diff options
authorHans Hagen <>2013-03-10 14:36:00 +0100
committerHans Hagen <>2013-03-10 14:36:00 +0100
commit748be39b9f88d15159ab8879ff8e9b88e4b8718a (patch)
parent7b01e5c00c1538ceaabe8a1b818eeec0d5c69da9 (diff)
beta 2013.03.10 14:36
-rw-r--r--tex/context/base/context-version.pdfbin4131 -> 4139 bytes
-rw-r--r--tex/context/base/context-version.pngbin39754 -> 40397 bytes
-rw-r--r--tex/context/base/status-files.pdfbin24806 -> 24788 bytes
-rw-r--r--tex/context/base/status-lua.pdfbin209211 -> 209468 bytes
33 files changed, 2394 insertions, 1372 deletions
diff --git a/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-lua.lua b/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-lua.lua
index a2d909e5a..572379416 100644
--- a/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-lua.lua
+++ b/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-lua.lua
@@ -45,7 +45,17 @@ local functions = {
local constants = {
- '_G', '_VERSION', '_M', "...", '_ENV'
+ '_G', '_VERSION', '_M', '...', '_ENV',
+ -- here too
+ '__add', '__call', '__concat', '__div', '__eq', '__gc', '__index',
+ '__le', '__lt', '__metatable', '__mode', '__mul', '__newindex',
+ '__pow', '__sub', '__tostring', '__unm',
+local internals = { -- __
+ 'add', 'call', 'concat', 'div', 'eq', 'gc', 'index',
+ 'le', 'lt', 'metatable', 'mode', 'mul', 'newindex',
+ 'pow', 'sub', 'tostring', 'unm',
local depricated = {
@@ -165,18 +175,25 @@ local gotolabel = token("keyword", P("::"))
local p_keywords = exact_match(keywords )
local p_functions = exact_match(functions)
local p_constants = exact_match(constants)
+local p_internals = P("__")
+ * exact_match(internals)
local p_csnames = exact_match(csnames )
local keyword = token("keyword", p_keywords)
local builtin = token("plain", p_functions)
local constant = token("data", p_constants)
+local internal = token("data", p_internals)
local csname = token("user", p_csnames)
* (
optionalspace * hasargument
+ ( optionalspace * token("special", S(".:")) * optionalspace * token("user", validword) )^1
local identifier = token("default", validword)
- * ( optionalspace * token("special", S(".:")) * optionalspace * (token("warning", p_keywords) + token("default", validword)) )^0
+ * ( optionalspace * token("special", S(".:")) * optionalspace * (
+ token("warning", p_keywords) +
+ token("data", p_internals) +
+ token("default", validword )
+ ) )^0
lualexer._rules = {
{ 'whitespace', spacing },
diff --git a/context/data/scite/ b/context/data/scite/
index 80cb13417..c5aa4cbed 100644
--- a/context/data/scite/
+++ b/context/data/scite/
@@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
+nocolormodel greycolormodel graycolormodel rgbcolormodel \
+cmykcolormodel shadefactor textextoffset normaltransparent multiplytransparent \
+screentransparent overlaytransparent softlighttransparent hardlighttransparent colordodgetransparent \
+colorburntransparent darkentransparent lightentransparent differencetransparent exclusiontransparent \
+huetransparent saturationtransparent colortransparent luminositytransparent metapostversion
sqr log ln exp \
inv pow pi radian tand \
@@ -45,10 +52,3 @@ drawpoints drawcontrolpoints drawcontrollines drawpointlabels drawlineoptions \
drawpointoptions drawcontroloptions drawlabeloptions draworiginoptions drawboundoptions \
drawpathoptions resetdrawoptions decorated redecorated undecorated
-nocolormodel greycolormodel graycolormodel rgbcolormodel \
-cmykcolormodel shadefactor textextoffset normaltransparent multiplytransparent \
-screentransparent overlaytransparent softlighttransparent hardlighttransparent colordodgetransparent \
-colorburntransparent darkentransparent lightentransparent differencetransparent exclusiontransparent \
-huetransparent saturationtransparent colortransparent luminositytransparent metapostversion
diff --git a/scripts/context/lua/mtx-context.lua b/scripts/context/lua/mtx-context.lua
index 37e5e77d4..61aebe9b5 100644
--- a/scripts/context/lua/mtx-context.lua
+++ b/scripts/context/lua/mtx-context.lua
@@ -697,6 +697,7 @@ function,filename)
-- = false
c_flags.kindofrun = (a_once and 3) or (currentrun==1 and 1) or (currentrun==maxnofruns and 4) or 2
+ c_flags.maxnofruns = maxnofruns
c_flags.currentrun = currentrun
c_flags.noarrange = a_noarrange or a_arrange or nil
diff --git a/scripts/context/lua/mtxlibs.lua b/scripts/context/lua/mtxlibs.lua
index 59cfa3dc2..732c9a0af 100644
--- a/scripts/context/lua/mtxlibs.lua
+++ b/scripts/context/lua/mtxlibs.lua
@@ -83,9 +83,9 @@ local ownlibs = {
"l-unicode.lua", -- nowadays independent of slunicode
+ "util-str.lua",
- "util-str.lua",
-- "util-lua.lua", -- no need for compiling
diff --git a/scripts/context/lua/mtxrun.lua b/scripts/context/lua/mtxrun.lua
index d1a0887f2..ee01afe35 100644
--- a/scripts/context/lua/mtxrun.lua
+++ b/scripts/context/lua/mtxrun.lua
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
package.loaded["l-lua"] = package.loaded["l-lua"] or true
--- original size: 7937, stripped down to: 5418
+-- original size: 7986, stripped down to: 5461
if not modules then modules={} end modules ['l-lua']={
@@ -68,6 +68,7 @@ if not modules then modules={} end modules ['l-lua']={
local major,minor=string.match(_VERSION,"^[^%d]+(%d+)%.(%d+).*$")
_MAJORVERSION=tonumber(major) or 5
_MINORVERSION=tonumber(minor) or 1
if not lpeg then
@@ -274,7 +275,7 @@ do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
package.loaded["l-lpeg"] = package.loaded["l-lpeg"] or true
--- original size: 25591, stripped down to: 14143
+-- original size: 26334, stripped down to: 14439
if not modules then modules={} end modules ['l-lpeg']={
@@ -836,6 +837,15 @@ end
function lpeg.times(pattern,n)
return P(nextstep(n,2^16,{ "start",["1"]=pattern }))
+local digit=R("09")
+local period=P(".")
+local zero=P("0")
+local trailingzeros=zero^0*-digit
+local case_1=period*trailingzeros/""
+local case_2=period*(digit-trailingzeros)^1*(trailingzeros/"")
+local number=digit^1*(case_1+case_2)
+local stripper=Cs((number+1)^0)
end -- of closure
@@ -964,7 +974,7 @@ do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
package.loaded["l-table"] = package.loaded["l-table"] or true
--- original size: 29337, stripped down to: 19618
+-- original size: 44480, stripped down to: 19618
if not modules then modules={} end modules ['l-table']={
@@ -4268,9 +4278,407 @@ end -- of closure
do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
+package.loaded["util-str"] = package.loaded["util-str"] or true
+-- original size: 17245, stripped down to: 10055
+if not modules then modules={} end modules ['util-str']={
+ version=1.001,
+ comment="companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
+ author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
+ copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
+ license="see context related readme files"
+utilities=utilities or {}
+utilities.strings=utilities.strings or {}
+local strings=utilities.strings
+local format,gsub,rep,sub=string.format,string.gsub,string.rep,string.sub
+local load,dump=load,string.dump
+local concat=table.concat
+local P,V,C,S,R,Ct,Cs,Cp,Carg,Cc=lpeg.P,lpeg.V,lpeg.C,lpeg.S,lpeg.R,lpeg.Ct,lpeg.Cs,lpeg.Cp,lpeg.Carg,lpeg.Cc
+local patterns,lpegmatch=lpeg.patterns,lpeg.match
+local utfchar,utfbyte=utf.char,utf.byte
+local loadstripped=_LUAVERSION<5.2 and load or function(str)
+ return load(dump(load(str),true))
+local stripper=patterns.stripzeros
+local function points(n)
+ return (not n or n==0) and "0pt" or lpegmatch(stripper,format("%.5fpt",n/65536))
+local function basepoints(n)
+ return (not n or n==0) and "0bp" or lpegmatch(stripper,format("%.5fbp",n*(7200/7227)/65536))
+local rubish=patterns.spaceortab^0*patterns.newline
+local anyrubish=patterns.spaceortab+patterns.newline
+local anything=patterns.anything
+local stripped=(patterns.spaceortab^1/"")*patterns.newline
+local leading=rubish^0/""
+local trailing=(anyrubish^1*patterns.endofstring)/""
+local redundant=rubish^3/"\n"
+local pattern=Cs(leading*(trailing+redundant+stripped+anything)^0)
+function strings.collapsecrlf(str)
+ return lpegmatch(pattern,str)
+local repeaters={}
+function strings.newrepeater(str,offset)
+ offset=offset or 0
+ local s=repeaters[str]
+ if not s then
+ s={}
+ repeaters[str]=s
+ end
+ local t=s[offset]
+ if t then
+ return t
+ end
+ t={}
+ setmetatable(t,{ __index=function(t,k)
+ if not k then
+ return ""
+ end
+ local n=k+offset
+ local s=n>0 and rep(str,n) or ""
+ t[k]=s
+ return s
+ end })
+ s[offset]=t
+ return t
+local extra,tab,start=0,0,4,0
+local nspaces=strings.newrepeater(" ")
+local pattern=Carg(1)/function(t)
+ extra,tab,start=0,t or 7,1
+ end*Cs((
+ Cp()*
+ local current=(position-start+1)+extra
+ local spaces=tab-(current-1)%tab
+ if spaces>0 then
+ extra=extra+spaces-1
+ return nspaces[spaces]
+ else
+ return ""
+ end
+ end+patterns.newline*Cp()/function(position)
+ extra,start=0,position
+ end+patterns.anything
+ )^1)
+function strings.tabtospace(str,tab)
+ return lpegmatch(pattern,str,1,tab or 7)
+function strings.striplong(str)
+ str=gsub(str,"^%s*","")
+ str=gsub(str,"[\n\r]+ *","\n")
+ return str
+function strings.nice(str)
+ str=gsub(str,"[:%-+_]+"," ")
+ return str
+local n=0
+local template_shortcuts=[[
+local tostring = tostring
+local format = string.format
+local concat = table.concat
+local signed = number.signed
+local points = number.points
+local basepoints = number.basepoints
+local utfchar = utf.char
+local utfbyte = utf.byte
+local lpegmatch = lpeg.match
+local xmlescape = lpeg.patterns.xmlescape
+local spaces = string.nspaces
+local prefix_any=C((S("+- .")+R("09"))^0)
+local prefix_tab=C((1-R("az","AZ","09","%%"))^0)
+local format_s=function(f)
+ n=n+1
+ if f and f~="" then
+ return format("format('%%%ss',a%s)",f,n)
+ else
+ return format("a%s",n)
+ end
+local format_S=function(f)
+ n=n+1
+ if f and f~="" then
+ return format("format('%%%ss',tostring(a%s))",f,n)
+ else
+ return format("tostring(a%s)",n)
+ end
+local format_q=function()
+ n=n+1
+ return format("format('%%q',a%s)",n)
+local format_Q=function()
+ n=n+1
+ return format("format('%%q',tostring(a%s))",n)
+local format_i=function(f)
+ n=n+1
+ if f and f~="" then
+ return format("format('%%%si',a%s)",f,n)
+ else
+ return format("a%s",n)
+ end
+local format_d=format_i
+function number.signed(i)
+ if i>0 then
+ return "+",i
+ else
+ return "-",-i
+ end
+local format_I=function(f)
+ n=n+1
+ if f and f~="" then
+ return format("format('%%s%%%si',signed(a%s))",f,n)
+ else
+ return format("format('%%s%%i',signed(a%s))",n)
+ end
+local format_f=function(f)
+ n=n+1
+ return format("format('%%%sf',a%s)",f,n)
+local format_g=function(f)
+ n=n+1
+ return format("format('%%%sg',a%s)",f,n)
+local format_G=function(f)
+ n=n+1
+ return format("format('%%%sG',a%s)",f,n)
+local format_e=function(f)
+ n=n+1
+ return format("format('%%%se',a%s)",f,n)
+local format_E=function(f)
+ n=n+1
+ return format("format('%%%sE',a%s)",f,n)
+local format_x=function(f)
+ n=n+1
+ return format("format('%%%sx',a%s)",f,n)
+local format_X=function(f)
+ n=n+1
+ return format("format('%%%sX',a%s)",f,n)
+local format_o=function(f)
+ n=n+1
+ return format("format('%%%so',a%s)",f,n)
+local format_c=function()
+ n=n+1
+ return format("utfchar(a%s)",n)
+local format_r=function(f)
+ n=n+1
+ return format("format('%%%s.0f',a%s)",f,n)
+local format_h=function(f)
+ n=n+1
+ if f=="-" then
+ f=sub(f,2)
+ return format("format('%%%sx',utfbyte(a%s))",f=="" and "05" or f,n)
+ else
+ return format("format('0x%%%sx',utfbyte(a%s))",f=="" and "05" or f,n)
+ end
+local format_H=function(f)
+ n=n+1
+ if f=="-" then
+ f=sub(f,2)
+ return format("format('%%%sX',utfbyte(a%s))",f=="" and "05" or f,n)
+ else
+ return format("format('0x%%%sX',utfbyte(a%s))",f=="" and "05" or f,n)
+ end
+local format_u=function(f)
+ n=n+1
+ if f=="-" then
+ f=sub(f,2)
+ return format("format('%%%sx',utfbyte(a%s))",f=="" and "05" or f,n)
+ else
+ return format("format('u+%%%sx',utfbyte(a%s))",f=="" and "05" or f,n)
+ end
+local format_U=function(f)
+ n=n+1
+ if f=="-" then
+ f=sub(f,2)
+ return format("format('%%%sX',utfbyte(a%s))",f=="" and "05" or f,n)
+ else
+ return format("format('U+%%%sX',utfbyte(a%s))",f=="" and "05" or f,n)
+ end
+local format_p=function()
+ n=n+1
+ return format("points(a%s)",n)
+local format_b=function()
+ n=n+1
+ return format("basepoints(a%s)",n)
+local format_t=function(f)
+ n=n+1
+ if f and f~="" then
+ return format("concat(a%s,%q)",n,f)
+ else
+ return format("concat(a%s)",n)
+ end
+local format_l=function()
+ n=n+1
+ return format("(a%s and 'true' or 'false')",n)
+local format_L=function()
+ n=n+1
+ return format("(a%s and 'TRUE' or 'FALSE')",n)
+local format_N=function()
+ n=n+1
+ return format("tostring(tonumber(a%s) or a%s)",n,n)
+local format_a=function(s)
+ return format("%q",s)
+local format_w=function(f)
+ n=n+1
+ f=tonumber(f)
+ if f then
+ return format("spaces[%s+tonumber(a%s)]",f,n)
+ else
+ return format("spaces[tonumber(a%s)]",n)
+ end
+local format_W=function(f)
+ return format("spaces[%s]",tonumber(f) or 0)
+local extensions={}
+local format_extension=function(name)
+ n=n+1
+ local extension=extensions[name] or "tostring(%s)"
+ return format(extension,format("a%s",n))
+function addextension(name,template,shortcuts)
+ extensions[name]=template
+ if shortcuts then
+ template_shortcuts=shortcuts.."\n"..template_shortcuts
+ end
+addextension("xml",[[lpegmatch(xmlescape,%s)]],[[local xmlescape = lpeg.patterns.xmlescape]])
+addextension("tex",[[lpegmatch(texescape,%s)]],[[local texescape = lpeg.patterns.texescape]])
+local builder=Cs { "start",
+ start=(
+ (
+ P("%")/""*(
+ V("!")
+ )+V("a")
+ )
+ )^0,
+ ["s"]=(prefix_any*P("s"))/format_s,
+ ["q"]=(prefix_any*P("q"))/format_q,
+ ["i"]=(prefix_any*P("i"))/format_i,
+ ["d"]=(prefix_any*P("d"))/format_d,
+ ["f"]=(prefix_any*P("f"))/format_f,
+ ["g"]=(prefix_any*P("g"))/format_g,
+ ["G"]=(prefix_any*P("G"))/format_G,
+ ["e"]=(prefix_any*P("e"))/format_e,
+ ["E"]=(prefix_any*P("E"))/format_E,
+ ["x"]=(prefix_any*P("x"))/format_x,
+ ["X"]=(prefix_any*P("X"))/format_X,
+ ["o"]=(prefix_any*P("o"))/format_o,
+ ["S"]=(prefix_any*P("S"))/format_S,
+ ["Q"]=(prefix_any*P("Q"))/format_S,
+ ["N"]=(prefix_any*P("N"))/format_N,
+ ["c"]=(prefix_any*P("c"))/format_c,
+ ["r"]=(prefix_any*P("r"))/format_r,
+ ["h"]=(prefix_any*P("h"))/format_h,
+ ["H"]=(prefix_any*P("H"))/format_H,
+ ["u"]=(prefix_any*P("u"))/format_u,
+ ["U"]=(prefix_any*P("U"))/format_U,
+ ["p"]=(prefix_any*P("p"))/format_p,
+ ["b"]=(prefix_any*P("b"))/format_b,
+ ["t"]=(prefix_tab*P("t"))/format_t,
+ ["l"]=(prefix_tab*P("l"))/format_l,
+ ["L"]=(prefix_tab*P("L"))/format_L,
+ ["I"]=(prefix_any*P("I"))/format_I,
+ ["w"]=(prefix_any*P("w"))/format_w,
+ ["W"]=(prefix_any*P("W"))/format_W,
+ ["a"]=Cs(((1-P("%"))^1+P("%%")/"%%%%")^1)/format_a,
+ ["!"]=P("!")*C((1-P("!"))^1)*P("!")/format_extension,
+local direct=Cs (
+ P("%")/""*Cc([[local format = string.format return function(str) return format("%]])*C(S("+- .")+R("09"))^0*S("sqidfgGeExXo")*Cc([[",str) end]])*P(-1)
+ )
+local template=[[
+return function(%s) return %s end
+local arguments={ "a1" }
+setmetatable(arguments,{ __index=function(t,k)
+ local v=t[k-1]..",a"..k
+ t[k]=v
+ return v
+ end
+local function make(t,str)
+ local f
+ local p=lpegmatch(direct,str)
+ if p then
+ f=loadstripped(p)()
+ else
+ n=0
+ p=lpegmatch(builder,str,1,"..")
+ if n>0 then
+ p=format(template,template_shortcuts,arguments[n],p)
+ f=loadstripped(p)()
+ else
+ f=function() return str end
+ end
+ end
+ t[str]=f
+ return f
+local function use(t,fmt,...)
+ return t[fmt](...)
+local formatters=string.formatters or {}
+setmetatable(formatters,{ __index=make,__call=use })
+function string.makeformatter(str)
+ return formatters[str]
+function string.formatter(str,...)
+ return formatters[str](...)
+end -- of closure
+do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
package.loaded["util-tab"] = package.loaded["util-tab"] or true
--- original size: 10865, stripped down to: 7097
+-- original size: 14459, stripped down to: 8507
if not modules then modules={} end modules ['util-tab']={
@@ -4282,12 +4690,13 @@ if not modules then modules={} end modules ['util-tab']={
utilities=utilities or {}
utilities.tables=utilities.tables or {}
local tables=utilities.tables
-local format,gmatch,rep,gsub=string.format,string.gmatch,string.rep,string.gsub
+local format,gmatch,gsub=string.format,string.gmatch,string.gsub
local concat,insert,remove=table.concat,table.insert,table.remove
local setmetatable,getmetatable,tonumber,tostring=setmetatable,getmetatable,tonumber,tostring
-local type,next,rawset,tonumber,load,select=type,next,rawset,tonumber,load,select
-local lpegmatch,P,Cs=lpeg.match,lpeg.P,lpeg.Cs
-local serialize=table.serialize
+local type,next,rawset,tonumber,tostring,load,select=type,next,rawset,tonumber,tostring,load,select
+local lpegmatch,P,Cs,Cc=lpeg.match,lpeg.P,lpeg.Cs,lpeg.Cc
+local serialize,sortedkeys,sortedpairs=table.serialize,table.sortedkeys,table.sortedpairs
+local formatters=string.formatters
local splitter=lpeg.tsplitat(".")
function tables.definetable(target,nofirst,nolast)
local composed,shortcut,t=nil,nil,{}
@@ -4384,34 +4793,80 @@ function tables.insertaftervalue(t,value,extra)
+local escape=Cs(Cc('"')*((P('"')/'""'+P(1))^0)*Cc('"'))
+function table.tocsv(t,specification)
+ if t and #t>0 then
+ local result={}
+ local r={}
+ specification=specification or {}
+ local fields=specification.fields
+ if type(fields)~="string" then
+ fields=sortedkeys(t[1])
+ end
+ local separator=specification.separator or ","
+ if specification.preamble==true then
+ for f=1,#fields do
+ r[f]=lpegmatch(escape,tostring(fields[f]))
+ end
+ result[1]=concat(r,separator)
+ end
+ for i=1,#t do
+ local ti=t[i]
+ for f=1,#fields do
+ local field=ti[fields[f]]
+ if type(field)=="string" then
+ r[f]=lpegmatch(escape,field)
+ else
+ r[f]=tostring(field)
+ end
+ end
+ result[#result+1]=concat(r,separator)
+ end
+ return concat(result,"\n")
+ else
+ return ""
+ end
+local nspaces=utilities.strings.newrepeater(" ")
local function toxml(t,d,result,step)
- for k,v in table.sortedpairs(t) do
- if type(v)=="table" then
- if type(k)=="number" then
- result[#result+1]=format("%s<entry n='%s'>",d,k)
- toxml(v,d..step,result,step)
- result[#result+1]=format("%s</entry>",d,k)
+ for k,v in sortedpairs(t) do
+ local s=nspaces[d]
+ local tk=type(k)
+ local tv=type(v)
+ if tv=="table" then
+ if tk=="number" then
+ result[#result+1]=formatters["%s<entry n='%s'>"](s,k)
+ toxml(v,d+step,result,step)
+ result[#result+1]=formatters["%s</entry>"](s,k)
- result[#result+1]=format("%s<%s>",d,k)
- toxml(v,d..step,result,step)
- result[#result+1]=format("%s</%s>",d,k)
+ result[#result+1]=formatters["%s<%s>"](s,k)
+ toxml(v,d+step,result,step)
+ result[#result+1]=formatters["%s</%s>"](s,k)
- elseif type(k)=="number" then
- result[#result+1]=format("%s<entry n='%s'>%s</entry>",d,k,v,k)
+ elseif tv=="string" then
+ if tk=="number" then
+ result[#result+1]=formatters["%s<entry n='%s'>%!xml!</entry>"](s,k,v,k)
+ else
+ result[#result+1]=formatters["%s<%s>%!xml!</%s>"](s,k,v,k)
+ end
+ elseif tk=="number" then
+ result[#result+1]=formatters["%s<entry n='%s'>%S</entry>"](s,k,v,k)
- result[#result+1]=format("%s<%s>%s</%s>",d,k,tostring(v),k)
+ result[#result+1]=formatters["%s<%s>%S</%s>"](s,k,v,k)
-function table.toxml(t,name,nobanner,indent,spaces)
+function table.toxml(t,specification)
+ specification=specification or {}
+ local
local noroot=name==false
- local result=(nobanner or noroot) and {} or { "<?xml version='1.0' standalone='yes' ?>" }
- local indent=rep(" ",indent or 0)
- local spaces=rep(" ",spaces or 1)
+ local result=(specification.nobanner or noroot) and {} or { "<?xml version='1.0' standalone='yes' ?>" }
+ local indent=specification.indent or 0
+ local spaces=specification.spaces or 1
if noroot then
- toxml(t,inndent,result,spaces)
+ toxml(t,indent,result,spaces)
- toxml({ [name or "root"]=t },indent,result,spaces)
+ toxml({ [name or "data"]=t },indent,result,spaces)
return concat(result,"\n")
@@ -4453,27 +4908,27 @@ local function fastserialize(t,r,outer)
local v=t[i]
local tv=type(v)
if tv=="string" then
- r[#r+1]=format("%q,",v)
+ r[#r+1]=formatters["%q,"](v)
elseif tv=="number" then
- r[#r+1]=format("%s,",v)
+ r[#r+1]=formatters["%s,"](v)
elseif tv=="table" then
elseif tv=="boolean" then
- r[#r+1]=format("%s,",tostring(v))
+ r[#r+1]=formatters["%S,"](v)
for k,v in next,t do
local tv=type(v)
if tv=="string" then
- r[#r+1]=format("[%q]=%q,",k,v)
+ r[#r+1]=formatters["[%q]=%q,"](k,v)
elseif tv=="number" then
- r[#r+1]=format("[%q]=%s,",k,v)
+ r[#r+1]=formatters["[%q]=%s,"](k,v)
elseif tv=="table" then
- r[#r+1]=format("[%q]=",k)
+ r[#r+1]=formatters["[%q]="](k)
elseif tv=="boolean" then
- r[#r+1]=format("[%q]=%s,",k,tostring(v))
+ r[#r+1]=formatters["[%q]=%S,"](k,v)
@@ -4729,307 +5184,6 @@ end -- of closure
do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
-package.loaded["util-str"] = package.loaded["util-str"] or true
--- original size: 12069, stripped down to: 7814
-if not modules then modules={} end modules ['util-str']={
- version=1.001,
- comment="companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
- author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license="see context related readme files"
-utilities=utilities or {}
-utilities.strings=utilities.strings or {}
-local strings=utilities.strings
-local load=load
-local format,gsub,rep,sub=string.format,string.gsub,string.rep,string.sub
-local concat=table.concat
-local P,V,C,S,R,Ct,Cs,Cp,Carg=lpeg.P,lpeg.V,lpeg.C,lpeg.S,lpeg.R,lpeg.Ct,lpeg.Cs,lpeg.Cp,lpeg.Carg
-local patterns,lpegmatch=lpeg.patterns,lpeg.match
-local utfchar,utfbyte=utf.char,utf.byte
-local setmetatableindex=table.setmetatableindex
-local stripper=patterns.stripzeros
-local function points(n)
- return (not n or n==0) and "0pt" or lpegmatch(stripper,format("%.5fpt",n/65536))
-local function basepoints(n)
- return (not n or n==0) and "0bp" or lpegmatch(stripper,format("%.5fbp",n*(7200/7227)/65536))
-local rubish=patterns.spaceortab^0*patterns.newline
-local anyrubish=patterns.spaceortab+patterns.newline
-local anything=patterns.anything
-local stripped=(patterns.spaceortab^1/"")*patterns.newline
-local leading=rubish^0/""
-local trailing=(anyrubish^1*patterns.endofstring)/""
-local redundant=rubish^3/"\n"
-local pattern=Cs(leading*(trailing+redundant+stripped+anything)^0)
-function strings.collapsecrlf(str)
- return lpegmatch(pattern,str)
-local repeaters={}
-function strings.newrepeater(str,offset)
- offset=offset or 0
- local s=repeaters[str]
- if not s then
- s={}
- repeaters[str]=s
- end
- local t=s[offset]
- if t then
- return t
- end
- t={}
- setmetatableindex(t,function(t,k)
- if not k then
- return ""
- end
- local n=k+offset
- local s=n>0 and rep(str,n) or ""
- t[k]=s
- return s
- end)
- s[offset]=t
- return t
-local extra,tab,start=0,0,4,0
-local nspaces=strings.newrepeater(" ")
-local pattern=Carg(1)/function(t)
- extra,tab,start=0,t or 7,1
- end*Cs((
- Cp()*
- local current=(position-start+1)+extra
- local spaces=tab-(current-1)%tab
- if spaces>0 then
- extra=extra+spaces-1
- return nspaces[spaces]
- else
- return ""
- end
- end+patterns.newline*Cp()/function(position)
- extra,start=0,position
- end+patterns.anything
- )^1)
-function strings.tabtospace(str,tab)
- return lpegmatch(pattern,str,1,tab or 7)
-function strings.striplong(str)
- str=gsub(str,"^%s*","")
- str=gsub(str,"[\n\r]+ *","\n")
- return str
-function strings.nice(str)
- str=gsub(str,"[:%-+_]+"," ")
- return str
-local n=0
-local prefix_any=C((S("+- .")+R("09"))^0)
-local prefix_tab=C((1-R("az","AZ","09","%%"))^0)
-local format_s=function(f)
- n=n+1
- if f and f~="" then
- return format("format('%%%ss',(select(%s,...)))",f,n)
- else
- return format("(select(%s,...))",n)
- end
-local format_q=function()
- n=n+1
- return format("format('%%q',(select(%s,...)))",n)
-local format_i=function(f)
- n=n+1
- if f and f~="" then
- return format("format('%%%si',(select(%s,...)))",f,n)
- else
- return format("(select(%s,...))",n)
- end
-local format_d=format_i
-function number.signed(i)
- if i>0 then
- return "+",i
- else
- return "-",-i
- end
-local format_I=function(f)
- n=n+1
- if f and f~="" then
- return format("format('%%s%%%si',signed((select(%s,...))))",f,n)
- else
- return format("format('%%s%%i',signed((select(%s,...))))",n)
- end
-local format_f=function(f)
- n=n+1
- return format("format('%%%sf',(select(%s,...)))",f,n)
-local format_g=function(f)
- n=n+1
- return format("format('%%%sg',(select(%s,...)))",f,n)
-local format_G=function(f)
- n=n+1
- return format("format('%%%sG',(select(%s,...)))",f,n)
-local format_e=function(f)
- n=n+1
- return format("format('%%%se',(select(%s,...)))",f,n)
-local format_E=function(f)
- n=n+1
- return format("format('%%%sE',(select(%s,...)))",f,n)
-local format_x=function(f)
- n=n+1
- return format("format('%%%sx',(select(%s,...)))",f,n)
-local format_X=function(f)
- n=n+1
- return format("format('%%%sX',(select(%s,...)))",f,n)
-local format_o=function(f)
- n=n+1
- return format("format('%%%so',(select(%s,...)))",f,n)
-local format_c=function()
- n=n+1
- return format("utfchar((select(%s,...)))",n)
-local format_r=function(f)
- n=n+1
- return format("format('%%%s.0f',(select(%s,...)))",f,n)
-local format_v=function(f)
- n=n+1
- if f=="-" then
- f=sub(f,2)
- return format("format('%%%sx',utfbyte((select(%s,...))))",f=="" and "05" or f,n)
- else
- return format("format('0x%%%sx',utfbyte((select(%s,...))))",f=="" and "05" or f,n)
- end
-local format_V=function(f)
- n=n+1
- if f=="-" then
- f=sub(f,2)
- return format("format('%%%sX',utfbyte((select(%s,...))))",f=="" and "05" or f,n)
- else
- return format("format('0x%%%sX',utfbyte((select(%s,...))))",f=="" and "05" or f,n)
- end
-local format_u=function(f)
- n=n+1
- if f=="-" then
- f=sub(f,2)
- return format("format('%%%sx',utfbyte((select(%s,...))))",f=="" and "05" or f,n)
- else
- return format("format('u+%%%sx',utfbyte((select(%s,...))))",f=="" and "05" or f,n)
- end
-local format_U=function(f)
- n=n+1
- if f=="-" then
- f=sub(f,2)
- return format("format('%%%sX',utfbyte((select(%s,...))))",f=="" and "05" or f,n)
- else
- return format("format('U+%%%sX',utfbyte((select(%s,...))))",f=="" and "05" or f,n)
- end
-local format_p=function()
- n=n+1
- return format("points((select(%s,...)))",n)
-local format_b=function()
- n=n+1
- return format("basepoints((select(%s,...)))",n)
-local format_t=function(f)
- n=n+1
- if f and f~="" then
- return format("concat((select(%s,...)),%q)",n,f)
- else
- return format("concat((select(%s,...)))",n)
- end
-local format_l=function()
- n=n+1
- return format("(select(%s,...) and 'true' or 'false')",n)
-local format_a=function(s)
- return format("%q",s)
-local builder=Ct { "start",
- start=(P("%")*(
- V("s")+V("q")+V("i")+V("d")+V("f")+V("g")+V("G")+V("e")+V("E")+V("x")+V("X")+V("o")
- )+V("a")
- )^0,
- ["s"]=(prefix_any*P("s"))/format_s,
- ["q"]=(prefix_any*P("q"))/format_q,
- ["i"]=(prefix_any*P("i"))/format_i,
- ["d"]=(prefix_any*P("d"))/format_d,
- ["f"]=(prefix_any*P("f"))/format_f,
- ["g"]=(prefix_any*P("g"))/format_g,
- ["G"]=(prefix_any*P("G"))/format_G,
- ["e"]=(prefix_any*P("e"))/format_e,
- ["E"]=(prefix_any*P("E"))/format_E,
- ["x"]=(prefix_any*P("x"))/format_x,
- ["X"]=(prefix_any*P("X"))/format_X,
- ["o"]=(prefix_any*P("o"))/format_o,
- ["c"]=(prefix_any*P("c"))/format_c,
- ["r"]=(prefix_any*P("r"))/format_r,
- ["v"]=(prefix_any*P("v"))/format_v,
- ["V"]=(prefix_any*P("V"))/format_V,
- ["u"]=(prefix_any*P("u"))/format_u,
- ["U"]=(prefix_any*P("U"))/format_U,
- ["p"]=(prefix_any*P("p"))/format_p,
- ["b"]=(prefix_any*P("b"))/format_b,
- ["t"]=(prefix_tab*P("t"))/format_t,
- ["l"]=(prefix_tab*P("l"))/format_l,
- ["I"]=(prefix_any*P("I"))/format_I,
- ["a"]=Cs(((1-P("%"))^1+P("%%")/"%%")^1)/format_a,
-local template=[[
-local format = string.format
-local concat = table.concat
-local signed = number.signed
-local points = number.points
-local basepoints = number.basepoints
-local utfchar = utf.char
-local utfbyte = utf.byte
-return function(...)
- return %s
-local function make(t,str)
- n=0
- local p=lpegmatch(builder,str)
- local c=format(template,concat(p,".."))
- formatter=load(c)()
- t[str]=formatter
- return formatter
-local formatters=string.formatters or {}
-function string.makeformatter(str)
- return formatters[str]
-function string.formatter(str,...)
- return formatters[str](...)
-end -- of closure
-do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
package.loaded["util-mrg"] = package.loaded["util-mrg"] or true
-- original size: 7447, stripped down to: 6001
@@ -5202,7 +5356,7 @@ do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
package.loaded["util-lua"] = package.loaded["util-lua"] or true
--- original size: 12411, stripped down to: 8581
+-- original size: 12650, stripped down to: 8744
if not modules then modules={} end modules ['util-lua']={
@@ -5314,6 +5468,12 @@ if jit or status.luatex_version>=74 then
return done
+ function luautilities.loadstripped(...)
+ local l=load(...)
+ if l then
+ return load(dump(l,true))
+ end
+ end
local function register(name,before,after)
local delta=before-after
@@ -5478,6 +5638,7 @@ else
return done
+ luautilities.loadstripped=loadstring
@@ -5879,7 +6040,7 @@ do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
package.loaded["util-fmt"] = package.loaded["util-fmt"] or true
--- original size: 3006, stripped down to: 2072
+-- original size: 2274, stripped down to: 1781
if not modules then modules={} end modules ['util-fmt']={
@@ -5894,17 +6055,8 @@ local formatters=utilities.formatters
local concat,format=table.concat,string.format
local tostring,type=tostring,type
local strip=string.strip
-local P,R,Cs=lpeg.P,lpeg.R,lpeg.Cs
local lpegmatch=lpeg.match
-local digit=R("09")
-local period=P(".")
-local zero=P("0")
-local trailingzeros=zero^0*-digit
-local case_1=period*trailingzeros/""
-local case_2=period*(digit-trailingzeros)^1*(trailingzeros/"")
-local number=digit^1*(case_1+case_2)
-local stripper=Cs((number+1)^0)
+local stripper=lpeg.patterns.stripzeros
function formatters.stripzeros(str)
return lpegmatch(stripper,str)
@@ -8663,7 +8815,7 @@ do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
package.loaded["lxml-lpt"] = package.loaded["lxml-lpt"] or true
--- original size: 48888, stripped down to: 30550
+-- original size: 48955, stripped down to: 30585
if not modules then modules={} end modules ['lxml-lpt']={
@@ -8677,6 +8829,7 @@ local type,next,tonumber,tostring,setmetatable,load,select=type,next,tonumber,to
local format,upper,lower,gmatch,gsub,find,rep=string.format,string.upper,string.lower,string.gmatch,string.gsub,string.find,string.rep
local lpegmatch,lpegpatterns=lpeg.match,lpeg.patterns
local setmetatableindex=table.setmetatableindex
+local formatters=string.formatters
local trace_lpath=false if trackers then trackers.register("xml.path",function(v) trace_lpath=v end) end
local trace_lparse=false if trackers then trackers.register("xml.parse",function(v) trace_lparse=v end) end
local trace_lprofile=false if trackers then trackers.register("xml.profile",function(v) trace_lpath=v trace_lparse=v trace_lprofile=v end) end
@@ -15098,10 +15251,10 @@ end
end -- of closure
--- used libraries : l-lua.lua l-lpeg.lua l-function.lua l-string.lua l-table.lua l-io.lua l-number.lua l-set.lua l-os.lua l-file.lua l-md5.lua l-url.lua l-dir.lua l-boolean.lua l-unicode.lua l-math.lua util-tab.lua util-sto.lua util-str.lua util-mrg.lua util-lua.lua util-prs.lua util-fmt.lua util-deb.lua trac-inf.lua trac-set.lua trac-log.lua trac-pro.lua util-tpl.lua util-env.lua luat-env.lua lxml-tab.lua lxml-lpt.lua lxml-mis.lua lxml-aux.lua lxml-xml.lua data-ini.lua data-exp.lua data-env.lua data-tmp.lua data-met.lua data-res.lua data-pre.lua data-inp.lua data-out.lua data-fil.lua data-con.lua data-use.lua data-zip.lua data-tre.lua data-sch.lua data-lua.lua data-aux.lua data-tmf.lua data-lst.lua luat-sta.lua luat-fmt.lua
+-- used libraries : l-lua.lua l-lpeg.lua l-function.lua l-string.lua l-table.lua l-io.lua l-number.lua l-set.lua l-os.lua l-file.lua l-md5.lua l-url.lua l-dir.lua l-boolean.lua l-unicode.lua l-math.lua util-str.lua util-tab.lua util-sto.lua util-mrg.lua util-lua.lua util-prs.lua util-fmt.lua util-deb.lua trac-inf.lua trac-set.lua trac-log.lua trac-pro.lua util-tpl.lua util-env.lua luat-env.lua lxml-tab.lua lxml-lpt.lua lxml-mis.lua lxml-aux.lua lxml-xml.lua data-ini.lua data-exp.lua data-env.lua data-tmp.lua data-met.lua data-res.lua data-pre.lua data-inp.lua data-out.lua data-fil.lua data-con.lua data-use.lua data-zip.lua data-tre.lua data-sch.lua data-lua.lua data-aux.lua data-tmf.lua data-lst.lua luat-sta.lua luat-fmt.lua
-- skipped libraries : -
--- original bytes : 604381
--- stripped bytes : 205386
+-- original bytes : 628660
+-- stripped bytes : 225768
-- end library merge
@@ -15141,9 +15294,9 @@ local ownlibs = { -- order can be made better
+ 'util-str.lua', -- code might move to l-string
- 'util-str.lua', -- code might move to l-string
diff --git a/scripts/context/stubs/mswin/mtxrun.lua b/scripts/context/stubs/mswin/mtxrun.lua
index d1a0887f2..ee01afe35 100644
--- a/scripts/context/stubs/mswin/mtxrun.lua
+++ b/scripts/context/stubs/mswin/mtxrun.lua
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
package.loaded["l-lua"] = package.loaded["l-lua"] or true
--- original size: 7937, stripped down to: 5418
+-- original size: 7986, stripped down to: 5461
if not modules then modules={} end modules ['l-lua']={
@@ -68,6 +68,7 @@ if not modules then modules={} end modules ['l-lua']={
local major,minor=string.match(_VERSION,"^[^%d]+(%d+)%.(%d+).*$")
_MAJORVERSION=tonumber(major) or 5
_MINORVERSION=tonumber(minor) or 1
if not lpeg then
@@ -274,7 +275,7 @@ do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
package.loaded["l-lpeg"] = package.loaded["l-lpeg"] or true
--- original size: 25591, stripped down to: 14143
+-- original size: 26334, stripped down to: 14439
if not modules then modules={} end modules ['l-lpeg']={
@@ -836,6 +837,15 @@ end
function lpeg.times(pattern,n)
return P(nextstep(n,2^16,{ "start",["1"]=pattern }))
+local digit=R("09")
+local period=P(".")
+local zero=P("0")
+local trailingzeros=zero^0*-digit
+local case_1=period*trailingzeros/""
+local case_2=period*(digit-trailingzeros)^1*(trailingzeros/"")
+local number=digit^1*(case_1+case_2)
+local stripper=Cs((number+1)^0)
end -- of closure
@@ -964,7 +974,7 @@ do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
package.loaded["l-table"] = package.loaded["l-table"] or true
--- original size: 29337, stripped down to: 19618
+-- original size: 44480, stripped down to: 19618
if not modules then modules={} end modules ['l-table']={
@@ -4268,9 +4278,407 @@ end -- of closure
do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
+package.loaded["util-str"] = package.loaded["util-str"] or true
+-- original size: 17245, stripped down to: 10055
+if not modules then modules={} end modules ['util-str']={
+ version=1.001,
+ comment="companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
+ author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
+ copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
+ license="see context related readme files"
+utilities=utilities or {}
+utilities.strings=utilities.strings or {}
+local strings=utilities.strings
+local format,gsub,rep,sub=string.format,string.gsub,string.rep,string.sub
+local load,dump=load,string.dump
+local concat=table.concat
+local P,V,C,S,R,Ct,Cs,Cp,Carg,Cc=lpeg.P,lpeg.V,lpeg.C,lpeg.S,lpeg.R,lpeg.Ct,lpeg.Cs,lpeg.Cp,lpeg.Carg,lpeg.Cc
+local patterns,lpegmatch=lpeg.patterns,lpeg.match
+local utfchar,utfbyte=utf.char,utf.byte
+local loadstripped=_LUAVERSION<5.2 and load or function(str)
+ return load(dump(load(str),true))
+local stripper=patterns.stripzeros
+local function points(n)
+ return (not n or n==0) and "0pt" or lpegmatch(stripper,format("%.5fpt",n/65536))
+local function basepoints(n)
+ return (not n or n==0) and "0bp" or lpegmatch(stripper,format("%.5fbp",n*(7200/7227)/65536))
+local rubish=patterns.spaceortab^0*patterns.newline
+local anyrubish=patterns.spaceortab+patterns.newline
+local anything=patterns.anything
+local stripped=(patterns.spaceortab^1/"")*patterns.newline
+local leading=rubish^0/""
+local trailing=(anyrubish^1*patterns.endofstring)/""
+local redundant=rubish^3/"\n"
+local pattern=Cs(leading*(trailing+redundant+stripped+anything)^0)
+function strings.collapsecrlf(str)
+ return lpegmatch(pattern,str)
+local repeaters={}
+function strings.newrepeater(str,offset)
+ offset=offset or 0
+ local s=repeaters[str]
+ if not s then
+ s={}
+ repeaters[str]=s
+ end
+ local t=s[offset]
+ if t then
+ return t
+ end
+ t={}
+ setmetatable(t,{ __index=function(t,k)
+ if not k then
+ return ""
+ end
+ local n=k+offset
+ local s=n>0 and rep(str,n) or ""
+ t[k]=s
+ return s
+ end })
+ s[offset]=t
+ return t
+local extra,tab,start=0,0,4,0
+local nspaces=strings.newrepeater(" ")
+local pattern=Carg(1)/function(t)
+ extra,tab,start=0,t or 7,1
+ end*Cs((
+ Cp()*
+ local current=(position-start+1)+extra
+ local spaces=tab-(current-1)%tab
+ if spaces>0 then
+ extra=extra+spaces-1
+ return nspaces[spaces]
+ else
+ return ""
+ end
+ end+patterns.newline*Cp()/function(position)
+ extra,start=0,position
+ end+patterns.anything
+ )^1)
+function strings.tabtospace(str,tab)
+ return lpegmatch(pattern,str,1,tab or 7)
+function strings.striplong(str)
+ str=gsub(str,"^%s*","")
+ str=gsub(str,"[\n\r]+ *","\n")
+ return str
+function strings.nice(str)
+ str=gsub(str,"[:%-+_]+"," ")
+ return str
+local n=0
+local template_shortcuts=[[
+local tostring = tostring
+local format = string.format
+local concat = table.concat
+local signed = number.signed
+local points = number.points
+local basepoints = number.basepoints
+local utfchar = utf.char
+local utfbyte = utf.byte
+local lpegmatch = lpeg.match
+local xmlescape = lpeg.patterns.xmlescape
+local spaces = string.nspaces
+local prefix_any=C((S("+- .")+R("09"))^0)
+local prefix_tab=C((1-R("az","AZ","09","%%"))^0)
+local format_s=function(f)
+ n=n+1
+ if f and f~="" then
+ return format("format('%%%ss',a%s)",f,n)
+ else
+ return format("a%s",n)
+ end
+local format_S=function(f)
+ n=n+1
+ if f and f~="" then
+ return format("format('%%%ss',tostring(a%s))",f,n)
+ else
+ return format("tostring(a%s)",n)
+ end
+local format_q=function()
+ n=n+1
+ return format("format('%%q',a%s)",n)
+local format_Q=function()
+ n=n+1
+ return format("format('%%q',tostring(a%s))",n)
+local format_i=function(f)
+ n=n+1
+ if f and f~="" then
+ return format("format('%%%si',a%s)",f,n)
+ else
+ return format("a%s",n)
+ end
+local format_d=format_i
+function number.signed(i)
+ if i>0 then
+ return "+",i
+ else
+ return "-",-i
+ end
+local format_I=function(f)
+ n=n+1
+ if f and f~="" then
+ return format("format('%%s%%%si',signed(a%s))",f,n)
+ else
+ return format("format('%%s%%i',signed(a%s))",n)
+ end
+local format_f=function(f)
+ n=n+1
+ return format("format('%%%sf',a%s)",f,n)
+local format_g=function(f)
+ n=n+1
+ return format("format('%%%sg',a%s)",f,n)
+local format_G=function(f)
+ n=n+1
+ return format("format('%%%sG',a%s)",f,n)
+local format_e=function(f)
+ n=n+1
+ return format("format('%%%se',a%s)",f,n)
+local format_E=function(f)
+ n=n+1
+ return format("format('%%%sE',a%s)",f,n)
+local format_x=function(f)
+ n=n+1
+ return format("format('%%%sx',a%s)",f,n)
+local format_X=function(f)
+ n=n+1
+ return format("format('%%%sX',a%s)",f,n)
+local format_o=function(f)
+ n=n+1
+ return format("format('%%%so',a%s)",f,n)
+local format_c=function()
+ n=n+1
+ return format("utfchar(a%s)",n)
+local format_r=function(f)
+ n=n+1
+ return format("format('%%%s.0f',a%s)",f,n)
+local format_h=function(f)
+ n=n+1
+ if f=="-" then
+ f=sub(f,2)
+ return format("format('%%%sx',utfbyte(a%s))",f=="" and "05" or f,n)
+ else
+ return format("format('0x%%%sx',utfbyte(a%s))",f=="" and "05" or f,n)
+ end
+local format_H=function(f)
+ n=n+1
+ if f=="-" then
+ f=sub(f,2)
+ return format("format('%%%sX',utfbyte(a%s))",f=="" and "05" or f,n)
+ else
+ return format("format('0x%%%sX',utfbyte(a%s))",f=="" and "05" or f,n)
+ end
+local format_u=function(f)
+ n=n+1
+ if f=="-" then
+ f=sub(f,2)
+ return format("format('%%%sx',utfbyte(a%s))",f=="" and "05" or f,n)
+ else
+ return format("format('u+%%%sx',utfbyte(a%s))",f=="" and "05" or f,n)
+ end
+local format_U=function(f)
+ n=n+1
+ if f=="-" then
+ f=sub(f,2)
+ return format("format('%%%sX',utfbyte(a%s))",f=="" and "05" or f,n)
+ else
+ return format("format('U+%%%sX',utfbyte(a%s))",f=="" and "05" or f,n)
+ end
+local format_p=function()
+ n=n+1
+ return format("points(a%s)",n)
+local format_b=function()
+ n=n+1
+ return format("basepoints(a%s)",n)
+local format_t=function(f)
+ n=n+1
+ if f and f~="" then
+ return format("concat(a%s,%q)",n,f)
+ else
+ return format("concat(a%s)",n)
+ end
+local format_l=function()
+ n=n+1
+ return format("(a%s and 'true' or 'false')",n)
+local format_L=function()
+ n=n+1
+ return format("(a%s and 'TRUE' or 'FALSE')",n)
+local format_N=function()
+ n=n+1
+ return format("tostring(tonumber(a%s) or a%s)",n,n)
+local format_a=function(s)
+ return format("%q",s)
+local format_w=function(f)
+ n=n+1
+ f=tonumber(f)
+ if f then
+ return format("spaces[%s+tonumber(a%s)]",f,n)
+ else
+ return format("spaces[tonumber(a%s)]",n)
+ end
+local format_W=function(f)
+ return format("spaces[%s]",tonumber(f) or 0)
+local extensions={}
+local format_extension=function(name)
+ n=n+1
+ local extension=extensions[name] or "tostring(%s)"
+ return format(extension,format("a%s",n))
+function addextension(name,template,shortcuts)
+ extensions[name]=template
+ if shortcuts then
+ template_shortcuts=shortcuts.."\n"..template_shortcuts
+ end
+addextension("xml",[[lpegmatch(xmlescape,%s)]],[[local xmlescape = lpeg.patterns.xmlescape]])
+addextension("tex",[[lpegmatch(texescape,%s)]],[[local texescape = lpeg.patterns.texescape]])
+local builder=Cs { "start",
+ start=(
+ (
+ P("%")/""*(
+ V("!")
+ )+V("a")
+ )
+ )^0,
+ ["s"]=(prefix_any*P("s"))/format_s,
+ ["q"]=(prefix_any*P("q"))/format_q,
+ ["i"]=(prefix_any*P("i"))/format_i,
+ ["d"]=(prefix_any*P("d"))/format_d,
+ ["f"]=(prefix_any*P("f"))/format_f,
+ ["g"]=(prefix_any*P("g"))/format_g,
+ ["G"]=(prefix_any*P("G"))/format_G,
+ ["e"]=(prefix_any*P("e"))/format_e,
+ ["E"]=(prefix_any*P("E"))/format_E,
+ ["x"]=(prefix_any*P("x"))/format_x,
+ ["X"]=(prefix_any*P("X"))/format_X,
+ ["o"]=(prefix_any*P("o"))/format_o,
+ ["S"]=(prefix_any*P("S"))/format_S,
+ ["Q"]=(prefix_any*P("Q"))/format_S,
+ ["N"]=(prefix_any*P("N"))/format_N,
+ ["c"]=(prefix_any*P("c"))/format_c,
+ ["r"]=(prefix_any*P("r"))/format_r,
+ ["h"]=(prefix_any*P("h"))/format_h,
+ ["H"]=(prefix_any*P("H"))/format_H,
+ ["u"]=(prefix_any*P("u"))/format_u,
+ ["U"]=(prefix_any*P("U"))/format_U,
+ ["p"]=(prefix_any*P("p"))/format_p,
+ ["b"]=(prefix_any*P("b"))/format_b,
+ ["t"]=(prefix_tab*P("t"))/format_t,
+ ["l"]=(prefix_tab*P("l"))/format_l,
+ ["L"]=(prefix_tab*P("L"))/format_L,
+ ["I"]=(prefix_any*P("I"))/format_I,
+ ["w"]=(prefix_any*P("w"))/format_w,
+ ["W"]=(prefix_any*P("W"))/format_W,
+ ["a"]=Cs(((1-P("%"))^1+P("%%")/"%%%%")^1)/format_a,
+ ["!"]=P("!")*C((1-P("!"))^1)*P("!")/format_extension,
+local direct=Cs (
+ P("%")/""*Cc([[local format = string.format return function(str) return format("%]])*C(S("+- .")+R("09"))^0*S("sqidfgGeExXo")*Cc([[",str) end]])*P(-1)
+ )
+local template=[[
+return function(%s) return %s end
+local arguments={ "a1" }
+setmetatable(arguments,{ __index=function(t,k)
+ local v=t[k-1]..",a"..k
+ t[k]=v
+ return v
+ end
+local function make(t,str)
+ local f
+ local p=lpegmatch(direct,str)
+ if p then
+ f=loadstripped(p)()
+ else
+ n=0
+ p=lpegmatch(builder,str,1,"..")
+ if n>0 then
+ p=format(template,template_shortcuts,arguments[n],p)
+ f=loadstripped(p)()
+ else
+ f=function() return str end
+ end
+ end
+ t[str]=f
+ return f
+local function use(t,fmt,...)
+ return t[fmt](...)
+local formatters=string.formatters or {}
+setmetatable(formatters,{ __index=make,__call=use })
+function string.makeformatter(str)
+ return formatters[str]
+function string.formatter(str,...)
+ return formatters[str](...)
+end -- of closure
+do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
package.loaded["util-tab"] = package.loaded["util-tab"] or true
--- original size: 10865, stripped down to: 7097
+-- original size: 14459, stripped down to: 8507
if not modules then modules={} end modules ['util-tab']={
@@ -4282,12 +4690,13 @@ if not modules then modules={} end modules ['util-tab']={
utilities=utilities or {}
utilities.tables=utilities.tables or {}
local tables=utilities.tables
-local format,gmatch,rep,gsub=string.format,string.gmatch,string.rep,string.gsub
+local format,gmatch,gsub=string.format,string.gmatch,string.gsub
local concat,insert,remove=table.concat,table.insert,table.remove
local setmetatable,getmetatable,tonumber,tostring=setmetatable,getmetatable,tonumber,tostring
-local type,next,rawset,tonumber,load,select=type,next,rawset,tonumber,load,select
-local lpegmatch,P,Cs=lpeg.match,lpeg.P,lpeg.Cs
-local serialize=table.serialize
+local type,next,rawset,tonumber,tostring,load,select=type,next,rawset,tonumber,tostring,load,select
+local lpegmatch,P,Cs,Cc=lpeg.match,lpeg.P,lpeg.Cs,lpeg.Cc
+local serialize,sortedkeys,sortedpairs=table.serialize,table.sortedkeys,table.sortedpairs
+local formatters=string.formatters
local splitter=lpeg.tsplitat(".")
function tables.definetable(target,nofirst,nolast)
local composed,shortcut,t=nil,nil,{}
@@ -4384,34 +4793,80 @@ function tables.insertaftervalue(t,value,extra)
+local escape=Cs(Cc('"')*((P('"')/'""'+P(1))^0)*Cc('"'))
+function table.tocsv(t,specification)
+ if t and #t>0 then
+ local result={}
+ local r={}
+ specification=specification or {}
+ local fields=specification.fields
+ if type(fields)~="string" then
+ fields=sortedkeys(t[1])
+ end
+ local separator=specification.separator or ","
+ if specification.preamble==true then
+ for f=1,#fields do
+ r[f]=lpegmatch(escape,tostring(fields[f]))
+ end
+ result[1]=concat(r,separator)
+ end
+ for i=1,#t do
+ local ti=t[i]
+ for f=1,#fields do
+ local field=ti[fields[f]]
+ if type(field)=="string" then
+ r[f]=lpegmatch(escape,field)
+ else
+ r[f]=tostring(field)
+ end
+ end
+ result[#result+1]=concat(r,separator)
+ end
+ return concat(result,"\n")
+ else
+ return ""
+ end
+local nspaces=utilities.strings.newrepeater(" ")
local function toxml(t,d,result,step)
- for k,v in table.sortedpairs(t) do
- if type(v)=="table" then
- if type(k)=="number" then
- result[#result+1]=format("%s<entry n='%s'>",d,k)
- toxml(v,d..step,result,step)
- result[#result+1]=format("%s</entry>",d,k)
+ for k,v in sortedpairs(t) do
+ local s=nspaces[d]
+ local tk=type(k)
+ local tv=type(v)
+ if tv=="table" then
+ if tk=="number" then
+ result[#result+1]=formatters["%s<entry n='%s'>"](s,k)
+ toxml(v,d+step,result,step)
+ result[#result+1]=formatters["%s</entry>"](s,k)
- result[#result+1]=format("%s<%s>",d,k)
- toxml(v,d..step,result,step)
- result[#result+1]=format("%s</%s>",d,k)
+ result[#result+1]=formatters["%s<%s>"](s,k)
+ toxml(v,d+step,result,step)
+ result[#result+1]=formatters["%s</%s>"](s,k)
- elseif type(k)=="number" then
- result[#result+1]=format("%s<entry n='%s'>%s</entry>",d,k,v,k)
+ elseif tv=="string" then
+ if tk=="number" then
+ result[#result+1]=formatters["%s<entry n='%s'>%!xml!</entry>"](s,k,v,k)
+ else
+ result[#result+1]=formatters["%s<%s>%!xml!</%s>"](s,k,v,k)
+ end
+ elseif tk=="number" then
+ result[#result+1]=formatters["%s<entry n='%s'>%S</entry>"](s,k,v,k)
- result[#result+1]=format("%s<%s>%s</%s>",d,k,tostring(v),k)
+ result[#result+1]=formatters["%s<%s>%S</%s>"](s,k,v,k)
-function table.toxml(t,name,nobanner,indent,spaces)
+function table.toxml(t,specification)
+ specification=specification or {}
+ local
local noroot=name==false
- local result=(nobanner or noroot) and {} or { "<?xml version='1.0' standalone='yes' ?>" }
- local indent=rep(" ",indent or 0)
- local spaces=rep(" ",spaces or 1)
+ local result=(specification.nobanner or noroot) and {} or { "<?xml version='1.0' standalone='yes' ?>" }
+ local indent=specification.indent or 0
+ local spaces=specification.spaces or 1
if noroot then
- toxml(t,inndent,result,spaces)
+ toxml(t,indent,result,spaces)
- toxml({ [name or "root"]=t },indent,result,spaces)
+ toxml({ [name or "data"]=t },indent,result,spaces)
return concat(result,"\n")
@@ -4453,27 +4908,27 @@ local function fastserialize(t,r,outer)
local v=t[i]
local tv=type(v)
if tv=="string" then
- r[#r+1]=format("%q,",v)
+ r[#r+1]=formatters["%q,"](v)
elseif tv=="number" then
- r[#r+1]=format("%s,",v)
+ r[#r+1]=formatters["%s,"](v)
elseif tv=="table" then
elseif tv=="boolean" then
- r[#r+1]=format("%s,",tostring(v))
+ r[#r+1]=formatters["%S,"](v)
for k,v in next,t do
local tv=type(v)
if tv=="string" then
- r[#r+1]=format("[%q]=%q,",k,v)
+ r[#r+1]=formatters["[%q]=%q,"](k,v)
elseif tv=="number" then
- r[#r+1]=format("[%q]=%s,",k,v)
+ r[#r+1]=formatters["[%q]=%s,"](k,v)
elseif tv=="table" then
- r[#r+1]=format("[%q]=",k)
+ r[#r+1]=formatters["[%q]="](k)
elseif tv=="boolean" then
- r[#r+1]=format("[%q]=%s,",k,tostring(v))
+ r[#r+1]=formatters["[%q]=%S,"](k,v)
@@ -4729,307 +5184,6 @@ end -- of closure
do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
-package.loaded["util-str"] = package.loaded["util-str"] or true
--- original size: 12069, stripped down to: 7814
-if not modules then modules={} end modules ['util-str']={
- version=1.001,
- comment="companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
- author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license="see context related readme files"
-utilities=utilities or {}
-utilities.strings=utilities.strings or {}
-local strings=utilities.strings
-local load=load
-local format,gsub,rep,sub=string.format,string.gsub,string.rep,string.sub
-local concat=table.concat
-local P,V,C,S,R,Ct,Cs,Cp,Carg=lpeg.P,lpeg.V,lpeg.C,lpeg.S,lpeg.R,lpeg.Ct,lpeg.Cs,lpeg.Cp,lpeg.Carg
-local patterns,lpegmatch=lpeg.patterns,lpeg.match
-local utfchar,utfbyte=utf.char,utf.byte
-local setmetatableindex=table.setmetatableindex
-local stripper=patterns.stripzeros
-local function points(n)
- return (not n or n==0) and "0pt" or lpegmatch(stripper,format("%.5fpt",n/65536))
-local function basepoints(n)
- return (not n or n==0) and "0bp" or lpegmatch(stripper,format("%.5fbp",n*(7200/7227)/65536))
-local rubish=patterns.spaceortab^0*patterns.newline
-local anyrubish=patterns.spaceortab+patterns.newline
-local anything=patterns.anything
-local stripped=(patterns.spaceortab^1/"")*patterns.newline
-local leading=rubish^0/""
-local trailing=(anyrubish^1*patterns.endofstring)/""
-local redundant=rubish^3/"\n"
-local pattern=Cs(leading*(trailing+redundant+stripped+anything)^0)
-function strings.collapsecrlf(str)
- return lpegmatch(pattern,str)
-local repeaters={}
-function strings.newrepeater(str,offset)
- offset=offset or 0
- local s=repeaters[str]
- if not s then
- s={}
- repeaters[str]=s
- end
- local t=s[offset]
- if t then
- return t
- end
- t={}
- setmetatableindex(t,function(t,k)
- if not k then
- return ""
- end
- local n=k+offset
- local s=n>0 and rep(str,n) or ""
- t[k]=s
- return s
- end)
- s[offset]=t
- return t
-local extra,tab,start=0,0,4,0
-local nspaces=strings.newrepeater(" ")
-local pattern=Carg(1)/function(t)
- extra,tab,start=0,t or 7,1
- end*Cs((
- Cp()*
- local current=(position-start+1)+extra
- local spaces=tab-(current-1)%tab
- if spaces>0 then
- extra=extra+spaces-1
- return nspaces[spaces]
- else
- return ""
- end
- end+patterns.newline*Cp()/function(position)
- extra,start=0,position
- end+patterns.anything
- )^1)
-function strings.tabtospace(str,tab)
- return lpegmatch(pattern,str,1,tab or 7)
-function strings.striplong(str)
- str=gsub(str,"^%s*","")
- str=gsub(str,"[\n\r]+ *","\n")
- return str
-function strings.nice(str)
- str=gsub(str,"[:%-+_]+"," ")
- return str
-local n=0
-local prefix_any=C((S("+- .")+R("09"))^0)
-local prefix_tab=C((1-R("az","AZ","09","%%"))^0)
-local format_s=function(f)
- n=n+1
- if f and f~="" then
- return format("format('%%%ss',(select(%s,...)))",f,n)
- else
- return format("(select(%s,...))",n)
- end
-local format_q=function()
- n=n+1
- return format("format('%%q',(select(%s,...)))",n)
-local format_i=function(f)
- n=n+1
- if f and f~="" then
- return format("format('%%%si',(select(%s,...)))",f,n)
- else
- return format("(select(%s,...))",n)
- end
-local format_d=format_i
-function number.signed(i)
- if i>0 then
- return "+",i
- else
- return "-",-i
- end
-local format_I=function(f)
- n=n+1
- if f and f~="" then
- return format("format('%%s%%%si',signed((select(%s,...))))",f,n)
- else
- return format("format('%%s%%i',signed((select(%s,...))))",n)
- end
-local format_f=function(f)
- n=n+1
- return format("format('%%%sf',(select(%s,...)))",f,n)
-local format_g=function(f)
- n=n+1
- return format("format('%%%sg',(select(%s,...)))",f,n)
-local format_G=function(f)
- n=n+1
- return format("format('%%%sG',(select(%s,...)))",f,n)
-local format_e=function(f)
- n=n+1
- return format("format('%%%se',(select(%s,...)))",f,n)
-local format_E=function(f)
- n=n+1
- return format("format('%%%sE',(select(%s,...)))",f,n)
-local format_x=function(f)
- n=n+1
- return format("format('%%%sx',(select(%s,...)))",f,n)
-local format_X=function(f)
- n=n+1
- return format("format('%%%sX',(select(%s,...)))",f,n)
-local format_o=function(f)
- n=n+1
- return format("format('%%%so',(select(%s,...)))",f,n)
-local format_c=function()
- n=n+1
- return format("utfchar((select(%s,...)))",n)
-local format_r=function(f)
- n=n+1
- return format("format('%%%s.0f',(select(%s,...)))",f,n)
-local format_v=function(f)
- n=n+1
- if f=="-" then
- f=sub(f,2)
- return format("format('%%%sx',utfbyte((select(%s,...))))",f=="" and "05" or f,n)
- else
- return format("format('0x%%%sx',utfbyte((select(%s,...))))",f=="" and "05" or f,n)
- end
-local format_V=function(f)
- n=n+1
- if f=="-" then
- f=sub(f,2)
- return format("format('%%%sX',utfbyte((select(%s,...))))",f=="" and "05" or f,n)
- else
- return format("format('0x%%%sX',utfbyte((select(%s,...))))",f=="" and "05" or f,n)
- end
-local format_u=function(f)
- n=n+1
- if f=="-" then
- f=sub(f,2)
- return format("format('%%%sx',utfbyte((select(%s,...))))",f=="" and "05" or f,n)
- else
- return format("format('u+%%%sx',utfbyte((select(%s,...))))",f=="" and "05" or f,n)
- end
-local format_U=function(f)
- n=n+1
- if f=="-" then
- f=sub(f,2)
- return format("format('%%%sX',utfbyte((select(%s,...))))",f=="" and "05" or f,n)
- else
- return format("format('U+%%%sX',utfbyte((select(%s,...))))",f=="" and "05" or f,n)
- end
-local format_p=function()
- n=n+1
- return format("points((select(%s,...)))",n)
-local format_b=function()
- n=n+1
- return format("basepoints((select(%s,...)))",n)
-local format_t=function(f)
- n=n+1
- if f and f~="" then
- return format("concat((select(%s,...)),%q)",n,f)
- else
- return format("concat((select(%s,...)))",n)
- end
-local format_l=function()
- n=n+1
- return format("(select(%s,...) and 'true' or 'false')",n)
-local format_a=function(s)
- return format("%q",s)
-local builder=Ct { "start",
- start=(P("%")*(
- V("s")+V("q")+V("i")+V("d")+V("f")+V("g")+V("G")+V("e")+V("E")+V("x")+V("X")+V("o")
- )+V("a")
- )^0,
- ["s"]=(prefix_any*P("s"))/format_s,
- ["q"]=(prefix_any*P("q"))/format_q,
- ["i"]=(prefix_any*P("i"))/format_i,
- ["d"]=(prefix_any*P("d"))/format_d,
- ["f"]=(prefix_any*P("f"))/format_f,
- ["g"]=(prefix_any*P("g"))/format_g,
- ["G"]=(prefix_any*P("G"))/format_G,
- ["e"]=(prefix_any*P("e"))/format_e,
- ["E"]=(prefix_any*P("E"))/format_E,
- ["x"]=(prefix_any*P("x"))/format_x,
- ["X"]=(prefix_any*P("X"))/format_X,
- ["o"]=(prefix_any*P("o"))/format_o,
- ["c"]=(prefix_any*P("c"))/format_c,
- ["r"]=(prefix_any*P("r"))/format_r,
- ["v"]=(prefix_any*P("v"))/format_v,
- ["V"]=(prefix_any*P("V"))/format_V,
- ["u"]=(prefix_any*P("u"))/format_u,
- ["U"]=(prefix_any*P("U"))/format_U,
- ["p"]=(prefix_any*P("p"))/format_p,
- ["b"]=(prefix_any*P("b"))/format_b,
- ["t"]=(prefix_tab*P("t"))/format_t,
- ["l"]=(prefix_tab*P("l"))/format_l,
- ["I"]=(prefix_any*P("I"))/format_I,
- ["a"]=Cs(((1-P("%"))^1+P("%%")/"%%")^1)/format_a,
-local template=[[
-local format = string.format
-local concat = table.concat
-local signed = number.signed
-local points = number.points
-local basepoints = number.basepoints
-local utfchar = utf.char
-local utfbyte = utf.byte
-return function(...)
- return %s
-local function make(t,str)
- n=0
- local p=lpegmatch(builder,str)
- local c=format(template,concat(p,".."))
- formatter=load(c)()
- t[str]=formatter
- return formatter
-local formatters=string.formatters or {}
-function string.makeformatter(str)
- return formatters[str]
-function string.formatter(str,...)
- return formatters[str](...)
-end -- of closure
-do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
package.loaded["util-mrg"] = package.loaded["util-mrg"] or true
-- original size: 7447, stripped down to: 6001
@@ -5202,7 +5356,7 @@ do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
package.loaded["util-lua"] = package.loaded["util-lua"] or true
--- original size: 12411, stripped down to: 8581
+-- original size: 12650, stripped down to: 8744
if not modules then modules={} end modules ['util-lua']={
@@ -5314,6 +5468,12 @@ if jit or status.luatex_version>=74 then
return done
+ function luautilities.loadstripped(...)
+ local l=load(...)
+ if l then
+ return load(dump(l,true))
+ end
+ end
local function register(name,before,after)
local delta=before-after
@@ -5478,6 +5638,7 @@ else
return done
+ luautilities.loadstripped=loadstring
@@ -5879,7 +6040,7 @@ do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
package.loaded["util-fmt"] = package.loaded["util-fmt"] or true
--- original size: 3006, stripped down to: 2072
+-- original size: 2274, stripped down to: 1781
if not modules then modules={} end modules ['util-fmt']={
@@ -5894,17 +6055,8 @@ local formatters=utilities.formatters
local concat,format=table.concat,string.format
local tostring,type=tostring,type
local strip=string.strip
-local P,R,Cs=lpeg.P,lpeg.R,lpeg.Cs
local lpegmatch=lpeg.match
-local digit=R("09")
-local period=P(".")
-local zero=P("0")
-local trailingzeros=zero^0*-digit
-local case_1=period*trailingzeros/""
-local case_2=period*(digit-trailingzeros)^1*(trailingzeros/"")
-local number=digit^1*(case_1+case_2)
-local stripper=Cs((number+1)^0)
+local stripper=lpeg.patterns.stripzeros
function formatters.stripzeros(str)
return lpegmatch(stripper,str)
@@ -8663,7 +8815,7 @@ do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
package.loaded["lxml-lpt"] = package.loaded["lxml-lpt"] or true
--- original size: 48888, stripped down to: 30550
+-- original size: 48955, stripped down to: 30585
if not modules then modules={} end modules ['lxml-lpt']={
@@ -8677,6 +8829,7 @@ local type,next,tonumber,tostring,setmetatable,load,select=type,next,tonumber,to
local format,upper,lower,gmatch,gsub,find,rep=string.format,string.upper,string.lower,string.gmatch,string.gsub,string.find,string.rep
local lpegmatch,lpegpatterns=lpeg.match,lpeg.patterns
local setmetatableindex=table.setmetatableindex
+local formatters=string.formatters
local trace_lpath=false if trackers then trackers.register("xml.path",function(v) trace_lpath=v end) end
local trace_lparse=false if trackers then trackers.register("xml.parse",function(v) trace_lparse=v end) end
local trace_lprofile=false if trackers then trackers.register("xml.profile",function(v) trace_lpath=v trace_lparse=v trace_lprofile=v end) end
@@ -15098,10 +15251,10 @@ end
end -- of closure
--- used libraries : l-lua.lua l-lpeg.lua l-function.lua l-string.lua l-table.lua l-io.lua l-number.lua l-set.lua l-os.lua l-file.lua l-md5.lua l-url.lua l-dir.lua l-boolean.lua l-unicode.lua l-math.lua util-tab.lua util-sto.lua util-str.lua util-mrg.lua util-lua.lua util-prs.lua util-fmt.lua util-deb.lua trac-inf.lua trac-set.lua trac-log.lua trac-pro.lua util-tpl.lua util-env.lua luat-env.lua lxml-tab.lua lxml-lpt.lua lxml-mis.lua lxml-aux.lua lxml-xml.lua data-ini.lua data-exp.lua data-env.lua data-tmp.lua data-met.lua data-res.lua data-pre.lua data-inp.lua data-out.lua data-fil.lua data-con.lua data-use.lua data-zip.lua data-tre.lua data-sch.lua data-lua.lua data-aux.lua data-tmf.lua data-lst.lua luat-sta.lua luat-fmt.lua
+-- used libraries : l-lua.lua l-lpeg.lua l-function.lua l-string.lua l-table.lua l-io.lua l-number.lua l-set.lua l-os.lua l-file.lua l-md5.lua l-url.lua l-dir.lua l-boolean.lua l-unicode.lua l-math.lua util-str.lua util-tab.lua util-sto.lua util-mrg.lua util-lua.lua util-prs.lua util-fmt.lua util-deb.lua trac-inf.lua trac-set.lua trac-log.lua trac-pro.lua util-tpl.lua util-env.lua luat-env.lua lxml-tab.lua lxml-lpt.lua lxml-mis.lua lxml-aux.lua lxml-xml.lua data-ini.lua data-exp.lua data-env.lua data-tmp.lua data-met.lua data-res.lua data-pre.lua data-inp.lua data-out.lua data-fil.lua data-con.lua data-use.lua data-zip.lua data-tre.lua data-sch.lua data-lua.lua data-aux.lua data-tmf.lua data-lst.lua luat-sta.lua luat-fmt.lua
-- skipped libraries : -
--- original bytes : 604381
--- stripped bytes : 205386
+-- original bytes : 628660
+-- stripped bytes : 225768
-- end library merge
@@ -15141,9 +15294,9 @@ local ownlibs = { -- order can be made better
+ 'util-str.lua', -- code might move to l-string
- 'util-str.lua', -- code might move to l-string
diff --git a/scripts/context/stubs/unix/mtxrun b/scripts/context/stubs/unix/mtxrun
index d1a0887f2..ee01afe35 100755
--- a/scripts/context/stubs/unix/mtxrun
+++ b/scripts/context/stubs/unix/mtxrun
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
package.loaded["l-lua"] = package.loaded["l-lua"] or true
--- original size: 7937, stripped down to: 5418
+-- original size: 7986, stripped down to: 5461
if not modules then modules={} end modules ['l-lua']={
@@ -68,6 +68,7 @@ if not modules then modules={} end modules ['l-lua']={
local major,minor=string.match(_VERSION,"^[^%d]+(%d+)%.(%d+).*$")
_MAJORVERSION=tonumber(major) or 5
_MINORVERSION=tonumber(minor) or 1
if not lpeg then
@@ -274,7 +275,7 @@ do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
package.loaded["l-lpeg"] = package.loaded["l-lpeg"] or true
--- original size: 25591, stripped down to: 14143
+-- original size: 26334, stripped down to: 14439
if not modules then modules={} end modules ['l-lpeg']={
@@ -836,6 +837,15 @@ end
function lpeg.times(pattern,n)
return P(nextstep(n,2^16,{ "start",["1"]=pattern }))
+local digit=R("09")
+local period=P(".")
+local zero=P("0")
+local trailingzeros=zero^0*-digit
+local case_1=period*trailingzeros/""
+local case_2=period*(digit-trailingzeros)^1*(trailingzeros/"")
+local number=digit^1*(case_1+case_2)
+local stripper=Cs((number+1)^0)
end -- of closure
@@ -964,7 +974,7 @@ do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
package.loaded["l-table"] = package.loaded["l-table"] or true
--- original size: 29337, stripped down to: 19618
+-- original size: 44480, stripped down to: 19618
if not modules then modules={} end modules ['l-table']={
@@ -4268,9 +4278,407 @@ end -- of closure
do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
+package.loaded["util-str"] = package.loaded["util-str"] or true
+-- original size: 17245, stripped down to: 10055
+if not modules then modules={} end modules ['util-str']={
+ version=1.001,
+ comment="companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
+ author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
+ copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
+ license="see context related readme files"
+utilities=utilities or {}
+utilities.strings=utilities.strings or {}
+local strings=utilities.strings
+local format,gsub,rep,sub=string.format,string.gsub,string.rep,string.sub
+local load,dump=load,string.dump
+local concat=table.concat
+local P,V,C,S,R,Ct,Cs,Cp,Carg,Cc=lpeg.P,lpeg.V,lpeg.C,lpeg.S,lpeg.R,lpeg.Ct,lpeg.Cs,lpeg.Cp,lpeg.Carg,lpeg.Cc
+local patterns,lpegmatch=lpeg.patterns,lpeg.match
+local utfchar,utfbyte=utf.char,utf.byte
+local loadstripped=_LUAVERSION<5.2 and load or function(str)
+ return load(dump(load(str),true))
+local stripper=patterns.stripzeros
+local function points(n)
+ return (not n or n==0) and "0pt" or lpegmatch(stripper,format("%.5fpt",n/65536))
+local function basepoints(n)
+ return (not n or n==0) and "0bp" or lpegmatch(stripper,format("%.5fbp",n*(7200/7227)/65536))
+local rubish=patterns.spaceortab^0*patterns.newline
+local anyrubish=patterns.spaceortab+patterns.newline
+local anything=patterns.anything
+local stripped=(patterns.spaceortab^1/"")*patterns.newline
+local leading=rubish^0/""
+local trailing=(anyrubish^1*patterns.endofstring)/""
+local redundant=rubish^3/"\n"
+local pattern=Cs(leading*(trailing+redundant+stripped+anything)^0)
+function strings.collapsecrlf(str)
+ return lpegmatch(pattern,str)
+local repeaters={}
+function strings.newrepeater(str,offset)
+ offset=offset or 0
+ local s=repeaters[str]
+ if not s then
+ s={}
+ repeaters[str]=s
+ end
+ local t=s[offset]
+ if t then
+ return t
+ end
+ t={}
+ setmetatable(t,{ __index=function(t,k)
+ if not k then
+ return ""
+ end
+ local n=k+offset
+ local s=n>0 and rep(str,n) or ""
+ t[k]=s
+ return s
+ end })
+ s[offset]=t
+ return t
+local extra,tab,start=0,0,4,0
+local nspaces=strings.newrepeater(" ")
+local pattern=Carg(1)/function(t)
+ extra,tab,start=0,t or 7,1
+ end*Cs((
+ Cp()*
+ local current=(position-start+1)+extra
+ local spaces=tab-(current-1)%tab
+ if spaces>0 then
+ extra=extra+spaces-1
+ return nspaces[spaces]
+ else
+ return ""
+ end
+ end+patterns.newline*Cp()/function(position)
+ extra,start=0,position
+ end+patterns.anything
+ )^1)
+function strings.tabtospace(str,tab)
+ return lpegmatch(pattern,str,1,tab or 7)
+function strings.striplong(str)
+ str=gsub(str,"^%s*","")
+ str=gsub(str,"[\n\r]+ *","\n")
+ return str
+function strings.nice(str)
+ str=gsub(str,"[:%-+_]+"," ")
+ return str
+local n=0
+local template_shortcuts=[[
+local tostring = tostring
+local format = string.format
+local concat = table.concat
+local signed = number.signed
+local points = number.points
+local basepoints = number.basepoints
+local utfchar = utf.char
+local utfbyte = utf.byte
+local lpegmatch = lpeg.match
+local xmlescape = lpeg.patterns.xmlescape
+local spaces = string.nspaces
+local prefix_any=C((S("+- .")+R("09"))^0)
+local prefix_tab=C((1-R("az","AZ","09","%%"))^0)
+local format_s=function(f)
+ n=n+1
+ if f and f~="" then
+ return format("format('%%%ss',a%s)",f,n)
+ else
+ return format("a%s",n)
+ end
+local format_S=function(f)
+ n=n+1
+ if f and f~="" then
+ return format("format('%%%ss',tostring(a%s))",f,n)
+ else
+ return format("tostring(a%s)",n)
+ end
+local format_q=function()
+ n=n+1
+ return format("format('%%q',a%s)",n)
+local format_Q=function()
+ n=n+1
+ return format("format('%%q',tostring(a%s))",n)
+local format_i=function(f)
+ n=n+1
+ if f and f~="" then
+ return format("format('%%%si',a%s)",f,n)
+ else
+ return format("a%s",n)
+ end
+local format_d=format_i
+function number.signed(i)
+ if i>0 then
+ return "+",i
+ else
+ return "-",-i
+ end
+local format_I=function(f)
+ n=n+1
+ if f and f~="" then
+ return format("format('%%s%%%si',signed(a%s))",f,n)
+ else
+ return format("format('%%s%%i',signed(a%s))",n)
+ end
+local format_f=function(f)
+ n=n+1
+ return format("format('%%%sf',a%s)",f,n)
+local format_g=function(f)
+ n=n+1
+ return format("format('%%%sg',a%s)",f,n)
+local format_G=function(f)
+ n=n+1
+ return format("format('%%%sG',a%s)",f,n)
+local format_e=function(f)
+ n=n+1
+ return format("format('%%%se',a%s)",f,n)
+local format_E=function(f)
+ n=n+1
+ return format("format('%%%sE',a%s)",f,n)
+local format_x=function(f)
+ n=n+1
+ return format("format('%%%sx',a%s)",f,n)
+local format_X=function(f)
+ n=n+1
+ return format("format('%%%sX',a%s)",f,n)
+local format_o=function(f)
+ n=n+1
+ return format("format('%%%so',a%s)",f,n)
+local format_c=function()
+ n=n+1
+ return format("utfchar(a%s)",n)
+local format_r=function(f)
+ n=n+1
+ return format("format('%%%s.0f',a%s)",f,n)
+local format_h=function(f)
+ n=n+1
+ if f=="-" then
+ f=sub(f,2)
+ return format("format('%%%sx',utfbyte(a%s))",f=="" and "05" or f,n)
+ else
+ return format("format('0x%%%sx',utfbyte(a%s))",f=="" and "05" or f,n)
+ end
+local format_H=function(f)
+ n=n+1
+ if f=="-" then
+ f=sub(f,2)
+ return format("format('%%%sX',utfbyte(a%s))",f=="" and "05" or f,n)
+ else
+ return format("format('0x%%%sX',utfbyte(a%s))",f=="" and "05" or f,n)
+ end
+local format_u=function(f)
+ n=n+1
+ if f=="-" then
+ f=sub(f,2)
+ return format("format('%%%sx',utfbyte(a%s))",f=="" and "05" or f,n)
+ else
+ return format("format('u+%%%sx',utfbyte(a%s))",f=="" and "05" or f,n)
+ end
+local format_U=function(f)
+ n=n+1
+ if f=="-" then
+ f=sub(f,2)
+ return format("format('%%%sX',utfbyte(a%s))",f=="" and "05" or f,n)
+ else
+ return format("format('U+%%%sX',utfbyte(a%s))",f=="" and "05" or f,n)
+ end
+local format_p=function()
+ n=n+1
+ return format("points(a%s)",n)
+local format_b=function()
+ n=n+1
+ return format("basepoints(a%s)",n)
+local format_t=function(f)
+ n=n+1
+ if f and f~="" then
+ return format("concat(a%s,%q)",n,f)
+ else
+ return format("concat(a%s)",n)
+ end
+local format_l=function()
+ n=n+1
+ return format("(a%s and 'true' or 'false')",n)
+local format_L=function()
+ n=n+1
+ return format("(a%s and 'TRUE' or 'FALSE')",n)
+local format_N=function()
+ n=n+1
+ return format("tostring(tonumber(a%s) or a%s)",n,n)
+local format_a=function(s)
+ return format("%q",s)
+local format_w=function(f)
+ n=n+1
+ f=tonumber(f)
+ if f then
+ return format("spaces[%s+tonumber(a%s)]",f,n)
+ else
+ return format("spaces[tonumber(a%s)]",n)
+ end
+local format_W=function(f)
+ return format("spaces[%s]",tonumber(f) or 0)
+local extensions={}
+local format_extension=function(name)
+ n=n+1
+ local extension=extensions[name] or "tostring(%s)"
+ return format(extension,format("a%s",n))
+function addextension(name,template,shortcuts)
+ extensions[name]=template
+ if shortcuts then
+ template_shortcuts=shortcuts.."\n"..template_shortcuts
+ end
+addextension("xml",[[lpegmatch(xmlescape,%s)]],[[local xmlescape = lpeg.patterns.xmlescape]])
+addextension("tex",[[lpegmatch(texescape,%s)]],[[local texescape = lpeg.patterns.texescape]])
+local builder=Cs { "start",
+ start=(
+ (
+ P("%")/""*(
+ V("!")
+ )+V("a")
+ )
+ )^0,
+ ["s"]=(prefix_any*P("s"))/format_s,
+ ["q"]=(prefix_any*P("q"))/format_q,
+ ["i"]=(prefix_any*P("i"))/format_i,
+ ["d"]=(prefix_any*P("d"))/format_d,
+ ["f"]=(prefix_any*P("f"))/format_f,
+ ["g"]=(prefix_any*P("g"))/format_g,
+ ["G"]=(prefix_any*P("G"))/format_G,
+ ["e"]=(prefix_any*P("e"))/format_e,
+ ["E"]=(prefix_any*P("E"))/format_E,
+ ["x"]=(prefix_any*P("x"))/format_x,
+ ["X"]=(prefix_any*P("X"))/format_X,
+ ["o"]=(prefix_any*P("o"))/format_o,
+ ["S"]=(prefix_any*P("S"))/format_S,
+ ["Q"]=(prefix_any*P("Q"))/format_S,
+ ["N"]=(prefix_any*P("N"))/format_N,
+ ["c"]=(prefix_any*P("c"))/format_c,
+ ["r"]=(prefix_any*P("r"))/format_r,
+ ["h"]=(prefix_any*P("h"))/format_h,
+ ["H"]=(prefix_any*P("H"))/format_H,
+ ["u"]=(prefix_any*P("u"))/format_u,
+ ["U"]=(prefix_any*P("U"))/format_U,
+ ["p"]=(prefix_any*P("p"))/format_p,
+ ["b"]=(prefix_any*P("b"))/format_b,
+ ["t"]=(prefix_tab*P("t"))/format_t,
+ ["l"]=(prefix_tab*P("l"))/format_l,
+ ["L"]=(prefix_tab*P("L"))/format_L,
+ ["I"]=(prefix_any*P("I"))/format_I,
+ ["w"]=(prefix_any*P("w"))/format_w,
+ ["W"]=(prefix_any*P("W"))/format_W,
+ ["a"]=Cs(((1-P("%"))^1+P("%%")/"%%%%")^1)/format_a,
+ ["!"]=P("!")*C((1-P("!"))^1)*P("!")/format_extension,
+local direct=Cs (
+ P("%")/""*Cc([[local format = string.format return function(str) return format("%]])*C(S("+- .")+R("09"))^0*S("sqidfgGeExXo")*Cc([[",str) end]])*P(-1)
+ )
+local template=[[
+return function(%s) return %s end
+local arguments={ "a1" }
+setmetatable(arguments,{ __index=function(t,k)
+ local v=t[k-1]..",a"..k
+ t[k]=v
+ return v
+ end
+local function make(t,str)
+ local f
+ local p=lpegmatch(direct,str)
+ if p then
+ f=loadstripped(p)()
+ else
+ n=0
+ p=lpegmatch(builder,str,1,"..")
+ if n>0 then
+ p=format(template,template_shortcuts,arguments[n],p)
+ f=loadstripped(p)()
+ else
+ f=function() return str end
+ end
+ end
+ t[str]=f
+ return f
+local function use(t,fmt,...)
+ return t[fmt](...)
+local formatters=string.formatters or {}
+setmetatable(formatters,{ __index=make,__call=use })
+function string.makeformatter(str)
+ return formatters[str]
+function string.formatter(str,...)
+ return formatters[str](...)
+end -- of closure
+do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
package.loaded["util-tab"] = package.loaded["util-tab"] or true
--- original size: 10865, stripped down to: 7097
+-- original size: 14459, stripped down to: 8507
if not modules then modules={} end modules ['util-tab']={
@@ -4282,12 +4690,13 @@ if not modules then modules={} end modules ['util-tab']={
utilities=utilities or {}
utilities.tables=utilities.tables or {}
local tables=utilities.tables
-local format,gmatch,rep,gsub=string.format,string.gmatch,string.rep,string.gsub
+local format,gmatch,gsub=string.format,string.gmatch,string.gsub
local concat,insert,remove=table.concat,table.insert,table.remove
local setmetatable,getmetatable,tonumber,tostring=setmetatable,getmetatable,tonumber,tostring
-local type,next,rawset,tonumber,load,select=type,next,rawset,tonumber,load,select
-local lpegmatch,P,Cs=lpeg.match,lpeg.P,lpeg.Cs
-local serialize=table.serialize
+local type,next,rawset,tonumber,tostring,load,select=type,next,rawset,tonumber,tostring,load,select
+local lpegmatch,P,Cs,Cc=lpeg.match,lpeg.P,lpeg.Cs,lpeg.Cc
+local serialize,sortedkeys,sortedpairs=table.serialize,table.sortedkeys,table.sortedpairs
+local formatters=string.formatters
local splitter=lpeg.tsplitat(".")
function tables.definetable(target,nofirst,nolast)
local composed,shortcut,t=nil,nil,{}
@@ -4384,34 +4793,80 @@ function tables.insertaftervalue(t,value,extra)
+local escape=Cs(Cc('"')*((P('"')/'""'+P(1))^0)*Cc('"'))
+function table.tocsv(t,specification)
+ if t and #t>0 then
+ local result={}
+ local r={}
+ specification=specification or {}
+ local fields=specification.fields
+ if type(fields)~="string" then
+ fields=sortedkeys(t[1])
+ end
+ local separator=specification.separator or ","
+ if specification.preamble==true then
+ for f=1,#fields do
+ r[f]=lpegmatch(escape,tostring(fields[f]))
+ end
+ result[1]=concat(r,separator)
+ end
+ for i=1,#t do
+ local ti=t[i]
+ for f=1,#fields do
+ local field=ti[fields[f]]
+ if type(field)=="string" then
+ r[f]=lpegmatch(escape,field)
+ else
+ r[f]=tostring(field)
+ end
+ end
+ result[#result+1]=concat(r,separator)
+ end
+ return concat(result,"\n")
+ else
+ return ""
+ end
+local nspaces=utilities.strings.newrepeater(" ")
local function toxml(t,d,result,step)
- for k,v in table.sortedpairs(t) do
- if type(v)=="table" then
- if type(k)=="number" then
- result[#result+1]=format("%s<entry n='%s'>",d,k)
- toxml(v,d..step,result,step)
- result[#result+1]=format("%s</entry>",d,k)
+ for k,v in sortedpairs(t) do
+ local s=nspaces[d]
+ local tk=type(k)
+ local tv=type(v)
+ if tv=="table" then
+ if tk=="number" then
+ result[#result+1]=formatters["%s<entry n='%s'>"](s,k)
+ toxml(v,d+step,result,step)
+ result[#result+1]=formatters["%s</entry>"](s,k)
- result[#result+1]=format("%s<%s>",d,k)
- toxml(v,d..step,result,step)
- result[#result+1]=format("%s</%s>",d,k)
+ result[#result+1]=formatters["%s<%s>"](s,k)
+ toxml(v,d+step,result,step)
+ result[#result+1]=formatters["%s</%s>"](s,k)
- elseif type(k)=="number" then
- result[#result+1]=format("%s<entry n='%s'>%s</entry>",d,k,v,k)
+ elseif tv=="string" then
+ if tk=="number" then
+ result[#result+1]=formatters["%s<entry n='%s'>%!xml!</entry>"](s,k,v,k)
+ else
+ result[#result+1]=formatters["%s<%s>%!xml!</%s>"](s,k,v,k)
+ end
+ elseif tk=="number" then
+ result[#result+1]=formatters["%s<entry n='%s'>%S</entry>"](s,k,v,k)
- result[#result+1]=format("%s<%s>%s</%s>",d,k,tostring(v),k)
+ result[#result+1]=formatters["%s<%s>%S</%s>"](s,k,v,k)
-function table.toxml(t,name,nobanner,indent,spaces)
+function table.toxml(t,specification)
+ specification=specification or {}
+ local
local noroot=name==false
- local result=(nobanner or noroot) and {} or { "<?xml version='1.0' standalone='yes' ?>" }
- local indent=rep(" ",indent or 0)
- local spaces=rep(" ",spaces or 1)
+ local result=(specification.nobanner or noroot) and {} or { "<?xml version='1.0' standalone='yes' ?>" }
+ local indent=specification.indent or 0
+ local spaces=specification.spaces or 1
if noroot then
- toxml(t,inndent,result,spaces)
+ toxml(t,indent,result,spaces)
- toxml({ [name or "root"]=t },indent,result,spaces)
+ toxml({ [name or "data"]=t },indent,result,spaces)
return concat(result,"\n")
@@ -4453,27 +4908,27 @@ local function fastserialize(t,r,outer)
local v=t[i]
local tv=type(v)
if tv=="string" then
- r[#r+1]=format("%q,",v)
+ r[#r+1]=formatters["%q,"](v)
elseif tv=="number" then
- r[#r+1]=format("%s,",v)
+ r[#r+1]=formatters["%s,"](v)
elseif tv=="table" then
elseif tv=="boolean" then
- r[#r+1]=format("%s,",tostring(v))
+ r[#r+1]=formatters["%S,"](v)
for k,v in next,t do
local tv=type(v)
if tv=="string" then
- r[#r+1]=format("[%q]=%q,",k,v)
+ r[#r+1]=formatters["[%q]=%q,"](k,v)
elseif tv=="number" then
- r[#r+1]=format("[%q]=%s,",k,v)
+ r[#r+1]=formatters["[%q]=%s,"](k,v)
elseif tv=="table" then
- r[#r+1]=format("[%q]=",k)
+ r[#r+1]=formatters["[%q]="](k)
elseif tv=="boolean" then
- r[#r+1]=format("[%q]=%s,",k,tostring(v))
+ r[#r+1]=formatters["[%q]=%S,"](k,v)
@@ -4729,307 +5184,6 @@ end -- of closure
do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
-package.loaded["util-str"] = package.loaded["util-str"] or true
--- original size: 12069, stripped down to: 7814
-if not modules then modules={} end modules ['util-str']={
- version=1.001,
- comment="companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
- author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license="see context related readme files"
-utilities=utilities or {}
-utilities.strings=utilities.strings or {}
-local strings=utilities.strings
-local load=load
-local format,gsub,rep,sub=string.format,string.gsub,string.rep,string.sub
-local concat=table.concat
-local P,V,C,S,R,Ct,Cs,Cp,Carg=lpeg.P,lpeg.V,lpeg.C,lpeg.S,lpeg.R,lpeg.Ct,lpeg.Cs,lpeg.Cp,lpeg.Carg
-local patterns,lpegmatch=lpeg.patterns,lpeg.match
-local utfchar,utfbyte=utf.char,utf.byte
-local setmetatableindex=table.setmetatableindex
-local stripper=patterns.stripzeros
-local function points(n)
- return (not n or n==0) and "0pt" or lpegmatch(stripper,format("%.5fpt",n/65536))
-local function basepoints(n)
- return (not n or n==0) and "0bp" or lpegmatch(stripper,format("%.5fbp",n*(7200/7227)/65536))
-local rubish=patterns.spaceortab^0*patterns.newline
-local anyrubish=patterns.spaceortab+patterns.newline
-local anything=patterns.anything
-local stripped=(patterns.spaceortab^1/"")*patterns.newline
-local leading=rubish^0/""
-local trailing=(anyrubish^1*patterns.endofstring)/""
-local redundant=rubish^3/"\n"
-local pattern=Cs(leading*(trailing+redundant+stripped+anything)^0)
-function strings.collapsecrlf(str)
- return lpegmatch(pattern,str)
-local repeaters={}
-function strings.newrepeater(str,offset)
- offset=offset or 0
- local s=repeaters[str]
- if not s then
- s={}
- repeaters[str]=s
- end
- local t=s[offset]
- if t then
- return t
- end
- t={}
- setmetatableindex(t,function(t,k)
- if not k then
- return ""
- end
- local n=k+offset
- local s=n>0 and rep(str,n) or ""
- t[k]=s
- return s
- end)
- s[offset]=t
- return t
-local extra,tab,start=0,0,4,0
-local nspaces=strings.newrepeater(" ")
-local pattern=Carg(1)/function(t)
- extra,tab,start=0,t or 7,1
- end*Cs((
- Cp()*
- local current=(position-start+1)+extra
- local spaces=tab-(current-1)%tab
- if spaces>0 then
- extra=extra+spaces-1
- return nspaces[spaces]
- else
- return ""
- end
- end+patterns.newline*Cp()/function(position)
- extra,start=0,position
- end+patterns.anything
- )^1)
-function strings.tabtospace(str,tab)
- return lpegmatch(pattern,str,1,tab or 7)
-function strings.striplong(str)
- str=gsub(str,"^%s*","")
- str=gsub(str,"[\n\r]+ *","\n")
- return str
-function strings.nice(str)
- str=gsub(str,"[:%-+_]+"," ")
- return str
-local n=0
-local prefix_any=C((S("+- .")+R("09"))^0)
-local prefix_tab=C((1-R("az","AZ","09","%%"))^0)
-local format_s=function(f)
- n=n+1
- if f and f~="" then
- return format("format('%%%ss',(select(%s,...)))",f,n)
- else
- return format("(select(%s,...))",n)
- end
-local format_q=function()
- n=n+1
- return format("format('%%q',(select(%s,...)))",n)
-local format_i=function(f)
- n=n+1
- if f and f~="" then
- return format("format('%%%si',(select(%s,...)))",f,n)
- else
- return format("(select(%s,...))",n)
- end
-local format_d=format_i
-function number.signed(i)
- if i>0 then
- return "+",i
- else
- return "-",-i
- end
-local format_I=function(f)
- n=n+1
- if f and f~="" then
- return format("format('%%s%%%si',signed((select(%s,...))))",f,n)
- else
- return format("format('%%s%%i',signed((select(%s,...))))",n)
- end
-local format_f=function(f)
- n=n+1
- return format("format('%%%sf',(select(%s,...)))",f,n)
-local format_g=function(f)
- n=n+1
- return format("format('%%%sg',(select(%s,...)))",f,n)
-local format_G=function(f)
- n=n+1
- return format("format('%%%sG',(select(%s,...)))",f,n)
-local format_e=function(f)
- n=n+1
- return format("format('%%%se',(select(%s,...)))",f,n)
-local format_E=function(f)
- n=n+1
- return format("format('%%%sE',(select(%s,...)))",f,n)
-local format_x=function(f)
- n=n+1
- return format("format('%%%sx',(select(%s,...)))",f,n)
-local format_X=function(f)
- n=n+1
- return format("format('%%%sX',(select(%s,...)))",f,n)
-local format_o=function(f)
- n=n+1
- return format("format('%%%so',(select(%s,...)))",f,n)
-local format_c=function()
- n=n+1
- return format("utfchar((select(%s,...)))",n)
-local format_r=function(f)
- n=n+1
- return format("format('%%%s.0f',(select(%s,...)))",f,n)
-local format_v=function(f)
- n=n+1
- if f=="-" then
- f=sub(f,2)
- return format("format('%%%sx',utfbyte((select(%s,...))))",f=="" and "05" or f,n)
- else
- return format("format('0x%%%sx',utfbyte((select(%s,...))))",f=="" and "05" or f,n)
- end
-local format_V=function(f)
- n=n+1
- if f=="-" then
- f=sub(f,2)
- return format("format('%%%sX',utfbyte((select(%s,...))))",f=="" and "05" or f,n)
- else
- return format("format('0x%%%sX',utfbyte((select(%s,...))))",f=="" and "05" or f,n)
- end
-local format_u=function(f)
- n=n+1
- if f=="-" then
- f=sub(f,2)
- return format("format('%%%sx',utfbyte((select(%s,...))))",f=="" and "05" or f,n)
- else
- return format("format('u+%%%sx',utfbyte((select(%s,...))))",f=="" and "05" or f,n)
- end
-local format_U=function(f)
- n=n+1
- if f=="-" then
- f=sub(f,2)
- return format("format('%%%sX',utfbyte((select(%s,...))))",f=="" and "05" or f,n)
- else
- return format("format('U+%%%sX',utfbyte((select(%s,...))))",f=="" and "05" or f,n)
- end
-local format_p=function()
- n=n+1
- return format("points((select(%s,...)))",n)
-local format_b=function()
- n=n+1
- return format("basepoints((select(%s,...)))",n)
-local format_t=function(f)
- n=n+1
- if f and f~="" then
- return format("concat((select(%s,...)),%q)",n,f)
- else
- return format("concat((select(%s,...)))",n)
- end
-local format_l=function()
- n=n+1
- return format("(select(%s,...) and 'true' or 'false')",n)
-local format_a=function(s)
- return format("%q",s)
-local builder=Ct { "start",
- start=(P("%")*(
- V("s")+V("q")+V("i")+V("d")+V("f")+V("g")+V("G")+V("e")+V("E")+V("x")+V("X")+V("o")
- )+V("a")
- )^0,
- ["s"]=(prefix_any*P("s"))/format_s,
- ["q"]=(prefix_any*P("q"))/format_q,
- ["i"]=(prefix_any*P("i"))/format_i,
- ["d"]=(prefix_any*P("d"))/format_d,
- ["f"]=(prefix_any*P("f"))/format_f,
- ["g"]=(prefix_any*P("g"))/format_g,
- ["G"]=(prefix_any*P("G"))/format_G,
- ["e"]=(prefix_any*P("e"))/format_e,
- ["E"]=(prefix_any*P("E"))/format_E,
- ["x"]=(prefix_any*P("x"))/format_x,
- ["X"]=(prefix_any*P("X"))/format_X,
- ["o"]=(prefix_any*P("o"))/format_o,
- ["c"]=(prefix_any*P("c"))/format_c,
- ["r"]=(prefix_any*P("r"))/format_r,
- ["v"]=(prefix_any*P("v"))/format_v,
- ["V"]=(prefix_any*P("V"))/format_V,
- ["u"]=(prefix_any*P("u"))/format_u,
- ["U"]=(prefix_any*P("U"))/format_U,
- ["p"]=(prefix_any*P("p"))/format_p,
- ["b"]=(prefix_any*P("b"))/format_b,
- ["t"]=(prefix_tab*P("t"))/format_t,
- ["l"]=(prefix_tab*P("l"))/format_l,
- ["I"]=(prefix_any*P("I"))/format_I,
- ["a"]=Cs(((1-P("%"))^1+P("%%")/"%%")^1)/format_a,
-local template=[[
-local format = string.format
-local concat = table.concat
-local signed = number.signed
-local points = number.points
-local basepoints = number.basepoints
-local utfchar = utf.char
-local utfbyte = utf.byte
-return function(...)
- return %s
-local function make(t,str)
- n=0
- local p=lpegmatch(builder,str)
- local c=format(template,concat(p,".."))
- formatter=load(c)()
- t[str]=formatter
- return formatter
-local formatters=string.formatters or {}
-function string.makeformatter(str)
- return formatters[str]
-function string.formatter(str,...)
- return formatters[str](...)
-end -- of closure
-do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
package.loaded["util-mrg"] = package.loaded["util-mrg"] or true
-- original size: 7447, stripped down to: 6001
@@ -5202,7 +5356,7 @@ do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
package.loaded["util-lua"] = package.loaded["util-lua"] or true
--- original size: 12411, stripped down to: 8581
+-- original size: 12650, stripped down to: 8744
if not modules then modules={} end modules ['util-lua']={
@@ -5314,6 +5468,12 @@ if jit or status.luatex_version>=74 then
return done
+ function luautilities.loadstripped(...)
+ local l=load(...)
+ if l then
+ return load(dump(l,true))
+ end
+ end
local function register(name,before,after)
local delta=before-after
@@ -5478,6 +5638,7 @@ else
return done
+ luautilities.loadstripped=loadstring
@@ -5879,7 +6040,7 @@ do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
package.loaded["util-fmt"] = package.loaded["util-fmt"] or true
--- original size: 3006, stripped down to: 2072
+-- original size: 2274, stripped down to: 1781
if not modules then modules={} end modules ['util-fmt']={
@@ -5894,17 +6055,8 @@ local formatters=utilities.formatters
local concat,format=table.concat,string.format
local tostring,type=tostring,type
local strip=string.strip
-local P,R,Cs=lpeg.P,lpeg.R,lpeg.Cs
local lpegmatch=lpeg.match
-local digit=R("09")
-local period=P(".")
-local zero=P("0")
-local trailingzeros=zero^0*-digit
-local case_1=period*trailingzeros/""
-local case_2=period*(digit-trailingzeros)^1*(trailingzeros/"")
-local number=digit^1*(case_1+case_2)
-local stripper=Cs((number+1)^0)
+local stripper=lpeg.patterns.stripzeros
function formatters.stripzeros(str)
return lpegmatch(stripper,str)
@@ -8663,7 +8815,7 @@ do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
package.loaded["lxml-lpt"] = package.loaded["lxml-lpt"] or true
--- original size: 48888, stripped down to: 30550
+-- original size: 48955, stripped down to: 30585
if not modules then modules={} end modules ['lxml-lpt']={
@@ -8677,6 +8829,7 @@ local type,next,tonumber,tostring,setmetatable,load,select=type,next,tonumber,to
local format,upper,lower,gmatch,gsub,find,rep=string.format,string.upper,string.lower,string.gmatch,string.gsub,string.find,string.rep
local lpegmatch,lpegpatterns=lpeg.match,lpeg.patterns
local setmetatableindex=table.setmetatableindex
+local formatters=string.formatters
local trace_lpath=false if trackers then trackers.register("xml.path",function(v) trace_lpath=v end) end
local trace_lparse=false if trackers then trackers.register("xml.parse",function(v) trace_lparse=v end) end
local trace_lprofile=false if trackers then trackers.register("xml.profile",function(v) trace_lpath=v trace_lparse=v trace_lprofile=v end) end
@@ -15098,10 +15251,10 @@ end
end -- of closure
--- used libraries : l-lua.lua l-lpeg.lua l-function.lua l-string.lua l-table.lua l-io.lua l-number.lua l-set.lua l-os.lua l-file.lua l-md5.lua l-url.lua l-dir.lua l-boolean.lua l-unicode.lua l-math.lua util-tab.lua util-sto.lua util-str.lua util-mrg.lua util-lua.lua util-prs.lua util-fmt.lua util-deb.lua trac-inf.lua trac-set.lua trac-log.lua trac-pro.lua util-tpl.lua util-env.lua luat-env.lua lxml-tab.lua lxml-lpt.lua lxml-mis.lua lxml-aux.lua lxml-xml.lua data-ini.lua data-exp.lua data-env.lua data-tmp.lua data-met.lua data-res.lua data-pre.lua data-inp.lua data-out.lua data-fil.lua data-con.lua data-use.lua data-zip.lua data-tre.lua data-sch.lua data-lua.lua data-aux.lua data-tmf.lua data-lst.lua luat-sta.lua luat-fmt.lua
+-- used libraries : l-lua.lua l-lpeg.lua l-function.lua l-string.lua l-table.lua l-io.lua l-number.lua l-set.lua l-os.lua l-file.lua l-md5.lua l-url.lua l-dir.lua l-boolean.lua l-unicode.lua l-math.lua util-str.lua util-tab.lua util-sto.lua util-mrg.lua util-lua.lua util-prs.lua util-fmt.lua util-deb.lua trac-inf.lua trac-set.lua trac-log.lua trac-pro.lua util-tpl.lua util-env.lua luat-env.lua lxml-tab.lua lxml-lpt.lua lxml-mis.lua lxml-aux.lua lxml-xml.lua data-ini.lua data-exp.lua data-env.lua data-tmp.lua data-met.lua data-res.lua data-pre.lua data-inp.lua data-out.lua data-fil.lua data-con.lua data-use.lua data-zip.lua data-tre.lua data-sch.lua data-lua.lua data-aux.lua data-tmf.lua data-lst.lua luat-sta.lua luat-fmt.lua
-- skipped libraries : -
--- original bytes : 604381
--- stripped bytes : 205386
+-- original bytes : 628660
+-- stripped bytes : 225768
-- end library merge
@@ -15141,9 +15294,9 @@ local ownlibs = { -- order can be made better
+ 'util-str.lua', -- code might move to l-string
- 'util-str.lua', -- code might move to l-string
diff --git a/tex/context/base/cldf-ini.lua b/tex/context/base/cldf-ini.lua
index e3b7ed82a..f4b8ece4c 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/cldf-ini.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/cldf-ini.lua
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ local format, gsub, validstring = string.format, string.gsub, string.valid
local next, type, tostring, tonumber, setmetatable = next, type, tostring, tonumber, setmetatable
local insert, remove, concat = table.insert, table.remove, table.concat
local lpegmatch, lpegC, lpegS, lpegP, lpegCc, patterns = lpeg.match, lpeg.C, lpeg.S, lpeg.P, lpeg.Cc, lpeg.patterns
+local formatters = string.formatters -- using formatteds is slower in this case
local texsprint = tex.sprint
local textprint = tex.tprint
@@ -533,7 +534,7 @@ local function caller(parent,f,a,...)
local typ = type(f)
if typ == "string" then
if a then
- flush(contentcatcodes,format(f,a,...)) -- was currentcatcodes
+ flush(contentcatcodes,formatters[f](a,...)) -- was currentcatcodes
elseif processlines and lpegmatch(containseol,f) then
local flushlines = parent.__flushlines or flushlines
@@ -606,13 +607,13 @@ end
function context.fprint(catcodes,fmt,first,...)
if type(catcodes) == "number" then
if first then
- flush(catcodes,format(fmt,first,...))
+ flush(catcodes,formatters[fmt](first,...))
if fmt then
- flush(format(catcodes,fmt,first,...))
+ flush(formatters[catcodes](fmt,first,...))
@@ -621,29 +622,29 @@ end
function tex.fprint(fmt,first,...) -- goodie
if first then
- flush(currentcatcodes,format(fmt,first,...))
+ flush(currentcatcodes,formatters[fmt](first,...))
-local formatters = string.formatters
+-- function context.formatted(catcodes,fmt,first,...) -- no longer to be used ... context(...) now uses formatted
+-- if type(catcodes) == "number" then -- and this was just a temporary helper that will go away
+-- if first then
+-- flush(catcodes,formatters[fmt](first,...))
+-- else
+-- flush(catcodes,fmt)
+-- end
+-- else
+-- if fmt then
+-- flush(formatters[catcodes](fmt,first,...))
+-- else
+-- flush(catcodes)
+-- end
+-- end
+-- end
-function context.formatted(catcodes,fmt,first,...)
- if type(catcodes) == "number" then
- if first then
- flush(catcodes,formatters[fmt](first,...))
- else
- flush(catcodes,fmt)
- end
- else
- if fmt then
- flush(formatters[catcodes](fmt,first,...))
- else
- flush(catcodes)
- end
- end
+context.formatted = context.fprint
-- logging
@@ -697,7 +698,7 @@ local traced = function(normal,one,two,...)
local catcodes = type(one) == "number" and one
local arguments = catcodes and { two, ... } or { one, two, ... }
- local collapsed, c = { format("f : %s : ", catcodes or '-') }, 1
+ local collapsed, c = { formatters["f : %s : "](catcodes or '-') }, 1
for i=1,#arguments do
local argument = arguments[i]
local argtype = type(argument)
@@ -707,7 +708,7 @@ local traced = function(normal,one,two,...)
elseif argtype == "number" then
collapsed[c] = argument
- collapsed[c] = format("<<%s>>",tostring(argument))
+ collapsed[c] = formatters["<<%S>>"](argument)
@@ -716,11 +717,11 @@ local traced = function(normal,one,two,...)
local argtype = type(one)
if argtype == "string" then
- currenttrace(format("f : - : %s",lpegmatch(visualizer,one)))
+ currenttrace(formatters["f : - : %s"](lpegmatch(visualizer,one)))
elseif argtype == "number" then
- currenttrace(format("f : - : %s",one))
+ currenttrace(formatters["f : - : %s"](one))
- currenttrace(format("f : - : <<%s>>",tostring(one)))
+ currenttrace(formatters["f : - : <<%S>>"](one))
@@ -924,7 +925,7 @@ local function caller(parent,f,a,...)
local typ = type(f)
if typ == "string" then
if a then
- flush(currentcatcodes,mpdrawing,"{",format(f,a,...),"}")
+ flush(currentcatcodes,mpdrawing,"{",formatters[f](a,...),"}")
@@ -962,7 +963,7 @@ function metafun.stop()
function metafun.color(name)
- return format([[\MPcolor{%s}]],name)
+ return formatters[ [[\MPcolor{%s}]] ](name)
-- metafun.delayed
diff --git a/tex/context/base/colo-ini.lua b/tex/context/base/colo-ini.lua
index 1a994b567..29cce70f0 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/colo-ini.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/colo-ini.lua
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ local concat, insert, remove = table.concat, table.insert, table.remove
local format, gmatch, gsub, lower, match, find = string.format, string.gmatch, string.gsub, string.lower, string.match, string.find
local P, R, C, Cc = lpeg.P, lpeg.R, lpeg.C, lpeg.Cc
local lpegmatch, lpegpatterns = lpeg.match, lpeg.patterns
+local formatters = string.formatters
local trace_define = false trackers.register("colors.define",function(v) trace_define = v end)
@@ -470,38 +471,32 @@ local function mpcolor(model,ca,ta,default)
model = forcedmodel(model)
if tv then
if model == 2 then
- return format("transparent(%s,%s,(%s,%s,%s))",tv[1],tv[2],cv[3],cv[4],cv[5])
+ return formatters["transparent(%s,%s,(%s,%s,%s))"](tv[1],tv[2],cv[3],cv[4],cv[5])
elseif model == 3 then
- return format("transparent(%s,%s,(%s,%s,%s))",tv[1],tv[2],cv[3],cv[4],cv[5])
+ return formatters["transparent(%s,%s,(%s,%s,%s))"](tv[1],tv[2],cv[3],cv[4],cv[5])
elseif model == 4 then
- return format("transparent(%s,%s,cmyk(%s,%s,%s,%s))",tv[1],tv[2],cv[6],cv[7],cv[8],cv[9])
+ return formatters["transparent(%s,%s,cmyk(%s,%s,%s,%s))"](tv[1],tv[2],cv[6],cv[7],cv[8],cv[9])
elseif model == 5 then
- return format('transparent(%s,%s,multitonecolor("%s",%s,"%s","%s"))',tv[1],tv[2],cv[10],cv[11],cv[12],cv[13])
- else
- return format("transparent(%s,%s,(%s,%s,%s))",tv[1],tv[2],cv[3],cv[4],cv[5])
--- this will become (see ** in meta-ini.mkiv)
--- return format("transparent(%s,%s,(%s))",tv[1],tv[2],cv[2])
+ return formatters['transparent(%s,%s,multitonecolor("%s",%s,"%s","%s"))'](tv[1],tv[2],cv[10],cv[11],cv[12],cv[13])
+ else -- see ** in meta-ini.mkiv: return formatters["transparent(%s,%s,(%s))"](tv[1],tv[2],cv[2])
+ return formatters["transparent(%s,%s,(%s,%s,%s))"](tv[1],tv[2],cv[3],cv[4],cv[5])
if model == 2 then
- return format("(%s,%s,%s)",cv[3],cv[4],cv[5])
+ return formatters["(%s,%s,%s)"](cv[3],cv[4],cv[5])
elseif model == 3 then
- return format("(%s,%s,%s)",cv[3],cv[4],cv[5])
+ return formatters["(%s,%s,%s)"](cv[3],cv[4],cv[5])
elseif model == 4 then
- return format("cmyk(%s,%s,%s,%s)",cv[6],cv[7],cv[8],cv[9])
+ return formatters["cmyk(%s,%s,%s,%s)"](cv[6],cv[7],cv[8],cv[9])
elseif model == 5 then
- return format('multitonecolor("%s",%s,"%s","%s")',cv[10],cv[11],cv[12],cv[13])
- else
- return format("(%s,%s,%s)",cv[3],cv[4],cv[5])
--- this will become (see ** in meta-ini.mkiv)
--- return format("%s",(cv[2]))
+ return formatters['multitonecolor("%s",%s,"%s","%s")'](cv[10],cv[11],cv[12],cv[13])
+ else -- see ** in meta-ini.mkiv: return formatters["%s"]((cv[2]))
+ return formatters["(%s,%s,%s)"](cv[3],cv[4],cv[5])
default = default or 0 -- rgb !
- return format("(%s,%s,%s)",default,default,default)
+ return formatters["(%s,%s,%s)"](default,default,default)
@@ -510,7 +505,7 @@ local function mpnamedcolor(name)
local function mpoptions(model,ca,ta,default) -- will move to mlib-col
- return format("withcolor %s",mpcolor(model,ca,ta,default))
+ return formatters["withcolor %s"](mpcolor(model,ca,ta,default))
colors.mpcolor = mpcolor
diff --git a/tex/context/base/context-version.pdf b/tex/context/base/context-version.pdf
index 398846f55..bbc4ff28d 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/context-version.pdf
+++ b/tex/context/base/context-version.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tex/context/base/context-version.png b/tex/context/base/context-version.png
index 3be5fcc66..43823ceb6 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/context-version.png
+++ b/tex/context/base/context-version.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tex/context/base/file-job.lua b/tex/context/base/file-job.lua
index 533103ec6..b5c4b2b05 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/file-job.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/file-job.lua
@@ -823,15 +823,24 @@ function commands.getcommandline() -- has to happen at the tex end in order to e
inputfile = basename(inputfile)
+ local kindofrun = arguments.kindofrun
+ local currentrun = arguments.maxnofruns
+ local maxnofruns = arguments.currentrun
context.setupsystem {
[] = validstring(arguments.setuppath),
[constants.inputfile] = inputfile,
[constants.file] = validstring(arguments.result),
[constants.random] = validstring(arguments.randomseed),
- [constants.n] = validstring(arguments.kindofrun),
- [constants.m] = validstring(arguments.currentrun),
+ -- old:
+ [constants.n] = validstring(kindofrun),
+ [constants.m] = validstring(currentrun),
+ environment.kindofrun = tonumber(kindofrun) or 0
+ environment.maxnofruns = tonumber(maxnofruns) or 0
+ environment.currentrun = tonumber(currentrun) or 0
if validstring(arguments.arguments) then
context.setupenv { arguments.arguments }
diff --git a/tex/context/base/font-syn.lua b/tex/context/base/font-syn.lua
index 3f90da91b..63564f4f9 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/font-syn.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/font-syn.lua
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ local concat, sort, format = table.concat, table.sort, string.format
local serialize = table.serialize
local lpegmatch = lpeg.match
local unpack = unpack or table.unpack
+local formatters = string.formatters
local allocate =
local sparse =
@@ -581,7 +582,7 @@ local function checkduplicate(where) -- fails on "Romantik" but that's a border
for _, m in next, mapping do
for k, v in next, m do
local s = specifications[v]
- local hash = format("%s-%s-%s-%s-%s",s.familyname,s.weight or "*", or "*",s.width or "*",s.variant or "*")
+ local hash = formatters["%s-%s-%s-%s-%s"](s.familyname,s.weight or "*", or "*",s.width or "*",s.variant or "*")
local h = loaded[hash]
if h then
local ok = true
diff --git a/tex/context/base/grph-inc.mkiv b/tex/context/base/grph-inc.mkiv
index 54d024b85..8557bbb0b 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/grph-inc.mkiv
+++ b/tex/context/base/grph-inc.mkiv
@@ -567,6 +567,10 @@
+% \doifmodeelse{*\v!last}
+% {\settrue \c_grph_include_flush}
+% {\setfalse\c_grph_include_flush}%
diff --git a/tex/context/base/l-lpeg.lua b/tex/context/base/l-lpeg.lua
index 9bd9706bf..cfc26a5a5 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/l-lpeg.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/l-lpeg.lua
@@ -829,3 +829,24 @@ end
-- local s = "12" .. string.rep("AB",20) .. "34" .. string.rep("AB",30) .. "56"
-- inspect(p)
-- print(lpeg.match(p,s))
+-- moved here (before util-str)
+local digit = R("09")
+local period = P(".")
+local zero = P("0")
+local trailingzeros = zero^0 * -digit -- suggested by Roberto R
+local case_1 = period * trailingzeros / ""
+local case_2 = period * (digit - trailingzeros)^1 * (trailingzeros / "")
+local number = digit^1 * (case_1 + case_2)
+local stripper = Cs((number + 1)^0)
+lpeg.patterns.stripzeros = stripper
+-- local sample = "bla 11.00 bla 11 bla 0.1100 bla 1.00100 bla 0.00 bla 0.001 bla 1.1100 bla 0.100100100 bla 0.00100100100"
+-- collectgarbage("collect")
+-- str = string.rep(sample,10000)
+-- local ts = os.clock()
+-- lpegmatch(stripper,str)
+-- print(#str, os.clock()-ts, lpegmatch(stripper,sample))
diff --git a/tex/context/base/l-lua.lua b/tex/context/base/l-lua.lua
index 5863960b3..9ac8192b0 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/l-lua.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/l-lua.lua
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ local major, minor = string.match(_VERSION,"^[^%d]+(%d+)%.(%d+).*$")
_MAJORVERSION = tonumber(major) or 5
_MINORVERSION = tonumber(minor) or 1
-- lpeg
diff --git a/tex/context/base/l-table.lua b/tex/context/base/l-table.lua
index 92ef02503..c33cd195b 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/l-table.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/l-table.lua
@@ -394,6 +394,8 @@ end
-- todo: %g faster on numbers than %s
+-- we can speed this up with repeaters and formatters (is indeed faster)
local propername = patterns.propername -- was find(name,"^%a[%w%_]*$")
local function dummy() end
@@ -711,6 +713,322 @@ local function serialize(_handle,root,name,specification) -- handle wins
+-- -- This is some 20% faster than using format (because formatters are much faster) but
+-- -- of course, inlining the format using .. is then again faster .. anyway, as we do
+-- -- some pretty printing as well there is not that much to gain unless we make a 'fast'
+-- -- ugly variant as well. But, we would have to move the formatter to l-string then.
+-- local formatters = string.formatters
+-- local function do_serialize(root,name,level,indexed)
+-- if level > 0 then
+-- if indexed then
+-- handle(formatters["%w{"](level))
+-- else
+-- local tn = type(name)
+-- if tn == "number" then
+-- if hexify then
+-- handle(formatters["%w[%04H]={"](level,name))
+-- else
+-- handle(formatters["%w[%s]={"](level,name))
+-- end
+-- elseif tn == "string" then
+-- if noquotes and not reserved[name] and lpegmatch(propername,name) then
+-- handle(formatters["%w%s={"](level,name))
+-- else
+-- handle(formatters["%w[%q]={"](level,name))
+-- end
+-- elseif tn == "boolean" then
+-- handle(formatters["%w[%S]={"](level,name))
+-- else
+-- handle(formatters["%w{"](level))
+-- end
+-- end
+-- end
+-- -- we could check for k (index) being number (cardinal)
+-- if root and next(root) then
+-- -- local first, last = nil, 0 -- #root cannot be trusted here (will be ok in 5.2 when ipairs is gone)
+-- -- if compact then
+-- -- -- NOT: for k=1,#root do (we need to quit at nil)
+-- -- for k,v in ipairs(root) do -- can we use next?
+-- -- if not first then first = k end
+-- -- last = last + 1
+-- -- end
+-- -- end
+-- local first, last = nil, 0
+-- if compact then
+-- last = #root
+-- for k=1,last do
+-- if root[k] == nil then
+-- last = k - 1
+-- break
+-- end
+-- end
+-- if last > 0 then
+-- first = 1
+-- end
+-- end
+-- local sk = sortedkeys(root)
+-- for i=1,#sk do
+-- local k = sk[i]
+-- local v = root[k]
+-- --~ if v == root then
+-- -- circular
+-- --~ else
+-- local t, tk = type(v), type(k)
+-- if compact and first and tk == "number" and k >= first and k <= last then
+-- if t == "number" then
+-- if hexify then
+-- handle(formatters["%w %04H,"](level,v))
+-- else
+-- handle(formatters["%w %s,"](level,v)) -- %.99g
+-- end
+-- elseif t == "string" then
+-- if reduce and tonumber(v) then
+-- handle(formatters["%w %s,"](level,v))
+-- else
+-- handle(formatters["%w %q,"](level,v))
+-- end
+-- elseif t == "table" then
+-- if not next(v) then
+-- handle(formatters["%w {},"](level))
+-- elseif inline then -- and #t > 0
+-- local st = simple_table(v)
+-- if st then
+-- handle(formatters["%w { %, t },"](level,st))
+-- else
+-- do_serialize(v,k,level+1,true)
+-- end
+-- else
+-- do_serialize(v,k,level+1,true)
+-- end
+-- elseif t == "boolean" then
+-- handle(formatters["%w %S,"](level,v))
+-- elseif t == "function" then
+-- if functions then
+-- handle(formatters['%w load(%q),'](level,dump(v)))
+-- else
+-- handle(formatters['%w "function",'](level))
+-- end
+-- else
+-- handle(formatters["%w %Q,"](level,v))
+-- end
+-- elseif k == "__p__" then -- parent
+-- if false then
+-- handle(formatters["%w __p__=nil,"](level))
+-- end
+-- elseif t == "number" then
+-- if tk == "number" then
+-- if hexify then
+-- handle(formatters["%w [%04H]=%04H,"](level,k,v))
+-- else
+-- handle(formatters["%w [%s]=%s,"](level,k,v)) -- %.99g
+-- end
+-- elseif tk == "boolean" then
+-- if hexify then
+-- handle(formatters["%w [%S]=%04H,"](level,k,v))
+-- else
+-- handle(formatters["%w [%S]=%s,"](level,k,v)) -- %.99g
+-- end
+-- elseif noquotes and not reserved[k] and lpegmatch(propername,k) then
+-- if hexify then
+-- handle(formatters["%w %s=%04H,"](level,k,v))
+-- else
+-- handle(formatters["%w %s=%s,"](level,k,v)) -- %.99g
+-- end
+-- else
+-- if hexify then
+-- handle(formatters["%w [%q]=%04H,"](level,k,v))
+-- else
+-- handle(formatters["%w [%q]=%s,"](level,k,v)) -- %.99g
+-- end
+-- end
+-- elseif t == "string" then
+-- if reduce and tonumber(v) then
+-- if tk == "number" then
+-- if hexify then
+-- handle(formatters["%w [%04H]=%s,"](level,k,v))
+-- else
+-- handle(formatters["%w [%s]=%s,"](level,k,v))
+-- end
+-- elseif tk == "boolean" then
+-- handle(formatters["%w [%S]=%s,"](level,k,v))
+-- elseif noquotes and not reserved[k] and lpegmatch(propername,k) then
+-- handle(formatters["%w %s=%s,"](level,k,v))
+-- else
+-- handle(formatters["%w [%q]=%s,"](level,k,v))
+-- end
+-- else
+-- if tk == "number" then
+-- if hexify then
+-- handle(formatters["%w [%04H]=%q,"](level,k,v))
+-- else
+-- handle(formatters["%w [%s]=%q,"](level,k,v))
+-- end
+-- elseif tk == "boolean" then
+-- handle(formatters["%w [%S]=%q,"](level,k,v))
+-- elseif noquotes and not reserved[k] and lpegmatch(propername,k) then
+-- handle(formatters["%w %s=%q,"](level,k,v))
+-- else
+-- handle(formatters["%w [%q]=%q,"](level,k,v))
+-- end
+-- end
+-- elseif t == "table" then
+-- if not next(v) then
+-- if tk == "number" then
+-- if hexify then
+-- handle(formatters["%w [%04H]={},"](level,k))
+-- else
+-- handle(formatters["%w [%s]={},"](level,k))
+-- end
+-- elseif tk == "boolean" then
+-- handle(formatters["%w [%S]={},"](level,k))
+-- elseif noquotes and not reserved[k] and lpegmatch(propername,k) then
+-- handle(formatters["%w %s={},"](level,k))
+-- else
+-- handle(formatters["%w [%q]={},"](level,k))
+-- end
+-- elseif inline then
+-- local st = simple_table(v)
+-- if st then
+-- if tk == "number" then
+-- if hexify then
+-- handle(formatters["%w [%04H]={ %, t },"](level,k,st))
+-- else
+-- handle(formatters["%w [%s]={ %, t },"](level,k,st))
+-- end
+-- elseif tk == "boolean" then
+-- handle(formatters["%w [%S]={ %, t },"](level,k,st))
+-- elseif noquotes and not reserved[k] and lpegmatch(propername,k) then
+-- handle(formatters["%w %s={ %, t },"](level,k,st))
+-- else
+-- handle(formatters["%w [%q]={ %, t },"](level,k,st))
+-- end
+-- else
+-- do_serialize(v,k,level+1)
+-- end
+-- else
+-- do_serialize(v,k,level+1)
+-- end
+-- elseif t == "boolean" then
+-- if tk == "number" then
+-- if hexify then
+-- handle(formatters["%w [%04H]=%S,"](level,k,v))
+-- else
+-- handle(formatters["%w [%s]=%S,"](level,k,v))
+-- end
+-- elseif tk == "boolean" then
+-- handle(formatters["%w [%S]=%S,"](level,k,v))
+-- elseif noquotes and not reserved[k] and lpegmatch(propername,k) then
+-- handle(formatters["%w %s=%S,"](level,k,v))
+-- else
+-- handle(formatters["%w [%q]=%S,"](level,k,v))
+-- end
+-- elseif t == "function" then
+-- if functions then
+-- local f = getinfo(v).what == "C" and dump(dummy) or dump(v)
+-- -- local f = getinfo(v).what == "C" and dump(function(...) return v(...) end) or dump(v)
+-- if tk == "number" then
+-- if hexify then
+-- handle(formatters["%w [%04H]=load(%q),"](level,k,f))
+-- else
+-- handle(formatters["%w [%s]=load(%q),"](level,k,f))
+-- end
+-- elseif tk == "boolean" then
+-- handle(formatters["%w [%S]=load(%q),"](level,k,f))
+-- elseif noquotes and not reserved[k] and lpegmatch(propername,k) then
+-- handle(formatters["%w %s=load(%q),"](level,k,f))
+-- else
+-- handle(formatters["%w [%q]=load(%q),"](level,k,f))
+-- end
+-- end
+-- else
+-- if tk == "number" then
+-- if hexify then
+-- handle(formatters["%w [%04H]=%Q,"](level,k,v))
+-- else
+-- handle(formatters["%w [%s]=%Q,"](level,k,v))
+-- end
+-- elseif tk == "boolean" then
+-- handle(formatters["%w [%S]=%Q,"](level,k,v))
+-- elseif noquotes and not reserved[k] and lpegmatch(propername,k) then
+-- handle(formatters["%w %s=%Q,"](level,k,v))
+-- else
+-- handle(formatters["%w [%q]=%Q,"](level,k,v))
+-- end
+-- end
+-- --~ end
+-- end
+-- end
+-- if level > 0 then
+-- handle(formatters["%w}"](level))
+-- end
+-- end
+-- local function serialize(_handle,root,name,specification) -- handle wins
+-- local tname = type(name)
+-- if type(specification) == "table" then
+-- noquotes = specification.noquotes
+-- hexify = specification.hexify
+-- handle = _handle or specification.handle or print
+-- reduce = specification.reduce or false
+-- functions = specification.functions
+-- compact = specification.compact
+-- inline = specification.inline and compact
+-- if functions == nil then
+-- functions = true
+-- end
+-- if compact == nil then
+-- compact = true
+-- end
+-- if inline == nil then
+-- inline = compact
+-- end
+-- else
+-- noquotes = false
+-- hexify = false
+-- handle = _handle or print
+-- reduce = false
+-- compact = true
+-- inline = true
+-- functions = true
+-- end
+-- if tname == "string" then
+-- if name == "return" then
+-- handle("return {")
+-- else
+-- handle(name .. "={")
+-- end
+-- elseif tname == "number" then
+-- if hexify then
+-- handle(format("[0x%04X]={",name))
+-- else
+-- handle("[" .. name .. "]={")
+-- end
+-- elseif tname == "boolean" then
+-- if name then
+-- handle("return {")
+-- else
+-- handle("{")
+-- end
+-- else
+-- handle("t={")
+-- end
+-- if root then
+-- -- The dummy access will initialize a table that has a delayed initialization
+-- -- using a metatable. (maybe explicitly test for metatable)
+-- if getmetatable(root) then -- todo: make this an option, maybe even per subtable
+-- local dummy = root._w_h_a_t_e_v_e_r_
+-- root._w_h_a_t_e_v_e_r_ = nil
+-- end
+-- -- Let's forget about empty tables.
+-- if next(root) then
+-- do_serialize(root,name,0)
+-- end
+-- end
+-- handle("}")
+-- end
-- name:
-- true : return { }
@@ -730,6 +1048,13 @@ function table.serialize(root,name,specification)
return concat(t,"\n")
+-- local a = { e = { 1,2,3,4,5,6}, a = 1, b = 2, c = "ccc", d = { a = 1, b = 2, c = "ccc", d = { a = 1, b = 2, c = "ccc" } } }
+-- local t = os.clock()
+-- for i=1,10000 do
+-- table.serialize(a)
+-- end
+-- print(os.clock()-t,table.serialize(a))
table.tohandle = serialize
-- sometimes tables are real use (zapfino extra pro is some 85M) in which
diff --git a/tex/context/base/luat-lib.mkiv b/tex/context/base/luat-lib.mkiv
index 4ece2a29a..b9ccd8b11 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/luat-lib.mkiv
+++ b/tex/context/base/luat-lib.mkiv
@@ -13,9 +13,9 @@
\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Lua Macros / Libraries}
\registerctxluafile{util-sto}{1.001} % could also be done in trac-deb.mkiv
-\registerctxluafile{util-str}{1.001} % uses util-sto
%registerctxluafile{util-mrg}{1.001} % not needed in context itself, only mtxrun
diff --git a/tex/context/base/lxml-lpt.lua b/tex/context/base/lxml-lpt.lua
index d73b87287..2be648075 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/lxml-lpt.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/lxml-lpt.lua
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ local format, upper, lower, gmatch, gsub, find, rep = string.format, string.uppe
local lpegmatch, lpegpatterns = lpeg.match, lpeg.patterns
local setmetatableindex = table.setmetatableindex
+local formatters = string.formatters -- no need (yet) as paths are cached anyway
-- beware, this is not xpath ... e.g. position is different (currently) and
-- we have reverse-sibling as reversed preceding sibling
@@ -608,15 +609,12 @@ local converter = Cs (
cleaner = Cs ( (
---~ lp_fastpos +
+ -- lp_fastpos +
lp_reserved +
lp_number +
lp_string +
1 )^1 )
---~ expr
local template_e = [[
local expr = xml.expressions
return function(list,ll,l,order)
@@ -671,6 +669,7 @@ local function errorrunner_e(str,cnv)
return false
local function errorrunner_f(str,arg)
report_lpath("error in finalizer: %s(%s)",str,arg or "")
return false
diff --git a/tex/context/base/meta-ini.lua b/tex/context/base/meta-ini.lua
index 928048776..05433121e 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/meta-ini.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/meta-ini.lua
@@ -153,8 +153,12 @@ end
-- context.mathematics(f)
-- end
+-- formatters["\\times10^{%N}"](s) -- strips leading zeros too
local one = Cs((P("@")/"%%." * (R("09")^1) + P("@")/"%%" + 1)^0)
-local two = Cs((P("e")/"" * ((S("+-")^0 * R("09")^1)/function(s) return format("\\times10^{%s}",tonumber(s) or s) end) + 1)^1)
+local two = Cs((P("e")/"" * ((S("+-")^0 * R("09")^1) / function(s) return format("\\times10^{%s}",tonumber(s) or s) end) + 1)^1)
+-- local two = Cs((P("e")/"" * ((S("+-")^0 * R("09")^1) / formatters["\\times10^{%N}"]) + 1)^1)
function metapost.formatnumber(fmt,n) -- just lua format
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mlib-pdf.lua b/tex/context/base/mlib-pdf.lua
index e22e3af30..205dbd35a 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mlib-pdf.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mlib-pdf.lua
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ local format, concat, gsub = string.format, table.concat, string.gsub
local abs, sqrt, round = math.abs, math.sqrt, math.round
local setmetatable = setmetatable
local Cf, C, Cg, Ct, P, S, lpegmatch = lpeg.Cf, lpeg.C, lpeg.Cg, lpeg.Ct, lpeg.P, lpeg.S, lpeg.match
+local formatters = string.formatters
local report_metapost = logs.reporter("metapost")
@@ -97,7 +98,7 @@ end
function pdfflusher.comment(message)
if message then
- message = format("%% mps graphic %s: %s", metapost.n, message)
+ message = formatters["%% mps graphic %s: %s"](metapost.n,message)
if experiment then
@@ -189,11 +190,11 @@ local function flushnormalpath(path, t, open)
nt = nt + 1
pth = path[i]
if not ith then
- t[nt] = format("%f %f m",pth.x_coord,pth.y_coord)
+ t[nt] = formatters["%f %f m"](pth.x_coord,pth.y_coord)
elseif curved(ith,pth) then
- t[nt] = format("%f %f %f %f %f %f c",ith.right_x,ith.right_y,pth.left_x,pth.left_y,pth.x_coord,pth.y_coord)
+ t[nt] = formatters["%f %f %f %f %f %f c"](ith.right_x,ith.right_y,pth.left_x,pth.left_y,pth.x_coord,pth.y_coord)
- t[nt] = format("%f %f l",pth.x_coord,pth.y_coord)
+ t[nt] = formatters["%f %f l"](pth.x_coord,pth.y_coord)
ith = pth
@@ -201,15 +202,15 @@ local function flushnormalpath(path, t, open)
nt = nt + 1
local one = path[1]
if curved(pth,one) then
- t[nt] = format("%f %f %f %f %f %f c",pth.right_x,pth.right_y,one.left_x,one.left_y,one.x_coord,one.y_coord )
+ t[nt] = formatters["%f %f %f %f %f %f c"](pth.right_x,pth.right_y,one.left_x,one.left_y,one.x_coord,one.y_coord )
- t[nt] = format("%f %f l",one.x_coord,one.y_coord)
+ t[nt] = formatters["%f %f l"](one.x_coord,one.y_coord)
elseif #path == 1 then
-- special case .. draw point
local one = path[1]
nt = nt + 1
- t[nt] = format("%f %f l",one.x_coord,one.y_coord)
+ t[nt] = formatters["%f %f l"](one.x_coord,one.y_coord)
return t
@@ -223,18 +224,18 @@ local function flushconcatpath(path, t, open)
nt = 0
nt = nt + 1
- t[nt] = format("%f %f %f %f %f %f cm", sx, rx, ry, sy, tx ,ty)
+ t[nt] = formatters["%f %f %f %f %f %f cm"](sx,rx,ry,sy,tx,ty)
for i=1,#path do
nt = nt + 1
pth = path[i]
if not ith then
- t[nt] = format("%f %f m",mpconcat(pth.x_coord,pth.y_coord))
+ t[nt] = formatters["%f %f m"](mpconcat(pth.x_coord,pth.y_coord))
elseif curved(ith,pth) then
local a, b = mpconcat(ith.right_x,ith.right_y)
local c, d = mpconcat(pth.left_x,pth.left_y)
- t[nt] = format("%f %f %f %f %f %f c",a,b,c,d,mpconcat(pth.x_coord,pth.y_coord))
+ t[nt] = formatters["%f %f %f %f %f %f c"](a,b,c,d,mpconcat(pth.x_coord,pth.y_coord))
- t[nt] = format("%f %f l",mpconcat(pth.x_coord, pth.y_coord))
+ t[nt] = formatters["%f %f l"](mpconcat(pth.x_coord, pth.y_coord))
ith = pth
@@ -244,15 +245,15 @@ local function flushconcatpath(path, t, open)
if curved(pth,one) then
local a, b = mpconcat(pth.right_x,pth.right_y)
local c, d = mpconcat(one.left_x,one.left_y)
- t[nt] = format("%f %f %f %f %f %f c",a,b,c,d,mpconcat(one.x_coord, one.y_coord))
+ t[nt] = formatters["%f %f %f %f %f %f c"](a,b,c,d,mpconcat(one.x_coord, one.y_coord))
- t[nt] = format("%f %f l",mpconcat(one.x_coord,one.y_coord))
+ t[nt] = formatters["%f %f l"](mpconcat(one.x_coord,one.y_coord))
elseif #path == 1 then
-- special case .. draw point
nt = nt + 1
local one = path[1]
- t[nt] = format("%f %f l",mpconcat(one.x_coord,one.y_coord))
+ t[nt] = formatters["%f %f l"](mpconcat(one.x_coord,one.y_coord))
return t
@@ -319,7 +320,7 @@ function metapost.flush(result,flusher,askedfig)
elseif objecttype == "text" then
t[#t+1] = "q"
local ot = object.transform -- 3,4,5,6,1,2
- t[#t+1] = format("%f %f %f %f %f %f cm",ot[3],ot[4],ot[5],ot[6],ot[1],ot[2]) -- TH: format("%f %f m %f %f %f %f 0 0 cm",unpack(ot))
+ t[#t+1] = formatters["%f %f %f %f %f %f cm"](ot[3],ot[4],ot[5],ot[6],ot[1],ot[2]) -- TH: formatters["%f %f m %f %f %f %f 0 0 cm"](unpack(ot))
flushfigure(t) -- flush accumulated literals
t = { }
@@ -344,21 +345,21 @@ function metapost.flush(result,flusher,askedfig)
local ml = object.miterlimit
if ml and ml ~= miterlimit then
miterlimit = ml
- t[#t+1] = format("%f M",ml)
+ t[#t+1] = formatters["%f M"](ml)
local lj = object.linejoin
if lj and lj ~= linejoin then
linejoin = lj
- t[#t+1] = format("%i j",lj)
+ t[#t+1] = formatters["%i j"](lj)
local lc = object.linecap
if lc and lc ~= linecap then
linecap = lc
- t[#t+1] = format("%i J",lc)
+ t[#t+1] = formatters["%i J"](lc)
local dl = object.dash
if dl then
- local d = format("[%s] %f d",concat(dl.dashes or {}," "),dl.offset)
+ local d = formatters["[%s] %f d"](concat(dl.dashes or {}," "),dl.offset)
if d ~= dashed then
dashed = d
t[#t+1] = dashed
@@ -374,7 +375,7 @@ function metapost.flush(result,flusher,askedfig)
if pen then
if pen.type == 'elliptical' then
transformed, penwidth = pen_characteristics(original) -- boolean, value
- t[#t+1] = format("%f w",penwidth) -- todo: only if changed
+ t[#t+1] = formatters["%f w"](penwidth) -- todo: only if changed
if objecttype == 'fill' then
objecttype = 'both'
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mlib-pps.lua b/tex/context/base/mlib-pps.lua
index 78e35d8b0..3a6f0dc77 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mlib-pps.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mlib-pps.lua
@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ local round = math.round
local insert, concat = table.insert, table.concat
local Cs, Cf, C, Cg, Ct, P, S, V, Carg = lpeg.Cs, lpeg.Cf, lpeg.C, lpeg.Cg, lpeg.Ct, lpeg.P, lpeg.S, lpeg.V, lpeg.Carg
local lpegmatch = lpeg.match
local formatters = string.formatters
local mplib, metapost, lpdf, context = mplib, metapost, lpdf, context
@@ -665,7 +664,7 @@ function makempy.processgraphics(graphics)
local data = io.loaddata(mpyfile)
for figure in gmatch(data,"beginfig(.-)endfig") do
r = r + 1
- result[r] = format("begingraphictextfig%sendgraphictextfig ;\n", figure)
+ result[r] = formatters["begingraphictextfig%sendgraphictextfig ;\n"](figure)
@@ -800,91 +799,6 @@ local function cl_reset(t)
t[#t+1] = metapost.colorinitializer() -- only color
--- text
--- local tx_done = { }
--- local function tx_reset()
--- tx_done = { }
--- end
--- local function tx_analyze(object,prescript) -- todo: hash content and reuse them
--- local tx_stage = prescript.tx_stage
--- if tx_stage then
--- local tx_number = tonumber(prescript.tx_number)
--- if not tx_done[tx_number] then
--- tx_done[tx_number] = true
--- if trace_textexts then
--- report_textexts("setting %s %s (first pass)",tx_stage,tx_number)
--- end
--- local s = object.postscript or ""
--- local c = object.color -- only simple ones, no transparency
--- local a = prescript.tr_alternative
--- local t = prescript.tr_transparency
--- if not c then
--- -- no color
--- elseif #c == 1 then
--- if a and t then
--- s = format("\\directcolored[s=%f,a=%f,t=%f]%s",c[1],a,t,s)
--- else
--- s = format("\\directcolored[s=%f]%s",c[1],s)
--- end
--- elseif #c == 3 then
--- if a and t then
--- s = format("\\directcolored[r=%f,g=%f,b=%f,a=%f,t=%f]%s",c[1],c[2],c[3],a,t,s)
--- else
--- s = format("\\directcolored[r=%f,g=%f,b=%f]%s",c[1],c[2],c[3],s)
--- end
--- elseif #c == 4 then
--- if a and t then
--- s = format("\\directcolored[c=%f,m=%f,y=%f,k=%f,a=%f,t=%f]%s",c[1],c[2],c[3],c[4],a,t,s)
--- else
--- s = format("\\directcolored[c=%f,m=%f,y=%f,k=%f]%s",c[1],c[2],c[3],c[4],s)
--- end
--- end
--- context.MPLIBsettext(tx_number,s) -- combine colored in here, saves call
--- metapost.multipass = true
--- end
--- end
--- end
--- local function tx_process(object,prescript,before,after)
--- local tx_number = prescript.tx_number
--- if tx_number then
--- tx_number = tonumber(tx_number)
--- local tx_stage = prescript.tx_stage
--- if tx_stage == "final" then -- redundant test
--- if trace_textexts then
--- report_textexts("processing %s (second pass)",tx_number)
--- end
--- local sx,rx,ry,sy,tx,ty = cm(object) -- outside function !
--- before[#before+1] = function()
--- -- flush always happens, we can have a special flush function injected before
--- local box = textexts[tx_number]
--- if box then
--- context.MPLIBgettextscaledcm(tx_number,
--- format("%f",sx), -- bah ... %s no longer checks
--- format("%f",rx), -- bah ... %s no longer checks
--- format("%f",ry), -- bah ... %s no longer checks
--- format("%f",sy), -- bah ... %s no longer checks
--- format("%f",tx), -- bah ... %s no longer checks
--- format("%f",ty), -- bah ... %s no longer checks
--- sxsy(box.width,box.height,box.depth))
--- else
--- report_textexts("unknown %s",tx_number)
--- end
--- end
--- if not trace_textexts then
--- object.path = false -- else: keep it
--- end
--- object.color = false
--- object.grouped = true
--- end
--- end
--- end
--- experiment
local tx_hash = { }
local tx_last = 0
@@ -915,21 +829,21 @@ local function tx_analyze(object,prescript) -- todo: hash content and reuse them
-- no color
elseif #c == 1 then
if a and t then
- s = format("\\directcolored[s=%f,a=%f,t=%f]%s",c[1],a,t,s)
+ s = formatters["\\directcolored[s=%f,a=%f,t=%f]%s"](c[1],a,t,s)
- s = format("\\directcolored[s=%f]%s",c[1],s)
+ s = formatters["\\directcolored[s=%f]%s"](c[1],s)
elseif #c == 3 then
if a and t then
- s = format("\\directcolored[r=%f,g=%f,b=%f,a=%f,t=%f]%s",c[1],c[2],c[3],a,t,s)
+ s = formatters["\\directcolored[r=%f,g=%f,b=%f,a=%f,t=%f]%s"](c[1],c[2],c[3],a,t,s)
- s = format("\\directcolored[r=%f,g=%f,b=%f]%s",c[1],c[2],c[3],s)
+ s = formatters["\\directcolored[r=%f,g=%f,b=%f]%s"](c[1],c[2],c[3],s)
elseif #c == 4 then
if a and t then
- s = format("\\directcolored[c=%f,m=%f,y=%f,k=%f,a=%f,t=%f]%s",c[1],c[2],c[3],c[4],a,t,s)
+ s = formatters["\\directcolored[c=%f,m=%f,y=%f,k=%f,a=%f,t=%f]%s"](c[1],c[2],c[3],c[4],a,t,s)
- s = format("\\directcolored[c=%f,m=%f,y=%f,k=%f]%s",c[1],c[2],c[3],c[4],s)
+ s = formatters["\\directcolored[c=%f,m=%f,y=%f,k=%f]%s"](c[1],c[2],c[3],c[4],s)
@@ -1022,7 +936,7 @@ end
local function gt_analyze(object,prescript)
local gt_stage = prescript.gt_stage
if gt_stage == "trial" then
- graphics[#graphics+1] = format("\\MPLIBgraphictext{%s}",object.postscript or "")
+ graphics[#graphics+1] = formatters["\\MPLIBgraphictext{%s}"](object.postscript or "")
metapost.intermediate.needed = true
metapost.multipass = true
@@ -1098,7 +1012,7 @@ local function sh_process(object,prescript,before,after)
-- fatal error
- before[#before+1], after[#after+1] = "q /Pattern cs", format("W n /%s sh Q",name)
+ before[#before+1], after[#after+1] = "q /Pattern cs", formatters["W n /%s sh Q"](name)
-- false, not nil, else mt triggered
object.colored = false -- hm, not object.color ?
object.type = false
@@ -1179,7 +1093,7 @@ local function tr_process(object,prescript,before,after)
if tr_alternative then
tr_alternative = tonumber(tr_alternative)
local tr_transparency = tonumber(prescript.tr_transparency)
- before[#before+1] = format("/Tr%s gs",registertransparency(nil,tr_alternative,tr_transparency,true))
+ before[#before+1] = formatters["/Tr%s gs"](registertransparency(nil,tr_alternative,tr_transparency,true))
after[#after+1] = "/Tr0 gs" -- outertransparency
local cs = object.color
@@ -1209,7 +1123,7 @@ local function tr_process(object,prescript,before,after)
local t = t_list[sp_name] -- string or attribute
local v = t and attributes.transparencies.value(t)
if v then
- before[#before+1] = format("/Tr%s gs",registertransparency(nil,v[1],v[2],true))
+ before[#before+1] = formatters["/Tr%s gs"](registertransparency(nil,v[1],v[2],true))
after[#after+1] = "/Tr0 gs" -- outertransparency
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mlib-run.lua b/tex/context/base/mlib-run.lua
index 35cbd40f5..5adf43b46 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mlib-run.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mlib-run.lua
@@ -444,10 +444,10 @@ function metapost.process(mpx, data, trialrun, flusher, multipass, isextrapass,
if trace_tracingall then
--- table.insert(data,2,"")
+ -- table.insert(data,2,"")
for i=1,#data do
local d = data[i]
--- d = string.gsub(d,"\r","")
+ -- d = string.gsub(d,"\r","")
if d then
if trace_graphics then
mp_inp[mpx]:write(format("\n%% begin snippet %s\n",i))
diff --git a/tex/context/base/status-files.pdf b/tex/context/base/status-files.pdf
index 6fb7f16c3..4803e083f 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/status-files.pdf
+++ b/tex/context/base/status-files.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tex/context/base/status-lua.pdf b/tex/context/base/status-lua.pdf
index 19170f8b0..a0bbca101 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/status-lua.pdf
+++ b/tex/context/base/status-lua.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tex/context/base/typo-del.mkiv b/tex/context/base/typo-del.mkiv
index 8dfb2d461..b48c71e58 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/typo-del.mkiv
+++ b/tex/context/base/typo-del.mkiv
@@ -476,6 +476,7 @@
\strut % new, needed below
\delimitedtextparameter#1% unhbox\scratchbox
+ \penalty\plustenthousand % new per 2013-03-09 WS mailing list
\hskip\d_typo_delimited_signal % +- \prewordbreak
diff --git a/tex/context/base/typo-prc.lua b/tex/context/base/typo-prc.lua
index bb965ff66..ae9b541bf 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/typo-prc.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/typo-prc.lua
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['typo-prc'] = {
-- moved from strc-ini.lua
-local format = string.format
+local formatters = string.formatters
local lpegmatch, patterns, P, C, Cs = lpeg.match, lpeg.patterns, lpeg.P, lpeg.C, lpeg.Cs
-- processors: syntax: processor->data ... not ok yet
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ end
function processors.tostring(str)
local p, s = lpegmatch(splitter,str)
if registered[p] then
- return format("\\applyprocessor{%s}{%s}",p,s)
+ return formatters["\\applyprocessor{%s}{%s}"](p,s)
return str
diff --git a/tex/context/base/util-fmt.lua b/tex/context/base/util-fmt.lua
index e049d0b94..371a5dfce 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/util-fmt.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/util-fmt.lua
@@ -14,28 +14,8 @@ local concat, format = table.concat, string.format
local tostring, type = tostring, type
local strip = string.strip
-local P, R, Cs = lpeg.P, lpeg.R, lpeg.Cs
local lpegmatch = lpeg.match
--- temporary here
-local digit = R("09")
-local period = P(".")
-local zero = P("0")
-local trailingzeros = zero^0 * -digit -- suggested by Roberto R
-local case_1 = period * trailingzeros / ""
-local case_2 = period * (digit - trailingzeros)^1 * (trailingzeros / "")
-local number = digit^1 * (case_1 + case_2)
-local stripper = Cs((number + 1)^0)
---~ local sample = "bla 11.00 bla 11 bla 0.1100 bla 1.00100 bla 0.00 bla 0.001 bla 1.1100 bla 0.100100100 bla 0.00100100100"
---~ collectgarbage("collect")
---~ str = string.rep(sample,10000)
---~ local ts = os.clock()
---~ lpegmatch(stripper,str)
---~ print(#str, os.clock()-ts, lpegmatch(stripper,sample))
-lpeg.patterns.stripzeros = stripper
+local stripper = lpeg.patterns.stripzeros
function formatters.stripzeros(str)
return lpegmatch(stripper,str)
diff --git a/tex/context/base/util-lua.lua b/tex/context/base/util-lua.lua
index 36daaff55..96101f8ec 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/util-lua.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/util-lua.lua
@@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['util-lua'] = {
license = "see context related readme files"
+-- we will remove the 5.1 code some day soon
local rep, sub, byte, dump, format = string.rep, string.sub, string.byte, string.dump, string.format
local load, loadfile, type = load, loadfile, type
@@ -126,6 +128,13 @@ if jit or status.luatex_version >= 74 then
return done
+ function luautilities.loadstripped(...)
+ local l = load(...)
+ if l then
+ return load(dump(l,true))
+ end
+ end
-- The next function was posted by Peter Cawley on the lua list and strips line
@@ -319,6 +328,8 @@ else
return done
+ luautilities.loadstripped = loadstring
-- local getmetatable, type = getmetatable, type
diff --git a/tex/context/base/util-seq.lua b/tex/context/base/util-seq.lua
index 0bf056365..27f95f0ee 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/util-seq.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/util-seq.lua
@@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ compile = function(t,compiler,n) -- already referred to in
if compiled == "" then
runner = false
- runner = compiled and load(compiled)()
+ runner = compiled and load(compiled)() -- we can use loadstripped here
t.runner = runner
return runner
diff --git a/tex/context/base/util-str.lua b/tex/context/base/util-str.lua
index a4889d252..959955867 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/util-str.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/util-str.lua
@@ -10,14 +10,18 @@ utilities = utilities or {}
utilities.strings = utilities.strings or { }
local strings = utilities.strings
-local load = load
local format, gsub, rep, sub = string.format, string.gsub, string.rep, string.sub
+local load, dump = load, string.dump
local concat = table.concat
-local P, V, C, S, R, Ct, Cs, Cp, Carg = lpeg.P, lpeg.V, lpeg.C, lpeg.S, lpeg.R, lpeg.Ct, lpeg.Cs, lpeg.Cp, lpeg.Carg
+local P, V, C, S, R, Ct, Cs, Cp, Carg, Cc = lpeg.P, lpeg.V, lpeg.C, lpeg.S, lpeg.R, lpeg.Ct, lpeg.Cs, lpeg.Cp, lpeg.Carg, lpeg.Cc
local patterns, lpegmatch = lpeg.patterns, lpeg.match
local utfchar, utfbyte = utf.char, utf.byte
-local setmetatableindex = table.setmetatableindex
+----- loadstripped = utilities.lua.loadstripped
+----- setmetatableindex = table.setmetatableindex
+local loadstripped = _LUAVERSION < 5.2 and load or function(str)
+ return load(dump(load(str),true)) -- it only makes sense in luajit and luatex where we have a stipped load
local stripper = patterns.stripzeros
@@ -65,7 +69,7 @@ function strings.newrepeater(str,offset)
return t
t = { }
- setmetatableindex(t, function(t,k)
+ setmetatable(t, { __index = function(t,k)
if not k then
return ""
@@ -73,7 +77,7 @@ function strings.newrepeater(str,offset)
local s = n > 0 and rep(str,n) or ""
t[k] = s
return s
- end)
+ end })
s[offset] = t
return t
@@ -85,6 +89,8 @@ local extra, tab, start = 0, 0, 4, 0
local nspaces = strings.newrepeater(" ")
+string.nspaces = nspaces
local pattern =
Carg(1) / function(t)
extra, tab, start = 0, t or 7, 1
@@ -144,6 +150,13 @@ end
-- Work in progress. Interesting is that compared to the built-in this
-- is faster in luatex than in luajittex where we have a comparable speed.
+-- It only makes sense to use the formatter when a (somewhat) complex format
+-- is used a lot. Each formatter is a function so there is some overhead
+-- and not all formatted output is worth that overhead. Keep in mind that
+-- there is an extra function call involved. In principle we end up with a
+-- string concatination so one could inline such a sequence but often at the
+-- cost of less readabinity. So, it's a sort of (visual) compromise. Of course
+-- there is the benefit of more variants.
local n = 0
@@ -155,6 +168,20 @@ local n = 0
-- print(...,...,...) -- 1,1,1,2,3
-- end
+local template_shortcuts = [[
+local tostring = tostring
+local format = string.format
+local concat = table.concat
+local signed = number.signed
+local points = number.points
+local basepoints = number.basepoints
+local utfchar = utf.char
+local utfbyte = utf.byte
+local lpegmatch = lpeg.match
+local xmlescape = lpeg.patterns.xmlescape
+local spaces = string.nspaces
local prefix_any = C((S("+- .") + R("09"))^0)
local prefix_tab = C((1-R("az","AZ","09","%%"))^0)
@@ -163,23 +190,37 @@ local prefix_tab = C((1-R("az","AZ","09","%%"))^0)
local format_s = function(f)
n = n + 1
if f and f ~= "" then
- return format("format('%%%ss',(select(%s,...)))",f,n)
+ return format("format('%%%ss',a%s)",f,n)
+ else
+ return format("a%s",n)
+ end
+local format_S = function(f) -- can be optimized
+ n = n + 1
+ if f and f ~= "" then
+ return format("format('%%%ss',tostring(a%s))",f,n)
- return format("(select(%s,...))",n)
+ return format("tostring(a%s)",n)
local format_q = function()
n = n + 1
- return format("format('%%q',(select(%s,...)))",n) -- maybe an own lpeg
+ return format("format('%%q',a%s)",n) -- maybe an own lpeg
+local format_Q = function() -- can be optimized
+ n = n + 1
+ return format("format('%%q',tostring(a%s))",n)
local format_i = function(f)
n = n + 1
if f and f ~= "" then
- return format("format('%%%si',(select(%s,...)))",f,n)
+ return format("format('%%%si',a%s)",f,n)
- return format("(select(%s,...))",n)
+ return format("a%s",n)
@@ -196,79 +237,79 @@ end
local format_I = function(f)
n = n + 1
if f and f ~= "" then
- return format("format('%%s%%%si',signed((select(%s,...))))",f,n)
+ return format("format('%%s%%%si',signed(a%s))",f,n)
- return format("format('%%s%%i',signed((select(%s,...))))",n)
+ return format("format('%%s%%i',signed(a%s))",n)
local format_f = function(f)
n = n + 1
- return format("format('%%%sf',(select(%s,...)))",f,n)
+ return format("format('%%%sf',a%s)",f,n)
local format_g = function(f)
n = n + 1
- return format("format('%%%sg',(select(%s,...)))",f,n)
+ return format("format('%%%sg',a%s)",f,n)
local format_G = function(f)
n = n + 1
- return format("format('%%%sG',(select(%s,...)))",f,n)
+ return format("format('%%%sG',a%s)",f,n)
local format_e = function(f)
n = n + 1
- return format("format('%%%se',(select(%s,...)))",f,n)
+ return format("format('%%%se',a%s)",f,n)
local format_E = function(f)
n = n + 1
- return format("format('%%%sE',(select(%s,...)))",f,n)
+ return format("format('%%%sE',a%s)",f,n)
local format_x = function(f)
n = n + 1
- return format("format('%%%sx',(select(%s,...)))",f,n)
+ return format("format('%%%sx',a%s)",f,n)
local format_X = function(f)
n = n + 1
- return format("format('%%%sX',(select(%s,...)))",f,n)
+ return format("format('%%%sX',a%s)",f,n)
local format_o = function(f)
n = n + 1
- return format("format('%%%so',(select(%s,...)))",f,n)
+ return format("format('%%%so',a%s)",f,n)
local format_c = function()
n = n + 1
- return format("utfchar((select(%s,...)))",n)
+ return format("utfchar(a%s)",n)
local format_r = function(f)
n = n + 1
- return format("format('%%%s.0f',(select(%s,...)))",f,n)
+ return format("format('%%%s.0f',a%s)",f,n)
-local format_v = function(f)
+local format_h = function(f)
n = n + 1
if f == "-" then
f = sub(f,2)
- return format("format('%%%sx',utfbyte((select(%s,...))))",f == "" and "05" or f,n)
+ return format("format('%%%sx',utfbyte(a%s))",f == "" and "05" or f,n)
- return format("format('0x%%%sx',utfbyte((select(%s,...))))",f == "" and "05" or f,n)
+ return format("format('0x%%%sx',utfbyte(a%s))",f == "" and "05" or f,n)
-local format_V = function(f)
+local format_H = function(f)
n = n + 1
if f == "-" then
f = sub(f,2)
- return format("format('%%%sX',utfbyte((select(%s,...))))",f == "" and "05" or f,n)
+ return format("format('%%%sX',utfbyte(a%s))",f == "" and "05" or f,n)
- return format("format('0x%%%sX',utfbyte((select(%s,...))))",f == "" and "05" or f,n)
+ return format("format('0x%%%sX',utfbyte(a%s))",f == "" and "05" or f,n)
@@ -276,9 +317,9 @@ local format_u = function(f)
n = n + 1
if f == "-" then
f = sub(f,2)
- return format("format('%%%sx',utfbyte((select(%s,...))))",f == "" and "05" or f,n)
+ return format("format('%%%sx',utfbyte(a%s))",f == "" and "05" or f,n)
- return format("format('u+%%%sx',utfbyte((select(%s,...))))",f == "" and "05" or f,n)
+ return format("format('u+%%%sx',utfbyte(a%s))",f == "" and "05" or f,n)
@@ -286,57 +327,117 @@ local format_U = function(f)
n = n + 1
if f == "-" then
f = sub(f,2)
- return format("format('%%%sX',utfbyte((select(%s,...))))",f == "" and "05" or f,n)
+ return format("format('%%%sX',utfbyte(a%s))",f == "" and "05" or f,n)
- return format("format('U+%%%sX',utfbyte((select(%s,...))))",f == "" and "05" or f,n)
+ return format("format('U+%%%sX',utfbyte(a%s))",f == "" and "05" or f,n)
local format_p = function()
n = n + 1
- return format("points((select(%s,...)))",n)
+ return format("points(a%s)",n)
local format_b = function()
n = n + 1
- return format("basepoints((select(%s,...)))",n)
+ return format("basepoints(a%s)",n)
local format_t = function(f)
n = n + 1
if f and f ~= "" then
- return format("concat((select(%s,...)),%q)",n,f)
+ return format("concat(a%s,%q)",n,f)
- return format("concat((select(%s,...)))",n)
+ return format("concat(a%s)",n)
local format_l = function()
n = n + 1
- return format("(select(%s,...) and 'true' or 'false')",n)
+ return format("(a%s and 'true' or 'false')",n)
+local format_L = function()
+ n = n + 1
+ return format("(a%s and 'TRUE' or 'FALSE')",n)
+local format_N = function() -- strips leading zeros
+ n = n + 1
+ return format("tostring(tonumber(a%s) or a%s)",n,n)
local format_a = function(s)
return format("%q",s)
-local builder = Ct { "start",
- start = (P("%") * (
- V("s") + V("q")
- + V("i") + V("d")
- + V("f") + V("g") + V("G") + V("e") + V("E")
- + V("x") + V("X") + V("o")
- --
- + V("c")
- --
- + V("r")
- + V("v") + V("V") + V("u") + V("U")
- + V("p") + V("b")
- + V("t")
- + V("l")
- + V("I")
- )
- + V("a")
+local format_w = function(f) -- handy when doing depth related indent
+ n = n + 1
+ f = tonumber(f)
+ if f then
+ return format("spaces[%s+tonumber(a%s)]",f,n)
+ else
+ return format("spaces[tonumber(a%s)]",n)
+ end
+local format_W = function(f) -- handy when doing depth related indent
+ return format("spaces[%s]",tonumber(f) or 0)
+local extensions = { }
+local format_extension = function(name)
+ n = n + 1
+ local extension = extensions[name] or "tostring(%s)"
+ return format(extension,format("a%s",n))
+function addextension(name,template,shortcuts)
+ extensions[name] = template
+ if shortcuts then
+ template_shortcuts = shortcuts .. "\n" .. template_shortcuts -- so we can't overload
+ end
+lpeg.patterns.xmlescape = Cs((P("<")/"&lt;" + P(">")/"&gt;" + P("&")/"&amp;" + P('"')/"&quot;" + P(1))^0)
+lpeg.patterns.texescape = Cs((C(S("#$%\\{}"))/"\\%1" + P(1))^0)
+addextension("xml",[[lpegmatch(xmlescape,%s)]],[[local xmlescape = lpeg.patterns.xmlescape]])
+addextension("tex",[[lpegmatch(texescape,%s)]],[[local texescape = lpeg.patterns.texescape]])
+local builder = Cs { "start",
+ start = (
+ (
+ P("%") / ""
+ * (
+ V("!") -- new
+ + V("s") + V("q")
+ + V("i") + V("d")
+ + V("f") + V("g") + V("G") + V("e") + V("E")
+ + V("x") + V("X") + V("o")
+ --
+ + V("c")
+ + V("S") -- new
+ + V("Q") -- new
+ + V("N") -- new
+ --
+ + V("r")
+ + V("h") + V("H") + V("u") + V("U")
+ + V("p") + V("b")
+ + V("t")
+ + V("l") + V("L")
+ + V("I")
+ + V("h") -- new
+ + V("w") -- new
+ + V("W") -- new
+ --
+ + V("a") -- ignores probably messed up %
+ )
+ + V("a")
+ )
+-- * (P(-1) + Cc(".."))
+ * (P(-1) + Carg(1))
["s"] = (prefix_any * P("s")) / format_s, -- %s => regular %s (string)
@@ -352,61 +453,132 @@ local builder = Ct { "start",
["X"] = (prefix_any * P("X")) / format_X, -- %X => regular %X (HEXADECIMAL)
["o"] = (prefix_any * P("o")) / format_o, -- %o => regular %o (octal)
+ ["S"] = (prefix_any * P("S")) / format_S, -- %S => %s (tostring)
+ ["Q"] = (prefix_any * P("Q")) / format_S, -- %Q => %q (tostring)
+ ["N"] = (prefix_any * P("N")) / format_N, -- %N => tonumber (strips leading zeros)
["c"] = (prefix_any * P("c")) / format_c, -- %c => utf character (extension to regular)
["r"] = (prefix_any * P("r")) / format_r, -- %r => round
- ["v"] = (prefix_any * P("v")) / format_v, -- %v => 0x0a1b2 (when - no 0x)
- ["V"] = (prefix_any * P("V")) / format_V, -- %V => 0x0A1B2 (when - no 0x)
+ ["h"] = (prefix_any * P("h")) / format_h, -- %h => 0x0a1b2 (when - no 0x) was v
+ ["H"] = (prefix_any * P("H")) / format_H, -- %H => 0x0A1B2 (when - no 0x) was V
["u"] = (prefix_any * P("u")) / format_u, -- %u => u+0a1b2 (when - no u+)
["U"] = (prefix_any * P("U")) / format_U, -- %U => U+0A1B2 (when - no U+)
["p"] = (prefix_any * P("p")) / format_p, -- %p => 12.345pt / maybe: P (and more units)
["b"] = (prefix_any * P("b")) / format_b, -- %b => 12.342bp / maybe: B (and more units)
["t"] = (prefix_tab * P("t")) / format_t, -- %t => concat
["l"] = (prefix_tab * P("l")) / format_l, -- %l => boolean
+ ["L"] = (prefix_tab * P("L")) / format_L, -- %L => BOOLEAN
["I"] = (prefix_any * P("I")) / format_I, -- %I => signed integer
- ["a"] = Cs(((1-P("%"))^1 + P("%%")/"%%")^1) / format_a, -- %a => text (including %%)
+ ["w"] = (prefix_any * P("w")) / format_w, -- %w => n spaces (optional prefix is added)
+ ["W"] = (prefix_any * P("W")) / format_W, -- %w => mandate prefix, no specifier
+ --
+ ["a"] = Cs(((1-P("%"))^1 + P("%%")/"%%%%")^1) / format_a, -- rest (including %%)
+ --
+ -- ["!"] = P("!xml!") / format_xml, -- %!xml! => hypertext escaped " < > &
+ ["!"] = P("!") * C((1-P("!"))^1) * P("!") / format_extension,
-- we can be clever and only alias what is needed
-local template = [[
-local format = string.format
-local concat = table.concat
-local signed = number.signed
-local points = number.points
-local basepoints = number.basepoints
-local utfchar = utf.char
-local utfbyte = utf.byte
-return function(...)
- return %s
+local direct = Cs (
+ P("%")/""
+ * Cc([[local format = string.format return function(str) return format("%]])
+ * C(S("+- .") + R("09"))^0 * S("sqidfgGeExXo")
+ * Cc([[",str) end]])
+ * P(-1)
+ )
+local template = [[
+return function(%s) return %s end
+local arguments = { "a1" } -- faster than previously used (select(n,...))
+setmetatable(arguments, { __index =
+ function(t,k)
+ local v = t[k-1] .. ",a" .. k
+ t[k] = v
+ return v
+ end
local function make(t,str)
- n = 0
- local p = lpegmatch(builder,str)
--- inspect(p)
- local c = format(template,concat(p,".."))
--- inspect(c)
- formatter = load(c)()
- t[str] = formatter
- return formatter
+ local f
+ local p = lpegmatch(direct,str)
+ if p then
+ f = loadstripped(p)()
+ else
+ n = 0
+ p = lpegmatch(builder,str,1,"..") -- after this we know n
+ if n > 0 then
+ p = format(template,template_shortcuts,arguments[n],p)
+ -- print("builder>",p)
+ f = loadstripped(p)()
+ else
+ f = function() return str end
+ end
+ end
+ t[str] = f
+ return f
+local function use(t,fmt,...)
+ return t[fmt](...)
local formatters = string.formatters or { }
string.formatters = formatters
+setmetatable(formatters, { __index = make, __call = use })
-function string.makeformatter(str)
+-- -- yes or no:
+-- local function make(t,str)
+-- local f
+-- local p = lpegmatch(direct,str)
+-- if p then
+-- f = loadstripped(p)()
+-- else
+-- n = 0
+-- p = lpegmatch(builder,str,1,",") -- after this we know n
+-- if n > 0 then
+-- p = format(template,template_shortcuts,arguments[n],p)
+-- f = loadstripped(p)()
+-- else
+-- f = function() return str end
+-- end
+-- end
+-- t[str] = f
+-- return f
+-- end
+-- local formatteds = string.formatteds or { }
+-- string.formatteds = formatteds
+-- setmetatable(formatteds, { __index = make, __call = use })
+-- print(formatters["hans %N and %N done"](123,"0123"))
+-- local test = formatters["1%%23%4w56%s78 %p %!xml! test and %!tex! more %s"]
+-- print(#string.dump(test))
+-- print(test(2,123,99999,"abc&def","# and $","okay","!!!"))
+-- local test = formatters["%s"]
+-- print(#string.dump(test))
+-- print(test("okay"))
+function string.makeformatter(str) -- redundant
return formatters[str]
-function string.formatter(str,...)
+function string.formatter(str,...) -- redundant
return formatters[str](...)
+string.addformatter = addextension
-- local p1 = "%s test %f done %p and %c and %V or %+t or %%"
-- local p2 = "%s test %f done %s and %s and 0x%05X or %s or %%"
diff --git a/tex/context/base/util-tab.lua b/tex/context/base/util-tab.lua
index 539d70d1b..9efdae4d6 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/util-tab.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/util-tab.lua
@@ -10,12 +10,13 @@ utilities = utilities or {}
utilities.tables = utilities.tables or { }
local tables = utilities.tables
-local format, gmatch, rep, gsub = string.format, string.gmatch, string.rep, string.gsub
+local format, gmatch, gsub = string.format, string.gmatch, string.gsub
local concat, insert, remove = table.concat, table.insert, table.remove
local setmetatable, getmetatable, tonumber, tostring = setmetatable, getmetatable, tonumber, tostring
-local type, next, rawset, tonumber, load, select = type, next, rawset, tonumber, load, select
-local lpegmatch, P, Cs = lpeg.match, lpeg.P, lpeg.Cs
-local serialize = table.serialize
+local type, next, rawset, tonumber, tostring, load, select = type, next, rawset, tonumber, tostring, load, select
+local lpegmatch, P, Cs, Cc = lpeg.match, lpeg.P, lpeg.Cs, lpeg.Cc
+local serialize, sortedkeys, sortedpairs = table.serialize, table.sortedkeys, table.sortedpairs
+local formatters = string.formatters
local splitter = lpeg.tsplitat(".")
@@ -126,35 +127,131 @@ end
-- experimental
+local escape = Cs(Cc('"') * ((P('"')/'""' + P(1))^0) * Cc('"'))
+function table.tocsv(t,specification)
+ if t and #t > 0 then
+ local result = { }
+ local r = { }
+ specification = specification or { }
+ local fields = specification.fields
+ if type(fields) ~= "string" then
+ fields = sortedkeys(t[1])
+ end
+ local separator = specification.separator or ","
+ if specification.preamble == true then
+ for f=1,#fields do
+ r[f] = lpegmatch(escape,tostring(fields[f]))
+ end
+ result[1] = concat(r,separator)
+ end
+ for i=1,#t do
+ local ti = t[i]
+ for f=1,#fields do
+ local field = ti[fields[f]]
+ if type(field) == "string" then
+ r[f] = lpegmatch(escape,field)
+ else
+ r[f] = tostring(field)
+ end
+ end
+ result[#result+1] = concat(r,separator)
+ end
+ return concat(result,"\n")
+ else
+ return ""
+ end
+-- local nspaces = utilities.strings.newrepeater(" ")
+-- local escape = Cs((P("<")/"&lt;" + P(">")/"&gt;" + P("&")/"&amp;" + P(1))^0)
+-- local function toxml(t,d,result,step)
+-- for k, v in sortedpairs(t) do
+-- local s = nspaces[d]
+-- local tk = type(k)
+-- local tv = type(v)
+-- if tv == "table" then
+-- if tk == "number" then
+-- result[#result+1] = format("%s<entry n='%s'>",s,k)
+-- toxml(v,d+step,result,step)
+-- result[#result+1] = format("%s</entry>",s,k)
+-- else
+-- result[#result+1] = format("%s<%s>",s,k)
+-- toxml(v,d+step,result,step)
+-- result[#result+1] = format("%s</%s>",s,k)
+-- end
+-- elseif tv == "string" then
+-- if tk == "number" then
+-- result[#result+1] = format("%s<entry n='%s'>%s</entry>",s,k,lpegmatch(escape,v),k)
+-- else
+-- result[#result+1] = format("%s<%s>%s</%s>",s,k,lpegmatch(escape,v),k)
+-- end
+-- elseif tk == "number" then
+-- result[#result+1] = format("%s<entry n='%s'>%s</entry>",s,k,tostring(v),k)
+-- else
+-- result[#result+1] = format("%s<%s>%s</%s>",s,k,tostring(v),k)
+-- end
+-- end
+-- end
+-- much faster
+local nspaces = utilities.strings.newrepeater(" ")
local function toxml(t,d,result,step)
- for k, v in table.sortedpairs(t) do
- if type(v) == "table" then
- if type(k) == "number" then
- result[#result+1] = format("%s<entry n='%s'>",d,k)
- toxml(v,d..step,result,step)
- result[#result+1] = format("%s</entry>",d,k)
+ for k, v in sortedpairs(t) do
+ local s = nspaces[d] -- inlining this is somewhat faster but gives more formatters
+ local tk = type(k)
+ local tv = type(v)
+ if tv == "table" then
+ if tk == "number" then
+ result[#result+1] = formatters["%s<entry n='%s'>"](s,k)
+ toxml(v,d+step,result,step)
+ result[#result+1] = formatters["%s</entry>"](s,k)
+ else
+ result[#result+1] = formatters["%s<%s>"](s,k)
+ toxml(v,d+step,result,step)
+ result[#result+1] = formatters["%s</%s>"](s,k)
+ end
+ elseif tv == "string" then
+ if tk == "number" then
+ result[#result+1] = formatters["%s<entry n='%s'>%!xml!</entry>"](s,k,v,k)
- result[#result+1] = format("%s<%s>",d,k)
- toxml(v,d..step,result,step)
- result[#result+1] = format("%s</%s>",d,k)
+ result[#result+1] = formatters["%s<%s>%!xml!</%s>"](s,k,v,k)
- elseif type(k) == "number" then
- result[#result+1] = format("%s<entry n='%s'>%s</entry>",d,k,v,k)
+ elseif tk == "number" then
+ result[#result+1] = formatters["%s<entry n='%s'>%S</entry>"](s,k,v,k)
- result[#result+1] = format("%s<%s>%s</%s>",d,k,tostring(v),k)
+ result[#result+1] = formatters["%s<%s>%S</%s>"](s,k,v,k)
-function table.toxml(t,name,nobanner,indent,spaces)
+-- function table.toxml(t,name,nobanner,indent,spaces)
+-- local noroot = name == false
+-- local result = (nobanner or noroot) and { } or { "<?xml version='1.0' standalone='yes' ?>" }
+-- local indent = rep(" ",indent or 0)
+-- local spaces = rep(" ",spaces or 1)
+-- if noroot then
+-- toxml( t, inndent, result, spaces)
+-- else
+-- toxml( { [name or "root"] = t }, indent, result, spaces)
+-- end
+-- return concat(result,"\n")
+-- end
+function table.toxml(t,specification)
+ specification = specification or { }
+ local name =
local noroot = name == false
- local result = (nobanner or noroot) and { } or { "<?xml version='1.0' standalone='yes' ?>" }
- local indent = rep(" ",indent or 0)
- local spaces = rep(" ",spaces or 1)
+ local result = (specification.nobanner or noroot) and { } or { "<?xml version='1.0' standalone='yes' ?>" }
+ local indent = specification.indent or 0
+ local spaces = specification.spaces or 1
if noroot then
- toxml( t, inndent, result, spaces)
+ toxml( t, indent, result, spaces)
- toxml( { [name or "root"] = t }, indent, result, spaces)
+ toxml( { [name or "data"] = t }, indent, result, spaces)
return concat(result,"\n")
@@ -204,27 +301,27 @@ local function fastserialize(t,r,outer) -- no mixes
local v = t[i]
local tv = type(v)
if tv == "string" then
- r[#r+1] = format("%q,",v)
+ r[#r+1] = formatters["%q,"](v)
elseif tv == "number" then
- r[#r+1] = format("%s,",v)
+ r[#r+1] = formatters["%s,"](v)
elseif tv == "table" then
elseif tv == "boolean" then
- r[#r+1] = format("%s,",tostring(v))
+ r[#r+1] = formatters["%S,"](v)
for k, v in next, t do
local tv = type(v)
if tv == "string" then
- r[#r+1] = format("[%q]=%q,",k,v)
+ r[#r+1] = formatters["[%q]=%q,"](k,v)
elseif tv == "number" then
- r[#r+1] = format("[%q]=%s,",k,v)
+ r[#r+1] = formatters["[%q]=%s,"](k,v)
elseif tv == "table" then
- r[#r+1] = format("[%q]=",k)
+ r[#r+1] = formatters["[%q]="](k)
elseif tv == "boolean" then
- r[#r+1] = format("[%q]=%s,",k,tostring(v))
+ r[#r+1] = formatters["[%q]=%S,"](k,v)
diff --git a/tex/generic/context/luatex/luatex-fonts-merged.lua b/tex/generic/context/luatex/luatex-fonts-merged.lua
index 28859a963..1013f5467 100644
--- a/tex/generic/context/luatex/luatex-fonts-merged.lua
+++ b/tex/generic/context/luatex/luatex-fonts-merged.lua
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-- merged file : luatex-fonts-merged.lua
-- parent file : luatex-fonts.lua
--- merge date : 03/08/13 01:14:04
+-- merge date : 03/10/13 14:36:13
do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference
@@ -564,6 +564,15 @@ end
function lpeg.times(pattern,n)
return P(nextstep(n,2^16,{ "start",["1"]=pattern }))
+local digit=R("09")
+local period=P(".")
+local zero=P("0")
+local trailingzeros=zero^0*-digit
+local case_1=period*trailingzeros/""
+local case_2=period*(digit-trailingzeros)^1*(trailingzeros/"")
+local number=digit^1*(case_1+case_2)
+local stripper=Cs((number+1)^0)
end -- closure