EA\@EA[\csname\@@tbl:set:#1\endcsname]#2\eTR}
+ {\bTR[]#2\eTR}}
+\protect \endinput
+% todo: mode: first|next (of niets)
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/tabl-nte.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/tabl-nte.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6a5391f24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/tabl-nte.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=core-nte,
+%D version=2009.03.08,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Table Macros,
+%D subtitle=Natural Tables Extensions,
+%D author=Hans Hagen \& Wolfgang Schuster,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Table Module / Natural Tables Extensions}
+%D This module is suggested by Wolfgang Schuster who also prototyped
+%D it and came up with the rationale:
+%D This module provides an easy way to use natural in a similiar
+%D way as the older table module (based on the \TABLE\ macros) and
+%D the newer tabulate module.
+%D You can see the advantage in the following table, once created
+%D with the new macros and once with the normal macros provided
+%D with the natural table module.
+%D Let us start with the original macros:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \bTR
+%D \bTD Text 1 \eTD
+%D \bTD Text 2 \eTD
+%D \eTR
+%D \bTR
+%D \bTD Text 3 \eTD
+%D \bTD Text 4 \eTD
+%D \eTR
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Watch how the new macros use less code:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \startTABLE
+%D \NC Text 1 \NC Text 2 \NC\NR
+%D \NC Text 3 \NC Text 4 \NC\NR
+%D \stopTABLE
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The actual code differs from the prototype that it does not need
+%D to collect whole rows and parse them but looks ahead instead.
+ {\dosingleempty\dostartTABLE}
+ {\bgroup
+ \bTABLE[#1]%
+ \let\NC\doTABLENC
+ \let\NR\doTABLENR
+ \let\bTR\relax
+ \let\bTD\relax
+ \let\bTH\relax
+ \let\bTN\relax}
+ {\eTABLE
+ \egroup}
+ {\eTR
+ \setfalse\inTABLEnc}
+ {\futurelet\next\dodoTABLENC}
+ {\ifx\next\doTABLENR \else
+ \expandafter\dododoTABLENC
+ \fi}
+% \long\def\dododoTABLENC#1\NC
+% {\ifconditional\inTABLEnc\else\settrue\inTABLEnc\parseTR[][]\fi
+% \parseTD[][]#1\eTD\NC}
+ {\ifconditional\inTABLEnc\else\settrue\inTABLEnc\parseTR[][]\fi
+ \dodoubleempty\parseTD#1\eTD\NC}
+%D The related structure commands are also available:
+\unexpanded\def\startTABLEhead{\dosingleempty\dostartTABLEhead} \let\stopTABLEhead\relax
+\unexpanded\def\startTABLEnext{\dosingleempty\dostartTABLEnext} \let\stopTABLEnext\relax
+\unexpanded\def\startTABLEbody{\dosingleempty\dostartTABLEbody} \let\stopTABLEbody\relax
+\unexpanded\def\startTABLEfoot{\dosingleempty\dostartTABLEfoot} \let\stopTABLEfoot\relax
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/tabl-pln.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/tabl-pln.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..39bb50f23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/tabl-pln.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+%D The following bunch of macros come from plain \TEX\ by
+%D Don Knuth and deal with basic alignment. We just include
+%D them here so that they can be used if needed. Normally,
+%D \CONTEXT\ users will fall back on one of the three table
+%D environments.
+%D The hidden names are somewhat adapted and we use other
+%D local variables.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Table Macros / Plain Tabular}
+\newif \if@@plnusetab
+\newif \if@@plncr
+\newbox \@@plntabs
+\newbox \@@plntabsyet
+\newbox \@@plntabsdone
+\newdimen \@@plntabdimen
+\def\cleartabs % visible
+ {\global\setbox\@@plntabsyet\null
+ \setbox\@@plntabs\null}
+\def\settabs % visible
+ {\setbox\@@plntabs\null
+ \futurelet\next\@@plnsettabs}
+\def\tabalign % visible
+ {\@@plnusetabtrue\@@plnmaketabbox}
+\let\+\tabalign % no outer here (can be overloaded)
+ {\ifx\next\+%
+ \def\nxt{\afterassignment\@@plnsettab\let\nxt}%
+ \else
+ \let\nxt\@@plnsetcols
+ \fi
+ \let\next\relax
+ \nxt}
+ {\let\nxt\relax
+ \@@plnusetabfalse\@@plnmaketabbox}
+ {\scratchcounter#1%
+ \@@plntabdimen\hsize
+ \loop
+ \ifnum\scratchcounter>\zerocount \@nother
+ \repeat}
+ {\scratchdimen\@@plntabdimen
+ \divide\scratchdimen\scratchcounter
+ \setbox\@@plntabs\hbox{\hbox to\scratchdimen{}\unhbox\@@plntabs}%
+ \advance\@@plntabdimen-\scratchdimen
+ \advance\scratchcounter\minusone}
+ {\begingroup
+ \global\setbox\@@plntabsyet\copy\@@plntabs
+ \global\setbox\@@plntabsdone\null
+ \def\cr
+ {\@@plncrtrue\crcr\egroup\egroup
+ \if@@plnusetab\unvbox\zerocount\lastbox\fi\endgroup
+ \setbox\@@plntabs\hbox{\unhbox\@@plntabsyet\unhbox\@@plntabsdone}}%
+ \setbox\zerocount\vbox\bgroup\@@plncrfalse
+ \ialign\bgroup&\@@plnbegintabbox##\@@plnendtabbox\crcr}
+ {\setbox\zerocount\hbox\bgroup}
+ {\if@@plncr
+ \egroup % now \box\zerocount holds the column
+ \else
+ \hss\egroup
+ \global\setbox\@@plntabsyet\hbox
+ {\unhbox\@@plntabsyet\global\setbox\plusone\lastbox}% now \box\plusone holds its size
+ \ifvoid\plusone
+ \global\setbox\plusone\hbox to\wd\zerocount{}%
+ \else
+ \setbox\zerocount\hbox to\wd\plusone{\unhbox\zerocount}%
+ \fi
+ \global\setbox\@@plntabsdone\hbox{\box\plusone\unhbox\@@plntabsdone}%
+ \fi
+ \box\zerocount}
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/tabl-tab.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/tabl-tab.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7909e5092
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/tabl-tab.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,2515 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=core-tab,
+%D version=1997.10.10,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Table Macros,
+%D subtitle=\TABLE\ Embedding,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Table Macros / TaBlE Embedding}
+% By now it makes more sense to merge the patches into the original
+% and clean that one up too.
+% \starttable[|||]
+% \HL
+% \VL test \VS test \VL \FR
+% \VL test \VD test \VL \MR
+% \VL test \VT test \VL \LR
+% \HL
+% \stoptable
+% Don't change the splitter:
+% ... \NR
+% \TABLEnoalign{\page}\TABLEhead
+% \NC ...
+% e-tex: reverse rows or vadjust or ... in tables
+% \ifalign
+% \xhrule : calls for 'special' with width
+% BUG:
+% \starttable[|l|l|]
+% \HL
+% \RL\FR \VL Head 1 \VL Head 2 \VL\FR
+% \RL\LR \VL Head A \VL Head B \VL\LR % niet grijs ??
+% \HL
+% \VL 1 \VL 2 \VL\FR
+% \VL a \VL b \VL\LR
+% \HL
+% \stoptable
+% melden als in kleur conflict, uitgestelde test op \SR\SR
+% verengelsen
+% interface
+% footnotes flushen
+% \......TABLE........ namen
+% kolommen testen
+% unbreakable kop definieren
+% voetnoten
+% meldingen
+% als direct \use{max} dan fout
+% breedte lijn telt
+% errors: ook gray in handle
+% \AR -> als in DL dan \DR
+% nieuw:
+% \NL / \NL[blanko] is skip, nog default?
+% geen \HL in a row
+% \HL[n]
+% \VL[n] + remembers
+% c{colorspec} key
+% \HC[color][width]
+% \VC[color]
+% meldingen row, column, use, advise
+%D We felt no need to write our own table building macros,
+%D simply because Michael Wichura made a terrific one. This
+%D package is quite complete and well documented. In \CONTEXT\
+%D we provide a shell for consistent spacing as well as color
+%D support. Implementing these features without adapting the
+%D original macros is not trivial. One easilly gets conflicts
+%D with \type{\omit}, \type{\span} and \type{\noalign}, which
+%D means that we end up postponing and overloading macros,
+%D mostly global. Now, let's start with loading the main
+%D macros:
+%D \macros
+%D {inintable, ifsplittables}
+%D First we declare some variables. These show a bit what we
+%D are dealing with. First we introdoce some booleans that
+%D enable us, inside as well as outside this module, to
+%D determine in what mode we are.
+%D \macros
+%D {tracetablestrue}
+%D When I documented this module, I felt the need for tracing
+%D options. After implementing this feature, I also added
+%D warnings, error recovery and automatic spacing.
+%D We show this feature in an eample that also shows some of
+%D the basic table typesetting commands.
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \starttable[|||]
+%D \HL
+%D \VL first \VL second \VL\AR
+%D \HL
+%D \VL alfa \VL 1 \VL\AR
+%D \VL beta \VL 2 \VL\AR
+%D \VL gamma \VL 3 \VL\AR
+%D \HL
+%D \stoptable
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \startcombination
+%D {\tracetablesfalse\getbuffer} {\type{\tracetablesfalse}}
+%D {\tracetablestrue\getbuffer} {\type{\tracetablestrue}}
+%D \stopcombination
+%D This table is specified as:
+%D \typebuffer
+%D This examples shows about the minimum of commands needed to
+%D typeset such a table. In this table, the \type {\AR} is
+%D automatically translated into the more primitive (but more
+%D verbose) commands \type {\SR}, \type {\FR}, \type {\MR} and
+%D \type {\LR} commands.
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \starttables[|||]
+%D \HL
+%D \VL first \VL second \VL\AR
+%D \HL
+%D \VL alfa \VL 1 \VL\AR
+%D \VL beta \VL 2 \VL\AR
+%D \VL gamma \VL 3 \VL\AR
+%D \HL
+%D \stoptable
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D When we use the split table feature, we get a bit more
+%D information.
+%D {\tracetablesfalse\getbuffer}
+%D Sometimes in tables information shows up that is not typed
+%D in by the user. These messages give a cue in what aspect a
+%D table definition is wrong.
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \starttable[||||]
+%D \HL
+%D \VL first second \VL third \VL\AR
+%D \HL
+%D \VL alfa \VL 1 \VL a \VL\AR
+%D \VL beta \VL 2 \VL b \VL
+%D \VL gamma \VL \THREE{3} c \VL\AR
+%D \HL
+%D \stoptable
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+%D Those terrible table has three errors, which all show up in
+%D typeset messages. Errors cannot always recovered 100\% and
+%D therefore can result in two or more succesive messages, like
+%D in the last row.
+%D \getbuffer
+%D Bringing color into tables is complicated by the mere fact
+%D that color is not part of \TEX. The main complication is
+%D that we don't know in advance how wide a column will be. I
+%D implemented color support in tables in the early 90's
+%D because I needed it for some articles on color. I have to
+%D admit that I seldom use the mechanism.
+%D Most color support in \CONTEXT\ makes use of colored rules.
+%D At first sight, one is tempted to implement colors in tables
+%D in a similar way, but as said, we don't know the dimensions
+%D in advance. It turns out however that we don't have to,
+%D simply because alignments take care of stretching rules to
+%D the appropritate dimensions. This means that we can provide
+%D backgrounds by coloring rules with the height of a row,
+%D skipping upwards and finally drawing the content, like in:
+%D \gdef\ShowExample
+%D {\startfiguretext
+%D {none}
+%D {\getbuffer}
+%D \typebuffer
+%D \stopfiguretext}
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \starttable[|c|c|]
+%D \HL
+%D \BL[2] \SR
+%D \VL test \VL test \VL\SR
+%D \HL
+%D \VL test \VL test \VL\FR
+%D \VL test \VL test \VL\MR
+%D \VL test \VL test \VL\LR
+%D \HL
+%D \stoptable
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \ShowExample
+%D Just to be complete we show how the other columns can be
+%D given a background. Later we will provide more details over
+%D the commands used.
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \starttable[|c|c|c|]
+%D \HL
+%D \BL[3] \SR
+%D \VL test \VL test \VL test \VL\SR
+%D \HL
+%D \stoptable
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \ShowExample
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \starttable[|c|c|c|]
+%D \HL
+%D \BC \BL[2] \SR
+%D \VL test \VL test \VL test \VL\SR
+%D \HL
+%D \stoptable
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \ShowExample
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \starttable[|c|c|c|]
+%D \HL
+%D \BC \BC \BL \SR
+%D \VL test \VL test \VL test \VL\SR
+%D \HL
+%D \stoptable
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \ShowExample
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \starttable[|c|c|c|]
+%D \HL
+%D \BC \BL \SR
+%D \VL test \VL test \VL test \VL\SR
+%D \HL
+%D \stoptable
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \ShowExample
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \starttable[|c|c|c|]
+%D \BL \BL \SR
+%D \HL
+%D \VL test \VL test \VL test \VL\SR
+%D \HL
+%D \stoptable
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \ShowExample
+%D In these examples we can clearly see that for being a real
+%D background, the color or gray specification has to precede
+%D the content. Just to keep things simple, we can recall this
+%D specification later on:
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \starttable[|c|c|c|]
+%D \BC \BL \SR
+%D \HL
+%D \VL test \VL test \VL test \VL\SR
+%D \HL
+%D \BR\FR
+%D \VL test \VL test \VL test \VL\FR
+%D \BR\MR
+%D \VL test \VL test \VL test \VL\MR
+%D \BR\LR
+%D \VL test \VL test \VL test \VL\LR
+%D \HL
+%D \stoptable
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \ShowExample
+%D Close study learns that we can put the specification
+%D before or after the \type{\HL}, whatever suits best. Keeping
+%D track of these specifications is taken care of by the next
+%D variables:
+\newif \ifTABLEgrayline % executing gray line
+\newif \ifTABLEgraydone % gray line executed
+\newtoks \TABLEgraytoks % gray line specification
+%D Nog vervangen:
+%D We already saw that the table macros report errors and
+%D provide automatic spacing. These features can only be
+%D implemented by keeping track of the state, often the last
+%D command on a row.
+\chardef\TABLEunknown = 0
+\chardef\TABLEseparaterow = 1
+\chardef\TABLEfirstrow = 2
+\chardef\TABLEmidrow = 3
+\chardef\TABLElastrow = 4
+\chardef\TABLErule = 5
+\chardef\TABLEskip = 6
+\chardef\TABLEautorow = 7
+\chardef\TABLEforcefirstrow = 1
+\chardef\TABLEforcelastrow = 2
+\chardef\TABLEmissingrow = 1
+\chardef\TABLEmissingcolumn = 2
+\chardef\TABLEspanoverflow = 3
+\chardef\TABLEdivisionoverflow = 4
+%D We store these states using efficient \type {\chardef}'s.
+%D Like most variables, these are global ones. When needed,
+%D especially when we flush the backgrounds, we can temporary
+%D disable the assignment.
+ {\ifsetTABLEaction\global\chardef\TABLEaction#1\fi}
+ {\ifsetTABLEaction\global\chardef\TABLEforce#1\fi}
+ {\global\chardef\TABLEerror#1}
+%D Before we come to using these variables, we redefine and/or
+%D adapt some \TABLE\ macros. Within \TABLE's the \type{|} and
+%D \type{"} have special meanings in templates and are active
+%D during. Their meaning can therefore conflict with those
+%D elsewhere defined. To be compatible with traditional \TABLE\
+%D as well as \CONTEXT's \type{||} and the active \type{"}
+%D extensions for my german friends, we do some catcode magic.
+\newif\ifForgetTableBarAndQuote \ForgetTableBarAndQuotetrue
+% \bgroup
+% \catcode`\|=\@@active
+% \catcode`\"=\@@active
+% \gdef\pushouterbarandquote
+% {\ifForgetTableBarAndQuote
+% \ifnum\catcode`\|=\@@active \let\outertablebar |\else\let\outertablebar \relax\fi
+% \ifnum\catcode`\"=\@@active \let\outertablequote"\else\let\outertablequote\relax\fi
+% \let|\letterbar
+% \let"\letterdoublequote
+% \fi}
+% \gdef\popouterbarandquote
+% {\ifForgetTableBarAndQuote
+% \ifx\outertablebar \relax\else\let|\outertablebar \fi
+% \ifx\outertablequote\relax\else\let"\outertablequote\fi
+% \else
+% \redefinetablebarandquote
+% \fi}
+% \egroup
+% \def\ObeyTableBarAndQuote
+% {\ForgetTableBarAndQuotefalse
+% \ifintable
+% \redefinetablebarandquote
+% \fi}
+\let\ActivateBarAndQuote \relax
+\let\popouterbarandquote \relax
+%D \macros
+%D {ObeyTableBarAndQuote}
+%D As said, the \type{|} and \type{"} active characters are
+%D often used for other purposes. By default, the outside
+%D meanings are therefore preserved and available inside
+%D tables. If for some reason one wants to use the \TABLE\
+%D primitives, one can say:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \ObeyTableBarAndQuote
+%D \stoptyping
+%D To keep things verbose, as well as to show what \TABLE\
+%D commands we affect, we show some meanings.
+\def\normalTABLEshortrule {\!ttShortHrule} % \-
+\def\normalTABLElongrule {\!ttLongHrule} % \=
+\def\normalTABLEfullrule {\!ttFullHrule} % \_
+\def\normalTABLEendofrow {\!ttEndOfRow} % \\
+\def\normalTABLEsimplebar {\unskip\!ttRightGlue&&} % |
+\def\normalTABLEcomplexbar {\unskip\!ttRightGlue&\omit\!ttAlternateVrule} % \|
+\def\normalTABLEquote {\unskip\!ttRightGlue&\omit&} % "
+\def\normalTABLElineformat {\normalTABLEendofrow+}
+\def\normalTABLElineending {\normalTABLEendofrow0 }
+\def\normalTABLEsinglerule {&\normalTABLElongrule&}
+%D The next hack is dedicated to Tobias, who found out that
+%D paragraph entries don't break well.
+%D The first attemp to solve this problem was:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\normalTABLEquote%
+%D {\unskip\TABLEhack\!ttRightGlue&\omit&\TABLEhack}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D But, as usual, this interfered with \type {\omit}.
+%D The next attempt is redefining some core \TABLE\ macro:.
+%D This works ok, but breaks for instance the~\type{b}
+%D key handling.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\!tfAdjoinPriorColumn%
+%D {\ifnum\!taColumnNumber=0
+%D \!taPreamble=\!taRuleColumnTemplate
+%D ...
+%D \if!taOnceOnlyTabskip
+%D \!thToksEdef\!taDataColumnTemplate=
+%D {\TABLEhack####\TABLEhack\tabskip\the\!taLastRegularTabskip}
+%D \else
+%D \!taDataColumnTemplate{\TABLEhack##\TABLEhack}%
+%D \fi
+%D ...
+%D \ReadFormatKeys}
+%D \stoptyping
+% \newdimen\TABLEparheight
+ {\setbox\scratchbox\vtop\bgroup % \setbox added
+ \hsize#1\relax
+ \dontcomplain
+ \restoretablelineskips
+ \normalbaselines
+ \let~\!ttTie
+ \let\-\!ttDH
+ \blank[\v!disable]% % added
+ \the\EveryTableParBox}
+ {\removelastskip % itemize or so
+ \endgraf
+ \ifnum\prevgraf>\zerocount % we want at least
+ \verticalstrut \nowhitespace \vskip-\struttotal % one line of text
+ \egroup
+ \ifdim\dp\scratchbox>\lineheight % see (*) for an
+ \getnoflines{\dp\scratchbox}% % example of where
+ \dp\scratchbox\zeropoint % saving can go
+ \setbox\scratchbox % terrible wrong
+ \vtop to \noflines\lineheight{\box\scratchbox}%
+ \fi % esp between rows
+ \else % of paragraphs
+ \egroup
+ \fi
+% \getboxheight\scratchdimen\of\box\scratchbox\relax% compensate for
+% \ifdim\scratchdimen>\TABLEparheight % funny depth of
+% \global\TABLEparheight\scratchdimen % multi-line box
+% \fi % i.e. vtop
+ \box\scratchbox}
+% We also need to patch away the interfering math switch:
+% \mathpunctuationtrue
+% test, test
+% \starttable[|c|]
+% \NC1,,10\NC\AR
+% \stoptable
+% test, test
+ \if #1u% % "unboxed" table
+ \ifmmode
+ \def\!ttEndTable{% % user had better be in display math mode
+ \relax}% % and have only one table at the outer level
+ \else % user had better be in vertical mode
+ \bgroup
+ \def\!ttEndTable{%
+ \egroup}%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ %\hbox\bgroup $
+ %\def\!ttEndTable{%
+ % \egroup % for the \vtop, \vbox, or \vcenter, yet to come
+ % $% for math mode
+ % \egroup}% for the \hbox
+ %\if #1t%
+ % \vtop
+ %\else
+ % \if #1b%
+ % \vbox
+ % \else
+ % \vcenter % math mode was essential for this
+ % \fi
+ %\fi
+ %
+ \hbox\bgroup
+ \def\!ttEndTable{\egroup\egroup}%
+ \if#1t%
+ \vtop
+ \else\if#1b%
+ \vbox
+ \else
+ \def\!ttEndTable{\egroup$\egroup}%
+ %$\vcenter
+ \scratchtoks\everymath\everymath\emptytoks$\everymath\scratchtoks\vcenter
+ \fi\fi
+ %
+ \bgroup % for the \vtop, \vbox, or \vcenter
+ \fi
+ \advance\!taRecursionLevel 1 % RecursionLevel governs initialization
+ \let\!ttRightGlue=\relax % This may be changed by \JustCenter, etc
+ \everycr\emptytoks % ={}
+ \ifnum \!taRecursionLevel=1
+ \!ttInitializeTable
+ \fi}
+%D The next redefinition is more robust than the original:
+ {\doifelsenothing{#1}{\!taTableSpread\emptytoks}{\!taTableSpread{to #1}}}
+% (*) Try this one with \type {direction} and {girection};
+% the \PPCHTEX\ manual is a nice testcase.
+% \startoverlay
+% {\starttable[ | l w(2cm) | w(8cm) | ]
+% \HL
+% \VL direction \VL \showbaselines \dorecurse{3}{direction }\VL \FR
+% \VL direction \VL \showbaselines \dorecurse{3}{direction }\VL \MR
+% \VL direction \VL \showbaselines \dorecurse{3}{direction }\VL \LR
+% \HL
+% \stoptable}
+% {\starttable[ | l w(2cm) | p(8cm) | ]
+% \HL
+% \VL direction \VL \showbaselines \dorecurse{3}{direction }\VL \FR
+% \VL direction \VL \showbaselines \dorecurse{3}{direction }\VL \MR
+% \VL direction \VL \showbaselines \dorecurse{3}{direction }\VL \LR
+% \HL
+% \stoptable}
+% \stopoverlay
+% \vskip2cm
+% \starttable[ | l w(2cm) | p(8cm) | ]
+% \HL
+% \VL direction \VL \showbaselines \dorecurse{3}{direction }\VL \FR
+% \VL direction \VL \showbaselines \dorecurse{8}{direction }\VL \LR
+% \HL
+% \stoptable
+% \vskip2cm
+% \starttable[ | l w(2cm) | p(8cm) | ]
+% \HL
+% \VL direction \VL \showbaselines \dorecurse{8}{direction }\VL \FR
+% \VL direction \VL \showbaselines \dorecurse{8}{direction }\VL \LR
+% \HL
+% \stoptable
+%D To give an impression of what the (well documented) source
+%D of \TABLE\ looks like, we first implement an alternative for
+%D the numeric keys. The quantity keys (\type{q} and \type{Q})
+%D support the more european way of writing numbers:
+%D \startnarrower
+%D 100.000.000,00 instead of 100,000,000.00
+%D \stopnarrower
+%D The next table shows how to use these keys. We use braces
+%D instead of brackets because we need brackets to specify the
+%D format.
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \starttable{|q[00,000]|Q[00,00]|}
+%D \HL
+%D \VL -1,2 \VL 12,35 \VL\FR
+%D \VL 11,203 \VL 2,4 \VL\LR
+%D \HL
+%D \stoptable
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \ShowExample
+%D Although a more efficient implementation is possible |<|we
+%D can for instance share common macros|>| we just adapt a copy
+%D of the numeric ones. To permit double loading of this
+%D module, we check for the existence of one of the macros.
+\letvalue{!tk<\string q>}=\undefined
+\letvalue{!tk<\string Q>}=\undefined
+%D We just copy the original {\em comments}.
+%D \em Key \type{q}: quantity item, non||math mode.
+\NewFormatKey q%
+ {\letempty\!tqStyle
+ \futurelet\!tnext\!tqTestForBracket}
+%D \em Key \type{Q}: quantity item, math mode.
+\NewFormatKey Q%
+ {\def\!tqStyle{$}%
+ \futurelet\!tnext\!tqTestForBracket}
+%D \em Note: the space between a quantity entry and the
+%D following \type{|}, \type{"}, or \type{\|} is mandatory.
+%D empty quantity entries are not allowed: use \type{{}} or
+%D \type{\omit} instead.
+%D \em Test for bracket: invoked by the keys \type{q} and
+%D \type{Q}.
+ {\ifx[\!tnext
+ \!thx\!tqGetArgument
+ \else
+ \!thx\!tqGetCode
+ \fi}
+%D \em Get code: e.g. \type{4}, or \type{4,0}, \type{0,4}, or
+%D \type{10,2}.
+\def\!tqGetCode#1 % note the blank
+ {\!tqConvertCode #1,,!}
+%D \em Convert code: e.g. converts above to \type{[0000]},
+%D \type{[0000,]}, \type{[,0000]}, \type{[0000000000,00]}.
+\def\!tqConvertCode #1,#2,#3!%
+ {\begingroup
+ \aftergroup\edef
+ \aftergroup\!ttemp
+ \aftergroup{%
+ \aftergroup[%
+ \!taCountA #1
+ \!thLoop
+ \ifnum \!taCountA>\zerocount
+ \advance\!taCountA \minusone
+ \aftergroup0
+ \repeat
+ \def\!ttemp{#3}%
+ \ifx\!ttemp\empty
+ \else
+ \aftergroup,
+ \!taCountA #2
+ \!thLoop
+ \ifnum\!taCountA>\zerocount
+ \advance\!taCountA \minusone
+ \aftergroup0
+ \repeat
+ \fi
+ \aftergroup]\aftergroup}%
+ \endgroup\relax
+ \!thx\!tqGetArgument\!ttemp}
+%D \em Get argument:
+%D \starttyping
+%D <sample left field> <optional, sample right field>
+%D \stoptyping
+ {\!tqMakeQuantityTemplate\!tqStyle#1,,!}
+%D \em Make quantity template.
+\def\!tqMakeQuantityTemplate#1#2,#3,#4!% #1=<empty> or $
+ {\def\!ttemp{#4}%
+ \ifx\!ttemp\empty
+ \!taDimenC\zeropoint
+ \else
+ \setbox0\hbox{\mathsurround\zeropoint #1,#3#1}%
+ \!taDimenC\wd0
+ \fi
+ \setbox0\hbox{\mathsurround\zeropoint #1#2#1}%
+ \!thToksEdef\!taDataColumnTemplate
+ ={\noexpand\!tqSetQuantityItem{\the\wd0 }{\the\!taDimenC}{#1}%
+ \the\!taDataColumnTemplate}%
+ \ReadFormatKeys}
+%D \em Set numeric item.
+\def\!tqSetQuantityItem #1#2#3#4 %
+ {\!tqSetQuantityItemA{#1}{#2}{#3}#4,,!}
+\def\!tqSetQuantityItemA #1#2#3#4,#5,#6!%
+ {\def\!ttemp{#6}%
+ \hbox to #1{\hss\mathsurround\zeropoint#3#4#3}%
+ \hbox to #2{\ifx\!ttemp\empty\else\mathsurround\zeropoint#3,#5#3\fi\hss}}
+%D Here ends the Q||extension. Did you watch the clever use
+%D of aftergroup in \type{\!tqConvertCode}.
+% %D We also (have to) define a key for \type{\cap}:
+% \letvalue{!tk<\string K>}=\undefined
+% \NewFormatKey K%
+% {\ReadFormatKeys b\smallcapped}
+%D A few pages back we saw backgrounds, further on we will see
+%D colored rules, and here we provide a means to color the
+%D entries in a column. (We can of course always use the normal
+%D color commands for individual entries.) We could not use the
+%D lowercase~\type{c}, because that one is used to force {\em
+%D centering}.
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \starttable[|C{red}|C{green}|C{blue}|]
+%D \VL R(ed) \VL G(reen) \VL B(lue) \VL\SR
+%D \stoptable
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \ShowExample
+\letvalue{!tk<\string C>}=\undefined
+\NewFormatKey C#1%
+ {\ReadFormatKeys b{\localstartcolor[#1]} a{\localstopcolor}}
+%D So now we have three new keys:
+%D \starttable[|||]
+%D \HL
+%D \NC \bf key \NC \bf meaning \NC\AR
+%D \HL
+%D \NC Q[x,y] \NC math mode formatted numbers \NC\AR
+%D \NC q[x,y] \NC text mode formatted numbers \NC\AR
+%D \NC C{identifier} \NC column entry color \NC\AR
+%D \HL
+%D \stoptable
+%D To be compatible with the tabulate environment, we also
+%D support the \type {l}, \type {c} and \type {r} keys for
+%D paragraph entries.
+\letvalue{!tk<\string l>}=\undefined
+\letvalue{!tk<\string c>}=\undefined
+\letvalue{!tk<\string r>}=\undefined
+\letvalue{!tk<\string x>}=\undefined % not that needed
+\NewFormatKey c%
+ {\prependtoks\raggedcenter\to\!taDataColumnTemplate
+ \ReadFormatKeys \LeftGlue\hfil \RightGlue\hfil}
+\NewFormatKey l%
+ {\prependtoks\raggedright\to\!taDataColumnTemplate
+ \ReadFormatKeys \LeftGlue\empty \RightGlue\hfil}
+\NewFormatKey r%
+ {\prependtoks\raggedleft\to\!taDataColumnTemplate
+ \ReadFormatKeys \LeftGlue\hfil \RightGlue\empty}
+\NewFormatKey x%
+ {\prependtoks\notragged\to\!taDataColumnTemplate
+ \ReadFormatKeys \LeftGlue\hfil \RightGlue\empty}
+\appendtoks \TABLEparalignment \to \EveryTableParBox
+ {\the \!taLeftGlue
+ \vbox{\forgetall\ialign{\span\the\!taDataColumnTemplate\cr#1\cr}}%
+ \the \!taRightGlue
+ \kern\zeropoint} % prevents \unskip / really needed
+%D Later on, we're going to implement multiple page table
+%D support, therefore the next \TABLE\ macro needs to be
+%D slightly adapted, i.c. the penalty is removed. We also
+%D add basic color support.
+ {\!ttGetHalfRuleThickness
+ \startglobalTABLEcolor % added
+ \hrule\!thHeight\dimen0\!thDepth\dimen0
+ \stopglobalTABLEcolor % added
+ %\penalty0 % removed
+ \egroup}
+%D We'll see that when we want to give a vertical rule a color,
+%D we have to set and reset states. After heavy testing it
+%D proved most useful to extend a \TABLE\ primitive with some
+%D hooks. One thing to keep in mind is that \type{&} keeps
+%D assignments local. Again, we add basic color support.
+\let\TABLEafterbar \empty
+\def\do!ttInsertVrule % will be merged in 2005
+ {\vrule \!thWidth
+ \ifnum\!tgCode=\plusone
+ \ifx\!tgValue\empty
+ \LineThicknessFactor
+ \else
+ \!tgValue
+ \fi
+ \LineThicknessUnit
+ \else
+ \!tgValue
+ \fi
+ \hskip\@VLd}
+ {\hfil
+ \TABLEbeforebar % added
+ \startglobalTABLEcolor % added
+ % we could do without this speedup, some day merge 'm
+ \ifcase\@VLn\or
+ \do!ttInsertVrule
+ \unskip
+ \else
+ \dorecurse\@VLn\do!ttInsertVrule
+ \gdef\@VLn{1}%
+ \unskip
+ \fi
+ \stopglobalTABLEcolor % added
+ \TABLEafterbar % added
+ \hfil
+ &}
+%D The next two macros are only adapted to basis rule
+%D color support.
+ {\!thToksEdef\!taRuleColumnTemplate=
+ {\noexpand\hfil
+ \noexpand\startglobalTABLEcolor % added
+ \noexpand\vrule
+ \noexpand\!thWidth
+ \ifnum\!tgCode=\plusone
+ \ifx\!tgValue\empty
+ \the\LineThicknessFactor
+ \else
+ \!tgValue
+ \fi
+ \!taLTU
+ \else
+ \!tgValue
+ \fi
+ ####%
+ \noexpand\hfil
+ \noexpand\stopglobalTABLEcolor % added
+ \the\!taRuleColumnTemplate}%
+ \!tfAdjoinPriorColumn}
+ {\!ttGetHalfRuleThickness
+ \startglobalTABLEcolor % added
+ \leaders\hrule\!thHeight\dimen0\!thDepth\dimen0\hfill
+ \stopglobalTABLEcolor % added
+ \null
+ \ignorespaces}
+%D We already showed the next one, but here we slightly adapt
+%D the macro by adding an \type{\expandafter}. The space after
+%D \type{#1} is crucial!
+ {\unskip\!ttRightGlue&\omit\expandafter\!ttAlternateVrule#1 }
+%D To get rid of interfering \type{\omit}'s when we are
+%D checking the number of columns and reporting problems. The
+%D extensions concern the second level check, the first
+%D subbranch and advancing the column.
+\ifx\mscount\undefined \newcount\mscount \fi
+ {\ifnum#1>\plusone
+ \omit
+ \global\TABLEdivisionfalse
+ \scratchcounter\currentTABLEcolumn % added
+ \advance\scratchcounter #1% % added
+ \advance\scratchcounter \minusone % added
+ \ifnum\scratchcounter>\maxTABLEcolumn % added
+ \def\next % added
+ {\setTABLEerror\TABLEspanoverflow % added
+ \handleTABLEerror}% % added
+ \else % added
+ \def\next % added
+ {\global\advance\currentTABLEcolumn #1% % added
+ \global\advance\currentTABLEcolumn \minusone % added
+ \mscount#1% \mscount is in Plain
+ \advance\mscount \minusone
+ \advance\mscount \mscount
+ \!thLoop
+ \ifnum\mscount>\plusone
+ \spanomit \advance\mscount\minusone
+ \repeat
+ \span}%
+ \fi % added
+ \else % added
+ \def\next % conflicts with possible next \omit % added
+ {\global\advance\currentTABLEcolumn \plusone}% % added
+ \fi
+ \next} % added
+% \starttable[|c|c|c|c|]
+% \HL
+% \VL {test} \VL \TWO{} \VL test \VL\FR
+% \DL \DC \DL\DR
+% \VL {test} \VL \TWO{} \VL test \VL\LR
+% \HL
+% \stoptable
+%D All commands that are executed between rows are to be put in
+%D \type {\noalign}. We can however not verify if we (that is
+%D \TABLE) does or did not enter this mode. A moderate dirty
+%D but useful trick is using our own alternative:\footnote{Once
+%D one has entered the stage of redefining \TEX\ primitives,
+%D such hacks become a second nature. However, redefining \type
+%D {\omit} and \type{\span} is not that easy.}
+ {\noalign\bgroup\let\noalign\relax\let\next=}
+%D \macros
+%D {starttable}
+%D The rest of this module is not easy to comprehend, mainly
+%D because we have to take care of:
+%D \startitemize[packed]
+%D \item \type{\startitemize[template]}
+%D \item \type{\startitemize{template}}
+%D \item \type{\startitemize[predefined]}
+%D \stopitemize
+%D as well as:
+%D \startitemize[continue]
+%D \item restart after table break
+%D \stopitemize
+%D The official specification of the start command is:
+%D \showsetup{starttable}
+ {\bgroup
+ \doif\@@tisplit\v!auto
+ {\ifinsidesplitfloat\let\@@tisplit\v!yes\fi}%
+ \doifinsetelse\@@tisplit{\v!yes,\v!repeat}
+ {\def\stoptable{\stoptables\egroup}%
+ \starttables}
+ {\doifelsenothing\@@tiframe
+ {\ifinsidefloat\else\startbaselinecorrection\fi}
+ {\startframedcontent[\@@tiframe]}%
+ \postponenotes
+ \firststagestartTABLE}}
+ {\chuckTABLEautorow % before the tail, else noalign problem
+ \insertTABLEtail
+ \TABLEnoalign{\globalletempty\@@TABLEhead}%
+ \TABLEnoalign{\globalletempty\@@TABLEtail}%
+ \finishTABLE
+ \doifelsenothing\@@tiframe
+ {\ifinsidefloat\else
+ \stopbaselinecorrection
+ \goodbreak % compensates all the nobreaks
+ \fi}
+ \stopframedcontent
+ \egroup}
+%D Before we can grab the argument, we have to make sure that
+%D the \CATCODES\ are set. The first stage takes care of that.
+ {\bgroup % kan-ie weg?
+ \global\intabletrue
+ \pushouterbarandquote
+ %catcode`\|=\@@other
+ \complexorsimple\secondstagestartTABLE}
+ {\complexsecondstagestartTABLE[{#1}]}
+%D \macros
+%D {definetabletemplate}
+%D The complex (and main) start macro first takes care of the
+%D predefined case. Such a predefined setup looks like:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \definetabletemplate[test][|||]
+%D \starttable[test]
+%D \VL test \VL test \VL\AR
+%D \VL test \VL test \VL\AR
+%D \VL test \VL test \VL\AR
+%D \stoptable
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The implementation of the definition macro is not that
+%D complicated:
+\def\definetabletemplate % to be redone
+ {\bgroup
+ \catcode`\|=\@@other
+ \doquadrupleempty\dodefinetabletemplate}
+ {\ifsecondargument
+ \setgvalue{\c!Table#1}{\douseTABLEtemplate{#2}{#3}{#4}}%
+ \fi
+ \egroup}
+ {\gdef\TABLEhead{\getvalue{@@TABLEhead#2}}%
+ \gdef\TABLEtail{\getvalue{@@TABLEtail#3}}%
+ \complexsecondstagestartTABLE[#1]}
+%D The optional third and fourth arguments define which table
+%D head and tail to use.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \definetabletemplate[test][|||][before][after]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D This also means that one can define table heads and tails
+%D by name!
+%D \starttyping
+%D \starttablehead[before]
+%D \HL \VL first \VL second \VL \SR \HL
+%D \stoptablehead
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Templates defined this way get protected names, that cannot
+%D conflict with existing commands.
+%D \showsetup{definetabletemplate}
+%D The second half of the next macro prepares table
+%D splitting.
+ {\TABLEnoalign{\global\settrue \preventTABLEbreak \global\setfalse\someTABLEhead}%
+ \TABLEhead
+ \TABLEnoalign{\global\setfalse\preventTABLEbreak}}
+ {\TABLEnoalign{\global\settrue \preventTABLEbreak \global\setfalse\someTABLEtail}%
+ \TABLEtail
+ \TABLEnoalign{\global\setfalse\preventTABLEbreak}}
+% \def\dorestartTABLE#1%
+% {\gdef\restartTABLE{#1}%
+% \restartTABLE
+% \insertTABLEhead
+% \ifsplittables \ifconditional \tablerepeattail
+% \TABLEnoalign{\goodbreak}%
+% \insertTABLEtail
+% \TABLEnoalign{\goodbreak}%
+% \fi \fi}
+ {\TABLEnoalign{\expandafter\normalTABLEfullrule\@@tiHLheight}}
+ {\gdef\restartTABLE{#1}%
+ \restartTABLE
+ \TABLEnoalign{\globalpushmacro\simpleTableHL\global\let\simpleTableHL\verysimpleTableHL}%
+ \insertTABLEhead
+ \ifsplittables \ifconditional \tablerepeattail
+ \TABLEnoalign{\goodbreak}%
+ \insertTABLEtail
+ \TABLEnoalign{\goodbreak}%
+ \fi \fi
+ \TABLEnoalign{\globalpopmacro\simpleTableHL}}
+\bgroup \catcode`|=\@@other \catcode`"=\@@other
+\gdef\complexsecondstagestartTABLE#1[#2]% brr nested mess
+ {\bgroup
+ \@@useotherbar
+ \@@useotherquote
+ \global\setfalse\someTABLEhead
+ \global\setfalse\someTABLEtail
+ \expanded{\doifinstringelse{|}{#2}}
+ {\xdef\restartTABLE{\noexpand\dorestartTABLE{\noexpand\thirdstagestartTABLE{#2}}}}
+ {\doifdefinedelse{\c!Table#2}
+ {\gdef\restartTABLE{\getvalue{\c!Table#2}}}
+ {\gdef\restartTABLE{\dorestartTABLE{\getvalue{#2}}}}}%
+ \egroup
+ \restartTABLE}
+%D The third stage involves a lot of (re)sets, which we will
+%D explain later.
+%D The next definition is convenient and more in tune with
+\let \everytable \EveryTable
+%D We immediately use this register:
+ \fixedspaces
+ \let\_\normalunderscore
+\to \everytable
+%D Now we can start the table.
+ {\global\setTABLEactiontrue
+ \setTABLEaction\TABLEunknown
+ \setTABLEforce\TABLEunknown
+ \setTABLEerror\TABLEunknown
+ \global\TABLEgraylinefalse
+ \global\TABLEgraydonefalse
+ \globalletempty\TABLEgrayline
+ \globalletempty\nextTABLEgrayline
+ \globalletempty\TABLEgraylineerror
+ \globalletempty\TABLEgraylinestatus
+ \resetVLvalues
+ \appendtoks\popouterbarandquote\to\EveryTable
+ \appendtoks\localTABLEsetup\to\EveryTable
+ \BeginTable[\ifsplittables u\else b\fi]%
+ \defineTABLEunits
+ \defineTABLEsteps
+ \defineTABLErules
+ \defineTABLEdivisions
+ \defineTABLEshorthands
+ \defineTABLEbackgrounds
+ \defineTABLEendings
+ \forgetall % added
+ \doifsomething{#1}
+ {\def\TABLEformat{#1}%
+ \getTABLEnofcolumns\TABLEformat
+ % more modern is to use catcode tables
+ \expandafter\BeginFormat\TABLEformat\EndFormat}}
+ {\chuckTABLEautorow
+ \unskip\crcr
+ \EndTable
+ \global\intablefalse
+ \egroup}
+%D \macros
+%D {starttables}
+%D Split tables are specified using the plural form of the
+%D start and stop commands.
+%D \showsetup{starttables}
+%D For example:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \starttables[|||]
+%D \HL
+%D \VL element \VL atom weight \VL\AR
+%D \HL
+%D \VL ....... \VL ........... \VL\AR
+%D \VL ....... \VL ........... \VL\AR
+%D \HL
+%D \stoptables
+%D \stoptyping
+ {\bgroup
+ \splittablestrue
+ \doifelse\@@tisplit\v!repeat
+ {\settrue \tablerepeathead\settrue \tablerepeattail}
+ {\setfalse\tablerepeathead\setfalse\tablerepeattail}%
+ \flushnotes
+ \setbox\tablecontentbox\vbox\bgroup
+ \forgetall
+ \global\TABLEinbreakfalse
+ \firststagestartTABLE}
+% \def\stoptables
+% {\ifconditional\tablerepeattail\else\insertTABLEtail\fi
+% \finishTABLE
+% \egroup
+% \dosplittablebox\tablecontentbox
+% \flushnotes
+% \egroup}
+ {\chuckTABLEautorow % AM: before the tail, else noalign problem
+ \ifconditional\tablerepeattail\else\insertTABLEtail\fi
+ \finishTABLE
+ \egroup
+ \dosplittablebox\tablecontentbox
+ \flushnotes
+ \egroup}
+\newdimen\TABLEcaptionheight % obsolete
+ {\resettsplit
+ \def\tsplitminimumfreelines{2}%
+ \def\tsplitminimumfreespace{\TABLEcaptionheight}%
+ \setbox\tsplitcontent\box#1%
+ \ifconditional\tablerepeathead \ifconditional\someTABLEhead
+ \setbox\tsplithead\vsplit\tsplitcontent to \lineheight
+ \setbox\tsplithead\vbox{\unvbox\tsplithead}%
+ \fi \fi
+ \ifconditional\tablerepeattail \ifconditional\someTABLEtail
+ \setbox\tsplittail\vsplit\tsplitcontent to \lineheight
+ \setbox\tsplittail\vbox{\unvbox\tsplittail}%
+ \fi \fi
+ \ifinsidefloat\else
+ \def\tsplitbeforeresult{\startbaselinecorrection}%
+ \def\tsplitafterresult {\stopbaselinecorrection}%
+ \fi
+ \handletsplit}
+%D When the table in the previous example is split across
+%D pages, only the first gets a head. We could have said
+%D something like:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \starttablekop
+%D \HL
+%D \VL element \VL atom weight \VL\AR
+%D \HL
+%D \stoptablekop
+%D \starttablestaart
+%D \HL
+%D \stoptablestaart
+%D \starttables[|||]
+%D \VL ....... \VL ........... \VL\AR
+%D \VL ....... \VL ........... \VL\AR
+%D \stoptables
+%D \stoptyping
+%D This time each split table gets a head line and ends with
+%D a rule. Keep in mind that such heads also apply to the
+%D unbroken ones and should be defined local (grouped) if
+%D needed. The rather complicated definition below is due to
+%D the fact that the stopcondition is interface language
+%D dependant.
+\let\@@TABLEhead\empty \def\TABLEhead{\@@TABLEhead}
+\let\@@TABLEtail\empty \def\TABLEtail{\@@TABLEtail}
+\letvalue{\e!stop \v!tablehead}=\undefined
+\letvalue{\e!stop \v!tabletail}=\undefined
+ {\def\csname\e!start\v!tablehead\endcsname##1\csname\e!stop\v!tablehead\endcsname%
+ {\noexpand\setTABLEhead##1\noexpand\end}}
+ {\def\csname\e!start\v!tabletail\endcsname##1\csname\e!stop\v!tabletail\endcsname%
+ {\noexpand\setTABLEtail##1\noexpand\end}}
+%D The second argument is a dummy one, by scanning for it, we
+%D get rid of interfering spaces.
+%D Redudant \type{\HL}'s are removed automatically, so
+%D mid||lines can be used without problems.
+%D We need an alternative for the normal complex or simple
+%D commands, because assignments in these system commands
+%D conflict with \type{\noalign}. This alternative is about
+%D as efficient as possible.
+ {\csname\if[\noexpand#2\s!complex\else\s!simple\fi\c!Table#1\endcsname#2}
+%D The next one is used in \type{\VL} cum suis and honours
+%D the next grouping.
+ {\ifx\next\bgroup\@EA#2\else\@EA\dodocomplexorsimpleTable\@EA#1\@EA#2\fi}
+ {\if[\noexpand#3\@EA#1\else\@EA#2\fi#3}
+%D The order of the next macros is more or less random. First
+%D we implement error recovery. Errors are reported to the
+%D screen and log file as well as visualized in the table in
+%D teletype.
+ {\ifTABLEgrayline \else
+ \ifnum\TABLEerror=\TABLEunknown \else
+ \setTABLEaction\TABLEunknown
+ \globalletempty\checkTABLEautorow
+ \globalletempty\chuckTABLEautorow
+ \fi
+ \ifcase\TABLEerror
+ % no error
+ \or
+ % \TABLEmissingrow
+ \tttf [missing row]%
+ \writestatus\m!TABLE{missing row}%
+ \SR
+ \or
+ % \TABLEmissingcolumn
+ \fillTABLEcolumns
+ \tttf [missing column]%
+ \writestatus\m!TABLE{missing column}%
+ \SR
+ \or
+ % \TABLEspanoverflow
+ \fillTABLEcolumns
+ \tttf [columnspan too large]%
+ \writestatus\m!TABLE{columnspan too large}%
+ \SR
+ \or
+ % \TABLEdivisionoverflow
+ \fillTABLEcolumns
+ \tttf [division line too long]%
+ \writestatus\m!TABLE{division line too long}%
+ \SR
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \ifnum\TABLEerror=\TABLEunknown \else
+ \finishTABLErow
+ \fi}
+ {\crcr
+ \TABLEnoalign
+ {\nobreak
+ \setTABLEaction\TABLEunknown
+ \setTABLEerror\TABLEunknown
+ \globalletempty\checkTABLEautorow
+ \globalletempty\chuckTABLEautorow
+ \global\currentTABLEcolumn\zerocount}}
+ {\ifnum\currentTABLEcolumn>\maxTABLEcolumn \else
+ \global\advance\currentTABLEcolumn \plusone
+ \normalTABLEquote
+ \expandafter\fillTABLEcolumns
+ \fi}
+%D Next we enter the more complicated area of column and row
+%D switching. I won't go into much detail from now on, but just
+%D mention the general principles.
+%D \startitemize[3*ruim]
+%D \sym{\type{\SR}} end a separate row (between rules)
+%D \sym{\type{\FR}} end a first row (after a rule)
+%D \sym{\type{\MR}} end a mid row (between text lines)
+%D \sym{\type{\LR}} end a last row (before a rule)
+%D \stopitemize
+%D and best of all:
+%D \startitemize[continue]
+%D \sym{\type{\AR}} end a row with automatic spacing
+%D \stopitemize
+%D As far as possible, we report confusing situations. In
+%D most cases one can use \type{\AR}, which transfigurates
+%D itself into one of the other types.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \starttable[||]
+%D \HL
+%D \VL a separate row \VL\SR
+%D \HL
+%D \VL a first row \VL\FR
+%D \VL a mid row \VL\MR
+%D \VL a last row \VL\LR
+%D \HL
+%D \stoptable
+%D \stoptyping
+%D In this example we could have used \type{\AR} without
+%D problems.
+%D Color or gray scale backgrounds precede the content. They
+%D are passed over horizontal (division) lines when needed.
+%D Errors in the color template are traced elsewhere. Here we
+%D only check for inconsistent spacing. Due to the way \TEX\
+%D handles alignments, we cannot automate spacing for colored
+%D rows and columns.
+\def\checkTABLErow#1% pure for message purposes
+ {\unskip % added
+ \ifTABLEgraydone
+ \defconvertedargument\asciia{#1}%
+ \defconvertedcommand \asciib\TABLEendBCL
+ \ifx\asciia\asciib \else
+ \writestatus\m!TABLE{confusing \asciia\space and \asciib}%
+ \gdef\TABLEgraylineerror%
+ {\globalletempty\TABLEgraylineerror
+ [\asciia\unskip<->\asciib\unskip]}%
+ \fi
+ \global\TABLEgraydonefalse
+ \fi}
+ {\let\SR\TableSR
+ \let\FR\TableFR
+ \let\MR\TableMR
+ \let\LR\TableLR
+ \let\AR\TableAR}
+ {\ifTABLEgrayline \else
+ \ifnum\TABLEaction=\TABLEfirstrow
+ \writestatus\m!TABLE{change \string\SR\space into \string\MR/\string\LR}%
+ \else\ifnum\TABLEaction=\TABLEmidrow
+ \writestatus\m!TABLE{change \string\SR\space into \string\MR/\string\LR}%
+ \else\ifnum\TABLEaction=\TABLEmidrow
+ \writestatus\m!TABLE{change \string\SR\space into \string\MR/\string\LR}%
+ \fi\fi\fi
+ \fi
+ \checkTABLErow\SR
+ \endTABLErow\TABLEseparaterow\TABLErowfactor\TABLErowfactor}
+ {\ifTABLEgrayline \else
+ \ifnum\TABLEaction=\TABLEmidrow
+ \writestatus\m!TABLE{change \string\FR\space into \string\MR/\string\LR}%
+ \else\ifnum\TABLEaction=\TABLElastrow
+ \writestatus\m!TABLE{change \string\FR\space into \string\MR/\string\LR}%
+ \fi\fi
+ \fi
+ \checkTABLErow\FR
+ \endTABLErow\TABLEfirstrow\TABLErowfactor\TABLErowzero}
+ {\ifTABLEgrayline \else
+ \ifnum\TABLEaction=\TABLErule
+ \writestatus\m!TABLE{change \string\MR\space into \string\FR/\string\SR}%
+ \else\ifnum\TABLEaction=\TABLElastrow
+ \writestatus\m!TABLE{change \string\MR\space into \string\FR}%
+ \fi\fi
+ \fi
+ \checkTABLErow\MR
+ \endTABLErow\TABLEmidrow00}
+ {\ifTABLEgrayline \else
+ \ifnum\TABLEaction=\TABLErule
+ \writestatus\m!TABLE{change \string\LR\space into \string\FR/\string\SR}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \checkTABLErow\LR
+ \endTABLErow\TABLElastrow\TABLErowzero\TABLErowfactor}
+%D \macros
+%D {ifcheckTABLEcolums}
+%D The next macros handle the actual row ending. This macro
+%D also take care of space corrections due to table splitting
+%D when \type{\MR} and collegues are used. When tracing is
+%D enabled, the corrections as well as the values used to
+%D determine the available space are shown (in color). By default
+%D checking is off.
+\let\afterTABLEline \empty
+ {\handleTABLEbreak#2#3%
+ \beforeTABLEline
+ \ifcase#1\relax
+ % unknown
+ \or
+ \endofTABLEline[blue][\SR->\SR]\TABLErowfactor\TABLErowfactor
+ \or
+ \endofTABLEline[red][\FR->\FR]\TABLErowfactor\TABLErowzero
+ \or
+ \ifnum\TABLEforce=\TABLEforcelastrow
+ \endofTABLEline[red][\MR->\LR]\TABLErowzero\TABLErowfactor
+ \else\ifnum\TABLEforce=\TABLEforcefirstrow
+ \endofTABLEline[red][\MR->\FR]\TABLErowfactor\TABLErowzero
+ \else
+ \endofTABLEline[green][\MR->\MR]\TABLErowzero\TABLErowzero
+ \fi\fi
+ \or
+ \endofTABLEline[red][\LR->\LR]\TABLErowzero\TABLErowfactor
+ \fi
+ \TABLEnoalign
+ {\setTABLEforce\TABLEunknown
+ \global\currentTABLEcolumn\zerocount}%
+ \afterTABLEline}
+ {\setTABLEaction#1%
+ \ifTABLEgrayline
+ \finishTABLErow
+ \else
+ \ifnum\currentTABLEcolumn>\maxTABLEcolumn
+ \doendTABLErow{#1}{#2}{#3}%
+ \else\ifcheckTABLEcolumns
+ \setTABLEerror\TABLEmissingcolumn
+ \handleTABLEerror
+ \else
+ \doendTABLErow{#1}{#2}{#3}%
+ \fi\fi
+ \fi}
+%D Handling \type{\AR} is postponed till the next row. The
+%D check takes care of the first and mid rows, the chuck macro
+%D |<|how about that name|>| handles the last row.
+ {\ifTABLEgraydone
+ \globalletempty\checkTABLEautorow
+ \globalletempty\chuckTABLEautorow
+ \global\TABLEgraydonefalse
+ \else
+ \globallet\checkTABLEautorow\docheckTABLEautorow
+ \globallet\chuckTABLEautorow\dochuckTABLEautorow
+ \fi}
+ {\globallet\checkTABLEautorow\empty
+ \ifnum\TABLEaction=\TABLErule \FR
+ \else\ifnum\TABLEaction=\TABLEunknown \FR
+ \else \MR
+ \fi\fi}
+ {\globalletempty\checkTABLEautorow
+ \globalletempty\chuckTABLEautorow
+ \ifnum\TABLEaction=\TABLErule \SR
+ \else\ifnum\TABLEaction=\TABLEunknown \SR
+ \else \LR
+ \fi\fi}
+%D When a table is split, we also add a tail and when present
+%D we repeat the table head.
+ {\globalletempty\beforeTABLEline
+ \gdef\afterTABLEline{\TABLEnoalign{\ifconditional\preventTABLEbreak\nobreak\else\goodbreak\fi}}}
+%D When tables are split, the spacing before and after a
+%D horizontal rule is corrected according to what we expect.
+ {\ifx#2#3\else
+ \writestatus\m!TABLE{\string#2\space changed into \string#3}%
+ \fi
+ \iftracetables
+ \bgroup
+ \tttf\space
+ \ifnum\TABLEerror=\TABLEunknown
+ \ifx#2#3\else\string#2->\fi
+ \else
+ ->%
+ \fi
+ \color[#1]{\string#3}%
+ \ifx\TABLEgraylineerror\empty
+ \space\TABLEgraylinestatus
+ \else
+ \space\TABLEgraylineerror
+ \fi
+ \egroup
+ \else\ifx\TABLEgraylineerror\empty \else
+ % \bgroup
+ % \tttf\space\TABLEgraylineerror
+ % \egroup
+ \fi\fi
+ \globalletempty\TABLEgraylinestatus
+ \globalletempty\TABLEgraylineerror
+ \expandafter\normalTABLElineformat#4#5\crcr % \crcr nodig ?
+ \TABLEnoalign{\nobreak\global\setTABLEactiontrue}}
+%D In order to prevent (as good as possible) alignment overflow
+%D and therefore \TEX\ error messages, we check the maximum
+%D number of columns. We keep track of the current column and
+%D maximum column by means of two \COUNTERS. Keep in mind that
+%D the number of \type{|}'s and \type{\VL}'s or alike is always
+%D one more than the number of columns.
+%D While defining this macro we change the \CATCODE\ of
+%D \type{|}. When counting the bars, we use a non active
+%D representation of the bar, simply because we cannot be sure
+%D if the bar is active or not.\footnote{Normally it is, but
+%D \TABLE\ changes the catcode when needed.}
+ \catcode`\|=\@@other \gdef\@@otherbar {|}
+ \catcode`\"=\@@other \gdef\@@otherquote {"}
+ \catcode`\|=\@@active \gdef\@@useotherbar {\let|\@@otherbar}
+ \catcode`\"=\@@active \gdef\@@useotherquote{\let"\@@otherquote}
+\bgroup \catcode`\|=\@@other
+ {\bgroup
+ \cleanupfeatures % needed !
+ \@@useotherbar
+ \@@useotherquote
+ \expanded{\defconvertedargument\noexpand\ascii{#1}}%
+ \@EA\doglobal\@EA\counttoken\@EA|\@EA\in\ascii\to\maxTABLEcolumn
+ \global\advance\maxTABLEcolumn \minusone
+ % in case of & counting, divide by 2
+ \egroup}
+ {\edef\restoretablelineskips
+ {\baselineskip \the\baselineskip
+ \lineskiplimit\the\lineskiplimit
+ \lineskip \the\lineskip
+ \tabskip \the\tabskip}%
+ \baselineskip \zeropoint
+ \lineskiplimit\zeropoint
+ \lineskip \zeropoint
+ \tabskip \zeropoint
+ % does not work in normal tex
+ % \expanded{\getTABLEnofcolumns{\the\!taPreamble}}% added
+ \halign \the\!taTableSpread \bgroup
+ \span\the\!taPreamble
+ \ifx \!tfRowOfWidths \empty \else \!tfRowOfWidths \cr \fi}
+%D \startitemize[3*ruim]
+%D \sym{\type{\VL}} a vertical line
+%D \sym{\type{\VC}} a vertical colored line
+%D \sym{\type{\HL}} a horizontal line
+%D \sym{\type{\HC}} a horizontal colored line
+%D \stopitemize
+% \def\defineTABLErules
+% {\let\VL\TableVL
+% \let\VC\TableVC
+% \let\HL\TableHL
+% \let\HC\TableHC}
+ {\let\VL\TableVL
+ \let\VC\TableVC
+ \let\HL\TableHL
+ \let\HC\TableHC
+ \let\VS\TableVS
+ \let\VD\TableVD
+ \let\VT\TableVT
+ \let\VN\TableVN}
+ {\checkTABLEautorow
+ \nextTABLEgrayline
+ \ifnum\currentTABLEcolumn>\maxTABLEcolumn
+ \setTABLEerror\TABLEmissingrow
+ \handleTABLEerror
+ \else
+ \global\advance\currentTABLEcolumn \plusone
+ \expandafter\doTableVL
+ \fi}
+ {\futurelet\next\dodoTableVL}
+ {\docomplexorsimpleTable\complexTableVL\simpleTableVL}
+ {\scratchcounter=0#1%
+ \multiply\scratchcounter \@@tiVLwidth
+ \setxvalue{wVL\the\currentTABLEcolumn}{\the\scratchcounter}%
+ \simpleTableVL}
+ {\doifundefined{wVL\the\currentTABLEcolumn}%
+ {\setgvalue{wVL\the\currentTABLEcolumn}{\@@tiVLwidth}}%
+ \gdef\TABLEbeforebar
+ {\getvalue{bVL\the\currentTABLEcolumn}%
+ \letgvalueempty{bVL\the\currentTABLEcolumn}}%
+ \gdef\TABLEafterbar
+ {\getvalue{eVL\the\currentTABLEcolumn}%
+ \letgvalueempty{eVL\the\currentTABLEcolumn}}%
+ \edef\@@tiVLwidth{\getvalue{wVL\the\currentTABLEcolumn}}%
+ \expanded{\normalTABLEcomplexbar\@@tiVLwidth\space}}% \relax breaks \use
+% \starttable[|||]
+% \HL
+% \VL test \VS test \VL \FR
+% \VL test \VD test \VL \MR
+% \VL test \VT test \VL \LR
+% \HL
+% \stoptable
+\def\TableVS {\VN1}
+\def\TableVD {\VN2}
+\def\TableVT {\VN3}
+ {\dostepwiserecurse\zerocount\maxTABLEcolumn\plusone
+ {\setgvalue{wVL\recurselevel}{\@@tiVLwidth}%
+ \letgvalueempty{bVL\recurselevel}%
+ \letgvalueempty{eVL\recurselevel}}%
+ \global\currentTABLEcolumn\zerocount}
+ {\checkTABLEautorow
+ \nextTABLEgrayline
+ \ifnum\currentTABLEcolumn>\maxTABLEcolumn
+ \setTABLEerror\TABLEmissingrow
+ \handleTABLEerror
+ \else
+ \global\advance\currentTABLEcolumn \plusone
+ \expandafter\doTableVC
+ \fi}
+ {\futurelet\next\dodoTableVC}
+ {\docomplexorsimpleTable\complexTableVC\simpleTableVC}
+ {\global\setvalue{bVC\the\currentTABLEcolumn}{\localstartcolor[#1]}%
+ \global\setvalue{eVC\the\currentTABLEcolumn}{\localstopcolor}%
+ \simpleTableVC}
+ {\global\setvalue{bVL\the\currentTABLEcolumn}%
+ {\getvalue{bVC\the\currentTABLEcolumn}}%
+ \global\setvalue{eVL\the\currentTABLEcolumn}%
+ {\getvalue{eVC\the\currentTABLEcolumn}}%
+ \doTableVL}
+ {\ifnum\currentTABLEcolumn>\maxTABLEcolumn
+ \chuckTABLEautorow
+ \else\ifnum\currentTABLEcolumn=\zerocount
+ %\chuckTABLEautorow
+ \TABLEnoalign
+ {\globalletempty\checkTABLEautorow
+ \globalletempty\chuckTABLEautorow}%
+ \else
+ \setTABLEerror\TABLEmissingcolumn
+ \handleTABLEerror
+ \fi\fi
+ \complexorsimpleTable{HL}}
+ {\TABLEnoalign
+ {\scratchcounter0#1%
+ \multiply\scratchcounter \@@tiHLheight
+ \edef\@@tiHLheight{\the\scratchcounter}%
+ \simpleTableHL}}
+ {\TABLEnoalign
+ {\nobreak
+ \ifnum\TABLEaction=\TABLErule
+ \writestatus\m!TABLE{skipping \string\HL}% \statusmessage
+ \else
+ \ifnum\TABLEaction=\TABLEmidrow
+ \writestatus\m!TABLE{change \string\MR\space into \string\LR/\string\SR}%
+ \else\ifnum\TABLEaction=\TABLEfirstrow
+ \writestatus\m!TABLE{change \string\MR\space into \string\SR}%
+ \fi\fi
+ \startHLcommand
+ \expandafter\normalTABLEfullrule\@@tiHLheight
+ \stopHLcommand
+ \globalletempty\startHLcommand
+ \globalletempty\stopHLcommand
+ \accountTABLElinewidth
+ \fi
+ \setTABLEaction\TABLErule
+ \nobreak}}
+\let\stopHLcommand \empty
+ {\complexorsimpleTable{HC}}
+ {\TABLEnoalign
+ {\gdef\startHCcommand{\localstartcolor[#1]}%
+ \gdef\stopHCcommand {\localstopcolor}}%
+ \simpleTableHC}
+ {\TABLEnoalign
+ {\globallet\startHLcommand\startHCcommand
+ \globallet\stopHLcommand \stopHCcommand}%
+ \HL}
+%D \startitemize[3*ruim]
+%D \sym{\type{\NL}} a vertical skip
+%D \sym{\type{\NR}} goto the next row
+%D \sym{\type{\NC}} goto the next column
+%D \sym{\type{\FC}} a first column
+%D \sym{\type{\MC}} a mid column
+%D \sym{\type{\LC}} a last column
+%D \stopitemize
+% n+1 uitleggen
+ {\let\NL\TableNL
+ \let\NR\TableNR
+ \let\NC\TableNC
+ \let\FC\TableNC
+ \let\MC\TableNC
+ \let\LC\TableNC}
+ {\complexorsimpleTable{NL}}
+ {\TABLEnoalign
+ {\edef\@@tiNL{#1}%
+ \simpleTableNL}}%
+ {\TABLEnoalign
+ {\nobreak
+ \setbox0\vbox{\blank[\@@tiNL]}%
+ \vskip\ht0
+ \nobreak}}
+ {\ifnum\currentTABLEcolumn>\maxTABLEcolumn
+ \global\currentTABLEcolumn\zerocount
+ \normalTABLElineending
+ \else
+ \setTABLEerror\TABLEmissingcolumn
+ \handleTABLEerror
+ \fi
+ \TABLEnoalign
+ {\nobreak
+ \setTABLEaction\TABLEunknown}}
+ {\checkTABLEautorow
+ \nextTABLEgrayline
+ \ifnum\currentTABLEcolumn>\maxTABLEcolumn
+ \setTABLEerror\TABLEmissingrow
+ \handleTABLEerror
+ \else
+ \global\advance\currentTABLEcolumn \plusone
+ \normalTABLEquote
+ \fi}
+% \bgroup
+% \catcode`\|=\@@active
+% \catcode`\"=\@@active
+% \gdef\redefinetablebarandquote
+% {\def|{\VL}% % \normalTABLEsimplebar
+% \def\|##1{\VL[##1]}% % \normalTABLEcomplexbar
+% \def"{\NC}} % \normalTABLEquote
+% \egroup
+%D \startitemize[3*ruim]
+%D \sym{\type{\DL}}
+%D \sym{\type{\DV}} (\type{\VD})
+%D \sym{\type{\DC}}
+%D \sym{\type{\DR}}
+%D \stopitemize
+% \def\defineTABLEdivisions
+% {\global\TABLEdivisionfalse % in start
+% \let\DL\TableDL
+% \let\DC\TableDC
+% \let\DV\TableDV
+% \let\VD\TableDV
+% \let\DR\TableDR}
+ {\global\TABLEdivisionfalse % in start
+ \let\DL\TableDL
+ \let\DC\TableDC
+ \let\DV\TableDV
+ \let\DR\TableDR}
+ {\ifTABLEdivision \else
+ \chuckTABLEautorow
+ \global\currentTABLEcolumn\zerocount
+ \global\TABLEdivisiontrue
+ \fi}
+ {\checkTABLEdivision
+ \complexorsimpleTable{DL}}
+ {\complexTableDL[1]}
+ {\ifnum\TABLEaction=\TABLErule
+ \writestatus\m!TABLE{skipping \string\DL}%
+ \else
+ \ifnum\TABLEaction=\TABLEmidrow
+ \writestatus\m!TABLE{change \string\MR\space into \string\LR/\string\SR}%
+ \else\ifnum\TABLEaction=\TABLEfirstrow
+ \writestatus\m!TABLE{change \string\MR\space into \string\SR}%
+ \fi\fi
+ \setTABLEaction=\TABLEunknown
+ \ifnum\currentTABLEcolumn>\maxTABLEcolumn
+ \setTABLEerror\TABLEmissingrow
+ \handleTABLEerror
+ \fi
+ %\startHLcommand
+ \ifnum#1=\plusone
+ \global\advance\currentTABLEcolumn \plustwo
+ \let\next\normalTABLEsinglerule
+ \else
+ \ifnum#1<\maxTABLEcolumn
+ \global\advance\currentTABLEcolumn \plusone
+ \def\next{\normalTABLEmultirule{#1}}%
+ \else
+ \setTABLEerror\TABLEdivisionoverflow
+ \let\next\handleTABLEerror
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \next
+ %\stopHLcommand
+ %\globalletempty\startHLcommand
+ %\globalletempty\stopHLcommand
+ \fi}
+ {\TableDCV\normalTABLEsimplebar}
+ {\TableDCV\normalTABLEquote}
+ {\checkTABLEdivision
+ \checkTABLEautorow
+ \ifnum\currentTABLEcolumn>\maxTABLEcolumn
+ \setTABLEerror\TABLEmissingrow
+ \handleTABLEerror
+ \else
+ \global\advance\currentTABLEcolumn \plusone
+ #1%
+ \fi}
+ {\ifnum\currentTABLEcolumn<\maxTABLEcolumn % silent recovery
+ %\setTABLEerror\TABLEmissingcolumn % some day warning
+ %\handleTABLEerror
+ \finishTABLErow
+ \else
+ \global\currentTABLEcolumn\zerocount % nog check
+ \normalTABLElineending
+ \fi
+ \TABLEnoalign
+ {\nobreak
+ \global\TABLEdivisionfalse
+ \accountTABLElinewidth % temporary solution
+ \setTABLEaction\TABLErule}}
+ {\scratchdimen\LineThicknessUnit}
+%D \startitemize[3*ruim]
+%D \sym{\type{\BC}}
+%D \sym{\type{\BR}}
+%D \sym{\type{\BACKGROUND}}
+%D \sym{\type{\CL}}
+%D \sym{\type{\RL}}
+%D \sym{\type{\BL}}
+%D \sym{\type{\RASTER}}
+%D \sym{\type{\COLOR}}
+%D \stopitemize
+% definieer: \BC \BL
+% herhaal: \BR
+% definieer: \CL \RL (eerste \CL[green] = hele row! / \CL[1,green])
+% dus: \CL en \RL mix tussen \HL en \BL
+ {\let\BC \TableBC
+ \let\BL \TableBL
+ \let\BR \TableBR
+ \let\CL \TableCL
+ \let\RL \TableRL
+ \let\COLOR \TableCOLOR
+ \let\RASTER \TableRASTER
+ \globallet\lastTABLEc\@@tibackgroundcolor
+ \globallet\lastTABLEr\@@tibackgroundscreen
+ \doifinsetelse\@@tibackground{c,color} % \v!color
+ {\global\chardef\TABLEcr\plusone}
+ {\global\chardef\TABLEcr\plustwo}}
+ {\ifTABLEgrayline
+ \normalTABLEquote
+ \else
+ \TABLEnoalign\bgroup
+ \globallet\nextTABLEgrayline\executeTABLEgrayline
+ \globalletempty\TABLEgrayline % new
+ \let\BL\doTableBL
+ \let\BC\doTableBC
+ \expandafter\doTableBC
+ \fi}
+ {\addtoTABLEgrayline{\BC}%
+ \gobbleTableBCL}
+ {\TABLEnoalign\bgroup
+ \globallet\nextTABLEgrayline\executeTABLEgrayline
+ \globalletempty\TABLEgrayline % new
+ \let\BL\doTableBL
+ \let\CL\doTableCL
+ \let\RL\doTableRL
+ \let\BC\doTableBC
+ \doTableBL}
+ {\complexorsimpleTable{BL}}
+ {\complexTableBL[,]}
+ {\analyzeTABLEcr[#1]%
+ \handleTABLEcr}
+ {\TABLEnoalign
+ {\globallet\nextTABLEgrayline\executeTABLEgrayline
+ \checkTABLEgrayline#1\BR
+ \global\TABLEgraylinetrue}}
+ {\doanalyzeTABLEcr[#1,,]}
+ {\doifnumberelse{#1x} % Is the x still needed here?
+ {\dodoanalyzeTABLEcr[#1,#2,#3]}
+ {\dodoanalyzeTABLEcr[1,#1,#2]}}
+ {\global\chardef\TABLEn#1\relax
+ \processaction
+ [#2]
+ [ c=>\global\chardef\TABLEcr1,%
+ color=>\global\chardef\TABLEcr1,%
+ r=>\global\chardef\TABLEcr2,%
+ raster=>\global\chardef\TABLEcr2]%
+ \ifcase\TABLEcr \or
+ \doifsomething{#3}{\xdef\lastTABLEc{#3}}%
+ \or
+ \doifsomething{#3}{\xdef\lastTABLEr{#3}}%
+ \fi}
+ {\relax % else funny side effect
+ \ifcase\TABLEcr
+ % Can't happen!
+ \or
+ \addtoTABLEgrayline{\complexTableCOLOR[\the\TABLEn,\lastTABLEc]}%
+ \else
+ \addtoTABLEgrayline{\complexTableRASTER[\the\TABLEn,\lastTABLEr]}%
+ \fi
+ \gobbleTableBCL}
+ {\doanalyzeTABLEcrl#1[#2,,]}
+ {\doifnumberelse{#2x} % x ????????????????????
+ {\dodoanalyzeTABLEcr[#2,#1,#3]}
+ {\dodoanalyzeTABLEcr[\ifTABLEgrayline1\else\maxTABLEcolumn\fi,#1,#2]}}
+ {\TABLEnoalign\bgroup
+ \globallet\nextTABLEgrayline\executeTABLEgrayline
+ \globalletempty\TABLEgrayline % new
+ \let\BL\doTableBL
+ \let\CL\doTableCL
+ \let\RL\doTableRL
+ \let\BC\doTableBC
+ \doTableCL}
+ {\complexorsimpleTable{CL}}
+\def\simpleTableCL% nog eens \'e\'en lijn van maken
+ {\BL[\the\maxTABLEcolumn,c,\lastTABLEc]}
+ {\analyzeTABLEcrl{c}[#1]%
+ \handleTABLEcr}
+ {\TABLEnoalign\bgroup
+ \globallet\nextTABLEgrayline\executeTABLEgrayline
+ \globalletempty\TABLEgrayline % new
+ \let\BL\doTableBL
+ \let\CL\doTableCL
+ \let\RL\doTableRL
+ \let\BC\doTableBC
+ \doTableRL}
+ {\complexorsimpleTable{RL}}
+ {\BL[\the\maxTABLEcolumn,r,\lastTABLEr]}
+ {\analyzeTABLEcrl{r}[#1]%
+ \handleTABLEcr}
+ {\!!doneatrue
+ \ifx#1\AR
+ \!!doneafalse
+ \else\ifx#1\SR\else\ifx#1\FR\else\ifx#1\MR\else\ifx#1\LR\else
+ \!!doneafalse
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi
+ \if!!donea
+ \gdef\TABLEgraylinestatus
+ {[\string#1]}%
+ \gdef\TABLEendBCL
+ {#1}%
+ \else
+ \gdef\TABLEgraylineerror
+ {[\string#2\string#1->\string#2\string\SR]}%
+ \gdef\TABLEendBCL
+ {\SR}%
+ \fi}
+ {\ifcase#1\relax
+ % unknown
+ \or
+ \doPreTableGL\TABLErowfactor\TABLErowfactor
+ \or
+ \doPreTableGL\TABLErowfactor\TABLErowzero
+ \or
+ \ifnum\TABLEforce=\TABLEforcelastrow
+ \doPreTableGL\TABLErowzero\TABLErowfactor
+ \else\ifnum\TABLEforce=\TABLEforcefirstrow
+ \doPreTableGL\TABLErowfactor\TABLErowzero
+ \else
+ \doPreTableGL\TABLErowzero\TABLErowzero
+ \fi\fi
+ \or
+ \doPreTableGL\TABLErowzero\TABLErowfactor
+ \fi}
+\def\doPreTableGL#1#2% betere namen
+ {\xdef\OldLineThicknessFactor{\the\LineThicknessFactor}%
+ \xdef\OldLineThicknessUnit{\the\LineThicknessUnit}%
+ \global\LineThicknessFactor\plusone
+ \setbox0\hbox{\AugmentedTableStrut{#1}{#2}}%
+ \getboxheight\dimen0\of\box0\relax
+ \xdef\TABLEgraylineHeight{\the\dimen0}%
+ \global\LineThicknessUnit\TABLEgraylineHeight}
+ {\global\LineThicknessFactor\OldLineThicknessFactor
+ \global\LineThicknessUnit \OldLineThicknessUnit}
+% kan simpeler
+ {\dodocomplexTableGL\localstartcolor \localstopcolor [#1,\lastTABLEc,,]}
+ {\dodocomplexTableGL\localstartraster\localstopraster[#1,\lastTABLEr,,]}
+ {\doifelsenothing{#4}{#1[#5]}{#1[#4]}%
+ \doPreTableGL\TABLEendofrowheight\TABLEendofrowdepth
+ \ifnum#3=\plusone % else conflict with \omit in \=
+ \let\next\normalTABLEsinglerule
+ \else
+ \def\next{\normalTABLEmultirule{#3}}%
+ \fi
+ \next
+ \doPostTableGL
+ #2}
+ {\TableBR}
+\def\simpleTableRASTER #1{\docomplexTableRASTER[1]#1}
+\def\simpleTableCOLOR {\docomplexTableCOLOR [1]}
+\def\complexTableCOLOR [#1]{\docomplexTableCOLOR [#1]}
+\def\TableCOLOR {\complexorsimpleTable{COLOR}}
+ {\TABLEgraytoks\expandafter{\TABLEgrayline}%
+ \xdef\TABLEgrayline{\the\TABLEgraytoks\noexpand#1}}
+ {\ifx#1#2%
+ \gdef\TABLEgraylinestatus{[\string#1]}%
+ \gdef\TABLEendBCL{#1}%
+ \addtoTABLEgrayline{#1}%
+ \else
+ \gdef\TABLEgraylineerror{[\string#1->\string#2]}%
+ \gdef\TABLEendBCL{#2}%
+ \addtoTABLEgrayline{#2}%
+ \fi}
+ {\ifx#1\BC \let\next\doTableBC \else
+ \ifx#1\BL \let\next\doTableBL \else
+ \ifx#1\SR \setTableBCL\SR\SR \let\next\egroup \else
+ \ifx#1\FR \setTableBCL\FR\FR \let\next\egroup \else
+ \ifx#1\MR \setTableBCL\MR\MR \let\next\egroup \else
+ \ifx#1\LR \setTableBCL\LR\LR \let\next\egroup \else
+ \setTableBCL #1\SR \let\next\egroup
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi
+ \next}
+ {\TABLEnoalign
+ {\def\BC
+ {\advance\currentTABLEcolumn \plusone}%
+ \def\dodocomplexTableGL##1##2[##3,##4,##5,##6]%
+ {\BC\advance\currentTABLEcolumn ##3 }%
+ \let\endTABLErow\endTABLEgrayrow
+ \currentTABLEcolumn\zerocount
+ \TABLEgrayline\TABLEendBCL % determine n of columns and height
+ \advance\currentTABLEcolumn \minusone
+ \ifnum\currentTABLEcolumn>\maxTABLEcolumn
+ % error message too long line
+ \globalletempty\TABLEgrayline
+ \else
+ % \message{n of color columns: \the\currentTABLEcolumn}\wait
+ \global\TABLEgraylinetrue % vanaf hier nog checken
+ \fi
+ \global\currentTABLEcolumn\zerocount}%
+ \unskip\TABLEgrayline\TABLEendBCL
+ \TABLEnoalign
+ {\nobreak
+ \vskip-\TABLEgraylineHeight
+ \nobreak
+ \global\setTABLEactiontrue
+ \global\currentTABLEcolumn\zerocount
+ \globalletempty\nextTABLEgrayline
+ \global\TABLEgraydonetrue
+ \global\TABLEgraylinefalse}}
+ {\ifcase#1\relax
+ \global\chardef\TABLEendofrowheight\TABLErowfactor
+ \global\chardef\TABLEendofrowdepth \TABLErowfactor
+ \or
+ \global\chardef\TABLEendofrowheight\TABLErowfactor
+ \global\chardef\TABLEendofrowdepth \TABLErowfactor
+ \or
+ \global\chardef\TABLEendofrowheight\TABLErowfactor
+ \global\chardef\TABLEendofrowdepth \TABLErowzero
+ \or
+ \ifnum\TABLEforce=\TABLEforcelastrow
+ \global\chardef\TABLEendofrowheight\TABLErowzero
+ \global\chardef\TABLEendofrowdepth \TABLErowfactor
+ \else\ifnum\TABLEforce=\TABLEforcefirstrow
+ \global\chardef\TABLEendofrowheight\TABLErowfactor
+ \global\chardef\TABLEendofrowdepth \TABLErowzero
+ \else
+ \global\chardef\TABLEendofrowheight\TABLErowzero
+ \global\chardef\TABLEendofrowdepth \TABLErowzero
+ \fi\fi
+ \or
+ \global\chardef\TABLEendofrowheight\TABLErowzero
+ \global\chardef\TABLEendofrowdepth \TABLErowfactor
+ \fi}
+ {\def\SPAN##1{\use{##1}}%
+ \def\TWO {\use2}%
+ \def\THREE {\use3}%
+ \def\FOUR {\use4}%
+ \def\FIVE {\use5}%
+ \def\SIX {\use6}%
+ \def\REF {\ReFormat}}
+ {\processaction
+ [\@@tidistance]
+ [ \v!none=>\OpenUp00\def\LOW{\Lower6 },
+ \v!small=>\OpenUp00\def\LOW{\Lower6 }, % == baseline
+ \v!medium=>\OpenUp11\def\LOW{\Lower7 },
+ \v!big=>\OpenUp22\def\LOW{\Lower8 }]%
+ \doifelse\@@tidistance\v!none
+ {\chardef\TABLErowfactor\zerocount}
+ {\chardef\TABLErowfactor\plustwo }}
+\def\dohandlebar % here ?
+ {\ifmmode
+ \@EA\domathmodebar
+ \else\ifintable
+ \@EAEAEA\domathmodebar
+ \else
+ \@EAEAEA\dotextmodebar
+ \fi\fi}
+% De macro's t.b.v. instellingen.
+ {\dosingleargument\dosetuptables}
+ {\getparameters[\??ti][#1]%
+ \processaction
+ [\@@tialign]
+ [ \v!right=>\def\TABLEparalignment{\raggedright},
+ \v!left=>\def\TABLEparalignment{\raggedleft},
+ \v!middle=>\def\TABLEparalignment{\raggedcenter},
+ \s!default=>\def\TABLEparalignment{\notragged},
+ \s!unknown=>\def\TABLEparalignment{\notragged}]%
+ \assignalfadimension\@@tiVL\@@tiVLwidth 246%
+ \assignalfadimension\@@tiHL\@@tiHLheight246}
+ {\@@ticommands\relax
+ \expanded{\switchtobodyfont[\@@tibodyfont]}%
+ \StrutHeightFactor 8
+ \StrutDepthFactor 4
+ \LineThicknessFactor4
+ \NormalTLTU {.1pt}%
+ \NormalTSU {\normalbaselineskip\divide\StrutUnit 12 }%
+ \NormalTableUnits}
+%D And then I wrote the tabulate environment. That
+%D alternative supports setting the rule thickness and color,
+%D so here is the table alternative.
+\let\stopglobalTABLEcolor \empty
+ {\@@ticommands\relax
+ % bodyfont
+ \expanded{\switchtobodyfont[\@@tibodyfont]}%
+ % linecolor
+ \doifsomething\@@tirulecolor
+ {\def\startglobalTABLEcolor{\localstartcolor[\@@tirulecolor]}%
+ \def\stopglobalTABLEcolor {\localstopcolor}}%
+ % linethickness
+ \LineThicknessFactor4
+ \scratchdimen\@@tirulethickness
+ \divide\scratchdimen \LineThicknessFactor
+ \expanded{\NormalTLTU{\the\scratchdimen}}%
+ % spacing, was depth=4 height=8 (counters, sigh, now macros)
+ \doifelse\@@tiheight\v!strut
+ {\let\StrutHeightFactor\@@itheight}
+ {\let\StrutHeightFactor\@@tiheight}%
+ \doifelse\@@tidepth\v!strut
+ {\let\StrutDepthFactor\@@itdepth}
+ {\let\StrutDepthFactor\@@tidepth}%
+ \scratchdimen\StrutHeightFactor\points \multiply\scratchdimen 10%
+ \edef\StrutHeightFactor{\withoutpt\the\scratchdimen}%
+ \scratchdimen\StrutDepthFactor \points \multiply\scratchdimen 10%
+ \edef\StrutDepthFactor{\withoutpt\the\scratchdimen}%
+ % units
+ \NormalTSU{\normalbaselineskip\divide\StrutUnit 12 }%
+ \NormalTableUnits}
+ {\scratchdimen\StrutHeightFactor \points \advance\scratchdimen #1\points
+ \edef\StrutHeightFactor{\withoutpt\the\scratchdimen}%
+ \scratchdimen\StrutDepthFactor \points \advance\scratchdimen #2\points
+ \edef\StrutDepthFactor{\withoutpt\the\scratchdimen}}
+%D As one can see, we didn't only add color, but also more
+%D control over spacing.
+%D \startbuffer[a]
+%D \starttable[|c|]
+%D \HL
+%D \VL \strut test \VL \FR
+%D \VL \strut test \VL \MR
+%D \VL \strut test \VL \MR
+%D \VL \strut test \VL \LR
+%D \HL
+%D \stoptable
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \startbuffer[b]
+%D \starttabulate[|c|]
+%D \HL
+%D \NC test \NC \NR
+%D \NC test \NC \NR
+%D \NC test \NC \NR
+%D \NC test \NC \NR
+%D \HL
+%D \stoptabulate
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D In the next example, the first table is defined as:
+%D \typebuffer[a]
+%D and the second one as:
+%D \typebuffer[b]
+%D The first table is typeset using the default height and
+%D depth factors .8 and .4. The second table has both factors
+%D set to \type {strut}, and the third table shows what
+%D happens when we set the values to zero. The rightmost table
+%D is typeset using the tabulate environment.
+%D \startcombination[4*1]
+%D {$\vcenter{\getbuffer[a]}$}
+%D {\hbox{h=.8 d=.4}}
+%D {\setuptables[height=strut,depth=strut]$\vcenter{\getbuffer[a]}$}
+%D {\hbox{h=d=\type{strut}}}
+%D {\setuptables[height=0,depth=0]$\vcenter{\getbuffer[a]}$}
+%D {\hbox{h=d=0}}
+%D {$\vcenter{\getbuffer[b]}$}
+%D {\hbox{tabulate}}
+%D \stopcombination
+ [HL=\v!medium,
+ VL=\v!medium,
+ NL=\v!small,
+ \c!frame=,
+ \c!align=\v!right,
+ \c!depth=.40, % \v!strut
+ \c!height=.80, % \v!strut
+ \c!rulethickness=\linewidth,
+ \c!rulecolor=,
+ \c!distance=\v!medium,
+ \c!bodyfont=\the\bodyfontsize,
+ \c!commands=,
+ \c!background=\v!screen,
+ \c!backgroundscreen=\@@rsscreen,
+ \c!backgroundcolor=,
+ \c!split=\v!auto]
+\def\ifintabel{\ifintable} % upward compatible
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/tabl-tbl.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/tabl-tbl.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9f2d7df47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/tabl-tbl.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,1440 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=core-tbl,
+%D version=1998.11.03,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Table Macros,
+%D subtitle=Text Flow Tabulation,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Table Macros / Tabulation}
+% \processbetween gebruiken in head/tail macros
+% WATCH OUT: don't change this model else trialtypesetting
+% compatibility problems
+% watch out, cells expand pretty late on a per row basis
+% |p2|p3| 2:3
+% spanning
+% Be careful with changing the hsize calculation in p mode;
+% the following code works quite well:
+% \setupfield [line][location=low,height=1.2\lineheight,width=\hsize]
+% \definefield [test] [line] [line] []
+% \starttabulate[|l|p|]
+% \NC test \NC \field [test] \NC \NR
+% \stoptabulate
+% In-text tabbing environment
+% \starttabulate[| separated template] % eg [|l|p|] or [|l|p|p|]
+% \NC ... \NC ... \NC\NR
+% \stoptabulate
+% with: two pass auto width calculation when no p-width
+% specified, even with multiple p's, see examples.
+% TaBlE compatible specifications:
+% l align column/paragraph left
+% r align column/paragraph right
+% c align column/paragraph center
+% p p(dimen) of automatisch als alleen p
+% w column width
+% f font#1
+% B bold
+% I italic
+% S slanted
+% T type
+% R roman
+% m math
+% M display math
+% h hook (inner level or par lines)
+% b before (may be command#1)
+% a after
+% i i<n> skip left of column
+% j i<n> skip right of column
+% k i<n> skip around column
+% s setups
+% g g{char} align at char
+% . align at .
+% , align at ,
+% Still to be done
+% N math numbers (best hook into existing digits mechanism)
+% n numbers (best hook into existing digits mechanism)
+% Q math numbers (best hook into existing digits mechanism)
+% q numbers (best hook into existing digits mechanism)
+% ~ \hskip.5em
+% | check
+% nesting
+% 10 evt auto stack; dan wel andere signal dan void nodig
+% present but not yet 100% ok
+% \FL top hrule
+% \ML mid hrule (with auto split)
+% \LL bottom hrule
+% \HL
+% \VL as soon as needed
+% color as soon as needed
+% \EQ \RQ \HQ equal (raw, hook)
+% \NC \RC \HC normal (raw, hook)
+% \NR
+% \HR : rule with lineheight
+% \autotabulaterule : with lineheight, not first/last
+% \autotabulateline : spaced, not first/last
+% \tabulaterule : with lineheight
+% \tabulateline : spaced
+% tricky: align scans ahead, over # and expands ones before
+% while doing
+% new:
+% \starttabulate[|cg{.}|cg{,}|cg{,}|]
+% \NC period \NC comma \NC comma \NC\NR
+% \NG 100.000,00 \NG 100.000,00 \NG 100,00 \NC\NR
+% \NG 10.000,00 \NG 10.000,00 \NG 1000,00 \NC\NR
+% \NG 100,00 \NG 100,00 \NG 10,00 \NC\NR
+% \NG 10 \NG 10 \NG 0,00 \NC\NR
+% \stoptabulate
+% \starttabulate[|c.|c,|c,|]
+% \NC period \NC comma \NC comma \NC\NR
+% \NG 100.000,00 \NG 100.000,00 \NG 100,00 \NC\NR
+% \NG 10.000,00 \NG 10.000,00 \NG 1000,00 \NC\NR
+% \NG 100,00 \NG 100,00 \NG 10,00 \NC\NR
+% \NG 10 \NG 10 \NG 0,00 \NC\NR
+% \stoptabulate
+% nice demo (for BG)
+% \starttabulate[|r|b{$\star$}|ra{\percent}|b{=}|r|]
+% \NC 500 \NC \NC 60 \NC \NC 300 \NC \NR
+% \NC 500 \NC \NC 55 \NC \NC 275 \NC \NR
+% \NC 500 \NC \NC 50 \NC \NC 250 \NC \NR
+% \NC 500 \NC \NC 45 \NC \NC 225 \NC \NR
+% \NC 500 \NC \NC 40 \NC \NC 200 \NC \NR
+% \NC 500 \NC \NC 35 \NC \NC 175 \NC \NR
+% \NC 500 \NC \NC 30 \NC \NC 150 \NC \NR
+% \NC 500 \NC \NC 25 \NC \NC 125 \NC \NR
+% \NC 500 \NC \NC 20 \NC \NC 100 \NC \NR
+% \stoptabulate
+\newtoks \tabulatepreamble
+\newtoks \tabulatebefore
+\newtoks \tabulateafter
+\newtoks \tabulatebmath
+\newtoks \tabulateemath
+\newtoks \tabulatefont
+\newtoks \tabulatesettings
+\newtoks \tabulatedummy
+\newcount \nofautotabulate
+\newcount \tabulatecolumns
+\newcount \tabulatecolumn
+\newcount \tabulateminplines
+\newcount \tabulatemaxplines
+\newif \ifautotabulate
+\newif \ifsplittabulate \splittabulatetrue
+\newif \ifhandletabulatepbreak \handletabulatepbreaktrue
+\newif \iftabulatenopbreak \tabulatenopbreakfalse
+\newif \iftabulateequal
+\newif \iftracetabulate
+\newif \ifframedtabulate
+\newdimen \tabulatepwidth
+\newdimen \tabulatewidth
+\newdimen \tabulateunit
+\newdimen \tabulatemaxpheight
+\newbox \tabulatebox
+% [|lg{.}|] => \NG 12.34 \NC
+\gdef\handletabulatecharalign#1 % space delimited !
+ {\edef\alignmentclass{\the\tabulatecolumn}%
+ \edef\alignmentcharacter{\getvalue{\@@tabalign@@\the\tabulatecolumn}}%
+ \ifcase\tabulatepass\or
+ \setfirstpasscharacteralign\checkalignment{#1}%
+ \fi % force hsize
+ \setsecondpasscharacteralign\checkalignment{#1}}
+\def\@@tabbox@@ {@@tabbox@}
+\def\@@tabhook@@ {@@tabhook@}
+\def\@@tabalign@@ {@@tabalign@}
+% \dorecurse\noftabcolumns % quick and dirty stack
+% {\@EA\newbox\csname\@@tabbox@@\recurselevel\endcsname}
+ {\csname\@@tabbox@@\number#1\endcsname}
+% \def\checktablebox#1%
+% {\ifundefinedelse{\@@tabbox@@\number#1}%
+% \expandafter\newbox\csname\@@tabbox@@\number#1\endcsname
+% \fi}
+\def\initializetablebox#1% also used elsewhere
+ {\ifcsname\@@tabbox@@\number#1\endcsname
+ \global\setbox\csname\@@tabbox@@\number#1\endcsname\emptybox
+ \else
+ \expandafter\newbox\csname\@@tabbox@@\number#1\endcsname
+ \fi}
+% \def\initializetableboxes#1% hm, not that efficient, best make a simple dedicated tail recurser
+% {\dorecurse#1{\initializetablebox\recurselevel}}
+ {\scratchcounter#1\relax
+ \doinitializetableboxes}
+ {\ifnum\scratchcounter>\zerocount
+ \initializetablebox\scratchcounter
+ \advance\scratchcounter\minusone
+ \expandafter\doinitializetableboxes
+ \fi}
+ {\noalign
+ {\nobreak
+ \iftracetabulate
+ \red\hrule\!!height.5\linewidth\!!depth.5\linewidth
+ \par
+ \kern-\linewidth
+ \nobreak
+ \fi}}
+ {\ifnum\tabulatetype<\plustwo
+ \global\let\tabulatehook\notabulatehook
+ \else
+ \global\let\tabulatehook\dotabulatehook
+ \fi}
+ {\getvalue{\@@tabsetups@@\the\tabulatecolumn}}
+\let\pretabrule \donothing
+ {\ifzeropt\tabulatewidth
+ \ifcase\tabulatemodus\relax
+ \let\preamblebox\empty
+ \else
+ \def\preamblebox{\autotabulatetrue}%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \ifcase\tabulatemodus\relax
+ \edef\preamblebox{\hbox to \the\tabulatewidth}%
+ \else
+ \edef\preamblebox{\hsize\the\tabulatewidth}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ %
+ % less bytes
+ %
+ %\edef\preamblebox%
+ % {\ifcase\tabulatewidth
+ % \ifcase\tabulatemodus\relax\else\noexpand\autotabulatetrue\fi
+ % \els
+ % \ifcase\tabulatemodus\relax\hbox to\else\hsize\fi\the\tabulatewidth
+ % \fi}%
+ %
+ % 0 = NC column next EQ equal column
+ % 1 = RC column raw RQ equal column raw
+ % 2 = HC column hook HQ equal column hook
+ % some entries can be left out if we test for them being set
+ \@EA\appendtoks \@EA&\@EA\hskip\pretabskip\pretabrule##&\to\!!toksa
+ \appendtoks \ignorespaces\to\!!toksa
+ \@EA\appendtoks\@EA\global\@EA\tabulatecolumn\the\tabulatecolumns\relax\to\!!toksa
+ \appendtoks \checktabulatesetups\to\!!toksa
+ \appendtoks \checktabulatehook\to\!!toksa
+ \@EA\appendtoks \preamblebox\to\!!toksa
+ \appendtoks \bgroup\bbskip\bgroup#1\to\!!toksa
+ \appendtoks\ifnum\tabulatetype=\plusone \else \to\!!toksa
+ \@EA\appendtoks \the\tabulatebmath\to\!!toksa
+ \@EA\appendtoks \the\tabulatefont\to\!!toksa
+ \@EA\appendtoks \the\tabulatesettings\to\!!toksa
+ \@EA\appendtoks \the\tabulatebefore\to\!!toksa
+ \appendtoks\fi \to\!!toksa
+ \appendtoks \bgroup\ignorespaces\to\!!toksa
+ %
+ \appendtoks \tabulatehook##\to\!!toksa
+ %
+ %%\doifdefinedelse{\@@tabalign@@\tabulatecolumns}
+ %\doifdefinedelse{\@@tabalign@@\the\tabulatecolumns}
+ % {\appendtoks\handletabulatecharalign## \to\!!toksa}
+ % {\appendtoks\tabulatehook ##\to \!!toksa}%
+ % waarom kan ik hier geen \xx{##} geven, om een of
+ % andere reden passeert dan tex de hele regel (incl \NC's)
+ % als argument; elke delimiter <> space gaat trouwens fout
+ \appendtoks \unskip\unskip\ifmmode\else\endgraf\fi\egroup\to\!!toksa
+ \appendtoks\ifnum\tabulatetype=1 \else \to\!!toksa
+ \@EA\appendtoks \the\tabulateafter\to\!!toksa
+ \@EA\appendtoks \the\tabulateemath\to\!!toksa
+ \appendtoks\fi \to\!!toksa
+ \appendtoks #2\egroup\egroup\to\!!toksa
+ \@EA\appendtoks \@EA&\@EA\posttabrule\@EA\hskip\postabskip##\to\!!toksa
+ \appendtoks\NC\to\tabulatedummy
+ \let\bbskip\empty
+ \def\pretabskip{.5\tabulateunit}%
+ \let\postabskip\pretabskip
+ \let\gettabulateexit\dogettabulateexit
+ \tabulatewidth\zeropoint}
+% todo: we can speed up this module a bit
+% \expanded{\!!toksa{\the\!!toksa
+% &\hskip\pretabskip\noexpand\pretabrule####&
+% \ignorespaces
+% \global\tabulatecolumn\the\tabulatecolumns
+% \noexpand\checktabulatesetups
+% \noexpand\checktabulatehook
+% \preamblebox
+% \bgroup\noexpand\bbskip\bgroup\normalunexpanded{#1}%
+% \noexpand\ifnum\tabulatetype=\plusone \noexpand\else
+% \the\tabulatebmath
+% \the\tabulatefont
+% \the\tabulatesettings
+% \the\tabulatebefore
+% \noexpand\fi
+% \bgroup\ignorespaces
+% \noexpand\tabulatehook####%
+% \unskip\unskip\noexpand\ifmmode\noexpand\else\endgraf\noexpand\fi\egroup
+% \noexpand\ifnum\noexpand\tabulatetype=1 \noexpand\else
+% \the\tabulateafter
+% \the\tabulateemath
+% \noexpand\fi
+% \normalunexpanded{#2}\egroup\egroup
+% &\noexpand\posttabrule\hskip\noexpand\postabskip####}}%
+ {\ifx\next\relax
+ \let\nextnext\relax % == \expandafter\gobbleoneargument
+ \else
+ \let\nextnext\settabulatepreamble
+ \ifx x\next \let\tabulatealign\zerocount % internal
+ \else\ifx l\next \let\tabulatealign\plusone
+ \else\ifx r\next \let\tabulatealign\plustwo
+ \else\ifx c\next \let\tabulatealign\plusthree
+ \else\ifx p\next \let\nextnext\gettabulateparagraph
+ \else\ifx s\next \let\nextnext\gettabulatesetups
+ \else\ifx w\next \let\nextnext\gettabulatewidth
+ \else\ifx f\next \let\nextnext\gettabulatefont
+ \else\ifx B\next \tabulatefont{\bf}%
+ \else\ifx I\next \tabulatefont{\it}%
+ \else\ifx S\next \tabulatefont{\sl}%
+ \else\ifx T\next \tabulatefont{\tt}%
+ \else\ifx R\next \tabulatefont{\rm}%
+ \else\ifx m\next \tabulatebmath{$}\tabulateemath{$}%
+ \else\ifx M\next \tabulatebmath{$\displaystyle}\tabulateemath{$}%
+ \else\ifx h\next \let\nextnext\gettabulatehook
+ \else\ifx b\next \let\nextnext\gettabulatebefore
+ \else\ifx a\next \let\nextnext\gettabulateafter
+ \else\ifx i\next \let\nextnext\gettabulatepreskip
+ \else\ifx j\next \let\nextnext\gettabulateposskip
+ \else\ifx k\next \let\nextnext\gettabulatepreposskip
+ \else\ifx X\next \let\nextnext\gettabulateexit % internal
+ \else\ifx e\next \appendtoks\global\tabulateequaltrue\to\tabulatesettings
+ \else\ifx ~\next \appendtoks\fixedspaces\to\tabulatesettings
+ \else\ifx g\next \let\nextnext\gettabulatealign
+ \else\ifx .\next \def\nextnext{\gettabulatealign.}%
+ \else\ifx ,\next \def\nextnext{\gettabulatealign,}%
+ \else \message{unknown preamble key [\meaning\next]}%
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi \fi\fi
+ \fi
+ \nextnext}
+ {\let\postabskip\!!zeropoint
+ \settabulatepreamble}
+ {\doifnumberelse{#1}
+ {\scratchdimen#1\tabulateunit\let\next\empty}
+ {\scratchdimen.5\tabulateunit\def\next{#1}}%
+ \edef\pretabskip{\the\scratchdimen}%
+ \@EA\settabulatepreamble\next}
+ {\doifnumberelse{#1}
+ {\scratchdimen#1\tabulateunit\let\next\empty}
+ {\scratchdimen.5\tabulateunit\def\next{#1}}%
+ \edef\postabskip{\the\scratchdimen}%
+ \let\gettabulateexit\settabulatepreamble
+ \@EA\settabulatepreamble\next}
+ {\doifnumberelse{#1}
+ {\scratchdimen#1\tabulateunit\let\next\empty}
+ {\scratchdimen.5\tabulateunit\def\next{#1}}%
+ \edef\pretabskip{\the\scratchdimen}%
+ \let\postabskip\pretabskip
+ \let\gettabulateexit\settabulatepreamble
+ \@EA\settabulatepreamble\next}
+ {\setvalue{\@@tabsetups@@\the\tabulatecolumns}{\setups[#1]}%
+ \settabulatepreamble}
+ {\setvalue{\@@tabhook@@\the\tabulatecolumns}{#1}%
+ \settabulatepreamble}
+ {\setvalue{\@@tabalign@@\the\tabulatecolumns}{#1}%
+ \settabulatepreamble}
+ {\tabulatebefore{#1}%
+ \settabulatepreamble}
+ {\tabulateafter{#1}%
+ \settabulatepreamble}
+ {\tabulatefont{#1}%
+ \settabulatepreamble}
+ {\let\tabulatemodus\zerocount
+ \let\tabulatedimen\zerocount
+ \doifnextcharelse(\dogettabulatewidth\settabulatepreamble}
+ {\doifnextcharelse{(}
+ {\let\tabulatemodus\plusone
+ \let\tabulatedimen\plusone
+ \dogettabulatewidth}
+ {\let\tabulatemodus\plustwo
+ \let\tabulatedimen\zerocount
+ \settabulatepreamble}}
+% \def\dogettabulatewidth(#1)%
+% {\tabulatewidth#1\relax
+% \ifnum\tabulatedimen=\plusone
+% \global\advance\tabulatepwidth\tabulatewidth
+% \fi
+% \settabulatepreamble}
+% \def\dogettabulatewidth(#1)%
+% {\doifelse{#1}\v!passend
+% {\let\tabulatemodus\plusthree}
+% {\tabulatewidth#1\relax}%
+% \ifnum\tabulatedimen=\plusone
+% \global\advance\tabulatepwidth\tabulatewidth
+% \fi
+% \settabulatepreamble}
+% \startbuffer
+% \toplinebox{\framed[width=3cm,height=2cm]{tufte}}
+% \stopbuffer
+% \starttabulate[|p(fixed)|p|]
+% \dorecurse{100}{\NC \getbuffer \NC test \par test \par \NC \NR}
+% \stoptabulate
+% \starttabulate[|p(fit)|p|]
+% \dorecurse{100}{\NC \getbuffer \NC test \par test \par \NC \NR}
+% \stoptabulate
+ {\processallactionsinset
+ [#1]%
+ [ \v!fit=>\let\tabulatemodus\plusthree,
+ \v!fixed=>\let\tabulatemodus\plusthree
+ \tabulatenopbreaktrue,
+ \s!unknown=>\tabulatewidth#1\relax]%
+ \ifnum\tabulatedimen=\plusone
+ \global\advance\tabulatepwidth\tabulatewidth
+ \fi
+ \settabulatepreamble}
+ {\afterassignment\dosettabulatepreamble\let\next=}
+\def\tabulateraggedright {\ifnum\tabulatetype=\plusone \else\raggedright \fi}
+\def\tabulateraggedcenter{\ifnum\tabulatetype=\plusone \else\raggedcenter\fi}
+\def\tabulateraggedleft {\ifnum\tabulatetype=\plusone \else\raggedleft \fi}
+\def\tabulatenotragged {\ifnum\tabulatetype=\plusone \else\notragged \fi}
+\def\tabulatehss {\ifnum\tabulatetype=\plusone \else\hss \fi} % never change this to a fill
+\bgroup \catcode`\|=\@@other
+ {\let\tabulatealign\@@tabulatealign
+ \let\tabulatemodus\zerocount
+ \let\tabulatedimen\zerocount
+ \tabulatebefore \emptytoks
+ \tabulateafter \emptytoks
+ \tabulatebmath \emptytoks
+ \tabulateemath \emptytoks
+ \tabulatefont \emptytoks
+ \tabulatesettings\emptytoks
+ \global\advance\tabulatecolumns\plusone
+ \letvalue{\@@tabsetups@@\the\tabulatecolumns}\donothing
+ \settabulatepreamble#1\relax\relax % permits i without n
+ \ifcase\tabulatemodus\relax
+ \ifcase\tabulatealign\relax
+ \dodosettabulatepreamble\empty \tabulatehss \or
+ \dodosettabulatepreamble\empty \tabulatehss \or
+ \dodosettabulatepreamble\tabulatehss\empty \or
+ \dodosettabulatepreamble\tabulatehss\tabulatehss \fi
+ \or % fixed width
+ \ifcase\tabulatealign\relax
+ \dodosettabulatepreamble \bskip \eskip \or
+ \dodosettabulatepreamble{\bskip\tabulateraggedright }\eskip \or
+ \dodosettabulatepreamble{\bskip\tabulateraggedleft }\eskip \or
+ \dodosettabulatepreamble{\bskip\tabulateraggedcenter}\eskip \fi
+ \or % auto width
+ \global\advance\nofautotabulate\plusone
+ \ifcase\tabulatealign\relax
+ \dodosettabulatepreamble \bskip \eskip \or
+ \dodosettabulatepreamble{\bskip\tabulateraggedright }\eskip \or
+ \dodosettabulatepreamble{\bskip\tabulateraggedleft }\eskip \or
+ \dodosettabulatepreamble{\bskip\tabulateraggedcenter}\eskip \fi
+ \or % simple
+ \dodosettabulatepreamble \xbskip \xeskip
+ \fi
+ \futurelet\next\donexttabulate}
+ {\ifx\next\relax\else
+ \expandafter\nexttabulate
+ \fi}
+\def\splitofftabulatebox % overloaded in anch-pgr
+ {\dontcomplain
+ \global\setbox\tabulatebox % % % global ? % % %
+ \vsplit\tablebox\tabulatecolumn to \lineheight
+ \setbox\tabulatebox\normalvbox
+ {\unvbox\tabulatebox}%
+ \setbox\tabulatebox\hbox to \wd\tabulatebox
+ {\hss\dotabulatehook{\box\tabulatebox}\hss}%
+ \ht\tabulatebox\strutht
+ \dp\tabulatebox\strutdp
+ \box\tabulatebox}
+\def\dotabulatehook {\getvalue{\@@tabhook@@ \the\tabulatecolumn}}
+\def\dotabulatealign {\getvalue{\@@tabalign@@ \the\tabulatecolumn}}
+ {\global\tabulateminplines\plusone
+ \getnoflines\tabulatemaxpheight
+ \global\tabulatemaxplines\noflines
+ \global\tabulatemaxpheight\zeropoint}
+ {\scratchdimen\ht\tablebox\tabulatecolumn\relax
+ \ifdim\scratchdimen>\tabulatemaxpheight
+ \global\tabulatemaxpheight\scratchdimen
+ \fi}
+ {\TABLEnoalign
+ {\ifhandletabulatepbreak
+ \iftabulatenopbreak
+ \dotabulatenobreak
+ \else\ifnum\tabulatemaxplines>\plusone
+ \ifnum\tabulateminplines=\plusone
+ \dotabulatenobreak
+ \fi
+ \global\advance\tabulateminplines\plusone
+ \ifnum\tabulateminplines=\tabulatemaxplines\relax
+ \dotabulatenobreak
+ \fi
+ \fi \fi
+ \fi}}
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \starttabulate[|c|p|p|]
+%D \NC \bf Alpha \NC \bf Beta \NC \bf Gamma \NC\NR
+%D \NC 1 \NC right indeed \NC definitely wrong \NC\NR
+%D \NC 2 \NC \thinrules[n=3] \NC \thinrules[n=3] \NC\NR
+%D \NC 3 \NC oh yes \NC simply no \NC\NR
+%D \NC 4 \NC very true \NC as false as can be \NC\NR
+%D \NC 5 \NC \thinrules[n=5] \NC \thinrules[n=5] \NC\NR
+%D \NC 6 \NC \thinrules[n=3] \NC \thinrules[n=4] \NC\NR
+%D \stoptabulate
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer {\tracetabulatetrue\getbuffer}
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \starttabulate[|c|p|p|]
+%D \NC \bf Alpha \NC \bf Beta \NC \bf Gamma \NC\NR
+%D \NC 1 \NC right indeed \NC definitely wrong \NC\NR
+%D \NC 2 \NC oh yes \NC simply no \NC\NR
+%D \NC 3 \NC very true \NC as false as can be \NC\NR
+%D \NC 4 \NC the whole truth \NC but the truth \NC\NR
+%D \stoptabulate
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer {\tracetabulatetrue\getbuffer}
+% \definetabulate
+% \redefinetabulate
+% \starttabulate[preamble]
+% \starttabulate -> \starttabulate[|l|p|]
+\bgroup \catcode`\|=\@@other
+ {\dotripleempty\dodefinetabulate}
+ {\ifthirdargument
+ \doifundefined{\??tt#1::\c!unit}
+ {\copyparameters
+ [\??tt#1::][\??tt\v!tabulate::]%
+ [\c!frame,\c!distance,\c!unit,\c!before,\c!bodyfont,\c!after,
+ \c!inner,\c!indenting,\c!margin,\c!align,\c!header,\c!title,
+ \c!rulecolor,\c!rulethickness,\c!split,EQ]}%
+ \copyparameters
+ [\??tt#1::#2][\??tt#1::]%
+ [\c!unit,\c!distance,\c!before,\c!bodyfont,\c!after,
+ \c!inner,\c!indenting,\c!frame,\c!split,\c!header,\c!title,
+ \c!margin,\c!align,\c!rulecolor,\c!rulethickness,EQ]%
+ \setvalue{\e!start#1::#2}{\dofinalstarttabulate[#1][#2][#3]}%
+ \setvalue{\e!start#1}{\bgroup\dosubstarttabulate[#1]}%
+ \letvalue{\??tt#1-\v!header}\empty
+ \letvalue{\??tt#1-\v!footer }\empty
+ \else\ifsecondargument
+ \definetabulate[#1][][#2]%
+ \else
+ \definetabulate[#1][][|l|p|]%
+ \fi\fi}
+\def\checkfulltabulatecontent % - needed, else confusion with \c!header
+ {\ifundefined{\??tt\currenttabulate-\v!header}%
+ \let\tabulateheadcontent\empty
+ \else
+ \def\tabulateheadcontent
+ {\TABLEnoalign{\global\settrue\tabulatesomeamble}%
+ \csname\??tt\currenttabulate-\v!header\endcsname
+ \TABLEnoalign{\global\setfalse\tabulatesomeamble}}%
+ \fi
+ \ifundefined{\??tt\currenttabulate-\v!footer}%
+ \let\tabulatetailcontent\empty
+ \else
+ \def\tabulatetailcontent
+ {\TABLEnoalign{\global\settrue\tabulatesomeamble}%
+ \csname\??tt\currenttabulate-\v!footer\endcsname
+ \TABLEnoalign{\global\setfalse\tabulatesomeamble}}%
+ \fi}
+% \def\fulltabulatecontent
+% {\tabulateheadcontent
+% \tabulatecontent
+% \tabulatetailcontent}
+ {\tabulateheadcontent
+ \tabulatecontent
+ \tabulatetailcontent
+ \removefunnytabulateline}
+ {\ifhmode
+ \strut\crcr
+ \TABLEnoalign{\kern-\lineheight}%
+ \fi}
+ {\dosingleempty\dostartstarttabulatehead}
+ {\processcontent{\e!stop\v!tabulatehead}\next
+ {\letvalue{\??tt\iffirstargument#1\else\v!tabulate\fi::-\v!header}\next}}
+ {\dosingleempty\dostartstarttabulatetail}
+ {\processcontent{\e!stop\v!tabulatetail}\next
+ {\letvalue{\??tt\iffirstargument#1\else\v!tabulate\fi::-\v!footer}\next}}
+ {\dodoubleempty\dodosubstarttabulate}
+ {\getvalue{\e!start#1::\ifundefined{\e!start#1::#2}\else#2\fi}}
+ {\bgroup\dodoubleempty\donormalstarttabulate}
+ {\ifsecondargument
+ \getparameters[\??tt\v!tabulate::][#2]%
+ \fi
+ \iffirstargument
+ \def\next{\dofinalstarttabulate[\v!tabulate][][#1]}%
+ \else
+ \def\next{\dofinalstarttabulate[\v!tabulate][][|l|p|]}%
+ \fi
+ \next}
+% The much neede hook:
+% An example of its usage:
+\appendtoks \optimizeverbatimfalse \to \everytabulate
+\appendtoks \let\recodeverbatimmode\plustwo \to \everytabulate
+% A status variable:
+ \catcode`\|=\@@other \gdef\@@otherbar{|}
+ \catcode`\|=\@@active \gdef\@@useotherbar{\let|\@@otherbar}
+\def\dofinalstarttabulate[#1][#2][#3]% identifier sub preamble
+ {\edef\currenttabulate{#1::#2}%
+ \ifinsidefloat \else
+ \whitespace
+ \tabulateparameter\c!before
+ \fi
+ \bgroup
+ \resetcharacteralign
+ % todo: spacing around tabulate when bodyfont is set
+ % expansion en test needed ?
+ \splittabulatetrue
+ \processaction
+ [\tabulateparameter\c!split]
+ [% \v!yes=>\splittabulatetrue,
+ % \v!repeat=>\splittabulatetrue, % todo, default yes
+ \v!no=>\splittabulatefalse,
+ \v!auto=>\ifinsidefloat\ifinsidesplitfloat\else\splittabulatefalse\fi\fi]%
+ \doifvaluesomething{\??tt\currenttabulate\c!bodyfont}
+ {\expanded{\switchtobodyfont[\tabulateparameter\c!bodyfont]}}%
+ \postponenotes % new, to be tested / will be configurable
+ \let\tabulatepass\plusone
+ \widowpenalty\zerocount % otherwise lines are not broken
+ \clubpenalty \zerocount % but overlap in funny ways
+ \the\everytabulate
+ \tabulateparameter\c!inner
+ \scratchdimen\leftskip
+ \advance\scratchdimen \hangindent
+ \doifvalue{\??tt\currenttabulate\c!indenting}\v!yes
+ {\advance\scratchdimen \parindent}% \ctxparindent
+ \edef\tabulateindent{\the\scratchdimen}%
+ \!!toksb\emptytoks
+ \def\dorepeat*##1##2%
+ {\dorecurse{##1}{\appendtoks##2\to\!!toksb}\do}%
+ \def\do
+ {\futurelet\next\dodo}%
+ \def\dodo % \@EAEAEA gebruiken
+ {\ifx\next\relax
+ % exit
+ \else\ifx*\next
+ \let\next\dorepeat
+ \else\ifx\bgroup\next
+ \let\next\dododo
+ \else
+ \let\next\dodododo
+ \fi\fi\fi
+ \next}%
+ \def\dododo##1%
+ {\appendtoks{##1}\to\!!toksb\do}%
+ \def\dodododo##1%
+ {\appendtoks##1\to\!!toksb\do}%
+ \global\tabulatecolumn\zerocount
+% \do#3\relax
+ \processcontent
+ {\e!stop#1}% \currenttabulate}
+ \tabulatecontent
+ {\@EA\processtabulate\@EA[\the\!!toksb]}}
+% 0 = NC column next EQ equal column
+% 1 = RC column raw RQ equal column raw
+% 2 = HC column hook HQ equal column hook
+ {\iftabulatefirstflushed\else\tabulateparameter{EQ}\fi
+ \global\tabulateequalfalse}
+% \def\tabulatenormalcolumn#1%
+% {&\iftabulateequal\tabulateEQ\fi&\global\chardef\tabulatetype#1&}
+% \def\tabulateequalcolumn#1%
+% {&\tabulateEQ&\global\chardef\tabulatetype#1&}
+% however, \unskip en \ignorespaces permit usage in complex XML/\starttabulate
+ {\unskip&\iftabulateequal\tabulateEQ\fi&\global\chardef\tabulatetype#1&%
+ \ignorespaces}
+ {\unskip&\tabulateEQ&\global\chardef\tabulatetype#1&%
+ \ignorespaces}
+ {\tabulatenormalcolumn\zerocount
+ \ifnum\tabulatecolumn>\tabulatecolumns\relax
+ \expandafter\NR
+ \else
+ \expandafter\ignorespaces % interferes with the more tricky hooks
+ \fi}
+\def\setquicktabulate#1% see \startlegend \startgiven
+ {\let#1\tabulateautocolumn
+ \let\\\tabulateautocolumn}
+% {\vskip\strutdp}
+\def\dotabulateruleseperator % can be sped up
+ {\bgroup
+ \let\factor\!!plusone
+ \scratchskip\strutdp
+ \ExpandFirstAfter\processallactionsinset
+ [\tabulateparameter\c!distance]
+ [ \v!blank=>\scratchskip\bigskipamount,
+ \v!depth=>\scratchskip\strutdp,
+ \v!small=>\def\factor{.25},
+ \v!medium=>\def\factor{.5},
+ \v!big=>,
+ \v!none=>\scratchskip\zeropoint\def\factor{0},
+ \v!grid=>\scratchskip\zeropoint\def\factor{0},
+ \s!unknown=>\scratchskip\commalistelement]%
+ \scratchdimen\factor\scratchskip
+ \ifconditional\tabulatesomeamble\kern\else\vskip\fi\scratchdimen % new
+ \egroup}
+ {\color
+ [\tabulateparameter\c!rulecolor]
+ {\scratchdimen\tabulateparameter\c!rulethickness#1}}
+ {\dodotabulaterule
+ {\hrule\!!height.5\scratchdimen\!!depth.5\scratchdimen\relax
+ \doifvalue{\??tt\currenttabulate\c!distance}\v!grid
+ {\kern-\scratchdimen}}} % experimental tm-prikkels
+ {\multispan\totaltabulatecolumns % \multispan is a plain macro
+ % for the moment this one
+ \strut\hskip\tabulateparameter\c!margin
+ % neg values are ok !
+ \hskip\tabulateindent % new august 2003
+ \dodotabulaterule
+ {\!!heighta.5\lineheight
+ \advance\!!heighta-\strutdepth
+ \!!deptha-\!!heighta
+ \advance\!!deptha\scratchdimen
+ \leaders\hrule\!!height\!!heighta\!!depth\!!deptha\hfill}%
+ \cr}
+%D When set to true, no (less) break optimization is done.
+%D The main processing macro is large but splitting it up
+%D would make things less clear.
+ {\iftrialtypesetting \else
+ \registerparoptions
+ \ifinsidefloat
+ % that is, an unbreakable one
+ \global\let\registertabulateparoptions\empty
+ \else
+ % unsafe in crossing pages, at each b...
+ % \global\let\registertabulateparoptions\empty
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+ \global\let\registertabulateparoptions\doregistertabulateparoptions
+\to \everytabulate
+ \registertabulateparoptions
+\to \everytabulaterow
+ {\ifnum\tabulatecolumn=\zerocount
+ \hbox to \tabulateindent
+ {% we now have a local hsize, and since we want to
+ % register positional info (i.e. real hsizes) we
+ % need to reconstitute the original hsize
+ \advance\hsize\tabulateindent
+ % this is indeed rather messy and took a few hours
+ % to dis/uncover
+ \the\everytabulaterow
+ \hss}%
+ \fi}
+%D Beware, we cannot use \type {\unexpanded} on \type {\HL}
+%D cum suis, since \TEX's hard coded noalign lookahead fails
+%D on it! I mistakenly added this for a while.
+\setvalue{\??tt:\c!align:\v!right }{1}
+\setvalue{\??tt:\c!align:\v!left }{2}
+\setvalue{\??tt:\c!header:\v!text }{\plustwo}
+\bgroup \catcode`\|=\@@other
+\gdef\processtabulate[|#1|]% in the process of optimizing
+ {\tabulateunit\tabulateparameter\c!unit
+ \checkfulltabulatecontent
+ \globallet\tabulateruledepth \!!zeropoint
+ \globallet\tabulateruleheight\!!zeropoint
+ \edef\@@tabulatealign{\executeifdefined{\??tt:\c!align:\tabulateparameter\c!align}0}%
+% \ExpandFirstAfter\processaction % use \setalignmentswitch instead
+% [\tabulateparameter\c!align]
+% [ \v!normal=>\def\@@tabulatealign{0},% = default value
+% \v!right=>\def\@@tabulatealign{1},% chardefs gebruiken
+% \v!left=>\def\@@tabulatealign{2},%
+% \v!middle=>\def\@@tabulatealign{3},%
+% \s!default=>\def\@@tabulatealign{0},%
+% \s!unknown=>\def\@@tabulatealign{0}]%
+ \let\pretabskip\!!zeropoint
+ \def\postabskip{.5\tabulateunit}%
+ \global\tabulatecolumns\zerocount
+ \global\nofautotabulate\zerocount
+ \global\noftabulatelines\zerocount
+ \totalnoftabulatelines\noftabulatelines
+ \minusnoftabulatelines\noftabulatelines
+ \global\tabulatepwidth\zeropoint
+ \global\tabulateequalfalse
+ \resettabulatepheight
+ \ifinsidesplitfloat
+ \donetrue
+ \else\ifinsidefloat
+ \donefalse
+ \else
+ \donetrue
+ \fi\fi
+ \ifdone
+ \chardef\tabulaterepeathead\executeifdefined{\??tt:\c!header:\tabulateparameter\c!header}\zerocount
+% \processaction
+% [\tabulateparameter\c!header]
+% [\v!repeat=>\let\tabulaterepeathead\plusone,
+% \v!text=>\let\tabulaterepeathead\plustwo]%
+ \fi
+ \unexpanded \def\NC{\tabulatenormalcolumn0}%
+ \unexpanded \def\RC{\tabulatenormalcolumn1}%
+ \unexpanded \def\HC{\tabulatenormalcolumn2}%
+ \unexpanded \def\EQ{\tabulateequalcolumn 0}%
+ \unexpanded \def\RQ{\tabulateequalcolumn 1}%
+ \unexpanded \def\HQ{\tabulateequalcolumn 2}%
+ \unexpanded \def\NG{\NC\handletabulatecharalign}%
+ \unexpanded \def\NN{\NC\handletabulatedigits}% new, undocumented, test first
+ \unexpanded \def\ND{\NC\handletabulatedigits}% same, for old times sake
+ \def\tabulaterule{\HR}% a rule with lineheight
+ \def\tabulateline{\HL}% just a spaced rule
+ \def\tabulateautorule{\doHR\plusone}%
+ \def\tabulateautoline{\doHL\plusone}%
+ \def\HR{\doHR\zerocount}
+ \def\HL{\doHL\zerocount}
+ \unexpanded \def\NR % next row
+ {\global\advance\noftabulatelines\plusone
+ \global\tabulatefirstflushedfalse
+ \global\tabulateequalfalse
+ \global\tabulatecolumn\zerocount
+ \resettabulatepheight
+ \unskip\unskip\crcr\flushtabulated
+ {\the\everyaftertabulaterow}%
+ \TABLEnoalign
+ {\iftolerantTABLEbreak\else
+ \ifconditional\tabulatesomeamble \ifcase\tabulaterepeathead \else
+ \allowbreak
+ \fi \fi
+ \ifnum\noftabulatelines=\plusone
+ \dotabulatenobreak
+ \else\ifnum\noftabulatelines=\minusnoftabulatelines
+ \ifnum\tabulatemaxplines<\plustwo
+ \dotabulatenobreak
+ \else
+ \allowbreak % needed with pbreak prevention
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \allowbreak % needed with pbreak prevention
+ \fi\fi
+ \fi
+ \global\tabulatefirstflushedfalse}}%
+ \let\HL\empty % not needed
+ \let\SR\NR \let\AR\NR
+ \let\FL\empty \let\FR\NR
+ \let\ML\empty \let\MR\NR
+ \let\LL\empty \let\LR\NR
+ \let\doHR\gobbleoneargument
+ \let\doHL\gobbleoneargument
+ \global\let\flushtabulated\empty
+% \let\savedbar|\let|\nexttabulate
+ \tabskip\zeropoint
+ \ifdim\tabulateparameter\c!margin>\zeropoint
+ \!!toksa{&\flushtabulateindent\strut##%
+ \tabskip\tabulateparameter\c!margin\strut
+ &##\tabskip\zeropoint}%
+ \else
+ \!!toksa{&\flushtabulateindent\strut##%
+ &##\tabskip\zeropoint}%
+ \fi
+ \tabulatewidth\zeropoint
+ % |#1X|\relax
+ \nexttabulate #1X|\relax
+ \scratchcounter\tabulatecolumns
+ \multiply\scratchcounter3%
+ \advance\scratchcounter4%
+ \edef\totaltabulatecolumns{\the\scratchcounter}%
+ \tabulatewidth\zeropoint
+ % \dorecurse\tabulatecolumns % can be made faster
+ % {\doifundefinedelse{\@@tabbox@@\recurselevel}
+ % {\expandafter\newbox\csname\@@tabbox@@\recurselevel\endcsname}%
+ % {\global\setbox\csname\@@tabbox@@\recurselevel\endcsname\emptybox}}%
+ \initializetableboxes\tabulatecolumns
+ \appendtoks&##\to\!!toksa
+ \appendtoks\global\advance\tabulatecolumn\plusone\to\!!toksa
+ \appendtoks\NC\unskip\unskip\crcr\flushtabulated\to\tabulatedummy % no count
+ \global\tabulatecolumn\zerocount
+ \resettabulatepheight
+ \def\bskip
+ {\setbox\tabulatebox\vbox\bgroup
+ \global\let\tabulatehook\notabulatehook}%
+ \def\eskip
+ {\par\egroup
+ \global\let\tabulatehook\dotabulatehook}%
+ \def\xbskip
+ {\hbox\bgroup\vbox\bgroup
+ \global\let\tabulatehook\notabulatehook}%
+ \def\xeskip
+ {\par\egroup\egroup
+ \global\let\tabulatehook\dotabulatehook}%
+ % \let|\savedbar
+ \global\let\tabulatehook\dotabulatehook
+ \doifvalue{\??tt\currenttabulate\c!indenting}\v!no\forgetparindent
+ \ifinsidefloat
+ \let\tabulateindent\!!zeropoint
+ \else
+ \setlocalhsize \hsize\localhsize
+ \fi
+ \dontcomplain
+ \forgetall % hm, interference with \forgetparindent ^^^ probably bug, to be solved
+ \setbox0\vbox % outside \if because of line counting
+ {\notesenabledfalse
+ \let\tabulateindent\!!zeropoint
+ \trialtypesettingtrue % very important
+ \@EA\halign\@EA{\the\!!toksa\crcr\fulltabulatecontent\crcr}}%
+ \ifnum\nofautotabulate>\zerocount
+ % so, even if the natural size is larger, in the final
+ % run, we force the calculated width
+ \tabulatewidth\hsize
+ \advance\tabulatewidth -\wd0
+ \advance\tabulatewidth -\tabulatepwidth
+ \ifnum\nofautotabulate>\zerocount
+ \divide\tabulatewidth \nofautotabulate\relax
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \def\xbskip{\bskip}%
+ \def\xeskip{\eskip}%
+ \ifsplittabulate
+ \splittopskip\strutht
+ \global\let\flushtabulatedindeed\empty
+ \long\def\bbskip
+ {\ifvoid\tablebox\tabulatecolumn
+ \ifx\flushtabulatedindeed\empty\else
+ \setbox0\hbox
+ \fi
+ \fi}%
+ \def\bskip
+ {\ifvoid\tablebox\tabulatecolumn
+ \global\setbox\tablebox\tabulatecolumn\vbox
+ \bgroup
+ \global\let\tabulatehook\notabulatehook
+ \ifautotabulate\hsize\tabulatewidth\fi
+ % \begstrut % interferes with pre-\pars
+ % evt: \appendtoks\begstrut\to\everypar
+ \ignorespaces
+ \def\eskip
+ {\par\egroup
+ \settabulatepheight
+ \global\let\tabulatehook\dotabulatehook
+ \splitofftabulatebox}%
+ \else
+ \let\eskip\empty
+ \dontcomplain
+ \global\let\tabulatehook\dotabulatehook
+ \expandafter\splitofftabulatebox
+ \fi}%
+ \gdef\flushtabulated
+ {\TABLEnoalign % noalign % no interference !
+ {\global\let\flushtabulatedindeed\empty
+ \global\tabulatecolumn\zerocount
+ \handletabulatepbreak
+ \dorecurse\tabulatecolumns % was: \noftabcolumns
+ {\ifvoid\tablebox\recurselevel\else
+ \gdef\flushtabulatedindeed{\the\tabulatedummy}%
+ \fi}%
+ \global\tabulatefirstflushedtrue}%
+ \flushtabulatedindeed}%
+ \else
+ % tabhook op alles ?
+ \def\bskip
+ {\vtop\bgroup
+ \ifautotabulate\hsize\tabulatewidth\fi
+ % \begstrut % interferes with pre-\pars
+ % evt: \appendtoks\begstrut\to\everypar
+ \ignorespaces}%
+ \def\eskip % vertical strut added august 2003
+ {\par\verticalstrut\vskip-\struttotal\egroup}%
+ \fi
+ \totalnoftabulatelines\noftabulatelines
+ \minusnoftabulatelines\numexpr\noftabulatelines+\minusone\relax
+ \global\noftabulatelines\zerocount
+ \def\doHL##1% ##1 ignored
+ {\TABLEnoalign
+ {\csname
+ \ifnum\noftabulatelines=\zerocount F\else
+ \ifnum\noftabulatelines=\totalnoftabulatelines L\else
+ M\fi\fi
+ L\endcsname}}%
+ \def\doHR##1% horizontal rule line (break untested)
+ {\TABLEnoalign
+ {\globallet\TABLEautoline\dotabulatelinerule
+ \ifcase##1\or
+ \ifnum\noftabulatelines=\zerocount
+ \gdef\TABLEautoline{\TABLEnoalign{}}%
+ \else\ifnum\noftabulatelines=\totalnoftabulatelines
+ \gdef\TABLEautoline{\TABLEnoalign{}}%
+ \fi\fi
+ \fi
+ \dotabulatenobreak}%
+ \TABLEautoline
+ \TABLEnoalign
+ {\nobreak
+ \ifx\TABLEautoline\dotabulatelinerule\kern-\lineheight\fi
+ \ifnum\noftabulatelines=\totalnoftabulatelines
+ \@EA\dotabulatenobreak
+ \else
+ \@EA\allowbreak
+ \fi}%
+ \TABLEautoline
+ \TABLEnoalign
+ {\dotabulatenobreak}}%
+ \doifelsevalue{\??tt\currenttabulate\c!rule}\v!line
+ {\let\HL \HR
+ \let\tabulateautoline\tabulateautorule
+ \let\tabulateline \tabulaterule}%
+ {\def\HL{\doHL\zerocount}}%
+ \def\tablebaselinecorrection
+ {\def\dobaselinecorrection
+ {\vskip-\prevdepth
+ \vskip\strutdp
+ \vskip\strutdp}%
+ \baselinecorrection}%
+ \def\FL{\TABLEnoalign
+ {\ifinsidefloat\else
+ \doifemptyvalue{\??tt\currenttabulate\c!before} % no expansion
+ {\tablebaselinecorrection}%
+ \fi
+ \dotabulaterule
+ \dotabulatenobreak
+ \dotabulateruleseperator
+ \prevdepth\strutdp
+ \dotabulatenobreak}}%
+ \def\ML{\TABLEnoalign
+ {\dotabulateruleseperator
+ \dotabulaterule
+ \ifnum\noftabulatelines>\plusone
+ \ifnum\noftabulatelines<\minusnoftabulatelines
+ % \vskip \topskip\allowbreak \vskip-\topskip
+ \vskip1\topskip\allowbreak\vskip-1\topskip
+ \vskip-\tabulateparameter\c!rulethickness
+ \dotabulaterule
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \dotabulateruleseperator}}%
+ \def\LL{\TABLEnoalign
+ {\dotabulatenobreak
+ \dotabulateruleseperator
+ \dotabulatenobreak
+ \dotabulaterule
+ \ifinsidefloat\else
+ \doifemptyvalue{\??tt\currenttabulate\c!after} % no expansion
+ {\vskip\strutdp
+ \verticalstrut
+ \vskip-\struttotal}%
+ \fi}}%
+ \let\tabulatepass\plustwo
+ %
+ \ifcase\tabulaterepeathead
+ \ifinsidesplitfloat
+ \setbox\tabulatebox\vbox \bgroup
+ \else
+ \startframedcontent[\tabulateparameter\c!frame]%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \setbox\tabulatebox\vbox \bgroup
+ \fi
+ %
+ \@EA\halign\@EA{\the\!!toksa\crcr\fulltabulatecontent\crcr}%
+ \prevdepth\strutdp % nog eens beter, temporary hack
+ \doifvalue{\??tt\currenttabulate\c!distance}\v!grid
+ {\vskip-\strutdp}% experimental tm-prikkels
+ %
+ \ifcase\tabulaterepeathead
+ \ifinsidesplitfloat
+ \egroup \splittabulatebox\tabulatebox
+ \else
+ \stopframedcontent
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \egroup \splittabulatebox\tabulatebox
+ \fi
+ %
+ \egroup
+ \ifinsidefloat \else
+ \tabulateparameter\c!after
+ \fi
+ \egroup}
+% \setuptabulate[split=yes,header=text,title=Vervolg van Tabel]
+% % \starttabulatehead
+% % \NC test \NC hans\NC \NR
+% % \stoptabulatehead
+% \starttabulate
+% \NC test \NC \input tufte \relax \NC \NR
+% \NC test \NC \input knuth \relax \NC \NR
+% \NC test \NC \input knuth \relax \NC \NR
+% \NC test \NC \input tufte \relax \NC \NR
+% \NC test \NC \input tufte \relax \NC \NR
+% \NC test \NC \input tufte \relax \NC \NR
+% \stoptabulate
+% \def\splittabulatebox#1% #1 <> 0/2 / derived from the one in core-ntb.tex
+% {\ifinsidefloat
+% \unvbox#1%
+% \else
+% \ifcase\tabulaterepeathead\or
+% \setbox2\copy#1%
+% \setbox2\vsplit2 to \lineheight
+% \setbox2\vbox{\unvbox2}%
+% \fi
+% \doloop
+% {\setbox0\vsplit#1 to \onepoint % \lineheight
+% \ifdim\pagegoal<\maxdimen
+% \donetrue
+% \else\ifdim\pagetotal=\zeropoint
+% \donetrue
+% \else
+% \donefalse
+% \fi\fi
+% \ifdone
+% \setbox0\vbox{\unvbox0}%
+% \dimen0\pagetotal
+% \advance\dimen0\dp0
+% \advance\dimen0\ht0
+% \ifdim\dimen0>\pagegoal
+% \bgroup \page \egroup % make sure that local vars are kept
+% \ifcase\tabulaterepeathead\or
+% \unvcopy2
+% \or
+% \hbox{\strut\tabulateparameter\c!title}%
+% \fi
+% \fi
+% \fi
+% % test this on icare checklists / quite hacky ! ! !
+% \ifdim\ht0>\tabulateparameter\c!rulethickness\else
+% \kern-2\ht0 % brrrr
+% \fi
+% %
+% \unvbox0
+% \allowbreak
+% \ifvoid#1 \exitloop \fi}%
+% \fi}
+\def\splittabulatebox#1% #1 <> 0/2 / derived from the one in core-ntb.tex
+ {\ifinsidesplitfloat
+ \dosplittabulatebox#1%
+ \else\ifinsidefloat
+ \unvbox#1%
+ \else
+ \dosplittabulatebox#1%
+ \fi\fi}
+ {\resettsplit
+ \def\tsplitminimumfreelines{2}%
+ \def\tsplitminimumfreespace{0pt}%
+ \setbox\tsplitcontent\box#1%
+ \ifcase\tabulaterepeathead\or
+ \setbox\tsplithead\vsplit\tsplitcontent to \lineheight
+ \setbox\tsplithead\vbox{\unvbox\tsplithead}%
+ \or
+ \setbox\tsplithead\vbox{\hbox{\strut\tabulateparameter\c!title}}%
+ \fi
+ \handletsplit}
+%D \starttyping
+%D \setuptabulate[split=no,rule=line]
+%D \starttabulate
+%D \NC tufte \NC \input tufte \NC \NR \tabulateautorule
+%D \NC tufte \NC \input tufte \NC \NR \tabulateautorule
+%D \NC tufte \NC \input tufte \NC \NR \tabulateautorule
+%D \NC tufte \NC \input tufte \NC \NR \tabulateautorule
+%D \NC tufte \NC \input tufte \NC \NR \tabulateautorule
+%D \NC tufte \NC \input tufte \NC \NR \tabulateautorule
+%D \stoptabulate
+%D \stoptyping
+% \starttabulatie[|mc|]
+% \NC \digits{100.000,00} \NC\NR
+% \NC \digits{@10.000,00} \NC\NR
+% \NC \digits{@@@.100,00} \NC\NR
+% \NC \digits{@@@.@10,@@} \NC\NR
+% \NC \digits{@@@.@@1,@@} \NC\NR
+% \stoptabulatie
+% \starttabulatie[|mc|]
+% \ND 100.000,00 \NC\NR
+% \ND @10.000,00 \NC\NR
+% \ND @@@.100,00 \NC\NR
+% \ND @@@.@10,@@ \NC\NR
+% \ND @@@.@@1,@@ \NC\NR
+% \stoptabulatie
+% \starttabulatie[|c|]
+% \ND $100.000,00$ \NC\NR
+% \ND $@10.000,00$ \NC\NR
+% \ND $@@@.100,00$ \NC\NR
+% \ND $@@@.@10,@@$ \NC\NR
+% \ND $@@@.@@1,@@$ \NC\NR
+% \stoptabulatie
+% \starttabulatie[|c|]
+% \NC $\digits 100.000,00 $ \NC\NR
+% \NC $\digits @10.000,00 $ \NC\NR
+% \NC $\digits @@@.100,00 $ \NC\NR
+% \NC $\digits @@@.@10,@@ $ \NC\NR
+% \NC $\digits @@@.@@1,@@ $ \NC\NR
+% \stoptabulatie
+% \starttabulatie[|c|]
+% \NC \digits $100.000,00$ \NC\NR
+% \NC \digits $@10.000,00$ \NC\NR
+% \NC \digits $@@@.100,00$ \NC\NR
+% \NC \digits $@@@.@10,@@$ \NC\NR
+% \NC \digits $@@@.@@1,@@$ \NC\NR
+% \stoptabulatie
+ {\dotripleempty\dosetuptabulate}
+ {\ifthirdargument
+ \getparameters[\??tt#1::#2][#3]%
+ \else\ifsecondargument
+ \getparameters[\??tt#1::][#2]%
+ \else
+ \getparameters[\??tt\v!tabulate::][#1]%
+ \fi\fi}
+ [\c!unit=1em,
+ EQ={:},
+ \c!frame=\v!off,
+ \c!bodyfont=,
+ \c!rule=\v!normal,
+ \c!rulecolor=,
+ \c!rulethickness=\linewidth,
+ \c!inner=,
+ \c!before=\blank,
+ \c!after=\blank,
+ \c!distance={\v!depth,\v!medium},
+ \c!align=\v!normal,
+ \c!margin=\!!zeropoint,
+ \c!split=\v!auto,
+ \c!header=\v!yes,
+ \c!title=,
+ \c!indenting=\v!no]
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/tabl-tsp.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/tabl-tsp.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..59e9185e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/tabl-tsp.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,427 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=tabl-tsp,
+%D version=2000.10.20,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Table Macros,
+%D subtitle=Splitting,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Table Macros / Splitting}
+%D The code in this file is move here from other places.
+% only to be used with single tokens (will be prim)
+\ifx\htdp\undefined \def\htdp#1{\dimexpr\ht#1+\dp#1\relax} \fi
+%D Although the name resembles floats, and therefore this should be
+%D a page module, we decided to make it core functionality because the
+%D table code depends on it. Othrwise there would be too much
+%D overloading afterwards involved. Actually, the float part is rather
+%D generic and not that related to floats.
+% \splitfloat [settings] {\placetable[optional args]{test}} {content}
+ [\??si]
+ [\c!way=\v!by\v!text,
+ \c!conversion=\@@siconversion]
+ {\dodoubleargument\getparameters[\??si]}
+\newif\ifinsidesplitfloat % will become chardef
+\newtoks \everysplitfloatsetup
+ {\dosingleempty\dosplitfloat}
+\ifx\floatcaptionsuffix\undefined \else
+ \let\floatcaptionsuffix\empty % will become \splitfloatcaptionsuffix
+\def\dosplitfloat[#1]#2% nog dubbele refs
+ {\bgroup
+ \global\setfalse\splitfloatdone
+ \aftergroup\checksplitfloat
+ \insidefloattrue
+ \insidesplitfloattrue
+ \getparameters[\??si][#1]%
+ \resetnumber[\??si]%
+ \def\floatcaptionsuffix{\convertednumber[\??si]}%
+ \let\extrasplitfloatlines\@@silines
+ \the\everysplitfloatsetup
+ \def\splitfloatcommand{#2}%
+ \global\settrue \onlyonesplitofffloat
+ \global\setfalse\somenextplitofffloat
+ \dopushsavedfloats
+ \@@sibefore
+ \let\next} % \bgroup
+ {\ifconditional\splitfloatdone\else
+ \blank{\tttf \getmessage\m!floatblocks{13}\empty}\blank
+ \showmessage\m!floatblocks{13}\empty
+ \fi}
+\settrue \onlyonesplitofffloat
+%D When \type {inbetween} is made empty instead of the
+%D default \type {\page}, we will get delayed flushing
+%D and text may continue below the graphic.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \dorecurse{2}{\input tufte }
+%D \splitfloat[lines=auto,inbetween=]
+%D {\placetable{\dorecurse{5}{test\recurselevel\endgraf}}}
+%D {\bTABLE[split=yes]
+%D \bTR \bTD 11 \eTD \bTD \input tufte \eTD \eTR
+%D \bTR \bTD 12 \eTD \bTD \input zapf \eTD \eTR
+%D \bTR \bTD 13 \eTD \bTD \input bryson \eTD \eTR
+%D \bTR \bTD 14 \eTD \bTD test \eTD \eTR
+%D \bTR \bTD 21 \eTD \bTD \input tufte \eTD \eTR
+%D \bTR \bTD 22 \eTD \bTD \input zapf \eTD \eTR
+%D \bTR \bTD 23 \eTD \bTD \input bryson \eTD \eTR
+%D \bTR \bTD 24 \eTD \bTD test \eTD \eTR
+%D \bTR \bTD 31 \eTD \bTD \input tufte \eTD \eTR
+%D \bTR \bTD 32 \eTD \bTD \input zapf \eTD \eTR
+%D \bTR \bTD 33 \eTD \bTD \input bryson \eTD \eTR
+%D \bTR \bTD 34 \eTD \bTD test \eTD \eTR
+%D \eTABLE}
+%D \dorecurse{10}{\input tufte }
+%D \stoptyping
+ {\dowithnextbox
+ {\forgetall
+ \dontcomplain
+ \global\settrue\splitfloatdone
+ \chardef\nodelocationmode\zerocount % bypass auto-renumbering
+ \incrementnumber[\??si]%
+ \ifcase\rawnumber[\??si]\or \ifconditional\onlyonesplitofffloat
+ \let\floatcaptionsuffix\empty
+ \fi \fi
+ \bgroup
+ \ifconditional\somenextplitofffloat
+ \settrue\retainfloatnumber
+\notesenabledfalse % best here, experimental, brrr; test with note in caption
+ \else
+ \setfalse\retainfloatnumber
+ \fi
+ \splitfloatcommand{\box\nextbox}%
+ \egroup
+ \ifconditional\somenextplitofffloat
+ \doifelsenothing\@@siinbetween
+ {\ifconditional\splitfloatfirstdone\else\page\fi}
+ \@@siinbetween
+ \else
+ \@@siafter
+ \dopopsavedfloats
+ \doflushsavedfloats
+ \fi
+ \global\settrue\splitfloatfirstdone}%
+ \vbox}
+ {\dowithnextbox
+ {\forgetall
+ \dontcomplain
+ \box\nextbox % maybe an option to unvbox
+ \global\settrue\splitfloatfirstdone}%
+ \vbox}
+\def\dochecksplitofffloat#1% box
+ {\ifinsidesplitfloat
+ \ifdim\ht#1=\zeropoint
+ \global\setfalse\somenextplitofffloat
+ \else
+ \global\settrue \somenextplitofffloat
+ \global\setfalse\onlyonesplitofffloat
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+\def\analyzesplitfloatcaption#1% depends on page-flt
+ {\doif\extrasplitfloatlines\v!auto
+ {\bgroup
+ \settrue\retainfloatnumber
+ \chardef\nodelocationmode\zerocount
+ \forcelocalfloats
+ \setuplocalfloats[\c!before=,\c!after=,\c!inbetween=]%
+ \splitfloatcommand{\hbox to \wd#1{\strut}}% dummy line
+ \setbox\scratchbox\vbox{\flushlocalfloats}%
+ \getnoflines{\ht\scratchbox}%
+ \resetlocalfloats
+ \advance\noflines\minusone % compensate dummy line
+ \expanded{\egroup\noexpand\edef\noexpand\extrasplitfloatlines{\the\noflines}}}}
+% \def\analyzesplitfloatcaption#1%
+% {\edef\extrasplitfloatlines{11}}
+\def\dowithsplitofffloat % nextbox
+ {\ifinsidesplitfloat
+ \expandafter\dodowithsplitofffloat
+ \else
+ \expandafter\nodowithsplitofffloat
+ \fi}
+ {\ifinsidesplitfloat\expandafter\gobbleoneargument\fi}
+%D Some defaults:
+ [\c!conversion=\v!character, % \v!romannumerals
+ \c!lines=3,
+ \c!before=,
+ \c!inbetween=\page,
+ \c!after=]
+%D Table splitter, on top of previous code:
+\def\resettsplit{% only \def's starting a a new line are seen by the dep checker
+ \def\tsplitminimumfreelines{0}%
+ \def\tsplitminimumfreespace{0pt}%
+ \setbox\tsplitcontent \vbox{}%
+ \setbox\tsplitresult \vbox{}%
+ \setbox\tsplithead \vbox{}%
+ \setbox\tsplitnext \vbox{}%
+ \setbox\tsplittail \vbox{}%
+ \let\tsplitbeforeresult\donothing
+ \let\tsplitafterresult \donothing
+ \let\tsplitinbetween \donothing
+ \let\tsplitbefore \donothing
+ \let\tsplitafter \donothing
+ \let\postprocesstsplit \donothing
+% todo: keep tail to rest, so we need a lookahead
+ {\analyzesplitfloatcaption\tsplitcontent
+ \global\setfalse\splitfloatfirstdone
+ \testpagesync % new, sync, but still tricky
+ [\tsplitminimumfreelines]
+ [\dimexpr\tsplitminimumfreespace+\extrasplitfloatlines\lineheight\relax]%
+ \setbox\scratchbox\vbox{\tsplitinbetween}%
+ \edef\tsplitinbetweenheight{\the\htdp\scratchbox}% etex
+ \!!doneafalse
+ \doloop
+ {\ifinsidecolumns
+ % brrr, assumes empty columns
+ \global\setfalse\splitfloatfirstdone
+ \scratchdimen\textheight
+ \!!donectrue
+ \else
+ \ifconditional\splitfloatfirstdone
+ \scratchdimen\textheight
+ \!!donectrue
+ \else\ifdim\pagegoal<\maxdimen
+ \scratchdimen\dimexpr\pagegoal-\pagetotal\relax
+ \!!donecfalse
+ \else
+ \scratchdimen\textheight
+ \!!donectrue
+ \fi\fi
+ \fi
+ \scratchdimen\dimexpr\scratchdimen-\tsplitinbetweenheight-\tsplitminimumfreespace-\extrasplitfloatlines\lineheight\relax
+ \ifdim\htdp\tsplittail>\zeropoint
+ \advance\scratchdimen-\htdp\tsplittail
+ \fi
+ \setbox\tsplitresult\vbox
+ {\ifdim\ht\tsplithead>\zeropoint
+ \unvcopy\tsplithead
+ \tsplitinbetween
+ \fi}%
+ \if!!donea\else\ifdim\ht\tsplitnext>\zeropoint
+ \setbox\tsplithead\box\tsplitnext
+ \fi\fi
+ \!!doneatrue
+ \ifdim\ht\tsplitresult>\zeropoint
+ \!!donedtrue % table head
+ \else
+ \!!donedfalse % no tablehead
+ \fi
+ \splittopskip\zeropoint
+ \doloop
+ {\setbox\scratchbox\vsplit\tsplitcontent to \onepoint % \lineheight
+ \setbox\scratchbox\vbox{\unvbox\scratchbox}%
+ \ifdim\dimexpr\scratchdimen-\htdp\scratchbox-\htdp\tsplitresult\relax>\zeropoint
+ \setbox\tsplitresult\vbox
+ {\unvbox\tsplitresult
+ \tsplitinbetween
+ \unvbox\scratchbox}%
+ \ifvoid\tsplitcontent \exitloop \fi
+ \else\if!!doned
+ % we only have a tablehead so far
+ \setbox\tsplitresult\vbox{\unvbox\tsplitresult\unvbox\scratchbox}%
+ \exitloop
+ \else\if!!donec
+ % we have text height available, but the (one) cell is too
+ % large to fit, so, in order to avoid loops/deadcycles we do:
+ \setbox\tsplitresult\vbox
+ {\unvbox\tsplitresult
+ \tsplitinbetween
+ \unvbox\scratchbox}%
+ \exitloop
+ \else
+ \setbox\tsplitcontent\vbox
+ {\unvbox\scratchbox
+ \tsplitinbetween
+ \ifvoid\tsplitcontent\else\unvbox\tsplitcontent\fi}%
+ \exitloop
+ \fi\fi\fi
+ \!!donedfalse
+ \!!donecfalse}%
+ \postprocesstsplit
+ \dochecksplitofffloat\tsplitcontent
+ \ifvoid\tsplitcontent
+ \setbox\tsplitresult\vbox
+ {\unvbox\tsplitresult
+ \tsplitinbetween
+ \unvcopy\tsplittail}%
+ \dowithsplitofffloat{\tsplitbeforeresult\box\tsplitresult\tsplitafterresult}%
+ \doifnotinsidesplitfloat\tsplitafter
+ \endgraf
+ \exitloop
+ \else
+ % hack
+ \ifdim\pagegoal<\maxdimen
+ \global\pagegoal\dimexpr\pagegoal+\lineheight\relax % etex
+ \fi
+ % brrr
+ \ifdim\ht\tsplitresult>\zeropoint
+ \setbox\tsplitresult\vbox
+ {\unvbox\tsplitresult
+ \tsplitinbetween
+ \unvcopy\tsplittail}%
+ \dowithsplitofffloat{\tsplitbeforeresult\box\tsplitresult\tsplitafterresult}%
+ \doifnotinsidesplitfloat\tsplitafter
+ \endgraf
+ \fi
+ \ifinsidecolumns
+ \doifnotinsidesplitfloat\goodbreak
+ \else
+ \doifnotinsidesplitfloat\page
+ \fi
+ \fi}%
+ \global\setfalse\splitfloatfirstdone} % we can use this one for tests
+\protect \endinput
+% test cases
+% \setupTABLE[split=repeat]
+% \input tufte \endgraf
+% \splitfloat[lines=11]
+% {\placetable{\dorecurse{10}{test\recurselevel\endgraf}}}
+% {\bTABLE\dorecurse{100}{\bTR \bTD test \eTD \eTR}\eTABLE}
+% \input tufte \page
+% \input tufte \endgraf
+% \splitfloat[lines=0]
+% {}
+% {\bTABLE\dorecurse{100}{\bTR \bTD test \eTD \eTR}\eTABLE}
+% \input tufte \endgraf \page
+% \input tufte \endgraf
+% \bTABLE\dorecurse{100}{\bTR \bTD test \eTD \eTR}\eTABLE
+% \input tufte \page
+% \setuptabulate[split=yes]
+% \input tufte \endgraf
+% \splitfloat[lines=11]
+% {\placetable{\dorecurse{10}{test\recurselevel\endgraf}}}
+% {\starttabulate\dorecurse{200}{\NC test \NC test \NC \NR}\stoptabulate}
+% \input tufte \page
+% \input tufte \endgraf
+% \splitfloat[lines=0]
+% {}
+% {\starttabulate\dorecurse{200}{\NC test \NC test \NC \NR}\stoptabulate}
+% \input tufte \page
+% \input tufte \endgraf
+% \starttabulate\dorecurse{200}{\NC test \NC test \NC \NR}\stoptabulate
+% \input tufte \page
+% \setuptables[split=yes]
+% \newtoks\TestToks
+% \TestToks\emptytoks
+% \appendtoks\starttablehead\to\TestToks
+% \dorecurse{3}{\appendtoks\VL head \VL head \VL \SR\to\TestToks}
+% \appendtoks\stoptablehead\to\TestToks
+% \appendtoks\starttabletail\to\TestToks
+% \dorecurse{3}{\appendtoks\VL tail \VL tail \VL \SR\to\TestToks}
+% \appendtoks\stoptabletail\to\TestToks
+% \appendtoks\starttables[|c|c|]\to\TestToks
+% \dorecurse{100}{\appendtoks\VL test \VL test \VL \SR\to\TestToks}
+% \appendtoks\stoptables\to\TestToks
+% \input tufte \endgraf
+% \splitfloat[lines=auto] % [lines=11]
+% {\placetable{\dorecurse{10}{test\recurselevel\endgraf}}}
+% {\the\TestToks}
+% \input tufte \page
+% \input tufte \endgraf
+% \splitfloat[lines=0]
+% {}
+% {\the\TestToks}
+% \input tufte \page
+% \input tufte \endgraf
+% \the\TestToks
+% \input tufte \page
+% multiple floats
+% \starttext
+% \dorecurse{3}{\input tufte } \endgraf
+% \dorecurse{5}{\placefigure{}{\framed[height=.5\textheight]{}}}
+% \splitfloat[lines=auto,inbetween=]
+% {\placetable{\dorecurse{5}{test\recurselevel\endgraf}}}
+% {\bTABLE[split=yes]
+% \bTR \bTD 11 \eTD \bTD \input tufte \eTD \eTR
+% \bTR \bTD 12 \eTD \bTD \input zapf \eTD \eTR
+% \bTR \bTD 13 \eTD \bTD \input bryson \eTD \eTR
+% \bTR \bTD 14 \eTD \bTD test \eTD \eTR
+% \bTR \bTD 21 \eTD \bTD \input tufte \eTD \eTR
+% \bTR \bTD 22 \eTD \bTD \input zapf \eTD \eTR
+% \bTR \bTD 23 \eTD \bTD \input bryson \eTD \eTR
+% \bTR \bTD 24 \eTD \bTD test \eTD \eTR
+% \bTR \bTD 31 \eTD \bTD \input tufte \eTD \eTR
+% \bTR \bTD 32 \eTD \bTD \input zapf \eTD \eTR
+% \bTR \bTD 33 \eTD \bTD \input bryson \eTD \eTR
+% \bTR \bTD 34 \eTD \bTD test \eTD \eTR
+% \eTABLE}
+% \dorecurse{10}{\input tufte }
+% \stoptext
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/thrd-pic.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/thrd-pic.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3c25d8a81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/thrd-pic.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,3694 @@
+% Since this file is not available in every distribution, we
+% have copied the original in this file. The manuals to
+% Wichura's PiCTeX and TaBlE packages are not available on
+% line and are distributed by respectively the TeX Users Group
+% and Personal TeX Inc.
+% We've patched this file for catcode ! because in luatex we use
+% catcode tables and using unprotect/protect is cleaner.
+% This is PiCTeX, Version 1.1 9/21/87
+% CAVEAT: The PiCTeX manual often has a more lucid explanation
+% of any given topic than you will find in the internal documentation
+% of the macros.
+% PiCTeX's commands can be classified into two groups: (1) public (or
+% external), and (2) private (or internal). The public macros are
+% discussed at length in the manual. The only discussion of the private
+% macros is the internal documentation. The private macros all have
+% names beginning with an exclamation point (!) of category code 11.
+% Since in normal usage "!" has category code 12, these macros can't
+% be accessed or modified by the general user.
+% The macros are organized into thematically related groups. For example,
+% the macros dealing with dots & dashes are all in the DASHPATTERN group.
+% The table below shows which macros are in which groups. The table
+% covers all public macros, and many (but not all) of PiCTeX's upper level
+% private macros. Following the table, the various groups are listed
+% in the order in which they appear in the table.
+% *********************** TABLE OF GROUPS OF MACROS **********************
+% HACKS: Utility macros
+% \PiC
+% \PiCTeX
+% \placevalueinpts
+% \!!loop
+% \!cfor
+% \!copylist
+% \!ecfor
+% \!etfor
+% \!getnext
+% \!getnextvalueof
+% \!ifempty
+% \!ifnextchar
+% \!leftappend
+% \!listaddon
+% \!loop
+% \!lop
+% \!mlap
+% \!not
+% \!removept
+% \!rightappend
+% \!tfor
+% \!vmlap
+% \!wlet
+% ALLOCATION: Allocates registers
+% AREAS: Deals with plot areas
+% \axis
+% \grid
+% \invisibleaxes
+% \normalgraphs
+% \plotheading
+% \setplotarea
+% \visibleaxes
+% ARROWS: Draws arrows
+% \arrow
+% \betweenarrows
+% BARS: Draws bars
+% \putbar
+% \setbars
+% BOXES: Draws rectangles
+% \frame
+% \putrectangle
+% \rectangle
+% \shaderectangleson
+% \shaderectanglesoff
+% CURVES: Upper level plot commands
+% \hshade
+% \plot
+% \sethistograms
+% \setlinear
+% \setquadratic
+% \vshade
+% DASHPATTERNS: Sets up dash patterns
+% \findlength
+% \setdashes
+% \setdashesnear
+% \setdashpattern
+% \setdots
+% \setdotsnear
+% \setsolid
+% \!dashingoff
+% \!dashingon
+% DIVISION: Does long division of dimension registers
+% \Divide
+% \!divide
+% ELLIPSES: Draws ellipses and circles
+% \circulararc
+% \ellipticalarc
+% RULES: Draws rules, i.e., horizontal & vertical lines
+% \putrule
+% \!putdashedhline
+% \!putdashedvline
+% \!puthline
+% \!putsolidhline
+% \!putsolidvline
+% \!putvline
+% LINEAR ARC: Draws straight lines -- solid and dashed
+% \inboundscheckoff
+% \inboundscheckon
+% \!advancedashing
+% \!drawlinearsegment
+% \!initinboundscheck
+% \!linearsolid
+% \!lineardashed
+% \!ljoin
+% \!plotifinbounds
+% \!start
+% LOGTEN: Log_10 function
+% \!logten
+% PICTURES: Basic setups for PiCtures; \put commands
+% \accountingoff
+% \accountingon
+% \beginpicture
+% \endpicture
+% \endpicturesave
+% \lines
+% \multiput
+% \put
+% \setcoordinatemode
+% \setcoordinatesystem
+% \setdimensionmode
+% \stack
+% \Lines
+% \Xdistance
+% \Ydistance
+% \!dimenput
+% \!ifcoordmode
+% \!ifdimenmode
+% \!setcoordmode
+% \!setdimenmode
+% \!setputobject
+% PLOTTING: Things to do with plotting
+% \dontsavelinesandcurves
+% \replot
+% \savelinesandcurves
+% \setplotsymbol
+% \writesavefile
+% \!plot
+% PYTHAGORAS: Euclidean distance function
+% \placehypotenuse
+% \!Pythag
+% QUADRATIC ARC: Draws a quadratic arc
+% \!qjoin
+% ROTATIONS: Handles rotations
+% \startrotation
+% \stoprotation
+% \!rotateaboutpivot
+% \!rotateonly
+% SHADING: Handles shading
+% \setshadegrid
+% \setshadesymbol
+% \!lshade
+% \!qshade
+% \!starthshade
+% \!startvshade
+% TICKS: Draws ticks on graphs
+% \gridlines
+% \loggedticks
+% \nogridlines
+% \ticksin
+% \ticksout
+% \unloggesticks
+% ***************** END OF TABLE OF GROUPS OF MACROS ********************
+% \catcode`!=11 % ***** THIS MUST NEVER BE OMITTED
+% *******************************
+% *** HACKS (Utility macros) ***
+% *******************************
+% ** User commands
+% ** \PiC{P\kern-.12em\lower.5ex\hbox{I}\kern-.075emC}
+% ** \PiCTeX{\PiC\kern-.11em\TeX}
+% ** \placevalueinpts of <DIMENSION REGISTER> in {CONTROL SEQUENCE}
+% ** Internal commands
+% ** \!tfor NAME := LIST \do {BODY}
+% ** \!etfor NAME:= LIST \do {BODY}
+% ** \!cfor NAME := LIST \do {BODY}
+% ** \!ecfor NAME:= LIST \do {BODY}
+% ** \!getnext\\ITEMfrom\LIST
+% ** \!getnextvalueof\DIMEN\from\LIST
+% ** \!copylist\LISTMACRO_A\to\LISTMACRO_B
+% ** \!listaddon ITEM LIST
+% ** \!rightappendITEM\withCS\to\LISTMACRO
+% ** \!leftappendITEM\withCS\to\LISTMACRO
+% ** \!lop\LISTMACRO\to\ITEM
+% ** \!loop ... repeat
+% ** \!!loop ... repeat
+% ** \!mlap{...}
+% ** \!vmlap{...}
+% ** \!not{TEK if-CONDITION}
+% ** First, here are the the PiCTeX logo, and the syllable PiC:
+% ** The following macro expands to parameter #2 or parameter #3 according to
+% ** whether the next non-blank character following the macro is or is not #1.
+% ** Blanks following the macro are gobbled.
+ \let\!testchar=#1%
+ \def\!first{#2}%
+ \def\!second{#3}%
+ \futurelet\!nextchar\!testnext}
+ \ifx \!nextchar \!spacetoken
+ \let\!next=\!skipspacetestagain
+ \else
+ \ifx \!nextchar \!testchar
+ \let\!next=\!first
+ \else
+ \let\!next=\!second
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \!next}
+ \expandafter\def\\ {\futurelet\!nextchar\!testnext}
+\def\\{\let\!spacetoken= } \\ % ** set \spacetoken to a space token
+% ** Borrow the "tfor" macro from Latex:
+% ** \!tfor NAME := LIST \do {BODY}
+% ** if, before expansion, LIST = T1 ... Tn, where each Ti is a token
+% ** or {...}, then executes BODY n times, with NAME = Ti on the
+% ** i-th iteration. Works for n=0.
+ \edef\!fortemp{#2}%
+ \ifx\!fortemp\!empty
+ \else
+ \!tforloop#2\!nil\!nil\!!#1{#3}%
+ \fi}
+ \def#3{#1}%
+ \ifx #3\!nnil
+ \let\!nextwhile=\!fornoop
+ \else
+ #4\relax
+ \let\!nextwhile=\!tforloop
+ \fi
+ \!nextwhile#2\!!#3{#4}}
+% ** \!etfor NAME:= LIST\do {BODY}
+% ** This is like \!cfor, but LIST is any balanced token list whose complete
+% ** expansion has the form T1 ... Tn
+ \def\!!tfor{\!tfor#1:=}%
+ \edef\!!!tfor{#2}%
+ \expandafter\!!tfor\!!!tfor\do{#3}}
+% ** modify the Latex \tfor (token-for) loop to a \cfor (comma-for) loop.
+% ** \!cfor NAME := LIST \do {BODY}
+% ** if, before expansion, LIST = a1,a2,, then executes BODY n times,
+% ** with NAME = ai on the i-th iteration. Works for n=0.
+ \edef\!fortemp{#2}%
+ \ifx\!fortemp\!empty
+ \else
+ \!cforloop#2,\!nil,\!nil\!!#1{#3}%
+ \fi}
+ \def#3{#1}%
+ \ifx #3\!nnil
+ \let\!nextwhile=\!fornoop
+ \else
+ #4\relax
+ \let\!nextwhile=\!cforloop
+ \fi
+ \!nextwhile#2\!!#3{#4}}
+% ** \!ecfor NAME:= LIST\do {BODY}
+% ** This is like \!cfor, but LIST is any balanced token list whose complete
+% ** expansion has the form a1,a2,...,an.
+ \def\!!cfor{\!cfor#1:=}%
+ \edef\!!!cfor{#2}%
+ \expandafter\!!cfor\!!!cfor\do{#3}}
+ \edef\!emptyarg{#1}%
+ \ifx\!emptyarg\!empty
+ #2%
+ \else
+ #3%
+ \fi}
+% ** \!getnext\\ITEMfrom\LIST
+% ** \LIST has the form \\{item1}\\{item2}\\{item3}...\\{itemk}
+% ** This routine sets \ITEM to item1, and cycles \LIST to
+% ** \\{item2}\\{item3}...\\{itemk}\\{item1}
+ \expandafter\!gnext#2\!#1#2}%
+ \def#3{#1}%
+ \def#4{#2\\{#1}}%
+ \ignorespaces}
+% ** \!getnextvalueof\DIMEN\from\LIST
+% ** Similar to !getnext.
+% ** \LIST has the form \\{dimen1}\\{dimen2}\\{dimen3} ...
+% ** \DIMEN is a dimension register
+% ** Works also for counts
+ \expandafter\!gnextv#2\!#1#2}%
+ #3=#1%
+ \def#4{#2\\{#1}}%
+ \ignorespaces}
+% ** \!copylist\LISTMACROA\to\LISTMACROB
+% ** makes the replacement text of LISTMACRO B identical to that of
+% ** list macro A.
+ \expandafter\!!copylist#1\!#2}
+ \def#2{#1}\ignorespaces}
+% ** \!wlet\CSA=\CSB
+% ** lets control sequence \CSB = control sequence \CSA, and writes a
+% ** message to that effect in the log file using plain TEK's \wlog
+ \let#1=#2
+ \wlog{\string#1=\string#2}}
+% ** \!listaddon ITEM LIST
+% ** LIST <-- LIST \\ ITEM
+ \expandafter\!!listaddon#2\!{#1}#2}
+ \def#3{#1\\#2}}
+% ** \!rightappendITEM\to\LISTMACRO
+% ** \!rightappendITEM\withCS\to\LISTMACRO
+% ** \!leftappendITEM\withCS\to\LISTMACRO
+% ** \!lop\LISTMACRO\to\ITEM
+% ** \\{item1}\\{item2}\\{item3} ... --> \\{item2}\\{item3} ...
+% ** item1 --> \ITEM
+% ** \!placeNUMBER\of\LISTMACRO\in\ITEM
+% ** the NUMBERth item of \LISTMACRO --> replacement text of \ITEM
+%{\count0=#1\def\\##1{\advance\count0-1 \ifnum\count0=0 \gdef#3{##1}\fi}#2}}
+% ** Following code converts a commalist to a list macro, with all items
+% ** fully expanded.
+% ** \!loop ... repeat
+% ** This is exactly like TEX's \loop ... repeat. It can be used in nesting
+% ** two loops, without puting the inner one inside a group.
+% ** \!!loop ... repeat
+% ** This is exactly like TEX's \loop ... repeat. It can be used in nesting
+% ** two loops, without puting the inner one inside a group.
+% (\multiput uses \!!loop)
+% ** \!removept{DIMENREG}{\CS}
+% ** Defines the control sequence CS to be the value (in points) in the
+% ** dimension register DIMENREG (but without the "pt" TEK usually adds)
+% ** E.g., after \dimen0=12.3pt \!removept\dimen0\A, \A expands to 12.3
+{\catcode`p=12 \catcode`t=12 \gdef\!!removePT#1pt{#1}}
+% ** \pladevalueinpts of <DIMENSION REGISTER> in {CONTROL SEQUENCE}
+\def\placevalueinpts of <#1> in #2 {%
+ \!removept{#1}{#2}}
+% ** \!mlap{...} \!vmlap{...}
+% ** Center ... in a box of width 0.
+\def\!mlap#1{\hbox to 0pt{\hss#1\hss}}
+\def\!vmlap#1{\vbox to 0pt{\vss#1\vss}}
+% ** \!not{TEK if-CONDITION}
+% ** By a TEK if-CONDITION is meant something like
+% ** \ifnum\N<0, or \ifdim\A>\B
+% ** \!not produces an if-condition which is false if the original condition
+% ** is true, and true if the original condition is false.
+ #1\relax
+ \!switchfalse
+ \else
+ \!switchtrue
+ \fi
+ \if!switch
+ \ignorespaces}
+% *******************
+% *** ALLOCATIONS ***
+% *******************
+% This section allocates all the registers PiCTeX uses. Following
+% each allocation is a string of the form ....N.D...L......... ;
+% the various letters show which sections of PiCTeX make explicit
+% reference to that register, according to the following code:
+% H Hacks
+% A Areas
+% W arroWs
+% B Bars
+% X boXes
+% C Curves
+% D Dashpattterns
+% V diVision
+% E Ellipses
+% U rUles
+% L Linear arc
+% G loGten
+% P Pictures
+% O plOtting
+% Y pYthagoras
+% Q Quadratic arc
+% R Rotations
+% S Shading
+% T Ticks
+% Turn off messages from TeX's allocation macros
+\let\!!!wlog=\wlog % "\wlog" is defined in plain TeX
+\newdimen\headingtoplotskip %.A.................
+\newdimen\linethickness %.A..X....U........T
+\newdimen\longticklength %.A................T
+\newdimen\plotsymbolspacing %......D...L....Q...
+\newdimen\shortticklength %.A................T
+\newdimen\stackleading %.A..........P......
+\newdimen\tickstovaluesleading %.A................T
+\newdimen\totalarclength %......D...L....Q...
+\newdimen\valuestolabelleading %.A.................
+\newbox\!boxA %.AW...............T
+\newbox\!boxB %..W................
+\newbox\!picbox %............P......
+\newbox\!plotsymbol %..........L..O.....
+\newbox\!putobject %............PO...S.
+\newbox\!shadesymbol %.................S.
+\newcount\!countA %.A....D..UL....Q.ST
+\newcount\!countB %......D..U.....Q.ST
+\newcount\!countC %...............Q..T
+\newcount\!countD %...................
+\newcount\!countE %.............O....T
+\newcount\!countF %.............O....T
+\newcount\!countG %..................T
+\newcount\!fiftypt %.........U.........
+\newcount\!intervalno %..........L....Q...
+\newcount\!npoints %..........L........
+\newcount\!nsegments %.........U.........
+\newcount\!ntemp %............P......
+\newcount\!parity %.................S.
+\newcount\!scalefactor %..................T
+\newcount\!tfs %.......V...........
+\newcount\!tickcase %..................T
+\newdimen\!Xleft %............P......
+\newdimen\!Xright %............P......
+\newdimen\!Xsave %.A................T
+\newdimen\!Ybot %............P......
+\newdimen\!Ysave %.A................T
+\newdimen\!Ytop %............P......
+\newdimen\!angle %........E..........
+\newdimen\!arclength %..W......UL....Q...
+\newdimen\!areabloc %.A........L........
+\newdimen\!arealloc %.A........L........
+\newdimen\!arearloc %.A........L........
+\newdimen\!areatloc %.A........L........
+\newdimen\!bshrinkage %.................S.
+\newdimen\!checkbot %..........L........
+\newdimen\!checkleft %..........L........
+\newdimen\!checkright %..........L........
+\newdimen\!checktop %..........L........
+\newdimen\!dimenA %.AW.X.DVEUL..OYQRST
+\newdimen\!dimenB %....X.DVEU...O.QRS.
+\newdimen\!dimenC %..W.X.DVEU......RS.
+\newdimen\!dimenD %..W.X.DVEU....Y.RS.
+\newdimen\!dimenE %..W........G..YQ.S.
+\newdimen\!dimenF %...........G..YQ.S.
+\newdimen\!dimenG %...........G..YQ.S.
+\newdimen\!dimenH %...........G..Y..S.
+\newdimen\!dimenI %...BX.........Y....
+\newdimen\!distacross %..........L....Q...
+\newdimen\!downlength %..........L........
+\newdimen\!dp %.A..X.......P....S.
+\newdimen\!dshade %.................S.
+\newdimen\!dxpos %..W......U..P....S.
+\newdimen\!dxprime %...............Q...
+\newdimen\!dypos %..WB.....U..P......
+\newdimen\!dyprime %...............Q...
+\newdimen\!ht %.A..X.......P....S.
+\newdimen\!leaderlength %......D..U.........
+\newdimen\!lshrinkage %.................S.
+\newdimen\!midarclength %...............Q...
+\newdimen\!offset %.A................T
+\newdimen\!plotheadingoffset %.A.................
+\newdimen\!plotsymbolxshift %..........L..O.....
+\newdimen\!plotsymbolyshift %..........L..O.....
+\newdimen\!plotxorigin %..........L..O.....
+\newdimen\!plotyorigin %..........L..O.....
+\newdimen\!rootten %...........G.......
+\newdimen\!rshrinkage %.................S.
+\newdimen\!shadesymbolxshift %.................S.
+\newdimen\!shadesymbolyshift %.................S.
+\newdimen\!tenAa %...........G.......
+\newdimen\!tenAc %...........G.......
+\newdimen\!tenAe %...........G.......
+\newdimen\!tshrinkage %.................S.
+\newdimen\!uplength %..........L........
+\newdimen\!wd %....X.......P....S.
+\newdimen\!wmax %...............Q...
+\newdimen\!wmin %...............Q...
+\newdimen\!xB %...............Q...
+\newdimen\!xC %...............Q...
+\newdimen\!xE %..W.....E.L....Q.S.
+\newdimen\!xM %..W.....E......Q.S.
+\newdimen\!xS %..W.....E.L....Q.S.
+\newdimen\!xaxislength %.A................T
+\newdimen\!xdiff %..........L........
+\newdimen\!xleft %............P......
+\newdimen\!xloc %..WB.....U.......S.
+\newdimen\!xorigin %.A........L.P....S.
+\newdimen\!xpivot %................R..
+\newdimen\!xpos %..........L.P..Q.ST
+\newdimen\!xprime %...............Q...
+\newdimen\!xright %............P......
+\newdimen\!xshade %.................S.
+\newdimen\!xshift %..W.........PO...S.
+\newdimen\!xtemp %............P......
+\newdimen\!xunit %.AWBX...EUL.P..QRS.
+\newdimen\!xxE %........E..........
+\newdimen\!xxM %........E..........
+\newdimen\!xxS %........E..........
+\newdimen\!xxloc %..WB....EU.........
+\newdimen\!yB %...............Q...
+\newdimen\!yC %...............Q...
+\newdimen\!yE %..W.....E.L....Q...
+\newdimen\!yM %..W.....E......Q...
+\newdimen\!yS %..W.....E.L....Q...
+\newdimen\!yaxislength %.A................T
+\newdimen\!ybot %............P......
+\newdimen\!ydiff %..........L........
+\newdimen\!yloc %..WB.....U.......S.
+\newdimen\!yorigin %.A........L.P....S.
+\newdimen\!ypivot %................R..
+\newdimen\!ypos %..........L.P..Q.ST
+\newdimen\!yprime %...............Q...
+\newdimen\!yshade %.................S.
+\newdimen\!yshift %..W.........PO...S.
+\newdimen\!ytemp %............P......
+\newdimen\!ytop %............P......
+\newdimen\!yunit %.AWBX...EUL.P..QRS.
+\newdimen\!yyE %........E..........
+\newdimen\!yyM %........E..........
+\newdimen\!yyS %........E..........
+\newdimen\!yyloc %..WB....EU.........
+\newdimen\!zpt %.AWBX.DVEULGP.YQ.ST
+\newif\if!axisvisible %.A.................
+\newif\if!gridlinestoo %..................T
+\newif\if!keepPO %...................
+\newif\if!placeaxislabel %.A.................
+\newif\if!switch %H..................
+\newif\if!xswitch %.A................T
+\newtoks\!axisLaBeL %.A.................
+\newtoks\!keywordtoks %.A.................
+\newwrite\!replotfile %.............O.....
+\newhelp\!keywordhelp{The keyword mentioned in the error message in unknown.
+Replace NEW KEYWORD in the indicated response by the keyword that
+should have been specified.} %.A.................
+% The following commands assign alternate names to some of the
+% above registers. "\!wlet" is defined in Hacks.
+\!wlet\!!origin=\!xM %.A................T
+\!wlet\!!unit=\!uplength %.A................T
+\!wlet\!Lresiduallength=\!dimenG %.........U.........
+\!wlet\!Rresiduallength=\!dimenF %.........U.........
+\!wlet\!axisLength=\!distacross %.A................T
+\!wlet\!axisend=\!ydiff %.A................T
+\!wlet\!axisstart=\!xdiff %.A................T
+\!wlet\!axisxlevel=\!arclength %.A................T
+\!wlet\!axisylevel=\!downlength %.A................T
+\!wlet\!beta=\!dimenE %...............Q...
+\!wlet\!gamma=\!dimenF %...............Q...
+\!wlet\!shadexorigin=\!plotxorigin %.................S.
+\!wlet\!shadeyorigin=\!plotyorigin %.................S.
+\!wlet\!ticklength=\!xS %..................T
+\!wlet\!ticklocation=\!xE %..................T
+\!wlet\!ticklocationincr=\!yE %..................T
+\!wlet\!tickwidth=\!yS %..................T
+\!wlet\!totalleaderlength=\!dimenE %.........U.........
+\!wlet\!xone=\!xprime %....X..............
+\!wlet\!xtwo=\!dxprime %....X..............
+\!wlet\!ySsave=\!yM %...................
+\!wlet\!ybB=\!yB %.................S.
+\!wlet\!ybC=\!yC %.................S.
+\!wlet\!ybE=\!yE %.................S.
+\!wlet\!ybM=\!yM %.................S.
+\!wlet\!ybS=\!yS %.................S.
+\!wlet\!ybpos=\!yyloc %.................S.
+\!wlet\!yone=\!yprime %....X..............
+\!wlet\!ytB=\!xB %.................S.
+\!wlet\!ytC=\!xC %.................S.
+\!wlet\!ytE=\!downlength %.................S.
+\!wlet\!ytM=\!arclength %.................S.
+\!wlet\!ytS=\!distacross %.................S.
+\!wlet\!ytpos=\!xxloc %.................S.
+\!wlet\!ytwo=\!dyprime %....X..............
+% Initial values for registers
+\!zpt=0pt % static
+\!tfs=256 % static
+\!wmax=5.3pt % static
+\!wmin=2.7pt % static
+ \!dimenA=50pt \!fiftypt=\!dimenA % static
+\!rootten=3.162278pt % static
+\!tenAa=8.690286pt % static (A5)
+\!tenAc=2.773839pt % static (A3)
+\!tenAe=2.543275pt % static (A1)
+% Initial values for control sequences
+\def\!cosrotationangle{1} %................R..
+\def\!sinrotationangle{0} %................R..
+\def\!xpivotcoord{0} %................R..
+\def\!xref{0} %............P......
+\def\!xshadesave{0} %.................S.
+\def\!ypivotcoord{0} %................R..
+\def\!yref{0} %............P......
+\def\!yshadesave{0} %.................S.
+\def\!zero{0} %..................T
+% Reset TeX to report allocations
+% *************************************
+% *** AREAS: Deals with plot areas ***
+% *************************************
+% ** User commands
+% ** \setplotarea x from LEFT XCOORD to RIGTH XCOORD, y from BOTTOM YCOORD
+% ** to TOP YCOORD
+% ** [LABEL {label}] [TICKS] /
+% ** \visibleaxes
+% ** \invisibleaxes
+% ** \plotheading {HEADING}
+% ** \grid {# of columns} {# of rows}
+% ** \normalgraphs
+% ** \normalgraphs
+% ** Sets defaults for graph setup. See Subsection 3.4 of manual.
+ \longticklength=.4\baselineskip
+ \shortticklength=.25\baselineskip
+ \tickstovaluesleading=.25\baselineskip
+ \valuestolabelleading=.8\baselineskip
+ \linethickness=.4pt
+ \stackleading=.17\baselineskip
+ \headingtoplotskip=1.5\baselineskip
+ \visibleaxes
+ \ticksout
+ \nogridlines
+ \unloggedticks}
+% ** \setplotarea x from LEFT XCOORD to RIGTH XCOORD, y from BOTTOM YCOORD
+% ** to TOP YCOORD
+% ** Reserves space in PICBOX for a rectangular box with the indicated
+% ** coordinates. Must be specified before calls to \axis,
+% ** \grid, \plotheading.
+% ** See Subsection 3.1 of the manual.
+\def\setplotarea x from #1 to #2, y from #3 to #4 {%
+ \!arealloc=\!M{#1}\!xunit \advance \!arealloc -\!xorigin
+ \!areabloc=\!M{#3}\!yunit \advance \!areabloc -\!yorigin
+ \!arearloc=\!M{#2}\!xunit \advance \!arearloc -\!xorigin
+ \!areatloc=\!M{#4}\!yunit \advance \!areatloc -\!yorigin
+ \!initinboundscheck
+ \!xaxislength=\!arearloc \advance\!xaxislength -\!arealloc
+ \!yaxislength=\!areatloc \advance\!yaxislength -\!areabloc
+ \!plotheadingoffset=\!zpt
+ \!dimenput {{\setbox0=\hbox{}\wd0=\!xaxislength\ht0=\!yaxislength\box0}}
+ [bl] (\!arealloc,\!areabloc)}
+% ** \visibleaxes, \invisibleaxes
+% ** Switches for setting visibility of subsequent axes.
+% ** See Subsection 3.2 of the manual.
+ \def\!axisvisibility{\!axisvisibletrue}}
+ \def\!axisvisibility{\!axisvisiblefalse}}
+% ** The next few macros enable the user to fix up an erroneous keyword
+% ** in the \axis command.
+% \newhelp is in ALLOCATIONS
+% \newhelp\!keywordhelp{The keyword mentioned in the error message in unknown.
+% Replace NEW KEYWORD in the indicated response by the keyword that
+% should have been specified.}
+ \errhelp=\!keywordhelp
+ \errmessage{Unrecognized keyword `#1': \the\!keywordtoks{NEW KEYWORD}'}}
+% \newtoks\!keywordtoks In ALLOCATIONS.
+\!keywordtoks={enter `i\fixkeyword}
+ \!nextkeyword#1 }
+% ** [LABEL {label}] [TICKS] /
+% ** Exactly one of the keywords BOTTOM, LEFT, TOP, RIGHT must be
+% ** specified. Axis is drawn along the indicated edge of the current
+% ** plot area, shifted if the SHIFTEDTO option is used, visible or
+% ** invisible according the selected option, with an optional LABEL,
+% ** and optional TICKS (see ticks.tex for the options avialabel with
+% ** TICKS). The TICKS option must be the last one specified. The \axis
+% ** MUST be terminated with a / followed by a space.
+% ** See Subsection 3.2 of the manual for more information.
+% ** The various options of the \axis command are processed by the
+% ** \!nextkeyword macro defined below. For example,
+% ** `\!nextkeyword shiftedto ' expands to `\!axisshiftedto'.
+\def\axis {%
+ \def\!nextkeyword##1 {%
+ \expandafter\ifx\csname !axis##1\endcsname \relax
+ \def\!next{\!fixkeyword{##1}}%
+ \else
+ \def\!next{\csname !axis##1\endcsname}%
+ \fi
+ \!next}%
+ \!offset=\!zpt
+ \!axisvisibility
+ \!placeaxislabelfalse
+ \!nextkeyword}
+% ** This and the various macros that follow handle the keyword
+% ** specifications on the \axis command
+% ** See Subsection 3.2 of the manual.
+ \!axisylevel=\!areabloc
+ \def\!tickxsign{0}%
+ \def\!tickysign{-}%
+ \def\!axissetup{\!axisxsetup}%
+ \def\!axislabeltbrl{t}%
+ \!nextkeyword}
+ \!axisylevel=\!areatloc
+ \def\!tickxsign{0}%
+ \def\!tickysign{+}%
+ \def\!axissetup{\!axisxsetup}%
+ \def\!axislabeltbrl{b}%
+ \!nextkeyword}
+ \!axisxlevel=\!arealloc
+ \def\!tickxsign{-}%
+ \def\!tickysign{0}%
+ \def\!axissetup{\!axisysetup}%
+ \def\!axislabeltbrl{r}%
+ \!nextkeyword}
+ \!axisxlevel=\!arearloc
+ \def\!tickxsign{+}%
+ \def\!tickysign{0}%
+ \def\!axissetup{\!axisysetup}%
+ \def\!axislabeltbrl{l}%
+ \!nextkeyword}
+\def\!axisshiftedto#1=#2 {%
+ \if 0\!tickxsign
+ \!axisylevel=\!M{#2}\!yunit
+ \advance\!axisylevel -\!yorigin
+ \else
+ \!axisxlevel=\!M{#2}\!xunit
+ \advance\!axisxlevel -\!xorigin
+ \fi
+ \!nextkeyword}
+ \!axisvisibletrue
+ \!nextkeyword}
+ \!axisvisiblefalse
+ \!nextkeyword}
+\def\!axislabel#1 {%
+ \!axisLaBeL={#1}%
+ \!placeaxislabeltrue
+ \!nextkeyword}
+\expandafter\def\csname !axis/\endcsname{%
+ \!axissetup % This could done already by "ticks"; if so, now \relax
+ \if!placeaxislabel
+ \!placeaxislabel
+ \fi
+ \if +\!tickysign % ** (A "top" axis)
+ \!dimenA=\!axisylevel
+ \advance\!dimenA \!offset % ** dimA = top of the axis structure
+ \advance\!dimenA -\!areatloc % ** dimA = excess over the plot area
+ \ifdim \!dimenA>\!plotheadingoffset
+ \!plotheadingoffset=\!dimenA % ** Greatest excess over the plot area
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+% ** \grid {c} {r}
+% ** Partitions the plot area into c columns and r rows; see Subsection 3.3
+% ** of the manual.
+% ** (Other grid patterns can be drawn with the TICKS option of the \axis
+% ** command.
+\def\grid #1 #2 {%
+ \!countA=#1\advance\!countA 1
+ \axis bottom invisible ticks length <\!zpt> andacross quantity {\!countA} /
+ \!countA=#2\advance\!countA 1
+ \axis left invisible ticks length <\!zpt> andacross quantity {\!countA} / }
+% ** \plotheading{HEADING}
+% ** Places HEADING centered above the top of the plotarea (and above
+% ** any top axis ticks marks, tick labels, and axis label); see
+% ** Subsection 3.3 of the manual.
+\def\plotheading#1 {%
+ \advance\!plotheadingoffset \headingtoplotskip
+ \!dimenput {#1} [B] <.5\!xaxislength,\!plotheadingoffset>
+ (\!arealloc,\!areatloc)}
+% ** From here on, the routines are internal.
+ \!axisxlevel=\!arealloc
+ \!axisstart=\!arealloc
+ \!axisend=\!arearloc
+ \!axisLength=\!xaxislength
+ \!!origin=\!xorigin
+ \!!unit=\!xunit
+ \!xswitchtrue
+ \if!axisvisible
+ \!makeaxis
+ \fi}
+ \!axisylevel=\!areabloc
+ \!axisstart=\!areabloc
+ \!axisend=\!areatloc
+ \!axisLength=\!yaxislength
+ \!!origin=\!yorigin
+ \!!unit=\!yunit
+ \!xswitchfalse
+ \if!axisvisible
+ \!makeaxis
+ \fi}
+ \setbox\!boxA=\hbox{% (Make a pseudo-y[x] tick for an x[y]-axis)
+ \beginpicture
+ \!setdimenmode
+ \setcoordinatesystem point at {\!zpt} {\!zpt}
+ \putrule from {\!zpt} {\!zpt} to
+ {\!tickysign\!tickysign\!axisLength}
+ {\!tickxsign\!tickxsign\!axisLength}
+ \endpicturesave <\!Xsave,\!Ysave>}%
+ \wd\!boxA=\!zpt
+ \!placetick\!axisstart}
+ \advance\!offset \valuestolabelleading
+ \if!xswitch
+ \!dimenput {\the\!axisLaBeL} [\!axislabeltbrl]
+ <.5\!axisLength,\!tickysign\!offset> (\!axisxlevel,\!axisylevel)
+ \advance\!offset \!dp % ** advance offset by the "tallness"
+ \advance\!offset \!ht % ** of the label
+ \else
+ \!dimenput {\the\!axisLaBeL} [\!axislabeltbrl]
+ <\!tickxsign\!offset,.5\!axisLength> (\!axisxlevel,\!axisylevel)
+ \fi
+ \!axisLaBeL={}}
+% *******************************
+% *** ARROWS (Draws arrows) ***
+% *******************************
+% ** User commands
+% ** \betweenarrows {TEXT} [orientation & shift] from XFROM YFROM to XTO YTO
+% ** Draws an arrow from (XFROM,YFROM) to (XTO,YTO). The arrow head
+% ** is constructed two quadratic arcs, which extend back a distance
+% ** ARROW HEAD LENGTH (a dimension) on both sides of the arrow shaft.
+% ** All the way back the arcs are a distance BASE FRACTION*ARROW HEAD
+% ** LENGTH apart, while half-way back they are a distance MID FRACTION*
+% ** ARROW HEAD LENGTH apart. <XSHIFT,YSHIFT> is optional, and has
+% ** its usual interpreation. See Subsection 5.4 of the manual.
+\def\arrow <#1> [#2,#3]{%
+ \!ifnextchar<{\!arrow{#1}{#2}{#3}}{\!arrow{#1}{#2}{#3}<\!zpt,\!zpt> }}
+\def\!arrow#1#2#3<#4,#5> from #6 #7 to #8 #9 {%
+% ** convert to dimensions
+ \!xloc=\!M{#8}\!xunit
+ \!yloc=\!M{#9}\!yunit
+ \!dxpos=\!xloc \!dimenA=\!M{#6}\!xunit \advance \!dxpos -\!dimenA
+ \!dypos=\!yloc \!dimenA=\!M{#7}\!yunit \advance \!dypos -\!dimenA
+ \let\!MAH=\!M% ** save current c/d mode
+ \!setdimenmode% ** go into dimension mode
+ \!xshift=#4\relax \!yshift=#5\relax% ** pick up shift
+ \!reverserotateonly\!xshift\!yshift% ** back rotate shift
+ \advance\!xshift\!xloc \advance\!yshift\!yloc
+% ** draw shaft of arrow
+ \!xS=-\!dxpos \advance\!xS\!xshift
+ \!yS=-\!dypos \advance\!yS\!yshift
+ \!start (\!xS,\!yS)
+ \!ljoin (\!xshift,\!yshift)
+% ** find 32*cosine and 32*sine of angle of rotation
+ \!Pythag\!dxpos\!dypos\!arclength
+ \!divide\!dxpos\!arclength\!dxpos
+ \!dxpos=32\!dxpos \!removept\!dxpos\!!cos
+ \!divide\!dypos\!arclength\!dypos
+ \!dypos=32\!dypos \!removept\!dypos\!!sin
+% ** construct arrowhead
+ \!halfhead{#1}{#2}{#3}% ** draw half of arrow head
+ \!halfhead{#1}{-#2}{-#3}% ** draw other half
+ \let\!M=\!MAH% ** restore old c/d mode
+ \ignorespaces}
+% ** draw half of arrow head
+ \def\!halfhead#1#2#3{%
+ \!dimenC=-#1%
+ \divide \!dimenC 2 % ** half way back
+ \!dimenD=#2\!dimenC% ** half the mid width
+ \!rotate(\!dimenC,\!dimenD)by(\!!cos,\!!sin)to(\!xM,\!yM)
+ \!dimenC=-#1% ** all the way back
+ \!dimenD=#3\!dimenC
+ \!dimenD=.5\!dimenD% ** half the full width
+ \!rotate(\!dimenC,\!dimenD)by(\!!cos,\!!sin)to(\!xE,\!yE)
+ \!start (\!xshift,\!yshift)
+ \advance\!xM\!xshift \advance\!yM\!yshift
+ \advance\!xE\!xshift \advance\!yE\!yshift
+ \!qjoin (\!xM,\!yM) (\!xE,\!yE)
+ \ignorespaces}
+% ** \betweenarrows {TEXT} [orientation & shift] from XFROM YFROM to XTO YTO
+% ** Makes things like <--- text --->, using arrow heads from TeX's fonts.
+% ** See Subsection 5.4 of the manual.
+\def\betweenarrows #1#2 from #3 #4 to #5 #6 {%
+ \!xloc=\!M{#3}\!xunit \!xxloc=\!M{#5}\!xunit%
+ \!yloc=\!M{#4}\!yunit \!yyloc=\!M{#6}\!yunit%
+ \!dxpos=\!xxloc \advance\!dxpos by -\!xloc
+ \!dypos=\!yyloc \advance\!dypos by -\!yloc
+ \advance\!xloc .5\!dxpos
+ \advance\!yloc .5\!dypos
+ \let\!MBA=\!M% ** save current coord\dimen mode
+ \!setdimenmode% ** express locations in dimens
+ \ifdim\!dypos=\!zpt
+ \ifdim\!dxpos<\!zpt \!dxpos=-\!dxpos \fi
+ \put {\!lrarrows{\!dxpos}{#1}}#2{} at {\!xloc} {\!yloc}
+ \else
+ \ifdim\!dxpos=\!zpt
+ \ifdim\!dypos<\!zpt \!dypos=-\!zpt \fi
+ \put {\!udarrows{\!dypos}{#1}}#2{} at {\!xloc} {\!yloc}
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \let\!M=\!MBA% ** restore previous c/d mode
+ \ignorespaces}
+% ** Subroutine for left-right between arrows
+\def\!lrarrows#1#2{% #1=width, #2=text
+ {\setbox\!boxA=\hbox{$\mkern-2mu\mathord-\mkern-2mu$}%
+ \setbox\!boxB=\hbox{$\leftarrow$}\!dimenE=\ht\!boxB
+ \setbox\!boxB=\hbox{}\ht\!boxB=2\!dimenE
+ \hbox to #1{$\mathord\leftarrow\mkern-6mu
+ \cleaders\copy\!boxA\hfil
+ \mkern-6mu\mathord-$%
+ \kern.4em $\vcenter{\box\!boxB}$$\vcenter{\hbox{#2}}$\kern.4em
+ $\mathord-\mkern-6mu
+ \cleaders\copy\!boxA\hfil
+ \mkern-6mu\mathord\rightarrow$}}}
+% ** Subroutine for up-down between arrows
+\def\!udarrows#1#2{% #1=width, #2=text
+ {\setbox\!boxB=\hbox{#2}%
+ \setbox\!boxA=\hbox to \wd\!boxB{\hss$\vert$\hss}%
+ \!dimenE=\ht\!boxA \advance\!dimenE \dp\!boxA \divide\!dimenE 2
+ \vbox to #1{\offinterlineskip
+ \vskip .05556\!dimenE
+ \hbox to \wd\!boxB{\hss$\mkern.4mu\uparrow$\hss}\vskip-\!dimenE
+ \cleaders\copy\!boxA\vfil
+ \vskip-\!dimenE\copy\!boxA
+ \vskip\!dimenE\copy\!boxB\vskip.4em
+ \copy\!boxA\vskip-\!dimenE
+ \cleaders\copy\!boxA\vfil
+ \vskip-\!dimenE \hbox to \wd\!boxB{\hss$\mkern.4mu\downarrow$\hss}
+ \vskip .05556\!dimenE}}}
+% ***************************
+% *** BARS (Draws bars) ***
+% ***************************
+% ** User commands:
+% ** \putbar [<XSHIFT,YSHIFT>] breadth <BREADTH> from XSTART YSTART
+% ** to XEND YEND
+% ** \setbars [<XSHIFT,YSHIFT>] breadth <BREADTH> baseline at XY = COORD
+% ** \putbar [<XSHIFT,YSHIFT>] breadth <BREADTH> from XSTART YSTART
+% ** to XEND YEND
+% ** Either XSTART=XEND or YSTART=YEND. Draws a rectangle between
+% ** (XSTART,YSTART) & (XEND,YEND). The "depth" of the rectangle
+% ** is determined by those two plot positions; its other
+% ** dimension "breadth" is specified by the dimension BREADTH.
+% ** See Subsection 4.2 of the manual.
+\def\putbar#1breadth <#2> from #3 #4 to #5 #6 {%
+ \!xloc=\!M{#3}\!xunit \!xxloc=\!M{#5}\!xunit%
+ \!yloc=\!M{#4}\!yunit \!yyloc=\!M{#6}\!yunit%
+ \!dypos=\!yyloc \advance\!dypos by -\!yloc
+ \!dimenI=#2
+ \ifdim \!dimenI=\!zpt % ** If 0 breadth
+ \putrule#1from {#3} {#4} to {#5} {#6} % ** Then draw line
+ \else % ** Else, put in a rectangle
+ \let\!MBar=\!M% ** save current c/d mode
+ \!setdimenmode % ** go into dimension mode
+ \divide\!dimenI 2
+ \ifdim \!dypos=\!zpt
+ \advance \!yloc -\!dimenI % ** Equal y coordinates
+ \advance \!yyloc \!dimenI
+ \else
+ \advance \!xloc -\!dimenI % ** Equal x coordinates
+ \advance \!xxloc \!dimenI
+ \fi
+ \putrectangle#1corners at {\!xloc} {\!yloc} and {\!xxloc} {\!yyloc}
+ \let\!M=\!MBar % ** restore c/d mode
+ \fi
+ \ignorespaces}
+% ** \setbars [<XSHIFT,YSHIFT>] breadth <BREADTH> baseline at XY = COORD
+% ** This command puts PiCTeX into the bar graph drawing mode described
+% ** in Subsection 4.4 of the manual.
+\def\setbars#1breadth <#2> baseline at #3 = #4 {%
+ \edef\!barshift{#1}%
+ \edef\!barbreadth{#2}%
+ \edef\!barorientation{#3}%
+ \edef\!barbaseline{#4}%
+ \def\!bardobaselabel{\!bardoendlabel}%
+ \def\!bardoendlabel{\!barfinish}%
+ \let\!drawcurve=\!barcurve
+ \!setbars}
+ \futurelet\!nextchar\!!setbars}
+ \if b\!nextchar
+ \def\!!!setbars{\!setbarsbget}%
+ \else
+ \if e\!nextchar
+ \def\!!!setbars{\!setbarseget}%
+ \else
+ \def\!!!setbars{\relax}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \!!!setbars}
+\def\!setbarsbget baselabels (#1) {%
+ \def\!barbaselabelorientation{#1}%
+ \def\!bardobaselabel{\!!bardobaselabel}%
+ \!setbars}
+\def\!setbarseget endlabels (#1) {%
+ \edef\!barendlabelorientation{#1}%
+ \def\!bardoendlabel{\!!bardoendlabel}%
+ \!setbars}
+% ** \!barcurve
+% ** Draws a bargraph with preset values of barshift, barbreadth,
+% ** barorientation (x or y) and barbaseline (coordinate)
+\def\!barcurve #1 #2 {%
+ \if y\!barorientation
+ \def\!basexarg{#1}%
+ \def\!baseyarg{\!barbaseline}%
+ \else
+ \def\!basexarg{\!barbaseline}%
+ \def\!baseyarg{#2}%
+ \fi
+ \expandafter\putbar\!barshift breadth <\!barbreadth> from {\!basexarg}
+ {\!baseyarg} to {#1} {#2}
+ \def\!endxarg{#1}%
+ \def\!endyarg{#2}%
+ \!bardobaselabel}
+\def\!!bardobaselabel "#1" {%
+ \put {#1}\!barbaselabelorientation{} at {\!basexarg} {\!baseyarg}
+ \!bardoendlabel}
+\def\!!bardoendlabel "#1" {%
+ \put {#1}\!barendlabelorientation{} at {\!endxarg} {\!endyarg}
+ \!barfinish}
+ \!ifnextchar/{\!finish}{\!barcurve}}
+% ********************************
+% *** BOXES (Draws rectangles) ***
+% ********************************
+% ** User commands:
+% ** \putrectangle [<XSHIFT,YSHIFT>] corners at XCOORD1 YCOORD1
+% ** and XCOORD2 YCOORD2
+% ** \shaderectangleson
+% ** \shaderectanglesoff
+% ** \frame [<SEPARATION>] {TEXT}
+% ** \rectangle <WIDTH> <HEIGHT>
+% ** \putrectangle [<XSHIFT,YSHIFT>] corners at XCOORD1 YCOORD1
+% ** and XCOORD2 YCOORD2
+% ** Draws a rectangle with corners at (X1,Y1), (X2,Y1), (X1,Y2), (X2,Y2)
+% ** Lines have thickness \linethickness, and overlap at the corners.
+% ** The optional field <XSHIFT,YSHIFT> functions as with a \put command.
+% ** See Subsection 4.2 of the manual.
+ \!ifnextchar<{\!putrectangle}{\!putrectangle<\!zpt,\!zpt> }}
+\def\!putrectangle<#1,#2> corners at #3 #4 and #5 #6 {%
+% ** get locations
+ \!xone=\!M{#3}\!xunit \!xtwo=\!M{#5}\!xunit%
+ \!yone=\!M{#4}\!yunit \!ytwo=\!M{#6}\!yunit%
+ \ifdim \!xtwo<\!xone
+ \!dimenI=\!xone \!xone=\!xtwo \!xtwo=\!dimenI
+ \fi
+ \ifdim \!ytwo<\!yone
+ \!dimenI=\!yone \!yone=\!ytwo \!ytwo=\!dimenI
+ \fi
+ \!dimenI=#1\relax \advance\!xone\!dimenI \advance\!xtwo\!dimenI
+ \!dimenI=#2\relax \advance\!yone\!dimenI \advance\!ytwo\!dimenI
+ \let\!MRect=\!M% ** save current coord/dimen mode
+ \!setdimenmode
+% ** shade rectangle if appropriate
+ \!shaderectangle
+% ** draw horizontal edges
+ \!dimenI=.5\linethickness
+ \advance \!xone -\!dimenI% ** adjust x-location to overlap corners
+ \advance \!xtwo \!dimenI% ** ditto
+ \putrule from {\!xone} {\!yone} to {\!xtwo} {\!yone}
+ \putrule from {\!xone} {\!ytwo} to {\!xtwo} {\!ytwo}
+% ** draw vertical edges
+ \advance \!xone \!dimenI% ** restore original x-values
+ \advance \!xtwo -\!dimenI%
+ \advance \!yone -\!dimenI% ** adjust y-location to overlap corners
+ \advance \!ytwo \!dimenI% ** ditto
+ \putrule from {\!xone} {\!yone} to {\!xone} {\!ytwo}
+ \putrule from {\!xtwo} {\!yone} to {\!xtwo} {\!ytwo}
+ \let\!M=\!MRect% ** restore coord/dimen mode
+ \ignorespaces}
+% ** \shaderectangleson
+% ** Subsequent rectangles will be shaded according to
+% ** the current shading pattern. Affects \putrectangle, \putbar,
+% ** \frame, \sethistograms, and \setbars. See Subsection 7.5 of the manual.
+ \def\!shaderectangle{\!!shaderectangle}%
+ \ignorespaces}
+% ** \shaderectanglesoff
+% ** Suppresses \shaderectangleson. The default.
+ \def\!shaderectangle{}%
+ \ignorespaces}
+% ** The following internal routine shades the current rectangle, when
+% ** \!shaderectangle = \!!shaderectangle .
+ \!dimenA=\!xtwo \advance \!dimenA -\!xone
+ \!dimenB=\!ytwo \advance \!dimenB -\!yone
+ \ifdim \!dimenA<\!dimenB
+ \!startvshade (\!xone,\!yone,\!ytwo)
+ \!lshade (\!xtwo,\!yone,\!ytwo)
+ \else
+ \!starthshade (\!yone,\!xone,\!xtwo)
+ \!lshade (\!ytwo,\!xone,\!xtwo)
+ \fi
+ \ignorespaces}
+% ** \frame [<SEPARATION>] {TEXT}
+% ** Draws a frame of thickness linethickness about the box enclosing
+% ** TEXT; the frame is separated from the box by a distance of
+% ** SEPARATION. The result is an hbox with the same baseline as TEXT.
+% ** If <SEPARATION> is omitted, you get the effect of <0pt>.
+% ** See Subsection 4.2 of the manual.
+ \!ifnextchar<{\!frame}{\!frame<\!zpt> }}
+\long\def\!frame<#1> #2{%
+ \beginpicture
+ \setcoordinatesystem units <1pt,1pt> point at 0 0
+ \put {#2} [Bl] at 0 0
+ \!dimenA=#1\relax
+ \!dimenB=\!wd \advance \!dimenB \!dimenA
+ \!dimenC=\!ht \advance \!dimenC \!dimenA
+ \!dimenD=\!dp \advance \!dimenD \!dimenA
+ \let\!MFr=\!M
+ \!setdimenmode
+ \putrectangle corners at {-\!dimenA} {-\!dimenD} and {\!dimenB} {\!dimenC}
+ \!setcoordmode
+ \let\!M=\!MFr
+ \endpicture
+ \ignorespaces}
+% ** \rectangle <WIDTH> <HEIGHT>
+% ** Constructs a rectangle of width WIDTH and heigth HEIGHT.
+% ** See Subsection 4.2 of the manual.
+\def\rectangle <#1> <#2> {%
+ \setbox0=\hbox{}\wd0=#1\ht0=#2\frame {\box0}}
+% *********************************************
+% *** CURVES (Upper level \plot commands) ***
+% *********************************************
+% ** User commands
+% ** \plot DATA /
+% ** \plot "FILE NAME"
+% ** \setquadratic
+% ** \setlinear
+% ** \sethistograms
+% ** \vshade ...
+% ** \hshade ...
+% \plot: multi-purpose command. Draws histograms, bar graphs, piecewise-linear
+% or piecewise quadratic curves, depending on the setting of \!drawcurve.
+% See Subsections 4.3-4.5, 5.1, 5.2 of the manual.
+ \!ifnextchar"{\!plotfromfile}{\!drawcurve}}
+ \expandafter\!drawcurve \normalinput #1 /}
+% Command to set piecewise quadratic mode
+% See Subsections 5.1, 7.3, and 7.4 of the manual.
+ \let\!drawcurve=\!qcurve
+ \let\!!Shade=\!!qShade
+ \let\!!!Shade=\!!!qShade}
+% Command to set piecewise linear mode
+% See Subsections 5.1, 7.3, and 7.4 of the manual.
+ \let\!drawcurve=\!lcurve
+ \let\!!Shade=\!!lShade
+ \let\!!!Shade=\!!!lShade}
+% Command to set histogram mode
+% See Subsection 4.3 of the manual.
+ \let\!drawcurve=\!hcurve}
+% Commands to cycle through list of coordinates in piecewise quadratic
+% interpolation mode
+\def\!qcurve #1 #2 {%
+ \!start (#1,#2)
+ \!Qjoin}
+\def\!Qjoin#1 #2 #3 #4 {%
+ \!qjoin (#1,#2) (#3,#4) % \!qjoin is defined in QUADRATIC
+ \!ifnextchar/{\!finish}{\!Qjoin}}
+% Commands to cycle through list of coordinates in piecewise linear
+% interpolation mode
+\def\!lcurve #1 #2 {%
+ \!start (#1,#2)
+ \!Ljoin}
+\def\!Ljoin#1 #2 {%
+ \!ljoin (#1,#2) % \!ljoin is defined in LINEAR
+ \!ifnextchar/{\!finish}{\!Ljoin}}
+% Command to cycle through list of coordinates in histogram mode
+\def\!hcurve #1 #2 {%
+ \edef\!hxS{#1}%
+ \edef\!hyS{#2}%
+ \!hjoin}
+\def\!hjoin#1 #2 {%
+ \putrectangle corners at {\!hxS} {\!hyS} and {#1} {#2}
+ \edef\!hxS{#1}%
+ \!ifnextchar/{\!finish}{\!hjoin}}
+% \vshade: See Subsection 7.3 of the manual.
+\def\vshade #1 #2 #3 {%
+ \!startvshade (#1,#2,#3)
+ \!Shadewhat}
+% \hshade: See Subsection 7.4 of the manual.
+\def\hshade #1 #2 #3 {%
+ \!starthshade (#1,#2,#3)
+ \!Shadewhat}
+% Commands to cycle through coordinates and optional "edge effect"
+% fields while shading.
+ \futurelet\!nextchar\!Shade}
+ \if <\!nextchar
+ \def\!nextShade{\!!Shade}%
+ \else
+ \if /\!nextchar
+ \def\!nextShade{\!finish}%
+ \else
+ \def\!nextShade{\!!!Shade}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \!nextShade}
+\def\!!lShade<#1> #2 #3 #4 {%
+ \!lshade <#1> (#2,#3,#4) % \!lshade is defined in SHADING
+ \!Shadewhat}
+\def\!!!lShade#1 #2 #3 {%
+ \!lshade (#1,#2,#3)
+ \!Shadewhat}
+\def\!!qShade<#1> #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 {%
+ \!qshade <#1> (#2,#3,#4) (#5,#6,#7) % \!qshade is defined in SHADING
+ \!Shadewhat}
+\def\!!!qShade#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 {%
+ \!qshade (#1,#2,#3) (#4,#5,#6)
+ \!Shadewhat}
+% ** Set default interpolation mode
+% ********************************************
+% *** DASHPATTERNS (Sets up dash patterns) ***
+% ********************************************
+% ** User commands:
+% ** \setdashpattern <DIMEN1,DIMEN2,DIMEN3,...>
+% ** \setdots <INTRADOT_DISTANCE>
+% ** \setdotsnear <INTRADOT_DISTANCE> for <ARC LENGTH>
+% ** \setdashes <DASH/SKIP_DISTANCE>
+% ** \setdashesnear <DASH/SKIP_DISTANCE> for <ARC LENGTH>
+% ** \setsolid
+% ** \findlength {CURVE CMDS}
+% ** Internal commands:
+% ** \!dashingon
+% ** \!dashingoff
+% ** Dash patterns are specified by a balanced token list whose complete
+% ** expansion has the form: DIMEN1,DIMEN2,DIMEN3,DIMEN4,... ; this produces
+% ** an arc of length DIMEN1, a skip of length DIMEN2, an arc of length
+% ** DIMEN3, a skip of length DIMEN4, ... . Any number of DIMEN values may
+% ** be given. The pattern is repeated as many times (perhaps fractional)
+% ** as necessary to draw the curve.
+% ** A dash pattern remains in effect until it is overridden by a call to
+% ** \setdashpattern, or to \setdots, \setdotsnear ... , \setdashes,
+% ** \setdashesnear ... , or \setsolid.
+% ** Solid lines are the default.
+% ** \def\setdashpattern <DIMEN1,DIMEN2,DIMEN3,...>
+% ** The following routine converts a balanced list of tokens whose
+% ** complete expansion has the form DIMEN1,DIMEN2, ... , DIMENk into
+% ** three list macros that are used in drawing dashed rules and curves:
+% ** !Flist: \!Rule{DIMEN1}\!Skip{DIMEN2}\!Rule{DIMEN3}\!Skip{DIMEN4} ...
+% ** !Blist: ...\!Skip{DIMEN4}\!Rule{DIMEN3}\!Skip{DIMEN2}\!Rule{DIMEN1}
+% ** !UDlist: \\{DIMEN1}\\{DIMEN2}\\{DIMEN3}\\{DIMEN4} ...;
+% ** calculates \!leaderlength := DIMEN1 + ... + DIMENk; and
+% ** sets the curve drawing routines to dash mode.
+% ** Those lists are used by the curve drawing routines.
+% ** Dimenj ... may be given as an explicit dimension (e.g., 5pt), or
+% ** as an expression involving a dimension register (e.g., -2.5\dimen0).
+% ** See Subsection 6.2 of the manual
+\def\setdashpattern <#1>{%
+ \def\!Flist{}\def\!Blist{}\def\!UDlist{}%
+ \!countA=0
+ \!ecfor\!item:=#1\do{%
+ \!dimenA=\!item\relax
+ \expandafter\!rightappend\the\!dimenA\withCS{\\}\to\!UDlist%
+ \advance\!countA 1
+ \ifodd\!countA
+ \expandafter\!rightappend\the\!dimenA\withCS{\!Rule}\to\!Flist%
+ \expandafter\!leftappend\the\!dimenA\withCS{\!Rule}\to\!Blist%
+ \else
+ \expandafter\!rightappend\the\!dimenA\withCS{\!Skip}\to\!Flist%
+ \expandafter\!leftappend\the\!dimenA\withCS{\!Skip}\to\!Blist%
+ \fi}%
+ \!leaderlength=\!zpt
+ \def\!Rule##1{\advance\!leaderlength ##1}%
+ \def\!Skip##1{\advance\!leaderlength ##1}%
+ \!Flist%
+ \ifdim\!leaderlength>\!zpt
+ \else
+ \def\!Flist{\!Skip{24in}}\def\!Blist{\!Skip{24in}}\ignorespaces
+ \def\!UDlist{\\{\!zpt}\\{24in}}\ignorespaces
+ \!leaderlength=24in
+ \fi
+ \!dashingon}
+% ** \!dashingon -- puts the curve drawing routines into dash mode
+% ** \!dashingoff -- puts the curve drawing routines into solid mode
+% ** These are internal commands, invoked by \setdashpattern and \setsolid
+ \def\!advancedashing{\!!advancedashing}%
+ \def\!drawlinearsegment{\!lineardashed}%
+ \def\!puthline{\!putdashedhline}%
+ \def\!putvline{\!putdashedvline}%
+% \def\!putsline{\!putdashedsline}%
+ \ignorespaces}%
+ \def\!advancedashing{\relax}%
+ \def\!drawlinearsegment{\!linearsolid}%
+ \def\!puthline{\!putsolidhline}%
+ \def\!putvline{\!putsolidvline}%
+% \def\!putsline{\!putsolidsline}%
+ \ignorespaces}
+% ** \setdots <LENGTH> -- sets up a dot/skip pattern where dot (actually
+% ** the current plotsymbol) is plunked down once for every LENGTH
+% ** traveled along the curve. LENGTH defaults to 5pt.
+% ** See Subsection 6.1 of the manual.
+ \!ifnextchar<{\!setdots}{\!setdots<5pt>}}
+ \!dimenB=#1\advance\!dimenB -\plotsymbolspacing
+ \ifdim\!dimenB<\!zpt
+ \!dimenB=\!zpt
+ \fi
+\setdashpattern <\plotsymbolspacing,\!dimenB>}
+% ** \setdotsnear <LENGTH> for <ARC LENGTH>
+% ** sets up a dot pattern where the dots are approximately LENGTH apart,
+% ** the total length of the pattern is ARC LENGTH, and the pattern
+% ** begins and ends with a dot. See Subsection 6.3 of the manual.
+\def\setdotsnear <#1> for <#2>{%
+ \!dimenB=#2\relax \advance\!dimenB -.05pt
+ \!dimenC=#1\relax \!countA=\!dimenC
+ \!dimenD=\!dimenB \advance\!dimenD .5\!dimenC \!countB=\!dimenD
+ \divide \!countB \!countA
+ \ifnum 1>\!countB
+ \!countB=1
+ \fi
+ \divide\!dimenB \!countB
+ \setdots <\!dimenB>}
+% ** \setdashes <LENGTH> -- sets up a dash/skip pattern where the dash
+% ** and the skip are each of length LENGTH (the dash is formed by
+% ** plunking down the current plotsymbol over an arc of length LENGTH
+% ** and so may actually be longer than LENGTH. LENGTH defaults to 5pt.
+% ** See Subsection 6.1 of the manual.
+ \!ifnextchar<{\!setdashes}{\!setdashes<5pt>}}
+\def\!setdashes<#1>{\setdashpattern <#1,#1>}
+% ** \setdashesnear ...
+% ** Like \setdotsnear; the pattern begins and ends with a dash.
+% ** See Subsection 6.3 of the manual.
+\def\setdashesnear <#1> for <#2>{%
+ \!dimenB=#2\relax
+ \!dimenC=#1\relax \!countA=\!dimenC
+ \!dimenD=\!dimenB \advance\!dimenD .5\!dimenC \!countB=\!dimenD
+ \divide \!countB \!countA
+ \ifodd \!countB
+ \else
+ \advance \!countB 1
+ \fi
+ \divide\!dimenB \!countB
+ \setdashes <\!dimenB>}
+% ** \setsolid -- puts the curve drawing routines in "solid line" mode,
+% ** the default mode. See Subsection 6.1 of the manual.
+ \def\!Flist{\!Rule{24in}}\def\!Blist{\!Rule{24in}}%
+ \def\!UDlist{\\{24in}\\{\!zpt}}%
+ \!dashingoff}
+% ** \findlength {CURVE CMDS}
+% ** PiCTeX executes the \start, \ljoin, and \qjoin cmds comprising
+% ** CURVE CMDS without plotting anything, but stashes the length
+% ** of the phantom curve away in \totalarclength.
+% ** See Subsection 6.3 of the manual.
+ \begingroup
+ \setdashpattern <0pt, \maxdimen>
+ \setplotsymbol ({})
+ \dontsavelinesandcurves
+ #1%
+ \endgroup
+ \ignorespaces}
+% *************************************************************
+% *** DIVISION (Does long division of dimension registers) ***
+% *************************************************************
+% ** User command:
+% ** \Divide {DIVIDEND} by {DIVISOR} forming {RESULT}
+% ** Internal command
+% ** \!divide DIVIDEND [by] DIVISOR [to get] ANSWER
+% ** Divides the dimension DIVIDEND by the dimension DIVISOR, placing the
+% ** quotient in the dimension register ANSWER. Values are understood to
+% ** be in points. E.g. 12.5pt/1.4pt=8.92857pt.
+% ** Quotient is accurate to 1/65536pt=2**[-16]pt
+% ** |DIVISOR| should be < 2048pt (about 28 inches).
+ \!dimenB=#1% ** dimB holds current remainder (r)
+ \!dimenC=#2% ** dimC holds divisor (d)
+ \!dimenD=\!dimenB% ** dimD holds quotient q=r/d for this
+ \divide \!dimenD \!dimenC% ** step, in units of scaled pts
+ \!dimenA=\!dimenD% ** dimA eventually holds answer (a)
+ \multiply\!dimenD \!dimenC% ** r <-- r - dq
+ \advance\!dimenB -\!dimenD% ** First step complete. Have integer part
+% ** of a, and corresponding remainder.
+ \!dimenD=\!dimenC% ** Temporarily use dimD to hold |d|
+ \ifdim\!dimenD<\!zpt \!dimenD=-\!dimenD
+ \fi
+ \ifdim\!dimenD<64pt% ** Branch on the magnitude of |d|
+ \!divstep[\!tfs]\!divstep[\!tfs]%
+ \else
+ \!!divide
+ \fi
+ #3=\!dimenA\ignorespaces}
+% ** The following code handles divisors d with
+% ** (1) .88in = 64pt <= d < 256pt = 3.54in
+% ** (2) 3.54in = 256pt <= d < 2048pt = 28.34in
+% ** Anything bigger than that may result in an overflow condition.
+% ** For our purposes, we should never even see case (2).
+ \ifdim\!dimenD<256pt
+ \!divstep[64]\!divstep[32]\!divstep[32]%
+ \else
+ \!divstep[8]\!divstep[8]\!divstep[8]\!divstep[8]\!divstep[8]%
+ \!dimenA=2\!dimenA
+ \fi}
+% ** The following macro does the real long division work.
+\def\!divstep[#1]{% ** #1 = "B"
+ \!dimenB=#1\!dimenB% ** r <-- B*r
+ \!dimenD=\!dimenB% ** dimD holds quotient q=r/d for this
+ \divide \!dimenD by \!dimenC% ** step, in units of scaled pts
+ \!dimenA=#1\!dimenA% ** a <-- B*a + q
+ \advance\!dimenA by \!dimenD%
+ \multiply\!dimenD by \!dimenC% ** r <-- r - dq
+ \advance\!dimenB by -\!dimenD}
+% ** \Divide: See Subsection 9.3 of the manual.
+\def\Divide <#1> by <#2> forming <#3> {%
+ \!divide{#1}{#2}{#3}}
+% *********************************************
+% *** ELLIPSES (Draws ellipses and circles) ***
+% *********************************************
+% ** User commands
+% ** \ellipticalarc axes ratio A:B DEGREES degrees from XSTART YSTART
+% ** center at XCENTER YCENTER
+% ** \circulararc DEGREES degrees from XSTART YSTART
+% ** center at XCENTER YCENTER
+% ** Internal command
+% ** \!sinandcos{32*ANGLE in radians}{32*SIN}{32*COS}
+% ** \ellipticalarc axes ratio A:B DEGREES degrees from XSTART YSTART
+% ** center at XCENTER YCENTER
+% ** Draws a elliptical arc starting at the coordinate point (XSTART,YSTART).
+% ** The center of the ellipse of which the arc is a segment is at
+% ** The arc extends through an angle of DEGREES degrees (may be + or -).
+% ** A:B is the ratio of the length of the xaxis to the length of
+% ** the yaxis of the ellipse
+% ** Sqrt{[(XSTART-XCENTER)/A]**2 + [(YSTART-YCENTER)/B]**2}
+% ** must be < 512pt (about 7in).
+% ** Doesn't modify the dimensions (ht, dp, wd) of the PiCture under
+% ** construction.
+% ** \circulararc -- See Subsection 5.3 of the manual.
+ \ellipticalarc axes ratio 1:1 }
+% ** \ellipticalarc -- See Subsection 5.3 of the manual.
+\def\ellipticalarc axes ratio #1:#2 #3 degrees from #4 #5 center at #6 #7 {%
+ \!angle=#3pt\relax% ** get angle
+ \ifdim\!angle>\!zpt
+ \def\!sign{}% ** counterclockwise
+ \else
+ \def\!sign{-}\!angle=-\!angle% ** clockwise
+ \fi
+ \!xxloc=\!M{#6}\!xunit% ** convert CENTER to dimension
+ \!yyloc=\!M{#7}\!yunit
+ \!xxS=\!M{#4}\!xunit% ** get STARTing point on rim of ellipse
+ \!yyS=\!M{#5}\!yunit
+ \advance\!xxS -\!xxloc% ** make center of ellipse (0,0)
+ \advance\!yyS -\!yyloc
+ \!divide\!xxS{#1pt}\!xxS % ** scale point on ellipse to point on
+ \!divide\!yyS{#2pt}\!yyS % corresponding circle
+ \let\!MC=\!M% ** save current c/d mode
+ \!setdimenmode% ** go into dimension mode
+ \!xS=#1\!xxS \advance\!xS\!xxloc
+ \!yS=#2\!yyS \advance\!yS\!yyloc
+ \!start (\!xS,\!yS)%
+ \!loop\ifdim\!angle>14.9999pt% ** draw in major portion of ellipse
+ \!rotate(\!xxS,\!yyS)by(\!cos,\!sign\!sin)to(\!xxM,\!yyM)
+ \!rotate(\!xxM,\!yyM)by(\!cos,\!sign\!sin)to(\!xxE,\!yyE)
+ \!xM=#1\!xxM \advance\!xM\!xxloc \!yM=#2\!yyM \advance\!yM\!yyloc
+ \!xE=#1\!xxE \advance\!xE\!xxloc \!yE=#2\!yyE \advance\!yE\!yyloc
+ \!qjoin (\!xM,\!yM) (\!xE,\!yE)
+ \!xxS=\!xxE \!yyS=\!yyE
+ \advance \!angle -15pt
+ \repeat
+ \ifdim\!angle>\!zpt% ** complete remaining arc, if any
+ \!angle=100.53096\!angle% ** convert angle to radians, divide
+ \divide \!angle 360 % ** by 2, and multiply by 32
+ \!sinandcos\!angle\!!sin\!!cos% ** get 32*sin & 32*cos
+ \!rotate(\!xxS,\!yyS)by(\!!cos,\!sign\!!sin)to(\!xxM,\!yyM)
+ \!rotate(\!xxM,\!yyM)by(\!!cos,\!sign\!!sin)to(\!xxE,\!yyE)
+ \!xM=#1\!xxM \advance\!xM\!xxloc \!yM=#2\!yyM \advance\!yM\!yyloc
+ \!xE=#1\!xxE \advance\!xE\!xxloc \!yE=#2\!yyE \advance\!yE\!yyloc
+ \!qjoin (\!xM,\!yM) (\!xE,\!yE)
+ \fi
+ \let\!M=\!MC% ** restore c/d mode
+ \ignorespaces}% ** if appropriate
+% ** \!rotate(XREG,YREG)by(32cos,32sin)to(XXREG,YYREG)
+% ** rotates (XREG,YREG) by angle with specfied scaled cos & sin to
+% ** (XXREG,YYREG). Uses \!dimenA & \!dimenB as scratch registers.
+ \!dimenA=#3#1\advance \!dimenA -#4#2% ** Rcos(x+t)=Rcosx*cost - Rsinx*sint
+ \!dimenB=#3#2\advance \!dimenB #4#1% ** Rsin(x+t)=Rsinx*cost + Rcosx*sint
+ \divide \!dimenA 32 \divide \!dimenB 32
+ #5=\!dimenA #6=\!dimenB
+ \ignorespaces}
+\def\!sin{4.17684}% ** 32*sin(pi/24) (pi/24=7.5deg)
+\def\!cos{31.72624}% ** 32*cos(pi/24)
+% ** \!sinandcos{32*ANGLE in radians}{\SINCS}{\COSCS}
+% ** Computes the 32*sine and 32*cosine of a small ANGLE expressed in
+% ** radians/32 and puts these values in the replacement texts of
+% ** \SINCS and \COSCS
+ \!dimenD=#1% ** angle is expressed in radians/32: 1pt = 1/32rad
+ \!dimenA=\!dimenD% ** dimA will eventually contain 32sin(angle)in pts
+ \!dimenB=32pt% ** dimB will eventually contain 32cos(angle)in pts
+ \!removept\!dimenD\!value% ** get value of 32*angle, without "pt"
+ \!dimenC=\!dimenD% ** holds 32*angle**i/i! in pts
+ \!dimenC=\!value\!dimenC \divide\!dimenC by 64 % ** now 32*angle**2/2
+ \advance\!dimenB by -\!dimenC% ** 32-32*angle**2/2
+ \!dimenC=\!value\!dimenC \divide\!dimenC by 96 % ** now 32*angle**3/3!
+ \advance\!dimenA by -\!dimenC% ** now 32*(angle-angle**3/6)
+ \!dimenC=\!value\!dimenC \divide\!dimenC by 128 % ** now 32*angle**4/4!
+ \advance\!dimenB by \!dimenC%
+ \!removept\!dimenA#2% ** set 32*sin(angle)
+ \!removept\!dimenB#3% ** set 32*cos(angle)
+ \ignorespaces}
+% *****************************************************************
+% *** RULES (Draws rules, i.e., horizontal & vertical lines) ***
+% *****************************************************************
+% ** User command:
+% ** \putrule [<XDIMEN,YDIMEN>] from XCOORD1 YCOORD1
+% ** to XCOORD2 YCOORD2
+% ** Internal commands:
+% ** \!puthline [<XDIMEN,YDIMEN>] (h = horizontal)
+% ** Set by dashpat to either: \!putsolidhline or \!putdashedhline
+% ** \!putvline [<XDIMEN,YDIMEN>] (v = vertical)
+% ** Either: \!putsolidvline or \!putdashedvline
+% ** \putrule [<XDIMEN,YDIMEN>] from XCOORD1 YCOORD1
+% ** to XCOORD2 YCOORD2
+% ** Draws a rule -- dashed or solid depending on the current dash pattern --
+% ** from (X1,Y1) to (X2,Y2). Uses TEK's \hrule & \vrule & \leaders
+% ** constructions to handle horizontal & vertical lines efficiently both
+% ** in terms of execution time and space in the DVI file.
+% ** See Subsection 4.1 of the manual.
+\def\putrule#1from #2 #3 to #4 #5 {%
+ \!xloc=\!M{#2}\!xunit \!xxloc=\!M{#4}\!xunit%
+ \!yloc=\!M{#3}\!yunit \!yyloc=\!M{#5}\!yunit%
+ \!dxpos=\!xxloc \advance\!dxpos by -\!xloc
+ \!dypos=\!yyloc \advance\!dypos by -\!yloc
+ \ifdim\!dypos=\!zpt
+ \def\!!Line{\!puthline{#1}}\ignorespaces
+ \else
+ \ifdim\!dxpos=\!zpt
+ \def\!!Line{\!putvline{#1}}\ignorespaces
+ \else
+ \def\!!Line{}
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \let\!ML=\!M% ** save current coord\dimen mode
+ \!setdimenmode% ** express locations in dimens
+ \!!Line%
+ \let\!M=\!ML% ** restore previous c/d mode
+ \ignorespaces}
+% ** \!putsolidhline [<XDIMEN,YDIMEN>]
+% ** Place horizontal solid line
+ \ifdim\!dxpos>\!zpt
+ \put{\!hline\!dxpos}#1[l] at {\!xloc} {\!yloc}
+ \else
+ \put{\!hline{-\!dxpos}}#1[l] at {\!xxloc} {\!yyloc}
+ \fi
+ \ignorespaces}
+% ** \!putsolidvline [shifted <XDIMEN,YDIMEN>]
+% ** Place vertical solid line
+ \ifdim\!dypos>\!zpt
+ \put{\!vline\!dypos}#1[b] at {\!xloc} {\!yloc}
+ \else
+ \put{\!vline{-\!dypos}}#1[b] at {\!xxloc} {\!yyloc}
+ \fi
+ \ignorespaces}
+\def\!hline#1{\hbox to #1{\leaders \hrule height\linethickness\hfill}}
+\def\!vline#1{\vbox to #1{\leaders \vrule width\linethickness\vfill}}
+% ** \!putdashedhline [<XDIMEN,YDIMEN>]
+% ** Place dashed horizontal line
+ \ifdim\!dxpos>\!zpt
+ \!DLsetup\!Flist\!dxpos
+ \put{\hbox to \!totalleaderlength{\!hleaders}\!hpartialpattern\!Rtrunc}
+ #1[l] at {\!xloc} {\!yloc}
+ \else
+ \!DLsetup\!Blist{-\!dxpos}
+ \put{\!hpartialpattern\!Ltrunc\hbox to \!totalleaderlength{\!hleaders}}
+ #1[r] at {\!xloc} {\!yloc}
+ \fi
+ \ignorespaces}
+% ** \!putdashedhline [<XDIMEN,YDIMEN>]
+% ** Place dashed vertical line
+ \!dypos=-\!dypos% ** vertical leaders go from top to bottom
+ \ifdim\!dypos>\!zpt
+ \!DLsetup\!Flist\!dypos
+ \put{\vbox{\vbox to \!totalleaderlength{\!vleaders}
+ \!vpartialpattern\!Rtrunc}}#1[t] at {\!xloc} {\!yloc}
+ \else
+ \!DLsetup\!Blist{-\!dypos}
+ \put{\vbox{\!vpartialpattern\!Ltrunc
+ \vbox to \!totalleaderlength{\!vleaders}}}#1[b] at {\!xloc} {\!yloc}
+ \fi
+ \ignorespaces}
+% ** The rest of the macros in this section are subroutines used by
+% ** \!putdashedhline and \!putdashedvline.
+\def\!DLsetup#1#2{% ** Dashed-Line set up
+ \let\!RSlist=#1% ** set !Rule-Skip list
+ \!countB=#2% ** convert rule length to integer (number of sps)
+ \!countA=\!leaderlength% ** ditto, leaderlength
+ \divide\!countB by \!countA% ** number of complete leader units
+ \!totalleaderlength=\!countB\!leaderlength
+ \!Rresiduallength=#2%
+ \advance \!Rresiduallength by -\!totalleaderlength% \** excess length
+ \!Lresiduallength=\!leaderlength
+ \advance \!Lresiduallength by -\!Rresiduallength
+ \ignorespaces}
+ \def\!Rule##1{\vrule height\linethickness width##1}%
+ \def\!Skip##1{\hskip##1}%
+ \leaders\hbox{\!RSlist}\hfill}
+ \!dimenA=\!zpt \!dimenB=\!zpt
+ \def\!Rule##1{#1{##1}\vrule height\linethickness width\!dimenD}%
+ \def\!Skip##1{#1{##1}\hskip\!dimenD}%
+ \!RSlist}
+ \def\!Rule##1{\hrule width\linethickness height##1}%
+ \def\!Skip##1{\vskip##1}%
+ \leaders\vbox{\!RSlist}\vfill}
+ \!dimenA=\!zpt \!dimenB=\!zpt
+ \def\!Rule##1{#1{##1}\hrule width\linethickness height\!dimenD}%
+ \def\!Skip##1{#1{##1}\vskip\!dimenD}%
+ \!RSlist}
+ \!dimenA=\!dimenB
+ \advance\!dimenB by #1%
+ \!dimenD=\!dimenB \ifdim\!dimenD#2#3\!dimenD=#3\fi
+ \!dimenC=\!dimenA \ifdim\!dimenC#2#3\!dimenC=#3\fi
+ \advance \!dimenD by -\!dimenC}
+% ****************************************************************
+% *** LINEAR ARC (Draws straight lines -- solid and dashed) ***
+% ****************************************************************
+% ** User commands
+% ** \inboundscheckoff
+% ** \inboundscheckon
+% ** Internal commands
+% ** \!start (XCOORD,YCOORD)
+% ** \!ljoin (XCOORD,YCOORD)
+% ** \!drawlinearsegment -- set by \dashpat to either
+% ** \!linearsolid or \!lineardashed
+% ** \!advancedashing -- set by \dashpat to either
+% ** \relax or \!!advancedashing
+% ** \!plotifinbounds -- set by \inboundscheck off/on to either
+% ** \!plot or \!!plotifinbounds
+% ** \!initinboundscheck -- set by \inboundscheck off/on to either
+% ** \relax or \!!initinboundscheck
+% \plotsymbolspacing ** distance between consecutive plot positions
+% \!xS ** starting x
+% \!yS ** starting y
+% \!xE ** ending x
+% \!yE ** ending y
+% \!xdiff ** x_end - x_start
+% \!ydiff ** y_end - y_start
+% \!distacross ** how far along curve next point to be plotted is
+% \!arclength ** approximate length of arc for current interval
+% \!downlength ** remaining length for "pen" to be down
+% \!uplength ** length for "pen" to be down
+% \!intervalno ** counts segments to curve
+% \totalarclength ** cumulative distance along curve
+% \!npoints ** approximately (arc length / plotsymbolspacing)
+% ** Calls -- \!Pythag, \!divide, \!plot
+% ** \!start (XCOORD,YCOORD)
+% ** Sets initial point for linearly (or quadratically) interpolated curve
+\def\!start (#1,#2){%
+ \!plotxorigin=\!xorigin \advance \!plotxorigin by \!plotsymbolxshift
+ \!plotyorigin=\!yorigin \advance \!plotyorigin by \!plotsymbolyshift
+ \!xS=\!M{#1}\!xunit \!yS=\!M{#2}\!yunit
+ \!rotateaboutpivot\!xS\!yS
+ \!copylist\!UDlist\to\!!UDlist% **\!UDlist has the form \\{dimen1}\\{dimen2}..
+% ** Routine will draw dashed line with pen
+% ** down for dimen1, up for dimen2, ...
+ \!getnextvalueof\!downlength\from\!!UDlist
+ \!distacross=\!zpt% ** 1st point goes at start of curve
+ \!intervalno=0 % ** initialize interval counter
+ \global\totalarclength=\!zpt% ** initialize distance traveled along curve
+ \ignorespaces}
+% ** \!ljoin (XCOORD,YCOORD)
+% ** Draws a straight line starting at the last point specified
+% ** by the most recent \!start, \!ljoin, or \!qjoin, and
+% ** ending at (XCOORD,YCOORD).
+\def\!ljoin (#1,#2){%
+ \advance\!intervalno by 1
+ \!xE=\!M{#1}\!xunit \!yE=\!M{#2}\!yunit
+ \!rotateaboutpivot\!xE\!yE
+ \!xdiff=\!xE \advance \!xdiff by -\!xS%** xdiff = xE - xS
+ \!ydiff=\!yE \advance \!ydiff by -\!yS%** ydiff = yE - yS
+ \!Pythag\!xdiff\!ydiff\!arclength% ** arclength = sqrt(xdiff**2+ydiff**2)
+ \global\advance \totalarclength by \!arclength%
+ \!drawlinearsegment% ** set by dashpat to \!linearsolid or \!lineardashed
+ \!xS=\!xE \!yS=\!yE% ** shift ending points to starting points
+ \ignorespaces}
+% ** The following routine is used to draw a "solid" line between (xS,yS)
+% ** and (xE,yE). Points are spaced nearly every \plotsymbolspacing length
+% ** along the line.
+ \!npoints=\!arclength
+ \!countA=\plotsymbolspacing
+ \divide\!npoints by \!countA% ** now #pts =. arclength/plotsymbolspacing
+ \ifnum \!npoints<1
+ \!npoints=1
+ \fi
+ \divide\!xdiff by \!npoints
+ \divide\!ydiff by \!npoints
+ \!xpos=\!xS \!ypos=\!yS
+ \loop\ifnum\!npoints>-1
+ \!plotifinbounds
+ \advance \!xpos by \!xdiff
+ \advance \!ypos by \!ydiff
+ \advance \!npoints by -1
+ \repeat
+ \ignorespaces}
+% ** The following routine is used to draw a dashed line between (xS,yS)
+% ** and (xE,yE). The dash pattern continues from the previous segment.
+% **
+ \ifdim\!distacross>\!arclength
+ \advance \!distacross by -\!arclength %nothing to plot in this interval
+ \else
+ \loop\ifdim\!distacross<\!arclength
+% ** plot point, interpolating linearly in x and y
+ \!divide\!distacross\!arclength\!dimenA% ** dimA = across/arclength
+ \!removept\!dimenA\!t% ** \!t holds value in dimA, without the "pt"
+ \!xpos=\!t\!xdiff \advance \!xpos by \!xS
+ \!ypos=\!t\!ydiff \advance \!ypos by \!yS
+ \!plotifinbounds
+ \advance\!distacross by \plotsymbolspacing
+ \!advancedashing
+ \repeat
+ \advance \!distacross by -\!arclength% ** prepare for next interval
+ \fi
+ \ignorespaces}
+ \advance\!downlength by -\plotsymbolspacing
+ \ifdim \!downlength>\!zpt
+ \else
+ \advance\!distacross by \!downlength
+ \!getnextvalueof\!uplength\from\!!UDlist
+ \advance\!distacross by \!uplength
+ \!getnextvalueof\!downlength\from\!!UDlist
+ \fi}
+% ** \inboundscheckoff & \inboundscheckon: See Subsection 5.5 of the manual.
+ \def\!plotifinbounds{\!plot(\!xpos,\!ypos)}%
+ \def\!initinboundscheck{\relax}\ignorespaces}
+ \def\!plotifinbounds{\!!plotifinbounds}%
+ \def\!initinboundscheck{\!!initinboundscheck}%
+ \!initinboundscheck\ignorespaces}
+% ** The following code plots the current point only if it falls in the
+% ** current plotarea. It doesn't matter if the coordinate system has
+% ** changed since the plotarea was set up. However, shifts of the plot
+% ** are ignored (how the plotsymbol stands relative to its plot position is
+% ** unknown anyway).
+ \ifdim \!xpos<\!checkleft
+ \else
+ \ifdim \!xpos>\!checkright
+ \else
+ \ifdim \!ypos<\!checkbot
+ \else
+ \ifdim \!ypos>\!checktop
+ \else
+ \!plot(\!xpos,\!ypos)
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+ \!checkleft=\!arealloc \advance\!checkleft by \!xorigin
+ \!checkright=\!arearloc \advance\!checkright by \!xorigin
+ \!checkbot=\!areabloc \advance\!checkbot by \!yorigin
+ \!checktop=\!areatloc \advance\!checktop by \!yorigin}
+% *********************************
+% *** LOGTEN (Log_10 function) ***
+% *********************************
+% ** \!logten{X}
+% ** Calculates log_10 of X. X and LOG10(X) are in fixed point notation.
+% ** X must be positive; it may have an optional `+' sign; any number
+% ** of digits may be specified for X. The absolute error in LOG10(X) is
+% ** less than .0001 (probably < .00006). That's about as good as you
+% ** hope for, since TEX only operates to 5 figures after the decimal
+% ** point anyway.
+% \!rootten=3.162278pt **** These are values are set in ALLOCATIONS
+% \!tenAe=2.543275pt (=A5)
+% \!tenAc=2.773839pt (=A3)
+% \!tenAa=8.690286pt (=A1)
+ \expandafter\!!logten#1\!nil
+ \!removept\!dimenF#2%
+ \ignorespaces}
+ \if -#1%
+ \!dimenF=\!zpt
+ \def\!next{\ignorespaces}%
+ \else
+ \if +#1%
+ \def\!next{\!!logten#2\!nil}%
+ \else
+ \if .#1%
+ \def\!next{\!!logten0.#2\!nil}%
+ \else
+ \def\!next{\!!!logten#1#2..\!nil}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \!next}
+ \!dimenF=1pt % ** DimF holds log10 original argument
+ \if 0#1%
+ \!!logshift#3pt % ** Argument < 1
+ \else % ** Argument >= 1
+ \!logshift#2/% ** Shift decimal pt as many places
+ \!dimenE=#1.#2#3pt % ** as there are figures in #2
+ \fi % ** Now dimE holds revised X want log10 of
+ \ifdim \!dimenE<\!rootten% ** Transform X to XX between sqrt(10)
+ \multiply \!dimenE 10 % ** and 10*sqrt(10)
+ \advance \!dimenF -1pt
+ \fi
+ \!dimenG=\!dimenE% ** dimG <- (XX + 10)
+ \advance\!dimenG 10pt
+ \advance\!dimenE -10pt % ** dimE <- (XX - 10)
+ \multiply\!dimenE 10 % ** dimE = 10*(XX-10)
+ \!divide\!dimenE\!dimenG\!dimenE% ** Now dimE=10t==10*(XX-10)/(XX+10)
+ \!removept\!dimenE\!t% ** !t=10t, with "pt" removed
+ \!dimenG=\!t\!dimenE% ** dimG=100t**2
+ \!removept\!dimenG\!tt% ** !tt=100t**2, with "pt" removed
+ \!dimenH=\!tt\!tenAe% ** dimH=10*a5*(10t)**2 /100
+ \divide\!dimenH 100
+ \advance\!dimenH \!tenAc% ** ditto + 10*a3
+ \!dimenH=\!tt\!dimenH% ** ditto * (10t)**2 /100
+ \divide\!dimenH 100
+ \advance\!dimenH \!tenAa% ** ditto + 10*a1
+ \!dimenH=\!t\!dimenH% ** ditto * 10t / 100
+ \divide\!dimenH 100 % ** Now dimH = log10(XX) - 1
+ \advance\!dimenF \!dimenH}% ** dimF = log10(X)
+ \if #1/%
+ \def\!next{\ignorespaces}%
+ \else
+ \advance\!dimenF 1pt
+ \def\!next{\!logshift}%
+ \fi
+ \!next}
+ \def\!!logshift#1{%
+ \advance\!dimenF -1pt
+ \if 0#1%
+ \def\!next{\!!logshift}%
+ \else
+ \if p#1%
+ \!dimenF=1pt
+ \def\!next{\!dimenE=1p}%
+ \else
+ \def\!next{\!dimenE=#1.}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \!next}
+% ***********************************************************
+% *** PICTURES (Basic setups for PiCtures; \put commands) ***
+% ***********************************************************
+% ** User Commands:
+% ** \beginpicture
+% ** \endpicture
+% ** \endpicturesave <XREG,YREG>
+% ** \setcoordinatesystem units <XUNIT,YUNIT> point at XREF YREF
+% ** \multiput {OJBECT} [ORIENTATION] <XSHIFT,YSHIFT>) at
+% ** \accountingon
+% ** \accountingoff
+% ** \lines [ORIENTATION] {LINES}
+% ** \Lines [ORIENTATION] {LINES}
+% ** \setdimensionmode
+% ** \setcoordinatemode
+% ** \Xdistance
+% ** \Ydistance
+% ** Internal commands:
+% ** \!setputobject{OBJECT}{[ORIENTATION]<XSHIFT,YSHIFT>}
+% ** \!setdimenmode
+% ** \!setcoordmode
+% ** \!ifdimenmode
+% ** \!ifcoordmode
+% ** \beginpicture
+% ** \endpicture
+% ** \endpicturesave <XREG,YREG>
+% ** \beginpicture ... \endpicture creates an hbox. Objects are
+% ** placed in this box using the \put command and the like (see below).
+% ** The location of an object is specified in terms of coordinate system(s)
+% ** established by \setcoordinatesystem. Each coordinate system (there
+% ** might be just one) specifies the length of 1 horizontal unit, the length
+% ** of 1 vertical unit, and the coordinates of a "reference point". The
+% ** reference points of various coordinate systems will be in the same
+% ** physical location. The macros keep track of the size of the objects
+% ** and their locations. The resulting hbox is the smallest hbox which
+% ** encloses all the objects, and whose TEK reference point is the point
+% ** on the left edge of the box closest vertically to the PICTEX reference
+% ** point. Using \endpicturesave, you can (globally) save the distance TEK's
+% ** reference point is to the right (respectively, up from) PICTEX's
+% ** reference point in the dimension register \XREG (respectively \YREG).
+% ** You can then \put the picture OBJECT into a larger picture so that its
+% ** reference point is at (XCOORD,YCOORD) with the command
+% ** \put {picture OBJECT} [Bl] <\XREG, \YREG> at XCOORD YCOORD
+% ** \beginpicture : See Subsection 1.1 of the manual.
+ \setbox\!picbox=\hbox\bgroup%
+ \!xleft=\maxdimen
+ \!xright=-\maxdimen
+ \!ybot=\maxdimen
+ \!ytop=-\maxdimen}
+% ** \endpicture : See Subsection 1.1 of the manual.
+ \ifdim\!xleft=\maxdimen% ** check if nothing was put in picbox
+ \!xleft=\!zpt \!xright=\!zpt \!ybot=\!zpt \!ytop=\!zpt
+ \fi
+ \global\!Xleft=\!xleft \global\!Xright=\!xright
+ \global\!Ybot=\!ybot \global\!Ytop=\!ytop
+ \egroup%
+ \ht\!picbox=\!Ytop \dp\!picbox=-\!Ybot
+ \ifdim\!Ybot>\!zpt
+ \else
+ \ifdim\!Ytop<\!zpt
+ \!Ybot=\!Ytop
+ \else
+ \!Ybot=\!zpt
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \hbox{\kern-\!Xleft\lower\!Ybot\box\!picbox\kern\!Xright}}
+% ** \endpicturesave : See Subsection 8.4 of the manual.
+\def\endpicturesave <#1,#2>{%
+ \endpicture \global #1=\!Xleft \global #2=\!Ybot \ignorespaces}
+% ** \setcoordinatesystem units <XUNIT,YUNIT>
+% ** point at XREF YREF
+% ** Each of `units <XUNIT,YUNIT>' and `point at XREF YREF'
+% ** are optional.
+% ** Unit lengths must be given in dimensions (e.g., <10pt,1in>).
+% ** Default unit lengths are 1pt, 1pt, or previous unit lengths.
+% ** Reference point is specified in current units (e.g., 3 5 ).
+% ** Default reference point is 0 0 , or previous reference point.
+% ** Unit lengths and reference points obey TEX's scoping rules.
+% ** See Subsection 1.2 of the manual.
+ \!ifnextchar{u}{\!getlengths }
+ {\!getlengths units <\!xunit,\!yunit>}}
+\def\!getlengths units <#1,#2>{%
+ \!xunit=#1\relax
+ \!yunit=#2\relax
+ \!ifcoordmode
+ \let\!SCnext=\!SCccheckforRP
+ \else
+ \let\!SCnext=\!SCdcheckforRP
+ \fi
+ \!SCnext}
+ \!ifnextchar{p}{\!cgetreference }
+ {\!cgetreference point at {\!xref} {\!yref} }}
+\def\!cgetreference point at #1 #2 {%
+ \edef\!xref{#1}\edef\!yref{#2}%
+ \!xorigin=\!xref\!xunit \!yorigin=\!yref\!yunit
+ \!initinboundscheck % ** See linear.tex
+ \ignorespaces}
+ \!ifnextchar{p}{\!dgetreference}%
+ {\ignorespaces}}
+\def\!dgetreference point at #1 #2 {%
+ \!xorigin=#1\relax \!yorigin=#2\relax
+ \ignorespaces}
+% ** `[XY]' and `<XDIMEN,YDIMEN>' are optional.
+% ** First OBJECT is placed in an hbox (the "objectbox") and then a
+% ** "reference point" is assigned to the objectbox as follows:
+% ** [1] first, the reference point is taken to be the center of the box;
+% ** [2] next, centering is overridden by the specifications
+% ** X=l -- reference point along the left edge of the objectbox
+% ** X=r -- reference point along the right edge of the objectbox
+% ** Y=b -- reference point along the bottom edge of the objectbox
+% ** Y=B -- reference point along the Baseline of the objectbox
+% ** Y=t -- reference point along the top edge of the objectbox;
+% ** [3] finally the reference point is shifted left by XDIMEN, down
+% ** by YDIMEN (both default to 0pt).
+% ** The objectbox is placed within PICBOX with its reference point at
+% ** If OBJECT is a saved box, say box0, you have to write
+% ** \put{\box0}... or \put{\copy0}...
+% ** The objectbox is void after the put.
+% ** See Subsection 2.1 of the manual.
+\long\def\put#1#2 at #3 #4 {%
+ \!setputobject{#1}{#2}%
+ \!xpos=\!M{#3}\!xunit \!ypos=\!M{#4}\!yunit
+ \!rotateaboutpivot\!xpos\!ypos%
+ \advance\!xpos -\!xorigin \advance\!xpos -\!xshift
+ \advance\!ypos -\!yorigin \advance\!ypos -\!yshift
+ \kern\!xpos\raise\!ypos\box\!putobject\kern-\!xpos%
+ \!doaccounting\ignorespaces}
+% ** \multiput etc. Like \put. The objectbox is not voided until the
+% ** termininating /, and is placed repeatedly with:
+% ** XCOORD YCOORD -- the objectbox is put down with its reference point
+% ** at (XCOORD,YCOORD);
+% ** *N DXCOORD DYCOORD -- each of N times the current
+% ** (xcoord,ycoord) is incremented by (DXCOORD,DYCOORD), and the
+% ** objectbox is put down with its reference point at (xcoord,ycoord)
+% ** (This specification has to follow an XCOORD YCOORD pair)
+% ** See Subsection 2.2 of the manual.
+\long\def\multiput #1#2 at {%
+ \!setputobject{#1}{#2}%
+ \!ifnextchar"{\!putfromfile}{\!multiput}}
+ \expandafter\!multiput \normalinput #1 /}
+ \futurelet\!nextchar\!!multiput}
+ \if *\!nextchar
+ \def\!nextput{\!alsoby}%
+ \else
+ \if /\!nextchar
+ \def\!nextput{\!finishmultiput}%
+ \else
+ \def\!nextput{\!alsoat}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \!nextput}
+ \setbox\!putobject=\hbox{}%
+ \ignorespaces}
+% ** \!alsoat XCOORD YCOORD
+% ** The objectbox is put down with reference point at XCOORD,YCOORD
+\def\!alsoat#1 #2 {%
+ \!xpos=\!M{#1}\!xunit \!ypos=\!M{#2}\!yunit
+ \!rotateaboutpivot\!xpos\!ypos%
+ \advance\!xpos -\!xorigin \advance\!xpos -\!xshift
+ \advance\!ypos -\!yorigin \advance\!ypos -\!yshift
+ \kern\!xpos\raise\!ypos\copy\!putobject\kern-\!xpos%
+ \!doaccounting
+ \!multiput}
+% ** \!alsoby*N DXCOORD DYCOORD
+% ** N times, the current (XCOORD,YCOORD) is advanced by (DXCOORD,DYCOORD),
+% ** and the current (shifted, oriented) OBJECT is put down.
+\def\!alsoby*#1 #2 #3 {%
+ \!dxpos=\!M{#2}\!xunit \!dypos=\!M{#3}\!yunit
+ \!rotateonly\!dxpos\!dypos
+ \!ntemp=#1%
+ \!!loop\ifnum\!ntemp>0
+ \advance\!xpos by \!dxpos \advance\!ypos by \!dypos
+ \kern\!xpos\raise\!ypos\copy\!putobject\kern-\!xpos%
+ \advance\!ntemp by -1
+ \repeat
+ \!doaccounting
+ \!multiput}
+% ** \accountingoff : Suspends PiCTeX's accounting of the aggregate
+% ** size of the picture box.
+% ** \accounting on : Reinstates accounting.
+% ** See Subsection 8.2 of the manual.
+ \!xtemp=\!xpos
+ \!ytemp=\!ypos
+ \ifdim\!xtemp<\!xleft
+ \!xleft=\!xtemp
+ \fi
+ \advance\!xtemp by \!wd
+ \ifdim\!xright<\!xtemp
+ \!xright=\!xtemp
+ \fi
+ \advance\!ytemp by -\!dp
+ \ifdim\!ytemp<\!ybot
+ \!ybot=\!ytemp
+ \fi
+ \advance\!ytemp by \!dp
+ \advance\!ytemp by \!ht
+ \ifdim\!ytemp>\!ytop
+ \!ytop=\!ytemp
+ \fi}
+ \setbox\!putobject=\hbox{#1}%
+ \!ht=\ht\!putobject \!dp=\dp\!putobject \!wd=\wd\!putobject
+ \wd\!putobject=\!zpt
+ \!xshift=.5\!wd \!yshift=.5\!ht \advance\!yshift by -.5\!dp
+ \edef\!putorientation{#2}%
+ \expandafter\!SPOreadA\!putorientation[]\!nil%
+ \expandafter\!SPOreadB\!putorientation<\!zpt,\!zpt>\!nil\ignorespaces}
+\def\!SPOreadB#1<#2,#3>#4\!nil{\advance\!xshift by -#2\advance\!yshift by -#3}
+ \if l\!orientation
+ \!xshift=\!zpt
+ \else
+ \if r\!orientation
+ \!xshift=\!wd
+ \else
+ \if b\!orientation
+ \!yshift=-\!dp
+ \else
+ \if B\!orientation
+ \!yshift=\!zpt
+ \else
+ \if t\!orientation
+ \!yshift=\!ht
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+% ** \!dimenput{OBJECT} <XDIMEN,YDIMEN> [XY] (XLOC,YLOC)
+% ** This is an internal put routine, similar to \put, except that
+% ** XLOC=distance right from reference point, YLOC=distance up from
+% ** reference point. XLOC and YLOC are dimensions, so this routine
+% ** is completely independent of the current coordinate system.
+% ** This routine does NOT do ROTATIONS.
+ \!setputobject{#1}{#2}%
+ \!xpos=#3\advance\!xpos by -\!xshift
+ \!ypos=#4\advance\!ypos by -\!yshift
+ \kern\!xpos\raise\!ypos\box\!putobject\kern-\!xpos%
+ \!doaccounting\ignorespaces}
+% ** The following macros permit the picture drawing routines to be used
+% ** either in the default "coordinate mode", or in "dimension mode".
+% ** In coordinate mode \!M(1.5,\!xunit) expands to 1.5\!xunit
+% ** In dimension mode \!M(1.5pt,\!xunit) expands to 1.5pt
+% ** Dimension mode is useful in coding macros.
+% ** Any special purpose picture macro that sets dimension mode should
+% ** reset coordinate mode before completion.
+% ** See Subsection 9.2 of the manual.
+ \let\!M=\!M!!\ignorespaces}
+ \let\!M=\!M!\ignorespaces}
+ \ifx \!M \!M!}
+ \ifx \!M \!M!!}
+% ** \Xdistance{XCOORD}, \Ydistance{YCOORD} are the horizontal and
+% ** vertical distances from the origin (0,0) to the point
+% ** (XCOORD,YCOORD) in the current coordinate system.
+% ** See Subsection 9.2 of the manual.
+ \!M{#1}\!xunit
+ \ignorespaces}
+ \!M{#1}\!yunit
+ \ignorespaces}
+% ** The following macros -- \stack, \line, and \Lines -- are useful for
+% ** annotating PiCtures. They can be used outside the \beginpicture ...
+% ** \endpicture environment.
+% ** Builds a vertical stack of the values in VALUESLIST. Values in
+% ** VALUESLIST are separated by commas. In the resulting stack, values are
+% ** centered by default, and positioned flush left (right) if
+% ** POSITIONING = l (r). Values are separated vertically by LEADING,
+% ** which defaults to \stackleading.
+% ** See Subsection 2.3 of the manual.
+ \!ifnextchar[{\!stack}{\!stack[c]}}
+ \let\!lglue=\hfill \let\!rglue=\hfill
+ \expandafter\let\csname !#1glue\endcsname=\relax
+ \!ifnextchar<{\!!stack}{\!!stack<\stackleading>}}
+ \vbox{\def\!valueslist{}\!ecfor\!value:=#2\do{%
+ \expandafter\!rightappend\!value\withCS{\\}\to\!valueslist}%
+ \!lop\!valueslist\to\!value
+ \let\\=\cr\lineskiplimit=\maxdimen\lineskip=#1%
+ \baselineskip=-1000pt\halign{\!lglue##\!rglue\cr \!value\!valueslist\cr}}%
+ \ignorespaces}
+% ** \lines [POSITIONING] {LINES}
+% ** Builds a vertical array of the lines in LINES. Each line in LINES
+% ** is terminated by a \cr. In the resulting array, lines are
+% ** centered by default, and positioned flush left (right) if
+% ** POSITIONING = l (r). The lines in the array are subject to TeX's
+% ** usual spacing rules: in particular the baselines are ordinarily an equal
+% ** distance apart. The baseline of the array is the baseline of the
+% ** the bottom line.
+% ** See Subsection 2.3 of the manual.
+ \!ifnextchar[{\!lines}{\!lines[c]}}
+ \let\!lglue=\hfill \let\!rglue=\hfill
+ \expandafter\let\csname !#1glue\endcsname=\relax
+ \vbox{\halign{\!lglue##\!rglue\cr #2\crcr}}%
+ \ignorespaces}
+% ** \Lines [POSITIONING] {LINES}
+% ** Like \lines, but the baseline of the array is the baseline of the
+% ** top line. See Subsection 2.3 of the manual.
+ \!ifnextchar[{\!Lines}{\!Lines[c]}}
+ \let\!lglue=\hfill \let\!rglue=\hfill
+ \expandafter\let\csname !#1glue\endcsname=\relax
+ \vtop{\halign{\!lglue##\!rglue\cr #2\crcr}}%
+ \ignorespaces}
+% *********************************************
+% *** PLOTTING (Things to do with plotting) ***
+% *********************************************
+% ** User commands
+% ** \savelinesandcurves on "FILE_NAME"
+% ** \dontsavelinesandcurves
+% ** \writesavefile {MESSAGE}
+% ** \replot {FILE_NAME}
+% ** Internal command
+% ** \!plot(XDIMEN,YDIMEN)
+% ** \setplotsymbol ({PLOTSYMBOL} [ ] < , >)
+% ** Save PLOTSYMBOL away in an hbox for use with curve plotting routines
+% ** See Subsection 5.2 of the manual.
+ \!setputobject{#1}{#2}
+ \setbox\!plotsymbol=\box\!putobject%
+ \!plotsymbolxshift=\!xshift
+ \!plotsymbolyshift=\!yshift
+ \ignorespaces}
+\setplotsymbol({\fiverm .})% ** initialize plotsymbol
+% ** \!plot is either \!!plot (when no lines and curves are being saved) or
+% ** \!!!plot (when lines and curves are being saved)
+% ** \!!plot(XDIMEN,YDIMEN)
+% ** Places the current plotsymbol a horizontal distance=XDIMEN-xorigin
+% ** and a vertical distance=YDIMEN-yorigin from the current
+% ** reference point.
+ \!dimenA=-\!plotxorigin \advance \!dimenA by #1% ** over
+ \!dimenB=-\!plotyorigin \advance \!dimenB by #2% ** up
+ \kern\!dimenA\raise\!dimenB\copy\!plotsymbol\kern-\!dimenA%
+ \ignorespaces}
+% ** \!!!plot(XDIMEN,YDIMEN)
+% ** Like \!!plot, but also saves the plot location in units of
+% ** scaled point, on file `replotfile'
+ \!dimenA=-\!plotxorigin \advance \!dimenA by #1% ** over
+ \!dimenB=-\!plotyorigin \advance \!dimenB by #2% ** up
+ \kern\!dimenA\raise\!dimenB\copy\!plotsymbol\kern-\!dimenA%
+ \!countE=\!dimenA
+ \!countF=\!dimenB
+ \immediate\write\!replotfile{\the\!countE,\the\!countF.}%
+ \ignorespaces}
+% ** \savelinesandcurves on "FILE_NAME"
+% ** Switch to save locations used for plotting lines and curves
+% ** (No advantage in saving locations for solid lines; however
+% ** replotting curve locations speeds things up by a factor of about 4.
+% ** \dontsavelinesandcurves
+% ** Terminates \savelinesandcurves. The default.
+% ** See Subsection 5.6 of the manual.
+\def\savelinesandcurves on "#1" {%
+ \immediate\closeout\!replotfile
+ \immediate\openout\!replotfile=#1%
+ \let\!plot=\!!!plot}
+\def\dontsavelinesandcurves {%
+ \let\!plot=\!!plot}
+% ** \writesavefile {MESSAGE}
+% ** The message is preceded by a "%", so that it won't interfere
+% ** with replotting.
+% ** See Subsection 5.6 of the manual.
+\def\writesavefile#1 {%
+ \immediate\write\!replotfile{\!Commentsignal #1}%
+ \ignorespaces}
+% ** \replot "FILE_NAME"
+% ** Replots the locations saved earlier under \savelinesandcurves
+% ** on "FILE_NAME"
+% ** See Subsection 5.6 of the manual.
+\def\replot"#1" {%
+ \expandafter\!replot\normalinput #1 /}
+\def\!replot#1,#2. {%
+ \!dimenA=#1sp
+ \kern\!dimenA\raise#2sp\copy\!plotsymbol\kern-\!dimenA
+ \futurelet\!nextchar\!!replot}
+ \if /\!nextchar
+ \def\!next{\!finish}%
+ \else
+ \def\!next{\!replot}%
+ \fi
+ \!next}
+% **************************************************
+% *** PYTHAGORAS (Euclidean distance function) ***
+% **************************************************
+% ** User command:
+% ** \placehypotenuse for <dimension1> and <dimension2> in <register>
+% ** Internal command:
+% ** \!Pythag{X}{Y}{Z}
+% ** Input X,Y are dimensions, or dimension registers.
+% ** Output Z == sqrt(X**2+Y**2) must be a dimension register.
+% ** Assumes that |X|+|Y| < 2048pt (about 28in).
+% ** Without loss of generality, suppose x>0, y>0. Put s = x+y,
+% ** z = sqrt(x**2+y**2). Then z = s*f, where f = sqrt(t**2 + (1-t)**2)
+% ** = sqrt((1+tau**2)/2), where t = x/s and tau = 2(t-1/2) .
+% ** Uses the \!divide macro (which uses registers \!dimenA--\!dimenD.
+% ** Uses the \!removept macro (e.g., 123.45pt --> 123.45)
+% ** Uses registers \!dimenE--\!dimenI.
+ \!dimenE=#1\relax
+ \ifdim\!dimenE<\!zpt
+ \!dimenE=-\!dimenE
+ \fi% ** dimE = |x|
+ \!dimenF=#2\relax
+ \ifdim\!dimenF<\!zpt
+ \!dimenF=-\!dimenF
+ \fi% ** dimF = |y|
+ \advance \!dimenF by \!dimenE% ** dimF = s = |x|+|y|
+ \ifdim\!dimenF=\!zpt
+ \!dimenG=\!zpt% ** dimG = z = sqrt(x**2+y**2)
+ \else
+ \!divide{8\!dimenE}\!dimenF\!dimenE% ** now dimE = 8t = (8|x|)/s
+ \advance\!dimenE by -4pt% ** 8tau = (8t-4)*2
+ \!dimenE=2\!dimenE% ** (tau = 2*t - 1)
+ \!removept\!dimenE\!!t% ** 8tau, without "pt"
+ \!dimenE=\!!t\!dimenE% ** (8tau)**2, in pts
+ \advance\!dimenE by 64pt% ** u = [64 + (8tau)**2]/2
+ \divide \!dimenE by 2% ** [u = (8f)**2]
+ \!dimenH=7pt% ** initial guess g at sqrt(u)
+ \!!Pythag\!!Pythag\!!Pythag% ** 3 iterations give sqrt(u)
+ \!removept\!dimenH\!!t% ** 8f=sqrt(u), without "pt"
+ \!dimenG=\!!t\!dimenF% ** z = (8f)*s/8
+ \divide\!dimenG by 8
+ \fi
+ #3=\!dimenG
+ \ignorespaces}
+\def\!!Pythag{% ** Newton-Raphson for sqrt
+ \!divide\!dimenE\!dimenH\!dimenI% ** v = u/g
+ \advance\!dimenH by \!dimenI% ** g <-- (g + u/g)/2
+ \divide\!dimenH by 2}
+% ** \placehypotenuse for <XI> and <ETA> in <ZETA>
+% ** See Subsection 9.3 of the manual.
+\def\placehypotenuse for <#1> and <#2> in <#3> {%
+ \!Pythag{#1}{#2}{#3}}
+% **********************************************
+% *** QUADRATIC ARC (Draws a quadratic arc) ***
+% **********************************************
+% ** Internal command
+% ** \!qjoin (XCOORD1,YCOORD1) (XCOORD2,YCOORD2)
+% ** \!qjoin (XCOORD1,YCOORD1) (XCOORD2,YCOORD2)
+% ** Draws an arc starting at the (last) point specified by the most recent
+% ** \!qjoin, or \!ljoin, or \!start and passing through (X_1,Y_1), (X_2,Y_2).
+% ** Uses quadratic interpolation in both x and y:
+% ** x(t), 0 <= t <= 1, interpolates x_0, x_1, x_2 at t=0, .5, 1
+% ** y(t), 0 <= t <= 1, interpolates y_0, y_1, y_2 at t=0, .5, 1
+\def\!qjoin (#1,#2) (#3,#4){%
+ \advance\!intervalno by 1
+ \!ifcoordmode
+ \edef\!xmidpt{#1}\edef\!ymidpt{#2}%
+ \else
+ \!dimenA=#1\relax \edef\!xmidpt{\the\!dimenA}%
+ \!dimenA=#2\relax \edef\!xmidpt{\the\!dimenA}%
+ \fi
+ \!xM=\!M{#1}\!xunit \!yM=\!M{#2}\!yunit \!rotateaboutpivot\!xM\!yM
+ \!xE=\!M{#3}\!xunit \!yE=\!M{#4}\!yunit \!rotateaboutpivot\!xE\!yE
+% ** Find coefficients for x(t)=a_x + b_x*t + c_x*t**2
+ \!dimenA=\!xM \advance \!dimenA by -\!xS% ** dimA = I = xM - xS
+ \!dimenB=\!xE \advance \!dimenB by -\!xM% ** dimB = II = xE-xM
+ \!xB=3\!dimenA \advance \!xB by -\!dimenB% ** b=3I-II
+ \!xC=2\!dimenB \advance \!xC by -2\!dimenA% ** c=2(II-I)
+% ** Find coefficients for y(t)=y_x + b_y*t + c_y*t**2
+ \!dimenA=\!yM \advance \!dimenA by -\!yS%
+ \!dimenB=\!yE \advance \!dimenB by -\!yM%
+ \!yB=3\!dimenA \advance \!yB by -\!dimenB%
+ \!yC=2\!dimenB \advance \!yC by -2\!dimenA%
+% ** Use Simpson's rule to calculate arc length over [0,1/2]:
+% ** arc length = 1/2[1/6 f(0) + 4/6 f(1/4) + 1/6 f(1/2)]
+% ** with f(t) = sqrt(x'(t)**2 + y'(t)**2).
+ \!xprime=\!xB \!yprime=\!yB% ** x'(t) = b + 2ct
+ \!dxprime=.5\!xC \!dyprime=.5\!yC% ** dt=1/4 ==> dx'(t) = c/2
+ \!getf \!midarclength=\!dimenA
+ \!getf \advance \!midarclength by 4\!dimenA
+ \!getf \advance \!midarclength by \!dimenA
+ \divide \!midarclength by 12
+% ** Get arc length over [0,1].
+ \!arclength=\!dimenA
+ \!getf \advance \!arclength by 4\!dimenA
+ \!getf \advance \!arclength by \!dimenA
+ \divide \!arclength by 12% ** Now have arc length over [1/2,1]
+ \advance \!arclength by \!midarclength
+ \global\advance \totalarclength by \!arclength
+% ** Check to see if there's anything to plot in this interval
+ \ifdim\!distacross>\!arclength
+ \advance \!distacross by -\!arclength% ** nothing
+ \else
+ \!initinverseinterp% ** initialize for inverse interpolation on arc length
+ \loop\ifdim\!distacross<\!arclength% ** loop over points on arc
+ \!inverseinterp% ** find t such that arc length[0,t] = distacross,
+% ** using inverse quadratic interpolation
+% ** now evaluate x(t)=(c*t + b)*t + a
+ \!xpos=\!t\!xC \advance\!xpos by \!xB
+ \!xpos=\!t\!xpos \advance \!xpos by \!xS
+% ** evaluate y(t)
+ \!ypos=\!t\!yC \advance\!ypos by \!yB
+ \!ypos=\!t\!ypos \advance \!ypos by \!yS
+ \!plotifinbounds% ** plot point if in bounds
+ \advance\!distacross \plotsymbolspacing%** advance arc length for next pt
+ \!advancedashing% ** see "linear"
+ \repeat
+ \advance \!distacross by -\!arclength% ** prepare for next interval
+ \fi
+ \!xS=\!xE% ** shift ending points to starting points
+ \!yS=\!yE
+ \ignorespaces}
+% ** \!getf -- Calculates sqrt(x'(t)**2 + y'(t)**2) and advances
+% ** x'(t) and y'(t)
+ \advance\!xprime by \!dxprime
+ \advance\!yprime by \!dyprime}
+% ** \!initinverseinterp -- initializes for inverse quadratic interpolation
+% ** of arc length provided 1/3 < midarclength/arclength < 2/3; otherwise
+% ** initializes for inverse linear interpolation.
+ \ifdim\!arclength>\!zpt
+ \!divide{8\!midarclength}\!arclength\!dimenE% ** dimE=8w=8r/s, where r
+% ** = midarclength, s=arclength
+% ** Test for w out of range: w<1/3 or w>2/3
+ \ifdim\!dimenE<\!wmin \!setinverselinear
+ \else
+ \ifdim\!dimenE>\!wmax \!setinverselinear
+ \else% ** w in range: initialize
+ \def\!inverseinterp{\!inversequad}\ignorespaces
+% ** Calculate the coefficients \!beta and \!gamma of the quadratic
+% ** t = \!beta*v + \!gamma*v**2
+% ** taking the values t=0, 1/2, 1 at v=0, w==r/s, 1 respectively:
+% ** \!beta = (1/2 - w**2)/[w(1-w)]
+% ** \!gamma = 1 - beta.
+ \!removept\!dimenE\!Ew% ** 8w, without "pt"
+ \!dimenF=-\!Ew\!dimenE% ** -(8w)**2
+ \advance\!dimenF by 32pt% ** 32 - (8w)**2
+ \!dimenG=8pt
+ \advance\!dimenG by -\!dimenE% ** 8 - 8w
+ \!dimenG=\!Ew\!dimenG% ** (8w)*(8-8w)
+ \!divide\!dimenF\!dimenG\!beta% ** beta = (32-(8w)**2)/(8w(8-8w))
+% ** = (1/2 - w**2)/(w(1-w))
+ \!gamma=1pt
+ \advance \!gamma by -\!beta% ** gamma = 1-beta
+ \fi% ** end of the \ifdim\!dimenE>\!wmax
+ \fi% ** end of the \ifdim\!dimenE<\!wmin
+ \fi% ** end of the \ifdim\!arclength>\!zpt
+ \ignorespaces}
+% ** For 0 <= t <= 1, let AL(t) = arclength[0,t]/arclength[0,1]; note
+% ** AL(0)=0, AL(1/2)=midarclength/arclength, AL(1)=1. This routine
+% ** calculates an approximation to AL^{-1}(distance across/arclength),
+% ** using the assumption that AL^{-1} is quadratic. Specifically,
+% ** it finds t such that
+% ** AL^{-1}(v) =. t = v*(\!beta + \!gamma*v)
+% ** where \!beta and \!gamma are set by \!initinv, and where
+% ** v=distance across/arclength
+ \!divide\!distacross\!arclength\!dimenG% ** dimG = v = distacross/arclength
+ \!removept\!dimenG\!v% ** v, without "pt"
+ \!dimenG=\!v\!gamma% ** gamma*v
+ \advance\!dimenG by \!beta% ** beta + gamma*v
+ \!dimenG=\!v\!dimenG% ** t = v*(beta + gamma*v)
+ \!removept\!dimenG\!t}% ** t, without "pt"
+% ** When w <= 1/3 or w >= 2/3, the following routine writes (using
+% ** plain TEK's \wlog command) a warning message on the user's log file,
+% ** and initializes for inverse linear interpolation on arc length.
+ \def\!inverseinterp{\!inverselinear}%
+ \divide\!dimenE by 8 \!removept\!dimenE\!t
+ \!countC=\!intervalno \multiply \!countC 2
+ \!countB=\!countC \advance \!countB -1
+ \!countA=\!countB \advance \!countA -1
+ \wlog{\the\!countB th point (\!xmidpt,\!ymidpt) being plotted
+ doesn't lie in the}%
+ \wlog{ middle third of the arc between the \the\!countA th
+ and \the\!countC th points:}%
+ \wlog{ [arc length \the\!countA\space to \the\!countB]/[arc length
+ \the \!countA\space to \the\!countC]=\!t.}%
+ \ignorespaces}
+% ** Inverse linear interpolation
+ \!divide\!distacross\!arclength\!dimenG
+ \!removept\!dimenG\!t}
+% **************************************
+% ** ROTATIONS (Handles rotations) ***
+% **************************************
+% ** User commands
+% ** \startrotation [by COS_OF_ANGLE SIN_OF_ANGLE] [about XPIVOT YPIVOT]
+% ** \stoprotation
+% ** \startrotation [by COS_OF_ANGLE SIN_OF_ANGLE] [about XPIVOT YPIVOT]
+% ** Future (XCOORD,YCOORD)'s will be rotated about (XPIVOT,YPIVOT)
+% ** by the angle with the give COS and SIN. Both fields are optional.
+% ** [COS,SIN] defaults to previous value, or (1,0).
+% ** (XPIVOT,YPIVOT) defaults to previous value, or (0,0)
+% ** You can't change the coordinate system in the scope of a rotation.
+% ** See Subsection 9.1 of the manual.
+ \let\!rotateaboutpivot=\!!rotateaboutpivot
+ \let\!rotateonly=\!!rotateonly
+ \!ifnextchar{b}{\!getsincos }%
+ {\!getsincos by {\!cosrotationangle} {\!sinrotationangle} }}
+\def\!getsincos by #1 #2 {%
+ \edef\!cosrotationangle{#1}%
+ \edef\!sinrotationangle{#2}%
+ \!ifcoordmode
+ \let\!ROnext=\!ccheckforpivot
+ \else
+ \let\!ROnext=\!dcheckforpivot
+ \fi
+ \!ROnext}
+ \!ifnextchar{a}{\!cgetpivot}%
+ {\!cgetpivot about {\!xpivotcoord} {\!ypivotcoord} }}
+\def\!cgetpivot about #1 #2 {%
+ \edef\!xpivotcoord{#1}%
+ \edef\!ypivotcoord{#2}%
+ \!xpivot=#1\!xunit \!ypivot=#2\!yunit
+ \ignorespaces}
+ \!ifnextchar{a}{\!dgetpivot}{\ignorespaces}}
+\def\!dgetpivot about #1 #2 {%
+ \!xpivot=#1\relax \!ypivot=#2\relax
+ \ignorespaces}
+% ** Following terminates rotation.
+% ** See Subsection 9.1 of the manual.
+ \let\!rotateaboutpivot=\!!!rotateaboutpivot
+ \let\!rotateonly=\!!!rotateonly
+ \ignorespaces}
+% ** !!rotateaboutpivot{XREG}{YREG}
+% ** XREG <-- xpvt + cos(angle)*(XREG-xpvt) - sin(angle)*(YREG-ypvt)
+% ** YREG <-- ypvt + cos(angle)*(YREG-ypvt) + sin(angle)*(XREG-xpvt)
+% ** XREG,YREG are dimension registers. Can't be \!dimenA to \!dimenD
+ \!dimenA=#1\relax \advance\!dimenA -\!xpivot
+ \!dimenB=#2\relax \advance\!dimenB -\!ypivot
+ \!dimenC=\!cosrotationangle\!dimenA
+ \advance \!dimenC -\!sinrotationangle\!dimenB
+ \!dimenD=\!cosrotationangle\!dimenB
+ \advance \!dimenD \!sinrotationangle\!dimenA
+ \advance\!dimenC \!xpivot \advance\!dimenD \!ypivot
+ #1=\!dimenC #2=\!dimenD
+ \ignorespaces}
+% ** \!!rotateonly{XREG}{YREG}
+% ** Like \!!rotateaboutpivot, but with a pivot of (0,0)
+ \!dimenA=#1\relax \!dimenB=#2\relax
+ \!dimenC=\!cosrotationangle\!dimenA
+ \advance \!dimenC -\!rotsign\!sinrotationangle\!dimenB
+ \!dimenD=\!cosrotationangle\!dimenB
+ \advance \!dimenD \!rotsign\!sinrotationangle\!dimenA
+ #1=\!dimenC #2=\!dimenD
+ \ignorespaces}
+ \def\!rotsign{-}%
+ \!rotateonly{#1}{#2}%
+ \def\!rotsign{}%
+ \ignorespaces}
+% **********************************
+% *** SHADING (Handles shading) ***
+% **********************************
+% ** User commands
+% ** \setshadegrid [span <SPAN>] [point at XSHADE YSHADE]
+% ** \setshadesymbol [<LS, RS, BS, TS>] ({SHADESYMBOL}
+% ** Internal commands:
+% ** \!startvshade (xS,ybS,ytS)
+% ** \!starthshade (yS,xlS,xrS)
+% ** \!lshade [<LS,RS,BS,TS>]
+% ** ** when shading vertically:
+% ** [the region from (xS,ybS,ytS) to] (xE,ybE,ytE)
+% ** ** when shading horizontally:
+% ** [the region from (yS,xlS,xrS) to] (yE,xlE,xrE)
+% ** \!qshade [<LS,RS,BS,TS>]
+% ** ** when shading vertically:
+% ** [the region from (xS,ybS,ytS) to] (xM,ybM,ytM) (xE,ybE,ytE)
+% ** ** when shading horizontally:
+% ** [the region from (yS,xlS,xrS) to] (yM,xlM,xrM) (yE,xlE,xrE)
+% ** The shading routine can operate either in a "vertical mode" or a
+% ** "horizontal mode". In vertical mode, the region to be shaded is specified
+% ** in the form
+% ** {(x,y): xl <= x <= xr & yb(x) <= y <= yt(x)}
+% ** where yb and yt are functions of x. In horizontal mode, the region
+% ** is specified in the form
+% ** {(x,y): yb <= y <= yt & xl(y) <= x <= xr(y)}.
+% ** The functions yb and yt may be either both linear or both quadratic;
+% ** similarly for xl and xr. A region with say, piecewise quadratic bottom
+% ** and top boundaries, can be shaded by consecutive (vertical) \!qshades,
+% ** proceeding from left to right. Similarly, a region with piecewise
+% ** quadratic left and right boundaries can be shaded by consecutive
+% ** (horizontal) \!qshades, proceeding from bottom to top. More complex
+% ** regions can be shaded by partitioning them into appropriate subregions,
+% ** and shading those.
+% ** Shading is accomplished by placing a user-selected shading symbol at
+% ** those points of a regular grid which fall within the region to be
+% ** shaded. This region can be "shrunk" so that a largish shading symbol
+% ** will not extend outside it. Shrinking is accomplished by specifying
+% ** shrinkages for the left, right, bottom, and top boundaries, in a manner
+% ** discussed further below.
+% ** \shades and \!joins MUST NOT be intermingled. Finish drawing a curve
+% ** before starting to shade a region, and finish shading a region before
+% ** starting to draw a curve.
+% ** \setshadegrid [span <SPAN>] [point at XSHADE YSHADE]
+% ** The shading symbol is placed down on the points of a grid centered
+% ** at the coordinate point (XSHADE,YSHADE). The grid points are of the
+% ** form (j*SPAN,k*SPAN), with j+k even. SPAN is specified
+% ** as a dimension.
+% ** (XSHADE,YSHADE) defaults to previous (XSHADE,YSHADE) (or (0,0) if none)
+% ** SPAN defaults to previous span (or 5pt if none)
+% ** See Subsection 7.2 of the manual.
+ \!ifnextchar{s}{\!getspan }
+ {\!getspan span <\!dshade>}}
+\def\!getspan span <#1>{%
+ \!dshade=#1\relax
+ \!ifcoordmode
+ \let\!GRnext=\!GRccheckforAP
+ \else
+ \let\!GRnext=\!GRdcheckforAP
+ \fi
+ \!GRnext}
+ \!ifnextchar{p}{\!cgetanchor }
+ {\!cgetanchor point at {\!xshadesave} {\!yshadesave} }}
+\def\!cgetanchor point at #1 #2 {%
+ \edef\!xshadesave{#1}\edef\!yshadesave{#2}%
+ \!xshade=\!xshadesave\!xunit \!yshade=\!yshadesave\!yunit
+ \ignorespaces}
+ \!ifnextchar{p}{\!dgetanchor}%
+ {\ignorespaces}}
+\def\!dgetanchor point at #1 #2 {%
+ \!xshade=#1\relax \!yshade=#2\relax
+ \ignorespaces}
+% ** \setshadesymbol [<LS, RS, BS, TS>] ({SHADESYMBOL}
+% ** Saves SHADESYMBOL away in an hbox for use with shading routines.
+% ** A shade symbol will not be plotted if its plot position comes within
+% ** distance LS of the left boundary, RS of the right boundary, TS of the
+% ** top boundary, BS of the bottom boundary. These parameters have
+% ** default values that should work in most cases (see below).
+% ** To override a default value, specify the replacement value
+% ** in the appropriate subfield of the shrinkages field.
+% ** 0pt may be coded as "z" (without the quotes). To accept a
+% ** default value, leave the field empty. Thus
+% ** [,z,,5pt] sets LS=default, RS=0pt, BS=default, TS=5pt .
+% ** Skipping the shrinkages field accepts all the defaults.
+% ** See Subsection 7.1 of the manual.
+ \!ifnextchar<{\!setshadesymbol}{\!setshadesymbol<,,,> }}
+\def\!setshadesymbol <#1,#2,#3,#4> (#5#6){%
+% ** set the shadesymbol
+ \!setputobject{#5}{#6}%
+ \setbox\!shadesymbol=\box\!putobject%
+ \!shadesymbolxshift=\!xshift \!shadesymbolyshift=\!yshift
+% ** set the shrinkages
+ \!dimenA=\!xshift \advance\!dimenA \!smidge% ** default LS = xshift - smidge
+ \!override\!dimenA{#1}\!lshrinkage%
+ \!dimenA=\!wd \advance \!dimenA -\!xshift% ** default RS = width - xshift
+ \advance\!dimenA \!smidge% - smidge
+ \!override\!dimenA{#2}\!rshrinkage
+ \!dimenA=\!dp \advance \!dimenA \!yshift% ** default BS = depth + yshift
+ \advance\!dimenA \!smidge% - smidge
+ \!override\!dimenA{#3}\!bshrinkage
+ \!dimenA=\!ht \advance \!dimenA -\!yshift% ** default TS = height - yshift
+ \advance\!dimenA \!smidge% - smidge
+ \!override\!dimenA{#4}\!tshrinkage
+ \ignorespaces}
+% ** Overrides the NOMINAL DIMEN by the REPLACEMENT DIMEN to produce DIMEN,
+% ** according to the following rules:
+% ** otherwise: DIMEN <-- REPLACEMENT DIMEN
+% ** DIMEN must be a dimension register
+ \edef\!!override{#2}%
+ \ifx \!!override\empty
+ #3=#1\relax
+ \else
+ \if z\!!override
+ #3=\!zpt
+ \else
+ \ifx \!!override\!blankz
+ #3=\!zpt
+ \else
+ #3=#2\relax
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \ignorespaces}
+\def\!blankz{ z}
+\setshadesymbol ({\fiverm .})% ** initialize plotsymbol
+% ** \fivesy ^^B is a small cross
+% ** \!startvshade [at] (xS,ybS,ytS)
+% ** Initiates vertical shading mode
+ \let\!!xunit=\!xunit%
+ \let\!!yunit=\!yunit%
+ \let\!!xshade=\!xshade%
+ \let\!!yshade=\!yshade%
+ \def\!getshrinkages{\!vgetshrinkages}%
+ \let\!setshadelocation=\!vsetshadelocation%
+ \!xS=\!M{#2}\!!xunit
+ \!ybS=\!M{#3}\!!yunit
+ \!ytS=\!M{#4}\!!yunit
+ \!shadexorigin=\!xorigin \advance \!shadexorigin \!shadesymbolxshift
+ \!shadeyorigin=\!yorigin \advance \!shadeyorigin \!shadesymbolyshift
+ \ignorespaces}
+% ** \!starthshade [at] (yS,xlS,xrS)
+% ** Initiates horizontal shading mode
+ \let\!!xunit=\!yunit%
+ \let\!!yunit=\!xunit%
+ \let\!!xshade=\!yshade%
+ \let\!!yshade=\!xshade%
+ \def\!getshrinkages{\!hgetshrinkages}%
+ \let\!setshadelocation=\!hsetshadelocation%
+ \!xS=\!M{#2}\!!xunit
+ \!ybS=\!M{#3}\!!yunit
+ \!ytS=\!M{#4}\!!yunit
+ \!shadexorigin=\!xorigin \advance \!shadexorigin \!shadesymbolxshift
+ \!shadeyorigin=\!yorigin \advance \!shadeyorigin \!shadesymbolyshift
+ \ignorespaces}
+% ** Consider the lattice with points ANCHOR + j*SPAN. This routine determines
+% ** the index k of the smallest lattice point >= LOCATION, and sets
+% ** INDEX is assumed to be a count register, LATTICE LOCATION a dimen reg.
+ \!dimenA=#1% ** dimA = ANCHOR
+ \!dimenB=#2% ** dimB = SPAN (assumed > 0pt)
+ \!countB=\!dimenB% ** ctB = SPAN, as a count
+% ** Determine index of smallest lattice point >= LOCATION
+ \!dimenC=#3% ** dimC = LOCATION
+ \advance\!dimenC -\!dimenA% ** now dimC = LOCATION-ANCHOR
+ \!countA=\!dimenC% ** ctA = above, as a count
+ \divide\!countA \!countB% ** now ctA = desired index, if dimC <= 0
+ \ifdim\!dimenC>\!zpt
+ \!dimenD=\!countA\!dimenB% ** (tentative k)*span
+ \ifdim\!dimenD<\!dimenC% ** if this is false, ctA = desired index
+ \advance\!countA 1 % ** if true, have to add 1
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \!dimenC=\!countA\!dimenB% ** lattice location = anchor + ctA*span
+ \advance\!dimenC \!dimenA
+ #4=\!countA% ** the desired index
+ #5=\!dimenC% ** corresponding lattice location
+ \ignorespaces}
+% ** \!qshade [with shrinkages] [[LS,RS,BS,TS]]
+% ***** during vertical shading:
+% ** [the region from (xS,ybS,ytS) to] (xM,ybM,ytM) [and] (xE,ybE,ytE)
+% ** Shades the region {(x,y): xS <= x <= xE, yb(x) <= y <= yt(x)}, where
+% ** yb is the quadratic thru (xS,ybS) & (xM,ybM) & (xE,ybE)
+% ** yt is the quadratic thru (xS,ytS) & (xM,ybM) & (xE,ytE)
+% ** xS,ybS,ytS are either given by \!startvshade or carried over
+% ** as the ending values of the immediately preceding \!qshade.
+% ** For the interpretation of LS, RS, BS, & TS, see \setshadesymbol. The
+% ** values set there can be overridden, for the course of this \!qshade
+% ** only, in the same manner as overrides are specified for
+% ** \setshadesymbol.
+% ***** during horizontal shading:
+% ** [the region from (yS,xlS,xrS) to] (yM,xlM,xrM) [and] (yE,xlE,xrE)
+ \!xM=\!M{#2}\!!xunit
+ \!ybM=\!M{#3}\!!yunit
+ \!ytM=\!M{#4}\!!yunit
+ \!xE=\!M{#6}\!!xunit
+ \!ybE=\!M{#7}\!!yunit
+ \!ytE=\!M{#8}\!!yunit
+ \!getcoeffs\!xS\!ybS\!xM\!ybM\!xE\!ybE\!ybB\!ybC%**Get coefficients B & C for
+ \!getcoeffs\!xS\!ytS\!xM\!ytM\!xE\!ytE\!ytB\!ytC%**y=y0 + B(x-X0) + C(x-X0)**2
+ \def\!getylimits{\!qgetylimits}%
+ \!shade{#1}\ignorespaces}
+% ** \!lshade ... (xE,ybE,ytE)
+% ** This is like \!qshade, but the top and bottom boundaries are linear,
+% ** rather than quadratic.
+ \!xE=\!M{#2}\!!xunit
+ \!ybE=\!M{#3}\!!yunit
+ \!ytE=\!M{#4}\!!yunit
+ \!dimenE=\!xE \advance \!dimenE -\!xS% ** xE-xS
+ \!dimenC=\!ytE \advance \!dimenC -\!ytS% ** ytE-ytS
+ \!divide\!dimenC\!dimenE\!ytB% ** ytB = (ytE-ytS)/(xE-xS)
+ \!dimenC=\!ybE \advance \!dimenC -\!ybS% ** ybE-ybS
+ \!divide\!dimenC\!dimenE\!ybB% ** ybB = (ybE-ybS)/(xE-xS)
+ \def\!getylimits{\!lgetylimits}%
+ \!shade{#1}\ignorespaces}
+% ** \!getcoeffs{X0}{Y0}{X1}{Y1}{X2}{Y2}{B}{C}
+% ** Finds B and C such that the quadratic y = Y0 + B(x-X0) + C(x-X0)**2
+% ** passes through (X1,Y1) and (X2,Y2): when X0=0=Y0, the formulas are:
+% ** B = S1 - X1*C, C = (S2-S1)/X2
+% ** with
+% ** S1 = Y1/X1, S2 = (Y2-Y1)/(X2-X1).
+ \!dimenC=#4\advance \!dimenC -#2% ** dimC=Y1-Y0
+ \!dimenE=#3\advance \!dimenE -#1% ** dimE=X1-X0
+ \!divide\!dimenC\!dimenE\!dimenF% ** dimF=S1
+ \!dimenC=#6\advance \!dimenC -#4% ** dimC=Y2-Y1
+ \!dimenH=#5\advance \!dimenH -#3% ** dimH=X2-X1
+ \!divide\!dimenC\!dimenH\!dimenG% ** dimG=S2
+ \advance\!dimenG -\!dimenF% ** dimG=S2-S1
+ \advance \!dimenH \!dimenE% ** dimH=X2-X0
+ \!divide\!dimenG\!dimenH#8% ** C=(S2-S1)/(X2-X0)
+ \!removept#8\!t% ** C, without "pt"
+ #7=-\!t\!dimenE% ** -C*(X1-X0)
+ \advance #7\!dimenF% ** B=S1-C*(X1-X0)
+ \ignorespaces}
+% ** Get LS,RS,BS,TS for this panel
+ \!getshrinkages#1<,,,>\!nil% % ** now effective LS=dimE, RS=dimF,
+% ** BS=dimG, TS=dimH
+ \advance \!dimenE \!xS% ** now dimE=xS+LS
+ \!lattice\!!xshade\!dshade\!dimenE% ** set parity=index of left-mst x-lattice
+ \!parity\!xpos% ** point >= xS+LS, xpos=its location
+ \!dimenF=-\!dimenF% ** set dimF=xE-RS
+ \advance\!dimenF \!xE
+ \!loop\!not{\ifdim\!xpos>\!dimenF}% ** loop over x-lattice points <= xE-RS
+ \!shadecolumn%
+ \advance\!xpos \!dshade% ** move over to next column
+ \advance\!parity 1% ** increase index of x-point
+ \repeat
+ \!xS=\!xE% ** shift ending values to starting values
+ \!ybS=\!ybE
+ \!ytS=\!ytE
+ \ignorespaces}
+ \!override\!lshrinkage{#2}\!dimenE
+ \!override\!rshrinkage{#3}\!dimenF
+ \!override\!bshrinkage{#4}\!dimenG
+ \!override\!tshrinkage{#5}\!dimenH
+ \ignorespaces}
+ \!override\!lshrinkage{#2}\!dimenG
+ \!override\!rshrinkage{#3}\!dimenH
+ \!override\!bshrinkage{#4}\!dimenE
+ \!override\!tshrinkage{#5}\!dimenF
+ \ignorespaces}
+ \!dxpos=\!xpos
+ \advance\!dxpos -\!xS% ** dx = x - xS
+ \!removept\!dxpos\!dx% ** ditto, without "pt"
+ \!getylimits% ** get top and bottom y-values
+ \advance\!ytpos -\!dimenH% ** less TS
+ \advance\!ybpos \!dimenG% ** plus BS
+ \!yloc=\!!yshade% ** get anchor point for this column
+ \ifodd\!parity
+ \advance\!yloc \!dshade
+ \fi
+ \!lattice\!yloc{2\!dshade}\!ybpos%
+ \!countA\!ypos% ** ypos=smallest y point for this column
+ \!dimenA=-\!shadexorigin \advance \!dimenA \!xpos% ** over
+ \loop\!not{\ifdim\!ypos>\!ytpos}% ** loop over ypos <= yt(t)
+ \!setshadelocation% ** vmode: xloc=xpos, yloc=ypos
+% ** hmode: xloc=ypos, yloc=xpos
+ \!rotateaboutpivot\!xloc\!yloc%
+ \!dimenA=-\!shadexorigin \advance \!dimenA \!xloc% ** over
+ \!dimenB=-\!shadeyorigin \advance \!dimenB \!yloc% ** up
+ \kern\!dimenA \raise\!dimenB\copy\!shadesymbol \kern-\!dimenA
+ \advance\!ypos 2\!dshade
+ \repeat
+ \ignorespaces}
+ \!dimenA=\!dx\!ytC
+ \advance\!dimenA \!ytB% ** yt(t)=ytS + dx*(Bt + dx*Ct)
+ \!ytpos=\!dx\!dimenA
+ \advance\!ytpos \!ytS
+ \!dimenA=\!dx\!ybC
+ \advance\!dimenA \!ybB% ** yb(t)=ybS + dx*(Bb + dx*Cb)
+ \!ybpos=\!dx\!dimenA
+ \advance\!ybpos \!ybS}
+ \!ytpos=\!dx\!ytB% ** yt(t)=ytS + dx*Bt
+ \advance\!ytpos \!ytS
+ \!ybpos=\!dx\!ybB% ** yb(t)=ybS + dx*Bb
+ \advance\!ybpos \!ybS}
+\def\!vsetshadelocation{% ** vmode: xloc=xpos, yloc=ypos
+ \!xloc=\!xpos
+ \!yloc=\!ypos}
+\def\!hsetshadelocation{% ** hmode: xloc=ypos, yloc=xpos
+ \!xloc=\!ypos
+ \!yloc=\!xpos}
+% **************************************
+% *** TICKS (Draws ticks on graphs) ***
+% **************************************
+% ** User commands
+% ** \ticksout
+% ** \ticksin
+% ** \gridlines
+% ** \nogridlines
+% ** \loggedticks
+% ** \unloggesticks
+% ** See Subsection 3.4 of the manual
+% ** The following is an option of the \axis command
+% ** ticks
+% ** [in] [out]
+% ** [long] [short] [length <LENGTH>]
+% ** [width <WIDTH>]
+% ** [andacross] [butnotacross]
+% ** [logged] [unlogged]
+% ** [unlabeled] [numbered] [withvalues VALUE1 VALUE2 ... VALUEk / ]
+% ** [quantity Q] [at LOC1 LOC2 ... LOCk / ] [from LOC1 to LOC2 by
+% ** See Subsection 3.2 of the manual for the rules.
+% ** The various options of the tick field are processed by the
+% ** \!nextkeyword command defined below.
+% ** For example, `\!nextkeyword short ' expands to `\!ticksshort',
+% ** while `\!nextkeyword withvalues' expands to `\!tickswithvalues'.
+\def\!axisticks {%
+ \def\!nextkeyword##1 {%
+ \expandafter\ifx\csname !ticks##1\endcsname \relax
+ \def\!next{\!fixkeyword{##1}}%
+ \else
+ \def\!next{\csname !ticks##1\endcsname}%
+ \fi
+ \!next}%
+ \!axissetup
+ \def\!axissetup{\relax}%
+ \edef\!ticksinoutsign{\!ticksinoutSign}%
+ \!ticklength=\longticklength
+ \!tickwidth=\linethickness
+ \!gridlinestatus
+ \!setticktransform
+ \!maketick
+ \!tickcase=0
+ \def\!LTlist{}%
+ \!nextkeyword}
+ \def\!ticksinoutSign{+}}
+ \def\!ticksinoutSign{-}}
+ \def\!gridlinestatus{\!gridlinestootrue}}
+ \def\!gridlinestatus{\!gridlinestoofalse}}
+ \def\!setticktransform{\let\!ticktransform=\!logten}}
+ \def\!setticktransform{\let\!ticktransform=\!donothing}}
+% ** \!ticks/ : terminates read of tick options
+\expandafter\def\csname !ticks/\endcsname{%
+ \!not {\ifx \!LTlist\empty}
+ \!placetickvalues
+ \fi
+ \def\!tickvalueslist{}%
+ \def\!LTlist{}%
+ \expandafter\csname !axis/\endcsname}
+ \setbox\!boxA=\hbox{%
+ \beginpicture
+ \!setdimenmode
+ \setcoordinatesystem point at {\!zpt} {\!zpt}
+ \linethickness=\!tickwidth
+ \ifdim\!ticklength>\!zpt
+ \putrule from {\!zpt} {\!zpt} to
+ {\!ticksinoutsign\!tickxsign\!ticklength}
+ {\!ticksinoutsign\!tickysign\!ticklength}
+ \fi
+ \if!gridlinestoo
+ \putrule from {\!zpt} {\!zpt} to
+ {-\!tickxsign\!xaxislength} {-\!tickysign\!yaxislength}
+ \fi
+ \endpicturesave <\!Xsave,\!Ysave>}%
+ \wd\!boxA=\!zpt}
+ \def\!ticksinoutsign{-}%
+ \!maketick
+ \!nextkeyword}
+ \def\!ticksinoutsign{+}%
+ \!maketick
+ \!nextkeyword}
+\def\!tickslength<#1> {%
+ \!ticklength=#1\relax
+ \!maketick
+ \!nextkeyword}
+ \!tickslength<\longticklength> }
+ \!tickslength<\shortticklength> }
+\def\!tickswidth<#1> {%
+ \!tickwidth=#1\relax
+ \!maketick
+ \!nextkeyword}
+ \!gridlinestootrue
+ \!maketick
+ \!nextkeyword}
+ \!gridlinestoofalse
+ \!maketick
+ \!nextkeyword}
+ \let\!ticktransform=\!logten
+ \!nextkeyword}
+ \let\!ticktransform=\!donothing
+ \!nextkeyword}
+ \!tickcase=0
+ \!nextkeyword}
+ \!tickcase=1
+ \!nextkeyword}
+\def\!tickswithvalues#1/ {%
+ \edef\!tickvalueslist{#1! /}%
+ \!tickcase=2
+ \!nextkeyword}
+\def\!ticksquantity#1 {%
+ \ifnum #1>1
+ \!updatetickoffset
+ \!countA=#1\relax
+ \advance \!countA -1
+ \!ticklocationincr=\!axisLength
+ \divide \!ticklocationincr \!countA
+ \!ticklocation=\!axisstart
+ \loop \!not{\ifdim \!ticklocation>\!axisend}
+ \!placetick\!ticklocation
+ \ifcase\!tickcase
+ \relax % Case 0: no labels
+ \or
+ \relax % Case 1: numbered -- not available here
+ \or
+ \expandafter\!gettickvaluefrom\!tickvalueslist
+ \edef\!tickfield{{\the\!ticklocation}{\!value}}%
+ \expandafter\!listaddon\expandafter{\!tickfield}\!LTlist%
+ \fi
+ \advance \!ticklocation \!ticklocationincr
+ \repeat
+ \fi
+ \!nextkeyword}
+\def\!ticksat#1 {%
+ \!updatetickoffset
+ \edef\!Loc{#1}%
+ \if /\!Loc
+ \def\next{\!nextkeyword}%
+ \else
+ \!ticksincommon
+ \def\next{\!ticksat}%
+ \fi
+ \next}
+\def\!ticksfrom#1 to #2 by #3 {%
+ \!updatetickoffset
+ \edef\!arg{#3}%
+ \expandafter\!separate\!arg\!nil
+ \!scalefactor=1
+ \expandafter\!countfigures\!arg/
+ \edef\!arg{#1}%
+ \!scaleup\!arg by\!scalefactor to\!countE
+ \edef\!arg{#2}%
+ \!scaleup\!arg by\!scalefactor to\!countF
+ \edef\!arg{#3}%
+ \!scaleup\!arg by\!scalefactor to\!countG
+ \loop \!not{\ifnum\!countE>\!countF}
+ \ifnum\!scalefactor=1
+ \edef\!Loc{\the\!countE}%
+ \else
+ \!scaledown\!countE by\!scalefactor to\!Loc
+ \fi
+ \!ticksincommon
+ \advance \!countE \!countG
+ \repeat
+ \!nextkeyword}
+ \!dimenA=\!ticksinoutsign\!ticklength
+ \ifdim \!dimenA>\!offset
+ \!offset=\!dimenA
+ \fi}
+ \if!xswitch
+ \!xpos=#1\relax
+ \!ypos=\!axisylevel
+ \else
+ \!xpos=\!axisxlevel
+ \!ypos=#1\relax
+ \fi
+ \advance\!xpos \!Xsave
+ \advance\!ypos \!Ysave
+ \kern\!xpos\raise\!ypos\copy\!boxA\kern-\!xpos
+ \ignorespaces}
+\def\!gettickvaluefrom#1 #2 /{%
+ \edef\!value{#1}%
+ \edef\!tickvalueslist{#2 /}%
+ \ifx \!tickvalueslist\!endtickvaluelist
+ \!tickcase=0
+ \fi}
+\def\!endtickvaluelist{! /}
+ \!ticktransform\!Loc\!t
+ \!ticklocation=\!t\!!unit
+ \advance\!ticklocation -\!!origin
+ \!placetick\!ticklocation
+ \ifcase\!tickcase
+ \relax % Case 0: no labels
+ \or % Case 1: numbered
+ \ifdim\!ticklocation<-\!!origin
+ \edef\!Loc{$\!Loc$}%
+ \fi
+ \edef\!tickfield{{\the\!ticklocation}{\!Loc}}%
+ \expandafter\!listaddon\expandafter{\!tickfield}\!LTlist%
+ \or % Case 2: labeled
+ \expandafter\!gettickvaluefrom\!tickvalueslist
+ \edef\!tickfield{{\the\!ticklocation}{\!value}}%
+ \expandafter\!listaddon\expandafter{\!tickfield}\!LTlist%
+ \fi}
+ \!ifnextchar{-}{\!!separate}{\!!!separate}#1\!nil}
+ \def\!sign{-}%
+ \!!!!separate#1..\!nil}
+ \def\!sign{+}%
+ \!!!!separate#1..\!nil}
+ \def\!arg{#1}%
+ \ifx\!arg\!empty
+ \!countA=0
+ \else
+ \!countA=\!arg
+ \fi
+ \def\!arg{#2}%
+ \ifx\!arg\!empty
+ \!countB=0
+ \else
+ \!countB=\!arg
+ \fi}
+ \if #1/%
+ \def\!next{\ignorespaces}%
+ \else
+ \multiply\!scalefactor 10
+ \def\!next{\!countfigures}%
+ \fi
+ \!next}
+ \expandafter\!separate#1\!nil
+ \multiply\!countA #2\relax
+ \advance\!countA \!countB
+ \if -\!sign
+ \!countA=-\!countA
+ \fi
+ #3=\!countA
+ \ignorespaces}
+ \!countA=#1\relax% ** get original #
+ \ifnum \!countA<0 % ** take abs value,
+ \def\!sign{-}% ** remember sign
+ \!countA=-\!countA
+ \else
+ \def\!sign{}%
+ \fi
+ \!countB=\!countA% ** copy |#|
+ \divide\!countB #2\relax% ** integer part (|#|/sf)
+ \!countC=\!countB% ** get sf * (|#|/sf)
+ \multiply\!countC #2\relax
+ \advance \!countA -\!countC% ** ctA is now remainder
+ \edef#3{\!sign\the\!countB.}% ** +- integerpart.
+ \!countC=\!countA % ** Tack on proper number
+ \ifnum\!countC=0 % ** of zeros after .
+ \!countC=1
+ \fi
+ \multiply\!countC 10
+ \!loop \ifnum #2>\!countC
+ \edef#3{#3\!zero}%
+ \multiply\!countC 10
+ \repeat
+ \edef#3{#3\the\!countA}% ** Add on rest of remainder
+ \ignorespaces}
+ \advance\!offset \tickstovaluesleading
+ \if!xswitch
+ \setbox\!boxA=\hbox{%
+ \def\\##1##2{%
+ \!dimenput {##2} [B] (##1,\!axisylevel)}%
+ \beginpicture
+ \!LTlist
+ \endpicturesave <\!Xsave,\!Ysave>}%
+ \!dimenA=\!axisylevel
+ \advance\!dimenA -\!Ysave
+ \advance\!dimenA \!tickysign\!offset
+ \if -\!tickysign
+ \advance\!dimenA -\ht\!boxA
+ \else
+ \advance\!dimenA \dp\!boxA
+ \fi
+ \advance\!offset \ht\!boxA
+ \advance\!offset \dp\!boxA
+ \!dimenput {\box\!boxA} [Bl] <\!Xsave,\!Ysave> (\!zpt,\!dimenA)
+ \else
+ \setbox\!boxA=\hbox{%
+ \def\\##1##2{%
+ \!dimenput {##2} [r] (\!axisxlevel,##1)}%
+ \beginpicture
+ \!LTlist
+ \endpicturesave <\!Xsave,\!Ysave>}%
+ \!dimenA=\!axisxlevel
+ \advance\!dimenA -\!Xsave
+ \advance\!dimenA \!tickxsign\!offset
+ \if -\!tickxsign
+ \advance\!dimenA -\wd\!boxA
+ \fi
+ \advance\!offset \wd\!boxA
+ \!dimenput {\box\!boxA} [Bl] <\!Xsave,\!Ysave> (\!dimenA,\!zpt)
+ \fi}
+% \catcode`!=12 % ***** THIS MUST NEVER BE OMITTED
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/thrd-ran.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/thrd-ran.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..276a4f624
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/thrd-ran.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+% Since we cannot be sure that this file is available at any
+% system, we have copied the original in this file. These
+% macros are encapsulates and extended in supp-ran.tex.
+% This module is slightly recoded to bring it more in tune
+% with \CONTEXT's scratch registers and protection mechanisms.
+% RANDOM.TEX v.1 (Donald Arseneau)
+% Generating "random" numbers in TeX.
+% Random integers are generated in the range 1 to 2147483646 by the
+% macro \nextrandom. The result is returned in the counter \randomi.
+% Do not change \randomi except, perhaps, to initialize it at some
+% random value. If you do not initialize it, it will be initialized
+% using the time and date. (This is a sparse initialization, giving
+% fewer than a million different starting values, but you should use
+% other sources of numbers if they are available--just remember that
+% most of the numbers available to TeX are not at all random.)
+% The \nextrandom command is not very useful by itself, unless you
+% have exactly 2147483646 things to choose from. Much more useful
+% is the \setrannum command which sets a given counter to a random
+% value within a specified range. There are three parameters:
+% \setrannum {<counter>} {<minimum>} {<maximum>}. For example, to
+% simulate a die-roll: \setrannum{\die}{1}{6} \ifcase\die... .
+% If you need random numbers that are not integers, you will have to
+% use dimen registers and \setrandimen. For example, to set a random
+% page width: \setrandimen \hsize{3in}{6.5in}. The "\pointless" macro
+% will remove the "pt" that TeX gives so you can use the dimensions
+% as pure `real' numbers. In that case, specify the range in pt units.
+% For example,
+% \setrandimen\answer{2.71828pt}{3.14159pt}
+% The answer is \pointless\answer.
+% The random number generator is the one by Lewis, Goodman, and Miller
+% (1969) and used as "ran0" in "Numerical Recipies" using Schrage's
+% method for avoiding overflows. The multiplier is 16807 (7^5), the
+% added constant is 0, and the modulus is 2147483647 (2^{31}-1). The
+% range of integers generated is 1 - 2147483646. A smaller range would
+% reduce the complexity of the macros a bit, but not much--most of the
+% code deals with initialization and type-conversion. On the other hand,
+% the large range may be wasted due to the sparse seed initialization.
+% original code
+% \newcount\randomi % the random number seed (while executing)
+% \global\randomi\catcode`\@ % scratch variable during definitions
+% \catcode`\@=11
+% \def\nextrandom{\begingroup
+% \ifnum\randomi<\plusone % then initialize with time
+% \global\randomi\time
+% \global\multiply\randomi388 \global\advance\randomi\year
+% \global\multiply\randomi31 \global\advance\randomi\day
+% \global\multiply\randomi97 \global\advance\randomi\month
+% \message{Randomizer initialized to \the\randomi.}%
+% \nextrandom \nextrandom \nextrandom
+% \fi
+% \count@ii\randomi
+% \divide\count@ii 127773 % modulus = multiplier * 127773 + 2836
+% \count@\count@ii
+% \multiply\count@ii 127773
+% \global\advance\randomi-\count@ii % random mod 127773
+% \global\multiply\randomi 16807
+% \multiply\count@ 2836
+% \global\advance\randomi-\count@
+% \ifnum\randomi<\z@ \global\advance\randomi 2147483647\relax\fi
+% \endgroup
+% }
+% \countdef\count@ii=2 % use only in boxes!
+% \ifx\@tempcnta\undefined \csname newcount\endcsname \@tempcnta \fi
+% \ifx\@tempcntb\undefined \csname newcount\endcsname \@tempcntb \fi
+% \def\setrannum#1#2#3{% count register, minimum, maximum
+% \@tempcnta#3\advance\@tempcnta-#2\advance\@tempcnta\@ne
+% \@tempcntb 2147483645 % = m - 2 = 2^{31} - 3
+% \divide\@tempcntb\@tempcnta
+% \getr@nval
+% \advance\ranval#2\relax
+% #1\ranval
+% }
+% \def\setrandim#1#2#3{% dimen register, minimum length, maximum length
+% \dimen@#2\dimen@ii#3\relax
+% \setrannum\ranval\dimen@\dimen@ii
+% #1\ranval sp\relax
+% }
+% \def\getr@nval{% The values in \@tempcnta and \@tempcntb are parameters
+% \nextrandom
+% \ranval\randomi \advance\ranval\m@ne \divide\ranval\@tempcntb
+% \ifnum\ranval<\@tempcnta\else \expandafter\getr@nval \fi
+% }
+% %D The next macro is not needed in \CONTEXT, which provides
+% %D the \type {\withoutpt} macro.
+% %D
+% %D \starttyping
+% %D \def\pointless{\expandafter\PoinTless\the}
+% %D {\catcode`p=12 \catcode`t=12 \gdef\PoinTless#1pt{#1}}
+% %D \stoptyping
+% \catcode`\@=\randomi
+% \global\randomi=0
+% \newcount\ranval
+% the recoded version, using \CONTEXT\ methods and variables;
+% the magic is kept untouched
+\newcount\randomi % the random number seed (while executing)
+\ifx\m!systems\undefined \def\m!systems{systems} \fi
+ {\begingroup
+ \ifnum\randomi<\plusone % then initialize with time
+ \global\randomi\time
+ \global\multiply\randomi388 \global\advance\randomi\year
+ \global\multiply\randomi 31 \global\advance\randomi\day
+ \global\multiply\randomi 97 \global\advance\randomi\month
+ \writestatus\m!systems{randomizer starts with \the\randomi}%
+ \nextrandom \nextrandom \nextrandom
+ \fi
+ \!!countd\randomi
+ \divide\!!countd 127773 % modulus = multiplier * 127773 + 2836
+ \!!countc\!!countd
+ \multiply\!!countd 127773
+ \global\advance\randomi-\!!countd % random mod 127773
+ \global\multiply\randomi 16807
+ \multiply\!!countc 2836
+ \global\advance\randomi-\!!countc\relax
+ \ifnum\randomi<\zerocount
+ \global\advance\randomi 2147483647
+ \fi
+ \endgroup}
+\def\setrannum#1#2#3% count register, minimum, maximum
+ {\!!counta#3%
+ \advance\!!counta-#2%
+ \advance\!!counta\plusone
+ \!!countb 2147483645 % = m - 2 = 2^{31} - 3
+ \divide\!!countb\!!counta
+ \getr@nval
+ \advance\ranval#2%
+ #1\ranval}
+\def\setrandim#1#2#3% dimen register, minimum length, maximum length
+ {\!!dimenc#2%
+ \!!dimend#3%
+ \setrannum\ranval\!!dimenc\!!dimend
+ #1\ranval\s!sp\relax} % \s!sp not needed
+\def\getr@nval % The values in \!!counta and \!!countb are parameters
+ {\nextrandom
+ \ranval\randomi
+ \advance\ranval\minusone
+ \divide\ranval\!!countb
+ \ifnum\ranval<\!!counta \else
+ \expandafter\getr@nval
+ \fi}
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/thrd-tab.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/thrd-tab.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dd3838ce2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/thrd-tab.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,2006 @@
+% Since this file is not available in every distribution, we
+% have copied the original in this file. The manuals to
+% Wichura's PiCTeX and TaBlE packages are not available on
+% line and are distributed by respectively the TeX Users Group
+% and Personal TeX Inc. Many macros of TaBlE are overloaded
+% and/or extended in core-tab.tex. The extensions concern
+% splitting over pages, color and consistent spacing.
+% We've patched this file for catcode ! because in luatex we use
+% catcode tables and using unprotect/protect is cleaner. Late
+% 2007 we also decided no longer to treat quotes and bars the
+% TaBLe way and instead of messy pushing and popping of catcodes
+% we commented a couple of lines here. We just assume that the
+% template has no active bar and quote. Inside tables we now
+% have the regular meaning of active bars in ConTeXt. More
+% drastic extensions and patched can be found in core-tab.tex.
+% TABLE 1.0
+% Copyright Michael J. Wichura August 1988 (patched by Hans Hagen)
+% The TABLE macros are divided into sections, roughly according to
+% function:
+% Section Name Function
+% a Allocation Allocates storage registers for parameters.
+% f Format Reads format section; builds preamble for \halign;
+% processes \ReFormat command.
+% g Get Value Converts "spec"'s (as in spec_{LT}) to
+% corresponding "values"'s (as in value_{LT}).
+% h Hacks Utility macros; error messages; miscellaneous commands.
+% k Keys Definition and scanning of format keys.
+% n Numeric Macros for TABLE's numeric format.
+% s Struts Macros for struts.
+% t Tables Sets up \halign for table; end-of-row processing;
+% alternate vertical rules; spanning; horizontal
+% lines; stretching and shrinking; repositioning
+% commands.
+% The name of each internal macro begins with the prefix "\!t", the
+% "!" having category code 11, followed by the letter of the section
+% in which the macro is defined. For example, a macro beginning "\!th"
+% is defined in Section h (Hacks). There a few exceptions:
+% the general purpose macros "\!ttemp", "\!ttempa", "\!ttempb", and
+% "\!tnext" are repeatedly defined on the spot as the need arises.
+% External macros (and active characters) are defined in the following
+% sections:
+% Macro Section
+% " t
+% \- t
+% \= t
+% \ActivateBarAndQuote h
+% \AugmentedTableStrut s
+% \BackSpace h
+% \BeginFormat f
+% \BeginTable t
+% \BeginTableParBox a
+% \Center t
+% \ColumnWidthFactor a
+% \ColumnWidthUnit a
+% \DQuote h
+% \EndFormat k (\EndFormat is actually a key)
+% \EndTable t
+% \EndTableParBox a
+% \Enlarge s
+% \enlarge s
+% \EveryTable a
+% \EveryTableParBox a
+% \Expand t
+% \InterColumnSpaceFactor a
+% \InterColumnSpaceUnit a
+% \JustCenter t
+% \JustLeft t
+% \JustRight t
+% \KernFactor a
+% \KernUnit a
+% \Left t
+% \LeftTabskip a
+% \LineThicknessFactor a
+% \LineThicknessUnit a
+% \LongLines t
+% \Lower h
+% \MakeStrut s
+% \NewFormatKey k
+% \NormalCWU a
+% \NormalICSU a
+% \NormalKU a
+% \NormalLTU a
+% \NormalSU a
+% \NormalTableUnits a
+% \OpenUp s
+% \PseudoVrule t
+% \Raise h
+% \ReadFormatKeys k
+% \ReFormat f
+% \Right t
+% \RightTabskip a
+% \SetTableToWidth t
+% \Smash h
+% \StandardTableStrut s
+% \StrutDepthFactor a
+% \StrutHeightFactor a
+% \StrutUnit a
+% \TaBlE h
+% \TracingFormats a
+% \TracingKeys a
+% \Use t
+% \use t
+% \VBar h
+% \Vspace h
+% \VspaceFactor a
+% \WidenTableBy t
+% \\ t
+% \_ t
+% \| t
+% | t
+% ~ t
+% \catcode `\!=11
+% \catcode `\@=11
+\newif\ifh@ % normally in plain tex
+\newif\ifv@ % normally in plain tex
+% Don't try to read the TABLE macros until after you've read the
+% TABLE manual. The internal documentation of the macros is
+% sketchy; you need the manual to understand what's going on.
+% You should also review the material on \halign s in the TeXbook,
+% since TABLE uses an \halign to perform its alignments.
+% In studying the TABLE macros, you should start by skimming the
+% macros in the "miscellaneous hacks", "error messages", and "loops"
+% subsections of Section h, as well as the "\GetValue" macro in
+% Section g; these macros are called many times by the other macros.
+% To continue with a "bottom-up" approach, read next Sections k,
+% f, and t. (Top-downers should reverse the order.) The other
+% Sections can be looked at as the need arises.
+% *********************************************************************
+% *********************************************************************
+\let\!tacr=\\ % Save meaning of \\ (Needed if TABLE is used with LaTeX
+% *********************************************************************
+% *********************************************************************
+\newskip \InterColumnSpaceUnit
+\let\!taLTU=\LineThicknessUnit % Used in preamble
+\let\!taCWU=\ColumnWidthUnit % Used in preamble
+\let\!taKU =\KernUnit % Used in preamble
+% NOTE: The user should modify the following DEFAULTS to suit his/her
+% taste, and output device:
+\NormalTLTU={1in \divide \LineThicknessUnit by 300 }
+\NormalTSU ={\normalbaselineskip
+ \divide \StrutUnit by 11 } % 11 = 8+3 = NormalT Height+Depth Factors
+\NormalTICSU={.5em plus 1fil minus .25em} % .5em = width of a digit
+\NormalTCWU ={.5em}
+\NormalTKU ={.5em}
+ \LineThicknessUnit =\the\NormalTLTU
+ \StrutUnit =\the\NormalTSU
+ \InterColumnSpaceUnit=\the\NormalTICSU
+ \ColumnWidthUnit =\the\NormalTCWU
+ \KernUnit =\the\NormalTKU}
+% The user should issue \NormalTableUnits when setting a table
+% in a different point size, since the Table...Units themselves
+% are static while the Normal...Units vary with the point size.
+% *********************************************************************
+% *********************************************************************
+\LineThicknessFactor =2
+\StrutHeightFactor =8
+\StrutDepthFactor =3
+\InterColumnSpaceFactor =3
+\ColumnWidthFactor =10
+\KernFactor =1
+\VspaceFactor =2
+% *********************************************************************
+% *********************************************************************
+\newcount\TracingKeys % >=1 reports new keys, >=2 reports key usage
+\newcount\TracingFormats % >=1 reports templates for columns
+ % >=2 reports \halign preamble
+% *********************************************************************
+% *********************************************************************
+ \vtop\bgroup
+ \hsize=#1
+ \normalbaselines
+ \let~=\!ttTie
+ \let\-=\!ttDH
+ \the\EveryTableParBox}
+ \MakeStrut{0pt}{\StrutDepthFactor\StrutUnit}
+ \egroup} % finishes the \vtop begun by \BeginTableParbox
+ \parindent=0pt
+ \raggedright
+ \rightskip=0pt plus 4em % Provide more stretch
+ \relax}
+% *********************************************************************
+% *********************************************************************
+% *********************************************************************
+% Extreme left- and right- tabskips
+% *********************************************************************
+% *********************************************************************
+% *********************************************************************
+\newcount\!taRecursionLevel % (Initially 0)
+\newdimen\!taDimenA % used by \Enlarge
+\newdimen\!taDimenB % used by \Enlarge
+\newdimen\!taDimenC % used by numeric.tex
+% *********************************************************************
+% *********************************************************************
+% ****************************************************************
+% ****************************************************************
+ T\kern-.27em\lower.5ex\hbox{A}\kern-.18em B\kern-.1em
+ \lower.5ex\hbox{L}\kern-.075em E}
+% ****************************************************************
+% ****************************************************************
+% ACTIVATE BAR AND QUOTE: Makes | and " active if they aren't
+% already active (in which case the user will probably have given
+% them special meanings); definitions are provided which effectively
+% undoes the activeness outside a Table.
+{\catcode`\|=13 \catcode`\"=13
+ \gdef\ActivateBarAndQuote{%
+ \ifnum \catcode`\|=13
+ \else
+ \catcode`\|=13
+ \def|{%
+ \ifmmode
+ \vert
+ \else
+ \char`\|
+ \fi}%
+ \fi
+ \ifnum \catcode`\"=13
+ \else
+ \catcode`\"=13
+ \def"{\char`\"}%
+ \fi}}
+% ****************************************************************
+% Macros for | and " having category code 12.
+% ****************************************************************
+{\catcode `\|=12 \catcode `\"=12
+% ****************************************************************
+% ****************************************************************
+% MESSAGE <Message>: Writes out <Message> to terminal and log file.
+% X: Abbreviation for expandafter
+% GOBBLE: Eats next token
+\def\\{\let\!thSpaceToken= }\\
+% TOKSEDEF <token register>=<replacement text>: Places <replacement
+% text>, fully expanded a la \edef, in the specified <token register>.
+ \edef\!ttemp{#2}%
+ #1\!thx{\!ttemp}%
+ \ignorespaces}
+% ****************************************************************
+% ****************************************************************
+% STORE ERROR MSG <Control Sequence> <Message>
+% Replacement text of <Control Sequence> is a macro with Message
+% as its name. E.g., after \StoreErrorMsg\Help{Type <CR>},
+% \Help expands to "\Type <CR>"
+ \toks0 =\!thx{\csname #2\endcsname}%
+ \edef#1{\the\toks0 }}
+% READ ERROR MSG <Control sequence>
+% Continuing the above example, \ReadErrorMsg\Help produces "Type <CR>"
+ \!thx\!thx\!thx\!thGobble\!thx\string #1}
+% ERROR <Error Message> <Error Help>
+ \begingroup
+ \newlinechar=`\^^J%
+ \edef\!ttemp{#2}%
+ \errhelp=\!thx{\!ttemp}%
+ \!thMessage{%
+ ^^J\!thReadErrorMsg\!thErrorMsgA
+ ^^J\!thReadErrorMsg\!thErrorMsgB}%
+ \errmessage{#1}%
+ \endgroup}
+ TABLE error; see manual for explanation.}
+ Type \space H <return> \space for immediate help.}
+% GET REPLACEMENT <Prompt Message> <Replacement Value>
+% <Replacement Vale> must be a control sequence
+ \begingroup
+ \!thMessage{#1}
+ \endlinechar=-1
+ \global\read16 to#2%
+ \endgroup}
+% ****************************************************************
+% ****************************************************************
+% LOOP ... REPEAT macro from TUGboat Vol 8 #2: 1987
+% Syntax is like that of plain TeX's \loop ... \repeat macro
+ \def\!thIterate{%
+ #1%
+ \!thx \!thIterate
+ \fi}%
+ \!thIterate
+ \let\!thIterate\relax}
+% ***************************************************************
+% ***************************************************************
+% SMASH: Like TeX's \smash, only the argument
+% is centered vertically before its height and depth are smashed to 0pt.
+ \relax
+ \ifmmode
+ \expandafter\mathpalette
+ \expandafter\!thDoMathVCS
+ \else
+ \expandafter\!thDoVCS
+ \fi}
+ \setbox\zerocount\hbox{#1}%
+ \!thFinishVCS}
+ \setbox\zerocount\hbox{$\mathsurround\zeropoint#1{#2}$}%
+ \!thFinishVCS}
+ \vbox to\zeropoint{\vss\box\zerocount\vss}}
+% ***************************************************************
+% ***************************************************************
+% Like TeX's \raise and \lower, except: (1) The first argument
+% to these commands is a dimension expressed in TABLE's usual conventions;
+% the default is (StrutHeightFactor+StrutDepthFactor)*StrutUnit/2
+% (2) like \smash, these commands function in math mode as well
+% as horizontal mode; (3) again like \smash, the result is declared
+% to have height and depth 0pt
+% Examples \Raise2{Stuff}: "Stuff" is raised 2*StrutUnit
+% \Raise {Stuff}: "Stuff" is raised a half-line
+% $\Lower(10pt){\alpha}$: "$\alpha$" is lowered 10 points
+ \def\!thSign{+}%
+ \!tgGetValue\!thSetDimen}
+ \def\!thSign{-}%
+ \!tgGetValue\!thSetDimen}
+ \ifnum \!tgCode=1
+ \ifx \!tgValue\empty
+ \!taDimenA \StrutHeightFactor\StrutUnit
+ \advance \!taDimenA \StrutDepthFactor\StrutUnit
+ \divide \!taDimenA 2
+ \else
+ \!taDimenA \!tgValue\StrutUnit
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \!taDimenA \!tgValue
+ \fi
+ \!taDimenA=\!thSign\!taDimenA\relax
+ %
+ \ifmmode
+ \expandafter\mathpalette
+ \expandafter\!thDoMathRaise
+ \else
+ \expandafter\!thDoSimpleRaise
+ \fi}
+ \setbox\zerocount\hbox{\raise \!taDimenA\hbox{#1}}%
+ \!thFinishRaise} % From Plain TeX: \ht0=0pt \dp0=0pt \box0
+ \setbox\zerocount\hbox{\raise \!taDimenA\hbox{$\mathsurround\zeropoint#1{#2}$}}%
+ \!thFinishRaise}
+% FINISH RAISE. This is the same as Plain's \finsm@sh; some macro
+% packages redefine \finsm@sh.
+ \ht\zerocount\zeropoint
+ \dp\zerocount\zeropoint
+ \box\zerocount}
+% ***************************************************************
+% ***************************************************************
+ \!tgGetValue\!thKernBack}
+ \kern -
+ \ifnum \!tgCode=1
+ \ifx \!tgValue\empty
+ \the\KernFactor
+ \else
+ \!tgValue % user-specified integer
+ \fi
+ \KernUnit
+ \else
+ \!tgValue % user-specified dimension
+ \fi
+ \ignorespaces}%
+% ***************************************************************
+% Vspace
+% ***************************************************************
+ \noalign
+ \bgroup
+ \!tgGetValue\!thVspace}
+ \vskip
+ \ifnum \!tgCode=1
+ \ifx \!tgValue\empty
+ \the\VspaceFactor
+ \else
+ \!tgValue % user-specified integer
+ \fi
+ \StrutUnit
+ \else
+ \!tgValue % user-specified skip
+ \fi
+ \egroup} % Ends the \noalign
+% *********************************************************************
+% *********************************************************************
+% As explained in Section 3.3 of the manual, TABLE alternates each
+% of the user's "data" columns with a "rule" column; moreover, TABLE
+% places a "dummy data" column at the left and right of a table.
+% A table with n nominal data columns therefore actually has a
+% total of
+% n (nominal data columns)
+% +(n+1) (rule columns)
+% + 2 (dummy data columns)
+% ____
+% 2n+3
+% columns.
+% FORMATs job is to create an \halign preamble for the alignment
+% of these (2n+3) columns. The preamble consists of templates
+% for the various columns, strung together with &'s and interlaced
+% with \tabskip glue specifications.
+% FORMAT constructs the template for a nomimal data column according
+% to the user-specified format keys. As the keys are read from left
+% to right, the template is built up "from the inside out" (as
+% illustrated in Section 3.1.9 of the manual), the inner-most part
+% being the "#" sign. A "|" in the format terminates template
+% building; the completed template is adjoined to preamble along
+% with the template for the following rule column.
+% Minimum column widths, if specified, are implemented by creating
+% an "artificial row" with data entries of the form
+% \hskip <minimum column width>.
+% This row has zero height and depth and is completely invisible.
+ %catcode`\|=12 % Inhibit expansion if | immediately follows a <number>
+ %catcode`\"=12 % read by \getvalue.
+ \!taPreamble={}%
+ \!taColumnNumber=0
+ \skip0 =\InterColumnSpaceUnit
+ \multiply\skip0 \InterColumnSpaceFactor
+ \divide\skip0 2
+ \!taRuleColumnTemplate=\!thx{%
+ \!thx\tabskip\the\skip0 }%
+ \!taLastRegularTabskip=\skip0
+ \!taOnceOnlyTabskipfalse
+ \!taBeginFormattrue % Used to intercept key "]"
+ \def\!tfRowOfWidths{}% Artificial Table Row with horizontal struts
+ % to enforce specified minimum column widths
+ \ReadFormatKeys}
+% SET (MINIMUM COLUMN) WIDTH: Invoked by the key "w".
+ \ifx \!tfRowOfWidths \empty % true if no prior "w" keys
+ \ifnum \!taColumnNumber>0 % true if "w" key is to right of first "|"
+ \begingroup % RowOfWidths={&\omit || n copies of
+ % &\omit&\omit}, where n = number of columns
+ \!taCountA=1 % to the left of this one
+ \aftergroup \edef \aftergroup \!tfRowOfWidths \aftergroup {%
+ \aftergroup &\aftergroup \omit
+ \!thLoop
+ \ifnum \!taCountA<\!taColumnNumber
+ \advance\!taCountA 1
+ \aftergroup \!tfAOAO
+ \repeat
+ \aftergroup }%
+ \endgroup
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \ifx [\!ttemp % \!tgGetValue sets \!ttemp = token after w
+ \!thx\!tfSetWidthText
+ \else
+ \!thx\!tfSetWidthValue
+ \fi}
+% AOAO = (Apersand Omit Ampersand Omit)
+ &\omit&\omit}
+\def\!tfSetWidthText [#1]{% #1 = specified text
+ \def\!tfWidthText{#1}%
+ \ReadFormatKeys}
+ \!taMinimumColumnWidth =
+ \ifnum \!tgCode=1
+ \ifx\!tgValue\empty % Use default multiplier if user didn't specify one
+ \ColumnWidthFactor
+ \else
+ \!tgValue
+ \fi
+ \ColumnWidthUnit
+ \else
+ \!tgValue
+ \fi
+ \def\!tfWidthText{}% Override possible prior `w[sample entry]'
+ \ReadFormatKeys}
+% SET TABSKIP: Invoked by the tabskip keys "t" and "o"
+ \ifnum \!tgCode=1
+ \skip0 =\InterColumnSpaceUnit
+ \multiply\skip0
+ \ifx \!tgValue\empty
+ \InterColumnSpaceFactor % Default integer
+ \else
+ \!tgValue % User-specified integer
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \skip0 =\!tgValue % User-specified <skip>
+ \fi
+ \divide\skip0 by 2
+ \ifnum\!taColumnNumber=0
+ \!thToksEdef\!taRuleColumnTemplate={%
+ \the\!taRuleColumnTemplate
+ \tabskip \the\skip0 }
+ \else
+ \!thToksEdef\!taDataColumnTemplate={%
+ \the\!taDataColumnTemplate
+ \tabskip \the\skip0 }
+ \fi
+ \if!taOnceOnlyTabskip
+ % % Tabskip used at right of this col only
+ \else
+ \!taLastRegularTabskip=\skip0 % Remember this Tabskip, for possible
+ \fi % restoration after a subsequent"OnceOnly"
+ \ReadFormatKeys}
+% SET VRULE: Invoked by the key "|"
+ \!thToksEdef\!taRuleColumnTemplate={%
+ \noexpand\hfil
+ \noexpand\vrule
+ \noexpand\!thWidth
+ \ifnum \!tgCode=1
+ \ifx \!tgValue\empty
+ \the\LineThicknessFactor % Default integer
+ \else
+ \!tgValue % User-specified integer
+ \fi
+ \!taLTU % \LineThicknessUnit
+ \else
+ \!tgValue % User-specified dimension
+ \fi
+ ####%
+ \noexpand\hfil
+ \the\!taRuleColumnTemplate} % has \tabskips, when column number=0
+ \!tfAdjoinPriorColumn}
+% SET ALTERNATE VRULE: Invoked by the key "\|", in the form
+% \|{<template for (rule) column>}. The "{" and "}" are mandatory,
+% and the <template for column> must contain a "#". The key system
+% CAN'T be used to set up this template. The <template> can have the
+% form "\span\macro".
+ \afterassignment\!tfSetAlternateA
+ \toks0 =} % Put template into \toks0
+ \!thToksEdef\!taRuleColumnTemplate={%
+ \the\toks0 \the\!taRuleColumnTemplate} % RCT may have \tabskips
+ \!tfAdjoinPriorColumn}
+ \ifnum \!taColumnNumber=0
+ \!taPreamble=\!taRuleColumnTemplate % New \tabskip may have been added
+ \ifnum \TracingFormats>0
+ \!tfShowRuleTemplate
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \ifx\!tfRowOfWidths\empty % no "w" keys specified yet, not even this col
+ \else
+ \!tfUpdateRowOfWidths
+ \fi
+ % Adjoin positioning glues to left and right of template
+ \!thToksEdef\!taDataColumnTemplate={%
+ \the \!taLeftGlue
+ \the \!taDataColumnTemplate
+ \the \!taRightGlue}
+ \ifnum \TracingFormats>0
+ \!tfShowTemplates
+ \fi
+ % Adjoin data- and rule-column templates to preamble
+ \!thToksEdef\!taPreamble={%
+ \the\!taPreamble
+ &
+ \the\!taDataColumnTemplate
+ &
+ \the\!taRuleColumnTemplate}
+ \fi
+ \advance \!taColumnNumber 1
+ % Initialize data-column template, restoring last "regular" tabskip
+ % after a "once only" tabskip
+ \if!taOnceOnlyTabskip
+ \!thToksEdef\!taDataColumnTemplate={%
+ ####\tabskip \the\!taLastRegularTabskip}
+ \else
+ \!taDataColumnTemplate{##}%
+ \fi
+ % Remaining initializations
+ \!taRuleColumnTemplate{}% # is inserted by \SetVrule, or \SetAlternateVrule
+ \!taLeftGlue{\hfil}% % Default positioning is "center"
+ \!taRightGlue{\hfil}%
+ \!taMinimumColumnWidth=0pt
+ \def\!tfWidthText{}%
+ \!taOnceOnlyTabskipfalse % Set true by key "o"
+ \ReadFormatKeys}
+ % If user had a "w[<Text>]" key, set <Text> according to the
+ % template for this column, and find the width of the result
+ \ifx \!tfWidthText\empty
+ \else % set specified text according to current template & find width
+ \!tfComputeMinColWidth
+ \fi
+ \edef\!tfRowOfWidths{%
+ \!tfRowOfWidths
+ &%
+ \omit % Data Column
+ \ifdim \!taMinimumColumnWidth>0pt
+ \hskip \the\!taMinimumColumnWidth
+ \fi
+ &
+ \omit}} % Rule Column
+% COMPUTE MINIMUM COLUMN WIDTH (from specified WidthText)
+ \setbox0 =\vbox{%
+ \ialign{% Plain's initialized \halign; \tabskip=0pt \everycr={}
+ \span\the\!taDataColumnTemplate\cr
+ \!tfWidthText\cr}}%
+ \!taMinimumColumnWidth=\wd0 }
+ \!thMessage{}
+ \!thMessage{TABLE FORMAT}
+ \!thMessage{Column: Template}
+ \!thMessage{%
+ \space *c: ##\tabskip \the\LeftTabskip}
+ \!taOldRuleColumnTemplate=\!taRuleColumnTemplate}
+ \!thMessage{%
+ \space \space r: \the\!taOldRuleColumnTemplate}
+ \!taOldRuleColumnTemplate=\!taRuleColumnTemplate
+ \!thMessage{%
+ \ifnum \!taColumnNumber<10
+ \space
+ \fi
+ \the\!taColumnNumber c: \the\!taDataColumnTemplate}
+ \ifdim\!taMinimumColumnWidth>0pt
+ \!thMessage{%
+ \space \space w: \the\!taMinimumColumnWidth}
+ \fi}
+% FINISH UP: Invoked by the keys "." and \EndFormat
+ \ifnum \TracingFormats>0
+ \!thMessage{%
+ \space \space r: \the\!taOldRuleColumnTemplate
+ \tabskip \the\RightTabskip}%
+ \!thMessage{%
+ \space *c: ##\tabskip 0pt}
+ \fi
+ \ifnum \!taColumnNumber<2
+ \!thError{%
+ \ifnum \!taColumnNumber=0
+ No
+ \else
+ Only 1
+ \fi
+ "|"}%
+ {\!thReadErrorMsg\!tfTooFewBarsA
+ ^^J\!thReadErrorMsg\!tfTooFewBarsB
+ ^^J\!thReadErrorMsg\!tkFixIt}%
+ \fi
+ \!thToksEdef\!taPreamble={%
+ ####\tabskip\LeftTabskip
+ &
+ \the\!taPreamble \tabskip\RightTabskip
+ &
+ ####\tabskip 0pt \cr}
+ \ifnum \TracingFormats>1
+ \!thMessage{Preamble=\the\!taPreamble}
+ \fi
+ \ifnum \TracingFormats>2
+ \!thMessage{Row Of Widths="\!tfRowOfWidths"}
+ \fi
+ \!taBeginFormatfalse % Intercepts "|", tabskips, and "."
+ %\catcode`\|=13
+ %\catcode`\"=13
+ \!ttDoHalign}
+ There must be at least 2 "\string|"'s (and/or "\string \|"'s)}
+ between \string\BeginFormat\space and \string\EndFormat\space (or ".").}
+% REFORMAT [<key letters>]{<text>}: Formats <text> according to
+% <key letters>. Used to override the template for a column,
+% or columns when used after \use.
+ \omit
+ \!taDataColumnTemplate{##}%
+ \!taLeftGlue{}%
+ \!taRightGlue{}%
+ %\catcode`\|=12 % Inhibit expansion if | immediately follows a <number>
+ %\catcode`\"=12 % read by \getvalue. Actually, '|' and '"' shouldn't
+ \begingroup
+ \@@useotherbar
+ \@@useotherquote
+ \expanded{\endgroup\noexpand\ReadFormatKeys#1]}}% appear in a \ReFormat cmd; this is here as a safeguard.
+% END REFORMAT: Invoked by the key "]"
+ \ifnum \TracingFormats>0
+ \!thMessage{ReF:
+ \the\!taLeftGlue
+ \hbox{\the\!taDataColumnTemplate}% White lie
+ \the\!taRightGlue}
+ \fi
+ %\catcode`\|=13
+ %\catcode`\"=13
+ \!tfReFormat}
+ \the \!taLeftGlue
+ \vbox{%
+ \ialign{%
+ \span\the\!taDataColumnTemplate\cr
+ #1\cr}}%
+ \the \!taRightGlue}
+% *********************************************************************
+% *********************************************************************
+% GET_VALUE{<return macro>}<tokens> functions as follows:
+% If <tokens> has the form <(stuff)>, then
+% code=2 and value=<stuff>
+% Otherwise <tokens> has the form <DDDXYZ> where <DDD> denotes (a possibly
+% empty) string of consecutive digits (0,1,2,...,9) terminated by the first
+% character <X> (possibly a blank) that is not a digit. In this case
+% code=1 and value=<DDD> (= <null>, if <DDD> is non-empty).
+% Examples: Code Value
+% "\GetValue{\macro} 3" 1 null
+% "\GetValue{\macro}A " 1 null
+% "\GetValue{\macro}1 " 1 1
+% "\GetValue{\macro}25A" 1 25
+% "\GetValue{\macro}25012 " 1 25012
+% "\GetValue{\macro}(10pt)" 2 10pt
+% "\GetValue{\macro}(1in)" 2 1in
+% "\GetValue{\macro} (1in)" 1 null
+% GET_VALUE{<macro to execute after value is found>}
+ \def\!tgReturn{#1}% Set return
+ \futurelet\!ttemp\!tgCheckForParen}% Now \!ttemp is the token
+ % immediately after {}
+% CHECK_PAREN: See if \!ttemp is a (
+ \ifx\!ttemp (%
+ \!thx \!tgDoParen
+ \else
+ \!thx \!tgCheckForSpace
+ \fi}
+% DO_PAREN: Set code to 2, value to stuff inside ( )'s
+ \def\!tgCode{2}%
+ \def\!tgValue{#1}% NOTE #1 MUST BE A LEGITIMATE VALUE
+ \!tgReturn}
+% CHECK_SPACE: See if \!ttemp is a <blank space>
+ \def\!tgCode{1}%
+ \def\!tgValue{}% Initialize value to <null>
+ \ifx\!ttemp\!thSpaceToken
+ \!thx \!tgReturn % <blank space> means no value was specified
+ \else
+ \!thx \!tgCheckForDigit
+ \fi}
+% CHECK_DIGIT: \!ttemp is not a <blank space>; if its a digit (0,1,...,9)
+% get the <number> starting with that digit.
+ \!taDigitfalse
+ \ifx 0\!ttemp
+ \!taDigittrue
+ \else
+ \ifx 1\!ttemp
+ \!taDigittrue
+ \else
+ \ifx 2\!ttemp
+ \!taDigittrue
+ \else
+ \ifx 3\!ttemp
+ \!taDigittrue
+ \else
+ \ifx 4\!ttemp
+ \!taDigittrue
+ \else
+ \ifx 5\!ttemp
+ \!taDigittrue
+ \else
+ \ifx 6\!ttemp
+ \!taDigittrue
+ \else
+ \ifx 7\!ttemp
+ \!taDigittrue
+ \else
+ \ifx 8\!ttemp
+ \!taDigittrue
+ \else
+ \ifx 9\!ttemp
+ \!taDigittrue
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \if!taDigit
+ \!thx \!tgGetNumber
+ \else
+ \!thx \!tgReturn
+ \fi}
+ \afterassignment\!tgGetNumberA
+ \!taCountA=}
+ \edef\!tgValue{\the\!taCountA}%
+ \!tgReturn}
+% ********************************************************************
+% ********************************************************************
+% SET UP PAR BOX: Puts \BeginTableParBox{<user-specified \hsize>}
+% to the left of "#" and \EndTableParBox to the right of "#".
+ \edef\!ttemp{%
+ \noexpand \ReadFormatKeys
+ b{\noexpand \BeginTableParBox{%
+ \ifnum \!tgCode=1
+ \ifx \!tgValue\empty
+ \the\ColumnWidthFactor
+ \else
+ \!tgValue % user-specified integer
+ \fi
+ \!taCWU % \ColumnWidthUnit
+ \else
+ \!tgValue % user-specified dimension
+ \fi}}}%
+ \!ttemp
+ a{\EndTableParBox}}
+ \edef\!ttemp{%
+ \kern
+ \ifnum \!tgCode=1
+ \ifx \!tgValue\empty
+ \the\KernFactor
+ \else
+ \!tgValue % user-specified integer
+ \fi
+ \!taKU % \KernUnit
+ \else
+ \!tgValue % user-specified dimension
+ \fi}%
+ \edef\!ttemp{%
+ \noexpand\ReadFormatKeys
+ \ifh@ % true if kern goes to left of "#"
+ b{\!ttemp}
+ \fi
+ \ifv@ % true if kern goes to right of "#"
+ a{\!ttemp}
+ \fi}%
+ \!ttemp}
+% *********************************************************************
+% *********************************************************************
+% ****************************************************************
+% ****************************************************************
+% NEW FORMAT KEY <Key Letter>: Must be followed by
+% <Parameter Text> <Replacement Text>
+% Sets up a new key letter command by expanding (essentially) to
+% \expandafter \def \csname !tk<Key Letter>\endcsname
+% <Parameter Text>{<Replacement Text>}
+% A warning message is issued if <Key Letter> is already in use.
+ \!thx\def\!thx\!ttempa\!thx{\string #1}%
+ \!thx\def\!thx\!ttempb\!thx{\csname !tk<\!ttempa>\endcsname}%
+ \ifnum \TracingKeys>0
+ \!tkReportNewKey
+ \fi
+ \!thx\ifx \!ttempb \relax
+ \!thx\!tkDefineKey
+ \else
+ \!thx\!tkRejectKey
+ \fi}
+ \!taToksA\!thx{\!ttempa}%
+ \!thMessage{NEW KEY: "\the\!taToksA"}}
+ \!thx\def\!ttempb}%
+ \!taToksA\!thx{\!ttempa}%
+ \!thError{Key letter "\the\!taToksA" already used}
+ {\!thReadErrorMsg\!tkFixIt}
+ \def\!tkGarbage}%
+ You'd better type \space 'E' \space and fix your file.}
+% ****************************************************************
+% ****************************************************************
+ \!thx\def\!thx\!ttempa\!thx{\string #1}%
+ \!thx\def\!thx\!ttempb\!thx{\csname !tk<\!ttempa>\endcsname}%
+ \ifnum \TracingKeys>1
+ \!tkReportKey
+ \fi
+ \!thx\ifx \!ttempb\relax
+ \!thx\!tkReplaceKey
+ \else
+ \!thx\!ttempb
+ \fi}
+ \!taToksA\!thx{\!ttempa}%
+ \!thMessage{KEY: "\the\!taToksA"}}
+ \!taToksA\!thx{\!ttempa}%
+ \!thError {Undefined format key "\the\!taToksA"}
+ {\!thReadErrorMsg\!tkUndefined ^^J\!thReadErrorMsg\!tkBadKey}
+ \!tkReplaceKeyA}
+ \!thGetReplacement{\!thReadErrorMsg\!tkReplace}\!tkReplacement
+ \!thx\ReadFormatKeys\!tkReplacement}
+ The format key in " "'s on the next to top line is undefined.}
+ Type \space E \space to quit now, or
+ \space<CR> \space and respond to next prompt.}
+ Type \space<replacement key><CR> \space,
+ or simply \space<CR> \space to skip offending key:}
+% ****************************************************************
+% ****************************************************************
+% Key "b": b{TOKENS} adds TOKENS to the left of (before) the template
+\NewFormatKey b#1{%
+ \!thx\!tkJoin\!thx{\the\!taDataColumnTemplate}{#1}%
+ \ReadFormatKeys}
+ \!taDataColumnTemplate{#2#1}}%
+% Key "a": a{TOKENS} adds TOKENS to the right of (after) the template
+\NewFormatKey a#1{%
+ \!taDataColumnTemplate\!thx{\the\!taDataColumnTemplate #1}%
+ \ReadFormatKeys}
+% Key "\{": Enclose template in braces.
+\NewFormatKey \{{%
+ \!taDataColumnTemplate=\!thx{\!thx{\the\!taDataColumnTemplate}}%
+ \ReadFormatKeys}
+% Key "*": "*{N}{KEY LETTERS}" is equivalent to specifying
+% <KEY LETTERS> N times.
+% KEY LETTERS may contain further * specifications
+\NewFormatKey *#1#2{%
+ \!taCountA=#1\relax
+ \!taToksA={}%
+ \!thLoop
+ \ifnum \!taCountA > 0
+ \!taToksA\!thx{\the\!taToksA #2}%
+ \advance\!taCountA -1
+ \repeat
+ \!thx\ReadFormatKeys\the\!taToksA}
+% ****************************************************************
+% ****************************************************************
+% Key "\LeftGlue": Specifies the glue (usually \hfil, or nothing) to be
+% added to extreme left of the template to position a column
+\NewFormatKey \LeftGlue#1{%
+ \!taLeftGlue{#1}%
+ \ReadFormatKeys}
+% Key "\RightGlue": Specifies the glue (usually \hfil, or nothing) to be
+% added to the extreme right of the template to position a column
+\NewFormatKey \RightGlue#1{%
+ \!taRightGlue{#1}%
+ \ReadFormatKeys}
+% Key "c": Centered column.
+\NewFormatKey c{%
+ \ReadFormatKeys
+ \LeftGlue\hfil
+ \RightGlue\hfil}
+% Key "l": Left-adjusted column.
+\NewFormatKey l{%
+ \ReadFormatKeys
+ \LeftGlue{} % In case more than one positioning key is specified.
+ \RightGlue\hfil}
+% Key "r": Right-adjusted column.
+\NewFormatKey r{%
+ \ReadFormatKeys
+ \LeftGlue\hfil
+ \RightGlue{}}
+% Key "k": Adds kerns to left and right of "#"
+% This key and the two below use Plain TeX's \if@h as if it were \if@left,
+% and \if@v as if it were \if@right. Table making goes on in a group,
+% so even in the unlikely circumstance that a \phantom is currently under
+% construction, there's no problem.
+\NewFormatKey k{%
+ \h@true
+ \v@true
+ \!tgGetValue{\!tgInsertKern}}
+% Key "i": Adds a kern to the left of "#"
+\NewFormatKey i{%
+ \h@true
+ \v@false
+ \!tgGetValue{\!tgInsertKern}}
+% Key "j": Adds a kern to the right of "#"
+\NewFormatKey j{%
+ \h@false
+ \v@true
+ \!tgGetValue{\!tgInsertKern}}
+% ****************************************************************
+% ****************************************************************
+% Key "n": numeric item , non-math mode.
+\NewFormatKey n{%
+ \def\!tnStyle{}%
+ \futurelet\!tnext\!tnTestForBracket}
+% Key "N": numeric item, math mode.
+\NewFormatKey N{%
+ \def\!tnStyle{$}%
+ \futurelet\!tnext\!tnTestForBracket}
+% ****************************************************************
+% ****************************************************************
+% Key "m": Math mode.
+\NewFormatKey m{%
+ \ReadFormatKeys b$ a$}
+% Key "M": Displaymath mode.
+\NewFormatKey M{%
+ \ReadFormatKeys \{ b{$\displaystyle} a$}
+% Key "\m": Template ${}#\hfil$
+\NewFormatKey \m{%
+ \ReadFormatKeys l b{{}} m}
+% Key "\M": Template $\displaystyle{{}#\hfil}$
+\NewFormatKey \M{%
+ \ReadFormatKeys l b{{}} M}
+% Key "f": Set font (E.g., f\it sets up italic font (assuming \it
+% has its usual meaning)
+\NewFormatKey f#1{%
+ \ReadFormatKeys b{#1}}
+% Key "B": abbreviation for f\bf
+\NewFormatKey B{%
+ \ReadFormatKeys f\bf}
+% Key "I": abbreviation for f\it
+\NewFormatKey I{%
+ \ReadFormatKeys f\it}
+% Key "S": abbreviation for f\sl
+\NewFormatKey S{%
+ \ReadFormatKeys f\sl}
+% Key "R": abbreviation for f\rm
+\NewFormatKey R{%
+ \ReadFormatKeys f\rm}
+% Key "T": abbreviation for f\tt
+\NewFormatKey T{%
+ \ReadFormatKeys f\tt}
+% Key "p": ParBox
+\NewFormatKey p{%
+ \!tgGetValue{\!tgSetUpParBox}}
+% ****************************************************************
+% ****************************************************************
+% Key "w": minimum column width
+\NewFormatKey w{%
+ \!tkTestForBeginFormat w{\!tgGetValue{\!tfSetWidth}}}
+% ****************************************************************
+% ****************************************************************
+% Key "s": Set tabskip for the inter-column space to the right
+% of the current column, and all subsequent spaces, until overriden
+% by a new "s" or "o" key.
+\NewFormatKey s{%
+ \!taOnceOnlyTabskipfalse % in case same column has a prior "o" key
+ \!tkTestForBeginFormat t{\!tgGetValue{\!tfSetTabskip}}}
+% Key "o": Apply the \tabskip stated for this column ONLY to the
+% inter-column space just to the right of this column; restore the
+% the previous \tabskip for subsequent columns.
+\NewFormatKey o{%
+ \!taOnceOnlyTabskiptrue
+ \!tkTestForBeginFormat o{\!tgGetValue{\!tfSetTabskip}}}
+% ****************************************************************
+% ****************************************************************
+% Key "|": Standard rule column designator
+\NewFormatKey |{%
+ \!tkTestForBeginFormat |{\!tgGetValue{\!tfSetVrule}}}
+% Key "\|": Non-standard rule column designator
+\NewFormatKey \|{%
+ \!tkTestForBeginFormat \|{\!tfSetAlternateVrule}}
+% ****************************************************************
+% ****************************************************************
+% Key ".": PERIOD -- end of \BeginFormat section.
+\NewFormatKey .{%
+ \!tkTestForBeginFormat.{\!tfFinishFormat}}
+% Key "\EndFormat": Equivalent to "."
+\NewFormatKey \EndFormat{%
+ \!tkTestForBeginFormat\EndFormat{\!tfFinishFormat}}
+% Key "]": End of \ReFormat section
+\NewFormatKey ]{%
+ \!tkTestForReFormat ] \!tfEndReFormat}
+% ****************************************************************
+% ****************************************************************
+% TEST FOR BEGIN FORMAT{<Key>}{Intended Action}: This test is run
+% on keys that can only be used by \BeginFormat --- "s", "o",
+% "|", "\|", "w", ".", and "\EndFormat".
+ \if!taBeginFormat
+ \def\!ttemp{#2}%
+ \!thx \!ttemp
+ \else
+ \toks0={#1}%
+ \toks2=\!thx{\string\ReFormat}%
+ \!thx \!tkImproperUse
+ \fi}
+% TEST FOR RE FORMAT{<Key>}{Intended Action}: This test is run
+% on the key "]", which can only be used by \ReFormat.
+ \if!taBeginFormat
+ \toks0={#1}%
+ \toks2=\!thx{\string\BeginFormat}%
+ \!thx \!tkImproperUse
+ \else
+ \def\!ttemp{#2}%
+ \!thx \!ttemp
+ \fi}
+ \!thError{\!thReadErrorMsg\!tkBadUseA "\the\toks0 "}%
+ {\!thReadErrorMsg\!tkBadUseB \the\toks2 \space command.
+ ^^J\!thReadErrorMsg\!tkBadKey}%
+ \!tkReplaceKeyA}
+\!thStoreErrorMsg\!tkBadUseA{Improper use of key }
+ The key mentioned above can't be used in a }
+% *********************************************************************
+% *********************************************************************
+% TEST FOR BRACKET: Invoked by the keys "n" and "N".
+ \ifx [\!tnext
+ \!thx\!tnGetArgument
+ \else
+ \!thx\!tnGetCode
+ \fi}
+% GET CODE: E.g. "4", or "4.0", "0.4", or "10.2"
+\def\!tnGetCode#1 {% NOTE THE BLANK
+ \!tnConvertCode #1..!}
+% CONVERT CODE: E.g. converts above to [0000], [0000.], [.0000],
+% [0000000000.00]
+\def\!tnConvertCode #1.#2.#3!{%
+ \begingroup
+ \aftergroup\edef \aftergroup\!ttemp \aftergroup{%
+ \aftergroup[%
+ \!taCountA #1
+ \!thLoop
+ \ifnum \!taCountA>0
+ \advance\!taCountA -1
+ \aftergroup0
+ \repeat
+ \def\!ttemp{#3}%
+ \ifx\!ttemp \empty
+ \else
+ \aftergroup.
+ \!taCountA #2
+ \!thLoop
+ \ifnum \!taCountA>0
+ \advance\!taCountA -1
+ \aftergroup0
+ \repeat
+ \fi
+ \aftergroup]\aftergroup}%
+ \endgroup\relax
+ \!thx\!tnGetArgument\!ttemp}
+% GET ARGUMENT: [<sample left field> <optional .<sample right field>>
+ \!tnMakeNumericTemplate\!tnStyle#1..!}
+\def\!tnMakeNumericTemplate#1#2.#3.#4!{% #1=<empty> or $
+ \def\!ttemp{#4}%
+ \ifx\!ttemp\empty
+ \!taDimenC=0pt
+ \else
+ \setbox0=\hbox{\mathsurround\zeropoint #1.#3#1}%
+ \!taDimenC=\wd0
+ \fi
+ \setbox0 =\hbox{\mathsurround\zeropoint #1#2#1}%
+ \!thToksEdef\!taDataColumnTemplate={%
+ \noexpand\!tnSetNumericItem
+ {\the\wd0 }%
+ {\the\!taDimenC}%
+ {#1}%
+ \the\!taDataColumnTemplate} % Might have tabskip glue in here
+ \ReadFormatKeys}
+\def\!tnSetNumericItem #1#2#3#4 {% NOTE THE BLANK
+ \!tnSetNumericItemA {#1}{#2}{#3}#4..!}
+\def\!tnSetNumericItemA #1#2#3#4.#5.#6!{%
+ \def\!ttemp{#6}%
+ \hbox to #1{\hss \mathsurround\zeropoint #3#4#3}%
+ \hbox to #2{%
+ \ifx\!ttemp\empty
+ \else
+ \mathsurround\zeropoint #3.#5#3%
+ \fi
+ \hss}}
+% *********************************************************************
+% *********************************************************************
+% The following are in ALLOCATIONS
+ %\newdimen\StrutUnit (normal value \normalbaselineskip / 11)
+ %\newcount\StrutHeightFactor (normal value 8)
+ %\newcount\StrutDepthFactor (normal value 3)
+% \MakeStrut <height><depth>; height and depth are <dimen>'s
+ \vrule width0pt height #1 depth #2}
+% Makes a strut of height=StrutHeightFactor*StrutUnit
+% depth =StrutDepthFactor *StrutUnit
+ \MakeStrut{\StrutHeightFactor\StrutUnit}
+ {\StrutDepthFactor\StrutUnit}}
+% \AugmentedTableStrut<multiple for extra height><multiple for extra depth>
+% makes a strut of height=(StrutHeightFactor+#1)*StrutUnit
+% depth =(StrutDepthFactor+#2)*StrutUnit
+ \dimen@=\StrutHeightFactor\StrutUnit
+ \advance\dimen@ #1\StrutUnit
+ \dimen@ii=\StrutDepthFactor\StrutUnit
+ \advance\dimen@ii #2\StrutUnit
+ \MakeStrut{\dimen@}{\dimen@ii}}
+% ENLARGE<extra height><extra depth><original>
+% Enlarges "original" by extra height and extra depth.
+% Extra height and extra depth are <dimen>'s.
+% Works for various math styles, and takes into account
+% \spacefactor in horizontal mode
+\def\Enlarge#1#2{% 3rd argument is picked up later
+ % #1=extra height
+ % #2=extra depth
+ \!taDimenA=#1\relax
+ \!taDimenB=#2\relax
+ \let\!TsSpaceFactor=\empty
+ \ifmmode
+ \!thx \mathpalette
+ \!thx \!TsEnlargeMath
+ \else
+ \!thx \!TsEnlargeOther
+ \fi}
+ \ifhmode
+ \setbox\zerocount\hbox{#1%
+ \xdef\!TsSpaceFactor{\spacefactor=\the\spacefactor}}%
+ \else
+ \setbox\zerocount\hbox{#1}%
+ \fi
+ \!TsFinishEnlarge}
+ \setbox\zerocount\hbox{$\mathsurround\zeropoint#1{#2}$}%
+ \!TsFinishEnlarge}
+ \dimen@\ht\zerocount
+ \advance \dimen@ \!taDimenA
+ \ht\zerocount\dimen@
+ \dimen@\dp\zerocount
+ \advance \dimen@ \!taDimenB
+ \dp\zerocount\dimen@
+ \box\zerocount \!TsSpaceFactor{}}
+% \enlarge<multiple for extra height><multiple for extra depth><original>
+% Enlarges by (multiple for extra height)*StrutUnit
+% and (multiple for extra depth) *StrutUnit
+\def\enlarge#1#2{% 3rd argument is picked up later
+ \Enlarge{#1\StrutUnit}{#2\StrutUnit}}
+% OPENUP#1#2: increases strut height and depth factors by #1 and #2.
+ \advance \StrutHeightFactor #1\relax
+ \advance \StrutDepthFactor #2\relax}
+% *********************************************************************
+% *********************************************************************
+% Table-making is initiated by \BeginTable. After processing that
+% command, TeX absorbs the instructions in the prologue to the table
+% until it gets to \BeginFormat. \BeginFormat sets up the preamble
+% for the \halign that will be used to create the table. \EndFormat
+% initiates the \halign-ment, which is terminated by \EndTable.
+% *********************************************************************
+% *********************************************************************
+ \futurelet\!tnext\!ttBeginTable}
+ \ifx [\!tnext
+ \def\!tnext{\!ttBeginTableA}%
+ \else
+ \def\!tnext{\!ttBeginTableA[c]}%
+ \fi
+ \!tnext}
+ \if #1u% % "unboxed" table
+ \ifmmode
+ \def\!ttEndTable{% % user had better be in display math mode
+ \relax}% % and have only one table at the outer level
+ \else % user had better be in vertical mode
+ \bgroup
+ \def\!ttEndTable{%
+ \egroup}%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \hbox\bgroup $
+ \def\!ttEndTable{%
+ \egroup % for the \vtop, \vbox, or \vcenter, yet to come
+ $% for math mode
+ \egroup}% for the \hbox
+ \if #1t%
+ \vtop
+ \else
+ \if #1b%
+ \vbox
+ \else
+ \vcenter % math mode was essential for this
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \bgroup % for the \vtop, \vbox, or \vcenter
+ \fi
+ \advance\!taRecursionLevel 1 % RecursionLevel governs initialization
+ \let\!ttRightGlue=\relax % This may be changed by \JustCenter, etc
+ \everycr={}
+ \ifnum \!taRecursionLevel=1
+ \!ttInitializeTable
+ \fi}
+% \bgroup
+% \catcode`\|=13
+% \catcode`\"=13
+% \catcode`\~=13
+% \gdef\!ttInitializeTable{%
+% \let\!ttTie=~ % Meanings of ~ and \- are
+% \let\!ttDH=\- % restored by \BeginTableParBox
+% \catcode`\|=\active
+% \catcode`\"=\active
+% \catcode`\~=\active
+% \def |{\unskip\!ttRightGlue&&}% Use rule-column template
+% \def\|{\unskip\!ttRightGlue&\omit\!ttAlternateVrule}%
+% % Override rule-column template
+% \def"{\unskip\!ttRightGlue&\omit&}% Omit rule-column template
+% \def~{\kern .5em}% ~ now has the width of a digit
+% \def\\{\!ttEndOfRow}%
+% \def\-{\!ttShortHrule}%
+% \def\={\!ttLongHrule}%
+% \def\_{\!ttFullHrule}%
+% \def\Left##1{##1\hfill\null}% \null prevents \unskip from
+% \def\Center##1{\hfill##1\hfill\null}% killing the \hfill
+% \def\Right##1{\hfill##1}%
+% \def\use{\!ttuse}%
+% \def\Use{\!ttUse}%
+% \the\EveryTable}
+% \egroup
+ %catcode`\|=13
+ %catcode`\"=13
+ \catcode`\~=13
+ \gdef\!ttInitializeTable{%
+ \let\!ttTie=~ %
+ \let\!ttDH=\- %
+ %catcode`\|=\active
+ %catcode`\"=\active
+ \catcode`\~=\active
+ %def |{\unskip\!ttRightGlue&&}%
+ %def\|{\unskip\!ttRightGlue&\omit\!ttAlternateVrule}%
+ %def"{\unskip\!ttRightGlue&\omit&}%
+ \def~{\kern .5em}%
+ %def\\{\!ttEndOfRow}%
+ \def\\{\par}
+ %def\-{\!ttShortHrule}%
+ %def\={\!ttLongHrule}%
+ %def\_{\!ttFullHrule}%
+ \def\Left ##1{##1\hfill\null}% % \null prevents \unskip from
+ \def\Center##1{\hfill##1\hfill\null}% % killing the \hfill
+ \def\Right ##1{\hfill##1}%
+ \def\use{\!ttuse}%
+ \def\Use{\!ttUse}%
+ \the\EveryTable}% comes too soon
+\let\!ttRightGlue=\relax % This may be changed, in a group, by
+ % \JustCenter, etc
+% DO HALIGN: Invoked by END FORMAT (or the key ".")
+ \baselineskip=0pt \lineskiplimit=0pt \lineskip=0pt %
+ \tabskip=0pt
+ \halign \the\!taTableSpread \bgroup
+ \span\the\!taPreamble
+ \ifx \!tfRowOfWidths \empty
+ \else
+ \!tfRowOfWidths \cr %
+ \fi}
+ \egroup % finishes the \halign
+ \!ttEndTable}% closes off the table envirnoment set up by \BeginTable
+% *********************************************************************
+% *********************************************************************
+% END OF ROW: When followed by
+% 0, inserts no strut
+% +, inserts an AugmentedTableStrut (with <x-height> and <x-depth>
+% as arguments
+% anything else, inserts a StandardTableStrut,
+% and finished off the row with a \cr.
+ \futurelet\!tnext\!ttTestForBlank}
+% \!thMessage{At Test For Blank: \meaning\!tnext}
+ \ifx \!tnext\!thSpaceToken % the "usual" case
+ \!thx\!ttDoStandard
+ \else
+ \!thx\!ttTestForZero
+ \fi}
+ \ifx 0\!tnext
+ \!thx \!ttDoZero
+ \else
+ \!thx \!ttTestForPlus
+ \fi}
+ \ifx +\!tnext
+ \!thx \!ttDoPlus
+ \else
+ \!thx \!ttDoStandard
+ \fi}
+% DO ZERO: No strut
+\def\!ttDoZero#1{% #1 eats the 0
+ \cr}
+% DO PLUS: Insert "Extra" strut; #2=extra height, #3=extra depth, both
+% as integers (units of \StrutUnit)
+\def\!ttDoPlus#1#2#3{% #1 eats the +
+ \AugmentedTableStrut{#2}{#3}%
+ \cr}
+% DO STANDARD: Insert standard table strut
+ \StandardTableStrut
+ \cr}
+% *********************************************************************
+% *********************************************************************
+% A '\|' can appear in a rule-column in place of a '|', '"', or '&'.
+% If '\|' is immediately followed by a blank, a string of digits, or
+% (...) [... had better be a <dimen>], a \vrule is placed in the
+% rule column; the thickness of the \vrule follows TABLE's usual
+% conventions. Be sure to put a blank after a string of digits.
+% If '\|' is immediately followed by a '*', a user-specified default
+% "pseudo"-rule is placed in the rule column. This P.R. is specified
+% by the parameterless macro \PseudoVrule. For example,
+% to place a "double rule" into a rule column, you could make the definition
+% \def\PseudoVrule{\hfil\vrule \hskip1pt \vrule\hfil}
+% If none of the above cases applies, a non-space token follows '\|':
+% that token is placed in the rule-column. To put a '*' in a
+% rule-column, enter '\|{*}'. '\|\PseudoVrule' has the same effect
+% as '\|*'.
+ \!tgGetValue{\!ttAVTestForCode}} % AV == Alternate Vrule
+ \ifnum \!tgCode=2 % (...) follows "\|"
+ \!thx\!ttInsertVrule % \InsertVrule ends with "&"
+ \else
+ \!thx\!ttAVTestForEmpty
+ \fi}
+ \ifx \!tgValue\empty % non-digit after "\|"
+ \!thx\!ttAVTestForBlank
+ \else
+ \!thx\!ttInsertVrule % integer after "\|"
+ \fi}
+ \ifx \!ttemp\!thSpaceToken % blank after "\|"
+ \!thx\!ttInsertVrule
+ \else
+ \!thx\!ttAVTestForStar
+ \fi}
+ \ifx *\!ttemp % "*" after "\|"
+ \!thx\!ttInsertDefaultPR % PR == pseudo-rule
+ \else
+ \!thx\!ttGetPseudoVrule % "Anything else" after "\|"
+ \fi}
+ \hfil
+ \vrule \!thWidth
+ \ifnum \!tgCode=1
+ \ifx \!tgValue\empty
+ \LineThicknessFactor
+ \else
+ \!tgValue
+ \fi
+ \LineThicknessUnit
+ \else
+ \!tgValue
+ \fi
+ \hfil
+ &}
+ \PseudoVrule % User-specified default pseudo-rule
+ &}
+ \toks0={#1}%
+ #1&}
+% *********************************************************************
+% USE: Version of \multispan for rule-&-column tables
+% *********************************************************************
+% USE
+% \use <number> spans the next <number> data columns.
+ \ifnum #1>\plusone
+ \omit
+ \mscount=#1 % \mscount is in Plain
+ \advance\mscount by \minusone
+ \advance\mscount by \mscount
+ \!thLoop
+ \ifnum\mscount>\plusone
+ % \sp@n: from plain
+ \spanomit \advance\mscount\minusone
+ \repeat
+ \span
+ \fi}
+ \!ttuse{#1}%
+ \ReFormat[}
+% *********************************************************************
+% *********************************************************************
+% FULL HORIZONTAL RULE: Draws a rule across the table,
+% using \noalign{\hrule}
+ \noalign
+ \bgroup
+ \!tgGetValue{\!ttFullHruleA}}
+ \!ttGetHalfRuleThickness % Sets \dimen0 to half of specified thickness
+ \hrule \!thHeight \dimen0 \!thDepth \dimen0
+ \penalty0 % so can break an ``unboxed'' table after a horizontal rule.
+ \egroup} % ends the \noalign
+% SHORT HORIZONTAL RULE: Draws a rule across 1 (or more) columns,
+% using \leaders; this rule doesn't extend across the neighboring
+% tabskip glues to join up with adjacent rule columns. By contrast
+% the LONG HORIZONTAL RULE below does just that.
+ \omit
+ \!tgGetValue{\!ttShortHruleA}}
+ \!ttGetHalfRuleThickness % Sets \dimen0 to half of specified thickness
+ \leaders \hrule \!thHeight \dimen0 \!thDepth \dimen0 \hfill
+ \null % prevents an \unskip from annihilating the \leaders
+ \ignorespaces}
+% LONG HORIZONTAL RULE: This rule requires special coding.
+% It must be preceded and followed by '&', instead of the usual
+% '|' or '"'. However, '\_' can follow '\use' in the usual manner.
+% And in fact, to insert long-rules in two or more contiguous columns,
+% '\use' MUST be used with an argument = total number of columns involved.
+ \omit\span\omit\span \!ttShortHrule}
+ \dimen0 =
+ \ifnum \!tgCode=1
+ \ifx \!tgValue\empty
+ \LineThicknessFactor
+ \else
+ \!tgValue % user-specified integer
+ \fi
+ \LineThicknessUnit
+ \else
+ \!tgValue % user-specified dimension
+ \fi
+ \divide\dimen0 2 }
+% *********************************************************************
+% *********************************************************************
+ \!taTableSpread={to #1}}
+% WIDEN TABLE BY <dimen>
+ \ifdim #1=0pt
+ \!taTableSpread={}%
+ \else
+ \!taTableSpread={spread #1}%
+ \fi}
+ \SetTableToWidth{\hsize}}%
+ \LeftTabskip =0pt plus 1fill
+ \RightTabskip=\LeftTabskip
+ \Expand}
+% *********************************************************************
+% *********************************************************************
+ \omit \let\!ttRightGlue=\hfill}
+ \omit \hfill\null \let\!ttRightGlue=\hfill}
+ \omit \hfill\null}
+% *********************************************************************
+% Restore meaning of \\, and reset category codes
+% *********************************************************************
+% \catcode`\!=12
+% \catcode`\@=12
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/thrd-trg.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/thrd-trg.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c0106f5a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/thrd-trg.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+%D In order to support rotation over arbitrary angles, we need a sine
+%D and cosine calculator. For this purpose we borrow a few macros by
+%D David Carlisle (his trig package). Because local variables are
+%D used, I patched the macros a bit. Also, I used a few different names
+%D for variabels and macros and use existing auxiliary macros.
+% compare: \number 0.5 \number -0.5 \number 1.5 \number -1.5
+% so we need:
+\def\realnumber#1{\withoutpt\the\dimexpr#1\points\relax} % brrr
+\chardef \@iv = 4
+\chardef \@xc = 90 % was \nin@ty
+\chardef \@clxx = 180
+\chardef \@lxxi = 71
+\mathchardef \@mmmmlxviii = 4068
+\mathchardef \@xvi@k = 16384
+\chardef \tr@coeffz = 72
+\chardef \tr@coefb = 42
+\mathchardef \tr@coefc = 840
+\mathchardef \tr@coefd = 5040
+ {\!!dimena\@lxxi\!!dimena
+ \divide\!!dimena\@mmmmlxviii
+ \edef\!!stringa{\withoutpt\the\!!dimena}%
+ \!!dimena\!!stringa\!!dimena
+ \edef\!!stringb{\withoutpt\the\!!dimena}%
+ \divide\!!dimena\tr@coeffz
+ \advance\!!dimena\minusone\onepoint
+ \!!dimena\!!stringb\!!dimena
+ \advance\!!dimena \tr@coefb\onepoint
+ \!!dimena\!!stringb\!!dimena
+ \advance\!!dimena -\tr@coefc\onepoint
+ \!!dimena\!!stringb\!!dimena
+ \advance\!!dimena \tr@coefd\onepoint
+ \!!dimena\!!stringa\!!dimena
+ \divide\!!dimena \tr@coefd}
+ {\!!dimena#1#2\@xc\onepoint
+ \advance\!!dimena#2-\@clxx\onepoint
+ \!!dimena-\!!dimena
+ \tg@@sin}
+ {\ifdim\tg@reduce>+\else\ifdim\tg@reduce<-\else
+ \tg@series
+ \fi\fi}
+%D Calculating a sine is a two step process: first a value is
+%D calculated, and afterwards it can be used. This saves redundant
+%D calculations.
+ {{\expandafter\ifx\csname sin \realnumber{#1}\endcsname\relax
+ \!!dimena#1\onepoint
+ \tg@@sin
+ \expandafter\xdef\csname sin \realnumber{#1}\endcsname{\withoutpt\the\!!dimena}%
+ \fi}}
+ {{\expandafter\ifx\csname cos \realnumber{#1}\endcsname\relax
+ \!!dimena\@xc\onepoint
+ \advance\!!dimena-#1\onepoint
+ \tg@@sin
+ \expandafter\xdef\csname cos \realnumber{#1}\endcsname{\withoutpt\the\!!dimena}%
+ \fi}}
+ {{\expandafter\ifx\csname tan \realnumber{#1}\endcsname\relax
+ \calculatesin{#1}%
+ \calculatecos{#1}%
+ \!!dimena\calculatedcos{#1}\onepoint
+ \divide\!!dimena\@iv
+ \!!dimenb\calculatedsin{#1}\onepoint
+ \!!dimenb\@xvi@k\!!dimenb
+ \divide\!!dimenb\!!dimena
+ \expandafter\xdef\csname tan \realnumber{#1}\endcsname{\withoutpt\the\!!dimenb}%
+ \fi}}
+%D The results are accessed with:
+\def\calculatedsin#1{\csname sin \realnumber{#1}\endcsname}
+\def\calculatedcos#1{\csname cos \realnumber{#1}\endcsname}
+\def\calculatedtan#1{\csname tan \realnumber{#1}\endcsname}
+%D A more save implementation would be:
+\def\calculatedsin#1{\executeifdefined{sin \realnumber{#1}}\!!zerocount}
+\def\calculatedcos#1{\executeifdefined{cos \realnumber{#1}}\!!plusone }
+\def\calculatedtan#1{\executeifdefined{tan \realnumber{#1}}\!!zerocount}
+%D The following permits cleaner overloading (\MKIV\ will only have
+%D these):
+%D A few values are predefined, although, on todays systems there
+%D is no real reason for that. I've added the 270 ones and changed
+%D the -90 tan. Also, I prefer text (\type {\!!..} instead of
+%D counters \type {\..}.
+\expandafter\let\csname sin \realnumber{ 0}\endcsname\!!zerocount
+\expandafter\let\csname cos \realnumber{ 0}\endcsname\!!plusone
+\expandafter\let\csname sin \realnumber{ 90}\endcsname\!!plusone
+\expandafter\let\csname cos \realnumber{ 90}\endcsname\!!zerocount
+\expandafter\let\csname sin \realnumber{180}\endcsname\!!zerocount
+\expandafter\let\csname cos \realnumber{180}\endcsname\!!minusone
+\expandafter\let\csname sin \realnumber{270}\endcsname\!!minusone
+\expandafter\let\csname cos \realnumber{270}\endcsname\!!zerocount
+\expandafter\let\csname sin \realnumber{-90}\endcsname\!!minusone
+\expandafter\let\csname cos \realnumber{-90}\endcsname\!!zerocount
+\expandafter\def\csname tan \realnumber{ 90}\endcsname{\writestatus\m!systems{infinite tan +90}}
+\expandafter\def\csname tan \realnumber{-90}\endcsname{\writestatus\m!systems{infinite tan -90}}
+%D Usage: \type {\calculatesin{10}} and \type {\calculatedsin{10}}
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/trac-vis.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/trac-vis.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..be7a204ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/trac-vis.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,748 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=trac-vis, % was core-vis,
+%D version=1996.06.01,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Tracking Macros,
+%D subtitle=Visualization,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D This module adds some more visualization cues to the ones
+%D supplied in the support module.
+%D %\everypar dual character, \the\everypar and \everypar=
+%D %\hrule cannot be grabbed in advance, switches mode
+%D %\vrule cannot be grabbed in advance, switches mode
+%D %
+%D %\indent only explicit ones
+%D %\noindent only explicit ones
+%D %\par only explicit ones
+%D %\leftskip only if explicit one
+%D %\rightskip only if explicit one
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Tracking Macros / Visualization}
+%D \macros
+%D {indent, noindent, par}
+%D \TeX\ acts upon paragraphs. In mosts documents paragraphs
+%D are separated by empty lines, which internally are handled as
+%D \type{\par}. Paragraphs can be indented or not, depending on
+%D the setting of \type{\parindent}, the first token of a
+%D paragraph and/or user suppressed or forced indentation.
+%D Because the actual typesetting is based on both explicit
+%D user and implicit system actions, visualization is only
+%D possible for the user supplied \type{\indent},
+%D \type{\noindent}, and \type{\par}. Other
+%D 'clever' tricks will quite certainly lead to more failures
+%D than successes, so we only support these three explicit
+%D primitives and one macro:
+ {\bgroup
+ \scratchdimen#1\relax
+ \dontinterfere
+ \dontcomplain
+ \boxrulewidth5\testrulewidth
+ #3#4\relax
+ \setbox\scratchbox\normalhbox to \scratchdimen
+ {#2{\ruledhbox to \scratchdimen
+ {\vrule #5 20\testrulewidth \!!width \zeropoint
+ \normalhss}}}%
+ \smashbox\scratchbox
+ \normalpenalty\!!tenthousand
+ \box\scratchbox
+ \egroup}
+ {\ifdim\hangindent>\zeropoint
+ \ifnum\hangafter<\zerocount
+ \normalhbox
+ {\boxrulewidth5\testrulewidth
+ \setbox\scratchbox\ruledhbox to \hangindent
+ {\scratchdimen\strutht
+ \advance\scratchdimen \strutdp
+ \vrule
+ \!!width \zeropoint
+ \!!height \zeropoint
+ \!!depth -\hangafter\scratchdimen}%
+ \normalhskip-\hangindent
+ \smashbox\scratchbox
+ \raise\strutht\box\scratchbox}%
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+ {\bgroup
+ \dontcomplain
+ \normalhbox to \zeropoint
+ {\ifdim\leftskip>\zeropoint\relax
+ \showparagraphcue\leftskip\llap\relax\relax\!!depth
+ \normalhskip-\leftskip
+ \fi
+ \ruledhanging
+ \normalhskip\hsize
+ \ifdim\rightskip>\zeropoint\relax
+ \normalhskip-\rightskip
+ \showparagraphcue\rightskip\relax\relax\relax\!!depth
+ \fi}%
+ \egroup}
+ {\relax
+ \ifhmode
+ \showparagraphcue{40\testrulewidth}\relax\rightrulefalse\relax\!!height
+ \fi
+ \normalpar}
+ {\relax
+ \normalnoindent
+ \ruledparagraphcues
+ \showparagraphcue{40\testrulewidth}\llap\leftrulefalse\relax\!!height}
+ {\relax
+ \normalnoindent
+ \ruledparagraphcues
+ \ifdim\parindent>\zeropoint
+ \showparagraphcue\parindent\relax\relax\relax\!!height
+ \else
+ \showparagraphcue{40\testrulewidth}\llap\relax\relax\!!height
+ \fi
+ \normalhskip\parindent}
+ {\let\noindent \normalnoindent
+ \let\indent \normalindent
+ \let\par \normalpar}
+ {\testrulewidth \defaulttestrulewidth
+ \let\noindent \rulednoindent
+ \let\indent \ruledindent
+ \let\par \ruledpar}
+%D The next few||line examples show the four cues. Keep in
+%D mind that we only see them when we explicitly open or close
+%D a paragraph.
+%D \bgroup
+%D \def\voorbeeld#1%
+%D {#1Visualizing some \TeX\ primitives and Plain \TeX\
+%D macros can be very instructive, at least it is to me.
+%D Here we see {\tt\string#1} and {\tt\string\ruledpar} in
+%D action, while {\tt\string\parindent} equals
+%D {\tt\the\parindent}.\ruledpar}
+%D \showimplicits
+%D \voorbeeld \indent
+%D \voorbeeld \noindent
+%D \parindent=60pt
+%D \voorbeeld \indent
+%D \voorbeeld \noindent
+%D \startnarrower
+%D \voorbeeld \indent
+%D \voorbeeld \noindent
+%D \stopnarrower
+%D \egroup
+%D These examples also demonstrate the visualization of
+%D \type {\leftskip} and \type {\rightskip}. The macro
+%D \type {\nofruledbaselines} determines the number of lines
+%D shown.
+ {\ifx\ttxx\undefined
+ $\scriptscriptstyle#1$%
+ \else
+ {\ttxx#1}%
+ \fi}
+ {\vrule \!!width \zeropoint
+ \bgroup
+ \dontinterfere
+ \doglobal\increment\ruledbaselines
+ \scratchdimen\nofruledbaselines\baselineskip
+ \setbox\scratchbox\normalvbox to 2\scratchdimen
+ {\leaders
+ \normalhbox
+ {\strut
+ \vrule
+ \!!height \testrulewidth
+ \!!depth \testrulewidth
+ \!!width 120\points}
+ \normalvfill}%
+ \smashbox\scratchbox
+ \advance\scratchdimen \strutheightfactor\baselineskip
+ \setbox\scratchbox\normalhbox
+ {\normalhskip -48\points
+ \normalhbox to 24\points
+ {\normalhss\debuggertext\ruledbaselines\normalhskip6\points}%
+ \raise\scratchdimen\box\scratchbox}%
+ \smashbox\scratchbox
+ \box\scratchbox
+ \egroup}
+ {\testrulewidth\defaulttestrulewidth
+ \EveryPar{\ruledbaseline}}
+%D \macros
+%D {showpagebuilder}
+%D The next tracing option probaly is only of use to me and a
+%D few \CONTEXT\ hackers.
+ {\EveryPar{\doshowpagebuilder}}
+ {\strut\llap
+ {\startcolor[blue]\vl
+ \high{\infofont v:\the\vsize }\vl
+ \high{\infofont g:\the\pagegoal }\vl
+ \high{\infofont t:\the\pagetotal}\vl
+ \stopcolor}}
+%D \macros
+%D {makecutbox, cuthbox, cutvbox, cutvtop}
+%D Although mainly used for marking the page, these macros can
+%D also serve local use.
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \setbox0=\vbox{a real \crlf vertical box} \makecutbox0
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+%D This marked \type{\vbox} shows up as:
+%D \startlinecorrection
+%D \getbuffer
+%D \stoplinecorrection
+%D The alternative macros are used as:
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \cuthbox{a made cut box}
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+%D This is typeset as:
+%D \startlinecorrection
+%D \getbuffer
+%D \stoplinecorrection
+%D By setting the next macros one can influence the length of
+%D the marks as well as the horizontal and vertical divisions.
+\def\cutmarklength {2\bodyfontsize}
+\chardef\horizontalcutmarks = 2
+\chardef\verticalcutmarks = 2
+\chardef\cutmarkoffset = 1
+\let\cutmarksymbol = \relax
+\let\cutmarktoptext = \empty
+\let\cutmarkbottomtext = \empty
+ {\normalhbox to \ruledwidth
+ {\dorecurse\horizontalcutmarks
+ {\vrule\!!width\boxrulewidth\!!height\cutmarklength\normalhfill}%
+ \unskip}}
+ {\scratchdimen\ruledheight
+ \advance\scratchdimen \ruleddepth
+ \normalvbox to \scratchdimen
+ {\hsize\cutmarklength
+ \dorecurse\verticalcutmarks
+ {\vrule\!!height\boxrulewidth\!!width\hsize\normalvfill}%
+ \unskip}}
+ {\ifdim\ruleddepth>\zeropoint
+ \scratchdimen\ruledheight
+ \advance\scratchdimen \ruleddepth
+ \normalvbox to \scratchdimen
+ {\scratchdimen\cutmarklength
+ \divide\scratchdimen 2
+ \hsize\scratchdimen
+ \normalvskip\zeropoint\!!plus\ruledheight
+ \vrule\!!height\boxrulewidth\!!width\hsize
+ \normalvskip\zeropoint\!!plus\ruleddepth}%
+ \fi}
+ {\normalhbox to \ruledwidth
+ {\setbox\scratchbox\normalhbox to \cutmarklength
+ {\normalhss\infofont\cutmarksymbol\normalhss}%
+ \normalhss
+ \normalvbox to \cutmarklength
+ {\scratchdimen\cutmarklength
+ \divide\scratchdimen \plustwo
+ \normalvss
+ \hbox to \ruledwidth
+ {\llap{\copy\scratchbox\normalhskip\cutmarkoffset\scratchdimen}%
+ \normalhskip\scratchdimen\hss\infofont#1\hss\normalhskip\scratchdimen
+ \rlap{\normalhskip\cutmarkoffset\scratchdimen\copy\scratchbox}}%
+ \normalvss}%
+ \normalhss}}
+\def\makecutbox#1% simplier with layers, todo
+ {\edef\ruledheight{\the\ht#1}%
+ \edef\ruleddepth {\the\dp#1}%
+ \edef\ruledwidth {\the\wd#1}%
+ \setbox#1\normalhbox
+ {\dontcomplain
+ \forgetall
+ \boxmaxdepth\maxdimen
+ \offinterlineskip
+ \scratchdimen\cutmarklength
+ \divide\scratchdimen \plustwo
+ \hsize\ruledwidth
+ \setbox\scratchbox\normalvbox
+ {\setbox\scratchbox\normalhbox{\horizontalcuts}%
+ \normalvskip-\cutmarkoffset\scratchdimen
+ \normalvskip-2\scratchdimen
+ \copy\scratchbox
+ \normalvskip\cutmarkoffset\scratchdimen
+ \hbox to \ruledwidth
+ {\setbox\scratchbox\normalhbox{\verticalcuts}%
+ \llap{\copy\scratchbox\normalhskip\cutmarkoffset\scratchdimen}%
+ \bgroup
+ \setbox\scratchbox\normalhbox{\baselinecuts}%
+ \llap{\copy\scratchbox\normalhskip\cutmarkoffset\scratchdimen}%
+ \normalhfill
+ \rlap{\normalhskip\cutmarkoffset\scratchdimen\copy\scratchbox}%
+ \egroup
+ \rlap{\normalhskip\cutmarkoffset\scratchdimen\copy\scratchbox}}%
+ \normalvskip\cutmarkoffset\scratchdimen
+ \copy\scratchbox}%
+ \ht\scratchbox\ruledheight
+ \dp\scratchbox\ruleddepth
+ \wd\scratchbox\zeropoint
+ \resetcolorseparation
+ \localstartcolor[\defaulttextcolor]%
+ \box\scratchbox
+ \ifx\cutmarksymbol\relax \else
+ \setbox\scratchbox\normalvbox
+ {\vskip-\cutmarkoffset\scratchdimen
+ \vskip-\cutmarklength
+ \normalhbox{\cutmarksymbols\cutmarktoptext}%
+ \vskip\cutmarkoffset\scratchdimen
+ \vskip\ruledheight
+ \vskip\ruleddepth
+ \vskip\cutmarkoffset\scratchdimen
+ \normalhbox{\cutmarksymbols\cutmarkbottomtext}}%
+ \ht\scratchbox\ruledheight
+ \dp\scratchbox\ruleddepth
+ \wd\scratchbox\zeropoint
+ \box\scratchbox
+ \fi
+ \localstopcolor
+ \box#1}%
+ \wd#1=\ruledwidth
+ \ht#1=\ruledheight
+ \dp#1=\ruleddepth}
+ {\normalhbox\bgroup
+ \dowithnextbox{\makecutbox\nextbox\flushnextbox\egroup}\normalhbox}
+ {\normalvbox\bgroup
+ \dowithnextbox{\makecutbox\nextbox\flushnextbox\egroup}\normalvbox}
+ {\normalvtop\bgroup
+ \dowithnextbox{\makecutbox\nextbox\flushnextbox\egroup}\normalvtop}
+%D \macros
+%D {colormarkbox,rastermarkbox}
+%D This macro is used in the pagebody routine. No other use
+%D is advocated here.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \colormarkbox0
+%D \stoptyping
+ {\vbox
+ {\scratchdimen-\colormarklength
+ \multiply\scratchdimen 4
+ \advance\scratchdimen \ruledheight
+ \advance\scratchdimen \ruleddepth
+ \divide\scratchdimen 21
+ \def\docommand##1%
+ {\vbox
+ {\hsize3em % \scratchdimen
+ \definecolor
+ [\s!dummy]
+ [\c!c=#2##1\else0\fi,
+ \c!m=#3##1\else0\fi,
+ \c!y=#4##1\else0\fi,
+ \c!k=0]%
+ \localstartcolor[\s!dummy]%
+ \hrule
+ \!!width 3em
+ \!!height \scratchdimen
+ \!!depth \zeropoint
+ \localstopcolor
+ \ifdim\scratchdimen>1ex
+ \vskip-\scratchdimen
+ \vbox to \scratchdimen
+ {\vss
+ \hbox to 3em
+ {\hss
+ \localstartcolor[\s!white]%
+ \ifdim##1\points=\zeropoint#1\else##1\fi
+ \localstopcolor
+ \hss}%
+ \vss}%
+ \fi}}%
+ \offinterlineskip
+ \processcommalist[1.00,0.95,0.75,0.50,0.25,0.05,0.00]\docommand}}
+ {\hbox
+ {\scratchdimen-\colormarklength
+ \multiply\scratchdimen \plustwo
+ \advance\scratchdimen \ruledwidth
+ \divide\scratchdimen 11
+ \def\docommand ##1 ##2 ##3##4##5##6%
+ {\definecolor
+ [\s!dummy]
+ [\c!c=##3##2\else0\fi,
+ \c!m=##4##2\else0\fi,
+ \c!y=##5##2\else0\fi,
+ \c!k=##6##2\else0\fi]%
+ \localstartcolor[\s!dummy]%
+ \vrule
+ \!!width \scratchdimen
+ \!!height \colormarklength
+ \!!depth \zeropoint
+ \localstopcolor
+ \ifdim\scratchdimen>2em
+ \hskip-\scratchdimen
+ \vbox to \colormarklength
+ {\vss
+ \hbox to \scratchdimen
+ {\hss
+ \localstartcolor[\s!white]%
+ \ifdim##2\points=.5\points##2~\fi##1%
+ \localstopcolor
+ \hss}
+ \vss}%
+ \fi}%
+ \docommand C .5 \iftrue \iffalse\iffalse\iffalse
+ \docommand M .5 \iffalse\iftrue \iffalse\iffalse
+ \docommand Y .5 \iffalse\iffalse\iftrue \iffalse
+ \docommand K .5 \iffalse\iffalse\iffalse\iftrue
+ \docommand C 1 \iftrue \iffalse\iffalse\iffalse
+ \docommand G 1 \iftrue \iffalse\iftrue \iffalse
+ \docommand Y 1 \iffalse\iffalse\iftrue \iffalse
+ \docommand R 1 \iffalse\iftrue \iftrue \iffalse
+ \docommand M 1 \iffalse\iftrue \iffalse\iffalse
+ \docommand B 1 \iftrue \iftrue \iffalse\iffalse
+ \docommand K 1 \iffalse\iffalse\iffalse\iftrue}}
+ {\hbox
+ {\resetcolorseparation
+ \scratchdimen-\colormarklength
+ \multiply\scratchdimen 2
+ \advance\scratchdimen \ruledwidth
+ \divide\scratchdimen 14
+ \def\docommand##1%
+ {\definecolor[\s!dummy][\c!s=##1]%
+ \localstartcolor[\s!dummy]%
+ \vrule
+ \!!width \scratchdimen
+ \!!height \colormarklength
+ \!!depth \zeropoint
+ \localstopcolor
+ \ifdim\scratchdimen>2em
+ \hskip-\scratchdimen
+ \vbox to \colormarklength
+ {\vss
+ \localstartcolor[\s!white]%
+ \hbox to \scratchdimen{\hss##1\hss}
+ \localstopcolor
+ \vss}%
+ \fi}%
+ \processcommalist[1,.95,.9,.85,.8,.75,.7,.6,.5,.4,.3,.2,.1,0]\docommand}}
+ {\edef\ruledheight{\the\ht#2}%
+ \edef\ruleddepth {\the\dp#2}%
+ \edef\ruledwidth {\the\wd#2}%
+ \setbox#2\hbox
+ {\scratchdimen\colormarklength
+ \divide\scratchdimen \plustwo
+ \forgetall
+ \ssxx
+ \setbox\scratchbox\vbox
+ {\offinterlineskip
+ \vskip-\colormarkoffset\scratchdimen
+ \vskip-2\scratchdimen\relax % relax needed
+ % beware: no \ifcase, due to nested \iftrue/\iffalse
+ % and lacking \fi's
+ \doifelse{#1}{0}%
+ {\vskip\colormarklength
+ \vskip\colormarkoffset\scratchdimen
+ \vskip\ruledheight}
+ {\hbox to \ruledwidth{\hss\hbox{\colorrangeB}\hss}%
+ \vskip\colormarkoffset\scratchdimen
+ \vbox to \ruledheight
+ {\vss
+ \hbox to \ruledwidth
+ {\llap{\colorrangeA C\iftrue\iffalse\iffalse\hskip\colormarkoffset\scratchdimen}%
+ \hfill
+ \rlap{\hskip\colormarkoffset\scratchdimen\colorrangeA R\iffalse\iftrue\iftrue}}%
+ \vss
+ \hbox to \ruledwidth
+ {\llap{\colorrangeA M\iffalse\iftrue\iffalse\hskip\colormarkoffset\scratchdimen}%
+ \hfill
+ \rlap{\hskip\colormarkoffset\scratchdimen\colorrangeA G\iftrue\iffalse\iftrue}}%
+ \vss
+ \hbox to \ruledwidth
+ {\llap{\colorrangeA Y\iffalse\iffalse\iftrue\hskip\colormarkoffset\scratchdimen}%
+ \hfill
+ \rlap{\hskip\colormarkoffset\scratchdimen\colorrangeA B\iftrue\iftrue\iffalse}}%
+ \vss}}%
+ \vskip\colormarkoffset\scratchdimen
+ \hbox to \ruledwidth
+ {\hss\lower\ruleddepth\hbox{\colorrangeC}\hss}}%
+ \ht\scratchbox\ruledheight
+ \dp\scratchbox\ruleddepth
+ \wd\scratchbox\zeropoint
+ \box\scratchbox
+ \box#2}%
+ \wd#2=\ruledwidth
+ \ht#2=\ruledheight
+ \dp#2=\ruleddepth}
+\def\colormarkbox % #1
+ {\ifincolor\@EA\docolormarkbox\else\@EA\gobbletwoarguments\fi1}
+\def\rastermarkbox % #1
+ {\ifincolor\@EA\docolormarkbox\else\@EA\gobbletwoarguments\fi0}
+%D \macros
+%D {showwhatsits, dontshowwhatsits}
+%D \TEX\ has three so called whatsits: \type {\mark}, \type
+%D {\write} and \type {\special}. The first one keeps track of
+%D the current state at page boundaries, the last two are used
+%D to communicate to the outside world. Due to fact that
+%D especially \type {\write} is often used in conjunction with
+%D \type {\edef}, we can only savely support that one in \ETEX.
+%D \bgroup \showwhatsits \setupcolors[state=start]
+%D Whatsits show up \color[blue]{in color} and are
+%D characterized bij their first character.\footnote [some note]
+%D {So we may encounter \type {w}, \type {m} and \type{s}.}
+%D They are \writestatus{dummy}{demo}\color[yellow]{stacked}.
+%D \egroup
+ \let\showwhatsits \relax
+ \let\dontshowwhatsits\relax
+ \let\supernormalmark \normalmark % mark may already been superseded
+ \let\supernormalmarks \normalmarks % mark may already been superseded
+ \def\showwhatsits
+ {\protected\def\normalmark {\visualwhatsit100+m\supernormalmark }%
+ \protected\def\normalmarks{\visualwhatsit100+m\supernormalmarks}%
+ \protected\def\special {\visualwhatsit0100s\normalspecial }%
+ \protected\def\write {\visualwhatsit001-w\normalwrite }%
+ \let\immediate\immediatewhatsit
+ \appendtoks\dontshowwhatsits\to\everystoptext}
+ \def\immediatewhatsit
+ {\bgroup\futurelet\next\doimmediatewhatsit}
+ \def\doimmediatewhatsit
+ {\ifx\next\write
+ \egroup\immediatewritetrue
+ \else
+ \egroup\expandafter\normalimmediate
+ \fi}
+ \def\dontshowwhatsits
+ {\let\immediate \normalimmediate
+ \let\normalmark\supernormalmark
+ \let\special \normalspecial
+ \let\write \normalwrite}
+ \def\visualwhatsit#1#2#3#4#5%
+ {\bgroup
+ \pushwhatsit
+ \dontinterfere
+ \dontcomplain
+ \dontshowcomposition
+ \dontshowwhatsits
+ \ttx
+ \ifvmode\donetrue\else\donefalse\fi
+ \setbox\scratchbox\hbox
+ {\ifdone\dostartgraycolormode0\else\dostartrgbcolormode#1#2#3\fi
+ #5\dostopcolormode}%
+ \setbox\scratchbox\hbox
+ {\ifdone\dostartrgbcolormode#1#2#3\else\dostartgraycolormode0\fi
+ \vrule\!!width\wd\scratchbox\dostopcolormode
+ \hskip-\wd\scratchbox\box\scratchbox}%
+ \scratchdimen1ex
+ \setbox\scratchbox\hbox
+ {\ifdone\hskip\else\raise#4\fi\scratchdimen\box\scratchbox}%
+ \smashbox\scratchbox
+ \ifdone\nointerlineskip\fi
+ \box\scratchbox
+ \ifvmode\nointerlineskip\fi
+ \popwhatsit
+ \egroup
+ \ifimmediatewrite
+ \immediatewritefalse
+ \expandafter\normalimmediate
+ \fi}
+ \def\pushwhatsit
+ {\ifzeropt\lastskip
+ \ifcase\lastpenalty
+ \ifzeropt\lastkern
+ \ifhmode
+ \let\popwhatsit\relax
+ \else
+ \edef\popwhatsit{\prevdepth\the\prevdepth}%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \ifhmode
+ \edef\popwhatsit{\kern\the\lastkern}\unkern
+ \else
+ \edef\popwhatsit{\kern\the\lastkern\prevdepth\the\prevdepth}%
+ \kern-\lastkern
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \ifhmode
+ \edef\popwhatsit{\the\lastpenalty}%
+ \unpenalty
+ \else
+ \edef\popwhatsit{\penalty\the\lastpenalty\prevdepth\the\prevdepth}%
+ %\nobreak
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \ifhmode
+ \edef\popwhatsit{\hskip\the\lastskip}\unskip
+ \else
+ \edef\popwhatsit{\vskip\the\lastskip\prevdepth\the\prevdepth}%
+ \vskip-\lastskip
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+%D The next macro can be used to keep track of classes of
+%D boxes (handy for development cq.\ tracing).
+\def\dodotagbox#1#2#3% can be reimplemented
+ {\def\next##1##2##3##4%
+ {\vbox to \ht#2{##3\hbox to \wd#2{##1#3##2}##4}}%
+ \processaction
+ [#1]
+ [ l=>\next\relax\hfill\vfill\vfill,
+ r=>\next\hfill\relax\vfill\vfill,
+ t=>\next\hfill\hfill\relax\vfill,
+ b=>\next\hfill\hfill\vfill\relax,
+ lt=>\next\relax\hfill\relax\vfill,
+ lb=>\next\relax\hfill\vfill\relax,
+ rt=>\next\hfill\relax\relax\vfill,
+ rb=>\next\hfill\relax\vfill\relax,
+ tl=>\next\relax\hfill\relax\vfill,
+ bl=>\next\relax\hfill\vfill\relax,
+ tr=>\next\hfill\relax\relax\vfill,
+ br=>\next\hfill\relax\vfill\relax,
+ \s!default=>\next\hfill\hfill\vfill\vfill,
+ \s!unknown=>\next\hfill\hfill\vfill\vfill]}
+ {\bgroup
+ \dowithnextbox
+ {\setbox\scratchbox\flushnextbox
+ \setbox\nextbox\ifhbox\nextbox\hbox\else\vbox\fi
+ \bgroup
+ \startoverlay
+ {\copy\scratchbox}
+ {\dodotagbox{#1}\scratchbox{\framed
+ [\c!background=\v!screen,\c!backgroundscreen=1]{#2}}}
+ \stopoverlay
+ \egroup
+ \nextboxwd\the\wd\scratchbox
+ \nextboxht\the\ht\scratchbox
+ \nextboxdp\the\dp\scratchbox
+ \flushnextbox
+ \egroup}}
+ {\dosingleempty\dotagbox}
+%D \macros
+%D {coloredhbox,coloredvbox,coloredvtop,
+%D coloredstrut}
+%D The following visualizations are used in some of the manuals:
+\definecolor[strutcolor] [r=.5,g=.25,b=.25]
+ {\dowithnextbox{#1{\hbox
+ {\blackrule[\c!width=\nextboxwd,\c!height=\nextboxht,\c!depth=\zeropoint,\c!color=boxcolor:ht]%
+ \hskip-\nextboxwd
+ \blackrule[\c!width=\nextboxwd,\c!height=\zeropoint,\c!depth=\nextboxdp,\c!color=boxcolor:dp]%
+ \hskip-\nextboxwd
+ \box\nextbox}}}#1}
+ {\color[strutcolor]{\def\strutwidth{2\points}\setstrut\strut}}
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/type-def.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/type-def.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0ff1e0b7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/type-def.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=type-def,
+%D version=2005.02.04,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Typescript Macros,
+%D subtitle=Default Definitions,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\starttypescript [serif] [simple] [name]
+ \definefontsynonym [Serif] [Simple]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifBold] [Serif]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifItalic] [Serif]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifSlanted] [Serif]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifBoldItalic] [Serif]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifBoldSlanted] [Serif]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifCaps] [Serif]
+\starttypescript [sans] [simple] [name]
+ \definefontsynonym [Sans] [Simple]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansBold] [Sans]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansItalic] [Sans]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansSlanted] [Sans]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansBoldItalic] [Sans]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansBoldSlanted] [Sans]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansCaps] [Sans]
+\starttypescript [mono] [simple] [name]
+ \definefontsynonym [Mono] [Simple]
+ \definefontsynonym [MonoBold] [Mono]
+ \definefontsynonym [MonoItalic] [Mono]
+ \definefontsynonym [MonoSlanted] [Mono]
+ \definefontsynonym [MonoBoldItalic] [Mono]
+ \definefontsynonym [MonoBoldSlanted] [Mono]
+ \definefontsynonym [MonoCaps] [Mono]
+% handy
+% \starttypescript [serif] [simple] [name]
+% \definefontsynonym [Simple] [cmvtt10]
+% \setupfontsynonym [Simple] [handling=pure]
+% \stoptypescript
+\starttypescript [serif,sans,mono] [handling,hanging] [pure,normal]
+ \setupfontsynonym [\typescriptprefix\typescriptone ] [handling=\typescriptthree]
+ \setupfontsynonym [\typescriptprefix\typescriptone Bold] [handling=\typescriptthree bold]
+ \setupfontsynonym [\typescriptprefix\typescriptone Slanted] [handling=\typescriptthree slanted]
+ \setupfontsynonym [\typescriptprefix\typescriptone Italic] [handling=\typescriptthree italic]
+ \setupfontsynonym [\typescriptprefix\typescriptone BoldSlanted] [handling=\typescriptthree boldslanted]
+ \setupfontsynonym [\typescriptprefix\typescriptone BoldItalic] [handling=\typescriptthree bolditalic]
+\starttypescript [serif,sans,mono] [handling,hz] [hz,quality,highquality]
+ \setupfontsynonym [\typescriptprefix\typescriptone ] [handling=\typescriptthree]
+ \setupfontsynonym [\typescriptprefix\typescriptone Bold] [handling=\typescriptthree]
+ \setupfontsynonym [\typescriptprefix\typescriptone Slanted] [handling=\typescriptthree]
+ \setupfontsynonym [\typescriptprefix\typescriptone Italic] [handling=\typescriptthree]
+ \setupfontsynonym [\typescriptprefix\typescriptone BoldSlanted] [handling=\typescriptthree]
+ \setupfontsynonym [\typescriptprefix\typescriptone BoldItalic] [handling=\typescriptthree]
+\starttypescript [serif,sans,mono] [handling] [noligs,prespacing,flexspacing]
+ \setupfontsynonym [\typescriptprefix\typescriptone ] [handling=\typescriptthree]
+ \setupfontsynonym [\typescriptprefix\typescriptone Bold] [handling=\typescriptthree]
+ \setupfontsynonym [\typescriptprefix\typescriptone Slanted] [handling=\typescriptthree]
+ \setupfontsynonym [\typescriptprefix\typescriptone Italic] [handling=\typescriptthree]
+ \setupfontsynonym [\typescriptprefix\typescriptone BoldSlanted] [handling=\typescriptthree]
+ \setupfontsynonym [\typescriptprefix\typescriptone BoldItalic] [handling=\typescriptthree]
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/type-ini.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/type-ini.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c6b0a8931
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/type-ini.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,726 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=type-ini,
+%D version=2001.03.05,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Typescript Macros,
+%D subtitle=Initialization,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Typescript Macros / Initialization}
+%D The default fontclass is empty. We could demand always using fontclasses,
+%D and then make the calling macros simplier (always assume fontclass) but
+%D apart from downward compatibility issues, it would make global, class
+%D spanning definitions a pain. Some day we will introduce a default class.
+% torture test : proper typefaces (and namespace)
+% \starttext
+% \usetypescript[modern][default] default: \setupbodyfont[modern] \eacute \eogonek \zcaron \acircumflexgrave
+% \usetypescript[modern][texnansi] texnansi: \setupbodyfont[modern] \eacute \eogonek \zcaron \acircumflexgrave
+% \usetypescript[modern][ec] ec: \setupbodyfont[modern] \eacute \eogonek \zcaron \acircumflexgrave
+% \usetypescript[modern][qx] qx: \setupbodyfont[modern] \eacute \eogonek \zcaron \acircumflexgrave
+% \usetypescript[modern][t5] t5: \setupbodyfont[modern] \eacute \eogonek \zcaron \acircumflexgrave
+% \stoptext
+% torture test : no typeface, just definitions
+% \starttext
+% {\setupbodyfont[reset] \setupbodyfont[cmr] cmr: \eacute \eogonek \zcaron \acircumflexgrave \endgraf}
+% {\setupbodyfont[reset] \setupbodyfont[plr] plr: \eacute \eogonek \zcaron \acircumflexgrave \endgraf}
+% {\setupbodyfont[reset] \setupbodyfont[csr] csr: \eacute \eogonek \zcaron \acircumflexgrave \endgraf}
+% {\setupbodyfont[reset] \setupbodyfont[vnr] vnr: \eacute \eogonek \zcaron \acircumflexgrave \endgraf}
+% {\setupbodyfont[reset] \setupbodyfont[aer] aer: \eacute \eogonek \zcaron \acircumflexgrave \endgraf}
+% \stoptext
+% \usetypescript [modern] [texnansi]
+% normal : 1450 ms
+% exa quit : 1300 ms (150 ms)
+% preload : 825 ms (635 ms) (40-50%)
+% \usetypescript [modern] [texnansi]
+% \usetypescript [palatino][texnansi]
+% \usetypescript [times] [texnansi]
+% normal : 3200 ms
+% exa quit : 2700 ms ( 500 ms)
+% preload : 1300 ms (1900 ms) (60-70%)
+% \usetypescript [modern][\defaultencoding]
+% \usetypescript [map] [latin-modern-os] [\defaultencoding]
+% \setupbodyfont[modern]
+% test 1234 test
+ {\dosingleempty\dostarttypescriptcollection}
+ {}
+ {}
+ {\doifelse{#1}\v!reset
+ {\let\typescriptfiles\empty}
+ {\splitfiletype{#1}%
+ \addtocommalist\splitoffname\typescriptfiles}}
+\let\@@typescriptone \empty \let\typescriptone \empty
+\let\@@typescripttwo \empty \let\typescripttwo \empty
+\let\@@typescriptthree\empty \let\typescriptthree\empty
+% method 2 is for Hans van der Meer
+\chardef\typescriptmethod\plusone % 1: empty==all==true 2: empty==false
+\chardef\typescriptstate \plustwo % 1: process 2: store
+\unexpanded\def\usetypescript {\chardef\typescriptmethod\plusone\dotripleempty\dousetypescript}
+ {\expanded{\dodousetypescript[#1][#2][#3]}}
+\def\dodousetypescript[#1][#2][#3]% also loads type-loc, a user file
+ {\pushmacro\@@typescriptone \edef\@@typescriptone {\truetypescript{#1}}%
+ \pushmacro\@@typescripttwo \edef\@@typescripttwo {\truetypescript{#2}}%
+ \pushmacro\@@typescriptthree\edef\@@typescriptthree{\truetypescript{#3}}%
+ \pushmacro\typescriptone
+ \pushmacro\typescripttwo
+ \pushmacro\typescriptthree
+ \pushmacro\typescriptmethod
+ \pushmacro\typescriptstate \chardef\typescriptstate\plusone % process
+ \pushmacro\stoptypescript
+ \typescriptfoundfalse
+ \iftracetypescripts\writestatus\m!fonts{request: [\@@typescriptone] [\@@typescripttwo] [\@@typescriptthree]}\fi
+ \processcommacommand[\typescriptfiles]\dododousetypescript
+ \the\documenttypescripts
+ \firsttypescriptpassfalse % testen
+ \popmacro\stoptypescript
+ \popmacro\typescriptstate
+ \popmacro\typescriptmethod
+ \popmacro\typescriptthree
+ \popmacro\typescripttwo
+ \popmacro\typescriptone
+ \popmacro\@@typescriptthree
+ \popmacro\@@typescripttwo
+ \popmacro\@@typescriptone}
+% simple version:
+% \def\dododousetypescript#1%
+% {\startreadingfile
+% \pushmacro\currenttypefile
+% \def\currenttypefile{#1}%
+% \def\currenttypefile{#1}%
+% \readfile\currenttypefile\donothing\donothing
+% \popmacro\currenttypefile
+% \stopreadingfile}
+% tricky version:
+ {\setfalse\quittingtypescript
+ \pushmacro\currenttypefile
+ \def\currenttypefile{#1}%
+ \ifconditional\preloadingtypescripts
+ % load files once, and use saved data
+ \def\loadedtypescripts{\csname\??ts:\c!file:#1\endcsname}%
+ \@EAEAEA\ifx\loadedtypescripts\relax
+ \@EAEAEA\newtoks\loadedtypescripts
+ \bgroup
+ \long\def\starttypescript##1\stoptypescript
+ {\global\loadedtypescripts\@EA{\the\loadedtypescripts\starttypescript##1\stoptypescript}}%
+ \long\def\starttypescriptcollection##1\stoptypescriptcollection
+ {\global\loadedtypescripts\@EA{\the\loadedtypescripts\starttypescriptcollection##1\stoptypescriptcollection}}%
+ \startreadingfile
+ \pushendofline
+ \unprotect
+ \readfile{\currenttypefile.\mksuffix}\donothing{\readfile\currenttypefile\donothing\donothing}%
+ \protect
+ \popendofline
+ \stopreadingfile
+ \egroup
+ \fi
+ %\message{[\space\currenttypefile}%
+ \the\loadedtypescripts
+ %\message{\ifconditional\quittingtypescript quit\space\fi]}%
+ \else
+ % process files each time
+ \startreadingfile
+ \pushendofline
+ \unprotect
+ \readfile{\currenttypefile.\mksuffix}\donothing{\readfile\currenttypefile\donothing\donothing}%
+ \protect
+ \popendofline
+ \stopreadingfile
+ \fi
+ \popmacro\currenttypefile
+ \ifconditional\quittingtypescript
+ \quitcommalist
+ \setfalse\quittingtypescript
+ \fi}
+% % not faster, unless maybe toks
+% \newcount\nofloadedtypescripts
+% \def\startloadedtypescript
+% {\dotripleempty\dostartloadedtypescript}
+% \let\stoploadedtypescript\relax
+% \long\def\dostartloadedtypescript[#1][#2][#3]#4\stoptypescript
+% {\global\advance\nofloadedtypescripts\plusone
+% \long\setgvalue{\??ts=>\the\nofloadedtypescripts}{#4}%
+% \edef\temp%
+% {\iffirstargument [#1]\fi
+% \ifsecondargument[#2]\fi
+% \ifthirdargument [#3]\fi
+% \noexpand\csname\??ts=>\the\nofloadedtypescripts\noexpand\endcsname}%
+% \global\loadedtypescripts\@EA\@EA\@EA{\@EA\the\@EA\loadedtypescripts\@EA\starttypescript\temp\stoptypescript}}
+% \def\startloadedtypescriptcollection
+% {\dosingleempty\dostartloadedtypescriptcollection}
+% \def\dostartloadedtypescriptcollection[#1]{}
+% \def\stoploadedtypescriptcollection {}
+% \def\dododousetypescript#1%
+% {\setfalse\quittingtypescript
+% \pushmacro\currenttypefile
+% \def\currenttypefile{#1}%
+% \ifconditional\preloadingtypescripts
+% % load files once, and use saved data
+% \def\loadedtypescripts{\csname\??ts:\c!file:#1\endcsname}%
+% \@EAEAEA\ifx\loadedtypescripts\relax
+% \@EAEAEA\newtoks\loadedtypescripts
+% \bgroup
+% %
+% \let\starttypescript \startloadedtypescript
+% \let\stoptypescript \stoploadedtypescript
+% \let\starttypescriptcollection\startloadedtypescriptcollection
+% \let\stoptypescriptcollection \stoploadedtypescriptcollection
+% %
+% \startreadingfile
+% \pushendofline
+% \unprotect
+% \readfile\currenttypefile\donothing\donothing
+% \protect
+% \popendofline
+% \stopreadingfile
+% \egroup
+% \fi
+% %\message{[\space\currenttypefile}%
+% \the\loadedtypescripts
+% %\message{\ifconditional\quittingtypescript quit\space\fi]}%
+% \else
+% % process files each time
+% \startreadingfile
+% \pushendofline
+% \unprotect
+% \readfile\currenttypefile\donothing\donothing
+% \protect
+% \popendofline
+% \stopreadingfile
+% \fi
+% \popmacro\currenttypefile
+% \ifconditional\quittingtypescript
+% \quitcommalist
+% \setfalse\quittingtypescript
+% \fi}
+ {\dotripleempty\dousetypescriptonce}
+ {\doifelseflagged{ts:#1:#2:#3}%
+ {\writestatus\m!fonts{once (#1) (#2) (#3)}}
+ {\setflag{ts:#1:#2:#3}%
+ \expanded{\dodousetypescript[#1][#2][#3]}}}
+% \definetypescriptsynonym[lbr][cmr]
+ {\dodoubleempty\dodefinetypescriptsynonym}
+ {\ifsecondargument\setevalue{\??tm#1}{#2}\fi}
+ {\ifcsname\??tm#1\endcsname
+ \@EA\truetypescript\csname\??tm#1\endcsname\else#1%
+ \fi}
+% script [serif] [default] [size]
+% script [serif] [computer-modern] [size]
+% script [serif] [computer-modern] [ec]
+% script [serif] [computer-modern] [name]
+% script [serif] [computer-modern] [special]
+% todo, make firsttypescriptpass conditional
+\newif\iffirsttypescriptpass \firsttypescriptpasstrue
+ {\ifcase\typescriptstate
+ % 0 = skip
+ \@EA\gobbleuntil\@EA\stoptypescript
+ \or
+ % 1 = process
+ \expandafter\dostarttypescript
+ \or
+ % 2 = store
+ \expandafter\nostarttypescript
+ \else
+ % ? = skip
+ \@EA\gobbleuntil\@EA\stoptypescript
+ \fi}
+ {\appendtoks\starttypescript#1\stoptypescript\to\documenttypescripts}
+ {\let\typescriptone \@@typescriptone
+ \let\typescripttwo \@@typescripttwo
+ \let\typescriptthree\@@typescriptthree
+ \let\typescriptmatch\empty
+ \doifnextoptionalelse\dostarttypescriptone\dostarttypescriptall}
+ {\iffirsttypescriptpass
+ \expandafter\doprocesstypescript
+ \else
+ % skip this since it may do unwanted resets, like
+ % setting symbolic font names to unknown, especially
+ % in run time user type scripts
+ \expandafter\noprocesstypescript
+ \fi}
+ {\ifdone
+ \typescriptfoundtrue
+ \iftracetypescripts\writestatus\m!fonts{match:\ifx\currenttypefile\relax\space *\fi \typescriptmatch}\fi
+ \expandafter\doprocesstypescript
+ \else
+ \expandafter\noprocesstypescript
+ \fi}
+ {\dochecktypescript\@@typescriptone\typescriptone\redostarttypescriptone}
+ {\dochecktypescript\@@typescripttwo\typescripttwo\redostarttypescripttwo}
+ {\dochecktypescript\@@typescriptthree\typescriptthree\redostarttypescriptthree}
+ {\doifnextoptionalelse\dostarttypescripttwo\dostarttypescriptyes}
+ {\doifnextoptionalelse\dostarttypescriptthree\dostarttypescriptyes}
+ {\dostarttypescriptyes}
+ {\pushmacro\fontclass}
+ {\popmacro\fontclass}
+ {}
+\def\dochecktypescript#1#2#3[#4]% script use value next
+ {\donefalse
+ \def\@@typescriptcheck{#4}%
+ \ifx\@@typescriptcheck\empty % no longer needed / met
+ \ifcase\typescriptmethod\or\donetrue\else\donefalse\fi
+ \else\ifx#1\typescript@@all
+ \donetrue
+ \else\ifx\@@typescriptcheck\typescript@@all
+ \donetrue
+ \else\expanded{\doifcommonelse{\@@typescriptcheck}{#1}}\donetrue\donefalse\ifdone
+ \let#2\commalistelement
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi
+ \ifdone
+ \edef\typescriptmatch{\typescriptmatch\space[#4]}%
+ \expandafter#3%
+ \else
+ \expandafter\noprocesstypescript
+ \fi}
+%D Yet another speed up: when issued inside typescript, the call
+%D \starttyping
+%D \quittypescriptscanning
+%D \stoptyping
+%D quits further loading. For an example, see type-exa:
+\newconditional\quittingtypescript \setfalse\quittingtypescript
+% status
+% 1 loaded
+% 2 reported
+% 3 preloaded
+% flags ipv \c!state, more flag values
+ {\splitfiletype{#1}%
+ \writestatus\m!fonts{assuming map file: \splitoffname}%
+ \setxvalue{\splitoffname \c!state}{3}%
+ \doglobal\removefromcommalist\splitoffname\allfontmapsfiles}
+\def\loadmapfile [#1]{\expanded{\processcommalist[#1]}\loadthemapfile}
+\def\unloadmapfile [#1]{\expanded{\processcommalist[#1]}\unloadthemapfile}
+% too soon, no driver known, \ifproductionrun \loadallfontmapfiles \fi
+% temp hack, will become just \addto
+ \def\loadthemapfile#1%
+ {\splitfiletype{#1}%
+ \doglobal\addtocommalist\splitoffname\allfontmapsfiles}
+\else\ifnum\pdftexversion<120 % no overloading
+ \def\loadthemapfile#1%
+ {\splitfiletype{#1}%
+ \doglobal\pretocommalist\splitoffname\allfontmapsfiles}
+ \def\loadthemapfile#1%
+ {\splitfiletype{#1}%
+ \doglobal\addtocommalist\splitoffname\allfontmapsfiles}
+\fi \fi
+ {\splitfiletype{#1}%
+ \doglobal\removefromcommalist\splitoffname\allfontmapsfiles}
+ {\immediatewriteutilitycommand{\usedmapfile{=}{#1}}}
+ {\ifundefined{#1\c!state}%
+ \writestatus\m!fonts{using map file: #1}%
+ \doregisterloadedmapfile{#1}%
+ \doloadmapfile{=}{#1.\f!fontmapextension}% +/add =/replace -/remove
+ \setxvalue{#1\c!state}{1}%
+ \fi}
+ {\ifundefined{#1\c!state}%
+ \writestatus\m!fonts{needs map file: #1}%
+ \setxvalue{#1\c!state}{2}%
+ \fi}
+ {%\message{[\allfontmapsfiles]}%
+ \ifconditional\resettingmapfile
+ \writestatus\m!fonts{resetting map file list}%
+ \doresetmapfilelist
+ \global\setfalse\resettingmapfile
+ \fi
+ \ifx\allfontmapsfiles\empty \else
+ \ifautoloadmapfiles
+ \processcommacommand[\allfontmapsfiles]\doloadfontmapfile
+ \else
+ \processcommacommand[\allfontmapsfiles]\doreportfontmapfile
+ \fi
+ \forgetmapfiles
+ \fi}
+ {\dodoubleempty\dodoloadmapline}
+ {\loadallfontmapfiles % ! ! !
+ \ifsecondargument
+ \immediatewriteutilitycommand{\usedmapline{#1}{#2}}%
+ \doloadmapline{#1}{#2}% special
+ \else
+ \loadmapline[=][#1]%
+ %\immediatewriteutilitycommand{\usedmapline{=}{#2}}%
+ %\doloadmapline{=}{#1}% special
+ \fi}
+% since this is driver dependent, and since we may set map files
+% before an output format is defined, we need to postpone it; we
+% cannot use starttext as hook because an output switch can be part
+% of a style; an alternative is to no longer permit driver switching
+% after the first \starttext, but that will break compatibility
+% because \startcomponent ... \environment ... is pretty legal.
+% the map directives need to end up in the right place in the stream
+% hm, the timing of when pdftex needs the map file info keeps changing;
+% it's really time to move to map line support
+% \appendtoks \loadallfontmapfiles \to \everyPDFximage
+% \appendtoks \loadallfontmapfiles \to \everystarttext
+% \appendtoks \loadallfontmapfiles \to \everybeforepagebody
+\everybeforeshipout \expandafter
+ {\expandafter\appendtoks
+ \expandafter\loadallfontmapfiles
+ \expandafter\to
+ \expandafter\pageboundsettings
+ \the\everybeforeshipout}
+ {\globallet\allfontmapsfiles\empty}
+ {\global\settrue\resettingmapfile}
+ {\resetmapfiles
+ \forgetmapfiles}
+%D A handy shortcut:
+% \definetypescriptprefix[serif][Serif]
+% \definetypescriptprefix[sans] [Sans]
+% \definetypescriptprefix[mono] [Mono]
+%\starttypescript [serif,sans,mono] [handling,hanging,hz] [pure,normal,hz,quality]
+% \setupfontsynonym [\typescriptprefix\typescriptone] [handling=\typescriptthree]
+% \stoptypescript
+ {\dodoubleargument\dodefinetypescriptprefix}
+ {\setgvalue{\??ts::#1}{#2}} % made global
+% without testing:
+% \def\typescriptprefix#1%
+% {\csname\??ts::#1\endcsname}
+% with testing:
+ {\executeifdefined{\??ts::#1}{#1}}
+% defining typefaces:
+% \definetypeface [#1:joke] [#2:rm]
+% \definetypeface [#1:joke] [#2:rm] [#3:...]
+% \definetypeface [#1:joke] [#2:rm] [#3:serif] [#4:lucida] [#5:size] [#6:...]
+ {\dosixtupleargument\dodefinetypeface}
+\def\tsvar#1#2% \executeifdefined{\??ts#1}{#2}
+ {\@EA\ifx\csname\??ts#1\endcsname\empty
+ #2%
+ \else
+ \csname\??ts#1\endcsname
+ \fi}
+% #1=main #2=rm #3=serif #4=fontname #5=size #6=settings
+% we can use \rawgetparameters or \rawgeteparameters
+ {\dododefinetypeface[#1][#2]%
+ \iffifthargument % sixth is optional
+ % we need to expand since in #6 there can be a \typescripttwo
+% \expanded{\getparameters[\??ts][\s!rscale=\plusone,\s!encoding=\defaultencoding,\s!features=,\s!fallbacks=,\s!text=,#6]}% \geteparameters
+ \expanded{\getparameters[\??ts][\s!rscale=\plusone,\s!encoding=\defaultencoding,\s!features=,\s!text=,#6]}% \geteparameters
+ \pushmacro\relativefontsize
+ \pushmacro\typefaceencoding
+ \pushmacro\fontclass
+ \let\relativefontsize\@@tsrscale
+ \let\typefaceencoding\@@tsencoding
+ \setcurrentfontclass{#1}%
+% \letvalue{\fontclass\s!features }\@@tsfeatures % new per 16/6/2007
+% \letvalue{\fontclass\s!fallbacks}\@@tsfallbacks % new per 12/10/2008
+ \saverelativefontsize{#2}\relativefontsize % fall back
+ \savemathtextstyle\@@tstext % math text style (new per 28/4/2006)
+ \iftracetypescripts\writestatus\m!fonts{define: [#1] [#2] [#3] [#4] / \typefaceencoding}\fi
+ \usetypescript[#3,\t!map][#4][\t!name,\t!default,\typefaceencoding,\t!special]% map is needed for backward cmp
+ \usetypescript[#3][#5][\t!size]%
+ \popmacro\fontclass
+ \popmacro\typefaceencoding
+ \popmacro\relativefontsize
+ \else\iffourthargument
+ \definetypeface[#1][#2][#3][#4][\s!default]%
+ \else\ifthirdargument
+ \getparameters[\??tf#1#2][#3]%
+ \fi\fi\fi}
+\def\dododefinetypeface[#1][#2]% saveguard against redefinition
+ {\doifsomething{#1}
+ {\ifcsname\??tf#1\s!default\endcsname \else
+ \registerfontclass{#1}%
+ \setgvalue{\??tf#1\s!default}{#2}%
+ \fi
+ \ifcsname#1\endcsname \else
+ \unexpanded\setgvalue{#1}{\switchtotypeface[#1][#2]}%
+ \fi}}
+\def\setuptypeface% [class] [settings]
+ {\doquadrupleempty\doswitchtotypeface[\setupbodyfont][\fontclass]}
+\unexpanded\def\switchtotypeface% [class] [settings]
+ {\doquadrupleempty\doswitchtotypeface[\switchtobodyfont][\globalfontclass]}
+ {%\doifinsetelse{\s!default,\v!reset}{#3}
+ % {\setcurrentfontclass\empty}
+ % {\setcurrentfontclass{#3}}%
+ \setcurrentfontclass{#3}%
+ \let\globalfontclass#2%
+ \iffourthargument
+ #1[#4]%
+ \else\ifx\fontclass\empty
+ #1[\c!rm]%
+ \else
+ \doifdefinedelse{\??tf\fontclass\s!default}
+ {#1[\getvalue{\??tf\fontclass\s!default}]}
+ {#1[\c!rm]}%
+ \fi \fi
+ \ifmmode\mr\else\tf\fi} % needed ?
+\def\usetypefile[#1]% recurses on path ! ?
+ {\readfile{\f!typeprefix#1}\donothing\donothing}
+%D For Taco:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \inherittypeface[palatino][rm][postscript]
+%D \inherittypeface[palatino][rm][\fontclass]
+%D \inherittypeface[palatino][rm] % == \fontclass
+%D \inherittypeface[palatino] % == [rm,ss,tt,mm]
+%D \stoptyping
+ {\dotripleempty\doinherittypeface}
+ {\doifelsenothing{#2}
+ {\doinherittypeface[#1][\c!rm,\c!ss,\c!tt,\c!mm][\fontclass]}
+ {\doifnot{#1}{#3}
+ {\def\docommand##1{\setevalue{#1-##1}{#3}}%
+ \processcommalist[#2]\docommand}}}
+%D This hook sinto the font mechanism with:
+ {\edef\fontclass{\executeifdefined{\fontclass-#1}{\fontclass}}}
+%D For backward compatibility we reimplement the font file
+%D loading macro.
+ \let\normaldoreadfontdefinitionfile\doreadfontdefinitionfile
+% old and obsolete
+% \def\doreadfontdefinitionfile#1#2% #1 = set/switch state
+% {\ifundefined{\??tf#2\c!default}%
+% \pushmacro\fontclass
+% \setcurrentfontclass\empty
+% \pushmacro\@@typescriptone \edef\@@typescriptone {\truetypescript{#2}}%
+% \pushmacro\@@typescripttwo \let\@@typescripttwo \empty
+% \pushmacro\@@typescriptthree\let\@@typescriptthree\empty
+% \typescriptfoundfalse
+% \dododousetypescript{\f!typeprefix pre}%
+% \popmacro\@@typescriptthree
+% \popmacro\@@typescripttwo
+% \popmacro\@@typescriptone
+% \iftypescriptfound \else
+% \normaldoreadfontdefinitionfile{#1}{#2}%
+% \fi
+% \setcurrentfontclass\empty
+% \popmacro\fontclass
+% \else\ifcase#1\relax
+% \switchtotypeface[#2]%
+% \else
+% \setuptypeface[#2]%
+% \fi\fi}
+% new and obeying fontclasses (but still obsolete)
+\def\doreadfontdefinitionfile#1#2% #1 = set/switch state
+ {\ifcsname\??tf#2\c!default\endcsname
+ \ifcase#1\relax
+ \switchtotypeface[#2]%
+ \else
+ \setuptypeface[#2]%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \pushmacro\starttypescript
+ \scratchtoks\emptytoks
+ % locate downward compatibility definitions, one argument !
+ \long\def\starttypescript[##1]##2\stoptypescript
+ {\doif{##1}{#2}{\scratchtoks{##2}}}
+ \startreadingfile
+ \readfile{\f!typeprefix pre}\donothing\donothing
+ \stopreadingfile
+ \popmacro\starttypescript
+ \the\scratchtoks
+ \fi}
+\fetchruntimecommand \typetypescript {\f!typeprefix\s!run}
+% \usetypescript [berry] [ec]
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/type-one.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/type-one.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4f6e43745
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/type-one.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,2917 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=type-one,
+%D version=2007.07.30,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Typescript Macros,
+%D subtitle=Type One Definitions,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D This file merges the traditional enc, syn and map files into one. If
+%D you think that it looks messy you're right. It shows some history of
+%D \TEX\ fonts and the development towards latin modern.
+% texfont --ven=public --col=antt --enc=ec --sou=auto
+% texfont --ven=public --col=antp --enc=ec --sou=auto
+% texfont --ven=urw --col=palatino --enc=ec --sou=auto
+% texfont --ven-lucas --col=sun --enc=ec --sou=.
+% \usetypescript [all] [modern] [texnansi]
+% \setupbodyfont[reset] \setupbodyfont[cmr]
+% \starttext \showfont[Serif] \stoptext
+ \starttypescript [map] [all]
+ \loadmapfile[]
+ \loadmapfile[]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript[all][modern,latin-modern][all]
+ % fallbacks, no math in latin modern
+ \definefontsynonym[lmdunh10][cmdunh10]
+ \definefontsynonym[lmff10] [cmff10]
+ \definefontsynonym[lmfi10] [cmfi10]
+ \definefontsynonym[lmfib8] [cmfib8]
+ \definefontsynonym[lmtex10] [cmtex10]
+ \definefontsynonym[lmtex8] [cmtex8]
+ \definefontsynonym[lmtex9] [cmtex9]
+ \loadmapfile[]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [serif] [modern,latin-modern] [texnansi,ec,qx,t5]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMRoman5-Regular] [\typescriptthree-lmr5] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMRoman6-Regular] [\typescriptthree-lmr6] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMRoman7-Regular] [\typescriptthree-lmr7] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMRoman8-Regular] [\typescriptthree-lmr8] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMRoman9-Regular] [\typescriptthree-lmr9] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMRoman10-Regular] [\typescriptthree-lmr10] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMRoman12-Regular] [\typescriptthree-lmr12] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMRoman17-Regular] [\typescriptthree-lmr17] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMRoman5-Bold] [\typescriptthree-lmbx5] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMRoman6-Bold] [\typescriptthree-lmbx6] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMRoman7-Bold] [\typescriptthree-lmbx7] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMRoman8-Bold] [\typescriptthree-lmbx8] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMRoman9-Bold] [\typescriptthree-lmbx9] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMRoman10-Bold] [\typescriptthree-lmbx10] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMRoman12-Bold] [\typescriptthree-lmbx12] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMRoman7-Italic] [\typescriptthree-lmri7] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMRoman8-Italic] [\typescriptthree-lmri8] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMRoman9-Italic] [\typescriptthree-lmri9] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMRoman10-Italic] [\typescriptthree-lmri10] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMRoman12-Italic] [\typescriptthree-lmri12] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMRoman10-BoldItalic] [\typescriptthree-lmbxi10] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMRoman8-Oblique] [\typescriptthree-lmro8] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMRoman9-Oblique] [\typescriptthree-lmro9] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMRoman10-Oblique] [\typescriptthree-lmro10] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMRoman12-Oblique] [\typescriptthree-lmro12] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMRoman17-Oblique] [\typescriptthree-lmro17] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMRoman10-BoldOblique] [\typescriptthree-lmbxo10] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMRoman10-Demi] [\typescriptthree-lmb10] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMRoman10-DemiOblique] [\typescriptthree-lmbo10] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMRoman10-CapsRegular] [\typescriptthree-lmcsc10] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMRoman10-CapsOblique] [\typescriptthree-lmcsco10] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMRoman10-Dunhill] [\typescriptthree-lmdunh10] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMRoman10-DunhillOblique] [\typescriptthree-lmduno10] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \loadmapfile[lm-\]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [sans] [modern,latin-modern] [texnansi,ec,qx,t5]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMSans8-Regular] [\typescriptthree-lmss8] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMSans9-Regular] [\typescriptthree-lmss9] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMSans10-Regular] [\typescriptthree-lmss10] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMSans12-Regular] [\typescriptthree-lmss12] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMSans17-Regular] [\typescriptthree-lmss17] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMSans10-Bold] [\typescriptthree-lmssbx10] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMSans8-Oblique] [\typescriptthree-lmsso8] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMSans9-Oblique] [\typescriptthree-lmsso9] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMSans10-Oblique] [\typescriptthree-lmsso10] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMSans12-Oblique] [\typescriptthree-lmsso12] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMSans17-Oblique] [\typescriptthree-lmsso17] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMSans10-BoldOblique] [\typescriptthree-lmssbo10] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMSans10-DemiCondensed] [\typescriptthree-lmssdc10] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMSans10-DemiCondensedOblique] [\typescriptthree-lmssdo10] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMSansQuotation8-Regular] [\typescriptthree-lmssq8] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMSansQuotation8-Bold] [\typescriptthree-lmssqbx8] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMSansQuotation8-Oblique] [\typescriptthree-lmssqo8] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMSansQuotation8-BoldOblique] [\typescriptthree-lmssqbo8] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \loadmapfile[lm-\]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [mono] [modern,latin-modern,modern-vari,latin-modern-vari,modern-cond,latin-modern-cond] [texnansi,ec,qx,t5]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMTypewriter8-Regular] [\typescriptthree-lmtt8] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMTypewriter9-Regular] [\typescriptthree-lmtt9] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMTypewriter10-Regular] [\typescriptthree-lmtt10] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMTypewriter12-Regular] [\typescriptthree-lmtt12] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMTypewriter10-Italic] [\typescriptthree-lmtti10] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMTypewriter10-Oblique] [\typescriptthree-lmtto10] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMTypewriter10-CapsRegular] [\typescriptthree-lmtcsc10] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMTypewriter10-CapsOblique] [\typescriptthree-lmtcso10] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMTypewriter10-Light] [\typescriptthree-lmtl10] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMTypewriter10-LightOblique] [\typescriptthree-lmtlo10] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMTypewriter10-LightCondensed] [\typescriptthree-lmtlc10] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMTypewriter10-LightCondensedOblique] [\typescriptthree-lmtlco10] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMTypewriter10-Dark] [\typescriptthree-lmtk10] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMTypewriter10-DarkOblique] [\typescriptthree-lmtko10] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMTypewriter10-Unslanted] [\typescriptthree-lmu10] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMTypewriterVarWd10-Regular] [\typescriptthree-lmvtt10] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMTypewriterVarWd10-Oblique] [\typescriptthree-lmvtto10] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMTypewriterVarWd10-Light] [\typescriptthree-lmvtl10] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMTypewriterVarWd10-LightOblique] [\typescriptthree-lmvtlo10] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMTypewriterVarWd10-Dark] [\typescriptthree-lmvtk10] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMTypewriterVarWd10-DarkOblique] [\typescriptthree-lmvtko10] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \loadmapfile[lm-\]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [math] [modern,latin-modern]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMMathRoman5-Regular] [rm-lmr5]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMMathRoman6-Regular] [rm-lmr6]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMMathRoman7-Regular] [rm-lmr7]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMMathRoman8-Regular] [rm-lmr8]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMMathRoman9-Regular] [rm-lmr9]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMMathRoman10-Regular] [rm-lmr10]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMMathRoman12-Regular] [rm-lmr12]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMMathRoman17-Regular] [rm-lmr17]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMMathRoman5-Bold] [rm-lmbx5]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMMathRoman6-Bold] [rm-lmbx6]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMMathRoman7-Bold] [rm-lmbx7]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMMathRoman8-Bold] [rm-lmbx8]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMMathRoman9-Bold] [rm-lmbx9]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMMathRoman10-Bold] [rm-lmbx10]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMMathRoman12-Bold] [rm-lmbx12]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMMathSymbols5-BoldItalic] [lmbsy5]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMMathSymbols7-BoldItalic] [lmbsy7]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMMathSymbols10-BoldItalic][lmbsy10]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMMathSymbols5-Italic] [lmsy5]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMMathSymbols6-Italic] [lmsy6]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMMathSymbols7-Italic] [lmsy7]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMMathSymbols8-Italic] [lmsy8]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMMathSymbols9-Italic] [lmsy9]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMMathSymbols10-Italic] [lmsy10]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMMathExtension10-Regular] [lmex10]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMMathItalic5-Italic] [lmmi5]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMMathItalic6-Italic] [lmmi6]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMMathItalic7-Italic] [lmmi7]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMMathItalic8-Italic] [lmmi8]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMMathItalic9-Italic] [lmmi9]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMMathItalic10-Italic] [lmmi10]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMMathItalic12-Italic] [lmmi12]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMMathItalic5-BoldItalic] [lmmib5]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMMathItalic7-BoldItalic] [lmmib7]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMMathItalic10-BoldItalic] [lmmib10]
+ \usemathcollection[default]
+ \loadmapfile[]
+ \loadmapfile[]
+ \stoptypescript
+ %D {\em Comments by Victor Figurnov:} the wcmb10, wcmbx10,
+ %D \unknown\ fonts below are taken from the Paradissa
+ %D collection by Basil Malyshev. These fonts don't conform t2a
+ %D encoding but are in MS Windows Cyrillic codepage 1251
+ %D encoding. These fonts contain only 33 russian letters in
+ %D upper and lower case, the number sign, and guillemots. But
+ %D even among these characters only the basic 32 russian
+ %D letters (in upper and lower case) will be typeset correctly
+ %D with this definition. The letters cyrillicYO and
+ %D cyrillicyo, as well as number sign (textnumero) and
+ %D guillemots won't be typeset properly, because these symbols
+ %D have different positions in t2a and MS CP1251 encodings.
+ %D
+ %D I think that the russian lh fonts and|/|or cm-super provide
+ %D better alternatives (type1). Therefore, the names below
+ %D match those of cm-super (\type {0NNN} instead of \type
+ %D {NNN}, i.e.\ four digit numbers).
+ \starttypescript [serif] [computer-modern] [cyr]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmb10] [wcmb10] [encoding=t2a]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmbsy10] [wcmbsy10] [encoding=t2a]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmbx10] [wcmbx10] [encoding=t2a]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmbx12] [wcmbx12] [encoding=t2a]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmbx5] [wcmbx5] [encoding=t2a]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmbx6] [wcmbx6] [encoding=t2a]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmbx7] [wcmbx7] [encoding=t2a]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmbx8] [wcmbx8] [encoding=t2a]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmbx9] [wcmbx9] [encoding=t2a]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmbxsl10] [wcmbxsl10] [encoding=t2a]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmbxti10] [wcmbxti10] [encoding=t2a]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmcsc10] [wcmcsc10] [encoding=t2a]
+ %definefontsynonym [cmdunh10] [wcmdunh10] [encoding=t2a]
+ \definefontsynonym [cminch] [wcminch] [encoding=t2a]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmr10] [wcmr10] [encoding=t2a]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmr12] [wcmr12] [encoding=t2a]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmr17] [wcmr17] [encoding=t2a]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmr5] [wcmr5] [encoding=t2a]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmr6] [wcmr6] [encoding=t2a]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmr7] [wcmr7] [encoding=t2a]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmr8] [wcmr8] [encoding=t2a]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmr9] [wcmr9] [encoding=t2a]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmsl10] [wcmsl10] [encoding=t2a]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmsl12] [wcmsl12] [encoding=t2a]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmsl8] [wcmsl8] [encoding=t2a]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmsl9] [wcmsl9] [encoding=t2a]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmti10] [wcmti10] [encoding=t2a]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmti12] [wcmti12] [encoding=t2a]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmti7] [wcmti7] [encoding=t2a]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmti8] [wcmti8] [encoding=t2a]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmti9] [wcmti9] [encoding=t2a]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmu10] [wcmu10] [encoding=t2a]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [sans] [computer-modern] [cyr]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmss10] [wcmss10] [encoding=t2a]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmss12] [wcmss12] [encoding=t2a]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmss17] [wcmss17] [encoding=t2a]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmss8] [wcmss8] [encoding=t2a]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmss9] [wcmss9] [encoding=t2a]
+ %definefontsynonym [cmssbi10] [wcmssbi10] [encoding=t2a]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmssbx10] [wcmssbx10] [encoding=t2a]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmssdc10] [wcmssdc10] [encoding=t2a]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmssi10] [wcmssi10] [encoding=t2a]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmssi12] [wcmssi12] [encoding=t2a]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmssi17] [wcmssi17] [encoding=t2a]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmssi8] [wcmssi8] [encoding=t2a]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmssi9] [wcmssi9] [encoding=t2a]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmssq8] [wcmssq8] [encoding=t2a]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmssqi8] [wcmssqi8] [encoding=t2a]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [mono] [computer-modern] [cyr]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmitt10] [wcmitt10] [encoding=t2a]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmsltt10] [wcmsltt10] [encoding=t2a]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmtt10] [wcmtt10] [encoding=t2a]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmtt12] [wcmtt12] [encoding=t2a]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmtt8] [wcmtt8] [encoding=t2a]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmtt9] [wcmtt9] [encoding=t2a]
+ %definefontsynonym [cmvtt10] [wcmvtt10] [encoding=t2a]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \definetypescriptprefix [c:t2a] [la]
+ \definetypescriptprefix [c:t2b] [lb]
+ \definetypescriptprefix [c:t2c] [lc]
+ \definetypescriptprefix [c:x2] [rx]
+ \starttypescript [all] [computer-modern] [t2a,t2b,t2c,x2]
+ \loadmapfile[subset-cmsuper-\]
+ \loadmapfile[subset-cmsuper-\]
+ \loadmapfile[cm-super-\]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [serif] [computer-modern] [t2a,t2b,t2c,x2]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmb10] [\typescriptprefix{c:\typescriptthree}rb1000] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmbx10] [\typescriptprefix{c:\typescriptthree}bx1000] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmbx12] [\typescriptprefix{c:\typescriptthree}bx1200] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmbx5] [\typescriptprefix{c:\typescriptthree}bx0500] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmbx6] [\typescriptprefix{c:\typescriptthree}bx0600] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmbx7] [\typescriptprefix{c:\typescriptthree}bx0700] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmbx8] [\typescriptprefix{c:\typescriptthree}bx0800] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmbx9] [\typescriptprefix{c:\typescriptthree}bx0900] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmbxsl10] [\typescriptprefix{c:\typescriptthree}bl1000] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmbxti10] [\typescriptprefix{c:\typescriptthree}bi1000] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmcsc10] [\typescriptprefix{c:\typescriptthree}cc1000] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmdunh10] [\typescriptprefix{c:\typescriptthree}dh1000] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmff10] [\typescriptprefix{c:\typescriptthree}ff1000] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmfi10] [\typescriptprefix{c:\typescriptthree}fi1000] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmfib8] [\typescriptprefix{c:\typescriptthree}fb0800] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ %\definefontsynonym [cminch] [\typescriptprefix{c:\typescriptthree}inch00] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmr10] [\typescriptprefix{c:\typescriptthree}rm1000] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmr12] [\typescriptprefix{c:\typescriptthree}rm1200] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmr17] [\typescriptprefix{c:\typescriptthree}rm1700] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmr5] [\typescriptprefix{c:\typescriptthree}rm0500] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmr6] [\typescriptprefix{c:\typescriptthree}rm0600] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmr7] [\typescriptprefix{c:\typescriptthree}rm0700] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmr8] [\typescriptprefix{c:\typescriptthree}rm0800] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmr9] [\typescriptprefix{c:\typescriptthree}rm0900] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmsl10] [\typescriptprefix{c:\typescriptthree}sl1000] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmsl12] [\typescriptprefix{c:\typescriptthree}sl1200] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmsl8] [\typescriptprefix{c:\typescriptthree}sl0800] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmsl9] [\typescriptprefix{c:\typescriptthree}sl0900] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmtcsc10] [\typescriptprefix{c:\typescriptthree}tc1000] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmti10] [\typescriptprefix{c:\typescriptthree}ti1000] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmti12] [\typescriptprefix{c:\typescriptthree}ti1200] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmti7] [\typescriptprefix{c:\typescriptthree}ti0700] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmti8] [\typescriptprefix{c:\typescriptthree}ti0800] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmti9] [\typescriptprefix{c:\typescriptthree}ti0900] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmu10] [\typescriptprefix{c:\typescriptthree}ui1000] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [sans] [computer-modern] [t2a,t2b,t2c,x2]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmss10] [\typescriptprefix{c:\typescriptthree}ss1000] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmss12] [\typescriptprefix{c:\typescriptthree}ss1200] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmss17] [\typescriptprefix{c:\typescriptthree}ss1700] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmss8] [\typescriptprefix{c:\typescriptthree}ss0800] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmss9] [\typescriptprefix{c:\typescriptthree}ss0900] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmssbx10] [\typescriptprefix{c:\typescriptthree}sx1000] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ %\definefontsynonym [cmssdc10] [\typescriptprefix{c:\typescriptthree}ssdc1000] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmssi10] [\typescriptprefix{c:\typescriptthree}si1000] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmssi12] [\typescriptprefix{c:\typescriptthree}si1200] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmssi17] [\typescriptprefix{c:\typescriptthree}si1700] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmssi8] [\typescriptprefix{c:\typescriptthree}si0800] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmssi9] [\typescriptprefix{c:\typescriptthree}si0900] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmssq8] [\typescriptprefix{c:\typescriptthree}ss0800] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmssqi8] [\typescriptprefix{c:\typescriptthree}si0800] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [mono] [computer-modern] [t2a,t2b,t2c,x2]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmitt10] [\typescriptprefix{c:\typescriptthree}it1000] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmsltt10] [\typescriptprefix{c:\typescriptthree}st1000] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmtt10] [\typescriptprefix{c:\typescriptthree}tt1000] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmtt12] [\typescriptprefix{c:\typescriptthree}tt1200] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmtt8] [\typescriptprefix{c:\typescriptthree}tt0800] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmtt9] [\typescriptprefix{c:\typescriptthree}tt0900] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmvtt10] [\typescriptprefix{c:\typescriptthree}vt1000] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [serif] [computer-modern] [lcy]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmb10] [lhb10] [encoding=lcy]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmbx10] [lhbx10] [encoding=lcy]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmbx12] [lhbx12] [encoding=lcy]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmbx5] [lhbx5] [encoding=lcy]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmbx6] [lhbx6] [encoding=lcy]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmbx7] [lhbx7] [encoding=lcy]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmbx8] [lhbx8] [encoding=lcy]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmbx9] [lhbx9] [encoding=lcy]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmbxsl10] [lhbxsl10] [encoding=lcy]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmbxti10] [lhbxti10] [encoding=lcy]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmcsc10] [lhcsc10] [encoding=lcy]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmdunh10] [lhdunh10] [encoding=lcy]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmff10] [lhff10] [encoding=lcy]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmfi10] [lhfi10] [encoding=lcy]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmfib8] [lhfib8] [encoding=lcy]
+ \definefontsynonym [cminch] [lhinch] [encoding=lcy]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmr10] [lhr10] [encoding=lcy]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmr12] [lhr12] [encoding=lcy]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmr17] [lhr17] [encoding=lcy]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmr5] [lhr5] [encoding=lcy]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmr6] [lhr6] [encoding=lcy]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmr7] [lhr7] [encoding=lcy]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmr8] [lhr8] [encoding=lcy]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmr9] [lhr9] [encoding=lcy]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmsl10] [lhsl10] [encoding=lcy]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmsl12] [lhsl12] [encoding=lcy]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmsl8] [lhsl8] [encoding=lcy]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmsl9] [lhsl9] [encoding=lcy]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmtcsc10] [lhtcsc10] [encoding=lcy]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmtex10] [lhtex10] [encoding=lcy]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmtex8] [lhtex8] [encoding=lcy]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmtex9] [lhtex9] [encoding=lcy]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmti10] [lhti10] [encoding=lcy]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmti12] [lhti12] [encoding=lcy]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmti7] [lhti7] [encoding=lcy]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmti8] [lhti8] [encoding=lcy]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmti9] [lhti9] [encoding=lcy]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmu10] [lhu10] [encoding=lcy]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [sans] [computer-modern] [lcy]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmss10] [lhss10] [encoding=lcy]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmss12] [lhss12] [encoding=lcy]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmss17] [lhss17] [encoding=lcy]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmss8] [lhss8] [encoding=lcy]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmss9] [lhss9] [encoding=lcy]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmssbi10] [lhssbi10] [encoding=lcy]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmssbx10] [lhssbx10] [encoding=lcy]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmssdc10] [lhssdc10] [encoding=lcy]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmssi10] [lhssi10] [encoding=lcy]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmssi12] [lhssi12] [encoding=lcy]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmssi17] [lhssi17] [encoding=lcy]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmssi8] [lhssi8] [encoding=lcy]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmssi9] [lhssi9] [encoding=lcy]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmssq8] [lhssq8] [encoding=lcy]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmssqi8] [lhssqi8] [encoding=lcy]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [mono] [computer-modern] [lcy]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmitt10] [lhitt10] [encoding=lcy]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmsltt10] [lhsltt10] [encoding=lcy]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmtt10] [lhtt10] [encoding=lcy]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmtt12] [lhtt12] [encoding=lcy]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmtt8] [lhtt8] [encoding=lcy]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmtt9] [lhtt9] [encoding=lcy]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmvtt10] [lhvtt10] [encoding=lcy]
+ \stoptypescript
+ %
+ \starttypescript [math] [modern,computer-modern,latin-modern] % [default]
+ % watch the space, it prevents remapping
+ \definefontsynonym [ComputerModernMath-Roman] [rm-lmr10]% [lmr10 ]
+ \definefontsynonym [ComputerModernMath-Extension] [lmex10]
+ \definefontsynonym [ComputerModernMath-Italic] [lmmi10]
+ \definefontsynonym [ComputerModernMath-Symbol] [lmsy10]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [boldmath,bfmath] [modern,computer-modern,latin-modern] % [default]
+ % watch the space, it prevents remapping
+ \definefontsynonym [ComputerModernMath-Roman-Bold] [rm-lmb10] % [lmb10 ]
+ \definefontsynonym [ComputerModernMath-Extension] [lmex10]
+ \definefontsynonym [ComputerModernMath-Italic-Bold] [lmmib10]
+ \definefontsynonym [ComputerModernMath-Symbol-Bold] [lmbsy10]
+ \stoptypescript
+ % Till we have cyrilic in lm:
+ % \usetypescript[modern-base][t2a]
+ % \setupbodyfont[modern,10pt]
+ \starttypescript [serif] [computer-modern] [t2a,t2b,t2c,x2]
+ \definefontsynonym [Serif] [\typescriptprefix{c:\typescriptthree}rm1000] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifItalic] [\typescriptprefix{c:\typescriptthree}ti1000] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifSlanted] [\typescriptprefix{c:\typescriptthree}sl1000] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifBold] [\typescriptprefix{c:\typescriptthree}bx1000] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifBoldItalic] [\typescriptprefix{c:\typescriptthree}bi1000] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifBoldSlanted] [\typescriptprefix{c:\typescriptthree}bl1000] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifCaps] [\typescriptprefix{c:\typescriptthree}cc1000] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifCapsSlanted] [\typescriptprefix{c:\typescriptthree}sc1000] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [sans] [computer-modern] [t2a,t2b,t2c,x2]
+ \definefontsynonym [Sans] [\typescriptprefix{c:\typescriptthree}ss1000] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansItalic] [\typescriptprefix{c:\typescriptthree}si1000] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansSlanted] [\typescriptprefix{c:\typescriptthree}si1000] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansBold] [\typescriptprefix{c:\typescriptthree}sx1000] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansBoldItalic] [\typescriptprefix{c:\typescriptthree}so1000] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansBoldSlanted] [\typescriptprefix{c:\typescriptthree}so1000] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansCaps] [\typescriptprefix{c:\typescriptthree}ss1000] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansCapsSlanted] [\typescriptprefix{c:\typescriptthree}si1000] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [mono] [computer-modern] [t2a,t2b,t2c,x2]
+ \definefontsynonym [Mono] [\typescriptprefix{c:\typescriptthree}tt1000] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [MonoItalic] [\typescriptprefix{c:\typescriptthree}it1000] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [MonoSlanted] [\typescriptprefix{c:\typescriptthree}st1000] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [MonoBold] [\typescriptprefix{c:\typescriptthree}tt1000] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [MonoBoldItalic] [\typescriptprefix{c:\typescriptthree}it1000] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [MonoBoldSlanted] [\typescriptprefix{c:\typescriptthree}st1000] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [MonoCaps] [\typescriptprefix{c:\typescriptthree}tc1000] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [MonoCapsSlanted] [\typescriptprefix{c:\typescriptthree}tc1000] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \stoptypescript
+ % Computer Concrete (AMS)
+ \starttypescript [serif] [concrete] [default]
+ \definefontsynonym [ComputerConcrete] [ccr10]
+ \definefontsynonym [ComputerConcrete-Italic] [ccti10]
+ \definefontsynonym [ComputerConcrete-Slanted] [ccsl10]
+ \definefontsynonym [ComputerConcrete-Bold] [ComputerConcrete]
+ \definefontsynonym [ComputerConcrete-BoldItalic] [ComputerConcrete-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [ComputerConcrete-BoldSlanted] [ComputerConcrete-Slanted]
+ \definefontsynonym [ComputerConcrete-Caps] [cccsc10]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [serif] [modern,computer-modern,latin-modern] [name]
+ \definefontsynonym [Serif] [LMRoman-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifBold] [LMRoman-Bold]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifItalic] [LMRoman-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifSlanted] [LMRoman-Oblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifBoldItalic] [LMRoman-BoldItalic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifBoldSlanted] [LMRoman-BoldOblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifCaps] [LMRoman-CapsRegular]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifCapsSlanted] [LMRoman-CapsOblique]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [sans] [modern,computer-modern,latin-modern] [name]
+ \definefontsynonym [Sans] [LMSans-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansBold] [LMSans-Bold]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansItalic] [LMSans-Oblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansSlanted] [LMSans-Oblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansBoldItalic] [LMSans-BoldOblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansBoldSlanted] [LMSans-BoldOblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansCaps] [LMSans-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansCapsSlanted] [LMSans-Oblique]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [mono] [modern,computer-modern,latin-modern] [name]
+ \definefontsynonym [Mono] [LMTypewriter-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [MonoBold] [LMTypewriter-Dark]
+ \definefontsynonym [MonoItalic] [LMTypewriter-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [MonoSlanted] [LMTypewriter-Oblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [MonoBoldItalic] [LMTypewriter-DarkOblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [MonoBoldSlanted] [LMTypewriter-DarkOblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [MonoCaps] [LMTypewriter-CapsRegular]
+ \definefontsynonym [MonoCapsSlanted] [LMTypewriter-CapsOblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [MonoVariable] [LMTypewriterVarWd-Regular]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [math] [modern,computer-modern,latin-modern] [name]
+ \definefontsynonym [MathRoman] [LMMathRoman-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [MathExtension] [LMMathExtension-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [MathItalic] [LMMathItalic-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [MathSymbol] [LMMathSymbols-Italic]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [boldmath] [modern,computer-modern,latin-modern] [name]
+ \definefontsynonym [MathRoman] [LMMathRoman-Bold]
+ \definefontsynonym [MathExtension] [LMMathExtension-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [MathItalic] [LMMathItalic-BoldItalic]
+ \definefontsynonym [MathSymbol] [LMMathSymbols-BoldItalic]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [bfmath] [modern,computer-modern,latin-modern] [name]
+ \definefontsynonym [MathRomanBold] [LMMathRoman-Bold]
+ \definefontsynonym [MathExtension] [LMMathExtension-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [MathItalicBold] [LMMathItalic-BoldItalic]
+ \definefontsynonym [MathSymbolBold] [LMMathSymbols-BoldItalic]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [math,boldmath,bfmath] [modern,computer-modern,latin-modern] [name]
+ \usemathcollection[default]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [serif] [modern-vari,computer-modern-vari,latin-modern-vari] [name]
+ \definefontsynonym [Serif] [LMTypewriterVarWd-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifBold] [LMTypewriterVarWd-Oblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifItalic] [LMTypewriterVarWd-Oblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifSlanted] [LMTypewriterVarWd-Dark]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifBoldItalic] [LMTypewriterVarWd-DarkOblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifBoldSlanted] [LMTypewriterVarWd-DarkOblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifCaps] [LMTypewriterVarWd-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifCapsSlanted] [LMTypewriterVarWd-Oblique]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [mono] [modern-cond,computer-modern-cond,latin-modern-cond,modern-lightcond,computer-modern-lightcond,latin-modern-lightcond] [name]
+ \definefontsynonym [Mono] [LMTypewriter-LightCondensed]
+ \definefontsynonym [MonoBold] [LMTypewriter-LightCondensed]
+ \definefontsynonym [MonoItalic] [LMTypewriter-LightCondensedOblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [MonoSlanted] [LMTypewriter-LightCondensedOblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [MonoBoldItalic] [LMTypewriter-LightCondensed]
+ \definefontsynonym [MonoBoldSlanted] [LMTypewriter-LightCondensed]
+ \definefontsynonym [MonoCaps] [LMTypewriter-LightCondensed]
+ \definefontsynonym [MonoCapsSlanted] [LMTypewriter-LightCondensed]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [mono] [modern-light,computer-modern-light,latin-modern-light] [name]
+ \definefontsynonym [Mono] [LMTypewriter-Light]
+ \definefontsynonym [MonoBold] [LMTypewriter-Light]
+ \definefontsynonym [MonoItalic] [LMTypewriter-LightOblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [MonoSlanted] [LMTypewriter-LightOblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [MonoBoldItalic] [LMTypewriter-Light]
+ \definefontsynonym [MonoBoldSlanted] [LMTypewriter-Light]
+ \definefontsynonym [MonoCaps] [LMTypewriter-Light]
+ \definefontsynonym [MonoCapsSlanted] [LMTypewriter-Light]
+ \stoptypescript
+ % Later we will map the real fonts, here we just map synonyms.
+ \starttypescript [serif] [modern,latin-modern]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMRoman-DemiOblique] [LMRoman10-DemiOblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMRoman-Bold] [LMRoman10-Bold]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMRoman-BoldItalic] [LMRoman10-BoldItalic]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMRoman-BoldOblique] [LMRoman10-BoldOblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMRoman-CapsRegular] [LMRoman10-CapsRegular]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMRoman-CapsOblique] [LMRoman10-CapsOblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMRoman-Regular] [LMRoman10-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMRoman-Italic] [LMRoman10-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMRoman-Oblique] [LMRoman10-Oblique]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [sans] [modern,latin-modern]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMSans-Regular] [LMSans10-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMSans-BoldOblique] [LMSans10-BoldOblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMSans-Bold] [LMSans10-Bold]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMSans-DemiCondensed] [LMSans10-DemiCondensed]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMSans-DemiCondensedOblique] [LMSans10-DemiCondensedOblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMSans-Oblique] [LMSans10-Oblique]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [mono] [modern,latin-modern,modern-vari,latin-modern-vari,modern-cond,latin-modern-cond]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMTypewriter-CapsRegular] [LMTypewriter10-CapsRegular]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMTypewriter-CapsOblique] [LMTypewriter10-CapsOblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMTypewriter-Light] [LMTypewriter10-Light]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMTypewriter-LightOblique] [LMTypewriter10-LightOblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMTypewriter-LightCondensed] [LMTypewriter10-LightCondensed]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMTypewriter-LightCondensedOblique] [LMTypewriter10-LightCondensedOblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMTypewriter-Dark] [LMTypewriter10-Dark]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMTypewriter-DarkOblique] [LMTypewriter10-DarkOblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMTypewriter-Regular] [LMTypewriter10-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMTypewriter-Italic] [LMTypewriter10-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMTypewriter-Oblique] [LMTypewriter10-Oblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMTypewriterVarWd-Regular] [LMTypewriterVarWd10-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMTypewriterVarWd-Oblique] [LMTypewriterVarWd10-Oblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMTypewriterVarWd-Light] [LMTypewriterVarWd10-Light]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMTypewriterVarWd-LightOblique] [LMTypewriterVarWd10-LightOblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMTypewriterVarWd-Dark] [LMTypewriterVarWd10-Dark]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMTypewriterVarWd-DarkOblique] [LMTypewriterVarWd10-DarkOblique]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [serif] [modern,computer-modern,latin-modern]
+ \definefontsynonym [ComputerModern] [LMRoman-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [ComputerModern-Italic] [LMRoman-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [ComputerModern-Slanted] [LMRoman-Oblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [ComputerModern-Bold] [LMRoman-Bold]
+ \definefontsynonym [ComputerModern-BoldItalic] [LMRoman-BoldItalic]
+ \definefontsynonym [ComputerModern-BoldSlanted] [LMRoman-BoldOblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [ComputerModern-Caps] [LMRoman-CapsRegular]
+ \definefontsynonym [ComputerModern-CapsSlanted] [LMRoman-CapsOblique]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [sans] [modern,computer-modern,latin-modern]
+ \definefontsynonym [ComputerModernSans] [LMSans-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [ComputerModernSans-Italic] [LMSans-Oblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [ComputerModernSans-Slanted] [LMSans-Oblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [ComputerModernSans-Bold] [LMSans-Bold]
+ \definefontsynonym [ComputerModernSans-BoldItalic] [LMSans-BoldOblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [ComputerModernSans-BoldSlanted] [LMSans-BoldOblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [ComputerModernSans-Caps] [LMSans-Regular] % [LMSans-CapsRegular]
+ \definefontsynonym [ComputerModernSans-CapsSlanted] [LMSans-Oblique] % [LMSans-CapsOblique]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [mono] [modern,computer-modern,latin-modern]
+ \definefontsynonym [ComputerModernMono] [LMTypewriter-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [ComputerModernMono-Italic] [LMTypewriter-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [ComputerModernMono-Slanted] [LMTypewriter-Oblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [ComputerModernMono-Bold] [LMTypewriter-Dark]
+ \definefontsynonym [ComputerModernMono-BoldItalic] [LMTypewriter-DarkOblique] % !
+ \definefontsynonym [ComputerModernMono-BoldSlanted] [LMTypewriter-DarkOblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [ComputerModernMono-Caps] [LMTypewriter-CapsRegular]
+ \definefontsynonym [ComputerModernMono-CapsSlanted] [LMTypewriter-CapsOblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [ComputerModernMono-Variable] [LMTypewriterVarWd-Regular]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [serif] [modern-vari,computer-modern-vari,latin-modern-vari]
+ \definefontsynonym [ComputerModernVariable] [LMTypewriterVarWd-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [ComputerModernVariable-Italic] [LMTypewriterVarWd-Oblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [ComputerModernVariable-Slanted] [LMTypewriterVarWd-Oblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [ComputerModernVariable-Bold] [LMTypewriterVarWd-Dark]
+ \definefontsynonym [ComputerModernVariable-BoldItalic] [LMTypewriterVarWd-DarkOblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [ComputerModernVariable-BoldSlanted] [LMTypewriterVarWd-DarkOblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [ComputerModernVariable-Caps] [LMTypewriterVarWd-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [ComputerModernVariable-CapsSlanted] [LMTypewriterVarWd-Oblique]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [math] [modern,latin-modern]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMMathRoman-Regular] [LMMathRoman10-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMMathRoman-Bold] [LMMathRoman10-Bold]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMMathSymbols-BoldItalic] [LMMathSymbols10-BoldItalic]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMMathSymbols-Italic] [LMMathSymbols10-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMMathExtension-Regular] [LMMathExtension10-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMMathItalic-Italic] [LMMathItalic10-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMMathItalic-BoldItalic] [LMMathItalic10-BoldItalic]
+ \stoptypescript
+ % can boldmath and bfmath be joined?
+ \starttypescript [boldmath] [modern,computer-modern,latin-modern] [name]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMMathRoman-Bold] [LMMathRoman10-Bold]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMMathExtension-Regular] [LMMathExtension10-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMMathItalic-BoldItalic] [LMMathItalic10-BoldItalic]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMMathSymbols-BoldItalic] [LMMathSymbols10-BoldItalic]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [bfmath] [modern,computer-modern,latin-modern] [name]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMMathRoman-Bold] [LMMathRoman10-Bold]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMMathExtension-Regular] [LMMathExtension10-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMMathItalic-BoldItalic] [LMMathItalic10-BoldItalic]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMMathSymbols-BoldItalic] [LMMathSymbols10-BoldItalic]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [serif] [modern,latin-modern,computer-modern]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmr5] [LMRoman5-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmr6] [LMRoman6-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmr7] [LMRoman7-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmr8] [LMRoman8-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmr9] [LMRoman9-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmr10] [LMRoman10-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmr12] [LMRoman12-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmr17] [LMRoman17-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmbx5] [LMRoman5-Bold]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmbx6] [LMRoman6-Bold]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmbx7] [LMRoman7-Bold]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmbx8] [LMRoman8-Bold]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmbx9] [LMRoman9-Bold]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmbx10] [LMRoman10-Bold]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmbx12] [LMRoman12-Bold]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmsl10] [LMRoman10-Oblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmsl12] [LMRoman12-Oblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmsl17] [LMRoman17-Oblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmsl8] [LMRoman8-Oblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmsl9] [LMRoman9-Oblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmti7] [LMRoman7-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmti8] [LMRoman8-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmti9] [LMRoman9-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmti10] [LMRoman10-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmti12] [LMRoman12-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmbsl10] [LMRoman10-DemiOblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmbxsl10] [LMRoman10-BoldOblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmbxti10] [LMRoman10-BoldItalic]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmcsc10] [LMRoman10-CapsRegular]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmcscsl10][LMRoman10-CapsOblique]
+ %definefontsynonym [cmb10]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [sans] [modern,latin-modern,computer-modern]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmss8] [LMSans8-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmss9] [LMSans9-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmss10] [LMSans10-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmss12] [LMSans12-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmss17] [LMSans17-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmssi10] [LMSans10-Oblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmssi12] [LMSans12-Oblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmssi17] [LMSans17-Oblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmssi8] [LMSans8-Oblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmssi9] [LMSans9-Oblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmssq8] [LMSansQuotation8-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmssqb8] [LMSansQuotation8-Bold]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmssqbi8] [LMSansQuotation8-BoldOblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmssqi8] [LMSansQuotation8-Oblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmssbx10] [LMSans10-Bold]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmssdc10] [LMSans10-DemiCondensed]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmssbi10] [LMSans10-BoldOblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmssdi10] [LMSans10-DemiCondensedOblique]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [mono] [modern,latin-modern,computer-modern]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmtt8] [LMTypewriter8-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmtt9] [LMTypewriter9-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmtt10] [LMTypewriter10-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmtt12] [LMTypewriter12-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmitt10] [LMTypewriter10-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmsltt10] [LMTypewriter10-Oblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmvtt10] [LMTypewriterVarWd10-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmvtti10] [LMTypewriterVarWd10-Oblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmtcsc10] [LMTypewriter10-CapsRegular]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [math] [modern,latin-modern,computer-modern]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmbsy5] [LMMathSymbols5-BoldItalic]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmbsy7] [LMMathSymbols7-BoldItalic]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmbsy10] [LMMathSymbols10-BoldItalic]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmsy5] [LMMathSymbols5-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmsy6] [LMMathSymbols6-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmsy7] [LMMathSymbols7-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmsy8] [LMMathSymbols8-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmsy9] [LMMathSymbols9-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmsy10] [LMMathSymbols10-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmex10] [LMMathExtension10-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmmi5] [LMMathItalic5-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmmi6] [LMMathItalic6-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmmi7] [LMMathItalic7-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmmi8] [LMMathItalic8-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmmi9] [LMMathItalic9-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmmi10] [LMMathItalic10-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmmi12] [LMMathItalic12-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmmib5] [LMMathItalic5-BoldItalic]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmmib7] [LMMathItalic7-BoldItalic]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmmib10] [LMMathItalic10-BoldItalic]
+ \stoptypescript
+ % This will change some day.
+ \starttypescript [math] [modern,computer-modern,latin-modern] [name]
+ \definefontsynonym [OldStyle] [MathItalic]
+ \definefontsynonym [Fraktur] [eufm10]
+ \definefontsynonym [Blackboard] [msbm10]
+ \definefontsynonym [Gothic] [eufm10]
+ \definefontsynonym [Calligraphic] [cmsy10]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [fallback] [texnansi,ec,qx,t5,default]
+ \definetypeface [] [rm] [serif] [modern] [computer-modern] [encoding=\typescripttwo]
+ \definetypeface [] [ss] [sans] [modern] [computer-modern] [encoding=\typescripttwo]
+ \definetypeface [] [tt] [mono] [modern] [computer-modern] [encoding=\typescripttwo]
+ \definetypeface [] [mm] [math] [modern] [computer-modern] [encoding=\typescripttwo]
+ \quittypescriptscanning
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [modern] [texnansi,ec,qx,t5,default]
+ \definetypeface [modern] [rm] [serif] [modern] [computer-modern] [encoding=\typescripttwo]
+ \definetypeface [modern] [ss] [sans] [modern] [computer-modern] [encoding=\typescripttwo]
+ \definetypeface [modern] [tt] [mono] [modern] [computer-modern] [encoding=\typescripttwo]
+ \definetypeface [modern] [mm] [math] [modern] [computer-modern] [encoding=\typescripttwo]
+ \quittypescriptscanning
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [modern-base] [texnansi,ec,qx,t5,default]
+ \definetypeface [modern] [rm] [serif] [modern] [default] [encoding=\typescripttwo]
+ \definetypeface [modern] [ss] [sans] [modern] [default] [encoding=\typescripttwo]
+ \definetypeface [modern] [tt] [mono] [modern] [default] [encoding=\typescripttwo]
+ \definetypeface [modern] [mm] [math] [modern] [default] [encoding=\typescripttwo]
+ \quittypescriptscanning
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [modern-base] [t2a,t2b,t2c,x2]
+ \definetypeface [modern] [rm] [serif] [computer-modern] [default] [encoding=\typescripttwo]
+ \definetypeface [modern] [ss] [sans] [computer-modern] [default] [encoding=\typescripttwo]
+ \definetypeface [modern] [tt] [mono] [computer-modern] [default] [encoding=\typescripttwo]
+ \definetypeface [modern] [mm] [math] [computer-modern] [default] [encoding=\typescripttwo]
+ \quittypescriptscanning
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [modernvariable] [texnansi,ec,qx,8r,t5]
+ \definetypeface [modernvariable] [rm] [serif] [simple] [default] [encoding=\typescripttwo]
+ \definetypeface [modernvariable] [ss] [sans] [modern] [default] [encoding=\typescripttwo]
+ \definetypeface [modernvariable] [tt] [mono] [modern] [default] [encoding=\typescripttwo]
+ \definetypeface [modernvariable] [mm] [math] [modern] [default]
+ \quittypescriptscanning
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [serif] [simple] [name] % bad, will be changed but in sycn with manuals that use it
+ \definefontsynonym [Simple] [cmvtt10]
+ \setupfontsynonym [Simple] [handling=pure]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [serif] [concrete] [name]
+ \definefontsynonym [Serif] [ComputerConcrete]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifBold] [ComputerConcrete]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifItalic] [ComputerConcrete-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifSlanted] [ComputerConcrete-Slanted]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifBoldItalic] [ComputerConcrete-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifBoldSlanted] [ComputerConcrete-Slanted]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifCaps] [ComputerConcrete-Caps]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [math] [euler] [default]
+ \definefontsynonym [Euler-Roman] [zeurm10]
+ \definefontsynonym [Euler-Extension] [zeuex10]
+ \definefontsynonym [Euler-Symbol] [zeusm10]
+ \definefontsynonym [Euler-Fraktur] [eufm10]
+ \usemathcollection[eul]
+ \loadmapfile[]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [boldmath,bfmath] [euler] [default]
+ \definefontsynonym [Euler-Roman-Bold] [zeurb10]
+ \definefontsynonym [Euler-Extension] [zeuex10]
+ \definefontsynonym [Euler-Symbol-Bold] [zeusb10]
+ \definefontsynonym [Euler-Fraktur-Bold] [eufb10]
+ \usemathcollection[eul]
+ \loadmapfile[]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [math] [euler] [name]
+ \definefontsynonym [MathRoman] [Euler-Roman] % mr
+ \definefontsynonym [MathItalic] [Euler-Fraktur] % mi
+ \definefontsynonym [MathExtension] [Euler-Extension] % ex
+ \definefontsynonym [MathSymbol] [Euler-Symbol] % sy
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [boldmath] [euler] [name]
+ \definefontsynonym [MathRoman] [Euler-Roman-Bold] % mr
+ \definefontsynonym [MathItalic] [Euler-Fraktur-Bold] % mi
+ \definefontsynonym [MathExtension] [Euler-Extension] % ex
+ \definefontsynonym [MathSymbol] [Euler-Symbol-Bold] % sy
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [bfmath] [euler] [name]
+ \definefontsynonym [MathRomanBold] [Euler-Roman-Bold] % mr
+ \definefontsynonym [MathItalicBold] [Euler-Fraktur-Bold] % mi
+ \definefontsynonym [MathExtension] [Euler-Extension] % ex
+ \definefontsynonym [MathSymbolBold] [Euler-Symbol-Bold] % sy
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [math] [euler] [name]
+ \definefontsynonym [OldStyle] [MathItalic]
+ \definefontsynonym [Fraktur] [MathItalic]
+ \definefontsynonym [Gothic] [MathItalic]
+ \definefontsynonym [Calligraphic] [MathSymbol]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [boldmath] [euler] [name]
+ \definefontsynonym [OldStyle] [MathItalicBold]
+ \definefontsynonym [Fraktur] [MathItalicBold]
+ \definefontsynonym [Gothic] [MathItalicBold]
+ \definefontsynonym [Calligraphic] [MathSymbolBold]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [math,boldmath,bfmath] [euler] [name]
+ \usemathcollection[eul]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [math] [modern,computer-modern,latin-modern,ams] [default]
+ \definefontsynonym [AMS-SymbolA] [msam10]
+ \definefontsynonym [AMS-SymbolB] [msbm10]
+ \usemathcollection[default]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [math] [modern,computer-modern,latin-modern,ams] [name]
+ \definefontsynonym [MathAlpha] [AMS-SymbolA]
+ \definefontsynonym [MathBeta] [AMS-SymbolB]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [math] [fourier] [default,ec]
+ \definefontsynonym [Fourier-Math-Letters] [futr8t] [encoding=ec]
+ %definefontsynonym [Fourier-Math-Letters] [futmi]
+ \definefontsynonym [Fourier-Math-Letters-Italic] [futmii]
+ \definefontsynonym [Fourier-Math-Symbols] [futsy]
+ \definefontsynonym [Fourier-Math-Extension] [fourier-mex]
+ \usemathcollection[fou]
+ \loadmapfile[]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [serif] [utopia] [name]
+ \definefontsynonym [Serif] [Utopia-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifItalic] [Utopia-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifBold] [Utopia-Bold]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifBoldItalic] [Utopia-BoldItalic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifSlanted] [Utopia-Slanted]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifBoldSlanted] [Utopia-BoldSlanted]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifCaps] [Utopia-Regular-Caps]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [serif] [fourier] [ec]
+ \definefontsynonym [Fourier-Regular] [futr8t] [encoding=ec]
+ \definefontsynonym [Fourier-Slanted] [futro8t] [encoding=ec]
+ \definefontsynonym [Fourier-Italic] [futri8t] [encoding=ec]
+ \definefontsynonym [Fourier-RegularCaps] [futrc8t] [encoding=ec]
+ \definefontsynonym [Fourier-Bold] [futb8t] [encoding=ec]
+ \definefontsynonym [Fourier-BoldSlanted] [futbo8t] [encoding=ec]
+ \definefontsynonym [Fourier-BoldItalic] [futbi8t] [encoding=ec]
+ \definefontsynonym [Fourier-BoldCaps] [futbc8t] [encoding=ec]
+ \definefontsynonym [Fourier-Regular-Expert] [futr9e] [encoding=ec]
+ \definefontsynonym [Fourier-Slanted-Expert] [futro9e] [encoding=ec]
+ \definefontsynonym [Fourier-Italic-Expert] [futri9e] [encoding=ec]
+ \definefontsynonym [Fourier-RegularCaps-Expert] [futrc9e] [encoding=ec]
+ \definefontsynonym [Fourier-Semi-Expert] [futs9e] [encoding=ec]
+ \definefontsynonym [Fourier-SemiSlanted-Expert] [futso9e] [encoding=ec]
+ \definefontsynonym [Fourier-SemiItalic-Expert] [futsi9e] [encoding=ec]
+ \definefontsynonym [Fourier-SemiCaps-Expert] [futsc9e] [encoding=ec]
+ \definefontsynonym [Fourier-Bold-Expert] [futb9e] [encoding=ec]
+ \definefontsynonym [Fourier-BoldSlanted-Expert] [futbo9e] [encoding=ec]
+ \definefontsynonym [Fourier-BoldItalic-Expert] [futbi9e] [encoding=ec]
+ \definefontsynonym [Fourier-Black-Expert] [futc9e] [encoding=ec]
+ \definefontsynonym [Fourier-Regular-OldStyle] [futr9d] [encoding=ec]
+ \definefontsynonym [Fourier-Slanted-OldStyle] [futro9d] [encoding=ec]
+ \definefontsynonym [Fourier-Italic-OldStyle] [futri9d] [encoding=ec]
+ \definefontsynonym [Fourier-RegularCaps-OldStyle] [futrc9d] [encoding=ec]
+ \definefontsynonym [Fourier-Semi-OldStyle] [futs9d] [encoding=ec]
+ \definefontsynonym [Fourier-SemiSlanted-OldStyle] [futso9d] [encoding=ec]
+ \definefontsynonym [Fourier-SemiItalic-OldStyle] [futsi9d] [encoding=ec]
+ \definefontsynonym [Fourier-SemiCaps-OldStyle] [futsc9d] [encoding=ec]
+ \definefontsynonym [Fourier-Bold-OldStyle] [futb9d] [encoding=ec]
+ \definefontsynonym [Fourier-BoldSlanted-OldStyle] [futbo9d] [encoding=ec]
+ \definefontsynonym [Fourier-BoldItalic-OldStyle] [futbi9d] [encoding=ec]
+ \definefontsynonym [Fourier-Black-OldStyle] [futc9d] [encoding=ec]
+ \loadmapfile[]
+ \loadmapfile[]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [serif] [fourier] [name]
+ \definefontsynonym [Serif] [Fourier-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifSlanted] [Fourier-Slanted]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifItalic] [Fourier-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifCaps] [Fourier-RegularCaps]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifBold] [Fourier-Bold]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifBoldSlanted] [Fourier-BoldSlanted]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifBoldItalic] [Fourier-BoldItalic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifBoldCaps] [Fourier-BoldCaps]
+ \definefontsynonym [Serif-Expert] [Fourier-Regular-Expert]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifSlanted-Expert] [Fourier-Slanted-Expert]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifItalic-Expert] [Fourier-Italic-Expert]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifCaps-Expert] [Fourier-RegularCaps-Expert]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifSemiBold-Expert] [Fourier-Semi-Expert]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifSemiSlanted-Expert] [Fourier-SemiSlanted-Expert]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifSemiItalic-Expert] [Fourier-SemiItalic-Expert]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifSemiCaps-Expert] [Fourier-SemiCaps-Expert]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifBold-Expert] [Fourier-Bold-Expert]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifBoldSlanted-Expert] [Fourier-BoldSlanted-Expert]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifBoldItalic-Expert] [Fourier-BoldItalic-Expert]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifBlack-Expert] [Fourier-Black-Expert]
+ \definefontsynonym [Serif-OldStyle] [Fourier-Regular-OldStyle]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifSlanted-OldStyle] [Fourier-Slanted-OldStyle]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifItalic-OldStyle] [Fourier-Italic-OldStyle]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifCaps-OldStyle] [Fourier-RegularCaps-OldStyle]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifSemiBold-OldStyle] [Fourier-Semi-OldStyle]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifSemiSlanted-OldStyle] [Fourier-SemiSlanted-OldStyle]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifSemiItalic-OldStyle] [Fourier-SemiItalic-OldStyle]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifSemiCaps-OldStyle] [Fourier-SemiCaps-OldStyle]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifBold-OldStyle] [Fourier-Bold-OldStyle]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifBoldSlanted-OldStyle] [Fourier-BoldSlanted-OldStyle]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifBoldItalic-OldStyle] [Fourier-BoldItalic-OldStyle]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifBlack-OldStyle] [Fourier-Black-OldStyle]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifBlackSlanted-OldStyle] [Fourier-BlackSlanted-OldStyle]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [math] [fourier] [name]
+ \definefontsynonym [MathRoman] [Fourier-Math-Letters]
+ \definefontsynonym [MathItalic] [Fourier-Math-Letters-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [MathSymbol] [Fourier-Math-Symbols]
+ \definefontsynonym [MathExtension] [Fourier-Math-Extension]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [math] [fourier] [name] % todo
+ \definefontsynonym [OldStyle] [Serif-OldStyle] % strange, no oldstyles
+ \definefontsynonym [Fraktur] [eufm10]
+ \definefontsynonym [Blackboard] [msbm10]
+ \definefontsynonym [Gothic] [eufm10]
+ \definefontsynonym [Calligraphic] [eusm10]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [serif] [utopia] [ec,texnansi]
+ \definefontsynonym [Utopia-Regular] [\typescriptthree-putr8a] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [Utopia-Italic] [\typescriptthree-putri8a] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [Utopia-Bold] [\typescriptthree-putb8a] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [Utopia-BoldItalic] [\typescriptthree-putbi8a] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [Utopia-Slanted] [\typescriptthree-putr8a-slanted-167] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [Utopia-BoldSlanted] [\typescriptthree-putb8a-slanted-167] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [Utopia-Regular-Caps][\typescriptthree-putr8a-capitalized-800] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \loadmapfile[\]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [fourier] [ec]
+ \definetypeface [fourier] [rm] [serif] [fourier] [default] [encoding=ec]
+ \definetypeface [fourier] [ss] [sans] [modern] [default] [encoding=ec,rscale=1.07]
+ \definetypeface [fourier] [tt] [mono] [modern] [default] [encoding=ec,rscale=1.07]
+ \definetypeface [fourier] [mm] [math] [fourier] [default] [encoding=default]
+ \quittypescriptscanning
+ \stoptypescript
+ % Antykwa Torunska (GUST)
+ % \starttypescript [serif] [antykwa-torunska] [texnansi,ec,8r]
+ % \definefontsynonym [AntykwaTorunska-Regular] [\typescriptthree-anttr] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ % \definefontsynonym [AntykwaTorunska-Bold] [\typescriptthree-anttb] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ % \definefontsynonym [AntykwaTorunska-Italic] [\typescriptthree-anttri] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ % \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [serif] [antykwa-torunska,antykwa-torunska-light,antykwa-torunska-cond,antykwa-torunska-lightcond] [texnansi,qx,t5,ec,t2a,t2b,t2c,greek]
+ \definefontsynonym [AntykwaTorunska-Regular] [\typescriptthree-anttr] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [AntykwaTorunska-Italic] [\typescriptthree-anttri] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [AntykwaTorunska-Bold] [\typescriptthree-anttb] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [AntykwaTorunska-BoldItalic] [\typescriptthree-anttbi] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [AntykwaTorunska-Light] [\typescriptthree-anttl] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [AntykwaTorunska-LightItalic] [\typescriptthree-anttli] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [AntykwaTorunska-Medium] [\typescriptthree-anttm] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [AntykwaTorunska-MedItalic] [\typescriptthree-anttmi] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [AntykwaTorunska-CondRegular] [\typescriptthree-anttcr] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [AntykwaTorunska-CondItalic] [\typescriptthree-anttcri] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [AntykwaTorunska-CondBold] [\typescriptthree-anttcb] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [AntykwaTorunska-CondBoldItalic] [\typescriptthree-anttcbi] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [AntykwaTorunska-CondLight] [\typescriptthree-anttcl] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [AntykwaTorunska-CondLightItalic][\typescriptthree-anttcli] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [AntykwaTorunska-CondMedium] [\typescriptthree-anttcm] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [AntykwaTorunska-CondMedItalic] [\typescriptthree-anttcmi] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \loadmapfile[antt-\]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [serif] [antykwa-torunska,antykwa-torunska-light,antykwa-torunska-cond,antykwa-torunska-lightcond] [texnansi,qx,t5,ec]
+ \definefontsynonym [AntykwaTorunska-Cap] [\typescriptthree-anttrcap] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [AntykwaTorunska-ItalicCap] [\typescriptthree-anttricap] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [AntykwaTorunska-BoldCap] [\typescriptthree-anttbcap] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [AntykwaTorunska-BoldItalicCap] [\typescriptthree-anttbicap] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [AntykwaTorunska-LightCap] [\typescriptthree-anttlcap] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [AntykwaTorunska-LightItalicCap] [\typescriptthree-anttlicap] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [AntykwaTorunska-MediumCap] [\typescriptthree-anttmcap] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [AntykwaTorunska-MedItalicCap] [\typescriptthree-anttmicap] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [AntykwaTorunska-CondCap] [\typescriptthree-anttcrcap] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [AntykwaTorunska-CondItalicCap] [\typescriptthree-anttcricap] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [AntykwaTorunska-CondBoldCap] [\typescriptthree-anttcbcap] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [AntykwaTorunska-CondBoldItalicCap] [\typescriptthree-anttcbicap] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [AntykwaTorunska-CondLightCap] [\typescriptthree-anttclcap] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [AntykwaTorunska-CondLightItalicCap][\typescriptthree-anttclicap] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [AntykwaTorunska-CondMediumCap] [\typescriptthree-anttcmcap] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [AntykwaTorunska-CondMedItalicCap] [\typescriptthree-anttcmicap] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \loadmapfile[antt-\]
+ \stoptypescript
+ % duplicates ? ?
+ % atl: no: fallbacks for the named variants
+ \starttypescript [serif] [antykwa-torunska,antykwa-torunska-light,antykwa-torunska-cond,antykwa-torunska-lightcond] [t2a,t2b,t2c,greek]
+ \definefontsynonym [AntykwaTorunska-BoldCap] [\typescriptthree-anttb] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [AntykwaTorunska-BoldItalicCap] [\typescriptthree-anttbi] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [AntykwaTorunska-LightCap] [\typescriptthree-anttl] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [AntykwaTorunska-LightItalicCap] [\typescriptthree-anttli] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [AntykwaTorunska-MediumCap] [\typescriptthree-anttm] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [AntykwaTorunska-MedItalicCap] [\typescriptthree-anttmi] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [AntykwaTorunska-Cap] [\typescriptthree-anttr] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [AntykwaTorunska-ItalicCap] [\typescriptthree-anttri] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [AntykwaTorunska-CondBoldCap] [\typescriptthree-anttcb] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [AntykwaTorunska-CondBoldItalicCap] [\typescriptthree-anttcbi] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [AntykwaTorunska-CondLightCap] [\typescriptthree-anttcl] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [AntykwaTorunska-CondLightItalicCap][\typescriptthree-anttcli] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [AntykwaTorunska-CondMediumCap] [\typescriptthree-anttcm] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [AntykwaTorunska-CondMedItalicCap] [\typescriptthree-anttcmi] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [AntykwaTorunska-CondCap] [\typescriptthree-anttcr] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [AntykwaTorunska-CondItalicCap] [\typescriptthree-anttcri] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \loadmapfile[antt-\]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [serif] [antykwa-torunska,antykwa-torunska-light,antykwa-torunska-cond,antykwa-torunska-lightcond] [t2a,t2b,t2c]
+ \definefontsynonym [AntykwaTorunska-BoldCap] [\typescriptthree-anttb] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [AntykwaTorunska-BoldItalicCap] [\typescriptthree-anttbi] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [AntykwaTorunska-LightCap] [\typescriptthree-anttl] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [AntykwaTorunska-LightItalicCap] [\typescriptthree-anttli] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [AntykwaTorunska-MediumCap] [\typescriptthree-anttm] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [AntykwaTorunska-MedItalicCap] [\typescriptthree-anttmi] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [AntykwaTorunska-Cap] [\typescriptthree-anttr] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [AntykwaTorunska-ItalicCap] [\typescriptthree-anttri] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [AntykwaTorunska-CondBoldCap] [\typescriptthree-anttcb] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [AntykwaTorunska-CondBoldItalicCap] [\typescriptthree-anttcbi] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [AntykwaTorunska-CondLightCap] [\typescriptthree-anttcl] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [AntykwaTorunska-CondLightItalicCap][\typescriptthree-anttcli] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [AntykwaTorunska-CondMediumCap] [\typescriptthree-anttcm] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [AntykwaTorunska-CondMedItalicCap] [\typescriptthree-anttcmi] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [AntykwaTorunska-CondCap] [\typescriptthree-anttcr] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [AntykwaTorunska-CondItalicCap] [\typescriptthree-anttcri] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \loadmapfile[antt-\]
+ \stoptypescript
+ % mabye no -Regular etc
+ % dunny reverse of condlight lightcond
+ \starttypescript [math] [antykwa-torunska] [default]
+ \definefontsynonym [AntykwaTorunska-Math-Letters-Regular] [rm-anttr]
+ \definefontsynonym [AntykwaTorunska-Math-Letters-Italic] [mi-anttri]
+ \definefontsynonym [AntykwaTorunska-Math-Symbols-Regular] [sy-anttrz]
+ \definefontsynonym [AntykwaTorunska-Math-Extension-Regular] [ex-anttr]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [math] [antykwa-torunska-light] [default]
+ \definefontsynonym [AntykwaTorunska-Math-Letters-Light] [rm-anttl]
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+ \definefontsynonym [AntykwaTorunska-Math-Symbols-Light] [sy-anttlz]
+ \definefontsynonym [AntykwaTorunska-Math-Extension-Light] [ex-anttl]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [math] [antykwa-torunska-cond] [default]
+ \definefontsynonym [AntykwaTorunska-Math-Letters-CondRegular] [rm-anttcr]
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+ \definefontsynonym [AntykwaTorunska-Math-Symbols-CondRegular] [sy-anttcrz]
+ \definefontsynonym [AntykwaTorunska-Math-Extension-CondRegular] [ex-anttcr]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [math] [antykwa-torunska-lightcond] [default]
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+ \definefontsynonym [AntykwaTorunska-Math-Symbols-CondLight] [sy-anttclz]
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+ % maybe no -Regular etc
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+ % Antykwa Poltawskiego (GUST)
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+ \definefontsynonym [AntykwaPoltawskiego-Expanded-CapsLight] [\typescriptthree-antpl6-sc] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
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+ \definefontsynonym [AntykwaPoltawskiego-Expanded-CapsRegular] [\typescriptthree-antpr6-sc] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [AntykwaPoltawskiego-Expanded-CapsItalic] [\typescriptthree-antpri6-sc] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [AntykwaPoltawskiego-Expanded-CapsMedium] [\typescriptthree-antpm6-sc] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [AntykwaPoltawskiego-Expanded-CapsMediumItalic] [\typescriptthree-antpmi6-sc] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [AntykwaPoltawskiego-Expanded-CapsBold] [\typescriptthree-antpb6-sc] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [AntykwaPoltawskiego-Expanded-CapsBoldItalic] [\typescriptthree-antpbi6-sc] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ % \loadmapfile[poltawski-\]
+ \loadmapfile[ap-\]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [serif] [antykwa-poltawskiego] [name]
+ \definefontsynonym [Serif] [AntykwaPoltawskiego-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifBold] [AntykwaPoltawskiego-Bold]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifItalic] [AntykwaPoltawskiego-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifSlanted] [AntykwaPoltawskiego-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifBoldItalic] [AntykwaPoltawskiego-BoldItalic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifBoldSlanted] [AntykwaPoltawskiego-BoldItalic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifCaps] [AntykwaPoltawskiego-CapsRegular]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [serif] [antykwa-poltawskiego-light] [name]
+ \definefontsynonym [Serif] [AntykwaPoltawskiego-Light]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifBold] [AntykwaPoltawskiego-Medium]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifItalic] [AntykwaPoltawskiego-LightItalic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifSlanted] [AntykwaPoltawskiego-LightItalic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifBoldItalic] [AntykwaPoltawskiego-MediumItalic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifBoldSlanted] [AntykwaPoltawskiego-MediumItalic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifCaps] [AntykwaPoltawskiego-CapsLight]
+ \stoptypescript
+ % condensed and extended variants are still missing
+ \starttypescript [antykwa-poltawskiego,antykwa-poltawskiego-light] [ec,texnansi,qx,t5]
+ \definetypeface [\typescriptone] [rm] [serif] [\typescriptone] [default] [encoding=\typescripttwo]
+ \definetypeface [\typescriptone] [ss] [sans] [modern] [default] [encoding=\typescripttwo,rscale=1.05] % scaling?
+ \definetypeface [\typescriptone] [tt] [mono] [modern] [default] [encoding=\typescripttwo,rscale=1.05] % scaling?
+ \definetypeface [\typescriptone] [mm] [math] [modern] [default] [encoding=\typescripttwo,rscale=1.05] % scaling?
+ \quittypescriptscanning
+ \stoptypescript
+ % maybe this will change in Iwona-Math-Letters and Iwona-Math-Letters-Italic
+ \starttypescript [sans] [iwona-light,iwona,iwona-medium,iwona-heavy,iwona-light-cond,iwona-cond,iwona-medium-cond,iwona-heavy-cond] [texnansi,ec,el,qx,t5]
+ \definefontsynonym[Iwona-Regular] [\typescriptthree-iwonar] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym[Iwona-Italic] [\typescriptthree-iwonari] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym[Iwona-Bold] [\typescriptthree-iwonab] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym[Iwona-BoldItalic] [\typescriptthree-iwonabi] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym[Iwona-Light-Regular] [\typescriptthree-iwonal] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym[Iwona-Light-Italic] [\typescriptthree-iwonali] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym[Iwona-Medium-Regular] [\typescriptthree-iwonam] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym[Iwona-Medium-Italic] [\typescriptthree-iwonami] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym[Iwona-Heavy-Regular] [\typescriptthree-iwonah] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym[Iwona-Heavy-Italic] [\typescriptthree-iwonahi] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym[Iwona-CapsRegular] [\typescriptthree-iwonar-sc] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym[Iwona-CapsItalic] [\typescriptthree-iwonari-sc] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym[Iwona-CapsBold] [\typescriptthree-iwonab-sc] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym[Iwona-CapsBoldItalic] [\typescriptthree-iwonabi-sc] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym[Iwona-CapsLight-Regular] [\typescriptthree-iwonal-sc] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym[Iwona-CapsLight-Italic] [\typescriptthree-iwonali-sc] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym[Iwona-CapsMedium-Regular] [\typescriptthree-iwonam-sc] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym[Iwona-CapsMedium-Italic] [\typescriptthree-iwonami-sc] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym[Iwona-CapsHeavy-Regular] [\typescriptthree-iwonah-sc] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym[Iwona-CapsHeavy-Italic] [\typescriptthree-iwonahi-sc] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym[Iwona-CondRegular] [\typescriptthree-iwonacr] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym[Iwona-CondItalic] [\typescriptthree-iwonacri] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym[Iwona-CondBold] [\typescriptthree-iwonacb] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym[Iwona-CondBoldItalic] [\typescriptthree-iwonacbi] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym[Iwona-CondLight-Regular] [\typescriptthree-iwonacl] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym[Iwona-CondLight-Italic] [\typescriptthree-iwonacli] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym[Iwona-CondMedium-Regular] [\typescriptthree-iwonacm] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym[Iwona-CondMedium-Italic] [\typescriptthree-iwonacmi] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym[Iwona-CondHeavy-Regular] [\typescriptthree-iwonach] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym[Iwona-CondHeavy-Italic] [\typescriptthree-iwonachi] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym[Iwona-CapsCondRegular] [\typescriptthree-iwonacr-sc] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym[Iwona-CapsCondItalic] [\typescriptthree-iwonacri-sc] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym[Iwona-CapsCondBold] [\typescriptthree-iwonacb-sc] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym[Iwona-CapsCondBoldItalic] [\typescriptthree-iwonacbi-sc] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym[Iwona-CapsCondLight-Regular] [\typescriptthree-iwonacl-sc] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym[Iwona-CapsCondLight-Italic] [\typescriptthree-iwonacli-sc] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym[Iwona-CapsCondMedium-Regular][\typescriptthree-iwonacm-sc] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym[Iwona-CapsCondMedium-Italic] [\typescriptthree-iwonacmi-sc] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym[Iwona-CapsCondHeavy-Regular] [\typescriptthree-iwonach-sc] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym[Iwona-CapsCondHeavy-Italic] [\typescriptthree-iwonachi-sc] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \loadmapfile[iwona-\]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [math] [iwona] [default]
+ \definefontsynonym [Iwona-Math-Letters-Regular] [rm-iwonar]
+ \definefontsynonym [Iwona-Math-Letters-Italic] [mi-iwonari]
+ \definefontsynonym [Iwona-Math-Symbols-Regular] [sy-iwonarz]
+ \definefontsynonym [Iwona-Math-Extension-Regular] [ex-iwonar]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [math] [iwona-light] [default]
+ \definefontsynonym [Iwona-Math-Letters-Light-Regular] [rm-iwonal]
+ \definefontsynonym [Iwona-Math-Letters-Light-Italic] [mi-iwonali]
+ \definefontsynonym [Iwona-Math-Symbols-Light] [sy-iwonalz]
+ \definefontsynonym [Iwona-Math-Extension-Light] [ex-iwonal]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [math] [iwona-medium] [default]
+ \definefontsynonym [Iwona-Math-Letters-Medium-Regular][rm-iwonam]
+ \definefontsynonym [Iwona-Math-Letters-Medium-Italic] [mi-iwonami]
+ \definefontsynonym [Iwona-Math-Symbols-Medium] [sy-iwonamz]
+ \definefontsynonym [Iwona-Math-Extension-Medium] [ex-iwonam]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [math] [iwona-heavy] [default]
+ \definefontsynonym [Iwona-Math-Letters-Heavy-Regular] [rm-iwonah]
+ \definefontsynonym [Iwona-Math-Letters-Heavy-Italic] [mi-iwonahi]
+ \definefontsynonym [Iwona-Math-Symbols-Heavy] [sy-iwonahz]
+ \definefontsynonym [Iwona-Math-Extension-Heavy] [ex-iwonah]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [math] [iwona,iwona-light,iwona-medium,iwona-heavy] [default]
+ \usemathcollection[default]
+ \loadmapfile[]
+ \loadmapfile[]
+ \loadmapfile[]
+ \loadmapfile[]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [sans] [iwona-light] [name]
+ \setups[font:fallback:sans]
+ \definefontsynonym [Sans] [Iwona-Light-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansItalic] [Iwona-Light-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansBold] [Iwona-Medium-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansBoldItalic] [Iwona-Medium-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansCaps] [Iwona-CapsLight]
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+ \definefontsynonym [SansBoldItalicCaps] [Iwona-CapsMediumItalic]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [sans] [iwona-light-caps] [name]
+ \setups[font:fallback:sans]
+ \definefontsynonym [Sans] [Iwona-CapsLight-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansItalic] [Iwona-CapsLight-Italic]
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+ \definefontsynonym [SansBoldItalic] [Iwona-CapsMedium-Italic]
+ \stoptypescript
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+ \setups[font:fallback:sans]
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+ \definefontsynonym [SansBold] [Iwona-Bold]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansBoldItalic] [Iwona-BoldItalic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansCaps] [Iwona-CapsRegular]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansItalicCaps] [Iwona-CapsItalic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansBoldCaps] [Iwona-CapsBold]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansBoldItalicCaps] [Iwona-CapsBoldItalic]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [sans] [iwona-caps] [name]
+ \setups[font:fallback:sans]
+ \definefontsynonym [Sans] [Iwona-CapsRegular]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansItalic] [Iwona-CapsItalic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansBold] [Iwona-CapsBold]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansBoldItalic] [Iwona-CapsBoldItalic]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [sans] [iwona-medium] [name]
+ \setups[font:fallback:sans]
+ \definefontsynonym [Sans] [Iwona-Medium-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansItalic] [Iwona-Medium-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansBold] [Iwona-Heavy-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansBoldItalic] [Iwona-Heavy-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansCaps] [Iwona-CapsHeavy-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansItalicCaps] [Iwona-CapsMedium-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansBoldCaps] [Iwona-CapsHeavy-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansBoldItalicCaps] [Iwona-CapsHeavy-Italic]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [sans] [iwona-medium-caps] [name]
+ \setups[font:fallback:sans]
+ \definefontsynonym [Sans] [Iwona-CapsHeavy-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansItalic] [Iwona-CapsMedium-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansBold] [Iwona-CapsHeavy-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansBoldItalic] [Iwona-CapsHeavy-Italic]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [sans] [iwona-heavy] [name]
+ \setups[font:fallback:sans]
+ \definefontsynonym [Sans] [Iwona-Heavy-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansItalic] [Iwona-Heavy-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansBold] [Iwona-Heavy-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansBoldItalic] [Iwona-Heavy-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansCaps] [Iwona-CapsHeavy-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansItalicCaps] [Iwona-CapsHeavy-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansBoldCaps] [Iwona-CapsHeavy-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansBoldItalicCaps] [Iwona-CapsHeavy-Italic]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [sans] [iwona-heavy-caps] [name]
+ \setups[font:fallback:sans]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansCaps] [Iwona-CapsHeavy-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansItalicCaps] [Iwona-CapsHeavy-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansBoldCaps] [Iwona-CapsHeavy-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansBoldItalicCaps] [Iwona-CapsHeavy-Italic]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [sans] [iwona-light-cond] [name]
+ \setups[font:fallback:sans]
+ \definefontsynonym [Sans] [Iwona-CondLight-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansItalic] [Iwona-CondLight-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansBold] [Iwona-CondMedium-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansBoldItalic] [Iwona-CondMedium-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansCaps] [Iwona-CapsCondLight-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansItalicCaps] [Iwona-CapsCondLight-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansBoldCaps] [Iwona-CapsCondMedium-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansBoldItalicCaps] [Iwona-CapsCondMedium-Italic]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [sans] [iwona-light-cond-caps,iwona-light-caps-cond] [name]
+ \setups[font:fallback:sans]
+ \definefontsynonym [Sans] [Iwona-CapsCondLight-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansItalic] [Iwona-CapsCondLight-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansBold] [Iwona-CapsCondMedium-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansBoldItalic] [Iwona-CapsCondMedium-Italic]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [sans] [iwona-cond] [name]
+ \setups[font:fallback:sans]
+ \definefontsynonym [Sans] [Iwona-CondRegular]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansItalic] [Iwona-CondItalic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansBold] [Iwona-CondBold]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansBoldItalic] [Iwona-CondBoldItalic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansCaps] [Iwona-CapsCondRegular]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansItalicCaps] [Iwona-CapsCondItalic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansBoldCaps] [Iwona-CapsCondBold]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansBoldItalicCaps] [Iwona-CapsCondBoldItalic]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [sans] [iwona-cond-caps,iwona-caps-cond] [name]
+ \setups[font:fallback:sans]
+ \definefontsynonym [Sans] [Iwona-CapsCondRegular]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansItalic] [Iwona-CapsCondItalic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansBold] [Iwona-CapsCondBold]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansBoldItalic] [Iwona-CapsCondBoldItalic]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [sans] [iwona-medium-cond] [name]
+ \setups[font:fallback:sans]
+ \definefontsynonym [Sans] [Iwona-CondMedium-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansItalic] [Iwona-CondMedium-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansBold] [Iwona-CondHeavy-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansBoldItalic] [Iwona-CondHeavy-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansCaps] [Iwona-CapsCondHeavy-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansItalicCaps] [Iwona-CapsCondMedium-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansBoldCaps] [Iwona-CapsCondHeavy-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansBoldItalicCaps] [Iwona-CapsCondHeavy-Italic]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [sans] [iwona-medium-cond-caps,iwona-medium-caps-cond] [name]
+ \setups[font:fallback:sans]
+ \definefontsynonym [Sans] [Iwona-CapsCondHeavy-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansItalic] [Iwona-CapsCondMedium-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansBold] [Iwona-CapsCondHeavy-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansBoldItalic] [Iwona-CapsCondHeavy-Italic]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [math] [iwona-light] [name]
+ \definefontsynonym [MathRoman] [Iwona-Math-Letters-Light-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [MathItalic] [Iwona-Math-Letters-Light-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [MathSymbol] [Iwona-Math-Symbols-Light]
+ \definefontsynonym [MathExtension] [Iwona-Math-Extension-Light]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [math] [iwona] [name]
+ \definefontsynonym [MathRoman] [Iwona-Math-Letters-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [MathItalic] [Iwona-Math-Letters-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [MathSymbol] [Iwona-Math-Symbols-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [MathExtension] [Iwona-Math-Extension-Regular]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [math] [iwona-medium] [name]
+ \definefontsynonym [MathRoman] [Iwona-Math-Letters-Medium-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [MathItalic] [Iwona-Math-Letters-Medium-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [MathSymbol] [Iwona-Math-Symbols-Medium]
+ \definefontsynonym [MathExtension] [Iwona-Math-Extension-Medium]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [math] [iwona-heavy] [name]
+ \definefontsynonym [MathRoman] [Iwona-Math-Letters-Heavy-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [MathItalic] [Iwona-Math-Letters-Heavy-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [MathSymbol] [Iwona-Math-Symbols-Heavy]
+ \definefontsynonym [MathExtension] [Iwona-Math-Extension-Heavy]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [iwona,iwona-light,iwona-heavy,iwona-medium] [texnansi,ec,8r,uc,t2a]
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+ \quittypescriptscanning
+ \stoptypescript
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+ \definefontsynonym[Kurier-Italic] [\typescriptthree-kurierri] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym[Kurier-RegularItalic] [Kurier-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym[Kurier-Bold] [\typescriptthree-kurierb] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym[Kurier-BoldItalic] [\typescriptthree-kurierbi] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym[Kurier-Light] [\typescriptthree-kurierl] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
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+ \loadmapfile[kurier-\]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [math] [kurier] [default]
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+ \definefontsynonym [Kurier-Math-Extension-Regular] [ex-kurierr]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [math] [kurier-light] [default]
+ \definefontsynonym [Kurier-Math-Letters-Light-Regular] [rm-kurierl]
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+ \definefontsynonym [Kurier-Math-Symbols-Light] [sy-kurierlz]
+ \definefontsynonym [Kurier-Math-Extension-Light] [ex-kurierl]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [math] [kurier-medium] [default]
+ \definefontsynonym [Kurier-Math-Letters-Medium-Regular][rm-kurierm]
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+ \definefontsynonym [Kurier-Math-Symbols-Medium] [sy-kuriermz]
+ \definefontsynonym [Kurier-Math-Extension-medium] [ex-kurierm]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [math] [kurier,kurier-light,kurier-medium] [default]
+ \usemathcollection[default]
+ \loadmapfile[]
+ \loadmapfile[]
+ \loadmapfile[]
+ \loadmapfile[]
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+ \setups[font:fallback:sans]
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+ \definefontsynonym [SansItalic] [Kurier-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansBold] [Kurier-Bold]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansBoldItalic] [Kurier-BoldItalic]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [sans] [kurier-medium] [name]
+ \setups[font:fallback:sans]
+ \definefontsynonym [Sans] [Kurier-Medium-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansItalic] [Kurier-Medium-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansBold] [Kurier-Heavy-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansBoldItalic] [Kurier-Heavy-Italic]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [math] [kurier-light] [name]
+ \definefontsynonym [MathRoman] [Kurier-Math-Letters-Light-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [MathItalic] [Kurier-Math-Letters-Light-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [MathSymbol] [Kurier-Math-Symbols-Light]
+ \definefontsynonym [MathExtension] [Kurier-Math-Extension-Light]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [math] [kurier] [name]
+ \definefontsynonym [MathRoman] [Kurier-Math-Letters-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [MathItalic] [Kurier-Math-Letters-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [MathSymbol] [Kurier-Math-Symbols-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [MathExtension] [Kurier-Math-Extension-Regular]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [math] [kurier-medium] [name]
+ \definefontsynonym [MathRoman] [Kurier-Math-Letters-Medium-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [MathItalic] [Kurier-Math-Letters-Medium-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [MathSymbol] [Kurier-Math-Symbols-Medium]
+ \definefontsynonym [MathExtension] [Kurier-Math-Extension-Medium]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [kurier-light,kurier,kurier-medium] [texnansi,ec,qx,t5]
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+ \definetypeface[\typescriptone][rm][serif][modern] [default][encoding=\typescripttwo]
+ \definetypeface[\typescriptone][tt][mono] [modern] [default][encoding=\typescripttwo,rscale=1.05]
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+ \quittypescriptscanning
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [serif] [charter] [ec,texnansi,8r]
+ \definefontsynonym [Charter-Roman] [\typescriptthree-bchr8a] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [Charter-Italic] [\typescriptthree-bchri8a] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [Charter-Bold] [\typescriptthree-bchb8a] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [Charter-BoldItalic] [\typescriptthree-bchbi8a] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [Charter-Slanted] [\typescriptthree-bchr8a-slanted-167] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [Charter-BoldSlanted][\typescriptthree-bchb8a-slanted-167] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [Charter-Roman-Caps] [\typescriptthree-bchr8a-capitalized-800] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \loadmapfile[\]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [serif] [charter] [name]
+ \definefontsynonym [Serif] [Charter-Roman]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifItalic] [Charter-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifBold] [Charter-Bold]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifBoldItalic] [Charter-BoldItalic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifSlanted] [Charter-Slanted]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifBoldSlanted] [Charter-BoldSlanted]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifCaps] [Charter-Roman-Caps]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript
+ \definefontsynonym [ZapfDingbats] [uzdr]
+ \definefontsynonym [RalfSmithFormalScript] [rsfs10]
+ \definefontsynonym [MartinVogel] [umvs]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \definetypescriptprefix [f:pagella] [pl] \definetypescriptprefix [f:palatino] [pl]
+ \definetypescriptprefix [f:termes] [tm] \definetypescriptprefix [f:times] [tm]
+ \definetypescriptprefix [f:heros] [hv] \definetypescriptprefix [f:helvetica] [hv]
+ \definetypescriptprefix [f:bonum] [bk] \definetypescriptprefix [f:bookman] [bk]
+ \definetypescriptprefix [f:schola] [cs] \definetypescriptprefix [f:schoolbook] [cs]
+ \definetypescriptprefix [f:adventor][ag] %definetypescriptprefix [f:adventor] [ag]
+ \definetypescriptprefix [f:cursor] [cr] \definetypescriptprefix [f:courier] [cr]
+ \definetypescriptprefix [f:chorus] [zc] \definetypescriptprefix [f:chancery] [zc] % not the full set
+ \starttypescript [serif,sans,mono] [pagella,palatino,termes,times,adventor,bonum,bookman,cursor,courier,heros,helvetica,schola,schoolbook] [ec,texnansi,cs,qx,rm,t5,t2a,t2b,t2c,l7x]
+ \definefontsynonym [\typescriptprefix{n:\typescripttwo}-Regular] [\typescriptthree-q\typescriptprefix{f:\typescripttwo}r] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [\typescriptprefix{n:\typescripttwo}-Italic] [\typescriptthree-q\typescriptprefix{f:\typescripttwo}ri] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [\typescriptprefix{n:\typescripttwo}-Bold] [\typescriptthree-q\typescriptprefix{f:\typescripttwo}b] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [\typescriptprefix{n:\typescripttwo}-BoldItalic] [\typescriptthree-q\typescriptprefix{f:\typescripttwo}bi] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \loadmapfile[q\typescriptprefix{f:\typescripttwo}-\]
+ \stoptypescript
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+ \definefontsynonym [\typescriptprefix{n:\typescripttwo}-Caps] [\typescriptthree-q\typescriptprefix{f:\typescripttwo}r-sc] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [\typescriptprefix{n:\typescripttwo}-ItalicCaps] [\typescriptthree-q\typescriptprefix{f:\typescripttwo}ri-sc] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [\typescriptprefix{n:\typescripttwo}-BoldCaps] [\typescriptthree-q\typescriptprefix{f:\typescripttwo}b-sc] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [\typescriptprefix{n:\typescripttwo}-BoldItalicCaps] [\typescriptthree-q\typescriptprefix{f:\typescripttwo}bi-sc] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \loadmapfile[q\typescriptprefix{f:\typescripttwo}-\]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [serif,calligraphy] [chorus,chancery] [ec,texnansi,cs,qx,rm,t5,t2a,t2b,t2c,l7x]
+ \definefontsynonym [TeXGyreChorus-MediumItalic] [\typescriptthree-qzcmi] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \loadmapfile[qzc-\]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \definetypescriptprefix [n:pagella] [TeXGyrePagella] \definetypescriptprefix [n:palatino] [TeXGyrePagella]
+ \definetypescriptprefix [n:termes] [TeXGyreTermes] \definetypescriptprefix [n:times] [TeXGyreTermes]
+ \definetypescriptprefix [n:heros] [TeXGyreHeros] \definetypescriptprefix [n:helvetica] [TeXGyreHeros]
+ \definetypescriptprefix [n:bonum] [TeXGyreBonum] \definetypescriptprefix [n:bookman] [TeXGyreBonum]
+ \definetypescriptprefix [n:schola] [TeXGyreSchola] \definetypescriptprefix [n:schoolbook] [TeXGyreSchola]
+ \definetypescriptprefix [n:adventor] [TeXGyreAdventor] %definetypescriptprefix [n:adventor] [TeXGyreAdventor]
+ \definetypescriptprefix [n:cursor] [TeXGyreCursor] \definetypescriptprefix [n:courier] [TeXGyreCursor]
+ \definetypescriptprefix [n:chorus] [TeXGyreChorus] \definetypescriptprefix [n:chancery] [TeXGyreChorus] % not the full set
+ \starttypescript [serif] [pagella,palatino,termes,times,bonum,bookman,schola,schoolbook] [name]
+ \definefontsynonym [Serif] [\typescriptprefix{n:\typescripttwo}-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifItalic] [\typescriptprefix{n:\typescripttwo}-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifBold] [\typescriptprefix{n:\typescripttwo}-Bold]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifBoldItalic] [\typescriptprefix{n:\typescripttwo}-BoldItalic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifSlanted] [SerifItalic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifBoldSlanted] [SerifBoldItalic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifCaps] [\typescriptprefix{n:\typescripttwo}-Caps]
+ \definefontvariant [Serif][osf][Caps]
+ \definefontvariant [Serif][sc] [Caps]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifRegular] [Serif]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifRegularCaps] [SerifCaps]
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+ \definefontsynonym [SerifBoldCaps] [\typescriptprefix{n:\typescripttwo}-BoldCaps]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifBoldItalicCaps] [\typescriptprefix{n:\typescripttwo}-BoldItalicCaps]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifSlantedCaps] [SerifItalicCaps]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifBoldSlantedCaps] [SerifBoldItalicCaps]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifCapsCaps] [SerifCaps]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [serif] [chorus,chancery] [name]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifMediumItalic] [TeXGyreChorus-MediumItalic]
+ \definefontsynonym [Serif] [SerifMediumItalic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifItalic] [SerifMediumItalic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifBold] [SerifMediumItalic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifBoldItalic] [SerifMediumItalic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifSlanted] [SerifMediumItalic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifBoldSlanted] [SerifMediumItalic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifCaps] [SerifMediumItalic]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [calligraphy] [chorus,chancery] [name]
+ \definefontsynonym [Calligraphy] [TeXGyreChorus-MediumItalic]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [sans] [heros,helvetica,adventor] [name]
+ \definefontsynonym [Sans] [\typescriptprefix{n:\typescripttwo}-Regular]
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+ \definefontsynonym [SansBold] [\typescriptprefix{n:\typescripttwo}-Bold]
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+ \definefontsynonym [SansSlanted] [SansItalic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansBoldSlanted] [SansBoldItalic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansCaps] [\typescriptprefix{n:\typescripttwo}-Caps]
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+ \definefontvariant [Sans][sc] [Caps]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansRegular] [Sans]
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+ \definefontsynonym [SansBoldSlantedCaps] [SansBoldItalicCaps]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansCapsCaps] [SansCaps]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [mono] [cursor,courier] [name]
+ \definefontsynonym [Mono] [\typescriptprefix{n:\typescripttwo}-Regular]
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+ \definefontsynonym [MonoBold] [\typescriptprefix{n:\typescripttwo}-Bold]
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+ \definefontsynonym [MonoSlanted] [MonoItalic]
+ \definefontsynonym [MonoBoldSlanted] [MonoBoldItalic]
+ \definefontvariant [Mono][osf][Caps]
+ \definefontvariant [Mono][sc] [Caps]
+ \definefontsynonym [MonoRegular] [Mono]
+ \definefontsynonym [MonoRegularCaps] [MonoCaps]
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+ \definefontsynonym [MonoBoldSlantedCaps] [MonoBoldItalicCaps]
+ \definefontsynonym [MonoCapsCaps] [MonoCaps]
+ \stoptypescript
+ % bonus definitions
+ % when these fonts are in tex live ...
+ %
+ % \definefontsynonym [Palatino-Caps] [TeXPalladioL-SC] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ %
+ % \starttypescript [serif] [palatino] [ec,texnansi]
+ % \definefontsynonym[TeXPalladioL-BoldItalicOsF][\typescriptthree-fplbij8a][encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ % \definefontsynonym[TeXPalladioL-BoldOsF] [\typescriptthree-fplbj8a] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ % \definefontsynonym[TeXPalladioL-SC] [\typescriptthree-fplrc8a] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ % \definefontsynonym[TeXPalladioL-ItalicOsF] [\typescriptthree-fplrij8a][encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ % \loadmapfile[\]
+ % \stoptypescript
+ % Faces:
+ \starttypescript [times,termes] [ec,texnansi,cs,qx,rm,t5,t2a,t2b,t2c,l7x]
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+ \quittypescriptscanning
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+ \starttypescript [schoolbook,schola] [ec,texnansi,cs,qx,rm,t5,t2a,t2b,t2c,l7x]
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+ \quittypescriptscanning
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+ \starttypescript [bookman,bonum] [ec,texnansi,cs,qx,rm,t5,t2a,t2b,t2c,l7x]
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+ \quittypescriptscanning
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+ \starttypescript [chancery,chorus] [ec,texnansi,cs,qx,rm,t5,t2a,t2b,t2c,l7x]
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+ \quittypescriptscanning
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [helvetica,heros] [ec,texnansi,cs,qx,rm,t5,t2a,t2b,t2c,l7x]
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+ \definetypeface [\typescriptone] [rm] [serif] [modern] [default] [encoding=\typescripttwo,rscale=1.15]
+ \definetypeface [\typescriptone] [tt] [mono] [modern] [default] [encoding=\typescripttwo,rscale=1.15]
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+ \quittypescriptscanning
+ \stoptypescript
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+ \quittypescriptscanning
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+ \starttypescript [courier,cursor] [ec,texnansi,cs,qx,rm,t5,t2a,t2b,t2c,l7x]
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+ \quittypescriptscanning
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [math] [palatino] [all]
+ \definefontsynonym [Palatino-Roman-Upright] [pxr]
+ \definefontsynonym [Palatino-Roman-Italic] [pxi]
+ \definefontsynonym [Palatino-Roman-Slanted] [pxsl]
+ \definefontsynonym [Palatino-Roman-Caps] [pxsc]
+ \definefontsynonym [Palatino-Companion-Upright] [pcxr]
+ \definefontsynonym [Palatino-Companion-Italic] [pcxi]
+ \definefontsynonym [Palatino-Companion-Slanted] [pcxsl]
+ \definefontsynonym [Palatino-Math-Italic] [pxmi]
+ \definefontsynonym [Palatino-Math-Symbols] [pxsy]
+ \definefontsynonym [Palatino-Math-Extension] [pxex]
+ \definefontsynonym [Palatino-Math-SymbolsA] [pxsya]
+ \definefontsynonym [Palatino-Math-SymbolsB] [pxsyb]
+ \definefontsynonym [Palatino-Math-SymbolsC] [pxsyc]
+ \definefontsynonym [Palatino-Math-Italic-A] [pxmia]
+ \definefontsynonym [Palatino-Math-Extension-A] [pxexa]
+ \usemathcollection[default]
+ \loadmapfile[]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [math] [times] [all]
+ \definefontsynonym [Times-Roman-Upright] [txr]
+ \definefontsynonym [Times-Roman-Italic] [txi]
+ \definefontsynonym [Times-Roman-Slanted] [txsl]
+ \definefontsynonym [Times-Roman-Caps] [txsc]
+ \definefontsynonym [Times-Companion-Upright] [tcxr]
+ \definefontsynonym [Times-Companion-Italic] [tcxi]
+ \definefontsynonym [Times-Companion-Slanted] [tcxsl]
+ \definefontsynonym [Times-Math-Italic] [txmi]
+ \definefontsynonym [Times-Math-Symbols] [txsy]
+ \definefontsynonym [Times-Math-Extension] [txex]
+ \definefontsynonym [Times-Math-SymbolsA] [txsya]
+ \definefontsynonym [Times-Math-SymbolsB] [txsyb]
+ \definefontsynonym [Times-Math-SymbolsC] [txsyc]
+ \definefontsynonym [Times-Math-Italic-A] [txmia]
+ \definefontsynonym [Times-Math-Extension-A] [txexa]
+ \usemathcollection[default]
+ \loadmapfile[]
+ \stoptypescript
+ %D These are just fallbacks in case anyone stil uses the
+ %D old names (might also be removed?).
+ % TeXGyrePagella
+ \starttypescript [serif] [palatino]
+ \definefontsynonym [Palatino] [TeXGyrePagella-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [Palatino-Italic] [TeXGyrePagella-Italic]
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+ \definefontsynonym [Palatino-BoldItalic] [TeXGyrePagella-BoldItalic]
+ \definefontsynonym [Palatino-Slanted] [TeXGyrePagella-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [Palatino-BoldSlanted] [TeXGyrePagella-BoldItalic]
+ \definefontsynonym [Palatino-Caps] [TeXGyrePagella-Caps]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [serif] [palatino] [name]
+ \definefontsynonym [Serif] [Palatino]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifBold] [Palatino-Bold]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifItalic] [Palatino-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifSlanted] [Palatino-Slanted]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifBoldItalic] [Palatino-BoldItalic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifBoldSlanted] [Palatino-BoldSlanted]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifCaps] [Palatino-Caps]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [math] [palatino] [name]
+ \definefontsynonym [MathRoman] [Palatino-Roman-Upright]
+ \definefontsynonym [MathExtension] [Palatino-Math-Extension]
+ \definefontsynonym [MathItalic] [Palatino-Math-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [MathSymbol] [Palatino-Math-Symbols]
+ \definefontsynonym [MathAlpha] [Palatino-Math-SymbolsA]
+ \definefontsynonym [MathBeta] [Palatino-Math-SymbolsB]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [math] [palatino] [name]
+ \definefontsynonym [OldStyle] [MathItalic]
+ \definefontsynonym [Fraktur] [eufm10]
+ \definefontsynonym [Blackboard] [MathBeta]
+ \definefontsynonym [Gothic] [eufm10]
+ \definefontsynonym [Calligraphic] [eusm10]
+ \stoptypescript
+ % TeXGyreTermes
+ \starttypescript [serif] [times]
+ \definefontsynonym [Times-Roman] [TeXGyreTermes-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [Times-Italic] [TeXGyreTermes-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [Times-Bold] [TeXGyreTermes-Bold]
+ \definefontsynonym [Times-BoldItalic] [TeXGyreTermes-BoldItalic]
+ \definefontsynonym [Times-Slanted] [TeXGyreTermes-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [Times-BoldSlanted] [TeXGyreTermes-BoldItalic]
+ \definefontsynonym [Times-Caps] [TeXGyreTermes-Caps]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [serif] [times] [name]
+ \definefontsynonym [Serif] [Times-Roman]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifBold] [Times-Bold]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifItalic] [Times-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifSlanted] [Times-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifBoldItalic] [Times-BoldItalic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifBoldSlanted] [Times-BoldItalic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifCaps] [Times-Caps]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [math] [times] [name]
+ \definefontsynonym [MathRoman] [Times-Roman-Upright]
+ \definefontsynonym [MathExtension] [Times-Math-Extension]
+ \definefontsynonym [MathItalic] [Times-Math-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [MathSymbol] [Times-Math-Symbols]
+ \definefontsynonym [MathAlpha] [Times-Math-SymbolsA]
+ \definefontsynonym [MathBeta] [Times-Math-SymbolsB]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [math] [times] [name]
+ \definefontsynonym [OldStyle] [MathItalic]
+ \definefontsynonym [Fraktur] [eufm10]
+ \definefontsynonym [Blackboard] [MathBeta]
+ \definefontsynonym [Gothic] [eufm10]
+ \definefontsynonym [Calligraphic] [eusm10]
+ \stoptypescript
+ % TeXGyreHeros
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+ \stoptypescript
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+ \definefontsynonym [SansItalic] [Helvetica-Oblique]
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+ \definefontsynonym [SansCaps] [Helvetica-Caps]
+ \stoptypescript
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+ % TeXGyreBonum
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+ % TeXGyreScola
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+ % TeXGyreAdventor
+ % TeXGyreCursor
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+ \fakecontrolspace
+ \stoptypescript
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+ \definefontsynonym [Mono] [Courier]
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+ \stoptypescript
+ % TeXGyreChorus
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+ \stoptypescript
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+ \definefontsynonym [Calligraphy] [Chancery]
+ \stoptypescript
+ % We can remove the intermediate names as no one will use them.
+ \definetypescriptprefix [e:ec] [8t]
+ \definetypescriptprefix [e:texnansi] [8y]
+ \definetypescriptprefix [e:8r] [8r]
+ % Lucida Bright
+ \starttypescript [serif] [lucida] [ec,texnansi,8r]
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+ \definefontsynonym [LucidaBright] [\typescriptthree-lbr] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
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+ \loadmapfile[]
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+ % Lucida Bright Sans
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+ \loadmapfile[]
+ \stoptypescript
+ % Lucida Bright Typewriter
+ \starttypescript [mono] [lucida] [ec,texnansi,8r]
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+ \definefontsynonym [LucidaTypewriter] [\typescriptthree-lbtr] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
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+ \definefontsynonym [LucidaTypewriterBoldOblique] [\typescriptthree-lbtbo] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \loadmapfile[]
+ \stoptypescript
+ % Lucida Bright Sans Typewriter
+ \starttypescript [mono] [lucida] [ec,texnansi,8r]
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+ \definefontsynonym [LucidaSans-Typewriter] [\typescriptthree-lstr] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [LucidaSans-TypewriterBold] [\typescriptthree-lstb] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
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+ \definefontsynonym [LucidaSans-TypewriterBoldOblique] [\typescriptthree-lstbo] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \loadmapfile[]
+ \stoptypescript
+ % Lucida Calligraphy
+ \starttypescript [calligraphy] [lucida] [texnansi,ec,8r]
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+ \definefontsynonym [LucidaCalligraphy-Italic] [\typescriptthree-lbc] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \loadmapfile[]
+ \stoptypescript
+ % Lucida Casual
+ \starttypescript [casual] [lucida] [texnansi,ec,8r]
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+ \definefontsynonym [LucidaCasual] [\typescriptthree-lbkr] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [LucidaCasual-Italic] [\typescriptthree-lbki] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \loadmapfile[]
+ \stoptypescript
+ % Lucida Handwriting
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+ \definefontsynonym [LucidaHandwriting-Italic] [\typescriptthree-lbh] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \loadmapfile[]
+ \stoptypescript
+ % Lucida Fax
+ \starttypescript [fax] [lucida] [texnansi,ec,8r]
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+ \definefontsynonym [LucidaFax] [\typescriptthree-lfr] [encoding=\typescriptthree] % LucidaFax
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+ \loadmapfile[]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [blackletter] [lucida] [texnansi,ec,8r]
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+ \definefontsynonym [LucidaBlackletter] [\typescriptthree-lbl] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \loadmapfile[]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [lucida,lucidabfm,lucidaboldmath] [texnansi,ec,8r]
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+ \definetypeface [lucida] [tt] [mono] [lucida] [default] [encoding=\typescripttwo]
+ \definetypeface [lucida] [hw] [handwriting] [lucida] [default] [encoding=\typescripttwo]
+ \definetypeface [lucida] [cg] [calligraphy] [lucida] [default] [encoding=\typescripttwo]
+ \loadmapfile[]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [math] [lucida] [default]
+ \definefontsynonym [LucidaNewMath-AltItalic] [hlcrima]
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+ \definefontsynonym [LucidaNewMath-Extension] [hlcrv]
+ \definefontsynonym [LucidaNewMath-Roman] [hlcrm]
+ \definefontsynonym [LucidaNewMath-Italic] [hlcrim]
+ \definefontsynonym [LucidaNewMath-Symbol] [hlcry]
+ \definefontsynonym [LucidaBlackletter] [hlcrf8y] % what a mess
+ \usemathcollection[lbr]
+ \loadmapfile []
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [boldmath,bfmath] [lucida] [default]
+ \definefontsynonym [LucidaNewMath-AltDemiItalic] [hlcdima]
+ \definefontsynonym [LucidaNewMath-Arrows-Demi] [hlcda]
+ \definefontsynonym [LucidaNewMath-Extension] [hlcrv]
+ \definefontsynonym [LucidaNewMath-Demi] [hlcdm]
+ \definefontsynonym [LucidaNewMath-DemiItalic] [hlcdim]
+ \definefontsynonym [LucidaNewMath-Symbol-Demi] [hlcdy]
+ \loadmapfile []
+ \stoptypescript
+ % Lucida Bright
+ \starttypescript [serif] [lucida] [name]
+ \definefontsynonym [Serif] [LucidaBright]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifBold] [LucidaBright-Demi]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifItalic] [LucidaBright-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifBoldItalic] [LucidaBright-DemiItalic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifSlanted] [LucidaBright-Oblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifBoldSlanted] [LucidaBright-DemiItalic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifCaps] [LucidaBrightSmallcaps]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifBoldCaps] [LucidaBrightSmallcaps-Demi]
+ \stoptypescript
+ % Lucida Bright Sans
+ \starttypescript [sans] [lucida] [name]
+ \definefontsynonym [Sans] [LucidaSans]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansBold] [LucidaSans-Demi]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansItalic] [LucidaSans-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansBoldItalic] [LucidaSans-DemiItalic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansSlanted] [LucidaSans-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansBoldSlanted] [LucidaSans-DemiItalic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansCaps] [LucidaSans]
+ \stoptypescript
+ % Lucida Bright Typewriter
+ % only one family may be used as mono; sans used to be that since the beginning,
+ % so we keep using that as default
+ % \starttypescript [mono] [lucida] [name]
+ % \definefontsynonym [Mono] [LucidaTypewriter]
+ % \definefontsynonym [MonoBold] [LucidaTypewriterBold]
+ % \definefontsynonym [MonoItalic] [LucidaTypewriterOblique]
+ % \definefontsynonym [MonoBoldItalic] [LucidaTypewriterBoldOblique]
+ % \definefontsynonym [MonoSlanted] [LucidaTypewriterOblique]
+ % \definefontsynonym [MonoBoldSlanted] [LucidaTypewriterBoldOblique]
+ % \definefontsynonym [MonoCaps] [LucidaTypewriter]
+ % \stoptypescript
+ % Lucida Bright Sans Typewriter
+ \starttypescript [mono] [lucida] [name]
+ \definefontsynonym [Mono] [LucidaSans-Typewriter]
+ \definefontsynonym [MonoBold] [LucidaSans-TypewriterBold]
+ \definefontsynonym [MonoItalic] [LucidaSans-TypewriterOblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [MonoBoldItalic] [LucidaSans-TypewriterBoldOblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [MonoSlanted] [LucidaSans-TypewriterOblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [MonoBoldSlanted] [LucidaSans-TypewriterBoldOblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [MonoCaps] [LucidaSans-Typewriter]
+ \stoptypescript
+ % Lucida Calligraphy
+ \starttypescript [calligraphy] [lucida] [name]
+ \definefontsynonym [Calligraphy] [LucidaCalligraphy-Italic]
+ \stoptypescript
+ % Lucida Casual
+ % \starttypescript [casual] [lucida] [name]
+ % % LucidaCasual
+ % % LucidaCasual-Italic
+ % \stoptypescript
+ % Lucida Handwriting
+ \starttypescript [handwriting] [lucida] [name]
+ \definefontsynonym [Handwriting] [LucidaHandwriting-Italic]
+ \stoptypescript
+ % Lucida Fax
+ %
+ % \starttypescript [fax] [lucida] [name]
+ % \definefontsynonym [FaksRegular] [LucidaFax]
+ % \definefontsynonym [FaksBold] [LucidaFax-Demi]
+ % \definefontsynonym [FaksItalic] [LucidaFax-Italic]
+ % \definefontsynonym [FaksBoldItalic] [LucidaFax-DemiItalic]
+ % \stoptypescript
+ % Lucida Black Letter
+ %
+ % \starttypescript [blackletter] [lucida] [name]
+ % \definefontsynonym [Blackletter] [LucidaBlackletter]
+ % \stoptypescript
+ % Lucida Math
+ \starttypescript [math] [lucida] [name]
+ % \definefontsynonym [MathRoman] [LucidaBright]
+ \definefontsynonym [MathRoman] [LucidaNewMath-Roman]
+ \definefontsynonym [MathExtension] [LucidaNewMath-Extension]
+ \definefontsynonym [MathItalic] [LucidaNewMath-AltItalic]
+ \definefontsynonym [MathSymbol] [LucidaNewMath-Symbol]
+ \definefontsynonym [MathAlpha] [LucidaNewMath-Arrows]
+ \definefontsynonym [MathBeta] [LucidaNewMath-Roman]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [math] [lucida] [name]
+ \definefontsynonym [OldStyle] [MathItalic]
+ \definefontsynonym [Fraktur] [eufm10]
+ \definefontsynonym [Blackboard] [MathAlpha]
+ \definefontsynonym [Gothic] [eufm10]
+ \definefontsynonym [Calligraphic] [MathSymbol] % math caligraphic !
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [boldmath] [lucida] [name]
+ \definefontsynonym [MathRoman] [LucidaBright-Demi]
+ \definefontsynonym [MathExtension] [LucidaNewMath-Extension]
+ \definefontsynonym [MathItalic] [LucidaNewMath-AltDemiItalic]
+ \definefontsynonym [MathSymbol] [LucidaNewMath-Symbol-Demi]
+ \definefontsynonym [MathAlpha] [LucidaNewMath-Arrows-Demi]
+ \definefontsynonym [MathBeta] [LucidaNewMath-Demi]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [bfmath] [lucida] [name]
+ \definefontsynonym [MathRomanBold] [LucidaNewMath-Demi]
+ \definefontsynonym [MathExtensionBold] [LucidaNewMath-Extension]
+ \definefontsynonym [MathItalicBold] [LucidaNewMath-AltDemiItalic]
+ \definefontsynonym [MathSymbolBold] [LucidaNewMath-Symbol-Demi]
+ \definefontsynonym [MathAlphaBold] [LucidaNewMath-Arrows-Demi]
+ \definefontsynonym [MathBetaBold] [LucidaNewMath-Demi]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [lucida,lucidabfm,lucidaboldmath] [texnansi,ec,8r,uc]
+ \definetypeface [lucida] [rm] [serif] [lucida] [default] [encoding=\typescripttwo]
+ \definetypeface [lucida] [ss] [sans] [lucida] [default] [encoding=\typescripttwo]
+ \definetypeface [lucida] [tt] [mono] [lucida] [default] [encoding=\typescripttwo]
+ \definetypeface [lucida] [hw] [handwriting] [lucida] [default] [encoding=\typescripttwo]
+ \definetypeface [lucida] [cg] [calligraphy] [lucida] [default] [encoding=\typescripttwo]
+ \loadmapfile []
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [lucida] [texnansi,ec,8r]
+ \definetypeface [lucida] [mm] [math] [lucida] [default] [encoding=\typescripttwo]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [lucidabfm] [texnansi,ec,8r]
+ \definetypeface [lucida] [mm] [bfmath] [lucida] [default] [encoding=\typescripttwo]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [lucidaboldmath] [texnansi,ec,8r]
+ \definetypeface [lucida] [mm] [boldmath] [lucida] [default] [encoding=\typescripttwo]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [lucidabfm] [texnansi,ec,8r,uc]
+ \definetypeface [lucidabfm] [rm] [serif] [lucida] [default] [encoding=\typescripttwo]
+ \definetypeface [lucidabfm] [ss] [sans] [lucida] [default] [encoding=\typescripttwo]
+ \definetypeface [lucidabfm] [tt] [mono] [lucida] [default] [encoding=\typescripttwo]
+ \definetypeface [lucidabfm] [hw] [handwriting] [lucida] [default] [encoding=\typescripttwo]
+ \definetypeface [lucidabfm] [cg] [calligraphy] [lucida] [default] [encoding=\typescripttwo]
+ \definetypeface [lucidabfm] [mm] [bfmath] [lucida] [default] [encoding=\typescripttwo]
+ \loadmapfile []
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [lucidaboldmath] [texnansi,ec,8r,uc]
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+ \definetypeface [lucidaboldmath] [tt] [mono] [lucida] [default] [encoding=\typescripttwo]
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+ \definefontsynonym [Libertine-Bold] [fxlb-t1] [encoding=ec]
+ \definefontsynonym [Libertine-BoldItalic] [fxlbi-t1] [encoding=ec]
+ \definefontsynonym [Libertine-SmallCaps] [fxlrc-t1] %[encoding=ec]
+ \loadmapfile []
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+ \stoptypescript
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+ \definefontsynonym [Inconsolata] [ec-inconsolata] [encoding=ec]
+ \pdfmapline{ec-inconsolata Inconsolata "fi4ECEncoding ReEncodeFont" <[fi4-ec.enc <Inconsolata.pfb}
+ \stoptypescript
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+ \definefontsynonym [Mono] [Inconsolata]
+ \stoptypescript
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+ \definetypescriptprefix [e:t2a] [t2a]
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+ \definefontsynonym [DejaVuSerif-BoldItalic] [DejaVuSerif-BoldItalic-tlf-\typescriptprefix{e:\typescriptthree}] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \loadmapfile[]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [serif] [dejavu-condensed] [ec,qx,t2a]
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+ \definefontsynonym [DejaVuSerifCondensed-BoldItalic] [DejaVuSerifCondensed-BoldItalic-tlf-\typescriptprefix{e:\typescriptthree}] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \loadmapfile[]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [sans] [dejavu] [ec,qx,t2a]
+ \definefontsynonym [DejaVuSans] [DejaVuSans-tlf-\typescriptprefix{e:\typescriptthree}] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
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+ \definefontsynonym [DejaVuSans-Bold] [DejaVuSans-Bold-tlf-\typescriptprefix{e:\typescriptthree}] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [DejaVuSans-BoldItalic] [DejaVuSans-BoldItalic-tlf-\typescriptprefix{e:\typescriptthree}] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \loadmapfile[]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [sans] [dejavu-condensed] [ec,qx,t2a]
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+ \definefontsynonym [DejaVuSansCondensed-Bold] [DejaVuSansCondensed-Bold-tlf-\typescriptprefix{e:\typescriptthree}] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [DejaVuSansCondensed-BoldItalic] [DejaVuSansCondensed-BoldItalic-tlf-\typescriptprefix{e:\typescriptthree}] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \loadmapfile[]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [mono] [dejavu,dejavu-condensed] [ec,qx,t2a]
+ \definefontsynonym [DejaVuSansMono] [DejaVuSansMono-tlf-\typescriptprefix{e:\typescriptthree}] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [DejaVuSansMono-Italic] [DejaVuSansMono-Italic-tlf-\typescriptprefix{e:\typescriptthree}] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [DejaVuSansMono-Bold] [DejaVuSansMono-Bold-tlf-\typescriptprefix{e:\typescriptthree}] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [DejaVuSansMono-BoldItalic] [DejaVuSansMono-BoldItalic-tlf-\typescriptprefix{e:\typescriptthree}] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \loadmapfile[]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [serif] [dejavu] [name]
+ \definefontsynonym [Serif] [DejaVuSerif]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifItalic] [DejaVuSerif-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifBold] [DejaVuSerif-Bold]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifBoldItalic] [DejaVuSerif-BoldItalic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifSlanted] [SerifItalic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifBoldSlanted] [SerifBoldItalic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifCaps] [Serif]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [serif] [dejavu-condensed] [name]
+ \definefontsynonym [Serif] [DejaVuSerifCondensed]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifItalic] [DejaVuSerifCondensed-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifBold] [DejaVuSerifCondensed-Bold]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifBoldItalic] [DejaVuSerifCondensed-BoldItalic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifSlanted] [SerifItalic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifBoldSlanted] [SerifBoldItalic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifCaps] [Serif]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [sans] [dejavu] [name]
+ \definefontsynonym [Sans] [DejaVuSans]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansItalic] [DejaVuSans-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansBold] [DejaVuSans-Bold]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansBoldItalic] [DejaVuSans-BoldItalic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansSlanted] [SansItalic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansBoldSlanted] [SansBoldItalic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansCaps] [Sans]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [sans] [dejavu-condensed] [name]
+ \definefontsynonym [Sans] [DejaVuSansCondensed]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansItalic] [DejaVuSansCondensed-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansBold] [DejaVuSansCondensed-Bold]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansBoldItalic] [DejaVuSansCondensed-BoldItalic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansSlanted] [SansItalic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansBoldSlanted] [SansBoldItalic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansCaps] [Sans]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [mono] [dejavu,dejavu-condensed] [name]
+ \definefontsynonym [Mono] [DejaVuSansMono]
+ \definefontsynonym [MonoItalic] [DejaVuSansMono-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [MonoBold] [DejaVuSansMono-Bold]
+ \definefontsynonym [MonoBoldItalic] [DejaVuSansMono-BoldItalic]
+ \definefontsynonym [MonoSlanted] [MonoItalic]
+ \definefontsynonym [MonoBoldSlanted] [MonoBoldItalic]
+ \definefontsynonym [MonoCaps] [Mono]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [dejavu] [ec,qx,t2a]
+ \definetypeface [dejavu] [rm] [serif] [dejavu] [default] [encoding=\typescripttwo]
+ \definetypeface [dejavu] [ss] [sans] [dejavu] [default] [encoding=\typescripttwo]
+ \definetypeface [dejavu] [tt] [mono] [dejavu] [default] [encoding=\typescripttwo]
+ \definetypeface [dejavu] [mm] [math] [xits] [default] [rscale=auto]
+ \loadmapfile []
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [dejavu-condensed] [ec,qx,t2a]
+ \definetypeface [dejavu-condensed] [rm] [serif] [dejavu-condensed] [default] [encoding=\typescripttwo]
+ \definetypeface [dejavu-condensed] [ss] [sans] [dejavu-condensed] [default] [encoding=\typescripttwo]
+ \definetypeface [dejavu-condensed] [tt] [mono] [dejavu-condensed] [default] [encoding=\typescripttwo]
+ \definetypeface [dejavu-condensed] [mm] [math] [xits] [default] [rscale=auto]
+ \loadmapfile []
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [serif] [gentium] [ec,texnansi,qx,t5,l7x]
+ \definefontsynonym [Gentium-Roman] [\typescriptthree-gentiumplus-regular] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [Gentium-Italic] [\typescriptthree-gentiumplus-italic] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [Gentium-Bold] [\typescriptthree-gentiumbasic-bold] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [Gentium-BoldItalic] [\typescriptthree-gentiumbasic-bolditalic] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [Gentium-RomanCaps] [\typescriptthree-gentiumplus-regular-sc] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [Gentium-Slanted] [Gentium-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [Gentium-BoldSlanted] [Gentium-BoldItalic]
+ \loadmapfile[gentium-\]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [serif] [gentium] [agr,t2a]
+ \definefontsynonym [Gentium-Roman] [\typescriptthree-gentiumplus-regular] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [Gentium-Italic] [\typescriptthree-gentiumplus-italic] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [Gentium-RomanCaps] [\typescriptthree-gentiumplus-regular-sc] [encoding=\typescriptthree]
+ \definefontsynonym [Gentium-Bold] [Gentium-Roman]
+ \definefontsynonym [Gentium-BoldItalic] [Gentium-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [Gentium-Slanted] [Gentium-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [Gentium-BoldSlanted] [Gentium-Italic]
+ \loadmapfile[gentium-\]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [serif] [gentium] [name]
+ \usetypescript[serif][fallback]
+ \definefontsynonym [Serif] [Gentium-Roman]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifItalic] [Gentium-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifBold] [Gentium-Bold]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifBoldItalic] [Gentium-BoldItalic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifSlanted] [Gentium-Slanted]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifBoldSlanted] [Gentium-BoldSlanted]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifCaps] [Gentium-RomanCaps]
+ \definefontsynonym [OldStyle] [Serif]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [gentium] [ec,texnansi,qx,t5,t2a,agr,l7x]
+ \definetypeface [gentium] [rm] [serif] [gentium] [default] [encoding=\typescripttwo]
+ \stoptypescript
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/type-otf.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/type-otf.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d15994f6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/type-otf.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,1734 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=type-otf,
+%D version=2007.07.30,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Typescript Macros,
+%D subtitle=Opentype Definitions,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D Actually, \LUATEX\ does not need all these definitions since it can
+%D consult its database. However, here we use the names that we used
+%D in good old \TEX, and these may differ a bit. Here we also see
+%D some oldstyle definitions which normally are done with features.
+\starttypescript [fallback]
+ \definetypeface [] [rm] [serif] [modern] [computer-modern] [features=default]
+ \definetypeface [] [ss] [sans] [modern] [computer-modern] [features=default]
+ \definetypeface [] [tt] [mono] [modern] [computer-modern] [features=default]
+ \definetypeface [] [mm] [math] [modern] [computer-modern]
+ \quittypescriptscanning
+% faster
+% \starttypescript [fallback]
+% \definetypeface [] [rm] [serif] [modern] [default] [features=default]
+% \definetypeface [] [ss] [sans] [modern] [default] [features=default]
+% \definetypeface [] [tt] [mono] [modern] [default] [features=default]
+% \definetypeface [] [mm] [math] [modern] [default]
+% \quittypescriptscanning
+% \stoptypescript
+% if a fontname equals the filename, then use
+% \setupfontsynonym [LMRoman10-DemiOblique] [features=default] % file is lowercase, so fails
+% \definefontsynonym [LMRoman10-DemiOblique] [name:LMRoman10-DemiOblique] [features=default]
+% \definefontsynonym [LMRoman10-DemiOblique] [lmroman10-demioblique] [features=default]
+ %D The names have changed (again) ... but I will not change the symbolic names
+ %D any more. Filename changes will be catched in luatex (fallbacks) but not in
+ %D other tex's.
+ \starttypescript [serif] [modern,latin-modern]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMRoman5-Regular] [file:lmroman5-regular] [features=default]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMRoman6-Regular] [file:lmroman6-regular] [features=default]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMRoman7-Regular] [file:lmroman7-regular] [features=default]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMRoman8-Regular] [file:lmroman8-regular] [features=default]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMRoman9-Regular] [file:lmroman9-regular] [features=default]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMRoman10-Regular] [file:lmroman10-regular] [features=default]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMRoman12-Regular] [file:lmroman12-regular] [features=default]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMRoman17-Regular] [file:lmroman17-regular] [features=default]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMRoman5-Bold] [file:lmroman5-bold] [features=default]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMRoman6-Bold] [file:lmroman6-bold] [features=default]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMRoman7-Bold] [file:lmroman7-bold] [features=default]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMRoman8-Bold] [file:lmroman8-bold] [features=default]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMRoman9-Bold] [file:lmroman9-bold] [features=default]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMRoman10-Bold] [file:lmroman10-bold] [features=default]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMRoman12-Bold] [file:lmroman12-bold] [features=default]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMRoman7-Italic] [file:lmroman7-italic] [features=default]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMRoman8-Italic] [file:lmroman8-italic] [features=default]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMRoman9-Italic] [file:lmroman9-italic] [features=default]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMRoman10-Italic] [file:lmroman10-italic] [features=default]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMRoman12-Italic] [file:lmroman12-italic] [features=default]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMRoman10-BoldItalic] [file:lmroman10-bolditalic] [features=default]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMRoman8-Oblique] [file:lmromanslant8-regular] [features=default]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMRoman9-Oblique] [file:lmromanslant9-regular] [features=default]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMRoman10-Oblique] [file:lmromanslant10-regular][features=default]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMRoman12-Oblique] [file:lmromanslant12-regular][features=default]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMRoman17-Oblique] [file:lmromanslant17-regular][features=default]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMRoman10-BoldOblique] [file:lmromanslant10-bold] [features=default]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMRoman10-Demi] [file:lmromandemi10-regular] [features=default]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMRoman10-DemiOblique] [file:lmromandemi10-oblique] [features=default]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMRoman10-CapsRegular] [file:lmromancaps10-regular] [features=default] % features=smallcaps?
+ \definefontsynonym [LMRoman10-CapsOblique] [file:lmromancaps10-oblique] [features=default]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMRoman10-Dunhill] [file:lmromandunh10-regular] [features=default]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMRoman10-DunhillOblique] [file:lmromandunh10-oblique] [features=default]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMRoman10-Unslanted] [file:lmromanunsl10-regular] [features=default]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [sans] [modern,latin-modern]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMSans8-Regular] [file:lmsans8-regular] [features=default]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMSans9-Regular] [file:lmsans9-regular] [features=default]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMSans10-Regular] [file:lmsans10-regular] [features=default]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMSans12-Regular] [file:lmsans12-regular] [features=default]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMSans17-Regular] [file:lmsans17-regular] [features=default]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMSans10-Bold] [file:lmsans10-bold] [features=default]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMSans8-Oblique] [file:lmsans8-oblique] [features=default]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMSans9-Oblique] [file:lmsans9-oblique] [features=default]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMSans10-Oblique] [file:lmsans10-oblique] [features=default]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMSans12-Oblique] [file:lmsans12-oblique] [features=default]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMSans17-Oblique] [file:lmsans17-oblique] [features=default]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMSans10-BoldOblique] [file:lmsans10-boldoblique] [features=default]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMSans10-DemiCondensed] [file:lmsansdemicond10-regular] [features=default]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMSans10-DemiCondensedOblique] [file:lmsansdemicond10-oblique] [features=default]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMSansQuotation8-Regular] [file:lmsansquot8-regular] [features=default]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMSansQuotation8-Bold] [file:lmsansquot8-bold] [features=default]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMSansQuotation8-Oblique] [file:lmsansquot8-oblique] [features=default]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMSansQuotation8-BoldOblique] [file:lmsansquot8-boldoblique] [features=default]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [mono] [modern,latin-modern,modern-vari,latin-modern-vari,modern-cond,latin-modern-cond]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMTypewriter8-Regular] [file:lmmono8-regular] [features=none]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMTypewriter9-Regular] [file:lmmono9-regular] [features=none]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMTypewriter10-Regular] [file:lmmono10-regular] [features=none]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMTypewriter12-Regular] [file:lmmono12-regular] [features=none]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMTypewriter10-Italic] [file:lmmono10-italic] [features=none]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMTypewriter10-Oblique] [file:lmmonoslant10-regular] [features=none]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMTypewriter10-CapsRegular] [file:lmmonocaps10-regular] [features=none] % features=smallcaps?
+ \definefontsynonym [LMTypewriter10-CapsOblique] [file:lmmonocaps10-oblique] [features=none]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMTypewriter10-Light] [file:lmmonolt10-regular] [features=none]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMTypewriter10-LightOblique] [file:lmmonolt10-oblique] [features=none]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMTypewriter10-LightCondensed] [file:lmmonoltcond10-regular] [features=none]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMTypewriter10-LightCondensedOblique] [file:lmmonoltcond10-oblique] [features=none]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMTypewriter10-Dark] [file:lmmonolt10-bold] [features=none]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMTypewriter10-DarkOblique] [file:lmmonolt10-boldoblique] [features=none]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMTypewriterVarWd10-Regular] [file:lmmonoproplt10-regular] [features=default]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMTypewriterVarWd10-Oblique] [file:lmmonoproplt10-oblique] [features=default]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMTypewriterVarWd10-Light] [file:lmmonoprop10-regular] [features=default]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMTypewriterVarWd10-LightOblique] [file:lmmonoprop10-oblique] [features=default]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMTypewriterVarWd10-Dark] [file:lmmonoproplt10-bold] [features=default]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMTypewriterVarWd10-DarkOblique] [file:lmmonoproplt10-boldoblique] [features=default]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [math] [modern,latin-modern]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMMathRoman5-Regular] [rm-lmr5]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMMathRoman6-Regular] [rm-lmr6]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMMathRoman7-Regular] [rm-lmr7]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMMathRoman8-Regular] [rm-lmr8]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMMathRoman9-Regular] [rm-lmr9]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMMathRoman10-Regular] [rm-lmr10]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMMathRoman12-Regular] [rm-lmr12]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMMathRoman17-Regular] [rm-lmr17]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMMathRoman5-Bold] [rm-lmbx5]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMMathRoman6-Bold] [rm-lmbx6]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMMathRoman7-Bold] [rm-lmbx7]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMMathRoman8-Bold] [rm-lmbx8]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMMathRoman9-Bold] [rm-lmbx9]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMMathRoman10-Bold] [rm-lmbx10]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMMathRoman12-Bold] [rm-lmbx12]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMMathSymbols5-BoldItalic] [lmbsy5]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMMathSymbols7-BoldItalic] [lmbsy7]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMMathSymbols10-BoldItalic][lmbsy10]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMMathSymbols5-Italic] [lmsy5]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMMathSymbols6-Italic] [lmsy6]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMMathSymbols7-Italic] [lmsy7]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMMathSymbols8-Italic] [lmsy8]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMMathSymbols9-Italic] [lmsy9]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMMathSymbols10-Italic] [lmsy10]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMMathExtension10-Regular] [lmex10]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMMathItalic5-Italic] [lmmi5]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMMathItalic6-Italic] [lmmi6]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMMathItalic7-Italic] [lmmi7]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMMathItalic8-Italic] [lmmi8]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMMathItalic9-Italic] [lmmi9]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMMathItalic10-Italic] [lmmi10]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMMathItalic12-Italic] [lmmi12]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMMathItalic5-BoldItalic] [lmmib5]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMMathItalic7-BoldItalic] [lmmib7]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMMathItalic10-BoldItalic] [lmmib10]
+ \loadmapfile[]
+ \loadmapfile[]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [serif] [modern,computer-modern,latin-modern] [name]
+ \definefontsynonym [Serif] [LMRoman-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifBold] [LMRoman-Bold]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifItalic] [LMRoman-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifSlanted] [LMRoman-Oblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifBoldItalic] [LMRoman-BoldItalic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifBoldSlanted] [LMRoman-BoldOblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifCaps] [LMRoman-CapsRegular]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifCapsSlanted] [LMRoman-CapsOblique]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [sans] [modern,computer-modern,latin-modern] [name]
+ \definefontsynonym [Sans] [LMSans-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansBold] [LMSans-Bold]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansItalic] [LMSans-Oblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansSlanted] [LMSans-Oblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansBoldItalic] [LMSans-BoldOblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansBoldSlanted] [LMSans-BoldOblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansCaps] [LMSans-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansCapsSlanted] [LMSans-Oblique]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [mono] [modern,computer-modern,latin-modern] [name]
+ \definefontsynonym [Mono] [LMTypewriter-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [MonoBold] [LMTypewriter-Dark]
+ \definefontsynonym [MonoItalic] [LMTypewriter-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [MonoSlanted] [LMTypewriter-Oblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [MonoBoldItalic] [LMTypewriter-DarkOblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [MonoBoldSlanted] [LMTypewriter-DarkOblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [MonoCaps] [LMTypewriter-CapsRegular]
+ \definefontsynonym [MonoCapsSlanted] [LMTypewriter-CapsOblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [MonoVariable] [LMTypewriterVarWd-Regular]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [math] [modern,computer-modern,latin-modern] [name]
+ \definefontsynonym [MathRoman] [LMMathRoman-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [MathExtension] [LMMathExtension-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [MathItalic] [LMMathItalic-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [MathSymbol] [LMMathSymbols-Italic]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [boldmath] [modern,computer-modern,latin-modern] [name]
+ \definefontsynonym [MathRoman] [LMMathRoman-Bold]
+ \definefontsynonym [MathExtension] [LMMathExtension-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [MathItalic] [LMMathItalic-BoldItalic]
+ \definefontsynonym [MathSymbol] [LMMathSymbols-BoldItalic]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [bfmath] [modern,computer-modern,latin-modern] [name]
+ \definefontsynonym [MathRomanBold] [LMMathRoman-Bold]
+ \definefontsynonym [MathExtension] [LMMathExtension-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [MathItalicBold] [LMMathItalic-BoldItalic]
+ \definefontsynonym [MathSymbolBold] [LMMathSymbols-BoldItalic]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [math,boldmath,bfmath] [modern,computer-modern,latin-modern] [name]
+ \usemathcollection[default]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [serif] [modern-vari,computer-modern-vari,latin-modern-vari] [name]
+ \definefontsynonym [Serif] [LMTypewriterVarWd-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifBold] [LMTypewriterVarWd-Oblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifItalic] [LMTypewriterVarWd-Oblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifSlanted] [LMTypewriterVarWd-Dark]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifBoldItalic] [LMTypewriterVarWd-DarkOblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifBoldSlanted] [LMTypewriterVarWd-DarkOblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifCaps] [LMTypewriterVarWd-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifCapsSlanted] [LMTypewriterVarWd-Oblique]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [mono] [modern-cond,computer-modern-cond,latin-modern-cond,modern-lightcond,computer-modern-lightcond,latin-modern-lightcond] [name]
+ \definefontsynonym [Mono] [LMTypewriter-LightCondensed]
+ \definefontsynonym [MonoBold] [LMTypewriter-LightCondensed]
+ \definefontsynonym [MonoItalic] [LMTypewriter-LightCondensedOblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [MonoSlanted] [LMTypewriter-LightCondensedOblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [MonoBoldItalic] [LMTypewriter-LightCondensed]
+ \definefontsynonym [MonoBoldSlanted] [LMTypewriter-LightCondensed]
+ \definefontsynonym [MonoCaps] [LMTypewriter-LightCondensed]
+ \definefontsynonym [MonoCapsSlanted] [LMTypewriter-LightCondensed]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [mono] [modern-light,computer-modern-light,latin-modern-light] [name]
+ \definefontsynonym [Mono] [LMTypewriter-Light]
+ \definefontsynonym [MonoBold] [LMTypewriter-Light]
+ \definefontsynonym [MonoItalic] [LMTypewriter-LightOblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [MonoSlanted] [LMTypewriter-LightOblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [MonoBoldItalic] [LMTypewriter-Light]
+ \definefontsynonym [MonoBoldSlanted] [LMTypewriter-Light]
+ \definefontsynonym [MonoCaps] [LMTypewriter-Light]
+ \definefontsynonym [MonoCapsSlanted] [LMTypewriter-Light]
+ \stoptypescript
+ % Later we will map the real fonts, here we just map synonyms.
+ \starttypescript [serif] [modern,latin-modern]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMRoman-DemiOblique] [LMRoman10-DemiOblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMRoman-Bold] [LMRoman10-Bold]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMRoman-BoldItalic] [LMRoman10-BoldItalic]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMRoman-BoldOblique] [LMRoman10-BoldOblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMRoman-CapsRegular] [LMRoman10-CapsRegular]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMRoman-CapsOblique] [LMRoman10-CapsOblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMRoman-Regular] [LMRoman10-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMRoman-Italic] [LMRoman10-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMRoman-Oblique] [LMRoman10-Oblique]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [sans] [modern,latin-modern]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMSans-Regular] [LMSans10-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMSans-BoldOblique] [LMSans10-BoldOblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMSans-Bold] [LMSans10-Bold]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMSans-DemiCondensed] [LMSans10-DemiCondensed]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMSans-DemiCondensedOblique] [LMSans10-DemiCondensedOblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMSans-Oblique] [LMSans10-Oblique]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [mono] [modern,latin-modern,modern-vari,latin-modern-vari,modern-cond,latin-modern-cond]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMTypewriter-CapsRegular] [LMTypewriter10-CapsRegular]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMTypewriter-CapsOblique] [LMTypewriter10-CapsOblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMTypewriter-Light] [LMTypewriter10-Light]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMTypewriter-LightOblique] [LMTypewriter10-LightOblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMTypewriter-LightCondensed] [LMTypewriter10-LightCondensed]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMTypewriter-LightCondensedOblique] [LMTypewriter10-LightCondensedOblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMTypewriter-Dark] [LMTypewriter10-Dark]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMTypewriter-DarkOblique] [LMTypewriter10-DarkOblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMTypewriter-Regular] [LMTypewriter10-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMTypewriter-Italic] [LMTypewriter10-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMTypewriter-Oblique] [LMTypewriter10-Oblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMTypewriterVarWd-Regular] [LMTypewriterVarWd10-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMTypewriterVarWd-Oblique] [LMTypewriterVarWd10-Oblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMTypewriterVarWd-Light] [LMTypewriterVarWd10-Light]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMTypewriterVarWd-LightOblique] [LMTypewriterVarWd10-LightOblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMTypewriterVarWd-Dark] [LMTypewriterVarWd10-Dark]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMTypewriterVarWd-DarkOblique] [LMTypewriterVarWd10-DarkOblique]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [serif] [modern,computer-modern,latin-modern]
+ \definefontsynonym [ComputerModern] [LMRoman-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [ComputerModern-Italic] [LMRoman-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [ComputerModern-Slanted] [LMRoman-Oblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [ComputerModern-Bold] [LMRoman-Bold]
+ \definefontsynonym [ComputerModern-BoldItalic] [LMRoman-BoldItalic]
+ \definefontsynonym [ComputerModern-BoldSlanted] [LMRoman-BoldOblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [ComputerModern-Caps] [LMRoman-CapsRegular]
+ \definefontsynonym [ComputerModern-CapsSlanted] [LMRoman-CapsOblique]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [sans] [modern,computer-modern,latin-modern]
+ \definefontsynonym [ComputerModernSans] [LMSans-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [ComputerModernSans-Italic] [LMSans-Oblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [ComputerModernSans-Slanted] [LMSans-Oblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [ComputerModernSans-Bold] [LMSans-Bold]
+ \definefontsynonym [ComputerModernSans-BoldItalic] [LMSans-BoldOblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [ComputerModernSans-BoldSlanted] [LMSans-BoldOblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [ComputerModernSans-Caps] [LMSans-Regular] % [LMSans-CapsRegular]
+ \definefontsynonym [ComputerModernSans-CapsSlanted] [LMSans-Oblique] % [LMSans-CapsOblique]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [mono] [modern,computer-modern,latin-modern]
+ \definefontsynonym [ComputerModernMono] [LMTypewriter-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [ComputerModernMono-Italic] [LMTypewriter-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [ComputerModernMono-Slanted] [LMTypewriter-Oblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [ComputerModernMono-Bold] [LMTypewriter-Dark]
+ \definefontsynonym [ComputerModernMono-BoldItalic] [LMTypewriter-DarkOblique] % !
+ \definefontsynonym [ComputerModernMono-BoldSlanted] [LMTypewriter-DarkOblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [ComputerModernMono-Caps] [LMTypewriter-CapsRegular]
+ \definefontsynonym [ComputerModernMono-CapsSlanted] [LMTypewriter-CapsOblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [ComputerModernMono-Variable] [LMTypewriterVarWd-Regular]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [serif] [modern-vari,computer-modern-vari,latin-modern-vari]
+ \definefontsynonym [ComputerModernVariable] [LMTypewriterVarWd-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [ComputerModernVariable-Italic] [LMTypewriterVarWd-Oblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [ComputerModernVariable-Slanted] [LMTypewriterVarWd-Oblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [ComputerModernVariable-Bold] [LMTypewriterVarWd-Dark]
+ \definefontsynonym [ComputerModernVariable-BoldItalic] [LMTypewriterVarWd-DarkOblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [ComputerModernVariable-BoldSlanted] [LMTypewriterVarWd-DarkOblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [ComputerModernVariable-Caps] [LMTypewriterVarWd-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [ComputerModernVariable-CapsSlanted] [LMTypewriterVarWd-Oblique]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [math] [modern,latin-modern]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMMathRoman-Regular] [LMMathRoman10-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMMathRoman-Bold] [LMMathRoman10-Bold]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMMathSymbols-BoldItalic] [LMMathSymbols10-BoldItalic]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMMathSymbols-Italic] [LMMathSymbols10-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMMathExtension-Regular] [LMMathExtension10-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMMathItalic-Italic] [LMMathItalic10-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMMathItalic-BoldItalic] [LMMathItalic10-BoldItalic]
+ \stoptypescript
+ % can boldmath and bfmath be joined?
+ \starttypescript [boldmath] [modern,computer-modern,latin-modern] [name]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMMathRoman-Bold] [LMMathRoman10-Bold]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMMathExtension-Regular] [LMMathExtension10-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMMathItalic-BoldItalic] [LMMathItalic10-BoldItalic]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMMathSymbols-BoldItalic] [LMMathSymbols10-BoldItalic]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [bfmath] [modern,computer-modern,latin-modern] [name]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMMathRoman-Bold] [LMMathRoman10-Bold]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMMathExtension-Regular] [LMMathExtension10-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMMathItalic-BoldItalic] [LMMathItalic10-BoldItalic]
+ \definefontsynonym [LMMathSymbols-BoldItalic] [LMMathSymbols10-BoldItalic]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [serif] [modern,latin-modern,computer-modern]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmr5] [LMRoman5-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmr6] [LMRoman6-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmr7] [LMRoman7-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmr8] [LMRoman8-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmr9] [LMRoman9-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmr10] [LMRoman10-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmr12] [LMRoman12-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmr17] [LMRoman17-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmbx5] [LMRoman5-Bold]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmbx6] [LMRoman6-Bold]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmbx7] [LMRoman7-Bold]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmbx8] [LMRoman8-Bold]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmbx9] [LMRoman9-Bold]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmbx10] [LMRoman10-Bold]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmbx12] [LMRoman12-Bold]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmsl10] [LMRoman10-Oblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmsl12] [LMRoman12-Oblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmsl17] [LMRoman17-Oblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmsl8] [LMRoman8-Oblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmsl9] [LMRoman9-Oblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmti7] [LMRoman7-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmti8] [LMRoman8-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmti9] [LMRoman9-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmti10] [LMRoman10-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmti12] [LMRoman12-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmbsl10] [LMRoman10-DemiOblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmbxsl10] [LMRoman10-BoldOblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmbxti10] [LMRoman10-BoldItalic]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmcsc10] [LMRoman10-CapsRegular]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmcscsl10][LMRoman10-CapsOblique]
+ %definefontsynonym [cmb10]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [sans] [modern,latin-modern,computer-modern]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmss8] [LMSans8-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmss9] [LMSans9-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmss10] [LMSans10-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmss12] [LMSans12-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmss17] [LMSans17-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmssi10] [LMSans10-Oblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmssi12] [LMSans12-Oblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmssi17] [LMSans17-Oblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmssi8] [LMSans8-Oblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmssi9] [LMSans9-Oblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmssq8] [LMSansQuotation8-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmssqb8] [LMSansQuotation8-Bold]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmssqbi8] [LMSansQuotation8-BoldOblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmssqi8] [LMSansQuotation8-Oblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmssbx10] [LMSans10-Bold]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmssdc10] [LMSans10-DemiCondensed]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmssbi10] [LMSans10-BoldOblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmssdi10] [LMSans10-DemiCondensedOblique]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [mono] [modern,latin-modern,computer-modern]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmtt8] [LMTypewriter8-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmtt9] [LMTypewriter9-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmtt10] [LMTypewriter10-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmtt12] [LMTypewriter12-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmitt10] [LMTypewriter10-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmsltt10] [LMTypewriter10-Oblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmvtt10] [LMTypewriterVarWd10-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmvtti10] [LMTypewriterVarWd10-Oblique]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmtcsc10] [LMTypewriter10-CapsRegular]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [math] [modern,latin-modern,computer-modern]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmbsy5] [LMMathSymbols5-BoldItalic]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmbsy7] [LMMathSymbols7-BoldItalic]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmbsy10] [LMMathSymbols10-BoldItalic]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmsy5] [LMMathSymbols5-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmsy6] [LMMathSymbols6-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmsy7] [LMMathSymbols7-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmsy8] [LMMathSymbols8-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmsy9] [LMMathSymbols9-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmsy10] [LMMathSymbols10-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmex10] [LMMathExtension10-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmmi5] [LMMathItalic5-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmmi6] [LMMathItalic6-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmmi7] [LMMathItalic7-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmmi8] [LMMathItalic8-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmmi9] [LMMathItalic9-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmmi10] [LMMathItalic10-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmmi12] [LMMathItalic12-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmmib5] [LMMathItalic5-BoldItalic]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmmib7] [LMMathItalic7-BoldItalic]
+ \definefontsynonym [cmmib10] [LMMathItalic10-BoldItalic]
+ \stoptypescript
+ % This will change some day.
+ \starttypescript [math] [modern,computer-modern,latin-modern] [name]
+ \definefontsynonym [OldStyle] [MathItalic]
+ \definefontsynonym [Fraktur] [eufm10]
+ \definefontsynonym [Blackboard] [msbm10]
+ \definefontsynonym [Gothic] [eufm10]
+ \definefontsynonym [Calligraphic] [cmsy10]
+ \stoptypescript
+ % Concrete Modern Roman : Donald Knuth
+ \starttypescript [serif] [concrete] [name]
+ \definefontsynonym [Serif] [ComputerConcrete]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifBold] [ComputerConcrete]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifItalic] [ComputerConcrete-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifSlanted] [ComputerConcrete-Slanted]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifBoldItalic] [ComputerConcrete-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifBoldSlanted] [ComputerConcrete-Slanted]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifCaps] [ComputerConcrete-Caps]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [math] [modern,computer-modern,latin-modern]
+ \definefontsynonym [ComputerModernMath-Roman] [rm-lmr10]
+ \definefontsynonym [ComputerModernMath-Extension] [lmex10]
+ \definefontsynonym [ComputerModernMath-Italic] [lmmi10]
+ \definefontsynonym [ComputerModernMath-Symbol] [lmsy10]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [boldmath,bfmath] [modern,computer-modern,latin-modern]
+ \definefontsynonym [ComputerModernMath-Roman-Bold] [rm-lmb10]
+ \definefontsynonym [ComputerModernMath-Extension] [lmex10]
+ \definefontsynonym [ComputerModernMath-Italic-Bold] [lmmib10]
+ \definefontsynonym [ComputerModernMath-Symbol-Bold] [lmbsy10]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [modern]
+ \definetypeface [modern] [rm] [serif] [modern] [computer-modern] [features=default]
+ \definetypeface [modern] [ss] [sans] [modern] [computer-modern] [features=default]
+ \definetypeface [modern] [tt] [mono] [modern] [computer-modern] [features=default]
+ \definetypeface [modern] [mm] [math] [modern] [computer-modern]
+ \quittypescriptscanning
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [modern-base]
+ \definetypeface [modern] [rm] [serif] [modern] [default] [features=default]
+ \definetypeface [modern] [ss] [sans] [modern] [default] [features=default]
+ \definetypeface [modern] [tt] [mono] [modern] [default] [features=default]
+ \definetypeface [modern] [mm] [math] [modern] [default]
+ \quittypescriptscanning
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [modernvariable]
+ \definetypeface [modernvariable] [rm] [serif] [simple] [default] [features=default]
+ \definetypeface [modernvariable] [ss] [sans] [modern] [default] [features=default]
+ \definetypeface [modernvariable] [tt] [mono] [modern] [default] [features=default]
+ \definetypeface [modernvariable] [mm] [math] [modern] [default]
+ \quittypescriptscanning
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [serif] [simple] [name] % bad, will be changed but in sycn with manuals that use it
+ \definefontsynonym [Simple] [cmvtt10]
+ \setupfontsynonym [Simple] [handling=pure]
+ \stoptypescript
+ % Computer Concrete (AMS)
+ \starttypescript [serif] [concrete]
+ \definefontsynonym [ComputerConcrete] [ccr10]
+ \definefontsynonym [ComputerConcrete-Italic] [ccti10]
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+ % maybe no -Regular etc
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+ \stoptypescript
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+ % Antykwa Poltawskiego (GUST)
+ % \starttypescript [serif] [antykwa-poltawskiego]
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+ % \stoptypescript
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+ % \definefontsynonym [SerifCaps] [AntykwaPoltawskiego-Regular]
+ % \stoptypescript
+ % names of "Caps" may still change
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+ \definefontsynonym [AntykwaPoltawskiego-CapsBold] [\s!file:antpolt-bold] [\s!features=\s!smallcaps]
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+ \definefontsynonym [AntykwaPoltawskiego-SemiExpanded-Light] [\s!file:antpoltltsemiexpd-regular] [\s!features=\s!default]
+ \definefontsynonym [AntykwaPoltawskiego-SemiExpanded-LightItalic] [\s!file:antpoltltsemiexpd-italic] [\s!features=\s!default]
+ \definefontsynonym [AntykwaPoltawskiego-SemiExpanded-Regular] [\s!file:antpoltsemiexpd-regular] [\s!features=\s!default]
+ \definefontsynonym [AntykwaPoltawskiego-SemiExpanded-Italic] [\s!file:antpoltsemiexpd-italic] [\s!features=\s!default]
+ \definefontsynonym [AntykwaPoltawskiego-SemiExpanded-Medium] [\s!file:antpoltltsemiexpd-bold] [\s!features=\s!default]
+ \definefontsynonym [AntykwaPoltawskiego-SemiExpanded-MediumItalic] [\s!file:antpoltltsemiexpd-bolditalic] [\s!features=\s!default]
+ \definefontsynonym [AntykwaPoltawskiego-SemiExpanded-Bold] [\s!file:antpoltsemiexpd-bold] [\s!features=\s!default]
+ \definefontsynonym [AntykwaPoltawskiego-SemiExpanded-BoldItalic] [\s!file:antpoltsemiexpd-bolditalic] [\s!features=\s!default]
+ \definefontsynonym [AntykwaPoltawskiego-SemiExpanded-CapsLight] [\s!file:antpoltltsemiexpd-regular] [\s!features=\s!smallcaps]
+ \definefontsynonym [AntykwaPoltawskiego-SemiExpanded-CapsLightItalic] [\s!file:antpoltltsemiexpd-italic] [\s!features=\s!smallcaps]
+ \definefontsynonym [AntykwaPoltawskiego-SemiExpanded-CapsRegular] [\s!file:antpoltsemiexpd-regular] [\s!features=\s!smallcaps]
+ \definefontsynonym [AntykwaPoltawskiego-SemiExpanded-CapsItalic] [\s!file:antpoltsemiexpd-italic] [\s!features=\s!smallcaps]
+ \definefontsynonym [AntykwaPoltawskiego-SemiExpanded-CapsMedium] [\s!file:antpoltltsemiexpd-bold] [\s!features=\s!smallcaps]
+ \definefontsynonym [AntykwaPoltawskiego-SemiExpanded-CapsMediumItalic] [\s!file:antpoltltsemiexpd-bolditalic] [\s!features=\s!smallcaps]
+ \definefontsynonym [AntykwaPoltawskiego-SemiExpanded-CapsBold] [\s!file:antpoltsemiexpd-bold] [\s!features=\s!smallcaps]
+ \definefontsynonym [AntykwaPoltawskiego-SemiExpanded-CapsBoldItalic] [\s!file:antpoltsemiexpd-bolditalic] [\s!features=\s!smallcaps]
+ \definefontsynonym [AntykwaPoltawskiego-Expanded-Light] [\s!file:antpoltltexpd-regular] [\s!features=\s!default]
+ \definefontsynonym [AntykwaPoltawskiego-Expanded-LightItalic] [\s!file:antpoltltexpd-italic] [\s!features=\s!default]
+ \definefontsynonym [AntykwaPoltawskiego-Expanded-Regular] [\s!file:antpoltexpd-regular] [\s!features=\s!default]
+ \definefontsynonym [AntykwaPoltawskiego-Expanded-Italic] [\s!file:antpoltexpd-italic] [\s!features=\s!default]
+ \definefontsynonym [AntykwaPoltawskiego-Expanded-Medium] [\s!file:antpoltltexpd-bold] [\s!features=\s!default]
+ \definefontsynonym [AntykwaPoltawskiego-Expanded-MediumItalic] [\s!file:antpoltltexpd-bolditalic] [\s!features=\s!default]
+ \definefontsynonym [AntykwaPoltawskiego-Expanded-Bold] [\s!file:antpoltexpd-bold] [\s!features=\s!default]
+ \definefontsynonym [AntykwaPoltawskiego-Expanded-BoldItalic] [\s!file:antpoltexpd-bolditalic] [\s!features=\s!default]
+ \definefontsynonym [AntykwaPoltawskiego-Expanded-CapsLight] [\s!file:antpoltltexpd-regular] [\s!features=\s!smallcaps]
+ \definefontsynonym [AntykwaPoltawskiego-Expanded-CapsLightItalic] [\s!file:antpoltltexpd-italic] [\s!features=\s!smallcaps]
+ \definefontsynonym [AntykwaPoltawskiego-Expanded-CapsRegular] [\s!file:antpoltexpd-regular] [\s!features=\s!smallcaps]
+ \definefontsynonym [AntykwaPoltawskiego-Expanded-CapsItalic] [\s!file:antpoltexpd-italic] [\s!features=\s!smallcaps]
+ \definefontsynonym [AntykwaPoltawskiego-Expanded-CapsMedium] [\s!file:antpoltltexpd-bold] [\s!features=\s!smallcaps]
+ \definefontsynonym [AntykwaPoltawskiego-Expanded-CapsMediumItalic] [\s!file:antpoltltexpd-bolditalic] [\s!features=\s!smallcaps]
+ \definefontsynonym [AntykwaPoltawskiego-Expanded-CapsBold] [\s!file:antpoltexpd-bold] [\s!features=\s!smallcaps]
+ \definefontsynonym [AntykwaPoltawskiego-Expanded-CapsBoldItalic] [\s!file:antpoltexpd-bolditalic] [\s!features=\s!smallcaps]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [serif] [antykwa-poltawskiego] [name]
+ \definefontsynonym [Serif] [AntykwaPoltawskiego-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifBold] [AntykwaPoltawskiego-Bold]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifItalic] [AntykwaPoltawskiego-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifSlanted] [AntykwaPoltawskiego-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifBoldItalic] [AntykwaPoltawskiego-BoldItalic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifBoldSlanted] [AntykwaPoltawskiego-BoldItalic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifCaps] [AntykwaPoltawskiego-CapsRegular]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [serif] [antykwa-poltawskiego-light] [name]
+ \definefontsynonym [Serif] [AntykwaPoltawskiego-Light]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifBold] [AntykwaPoltawskiego-Medium]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifItalic] [AntykwaPoltawskiego-LightItalic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifSlanted] [AntykwaPoltawskiego-LightItalic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifBoldItalic] [AntykwaPoltawskiego-MediumItalic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifBoldSlanted] [AntykwaPoltawskiego-MediumItalic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifCaps] [AntykwaPoltawskiego-CapsLight]
+ \stoptypescript
+ % condensed and extended variants are still missing
+ \starttypescript [antykwa-poltawskiego,antykwa-poltawskiego-light]
+ \definetypeface [\typescriptone] [rm] [serif] [\typescriptone] [default] [features=default]
+ \definetypeface [\typescriptone] [ss] [sans] [modern] [default] [features=default,rscale=1.05]
+ \definetypeface [\typescriptone] [tt] [mono] [modern] [default] [features=default,rscale=1.05]
+ \definetypeface [\typescriptone] [mm] [math] [modern] [default] [rscale=1.05]
+ \quittypescriptscanning
+ \stoptypescript
+ % maybe this will change in Iwona-Math-Letters and Iwona-Math-Letters-Italic
+ % These names are a depressing mess. They have changed over time and are
+ % still not consistent. I'd expect Bold-Regular and Bold-Italic.
+ \starttypescript [sans] [iwona-light,iwona,iwona-medium,iwona-heavy,iwona-light-cond,iwona-cond,iwona-medium-cond,iwona-heavy-cond]
+ \definefontsynonym [Iwona-Regular] [file:Iwona-Regular] [features=default]
+ \definefontsynonym [Iwona-Italic] [file:Iwona-Italic] [features=default]
+ \definefontsynonym [Iwona-Bold] [file:Iwona-Bold] [features=default]
+ \definefontsynonym [Iwona-BoldItalic] [file:Iwona-BoldItalic] [features=default]
+ \definefontsynonym [Iwona-Light-Regular] [file:IwonaLight-Regular] [features=default]
+ \definefontsynonym [Iwona-Light-Italic] [file:IwonaLight-Italic] [features=default]
+ \definefontsynonym [Iwona-Medium-Regular] [file:IwonaMedium-Regular] [features=default]
+ \definefontsynonym [Iwona-Medium-Italic] [file:IwonaMedium-Italic] [features=default]
+ \definefontsynonym [Iwona-Heavy-Regular] [file:IwonaHeavy-Regular] [features=default]
+ \definefontsynonym [Iwona-Heavy-Italic] [file:IwonaHeavy-Italic] [features=default]
+ \definefontsynonym [Iwona-CapsRegular] [file:Iwona-Regular] [features=smallcaps]
+ \definefontsynonym [Iwona-CapsItalic] [file:Iwona-Italic] [features=smallcaps]
+ \definefontsynonym [Iwona-CapsBold] [file:Iwona-Bold] [features=smallcaps]
+ \definefontsynonym [Iwona-CapsBoldItalic] [file:Iwona-BoldItalic] [features=smallcaps]
+ \definefontsynonym [Iwona-CapsLight] [file:IwonaLight-Regular] [features=smallcaps]
+ \definefontsynonym [Iwona-CapsLight-Italic] [file:IwonaLight-Italic] [features=smallcaps]
+ \definefontsynonym [Iwona-CapsMedium] [file:IwonaMedium-Regular] [features=smallcaps]
+ \definefontsynonym [Iwona-CapsMedium-Italic] [file:IwonaMedium-Italic] [features=smallcaps]
+ \definefontsynonym [Iwona-CapsHeavy] [file:IwonaHeavy-Regular] [features=smallcaps]
+ \definefontsynonym [Iwona-CapsHeavy-Italic] [file:IwonaHeavy-Italic] [features=smallcaps]
+ \definefontsynonym [Iwona-CondRegular] [file:IwonaCond-Regular] [features=default]
+ \definefontsynonym [Iwona-CondItalic] [file:IwonaCond-Italic] [features=default]
+ \definefontsynonym [Iwona-CondBold] [file:IwonaCond-Bold] [features=default]
+ \definefontsynonym [Iwona-CondBoldItalic] [file:IwonaCond-BoldItalic] [features=default]
+ \definefontsynonym [Iwona-CondLight-Regular] [file:IwonaCondLight-Regular] [features=default]
+ \definefontsynonym [Iwona-CondLight-Italic] [file:IwonaCondLight-Italic] [features=default]
+ \definefontsynonym [Iwona-CondMedium-Regular] [file:IwonaCondMedium-Regular] [features=default]
+ \definefontsynonym [Iwona-CondMedium-Italic] [file:IwonaCondMedium-Italic] [features=default]
+ \definefontsynonym [Iwona-CondHeavy-Regular] [file:IwonaCondHeavy-Regular] [features=default]
+ \definefontsynonym [Iwona-CondHeavy-Italic] [file:IwonaCondHeavy-Italic] [features=default]
+ \definefontsynonym [Iwona-CapsCondRegular] [file:IwonaCond-Regular] [features=smallcaps]
+ \definefontsynonym [Iwona-CapsCondItalic] [file:IwonaCond-Italic] [features=smallcaps]
+ \definefontsynonym [Iwona-CapsCondBold] [file:IwonaCond-Bold] [features=smallcaps]
+ \definefontsynonym [Iwona-CapsCondBoldItalic] [file:IwonaCond-BoldItalic] [features=smallcaps]
+ \definefontsynonym [Iwona-CapsCondLight-Regular] [file:IwonaCondLight-Regular] [features=smallcaps]
+ \definefontsynonym [Iwona-CapsCondLight-Italic] [file:IwonaCondLight-Italic] [features=smallcaps]
+ \definefontsynonym [Iwona-CapsCondMedium-Regular][file:IwonaCondMedium-Regular] [features=smallcaps]
+ \definefontsynonym [Iwona-CapsCondMedium-Italic] [file:IwonaCondMedium-Italic] [features=smallcaps]
+ \definefontsynonym [Iwona-CapsCondHeavy-Regular] [file:IwonaCondHeavy-Regular] [features=smallcaps]
+ \definefontsynonym [Iwona-CapsCondHeavy-Italic] [file:IwonaCondHeavy-Italic] [features=smallcaps]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [math] [iwona] [default]
+ \definefontsynonym [Iwona-Math-Letters-Regular] [rm-iwonar]
+ \definefontsynonym [Iwona-Math-Letters-Italic] [mi-iwonari]
+ \definefontsynonym [Iwona-Math-Symbols-Regular] [sy-iwonarz]
+ \definefontsynonym [Iwona-Math-Extension-Regular] [ex-iwonar]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [math] [iwona-light] [default]
+ \definefontsynonym [Iwona-Math-Letters-Light-Regular] [rm-iwonal]
+ \definefontsynonym [Iwona-Math-Letters-Light-Italic] [mi-iwonali]
+ \definefontsynonym [Iwona-Math-Symbols-Light] [sy-iwonalz]
+ \definefontsynonym [Iwona-Math-Extension-Light] [ex-iwonal]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [math] [iwona-medium] [default]
+ \definefontsynonym [Iwona-Math-Letters-Medium-Regular][rm-iwonam]
+ \definefontsynonym [Iwona-Math-Letters-Medium-Italic] [mi-iwonami]
+ \definefontsynonym [Iwona-Math-Symbols-Medium] [sy-iwonamz]
+ \definefontsynonym [Iwona-Math-Extension-Medium] [ex-iwonam]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [math] [iwona-heavy] [default]
+ \definefontsynonym [Iwona-Math-Letters-Heavy-Regular] [rm-iwonah]
+ \definefontsynonym [Iwona-Math-Letters-Heavy-Italic] [mi-iwonahi]
+ \definefontsynonym [Iwona-Math-Symbols-Heavy] [sy-iwonahz]
+ \definefontsynonym [Iwona-Math-Extension-Heavy] [ex-iwonah]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [math] [iwona,iwona-light,iwona-medium,iwona-heavy] [default]
+ \usemathcollection[default]
+ \loadmapfile[]
+ \loadmapfile[]
+ \loadmapfile[]
+ \loadmapfile[]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [sans] [iwona-light] [name]
+ \setups[font:fallback:sans]
+ \definefontsynonym [Sans] [Iwona-Light-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansItalic] [Iwona-Light-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansBold] [Iwona-Medium-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansBoldItalic] [Iwona-Medium-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansCaps] [Iwona-CapsLight-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansItalicCaps] [Iwona-CapsLight-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansBoldCaps] [Iwona-CapsMedium]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansBoldItalicCaps] [Iwona-CapsMediumItalic]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [sans] [iwona-light-caps] [name]
+ \setups[font:fallback:sans]
+ \definefontsynonym [Sans] [Iwona-CapsLight-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansItalic] [Iwona-CapsLight-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansBold] [Iwona-CapsMedium-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansBoldItalic] [Iwona-CapsMedium-Italic]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [sans] [iwona] [name]
+ \setups[font:fallback:sans]
+ \definefontsynonym [Sans] [Iwona-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansItalic] [Iwona-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansBold] [Iwona-Bold]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansBoldItalic] [Iwona-BoldItalic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansCaps] [Iwona-CapsRegular]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansItalicCaps] [Iwona-CapsItalic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansBoldCaps] [Iwona-CapsBold]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansBoldItalicCaps] [Iwona-CapsBoldItalic]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [sans] [iwona-caps] [name]
+ \setups[font:fallback:sans]
+ \definefontsynonym [Sans] [Iwona-CapsRegular]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansItalic] [Iwona-CapsItalic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansBold] [Iwona-CapsBold]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansBoldItalic] [Iwona-CapsBoldItalic]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [sans] [iwona-medium] [name]
+ \setups[font:fallback:sans]
+ \definefontsynonym [Sans] [Iwona-Medium-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansItalic] [Iwona-Medium-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansBold] [Iwona-Heavy-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansBoldItalic] [Iwona-Heavy-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansCaps] [Iwona-CapsHeavy-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansItalicCaps] [Iwona-CapsMedium-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansBoldCaps] [Iwona-CapsHeavy-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansBoldItalicCaps] [Iwona-CapsHeavy-Italic]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [sans] [iwona-medium-caps] [name]
+ \setups[font:fallback:sans]
+ \definefontsynonym [Sans] [Iwona-CapsHeavy-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansItalic] [Iwona-CapsMedium-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansBold] [Iwona-CapsHeavy-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansBoldItalic] [Iwona-CapsHeavy-Italic]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [sans] [iwona-heavy] [name]
+ \setups[font:fallback:sans]
+ \definefontsynonym [Sans] [Iwona-Heavy-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansItalic] [Iwona-Heavy-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansBold] [Iwona-Heavy-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansBoldItalic] [Iwona-Heavy-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansCaps] [Iwona-CapsHeavy-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansItalicCaps] [Iwona-CapsHeavy-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansBoldCaps] [Iwona-CapsHeavy-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansBoldItalicCaps] [Iwona-CapsHeavy-Italic]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [sans] [iwona-heavy-caps] [name]
+ \setups[font:fallback:sans]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansCaps] [Iwona-CapsHeavy-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansItalicCaps] [Iwona-CapsHeavy-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansBoldCaps] [Iwona-CapsHeavy-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansBoldItalicCaps] [Iwona-CapsHeavy-Italic]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [sans] [iwona-light-cond] [name]
+ \setups[font:fallback:sans]
+ \definefontsynonym [Sans] [Iwona-CondLight-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansItalic] [Iwona-CondLight-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansBold] [Iwona-CondMedium-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansBoldItalic] [Iwona-CondMedium-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansCaps] [Iwona-CapsCondLight-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansItalicCaps] [Iwona-CapsCondLight-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansBoldCaps] [Iwona-CapsCondMedium-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansBoldItalicCaps] [Iwona-CapsCondMedium-Italic]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [sans] [iwona-light-cond-caps,iwona-light-caps-cond] [name]
+ \setups[font:fallback:sans]
+ \definefontsynonym [Sans] [Iwona-CapsCondLight-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansItalic] [Iwona-CapsCondLight-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansBold] [Iwona-CapsCondMedium-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansBoldItalic] [Iwona-CapsCondMedium-Italic]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [sans] [iwona-cond] [name]
+ \setups[font:fallback:sans]
+ \definefontsynonym [Sans] [Iwona-CondRegular]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansItalic] [Iwona-CondItalic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansBold] [Iwona-CondBold]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansBoldItalic] [Iwona-CondBoldItalic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansCaps] [Iwona-CapsCondRegular]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansItalicCaps] [Iwona-CapsCondItalic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansBoldCaps] [Iwona-CapsCondBold]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansBoldItalicCaps] [Iwona-CapsCondBoldItalic]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [sans] [iwona-cond-caps,iwona-caps-cond] [name]
+ \setups[font:fallback:sans]
+ \definefontsynonym [Sans] [Iwona-CapsCondRegular]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansItalic] [Iwona-CapsCondItalic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansBold] [Iwona-CapsCondBold]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansBoldItalic] [Iwona-CapsCondBoldItalic]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [sans] [iwona-medium-cond] [name]
+ \setups[font:fallback:sans]
+ \definefontsynonym [Sans] [Iwona-CondMedium-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansItalic] [Iwona-CondMedium-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansBold] [Iwona-CondHeavy-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansBoldItalic] [Iwona-CondHeavy-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansCaps] [Iwona-CapsCondHeavy-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansItalicCaps] [Iwona-CapsCondMedium-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansBoldCaps] [Iwona-CapsCondHeavy-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansBoldItalicCaps] [Iwona-CapsCondHeavy-Italic]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [sans] [iwona-medium-cond-caps,iwona-medium-caps-cond] [name]
+ \setups[font:fallback:sans]
+ \definefontsynonym [Sans] [Iwona-CapsCondHeavy-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansItalic] [Iwona-CapsCondMedium-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansBold] [Iwona-CapsCondHeavy-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansBoldItalic] [Iwona-CapsCondHeavy-Italic]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [math] [iwona-light] [name]
+ \definefontsynonym [MathRoman] [Iwona-Math-Letters-Light-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [MathItalic] [Iwona-Math-Letters-Light-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [MathSymbol] [Iwona-Math-Symbols-Light]
+ \definefontsynonym [MathExtension] [Iwona-Math-Extension-Light]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [math] [iwona] [name]
+ \definefontsynonym [MathRoman] [Iwona-Math-Letters-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [MathItalic] [Iwona-Math-Letters-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [MathSymbol] [Iwona-Math-Symbols-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [MathExtension] [Iwona-Math-Extension-Regular]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [math] [iwona-medium] [name]
+ \definefontsynonym [MathRoman] [Iwona-Math-Letters-Medium-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [MathItalic] [Iwona-Math-Letters-Medium-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [MathSymbol] [Iwona-Math-Symbols-Medium]
+ \definefontsynonym [MathExtension] [Iwona-Math-Extension-Medium]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [math] [iwona-heavy] [name]
+ \definefontsynonym [MathRoman] [Iwona-Math-Letters-Heavy-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [MathItalic] [Iwona-Math-Letters-Heavy-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [MathSymbol] [Iwona-Math-Symbols-Heavy]
+ \definefontsynonym [MathExtension] [Iwona-Math-Extension-Heavy]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [iwona,iwona-light,iwona-heavy,iwona-medium]
+ \definetypeface[\typescriptone][ss][sans] [\typescriptone] [default] [features=default]
+ \definetypeface[\typescriptone][rm][serif][modern] [default] [features=default]
+ \definetypeface[\typescriptone][tt][mono] [modern] [default] [features=default]
+ \definetypeface[\typescriptone][mm][math] [\typescriptone] [default] [features=default,text=ss]
+ \quittypescriptscanning
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [sans] [kurier-light,kurier,kurier-medium]
+ \definefontsynonym[Kurier-Light] [kurierl]
+ \definefontsynonym[Kurier-Regular] [kurierr]
+ \definefontsynonym[Kurier-Medium] [kurierm]
+ \definefontsynonym[Kurier-Bold] [kurierb]
+ \definefontsynonym[Kurier-Heavy] [kurierh]
+ \definefontsynonym[Kurier-LightItalic] [kurierli]
+ \definefontsynonym[Kurier-Italic] [kurierri]
+ \definefontsynonym[Kurier-MediumItalic] [kuriermi]
+ \definefontsynonym[Kurier-BoldItalic] [kurierbi]
+ \definefontsynonym[Kurier-HeavyItalic] [kurierhi]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [math] [kurier] [default]
+ \definefontsynonym [Kurier-Math-Letters-Regular] [rm-kurierr]
+ \definefontsynonym [Kurier-Math-Letters-Italic] [mi-kurierri]
+ \definefontsynonym [Kurier-Math-Symbols-Regular] [sy-kurierrz]
+ \definefontsynonym [Kurier-Math-Extension-Regular] [ex-kurierr]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [math] [kurier-light] [default]
+ \definefontsynonym [Kurier-Math-Letters-Light-Regular] [rm-kurierl]
+ \definefontsynonym [Kurier-Math-Letters-Light-Italic] [mi-kurierli]
+ \definefontsynonym [Kurier-Math-Symbols-Light] [sy-kurierlz]
+ \definefontsynonym [Kurier-Math-Extension-Light] [ex-kurierl]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [math] [kurier-medium] [default]
+ \definefontsynonym [Kurier-Math-Letters-Medium-Regular] [rm-kurierm]
+ \definefontsynonym [Kurier-Math-Letters-Medium-Italic] [mi-kuriermi]
+ \definefontsynonym [Kurier-Math-Symbols-Medium-Regular] [sy-kuriermz]
+ \definefontsynonym [Kurier-Math-Extension-Medium] [ex-kurierm]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [math] [kurier,kurier-light,kurier-medium] [default]
+ \loadmapfile[]
+ \loadmapfile[]
+ \loadmapfile[]
+ \loadmapfile[]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [sans] [kurier-light] [name]
+ \setups[font:fallback:sans]
+ \definefontsynonym [Sans] [Kurier-Light-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansItalic] [Kurier-Light-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansBold] [Kurier-Medium-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansBoldItalic] [Kurier-Medium-Italic]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [sans] [kurier] [name]
+ \setups[font:fallback:sans]
+ \definefontsynonym [Sans] [Kurier-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansItalic] [Kurier-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansBold] [Kurier-Bold]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansBoldItalic] [Kurier-BoldItalic]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [sans] [kurier-medium] [name]
+ \setups[font:fallback:sans]
+ \definefontsynonym [Sans] [Kurier-Medium-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansItalic] [Kurier-Medium-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansBold] [Kurier-Heavy-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansBoldItalic] [Kurier-Heavy-Italic]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [math] [kurier-light] [name]
+ \definefontsynonym [MathRoman] [Kurier-Math-Letters-Light-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [MathItalic] [Kurier-Math-Letters-Light-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [MathSymbol] [Kurier-Math-Symbols-Light]
+ \definefontsynonym [MathExtension] [Kurier-Math-Extension-Light]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [math] [kurier] [name]
+ \definefontsynonym [MathRoman] [Kurier-Math-Letters-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [MathItalic] [Kurier-Math-Letters-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [MathSymbol] [Kurier-Math-Symbols-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [MathExtension] [Kurier-Math-Extension-Regular]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [math] [kurier-medium] [name]
+ \definefontsynonym [MathRoman] [Kurier-Math-Letters-Medium-Regular]
+ \definefontsynonym [MathItalic] [Kurier-Math-Letters-Medium-Italic]
+ \definefontsynonym [MathSymbol] [Kurier-Math-Symbols-Medium]
+ \definefontsynonym [MathExtension] [Kurier-Math-Extension-Medium]
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript
+ \definefontsynonym [ZapfDingbats] [uzdr]
+ \definefontsynonym [RalfSmithFormalScript] [rsfs10]
+ \definefontsynonym [MartinVogel] [umvs]
+ \stoptypescript
+ % is this ok?
+ \starttypescript [serif] [charter]
+ \definefontsynonym [Charter-Roman] [name:CharterBT-Roman] % or: [bchr8a]
+ \definefontsynonym [Charter-Italic] [name:CharterBT-Italic] % or: [bchri8a]
+ \definefontsynonym [Charter-Bold] [name:CharterBT-Bold] % or: [bchb8a]
+ \definefontsynonym [Charter-BoldItalic] [name:CharterBT-BoldItalic] % or: [bchbi8a]
+ \definefontsynonym [Charter-Slanted] [name:CharterBT-Italic] % or: [bchri8a]
+ \definefontsynonym [Charter-BoldSlanted] [name:CharterBT-BoldItalic] % or: [bchbi8a]
+ \definefontsynonym [Charter-Roman-Caps] [Charter-Roman] % not present
+ \stoptypescript
+ \starttypescript [postscript]
+ \definetypeface [postscript] [rm] [serif] [times] [default] [features=default]
+ \definetypeface [postscript] [ss] [sans] [helvetica] [default] [features=default,rscale=0.9]
+ \definetypeface [postscript] [tt] [mono] [courier] [default] [features=default,rscale=1.1]
+ \definetypeface [postscript] [mm] [math] [times] [default]
+ \quittypescriptscanning
+ \stoptypescript
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/type-run.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/type-run.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..51a9f2a88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/type-run.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=type-run,
+%D version=2001.04.20,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Typescript Macros,
+%D subtitle=Runtime Macros,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+ {\dotripleempty\dotypetypescript}
+ {\bgroup
+ \def\dochecktypescript##1##2% script use
+ {\doifelsenothing{##1##2}
+ {\donetrue}
+ {\ExpandBothAfter\doifcommonelse{##1}{##2}\donetrue\donefalse}}
+ \edef\typescriptone {\truetypescript{#1}}%
+ \edef\typescripttwo {\truetypescript{#2}}%
+ \edef\typescriptthree{\truetypescript{#3}}%
+ \def\starttypescript
+ {\bgroup
+ \obeylines % else we loose the first line due to lookahead
+ \dotripleempty\dostarttypescript}
+ \def\dostarttypescript[##1][##2][##3]%
+ {\long\def\next####1\stoptypescript{\egroup}
+ \dochecktypescript{##1}\typescriptone \ifdone
+ \dochecktypescript{##2}\typescripttwo \ifdone
+ \dochecktypescript{##3}\typescriptthree\ifdone
+ \def\next%
+ {\def\stoptypescript{\egroup\type{\stoptypescript}}
+ % what follows now is quite ugly
+ \skipfirstverbatimlinefalse
+ \type{\starttypescript}
+ \doifsomething{##1}{\type{[##1]}}
+ \doifsomething{##2}{\type{[##2]}}
+ \doifsomething{##3}{\type{[##3]}}
+ \processdisplayverbatim{\stoptypescript}}%
+ \fi\fi\fi
+ \next}
+ \processcommacommand[\typescriptfiles]\ReadFile % \dodousetypescript
+ \egroup}
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/type-set.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/type-set.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7f34deada
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/type-set.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=type-set,
+%D version=2005.02.04, % moved from ini/def
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Typescript Macros,
+%D subtitle=Default Settings,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\definetypescriptprefix [serif] [Serif]
+\definetypescriptprefix [sans] [Sans]
+\definetypescriptprefix [mono] [Mono]
+\definefontsynonym [DefaultFont] [cmvtt10]
+\startsetups [font:fallback:serif]
+ \definefontsynonym [Serif] [DefaultFont]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifBold] [Serif]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifItalic] [Serif]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifSlanted] [SerifItalic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifBoldItalic] [Serif]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifBoldSlanted] [SerifBoldItalic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifCaps] [Serif]
+\startsetups [font:fallback:sans]
+ \definefontsynonym [Sans] [DefaultFont]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansBold] [Sans]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansItalic] [Sans]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansSlanted] [SansItalic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansBoldItalic] [Sans]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansBoldSlanted] [SansBoldItalic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansCaps] [Sans]
+\startsetups [font:fallback:mono]
+ \definefontsynonym [Mono] [DefaultFont]
+ \definefontsynonym [MonoBold] [Mono]
+ \definefontsynonym [MonoItalic] [Mono]
+ \definefontsynonym [MonoSlanted] [MonoItalic]
+ \definefontsynonym [MonoBoldItalic] [Mono]
+ \definefontsynonym [MonoBoldSlanted] [MonoBoldItalic]
+ \definefontsynonym [MonoCaps] [Mono]
+\startsetups [font:allbold:serif]
+ \definefontsynonym [Serif] [SerifBold]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifItalic] [SerifBoldItalic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SerifSlanted] [SerifBoldSlanted]
+ %definefontsynonym [SerifCaps] [SerifBold]
+\startsetups [font:allbold:sans]
+ \definefontsynonym [Sans] [SansBold]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansItalic] [SansBoldItalic]
+ \definefontsynonym [SansSlanted] [SansBoldSlanted]
+ %definefontsynonym [SansCaps] [SansBold]
+ %usetypescriptfile[\f!typeprefix def] % preloaded in context.mkii
+ %usetypescriptfile[\f!typeprefix tmf] % replaced
+ \usetypescriptfile[\f!typeprefix siz]
+ \usetypescriptfile[\f!typeprefix otf]
+ \usetypescriptfile[\f!typeprefix xtx]
+ \usetypescriptfile[\f!typeprefix loc]
+ %usetypescriptfile[\f!typeprefix def] % preloaded in context.mkii
+ %usetypescriptfile[\f!typeprefix tmf] % replaced
+ \usetypescriptfile[\f!typeprefix siz]
+ \usetypescriptfile[\f!typeprefix one]
+ \usetypescriptfile[\f!typeprefix loc]
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/type-siz.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/type-siz.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4c3cfb28b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/type-siz.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,748 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=type-siz,
+%D version=2001.04.12,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Typescript Macros,
+%D subtitle=Sizing scripts,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\starttypescript [serif] [default] [size]
+ \definebodyfont
+ [4pt,5pt,6pt,7pt,8pt,9pt,10pt,11pt,12pt,14.4pt,17.3pt]
+ [rm] [default]
+\starttypescript [sans] [default] [size]
+ \definebodyfont
+ [4pt,5pt,6pt,7pt,8pt,9pt,10pt,11pt,12pt,14.4pt,17.3pt]
+ [ss] [default]
+\starttypescript [mono] [default] [size]
+ \definebodyfont
+ [4pt,5pt,6pt,7pt,8pt,9pt,10pt,11pt,12pt,14.4pt,17.3pt]
+ [tt] [default]
+\starttypescript [math,boldmath] [default] [size]
+ \definebodyfont
+ [4pt,5pt,6pt,7pt,8pt,9pt,10pt,11pt,12pt,14.4pt,17.3pt]
+ [mm] [default]
+\starttypescript [bfmath] [default] [size]
+ \definebodyfont
+ [4pt,5pt,6pt,7pt,8pt,9pt,10pt,11pt,12pt,14.4pt,17.3pt]
+ [mm] [bfmath]
+\starttypescript [handwriting] [default] [size]
+ \definebodyfont
+ [4pt,5pt,6pt,7pt,8pt,9pt,10pt,11pt,12pt,14.4pt,17.3pt]
+ [hw] [default]
+\starttypescript [calligraphy] [default] [size]
+ \definebodyfont
+ [4pt,5pt,6pt,7pt,8pt,9pt,10pt,11pt,12pt,14.4pt,17.3pt]
+ [cg] [default]
+\starttypescript [casual] [default] [size] % maps onto rm !
+ \definebodyfont
+ [4pt,5pt,6pt,7pt,8pt,9pt,10pt,11pt,12pt,14.4pt,17.3pt]
+ [rm] [default]
+\starttypescript [all] [dtp] [size]
+ \definebodyfontenvironment
+ [4pt]
+ [\s!text=4pt,\s!script=4pt,\s!scriptscript=4pt,
+ \c!x=4pt,\c!xx=4pt,\c!big=6pt,\c!small=4pt]
+ \definebodyfontenvironment
+ [5pt]
+ [\s!text=5pt,\s!script=5pt,\s!scriptscript=5pt,
+ \c!x=5pt,\c!xx=5pt,\c!big=7pt,\c!small=5pt]
+ \definebodyfontenvironment
+ [6pt]
+ [\s!text=6pt,\s!script=5pt,\s!scriptscript=5pt,
+ \c!x=5pt,\c!xx=5pt,\c!big=8pt,\c!small=5pt]
+ \definebodyfontenvironment
+ [7pt]
+ [\s!text=7pt,\s!script=6pt,\s!scriptscript=5pt,
+ \c!x=6pt,\c!xx=5pt,\c!big=9pt,\c!small=5pt]
+ \definebodyfontenvironment
+ [8pt]
+ [\s!text=8pt,\s!script=6pt,\s!scriptscript=5pt,
+ \c!x=6pt,\c!xx=5pt,\c!big=10pt,\c!small=6pt]
+ \definebodyfontenvironment
+ [9pt]
+ [\s!text=9pt,\s!script=7pt,\s!scriptscript=5pt,
+ \c!x=7pt,\c!xx=5pt,\c!big=11pt,\c!small=7pt]
+ \definebodyfontenvironment
+ [10pt]
+ [\s!text=10pt,\s!script=7pt,\s!scriptscript=5pt,
+ \c!x=8pt,\c!xx=6pt,\c!big=12pt,\c!small=8pt]
+ \definebodyfontenvironment
+ [11pt]
+ [\s!text=11pt,\s!script=8pt,\s!scriptscript=6pt,
+ \c!x=9pt,\c!xx=7pt,\c!big=13pt,\c!small=9pt]
+ \definebodyfontenvironment
+ [12pt]
+ [\s!text=12pt,\s!script=9pt,\s!scriptscript=7pt,
+ \c!x=10pt,\c!xx=8pt,\c!big=14pt,\c!small=10pt]
+ \definebodyfontenvironment
+ [13pt]
+ [\s!text=13pt,\s!script=10pt,\s!scriptscript=8pt,
+ \c!x=11pt,\c!xx=9pt,\c!big=16pt,\c!small=11pt]
+ \definebodyfontenvironment
+ [14pt]
+ [\s!text=14pt,\s!script=10pt,\s!scriptscript=7pt,
+ \c!x=12pt,\c!xx=10pt,\c!big=16pt,\c!small=12pt]
+ \definebodyfontenvironment
+ [16pt]
+ [\s!text=16pt,\s!script=12pt,\s!scriptscript=9pt,
+ \c!x=13pt,\c!xx=11pt,\c!big=18pt,\c!small=14pt]
+ % suboptimal math sizes
+ \definebodyfontenvironment
+ [18pt]
+ [\s!text=18pt,\s!script=16pt,\s!scriptscript=14pt,
+ \c!x=16pt,\c!xx=14pt,\c!big=22pt,\c!small=16pt]
+ \definebodyfontenvironment
+ [22pt]
+ [\s!text=22pt,\s!script=22pt,\s!scriptscript=18pt,
+ \c!x=18pt,\c!xx=16pt,\c!big=28pt,\c!small=18pt]
+ \definebodyfontenvironment
+ [28pt]
+ [\s!text=28pt,\s!script=22pt,\s!scriptscript=18pt,
+ \c!x=22pt,\c!xx=18pt,\c!big=28pt,\c!small=22pt]
+\starttypescript [serif] [dtp] [size]
+ \definebodyfont
+ [5pt,6pt,7pt,8pt,9pt,10pt,11pt,12pt,13pt,14pt,16pt,18pt,22pt,28pt]
+ [rm] [default]
+\starttypescript [sans] [dtp] [size]
+ \definebodyfont
+ [5pt,6pt,7pt,8pt,9pt,10pt,11pt,12pt,13pt,14pt,16pt,18pt,22pt,28pt]
+ [ss] [default]
+\starttypescript [mono] [dtp] [size]
+ \definebodyfont
+ [5pt,6pt,7pt,8pt,9pt,10pt,11pt,12pt,13pt,14pt,16pt,18pt,22pt,28pt]
+ [tt] [default]
+\starttypescript [math,boldmath] [dtp] [size]
+ \definebodyfont
+ [5pt,6pt,7pt,8pt,9pt,10pt,11pt,12pt,13pt,14pt,16pt,18pt,22pt,28pt]
+ [mm] [default]
+% todo: instead of assuming designsize we will set it explicitly (saves these
+% -1000 problems at the lua end)
+% cmr
+\starttypescript [serif] [computer-modern] [size]
+ \definebodyfont [12pt] [rm]
+ [tf=cmr12,
+ bf=cmbx12,
+ it=cmti12,
+ sl=cmsl12,
+ bi=cmbxti10 at 12pt,
+ bs=cmbxsl10 at 12pt,
+ sc=cmcsc10 at 12pt]
+ \definebodyfont [11pt] [rm]
+ [tf=cmr10 at 11pt,
+ bf=cmbx10 at 11pt,
+ sl=cmsl10 at 11pt,
+ it=cmti10 at 11pt,
+ bi=cmbxti10 at 11pt,
+ bs=cmbxsl10 at 11pt,
+ sc=cmcsc10 at 11pt]
+ \definebodyfont [10pt] [rm]
+ [tf=cmr10,
+ bf=cmbx10,
+ it=cmti10,
+ sl=cmsl10,
+ bi=cmbxti10,
+ bs=cmbxsl10,
+ sc=cmcsc10]
+ \definebodyfont [9pt] [rm]
+ [tf=cmr9,
+ bf=cmbx9,
+ it=cmti9,
+ sl=cmsl9,
+ bi=cmbxti10 at 9pt,
+ bs=cmbxsl10 at 9pt,
+ sc=cmcsc10 at 9pt]
+ \definebodyfont [8pt] [rm]
+ [tf=cmr8,
+ bf=cmbx8,
+ it=cmti8,
+ sl=cmsl8,
+ bi=cmbxti10 at 8pt,
+ bs=cmbxsl10 at 8pt,
+ sc=cmcsc10 at 8pt]
+ \definebodyfont [7pt] [rm]
+ [tf=cmr7,
+ bf=cmbx7,
+ it=cmti10 at 7pt,
+ sl=cmsl10 at 7pt,
+ bi=cmbxti10 at 7pt,
+ bs=cmbxsl10 at 7pt,
+ sc=cmcsc10 at 7pt]
+ \definebodyfont [6pt] [rm]
+ [tf=cmr6,
+ bf=cmbx6,
+ it=cmti10 at 6pt,
+ sl=cmsl10 at 6pt,
+ bi=cmbxti10 at 6pt,
+ bs=cmbxsl10 at 6pt,
+ sc=cmcsc10 at 6pt]
+ \definebodyfont [5pt] [rm]
+ [tf=cmr5,
+ bf=cmbx5,
+ it=cmti10 at 5pt,
+ sl=cmsl10 at 5pt,
+ bi=cmbxti10 at 5pt,
+ bs=cmbxsl10 at 5pt,
+ sc=cmcsc10 at 5pt]
+ \definebodyfont [4pt] [rm]
+ [tf=cmr10 at 4pt,
+ bf=cmbx10 at 4pt,
+ it=cmti10 at 4pt,
+ sl=cmsl10 at 4pt,
+ bi=cmbxti10 at 4pt,
+ bs=cmbxsl10 at 4pt,
+ sc=cmr10 at 4pt]
+ \definebodyfont [14.4pt,17.3pt,20.7pt] [rm]
+ [tf=cmr12 sa 1,
+ bf=cmbx12 sa 1,
+ it=cmti12 sa 1,
+ sl=cmsl12 sa 1,
+ bi=cmbxti10 sa 1,
+ bs=cmbxsl10 sa 1,
+ sc=cmcsc10 sa 1]
+\starttypescript [sans] [computer-modern] [size]
+ \definebodyfont [12pt] [ss]
+ [tf=cmss12,
+ bf=cmssbx10 at 12pt,
+ it=cmssi12,
+ sl=cmssi12,
+ bi=cmssbx10 at 12pt,
+ bs=cmssbx10 at 12pt,
+ sc=cmss10 at 12pt]
+ \definebodyfont [11pt] [ss]
+ [tf=cmss10 at 11pt,
+ bf=cmssbx10 at 11pt,
+ it=cmssi10 at 11pt,
+ sl=cmssi10 at 11pt,
+ bi=cmssbx10 at 11pt,
+ bs=cmssbx10 at 11pt,
+ sc=cmss10 at 11pt]
+ \definebodyfont [10pt] [ss]
+ [tf=cmss10,
+ bf=cmssbx10,
+ it=cmssi10,
+ sl=cmssi10,
+ bi=cmssbx10,
+ bs=cmssbx10,
+ sc=cmss10]
+ \definebodyfont [9pt] [ss]
+ [tf=cmss9,
+ bf=cmssbx10 at 9pt,
+ it=cmssi9,
+ sl=cmssi9,
+ bi=cmssbx10 at 9pt,
+ bs=cmssbx10 at 9pt,
+ sc=cmss9]
+ \definebodyfont [8pt] [ss]
+ [tf=cmss8,
+ bf=cmssbx10 at 8pt,
+ it=cmssi8,
+ sl=cmssi8,
+ bi=cmssbx10 at 8pt,
+ bs=cmssbx10 at 8pt,
+ sc=cmss8]
+ \definebodyfont [7pt] [ss]
+ [tf=cmss10 at 7pt,
+ bf=cmssbx10 at 7pt,
+ it=cmssi10 at 7pt,
+ sl=cmssi10 at 7pt,
+ bs=cmssbx10 at 7pt,
+ bi=cmssbx10 at 7pt,
+ sc=cmss10 at 7pt]
+ \definebodyfont [6pt] [ss]
+ [tf=cmss10 at 6pt,
+ bf=cmssbx10 at 6pt,
+ it=cmssi10 at 6pt,
+ sl=cmssi10 at 6pt,
+ bs=cmssbx10 at 6pt,
+ bi=cmssbx10 at 6pt,
+ sc=cmss10 at 6pt]
+ \definebodyfont [5pt] [ss]
+ [tf=cmss10 at 5pt,
+ bf=cmssbx10 at 5pt,
+ it=cmssi10 at 5pt,
+ sl=cmssi10 at 5pt,
+ bs=cmssbx10 at 5pt,
+ bi=cmssbx10 at 5pt,
+ sc=cmss10 at 5pt]
+ \definebodyfont [4pt] [ss]
+ [tf=cmss10 at 4pt,
+ bf=cmssbx10 at 4pt,
+ it=cmssi10 at 4pt,
+ sl=cmssi10 at 4pt,
+ bs=cmssbx10 at 4pt,
+ bi=cmssbx10 at 4pt,
+ sc=cmss10 at 4pt]
+ \definebodyfont [14.4pt,17.3pt,20.7pt] [ss]
+ [tf=cmss12 sa 1,
+ bf=cmssbx10 sa 1,
+ it=cmssi12 sa 1,
+ sl=cmssi12 sa 1,
+ bi=cmssbx10 sa 1,
+ bs=cmssbx10 sa 1,
+ sc=cmss12 sa 1]
+\starttypescript [mono] [computer-modern] [size]
+ \definebodyfont [12pt] [tt]
+ [tf=cmtt12,
+ sl=cmsltt10 at 12pt,
+ it=cmitt10 at 12pt,
+ sc=cmtcsc10 at 12pt]
+ \definebodyfont [9pt] [tt]
+ [tf=cmtt9,
+ sl=cmsltt10 at 9pt,
+ it=cmitt10 at 9pt,
+ sc=cmtcsc10 at 9pt]
+ \definebodyfont [8pt] [tt]
+ [tf=cmtt8,
+ sl=cmsltt10 at 8pt,
+ it=cmitt10 at 8pt,
+ sc=cmtcsc10 at 8pt]
+ \definebodyfont [11pt,10pt,7pt,6pt,5pt,4pt] [tt]
+ [tf=cmtt10 sa 1,
+ sl=cmsltt10 sa 1,
+ it=cmitt10 sa 1,
+ sc=cmtcsc10 sa 1]
+ \definebodyfont [14.4pt,17.3pt,20.7pt] [tt]
+ [tf=cmtt12 sa 1,
+ sl=cmsltt10 sa 1,
+ it=cmitt10 sa 1,
+ sc=cmtcsc10 sa 1]
+\starttypescript [math] [modern,computer-modern,latin-modern] [size]
+ % hack to prevent mapping of filenames, watch the space! before
+ % latin modern came aroudn we needed this trick to make sure that
+ % we loaded the raw cmr12 etc instead of the ones mapped onto
+ % an encoding (this trick is no longer needed with lm)
+ %
+ % \definefontsynonym[xcmr12][cmr12 ]
+ % \definefontsynonym[xcmr10][cmr10 ]
+ % \definefontsynonym[xcmr9] [cmr9 ]
+ % \definefontsynonym[xcmr8] [cmr8 ]
+ % \definefontsynonym[xcmr7] [cmr7 ]
+ % \definefontsynonym[xcmr6] [cmr6 ]
+ % \definefontsynonym[xcmr5] [cmr5 ]
+ \definefontsynonym[xcmr12][rm-lmr12]
+ \definefontsynonym[xcmr10][rm-lmr10]
+ \definefontsynonym[xcmr9] [rm-lmr9]
+ \definefontsynonym[xcmr8] [rm-lmr8]
+ \definefontsynonym[xcmr7] [rm-lmr7]
+ \definefontsynonym[xcmr6] [rm-lmr6]
+ \definefontsynonym[xcmr5] [rm-lmr5]
+ \definebodyfont [12pt] [mm]
+ [mr=xcmr12,
+ ex=cmex10 at 12pt,
+ mi=cmmi12,
+ sy=cmsy10 at 12pt]
+ \definebodyfont [11pt] [mm]
+ [mr=xcmr10 at 11pt,
+ ex=cmex10 at 11pt,
+ mi=cmmi10 at 11pt,
+ sy=cmsy10 at 11pt]
+ \definebodyfont [10pt] [mm]
+ [mr=xcmr10,
+ ex=cmex10,
+ mi=cmmi10,
+ sy=cmsy10]
+ \definebodyfont [9pt] [mm]
+ [mr=xcmr9,
+ ex=cmex10 at 9pt,
+ mi=cmmi9,
+ sy=cmsy9]
+ \definebodyfont [8pt] [mm]
+ [mr=xcmr8,
+ ex=cmex10 at 8pt,
+ mi=cmmi8,
+ sy=cmsy8]
+ \definebodyfont [7pt] [mm]
+ [mr=xcmr7,
+ ex=cmex10 at 7pt,
+ mi=cmmi7,
+ sy=cmsy7]
+ \definebodyfont [6pt] [mm]
+ [mr=xcmr6,
+ ex=cmex10 at 6pt,
+ mi=cmmi6,
+ sy=cmsy6]
+ \definebodyfont [5pt] [mm]
+ [mr=xcmr5,
+ ex=cmex10 at 5pt,
+ mi=cmmi5,
+ sy=cmsy5]
+ \definebodyfont [4pt] [mm]
+ [mr=xcmr5 at 4pt,
+ ex=cmex10 at 4pt,
+ mi=cmmi5 at 4pt,
+ sy=cmsy5 at 4pt]
+ \definebodyfont [14.4pt,17.3pt,20.7pt] [mm]
+ [mr=xcmr12 sa 1,
+ ex=cmex10 sa 1,
+ mi=cmmi12 sa 1,
+ sy=cmsy10 sa 1]
+\starttypescript [boldmath] [modern,computer-modern,latin-modern] [size]
+% hack to prevent mapping of filenames, watch the space!
+ \definefontsynonym[xcmb12][cmbx12 ]
+ \definefontsynonym[xcmb10][cmbx10 ]
+ \definefontsynonym[xcmb9] [cmbx9 ]
+ \definefontsynonym[xcmb8] [cmbx8 ]
+ \definefontsynonym[xcmb7] [cmbx7 ]
+ \definefontsynonym[xcmb6] [cmbx6 ]
+ \definefontsynonym[xcmb5] [cmbx5 ]
+ \definebodyfont [12pt] [mm]
+ [mr=xcmb12,
+ ex=cmex10 at 12pt,
+ mi=cmmib10 at 12pt,
+ sy=cmbsy10 at 12pt]
+ \definebodyfont [11pt] [mm]
+ [mr=xcmb10 at 11pt,
+ ex=cmex10 at 11pt,
+ mi=cmmib10 at 11pt,
+ sy=cmbsy10 at 11pt]
+ \definebodyfont [10pt] [mm]
+ [mr=xcmb10,
+ ex=cmex10,
+ mi=cmmib10,
+ sy=cmbsy10]
+ \definebodyfont [9pt] [mm]
+ [mr=xcmb9,
+ ex=cmex10 at 9pt,
+ mi=cmmib10 at 9pt,
+ sy=cmbsy10 at 9pt]
+ \definebodyfont [8pt] [mm]
+ [mr=xcmb8,
+ ex=cmex10 at 8pt,
+ mi=cmmib7 at 8pt,
+ sy=cmbsy7 at 8pt]
+ \definebodyfont [7pt] [mm]
+ [mr=xcmb7,
+ ex=cmex10 at 7pt,
+ mi=cmmib7,
+ sy=cmbsy7]
+ \definebodyfont [6pt] [mm]
+ [mr=xcmb6,
+ ex=cmex10 at 6pt,
+ mi=cmmib5 at 6pt,
+ sy=cmbsy5 at 6pt]
+ \definebodyfont [5pt] [mm]
+ [mr=xcmb5,
+ ex=cmex10 at 5pt,
+ mi=cmmib5,
+ sy=cmbsy5]
+ \definebodyfont [4pt] [mm]
+ [mr=xcmb5 at 4pt,
+ ex=cmex10 at 4pt,
+ mi=cmmib5 at 4pt,
+ sy=cmbsy5 at 4pt]
+ \definebodyfont [14.4pt,17.3pt,20.7pt] [mm]
+ [mr=xcmb12 sa 1,
+ ex=cmex10 sa 1,
+ mi=cmmib10 sa 1,
+ sy=cmbsy10 sa 1]
+\starttypescript [bfmath] [modern,computer-modern,latin-modern] [size]
+% hack to prevent mapping of filenames, watch the space!
+ \definefontsynonym[xcmb12][cmbx12 ]
+ \definefontsynonym[xcmb10][cmbx10 ]
+ \definefontsynonym[xcmb9] [cmbx9 ]
+ \definefontsynonym[xcmb8] [cmbx8 ]
+ \definefontsynonym[xcmb7] [cmbx7 ]
+ \definefontsynonym[xcmb6] [cmbx6 ]
+ \definefontsynonym[xcmb5] [cmbx5 ]
+ \definebodyfont [12pt] [mm]
+ [mrbf=xcmb12,
+ exbf=cmex10 at 12pt,
+ mibf=cmmib10 at 12pt,
+ sybf=cmbsy10 at 12pt]
+ \definebodyfont [11pt] [mm]
+ [mrbf=xcmb10 at 11pt,
+ exbf=cmex10 at 11pt,
+ mibf=cmmib10 at 11pt,
+ sybf=cmbsy10 at 11pt]
+ \definebodyfont [10pt] [mm]
+ [mrbf=xcmb10,
+ exbf=cmex10,
+ mibf=cmmib10,
+ sybf=cmbsy10]
+ \definebodyfont [9pt] [mm]
+ [mrbf=xcmb9,
+ exbf=cmex10 at 9pt,
+ mibf=cmmib10 at 9pt,
+ sybf=cmbsy10 at 9pt]
+ \definebodyfont [8pt] [mm]
+ [mrbf=xcmb8,
+ exbf=cmex10 at 8pt,
+ mibf=cmmib7 at 8pt,
+ sybf=cmbsy7 at 8pt]
+ \definebodyfont [7pt] [mm]
+ [mrbf=xcmb7,
+ exbf=cmex10 at 7pt,
+ mibf=cmmib7,
+ sybf=cmbsy7]
+ \definebodyfont [6pt] [mm]
+ [mrbf=xcmb6,
+ exbf=cmex10 at 6pt,
+ mibf=cmmib5 at 6pt,
+ sybf=cmbsy5 at 6pt]
+ \definebodyfont [5pt] [mm]
+ [mrbf=xcmb5,
+ exbf=cmex10 at 5pt,
+ mibf=cmmib5,
+ sybf=cmbsy5]
+ \definebodyfont [4pt] [mm]
+ [mrbf=xcmb5 at 4pt,
+ exbf=cmex10 at 4pt,
+ mibf=cmmib5 at 4pt,
+ sybf=cmbsy5 at 4pt]
+ \definebodyfont [14.4pt,17.3pt,20.7pt] [mm]
+ [mrbf=xcmb12 sa 1,
+ exbf=cmex10 sa 1,
+ mibf=cmmib10 sa 1,
+ sybf=cmbsy10 sa 1]
+\starttypescript [serif] [concrete] [size]
+ \definebodyfont [10pt,11pt,12pt,14.4pt,17.3pt] [rm]
+ [tf=ccr10 sa 1,
+ it=ccti10 sa 1,
+ sl=ccsl10 sa 1,
+ sc=cccsc10 sa 1]
+ \definebodyfont [5pt,6pt,7pt,8pt,9pt] [rm]
+ [it=ccr9 sa 1,
+ sl=ccr9 sa 1,
+ sc=ccr9 sa 1]
+ \definebodyfont [9pt] [rm] [tf=ccr9]
+ \definebodyfont [8pt] [rm] [tf=ccr8]
+ \definebodyfont [7pt] [rm] [tf=ccr7]
+ \definebodyfont [6pt] [rm] [tf=ccr6]
+ \definebodyfont [5pt] [rm] [tf=ccr5]
+\starttypescript [math] [euler] [size]
+ \definebodyfont [9pt,10pt,11pt,12pt,14.4pt,17.3pt,20.7pt] [mm]
+ [mr=zeurm10 sa 1,
+ ex=zeuex10 sa 1,
+ sy=zeusm10 sa 1,
+ mi=eufm10 sa 1]
+ \definebodyfont [6pt,7pt,8pt] [mm]
+ [mr=zeurm7 sa 1,
+ sy=zeusm7 sa 1,
+ mi=eufm7 sa 1,
+ ex=zeuex10 sa 1]
+ \definebodyfont [5pt] [mm]
+ [mr=zeurm5,
+ sy=zeusm5,
+ mi=eufm5,
+ ex=zeuex10 at 5pt]
+\starttypescript [bfmath] [euler] [size]
+ \definebodyfont [9pt,10pt,11pt,12pt,14.4pt,17.3pt,20.7pt] [mm]
+ [mrbf=zeurb10 sa 1,
+ exbf=zeuex10 sa 1,
+ sybf=zeusb10 sa 1,
+ mibf=eufb10 sa 1]
+ \definebodyfont [6pt,7pt,8pt] [mm]
+ [mrbf=zeurb7 sa 1,
+ sybf=zeusb7 sa 1,
+ mibf=eufb7 sa 1,
+ exbf=zeuex10 sa 1]
+ \definebodyfont [5pt] [mm]
+ [mrbf=zeurb5,
+ sybf=zeusb5,
+ mibf=eufb5,
+ exbf=zeuex10 at 5pt]
+\starttypescript [boldmath] [euler] [size]
+ \definebodyfont [9pt,10pt,11pt,12pt,14.4pt,17.3pt,20.7pt] [mm]
+ [mr=zeurb10 sa 1,
+ ex=zeuex10 sa 1,
+ sy=zeusb10 sa 1,
+ mi=eufb10 sa 1]
+ \definebodyfont [6pt,7pt,8pt] [mm]
+ [mr=zeurb7 sa 1,
+ sy=zeusb7 sa 1,
+ mi=eufb7 sa 1,
+ ex=zeuex10 sa 1]
+ \definebodyfont [5pt] [mm]
+ [mr=zeurb5,
+ sy=zeusb5,
+ mi=eufb5,
+ ex=zeuex10 at 5pt]
+\starttypescript [math] [modern,computer-modern,latin-modern,ams] [size]
+ \definebodyfont [17.3pt,14.4pt,12pt,11pt,10pt,9pt] [mm]
+ [ma=msam10 sa 1,
+ mb=msbm10 sa 1]
+ \definebodyfont [8pt,7pt] [mm]
+ [ma=msam7 sa 1,
+ mb=msbm7 sa 1]
+ \definebodyfont [6pt,5pt,4pt] [mm]
+ [ma=msam5 sa 1,
+ mb=msbm5 sa 1]
+\starttypescript [math] [times] [size]
+ \mapfontsize [5pt] [6.0pt]
+ \mapfontsize [6pt] [6.8pt]
+ \mapfontsize [7pt] [7.6pt]
+ \mapfontsize [8pt] [8.4pt]
+ \mapfontsize [9pt] [9.2pt]
+ \mapfontsize [10pt] [10pt]
+ \mapfontsize [11pt] [10.8pt]
+ \mapfontsize [12pt] [11.6pt]
+ \mapfontsize [14.4pt] [13.2pt]
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/type-tmf.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/type-tmf.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..829b6baec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/type-tmf.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=type-tmf,
+%D version=2007.07.30,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Typescript Macros,
+%D subtitle=Core \TEX\ Fonts,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/typo-ini.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/typo-ini.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6e19fb9b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/typo-ini.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=typo-ini,
+%D version=2000.16.09,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Typographic Macros,
+%D subtitle=Initialization,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D Since \CONTEXT\ is dealing with typographics, isn't
+%D September 2000 a bit late to start writing this module? It
+%D may seem so, but since more and more languages are
+%D supported, we think it is time to isolate language specific
+%D typographic extensions in modules. The first language that
+%D demands this is Chinese, and more will follow.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Typographic Macros / Initialization}
+%D \macros
+%D {ifvertical}
+%D The following switch can be used to signal macros that they
+%D should adapt their behaviour.
+\newif\ifvertical % maybe also ifreverse
+%D \macros
+%D {vhbox}
+%D A stupid but useful macro.
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/unic-000.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/unic-000.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4ef570445
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/unic-000.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=unic-000,
+%D version=2002.12.03,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ \UNICODE\ Macros,
+%D subtitle=Vector 0,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+% \startunicodevector 0
+% \ifcase\numexpr(#1-159)
+% \@@unknownchar\or
+% \@@unknownchar\or
+% exclamdown\or
+% textcent\or
+% textsterling\or
+% textcurrency\or
+% ydiaeresis\else
+% \@@unknownchar
+% \fi
+% \stopunicodevector
+% 20\% faster:
+\startunicodevector 0
+ \expandafter\strippedcsname
+ \ifcase\numexpr#1-159\relax
+ \unknownchar \or
+ \nonbreakablespace \or
+ \exclamdown \or
+ \textcent \or
+ \textsterling \or
+ \textcurrency \or
+ \textyen \or
+ \textbrokenbar \or
+ \sectionmark \or
+ \textdiaeresis \or
+ \copyright \or
+ \textlognot \or
+ \softhyphen \or
+ \registered \or
+ \textmacron \or
+ \textdegree \or
+ \textpm \or
+ \twosuperior \or
+ \threesuperior \or
+ \textacute \or
+ \textmu \or % MICRO SIGN
+ \paragraphmark \or % PILCROW SIGN
+ \periodcentered \or
+ \textcedilla \or
+ \onesuperior \or
+ \onequarter \or
+ \onehalf \or
+ \threequarter \or
+ \questiondown \or
+ \Agrave \or
+ \Aacute \or
+ \Acircumflex \or
+ \Atilde \or
+ \Adiaeresis \or
+ \Aring \or
+ \AEligature \or
+ \Ccedilla \or
+ \Egrave \or
+ \Eacute \or
+ \Ecircumflex \or
+ \Ediaeresis \or
+ \Igrave \or
+ \Iacute \or
+ \Icircumflex \or
+ \Idiaeresis \or
+ \Eth \or % \Eth \or
+ \Ntilde \or
+ \Ograve \or
+ \Oacute \or
+ \Ocircumflex \or
+ \Otilde \or
+ \Odiaeresis \or
+ \textmultiply \or
+ \Ostroke \or
+ \Ugrave \or
+ \Uacute \or
+ \Ucircumflex \or
+ \Udiaeresis \or
+ \Yacute \or
+ \Thorn \or
+ \ssharp \or
+ \agrave \or
+ \aacute \or
+ \acircumflex \or
+ \atilde \or
+ \adiaeresis \or
+ \aring \or
+ \aeligature \or
+ \ccedilla \or
+ \egrave \or
+ \eacute \or
+ \ecircumflex \or
+ \ediaeresis \or
+ \igrave \or
+ \iacute \or
+ \icircumflex \or
+ \idiaeresis \or
+ \eth \or % \eth \or
+ \ntilde \or
+ \ograve \or
+ \oacute \or
+ \ocircumflex \or
+ \otilde \or
+ \odiaeresis \or
+ \textdiv \or
+ \ostroke \or
+ \ugrave \or
+ \uacute \or
+ \ucircumflex \or
+ \udiaeresis \or
+ \yacute \or
+ \thorn \or
+ \ydiaeresis \else
+ \unknownchar
+ \fi
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/unic-001.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/unic-001.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..198a8d98d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/unic-001.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=unic-001,
+%D version=2002.12.03,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ \UNICODE\ Macros,
+%D subtitle=Vector 1,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D Readable:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \startunicodevector 1
+%D \ifcase#1\or
+%D unknownchar\or Abreve\or abreve\or
+%D ....
+%D Zcaron\or zcaron\else unknownchar\fi
+%D \stopunicodevector
+%D \stoptyping
+%D But we can speed things up, watch how we avoid zero and \TEX's
+%D automatically added \type {\relax}.
+% remark:
+% - gcommaaccent, kcomaaccent, lcomaaccent, ncomaaccent, rcomaaccent
+% bear the name "WITH CEDILLA" in Unicode
+% - scomaaccent and tcomaaccent point to the "WITH CEDILLA" in the
+% Adobe Glyph List
+\startunicodevector 1
+ \expandafter\strippedcsname
+ \ifcase\numexpr#1\relax
+ \Amacron \or
+ \amacron \or
+ \Abreve \or
+ \abreve \or
+ \Aogonek \or
+ \aogonek \or
+ \Cacute \or
+ \cacute \or
+ \Ccircumflex \or
+ \ccircumflex \or
+ \Cdotaccent \or
+ \cdotaccent \or
+ \Ccaron \or
+ \ccaron \or
+ \Dcaron \or
+ \dcaron \or
+ \Dstroke \or
+ \dstroke \or
+ \Emacron \or
+ \emacron \or
+ \Ebreve \or
+ \ebreve \or
+ \Edotaccent \or
+ \edotaccent \or
+ \Eogonek \or
+ \eogonek \or
+ \Ecaron \or
+ \ecaron \or
+ \Gcircumflex \or
+ \gcircumflex \or
+ \Gbreve \or
+ \gbreve \or
+ \Gdotaccent \or
+ \gdotaccent \or
+ \Gcommaaccent \or % WITH CEDILLA
+ \gcommaaccent \or % WITH CEDILLA
+ \Hcircumflex \or
+ \hcircumflex \or
+ \Hstroke \or
+ \hstroke \or
+ \Itilde \or
+ \itilde \or
+ \Imacron \or
+ \imacron \or
+ \Ibreve \or
+ \ibreve \or
+ \Iogonek \or
+ \iogonek \or
+ \Idotaccent \or
+ \dotlessi \or
+ \IJligature \or
+ \ijligature \or
+ \Jcircumflex \or
+ \jcircumflex \or
+ \Kcommaaccent \or % WITH CEDILLA
+ \kcommaaccent \or % WITH CEDILLA
+ \kkra \or % \kkra \or
+ \Lacute \or
+ \lacute \or
+ \Lcommaaccent \or % WITH CEDILLA
+ \lcommaaccent \or % WITH CEDILLA
+ \Lcaron \or
+ \lcaron \or
+ \Ldotmiddle \or % \Ldotmiddle \or
+ \ldotmiddle \or % \ldotmiddle \or
+ \Lstroke \or
+ \lstroke \or
+ \Nacute \or
+ \nacute \or
+ \Ncommaaccent \or % WITH CEDILLA
+ \ncommaaccent \or % WITH CEDILLA
+ \Ncaron \or
+ \ncaron \or
+ \napostrophe \or
+ \Neng \or
+ \neng \or
+ \Omacron \or
+ \omacron \or
+ \Obreve \or
+ \obreve \or
+ \Ohungarumlaut \or
+ \ohungarumlaut \or
+ \OEligature \or
+ \oeligature \or
+ \Racute \or
+ \racute \or
+ \Rcommaaccent \or % WITH CEDILLA
+ \rcommaaccent \or % WITH CEDILLA
+ \Rcaron \or
+ \rcaron \or
+ \Sacute \or
+ \sacute \or
+ \Scircumflex \or
+ \scircumflex \or
+ \Scedilla \or
+ \scedilla \or
+ \Scaron \or
+ \scaron \or
+ \Tcedilla \or
+ \tcedilla \or
+ \Tcaron \or
+ \tcaron \or
+ \Tstroke \or
+ \tstroke \or
+ \Utilde \or
+ \utilde \or
+ \Umacron \or
+ \umacron \or
+ \Ubreve \or
+ \ubreve \or
+ \Uring \or
+ \uring \or
+ \Uhungarumlaut \or
+ \uhungarumlaut \or
+ \Uogonek \or
+ \uogonek \or
+ \Wcircumflex \or
+ \wcircumflex \or
+ \Ycircumflex \or
+ \ycircumflex \or
+ \Ydiaeresis \or
+ \Zacute \or
+ \zacute \or
+ \Zdotaccent \or
+ \zdotaccent \or
+ \Zcaron \or
+ \zcaron \or
+ \slong \or % 127 \slong \else
+ \unknownchar \or
+ \unknownchar \or
+ \unknownchar \or
+ \unknownchar \or
+ \unknownchar \or
+ \unknownchar \or
+ \unknownchar \or
+ \unknownchar \or
+ \unknownchar \or
+ \unknownchar \or
+ \unknownchar \or
+ \unknownchar \or
+ \unknownchar \or
+ \unknownchar \or
+ \unknownchar \or
+ \unknownchar \or
+ \unknownchar \or
+ \unknownchar \or
+ \textflorin \or % 146
+ \unknownchar \or
+ \unknownchar \or
+ \unknownchar \or
+ \unknownchar \or
+ \unknownchar \or
+ \unknownchar \or
+ \unknownchar \or
+ \unknownchar \or
+ \unknownchar \or
+ \unknownchar \or
+ \unknownchar \or
+ \unknownchar \or
+ \unknownchar \or
+ \Ohorn \or % 160
+ \ohorn \or
+ \unknownchar \or
+ \unknownchar \or
+ \unknownchar \or
+ \unknownchar \or
+ \unknownchar \or
+ \unknownchar \or
+ \unknownchar \or
+ \unknownchar \or
+ \unknownchar \or
+ \unknownchar \or
+ \unknownchar \or
+ \unknownchar \or
+ \unknownchar \or
+ \Uhorn \or % 175
+ \uhorn \else
+ \unknownchar
+ \fi
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/unic-002.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/unic-002.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..906975f86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/unic-002.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=unic-002,
+%D version=2006.08.02,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ \UNICODE\ Macros,
+%D subtitle=Vector 2,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\startunicodevector 2
+ \expandafter\strippedcsname
+ \ifcase\numexpr#1\relax
+ \Adoublegrave \or
+ \adoublegrave \or
+ \Ainvertedbreve \or
+ \ainvertedbreve \or
+ \Edoublegrave \or
+ \edoublegrave \or
+ \Einvertedbreve \or
+ \einvertedbreve \or
+ \Idoublegrave \or
+ \idoublegrave \or
+ \Iinvertedbreve \or
+ \iinvertedbreve \or
+ \Odoublegrave \or
+ \odoublegrave \or
+ \Oinvertedbreve \or
+ \oinvertedbreve \or
+ \Rdoublegrave \or
+ \rdoublegrave \or
+ \Rinvertedbreve \or
+ \rinvertedbreve \or
+ \Udoublegrave \or
+ \udoublegrave \or
+ \Uinvertedbreve \or
+ \uinvertedbreve \or
+ \Scommaaccent \or
+ \scommaaccent \or
+ \Tcommaaccent \or
+ \tcommaaccent \or
+ \unknownchar \or % Yogh
+ \unknownchar \or % yogh
+ \Hcaron \or
+ \hcaron \or
+ \unknownchar \or % n with long right leg
+ \dcurl \or
+ \unknownchar \or % Ou
+ \unknownchar \or % ou
+ \Zhook \or
+ \zhook \or
+ \Adotaccent \or
+ \adotaccent \or
+ \Ecedilla \or
+ \ecedilla \or
+ \Odiaeresismacron \or
+ \odiaeresismacron \or
+ \Otildemacron \or
+ \otildemacron \or
+ \Odotaccent \or
+ \odotaccent \or
+ \Odotaccentmacron \or
+ \odotaccentmacron \or
+ \Ymacron \or
+ \ymacron \or
+ \lcurl \or
+ \ncurl \or
+ \tcurl \or
+ \dotlessj \or
+ \unknownchar \or % db digraph
+ \unknownchar \or % qp digraph
+ \Astroke \or
+ \Cstroke \or
+ \cstroke \or
+ \Lbar \else
+ \ifcase\numexpr#1-83\relax
+ \bhook \or
+ \unknownchar \or % open o
+ \ccurl \or
+ \dtail \or
+ \dhook \or
+ \unknownchar \or % reversed e
+ \schwa \or
+ \schwahook \else
+ \ifcase\numexpr#1-198\relax
+ \textcircumflex \or
+ \textcaron \else
+ \ifcase\numexpr#1-216\relax
+ \textbreve \or
+ \textdotaccent \or
+ \textring \or
+ \textogonek \or
+ \texttilde \or
+ \texthungarumlaut \else
+ \unknownchar
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/unic-003.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/unic-003.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ad7d6df6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/unic-003.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=unic-003,
+%D version=2005.01.26,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ \UNICODE\ Macros,
+%D subtitle=Vector 3,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\startunicodevector 3
+ \ifcase\numexpr#1-126\relax
+ % special greek
+ \strippedcsname \greekquestionmark \or
+ \strippedcsname \unknownchar \or
+ \strippedcsname \unknownchar \or
+ \strippedcsname \unknownchar \or
+ \strippedcsname \unknownchar \or
+ \strippedcsname \unknownchar \or
+ \strippedcsname \greektonos \or
+ \strippedcsname \greekdialytikatonos \or
+ \strippedcsname \greekAlphatonos \or
+ \strippedcsname \greekanoteleia \or
+ \strippedcsname \greekEpsilontonos \or
+ \strippedcsname \greekEtatonos \or
+ \strippedcsname \greekIotatonos \or
+ \strippedcsname \unknownchar \or
+ \strippedcsname \greekOmicrontonos \or
+ \strippedcsname \unknownchar \or
+ \strippedcsname \greekUpsilontonos \or
+ \strippedcsname \greekOmegatonos \or
+ \strippedcsname \greekiotadialytikatonos \or
+ % normal greek
+ \strippedcsname \greekAlpha \or
+ \strippedcsname \greekBeta \or
+ \strippedcsname \greekGamma \or
+ \strippedcsname \greekDelta \or
+ \strippedcsname \greekEpsilon \or
+ \strippedcsname \greekZeta \or
+ \strippedcsname \greekEta \or
+ \strippedcsname \greekTheta \or
+ \strippedcsname \greekIota \or
+ \strippedcsname \greekKappa \or
+ \strippedcsname \greekLambda \or
+ \strippedcsname \greekMu \or
+ \strippedcsname \greekNu \or
+ \strippedcsname \greekXi \or
+ \strippedcsname \greekOmicron \or
+ \strippedcsname \greekPi \or
+ \strippedcsname \greekRho \or
+ \strippedcsname \unknownchar \or
+ \strippedcsname \greekSigma \or
+ \strippedcsname \greekTau \or
+ \strippedcsname \greekUpsilon \or
+ \strippedcsname \greekPhi \or
+ \strippedcsname \greekChi \or
+ \strippedcsname \greekPsi \or
+ \strippedcsname \greekOmega \or
+ % special greek
+ \strippedcsname \greekIotadialytika \or
+ \strippedcsname \greekUpsilondialytika \or
+ \strippedcsname \greekalphatonos \or
+ \strippedcsname \greekepsilontonos \or
+ \strippedcsname \greeketatonos \or
+ \strippedcsname \greekiotatonos \or
+ \strippedcsname \greekupsilondialytikatonos \or
+ % normal greek
+ \strippedcsname \greekalpha \or
+ \strippedcsname \greekbeta \or
+ \strippedcsname \greekgamma \or
+ \strippedcsname \greekdelta \or
+ \strippedcsname \greekepsilon \or
+ \strippedcsname \greekzeta \or
+ \strippedcsname \greeketa \or
+ \strippedcsname \greektheta \or
+ \strippedcsname \greekiota \or
+ \strippedcsname \greekkappa \or
+ \strippedcsname \greeklambda \or
+ \strippedcsname \greekmu \or
+ \strippedcsname \greeknu \or
+ \strippedcsname \greekxi \or
+ \strippedcsname \greekomicron \or
+ \strippedcsname \greekpi \or
+ \strippedcsname \greekrho \or
+ \strippedcsname \greekfinalsigma \or
+ \strippedcsname \greeksigma \or
+ \strippedcsname \greektau \or
+ \strippedcsname \greekupsilon \or
+ \strippedcsname \greekphi \or
+ \strippedcsname \greekchi \or
+ \strippedcsname \greekpsi \or
+ \strippedcsname \greekomega \or
+ % special greek
+ \strippedcsname \greekiotadialytika \or
+ \strippedcsname \greekupsilondialytika \or
+ \strippedcsname \greekomicrontonos \or
+ \strippedcsname \greekupsilontonos \or
+ \strippedcsname \greekomegatonos \or % was greeek!
+ \strippedcsname \unknownchar \or
+ \strippedcsname \unknownchar \or % beta alt
+ \strippedcsname \greekthetaalt \or
+ \strippedcsname \unknownchar \or % upsilon hook
+ \strippedcsname \unknownchar \or
+ \strippedcsname \unknownchar \or
+ \strippedcsname \greekphialt \or
+ \strippedcsname \greekpialt \or
+ \strippedcsname \unknownchar \or
+ \strippedcsname \unknownchar \or
+ \strippedcsname \unknownchar \or
+ \strippedcsname \unknownchar \or
+ \strippedcsname \unknownchar \or
+ \strippedcsname \unknownchar \or
+ \strippedcsname \unknownchar \or
+ \strippedcsname \unknownchar \or
+ \strippedcsname \unknownchar \or
+ \strippedcsname \unknownchar \or % Sampi
+ \strippedcsname \unknownchar \or % sampi
+ \strippedcsname \unknownchar \or
+ \strippedcsname \unknownchar \or
+ \strippedcsname \unknownchar \or
+ \strippedcsname \unknownchar \or
+ \strippedcsname \unknownchar \or
+ \strippedcsname \unknownchar \or
+ \strippedcsname \unknownchar \or
+ \strippedcsname \unknownchar \or
+ \strippedcsname \unknownchar \or
+ \strippedcsname \unknownchar \or
+ \strippedcsname \unknownchar \or
+ \strippedcsname \unknownchar \or
+ \strippedcsname \unknownchar \or
+ \strippedcsname \unknownchar \or
+ \strippedcsname \unknownchar \or % kappa alt
+ \strippedcsname \greekrhoalt \or
+ \strippedcsname \greeksigmalunate \or
+ \strippedcsname \unknownchar \or
+ \strippedcsname \unknownchar \or
+ \strippedcsname \greekepsilonalt \else
+ \strippedcsname \unknownchar
+ \fi
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/unic-004.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/unic-004.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7b413cdb9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/unic-004.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=unic-004,
+%D version=2005.01.27,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ \UNICODE\ Macros,
+%D subtitle=Vector 4,
+%D author=Mikael Persson \& Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\startunicodevector 4
+ \expandafter\strippedcsname
+ \ifcase\numexpr#1\relax
+ \cyrillicEgrave \or % 04-00 \uchar0{200} aswell
+ \cyrillicYO \or % 04-01 Capital YO (or IO)
+ \cyrillicDJE \or % 04-02
+ \cyrillicGJE \or % 04-03 not in enco-uc.tex
+ \cyrillicIE \or % 04-04 Ukrainian IE
+ \cyrillicDZE \or % 04-05
+ \cyrillicII \or % 04-06 Byelorussian-ukrainian I
+ \cyrillicYI \or % 04-07
+ \cyrillicJE \or % 04-08 same letter as latin J?
+ \cyrillicLJE \or % 04-09
+ \cyrillicNJE \or % 04-0A
+ \cyrillicTSHE \or % 04-0B
+ \cyrillicKJE \or % 04-0C
+ \cyrillicIgrave \or % 04-0D I with grave
+ \cyrillicUSHRT \or % 04-0E
+ \cyrillicDZHE \or % 04-0F
+ \cyrillicA \or % 04-10
+ \cyrillicB \or
+ \cyrillicV \or
+ \cyrillicG \or
+ \cyrillicD \or
+ \cyrillicE \or
+ \cyrillicZH \or
+ \cyrillicZ \or
+ \cyrillicI \or
+ \cyrillicISHRT \or
+ \cyrillicK \or
+ \cyrillicL \or
+ \cyrillicM \or
+ \cyrillicN \or
+ \cyrillicO \or
+ \cyrillicP \or
+ \cyrillicR \or
+ \cyrillicS \or
+ \cyrillicT \or
+ \cyrillicU \or
+ \cyrillicF \or
+ \cyrillicH \or
+ \cyrillicC \or
+ \cyrillicCH \or
+ \cyrillicSH \or
+ \cyrillicSHCH \or
+ \cyrillicHRDSN \or
+ \cyrillicERY \or
+ \cyrillicSFTSN \or
+ \cyrillicEREV \or
+ \cyrillicYU \or
+ \cyrillicYA \or
+ \cyrillica \or % 04-30
+ \cyrillicb \or
+ \cyrillicv \or
+ \cyrillicg \or
+ \cyrillicd \or
+ \cyrillice \or
+ \cyrilliczh \or
+ \cyrillicz \or
+ \cyrillici \or
+ \cyrillicishrt \or
+ \cyrillick \or
+ \cyrillicl \or
+ \cyrillicm \or
+ \cyrillicn \or
+ \cyrillico \or
+ \cyrillicp \or
+ \cyrillicr \or
+ \cyrillics \or
+ \cyrillict \or
+ \cyrillicu \or
+ \cyrillicf \or
+ \cyrillich \or
+ \cyrillicc \or
+ \cyrillicch \or
+ \cyrillicsh \or
+ \cyrillicshch \or
+ \cyrillichrdsn \or
+ \cyrillicery \or
+ \cyrillicsftsn \or
+ \cyrillicerev \or
+ \cyrillicyu \or
+ \cyrillicya \or % 044F
+ \cyrillicegrave \or % 0450 not i enco-uc.tex but same as \uchar0{232}
+ \cyrillicyo \or % 0451 small yo (or io)
+ \cyrillicdje \or % 0452 serbian letter
+ \cyrillicgje \or % 0453 macedonian letter not in enco-uc.tex
+ \cyrillicie \or % 0454 ukrainian ie
+ \cyrillicdze \or % 0455 macedonian zelo
+ \cyrillicii \or % 0456 byelorussian-ukrainian i.
+ \cyrillicyi \or % 0457
+ \cyrillicje \or % 0458 not in enco-uc.tex same as latin j?
+ \cyrilliclje \or % 0459
+ \cyrillicnje \or % 045A
+ \cyrillictshe \or % 045B
+ \cyrillickje \or % 045C macedonian, not in enco-uc.tex
+ \cyrillicigrave \or % 045D macedonian, cyr i with grave not in enco-uc.tex
+ \cyrillicushrt \or % 045E
+ \cyrillicdzhe \or % 045F
+ \cyrillicOMEGA \or % 0460 Omega not in enco-uc.tex
+ \cyrillicomega \or % 0461 omega not in enco-uc.tex
+ \cyrillicYAT \or % 0462 Yat not in enco-uc.tex
+ \cyrillicyat \or % 0463 Yat not in enco-uc.tex
+ \cyrillicEiotified \or % 0464 iotified E not in enco-uc.tex
+ \cyrilliceiotified \or % 0465 iotified e not in enco-uc.tex
+ \cyrillicLITTLEYUS \or % 0466 Little Yus not in enco-enc.tex
+ \cyrilliclittleyus \or % 0467 Little yus not in enco-enc.tex
+ \cyrillicLITTLEYUSiotified \or % 0468 Little Yus iotified not in enco-enc.tex
+ \cyrilliclittleyusiotified \or % 0469 Little yus iotified not in enco-enc.tex
+ \cyrillicBIGYUS \or % 046A Big Yus not in enco-enc.tex
+ \cyrillicbigyus \or % 046B Big yus not in enco-enc.tex
+ \cyrillicBIGYUSiotified \or % 046C Big Yus iotified not in enco-enc.tex
+ \cyrillicbigyusiotified \or % 046D Big yus iotified not in enco-enc.tex
+ \cyrillicKSI \or % 046E Ksi not in enco-enc.tex
+ \cyrillicksi \or % 046F ksi not in enco-enc.tex
+ \cyrillicPSI \or % 0470 Psi not in enco-enc.tex
+ \cyrillicpsi \or % 0471 psi not in enco-enc.tex
+ \cyrillicFITA \or % 0472 Fita not in enco-enc.tex
+ \cyrillicfita \or % 0473 fita not in enco-enc.tex
+ \cyrillicIZHITSA \or % 0474 Izhitsa not in enco-enc.tex
+ \cyrillicizhitsa \or % 0475 izhitsa not in enco-enc.tex
+ \cyrillicIZHITSAdoublegrave \or % 0476 Izhitsa double grave not in enco-enc.tex
+ \cyrillicizhitsadoublegrave \or % 0477 izhitsa double grave not in enco-enc.tex
+ \cyrillicUK \or % 0478 UK not in enco-enc.tex
+ \cyrillicuk \or % 0479 uk not in enco-enc.tex
+ \cyrillicOMEGAround \or % 047A Round Omega not in enco-enc.tex
+ \cyrillicomegaround \or % 047B Round omega not in enco-enc.tex
+ \cyrillicOMEGAtitlo \or % 047C Omega with titlo not in enco-enc.tex
+ \cyrillicomegatitlo \or % 047D omega with titlo not in enco-enc.tex
+ \cyrillicOT \or % 047E OT not in enco-enc.tex
+ \cyrillicot \or % 047F ot not in enco-enc.tex
+ \cyrillicKOPPA \or % 0480 KOPPA not in enco-enc.tex
+ \cyrillickoppa \or % 0481 koppa not in enco-enc.tex
+ \unknownchar \or % 0482
+ \cyrillicTITLO \or % 0483 TITLO not in enco-enc.tex
+ \cyrillicPALATALIZATION \or % 0484 PALATALIZATION not in enco-enc.tex
+ \cyrillicDASIAPNEUMATA \or % 0485 DASIA PNEUMATA not in enco-enc.tex
+ \cyrillicPSILIPNEUMATA \or % 0486 PSILI PNEUMATA not in enco-enc.tex
+ \unknownchar \or % 0487
+ \unknownchar \or % 0488
+ \unknownchar \or % 0489
+ \cyrillicISHRTtail \or % 048A ISHRT with tail not in enco-enc.tex
+ \cyrillicishrttail \or % 048B ishrt with tail not in enco-enc.tex
+ \cyrillicSEMISOFT \or % 048C SEMISOFT not in enco-enc.tex
+ \cyrillicsemisoft \or % 048D semisoft not in enco-enc.tex
+ \cyrillicERtick \or % 048E ER with tick not in enco-enc.tex
+ \cyrillicertick \or % 048F er with tick not in enco-enc.tex
+ \cyrillicGHEupturn \or % 0490 GHE with upturn not in enco-enc.tex
+ \cyrillicgheupturn \or % 0491 ghe with upturn not in enco-enc.tex
+ \cyrillicGHEstroke \or % 0492 GHE with stroke not in enco-enc.tex
+ \cyrillicghestroke \or % 0493 ghe with stroke not in enco-enc.tex
+ \cyrillicGHEmidhook \or % 0494 GHE with middle hook
+ \cyrillicghemidhook \or % 0495 ghe with middle hook
+ \cyrillicZHEdescender \or % 0496 ZHE with descender
+ \cyrilliczhedescender \or % 0497 zhe with descender
+ \cyrillicZDSC \or % 0498 ZE with descender
+ \cyrilliczdsc \or % 0499 ze with descender
+ \cyrillicKADC \or % 049A KA with descender
+ \cyrillickadc \or % 049B ka with descender
+ \cyrillicKAvertstroke \or % 049C KA with vertical stroke
+ \cyrillickavertstroke \or % 049D ka with vertical stroke
+ \cyrillicKAstroke \or % 049E KA with stroke
+ \cyrillickastroke \or % 049F ka with stroke
+ \cyrillicKAbashkir \or % 04A0 KA bashkir
+ \cyrillickabashkir \or % 04A1 ka bashkir
+ \cyrillicENDC \or % 04A2 EN with descender
+ \cyrillicendc \or % 04A3 en with descender
+ \cyrillicENGHE \or % 04A4 EN GHE
+ \cyrillicenghe \or % 04A5 en ghe
+ \cyrillicPEmidhook \or % 04A6 PE with middle hook
+ \cyrillicpemidhook \or % 04A7 pe with middle hook
+ \cyrillicHA \or % 04A8 Abkhasian HA
+ \cyrillicha \or % 04A9 Abkhasian ha
+ \cyrillicSDSC \or % 04AA S with descender
+ \cyrilliccdsc \or % 04AB s with descender
+ \cyrillicTEDC \or % 04AC TE with descender
+ \cyrillictedc \or % 04AD te with descender
+ \cyrillicYstr \or % 04AE Y straight
+ \cyrillicystr \or % 04AF y straight
+ \cyrillicYstrstroke \or % 04B0 Y straight with stroke
+ \cyrillicystrstroke \or % 04B1 y straight with stroke
+ \cyrillicHADC \or % 04B2 HA with descender
+ \cyrillichadc \or % 04B3 ha with descender
+ \cyrillicTETSE \or % 04B4 TE TSE
+ \cyrillictetse \or % 04B5 te tse
+ \cyrillicCHEDC \or % 04B6 CHE with descender
+ \cyrillicchedc \or % 04B7 che with descender
+ \cyrillicCHEvertstroke \or % 04B8 CHE with vertical stroke
+ \cyrillicchevertstroke \or % 04B9 che with vertical stroke
+ \cyrillicSHHA \or % 04BA SHHA
+ \cyrillicshha \or % 04BB
+ \cyrillicCHEabkhasian \or % 04BC Abkhasian CHE
+ \cyrilliccheabkhasian \or % 04BD Abkhasian che
+ \cyrillicCHEDCabkhasian \or % 04BE Abkhasian CHE with descender
+ \cyrillicchedcabkhasian \or % 04BF Abkhasian che with descender
+ \cyrillicPALOCHKA \or % 04C0 PALOCHKA
+ \cyrillicZHEbreve \or % 04C1 ZHE with breve
+ \cyrilliczhebreve \or % 04C2 zhe with breve
+ \cyrillicKAhook \or % 04C3 KA with hook
+ \cyrillickahook \or % 04C4 ka with hook
+ \cyrillicELtail \or % 04C5 EL with tail
+ \cyrilliceltail \or % 04C6 el with tail
+ \cyrillicENhook \or % 04C7 EN with hook
+ \cyrillicenhook \or % 04C8 en with hook
+ \cyrillicENtail \or % 04C9 EN with tail
+ \cyrillicentail \or % 04CA en with tail
+ \cyrillicCHEkhakassian \or % 04CB Khakassian CHE
+ \cyrillicchekhakassian \or % 04CC Khakassian che
+ \cyrillicEMtail \or % 04CD EM with tail
+ \cyrillicemtail \or % 04CE em with tail
+ \unknownchar \or % 04CF Added to fix off-by-1 error
+ \cyrillicAbreve \or % 04D0 A with breve (\uchar1{2})
+ \cyrillicabreve \or % 04D1 a with breve (\uchar1{3})
+ \cyrillicAdiaeresis \or % 04D2 A with diaeresis (\uchar0{196})
+ \cyrillicadiaeresis \or % 04D3 a with diaeresis (\uchar0{228})
+ \cyrillicAE \or % 04D4 AE (\uchar0{198})
+ \cyrillicae \or % 04D5 ae (\uchar0{230})
+ \cyrillicEbreve \or % 04D6
+ \cyrillicebreve \or % 04D7
+ \cyrillicSCHWA \or % 04D8
+ \cyrillicschwa \or % 04D9
+ \cyrillicSCHWAdiaeresis \or % 04DA
+ \cyrillicschwadiaeresis \or % 04DB
+ \cyrillicZHEdiaeresis \or % 04DC
+ \cyrilliczhediaeresis \or % 04DD
+ \cyrillicZEdiaeresis \or % 04DE
+ \cyrilliczediaeresis \or % 04DF
+ \cyrillicDZEabkhasian \or % 04E0
+ \cyrillicdzeabkhasian \or % 04E1
+ \cyrillicImacron \or % 04E2
+ \cyrillicimacron \or % 04E3
+ \cyrillicIdiaeresis \or % 04E4
+ \cyrillicidiaeresis \or % 04E5
+ \cyrillicOdiaeresis \or % 04E6
+ \cyrillicodiaeresis \or % 04E7
+ \cyrillicObarred \or % 04E8
+ \cyrillicobarred \or % 04E9
+ \cyrillicObarreddiaeresis \or % 04EA
+ \cyrillicobarreddiaeresis \or % 04EB
+ \cyrillicEdiaeresis \or % 04EC
+ \cyrillicediaeresis \or % 04ED
+ \cyrillicUmacron \or % 04EE
+ \cyrillicumacron \or % 04EF
+ \cyrillicUdiaeresis \or % 04F0
+ \cyrillicudiaeresis \or % 04F1
+ \cyrillicUdoubleacute \or % 04F2
+ \cyrillicudoubleacute \or % 04F3
+ \cyrillicCHEdiaeresis \or % 04F4
+ \cyrillicchediaeresis \or % 04F5
+ \unknownchar \or % 04F6
+ \unknownchar \or % 04F7
+ \cyrillicYERUdiaeresis \or % 04F8
+ \cyrillicyerudiaeresis \else
+ \unknownchar
+ \fi
+\protect \endinput
+% \enableregime[utf]
+% \definetypeface [russian] [rm] [serif] [computer-modern] [default] [encoding=t2a]
+% \setupbodyfont[russian]
+% \starttext
+% \startbuffer
+% Мама и Папа % Some russian characters
+% \stopbuffer
+% \utfunicodetracer=0 \blank \getbuffer \blank
+% \utfunicodetracer=2 \blank \getbuffer \blank
+% \utfunicodetracer=7 \blank \getbuffer \blank
+% \stoptext
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/unic-005.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/unic-005.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e21edb205
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/unic-005.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=unic-005,
+%D version=2005.01.27,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ \UNICODE\ Macros,
+%D subtitle=Vector 5,
+%D author=Adam Lindsay,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\startunicodevector 5
+ \expandafter\strippedcsname
+ \ifcase\numexpr#1-208\relax % Was 224 - changed to fix off-by-16 error
+ \hebrewAlef \or % 05D0
+ \hebrewBet \or
+ \hebrewGimel \or
+ \hebrewDalet \or
+ \hebrewHe \or
+ \hebrewVav \or
+ \hebrewZayin \or
+ \hebrewHet \or
+ \hebrewTet \or
+ \hebrewYod \or
+ \hebrewKaffinal \or
+ \hebrewKaf \or
+ \hebrewLamed \or
+ \hebrewMemfinal \or
+ \hebrewMem \or
+ \hebrewNunfinal \or
+ \hebrewNun \or
+ \hebrewSamekh \or
+ \hebrewAyin \or
+ \hebrewPefinal \or
+ \hebrewPe \or
+ \hebrewTsadifinal \or
+ \hebrewTsadi \or
+ \hebrewQof \or
+ \hebrewResh \or
+ \hebrewShin \or
+ \hebrewTav \else % 05EA
+ \unknownchar
+ \fi
+\protect \endinput \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/unic-030.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/unic-030.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0065a738a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/unic-030.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=unic-030,
+%D version=2004.11.18,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ \UNICODE\ Macros,
+%D subtitle=Vector 30,
+%D author=Adam Lindsay,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={Adam Lindsay \& Hans Hagen}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\startunicodevector 30
+ \expandafter\strippedcsname
+ \ifcase\numexpr#1-160\relax
+ \Adotbelow \or
+ \adotbelow \or
+ \Ahook \or
+ \ahook \or
+ \Acircumflexacute \or
+ \acircumflexacute \or
+ \Acircumflexgrave \or
+ \acircumflexgrave \or
+ \Acircumflexhook \or
+ \acircumflexhook \or
+ \Acircumflextilde \or
+ \acircumflextilde \or
+ \Acircumflexdotbelow \or
+ \acircumflexdotbelow \or
+ \Abreveacute \or
+ \abreveacute \or
+ \Abrevegrave \or
+ \abrevegrave \or
+ \Abrevehook \or
+ \abrevehook \or
+ \Abrevetilde \or
+ \abrevetilde \or
+ \Abrevedotbelow \or
+ \abrevedotbelow \or
+ \Edotbelow \or
+ \edotbelow \or
+ \Ehook \or
+ \ehook \or
+ \Etilde \or
+ \etilde \or
+ \Ecircumflexacute \or
+ \ecircumflexacute \or
+ \Ecircumflexgrave \or
+ \ecircumflexgrave \or
+ \Ecircumflexhook \or
+ \ecircumflexhook \or
+ \Ecircumflextilde \or
+ \ecircumflextilde \or
+ \Ecircumflexdotbelow \or
+ \ecircumflexdotbelow \or
+ \Ihook \or
+ \ihook \or
+ \Idotbelow \or
+ \idotbelow \or
+ \Odotbelow \or
+ \odotbelow \or
+ \Ohook \or
+ \ohook \or
+ \Ocircumflexacute \or
+ \ocircumflexacute \or
+ \Ocircumflexgrave \or
+ \ocircumflexgrave \or
+ \Ocircumflexhook \or
+ \ocircumflexhook \or
+ \Ocircumflextilde \or
+ \ocircumflextilde \or
+ \Ocircumflexdotbelow \or
+ \ocircumflexdotbelow \or
+ \Ohornacute \or
+ \ohornacute \or
+ \Ohorngrave \or
+ \ohorngrave \or
+ \Ohornhook \or
+ \ohornhook \or
+ \Ohorntilde \or
+ \ohorntilde \or
+ \Ohorndotbelow \or
+ \ohorndotbelow \or
+ \Udotbelow \or
+ \udotbelow \or
+ \Uhook \or
+ \uhook \or
+ \Uhornacute \or
+ \uhornacute \or
+ \Uhorngrave \or
+ \uhorngrave \or
+ \Uhornhook \or
+ \uhornhook \or
+ \Uhorntilde \or
+ \uhorntilde \or
+ \Uhorndotbelow \or
+ \uhorndotbelow \or
+ \Ygrave \or
+ \ygrave \or
+ \Ydotbelow \or
+ \ydotbelow \or
+ \Yhook \or
+ \yhook \or
+ \Ytilde \or
+ \ytilde \else
+ \unknownchar
+ \fi
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/unic-031.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/unic-031.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..68d163324
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/unic-031.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=unic-031,
+%D version=2005.02.20,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ \UNICODE\ Macros,
+%D subtitle=Vector 31,
+%D author=Thomas A. Schmitz,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={Thomas A. Schmitz}]
+\startunicodevector 31
+ \expandafter\strippedcsname
+ \ifcase\numexpr#1\relax
+ \greekalphapsili \or %1f00
+ \greekalphadasia \or
+ \greekalphapsilivaria \or
+ \greekalphadasiavaria \or
+ \greekalphapsilitonos \or
+ \greekalphadasiatonos \or
+ \greekalphapsiliperispomeni \or
+ \greekalphadasiaperispomeni \or
+ \greekAlphapsili \or
+ \greekAlphadasia \or
+ \greekAlphapsilivaria \or
+ \greekAlphadasiavaria \or
+ \greekAlphapsilitonos \or
+ \greekAlphadasiatonos \or
+ \greekAlphapsiliperispomeni \or
+ \greekAlphadasiaperispomeni \or
+ \greekepsilonpsili \or %1f10
+ \greekepsilondasia \or
+ \greekepsilonpsilivaria \or
+ \greekepsilondasiavaria \or
+ \greekepsilonpsilitonos \or
+ \greekepsilondasiatonos \or
+ \unknownchar \or
+ \unknownchar \or
+ \greekEpsilonpsili \or
+ \greekEpsilondasia \or
+ \greekEpsilonpsilivaria \or
+ \greekEpsilondasiavaria \or
+ \greekEpsilonpsilitonos \or
+ \greekEpsilondasiatonos \or
+ \unknownchar \or
+ \unknownchar \or
+ \greeketapsili \or %1f20
+ \greeketadasia \or
+ \greeketapsilivaria \or
+ \greeketadasiavaria \or
+ \greeketapsilitonos \or
+ \greeketadasiatonos \or
+ \greeketapsiliperispomeni \or
+ \greeketadasiaperispomeni \or
+ \greekEtapsili \or
+ \greekEtadasia \or
+ \greekEtapsilivaria \or
+ \greekEtadasiavaria \or
+ \greekEtapsilitonos \or
+ \greekEtadasiatonos \or
+ \greekEtapsiliperispomeni \or
+ \greekEtadasiaperispomeni \or
+ \greekiotapsili \or %1f30
+ \greekiotadasia \or
+ \greekiotapsilivaria \or
+ \greekiotadasiavaria \or
+ \greekiotapsilitonos \or
+ \greekiotadasiatonos \or
+ \greekiotapsiliperispomeni \or
+ \greekiotadasiaperispomeni \or
+ \greekIotapsili \or
+ \greekIotadasia \or
+ \greekIotapsilivaria \or
+ \greekIotadasiavaria \or
+ \greekIotapsilitonos \or
+ \greekIotadasiatonos \or
+ \greekIotapsiliperispomeni \or
+ \greekIotadasiaperispomeni \or
+ \greekomicronpsili \or %1f40
+ \greekomicrondasia \or
+ \greekomicronpsilivaria \or
+ \greekomicrondasiavaria \or
+ \greekomicronpsilitonos \or
+ \greekomicrondasiatonos \or
+ \unknownchar \or
+ \unknownchar \or
+ \greekOmicronpsili \or
+ \greekOmicrondasia \or
+ \greekOmicronpsilivaria \or
+ \greekOmicrondasiavaria \or
+ \greekOmicronpsilitonos \or
+ \greekOmicrondasiatonos \or
+ \unknownchar \or
+ \unknownchar \or
+ \greekupsilonpsili \or %1f50
+ \greekupsilondasia \or
+ \greekupsilonpsilivaria \or
+ \greekupsilondasiavaria \or
+ \greekupsilonpsilitonos \or
+ \greekupsilondasiatonos \or
+ \greekupsilonpsiliperispomeni \or
+ \greekupsilondasiaperispomeni \or
+ \unknownchar \or
+ \greekUpsilondasia \or
+ \unknownchar \or
+ \greekUpsilondasiavaria \or
+ \unknownchar \or
+ \greekUpsilondasiatonos \or
+ \unknownchar \or
+ \greekUpsilondasiaperispomeni \or
+ \greekomegapsili \or %1f60
+ \greekomegadasia \or
+ \greekomegapsilivaria \or
+ \greekomegadasiavaria \or
+ \greekomegapsilitonos \or
+ \greekomegadasiatonos \or
+ \greekomegapsiliperispomeni \or
+ \greekomegadasiaperispomeni \or
+ \greekOmegapsili \or
+ \greekOmegadasia \or
+ \greekOmegapsilivaria \or
+ \greekOmegadasiavaria \or
+ \greekOmegapsilitonos \or
+ \greekOmegadasiatonos \or
+ \greekOmegapsiliperispomeni \or
+ \greekOmegadasiaperispomeni \or
+ \greekalphavaria \or %1f70
+ \greekalphaoxia \or
+ \greekepsilonvaria \or
+ \greekepsilonoxia \or
+ \greeketavaria \or
+ \greeketaoxia \or
+ \greekiotavaria \or
+ \greekiotaoxia \or
+ \greekomicronvaria \or
+ \greekomicronoxia \or
+ \greekupsilonvaria \or
+ \greekupsilonoxia \or
+ \greekomegavaria \or
+ \greekomegaoxia \or
+ \unknownchar \or
+ \unknownchar \or
+ \greekalphaiotasubpsili \or %1f80
+ \greekalphaiotasubdasia \or
+ \greekalphaiotasubpsilivaria \or
+ \greekalphaiotasubdasiavaria \or
+ \greekalphaiotasubpsilitonos \or
+ \greekalphaiotasubdasiatonos \or
+ \greekalphaiotasubpsiliperispomeni \or
+ \greekalphaiotasubdasiaperispomeni \or
+ \greekAlphaiotasubpsili \or
+ \greekAlphaiotasubdasia \or
+ \greekAlphaiotasubpsilivaria \or
+ \greekAlphaiotasubdasiavaria \or
+ \greekAlphaiotasubpsilitonos \or
+ \greekAlphaiotasubdasiatonos \or
+ \greekAlphaiotasubpsiliperispomeni \or
+ \greekAlphaiotasubdasiaperispomeni \or
+ \greeketaiotasubpsili \or %1f90
+ \greeketaiotasubdasia \or
+ \greeketaiotasubpsilivaria \or
+ \greeketaiotasubdasiavaria \or
+ \greeketaiotasubpsilitonos \or
+ \greeketaiotasubdasiatonos \or
+ \greeketaiotasubpsiliperispomeni \or
+ \greeketaiotasubdasiaperispomeni \or
+ \greekEtaiotasubpsili \or
+ \greekEtaiotasubdasia \or
+ \greekEtaiotasubpsilivaria \or
+ \greekEtaiotasubdasiavaria \or
+ \greekEtaiotasubpsilitonos \or
+ \greekEtaiotasubdasiatonos \or
+ \greekEtaiotasubpsiliperispomeni \or
+ \greekEtaiotasubdasiaperispomeni \or
+ \greekomegaiotasubpsili \or %1fa0
+ \greekomegaiotasubdasia \or
+ \greekomegaiotasubpsilivaria \or
+ \greekomegaiotasubdasiavaria \or
+ \greekomegaiotasubpsilitonos \or
+ \greekomegaiotasubdasiatonos \or
+ \greekomegaiotasubpsiliperispomeni \or
+ \greekomegaiotasubdasiaperispomeni \or
+ \greekOmegaiotasubpsili \or
+ \greekOmegaiotasubdasia \or
+ \greekOmegaiotasubpsilivaria \or
+ \greekOmegaiotasubdasiavaria \or
+ \greekOmegaiotasubpsilitonos \or
+ \greekOmegaiotasubdasiatonos \or
+ \greekOmegaiotasubpsiliperispomeni \or
+ \greekOmegaiotasubdasiaperispomeni \or
+ \greekalphavrachy \or %1fb0
+ \greekalphamacron \or
+ \greekalphaiotasubvaria \or
+ \greekalphaiotasub \or
+ \greekalphaiotasubtonos \or
+ \unknownchar \or
+ \greekalphaperispomeni \or
+ \greekalphaiotasubperispomeni \or
+ \greekAlphavrachy \or
+ \greekAlphamacron \or
+ \greekAlphavaria \or
+ \greekAlphaoxia \or
+ \greekAlphaiotasub \or
+ \greekCoronis \or
+ \greekprosgegrammeni \or
+ \greekpsili \or
+ \greekperispomeni \or %1fc0
+ \greekdialytikaperispomeni \or
+ \greeketaiotasubvaria \or
+ \greeketaiotasub \or
+ \greeketaiotasubtonos \or
+ \unknownchar \or
+ \greeketaperispomeni \or
+ \greeketaiotasubperispomeni \or
+ \greekEpsilonvaria \or
+ \greekEpsilonoxia \or
+ \greekEtavaria \or
+ \greekEtaoxia \or
+ \greekEtaiotasub \or
+ \greekpsilivaria \or
+ \greekpsilitonos \or
+ \greekpsiliperispomeni \or
+ \greekiotavrachy \or %1fd0
+ \greekiotamacron \or
+ \greekiotadialytikavaria \or
+ \greekiotadialytikatonos \or
+ \unknownchar \or
+ \unknownchar \or
+ \greekiotaperispomeni \or
+ \greekiotadialytikaperispomeni \or
+ \greekIotavrachy \or
+ \greekIotamacron \or
+ \greekIotavaria \or
+ \greekIotaoxia \or
+ \unknownchar \or
+ \greekdasiavaria \or
+ \greekdasiatonos \or
+ \greekdasiaperispomeni \or
+ \greekupsilonvrachy \or %1fe0
+ \greekupsilonmacron \or
+ \greekupsilondialytikavaria \or
+ \greekupsilondialytikatonos \or
+ \greekrhopsili \or
+ \greekrhodasia \or
+ \greekupsilonperispomeni \or
+ \greekupsilondialytikaperispomeni \or
+ \greekUpsilonvrachy \or
+ \greekUpsilonmacron \or
+ \greekUpsilonvaria \or
+ \greekUpsilonoxia \or
+ \greekRhodasia \or
+ \greekdialytikavaria \or
+ \greekdialytikaoxia \or
+ \greekvaria \or
+ \unknownchar \or %1ff0
+ \unknownchar \or
+ \greekomegaiotasubvaria \or
+ \greekomegaiotasub \or
+ \greekomegaiotasubtonos \or
+ \unknownchar \or
+ \greekomegaperispomeni \or
+ \greekomegaiotasubperispomeni \or
+ \greekOmicronvaria \or
+ \greekOmicronoxia \or
+ \greekOmegavaria \or
+ \greekOmegaoxia \or
+ \greekOmegaiotasub \or
+ \greekoxia \or
+ \greekdasia \else
+ \unknownchar
+ \fi
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/unic-032.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/unic-032.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6bd176c80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/unic-032.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,278 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=unic-032,
+%D version=2006.03.30,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ \UNICODE\ Macros,
+%D subtitle=Vector 32,
+%D author={Hans Hagen \& Taco Hoekwater},
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\startunicodevector 32
+ \expandafter\strippedcsname
+ \ifcase\numexpr#1\relax
+ \enspace \or % U+2000 EN QUAD
+ \emspace \or % U+2001 EM QUAD
+ \enspace \or % U+2002 EN SPACE
+ \emspace \or % U+2003 EM SPACE
+ \unic@threeperemspace \or % U+2004 THREE-PER-EM SPACE
+ \unic@fourperemspace \or % U+2005 FOUR-PER-EM SPACE
+ \unic@sixperemspace \or % U+2006 SIX-PER-EM SPACE
+ \unic@figurespace \or % U+2007 FIGURE SPACE
+ \unmic@punctiationspace \or % U+2008 PUNCTUATION SPACE
+ \thinspace \or % U+2009 THIN SPACE
+ \unic@hairspace \or % U+200A HAIR SPACE
+ \unic@zerowidthspace \or % U+200B ZERO WIDTH SPACE
+ \unic@zerowidthnonjoiner \or % U+200C ZERO WIDTH NON-JOINER
+ \unic@zerowidthjoiner \or % U+200D ZERO WIDTH JOINER
+ \unknownchar \or % U+200E LEFT-TO-RIGHT MARK
+ \unknownchar \or % U+200F RIGHT-TO-LEFT MARK
+ \breakinghyphen \or % U+2010 HYPHEN
+ \nonbreakinghyphen \or % U+2011 NON-BREAKING HYPHEN
+ \endash \or % U+2012 FIGURE DASH
+ \endash \or % U+2013 EN DASH
+ \emdash \or % U+2014 EM DASH
+ \emdash \or % U+2015 HORIZONTAL BAR
+ \unic@doubleverticalline \or % U+2016 DOUBLE VERTICAL LINE
+ \unic@doublelowline \or % U+2017 DOUBLE LOW LINE
+ \quoteleft \or % U+2018 LEFT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK
+ \quoteright \or % U+2019 RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK
+ \quotesinglebase \or % U+201A SINGLE LOW-9 QUOTATION MARK
+ \unic@quoteleftreversed \or % U+201B SINGLE HIGH-REVERSED-9 QUOTATION MARK
+ \quotedblleft \or % U+201C LEFT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK
+ \quotedblright \or % U+201D RIGHT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK
+ \quotedblbase \or % U+201E DOUBLE LOW-9 QUOTATION MARK
+ \unic@quotedblleftreversed \or % U+201F DOUBLE HIGH-REVERSED-9 QUOTATION MARK
+ \textdag \or % U+2020 DAGGER
+ \textddag \or % U+2021 DOUBLE DAGGER
+ \textbullet \or % U+2022 BULLET
+ \blacktriangleright \or % U+2023 TRIANGULAR BULLET
+ \unic@onedotleader \or % U+2024 ONE DOT LEADER
+ \unic@twodotleader \or % U+2025 TWO DOT LEADER
+ \periods \or % U+2026 HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS % was: \textellipsis
+ \unic@hyphenationpoint \or % U+2027 HYPHENATION POINT
+ \crlf \or % U+2028 LINE SEPARATOR
+ \endgraf \or % U+2029 PARAGRAPH SEPARATOR
+ \unknownchar \or % U+202A LEFT-TO-RIGHT EMBEDDING
+ \unknownchar \or % U+202B RIGHT-TO-LEFT EMBEDDING
+ \unknownchar \or % U+202C POP DIRECTIONAL FORMATTING
+ \unknownchar \or % U+202D LEFT-TO-RIGHT OVERRIDE
+ \unknownchar \or % U+202E RIGHT-TO-LEFT OVERRIDE
+ \perthousand \or % U+2030 PER MILLE SIGN
+ \unknownchar \or % U+2031 PER TEN THOUSAND SIGN
+ \prime \or % U+2032 PRIME
+ \unic@doubleprime \or % U+2033 DOUBLE PRIME
+ \unic@tripleprime \or % U+2034 TRIPLE PRIME
+ \backprime \or % U+2035 REVERSED PRIME
+ \unic@reverseddoubleprime \or % U+2036 REVERSED DOUBLE PRIME
+ \unic@reversedtripleprime \or % U+2037 REVERSED TRIPLE PRIME
+ \unknownchar \or % U+2038 CARET
+ \unknownchar \or % U+203B REFERENCE MARK
+ \unic@doubleexclamationmark \or % U+203C DOUBLE EXCLAMATION MARK
+ \unknownchar \or % U+203D INTERROBANG
+ \unknownchar \or % U+203E OVERLINE
+ \unknownchar \or % U+203F UNDERTIE
+ \unknownchar \or % U+2040 CHARACTER TIE
+ \unknownchar \or % U+2041 CARET INSERTION POINT
+ \unknownchar \or % U+2042 ASTERISM
+ \unknownchar \or % U+2043 HYPHEN BULLET
+ \unic@fractionslash \or % U+2044 FRACTION SLASH
+ \unknownchar \or % U+2045 LEFT SQUARE BRACKET WITH QUILL
+ \unknownchar \or % U+2046 RIGHT SQUARE BRACKET WITH QUILL
+ \unic@doublequestionmark \or % U+2047 DOUBLE QUESTION MARK
+ \unic@exclamationquestionmark\or % U+2048 QUESTION EXCLAMATION MARK
+ \unic@questionexclamationmark\or % U+2049 EXCLAMATION QUESTION MARK
+ \unknownchar \or % U+204A TIRONIAN SIGN ET
+ \unic@reversedpilcrowsign \or % U+204B REVERSED PILCROW SIGN
+ \unknownchar \or % U+204C BLACK LEFTWARDS BULLET
+ \unknownchar \or % U+204D BLACK RIGHTWARDS BULLET
+ \unic@lowasterisk \or % U+204E LOW ASTERISK
+ \unic@reversedsemicolon \or % U+204F REVERSED SEMICOLON
+ \unknownchar \or % U+2050 CLOSE UP
+ \unknownchar \or % U+2051 TWO ASTERISKS ALIGNED VERTICALLY
+ \unknownchar \or % U+2052 COMMERCIAL MINUS SIGN
+ \unknownchar \or % U+2053 SWUNG DASH
+ \unknownchar \or % U+2054 INVERTED UNDERTIE
+ \unknownchar \or % U+2055 FLOWER PUNCTUATION MARK
+ \unknownchar \or % U+2056 THREE DOT PUNCTUATION
+ \unknownchar \or % U+2057 QUADRUPLE PRIME
+ \unknownchar \or % U+2058 FOUR DOT PUNCTUATION
+ \unknownchar \or % U+2059 FIVE DOT PUNCTUATION
+ \unknownchar \or % U+205A TWO DOT PUNCTUATION
+ \unknownchar \or % U+205B FOUR DOT MARK
+ \unknownchar \or % U+205C DOTTED CROSS
+ \unknownchar \or % U+205D TRICOLON
+ \unknownchar \or % U+205E VERTICAL FOUR DOTS
+ \thickspace \or % U+205F MEDIUM MATHEMATICAL SPACE
+ \relax \or % U+2060 WORD JOINER
+ \unic@functionapplication \or % U+2061 FUNCTION APPLICATION
+ \unic@invisibletimes \or % U+2062 INVISIBLE TIMES
+ \unic@invisibleseparator \or % U+2063 INVISIBLE SEPARATOR (COMMA)
+ \unknownchar \or %
+ \unknownchar \or %
+ \unknownchar \or %
+ \unknownchar \or %
+ \unknownchar \or %
+ \unknownchar \or %
+ \relax \or % U+206E NATIONAL DIGIT SHAPES
+ \relax \or % U+206F NOMINAL DIGIT SHAPES
+ \unic@superscriptzero \or % U+2070 SUPERSCRIPT ZERO
+ \unic@superscripti \or % U+2071 SUPERSCRIPT LATIN SMALL LETTER I
+ \unknownchar \or % U+2072 <reserved>
+ \unknownchar \or % U+2073 <reserved>
+ \unic@superscriptfour \or % U+2074 SUPERSCRIPT FOUR
+ \unic@superscriptfive \or % U+2075 SUPERSCRIPT FIVE
+ \unic@superscriptsix \or % U+2076 SUPERSCRIPT SIX
+ \unic@superscriptseven \or % U+2077 SUPERSCRIPT SEVEN
+ \unic@superscripteight \or % U+2078 SUPERSCRIPT EIGHT
+ \unic@superscriptnine \or % U+2079 SUPERSCRIPT NINE
+ \unic@superscriptplus \or % U+207A SUPERSCRIPT PLUS SIGN
+ \unic@superscriptminus \or % U+207B SUPERSCRIPT MINUS
+ \unic@superscriptequals \or % U+207C SUPERSCRIPT EQUALS SIGN
+ \unic@superscriptleft \or % U+207D SUPERSCRIPT LEFT PARENTHESIS
+ \unic@superscriptright \or % U+207E SUPERSCRIPT RIGHT PARENTHESIS
+ \unic@superscriptn \or % U+207F SUBSCRIPT LATIN SMALL LETTER N
+ \unic@subscriptzero \or % U+2080 SUBSCRIPT ZERO
+ \unic@subscriptone \or % U+2081 SUBSCRIPT ONE
+ \unic@subscripttwo \or % U+2082 SUBSCRIPT TWO
+ \unic@subscriptthree \or % U+2083 SUBSCRIPT THREE
+ \unic@subscriptfour \or % U+2084 SUBSCRIPT FOUR
+ \unic@subscriptfive \or % U+2085 SUBSCRIPT FIVE
+ \unic@subscriptsix \or % U+2086 SUBSCRIPT SIX
+ \unic@subscriptseven \or % U+2087 SUBSCRIPT SEVEN
+ \unic@subscripteight \or % U+2088 SUBSCRIPT EIGHT
+ \unic@subscriptnine \or % U+2089 SUBSCRIPT NINE
+ \unic@subscriptplus \or % U+208A SUBSCRIPT PLUS SIGN
+ \unic@subscriptminus \or % U+208B SUBSCRIPT MINUS
+ \unic@subscriptequals \or % U+208C SUBSCRIPT EQUALS SIGN
+ \unic@subscriptleft \or % U+208D SUBSCRIPT LEFT PARENTHESIS
+ \unic@subscriptright \or % U+208E SUBSCRIPT RIGHT PARENTHESIS
+ \unknownchar \or %
+ \unic@subscripta \or % U+2090 LATIN SUBSCRIPT SMALL LETTER A
+ \unic@subscripte \or % U+2091 LATIN SUBSCRIPT SMALL LETTER E
+ \unic@subscripto \or % U+2092 LATIN SUBSCRIPT SMALL LETTER O
+ \unic@subscriptx \or % U+2093 LATIN SUBSCRIPT SMALL LETTER X
+ \unic@subscriptschwa \or % U+2094 LATIN SUBSCRIPT SMALL LETTER SCHWA
+ \unknownchar \or %
+ \unknownchar \or %
+ \unknownchar \or %
+ \unknownchar \or %
+ \unknownchar \or %
+ \unknownchar \or %
+ \unknownchar \or %
+ \unknownchar \or %
+ \unknownchar \or %
+ \unknownchar \or %
+ \unknownchar \or %
+ \unknownchar \or % U+20A0 EURO-CURRENCY SIGN
+ \unknownchar \or % U+20A1 COLON SIGN
+ \unknownchar \or % U+20A2 CRUZEIRO SIGN
+ \unknownchar \or % U+20A3 FRENCH FRANC SIGN
+ \unknownchar \or % U+20A4 LIRA SIGN
+ \unknownchar \or % U+20A5 MILL SIGN
+ \unknownchar \or % U+20A6 NAIRA SIGN
+ \unknownchar \or % U+20A7 PESETA SIGN
+ \unknownchar \or % U+20A8 RUPEE SIGN
+ \unknownchar \or % U+20A9 WON SIGN
+ \unknownchar \or % U+20AA NEW SHEQEL SIGN
+ \textdong \or % U+20AB DONG SIGN
+ \texteuro \or % U+20AC EURO SIGN
+ \unknownchar \or % U+20AD KIP SIGN
+ \unknownchar \or % U+20AE TUGRIK SIGN
+ \unknownchar \or % U+20AF DRACHMA SIGN
+ \unknownchar \or % U+20B0 GERMAN PENNY SIGN
+ \unknownchar \or % U+20B1 PESO SIGN
+ \unknownchar \or % U+20B2 GUARANI SIGN
+ \unknownchar \or % U+20B3 AUSTRAL SIGN
+ \unknownchar \or % U+20B4 HRYVNIA SIGN
+ \unknownchar \or % U+20B5 CEDI SIGN
+ \unknownchar \or %
+ \unknownchar \or %
+ \unknownchar \or %
+ \unknownchar \or %
+ \unknownchar \or %
+ \unknownchar \or %
+ \unknownchar \or %
+ \unknownchar \or %
+ \unknownchar \or %
+ \unknownchar \or %
+ \unknownchar \or %
+ \unknownchar \or %
+ \unknownchar \or %
+ \unknownchar \or %
+ \unknownchar \or %
+ \unknownchar \or %
+ \unknownchar \or %
+ \unknownchar \or %
+ \unknownchar \or %
+ \unknownchar \or %
+ \unknownchar \or %
+ \unknownchar \or %
+ \unknownchar \or %
+ \unknownchar \or %
+ \unknownchar \or %
+ \unknownchar \or %
+ \unknownchar \or % U+20D0 COMBINING LEFT HARPOON ABOVE
+ \unknownchar \or % U+20D1 COMBINING RIGHT HARPOON ABOVE
+ \unknownchar \or % U+20D6 COMBINING LEFT ARROW ABOVE
+ \unknownchar \or % U+20D7 COMBINING RIGHT ARROW ABOVE
+ \unknownchar \or % U+20D8 COMBINING RING OVERLAY
+ \unknownchar \or % U+20DB COMBINING THREE DOTS ABOVE
+ \unknownchar \or % U+20DC COMBINING FOUR DOTS ABOVE
+ \unknownchar \or % U+20DD COMBINING ENCLOSING CIRCLE
+ \unknownchar \or % U+20DE COMBINING ENCLOSING SQUARE
+ \unknownchar \or % U+20E1 COMBINING LEFT RIGHT ARROW ABOVE
+ \unknownchar \or % U+20E2 COMBINING ENCLOSING SCREEN
+ \unknownchar \or % U+20E3 COMBINING ENCLOSING KEYCAP
+ \unknownchar \or % U+20E7 COMBINING ANNUITY SYMBOL
+ \unknownchar \or % U+20E8 COMBINING TRIPLE UNDERDOT
+ \unknownchar \or % U+20E9 COMBINING WIDE BRIDGE ABOVE
+ \unknownchar \or %
+ \unknownchar \or %
+ \unknownchar \or %
+ \unknownchar \or %
+ \unknownchar \or %
+ \unknownchar \or %
+ \unknownchar \or %
+ \unknownchar \or %
+ \unknownchar \or %
+ \unknownchar \or %
+ \unknownchar \or %
+ \unknownchar \or %
+ \unknownchar \or %
+ \unknownchar \or %
+ \unknownchar \or %
+ \unknownchar \or %
+ \unknownchar \or %
+ \unknownchar \or %
+ \unknownchar \or %
+ \unknownchar \else %
+ \unknownchar \fi
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/unic-033.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/unic-033.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ad7a3b11f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/unic-033.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=unic-033,
+%D version=2006.03.29,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ \UNICODE\ Macros,
+%D subtitle=Vector 33,
+%D author={Nikolai Weibull \& Hans Hagen \& Taco Hoekwater},
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={Nikolai Weibull \& Hans Hagen}]
+\startunicodevector 33
+ \expandafter\strippedcsname
+ \ifcase\numexpr#1\relax
+ \unic@accountof \or % 2100 ACCOUNT OF
+ \unic@addressedtothesubject \or % 2101 ADDRESSED TO THE SUBJECT
+ \unic@doublestruckC \or % 2102 DOUBLE-STRUCK CAPITAL C
+ \unic@degreecelsius \or % 2103 DEGREE CELSIUS
+ \unic@centrelinesymbol \or % 2104 CENTRE LINE SYMBOL
+ \unic@careof \or % 2105 CARE OF
+ \unic@cadauna \or % 2106 CADA UNA
+ \unic@eulerconstant \or % 2107 EULER CONSTANT
+ \unic@scruple \or % 2108 SCRUPLE
+ \unic@degreefahrenheit \or % 2109 DEGREE FAHRENHEIT
+ \unic@scriptg \or % 210A SCRIPT SMALL G
+ \unic@scriptH \or % 210B SCRIPT CAPITAL H
+ \unic@blackletterH \or % 210C BLACK-LETTER CAPITAL H
+ \unic@doublestruckH \or % 210D DOUBLE-STRUCK CAPITAL H
+ \unic@planckconstant \or % 210E PLANCK CONSTANT
+ \unic@planckconstantovertwopi \or % 210F PLANCK CONSTANT OVER TWO PI
+ \unic@scriptI \or % 2110 SCRIPT CAPITAL I
+ \unic@blackletterI \or % 2111 BLACK-LETTER CAPITAL I
+ \unic@scriptL \or % 2112 SCRIPT CAPITAL L
+ \unic@scriptl \or % 2113 SCRIPT SMALL L
+ \unic@lbbarsymbol \or % 2114 L B BAR SYMBOL
+ \unic@doublestruckN \or % 2115 DOUBLE-STRUCK CAPITAL N
+ \unic@numerosign \or % 2116 NUMERO SIGN
+ \unic@soundrecordingcopyright \or % 2117 SOUND RECORDING COPYRIGHT
+ \unic@scriptP \or % 2118 SCRIPT CAPITAL P
+ \unic@doublestruckP \or % 2119 DOUBLE-STRUCK CAPITAL P
+ \unic@doublestruckQ \or % 211A DOUBLE-STRUCK CAPITAL Q
+ \unic@scriptR \or % 211B SCRIPT CAPITAL R
+ \unic@blackletterR \or % 211C BLACK-LETTER CAPITAL R
+ \unic@doublestruckR \or % 211D DOUBLE-STRUCK CAPITAL R
+ \unic@prescriptiontake \or % 211E PRESCRIPTION TAKE
+ \unic@response \or % 211F RESPONSE
+ \unic@servicemark \or % 2120 SERVICE MARK
+ \unic@telephonesign \or % 2121 TELEPHONE SIGN
+ \unic@trademarksign \or % 2122 TRADE MARK SIGN
+ \unic@versickle \or % 2123 VERSICLE
+ \unic@doublestruckZ \or % 2124 DOUBLE-STRUCK CAPITAL Z
+ \unic@ouncesign \or % 2125 OUNCE SIGN
+ \unic@ohmsign \or % 2126 OHM SIGN
+ \unic@invertedohmsign \or % 2127 INVERTED OHM SIGN
+ \unic@blackletterZ \or % 2128 BLACK-LETTER CAPITAL Z
+ \unic@turnedgreekletteriota \or % 2129 TURNED GREEK SMALL LETTER IOTA
+ \unic@kelvinsign \or % 212A KELVIN SIGN
+ \unic@angstromsign \or % 212B ANGSTROM SIGN
+ \unic@scriptB \or % 212C SCRIPT CAPITAL B
+ \unic@blackletterC \or % 212D BLACK-LETTER CAPITAL C
+ \unic@estimatedsymbol \or % 212E ESTIMATED SYMBOL
+ \unic@scripte \or % 212F SCRIPT SMALL E
+ \unic@scriptE \or % 2130 SCRIPT CAPITAL E
+ \unic@scriptF \or % 2131 SCRIPT CAPITAL F
+ \unic@turnedF \or % 2132 TURNED CAPITAL F
+ \unic@scriptM \or % 2133 SCRIPT CAPITAL M
+ \unic@scripto \or % 2134 SCRIPT SMALL O
+ \aleph \or % 2135 ALEF SYMBOL
+ \beth \or % 2136 BET SYMBOL
+ \gimel \or % 2137 GIMEL SYMBOL
+ \daleth \or % 2138 DALET SYMBOL
+ \unic@informationsource \or % 2139 INFORMATION SOURCE
+ \unic@rotatedQ \or % 213A ROTATED CAPITAL Q
+ \unic@facsimilesign \or % 213B FACSIMILE SIGN
+ \unic@doublestruckpi \or % 213C DOUBLE-STRUCK SMALL PI
+ \unic@doublestruckgamma \or % 213D DOUBLE-STRUCK SMALL GAMMA
+ \unic@doublestruckGamma \or % 213E DOUBLE-STRUCK CAPITAL GAMMA
+ \unic@doublestruckPi \or % 213F DOUBLE-STRUCK CAPITAL PI
+ \unic@doublestrucknarysummation \or % 2140 DOUBLE-STRUCK N-ARY SUMMATION
+ \unic@turnedsansserifG \or % 2141 TURNED SANS-SERIF CAPITAL G
+ \unic@turnedsansserifL \or % 2142 TURNED SANS-SERIF CAPITAL L
+ \unic@reversedsansserifL \or % 2143 REVERSED SANS-SERIF CAPITAL L
+ \unic@turnedsansserifY \or % 2144 TURNED SANS-SERIF CAPITAL Y
+ \unic@doublestruckitalicD \or % 2145 DOUBLE-STRUCK ITALIC CAPITAL D
+ \unic@doublestruckitalicd \or % 2146 DOUBLE-STRUCK ITALIC SMALL D
+ \unic@doublestruckitalice \or % 2147 DOUBLE-STRUCK ITALIC SMALL E
+ \unic@doublestruckitalici \or % 2148 DOUBLE-STRUCK ITALIC SMALL I
+ \unic@doublestruckitalicj \or % 2149 DOUBLE-STRUCK ITALIC SMALL J
+ \unic@propertyline \or % 214A PROPERTY LINE
+ \unic@turnedampersand \or % 214B TURNED AMPERSAND
+ \unic@persign \or % 214C PER SIGN
+ \unknownchar \or % 214D
+ \unknownchar \or % 214E
+ \unknownchar \or % 214F
+ \unknownchar \or % 2150
+ \unknownchar \or % 2151
+ \unknownchar \or % 2152
+ \unic@fractiononethird \or % 2153 VULGAR FRACTION ONE THIRD
+ \unic@fractiontwothirds \or % 2154 VULGAR FRACTION TWO THIRDS
+ \unic@fractiononefifth \or % 2155 VULGAR FRACTION ONE FIFTH
+ \unic@fractiontwofifths \or % 2156 VULGAR FRACTION TWO FIFTHS
+ \unic@fractionthreefifths \or % 2157 VULGAR FRACTION THREE FIFTHS
+ \unic@fractionfourfifths \or % 2158 VULGAR FRACTION FOUR FIFTHS
+ \unic@fractiononesixth \or % 2159 VULGAR FRACTION ONE SIXTH
+ \unic@fractionfivesixths \or % 215A VULGAR FRACTION FIVE SIXTHS
+ \unic@fractiononeeighth \or % 215B VULGAR FRACTION ONE EIGHTH
+ \unic@fractionthreeeighths \or % 215C VULGAR FRACTION THREE EIGHTHS
+ \unic@fractionfiveeighths \or % 215D VULGAR FRACTION FIVE EIGHTHS
+ \unic@fractionseveneighths \or % 215E VULGAR FRACTION SEVEN EIGHTHS
+ \unic@fractionnumeratorone \or % 215F FRACTION NUMERATOR ONE
+ \unic@romannumeralOne \or % 2160 ROMAN NUMERAL ONE
+ \unic@romannumeralTwo \or % 2161 ROMAN NUMERAL TWO
+ \unic@romannumeralThree \or % 2162 ROMAN NUMERAL THREE
+ \unic@romannumeralFour \or % 2163 ROMAN NUMERAL FOUR
+ \unic@romannumeralFive \or % 2164 ROMAN NUMERAL FIVE
+ \unic@romannumeralSix \or % 2165 ROMAN NUMERAL SIX
+ \unic@romannumeralSeven \or % 2166 ROMAN NUMERAL SEVEN
+ \unic@romannumeralEight \or % 2167 ROMAN NUMERAL EIGHT
+ \unic@romannumeralNine \or % 2168 ROMAN NUMERAL NINE
+ \unic@romannumeralTen \or % 2169 ROMAN NUMERAL TEN
+ \unic@romannumeralEleven \or % 216A ROMAN NUMERAL ELEVEN
+ \unic@romannumeralTwelve \or % 216B ROMAN NUMERAL TWELVE
+ \unic@romannumeralFifty \or % 216C ROMAN NUMERAL FIFTY
+ \unic@romannumeralOnehundred \or % 216D ROMAN NUMERAL ONE HUNDRED
+ \unic@romannumeralFivehundred \or % 216E ROMAN NUMERAL FIVE HUNDRED
+ \unic@romannumeralOnethousand \or % 216F ROMAN NUMERAL ONE THOUSAND
+ \unic@romannumeralone \or % 2170 SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL ONE
+ \unic@romannumeraltwo \or % 2171 SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL TWO
+ \unic@romannumeralthree \or % 2172 SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL THREE
+ \unic@romannumeralfour \or % 2173 SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL FOUR
+ \unic@romannumeralfive \or % 2174 SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL FIVE
+ \unic@romannumeralsix \or % 2175 SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL SIX
+ \unic@romannumeralseven \or % 2176 SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL SEVEN
+ \unic@romannumeraleight \or % 2177 SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL EIGHT
+ \unic@romannumeralnine \or % 2178 SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL NINE
+ \unic@romannumeralten \or % 2179 SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL TEN
+ \unic@romannumeraleleven \or % 217A SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL ELEVEN
+ \unic@romannumeraltwelve \or % 217B SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL TWELVE
+ \unic@romannumeralfifty \or % 217C SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL FIFTY
+ \unic@romannumeralonehundred \or % 217D SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL ONE HUNDRED
+ \unic@romannumeralfivehundred \or % 217E SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL FIVE HUNDRED
+ \unic@romannumeralonethousand \or % 217F SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL ONE THOUSAND
+ \unic@romannumeralonethousandCD \or % 2180 ROMAN NUMERAL ONE THOUSAND C D
+ \unic@romannumeralfivethousand \or % 2181 ROMAN NUMERAL FIVE THOUSAND
+ \unic@romannumeraltenthousand \or % 2182 ROMAN NUMERAL TEN THOUSAND
+ \unic@romannumeralreversedonehundred\or % 2183 ROMAN NUMERAL REVERSED ONE HUNDRED
+ \unknownchar \or % 2184
+ \unknownchar \or % 2185
+ \unknownchar \or % 2186
+ \unknownchar \or % 2187
+ \unknownchar \or % 2188
+ \unknownchar \or % 2189
+ \unknownchar \or % 218A
+ \unknownchar \or % 218B
+ \unknownchar \or % 218C
+ \unknownchar \or % 218D
+ \unknownchar \or % 218E
+ \unknownchar \or % 218F
+ \leftarrow \or % LEFTWARDS ARROW
+ \uparrow \or % UPWARDS ARROW
+ \rightarrow \or % RIGHTWARDS ARROW
+ \downarrow \or % DOWNWARDS ARROW
+ \leftrightarrow \or % LEFT RIGHT ARROW
+ \updownarrow \or % UP DOWN ARROW
+ \nwarrow \or % NORTH WEST ARROW
+ \nearrow \or % NORTH EAST ARROW
+ \searrow \or % SOUTH EAST ARROW
+ \swarrow \or % SOUTH WEST ARROW
+ \unknownchar \or % LEFTWARDS WAVE ARROW
+ \unknownchar \or % RIGHTWARDS WAVE ARROW
+ \twoheadedleftarrow \or % LEFTWARDS TWO HEADED ARROW
+ \unknownchar \or % UPWARDS TWO HEADED ARROW
+ \twoheadedrightarrow \or % RIGHTWARDS TWO HEADED ARROW
+ \unknownchar \or % DOWNWARDS TWO HEADED ARROW
+ \leftarrowtail \or % LEFTWARDS ARROW WITH TAIL
+ \rightarrowtail \or % RIGHTWARDS ARROW WITH TAIL
+ \mapsfrom \or % LEFTWARDS ARROW FROM BAR
+ \unknownchar \or % UPWARDS ARROW FROM BAR
+ \unknownchar \or % DOWNWARDS ARROW FROM BAR
+ \unknownchar \or % UP DOWN ARROW WITH BASE
+ \hookleftarrow \or % LEFTWARDS ARROW WITH HOOK
+ \hookrightarrow \or % RIGHTWARDS ARROW WITH HOOK
+ \loopleftarrow \or % LEFTWARDS ARROW WITH LOOP
+ \looprightarrow \or % RIGHTWARDS ARROW WITH LOOP
+ \unknownchar \or % LEFT RIGHT WAVE ARROW
+ \nleftrightarrow \or % LEFT RIGHT ARROW WITH STROKE
+ \lightning \or % DOWNWARDS ZIGZAG ARROW
+ \curverightarrow \or % CLOCKWISE TOP SEMICIRCLE ARROW
+ \unknownchar \or % NORTH WEST ARROW TO LONG BAR
+ \circlearrowleft \or % ANTICLOCKWISE OPEN CIRCLE ARROW
+ \circlearrowright \or % CLOCKWISE OPEN CIRCLE ARROW
+ \leftleftarrows \or % LEFTWARDS PAIRED ARROWS
+ \upuparrows \or % UPWARDS PAIRED ARROWS
+ \rightrightarrows \or % RIGHTWARDS PAIRED ARROWS
+ \downdownarrows \or % DOWNWARDS PAIRED ARROWS
+ \Leftrightarrow \or % LEFT RIGHT DOUBLE ARROW
+ \Updownarrow \or % UP DOWN DOUBLE ARROW
+ \unknownchar \or % NORTH WEST DOUBLE ARROW
+ \unknownchar \or % NORTH EAST DOUBLE ARROW
+ \unknownchar \or % SOUTH EAST DOUBLE ARROW
+ \unknownchar \or % SOUTH WEST DOUBLE ARROW
+ \Lleftarrow \or % LEFTWARDS TRIPLE ARROW
+ \unknownchar \or % RIGHTWARDS TRIPLE ARROW
+ \leftsquidarrow \or % LEFTWARDS SQUIGGLE ARROW
+ \rightsquidarrow \or % RIGHTWARDS SQUIGGLE ARROW
+ \dashleftarrow \or % LEFTWARDS DASHED ARROW
+ \unknownchar \or % UPWARDS DASHED ARROW
+ \dashrightarrow \or % RIGHTWARDS DASHED ARROW
+ \unknownchar \or % DOWNWARDS DASHED ARROW
+ \unic@leftarrowtobar \or % LEFTWARDS ARROW TO BAR
+ \unknownchar \or % RIGHTWARDS ARROW TO BAR
+ \unknownchar \or % LEFTWARDS WHITE ARROW
+ \unknownchar \or % UPWARDS WHITE ARROW
+ \unknownchar \or % RIGHTWARDS WHITE ARROW
+ \unknownchar \or % DOWNWARDS WHITE ARROW
+ \unknownchar \or % UPWARDS WHITE ARROW FROM BAR
+ \unknownchar \or % UPWARDS WHITE DOUBLE ARROW
+ \unknownchar \or % NORTH WEST ARROW TO CORNER
+ \unknownchar \or % SOUTH EAST ARROW TO CORNER
+ \unknownchar \or % UP DOWN WHITE ARROW
+ \unknownchar \or % RIGHT ARROW WITH SMALL CIRCLE
+ \unknownchar \or % THREE RIGHTWARDS ARROWS
+ \leftarrowtriangle \or % LEFTWARDS OPEN-HEADED ARROW
+ \rightarrowtriangle \or % RIGHTWARDS OPEN-HEADED ARROW
+ \leftrightarrowtriangle \else % LEFT RIGHT OPEN-HEADED ARROW
+ \unknowncharacter
+ \fi
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/unic-034.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/unic-034.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f998c5170
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/unic-034.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=unic-034,
+%D version=2005.06.11,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ \UNICODE\ Macros,
+%D subtitle=Vector 34,
+%D author=Nikolai Weibull,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={Nikolai Weibull \& Hans Hagen}]
+\startunicodevector 34
+ \expandafter\strippedcsname
+ \ifcase\numexpr#1\relax
+ \forall \or % FOR ALL
+ \complement \or % COMPLEMENT
+ \exists \or % THERE EXISTS
+ \nexists \or % THERE DOES NOT EXIST
+ \emptyset \or % EMPTY SET
+ \vartriangle \or % INCREMENT
+ \nabla \or % NABLA
+ \unic@in \or % ELEMENT OF
+ \unic@nin \or % NOT AN ELEMENT OF
+ \unknownchar \or % SMALL ELEMENT OF
+ \unic@nni \or % DOES NOT CONTAIN AS MEMBER
+ \unknownchar \or % SMALL CONTAINS AS MEMBER
+ \prod \or % N-ARY PRODUCT
+ \coprod \or % N-ARY COPRODUCT
+ \sum \or % N-ARY SUMMATION
+ \unic@minus \or % MINUS SIGN
+ \mp \or % MINUS-OR-PLUS SIGN
+ \dotplus \or % DOT PLUS
+ \unic@divisionslash \or % DIVISION SLASH
+ \setminus \or % SET MINUS
+ \circ \or % RING OPERATOR
+ \bullet \or % BULLET OPERATOR
+ \unic@sqrt \or % SQUARE ROOT
+ \unic@cubesqrt \or % CUBE ROOT
+ \unic@fourthsqrt \or % FOURTH ROOT
+ \propto \or % PROPORTIONAL TO
+ \infty \or % INFINITY
+ \unknownchar \or % RIGHT ANGLE
+ \angle \or % ANGLE
+ \measuredangle \or % MEASURED ANGLE
+ \sphericalangle \or % SPHERICAL ANGLE
+ \unic@divides \or % DIVIDES
+ \unic@ndivides \or % DOES NOT DIVIDE
+ \parallel \or % PARALLEL TO
+ \nparallel \or % NOT PARALLEL TO
+ \land \or % LOGICAL AND
+ \lor \or % LOGICAL OR
+ \unic@cap \or % INTERSECTION
+ \cup \or % UNION
+ \int \or % INTEGRAL
+ \unic@dblint \or % DOUBLE INTEGRAL
+ \unic@triint \or % TRIPLE INTEGRAL
+ \oint \or % CONTOUR INTEGRAL
+ \unknownchar \or % SURFACE INTEGRAL
+ \unknownchar \or % VOLUME INTEGRAL
+ \unknownchar \or % CLOCKWISE INTEGRAL
+ \therefore \or % THEREFORE
+ \because \or % BECAUSE
+ \unic@ratio \or % RATIO
+ \unic@proportion \or % PROPORTION
+ \unknownchar \or % DOT MINUS
+ \unic@excess \or % EXCESS
+ \unic@geompropr \or % GEOMETRIC PROPORTION
+ \unic@homothetic \or % HOMOTHETIC
+ \sim \or % TILDE OPERATOR
+ \backsim \or % REVERSED TILDE
+ \unknownchar \or % INVERTED LAZY S
+ \unknownchar \or % SINE WAVE
+ \wr \or % WREATH PRODUCT
+ \nsim \or % NOT TILDE
+ \eqsim \or % MINUS TILDE
+ \approxeq \or % APPROXIMATELY EQUAL TO
+ \approx \or % ALMOST EQUAL TO
+ \unic@napprox \or % NOT ALMOST EQUAL TO
+ \approxeq \or % ALMOST EQUAL OR EQUAL TO
+ \unknownchar \or % TRIPLE TILDE
+ \unknownchar \or % ALL EQUAL TO
+ \asymp \or % EQUIVALENT TO
+ \bumpeq \or % DIFFERENCE BETWEEN
+ \unic@doteq \or % APPROACHES THE LIMIT
+ \doteqdot \or % GEOMETRICALLY EQUAL TO
+ \unknownchar \or % COLON EQUALS
+ \unknownchar \or % EQUALS COLON
+ \eqcirc \or % RING IN EQUAL TO
+ \circeq \or % RING EQUAL TO
+ \unic@correspondsto \or % CORRESPONDS TO
+ \unic@estimates \or % ESTIMATES
+ \unic@equiangularto \or % EQUIANGULAR TO
+ \unic@stareq \or % STAR EQUALS
+ \unic@triangleq \or % DELTA EQUAL TO
+ \unic@eqbydef \or % EQUAL TO BY DEFINITION
+ \unic@measuredby \or % MEASURED BY
+ \unic@questionedeq \or % QUESTIONED EQUAL TO
+ \neq \or % NOT EQUAL TO
+ \equiv \or % IDENTICAL TO
+ \unic@nequiv \or % NOT IDENTICAL TO
+ \unknownchar \or % STRICTLY EQUIVALENT TO
+ \leq \or % LESS-THAN OR EQUAL TO
+ \ll \or % MUCH LESS-THAN
+ \between \or % BETWEEN
+ \nasymp \or % NOT EQUIVALENT TO
+ \nless \or % NOT LESS-THAN
+ \ngtr \or % NOT GREATER-THAN
+ \lessgtr \or % LESS-THAN OR GREATER-THAN
+ \gtrless \or % GREATER-THAN OR LESS-THAN
+ \prec \or % PRECEDES
+ \succ \or % SUCCEEDS
+ \preceq \or % PRECEDES OR EQUAL TO
+ \succeq \or % SUCCEEDS OR EQUAL TO
+ \nprec \or % DOES NOT PRECEDE
+ \nsucc \or % DOES NOT SUCCEED
+ \subset \or % SUBSET OF
+ \supset \or % SUPERSET OF
+ \unic@nsubset \or % NOT A SUBSET OF
+ \unic@nsupset \or % NOT A SUPERSET OF
+ \subseteq \or % SUBSET OF OR EQUAL TO
+ \supseteq \or % SUPERSET OF OR EQUAL TO
+ \subsetneq \or % SUBSET OF WITH NOT EQUAL TO
+ \supsetneq \or % SUPERSET OF WITH NOT EQUAL TO
+ \unknownchar \or % MULTISET
+ \unknownchar \or % MULTISET MULTIPLICATION
+ \biguplus \or % MULTISET UNION
+ \sqsubset \or % SQUARE IMAGE OF
+ \sqsupset \or % SQUARE ORIGINAL OF
+ \sqsubseteq \or % SQUARE IMAGE OF OR EQUAL TO
+ \sqsupseteq \or % SQUARE ORIGINAL OF OR EQUAL TO
+ \sqcap \or % SQUARE CAP
+ \sqcup \or % SQUARE CUP
+ \oplus \or % CIRCLED PLUS
+ \ominus \or % CIRCLED MINUS
+ \otimes \or % CIRCLED TIMES
+ \circledcirc \or % CIRCLED RING OPERATOR
+ \unknownchar \or % CIRCLED EQUALS
+ \circleddash \or % CIRCLED DASH
+ \boxplus \or % SQUARED PLUS
+ \boxminus \or % SQUARED MINUS
+ \boxtimes \or % SQUARED TIMES
+ \boxdot \or % SQUARED DOT OPERATOR
+ \vdash \or % RIGHT TACK
+ \dashv \or % LEFT TACK
+ \top \or % DOWN TACK
+ \bot \or % UP TACK
+ \unknownchar \or % ASSERTION
+ \models \or % MODELS
+ \vDash \or % TRUE
+ \unknownchar \or % FORCES
+ \nvdash \or % DOES NOT PROVE
+ \nvDash \or % NOT TRUE
+ \unknownchar \or % DOES NOT FORCE
+ \unknownchar \or % PRECEDES UNDER RELATION
+ \unknownchar \or % SUCCEEDS UNDER RELATION
+ \unknownchar \or % ORIGINAL OF
+ \unknownchar \or % IMAGE OF
+ \unknownchar \or % MULTIMAP
+ \unknownchar \or % INTERCALATE
+ \veebar \or % XOR
+ \barwedge \or % NAND
+ \unknownchar \or % NOR
+ \unknownchar \or % RIGHT ANGLE WITH ARC
+ \unknownchar \or % RIGHT TRIANGLE
+ \bigwedge \or % N-ARY LOGICAL AND
+ \bigvee \or % N-ARY LOGICAL OR
+ \bigcap \or % N-ARY INTERSECTION
+ \bigcup \or % N-ARY UNION
+ \diamond \or % DIAMOND OPERATOR
+ \cdot \or % DOT OPERATOR
+ \star \or % STAR OPERATOR
+ \divideontimes \or % DIVISION TIMES
+ \bowtie \or % BOWTIE
+ \leftthreetimes \or % LEFT SEMIDIRECT PRODUCT
+ \rightthreetimes \or % RIGHT SEMIDIRECT PRODUCT
+ \backsimeq \or % REVERSED TILDE EQUALS
+ \unknownchar \or % CURLY LOGICAL OR
+ \unknownchar \or % CURLY LOGICAL AND
+ \Subset \or % DOUBLE SUBSET
+ \Supset \or % DOUBLE SUPERSET
+ \Cup \or % DOUBLE UNION
+ \pitchfork \or % PITCHFORK
+ \unknownchar \or % EQUAL AND PARALLEL TO
+ \unknownchar \or % LESS-THAN WITH DOT
+ \unknownchar \or % GREATER-THAN WITH DOT
+ \lll \or % VERY MUCH LESS-THAN
+ \unknownchar \or % EQUAL TO OR LESS-THAN
+ \unknownchar \or % EQUAL TO OR GREATER-THAN
+ \curlyeqprec \or % EQUAL TO OR PRECEDES
+ \curlyeqsucc \or % EQUAL TO OR SUCCEEDS
+ \npreceq \or % DOES NOT PRECEDE OR EQUAL
+ \nsucceq \or % DOES NOT SUCCEED OR EQUAL
+ \unic@nsqsubseteq \or % NOT SQUARE IMAGE OF OR EQUAL TO
+ \unic@nsqsupseteq \or % NOT SQUARE ORIGINAL OF OR EQUAL TO
+ \unknownchar \or % SQUARE IMAGE OF OR NOT EQUAL TO
+ \ntriangleleft \or % NOT NORMAL SUBGROUP OF
+ \ntrianglelefteq \or % NOT NORMAL SUBGROUP OF OR EQUAL TO
+ \vdots \or % VERTICAL ELLIPSIS
+ \unknownchar \or % UP RIGHT DIAGONAL ELLIPSIS
+ \unknownchar \or % ELEMENT OF WITH DOT ABOVE
+ \unknownchar \or % ELEMENT OF WITH OVERBAR
+ \unknownchar \or % SMALL ELEMENT OF WITH OVERBAR
+ \unknownchar \or % ELEMENT OF WITH UNDERBAR
+ \unknownchar \or % CONTAINS WITH OVERBAR
+ \unknownchar \else % SMALL CONTAINS WITH OVERBAR
+ \fi
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/unic-035.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/unic-035.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0c9490174
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/unic-035.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=unic-035,
+%D version=2009.05.25,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ \UNICODE\ Macros,
+%D subtitle=Vector 35,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+\startunicodevector 35
+ \expandafter\strippedcsname
+ \ifcase\numexpr#1\relax
+ \varnothing \or % DIAMETER SIGN
+ \unknownchar \or % ELECTRIC ARROW
+ \unknownchar \or % HOUSE
+ \unknownchar \or % UP ARROWHEAD
+ \unknownchar \or % DOWN ARROWHEAD
+ \unknownchar \or % PROJECTIVE
+ \unknownchar \or % PERSPECTIVE
+ \unknownchar \or % WAVY LINE
+ \lceil \or % LEFT CEILING
+ \rceil \or % RIGHT CEILING
+ \lfloor \or % LEFT FLOOR
+ \rfloor \or % RIGHT FLOOR
+ \unknownchar \else
+ \unknownchar %
+ \fi
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/unic-037.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/unic-037.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..646a4afb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/unic-037.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,278 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=unic-037,
+%D version=2006.02.13,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ \UNICODE\ Macros,
+%D subtitle=Vector 37,
+%D author=Luigi Scarso,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\startunicodevector 37
+ \expandafter\strippedcsname
+ \ifcase\numexpr #1+1\relax\or %%
+ \UnicodeLightHorizontal\or
+ \UnicodeHeavyHorizontal\or
+ \UnicodeLightVertical\or
+ \UnicodeHeavyVertical\or
+ \UnicodeLightTripleDashHorizontal\or
+ \UnicodeHeavyTripleDashHorizontal\or
+ \UnicodeLightTripleDashVertical\or
+ \UnicodeHeavyTripleDashVertical\or
+ \UnicodeLightQuadrupleDashHorizontal\or
+ \UnicodeHeavyQuadrupleDashHorizontal\or
+ \UnicodeLightQuadrupleDashVertical\or
+ \UnicodeHeavyQuadrupleDashVertical\or
+ \UnicodeLightDownAndRight\or
+ \UnicodeDownLightAndRightHeavy\or
+ \UnicodeDownHeavyAndRightLight\or
+ \UnicodeHeavyDownAndRight\or
+ \UnicodeLightDownAndLeft\or
+ \UnicodeDownLightAndLeftHeavy\or
+ \UnicodeDownHeavyAndLeftLight\or
+ \UnicodeHeavyDownAndLeft\or
+ \UnicodeLightUpAndRight\or
+ \UnicodeUpLightAndRightHeavy\or
+ \UnicodeUpHeavyAndRightLight\or
+ \UnicodeHeavyUpAndRight\or
+ \UnicodeLightUpAndLeft\or
+ \UnicodeUpLightAndLeftHeavy\or
+ \UnicodeUpHeavyAndLeftLight\or
+ \UnicodeHeavyUpAndLeft\or
+ \UnicodeLightVerticalAndRight\or
+ \UnicodeVerticalLightAndRightHeavy\or
+ \UnicodeUpHeavyAndRightDownLight\or
+ \UnicodeDownHeavyAndRightUpLight\or
+ \UnicodeVerticalHeavyAndRightLight\or
+ \UnicodeDownLightAndRightUpHeavy\or
+ \UnicodeUpLightAndRightDownHeavy\or
+ \UnicodeHeavyVerticalAndRight\or
+ \UnicodeLightVerticalAndLeft\or
+ \UnicodeVerticalLightAndLeftHeavy\or
+ \UnicodeUpHeavyAndLeftDownLight\or
+ \UnicodeDownHeavyAndLeftUpLight\or
+ \UnicodeVerticalHeavyAndLeftLight\or
+ \UnicodeDownLightAndLeftUpHeavy\or
+ \UnicodeUpLightAndLeftDownHeavy\or
+ \UnicodeHeavyVerticalAndLeft\or
+ \UnicodeLightDownAndHorizontal\or
+ \UnicodeLeftHeavyAndRightDownLight\or
+ \UnicodeRightHeavyAndLeftDownLight\or
+ \UnicodeDownLightAndHorizontalHeavy\or
+ \UnicodeDownHeavyAndHorizontalLight\or
+ \UnicodeRightLightAndLeftDownHeavy\or
+ \UnicodeLeftLightAndRightDownHeavy\or
+ \UnicodeHeavyDownAndHorizontal\or
+ \UnicodeLightUpAndHorizontal\or
+ \UnicodeLeftHeavyAndRightUpLight\or
+ \UnicodeRightHeavyAndLeftUpLight\or
+ \UnicodeUpLightAndHorizontalHeavy\or
+ \UnicodeUpHeavyAndHorizontalLight\or
+ \UnicodeRightLightAndLeftUpHeavy\or
+ \UnicodeLeftLightAndRightUpHeavy\or
+ \UnicodeHeavyUpAndHorizontal\or
+ \UnicodeLightVerticalAndHorizontal\or
+ \UnicodeLeftHeavyAndRightVerticalLight\or
+ \UnicodeRightHeavyAndLeftVerticalLight\or
+ \UnicodeVerticalLightAndHorizontalHeavy\or
+ \UnicodeUpHeavyAndDownHorizontalLight\or
+ \UnicodeDownHeavyAndUpHorizontalLight\or
+ \UnicodeVerticalHeavyAndHorizontalLight\or
+ \UnicodeLeftUpHeavyAndRightDownLight\or
+ \UnicodeRightUpHeavyAndLeftDownLight\or
+ \UnicodeLeftDownHeavyAndRightUpLight\or
+ \UnicodeRightDownHeavyAndLeftUpLight\or
+ \UnicodeDownLightAndUpHorizontalHeavy\or
+ \UnicodeUpLightAndDownHorizontalHeavy\or
+ \UnicodeRightLightAndLeftVerticalHeavy\or
+ \UnicodeLeftLightAndRightVerticalHeavy\or
+ \UnicodeHeavyVerticalAndHorizontal\or
+ \UnicodeLightDoubleDashHorizontal\or
+ \UnicodeHeavyDoubleDashHorizontal\or
+ \UnicodeLightDoubleDashVertical\or
+ \UnicodeHeavyDoubleDashVertical\or
+ \UnicodeDoubleHorizontal\or
+ \UnicodeDoubleVertical\or
+ \UnicodeDownSingleAndRightDouble\or
+ \UnicodeDownDoubleAndRightSingle\or
+ \UnicodeDoubleDownAndRight\or
+ \UnicodeDownSingleAndLeftDouble\or
+ \UnicodeDownDoubleAndLeftSingle\or
+ \UnicodeDoubleDownAndLeft\or
+ \UnicodeUpSingleAndRightDouble\or
+ \UnicodeUpDoubleAndRightSingle\or
+ \UnicodeDoubleUpAndRight\or
+ \UnicodeUpSingleAndLeftDouble\or
+ \UnicodeUpDoubleAndLeftSingle\or
+ \UnicodeDoubleUpAndLeft\or
+ \UnicodeVerticalSingleAndRightDouble\or
+ \UnicodeVerticalDoubleAndRightSingle\or
+ \UnicodeDoubleVerticalAndRight\or
+ \UnicodeVerticalSingleAndLeftDouble\or
+ \UnicodeVerticalDoubleAndLeftSingle\or
+ \UnicodeDoubleVerticalAndLeft\or
+ \UnicodeDownSingleAndHorizontalDouble\or
+ \UnicodeDownDoubleAndHorizontalSingle\or
+ \UnicodeDoubleDownAndHorizontal\or
+ \UnicodeUpSingleAndHorizontalDouble\or
+ \UnicodeUpDoubleAndHorizontalSingle\or
+ \UnicodeDoubleUpAndHorizontal\or
+ \UnicodeVerticalSingleAndHorizontalDouble\or
+ \UnicodeVerticalDoubleAndHorizontalSingle\or
+ \UnicodeDoubleVerticalAndHorizontal\or
+ \UnicodeLightArcDownAndRight\or
+ \UnicodeLightArcDownAndLeft\or
+ \UnicodeLightArcUpAndLeft\or
+ \UnicodeLightArcUpAndRight\or
+ \UnicodeLightDiagonalUpperRightToLowerLeft\or
+ \UnicodeLightDiagonalUpperLeftToLowerRight\or
+ \UnicodeLightDiagonalCross\or
+ \UnicodeLightLeft\or
+ \UnicodeLightUp\or
+ \UnicodeLightRight\or
+ \UnicodeLightDown\or
+ \UnicodeHeavyLeft\or
+ \UnicodeHeavyUp\or
+ \UnicodeHeavyRight\or
+ \UnicodeHeavyDown\or
+ \UnicodeLightLeftAndHeavyRight\or
+ \UnicodeLightUpAndHeavyDown\or
+ \UnicodeHeavyLeftAndLightRight\or
+ \UnicodeHeavyUpAndLightDown\or
+ \UnicodeUpperHalfBlock\or
+ \UnicodeLowerOneEighthBlock\or
+ \UnicodeLowerOneQuarterBlock\or
+ \UnicodeLowerThreeEighthsBlock\or
+ \UnicodeLowerHalfBlock\or
+ \UnicodeLowerFiveEighthsBlock\or
+ \UnicodeLowerThreeQuartersBlock\or
+ \UnicodeLowerSevenEighthsBlock\or
+ \UnicodeFullBlock\or
+ \UnicodeLeftSevenEighthsBlock\or
+ \UnicodeLeftThreeQuartersBlock\or
+ \UnicodeLeftFiveEighthsBlock\or
+ \UnicodeLeftHalfBlock\or
+ \UnicodeLeftThreeEighthsBlock\or
+ \UnicodeLeftOneQuarterBlock\or
+ \UnicodeLeftOneEighthBlock\or
+ \UnicodeRightHalfBlock\or
+ \UnicodeLightShade\or
+ \UnicodeMediumShade\or
+ \UnicodeDarkShade\or
+ \UnicodeUpperOneEighthBlock\or
+ \UnicodeRightOneEighthBlock\or
+ \UnicodeQuadrantLowerLeft\or
+ \UnicodeQuadrantLowerRight\or
+ \UnicodeQuadrantUpperLeft\or
+ \UnicodeQuadrantUpperLeftAndLowerLeftAndLowerRight\or
+ \UnicodeQuadrantUpperLeftAndLowerRight\or
+ \UnicodeQuadrantUpperLeftAndUpperRightandLowerLeft\or
+ \UnicodeQuadrantUpperLeftAndUpperRightAndLowerRight\or
+ \UnicodeQuadrantUpperRight\or
+ \UnicodeQuadrantUpperRightAndLowerLeft\or
+ \UnicodeQuadrantUpperRightAndLowerLeftAndLowerRight\or
+ \UnicodeBlackSquare\or
+ \UnicodeWhiteSquare\or
+ \UnicodeWhiteSquareWithRoundedCorners\or
+ \UnicodeWhiteSquareContainingBlackSmallSquare\or
+ \UnicodeSquareWithHorizontalFill\or
+ \UnicodeSquareWithVerticalFill\or
+ \UnicodeSquareWithOrthogonalCrosshatchFill\or
+ \UnicodeSquareWithUpperLeftToLowerRightFill\or
+ \UnicodeSquareWithUpperRightToLowerLeftFill\or
+ \UnicodeSquareWithDiagonalCrosshatchFill\or
+ \UnicodeBlackSmallSquare\or
+ \UnicodeWhiteSmallSquare\or
+ \UnicodeBlackRectangle\or
+ \UnicodeWhiteRectangle\or
+ \UnicodeBlackVerticalRectangle\or
+ \UnicodeWhiteVerticalRectangle\or
+ \UnicodeBlackParallelogram\or
+ \UnicodeWhiteParallelogram\or
+ \UnicodeBlackUpPointingTriangle\or
+ \UnicodeWhiteUpPointingTriangle\or
+ \UnicodeBlackUpPointingSmallTriangle\or
+ \UnicodeWhiteUpPointingSmallTriangle\or
+ \UnicodeBlackRightPointingTriangle\or
+ \UnicodeWhiteRightPointingTriangle\or
+ \UnicodeBlackRightPointingSmallTriangle\or
+ \UnicodeWhiteRightPointingSmallTriangle\or
+ \UnicodeBlackRightPointingPointer\or
+ \UnicodeWhiteRightPointingPointer\or
+ \UnicodeBlackDownPointingTriangle\or
+ \UnicodeWhiteDownPointingTriangle\or
+ \UnicodeBlackDownPointingSmallTriangle\or
+ \UnicodeWhiteDownPointingSmallTriangle\or
+ \UnicodeBlackLeftPointingTriangle\or
+ \UnicodeWhiteLeftPointingTriangle\or
+ \UnicodeBlackLeftPointingSmallTriangle\or
+ \UnicodeWhiteLeftPointingSmallTriangle\or
+ \UnicodeBlackLeftPointingPointer\or
+ \UnicodeWhiteLeftPointingPointer\or
+ \UnicodeBlackDiamond\or
+ \UnicodeWhiteDiamond\or
+ \UnicodeWhiteDiamondContainingBlackSmallDiamond\or
+ \UnicodeFisheye\or
+ \UnicodeLozenge\or
+ \UnicodeWhiteCircle\or
+ \UnicodeDottedCircle\or
+ \UnicodeCircleWithVerticalFill\or
+ \UnicodeBullseye\or
+ \UnicodeBlackCircle\or
+ \UnicodeCircleWithLeftHalfBlack\or
+ \UnicodeCircleWithRightHalfBlack\or
+ \UnicodeCircleWithLowerHalfBlack\or
+ \UnicodeCircleWithUpperHalfBlack\or
+ \UnicodeCircleWithUpperRightQuadrantBlack\or
+ \UnicodeCircleWithAllButUpperLeftQuadrantBlack\or
+ \UnicodeLeftHalfBlackCircle\or
+ \UnicodeRightHalfBlackCircle\or
+ \UnicodeInverseBullet\or
+ \UnicodeInverseWhiteCircle\or
+ \UnicodeUpperHalfInverseWhiteCircle\or
+ \UnicodeLowerHalfInverseWhiteCircle\or
+ \UnicodeUpperLeftQuadrantCircularArc\or
+ \UnicodeUpperRightQuadrantCircularArc\or
+ \UnicodeLowerRightQuadrantCircularArc\or
+ \UnicodeLowerLeftQuadrantCircularArc\or
+ \UnicodeUpperHalfCircle\or
+ \UnicodeLowerHalfCircle\or
+ \UnicodeBlackLowerRightTriangle\or
+ \UnicodeBlackLowerLeftTriangle\or
+ \UnicodeBlackUpperLeftTriangle\or
+ \UnicodeBlackUpperRightTriangle\or
+ \UnicodeWhiteBullet\or
+ \UnicodeSquareWithLeftHalfBlack\or
+ \UnicodeSquareWithRightHalfBlack\or
+ \UnicodeSquareWithUpperLeftDiagonalHalfBlack\or
+ \UnicodeSquareWithLowerRightDiagonalHalfBlack\or
+ \UnicodeWhiteSquareWithVerticalBisectingLine\or
+ \UnicodeWhiteUpPointingTriangleWithDot\or
+ \UnicodeUpPointingTriangleWithLeftHalfBlack\or
+ \UnicodeUpPointingTriangleWithRightHalfBlack\or
+ \UnicodeLargeCircle\or
+ \UnicodeWhiteSquareWithUpperLeftQuadrant\or
+ \UnicodeWhiteSquareWithLowerLeftQuadrant\or
+ \UnicodeWhiteSquareWithLowerRightQuadrant\or
+ \UnicodeWhiteSquareWithUpperRightQuadrant\or
+ \UnicodeWhiteCircleWithUpperLeftQuadrant\or
+ \UnicodeWhiteCircleWithLowerLeftQuadrant\or
+ \UnicodeWhiteCircleWithLowerRightQuadrant\or
+ \UnicodeWhiteCircleWithUpperRightQuadrant\or
+ \UnicodeUpperLeftTriangle\or
+ \UnicodeUpperRightTriangle\or
+ \UnicodeLowerLeftTriangle\or
+ \UnicodeWhiteMediumSquare\or
+ \UnicodeBlackMediumSquare\or
+ \UnicodeWhiteMediumSmallSquare\or
+ \UnicodeBlackMediumSmallSquare\or
+ \UnicodeLowerRightTriangle\else%
+ \unknownchar\fi
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/unic-039.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/unic-039.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..02d5d3af2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/unic-039.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=unic-039,
+%D version=2005.06.16,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ \UNICODE\ Macros,
+%D subtitle=Vector 39,
+%D author=Nikolai Weibull,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={Nikolai Weibull \& Hans Hagen}]
+\startunicodevector 39
+ \expandafter\strippedcsname
+ \ifcase\numexpr#1-192\relax
+ \unknownchar \or % THREE DIMENSIONAL ANGLE
+ \perp \or % PERPENDICULAR
+ \unknownchar \or % OPEN SUBSET
+ \unknownchar \or % OPEN SUPERSET
+ \unknownchar \or % <reserved>
+ \unknownchar \or % <reserved>
+ \unknownchar \or % <reserved>
+ \unknownchar \or % <reserved>
+ \unknownchar \or % <reserved>
+ \unknownchar \or % <reserved>
+ \unknownchar \or % <reserved>
+ \unknownchar \or % <reserved>
+ \unknownchar \or % <reserved>
+ \unknownchar \or % AND WITH DOT
+ \unknownchar \or % ELEMENT OF OPENING UPWARDS
+ \unknownchar \or % LOWER RIGHT CORNER WITH DOT
+ \unknownchar \or % UPPER LEFT CORNER WITH DOT
+ \unknownchar \or % LEFT OUTER JOIN
+ \unknownchar \or % RIGHT OUTER JOIN
+ \unknownchar \or % FULL OUTER JOIN
+ \unknownchar \or % LARGE UP TACK
+ \unknownchar \or % LARGE DOWN TACK
+ \unknownchar \or % LEFT AND RIGHT TACK
+ \unknownchar \or % LEFT MULTIMAP
+ \unknownchar \or % LONG RIGHT TACK
+ \unknownchar \or % LONG LEFT TACK
+ \unknownchar \or % UP TACK WITH CIRCLE ABOVE
+ \unknownchar \or % WHITE CONCAVE-SIDED DIAMOND
+ \unknownchar \or % <reserved>
+ \unknownchar \or % <reserved>
+ \unknownchar \or % <reserved>
+ \unknownchar \or % <reserved>
+ \unknownchar \else % <reserved>
+ \unknownchar
+ \fi
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/unic-251.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/unic-251.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..909cf5e94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/unic-251.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=unic-251,
+%D version=2006.04.20,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ \UNICODE\ Macros,
+%D subtitle=Vector 251,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+\def\ffligature {ff}
+\def\filigature {fi}
+\def\flligature {fl}
+\def\ffiligature {ffi}
+\def\fflligature {ffl}
+\def\ftligature {ft}
+\def\stligature {st}
+\startunicodevector 251
+ \expandafter\strippedcsname
+ \ifcase\numexpr#1\relax
+ \ffligature \or % LATIN SMALL LIGATURE FF
+ \filigature \or % LATIN SMALL LIGATURE FI
+ \flligature \or % LATIN SMALL LIGATURE FL
+ \ffiligature \or % LATIN SMALL LIGATURE FFI
+ \fflligature \or % LATIN SMALL LIGATURE FFL
+ \ftligature \or % LATIN SMALL LIGATURE FT
+ \stligature \else % LATIN SMALL LIGATURE ST
+ \unknownchar
+ \fi
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/unic-cjk.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/unic-cjk.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dc06e912c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/unic-cjk.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=unic-cjk,
+%D version=2005.12.14,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ \UNICODE\ Macros,
+%D subtitle=CJK Vectors,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\dostepwiserecurse {40}{159}{1}{\expanded{\defineunicodecommand{\recurselevel}} {\lookaheaduchar}}
+\dostepwiserecurse{172}{215}{1}{\expanded{\defineunicodecommand{\recurselevel}} {\lookaheaduchar}}
+\dostepwiserecurse{249}{250}{1}{\expanded{\defineunicodecommand{\recurselevel}} {\lookaheaduchar}}
+% special chars
+\dostepwiserecurse{255}{255}{1}{\expanded{\defineunicodecommand{\recurselevel}} {\lookaheaduchar}}
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/unic-exp.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/unic-exp.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4bdda3f6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/unic-exp.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=unic-exp,
+%D version=2002.12.05,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ \UNICODE\ Support,
+%D subtitle=Expansion,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Unicode Support / Expansion)}
+%D \macros
+%D {expandunivector}
+%D The \type {\expandunivector} macro can be used to expand
+%D vectors, which leads to a faster run in case of documents
+%D with lots of \UTF-8 code.
+ {\processcommalist[#1]\doexpandunivector}
+ {\ifcsname\@@univector#1\endcsname
+ \ifcsname\@@univector\@@univector#1\endcsname\else
+ \writestatus{unicode}{expanding vector #1}%
+ \setvalue{\@@univector\@@univector#1}{\expandedunivector{#1}}%
+ \dorecurse{255}
+ {\@EA\ifx\csname\csname\@@univector#1\endcsname\recurselevel\endcsname\unknownchar
+ % skip
+ \else
+ \@EA\let\csname\@@univector\@@univector#1:\recurselevel\@EA\endcsname
+ \csname\csname\@@univector#1\endcsname\recurselevel\endcsname
+ \fi}%
+ \letbeundefined{\@@univector#1}%
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+ {\ifcsname\@@univector\@@univector#1:\number#2\endcsname
+ \@@univector\@@univector#1:\number#2%
+ \else
+ \@@unknownchar
+ \fi}
+%D For this purpose, we need to redefine the resolver.
+ {\csname \@@univector
+ \ifcsname\@@univector\@@univector#1\endcsname \@@univector#1\else
+ \ifcsname\@@univector #1\endcsname #1\else
+ \s!unknown\fi\fi
+ \endcsname{\utfmod{#2}}}
+ {\@@unknownchar}
+\def\doutfunihashglyph#1#2#3% div mod raw
+ {\csname utf!\ifnum#3<\utf@i1\else
+ \ifcsname\@@unicommand#1\endcsname2\else
+ \ifcsname\@@univector\@@univector#1\endcsname3\else
+ \ifcsname\@@univector #1\endcsname4\else
+ 5\fi\fi\fi\fi !\endcsname{#1}{#2}}
+\setvalue{utf!1!}#1{\unicodeasciicharacter} % {#2}
+\setvalue{utf!2!}#1{\csname\@@unicommand#1\endcsname} % {#2}
+\setvalue{utf!3!}#1#2{\csname\csname\@@univector\@@univector#1\endcsname{#2}\endcsname} % watch the nested csname; it's a speed up
+\setvalue{utf!4!}#1#2{\csname\csname\@@univector#1\endcsname{#2}\endcsname} % watch the nested csname; it's a speed up
+% \let\utfunihash\utfunihashglyph
+%D Let's use it:
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/unic-ini.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/unic-ini.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..96aed77bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/unic-ini.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,777 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=unic-ini,
+%D version=2002.12.03,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ \UNICODE\ Support,
+%D subtitle=Initialization,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Unicode Support / Initialization}
+%D Sorry, we only support his in \ETEX.
+% ÀÁÂÃÄÅàáâãäå
+% ÆÇæç
+% ÈÉÊËèéêë
+% ÌÍÎÏÞìíîïþ
+% Ðð
+% Ññ
+% ÒÓÔÕÖòóôõö
+% Øø
+% ÙÚÛÜùúûü
+% Ýýÿ
+% ß
+%D This module deals with unicode, and in particular with
+%D \UTF-8 conversion. The prelude to this module was \type
+%D {xtag-utf}, which is now replaced by a one||liner. The
+%D macros below deal with conversions. Thanks to Taco for
+%D providing the following conversion rules.
+%D \starttabulate[|c|c|c|c|c|]
+%D \NC $b_1$ \NC $b_2$ \NC $b_3$ \NC $b_4$ \NC unicode \NC \NR
+%D \NC192---223\NC128---191\NC \NC \NC 0x80---0x7FF \NC \NR
+%D \NC224---239\NC128---191\NC128---191\NC \NC 0x800---0xFFFF \NC \NR
+%D \NC240---247\NC128---191\NC128---191\NC128---191\NC0x10000---0x1FFFF\NC \NR
+%D \stoptabulate
+%D In \UTF-8 the characters in the range 128---191 are illegal
+%D as first characters. The characters 254 and 255 are
+%D completely illegal and should not appear at all (they are
+%D related to UTF-16).
+%D The unicode number for an \UTF-8 sequence can be calculated
+%D as follows:
+%D \starttabulate[|mc|m|mc|m|mc|m|mc|m|]
+%D \NC b_1 \NC \NC \NC \NC \NC \NC \NC if b_1<=127\NC \NR
+%D \NC 64(b_1-192)\NC+\NC (b_2-128)\NC \NC \NC \NC \NC if 192<=b1<=223\NC \NR
+%D \NC 4096(b_1-224)\NC+\NC 64(b_2-128)\NC+\NC (b_3-128)\NC \NC \NC if 224<=b1<=239\NC \NR
+%D \NC262144(b_1-240)\NC+\NC4096(b_2-128)\NC+\NC64(b_3-128)\NC+\NC(b_4-128)\NC if 240<=b1<=247\NC \NR
+%D \stoptabulate
+%D A lot of information about unicode can be found on the
+%D web (search for Markus Kuhn and unicode and you'll
+%D probably end up at the right place).
+%D In \ETEX\ vocabulary such a conversion looks as follows.
+%D We need the \type {`} in order to turn a character into a
+%D number.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\utftwounicode#1#2%
+%D {\number\numexpr (64*(\numexpr (#1-192))+%
+%D (\numexpr(`#2-128)))}
+%D \def\utfthreeunicode#1#2#3%
+%D {\number\numexpr (4096*(\numexpr (#1-224))+
+%D 64*(\numexpr(`#2-128))+%
+%D (\numexpr(`#3-128)))}
+%D \def\utffourunicode#1#2#3#4%
+%D {\number\numexpr(262144*(\numexpr (#1-240))+
+%D 4096*(\numexpr(`#1-128))+
+%D 64*(\numexpr(`#2-128))+%
+%D (\numexpr(`#3-128)))}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D When we map the unicode number on one of the 256 char wide
+%D unicode tables, we need to do a bit of div and mod. Watch
+%D out: an \ETEX\ \type {/} is not the same as \TEX's \type
+%D {\divide}. The former rounds, while the later truncates, so
+%D we need to trucate ourselves. In case you wonder why we
+%D use \type {\numexpr}: this is not only more convenient, but
+%D also makes it possible to avoid scratch counters, so that we
+%D get fast and fully expandable conversions.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\utfdiv#1{\number\numexpr((#1-128)/256)}
+%D \def\utfmod#1{\number\numexpr((#1)-(256*(\utfdiv{#1})))}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D So far for the readable alternatives. When using \type
+%D {\numexpr} you should be aware of rather unexpected look
+%D ahead effects. The next implementation uses registers,
+%D which saves tokens and is faster. In this case we gain
+%D some 10\% time.
+\chardef \utf@a= 64
+\mathchardef \utf@b= 4096
+\chardef \utf@d= 192
+\chardef \utf@e= 224
+\chardef \utf@f= 240
+\chardef \utf@g= 128
+\mathchardef \utf@h= 256
+\chardef \utf@i= 127
+\mathchardef \utf@j= 2048
+%D The definitions now become:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\utftwounicode#1#2%
+%D {\number\numexpr(\utf@a*(\numexpr (#1-\utf@d))+%
+%D (\numexpr(`#2-\utf@g)))}
+%D \def\utfthreeunicode#1#2#3%
+%D {\number\numexpr(\utf@b*(\numexpr (#1-\utf@e))+
+%D \utf@a*(\numexpr(`#2-\utf@g))+%
+%D (\numexpr(`#3-\utf@g)))}
+%D \def\utffourunicode#1#2#3#4%
+%D {\number\numexpr(\utf@c*(\numexpr (#1-\utf@f))+
+%D \utf@b*(\numexpr(`#2-\utf@g))+
+%D \utf@a*(\numexpr(`#3-\utf@g))+%
+%D (\numexpr(`#4-\utf@g)))}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D And:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\utfdiv#1{\number\numexpr((#1-\utf@g)/\utf@h)}
+%D \def\utfmod#1{\number\numexpr((#1)-(\utf@h*(\utfdiv{#1})))}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Depending on the usage, you can rely on parenthesis only:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\utftwounicode#1#2%
+%D {\numexpr(\utf@a*(#1-\utf@d)+%
+%D `#2-\utf@g)}
+%D \def\utfthreeunicode#1#2#3%
+%D {\numexpr(\utf@b*(#1-\utf@e)+%
+%D \utf@a*(`#2-\utf@g)+%
+%D `#3-\utf@g)}
+%D \def\utffourunicode#1#2#3#4%
+%D {\numexpr(\utf@c*(#1-\utf@f)+%
+%D \utf@b*(`#2-\utf@g)+%
+%D \utf@a*(`#3-\utf@g)+%
+%D `#4-\utf@g)}
+%D \stoptyping
+% beware, unless surrounded by \numexpr .. \relax, a division
+% results in a float until the final result is calculated
+\def\utfdiv#1{\the\numexpr (#1-\utf@g)/\utf@h \relax}
+%D The next one also handles the zero case well: (not really utf specific btw)
+\def\utfdiv#1{\the\numexpr\ifcase\numexpr#1\relax0\else (#1-\utf@g)/\utf@h \fi\relax}
+% or
+% \def\utfdiv#1{\ifcase\numexpr#1\relax0\else\the\numexpr(#1-\utf@g)/\utf@h\relax\fi}
+% \def\utfmod#1{\ifcase\numexpr#1\relax0\else\the\numexpr#1-\utf@h*((#1-\utf@g)/\utf@h)\relax\fi}
+%D When tracing we also need:
+%D Using the three conversion macros, we can now implement
+%D a few handlers. They all call the general \type
+%D {\unicodechar} conversion macro.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\utftwouniglph#1#2%
+%D {\unicodechar{\utftwounicode {#1}{#2}}}
+%D \def\utfthreeuniglph#1#2#3%
+%D {\unicodechar{\utfthreeunicode{#1}{#2}{#3}}}
+%D \def\utffouruniglph#1#2#3#4%
+%D {\unicodechar{\utffourunicode {#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}}}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Because the unicode number is used a few times per
+%D conversion, we can expand it once (\type {\the} and \type
+%D {\number} make sure of this). This saves us another 10\%.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\utftwouniglph#1#2%
+%D {\@EA\unicodechar\@EA{\the\utftwounicode{#1}{#2}}}
+%D \def\utfthreeuniglph#1#2#3%
+%D {\@EA\unicodechar\@EA{\the\utfthreeunicode{#1}{#2}{#3}}}
+%D \def\utffouruniglph#1#2#3#4%
+%D {\@EA\unicodechar\@EA{\the\utffourunicode{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}}}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D We can rewrite these macros to faster alternatives: the
+%D less arguments we pass, the faster the conversion will be,
+%D but at the price of readability. So we have:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\utftwouniglph#1#2%
+%D {\@EA\unicodechar\@EA{\the\numexpr(\utf@a*(#1-\utf@d)+%
+%D `#2-\utf@g)}}
+%D \def\utfthreeuniglph#1#2#3%
+%D {\@EA\unicodechar\@EA{\the\numexpr(\utf@b*(#1-\utf@e)+%
+%D \utf@a*(`#2-\utf@g)+`#3-\utf@g)}}
+%D \def\utffouruniglph#1#2#3#4%
+%D {\@EA\unicodechar\@EA{\the\numexpr(\utf@c*(#1-\utf@f)+%
+%D \utf@b*(`#2-\utf@g)+\utf@a*(`#3-\utf@g)+`#4-\utf@g)}}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Less parsing, and therefore faster:
+% beware, this may change: #1 rawchar (=> `#1 and such, saves tokens)
+ {\@EA\unicodechar\@EA{\the\numexpr\utf@a*(#1-\utf@d)+`#2-\utf@g\relax}}
+ {\@EA\unicodechar\@EA{\the\numexpr\utf@b*(#1-\utf@e)+\utf@a*(`#2-\utf@g)+`#3-\utf@g\relax}}
+ {\@EA\unicodechar\@EA{\the\numexpr\utf@c*(#1-\utf@f)+\utf@b*(`#2-\utf@g)+\utf@a*(`#3-\utf@g)+`#4-\utf@g\relax}}
+% \def\keeputfcharacters
+% {\def\utftwouniglph ##1##2{\rawcharacter{##1}\string##2}%
+% \def\utfthreeuniglph ##1##2##3{\rawcharacter{##1}\string##2\string##3}%
+% \def\utffouruniglph ##1##2##3##4{\rawcharacter{##1}\string##2\string##3\string##4}}
+ {\let\utftwouniglph \rawcharacter
+ \let\utfthreeuniglph\rawcharacter
+ \let\utffouruniglph \rawcharacter}
+\appendtoks \keeputfcharacters \to \everywritestring
+% \bgroup
+% \keeputfcharacters
+% \expanded{\index{\XMLflush{whatever}}}
+% \egroup
+%D Now we come to the unicode handler itself. We will use a few
+%D constants, which saves us (at least at the time of writing
+%D and testing these macros) another 10\%.
+\def\@@univector {univ}
+\def\@@unicommand {unic}
+%D Now comes the nice part: turning codes into glyphs. The
+%D actual conversion does not take place here, but is done by
+%D macros in \type{unic-nnn} files. There we map a range onto
+%D named glyphs, so that they fit well into the rest of
+%D \macros
+%D {utfunicodetracer}
+%D By default, the converter produces a character representation,
+%D but for tracing purposes, you can set a trace option.
+%D \def\TraceUnic#1%
+%D {\utfunicodetracer#1\relax\enableregime[utf]Ű}
+%D \starttabulate[|c|c|c|c|c|c|]
+%D \NC option \NC number\NC mapping\NC glyph\NC string\NC example \NC \NR
+%D \NC 0 \NC \NC \NC \star\NC \NC \TraceUnic0\NC \NR
+%D \NC 1 \NC \star \NC \NC \NC \NC \TraceUnic1\NC \NR
+%D \NC 2 \NC \NC \star \NC \NC \NC \TraceUnic2\NC \NR
+%D \NC 3 \NC \star \NC \star \NC \NC \NC \TraceUnic3\NC \NR
+%D \NC 4 \NC \star \NC \NC \star\NC \NC \TraceUnic4\NC \NR
+%D \NC 5 \NC \NC \star \NC \star\NC \NC \TraceUnic5\NC \NR
+%D \NC 6 \NC \star \NC \star \NC \star\NC \NC \TraceUnic6\NC \NR
+%D \NC 7 \NC \NC \NC \NC \star \NC \TraceUnic7\NC \NR
+%D \NC 8 \NC \star \NC \NC \NC \NC \TraceUnic8\NC \NR
+%D \NC otherwise\NC \NC \NC \star\NC \NC \TraceUnic9\NC \NR
+%D \stoptabulate
+%D \macros
+%D {unicodechar}
+%D Next we implement the character handler:
+ {\ifcase\utfunicodetracer
+ \expandafter\utfunihash \or
+ \expandafter\utfunichar \or
+ \expandafter\utfunisplit \or
+ \expandafter\utfuniboth \or
+ \expandafter\utfunihashchar \or
+ \expandafter\utfunihashsplit \or
+ \expandafter\utfunihashboth \or
+ \expandafter\utfuniglyphname \or
+ \expandafter\utfunientity \else
+ \expandafter\utfunihash
+ \fi}
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \enableregime[utf] \dostepwiserecurse{0}{8}{1}
+%D {\recurselevel:
+%D \utfunicodetracer\recurselevel aap‒noot coördinatie – één
+%D \crlf}
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer \start \getbuffer \stop
+%D \macros
+%D {unicodehexnumber}
+%D A few auxiliary macros, producing the range||char pair:
+ {\utfdiv{#1}:\utfmod{#1}}
+ {\ifnum#1>\maxcard
+ \expanded{\uchexnumbers{\utfvid{#1}}}%
+ \expanded{\uchexnumbers{\utfdiv{\utfdiv{#1}}}}%
+ \else
+ 00%
+ \expanded{\uchexnumbers{\utfdiv{#1}}}%
+ \fi
+ \expanded{\uchexnumbers{\utfmod{#1}}}}
+%D The following macros visualize the unicode character. The
+%D \type {\relax} in front of the \type {-} prevents lookahead
+%D problems; somehow \type {\numexpr} cannot look beyond this
+%D sign, and expects a number.
+\ifx\tttf\undefined \let\tttf\relax \fi
+\def\utfunichar #1{{\tttf U\low{\tx\unicodenumber{#1}}}}
+\def\utfunisplit #1{{\tttf U\low{\tx\unicodepair{#1}}}}
+\def\utfuniboth #1{{\tttf U\low{\tx\unicodenumber{#1}->\unicodepair{#1}}}}
+\def\utfunientity #1{{\tttf\&\#x\unicodehexnumber{#1};}}
+%D The character itself is accessed and typeset by:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\utfunihash#1%
+%D {\executeifdefined{\@@univector\utfdiv{#1}}%
+%D \gobbleoneargument{\utfmod{#1}}}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Again, we can provide a faster alternative, because inside
+%D the conditional executer, the argument is expanded twice,
+%D and therefore the calculation done once more than needed.
+%D So, we make sure that the argument is expansion on
+%D forehand. Just to remind you: \type {#1} is the \UNICODE\
+%D number.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\utfunihash#1%
+%D {\@EA\executeifdefined\@EA{\@EA\@@univector\number\utfdiv{#1}}%
+%D {\unknownchar\gobbleoneargument}{\utfmod{#1}}}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D In order to save calculation time, I decided to change
+%D this definition into:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\utfunihash#1%
+%D {\@EA\doutfunihash\@EA{\number\utfdiv{#1}}{#1}}
+%D \def\doutfunihash#1#2%
+%D {\ifcsname\@@univector\number#1\endcsname
+%D \csname\csname\@@univector#1\endcsname{\utfmod{#2}}\endcsname
+%D \else
+%D \unknownchar
+%D \fi}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Or leaner and meaner:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\doutfunihash#1#2%
+%D {\csname
+%D \ifcsname\@@univector\number#1\endcsname
+%D \csname\@@univector#1\endcsname{\utfmod{#2}}%
+%D \else
+%D \@@unknownchar
+%D \fi
+%D \endcsname}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D And finaly it became:
+ {\ifcsname\@@univector\number#1\endcsname
+ \csname\@@univector#1\endcsname{\utfmod{#2}}%
+ \else
+ \@@unknownchar
+ \fi}
+ {\csname\@EA\doutfunihash\@EA{\number\utfdiv{#1}}{#1}\endcsname}
+ {\@EAEAEA\string\utfunihashglyph}
+%D For practical purposes, we handle the normal \ASCII\
+%D characters here:
+ {\csname
+ \ifnum#1<\utf@i
+ \strippedcsname\unicodeasciicharacter\endcsname{#1}%
+ \else
+ \@EA\doutfunihash\@EA{\number\utfdiv{#1}}{#1}\endcsname
+ \fi}
+%D Well, we also want a plug-in mechanism, so we en dup with
+%D a messy:
+ {\@EA\doutfunihashglyph\@EA{\number\numexpr\utfdiv{#1}\@EA\relax\@EA}\@EA{\number\utfmod{#1}}{#1}}
+% \def\doutfunihashglyph#1#2#3% div mod raw
+% {\csname
+% \ifnum#3<\utf@i
+% \strippedcsname\unicodeasciicharacter\endcsname{#2}%
+% \else\ifcsname\@@unicommand#1\endcsname
+% \@@unicommand#1\endcsname{#2}%
+% \else\ifcsname\@@univector#1\endcsname
+% \csname\@@univector#1\endcsname{#2}\endcsname % watch the nested csname; it's a speed up
+% \else
+% \strippedcsname\unicodeunknowncharacter\endcsname{#2}%
+% \fi\fi\fi}
+% \def\unicodeunknowncharacter#1%
+% {\unknownchar}
+% The next one permits lookahead
+\def\doutfunihashglyph#1#2#3% div mod raw
+ {\csname utf!\ifnum#3<\utf@i 1\else
+ \ifcsname\@@unicommand#1\endcsname2\else
+ \ifcsname\@@univector #1\endcsname3\else
+ 4\fi\fi\fi !\endcsname{#1}{#2}}
+\setvalue{utf!1!}#1{\unicodeasciicharacter} % {#2}
+\setvalue{utf!2!}#1{\csname\@@unicommand#1\endcsname} % {#2}
+\setvalue{utf!3!}#1#2{\csname\csname\@@univector#1\endcsname{#2}\endcsname} % watch the nested csname; it's a speed up
+ {\unknownchar}
+%D With:
+%D Commands are defined with:
+\def\defineunicodecommand #1 #2% #2{range number}{char number}
+ {\setvalue{\@@unicommand#1}##1{#2{#1}{##1}}}
+%D For instance:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \defineutfcommand 81 {\uchar}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Now we can also say:
+%D We also need:
+ {{\tttf
+ \ifnum#1<\utf@i
+ \unicodeasciicharacter{#1}%
+ \else
+ \expandafter\string\csname\doutfunihash{\number\utfdiv{#1}}{#1}\endcsname
+ \fi}}
+%D The combined presentation is implemented by:
+\def\utfunihashchar #1%
+ {\utfunihash{#1}\low{\infofont\unicodenumber{#1}}}
+ {\utfunihash{#1}\low{\infofont\unicodepair{#1}}}
+\def\utfunihashboth #1%
+ {\utfunihash{#1}\low{\infofont\unicodenumber{#1}->\unicodepair{#1}}}
+%D Unknown characters get a placeholder.
+\unexpanded\def\unknownchar % {} prevents problems with arguments
+ {{\hbox{\vrule\!!width.5em\!!height1ex\!!depth\zeropoint}}}
+%D So far for the conversion macros. The optimizations we
+%D did, brought down the runtime some 50\%, which, given that
+%D the majority of characters will be normal \ASCII\
+%D characters, the penalty of conversion is not that large.
+%D \macros
+%D {useunicodevector}
+%D Since we end up with many encodings, it starts making
+%D sense to postpone loading, so let's start doing this
+%D with \UNICODE.
+ {\doifdefined{\@@univector#1}}
+ {\processcommalist[#1]\douseunicodevector}
+ {\ifundefined{\@@univector#1}%
+ % \readsysfile{\f!unicprefix\threedigits{#1}}
+ \readsysfile{\f!unicprefix\doifnumberelse{#1}{\threedigits{#1}}{#1}.mkii}
+ {\writestatus{unicode}{loading vector #1}}
+ {\writestatus{unicode}{unknown vector #1}}%
+ \fi}
+%D \macros
+%D {startunicodevector}
+%D A vector roughly looks as follows. By putting the text
+%D inside the name constructor, we prevent problems with
+%D partial expansion in macros and special cases.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \startunicodevector 0
+%D \ifcase\numexpr(#1-159)\or
+%D \@@unknownchar\or % NO-BREAK SPACE
+%D exclamdown\or
+%D textcent\or
+%D ....\else
+%D \@@unknowncharacter
+%D \fi
+%D \stopunicodevector
+%D \stoptyping
+%D In vector \type {unix-000} you will find another
+%D optimizations. By using as less tokens as possible, we limit
+%D the time skipping branches in the test, and save upto 20\%
+%D runtime.
+\def\startunicodevector #1 #2\stopunicodevector
+ {\setgvalue{\@@univector#1}##1{#2}}
+%D We define (as a practical example) the utf signal FEFF:
+ \let\zwnbsp\relax % zerowidthnonbreakablespace
+\startunicodevector 254
+ \expandafter\strippedcsname\ifnum#1<255 \unknownchar\else\zwnbsp\fi
+%D Here we provide another auxiliary macro:
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \unicodeinfoline{197}{Å}{LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH RING ABOVE}
+%D \unicodeinfoline{198}{Æ}{LATIN CAPITAL LETTER AE}
+%D \unicodeinfoline{199}{Ç}{LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C WITH CEDILLA}
+%D \unicodeinfoline{200}{È}{LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH GRAVE}
+%D \unicodeinfoline{201}{É}{LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH ACUTE}
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+%D \start \enableregime[utf]\getbuffer \stop
+ {\ifnum#1>\utf@g % 128
+ \noindent \hbox
+ {\hbox to 4em{\tttf\unicodehexnumber{#1}\hss}\quad
+ \hbox to 1em{#2\hss}\quad
+ \hbox to 9em{\tttf\unicodenumber{#1}->\unicodepair{#1}\hss}\quad
+ \hbox to 9em{\tttf\let\utfunihash\utfunihashcommand#2\hss}\quad % tricky
+ \lowercase {\tttf#3}}\par
+ \fi}
+%D The next code permits utf code in hyperlinks:
+\appendtoks \let\unicodechar\cleanunicodechar \to \everycleanupfeatures
+%D We will now hook this mechanism in the existing font
+%D handler. More documentation will follow. Probably, some
+%D features in \type {font-uni.tex} will be generalized
+%D and moved here.
+\def\unidiv{0} \def\unimod{0}
+\chardef\utfunihashmode=0 % 0=hash glyph / 1=font glyph
+ {\xdef\unidiv{\number\utfdiv{#1}}%
+ \xdef\unimod{\number\utfmod{#1}}%
+ \ifnum#1<\utf@i
+ \char\unimod % \unicodeascii\unimod
+ \else\ifcsname\@@univector\unidiv\endcsname
+ \csname\doutfunihash{\unidiv}{#1}\endcsname
+ \else % so, these can be different fonts !
+ \unicodeglyph\unidiv\unimod % no \uchar (yet)
+ \fi\fi}
+\chardef\utfunicommandmode=0 % 1 = hex
+ {\string\char
+ \ifcase\utfunicommandmode
+ #1:#2\else\lchexnumbers#1:\lchexnumbers#2%
+ \fi}
+ {\xdef\unidiv{\number\utfdiv{#1}}%
+ \xdef\unimod{\number\utfmod{#1}}%
+ \ifnum#1<\utf@i
+ \unicodecommandchar\unidiv\unimod
+ \else\ifcsname\@@univector\unidiv\endcsname
+ \@EA\string\csname\doutfunihash{\unidiv}{#1}\endcsname
+ \else
+ \unicodecommandchar\unidiv\unimod
+ \fi\fi}
+ {\ifcase\utfunihashmode
+ \@EA\utfunihashglyph
+ \else
+ \@EA\utfunifontglyph
+ \fi}
+ {\@EAEAEA\string\utfunihashglyph}
+ {\ifcase\utfunihashmode
+ \@EA\utfunihushcommand
+ \else
+ \@EA\utfunifontcommand
+ \fi}
+%D We can convert from a number to some UTF code with the folowing
+%D conversion macro.
+% The first, na\"ive version:
+% \def\numbertoutf#1%
+% {\ifnum#1<128
+% \rawcharacter{#1}%
+% \else\ifnum#1<2048
+% \rawcharacter{\the\numexpr192+#1/64\relax}%
+% \rawcharacter{\the\numexpr128+#1-(#1/64)*64\relax}%
+% \else % 3 bytes
+% \rawcharacter{\the\numexpr224+#1/4096\relax}%
+% \rawcharacter{\the\numexpr128+(#1-(#1/4096)*4096)/128\relax}%
+% \rawcharacter{\the\numexpr128+(#1-(#1/4096)*4096)+(#1-(#1/4096)*4096)/128\relax}%
+% \fi\fi}
+% We have to compensate for etex's rounding (thanks to Taco and
+% Nanning) for pointing/sorting this out:
+\chardef \utf@a= 64
+\mathchardef \utf@b= 4096
+\chardef \utf@d= 192
+\chardef \utf@e= 224
+\chardef \utf@f= 240
+\chardef \utf@g= 128
+\mathchardef \utf@h= 256
+\chardef \utf@i= 127
+\mathchardef \utf@j= 2048
+\chardef \utf@k= 32
+% div: \numexp#1/#2\relax
+% mod: \numexp#1-(#1/#2)*#2\relax
+% \def\numbertoutf#1%
+% {\ifnum#1<\utf@g
+% \rawcharacter{#1}%
+% \else\ifnum#1<2048
+% \rawcharacter{\numexpr192+(#1/64)\relax}% 192 + (ud div 64)
+% \rawcharacter{\numexpr128+(#1-(#1/64)*64)\relax}% 128 + (ud mod 64)
+% \else\ifnum#1<2097152
+% \rawcharacter{\numexpr224+(#1-(#1/4096)\relax}% 224 + (ud div 4096)
+% \rawcharacter{\numexpr128+(#1-((#1/64)-((#1/64)/64)*64)\relax}% 128 + ((ud div 64) mod 64)
+% \rawcharacter{\numexpr128+(#1-(#1-(#1/64)*64)\relax}% 128 + (ud mod 64)
+% \else
+% % todo
+% \fi\fi}
+\def\numbertoutf#1% okay?
+ {\ifnum#1<\utf@g
+ \rawcharacter{#1}%
+ \else\ifnum#1<\utf@j
+ \rawcharacter{\the\numexpr\utf@d+(#1-\utf@k)/\utf@a\relax}%
+ \rawcharacter{\the\numexpr\utf@g+(#1-((#1-\utf@k)/\utf@a)*\utf@a)\relax}%
+ \else
+ \rawcharacter{\the\numexpr\utf@e+(#1-\utf@j)/\utf@b\relax}%
+ \rawcharacter{\the\numexpr\utf@g+(#1-(((#1-\utf@j)/\utf@b)*\utf@b)-\utf@k)/\utf@a\relax}%
+ \rawcharacter{\the\numexpr\utf@g+(#1-(((#1-\utf@j)/\utf@b)*\utf@b)-((#1-(((#1-\utf@j)/\utf@b)*\utf@b)-\utf@k)/\utf@a)*\utf@a)\relax}%
+ \fi\fi}
+ \let\numbertoutf\numbertohexstring
+ {\expandafter\numbertoutf\expandafter{\the\numexpr#1*\utf@h+#2\relax}}
+%D Here is a mapping trick. By mapping the tex specific characters to
+%D private ones, we can prevent problems with utility files.
+\defineunicodecommand{240} {\doprivateunicodechar}
+\def\registerprivateunicodechar#1 {\letvalue{puc::\number#1}\relax}
+\registerprivateunicodechar `\%
+\registerprivateunicodechar `\$
+\registerprivateunicodechar `\{
+\registerprivateunicodechar `\}
+\registerprivateunicodechar `\~
+\registerprivateunicodechar `\_
+\registerprivateunicodechar `\^
+\registerprivateunicodechar `\#
+\def\numbertoutp#1{\numbertoutf{\the\numexpr#1\ifcsname puc::\number#1\endcsname+"F000\fi\relax}}
+%D In the \XML\ expander we will do:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\getXMLhexcharacter##1{\numbertoutp{"##1}}%
+%D \def\getXMLdeccharacter##1{\numbertoutp {##1}}%
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Goodies:
+\fetchruntimecommand \showunicodevector {\f!unicprefix\s!run}
+\fetchruntimecommand \showunicodetable {\f!unicprefix\s!run}
+%D Well, let's at least preload a few familiar ones. Here we
+%D also load the \UTF\ regime.
+% 31, text mem usage first
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/unic-run.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/unic-run.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..96348d8a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/unic-run.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=unic-run,
+%D version=2005.06.22,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ \UNICODE\ Support,
+%D subtitle=Goodies,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D \macros
+%D {showunicodevector}
+%D Original version by Nikolai Weibull. Adapted a bit (no local count
+%D definitions, stepwiserecurse instead of -1 calculations, a bit less
+%D code and such). BTW, this is kind of tricky and somehow we don't
+%D have align interference.
+ {\NC
+ \ttx\uchexnumber{#2}%
+ \VL
+ \dostepwiserecurse{0}{15}{1}{\unicodechar{\numexpr#1*256+#2+\recurselevel*16\relax}\VL}%
+ \AR}
+ {\starttable[|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|]
+ \NC\NC\dostepwiserecurse{0}{15}{1}{\ttx\uchexnumber\recurselevel\NC}\AR
+ \DC\DL[16]\DR
+ \dostepwiserecurse{0}{15}{1}
+ {\expanded{\doshowunicodevectorrow{#1}{\recurselevel}}%
+ \DC\DL[16]\DR}
+ \NC \use{17}{\hfill \ttx unicode table hex:\uchexnumbers{#1} dec:\threedigits{#1}\kern-.25em}\NC \AR
+ \stoptable}
+%D \starttyping
+%D \utfunicodetracer=0
+%D \utfunicodetracer=7
+%D \showunicodevector[000]
+%D \showunicodevector[001]
+%D \showunicodevector[002]
+%D \showunicodevector[003]
+%D \showunicodevector[004]
+%D \showunicodevector[005]
+%D \showunicodevector[030]
+%D \showunicodevector[031]
+%D \showunicodevector[032]
+%D \showunicodevector[033]
+%D \showunicodevector[034]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D \macros
+%D {showunicodetable}
+%D A more verbose variant:
+ {\bTR
+ \bTD\uchexnumber{#2}\eTD
+ \dostepwiserecurse{0}{15}{1}
+ {\bTD
+ \edef\entrypoint{\the\numexpr#1*256+#2+##1*16\relax}%
+ \utfunicodetracer\zerocount{\dontleavehmode \strut\unicodechar\entrypoint\endgraf}%
+ \tt
+ \utfunicodetracer\plusseven{\dontleavehmode\txx\strut\unicodechar\entrypoint\endgraf}%
+ \utfunicodetracer\plusthree{\dontleavehmode\txx\strut\unicodechar\entrypoint\endgraf}%
+ \utfunicodetracer\pluseight{\dontleavehmode\txx\strut\unicodechar\entrypoint\endgraf}%
+ \eTD}%
+ \bTD\uchexnumber{#2}\eTD
+ \eTR}
+ {\vbox\bgroup
+ \setupcolors[\c!state=\v!start]%
+ \setupTABLE[\c!background=\v!screen,\c!backgroundscreen=.90,\c!frame=\v!off,\c!frameoffset=0pt,\c!width=8em,\c!height=6em]%
+ \setupTABLE[c] [\v!each] [\c!align={middle,lohi}]%
+ \setupTABLE[c] [\v!first][\c!background=\v!screen,\c!backgroundscreen=.85,\c!style=\tt\tfa]%
+ \setupTABLE[c] [\v!last] [\c!background=\v!screen,\c!backgroundscreen=.85,\c!style=\tt\tfa]%
+ \setupTABLE[r] [\v!first][\c!background=\v!screen,\c!backgroundscreen=.85,\c!style=\tt\tfa]%
+ \setupTABLE[r] [\v!last] [\c!background=\v!screen,\c!backgroundscreen=.85,\c!style=\tt\tfa]%
+ \setupTABLE[r] [\v!odd] [\c!background=\v!screen,\c!backgroundscreen=.80]%
+ \setupTABLE[c] [\v!odd] [\c!background=\v!screen,\c!backgroundscreen=.80]%
+ \setupTABLE[\v!odd][\v!odd] [\c!background=\v!screen,\c!backgroundscreen=.90]%
+ \bTR
+ \bTD dec: \numbers{#1}\endgraf hex: \uchexnumbers{#1}\eTD
+ \dostepwiserecurse{0}{15}{1}{\bTD\uchexnumber{##1}\eTD}%
+ \bTD dec: \numbers{#1}\endgraf hex: \uchexnumbers{#1}\eTD
+ \eTR
+ \dostepwiserecurse{0}{15}{1}{\doshowunicodetablerow{#1}{##1}}%
+ \bTR
+ \bTD dec: \numbers{#1}\endgraf hex: \uchexnumbers{#1}\eTD
+ \dostepwiserecurse{0}{15}{1}{\bTD\uchexnumber{##1}\eTD}%
+ \bTD dec: \numbers{#1}\endgraf hex: \uchexnumbers{#1}\eTD
+ \eTR
+ \egroup}
+\protect \endinput
+% alternative
+% \gdef\doshowunicodevectorrowa#1#2#3#4%
+% {\NC
+% \ttx\uchexnumber{#2}%
+% \VL
+% \dostepwiserecurse{#3}{#4}{1}{\unicodechar{\numexpr#1*256+#2+\recurselevel*16\relax}\VL}%
+% \AR}
+% \gdef\doshowunicodevectorrowb#1#2#3#4%
+% {\NC
+% \relax
+% \VL
+% \dostepwiserecurse{#3}{#4}{1}{\unicodechar{\numexpr#1*256+#2+\recurselevel*16\relax}\VL}%
+% \AR}
+% \gdef\showunicodevector#1%
+% {\starttable[|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|]
+% \NC\NC\dostepwiserecurse{0}{7}{1}{\ttx\uchexnumber\recurselevel/\uchexnumber{\the\numexpr2*\recurselevel\relax}\NC}\AR\DC\DL[8]\DR
+% \dostepwiserecurse{0}{15}{1}
+% {\expanded{\doshowunicodevectorrowa{#1}{\recurselevel}{0} {7}}\DC\DL[8]\DR%
+% \expanded{\doshowunicodevectorrowb{#1}{\recurselevel}{8}{15}}\DC\DL[8]\DR}%
+% \NC \use{9}{\hfill \ttx unicode table hex:\uchexnumbers{#1} dec:\threedigits{#1}\kern-.25em}\NC \AR
+% \stoptable}
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/verb-c.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/verb-c.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..930977ca4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/verb-c.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,484 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=verb-c,
+%D version=2006.04.17,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Verbatim Macros,
+%D subtitle=Pretty C Verbatim,
+%D author=Nikolai Weibull,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Verbatim Macros / Pretty C Verbatim}
+% HH:
+% - extra !!pretty definitions moved to verb-ini
+% - added a c!
+% - did a few small cosmetic things
+ {\saveprettycontrols
+ \def\obeyedspace
+ {\endCtypesix
+ \oldobeyedspace}%
+ \def\flushrestofverbatimline
+ {\endCtypesix
+ \ifinCsinglelinecomment
+ \ifcontinueCsinglelinecomment
+ \continueCsinglelinecommentfalse
+ \else
+ \tttf
+ \endofpretty
+ \global\inCsinglelinecommentfalse
+ \global\inCcommentfalse
+ \fi
+ \fi}%
+ \def\obeyedline
+ {\oldobeyedline}%
+ \let\obeytabs\ignoretabs}
+ {\def\prettyidentifier{C}%
+ \Csetvariables
+ \Csetcontrols
+ \Csethandlers
+ \Csetspecials
+ \Csetdiagnostics}
+ {\global\inCsinglefalse
+ \global\inCdoublefalse
+ \global\inCcommentfalse
+ \global\continueCsinglelinecommentfalse
+ \global\naturaltextexttrue
+ \global\let\Csequence\empty
+ \global\let\Cprefix\empty}
+% TODO: should handle -> as well
+ {\setpretty`\{=10 \setpretty`\}=10
+ \setpretty`\$=20 \setpretty`\@=20
+ \setpretty`\[=30 \setpretty`\]=30 \setpretty`\(=30 \setpretty`\)=30
+ \setpretty`\==30 \setpretty`\~=30 \setpretty`\<=30 \setpretty`\>=30
+ \setpretty`\%=30
+ \setpretty`\-=41 \setpretty`\+=41
+ \setpretty`\|=41 \setpretty`\`=41 \setpretty`\!=41 \setpretty`\?=41
+ \setpretty`\^=41 \setpretty`\&=41
+ \setpretty`\/=43 \setpretty`\*=44
+ \setpretty`\#=45
+ \setpretty`\\=50
+ \setpretty`\1=61 \setpretty`\2=61 \setpretty`\3=61 \setpretty`\4=61 \setpretty`\5=61
+ \setpretty`\6=61 \setpretty`\7=61 \setpretty`\8=61 \setpretty`\9=61 \setpretty`\0=61
+ \setpretty`\A=62 \setpretty`\B=62 \setpretty`\C=62 \setpretty`\D=62 \setpretty`\E=62
+ \setpretty`\F=62 \setpretty`\G=62 \setpretty`\H=62 \setpretty`\I=62 \setpretty`\J=62
+ \setpretty`\K=62 \setpretty`\L=62 \setpretty`\M=62 \setpretty`\N=62 \setpretty`\O=62
+ \setpretty`\P=62 \setpretty`\Q=62 \setpretty`\R=62 \setpretty`\S=62 \setpretty`\T=62
+ \setpretty`\U=62 \setpretty`\V=62 \setpretty`\W=62 \setpretty`\X=62 \setpretty`\Y=62
+ \setpretty`\Z=62
+ \setpretty`\a=62 \setpretty`\b=62 \setpretty`\c=62 \setpretty`\d=62 \setpretty`\e=62
+ \setpretty`\f=62 \setpretty`\g=62 \setpretty`\h=62 \setpretty`\i=62 \setpretty`\j=62
+ \setpretty`\k=62 \setpretty`\l=62 \setpretty`\m=62 \setpretty`\n=62 \setpretty`\o=62
+ \setpretty`\p=62 \setpretty`\q=62 \setpretty`\r=62 \setpretty`\s=62 \setpretty`\t=62
+ \setpretty`\u=62 \setpretty`\v=62 \setpretty`\w=62 \setpretty`\x=62 \setpretty`\y=62
+ \setpretty`\z=62
+ \setpretty`\_=62
+ \setpretty`\;=70 \setpretty`\:=70 \setpretty`\,=70 \setpretty`\.=70
+ \setpretty`\'=80
+ \setpretty`\"=90 }
+ {\installprettyhandler 10 \Ctypeone
+ \installprettyhandler 20 \Ctypetwo
+ \installprettyhandler 30 \Ctypethree
+ \installprettyhandler 41 \Ctypefourone
+ \installprettyhandler 43 \Ctypefourthree
+ \installprettyhandler 44 \Ctypefourfour
+ \installprettyhandler 45 \Ctypefourfive
+ \installprettyhandler 50 \Ctypefive
+ \installprettyhandler 61 \Ctypesixone
+ \installprettyhandler 62 \Ctypesixtwo
+ \installprettyhandler 70 \Ctypeseven
+ \installprettyhandler 80 \Ctypeeight
+ \installprettyhandler 90 \Ctypenine}
+ {\ifinCdouble
+ \ifinCcomment
+ \endCtypesix
+ \getpretty{#1}%
+ \else\ifx\Cprefix\empty
+ \endCtypesix
+ \getpretty{#1}%
+ \else
+ \endCtypesix
+ \xdef\Cprefix{\getpretty{#1}}%
+ \beginofpretty[\!!prettyone]\getpretty{#1}\endofpretty
+ \fi\fi
+ \else
+ \endCtypesix
+ \ifinCcomment
+ \getpretty{#1}%
+ \else\ifinCsingle
+ \getpretty{#1}%
+ \else
+ \beginofpretty[\!!prettyone]\getpretty{#1}\endofpretty
+ \fi\fi
+ \fi}
+ {\endCtypesix
+ \getpretty{#1}}
+ {\endCtypesix
+ \ifinCcomment
+ \getpretty{#1}%
+ \else\ifinCsingle
+ \getpretty{#1}%
+ \else\ifinCdouble
+ \getprettydata{#1}%
+ \ifx\Cprefix\empty
+ \getpretty{#1}%
+ \else
+ \beginofpretty[\!!prettythree]\getpretty{#1}\endofpretty
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \beginofpretty[\!!prettythree]\getpretty{#1}\endofpretty
+ \fi\fi\fi}
+ {\endCtypesix
+ \ifinCcomment
+ \getpretty{#1}%
+ \else\ifinCsingle
+ \getpretty{#1}%
+ \else\ifinCdouble
+ \getpretty{#1}%
+ \else
+ \beginofpretty[\!!prettyfour]\getpretty{#1}\endofpretty
+ \fi\fi\fi}
+ {\getprettydata{#2}%
+ \ifnum\prettytype=62
+ \expandafter\Ctypetwo
+ \else
+ \expandafter\Ctypefourone
+ \fi
+ {#1}#2}
+ {\handlenextnextpretty\doCtypefourtwo\Ctypefourone}
+ {\handlenextnextpretty\doCtypefourthree\Ctypefourtwo}
+ {\getprettydata{#2}%
+ \ifnum\prettytype=43
+ \let\next\dodoCtypefourthree
+ \else\ifnum\prettytype=44
+ \global\inCcommenttrue
+ \global\inCmultilinecommenttrue
+ \let\next\Cstartcomment
+ \else
+ \let\next\Ctypefourtwo
+ \fi\fi
+ \next{#1}#2}
+ {\beginofpretty[\!!prettyfourthree]\ttsl\getpretties{#1}{#2}}
+\gdef\dodoCtypefourthree% #1%
+ {\endCtypesix
+ \handlenextnextpretty\dododoCtypefourthree\dodododoCtypefourthree}
+ {\ifnewpretty\expandafter\handlenewpretty\fi\dodododoCtypefourthree}
+ {\ifinCcomment
+ \getpretties{#1}{#2}%
+ \else
+ \global\inCcommenttrue
+ \global\inCsinglelinecommenttrue
+ \def\next{\beginofpretty[\!!prettyfourthree]\ttsl\getpretties{#1}{#2}}%
+ \expandafter\next
+ \fi}
+ {\handlenextnextpretty\doCtypefourfour\Ctypefourtwo}
+ {\getprettydata{#2}%
+ \ifnum\prettytype=44
+ % \beginofpretty[\!!prettyfour]\getpretty{#1}\endofpretty
+ \ifinCcomment
+ \getpretty{#1}%
+ \else
+ \endCtypesix
+ \beginofpretty[\!!prettyfour]\getpretty{#1}\endofpretty
+ \fi
+ \expandafter#2%
+ \else\ifnum\prettytype=43
+ \getpretties{#1}{#2}%
+ \tttf
+ \endofpretty
+ \global\inCcommentfalse
+ \global\inCmultilinecommentfalse
+ \else\ifinCcomment
+ \getpretty{#1}%
+ \expandafter#2%
+ \else\ifinCsingle
+ \getpretty{#1}%
+ \expandafter#2%
+ \else\ifinCdouble
+ \getpretty{#1}%
+ \expandafter#2%
+ \else
+ \endCtypesix
+ \beginofpretty[\!!prettyfour]\getpretty{#1}\endofpretty
+ \expandafter#2%
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi}
+ {\ifinCcomment
+ \getpretty{#1}%
+ \else\ifinCsingle
+ \getpretty{#1}%
+ \else\ifinCdouble
+ \getpretty{#1}%
+ \else
+ \endCtypesix
+ \global\inCcommenttrue
+ \global\inCsinglelinecommenttrue
+ \def\next{\beginofpretty[\!!prettyfourthree]\ttsl\getpretty{#1}}%
+ \expandafter\next
+ \fi\fi\fi}
+ {\endCtypesix
+ \ifinCcomment
+ \getpretties{#1}{#2}%
+ \else\ifinCsingle
+ \getprettydata{#2}%
+ \ifnum\prettytype=50
+ \beginofpretty[\!!prettyfive]\getpretties{#1}{#2}\endofpretty\beginofpretty[\!!prettyeight]%
+ \else\ifnum\prettytype=80
+ \beginofpretty[\!!prettyfive]\getpretties{#1}{#2}\endofpretty\beginofpretty[\!!prettyeight]%
+ \else
+ \getpretties{#1}{#2}%
+ \fi\fi
+ \else\ifinCdouble
+ \beginofpretty[\!!prettyfive]\getpretties{#1}{#2}\endofpretty\beginofpretty[\!!prettynine]%
+ \else
+ \beginofpretty[\!!prettyfive]\getpretties{#1}{#2}\endofpretty
+ \fi\fi\fi}
+ {\endCtypesix
+ \ifinCcomment
+ \ifcat#1\relax
+ \continueCsinglelinecommenttrue
+ \getpretty{#1}%
+ \else
+ \getpretty{#1}%
+ \fi
+ \else\ifinCsingle
+ \getpretty{#1}%
+ \else\ifinCdouble
+ \beginofpretty[\!!prettyfive]\getpretty{#1}\endofpretty\beginofpretty[\!!prettynine]%
+ \else
+ \beginofpretty[\!!prettyfive]\getpretty{#1}\endofpretty
+ \fi\fi\fi}
+ {\expandafter\handlenextnextpretty\expandafter\doCtypefiveA\expandafter\doCtypefiveB}
+ {\ifx\Csequence\empty\else
+ \ifinCcomment
+ \Csequence
+ \else\ifinCsingle
+ \Csequence
+ \else\ifinCdouble
+ \Csequence
+ \else\ifx\Cprefix\empty
+ \doendCtypesix\!!prettytwo
+ \else
+ \doendCtypesixtype\!!prettytwo
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi
+ \global\let\Csequence\empty
+ \global\let\Cprefix\empty
+ \fi}
+ {\doifprettyidentifierelse{\Csequence}{\Ckeywords}
+ {\beginofpretty[#1]%
+ {\prettyidentifierfont\Csequence}%
+ \endofpretty}
+ {\doifprettyidentifierelse{\Csequence}{\Ctypes}
+ {\beginofpretty[\!!prettytwoone]%
+ {\prettyvariablefont\Csequence}%
+ \endofpretty}
+ {\Csequence}}}
+ {\doifprettyidentifierelse{\Cprefix\Csequence}{\Ctypes}
+ {\beginofpretty[#1]%
+ {\prettyvariablefont\Csequence}%
+ \endofpretty}
+ {\Csequence}}
+ {\ifinCcomment
+ \def\next{\getpretty{#1}}%
+ \else\ifinCsingle
+ \def\next{\getpretty{#1}}%
+ \else\ifinCdouble
+ \def\next{\getpretty{#1}}%
+ \else\ifx\Csequence\empty
+ \def\next{\beginofpretty[\!!prettyeight]\getpretty{#1}\endofpretty}%
+ \else
+ \def\next{\Ctypesixtwo{#1}}%
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi
+ \expandafter\next}
+ {\ifinCcomment
+ \getpretty{#1}%
+ \else\ifinCsingle
+ \getpretty{#1}%
+ \else\ifinCdouble
+ \ifx\Cprefix\empty
+ \getpretty{#1}%
+ \else
+ \xdef\Csequence{\Csequence\getpretty{#1}}%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \xdef\Csequence{\Csequence\getpretty{#1}}%
+ \fi\fi\fi}
+ {\endCtypesix
+ \getpretty{#1}}
+\gdef\Ctypeeight#1% single quote
+ {\endCtypesix
+ \ifinCcomment
+ \getpretty{#1}%
+ \else\ifinCdouble
+ \getpretty{#1}%
+ \else\ifinCsingle
+ \global\inCsinglefalse
+ \getpretty{#1}%
+ \endofpretty
+ \else
+ \global\inCsingletrue
+ \beginofpretty[\!!prettyeight]\getpretty{#1}
+ \fi\fi\fi}
+\gdef\Ctypenine#1% double quote
+ {\endCtypesix
+ \ifinCcomment
+ \getpretty{#1}%
+ \else\ifinCsingle
+ \getpretty{#1}%
+ \else\ifinCdouble
+ \global\inCdoublefalse
+ \getpretty{#1}%
+ \endofpretty
+ \else
+ \global\inCdoubletrue
+ \beginofpretty[\!!prettynine]\getpretty{#1}
+ \fi\fi\fi}
+ {#1%
+ [C \string#2 typing conflict, use \string#3 instead]
+ \writestatus
+ {C typing}
+ {use \string#3 instead of \string#2 to enable propper visualization}%
+ \global#4%
+ \expandafter\doemptyverbatimline
+ \fi}
+ {\doreportprettyCtype\ifinCsingle'\'\inCsinglefalse
+ \doreportprettyCtype\ifinCdouble"\"\inCdoublefalse}
+ {\let\normaldoemptyverbatimline\doemptyverbatimline
+ \def\doemptyverbatimline
+ {\normaldoemptyverbatimline
+ \reportprettyCtype}}
+\useprettyidentifiers \Ckeywords \Csetspecials
+ break case continue default do else for goto if return sizeof switch while
+\useprettyidentifiers \Ctypes \Csetspecials
+ auto char const double enum extern float int long register restrict short
+ signed static struct typedef union unsigned void volatile bool
+\installprettytype [C] [C]
+\definecolor [colorprettyone] [black]
+\definecolor [colorprettytwo] [r=.46, g=.38, b=.13]
+\definecolor [colorprettytwoone] [r=.38, g=.18, b=.5]
+\definecolor [colorprettythree] [black]
+\definecolor [colorprettyfour] [black]
+\definecolor [colorprettyfourthree] [r=.15, g=.45, r=.15]
+\definecolor [colorprettyfive] [r=.94, g=.15, b=.15]
+\definecolor [colorprettyeight] [r=.58, g=.09, b=.09]
+\definecolor [colorprettynine] [r=.58, g=.09, b=.09]
+\definecolor [grayprettyone] [s=.30]
+\definecolor [grayprettytwo] [s=.45]
+\definecolor [grayprettythree] [s=.60]
+\definecolor [grayprettyfour] [s=.75]
+\definecolor [grayprettyfourthree] [s=.70]
+ [colorpretty]
+ [ prettyone=colorprettyone,
+ prettytwo=colorprettytwo,
+ prettytwoone=colorprettytwoone,
+ prettythree=colorprettythree,
+ prettyfour=colorprettyfour,
+ prettyfourthree=colorprettyfourthree,
+ prettyfive=colorprettyfive,
+ prettyeight=colorprettyeight,
+ prettynine=colorprettynine]
+ [graypretty]
+ [ prettyone=grayprettyone,
+ prettytwo=grayprettytwo,
+ prettythree=grayprettythree,
+ prettyfour=grayprettyfour,
+ prettyfourthree=grayprettyfourthree]
+\definepalet [Ccolorpretty] [colorpretty]
+\definepalet [Cgraypretty] [graypretty]
+ [C]
+ [\c!icommand=\tttf]
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/verb-eif.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/verb-eif.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..68c84d4be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/verb-eif.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=verb-eif,
+%D version=2000.08.23,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Verbatim Macros,
+%D subtitle=Pretty Eiffel Verbatim,
+%D author={Berend de Boer \& Hans Hagen},
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={Berend de Boer \& Hans Hagen}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+% This module will be cleaned up a bit in the process of more
+% flexible verbatim options.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Verbatim Macros / Pretty EIFFEL Verbatim}
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \startEIFFEL
+%D class TEST
+%D creation
+%D make
+%D feature -- creation
+%D make is
+%D do
+%D print ("hello world")
+%D end
+%D end
+%D \stopEIFFEL
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D If a variable in a comment is quoted with `..', it is typeset
+%D as a variable (common Eiffel convention for pretty typesetters):
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \startEIFFEL
+%D class TEST
+%D feature
+%D say (something: STRING) is
+%D -- say `something' to stdout
+%D do
+%D print (something)
+%D end
+%D end -- class TEST
+%D \stopEIFFEL
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D Recommended, OOSC2 style setting is:
+%D \setuptyping
+%D [margin=1em,palet=,color=blue,style=\it,icommand=\bf,ccommand=\tf]
+%D We borrow most of the macros from the \PERL\ driver.
+\ifdefined\setupprettyPLtype \else \loadmarkfile{verb-pl} \fi
+%D \EIFFEL\ has only the one line comment sequence \type{--}.
+ {\PLsetspecials
+ \setpretty`\#=32
+ \setpretty`\{=33 \setpretty`\}=33
+ \setpretty`\[=33 \setpretty`\]=33 \setpretty`\(=33 \setpretty`\)=33
+ \setpretty`\;=33 \setpretty`\:=33
+ \setpretty`\!=33 \setpretty`\?=33
+ \setpretty`\==33 \setpretty`\~=33 \setpretty`\<=33 \setpretty`\>=33
+ \setpretty`\-=33 \setpretty`\+=33 \setpretty`\/=33 \setpretty`\*=33
+ \setpretty`\^=33
+ \setpretty`\%=41 \setpretty`\-=45
+ \setpretty`\`=81 \setpretty`\'=82 }
+ {\PLsethandlers
+ \installprettyhandler 33 \EIFtypesymbol
+ \installprettyhandler 45 \EIFtypefourfive
+ \installprettyhandler 81 \EIFtypeeightone
+ \installprettyhandler 82 \EIFtypeeighttwo
+ \installprettyhandler 90 \EIFtypenine }
+ {\PLsetcontrols
+ \def\flushrestofverbatimline%
+ {\endPLtypesix
+ \inPLcommentfalse
+ \verbatimfont
+ \PLverbosefalse
+ \PLverboseskipped=0}}
+ {\PLsetvariables}
+ {\def\prettyidentifier{EIF}%
+ \let\PLidentifiers=\EIFidentifiers
+ \let\PLvariables=\EIFvariables
+ \EIFsetvariables
+ \EIFsetcontrols
+ \EIFsethandlers
+ \EIFsetspecials
+ \PLsetdiagnostics}
+% symbols should appear in roman
+ {\endPLtypesix
+ \ifinPLcomment
+ \getpretty{#1}%
+ \else
+ {\prettynaturalfont\/%
+ \beginofpretty[\!!prettythree]\getpretty{#1}\endofpretty}%
+ \fi}
+% recognize comments
+ {\handlenextnextpretty\doEIFtypefourfive\PLtypefourtwo}
+ {\endPLtypesix
+ \getprettydata{#2}%
+ \ifnum\prettytype=45
+ \let\next=\dodoEIFtypefourfive
+ \else
+ \let\next=\PLtypefourtwo
+ \fi
+ \next{#1}#2}
+\gdef\dodoEIFtypefourfive% #1%
+ {\endPLtypesix
+ \handlenextnextpretty\dododoEIFtypefourfive\dodododoPLtypefourfive}
+ {\ifnewpretty\expandafter\handlenewpretty\fi\dodododoEIFtypefourfive}
+ {\ifinPLcomment
+ \getpretties{#1}{#2}%
+ \else
+ \ifinPLdouble
+ \getpretties{#1}{#2}%
+ \else
+ \global\inPLcommenttrue
+ \PLverbosecorrection
+ \def\next{\beginofpretty[\!!prettyone]\getpretties{#1}{#2}\endofpretty\prettynaturalfont}%
+ \expandafter\next
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+% recognize `name' in comments and format them like variables
+ {\endPLtypesix
+ \ifinPLcomment
+ \verbatimfont
+ \else
+ \getpretty{#1}%
+ \fi}
+ {\endPLtypesix
+ \ifinPLcomment
+ \prettynaturalfont
+ \else
+ {\prettynaturalfont\/%
+ \beginofpretty[\!!prettythree]\getpretty{#1}\endofpretty}%
+ \fi}
+% double quote
+ {\endPLtypesix
+ \ifinPLcomment
+ \getpretty{#1}%
+ \else\ifinPLsingle
+ \getpretty{#1}%
+ \else\ifinPLdouble
+ \global\inPLdoublefalse
+ {\prettynaturalfont\/%
+ \beginofpretty[\!!prettythree]\getpretty{#1}\endofpretty}%
+ \else
+ \global\inPLdoubletrue
+ {\prettynaturalfont
+ \beginofpretty[\!!prettythree]\getpretty{#1}\endofpretty}%
+ \fi\fi\fi}
+\useprettyidentifiers \EIFidentifiers \EIFsetspecials
+ alias all and as check class create creation debug deferred do else
+ elseif end ensure expanded export external false feature from frozen
+ if implies indexing infix inherit inspect invariant is like local
+ loop not obsolete old once or prefix redefine rename require rescue
+ precursor retry select separate strip then true undefine unique
+ until variant when xor
+\useprettyidentifiers \EIFvariables \EIFsetspecials
+ not-yet-defined
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/verb-ini.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/verb-ini.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5a817b4bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/verb-ini.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,1789 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=verb-ini,
+%D version=1997.12.22,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Verbatim Macros,
+%D subtitle=Initialization,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D Today I would implement the pretty handler slightly
+%D different, using stack and intermediate flushing. Maybe
+%D even without active chars. So, someday \unknown. Also
+%D I think that there are better ways (the current approach
+%D is an accumulation; for instance, we could save a second
+%D argument by turning chars into numbers and vise versa.
+%D Because this module is quite independant of system macros,
+%D it can be used as a stand||alone verbatim environment.
+%D This is a sort of second release of \type{supp-ver} and
+%D therefore differs in some aspects from the implementation
+%D published in the \MAPS. The first change concern
+%D optimization of breaks, that is, the first and last two
+%D lines of verbatim blocks are kept together. The second
+%D adaption is due to the fact that I wanted to support pretty
+%D printing not only for \TEX\ sources, but also for \PERL,
+%D \METAPOST\ and probably more. The \JAVASCRIPT\ module is
+%D closely related to \PERL, so we will not mention that one
+%D again.
+\ifx \undefined \writestatus \input supp-mis.tex \fi
+%D Verbatim typesetting, especially of \TEX\ sources, is a
+%D non||trivial task. This is a direct results of the fact that
+%D characters can have \CATCODES\ other than~11 and such
+%D characters needs a special treatment. What for instance is
+%D \TEX\ supposed to do when it encounters a \type{$} or an
+%D \type{#}? This module deals with these matters.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Verbatim Macros / Initialization}
+%D The verbatim environment has some features, like coloring
+%D \TEX\ text, seldom found in other environments. Especially
+%D when the output of \TEX\ is viewed on an electronic medium,
+%D coloring has a positive influence on the readability of
+%D \TEX\ sources, so we found it very acceptable to dedicate
+%D half of this module to typesetting \TEX\ specific character
+%D sequences in color. In this module we'll also present some
+%D macro's for typesetting inline, display and file verbatim.
+%D The macro's are capable of handling \TAB\ too.
+%D This module shows a few tricks that are often overseen by
+%D novice, like the use of the \TEX\ primitive \type{\meaning}.
+%D First I'll show in what way the users are confronted with
+%D verbatim typesetting. Because we want to be able to test for
+%D symmetry and because we hate the method of closing down the
+%D verbatim mode with some strange active character, we will
+%D use the following construction for display verbatim:
+%D \starttyping
+%D The Dutch word 'typen' stands for 'typing', therefore in the Dutch version
+%D one will not find the word 'verbatim'.
+%D \stoptyping
+%D In \CONTEXT\ files can be typed with \type{\typefile} and
+%D inline verbatim can be accomplished with \type{\type}. This
+%D last command comes in many flavors:
+%D \starttyping
+%D We can say \type<<something>> or \type{something}. The first one is a bit
+%D longer but also supports slanted typing, which accomplished by typing
+%D \type<<a <<slanted>> word>>. We can also use commands to enhance the text
+%D \type<<with <</bf boldfaced>> text>>. Just to be complete, we decided
+%D to accept also \LaTeX\ alike verbatim, which means that \type+something+
+%D and \type|something| are valid commands too. Of course we want the grouped
+%D alternatives to process \type{hello {\bf big} world} with braces.
+%D \stoptyping
+%D In the core modules, we will build this support on top of
+%D this module. There these commands can be tuned with
+%D accompanying setup commands. There we can enable commands,
+%D slanted typing, control spaces, \TAB||handling and (here we
+%D are:) coloring. We can also setup surrounding white space
+%D and indenting. Here we'll only show some examples.
+%D \macros
+%D {verbatimfont}
+%D When we are typesetting verbatim we use a non||proportional
+%D (mono spaced) font. Normally this font is available by
+%D calling \type{\tt}. In \CONTEXT\ this command does a
+%D complete font||style switch. There we could have stuck with
+%D \type{\tttf}.
+\ifx\verbatimfont\undefined \def\verbatimfont{\tt\normalnoligatures\font} \fi
+\ifx\normalnoligatures\undefined \let\normalnoligatures\gobbleoneargument \fi
+%D \macros
+%D {obeyedspace, obeyedtab, obeyedline, obeyedpage}
+%D We have followed Knuth in naming macros that make \SPACE,
+%D \NEWLINE\ and \NEWPAGE\ active and assigning them
+%D \type{\obeysomething}, but first we set some default values.
+\def\obeyedspace {\hbox{ }}
+\def\obeyedtab {\obeyedspace}
+\def\obeyedline {\par}
+\def\obeyedpage {\vfill\eject}
+%D Because we will introduce a status variable, we can define
+%D a better \type {\obeyedspace}.
+\def\obeyedspace {\ifprocessingverbatim\hbox{ }\else\space\fi}
+%D \macros
+%D {controlspace,setcontrolspaces}
+%D First we define \type{\obeyspaces}. When we want visible
+%D spaces (control spaces) we only have to adapt the definition
+%D of \type{\obeyedspace} to:
+\def\normalspace { }
+\def\normalspaces{\catcode`\ =\@@space}
+\catcode`\ =\@@active
+\gdef\obeyspaces{\catcode`\ =\@@active\def {\obeyedspace}}
+\gdef\setcontrolspaces{\catcode`\ =\@@active\def {\controlspace}}
+%D \macros
+%D {obeytabs, obeylines, obeypages,
+%D ignoretabs, ignorelines, ignorepages}
+%D Next we take care of \NEWLINE\ and \NEWPAGE\ and because we
+%D want to be able to typeset listings that contain \TAB, we
+%D have to handle those too. Because we have to redefine the
+%D \NEWPAGE\ character locally, we redefine the meaning of
+%D this (often already) active character.
+\catcode`\^^L=\@@active \def^^L{\par}
+%D The following indirect definitions enable us to implement
+%D all kind of \type{\obeyed} handlers.
+\gdef\obeytabs {\catcode`\^^I=\@@active\def^^I{\obeyedtab}}
+\gdef\obeylines {\catcode`\^^M=\@@active\def^^M{\obeyedline}}
+\gdef\obeypages {\catcode`\^^L=\@@active\def^^L{\obeyedpage}}
+\gdef\ignoretabs {\catcode`\^^I=\@@active\def^^I{\obeyedspace}}
+\gdef\ignorelines {\catcode`\^^M=\@@active\def^^M{\obeyedspace}}
+\gdef\ignorepages {\catcode`\^^L=\@@ignore} % \@@active\def^^L{\obeyedline}}
+\gdef\ignoreeofs {\catcode`\^^Z=\@@ignore}
+%D For testing (see digit parser) we need an indirect macro
+%D in order to compare the next (\type {\next}) token
+%D (possibly \type {^^M}) being \type {\obeyedline}.
+%D \macros
+%D {obeycharacters}
+%D We also predefine \type{\obeycharacters}, which will
+%D enable us to implement character||specific behavior, like
+%D colored verbatim.
+%D \macros
+%D {settabskips}
+%D The macro \type{\settabskip} can be used to enable tab
+%D handling. Processing tabs is sometimes needed when one
+%D processes a plain \ASCII\ listing. Tab handling slows down
+%D verbatim typesetting considerably.
+ {\let\processverbatimline\doprocesstabskipline
+ \catcode`\^^I\@@active
+ \let^^I\doprocesstabskip}
+ {\catcode`\^^I\@@active
+ \def^^I{\kern#1\spaceskip}}
+%D \macros
+%D {processingverbatim}
+%D Typesetting a file in most cases results in more than one
+%D page. Because we don't want problems with files that are
+%D read in during the construction of the page, we set \type
+%D {\ifprocessingverbatim}, so the output routine can adapt
+%D its behavior. Originally we used \type {\scratchread}, but
+%D because we want to support nesting, we decided to use a
+%D separate input file.
+%D \macros
+%D {processinlineverbatim}
+%D Although the inline verbatim commands presented here will be
+%D extended and embedded in the core modules of \CONTEXT,
+%D they can be used separately. Both grouped and character
+%D alternatives are provided but \type{<<} and nested
+%D braces are implemented in the core module. This commands
+%D takes one argument: the closing command.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \processinlineverbatim{\closingcommand}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D One can define his own verbatim commands, which can be very
+%D simple:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\Verbatim {\processinlineverbatim\relax}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D or a bit more more complex:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\GroupedVerbatim%
+%D {\bgroup
+%D \dosomeusefullthings
+%D \processinlineverbatim\egroup}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Before entering inline verbatim mode, we take care of the
+%D unwanted \TAB, \NEWLINE\ and \NEWPAGE\ characters and
+%D turn them into \SPACE. We need the double \type{\bgroup}
+%D construction to keep the closing command local.
+ {\setbox\scratchbox\hbox{x}%
+ \spaceskip\wd\scratchbox
+ \xspaceskip\spaceskip}
+ {\verbatimfont
+ \setverbatimspaceskip
+ \let\obeytabs\ignoretabs
+ \let\obeylines\ignorelines
+ \let\obeypages\ignorepages
+ \setupcopyverbatim}
+ {\ifx\next\bgroup
+ \setupinlineverbatim
+ \catcode`\{\@@begingroup
+ \catcode`\}\@@endgroup
+ \def\next{\let\next=}%
+ \else
+ \setupinlineverbatim
+ \def\next##1{\catcode`##1=\@@endgroup}%
+ \fi
+ \next}
+ {\bgroup
+ \processingverbatimtrue
+ \localcatcodestrue % TeX processes paragraph's
+ \def\endofverbatimcommand{#1\egroup}%
+ \bgroup
+ \aftergroup\endofverbatimcommand
+ \futurelet\next\doprocessinlineverbatim}
+%D The closing command is executed afterwards as an internal
+%D command and therefore should not be given explicitly when
+%D typesetting inline verbatim.
+%D \macros
+%D {optimizeverbatim}
+%D One day, a collegue asked me why I didn't prevent breaking
+%D after a first or before a last verbatim line. At first sight
+%D I thought of using the two pass mechanism, but because we're
+%D already keeping track of individual lines, a more direct
+%D solution is possible: we just keep track of in what line
+%D we are. One can turn this feature off.
+\newif\ifoptimizeverbatim \optimizeverbatimtrue
+%D Before we implement display and file verbatim, we define
+%D some macros that deal with typesetting the individual lines.
+%D We keep track of the status by means of a character
+%D specification. This status variable tells us if we're
+%D skipping a first line or placing a first or last line.
+%D The next few examples show us where breaks are inserted.
+%D \bgroup
+%D \def\doverbatimnobreak
+%D {\nobreak\hrule width 10cm\par\penalty500} % == \nobreak
+%D \def\doverbatimgoodbreak
+%D {\nobreak\hrule width 3cm \par\penalty\linepenalty}
+%D \starttyping
+%D test
+%D test
+%D \stoptyping
+%D or
+%D \starttyping
+%D test
+%D test
+%D test
+%D test
+%D \stoptyping
+%D or
+%D \starttyping
+%D test
+%D test
+%D test
+%D test
+%D \stoptyping
+%D \egroup
+%D The long ones are \type{\nobreaks} and the short ones
+%D \type{\goodbreaks}. And this is how it's done:
+ {\ifoptimizeverbatim\penalty500 \fi}
+ {\ifoptimizeverbatim\penalty\linepenalty\fi}
+ {\expandafter\dodoverbatimline\expandafter{\savedverbatimline}}
+\def\doverbatimbeginofline#1% linenumber (optional provided by mkiv / todo)
+ {\dontleavehmode
+ \strut
+ \the\everyline}
+ {\par}
+ {\strut
+ \par}
+% \def\initializeverbatimline%
+% {\global\let\savedverbatimline=\empty
+% \ifskipfirstverbatimline
+% \global\chardef\verbatimstatus=0
+% \else
+% \global\chardef\verbatimstatus=1
+% \fi}
+% more efficient
+ {\global\let\savedverbatimline\empty
+ \global\chardef\verbatimstatus\ifskipfirstverbatimline0 \else1 \fi}
+ {\ifcase\verbatimstatus
+ \global\chardef\verbatimstatus\plusone
+ \or
+ \ifcase\verbatimemptylinemode\or\or
+ \doemptyverbatimline
+ \fi
+ \or
+ \ifcase\verbatimemptylinemode\else
+ \doemptyverbatimline
+ \fi
+ \or
+ \doflushverbatimline
+ \global\let\savedverbatimline\empty
+ \doemptyverbatimline
+ \global\chardef\verbatimstatus\plustwo
+ \else
+ \kern\zeropoint
+ \doverbatimnobreak
+ \doflushverbatimline
+ \global\let\savedverbatimline\empty
+ \doemptyverbatimline
+ \global\chardef\verbatimstatus\plustwo
+ \fi}
+ {\ifcase\verbatimstatus
+ \global\chardef\verbatimstatus\plustwo
+ \or
+ \global\chardef\verbatimstatus\plusthree
+ \or
+ \global\chardef\verbatimstatus\plusthree
+ \or
+ \doflushverbatimline
+ \global\chardef\verbatimstatus\plusfour
+ \or
+ \kern\zeropoint
+ \doverbatimnobreak
+ \doflushverbatimline
+ \global\chardef\verbatimstatus\plusfive
+ \or
+ \doverbatimgoodbreak
+ \doflushverbatimline
+ \fi
+ \global\let\savedverbatimline\verbatimline}
+ {\ifcase \verbatimstatus
+ \or
+ \or
+ \or
+ \doflushverbatimline
+ \else
+ \kern \zeropoint
+ \doverbatimnobreak
+ \doflushverbatimline
+ \fi
+ \ifcase\verbatimemptylinemode\or\else
+ \kern \zeropoint
+ \fi}
+%D \macros
+%D {skipfirstverbatimline}
+%D By default the rest of the first line is ignored. We can
+%D turn this feature off by saying:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \skipfirstverbatimlinefalse
+%D \stoptyping
+\newif\ifskipfirstverbatimline \skipfirstverbatimlinetrue
+%D \macros
+%D {processdisplayverbatim}
+%D We can define a display verbatim environment with the
+%D command \type{\processdisplayverbatim} in the following way:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \processdisplayverbatim{\closingcommand}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D \noindent For instance, we can define a simple command like:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\BeginVerbatim {\processdisplayverbatim{EndVerbatim}}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D \noindent But we can also do more advance things like:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\BeginVerbatim {\bigskip \processdisplayverbatim{\EndVerbatim}}
+%D \def\EndVerbatim {\bigskip}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D When we compare these examples, we see that the backslash in
+%D the closing command is optional. One is free in actually
+%D defining a closing command. If one is defined, the command
+%D is executed after ending verbatim mode.
+ {\par
+ \bgroup
+ \escapechar=-1
+ \xdef\verbatimname{\string#1}%
+ \egroup
+ \def\endofdisplayverbatim{\csname\verbatimname\endcsname}%
+ \bgroup
+ \parindent\zeropoint
+ \ifdim\lastskip<\parskip
+ \removelastskip
+ \vskip\parskip
+ \fi
+ \parskip\zeropoint
+ \processingverbatimtrue
+ \global\linepartrue
+ \expandafter\let\csname\verbatimname\endcsname\relax
+ \edef\endofverbatimcommand{\csname\verbatimname\endcsname}%
+ \edef\endofverbatimcommand{\meaning\endofverbatimcommand}%
+ \verbatimfont
+ \setverbatimspaceskip
+ \global\linepartrue % needed for paragraph numbering
+ \setupcopyverbatim
+ \initializeverbatimline
+ \copyverbatimline}
+%D We save the closing sequence in \type{\endofverbatimcommand}
+%D in such a way that it can be compared on a line by line
+%D basis. For the conversion we use \type{\meaning}, which
+%D converts the line to non||expandable tokens. We reset
+%D \type{\parskip}, because we don't want inter||paragraph
+%D skips to creep into the verbatim source. Furthermore we
+%D \type{\relax} the line||processing macro while getting the
+%D rest of the first line. The initialization command
+%D \type{\setupcopyverbatim} does just what we expect it to do:
+%D it assigns all characters \CATCODE~11. Next we switch to
+%D french spacing and call for obeyance.
+\newevery \everysetupverbatim \relax
+ {\uncatcodecharacters
+ \frenchspacing
+ \obeyspaces
+ \obeytabs
+ \obeylines
+ \obeypages
+ \obeycharacters
+ \the\everysetupverbatim}
+%D The main copying routine of display verbatim does an
+%D ordinary string||compare on the saved closing command and
+%D the current line. The space after \type{#1} in the
+%D definition of \type{\next} is essential! As a result of
+%D using \type{\obeylines}, we have to use \type{%}'s after
+%D each line but none after the first \type{#1}.
+ \long\gdef\copyverbatimline#1
+ {\def\next{#1 }%
+ \gdef\verbatimline{#1}%
+ \ifx\next\emptyspace%
+ \presetemptyverbatimline%
+ \else%
+ \edef\next{\meaning\next}%
+ \ifx\next\endofverbatimcommand%
+ \presetlastverbatimline%
+ \def\copyverbatimline{\egroup\endofdisplayverbatim}%
+ \else%
+ \presetnormalverbatimline%
+ \fi%
+ \fi%
+ \handleverbatimline%
+ \copyverbatimline}}
+%D The actual typesetting of a line is done by a separate
+%D macro, which enables us to implement \TAB\ handling. The
+%D \type{\do} and \type{\dodo} macros take care of the
+%D preceding \type{\parskip}, while skipping the rest of the
+%D first line. The \type{\relax} is used as an signal.
+%D \macros
+%D {iflinepar}
+%D A careful reader will see that \type{\linepar} is reset.
+%D This boolean can be used to determine if the current line is
+%D the first line in a pseudo paragraph and this boolean is set
+%D after each empty line. The \type{\relax} can be used to
+%D determine the end of the line when one implements a scanner
+%D routine.
+\let\endverbatimline \relax
+\long\def\dodoverbatimline#1% we don't want to group
+ {\bgroup % due to pretty status
+ \iflinepar\else\EveryPar{}\fi
+ \dontleavehmode % \leavevmode
+ \xdef\dokeepverbatimlinedata % why was this?
+ {\parindent \the\parindent
+ \hangindent\the\hangindent
+ \hangafter \the\hangafter
+ \leftskip \the\leftskip
+ \rightskip \the\rightskip}%
+ \egroup
+ \dokeepverbatimlinedata
+ \doopenupverbatimline
+ \the\everyline\strut
+ \beginverbatimline
+ \processverbatimline{#1\relax\flushrestofverbatimline}%
+ \endverbatimline
+ \global\lineparfalse
+ \obeyedline\par}
+%D \macros
+%D {flushrestofverbatimline}
+%D Some pretty drivers will collect tokens for the sake of
+%D testing on keywords. This collected string needs to be
+%D flushed. The \type {\relax} can serve as signal that there
+%D is nothing more to be interpreted.
+%D \macros
+%D {obeyemptylines,verbatimbaselineskip}
+%D Empty lines in verbatim can lead to white space on top of
+%D a new page. Because this is not what we want, we turn
+%D them into vertical skips. This default behavior can be
+%D overruled by:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \obeyemptylines
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Although it would cost us only a few lines of code, we
+%D decided not to take care of multiple empty lines. When a
+%D (display) verbatim text contains more successive empty
+%D lines, this probably suits some purpose. When applicable,
+%D one can set the verbatim baselineskip.
+\catcode`\^^L=\@@active \gdef\emptypage {^^L}
+\catcode`\^^M=\@@active \gdef\emptyline {^^M}
+ \gdef\emptyspace { }
+\def\verbatimbaselineskip% We don't use \let here!
+ {\baselineskip}
+ {\vskip\verbatimbaselineskip
+ {\setbox0\hbox{\the\everyline}}%
+ \global\linepartrue}
+% \def\obeyemptylines
+% {\let\donextemptyverbatimline\doemptyverbatimline}
+\def\obeyemptylines % tricky, only in verbatim (should be token list)!
+ {\chardef\verbatimemptylinemode\plusone}
+\def\obeyallemptylines % tricky, only in verbatim (should be token list)!
+ {\chardef\verbatimemptylinemode\plustwo}
+%D \TEX\ does not offer \type{\everyline}, which is a direct
+%D result of its advanced multi||pass paragraph typesetting
+%D mechanism. Because in verbatim mode paragraphs and lines are
+%D more or less equal, we can easily implement our own simple
+%D \type{\everyline} support.
+%D \macros
+%D {EveryPar, EveryLine}
+%D In this module we've reserved \type{\everypar} for the
+%D things to be done with paragraphs and \type{\everyline} for
+%D line specific actions. In \CONTEXT\ however, we use
+%D \type{\everypar} for placing side- and columnfloats,
+%D inhibiting indentation and some other purposes. In verbatim
+%D mode, every line becomes a paragraph, which means that
+%D \type{\everypar} is executed frequently. To be sure, the
+%D user specific use of both \type{\everyline} and
+%D \type{\everypar} is implemented by means of
+%D \type{\EveryLine} and \type{\EveryPar}.
+%D We still have to take care of the \TAB. A \TAB\ takes eight
+%D spaces and a \SPACE\ normally has a width of 0.5~em. Because
+%D we can be halfway a tabulation, we must keep track of the
+%D position. This takes time, especially when we print complete
+%D files, therefore we \type{\relax} this mechanism by default.
+ {\obeyedspace % \hskip.5em or \hbox to .5em{}
+ \ifdone
+ \donefalse
+ \advance\scratchcounter \plusone
+ \@EA\doprocesstabskip
+ \else\ifnum\scratchcounter>\spacespertab
+ % nothing
+ \else
+ \advance\scratchcounter \plusone
+ \@EAEAEA\doprocesstabskip
+ \fi\fi}
+\let\endoftabskipping=\relax % will become obsolete
+ {\bgroup
+ \scratchcounter\plusone
+ \dodoprocesstabskipline#1\relax
+ \egroup}
+ {\ifnum\scratchcounter>\spacespertab\relax
+ \donetrue \else \donefalse \advance
+ \fi \scratchcounter \plusone
+ \ifx#1\relax \else
+ \ifcase\tabskipmode
+ % can't happen
+ \or
+ % go on
+ \else\ifnum`#1<128
+ % ok, no special character
+ \else\ifnum\catcode`#1=\active
+ % quits parsing, else utf lookahead problems
+ \chardef\tabskipmode\zerocount
+ \fi\fi\fi
+ \ifcase\tabskipmode
+ \@EAEAEA#1%
+ \else
+ \@EAEAEA#1\@EAEAEA\dodoprocesstabskipline
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+% ^ will be replaced
+\chardef\tabskipmode=1 % 0=quit 1=no test 2=test on active>128
+\long\def\processverbatimline#1{#1} % remove the fake grouping
+%D \macros
+%D {processfileverbatim}
+%D The verbatim typesetting of files is done on a bit different
+%D basis. This time we don't check for a closing command, but
+%D look for \EOF\ and when we've met, we make sure it does not
+%D turn into an empty line.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \processfileverbatim{filename}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D We reserve a dedicated file handle.
+\let \beginofverbatimlines \relax
+\let \endofverbatimlines \relax
+ {\par
+ \bgroup
+ \processingverbatimtrue
+ \global\verbatimlinenumber\zerocount
+ \global\linepartrue
+ \beginofverbatimlines
+ \bgroup
+ \parindent\zeropoint
+ \ifdim\lastskip<\parskip
+ \removelastskip
+ \vskip\parskip
+ \fi
+ \parskip\zeropoint
+ \verbatimfont
+ \uncatcodecharacters
+ \setverbatimspaceskip
+ \frenchspacing
+ \obeyspaces
+ \obeytabs
+ \obeylines
+ \obeypages
+ \obeycharacters
+ \ignoreeofs
+ \catcode`\^^M=\@@ignore % \par is already taken care of
+% \openin\verbatiminput=#1\relax
+ \openinputfile\verbatiminput{#1}%
+ \skipfirstverbatimlinefalse
+ \initializeverbatimline
+ \def\readline%
+ {\ifeof\verbatiminput \else
+ \ifx\firstverbatimfileline\empty
+ \global\advance\verbatimlinenumber\plusone
+ \read\verbatiminput to \verbatimline
+ \else
+ \let\verbatimline\firstverbatimfileline
+ \let\firstverbatimfileline\empty
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \ifeof\verbatiminput
+ \ifx\lastverbatimfileline\empty
+ \presetlastverbatimline
+ \let\readline\relax
+ \else % we will re-enter the \ifeof branch twice
+ \presetnormalverbatimline
+ \def\readline%
+ {\let\verbatimline\lastverbatimfileline
+ \let\lastverbatimfileline\empty}%
+ \fi
+ \else\ifx\verbatimline\empty
+ \presetemptyverbatimline
+ \else\ifx\verbatimline\emptyline
+ \presetemptyverbatimline
+ \else\ifx\verbatimline\emptypage
+ \presetemptyverbatimline
+ \else
+ \presetnormalverbatimline
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi
+ \handleverbatimline
+ \readline}%
+ \ifeof\verbatiminput \else
+ \expandafter\readline
+ \fi
+ \closein\verbatiminput
+ \egroup
+ \endofverbatimlines
+ \egroup
+ \ignorespaces}
+%D Something new:
+ {\bgroup
+ \let\saveddoflushverbatimline\doflushverbatimline
+ \let\saveddoemptyverbatimline\doemptyverbatimline
+ \def\checkverbatimfileline##1%
+ {\ifnum\verbatimlinenumber<#2\else
+ \ifnum\verbatimlinenumber>#3\else
+ ##1%
+ \fi\fi}%
+ \def\doflushverbatimline
+ {\checkverbatimfileline\saveddoflushverbatimline}%
+ \def\doemptyverbatimline
+ {\checkverbatimfileline\saveddoemptyverbatimline}%
+ \processfileverbatim{#1}%
+ \egroup}
+%D \macros
+%D {firstverbatimfileline, lastverbatimfileline}
+%D The following two macros can be set to achieve special
+%D effects, like:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \convertargument\StartFake{something}\to\firstverbatimfileline
+%D \convertargument\StopFake\to\firstverbatimfileline
+%D \stoptyping
+%D These hooks were needed for typesetting flowchart
+%D definitions verbatim, since the temporary files does not
+%D have the start and stop commands embedded.
+\let\lastverbatimfileline \empty
+%D One can use the different \type{\obeysomething} commands to
+%D influence the behavior of these macro's. We use for instance
+%D \type{\obeycharacters} for making \type{/} an active
+%D character when we want to include typesetting commands.
+%D The next part of this module deals with pretty printing. The
+%D best way to understand how pretty verbatim typeseting works
+%D is to take a look at the output produced by the \TEX, \PERL\
+%D and \METAPOST\ modules first. Each of these modules has a
+%D few setup macros that tag the individual characters with a
+%D number that itself is associated to a interpretation macro.
+%D A previous implementation linked characters (after making
+%D them active) directly to such interpreters, but the more
+%D indirect way makes it possible to inspect the next
+%D character(s) without much expansion problems and/or
+%D increasing run time.
+%D By the way, \TEX\ defines \type{\+} as an outer macro, so we
+%D have to redefine this one to keep ourselves out of complaints.
+%D Just to keep things consistant and to speed up some macros a
+%D but, we define a few private constants.
+\def\!!prettyone {prettyone}
+\def\!!prettytwo {prettytwo}
+\def\!!prettythree {prettythree}
+\def\!!prettyfour {prettyfour}
+\def\!!prettyfive {prettyfive}
+\def\!!prettynine {prettynine}
+\def\!!prettyeight {prettyeight}
+\def\!!prettytwoone {prettytwoone}
+\def\!!prettyfourthree {prettyfourthree}
+%D The first step in defining a pretty interpreter is to assign
+%D each character that needs special attention a number, like:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \setpretty \`A 21
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Here the macro \type{\setpretty} makes the character
+%D \type{A} active, and sets it meaning to the auxiliary macro
+%D \type{\handleprettytoken}. This auxiliary macro takes the
+%D character code (a number) and the interpretation number. The
+%D three step implementation uses the \TEX book \type{~} trick.
+ {\!!countb=\uccode`~\relax
+ \catcode\!!countb=\@@active
+ \uppercase{\edef~{\noexpand\handleprettytoken{\the\!!counta}{\the\!!countb}}}}
+ {\afterassignment\dodosetpretty\!!counta}
+ {\afterassignment\dosetpretty\uccode`~=}
+%D The macro \type{\handleprettytoken} is rather trivial and
+%D calls for an interpreter macro.
+ {\csname\!!PRETTY#1\endcsname} % \getvalue{\!!PRETTY#1}}
+%D This interpreter is installed by saying
+%D \starttyping
+%D \installprettyhandler 21 \SOMEprettyone
+%D \stoptyping
+\def\installprettyhandler#1 #2%
+ {\letvalue{\!!PRETTY#1}#2}
+%D Such an interpreter gets the character number:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\SOMEprettyone#1{...\getpretty{#1}...}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D where \type{\getpretty} equals \type{\char}. We can't
+%D use \type{\let} here because we have to get rid of the
+%D braces.
+ {\char#1}
+%D Sometimes the action depends on the next token. This token
+%D can be passed to the macro \type{\getprettydata}, that sets
+%D \type{\prettytype} to the interpreter code. The character
+%D code is saved in \type{\prettychar}.
+ {\global\chardef\prettytype#1%
+ \global\chardef\prettychar#2\relax}
+ {\global\chardef\prettytype\zerocount
+ \global\chardef\prettychar\zerocount
+ \bgroup
+ \let\handleprettytoken\setprettydata
+ \setbox0\hbox{#1}% expands #1 and ignores space
+ \egroup}
+%D If needed the current and next token can be handled alongside:
+ {\char#1\bgroup\let\handleprettytoken\getsecondpretty#2\egroup}
+ {\char#2}
+%D When needed, one can reassign an interpreter by using
+%D \type{\newpretty} and its associates.
+%D \bgroup
+%D \setuptyping[file][optionoptie=tex,paletpalet=colorpretty]
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \bgroup
+%D \catcode`\|=\@@escape %%\|\
+%D \catcode`\\=\@@active %%\\+
+%D |gdef|dohandlenewpretty#1%
+%D {|def|dodohandlenewpretty##1%
+%D {|def|oldprettychar{#1}%
+%D |getprettydata{##1}%
+%D |ifnum|oldprettychar=|prettychar
+%D |def|dododohandlenewpretty####1%
+%D {|getprettydata{\}%
+%D |let|oldprettytype=|prettytype
+%D |getprettydata{####1}%
+%D |ifnum|prettytype=|oldprettytype
+%D |let|next=|newpretty
+%D |else
+%D |def|next{|newprettycommand{#1}##1####1}%
+%D |fi
+%D |next}%
+%D |let|next=|dododohandlenewpretty
+%D |else
+%D |def|next{|newprettycommand{#1}##1}%
+%D |fi
+%D |next}%
+%D |def|donohandlenewpretty##1%
+%D {|newprettycommand{#1}##1}%
+%D |handlenextnextpretty|dodohandlenewpretty|donohandlenewpretty}
+%D |egroup
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D {\newprettytrue\typebuffer}
+%D In this example we see that the colors differ from what we
+%D expect, but conform the definitions in the macro. This kind
+%D of recoloring can be achieved by saying:
+%D \typebuffer
+%D We'll show some more examples:
+%D \startbuffer[pretty]
+%D \installnewpretty r \red
+%D \installnewpretty g \green
+%D \installnewpretty b \blue
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \getbuffer[pretty]
+%D \startbuffer
+%D %%\ r{Red
+%D %%\ g\Green
+%D %%\ b[Blue
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D {\newprettytrue\typebuffer}
+%D Watch the green \type{\Green}! This lines are specified as:
+%D \typebuffer
+%D along with:
+%D \typebuffer[pretty]
+%D When needed, one can use grouping.
+%D \startbuffer
+%D {yes} %%\ B %%\{[ %%\}]
+%D {no}
+%D {no} %%\ E
+%D {yes}
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+%D Here we tell the visualizer that the \type +{+ should be
+%D treated like a \type +[+ so we get:
+%D {\newprettytrue\typebuffer}
+%D I won't explain the details of this mechanism. Those who
+%D want to build their own pretty interpreters have to close
+%D read the source anyway.
+%D Last we show an example of mixed pretty typesetting:
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \ziezo{test} %%\ P ##\ B##\ T % enter PERL mode %%\ E
+%D if $test eq "test" ##\ B ##\ B##\ T % begin group (\bgroup) %%\ E
+%D if $test eq "test"; ##\ T %%\ B%%\ T % enter TEX mode %%\ E
+%D \ziezo{test} %%\ M %%\ B%%\ T % enter METAPOST mode %%\ E
+%D draw (0,0)--(10,10); %%\ E ##\ B##\ T % end group (\egroup) %%\ E
+%D if $test eq "test";
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+%D Here we use \type{%%\ T}, \type{%%\ P} and \type{%%\ M} for
+%D switching between \TEX, \PERL\ and \METAPOST\ mode.
+%D {\newprettytrue\typebuffer}
+%D \egroup
+%D Don't forget to set:
+ {\def\doinstallnewpretty##1%
+ {\setvalue{NP::\the\scratchcounter}{##1}}%
+ \afterassignment\doinstallnewpretty\scratchcounter=`}
+%D Let's define the options we used here:
+ {\bgroup\def\prettyend{\the\everyprettyend\egroup}}
+\installnewpretty B \prettybegin
+\installnewpretty E \prettyend
+\installnewpretty J \setupprettyJVtype
+\installnewpretty M \setupprettyMPtype
+\installnewpretty P \setupprettyPLtype
+\installnewpretty T \setupprettyTEXtype
+%D \macros
+%D {ifnaturaltextext}
+%D When one uses \ETEX, switching to normal \TEX\ is possible
+%D too. We also introduce a switch that can be used in the
+%D drivers and set in higher level shell macros.
+% \starttyping
+% test /naturaltextext\hpos{word}{test}/relax test
+% \stoptyping
+% \MPxy{word}
+ {\bgroup
+ \prettynaturalfont{\restorecatcodes\scantokens{\ignorespaces#1}}%
+ \egroup}
+ {\bgroup
+ \def\ascii{#1}%
+ \setnormalcatcodes
+ \restorecatcodes
+ \prettynaturalfont{\scantokens\expandafter{\ascii}\ifhmode\unskip\fi}%
+ \egroup}
+\installnewpretty N \naturaltextext
+%D When seen in action this gives:
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \startTEX
+%D \def\mathematics#1% %%\ N usage: \type {\mathematics{x^2}}
+%D {\ifmmode#1\else$#1$\fi} %%\ N becomes: \mathematics{X^2}
+%D \stopTEX
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \getbuffer
+%D This is keyed in as:
+%D \typebuffer
+%D This means that when the interpreter modules support this
+%D mechanism, by default we have some keys already available.
+ {\getprettydata{#1}%
+ \ifcase\prettytype
+ \expandafter\nonewpretty
+ \else
+ \expandafter\donewpretty
+ \fi
+ #1}
+ {\getprettydata{#2}%
+ \getvalue{NP::\the\prettychar}}
+ {\bgroup
+ \def\handleprettytoken##1##2##3%
+ {\getprettydata{##3}%
+ \egroup
+ \ifcase\prettytype\else
+ \setpretty##2=\prettytype\relax
+ \fi}%
+ #1}
+%D When implementing new pretty macros, one only needs to
+%D define something like:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\TEXtypezero%
+%D {\handlenewpretty\TEXtypethree}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Here the number states the category (in our examples the
+%D backslash). The second argument takes care of normal
+%D situations.
+ {\let\newprettycommand=#1%
+ \handlenextnextpretty\dohandlenewpretty\newprettycommand}
+%D The previous shown implementation only interprets single
+%D comments, but the final one also accepts double ones. The
+%D main reason for this is that in \JAVA\ we have to deal with
+%D \type{//}. Personally I prefer the double \type{%%} because
+%D is stands out and is more symmetrical with the double
+%D slash.
+ {|def|dodohandlenewpretty##1%
+ {|def|oldprettychar{#1}%
+ |getprettydata{##1}%
+ |ifnum|oldprettychar=|prettychar
+ |def|dododohandlenewpretty####1%
+ {|getprettydata{\}%
+ |let|oldprettytype=|prettytype
+ |getprettydata{####1}%
+ |ifnum|prettytype=|oldprettytype
+ |let|next|newpretty
+ |else
+ |def|next{|newprettycommand{#1}##1####1}%
+ |fi
+ |next}%
+ |let|next|dododohandlenewpretty
+ |else
+ |def|next{|newprettycommand{#1}##1}%
+ |fi
+ |next}%
+ |def|donohandlenewpretty##1%
+ {|newprettycommand{#1}##1}%
+ |handlenextnextpretty|dodohandlenewpretty|donohandlenewpretty}
+%D The `nextnext' macro we used in the previous definition
+%D looks ahead. This is needed because individual lines are
+%D handles by macro's and the next character can be something
+%D that ends the line and/or does not belong to the verbatim
+%D data.
+ {\def\dohandlenextnextpretty%
+ {\ifx\next\bgroup % something {}
+ \@EA#2%
+ \else\ifx\next\relax % end of line / signal
+ \@EAEAEA#2%
+ \else
+ \@EAEAEA#1%
+ \fi\fi
+ {#3}}%
+ \futurelet\next\dohandlenextnextpretty}
+%D The pretty interpreters can (and will) change the meaning of
+%D some controls. To enable them calling the originals we save
+%D their meanings and to enable nesting we permit this only
+%D once.
+ {\global\let\oldobeyedspace \obeyedspace
+ \global\let\oldobeyedline \obeyedline
+ \global\let\oldobeyedpage \obeyedpage
+ \let\saveprettycontrols \relax}
+%D The \PERL\ and \METAPOST\ interpreters will also handle
+%D reserved words. Sets of identifiers are defined like:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \useprettyidentifiers \MODULAidentifiers \MODULAsetspecials
+%D if then else elsif case while do repeat until ...
+%D \stoptyping
+%D New entries can be added to existing sets by repeatedly
+%D using this command.
+\def\useprettyidentifiers#1#2% \variable \presetcatcodes
+ {\bgroup
+ \ifx#1\undefined
+ \global\let#1=\empty
+ \fi
+ \def\handleprettytoken##1##2{\char##2}%
+ #2\relax
+ \def\douseprettyidentifiers##1\par%
+ {\xdef#1{\space#1\space##1}%
+ \egroup}%
+ \douseprettyidentifiers}
+%D We can test om identifiers with:
+ {\doifincsnameelse{\space#1\space}}
+%D \macros
+%D {prettyidentifierfont,prettyvariablefont,prettynaturalfont}
+%D When one want to typeset identifiers and system variables
+%D in a different typeface, one has to set the next two
+%D variables.
+\let\prettyvariablefont =\relax
+\let\prettynaturalfont =\relax
+%D The interpreter macros are loaded at run time. The main
+%D reason lays in the fact that we don't want to have the
+%D identifier lists hard coded in the format file. To prevent
+%D repetitive loading, one should load the modules before the
+%D first call to the macros.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \input verb-tex.tex
+%D \input verb-pl.tex
+%D \input verb-mp.tex
+%D \input verb-jv.tex
+%D \stoptyping
+%D In \CONTEXT\ we follow a different thread, and therefore all
+%D macros in the additional modules use \type {\gdef}'s and
+%D \type {\doglobal}'s. Manipulating \type {\globaldef} is
+%D possible but leads to fuzzy situations.
+%D \macros
+%D {ifdisablepretty,disableprettynow,disableprettyafterwards}
+%D Although for pretty printing \PERL\ and \JAVASCRIPT\ code
+%D one has to implement a bit more clever mechanism, the next
+%D switches can be used to turn off pretty printing. The
+%D boolean turns on this feature.
+\newif\ifdisablepretty \disableprettyfalse
+\newif\ifprettydisabled \prettydisabledfalse
+ {\ifdisablepretty\ifprettydisabled\else
+ \let\prettyidentifierfont\relax
+ \let\prettyvariablefont\relax
+ \let\prettycomment\relax
+ \def\beginofpretty[##1]{}%
+ \let\endofpretty\relax
+ \prettydisabledtrue
+ \fi\fi}
+ {\ifdisablepretty\ifprettydisabled\else
+ \def\endofpretty{\normalendofpretty\disableprettynow}%
+ \fi\fi}
+ {\prettydisabledfalse
+ \let\prettyidentifierfont\normalprettyidentifierfont
+ \let\prettyvariablefont \normalprettyvariablefont
+ \let\prettynaturalfont \normalprettynaturalfont
+ \let\beginofpretty \normalbeginofpretty
+ \let\endofpretty \normalendofpretty}
+%D This feature is hooked into the verbatim line handling
+%D routine with:
+ {\prettydisabledfalse
+ \ifnewpretty\else\let\handlenewpretty\empty\fi % moved
+ \let\normalprettyidentifierfont\prettyidentifierfont
+ \let\normalprettyvariablefont \prettyvariablefont
+ \let\normalprettynaturalfont \prettynaturalfont
+ \let\normalbeginofpretty \beginofpretty
+ \let\normalendofpretty \endofpretty}
+ {\enableprettynow}
+%D The rest of this module is dedicated to non \CONTEXT\ users
+%D and shows an example of an verbatim environment based on the
+%D previous macros.
+%D The macro's can be used to construct the commands we
+%D mentioned in the beginning of this documentation. We leave
+%D this to the fantasy of the reader and only show some \PLAIN\
+%D \TEX\ alternatives for display verbatim and listings. We
+%D define three commands for typesetting inline text, display
+%D text and files verbatim. The inline alternative also accepts
+%D user supplied delimiters.
+%D \type{text}
+%D \starttyping
+%D ... verbatim text ...
+%D \stoptyping
+%D \typefile{filename}
+%D We can turn on the options by:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \controlspacetrue
+%D \verbatimtabstrue
+%D \prettyverbatimtrue
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Here is the implementation:
+\ifCONTEXT \else
+ \def\presettyping
+ {\ifcontrolspace \let\obeyspace \setcontrolspace \fi
+ \ifverbatimtabs \let\obeytabs \settabskips \fi
+ \ifprettyverbatim \let\obeycharacters\setupprettytype \fi}
+ \def\type
+ {\bgroup
+ \def\_{\string_}%
+ \def\^{\string^}%
+ \presettyping
+ \processinlineverbatim\egroup}
+ \def\starttyping
+ {\bgroup
+ \presettyping
+ \processdisplayverbatim\stoptyping}
+ \def\stoptyping
+ {\egroup}
+ \def\typefile#1%
+ {\bgroup
+ \presettyping
+ \processfileverbatim{#1}%
+ \egroup}
+%D In \CONTEXT\ users say things like:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \definetyping [TEX] [option=TEX]
+%D \definetyping [MP] [option=MP]
+%D \definetyping [PL] [option=PL]
+%D \definetyping [JV] [option=JV]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D or
+%D \starttyping
+%D \setuptyping[file][option=color]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D That way \CONTEXT\ selects the appropriate interpreter
+%D itself, but more on that in another module. In other
+%D packages one can define:
+\ifCONTEXT \else
+ \input verb-tex.mkii
+ \input verb-mp.mkii
+ \def\startTEX
+ {\bgroup \everypar{}%
+ \let\obeycharacters\setupprettyTEXtype
+ \processdisplayverbatim{\stopTEX}}
+ \def\startMP
+ {\bgroup \everypar{}%
+ \let\obeycharacters\setupprettyMPtype
+ \processdisplayverbatim{\stopMP}}
+ \let\stopTEX=\egroup
+ \let\stopMP =\egroup
+%D This following poor mans implementation of color is based on
+%D PostScript. One can of course use grayscales too. In the
+%D core modules these macros are redefined to using the color
+%D mechanism present in \CONTEXT.
+\ifCONTEXT \else
+ \def\setcolorverbatim
+ {\def\prettyone {.9 .0 .0 } % red
+ \def\prettytwo {.0 .8 .0 } % green
+ \def\prettythree {.0 .0 .9 } % blue
+ \def\prettyfour {.8 .8 .6 } % yellow
+ \def\beginofpretty[##1]%
+ {\special{ps:: \csname##1\endcsname setrgbcolor}}
+ \def\endofpretty%
+ {\special{ps:: 0 0 0 setrgbcolor}}} % black
+ \def\setgrayverbatim
+ {\def\prettyone {.30 } % gray
+ \def\prettytwo {.45 } % gray
+ \def\prettythree {.60 } % gray
+ \def\prettyfour {.75 } % gray
+ \def\beginofpretty[##1]%
+ {\special{ps:: \csname##1\endcsname setgray}}
+ \def\endofpretty%
+ {\special{ps:: 0 setgray}}} % black
+%D One can redefine these two commands after loading this
+%D module. When available, one can also use appropriate
+%D font||switch macro's. We default to color.
+\ifCONTEXT \else \setcolorverbatim \fi
+%D Here come the commands that are responsible for entering and
+%D leaving the two states. As we can see, they've got much in
+%D common.
+%D The previous version of this module was published in the
+%D \MAPS\ of the dutch \TEX\ users group \NTG. In that article,
+%D the verbatim part of the text was typeset with the following
+%D commands for the examples:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\starttyping% We simplify the \ConTeXt\ macro.
+%D {\bgroup
+%D \everypar{} % We disable some troublesome mechanisms.
+%D \advance\leftskip by 1em
+%D \processdisplayverbatim{\stoptyping}}
+%D \let\stoptyping=\egroup
+%D \stoptyping
+%D We also used:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\startdefinition%
+%D {\bgroup
+%D \everypar{} % Again we disable some troublesome mechanisms.
+%D \let\obeycharacters=\setupprettyTEXtype % See verb-tex.tex!
+%D \EveryPar{\showparagraphcounter}%
+%D \EveryLine{\showlinecounter}%
+%D \verbatimbodyfont
+%D \processdisplayverbatim{\stopdefinition}}
+%D \def\stopdefinition%
+%D {\egroup}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D And because we have both \type{\EveryPar} and
+%D \type{\EveryLine} available, we can implement a dual
+%D numbering mechanism:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \newcount\paragraphcounter
+%D \newcount\linecounter
+%D \def\showparagraphcounter%
+%D {\llap
+%D {\bgroup
+%D \counterfont
+%D \hbox to 4em
+%D {\global\advance\paragraphcounter by 1
+%D \hss \the\paragraphcounter \hskip2em}%
+%D \egroup
+%D \hskip1em}}
+%D \def\showlinecounter%
+%D {\llap
+%D {\bgroup
+%D \counterfont
+%D \hbox to 2em
+%D {\global\advance\linecounter by 1
+%D \hss \the\linecounter}%
+%D \egroup
+%D \hskip1em}}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D One may have noticed that the \type{\EveryPar} is only
+%D executed once, because we consider each piece of verbatim
+%D as one paragraph. When one wants to take the empty lines
+%D into account, the following assignments are appropriate:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \EveryLine
+%D {\iflinepar
+%D \showparagraphcounter
+%D \fi
+%D \showlinecounter}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D In this case, nothing has to be assigned to \type{\EveryPar},
+%D maybe except of just another extra numbering scheme. The
+%D macros used to typeset this documentation are a bit more
+%D complicated, because we have to take take 'long' margin
+%D lists into account. When such a list exceeds the previous
+%D pargraph we postpone placement of the paragraph number till
+%D there's room. This way so it does not clash with the margin
+%D words.
+%D Normally such commands have to be embedded in a decent setup
+%D structure, where options can be set at will.
+%D Now let's summarize the most important commands.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \processinlineverbatim{\closingcommand}
+%D \processdisplayverbatim{\closingcommand}
+%D \processfileverbatim{filename}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D We can satisfy our own specific needs with the following
+%D interfacing macro's:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \obeyspaces \obeytabs \obeylines \obeypages \obeycharacters
+%D \stoptyping
+%D We can influence the verbatim environment with the following
+%D macro:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \obeyemptylines
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Some needs are fulfilled already with:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \setcontrolspace \settabskips
+%D \stoptyping
+%D lines can be enhanced with ornaments using:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \everypar \everyline \iflinepar
+%D \stoptyping
+%D and pretty verbatim support is implemented by:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \beginofpretty[#1] ... \endofpretty
+%D \stoptyping
+%D and some setup macro, like:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \setupprettyIDENTIFIERtype
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The color support macro can be redefined by the user. The
+%D parameter \type{#1} can be one of the four 'fixed'
+%D identifiers {\em prettyone}, {\em prettytwo}, {\em
+%D prettythree} and {\em prettyfour}. We have implemented a
+%D more or less general PostScript color support mechanism,
+%D using \type{specials}. One can toggle between color and
+%D grayscale with:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \setgrayverbatim \setcolorverbatim
+%D \stoptyping
+%D \macros
+%D {permitshiftedendofverbatim}
+%D We did not mention one drawback of the mechanism described
+%D here. The closing command must start at the first position
+%D of the line. In \CONTEXT\ we will not have this drawback,
+%D because we can test if the end command is a substring of the
+%D current line. The testing is done by two of the support
+%D macros, which of course are not available in a stand alone
+%D application of this module.
+ \let\doifendofverbatim=\doifelse
+ \def\permitshiftedendofverbatim
+ {\let\doifendofverbatim\doifinstringelse}
+ {\obeylines%
+ \long\gdef\copyverbatimline#1
+ {\convertargument#1 \to\next%
+ \gdef\verbatimline{#1}%
+ \ifx\next\emptyspace%
+ \presetemptyverbatimline%
+ \else%
+ \doifendofverbatim{\endofverbatimcommand}{\next}%
+ {\presetlastverbatimline%
+ \def\copyverbatimline{\egroup\endofdisplayverbatim}}%
+ {\presetnormalverbatimline}%
+ \fi%
+ \handleverbatimline%
+ \copyverbatimline}}
+%D As a bonus, we provide the next alternative, which takes
+%D end tags like \type {Hello World!}.
+ \def\doprocessdisplayverbatim#1#2%
+ {\par
+ \beginofverbatimlines
+ \bgroup
+ \escapechar-1
+ \xdef\verbatimname{\string#2}%
+ \egroup
+ \ifcase#1%
+ \let\endofdisplayverbatim\relax
+ \else
+ \def\endofdisplayverbatim{\endofverbatimlines\csname\verbatimname\endcsname}%
+ \fi
+ \bgroup
+ \parindent\zeropoint
+ \ifdim\lastskip<\parskip
+ \removelastskip
+ \vskip\parskip
+ \fi
+ \parskip\zeropoint
+ \processingverbatimtrue
+ \ifcase#1%
+ \convertargument#2\to\endofverbatimcommand
+ \else
+ \expandafter\let\csname\verbatimname\endcsname=\relax
+ \expandafter\convertargument\csname\verbatimname\endcsname
+ \to\endofverbatimcommand
+ \fi
+ \verbatimfont
+ \setverbatimspaceskip
+ \global\linepartrue % needed for paragraph numbering
+ \setupcopyverbatim
+ \initializeverbatimline
+ \copyverbatimline}
+ \def\processdisplayverbatim {\doprocessdisplayverbatim1}
+ \def\processtaggeddisplayverbatim{\doprocessdisplayverbatim0}
+%D \macros
+%D {installprettyescape}
+%D The next feature is dedicated to Fabrice Popineau who
+%D wanted math inside verbatim.
+ {\dodoubleempty\doinstallprettyescape}
+\def\doinstallprettyescape[#1][#2]#3 #4%
+ {\bgroup
+ \doglobal\decrement\prettyescapecnt
+ \def\docommand##1%
+ {\def\next{\dodoinstallprettyescape{##1}{#3}{#4}}%
+ \catcode`#3=\@@active
+ \@EA\scantokens\@EA{\next}}%
+ \iffirstargument
+ \processcommalist[#1]\docommand
+ \else
+ \docommand\empty
+ \fi}
+ {\unexpanded\setgvalue{PRETTY@#1@\prettyescapecnt}##1##2#2{#3{##2}}%
+ \expanded % we need to freeze the counter
+ {\doglobal\noexpand\appendtoks
+ \noexpand\doif{#1}\noexpand\prettyidentifier
+ {\noexpand\setpretty`\string#2=\prettyescapecnt
+ \noexpand\installprettyhandler \prettyescapecnt\space\getvalue{PRETTY@#1@\prettyescapecnt}}%
+ }\to \everysetupverbatim
+ \egroup}
+%D An example of its usage is:
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \def\xverbatimmath#1#2{\naturaltextext\mathematics{#1}\relax}
+%D \def\yverbatimmath#1#2{\naturaltextext\mathematics{[[#1]]}\relax}
+%D \def\zverbatimmath#1#2{\naturaltextext\mathematics{(#1)}\relax}
+%D \installprettyescape [MP] $ \xverbatimmath
+%D \installprettyescape [MP] ~ \yverbatimmath
+%D \installprettyescape [MP] * \zverbatimmath
+%D \startMP
+%D if $x>10$ :
+%D $x := 20$
+%D ~x := 20~
+%D *x := 20*
+%D end
+%D \stopMP
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer \getbuffer
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/verb-js.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/verb-js.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c249bd9bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/verb-js.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=verb-js,
+%D version=1998.02.07,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Verbatim Macros,
+%D subtitle=Pretty \JAVASCRIPT\ Verbatim,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Verbatim Macros / Pretty JavaScript Verbatim}
+%D In \CONTEXT\ we support \JAVASCRIPT\ inclusion in \PDF\
+%D documents and thereby enter the field of authoring. Of
+%D course we also want to pretty print such scripts, that look
+%D like:
+%D \startJS
+%D alfa = beta*2 ; // both alfa and beta are numbers // indeed
+%D if (odd(alfa))
+%D { do_something() }
+%D else
+%D { do_nothing() } /* As we can see /* in this example */ there
+%D how_about(alfa) ; is no fi needed. Also no semicolons are
+%D or_about(beta) ; needed after a right brace. */
+%D \stopJS
+%D Because \JAVASCRIPT\ looks much like \PERL, we will use
+%D a slightly adapted \PERL\ visualization. First we load the
+%D \PERL\ module:
+\ifdefined\setupprettyPLtype \else \loadmarkfile{verb-pl} \fi
+%D The main difference between the \JAVASCRIPT\ and \PERL\
+%D interpreters concern comments. Where \TEX, \METAPOST\ and
+%D \PERL\ have one comment symbol (\type{%}, \type{%} and
+%D \type{#}), \JAVA\ has the one line comment sequence
+%D \type{//} and the multi line comment delimiters \type{/*}
+%D and \type{*/}.
+%D We need a counter to keep track of multi line comment
+%D nesting.
+%D We handle both \type{%} and \type{#} a bit different:
+ {\PLsetspecials
+ \setpretty`\#=32
+ \setpretty`\%=41
+ \setpretty`\/=43
+ \setpretty`\*=44 }
+%D We also need a few more handlers: one for \type{//} and
+%D \type{/*} and one for \type{*/}.
+ {\PLsethandlers
+ \installprettyhandler 43 \JStypefourthree
+ \installprettyhandler 44 \JStypefourfour }
+%D We can inherit most of the settings:
+ {\PLsetcontrols
+ \def\flushrestofverbatimline%
+ {\endPLtypesix
+ \ifcase\JScommentlevel \inPLcommentfalse \fi
+ \PLverbosefalse
+ \PLverboseskipped=0}}
+ {\PLsetvariables
+ \global\JScommentlevel=0 }
+ {\def\prettyidentifier{JS}%
+ \let\PLidentifiers=\JSidentifiers
+ \let\PLvariables=\JSvariables
+ \JSsetvariables
+ \JSsetcontrols
+ \JSsethandlers
+ \JSsetspecials
+ \PLsetdiagnostics}
+%D The main complication is that we have to look upto four
+%D characters ahead. Such macros are hard to understand but
+%D they do work!
+ {\handlenextnextpretty\doJStypefourthree\PLtypefourtwo}
+ {\getprettydata{#2}%
+ \ifnum\prettytype=43
+ \let\next=\dodoJStypefourthree
+ \else\ifnum\prettytype=44
+ \global\advance\JScommentlevel by 1
+ \global\inPLcommenttrue
+ \PLverbosecorrection
+ \let\next=\JStogglecomment
+ \else
+ \let\next=\PLtypefourtwo
+ \fi\fi
+ \next{#1}#2}
+ {\ifnum\JScommentlevel=1
+ \beginofpretty[\!!prettyone]\getpretties{#1}{#2}\endofpretty
+ \else
+ \getpretties{#1}{#2}%
+ \fi}
+\gdef\dodoJStypefourthree% #1%
+ {\endPLtypesix
+ \handlenextnextpretty\dododoJStypefourthree\dodododoPLtypefourthree}
+ {\ifnewpretty\expandafter\handlenewpretty\fi\dodododoJStypefourthree}
+ {\ifinPLcomment
+ \getpretties{#1}{#2}%
+ \else
+ \global\inPLcommenttrue
+ \PLverbosecorrection
+ \ifnaturaltextext
+ \let\next\naturaltextext
+ \else
+ \def\next{\beginofpretty[\!!prettyone]\getpretties{#1}{#2}\endofpretty}%
+ \fi
+ \expandafter\next
+ \fi}
+ {\handlenextnextpretty\doJStypefourfour\PLtypefourtwo}
+ {\getprettydata{#2}%
+ \ifnum\prettytype=43
+ \JStogglecomment{#1}#2%
+ \global\advance\JScommentlevel by -1
+ \ifcase\JScommentlevel \global\inPLcommentfalse \fi
+ \else
+ \endPLtypesix
+ \beginofpretty[\!!prettyfour]\getpretty{#1}\endofpretty
+ \expandafter#2%
+ \fi}
+%D We need different (less) reserved words. This list replaces
+%D the \PERL\ one.
+\useprettyidentifiers \JSidentifiers \JSsetspecials
+ abstract boolean break byte case catch char class const
+ continue default delete do double else extends false final
+ finally float for function goto if implements import in
+ instanceof int interface long native new null package
+ private protected public return short static super switch
+ synchronized this throw throws transient true try var void
+ while with
+\useprettyidentifiers \JSvariables \JSsetspecials
+ not-yet-defined
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/verb-jv.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/verb-jv.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2149c3a4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/verb-jv.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=verb-jv,
+%D version=2002.02.27,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Verbatim Macros,
+%D subtitle=Pretty \JAVA\ Verbatim,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Verbatim Macros / Pretty Java Verbatim}
+%D This module differs from the \JAVASCRIPT\ driver in its
+%D handling of comments. We also need a few more handlers: one
+%D for \type {//} and \type {/*} and one for \type {*/} as
+%D well as the \JAVA doc trigger \type {/**}.
+%D We build this driver on top of the \PERL\ one. Since this
+%D driver looks much like the \JAVASCRIPT\ one, we don't
+%D comment it extensively.
+\ifdefined\setupprettyPLtype \else \loadmarkfile{verb-pl} \fi
+ {\PLsetspecials
+ \setpretty`\#=32
+ \setpretty`\%=41
+ \setpretty`\-=45
+ \setpretty`\/=43
+ \setpretty`\*=44 }
+ {\PLsethandlers
+ \installprettyhandler 43 \JVtypefourthree
+ \installprettyhandler 44 \JVtypefourfour
+ \installprettyhandler 45 \JVtypefourfive }
+ {\PLsetcontrols
+ \def\flushrestofverbatimline
+ {\endPLtypesix
+ \ifcase\JVcommentlevel \inPLcommentfalse \fi
+ \PLverbosefalse
+ \PLverboseskipped=0}}
+ {\PLsetvariables
+ \global\JVcommentlevel=0 }
+ {\def\prettyidentifier{JV}%
+ \let\PLidentifiers\JVidentifiers
+ \let\PLvariables\JVvariables
+ \JVsetvariables
+ \JVsetcontrols
+ \JVsethandlers
+ \JVsetspecials
+ \PLsetdiagnostics}
+ {\handlenextnextpretty\doJVtypefourthree\PLtypefourtwo}
+ {\getprettydata{#2}%
+ \ifnum\prettytype=43
+ \let\next\dodoJVtypefourthree
+ \else\ifnum\prettytype=44
+ \global\advance\JVcommentlevel 1
+ \global\inPLcommenttrue
+ \PLverbosecorrection
+ \getprettydata{#3}%
+ \ifnum\prettytype=44
+ \inPLdoctrue
+ \fi
+ \let\next\JVtogglecomment
+ \else
+ \let\next\PLtypefourtwo
+ \fi\fi
+ \next{#1}#2#3}
+ {\ifnum\JVcommentlevel=1
+ \beginofpretty[\!!prettyone]\getpretties{#1}{#2}\endofpretty
+ \else
+ \getpretties{#1}{#2}%
+ \fi}
+ {\endPLtypesix
+ \handlenextnextpretty\dododoJVtypefourthree\dodododoPLtypefourthree}
+ {\ifnewpretty\expandafter\handlenewpretty\fi\dodododoJVtypefourthree}
+ {\ifinPLcomment
+ \getpretties{#1}{#2}%
+ \else
+ \global\inPLcommenttrue
+ \PLverbosecorrection
+ \ifnaturaltextext
+ \let\next\naturaltextext
+ \else
+ \def\next{\beginofpretty[\!!prettyone]\getpretties{#1}{#2}\endofpretty}%
+ \fi
+ \expandafter\next
+ \fi}
+ {\ifinPLdoc
+ \@EA\noJVtypefourfour
+ \else
+ \@EA\handlenextnextpretty\@EA\doJVtypefourfour\@EA\PLtypefourtwo
+ \fi}
+ {\getprettydata{#2}%
+ \ifnum\prettytype=43
+ \JVtogglecomment{#1}#2%
+ \inPLdocfalse
+ \global\advance\JVcommentlevel -1
+ \ifcase\JVcommentlevel \global\inPLcommentfalse \fi
+ \else
+ \ifPLdocdone
+ \getpretty{#1}%
+ \else
+ \beginofpretty[\!!prettyone]\getpretty{#1}\endofpretty
+ \PLdocdonetrue
+ \fi
+ \expandafter#2%
+ \fi}
+ {\getprettydata{#2}%
+ \ifnum\prettytype=43
+ \JVtogglecomment{#1}#2%
+ \inPLdocfalse
+ \global\advance\JVcommentlevel -1
+ \ifcase\JVcommentlevel \global\inPLcommentfalse \fi
+ \else
+ \endPLtypesix
+ \beginofpretty[\!!prettyfour]\getpretty{#1}\endofpretty
+ \expandafter#2%
+ \fi}
+\gdef\JVtypefourfive % permit - in javadoc @tags
+ {\ifinPLdoc
+ \@EA\PLtypesixtwo
+ \else
+ \@EA\PLtypefourone
+ \fi}
+\useprettyidentifiers \JVidentifiers \JVsetspecials
+ abstract assert boolean break byte case catch char class const
+ continue default do double else extends false final
+ finally float for goto if implements import instanceof
+ int interface long native new null package private protected
+ public return short static strictfp super switch synchronized
+ this throw throws transient true try void volatile while
+\useprettyidentifiers \JVvariables \JVsetspecials
+ @author @docRoot @deprecated @exception @inheritDoc @link
+ @linkplain @param @return @see @serial @serialData @serialField
+ @since @throws @value @version
+%D The \JAVA doc feature was requested by Robert F.~Beeger,
+%D who also provided this test class:
+%D \startJV
+%D package de.jwamalpha.handling.web.rbdipl;
+%D import;
+%D import;
+%D import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
+%D import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
+%D import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
+%D import javax.servlet.ServletException;
+%D /**
+%D * The simple login servlet
+%D *
+%D * @author Robert F. Beeger
+%D * @version 1.0
+%D */
+%D public class LoginServlet extends HttpServlet
+%D {
+%D //
+%D // public interface
+%D //
+%D /**
+%D * Process the get-request.
+%D *
+%D * @param request the request
+%D * @param response the response.
+%D */
+%D protected void doGet (HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
+%D throws ServletException, IOException
+%D {
+%D response.setContentType("text/html");
+%D PrintWriter writer = response.getWriter();
+%D writer.println("<html>");
+%D writer.println(" <head>");
+%D writer.println(" <title>Login</title>");
+%D writer.println(" </head>");
+%D writer.println(" <body>");
+%D writer.println(" Hallo, Benutzer " + request.getParameter("username") + "!");
+%D writer.println(" </body>");
+%D writer.println("</html>");
+%D writer.flush();
+%D }
+%D }
+%D \stopJV
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/verb-mp.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/verb-mp.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..aef52217d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/verb-mp.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,364 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=verb-mp,
+%D version=1997.12.22,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Verbatim Macros,
+%D subtitle=Pretty \METAPOST\ Verbatim,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Verbatim Macros / Pretty METAPOST Verbatim}
+% bug: in the char should not be highlighted
+% can be simplified
+%D This module was first used when I documented our new
+%D company logo. This interpreter is modeled after the \PERL\
+%D one.
+%D \startMP
+%D beginfig(1);
+%D z1 = (0,0);
+%D z2 = (100,0);
+%D z3 = (0,100);
+%D draw z1--z2--z3--cycle;
+%D endfig;
+%D \stopMP
+%D Of course we cannot (yet) provide a nice layout, so some
+%D formatting is still needed.
+%D \macros
+%D {prettyMPvariables}
+%D Identifiers and system variables are typeset in a different
+%D style. One can turn of this mechanism for the variables by
+%D setting th enext boolean.
+%D We support \METAFONT\ as well as \METAPOST.
+ {\saveprettycontrols
+ \everyprettyend
+ {\endMPtypesix}%
+ \def\obeyedspace%
+ {\endMPtypesix
+ \oldobeyedspace}%
+ \def\flushrestofverbatimline%
+ {\endMPtypesix}%
+ \let\obeytabs=\ignoretabs}
+ {\def\prettyidentifier{MP}%
+ \global\inMPtexmodefalse
+ \MPsetvariables
+ \MPsetcontrols
+ \MPsethandlers
+ \MPsetspecials}
+ {\global\inMPtexmodefalse
+ \global\let\MPsequence=\empty}
+ {\setpretty`\;=11 \setpretty`\$=12 \setpretty`\@=12 \setpretty`\#=12
+ \setpretty`\%=20
+ \setpretty`\[=31 \setpretty`\]=31 \setpretty`\(=32 \setpretty`\)=32
+ \setpretty`\:=33 \setpretty`\==34 \setpretty`\<=34 \setpretty`\>=34
+ \setpretty`\-=41 \setpretty`\+=41 \setpretty`\/=41 \setpretty`\*=41
+ \setpretty`\|=41 \setpretty`\`=41 \setpretty`\!=41 \setpretty`\?=41
+ \setpretty`\^=41 \setpretty`\&=42
+ \setpretty`\\=50
+ \setpretty`\1=61 \setpretty`\2=61 \setpretty`\3=61 \setpretty`\4=61
+ \setpretty`\5=61 \setpretty`\6=61 \setpretty`\7=61 \setpretty`\8=61
+ \setpretty`\9=61 \setpretty`\0=61
+ \setpretty`\A=62 \setpretty`\B=62 \setpretty`\C=62 \setpretty`\D=62 \setpretty`\E=62
+ \setpretty`\F=62 \setpretty`\G=62 \setpretty`\H=62 \setpretty`\I=62 \setpretty`\J=62
+ \setpretty`\K=62 \setpretty`\L=62 \setpretty`\M=62 \setpretty`\N=62 \setpretty`\O=62
+ \setpretty`\P=62 \setpretty`\Q=62 \setpretty`\R=62 \setpretty`\S=62 \setpretty`\T=62
+ \setpretty`\U=62 \setpretty`\V=62 \setpretty`\W=62 \setpretty`\X=62 \setpretty`\Y=62
+ \setpretty`\Z=62
+ \setpretty`\a=62 \setpretty`\b=62 \setpretty`\c=62 \setpretty`\d=62 \setpretty`\e=62
+ \setpretty`\f=62 \setpretty`\g=62 \setpretty`\h=62 \setpretty`\i=62 \setpretty`\j=62
+ \setpretty`\k=62 \setpretty`\l=62 \setpretty`\m=62 \setpretty`\n=62 \setpretty`\o=62
+ \setpretty`\p=62 \setpretty`\q=62 \setpretty`\r=62 \setpretty`\s=62 \setpretty`\t=62
+ \setpretty`\u=62 \setpretty`\v=62 \setpretty`\w=62 \setpretty`\x=62 \setpretty`\y=62
+ \setpretty`\z=62
+ \setpretty`\_=62
+ \setpretty`\,=70 \setpretty`\.=70
+ \setpretty`\'=81 \setpretty`\"=82
+ \setpretty`\{=90 \setpretty`\}=90 }
+ {\installprettyhandler 11 \MPtypeone
+ \installprettyhandler 12 \MPtypeone
+ \installprettyhandler 20 \MPtypetwo
+ \installprettyhandler 31 \MPtypethreeA
+ \installprettyhandler 32 \MPtypethreeA
+ \installprettyhandler 33 \MPtypethreeB
+ \installprettyhandler 34 \MPtypethreeB
+ \installprettyhandler 41 \MPtypefour
+ \installprettyhandler 42 \MPtypefour
+ \installprettyhandler 50 \MPtypefive
+ \installprettyhandler 61 \MPtypesixone
+ \installprettyhandler 62 \MPtypesixtwo
+ \installprettyhandler 70 \MPtypeseven
+ \installprettyhandler 81 \MPtypeeightone
+ \installprettyhandler 82 \MPtypeeighttwo
+ \installprettyhandler 90 \MPtypenine }
+ {\endMPtypesix
+ \ifinMPtexmode
+ \getpretty{#1}%
+ \else
+ \beginofpretty[\!!prettyone]\getpretty{#1}\endofpretty%
+ \fi}
+ {\ifnaturaltextext
+ \let\next\naturaltextext
+ \else
+ \disableprettytrue\disableprettyafterwards
+ \def\next{\beginofpretty[\!!prettyfour]\getpretty{#1}\endofpretty}%
+ \fi
+ \next}
+ {\endMPtypesix
+ \ifnewpretty\expandafter\handlenewpretty\fi\doMPtypetwo}
+ {\endMPtypesix
+ \ifinMPtexmode
+ \getpretty{#1}%
+ \else
+ \beginofpretty[\!!prettythree]\getpretty{#1}\endofpretty
+ \fi}
+ {\endMPtypesix
+ \ifinMPtexmode
+ \getpretty{#1}%
+ \else
+ \beginofpretty[\!!prettyone]\getpretty{#1}\endofpretty
+ \fi}
+ {\endMPtypesix
+ \ifinMPtexmode
+ \getpretty{#1}%
+ \else
+ \beginofpretty[\!!prettyfour]\getpretty{#1}\endofpretty
+ \fi}
+ {\endMPtypesix
+ \ifinMPtexmode
+ \getpretty{#1}%
+ \else
+ \beginofpretty[\!!prettytwo]\getpretty{#1}\endofpretty
+ \fi}
+ {\ifx\MPsequence\empty\else
+ \doifprettyidentifierelse{\MPsequence}{\MPidentifiers}
+ {\doifprettyidentifierelse{\MPsequence}{\MPbtex}
+ {\beginofpretty[\!!prettytwo]%
+ {\prettyidentifierfont\MPsequence}%
+ \endofpretty
+ \global\inMPtexmodetrue}
+ {\ifinMPtexmode
+ \doifprettyidentifierelse{\MPsequence}{\MPetex}
+ {\global\inMPtexmodefalse}{}%
+ \fi
+ \beginofpretty[\!!prettytwo]%
+ {\prettyidentifierfont\MPsequence}%
+ \endofpretty}}
+ {\ifprettyMPvariables
+ \doifprettyidentifierelse{\MPsequence}{\MPvariables}
+ {\beginofpretty[\!!prettytwo]%
+ {\prettyvariablefont\MPsequence}%
+ \endofpretty}
+ {\MPsequence}%
+ \else
+ \MPsequence
+ \fi}%
+ \global\let\MPsequence=\empty
+ \fi}
+ {\endMPtypesix
+ \getpretty}
+ {\xdef\MPsequence{\MPsequence\getpretty{#1}}}
+ {\endMPtypesix
+ \ifinMPtexmode
+ \getpretty{#1}%
+ \else
+ \beginofpretty[\!!prettyfour]\getpretty{#1}\endofpretty
+ \fi}
+ {\endMPtypesix
+ \ifinMPtexmode
+ \getpretty{#1}%
+ \else
+ \beginofpretty[\!!prettythree]\getpretty{#1}\endofpretty
+ \fi}
+ {\endMPtypesix
+ \ifinMPtexmode
+ \getpretty{#1}%
+ \else
+ \beginofpretty[\!!prettythree]\getpretty{#1}\endofpretty
+ \fi}
+ {\endMPtypesix
+ \ifinMPtexmode
+ \getpretty{#1}%
+ \else
+ \getpretty{#1}%
+ \fi}
+%D \METAPOST\ \TEX||ies:
+\useprettyidentifiers \MPbtex \MPsetspecials
+ btex verbatimtex
+\useprettyidentifiers \MPetex \MPsetspecials
+ etex
+\useprettyidentifiers \MPidentifiers \MPsetspecials
+ btex etex verbatimtex
+%D \METAPOST\ internal variables \& predefined variables:
+\useprettyidentifiers \MPidentifiers \MPsetspecials
+ charcode day linecap linejoin miterlimit month pausing
+ prologues showstopping time tracingcapsules tracingchoices mpprocset
+ tracingcommands tracingequations tracinglostchars
+ tracingmacros tracingonline tracingoutput tracingrestores
+ tracingspecs tracingstats tracingtitles truecorners
+ warningcheck year
+\useprettyidentifiers \MPvariables \MPsetspecials
+ ahangle ahlength bboxmargin defaultpen defaultscale
+ labeloffset background currentpen currentpicture cuttings
+ defaultfont extra_beginfig extra_endfig
+%D \METAPOST\ predefined constants:
+\useprettyidentifiers \MPidentifiers \MPsetspecials
+ false nullpicture pencircle true
+\useprettyidentifiers \MPvariables \MPsetspecials
+ beveled black blue bp butt cc cm dd ditto down epsilon
+ evenly fullcircle green halfcircle identity in infinity left
+ mitered mm origin pensquare pt quartercircle red right
+ rounded squared unitsquare up white withdots
+%D \METAPOST\ operators:
+\useprettyidentifiers \MPidentifiers \MPsetspecials
+ and angle arclength arctime ASCII bluepart boolean bot
+ char color cosd cycle decimal directiontime floor fontsize
+ greenpart hex infont intersectiontimes known length llcorner
+ lrcorner makepath makepen mexp mlog normaldeviate not
+ numeric oct odd or path pair pen penoffset picture point
+ postcontrol precontrol redpart reverse rotated scaled
+ shifted sind slanted sqrt str string subpath substring
+ transform transformed ulcorner uniformdeviate unknown
+ urcorner xpart xscaled xxpart xypart ypart yscaled yxpart
+ yypart zscaled
+\useprettyidentifiers \MPvariables \MPsetspecials
+ abs bbox ceiling center cutafter cutbefore dir
+ directionpoint div dotprod intersectionpoint inverse mod lft
+ round rt unitvector whatever
+%D \METAPOST\ commands:
+\useprettyidentifiers \MPidentifiers \MPsetspecials
+ addto clip input interim let newinternal save setbounds
+ shipout show showdependencies showtoken showvariable
+ special
+\useprettyidentifiers \MPvariables \MPsetspecials
+ cutdraw draw drawarrow drawdblarrow fill filldraw
+ loggingall pickup tracingall tracingnone undraw unfill
+ unfilldraw drawdot
+%D \METAPOST\ macro||like functions:
+\useprettyidentifiers \MPvariables \MPsetspecials
+ buildcycle dashpattern decr dotlabel dotlabels drawoptions
+ incr label labels max min thelabel z
+\useprettyidentifiers \MPidentifiers \MPsetspecials
+ begingroup endgroup of curl tension and controls
+ reflectedabout rotatedaround interpath on off beginfig
+ endfig def vardef enddef epxr suffix text primary secondary
+ tertiary primarydef secondarydef tertiarydef top bottom
+ ulft urt llft lrt randomseed also contour doublepath
+ withcolor withpen dashed if else elseif fi for endfor
+ forsuffixes forever downto upto step until end
+%D \METAFONT\ stuff:
+\useprettyidentifiers \MPidentifiers \MPsetspecials
+ charlist extensible fontdimen headerbyte kern ligtable
+ boundarychar chardp charext charht charic charwd designsize
+ fontmaking charexists
+\useprettyidentifiers \MPvariables \MPsetspecials
+ beginchar blacker capsule_end change_width
+ define_blacker_pixels define_corrected_pixels
+ define_good_x_pixels define_good_y_pixels
+ define_horizontal_corrected_pixels define_pixels
+ define_whole_blacker_pixels define_whole_pixels
+ define_whole_vertical_blacker_pixels
+ define_whole_vertical_pixels endchar extra_beginchar
+ extra_endchar extra_setup font_coding_scheme
+ font_extra_space
+%D \METAFONT\ no||op stuff:
+\useprettyidentifiers \MPidentifiers \MPsetspecials
+ cullit currenttransform gfcorners grayfont hround
+ imagerules lowres_fix nodisplays notransforms openit
+ displaying currentwindow screen_rows screen_cols
+ pixels_per_inch cull display openwindow numspecial
+ totalweight autorounding fillin proofing tracingpens
+ xoffset chardx granularity smoothing turningcheck yoffset
+ chardy hppp tracingedges vppp
+%D \METAPOST\ goodies:
+\useprettyidentifiers \MPidentifiers \MPsetspecials
+ extra_beginfig extra_endfig mpxbreak
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/verb-pas.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/verb-pas.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..71c0b5a12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/verb-pas.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=verb-pas,
+%D version=1999.12.09,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Verbatim Macros,
+%D subtitle=Pretty \PASCAL\ and \MODULA\ Verbatim,
+%D author=Berend de Boer,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={Berend de Boer \& Hans Hagen}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+% This module will be cleaned up a bit in the process of more
+% flexible verbatim options.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Verbatim Macros / Pretty PASCAL Verbatim}
+%D Typeset Pascal(-like) code:
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \startPAS
+%D program Hello;
+%D begin
+%D writeln('hello world.');
+%D end.
+%D \stopPAS
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D Berend's preferences:
+%D \startbuffer[setup]
+%D \setuptyping
+%D [palet=,icommand=\bf,vcommand=,ccommand=\it]
+%D \stopbuffer
+\ifdefined\setupprettyPLtype \else \loadmarkfile{verb-pl} \fi
+ {\PLsetspecials
+ \setpretty`\#=32
+ \setpretty`\%=41
+ \setpretty`\:=41
+ \setpretty`\/=43
+ \setpretty`\*=44
+ \setpretty`\{=45 \setpretty`\}=46 }
+ {\PLsethandlers
+ \installprettyhandler 43 \PAStypefourthree
+ \installprettyhandler 44 \PAStypefourfour
+ \installprettyhandler 45 \PAStypefourfive
+ \installprettyhandler 46 \PAStypefoursix }
+ {\PLsetcontrols
+ \def\flushrestofverbatimline%
+ {\endPLtypesix
+ \ifinPASslashslashcomment
+ \PASstopslashslashcomment
+ \fi
+ \PLverbosefalse
+ \PLverboseskipped=0}}
+ {\PLsetvariables
+ \global\inPASbracketcommentfalse
+ \global\inPASslashstarcommentfalse
+ \global\inPASslashslashcommentfalse}
+ {\def\prettyidentifier{PAS}%
+ \let\PLidentifiers=\PASidentifiers
+ \let\PLvariables=\PASvariables
+ \PASsetvariables
+ \PASsetcontrols
+ \PASsethandlers
+ \PASsetspecials
+ \PLsetdiagnostics}
+% the // and /* comments
+ {\handlenextnextpretty\doPAStypefourthree\PLtypefourtwo}
+ {\endPLtypesix
+ \ifinPLcomment
+ \let\next=\PLtypefourtwo
+ \else
+ \ifinPLsingle
+ \let\next=\PLtypefourtwo
+ \else
+ \getprettydata{#2}%
+ \ifnum\prettytype=43
+ \PLverbosecorrection
+ \let\next=\PASstartslashslashcomment
+ \else\ifnum\prettytype=44
+ \PLverbosecorrection
+ \let\next=\PASstartslashstarcomment
+ \else
+ \let\next=\PLtypefourtwo
+ \fi\fi
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \next{#1}#2}
+ {\global\inPLcommenttrue
+ \global\inPASslashstarcommenttrue
+ \prettynaturalfont
+ \beginofpretty[\!!prettyone]\getpretties{#1}{#2}\endofpretty}
+ {\beginofpretty[\!!prettyone]\getpretties{#1}{#2}\endofpretty
+ \verbatimfont
+ \global\inPLcommentfalse
+ \global\inPASslashstarcommentfalse}
+ {\global\inPLcommenttrue
+ \global\inPASslashslashcommenttrue
+ \prettynaturalfont
+ \beginofpretty[\!!prettyone]\getpretties{#1}{#2}\endofpretty}
+ {\verbatimfont
+ \inPLcommentfalse
+ \inPASslashslashcommentfalse}
+% \gdef\dodoPAStypefourthree% #1%
+% {\endPLtypesix
+% \handlenextnextpretty\dododoPAStypefourthree\dodododoPLtypefourthree}
+% \gdef\dododoPAStypefourthree%
+% {\ifnewpretty\expandafter\handlenewpretty\fi\dodododoPAStypefourthree}
+% \gdef\dodododoPAStypefourthree#1#2%
+% {\ifinPLcomment
+% \getpretties{#1}{#2}%
+% \else
+% \global\inPLcommenttrue
+% \PLverbosecorrection
+% \beginofpretty[\!!prettyone]\getpretties{#1}{#2}\endofpretty
+% \fi}
+ {\handlenextnextpretty\doPAStypefourfour\PLtypefourtwo}
+ {\ifinPASslashstarcomment
+ \getprettydata{#2}%
+ \ifnum\prettytype=43
+ \PASstopslashstarcomment{#1}#2%
+ \else
+ \endPLtypesix
+ \beginofpretty[\!!prettyfour]\getpretty{#1}\endofpretty
+ \expandafter#2%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \endPLtypesix
+ \beginofpretty[\!!prettyfour]\getpretty{#1}\endofpretty
+ \expandafter#2%
+ \fi}
+% the { and } comments
+% we assume { is closed by } and do not follow the braindead Standard
+% Pascal standard in this respect
+% Note: brackets are not output correctly if natural font is \tf.
+% Therefore natural font is default to \tttf now (Hans is this ok??)
+% You have to use postscript fonts it seems to get brackets in that case.
+ {\endPLtypesix
+ \ifinPLcomment
+ \getpretty{#1}%
+ \else
+ \ifinPLsingle
+ \getpretty{#1}%
+ \else
+ \global\inPLcommenttrue
+ \global\inPASbracketcommenttrue
+ \prettynaturalfont
+ \beginofpretty[\!!prettyone]\getpretty{#1}\endofpretty
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+ {\endPLtypesix
+ \ifinPASbracketcomment
+ \prettynaturalfont\beginofpretty[\!!prettyone]\getpretty{#1}\endofpretty
+ \verbatimfont
+ \global\inPLcommentfalse
+ \global\inPASbracketcommentfalse
+ \else
+ \getpretty{#1}%
+ \fi}
+% Standard Pascal keywords (ISO/IEC 7185)
+\useprettyidentifiers \PASidentifiers \PASsetspecials
+ and array begin case const div do downto else end file
+ for function goto if in label mod nil not of or packed
+ procedure program record repeat set then to type until
+ var while with
+% Standard Pascal directives (ISO/IEC 7185)
+\useprettyidentifiers \PASidentifiers \PASsetspecials
+ forward
+% Extended Pascal keywords (ISO/IEC 10206)
+\useprettyidentifiers \PASidentifiers \PASsetspecials
+ and_then bindable export import module only or_else
+ otherwise pow protected qualified restricted
+% Extended Pascal directives (ISO/IEC 10206)
+\useprettyidentifiers \PASidentifiers \PASsetspecials
+ implementation interface
+% Object Pascal keywords (draft September 20, 1993)
+\useprettyidentifiers \PASidentifiers \PASsetspecials
+ abstract class constructor destructor inherited is
+ property view
+% Object Pascal directives (draft September 20, 1993)
+\useprettyidentifiers \PASidentifiers \PASsetspecials
+ override
+% Delphi keywords
+\useprettyidentifiers \PASidentifiers \PASsetspecials
+ as asm dispinterface except exports finalization finally
+ initialization inline library object out raise resourcestring
+ shl shr string threadvar try unit uses xor
+% Delphi directives
+% the read and write directive have been skipped
+% as they're pretty common procedure calls too
+\useprettyidentifiers \PASidentifiers \PASsetspecials
+ absolute assembler automated cdecl contains default dispid
+ dynamic external far implements index message name near
+ nodefault overload override package pascal private protected
+ public published readonly register reintroduce requires
+ resident safecall stdcall stored virtual writeonly
+\useprettyidentifiers \PASvariables \PASsetspecials
+ not-yet-defined
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/verb-pl.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/verb-pl.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..634a0a314
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/verb-pl.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,547 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=verb-pl,
+%D version=1997.12.22,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Verbatim Macros,
+%D subtitle=Pretty \PERL\ Verbatim,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Verbatim Macros / Pretty PERL Verbatim}
+%D When I rewrote \TEXUTIL\ in \PERL\ I decided to write a
+%D pretty \PERL\ interpreter too. In fact, this was the main
+%D reason for rewriting the pretty verbatim mechanisms to
+%D handle more that \TEX.
+%D \startPL
+%D $alfa = $beta{gamma};
+%D if ($alfa="delta")
+%D { print "epsilon" }
+%D \stopPL
+%D When looking at the macros, watch the \type{\doglobal}'s!
+%D They're something \CONTEXT\ specific.
+%D \macros
+%D {prettyPLvariables}
+%D Identifiers and system variables get a special treatment.
+%D One can disable this option for the variables by resetting
+%D the next switch.
+%D As said before, the global assignment is needed in
+%D \CONTEXT\ (for once||only loading on demand).
+\doglobal\newif\ifinPLdoc % only used in java filter
+\doglobal\newif\ifPLdocdone % only used in java filter
+ {\ifnum\PLverboseskipped>0
+ \obeyedspace
+ \advance\PLverboseskipped -1
+ \@EA\PLverbosecorrection
+ \fi}
+ {\saveprettycontrols
+ \def\obeyedspace%
+ {\endPLtypesix
+ \ifPLverbose
+ \advance\PLverboseskipped 1
+ \else
+ \oldobeyedspace
+ \fi}%
+ \def\flushrestofverbatimline%
+ {\endPLtypesix
+ \global\inPLcommentfalse}%
+ \def\obeyedline%
+ {\PLverbosefalse
+ \PLverboseskipped=0
+ \PLdocdonefalse
+ \oldobeyedline}%
+ \let\obeytabs=\ignoretabs}
+ {\PLsetcontrols
+ {\endPLtypesix
+ \ifcase\JVcommentlevel \inPLcommentfalse \fi
+ \PLverbosefalse
+ \PLverboseskipped=0}}
+ {\def\prettyidentifier{PL}%
+ \PLsetvariables
+ \PLsetcontrols
+ \PLsethandlers
+ \PLsetspecials
+ \PLsetdiagnostics}
+ {\global\inPLsinglefalse
+ \global\inPLdoublefalse
+ \global\inPLcommentfalse
+ \global\let\PLsequence=\empty
+ \global\let\PLprefix=\empty}
+ {\setpretty`\{=10 \setpretty`\}=10
+ \setpretty`\$=21 \setpretty`\@=21 \setpretty`\%=22
+ \setpretty`\[=31 \setpretty`\]=31 \setpretty`\(=32 \setpretty`\)=32
+ \setpretty`\==32 \setpretty`\~=32 \setpretty`\<=32 \setpretty`\>=32
+ \setpretty`\-=41 \setpretty`\+=41 \setpretty`\/=41 \setpretty`\*=41
+ \setpretty`\|=41 \setpretty`\`=41 \setpretty`\!=41 \setpretty`\?=41
+ \setpretty`\^=41 \setpretty`\&=42
+ \setpretty`\\=50
+ \setpretty`\1=61 \setpretty`\2=61 \setpretty`\3=61 \setpretty`\4=61
+ \setpretty`\5=61 \setpretty`\6=61 \setpretty`\7=61 \setpretty`\8=61
+ \setpretty`\9=61 \setpretty`\0=61 \setpretty`\_=61
+ \setpretty`\A=62 \setpretty`\B=62 \setpretty`\C=62 \setpretty`\D=62 \setpretty`\E=62
+ \setpretty`\F=62 \setpretty`\G=62 \setpretty`\H=62 \setpretty`\I=62 \setpretty`\J=62
+ \setpretty`\K=62 \setpretty`\L=62 \setpretty`\M=62 \setpretty`\N=62 \setpretty`\O=62
+ \setpretty`\P=62 \setpretty`\Q=62 \setpretty`\R=62 \setpretty`\S=62 \setpretty`\T=62
+ \setpretty`\U=62 \setpretty`\V=62 \setpretty`\W=62 \setpretty`\X=62 \setpretty`\Y=62
+ \setpretty`\Z=62
+ \setpretty`\a=62 \setpretty`\b=62 \setpretty`\c=62 \setpretty`\d=62 \setpretty`\e=62
+ \setpretty`\f=62 \setpretty`\g=62 \setpretty`\h=62 \setpretty`\i=62 \setpretty`\j=62
+ \setpretty`\k=62 \setpretty`\l=62 \setpretty`\m=62 \setpretty`\n=62 \setpretty`\o=62
+ \setpretty`\p=62 \setpretty`\q=62 \setpretty`\r=62 \setpretty`\s=62 \setpretty`\t=62
+ \setpretty`\u=62 \setpretty`\v=62 \setpretty`\w=62 \setpretty`\x=62 \setpretty`\y=62
+ \setpretty`\z=62
+ \setpretty`\;=71 \setpretty`\:=72 \setpretty`\,=71 \setpretty`\.=71
+ \setpretty`\'=80
+ \setpretty`\"=90
+ \setpretty`\#= 0 }
+ {\installprettyhandler 10 \PLtypeone
+ \installprettyhandler 21 \PLtypetwo
+ \installprettyhandler 22 \PLtypetwo
+ \installprettyhandler 31 \PLtypethree
+ \installprettyhandler 32 \PLtypethree
+ \installprettyhandler 41 \PLtypefourone
+ \installprettyhandler 42 \PLtypefourtwo
+ \installprettyhandler 50 \PLtypefive
+ \installprettyhandler 61 \PLtypesixone
+ \installprettyhandler 62 \PLtypesixtwo
+ \installprettyhandler 71 \PLtypesevenone
+ \installprettyhandler 72 \PLtypeseventwo
+ \installprettyhandler 80 \PLtypeeight
+ \installprettyhandler 90 \PLtypenine
+ \installprettyhandler 0 \PLtypezero}
+ {\ifinPLdouble
+ \PLverbosefalse
+ \ifinPLcomment
+ \endPLtypesix
+ \getpretty{#1}%
+ \else\ifx\PLprefix\empty
+ \endPLtypesix
+ \getpretty{#1}%
+ \else
+ \endPLtypesix
+ \xdef\PLprefix{\getpretty{#1}}%
+ \beginofpretty[\!!prettyone]\getpretty{#1}\endofpretty
+ \fi\fi
+ \else
+ \endPLtypesix
+ \ifinPLcomment
+ \getpretty{#1}%
+ \else\ifinPLsingle
+ \getpretty{#1}%
+ \else
+ \beginofpretty[\!!prettyone]\getpretty{#1}\endofpretty
+ \fi\fi
+ \fi}
+% \gdef\PLtypetwo#1%
+% {\endPLtypesix
+% \xdef\PLprefix{\getpretty{#1}}%
+% \ifinPLcomment
+% \getpretty{#1}%
+% \else\ifinPLsingle
+% \getpretty{#1}%
+% \else\ifinPLdouble
+% \getprettydata{#1}%
+% \ifnum\prettytype=21
+% \beginofpretty[\!!prettytwo]\getpretty{#1}\endofpretty
+% \else
+% \getpretty{#1}%
+% \fi
+% \else
+% \beginofpretty[\!!prettytwo]\getpretty{#1}\endofpretty
+% \fi\fi\fi}
+ {\endPLtypesix
+ \ifinPLdoc
+ \xdef\PLsequence{\PLsequence\getpretty{#1}}%
+ \else\ifinPLcomment
+ \getpretty{#1}%
+ \else\ifinPLsingle
+ \getpretty{#1}%
+ \else\ifinPLdouble
+ \getprettydata{#1}%
+ \ifnum\prettytype=21
+ \beginofpretty[\!!prettytwo]\getpretty{#1}\endofpretty
+ \else
+ \getpretty{#1}%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \beginofpretty[\!!prettytwo]\getpretty{#1}\endofpretty
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi}
+ {\endPLtypesix
+ \ifinPLcomment
+ \getpretty{#1}%
+ \else\ifinPLsingle
+ \getpretty{#1}%
+ \else\ifinPLdouble
+ \getprettydata{#1}%
+ \ifnum\prettytype=31
+ \ifx\PLprefix\empty
+ \getpretty{#1}%
+ \else
+ \beginofpretty[\!!prettythree]\getpretty{#1}\endofpretty
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \getpretty{#1}%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \beginofpretty[\!!prettythree]\getpretty{#1}\endofpretty
+ \fi\fi\fi}
+ {\endPLtypesix
+ \ifinPLcomment
+ \getpretty{#1}%
+ \else\ifinPLsingle
+ \getpretty{#1}%
+ \else\ifinPLdouble
+ \getpretty{#1}%
+ \else
+ \beginofpretty[\!!prettyfour]\getpretty{#1}\endofpretty
+ \fi\fi\fi}
+ {\PLverbosefalse
+ \getprettydata{#2}%
+ \ifnum\prettytype=62
+ \expandafter\PLtypetwo
+ \else
+ \expandafter\PLtypefourone
+ \fi
+ {#1}#2}
+ {\handlenextnextpretty\doPLtypefourtwo\PLtypefourone}
+ {\endPLtypesix
+ \ifinPLcomment
+ \getpretties{#1}{#2}%
+ \else\ifinPLsingle
+ \getprettydata{#2}%
+ \ifnum\prettytype=50
+ \beginofpretty[\!!prettytwo]\getpretties{#1}{#2}\endofpretty
+ \else\ifnum\prettytype=80
+ \beginofpretty[\!!prettytwo]\getpretties{#1}{#2}\endofpretty
+ \else
+ \getpretties{#1}{#2}%
+ \fi\fi
+ \else
+ \beginofpretty[\!!prettytwo]\getpretties{#1}{#2}\endofpretty
+ \fi\fi}
+ {\endPLtypesix
+ \ifinPLcomment
+ \getpretty{#1}%
+ \else\ifinPLsingle
+ \getpretty{#1}%
+ \else
+ \beginofpretty[\!!prettytwo]\getpretty{#1}\endofpretty
+ \fi\fi}
+ {\ifPLverbose
+ \expandafter\PLtypesixtwo
+ \else
+ \expandafter\handlenextnextpretty\expandafter\doPLtypefiveA\expandafter\doPLtypefiveB
+ \fi}
+% \gdef\endPLtypesix%
+% {\ifx\PLsequence\empty\else
+% \ifinPLcomment
+% \PLsequence
+% \else\ifinPLsingle
+% \PLsequence
+% \else\ifinPLdouble
+% \PLsequence
+% \else\ifPLverbose
+% \beginofpretty[\!!prettytwo]\PLsequence\endofpretty
+% \PLverbosefalse
+% \else\ifx\PLprefix\empty
+% \doifprettyidentifierelse{\PLsequence}{\PLverboses}
+% {\PLverbosetrue\PLverboseskipped=3 }
+% {\doifprettyidentifierelse{\PLsequence}{\PLidentifiers}
+% {\beginofpretty[\!!prettytwo]%
+% {\prettyidentifierfont\PLsequence}%
+% \endofpretty}
+% {\ifprettyPLvariables
+% \doifprettyidentifierelse{\PLsequence}{\PLvariables}
+% {\beginofpretty[\!!prettytwo]%
+% {\prettyvariablefont\PLsequence}%
+% \endofpretty}
+% {\PLsequence}%
+% \else
+% \PLsequence
+% \fi}}%
+% \else\ifprettyPLvariables
+% \doifprettyidentifierelse{\PLprefix\PLsequence}{\PLvariables}
+% {\beginofpretty[\!!prettytwo]%
+% {\prettyvariablefont\PLsequence}%
+% \endofpretty}
+% {\PLsequence}%
+% \else
+% \PLsequence
+% \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi
+% \global\let\PLsequence=\empty
+% \global\let\PLprefix=\empty
+% \fi}
+ {\ifx\PLsequence\empty\else
+ \ifinPLdoc
+ \doendPLtypesixvar\!!prettythree
+ \else\ifinPLcomment
+ \PLsequence
+ \else\ifinPLsingle
+ \PLsequence
+ \else\ifinPLdouble
+ \PLsequence
+ \else\ifPLverbose
+ \beginofpretty[\!!prettytwo]\PLsequence\endofpretty
+ \PLverbosefalse
+ \else\ifx\PLprefix\empty
+ \doendPLtypesix\!!prettytwo
+ \else\ifprettyPLvariables
+ \doendPLtypesixvar\!!prettytwo
+ \else
+ \PLsequence
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi
+ \global\let\PLsequence\empty
+ \global\let\PLprefix\empty
+ \fi}
+ {\doifprettyidentifierelse{\PLsequence}{\PLverboses}
+ {\PLverbosetrue\PLverboseskipped=3 }
+ {\doifprettyidentifierelse{\PLsequence}{\PLidentifiers}
+ {\beginofpretty[#1]%
+ {\prettyidentifierfont\PLsequence}%
+ \endofpretty}
+ {\ifprettyPLvariables
+ \doifprettyidentifierelse{\PLsequence}{\PLvariables}
+ {\beginofpretty[#1]%
+ {\prettyvariablefont\PLsequence}%
+ \endofpretty}
+ {\PLsequence}%
+ \else
+ \PLsequence
+ \fi}}}
+ {\doifprettyidentifierelse{\PLprefix\PLsequence}{\PLvariables}
+ {\beginofpretty[#1]%
+ {\prettyvariablefont\PLsequence}%
+ \endofpretty}
+ {\PLsequence}}
+ {\ifx\PLsequence\empty
+ \expandafter\getpretty
+ \else
+ \expandafter\PLtypesixtwo
+ \fi}
+% \gdef\PLtypesixtwo#1%
+% {\ifinPLcomment
+% \getpretty{#1}%
+% \else\ifinPLsingle
+% \getpretty{#1}%
+% \else\ifinPLdouble
+% \ifx\PLprefix\empty
+% \getpretty{#1}%
+% \else
+% \xdef\PLsequence{\PLsequence\getpretty{#1}}%
+% \fi
+% \else
+% \xdef\PLsequence{\PLsequence\getpretty{#1}}%
+% \fi\fi\fi}
+ {\ifinPLdoc
+ \xdef\PLsequence{\PLsequence\getpretty{#1}}%
+ \else\ifinPLcomment
+ \getpretty{#1}%
+ \else\ifinPLsingle
+ \getpretty{#1}%
+ \else\ifinPLdouble
+ \ifx\PLprefix\empty
+ \getpretty{#1}%
+ \else
+ \xdef\PLsequence{\PLsequence\getpretty{#1}}%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \xdef\PLsequence{\PLsequence\getpretty{#1}}%
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi}
+ {\endPLtypesix
+ \getpretty{#1}}
+ {\handlenextnextpretty\doPLtypeseventwo\PLtypesevenone}
+ {\getprettydata{#2}%
+ \ifnum\prettytype=72
+ \PLtypesixtwo{#1}\PLtypesixtwo{#1}%
+ \else
+ \PLtypesevenone{#1}\expandafter#2%
+ \fi}
+\gdef\PLtypeeight#1% single quote
+ {\endPLtypesix
+ \ifinPLcomment
+ \getpretty{#1}%
+ \else\ifinPLdouble
+ \getpretty{#1}%
+ \else\ifinPLsingle
+ \global\inPLsinglefalse
+ \beginofpretty[\!!prettyfour]\getpretty{#1}\endofpretty
+ \else
+ \global\inPLsingletrue
+ \beginofpretty[\!!prettyfour]\getpretty{#1}\endofpretty
+ \fi\fi\fi}
+\gdef\PLtypenine#1% double quote
+ {\endPLtypesix
+ \ifinPLcomment
+ \getpretty{#1}%
+ \else\ifinPLsingle
+ \getpretty{#1}%
+ \else\ifinPLdouble
+ \global\inPLdoublefalse
+ \beginofpretty[\!!prettyone]\getpretty{#1}\endofpretty
+ \else
+ \global\inPLdoubletrue
+ \beginofpretty[\!!prettyone]\getpretty{#1}\endofpretty
+ \fi\fi\fi}
+ {\endPLtypesix
+ \ifnewpretty\expandafter\handlenewpretty\fi\doPLtypezero}
+ {\ifinPLcomment
+ \getpretty{#1}%
+ \else
+ \global\inPLcommenttrue
+ \PLverbosecorrection
+ \ifnaturaltextext % non tested yet
+ \let\next\naturaltextext
+ \else
+ \def\next{\beginofpretty[\!!prettythree]\getpretty{#1}\endofpretty}%
+ \fi
+ \expandafter\next
+ \fi}
+ {#1%
+ [PERL \string#2 typing conflict, use \string#3 instead]
+ \writestatus
+ {PERL typing}
+ {use \string#3 instead of \string#2 to enable propper visualization}%
+ \global#4%
+ \expandafter\doemptyverbatimline
+ \fi}
+ {\doreportprettyPLtype\ifinPLsingle'\'\inPLsinglefalse
+ \doreportprettyPLtype\ifinPLdouble"\"\inPLdoublefalse}
+ {\let\normaldoemptyverbatimline=\doemptyverbatimline
+ \def\doemptyverbatimline%
+ {\normaldoemptyverbatimline
+ \reportprettyPLtype}}
+%D The official \PERL\ version 5 keywords:
+\useprettyidentifiers \PLidentifiers \PLsetspecials
+ abs accept alarm and atan atan2 bind binmode bless caller
+ chdir chmod chomp chop chown chr chroot close closedir cmp
+ connect continue cos crypt dbmclose dbmopen defined delete
+ die do dump each echo else elsif endgrent endhostent
+ endnetent endprotoend endpwent endservent eof eq eval exec
+ exists exit exp fcntl fileno flock for foreach fork format
+ formline getc getgrent getgrgid getgrnam gethostbyaddr
+ gethostbyname gethostent getlogin getnetbyaddr getnetbyname
+ getnetent getpeername getpgrp getppid getpriority
+ getprotobyname getprotobynumber getprotoent getpwent
+ getpwnam getpwuid getservbyname getservbyport getservent
+ getsockname getsockopt glob gmtime goto grep gt hex if
+ import index int integer ioctl join keys kill last lc
+ lcfirst le length lib link listen local localtime log lstat
+ lt map method mkdir msgctl msgget msgrcv msgsnd my ne next
+ no not oct open opendir or ord pack package pipe pop pos
+ print printf process prompt push quotemeta rand read readdir
+ readlink recv redo ref rename require reset return reverse
+ rewinddir rindex rmdir scalar seek seekdir select semctl
+ semget semop send setgrent sethostent setnetent setpgrp
+ setpriority setprotoent setpwent setservent setsockopt shift
+ shmctl shmget shmread shmwrite shutdown sin sleep socket
+ socketpair sort splice split sprintf sqrt srand stat strict
+ study sub subs substr symlink syscall sysopen sysread system
+ syswrite tell telldir tie tied time times times truncate uc
+ ucfirst ucmask umask unary undef unless unlink unpack
+ unshift untie until use utime values vars vec wait waitpid
+ wantarray warn warn while write xor
+%D Additional module keywords (still incomplete):
+\useprettyidentifiers \PLvariables \PLsetspecials
+ Getopt::Long
+ $Getopt::Long::passthrough
+ $Getopt::Long::autoabbrev
+ &GetOptions
+%D A funny hack. When prefixes by \type{TEX}, a \type{\csname}
+%D is typeset as \TEX\ sequence.
+\useprettyidentifiers \PLverboses \PLsetspecials
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/verb-raw.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/verb-raw.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..43a0891a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/verb-raw.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+\ifdefined\setupprettyPLtype \else \loadmarkfile{verb-pl} \fi
+ {\setupprettyTEXtype
+ \def\prettyidentifier{RAW}}
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/verb-sql.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/verb-sql.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f145607f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/verb-sql.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=verb-sql,
+%D version=2000.05.09,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Verbatim Macros,
+%D subtitle=Pretty \SQL\ Verbatim,
+%D author={Berend de Boer \& Hans Hagen},
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={Berend de Boer \& Hans Hagen}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Verbatim Macros / Pretty SQL Verbatim}
+%D \quotation {He, I want pretty pretting too!}, Berend cried out
+%D one day, \quotation {But now for \SQL.}. This query language
+%D shows code like:
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \startSQL
+%D select * -- some comment
+%D from tableA
+%D where 1 = 2
+%D \stopSQL
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+%D and this should become something pretty like:
+%D \getbuffer
+%D or, with Berend's preferences:
+%D \startbuffer[setup]
+%D \setuptyping
+%D [SQL]
+%D [text=yes,palet=,icommand=\bf,vcommand=,ccommand=\it]
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \getbuffer[setup]
+%D \getbuffer
+%D This kind of pretty printing is accomplished by:
+%D \typebuffer
+%D Like we did with the \JAVASCRIPT\ driver, we will borrow
+%D most of the macros from the \PERL\ driver.
+\ifdefined\setupprettyPLtype \else \loadmarkfile{verb-pl} \fi
+%D \SQL\ has the one line comment sequence \type{--} and the
+%D multi line comment delimiters \type{/*} and \type{*/}. The
+%D next counter keeps track of multi line comment nesting.
+%D We need to handle \type{%}, \type{#} and \type{-} a bit
+%D different than in the \PERL\ driver. Compared to the
+%D \JAVASCRIPT\ driver |<|we copied most of the code from
+%D that one|>|, we now also have type~45.
+ {\PLsetspecials
+ \setpretty`\#=32
+ \setpretty`\:=41
+ \setpretty`\%=41
+ \setpretty`\/=43
+ \setpretty`\*=44
+ \setpretty`\-=45 }
+%D We need three additional handlers:
+ {\PLsethandlers
+ \installprettyhandler 43 \SQLtypefourthree
+ \installprettyhandler 44 \SQLtypefourfour
+ \installprettyhandler 45 \SQLtypefourfive }
+%D Next we have to do some general housekeeping.
+ {\PLsetcontrols
+ \def\flushrestofverbatimline%
+ {\endPLtypesix
+ \ifcase\SQLcommentlevel
+ \inPLcommentfalse
+ \verbatimfont
+ \fi
+ \PLverbosefalse
+ \PLverboseskipped=0}}
+ {\PLsetvariables
+ \global\SQLcommentlevel=0 }
+ {\def\prettyidentifier{SQL}%
+ \let\PLidentifiers=\SQLidentifiers
+ \let\PLvariables=\SQLvariables
+ \SQLsetvariables
+ \SQLsetcontrols
+ \SQLsethandlers
+ \SQLsetspecials
+ \PLsetdiagnostics}
+%D We have to look upto four characters ahead. If you don't
+%D grab the picture, just skip reading these macros.
+ {\handlenextnextpretty\doSQLtypefourthree\PLtypefourtwo}
+ {\getprettydata{#2}%
+ \ifnum\prettytype=43
+ \let\next=\dodoSQLtypefourthree
+ \else\ifnum\prettytype=44
+ \global\advance\SQLcommentlevel by 1
+ \global\inPLcommenttrue
+ \PLverbosecorrection
+ \let\next=\SQLtogglecomment
+ \else
+ \let\next=\PLtypefourtwo
+ \fi\fi
+ \next{#1}#2}
+ {\ifnum\SQLcommentlevel=1
+ \prettynaturalfont
+ \beginofpretty[\!!prettyone]\getpretties{#1}{#2}\endofpretty
+ \else
+ \getpretties{#1}{#2}%
+ \fi}
+\gdef\dodoSQLtypefourthree% #1%
+ {\endPLtypesix
+ \handlenextnextpretty\dododoSQLtypefourthree\dodododoPLtypefourthree}
+ {\ifnewpretty\expandafter\handlenewpretty\fi\dodododoSQLtypefourthree}
+ {\ifinPLcomment
+ \getpretties{#1}{#2}%
+ \else
+ \global\inPLcommenttrue
+ \PLverbosecorrection
+ \beginofpretty[\!!prettyone]\getpretties{#1}{#2}\endofpretty
+ \fi}
+ {\handlenextnextpretty\doSQLtypefourfour\PLtypefourtwo}
+ {\getprettydata{#2}%
+ \ifnum\prettytype=43
+ \SQLtogglecomment{#1}#2%
+ \global\advance\SQLcommentlevel by -1
+ \ifcase\SQLcommentlevel
+ \global\inPLcommentfalse
+ \prettyverbatimfont
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \endPLtypesix
+ \beginofpretty[\!!prettyfour]\getpretty{#1}\endofpretty
+ \expandafter#2%
+ \fi}
+%D Much of the indirect calls (\type {dodo..}) is due to
+%D looking ahead as well as midway pretty print changing.
+ {\handlenextnextpretty\doSQLtypefourfive\PLtypefourtwo}
+ {\getprettydata{#2}%
+ \ifnum\prettytype=45
+ \let\next=\dodoSQLtypefourfive
+ \else
+ \let\next=\PLtypefourtwo
+ \fi
+ \next{#1}#2}
+\gdef\dodoSQLtypefourfive% #1%
+ {\endPLtypesix
+ \handlenextnextpretty\dododoSQLtypefourfive\dodododoPLtypefourfive}
+ {\ifnewpretty\expandafter\handlenewpretty\fi\dodododoSQLtypefourfive}
+ {\ifinPLcomment
+ \getpretties{#1}{#2}%
+ \else
+ \global\inPLcommenttrue
+ \PLverbosecorrection
+ \ifnaturaltextext
+ \let\next\naturaltextext
+ \else
+ \prettynaturalfont
+ \def\next{\beginofpretty[\!!prettyone]\getpretties{#1}{#2}\endofpretty}%
+ \fi
+ \expandafter\next
+ \fi}
+%D We need a different list of reserved words. This list
+%D replaces the \PERL\ one.
+\useprettyidentifiers \SQLidentifiers \SQLsetspecials
+ add all alter and any as asc avg begin between break
+ browse bulk by cascade case check close clustered coalesce
+ column commit constraint contains count create cross
+ cursor database default delete desc distinct drop else end
+ exec execute exists exit fetch for foreign from grant
+ group having if in index inner insert into is join key
+ left like max min nocheck nonclustered not null of on open
+ or order outer over plan prepare proc procedure public
+ references return revoce right rollback rule select set
+ sum table then to tran transaction trigger truncate
+ uncommited union unique update use values varying view
+ when where while with work primary
+\useprettyidentifiers \SQLvariables \SQLsetspecials
+ not-yet-defined
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/verb-tex.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/verb-tex.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..98655cc2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/verb-tex.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,294 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=verb-tex,
+%D version=1997.12.22,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Verbatim Macros,
+%D subtitle=Pretty \TEX\ verbatim,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Verbatim Macros / Pretty TEX Verbatim}
+%D The original module \type{supp-ver} had the \TEX\
+%D interpreter built in. The current implementation is more
+%D natural and less complicated.
+%D \startTEX
+%D \definetyping[niceTEX][option=TEX,paletpalet=graypretty]
+%D \startniceTEX
+%D \message{A vivid look at TeX}
+%D \stopniceTEX
+%D \stopTEX
+%D \macros
+%D {ifsplitTEXparameters}
+%D The mechanism described here, is meant to be used with
+%D color. It is nevertheless possible to use different fonts
+%D instead of distinctive colors. When using color, it's better
+%D to end parameter mode after the \type{#}. When on the
+%D other hand we use a slanted typeface for the hashmark, then
+%D a slanted number looks better.
+\doglobal\newif\ifsplitTEXparameters \global\splitTEXparameterstrue
+%D \macros
+%D {ifsplitTEXcontrols}
+%D With \type{\splittexcontrols} we can influence the way
+%D control characters are processed in macro names. By default,
+%D the \type{^^} part is uncolored. When this boolean is set to
+%D false, they get the same color as the other characters.
+\doglobal\newif\ifsplitTEXcontrols \global\splitTEXcontrolstrue
+%D The next boolean is used for internal purposes only and
+%D keeps track of the length of the name. Because two||character
+%D sequences starting with a backslash are always seen as a
+%D command.
+%D We use a maximum of four colors because more colors will
+%D distract too much. In the following table we show the
+%D logical names of the colors, their color and \cap{RGB} values.
+%D \placetable{geen}
+%D \starttable[|l|l|c|c|c|c|]
+%D \HL
+%D \FC\bf identifier \MC\bf color \MC\bf r \MC\bf g \MC\bf b \MC\bf bw \LC\SR
+%D \HL
+%D \FC prettyone \MC red \MC 0.9 \MC 0.0 \MC 0.0 \MC 0.30 \LC\FR
+%D \FC prettytwo \MC green \MC 0.0 \MC 0.8 \MC 0.0 \MC 0.45 \LC\MR
+%D \FC prettythree \MC yellow \MC 0.0 \MC 0.0 \MC 0.9 \MC 0.60 \LC\MR
+%D \FC prettyfour \MC blue \MC 0.8 \MC 0.8 \MC 0.6 \MC 0.75 \LC\LR
+%D \HL
+%D \stoptable
+%D Outside \CONTEXT\ these colors are defined in
+%D \type{verb-ini}, in \CONTEXT\ their definitions can be found
+%D in \type{core-ver}, where in fact we use the color palet
+%D mechanism. That way we can use different schemes i a quite
+%D natural way.
+ {\def\prettyidentifier{TEX}%
+ \global\inTEXcommandfalse
+ \global\firstinTEXcommandfalse
+ \global\inTEXparameterfalse
+ \TEXsetcontrols
+ \TEXsethandlers
+ \TEXsetspecials}
+ {\saveprettycontrols
+ \everyprettyend
+ {\TEXendofcommand
+ \TEXendofparameter}%
+ \def\obeyedspace
+ {\TEXendofcommand
+ \TEXendofparameter
+ \oldobeyedspace}%
+ \def\flushrestofverbatimline
+ {\TEXendofcommand
+ \TEXendofparameter}%
+ \let\obeytabs=\ignoretabs}
+ {\setpretty`\$=1 \setpretty`\{=1 \setpretty`\}=1
+ \setpretty`\[=2 \setpretty`\]=2 \setpretty`\(=2 \setpretty`\)=2
+ \setpretty`\==2 \setpretty`\<=2 \setpretty`\>=2 \setpretty`\"=2
+ \setpretty`\-=3 \setpretty`\+=3 \setpretty`\/=3
+ \setpretty`\|=3 \setpretty`\%=3 \setpretty`\'=3 \setpretty`\`=3
+ \setpretty`\_=3 \setpretty`\&=3 \setpretty`\~=3
+ \setpretty`\.=4 \setpretty`\,=4 \setpretty`\:=4 \setpretty`\;=4 \setpretty`\*=4
+ \setpretty`\#=5
+ \setpretty`\1=6 \setpretty`\2=6 \setpretty`\3=6 \setpretty`\4=6 \setpretty`\5=6
+ \setpretty`\6=6 \setpretty`\7=6 \setpretty`\8=6 \setpretty`\9=6 \setpretty`\0=6
+ \setpretty`\\=7
+ \setpretty`\^=8
+ \setpretty`\A=9 \setpretty`\B=9 \setpretty`\C=9 \setpretty`\D=9 \setpretty`\E=9
+ \setpretty`\F=9 \setpretty`\G=9 \setpretty`\H=9 \setpretty`\I=9 \setpretty`\J=9
+ \setpretty`\K=9 \setpretty`\L=9 \setpretty`\M=9 \setpretty`\N=9 \setpretty`\O=9
+ \setpretty`\P=9 \setpretty`\Q=9 \setpretty`\R=9 \setpretty`\S=9 \setpretty`\T=9
+ \setpretty`\U=9 \setpretty`\V=9 \setpretty`\W=9 \setpretty`\X=9 \setpretty`\Y=9
+ \setpretty`\Z=9
+ \setpretty`\a=9 \setpretty`\b=9 \setpretty`\c=9 \setpretty`\d=9 \setpretty`\e=9
+ \setpretty`\f=9 \setpretty`\g=9 \setpretty`\h=9 \setpretty`\i=9 \setpretty`\j=9
+ \setpretty`\k=9 \setpretty`\l=9 \setpretty`\m=9 \setpretty`\n=9 \setpretty`\o=9
+ \setpretty`\p=9 \setpretty`\q=9 \setpretty`\r=9 \setpretty`\s=9 \setpretty`\t=9
+ \setpretty`\u=9 \setpretty`\v=9 \setpretty`\w=9 \setpretty`\x=9 \setpretty`\y=9
+ \setpretty`\z=9
+ \setpretty`\?=9 \setpretty`\!=9 \setpretty`\@=9
+ \setpretty`\%=0 }
+ {\installprettyhandler 1 \TEXtypeone
+ \installprettyhandler 2 \TEXtypetwo
+ \installprettyhandler 3 \TEXtypethree
+ \installprettyhandler 4 \TEXtypefour
+ \installprettyhandler 5 \TEXtypefive
+ \installprettyhandler 6 \TEXtypesix
+ \installprettyhandler 7 \TEXtypeseven
+ \installprettyhandler 8 \TEXtypeeight
+ \installprettyhandler 9 \TEXtypenine
+ \installprettyhandler 0 \TEXtypezero}
+ {\TEXendofparameter
+ \ifinTEXcommand
+ \else
+ \global\inTEXcommandtrue
+ \global\firstinTEXcommandtrue
+ \beginofpretty[\!!prettytwo]%
+ \fi}
+ {\ifinTEXcommand
+ \endofpretty
+ \global\inTEXcommandfalse
+ \global\firstinTEXcommandfalse
+ \fi}
+ {\TEXendofcommand
+ \ifinTEXparameter
+ \else
+ \global\inTEXparametertrue
+ \beginofpretty[\!!prettythree]%
+ \fi}
+ {\ifinTEXparameter
+ \endofpretty
+ \global\inTEXparameterfalse
+ \fi}
+ {\iffirstinTEXcommand
+ \getpretty{#1}%
+ \TEXendofcommand
+ \else}
+ {\ifnotfirstinTEXcommand#1
+ \TEXendofcommand
+ \TEXendofparameter
+ \beginofpretty[\!!prettyone]\getpretty{#1}\endofpretty
+ \fi}
+ {\ifnotfirstinTEXcommand#1
+ \TEXendofcommand
+ \TEXendofparameter
+ \beginofpretty[\!!prettythree]\getpretty{#1}\endofpretty
+ \fi}
+ {\ifnotfirstinTEXcommand#1
+ \TEXendofcommand
+ \TEXendofparameter
+ \beginofpretty[\!!prettyfour]\getpretty{#1}\endofpretty
+ \fi}
+ {\ifnotfirstinTEXcommand#1
+ \TEXendofcommand
+ \TEXendofparameter
+ \getpretty{#1}%
+ \fi}
+ {\ifnotfirstinTEXcommand#1
+ \TEXbeginofparameter
+ \getpretty{#1}%
+ \fi}
+ {\ifnotfirstinTEXcommand#1
+ \ifinTEXparameter
+ \ifsplitTEXparameters
+ \TEXendofparameter
+ \getpretty{#1}%
+ \else
+ \getpretty{#1}%
+ \TEXendofparameter
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \TEXendofcommand
+ \getpretty{#1}%
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+ {\ifnotfirstinTEXcommand#1
+ \TEXbeginofcommand
+ \getpretty{#1}%
+ \fi}
+ {\getprettydata{#2}%
+ \ifnum\prettytype=80
+ \TEXendofparameter
+ \ifsplitTEXcontrols
+ \ifinTEXcommand
+ \def\next{\TEXendofcommand\getpretty{#1}\getpretty{#1}\TEXbeginofcommand}%
+ \else
+ \def\next{\getpretty{#1}\getpretty{#1}}%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \def\next{\getpretty{#1}\getpretty{#1}}%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \def\next{\TEXtypeeightB{#1}#2}%
+ \fi
+ \next}
+ {\TEXendofparameter
+ \ifinTEXcommand
+ \firstinTEXcommandfalse
+ \expandafter\getpretty
+ \else
+ \expandafter\TEXtypethree
+ \fi}
+ {\handlenextnextpretty\TEXtypeeightA\TEXtypeeightB}
+ {\TEXendofparameter
+ \global\firstinTEXcommandfalse
+ \getpretty}
+% {\disableprettyafterwards % only when enabled of course
+% \ifnewpretty\expandafter\handlenewpretty\fi\TEXtypethree}
+\long\gdef\naturalTEXtext#1#2\relax% local alternative for \naturaltextext
+ {\convertargument#2\to\ascii
+ \doifinstringelse{\letterpercent}{\ascii}
+ {\long\def\next{\TEXtypethree{#1}#2\relax}}
+ %{\long\def\next{\bgroup\prettynaturalfont\restorecatcodes\scantokens{\ignorespaces#2}\egroup}}%
+ {\long\def\next{\bgroup\prettynaturalfont{\restorecatcodes\scantokens{\ignorespaces#2}}\egroup}}%
+ \next}
+ {\ifnaturaltextext
+ \expandafter\naturalTEXtext
+ \else
+ \disableprettyafterwards % only when enabled of course
+ \expandafter\handlenewpretty\expandafter\TEXtypethree
+ \fi}
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/verb-xml.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/verb-xml.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dbf6635f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/verb-xml.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,441 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=verb-xml,
+%D version=2000.05.09,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Verbatim Macros,
+%D subtitle=Pretty XML verbatim,
+%D author=Berend de Boer,
+%D date=2000.05.08,
+%D copyright={Berend de Boer \& Hans Hagen}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+% This module will be cleaned up a bit in the process of more
+% flexible verbatim options.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Verbatim Macros / Pretty XML Verbatim}
+%D Formats XML more or less like XMLWriter (
+%D does.
+%D Known bugs:
+%D - CDATA not handled yet.
+%D Expects well-formed XML. Else parsing errors may occur, because
+%D this XML state machine is not robust.
+%D Examples:
+%D \startXML
+%D <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
+%D <!-- comment: example of a <resource> tag -->
+%D <resources>
+%D <resource id="5">
+%D <capacity>
+%D <kind>1</kind>
+%D <value>100</value>
+%D </capacity>
+%D </resource>
+%D </resources>
+%D \stopXML
+%D Another format:
+%D \startXML
+%D <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
+%D <address id="10"/>
+%D \stopXML
+%D A typical setup:
+%D \setuptyping[XML]
+%D [margin=1cm,
+%D before={\switchtobodyfont[9pt]\blank[medium]},
+%D after={\switchtobodyfont[11pt]\blank[medium]},
+%D style=\ss]
+ \gdef\XMLlinebreak{\ifhmode\allowbreak\fi} % new, often long lines
+\doglobal\newif\ifXMLmarkkeys \global\XMLmarkkeystrue
+ {\def\prettyidentifier{XML}%
+ \XMLsetvariables
+ \XMLsetcontrols
+ \XMLsetspecials
+ \XMLsethandlers}
+ {\global\inXMLpifalse
+ \global\inXMLtagfalse
+ \global\inXMLvaluefalse
+ \global\inXMLspecialfalse
+ \global\inXMLcommentfalse
+ \global\inXMLtagnamefalse
+ \global\inXMLattributefalse
+ \global\inXMLentityfalse}
+ {\saveprettycontrols
+ \def\obeyedspace%
+ {\ifinXMLvalue
+ \else % more tests ?
+ \XMLstartattribute
+ \fi
+ \oldobeyedspace
+ \XMLlinebreak}%
+ \def\flushrestofverbatimline%
+ {\endXMLtagname}%
+ \let\obeytabs=\ignoretabs}
+ {\setpretty`\<=10 \setpretty`\>=11
+ \setpretty`\?=12 \setpretty`\/=13
+ \setpretty`\!=14 \setpretty`\-=15
+ \setpretty`\\=17
+ \setpretty`\0=17
+ \setpretty`\1=17 \setpretty`\2=17 \setpretty`\3=17
+ \setpretty`\4=17 \setpretty`\5=17 \setpretty`\6=17
+ \setpretty`\7=17 \setpretty`\8=17 \setpretty`\9=17
+ \setpretty`\==16
+ \setpretty`\"=20
+ \setpretty`\(=31 \setpretty`\)=31 \setpretty`\,=31
+ \setpretty`\*=31 \setpretty`\+=31 \setpretty`\#=31
+ \setpretty`\:=32
+ \setpretty`\&=41 \setpretty`\;=42 }
+ {\installprettyhandler 17 \XMLnormal
+ \installprettyhandler 10 \XMLwhattag
+ \installprettyhandler 11 \XMLstoptag
+ \installprettyhandler 12 \XMLtypeonetwo
+ \installprettyhandler 13 \XMLtypeonethree
+ \installprettyhandler 14 \XMLtypeonefour
+ \installprettyhandler 15 \XMLtypeonefive
+ \installprettyhandler 16 \XMLtypeonesix
+ \installprettyhandler 20 \XMLdoublequote
+ \installprettyhandler 31 \XMLtypethreeone
+ \installprettyhandler 32 \XMLtypethreetwo
+ \installprettyhandler 41 \XMLbampersand
+ \installprettyhandler 42 \XMLeampersand }
+% the list of actions to be executed per state
+% test if we have a normal tag, processing instruction or a special,
+% i.e. <, <? or <!
+ {\handlenextnextpretty\XMLdowhattag\XMLstarttag}
+ {\ifinXMLcomment
+ \let\next=\getpretties
+ \else
+ \getprettydata{#2}%
+ \ifnum\prettytype=12 % ?
+ \let\next=\XMLstartpi
+ \else\ifnum\prettytype=14 % !
+ \let\next=\XMLstartspecial
+ \else
+ \let\next=\XMLstarttag
+ \fi\fi
+ \fi
+ \next{#1}{#2}}
+% formats <?
+ {\beginofpretty[\!!prettythree]\getpretties{#1}{#2}\endofpretty%
+ \global\inXMLtagtrue
+ \global\inXMLpitrue
+ \global\inXMLtagnametrue
+ \beginofpretty[\!!prettyone]}
+% format <!, <!--, <!DOCTYPE, <![CDATA[ and such
+ {\beginofpretty[\!!prettythree]\getpretties{#1}{#2}\endofpretty%
+ \global\inXMLtagtrue
+ \global\inXMLspecialtrue
+ \global\inXMLtagnametrue
+ \beginofpretty[\!!prettyone]}
+% formats plain <
+ {\XMLlinebreak
+ \beginofpretty[\!!prettythree]\getpretty{#1}\endofpretty
+ \global\inXMLtagtrue
+ \global\inXMLtagnametrue
+ \beginofpretty[\!!prettyone]}
+% catch >
+ {\ifinXMLcomment
+ \getpretty{#1}%
+ \else
+ \ifinXMLvalue
+ \getpretty{#1}%
+ \else
+ \endXMLtagname
+ \beginofpretty[\!!prettythree]\getpretty{#1}\endofpretty
+ \doXMLstoptag
+ \XMLlinebreak
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+ {\global\inXMLpifalse % either end process instruction
+ \global\inXMLspecialfalse % or special
+ \global\inXMLtagfalse % tag ends always
+ \global\inXMLtagnamefalse} % just to be sure
+% end typeset name of tag
+% because called often, we also use it to end the default
+% attribute color.
+ {\ifinXMLtagname
+ \endofpretty
+ \inXMLtagnamefalse
+ \else
+ \XMLstopattribute
+ \fi}
+% start attribute formatting inside a tag if applicable
+ {\ifinXMLcomment \else
+ \ifinXMLpi
+ \ifXMLmarkkeys\else\endXMLtagname\fi % option
+ \else
+ \endXMLtagname
+ \ifinXMLtag
+ \doXMLstartattribute
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+ {\ifinXMLattribute
+ \endofpretty
+ \inXMLattributefalse
+ \fi}
+ {\inXMLattributetrue
+ \beginofpretty[\!!prettythree]}
+% `?' character, needed to recognize ?>
+ {\endXMLtagname
+ \handlenextnextpretty\doXMLtypeonetwo\doXMLout}
+ {\getprettydata{#2}%
+ \ifnum\prettytype=11 % >
+ \expandafter\dododoXMLtypeonetwo
+ \else % treat as `green' character
+ \expandafter\XMLtypethreeone
+ \fi
+ {#1}#2}
+ {\ifinXMLcomment
+ \getpretties{#1}{#2}%
+ \else
+ \ifinXMLtag
+ \ifinXMLvalue
+ \getpretties{#1}{#2}%
+ \else
+ \ifinXMLpi
+ \beginofpretty[\!!prettythree]\getpretties{#1}{#2}\endofpretty
+ \else % treat as green character
+ \beginofpretty[\!!prettytwo]\getpretty{#1}\endofpretty
+ \beginofpretty[\!!prettythree]#2\endofpretty
+ \fi
+ \doXMLstoptag
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \getpretties{#1}{#2}%
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+% '/' character, catch /> and </, do nothing else
+ {\ifinXMLcomment
+ \getpretty{#1}%
+ \else
+ \ifinXMLtag
+ \ifinXMLvalue
+ \getpretty{#1}%
+ \else
+ \endofpretty
+ \beginofpretty[\!!prettythree]\getpretty{#1}\endofpretty
+ \beginofpretty[\!!prettyone]%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \getpretty{#1}%
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+% used to parse <!
+ {\getpretty{#1}}
+% used to parse <!-- and -->
+% when <! is parsed we already assumed this is a comment
+% when -- is encountered, we only need to see if --> is ahead
+% so the comment can stop.
+ {\handlenextnextpretty\doXMLtypeonefive\doXMLout}
+ {\getprettydata{#2}%
+ \ifnum\prettytype=15
+ \ifinXMLcomment
+ \let\next=\dodoXMLtypeonefive
+ \else
+ \ifinXMLspecial
+ \let\next=\startXMLcomment
+ \else
+ \let\next=\doXMLouttwo
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \let\next=\doXMLouttwo
+ \fi
+ \next{#1}#2}
+ {\beginofpretty[\!!prettythree]\getpretties{#1}{#2}\endofpretty
+ \beginofpretty[\!!prettyfour]%
+ \global\inXMLcommenttrue}
+\gdef\dodoXMLtypeonefive#1% encountered -
+ {\def\prev{#1}\handlenextnextpretty\dododoXMLtypeonefive\doXMLout}
+\gdef\nodoXMLtypeonefive% encountered -
+ {\getpretty{\prev}\doXMLout}
+ {\getprettydata{#2}%
+ \ifnum\prettytype=11
+ \endofpretty\getpretty{\prev}#1\empty\global\inXMLcommentfalse#2%
+ \else
+ \getpretty{\prev}#1#2%
+ \fi}
+\global\let\doXMLout \getpretty
+% '=' inside tags needs to be blue
+ {\ifinXMLtag
+ \endofpretty
+ \beginofpretty[\!!prettythree]\getpretty{#1}\endofpretty
+ \beginofpretty[\!!prettyone]%
+ \else
+ \getpretty{#1}%
+ \fi}
+% catch attribute value parts
+ {\ifinXMLcomment
+ \getpretty{#1}%
+ \else
+ \ifinXMLtag
+ \ifinXMLvalue
+ \global\inXMLvaluefalse
+ \beginofpretty[\!!prettythree]\getpretty{#1}\endofpretty
+ \ifXMLmarkkeys\beginofpretty[\!!prettyone]\fi
+ \else
+ \endofpretty
+ \beginofpretty[\!!prettythree]\getpretty{#1}\endofpretty
+ \global\inXMLvaluetrue
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \getpretty{#1}%
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+% symbols like `(', `)' and `,' should be green
+ {\ifinXMLcomment
+ \getpretty{#1}%
+ \else
+ \ifinXMLtag
+ \endXMLtagname
+ \ifinXMLvalue
+ \getpretty{#1}%
+ \else
+ \beginofpretty[\!!prettytwo]\getpretty{#1}\endofpretty
+ \XMLstartattribute% again
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \getpretty{#1}%
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+% \gdef\XMLtypethreetwo#1%
+% {\ifinXMLcomment
+% \getpretty{#1}%
+% \else
+% \ifinXMLtagname
+% \endofpretty
+% \beginofpretty[\!!prettythree]\getpretty{#1}\endofpretty
+% \beginofpretty[\!!prettyone]%
+% \else
+% \getpretty{#1}%
+% \fi
+% \fi}
+ {\getpretty{#1}}
+% special characters with `&'
+ {\ifinXMLcomment
+ \getpretty{#1}%
+ \else
+ \endXMLtagname
+ \beginofpretty[\!!prettytwo]\getpretty{#1}\endofpretty
+ \global\inXMLentitytrue
+ \fi}
+ {\ifinXMLcomment
+ \getpretty{#1}%
+ \else
+ \beginofpretty[\!!prettytwo]\getpretty{#1}\endofpretty
+ \global\inXMLentityfalse
+ \fi}
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/xetx-chr.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/xetx-chr.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ca9c4aaa4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/xetx-chr.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,1153 @@
+% filename : xetx-chr.mkii
+% comment : generated by mtxrun --script chars --xtx
+% author : Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL
+% copyright: PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team
+% license : see context related readme files
+% named characters mapped onto utf (\\char is needed for accents)
+\def\textbackslash {\char"0005C } % REVERSE SOLIDUS: \
+\def\textasciicircum {\char"0005E } % CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT: ^
+\def\textunderscore {\char"0005F } % LOW LINE: _
+\def\textgrave {\char"00060 } % GRAVE ACCENT: `
+\def\idotaccent {\char"00069 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER I: i
+\def\textbraceleft {\char"0007B } % LEFT CURLY BRACKET: {
+\def\textbar {\char"0007C } % VERTICAL LINE: |
+\def\textbraceright {\char"0007D } % RIGHT CURLY BRACKET: }
+\def\textasciitilde {\char"0007E } % TILDE: ~
+\def\exclamdown {\char"000A1 } % INVERTED EXCLAMATION MARK: ¡
+\def\textcent {\char"000A2 } % CENT SIGN: ¢
+\def\textsterling {\char"000A3 } % POUND SIGN: £
+\def\textcurrency {\char"000A4 } % CURRENCY SIGN: ¤
+\def\textyen {\char"000A5 } % YEN SIGN: ¥
+\def\textbrokenbar {\char"000A6 } % BROKEN BAR: ¦
+\def\sectionmark {\char"000A7 } % SECTION SIGN: §
+\def\textdiaeresis {\char"000A8 } % DIAERESIS: ¨
+\def\copyright {\char"000A9 } % COPYRIGHT SIGN: ©
+\def\ordfeminine {\char"000AA } % FEMININE ORDINAL INDICATOR: ª
+\def\leftguillemot {\char"000AB } % LEFT-POINTING DOUBLE ANGLE QUOTATION MARK: «
+\def\textlognot {\char"000AC } % NOT SIGN: ¬
+\def\softhyphen {\char"000AD } % SOFT HYPHEN: ­
+\def\registered {\char"000AE } % REGISTERED SIGN: ®
+\def\textmacron {\char"000AF } % MACRON: ¯
+\def\textdegree {\char"000B0 } % DEGREE SIGN: °
+\def\textpm {\char"000B1 } % PLUS-MINUS SIGN: ±
+\def\twosuperior {\char"000B2 } % SUPERSCRIPT TWO: ²
+\def\threesuperior {\char"000B3 } % SUPERSCRIPT THREE: ³
+\def\textacute {\char"000B4 } % ACUTE ACCENT: ´
+\def\textmu {\char"000B5 } % MICRO SIGN: µ
+\def\paragraphmark {\char"000B6 } % PILCROW SIGN: ¶
+\def\periodcentered {\char"000B7 } % MIDDLE DOT: ·
+\def\textcedilla {\char"000B8 } % CEDILLA: ¸
+\def\onesuperior {\char"000B9 } % SUPERSCRIPT ONE: ¹
+\def\ordmasculine {\char"000BA } % MASCULINE ORDINAL INDICATOR: º
+\def\rightguillemot {\char"000BB } % RIGHT-POINTING DOUBLE ANGLE QUOTATION MARK: »
+\def\onequarter {\char"000BC } % VULGAR FRACTION ONE QUARTER: ¼
+\def\onehalf {\char"000BD } % VULGAR FRACTION ONE HALF: ½
+\def\threequarter {\char"000BE } % VULGAR FRACTION THREE QUARTERS: ¾
+\def\questiondown {\char"000BF } % INVERTED QUESTION MARK: ¿
+\def\Agrave {\char"000C0 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH GRAVE: À
+\def\Aacute {\char"000C1 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH ACUTE: Á
+\def\Acircumflex {\char"000C2 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH CIRCUMFLEX: Â
+\def\Atilde {\char"000C3 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH TILDE: Ã
+\def\Adiaeresis {\char"000C4 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS: Ä
+\def\Aring {\char"000C5 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH RING ABOVE: Å
+\def\AEligature {\char"000C6 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER AE: Æ
+\def\Ccedilla {\char"000C7 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C WITH CEDILLA: Ç
+\def\Egrave {\char"000C8 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH GRAVE: È
+\def\Eacute {\char"000C9 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH ACUTE: É
+\def\Ecircumflex {\char"000CA } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH CIRCUMFLEX: Ê
+\def\Ediaeresis {\char"000CB } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH DIAERESIS: Ë
+\def\Igrave {\char"000CC } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH GRAVE: Ì
+\def\Iacute {\char"000CD } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH ACUTE: Í
+\def\Icircumflex {\char"000CE } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH CIRCUMFLEX: Î
+\def\Idiaeresis {\char"000CF } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH DIAERESIS: Ï
+\def\Eth {\char"000D0 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER ETH: Ð
+\def\Ntilde {\char"000D1 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N WITH TILDE: Ñ
+\def\Ograve {\char"000D2 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH GRAVE: Ò
+\def\Oacute {\char"000D3 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH ACUTE: Ó
+\def\Ocircumflex {\char"000D4 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH CIRCUMFLEX: Ô
+\def\Otilde {\char"000D5 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH TILDE: Õ
+\def\Odiaeresis {\char"000D6 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS: Ö
+\def\textmultiply {\char"000D7 } % MULTIPLICATION SIGN: ×
+\def\Ostroke {\char"000D8 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH STROKE: Ø
+\def\Ugrave {\char"000D9 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH GRAVE: Ù
+\def\Uacute {\char"000DA } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH ACUTE: Ú
+\def\Ucircumflex {\char"000DB } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH CIRCUMFLEX: Û
+\def\Udiaeresis {\char"000DC } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS: Ü
+\def\Yacute {\char"000DD } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y WITH ACUTE: Ý
+\def\Thorn {\char"000DE } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER THORN: Þ
+\def\ssharp {\char"000DF } % LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S: ß
+\def\agrave {\char"000E0 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH GRAVE: à
+\def\aacute {\char"000E1 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH ACUTE: á
+\def\acircumflex {\char"000E2 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH CIRCUMFLEX: â
+\def\atilde {\char"000E3 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH TILDE: ã
+\def\adiaeresis {\char"000E4 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS: ä
+\def\aring {\char"000E5 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH RING ABOVE: å
+\def\aeligature {\char"000E6 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER AE: æ
+\def\ccedilla {\char"000E7 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH CEDILLA: ç
+\def\egrave {\char"000E8 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH GRAVE: è
+\def\eacute {\char"000E9 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH ACUTE: é
+\def\ecircumflex {\char"000EA } % LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH CIRCUMFLEX: ê
+\def\ediaeresis {\char"000EB } % LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH DIAERESIS: ë
+\def\igrave {\char"000EC } % LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH GRAVE: ì
+\def\iacute {\char"000ED } % LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH ACUTE: í
+\def\icircumflex {\char"000EE } % LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH CIRCUMFLEX: î
+\def\idiaeresis {\char"000EF } % LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH DIAERESIS: ï
+\def\ntilde {\char"000F1 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER N WITH TILDE: ñ
+\def\ograve {\char"000F2 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH GRAVE: ò
+\def\oacute {\char"000F3 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH ACUTE: ó
+\def\ocircumflex {\char"000F4 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH CIRCUMFLEX: ô
+\def\otilde {\char"000F5 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH TILDE: õ
+\def\odiaeresis {\char"000F6 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS: ö
+\def\textdiv {\char"000F7 } % DIVISION SIGN: ÷
+\def\ostroke {\char"000F8 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH STROKE: ø
+\def\ugrave {\char"000F9 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH GRAVE: ù
+\def\uacute {\char"000FA } % LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH ACUTE: ú
+\def\ucircumflex {\char"000FB } % LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH CIRCUMFLEX: û
+\def\udiaeresis {\char"000FC } % LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS: ü
+\def\yacute {\char"000FD } % LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH ACUTE: ý
+\def\thorn {\char"000FE } % LATIN SMALL LETTER THORN: þ
+\def\ydiaeresis {\char"000FF } % LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH DIAERESIS: ÿ
+\def\Amacron {\char"00100 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH MACRON: Ā
+\def\amacron {\char"00101 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH MACRON: ā
+\def\Abreve {\char"00102 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH BREVE: Ă
+\def\abreve {\char"00103 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH BREVE: ă
+\def\Aogonek {\char"00104 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH OGONEK: Ą
+\def\aogonek {\char"00105 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH OGONEK: ą
+\def\Cacute {\char"00106 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C WITH ACUTE: Ć
+\def\cacute {\char"00107 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH ACUTE: ć
+\def\Ccircumflex {\char"00108 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C WITH CIRCUMFLEX: Ĉ
+\def\ccircumflex {\char"00109 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH CIRCUMFLEX: ĉ
+\def\Cdotaccent {\char"0010A } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C WITH DOT ABOVE: Ċ
+\def\cdotaccent {\char"0010B } % LATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH DOT ABOVE: ċ
+\def\Ccaron {\char"0010C } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C WITH CARON: Č
+\def\ccaron {\char"0010D } % LATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH CARON: č
+\def\Dcaron {\char"0010E } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER D WITH CARON: Ď
+\def\dcaron {\char"0010F } % LATIN SMALL LETTER D WITH CARON: ď
+\def\Dstroke {\char"00110 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER D WITH STROKE: Đ
+\def\dstroke {\char"00111 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER D WITH STROKE: đ
+\def\Emacron {\char"00112 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH MACRON: Ē
+\def\emacron {\char"00113 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH MACRON: ē
+\def\Ebreve {\char"00114 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH BREVE: Ĕ
+\def\ebreve {\char"00115 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH BREVE: ĕ
+\def\Edotaccent {\char"00116 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH DOT ABOVE: Ė
+\def\edotaccent {\char"00117 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH DOT ABOVE: ė
+\def\Eogonek {\char"00118 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH OGONEK: Ę
+\def\eogonek {\char"00119 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH OGONEK: ę
+\def\Ecaron {\char"0011A } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH CARON: Ě
+\def\ecaron {\char"0011B } % LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH CARON: ě
+\def\Gcircumflex {\char"0011C } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER G WITH CIRCUMFLEX: Ĝ
+\def\gcircumflex {\char"0011D } % LATIN SMALL LETTER G WITH CIRCUMFLEX: ĝ
+\def\Gbreve {\char"0011E } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER G WITH BREVE: Ğ
+\def\gbreve {\char"0011F } % LATIN SMALL LETTER G WITH BREVE: ğ
+\def\Gdotaccent {\char"00120 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER G WITH DOT ABOVE: Ġ
+\def\gdotaccent {\char"00121 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER G WITH DOT ABOVE: ġ
+\def\Gcommaaccent {\char"00122 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER G WITH CEDILLA: Ģ
+\def\gcommaaccent {\char"00123 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER G WITH CEDILLA: ģ
+\def\Hcircumflex {\char"00124 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER H WITH CIRCUMFLEX: Ĥ
+\def\hcircumflex {\char"00125 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER H WITH CIRCUMFLEX: ĥ
+\def\Hstroke {\char"00126 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER H WITH STROKE: Ħ
+\def\hstroke {\char"00127 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER H WITH STROKE: ħ
+\def\Itilde {\char"00128 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH TILDE: Ĩ
+\def\itilde {\char"00129 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH TILDE: ĩ
+\def\Imacron {\char"0012A } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH MACRON: Ī
+\def\imacron {\char"0012B } % LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH MACRON: ī
+\def\Ibreve {\char"0012C } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH BREVE: Ĭ
+\def\ibreve {\char"0012D } % LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH BREVE: ĭ
+\def\Iogonek {\char"0012E } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH OGONEK: Į
+\def\iogonek {\char"0012F } % LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH OGONEK: į
+\def\Idotaccent {\char"00130 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH DOT ABOVE: İ
+\def\dotlessi {\char"00131 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER DOTLESS I: ı
+\def\IJligature {\char"00132 } % LATIN CAPITAL LIGATURE IJ: IJ
+\def\ijligature {\char"00133 } % LATIN SMALL LIGATURE IJ: ij
+\def\Jcircumflex {\char"00134 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER J WITH CIRCUMFLEX: Ĵ
+\def\jcircumflex {\char"00135 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER J WITH CIRCUMFLEX: ĵ
+\def\Kcommaaccent {\char"00136 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER K WITH CEDILLA: Ķ
+\def\kcommaaccent {\char"00137 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER K WITH CEDILLA: ķ
+\def\kkra {\char"00138 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER KRA: ĸ
+\def\Lacute {\char"00139 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER L WITH ACUTE: Ĺ
+\def\lacute {\char"0013A } % LATIN SMALL LETTER L WITH ACUTE: ĺ
+\def\Lcommaaccent {\char"0013B } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER L WITH CEDILLA: Ļ
+\def\lcommaaccent {\char"0013C } % LATIN SMALL LETTER L WITH CEDILLA: ļ
+\def\Lcaron {\char"0013D } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER L WITH CARON: Ľ
+\def\lcaron {\char"0013E } % LATIN SMALL LETTER L WITH CARON: ľ
+\def\Ldotmiddle {\char"0013F } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER L WITH MIDDLE DOT: Ŀ
+\def\ldotmiddle {\char"00140 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER L WITH MIDDLE DOT: ŀ
+\def\Lstroke {\char"00141 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER L WITH STROKE: Ł
+\def\lstroke {\char"00142 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER L WITH STROKE: ł
+\def\Nacute {\char"00143 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N WITH ACUTE: Ń
+\def\nacute {\char"00144 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER N WITH ACUTE: ń
+\def\Ncommaaccent {\char"00145 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N WITH CEDILLA: Ņ
+\def\ncommaaccent {\char"00146 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER N WITH CEDILLA: ņ
+\def\Ncaron {\char"00147 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N WITH CARON: Ň
+\def\ncaron {\char"00148 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER N WITH CARON: ň
+\def\napostrophe {\char"00149 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER N PRECEDED BY APOSTROPHE: ʼn
+\def\Neng {\char"0014A } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER ENG: Ŋ
+\def\neng {\char"0014B } % LATIN SMALL LETTER ENG: ŋ
+\def\Omacron {\char"0014C } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH MACRON: Ō
+\def\omacron {\char"0014D } % LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH MACRON: ō
+\def\Obreve {\char"0014E } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH BREVE: Ŏ
+\def\obreve {\char"0014F } % LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH BREVE: ŏ
+\def\Ohungarumlaut {\char"00150 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH DOUBLE ACUTE: Ő
+\def\ohungarumlaut {\char"00151 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH DOUBLE ACUTE: ő
+\def\OEligature {\char"00152 } % LATIN CAPITAL LIGATURE OE: Œ
+\def\oeligature {\char"00153 } % LATIN SMALL LIGATURE OE: œ
+\def\Racute {\char"00154 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER R WITH ACUTE: Ŕ
+\def\racute {\char"00155 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER R WITH ACUTE: ŕ
+\def\Rcommaaccent {\char"00156 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER R WITH CEDILLA: Ŗ
+\def\rcommaaccent {\char"00157 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER R WITH CEDILLA: ŗ
+\def\Rcaron {\char"00158 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER R WITH CARON: Ř
+\def\rcaron {\char"00159 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER R WITH CARON: ř
+\def\Sacute {\char"0015A } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S WITH ACUTE: Ś
+\def\sacute {\char"0015B } % LATIN SMALL LETTER S WITH ACUTE: ś
+\def\Scircumflex {\char"0015C } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S WITH CIRCUMFLEX: Ŝ
+\def\scircumflex {\char"0015D } % LATIN SMALL LETTER S WITH CIRCUMFLEX: ŝ
+\def\Scedilla {\char"0015E } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S WITH CEDILLA: Ş
+\def\scedilla {\char"0015F } % LATIN SMALL LETTER S WITH CEDILLA: ş
+\def\Scaron {\char"00160 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S WITH CARON: Š
+\def\scaron {\char"00161 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER S WITH CARON: š
+\def\Tcedilla {\char"00162 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER T WITH CEDILLA: Ţ
+\def\tcedilla {\char"00163 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER T WITH CEDILLA: ţ
+\def\Tcaron {\char"00164 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER T WITH CARON: Ť
+\def\tcaron {\char"00165 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER T WITH CARON: ť
+\def\Tstroke {\char"00166 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER T WITH STROKE: Ŧ
+\def\tstroke {\char"00167 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER T WITH STROKE: ŧ
+\def\Utilde {\char"00168 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH TILDE: Ũ
+\def\utilde {\char"00169 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH TILDE: ũ
+\def\Umacron {\char"0016A } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH MACRON: Ū
+\def\umacron {\char"0016B } % LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH MACRON: ū
+\def\Ubreve {\char"0016C } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH BREVE: Ŭ
+\def\ubreve {\char"0016D } % LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH BREVE: ŭ
+\def\Uring {\char"0016E } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH RING ABOVE: Ů
+\def\uring {\char"0016F } % LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH RING ABOVE: ů
+\def\Uhungarumlaut {\char"00170 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH DOUBLE ACUTE: Ű
+\def\uhungarumlaut {\char"00171 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH DOUBLE ACUTE: ű
+\def\Uogonek {\char"00172 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH OGONEK: Ų
+\def\uogonek {\char"00173 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH OGONEK: ų
+\def\Wcircumflex {\char"00174 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER W WITH CIRCUMFLEX: Ŵ
+\def\wcircumflex {\char"00175 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER W WITH CIRCUMFLEX: ŵ
+\def\Ycircumflex {\char"00176 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y WITH CIRCUMFLEX: Ŷ
+\def\ycircumflex {\char"00177 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH CIRCUMFLEX: ŷ
+\def\Ydiaeresis {\char"00178 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y WITH DIAERESIS: Ÿ
+\def\Zacute {\char"00179 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z WITH ACUTE: Ź
+\def\zacute {\char"0017A } % LATIN SMALL LETTER Z WITH ACUTE: ź
+\def\Zdotaccent {\char"0017B } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z WITH DOT ABOVE: Ż
+\def\zdotaccent {\char"0017C } % LATIN SMALL LETTER Z WITH DOT ABOVE: ż
+\def\Zcaron {\char"0017D } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z WITH CARON: Ž
+\def\zcaron {\char"0017E } % LATIN SMALL LETTER Z WITH CARON: ž
+\def\slong {\char"0017F } % LATIN SMALL LETTER LONG S: ſ
+\def\bstroke {\char"00180 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER B WITH STROKE: ƀ
+\def\Bhook {\char"00181 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER B WITH HOOK: Ɓ
+\def\Chook {\char"00187 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C WITH HOOK: Ƈ
+\def\chook {\char"00188 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH HOOK: ƈ
+\def\Dafrican {\char"00189 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER AFRICAN D: Ɖ
+\def\Dhook {\char"0018A } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER D WITH HOOK: Ɗ
+\def\Schwa {\char"0018F } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER SCHWA: Ə
+\def\Fhook {\char"00191 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER F WITH HOOK: Ƒ
+\def\fhook {\char"00192 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER F WITH HOOK: ƒ
+\def\Ghook {\char"00193 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER G WITH HOOK: Ɠ
+\def\Istroke {\char"00197 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH STROKE: Ɨ
+\def\Khook {\char"00198 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER K WITH HOOK: Ƙ
+\def\khook {\char"00199 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER K WITH HOOK: ƙ
+\def\lbar {\char"0019A } % LATIN SMALL LETTER L WITH BAR: ƚ
+\def\Ohorn {\char"001A0 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH HORN: Ơ
+\def\ohorn {\char"001A1 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH HORN: ơ
+\def\Phook {\char"001A4 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER P WITH HOOK: Ƥ
+\def\phook {\char"001A5 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER P WITH HOOK: ƥ
+\def\Thook {\char"001AC } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER T WITH HOOK: Ƭ
+\def\thook {\char"001AD } % LATIN SMALL LETTER T WITH HOOK: ƭ
+\def\Uhorn {\char"001AF } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH HORN: Ư
+\def\uhorn {\char"001B0 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH HORN: ư
+\def\Uhook {\char"001B2 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER V WITH HOOK: Ʋ
+\def\Yhook {\char"001B3 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y WITH HOOK: Ƴ
+\def\yhook {\char"001B4 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH HOOK: ƴ
+\def\Zstroke {\char"001B5 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z WITH STROKE: Ƶ
+\def\zstroke {\char"001B6 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER Z WITH STROKE: ƶ
+\def\DZcaronligature {\char"001C4 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER DZ WITH CARON: DŽ
+\def\Dzcaronligature {\char"001C5 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER D WITH SMALL LETTER Z WITH CARON: Dž
+\def\dzcaronligature {\char"001C6 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER DZ WITH CARON: dž
+\def\LJligature {\char"001C7 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER LJ: LJ
+\def\Ljligature {\char"001C8 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER L WITH SMALL LETTER J: Lj
+\def\ljligature {\char"001C9 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER LJ: lj
+\def\NJligature {\char"001CA } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER NJ: NJ
+\def\Njligature {\char"001CB } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N WITH SMALL LETTER J: Nj
+\def\njligature {\char"001CC } % LATIN SMALL LETTER NJ: nj
+\def\Acaron {\char"001CD } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH CARON: Ǎ
+\def\acaron {\char"001CE } % LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH CARON: ǎ
+\def\Icaron {\char"001CF } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH CARON: Ǐ
+\def\icaron {\char"001D0 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH CARON: ǐ
+\def\Ocaron {\char"001D1 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH CARON: Ǒ
+\def\ocaron {\char"001D2 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH CARON: ǒ
+\def\Ucaron {\char"001D3 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH CARON: Ǔ
+\def\ucaron {\char"001D4 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH CARON: ǔ
+\def\Udiaeresismacron {\char"001D5 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS AND MACRON: Ǖ
+\def\udiaeresismacron {\char"001D6 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS AND MACRON: ǖ
+\def\Udiaeresisacute {\char"001D7 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS AND ACUTE: Ǘ
+\def\udiaeresisacute {\char"001D8 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS AND ACUTE: ǘ
+\def\Udiaeresiscaron {\char"001D9 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS AND CARON: Ǚ
+\def\udiaeresiscaron {\char"001DA } % LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS AND CARON: ǚ
+\def\Udiaeresisgrave {\char"001DB } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS AND GRAVE: Ǜ
+\def\udiaeresisgrave {\char"001DC } % LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS AND GRAVE: ǜ
+\def\Adiaeresismacron {\char"001DE } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS AND MACRON: Ǟ
+\def\adiaeresismacron {\char"001DF } % LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS AND MACRON: ǟ
+\def\Adotaccentmacron {\char"001E0 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH DOT ABOVE AND MACRON: Ǡ
+\def\adotaccentmacron {\char"001E1 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH DOT ABOVE AND MACRON: ǡ
+\def\AEmacron {\char"001E2 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER AE WITH MACRON: Ǣ
+\def\aemacron {\char"001E3 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER AE WITH MACRON: ǣ
+\def\Gstroke {\char"001E4 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER G WITH STROKE: Ǥ
+\def\gstroke {\char"001E5 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER G WITH STROKE: ǥ
+\def\Gcaron {\char"001E6 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER G WITH CARON: Ǧ
+\def\gcaron {\char"001E7 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER G WITH CARON: ǧ
+\def\Kcaron {\char"001E8 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER K WITH CARON: Ǩ
+\def\kcaron {\char"001E9 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER K WITH CARON: ǩ
+\def\Oogonek {\char"001EA } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH OGONEK: Ǫ
+\def\oogonek {\char"001EB } % LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH OGONEK: ǫ
+\def\Oogonekmacron {\char"001EC } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH OGONEK AND MACRON: Ǭ
+\def\oogonekmacron {\char"001ED } % LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH OGONEK AND MACRON: ǭ
+\def\jcaron {\char"001F0 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER J WITH CARON: ǰ
+\def\DZligature {\char"001F1 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER DZ: DZ
+\def\Dzligature {\char"001F2 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER D WITH SMALL LETTER Z: Dz
+\def\dzligature {\char"001F3 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER DZ: dz
+\def\Gacute {\char"001F4 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER G WITH ACUTE: Ǵ
+\def\gacute {\char"001F5 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER G WITH ACUTE: ǵ
+\def\Ngrave {\char"001F8 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N WITH GRAVE: Ǹ
+\def\ngrave {\char"001F9 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER N WITH GRAVE: ǹ
+\def\aringacute {\char"001FB } % LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH RING ABOVE AND ACUTE: ǻ
+\def\AEacute {\char"001FC } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER AE WITH ACUTE: Ǽ
+\def\aeacute {\char"001FD } % LATIN SMALL LETTER AE WITH ACUTE: ǽ
+\def\Ostrokeacute {\char"001FE } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH STROKE AND ACUTE: Ǿ
+\def\ostrokeacute {\char"001FF } % LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH STROKE AND ACUTE: ǿ
+\def\Adoublegrave {\char"00200 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH DOUBLE GRAVE: Ȁ
+\def\adoublegrave {\char"00201 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH DOUBLE GRAVE: ȁ
+\def\Ainvertedbreve {\char"00202 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH INVERTED BREVE: Ȃ
+\def\ainvertedbreve {\char"00203 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH INVERTED BREVE: ȃ
+\def\Edoublegrave {\char"00204 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH DOUBLE GRAVE: Ȅ
+\def\edoublegrave {\char"00205 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH DOUBLE GRAVE: ȅ
+\def\Einvertedbreve {\char"00206 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH INVERTED BREVE: Ȇ
+\def\einvertedbreve {\char"00207 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH INVERTED BREVE: ȇ
+\def\Idoublegrave {\char"00208 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH DOUBLE GRAVE: Ȉ
+\def\idoublegrave {\char"00209 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH DOUBLE GRAVE: ȉ
+\def\Iinvertedbreve {\char"0020A } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH INVERTED BREVE: Ȋ
+\def\iinvertedbreve {\char"0020B } % LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH INVERTED BREVE: ȋ
+\def\Odoublegrave {\char"0020C } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH DOUBLE GRAVE: Ȍ
+\def\odoublegrave {\char"0020D } % LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH DOUBLE GRAVE: ȍ
+\def\Oinvertedbreve {\char"0020E } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH INVERTED BREVE: Ȏ
+\def\oinvertedbreve {\char"0020F } % LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH INVERTED BREVE: ȏ
+\def\Rdoublegrave {\char"00210 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER R WITH DOUBLE GRAVE: Ȑ
+\def\rdoublegrave {\char"00211 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER R WITH DOUBLE GRAVE: ȑ
+\def\Rinvertedbreve {\char"00212 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER R WITH INVERTED BREVE: Ȓ
+\def\rinvertedbreve {\char"00213 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER R WITH INVERTED BREVE: ȓ
+\def\Udoublegrave {\char"00214 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH DOUBLE GRAVE: Ȕ
+\def\udoublegrave {\char"00215 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH DOUBLE GRAVE: ȕ
+\def\Uinvertedbreve {\char"00216 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH INVERTED BREVE: Ȗ
+\def\uinvertedbreve {\char"00217 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH INVERTED BREVE: ȗ
+\def\Scommaaccent {\char"00218 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S WITH COMMA BELOW: Ș
+\def\scommaaccent {\char"00219 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER S WITH COMMA BELOW: ș
+\def\Tcommaaccent {\char"0021A } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER T WITH COMMA BELOW: Ț
+\def\tcommaaccent {\char"0021B } % LATIN SMALL LETTER T WITH COMMA BELOW: ț
+\def\Hcaron {\char"0021E } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER H WITH CARON: Ȟ
+\def\hcaron {\char"0021F } % LATIN SMALL LETTER H WITH CARON: ȟ
+\def\dcurl {\char"00221 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER D WITH CURL: ȡ
+\def\Zhook {\char"00224 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z WITH HOOK: Ȥ
+\def\zhook {\char"00225 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER Z WITH HOOK: ȥ
+\def\Adotaccent {\char"00226 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH DOT ABOVE: Ȧ
+\def\adotaccent {\char"00227 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH DOT ABOVE: ȧ
+\def\Ecedilla {\char"00228 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH CEDILLA: Ȩ
+\def\ecedilla {\char"00229 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH CEDILLA: ȩ
+\def\Odiaeresismacron {\char"0022A } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS AND MACRON: Ȫ
+\def\odiaeresismacron {\char"0022B } % LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS AND MACRON: ȫ
+\def\Otildemacron {\char"0022C } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH TILDE AND MACRON: Ȭ
+\def\otildemacron {\char"0022D } % LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH TILDE AND MACRON: ȭ
+\def\Odotaccent {\char"0022E } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH DOT ABOVE: Ȯ
+\def\odotaccent {\char"0022F } % LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH DOT ABOVE: ȯ
+\def\Odotaccentmacron {\char"00230 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH DOT ABOVE AND MACRON: Ȱ
+\def\odotaccentmacron {\char"00231 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH DOT ABOVE AND MACRON: ȱ
+\def\Ymacron {\char"00232 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y WITH MACRON: Ȳ
+\def\ymacron {\char"00233 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH MACRON: ȳ
+\def\lcurl {\char"00234 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER L WITH CURL: ȴ
+\def\ncurl {\char"00235 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER N WITH CURL: ȵ
+\def\tcurl {\char"00236 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER T WITH CURL: ȶ
+\def\dotlessj {\char"00237 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER DOTLESS J: ȷ
+\def\Astroke {\char"0023A } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH STROKE: Ⱥ
+\def\Cstroke {\char"0023B } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C WITH STROKE: Ȼ
+\def\cstroke {\char"0023C } % LATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH STROKE: ȼ
+\def\Lbar {\char"0023D } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER L WITH BAR: Ƚ
+\def\bhook {\char"00253 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER B WITH HOOK: ɓ
+\def\ccurl {\char"00255 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH CURL: ɕ
+\def\dtail {\char"00256 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER D WITH TAIL: ɖ
+\def\dhook {\char"00257 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER D WITH HOOK: ɗ
+\def\schwa {\char"00259 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER SCHWA: ə
+\def\schwahook {\char"0025A } % LATIN SMALL LETTER SCHWA WITH HOOK: ɚ
+\def\dotlessjstroke {\char"0025F } % LATIN SMALL LETTER DOTLESS J WITH STROKE: ɟ
+\def\textcircumflex {\char"002C6 } % MODIFIER LETTER CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT: ˆ
+\def\textcaron {\char"002C7 } % CARON: ˇ
+\def\textbreve {\char"002D8 } % BREVE: ˘
+\def\textdotaccent {\char"002D9 } % DOT ABOVE: ˙
+\def\textring {\char"002DA } % RING ABOVE: ˚
+\def\textogonek {\char"002DB } % OGONEK: ˛
+\def\texttilde {\char"002DC } % SMALL TILDE: ˜
+\def\texthungarumlaut {\char"002DD } % DOUBLE ACUTE ACCENT: ˝
+\def\textbottomdot {\char"00323 } % COMBINING DOT BELOW: ̣
+\def\textbottomcomma {\char"00326 } % COMBINING COMMA BELOW: ̦
+\def\greektonos {\char"00384 } % GREEK TONOS: ΄
+\def\greekdialytikatonos {\char"00385 } % GREEK DIALYTIKA TONOS: ΅
+\def\greekAlphatonos {\char"00386 } % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER ALPHA WITH TONOS: Ά
+\def\greekEpsilontonos {\char"00388 } % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER EPSILON WITH TONOS: Έ
+\def\greekEtatonos {\char"00389 } % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER ETA WITH TONOS: Ή
+\def\greekIotatonos {\char"0038A } % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER IOTA WITH TONOS: Ί
+\def\greekOmicrontonos {\char"0038C } % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER OMICRON WITH TONOS: Ό
+\def\greekUpsilontonos {\char"0038E } % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER UPSILON WITH TONOS: Ύ
+\def\greekOmegatonos {\char"0038F } % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER OMEGA WITH TONOS: Ώ
+\def\greekiotadialytikatonos {\char"00390 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER IOTA WITH DIALYTIKA AND TONOS: ΐ
+\def\greekAlpha {\char"00391 } % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER ALPHA: Α
+\def\greekBeta {\char"00392 } % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER BETA: Β
+\def\greekGamma {\char"00393 } % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER GAMMA: Γ
+\def\greekDelta {\char"00394 } % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER DELTA: Δ
+\def\greekEpsilon {\char"00395 } % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER EPSILON: Ε
+\def\greekZeta {\char"00396 } % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER ZETA: Ζ
+\def\greekEta {\char"00397 } % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER ETA: Η
+\def\greekTheta {\char"00398 } % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER THETA: Θ
+\def\greekIota {\char"00399 } % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER IOTA: Ι
+\def\greekKappa {\char"0039A } % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER KAPPA: Κ
+\def\greekLambda {\char"0039B } % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER LAMDA: Λ
+\def\greekMu {\char"0039C } % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER MU: Μ
+\def\greekNu {\char"0039D } % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER NU: Ν
+\def\greekXi {\char"0039E } % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER XI: Ξ
+\def\greekOmicron {\char"0039F } % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER OMICRON: Ο
+\def\greekPi {\char"003A0 } % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER PI: Π
+\def\greekRho {\char"003A1 } % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER RHO: Ρ
+\def\greekSigma {\char"003A3 } % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER SIGMA: Σ
+\def\greekTau {\char"003A4 } % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER TAU: Τ
+\def\greekUpsilon {\char"003A5 } % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER UPSILON: Υ
+\def\greekPhi {\char"003A6 } % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER PHI: Φ
+\def\greekChi {\char"003A7 } % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER CHI: Χ
+\def\greekPsi {\char"003A8 } % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER PSI: Ψ
+\def\greekOmega {\char"003A9 } % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER OMEGA: Ω
+\def\greekIotadialytika {\char"003AA } % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER IOTA WITH DIALYTIKA: Ϊ
+\def\greekUpsilondialytika {\char"003AB } % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER UPSILON WITH DIALYTIKA: Ϋ
+\def\greekalphatonos {\char"003AC } % GREEK SMALL LETTER ALPHA WITH TONOS: ά
+\def\greekepsilontonos {\char"003AD } % GREEK SMALL LETTER EPSILON WITH TONOS: έ
+\def\greeketatonos {\char"003AE } % GREEK SMALL LETTER ETA WITH TONOS: ή
+\def\greekiotatonos {\char"003AF } % GREEK SMALL LETTER IOTA WITH TONOS: ί
+\def\greekupsilondialytikatonos {\char"003B0 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER UPSILON WITH DIALYTIKA AND TONOS: ΰ
+\def\greekalpha {\char"003B1 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER ALPHA: α
+\def\greekbeta {\char"003B2 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER BETA: β
+\def\greekgamma {\char"003B3 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER GAMMA: γ
+\def\greekdelta {\char"003B4 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER DELTA: δ
+\def\greekepsilon {\char"003B5 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER EPSILON: ε
+\def\greekzeta {\char"003B6 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER ZETA: ζ
+\def\greeketa {\char"003B7 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER ETA: η
+\def\greektheta {\char"003B8 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER THETA: θ
+\def\greekiota {\char"003B9 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER IOTA: ι
+\def\greekkappa {\char"003BA } % GREEK SMALL LETTER KAPPA: κ
+\def\greeklambda {\char"003BB } % GREEK SMALL LETTER LAMDA: λ
+\def\greekmu {\char"003BC } % GREEK SMALL LETTER MU: μ
+\def\greeknu {\char"003BD } % GREEK SMALL LETTER NU: ν
+\def\greekxi {\char"003BE } % GREEK SMALL LETTER XI: ξ
+\def\greekomicron {\char"003BF } % GREEK SMALL LETTER OMICRON: ο
+\def\greekpi {\char"003C0 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER PI: π
+\def\greekrho {\char"003C1 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER RHO: ρ
+\def\greekfinalsigma {\char"003C2 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER FINAL SIGMA: ς
+\def\greeksigma {\char"003C3 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER SIGMA: σ
+\def\greektau {\char"003C4 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER TAU: τ
+\def\greekupsilon {\char"003C5 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER UPSILON: υ
+\def\greekphi {\char"003C6 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER PHI: φ
+\def\greekchi {\char"003C7 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER CHI: χ
+\def\greekpsi {\char"003C8 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER PSI: ψ
+\def\greekomega {\char"003C9 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER OMEGA: ω
+\def\greekiotadialytika {\char"003CA } % GREEK SMALL LETTER IOTA WITH DIALYTIKA: ϊ
+\def\greekupsilondiaeresis {\char"003CB } % GREEK SMALL LETTER UPSILON WITH DIALYTIKA: ϋ
+\def\greekomicrontonos {\char"003CC } % GREEK SMALL LETTER OMICRON WITH TONOS: ό
+\def\greekupsilontonos {\char"003CD } % GREEK SMALL LETTER UPSILON WITH TONOS: ύ
+\def\greekomegatonos {\char"003CE } % GREEK SMALL LETTER OMEGA WITH TONOS: ώ
+\def\greekthetaalt {\char"003D1 } % GREEK THETA SYMBOL: ϑ
+\def\greekphialt {\char"003D5 } % GREEK PHI SYMBOL: ϕ
+\def\greekpialt {\char"003D6 } % GREEK PI SYMBOL: ϖ
+\def\greekkoppa {\char"003D9 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER ARCHAIC KOPPA: ϙ
+\def\greekstigma {\char"003DB } % GREEK SMALL LETTER STIGMA: ϛ
+\def\greekdigamma {\char"003DD } % GREEK SMALL LETTER DIGAMMA: ϝ
+\def\greeknumkoppa {\char"003DF } % GREEK SMALL LETTER KOPPA: ϟ
+\def\greeksampi {\char"003E1 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER SAMPI: ϡ
+\def\greekrhoalt {\char"003F1 } % GREEK RHO SYMBOL: ϱ
+\def\greeksigmalunate {\char"003F2 } % GREEK LUNATE SIGMA SYMBOL: ϲ
+\def\greekepsilonalt {\char"003F5 } % GREEK LUNATE EPSILON SYMBOL: ϵ
+\def\greekSigmalunate {\char"003F9 } % GREEK CAPITAL LUNATE SIGMA SYMBOL: Ϲ
+\def\cyrillicEgrave {\char"00400 } % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER IE WITH GRAVE: Ѐ
+\def\cyrillicYO {\char"00401 } % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER IO: Ё
+\def\cyrillicDJE {\char"00402 } % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER DJE: Ђ
+\def\cyrillicGJE {\char"00403 } % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER GJE: Ѓ
+\def\cyrillicIE {\char"00404 } % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER UKRAINIAN IE: Є
+\def\cyrillicDZE {\char"00405 } % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER DZE: Ѕ
+\def\cyrillicYI {\char"00407 } % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER YI: Ї
+\def\cyrillicJE {\char"00408 } % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER JE: Ј
+\def\cyrillicLJE {\char"00409 } % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER LJE: Љ
+\def\cyrillicNJE {\char"0040A } % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER NJE: Њ
+\def\cyrillicTSHE {\char"0040B } % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER TSHE: Ћ
+\def\cyrillicKJE {\char"0040C } % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER KJE: Ќ
+\def\cyrillicIgrave {\char"0040D } % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER I WITH GRAVE: Ѝ
+\def\cyrillicUSHRT {\char"0040E } % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER SHORT U: Ў
+\def\cyrillicDZHE {\char"0040F } % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER DZHE: Џ
+\def\cyrillicA {\char"00410 } % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER A: А
+\def\cyrillicB {\char"00411 } % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER BE: Б
+\def\cyrillicV {\char"00412 } % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER VE: В
+\def\cyrillicG {\char"00413 } % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER GHE: Г
+\def\cyrillicD {\char"00414 } % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER DE: Д
+\def\cyrillicE {\char"00415 } % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER IE: Е
+\def\cyrillicZH {\char"00416 } % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER ZHE: Ж
+\def\cyrillicZ {\char"00417 } % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER ZE: З
+\def\cyrillicI {\char"00418 } % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER I: И
+\def\cyrillicISHRT {\char"00419 } % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER SHORT I: Й
+\def\cyrillicK {\char"0041A } % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER KA: К
+\def\cyrillicL {\char"0041B } % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER EL: Л
+\def\cyrillicM {\char"0041C } % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER EM: М
+\def\cyrillicN {\char"0041D } % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER EN: Н
+\def\cyrillicO {\char"0041E } % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER O: О
+\def\cyrillicP {\char"0041F } % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER PE: П
+\def\cyrillicR {\char"00420 } % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER ER: Р
+\def\cyrillicS {\char"00421 } % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER ES: С
+\def\cyrillicT {\char"00422 } % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER TE: Т
+\def\cyrillicU {\char"00423 } % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER U: У
+\def\cyrillicF {\char"00424 } % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER EF: Ф
+\def\cyrillicH {\char"00425 } % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER HA: Х
+\def\cyrillicC {\char"00426 } % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER TSE: Ц
+\def\cyrillicCH {\char"00427 } % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER CHE: Ч
+\def\cyrillicSH {\char"00428 } % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER SHA: Ш
+\def\cyrillicSHCH {\char"00429 } % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER SHCHA: Щ
+\def\cyrillicHRDSN {\char"0042A } % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER HARD SIGN: Ъ
+\def\cyrillicERY {\char"0042B } % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER YERU: Ы
+\def\cyrillicSFTSN {\char"0042C } % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER SOFT SIGN: Ь
+\def\cyrillicEREV {\char"0042D } % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER E: Э
+\def\cyrillicYU {\char"0042E } % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER YU: Ю
+\def\cyrillicYA {\char"0042F } % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER YA: Я
+\def\cyrillica {\char"00430 } % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER A: а
+\def\cyrillicb {\char"00431 } % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER BE: б
+\def\cyrillicv {\char"00432 } % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER VE: в
+\def\cyrillicg {\char"00433 } % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER GHE: г
+\def\cyrillicd {\char"00434 } % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER DE: д
+\def\cyrillice {\char"00435 } % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER IE: е
+\def\cyrilliczh {\char"00436 } % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER ZHE: ж
+\def\cyrillicz {\char"00437 } % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER ZE: з
+\def\cyrillici {\char"00438 } % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER I: и
+\def\cyrillicishrt {\char"00439 } % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER SHORT I: й
+\def\cyrillick {\char"0043A } % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER KA: к
+\def\cyrillicl {\char"0043B } % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER EL: л
+\def\cyrillicm {\char"0043C } % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER EM: м
+\def\cyrillicn {\char"0043D } % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER EN: н
+\def\cyrillico {\char"0043E } % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER O: о
+\def\cyrillicp {\char"0043F } % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER PE: п
+\def\cyrillicr {\char"00440 } % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER ER: р
+\def\cyrillics {\char"00441 } % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER ES: с
+\def\cyrillict {\char"00442 } % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER TE: т
+\def\cyrillicu {\char"00443 } % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER U: у
+\def\cyrillicf {\char"00444 } % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER EF: ф
+\def\cyrillich {\char"00445 } % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER HA: х
+\def\cyrillicc {\char"00446 } % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER TSE: ц
+\def\cyrillicch {\char"00447 } % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER CHE: ч
+\def\cyrillicsh {\char"00448 } % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER SHA: ш
+\def\cyrillicshch {\char"00449 } % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER SHCHA: щ
+\def\cyrillichrdsn {\char"0044A } % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER HARD SIGN: ъ
+\def\cyrillicery {\char"0044B } % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER YERU: ы
+\def\cyrillicsftsn {\char"0044C } % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER SOFT SIGN: ь
+\def\cyrillicerev {\char"0044D } % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER E: э
+\def\cyrillicyu {\char"0044E } % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER YU: ю
+\def\cyrillicya {\char"0044F } % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER YA: я
+\def\cyrillicegrave {\char"00450 } % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER IE WITH GRAVE: ѐ
+\def\cyrillicyo {\char"00451 } % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER IO: ё
+\def\cyrillicdje {\char"00452 } % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER DJE: ђ
+\def\cyrillicgje {\char"00453 } % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER GJE: ѓ
+\def\cyrillicie {\char"00454 } % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER UKRAINIAN IE: є
+\def\cyrillicdze {\char"00455 } % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER DZE: ѕ
+\def\cyrillicii {\char"00456 } % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER BYELORUSSIAN-UKRAINIAN I: і
+\def\cyrillicyi {\char"00457 } % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER YI: ї
+\def\cyrillicje {\char"00458 } % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER JE: ј
+\def\cyrilliclje {\char"00459 } % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER LJE: љ
+\def\cyrillicnje {\char"0045A } % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER NJE: њ
+\def\cyrillictshe {\char"0045B } % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER TSHE: ћ
+\def\cyrillickje {\char"0045C } % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER KJE: ќ
+\def\cyrillicigrave {\char"0045D } % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER I WITH GRAVE: ѝ
+\def\cyrillicushrt {\char"0045E } % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER SHORT U: ў
+\def\cyrillicdzhe {\char"0045F } % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER DZHE: џ
+\def\cyrillicOMEGA {\char"00460 } % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER OMEGA: Ѡ
+\def\cyrillicomega {\char"00461 } % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER OMEGA: ѡ
+\def\cyrillicYAT {\char"00462 } % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER YAT: Ѣ
+\def\cyrillicyat {\char"00463 } % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER YAT: ѣ
+\def\cyrillicEiotified {\char"00464 } % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER IOTIFIED E: Ѥ
+\def\cyrilliceiotified {\char"00465 } % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER IOTIFIED E: ѥ
+\def\cyrilliclittleyus {\char"00467 } % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER LITTLE YUS: ѧ
+\def\cyrilliclittleyusiotified {\char"00469 } % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER IOTIFIED LITTLE YUS: ѩ
+\def\cyrillicBIGYUS {\char"0046A } % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER BIG YUS: Ѫ
+\def\cyrillicbigyus {\char"0046B } % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER BIG YUS: ѫ
+\def\cyrillicBIGYUSiotified {\char"0046C } % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER IOTIFIED BIG YUS: Ѭ
+\def\cyrillicbigyusiotified {\char"0046D } % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER IOTIFIED BIG YUS: ѭ
+\def\cyrillicKSI {\char"0046E } % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER KSI: Ѯ
+\def\cyrillicksi {\char"0046F } % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER KSI: ѯ
+\def\cyrillicPSI {\char"00470 } % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER PSI: Ѱ
+\def\cyrillicpsi {\char"00471 } % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER PSI: ѱ
+\def\cyrillicFITA {\char"00472 } % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER FITA: Ѳ
+\def\cyrillicfita {\char"00473 } % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER FITA: ѳ
+\def\cyrillicIZHITSA {\char"00474 } % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER IZHITSA: Ѵ
+\def\cyrillicizhitsa {\char"00475 } % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER IZHITSA: ѵ
+\def\cyrillicizhitsadoublegrave {\char"00477 } % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER IZHITSA WITH DOUBLE GRAVE ACCENT: ѷ
+\def\cyrillicUK {\char"00478 } % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER UK: Ѹ
+\def\cyrillicuk {\char"00479 } % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER UK: ѹ
+\def\cyrillicOMEGAround {\char"0047A } % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER ROUND OMEGA: Ѻ
+\def\cyrillicomegaround {\char"0047B } % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER ROUND OMEGA: ѻ
+\def\cyrillicOMEGAtitlo {\char"0047C } % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER OMEGA WITH TITLO: Ѽ
+\def\cyrillicomegatitlo {\char"0047D } % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER OMEGA WITH TITLO: ѽ
+\def\cyrillicOT {\char"0047E } % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER OT: Ѿ
+\def\cyrillicot {\char"0047F } % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER OT: ѿ
+\def\cyrillicKOPPA {\char"00480 } % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER KOPPA: Ҁ
+\def\cyrillickoppa {\char"00481 } % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER KOPPA: ҁ
+\def\cyrillicTITLO {\char"00483 } % COMBINING CYRILLIC TITLO: ҃
+\def\cyrillicISHRTtail {\char"0048A } % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER SHORT I WITH TAIL: Ҋ
+\def\cyrillicishrttail {\char"0048B } % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER SHORT I WITH TAIL: ҋ
+\def\cyrillicsemisoft {\char"0048D } % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER SEMISOFT SIGN: ҍ
+\def\cyrillicERtick {\char"0048E } % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER ER WITH TICK: Ҏ
+\def\cyrillicertick {\char"0048F } % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER ER WITH TICK: ҏ
+\def\cyrillicGHEupturn {\char"00490 } % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER GHE WITH UPTURN: Ґ
+\def\cyrillicgheupturn {\char"00491 } % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER GHE WITH UPTURN: ґ
+\def\cyrillicGHEstroke {\char"00492 } % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER GHE WITH STROKE: Ғ
+\def\cyrillicghestroke {\char"00493 } % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER GHE WITH STROKE: ғ
+\def\cyrillicGHEmidhook {\char"00494 } % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER GHE WITH MIDDLE HOOK: Ҕ
+\def\cyrillicghemidhook {\char"00495 } % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER GHE WITH MIDDLE HOOK: ҕ
+\def\cyrillicZHEdescender {\char"00496 } % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER ZHE WITH DESCENDER: Җ
+\def\cyrilliczhedescender {\char"00497 } % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER ZHE WITH DESCENDER: җ
+\def\cyrilliczdsc {\char"00499 } % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER ZE WITH DESCENDER: ҙ
+\def\cyrillickadc {\char"0049B } % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER KA WITH DESCENDER: қ
+\def\cyrillicKAvertstroke {\char"0049C } % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER KA WITH VERTICAL STROKE: Ҝ
+\def\cyrillickavertstroke {\char"0049D } % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER KA WITH VERTICAL STROKE: ҝ
+\def\cyrillicKAstroke {\char"0049E } % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER KA WITH STROKE: Ҟ
+\def\cyrillickastroke {\char"0049F } % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER KA WITH STROKE: ҟ
+\def\cyrillicKAbashkir {\char"004A0 } % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER BASHKIR KA: Ҡ
+\def\cyrillickabashkir {\char"004A1 } % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER BASHKIR KA: ҡ
+\def\cyrillicendc {\char"004A3 } % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER EN WITH DESCENDER: ң
+\def\cyrillicENGHE {\char"004A4 } % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LIGATURE EN GHE: Ҥ
+\def\cyrillicenghe {\char"004A5 } % CYRILLIC SMALL LIGATURE EN GHE: ҥ
+\def\cyrillicPEmidhook {\char"004A6 } % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER PE WITH MIDDLE HOOK: Ҧ
+\def\cyrillicpemidhook {\char"004A7 } % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER PE WITH MIDDLE HOOK: ҧ
+\def\cyrillicHA {\char"004A8 } % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER ABKHASIAN HA: Ҩ
+\def\cyrillicha {\char"004A9 } % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER ABKHASIAN HA: ҩ
+\def\cyrillicsdsc {\char"004AB } % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER ES WITH DESCENDER: ҫ
+\def\cyrillictedc {\char"004AD } % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER TE WITH DESCENDER: ҭ
+\def\cyrillicYstr {\char"004AE } % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER STRAIGHT U: Ү
+\def\cyrillicystr {\char"004AF } % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER STRAIGHT U: ү
+\def\cyrillicYstrstroke {\char"004B0 } % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER STRAIGHT U WITH STROKE: Ұ
+\def\cyrillicystrstroke {\char"004B1 } % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER STRAIGHT U WITH STROKE: ұ
+\def\cyrillichadc {\char"004B3 } % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER HA WITH DESCENDER: ҳ
+\def\cyrillicTETSE {\char"004B4 } % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LIGATURE TE TSE: Ҵ
+\def\cyrillictetse {\char"004B5 } % CYRILLIC SMALL LIGATURE TE TSE: ҵ
+\def\cyrillicchedc {\char"004B7 } % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER CHE WITH DESCENDER: ҷ
+\def\cyrillicCHEvertstroke {\char"004B8 } % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER CHE WITH VERTICAL STROKE: Ҹ
+\def\cyrillicchevertstroke {\char"004B9 } % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER CHE WITH VERTICAL STROKE: ҹ
+\def\cyrillicSHHA {\char"004BA } % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER SHHA: Һ
+\def\cyrillicshha {\char"004BB } % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER SHHA: һ
+\def\cyrillicCHEabkhasian {\char"004BC } % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER ABKHASIAN CHE: Ҽ
+\def\cyrilliccheabkhasian {\char"004BD } % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER ABKHASIAN CHE: ҽ
+\def\cyrillicchedcabkhasian {\char"004BF } % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER ABKHASIAN CHE WITH DESCENDER: ҿ
+\def\cyrillicPALOCHKA {\char"004C0 } % CYRILLIC LETTER PALOCHKA: Ӏ
+\def\cyrillicZHEbreve {\char"004C1 } % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER ZHE WITH BREVE: Ӂ
+\def\cyrilliczhebreve {\char"004C2 } % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER ZHE WITH BREVE: ӂ
+\def\cyrillicKAhook {\char"004C3 } % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER KA WITH HOOK: Ӄ
+\def\cyrillickahook {\char"004C4 } % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER KA WITH HOOK: ӄ
+\def\cyrillicELtail {\char"004C5 } % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER EL WITH TAIL: Ӆ
+\def\cyrilliceltail {\char"004C6 } % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER EL WITH TAIL: ӆ
+\def\cyrillicENhook {\char"004C7 } % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER EN WITH HOOK: Ӈ
+\def\cyrillicenhook {\char"004C8 } % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER EN WITH HOOK: ӈ
+\def\cyrillicENtail {\char"004C9 } % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER EN WITH TAIL: Ӊ
+\def\cyrillicentail {\char"004CA } % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER EN WITH TAIL: ӊ
+\def\cyrillicCHEkhakassian {\char"004CB } % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER KHAKASSIAN CHE: Ӌ
+\def\cyrillicchekhakassian {\char"004CC } % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER KHAKASSIAN CHE: ӌ
+\def\cyrillicEMtail {\char"004CD } % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER EM WITH TAIL: Ӎ
+\def\cyrillicemtail {\char"004CE } % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER EM WITH TAIL: ӎ
+\def\cyrillicAbreve {\char"004D0 } % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER A WITH BREVE: Ӑ
+\def\cyrillicabreve {\char"004D1 } % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER A WITH BREVE: ӑ
+\def\cyrillicAdiaeresis {\char"004D2 } % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS: Ӓ
+\def\cyrillicadiaeresis {\char"004D3 } % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS: ӓ
+\def\cyrillicAE {\char"004D4 } % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LIGATURE A IE: Ӕ
+\def\cyrillicae {\char"004D5 } % CYRILLIC SMALL LIGATURE A IE: ӕ
+\def\cyrillicEbreve {\char"004D6 } % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER IE WITH BREVE: Ӗ
+\def\cyrillicebreve {\char"004D7 } % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER IE WITH BREVE: ӗ
+\def\cyrillicSCHWA {\char"004D8 } % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER SCHWA: Ә
+\def\cyrillicschwa {\char"004D9 } % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER SCHWA: ә
+\def\cyrillicschwadiaeresis {\char"004DB } % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER SCHWA WITH DIAERESIS: ӛ
+\def\cyrillicZHEdiaeresis {\char"004DC } % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER ZHE WITH DIAERESIS: Ӝ
+\def\cyrilliczhediaeresis {\char"004DD } % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER ZHE WITH DIAERESIS: ӝ
+\def\cyrillicZEdiaeresis {\char"004DE } % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER ZE WITH DIAERESIS: Ӟ
+\def\cyrilliczediaeresis {\char"004DF } % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER ZE WITH DIAERESIS: ӟ
+\def\cyrillicDZEabkhasian {\char"004E0 } % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER ABKHASIAN DZE: Ӡ
+\def\cyrillicdzeabkhasian {\char"004E1 } % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER ABKHASIAN DZE: ӡ
+\def\cyrillicImacron {\char"004E2 } % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER I WITH MACRON: Ӣ
+\def\cyrillicimacron {\char"004E3 } % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER I WITH MACRON: ӣ
+\def\cyrillicIdiaeresis {\char"004E4 } % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER I WITH DIAERESIS: Ӥ
+\def\cyrillicidiaeresis {\char"004E5 } % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER I WITH DIAERESIS: ӥ
+\def\cyrillicOdiaeresis {\char"004E6 } % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS: Ӧ
+\def\cyrillicodiaeresis {\char"004E7 } % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS: ӧ
+\def\cyrillicObarred {\char"004E8 } % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER BARRED O: Ө
+\def\cyrillicobarred {\char"004E9 } % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER BARRED O: ө
+\def\cyrillicObarreddiaeresis {\char"004EA } % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER BARRED O WITH DIAERESIS: Ӫ
+\def\cyrillicobarreddiaeresis {\char"004EB } % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER BARRED O WITH DIAERESIS: ӫ
+\def\cyrillicEdiaeresis {\char"004EC } % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER E WITH DIAERESIS: Ӭ
+\def\cyrillicediaeresis {\char"004ED } % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER E WITH DIAERESIS: ӭ
+\def\cyrillicUmacron {\char"004EE } % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER U WITH MACRON: Ӯ
+\def\cyrillicumacron {\char"004EF } % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER U WITH MACRON: ӯ
+\def\cyrillicUdiaeresis {\char"004F0 } % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS: Ӱ
+\def\cyrillicudiaeresis {\char"004F1 } % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS: ӱ
+\def\cyrillicUdoubleacute {\char"004F2 } % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER U WITH DOUBLE ACUTE: Ӳ
+\def\cyrillicudoubleacute {\char"004F3 } % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER U WITH DOUBLE ACUTE: ӳ
+\def\cyrillicCHEdiaeresis {\char"004F4 } % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER CHE WITH DIAERESIS: Ӵ
+\def\cyrillicchediaeresis {\char"004F5 } % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER CHE WITH DIAERESIS: ӵ
+\def\cyrillicYERUdiaeresis {\char"004F8 } % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER YERU WITH DIAERESIS: Ӹ
+\def\cyrillicyerudiaeresis {\char"004F9 } % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER YERU WITH DIAERESIS: ӹ
+\def\hebrewAlef {\char"005D0 } % HEBREW LETTER ALEF: א
+\def\hebrewBet {\char"005D1 } % HEBREW LETTER BET: ב
+\def\hebrewGimel {\char"005D2 } % HEBREW LETTER GIMEL: ג
+\def\hebrewDalet {\char"005D3 } % HEBREW LETTER DALET: ד
+\def\hebrewHe {\char"005D4 } % HEBREW LETTER HE: ה
+\def\hebrewVav {\char"005D5 } % HEBREW LETTER VAV: ו
+\def\hebrewZayin {\char"005D6 } % HEBREW LETTER ZAYIN: ז
+\def\hebrewHet {\char"005D7 } % HEBREW LETTER HET: ח
+\def\hebrewTet {\char"005D8 } % HEBREW LETTER TET: ט
+\def\hebrewYod {\char"005D9 } % HEBREW LETTER YOD: י
+\def\hebrewKaffinal {\char"005DA } % HEBREW LETTER FINAL KAF: ך
+\def\hebrewKaf {\char"005DB } % HEBREW LETTER KAF: כ
+\def\hebrewLamed {\char"005DC } % HEBREW LETTER LAMED: ל
+\def\hebrewMemfinal {\char"005DD } % HEBREW LETTER FINAL MEM: ם
+\def\hebrewMem {\char"005DE } % HEBREW LETTER MEM: מ
+\def\hebrewNunfinal {\char"005DF } % HEBREW LETTER FINAL NUN: ן
+\def\hebrewNun {\char"005E0 } % HEBREW LETTER NUN: נ
+\def\hebrewSamekh {\char"005E1 } % HEBREW LETTER SAMEKH: ס
+\def\hebrewAyin {\char"005E2 } % HEBREW LETTER AYIN: ע
+\def\hebrewPefinal {\char"005E3 } % HEBREW LETTER FINAL PE: ף
+\def\hebrewPe {\char"005E4 } % HEBREW LETTER PE: פ
+\def\hebrewTsadifinal {\char"005E5 } % HEBREW LETTER FINAL TSADI: ץ
+\def\hebrewTsadi {\char"005E6 } % HEBREW LETTER TSADI: צ
+\def\hebrewQof {\char"005E7 } % HEBREW LETTER QOF: ק
+\def\hebrewResh {\char"005E8 } % HEBREW LETTER RESH: ר
+\def\hebrewShin {\char"005E9 } % HEBREW LETTER SHIN: ש
+\def\hebrewTav {\char"005EA } % HEBREW LETTER TAV: ת
+\def\Adotbelow {\char"01EA0 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH DOT BELOW: Ạ
+\def\adotbelow {\char"01EA1 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH DOT BELOW: ạ
+\def\ahook {\char"01EA3 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH HOOK ABOVE: ả
+\def\Acircumflexacute {\char"01EA4 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH CIRCUMFLEX AND ACUTE: Ấ
+\def\acircumflexacute {\char"01EA5 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH CIRCUMFLEX AND ACUTE: ấ
+\def\Acircumflexgrave {\char"01EA6 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH CIRCUMFLEX AND GRAVE: Ầ
+\def\acircumflexgrave {\char"01EA7 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH CIRCUMFLEX AND GRAVE: ầ
+\def\acircumflexhook {\char"01EA9 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH CIRCUMFLEX AND HOOK ABOVE: ẩ
+\def\acircumflextilde {\char"01EAB } % LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH CIRCUMFLEX AND TILDE: ẫ
+\def\Acircumflexdotbelow {\char"01EAC } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH CIRCUMFLEX AND DOT BELOW: Ậ
+\def\acircumflexdotbelow {\char"01EAD } % LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH CIRCUMFLEX AND DOT BELOW: ậ
+\def\abreveacute {\char"01EAF } % LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH BREVE AND ACUTE: ắ
+\def\Abrevegrave {\char"01EB0 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH BREVE AND GRAVE: Ằ
+\def\abrevegrave {\char"01EB1 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH BREVE AND GRAVE: ằ
+\def\abrevehook {\char"01EB3 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH BREVE AND HOOK ABOVE: ẳ
+\def\Abrevetilde {\char"01EB4 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH BREVE AND TILDE: Ẵ
+\def\abrevetilde {\char"01EB5 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH BREVE AND TILDE: ẵ
+\def\Abrevedotbelow {\char"01EB6 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH BREVE AND DOT BELOW: Ặ
+\def\abrevedotbelow {\char"01EB7 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH BREVE AND DOT BELOW: ặ
+\def\Edotbelow {\char"01EB8 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH DOT BELOW: Ẹ
+\def\edotbelow {\char"01EB9 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH DOT BELOW: ẹ
+\def\ehook {\char"01EBB } % LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH HOOK ABOVE: ẻ
+\def\Etilde {\char"01EBC } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH TILDE: Ẽ
+\def\etilde {\char"01EBD } % LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH TILDE: ẽ
+\def\ecircumflexacute {\char"01EBF } % LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH CIRCUMFLEX AND ACUTE: ế
+\def\Ecircumflexgrave {\char"01EC0 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH CIRCUMFLEX AND GRAVE: Ề
+\def\ecircumflexgrave {\char"01EC1 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH CIRCUMFLEX AND GRAVE: ề
+\def\ecircumflexhook {\char"01EC3 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH CIRCUMFLEX AND HOOK ABOVE: ể
+\def\Ecircumflextilde {\char"01EC4 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH CIRCUMFLEX AND TILDE: Ễ
+\def\ecircumflextilde {\char"01EC5 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH CIRCUMFLEX AND TILDE: ễ
+\def\Ecircumflexdotbelow {\char"01EC6 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH CIRCUMFLEX AND DOT BELOW: Ệ
+\def\ecircumflexdotbelow {\char"01EC7 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH CIRCUMFLEX AND DOT BELOW: ệ
+\def\ihook {\char"01EC9 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH HOOK ABOVE: ỉ
+\def\Idotbelow {\char"01ECA } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH DOT BELOW: Ị
+\def\idotbelow {\char"01ECB } % LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH DOT BELOW: ị
+\def\Odotbelow {\char"01ECC } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH DOT BELOW: Ọ
+\def\odotbelow {\char"01ECD } % LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH DOT BELOW: ọ
+\def\ohook {\char"01ECF } % LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH HOOK ABOVE: ỏ
+\def\Ocircumflexacute {\char"01ED0 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH CIRCUMFLEX AND ACUTE: Ố
+\def\ocircumflexacute {\char"01ED1 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH CIRCUMFLEX AND ACUTE: ố
+\def\Ocircumflexgrave {\char"01ED2 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH CIRCUMFLEX AND GRAVE: Ồ
+\def\ocircumflexgrave {\char"01ED3 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH CIRCUMFLEX AND GRAVE: ồ
+\def\ocircumflexhook {\char"01ED5 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH CIRCUMFLEX AND HOOK ABOVE: ổ
+\def\Ocircumflextilde {\char"01ED6 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH CIRCUMFLEX AND TILDE: Ỗ
+\def\ocircumflextilde {\char"01ED7 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH CIRCUMFLEX AND TILDE: ỗ
+\def\Ocircumflexdotbelow {\char"01ED8 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH CIRCUMFLEX AND DOT BELOW: Ộ
+\def\ocircumflexdotbelow {\char"01ED9 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH CIRCUMFLEX AND DOT BELOW: ộ
+\def\ohornacute {\char"01EDB } % LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH HORN AND ACUTE: ớ
+\def\ohorngrave {\char"01EDD } % LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH HORN AND GRAVE: ờ
+\def\ohornhook {\char"01EDF } % LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH HORN AND HOOK ABOVE: ở
+\def\Ohorntilde {\char"01EE0 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH HORN AND TILDE: Ỡ
+\def\ohorntilde {\char"01EE1 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH HORN AND TILDE: ỡ
+\def\Ohorndotbelow {\char"01EE2 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH HORN AND DOT BELOW: Ợ
+\def\ohorndotbelow {\char"01EE3 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH HORN AND DOT BELOW: ợ
+\def\Udotbelow {\char"01EE4 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH DOT BELOW: Ụ
+\def\udotbelow {\char"01EE5 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH DOT BELOW: ụ
+\def\uhook {\char"01EE7 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH HOOK ABOVE: ủ
+\def\Uhornacute {\char"01EE8 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH HORN AND ACUTE: Ứ
+\def\uhornacute {\char"01EE9 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH HORN AND ACUTE: ứ
+\def\uhorngrave {\char"01EEB } % LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH HORN AND GRAVE: ừ
+\def\uhornhook {\char"01EED } % LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH HORN AND HOOK ABOVE: ử
+\def\uhorntilde {\char"01EEF } % LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH HORN AND TILDE: ữ
+\def\Uhorndotbelow {\char"01EF0 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH HORN AND DOT BELOW: Ự
+\def\uhorndotbelow {\char"01EF1 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH HORN AND DOT BELOW: ự
+\def\Ygrave {\char"01EF2 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y WITH GRAVE: Ỳ
+\def\ygrave {\char"01EF3 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH GRAVE: ỳ
+\def\Ydotbelow {\char"01EF4 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y WITH DOT BELOW: Ỵ
+\def\ydotbelow {\char"01EF5 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH DOT BELOW: ỵ
+\def\yhook {\char"01EF7 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH HOOK ABOVE: ỷ
+\def\Ytilde {\char"01EF8 } % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y WITH TILDE: Ỹ
+\def\ytilde {\char"01EF9 } % LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH TILDE: ỹ
+\def\greekalphapsili {\char"01F00 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER ALPHA WITH PSILI: ἀ
+\def\greekalphadasia {\char"01F01 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER ALPHA WITH DASIA: ἁ
+\def\greekalphapsilivaria {\char"01F02 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER ALPHA WITH PSILI AND VARIA: ἂ
+\def\greekalphadasiavaria {\char"01F03 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER ALPHA WITH DASIA AND VARIA: ἃ
+\def\greekalphapsilitonos {\char"01F04 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER ALPHA WITH PSILI AND OXIA: ἄ
+\def\greekalphadasiatonos {\char"01F05 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER ALPHA WITH DASIA AND OXIA: ἅ
+\def\greekalphapsiliperispomeni {\char"01F06 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER ALPHA WITH PSILI AND PERISPOMENI: ἆ
+\def\greekalphadasiaperispomeni {\char"01F07 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER ALPHA WITH DASIA AND PERISPOMENI: ἇ
+\def\greekAlphapsili {\char"01F08 } % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER ALPHA WITH PSILI: Ἀ
+\def\greekAlphadasia {\char"01F09 } % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER ALPHA WITH DASIA: Ἁ
+\def\greekAlphapsilivaria {\char"01F0A } % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER ALPHA WITH PSILI AND VARIA: Ἂ
+\def\greekAlphadasiavaria {\char"01F0B } % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER ALPHA WITH DASIA AND VARIA: Ἃ
+\def\greekAlphapsilitonos {\char"01F0C } % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER ALPHA WITH PSILI AND OXIA: Ἄ
+\def\greekAlphadasiatonos {\char"01F0D } % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER ALPHA WITH DASIA AND OXIA: Ἅ
+\def\greekAlphapsiliperispomeni {\char"01F0E } % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER ALPHA WITH PSILI AND PERISPOMENI: Ἆ
+\def\greekAlphadasiaperispomeni {\char"01F0F } % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER ALPHA WITH DASIA AND PERISPOMENI: Ἇ
+\def\greekepsilonpsili {\char"01F10 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER EPSILON WITH PSILI: ἐ
+\def\greekepsilondasia {\char"01F11 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER EPSILON WITH DASIA: ἑ
+\def\greekepsilonpsilivaria {\char"01F12 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER EPSILON WITH PSILI AND VARIA: ἒ
+\def\greekepsilondasiavaria {\char"01F13 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER EPSILON WITH DASIA AND VARIA: ἓ
+\def\greekepsilonpsilitonos {\char"01F14 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER EPSILON WITH PSILI AND OXIA: ἔ
+\def\greekepsilondasiatonos {\char"01F15 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER EPSILON WITH DASIA AND OXIA: ἕ
+\def\greekEpsilonpsili {\char"01F18 } % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER EPSILON WITH PSILI: Ἐ
+\def\greekEpsilondasia {\char"01F19 } % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER EPSILON WITH DASIA: Ἑ
+\def\greekEpsilonpsilivaria {\char"01F1A } % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER EPSILON WITH PSILI AND VARIA: Ἒ
+\def\greekEpsilondasiavaria {\char"01F1B } % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER EPSILON WITH DASIA AND VARIA: Ἓ
+\def\greekEpsilonpsilitonos {\char"01F1C } % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER EPSILON WITH PSILI AND OXIA: Ἔ
+\def\greekEpsilondasiatonos {\char"01F1D } % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER EPSILON WITH DASIA AND OXIA: Ἕ
+\def\greeketapsili {\char"01F20 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER ETA WITH PSILI: ἠ
+\def\greeketadasia {\char"01F21 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER ETA WITH DASIA: ἡ
+\def\greeketapsilivaria {\char"01F22 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER ETA WITH PSILI AND VARIA: ἢ
+\def\greeketadasiavaria {\char"01F23 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER ETA WITH DASIA AND VARIA: ἣ
+\def\greeketapsilitonos {\char"01F24 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER ETA WITH PSILI AND OXIA: ἤ
+\def\greeketadasiatonos {\char"01F25 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER ETA WITH DASIA AND OXIA: ἥ
+\def\greeketapsiliperispomeni {\char"01F26 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER ETA WITH PSILI AND PERISPOMENI: ἦ
+\def\greeketadasiaperispomeni {\char"01F27 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER ETA WITH DASIA AND PERISPOMENI: ἧ
+\def\greekEtapsili {\char"01F28 } % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER ETA WITH PSILI: Ἠ
+\def\greekEtadasia {\char"01F29 } % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER ETA WITH DASIA: Ἡ
+\def\greekEtapsilivaria {\char"01F2A } % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER ETA WITH PSILI AND VARIA: Ἢ
+\def\greekEtadasiavaria {\char"01F2B } % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER ETA WITH DASIA AND VARIA: Ἣ
+\def\greekEtapsilitonos {\char"01F2C } % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER ETA WITH PSILI AND OXIA: Ἤ
+\def\greekEtadasiatonos {\char"01F2D } % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER ETA WITH DASIA AND OXIA: Ἥ
+\def\greekEtapsiliperispomeni {\char"01F2E } % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER ETA WITH PSILI AND PERISPOMENI: Ἦ
+\def\greekEtadasiaperispomeni {\char"01F2F } % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER ETA WITH DASIA AND PERISPOMENI: Ἧ
+\def\greekiotapsili {\char"01F30 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER IOTA WITH PSILI: ἰ
+\def\greekiotadasia {\char"01F31 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER IOTA WITH DASIA: ἱ
+\def\greekiotapsilivaria {\char"01F32 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER IOTA WITH PSILI AND VARIA: ἲ
+\def\greekiotadasiavaria {\char"01F33 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER IOTA WITH DASIA AND VARIA: ἳ
+\def\greekiotapsilitonos {\char"01F34 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER IOTA WITH PSILI AND OXIA: ἴ
+\def\greekiotadasiatonos {\char"01F35 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER IOTA WITH DASIA AND OXIA: ἵ
+\def\greekiotapsiliperispomeni {\char"01F36 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER IOTA WITH PSILI AND PERISPOMENI: ἶ
+\def\greekiotadasiaperispomeni {\char"01F37 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER IOTA WITH DASIA AND PERISPOMENI: ἷ
+\def\greekIotapsili {\char"01F38 } % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER IOTA WITH PSILI: Ἰ
+\def\greekIotadasia {\char"01F39 } % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER IOTA WITH DASIA: Ἱ
+\def\greekIotapsilivaria {\char"01F3A } % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER IOTA WITH PSILI AND VARIA: Ἲ
+\def\greekIotadasiavaria {\char"01F3B } % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER IOTA WITH DASIA AND VARIA: Ἳ
+\def\greekIotapsilitonos {\char"01F3C } % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER IOTA WITH PSILI AND OXIA: Ἴ
+\def\greekIotadasiatonos {\char"01F3D } % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER IOTA WITH DASIA AND OXIA: Ἵ
+\def\greekIotapsiliperispomeni {\char"01F3E } % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER IOTA WITH PSILI AND PERISPOMENI: Ἶ
+\def\greekIotadasiaperispomeni {\char"01F3F } % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER IOTA WITH DASIA AND PERISPOMENI: Ἷ
+\def\greekomicronpsili {\char"01F40 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER OMICRON WITH PSILI: ὀ
+\def\greekomicrondasia {\char"01F41 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER OMICRON WITH DASIA: ὁ
+\def\greekomicronpsilivaria {\char"01F42 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER OMICRON WITH PSILI AND VARIA: ὂ
+\def\greekomicrondasiavaria {\char"01F43 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER OMICRON WITH DASIA AND VARIA: ὃ
+\def\greekomicronpsilitonos {\char"01F44 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER OMICRON WITH PSILI AND OXIA: ὄ
+\def\greekomicrondasiatonos {\char"01F45 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER OMICRON WITH DASIA AND OXIA: ὅ
+\def\greekOmicronpsili {\char"01F48 } % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER OMICRON WITH PSILI: Ὀ
+\def\greekOmicrondasia {\char"01F49 } % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER OMICRON WITH DASIA: Ὁ
+\def\greekOmicronpsilivaria {\char"01F4A } % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER OMICRON WITH PSILI AND VARIA: Ὂ
+\def\greekOmicrondasiavaria {\char"01F4B } % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER OMICRON WITH DASIA AND VARIA: Ὃ
+\def\greekOmicronpsilitonos {\char"01F4C } % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER OMICRON WITH PSILI AND OXIA: Ὄ
+\def\greekOmicrondasiatonos {\char"01F4D } % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER OMICRON WITH DASIA AND OXIA: Ὅ
+\def\greekupsilonpsili {\char"01F50 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER UPSILON WITH PSILI: ὐ
+\def\greekupsilondasia {\char"01F51 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER UPSILON WITH DASIA: ὑ
+\def\greekupsilonpsilivaria {\char"01F52 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER UPSILON WITH PSILI AND VARIA: ὒ
+\def\greekupsilondasiavaria {\char"01F53 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER UPSILON WITH DASIA AND VARIA: ὓ
+\def\greekupsilonpsilitonos {\char"01F54 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER UPSILON WITH PSILI AND OXIA: ὔ
+\def\greekupsilondasiatonos {\char"01F55 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER UPSILON WITH DASIA AND OXIA: ὕ
+\def\greekupsilonpsiliperispomeni {\char"01F56 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER UPSILON WITH PSILI AND PERISPOMENI: ὖ
+\def\greekupsilondasiaperispomeni {\char"01F57 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER UPSILON WITH DASIA AND PERISPOMENI: ὗ
+\def\greekUpsilondasia {\char"01F59 } % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER UPSILON WITH DASIA: Ὑ
+\def\greekUpsilondasiavaria {\char"01F5B } % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER UPSILON WITH DASIA AND VARIA: Ὓ
+\def\greekUpsilondasiatonos {\char"01F5D } % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER UPSILON WITH DASIA AND OXIA: Ὕ
+\def\greekUpsilondasiaperispomeni {\char"01F5F } % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER UPSILON WITH DASIA AND PERISPOMENI: Ὗ
+\def\greekomegapsili {\char"01F60 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER OMEGA WITH PSILI: ὠ
+\def\greekomegadasia {\char"01F61 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER OMEGA WITH DASIA: ὡ
+\def\greekomegapsilivaria {\char"01F62 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER OMEGA WITH PSILI AND VARIA: ὢ
+\def\greekomegadasiavaria {\char"01F63 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER OMEGA WITH DASIA AND VARIA: ὣ
+\def\greekomegapsilitonos {\char"01F64 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER OMEGA WITH PSILI AND OXIA: ὤ
+\def\greekomegadasiatonos {\char"01F65 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER OMEGA WITH DASIA AND OXIA: ὥ
+\def\greekomegapsiliperispomeni {\char"01F66 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER OMEGA WITH PSILI AND PERISPOMENI: ὦ
+\def\greekomegadasiaperispomeni {\char"01F67 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER OMEGA WITH DASIA AND PERISPOMENI: ὧ
+\def\greekOmegapsili {\char"01F68 } % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER OMEGA WITH PSILI: Ὠ
+\def\greekOmegadasia {\char"01F69 } % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER OMEGA WITH DASIA: Ὡ
+\def\greekOmegapsilivaria {\char"01F6A } % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER OMEGA WITH PSILI AND VARIA: Ὢ
+\def\greekOmegadasiavaria {\char"01F6B } % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER OMEGA WITH DASIA AND VARIA: Ὣ
+\def\greekOmegapsilitonos {\char"01F6C } % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER OMEGA WITH PSILI AND OXIA: Ὤ
+\def\greekOmegadasiatonos {\char"01F6D } % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER OMEGA WITH DASIA AND OXIA: Ὥ
+\def\greekOmegapsiliperispomeni {\char"01F6E } % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER OMEGA WITH PSILI AND PERISPOMENI: Ὦ
+\def\greekOmegadasiaperispomeni {\char"01F6F } % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER OMEGA WITH DASIA AND PERISPOMENI: Ὧ
+\def\greekalphavaria {\char"01F70 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER ALPHA WITH VARIA: ὰ
+\def\greekalphaoxia {\char"01F71 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER ALPHA WITH OXIA: ά
+\def\greekepsilonvaria {\char"01F72 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER EPSILON WITH VARIA: ὲ
+\def\greekepsilonoxia {\char"01F73 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER EPSILON WITH OXIA: έ
+\def\greeketavaria {\char"01F74 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER ETA WITH VARIA: ὴ
+\def\greeketaoxia {\char"01F75 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER ETA WITH OXIA: ή
+\def\greekiotavaria {\char"01F76 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER IOTA WITH VARIA: ὶ
+\def\greekiotaoxia {\char"01F77 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER IOTA WITH OXIA: ί
+\def\greekomicronvaria {\char"01F78 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER OMICRON WITH VARIA: ὸ
+\def\greekomicronoxia {\char"01F79 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER OMICRON WITH OXIA: ό
+\def\greekupsilonvaria {\char"01F7A } % GREEK SMALL LETTER UPSILON WITH VARIA: ὺ
+\def\greekupsilonoxia {\char"01F7B } % GREEK SMALL LETTER UPSILON WITH OXIA: ύ
+\def\greekomegavaria {\char"01F7C } % GREEK SMALL LETTER OMEGA WITH VARIA: ὼ
+\def\greekomegaoxia {\char"01F7D } % GREEK SMALL LETTER OMEGA WITH OXIA: ώ
+\def\greekalphaiotasubpsili {\char"01F80 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER ALPHA WITH PSILI AND YPOGEGRAMMENI: ᾀ
+\def\greekalphaiotasubdasia {\char"01F81 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER ALPHA WITH DASIA AND YPOGEGRAMMENI: ᾁ
+\def\greekalphaiotasubpsilivaria {\char"01F82 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER ALPHA WITH PSILI AND VARIA AND YPOGEGRAMMENI: ᾂ
+\def\greekalphaiotasubdasiavaria {\char"01F83 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER ALPHA WITH DASIA AND VARIA AND YPOGEGRAMMENI: ᾃ
+\def\greekalphaiotasubpsilitonos {\char"01F84 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER ALPHA WITH PSILI AND OXIA AND YPOGEGRAMMENI: ᾄ
+\def\greekalphaiotasubdasiatonos {\char"01F85 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER ALPHA WITH DASIA AND OXIA AND YPOGEGRAMMENI: ᾅ
+\def\greekalphaiotasubpsiliperispomeni{\char"01F86 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER ALPHA WITH PSILI AND PERISPOMENI AND YPOGEGRAMMENI: ᾆ
+\def\greekalphaiotasubdasiaperispomeni{\char"01F87 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER ALPHA WITH DASIA AND PERISPOMENI AND YPOGEGRAMMENI: ᾇ
+\def\greekAlphaiotasubpsili {\char"01F88 } % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER ALPHA WITH PSILI AND PROSGEGRAMMENI: ᾈ
+\def\greekAlphaiotasubdasia {\char"01F89 } % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER ALPHA WITH DASIA AND PROSGEGRAMMENI: ᾉ
+\def\greekAlphaiotasubpsilivaria {\char"01F8A } % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER ALPHA WITH PSILI AND VARIA AND PROSGEGRAMMENI: ᾊ
+\def\greekAlphaiotasubdasiavaria {\char"01F8B } % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER ALPHA WITH DASIA AND VARIA AND PROSGEGRAMMENI: ᾋ
+\def\greekAlphaiotasubpsilitonos {\char"01F8C } % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER ALPHA WITH PSILI AND OXIA AND PROSGEGRAMMENI: ᾌ
+\def\greekAlphaiotasubdasiatonos {\char"01F8D } % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER ALPHA WITH DASIA AND OXIA AND PROSGEGRAMMENI: ᾍ
+\def\greeketaiotasubpsili {\char"01F90 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER ETA WITH PSILI AND YPOGEGRAMMENI: ᾐ
+\def\greeketaiotasubdasia {\char"01F91 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER ETA WITH DASIA AND YPOGEGRAMMENI: ᾑ
+\def\greeketaiotasubpsilivaria {\char"01F92 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER ETA WITH PSILI AND VARIA AND YPOGEGRAMMENI: ᾒ
+\def\greeketaiotasubdasiavaria {\char"01F93 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER ETA WITH DASIA AND VARIA AND YPOGEGRAMMENI: ᾓ
+\def\greeketaiotasubpsilitonos {\char"01F94 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER ETA WITH PSILI AND OXIA AND YPOGEGRAMMENI: ᾔ
+\def\greeketaiotasubdasiatonos {\char"01F95 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER ETA WITH DASIA AND OXIA AND YPOGEGRAMMENI: ᾕ
+\def\greeketaiotasubpsiliperispomeni {\char"01F96 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER ETA WITH PSILI AND PERISPOMENI AND YPOGEGRAMMENI: ᾖ
+\def\greeketaiotasubdasiaperispomeni {\char"01F97 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER ETA WITH DASIA AND PERISPOMENI AND YPOGEGRAMMENI: ᾗ
+\def\greekEtaiotasubpsili {\char"01F98 } % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER ETA WITH PSILI AND PROSGEGRAMMENI: ᾘ
+\def\greekEtaiotasubdasia {\char"01F99 } % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER ETA WITH DASIA AND PROSGEGRAMMENI: ᾙ
+\def\greekEtaiotasubpsilivaria {\char"01F9A } % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER ETA WITH PSILI AND VARIA AND PROSGEGRAMMENI: ᾚ
+\def\greekEtaiotasubdasiavaria {\char"01F9B } % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER ETA WITH DASIA AND VARIA AND PROSGEGRAMMENI: ᾛ
+\def\greekEtaiotasubpsilitonos {\char"01F9C } % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER ETA WITH PSILI AND OXIA AND PROSGEGRAMMENI: ᾜ
+\def\greekEtaiotasubdasiatonos {\char"01F9D } % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER ETA WITH DASIA AND OXIA AND PROSGEGRAMMENI: ᾝ
+\def\greekEtaiotasubpsiliperispomeni {\char"01F9E } % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER ETA WITH PSILI AND PERISPOMENI AND PROSGEGRAMMENI: ᾞ
+\def\greekEtaiotasubdasiaperispomeni {\char"01F9F } % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER ETA WITH DASIA AND PERISPOMENI AND PROSGEGRAMMENI: ᾟ
+\def\greekomegaiotasubpsili {\char"01FA0 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER OMEGA WITH PSILI AND YPOGEGRAMMENI: ᾠ
+\def\greekomegaiotasubdasia {\char"01FA1 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER OMEGA WITH DASIA AND YPOGEGRAMMENI: ᾡ
+\def\greekomegaiotasubpsilivaria {\char"01FA2 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER OMEGA WITH PSILI AND VARIA AND YPOGEGRAMMENI: ᾢ
+\def\greekomegaiotasubdasiavaria {\char"01FA3 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER OMEGA WITH DASIA AND VARIA AND YPOGEGRAMMENI: ᾣ
+\def\greekomegaiotasubpsilitonos {\char"01FA4 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER OMEGA WITH PSILI AND OXIA AND YPOGEGRAMMENI: ᾤ
+\def\greekomegaiotasubdasiatonos {\char"01FA5 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER OMEGA WITH DASIA AND OXIA AND YPOGEGRAMMENI: ᾥ
+\def\greekomegaiotasubpsiliperispomeni{\char"01FA6 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER OMEGA WITH PSILI AND PERISPOMENI AND YPOGEGRAMMENI: ᾦ
+\def\greekomegaiotasubdasiaperispomeni{\char"01FA7 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER OMEGA WITH DASIA AND PERISPOMENI AND YPOGEGRAMMENI: ᾧ
+\def\greekOmegaiotasubpsili {\char"01FA8 } % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER OMEGA WITH PSILI AND PROSGEGRAMMENI: ᾨ
+\def\greekOmegaiotasubdasia {\char"01FA9 } % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER OMEGA WITH DASIA AND PROSGEGRAMMENI: ᾩ
+\def\greekalphavrachy {\char"01FB0 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER ALPHA WITH VRACHY: ᾰ
+\def\greekalphamacron {\char"01FB1 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER ALPHA WITH MACRON: ᾱ
+\def\greekalphaiotasubvaria {\char"01FB2 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER ALPHA WITH VARIA AND YPOGEGRAMMENI: ᾲ
+\def\greekalphaiotasub {\char"01FB3 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER ALPHA WITH YPOGEGRAMMENI: ᾳ
+\def\greekalphaiotasubtonos {\char"01FB4 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER ALPHA WITH OXIA AND YPOGEGRAMMENI: ᾴ
+\def\greekalphaperispomeni {\char"01FB6 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER ALPHA WITH PERISPOMENI: ᾶ
+\def\greekalphaiotasubperispomeni {\char"01FB7 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER ALPHA WITH PERISPOMENI AND YPOGEGRAMMENI: ᾷ
+\def\greekAlphavrachy {\char"01FB8 } % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER ALPHA WITH VRACHY: Ᾰ
+\def\greekAlphamacron {\char"01FB9 } % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER ALPHA WITH MACRON: Ᾱ
+\def\greekAlphavaria {\char"01FBA } % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER ALPHA WITH VARIA: Ὰ
+\def\greekAlphatonos {\char"01FBB } % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER ALPHA WITH OXIA: Ά
+\def\greekAlphaiotasub {\char"01FBC } % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER ALPHA WITH PROSGEGRAMMENI: ᾼ
+\def\greekCoronis {\char"01FBD } % GREEK KORONIS: ᾽
+\def\greekprosgegrammeni {\char"01FBE } % GREEK PROSGEGRAMMENI: ι
+\def\greekpsili {\char"01FBF } % GREEK PSILI: ᾿
+\def\greekperispomeni {\char"01FC0 } % GREEK PERISPOMENI: ῀
+\def\greekdialytikaperispomeni {\char"01FC1 } % GREEK DIALYTIKA AND PERISPOMENI: ῁
+\def\greeketaiotasubvaria {\char"01FC2 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER ETA WITH VARIA AND YPOGEGRAMMENI: ῂ
+\def\greeketaiotasub {\char"01FC3 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER ETA WITH YPOGEGRAMMENI: ῃ
+\def\greeketaiotasubtonos {\char"01FC4 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER ETA WITH OXIA AND YPOGEGRAMMENI: ῄ
+\def\greeketaperispomeni {\char"01FC6 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER ETA WITH PERISPOMENI: ῆ
+\def\greeketaiotasubperispomeni {\char"01FC7 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER ETA WITH PERISPOMENI AND YPOGEGRAMMENI: ῇ
+\def\greekEpsilonvaria {\char"01FC8 } % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER EPSILON WITH VARIA: Ὲ
+\def\greekEpsilontonos {\char"01FC9 } % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER EPSILON WITH OXIA: Έ
+\def\greekEtavaria {\char"01FCA } % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER ETA WITH VARIA: Ὴ
+\def\greekEtatonos {\char"01FCB } % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER ETA WITH OXIA: Ή
+\def\greekEtaiotasub {\char"01FCC } % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER ETA WITH PROSGEGRAMMENI: ῌ
+\def\greekpsilivaria {\char"01FCD } % GREEK PSILI AND VARIA: ῍
+\def\greekpsilitonos {\char"01FCE } % GREEK PSILI AND OXIA: ῎
+\def\greekpsiliperispomeni {\char"01FCF } % GREEK PSILI AND PERISPOMENI: ῏
+\def\greekiotavrachy {\char"01FD0 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER IOTA WITH VRACHY: ῐ
+\def\greekiotamacron {\char"01FD1 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER IOTA WITH MACRON: ῑ
+\def\greekiotadialytikavaria {\char"01FD2 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER IOTA WITH DIALYTIKA AND VARIA: ῒ
+\def\greekiotadialytikatonos {\char"01FD3 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER IOTA WITH DIALYTIKA AND OXIA: ΐ
+\def\greekiotaperispomeni {\char"01FD6 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER IOTA WITH PERISPOMENI: ῖ
+\def\greekiotadialytikaperispomeni {\char"01FD7 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER IOTA WITH DIALYTIKA AND PERISPOMENI: ῗ
+\def\greekIotavrachy {\char"01FD8 } % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER IOTA WITH VRACHY: Ῐ
+\def\greekIotamacron {\char"01FD9 } % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER IOTA WITH MACRON: Ῑ
+\def\greekIotavaria {\char"01FDA } % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER IOTA WITH VARIA: Ὶ
+\def\greekIotatonos {\char"01FDB } % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER IOTA WITH OXIA: Ί
+\def\greekdasiavaria {\char"01FDD } % GREEK DASIA AND VARIA: ῝
+\def\greekdasiatonos {\char"01FDE } % GREEK DASIA AND OXIA: ῞
+\def\greekdasiaperispomeni {\char"01FDF } % GREEK DASIA AND PERISPOMENI: ῟
+\def\greekupsilonvrachy {\char"01FE0 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER UPSILON WITH VRACHY: ῠ
+\def\greekupsilonmacron {\char"01FE1 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER UPSILON WITH MACRON: ῡ
+\def\greekupsilondialytikavaria {\char"01FE2 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER UPSILON WITH DIALYTIKA AND VARIA: ῢ
+\def\greekupsilondialytikatonos {\char"01FE3 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER UPSILON WITH DIALYTIKA AND OXIA: ΰ
+\def\greekrhopsili {\char"01FE4 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER RHO WITH PSILI: ῤ
+\def\greekrhodasia {\char"01FE5 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER RHO WITH DASIA: ῥ
+\def\greekupsilonperispomeni {\char"01FE6 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER UPSILON WITH PERISPOMENI: ῦ
+\def\greekupsilondialytikaperispomeni {\char"01FE7 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER UPSILON WITH DIALYTIKA AND PERISPOMENI: ῧ
+\def\greekUpsilonvrachy {\char"01FE8 } % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER UPSILON WITH VRACHY: Ῠ
+\def\greekUpsilonmacron {\char"01FE9 } % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER UPSILON WITH MACRON: Ῡ
+\def\greekUpsilonvaria {\char"01FEA } % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER UPSILON WITH VARIA: Ὺ
+\def\greekUpsilontonos {\char"01FEB } % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER UPSILON WITH OXIA: Ύ
+\def\greekRhodasia {\char"01FEC } % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER RHO WITH DASIA: Ῥ
+\def\greekdialytikavaria {\char"01FED } % GREEK DIALYTIKA AND VARIA: ῭
+\def\greekdialytikatonos {\char"01FEE } % GREEK DIALYTIKA AND OXIA: ΅
+\def\greekvaria {\char"01FEF } % GREEK VARIA: `
+\def\greekomegaiotasubvaria {\char"01FF2 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER OMEGA WITH VARIA AND YPOGEGRAMMENI: ῲ
+\def\greekomegaiotasub {\char"01FF3 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER OMEGA WITH YPOGEGRAMMENI: ῳ
+\def\greekomegaiotasubtonos {\char"01FF4 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER OMEGA WITH OXIA AND YPOGEGRAMMENI: ῴ
+\def\greekomegaperispomeni {\char"01FF6 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER OMEGA WITH PERISPOMENI: ῶ
+\def\greekomegaiotasubperispomeni {\char"01FF7 } % GREEK SMALL LETTER OMEGA WITH PERISPOMENI AND YPOGEGRAMMENI: ῷ
+\def\greekOmicronvaria {\char"01FF8 } % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER OMICRON WITH VARIA: Ὸ
+\def\greekOmicrontonos {\char"01FF9 } % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER OMICRON WITH OXIA: Ό
+\def\greekOmegavaria {\char"01FFA } % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER OMEGA WITH VARIA: Ὼ
+\def\greekOmegatonos {\char"01FFB } % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER OMEGA WITH OXIA: Ώ
+\def\greekOmegaiotasub {\char"01FFC } % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER OMEGA WITH PROSGEGRAMMENI: ῼ
+\def\greekoxia {\char"01FFD } % GREEK OXIA: ´
+\def\greekdasia {\char"01FFE } % GREEK DASIA: ῾
+\def\zwnj {\char"0200C } % ZERO WIDTH NON-JOINER: ‌
+\def\zwj {\char"0200D } % ZERO WIDTH JOINER: ‍
+\def\textminus {\char"02012 } % FIGURE DASH: ‒
+\def\endash {\char"02013 } % EN DASH: –
+\def\emdash {\char"02014 } % EM DASH: —
+\def\texthorizontalbar {\char"02015 } % HORIZONTAL BAR: ―
+\def\quoteleft {\char"02018 } % LEFT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK: ‘
+\def\quoteright {\char"02019 } % RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK: ’
+\def\quotesinglebase {\char"0201A } % SINGLE LOW-0x0009 QUOTATION MARK: ‚
+\def\quotedblleft {\char"0201C } % LEFT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK: “
+\def\quotedblright {\char"0201D } % RIGHT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK: ”
+\def\quotedblbase {\char"0201E } % DOUBLE LOW-0x0009 QUOTATION MARK: „
+\def\textdag {\char"02020 } % DAGGER: †
+\def\textddag {\char"02021 } % DOUBLE DAGGER: ‡
+\def\textbullet {\char"02022 } % BULLET: •
+\def\textellipsis {\char"02026 } % HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS: …
+\def\perthousand {\char"02030 } % PER MILLE SIGN: ‰
+\def\guilsingleleft {\char"02039 } % SINGLE LEFT-POINTING ANGLE QUOTATION MARK: ‹
+\def\guilsingleright {\char"0203A } % SINGLE RIGHT-POINTING ANGLE QUOTATION MARK: ›
+\def\textfraction {\char"02044 } % FRACTION SLASH: ⁄
+\def\textdong {\char"020AB } % DONG SIGN: ₫
+\def\texteuro {\char"020AC } % EURO SIGN: €
+\def\textcelsius {\char"02103 } % DEGREE CELSIUS: ℃
+\def\textnumero {\char"02116 } % NUMERO SIGN: №
+\def\textcircledP {\char"02117 } % SOUND RECORDING COPYRIGHT: ℗
+\def\trademark {\char"02122 } % TRADE MARK SIGN: ™
+\def\textounce {\char"02125 } % OUNCE SIGN: ℥
+\def\textohm {\char"02126 } % OHM SIGN: Ω
+\def\textmho {\char"02127 } % INVERTED OHM SIGN: ℧
+\def\textkelvin {\char"0212A } % KELVIN SIGN: K
+\def\textAngstrom {\char"0212B } % ANGSTROM SIGN: Å
+\def\onethird {\char"02153 } % VULGAR FRACTION ONE THIRD: ⅓
+\def\twothirds {\char"02154 } % VULGAR FRACTION TWO THIRDS: ⅔
+\def\onefifth {\char"02155 } % VULGAR FRACTION ONE FIFTH: ⅕
+\def\twofifths {\char"02156 } % VULGAR FRACTION TWO FIFTHS: ⅖
+\def\threefifths {\char"02157 } % VULGAR FRACTION THREE FIFTHS: ⅗
+\def\fourfifths {\char"02158 } % VULGAR FRACTION FOUR FIFTHS: ⅘
+\def\onesixth {\char"02159 } % VULGAR FRACTION ONE SIXTH: ⅙
+\def\fivesixths {\char"0215A } % VULGAR FRACTION FIVE SIXTHS: ⅚
+\def\oneeighth {\char"0215B } % VULGAR FRACTION ONE EIGHTH: ⅛
+\def\threeeighths {\char"0215C } % VULGAR FRACTION THREE EIGHTHS: ⅜
+\def\fiveeighths {\char"0215D } % VULGAR FRACTION FIVE EIGHTHS: ⅝
+\def\seveneighths {\char"0215E } % VULGAR FRACTION SEVEN EIGHTHS: ⅞
+\def\romanI {\char"02160 } % ROMAN NUMERAL ONE: Ⅰ
+\def\romanII {\char"02161 } % ROMAN NUMERAL TWO: Ⅱ
+\def\romanIII {\char"02162 } % ROMAN NUMERAL THREE: Ⅲ
+\def\romanIV {\char"02163 } % ROMAN NUMERAL FOUR: Ⅳ
+\def\romanV {\char"02164 } % ROMAN NUMERAL FIVE: Ⅴ
+\def\romanVI {\char"02165 } % ROMAN NUMERAL SIX: Ⅵ
+\def\romanVII {\char"02166 } % ROMAN NUMERAL SEVEN: Ⅶ
+\def\romanVIII {\char"02167 } % ROMAN NUMERAL EIGHT: Ⅷ
+\def\romanIX {\char"02168 } % ROMAN NUMERAL NINE: Ⅸ
+\def\romanX {\char"02169 } % ROMAN NUMERAL TEN: Ⅹ
+\def\romanXI {\char"0216A } % ROMAN NUMERAL ELEVEN: Ⅺ
+\def\romanXII {\char"0216B } % ROMAN NUMERAL TWELVE: Ⅻ
+\def\romanL {\char"0216C } % ROMAN NUMERAL FIFTY: Ⅼ
+\def\romanC {\char"0216D } % ROMAN NUMERAL ONE HUNDRED: Ⅽ
+\def\romanD {\char"0216E } % ROMAN NUMERAL FIVE HUNDRED: Ⅾ
+\def\romanM {\char"0216F } % ROMAN NUMERAL ONE THOUSAND: Ⅿ
+\def\romani {\char"02170 } % SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL ONE: ⅰ
+\def\romanii {\char"02171 } % SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL TWO: ⅱ
+\def\romaniii {\char"02172 } % SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL THREE: ⅲ
+\def\romaniv {\char"02173 } % SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL FOUR: ⅳ
+\def\romanv {\char"02174 } % SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL FIVE: ⅴ
+\def\romanvi {\char"02175 } % SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL SIX: ⅵ
+\def\romanvii {\char"02176 } % SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL SEVEN: ⅶ
+\def\romanviii {\char"02177 } % SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL EIGHT: ⅷ
+\def\romanix {\char"02178 } % SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL NINE: ⅸ
+\def\romanx {\char"02179 } % SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL TEN: ⅹ
+\def\romanxi {\char"0217A } % SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL ELEVEN: ⅺ
+\def\romanxii {\char"0217B } % SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL TWELVE: ⅻ
+\def\romanl {\char"0217C } % SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL FIFTY: ⅼ
+\def\romanc {\char"0217D } % SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL ONE HUNDRED: ⅽ
+\def\romand {\char"0217E } % SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL FIVE HUNDRED: ⅾ
+\def\romanm {\char"0217F } % SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL ONE THOUSAND: ⅿ
+\def\carriagereturn {\char"021B5 } % DOWNWARDS ARROW WITH CORNER LEFTWARDS: ↵
+\def\ffligature {\char"0FB00 } % LATIN SMALL LIGATURE FF: ff
+\def\filigature {\char"0FB01 } % LATIN SMALL LIGATURE FI: fi
+\def\flligature {\char"0FB02 } % LATIN SMALL LIGATURE FL: fl
+\def\ffiligature {\char"0FB03 } % LATIN SMALL LIGATURE FFI: ffi
+\def\fflligature {\char"0FB04 } % LATIN SMALL LIGATURE FFL: ffl
+\def\stligature {\char"0FB06 } % LATIN SMALL LIGATURE ST: st
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/xetx-cls.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/xetx-cls.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9142f39e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/xetx-cls.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,511 @@
+% filename : xetx-cls.mkii
+% comment : generated by mtxrun --script chars --xtx
+% author : Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL
+% copyright: PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team
+% license : see context related readme files
+% some character classes for xetex; seems to be rather hard coded, these numbers
+% and also a mix of several classes; here we do linebreaks
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/xetx-ini.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/xetx-ini.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..55155fa1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/xetx-ini.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=xetx-ini,
+%D version=2004.09.11,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ System Macros,
+%D subtitle=\XETEX\ Initializations,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D We moved some code around and now have reorganized the xetex
+%D code in the \type {xetx} module namespace.
+%D Some defaults.
+ \XeTeXuseglyphmetrics\plusone
+%D Character classes.
+ {\global\advance\nofXTXcharinjections\plusone
+ \setxvalue{@xtx@cc@#1}{\number\nofXTXcharinjections}}
+ {\csname @xtx@cc@\ifcsname @xtx@cc@#1\endcsname#1\else\s!default\fi\endcsname}
+ {\pushmacro\currentXTXcharinjection
+ \def\currentXTXcharinjection{#1}}
+ {\popmacro\currentXTXcharinjection}
+\def\defineXTXcharinjection #1 #2 %
+ {\doifnumberelse{#1}{\edef\XTXclassone{\number#1}}{\edef\XTXclassone{\getXTXcharinjectionclas{#1}}}%
+ \doifnumberelse{#2}{\edef\XTXclasstwo{\number#2}}{\edef\XTXclasstwo{\getXTXcharinjectionclas{#2}}}%
+ \expanded{\dodefineXTXcharinjection{\XTXclassone}{\XTXclasstwo}}}
+\def\setXTXcharcodes #1 #2 #3 % encoding syntax
+ {\catcode#1=11 \lccode #1=#2 \uccode #1=#3 }
+\def\dosetXTXcharcodes#1#2#3% compact syntax
+ {\catcode#1=11 \lccode #1=#2 \uccode #1=#3 }
+ \long\def\dodefineXTXcharinjection#1#2#3%
+ {\XeTeXinterchartoks #1 #2 {\XTXcharinjection{#1}{#2}}%
+ \setvalue{@xtx@ch@\currentXTXcharinjection @#1@#2@}{#3}}
+ \def\setXTXcharacterclass #1 #2 %
+ {\doifnumberelse{#2}
+ {\XeTeXcharclass#1=#2\relax}
+ {\XeTeXcharclass#1=\getXTXcharinjectionclass{#2}\relax}}
+ \def\dosetXTXcharacterclass#1% #2 fast one
+ {\XeTeXcharclass#1=\getXTXcharinjectionclass}
+ \long\def\dodefineXTXcharinjection#1#2#3%
+ {\setvalue{@xtx@ch@\currentXTXcharinjection @#1@#2@}{#3}}
+ \def\setXTXcharacterclass #1 #2 %
+ {}
+ {\csname @xtx@ch@%
+ \ifcase\XTXcharinjectionsmode
+ \s!empty
+ \or
+ \ifcsname @xtx@ch@\currentXTXcharinjection @#1@#2@\endcsname \currentXTXcharinjection @#1@#2@\fi
+ \or
+ \ifcsname @xtx@ch@\currentXTXcharinjection @#1@#2@\endcsname \currentXTXcharinjection @#1@#2@\else
+ \ifcsname @xtx@ch@\s!default @#1@#2@\endcsname \s!default @#1@#2@\else
+ \s!empty
+ \fi\fi
+ \else
+ \s!empty
+ \fi
+ \endcsname}
+ {\def\currentXTXcharinjection{#1}}
+\protect \endinput
+ \defineXTXcharinjection 10 40 {[default]}
+ \defineXTXcharinjection 20 40 {[whatever]}
+\enableXTXcharinjections[default] A\XTXcharinjection{10}{40}B\XTXcharinjection{20}{40}C
+\enableXTXcharinjections[whatever] A\XTXcharinjection{10}{40}B\XTXcharinjection{20}{40}C
+\enableXTXcharinjections[default] A\XTXcharinjection{10}{40}B\XTXcharinjection{20}{40}C
+\enableXTXcharinjections[whatever] A\XTXcharinjection{10}{40}B\XTXcharinjection{20}{40}C
+\enableXTXcharinjections[default] A\XTXcharinjection{10}{40}B\XTXcharinjection{20}{40}C
+\enableXTXcharinjections[whatever] A\XTXcharinjection{10}{40}B\XTXcharinjection{20}{40}C
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/xetx-utf.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/xetx-utf.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a157a2d11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/xetx-utf.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,2414 @@
+% filename : xetx-utf.mkii
+% comment : generated by mtxrun --script chars --xtx
+% author : Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL
+% copyright: PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team
+% license : see context related readme files
+% lc/uc/catcode mappings
+\setXTXcharcodes "00041 "00061 "00041 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A
+\setXTXcharcodes "00042 "00062 "00042 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER B
+\setXTXcharcodes "00043 "00063 "00043 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C
+\setXTXcharcodes "00044 "00064 "00044 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER D
+\setXTXcharcodes "00045 "00065 "00045 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E
+\setXTXcharcodes "00046 "00066 "00046 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER F
+\setXTXcharcodes "00047 "00067 "00047 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER G
+\setXTXcharcodes "00048 "00068 "00048 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER H
+\setXTXcharcodes "00049 "00069 "00049 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I
+\setXTXcharcodes "0004A "0006A "0004A % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER J
+\setXTXcharcodes "0004B "0006B "0004B % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER K
+\setXTXcharcodes "0004C "0006C "0004C % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER L
+\setXTXcharcodes "0004D "0006D "0004D % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER M
+\setXTXcharcodes "0004E "0006E "0004E % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N
+\setXTXcharcodes "0004F "0006F "0004F % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O
+\setXTXcharcodes "00050 "00070 "00050 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER P
+\setXTXcharcodes "00051 "00071 "00051 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Q
+\setXTXcharcodes "00052 "00072 "00052 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER R
+\setXTXcharcodes "00053 "00073 "00053 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S
+\setXTXcharcodes "00054 "00074 "00054 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER T
+\setXTXcharcodes "00055 "00075 "00055 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U
+\setXTXcharcodes "00056 "00076 "00056 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER V
+\setXTXcharcodes "00057 "00077 "00057 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER W
+\setXTXcharcodes "00058 "00078 "00058 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER X
+\setXTXcharcodes "00059 "00079 "00059 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y
+\setXTXcharcodes "0005A "0007A "0005A % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z
+\setXTXcharcodes "00061 "00061 "00041 % LATIN SMALL LETTER A
+\setXTXcharcodes "00062 "00062 "00042 % LATIN SMALL LETTER B
+\setXTXcharcodes "00063 "00063 "00043 % LATIN SMALL LETTER C
+\setXTXcharcodes "00064 "00064 "00044 % LATIN SMALL LETTER D
+\setXTXcharcodes "00065 "00065 "00045 % LATIN SMALL LETTER E
+\setXTXcharcodes "00066 "00066 "00046 % LATIN SMALL LETTER F
+\setXTXcharcodes "00067 "00067 "00047 % LATIN SMALL LETTER G
+\setXTXcharcodes "00068 "00068 "00048 % LATIN SMALL LETTER H
+\setXTXcharcodes "00069 "00069 "00049 % LATIN SMALL LETTER I
+\setXTXcharcodes "0006A "0006A "0004A % LATIN SMALL LETTER J
+\setXTXcharcodes "0006B "0006B "0004B % LATIN SMALL LETTER K
+\setXTXcharcodes "0006C "0006C "0004C % LATIN SMALL LETTER L
+\setXTXcharcodes "0006D "0006D "0004D % LATIN SMALL LETTER M
+\setXTXcharcodes "0006E "0006E "0004E % LATIN SMALL LETTER N
+\setXTXcharcodes "0006F "0006F "0004F % LATIN SMALL LETTER O
+\setXTXcharcodes "00070 "00070 "00050 % LATIN SMALL LETTER P
+\setXTXcharcodes "00071 "00071 "00051 % LATIN SMALL LETTER Q
+\setXTXcharcodes "00072 "00072 "00052 % LATIN SMALL LETTER R
+\setXTXcharcodes "00073 "00073 "00053 % LATIN SMALL LETTER S
+\setXTXcharcodes "00074 "00074 "00054 % LATIN SMALL LETTER T
+\setXTXcharcodes "00075 "00075 "00055 % LATIN SMALL LETTER U
+\setXTXcharcodes "00076 "00076 "00056 % LATIN SMALL LETTER V
+\setXTXcharcodes "00077 "00077 "00057 % LATIN SMALL LETTER W
+\setXTXcharcodes "00078 "00078 "00058 % LATIN SMALL LETTER X
+\setXTXcharcodes "00079 "00079 "00059 % LATIN SMALL LETTER Y
+\setXTXcharcodes "0007A "0007A "0005A % LATIN SMALL LETTER Z
+\setXTXcharcodes "000AA "000AA "000AA % FEMININE ORDINAL INDICATOR
+\setXTXcharcodes "000B5 "000B5 "0039C % MICRO SIGN
+\setXTXcharcodes "000BA "000BA "000BA % MASCULINE ORDINAL INDICATOR
+\setXTXcharcodes "000C0 "000E0 "000C0 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH GRAVE
+\setXTXcharcodes "000C1 "000E1 "000C1 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH ACUTE
+\setXTXcharcodes "000C2 "000E2 "000C2 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\setXTXcharcodes "000C3 "000E3 "000C3 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH TILDE
+\setXTXcharcodes "000C4 "000E4 "000C4 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS
+\setXTXcharcodes "000C5 "000E5 "000C5 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH RING ABOVE
+\setXTXcharcodes "000C6 "000E6 "000C6 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER AE
+\setXTXcharcodes "000C7 "000E7 "000C7 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C WITH CEDILLA
+\setXTXcharcodes "000C8 "000E8 "000C8 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH GRAVE
+\setXTXcharcodes "000C9 "000E9 "000C9 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH ACUTE
+\setXTXcharcodes "000CC "000EC "000CC % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH GRAVE
+\setXTXcharcodes "000CD "000ED "000CD % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH ACUTE
+\setXTXcharcodes "000D0 "000F0 "000D0 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER ETH
+\setXTXcharcodes "000D1 "000F1 "000D1 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N WITH TILDE
+\setXTXcharcodes "000D2 "000F2 "000D2 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH GRAVE
+\setXTXcharcodes "000D3 "000F3 "000D3 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH ACUTE
+\setXTXcharcodes "000D4 "000F4 "000D4 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\setXTXcharcodes "000D5 "000F5 "000D5 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH TILDE
+\setXTXcharcodes "000D6 "000F6 "000D6 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS
+\setXTXcharcodes "000D8 "000F8 "000D8 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH STROKE
+\setXTXcharcodes "000D9 "000F9 "000D9 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH GRAVE
+\setXTXcharcodes "000DA "000FA "000DA % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH ACUTE
+\setXTXcharcodes "000DD "000FD "000DD % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y WITH ACUTE
+\setXTXcharcodes "000DE "000FE "000DE % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER THORN
+\setXTXcharcodes "000DF "000DF "000DF % LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S
+\setXTXcharcodes "000E0 "000E0 "000C0 % LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH GRAVE
+\setXTXcharcodes "000E1 "000E1 "000C1 % LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH ACUTE
+\setXTXcharcodes "000E2 "000E2 "000C2 % LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\setXTXcharcodes "000E3 "000E3 "000C3 % LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH TILDE
+\setXTXcharcodes "000E4 "000E4 "000C4 % LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS
+\setXTXcharcodes "000E5 "000E5 "000C5 % LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH RING ABOVE
+\setXTXcharcodes "000E6 "000E6 "000C6 % LATIN SMALL LETTER AE
+\setXTXcharcodes "000E7 "000E7 "000C7 % LATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH CEDILLA
+\setXTXcharcodes "000E8 "000E8 "000C8 % LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH GRAVE
+\setXTXcharcodes "000E9 "000E9 "000C9 % LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH ACUTE
+\setXTXcharcodes "000EC "000EC "000CC % LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH GRAVE
+\setXTXcharcodes "000ED "000ED "000CD % LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH ACUTE
+\setXTXcharcodes "000F0 "000F0 "000D0 % LATIN SMALL LETTER ETH
+\setXTXcharcodes "000F1 "000F1 "000D1 % LATIN SMALL LETTER N WITH TILDE
+\setXTXcharcodes "000F2 "000F2 "000D2 % LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH GRAVE
+\setXTXcharcodes "000F3 "000F3 "000D3 % LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH ACUTE
+\setXTXcharcodes "000F4 "000F4 "000D4 % LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\setXTXcharcodes "000F5 "000F5 "000D5 % LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH TILDE
+\setXTXcharcodes "000F6 "000F6 "000D6 % LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS
+\setXTXcharcodes "000F8 "000F8 "000D8 % LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH STROKE
+\setXTXcharcodes "000F9 "000F9 "000D9 % LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH GRAVE
+\setXTXcharcodes "000FA "000FA "000DA % LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH ACUTE
+\setXTXcharcodes "000FD "000FD "000DD % LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH ACUTE
+\setXTXcharcodes "000FE "000FE "000DE % LATIN SMALL LETTER THORN
+\setXTXcharcodes "000FF "000FF "00178 % LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH DIAERESIS
+\setXTXcharcodes "00100 "00101 "00100 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH MACRON
+\setXTXcharcodes "00101 "00101 "00100 % LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH MACRON
+\setXTXcharcodes "00102 "00103 "00102 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH BREVE
+\setXTXcharcodes "00103 "00103 "00102 % LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH BREVE
+\setXTXcharcodes "00104 "00105 "00104 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH OGONEK
+\setXTXcharcodes "00105 "00105 "00104 % LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH OGONEK
+\setXTXcharcodes "00106 "00107 "00106 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C WITH ACUTE
+\setXTXcharcodes "00107 "00107 "00106 % LATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH ACUTE
+\setXTXcharcodes "00108 "00109 "00108 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\setXTXcharcodes "00109 "00109 "00108 % LATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\setXTXcharcodes "0010A "0010B "0010A % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C WITH DOT ABOVE
+\setXTXcharcodes "0010B "0010B "0010A % LATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH DOT ABOVE
+\setXTXcharcodes "0010C "0010D "0010C % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C WITH CARON
+\setXTXcharcodes "0010D "0010D "0010C % LATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH CARON
+\setXTXcharcodes "0010E "0010F "0010E % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER D WITH CARON
+\setXTXcharcodes "0010F "0010F "0010E % LATIN SMALL LETTER D WITH CARON
+\setXTXcharcodes "00110 "00111 "00110 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER D WITH STROKE
+\setXTXcharcodes "00111 "00111 "00110 % LATIN SMALL LETTER D WITH STROKE
+\setXTXcharcodes "00112 "00113 "00112 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH MACRON
+\setXTXcharcodes "00113 "00113 "00112 % LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH MACRON
+\setXTXcharcodes "00114 "00115 "00114 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH BREVE
+\setXTXcharcodes "00115 "00115 "00114 % LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH BREVE
+\setXTXcharcodes "00116 "00117 "00116 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH DOT ABOVE
+\setXTXcharcodes "00117 "00117 "00116 % LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH DOT ABOVE
+\setXTXcharcodes "00118 "00119 "00118 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH OGONEK
+\setXTXcharcodes "00119 "00119 "00118 % LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH OGONEK
+\setXTXcharcodes "0011A "0011B "0011A % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH CARON
+\setXTXcharcodes "0011B "0011B "0011A % LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH CARON
+\setXTXcharcodes "0011C "0011D "0011C % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER G WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\setXTXcharcodes "0011D "0011D "0011C % LATIN SMALL LETTER G WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\setXTXcharcodes "0011E "0011F "0011E % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER G WITH BREVE
+\setXTXcharcodes "0011F "0011F "0011E % LATIN SMALL LETTER G WITH BREVE
+\setXTXcharcodes "00120 "00121 "00120 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER G WITH DOT ABOVE
+\setXTXcharcodes "00121 "00121 "00120 % LATIN SMALL LETTER G WITH DOT ABOVE
+\setXTXcharcodes "00122 "00123 "00122 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER G WITH CEDILLA
+\setXTXcharcodes "00123 "00123 "00122 % LATIN SMALL LETTER G WITH CEDILLA
+\setXTXcharcodes "00124 "00125 "00124 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER H WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\setXTXcharcodes "00125 "00125 "00124 % LATIN SMALL LETTER H WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\setXTXcharcodes "00126 "00127 "00126 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER H WITH STROKE
+\setXTXcharcodes "00127 "00127 "00126 % LATIN SMALL LETTER H WITH STROKE
+\setXTXcharcodes "00128 "00129 "00128 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH TILDE
+\setXTXcharcodes "00129 "00129 "00128 % LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH TILDE
+\setXTXcharcodes "0012A "0012B "0012A % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH MACRON
+\setXTXcharcodes "0012B "0012B "0012A % LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH MACRON
+\setXTXcharcodes "0012C "0012D "0012C % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH BREVE
+\setXTXcharcodes "0012D "0012D "0012C % LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH BREVE
+\setXTXcharcodes "0012E "0012F "0012E % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH OGONEK
+\setXTXcharcodes "0012F "0012F "0012E % LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH OGONEK
+\setXTXcharcodes "00130 "00069 "00130 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH DOT ABOVE
+\setXTXcharcodes "00131 "00131 "00049 % LATIN SMALL LETTER DOTLESS I
+\setXTXcharcodes "00132 "00133 "00132 % LATIN CAPITAL LIGATURE IJ
+\setXTXcharcodes "00133 "00133 "00132 % LATIN SMALL LIGATURE IJ
+\setXTXcharcodes "00134 "00135 "00134 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER J WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\setXTXcharcodes "00135 "00135 "00134 % LATIN SMALL LETTER J WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\setXTXcharcodes "00136 "00137 "00136 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER K WITH CEDILLA
+\setXTXcharcodes "00137 "00137 "00136 % LATIN SMALL LETTER K WITH CEDILLA
+\setXTXcharcodes "00138 "00138 "00138 % LATIN SMALL LETTER KRA
+\setXTXcharcodes "00139 "0013A "00139 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER L WITH ACUTE
+\setXTXcharcodes "0013A "0013A "00139 % LATIN SMALL LETTER L WITH ACUTE
+\setXTXcharcodes "0013B "0013C "0013B % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER L WITH CEDILLA
+\setXTXcharcodes "0013C "0013C "0013B % LATIN SMALL LETTER L WITH CEDILLA
+\setXTXcharcodes "0013D "0013E "0013D % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER L WITH CARON
+\setXTXcharcodes "0013E "0013E "0013D % LATIN SMALL LETTER L WITH CARON
+\setXTXcharcodes "0013F "00140 "0013F % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER L WITH MIDDLE DOT
+\setXTXcharcodes "00140 "00140 "0013F % LATIN SMALL LETTER L WITH MIDDLE DOT
+\setXTXcharcodes "00141 "00142 "00141 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER L WITH STROKE
+\setXTXcharcodes "00142 "00142 "00141 % LATIN SMALL LETTER L WITH STROKE
+\setXTXcharcodes "00143 "00144 "00143 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N WITH ACUTE
+\setXTXcharcodes "00144 "00144 "00143 % LATIN SMALL LETTER N WITH ACUTE
+\setXTXcharcodes "00145 "00146 "00145 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N WITH CEDILLA
+\setXTXcharcodes "00146 "00146 "00145 % LATIN SMALL LETTER N WITH CEDILLA
+\setXTXcharcodes "00147 "00148 "00147 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N WITH CARON
+\setXTXcharcodes "00148 "00148 "00147 % LATIN SMALL LETTER N WITH CARON
+\setXTXcharcodes "00149 "00149 "00149 % LATIN SMALL LETTER N PRECEDED BY APOSTROPHE
+\setXTXcharcodes "0014A "0014B "0014A % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER ENG
+\setXTXcharcodes "0014B "0014B "0014A % LATIN SMALL LETTER ENG
+\setXTXcharcodes "0014C "0014D "0014C % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH MACRON
+\setXTXcharcodes "0014D "0014D "0014C % LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH MACRON
+\setXTXcharcodes "0014E "0014F "0014E % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH BREVE
+\setXTXcharcodes "0014F "0014F "0014E % LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH BREVE
+\setXTXcharcodes "00150 "00151 "00150 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH DOUBLE ACUTE
+\setXTXcharcodes "00151 "00151 "00150 % LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH DOUBLE ACUTE
+\setXTXcharcodes "00152 "00153 "00152 % LATIN CAPITAL LIGATURE OE
+\setXTXcharcodes "00153 "00153 "00152 % LATIN SMALL LIGATURE OE
+\setXTXcharcodes "00154 "00155 "00154 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER R WITH ACUTE
+\setXTXcharcodes "00155 "00155 "00154 % LATIN SMALL LETTER R WITH ACUTE
+\setXTXcharcodes "00156 "00157 "00156 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER R WITH CEDILLA
+\setXTXcharcodes "00157 "00157 "00156 % LATIN SMALL LETTER R WITH CEDILLA
+\setXTXcharcodes "00158 "00159 "00158 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER R WITH CARON
+\setXTXcharcodes "00159 "00159 "00158 % LATIN SMALL LETTER R WITH CARON
+\setXTXcharcodes "0015A "0015B "0015A % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S WITH ACUTE
+\setXTXcharcodes "0015B "0015B "0015A % LATIN SMALL LETTER S WITH ACUTE
+\setXTXcharcodes "0015C "0015D "0015C % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\setXTXcharcodes "0015D "0015D "0015C % LATIN SMALL LETTER S WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\setXTXcharcodes "0015E "0015F "0015E % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S WITH CEDILLA
+\setXTXcharcodes "0015F "0015F "0015E % LATIN SMALL LETTER S WITH CEDILLA
+\setXTXcharcodes "00160 "00161 "00160 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S WITH CARON
+\setXTXcharcodes "00161 "00161 "00160 % LATIN SMALL LETTER S WITH CARON
+\setXTXcharcodes "00162 "00163 "00162 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER T WITH CEDILLA
+\setXTXcharcodes "00163 "00163 "00162 % LATIN SMALL LETTER T WITH CEDILLA
+\setXTXcharcodes "00164 "00165 "00164 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER T WITH CARON
+\setXTXcharcodes "00165 "00165 "00164 % LATIN SMALL LETTER T WITH CARON
+\setXTXcharcodes "00166 "00167 "00166 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER T WITH STROKE
+\setXTXcharcodes "00167 "00167 "00166 % LATIN SMALL LETTER T WITH STROKE
+\setXTXcharcodes "00168 "00169 "00168 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH TILDE
+\setXTXcharcodes "00169 "00169 "00168 % LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH TILDE
+\setXTXcharcodes "0016A "0016B "0016A % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH MACRON
+\setXTXcharcodes "0016B "0016B "0016A % LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH MACRON
+\setXTXcharcodes "0016C "0016D "0016C % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH BREVE
+\setXTXcharcodes "0016D "0016D "0016C % LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH BREVE
+\setXTXcharcodes "0016E "0016F "0016E % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH RING ABOVE
+\setXTXcharcodes "0016F "0016F "0016E % LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH RING ABOVE
+\setXTXcharcodes "00170 "00171 "00170 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH DOUBLE ACUTE
+\setXTXcharcodes "00171 "00171 "00170 % LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH DOUBLE ACUTE
+\setXTXcharcodes "00172 "00173 "00172 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH OGONEK
+\setXTXcharcodes "00173 "00173 "00172 % LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH OGONEK
+\setXTXcharcodes "00174 "00175 "00174 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER W WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\setXTXcharcodes "00175 "00175 "00174 % LATIN SMALL LETTER W WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\setXTXcharcodes "00176 "00177 "00176 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\setXTXcharcodes "00177 "00177 "00176 % LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\setXTXcharcodes "00178 "000FF "00178 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y WITH DIAERESIS
+\setXTXcharcodes "00179 "0017A "00179 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z WITH ACUTE
+\setXTXcharcodes "0017A "0017A "00179 % LATIN SMALL LETTER Z WITH ACUTE
+\setXTXcharcodes "0017B "0017C "0017B % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z WITH DOT ABOVE
+\setXTXcharcodes "0017C "0017C "0017B % LATIN SMALL LETTER Z WITH DOT ABOVE
+\setXTXcharcodes "0017D "0017E "0017D % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z WITH CARON
+\setXTXcharcodes "0017E "0017E "0017D % LATIN SMALL LETTER Z WITH CARON
+\setXTXcharcodes "0017F "0017F "00053 % LATIN SMALL LETTER LONG S
+\setXTXcharcodes "00180 "00180 "00243 % LATIN SMALL LETTER B WITH STROKE
+\setXTXcharcodes "00181 "00253 "00181 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER B WITH HOOK
+\setXTXcharcodes "00182 "00183 "00182 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER B WITH TOPBAR
+\setXTXcharcodes "00183 "00183 "00182 % LATIN SMALL LETTER B WITH TOPBAR
+\setXTXcharcodes "00184 "00185 "00184 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER TONE SIX
+\setXTXcharcodes "00185 "00185 "00184 % LATIN SMALL LETTER TONE SIX
+\setXTXcharcodes "00186 "00254 "00186 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER OPEN O
+\setXTXcharcodes "00187 "00188 "00187 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C WITH HOOK
+\setXTXcharcodes "00188 "00188 "00187 % LATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH HOOK
+\setXTXcharcodes "00189 "00256 "00189 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER AFRICAN D
+\setXTXcharcodes "0018A "00257 "0018A % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER D WITH HOOK
+\setXTXcharcodes "0018B "0018C "0018B % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER D WITH TOPBAR
+\setXTXcharcodes "0018C "0018C "0018B % LATIN SMALL LETTER D WITH TOPBAR
+\setXTXcharcodes "0018D "0018D "0018D % LATIN SMALL LETTER TURNED DELTA
+\setXTXcharcodes "0018E "001DD "0018E % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER REVERSED E
+\setXTXcharcodes "0018F "00259 "0018F % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER SCHWA
+\setXTXcharcodes "00190 "0025B "00190 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER OPEN E
+\setXTXcharcodes "00191 "00192 "00191 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER F WITH HOOK
+\setXTXcharcodes "00192 "00192 "00191 % LATIN SMALL LETTER F WITH HOOK
+\setXTXcharcodes "00193 "00260 "00193 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER G WITH HOOK
+\setXTXcharcodes "00194 "00263 "00194 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER GAMMA
+\setXTXcharcodes "00195 "00195 "001F6 % LATIN SMALL LETTER HV
+\setXTXcharcodes "00196 "00269 "00196 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER IOTA
+\setXTXcharcodes "00197 "00268 "00197 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH STROKE
+\setXTXcharcodes "00198 "00199 "00198 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER K WITH HOOK
+\setXTXcharcodes "00199 "00199 "00198 % LATIN SMALL LETTER K WITH HOOK
+\setXTXcharcodes "0019A "0019A "0023D % LATIN SMALL LETTER L WITH BAR
+\setXTXcharcodes "0019B "0019B "0019B % LATIN SMALL LETTER LAMBDA WITH STROKE
+\setXTXcharcodes "0019C "0026F "0019C % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER TURNED M
+\setXTXcharcodes "0019D "00272 "0019D % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N WITH LEFT HOOK
+\setXTXcharcodes "0019E "0019E "00220 % LATIN SMALL LETTER N WITH LONG RIGHT LEG
+\setXTXcharcodes "0019F "00275 "0019F % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH MIDDLE TILDE
+\setXTXcharcodes "001A0 "001A1 "001A0 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH HORN
+\setXTXcharcodes "001A1 "001A1 "001A0 % LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH HORN
+\setXTXcharcodes "001A2 "001A3 "001A2 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER OI
+\setXTXcharcodes "001A3 "001A3 "001A2 % LATIN SMALL LETTER OI
+\setXTXcharcodes "001A4 "001A5 "001A4 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER P WITH HOOK
+\setXTXcharcodes "001A5 "001A5 "001A4 % LATIN SMALL LETTER P WITH HOOK
+\setXTXcharcodes "001A6 "00280 "001A6 % LATIN LETTER YR
+\setXTXcharcodes "001A7 "001A8 "001A7 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER TONE TWO
+\setXTXcharcodes "001A8 "001A8 "001A7 % LATIN SMALL LETTER TONE TWO
+\setXTXcharcodes "001A9 "00283 "001A9 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER ESH
+\setXTXcharcodes "001AA "001AA "001AA % LATIN LETTER REVERSED ESH LOOP
+\setXTXcharcodes "001AC "001AD "001AC % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER T WITH HOOK
+\setXTXcharcodes "001AD "001AD "001AC % LATIN SMALL LETTER T WITH HOOK
+\setXTXcharcodes "001AF "001B0 "001AF % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH HORN
+\setXTXcharcodes "001B0 "001B0 "001AF % LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH HORN
+\setXTXcharcodes "001B1 "0028A "001B1 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER UPSILON
+\setXTXcharcodes "001B2 "0028B "001B2 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER V WITH HOOK
+\setXTXcharcodes "001B3 "001B4 "001B3 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y WITH HOOK
+\setXTXcharcodes "001B4 "001B4 "001B3 % LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH HOOK
+\setXTXcharcodes "001B5 "001B6 "001B5 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z WITH STROKE
+\setXTXcharcodes "001B6 "001B6 "001B5 % LATIN SMALL LETTER Z WITH STROKE
+\setXTXcharcodes "001B7 "00292 "001B7 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER EZH
+\setXTXcharcodes "001B8 "001B9 "001B8 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER EZH REVERSED
+\setXTXcharcodes "001B9 "001B9 "001B8 % LATIN SMALL LETTER EZH REVERSED
+\setXTXcharcodes "001BA "001BA "001BA % LATIN SMALL LETTER EZH WITH TAIL
+\setXTXcharcodes "001BC "001BD "001BC % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER TONE FIVE
+\setXTXcharcodes "001BD "001BD "001BC % LATIN SMALL LETTER TONE FIVE
+\setXTXcharcodes "001BF "001BF "001F7 % LATIN LETTER WYNN
+\setXTXcharcodes "001C4 "001C6 "001C5 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER DZ WITH CARON
+\setXTXcharcodes "001C6 "001C6 "001C4 % LATIN SMALL LETTER DZ WITH CARON
+\setXTXcharcodes "001C7 "001C9 "001C8 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER LJ
+\setXTXcharcodes "001C8 "001C9 "001C7 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER L WITH SMALL LETTER J
+\setXTXcharcodes "001C9 "001C9 "001C7 % LATIN SMALL LETTER LJ
+\setXTXcharcodes "001CA "001CC "001CB % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER NJ
+\setXTXcharcodes "001CC "001CC "001CA % LATIN SMALL LETTER NJ
+\setXTXcharcodes "001CD "001CE "001CD % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH CARON
+\setXTXcharcodes "001CE "001CE "001CD % LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH CARON
+\setXTXcharcodes "001CF "001D0 "001CF % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH CARON
+\setXTXcharcodes "001D0 "001D0 "001CF % LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH CARON
+\setXTXcharcodes "001D1 "001D2 "001D1 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH CARON
+\setXTXcharcodes "001D2 "001D2 "001D1 % LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH CARON
+\setXTXcharcodes "001D3 "001D4 "001D3 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH CARON
+\setXTXcharcodes "001D4 "001D4 "001D3 % LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH CARON
+\setXTXcharcodes "001DD "001DD "0018E % LATIN SMALL LETTER TURNED E
+\setXTXcharcodes "001E2 "001E3 "001E2 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER AE WITH MACRON
+\setXTXcharcodes "001E3 "001E3 "001E2 % LATIN SMALL LETTER AE WITH MACRON
+\setXTXcharcodes "001E4 "001E5 "001E4 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER G WITH STROKE
+\setXTXcharcodes "001E5 "001E5 "001E4 % LATIN SMALL LETTER G WITH STROKE
+\setXTXcharcodes "001E6 "001E7 "001E6 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER G WITH CARON
+\setXTXcharcodes "001E7 "001E7 "001E6 % LATIN SMALL LETTER G WITH CARON
+\setXTXcharcodes "001E8 "001E9 "001E8 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER K WITH CARON
+\setXTXcharcodes "001E9 "001E9 "001E8 % LATIN SMALL LETTER K WITH CARON
+\setXTXcharcodes "001EB "001EB "001EA % LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH OGONEK
+\setXTXcharcodes "001EF "001EF "001EE % LATIN SMALL LETTER EZH WITH CARON
+\setXTXcharcodes "001F0 "001F0 "001F0 % LATIN SMALL LETTER J WITH CARON
+\setXTXcharcodes "001F1 "001F3 "001F2 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER DZ
+\setXTXcharcodes "001F2 "001F3 "001F1 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER D WITH SMALL LETTER Z
+\setXTXcharcodes "001F3 "001F3 "001F1 % LATIN SMALL LETTER DZ
+\setXTXcharcodes "001F4 "001F5 "001F4 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER G WITH ACUTE
+\setXTXcharcodes "001F5 "001F5 "001F4 % LATIN SMALL LETTER G WITH ACUTE
+\setXTXcharcodes "001F6 "00195 "001F6 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER HWAIR
+\setXTXcharcodes "001F7 "001BF "001F7 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER WYNN
+\setXTXcharcodes "001F8 "001F9 "001F8 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N WITH GRAVE
+\setXTXcharcodes "001F9 "001F9 "001F8 % LATIN SMALL LETTER N WITH GRAVE
+\setXTXcharcodes "001FD "001FD "001FC % LATIN SMALL LETTER AE WITH ACUTE
+\setXTXcharcodes "00200 "00201 "00200 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH DOUBLE GRAVE
+\setXTXcharcodes "00201 "00201 "00200 % LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH DOUBLE GRAVE
+\setXTXcharcodes "00202 "00203 "00202 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH INVERTED BREVE
+\setXTXcharcodes "00203 "00203 "00202 % LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH INVERTED BREVE
+\setXTXcharcodes "00204 "00205 "00204 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH DOUBLE GRAVE
+\setXTXcharcodes "00205 "00205 "00204 % LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH DOUBLE GRAVE
+\setXTXcharcodes "00206 "00207 "00206 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH INVERTED BREVE
+\setXTXcharcodes "00207 "00207 "00206 % LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH INVERTED BREVE
+\setXTXcharcodes "00208 "00209 "00208 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH DOUBLE GRAVE
+\setXTXcharcodes "00209 "00209 "00208 % LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH DOUBLE GRAVE
+\setXTXcharcodes "0020B "0020B "0020A % LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH INVERTED BREVE
+\setXTXcharcodes "0020C "0020D "0020C % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH DOUBLE GRAVE
+\setXTXcharcodes "0020D "0020D "0020C % LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH DOUBLE GRAVE
+\setXTXcharcodes "0020F "0020F "0020E % LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH INVERTED BREVE
+\setXTXcharcodes "00210 "00211 "00210 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER R WITH DOUBLE GRAVE
+\setXTXcharcodes "00211 "00211 "00210 % LATIN SMALL LETTER R WITH DOUBLE GRAVE
+\setXTXcharcodes "00212 "00213 "00212 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER R WITH INVERTED BREVE
+\setXTXcharcodes "00213 "00213 "00212 % LATIN SMALL LETTER R WITH INVERTED BREVE
+\setXTXcharcodes "00214 "00215 "00214 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH DOUBLE GRAVE
+\setXTXcharcodes "00215 "00215 "00214 % LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH DOUBLE GRAVE
+\setXTXcharcodes "00216 "00217 "00216 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH INVERTED BREVE
+\setXTXcharcodes "00217 "00217 "00216 % LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH INVERTED BREVE
+\setXTXcharcodes "00218 "00219 "00218 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S WITH COMMA BELOW
+\setXTXcharcodes "00219 "00219 "00218 % LATIN SMALL LETTER S WITH COMMA BELOW
+\setXTXcharcodes "0021A "0021B "0021A % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER T WITH COMMA BELOW
+\setXTXcharcodes "0021B "0021B "0021A % LATIN SMALL LETTER T WITH COMMA BELOW
+\setXTXcharcodes "0021C "0021D "0021C % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER YOGH
+\setXTXcharcodes "0021D "0021D "0021C % LATIN SMALL LETTER YOGH
+\setXTXcharcodes "0021E "0021F "0021E % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER H WITH CARON
+\setXTXcharcodes "0021F "0021F "0021E % LATIN SMALL LETTER H WITH CARON
+\setXTXcharcodes "00220 "0019E "00220 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N WITH LONG RIGHT LEG
+\setXTXcharcodes "00221 "00221 "00221 % LATIN SMALL LETTER D WITH CURL
+\setXTXcharcodes "00222 "00223 "00222 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER OU
+\setXTXcharcodes "00223 "00223 "00222 % LATIN SMALL LETTER OU
+\setXTXcharcodes "00224 "00225 "00224 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z WITH HOOK
+\setXTXcharcodes "00225 "00225 "00224 % LATIN SMALL LETTER Z WITH HOOK
+\setXTXcharcodes "00226 "00227 "00226 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH DOT ABOVE
+\setXTXcharcodes "00227 "00227 "00226 % LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH DOT ABOVE
+\setXTXcharcodes "00228 "00229 "00228 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH CEDILLA
+\setXTXcharcodes "00229 "00229 "00228 % LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH CEDILLA
+\setXTXcharcodes "0022D "0022D "0022C % LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH TILDE AND MACRON
+\setXTXcharcodes "0022E "0022F "0022E % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH DOT ABOVE
+\setXTXcharcodes "0022F "0022F "0022E % LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH DOT ABOVE
+\setXTXcharcodes "00230 "00231 "00230 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH DOT ABOVE AND MACRON
+\setXTXcharcodes "00231 "00231 "00230 % LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH DOT ABOVE AND MACRON
+\setXTXcharcodes "00232 "00233 "00232 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y WITH MACRON
+\setXTXcharcodes "00233 "00233 "00232 % LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH MACRON
+\setXTXcharcodes "00234 "00234 "00234 % LATIN SMALL LETTER L WITH CURL
+\setXTXcharcodes "00235 "00235 "00235 % LATIN SMALL LETTER N WITH CURL
+\setXTXcharcodes "00236 "00236 "00236 % LATIN SMALL LETTER T WITH CURL
+\setXTXcharcodes "00237 "00237 "00237 % LATIN SMALL LETTER DOTLESS J
+\setXTXcharcodes "00238 "00238 "00238 % LATIN SMALL LETTER DB DIGRAPH
+\setXTXcharcodes "00239 "00239 "00239 % LATIN SMALL LETTER QP DIGRAPH
+\setXTXcharcodes "0023A "02C65 "0023A % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH STROKE
+\setXTXcharcodes "0023B "0023C "0023B % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C WITH STROKE
+\setXTXcharcodes "0023C "0023C "0023B % LATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH STROKE
+\setXTXcharcodes "0023D "0019A "0023D % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER L WITH BAR
+\setXTXcharcodes "0023F "0023F "0023F % LATIN SMALL LETTER S WITH SWASH TAIL
+\setXTXcharcodes "00240 "00240 "00240 % LATIN SMALL LETTER Z WITH SWASH TAIL
+\setXTXcharcodes "00241 "00242 "00241 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER GLOTTAL STOP
+\setXTXcharcodes "00242 "00242 "00241 % LATIN SMALL LETTER GLOTTAL STOP
+\setXTXcharcodes "00243 "00180 "00243 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER B WITH STROKE
+\setXTXcharcodes "00244 "00289 "00244 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U BAR
+\setXTXcharcodes "00245 "0028C "00245 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER TURNED V
+\setXTXcharcodes "00246 "00247 "00246 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH STROKE
+\setXTXcharcodes "00247 "00247 "00246 % LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH STROKE
+\setXTXcharcodes "00248 "00249 "00248 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER J WITH STROKE
+\setXTXcharcodes "00249 "00249 "00248 % LATIN SMALL LETTER J WITH STROKE
+\setXTXcharcodes "0024A "0024B "0024A % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER SMALL Q WITH HOOK TAIL
+\setXTXcharcodes "0024B "0024B "0024A % LATIN SMALL LETTER Q WITH HOOK TAIL
+\setXTXcharcodes "0024C "0024D "0024C % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER R WITH STROKE
+\setXTXcharcodes "0024D "0024D "0024C % LATIN SMALL LETTER R WITH STROKE
+\setXTXcharcodes "0024E "0024F "0024E % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y WITH STROKE
+\setXTXcharcodes "0024F "0024F "0024E % LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH STROKE
+\setXTXcharcodes "00250 "00250 "00250 % LATIN SMALL LETTER TURNED A
+\setXTXcharcodes "00251 "00251 "00251 % LATIN SMALL LETTER ALPHA
+\setXTXcharcodes "00252 "00252 "00252 % LATIN SMALL LETTER TURNED ALPHA
+\setXTXcharcodes "00253 "00253 "00181 % LATIN SMALL LETTER B WITH HOOK
+\setXTXcharcodes "00254 "00254 "00186 % LATIN SMALL LETTER OPEN O
+\setXTXcharcodes "00255 "00255 "00255 % LATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH CURL
+\setXTXcharcodes "00256 "00256 "00189 % LATIN SMALL LETTER D WITH TAIL
+\setXTXcharcodes "00257 "00257 "0018A % LATIN SMALL LETTER D WITH HOOK
+\setXTXcharcodes "00258 "00258 "00258 % LATIN SMALL LETTER REVERSED E
+\setXTXcharcodes "00259 "00259 "0018F % LATIN SMALL LETTER SCHWA
+\setXTXcharcodes "0025A "0025A "0025A % LATIN SMALL LETTER SCHWA WITH HOOK
+\setXTXcharcodes "0025B "0025B "00190 % LATIN SMALL LETTER OPEN E
+\setXTXcharcodes "0025C "0025C "0025C % LATIN SMALL LETTER REVERSED OPEN E
+\setXTXcharcodes "0025E "0025E "0025E % LATIN SMALL LETTER CLOSED REVERSED OPEN E
+\setXTXcharcodes "0025F "0025F "0025F % LATIN SMALL LETTER DOTLESS J WITH STROKE
+\setXTXcharcodes "00260 "00260 "00193 % LATIN SMALL LETTER G WITH HOOK
+\setXTXcharcodes "00261 "00261 "00261 % LATIN SMALL LETTER SCRIPT G
+\setXTXcharcodes "00262 "00262 "00262 % LATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL G
+\setXTXcharcodes "00263 "00263 "00194 % LATIN SMALL LETTER GAMMA
+\setXTXcharcodes "00264 "00264 "00264 % LATIN SMALL LETTER RAMS HORN
+\setXTXcharcodes "00265 "00265 "00265 % LATIN SMALL LETTER TURNED H
+\setXTXcharcodes "00266 "00266 "00266 % LATIN SMALL LETTER H WITH HOOK
+\setXTXcharcodes "00267 "00267 "00267 % LATIN SMALL LETTER HENG WITH HOOK
+\setXTXcharcodes "00268 "00268 "00197 % LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH STROKE
+\setXTXcharcodes "00269 "00269 "00196 % LATIN SMALL LETTER IOTA
+\setXTXcharcodes "0026A "0026A "0026A % LATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL I
+\setXTXcharcodes "0026B "0026B "02C62 % LATIN SMALL LETTER L WITH MIDDLE TILDE
+\setXTXcharcodes "0026C "0026C "0026C % LATIN SMALL LETTER L WITH BELT
+\setXTXcharcodes "0026D "0026D "0026D % LATIN SMALL LETTER L WITH RETROFLEX HOOK
+\setXTXcharcodes "0026E "0026E "0026E % LATIN SMALL LETTER LEZH
+\setXTXcharcodes "0026F "0026F "0019C % LATIN SMALL LETTER TURNED M
+\setXTXcharcodes "00270 "00270 "00270 % LATIN SMALL LETTER TURNED M WITH LONG LEG
+\setXTXcharcodes "00271 "00271 "00271 % LATIN SMALL LETTER M WITH HOOK
+\setXTXcharcodes "00272 "00272 "0019D % LATIN SMALL LETTER N WITH LEFT HOOK
+\setXTXcharcodes "00273 "00273 "00273 % LATIN SMALL LETTER N WITH RETROFLEX HOOK
+\setXTXcharcodes "00274 "00274 "00274 % LATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL N
+\setXTXcharcodes "00275 "00275 "0019F % LATIN SMALL LETTER BARRED O
+\setXTXcharcodes "00276 "00276 "00276 % LATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL OE
+\setXTXcharcodes "00277 "00277 "00277 % LATIN SMALL LETTER CLOSED OMEGA
+\setXTXcharcodes "00278 "00278 "00278 % LATIN SMALL LETTER PHI
+\setXTXcharcodes "00279 "00279 "00279 % LATIN SMALL LETTER TURNED R
+\setXTXcharcodes "0027A "0027A "0027A % LATIN SMALL LETTER TURNED R WITH LONG LEG
+\setXTXcharcodes "0027B "0027B "0027B % LATIN SMALL LETTER TURNED R WITH HOOK
+\setXTXcharcodes "0027C "0027C "0027C % LATIN SMALL LETTER R WITH LONG LEG
+\setXTXcharcodes "0027D "0027D "02C64 % LATIN SMALL LETTER R WITH TAIL
+\setXTXcharcodes "0027E "0027E "0027E % LATIN SMALL LETTER R WITH FISHHOOK
+\setXTXcharcodes "00280 "00280 "001A6 % LATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL R
+\setXTXcharcodes "00281 "00281 "00281 % LATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL INVERTED R
+\setXTXcharcodes "00282 "00282 "00282 % LATIN SMALL LETTER S WITH HOOK
+\setXTXcharcodes "00283 "00283 "001A9 % LATIN SMALL LETTER ESH
+\setXTXcharcodes "00284 "00284 "00284 % LATIN SMALL LETTER DOTLESS J WITH STROKE AND HOOK
+\setXTXcharcodes "00285 "00285 "00285 % LATIN SMALL LETTER SQUAT REVERSED ESH
+\setXTXcharcodes "00286 "00286 "00286 % LATIN SMALL LETTER ESH WITH CURL
+\setXTXcharcodes "00287 "00287 "00287 % LATIN SMALL LETTER TURNED T
+\setXTXcharcodes "00288 "00288 "001AE % LATIN SMALL LETTER T WITH RETROFLEX HOOK
+\setXTXcharcodes "00289 "00289 "00244 % LATIN SMALL LETTER U BAR
+\setXTXcharcodes "0028A "0028A "001B1 % LATIN SMALL LETTER UPSILON
+\setXTXcharcodes "0028B "0028B "001B2 % LATIN SMALL LETTER V WITH HOOK
+\setXTXcharcodes "0028C "0028C "00245 % LATIN SMALL LETTER TURNED V
+\setXTXcharcodes "0028D "0028D "0028D % LATIN SMALL LETTER TURNED W
+\setXTXcharcodes "0028E "0028E "0028E % LATIN SMALL LETTER TURNED Y
+\setXTXcharcodes "0028F "0028F "0028F % LATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL Y
+\setXTXcharcodes "00290 "00290 "00290 % LATIN SMALL LETTER Z WITH RETROFLEX HOOK
+\setXTXcharcodes "00291 "00291 "00291 % LATIN SMALL LETTER Z WITH CURL
+\setXTXcharcodes "00292 "00292 "001B7 % LATIN SMALL LETTER EZH
+\setXTXcharcodes "00293 "00293 "00293 % LATIN SMALL LETTER EZH WITH CURL
+\setXTXcharcodes "00295 "00295 "00295 % LATIN LETTER PHARYNGEAL VOICED FRICATIVE
+\setXTXcharcodes "00296 "00296 "00296 % LATIN LETTER INVERTED GLOTTAL STOP
+\setXTXcharcodes "00297 "00297 "00297 % LATIN LETTER STRETCHED C
+\setXTXcharcodes "00298 "00298 "00298 % LATIN LETTER BILABIAL CLICK
+\setXTXcharcodes "00299 "00299 "00299 % LATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL B
+\setXTXcharcodes "0029A "0029A "0029A % LATIN SMALL LETTER CLOSED OPEN E
+\setXTXcharcodes "0029B "0029B "0029B % LATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL G WITH HOOK
+\setXTXcharcodes "0029C "0029C "0029C % LATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL H
+\setXTXcharcodes "0029D "0029D "0029D % LATIN SMALL LETTER J WITH CROSSED-TAIL
+\setXTXcharcodes "0029E "0029E "0029E % LATIN SMALL LETTER TURNED K
+\setXTXcharcodes "0029F "0029F "0029F % LATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL L
+\setXTXcharcodes "002A0 "002A0 "002A0 % LATIN SMALL LETTER Q WITH HOOK
+\setXTXcharcodes "002A1 "002A1 "002A1 % LATIN LETTER GLOTTAL STOP WITH STROKE
+\setXTXcharcodes "002A3 "002A3 "002A3 % LATIN SMALL LETTER DZ DIGRAPH
+\setXTXcharcodes "002A4 "002A4 "002A4 % LATIN SMALL LETTER DEZH DIGRAPH
+\setXTXcharcodes "002A5 "002A5 "002A5 % LATIN SMALL LETTER DZ DIGRAPH WITH CURL
+\setXTXcharcodes "002A6 "002A6 "002A6 % LATIN SMALL LETTER TS DIGRAPH
+\setXTXcharcodes "002A7 "002A7 "002A7 % LATIN SMALL LETTER TESH DIGRAPH
+\setXTXcharcodes "002A8 "002A8 "002A8 % LATIN SMALL LETTER TC DIGRAPH WITH CURL
+\setXTXcharcodes "002A9 "002A9 "002A9 % LATIN SMALL LETTER FENG DIGRAPH
+\setXTXcharcodes "002AA "002AA "002AA % LATIN SMALL LETTER LS DIGRAPH
+\setXTXcharcodes "002AB "002AB "002AB % LATIN SMALL LETTER LZ DIGRAPH
+\setXTXcharcodes "00370 "00370 "00370 % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER HETA
+\setXTXcharcodes "00371 "00371 "00371 % GREEK SMALL LETTER HETA
+\setXTXcharcodes "00372 "00372 "00372 % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER ARCHAIC SAMPI
+\setXTXcharcodes "00373 "00373 "00373 % GREEK SMALL LETTER ARCHAIC SAMPI
+\setXTXcharcodes "00376 "00376 "00376 % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER PAMPHYLIAN DIGAMMA
+\setXTXcharcodes "00377 "00377 "00377 % GREEK SMALL LETTER PAMPHYLIAN DIGAMMA
+\setXTXcharcodes "0037F "0037F "0037F % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER YOT
+\setXTXcharcodes "00386 "003AC "00386 % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER ALPHA WITH TONOS
+\setXTXcharcodes "00388 "003AD "00388 % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER EPSILON WITH TONOS
+\setXTXcharcodes "00389 "003AE "00389 % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER ETA WITH TONOS
+\setXTXcharcodes "0038A "003AF "0038A % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER IOTA WITH TONOS
+\setXTXcharcodes "0038F "003CE "0038F % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER OMEGA WITH TONOS
+\setXTXcharcodes "00390 "00390 "00390 % GREEK SMALL LETTER IOTA WITH DIALYTIKA AND TONOS
+\setXTXcharcodes "00391 "003B1 "00391 % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER ALPHA
+\setXTXcharcodes "00392 "003B2 "00392 % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER BETA
+\setXTXcharcodes "00393 "003B3 "00393 % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER GAMMA
+\setXTXcharcodes "00394 "003B4 "00394 % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER DELTA
+\setXTXcharcodes "00395 "003B5 "00395 % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER EPSILON
+\setXTXcharcodes "00396 "003B6 "00396 % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER ZETA
+\setXTXcharcodes "00397 "003B7 "00397 % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER ETA
+\setXTXcharcodes "00398 "003B8 "00398 % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER THETA
+\setXTXcharcodes "00399 "003B9 "00399 % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER IOTA
+\setXTXcharcodes "0039A "003BA "0039A % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER KAPPA
+\setXTXcharcodes "0039B "003BB "0039B % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER LAMDA
+\setXTXcharcodes "0039C "003BC "0039C % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER MU
+\setXTXcharcodes "0039D "003BD "0039D % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER NU
+\setXTXcharcodes "0039E "003BE "0039E % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER XI
+\setXTXcharcodes "0039F "003BF "0039F % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER OMICRON
+\setXTXcharcodes "003A0 "003C0 "003A0 % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER PI
+\setXTXcharcodes "003A1 "003C1 "003A1 % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER RHO
+\setXTXcharcodes "003A3 "003C3 "003A3 % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER SIGMA
+\setXTXcharcodes "003A4 "003C4 "003A4 % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER TAU
+\setXTXcharcodes "003A5 "003C5 "003A5 % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER UPSILON
+\setXTXcharcodes "003A6 "003C6 "003A6 % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER PHI
+\setXTXcharcodes "003A7 "003C7 "003A7 % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER CHI
+\setXTXcharcodes "003A8 "003C8 "003A8 % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER PSI
+\setXTXcharcodes "003A9 "003C9 "003A9 % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER OMEGA
+\setXTXcharcodes "003AC "003AC "00386 % GREEK SMALL LETTER ALPHA WITH TONOS
+\setXTXcharcodes "003AD "003AD "00388 % GREEK SMALL LETTER EPSILON WITH TONOS
+\setXTXcharcodes "003AE "003AE "00389 % GREEK SMALL LETTER ETA WITH TONOS
+\setXTXcharcodes "003AF "003AF "0038A % GREEK SMALL LETTER IOTA WITH TONOS
+\setXTXcharcodes "003B1 "003B1 "00391 % GREEK SMALL LETTER ALPHA
+\setXTXcharcodes "003B2 "003B2 "00392 % GREEK SMALL LETTER BETA
+\setXTXcharcodes "003B3 "003B3 "00393 % GREEK SMALL LETTER GAMMA
+\setXTXcharcodes "003B4 "003B4 "00394 % GREEK SMALL LETTER DELTA
+\setXTXcharcodes "003B5 "003B5 "00395 % GREEK SMALL LETTER EPSILON
+\setXTXcharcodes "003B6 "003B6 "00396 % GREEK SMALL LETTER ZETA
+\setXTXcharcodes "003B7 "003B7 "00397 % GREEK SMALL LETTER ETA
+\setXTXcharcodes "003B8 "003B8 "00398 % GREEK SMALL LETTER THETA
+\setXTXcharcodes "003B9 "003B9 "00399 % GREEK SMALL LETTER IOTA
+\setXTXcharcodes "003BA "003BA "0039A % GREEK SMALL LETTER KAPPA
+\setXTXcharcodes "003BB "003BB "0039B % GREEK SMALL LETTER LAMDA
+\setXTXcharcodes "003BC "003BC "0039C % GREEK SMALL LETTER MU
+\setXTXcharcodes "003BD "003BD "0039D % GREEK SMALL LETTER NU
+\setXTXcharcodes "003BE "003BE "0039E % GREEK SMALL LETTER XI
+\setXTXcharcodes "003BF "003BF "0039F % GREEK SMALL LETTER OMICRON
+\setXTXcharcodes "003C0 "003C0 "003A0 % GREEK SMALL LETTER PI
+\setXTXcharcodes "003C1 "003C1 "003A1 % GREEK SMALL LETTER RHO
+\setXTXcharcodes "003C2 "003C2 "003A3 % GREEK SMALL LETTER FINAL SIGMA
+\setXTXcharcodes "003C3 "003C3 "003A3 % GREEK SMALL LETTER SIGMA
+\setXTXcharcodes "003C4 "003C4 "003A4 % GREEK SMALL LETTER TAU
+\setXTXcharcodes "003C5 "003C5 "003A5 % GREEK SMALL LETTER UPSILON
+\setXTXcharcodes "003C6 "003C6 "003A6 % GREEK SMALL LETTER PHI
+\setXTXcharcodes "003C7 "003C7 "003A7 % GREEK SMALL LETTER CHI
+\setXTXcharcodes "003C8 "003C8 "003A8 % GREEK SMALL LETTER PSI
+\setXTXcharcodes "003C9 "003C9 "003A9 % GREEK SMALL LETTER OMEGA
+\setXTXcharcodes "003CE "003CE "0038F % GREEK SMALL LETTER OMEGA WITH TONOS
+\setXTXcharcodes "003CF "003CF "003CF % GREEK CAPITAL KAI SYMBOL
+\setXTXcharcodes "003D0 "003D0 "00392 % GREEK BETA SYMBOL
+\setXTXcharcodes "003D1 "003D1 "00398 % GREEK THETA SYMBOL
+\setXTXcharcodes "003D2 "003D2 "003D2 % GREEK UPSILON WITH HOOK SYMBOL
+\setXTXcharcodes "003D3 "003D3 "003D3 % GREEK UPSILON WITH ACUTE AND HOOK SYMBOL
+\setXTXcharcodes "003D5 "003D5 "003A6 % GREEK PHI SYMBOL
+\setXTXcharcodes "003D6 "003D6 "003A0 % GREEK PI SYMBOL
+\setXTXcharcodes "003D7 "003D7 "003D7 % GREEK KAI SYMBOL
+\setXTXcharcodes "003D8 "003D9 "003D8 % GREEK LETTER ARCHAIC KOPPA
+\setXTXcharcodes "003D9 "003D9 "003D8 % GREEK SMALL LETTER ARCHAIC KOPPA
+\setXTXcharcodes "003DA "003DB "003DA % GREEK LETTER STIGMA
+\setXTXcharcodes "003DB "003DB "003DA % GREEK SMALL LETTER STIGMA
+\setXTXcharcodes "003DC "003DD "003DC % GREEK LETTER DIGAMMA
+\setXTXcharcodes "003DD "003DD "003DC % GREEK SMALL LETTER DIGAMMA
+\setXTXcharcodes "003DE "003DF "003DE % GREEK LETTER KOPPA
+\setXTXcharcodes "003DF "003DF "003DE % GREEK SMALL LETTER KOPPA
+\setXTXcharcodes "003E0 "003E1 "003E0 % GREEK LETTER SAMPI
+\setXTXcharcodes "003E1 "003E1 "003E0 % GREEK SMALL LETTER SAMPI
+\setXTXcharcodes "003E2 "003E3 "003E2 % COPTIC CAPITAL LETTER SHEI
+\setXTXcharcodes "003E3 "003E3 "003E2 % COPTIC SMALL LETTER SHEI
+\setXTXcharcodes "003E4 "003E5 "003E4 % COPTIC CAPITAL LETTER FEI
+\setXTXcharcodes "003E5 "003E5 "003E4 % COPTIC SMALL LETTER FEI
+\setXTXcharcodes "003E6 "003E7 "003E6 % COPTIC CAPITAL LETTER KHEI
+\setXTXcharcodes "003E7 "003E7 "003E6 % COPTIC SMALL LETTER KHEI
+\setXTXcharcodes "003E8 "003E9 "003E8 % COPTIC CAPITAL LETTER HORI
+\setXTXcharcodes "003E9 "003E9 "003E8 % COPTIC SMALL LETTER HORI
+\setXTXcharcodes "003EA "003EB "003EA % COPTIC CAPITAL LETTER GANGIA
+\setXTXcharcodes "003EB "003EB "003EA % COPTIC SMALL LETTER GANGIA
+\setXTXcharcodes "003EC "003ED "003EC % COPTIC CAPITAL LETTER SHIMA
+\setXTXcharcodes "003ED "003ED "003EC % COPTIC SMALL LETTER SHIMA
+\setXTXcharcodes "003EE "003EF "003EE % COPTIC CAPITAL LETTER DEI
+\setXTXcharcodes "003EF "003EF "003EE % COPTIC SMALL LETTER DEI
+\setXTXcharcodes "003F0 "003F0 "0039A % GREEK KAPPA SYMBOL
+\setXTXcharcodes "003F1 "003F1 "003A1 % GREEK RHO SYMBOL
+\setXTXcharcodes "003F2 "003F2 "003F9 % GREEK LUNATE SIGMA SYMBOL
+\setXTXcharcodes "003F3 "003F3 "003F3 % GREEK LETTER YOT
+\setXTXcharcodes "003F4 "003B8 "003F4 % GREEK CAPITAL THETA SYMBOL
+\setXTXcharcodes "003F5 "003F5 "00395 % GREEK LUNATE EPSILON SYMBOL
+\setXTXcharcodes "003F7 "003F8 "003F7 % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER SHO
+\setXTXcharcodes "003F8 "003F8 "003F7 % GREEK SMALL LETTER SHO
+\setXTXcharcodes "003F9 "003F2 "003F9 % GREEK CAPITAL LUNATE SIGMA SYMBOL
+\setXTXcharcodes "003FA "003FB "003FA % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER SAN
+\setXTXcharcodes "003FB "003FB "003FA % GREEK SMALL LETTER SAN
+\setXTXcharcodes "003FC "003FC "003FC % GREEK RHO WITH STROKE SYMBOL
+\setXTXcharcodes "00400 "00450 "00400 % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER IE WITH GRAVE
+\setXTXcharcodes "00401 "00451 "00401 % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER IO
+\setXTXcharcodes "00402 "00452 "00402 % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER DJE
+\setXTXcharcodes "00403 "00453 "00403 % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER GJE
+\setXTXcharcodes "00404 "00454 "00404 % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER UKRAINIAN IE
+\setXTXcharcodes "00405 "00455 "00405 % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER DZE
+\setXTXcharcodes "00407 "00457 "00407 % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER YI
+\setXTXcharcodes "00408 "00458 "00408 % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER JE
+\setXTXcharcodes "00409 "00459 "00409 % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER LJE
+\setXTXcharcodes "0040A "0045A "0040A % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER NJE
+\setXTXcharcodes "0040B "0045B "0040B % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER TSHE
+\setXTXcharcodes "0040C "0045C "0040C % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER KJE
+\setXTXcharcodes "0040D "0045D "0040D % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER I WITH GRAVE
+\setXTXcharcodes "0040E "0045E "0040E % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER SHORT U
+\setXTXcharcodes "0040F "0045F "0040F % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER DZHE
+\setXTXcharcodes "00410 "00430 "00410 % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER A
+\setXTXcharcodes "00411 "00431 "00411 % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER BE
+\setXTXcharcodes "00412 "00432 "00412 % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER VE
+\setXTXcharcodes "00413 "00433 "00413 % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER GHE
+\setXTXcharcodes "00414 "00434 "00414 % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER DE
+\setXTXcharcodes "00415 "00435 "00415 % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER IE
+\setXTXcharcodes "00416 "00436 "00416 % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER ZHE
+\setXTXcharcodes "00417 "00437 "00417 % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER ZE
+\setXTXcharcodes "00418 "00438 "00418 % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER I
+\setXTXcharcodes "00419 "00439 "00419 % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER SHORT I
+\setXTXcharcodes "0041A "0043A "0041A % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER KA
+\setXTXcharcodes "0041B "0043B "0041B % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER EL
+\setXTXcharcodes "0041C "0043C "0041C % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER EM
+\setXTXcharcodes "0041D "0043D "0041D % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER EN
+\setXTXcharcodes "0041E "0043E "0041E % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER O
+\setXTXcharcodes "0041F "0043F "0041F % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER PE
+\setXTXcharcodes "00420 "00440 "00420 % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER ER
+\setXTXcharcodes "00421 "00441 "00421 % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER ES
+\setXTXcharcodes "00422 "00442 "00422 % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER TE
+\setXTXcharcodes "00423 "00443 "00423 % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER U
+\setXTXcharcodes "00424 "00444 "00424 % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER EF
+\setXTXcharcodes "00425 "00445 "00425 % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER HA
+\setXTXcharcodes "00426 "00446 "00426 % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER TSE
+\setXTXcharcodes "00427 "00447 "00427 % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER CHE
+\setXTXcharcodes "00428 "00448 "00428 % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER SHA
+\setXTXcharcodes "00429 "00449 "00429 % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER SHCHA
+\setXTXcharcodes "0042A "0044A "0042A % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER HARD SIGN
+\setXTXcharcodes "0042B "0044B "0042B % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER YERU
+\setXTXcharcodes "0042C "0044C "0042C % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER SOFT SIGN
+\setXTXcharcodes "0042D "0044D "0042D % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER E
+\setXTXcharcodes "0042E "0044E "0042E % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER YU
+\setXTXcharcodes "0042F "0044F "0042F % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER YA
+\setXTXcharcodes "00430 "00430 "00410 % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER A
+\setXTXcharcodes "00431 "00431 "00411 % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER BE
+\setXTXcharcodes "00432 "00432 "00412 % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER VE
+\setXTXcharcodes "00433 "00433 "00413 % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER GHE
+\setXTXcharcodes "00434 "00434 "00414 % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER DE
+\setXTXcharcodes "00435 "00435 "00415 % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER IE
+\setXTXcharcodes "00436 "00436 "00416 % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER ZHE
+\setXTXcharcodes "00437 "00437 "00417 % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER ZE
+\setXTXcharcodes "00438 "00438 "00418 % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER I
+\setXTXcharcodes "00439 "00439 "00419 % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER SHORT I
+\setXTXcharcodes "0043A "0043A "0041A % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER KA
+\setXTXcharcodes "0043B "0043B "0041B % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER EL
+\setXTXcharcodes "0043C "0043C "0041C % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER EM
+\setXTXcharcodes "0043D "0043D "0041D % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER EN
+\setXTXcharcodes "0043E "0043E "0041E % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER O
+\setXTXcharcodes "0043F "0043F "0041F % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER PE
+\setXTXcharcodes "00440 "00440 "00420 % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER ER
+\setXTXcharcodes "00441 "00441 "00421 % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER ES
+\setXTXcharcodes "00442 "00442 "00422 % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER TE
+\setXTXcharcodes "00443 "00443 "00423 % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER U
+\setXTXcharcodes "00444 "00444 "00424 % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER EF
+\setXTXcharcodes "00445 "00445 "00425 % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER HA
+\setXTXcharcodes "00446 "00446 "00426 % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER TSE
+\setXTXcharcodes "00447 "00447 "00427 % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER CHE
+\setXTXcharcodes "00448 "00448 "00428 % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER SHA
+\setXTXcharcodes "00449 "00449 "00429 % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER SHCHA
+\setXTXcharcodes "0044A "0044A "0042A % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER HARD SIGN
+\setXTXcharcodes "0044B "0044B "0042B % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER YERU
+\setXTXcharcodes "0044C "0044C "0042C % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER SOFT SIGN
+\setXTXcharcodes "0044D "0044D "0042D % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER E
+\setXTXcharcodes "0044E "0044E "0042E % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER YU
+\setXTXcharcodes "0044F "0044F "0042F % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER YA
+\setXTXcharcodes "00450 "00450 "00400 % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER IE WITH GRAVE
+\setXTXcharcodes "00451 "00451 "00401 % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER IO
+\setXTXcharcodes "00452 "00452 "00402 % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER DJE
+\setXTXcharcodes "00453 "00453 "00403 % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER GJE
+\setXTXcharcodes "00454 "00454 "00404 % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER UKRAINIAN IE
+\setXTXcharcodes "00455 "00455 "00405 % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER DZE
+\setXTXcharcodes "00457 "00457 "00407 % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER YI
+\setXTXcharcodes "00458 "00458 "00408 % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER JE
+\setXTXcharcodes "00459 "00459 "00409 % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER LJE
+\setXTXcharcodes "0045A "0045A "0040A % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER NJE
+\setXTXcharcodes "0045B "0045B "0040B % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER TSHE
+\setXTXcharcodes "0045C "0045C "0040C % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER KJE
+\setXTXcharcodes "0045D "0045D "0040D % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER I WITH GRAVE
+\setXTXcharcodes "0045E "0045E "0040E % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER SHORT U
+\setXTXcharcodes "0045F "0045F "0040F % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER DZHE
+\setXTXcharcodes "00460 "00461 "00460 % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER OMEGA
+\setXTXcharcodes "00461 "00461 "00460 % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER OMEGA
+\setXTXcharcodes "00462 "00463 "00462 % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER YAT
+\setXTXcharcodes "00463 "00463 "00462 % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER YAT
+\setXTXcharcodes "00464 "00465 "00464 % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER IOTIFIED E
+\setXTXcharcodes "00465 "00465 "00464 % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER IOTIFIED E
+\setXTXcharcodes "00466 "00467 "00466 % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER LITTLE YUS
+\setXTXcharcodes "00467 "00467 "00466 % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER LITTLE YUS
+\setXTXcharcodes "00468 "00469 "00468 % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER IOTIFIED LITTLE YUS
+\setXTXcharcodes "00469 "00469 "00468 % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER IOTIFIED LITTLE YUS
+\setXTXcharcodes "0046A "0046B "0046A % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER BIG YUS
+\setXTXcharcodes "0046B "0046B "0046A % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER BIG YUS
+\setXTXcharcodes "0046D "0046D "0046C % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER IOTIFIED BIG YUS
+\setXTXcharcodes "0046E "0046F "0046E % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER KSI
+\setXTXcharcodes "0046F "0046F "0046E % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER KSI
+\setXTXcharcodes "00470 "00471 "00470 % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER PSI
+\setXTXcharcodes "00471 "00471 "00470 % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER PSI
+\setXTXcharcodes "00472 "00473 "00472 % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER FITA
+\setXTXcharcodes "00473 "00473 "00472 % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER FITA
+\setXTXcharcodes "00474 "00475 "00474 % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER IZHITSA
+\setXTXcharcodes "00475 "00475 "00474 % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER IZHITSA
+\setXTXcharcodes "00478 "00479 "00478 % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER UK
+\setXTXcharcodes "00479 "00479 "00478 % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER UK
+\setXTXcharcodes "0047A "0047B "0047A % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER ROUND OMEGA
+\setXTXcharcodes "0047B "0047B "0047A % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER ROUND OMEGA
+\setXTXcharcodes "0047D "0047D "0047C % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER OMEGA WITH TITLO
+\setXTXcharcodes "0047E "0047F "0047E % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER OT
+\setXTXcharcodes "0047F "0047F "0047E % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER OT
+\setXTXcharcodes "00480 "00481 "00480 % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER KOPPA
+\setXTXcharcodes "00481 "00481 "00480 % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER KOPPA
+\setXTXcharcodes "0048A "0048B "0048A % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER SHORT I WITH TAIL
+\setXTXcharcodes "0048B "0048B "0048A % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER SHORT I WITH TAIL
+\setXTXcharcodes "0048C "0048D "0048C % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER SEMISOFT SIGN
+\setXTXcharcodes "0048D "0048D "0048C % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER SEMISOFT SIGN
+\setXTXcharcodes "0048E "0048F "0048E % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER ER WITH TICK
+\setXTXcharcodes "0048F "0048F "0048E % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER ER WITH TICK
+\setXTXcharcodes "00490 "00491 "00490 % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER GHE WITH UPTURN
+\setXTXcharcodes "00491 "00491 "00490 % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER GHE WITH UPTURN
+\setXTXcharcodes "00492 "00493 "00492 % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER GHE WITH STROKE
+\setXTXcharcodes "00493 "00493 "00492 % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER GHE WITH STROKE
+\setXTXcharcodes "00494 "00495 "00494 % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER GHE WITH MIDDLE HOOK
+\setXTXcharcodes "00495 "00495 "00494 % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER GHE WITH MIDDLE HOOK
+\setXTXcharcodes "00496 "00497 "00496 % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER ZHE WITH DESCENDER
+\setXTXcharcodes "00497 "00497 "00496 % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER ZHE WITH DESCENDER
+\setXTXcharcodes "00498 "00499 "00498 % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER ZE WITH DESCENDER
+\setXTXcharcodes "00499 "00499 "00498 % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER ZE WITH DESCENDER
+\setXTXcharcodes "0049B "0049B "0049A % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER KA WITH DESCENDER
+\setXTXcharcodes "0049E "0049F "0049E % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER KA WITH STROKE
+\setXTXcharcodes "0049F "0049F "0049E % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER KA WITH STROKE
+\setXTXcharcodes "004A0 "004A1 "004A0 % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER BASHKIR KA
+\setXTXcharcodes "004A1 "004A1 "004A0 % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER BASHKIR KA
+\setXTXcharcodes "004A3 "004A3 "004A2 % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER EN WITH DESCENDER
+\setXTXcharcodes "004A4 "004A5 "004A4 % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LIGATURE EN GHE
+\setXTXcharcodes "004A5 "004A5 "004A4 % CYRILLIC SMALL LIGATURE EN GHE
+\setXTXcharcodes "004A7 "004A7 "004A6 % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER PE WITH MIDDLE HOOK
+\setXTXcharcodes "004A8 "004A9 "004A8 % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER ABKHASIAN HA
+\setXTXcharcodes "004A9 "004A9 "004A8 % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER ABKHASIAN HA
+\setXTXcharcodes "004B3 "004B3 "004B2 % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER HA WITH DESCENDER
+\setXTXcharcodes "004B4 "004B5 "004B4 % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LIGATURE TE TSE
+\setXTXcharcodes "004B5 "004B5 "004B4 % CYRILLIC SMALL LIGATURE TE TSE
+\setXTXcharcodes "004BA "004BB "004BA % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER SHHA
+\setXTXcharcodes "004BB "004BB "004BA % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER SHHA
+\setXTXcharcodes "004C0 "004CF "004C0 % CYRILLIC LETTER PALOCHKA
+\setXTXcharcodes "004C1 "004C2 "004C1 % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER ZHE WITH BREVE
+\setXTXcharcodes "004C2 "004C2 "004C1 % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER ZHE WITH BREVE
+\setXTXcharcodes "004C3 "004C4 "004C3 % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER KA WITH HOOK
+\setXTXcharcodes "004C4 "004C4 "004C3 % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER KA WITH HOOK
+\setXTXcharcodes "004C5 "004C6 "004C5 % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER EL WITH TAIL
+\setXTXcharcodes "004C6 "004C6 "004C5 % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER EL WITH TAIL
+\setXTXcharcodes "004C7 "004C8 "004C7 % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER EN WITH HOOK
+\setXTXcharcodes "004C8 "004C8 "004C7 % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER EN WITH HOOK
+\setXTXcharcodes "004C9 "004CA "004C9 % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER EN WITH TAIL
+\setXTXcharcodes "004CA "004CA "004C9 % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER EN WITH TAIL
+\setXTXcharcodes "004CF "004CF "004C0 % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER PALOCHKA
+\setXTXcharcodes "004D0 "004D1 "004D0 % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER A WITH BREVE
+\setXTXcharcodes "004D1 "004D1 "004D0 % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER A WITH BREVE
+\setXTXcharcodes "004D3 "004D3 "004D2 % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS
+\setXTXcharcodes "004D4 "004D5 "004D4 % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LIGATURE A IE
+\setXTXcharcodes "004D5 "004D5 "004D4 % CYRILLIC SMALL LIGATURE A IE
+\setXTXcharcodes "004D6 "004D7 "004D6 % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER IE WITH BREVE
+\setXTXcharcodes "004D7 "004D7 "004D6 % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER IE WITH BREVE
+\setXTXcharcodes "004D8 "004D9 "004D8 % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER SCHWA
+\setXTXcharcodes "004D9 "004D9 "004D8 % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER SCHWA
+\setXTXcharcodes "004E0 "004E1 "004E0 % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER ABKHASIAN DZE
+\setXTXcharcodes "004E1 "004E1 "004E0 % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER ABKHASIAN DZE
+\setXTXcharcodes "004E2 "004E3 "004E2 % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER I WITH MACRON
+\setXTXcharcodes "004E3 "004E3 "004E2 % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER I WITH MACRON
+\setXTXcharcodes "004E5 "004E5 "004E4 % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER I WITH DIAERESIS
+\setXTXcharcodes "004E7 "004E7 "004E6 % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS
+\setXTXcharcodes "004E8 "004E9 "004E8 % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER BARRED O
+\setXTXcharcodes "004E9 "004E9 "004E8 % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER BARRED O
+\setXTXcharcodes "004F1 "004F1 "004F0 % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS
+\setXTXcharcodes "004F3 "004F3 "004F2 % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER U WITH DOUBLE ACUTE
+\setXTXcharcodes "00500 "00501 "00500 % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER KOMI DE
+\setXTXcharcodes "00501 "00501 "00500 % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER KOMI DE
+\setXTXcharcodes "00502 "00503 "00502 % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER KOMI DJE
+\setXTXcharcodes "00503 "00503 "00502 % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER KOMI DJE
+\setXTXcharcodes "00504 "00505 "00504 % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER KOMI ZJE
+\setXTXcharcodes "00505 "00505 "00504 % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER KOMI ZJE
+\setXTXcharcodes "00506 "00507 "00506 % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER KOMI DZJE
+\setXTXcharcodes "00507 "00507 "00506 % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER KOMI DZJE
+\setXTXcharcodes "00508 "00509 "00508 % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER KOMI LJE
+\setXTXcharcodes "00509 "00509 "00508 % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER KOMI LJE
+\setXTXcharcodes "0050A "0050B "0050A % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER KOMI NJE
+\setXTXcharcodes "0050B "0050B "0050A % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER KOMI NJE
+\setXTXcharcodes "0050C "0050D "0050C % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER KOMI SJE
+\setXTXcharcodes "0050D "0050D "0050C % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER KOMI SJE
+\setXTXcharcodes "0050E "0050F "0050E % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER KOMI TJE
+\setXTXcharcodes "0050F "0050F "0050E % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER KOMI TJE
+\setXTXcharcodes "00510 "00511 "00510 % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER REVERSED ZE
+\setXTXcharcodes "00511 "00511 "00510 % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER REVERSED ZE
+\setXTXcharcodes "00512 "00513 "00512 % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER EL WITH HOOK
+\setXTXcharcodes "00513 "00513 "00512 % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER EL WITH HOOK
+\setXTXcharcodes "00514 "00514 "00514 % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER LHA
+\setXTXcharcodes "00515 "00515 "00515 % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER LHA
+\setXTXcharcodes "00516 "00516 "00516 % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER RHA
+\setXTXcharcodes "00517 "00517 "00517 % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER RHA
+\setXTXcharcodes "00518 "00518 "00518 % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER YAE
+\setXTXcharcodes "00519 "00519 "00519 % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER YAE
+\setXTXcharcodes "0051A "0051A "0051A % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER QA
+\setXTXcharcodes "0051B "0051B "0051B % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER QA
+\setXTXcharcodes "0051C "0051C "0051C % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER WE
+\setXTXcharcodes "0051D "0051D "0051D % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER WE
+\setXTXcharcodes "0051E "0051E "0051E % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER ALEUT KA
+\setXTXcharcodes "0051F "0051F "0051F % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER ALEUT KA
+\setXTXcharcodes "00520 "00520 "00520 % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER EL WITH MIDDLE HOOK
+\setXTXcharcodes "00521 "00521 "00521 % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER EL WITH MIDDLE HOOK
+\setXTXcharcodes "00522 "00522 "00522 % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER EN WITH MIDDLE HOOK
+\setXTXcharcodes "00523 "00523 "00523 % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER EN WITH MIDDLE HOOK
+\setXTXcharcodes "00524 "00524 "00524 % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER PE WITH DESCENDER
+\setXTXcharcodes "00525 "00525 "00525 % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER PE WITH DESCENDER
+\setXTXcharcodes "00526 "00526 "00526 % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER SHHA WITH DESCENDER
+\setXTXcharcodes "00527 "00527 "00527 % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER SHHA WITH DESCENDER
+\setXTXcharcodes "00528 "00528 "00528 % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER EN WITH LEFT HOOK
+\setXTXcharcodes "00529 "00529 "00529 % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER EN WITH LEFT HOOK
+\setXTXcharcodes "0052A "0052A "0052A % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER DZZHE
+\setXTXcharcodes "0052B "0052B "0052B % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER DZZHE
+\setXTXcharcodes "0052C "0052C "0052C % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER DCHE
+\setXTXcharcodes "0052D "0052D "0052D % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER DCHE
+\setXTXcharcodes "0052F "0052F "0052F % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER EL WITH DESCENDER
+\setXTXcharcodes "00531 "00561 "00531 % ARMENIAN CAPITAL LETTER AYB
+\setXTXcharcodes "00532 "00562 "00532 % ARMENIAN CAPITAL LETTER BEN
+\setXTXcharcodes "00533 "00563 "00533 % ARMENIAN CAPITAL LETTER GIM
+\setXTXcharcodes "00534 "00564 "00534 % ARMENIAN CAPITAL LETTER DA
+\setXTXcharcodes "00535 "00565 "00535 % ARMENIAN CAPITAL LETTER ECH
+\setXTXcharcodes "00536 "00566 "00536 % ARMENIAN CAPITAL LETTER ZA
+\setXTXcharcodes "00537 "00567 "00537 % ARMENIAN CAPITAL LETTER EH
+\setXTXcharcodes "00538 "00568 "00538 % ARMENIAN CAPITAL LETTER ET
+\setXTXcharcodes "00539 "00569 "00539 % ARMENIAN CAPITAL LETTER TO
+\setXTXcharcodes "0053A "0056A "0053A % ARMENIAN CAPITAL LETTER ZHE
+\setXTXcharcodes "0053B "0056B "0053B % ARMENIAN CAPITAL LETTER INI
+\setXTXcharcodes "0053C "0056C "0053C % ARMENIAN CAPITAL LETTER LIWN
+\setXTXcharcodes "0053D "0056D "0053D % ARMENIAN CAPITAL LETTER XEH
+\setXTXcharcodes "0053E "0056E "0053E % ARMENIAN CAPITAL LETTER CA
+\setXTXcharcodes "0053F "0056F "0053F % ARMENIAN CAPITAL LETTER KEN
+\setXTXcharcodes "00540 "00570 "00540 % ARMENIAN CAPITAL LETTER HO
+\setXTXcharcodes "00541 "00571 "00541 % ARMENIAN CAPITAL LETTER JA
+\setXTXcharcodes "00542 "00572 "00542 % ARMENIAN CAPITAL LETTER GHAD
+\setXTXcharcodes "00543 "00573 "00543 % ARMENIAN CAPITAL LETTER CHEH
+\setXTXcharcodes "00544 "00574 "00544 % ARMENIAN CAPITAL LETTER MEN
+\setXTXcharcodes "00545 "00575 "00545 % ARMENIAN CAPITAL LETTER YI
+\setXTXcharcodes "00546 "00576 "00546 % ARMENIAN CAPITAL LETTER NOW
+\setXTXcharcodes "00547 "00577 "00547 % ARMENIAN CAPITAL LETTER SHA
+\setXTXcharcodes "00548 "00578 "00548 % ARMENIAN CAPITAL LETTER VO
+\setXTXcharcodes "00549 "00579 "00549 % ARMENIAN CAPITAL LETTER CHA
+\setXTXcharcodes "0054A "0057A "0054A % ARMENIAN CAPITAL LETTER PEH
+\setXTXcharcodes "0054B "0057B "0054B % ARMENIAN CAPITAL LETTER JHEH
+\setXTXcharcodes "0054C "0057C "0054C % ARMENIAN CAPITAL LETTER RA
+\setXTXcharcodes "0054D "0057D "0054D % ARMENIAN CAPITAL LETTER SEH
+\setXTXcharcodes "0054E "0057E "0054E % ARMENIAN CAPITAL LETTER VEW
+\setXTXcharcodes "0054F "0057F "0054F % ARMENIAN CAPITAL LETTER TIWN
+\setXTXcharcodes "00550 "00580 "00550 % ARMENIAN CAPITAL LETTER REH
+\setXTXcharcodes "00551 "00581 "00551 % ARMENIAN CAPITAL LETTER CO
+\setXTXcharcodes "00552 "00582 "00552 % ARMENIAN CAPITAL LETTER YIWN
+\setXTXcharcodes "00553 "00583 "00553 % ARMENIAN CAPITAL LETTER PIWR
+\setXTXcharcodes "00554 "00584 "00554 % ARMENIAN CAPITAL LETTER KEH
+\setXTXcharcodes "00555 "00585 "00555 % ARMENIAN CAPITAL LETTER OH
+\setXTXcharcodes "00556 "00586 "00556 % ARMENIAN CAPITAL LETTER FEH
+\setXTXcharcodes "00561 "00561 "00531 % ARMENIAN SMALL LETTER AYB
+\setXTXcharcodes "00562 "00562 "00532 % ARMENIAN SMALL LETTER BEN
+\setXTXcharcodes "00563 "00563 "00533 % ARMENIAN SMALL LETTER GIM
+\setXTXcharcodes "00564 "00564 "00534 % ARMENIAN SMALL LETTER DA
+\setXTXcharcodes "00565 "00565 "00535 % ARMENIAN SMALL LETTER ECH
+\setXTXcharcodes "00566 "00566 "00536 % ARMENIAN SMALL LETTER ZA
+\setXTXcharcodes "00567 "00567 "00537 % ARMENIAN SMALL LETTER EH
+\setXTXcharcodes "00568 "00568 "00538 % ARMENIAN SMALL LETTER ET
+\setXTXcharcodes "00569 "00569 "00539 % ARMENIAN SMALL LETTER TO
+\setXTXcharcodes "0056A "0056A "0053A % ARMENIAN SMALL LETTER ZHE
+\setXTXcharcodes "0056B "0056B "0053B % ARMENIAN SMALL LETTER INI
+\setXTXcharcodes "0056C "0056C "0053C % ARMENIAN SMALL LETTER LIWN
+\setXTXcharcodes "0056D "0056D "0053D % ARMENIAN SMALL LETTER XEH
+\setXTXcharcodes "0056E "0056E "0053E % ARMENIAN SMALL LETTER CA
+\setXTXcharcodes "0056F "0056F "0053F % ARMENIAN SMALL LETTER KEN
+\setXTXcharcodes "00570 "00570 "00540 % ARMENIAN SMALL LETTER HO
+\setXTXcharcodes "00571 "00571 "00541 % ARMENIAN SMALL LETTER JA
+\setXTXcharcodes "00572 "00572 "00542 % ARMENIAN SMALL LETTER GHAD
+\setXTXcharcodes "00573 "00573 "00543 % ARMENIAN SMALL LETTER CHEH
+\setXTXcharcodes "00574 "00574 "00544 % ARMENIAN SMALL LETTER MEN
+\setXTXcharcodes "00575 "00575 "00545 % ARMENIAN SMALL LETTER YI
+\setXTXcharcodes "00576 "00576 "00546 % ARMENIAN SMALL LETTER NOW
+\setXTXcharcodes "00577 "00577 "00547 % ARMENIAN SMALL LETTER SHA
+\setXTXcharcodes "00578 "00578 "00548 % ARMENIAN SMALL LETTER VO
+\setXTXcharcodes "00579 "00579 "00549 % ARMENIAN SMALL LETTER CHA
+\setXTXcharcodes "0057A "0057A "0054A % ARMENIAN SMALL LETTER PEH
+\setXTXcharcodes "0057B "0057B "0054B % ARMENIAN SMALL LETTER JHEH
+\setXTXcharcodes "0057C "0057C "0054C % ARMENIAN SMALL LETTER RA
+\setXTXcharcodes "0057D "0057D "0054D % ARMENIAN SMALL LETTER SEH
+\setXTXcharcodes "0057E "0057E "0054E % ARMENIAN SMALL LETTER VEW
+\setXTXcharcodes "0057F "0057F "0054F % ARMENIAN SMALL LETTER TIWN
+\setXTXcharcodes "00580 "00580 "00550 % ARMENIAN SMALL LETTER REH
+\setXTXcharcodes "00581 "00581 "00551 % ARMENIAN SMALL LETTER CO
+\setXTXcharcodes "00582 "00582 "00552 % ARMENIAN SMALL LETTER YIWN
+\setXTXcharcodes "00583 "00583 "00553 % ARMENIAN SMALL LETTER PIWR
+\setXTXcharcodes "00584 "00584 "00554 % ARMENIAN SMALL LETTER KEH
+\setXTXcharcodes "00585 "00585 "00555 % ARMENIAN SMALL LETTER OH
+\setXTXcharcodes "00586 "00586 "00556 % ARMENIAN SMALL LETTER FEH
+\setXTXcharcodes "00587 "00587 "00587 % ARMENIAN SMALL LIGATURE ECH YIWN
+\setXTXcharcodes "010A0 "02D00 "010A0 % GEORGIAN CAPITAL LETTER AN
+\setXTXcharcodes "010A1 "02D01 "010A1 % GEORGIAN CAPITAL LETTER BAN
+\setXTXcharcodes "010A2 "02D02 "010A2 % GEORGIAN CAPITAL LETTER GAN
+\setXTXcharcodes "010A3 "02D03 "010A3 % GEORGIAN CAPITAL LETTER DON
+\setXTXcharcodes "010A4 "02D04 "010A4 % GEORGIAN CAPITAL LETTER EN
+\setXTXcharcodes "010A5 "02D05 "010A5 % GEORGIAN CAPITAL LETTER VIN
+\setXTXcharcodes "010A6 "02D06 "010A6 % GEORGIAN CAPITAL LETTER ZEN
+\setXTXcharcodes "010A7 "02D07 "010A7 % GEORGIAN CAPITAL LETTER TAN
+\setXTXcharcodes "010A8 "02D08 "010A8 % GEORGIAN CAPITAL LETTER IN
+\setXTXcharcodes "010A9 "02D09 "010A9 % GEORGIAN CAPITAL LETTER KAN
+\setXTXcharcodes "010AA "02D0A "010AA % GEORGIAN CAPITAL LETTER LAS
+\setXTXcharcodes "010AB "02D0B "010AB % GEORGIAN CAPITAL LETTER MAN
+\setXTXcharcodes "010AC "02D0C "010AC % GEORGIAN CAPITAL LETTER NAR
+\setXTXcharcodes "010AD "02D0D "010AD % GEORGIAN CAPITAL LETTER ON
+\setXTXcharcodes "010AE "02D0E "010AE % GEORGIAN CAPITAL LETTER PAR
+\setXTXcharcodes "010AF "02D0F "010AF % GEORGIAN CAPITAL LETTER ZHAR
+\setXTXcharcodes "010B0 "02D10 "010B0 % GEORGIAN CAPITAL LETTER RAE
+\setXTXcharcodes "010B1 "02D11 "010B1 % GEORGIAN CAPITAL LETTER SAN
+\setXTXcharcodes "010B2 "02D12 "010B2 % GEORGIAN CAPITAL LETTER TAR
+\setXTXcharcodes "010B3 "02D13 "010B3 % GEORGIAN CAPITAL LETTER UN
+\setXTXcharcodes "010B4 "02D14 "010B4 % GEORGIAN CAPITAL LETTER PHAR
+\setXTXcharcodes "010B5 "02D15 "010B5 % GEORGIAN CAPITAL LETTER KHAR
+\setXTXcharcodes "010B6 "02D16 "010B6 % GEORGIAN CAPITAL LETTER GHAN
+\setXTXcharcodes "010B7 "02D17 "010B7 % GEORGIAN CAPITAL LETTER QAR
+\setXTXcharcodes "010B8 "02D18 "010B8 % GEORGIAN CAPITAL LETTER SHIN
+\setXTXcharcodes "010B9 "02D19 "010B9 % GEORGIAN CAPITAL LETTER CHIN
+\setXTXcharcodes "010BA "02D1A "010BA % GEORGIAN CAPITAL LETTER CAN
+\setXTXcharcodes "010BB "02D1B "010BB % GEORGIAN CAPITAL LETTER JIL
+\setXTXcharcodes "010BC "02D1C "010BC % GEORGIAN CAPITAL LETTER CIL
+\setXTXcharcodes "010BD "02D1D "010BD % GEORGIAN CAPITAL LETTER CHAR
+\setXTXcharcodes "010BE "02D1E "010BE % GEORGIAN CAPITAL LETTER XAN
+\setXTXcharcodes "010BF "02D1F "010BF % GEORGIAN CAPITAL LETTER JHAN
+\setXTXcharcodes "010C0 "02D20 "010C0 % GEORGIAN CAPITAL LETTER HAE
+\setXTXcharcodes "010C1 "02D21 "010C1 % GEORGIAN CAPITAL LETTER HE
+\setXTXcharcodes "010C2 "02D22 "010C2 % GEORGIAN CAPITAL LETTER HIE
+\setXTXcharcodes "010C3 "02D23 "010C3 % GEORGIAN CAPITAL LETTER WE
+\setXTXcharcodes "010C4 "02D24 "010C4 % GEORGIAN CAPITAL LETTER HAR
+\setXTXcharcodes "010C5 "02D25 "010C5 % GEORGIAN CAPITAL LETTER HOE
+\setXTXcharcodes "010C7 "010C7 "010C7 % GEORGIAN CAPITAL LETTER YN
+\setXTXcharcodes "010CD "010CD "010CD % GEORGIAN CAPITAL LETTER AEN
+\setXTXcharcodes "013F5 "013F5 "013F5 % CHEROKEE LETTER MV
+\setXTXcharcodes "013F8 "013F8 "013F8 % CHEROKEE SMALL LETTER YE
+\setXTXcharcodes "013F9 "013F9 "013F9 % CHEROKEE SMALL LETTER YI
+\setXTXcharcodes "013FA "013FA "013FA % CHEROKEE SMALL LETTER YO
+\setXTXcharcodes "013FB "013FB "013FB % CHEROKEE SMALL LETTER YU
+\setXTXcharcodes "013FC "013FC "013FC % CHEROKEE SMALL LETTER YV
+\setXTXcharcodes "013FD "013FD "013FD % CHEROKEE SMALL LETTER MV
+\setXTXcharcodes "01D00 "01D00 "01D00 % LATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL A
+\setXTXcharcodes "01D01 "01D01 "01D01 % LATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL AE
+\setXTXcharcodes "01D02 "01D02 "01D02 % LATIN SMALL LETTER TURNED AE
+\setXTXcharcodes "01D03 "01D03 "01D03 % LATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL BARRED B
+\setXTXcharcodes "01D04 "01D04 "01D04 % LATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL C
+\setXTXcharcodes "01D05 "01D05 "01D05 % LATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL D
+\setXTXcharcodes "01D06 "01D06 "01D06 % LATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL ETH
+\setXTXcharcodes "01D07 "01D07 "01D07 % LATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL E
+\setXTXcharcodes "01D08 "01D08 "01D08 % LATIN SMALL LETTER TURNED OPEN E
+\setXTXcharcodes "01D09 "01D09 "01D09 % LATIN SMALL LETTER TURNED I
+\setXTXcharcodes "01D0A "01D0A "01D0A % LATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL J
+\setXTXcharcodes "01D0B "01D0B "01D0B % LATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL K
+\setXTXcharcodes "01D0D "01D0D "01D0D % LATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL M
+\setXTXcharcodes "01D0F "01D0F "01D0F % LATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL O
+\setXTXcharcodes "01D10 "01D10 "01D10 % LATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL OPEN O
+\setXTXcharcodes "01D11 "01D11 "01D11 % LATIN SMALL LETTER SIDEWAYS O
+\setXTXcharcodes "01D12 "01D12 "01D12 % LATIN SMALL LETTER SIDEWAYS OPEN O
+\setXTXcharcodes "01D13 "01D13 "01D13 % LATIN SMALL LETTER SIDEWAYS O WITH STROKE
+\setXTXcharcodes "01D14 "01D14 "01D14 % LATIN SMALL LETTER TURNED OE
+\setXTXcharcodes "01D15 "01D15 "01D15 % LATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL OU
+\setXTXcharcodes "01D16 "01D16 "01D16 % LATIN SMALL LETTER TOP HALF O
+\setXTXcharcodes "01D17 "01D17 "01D17 % LATIN SMALL LETTER BOTTOM HALF O
+\setXTXcharcodes "01D18 "01D18 "01D18 % LATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL P
+\setXTXcharcodes "01D19 "01D19 "01D19 % LATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL REVERSED R
+\setXTXcharcodes "01D1B "01D1B "01D1B % LATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL T
+\setXTXcharcodes "01D1C "01D1C "01D1C % LATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL U
+\setXTXcharcodes "01D1D "01D1D "01D1D % LATIN SMALL LETTER SIDEWAYS U
+\setXTXcharcodes "01D20 "01D20 "01D20 % LATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL V
+\setXTXcharcodes "01D21 "01D21 "01D21 % LATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL W
+\setXTXcharcodes "01D22 "01D22 "01D22 % LATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL Z
+\setXTXcharcodes "01D23 "01D23 "01D23 % LATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL EZH
+\setXTXcharcodes "01D24 "01D24 "01D24 % LATIN LETTER VOICED LARYNGEAL SPIRANT
+\setXTXcharcodes "01D25 "01D25 "01D25 % LATIN LETTER AIN
+\setXTXcharcodes "01D26 "01D26 "01D26 % GREEK LETTER SMALL CAPITAL GAMMA
+\setXTXcharcodes "01D27 "01D27 "01D27 % GREEK LETTER SMALL CAPITAL LAMDA
+\setXTXcharcodes "01D28 "01D28 "01D28 % GREEK LETTER SMALL CAPITAL PI
+\setXTXcharcodes "01D29 "01D29 "01D29 % GREEK LETTER SMALL CAPITAL RHO
+\setXTXcharcodes "01D2A "01D2A "01D2A % GREEK LETTER SMALL CAPITAL PSI
+\setXTXcharcodes "01D62 "01D62 "01D62 % LATIN SUBSCRIPT SMALL LETTER I
+\setXTXcharcodes "01D63 "01D63 "01D63 % LATIN SUBSCRIPT SMALL LETTER R
+\setXTXcharcodes "01D64 "01D64 "01D64 % LATIN SUBSCRIPT SMALL LETTER U
+\setXTXcharcodes "01D65 "01D65 "01D65 % LATIN SUBSCRIPT SMALL LETTER V
+\setXTXcharcodes "01D66 "01D66 "01D66 % GREEK SUBSCRIPT SMALL LETTER BETA
+\setXTXcharcodes "01D67 "01D67 "01D67 % GREEK SUBSCRIPT SMALL LETTER GAMMA
+\setXTXcharcodes "01D68 "01D68 "01D68 % GREEK SUBSCRIPT SMALL LETTER RHO
+\setXTXcharcodes "01D69 "01D69 "01D69 % GREEK SUBSCRIPT SMALL LETTER PHI
+\setXTXcharcodes "01D6B "01D6B "01D6B % LATIN SMALL LETTER UE
+\setXTXcharcodes "01D70 "01D70 "01D70 % LATIN SMALL LETTER N WITH MIDDLE TILDE
+\setXTXcharcodes "01D71 "01D71 "01D71 % LATIN SMALL LETTER P WITH MIDDLE TILDE
+\setXTXcharcodes "01D72 "01D72 "01D72 % LATIN SMALL LETTER R WITH MIDDLE TILDE
+\setXTXcharcodes "01D74 "01D74 "01D74 % LATIN SMALL LETTER S WITH MIDDLE TILDE
+\setXTXcharcodes "01D75 "01D75 "01D75 % LATIN SMALL LETTER T WITH MIDDLE TILDE
+\setXTXcharcodes "01D76 "01D76 "01D76 % LATIN SMALL LETTER Z WITH MIDDLE TILDE
+\setXTXcharcodes "01D77 "01D77 "01D77 % LATIN SMALL LETTER TURNED G
+\setXTXcharcodes "01D79 "01D79 "01D79 % LATIN SMALL LETTER INSULAR G
+\setXTXcharcodes "01D7D "01D7D "02C63 % LATIN SMALL LETTER P WITH STROKE
+\setXTXcharcodes "01D80 "01D80 "01D80 % LATIN SMALL LETTER B WITH PALATAL HOOK
+\setXTXcharcodes "01D81 "01D81 "01D81 % LATIN SMALL LETTER D WITH PALATAL HOOK
+\setXTXcharcodes "01D82 "01D82 "01D82 % LATIN SMALL LETTER F WITH PALATAL HOOK
+\setXTXcharcodes "01D83 "01D83 "01D83 % LATIN SMALL LETTER G WITH PALATAL HOOK
+\setXTXcharcodes "01D84 "01D84 "01D84 % LATIN SMALL LETTER K WITH PALATAL HOOK
+\setXTXcharcodes "01D85 "01D85 "01D85 % LATIN SMALL LETTER L WITH PALATAL HOOK
+\setXTXcharcodes "01D86 "01D86 "01D86 % LATIN SMALL LETTER M WITH PALATAL HOOK
+\setXTXcharcodes "01D87 "01D87 "01D87 % LATIN SMALL LETTER N WITH PALATAL HOOK
+\setXTXcharcodes "01D88 "01D88 "01D88 % LATIN SMALL LETTER P WITH PALATAL HOOK
+\setXTXcharcodes "01D89 "01D89 "01D89 % LATIN SMALL LETTER R WITH PALATAL HOOK
+\setXTXcharcodes "01D91 "01D91 "01D91 % LATIN SMALL LETTER D WITH HOOK AND TAIL
+\setXTXcharcodes "01D92 "01D92 "01D92 % LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH RETROFLEX HOOK
+\setXTXcharcodes "01D96 "01D96 "01D96 % LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH RETROFLEX HOOK
+\setXTXcharcodes "01D99 "01D99 "01D99 % LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH RETROFLEX HOOK
+\setXTXcharcodes "01E00 "01E01 "01E00 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH RING BELOW
+\setXTXcharcodes "01E01 "01E01 "01E00 % LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH RING BELOW
+\setXTXcharcodes "01E02 "01E03 "01E02 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER B WITH DOT ABOVE
+\setXTXcharcodes "01E03 "01E03 "01E02 % LATIN SMALL LETTER B WITH DOT ABOVE
+\setXTXcharcodes "01E04 "01E05 "01E04 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER B WITH DOT BELOW
+\setXTXcharcodes "01E05 "01E05 "01E04 % LATIN SMALL LETTER B WITH DOT BELOW
+\setXTXcharcodes "01E06 "01E07 "01E06 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER B WITH LINE BELOW
+\setXTXcharcodes "01E07 "01E07 "01E06 % LATIN SMALL LETTER B WITH LINE BELOW
+\setXTXcharcodes "01E09 "01E09 "01E08 % LATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH CEDILLA AND ACUTE
+\setXTXcharcodes "01E0B "01E0B "01E0A % LATIN SMALL LETTER D WITH DOT ABOVE
+\setXTXcharcodes "01E0D "01E0D "01E0C % LATIN SMALL LETTER D WITH DOT BELOW
+\setXTXcharcodes "01E10 "01E11 "01E10 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER D WITH CEDILLA
+\setXTXcharcodes "01E11 "01E11 "01E10 % LATIN SMALL LETTER D WITH CEDILLA
+\setXTXcharcodes "01E15 "01E15 "01E14 % LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH MACRON AND GRAVE
+\setXTXcharcodes "01E17 "01E17 "01E16 % LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH MACRON AND ACUTE
+\setXTXcharcodes "01E1F "01E1F "01E1E % LATIN SMALL LETTER F WITH DOT ABOVE
+\setXTXcharcodes "01E20 "01E21 "01E20 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER G WITH MACRON
+\setXTXcharcodes "01E21 "01E21 "01E20 % LATIN SMALL LETTER G WITH MACRON
+\setXTXcharcodes "01E22 "01E23 "01E22 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER H WITH DOT ABOVE
+\setXTXcharcodes "01E23 "01E23 "01E22 % LATIN SMALL LETTER H WITH DOT ABOVE
+\setXTXcharcodes "01E24 "01E25 "01E24 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER H WITH DOT BELOW
+\setXTXcharcodes "01E25 "01E25 "01E24 % LATIN SMALL LETTER H WITH DOT BELOW
+\setXTXcharcodes "01E26 "01E27 "01E26 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER H WITH DIAERESIS
+\setXTXcharcodes "01E27 "01E27 "01E26 % LATIN SMALL LETTER H WITH DIAERESIS
+\setXTXcharcodes "01E28 "01E29 "01E28 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER H WITH CEDILLA
+\setXTXcharcodes "01E29 "01E29 "01E28 % LATIN SMALL LETTER H WITH CEDILLA
+\setXTXcharcodes "01E30 "01E31 "01E30 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER K WITH ACUTE
+\setXTXcharcodes "01E31 "01E31 "01E30 % LATIN SMALL LETTER K WITH ACUTE
+\setXTXcharcodes "01E32 "01E33 "01E32 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER K WITH DOT BELOW
+\setXTXcharcodes "01E33 "01E33 "01E32 % LATIN SMALL LETTER K WITH DOT BELOW
+\setXTXcharcodes "01E34 "01E35 "01E34 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER K WITH LINE BELOW
+\setXTXcharcodes "01E35 "01E35 "01E34 % LATIN SMALL LETTER K WITH LINE BELOW
+\setXTXcharcodes "01E36 "01E37 "01E36 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER L WITH DOT BELOW
+\setXTXcharcodes "01E37 "01E37 "01E36 % LATIN SMALL LETTER L WITH DOT BELOW
+\setXTXcharcodes "01E3E "01E3F "01E3E % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER M WITH ACUTE
+\setXTXcharcodes "01E3F "01E3F "01E3E % LATIN SMALL LETTER M WITH ACUTE
+\setXTXcharcodes "01E40 "01E41 "01E40 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER M WITH DOT ABOVE
+\setXTXcharcodes "01E41 "01E41 "01E40 % LATIN SMALL LETTER M WITH DOT ABOVE
+\setXTXcharcodes "01E42 "01E43 "01E42 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER M WITH DOT BELOW
+\setXTXcharcodes "01E43 "01E43 "01E42 % LATIN SMALL LETTER M WITH DOT BELOW
+\setXTXcharcodes "01E44 "01E45 "01E44 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N WITH DOT ABOVE
+\setXTXcharcodes "01E45 "01E45 "01E44 % LATIN SMALL LETTER N WITH DOT ABOVE
+\setXTXcharcodes "01E46 "01E47 "01E46 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N WITH DOT BELOW
+\setXTXcharcodes "01E47 "01E47 "01E46 % LATIN SMALL LETTER N WITH DOT BELOW
+\setXTXcharcodes "01E48 "01E49 "01E48 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N WITH LINE BELOW
+\setXTXcharcodes "01E49 "01E49 "01E48 % LATIN SMALL LETTER N WITH LINE BELOW
+\setXTXcharcodes "01E51 "01E51 "01E50 % LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH MACRON AND GRAVE
+\setXTXcharcodes "01E53 "01E53 "01E52 % LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH MACRON AND ACUTE
+\setXTXcharcodes "01E54 "01E55 "01E54 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER P WITH ACUTE
+\setXTXcharcodes "01E55 "01E55 "01E54 % LATIN SMALL LETTER P WITH ACUTE
+\setXTXcharcodes "01E56 "01E57 "01E56 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER P WITH DOT ABOVE
+\setXTXcharcodes "01E57 "01E57 "01E56 % LATIN SMALL LETTER P WITH DOT ABOVE
+\setXTXcharcodes "01E58 "01E59 "01E58 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER R WITH DOT ABOVE
+\setXTXcharcodes "01E59 "01E59 "01E58 % LATIN SMALL LETTER R WITH DOT ABOVE
+\setXTXcharcodes "01E5B "01E5B "01E5A % LATIN SMALL LETTER R WITH DOT BELOW
+\setXTXcharcodes "01E60 "01E61 "01E60 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S WITH DOT ABOVE
+\setXTXcharcodes "01E61 "01E61 "01E60 % LATIN SMALL LETTER S WITH DOT ABOVE
+\setXTXcharcodes "01E62 "01E63 "01E62 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S WITH DOT BELOW
+\setXTXcharcodes "01E63 "01E63 "01E62 % LATIN SMALL LETTER S WITH DOT BELOW
+\setXTXcharcodes "01E65 "01E65 "01E64 % LATIN SMALL LETTER S WITH ACUTE AND DOT ABOVE
+\setXTXcharcodes "01E67 "01E67 "01E66 % LATIN SMALL LETTER S WITH CARON AND DOT ABOVE
+\setXTXcharcodes "01E6B "01E6B "01E6A % LATIN SMALL LETTER T WITH DOT ABOVE
+\setXTXcharcodes "01E6D "01E6D "01E6C % LATIN SMALL LETTER T WITH DOT BELOW
+\setXTXcharcodes "01E73 "01E73 "01E72 % LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS BELOW
+\setXTXcharcodes "01E74 "01E75 "01E74 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH TILDE BELOW
+\setXTXcharcodes "01E75 "01E75 "01E74 % LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH TILDE BELOW
+\setXTXcharcodes "01E78 "01E79 "01E78 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH TILDE AND ACUTE
+\setXTXcharcodes "01E79 "01E79 "01E78 % LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH TILDE AND ACUTE
+\setXTXcharcodes "01E7C "01E7D "01E7C % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER V WITH TILDE
+\setXTXcharcodes "01E7D "01E7D "01E7C % LATIN SMALL LETTER V WITH TILDE
+\setXTXcharcodes "01E7F "01E7F "01E7E % LATIN SMALL LETTER V WITH DOT BELOW
+\setXTXcharcodes "01E80 "01E81 "01E80 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER W WITH GRAVE
+\setXTXcharcodes "01E81 "01E81 "01E80 % LATIN SMALL LETTER W WITH GRAVE
+\setXTXcharcodes "01E82 "01E83 "01E82 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER W WITH ACUTE
+\setXTXcharcodes "01E83 "01E83 "01E82 % LATIN SMALL LETTER W WITH ACUTE
+\setXTXcharcodes "01E84 "01E85 "01E84 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER W WITH DIAERESIS
+\setXTXcharcodes "01E85 "01E85 "01E84 % LATIN SMALL LETTER W WITH DIAERESIS
+\setXTXcharcodes "01E86 "01E87 "01E86 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER W WITH DOT ABOVE
+\setXTXcharcodes "01E87 "01E87 "01E86 % LATIN SMALL LETTER W WITH DOT ABOVE
+\setXTXcharcodes "01E88 "01E89 "01E88 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER W WITH DOT BELOW
+\setXTXcharcodes "01E89 "01E89 "01E88 % LATIN SMALL LETTER W WITH DOT BELOW
+\setXTXcharcodes "01E8B "01E8B "01E8A % LATIN SMALL LETTER X WITH DOT ABOVE
+\setXTXcharcodes "01E8F "01E8F "01E8E % LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH DOT ABOVE
+\setXTXcharcodes "01E90 "01E91 "01E90 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\setXTXcharcodes "01E91 "01E91 "01E90 % LATIN SMALL LETTER Z WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+\setXTXcharcodes "01E92 "01E93 "01E92 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z WITH DOT BELOW
+\setXTXcharcodes "01E93 "01E93 "01E92 % LATIN SMALL LETTER Z WITH DOT BELOW
+\setXTXcharcodes "01E94 "01E95 "01E94 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z WITH LINE BELOW
+\setXTXcharcodes "01E95 "01E95 "01E94 % LATIN SMALL LETTER Z WITH LINE BELOW
+\setXTXcharcodes "01E96 "01E96 "01E96 % LATIN SMALL LETTER H WITH LINE BELOW
+\setXTXcharcodes "01E97 "01E97 "01E97 % LATIN SMALL LETTER T WITH DIAERESIS
+\setXTXcharcodes "01E98 "01E98 "01E98 % LATIN SMALL LETTER W WITH RING ABOVE
+\setXTXcharcodes "01E99 "01E99 "01E99 % LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH RING ABOVE
+\setXTXcharcodes "01E9E "01E9E "01E9E % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER SHARP S
+\setXTXcharcodes "01E9F "01E9F "01E9F % LATIN SMALL LETTER DELTA
+\setXTXcharcodes "01EA1 "01EA1 "01EA0 % LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH DOT BELOW
+\setXTXcharcodes "01EB9 "01EB9 "01EB8 % LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH DOT BELOW
+\setXTXcharcodes "01EE5 "01EE5 "01EE4 % LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH DOT BELOW
+\setXTXcharcodes "01EF2 "01EF3 "01EF2 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y WITH GRAVE
+\setXTXcharcodes "01EF3 "01EF3 "01EF2 % LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH GRAVE
+\setXTXcharcodes "01EF5 "01EF5 "01EF4 % LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH DOT BELOW
+\setXTXcharcodes "01EF8 "01EF9 "01EF8 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y WITH TILDE
+\setXTXcharcodes "01EF9 "01EF9 "01EF8 % LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH TILDE
+\setXTXcharcodes "01F00 "01F00 "01F08 % GREEK SMALL LETTER ALPHA WITH PSILI
+\setXTXcharcodes "01F01 "01F01 "01F09 % GREEK SMALL LETTER ALPHA WITH DASIA
+\setXTXcharcodes "01F08 "01F00 "01F08 % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER ALPHA WITH PSILI
+\setXTXcharcodes "01F09 "01F01 "01F09 % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER ALPHA WITH DASIA
+\setXTXcharcodes "01F10 "01F10 "01F18 % GREEK SMALL LETTER EPSILON WITH PSILI
+\setXTXcharcodes "01F11 "01F11 "01F19 % GREEK SMALL LETTER EPSILON WITH DASIA
+\setXTXcharcodes "01F18 "01F10 "01F18 % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER EPSILON WITH PSILI
+\setXTXcharcodes "01F19 "01F11 "01F19 % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER EPSILON WITH DASIA
+\setXTXcharcodes "01F20 "01F20 "01F28 % GREEK SMALL LETTER ETA WITH PSILI
+\setXTXcharcodes "01F21 "01F21 "01F29 % GREEK SMALL LETTER ETA WITH DASIA
+\setXTXcharcodes "01F28 "01F20 "01F28 % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER ETA WITH PSILI
+\setXTXcharcodes "01F29 "01F21 "01F29 % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER ETA WITH DASIA
+\setXTXcharcodes "01F30 "01F30 "01F38 % GREEK SMALL LETTER IOTA WITH PSILI
+\setXTXcharcodes "01F31 "01F31 "01F39 % GREEK SMALL LETTER IOTA WITH DASIA
+\setXTXcharcodes "01F38 "01F30 "01F38 % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER IOTA WITH PSILI
+\setXTXcharcodes "01F39 "01F31 "01F39 % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER IOTA WITH DASIA
+\setXTXcharcodes "01F40 "01F40 "01F48 % GREEK SMALL LETTER OMICRON WITH PSILI
+\setXTXcharcodes "01F41 "01F41 "01F49 % GREEK SMALL LETTER OMICRON WITH DASIA
+\setXTXcharcodes "01F48 "01F40 "01F48 % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER OMICRON WITH PSILI
+\setXTXcharcodes "01F49 "01F41 "01F49 % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER OMICRON WITH DASIA
+\setXTXcharcodes "01F50 "01F50 "01F50 % GREEK SMALL LETTER UPSILON WITH PSILI
+\setXTXcharcodes "01F51 "01F51 "01F59 % GREEK SMALL LETTER UPSILON WITH DASIA
+\setXTXcharcodes "01F59 "01F51 "01F59 % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER UPSILON WITH DASIA
+\setXTXcharcodes "01F60 "01F60 "01F68 % GREEK SMALL LETTER OMEGA WITH PSILI
+\setXTXcharcodes "01F61 "01F61 "01F69 % GREEK SMALL LETTER OMEGA WITH DASIA
+\setXTXcharcodes "01F68 "01F60 "01F68 % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER OMEGA WITH PSILI
+\setXTXcharcodes "01F69 "01F61 "01F69 % GREEK CAPITAL LETTER OMEGA WITH DASIA
+\setXTXcharcodes "01F70 "01F70 "01FBA % GREEK SMALL LETTER ALPHA WITH VARIA
+\setXTXcharcodes "01F71 "01F71 "01FBB % GREEK SMALL LETTER ALPHA WITH OXIA
+\setXTXcharcodes "01F72 "01F72 "01FC8 % GREEK SMALL LETTER EPSILON WITH VARIA
+\setXTXcharcodes "01F73 "01F73 "01FC9 % GREEK SMALL LETTER EPSILON WITH OXIA
+\setXTXcharcodes "01F74 "01F74 "01FCA % GREEK SMALL LETTER ETA WITH VARIA
+\setXTXcharcodes "01F75 "01F75 "01FCB % GREEK SMALL LETTER ETA WITH OXIA
+\setXTXcharcodes "01F76 "01F76 "01FDA % GREEK SMALL LETTER IOTA WITH VARIA
+\setXTXcharcodes "01F77 "01F77 "01FDB % GREEK SMALL LETTER IOTA WITH OXIA
+\setXTXcharcodes "01F78 "01F78 "01FF8 % GREEK SMALL LETTER OMICRON WITH VARIA
+\setXTXcharcodes "01F79 "01F79 "01FF9 % GREEK SMALL LETTER OMICRON WITH OXIA
+\setXTXcharcodes "01FBE "01FBE "00399 % GREEK PROSGEGRAMMENI
+\setXTXcharcodes "01FE4 "01FE4 "01FE4 % GREEK SMALL LETTER RHO WITH PSILI
+\setXTXcharcodes "02071 "02071 "02071 % SUPERSCRIPT LATIN SMALL LETTER I
+\setXTXcharcodes "0207F "0207F "0207F % SUPERSCRIPT LATIN SMALL LETTER N
+\setXTXcharcodes "02102 "02102 "02102 % DOUBLE-STRUCK CAPITAL C
+\setXTXcharcodes "02107 "02107 "02107 % EULER CONSTANT
+\setXTXcharcodes "0210A "0210A "0210A % SCRIPT SMALL G
+\setXTXcharcodes "0210B "0210B "0210B % SCRIPT CAPITAL H
+\setXTXcharcodes "0210C "0210C "0210C % BLACK-LETTER CAPITAL H
+\setXTXcharcodes "0210D "0210D "0210D % DOUBLE-STRUCK CAPITAL H
+\setXTXcharcodes "0210E "0210E "0210E % PLANCK CONSTANT
+\setXTXcharcodes "0210F "0210F "0210F % PLANCK CONSTANT OVER TWO PI
+\setXTXcharcodes "02110 "02110 "02110 % SCRIPT CAPITAL I
+\setXTXcharcodes "02111 "02111 "02111 % BLACK-LETTER CAPITAL I
+\setXTXcharcodes "02112 "02112 "02112 % SCRIPT CAPITAL L
+\setXTXcharcodes "02113 "02113 "02113 % SCRIPT SMALL L
+\setXTXcharcodes "02115 "02115 "02115 % DOUBLE-STRUCK CAPITAL N
+\setXTXcharcodes "02119 "02119 "02119 % DOUBLE-STRUCK CAPITAL P
+\setXTXcharcodes "0211A "0211A "0211A % DOUBLE-STRUCK CAPITAL Q
+\setXTXcharcodes "0211B "0211B "0211B % SCRIPT CAPITAL R
+\setXTXcharcodes "0211C "0211C "0211C % BLACK-LETTER CAPITAL R
+\setXTXcharcodes "0211D "0211D "0211D % DOUBLE-STRUCK CAPITAL R
+\setXTXcharcodes "02124 "02124 "02124 % DOUBLE-STRUCK CAPITAL Z
+\setXTXcharcodes "02126 "003C9 "02126 % OHM SIGN
+\setXTXcharcodes "02128 "02128 "02128 % BLACK-LETTER CAPITAL Z
+\setXTXcharcodes "0212A "0006B "0212A % KELVIN SIGN
+\setXTXcharcodes "0212B "000E5 "0212B % ANGSTROM SIGN
+\setXTXcharcodes "0212C "0212C "0212C % SCRIPT CAPITAL B
+\setXTXcharcodes "0212D "0212D "0212D % BLACK-LETTER CAPITAL C
+\setXTXcharcodes "0212F "0212F "0212F % SCRIPT SMALL E
+\setXTXcharcodes "02130 "02130 "02130 % SCRIPT CAPITAL E
+\setXTXcharcodes "02131 "02131 "02131 % SCRIPT CAPITAL F
+\setXTXcharcodes "02132 "0214E "02132 % TURNED CAPITAL F
+\setXTXcharcodes "02133 "02133 "02133 % SCRIPT CAPITAL M
+\setXTXcharcodes "02134 "02134 "02134 % SCRIPT SMALL O
+\setXTXcharcodes "02139 "02139 "02139 % INFORMATION SOURCE
+\setXTXcharcodes "0213C "0213C "0213C % DOUBLE-STRUCK SMALL PI
+\setXTXcharcodes "0213D "0213D "0213D % DOUBLE-STRUCK SMALL GAMMA
+\setXTXcharcodes "0213E "0213E "0213E % DOUBLE-STRUCK CAPITAL GAMMA
+\setXTXcharcodes "0213F "0213F "0213F % DOUBLE-STRUCK CAPITAL PI
+\setXTXcharcodes "02145 "02145 "02145 % DOUBLE-STRUCK ITALIC CAPITAL D
+\setXTXcharcodes "02146 "02146 "02146 % DOUBLE-STRUCK ITALIC SMALL D
+\setXTXcharcodes "02147 "02147 "02147 % DOUBLE-STRUCK ITALIC SMALL E
+\setXTXcharcodes "02148 "02148 "02148 % DOUBLE-STRUCK ITALIC SMALL I
+\setXTXcharcodes "02149 "02149 "02149 % DOUBLE-STRUCK ITALIC SMALL J
+\setXTXcharcodes "0214E "0214E "02132 % TURNED SMALL F
+\setXTXcharcodes "02183 "02184 "02183 % ROMAN NUMERAL REVERSED ONE HUNDRED
+\setXTXcharcodes "02184 "02184 "02183 % LATIN SMALL LETTER REVERSED C
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C00 "02C30 "02C00 % GLAGOLITIC CAPITAL LETTER AZU
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C01 "02C31 "02C01 % GLAGOLITIC CAPITAL LETTER BUKY
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C02 "02C32 "02C02 % GLAGOLITIC CAPITAL LETTER VEDE
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C03 "02C33 "02C03 % GLAGOLITIC CAPITAL LETTER GLAGOLI
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C04 "02C34 "02C04 % GLAGOLITIC CAPITAL LETTER DOBRO
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C05 "02C35 "02C05 % GLAGOLITIC CAPITAL LETTER YESTU
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C06 "02C36 "02C06 % GLAGOLITIC CAPITAL LETTER ZHIVETE
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C07 "02C37 "02C07 % GLAGOLITIC CAPITAL LETTER DZELO
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C08 "02C38 "02C08 % GLAGOLITIC CAPITAL LETTER ZEMLJA
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C09 "02C39 "02C09 % GLAGOLITIC CAPITAL LETTER IZHE
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C0B "02C3B "02C0B % GLAGOLITIC CAPITAL LETTER I
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C10 "02C40 "02C10 % GLAGOLITIC CAPITAL LETTER NASHI
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C11 "02C41 "02C11 % GLAGOLITIC CAPITAL LETTER ONU
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C12 "02C42 "02C12 % GLAGOLITIC CAPITAL LETTER POKOJI
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C13 "02C43 "02C13 % GLAGOLITIC CAPITAL LETTER RITSI
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C14 "02C44 "02C14 % GLAGOLITIC CAPITAL LETTER SLOVO
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C15 "02C45 "02C15 % GLAGOLITIC CAPITAL LETTER TVRIDO
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C16 "02C46 "02C16 % GLAGOLITIC CAPITAL LETTER UKU
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C17 "02C47 "02C17 % GLAGOLITIC CAPITAL LETTER FRITU
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C18 "02C48 "02C18 % GLAGOLITIC CAPITAL LETTER HERU
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C19 "02C49 "02C19 % GLAGOLITIC CAPITAL LETTER OTU
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C1A "02C4A "02C1A % GLAGOLITIC CAPITAL LETTER PE
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C1C "02C4C "02C1C % GLAGOLITIC CAPITAL LETTER TSI
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C1E "02C4E "02C1E % GLAGOLITIC CAPITAL LETTER SHA
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C20 "02C50 "02C20 % GLAGOLITIC CAPITAL LETTER YERI
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C21 "02C51 "02C21 % GLAGOLITIC CAPITAL LETTER YATI
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C22 "02C52 "02C22 % GLAGOLITIC CAPITAL LETTER SPIDERY HA
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C23 "02C53 "02C23 % GLAGOLITIC CAPITAL LETTER YU
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C24 "02C54 "02C24 % GLAGOLITIC CAPITAL LETTER SMALL YUS
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C26 "02C56 "02C26 % GLAGOLITIC CAPITAL LETTER YO
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C28 "02C58 "02C28 % GLAGOLITIC CAPITAL LETTER BIG YUS
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C30 "02C30 "02C00 % GLAGOLITIC SMALL LETTER AZU
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C31 "02C31 "02C01 % GLAGOLITIC SMALL LETTER BUKY
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C32 "02C32 "02C02 % GLAGOLITIC SMALL LETTER VEDE
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C33 "02C33 "02C03 % GLAGOLITIC SMALL LETTER GLAGOLI
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C34 "02C34 "02C04 % GLAGOLITIC SMALL LETTER DOBRO
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C35 "02C35 "02C05 % GLAGOLITIC SMALL LETTER YESTU
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C36 "02C36 "02C06 % GLAGOLITIC SMALL LETTER ZHIVETE
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C37 "02C37 "02C07 % GLAGOLITIC SMALL LETTER DZELO
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C38 "02C38 "02C08 % GLAGOLITIC SMALL LETTER ZEMLJA
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C39 "02C39 "02C09 % GLAGOLITIC SMALL LETTER IZHE
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C3B "02C3B "02C0B % GLAGOLITIC SMALL LETTER I
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C3D "02C3D "02C0D % GLAGOLITIC SMALL LETTER KAKO
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C40 "02C40 "02C10 % GLAGOLITIC SMALL LETTER NASHI
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C41 "02C41 "02C11 % GLAGOLITIC SMALL LETTER ONU
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C42 "02C42 "02C12 % GLAGOLITIC SMALL LETTER POKOJI
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C43 "02C43 "02C13 % GLAGOLITIC SMALL LETTER RITSI
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C44 "02C44 "02C14 % GLAGOLITIC SMALL LETTER SLOVO
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C45 "02C45 "02C15 % GLAGOLITIC SMALL LETTER TVRIDO
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C46 "02C46 "02C16 % GLAGOLITIC SMALL LETTER UKU
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C47 "02C47 "02C17 % GLAGOLITIC SMALL LETTER FRITU
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C48 "02C48 "02C18 % GLAGOLITIC SMALL LETTER HERU
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C49 "02C49 "02C19 % GLAGOLITIC SMALL LETTER OTU
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C4A "02C4A "02C1A % GLAGOLITIC SMALL LETTER PE
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C4B "02C4B "02C1B % GLAGOLITIC SMALL LETTER SHTA
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C4C "02C4C "02C1C % GLAGOLITIC SMALL LETTER TSI
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C4E "02C4E "02C1E % GLAGOLITIC SMALL LETTER SHA
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C4F "02C4F "02C1F % GLAGOLITIC SMALL LETTER YERU
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C50 "02C50 "02C20 % GLAGOLITIC SMALL LETTER YERI
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C51 "02C51 "02C21 % GLAGOLITIC SMALL LETTER YATI
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C52 "02C52 "02C22 % GLAGOLITIC SMALL LETTER SPIDERY HA
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C53 "02C53 "02C23 % GLAGOLITIC SMALL LETTER YU
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C54 "02C54 "02C24 % GLAGOLITIC SMALL LETTER SMALL YUS
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C56 "02C56 "02C26 % GLAGOLITIC SMALL LETTER YO
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C58 "02C58 "02C28 % GLAGOLITIC SMALL LETTER BIG YUS
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C59 "02C59 "02C29 % GLAGOLITIC SMALL LETTER IOTATED BIG YUS
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C5A "02C5A "02C2A % GLAGOLITIC SMALL LETTER FITA
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C60 "02C61 "02C60 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER L WITH DOUBLE BAR
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C61 "02C61 "02C60 % LATIN SMALL LETTER L WITH DOUBLE BAR
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C62 "0026B "02C62 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER L WITH MIDDLE TILDE
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C63 "01D7D "02C63 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER P WITH STROKE
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C64 "0027D "02C64 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER R WITH TAIL
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C65 "02C65 "0023A % LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH STROKE
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C66 "02C66 "0023E % LATIN SMALL LETTER T WITH DIAGONAL STROKE
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C67 "02C68 "02C67 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER H WITH DESCENDER
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C68 "02C68 "02C67 % LATIN SMALL LETTER H WITH DESCENDER
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C69 "02C6A "02C69 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER K WITH DESCENDER
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C6A "02C6A "02C69 % LATIN SMALL LETTER K WITH DESCENDER
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C6D "02C6D "02C6D % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER ALPHA
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C6E "02C6E "02C6E % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER M WITH HOOK
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C6F "02C6F "02C6F % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER TURNED A
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C70 "02C70 "02C70 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER TURNED ALPHA
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C71 "02C71 "02C71 % LATIN SMALL LETTER V WITH RIGHT HOOK
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C72 "02C72 "02C72 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER W WITH HOOK
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C73 "02C73 "02C73 % LATIN SMALL LETTER W WITH HOOK
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C74 "02C74 "02C74 % LATIN SMALL LETTER V WITH CURL
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C75 "02C76 "02C75 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER HALF H
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C76 "02C76 "02C75 % LATIN SMALL LETTER HALF H
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C77 "02C77 "02C77 % LATIN SMALL LETTER TAILLESS PHI
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C78 "02C78 "02C78 % LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH NOTCH
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C79 "02C79 "02C79 % LATIN SMALL LETTER TURNED R WITH TAIL
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C7C "02C7C "02C7C % LATIN SUBSCRIPT SMALL LETTER J
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C80 "02C81 "02C80 % COPTIC CAPITAL LETTER ALFA
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C81 "02C81 "02C80 % COPTIC SMALL LETTER ALFA
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C82 "02C83 "02C82 % COPTIC CAPITAL LETTER VIDA
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C83 "02C83 "02C82 % COPTIC SMALL LETTER VIDA
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C84 "02C85 "02C84 % COPTIC CAPITAL LETTER GAMMA
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C85 "02C85 "02C84 % COPTIC SMALL LETTER GAMMA
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C86 "02C87 "02C86 % COPTIC CAPITAL LETTER DALDA
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C87 "02C87 "02C86 % COPTIC SMALL LETTER DALDA
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C88 "02C89 "02C88 % COPTIC CAPITAL LETTER EIE
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C89 "02C89 "02C88 % COPTIC SMALL LETTER EIE
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C8A "02C8B "02C8A % COPTIC CAPITAL LETTER SOU
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C8B "02C8B "02C8A % COPTIC SMALL LETTER SOU
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C8C "02C8D "02C8C % COPTIC CAPITAL LETTER ZATA
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C8D "02C8D "02C8C % COPTIC SMALL LETTER ZATA
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C8E "02C8F "02C8E % COPTIC CAPITAL LETTER HATE
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C8F "02C8F "02C8E % COPTIC SMALL LETTER HATE
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C90 "02C91 "02C90 % COPTIC CAPITAL LETTER THETHE
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C91 "02C91 "02C90 % COPTIC SMALL LETTER THETHE
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C92 "02C93 "02C92 % COPTIC CAPITAL LETTER IAUDA
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C93 "02C93 "02C92 % COPTIC SMALL LETTER IAUDA
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C94 "02C95 "02C94 % COPTIC CAPITAL LETTER KAPA
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C95 "02C95 "02C94 % COPTIC SMALL LETTER KAPA
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C96 "02C97 "02C96 % COPTIC CAPITAL LETTER LAULA
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C97 "02C97 "02C96 % COPTIC SMALL LETTER LAULA
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C98 "02C99 "02C98 % COPTIC CAPITAL LETTER MI
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C99 "02C99 "02C98 % COPTIC SMALL LETTER MI
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C9A "02C9B "02C9A % COPTIC CAPITAL LETTER NI
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C9B "02C9B "02C9A % COPTIC SMALL LETTER NI
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C9C "02C9D "02C9C % COPTIC CAPITAL LETTER KSI
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C9D "02C9D "02C9C % COPTIC SMALL LETTER KSI
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C9E "02C9F "02C9E % COPTIC CAPITAL LETTER O
+\setXTXcharcodes "02C9F "02C9F "02C9E % COPTIC SMALL LETTER O
+\setXTXcharcodes "02CA0 "02CA1 "02CA0 % COPTIC CAPITAL LETTER PI
+\setXTXcharcodes "02CA1 "02CA1 "02CA0 % COPTIC SMALL LETTER PI
+\setXTXcharcodes "02CA2 "02CA3 "02CA2 % COPTIC CAPITAL LETTER RO
+\setXTXcharcodes "02CA3 "02CA3 "02CA2 % COPTIC SMALL LETTER RO
+\setXTXcharcodes "02CA4 "02CA5 "02CA4 % COPTIC CAPITAL LETTER SIMA
+\setXTXcharcodes "02CA5 "02CA5 "02CA4 % COPTIC SMALL LETTER SIMA
+\setXTXcharcodes "02CA6 "02CA7 "02CA6 % COPTIC CAPITAL LETTER TAU
+\setXTXcharcodes "02CA7 "02CA7 "02CA6 % COPTIC SMALL LETTER TAU
+\setXTXcharcodes "02CA8 "02CA9 "02CA8 % COPTIC CAPITAL LETTER UA
+\setXTXcharcodes "02CA9 "02CA9 "02CA8 % COPTIC SMALL LETTER UA
+\setXTXcharcodes "02CAB "02CAB "02CAA % COPTIC SMALL LETTER FI
+\setXTXcharcodes "02CAD "02CAD "02CAC % COPTIC SMALL LETTER KHI
+\setXTXcharcodes "02CAF "02CAF "02CAE % COPTIC SMALL LETTER PSI
+\setXTXcharcodes "02CB0 "02CB1 "02CB0 % COPTIC CAPITAL LETTER OOU
+\setXTXcharcodes "02CB1 "02CB1 "02CB0 % COPTIC SMALL LETTER OOU
+\setXTXcharcodes "02CC0 "02CC1 "02CC0 % COPTIC CAPITAL LETTER SAMPI
+\setXTXcharcodes "02CC1 "02CC1 "02CC0 % COPTIC SMALL LETTER SAMPI
+\setXTXcharcodes "02CD0 "02CD1 "02CD0 % COPTIC CAPITAL LETTER L-SHAPED HA
+\setXTXcharcodes "02CD1 "02CD1 "02CD0 % COPTIC SMALL LETTER L-SHAPED HA
+\setXTXcharcodes "02CE4 "02CE4 "02CE4 % COPTIC SYMBOL KAI
+\setXTXcharcodes "02D00 "02D00 "010A0 % GEORGIAN SMALL LETTER AN
+\setXTXcharcodes "02D01 "02D01 "010A1 % GEORGIAN SMALL LETTER BAN
+\setXTXcharcodes "02D02 "02D02 "010A2 % GEORGIAN SMALL LETTER GAN
+\setXTXcharcodes "02D03 "02D03 "010A3 % GEORGIAN SMALL LETTER DON
+\setXTXcharcodes "02D04 "02D04 "010A4 % GEORGIAN SMALL LETTER EN
+\setXTXcharcodes "02D05 "02D05 "010A5 % GEORGIAN SMALL LETTER VIN
+\setXTXcharcodes "02D06 "02D06 "010A6 % GEORGIAN SMALL LETTER ZEN
+\setXTXcharcodes "02D07 "02D07 "010A7 % GEORGIAN SMALL LETTER TAN
+\setXTXcharcodes "02D08 "02D08 "010A8 % GEORGIAN SMALL LETTER IN
+\setXTXcharcodes "02D09 "02D09 "010A9 % GEORGIAN SMALL LETTER KAN
+\setXTXcharcodes "02D0A "02D0A "010AA % GEORGIAN SMALL LETTER LAS
+\setXTXcharcodes "02D0B "02D0B "010AB % GEORGIAN SMALL LETTER MAN
+\setXTXcharcodes "02D0C "02D0C "010AC % GEORGIAN SMALL LETTER NAR
+\setXTXcharcodes "02D0D "02D0D "010AD % GEORGIAN SMALL LETTER ON
+\setXTXcharcodes "02D0E "02D0E "010AE % GEORGIAN SMALL LETTER PAR
+\setXTXcharcodes "02D0F "02D0F "010AF % GEORGIAN SMALL LETTER ZHAR
+\setXTXcharcodes "02D10 "02D10 "010B0 % GEORGIAN SMALL LETTER RAE
+\setXTXcharcodes "02D11 "02D11 "010B1 % GEORGIAN SMALL LETTER SAN
+\setXTXcharcodes "02D12 "02D12 "010B2 % GEORGIAN SMALL LETTER TAR
+\setXTXcharcodes "02D13 "02D13 "010B3 % GEORGIAN SMALL LETTER UN
+\setXTXcharcodes "02D14 "02D14 "010B4 % GEORGIAN SMALL LETTER PHAR
+\setXTXcharcodes "02D15 "02D15 "010B5 % GEORGIAN SMALL LETTER KHAR
+\setXTXcharcodes "02D16 "02D16 "010B6 % GEORGIAN SMALL LETTER GHAN
+\setXTXcharcodes "02D17 "02D17 "010B7 % GEORGIAN SMALL LETTER QAR
+\setXTXcharcodes "02D18 "02D18 "010B8 % GEORGIAN SMALL LETTER SHIN
+\setXTXcharcodes "02D19 "02D19 "010B9 % GEORGIAN SMALL LETTER CHIN
+\setXTXcharcodes "02D1A "02D1A "010BA % GEORGIAN SMALL LETTER CAN
+\setXTXcharcodes "02D1B "02D1B "010BB % GEORGIAN SMALL LETTER JIL
+\setXTXcharcodes "02D1C "02D1C "010BC % GEORGIAN SMALL LETTER CIL
+\setXTXcharcodes "02D1D "02D1D "010BD % GEORGIAN SMALL LETTER CHAR
+\setXTXcharcodes "02D1E "02D1E "010BE % GEORGIAN SMALL LETTER XAN
+\setXTXcharcodes "02D1F "02D1F "010BF % GEORGIAN SMALL LETTER JHAN
+\setXTXcharcodes "02D20 "02D20 "010C0 % GEORGIAN SMALL LETTER HAE
+\setXTXcharcodes "02D21 "02D21 "010C1 % GEORGIAN SMALL LETTER HE
+\setXTXcharcodes "02D22 "02D22 "010C2 % GEORGIAN SMALL LETTER HIE
+\setXTXcharcodes "02D23 "02D23 "010C3 % GEORGIAN SMALL LETTER WE
+\setXTXcharcodes "02D24 "02D24 "010C4 % GEORGIAN SMALL LETTER HAR
+\setXTXcharcodes "02D25 "02D25 "010C5 % GEORGIAN SMALL LETTER HOE
+\setXTXcharcodes "02D27 "02D27 "02D27 % GEORGIAN SMALL LETTER YN
+\setXTXcharcodes "02D2D "02D2D "02D2D % GEORGIAN SMALL LETTER AEN
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A640 "0A640 "0A640 % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER ZEMLYA
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A641 "0A641 "0A641 % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER ZEMLYA
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A642 "0A642 "0A642 % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER DZELO
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A643 "0A643 "0A643 % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER DZELO
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A644 "0A644 "0A644 % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER REVERSED DZE
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A645 "0A645 "0A645 % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER REVERSED DZE
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A646 "0A646 "0A646 % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER IOTA
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A647 "0A647 "0A647 % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER IOTA
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A648 "0A648 "0A648 % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER DJERV
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A649 "0A649 "0A649 % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER DJERV
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A651 "0A651 "0A651 % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER YERU WITH BACK YER
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A652 "0A652 "0A652 % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER IOTIFIED YAT
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A653 "0A653 "0A653 % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER IOTIFIED YAT
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A654 "0A654 "0A654 % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER REVERSED YU
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A655 "0A655 "0A655 % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER REVERSED YU
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A656 "0A656 "0A656 % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER IOTIFIED A
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A657 "0A657 "0A657 % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER IOTIFIED A
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A659 "0A659 "0A659 % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER CLOSED LITTLE YUS
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A65E "0A65E "0A65E % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER YN
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A65F "0A65F "0A65F % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER YN
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A660 "0A660 "0A660 % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER REVERSED TSE
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A661 "0A661 "0A661 % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER REVERSED TSE
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A662 "0A662 "0A662 % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER SOFT DE
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A663 "0A663 "0A663 % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER SOFT DE
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A664 "0A664 "0A664 % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER SOFT EL
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A665 "0A665 "0A665 % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER SOFT EL
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A666 "0A666 "0A666 % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER SOFT EM
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A667 "0A667 "0A667 % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER SOFT EM
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A668 "0A668 "0A668 % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER MONOCULAR O
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A669 "0A669 "0A669 % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER MONOCULAR O
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A680 "0A680 "0A680 % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER DWE
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A681 "0A681 "0A681 % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER DWE
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A682 "0A682 "0A682 % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER DZWE
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A683 "0A683 "0A683 % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER DZWE
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A684 "0A684 "0A684 % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER ZHWE
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A685 "0A685 "0A685 % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER ZHWE
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A686 "0A686 "0A686 % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER CCHE
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A687 "0A687 "0A687 % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER CCHE
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A688 "0A688 "0A688 % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER DZZE
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A689 "0A689 "0A689 % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER DZZE
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A68C "0A68C "0A68C % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER TWE
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A68D "0A68D "0A68D % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER TWE
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A68E "0A68E "0A68E % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER TSWE
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A68F "0A68F "0A68F % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER TSWE
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A690 "0A690 "0A690 % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER TSSE
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A691 "0A691 "0A691 % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER TSSE
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A692 "0A692 "0A692 % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER TCHE
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A693 "0A693 "0A693 % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER TCHE
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A694 "0A694 "0A694 % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER HWE
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A695 "0A695 "0A695 % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER HWE
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A696 "0A696 "0A696 % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER SHWE
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A697 "0A697 "0A697 % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER SHWE
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A698 "0A698 "0A698 % CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER DOUBLE O
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A699 "0A699 "0A699 % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER DOUBLE O
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A69B "0A69B "0A69B % CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER CROSSED O
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A723 "0A723 "0A723 % LATIN SMALL LETTER EGYPTOLOGICAL ALEF
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A725 "0A725 "0A725 % LATIN SMALL LETTER EGYPTOLOGICAL AIN
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A726 "0A726 "0A726 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER HENG
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A727 "0A727 "0A727 % LATIN SMALL LETTER HENG
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A728 "0A728 "0A728 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER TZ
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A729 "0A729 "0A729 % LATIN SMALL LETTER TZ
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A72A "0A72A "0A72A % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER TRESILLO
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A72B "0A72B "0A72B % LATIN SMALL LETTER TRESILLO
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A72D "0A72D "0A72D % LATIN SMALL LETTER CUATRILLO
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A730 "0A730 "0A730 % LATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL F
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A731 "0A731 "0A731 % LATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL S
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A732 "0A732 "0A732 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER AA
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A733 "0A733 "0A733 % LATIN SMALL LETTER AA
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A734 "0A734 "0A734 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER AO
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A735 "0A735 "0A735 % LATIN SMALL LETTER AO
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A736 "0A736 "0A736 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER AU
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A737 "0A737 "0A737 % LATIN SMALL LETTER AU
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A738 "0A738 "0A738 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER AV
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A739 "0A739 "0A739 % LATIN SMALL LETTER AV
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A73C "0A73C "0A73C % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER AY
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A73D "0A73D "0A73D % LATIN SMALL LETTER AY
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A740 "0A740 "0A740 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER K WITH STROKE
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A741 "0A741 "0A741 % LATIN SMALL LETTER K WITH STROKE
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A743 "0A743 "0A743 % LATIN SMALL LETTER K WITH DIAGONAL STROKE
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A746 "0A746 "0A746 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER BROKEN L
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A747 "0A747 "0A747 % LATIN SMALL LETTER BROKEN L
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A748 "0A748 "0A748 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER L WITH HIGH STROKE
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A749 "0A749 "0A749 % LATIN SMALL LETTER L WITH HIGH STROKE
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A74C "0A74C "0A74C % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH LOOP
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A74D "0A74D "0A74D % LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH LOOP
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A74E "0A74E "0A74E % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER OO
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A74F "0A74F "0A74F % LATIN SMALL LETTER OO
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A752 "0A752 "0A752 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER P WITH FLOURISH
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A753 "0A753 "0A753 % LATIN SMALL LETTER P WITH FLOURISH
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A754 "0A754 "0A754 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER P WITH SQUIRREL TAIL
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A755 "0A755 "0A755 % LATIN SMALL LETTER P WITH SQUIRREL TAIL
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A759 "0A759 "0A759 % LATIN SMALL LETTER Q WITH DIAGONAL STROKE
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A75A "0A75A "0A75A % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER R ROTUNDA
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A75B "0A75B "0A75B % LATIN SMALL LETTER R ROTUNDA
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A75D "0A75D "0A75D % LATIN SMALL LETTER RUM ROTUNDA
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A760 "0A760 "0A760 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER VY
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A761 "0A761 "0A761 % LATIN SMALL LETTER VY
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A762 "0A762 "0A762 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER VISIGOTHIC Z
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A763 "0A763 "0A763 % LATIN SMALL LETTER VISIGOTHIC Z
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A764 "0A764 "0A764 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER THORN WITH STROKE
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A765 "0A765 "0A765 % LATIN SMALL LETTER THORN WITH STROKE
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A768 "0A768 "0A768 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER VEND
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A769 "0A769 "0A769 % LATIN SMALL LETTER VEND
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A76A "0A76A "0A76A % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER ET
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A76B "0A76B "0A76B % LATIN SMALL LETTER ET
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A76C "0A76C "0A76C % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER IS
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A76D "0A76D "0A76D % LATIN SMALL LETTER IS
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A76E "0A76E "0A76E % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER CON
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A76F "0A76F "0A76F % LATIN SMALL LETTER CON
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A771 "0A771 "0A771 % LATIN SMALL LETTER DUM
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A772 "0A772 "0A772 % LATIN SMALL LETTER LUM
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A773 "0A773 "0A773 % LATIN SMALL LETTER MUM
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A774 "0A774 "0A774 % LATIN SMALL LETTER NUM
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A775 "0A775 "0A775 % LATIN SMALL LETTER RUM
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A776 "0A776 "0A776 % LATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL RUM
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A777 "0A777 "0A777 % LATIN SMALL LETTER TUM
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A778 "0A778 "0A778 % LATIN SMALL LETTER UM
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A779 "0A779 "0A779 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER INSULAR D
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A77A "0A77A "0A77A % LATIN SMALL LETTER INSULAR D
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A77B "0A77B "0A77B % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER INSULAR F
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A77C "0A77C "0A77C % LATIN SMALL LETTER INSULAR F
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A77D "0A77D "0A77D % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER INSULAR G
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A780 "0A780 "0A780 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER TURNED L
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A781 "0A781 "0A781 % LATIN SMALL LETTER TURNED L
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A782 "0A782 "0A782 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER INSULAR R
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A783 "0A783 "0A783 % LATIN SMALL LETTER INSULAR R
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A784 "0A784 "0A784 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER INSULAR S
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A785 "0A785 "0A785 % LATIN SMALL LETTER INSULAR S
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A786 "0A786 "0A786 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER INSULAR T
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A787 "0A787 "0A787 % LATIN SMALL LETTER INSULAR T
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A78B "0A78B "0A78B % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER SALTILLO
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A78C "0A78C "0A78C % LATIN SMALL LETTER SALTILLO
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A78D "0A78D "0A78D % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER TURNED H
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A790 "0A790 "0A790 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N WITH DESCENDER
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A791 "0A791 "0A791 % LATIN SMALL LETTER N WITH DESCENDER
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A792 "0A792 "0A792 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C WITH BAR
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A793 "0A793 "0A793 % LATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH BAR
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A794 "0A794 "0A794 % LATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH PALATAL HOOK
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A795 "0A795 "0A795 % LATIN SMALL LETTER H WITH PALATAL HOOK
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A796 "0A796 "0A796 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER B WITH FLOURISH
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A797 "0A797 "0A797 % LATIN SMALL LETTER B WITH FLOURISH
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A798 "0A798 "0A798 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER F WITH STROKE
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A799 "0A799 "0A799 % LATIN SMALL LETTER F WITH STROKE
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A79A "0A79A "0A79A % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER VOLAPUK AE
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A79B "0A79B "0A79B % LATIN SMALL LETTER VOLAPUK AE
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A79C "0A79C "0A79C % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER VOLAPUK OE
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A79D "0A79D "0A79D % LATIN SMALL LETTER VOLAPUK OE
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A79E "0A79E "0A79E % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER VOLAPUK UE
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A79F "0A79F "0A79F % LATIN SMALL LETTER VOLAPUK UE
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A7B0 "0A7B0 "0A7B0 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER TURNED K
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A7B1 "0A7B1 "0A7B1 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER TURNED T
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A7B3 "0A7B3 "0A7B3 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER CHI
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A7B4 "0A7B4 "0A7B4 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER BETA
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A7B5 "0A7B5 "0A7B5 % LATIN SMALL LETTER BETA
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A7B6 "0A7B6 "0A7B6 % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER OMEGA
+\setXTXcharcodes "0A7B7 "0A7B7 "0A7B7 % LATIN SMALL LETTER OMEGA
+\setXTXcharcodes "0AB30 "0AB30 "0AB30 % LATIN SMALL LETTER BARRED ALPHA
+\setXTXcharcodes "0AB33 "0AB33 "0AB33 % LATIN SMALL LETTER BARRED E
+\setXTXcharcodes "0AB35 "0AB35 "0AB35 % LATIN SMALL LETTER LENIS F
+\setXTXcharcodes "0AB40 "0AB40 "0AB40 % LATIN SMALL LETTER INVERTED OE
+\setXTXcharcodes "0AB43 "0AB43 "0AB43 % LATIN SMALL LETTER TURNED O OPEN-O
+\setXTXcharcodes "0AB45 "0AB45 "0AB45 % LATIN SMALL LETTER STIRRUP R
+\setXTXcharcodes "0AB48 "0AB48 "0AB48 % LATIN SMALL LETTER DOUBLE R
+\setXTXcharcodes "0AB50 "0AB50 "0AB50 % LATIN SMALL LETTER UI
+\setXTXcharcodes "0AB51 "0AB51 "0AB51 % LATIN SMALL LETTER TURNED UI
+\setXTXcharcodes "0AB52 "0AB52 "0AB52 % LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH LEFT HOOK
+\setXTXcharcodes "0AB53 "0AB53 "0AB53 % LATIN SMALL LETTER CHI
+\setXTXcharcodes "0AB60 "0AB60 "0AB60 % LATIN SMALL LETTER SAKHA YAT
+\setXTXcharcodes "0AB61 "0AB61 "0AB61 % LATIN SMALL LETTER IOTIFIED E
+\setXTXcharcodes "0AB62 "0AB62 "0AB62 % LATIN SMALL LETTER OPEN OE
+\setXTXcharcodes "0AB63 "0AB63 "0AB63 % LATIN SMALL LETTER UO
+\setXTXcharcodes "0AB70 "0AB70 "0AB70 % CHEROKEE SMALL LETTER A
+\setXTXcharcodes "0AB71 "0AB71 "0AB71 % CHEROKEE SMALL LETTER E
+\setXTXcharcodes "0AB72 "0AB72 "0AB72 % CHEROKEE SMALL LETTER I
+\setXTXcharcodes "0AB73 "0AB73 "0AB73 % CHEROKEE SMALL LETTER O
+\setXTXcharcodes "0AB74 "0AB74 "0AB74 % CHEROKEE SMALL LETTER U
+\setXTXcharcodes "0AB75 "0AB75 "0AB75 % CHEROKEE SMALL LETTER V
+\setXTXcharcodes "0AB76 "0AB76 "0AB76 % CHEROKEE SMALL LETTER GA
+\setXTXcharcodes "0AB77 "0AB77 "0AB77 % CHEROKEE SMALL LETTER KA
+\setXTXcharcodes "0AB78 "0AB78 "0AB78 % CHEROKEE SMALL LETTER GE
+\setXTXcharcodes "0AB79 "0AB79 "0AB79 % CHEROKEE SMALL LETTER GI
+\setXTXcharcodes "0AB80 "0AB80 "0AB80 % CHEROKEE SMALL LETTER HO
+\setXTXcharcodes "0AB81 "0AB81 "0AB81 % CHEROKEE SMALL LETTER HU
+\setXTXcharcodes "0AB82 "0AB82 "0AB82 % CHEROKEE SMALL LETTER HV
+\setXTXcharcodes "0AB83 "0AB83 "0AB83 % CHEROKEE SMALL LETTER LA
+\setXTXcharcodes "0AB84 "0AB84 "0AB84 % CHEROKEE SMALL LETTER LE
+\setXTXcharcodes "0AB85 "0AB85 "0AB85 % CHEROKEE SMALL LETTER LI
+\setXTXcharcodes "0AB86 "0AB86 "0AB86 % CHEROKEE SMALL LETTER LO
+\setXTXcharcodes "0AB87 "0AB87 "0AB87 % CHEROKEE SMALL LETTER LU
+\setXTXcharcodes "0AB88 "0AB88 "0AB88 % CHEROKEE SMALL LETTER LV
+\setXTXcharcodes "0AB89 "0AB89 "0AB89 % CHEROKEE SMALL LETTER MA
+\setXTXcharcodes "0AB90 "0AB90 "0AB90 % CHEROKEE SMALL LETTER NAH
+\setXTXcharcodes "0AB91 "0AB91 "0AB91 % CHEROKEE SMALL LETTER NE
+\setXTXcharcodes "0AB92 "0AB92 "0AB92 % CHEROKEE SMALL LETTER NI
+\setXTXcharcodes "0AB93 "0AB93 "0AB93 % CHEROKEE SMALL LETTER NO
+\setXTXcharcodes "0AB94 "0AB94 "0AB94 % CHEROKEE SMALL LETTER NU
+\setXTXcharcodes "0AB95 "0AB95 "0AB95 % CHEROKEE SMALL LETTER NV
+\setXTXcharcodes "0AB96 "0AB96 "0AB96 % CHEROKEE SMALL LETTER QUA
+\setXTXcharcodes "0AB97 "0AB97 "0AB97 % CHEROKEE SMALL LETTER QUE
+\setXTXcharcodes "0AB98 "0AB98 "0AB98 % CHEROKEE SMALL LETTER QUI
+\setXTXcharcodes "0AB99 "0AB99 "0AB99 % CHEROKEE SMALL LETTER QUO
+\setXTXcharcodes "0AB9D "0AB9D "0AB9D % CHEROKEE SMALL LETTER S
+\setXTXcharcodes "0FB00 "0FB00 "0FB00 % LATIN SMALL LIGATURE FF
+\setXTXcharcodes "0FB01 "0FB01 "0FB01 % LATIN SMALL LIGATURE FI
+\setXTXcharcodes "0FB02 "0FB02 "0FB02 % LATIN SMALL LIGATURE FL
+\setXTXcharcodes "0FB03 "0FB03 "0FB03 % LATIN SMALL LIGATURE FFI
+\setXTXcharcodes "0FB04 "0FB04 "0FB04 % LATIN SMALL LIGATURE FFL
+\setXTXcharcodes "0FB05 "0FB05 "0FB05 % LATIN SMALL LIGATURE LONG S T
+\setXTXcharcodes "0FB06 "0FB06 "0FB06 % LATIN SMALL LIGATURE ST
+\setXTXcharcodes "0FB13 "0FB13 "0FB13 % ARMENIAN SMALL LIGATURE MEN NOW
+\setXTXcharcodes "0FB14 "0FB14 "0FB14 % ARMENIAN SMALL LIGATURE MEN ECH
+\setXTXcharcodes "0FB15 "0FB15 "0FB15 % ARMENIAN SMALL LIGATURE MEN INI
+\setXTXcharcodes "0FB16 "0FB16 "0FB16 % ARMENIAN SMALL LIGATURE VEW NOW
+\setXTXcharcodes "0FB17 "0FB17 "0FB17 % ARMENIAN SMALL LIGATURE MEN XEH
+\setXTXcharcodes "0FF41 "0FF41 "0FF21 % FULLWIDTH LATIN SMALL LETTER A
+\setXTXcharcodes "0FF42 "0FF42 "0FF22 % FULLWIDTH LATIN SMALL LETTER B
+\setXTXcharcodes "0FF43 "0FF43 "0FF23 % FULLWIDTH LATIN SMALL LETTER C
+\setXTXcharcodes "0FF44 "0FF44 "0FF24 % FULLWIDTH LATIN SMALL LETTER D
+\setXTXcharcodes "0FF45 "0FF45 "0FF25 % FULLWIDTH LATIN SMALL LETTER E
+\setXTXcharcodes "0FF46 "0FF46 "0FF26 % FULLWIDTH LATIN SMALL LETTER F
+\setXTXcharcodes "0FF47 "0FF47 "0FF27 % FULLWIDTH LATIN SMALL LETTER G
+\setXTXcharcodes "0FF48 "0FF48 "0FF28 % FULLWIDTH LATIN SMALL LETTER H
+\setXTXcharcodes "0FF49 "0FF49 "0FF29 % FULLWIDTH LATIN SMALL LETTER I
+\setXTXcharcodes "0FF50 "0FF50 "0FF30 % FULLWIDTH LATIN SMALL LETTER P
+\setXTXcharcodes "0FF51 "0FF51 "0FF31 % FULLWIDTH LATIN SMALL LETTER Q
+\setXTXcharcodes "0FF52 "0FF52 "0FF32 % FULLWIDTH LATIN SMALL LETTER R
+\setXTXcharcodes "0FF53 "0FF53 "0FF33 % FULLWIDTH LATIN SMALL LETTER S
+\setXTXcharcodes "0FF54 "0FF54 "0FF34 % FULLWIDTH LATIN SMALL LETTER T
+\setXTXcharcodes "0FF55 "0FF55 "0FF35 % FULLWIDTH LATIN SMALL LETTER U
+\setXTXcharcodes "0FF56 "0FF56 "0FF36 % FULLWIDTH LATIN SMALL LETTER V
+\setXTXcharcodes "0FF57 "0FF57 "0FF37 % FULLWIDTH LATIN SMALL LETTER W
+\setXTXcharcodes "0FF58 "0FF58 "0FF38 % FULLWIDTH LATIN SMALL LETTER X
+\setXTXcharcodes "0FF59 "0FF59 "0FF39 % FULLWIDTH LATIN SMALL LETTER Y
+% patch needed for turkish
+\setXTXcharcodes "201C "201C "201C
+\setXTXcharcodes "201D "201D "201D
+% patch needed for french
+\setXTXcharcodes "2019 "2019 "2019
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/xtag-cml.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/xtag-cml.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6da7fd26f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/xtag-cml.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
+% see mathml, == \defineXMLdirective [mathml] \setupMMLappearance
+% will be rewritten avoiding the mapper
+\defineXMLdirective [chemml] \setupCMLappearance
+\defineXMLargument [chem] \doXMLchem
+\defineXMLargument [ichem] \doXMLichem
+\defineXMLargument [dchem] \doXMLdchem
+\unexpanded\def\doXMLchem {\ifhmode\@EA\doXMLichem\else\@EA\doXMLdchem\fi}
+\startXMLmapping [cml]
+\remapXMLsequence [molecule] [CPA] \doCMLmolecule
+\remapXMLsequence [ion] [CPA] \doCMLion
+\remapXMLsequence [atom] [CPA] \doCMLatom
+\setupCMLappearance [ion] [\c!alternative=\v!a]
+ {\ifx\CMLtopcaption\empty
+ \setbox0\null
+ \else
+ \setbox0\hbox{\txx\setstrut\strut\ignorespaces\CMLtopcaption\unskip}%
+ \fi
+ \setbox2\hbox{\ignorespaces\strut#1\unskip}%
+ \ifx\CMLbotcaption\empty
+ \setbox4\null
+ \else
+ \setbox4\hbox{\txx\setstrut\strut\ignorespaces\CMLbotcaption\unskip}%
+ \fi
+ \scratchdimen=\wd2\advance\scratchdimen-.5em
+ \ifdim\wd0>\scratchdimen
+ \setbox0\hbox spread .5em{\hss\box0\hss}%
+ \fi
+ \ifdim\wd4>\scratchdimen
+ \setbox4\hbox spread .5em{\hss\box4\hss}%
+ \fi
+ \setbox6=\vbox
+ {\offinterlineskip\halign{\hss##\hss\cr\copy0\cr\copy2\cr\copy4\cr}}%
+ \hbox{\lower\ht4\hbox{\lower\dp2\box6}}}
+ {$\scriptscriptstyle\ignorespaces#1\unskip$}
+ {\ifcase\XMLpar{#1}{#2}{0}\else#3{\XMLpar{#1}{#2}{0}}\fi}
+ {\resetCMLcaption
+ \processXMLRchild{caption}{#2}%
+ \someCMLtext
+ {\bgroup
+ \newcounter\currentCMLatom
+ \newcounter\nofCMLatoms
+ \getXMLarguments{cml-m}{n="0" #1}%
+ \doifnotXMLzero{cml-m}{n}\firstofoneargument
+ \ignorespaces
+ \processXMLRchild{atom,ion,bond/,singlebond/,doublebond/,triplebond/}{#2}%
+ \unskip
+ \egroup}%
+ \ignorespaces}
+ {\resetCMLcaption
+ \processXMLRchild{caption}{#2}%
+ \someCMLtext
+ {\bgroup
+ \newcounter\currentCMLatom
+ \newcounter\nofCMLatoms
+ \getXMLarguments{cml-i}{n="0" charge="0" #1}%
+ \doifnotXMLzero{cml-i}{n}\firstofoneargument
+ \doifelse\@@CMLionalternative\v!b
+ {[\ignorespaces
+ \processXMLRchild{atom,bond/,singlebond/,doublebond/,triplebond/}{#2}%
+ \unskip]%
+ \high{\doifnotXMLzero{cml-i}{charge}\CMLscript}}
+ {\countXMLRchild{atom}{\ignorespaces#2\unskip}%
+ \let\nofCMLatoms\nofXMLRchildren
+ \ignorespaces
+ \processXMLRchild{atom,bond/,singlebond/,doublebond/,triplebond/}{#2}%
+ \unskip}%
+ \egroup}%
+ \ignorespaces}
+ {\getXMLarguments{cml-a}{n="0" weight="0" protons="0" charge="0" #1}%
+ \increment\currentCMLatom
+ \resetCMLcaption
+ \someCMLtext
+ {\bgroup
+ \lohi
+ {\doifnotXMLzero{cml-a}{protons}\CMLscript}
+ {\doifnotXMLzero{cml-a}{weight}\CMLscript}%
+ \ignorespaces#2\unskip
+ \lohi
+ {\doifnotXMLzero{cml-a}{n}\CMLscript}
+ {\ifnum\nofCMLatoms=\currentCMLatom\relax
+ \doifnotXMLzero{cml-i}{charge}\CMLscript
+ \else
+ \doifnotXMLzero{cml-a}{charge}\CMLscript
+ \fi}%
+ \egroup}%
+ \ignorespaces}
+\remapXMLsequence [reaction] [CPA] \doCMLreaction
+\let\someCMLarrow \gobblethreearguments
+ {\begingroup
+ \let\someCMLsymbol\dosomeCMLsymbol
+ \let\someCMLarrow \dosomeCMLarrow
+ #2%
+ \endgroup}
+\remapXMLsequence [plus] [CPA] \doCMLplus
+\remapXMLsingular [plus] [CPA] \doCMLplus
+\remapXMLsequence [minus] [CPA] \doCMLminus
+\remapXMLsingular [minus] [CPA] \doCMLminus
+\remapXMLsequence [equal] [CPA] \doCMLequal
+\remapXMLsingular [equal] [CPA] \doCMLequal
+\def\doCMLplus #1#2{\someCMLsymbol{+}}
+ {\quad\mathop{#1}\quad}
+\remapXMLsequence [gives] [CPA] \doCMLgives
+\remapXMLsingular [gives] [CPA] \doCMLgives
+\remapXMLsequence [equilibrium] [CPA] \doCMLequilibrium
+\remapXMLsingular [equilibrium] [CPA] \doCMLequilibrium
+\remapXMLsequence [mesomeric] [CPA] \doCMLmesomeric
+\remapXMLsingular [mesomeric] [CPA] \doCMLmesomeric
+\def\doCMLgives #1#2{\resetCMLcaption#2\someCMLgives }
+\def\doCMLmesomeric #1#2{\resetCMLcaption#2\someCMLmesomeric }
+ {\quad
+ \someCMLtext
+ {$\vcenter{\offinterlineskip\halign{##\cr\hskip3em\cr#1\cr}}$}%
+ \quad}
+ {\someCMLarrow{\rightarrowfill}}
+ {\someCMLarrow{\rightarrowfill\cr\noalign{\nointerlineskip}\leftarrowfill}}
+ {\someCMLarrow{$\leftarrow\hskip-1em$\rightarrowfill}}
+\remapXMLsequence [cml] [caption] [CPA] \doCMLcaption
+ {\def\CMLbotcaption{#2}%
+ \def\doCMLcaption##1##2%
+ {\def\CMLtopcaption{##2}%
+ \let\doCMLcaption\gobbletwoarguments}}
+ {\let\CMLtopcaption\empty
+ \let\CMLbotcaption\empty
+ \let\doCMLcaption\dodoCMLcaption}
+\remapXMLsingular [bond] [CPA] \doCMLbond
+\remapXMLsingular [singlebond] [CPA] \doCMLsinglebond
+\remapXMLsingular [doublebond] [CPA] \doCMLdoublebond
+\remapXMLsingular [triplebond] [CPA] \doCMLtriplebond
+ {\getXMLarguments{cml-b}{n="0" #1}%
+ \ifcase\XMLpar{cml-b}{n}{0}\relax
+ \doCMLsinglebond
+ \or
+ \doCMLdoublebond
+ \or
+ \doCMLtriplebond
+ \fi}
+ {\hrule \!!width \hsize \!!height .1ex} % .4pt
+ {{\setbox\scratchbox=\hbox{$M$}%
+ \vbox to \ht\scratchbox
+ {\hsize\wd\scratchbox
+ \vskip.1\wd\scratchbox
+ #1\vfill#2\vfill#3%
+ \vskip.1\wd\scratchbox}}}
+ {\dosomeCMLbond\relax\someCMLbond\relax}
+ {\dosomeCMLbond\someCMLbond\relax\someCMLbond}
+ {\dosomeCMLbond\someCMLbond\someCMLbond\someCMLbond}
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/xtag-ent.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/xtag-ent.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..09051d0b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/xtag-ent.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=xtag-ent,
+%D version=2000.12.20,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ XML Macros,
+%D subtitle=A bunch of Entities,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+% We need this for French and Hungarian.
+\defineXMLentity [colon] {\directdiscretionary{:}}
+\defineXMLentity [semicolon] {\directdiscretionary{;}}
+\defineXMLentity [questionmark] {\directdiscretionary{?}}
+\defineXMLentity [exclamationmark] {\directdiscretionary{!}}
+% These will fall back to the raw encoding vector
+\defineXMLentity [Aacute] {\Aacute}
+\defineXMLentity [aacute] {\aacute}
+\defineXMLentity [Cacute] {\Cacute} % unofficial
+\defineXMLentity [cacute] {\cacute} % unofficial
+\defineXMLentity [Eacute] {\Eacute}
+\defineXMLentity [eacute] {\eacute}
+\defineXMLentity [Iacute] {\Iacute}
+\defineXMLentity [iacute] {\iacute}
+\defineXMLentity [Oacute] {\Oacute}
+\defineXMLentity [oacute] {\oacute}
+\defineXMLentity [Uacute] {\Uacute}
+\defineXMLentity [uacute] {\uacute}
+\defineXMLentity [Yacute] {\Yacute}
+\defineXMLentity [yacute] {\yacute}
+\defineXMLentity [Nacute] {\Nacute}
+\defineXMLentity [nacute] {\nacute}
+\defineXMLentity [Ccedil] {\Ccedilla}
+\defineXMLentity [ccedil] {\ccedilla}
+\defineXMLentity [AElig] {\AEligature}
+\defineXMLentity [aelig] {\aeligature}
+\defineXMLentity [Agrave] {\Agrave}
+\defineXMLentity [agrave] {\agrave}
+\defineXMLentity [Egrave] {\Egrave}
+\defineXMLentity [egrave] {\egrave}
+\defineXMLentity [Igrave] {\Igrave}
+\defineXMLentity [igrave] {\igrave}
+\defineXMLentity [Ograve] {\Ograve}
+\defineXMLentity [ograve] {\ograve}
+\defineXMLentity [Ugrave] {\Ugrave}
+\defineXMLentity [ugrave] {\ugrave}
+\defineXMLentity [THORN] {\Thorn}
+\defineXMLentity [thorn] {\thorn}
+\defineXMLentity [Aring] {\Aring}
+\defineXMLentity [aring] {\aring}
+\defineXMLentity [Oslash] {\Oslash} % stroke
+\defineXMLentity [oslash] {\oslash}
+\defineXMLentity [Lslash] {\Lslash} % unofficial
+\defineXMLentity [lslash] {\lslash} % unofficial
+\defineXMLentity [eth] {\eth} % ?
+\defineXMLentity [ETH] {\Eth} % ?
+\defineXMLentity [Atilde] {\Atilde}
+\defineXMLentity [atilde] {\atilde}
+\defineXMLentity [Etilde] {\Etilde}
+\defineXMLentity [etilde] {\etilde}
+\defineXMLentity [Itilde] {\Itilde}
+\defineXMLentity [itilde] {\itilde}
+\defineXMLentity [Ntilde] {\Ntilde}
+\defineXMLentity [ntilde] {\ntilde}
+\defineXMLentity [Otilde] {\Otilde}
+\defineXMLentity [otilde] {\otilde}
+\defineXMLentity [Utilde] {\Utilde}
+\defineXMLentity [utilde] {\utilde}
+\defineXMLentity [Auml] {\Adiaeresis}
+\defineXMLentity [auml] {\adiaeresis}
+\defineXMLentity [Euml] {\Ediaeresis}
+\defineXMLentity [euml] {\ediaeresis}
+\defineXMLentity [Iuml] {\Idiaeresis}
+\defineXMLentity [iuml] {\idiaeresis}
+\defineXMLentity [Ouml] {\Odiaeresis}
+\defineXMLentity [ouml] {\odiaeresis}
+\defineXMLentity [Uuml] {\Udiaeresis}
+\defineXMLentity [uuml] {\udiaeresis}
+\defineXMLentity [Yuml] {\Ydiaeresis}
+\defineXMLentity [yuml] {\ydiaeresis}
+\defineXMLentity [szlig] {\Ssharp}
+\defineXMLentity [Acirc] {\Acircumflex}
+\defineXMLentity [acirc] {\acircumflex}
+\defineXMLentity [Ecirc] {\Ecircumflex}
+\defineXMLentity [ecirc] {\ecircumflex}
+\defineXMLentity [Icirc] {\Icircumflex}
+\defineXMLentity [icirc] {\icircumflex}
+\defineXMLentity [Ocirc] {\Ocircumflex}
+\defineXMLentity [ocirc] {\ocircumflex}
+\defineXMLentity [Ucirc] {\Ucircumflex}
+\defineXMLentity [ucirc] {\ucircumflex}
+\defineXMLentity [ccaron] {\ccaron} % unofficial
+\defineXMLentity [rcaron] {\rcaron} % unofficial
+\defineXMLentity [scaron] {\scaron} % unofficial
+\defineXMLentity [zcaron] {\zcaron} % unofficial
+\defineXMLentity [dots] {\unknown}
+\defineXMLentity [amp] {\&}
+\defineXMLentity [nbsp] {\nonbreakablespace}
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/xtag-exp.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/xtag-exp.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9ecfcc5b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/xtag-exp.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=xtag-exp,
+%D version=2001.08.20,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ XML Macros,
+%D subtitle=Expansion,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt XML Macros / Expansion}
+\ifnum\texengine=\luatexengine \endinput \fi
+%D Files
+\newcounter\XMLfilenesting \let\restoreXMLelements\relax
+ {\increment \XMLfilenesting \relax
+ \ifcase\XMLfilenesting\or
+ \ifprocessingXML
+ \let\restoreXMLelements\relax
+ \else
+ \let\restoreXMLelements\disableXMLelements
+ \enableXMLelements
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+ {\ifcase\XMLfilenesting\or
+ \restoreXMLelements
+ \let\restoreXMLelements\relax
+ \fi
+ \decrement \XMLfilenesting \relax}
+ \def\enableXMLfiledata
+ {\prependtoks \enableXMLelements \to \mainoutput % brrr, will change
+ \appendtoks \forcefileexpansiontrue \to \everyenableXML
+ \let\enableXMLfiledata\relax}
+ \def\enableXMLfiledata
+ {\prependtoks \enableXMLelements \to \mainoutput % brrr, will change
+ \appendtoks \startXMLreading \to \everybeforeutilityread
+ \appendtoks \stopXMLreading \to \everyafterutilityread
+ \appendtoks \forcefileexpansiontrue \to \everyenableXML
+ \let\enableXMLfiledata\relax}
+ \ifproductionrun \enableXMLfiledata \fi
+\to \aftersetupXMLprocessing
+%D Here we overload the mark handler.
+\ifnum\texengine=\luatexengine \else
+ \def\XMLexpanded#1%
+ {\bgroup
+ \honorunexpanded
+ \dontexpandencoding
+ \xdef\@@globalexpanded{\noexpand#1}% why \noexpand?
+ \egroup
+ \@@globalexpanded}
+ \let\normalsetnormalmark\setnormalmark
+ \long\def\setnormalmark#1% overloaded
+ {\ifprocessingXML
+ \expandafter\setXMLexpandedmark
+ \else
+ \expandafter\normalsetnormalmark
+ \fi#1}
+ \def\setXMLexpandedmark#1#2% using a tok prevents unwanted expansion in mark
+ {\XMLexpanded{\scratchtoks{\enableXMLelements#2}}%
+ \setxvalue{\@@crk\string#1}{\the\scratchtoks}%
+ \normalmarks#1{\the\scratchtoks}}
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/xtag-ext.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/xtag-ext.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..60615b1c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/xtag-ext.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,439 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=xtag-ext,
+%D version=2001.03.21,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ XML Macros,
+%D subtitle=Extra Macros,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt XML Macros / Extras}
+%D \macros
+%D {startXMLmapping}
+%D You can define macros within a namespace, so that they
+%D will not conflict (don't confuse this with \XML\
+%D namespaces.)
+%D \starttyping
+%D \startXMLmapping [tag] | [-] [tag] | [+] [tag]
+%D definitions
+%D \stopXMLmapping
+%D \stoptyping
+%D When a \type {[+]} is specified, the mappings will
+%D nest.
+ {\let\@@XMLelement\normal@@XMLelement
+ \let\@@XMLmapping\empty}
+ {\dodoubleempty\dostartXMLmapping}
+% \def\dostartXMLmapping[#1][#2]% sneller maken
+% {\pushmacro\@@XMLelement
+% \pushmacro\@@XMLmapping
+% \ifsecondargument
+% \doifelse{#1}{-}
+% {\donostartXMLmapping{#2}}
+% {\doifelse{#1}{+}
+% {\dodostartXMLmapping{#2}}
+% {\donostartXMLmapping{#2}}}%
+% \else
+% \donostartXMLmapping{#1}%
+% \fi
+% \unprotect}
+ {\pushmacro\@@XMLelement
+ \pushmacro\@@XMLmapping
+ \ifsecondargument
+ \if\noexpand#1-%
+ \@EA\donostartXMLmapping
+ \else\if\noexpand#1+%
+ \@EAEAEA\dodostartXMLmapping
+ \else
+ \@EAEAEA\donostartXMLmapping
+ \fi\fi{#3}%
+ \else
+ \donostartXMLmapping{#1#2}%
+ \fi
+ \unprotect}
+ {\let\@@XMLprevelement\@@XMLelement
+ \edef\@@XMLmapping{#1}%
+ \edef\@@XMLelement{\normal@@XMLelement+#1}}
+ {\let\@@XMLprevelement\@@XMLelement
+ \edef\@@XMLmapping{\@@XMLmapping+#1}%
+ \edef\@@XMLelement{\@@XMLelement+#1}}
+ {\protect
+ \popmacro\@@XMLmapping
+ \popmacro\@@XMLelement}
+%D \macros
+%D {startXMLmappinggroup}
+%D Imagine something:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \defineXMLenvironment [something]
+%D {\startXMLmapping[whatever]}
+%D {\stopXMLmapping}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Here the \type {\stopXMLmapping} will never be reached
+%D because we are in a mapping. Therefore we need:
+ {\dodoubleempty\dostartXMLmappinggroup}
+ {\bgroup
+ \letcscsname\savedXMLmeaning\csname\@@XMLelement:/\currentXMLelement\endcsname
+ \dostartXMLmapping[#1][#2]% do ! else wrong !
+ \letcsnamecs\csname\@@XMLelement:/\currentXMLelement\endcsname\savedXMLmeaning}
+ {\stopXMLmapping
+ \egroup}
+%D Context Directives:
+ {\dodoubleempty\dodefineXMLdirective}
+ {\defineXMLprocessor[context-#1-directive]{\dohandleXMLdirective{#1}{#3}}%
+ \ifsecondargument
+ \long\setvalue{\@@CTXML-#1-#2}{#3}%
+ \fi}
+ {\dodohandleXMLdirective#3 @ @ @\end{#1}{#2}}
+%\def\dodohandleXMLdirective#1 #2 #3 #4\end#5#6%
+% {\doifdefinedelse{\@@CTXML-#5-#1}
+% {\getvalue{\@@CTXML-#5-#1}[#2=#3]}
+% {#6[#1][#2=#3]}}
+\def\dodohandleXMLdirective#1 #2 #3 #4\end#5#6%
+ {\executeifdefined{\@@CTXML-#5-#1}{#6[#1]}[#2=#3]}
+% \defineXMLdirective [mathml] \setupMMLappearance % [#1][#2=#3]
+% \defineXMLdirective [flowchart] [shapes] \setupFLOWshapes % [#2=#3]
+% \defineXMLdirective [flowchart] [lines] \setupFLOWlines % [#2=#3]
+\defineXMLprocessor [context-begin-group] {\bgroup\gobbleoneargument}
+\defineXMLprocessor [context-end-group] {\egroup\gobbleoneargument}
+% \def\XMLnspart#1:#2\empty{#1} % call ...:\empty\empty
+% \def\XMLidpart#1:#2#3\empty{\ifx#2\empty#1\else\XMLidpart#2#3\empty\empty\fi}
+% trial macros (used in setupx), to be sped up !
+\bgroup \catcode`\<=\activecatcode
+\gdef\saveXMLasdata#1#2% name raw data
+ {\dodoglobal\setevalue{\@@XMLsave:#1}{#2}} % \edef!
+\gdef\saveXMLdata#1#2% name data-name ; definitely no \edef
+ {\dodoglobal\copycsname\@@XMLsave:#1\endcsname\csname\@@XMLdata:#2\endcsname}
+% \gdef\saveXMLdatainelement#1#2#3% name element data
+% {\dodoglobal\setevalue{\@@XMLsave:#1}% todo: one level expansion
+% {<#2 \currentXMLarguments>\XMLflush{#3}</#2>}}
+% \gdef\saveXMLdatastructure#1#2#3#4#5#6% name element args before data after
+% {\dodoglobal\setevalue{\@@XMLsave:#1}% todo: one level expansion
+% {<#2 #3 \currentXMLarguments>#4\XMLflush{#5}#6</#2>}}
+% better (no expansion):
+\gdef\saveXMLdatainelement#1#2#3% name element data
+ {\XMLdatatoks\@EAEAEA{\csname\@@XMLdata:#3\endcsname}% no check
+ \dodoglobal\setevalue{\@@XMLsave:#1}{<#2 \currentXMLarguments>\the\XMLdatatoks</#2>}}
+\gdef\saveXMLdatastructure#1#2#3#4#5#6% name element args before data after
+ {\XMLdatatoks\@EAEAEA{\csname\@@XMLdata:#5\endcsname}% no check
+ \dodoglobal\setevalue{\@@XMLsave:#1}{<#2 #3 \currentXMLarguments>#4\the\XMLdatatoks#6</#2>}}
+\gdef\gsaveXMLasdata {\doglobal\saveXMLasdata}
+\gdef\gsaveXMLdata {\doglobal\saveXMLdata}
+ {\doifdefinedelse{\@@XMLsave:#1}}
+ {\ifcsname\@@XMLsave:#1\endcsname
+ \bgroup
+ \@EA\defconvertedcommand\@EA\ascii\csname\@@XMLsave:#1\endcsname
+ \setbox\scratchbox\hbox{\ignorespaces\ascii\unskip\unskip\unskip}%
+ \ifdim\wd\scratchbox>\zeropoint
+ \egroup\@EAEAEA\firstoftwoarguments
+ \else
+ \egroup\@EAEAEA\secondoftwoarguments
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \@EA\secondoftwoarguments
+ \fi}
+ {\ifcsname\@@XMLsave:#1\endcsname
+ \bgroup
+ \@EA\defconvertedcommand\@EA\asciia\csname\@@XMLsave:#1\endcsname
+ \defconvertedargument\asciib{#2}%
+ \ifx\asciia\asciib
+ \egroup\@EAEAEA\firstoftwoarguments
+ \else
+ \egroup\@EAEAEA\secondoftwoarguments
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \@EA\secondoftwoarguments
+ \fi}
+\gdef\doifXMLtextelse#1% new
+ {\doiftextelse{\simplifyXMLelements#1}}
+\gdef\doifXMLtext#1#2% new
+ {\doiftextelse{\simplifyXMLelements#1}{#2}\donothing}
+ {\ifcsname\@@XMLsave:#1\endcsname
+ \@EA\defconvertedcommand\@EA#2\csname\@@XMLsave:#1\endcsname
+ \else
+ \let#2\ascii
+ \fi}
+ {\csname
+ \@@XMLsave:\ifcsname\@@XMLsave:#1\endcsname#1\else\@@XMLsave\fi
+ \endcsname}
+ {\@EA\let\@EA#1\csname
+ \@@XMLsave:\ifcsname\@@XMLsave:#2\endcsname#2\else\@@XMLsave\fi
+ \endcsname}
+ {\showvalue{\@@XMLsave:#1}}
+ {\dodoglobal\letbeundefined{\@@XMLsave:#1}}
+ {\doglobal\eraseXMLelement}
+ {\bgroup
+ \enableXMLelements
+ \getvalue{\@@XMLsave:#1}%
+ \egroup}
+ {\begingroup
+% \setnormalcatcodes
+ \disableXML
+ \scantokens\@EA\@EA\@EA{\csname\@@XMLsave:#1\endcsname}%
+ \endgroup}
+ {\setXMLentity{amp}{\string&}%
+ \setXMLentity{lt}{\string<}%
+ \setXMLentity{gt}{\string>}%
+ \setXMLentity{quot}{\string'}%
+ \setXMLentity{dquot}{\string"}}
+ {\ifcsname\@@XMLsave:#1\endcsname
+ \bgroup
+ \reduceXMLescapetokens
+ \reduceXMLescapeentities
+ \expanded{\egroup\noexpand\def\noexpand#2{\csname\@@XMLsave:#1\endcsname}}%
+ \else
+ \let#2\empty
+ \fi}
+% \defineXMLcommand
+% [whatever]
+% [test=unknown]
+% {\XMLop{test}}
+% \startXMLdata
+% <whatever test="{\bf test}"/>
+% \stopXMLdata
+% \defineXMLcommand
+% [whatever]
+% [test=unknown]
+% {\defXMLtex\SomethingTex{\XMLop{test}}%
+% \SomethingTex}
+% \startXMLdata
+% <whatever test="{\bf test}"/>
+% \stopXMLdata
+\def\defXMLtex#1#2% the appended space will go away when
+ {\begingroup % \scantokens is fixed
+ \disableXML
+ \everyeof{\noexpand}% br's hack
+ \edef\ascii{#2}%
+ \edef\ascii{\scantokens\expandafter{\ascii}}% space appended
+ \expandafter\endgroup\expandafter\def\expandafter#1\expandafter{\ascii}}
+ {\doifXMLentityelse{#1}{\getXMLentity{#1}}{#1}}
+% \def\XMLnoschema{standalone='yes'}
+\def\writtenXMLelement #1#2{<#1>#2</#1>}
+\def\writtenXMLstart #1{<#1>}
+\def\writtenXMLend #1{</#1>}
+\def\writtenXMLempty #1{<#1/>}
+\def\writtenXMLemptycs #1#2{\ifx#2\empty<#1/>\else<#1>#2</#1>\fi}
+%D This one can be used to get sound tuo files.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \setuphead[chapter][expansion=xml]
+%D % \setuplist[chapter][textcommand=\enableXML]
+%D \enableregime[utf] \autoXMLentitiestrue
+%D \stoptyping
+%D with:
+%D \starttyping
+%D <chapter>test &#xEB; test &ediaeresis; test <e>ediaeresis</e></chapter>
+%D \stoptyping
+%D This gives:
+%D \starttyping
+%D test ë test</b> <e>ediaeresis</e> test <e>ediaeresis</e>
+%D \stoptyping
+ {\csname\??xp#1\endcsname}
+ \defineXMLargument[\XMLprocessingparameter\c!escape]\getXMLentity
+\to \aftersetupXMLprocessing
+ [\c!escape=e]
+\bgroup \catcode`\<=\activecatcode
+ {\begingroup
+ \let\uppercase\firstofoneargument
+ \def\getXMLhexcharacter##1{\numbertoutp{"##1}}% maps to private if needed
+ \def\getXMLdeccharacter##1{\numbertoutp {##1}}% maps to private if needed
+ \def\getXMLentity##1{<e>##1</e>}%
+ \def<{\noexpand<}%
+ \ifcase\xmlexpandmode
+ \or
+ % 1 = default
+ \or
+ % 2 = keep utf
+ \keeputfcharacters % new, needed for chinese and such
+ \fi
+ \let\uchar\relax
+ \let\unicodechar\relax
+ \xdef\@@globalexpanded{#3}%
+ \endgroup
+ #1#2\@@globalexpanded}
+% test.xml: <test>test % test</test>
+% \starttext
+% \enableregime[utf] \chardef\XMLtokensreduction=0
+% \setuphead[chapter][expansion=xml]
+% \defineXMLargument[test]{\chapter}
+% \placelist[chapter][criterium=text]
+% \processXMLfilegrouped{test.xml}
+% \stoptext
+% obsolete in mkiv
+\def\defexpandedxmlargumentcmd {\chardef\xmlexpandmode\plusone\defexpandedxmlargument\defconvertedcommand}
+\def\defexpandedxmlargumentutf {\chardef\xmlexpandmode\plustwo\defexpandedxmlargument\defconvertedcommand}
+\installexpander {xml} \defexpandedxmlargumentcmd \gdefexpandedxmlargumentcmd
+\installexpander {xml:cmd} \defexpandedxmlargumentcmd \gdefexpandedxmlargumentcmd
+\installexpander {xml:utf} \defexpandedxmlargumentutf \gdefexpandedxmlargumentutf
+% \defineXMLargument[tm]{\XMLtexmath}
+% \startbuffer[test]
+% Sometimes it makes sense to use simple math, as in: <tm>e=mc^2</tm>.
+% \stopbuffer
+% \processXMLbuffer[test]
+%D Undocumented ...
+\def\defineXMLstore {\doquadrupleargument\dodefineXMLstore[\saveXMLasdata]}
+\def\dodefineXMLstore[#1][#2][#3][#4]% element attribute prefix % will become faster
+ {\defineXMLargument[#2][#3=\s!dummy]{#1{#4:\XMLop{#3}}}}
+ {\startnointerference
+ \doglobal\newcounter\nofXMLchildren
+ \defineXMLargument[#1]{\doglobal\increment\nofXMLchildren}%
+ \startXMLignore
+ #2%
+ \stopXMLignore
+ \stopnointerference}
+% Typical \MKII. We will not explore this route any further as in \MKIV\ we
+% have better ways.
+\prependtoks \setnormalcatcodes \to \everyTEXinputmode
+\appendtoks \processingXMLfalse \to \everyTEXinputmode
+\let\normalenableXML\enableXML % some day we move the normal \enableXML into the toks
+\prependtoks \normalenableXML \to \everyXMLinputmode
+\appendtoks \processingXMLtrue \to \everyXMLinputmode
+\unexpanded\def\enableXML {\setinputmode[XML]} % \enableXML is used in edef's and marks
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/xtag-hyp.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/xtag-hyp.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..105f1a1e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/xtag-hyp.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=xtag-hyp,
+%D version=2003.11.24,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ XML MAcros,
+%D subtitle=Hyphenation,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt XML Macros / Hyphenation}
+%D This filter is kind of obsolete, since \UTF\ is not
+%D limited to \XML. So, here we only enable \UTF\ support.
+ \defineXMLenvironment [hyphenations] [language=\currentlanguage,regime=utf,encoding=\defaultencoding]
+ {\startnointerference
+ \defineXMLargument [hyphenation] \hyphenation
+ \language[\XMLop{language}]}
+ {\stopnointerference}
+ \defineXMLenvironment [hyphenations] [language=\currentlanguage,regime=utf,encoding=\defaultencoding]
+ {\startnointerference
+ \defineXMLargument [hyphenation] \hyphenation
+ \language[\XMLop{language}]%
+ \enableregime[\XMLop{regime}]%
+ \enableencoding[\XMLop{encoding}]}
+ {\stopnointerference}
+\defineXMLsingular [hyphenate]
+ {\-}
+\defineXMLgrouped [language] [code=\currentlanguage,scope=local]
+ {\doifelse{\XMLop{scope}}{global}\mainlanguage\language[\XMLop{code}]}
+\defineXMLsingular [language] [code=\currentlanguage]
+ {\doifelse{\XMLop{scope}}{global}\mainlanguage\language[\XMLop{code}]}
+\defineXMLsingular [compound] [token=-]
+ {\expanded{\directdiscretionary{\XMLop{token}}}}
+% \mainlanguage[nl] \setupbodyfont[pos] \useXMLfilter[utf,hyp]
+% \starttext
+% \hyphenatedword{pati\ediaeresis nten}
+% \hyphenatedword{pati\ediaeresis ntenorganisatie}
+% \hyphenatedword{pati\ediaeresis ntenplatform}
+% \startXMLdata
+% <hyphenations language='nl' regime='utf'>
+% <hyphenation>pa-tiën-ten</hyphenation>
+% <hyphenation>pa-tiën-ten-or-ga-ni-sa-tie</hyphenation>
+% <hyphenation>pa-tiën-ten-plat-form</hyphenation>
+% </hyphenations>
+% \stopXMLdata
+% \hyphenatedword{pati\ediaeresis nten}
+% \hyphenatedword{pati\ediaeresis ntenorganisatie}
+% \hyphenatedword{pati\ediaeresis ntenplatform}
+% \stoptext
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/xtag-ini.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/xtag-ini.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ce3cbacd0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/xtag-ini.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,3026 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=xtag-ini,
+%D version=2000.12.20,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ XML Macros,
+%D subtitle=Initialization,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt XML Macros / Initialization}
+%D Beware: don't rely on \longempty things, since this may
+%D change!
+\ifdefined\keeputfcharacters \else \let\keeputfcharacters\relax \fi % for mkiv
+\ifdefined\utfunicodetracer \else \newconstant\utfunicodetracer \fi % for mkiv
+%D \macros
+%D {defineinputmode,setinputmode}
+%D For old times sake we still support:
+\unexpanded\def\defineinputmode[#1]{\expandafter\newtoks\csname every#1inputmode\endcsname}
+\unexpanded\def\setinputmode [#1]{\the\executeifdefined{every#1inputmode}\emptytoks}
+\defineinputmode [TEX]
+\defineinputmode [XML]
+\setinputmode [TEX]
+%D Finally we make sure that the compound handler keeps doingits job.
+\ifx\normalcompound\undefined \let\normalcompound=| \fi
+\appendtoks \catcode`|=\activecatcode \let|\normalcompound \to \everyTEXinputmode
+\appendtoks \catcode`|=\lettercatcode \to \everyXMLinputmode
+%D This module is highly optimized for speed, which sometimes
+%D leads to rather unreadable code. Sorry for this.
+\bgroup \obeylines
+\gdef\startXMLdefinitions% keep %
+ {\bgroup\obeylines\dostartXMLdefinitions}
+\gdef\dostartXMLdefinitions #1
+ {\egroup\doifsomething{#1}{\writestatus{XML}{loading #1 support}}}
+% todo: XMLfullsave == also attributes
+% csnames
+% XMLelse -> elseXML
+%D Remark: some hard coded character things will be replaced
+%D by named glyphs as soon as the upgraded encoding modules
+%D are released. At that moment, unicode support will be
+%D provided in accordance with the normal support in \CONTEXT.
+%D Like it or not, this module deals with angle bracketed
+%D input. Processing \XML\ alike input in \CONTEXT\ has been
+%D possible since 1995, and till 2000 several methods ran in
+%D parallel. These were implemented in modules like the semi
+%D public \type {m-sgml}.
+%D There is not one optimal solution for processing \XML\ data.
+%D The oldest method was based on a very simple preprocessor
+%D written in \MODULA\ and later \PERL: \type {<command>} was
+%D converted into \type {\begSGML[command]} and optional
+%D parameters were passed.
+%D A second method uses a \PERL\ or \XSL\ transformation
+%D script that produces \CONTEXT\ commands. This method is
+%D much slower, mainly because the whole document is read into
+%D memory and a document tree is to be build. The advantage is
+%D that processing of the resulting document is fast.
+%D The third method uses a basic parser written in the \TEX\
+%D language, and apart from a few pitfalls, this method is
+%D clean and efficient, but not always robust. Because errors
+%D in the input are not catched on forehand, processing in
+%D \TEX\ may fail due to errors. But, given that a document
+%D can be validated on forehand, this is no big problem.
+%D Each method has its advantage, but especially the third
+%D method puts some demands on \CONTEXT, since no interference
+%D between the parser and the core commands may occur. What
+%D method is used, depends on the situation.
+%D All three methods introduce some problems in interfacing to
+%D core \CONTEXT\ functionality. This is due to the fact that
+%D sometimes we want to typeset content directly, while in
+%D other cases we just want to pick up data for later usage,
+%D either or not using delimited arguments. And, when moving
+%D data around, there is always the expansion problem to deal
+%D with.
+%D As can be expected, we have to map begin and end tags onto
+%D \CONTEXT's start- and stopcommands. This is the easy part.
+%D When we have to pass the content of an element to a macro
+%D as argument, we need to do a delimited grab. Such mappings
+%D are not that hard to implement and were part of \type
+%D {m-sgml.tex} already. New in this core module is nested
+%D grabbing. Also new here is the support for namespaces and
+%D extensive attribute handling. On the other hand, recursive
+%D traceback of attributes is no longer supported. Because
+%D this feature was not really used, we can hereby safely we
+%D declare the \type {m-sgml.tex} module obsolete.
+%D In order to be able to incorporate \XML\ style definitions
+%D into basic \TEX\ styles, we will provide some basic
+%D functionality in the core itself. Some of the functionality
+%D can be set up with this general command. We use a token
+%D list register to handle post||setup actions. This permits
+%D us to extend this command.
+ {\dosingleargument\dosetupXMLprocessing}
+ {\getparameters[\??xp][#1]\the\aftersetupXMLprocessing}
+ {\csname\??xp#1\endcsname}
+%D Formally an \XML\ file starts with an unique sequence
+%D \type {<?xml}, but in most of the unilities that come with
+%D \CONTEXT\ we will be more tolerant, and gobble preceding
+%D spaces.
+\def\XMLbanner#1{\string<\string ?xml version='1.0' #1\string ?\string>}
+%D We will be dealing with elements, which means that we have
+%D to take care of \type {<this>} and \type {</that>}, but
+%D also with \type {<such/>} and \type {<so />}. In some cases
+%D the upper and lowercase alternatives need to be dealt with,
+%D although this is not realy needed since XML is case
+%D sensitive.
+%D We also have to handle entities, like \type {&you;} and
+%D \type {&me;}. These are quite easy to deal with and need to
+%D be hooked into the encoding and abbreviation mechanisms.
+%D And then there are the parameters to be taken care of. Here
+%D we meet \type {key="value"} but also \type {key='eulav'}
+%D and even the spacy \typ {key = "value"}.
+%D Since we have to handlers for each element and entity, we
+%D will create a few namespaces. Special care has to be
+%D given to preformated code.
+%D There are two namespace mechanisms in place: one for
+%D \TEX, and one for \XML. The later mechanism permits
+%D remapping and ignoring.
+\def \@@XML {XML:}
+\edef\@@XMLentity {\@@XML ent} % &crap;
+\edef\@@XMLelement {\@@XML ele} % <this> </this> <that/>
+\edef\@@XMLvariable {\@@XML var} % key="val"
+\edef\@@XMLvalue {\@@XML val} % key="val"
+\edef\@@XMLpars {\@@XML par} %
+\edef\@@XMLdata {\@@XML dat} % mem buffer
+\edef\@@XMLcode {\@@XML cod} % named mem buffers
+\edef\@@XMLinstruction {\@@XML ins} % <?
+\edef\@@XMLmap {\@@XML map} % mapping on context attr
+\edef\@@XMLlist {\@@XML lst} %
+\edef\@@XMLnamespace {\@@XML nam} % namespace:element
+\edef\@@XMLurlspace {\@@XML url} %
+\edef\@@XMLescape {\@@XML esc} % <!
+\edef\@@XMLdepth {\@@XML dep} % used to track nesting
+\edef\@@XMLdopth {\@@XML dop} % used to track nesting
+\edef\@@XMLsave {\@@XML sav} % namespace for saved elements
+\iffalse % slightly faster
+\edef\@@XML {*}
+\edef\@@XMLentity {\@@XML a} % &crap;
+\edef\@@XMLelement {\@@XML b} % <this> </this> <that/>
+\edef\@@XMLvariable {\@@XML c} % key="val"
+\edef\@@XMLvalue {\@@XML d} % key="val"
+\edef\@@XMLpars {\@@XML e} %
+\edef\@@XMLdata {\@@XML f} % mem buffer
+\edef\@@XMLcode {\@@XML g} % named mem buffers
+\edef\@@XMLinstruction {\@@XML h} % <?
+\edef\@@XMLmap {\@@XML i} % mapping on context attr
+\edef\@@XMLlist {\@@XML j} %
+\edef\@@XMLnamespace {\@@XML k} % namespace:element
+\edef\@@XMLurlspace {\@@XML l} %
+\edef\@@XMLescape {\@@XML m} % <!
+\edef\@@XMLdepth {\@@XML n} % used to track nesting
+\edef\@@XMLdopth {\@@XML o} % used to track nesting
+\edef\@@XMLsave {\@@XML p} % namespace for saved elements
+\let\normal@@XMLelement\@@XMLelement % we may overload this one later inside a group
+\newcount\XMLlevel % scratchcounter
+\newcount\XMLdepth % used here
+%D We will implement the parser by making a few characters
+%D active. For that reason we also have to save their
+%D original meaning.
+%D \macros
+%D {enableXML}
+%D The macro \type {\enableXML} will be used to turn on the
+%D parser. This means that after that, \TEX\ commands starting
+%D with a backslash will not longer be read as such. There is
+%D a way around this, but for convenience \TEXEXEC\ will take
+%D care of processing raw \XML\ files in a transparant way.
+% cmr -- best for tui and such
+% \chardef\XMLtokensreduction\zerocount
+% lmr -- best but problematic for tui file:
+% \def\alwaysreduceXMLtokens {\XMLtokensreduction\plusone}
+% \def\permanentreduceXMLtokens{\XMLtokensreduction\plustwo}
+% part of this should move to a low level module
+% we predefine some macros, just to satisfy the dep parser
+\let\enableXMLexpansion \relax
+\let\disableXMLexpansion \relax
+\let\enableXML \relax
+\let\entitleXMLescapetokens \relax
+\let\reduceXMLescapetokens \relax
+\let\ignoreXMLescapetokens \relax
+\let\enableXMLelements \relax
+\let\disableXMLelements \relax
+% \bgroup
+% \catcode`\*=\commentcatcode
+% \catcode`\.=\escapecatcode
+% .catcode`.B=.begingroupcatcode
+% .catcode`.E=.endgroupcatcode
+% .catcode`.P=.parametercatcode
+% .catcode`.&=.activecatcode
+% .catcode`.<=.activecatcode
+% .catcode`.#=.activecatcode
+% .catcode`.$=.activecatcode
+% .catcode`.%=.activecatcode
+% .catcode`.\=.activecatcode
+% .catcode`.^=.activecatcode
+% .catcode`._=.activecatcode
+% .catcode`.{=.activecatcode
+% .catcode`.}=.activecatcode
+% .catcode`.|=.activecatcode
+% .catcode`.~=.activecatcode
+% .gdef.enableXMLexpansion
+% B.def<B.doXMLelementE.let&=.doXMLentityE
+% .gdef.disableXMLexpansion
+% B.unexpanded.def<B.doXMLelementE.let&=.doXMLentityE
+% * internally the # becomes two #'s (before expanding, during
+% * the parsing stage) which is why we let the first # gobble
+% * the second one
+% *
+% * since this only takes place when reading arguments, as in
+% * \startXMLdata ... cum, suis, we can take place of it
+% * there; this is needed because reading from file goes wrong
+% * (eating up argument)
+% .unexpanded.gdef.enableXML
+% B.catcode`.!=.othercatcode
+% .catcode`.?=.othercatcode
+% .catcode`.:=.othercatcode * active in french
+% .catcode`.;=.othercatcode * active in french
+% .catcode`.&=.activecatcode
+% .catcode`.<=.activecatcode
+% .catcode`.>=.othercatcode
+% .catcode`."=.othercatcode
+% .catcode`./=.othercatcode
+% .catcode`.'=.othercatcode
+% .catcode`.~=.othercatcode
+% .catcode`.#=.othercatcode
+% .let &=.doXMLentity
+% .unexpanded.def<B.doXMLelementE*
+% .ifcase.XMLtokensreduction
+% .entitleXMLescapetokens
+% .or
+% .reduceXMLescapetokens
+% .else
+% .ignoreXMLescapetokens
+% .fi
+% .processingXMLtrue
+% .the.everyenableXML
+% E
+% .gdef.activateXMLescapetokens
+% B.catcode`.$=.activecatcode
+% .catcode`.%=.activecatcode
+% .catcode`.\=.activecatcode
+% .catcode`.^=.activecatcode
+% .catcode`._=.activecatcode
+% .catcode`.{=.activecatcode
+% .catcode`.}=.activecatcode
+% .catcode`.|=.activecatcode
+% E
+% .xdef.entitleXMLescapetokens
+% B.noexpand.activateXMLescapetokens
+% .noexpand.def.noexpand#B.noexpand&.string#035;E*
+% .noexpand.def.noexpand$B.noexpand&.string#036;E*
+% .noexpand.def.noexpand%B.noexpand&.string#037;E*
+% .noexpand.def.noexpand\B.noexpand&.string#092;E*
+% .noexpand.def.noexpand^B.noexpand&.string#094;E*
+% .noexpand.def.noexpand_B.noexpand&.string#095;E*
+% .noexpand.def.noexpand{B.noexpand&.string#123;E*
+% .noexpand.def.noexpand}B.noexpand&.string#125;E*
+% .noexpand.def.noexpand|B.noexpand&.string#124;E*
+% E
+% .gdef.reduceXMLescapetokens
+% B.activateXMLescapetokens
+% .def#B.string#E*
+% .def$B.string$E*
+% .def%B.string%E*
+% .def\B.string\E*
+% .def^B.string^E*
+% .def_B.string_E*
+% .def{B.string{E*
+% .def}B.string}E*
+% .def|B.string|E*
+% E
+% .gdef.ignoreXMLescapetokens
+% B.catcode`.$=.othercatcode
+% .catcode`.%=.othercatcode
+% .catcode`.\=.othercatcode
+% .catcode`.^=.othercatcode
+% .catcode`._=.othercatcode
+% .catcode`.{=.othercatcode
+% .catcode`.}=.othercatcode
+% .catcode`.|=.othercatcode
+% E
+% * The following macro can be invokes when reading from
+% * an auxiliary file.
+% .unexpanded.gdef.enableXMLelements
+% B.catcode60=.activecatcode * .catcode`.<=.activecatcode
+% .catcode62=.othercatcode * .catcode`.>=.other
+% .unexpanded.def<B.doXMLelementE*
+% .processingXMLtrue
+% E
+% .unexpanded.gdef.disableXMLelements
+% B.catcode60=.activecatcode * .catcode`.<=.activecatcode
+% .catcode62=.othercatcode * .catcode`.>=.othercatcode
+% .let<.relax * new
+% .processingXMLfalse
+% E
+% .global.let<.relax * new
+% .global.let&.relax * new
+% .egroup
+% \def\disableXML
+% {\setnormalcatcodes\processingXMLfalse}
+\defcatcodecommand\xmlcatcodese 046 \doXMLentity
+\defcatcodecommand\xmlcatcodese 060 \doXMLelement
+\defcatcodecommand\xmlcatcodesr 046 \doXMLentity
+\defcatcodecommand\xmlcatcodesr 060 \doXMLelement
+\defcatcodecommand\xmlcatcodesn 046 \doXMLentity
+\defcatcodecommand\xmlcatcodesn 060 \doXMLelement
+\letcatcodecommand\xmlcatcodesr 035 \letterhash
+\letcatcodecommand\xmlcatcodesr 036 \letterdollar
+\letcatcodecommand\xmlcatcodesr 037 \letterpercent
+\letcatcodecommand\xmlcatcodesr 092 \letterbackslash
+\letcatcodecommand\xmlcatcodesr 094 \letterhat
+\letcatcodecommand\xmlcatcodesr 095 \letterunderscore
+\letcatcodecommand\xmlcatcodesr 123 \letterleftbrace
+\letcatcodecommand\xmlcatcodesr 125 \letterrightbrace
+\letcatcodecommand\xmlcatcodesr 124 \letterbar
+\bgroup \catcode`\&=13 \let&\relax
+\xdef\entityhash {&\string#035;}
+\xdef\entitydollar {&\string#036;}
+\xdef\entitypercent {&\string#037;}
+\xdef\entitybackslash {&\string#092;}
+\xdef\entityhat {&\string#094;}
+\xdef\entityleftbrace {&\string#123;}
+\xdef\entitybar {&\string#124;}
+\letcatcodecommand\xmlcatcodese 035 \entityhash
+\letcatcodecommand\xmlcatcodese 036 \entitydollar
+\letcatcodecommand\xmlcatcodese 037 \entitypercent
+\letcatcodecommand\xmlcatcodese 092 \entitybackslash
+\letcatcodecommand\xmlcatcodese 094 \entityhat
+\letcatcodecommand\xmlcatcodese 095 \entityunderscore
+\letcatcodecommand\xmlcatcodese 123 \entityleftbrace
+\letcatcodecommand\xmlcatcodese 125 \entityrightbrace
+\letcatcodecommand\xmlcatcodese 124 \entitybar
+% we speed things up by explicitly setting the active char's < &
+\doifmodeelse {mkiv} {
+ \def\mksetXMLtokensreduction % mkiv
+ {\setcatcodetable\xmlcatcodesn}
+} {
+ \def\mksetXMLtokensreduction % mkii
+ {\ifcase\XMLtokensreduction
+ \setcatcodetable\xmlcatcodese \or
+ \setcatcodetable\xmlcatcodesr \else
+ \setcatcodetable\xmlcatcodesn
+ \fi}
+\bgroup \catcode`\<=13 \catcode`\&=13
+ {\mksetXMLtokensreduction
+ \let&\doXMLentity
+ \unexpanded\def<{\doXMLelement}%
+ \processingXMLtrue
+ \the\everyenableXML}
+ {\setcatcodetable\ctxcatcodes % maybe \texcatcodes
+ \processingXMLfalse}
+ {\def<{\doXMLelement}%
+ \let&\doXMLentity}
+ {\unexpanded\def<{\doXMLelement}%
+ \let&\doXMLentity}
+ {\catcode60=\activecatcode
+ \catcode62=\othercatcode
+ \unexpanded\def<{\doXMLelement}%
+ \processingXMLtrue}
+ {\catcode60=\activecatcode
+ \catcode62=\othercatcode
+ \let<\relax
+ \processingXMLfalse}
+%D An element can be singular or paired. A singular element is
+%D called an empty element. The following definitions are
+%D equivalent:
+%D \starttyping
+%D <eerste></eerste> <eerste/> <eerste />
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Empty elements can have arguments too. Conforming the
+%D standard, each key must have a value. These are separated
+%D by an \type {=} sign and the value is delimited by either
+%D \type {"} or \type {'}. There may be spaces around the
+%D equal sign.
+%D \starttyping
+%D <eerste a= "b" c ="d" /> <eerste a = "b" c="d"/>
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Officially the following definition is not valid:
+%D \starttyping
+%D <eerste>some text</eerste> <eerste/> <eerste />
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Although we can handle both cases independently, this is
+%D seldom needed.
+%D Processing instructions are identified by a~\type {?} and are
+%D like empty elements.
+%D \starttyping
+%D <?doel a="b" c="d"?> <?doel a="b" c="d" ?>
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Comment is formatted as follows.
+%D \starttyping
+%D <!-- comment -->
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Verbatim code inits purest form is called \type {CDATA} and
+%D is embedded in the following ugly and therefore recognizable
+%D way:
+%D \starttyping
+%D <![CDATA[
+%D Dit is nogal verbatim !
+%D Dit is nogal verbatim !
+%D Dit is nogal verbatim !
+%D ]]>
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The parser is implemented as a multi||step macro. Because
+%D \type {!} and \type {?} should be picked up correctly, we
+%D need to define a few macros in unprotected mode!
+%D Because \XML\ is defined with some restrictions in mind,
+%D parsing the elements is not that complicated. First we have
+%D to determine if we're dealing with a comment or processing
+%D instruction. We need a bit of grouping because we have to
+%D mess up with catcodes. We probably have to treat a few
+%D more catcode and first character cases. We need to use
+%D \type {\begingroup} here, otherwise we get funny spaces in
+%D math.
+%D Maybe I will remove grouping here and introduce \type
+%D {\obeyXMLlines}.
+%D By using a few {\expandafter}'s we can avoid a \type {\next}
+%D construction. We could speed the first char test up a bit
+%D by using an installer and something \typ {\getvalue
+%D {#1doXMLelement}} (todo).
+\protect % we need an normal ! ?
+% \long\def\doXMLelement#1%
+% {\if#1!\expandafter \xparseXMLescape \else
+% \if#1?\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter \xparseXMLprocess \else
+% \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter \xparseXMLelement \fi\fi
+% #1}
+ {\if#1!\expandafter \xparseXMLescape \else
+ \if#1?\expandthree \xparseXMLprocess \else
+ \expandthree \xparseXMLelement \fi\fi
+ #1}
+% does it end with ? or ?>
+\long\def\xparseXMLescape !#1 {\parseXMLescape{#1}}
+\long\def\xparseXMLprocess ?#1 #2>{\parseXMLprocess{#1}{#2}}
+\long\def\xparseXMLelement #1>{\parseXMLelement #1 >}
+%D The escape handler takes care of the fuzzy \type {<!}
+%D constructs. Unfortunately, we need to catch \type {<--text}
+%D too, so we need another handler:
+\long\def\xparseXMLescape !#1#2%
+ {\if#1-%
+ \if#2-%
+ \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\xxparseXMLescape
+ \else
+ \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\xyparseXMLescape
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \if#1[%
+ \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\xzparseXMLescape
+ \else
+ \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\xyparseXMLescape
+ \fi
+ \fi#1#2}
+\long\def\xyparseXMLescape#1 {\parseXMLescape{#1}}
+%D Now the real work can begin.
+ {\unspaceargument#1\to\ascii % get rid of {}, like in {CDATA[}
+ \long\setvalue{\@@XMLescape:\ascii}{#2}}
+\def\parseXMLescape#1% #2> parsing takes place in macros
+ {\executeifdefined{\@@XMLescape:#1}{\csname\@@XMLescape:\s!default\endcsname}}
+%D In our case, processing instructions are only needed if
+%D we want specific \CONTEXT\ support. This may be useful in
+%D applications where the data is generated by an
+%D application. We will implement a \CONTEXT\ code handler
+%D later.
+%D The processing instructions handler is implemented as
+%D follows.
+ {\long\setvalue{\@@XMLinstruction:#1}{#2}}
+% \def\parseXMLprocess#1#2%
+% {\executeifdefined{\@@XMLinstruction:#1}\gobbleoneargument{#2}}
+%D Because we support \type {.. ?>} as well as \type {.. >}
+%D end||of||pi situations, we need to clean up the ending
+%D \type {?}.
+ {\docleanupXMLprocess#1 ? \relax}
+\long\def\docleanupXMLprocess#1? #2\relax
+ {\def\currentXMLprocess{#1}}
+ {\cleanupXMLprocess{#2}%
+ \defconvertedcommand\ascii{#1}%
+ %\writestatus{xml-process}{\ascii}
+ \expanded
+ {\executeifdefined
+ {\@@XMLinstruction:\ascii}
+ \noexpand\gobbleoneargument
+ {\expandafter\noexpand\currentXMLprocess}}}
+%D One never knows:
+\let\normalparseXMLescape \parseXMLescape
+%D Next we will implement the normal element handler. This
+%D piece of code is complicated by the fact that we need to
+%D handle namespaces.
+\let\currentXMLarguments \empty
+\let\currentXMLelement \empty % name
+\let\currentXMLidentifier\empty % name or name/
+\let\currentXMLnamespace \empty % the (remapped) namespace
+\let\originalXMLnamespace\empty % the unremapped namespace
+\let\rawXMLidentifier \empty
+ {\ifx\currentXMLnamespace\empty\else\currentXMLnamespace:\fi}
+%D The following token list register provided the user a hook
+%D for extensions.
+%D We try to keep track of the nature of an element. This
+%D flag can be used for special purposes (as in the pretty
+%D printing macros).
+\chardef\endXMLtag =2
+%D We do a rather hard coded scan for the namespace attribute. This
+%D is needed because its value determines further namespace related
+%D actions.
+\def\openXMLargument{ /}
+\long\def\parseXMLelement#1#2 #3>%
+ {\def\currentXMLarguments{#3}% including end /
+ \if#1/%
+ \chardef\kindofXMLelement\endXMLtag
+ \def\currentXMLelement{#2}%
+ \else
+ \docleanupXMLelement#1#2/\empty\relax
+ \fi
+ \ifx\currentXMLarguments\openXMLargument
+ \chardef\kindofXMLelement\emptyXMLtag
+ \fi
+ \@EA\splitoffXMLnamespace\currentXMLelement::\relax
+ \ifcase\kindofXMLelement
+ % can't happen
+ \or
+ % begintag or emptytag with arguments or space before /
+ \the\everyXMLelement % only for begin/empty tag !
+ \ifx\currentXMLarguments\empty \else
+ \dogetXMLarguments\rawXMLelement#3>%
+ \fi
+ \or
+ % no arguments
+ \or
+ % empty element without arguments (but possible presets)
+ \the\everyXMLelement
+ \fi
+ \ifcase\kindofXMLelement\or
+ \let \currentXMLidentifier \rawXMLidentifier
+ \edef\currentXMLfullidentifier {\rawXMLelement }%
+ \or
+ \edef\currentXMLidentifier {/\rawXMLidentifier }%
+ \edef\currentXMLfullidentifier{/\rawXMLelement }%
+ \or
+ \edef\currentXMLidentifier {\rawXMLidentifier/}%
+ \edef\currentXMLfullidentifier {\rawXMLelement /}%
+ \fi
+ \iftraceXMLelements\traceXMLelement\fi
+ \executeXMLelement}
+ {\def\currentXMLelement{#1}% watch out: \empty == begin or empty tag
+ \chardef\kindofXMLelement\ifx#2\empty\beginXMLtag\else\emptyXMLtag\fi}
+ {\originalXMLfullidentifier
+ \ifx\originalXMLfullidentifier\currentXMLfullidentifier\else
+ \space=>\space\currentXMLfullidentifier
+ \fi
+ \ifx\currentXMLarguments\empty\else
+ \space\string|\space\currentXMLarguments
+ \fi}
+ {\edef\originalXMLfullidentifier{\someXMLelementID\currentXMLelement}%
+ \cleanupXMLarguments\writestatus{xml-element}{\@@traceXMLelement}}
+%D We split off the namespace part, construct the
+%D identifier, and remap the namespace if needed.
+ {\def\rawXMLidentifier{#2}%
+ \ifx\rawXMLidentifier\empty
+ \let\currentXMLnamespace\empty
+ \edef\rawXMLidentifier{#1}%
+ \else
+ \edef\currentXMLnamespace{#1}%
+ \fi
+ \let\originalXMLnamespace\currentXMLnamespace
+ \checkXMLnamespace\rawXMLidentifier}
+\def\xsplitoffXMLnamespace% fast resplit
+ {\ifcsname\@@XMLnamespace:\currentXMLnamespace\endcsname
+ \csname\@@XMLnamespace:\currentXMLnamespace\endcsname
+ \fi}
+%D We will implement this macro later.
+\let\checkXMLnamespace\gobbleoneargument % see below
+%D The namespace attribute checking is part of the element
+%D parser, since the value of \type {xmlns} may influence other
+%D namespace mapping.
+\def\checkXMLnamespaceattr#1% xmlns:\@@XMLname="\XMLns"
+ {\edef\XMLns{#1}%
+ \ifx\XMLns\empty \else
+ \ifcsname\@@XMLurlspace:\XMLns\endcsname
+ % get remapped namespace (from url)
+ % \edef\XMLns{\csname\@@XMLurlspace:\XMLns\endcsname}%
+ \@EA\let\@EA\XMLns\csname\@@XMLurlspace:\XMLns\endcsname
+ % remap this one
+ \ifx\@@XMLname\empty
+ % not watertight since no implicit grouping
+ \xautoXMLnamespace\XMLns
+ \else
+ \xremapXMLnamespace\@@XMLname\XMLns
+ % redo namespace remapping of self if needed
+ \ifx\XMLns\currentXMLnamespace
+ % i'm still not sure if this is ok
+ \else
+ \xsplitoffXMLnamespace
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+%D Although not really needed, we clean up the arguments.
+% \long\def\cleanupXMLarguments
+% {\ifnum\kindofXMLelement=\emptyXMLtag
+% \ifx\currentXMLarguments\empty \else
+% \@EA\docleanupXMLarguments\currentXMLarguments/\empty
+% \fi
+% \fi}
+% \long\def\docleanupXMLarguments#1/#2\empty
+% {\edef\currentXMLarguments{#1}}
+% we need to be ...="/" .... /> safe
+ {\ifnum\kindofXMLelement=\emptyXMLtag
+ \ifx\currentXMLarguments\empty \else
+ \@EA\docleanupXMLarguments\currentXMLarguments/ \relax
+ \fi
+ \else\ifnum\kindofXMLelement=\beginXMLtag
+ \ifx\currentXMLarguments\space
+ \let\currentXMLarguments\empty
+ \fi
+ \fi\fi}
+% \long\def\docleanupXMLarguments#1/ #2\relax % space added earlier
+% {\edef\currentXMLarguments{#1}}
+% \startbuffer
+% <xsl:value-of select="map[@att=$variable]/@att2"/>
+% \stopbuffer
+% \showXMLbuffer
+% No \type {\edef} in the following, else \showXMLbuffer fails:
+\long\def\docleanupXMLarguments#1/ #2\relax % space added earlier
+ {\def\currentXMLarguments{#1}} % no \edef, goes wrong in \showXML
+\def\executeXMLelementA % no fallback
+ {\ifcsname\@@XMLelement:\currentXMLfullidentifier\endcsname
+ \csname\@@XMLelement:\currentXMLfullidentifier\endcsname
+ \fi}
+\def\executeXMLelementB % default fallback
+ {\csname \@@XMLelement:%
+ \ifcsname\@@XMLelement:\currentXMLfullidentifier\endcsname
+ \currentXMLfullidentifier
+ \else
+ \defaultXMLelementID % was \s!default
+ \fi
+ \endcsname}
+\def\executeXMLelementC % no namespace of default fallback
+ {\csname \@@XMLelement:%
+ \ifcsname\@@XMLelement:\currentXMLfullidentifier\endcsname
+ \currentXMLfullidentifier
+ \else\ifcsname\@@XMLelement:\currentXMLidentifier\endcsname
+ \currentXMLidentifier
+ \else
+ \defaultXMLelementID % was \s!default
+ \fi\fi
+ \endcsname}
+ {\csname
+ \ifcsname\@@XMLelement:\currentXMLfullidentifier\endcsname
+ \@@XMLelement:\currentXMLfullidentifier
+ \else\ifcsname\@@XMLelement:\currentXMLidentifier\endcsname
+ \@@XMLelement:\currentXMLidentifier
+ \else
+ \executeXMLelementDD % less skipping and thereby faster
+ \fi\fi
+ \endcsname}
+\def\executeXMLelementDD % now forget about tex mapping
+ {\ifcsname\normal@@XMLelement:\currentXMLfullidentifier\endcsname
+ \normal@@XMLelement:\currentXMLfullidentifier
+ \else\ifcsname\normal@@XMLelement:\currentXMLidentifier\endcsname
+ \normal@@XMLelement:\currentXMLidentifier
+ \else
+ \normal@@XMLelement:\defaultXMLelementID % was \@@XMLelement:\s!default
+ \fi\fi}
+ {\ifcase#1\relax
+ \let\executeXMLelement \executeXMLelementA
+ \let\automateXMLnamespace\automateXMLnamespaceA
+ \or % 1
+ \let\executeXMLelement \executeXMLelementB
+ \let\automateXMLnamespace\automateXMLnamespaceB
+ \or % 2
+ \let\executeXMLelement \executeXMLelementC
+ \let\automateXMLnamespace\automateXMLnamespaceC
+ \or % 3
+ \let\executeXMLelement \executeXMLelementD
+ \let\automateXMLnamespace\automateXMLnamespaceD
+ \fi}
+\setXMLfallbackmode3 % was 2
+%D An example of fall back modes is given below.
+%D The automated namespace stuff is new and yet undocumented
+%D (see resource libraries for usage).
+\def\xautoXMLnamespace#1% fast internal one
+ {\ifcsname\@@XMLnamespace-#1\endcsname\else
+ \@EA\appendtoks\csname\@@XMLnamespace-#1\endcsname\to\autoXMLnamespaces
+ \fi
+ \@EA\edef\csname\@@XMLnamespace-#1\endcsname
+ {\noexpand\edef\noexpand\@axmlns@{#1}% quicker #1 -> \#1
+ \noexpand\doautoXMLnamespace\noexpand\@axmlns@}}
+\def\doautoXMLnamespace#1% \done is set before list
+ {\ifdone\else\automateXMLnamespace#1\fi}
+ {\ifcsname\@@XMLelement:#1:\checkedXMLnamespace\endcsname
+ \let\currentXMLnamespace#1%
+ \else\ifcsname\@@XMLelement:#1:\checkedXMLnamespace/\endcsname
+ \let\currentXMLnamespace#1%
+ \fi\fi}
+ {\ifcsname\@@XMLelement:#1:\checkedXMLnamespace\endcsname
+ \let\currentXMLnamespace#1%
+ \else\ifcsname\normal@@XMLelement:#1:\checkedXMLnamespace\endcsname
+ \let\currentXMLnamespace#1%
+ \else
+ \automateXMLnamespaceDD#1%
+ \fi\fi}
+ {\ifcsname\@@XMLelement:#1:\checkedXMLnamespace/\endcsname
+ \let\currentXMLnamespace#1%
+ \else\ifcsname\normal@@XMLelement:#1:\checkedXMLnamespace/\endcsname
+ \let\currentXMLnamespace#1%
+ \fi\fi}
+%D Later we will implement the error handler, here we handle
+%D the default case.
+ {\ifnum\kindofXMLelement=\endXMLtag /\fi
+ #1%
+ \ifnum\kindofXMLelement=\emptyXMLtag/\fi}
+ {\someXMLelementID\s!default}
+%D It is possible to keep track of nesting automatically,
+%D but this would kind of prohibit things like \type
+%D {\ignorespaces}. In the future we may provide an
+%D automatic depth tracking as an alternative (exclusive)
+%D mode of operation combined with space grabbing.
+ {\global\advance\XMLdepth\plusone
+ \global\@EA\let\csname\@@XMLdepth:\the\XMLdepth\endcsname\currentXMLelement
+ }%\writestatus{XML TRACE}{[begin] [\the\XMLdepth] [\XMLself]}}
+ {%\writestatus{XML TRACE}{[end] [\the\XMLdepth] [\XMLself]}%
+ \global\@EA\let\csname\@@XMLdepth:\the\XMLdepth\endcsname\undefined
+ \global\advance\XMLdepth\minusone}
+% 0 = nothing
+% 1 = unknown
+% 2 = current element
+\chardef\XMLancestormode=2 % never change this one globally
+% \def\XMLancestor#1%
+% {\ifnum\numexpr(\XMLdepth-#1)>0
+% \csname\@@XMLdepth:\the\numexpr(\XMLdepth-#1)\endcsname
+% \else
+% \ifcase\XMLancestormode\or\s!unknown\or\currentXMLelement\fi
+% \fi}
+ {\ifnum\numexpr\XMLdepth-#1\relax>\zerocount
+ \csname\@@XMLdepth:\the\numexpr\XMLdepth-#1\relax\endcsname
+ \else
+ \ifcase\XMLancestormode\or\s!unknown\or\currentXMLelement\fi
+ \fi}
+% \def\XMLpureancestor#1%
+% {\ifnum\numexpr(\XMLdepth-#1)>0
+% \csname\@@XMLdepth:\the\numexpr(\XMLdepth-#1)\endcsname
+% \fi}
+ {\ifcase\numexpr\XMLdepth-#1\relax\or
+ \csname\@@XMLdepth:\the\numexpr\XMLdepth-#1\relax\endcsname
+ \fi}
+\def\XMLparent {\XMLancestor \plusone }
+\def\XMLself {\XMLancestor \zerocount}
+\def\XMLpureparent{\XMLpureancestor\plusone }
+\def\XMLpureself {\XMLpureancestor\zerocount}
+% \def\XMLpureancestor#1%
+% {\csname
+% \ifnum\numexpr(\XMLdepth-#1)>\zerocount
+% \@@XMLdepth:\the\numexpr(\XMLdepth-#1)%
+% \else
+% \s!empty
+% \fi
+% \endcsname}
+ {\XMLpureancestor\plusone}
+% probleem: depth is vast en dus ook ancestor
+% \XMLinh{...} will backtrack definitions (given that the elements
+% use begin/end, the backtracking stops when a non-empty value is
+% encountered; maybe we will add some keyword (inherit) some day
+ {\@EA\ifx\csname\@@XMLvariable:#1:#2\endcsname\empty
+ \@EA\pXMLinh
+ \else
+ \csname\@@XMLvariable:#1:#2\endcsname
+ \@EA\gobbletwoarguments
+ \fi\XMLdepth{#2}}
+ {\XMLinhpar\currentXMLelement}
+% \def\pXMLinh#1%
+% {\@EA\ppXMLinh\@EA{\the\numexpr(#1-\plusone)}}
+ {\@EA\ppXMLinh\@EA{\the\numexpr#1-\plusone\relax}}
+ {\@EA\ifx\csname\@@XMLvariable:#1:#2\endcsname\empty
+ \ifnum#1>\plusone
+ \@EAEAEA\pXMLinh
+ \else
+ \@EAEAEA\gobbletwoarguments
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \csname\@@XMLvariable:#1:#2\endcsname
+ \@EA\gobbletwoarguments
+ \fi{#1}{#2}}
+% better
+% \def\XMLpureancestor#1%
+% {\ifcsname\@@XMLdepth:\the\numexpr(\XMLdepth-#1)\endcsname
+% \csname\@@XMLdepth:\the\numexpr(\XMLdepth-#1)\endcsname
+% \fi}
+% replaces macro in xtag-ini: ! ! !
+\def\edefXMLop#1#2% \macro{att}
+ {\edef#1%
+ {\csname\ifcsname\@@XMLvariable:\ownXMLelement:#2\endcsname
+ \@@XMLvariable:\ownXMLelement:#2\else\s!empty
+ \fi\endcsname}}
+\def\edefXMLinh#1#2% \macro{att}
+ {\edef#1{\XMLinh{#2}}}
+\def\edefXMLinhpar#1#2#3% \macro{tag}{att}
+ {\edef#1{\XMLinhpar{#2}{#3}}}
+% \def\doifXMLopdef#1#2% \macro{att}
+% {\ifcsname\@@XMLvariable:\ownXMLelement:#1\endcsname
+% \@EA\let\@EA#1\csname\@@XMLvariable:\ownXMLelement:#1\endcsname
+% \expandafter\firstofoneargument
+% \else
+% \expandafter\gobbleoneargument
+% \fi}
+\fetchruntimecommand \tracebackXMLattribute {\f!xtagprefix\s!run}
+\fetchruntimecommand \showXMLinh {\f!xtagprefix\s!run}
+% \defineXMLenvironment[one]
+% {\beginXMLelement}
+% {\endXMLelement}
+% \defineXMLenvironment[two]
+% {\beginXMLelement
+% \starttabulatie
+% \NC ancestor 1 \NC \XMLancestor{1} \NC \NR
+% \NC ancestor 2 \NC \XMLancestor{2} \NC \NR
+% \NC ancestor 3 \NC \XMLancestor{3} \NC \NR
+% \NC ancestor 4 \NC \XMLancestor{4} \NC \NR
+% \stoptabulatie}
+% {\endXMLelement}
+% \startbuffer
+% <x:one> <x:two> <one> <two> </two> </one> </x:two> </x:one>
+% \stopbuffer
+% {fallback A: \setXMLfallbackmode 0 \processXMLbuffer}\par
+% {fallback B: \setXMLfallbackmode 1 \processXMLbuffer}\par
+% {fallback C: \setXMLfallbackmode 2 \processXMLbuffer}\par
+% todo: split #1 into raws en reconstruct, set current etc, push and pop
+% \def\beginXMLelement
+% {\dosingleempty\dobeginXMLelement}
+% \def\dobeginXMLelement[#1]%
+% {\global\advance\XMLdepth 1
+% \global\@EA\let\csname\@@XMLdepth:\the\XMLdepth\endcsname\currentXMLelement
+% \global\@EA\edef\csname\@@XMLdopth:\the\XMLdepth\endcsname{\ownXMLelement}%
+% \iffirstargument\edef\ownXMLelement{#1}\fi}
+% \def\endXMLelement
+% {\@EA\let\@EA\ownXMLelement\csname\@@XMLdopth:\the\XMLdepth\endcsname
+% \global\advance\XMLdepth -1 }
+%D \defineXMLenvironment[one]
+%D {\beginXMLelement}
+%D {\endXMLelement}
+%D \defineXMLenvironment[two]
+%D {\beginXMLelement
+%D \starttabulate
+%D \NC parent 1 \NC \XMLancestor{1} \NC \NR
+%D \NC parent 2 \NC \XMLancestor{2} \NC \NR
+%D \NC parent 3 \NC \XMLancestor{3} \NC \NR
+%D \NC parent 4 \NC \XMLancestor{4} \NC \NR
+%D \stoptabulate}
+%D {\endXMLelement}
+%D \startbuffer
+%D <x:one> <x:two> <one> <two> </two> </one> </x:two> </x:one>
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D fallback A: \setXMLfallbackmode0 \processXMLbuffer
+%D fallback B: \setXMLfallbackmode1 \processXMLbuffer
+%D fallback C: \setXMLfallbackmode2 \processXMLbuffer
+%D Here we do the namespace (re)mapping. More examples are
+%D provided in the manual.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \supportXMLnamespace [test] % needed to get a namespace working
+%D \skipXMLnamespace [test] % slow
+%D \ignoreXMLnamespace [test] % faster
+%D \defineXMLenvironment [rubish:itemize] {[} {]}
+%D \defineXMLenvironment [rubish:item] {(} {)}
+%D \remapXMLnamespace [crap] [rubish]
+%D \remapXMLnamespace [con] [context]
+%D \remapXMLurlspace [] [context]
+%D \autoXMLnamespace [context] % fallback
+%D \autoXMLnamespace [whatever] % second fall back
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The automatically mapped namespaces (the fallbacks so to
+%D day) are collected in a token list.
+ {\edef\checkedXMLnamespace{#1}%
+ \ifcsname\@@XMLnamespace:\currentXMLnamespace\endcsname
+ \csname\@@XMLnamespace:\currentXMLnamespace\endcsname
+ % forced namespace
+ \else\ifcsname\@@XMLelement:\currentXMLelement\endcsname
+ % natural element
+ \else\ifcsname\@@XMLelement:\currentXMLelement/\endcsname
+ % natural element
+ \else
+ % locate fallback
+ \donefalse\the\autoXMLnamespaces
+ \fi\fi\fi}
+ {\letvalue{\@@XMLnamespace:#1}\doXMLskipnamespace}
+ {\long\@EA\def\csname\@@XMLelement:\checkedXMLnamespace\endcsname
+ {\getXMLgroupedignore\checkedXMLnamespace}}
+ {\letvalue{\@@XMLnamespace:#1}\doXMLhidenamespace}
+ {\long\@EA\def\csname\@@XMLelement:\checkedXMLnamespace\endcsname
+ {\redoXMLignore\checkedXMLnamespace}}
+ {\letvalue{\@@XMLnamespace:#1}\doXMLignorenamespace}
+\def\doXMLignorenamespace % \let binnen def
+ {\long\@EA\def\csname\@@XMLelement:\checkedXMLnamespace\endcsname
+ {\@EA\redoXMLignore\@EA{\checkedXMLnamespace}}} % EA ?
+ {\dodoubleargument\doremapXMLnamespace}
+ {\ifsecondargument
+ \setvalue{\@@XMLnamespace:#1}{\def\currentXMLnamespace{#2}}%
+ \else
+ \letvalue{\@@XMLnamespace:#1}\relax
+ \fi}
+ {\dosingleargument\dosupportXMLnamespace}
+ {\setvalue{\@@XMLnamespace:#1}{\def\currentXMLnamespace{#1}}}
+\def\xremapXMLnamespace#1#2% fast internal one
+ {\@EA\edef\csname\@@XMLnamespace:#1\endcsname
+ {\def\noexpand\currentXMLnamespace{#2}}}
+ {\xautoXMLnamespace{#1}}
+\def\xautoXMLnamespace#1% fast internal one
+ {\ifcsname\@@XMLnamespace-#1\endcsname\else
+ \@EA\appendtoks\csname\@@XMLnamespace-#1\endcsname\to\autoXMLnamespaces
+ \fi
+ \@EA\edef\csname\@@XMLnamespace-#1\endcsname
+ {\noexpand\doautoXMLnamespace{#1}}}
+\def\doautoXMLnamespace#1% \done is set before list
+ {\ifdone\else
+ \ifcsname\@@XMLelement:#1:\checkedXMLnamespace\endcsname
+ \def\currentXMLnamespace{#1}%
+ \else\ifcsname\@@XMLelement:#1:\checkedXMLnamespace/\endcsname
+ \def\currentXMLnamespace{#1}%
+ \fi\fi
+ \fi}
+ {\letvalue{\@@XMLnamespace-#1}\gobbleoneargument
+ \letvalue{\@@XMLnamespace:#1}\gobbleoneargument}
+ {\dodoubleargument\doremapXMLurlspace}
+ {\setvalue{\@@XMLurlspace:#1}{#2}}
+%D Entities needs a bit more work, as well as a connection
+%D with the encoding handlers.
+% we need to be able to do:
+% \defineXMLentity[amp] {\FunnyAmp} \def\FunnyAmp#1;{\getXMLentity{#1}}
+% \defineXMLentity [pound] {(why not use euro's?)}
+% \startXMLdata
+% test &amp;pound; test
+% \stopXMLdata
+% so we need an ifless implementation
+% also .. this should work:
+% \defineXMLentity[ctx-var-textwidth] {\textwidth}
+% \defineXMLcommand[test][width=\textwidth]
+% {\the\dimexpr\XMLop{width}\relax}
+% \startXMLdata
+% <test width=".45&ctx-var-textwidth;"/>
+% <test width="&ctx-var-textwidth;"/>
+% \stopXMLdata
+% \eacute -> simplified -> e (via raw encoding)
+% -> raw -> eacute (via handler)
+% naming sucks
+\newif\ifXMLrawentities % proper fallback
+\newif\ifXMLsimpleentities % last resort
+ \def\simplifyXMLentities
+ {\XMLsimpleentitiestrue}
+ \def\simplifyXMLentities
+ {\fastenableencoding\simpleXMLencoding
+ \XMLsimpleentitiestrue}
+ {\dodoubleempty\dodefineXMLentity}
+ {\ifsecondargument
+ \defineXMLentities[#1]{#2}{#3}%
+ \else
+ \dododefineXMLentity{#1}{#3}%
+ \fi}
+ {\dododefineXMLentity{#1}{\ifXMLsimpleentities#2\else#3\fi}}
+ {\unspaceargument#1\to\ascii % #1 can be {[} or so
+ \long\setvalue{\@@XMLentity:\@EA\firstofoneargument\ascii}{#2}}
+\def\setXMLentity#1% fast one
+ {\long\@EA\def\csname\@@XMLentity:#1\endcsname}
+%D May this wile become dodo (more in tune with rest);
+%D beware: also remapped in xtag-map.
+\def\doXMLentity#1#2;% interesting: # is now ##
+ {\if\string#1\letterhash
+ \@EA\parseXMLcharacter
+ \else\ifXMLrawentities
+ \@EAEAEA\firstofoneargument
+ \else
+ \@EAEAEA\executeXMLentity
+ \fi\fi{#1#2}}
+%D Here we need to get rid of the double hash and act upon the
+%D number. Proper hex/oct number support can be implemented by
+%D redefining \type {\executeXMLcharacter}.
+% \def\parseXMLcharacter#1% gobble the ##x
+% {\@EA\executeXMLcharacter\@EA{\gobblethreearguments#1}}
+% single hash now
+% \def\parseXMLcharacter#1%
+% {\@EA\executeXMLcharacter\@EA{\gobbleoneargument#1}}
+% \def\executeXMLcharacter#1% can be overloaded
+% {\ifnum"#1<256
+% \@EA\getXMLcharacter
+% \else\ifXMLrawentities
+% \@EAEAEA\firstofoneargument
+% \else
+% \@EAEAEA\unknownXMLcharacter
+% \fi\fi{\number"#1}}
+% \unexpanded\def\getXMLcharacter#1{\rawcharacter{#1}}
+ {\@EA\executeXMLcharacter\gobbleoneargument#1\empty\relax}
+ {\if#1x%
+ \@EA\noexecuteXMLhexcharacter
+ \else
+ \@EA\doexecuteXMLdeccharacter
+ \fi#1#2\relax}
+\def\noexecuteXMLhexcharacter x#1\relax
+ {\uppercase{\doexecuteXMLhexcharacter#1\relax}}
+% \unexpanded\def\getXMLcharacter#1%
+% {\ifXMLrawentities
+% \@EA\firstofoneargument
+% \else\ifcsname\@@XMLentity:#1\endcsname
+% \@EAEAEA\getXMLentity
+% \else
+% \@EAEAEA\unicodechar % was: \rawcharacter
+% \fi\fi{#1}}
+% \def\doexecuteXMLhexcharacter#1\relax{\getXMLcharacter{"#1}}
+% \def\doexecuteXMLdeccharacter#1\relax{\getXMLcharacter {#1}}
+% if we want to support x in entity overloading, we prefer:
+ {\ifXMLrawentities
+ \@EA\rawXMLdecentity
+ \else\ifcsname\@@XMLentity:#1\endcsname
+ \@EAEAEA\getXMLdecentity
+ \else
+ \@EAEAEA\unicodechar
+ \fi\fi{#1}}
+ {\ifXMLrawentities
+ \@EA\rawXMLhexentity
+ \else\ifcsname\@@XMLentity:x#1\endcsname
+ \@EAEAEA\getXMLhexentity
+ \else
+ \@EAEAEA\unicodehexchar
+ \fi\fi{#1}}
+\def\getXMLdecentity#1{\getXMLentity {#1}}
+% \defineXMLentity[8218] {Adam}
+% \defineXMLentity[x007D]{Eve}
+% \startbuffer
+% &#64; &#8216; &#8218; &#8220; &#8221; &#8222;&#8226;
+% &amp;
+% &#x0024; &#x007B; &#x007D; &#x00A0; &#x2026;
+% \stopbuffer
+% \typebuffer \processXMLbuffer
+% left overs
+\ifx\unicodechar\undefined\let\unicodechar\rawcharacter\fi % brrrr
+% \useXMLfilter[ent]
+% \defineXMLsingular[test]{{\simplifyXMLentities\XMLpar{test}{bla}{}}}
+% \startXMLdata
+% <test bla="&#xD3;bla&eacute;bla&tex;and$and&#xFC;ziezo&#xF99;" />
+% \stopXMLdata
+% \defineXMLentity[45]{|it works|} % {|-|}
+% \startXMLdata
+% text&#045;&#046;text
+% text&#x045;&#x046;text
+% \stopXMLdata
+%D May be this will change a bit ...
+\def\executeXMLentity#1% named one
+ {\getXMLentity{#1}}
+% {\ifcsname\@@XMLentity:#1\endcsname\csname\@@XMLentity:#1\endcsname\fi}
+% {\ifcsname\@@XMLentity:#1\endcsname\csname\@@XMLentity:#1\endcsname\fi}
+% {\csname\@@XMLentity:#1\endcsname}
+% {\csname\@@XMLentity:#1\endcsname}
+\doifundefined{autoXMLentitiestrue}{\expandafter\newif\csname ifautoXMLentities\endcsname} % fall back on context commands
+ {\ifcsname\@@XMLentity:#1\endcsname \@EA \execXMLentity
+ \else\ifautoXMLentities \@EAEAEA \autoXMLentity
+ \else \@EAEAEA \crapXMLentity
+ \fi\fi{#1}}
+% {\ifcsname\@@XMLentity:#1\endcsname#2\else#3\fi}
+ {\ifcsname\@@XMLentity:#1\endcsname
+ \expandafter\firstoftwoarguments
+ \else
+ \expandafter\secondoftwoarguments
+ \fi}
+% \letvalue{1@2}\firstoftwoarguments
+% \letvalue{2@2}\secondoftwoarguments
+% \def\doifXMLentityelse#1%
+% {\csname\ifcsname\@@XMLentity:#1\endcsname1\else2\fi @2\endcsname}
+% see \defineXML... commands:
+% [key=val] => \presetXMLarguments{element} => default key/vals
+% [blabla] => \theXMLarguments{blabla} => user key/vals
+% [blabla] [key=val] => \presetXMLarguments{element} => default key/vals
+% \theXMLarguments{blabla} => user key/vals
+% <element key="val"> stored in case of [blabla] else set as \XMLpar
+% see m-steps for an example of usage
+ {\XMLnamespacefalse
+ \dogetXMLarguments{#1}#2>}
+ {\ifx\@@XMLspac\originalXMLnamespace
+ \@EA\def\csname\@@XMLvariable:\@@XMLclass:\@@XMLname\endcsname{#1}%
+ % maybe some day global handling here as well
+ \fi}
+ {\@EA\def\csname\@@XMLvariable:\@@XMLclass\ifx\@@XMLspac
+ \originalXMLnamespace\else:\@@XMLspac\fi:\@@XMLname\endcsname}
+ {\@EA\def\csname\@@XMLvariable:\@@XMLclass:\ifx\@@XMLspac
+ \originalXMLnamespace\currentXMLnamespace\else\@@XMLspac\fi:\@@XMLname\endcsname}
+ {\ifcase#1\relax
+ \let\dosetXMLattribute\dosetXMLattributeA
+ \or
+ \let\dosetXMLattribute\dosetXMLattributeB
+ \or
+ \let\dosetXMLattribute\dosetXMLattributeC
+ \or
+ \let\dosetXMLattribute\dosetXMLattributeD
+ \fi}
+\setXMLattributemode{2} % a reasonable default
+\let\@@XMLspac\empty % argumentnamespace
+ {\XMLtoks\emptytoks
+ \ifcsname\@@XMLmap:#1\endcsname
+ \let\dodosetXMLargument\dodosetXMLargumentB
+ \else
+ \def\@@XMLclass{#1}%
+ \let\dodosetXMLargument\dodosetXMLargumentA
+ \fi
+ \let\dodoparseXMLarguments\doparseXMLarguments
+ \doparseXMLarguments}
+% \long\def\doparseXMLarguments#1% space goes ok
+% {\if#1>%
+% \let\dodoparseXMLarguments\empty
+% \else\if#1=%
+% \edef\@@XMLname{\the\XMLtoks}%
+% \XMLtoks\emptytoks
+% \else\if#1"%
+% \let\dodoparseXMLarguments\dodoparseXMLargumentsD
+% \else\if#1'%
+% \let\dodoparseXMLarguments\dodoparseXMLargumentsS
+% \else\if#1:%
+% \XMLnamespacetrue
+% \edef\@@XMLspac{\the\XMLtoks}%
+% \XMLtoks\emptytoks
+% \else\if#1/%
+% \chardef\kindofXMLelement\emptyXMLtag
+% \else
+% \XMLtoks\@EA{\the\XMLtoks#1}%
+% \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi
+% \dodoparseXMLarguments}
+% The next speed optimization is suggested by Taco. Since we
+% are dealing with validated code, we can grab larger chunks.
+% \long\def\doparseXMLarguments#1% space goes ok
+% {\if#1>%
+% \let\dodoparseXMLarguments\empty
+% \else\if#1/%
+% \chardef\kindofXMLelement\emptyXMLtag
+% \else
+% \XMLtoks{#1}%
+% \let\dodoparseXMLarguments\dodoparseXMLargumentsX
+% \fi\fi
+% \dodoparseXMLarguments}
+% we can get rid of one more assignment
+\long\def\doparseXMLarguments#1% space goes ok
+ {\if#1>%
+ %\let\dodoparseXMLarguments\empty
+ \expandafter\gobbleoneargument % speedup
+ \else\if#1/%
+ \chardef\kindofXMLelement\emptyXMLtag
+ \else
+ \XMLtoks{#1}%
+ \let\dodoparseXMLarguments\dodoparseXMLargumentsX
+ \fi\fi
+ \dodoparseXMLarguments}
+% slightly faster:
+% \long\def\doparseXMLarguments#1% space goes ok
+% {\if#1>%
+% \@EA\gobbleoneargument
+% \else\if#1/%
+% \chardef\kindofXMLelement\emptyXMLtag
+% \@EAEAEA\gobbletwoarguments
+% \else
+% \@EAEAEA\dodoparseXMLargumentsX
+% \fi\fi#1}
+% \def\dodoparseXMLargumentsX#1=#2%
+% {\def\@@XMLname{#1}%
+% \getXMLNSSSS#1:\relax
+% \if#2"%
+% \expandafter\dodoparseXMLargumentsD
+% \else
+% \expandafter\dodoparseXMLargumentsS
+% \fi}
+ {\edef\@@XMLname{\the\XMLtoks#1}%
+ \@EA\getXMLNSSSS\@@XMLname:\relax
+ \XMLtoks\emptytoks
+ \if#2"%
+ \let\dodoparseXMLarguments\dodoparseXMLargumentsD
+ \else
+ \let\dodoparseXMLarguments\dodoparseXMLargumentsS
+ \fi
+ \dodoparseXMLarguments}
+ {\def\!!stringa{#2}%
+ \ifx\!!stringa\empty \else
+ \XMLnamespacetrue
+ \edef\@@XMLname{\gobbleuntilcolon#2}%
+ \edef\@@XMLspac{#1}%
+ \fi}
+% ok ?
+% \def\dodoparseXMLargumentsX#1=#2%
+% {\edef\@@XMLname{\the\XMLtoks#1}%
+% \@EA\getXMLNSSSS\@@XMLname:\relax
+% \XMLtoks\emptytoks
+% \if#2"%
+% \@EA\dodoparseXMLargumentsD
+% \else
+% \@EA\dodoparseXMLargumentsS
+% \fi}
+% Storing \type {#1} in a macro in order to minimize the
+% amount of data passed as argument does not improve
+% performance, so we keep the readable form.
+% the readable version
+% \def\dosetXMLargument#1%
+% {\ifXMLnamespace
+% \ifx\@@XMLspac\@@XMLns
+% \checkXMLnamespaceattr{#1}% xmlns:\@@XMLname="#1"
+% \else
+% \dosetXMLattribute{#1}% some:\@@XMLname="#1"
+% \fi
+% \XMLnamespacefalse
+% \else\ifx\@@XMLname\@@XMLns
+% \checkXMLnamespaceattr{#1}% xmlns="#1"
+% \else
+% \dodosetXMLargument{#1}%
+% \fi\fi
+% \let\dodoparseXMLarguments\doparseXMLarguments
+% \dodoparseXMLarguments}
+% the ugly alternative
+% \def\dosetXMLargument#1% ugly alternative
+% {\ifXMLnamespace
+% \XMLnamespacefalse
+% \ifx\@@XMLspac\@@XMLns
+% \@EAEAEA\checkXMLnamespaceattr % xmlns:\@@XMLname="#1"
+% \else
+% \@EAEAEA\dosetXMLattribute % some:\@@XMLname="#1"
+% \fi
+% \else\ifx\@@XMLname\@@XMLns
+% \@EAEAEA\checkXMLnamespaceattr % xmlns="#1"
+% \else
+% \@EAEAEA\dodosetXMLargument
+% \fi\fi{#1}%
+% \let\dodoparseXMLarguments\doparseXMLarguments
+% \dodoparseXMLarguments}
+\def\dosetXMLargument#1% ugly alternative
+ {\ifXMLnamespace
+ \XMLnamespacefalse
+ \ifx\@@XMLspac\@@XMLns
+ \@EAEAEA\checkXMLnamespaceattr % xmlns:\@@XMLname="#1"
+ \else
+ \@EAEAEA\dosetXMLattribute % some:\@@XMLname="#1"
+ \fi
+ \else\ifx\@@XMLname\@@XMLns
+ \@EAEAEA\checkXMLnamespaceattr % xmlns="#1"
+ \else
+ \@EAEAEA\dodosetXMLargument
+ \fi\fi{#1}%
+ \dodocopyXMLargument
+ \let\dodoparseXMLarguments\doparseXMLarguments
+ \dodoparseXMLarguments}
+% \def\dododocopyXMLargument
+% {\@EA\let\csname\@@XMLvariable:\the\numexpr(\XMLdepth+1):\@@XMLname\@EA\endcsname
+% \csname\@@XMLvariable:\@@XMLclass:\@@XMLname\endcsname}
+ {\@EA\let\csname\@@XMLvariable:\the\numexpr\XMLdepth+\plusone\relax:\@@XMLname\@EA\endcsname
+ \csname\@@XMLvariable:\@@XMLclass:\@@XMLname\endcsname}
+ {\let\dodocopyXMLargument\dododocopyXMLargument
+ \let\copyXMLargumentindeed\relax}
+ {\@EA\def\csname\@@XMLvariable:\@@XMLclass:\@@XMLname\endcsname}
+% \def\dodosetXMLargumentB#1%
+% {\@EA\edef\csname\@@XMLmap:\@@XMLmapmap\endcsname
+% {\@EA\ifx\csname\@@XMLmap:\@@XMLmapmap\endcsname\empty\else
+% \csname\@@XMLmap:\@@XMLmapmap\endcsname,%
+% \fi
+% \@@XMLname=#1}}
+ {\@EA\edef\csname\@@XMLmap:\@@XMLmapmap\endcsname
+ {\@EA\ifx\csname\@@XMLmap:\@@XMLmapmap\endcsname\empty\else
+ \csname\@@XMLmap:\@@XMLmapmap\endcsname,%
+ \fi
+ \@@XMLname={#1}}} % {} is needed for aa='bb,cc'
+ \resetXMLarguments{\rawXMLnamespace\rawXMLidentifier}%
+\to \everyXMLelement
+ {\ifcsname\@@XMLmap:#1\endcsname
+ \@EA\let\@EA\@@XMLmapmap\csname\@@XMLmap:#1\endcsname
+ \@EA\let\csname\@@XMLmap:\@@XMLmapmap\endcsname\empty
+ \fi}
+ {\ifcsname\@@XMLmap:#1\endcsname\csname\@@XMLmap:#1\endcsname\fi}
+ {\ifcsname#2\endcsname
+ \bgroup
+ \enableXMLexpansion
+ \let\getXMLentity\expandedXMLentity
+ #1% simplify maps entities back to _ and alike
+ \expanded{\global\globalscratchtoks{\csname#2\endcsname}}%
+ \egroup
+ \@EA\edef\csname#2\endcsname{\the\globalscratchtoks}%
+ \fi}
+\def\expandXMLvalue {\doexpandXMLvalue\relax}
+\def\expandTEXpar #1#2{\expandXMLvalue{#1\interfaced{#2}}}
+\def\expandXMLpar #1#2{\expandXMLvalue{\@@XMLvariable:#1:#2}}
+\def\expandXMLarguments #1{\expandXMLvalue{\@@XMLmap:#1}}
+\def\simplifyTEXpar #1#2{\simplifyXMLvalue{#1\interfaced{#2}}}
+\def\simplifyXMLpar #1#2{\simplifyXMLvalue{\@@XMLvariable:#1:#2}}
+%D \startbuffer[tex]
+%D \defineXMLsingular [fx:root]
+%D {\XMLNSpar{fx:root}{xml}{lang}{}
+%D \XMLpar{fx:root}{xml:lang}{}
+%D \starttabulate[||||]
+%D \HL
+%D \NC \bf mode \NC \bf call \NC \bf result \NC\NR
+%D \HL
+%D \NC 0\NC\asciistr{\XMLpar {fx:root} {crap} {}} \NC dirt \NC\NR
+%D \NC \NC\asciistr{\XMLpar {fx:root} {junk} {}} \NC \NC\NR
+%D \NC \NC\asciistr{\XMLNSpar {fx:root} {fx} {crap} {}}\NC \NC\NR
+%D \NC \NC\asciistr{\XMLNSpar {fx:root} {xml} {lang} {}}\NC \NC\NR
+%D \HL
+%D \NC 1\NC\asciistr{\XMLpar {fx:root} {crap} {}} \NC dirt \NC\NR
+%D \NC \NC\asciistr{\XMLpar {fx:root} {junk} {}} \NC junk \NC\NR
+%D \NC \NC\asciistr{\XMLNSpar {fx:root} {fx} {crap} {}}\NC \NC\NR
+%D \NC \NC\asciistr{\XMLNSpar {fx:root} {xml} {lang} {}}\NC \NC\NR
+%D \HL
+%D \NC 2\NC\asciistr{\XMLpar {fx:root} {crap} {}} \NC dirt \NC\NR
+%D \NC \NC\asciistr{\XMLpar {fx:root} {junk} {}} \NC junk \NC\NR
+%D \NC \NC\asciistr{\XMLNSpar {fx:root} {fx} {crap} {}}\NC \NC\NR
+%D \NC \NC\asciistr{\XMLNSpar {fx:root} {xml} {lang} {}}\NC en \NC\NR
+%D \HL
+%D \NC 3\NC\asciistr{\XMLpar {fx:root} {crap} {}} \NC dirt \NC\NR
+%D \NC \NC\asciistr{\XMLpar {fx:root} {junk} {}} \NC junk \NC\NR
+%D \NC \NC\asciistr{\XMLNSpar {fx:root} {fx} {crap} {}}\NC rubish\NC\NR
+%D \NC \NC\asciistr{\XMLNSpar {fx:root} {xml} {lang} {}}\NC en \NC\NR
+%D \HL
+%D \stoptabulate}
+%D \remapXMLurlspace [] [fx]
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \startbuffer[xml]
+%D <fo:root xmlns:fo=""
+%D fo:crap="rubish"
+%D fo:junk="junk"
+%D xml:lang="en"
+%D crap="dirt" />
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer[tex] \processTEXbuffer[tex]
+%D \typebuffer[xml] \processXMLbuffer[xml]
+%D The previous macros were the basic parser and their working
+%D is left to the imagination of the reader. These macros
+%D will be improved over time. We use rather low level
+%D definitions so that the mappings will run as fast as
+%D possible.
+\bgroup \catcode`<=\activecatcode
+ {\long\@EA\def\csname\@@XMLelement:#1/\endcsname{#2}}
+ {\long\@EA\def\csname\@@XMLelement:#1\endcsname{#2}%
+ \@EA\let\csname\@@XMLelement:/#1\endcsname\donothing
+ \long\@EA\def\csname\@@XMLelement:#1/\endcsname{#2}}
+ {\long\@EA\def\csname\@@XMLelement:#1\endcsname{\groupedcommand{#2}\donothing\bgroup}%
+ \@EA\let\csname\@@XMLelement:/#1\endcsname\egroup
+ \@EA\let\csname\@@XMLelement:#1/\endcsname\donothing}
+\long\gdef\dododefineXMLargument#1#2% watch the {} around ##1
+ {\long\@EA\def\csname\@@XMLelement:#1\endcsname{\redoXMLargument{#1}{#2}}
+ \@EA\let\csname\@@XMLelement:/#1\endcsname\donothing
+ \long\@EA\def\csname\@@XMLelement:#1/\endcsname{#2{}}}
+\long\gdef\redoXMLargument#1#2% potential optimization: globalnext
+ {\long\@EA\gdef\@EA\next\@EA##\@EA1\@EA<\@EA/\currentXMLelement>{#2{##1}}%
+ \next}
+ {\@EA\def\csname\@@XMLelement:#1\endcsname{\redoXMLignore{#1}}
+ \@EA\let\csname\@@XMLelement:/#1\endcsname\donothing
+ \@EA\let\csname\@@XMLelement:#1/\endcsname\donothing}
+ {\long\@EA\def\@EA\next\@EA##\@EA1\@EA<\@EA/\currentXMLelement>{}%
+ \next}
+ {\long\@EA\def\csname\@@XMLelement:#1\endcsname{\redoXMLpickup{#1}{#2}{#3}}
+ \@EA\let\csname\@@XMLelement:/#1\endcsname\donothing
+ \long\@EA\def\csname\@@XMLelement:#1/\endcsname{#2#3}}
+ {\long\@EA\def\@EA\next\@EA##\@EA1\@EA<\@EA/\currentXMLelement>{#2##1#3}%
+ \next}
+ {\long\@EA\def\csname\@@XMLelement:#1\endcsname{#2}%
+ \long\@EA\def\csname\@@XMLelement:/#1\endcsname{#3}%
+ \long\@EA\def\csname\@@XMLelement:#1/\endcsname{#2#3}}
+ {\@EA\let\csname\@@XMLdata:#1\endcsname\longempty
+ \long\@EA\def\csname\@@XMLelement:#1\endcsname {\redoXMLsave{#1}}%
+ \@EA\let\csname\@@XMLelement:/#1\endcsname\donothing
+ \long\@EA\def\csname\@@XMLelement:#1/\endcsname{\@EA\let\csname\@@XMLdata:#1\endcsname\longempty}}
+ {\long\@EA\def\csname\@@XMLdata:#1\endcsname{#2}%
+ \long\@EA\def\csname\@@XMLelement:#1\endcsname{\redoXMLsave{#1}}%
+ \@EA\let\csname\@@XMLelement:/#1\endcsname\donothing
+ \long\@EA\def\csname\@@XMLelement:#1/\endcsname{\@EA\let\csname\@@XMLdata:#1\endcsname\longempty}}
+ {\long\@EA\def\@EA\next\@EA##\@EA1\@EA<\@EA/\currentXMLelement>%
+ {\long\@EA\def\csname\@@XMLdata:#1\endcsname{##1}}%
+ \next}
+ {\global\@EA\let\csname\@@XMLdata:#1\endcsname\longempty
+ \long\@EA\def\csname\@@XMLelement:#1\endcsname{\redoXMLgsave{#1}}%
+ \@EA\let\csname\@@XMLelement:/#1\endcsname\donothing
+ \long\@EA\def\csname\@@XMLelement:#1/\endcsname{\global\@EA\let\csname\@@XMLdata:#1\endcsname\longempty}}
+ {\long\@EA\gdef\csname\@@XMLdata:#1\endcsname{#2}%
+ \long\@EA\def\csname\@@XMLelement:#1\endcsname{\redoXMLgsave{#1}}%
+ \@EA\let\csname\@@XMLelement:/#1\endcsname\donothing
+ \long\@EA\def\csname\@@XMLelement:#1/\endcsname{\global\@EA\let\csname\@@XMLdata:#1\endcsname\longempty}}
+ {\long\@EA\def\@EA\next\@EA##\@EA1\@EA<\@EA/\currentXMLelement>%
+ {\long\@EA\gdef\csname\@@XMLdata:#1\endcsname{##1}}%
+ \next}
+ {\@EA\let\csname\@@XMLdata:#1\endcsname\longempty
+ \long\@EA\def\csname\@@XMLelement:#1\endcsname{\redoXMLenvironmentsave{#1}{#2}{#3}}%
+ \@EA\let\csname\@@XMLelement:/#1\endcsname\donothing
+ \long\@EA\def\csname\@@XMLelement:#1/\endcsname{#2\@EA\let\csname\@@XMLdata:#1\endcsname\longempty#3}}
+% maybe \globalnext
+ {\long\@EA\def\@EA\next\@EA##\@EA1\@EA<\@EA/\currentXMLelement>%
+ {#2\long\@EA\def\csname\@@XMLdata:#1\endcsname{##1}#3}%
+ \next}
+ {\global\@EA\let\csname\@@XMLdata:#1\endcsname\longempty
+ \long\@EA\def\csname\@@XMLelement:#1\endcsname{\redoXMLenvironmentgsave{#1}{#2}{#3}}%
+ \@EA\let\csname\@@XMLelement:/#1\endcsname\donothing
+ \long\@EA\def\csname\@@XMLelement:#1/\endcsname{#2\global\@EA\let\csname\@@XMLdata:#1\endcsname\longempty#3}}
+ {\long\@EA\def\@EA\next\@EA##\@EA1\@EA<\@EA/\currentXMLelement>%
+ {#2\long\@EA\gdef\csname\@@XMLdata:#1\endcsname{##1}#3}%
+ \next}
+ {\@EA\let\csname\@@XMLelement:#1\endcsname\donothing
+ \@EA\let\csname\@@XMLelement:/#1\endcsname\donothing
+ \@EA\let\csname\@@XMLelement:#1/\endcsname\donothing}
+ {\long\@EA\def\csname\@@XMLelement:#1\endcsname{\getXMLgroupedenvironment{#1}{#2}{#3}}%
+ \long\@EA\def\csname\@@XMLelement:#1/\endcsname{#2#3}}
+ {\long\@EA\def\csname\@@XMLelement:#1\endcsname{\getXMLgroupedargument{#1}{#2}}%
+ \@EA\let\csname\@@XMLelement:/#1\endcsname\donothing
+ \long\@EA\def\csname\@@XMLelement:#1/\endcsname{#2{}}}
+ {\@EA\let\csname\@@XMLdata:#1\endcsname\longempty
+ \long\@EA\def\csname\@@XMLelement:#1\endcsname {\getXMLgroupednestedsave{#1}}%
+ \@EA\let\csname\@@XMLelement:/#1\endcsname\donothing
+ \long\@EA\def\csname\@@XMLelement:#1/\endcsname{\@EA\let\csname\@@XMLdata:#1\endcsname\longempty}}
+ {\collectXMLgroupedtrue
+ \long\def\dodogetgrouped{\long\@EA\edef\csname\@@XMLdata:#1\endcsname{\the\groupedtoks}}%
+ \getXMLgrouped{#1}}
+ {\@EA\let\csname\@@XMLdata:#1\endcsname\longempty
+ \long\@EA\def\csname\@@XMLelement:#1\endcsname {\getXMLgroupednestedenvironmentsave{#1}{#2}{#3}}%
+ \@EA\let\csname\@@XMLelement:/#1\endcsname\donothing
+ \long\@EA\def\csname\@@XMLelement:#1/\endcsname{#2\@EA\let\csname\@@XMLdata:#1\endcsname\longempty#3}}
+ {\collectXMLgroupedtrue
+ \long\def\dodogetgrouped{#2\long\@EA\edef\csname\@@XMLdata:#1\endcsname{\the\groupedtoks}#3}%
+ \getXMLgrouped{#1}}
+%D The high level definition macros.
+\def\defineXMLsingular {\dotripleempty\dodefineXMLsingular}
+\def\defineXMLcommand {\dotripleempty\dodefineXMLcommand}
+\def\defineXMLgrouped {\dotripleempty\dodefineXMLgrouped}
+\def\defineXMLargument {\dotripleempty\dodefineXMLargument}
+\def\defineXMLignore {\dotripleempty\dodefineXMLignore}
+\def\defineXMLpickup {\dotripleempty\dodefineXMLpickup}
+\def\defineXMLenvironment {\dotripleempty\dodefineXMLenvironment}
+\def\defineXMLsave {\dotripleempty\dodefineXMLsave}
+\def\defineXMLsavecontent {\dotripleempty\dodefineXMLsavecontent}
+\def\defineXMLgsave {\dotripleempty\dodefineXMLgsave}
+\def\defineXMLgsavecontent {\dotripleempty\dodefineXMLgsavecontent}
+\def\defineXMLenvironmentsave {\dotripleempty\dodefineXMLenvironmentsave}
+\def\defineXMLenvironmentgsave {\dotripleempty\dodefineXMLenvironmentgsave}
+\def\defineXMLprocess {\dotripleempty\dodefineXMLprocess}
+\def\defineXMLnested {\dotripleempty\dodefineXMLnestedenvironment}
+\def\defineXMLnestedenvironment {\dotripleempty\dodefineXMLnestedenvironment}
+\def\defineXMLnestedargument {\dotripleempty\dodefineXMLnestedargument}
+\def\defineXMLnestedsave {\dotripleempty\dodefineXMLnestedsave}
+%D We can nill definitions with:
+%D This is equivalent to:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \def\resetXMLelement[#1]% handy in case only singular
+%D {\@EA\let\csname\@@XMLelement:#1\endcsname \donothing
+%D \@EA\let\csname\@@XMLelement:/#1\endcsname\donothing
+%D \@EA\let\csname\@@XMLelement:#1/\endcsname\donothing}
+%D \stoptyping
+% push is (not yet) a real push, so:
+\def\defineXMLpush {\dotripleempty\dodefineXMLsave}
+% goes for all types
+ {\defineXMLmethod\dododefineXMLsingular{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{}}
+ {\defineXMLmethod\dododefineXMLcommand{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{}}
+ {\defineXMLmethod\dododefineXMLgrouped{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{}}
+ {\defineXMLmethod\dododefineXMLargument{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{}}
+ {\defineXMLmethod\dododefineXMLignore{#1}{#2}{#3}{}{}}
+ {\defineXMLmethod\dododefineXMLpickup{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}}
+ {\defineXMLmethod\dododefineXMLenvironment{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}}
+ {\defineXMLmethod\dododefineXMLsave{#1}{#2}{#3}{}{}}
+ {\defineXMLmethod\dododefineXMLsavecontent{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{}}
+ {\defineXMLmethod\dododefineXMLgsave{#1}{#2}{#3}{}{}}
+ {\defineXMLmethod\dododefineXMLgsavecontent{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{}}
+ {\defineXMLmethod\dododefineXMLenvironmentsave{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}}
+ {\defineXMLmethod\dododefineXMLenvironmentgsave{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}}
+ {\defineXMLmethod\dododefineXMLprocess{#1}{#2}{#3}{}{}}
+ {\defineXMLmethod\dododefineXMLnestedenvironment{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}}
+ {\defineXMLmethod\dododefineXMLnestedargument{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{}}
+ {\defineXMLmethod\dododefineXMLnestedsave{#1}{#2}{#3}{}{}}
+ {\defineXMLmethod\dododefineXMLnestedenvironmentsave{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}}
+% [key=val] => \presetXMLarguments{element} => default key/vals
+% [blabla] => \theXMLarguments{blabla} => user key/vals
+% [blabla] [key=val] => \presetXMLarguments{element} => default key/vals
+% \theXMLarguments{blabla} => user key/vals
+% command element [map] [parlst] begin end
+ {\ifsecondargument
+ \setXMLarguments{#2}{#3}{#4}%
+ \else
+ \resetXMLarguments{#2}% new
+ \fi
+ #1{#2}{#5}{#6}}
+%D Arguments (attributes) \unknown
+% \long\def\setXMLarguments#1#2#3% element [tag] settings
+% {\doifassignmentelse{#2}
+% {\long\setvalue{\@@XMLpars:#1}{\getrawparameters[\@@XMLvariable:#1:][#2]}}
+% {\long\setvalue{\@@XMLmap :#1}{#2}% later we can init vars by this name
+% \doifsomething{#3}{\long\setvalue{\@@XMLpars:#1}{\getrawparameters[#2][#3]}}}}
+\long\def\setXMLarguments#1#2#3% element [tag] settings
+ {\doifassignmentelse{#2} % ROOM FOR OPTIMIZATION
+ {\letbeundefined{\@@XMLmap:#1}%
+ \long\setvalue{\@@XMLpars:#1}{\getrawparameters[\@@XMLvariable:#1:][#2]}}
+ {\long\setvalue{\@@XMLmap:#1}{#2}% later we can init vars by this name
+ \doifsomething{#3}{\long\setvalue{\@@XMLpars:#1}{\getrawparameters[#2][#3]}}}}
+ {\csname\@@XMLpars:\rawXMLnamespace#1\endcsname} % == \getvalue{}
+ \presetXMLarguments\rawXMLidentifier
+\to \everyXMLelement
+%D We now overload the previously defined argument setter by one
+%D that is faster when definitions are surrounded by
+%D \starttyping
+%D \startXMLcompiling ... \stopXMLcompiling
+%D \stoptyping
+%D This method is twice as fast on (for instance) 100K calls to
+%D an empty element with 10 arguments.
+% \long\def\prepareXMLargument#1#2#3%
+% {\scratchtoks\expandafter{\the\scratchtoks\@EA\def\csname#1#2\endcsname{#3}}}
+% \long\def\prepareXMLargument#1#2#3%
+% {\scratchtoks\@EA\@EA\@EA{\@EA\the\@EA\scratchtoks\@EA\def\csname\@@XMLvariable:#1:#2\endcsname{#3}}}
+% \let\@@globalprefix\empty
+% \long\def\prepareXMLargument#1#2#3%
+% {\expanded{\scratchtoks
+% {\the\scratchtoks
+% \def\@EA\noexpand\csname\@@XMLvariable:#1:#2\endcsname{#3}%
+% \noexpand\@EA\let\noexpand\csname\@@XMLvariable:\noexpand\the\numexpr(\XMLdepth+1):#2\endcsname
+% \@EA\noexpand\csname\@@XMLvariable:#1:#2\endcsname}}}
+ {\expanded{\scratchtoks
+ {\the\scratchtoks
+ \def\@EA\noexpand\csname\@@XMLvariable:#1:#2\endcsname{#3}%
+ \noexpand\@EA\let\noexpand\csname\@@XMLvariable:\noexpand\the\numexpr\XMLdepth+\plusone\relax:#2\endcsname
+ \@EA\noexpand\csname\@@XMLvariable:#1:#2\endcsname}}}
+\long\def\setXMLargumentsN#1#2#3% element [tag] settings
+ {\doifassignmentelse{#2}
+ {\letbeundefined{\@@XMLmap:#1}%
+ \long\setvalue{\@@XMLpars:#1}{\getrawparameters[\@@XMLvariable:#1:][#2]}}
+ {\long\setvalue{\@@XMLmap:#1}{#2}% later we can init vars by this name
+ \doifsomething{#3}{\long\setvalue{\@@XMLpars:#1}{\getrawparameters[#2][#3]}}}}
+\long\def\setXMLargumentsP#1#2#3% element settings empty (we cannot test for assignment)
+ {\letbeundefined{\@@XMLmap:#1}%
+ \bgroup
+ %def\XMLinheritance{\noexpand\XMLinheritance}
+ \def\XMLop##1{\noexpand\XMLpar{#1}{##1}{}}%
+ \def\XMLpar{\noexpand\XMLpar}%
+ \def\XMLanc{\noexpand\XMLanc}%
+ \def\XMLinh{\noexpand\XMLinh}%
+ \xdef\!!XMLattr{[#1][#2]}%
+ \scratchtoks\emptytoks
+ \@EA\dogetparameters\@EA\prepareXMLargument\!!XMLattr
+ \xdef\globalnext{\the\scratchtoks}%
+ \egroup
+ \letvalue{\@@XMLpars:#1}\globalnext
+ \globallet\globalnext\relax}
+\def\dodefineXMLattributeset[#1][#2]{\setvalue {\@@XMLpars::#1}{#2}}
+\def\XMLattributeset #1{\executeifdefined{\@@XMLpars::#1}\empty}
+%def\XMLinheritance #1{\executeifdefined{\@@XMLpars:#1}\empty}
+ {\ifcase\@@precompile
+ \expandafter\setXMLargumentsN
+ \else
+ \expandafter\setXMLargumentsP
+ \fi}
+ {\dosingleargument\dostartXMLcompiling}
+% \def\dostartXMLcompiling[#1]%
+% {\iffirstargument
+% \copyXMLargumentindeed % when needed, from now on -)
+% \def\@@globalprefix{#1}%
+% \fi
+% \chardef\@@precompile\plusone}
+ {\doif{#1}\v!inherit
+ \copyXMLargumentindeed
+ \chardef\@@precompile\plusone}
+ {\chardef\@@precompile\zerocount} % no \let\@@globalprefix\empty
+%D Interesting what kind of things are needed \unknown
+ \ifdefined\disablelanguagespecifics\disablelanguagespecifics\fi
+\to \everyenableXML
+\long\def\longspace{ }
+% \def\doifelseXMLdata#1% always empty at start [gets a long assignment]
+% {\@EA\ifx\csname\@@XMLdata:#1\endcsname\longempty
+% \expandafter\secondoftwoarguments
+% \else
+% \expandafter\firstoftwoarguments
+% \fi}
+% \def\doifXMLdata#1% always empty at start [gets a long assignment]
+% {\@EA\ifx\csname\@@XMLdata:#1\endcsname\longempty
+% \expandafter\gobbleoneargument
+% \else
+% \expandafter\firstofoneargument
+% \fi}
+% \let\doifXMLdataelse\doifelseXMLdata
+\def\doifelseXMLdata#1% always empty at start [gets a long assignment]
+ {\@EA\ifx\csname\@@XMLdata:#1\endcsname\longempty
+ \expandafter\secondoftwoarguments
+ \else
+ \expandafter\firstoftwoarguments
+ \fi}
+\def\doifXMLdata#1% always empty at start [gets a long assignment]
+ {\@EA\ifx\csname\@@XMLdata:#1\endcsname\longempty
+ \expandafter\gobbleoneargument
+ \else
+ \expandafter\firstofoneargument
+ \fi}
+ {\@EA\ifx\csname\@@XMLdata:#1\endcsname\longempty
+ \expandafter\firstoftwoarguments
+ \else\@EA\ifx\csname\@@XMLdata:#1\endcsname\longspace
+ \expandthree\firstoftwoarguments
+ \else
+ \expandthree\secondoftwoarguments
+ \fi\fi}
+% test case:
+% \defineXMLenvironmentsave[test]
+% {}
+% {\message{[\XMLflush{test}]}
+% \message{\doifelseXMLdata {test}{}{no }data}
+% \message{/}
+% \message{\doifelseXMLempty{test}{}{not }empty}
+% \wait}
+% \startXMLdata
+% <test>xxx</test>
+% <test></test>
+% <test> </test>
+% <test> </test>
+% <test> </test>
+% <test> x </test>
+% \stopXMLdata
+% \def\XMLflush#1% one level
+% {\csname\@@XMLdata:#1\endcsname}
+% evt meer van dit gedoe en alle \longempty's vervangen
+\def\XMLflush#1% one level
+ {\csname\ifcsname\@@XMLdata:#1\endcsname\@@XMLdata:#1\else\s!empty\fi\endcsname}
+%D \starttyping
+%D \defineXMLenvironmentsave[formula]{}{$\XMLtexdata{formula}$}
+%D \startXMLdata
+%D <formula>t+3+x+t\neq m\alpha\frac\theta\hbar</formula>
+%D \stopXMLdata
+%D \stoptyping
+ {\begingroup
+ \disableXML
+ \scantokens\@EA\@EA\@EA{\csname\@@XMLdata:#1\endcsname}%
+ \endgroup}
+\def\XMLflushdata#1% see m-steps for usage
+ {\@EA\ifx\csname\@@XMLdata:#1\endcsname\longempty\else
+ %\@EAEAEA\XMLdata\@EA\@EA\@EA{\csname\@@XMLdata:#1\endcsname}%
+ \@EA\XMLdata\csname\@@XMLdata:#1\endcsname
+ \fi}
+ {\detokenize\@EAEAEA{\csname\@@XMLdata:#1\endcsname}}
+\let\XMLpop \XMLflush
+\def\XMLappend#1#2% let to empty expands to nothing -)
+ {\long\@EA\edef\csname\@@XMLdata:#1\endcsname{\csname\@@XMLdata:#1\endcsname#2}}
+\def\XMLprepend#1#2% let to empty expands to nothing -)
+ {\long\@EA\edef\csname\@@XMLdata:#1\endcsname{#2\csname\@@XMLdata:#1\endcsname}}
+ {\@EA\let\csname\@@XMLdata:#1\endcsname\longempty}
+ {\long\@EA\def\csname\@@XMLdata:#1\endcsname}
+ {\bgroup
+ \enableXMLexpansion
+ \simplifyXMLelements
+ \let\getXMLentity\firstofoneargument
+ \XMLrawentitiestrue
+ \utfunicodetracer\plusseven % new
+ \xdef\@@XML@@string{\csname\@@XMLdata:#2\endcsname}%
+ \egroup
+ \defconvertedcommand#1\@@XML@@string}
+% this has to expand nicely:
+% <!DOCTYPE XXX SYSTEM "xxx" [ <!ENTITY aaa "../www/"> <!ENTITY bbb SYSTEM "&aaa;mmm.eps"> ]>
+% so keep the following as is!
+ {\bgroup
+ \enableXMLexpansion
+ \simplifyXMLelements
+ \simplifyXMLentities
+ \utfunicodetracer\plusseven % new
+ \let\getXMLentity\expandedXMLentity % should this go in \simplify ?
+ \xdef\@@XML@@string{\csname\@@XMLdata:#2\endcsname}%
+ \egroup
+ \defconvertedcommand#1\@@XML@@string}
+\def\defXMLpar#1#2#3% to be documented
+ {\@EA\def\@EA#1\csname\ifcsname\@@XMLvariable:#2:#3\endcsname\@@XMLvariable:#2:#3\else\s!empty\fi\endcsname}
+\def\setvalueXMLpar#1#2#3% to be documented
+ {\@EA\let\csname#1\@EA\endcsname\csname\ifcsname\@@XMLvariable:#2:#3\endcsname\@@XMLvariable:#2:#3\else\s!empty\fi\endcsname}
+ {\showvalue{\@@XMLdata:#1}}
+\def\XMLunspace#1% kan sneller
+ {\@EA\ifx\csname\@@XMLdata:#1\endcsname\longempty\else
+ \long\@EA\edef\csname\@@XMLdata:#1\endcsname
+ {\@EAEAEA\dounspaced\csname\@@XMLdata:#1\endcsname\end}%
+ \fi}
+\def\defXMLlowerclean#1% lowercase ! evt tzt upper too
+ {\bgroup
+ \lccode`\#\asciispacecode
+ \lccode`\$\asciispacecode
+ \lccode`\%\asciispacecode
+ \lccode`\\\asciispacecode
+ \lccode`\^\asciispacecode
+ \lccode`\_\asciispacecode
+ \lccode`\{\asciispacecode
+ \lccode`\}\asciispacecode
+ \lccode`\|\asciispacecode
+ \lccode`\~\asciispacecode
+ \@EA\lowercase\@EA{\@EA\xdef\@EA#1\@EA{#1}}%
+ \egroup}
+ {\processaction
+ [\XMLpar{#1}{#2}{}]
+ [#3,\s!unknown=>{#4},\s!default={#4}]}
+%D We can pick up key|/|value pairs, but we still need a way
+%D to process these.
+% bugged
+% \def\mapXMLvalue#1#2#3% td align center -> middle
+% {\setvalue{\@@XMLvalue:#1:#2:#3}}
+\def\mapXMLvalue#1#2#3% td:align center -> middle
+ {\setvalue{\@@XMLvalue:#1:#2}{#3}} % keep #3 to grab spaces
+\def\XMLvar#1#2#3% td align center
+ {\ifcsname\@@XMLvariable:#1:#2\endcsname
+ \XMLval{#1}{#2}{\csname\@@XMLvariable:#1:#2\endcsname}%
+ \else
+ \XMLval{#1}{#2}{#3}% evt inline code
+ \fi}
+% \def\XMLvar#1#2#3% td align center
+% {\XMLval{#1}{#2}{\ifcsname\@@XMLvariable:#1:#2\endcsname
+% \csname\@@XMLvariable:#1:#2\endcsname\else#3\fi}}
+% \def\XMLval#1#2#3% td:align value default
+% {\ifcsname\@@XMLvalue:#1:#2\endcsname
+% \csname\@@XMLvalue:#1:#2\endcsname
+% \else
+% #3%
+% \fi}
+% The next one permits commands instead of strings in #3
+\def\XMLval#1#2% #1=td:align #2=value #3=default
+ {\ifcsname\@@XMLvalue:#1:#2\endcsname
+ \@EA\firstoftwoarguments
+ \else
+ \@EA\secondoftwoarguments
+ \fi
+ {\csname\@@XMLvalue:#1:#2\endcsname}}
+ {\ifcsname\@@XMLvariable:#1:#2\endcsname
+ \csname\@@XMLvariable:#1:#2\endcsname
+ \else
+ #3%
+ \fi}
+\def\XMLNSpar#1#2#3#4% element namespace name default
+ {\ifcsname\@@XMLvariable:#1:#2:#3\endcsname
+ \csname\@@XMLvariable:#1:#2:#3\endcsname
+ \else
+ #4%
+ \fi}
+% \def\setXMLpar#1#2%
+% {\@EA\def\csname\@@XMLvariable:#1:#2\endcsname}
+\def\letXMLpar #1#2{\@EA \let\csname\@@XMLvariable:#1:#2\endcsname}
+\def\setXMLpar #1#2{\@EA \def\csname\@@XMLvariable:#1:#2\endcsname}
+% ancestor arguments:
+% \defineXMLenvironment
+% [fo:root]
+% [test=unset]
+% {\beginXMLelement}
+% {\endXMLelement}
+% \defineXMLenvironment
+% [fo:block-container]
+% [test=oeps]
+% {\beginXMLelement}
+% {\endXMLelement}
+% \defineXMLenvironment
+% [fo:block]
+% {\beginXMLelement
+% \begingroup}
+% {\endgroup
+% \XMLanc{test}{}
+% \endXMLelement}
+% \startXMLdata
+% <fo:root>
+% <fo:block-container test='first'><fo:block test='second'>second:</fo:block></fo:block-container>
+% <fo:block>unset:</fo:block>
+% <fo:block test='outer'><fo:block test='nested'><fo:block>deep:</fo:block>nested:</fo:block>outer:</fo:block>
+% <fo:block test='last'>last:</fo:block>
+% </fo:root>
+% \stopXMLdata
+% \startXMLdata
+% <fo:root>
+% <fo:block-container test='first'><fo:block>second:</fo:block></fo:block-container>
+% <fo:block>unset:</fo:block>
+% <fo:block test='second'><fo:block><fo:block>deep:</fo:block>nested:</fo:block>outer:</fo:block>
+% <fo:block>last:</fo:block>
+% </fo:root>
+% \stopXMLdata
+% \startXMLdata
+% <fo:root>
+% <fo:block-container test='first'><fo:block>second:</fo:block></fo:block-container>
+% <fo:block>unset:</fo:block>
+% <fo:block><fo:block><fo:block>deep:</fo:block>nested:</fo:block>outer:</fo:block>
+% <fo:block>last:</fo:block>
+% </fo:root>
+% \stopXMLdata
+% dit werkt alleen ok in niet <a> <b> <b> ... situaties omdat anders
+% de laatste b de attributen van de vorige heeft:
+ {\ifcsname\@@XMLvariable:\currentXMLelement:#1\endcsname % \ownXMLelement
+ \csname\@@XMLvariable:\currentXMLelement:#1\endcsname % \ownXMLelement
+ \@EA\gobblethreearguments
+ \else
+ \@EA\pXMLanc
+ \fi\XMLdepth{#1}}
+% \def\pXMLanc#1%
+% {\@EA\ppXMLanc\@EA{\the\numexpr(#1-\plusone)}}
+ {\@EA\ppXMLanc\@EA{\the\numexpr#1-\plusone\relax}}
+ {\ifcsname\@@XMLdepth:#1\endcsname % is er altijd dus redundant
+ \ifcsname\@@XMLvariable:\csname\@@XMLdepth:#1\endcsname:#2\endcsname
+ \csname\@@XMLvariable:\csname\@@XMLdepth:#1\endcsname:#2\endcsname
+ \@EAEAEA\gobblethreearguments
+ \else
+ \@EAEAEA\pppXMLanc
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \@EA\pppXMLanc
+ \fi{#1}{#2}{#3}}
+ {\ifnum#1>\zerocount
+ \@EA\pXMLanc
+ \else
+ \@EA\thirdofthreearguments
+ \fi{#1}}
+%D Experimental (not sure if this will stay):
+%D \starttyping
+%D \startdefineXMLhandlers[one,two]
+%D \defineXMLenvironment[a=b,c=\XMLop{a}]
+%D {}{}
+%D \stopdefineXMLhandlers
+%D \stoptyping
+ {\bgroup\catcode\endoflineasciicode\spacecatcode
+ \dodoubleempty\dostartdefineXMLhandlers}
+\long\def\dostartdefineXMLhandlers[#1][#2]#3#4\stopdefineXMLhandlers % #2 is dummy
+ {\egroup
+ \long\def\dodefineXMLhandlers##1{#3[##1]#4}%
+ \processcommalist[#1]\dodefineXMLhandlers}
+% \long\def\dostartdefineXMLhandlers[#1][#2]#3#4[#5]#6\stopdefineXMLhandlers % #2 is dummy
+% {\egroup
+% \pushmacro\XMLop
+% \pushmacro\XMLpar
+% \pushmacro\currentXMLhandler
+% \long\def\dodefineXMLhandlers##1%
+% {\edef\currentXMLhandler{##1}%
+% \def\XMLop####1{\noexpand\XMLpar{##1}{####1}{}}%
+% \def\XMLpar{\noexpand\XMLpar}%
+% \def\XMLanc{\noexpand\XMLanc}%
+% \edef\!!stringa{[##1][#5]}%
+% \expandafter#3\!!stringa#6}%
+% \processcommalist[#1]\dodefineXMLhandlers
+% \popmacro\currentXMLhandler
+% \popmacro\XMLpar
+% \popmacro\XMLop}
+\long\def\dostartdefineXMLhandlers[#1][#2]#3#4[#5]#6\stopdefineXMLhandlers % #2 is dummy
+ {\egroup
+ \long\def\dodefineXMLhandlers##1%
+ {\bgroup
+ \edef\currentXMLhandler{##1}%
+ \def\XMLop####1{\noexpand\XMLpar{##1}{####1}{}}%
+ \def\XMLpar{\noexpand\XMLpar}%
+ \def\XMLanc{\noexpand\XMLanc}%
+ \def\XMLinh{\noexpand\XMLinh}%
+ \xdef\!!XMLattr{[##1][#5]}%
+ \egroup
+ \expandafter#3\!!XMLattr#6}%
+ \processcommalist[#1]\dodefineXMLhandlers}
+ {\XMLval{#1}{\XMLpar{#2}{#3}{}}{#4}}
+%D A few weird ones:
+ {\csname#1\interfaced{#2}\endcsname}
+\let\texXMLpar\TEXpar % soon obsolete
+% handy one
+ {\ifcsname\@@XMLvariable:#1:#2\endcsname
+ \@EA\defconvertedcommand\@EA\ascii\csname\@@XMLvariable:#1:#2\endcsname
+ \else
+ \defconvertedargument\ascii{#3}%
+ \fi
+ \ascii}
+\defineXMLsingular [begingroup] {\begingroup}
+\defineXMLsingular [endgroup] {\endgroup}
+\defineXMLsingular [gobblespacetokens] {\gobblespacetokens}
+\defineXMLsingular [disableXML] {\disableXML}
+ {{\enableXML\scantokens{#1}\unskip}}
+\long\def\XMLstr#1% test, does not work
+ {\ifprocessingXML
+ % \begingroup\enableXML\scantokens{#1<endgroup/><gobblespacetokens/>}%
+ \scantokens{#1<gobblespacetokens/>}%
+ \else
+ \begingroup\enableXML\scantokens{#1<endgroup/>\ignorespaces}%
+ \fi}
+\def\XMLgetvariable#1#2% hooks into generic \getvariable and setvariables
+ {\expanded{\XMLstr{\getvariable{#1}{#2}}}}
+\long\def\XMLstrpar#1#2#3% test
+ {\ifcsname\@@XMLvariable:#1:#2\endcsname
+ \scantokens\@EAEAEA{\@EA\begingroup\@EA\enableXML
+ \csname\@@XMLvariable:#1:#2\endcsname<endgroup/>}%
+ \else
+ \scantokens{\begingroup\enableXML#3<endgroup/>}%
+ \fi}
+\def\doifXMLvarelse#1#2% geen etex, \relax too
+ {\ifcsname\@@XMLvariable:#1:#2\endcsname
+ \expandafter\ifx\csname\@@XMLvariable:#1:#2\endcsname\empty
+ \@EAEAEA\secondoftwoarguments
+ \else
+ \@EAEAEA\firstoftwoarguments
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \@EA\secondoftwoarguments
+ \fi}
+\def\doifXMLvar#1#2% geen etex, \relax too
+ {\ifcsname\@@XMLvariable:#1:#2\endcsname
+ \expandafter\ifx\csname\@@XMLvariable:#1:#2\endcsname\empty
+ \@EAEAEA\gobbleoneargument
+ \else
+ \@EAEAEA\firstofoneargument
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \@EA\gobbleoneargument
+ \fi}
+\def\doifXMLvalelse#1#2% geen etex, \relax too
+ {\ifcsname\@@XMLvalue:#1:#2\endcsname
+ \expandafter\ifx\csname\@@XMLvalue:#1:#2\endcsname\empty
+ \@EAEAEA\secondoftwoarguments
+ \else
+ \@EAEAEA\firstoftwoarguments
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \@EA\secondoftwoarguments
+ \fi}
+\let\doifXMLpar \doifXMLvar
+%D Used in x-fo: I really need to document this!
+\bgroup \catcode`\<=\activecatcode
+% usage: \expanded{\rescanXMLatttributes{fo:table-cell}}
+\gdef\rescanXMLattributes #1{\noexpand\dogetXMLarguments{#1}\currentXMLarguments>}
+\gdef\parseXMLattributes #1#2{\dogetXMLarguments{#1}#2>}
+ {\ifcsname\@@XMLvariable:#2:#3\endcsname
+ \@EA\defconvertedcommand\@EA#1\csname\@@XMLvariable:#2:#3\endcsname
+ \else
+ \defconvertedargument#1{#4}%
+ \fi}
+ {\begingroup\enableXML\XMLflush{#1}\endgroup}
+\bgroup \catcode`<=\activecatcode
+\long\gdef\grabuntilXMLelement #1<\to#2{\def#2{#1}<}
+%D Saves tokens and typing.
+\def\XMLownvar {\XMLvar {\rawXMLnamespace\rawXMLidentifier}}
+\def\XMLownval {\XMLval {\rawXMLnamespace\rawXMLidentifier}}
+\def\XMLownpar {\XMLpar {\rawXMLnamespace\rawXMLidentifier}}
+\def\XMLownstrpar {\XMLstrpar {\rawXMLnamespace\rawXMLidentifier}}
+\def\letXMLpar #1#2{\@EA \let\csname\@@XMLvariable:#1:#2\endcsname}
+\def\setXMLpar #1#2{\@EA \def\csname\@@XMLvariable:#1:#2\endcsname}
+\def\XMLop#1% ownpar
+ {\csname\ifcsname\@@XMLvariable:\ownXMLelement:#1\endcsname
+ \@@XMLvariable:\ownXMLelement:#1\else\s!empty
+ \fi\endcsname}
+\def\XMLtp#1% texpar
+ {\csname\ifcsname\@@XMLmapmap\interfaced{#1}\endcsname
+ \@@XMLmapmap\interfaced{#1}\else\s!empty
+ \fi\endcsname}
+\def\doifXMLop #1{\doif {\XMLop{#1}}}
+\def\doifnotXMLop #1{\doifnot {\XMLop{#1}}}
+\def\doifsomethingXMLop #1{\doifsomething {\XMLop{#1}}}
+\def\doifnothingXMLop #1{\doifnothing {\XMLop{#1}}}
+\def\doifXMLtp #1{\doif {\XMLtp{#1}}}
+\def\doifnotXMLtp #1{\doifnot {\XMLtp{#1}}}
+\def\doifsomethingXMLtp #1{\doifsomething {\XMLtp{#1}}}
+\def\doifnothingXMLtp #1{\doifnothing {\XMLtp{#1}}}
+\def\XMLta {\theXMLarguments\@@XMLmapmap}
+\def\getXMLta {\expanded{\getparameters[\@@XMLmapmap][\XMLta]}}
+\def\expandXMLtp{\expandTEXpar\@@XMLmapmap} % #1
+\def\getXMLparameters[#1]% faster than \rawgetparameters[#1][\theXMLar..]
+ {\ifcsname\@@XMLmap:#1\endcsname
+ \expanded{\rawgetparameters[#1][\csname\@@XMLmap:#1\endcsname]}%
+ \fi}
+%D ...
+ {\catcode\tabasciicode \spacecatcode
+ \catcode\endoflineasciicode\spacecatcode
+ \catcode\formfeedasciicode \spacecatcode
+ \catcode\endoffileasciicode\spacecatcode
+ \catcode`\#\othercatcode}
+ {\begingroup
+ \protectXMLdata
+ \dostartXMLcode}
+\long\def\dostartXMLcode[#1] #2 \stopXMLcode
+ {\@EA\gdef\csname\@@XMLcode:#1\endcsname{\startXMLdata#2\stopXMLdata}%
+ \endgroup}
+\def\getXMLcode[#1]% \expandXMLcode
+ {\csname\@@XMLcode:#1\endcsname}
+% \long\def\startXMLdata#1\stopXMLdata%
+% {\begingroup\enableXML\scantokens{#1}\endgroup}
+% \defineXMLentity[tex-backslash] {\catchXMLpar}
+% \def\catchXMLpar#1#2#3
+% {\if#1p\if#2a\if#3r\ifmmode\else\endgraf\fi
+% \else\texescape\fi\else\texescape\fi\else\texescape\fi}
+ {\begingroup
+ \protectXMLdata
+ \dostartXMLdata}
+\long\def\dostartXMLdata#1\stopXMLdata % evt \everyeof{}
+ {\enableXML\scantokens{#1<gobblespacetokens/>}%
+ \endgroup
+ \ifhmode\unskip\unskip\fi}
+% suboptimal:
+% \unexpanded\def\XMLdata#1% % \unexpanded added 22/5/2001
+% {\begingroup
+% \enableXML\scantokens{#1}\ifhmode\unskip\unskip\fi
+% \endgroup}
+% better but does not work in tables:
+% \unexpanded\def\XMLdata#1% % grouping changed 20/5/2001
+% {\scantokens{\begingroup\enableXML#1<endgroup/>\gobblespacetokens}}
+% currently:
+\unexpanded\def\XMLdata % # safe
+ {\begingroup
+ \protectXMLdata
+ \doXMLdata}
+ {\enableXML
+ \scantokens{#1<gobblespacetokens/>}%
+ \endgroup}
+% \defineXMLcommand{placeindex/}
+% {\placeindex[criterium=all]}
+% \defineXMLargument{index}
+% {\index[\XMLvar{index}{key}{}]}
+%D Here we implement the handling of preformatted code.
+ {\startpacked
+ #1%
+ \fixedXMLfonttrue
+ \obeylines
+ \obeyspaces
+ \setbox\scratchbox=\hbox{x}%
+ \edef\obeyedspace{\noindent\noexpand\kern\the\wd\scratchbox}}
+ {\stoppacked}
+\def\XMLinput{\enableXML\input} \global\let\inputXML\XMLinput
+% options
+\def\processXMLfile #1{\enableXML\processfile{#1}}
+%D \type
+%D {processXMLbuffer}
+%D For illustrative purposes, we need to be able to reuse
+%D definitions, which is why we implement a buffer processor
+%D here. The macro \type {\processXMLbuffer} behaves like
+%D any buffer processor.
+ {\dosingleempty\doprocessXMLbuffer}
+ {\doifelsenothing{#1}
+ {\doprocessXMLbuffer[\jobname]}
+ {\begingroup
+ \enableXML
+ \def\dodoprocessXMLbuffer##1{\getbuffer[##1]}%
+ \processcommalist[#1]\dodoprocessXMLbuffer
+ \endgroup}}
+%D Loading specific modules takes place with \type
+%D {\useXMLfilters}.
+% todo: flag
+ {\processcommalist[#1]\douseXMLfilter}
+ {\doifundefined{\c!file\f!xtagprefix#1}
+ {\letvalue{\c!file\f!xtagprefix#1}\empty
+ \startreadingfile
+ % \truefilename removed
+ \readsysfile{\f!xtagprefix#1.mkii}
+ {\writestatus{xml}{loading module #1.mkii}}
+ {\readsysfile{\f!xtagprefix#1.tex}
+ {\writestatus{xml}{loading module #1.tex}}
+ \donothing}%
+ \stopreadingfile}}
+%D Temporarily here.
+\bgroup \catcode`\<=\activecatcode
+ {\collectXMLgroupedtrue
+ \XMLgtoks{#2}%
+ \long\def\dodogetgrouped{\@EA\the\@EA\XMLgtoks\the\groupedtoks#3}%
+ \getXMLgrouped{#1}}
+ {\collectXMLgroupedtrue
+ \XMLgtoks{#2}%
+ \long\def\dodogetgrouped{\@EA\the\@EA\XMLgtoks\@EA{\the\groupedtoks}}%
+ \getXMLgrouped{#1}}
+ {\collectXMLgroupedfalse
+ \let\dodogetgrouped\relax
+ \getXMLgrouped{#1}}
+\long\gdef\docountXMLgrouped#1\end#2\end % 1 relax is enough since it's
+ {\long\def\dosplitXMLstring##1#1##2\relax\relax##3\end % another regime
+ {\def\ascii{##2}%
+ \ifx\ascii\empty \else
+ \advance\scratchcounter \plusone
+ \dosplitXMLstring##2\relax\relax#1\relax\relax\end
+ \fi}%
+ \dosplitXMLstring#2\relax\relax#1\relax\relax\end}
+\long\unexpanded\gdef\getXMLgrouped#1% #1 kan weg % klopt dit nu?
+ {\groupedtoks\emptytoks
+ \scratchcounter\zerocount
+ \edef\theXMLnamespace
+ {\ifx\originalXMLnamespace\empty\else\originalXMLnamespace:\fi
+ \currentXMLidentifier}%
+ \expanded{\long\noexpand\def\noexpand\dogetgrouped####1\noexpand</\currentXMLelement>}%
+ {\ifcollectXMLgrouped\appendtoks##1\to\groupedtoks\fi
+ \@EA\docountXMLgrouped\@EA<\theXMLnamespace>\end##1\end
+ \@EAEAEA\docountXMLgrouped\@EA\@EA\@EA<\@EA\theXMLnamespace\space \end##1\end
+ \ifcase\scratchcounter
+ \let\dogetgrouped\dodogetgrouped
+ \else
+ \advance\scratchcounter \minusone
+ \ifcollectXMLgrouped\@EA\appendtoks\@EA<\@EA/\currentXMLelement>\to\groupedtoks\fi
+ \fi
+ \dogetgrouped}%
+ \dogetgrouped}
+% interesting and fully expandable
+ {\@EAEAEA\@@ifequal\csname\@@XMLvariable:\ownXMLelement:#1\endcsname\relax\@@and#2\relax\@@then}
+% \def\XMLifequalelse#1#2#3%
+% {\@EAEAEA\@@ifequal\csname\@@XMLvariable:#1:#2\endcsname\relax\@@and#3\relax\@@then}
+ {\ifcsname\@@XMLvariable:#1:#2\endcsname
+ % \@EAEAEA\doXMLifequalelse\@EA\@EA\csname\@@XMLvariable:#1:#2\endcsname
+ \@EA\doXMLifequalelse\csname\@@XMLvariable:#1:#2\@EA\endcsname
+ \else
+ \@EA\secondoftwoarguments
+ \fi}
+ {\@EA\@@ifequal#1\relax\@@and#2\relax\@@then}
+%D \starttyping
+%D \defineXMLenvironment[test][a=1]
+%D {\XMLownifequalelse{a}{2}{YES}{NO}}
+%D {}
+%D \defineXMLenvironment[test][a=1]
+%D {\XMLifequalelse{test}{a}{1}{YES}{NO}}
+%D {}
+%D \startXMLdata
+%D <test a="1">test</test>
+%D \stopXMLdata
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The next macro will set the variable \type {\flattenedXMLcontent}
+%D to the content with elements removed and entity names.
+\gdef\flattenXMLcontent#1% we need taco's 'over one group'
+ {\begingroup
+ \keeputfcharacters
+ \def<##1>{}%
+ \def&##1;{##1}%
+ \edef\flattenedXMLcontent{#1}%
+ \edef\flattenedXMLcontent{\expandafter\dounspaced\flattenedXMLcontent\end}%
+ \@EA\endgroup
+ \@EA\def\@EA\flattenedXMLcontent\@EA{\flattenedXMLcontent}}
+ {\begingroup
+ \let\getXMLentity\expandedXMLentity
+ \expanded{\endgroup\edef\noexpand#1{#2}}}
+ {\begingroup
+ \let\getXMLentity\expandedXMLentity
+ \expanded{\endgroup\xdef\noexpand#1{#2}}}
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/xtag-map.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/xtag-map.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4f639bf01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/xtag-map.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,746 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=xtag-map,
+%D version=2000.12.20,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ XML Macros,
+%D subtitle=Remapping,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D There is a more versatile mapper available in \type {xtag-rem.tex}!
+%D We also need something that lets content as-is, like for
+%D instance XML embedded in a chemical caption.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt XML Macros / Remapping}
+%D A fundamental characteristic of \TEX\ is that much
+%D processing depends on picking up one or more arguments and
+%D acting upon them. In \type {xtag-ini} we have implemented
+%D the normal (high) level interface between \XML\ and
+%D \CONTEXT, and there we already saw some ways to pick up an
+%D element as argument.
+%D In this module we will implement a preprocessor. An element
+%D that feeds its content to the preprocessor, becomes a token
+%D list consisting of \TEX\ macros, which in turn may expand to
+%D their meanings.
+%D This module is only tested with \ETEX. In principle we can
+%D make it work with good old \TEX, but we see no objection
+%D against using \ETEX, especially since it's part of every
+%D grown up \TEX\ distribution.
+\let\normalparseXMLescape \parseXMLescape
+\let\normaldoXMLelement \doXMLelement
+\let\normaldoXMLentity \doXMLentity
+ {\let\doXMLelement \normaldoXMLelement
+ \let\parseXMLelement\normalparseXMLelement
+ \let\parseXMLescape \normalparseXMLescape
+ \let\parseXMLprocess\normalparseXMLprocess
+ \let\doXMLentity \normaldoXMLentity}
+%D A careful reader will notice that we do a full expansion of
+%D the content of the element, although commands that are
+%D protected will stay untouched. In this stage we also
+%D collect key|/|value pairs and pass them onto the \TEX\
+%D macros if needed. Again, we need a fully expandable parser
+%D to handle this, which make the core macros slightly
+%D unreadable.
+%D The interface presented here evolved from an older module,
+%D written on top of \type {m-sgml}, that could take care of
+%D \MATHML\ (version 1). The implementation here is more
+%D advanced in the sense that it permits all kind of parsers.
+\def\findendofXMLelement#1% space after 0/1 prevents auto \relax
+ {\if#1>0 \else
+ \if#1/1 \endofXMLelementE\else
+ \if#1"\endofXMLelementD \else
+ \if#1'\endofXMLelementS \else
+ \endofXMLelementN \fi\fi\fi\fi}
+\def\endofXMLelementD#1\fi\fi\fi\fi#2"{\fi\fi\fi \findendofXMLelement}
+\def\endofXMLelementN \fi\fi\fi\fi {\fi\fi\fi\fi\findendofXMLelement}
+% not faster
+% \def\findendofXMLelement#1%
+% {\csname**\if#1>>\else\if#1//\else\if#1""\else\if#1''\else.\fi\fi\fi\fi\endcsname}
+% \def\findendofXMLelement#1%
+% {\csname**\ifcsname**#1\endcsname#1\else.\fi\endcsname}
+% \setvalue{**>}{0 }
+% \setvalue{**/}#1>{1 }
+% \setvalue{**"}#1"{\findendofXMLelement}
+% \setvalue{**'}#1'{\findendofXMLelement}
+% \letvalue{**.}\findendofXMLelement
+%D We need three steps to avoid namespace: tag since comment
+%D and processing instructions don't have a namespace. The
+%D first step distinguishes between comment, processing
+%D instructions and elements. The second step (which is
+%D defined in the main mapping macro) either or not grabs the
+%D namespace. We may extend this model later to a more
+%D versatile one, using remapping.
+%D Parsing escapes is done by specific macros. For the
+%D moment we assume that the sequence ends with an \type {>}
+%D (which is definietly not the case for \type {CDATA}).
+%D Processing instructions are remapped and only certain
+%D cases are handled.
+%D This one is more efficient (although no one will notice
+%D this since this macro is used seldom).
+%D Element need a bit more work; \type {#4} consumes spaces.
+% \def\remapXMLunknownONE#1#2% name args
+% {\ifremapXMLunknown\remapXMLone{\s!unknown}{#1 #2}\fi}
+% \def\remapXMLunknownTWO#1#2% name args
+% {\ifremapXMLunknown\remapXMLtwo{\s!unknown}{#1 #2}\fi}
+% \def\remapXMLunknownTHREE#1#2% name args
+% {\ifremapXMLunknown\remapXMLthree{\s!unknown/}{#1 #2}\fi}
+% \long\def\remapXMLelement#1#2 #3>#4% todo: we need to get rid of the end /
+% {\ifcase\findendofXMLelement#2#3>%
+% \if#1/%
+% \expandafter\ifx\csname\@@XML\@@XMLmapping:#2:M\endcsname\relax
+% \remapXMLunknownONE{#2}{}%
+% \else
+% \remapXMLone{#2}{}%
+% \fi
+% \else
+% \expandafter\ifx\csname\@@XML\@@XMLmapping:#1#2:M\endcsname\relax
+% \remapXMLunknownTWO{#1#2}{#3}%
+% \else
+% \remapXMLtwo{#1#2}{#3}%
+% \fi
+% \fi
+% \else
+% \expandafter\ifx\csname\@@XML\@@XMLmapping:#1#2:M\endcsname\relax
+% \expandafter\ifx\csname\@@XML\@@XMLmapping:#1#2/:M\endcsname\relax
+% \remapXMLunknownTHREE{#1#2}{#3}%
+% \else
+% \remapXMLthree{#1#2/}{#3}%
+% \fi
+% \else
+% \remapXMLthree{#1#2}{#3}%
+% \fi
+% \fi#4}
+ {\remapXMLthree{#1/}}
+\def\remapXMLunknownONE#1#2% name args
+ {\ifremapXMLunknown\remapXMLone\s!unknown{#1 #2}\fi}
+\def\remapXMLunknownTWO#1#2% name args
+ {\ifremapXMLunknown\remapXMLtwo\s!unknown{#1 #2}\fi}
+\def\remapXMLunknownTHREE#1#2% name args
+ {\ifremapXMLunknown\remapXMLthreeempty\s!unknown{#1 #2}\fi}
+\long\def\remapXMLelement#1#2 #3>#4% todo: we need to get rid of the end /
+ {\ifcase\findendofXMLelement#2#3>%
+ \if#1/%
+ \expandafter\ifx\csname\@@XML\@@XMLmapping:#2:M\endcsname\relax
+ \@EA\remapXMLunknownONE
+ \else
+ \@EA\remapXMLone
+ \fi{#2}\empty
+ \else
+ \expandafter\ifx\csname\@@XML\@@XMLmapping:#1#2:M\endcsname\relax
+ \@EA\remapXMLunknownTWO
+ \else
+ \@EA\remapXMLtwo
+ \fi{#1#2}{#3}%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \expandafter\ifx\csname\@@XML\@@XMLmapping:#1#2:M\endcsname\relax
+ \expandafter\ifx\csname\@@XML\@@XMLmapping:#1#2/:M\endcsname\relax
+ \@EAEAEA\remapXMLunknownTHREE
+ \else
+ \@EAEAEA\remapXMLthreeempty
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \@EA\remapXMLthree
+ \fi{#1#2}{#3}%
+ \fi#4}
+\unexpanded\def\xmlp#1#2{\csname\@@XML :#1:#2\endcsname}
+\def \expandedxmlr#1#2{\csname\@@XML\@@XMLmapping:#1:#2\endcsname}
+ {\ifcase\csname\@@XMLremap\csname\@@XML\@@XMLmapping:#1:M\endcsname\endcsname
+ \or % GCPA
+ \XMLeg\XMLeg
+ \or % GCP-
+ \XMLeg
+ \or % GC-A
+ \XMLeg\XMLeg
+ \or % GC--
+ \XMLeg
+ \or % -CPA
+ \XMLeg
+ \or % -CP-
+ %
+ \or % -C-A
+ \XMLeg
+ \or % -C--
+ %
+ \or % G---
+ \XMLeg
+ \or % GLR-
+ \xmlr{#1}{R}\XMLeg
+ \or % -LR-
+ \xmlr{#1}{R}%
+ \fi}
+ {\ifcase\csname\@@XMLremap\csname\@@XML\@@XMLmapping:#1:M\endcsname\endcsname
+ \or % GCPA
+ \XMLbg\xmlr{#1}{X}{#2}\XMLbg
+ \or % GCP-
+ \XMLbg\xmlr{#1}{X}{#2}%
+ \or % GC-A
+ \XMLbg\xmlr{#1}{X}\XMLbg
+ \or % GC--
+ \XMLbg\xmlr{#1}{X}%
+ \or % -CPA
+ \xmlr{#1}{X}{#2}\XMLbg
+ \or % -CP-
+ \xmlr{#1}{X}{#2}%
+ \or % -C-A
+ \xmlr{#1}{X}\XMLbg
+ \or % -C--
+ \xmlr{#1}{X}%
+ \or % G---
+ \XMLbg
+ \or % GLR-
+ \XMLbg\xmlr{#1}{L}%
+ \or % -LR-
+ \xmlr{#1}{L}%
+ \fi}
+ {\ifcase\csname\@@XMLremap\csname\@@XML\@@XMLmapping:#1:M\endcsname\endcsname
+ \or % GCPA
+ \XMLbg\xmlr{#1}{X}{#2}\XMLbg\XMLeg\XMLeg
+ \or % GCP-
+ \XMLbg\xmlr{#1}{X}{#2}\XMLeg
+ \or % GC-A
+ \XMLbg\xmlr{#1}{X}\XMLbg\XMLeg\XMLeg
+ \or % GC--
+ \XMLbg\xmlr{#1}{X}\XMLeg
+ \or % -CPA
+ \xmlr{#1}{X}{#2}\XMLbg\XMLeg
+ \or % -CP-
+ \xmlr{#1}{X}{#2}%
+ \or % -C-A
+ \xmlr{#1}{X}\XMLbg\XMLeg
+ \or % -C--
+ \xmlr{#1}{X}%
+ \or % G---
+ \XMLbg\XMLeg
+ \fi}
+\scratchtoks\@EA{\string{} \edef\XMLbg{\the\scratchtoks}
+\scratchtoks\@EA{\string}} \edef\XMLeg{\the\scratchtoks}
+\chardef\XMLremapGCPA = 1 % {\command {arg} { } }
+\chardef\XMLremapGCP = 2 % {\command {arg} } %
+\chardef\XMLremapGCA = 3 % {\command { } }
+\chardef\XMLremapGC = 4 % {\command } %
+\chardef\XMLremapCPA = 5 % \command {arg} { }
+\chardef\XMLremapCP = 6 % \command {arg} %
+\chardef\XMLremapCA = 7 % \command { }
+\chardef\XMLremapC = 8 % \command %
+\chardef\XMLremapG = 9 % { }
+\chardef\XMLremapGLR = 10 % { \bcom \ecom }
+\chardef\XMLremapLR = 11 % \bcom \ecom
+%D The remapping is controlled by only a few definition
+%D macros, that both deal with elements. We distinguish
+%D between normal and empty elements.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \remapXMLsequence [name] [result map] \unexpandablecommand
+%D \remapXMLsequence [name] [result map] \unexpandablecommand
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The \MATHML\ module demonstrates how these can be used.
+%D The element is converted into a sequence with one or more
+%D of the following components.
+%D \starttyping
+%D { \command {parameters} {argument} }
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The following combinations are supported.
+%D \starttabulate[|c|c|c|c|c|]
+%D \NC GCPA \NC grouped \NC command \NC parameters \NC argument \NC \NR
+%D \NC GCP \NC grouped \NC command \NC parameters \NC \NC \NR
+%D \NC GCA \NC grouped \NC command \NC \NC argument \NC \NR
+%D \NC GC \NC grouped \NC command \NC \NC \NC \NR
+%D \NC CPA \NC \NC command \NC parameters \NC argument \NC \NR
+%D \NC CP \NC \NC command \NC parameters \NC \NC \NR
+%D \NC CA \NC \NC command \NC \NC argument \NC \NR
+%D \NC C \NC \NC command \NC \NC \NC \NR
+%D \NC G \NC grouped \NC \NC \NC \NC \NR
+%D \stoptabulate
+%D Empty elements (singular ones) never get an argument,
+%D which makes sense, since they have at most parameters.
+\def\remapXMLsequence{\doquadrupleargument\doremapXML []}
+ {\iffourthargument
+ \def\next{\dodoremapXML[#2][#1][#3][#4]}%
+ \else
+ \def\next{\dodoremapXML[\@@XMLmapping][#1][#2][#3]}%
+ \fi
+ \next}
+%\def\dodoremapXML[#1][#2][#3][#4]% class / name pattern
+% {\doifinstringelse{LR}{#4}
+% {\let\next\doremapXMLtwo}
+% {\let\next\doremapXMLone}%
+% \next[#1][#2][#3][#4]}%
+\def\dodoremapXML[#1][#2][#3][#4]% class / name pattern
+ {\doifinstringelse{LR}{#4}\doremapXMLtwo\doremapXMLone[#1][#2][#3][#4]}
+ {\setvalue{\@@XML#1:#3#2:M}{#4}%
+ \setvalue{\@@XML#1:#3#2:X}{#5}}
+ {\setvalue{\@@XML#1:#3:M}{#4}%
+ \setvalue{\@@XML#1:#3:L}{#5}%
+ \setvalue{\@@XML#1:#3:R}{#6}}
+%D We handle processing instructions and unknown elements with:
+\remapXMLsingular [procins] [CPA] \normalparseXMLprocess
+\remapXMLsingular [\s!unknown] [CPA] \doXMLunknownSI
+\remapXMLsequence [\s!unknown] [CPA] \doXMLunknownSE
+\def\doXMLunknownSI#1#2{{\tttf[#1 #2]}}
+\def\doXMLunknownSE#1#2{{\tttf[#1 #2]}}
+%D In a similar way, we can remap entities.
+ {\doremapXMLentity{#1}#2}%
+ {\xmlrent}
+% \unexpanded\def\xmlrent#1%
+% {\getXMLentity{#1}}
+% replaced by:
+ {\doXMLentity#1;}
+%D The remapping is taken care of by the following macro,
+%D which takes three arguments.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \XMLremapdata{before}{after}{content}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D After the remapping, the content is executed (expanded)
+%D under the normal \TEX\ catcode regime. The intermediate
+%D result can be traced by turning on the following switch.
+\newtoks \everyXMLremapping
+ \defineXMLentity[tex-hash]{\letterhash}%
+ \defineXMLentity[tex-bar]{\myspecialnormalvert}%
+\to \everyXMLremapping
+\def\setnormalXMLentities% will change ! ! ! ! !
+ {\defineXMLentity[tex-hash]\letterhash
+ \defineXMLentity[tex-dollar]\letterdollar
+ \defineXMLentity[tex-percent]\letterpercent
+ \defineXMLentity[tex-backslash]\letterbackslash
+ \defineXMLentity[tex-hat]\letterhat
+ \defineXMLentity[tex-underscore]\letterunderscore
+ \defineXMLentity[tex-leftbrace]\letterbgroup
+ \defineXMLentity[tex-rightbrace]\letteregroup
+ \defineXMLentity[tex-bar]\letterbar}
+%D Here we implement the second step in the element grabber.
+ {\dosingleempty\doXMLremapdata}
+ {\bgroup
+ \startXMLmapping[#1]%
+ % enable unknown elements (should be macro)
+ \doifsomething{#1}
+ {\doifdefinedelse{\@@XML#1:\s!unknown:M}
+ {\remapXMLunknowntrue}{\remapXMLunknownfalse}}%
+ %
+ \pushmacro\doXMLentity % needed ?
+ % this will change, proper split in element itself
+ \ifx\currentXMLnamespace\empty
+ \let\parseXMLelement\remapXMLelement
+ \else
+ % here we need to get rid of the namespace; we also
+ % have to preserve the leading / if present
+ \@EA\long\@EA\def\@EA\parseXMLelement\@EA
+ ##\@EA1\currentXMLnamespace:{\remapXMLelement##1}%
+ % ##2 removes leading spaces
+ \fi
+ %
+ \let\parseXMLescape \remapXMLescape
+ \let\parseXMLprocess\remapXMLprocess
+ %
+ \let\doXMLentity \remapXMLentity
+ %
+ \enableXML % sets entities
+ \enableXMLexpansion
+ \let\par\XMLremappedpar
+ \the\everyXMLremapping
+ %\ignorelines
+ \catcode\tabasciicode \spacecatcode
+ \catcode\endoflineasciicode\spacecatcode
+ \catcode\formfeedasciicode \spacecatcode
+ \catcode\endoffileasciicode\spacecatcode
+ \pushmacro\unicodechar
+ \let\unicodechar\relax
+ \xdef\remappedXMLdata{#4\empty}%
+ \popmacro\unicodechar
+ \let\par\endgraf
+ \popmacro\doXMLentity % needed ?
+ \disableXMLexpansion
+ \catcode`\{=\begingroupcatcode
+ \catcode`\}=\endgroupcatcode
+ \catcode`\\=\escapecatcode
+ \iftraceXMLremapping
+ \ifmmode\vbox\fi\bgroup
+ \defconvertedcommand\ascii\remappedXMLdata
+ \tttf\veryraggedright\ascii\par
+ \writestatus{xml-remap}{\ascii}%
+ \egroup
+ \fi
+ #2\scantokens\@EA{\remappedXMLdata\empty\empty}#3%
+ \stopXMLmapping
+ \egroup}
+% testcase:
+% aap‒noot coördinatie – één
+% \startXMLdata
+% aap‒noot coördinatie – één
+% <formula><math><mtext>aap‒noot coördinatie – één</mtext></math></formula>
+% \stopXMLdata
+% weird case:
+% \chardef\XMLtokensreduction\zerocount
+% \startXMLdata
+% <formula><math><mtext>\"{a}\"{o}\"{u}\v{c}\v{s}\v{z}</mtext></math></formula>
+% \stopXMLdata
+% \chardef\XMLtokensreduction\plustwo
+% \startXMLdata
+% <formula><math><mtext>\"{a}\"{o}\"{u}\v{c}\v{s}\v{z}</mtext></math></formula>
+% \stopXMLdata
+% rename to better names
+\newtoks \XMLRtoks
+\newcount \nofXMLRchildren
+\let\nextXMLRelement \empty
+\let\firstXMLRelement \empty
+% \def\withnextXMLRelement#1%
+% {\pushmacro\dowithnextXMLRelement
+% \def\dowithnextXMLRelement##1##2##3##4##5%
+% {\popmacro\dowithnextXMLRelement
+% \def\nextXMLRelement{##1{##2}{##3}{##4}{##5}}%
+% #1}%
+% \doifnextcharelse\empty\empty\dowithnextXMLRelement}
+% better and faster:
+ {\def\nextXMLRelement{#2{#3}{#4}{#5}{#6}}#1}%
+ {\doifnextcharelse\empty\empty{\dowithnextXMLRelement{#1}}}
+ {\pushmacro\firstXMLRelement
+ \pushmacro\secondXMLRelement
+ \withnextXMLRelement
+ {\let\firstXMLRelement\nextXMLRelement
+ \withnextXMLRelement
+ {\let\secondXMLRelement\nextXMLRelement
+ #1%
+ \popmacro\secondXMLRelement
+ \popmacro\firstXMLRelement}}}
+\def\withnextthreeXMLRelements#1% korter, met two
+ {\pushmacro\firstXMLRelement
+ \pushmacro\secondXMLRelement
+ \pushmacro\thirdXMLRelement
+ \withnextXMLRelement
+ {\let\firstXMLRelement\nextXMLRelement
+ \withnextXMLRelement
+ {\let\secondXMLRelement\nextXMLRelement
+ \withnextXMLRelement
+ {\let\thirdXMLRelement\nextXMLRelement
+ #1%
+ \popmacro\thirdXMLRelement
+ \popmacro\secondXMLRelement
+ \popmacro\firstXMLRelement}}}}
+ {\pushmacro\xmlr
+ \def\next{#4}%
+ \def\xmlr##1##2##3##4% the / should be sorted out in the mapper
+ {\rawdoifinsetelse{##1}{#1}
+ {\def\next{#3}}
+ {\doif{##1}{#1/}{\def\next{#3}}}}%
+ #2\empty
+ \popmacro\xmlr
+ \next}
+ {\pushmacro\xmlr
+ \let\next\empty
+ \def\xmlr##1##2##3##4% the / should be sorted out in the mapper
+ {\rawdoifinsetelse{##1}{#1}
+ {\def\next{#3}}
+ {\doif{##1}{#1/}{\def\next{#3}}}}%
+ #2\empty
+ \popmacro\xmlr
+ \next}
+ {\pushmacro\xmlr
+ \def\xmlr##1##2##3##4%
+ {\doifelse{##1}{#1}
+ {\def\next{\doencapsulateXMLRchild{#2}{#3}{#4}{##4}}}
+ {\let\next\empty}%
+ \next}%
+ #5\empty
+ \popmacro\xmlr}
+ {\pushmacro\xmlr
+ \pushmacro\betweenXMLRchild
+ \def\betweenXMLRchild{\def\betweenXMLRchild{#3}}%
+ \def\xmlr##1##2##3##4%
+ {\rawdoifinsetelse{##1}{#1}
+ {\pushmacro\xmlr
+ \let\xmlr\naturalxmlr
+ \betweenXMLRchild\xmlr{##1}{##2}{##3}{##4}%
+ \popmacro\xmlr}
+ {}}%
+ #2#5\empty#4%
+ \popmacro\betweenXMLRchild
+ \popmacro\xmlr}
+ {\pushmacro\xmlr
+ \pushmacro\betweenXMLRchild
+ \def\betweenXMLRchild{\def\betweenXMLRchild{#2}}%
+ \def\xmlr##1##2##3##4%
+ {\pushmacro\xmlr
+ \let\xmlr\naturalxmlr
+ \betweenXMLRchild\xmlr{##1}{##2}{##3}{##4}%
+ \popmacro\xmlr}%
+ #1#4\empty#3%
+ \popmacro\betweenXMLRchild
+ \popmacro\xmlr}
+ {\def\xdowithnextXMLRelement##1##2##3##4##5%
+ {\def\nextXMLRelement{##1{##2}{##3}{##4}{##5}}#1}%
+ \def\xnowithnextXMLRelement%
+ {\let\nextXMLRelement\empty#2}%
+ \doifnextcharelse\xmlr\xdowithnextXMLRelement\xnowithnextXMLRelement}
+\def\encapsulatenextXMLRelements#1#2#3#4% oude bewaren
+ {\pushmacro\betweenXMLRchild
+ \pushmacro\afterXMLRchild
+ \def\betweenXMLRchild{#1\def\betweenXMLRchild{#2}}%
+ \let\afterXMLRchild\empty
+ \withnextXMLRelementelse
+ {\betweenXMLRchild
+ \def\afterXMLRchild{#3}%
+ \nextXMLRelement
+ \doifnextcharelse\empty\xnowithnextXMLRelement\xdowithnextXMLRelement}
+ {\afterXMLRchild
+ \popmacro\afterXMLRchild
+ \popmacro\betweenXMLRchild}%
+ #4}
+ {\XMLRtoks\emptytoks
+ \pushmacro\xmlr
+ \def\xmlr##1##2##3##4%
+ {\doif{##1}{#1}{\appendtoks##4\to\XMLRtoks}}%
+ #2\empty
+ \popmacro\xmlr}
+ {\XMLRtoks\emptytoks
+ \pushmacro\xmlr
+ \donefalse
+ \let\prevXMLRchild\empty
+ \def\xmlr##1##2##3##4%
+ {\doif{##1}{#1}{\doif{##1}\prevXMLRchild{\donetrue}}%
+ \def\prevXMLRchild{##1}}%
+ #2\empty
+ \popmacro\xmlr
+ \ifdone
+ \expandafter\firstoftwoarguments
+ \else
+ \expandafter\secondoftwoarguments
+ \fi}
+ {\XMLRtoks\emptytoks
+ \pushmacro\xmlr
+ \pushmacro\betweenXMLRchild
+ \def\betweenXMLRchild{\def\betweenXMLRchild{\appendtoks#2\to\XMLRtoks}}%
+ \def\xmlr##1##2##3##4%
+ {\rawdoifinsetelse{##1}{#1}
+ {\betweenXMLRchild\appendtoks\xmlr{##1}{##2}{##3}{##4}\to\XMLRtoks}{}}%
+ #3\empty
+ \popmacro\betweenXMLRchild
+ \popmacro\xmlr}
+ {\pushmacro\xmlr
+ \pushmacro\betweenXMLRchild
+ \def\betweenXMLRchild{\def\betweenXMLRchild{#1}}%
+ \def\xmlr##1##2##3##4%
+ {\betweenXMLRchild\appendtoks\xmlr{##1}{##2}{##3}{##4}\to\XMLRtoks}%
+ #2\empty
+ \popmacro\betweenXMLRchild
+ \popmacro\xmlr}
+ {\XMLRtoks\emptytoks\dorawcollectbetweenXMLR}
+ {\dorawcollectbetweenXMLR{\appendtoks#1\to\XMLRtoks}}
+ {\XMLRtoks\emptytoks\docollectbetweenXMLR}
+ {\pushmacro\xmlr
+ \let\xmlr\naturalxmlr
+ #1\empty
+ \popmacro\xmlr}
+\def\processXMLRchild#1#2% slow but more versatile
+ {\pushmacro\xmlr
+ \XMLRtoks\emptytoks
+ \def\xmlr##1##2##3##4%
+ {\rawdoifinsetelse{##1}{#1}
+ {\appendtoks\xmlr{##1}{##2}{##3}{##4}\to\XMLRtoks}{}}%
+ #2%
+ \popmacro\xmlr
+ \the\XMLRtoks\empty}
+ {\pushmacro\xmlr
+ \nofXMLRchildren=0
+ \def\xmlr##1##2##3##4{\advance\nofXMLRchildren\plusone}
+ #1\empty
+ \popmacro\xmlr}
+ {\pushmacro\xmlr
+ \nofXMLRchildren=0
+ \def\xmlr##1##2##3##4%
+ {\rawdoifinsetelse{##1}{#1}{\advance\nofXMLRchildren\plusone}{}}
+ #2\empty
+ \popmacro\xmlr}
+ {\remapXMLsingular[\s!unknown][CPA]\doXMLunknownSI
+ \remapXMLsequence[\s!unknown][CPA]\doXMLunknownSE}
+\bgroup \catcode`<=\activecatcode
+ {\gdef\doXMLunknownSE##1##2{<##1>##2</##1>}%
+ \gdef\doXMLunknownSI##1##2{<##1>}}
+\gdef\unmapXMLdata#1#2% todo: singular, evt ##2 space ervoor en ##1##2
+ {\bgroup
+ \revertXMLremapping
+ \expandXMLremapping % now we can roll back
+ \setnormalXMLhandler % using the normal parser
+ \resetXMLmapping % and leaving the mapping namespace
+ \xdef\unmappedXMLdata{#2}% recreate the original
+ \enableXMLelements % enable normal handler
+ \unmappedXMLdata % off we go ...
+ \egroup}
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/xtag-mea.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/xtag-mea.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d56d6c54b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/xtag-mea.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+% filtered from html files by Patrick Ion
+% ISOAMSA Characters Extended
+% Added Math Symbols: Arrow Relations
+\defineMMLentity angzarr E248 {unknown} angle with down zig-zag arrow
+\defineMMLentity cirmid E250 {unknown} circle, mid below
+\defineMMLentity cudarrl E23E {unknown} left, curved, down arrow
+\defineMMLentity cudarrr E400 {unknown} right, curved, down arrow
+\defineMMLentity cularr 21B6 {unknown} left curved arrow
+\defineMMLentity cularrp E24A {unknown} curved left arrow with plus
+\defineMMLentity curarr 21B7 {unknown} right curved arrow
+\defineMMLentity curarrm E249 {unknown} curved right arrow with minus
+\defineMMLentity Darr 21A1 {unknown} down two-headed arrow
+\defineMMLentity dArr 21D3 {\Downarrow} down double arrow
+\defineMMLentity ddarr 21CA {unknown} two down arrows
+\defineMMLentity DDotrahd E238 {unknown} right arrow with dotted stem
+\defineMMLentity dfisht E24C {unknown} down fish tail
+\defineMMLentity dHar E227 {unknown} down harpoon-left, down harpoon-right
+\defineMMLentity dharl 21C3 {unknown} down harpoon-left
+\defineMMLentity dharr 21C2 {unknown} down harpoon-rt
+\defineMMLentity duarr E216 {unknown} down arrow, up arrow
+\defineMMLentity duhar E217 {unknown} down harp, up harp
+\defineMMLentity dzigrarr 21DD {unknown} right long zig-zag arrow
+\defineMMLentity erarr E236 {unknown} equal, right arrow below
+\defineMMLentity hArr 21D4 {\Leftrightarrow} left and right double arrow
+\defineMMLentity harr 2194 {\leftrightarrow} left and right arrow
+\defineMMLentity harrcir E240 {unknown} left and right arrow with a circle
+\defineMMLentity harrw 21AD {unknown} left and right arr-wavy
+\defineMMLentity hoarr E243 {unknown} horizontal open arrow
+\defineMMLentity imof 22B7 {unknown} image of
+\defineMMLentity lAarr 21DA {unknown} left triple arrow
+\defineMMLentity Larr 219E {unknown} twoheadleftarrow
+\defineMMLentity larrbfs E220 {unknown} left arrow-bar, filled square
+\defineMMLentity larrfs E222 {unknown} left arrow, filled square
+\defineMMLentity larrhk 21A9 {unknown} left arrow-hooked
+\defineMMLentity larrlp 21AB {unknown} left arrow-looped
+\defineMMLentity larrpl E23F {unknown} left arrow, plus
+\defineMMLentity larrsim E24E {unknown} left arrow, similar
+\defineMMLentity larrtl 21A2 {unknown} left arrow-tailed
+\defineMMLentity lAtail E23D {unknown} left double arrow-tail
+\defineMMLentity latail E23C {unknown} left arrow-tail
+\defineMMLentity lBarr E206 {unknown} left doubly broken arrow
+\defineMMLentity lbarr E402 {unknown} left broken arrow
+\defineMMLentity ldca E21A {unknown} left down curved arrow
+\defineMMLentity ldrdhar E22C {unknown} left harpoon-down over right harpoon-down
+\defineMMLentity ldrushar E228 {unknown} left-down-right-up harpoon
+\defineMMLentity ldsh 21B2 {unknown} left down angled arrow
+\defineMMLentity lfisht E214 {unknown} left fish tail
+\defineMMLentity lHar E225 {unknown} left harpoon-up over left harpoon-down
+\defineMMLentity lhard 21BD {\leftharpoondown} left harpoon-down
+\defineMMLentity lharu 21BC {\leftharpoonup} left harpoon-up
+\defineMMLentity lharul E22E {unknown} left harpoon-up over long dash
+\defineMMLentity llarr 21C7 {unknown} two left arrows
+\defineMMLentity llhard E231 {unknown} left harpoon-down below long dash
+\defineMMLentity loarr E242 {unknown} left open arrow
+\defineMMLentity lrarr 21C6 {unknown} left arr over right arr
+\defineMMLentity lrhar 21CB {unknown} left harp over r
+\defineMMLentity lrhard E22F {unknown} right harpoon-down below long dash
+\defineMMLentity lsh 21B0 {\Lsh} Lsh
+\defineMMLentity lurdshar E229 {unknown} left-up-right-down harpoon
+\defineMMLentity luruhar E22B {unknown} left harpoon-up over right harpoon-up
+\defineMMLentity Map E212 {unknown} twoheaded mapsto
+\defineMMLentity map 21A6 {\mapsto} mapsto
+\defineMMLentity midcir E20F {unknown} mid, circle below
+\defineMMLentity mumap 22B8 {unknown} multimap
+\defineMMLentity nearhk E20D {unknown} NE arrow-hooked
+\defineMMLentity neArr 21D7 {unknown} NE pointing double arrow
+\defineMMLentity nearr 2197 {\nearrow} NE pointing arrow
+\defineMMLentity nesear E20E {unknown} NE \& SE arrows
+\defineMMLentity nhArr 21CE {unknown} not left and right double arr
+\defineMMLentity nharr 21AE {unknown} not left and right arrow
+\defineMMLentity nlArr 21CD {unknown} not implied by
+\defineMMLentity nlarr 219A {unknown} not left arrow
+\defineMMLentity nrArr 21CF {unknown} not implies
+\defineMMLentity nrarr 219B {unknown} not right arrow
+\defineMMLentity nrarrc E21D {unknown} not right arrow-curved
+\defineMMLentity nrarrw E21B {unknown} not right arrow-wavy
+\defineMMLentity nvhArr* 21CE {unknown} not, vert, left and right double arrow
+\defineMMLentity nvlArr 21CD {unknown} not, vert, left double arrow
+\defineMMLentity nvrArr 21CF {unknown} not, vert, right double arrow
+\defineMMLentity nwarhk E20C {unknown} NW arrow-hooked
+\defineMMLentity nwArr 21D6 {unknown} NW pointing double arrow
+\defineMMLentity nwarr 2196 {\nwarrow} NW pointing arrow
+\defineMMLentity nwnear E211 {unknown} NW \& NE arrows
+\defineMMLentity olarr 21BA {unknown} left arr in circle
+\defineMMLentity orarr 21BB {unknown} right arr in circle
+\defineMMLentity origof 22B6 {unknown} original of
+\defineMMLentity rAarr 21DB {unknown} right triple arrow
+\defineMMLentity Rarr 21A0 {unknown} twoheadrightarrow
+\defineMMLentity rarrap E235 {unknown} approximate, right arrow above
+\defineMMLentity rarrbfs E221 {unknown} right arrow-bar, filled square
+\defineMMLentity rarrc E21C {unknown} right arrow-curved
+\defineMMLentity rarrfs E223 {unknown} right arrow, filled square
+\defineMMLentity rarrhk 21AA {\hookrightarrow} right arrow-hooked
+\defineMMLentity rarrlp 21AC {unknown} right arrow-looped
+\defineMMLentity rarrpl E21E {unknown} right arrow, plus
+\defineMMLentity rarrsim E24D {unknown} right arrow, similar
+\defineMMLentity Rarrtl E239 {unknown} right two-headed arrow with tail
+\defineMMLentity rarrtl 21A3 {unknown} right arrow-tailed
+\defineMMLentity rarrw 219D {unknown} right arrow-wavy
+\defineMMLentity rAtail E23B {unknown} right double arrow-tail
+\defineMMLentity ratail 21A3 {unknown} right arrow-tail
+\defineMMLentity RBarr E209 {unknown} twoheaded right broken arrow
+\defineMMLentity rBarr E207 {unknown} right doubly broken arrow
+\defineMMLentity rbarr E405 {unknown} right broken arrow
+\defineMMLentity rdca E219 {unknown} right down curved arrow
+\defineMMLentity rdldhar E22D {unknown} right harpoon-down over left harpoon-down
+\defineMMLentity rdsh 21B3 {unknown} right down angled arrow
+\defineMMLentity rfisht E215 {unknown} right fish tail
+\defineMMLentity rHar E224 {unknown} right harpoon-up over right harpoon-down
+\defineMMLentity rhard 21C1 {\rightharpoondown} right harpoon-down
+\defineMMLentity rharu 21C0 {\rightharpoonup} right harpoon-up
+\defineMMLentity rharul E230 {unknown} right harpoon-up over long dash
+\defineMMLentity rlarr 21C4 {unknown} right arr over left arr
+\defineMMLentity rlhar 21CC {unknown} right harp over l
+\defineMMLentity roarr E241 {unknown} right open arrow
+\defineMMLentity rrarr 21C9 {unknown} two right arrows
+\defineMMLentity rsh 21B1 {\Rsh} Rsh
+\defineMMLentity ruluhar E22A {unknown} right harpoon-up over left harpoon-up
+\defineMMLentity searhk E20B {unknown} SE arrow-hooked
+\defineMMLentity seArr 21D8 {unknown} SE pointing double arrow
+\defineMMLentity searr 2198 {\searrow} SE pointing arrow
+\defineMMLentity seswar E406 {unknown} SE \& SW arrows
+\defineMMLentity simrarr E234 {unknown} similar, right arrow below
+\defineMMLentity slarr E233 {unknown} short left arrow
+\defineMMLentity srarr E232 {unknown} short right arrow
+\defineMMLentity swarhk E20A {unknown} SW arrow-hooked
+\defineMMLentity swArr 21D9 {unknown} SW pointing double arrow
+\defineMMLentity swarr 2199 {\swarrow} SW pointing arrow
+\defineMMLentity swnwar E210 {unknown} SW \& NW arrows
+\defineMMLentity Uarr 219F {unknown} up two-headed arrow
+\defineMMLentity uArr 21D1 {\Uparrow} up double arrow
+\defineMMLentity Uarrocir E237 {unknown} up two-headed arrow above circle
+\defineMMLentity udarr 21C5 {unknown} up arrow, down arrow
+\defineMMLentity udhar E218 {unknown} up harp, down harp
+\defineMMLentity ufisht E24B {unknown} up fish tail
+\defineMMLentity uHar E226 {unknown} up harpoon-left, up harpoon-right
+\defineMMLentity uharl 21BF {unknown} up harpoon-left
+\defineMMLentity uharr 21BE {unknown} up harp-r
+\defineMMLentity uuarr 21C8 {unknown} two up arrows
+\defineMMLentity vArr 21D5 {\Updownarrow} up \& down double arrow
+\defineMMLentity varr 2195 {\updownarrow} up \& down arrow
+\defineMMLentity xhArr E202 {unknown} long left and right double arr
+\defineMMLentity xharr E203 {unknown} long left and right arr
+\defineMMLentity xlArr E200 {unknown} long left double arrow
+\defineMMLentity xlarr E201 {unknown} long left arrow
+\defineMMLentity xmap E208 {unknown} longmapsto
+\defineMMLentity xrArr E204 {unknown} long right double arr
+\defineMMLentity xrarr E205 {unknown} long right arrow
+\defineMMLentity zigrarr E244 {unknown} right zig-zag arrow
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/xtag-meb.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/xtag-meb.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ba370cadf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/xtag-meb.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+% filtered from html files by Patrick Ion
+% ISOAMSB Characters Extended
+% Added Math Symbols: Binary Operators
+\defineMMLentity ac E207 {unknown} most positive
+\defineMMLentity acE E290 {unknown} most positive, two lines below
+\defineMMLentity amalg E251 {\amalg} amalgamation or coproduct
+\defineMMLentity barvee 22BD {unknown} bar, vee
+\defineMMLentity Barwed 2306 {unknown} logical and, double bar above
+\defineMMLentity barwed 22BC {unknown} logical and, bar above
+\defineMMLentity bsolb E280 {unknown} reverse solidus in square
+\defineMMLentity Cap 22D2 {unknown} double intersection
+\defineMMLentity capand E281 {unknown} intersection, and
+\defineMMLentity capbrcup E271 {unknown} intersection, bar, union
+\defineMMLentity capcap E273 {unknown} intersection, intersection, joined
+\defineMMLentity capcup E26F {unknown} intersection above union
+\defineMMLentity capdot E261 {unknown} intersection, with dot
+\defineMMLentity caps E275 {unknown} intersection, serifs
+\defineMMLentity ccaps E279 {unknown} closed intersection, serifs
+\defineMMLentity ccups E278 {unknown} closed union, serifs
+\defineMMLentity ccupssm E27A {unknown} closed union, serifs, smash product
+\defineMMLentity coprod 2210 {\coprod} coproduct operator
+\defineMMLentity Cup 22D3 {unknown} double union
+\defineMMLentity cupbrcap E270 {unknown} union, bar, intersection
+\defineMMLentity cupcap E26E {unknown} union above intersection
+\defineMMLentity cupcup E272 {unknown} union, union, joined
+\defineMMLentity cupdot 228D {unknown} union, with dot
+\defineMMLentity cupor E282 {unknown} union, or
+\defineMMLentity cups E274 {unknown} union, serifs
+\defineMMLentity cuvee 22CE {unknown} curly logical or
+\defineMMLentity cuwed 22CF {unknown} curly logical and
+\defineMMLentity Dagger 2021 {\ddagger} double dagger relation
+\defineMMLentity dagger 2020 {\dagger} dagger relation
+\defineMMLentity diam 22C4 {unknown} open diamond
+\defineMMLentity divonx 22C7 {unknown} division on times
+\defineMMLentity eplus E268 {unknown} equal, plus
+\defineMMLentity hercon 22B9 {unknown} hermitian conjugate matrix
+\defineMMLentity intcal 22BA {\intercal} intercal
+\defineMMLentity iprod E259 {unknown} interior product
+\defineMMLentity loplus E25C {unknown} plus sign in left half circle
+\defineMMLentity lotimes E25E {unknown} multiply sign in left half circle
+\defineMMLentity lthree 22CB {unknown} leftthreetimes
+\defineMMLentity ltimes 22C9 {unknown} times sign, left closed
+\defineMMLentity midast 2217 {\ast} centered asterisk
+\defineMMLentity minusb 229F {unknown} minus sign in box
+\defineMMLentity minusd 2238 {unknown} minus sign, dot above
+\defineMMLentity minusdu E25B {unknown} minus sign, dot below
+\defineMMLentity ncap E284 {unknown} bar, intersection
+\defineMMLentity ncup E283 {unknown} bar, union
+\defineMMLentity oast 229B {unknown} asterisk in circle
+\defineMMLentity ocir 229A {unknown} small circle in circle
+\defineMMLentity odash 229D {unknown} hyphen in circle
+\defineMMLentity odiv E285 {unknown} divide in circle
+\defineMMLentity odot 2299 {\odot} middle dot in circle
+\defineMMLentity odsold E286 {unknown} dot, solidus, dot in circle
+\defineMMLentity ofcir E287 {unknown} filled circle in circle
+\defineMMLentity ogt E289 {unknown} greater-than in circle
+\defineMMLentity ohbar E260 {unknown} circle with horizontal bar
+\defineMMLentity olcir E409 {unknown} large circle in circle
+\defineMMLentity olt E288 {unknown} less-than in circle
+\defineMMLentity omid E40A {unknown} vertical bar in circle
+\defineMMLentity ominus 2296 {\ominus} minus sign in circle
+\defineMMLentity opar E28A {unknown} parallel in circle
+\defineMMLentity operp E28B {unknown} perpendicular in circle
+\defineMMLentity oplus 2295 {\oplus} plus sign in circle
+\defineMMLentity osol 2298 {unknown} solidus in circle
+\defineMMLentity Otimes E28C {unknown} multiply sign in double circle
+\defineMMLentity otimes 2297 {\otimes} multiply sign in circle
+\defineMMLentity otimesas E28D {unknown} multiply sign in circle, circumflex accent
+\defineMMLentity ovbar E40B {unknown} circle with vertical bar
+\defineMMLentity plusacir E26A {unknown} plus, circumflex accent above
+\defineMMLentity plusb 229E {unknown} plus sign in box
+\defineMMLentity pluscir E266 {unknown} plus, small circle above
+\defineMMLentity plusdo 2214 {unknown} plus sign, dot above
+\defineMMLentity plusdu E25A {unknown} plus sign, dot below
+\defineMMLentity pluse E267 {unknown} plus, equals
+\defineMMLentity plussim E26C {unknown} plus, similar below
+\defineMMLentity plustwo E269 {unknown} plus, two; Nim-addition
+\defineMMLentity race E40C {unknown} reverse most positive, line below
+\defineMMLentity roplus E25D {unknown} plus sign in right half circle
+\defineMMLentity rotimes E40D {unknown} multiply sign in right half circle
+\defineMMLentity rthree 22CC {unknown} rightthreetimes
+\defineMMLentity rtimes 22CA {unknown} times sign, right closed
+\defineMMLentity sdot 22C5 {\cdot} small middle dot
+\defineMMLentity sdotb 22A1 {unknown} small dot in box
+\defineMMLentity setmn 2216 {unknown} reverse solidus
+\defineMMLentity simplus E26B {unknown} plus, similar above
+\defineMMLentity smashp E264 {unknown} smash product
+\defineMMLentity solb E27F {unknown} solidus in square
+\defineMMLentity sqcap 2293 {\sqcap} square intersection
+\defineMMLentity sqcaps E277 {unknown} square intersection, serifs
+\defineMMLentity sqcup 2294 {\sqcup} square union
+\defineMMLentity sqcups E276 {unknown} square union, serifs
+\defineMMLentity ssetmn E844 {unknown} sm reverse solidus
+\defineMMLentity sstarf 22C6 {\star} small star, filled, low
+\defineMMLentity subdot E262 {unknown} subset, with dot
+\defineMMLentity sum 2211 {\sum} summation operator
+\defineMMLentity supdot E263 {unknown} superset, with dot
+\defineMMLentity timesb 22A0 {unknown} multiply sign in box
+\defineMMLentity timesbar E28E {unknown} multiply sign, bar below
+\defineMMLentity timesd E26D {unknown} times, dot
+\defineMMLentity tridot 25EC {unknown} dot in triangle
+\defineMMLentity triminus E27C {unknown} minus in triangle
+\defineMMLentity triplus E27B {unknown} plus in triangle
+\defineMMLentity trisb E27E {unknown} triangle, serifs at bottom
+\defineMMLentity tritime E27D {unknown} multiply in triangle
+\defineMMLentity uplus 228E {\uplus} plus sign in union
+\defineMMLentity veebar 22BB {unknown} logical or, bar below
+\defineMMLentity wedbar E265 {unknown} wedge, bar below
+\defineMMLentity wreath 2240 {unknown} wreath product
+\defineMMLentity xcap 22C2 {\bigcap} intersection operator
+\defineMMLentity xcirc 25CB {\bigcirc} large circle
+\defineMMLentity xcup 22C3 {\bigcup} union operator
+\defineMMLentity xdtri 25BD {\bigtriangledown} big down triangle, open
+\defineMMLentity xodot 2299 {\bigodot} circle dot operator
+\defineMMLentity xoplus 2295 {\bigoplus} circle plus operator
+\defineMMLentity xotime 2297 {\bigotimes} circle times operator
+\defineMMLentity xsqcup 2294 {\bigsqcup} square union operator
+\defineMMLentity xuplus 228E {\biguplus} biguplus
+\defineMMLentity xutri 25B3 {\bigtriangleup} big up triangle, open
+\defineMMLentity xvee 22C1 {\bigvee} logical and operator
+\defineMMLentity xwedge 22C0 {\bigwedge} logical or operator
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index 000000000..9e941897c
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+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/xtag-mec.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+% filtered from html files by Patrick Ion
+% ISOAMSC Characters Extended
+% Added Math Symbols: Delimiters
+\defineMMLentity dlcorn 231E {unknown} lower left corner
+\defineMMLentity drcorn 231F {unknown} lower right corner
+\defineMMLentity gtlPar E296 {unknown} double left parenthesis, greater
+\defineMMLentity langd E297 {unknown} left angle, dot
+\defineMMLentity lbrke E299 {unknown} left bracket, equal
+\defineMMLentity lbrksld E29D {unknown} left bracket, solidus bottom corner
+\defineMMLentity lbrkslu E29B {unknown} left bracket, solidus top corner
+\defineMMLentity lceil 2308 {\lceil} left ceiling
+\defineMMLentity lfloor 230A {\lfloor} left floor
+\defineMMLentity lmoust E294 {\lmoustache} left moustache
+\defineMMLentity lparlt E292 {unknown} left parenthesis, lt
+\defineMMLentity ltrPar E295 {unknown} double right parenthesis, less
+\defineMMLentity rangd E298 {unknown} right angle, dot
+\defineMMLentity rbrke E29A {unknown} right bracket, equal
+\defineMMLentity rbrksld E29C {unknown} right bracket, solidus bottom corner
+\defineMMLentity rbrkslu E29E {unknown} right bracket, solidus top corner
+\defineMMLentity rceil 2309 {\rceil} right ceiling
+\defineMMLentity rfloor 230B {\rfloor} right floor
+\defineMMLentity rmoust E293 {\rmoustache} right moustache
+\defineMMLentity rpargt E291 {unknown} right paren, gt
+\defineMMLentity ulcorn 231C {unknown} upper left corner
+\defineMMLentity urcorn 231D {unknown} upper right corner
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+% filtered from html files by Patrick Ion
+% ISOTECH Characters Extended
+% General Technical
+\defineMMLentity acd E3A6 {unknown} ac current
+\defineMMLentity aleph 2135 {\aleph} aleph, Hebrew
+\defineMMLentity And E374 {unknown} double logical and
+\defineMMLentity and 2227 {\wedge} logical and
+\defineMMLentity andand E36E {unknown} two logical and
+\defineMMLentity andd E394 {unknown} and, horizontal dash
+\defineMMLentity andslope E50A {unknown} sloping large and
+\defineMMLentity andv E391 {unknown} and with middle stem
+\defineMMLentity angrt 221F {unknown} right (90 degree) angle
+\defineMMLentity angsph 2222 {unknown} angle-spherical
+\defineMMLentity angst 212B {\Angstrom} Angstrom capital A, ring
+\defineMMLentity ap 2248 {\approx} approximate
+\defineMMLentity apacir E38C {unknown} approximate, circumflex accent
+\defineMMLentity awconint 2233 {unknown} contour integral, anti-clockwise
+\defineMMLentity awint E39B {unknown} anti clock-wise integration
+\defineMMLentity becaus 2235 {unknown} because
+\defineMMLentity bernou 212C {unknown} Bernoulli function (script capital B)
+\defineMMLentity bne E388 {unknown} reverse not equal
+\defineMMLentity bnequiv E387 {unknown} reverse not equivalent
+\defineMMLentity bNot E3AD {unknown} reverse not with two horizontal strokes
+\defineMMLentity bnot 2310 {unknown} reverse not
+\defineMMLentity bottom 22A5 {unknown} bottom
+\defineMMLentity cap 2229 {\cap} intersection
+\defineMMLentity Cconint 2230 {unknown} triple contour integral operator
+\defineMMLentity cirfnint E395 {unknown} circulation function
+\defineMMLentity compfn 2218 {\circ} composite function (small circle)
+\defineMMLentity cong 2245 {\cong} congruent with
+\defineMMLentity Conint 222F {unknown} double contour integral operator
+\defineMMLentity conint 222E {\oint} contour integral operator
+\defineMMLentity ctdot 22EF {\cdots} three dots, centered
+\defineMMLentity cup 222A {\cup} union or logical sum
+\defineMMLentity cwconint 2232 {unknown} contour integral, clockwise
+\defineMMLentity cwint 2231 {unknown} clockwise integral
+\defineMMLentity cylcty 232D {unknown} cylindricity
+\defineMMLentity disin E3A0 {unknown} set membership, long horizontal stroke
+\defineMMLentity Dot 0308 {unknown} dieresis or umlaut mark
+\defineMMLentity DotDot 20DC {unknown} four dots above
+\defineMMLentity dsol E3A9 {unknown} solidus, bar above
+\defineMMLentity dtdot 22F1 {\ddots} three dots, descending
+\defineMMLentity dwangle E3AA {unknown} large downward pointing angle
+\defineMMLentity elinters E3A7 {unknown} electrical intersection
+\defineMMLentity epar 22D5 {unknown} parallel, equal; equal or parallel
+\defineMMLentity eparsl E384 {unknown} parallel, slanted, equal; homothetically co
+\defineMMLentity equiv 2261 {\equiv} identical with
+\defineMMLentity eqvparsl E386 {unknown} equivalent, equal; congruent and parallel
+\defineMMLentity exist 2203 {\exists} at least one exists
+\defineMMLentity fltns E381 {unknown} flatness
+\defineMMLentity forall 2200 {\forall} for all
+\defineMMLentity fpartint E396 {unknown} finite part integral
+\defineMMLentity ge 2265 {\geq} greater-than-or-equal
+\defineMMLentity hamilt 210B {unknown} Hamiltonian (script capital H)
+\defineMMLentity iff E365 {unknown} if and only if
+\defineMMLentity iinfin E372 {unknown} infinity sign, incomplete
+\defineMMLentity imped E50B {unknown} impedance
+\defineMMLentity infin 221E {\infty} infinity
+\defineMMLentity infintie E50C {unknown} tie, infinity
+\defineMMLentity Int 222C {unknown} double integral operator
+\defineMMLentity int 222B {\int} integral operator
+\defineMMLentity intlarhk E39A {unknown} integral, left arrow with hook
+\defineMMLentity isin 220A {\in} set membership
+\defineMMLentity isindot E39C {unknown} set membership, dot above
+\defineMMLentity isinE E39E {unknown} set membership, two horizontal strokes
+\defineMMLentity isins E3A4 {unknown} set membership, vertical bar on horizontal
+\defineMMLentity isinsv E3A2 {unknown} large set membership, vertical bar on horiz
+\defineMMLentity isinv 2208 {unknown} set membership, variant
+\defineMMLentity lagran 2112 {unknown} Lagrangian (script capital L)
+\defineMMLentity Lang 300A {unknown} left angle bracket, double
+\defineMMLentity lang 3008 {\langle} left angle bracket
+\defineMMLentity lArr 21D0 {\Leftarrow} is implied by
+\defineMMLentity lbbrk 3014 {unknown} left broken bracket
+\defineMMLentity le 2264 {\leq} less-than-or-equal
+\defineMMLentity loang 3018 {unknown} left open angular bracket
+\defineMMLentity lobrk 301A {unknown} left open bracket
+\defineMMLentity lopar E379 {unknown} left open parenthesis
+\defineMMLentity lowast 2217 {unknown} low asterisk
+\defineMMLentity minus 2212 {unknown} minus sign
+\defineMMLentity mnplus 2213 {\mp} minus-or-plus sign
+\defineMMLentity nabla 2207 {\nabla} del, Hamilton operator
+\defineMMLentity ne 2260 {\ne} not equal
+\defineMMLentity nedot E38A {unknown} not equal, dot
+\defineMMLentity nhpar E38D {unknown} not, horizontal, parallel
+\defineMMLentity ni 220D {unknown} contains
+\defineMMLentity nis E3A5 {unknown} contains, vertical bar on horizontal stroke
+\defineMMLentity nisd E3A1 {unknown} contains, long horizontal stroke
+\defineMMLentity niv 220B {\ni} contains, variant
+\defineMMLentity Not E3AC {unknown} not with two horizontal strokes
+\defineMMLentity notin 2209 {\notin} negated set membership
+\defineMMLentity notindot E39D {unknown} negated set membership, dot above
+\defineMMLentity notinE E50D {unknown} negated set membership, two horizontal strokes
+\defineMMLentity notinva E370 {unknown} negated set membership, variant
+\defineMMLentity notinvb E37B {unknown} negated set membership, variant
+\defineMMLentity notinvc E37C {unknown} negated set membership, variant
+\defineMMLentity notni 220C {unknown} negated contains
+\defineMMLentity notniva 220C {unknown} negated contains, variant
+\defineMMLentity notnivb E37D {unknown} contains, variant
+\defineMMLentity notnivc E37E {unknown} contains, variant
+\defineMMLentity nparsl E389 {unknown} not parallel, slanted
+\defineMMLentity npart E390 {unknown} not partial differential
+\defineMMLentity npolint E399 {unknown} line integration, not including the pole
+\defineMMLentity nvinfin E38E {unknown} not, vert, infinity
+\defineMMLentity olcross E3A8 {unknown} circle, cross
+\defineMMLentity Or E375 {unknown} double logical or
+\defineMMLentity or 2228 {\vee} logical or
+\defineMMLentity ord E393 {unknown} or, horizontal dash
+\defineMMLentity order 2134 {unknown} order of (script small o)
+\defineMMLentity oror E50E {unknown} two logical or
+\defineMMLentity orslope E3AE {unknown} sloping large or
+\defineMMLentity orv E392 {unknown} or with middle stem
+\defineMMLentity par 2225 {\parallel} parallel
+\defineMMLentity parsl E382 {unknown} parallel, slanted
+\defineMMLentity part 2202 {\partial} partial differential
+\defineMMLentity permil 2030 {unknown} per thousand
+\defineMMLentity perp 22A5 {\perp} perpendicular
+\defineMMLentity pertenk 2031 {unknown} per 10 thousand
+\defineMMLentity phmmat 2133 {unknown} physics M-matrix (script capital M)
+\defineMMLentity pointint E376 {unknown} integral around a point operator
+\defineMMLentity Prime 2033 {unknown} double prime or second
+\defineMMLentity prime 2032 {\prime} prime or minute
+\defineMMLentity profalar 232E {unknown} all-around profile
+\defineMMLentity profline 2312 {unknown} profile of a line
+\defineMMLentity profsurf 2313 {unknown} profile of a surface
+\defineMMLentity prop 221D {\propto} is proportional to
+\defineMMLentity qint E378 {unknown} quadruple integral operator
+\defineMMLentity qprime E371 {unknown} quadruple prime
+\defineMMLentity quatint E377 {unknown} quaternion integral operator
+\defineMMLentity radic 221A {\surd} radical
+\defineMMLentity Rang 300B {unknown} right angle bracket, double
+\defineMMLentity rang 3009 {\rangle} right angle bracket
+\defineMMLentity rArr 21D2 {\Rightarrow} implies
+\defineMMLentity rbbrk 3015 {unknown} right broken bracket
+\defineMMLentity roang 3019 {unknown} right open angular bracket
+\defineMMLentity robrk 301B {unknown} right open bracket
+\defineMMLentity ropar E37A {unknown} right open parenthesis
+\defineMMLentity rppolint E397 {unknown} line integration, rectangular path around pole
+\defineMMLentity scpolint E398 {unknown} line integration, semi-circular path around pole
+\defineMMLentity sim 223C {\sim} similar
+\defineMMLentity simdot E38B {unknown} similar, dot
+\defineMMLentity sime 2243 {\simeq} similar, equals
+\defineMMLentity smeparsl E385 {unknown} similar, parallel, slanted, equal
+\defineMMLentity square 25A1 {\square} square
+\defineMMLentity squarf 25A0 {unknown} square, filled
+\defineMMLentity strns E380 {unknown} straightness
+\defineMMLentity sub 2282 {\subset} subset or is implied by
+\defineMMLentity sube 2286 {\subseteq} subset, equals
+\defineMMLentity sup 2283 {\supset} superset or implies
+\defineMMLentity supe 2287 {\supseteq} superset, equals
+\defineMMLentity tdot 20DB {unknown} three dots above
+\defineMMLentity there4 2234 {unknown} therefore
+\defineMMLentity tint 222D {unknown} triple integral operator
+\defineMMLentity top 22A4 {\top} top
+\defineMMLentity topbot 2336 {unknown} top and bottom
+\defineMMLentity topcir E383 {unknown} top, circle below
+\defineMMLentity tprime 2034 {unknown} triple prime
+\defineMMLentity utdot 22F0 {unknown} three dots, ascending
+\defineMMLentity uwangle E3AB {unknown} large upward pointing angle
+\defineMMLentity vangrt 22BE {unknown} right angle, variant (with arc)
+\defineMMLentity veeeq 225A {unknown} logical or, equals
+\defineMMLentity Verbar 2016 {\Vert} double vertical bar
+\defineMMLentity wedgeq 2259 {unknown} corresponds to (wedge, equals)
+\defineMMLentity xnis E3A3 {unknown} large contains, vertical bar on horizontal stroke
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d548c8394
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+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/xtag-men.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+% filtered from html files by Patrick Ion
+% ISOAMSN Characters Extended
+% Added Math Symbols: Negated Relations
+\defineMMLentity gnap E411 {unknown} greater, not approximate
+\defineMMLentity gnE 2269 {unknown} greater, not double equals
+\defineMMLentity gne 2269 {unknown} greater, not equals
+\defineMMLentity gnsim 22E7 {unknown} greater, not similar
+\defineMMLentity gvnE E2A1 {unknown} gt, vert, not double equals
+\defineMMLentity lnap E2A2 {unknown} less, not approximate
+\defineMMLentity lnE 2268 {unknown} less, not double equals
+\defineMMLentity lne 2268 {unknown} less, not equals
+\defineMMLentity lnsim 22E6 {unknown} less, not similar
+\defineMMLentity lvnE E2A4 {unknown} less, vert, not double equals
+\defineMMLentity nap 2249 {unknown} not approximate
+\defineMMLentity napE E2C7 {unknown} not approximately equal or equal to
+\defineMMLentity napid E2BC {unknown} not approximately identical to
+\defineMMLentity ncong 2247 {unknown} not congruent with
+\defineMMLentity ncongdot E2C5 {unknown} not congruent, dot
+\defineMMLentity nequiv 2262 {unknown} not identical with
+\defineMMLentity ngE 2271 {unknown} not greater, double equals
+\defineMMLentity nge E2A6 {unknown} not greater-than-or-equal
+\defineMMLentity nges 2271 {unknown} not gt-or-equals, slanted
+\defineMMLentity nGg E2CE {unknown} not triple greater than
+\defineMMLentity ngsim 2275 {unknown} not greater, similar
+\defineMMLentity nGt E2CA {unknown} not, vert, much greater than
+\defineMMLentity ngt 226F {unknown} not greater-than
+\defineMMLentity nGtv E2CC {unknown} not much greater than, variant
+\defineMMLentity nlE 2270 {unknown} not less, double equals
+\defineMMLentity nle E2A7 {unknown} not less-than-or-equal
+\defineMMLentity nles 2270 {unknown} not less-or-equals, slant
+\defineMMLentity nLl E2CD {unknown} not triple less than
+\defineMMLentity nlsim 2274 {unknown} not less, similar
+\defineMMLentity nLt E2C9 {unknown} not, vert, much less than
+\defineMMLentity nlt 226E {unknown} not less-than
+\defineMMLentity nltri 22EA {unknown} not left triangle
+\defineMMLentity nltrie 22EC {unknown} not left triangle, equals
+\defineMMLentity nLtv E2CB {unknown} not much less than, variant
+\defineMMLentity nmid 2224 {unknown} negated mid
+\defineMMLentity npar 2226 {unknown} not parallel
+\defineMMLentity npr 2280 {unknown} not precedes
+\defineMMLentity nprcue 22E0 {unknown} not curly precedes, equals
+\defineMMLentity npre E412 {unknown} not precedes, equals
+\defineMMLentity nrtri 22EB {unknown} not right triangle
+\defineMMLentity nrtrie 22ED {unknown} not right triangle, equals
+\defineMMLentity nsc 2281 {unknown} not succeeds
+\defineMMLentity nsccue 22E1 {unknown} not succeeds, curly equals
+\defineMMLentity nsce E413 {unknown} not succeeds, equals
+\defineMMLentity nsim 2241 {unknown} not similar
+\defineMMLentity nsime 2244 {unknown} not similar, equals
+\defineMMLentity nsmid E2AA {unknown} negated short mid
+\defineMMLentity nspar E2AB {unknown} not short par
+\defineMMLentity nsqsube 22E2 {unknown} not, square subset, equals
+\defineMMLentity nsqsupe 22E3 {unknown} not, square superset, equals
+\defineMMLentity nsub 2284 {unknown} not subset
+\defineMMLentity nsubE 2288 {unknown} not subset, double equals
+\defineMMLentity nsube 2288 {unknown} not subset, equals
+\defineMMLentity nsup 2285 {unknown} not superset
+\defineMMLentity nsupE 2289 {unknown} not superset, double equals
+\defineMMLentity nsupe 2289 {unknown} not superset, equals
+\defineMMLentity ntgl 2279 {unknown} not greater, less
+\defineMMLentity ntlg 2278 {unknown} not less, greater
+\defineMMLentity ntvgl 2279 {unknown} not, vert, greater, less
+\defineMMLentity ntvlg 2278 {unknown} not, vert, less, greater
+\defineMMLentity nvap E2C6 {unknown} not, vert, approximate
+\defineMMLentity nVDash 22AF {unknown} not double vert, double dash
+\defineMMLentity nVdash 22AE {unknown} not double vertical, dash
+\defineMMLentity nvDash 22AD {unknown} not vertical, double dash
+\defineMMLentity nvdash 22AC {unknown} not vertical, dash
+\defineMMLentity nvge 2271 {unknown} not, vert, greater-than-or-equal
+\defineMMLentity nvgt 226F {unknown} not, vert, greater-than
+\defineMMLentity nvle 2270 {unknown} not, vert, less-than-or-equal
+\defineMMLentity nvlt 226E {unknown} not, vert, less-than
+\defineMMLentity nvltrie E2D0 {unknown} not, vert, left triangle, equals
+\defineMMLentity nvrtrie E2CF {unknown} not, vert, right triangle, equals
+\defineMMLentity nvsim E415 {unknown} not, vert, similar
+\defineMMLentity parsim E2C8 {unknown} parallel, similar
+\defineMMLentity prnap 22E8 {unknown} precedes, not approx
+\defineMMLentity prnE E2B3 {unknown} precedes, not double equals
+\defineMMLentity prnsim 22E8 {unknown} precedes, not similar
+\defineMMLentity rnmid E2D1 {unknown} reverse nmid
+\defineMMLentity scnap 22E9 {unknown} succeeds, not approx
+\defineMMLentity scnE E2B5 {unknown} succeeds, not double equals
+\defineMMLentity scnsim 22E9 {unknown} succeeds, not similar
+\defineMMLentity simne 2246 {unknown} similar, not equals
+\defineMMLentity solbar E416 {unknown} solidus, bar through
+\defineMMLentity subnE 228A {unknown} subset, not double equals
+\defineMMLentity subne 228A {unknown} subset, not equals
+\defineMMLentity supnE 228B {unknown} superset, not double equals
+\defineMMLentity supne 228B {unknown} superset, not equals
+\defineMMLentity vnsub 2284 {unknown} not subset, variant
+\defineMMLentity vnsup 2285 {unknown} not superset, variant
+\defineMMLentity vsubnE E2B8 {unknown} subset not double equals, variant
+\defineMMLentity vsubne E2B9 {unknown} subset, not equals, variant
+\defineMMLentity vsupnE E2BB {unknown} super not double equals, variant
+\defineMMLentity vsupne E2BA {unknown} superset, not equals, variant
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+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/xtag-meo.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+% filtered from html files by Patrick Ion
+% ISOAMSO Characters Extended
+% Added Math Symbols: Ordinary
+\defineMMLentity ang 2220 {\angle} angle
+\defineMMLentity ange E2D6 {unknown} angle, equal
+\defineMMLentity angmsd 2221 {unknown} angle-measured
+\defineMMLentity angmsdaa E2D9 {unknown} angle-measured, arrow, up, right
+\defineMMLentity angmsdab E2DA {unknown} angle-measured, arrow, up, left
+\defineMMLentity angmsdac E2DB {unknown} angle-measured, arrow, down, right
+\defineMMLentity angmsdad E2DC {unknown} angle-measured, arrow, down, left
+\defineMMLentity angmsdae E2DD {unknown} angle-measured, arrow, right, up
+\defineMMLentity angmsdaf E2DE {unknown} angle-measured, arrow, left, up
+\defineMMLentity angmsdag E2DF {unknown} angle-measured, arrow, right, down
+\defineMMLentity angmsdah E2E0 {unknown} angle-measured, arrow, left, down
+\defineMMLentity angrtvb E418 {unknown} right angle-measured
+\defineMMLentity angrtvbd E2E1 {unknown} right angle-measured, dot
+\defineMMLentity bbrk E2EE {unknown} bottom square bracket
+\defineMMLentity bbrktbrk E419 {unknown} bottom above top square bracket
+\defineMMLentity bemptyv E41A {unknown} reversed circle, slash
+\defineMMLentity beth 2136 {unknown} beth, Hebrew
+\defineMMLentity boxbox E2E6 {unknown} two joined squares
+\defineMMLentity bprime 2035 {unknown} reverse prime
+\defineMMLentity bsemi E2ED {unknown} reverse semi-colon
+\defineMMLentity cemptyv E2E8 {unknown} circle, slash, small circle above
+\defineMMLentity cirE E41B {unknown} circle, two horizontal stroked to the right
+\defineMMLentity cirscir E41C {unknown} circle, small circle to the right
+\defineMMLentity comp 2201 {unknown} complement sign
+\defineMMLentity daleth 2138 {unknown} daleth, Hebrew
+\defineMMLentity demptyv E2E7 {unknown} circle, slash, bar above
+\defineMMLentity ell 2113 {\ell} cursive small l
+\defineMMLentity empty E2D3 {unknown} letter O slashed
+\defineMMLentity emptyv 2205 {unknown} circle, slash
+\defineMMLentity gimel 2137 {unknown} gimel, Hebrew
+\defineMMLentity iiota 2129 {unknown} inverted iota
+\defineMMLentity image 2111 {\Im} imaginary
+\defineMMLentity imath 0131 {\imath} small i, no dot
+\defineMMLentity jmath E2D4 {unknown} small j, no dot
+\defineMMLentity laemptyv E2EA {unknown} circle, slash, left arrow above
+\defineMMLentity lltri E2E5 {unknown} lower left triangle
+\defineMMLentity lrtri E2E3 {unknown} lower right triangle
+\defineMMLentity mho 2127 {unknown} conductance
+\defineMMLentity nang E2D8 {unknown} not, vert, angle
+\defineMMLentity nexist 2204 {unknown} negated exists
+\defineMMLentity oS E41D {unknown} capital S in circle
+\defineMMLentity plank E2D5 {unknown} Planck's over 2pi
+\defineMMLentity plankv 210F {unknown} variant Planck's over 2pi
+\defineMMLentity raemptyv E2E9 {unknown} circle, slash, right arrow above
+\defineMMLentity range E2D7 {unknown} reverse angle, equal
+\defineMMLentity real 211C {\Re} real
+\defineMMLentity tbrk E2EF {unknown} top square bracket
+\defineMMLentity trpezium E2EC {unknown} trapezium
+\defineMMLentity ultri E2E4 {unknown} upper left triangle
+\defineMMLentity urtri E2E2 {unknown} upper right triangle
+\defineMMLentity vzigzag E2EB {unknown} vertical zig-zag line
+\defineMMLentity weierp 2118 {\wp} Weierstrass p
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..becff584a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/xtag-mer.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+% filtered from html files by Patrick Ion
+% ISOAMSR Characters Extended
+% Added Math Symbols: Relations
+\defineMMLentity apE E315 {unknown} approximately equal or equal to
+\defineMMLentity ape 224A {unknown} approximate, equals
+\defineMMLentity apid 224B {unknown} approximately identical to
+\defineMMLentity asymp 224D {\asymp} asymptotically equal to
+\defineMMLentity Barv E311 {unknown} vert, double bar (over)
+\defineMMLentity bcong 224C {unknown} reverse congruent
+\defineMMLentity bepsi E420 {unknown} such that
+\defineMMLentity bowtie 22C8 {unknown} bowtie
+\defineMMLentity bsim 223D {unknown} reverse similar
+\defineMMLentity bsime 22CD {unknown} reverse similar, equals
+\defineMMLentity bsolhsub E34D {unknown} reverse solidus, subset
+\defineMMLentity bump 224E {unknown} bumpy equals
+\defineMMLentity bumpe 224F {unknown} bumpy equals, equals
+\defineMMLentity cire 2257 {unknown} circle, equals
+\defineMMLentity Colon 2237 {unknown} two colons
+\defineMMLentity Colone E30E {unknown} double colon, equals
+\defineMMLentity colone 2254 {unknown} colon, equals
+\defineMMLentity congdot E314 {unknown} congruent, dot
+\defineMMLentity csub E351 {unknown} subset, closed
+\defineMMLentity csube E353 {unknown} subset, closed, equals
+\defineMMLentity csup E352 {unknown} superset, closed
+\defineMMLentity csupe E354 {unknown} superset, closed, equals
+\defineMMLentity cuepr 22DE {unknown} curly equals, precedes
+\defineMMLentity cuesc 22DF {unknown} curly equals, succeeds
+\defineMMLentity Dashv E30F {unknown} double dash, vertical
+\defineMMLentity dashv 22A3 {\dashv} dash, vertical
+\defineMMLentity easter 225B {unknown} equal, asterisk above
+\defineMMLentity ecir 2256 {unknown} circle on equals sign
+\defineMMLentity ecolon 2255 {unknown} equals, colon
+\defineMMLentity eDDot E309 {unknown} equal with four dots
+\defineMMLentity eDot 2251 {unknown} equals, even dots
+\defineMMLentity efDot 2252 {unknown} equals, falling dots
+\defineMMLentity eg E328 {unknown} equal-or-greater
+\defineMMLentity egs 22DD {unknown} equal-or-gtr, slanted
+\defineMMLentity egsdot E324 {unknown} equal-or-greater, slanted, dot inside
+\defineMMLentity el E327 {unknown} equal-or-less
+\defineMMLentity els 22DC {unknown} eq-or-less, slanted
+\defineMMLentity elsdot E323 {unknown} equal-or-less, slanted, dot inside
+\defineMMLentity equest 225F {unknown} equal with questionmark
+\defineMMLentity equivDD E318 {unknown} equivalent, four dots above
+\defineMMLentity erDot 2253 {unknown} equals, rising dots
+\defineMMLentity esdot 2250 {unknown} equals, single dot above
+\defineMMLentity Esim E317 {unknown} equal, similar
+\defineMMLentity esim 2242 {unknown} equals, similar
+\defineMMLentity fork 22D4 {unknown} pitchfork
+\defineMMLentity forkv E31B {unknown} fork, variant
+\defineMMLentity frown 2322 {\frown} down curve
+\defineMMLentity gap 2273 {unknown} greater, approximate
+\defineMMLentity gE 2267 {unknown} greater, double equals
+\defineMMLentity gEl 22DB {unknown} gt, double equals, less
+\defineMMLentity gel 22DB {unknown} greater, equals, less
+\defineMMLentity ges E421 {unknown} gt-or-equal, slanted
+\defineMMLentity gescc E358 {unknown} greater than, closed by curve, equal, slanted
+\defineMMLentity gesdot E31E {unknown} greater-than-or-equal, slanted, dot inside
+\defineMMLentity gesdoto E320 {unknown} greater-than-or-equal, slanted, dot above
+\defineMMLentity gesdotol E322 {unknown} greater-than-or-equal, slanted, dot above left
+\defineMMLentity gesl E32C {unknown} greater, equal, slanted, less
+\defineMMLentity gesles E332 {unknown} greater, equal, slanted, less, equal, slanted
+\defineMMLentity Gg 22D9 {unknown} triple gtr-than
+\defineMMLentity gl 2277 {unknown} greater, less
+\defineMMLentity gla E330 {unknown} greater, less, apart
+\defineMMLentity glE E32E {unknown} greater, less, equal
+\defineMMLentity glj E32F {unknown} greater, less, overlapping
+\defineMMLentity gsim 2273 {unknown} greater, similar
+\defineMMLentity gsime E334 {unknown} greater, similar, equal
+\defineMMLentity gsiml E336 {unknown} greater, similar, less
+\defineMMLentity Gt 226B {unknown} double greater-than sign
+\defineMMLentity gtcc E356 {unknown} greater than, closed by curve
+\defineMMLentity gtcir E326 {unknown} greater than, circle inside
+\defineMMLentity gtdot 22D7 {unknown} greater than, with dot
+\defineMMLentity gtquest E32A {unknown} greater than, questionmark above
+\defineMMLentity gtrarr E35F {unknown} greater than, right arrow
+\defineMMLentity homtht 223B {unknown} homothetic
+\defineMMLentity lap 2272 {unknown} less, approximate
+\defineMMLentity lat E33A {unknown} larger than
+\defineMMLentity late E33C {unknown} larger than or equal
+\defineMMLentity lates E33E {unknown} larger than or equal, slanted
+\defineMMLentity lE 2266 {unknown} less, double equals
+\defineMMLentity lEg 22DA {unknown} less, double equals, greater
+\defineMMLentity leg 22DA {unknown} less, equals, greater
+\defineMMLentity les E425 {unknown} less-than-or-equals, slant
+\defineMMLentity lescc E357 {unknown} less than, closed by curve, equal, slanted
+\defineMMLentity lesdot E31D {unknown} less-than-or-equal, slanted, dot inside
+\defineMMLentity lesdoto E31F {unknown} less-than-or-equal, slanted, dot above
+\defineMMLentity lesdotor E321 {unknown} less-than-or-equal, slanted, dot above right
+\defineMMLentity lesg E32B {unknown} less, equal, slanted, greater
+\defineMMLentity lesges E331 {unknown} less, equal, slanted, greater, equal, slanted
+\defineMMLentity lg 2276 {unknown} less, greater
+\defineMMLentity lgE E32D {unknown} less, greater, equal
+\defineMMLentity Ll 22D8 {unknown} triple less-than
+\defineMMLentity lsim 2272 {unknown} less, similar
+\defineMMLentity lsime E333 {unknown} less, similar, equal
+\defineMMLentity lsimg E335 {unknown} less, similar, greater
+\defineMMLentity Lt 226A {unknown} double less-than sign
+\defineMMLentity ltcc E355 {unknown} less than, closed by curve
+\defineMMLentity ltcir E325 {unknown} less than, circle inside
+\defineMMLentity ltdot 22D6 {unknown} less than, with dot
+\defineMMLentity ltlarr E35E {unknown} less than, left arrow
+\defineMMLentity ltquest E329 {unknown} less than, questionmark above
+\defineMMLentity ltrie 22B4 {unknown} left triangle, equals
+\defineMMLentity mcomma E31A {unknown} minus, comma above
+\defineMMLentity mDDot 223A {unknown} minus with four dots, geometric properties
+\defineMMLentity mid 2223 {\mid} mid
+\defineMMLentity mlcp E30A {unknown} transversal intersection
+\defineMMLentity models 22A7 {\models} models
+\defineMMLentity mstpos 223E {unknown} most positive
+\defineMMLentity Pr E35C {unknown} double precedes
+\defineMMLentity pr 227A {\prec} precedes
+\defineMMLentity prap 227E {unknown} precedes, approximate
+\defineMMLentity prcue 227C {unknown} precedes, curly equals
+\defineMMLentity prE 227C {unknown} precedes, double equals
+\defineMMLentity pre 227C {\preceq} precedes, equals
+\defineMMLentity prsim 227E {unknown} precedes, similar
+\defineMMLentity prurel 22B0 {unknown} element precedes under relation
+\defineMMLentity ratio 2236 {unknown} ratio
+\defineMMLentity rtrie 22B5 {unknown} right triangle, equals
+\defineMMLentity rtriltri E359 {unknown} right triangle above left triangle
+\defineMMLentity Sc E35D {unknown} double succeeds
+\defineMMLentity sc 227B {\succ} succeeds
+\defineMMLentity scap 227F {unknown} succeeds, approximate
+\defineMMLentity sccue 227D {unknown} succeeds, curly equals
+\defineMMLentity scE 227E {unknown} succeeds, double equals
+\defineMMLentity sce 227D {\succeq} succeeds, equals
+\defineMMLentity scsim 227F {unknown} succeeds, similar
+\defineMMLentity sdote E319 {unknown} equal, dot below
+\defineMMLentity sfrown E426 {unknown} small down curve
+\defineMMLentity simg E30C {unknown} similar, greater
+\defineMMLentity simgE E338 {unknown} similar, greater, equal
+\defineMMLentity siml E30B {unknown} similar, less
+\defineMMLentity simlE E337 {unknown} similar, less, equal
+\defineMMLentity smid E301 {unknown} shortmid
+\defineMMLentity smile 2323 {\smile} up curve
+\defineMMLentity smt E339 {unknown} smaller than
+\defineMMLentity smte E33B {unknown} smaller than or equal
+\defineMMLentity smtes E33D {unknown} smaller than or equal, slanted
+\defineMMLentity spar E302 {unknown} short parallel
+\defineMMLentity sqsub 228F {unknown} square subset
+\defineMMLentity sqsube 2291 {\sqsubseteq} square subset, equals
+\defineMMLentity sqsup 2290 {unknown} square superset
+\defineMMLentity sqsupe 2292 {\sqsupseteq} square superset, equals
+\defineMMLentity ssmile E303 {unknown} small up curve
+\defineMMLentity Sub 22D0 {unknown} double subset
+\defineMMLentity subE 2286 {unknown} subset, double equals
+\defineMMLentity subedot E34F {unknown} subset, equals, dot
+\defineMMLentity submult E343 {unknown} subset, multiply
+\defineMMLentity subplus E341 {unknown} subset, plus
+\defineMMLentity subrarr E33F {unknown} subset, right arrow
+\defineMMLentity subsim E345 {unknown} subset, similar
+\defineMMLentity subsub E349 {unknown} subset above subset
+\defineMMLentity subsup E347 {unknown} subset above superset
+\defineMMLentity Sup 22D1 {unknown} double superset
+\defineMMLentity supdsub E34C {unknown} superset, subset, dash joining them
+\defineMMLentity supE 2287 {unknown} superset, double equals
+\defineMMLentity supedot E350 {unknown} superset, equals, dot
+\defineMMLentity suphsol E34E {unknown} superset, solidus
+\defineMMLentity suphsub E34B {unknown} superset, subset
+\defineMMLentity suplarr E340 {unknown} superset, left arrow
+\defineMMLentity supmult E344 {unknown} superset, multiply
+\defineMMLentity supplus E342 {unknown} superset, plus
+\defineMMLentity supsim E346 {unknown} superset, similar
+\defineMMLentity supsub E348 {unknown} superset above subset
+\defineMMLentity supsup E34A {unknown} superset above superset
+\defineMMLentity thkap E306 {unknown} thick approximate
+\defineMMLentity thksim E429 {unknown} thick similar
+\defineMMLentity topfork E31C {unknown} fork with top
+\defineMMLentity trie 225C {unknown} triangle, equals
+\defineMMLentity twixt 226C {unknown} between
+\defineMMLentity Vbar E30D {unknown} double vert, bar (under)
+\defineMMLentity vBar E310 {unknown} vert, double bar (under)
+\defineMMLentity vBarv E312 {unknown} double bar, vert over and under
+\defineMMLentity VDash 22AB {unknown} double vert, double dash
+\defineMMLentity Vdash 22A9 {unknown} double vertical, dash
+\defineMMLentity vDash 22A8 {unknown} vertical, double dash
+\defineMMLentity vdash 22A2 {\vdash} vertical, dash
+\defineMMLentity Vdashl E313 {unknown} vertical, dash (long)
+\defineMMLentity vltri 22B2 {\triangleleft} left triangle, open, variant
+\defineMMLentity vprop 221D {unknown} proportional, variant
+\defineMMLentity vrtri 22B3 {\triangleright} right triangle, open, variant
+\defineMMLentity Vvdash 22AA {unknown} triple vertical, dash
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/xtag-mmc.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/xtag-mmc.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9da7fef84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/xtag-mmc.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,1265 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=xtag-mmc,
+%D version=2000.12.20,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ XML Macros,
+%D subtitle=Content MathML,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt XML Macros / Content MathML}
+% this is the first, experimental, shabby implementation, as
+% always, the third will do -)
+% okay, now this is the second one, with a more kid based
+% approach, which we needed for proper nesting, but the
+% code is still too ugly
+\def\getmmlarguments#1#2#3#4#5#6% {class} {defaults} mmlargs
+ {\getXMLarguments{#1}{#2 #5}}%
+\def\doifMMLoperatorelse#1#2#3% temp hack
+ {\pushmacro\xmlrent
+ \let\xmlrent\firstofoneargument
+ \edef\mmloperator{#1}%
+ \@EA\unspaceargument\mmloperator\to\mmloperator
+ \popmacro\xmlrent
+ \doifXMLentityelse\mmloperator
+ {\doifdefinedelse{doMMLcFN\mmloperator}{#2}{#3}}
+ {#3}}
+\remapXMLsequence [ci] [CPA] \MMLcCI
+\remapXMLsequence [cn] [CPA] \MMLcCN
+\remapXMLsequence [csymbol] [CPA] \MMLcCSYMBOL
+\setupMMLappearance[polar][\c!alternative=\v!a] % a|b|c
+ {\doifdefinedelse{MMLcdopolar\@@MMLpolaralternative}
+ {\getvalue{MMLcdopolar\@@MMLpolaralternative}{#1}}
+ {#1}}
+ {\def\MMLcsep{\MMLccomma}\getXMLentity{polar}\left(#1\right)}
+ {\def\MMLcsep##1\empty%
+ {\getXMLentity{exponentiale}^{##1\mskip2mu\getXMLentity{imaginaryi}}}#1}
+ {\def\MMLcsep##1\empty%
+ {\getXMLentity{exp}\left(##1\mskip2mu\getXMLentity{imaginaryi}\right)}#1}
+ {\def\MMLcsep{+}#1\getXMLentity{imaginaryi}}
+% float will be obsolete, an is replace by e-notation
+\setupMMLappearance[float][\c!symbol=\v!no] % \v!yes|dot
+ {\doifelse\@@MMLfloatsymbol\v!no
+ {{\rm#1}} % make sure that e shows up ok
+ {% we should ignore \entities !
+ \beforesplitstring#1\at e\to\first
+ \aftersplitstring #1\at e\to\last
+ \ifx\first\empty #1\else
+ \ifx\last \empty #1\else
+ \first
+ \doifelse\@@MMLfloatsymbol{dot}\cdot\times
+ 10^{\last}%
+ \fi\fi}}
+% we now have:
+\setupMMLappearance[enotation][\c!symbol=\v!no] % \v!yes|dot
+ {\doifelse\@@MMLenotationsymbol\v!no
+ {\def\MMLcsep {\unskip{\rm e}\ignorespaces}}
+ {\def\MMLcsep##1\empty{\doifelse\@@MMLenotationsymbol{dot}\cdot\times10^{##1}}}%
+ #1\empty}
+\def\MMLcCI#1% #2% can be sped up with \doifundefined ...
+ {\getXMLarguments{ci}{type="" #1}%
+ \doifXMLparelse{ci}{type}
+ {\processaction
+ [\XMLpar{ci}{type}{}]
+ [ set=>\let\next\MMLcCIset,
+ vector=>\let\next\MMLcCIvector,
+ matrix=>\let\next\MMLcCImatrix,
+ function=>\let\next\MMLcCIfunction,
+ complex=>\let\next\MMLccartesian,
+ complex-polar=>\let\next\MMLcpolar,
+ polar=>\let\next\MMLcpolar,
+ fn=>\let\next\MMLcCIfunction,
+ unknown=>\let\next\firstofoneargument]} % integer constant real float
+ {\let\next\firstofoneargument}%
+ \next}
+ {{\bbd#1}}
+ {\vbox{\mathsurround\zeropoint\ialign{##\crcr
+ \rightarrowfill\crcr\noalign{\nointerlineskip}%
+ $\hfil\displaystyle{#1}\hfil$\crcr}}}
+ {\widevec{#1}}
+ {{\bi#1}}
+ {\doifMMLoperatorelse{#1}\MMLcCIdefault\MMLcFNdefault{}{#1}}
+\def\MMLcCIdefault#1#2% #1=dummy
+ {#2%\!% \getXMLentity{NegThinSpace}% looks bad in A(x)
+ \doifnextcharelse\xmlr
+ {\encapsulatenextXMLRelements{\left(}{\MMLccomma}{\right)}}
+ {}}
+% \def\MMLcFNdefault#1#2% neg space needed because of \left
+% {#2\!% \getXMLentity{NegThinSpace}%
+% \MMLcreset\encapsulatenextXMLRelements{\left(}{\MMLccomma}{\right)}}
+\def\MMLcCN#1% #2% can be sped up with \doifundefined ...
+ {\getXMLarguments{cn}{type="" #1}%
+ \doifXMLparelse{cn}{type}
+ {\processaction
+ [\XMLpar{cn}{type}{}]
+ [ integer=>\let\next\MMLcCNinteger,
+ logical=>\let\next\MMLcCNlogical,
+ rational=>\let\next\MMLcCNrational,
+ complex=>\let\next\MMLccartesian,
+ complex-polar=>\let\next\MMLcpolar,
+ polar=>\let\next\MMLcpolar,
+ e-notation=>\let\next\MMLcenotation, % new
+ float=>\let\next\MMLcfloat, % obsolete
+ real=>\let\next\MMLcfloat, % ?
+ unknown=>\let\next\firstofoneargument]}
+ {\let\next\firstofoneargument}
+ \next}
+\setupMMLappearance[base][\c!symbol=\v!numbers] % cijfers|letters|tekst|nee
+ {\doifXMLparelse{cn}{base}
+ {\def\MMLcCNbase{\XMLpar{cn}{base}{}}%
+ \doifelse\@@MMLbasesymbol\v!no
+ {\MMLcCNbasedata{#1}}
+ {\MMLcCNbasedata{#1}_{\hbox{$\rm\scriptscriptstyle
+ \processaction
+ [\@@MMLbasesymbol]
+ [\v!characters=>\MMLcCNbasestring BODH,
+ \v!text=>\MMLcCNbasestring{BIN}{OCT}{DEC}{HEX},
+ \s!unknown=>\MMLcCNbase]$}}}}
+ {#1}}
+ {\ifnum\MMLcCNbase>10{\rm#1}\else#1\fi}
+ {\ifnum\MMLcCNbase= 2 #1\else
+ \ifnum\MMLcCNbase= 8 #2\else
+ \ifnum\MMLcCNbase=10 #3\else
+ \ifnum\MMLcCNbase=16 #4\else
+ \MMLcCNbase \fi\fi\fi\fi}
+ {{\rm#1}}
+ {\ConvertConstantAfter\doifinstringelse{sep}{#1}
+ {\doMMLcCNrational#1\empty}
+ {#1}}
+ {\hbox{$\frac{#1}{#5}$}}
+\def\MMLcCSYMBOL#1#2% TO DO
+ {\getXMLarguments{csymbol}{encoding="text" #1}%
+ \doifelse{\XMLpar{csymbol}{encoding}{}}{text}
+ {{\rm#2}}{#2}}
+%%% basic content elements
+\remapXMLsequence [apply] [CPA] \MMLcAPPLY
+\newcount\@MMLlevel \def\MMLcreset{\@MMLlevel=0 }
+\let\MMLctempresetlist\empty \def\setMMLcreset{\edef\MMLctempresetlist}
+ {times/,divide/,power/,%
+ lt/,gt/,eq/,leq/,geq/,%
+ in/,inverse/,%
+ fn,%
+ floor/,ceiling/,%
+ mean/,%
+ selector/,%
+ abs/,int/,limit/,sum/,product/,%
+ outerproduct/,innerproduct/,scalarproduct/}
+ {sin/,arcsin/,sinh/,arcsinh/,%
+ cos/,arccos/,cosh/,arccosh/,%
+ tan/,arctan/,tanh/,arctanh/,%
+ cot/,arccot/,coth/,arccoth/,%
+ csc/,arccsc/,csch/,arccsch/,%
+ sec/,arcsec/,sech/,arcsech/,%
+ ln/,exp/,log/,%
+ abs/,int/,limit/,sum/,product/,%
+ fn} % ?
+ {diff/,partialdiff/,root/} % apply goes wrong on 1/2 * (a_2 + b_3)
+% better: no () here but explicitly when needed, which is in
+% less cases
+ {\mathinner{\begingroup % new, else 1/2(1+2) problem / inner: ask taco
+ \pushmacro\xmlr
+ \@EA\@EA\@EA\doifXMLRchild\@EA\@EA\@EA{\@EA\MMLcmainresetlist\@EA,\MMLctempresetlist}{#2}
+ {\MMLcreset}%
+ \ifcase\@MMLlevel
+ \getXMLarguments{apply}{open="" close="" #1}%
+ \else
+ \getXMLarguments{apply}{open="(" close=")" #1}%
+ \fi
+ \doifXMLparelse{apply}{open}{\left\XMLpar{apply}{open}{}}{}%
+ \advance\@MMLlevel+1
+ \begingroup
+ \let\MMLctempresetlist\empty
+ \let\xmlr\naturalxmlr % beter een \pushmacro\xmlr
+ #2\empty
+ \endgroup % ook level push
+ \advance\@MMLlevel-1
+ \doifXMLparelse{apply}{close}{\right\XMLpar{apply}{close}{}}{}%
+ \popmacro\xmlr
+ \endgroup}}
+\remapXMLsequence [reln] [CPA] \MMLcRELN
+ {\writestatus{XML}{MathML element "reln" is obsolete}\MMLcAPPLY}
+\remapXMLsequence [fn] [CPA] \MMLcFN
+\def\MMLcFN#1#2% neg space needed because of \left
+ {\doifXMLRchildelse{ci}{#2}
+ {\collectXMLRchild{ci}{#2}%
+ \@EA\doifMMLoperatorelse\@EA{\the\XMLRtoks}
+ \MMLcFNoperator\MMLcFNdefault}
+ {\MMLcFNdefault}%
+ {#1}{#2}}
+\def\MMLcFNdefault#1#2% neg space needed because of \left
+ {#2\!% \getXMLentity{NegThinSpace}%
+ \MMLcreset\encapsulatenextXMLRelements{\left(}{\MMLccomma}{\right)}}
+% special function handlers
+ {\getvalue{doMMLcFN\mmloperator}}
+% \def\doMMLcFNplusminus#1#2#3\empty
+% {\countXMLRchildren{#3}%
+% \ifcase\nofXMLRchildren\or
+% #2#3%
+% \else % suboptimal for instance under root
+% \encapsulateXMLR{\left(}{#2}{\right)}{\MMLcreset#3}%
+% \fi}
+ {\countXMLRchildren{#3}%
+ \ifcase\nofXMLRchildren\or
+ \def\next{#2#3}%
+ \else
+ \def\next
+ {\doifnextcharelse\xmlr
+ {\encapsulateXMLR{\left(}{#2}{\right)}{\MMLcreset#3}}%
+ {\encapsulateXMLR{}{#2}{}{\MMLcreset#3}}}%
+ \fi
+ \next}
+ {#3\getXMLentity{continued}}
+% so far for the special handlers
+\remapXMLsequence [interval] [CPA] \MMLcINTERVAL
+ {\withnexttwoXMLRelements
+ {\getXMLarguments{interval}{closure="closed" #1}%
+ \processaction
+ [\XMLpar{interval}{closure}{closed}]
+ [ closed=>{[\firstXMLRelement,\secondXMLRelement]},
+ open-closed=>{(\firstXMLRelement,\secondXMLRelement]},
+ closed-open=>{[\firstXMLRelement,\secondXMLRelement)},
+ open=>{(\firstXMLRelement,\secondXMLRelement)},
+ \s!unknown=>{[\firstXMLRelement,\secondXMLRelement]}]}%
+ #2\empty}
+\remapXMLsingular [inverse] [CPA] \MMLcINVERSE
+ {\withnextXMLRelement
+ {\nextXMLRelement\empty^{-1}% \empty kills MMLcfunction lookahead
+ \withnextXMLRelement
+ {\ifx\nextXMLRelement\empty \else
+ \left[\nextXMLRelement\right]%
+ \fi}}}
+\remapXMLsingular [sep] [CPA] \MMLcSEP
+\def\MMLcSEP#1#2{\MMLcsep} \def\MMLcsep{\,}
+\remapXMLsequence [condition] [CPA] \MMLcCONDITION
+ {\pushmacro\MMLcBVAR
+ \doifXMLRchild{bvar}{#2}{\processXMLRchild{bvar}{#2}\mid}%
+ \let\MMLcBVAR\ignoreXMLRelement
+ \processXMLRchildren{#2}%
+ \popmacro\MMLcBVAR}
+\remapXMLsequence [declare] [CPA] \MMLcDECLARE
+ {\doif\@@MMLdeclarestate\v!start
+ {\withnextXMLRelement
+ {\getXMLentity{declare}\nextXMLRelement
+ \countXMLRchildren{#2}%
+ \ifnum\nofXMLRchildren>1
+ \;% \getXMLentity{ThickSpace}%
+ \getXMLentity{as}%
+ \;% \getXMLentity{ThickSpace}%
+ \fi}%
+ #2\empty}}
+\remapXMLsequence [lambda] [CPA] \MMLcLAMBDA
+ {\doifelse\@@MMLlambdaalternative\v!a
+ {\encapsulateXMLR{\getXMLentity{lambda}(}{\MMLccomma}{)}{#2}}
+ {\countXMLRchild{bvar}{#2}%
+ \ifnum\nofXMLRchildren>1
+ \collectXMLRchild{bvar}{#2}%
+ \encapsulateXMLR{\left(}{\MMLccomma}{\right)}{\the\XMLRtoks}%
+ \else
+ \processXMLRchild{bvar}{#2}%
+ \fi
+ \getXMLentity{mapsto}%
+ \processXMLRchild{apply,reln,ci,cn}{#2}}}
+\remapXMLsingular [compose] [CPA] \MMLcCOMPOSE
+ {\doifMMLfunctionelse{#3}
+ {\encapsulateXMLR{\left(}{\circ}{\right)}{#3}}
+ {\encapsulateXMLR{}{\circ}{}{#3}}}
+\remapXMLsingular [ident] [CPA] \MMLcIDENT
+\remapXMLsingular [domain] [CPA] \MMLcDOMAIN
+\remapXMLsingular [codomain] [CPA] \MMLcCODOMAIN
+\def\MMLcDOMAIN #1#2#3\empty
+ {\getXMLentity{domain}(\MMLcreset\processXMLRchildren{#3})}
+ {\getXMLentity{codomain}(\MMLcreset\processXMLRchildren{#3})}
+\remapXMLsingular [image] [CPA] \MMLcIMAGE
+ {\withnextXMLRelement{\getXMLentity{image}(\nextXMLRelement)}}
+\remapXMLsequence [domainofapplication] [CPA] \MMLcDOMAINOFAPPLICATION
+\remapXMLsequence [piecewise] [CPA] \MMLcPIECEWISE
+\remapXMLsequence [piece] [CPA] \MMLcPIECE
+\remapXMLsequence [otherwise] [CPA] \MMLcOTHERWISE
+ {\cases{#2}}
+ {\withnexttwoXMLRelements
+ {\@EA\XMLRtoks\@EA{\firstXMLRelement\MMLcPIECEseparator\@col@amp@}%
+ \@EA\appendtoks\@EA\mathematics\@EA{\secondXMLRelement}\to\XMLRtoks
+ \the\XMLRtoks\crcr}%
+ #2}
+ {#2\MMLcPIECEseparator\@col@amp@\mathematics{\getXMLentity{otherwise}}\crcr}
+%%% arithmic, algebra and logic
+\remapXMLsingular [quotient] [CPA] \MMLcQUOTIENT
+ {\withnexttwoXMLRelements{\lfloor\firstXMLRelement/\secondXMLRelement\rfloor}}
+\remapXMLsingular [factorial] [CPA] \MMLcFACTORIAL
+ {\withnextXMLRelement{\nextXMLRelement !}}
+\remapXMLsingular [divide] [CPA] \MMLcDIVIDE
+\setupMMLappearance [divide] [\c!level=\!!maxcard]
+ {\withnexttwoXMLRelements
+ {\increment\MMLcDIVIDElevel
+ \ifnum\MMLcDIVIDElevel>\@@MMLdividelevel\space
+ \firstXMLRelement/\secondXMLRelement
+ \else
+ \frac{\MMLcreset\firstXMLRelement}{\MMLcreset\secondXMLRelement}%
+ \fi
+ \decrement\MMLcDIVIDElevel}}
+\remapXMLsingular [min] [CPA] \MMLcMIN
+\remapXMLsingular [max] [CPA] \MMLcMAX
+ {\encapsulateXMLR
+ {\min\doifXMLRchild{bvar}{#3}{_{\processXMLRchild{bvar}{#3}}}\left\{}
+ {\MMLccomma}{\right\}}{#3}}
+ {\encapsulateXMLR
+ {\max\doifXMLRchild{bvar}{#3}{_{\processXMLRchild{bvar}{#3}}}\left\{}
+ {\MMLccomma}{\right\}}{#3}}
+\remapXMLsingular [minus] [CPA] \MMLcMINUS
+\remapXMLsingular [plus] [CPA] \MMLcPLUS
+\def\MMLcMINUS % expandafter needed ?
+ {\doifelse\@@MMLsignreduction\v!yes
+ {\expandafter\MMLcMINUSyes}{\expandafter\MMLcMINUSno}}
+\def\MMLcPLUS % expandafter needed ?
+ {\doifelse\@@MMLsignreduction\v!yes
+ {\expandafter\MMLcPLUSyes}{\expandafter\MMLcPLUSno}}
+ {\countXMLRchildren{#3}%
+ \encapsulateXMLR{\ifcase\nofXMLRchildren\or-\fi}{-}{}{#3}}
+ {\countXMLRchildren{#3}%
+ \encapsulateXMLR{\ifcase\nofXMLRchildren\or+\fi}{+}{}{#3}}
+ {\setMMLcreset{\MMLcfunctionlist}%
+ \countXMLRchildren{#3}%
+ \encapsulateXMLR{\ifcase\nofXMLRchildren\or-\fi}{-}{}{#3}}
+ {\setMMLcreset{plus/,minus/,\MMLcfunctionlist,\MMLcconstructlist}%
+ \encapsulatenextXMLRelements
+ {}
+ {\doifXMLRchildelse{apply}{\nextXMLRelement}%
+ {\collectXMLRchild{apply}{\nextXMLRelement}%
+ \doifXMLRchildelse{minus/}{\the\XMLRtoks}
+ {\countXMLRchildren{\the\XMLRtoks}
+ \ifnum\nofXMLRchildren>2 +\else\fi}{+}}
+ {+}}
+ {}
+ {#3\empty}}
+\remapXMLsingular [power] [CPA] \MMLcPOWER
+ {\withnexttwoXMLRelements
+ {\doifXMLRchildelse{apply}{\firstXMLRelement}
+ {\doifelse\@@MMLpowerreduction\v!yes
+ {\collectXMLRchild{apply}{\firstXMLRelement}%
+ \@EA\doifXMLRchildelse\@EA{\MMLcfunctionlist}{\the\XMLRtoks}
+ {\let\MMLpowerelement\secondXMLRelement
+ \MMLcreset\firstXMLRelement\empty}
+ {\left(\MMLcreset\firstXMLRelement\empty\right)^{\MMLcreset\secondXMLRelement}}}
+ {\left(\MMLcreset\firstXMLRelement\empty\right)^{\MMLcreset\secondXMLRelement}}}
+ {\firstXMLRelement^{\MMLcreset\secondXMLRelement}}}}
+\remapXMLsingular [rem] [CPA] \MMLcREM
+ {\withnexttwoXMLRelements
+ {\firstXMLRelement\getXMLentity{mod}\secondXMLRelement}}
+\remapXMLsingular [times] [CPA] \MMLcTIMES
+\setupMMLappearance[times][\c!symbol=\v!no] %
+\setupMMLappearance[times][\c!auto=\v!yes] % new, auto catches cn cn cn
+ {\setMMLcreset{\MMLcfunctionlist,\MMLcconstructlist}%
+ \doifelse\@@MMLtimesauto\v!no
+ {\let\@@MMLtimes@@symbol\@@MMLtimessymbol}
+ {\doifelseXMLRneighbors{cn}{#3}
+ {\let\@@MMLtimes@@symbol\v!yes}
+ {\let\@@MMLtimes@@symbol\@@MMLtimessymbol}}%
+ \doifelse\@@MMLtimes@@symbol\v!yes
+ {\encapsulateXMLR{}{\times}{}{#3\empty}}
+ {\doifelse\@@MMLtimes@@symbol{dot}
+ {\encapsulateXMLR{}{\cdot}{}{#3\empty}}
+ {#3\empty}}}
+\remapXMLsingular [root] [CPA] \MMLcROOT
+ {\doifXMLRchildelse{degree}{#3}\donetrue\donefalse
+ \doif\@@MMLrootsymbol\v!no\donefalse
+ \ifdone
+ \root\processXMLRchild{degree}{#3}\of
+ {\let\MMLcDEGREE\ignoreXMLRelement
+ \MMLcreset\processXMLRchildren{#3}}%
+ \else
+ \sqrt
+ {\MMLcreset\processXMLRchildren{#3}}%
+ \fi}
+\remapXMLsingular [gcd] [CPA] \MMLcGCD
+\remapXMLsingular [and] [CPA] \MMLcAND
+\remapXMLsingular [or] [CPA] \MMLcOR
+\remapXMLsingular [xor] [CPA] \MMLcXOR
+\remapXMLsingular [implies] [CPA] \MMLcIMPLIES
+\def\MMLcAND #1#2#3\empty{\encapsulateXMLR{}{\getXMLentity{and}}{}{#3}}
+\def\MMLcOR #1#2#3\empty{\encapsulateXMLR{}{\getXMLentity{or}}{}{#3}}
+\def\MMLcXOR #1#2#3\empty{\encapsulateXMLR{}{\getXMLentity{xor}}{}{#3}}
+\remapXMLsingular [not] [CPA] \MMLcNOT
+\remapXMLsingular [forall] [CPA] \MMLcFORALL
+\remapXMLsingular [exists] [CPA] \MMLcEXISTS
+ {\getXMLentity{forall}%
+ \!% \getXMLentity{NegThinSpace}%
+ {\getXMLentity{exists}%
+ {\MMLcreset
+ _{\encapsulateXMLRchildren{bvar}{}{\MMLccomma}{}{#3}}%
+ \doifXMLRchildelse{condition}{#3}
+ {\;% \getXMLentity{ThickSpace}%
+ \processXMLRchild{condition}{#3}
+ \doifXMLRchildelse{apply,reln,ci,cn}{#3}
+ {\countXMLRchild{apply,reln,ci,cn}{#3}%
+ \ifcase\nofXMLRchildren\or % == snelle volgende
+ \encapsulateXMLRchildren{apply,reln,ci,cn}
+ {\left\vert}%
+ {}
+ {\right.}
+ {#3\empty}%
+ \else % special case
+ \pushmacro\MMLcCONDITION
+ \let\MMLcCONDITION\gobbletwoarguments
+ \collectbetweenXMLRchild{apply,reln,ci,cn}{\hfill\crcr}{#3}%
+ \left\vert\matrix{\the\XMLRtoks}\right.%
+ \popmacro\MMLcCONDITION
+ \fi}
+ {}}
+ {:\processXMLRchild{apply,reln,ci,cn}{#3\empty}}}
+\remapXMLsingular [abs] [CPA] \MMLcABS
+ {\left\vert\MMLcreset\processXMLRchildren{#3}\right\vert}
+\remapXMLsingular [conjugate] [CPA] \MMLcCONJUGATE
+ {\overline{\MMLcreset\processXMLRchildren{#3}}}
+\remapXMLsingular [arg] [CPA] \MMLcARG
+ {\getXMLentity{arg}(\MMLcreset\processXMLRchildren{#3})}
+\remapXMLsingular [real] [CPA] \MMLcREAL
+\remapXMLsingular [imaginary] [CPA] \MMLcIMAGINARY
+ {\getXMLentity{real}(\MMLcreset\processXMLRchildren{#3})}
+ {\getXMLentity{imaginary}(\MMLcreset\processXMLRchildren{#3})}
+\remapXMLsingular [lcm] [CPA] \MMLcLCM
+ {\encapsulateXMLR{\getXMLentity{lcm}(}{\MMLccomma}{)}{#3}}
+\remapXMLsingular [floor] [CPA] \MMLcFLOOR
+\remapXMLsingular [ceiling] [CPA] \MMLcCEILING
+ {\getXMLentity{lfloor}\processXMLRchildren{#3}\getXMLentity{rfloor}}
+ {\getXMLentity{lceiling}\processXMLRchildren{#3}\getXMLentity{rceiling}}
+%%% relations
+\remapXMLsingular [eq] [CPA] \MMLcEQ
+\remapXMLsingular [neq] [CPA] \MMLcNEQ
+\remapXMLsingular [gt] [CPA] \MMLcGT
+\remapXMLsingular [lt] [CPA] \MMLcLT
+\remapXMLsingular [geq] [CPA] \MMLcGEQ
+\remapXMLsingular [leq] [CPA] \MMLcLEQ
+\remapXMLsingular [equivalent] [CPA] \MMLcEQUIVALENT
+\remapXMLsingular [approx] [CPA] \MMLcAPPROX
+\remapXMLsingular [factorof] [CPA] \MMLcFACTOROF
+ {\encapsulatenextXMLRelements{}{#1}{}#2\empty}
+ {\countXMLRchildren{#2}%
+ \rawcollectbetweenXMLR
+ {\advance\nofXMLRchildren -1
+ \ifnum\nofXMLRchildren>1
+ \appendtoks\@col@amp@#1\crcr\to\XMLRtoks
+ \else
+ \appendtoks\@col@amp@#1\to\XMLRtoks
+ \fi}
+ {#2}%
+ \eqalign{\the\XMLRtoks\crcr}}
+ {\nofXMLRchildren=0
+ \rawcollectbetweenXMLR
+ {\advance\nofXMLRchildren 1
+ \ifnum\nofXMLRchildren=1
+ \appendtoks\@col@amp@#1\to\XMLRtoks
+ \else
+ \appendtoks\crcr\@col@amp@#1\to\XMLRtoks
+ \fi}
+ {#2}%
+ \eqalign{\the\XMLRtoks\crcr}}
+ {\collectbetweenXMLR{\@col@amp@#1\crcr}{#2}%
+ \eqalign{\the\XMLRtoks}}
+ {\collectbetweenXMLR{\crcr#1{}\@col@amp@}{#2}% watch the {}
+ \prependtoks\@col@amp@\to\XMLRtoks
+ \eqalign{\the\XMLRtoks\crcr}}
+ {\MMLcreset
+ \processaction
+ [\@@MMLrelationalign]
+ [\v!last=>\let\next\lastMMLcrelation ,
+ \v!first=>\let\next\firstMMLcrelation,
+ \v!yes=>\let\next\leftMMLcrelation ,
+ \v!left=>\let\next\leftMMLcrelation ,
+ \v!right=>\let\next\rightMMLcrelation,
+ \s!default=>\let\next\noMMLcrelation ,
+ \s!unknown=>\let\next\noMMLcrelation ]
+ \next{#1}{#2}}
+\def\MMLcEQ #1#2{\MMLcrelation=}
+\def\MMLcNEQ #1#2{\MMLcrelation\neq}
+\def\MMLcGT #1#2{\MMLcrelation>}
+\def\MMLcLT #1#2{\MMLcrelation<}
+\def\MMLcGEQ #1#2{\MMLcrelation\geq}
+\def\MMLcLEQ #1#2{\MMLcrelation\leq}
+\def\MMLcAPPROX #1#2{\MMLcrelation\approx}
+\def\MMLcFACTOROF #1#2{\MMLcrelation\mid}
+%%% introduced when making an example for Thorsten Bahne:
+\remapXMLsingular [becomes] [CPA] \MMLcBECOMES
+%%% calculus and vector calculus
+\remapXMLsingular [int] [CPA] \MMLcINT
+ {\doifelsevalue{@@MML#1\c!location}\v!top\limits\nolimits}
+ {\pushmacro\xmlr
+ \MMLcreset
+ \doifXMLRchildelse{domainofapplication}{#3}
+ {\int\doMMLlimits{int}_{\processXMLRchild{domainofapplication}{#3}}}
+ {\doifXMLRchildelse{condition}{#3}
+ {\int\doMMLlimits{int}_{\processXMLRchild{condition}{#3}}}
+ {\doifXMLRchildelse{lowlimit}{#3}
+ {\int\doMMLlimits{int}
+ _{\processXMLRchild{lowlimit}{#3}}
+ ^{\processXMLRchild {uplimit}{#3}}}
+ {\int}}}%
+ \doifXMLRchildelse{apply}{#3}
+ {\doifMMLfunctionelse{#3}%
+ {\MMLcreset % TEST
+ \processXMLRchild{apply}{#3}}
+ {\left(\MMLcreset % TEST
+ \processXMLRchild{apply}{#3}\right)}}
+ {\MMLcreset % TEST
+ \processXMLRchild{ci}{#3}}%
+ \doifXMLRchild{bvar}{#3}
+ {\,% \getXMLentity{ThinSpace}%
+ {\rm\getXMLentity{mathematicald}}\processXMLRchild{bvar}{#3}}%
+ \popmacro\xmlr}
+\remapXMLsingular [diff] [CPA] \MMLcDIFF
+ {\pushmacro\xmlr
+ \MMLcreset
+ \doifXMLRchildelse{bvar}{#3}
+ {\frac
+ {{\rm \getXMLentity{mathematicald}}%
+ \collectXMLRchild{bvar}{#3}%
+ \let\MMLcDEGREE\superMMLcelement
+ \expanded{\processXMLRchild{degree}{\the\XMLRtoks}}%
+ \doif\@@MMLdifflocation\v!top
+ {\doifXMLRchildelse{ci}{#3}
+ {\processXMLRchild{ci}{#3}}
+ {\doifMMLfunctionelse{#3}
+ {\MMLcreset\processXMLRchild{apply}{#3}}
+ {\left(\MMLcreset\processXMLRchild{apply}{#3}\right)}}}}
+ {\let\MMLcDEGREE\superMMLcelement
+ \begingroup\rm\getXMLentity{mathematicald}\endgroup
+ \processXMLRchild{bvar}{#3}}%
+ \doifnot\@@MMLdifflocation\v!top
+ {\left(\MMLcreset\processXMLRchild{apply,ci}{#3}\right)}}
+ {\processXMLRchildren{#3}^\prime}%
+ \popmacro\xmlr}
+\remapXMLsingular [partialdiff] [CPA] \MMLcPARTIALDIFF
+ {\getXMLentity{differentiald}\processXMLRchild{apply,reln,ci,cn}{#2}
+ \doifXMLRchild{degree}{#2}{^{\processXMLRchild{degree}{#2}}}}
+ {\pushmacro\xmlr
+ \doifXMLRchildelse{list}{#3}
+ {\getXMLentity{capitaldifferentiald}_{\encapsulateXMLRchild{list}{}{\MMLccomma}{}{#3}}%
+ \processXMLRchild{apply,reln,ci,cn}{#3}}
+ {\countXMLRchild{bvar}{#3}%
+ \ifnum\nofXMLRchildren>0
+ \pushmacro\MMLcDEGREE
+ \pushmacro\MMLcBVAR
+ \frac
+ {\doifXMLRchildelse{degree}{#3}
+ {\collectXMLRchild{degree}{#3}}
+ {\collectXMLRchild{bvar}{#3}%
+ \expanded{\collectXMLRchild{degree}{\the\XMLRtoks}}}%
+ \getXMLentity{differentiald}^{\encapsulateXMLR{}{+}{}{\the\XMLRtoks}}%
+ \let\MMLcDEGREE\gobbletwoarguments
+ \doifMMLfunctionelse{#3}{\MMLcreset}{}%
+ \processXMLRchild{apply,reln,ci,cn}{#3}}
+ {\let\MMLcBVAR\MMLcBVARpartialdiff
+ \processXMLRchild{bvar}{#3}}%
+ \popmacro\MMLcBVAR
+ \popmacro\MMLcDEGREE
+ \else
+ \processXMLRchild{apply,reln,ci,cn}{#3}%
+ \fi}%
+ \popmacro\xmlr}
+ {\collectXMLRchild{apply}{#1}%
+ \doifXMLRchildelse{fn}{\the\XMLRtoks#1}
+ {#2}
+ {\doifXMLRchildelse{ci}{\the\XMLRtoks#1}
+ {\pushmacro\xmlr
+ \getXMLarguments{dummy}{type=""}%
+ \def\xmlr{\getmmlarguments{dummy}{}}%
+ \the\XMLRtoks % what if more than one ?
+ \popmacro\xmlr
+ \doif{\XMLpar{dummy}{type}{}}{fn}{#2}{#3}}
+ {#2}}}
+\def\subMMLcelement #1#2{_{#2}}
+\remapXMLsequence [lowlimit][CPA] \MMLcLOWLIMIT
+\remapXMLsequence [uplimit] [CPA] \MMLcUPLIMIT
+\remapXMLsequence [bvar] [CPA] \MMLcBVAR
+\remapXMLsequence [degree] [CPA] \MMLcDEGREE
+\def\MMLcUPLIMIT #1#2{#2}
+\def\MMLcBVAR #1#2{#2}
+\def\MMLcDEGREE #1#2{#2}
+\remapXMLsingular [divergence] [CPA] \MMLcDIVERGENCE
+\remapXMLsingular [grad] [CPA] \MMLcGRAD
+\remapXMLsingular [curl] [CPA] \MMLcCURL
+\remapXMLsingular [laplacian] [CPA] \MMLcLAPLACIAN
+\def\MMLcGRAD #1#2#3\empty{\getXMLentity{grad}\processXMLRchildren{#3}}
+\def\MMLcCURL #1#2#3\empty{\getXMLentity{curl}\processXMLRchildren{#3}}
+\def\MMLcLAPLACIAN #1#2#3\empty{\getXMLentity{laplacian}\processXMLRchildren{#3}}
+%%% theory of sets
+\remapXMLsequence [set] [CPA] \MMLcSET
+ {\doifXMLRchildelse{condition}{#2}
+ {\{\processXMLRchild{bvar}{#2}\,\vert\,\processXMLRchild{condition}{#2}\}}
+ {\encapsulateXMLR{\{}{\MMLccomma}{\}}{#2}}}
+\remapXMLsequence [list] [CPA] \MMLcLIST
+\remapXMLsingular [union] [CPA] \MMLcUNION
+\remapXMLsingular [intersect] [CPA] \MMLcINTERSECT
+\remapXMLsingular [in] [CPA] \MMLcIN
+\remapXMLsingular [notin] [CPA] \MMLcNOTIN
+\remapXMLsingular [subset] [CPA] \MMLcSUBSET
+\remapXMLsingular [prsubset] [CPA] \MMLcPRSUBSET
+\remapXMLsingular [notsubset] [CPA] \MMLcNOTSUBSET
+\remapXMLsingular [notprsubset] [CPA] \MMLcNOTPRSUBSET
+\remapXMLsingular [setdiff] [CPA] \MMLcSETDIFF
+\def\MMLcUNION #1#2{\MMLcset\cup}
+\def\MMLcINTERSECT #1#2{\MMLcset\cap}
+\def\MMLcIN #1#2{\MMLcset\in}
+\def\MMLcNOTIN #1#2{\MMLcset{\not\in}}
+\def\MMLcSUBSET #1#2{\MMLcset\subset}
+\def\MMLcPRSUBSET #1#2{\MMLcset\subseteq}
+\def\MMLcNOTSUBSET #1#2{\MMLcset{\not\subset}}
+\def\MMLcNOTPRSUBSET #1#2{\MMLcset{\not\subseteq}}
+\def\MMLcSETDIFF #1#2{\MMLcset\setminus}
+\remapXMLsingular [card] [CPA] \MMLcCARD
+\remapXMLsingular [cartesianproduct] [CPA] \MMLcCARTESIANPRODUCT
+%%% sequences and series
+\remapXMLsingular [sum] [CPA] \MMLcSUM
+\remapXMLsingular [product] [CPA] \MMLcPRODUCT
+\def\MMLcSUM {\MMLcSUMandPRODUCT{sum}\sum}
+ {\vbox
+ {\baselineskip\zeropoint % hack, taco vragen
+ \halign{$\scriptstyle\hss##\hss$\cr#1\crcr}}}
+ {\pushmacro\xmlr
+ \doifXMLRchildelse{condition,bvar,lowlimit}{#4}
+ {\def\MMLcSUMlow
+ {_{\doifXMLRchildelse{condition}{#4}
+ {\collectXMLRchild{condition}{#4}%
+ \expanded{\collectbetweenXMLR{\crcr}{\the\XMLRtoks}}%
+ \stackMMLsubscripts{\the\XMLRtoks}}
+ {\doifXMLRchild{bvar}{#4}
+ {\processXMLRchild{bvar}{#4}%
+ \doifXMLRchild{lowlimit}{#4}{=}}%
+ \processXMLRchild{lowlimit}{#4}}}}}
+ {\let\MMLcSUMlow\empty}%
+ \doifXMLRchildelse{uplimit}{#4}
+ {\def\MMLcSUMup{^{\processXMLRchild{uplimit}{#4}}}}
+ {\let\MMLcSUMup\empty}%
+ \MMLcreset#2\doMMLlimits{#1}\MMLcSUMup\MMLcSUMlow
+ \MMLcreset
+ \processXMLRchild{apply,ci}{#4}%
+ \popmacro\xmlr}
+\remapXMLsingular [limit] [CPA] \MMLcLIMIT
+ {\pushmacro\xmlr
+ \MMLcreset
+ \lim\doMMLlimits{limit}_
+ {\MMLcreset
+ \doifXMLRchildelse{condition}{#3}
+ {\processXMLRchild{condition}{#3}}
+ {\doifXMLRchild{bvar}{#3}
+ {\processXMLRchild{bvar}{#3}\rightarrow}%
+ \processXMLRchild{lowlimit}{#3}}}%
+ \processXMLRchild{apply}{#3}%
+ \popmacro\xmlr}
+\remapXMLsingular [tendsto] [CPA] \MMLcTENDSTO
+ {\getXMLarguments{tendsto}{type="default" #1}%
+ \withnexttwoXMLRelements
+ {\MMLcreset\firstXMLRelement
+ \processaction
+ [\XMLpar{tendsto}{type}{default}]
+ [ above=>\downarrow,
+ below=>\uparrow,
+ unknown=>\rightarrow]%
+ \MMLcreset\secondXMLRelement}}
+%%% elementary classical functions
+\remapXMLsingular [exp] [CPA] \MMLcEXP
+ {\getXMLentity{exponentiale}^{\MMLcreset#3}}
+\remapXMLsingular [ln] [CPA] \MMLcLN
+% {\ln\left(\MMLcreset#3\right)}
+ {\doMMLcfunction{ln}}
+\remapXMLsingular [log] [CPA] \MMLcLOG
+ {\pushmacro\MMLcLOGBASE
+ \let\MMLcLOGBASE\secondoftwoarguments
+ \doifXMLRchildelse{logbase}{#3}
+ {\doifelse\@@MMLloglocation\v!left
+ {\mathop{{}^{\processXMLRchild{logbase}{#3}}\!\getXMLentity{log}}}
+ {\getXMLentity{log}_{\processXMLRchild{logbase}{#3}}}}
+ {\getXMLentity{log}}%
+ \let\MMLcLOGBASE\ignoreXMLRelement
+ \nodoMMLcfunction#3\empty
+ \popmacro\MMLcLOGBASE}
+\remapXMLsequence [logbase] [CPA] \MMLcLOGBASE
+\remapXMLsingular [sin] [CPA] \MMLcSIN
+\remapXMLsingular [arcsin] [CPA] \MMLcARCSIN
+\remapXMLsingular [sinh] [CPA] \MMLcSINH
+\remapXMLsingular [arcsinh] [CPA] \MMLcARCSINH
+\remapXMLsingular [cos] [CPA] \MMLcCOS
+\remapXMLsingular [arccos] [CPA] \MMLcARCCOS
+\remapXMLsingular [cosh] [CPA] \MMLcCOSH
+\remapXMLsingular [arccosh] [CPA] \MMLcARCCOSH
+\remapXMLsingular [tan] [CPA] \MMLcTAN
+\remapXMLsingular [arctan] [CPA] \MMLcARCTAN
+\remapXMLsingular [tanh] [CPA] \MMLcTANH
+\remapXMLsingular [arctanh] [CPA] \MMLcARCTANH
+\remapXMLsingular [cot] [CPA] \MMLcCOT
+\remapXMLsingular [arccot] [CPA] \MMLcARCCOT
+\remapXMLsingular [coth] [CPA] \MMLcCOTH
+\remapXMLsingular [arccoth] [CPA] \MMLcARCCOTH
+\remapXMLsingular [csc] [CPA] \MMLcCSC
+\remapXMLsingular [arccsc] [CPA] \MMLcARCCSC
+\remapXMLsingular [csch] [CPA] \MMLcCSCH
+\remapXMLsingular [arccsch] [CPA] \MMLcARCCSCH
+\remapXMLsingular [sec] [CPA] \MMLcSEC
+\remapXMLsingular [arcsec] [CPA] \MMLcARCSEC
+\remapXMLsingular [sech] [CPA] \MMLcSECH
+\remapXMLsingular [arcsech] [CPA] \MMLcARCSECH
+ {\doifnextcharelse\xmlr{\dodoMMLcfunction{#1}}{\getXMLentity{#1}}}
+ {\getXMLentity{#1}%
+ \nodoMMLcfunction}
+ {\ifx\MMLpowerelement\empty\else
+ ^{\MMLcreset\MMLpowerelement\empty}\!\let\MMLpowerelement\empty
+ \fi
+ \doifelse\@@MMLfunctionreduction\v!yes
+ {\doifXMLRchildelse{apply}{#1}
+ {\collectXMLRchild{apply}{#1}%
+ \@EA\doifXMLRchildelse\@EA{\MMLcfunctionlist}{\the\XMLRtoks}
+ {\MMLcreset#1\empty}
+ {\left(\MMLcreset#1\empty\right)}}
+ {\MMLcreset#1\empty}}
+ {\left(\MMLcreset#1\empty\right)}}
+\def\MMLcSIN #1#2{\doMMLcfunction{sin}}
+\def\MMLcARCSIN #1#2{\doMMLcfunction{arcsin}}
+\def\MMLcSINH #1#2{\doMMLcfunction{sinh}}
+\def\MMLcCOS #1#2{\doMMLcfunction{cos}}
+\def\MMLcARCCOS #1#2{\doMMLcfunction{arccos}}
+\def\MMLcCOSH #1#2{\doMMLcfunction{cosh}}
+\def\MMLcTAN #1#2{\doMMLcfunction{tan}}
+\def\MMLcARCTAN #1#2{\doMMLcfunction{arctan}}
+\def\MMLcTANH #1#2{\doMMLcfunction{tanh}}
+\def\MMLcCOT #1#2{\doMMLcfunction{cot}}
+\def\MMLcARCCOT #1#2{\doMMLcfunction{arccot}}
+\def\MMLcCOTH #1#2{\doMMLcfunction{coth}}
+\def\MMLcCSC #1#2{\doMMLcfunction{csc}}
+\def\MMLcARCCSC #1#2{\doMMLcfunction{arccsc}}
+\def\MMLcCSCH #1#2{\doMMLcfunction{csch}}
+\def\MMLcSEC #1#2{\doMMLcfunction{sec}}
+\def\MMLcARCSEC #1#2{\doMMLcfunction{arcsec}}
+\def\MMLcSECH #1#2{\doMMLcfunction{sech}}
+%%% statistics
+\remapXMLsingular [mean] [CPA] \MMLcMEAN
+\remapXMLsingular [sdev] [CPA] \MMLcSDEV
+\remapXMLsingular [variance] [CPA] \MMLcVARIANCE
+\remapXMLsingular [median] [CPA] \MMLcMEDIAN
+\remapXMLsingular [mode] [CPA] \MMLcMODE
+\def\MMLcMEAN #1#2{\withnextXMLRelement{\overline{\nextXMLRelement}}}
+\def\MMLcSDEV #1#2{\withnextXMLRelement{\sigma(\MMLcreset\nextXMLRelement)}}
+\def\MMLcMEDIAN #1#2{\withnextXMLRelement{\getXMLentity{median}(\MMLcreset\nextXMLRelement)}}
+\def\MMLcMODE #1#2{\withnextXMLRelement{\getXMLentity{mode}(\MMLcreset\nextXMLRelement)}}
+\remapXMLsingular [moment] [CPA] \MMLcMOMENT
+\remapXMLsequence [momentabout] [CPA] \MMLcMOMENTABOUT
+ {\left\langle\processXMLRchild{apply,reln,ci,cn}{#3}%
+ ^{\processXMLRchild{degree}{#3}}\right\rangle}
+%%% linear algebra
+\remapXMLsequence [vector] [CPA] \MMLcVECTOR
+\setupMMLappearance[vector][\c!direction=\v!horizontal] % \v!vertical
+ {\countXMLRchildren{#2}%
+ \ifnum\nofXMLRchildren>1
+ \doifelse\@@MMLvectordirection\v!horizontal
+ {\encapsulateXMLR{\left(}{\MMLccomma}{\right)}{#2}}
+ {\collectbetweenXMLR{\crcr}{#2}%
+ \MMLcreset\left(\matrix{\the\XMLRtoks}\right)}%
+ \else
+ \overrightarrow{#2}%
+ \fi}
+\remapXMLsequence [matrix] [CPA] \MMLcMATRIX
+\remapXMLsequence [matrixrow] [CPA] \MMLcMATRIXROW
+ {\pushmacro\MMLcMATRIXROW
+ \MMLcreset
+ \ifcase#1\matrix{#3}\else\left(\matrix{#3}\right)\fi
+ \popmacro\MMLcMATRIXROW}
+ {\doMMLcMATRIX1{#1}{#2}}
+ {\collectbetweenXMLR{\@col@amp@}{#2}\the\XMLRtoks\crcr}
+ {\collectbetweenXMLR{\@col@amp@}{#2}%
+ \left(\matrix{\the\XMLRtoks\crcr}\right)}
+\remapXMLsingular [determinant] [CPA] \MMLcDETERMINANT
+% \def\MMLcDETERMINANT#1#2{\getXMLentity{determinant}} % optie
+ {\pushmacro\MMLcMATRIX
+ \def\MMLcMATRIX##1##2{\doMMLcMATRIX0{##1}{##2}}%
+ \left|#2\empty\right|%
+ \popmacro\MMLcMATRIX}
+\remapXMLsingular [transpose] [CPA] \MMLcTRANSPOSE
+\def\MMLcTRANSPOSE#1#2{\withnextXMLRelement{\nextXMLRelement^{\rm T}}}
+\remapXMLsingular [selector] [CPA] \MMLcSELECTOR
+ {\pushmacro\xmlr
+ \withnextXMLRelement
+ {\mathinner{\nextXMLRelement}% hm, assumes a matrix or so
+ #3\empty
+ \popmacro\xmlr}
+ {_{\MMLcreset\encapsulateXMLR{}{\MMLccomma}{}{#1\empty}}}
+\remapXMLsingular [vectorproduct] [CPA] \MMLcVECTORPRODUCT
+\remapXMLsingular [scalarproduct] [CPA] \MMLcSCALARPRODUCT
+\remapXMLsingular [outerproduct] [CPA] \MMLcOUTERPRODUCT
+ {\withnexttwoXMLRelements{\firstXMLRelement#1\secondXMLRelement}}
+\def\MMLcVECTORPRODUCT#1#2{\MMLcvector{\getXMLentity{vectorproduct}}#2}% #2?%
+\def\MMLcOUTERPRODUCT #1#2{\MMLcvector{\getXMLentity{outerproduct}}#2}
+%%% semantic mapping elements
+\remapXMLsequence [semantics] [CPA] \MMLcSEMANTICS
+ {\doifXMLRchildelse{annotation}{#2}
+ {\processXMLRchild{annotation}{#2}}
+ {#2}}
+\remapXMLsequence [annotation] [CPA] \MMLcANNOTATION
+\def\MMLcANNOTATION#1#2% we need a better unmapper
+ {\getXMLarguments{annotation}{encoding="" #1}%
+ \doif{\XMLpar{annotation}{encoding}{}}{TeX}%
+ {\begingroup
+ \setnormalXMLentities % better: \simplifyXMLentities ; test first
+ \let\xmlrent\expandedXMLentity
+ \edef\mmlascii{#2}%
+ \setnormalcatcodes
+ \ifx\mmlascii\empty
+ \donefalse
+ \else
+ \def\do##1##2\end % hack
+ {\edef\!!stringa{\string##1}%
+ \edef\!!stringb{\letterdollar}%
+ \ifx\!!stringa\!!stringb
+ \donetrue
+ \else
+ \donefalse
+ \fi}%
+ \expandafter\do\mmlascii\end
+ \fi
+ \ifdone
+ \hbox{\scantokens\@EA{\mmlascii}}%
+ \else
+ \scantokens\@EA{\mmlascii}%
+ \fi
+ \endgroup}}
+\remapXMLsequence [annotation-xml] [CPA] \MMLcANNOTATIONXML
+%%% constant and symbol elements
+\remapXMLsingular [integers] [CPA] \MMLcINTEGERS
+\remapXMLsingular [reals] [CPA] \MMLcREALS
+\remapXMLsingular [rationals] [CPA] \MMLcRATIONALS
+\remapXMLsingular [naturalnumbers] [CPA] \MMLcNATURALNUMBERS
+\remapXMLsingular [complexes] [CPA] \MMLcCOMPLEXES
+\remapXMLsingular [primes] [CPA] \MMLcPRIMES
+\remapXMLsingular [exponentiale] [CPA] \MMLcEXPONENTIALE
+\remapXMLsingular [imaginaryi] [CPA] \MMLcIMAGINARYI
+\remapXMLsingular [notanumber] [CPA] \MMLcNOTANUMBER
+\remapXMLsingular [true] [CPA] \MMLcTRUE
+\remapXMLsingular [false] [CPA] \MMLcFALSE
+\remapXMLsingular [emptyset] [CPA] \MMLcEMPTYSET
+\remapXMLsingular [pi] [CPA] \MMLcPI
+\remapXMLsingular [eulergamma] [CPA] \MMLcEULERGAMMA
+\remapXMLsingular [infinity] [CPA] \MMLcINFINITY
+\def\MMLcINTEGERS #1#2{\getXMLentity{integers}}
+\def\MMLcREALS #1#2{\getXMLentity{reals}}
+\def\MMLcRATIONALS #1#2{\getXMLentity{rationals}}
+\def\MMLcCOMPLEXES #1#2{\getXMLentity{complexes}}
+\def\MMLcPRIMES #1#2{\getXMLentity{primes}}
+\def\MMLcEXPONENTIALE #1#2{\getXMLentity{ExponentialE}}
+\def\MMLcIMAGINARYI #1#2{\getXMLentity{ImaginaryI}}
+\def\MMLcNOTANUMBER #1#2{\mathop{\rm NaN}}
+\def\MMLcTRUE #1#2{\mathop{\rm true}}
+\def\MMLcFALSE #1#2{\mathop{\rm false}}
+\def\MMLcEMPTYSET #1#2{\mathop{\hbox{\O}}}
+\def\MMLcPI #1#2{\pi}
+\def\MMLcEULERGAMMA #1#2{\gamma}
+\def\MMLcINFINITY #1#2{\infty}
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/xtag-mml.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/xtag-mml.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f948128fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/xtag-mml.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,515 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=xtag-mml,
+%D version=2000.12.20,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ XML Macros,
+%D subtitle=MathML,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt XML Macros / MathML}
+% I will reimplement this one without mapping since we now have more
+% tricks available
+% First some general formula element definitions.
+\defineXMLenvironment [formula] [label=,sublabel=]
+ {\dostartXMLformula\placeformula}
+ {\dostopXMLformula}
+\defineXMLenvironment [subformula] [label=,sublabel=]
+ {\dostartXMLformula\placesubformula}
+ {\dostopXMLformula}
+ {\doifelsenothingXMLop{label}
+ {\startformula}
+ {\expanded{#1[\XMLop{label}]{\XMLop{sublabel}}}\startformula}}
+ {\stopformula}
+% Since I only had the draft of mml 2 as example of
+% rendering, there are probably a lot of omissions and
+% misinterpretations. At least I learned some bits and
+% pieces of math rendering.
+% The main complications were not so much the math, but to
+% find the most efficient way to handle elements without
+% spacing beging messed up. The first implementation was
+% aimed at getting reasonable output, this second
+% implementation is already better in terms of handling
+% nesting, and I will definitely need a third one that has
+% more efficient and less ugly code.
+% The TeX part is not that complicated and once the
+% preprocessor was okay, the rest way just a lot of keying
+% and testing. It all comes down to gobbling, redefining,
+% and not so much to parsing.
+\defineXMLdirective [mathml] \setupMMLappearance
+\defineXMLargument [math] \doXMLmath
+\defineXMLargument [imath] \doXMLimath
+\defineXMLargument [dmath] \doXMLdmath
+\defineXMLargument [m] \doXMLimath
+\unexpanded\def\doXMLmath {\ifhmode\@EA\doXMLimath\else\@EA\doXMLdmath\fi}
+\ifx\XMLRtoks\undefined \newtoks\XMLRtoks \fi
+ {\defconvertedargument\asciiafter{#2}%
+ \@EA#1\@EA{\asciiafter}}
+\def\checkMMLoperator#1% #2
+ {\unspaceargument#1\to\ascii
+ \doifXMLentityelse\ascii{\getXMLentity\ascii}} % {#2}
+% this will be done in a more safe way
+% this goes to core-mat
+\def\normalorfiller #1#2{#1}
+\def\enabledelimiter {\let\normalordelimiter\secondoftwoarguments}
+\def\enablefiller {\let\normalorfiller\secondoftwoarguments}
+\def\disablefiller {\let\normalorfiller\firstoftwoarguments}
+% Auxiliary macros
+\bgroup \obeylines
+\gdef\defineMMLentity% % needed !
+ {\bgroup\obeylines\xdefineMMLentity}
+\gdef\xdefineMMLentity #1 #2 #3 #4
+ {\egroup\dodefineMMLentity{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}}
+\gdef\defineMMLsynonym% % needed !
+ {\bgroup\obeylines\xdefineMMLsynonym}
+\gdef\xdefineMMLsynonym #1 #2
+ {\egroup\dodefineMMLsynonym{#1}{#2}}
+% some more
+ {\bgroup
+ \doifXMLentityelse{#1}
+ {\let\left\empty\let\right\empty\mathematics{\getXMLentity{#1}{}}}
+ {\getXMLentity{unknown}}%
+ \egroup}
+\setbox\unknownXMLentity\hbox{\inframed[\c!strut=\v!no,\c!offset=1pt]{\ttx ?}}
+\defineXMLentity [unknown] {\copy\unknownXMLentity}
+% the definitions
+ \def\blackboard{\ifx\Bbb\undefined\else\expandafter\Bbb\fi}
+% basic entities, greek
+\defineXMLentity [alpha] {\mathematics \alpha}
+\defineXMLentity [beta] {\mathematics \beta}
+\defineXMLentity [gamma] {\mathematics \gamma}
+\defineXMLentity [delta] {\mathematics \delta}
+\defineXMLentity [epsilon] {\mathematics \epsilon}
+\defineXMLentity [zeta] {\mathematics \zeta}
+\defineXMLentity [eta] {\mathematics \eta}
+\defineXMLentity [theta] {\mathematics \theta}
+\defineXMLentity [iota] {\mathematics \iota}
+\defineXMLentity [kappa] {\mathematics \kappa}
+\defineXMLentity [lambda] {\mathematics \lambda}
+\defineXMLentity [theta] {\mathematics \theta}
+\defineXMLentity [mu] {\mathematics \mu}
+\defineXMLentity [nu] {\mathematics \nu}
+\defineXMLentity [xi] {\mathematics \xi}
+\defineXMLentity [pi] {\mathematics \pi}
+\defineXMLentity [rho] {\mathematics \rho}
+\defineXMLentity [sigma] {\mathematics \sigma}
+\defineXMLentity [tau] {\mathematics \tau}
+\defineXMLentity [upsilon] {\mathematics \upsilon}
+\defineXMLentity [phi] {\mathematics \phi}
+\defineXMLentity [chi] {\mathematics \chi}
+\defineXMLentity [psi] {\mathematics \psi}
+\defineXMLentity [omega] {\mathematics \omega}
+\defineXMLentity [varepsilon] {\mathematics \varepsilon}
+\defineXMLentity [vartheta] {\mathematics \vartheta}
+\defineXMLentity [varpi] {\mathematics \varpi}
+\defineXMLentity [varrho] {\mathematics \varrho}
+\defineXMLentity [varsigma] {\mathematics \varsigma}
+\defineXMLentity [varphi] {\mathematics \varphi}
+\defineXMLentity [epsilonv] {\mathematics \varepsilon}
+\defineXMLentity [thetav] {\mathematics \vartheta}
+\defineXMLentity [piv] {\mathematics \varpi}
+\defineXMLentity [rhov] {\mathematics \varrho}
+\defineXMLentity [sigmav] {\mathematics \varsigma}
+\defineXMLentity [phiv] {\mathematics \varphi}
+\defineXMLentity [epsi] {\mathematics \epsilon}
+\defineXMLentity [epsiv] {\mathematics \varepsilon}
+\defineXMLentity [Alpha] {A}
+\defineXMLentity [Beta] {B}
+\defineXMLentity [Gamma] {\mathematics \Gamma}
+\defineXMLentity [Delta] {\mathematics \Delta}
+\defineXMLentity [Epsilon] {E}
+\defineXMLentity [Zeta] {Z}
+\defineXMLentity [Eta] {N}
+\defineXMLentity [Theta] {\mathematics \Theta}
+\defineXMLentity [Iota] {I}
+\defineXMLentity [Kappa] {K}
+\defineXMLentity [Lambda] {\mathematics \Lambda}
+\defineXMLentity [Mu] {M}
+\defineXMLentity [Nu] {N}
+\defineXMLentity [Xi] {\mathematics \Xi}
+\defineXMLentity [Pi] {\mathematics \Pi}
+\defineXMLentity [Ro] {R}
+\defineXMLentity [Sigma] {\mathematics \Sigma}
+\defineXMLentity [Tau] {T}
+\defineXMLentity [Upsilon] {\mathematics \Upsilon}
+\defineXMLentity [Phi] {\mathematics \Phi}
+\defineXMLentity [Chi] {X}
+\defineXMLentity [Psi] {\mathematics \Psi}
+\defineXMLentity [Omega] {\mathematics \Omega}
+% basic entities, hebrew
+\defineXMLentity [aleph] {\mathematics \aleph}
+% basic entities, functions
+\defineXMLentity [abs] {\mathopnolimits{abs}}
+\defineXMLentity [arg] {\mathopnolimits{arg}}
+\defineXMLentity [codomain] {\mathopnolimits{codomain}}
+\defineXMLentity [curl] {\mathopnolimits{curl}}
+\defineXMLentity [determinant] {\mathopnolimits{det}}
+\defineXMLentity [divergence] {\mathopnolimits{div}}
+\defineXMLentity [domain] {\mathopnolimits{domain}}
+\defineXMLentity [false] {\mathopnolimits{false}}
+\defineXMLentity [gcd] {\mathopnolimits{gcd}}
+\defineXMLentity [grad] {\mathopnolimits{grad}}
+\defineXMLentity [identity] {\mathopnolimits{id}}
+\defineXMLentity [image] {\mathopnolimits{image}}
+\defineXMLentity [lcm] {\mathopnolimits{lcm}}
+\defineXMLentity [max] {\mathopnolimits{max}}
+\defineXMLentity [median] {\mathopnolimits{median}}
+\defineXMLentity [min] {\mathopnolimits{min}}
+\defineXMLentity [mode] {\mathopnolimits{mode}}
+\defineXMLentity [mod] {\mathopnolimits{mod}}
+\defineXMLentity [notanumber] {\mathopnolimits{NaN}}
+\defineXMLentity [otherwise] {\mathopnolimits{otherwise}}
+\defineXMLentity [true] {\mathopnolimits{true}}
+\defineXMLentity [declare] {\mathopnolimits{declare}}
+\defineXMLentity [as] {\mathopnolimits{as}}
+\defineXMLentity [polar] {\mathopnolimits{Polar}}
+\defineXMLentity [mathematicald] {d}
+\defineXMLentity [imaginaryi] {{\rm i}}
+\defineXMLentity [differentiald] {\partial}
+\defineXMLentity [exponentiale] {{\rm e}}
+\defineXMLentity [capitaldifferentiald] {D}
+\defineXMLentity [ii] {\getXMLentity{imaginaryi}}
+\defineXMLentity [dd] {\getXMLentity{differentiald}}
+\defineXMLentity [ee] {\getXMLentity{exponentiale}}
+\defineXMLentity [DD] {\getMMLentity{capitaldifferentiald}}
+\defineXMLentity [ImaginaryI] {\getXMLentity{imaginaryi}}
+\defineXMLentity [DifferentialD] {\getXMLentity{differentiald}}
+\defineXMLentity [ExponentialE] {\getXMLentity{exponentiale}}
+\defineXMLentity [CapitalDifferentialD] {\getXMLentity{differentiald}}
+\defineXMLentity [NaN] {\getXMLentity{notanumber}}
+\defineXMLentity [NotANumber] {\getXMLentity{notanumber}}
+\defineXMLentity [and] {\wedge}
+\defineXMLentity [exists] {\exists}
+\defineXMLentity [forall] {\forall}
+\defineXMLentity [implies] {\Rightarrow}
+\defineXMLentity [not] {\neg}
+\defineXMLentity [or] {\vee}
+\defineXMLentity [xor] {\mathopnolimits{xor}}
+\defineXMLentity [imaginary] {\Im}
+\defineXMLentity [real] {\Re}
+\defineXMLentity [lceiling] {\lceil}
+\defineXMLentity [rceiling] {\rceil}
+\defineXMLentity [lfloor] {\lfloor}
+\defineXMLentity [rfloor] {\rfloor}
+\defineXMLentity [ne] {\neq}
+\defineXMLentity [neq] {\neq}
+\defineXMLentity [gt] {>}
+\defineXMLentity [lt] {<}
+\defineXMLentity [ge] {\geq}
+\defineXMLentity [geq] {\geq}
+\defineXMLentity [le] {\leq}
+\defineXMLentity [leq] {\leq}
+\defineXMLentity [equivalent] {\equiv}
+\defineXMLentity [equiv] {\equiv}
+\defineXMLentity [approx] {\approx}
+\defineXMLentity [factorof] {\mid}
+\defineXMLentity [mapsto] {\mapsto}
+\defineXMLentity [int] {\int}
+\defineXMLentity [prime] {\prime}
+\defineXMLentity [laplacian] {\nabla^2}
+\defineXMLentity [partial] {\partial}
+\defineXMLentity [union] {\cup}
+\defineXMLentity [intersect] {\cap}
+\defineXMLentity [in] {\in}
+\defineXMLentity [notin] {\not\in}
+\defineXMLentity [subset] {\subset}
+\defineXMLentity [prsubset] {\subseteq}
+\defineXMLentity [notsubset] {\not\subset}
+\defineXMLentity [notprsubset] {\not\subseteq}
+\defineXMLentity [setdiff] {\setminus}
+\defineXMLentity [card] {\vert}
+\defineXMLentity [cartesianproduct] {\times}
+\defineXMLentity [sum] {\sum}
+\defineXMLentity [prod] {\prod}
+\defineXMLentity [product] {\prod}
+\defineXMLentity [lim] {\lim}
+\defineXMLentity [exp] {\mathopnolimits{exp}} % {\exp}
+\defineXMLentity [ln] {\mathopnolimits{ln}} % {\ln}
+\defineXMLentity [log] {\mathopnolimits{log}} % {\log}
+\defineXMLentity [sin] {\mathopnolimits{sin}}
+\defineXMLentity [arcsin] {\mathopnolimits{arcsin}}
+\defineXMLentity [sinh] {\mathopnolimits{sinh}}
+\defineXMLentity [arcsinh] {\mathopnolimits{arcsinh}}
+\defineXMLentity [cos] {\mathopnolimits{cos}}
+\defineXMLentity [arccos] {\mathopnolimits{arccos}}
+\defineXMLentity [cosh] {\mathopnolimits{cosh}}
+\defineXMLentity [arccosh] {\mathopnolimits{arccosh}}
+\defineXMLentity [tan] {\mathopnolimits{tan}}
+\defineXMLentity [arctan] {\mathopnolimits{arctan}}
+\defineXMLentity [tanh] {\mathopnolimits{tanh}}
+\defineXMLentity [arctanh] {\mathopnolimits{arctanh}}
+\defineXMLentity [cot] {\mathopnolimits{cot}}
+\defineXMLentity [arccot] {\mathopnolimits{arccot}}
+\defineXMLentity [coth] {\mathopnolimits{coth}}
+\defineXMLentity [arccoth] {\mathopnolimits{arccoth}}
+\defineXMLentity [csc] {\mathopnolimits{csc}}
+\defineXMLentity [arccsc] {\mathopnolimits{arccsc}}
+\defineXMLentity [csch] {\mathopnolimits{csch}}
+\defineXMLentity [arccsch] {\mathopnolimits{arccsch}}
+\defineXMLentity [sec] {\mathopnolimits{sec}}
+\defineXMLentity [arcsec] {\mathopnolimits{arcsec}}
+\defineXMLentity [sech] {\mathopnolimits{sech}}
+\defineXMLentity [arcsech] {\mathopnolimits{arcsech}}
+\defineXMLentity [transpose] {^{\rm T}}
+\defineXMLentity [plusminus] {\pm}
+\defineXMLentity [minusplus] {\mp}
+\defineXMLentity [vectorproduct] {\times}
+\defineXMLentity [scalarproduct] {\cdot}
+\defineXMLentity [outerproduct] {\otimes}
+\defineXMLentity [integers] {\integers}
+\defineXMLentity [reals] {\reals}
+\defineXMLentity [rationals] {\rationals}
+\defineXMLentity [naturalnumbers] {\naturalnumbers}
+\defineXMLentity [complexes] {\complexes}
+\defineXMLentity [primes] {\primes}
+\defineXMLentity [emptyset] {\emptyset}
+\defineXMLentity [pi] {\pi}
+\defineXMLentity [eulergamma] {\gamma}
+\defineXMLentity [infinity] {\mathematics{\infty}}
+\defineXMLentity [InvisibleTimes] {}
+\defineXMLentity [InvisibleComma] {}
+\defineXMLentity [ApplyFunction] {}
+\defineXMLentity [it] {\getXMLentity{InvisibleTines}}
+\defineXMLentity [ic] {\getXMLentity{InvisibleComma}}
+\defineXMLentity [af] {\getXMLentity{ApplyFunction}}
+\defineXMLentity [PlusMinus] {\getXMLentity{plusminus}}
+\defineXMLentity [infin] {\getXMLentity{infinity}}
+\defineXMLentity [infty] {\getXMLentity{infinity}}
+\defineXMLentity [part] {\getXMLentity{differentiald}}
+\defineXMLentity [RightArrow] {\normalorfiller\rightarrow\rightarrowfill}
+\defineXMLentity [LeftArrow] {\normalorfiller\leftarrow\leftarrowfill}
+\defineXMLentity [UnderBrace] {\normalorfiller\empty\upbracefill}
+\defineXMLentity [OverBrace] {\normalorfiller\empty\downbracefill}
+\defineXMLentity [UnderBar] {\normalorfiller\hrule\hrulefill}
+\defineXMLentity [OverBar] {\normalorfiller\hrule\hrulefill}
+\defineXMLentity [Hat] {\normalorfiller\empty\empty} % todo
+\defineXMLentity [downarrow] {\mathortext\downarrow\empty}
+\defineXMLentity [uparrow] {\mathortext\uparrow\empty}
+\defineXMLentity [Tab] {\hskip4em}
+\defineXMLentity [NewLine] {\mathortext\empty\crlf}
+\defineXMLentity [IndentingNewLine] {\mathortext\empty\crlf}
+\defineXMLentity [NoBreak] {\nobreak}
+\defineXMLentity [GoodBreak] {\goodbreak}
+\defineXMLentity [BadBreak] {\nobreak}
+\defineXMLentity [Space] {\getXMLentity{MediumSpace}}
+\defineXMLentity [NonBreakingSpace] {\getXMLentity{MediumSpace}}
+\defineXMLentity [ZeroWidthSpace] {}
+ {\mathortext
+ {\mskip#1mu}
+ {\ifvmode\dontleavehmode\else\unskip\fi\hskip#2em\strut\hskip\zeropoint\ignorespaces}%
+ \relax}
+\defineXMLentity [VeryThinSpace] {\somespaceentity {2}{.125}}
+\defineXMLentity [ThinSpace] {\somespaceentity {3}{.25}}
+\defineXMLentity [MediumSpace] {\somespaceentity {4}{.5}}
+\defineXMLentity [ThickSpace] {\somespaceentity {5}{1}}
+\defineXMLentity [NegativeVeryThinSpace] {\somespaceentity{-2}{-.125}}
+\defineXMLentity [NegativeThinSpace] {\somespaceentity{-3}{-.25}}
+\defineXMLentity [NegativeMediumSpace] {\somespaceentity{-4}{-.5}}
+\defineXMLentity [NegativeThickSpace] {\somespaceentity{-5}{-1}}
+\defineXMLentity [NegVeryThinSpace] {\getXMLentity{NegativeVeryThinSpace}}
+\defineXMLentity [NegThinSpace] {\getXMLentity{NegativeThinSpace}}
+\defineXMLentity [NegMediumSpace] {\getXMLentity{NegativeMediumSpace}}
+\defineXMLentity [NegThickSpace] {\getXMLentity{NegativeThickSpace}}
+\defineXMLentity [nbsp] {\getXMLentity{NonBreakingSpace}}
+\defineXMLentity [thinsp] {\getXMLentity{ThinSpace}}
+\defineXMLentity [medsp] {\getXMLentity{MediumSpace}}
+\defineXMLentity [thicksp] {\getXMLentity{ThickSpace}}
+\defineXMLentity [larr] {\getXMLentity{LeftArrow}}
+\defineXMLentity [rarr] {\getXMLentity{RightArrow}}
+\defineXMLentity [lbrace] {\normalordelimiter{\{}{\left \{}}
+\defineXMLentity [rbrace] {\normalordelimiter{\}}{\right\}}}
+\defineXMLentity [lbracket] {\normalordelimiter{[}{\left [}}
+\defineXMLentity [rbracket] {\normalordelimiter{]}{\right]}}
+\defineXMLentity [lparenthesis] {\normalordelimiter{(}{\left (}}
+\defineXMLentity [rparenthesis] {\normalordelimiter{)}{\right)}}
+\defineXMLentity [langle] {\normalordelimiter{\langle}{\left \langle}}
+\defineXMLentity [rangle] {\normalordelimiter{\rangle}{\right\rangle}}
+\defineXMLentity [lang] {\getXMLentity{langle}}
+\defineXMLentity [rang] {\getXMLentity{rangle}}
+\defineXMLentity [lbrack] {\getXMLentity{lbracket}}
+\defineXMLentity [rbrack] {\getXMLentity{rbracket}}
+\defineXMLentity [lparent] {\getXMLentity{lparenthesis}}
+\defineXMLentity [rparent] {\getXMLentity{rparenthesis}}
+\defineXMLentity [\letterleftbrace ] {\getXMLentity{lbrace}}
+\defineXMLentity [\letterrightbrace] {\getXMLentity{rbrace}}
+\defineXMLentity [{[}] {\getXMLentity{lbracket}}
+\defineXMLentity [{]}] {\getXMLentity{rbracket}}
+\defineXMLentity [{(}] {\getXMLentity{lparenthesis}}
+\defineXMLentity [{)}] {\getXMLentity{rparenthesis}}
+\defineXMLentity [times] {\times}
+\defineXMLentity [minus] {-}
+\defineXMLentity [plus] {+}
+\defineXMLentity [plusmn] {\pm}
+\defineXMLentity [nabla] {\nabla}
+\def\myspecialnormalvert{\mathematics{\vert}} % temp hack, should stretch
+\defineXMLentity [,] {{,}}
+\defineXMLentity [.] {{.}}
+\defineXMLentity [+] {+}
+\defineXMLentity [-] {-}
+\defineXMLentity [(] {(}
+\defineXMLentity [)] {)}
+\defineXMLentity [<] {\mathematics{<}}
+\defineXMLentity [>] {\mathematics{>}}
+\defineXMLentity [|] {\myspecialnormalvert}
+\defineXMLentity [/] {/}
+\defineXMLentity [*] {\times}
+\defineXMLentity [=] {=}
+\defineXMLentity [++] {++}
+\defineXMLentity [--] {--}
+\defineXMLentity [//] {//}
+\defineXMLentity [**] {\times\times}
+\defineXMLentity [==] {==}
+\defineXMLentity [quot] {"}
+\defineXMLentity [triangle] {\mathematics\triangle}
+\defineXMLentity [otimes] {\mathematics\otimes}
+\defineXMLentity [oplus] {\mathematics\oplus}
+\defineXMLentity [cup] {\mathematics\cup}
+\defineXMLentity [cap] {\mathematics\cap}
+\defineXMLentity [sdot] {\mathematics\cdot}
+\defineXMLentity [dot] {\mathematics\cdot}
+\defineXMLentity [sim] {\mathematics\sim}
+\defineXMLentity [circ] {\mathematics\circ}
+\defineXMLentity [dagger] {\mathematics\dagger}
+\defineXMLentity [cdots] {\mathematics\cdots}
+\defineXMLentity [...] {\getXMLentity{cdots}}
+\defineXMLentity [continued] {\getXMLentity{cdots}}
+\defineXMLentity [sub] {\getXMLentity{subset}}
+\defineXMLentity [sube] {\getXMLentity{prsubset}}
+\defineXMLentity [notprsubset] {\getXMLentity{notprsubset}}
+\defineXMLentity [ndash] {\endash}
+\defineXMLentity [mdash] {\emdash}
+\defineXMLentity [tex-bar] {\mathematics{\vert}}
+\defineXMLentity [tex-dollar] {\dollar}
+\defineXMLentity [tex-backslash] {\backslash}
+\defineXMLentity [tex-leftbrace] {\mathematics{\{}}
+\defineXMLentity [tex-rightbrace] {\mathematics{\}}}
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/xtag-mmp.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/xtag-mmp.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..93f0a1504
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/xtag-mmp.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,553 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=xtag-mmp,
+%D version=2000.12.20,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ XML Macros,
+%D subtitle=Presentation MathML,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+% \points should become \bodyfontsize
+% under reconstruction
+% \starttext
+% \usemodule[mathml] \useXMLfilter[utf]
+% \unprotect
+% \remapXMLsequence [mover] [CPA] \MMLpOVER
+% \remapXMLsequence [munder] [CPA] \MMLpUNDER
+% \def\MMLpUNDER#1#2%
+% {\getXMLarguments{munder}{accent="false" #1}%
+% \withnexttwoXMLRelements\doMMLpUNDER#2}
+% \def\MMLpOVER#1#2%
+% {\getXMLarguments{mover}{accent="false" #1}%
+% \withnexttwoXMLRelements\doMMLpOVER #2}
+% \def\doMMLpUNDER
+% {\doifelse{\XMLpar{munder}{accent}{}}{true}
+% {\secondXMLRelement\firstXMLRelement}
+% {\mathop{\vtop{\mathsurround\zeropoint\ialign{\hss##\hss\crcr
+% \disabledelimiter\doMMLfiller\firstXMLRelement
+% \crcr\noalign{\kern3\points\nointerlineskip}%
+% \disabledelimiter\doMMLfiller\secondXMLRelement
+% \crcr\noalign{\kern3\points}}}}\limits}}
+% \def\doMMLpOVER
+% {\doifelse{\XMLpar{mover}{accent}{}}{true}
+% {\secondXMLRelement\firstXMLRelement}
+% {\mathop{\vbox{\mathsurround\zeropoint\ialign{\hss##\hss\crcr\noalign{\kern3\points}%
+% \disabledelimiter\doMMLfiller\secondXMLRelement
+% \crcr\noalign{\kern3\points\nointerlineskip}%
+% \disabledelimiter\doMMLfiller\firstXMLRelement
+% \crcr}}}\limits}}
+% \protect
+% Normal: \startXMLdata<math><mover ><mi>a</mi><mo>¯</mo></mover></math>\stopXMLdata \par
+% Accent: \startXMLdata<math><mover accent="true"><mi>x</mi><mo>¯</mo></mover></math>\stopXMLdata \par
+% \stoptext
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt XML Macros / Presentational MathML}
+ {\defconvertedargument\asciiafter{#2}%
+ \@EA#1\@EA{\asciiafter}}
+\def\checkMMLoperator#1#2% temp hack
+ {\unspaceargument#1\to\ascii
+ \doifXMLentityelse\ascii{\getXMLentity\ascii}{#2}}
+\startXMLmapping [mml]
+\remapXMLsequence [mi] [CPA] \MMLpMI
+\remapXMLsequence [mn] [CPA] \MMLpMN
+\remapXMLsequence [mo] [CPA] \MMLpMO
+ {\begingroup
+ \getXMLarguments{mstyle}{#1}\setMMLpmathstyle{mstyle}#2%
+ \endgroup}
+ {\MMLpmath{#1}{\checkMMLoperator{#2}{#2}}}
+ {\begingroup\rm\MMLpmath{#1}{#2}\endgroup}
+\def\MMLpMO#1#2% yes or no
+ {\checkMMLoperator
+ {#2}
+ {\ConvertConstantAfter\doifinstringelse{\xmlrent}{#2}
+ {#2}{\hbox{\MMLpmath{#1}{\ignorespaces#2\unskip}}}}} % \hbox ?
+\remapXMLsequence [mfenced] [CPA] \MMLpFENCED
+\def\doMMLleft #1{\pushmacro\left \let\left \empty\normalleft #1\popmacro\left}
+\let\MMLpopen \empty
+ {\getXMLarguments{mfenced}{open="(" close=")" separators="" #1}%
+ \edef\MMLpopen {\XMLpar{mfenced}{open}{}}%
+ \edef\MMLpclose{\XMLpar{mfenced}{close}{}}%
+ \ifx\MMLpopen\empty\else\doMMLleft\MMLpopen\fi
+ \pushmacro\MMLpopen
+ \pushmacro\MMLpclose
+ \doifXMLparelse{mfenced}{separators}
+ {\resetMMLseparator
+ \encapsulateXMLR
+ {}%
+ {\pushmacro\myspecialnormalvert % hack
+ \def\myspecialnormalvert{\;\vrule\;}%
+ \grabMMLseparator{\XMLpar{mfenced}{separators}{}}%
+ \popmacro\myspecialnormalvert}
+ {}%
+ {#2\empty}}
+ {#2}%
+ \popmacro\MMLpclose
+ \popmacro\MMLpopen
+ \ifx\MMLpclose\empty
+ \ifx\MMLpopen\empty\else\right.\fi
+ \else\doMMLright\MMLpclose\fi}
+ {\newcounter\MMLxxcounter
+ \let\lastMMLseparator\empty}
+ {\increment\MMLxxcounter
+ \newcounter\MMLyycounter
+ \expanded{\dograbMMLseparator#1\noexpand\relax}}
+ {\increment\MMLyycounter
+ \doifnextcharelse\relax
+ {\lastMMLseparator\gobbleoneargument}
+ {\doifnextcharelse\xmlrent\grabMMLseparatora\grabMMLseparatorb}}
+ {\ifnum\MMLxxcounter=\MMLyycounter\space
+ \def\lastMMLseparator{\xmlrent{#2}}%
+ \fi
+ \dograbMMLseparator}
+\def\grabMMLseparatorb#1% better use \checkMMLoperator
+ {\ifnum\MMLxxcounter=\MMLyycounter\space
+ {\def\lastMMLseparator{\xmlrent{#1}}}
+ {\def\lastMMLseparator{#1}}%
+ \fi
+ \dograbMMLseparator}
+\remapXMLsequence [menclose] [CPA] \MMLpENCLOSE
+ {\getXMLarguments{menclose}{notation="" #1}%
+ \doifelse{\XMLpar{menclose}{notation}{}}{longdiv}
+ {\overline{)#2}}
+ {#2}}
+\remapXMLsequence [mfrac] [CPA] \MMLpFRAC
+\def\MMLpFRAC#1#2% \above is suboptimal since the spacing changes
+ {\withnexttwoXMLRelements
+ {\getXMLarguments{mfrac}{linethickness="" #1}%
+ \doifXMLparelse{mfrac}{linethickness}
+ {\edef\theXMLpar{\XMLpar{mfrac}{linethickness}{1}}%
+ \processaction
+ [\theXMLpar]
+ [ thin=>\scratchdimen=.2pt,
+ medium=>\scratchdimen=.4pt,
+ thick=>\scratchdimen=.8pt,
+ unknown=>\setdimensionwithunit\scratchdimen{\theXMLpar}{}]%
+ {{\firstXMLRelement}\above\scratchdimen{\secondXMLRelement}}}
+ {\frac{\firstXMLRelement}{\secondXMLRelement}}}%
+ #2}
+\remapXMLsequence [ms] [CPA] \MMLpSTRING
+ {\MMLpTEXT{#1}
+ {\getXMLarguments{mstyle}{#1}%
+ \getXMLarguments{ms}{lquote="\xmlrent{quot}" rquote="\xmlrent{quot}" #1}%
+ \XMLpar{ms}{lquote}{}\ignorespaces#2\unskip\unskip\XMLpar{ms}{rquote}{}}}
+\remapXMLsequence [mstyle] [CPA] \MMLpSTYLE
+ {mstyle}
+ {fontweight="" fontstyle="" mathstyle="" mathvariant="" background="" color=""}
+ {\getXMLarguments{mstyle}{#1}#2}
+\remapXMLsequence [mtext] [CPA] \MMLpTEXT
+\remapXMLsequence [merror] [CPA] \MMLpERROR
+\remapXMLsequence [mphantom] [CPA] \MMLpPHANTOM
+\remapXMLsequence [mpadded] [CPA] \MMLpPADDED
+ {\hbox
+ {\tf % else encoding problems
+ \getXMLarguments{mstyle}{#1}%
+ \doMMPpbackground{mstyle}
+ {\doMMPpcolor{mstyle}
+ {\setMMLptextstyle{mstyle}%
+ \ignorespaces#2\unskip\unskip}}}}
+ {\doifdefined{MMLpstyle:#1}{\getvalue{MMLpstyle:#1}}}
+ {\setvalue{MMLpstyle:#1}{#2}}
+\defineMMLstyle[normal] {\tf} \defineMMLstyle[double-stuck] {\bf}
+\defineMMLstyle[bolditalic] {\bi} \defineMMLstyle[bold-italic] {\bi}
+\defineMMLstyle[boldslanted]{\bs} \defineMMLstyle[bold-slanted] {\bs}
+\defineMMLstyle[boldnormal] {\bf} \defineMMLstyle[bold] {\bf}
+\defineMMLstyle[slanted] {\sl} \defineMMLstyle[normalslanted]{\sl}
+\defineMMLstyle[italic] {\it} \defineMMLstyle[normalitalic] {\it}
+\defineMMLstyle[fraktur] {\bf} \defineMMLstyle[bold-fraktur] {\bf}
+\defineMMLstyle[script] {\tf} \defineMMLstyle[bold-script] {\bf}
+% and all kind of other crappy names
+ {\setMMLpstyle{\XMLpar{#1}{fontweight}{}\XMLpar{#1}{fontstyle}{}}}
+ {\setMMLpstyle{\XMLpar{#1}{mathvariant}{}}}
+ {\doifXMLparelse{#1}{color}{\color[\XMLpar{#1}{color}{}]{#2}}{#2}}
+ {\doifXMLparelse{#1}{background}
+ {\inframed
+ [\c!frame=\v!off,
+ \c!background=\v!color,
+ \c!backgroundcolor=\XMLpar{#1}{background}{}]
+ {#2}}
+ {#2}}
+\def\MMLpERROR #1#2{\hbox{$\displaystyle#2$}}
+\def\MMLpPHANTOM#1#2{\phantom{\ignorespaces{}#2\unskip}} % watch spacing {} hack
+\def\MMLpPADDED #1#2{#2}
+\remapXMLsequence [mrow] [CPA] \MMLpROW
+\remapXMLsequence [msqrt] [CPA] \MMLpSQRT
+\remapXMLsequence [mroot] [CPA] \MMLpROOT
+ {\sqrt{#2}}
+ {\withnexttwoXMLRelements{\root{\secondXMLRelement}\of{\firstXMLRelement}}#2}
+\remapXMLsequence [msup] [CPA] \MMLpSUP
+\remapXMLsequence [msub] [CPA] \MMLpSUB
+ {\withnexttwoXMLRelements
+ {\doifelse\@@MMLscriptsalternative\v!a
+ {{\firstXMLRelement}#1{\secondXMLRelement}} % both {} essential
+ {\firstXMLRelement#1{\secondXMLRelement}}}%
+ #2}
+\def\MMLpSUP#1{\MMLpSUBP ^}
+\def\MMLpSUB#1{\MMLpSUBP _}
+\remapXMLsequence [msubsup] [CPA] \MMLpSUBSUP
+ {\withnextthreeXMLRelements
+ {\firstXMLRelement _{\secondXMLRelement}^{\thirdXMLRelement}}%
+ #2}
+\remapXMLsequence [mover] [CPA] \MMLpOVER
+\remapXMLsequence [munder] [CPA] \MMLpUNDER
+\remapXMLsequence [munderover] [CPA] \MMLpUNDEROVER
+% hack, cannot be nested
+\def\MMLpOVER #1#2{\withnexttwoXMLRelements\doMMLpOVER #2}
+ {\pushmacro\doMMLfiller
+ \let\doMMLfiller\gobbleoneargument
+ \gdef\dodoMMLfiller{\disablefiller\mathematics{#1}}%
+ \setbox\scratchbox=\hbox
+ {\def\normalorfiller##1##2%
+ {\gdef\dodoMMLfiller{\enablefiller#1}%
+ \let\normalorfiller\gobbletwoarguments}%
+ $#1$}%
+ \popmacro\doMMLfiller
+ \dodoMMLfiller}
+ {\mathop{\vtop{\mathsurround\zeropoint\ialign{\hss##\hss\crcr
+ \disabledelimiter\doMMLfiller\firstXMLRelement
+ \crcr\noalign{\kern3\points\nointerlineskip}%
+ \disabledelimiter\doMMLfiller\secondXMLRelement
+ \crcr\noalign{\kern3\points}}}}\limits}
+ {\mathop{\vbox{\mathsurround\zeropoint\ialign{\hss##\hss\crcr\noalign{\kern3\points}%
+ \disabledelimiter\doMMLfiller\secondXMLRelement
+ \crcr\noalign{\kern3\points\nointerlineskip}%
+ \disabledelimiter\doMMLfiller\firstXMLRelement
+ \crcr}}}\limits}
+ {\withnextthreeXMLRelements
+ {\firstXMLRelement
+ _{\disablefiller\disabledelimiter\secondXMLRelement}%
+ ^{\disablefiller\disabledelimiter\thirdXMLRelement}}#2}
+\remapXMLsequence [mtable] [CPA] \MMLpTABLE
+\remapXMLsequence [mtr] [CPA] \MMLpTR
+\remapXMLsequence [mtd] [CPA] \MMLpTD
+\remapXMLsequence [mlabeledtr] [CPA] \MMLpLABELEDTR
+ {\doifXMLparelse{mtable}{#1}
+ {\newcounter\MMLcounter
+ \def\docommand##1%
+ {\increment\MMLcounter
+ \def\MMLsetting{##1}#3% remap list
+ \expanded{\setupTABLE[column][\MMLcounter][#2=\MMLsetting]}}%
+ \expanded{\processseparatedlist[\XMLpar{mtable}{#1}{}][ ]\noexpand\docommand}}
+ {}}
+ {\doifXMLparelse{mtbl}{#1}
+ {\edef\MMLsetting{\XMLpar{mtbl}{#1}{}}#3% remap list
+ \edef\theMMLpTABLEmap{#2=\MMLsetting,\theMMLpTABLEmap}}
+ {}}
+ {\doif{\MMLsetting}{#1}
+ {\def\MMLsetting{#2}%
+ \let\MMLpREMAP\gobbletwoarguments}}
+ {\begingroup
+ \getXMLarguments{mtable}
+ {columnalign="" columnspacing=".25ex" rowspacing=".25ex"
+ frame="" color="" background="" #1}%
+ \setupTABLE[\c!frame=\v!off]%
+ \MMLpTABLEmapper{background}{\c!backgroundcolor}{}%
+ \MMLpTABLEmapper{color}{\c!color}{}%
+ \MMLpTABLEmapper{frame}{\c!frame}
+ {\MMLpREMAP{none}{off}\MMLpREMAP{solid}{on}}%
+ \MMLpTABLEmapper{columnalign}{\c!align}
+ {\MMLpREMAP{left}{right}%
+ \MMLpREMAP{right}{left}%
+ \MMLpREMAP{center}{middle}}%
+ \setMMLpunit{\XMLpar{mtable}{rowspacing}{}}{.25ex}%
+ \let\MMLpTABLEoffset\MMLpunit
+ \let\MMLpTR\doMMLpTR
+ \let\MMLpTD\doMMLpTD
+ \bTABLE[\c!background=\v!color,\c!offset=\MMLpTABLEoffset]#2\eTABLE
+ \endgroup}
+ {\doifXMLRchildelse{mtd}{#2}
+ {\bTR\ignorespaces#2\unskip\eTR}
+ {\bTR\doMMLpTD{#1}{#2}\eTR}}
+ {\getXMLarguments{mtbl}
+ {columnalign="" columnspacing="" rowspacing=""
+ frame="" color="" background="" #1}%
+ \let\theMMLpTABLEmap\empty
+ \MMLpTABLEmap{background}{\c!backgroundcolor}{}%
+ \MMLpTABLEmap{color}{\c!color}{}%
+ \MMLpTABLEmap{frame}{\c!frame}
+ {\MMLpREMAP{none}{off}\MMLpREMAP{solid}{on}}%
+ \MMLpTABLEmap{columnalign}{\c!align}
+ {\MMLpREMAP{left}{right}\MMLpREMAP{right}{left}}%
+ \@EA\bTD\@EA[\theMMLpTABLEmap]$\ignorespaces#2\unskip$\eTD}
+ {\doifelse\@@MMLmtablealternative\v!a
+ {\expandafter\MMLpTABLEa}
+ {\expandafter\MMLpTABLEb}}
+ {\begingroup
+ \doifelsenothing{#1}
+ {\global\setfalse\mmlTABLEargs}
+ {\global\settrue\mmlTABLEargs}%
+ \ifconditional\mmlTABLEargs \else
+ \setbox\scratchbox=\hbox
+ {$\displaystyle
+ \def\MMLpTABLE##1##2%
+ {\ifconditional\mmlTABLEargs \else
+ \doifelsenothing{##1}{##2}{\global\settrue\mmlTABLEargs}%
+ \fi}%
+ #2$}%
+ \fi
+ \ifconditional\mmlTABLEargs
+ \def\next{\MMLpTABLE{#1}}%
+ \else
+ \let\next\matrix
+ \fi
+ \next{#2}%
+ \endgroup}
+\remapXMLsingular [mspace] [CPA] \MMLpSPACE
+ {\setbox\scratchbox=\hbox
+ {\edef\ascii{#1}%
+ \@EA\aftersplitstring\ascii\at.\to\ascii
+ \scratchcounter=\ifx\ascii\empty#1\else\ascii\fi
+ \unskip\unskip}%
+ \ifdim\wd\scratchbox=\zeropoint
+ \edef\MMLpunit{#1em}%
+ \else
+ \edefconvertedargument\ascii{#1}%
+ \convertasciiafter\doifinstringelse{em}{\ascii}{\edef\MMLpunit{#1}}{%
+ \convertasciiafter\doifinstringelse{ex}{\ascii}{\edef\MMLpunit{#1}}{%
+ \convertasciiafter\doifinstringelse{pt}{\ascii}{\edef\MMLpunit{#1}}{%
+ \edef\MMLpunit{#2}}}}%
+ \fi}
+ {\getXMLarguments{mspace}{width=".5em" #1}%
+ \setMMLpunit{\XMLpar{mspace}{width}{}}{.5em}%
+ \hskip\MMLpunit\relax}
+\remapXMLsingular [mglyph] [CPA] \MMLpGLYPH
+\def\MMLpGLYPH#1#2% we assume \definefont usage
+ {\getXMLarguments{mglyph}{fontfamily="" index="1" alt="" #1}%
+ \def\MMLpglyph{\XMLpar{mglyph}{fontfamily}{}}%
+ \doifelsenothing{\MMLpglyph}
+ {\hbox{\tttf[fontfamily unspecified]}}
+ {\doifdefinedelse{\MMLpglyph}
+ {\hbox{\getvalue{\MMLpglyph}\char0\XMLpar{mglyph}{index}{1}}}
+ {\doifelsenothing{\XMLpar{mglyph}{alt}{}}
+ {\hbox{\tttf[unknown fontfamily \XMLpar{mglyph}{fontfamily}{}]}}
+ {\hbox{\tttf\XMLpar{mglyph}{alt}{}}}}}}
+\remapXMLsingular [malignmark] [CPA] \MMLpALIGNMARK
+ {}
+\remapXMLsingular [none] [CPA] \MMLpNONE
+\remapXMLsingular [mprescripts] [CPA] \MMLpMPRESCRIPTS
+\remapXMLsequence [mmultiscripts] [CPA] \MMLpMULTISCRIPTS
+\def\MMLpNONE #1#2{}
+ {\pushmacro\xmlr
+ \let\xmlr\pMULTISCRIPTmmlPRE
+ \donefalse \scratchcounter=0 #2\empty
+ \let\xmlr\pMULTISCRIPTmmlPOST
+ \donetrue \scratchcounter=0 #2\empty
+ \popmacro\xmlr}
+ {\ifdone
+ \ifodd\scratchcounter
+ _{\naturalxmlr{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}}%
+ \else
+ ^{\naturalxmlr{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}}{}%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \doif{mprescripts/}{#1}{\donetrue{}}% weak, the / here
+ \fi
+ \ifdone \advance\scratchcounter \plusone \fi}
+\protect \endinput
+% extra samples
+ <dmath>
+ <mfrac>
+ <mrow>
+ <mfrac>
+ <mrow>
+ <mtext>Q</mtext>
+ </mrow>
+ <mrow>
+ <mtext>P</mtext>
+ </mrow>
+ </mfrac>
+ </mrow>
+ <mrow>
+ <mtext>R</mtext>
+ </mrow>
+ </mfrac>
+ </dmath>
+ <dmath>
+ <mfrac>
+ <mrow>
+ <mfrac>
+ <mrow>
+ <mi mathvariant='normal'>R</mi>
+ </mrow>
+ <mrow>
+ <mi mathvariant='normal'>P</mi>
+ </mrow>
+ </mfrac>
+ </mrow>
+ <mrow>
+ <mi mathvariant='normal'>R</mi>
+ </mrow>
+ </mfrac>
+ </dmath>
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/xtag-mxa.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/xtag-mxa.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5e83367df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/xtag-mxa.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+\defineMMLsynonym bkarow rbarr
+\defineMMLsynonym circlearrowleft olarr
+\defineMMLsynonym circlearrowright orarr
+\defineMMLsynonym curvearrowleft cularr
+\defineMMLsynonym curvearrowright curarr
+\defineMMLsynonym dbkarow rBarr
+\defineMMLsynonym DoubleDownArrow dArr
+\defineMMLsynonym DoubleLeftRightArrow hArr
+\defineMMLsynonym DoubleLongLeftArrow xlArr
+\defineMMLsynonym DoubleLongLeftRightArrow xhArr
+\defineMMLsynonym DoubleLongRightArrow xrArr
+\defineMMLsynonym DoubleUpArrow uArr
+\defineMMLsynonym DoubleUpDownArrow vArr
+\defineMMLsynonym Downarrow dArr
+\defineMMLsynonym DownArrowUpArrow duarr
+\defineMMLsynonym downdownarrows ddarr
+\defineMMLsynonym downharpoonleft dharl
+\defineMMLsynonym downharpoonright dharr
+\defineMMLsynonym DownLeftVector lhard
+\defineMMLsynonym DownRightVector rhard
+\defineMMLsynonym drbkarow RBarr
+\defineMMLsynonym Equilibrium rlhar
+\defineMMLsynonym hksearow searhk
+\defineMMLsynonym hkswarow swarhk
+\defineMMLsynonym hookleftarrow larrhk
+\defineMMLsynonym hookrightarrow rarrhk
+\defineMMLsynonym LeftArrowRightArrow lrarr
+\defineMMLsynonym leftarrowtail larrtl
+\defineMMLsynonym LeftDownVector dharl
+\defineMMLsynonym leftharpoondown lhard
+\defineMMLsynonym leftharpoonup lharu
+\defineMMLsynonym leftleftarrows llarr
+\defineMMLsynonym LeftRightArrow harr
+\defineMMLsynonym Leftrightarrow hArr
+\defineMMLsynonym leftrightarrow harr
+\defineMMLsynonym leftrightarrows lrarr
+\defineMMLsynonym leftrightharpoons lrhar
+\defineMMLsynonym leftrightsquigarrow harrw
+\defineMMLsynonym LeftUpVector uharl
+\defineMMLsynonym LeftVector lharu
+\defineMMLsynonym Lleftarrow lAarr
+\defineMMLsynonym LongLeftArrow xlarr
+\defineMMLsynonym Longleftarrow xlArr
+\defineMMLsynonym longleftarrow xlarr
+\defineMMLsynonym LongLeftRightArrow xharr
+\defineMMLsynonym Longleftrightarrow xhArr
+\defineMMLsynonym longleftrightarrow xharr
+\defineMMLsynonym longmapsto xmap
+\defineMMLsynonym LongRightArrow xrarr
+\defineMMLsynonym Longrightarrow xrArr
+\defineMMLsynonym longrightarrow xrarr
+\defineMMLsynonym looparrowleft larrlp
+\defineMMLsynonym looparrowright rarrlp
+\defineMMLsynonym LowerLeftArrow swarr
+\defineMMLsynonym LowerRightArrow searr
+\defineMMLsynonym Lsh lsh
+\defineMMLsynonym mapsto map
+\defineMMLsynonym multimap mumap
+\defineMMLsynonym nearrow nearr
+\defineMMLsynonym nLeftarrow nlArr
+\defineMMLsynonym nleftarrow nlarr
+\defineMMLsynonym nLeftrightarrow nhArr
+\defineMMLsynonym nleftrightarrow nharr
+\defineMMLsynonym nRightarrow nrArr
+\defineMMLsynonym nrightarrow nrarr
+\defineMMLsynonym nwarrow nwarr
+\defineMMLsynonym ReverseEquilibrium lrhar
+\defineMMLsynonym ReverseUpEquilibrium duhar
+\defineMMLsynonym RightArrowLeftArrow rlarr
+\defineMMLsynonym rightarrowtail rarrtl
+\defineMMLsynonym RightDownVector dharr
+\defineMMLsynonym rightharpoondown rhard
+\defineMMLsynonym rightharpoonup rharu
+\defineMMLsynonym rightleftarrows rlarr
+\defineMMLsynonym rightleftharpoons rlhar
+\defineMMLsynonym rightrightarrows rrarr
+\defineMMLsynonym rightsquigarrow rarrw
+\defineMMLsynonym RightTeeArrow map
+\defineMMLsynonym RightUpVector uharr
+\defineMMLsynonym RightVector rharu
+\defineMMLsynonym Rrightarrow rAarr
+\defineMMLsynonym Rsh rsh
+\defineMMLsynonym searrow searr
+\defineMMLsynonym ShortLeftArrow slarr
+\defineMMLsynonym ShortRightArrow srarr
+\defineMMLsynonym swarrow swarr
+\defineMMLsynonym toea nesear
+\defineMMLsynonym tosa seswar
+\defineMMLsynonym twoheadleftarrow Larr
+\defineMMLsynonym twoheadrightarrow Rarr
+\defineMMLsynonym Uparrow uArr
+\defineMMLsynonym UpArrowDownArrow udarr
+\defineMMLsynonym UpDownArrow varr
+\defineMMLsynonym Updownarrow vArr
+\defineMMLsynonym updownarrow varr
+\defineMMLsynonym UpEquilibrium udhar
+\defineMMLsynonym upharpoonleft uharl
+\defineMMLsynonym upharpoonright uharr
+\defineMMLsynonym UpperLeftArrow nwarr
+\defineMMLsynonym UpperRightArrow nearr
+\defineMMLsynonym upuparrows uuarr
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/xtag-mxb.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/xtag-mxb.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c325a9e44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/xtag-mxb.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+\defineMMLsynonym ast midast
+\defineMMLsynonym Backslash setmn
+\defineMMLsynonym barwedge barwed
+\defineMMLsynonym bigcap xcap
+\defineMMLsynonym bigcirc xcirc
+\defineMMLsynonym bigcup xcup
+\defineMMLsynonym bigodot xodot
+\defineMMLsynonym bigoplus xoplus
+\defineMMLsynonym bigotimes xotime
+\defineMMLsynonym bigsqcup xsqcup
+\defineMMLsynonym bigtriangledown xdtri
+\defineMMLsynonym bigtriangleup xutri
+\defineMMLsynonym biguplus xuplus
+\defineMMLsynonym bigvee xvee
+\defineMMLsynonym bigwedge xwedge
+\defineMMLsynonym boxminus minusb
+\defineMMLsynonym boxplus plusb
+\defineMMLsynonym boxtimes timesb
+\defineMMLsynonym cdot sdot
+\defineMMLsynonym circledast oast
+\defineMMLsynonym circledcirc ocir
+\defineMMLsynonym circleddash odash
+\defineMMLsynonym CircleDot odot
+\defineMMLsynonym CircleMinus ominus
+\defineMMLsynonym CirclePlus oplus
+\defineMMLsynonym CircleTimes otimes
+\defineMMLsynonym Coproduct coprod
+\defineMMLsynonym curlyvee cuvee
+\defineMMLsynonym curlywedge cuwed
+\defineMMLsynonym ddagger Dagger
+\defineMMLsynonym diamond diam
+\defineMMLsynonym divideontimes divonx
+\defineMMLsynonym dotminus minusd
+\defineMMLsynonym dotplus plusdo
+\defineMMLsynonym dotsquare sdotb
+\defineMMLsynonym doublebarwedge Barwed
+\defineMMLsynonym intercal intcal
+\defineMMLsynonym Intersection xcap
+\defineMMLsynonym intprod iprod
+\defineMMLsynonym leftthreetimes lthree
+\defineMMLsynonym oslash osol
+\defineMMLsynonym rightthreetimes rthree
+\defineMMLsynonym setminus setmn
+\defineMMLsynonym smallsetminus ssetmn
+\defineMMLsynonym SquareIntersection sqcap
+\defineMMLsynonym SquareUnion sqcup
+\defineMMLsynonym Star sstarf
+\defineMMLsynonym star sstarf
+\defineMMLsynonym Sum sum
+\defineMMLsynonym Union xcup
+\defineMMLsynonym UnionPlus uplus
+\defineMMLsynonym Vee xvee
+\defineMMLsynonym VerticalTilde wreath
+\defineMMLsynonym Wedge xwedge
+\defineMMLsynonym wr wreath
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/xtag-mxc.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/xtag-mxc.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e692f2a24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/xtag-mxc.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+\defineMMLsynonym LeftCeiling lceil
+\defineMMLsynonym LeftFloor lfloor
+\defineMMLsynonym llcorner dlcorn
+\defineMMLsynonym lmoustache lmoust
+\defineMMLsynonym lrcorner drcorn
+\defineMMLsynonym RightCeiling rceil
+\defineMMLsynonym RightFloor rfloor
+\defineMMLsynonym rmoustache rmoust
+\defineMMLsynonym ulcorner ulcorn
+\defineMMLsynonym urcorner urcorn
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/xtag-mxh.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/xtag-mxh.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3cf0103c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/xtag-mxh.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+\defineMMLsynonym approx ap
+\defineMMLsynonym Because becaus
+\defineMMLsynonym because becaus
+\defineMMLsynonym blacksquare squarf
+\defineMMLsynonym bot bottom
+\defineMMLsynonym circ compfn
+\defineMMLsynonym ClockwiseContourIntegral cwconint
+\defineMMLsynonym Congruent equiv
+\defineMMLsynonym ContourIntegral conint
+\defineMMLsynonym CounterClockwiseContourIntegral awconint
+\defineMMLsynonym Del nabla
+\defineMMLsynonym DoubleContourIntegral Conint
+\defineMMLsynonym DoubleLeftArrow lArr
+\defineMMLsynonym DoubleRightArrow rArr
+\defineMMLsynonym DoubleVerticalBar par
+\defineMMLsynonym DownTee top
+\defineMMLsynonym Element isinv
+\defineMMLsynonym Exists exist
+\defineMMLsynonym ForAll forall
+\defineMMLsynonym geq ge
+\defineMMLsynonym GreaterEqual ge
+\defineMMLsynonym iiiint qint
+\defineMMLsynonym iiint tint
+\defineMMLsynonym Implies rArr
+\defineMMLsynonym in isin
+\defineMMLsynonym Integral int
+\defineMMLsynonym langle lang
+\defineMMLsynonym LeftAngleBracket lang
+\defineMMLsynonym Leftarrow lArr
+\defineMMLsynonym leq le
+\defineMMLsynonym MinusPlus mnplus
+\defineMMLsynonym mp mnplus
+\defineMMLsynonym NotElement notin
+\defineMMLsynonym NotEqual ne
+\defineMMLsynonym NotReverseElement notniva
+\defineMMLsynonym oint conint
+\defineMMLsynonym parallel par
+\defineMMLsynonym PartialD part
+\defineMMLsynonym Proportional prop
+\defineMMLsynonym propto prop
+\defineMMLsynonym rangle rang
+\defineMMLsynonym ReverseElement niv
+\defineMMLsynonym RightAngleBracket rang
+\defineMMLsynonym Rightarrow rArr
+\defineMMLsynonym simeq sime
+\defineMMLsynonym SmallCircle compfn
+\defineMMLsynonym Sqrt radic
+\defineMMLsynonym Subset sub
+\defineMMLsynonym subset sub
+\defineMMLsynonym subseteq sube
+\defineMMLsynonym SubsetEqual sube
+\defineMMLsynonym SuchThat ni
+\defineMMLsynonym Superset sup
+\defineMMLsynonym SupersetEqual supe
+\defineMMLsynonym supset sup
+\defineMMLsynonym supseteq supe
+\defineMMLsynonym Therefore there4
+\defineMMLsynonym therefore there4
+\defineMMLsynonym Tilde sim
+\defineMMLsynonym TildeEqual sime
+\defineMMLsynonym TildeFullEqual cong
+\defineMMLsynonym TildeTilde ap
+\defineMMLsynonym TripleDot tdot
+\defineMMLsynonym UpTee perp
+\defineMMLsynonym vee or
+\defineMMLsynonym Vert Verbar
+\defineMMLsynonym wedge and
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/xtag-mxn.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/xtag-mxn.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..35eeade9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/xtag-mxn.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+\defineMMLsynonym gnapprox gnap
+\defineMMLsynonym gneq gne
+\defineMMLsynonym gneqq gnE
+\defineMMLsynonym gvertneqq gvnE
+\defineMMLsynonym lnapprox lnap
+\defineMMLsynonym lneq lne
+\defineMMLsynonym lneqq lnE
+\defineMMLsynonym lvertneqq lvnE
+\defineMMLsynonym napprox nap
+\defineMMLsynonym ngeq nge
+\defineMMLsynonym ngeqq ngE
+\defineMMLsynonym ngeqslant nges
+\defineMMLsynonym ngtr ngt
+\defineMMLsynonym nleq nle
+\defineMMLsynonym nleqq nlE
+\defineMMLsynonym nleqslant nles
+\defineMMLsynonym nless nlt
+\defineMMLsynonym NotCongruent nequiv
+\defineMMLsynonym NotDoubleVerticalBar npar
+\defineMMLsynonym NotGreater ngt
+\defineMMLsynonym NotGreaterEqual nge
+\defineMMLsynonym NotGreaterFullEqual ngE
+\defineMMLsynonym NotGreaterGreater nGtv
+\defineMMLsynonym NotGreaterLess ntvgl
+\defineMMLsynonym NotGreaterSlantEqual nges
+\defineMMLsynonym NotGreaterTilde ngsim
+\defineMMLsynonym NotLeftTriangle nltri
+\defineMMLsynonym NotLeftTriangleEqual nltrie
+\defineMMLsynonym NotLess nlt
+\defineMMLsynonym NotLessEqual nle
+\defineMMLsynonym NotLessFullEqual nlE
+\defineMMLsynonym NotLessGreater ntvlg
+\defineMMLsynonym NotLessLess nLtv
+\defineMMLsynonym NotLessSlantEqual nles
+\defineMMLsynonym NotLessTilde nlsim
+\defineMMLsynonym NotPrecedes npr
+\defineMMLsynonym NotPrecedesEqual npre
+\defineMMLsynonym NotPrecedesSlantEqual nprcue
+\defineMMLsynonym NotRightTriangle nrtri
+\defineMMLsynonym NotRightTriangleEqual nrtrie
+\defineMMLsynonym NotSquareSubsetEqual nsqsube
+\defineMMLsynonym NotSquareSupersetEqual nsqsupe
+\defineMMLsynonym NotSubset vnsub
+\defineMMLsynonym NotSucceeds nsc
+\defineMMLsynonym NotSucceedsEqual nsce
+\defineMMLsynonym NotSucceedsSlantEqual nsccue
+\defineMMLsynonym NotSuperset vnsup
+\defineMMLsynonym NotTilde nsim
+\defineMMLsynonym NotTildeEqual nsime
+\defineMMLsynonym NotTildeFullEqual ncong
+\defineMMLsynonym NotTildeTilde nap
+\defineMMLsynonym NotVerticalBar nmid
+\defineMMLsynonym nparallel npar
+\defineMMLsynonym nprec npr
+\defineMMLsynonym npreceq npre
+\defineMMLsynonym nshortmid nsmid
+\defineMMLsynonym nshortparallel nspar
+\defineMMLsynonym nsimeq nsime
+\defineMMLsynonym nsubset vnsub
+\defineMMLsynonym nsubseteq nsube
+\defineMMLsynonym nsubseteqq nsubE
+\defineMMLsynonym nsucc nsc
+\defineMMLsynonym nsucceq nsce
+\defineMMLsynonym nsupset vnsup
+\defineMMLsynonym nsupseteq nsupe
+\defineMMLsynonym nsupseteqq nsupE
+\defineMMLsynonym ntriangleleft nltri
+\defineMMLsynonym ntrianglelefteq nltrie
+\defineMMLsynonym ntriangleright nrtri
+\defineMMLsynonym ntrianglerighteq nrtrie
+\defineMMLsynonym precnapprox prnap
+\defineMMLsynonym precneqq prnE
+\defineMMLsynonym precnsim prnsim
+\defineMMLsynonym subsetneq subne
+\defineMMLsynonym subsetneqq subnE
+\defineMMLsynonym succnapprox scnap
+\defineMMLsynonym succneqq scnE
+\defineMMLsynonym succnsim scnsim
+\defineMMLsynonym supsetneq supne
+\defineMMLsynonym supsetneqq supnE
+\defineMMLsynonym varsubsetneq vsubne
+\defineMMLsynonym varsubsetneqq vsubnE
+\defineMMLsynonym varsupsetneq vsupne
+\defineMMLsynonym varsupsetneqq vsupnE
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/xtag-mxo.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/xtag-mxo.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..045b4f406
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/xtag-mxo.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+\defineMMLsynonym angle ang
+\defineMMLsynonym backprime bprime
+\defineMMLsynonym circledS oS
+\defineMMLsynonym complement comp
+\defineMMLsynonym emptyset empty
+\defineMMLsynonym hbar plank
+\defineMMLsynonym hslash plankv
+\defineMMLsynonym Im image
+\defineMMLsynonym measuredangle angmsd
+\defineMMLsynonym nexists nexist
+\defineMMLsynonym NotExists nexist
+\defineMMLsynonym Re real
+\defineMMLsynonym varnothing emptyv
+\defineMMLsynonym wp weierp
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/xtag-mxr.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/xtag-mxr.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ed1498f81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/xtag-mxr.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+\defineMMLsynonym approxeq ape
+\defineMMLsynonym backcong bcong
+\defineMMLsynonym backepsilon bepsi
+\defineMMLsynonym backsim bsim
+\defineMMLsynonym backsimeq bsime
+\defineMMLsynonym between twixt
+\defineMMLsynonym Bumpeq bump
+\defineMMLsynonym bumpeq bumpe
+\defineMMLsynonym circeq cire
+\defineMMLsynonym coloneq colone
+\defineMMLsynonym Cup smile
+\defineMMLsynonym CupCap asymp
+\defineMMLsynonym curlyeqprec cuepr
+\defineMMLsynonym curlyeqsucc cuesc
+\defineMMLsynonym ddotseq eDDot
+\defineMMLsynonym doteq esdot
+\defineMMLsynonym doteqdot eDot
+\defineMMLsynonym DotEqual esdot
+\defineMMLsynonym DoubleRightTee vDash
+\defineMMLsynonym eqcirc ecir
+\defineMMLsynonym eqcolon ecolon
+\defineMMLsynonym eqsim esim
+\defineMMLsynonym eqslantgtr egs
+\defineMMLsynonym eqslantless els
+\defineMMLsynonym EqualTilde esim
+\defineMMLsynonym fallingdotseq efDot
+\defineMMLsynonym geqq gE
+\defineMMLsynonym geqslant ges
+\defineMMLsynonym gg Gt
+\defineMMLsynonym ggg Gg
+\defineMMLsynonym GreaterEqualLess gel
+\defineMMLsynonym GreaterFullEqual gE
+\defineMMLsynonym GreaterLess gl
+\defineMMLsynonym GreaterSlantEqual ges
+\defineMMLsynonym GreaterTilde gsim
+\defineMMLsynonym gtrapprox gap
+\defineMMLsynonym gtrdot gtdot
+\defineMMLsynonym gtreqless gel
+\defineMMLsynonym gtreqqless gEl
+\defineMMLsynonym gtrless gl
+\defineMMLsynonym gtrsim gsim
+\defineMMLsynonym HumpDownHump bump
+\defineMMLsynonym HumpEqual bumpe
+\defineMMLsynonym LeftTee dashv
+\defineMMLsynonym LeftTriangle vltri
+\defineMMLsynonym LeftTriangleEqual ltrie
+\defineMMLsynonym leqq lE
+\defineMMLsynonym leqslant les
+\defineMMLsynonym lessapprox lap
+\defineMMLsynonym lessdot ltdot
+\defineMMLsynonym lesseqgtr leg
+\defineMMLsynonym lesseqqgtr lEg
+\defineMMLsynonym LessEqualGreater leg
+\defineMMLsynonym LessFullEqual lE
+\defineMMLsynonym LessGreater lg
+\defineMMLsynonym lessgtr lg
+\defineMMLsynonym lesssim lsim
+\defineMMLsynonym LessSlantEqual les
+\defineMMLsynonym LessTilde lsim
+\defineMMLsynonym ll Lt
+\defineMMLsynonym NestedGreaterGreater Gt
+\defineMMLsynonym NestedLessLess Lt
+\defineMMLsynonym pitchfork fork
+\defineMMLsynonym prec pr
+\defineMMLsynonym precapprox prap
+\defineMMLsynonym preccurlyeq prcue
+\defineMMLsynonym Precedes pr
+\defineMMLsynonym PrecedesEqual pre
+\defineMMLsynonym PrecedesSlantEqual prcue
+\defineMMLsynonym PrecedesTilde prsim
+\defineMMLsynonym preceq pre
+\defineMMLsynonym precsim prsim
+\defineMMLsynonym Proportion Colon
+\defineMMLsynonym questeq equest
+\defineMMLsynonym RightTee vdash
+\defineMMLsynonym RightTriangle vrtri
+\defineMMLsynonym RightTriangleEqual rtrie
+\defineMMLsynonym risingdotseq erDot
+\defineMMLsynonym shortmid smid
+\defineMMLsynonym shortparallel spar
+\defineMMLsynonym smallfrown sfrown
+\defineMMLsynonym smallsmile ssmile
+\defineMMLsynonym sqsubset sqsub
+\defineMMLsynonym sqsubseteq sqsube
+\defineMMLsynonym sqsupset sqsup
+\defineMMLsynonym sqsupseteq sqsupe
+\defineMMLsynonym SquareSubset sqsub
+\defineMMLsynonym SquareSubsetEqual sqsube
+\defineMMLsynonym SquareSuperset sqsup
+\defineMMLsynonym SquareSupersetEqual sqsupe
+\defineMMLsynonym Subset Sub
+\defineMMLsynonym subseteqq subE
+\defineMMLsynonym succ sc
+\defineMMLsynonym succapprox scap
+\defineMMLsynonym succcurlyeq sccue
+\defineMMLsynonym Succeeds sc
+\defineMMLsynonym SucceedsEqual sce
+\defineMMLsynonym SucceedsSlantEqual sccue
+\defineMMLsynonym SucceedsTilde scsim
+\defineMMLsynonym succeq sce
+\defineMMLsynonym succsim scsim
+\defineMMLsynonym Supset Sup
+\defineMMLsynonym supseteqq supE
+\defineMMLsynonym thickapprox thkap
+\defineMMLsynonym thicksim thksim
+\defineMMLsynonym trianglelefteq ltrie
+\defineMMLsynonym triangleq trie
+\defineMMLsynonym trianglerighteq rtrie
+\defineMMLsynonym varpropto vprop
+\defineMMLsynonym vartriangleleft vltri
+\defineMMLsynonym vartriangleright vrtri
+\defineMMLsynonym VerticalBar mid
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/xtag-pml.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/xtag-pml.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a0930b634
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/xtag-pml.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=xtag-pml,
+%D version=2001.09.04,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ XML Support,
+%D subtitle=Physics ML,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt XML Macros / PhysML}
+%D This is a reimplmentation of the old filter. This module
+%D runs on top of the mathml and units modules.
+\defineXMLargument [phys] \doXMLphys
+\defineXMLargument [iphys] \doXMLiphys
+\defineXMLargument [dphys] \doXMLdphys
+\unexpanded\def\doXMLphys {\ifhmode\@EA\doXMLiphys\else\@EA\doXMLdphys\fi}
+ <apply> <times/>
+ <cn> 10 </cn>
+ <ci><unit><Milli/><Sec/><Per/><Square/><Kilo/><Meter/></unit> </ci>
+ </apply>
+ <apply> <divide/>
+ <cn> 10 </cn>
+ <ci> <unit><Unit/><Milli/><Sec/><Per/><Square/><Kilo/><Meter/></unit> </ci>
+ </apply>
+ <apply> <times/>
+ <cn> 10 </cn>
+ <ci> <unit> <Milli/> <Sec/> <Per/> <Square/> <Kilo/> <Meter/> </unit> </ci>
+ </apply>
+ <apply> <times/>
+ <cn> 10 </cn>
+ <ci> <unit><Milli/><Sec/><Per/><Square/><Kilo/><Meter/></unit> </ci>
+ </apply>
+ <apply> <times/>
+ <cn> 10 </cn>
+ <ci> <unit> <Milli/> <Sec/> <Per/> <Square/> <Kilo/> <Meter/> </unit> </ci>
+ </apply>
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/xtag-pmu.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/xtag-pmu.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5c7c9a8f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/xtag-pmu.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=xtag-pmu,
+%D version=2001.06.10,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ XML Macros,
+%D subtitle=Units,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt XML Macros / Units}
+%D Quick and dirty in||line units:
+%D \startbuffer
+%D <phys>
+%D <cn> 10 </cn>
+%D <cu> <Newton/> <Square/> <Meter/> <Per/> <Sec/> </cu>
+%D </phys>
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer \processXMLbuffer
+%D A more \MATHML||like unit application:
+%D \startbuffer
+%D <phys> <apply> <unit/>
+%D <cn> 10 </cn>
+%D <csymbol> <Square/> <Meter/> <Per/> <Sec/> </csymbol>
+%D </apply> </phys>
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer \processXMLbuffer
+%D A bit more compact:
+%D \startbuffer
+%D <phys> <apply> <unit/>
+%D <cn> 10 </cn>
+%D <cu> <Square/> <Meter/> <Per/> <Sec/> </cu>
+%D </apply> </phys>
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer \processXMLbuffer
+%D A bit more complicated:
+%D \startbuffer
+%D <phys> <apply> <unit/>
+%D <apply> <divide/> <ci> a </ci> <cn> 10 </cn> </apply>
+%D <cu> <Square/> <Meter/> <Per/> <Sec/> </cu>
+%D </apply> </phys>
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer \processXMLbuffer
+%D An alternative (equivalent) for \type {</cu>}:
+%D \startbuffer
+%D <phys> <apply> <unit/>
+%D <cn> 10 </cn> <cunseq> <Square/> <Meter/> <Per/> <Sec/> </cunseq>
+%D </apply> </phys>
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer \processXMLbuffer
+\defineXMLsingular [unitmeaning] [label=] \doPMLunitmeaning
+ {\expanded{\unitmeaning{\XMLop{label}}}}
+\startXMLmapping [mml]
+\remapXMLsequence [unit] [CPA] \doPMLuseq
+\remapXMLsingular [unit] [CPA] \doPMLunit % #2\empty
+\remapXMLsequence [cunseq] [CPA] \doPMLuseq % #2
+\remapXMLsequence [cu] [CPA] \doPMLuseq % #2
+\newif\ifPMLunit \PMLunittrue
+%D All unit commands are remapped in a similar way.
+\remapXMLsingular [Atto] [C] {\handlePMLunit\Atto}
+\remapXMLsingular [Femto] [C] {\handlePMLunit\Femto}
+\remapXMLsingular [Pico] [C] {\handlePMLunit\Pico}
+\remapXMLsingular [Nano] [C] {\handlePMLunit\Nano}
+\remapXMLsingular [Micro] [C] {\handlePMLunit\Micro}
+\remapXMLsingular [Milli] [C] {\handlePMLunit\Milli}
+\remapXMLsingular [Centi] [C] {\handlePMLunit\Centi}
+\remapXMLsingular [Deci] [C] {\handlePMLunit\Deci}
+\remapXMLsingular [Hecto] [C] {\handlePMLunit\Hecto}
+\remapXMLsingular [Kilo] [C] {\handlePMLunit\Kilo}
+\remapXMLsingular [Mega] [C] {\handlePMLunit\Mega}
+\remapXMLsingular [Giga] [C] {\handlePMLunit\Giga}
+\remapXMLsingular [Terra] [C] {\handlePMLunit\Terra}
+\remapXMLsingular [Peta] [C] {\handlePMLunit\Peta}
+\remapXMLsingular [Exa] [C] {\handlePMLunit\Exa}
+\remapXMLsingular [Times] [C] {\handlePMLunit\Times}
+\remapXMLsingular [Solidus] [C] {\handlePMLunit\Solidus}
+\remapXMLsingular [Per] [C] {\handlePMLunit\Per}
+\remapXMLsingular [OutOf] [C] {\handlePMLunit\OutOf}
+\remapXMLsingular [Linear] [C] {\handlePMLunit\Linear}
+\remapXMLsingular [Square] [C] {\handlePMLunit\Square}
+\remapXMLsingular [Cubic] [C] {\handlePMLunit\Cubic}
+\remapXMLsingular [Inverse] [C] {\handlePMLunit\Inverse}
+\remapXMLsingular [Degrees] [C] {\handlePMLunit\Degrees}
+\remapXMLsingular [Meter] [C] {\handlePMLunit\Meter}
+\remapXMLsingular [Liter] [C] {\handlePMLunit\Liter}
+\remapXMLsingular [Sec] [C] {\handlePMLunit\Sec}
+\remapXMLsingular [Year] [C] {\handlePMLunit\Year}
+\remapXMLsingular [Month] [C] {\handlePMLunit\Month}
+\remapXMLsingular [Week] [C] {\handlePMLunit\Week}
+\remapXMLsingular [Day] [C] {\handlePMLunit\Day}
+\remapXMLsingular [Hour] [C] {\handlePMLunit\Hour}
+\remapXMLsingular [Min] [C] {\handlePMLunit\Min}
+\remapXMLsingular [Second] [C] {\handlePMLunit\Sec}
+\remapXMLsingular [Rad] [C] {\handlePMLunit\Rad}
+\remapXMLsingular [Deg] [C] {\handlePMLunit\Deg}
+\remapXMLsingular [Hertz] [C] {\handlePMLunit\Hertz}
+\remapXMLsingular [RevPerSec] [C] {\handlePMLunit\RevPerSec}
+\remapXMLsingular [RevPerMin] [C] {\handlePMLunit\RevPerMin}
+\remapXMLsingular [Gram] [C] {\handlePMLunit\Gram}
+\remapXMLsingular [Atom] [C] {\handlePMLunit\Atom}
+\remapXMLsingular [Newton] [C] {\handlePMLunit\Newton}
+\remapXMLsingular [Pascal] [C] {\handlePMLunit\Pascal}
+\remapXMLsingular [Joule] [C] {\handlePMLunit\Joule}
+\remapXMLsingular [Watt] [C] {\handlePMLunit\Watt}
+\remapXMLsingular [Celsius] [C] {\handlePMLunit\Celsius}
+\remapXMLsingular [Kelvin] [C] {\handlePMLunit\Kelvin}
+\remapXMLsingular [Fahrenheit] [C] {\handlePMLunit\Fahrenheit}
+\remapXMLsingular [Mol] [C] {\handlePMLunit\Mol}
+\remapXMLsingular [Molair] [C] {\handlePMLunit\Molair}
+\remapXMLsingular [Equivalent] [C] {\handlePMLunit\Equivalent}
+\remapXMLsingular [Farad] [C] {\handlePMLunit\Farad}
+\remapXMLsingular [Ohm] [C] {\handlePMLunit\Ohm}
+\remapXMLsingular [Siemens] [C] {\handlePMLunit\Siemens}
+\remapXMLsingular [Ampere] [C] {\handlePMLunit\Ampere}
+\remapXMLsingular [Coulomb] [C] {\handlePMLunit\Coulomb}
+\remapXMLsingular [Volt] [C] {\handlePMLunit\Volt}
+\remapXMLsingular [eVolt] [C] {\handlePMLunit\eVolt}
+\remapXMLsingular [Tesla] [C] {\handlePMLunit\Tesla}
+\remapXMLsingular [VoltAC] [C] {\handlePMLunit\VoltAC}
+\remapXMLsingular [VoltDC] [C] {\handlePMLunit\VoltDC}
+\remapXMLsingular [Baud] [C] {\handlePMLunit\Baud}
+\remapXMLsingular [Bit] [C] {\handlePMLunit\Bit}
+\remapXMLsingular [Byte] [C] {\handlePMLunit\Byte}
+\remapXMLsingular [Bequerel] [C] {\handlePMLunit\Bequerel}
+\remapXMLsingular [Sievert] [C] {\handlePMLunit\Sievert}
+\remapXMLsingular [Candela] [C] {\handlePMLunit\Candela}
+\remapXMLsingular [Bell] [C] {\handlePMLunit\Bell}
+\remapXMLsingular [At] [C] {\handlePMLunit\At}
+\remapXMLsingular [Atm] [C] {\handlePMLunit\Atm}
+\remapXMLsingular [Bar] [C] {\handlePMLunit\Bar}
+\remapXMLsingular [EVolt] [C] {\handlePMLunit\EVolt}
+\remapXMLsingular [Foot] [C] {\handlePMLunit\Foot}
+\remapXMLsingular [Inch] [C] {\handlePMLunit\Inch}
+\remapXMLsingular [Cal] [C] {\handlePMLunit\Cal}
+\remapXMLsingular [Force] [C] {\handlePMLunit\Force}
+\remapXMLsingular [Lux] [C] {\handlePMLunit\Lux}
+\remapXMLsingular [Gray] [C] {\handlePMLunit\Gray}
+\remapXMLsingular [Weber] [C] {\handlePMLunit\Weber}
+\remapXMLsingular [Henry] [C] {\handlePMLunit\Henry}
+\remapXMLsingular [Sterant] [C] {\handlePMLunit\Sterant}
+\remapXMLsingular [Angstrom] [C] {\handlePMLunit\Angstrom}
+\remapXMLsingular [Gauss] [C] {\handlePMLunit\Gauss}
+\remapXMLsingular [Percent] [C] {\handlePMLunit\Percent}
+\remapXMLsingular [Promille] [C] {\handlePMLunit\Promille}
+\remapXMLsingular [Permille] [C] {\handlePMLunit\Permille}
+\remapXMLsingular [Unit] [C] {\handlePMLunit\Unit}
+\remapXMLsingular [NoUnit] [C] {\handlePMLunit\NoUnit}
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/xtag-pre.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/xtag-pre.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5e75197b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/xtag-pre.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,448 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=xtag-pre,
+%D version=2000.12.20,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ XML Macros,
+%D subtitle=Predefined Things,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt XML Macros / Predefined}
+%D Here we predefine some escapes, processing instructions,
+%D entities and other handy things.
+%D For \MKIV:
+\setvalue{@u@s@"}#1#2"{#2} \setvalue{@g@s@"}#1#2"{\scratchtoks{#2}}
+\setvalue{@u@s@'}#1#2'{#2} \setvalue{@g@s@'}#1#2'{\scratchtoks{#2}}
+\setvalue{@u@s@ }#1#2 {#2} \setvalue{@g@s@ }#1#2 {\scratchtoks{#2}}
+\def\unstringed#1{\csname\ifcsname @u@s@#1\endcsname @u@s@#1\else\s!empty\fi\endcsname#1}
+\def\grabstring#1{\csname\ifcsname @g@s@#1\endcsname @g@s@#1\else\s!empty\fi\endcsname#1}
+ {\def\@@dowithgrabbedstring{#1}%
+ \afterassignment\@@dowithgrabbedstring\grabstring}
+%D Let's get rid of ligatures:
+% \definefonthandling [default] [noligs]
+%D First we define the default error handler. When tracing is
+%D activated, the unknown element is showed verbatim.
+\defineXMLenvironment [\s!default] \defaultXMLelement \defaultXMLelement
+\defineXMLsingular [\s!default] \defaultXMLelement
+% \def\defaultXMLelement
+% {\iftraceXMLelements[\currentXMLfullidentifier]\fi}
+ {\iftraceXMLelements{\infofont<\currentXMLfullidentifier>}\fi}
+%D We can use the default handler to implement automatic
+%D element hiding. Beware: this overloads the tracer.
+% \def\startXMLignore{\dododefineXMLignore \s!default}
+% \def\stopXMLignore {\dododefineXMLprocess\s!default}
+\def\stopXMLignore {\advance\xmlignoredepth\minusone\ifcase\xmlignoredepth\dododefineXMLprocess\s!default\fi}
+%D The following entities need to be defined anyway. They
+%D may be overloaded later.
+% rest also \letter
+\defineXMLentities [amp] {\letterampersand} {\&}
+\defineXMLentities [gt] {\string>} {\mathematics{>}}
+\defineXMLentities [lt] {\string<} {\mathematics{<}}
+\defineXMLentities [quot] {\string"} {\mathematics{"}}
+\defineXMLentities [apos] {\string`} {\mathematics{'}}
+%D Of course we define:
+\defineXMLentities [tex] {tex} {\TeX}
+\defineXMLentities [context] {context} {\ConTeXt}
+\defineXMLentities [xml] {xml} {XML}
+\defineXMLentities [xsd] {xsd} {XSD}
+\defineXMLentities [html] {html} {HTML}
+%D The following entities are used for internal purposes and
+%D concern characters that are kind of problematic in \TEX\
+%D input.
+\defineXMLentities [tex-hash] {\letterhash} {\#}
+\defineXMLentities [tex-dollar] {\letterdollar} {\$}
+\defineXMLentities [tex-percent] {\letterpercent} {\%}
+\defineXMLentities [tex-backslash] {\letterbackslash} {\texescape}
+\defineXMLentities [tex-hat] {\letterhat} {\^{}}
+\defineXMLentities [tex-underscore] {\letterunderscore} {\_}
+\defineXMLentities [tex-leftbrace] {\letterleftbrace} {\leftargument}
+\defineXMLentities [tex-rightbrace] {\letterrightbrace} {\rightargument}
+\defineXMLentities [tex-bar] {\letterbar} {\vl}
+\defineXMLentities [tex-tilde] {\lettertilde} {\~{}}
+%D Some pretty printing macros will use color, for which we
+%D define a dedicated palet here.
+ [xtag]
+ [0=darkgray, 1=darkred, 2=darkgreen,
+ 3=darkblue, 4=darkcyan, 5=darkmagenta,
+ 6=darkyellow, 7=black, 8=black]
+%D An example of its usage can be found in the pretty
+%D printing macros in the run time module.
+\newif\ifautoXMLshow \autoXMLshowtrue
+\newif\ifshowXMLarguments \showXMLargumentstrue
+ [\c!inbetween=\blank,
+ \c!level=1]
+\fetchruntimecommand\showXMLfile {\f!xtagprefix\s!run}
+\fetchruntimecommand\showXMLtext {\f!xtagprefix\s!run}
+\fetchruntimecommand\showXMLign {\f!xtagprefix\s!run}
+\fetchruntimecommand\showXMLnop {\f!xtagprefix\s!run}
+\fetchruntimecommand\showXMLtxt {\f!xtagprefix\s!run}
+\fetchruntimecommand\showXMLpar {\f!xtagprefix\s!run}
+\fetchruntimecommand\showXMLlin {\f!xtagprefix\s!run}
+\fetchruntimecommand\showXMLwrd {\f!xtagprefix\s!run}
+\fetchruntimecommand\showXMLemp {\f!xtagprefix\s!run}
+\fetchruntimecommand\showXMLbreak {\f!xtagprefix\s!run}
+%D By default, we will ignore escape commands, preceded by
+%D \type {<!} and ending in (presumably) a \type {>}.
+\defineXMLescape [\s!default] {\gobbleuntil{>}}
+%D The comment escape has the form:
+%D \starttyping
+%D <!-- a couple of remarks -->
+%D \stoptyping
+\defineXMLescape [--] {\gobbleuntil{-->}}
+%D The \type {CDATA} escape is kind of unique in its
+%D strange syntax.
+%D \starttyping
+%D <!CDATA[it starts here
+%D whatever you like to be shown verbatim
+%D and ends here]]>
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Watch this rather obscure definition (we need to pass an
+%D \type {[} to the macro.
+\newtoks \everyXMLcdata % \appendtoks \tt \to \everyXMLcdata
+ {\skipfirstverbatimlinefalse
+ \processtaggeddisplayverbatim{]]>}}
+ {\begingroup
+ \obeylines
+ \obeyspaces
+ \the\everyXMLcdata
+ \processXMLcdata}
+ {#1\endgroup}
+\defineXMLescape [CDATA]
+ {\executeifdefined{XMLcdatamethod\number\XMLcdatamethod}{\begingroup\processXMLcdata}}
+%D \starttyping
+%D <!ELEMENT ...">
+%D <!ATTLIST ...">
+%D \stoptyping
+\defineXMLescape [ATTLIST]{\gobbleuntil>}
+\defineXMLescape [ELEMENT]{\gobbleuntil>}
+%D \starttyping
+%D <!ENTITY crap "very new [&#x7B;] crap">
+%D <!ENTITY crap SYSTEM "crapfile.xml">
+%D <!ENTITY crap SYSTEM "crapfile.pdf" NDATA ignoredanyway>
+%D \stoptyping
+\defineXMLescape [ENTITY] \handleXMLentityescape
+ {\dohandleXMLentityescape#1 @ @ @ @ @ @>}
+\def\dohandleXMLentityescape#1 #2 #3 #4>
+ {\doifnot{#1}\letterpercent
+ {\doifelse{#2}{SYSTEM}
+ {\dohandleXMLentitySYSTEM#1 #2 #3 #4>}
+ {\dohandleXMLentityDEFINE#1 #2 #3 #4>}}}
+\def\dohandleXMLentitySYSTEM#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6>% name SYSTEM ....
+ {\doifelse{#4}{@}
+ {\expanded{\defineXMLentity[#1]{\noexpand\readXMLsystem{\unstringed#3}}}}
+ {\doif{#4}{NDATA} % maybe we should also store the NDATA
+ {\expanded{\defineXMLentity[#1]{\noexpand\readXMLndata{\unstringed#3}}}}}}
+ {\readfile{#1}
+ {\writestatus{xml-system}{reading #1}}
+ {\writestatus{xml-system}{unable to locate #1}}}
+ {#1} % {\externalfigure[#1]}
+\def\dohandleXMLentityDEFINE#1 %#2 #3 #4 #5 #6>% name replacement
+ {\def\docommand##1>{\expanded{\defineXMLentity[#1]{\the\scratchtoks}}}%
+ \afterassignment\docommand\grabstring}
+%D Such entities can be encapsulated in a \type {DOCTYPE}
+%D element. Therefore we remove the outer level of document
+%D type definitions.
+%D \starttyping
+%D <!DOCTYPE Something>
+%D <!DOCTYPE Something >
+%D <!DOCTYPE Something [ ... ]>
+%D <!DOCTYPE Something SYSTEM "... ...">
+%D <!DOCTYPE Something SYSTEM "... ..." >
+%D <!DOCTYPE Something SYSTEM "... ..." [ ... ]>
+%D <!DOCTYPE Something PUBLIC "... ..." "...">
+%D <!DOCTYPE Something PUBLIC "... ..." "..." >
+%D <!DOCTYPE Something PUBLIC "... ..." "..." [ ... ]>
+%D \stoptyping
+\defineXMLescape [DOCTYPE] \handleXMLdoctype
+ {\let\XMLdoctype\empty
+ \dohandleXMLdoctype}
+ {\futurelet\nexttoken\dohandleXMLdoctok}
+ {\ifx\nexttoken>%
+ % [doctype: \XMLdoctype]
+ \@EA\gobbleuntil\@EA>%
+ \else\ifx\nexttoken\blankspace
+ % [doctype: \XMLdoctype]
+ \@EAEAEA\dodohandleXMLdoctype
+ \else
+ \@EAEAEA\redoXMLdoctype
+ \fi\fi}
+ {\edef\XMLdoctype{\XMLdoctype#1}\dohandleXMLdoctype}
+ {\executeifdefined{XMLdoctype#1}{\gobbleuntil>}}
+\setvalue{XMLdoctype[}{\processuntil{]>}} % or \gobbleuntil{]>}}
+\def\XMLdoctypeS YSTEM %
+ {\dowithgrabbedstring\dodohandleXMLdoctype}
+\def\XMLdoctypeP UBLIC %
+ {\dowithgrabbedstring{\dowithgrabbedstring\dodohandleXMLdoctype}}
+% wrong
+% \def\XMLdoctypeS YSTEM {\XMLgrabstring}
+% \def\XMLdoctypeP UBLIC {\XMLgrabstring}
+% \def\XMLgrabstring
+% {\doifnextcharelse>{\gobbleuntil>}{\dowithgrabbedstring\XMLgrabstring}}
+%D Some day we may need to support entities within a
+%D document type namespace.
+%D As an example of processing instructions, we implement a
+%D \CONTEXT\ code handler:
+\defineXMLprocessor [context] \contextXMLcommand
+\defineXMLprocessor [context-command] \contextXMLcommand
+% we need to get rid of the endlinechar inserted by \scantokens
+% \def\saveendlinechar%
+% {\ifx\restoreendlinechar\undefined
+% \edef\restoreendlinechar{\endlinechar\the\endlinechar\space}%
+% \fi
+% \endlinechar=-1 }
+% \def\scanXMLtokens#1%
+% {\saveendlinechar\scantokens{#1}\restoreendlinechar}
+%D For security reasons, we provide a switch to turn this
+%D mechanism on and off. When turned off, there is no way to
+%D turn it on from within an \XML\ encoded document, simply
+%D because the possibility to process \CONTEXT\ commands is
+%D gone.
+% {\doif\@@xpcommando\v!ja
+% {\pushmacro\disableXML
+% \def\disableXML{\global\let\afterXMLprocessor\empty}%
+% \global\let\afterXMLprocessor\enableXML
+% \setnormalcatcodes\scantokens{#1}\afterXMLprocessor
+% \popmacro\disableXML}}
+\def\contextXMLcommand#1% we don't use #1 here
+ {\doif\@@xpcommand\v!yes
+ {\disableXML\scantokens\@EA{\currentXMLprocess}\enableXML}}
+%D The indirect method (using the macro \type
+%D {\currentXMLprocess} instead of \type {#}) is needed
+%D because of the \type {\scantokens}. Given the previous
+%D definition, and given that \ETEX\ is used, we can now
+%D say:
+%D \starttyping
+%D <?context-command {\bf Start Of Some \TeX\ Text} ?>
+%D \stoptyping
+%D A non||\ETEX\ solution is also possible, using buffers,
+%D but for the moment we assume that \ETEX\ is used.
+%D Next we implement a general purpose directive. This one
+%D can be used to set variables that can be accessed with
+%D \type {\XMLvar}.
+\defineXMLprocessor [context-directive] \contextXMLdirective
+ {\docontextXMLdirective#1 @ @ @\end}
+\def\docontextXMLdirective#1 #2 #3 #4\end % class variable value
+ {\expandafter\def\csname\@@XMLvariable:#1:#2\endcsname{#3}}
+%D A simple processing instruction is the following. It just
+%D writes a message to the screen.
+\defineXMLprocessor [context-message] {\writestatus{xml-message}}
+%D The following processing instruction permits you to tag
+%D parts of the file in such a way that you can filter data.
+%D We use this method when documenting schemas.
+\defineXMLprocessor [context-block] \handleXMLcontextblock
+ {\dohandleXMLcontextblock#1 \relax}
+\def\dohandleXMLcontextblock#1 #2 #3\relax
+ {\dodohandleXMLcontextblock{#1}{#2}}
+ {\def\dodohandleXMLcontextblock
+ {\dododohandleXMLcontextblock\doifinset{#1}}}
+ {\def\dodohandleXMLcontextblock
+ {\dododohandleXMLcontextblock\doifnotinset{#1}}}
+ {\let\next\relax
+ \doifelse{#3}{begin}
+ {#1{#4}{#2}
+ {%\writestatus{xml-block}{skipping begin #4}%
+ \long\def\next##1?context-block end #4 ##2?>{}}}
+ {\doif{#3}{name}
+ {#1{#4}{#2}
+ {%\writestatus{xml-block}{skipping name #4}%
+ \long\def\next##1?context-block ##2?>{}}}}%
+ \next}
+%D Say that a file contains blocks like the following:
+%D \starttyping
+%D <?context-block begin whatevername ?>
+%D <to/> <be> <or/> maybe <not/> so much <to/> </be>
+%D <?context-block end whatevername ?>
+%D \stoptyping
+%D The following commands will show only this block:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \videXMLcontextblock[whatevername] \showXMLfile{yourfile}
+%D \stoptyping
+%D You can also mark blocks in the following way, thereby
+%D saving yourself some work:
+%D \starttyping
+%D <?context-block what ?>
+%D <what>What do you want?</what>
+%D <?context-block how ?>
+%D <how>How do you want?</how>
+%D <?context-block done ?>
+%D \stoptyping
+% yet undocumented and experimental
+% \defineXMLprocessor [context-eof] {\endinput}
+% already defined in xtag-ini
+% \defineXMLsingular [begingroup] {\begingroup}
+% \defineXMLsingular [endgroup] {\endgroup}
+% \defineXMLsingular [gobblespacetokens] {\gobblespacetokens}
+%D We automatically switch regimes (beware of nested files!):
+%D \starttyping
+%D \startXMLdata
+%D <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
+%D ÀÁÂÃÄÅàáâãäåÆÇæç
+%D ÈÉÊËèéêëÌÍÎÏÞìíîïþ
+%D ÐðÑñÒÓÔÕÖòóôõöØø
+%D ÙÚÛÜùúûÝýÿß
+%D \stopXMLdata
+%D \stoptyping
+\defineXMLprocessor [xml] {\handleXMLbanner}
+ {\getXMLarguments{xml}{\s!encoding='' #1}%
+ \doifsomething{\XMLpar{xml}\s!encoding\empty}
+ {\doif\currentregime\s!default % style regimes will take precedence
+ {\enableregime[\XMLpar{xml}\s!encoding\empty]}\donothing}}
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/xtag-prs.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/xtag-prs.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8728d992a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/xtag-prs.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=xtag-prs,
+%D version=2004.08.18,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ XML Macros,
+%D subtitle=Parsing,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+ {\expanded{\doanalyzefunction#1\relax\relax(#1)}\empty\relax\end}
+ {\ifx#4\empty
+ \let\functionname\empty
+ \else
+ \def\functionname{#1#2}%
+ \fi
+ \getfunctionargs#3,\empty,\empty,\empty,\empty,\empty,\empty,\empty,\empty\relax}
+ {\edef\functionA{#1}\edef\functionB{#2}%
+ \edef\functionC{#3}\edef\functionD{#4}%
+ \edef\functionE{#5}\edef\functionF{#6}%
+ \edef\functionG{#7}\edef\functionH{#8}}
+% \analyzefunction{x} [\functionname][a:\functionA/b:\functionB/c:\functionC/d:\functionD] \endgraf
+% \analyzefunction{sin(x)} [\functionname][a:\functionA/b:\functionB/c:\functionC/d:\functionD] \endgraf
+% \analyzefunction{1pt,2pt,3pt,4pt} [\functionname][a:\functionA/b:\functionB/c:\functionC/d:\functionD] \endgraf
+% \analyzefunction{rect(1pt,2pt,3pt,4pt)} [\functionname][a:\functionA/b:\functionB/c:\functionC/d:\functionD] \endgraf
+% \analyzefunction{1pt,2pt,3pt,4pt,5pt,6pt,7pt,8pt} [\functionname][e:\functionE/f:\functionF/g:\functionG/h:\functionH] \endgraf
+% \analyzefunction{rect(1pt,2pt,3pt,4pt,5pt,6pt,7pt,8pt)} [\functionname][e:\functionE/f:\functionF/g:\functionG/h:\functionH] \endgraf
+% todo [#1][settings][maxwidth,maxheight,method=] with method=x y xy [1]
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/xtag-raw.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/xtag-raw.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..aab294c5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/xtag-raw.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=xtag-raw,
+%D version=2002.03.21,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ XML Macros,
+%D subtitle=Raw Specials,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt XML Macros / Raw Specials}
+%D Some day this module will be obsolete.
+\defineXMLentity [tex-hash] {\letterhash}
+\defineXMLentity [tex-dollar] {\letterdollar}
+\defineXMLentity [tex-percent] {\letterpercent}
+\defineXMLentity [tex-backslash] {\letterbackslash}
+\defineXMLentity [tex-hat] {\letterhat}
+\defineXMLentity [tex-underscore] {\letterunderscore}
+\defineXMLentity [tex-leftbrace] {\letterbgroup}
+\defineXMLentity [tex-rightbrace] {\letteregroup}
+\defineXMLentity [tex-bar] {\letterbar}
+\defineXMLentity [tex-tilde] {\lettertilde}
+% {\tttf \input \XMLop{oeps} [\XMLop{whow}] [\XMLop{hm}]}
+ {\tttf \XMLop{oeps} [\XMLop{whow}] [\XMLop{hm}]}
+<test oeps="oeps_tst.tmp" whow="#FFEEGG" hm="^{}~"/>
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/xtag-rng.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/xtag-rng.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4b9dcfaf1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/xtag-rng.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=xtag-rng,
+%D version=2002.10.29,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ XML Macros,
+%D subtitle=Relax NG,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D The following commands picks up a named block from the
+%D given file and pretty prints it.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \showRNGcomponent [eximple.rng] [request]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D If needed, you adapt the colors used by redefining the
+%D \type {xtag} color palet.
+\fetchruntimecommand\showRNGcomponent {\f!xtagprefix\s!run}
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/xtag-run.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/xtag-run.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..65424650c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/xtag-run.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=xtag-run,
+%D version=2001.01.10,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ XML Macros,
+%D subtitle=Visualization,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+% TODO: make this mkiv compliant, catcode tables etc
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt XML Macros / Visualization}
+ B.catcode`.#=.activecatcode .let#.letterhash
+ .catcode`.$=.activecatcode .let$.dollar
+ .catcode`.%=.activecatcode .let%.percent
+ .catcode`.\=.activecatcode .let\.letterbackslash
+ .catcode`.^=.activecatcode .let^.letterhat
+ .catcode`._=.activecatcode .let_.letterunderscore
+ .catcode`.{=.activecatcode .let{.leftargument
+ .catcode`.}=.activecatcode .let}.rightargument
+ .catcode`.|=.activecatcode .let|.letterbar
+ .catcode`.~=.activecatcode .let~.lettertilde
+ E
+\gdef\@@XMLshow{\@@XML shw}
+ {\ifnum\XMLlevel>\plusone\advance\leftskip#11em\relax\fi}
+ {\advance\XMLlevel#11\relax}
+ {\noindent\hbox{\localcolortrue\color[xtag:0]{\string&#1;}}}
+ {\hskip\zeropoint % or maybe \allowbreak
+ \string#1\color[xtag:#3]{#4}\string#2}%
+ {\hskip\zeropoint % or maybe \allowbreak
+ \ifshowXMLarguments
+ \bgroup
+ \@EA\catcode\string`=\activecatcode
+ \@EA\catcode\string`"\activecatcode
+ \@EA\catcode\string``\activecatcode
+ \@EA\catcode\string`&\activecatcode
+ \def={\color[xtag:7]{\string=}}%
+ \def"##1"{\doshowXMLargument""8{##1}}%
+ \def`##1`{\doshowXMLargument``8{##1}}%
+ \def&##1;{\doshowXMLargument&;7{##1}}%
+ \scantokens\@EA{\currentXMLarguments}%
+ \egroup
+ \else
+ \currentXMLarguments
+ \fi}
+\ifx\XMLprettycycle\undefined \gdef\XMLprettycycle{3} \fi
+ {\ifnum\XMLlevel<\@@xflevel\relax
+ \ifnum\kindofXMLelement=2\else
+ \doglobal\increment\@XMLnofelements\relax
+ \ifcase\@XMLnofelements\else\@@xfinbetween\fi
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ % no, too fragile:
+% \ifnum\XMLlevel>1\hangindent2em\fi
+ \ifcase\kindofXMLelement\or\or
+ \getvalue{\@@XMLshow::\currentXMLelement}\relax
+ \fi
+ \dontleavehmode % \indent
+ \bgroup
+ % \localcolortrue
+ \advance\XMLlevel \minusone
+ \DoMod\XMLlevel by\XMLprettycycle to\scratchcounter
+ \advance\scratchcounter \plusone
+ \startcolor[xtag:\ifnum\scratchcounter<0 0\else\number\scratchcounter\fi]%
+ \ifXMLunspacepretty\unskip\fi
+ \string<%
+ \ifnum\kindofXMLelement=2\string/\fi
+ \currentXMLelement
+ \stopcolor
+ \ifcase#1\or
+ \cleanupXMLarguments % get rid of spurious end space and end /
+ \ifx\currentXMLarguments\empty\else
+ \setbox\scratchbox\hbox{\space}\hskip\wd\scratchbox % hm, slow
+ \startcolor[xtag:0]\showXMLarguments\unskip\stopcolor\unskip
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \startcolor[xtag:\ifnum\scratchcounter<0 0\else\number\scratchcounter\fi]%
+ \ifnum\kindofXMLelement=3\string/\fi
+ \string>%
+ \stopcolor
+ \egroup
+ \ifcase\kindofXMLelement\or
+ \getvalue{\@@XMLshow::\currentXMLelement}\relax
+ \fi
+ \ifnum\XMLlevel<\@@xflevel\relax
+ \ifnum\kindofXMLelement=1\else
+ \doglobal\increment\@XMLnofelements\relax
+ \ifcase\@XMLnofelements\else\@@xfinbetween\fi
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \ifXMLunspacepretty\ignorespaces\fi}
+ {\ifnum\XMLlevel>\zerocount
+ \advance\leftskip#11em\relax
+ \fi}
+ {\def\docommand##1{#1[##1]#2#3\letvalue{\@@XMLshow:##1}\empty}%
+ \processcommalist[#4]\docommand}
+ {\setXMLshow\defineXMLignore \relax\relax[#1]%
+ \setXMLshow\defineXMLsingular \relax\relax[#1]}
+ {\setXMLshow\defineXMLenvironment\relax\relax[#1]%
+ \setXMLshow\defineXMLsingular \relax\relax[#1]}
+ {\setXMLshow\defineXMLenvironment\nextXMLtext\prevXMLtext[#1]%
+ \setXMLshow\defineXMLsingular \someXMLtext\relax [#1]}
+ {\setXMLshow\defineXMLenvironment\nextXMLpara\prevXMLpara[#1]%
+ \setXMLshow\defineXMLsingular \someXMLline\relax [#1]}
+ {\setXMLshow\defineXMLenvironment\nextXMLline\prevXMLline[#1]%
+ \setXMLshow\defineXMLsingular \someXMLword\relax [#1]}
+ {\setXMLshow\defineXMLenvironment\nextXMLword\prevXMLword[#1]%
+ \setXMLshow\defineXMLsingular \someXMLword\relax [#1]}
+ {\setXMLshow\defineXMLsingular\someXMLword\relax[#1]}
+ {\def\docommand##1{\setvalue{\@@XMLshow::##1}{\hskip\zeropoint}}%
+ \processcommalist[#1]\docommand}
+ {\ifcase\kindofXMLelement
+ \or \nextXMLpara \or \prevXMLpara \or \someXMLline
+ \fi}
+ {\ifcsname\@@XMLshow:\currentXMLelement\endcsname
+ \expandafter\normalexecuteXMLelement
+ \else
+ \expandafter\doautoshowXMLelement
+ \fi}
+ {\bgroup
+ % temp hack, will be the normal definition
+ \long\def\docleanupXMLarguments##1/ ##2\relax{\def\currentXMLarguments{##1}}%
+ % so far for hack
+ \nohyphens
+ \dontcomplain
+ \XMLlevel\zerocount
+ \increment\@@xflevel % hack
+ \tttf
+ \startpacked[\v!blank]
+ \ifautoXMLshow \let\executeXMLelement\autoshowXMLelement \fi
+ \let\executeXMLentity\@XMLentity
+ \enableXML\verbatimXML
+ \enableregime[utf]%
+ \utfunicodetracer\pluseight
+ \veryraggedright
+ \readfile{\truefilename{#1}}\donothing\donothing\endgraf
+ \removelastskip % really needed
+ \stoppacked
+ \egroup}
+ {\bgroup
+ % temp hack, will be the normal definition
+ \long\def\docleanupXMLarguments##1/ ##2\relax{\def\currentXMLarguments{##1}}%
+ % so far for hack
+ \dontcomplain
+ \XMLlevel\maxcard
+ \increment\@@xflevel % hack
+ \tttf
+ \ifautoXMLshow \let\executeXMLelement\autoshowXMLelement \fi
+ \let\executeXMLentity\@XMLentity
+ \let\par\allowbreak\let\endgraf\par
+ \setbox\scratchbox\hbox
+ {\enableXML\verbatimXML\scantokens{#1}\removelastskip}%
+ \unhbox\scratchbox
+ \egroup}
+ {\dosingleempty\doshowXMLbuffer}
+ {\doifelsenothing{#1}
+ {\doshowXMLbuffer[\jobname]}
+ {\bgroup
+ \def\dodoprocessXMLbuffer##1{\showXMLfile{\TEXbufferfile{##1}}}%
+ \processcommalist[#1]\dodoprocessXMLbuffer
+ \egroup}}
+ {\dodoubleargument\doshowXSDcomponent}
+ {\bgroup
+ \showXMLnop[xsd:schema]
+ \showXMLign[xsd:appInfo]
+ \showXMLign[xsd:annotation]
+ \videXMLcontextblock[#2]
+ \showXMLfile{#1}
+ \egroup}
+ {\dodoubleargument\doshowRNGcomponent}
+ {\bgroup
+ \videXMLcontextblock[#2]
+ \showXMLfile{#1}
+ \egroup}
+ {\bgroup
+ \doloop
+ {\ifcsname\@@XMLdepth:\recurselevel\endcsname
+ \edef\!!stringa{\csname\@@XMLdepth:\recurselevel\endcsname}%
+ \writestatus
+ {[#1] [\recurselevel] [\!!stringa] [\XMLinh{#1}]}%
+ \else
+ \exitloop
+ \fi}%
+ \egroup}
+ {\doifsomething{#1}
+ {\bgroup\infofont[%
+ \dorecurse\XMLdepth
+% {\csname\@@XMLvariable:\csname\@@XMLdepth:\recurselevel\endcsname:#1\endcsname
+ {\csname\@@XMLvariable:\recurselevel:#1\endcsname
+ \ifnum\recurselevel<\XMLdepth->\fi}%
+ ]\egroup}}
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/xtag-stk.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/xtag-stk.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d454a63ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/xtag-stk.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=xtag-exp,
+%D version=2006.01.19,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ XML Macros,
+%D subtitle=Stacking Data,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt XML Macros / Stacks}
+%D This module is experimental. Don't use it (yet). It needs a
+%D clean-up. The stack handler is used in the third MathML renderer.
+\ifx\XMLRtoks \undefined \newtoks \XMLRtoks \fi
+\ifx\XMLstacklevel\undefined \newcount\XMLstacklevel \fi
+ {\XMLstacklevel\zerocount}
+\def\startsavingXMLelements % maybe something with \ignorespaces \\removeunwantedspaces
+ {\XMLstacklevel\zerocount
+ \let\normalexecuteXMLelement\executeXMLelement
+ \def\executeXMLelement{\csname\@@XMLelement:\@@xmlstack\ifcase\kindofXMLelement\or\or\or/\fi\endcsname}}
+ {\let\executeXMLelement\normalexecuteXMLelement}
+ [\@@xmlstack]
+ {}
+ {\pushXMLdataonstack}
+ \defineXMLnestedenvironmentsave
+ [\@@xmlstack]
+ {}
+ {\pushXMLnameonstack}
+ % in mathml handler:
+ %
+ % \defineXMLnested
+ % [apply]
+ % {\startsavingXMLelements}
+ % {\stopsavingXMLelements}
+ {\advance\XMLstacklevel\plusone
+ \letvalue {\@@xmlstack:n:\XMLstackid:\number\XMLstacklevel}\currentXMLelement
+ \saveXMLdata {\@@xmlstack:t:\XMLstackid:\number\XMLstacklevel} \@@xmlstack
+ \saveXMLdatainelement{\@@xmlstack:d:\XMLstackid:\number\XMLstacklevel}\currentXMLelement\@@xmlstack}
+ {\advance\XMLstacklevel\plusone
+ \letvalue {\@@xmlstack:n:\XMLstackid:\number\XMLstacklevel}\currentXMLelement}
+ {\letvalue{\@@xmlstack:n:\XMLstackid:\number#1}\empty
+ \XMLerase{\@@xmlstack:t:\XMLstackid:\number#1}%
+ \XMLerase{\@@xmlstack:d:\XMLstackid:\number#1}}
+\def\getXMLstackidname#1#2{\getvalue {\@@xmlstack:n:#1:\ifnum#2>\XMLstacklevel\else\number#2\fi}}
+\def\rawXMLstackidname#1#2{\getvalue {\@@xmlstack:n:#1:\number#2}}
+ {\defXMLelement#1{\@@xmlstack:d:#2:\ifnum#3>\XMLstacklevel\else\number#3\fi}}
+\def\defXMLstackdata#1% #2
+ {\defXMLstackiddata#1\XMLstackid}
+ {\hbox{[\space\dorecurse\XMLstacklevel{\recurselevel:\getXMLstackname\recurselevel\space}]}}
+ {\dostepwiserecurse{#1}\XMLstacklevel\plusone
+ {\getXMLstackdata\recurselevel}}
+ {\dostepwiserecurse{#1}\XMLstacklevel\plusone
+ {\relax\ifnum\recurselevel>#1\relax#2\fi
+ \getXMLstackdata\recurselevel}}
+ {\dostepwiserecurse{#1}\XMLstacklevel\plusone
+ {\expanded{\doifinset{\getXMLstackname\recurselevel}{#2}}
+ {\ifnum\recurselevel>#1\relax#3\fi
+ \getXMLstackdata\recurselevel}}}
+\def\countXMLnamedstack#1% todo: \nofXMLchildren ! ! ! ! !
+ {\scratchcounter\zerocount
+ \dorecurse\XMLstacklevel
+ {\expanded{\doifinset{\getXMLstackname\recurselevel}{#1}}
+ {\advance\scratchcounter\plusone}}}
+ {\XMLRtoks\emptytoks
+ \dorecurse\XMLstacklevel
+ {\ifnum\recurselevel>\plusone\appendtoks#1\to\XMLRtoks\fi
+ \expandafter\appendtoks\expandafter\getXMLstackdata\expandafter{\recurselevel}\to\XMLRtoks}}
+ {\XMLRtoks\emptytoks
+ \dostepwiserecurse{#1}\XMLstacklevel\plusone
+ {\ifnum\recurselevel>#1\appendtoks#2\to\XMLRtoks\fi
+ \expandafter\appendtoks\expandafter\getXMLstackdata\expandafter{\recurselevel}\to\XMLRtoks}}
+ {\XMLRtoks\emptytoks
+ \dorecurse\XMLstacklevel
+ {\expanded{\doifinset{\getXMLstackname\recurselevel}{#1}}
+ {\ifnum\recurselevel>\plusone\appendtoks#2\to\XMLRtoks\fi
+ \expandafter\appendtoks\expandafter\getXMLstackdata\expandafter{\recurselevel}\to\XMLRtoks}}}
+\def\collectXMLnamedstacknamed#1#2#3% names, inbetween, nestednames (maddness, this macro)
+ {\XMLRtoks\emptytoks
+ \!!doneafalse
+ \let\globalascii\empty
+ \dorecurse\XMLstacklevel
+ {\expanded{\doifinset{\getXMLstackname\recurselevel}{#1}}
+ {\begingroup
+ \startsavingXMLelements
+ \rawXMLstacktext\recurselevel % still on stack, raw does not test
+ \stopsavingXMLelements
+ \let\globalascii\empty
+ \dorecurse\XMLstacklevel
+ {\expanded{\doifinset{\getXMLstackname\recurselevel}{#2}}
+ {\xdef\globalascii{\getXMLstackdata\recurselevel}}}%
+ \endgroup
+ \ifx\globalascii\empty\else
+ \if!!donea\appendtoks#3\to\XMLRtoks\fi
+ \expandafter\appendtoks\globalascii\to\XMLRtoks
+ \!!doneatrue
+ \fi}}}
+\def\XMLcopydata#1#2% to from
+ {\@EA\let\csname\@@XMLdata:#1\@EA\endcsname\csname\@@XMLdata:#2\endcsname}
+\def\XMLcopysave#1#2% to from
+ {\@EA\let\csname\@@XMLsave:#1\@EA\endcsname\csname\@@XMLsave:#2\endcsname}
+ {\dorecurse\XMLstacklevel
+ {\doif{\getXMLstackname\recurselevel}{#1}
+ {\dostepwiserecurse\recurselevel{\numexpr\XMLstacklevel+\minusone}\plusone
+ {\scratchcounter\numexpr\recurselevel+\plusone\relax
+ \@EA\let\csname\@@xmlstack:n:\XMLstackid:\recurselevel\@EA\endcsname\csname\@@xmlstack:n:\XMLstackid:\number\scratchcounter\endcsname
+ \XMLcopysave{\@@xmlstack:t:\XMLstackid:\recurselevel}{\@@xmlstack:t:\XMLstackid:\number\scratchcounter}%
+ \XMLcopysave{\@@xmlstack:d:\XMLstackid:\recurselevel}{\@@xmlstack:d:\XMLstackid:\number\scratchcounter}}%
+ \advance\XMLstacklevel\minusone
+ \exitloop}}}
+%D BEWARE: these names may change (get stack in the name)
+ {\dorecurse\XMLstacklevel
+ {\expanded{\doifinset{\getXMLstackname\recurselevel}{#1}}
+ {\getXMLstackdata\recurselevel}}}
+\def\defXMLfirstnamed#1#2% \cs list
+ {\dorecurse\XMLstacklevel
+ {\expanded{\doifinset{\getXMLstackname\recurselevel}{#2}}
+ {\defXMLstackdata#1\recurselevel\exitloop}}}
+\def\defXMLfirstnamedtext#1#2% \cs list
+ {\dorecurse\XMLstacklevel
+ {\expanded{\doifinset{\getXMLstackname\recurselevel}{#2}}
+ {\edef#1{\getXMLstacktext\recurselevel}\exitloop}}}
+ {\dorecurse\XMLstacklevel
+ {\expanded{\doifinset{\getXMLstackname\recurselevel}{#1}}
+ {\getXMLstackdata\recurselevel\exitloop}}}
+ {\dorecurse\XMLstacklevel
+ {\expanded{\doifnotinset{\getXMLstackname\recurselevel}{#1}}
+ {\getXMLstackdata\recurselevel\exitloop}}}
+\def\XMLdoifonstackelse#1% was \XMLdoifelsefound
+ {\!!doneafalse
+ \let\XMLstackposition\!!zerocount
+ \dorecurse\XMLstacklevel
+ {\expanded{\doifinset{\getXMLstackname\recurselevel}{#1}}
+ {\let\XMLstackposition\recurselevel\!!doneatrue\exitloop}}%
+ \if!!donea
+ \expandafter\firstoftwoarguments
+ \else
+ \expandafter\secondoftwoarguments
+ \fi}
+%D Handy:
+\def\pushXMLmeaning#1% or [#1]
+ {\@EA\pushmacro\csname\@@XMLelement:#1/\endcsname
+ \@EA\pushmacro\csname\@@XMLelement:#1\endcsname
+ \@EA\pushmacro\csname\@@XMLelement:/#1\endcsname}
+\def\popXMLmeaning#1% or [#1]
+ {\@EA\popmacro\csname\@@XMLelement:#1/\endcsname
+ \@EA\popmacro\csname\@@XMLelement:#1\endcsname
+ \@EA\popmacro\csname\@@XMLelement:/#1\endcsname}
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/xtag-utf.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/xtag-utf.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b58fbbe88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/xtag-utf.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=xtag-utf,
+%D version=2002.06.24,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ XML Macros,
+%D subtitle=UTF,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt XML Macros / UTF}
+%D This filter is kind of obsolete, since \UTF\ is not
+%D limited to \XML. So, here we only enable \UTF\ support.
+\chardef\XMLtokensreduction\plustwo \enableregime[utf]
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/xtag-xsd.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/xtag-xsd.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c1f4b91b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/xtag-xsd.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=xtag-xsd,
+%D version=2001.10.04,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ XML Support,
+%D subtitle=Schemas,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D The following commands picks up a named block from the
+%D given file and pretty prints it.
+%D \starttyping
+%D \showXSDcomponent [x-exa-tx.xsd] [sequence]
+%D \stoptyping
+%D If needed, you adapt the colors used by redefining the
+%D \type {xtag} color palet.
+\fetchruntimecommand\showXSDcomponent {\f!xtagprefix\s!run}
+\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/xtag-xsl.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/xtag-xsl.mkii
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..49767e30c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/xtag-xsl.mkii
@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=xtag-xsl,
+%D version=2002.03.07,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ XML Support,
+%D subtitle=XSLT processing,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+% 8 bit support has been messed up in a couple of distributions
+% 0x00 0x00
+% 0x01 0x01
+% 0x02 0x02
+% etc
+%D This module is rather experimental so users may expect
+%D changes in the interface.
+\definesystemvariable {xl}
+\newif\iftraceXSLTprocessing % \traceXSLTprocessingtrue
+\def\XSLTscriptfile{\bufferprefix xlscript}
+% to be sped up:
+ {\let\par\empty
+ \def\{{\rawcharacter{`\{}}% \string^^..
+ \def\}{\rawcharacter{`\}}}% \string^^..
+ \def\\{\rawcharacter{`\\}}}% \string^^..
+ {\setnaturalcatcodes
+ \catcode`\\=\escapecatcode}
+\long\def\startXSLTscript #1 #2 %
+ {\bgroup
+ \obeyXSLTcharacters
+ \doifelse{#2}{capsule}\dostartXSLTscript\nostartXSLTscript#1 #2 }
+\long\def\dostartXSLTscript#1 #2 #3 %
+ {\obeylines
+ \dodostartXSLTscript#1 #2 #3 }
+\long\def\dodostartXSLTscript#1 #2 #3 #4\stopXSLTscript
+ {\egroup
+ \long\setvalue{\??xl#1}{\doXSLTscript{#3}{#4}}}
+ {\obeylines
+ \nonostartXSLTscript}
+\long\def\nonostartXSLTscript#1 #2\stopXSLTscript
+ {\egroup
+ \long\setvalue{\??xl#1}{\doXSLTscript\empty{#2}}}
+ {\includeXSLTscript{b-capsule-#1}%
+ #2%
+ \includeXSLTscript{e-capsule-#1}}
+ {\csname\ifcsname\??xl#1\endcsname\??xl#1\else\s!empty\fi\endcsname}
+\startXSLTscript b-capsule-1.0
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="" version="1.0">
+\startXSLTscript e-capsule-1.0
+ {\dotripleempty\doapplyXSLTscript}
+ {\ifthirdargument
+ \bgroup
+ \let\doXSLTscript\donormalXSLTscript
+ \presetXSLTcharacters
+ \donefalse
+ \def\docommand##1{\dodoapplyXSLTscript{##1}{\ifdone#3\else#2\fi}{#3}\donetrue}%
+ \processcommalist[#1]\docommand
+ \egroup
+ \else
+ \applyXSLTscript[#1][#2][#2]%
+ \fi}
+% Since a \XML\ file is loaded into memory as a tree, we
+% can safely use the same input and output filename, thereby
+% avoiding temporary files.
+ {\bgroup
+ \doifundefined{\??xl#1}%
+ {\writestatus{XSLT}{unknown script #1}}
+ {\writestatus{XSLT}{convert #2 into #3 using #1}%
+ \edef\par{\outputnewlinechar}%
+ \edef\!!stringc{\getvalue{\??xl#1}}%
+ \immediate\openout\scratchwrite=\XSLTscriptfile.xsl
+ \immediate\write\scratchwrite{\!!stringc}%
+ \immediate\closeout\scratchwrite
+ \iftraceXSLTprocessing\wait\fi
+ \executeXSLT{\XSLTscriptfile.xsl}{#2}{#3}%
+ \iftraceXSLTprocessing\wait\fi}%
+ \egroup}
+\def\executeXSLT#1#2#3% script input output
+ {\executesystemcommand{xsltproc -o #3 #1 #2}}
+ {\dodoubleempty\doapplyXSLTtobuffer}
+ {\expanded{\applyXSLTscript[#1][\TEXbufferfile{\ifsecondargument#2\else\jobname\fi}]}}
+ {\setgvalue{\??xl\s!dummy}{\doXSLTscript{#1}{}}}
+ {\bgroup
+ \obeyXSLTcharacters
+ \obeylines
+ \dostartXSLTscripting}
+ {\egroup
+ \let\doXSLTscript\doextendXSLTscript
+ \getvalue{\??xl\s!dummy}{#1}}
+ {\setgvalue{\??xl\s!dummy}{\doXSLTscript{#1}{#2#3}}}
+ {\applyXSLTscript[\s!dummy]}
+% \def\Whow{Whow It Works}
+% \startXSLTscript test capsule 1.0
+% <xsl:output method="text"/>
+% <xsl:template match="/figurelibrary/figure">
+% \Whow \\ #<xsl:apply-templates/>
+% </xsl:template>
+% <xsl:template match="/">
+% <xsl:apply-templates/>
+% </xsl:template>
+% \stopXSLTscript
+% \applyXSLTscript [test] [figtest.xml] [crap.tmp] \typefile{crap.tmp}
+% \startbuffer
+% <hello>world</hello>
+% \stopbuffer
+% \applyXSLTtobuffer[test] \typebuffer
+% \startXSLTscripting
+% <xsl:output method="text"/>
+% \stopXSLTscripting
+% \startXSLTscripting
+% <xsl:template match="/figurelibrary/figure">
+% <xsl:apply-templates/>
+% </xsl:template>
+% \stopXSLTscripting
+% \startXSLTscripting
+% <xsl:template match="/">
+% <xsl:apply-templates/>
+% </xsl:template>
+% \stopXSLTscripting
+% \applyXSLTscripting [figtest.xml] [crap.tmp] \typefile{crap.tmp}
+\startXSLTscript another
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl=""
+ xmlns:cd=""
+ version="1.0">
+<xsl:output method="text"/>
+<xsl:template match="/">
+ <xsl:apply-templates/>
+<xsl:template match="cd:interface">
+ <xsl:apply-templates><xsl:sort order="descending" select="@name"/></xsl:apply-templates>
+<xsl:template match="cd:command">
+ name: <xsl:value-of select="@name"/>\\par
+\applyXSLTscript [another] [cont-en.xml] [whatever.tmp]