path: root/scripts/context/lua/mtx-watch.lua
diff options
authorMarius <>2010-07-04 15:32:09 +0300
committerMarius <>2010-07-04 15:32:09 +0300
commit85b7bc695629926641c7cb752fd478adfdf374f3 (patch)
tree80293f5aaa7b95a500a78392c39688d8ee7a32fc /scripts/context/lua/mtx-watch.lua
stable 2010-05-24 13:10
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts/context/lua/mtx-watch.lua')
1 files changed, 382 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/context/lua/mtx-watch.lua b/scripts/context/lua/mtx-watch.lua
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..10f01cf86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/context/lua/mtx-watch.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,382 @@
+if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['mtx-watch'] = {
+ version = 1.001,
+ comment = "companion to mtxrun.lua",
+ author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
+ copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
+ license = "see context related readme files"
+scripts = scripts or { } = or { }
+local format, concat, difftime, time = string.format, table.concat, os.difftime, os.time
+local next, type = next, type
+-- the machine/instance matches the server app we use
+local machine = socket.dns.gethostname() or "unknown-machine"
+local instance = string.match(machine,"(%d+)$") or "0"
+ local values = joblog and joblog.values
+ if values then
+ local t= { }
+ t[#t+1] = "<?xml version='1.0' standalone='yes'?>\n"
+ t[#t+1] = "<exa:variables xmlns:exa='htpp://'>"
+ for k, v in next, joblog.values do
+ t[#t+1] = format("\t<exa:variable label='%s'>%s</exa:variable>", k, tostring(v))
+ end
+ t[#t+1] = "</exa:variables>"
+ io.savedata(ctmname,concat(t,"\n"))
+ else
+ os.remove(ctmname)
+ end
+local function toset(t)
+ if type(t) == "table" then
+ return concat(t,",")
+ else
+ return t
+ end
+local function noset(t)
+ if type(t) == "table" then
+ return t[1]
+ else
+ return t
+ end
+local lfsdir, lfsattributes = lfs.dir, lfs.attributes
+local function glob(files,path)
+ for name in lfsdir(path) do
+ if name:find("^%.") then
+ -- skip . and ..
+ else
+ name = path .. "/" .. name
+ local a = lfsattributes(name)
+ if not a then
+ -- weird
+ elseif a.mode == "directory" then
+ if name:find("graphics$") or name:find("figures$") or name:find("resources$") then
+ -- skip these too
+ else
+ glob(files,name)
+ end
+ elseif name:find(".%luj$") then
+ files[name] = a.change or a.ctime or a.modification or a.mtime
+ end
+ end
+ end
+local clock = os.gettimeofday or os.time -- we cannot trust os.clock on linux
+ local delay = tonumber(environment.argument("delay") or 5) or 5
+ if delay == 0 then
+ delay = .25
+ end
+ local logpath = environment.argument("logpath") or ""
+ local pipe = environment.argument("pipe") or false
+ local watcher = ""
+ local paths = environment.files
+ if #paths > 0 then
+ if environment.argument("automachine") then
+ logpath = string.gsub(logpath,"/machine/","/"..machine.."/")
+ for i=1,#paths do
+ paths[i] = string.gsub(paths[i],"/machine/","/"..machine.."/")
+ end
+ end
+ for i=1,#paths do
+"watch", "watching path ".. paths[i])
+ end
+ local function process()
+ local done = false
+ for i=1,#paths do
+ local path = paths[i]
+ lfs.chdir(path)
+ local files = { }
+ glob(files,path)
+ table.sort(files) -- what gets sorted here, todo: by time
+ for name, time in next, files do
+ --~ local ok, joblog = xpcall(function() return dofile(name) end, function() end )
+ local ok, joblog = pcall(dofile,name)
+ if ok and joblog then
+ if joblog.status == "processing" then
+"watch",format("aborted job, %s added to queue",name))
+ joblog.status = "queued"
+ io.savedata(name, table.serialize(joblog,true))
+ elseif joblog.status == "queued" then
+ local command = joblog.command
+ if command then
+ local replacements = {
+ inputpath = toset((joblog.paths and joblog.paths.input ) or "."),
+ outputpath = noset((joblog.paths and joblog.paths.output) or "."),
+ filename = joblog.filename or "",
+ }
+ -- todo: revision path etc
+ command = command:gsub("%%(.-)%%", replacements)
+ if command ~= "" then
+ joblog.status = "processing"
+ joblog.runtime = clock()
+ io.savedata(name, table.serialize(joblog,true))
+"watch",format("running: %s", command))
+ local newpath = file.dirname(name)
+ io.flush()
+ local result = ""
+ local ctmname = file.basename(replacements.filename)
+ if ctmname == "" then ctmname = name end -- use self as fallback
+ ctmname = file.replacesuffix(ctmname,"ctm")
+ if newpath ~= "" and newpath ~= "." then
+ local oldpath = lfs.currentdir()
+ lfs.chdir(newpath)
+ if pipe then result = os.resultof(command) else result = os.spawn(command) end
+ lfs.chdir(oldpath)
+ else
+ if pipe then result = os.resultof(command) else result = os.spawn(command) end
+ end
+"watch",format("return value: %s", result))
+ done = true
+ local path, base = replacements.outputpath, file.basename(replacements.filename)
+ joblog.runtime = clock() - joblog.runtime
+ if base ~= "" then
+ joblog.result = file.replacesuffix(file.join(path,base),"pdf")
+ joblog.size = lfs.attributes(joblog.result,"size")
+ end
+ joblog.status = "finished"
+ else
+ joblog.status = "invalid command"
+ end
+ else
+ joblog.status = "no command"
+ end
+ -- pcall, when error sleep + again
+ -- todo: just one log file and append
+ io.savedata(name, table.serialize(joblog,true))
+ if logpath and logpath ~= "" then
+ local name = file.join(logpath,os.uuid() .. ".lua")
+ io.savedata(name, table.serialize(joblog,true))
+"watch", "saving joblog in " .. name)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ local n, start = 0, time()
+--~ local function wait()
+--~ io.flush()
+--~ if not done then
+--~ n = n + 1
+--~ if n >= 10 then
+--~"watch", format("run time: %i seconds, memory usage: %0.3g MB", difftime(time(),start), (status.luastate_bytes/1024)/1000))
+--~ n = 0
+--~ end
+--~ os.sleep(delay)
+--~ end
+--~ end
+ local wtime = 0
+ local function wait()
+ io.flush()
+ if not done then
+ n = n + 1
+ if n >= 10 then
+"watch", format("run time: %i seconds, memory usage: %0.3g MB", difftime(time(),start), (status.luastate_bytes/1024)/1000))
+ n = 0
+ end
+ local ttime = 0
+ while ttime <= delay do
+ local wt = lfs.attributes(watcher,"mtime")
+ if wt and wt ~= wtime then
+ -- fast signal that there is a request
+ wtime = wt
+ break
+ end
+ ttime = ttime + 0.2
+ os.sleep(0.2)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ local cleanupdelay, cleanup = environment.argument("cleanup"), false
+ if cleanupdelay then
+ local lasttime = time()
+ cleanup = function()
+ local currenttime = time()
+ local delta = difftime(currenttime,lasttime)
+ if delta > cleanupdelay then
+ lasttime = currenttime
+ for i=1,#paths do
+ local path = paths[i]
+ if string.find(path,"%.") then
+ -- safeguard, we want a fully qualified path
+ else
+ local files = dir.glob(file.join(path,"*"))
+ for i=1,#files do
+ local name = files[i]
+ local filetime = lfs.attributes(name,"modification")
+ local delta = difftime(currenttime,filetime)
+ if delta > cleanupdelay then
+ --"watch",format("cleaning up '%s'",name))
+ os.remove(name)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ cleanup = function()
+ -- nothing
+ end
+ end
+ while true do
+ if false then
+--~ if true then
+ process()
+ cleanup()
+ wait()
+ else
+ pcall(process)
+ pcall(cleanup)
+ pcall(wait)
+ end
+ end
+ else
+"watch", "no paths to watch")
+ end
+function -- clean 'm up too
+ path = path or environment.argument("logpath") or ""
+ path = (path == "" and ".") or path
+ local files = dir.globfiles(path,false,"^%d+%.lua$")
+ local collection = { }
+ local valid = table.tohash({"filename","result","runtime","size","status"})
+ for i=1,#files do
+ local name = files[i]
+ local t = dofile(name)
+ if t and type(t) == "table" and t.status then
+ for k, v in next, t do
+ if not valid[k] then
+ t[k] = nil
+ end
+ end
+ collection[name:gsub("[^%d]","")] = t
+ end
+ end
+ return collection
+function,path) -- play safe
+ if collection and next(collection) then
+ path = path or environment.argument("logpath") or ""
+ path = (path == "" and ".") or path
+ local filename = format("%s/collected-%s.lua",path,tostring(time()))
+ io.savedata(filename,table.serialize(collection,true))
+ local check = dofile(filename)
+ for k,v in next, check do
+ if not collection[k] then
+ logs.error("watch", "error in saving file")
+ os.remove(filename)
+ return false
+ end
+ end
+ for k,v in next, check do
+ os.remove(format("%s.lua",k))
+ end
+ return true
+ else
+ return false
+ end
+function -- removes duplicates
+ path = path or environment.argument("logpath") or ""
+ path = (path == "" and ".") or path
+ local files = dir.globfiles(path,false,"^collected%-%d+%.lua$")
+ local collection = { }
+ for i=1,#files do
+ local name = files[i]
+ local t = dofile(name)
+ if t and type(t) == "table" then
+ for k, v in next, t do
+ collection[k] = v
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return collection
+function -- removes duplicates
+ local collection = or { }
+ local max = 0
+ for k,v in next, collection do
+ v = v.filename or "?"
+ if #v > max then max = #v end
+ end
+ -- print(max)
+ local sorted = table.sortedkeys(collection)
+ for k=1,#sorted do
+ local v = sorted[k]
+ local c = collection[v]
+ local f, s, r, n = c.filename or "?", c.status or "?", c.runtime or 0, c.size or 0
+"watch", format("%s %s %3i %8i %s",string.padd(f,max," "),string.padd(s,10," "),r,n,v))
+ end
+function -- removes duplicates
+ local path = environment.files[1]
+ local delay = tonumber(environment.argument("cleanup"))
+ local force = environment.argument("force")
+ if not path or path == "." then
+"watch","provide qualified path")
+ elseif not delay then
+"watch","missing --cleanup=delay")
+ else
+"watch","dryrun, use --force for real cleanup")
+ local files = dir.glob(file.join(path,"*"))
+ local rtime = time()
+ for i=1,#files do
+ local name = files[i]
+ local mtime = lfs.attributes(name,"modification")
+ local delta = difftime(rtime,mtime)
+ if delta > delay then
+"watch",format("cleaning up '%s'",name))
+ if force then
+ os.remove(name)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+logs.extendbanner("ConTeXt Request Watchdog 1.00",true)
+ = [[
+--logpath optional path for log files
+--watch watch given path [--delay]
+--pipe use pipe instead of execute
+--delay delay between sweeps
+--automachine replace /machine/ in path /<servername>/
+--collect condense log files
+--cleanup=delay remove files in given path [--force]
+--showlog show log data
+if environment.argument("watch") then
+elseif environment.argument("collect") then
+elseif environment.argument("cleanup") then
+elseif environment.argument("showlog") then