path: root/tex/context/base/core-grd.tex
diff options
authorHans Hagen <>2003-08-21 00:00:00 +0200
committerHans Hagen <>2003-08-21 00:00:00 +0200
commit309b7e1b8d2422eb36e584f3c57591d960bcc402 (patch)
tree08691435b84e3978f244616c400915719b4c256a /tex/context/base/core-grd.tex
parent3f9c44091f54eb858cfbb71b6346445e606b8687 (diff)
stable 2003.08.21
Diffstat (limited to 'tex/context/base/core-grd.tex')
1 files changed, 53 insertions, 458 deletions
diff --git a/tex/context/base/core-grd.tex b/tex/context/base/core-grd.tex
index 2e5675c9e..e66b9c1dd 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/core-grd.tex
+++ b/tex/context/base/core-grd.tex
@@ -268,8 +268,9 @@
-\chardef\@@alignsnap =0
+\chardef\@@alignsnap =0
+\chardef\@@alignsnapbox =0
\let\presnapskip \!!zeropoint \def\presnap {-}
\let\postsnapskip\!!zeropoint \let\postsnap\presnap
@@ -320,417 +321,7 @@
-\newif\ifboxedsnapping \boxedsnappingtrue
-% \def\dodosnaptogrid
-% {\dowithnextbox
-% {\bgroup
-% \ifdim\nextboxht<\teksthoogte % handle special case (like page fig)
-% \ifcase\@@alignsnapbox\relax
-% \ifcase\@@alignsnap\else % 1=top 2=high 3=middle 4=low
-% \ifshowgridboxes
-% \setbox\nextbox\hbox{\color[grid:two]{\ruledhbox{\black\flushnextbox}}}%
-% \fi
-% \getnoflines{\nextboxht}%
-% \setbox\nextbox\vbox to \noflines\lineheight
-% {\ifnum\@@alignsnap=1 \kern\lineheight\kern-\topskip\fi
-% \ifnum\@@alignsnap>2 \vfill\fi
-% \flushnextbox
-% \ifnum\@@alignsnap<4 \vfill\fi}%
-% \fi
-% \ifshowgridboxes
-% \setbox\nextbox\hbox{\color[grid:three]{\ruledhbox{\black\flushnextbox}}}%
-% \fi
-% \forgetall
-% \par
-% \ifvbox\nextbox
-% \setbox\nextbox\hbox{\flushnextbox}% don't ask
-% \fi
-% \scratchskip\lastskip
-% \edef\presnapskip{\the\lastskip}%
-% % mixing single/double columns sometimes goes wrong,
-% % check 'som' document
-% \ifbinnenkolommen
-% \forcepresnaptrue
-% \fi
-% \forcedpresnapcorrection
-% \ifdim\nextboxht>\strutht
-% \scratchdimen\nextboxht
-% \ifcase\@@presnap\relax
-% \ifdim\scratchskip>\zeropoint\relax
-% \scratchcounter\scratchskip
-% \advance\scratchcounter -\openlineheight
-% \ifnum\scratchcounter<0
-% \scratchcounter-\scratchcounter
-% \fi
-% \ifnum\scratchcounter<10 % \lastkip is about \openlineheight
-% \advance\scratchdimen -\openstrutdepth
-% \edef\presnapskip{*\presnapskip}%
-% \else\ifdim\scratchskip>\openlineheight
-% %<\openlineheight \else
-% \advance\scratchdimen -\openstrutdepth
-% \edef\presnapskip{*\presnapskip}%
-% \fi\fi
-% \fi
-% \fi
-% \getnoflines\scratchdimen % maybe raw ?
-% \advance\noflines -1
-% \ifnum\noflines>0
-% \scratchdimen\noflines\lineheight
-% \else
-% \scratchdimen\zeropoint
-% \fi
-% \else
-% \scratchdimen\zeropoint
-% \fi
-% \ifnum\@@extrasnap=1 \advance\scratchdimen \extrasnapsign\lineheight \fi
-% \ifnum\@@extrasnap=2 \advance\scratchdimen \extrasnapsign.5\lineheight \fi
-% \edef\presnap{\the\scratchdimen}%
-% \ifstrutsnapping
-% \ifboxedsnapping
-% \getrawnoflines\scratchdimen
-% \advance\scratchdimen-\noflines\lineheight
-% \vskip\scratchdimen % disappears at top of page
-% \dorecurse\noflines{\verticalstrut\nobreak}%
-% \else \ifdim\scratchdimen=\zeropoint
-% % nothing to skip
-% \else % disappears at top of page
-% \vskip\scratchdimen
-% \fi \fi
-% \fi
-% \ifdim\nextboxdp>\strutdp
-% \getnoflines{\nextboxdp}%
-% \advance\noflines -1
-% \ifnum\noflines>0
-% \scratchdimen\noflines\lineheight
-% \else
-% \scratchdimen\zeropoint
-% \fi
-% \else
-% \scratchdimen\zeropoint
-% \fi
-% \ifnum\@@extrasnap=2 \advance\scratchdimen \extrasnapsign.5\lineheight \fi
-% \ifnum\@@extrasnap=3 \advance\scratchdimen \extrasnapsign\lineheight \fi
-% \edef\postsnap{\the\scratchdimen}%
-% \ifstrutsnapping
-% \nextboxht\strutht
-% \nextboxdp\strutdp
-% \else
-% \scratchdimen\presnap
-% \advance\scratchdimen \strutht
-% \nextboxht\scratchdimen
-% \scratchdimen\postsnap
-% \advance\scratchdimen \strutdp
-% \nextboxdp\scratchdimen
-% \fi
-% \hbox{\tracedsnapping\flushnextbox}%
-% \ifstrutsnapping
-% \ifdim\scratchdimen=\zeropoint\else\vskip\scratchdimen\fi
-% \fi
-% \else
-% \scratchdimen\nextboxht\relax
-% \ifcase\@@alignsnapbox
-% % can't happen here
-% \or
-% \getrawnoflines\scratchdimen
-% \else
-% \getnoflines \scratchdimen
-% \fi
-% \scratchdimen\noflines\lineheight\relax
-% \advance\scratchdimen-\strutdepth
-% % spoils the whole game (fit/broad/line)
-% % \ifnum\pagetotal>\zeropoint
-% % \else % disable this as option
-% % \advance\scratchdimen-\strutheight
-% % \advance\scratchdimen+\topskip
-% % \fi
-% \dimen0=\scratchdimen
-% \dimen2=\strutdepth
-% \ifshowgridboxes
-% \setbox\nextbox\hbox{\color[grid:two]{\ruledhbox{\black\flushnextbox}}}%
-% \fi
-% \nextboxdp\strutdp
-% \dimen4=\nextboxht
-% \dimen6=\nextboxdp
-% \setbox\nextbox\vbox to \scratchdimen
-% {\forgetall
-% \ifnum\@@alignsnap>2 \vfill\fi % 3 4
-% \iftracegridsnapping
-% \scratchdimen\@@alignsnapamount\relax
-% \setbox\scratchbox\hbox
-% {\ifdim\scratchdimen<\zeropoint
-% \tracedgridamount\zeropoint{-\scratchdimen}%
-% \else
-% \tracedgridamount\scratchdimen\zeropoint
-% \fi}%
-% \smashbox\scratchbox
-% \setbox\nextbox\hbox{\box\scratchbox\flushnextbox}%
-% \fi
-% \setbox\nextbox\hbox
-% {\scratchdimen\@@alignsnapamount\relax
-% \ifcase\@@alignsnapdepth\or
-% % don't change this ever !
-% \ifdim\dimen0<\lineheight
-% % otherwise it is ok, but ending up inside
-% % the next paragraph is seldom what we want,
-% % so we move one line up
-% \advance\scratchdimen-\lineheight
-% \advance\scratchdimen\strutheight
-% \else
-% % otherwise we can move down to the
-% % baseline
-% \advance\scratchdimen\dimen6
-% \fi
-% \fi
-% \lower\scratchdimen\flushnextbox}%
-% \nextboxht\dimen4
-% \nextboxdp\dimen6
-% \flushnextbox
-% \nointerlineskip % \offinterlineskip
-% \ifnum\@@alignsnap<4 \vfill\fi % 2 3
-% \kern\zeropoint}%
-% \ifshowgridboxes
-% \setbox\nextbox\vbox{\color[grid:three]{\ruledhbox{\black\flushnextbox}}}%
-% \fi
-% \scratchdimen\@@alignsnapamount
-% \edef\presnapskip{\the\scratchdimen}%
-% \ifnum\@@alignsnap>2 \def\presnap {+}\fi
-% \ifnum\@@alignsnap<4 \def\postsnap{+}\fi
-% \setbox\nextbox\hbox{\tracedsnapping\flushnextbox}%
-% \par
-% \nextboxht\dimen0
-% \nextboxdp\dimen2
-% \forcedpresnapcorrection
-% \nointerlineskip
-% \flushnextbox
-% \fi
-% \else
-% \setbox\nextbox\vbox to \teksthoogte
-% {\ifdim\nextboxdp=\zeropoint
-% \hbox{\lower\strutdepth\flushnextbox}
-% \else % this branch is yet untested
-% \vss
-% \hbox{\lower\nextboxdp\flushnextbox}
-% \vskip-\strutdepth
-% \fi}%
-% \nextboxdp\strutdepth
-% \flushnextbox
-% \fi
-% \extrasnapreset
-% \enablepresnapcorrection
-% \global\chardef\@@alignsnap\zerocount
-% \global\chardef\@@alignsnapbox\zerocount
-% \egroup}}
-% before components (keep for a while: vbox/hbox)
-% \def\dodosnaptogrid
-% {\dowithnextbox
-% {\bgroup
-% \ifdim\nextboxht<\teksthoogte % handle special case (like page fig)
-% \ifcase\@@alignsnapbox\relax
-% \ifcase\@@alignsnap\else % 1=top 2=high 3=middle 4=low
-% \ifshowgridboxes
-% \setbox\nextbox\hbox{\color[grid:two]{\ruledhbox{\black\flushnextbox}}}%
-% \fi
-% %\getnoflines{\nextboxht}%
-% \getnoflines\nextboxht
-% \setbox\nextbox\vbox to \noflines\lineheight
-% {\ifnum\@@alignsnap=1 \kern\lineheight\kern-\topskip\fi
-% \ifnum\@@alignsnap>2 \vfill\fi
-% \flushnextbox
-% \ifnum\@@alignsnap<4 \vfill\fi}%
-% \fi
-% \ifshowgridboxes
-% \setbox\nextbox\hbox{\color[grid:three]{\ruledhbox{\black\flushnextbox}}}%
-% \fi
-% \forgetall
-% \par
-% \ifvbox\nextbox
-% \setbox\nextbox\hbox{\flushnextbox}% don't ask
-% \fi
-% \scratchskip\lastskip
-% \edef\presnapskip{\the\lastskip}%
-% % mixing single/double columns sometimes goes wrong,
-% % check 'som' document
-% \ifbinnenkolommen
-% \forcepresnaptrue
-% \fi
-% \forcedpresnapcorrection
-% \ifdim\nextboxht>\strutht
-% \scratchdimen\nextboxht
-% \ifcase\@@presnap\relax
-% \ifdim\scratchskip>\zeropoint\relax
-% \scratchcounter\scratchskip
-% \advance\scratchcounter -\openlineheight
-% \ifnum\scratchcounter<0
-% \scratchcounter-\scratchcounter
-% \fi
-% \ifnum\scratchcounter<10 % \lastkip is about \openlineheight
-% \advance\scratchdimen -\openstrutdepth
-% \edef\presnapskip{*\presnapskip}%
-% \else\ifdim\scratchskip>\openlineheight
-% %<\openlineheight \else
-% \advance\scratchdimen -\openstrutdepth
-% \edef\presnapskip{*\presnapskip}%
-% \fi\fi
-% \fi
-% \fi
-% \getnoflines\scratchdimen % maybe raw ?
-% \advance\noflines -1
-% \ifnum\noflines>0
-% \scratchdimen\noflines\lineheight
-% \else
-% \scratchdimen\zeropoint
-% \fi
-% \else
-% \scratchdimen\zeropoint
-% \fi
-% \ifnum\@@extrasnap=1 \advance\scratchdimen \extrasnapsign\lineheight \fi
-% \ifnum\@@extrasnap=2 \advance\scratchdimen \extrasnapsign.5\lineheight \fi
-% \edef\presnap{\the\scratchdimen}%
-% \ifstrutsnapping
-% \ifboxedsnapping
-% \getrawnoflines\scratchdimen
-% \advance\scratchdimen-\noflines\lineheight
-% \vskip\scratchdimen % disappears at top of page
-% \dorecurse\noflines{\verticalstrut\nobreak}%
-% \else \ifdim\scratchdimen=\zeropoint
-% % nothing to skip
-% \else % disappears at top of page
-% \vskip\scratchdimen
-% \fi \fi
-% \fi
-% \ifdim\nextboxdp>\strutdp
-% \getnoflines{\nextboxdp}%
-% \advance\noflines -1
-% \ifnum\noflines>0
-% \scratchdimen\noflines\lineheight
-% \else
-% \scratchdimen\zeropoint
-% \fi
-% \else
-% \scratchdimen\zeropoint
-% \fi
-% \ifnum\@@extrasnap=2 \advance\scratchdimen \extrasnapsign.5\lineheight \fi
-% \ifnum\@@extrasnap=3 \advance\scratchdimen \extrasnapsign\lineheight \fi
-% \edef\postsnap{\the\scratchdimen}%
-% \ifstrutsnapping
-% \nextboxht\strutht
-% \nextboxdp\strutdp
-% \else
-% \scratchdimen\presnap
-% \advance\scratchdimen \strutht
-% \nextboxht\scratchdimen
-% \scratchdimen\postsnap
-% \advance\scratchdimen \strutdp
-% \nextboxdp\scratchdimen
-% \fi
-% \hbox{\tracedsnapping\flushnextbox}%
-% \ifstrutsnapping
-% \ifdim\scratchdimen=\zeropoint\else\vskip\scratchdimen\fi
-% \fi
-% \else
-% \scratchdimen\nextboxht\relax
-% \ifcase\@@alignsnapbox
-% % can't happen here
-% \or
-% \getrawnoflines\scratchdimen
-% \else
-% \getnoflines \scratchdimen
-% \fi
-% \scratchdimen\noflines\lineheight\relax
-% \advance\scratchdimen-\strutdepth
-% % spoils the whole game (fit/broad/line)
-% % \ifnum\pagetotal>\zeropoint \else % disable this as option
-% % \advance\scratchdimen-\strutheight
-% % \advance\scratchdimen+\topskip
-% % \fi
-% \dimen0=\scratchdimen
-% \dimen2=\strutdepth
-% \ifshowgridboxes
-% \setbox\nextbox\hbox{\color[grid:two]{\ruledhbox{\black\flushnextbox}}}%
-% \fi
-% \nextboxdp\strutdp
-% \dimen4=\nextboxht
-% \dimen6=\nextboxdp
-% \iftracegridsnapping
-% \setbox\scratchbox\hbox
-% {\scratchdimen\@@alignsnapamount\relax
-% \ifdim\scratchdimen<\zeropoint
-% \tracedgridamount\zeropoint{-\scratchdimen}%
-% \else
-% \tracedgridamount\scratchdimen\zeropoint
-% \fi}%
-% \smashbox\scratchbox
-% \setbox\nextbox\hbox{\box\scratchbox\flushnextbox}%
-% \fi
-% \setbox\nextbox\hbox
-% {\scratchdimen\@@alignsnapamount\relax
-% \ifcase\@@alignsnapdepth\or
-% % don't change this ever !
-% \ifdim\dimen0<\lineheight
-% % otherwise it is ok, but ending up inside
-% % the next paragraph is seldom what we want,
-% % so we move one line up
-% \advance\scratchdimen-\lineheight
-% \advance\scratchdimen\strutheight
-% \else
-% % otherwise we can move down to the
-% % baseline
-% \advance\scratchdimen\dimen6 % == \strutdepth
-% \fi
-% \fi
-% \lower\scratchdimen\flushnextbox}%
-% \nextboxht\dimen4
-% \nextboxdp\dimen6
-% \ifnum\@@alignsnap<4 % 4 = regel
-% \setbox\nextbox\vbox to \scratchdimen
-% {\forgetall
-% \ifnum\@@alignsnap>2 \vfill\fi % 3 4
-% \flushnextbox
-% \nointerlineskip % \offinterlineskip
-% \ifnum\@@alignsnap<4 \vfill\fi % 2 3
-% \kern\zeropoint}%
-% \fi
-% \ifshowgridboxes
-% \setbox\nextbox\vbox{\color[grid:three]{\ruledhbox{\black\flushnextbox}}}%
-% \fi
-% \scratchdimen\@@alignsnapamount
-% \edef\presnapskip{\the\scratchdimen}%
-% \ifnum\@@alignsnap>2 \def\presnap {+}\fi
-% \ifnum\@@alignsnap<4 \def\postsnap{+}\fi
-% \setbox\nextbox\hbox{\tracedsnapping\flushnextbox}%
-% \par
-% \nextboxht\dimen0
-% \nextboxdp\dimen2
-% \forcedpresnapcorrection
-% \nointerlineskip
-% \flushnextbox
-% \fi
-% \else
-% \setbox\nextbox\vbox to \teksthoogte
-% {\ifdim\nextboxdp=\zeropoint
-% \hbox{\lower\strutdepth\flushnextbox}
-% \else % this branch is yet untested
-% \vss
-% \hbox{\lower\nextboxdp\flushnextbox}
-% \vskip-\strutdepth
-% \fi}%
-% \nextboxdp\strutdepth
-% \flushnextbox
-% \fi
-% \extrasnapreset
-% \enablepresnapcorrection
-% \global\chardef\@@alignsnap\zerocount
-% \global\chardef\@@alignsnapbox\zerocount
-% \egroup}}
-% \def\setgridtracebox#1[#2]%
-% {\setbox\nextbox#1%
-% {\color[grid:#2]{\ruledhbox{\black\flushnextbox}}}}
\def\setgridtracebox#1[#2]% % maybe reverse the order
@@ -741,9 +332,19 @@
+\newif\ifboxedsnapping \boxedsnappingtrue
+\chardef\depthsnapmethod \plusone % downward compatible, minus one line
+\chardef\heightsnapmethod\plusone % downward compatible, minus one line
+ \ifcase\@@alignsnapmethod \or
+ % we're dealing with text with a possible big depth/height
+ \chardef\depthsnapmethod \plustwo
+ \chardef\heightsnapmethod\plustwo
+ \fi
\ifdim\nextboxht<\teksthoogte % handle special case (like page fig)
\ifcase\@@alignsnap\else % 1=top 2=high 3=middle 4=low
@@ -793,8 +394,19 @@
- \getnoflines\scratchdimen % maybe raw ?
- \advance\noflines -1
+ % \getnoflines\scratchdimen % maybe raw ?
+ % \advance\noflines -1
+ \ifcase\heightsnapmethod
+ % raw
+ \or
+ \advance\scratchdimen-\lineheight % tight (default)
+ \or
+ \advance\scratchdimen-\strutheight % fit (text)
+ \or
+ \advance\scratchdimen-\strutheight % tolerant
+ \advance\scratchdimen-10sp
+ \fi
+ \getnoflines\scratchdimen
@@ -819,8 +431,20 @@
\fi \fi
- \getnoflines{\nextboxdp}%
- \advance\noflines -1
+ % \getnoflines\nextboxdp
+ % \advance\noflines \minusone
+ \scratchdimen\nextboxdp\relax
+ \ifcase\depthsnapmethod
+ % raw
+ \or
+ \advance\scratchdimen-\lineheight % tight (default)
+ \or
+ \advance\scratchdimen-\strutdepth % fit (text)
+ \or
+ \advance\scratchdimen-\strutdepth % tolerant
+ \advance\scratchdimen-10sp
+ \fi
+ \getnoflines\scratchdimen
@@ -995,13 +619,13 @@
% \egroup}
% \vbox % was \hbox
% \fi}
% The next implementation is sub-optimal
% \def\centertogrid % usage: see ie pascal / stepcharts
% {\snaptogrid[\v!midden,.5\strutdp]\vbox}
-\def\centertogrid % meant for special situations
+\def\centertogrid % meant for special situations
@@ -1023,54 +647,54 @@
\vbox % was \hbox
-% testbed for \centertogrid
+% testbed for \centertogrid
-% \strut Bruggetje
+% \strut Bruggetje
% \startlinecorrection
% \startcombination
% {\framed{test}} {} {\framed{test}} {}
% \stopcombination
% \stoplinecorrection
-% \strut Bruggetje
+% \strut Bruggetje
% \startlinecorrection
% \startcombination[2*2]
% {\framed{test}} {} {\framed{test}} {}
% {\framed{test}} {} {\framed{test}} {}
% \stopcombination
% \stoplinecorrection
-% \strut Bruggetje
+% \strut Bruggetje
% \startlinecorrection[blank]
% \startcombination
% {\framed{test}} {} {\framed{test}} {}
% \stopcombination
% \stoplinecorrection
-% \strut Bruggetje
+% \strut Bruggetje
% \startlinecorrection[blank]
% \startcombination[2*2]
% {\framed{test}} {} {\framed{test}} {}
% {\framed{test}} {} {\framed{test}} {}
% \stopcombination
% \stoplinecorrection
-% \strut Bruggetje
+% \strut Bruggetje
% \startlinecorrection
% \startcombination
% {\framed[lines=1]{test}} {} {\framed[lines=1]{test}} {}
% \stopcombination
% \stoplinecorrection
-% \strut Bruggetje
+% \strut Bruggetje
% \startlinecorrection
% \startcombination[2*2]
% {\framed[lines=1]{test}} {} {\framed[lines=1]{test}} {}
% {\framed[lines=1]{test}} {} {\framed[lines=1]{test}} {}
% \stopcombination
% \stoplinecorrection
-% \strut Bruggetje
+% \strut Bruggetje
% \startlinecorrection[blank]
% \startcombination
% {\framed[lines=1]{test}} {} {\framed[lines=1]{test}} {}
% \stopcombination
% \stoplinecorrection
-% \strut Bruggetje
+% \strut Bruggetje
% \startlinecorrection[blank]
% \startcombination[2*2]
% {\framed[lines=1]{test}} {} {\framed[lines=1]{test}} {}
@@ -1130,42 +754,12 @@
-% \def\dodoverplaatsopgrid[#1]% some day : speed up
-% {\global\chardef\@@alignsnap\zerocount
-% \global\chardef\@@alignsnapbox\zerocount
-% \global\chardef\@@alignsnapdepth\zerocount
-% \global\let\@@alignsnapamount\!!zeropoint
-% \donefalse
-% \expanded{\processallactionsinset[#1]}
-% [\v!standaard=>,
-% \v!normaal=>, % to be sure
-% \v!ja=>, % to be sure
-% \v!boven=>\gridwarning+\positiveextrasnap\extrasnapbefore,
-% \v!onder=>\gridwarning+\positiveextrasnap\extrasnapafter,
-% \v!beide=>\positiveextrasnap\extrasnaparound,
-% -\v!boven=>\gridwarning-\negativeextrasnap\extrasnapbefore,
-% -\v!onder=>\gridwarning-\negativeextrasnap\extrasnapafter,
-% -\v!beide=>\negativeextrasnap\extrasnaparound,
-% \v!pagina=>\global\chardef\@@alignsnap1, % topskip
-% \v!hoog=>\global\chardef\@@alignsnap2,
-% \v!midden=>\global\chardef\@@alignsnap3,
-% \v!laag=>\global\chardef\@@alignsnap4,
-% \v!passend=>\global\chardef\@@alignsnapbox1, % new
-% \v!ruim=>\global\chardef\@@alignsnapbox2, % new
-% \v!diepte=>\global\chardef\@@alignsnapdepth1, % new
-% \v!regel=>\global\chardef\@@alignsnapbox3
-% \global\chardef\@@alignsnap4
-% \global\chardef\@@alignsnapdepth1,
-% \v!reset=>\positiveextrasnap\extrasnapreset,
-% \v!geen=>\global\chardef\@@alignsnap0
-% \global\chardef\@@alignsnapbox0,
-% \s!default=>,
-% \s!unknown=>\@@unknowngriddisplacement]}
\def\dodoverplaatsopgrid[#1]% some day : speed up
+ \global\chardef\@@alignsnapmethod\zerocount
@@ -1178,6 +772,7 @@
+ \v!tekst=>\global\chardef\@@alignsnapmethod\plusone, % accurate calculations
\v!pagina=>\global\chardef\@@alignsnap1, % topskip