path: root/scripts/context/lua/mtx-convert.lua
diff options
authorHans Hagen <>2008-08-04 15:59:00 +0200
committerHans Hagen <>2008-08-04 15:59:00 +0200
commitf8ba0550d77fd6e2b307ff9dd3175fc0c613b8e2 (patch)
treeae27ca6edd0b2f1bcbe315d241b8152107d4e6a3 /scripts/context/lua/mtx-convert.lua
parent1d63a6eae86a6b78d4563ed60521449e4bf89f3c (diff)
stable 2008.08.04 15:59
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts/context/lua/mtx-convert.lua')
1 files changed, 42 insertions, 21 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/context/lua/mtx-convert.lua b/scripts/context/lua/mtx-convert.lua
index 1bfc10c0f..eca050f29 100644
--- a/scripts/context/lua/mtx-convert.lua
+++ b/scripts/context/lua/mtx-convert.lua
@@ -14,30 +14,53 @@ do
local gsprogram = (os.platform == "windows" and "gswin32c") or "gs"
local gstemplate = "%s -q -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dEPSCrop -dNOPAUSE -dNOCACHE -dBATCH -dAutoRotatePages=/None -dProcessColorModel=/DeviceCMYK -sOutputFile=%s %s -c quit"
- function graphics.converters.epstopdf(inputpath,outputpath,epsname)
- inputpath = inputpath or "."
- outputpath = outputpath or "."
- local oldname = file.join(inputpath,epsname)
- local newname = file.join(outputpath,file.replacesuffix(epsname,"pdf"))
- local et = lfs.attributes(oldname,"modification")
- local pt = lfs.attributes(newname,"modification")
- if not pt or et > pt then
- dir.mkdirs(outputpath)
- local tmpname = file.replacesuffix(newname,"tmp")
- local command = string.format(gstemplate,gsprogram,tmpname,oldname)
- os.spawn(command)
- os.remove(newname)
- os.rename(tmpname,newname)
- end
+ function graphics.converters.eps(oldname,newname)
+ return gstemplate:format(gsprogram,newname,oldname)
+ end
+ local improgram = "convert"
+ local imtemplate = {
+ low = "%s -quality 0 -compress zip %s pdf:%s",
+ medium = "%s -quality 75 -compress zip %s pdf:%s",
+ high = "%s -quality 100 -compress zip %s pdf:%s",
+ }
+ function graphics.converters.jpg(oldname,newname)
+ local ea = environment.arguments
+ local quality = (ea.high and 'high') or (ea.medium and 'medium') or (ea.low and 'low') or 'high'
+ return imtemplate[quality]:format(improgram,oldname,newname)
+ graphics.converters.tif = graphics.converters.jpg
+ graphics.converters.tiff = graphics.converters.jpg
+ graphics.converters.png = graphics.converters.jpg
function graphics.converters.convertpath(inputpath,outputpath)
- for name in lfs.dir(inputpath or ".") do
+ inputpath = inputpath or "."
+ outputpath = outputpath or "."
+ for name in lfs.dir(inputpath) do
+ local suffix = file.extname(name)
if name:find("%.$") then
-- skip . and ..
- elseif name:find("%.eps$") then
- graphics.converters.epstopdf(inputpath,outputpath, name)
- elseif lfs.attributes(inputpath .. "/".. name,"mode") == "directory" then
+ elseif graphics.converters[suffix] then
+ local oldname = file.join(inputpath,name)
+ local newname = file.join(outputpath,file.replacesuffix(name,"pdf"))
+ local et = lfs.attributes(oldname,"modification")
+ local pt = lfs.attributes(newname,"modification")
+ if not pt or et > pt then
+ dir.mkdirs(outputpath)
+ local tmpname = file.replacesuffix(newname,"tmp")
+ local command = graphics.converters[suffix](oldname,tmpname)
+"command: %s",command)
+ io.flush()
+ os.spawn(command)
+ os.remove(newname)
+ os.rename(tmpname,newname)
+ if lfs.attributes(newname,"size") == 0 then
+ os.remove(newname)
+ end
+ end
+ elseif lfs.isdir(inputpath .. "/".. name) then
graphics.converters.convertpath(inputpath .. "/".. name,outputpath .. "/".. name)
@@ -45,8 +68,6 @@ do
-texmf.instance = instance -- we need to get rid of this / maybe current instance in global table
scripts = scripts or { }
scripts.convert = scripts.convert or { }