diff options
authorHans Hagen <>2013-03-11 00:17:00 +0100
committerHans Hagen <>2013-03-11 00:17:00 +0100
commit0e99414568abe788b78a41305cc83e5a4c6b2714 (patch)
parent748be39b9f88d15159ab8879ff8e9b88e4b8718a (diff)
beta 2013.03.11 00:17
-rw-r--r--tex/context/base/context-version.pdfbin4139 -> 4136 bytes
-rw-r--r--tex/context/base/context-version.pngbin40397 -> 40230 bytes
-rw-r--r--tex/context/base/status-files.pdfbin24788 -> 24781 bytes
-rw-r--r--tex/context/base/status-lua.pdfbin209468 -> 209610 bytes
21 files changed, 1194 insertions, 1081 deletions
diff --git a/context/data/scite/ b/context/data/scite/
index 4bf1c057c..1f1b9d813 100644
--- a/context/data/scite/
+++ b/context/data/scite/
@@ -1,64 +1,3 @@
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-!!bs !!es
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@@ -176,3 +115,64 @@ stopluaparameterset luaparameterset definenamedlua obeylualines obeyluatokens \
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+!!bs !!es
diff --git a/context/data/scite/ b/context/data/scite/
index 336e028d5..c0722826c 100644
--- a/context/data/scite/
+++ b/context/data/scite/
@@ -1,320 +1,3 @@\
-Buchstabe Buchstaben CAP Cap \
-Caps KAP Kap Kaps MONAT \
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-zeigeumbruch zentriert ziffern zitat zitieren \
-zu zurbox zurseite zwischenraum
-Caps Cuvant Cuvinte KAP Kap \
-Kaps LUNA Litera Litere Numere \
-Numereromane ZIDINSAPTAMANA adapteazaaspect adubuffer adumarcaje \
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-chapter chem citat clip cloneazacamp \
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-vl zidinsaptamana
Lettera Lettere MESE Numeri Numeriromani \
@@ -478,166 +161,6 @@ usaspecialita usaurl useXMLfilter usedirectory usetypescript \
usetypescriptfile vaia vaiabox vaiapagina vaigiu \
valorecolore valoregrigio variabiletesto versione vl
-CAP Cap Caps Cisla \
-KAP Kap Kaps MESIC Rimskecislice \
-Znak Znaky aktualnicislonadpisu aktualnidatum appendix \
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-ziskejbuffer ziskejznaceni zlomek znaceni znak \
-znaky zpracujbloky zpracujstranu zrcadlit zref \
CAP Cap Caps Character \
Characters MONTH Numbers Romannumerals WEEKDAY \
@@ -961,6 +484,164 @@ volgversie volledigepaginanummer volledigregister voluit weekdag \
wilijnd wiskunde witruimte woonplaats woordrechts \
zetbreedte zethoogte\
+Caps Cuvant Cuvinte KAP Kap \
+Kaps LUNA Litera Litere Numere \
+Numereromane ZIDINSAPTAMANA adapteazaaspect adubuffer adumarcaje \
+afiseazaaspect afiseazacampuri afiseazaculoare afiseazafiguriexterne afiseazafonttext \
+afiseazagrid afiseazagrupculoare afiseazamakeup afiseazamediufonttext afiseazapaleta \
+afiseazarama afiseazasetari afiseazasetsimboluri afiseazastruts afiseazatiparire \
+aliniat aliniatcentru aliniatdreapta aliniatstanga appendix \
+arg ascundeblocuri atleftmargin atrightmargin baraculoare \
+barainteractiune barasincronizare blanc but butoaneinteractiune \
+buton butonmeniu camp campumplere cap \
+chapter chem citat clip cloneazacamp \
+coloana comment comparagrupculoare comparapaleta completeazanumarpagina \
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+componenta convertestenumar copiazacamp corecteazaspatiualb coupledregister \
+crlf culoare culoaregri cupleazadocument cupleazamarcaje \
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+datacurenta datareferit decrementnumber decupleazamarcaje definebodyfontDEF \
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+despre determinacaracteristicilelistei determinacaracteristiciregistru determinanumartitlu dezactiveazameniuinteractiune \
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+distantasubsol distantasus domiciliu dute dutebox \
+dutepagina ecran el element emptylines \
+enumeration eticheta etichete fact faraaliniat \
+faradimensiune farafisiere faraliniiantetsisubsol faraliniisussijos faralista \
+faramarcaje faraspatiu faraspatiualb figuraexterna firdepar \
+folosesteURL folosestebloc folosestecodificarea folosestecomenzi folosestedirector \
+folosestedocumentextern folosestefiguraexterna folosestefisiereexterne folosestefisierextern folosestemodul \
+folosestemodule folosestemuzicaexterna folosestereferinte folosestescriptJS folosestesimboluri \
+folosestespeciale folosesteurl footnotetext forteazablocuri fractie \
+framed framedtext fundal gatablocuri getnumber \
+grid grosimelinie hartiedubla headsym hl \
+immediatebetweenlist immediatetolist impachetat impartefloat in \
+inalt inaltamargine inaltimeantet inaltimehartie inaltimehartieimprimanta \
+inaltimejos inaltimelista inaltimemakeup inaltimesubsol inaltimesus \
+inaltimetext indentation indreapta inframed ininner \
+injos inlinie inmaframed inmargineadreapta inmargineastanga \
+inneredgedistance inneredgewidth innermargindistance innermarginwidth inouter \
+inparteadreapta inparteastanga instalarelimba instanga intins \
+jos jossus kap la labeling \
+lapagina latimecoltdreapta latimecoltstanga latimecolturi latimehartie \
+latimehartieimprimanta latimelista latimemakeup latimemargine latimemarginedreapta \
+latimemarginestanga latimetext leg limba limbaprincipala \
+liniemargine linieneagra liniesubtire linieumplere liniinegre \
+liniisubtiri listsymbol litera litere loadsorts \
+loadsynonyms logcampuri luna lungimelista maframed \
+mapfontsize mar marcaje marcheazaversiune marginal \
+matematica mediaeval mediu meniuinteractiune minicitat \
+moveformula movesidefloat mutapegrid name navigating \
+necunoscut nextsection niveltitlu nocap nokap \
+nop nota notasubsol numarformula numarincrement \
+numarpagina numarsubformula numartitlu numartitlucurent numartotalpagini \
+numberofsubpages nume numere numereromane numeunitate \
+nutesta olinie outeredgedistance outeredgewidth outermargindistance \
+outermarginwidth overbar overbars overstrike overstrikes \
+pagedepth pageoffset pagina paginadubla paragraph \
+part pastreazablocuri pelung placefloat placeheadnumber \
+placeheadtext placelistoffloats placelistofsorts placelistofsynonyms placerawlist \
+placereferencelist plaseazapegrid plaseazasemnecarte potrivestecamp pozitie \
+pozitietext proceseazabloc proceseazapagina produs program \
+proiect publicatie puncte punedeasuprafiecareia punefatainfata \
+puneformula punelegenda punelista punelistacombinata punelogouri \
+punenotesubsol punenotesubsollocale punenumarpagina puneregistru punerigla \
+punesubformula punevariabilatext ran ref refa \
+referinta referintapagina referintatext referit referring \
+reflexie register remarca reservefloat reset \
+reseteazamarcaje resetnumber resettextcontent riglatext rigleumplere \
+roteste saripesteblocuri scala scriebuffer scrieinlista \
+scrieinlistareferinte scrieinregistru scrieintreliste section seeregister \
+selecteazablocuri selecteazahartie selecteazaversiune semncarte setarebarasincronizare \
+setareitemization setarelimba setareoutput setarepozitie setaresincronizare \
+setari seteazaaliniat seteazaalinierea seteazaantet seteazaaranjareapag \
+seteazaaspect seteazabarainteractiune seteazablanc seteazabloc seteazablocsectiune \
+seteazablocurimarginale seteazabuffer seteazabutoane seteazacamp seteazacampuri \
+seteazaclipping seteazacoloane seteazacombinari seteazacomentariu seteazacomentariupagina \
+seteazaculoare seteazaculori seteazadefinireanotasubsol seteazadescriere seteazadimensiunihartie \
+seteazaecrane seteazaecraninteractiune seteazaelemente seteazaenumerare seteazafiguriexterne \
+seteazafloat seteazafloats seteazafonttext seteazaformulare seteazaformule \
+seteazafundal seteazafundaluri seteazagrosimelinie seteazaimpartireafloat seteazainconjurat \
+seteazaingust seteazainteractiunea seteazajos seteazalegenda seteazalegendele \
+seteazaliniesilabe seteazaliniesubtire seteazalinii seteazaliniimargine seteazaliniinegre \
+seteazaliniiumplere seteazalista seteazalistacombinata seteazalistareferinte seteazamajuscule \
+seteazamakeup seteazamarcaje seteazamarginal seteazamediulfonttext seteazameniuinteractiune \
+seteazaminicitat seteazanotasubsol seteazanumarpagina seteazanumarsubpagina seteazanumartitlu \
+seteazanumerotare seteazanumerotarelinii seteazanumerotarepagina seteazanumerotareparagrafe seteazapaleta \
+seteazaparagrafe seteazaplasareaopozita seteazapozitietext seteazaprofile seteazaprograme \
+seteazapublicatii seteazareferinte seteazaregistru seteazarigla seteazarigletext \
+seteazarigleumplere seteazarotare seteazasectiune seteazasimbol seteazasinonime \
+seteazasistem seteazasortare seteazaspatiu seteazaspatiualb seteazaspatiuinterliniar \
+seteazastrut seteazasublinie seteazasubsol seteazasus seteazatab \
+seteazatabele seteazatabulatori seteazatext seteazatexteantet seteazatextejos \
+seteazatextesubsol seteazatextesus seteazatextetext seteazatexteticheta seteazatexttitlu \
+seteazatitlu seteazatitluri seteazatoleranta seteazatranzitiepagina seteazatype \
+seteazatyping seteazaurl seteazavariabilatext seteazaversiuni setnumber \
+settextcontent setupanswerarea setupcolumnset setupcolumnsetlines setupcolumnsetstart \
+setupfonthandling setupfontsynonym setupindentedtext setupinterlinespace2 setupitemgroup \
+setuplistalternative setupmathalignment setupnumber setuppaper setupplacement \
+setupstartstop setvariabilatext sim simbol sincronizeaza \
+sort spatiifixate spatiu spatiualb spatiufixat \
+spatiujos spatiuspate spatiusus startalignment startaliniere \
+startblocmarginal startbuffer startcitat startcodificare startcoloane \
+startcolumnmakeup startcolumns startcolumnset startcombinare startcombination \
+startcomment startcomponenta startcorectielinie startculoare startdescription \
+startdocument startenumeration startfact startfigura startfigure \
+startfloattext startformula startframedtext startfundal startglobal \
+starthiding startimpachetat startingust startitemgroup startlegend \
+startline startlinecorrection startlinenumbering startlines startlinie \
+startliniemargine startlinii startlocal startlocalenvironment startlocalfootnotes \
+startmakeup startmarginblock startmediu startmeniuinteractiune startnamemakeup \
+startnarrower startneimpachetat startnotesubsollocale startnumerotarelinii startopozit \
+startopposite startoverlay startoverview startparagraph startpositioning \
+startpostponing startpozitionare startprodus startprofil startprofile \
+startproiect startraster startregister startriglatext startsetsimboluri \
+startsincronizare startsymbolset startsynchronization starttabel starttabele \
+starttable starttables starttabulate starttext starttyping \
+startunpacked startversiune stivacampuri stopalignment stopaliniere \
+stopblobal stopblocmarginal stopbuffer stopcitat stopcodificare \
+stopcoloane stopcolumnmakeup stopcolumns stopcolumnset stopcombinare \
+stopcombination stopcomment stopcomponenta stopcorectielinie stopculoare \
+stopdescription stopdocument stopenumeration stopfact stopfigure \
+stopfloattext stopformula stopframedtext stopfundal stophiding \
+stopimpachetat stopingust stopitemgroup stoplegend stopline \
+stoplinecorrection stoplinenumbering stoplines stoplinie stopliniemargine \
+stoplinii stoplocal stoplocalenvironment stoplocalfootnotes stopmakeup \
+stopmarginblock stopmediu stopmeniuinteractiune stopnamemakeup stopnarrower \
+stopneimpachetat stopnotesubsollocale stopnumerotarelinii stopopozit stopopposite \
+stopoverlay stopoverview stopparagraph stoppositioning stoppostponing \
+stoppozitionare stopprodus stopprofil stopprofile stopproiect \
+stopraster stopriglatext stopsincronizare stopsymbolset stopsynchronization \
+stoptabel stoptabele stoptable stoptables stoptabulate \
+stoptext stoptyping stopunpacked stopversiune sub \
+subject subpagenumber subsection subsubject subsubsection \
+subsubsubject synonym tab testcolumn testpage \
+tex texteticheta textmarginal texttitlu textumplere \
+title titlu titlumarginal tooltip traduce \
+trecilafontraw trecilafonttext txt typ type \
+typefile underbar underbars undeva urmeazaprofil \
+urmeazaversiune urmeazaversiuneprofil useXMLfilter usedirectory usetypescript \
+usetypescriptfile valoareculoare valoaregri variabilatext versiune \
+vl zidinsaptamana
CAP Cap Caps Character \
Characters MONTH Numbers Romannumerals WEEKDAY \
@@ -1111,6 +792,165 @@ usesymbols usetypescript usetypescriptfile useurl version \
vl weekday whitespace wordright writebetweenlist \
writetolist writetoreferencelist writetoregister\
+Buchstabe Buchstaben CAP Cap \
+Caps KAP Kap Kaps MONAT \
+Roemischezahlen WOCHENTAG WOERTER WORT Woerter \
+Wort Ziffern abstandlinkerrand abstandoben abstandrechterrand \
+abstandunten amgitterausrichten amgitterneuausrichten appendix arg \
+atleftmargin atrightmargin aufseite ausfuellfeld ausfuelltext \
+ausschnitt bearbeitebloecke bearbeiteseite bedeutung behaltebloecke \
+bei bemerkung benutzekodierung benutzespezielles benutzeverzeichnis \
+beschrifteversion beschriftung bestimmekopfnummer bestimmelistencharakeristika bestimmeregistercharakteristika \
+bildschirm blanko bookmark bottomspace breitelinkerrand \
+breiterechterrand bruch buchstabe buchstaben but \
+bypassblocks cap chapter chem comment \
+completecombinedlist completelistoffloats completelistofsorts completelistofsynonyms completepagenumber \
+completeregister coupledregister crlf cutspace datum \
+decrementnumber definebodyfontDEF definebodyfontREF definecolumnbreak definecolumnset \
+definecombination definedfont definefontfeature definefonthandling defineindentedtext \
+defineinmargin defineitemgroup definelayer definelayout definemathalignment \
+defineoutput definepagebreak defineplacement definerawfont definerule \
+defineschriftsynonym definetextposition definetextvariable definetype definetypeface \
+definiereabbsymbol definiereabsaetze definiereabschnitt definiereabschnittsblock definiereakzent \
+definierebefehl definierebeschreibung definierebeschreibungen definierebeschriftung definiereblanko \
+definiereblock definierefarbe definierefarbengruppe definierefeld definierefeldstapel \
+definierefliesstext definierefliesstextumgebung definieregleitobjekt definierehauptfeld definierehbox \
+definiereinteraktionsmenue definierekonversion definierelabel definiereliste definierelogo \
+definieren definierenummerierung definiereoverlay definierepalette definierepapierformat \
+definiereprofil definiereprogramme definierepuffer definierereferenz definierereferenzformat \
+definierereferenzliste definiereregister definiereschrift definiereschriftstil definieresortieren \
+definierestartstop definierestil definieresubfeld definieresymbol definieresynonyme \
+definieretabellenvorlage definieretabulator definieretext definieretippen definiereueberschrift \
+definiereumbruch definiereumrahmt definiereumrahmtertext definiereversion definierezeichen \
+definierezusammengestellteliste description dimension doppelseite doppelseitigespapier \
+drehen duennelinie duennerumriss einezeile einstellungen \
+einziehen emptylines entknuepfebeschriftung enumeration externeabbildung \
+farbbalken farbe farbewert feld feldstapel \
+festesspatium folgeprofil folgeprofilversion folgeversion footnotetext \
+forceblocks format formelnummer framedtext fussnote \
+fusszeileabstand fusszeilenhoehe gefuelltesrechteck gefuelltezeile geg \
+gesamtseitenanzahl gestreckt getnumber gitter graufarbe \
+grauwert haarlinie hauptsprache headsym heutigesdatum \
+heutigeskopfnummer hintergrund hl hoch hoeheoben \
+hoeheunten holebeschriftung holepuffer imlinken imlinkenrand \
+immaumrise immediatebetweenlist immediatetolist imrechten imrechtenrand \
+imumriss in inaktiviereinteraktionsmenue inanderermarginale indentation \
+ininner inlinkermarginale inmarginalie inneredgedistance inneredgewidth \
+innermargindistance innermarginwidth inouter inrechtermarginale installieresprache \
+interaktionsbalken interaktionsknopfe interaktionsmenue inzeile irgendwo \
+its kap keindimension keinebeschriftung keinebloeckemehr \
+keinedateienmehr keinekopfundfusszeilen keineliste keinspatium keintest \
+keinzeilenobenundunten keinzwischenraum kleinerdurchschuss klonierefeld knopf \
+komponente konvertierezahl kopf kopfniveau kopfnummer \
+kopfweite kopfzeilenabstand kopfzeilenhoehe kopierefeld korrigierezwischenraum \
+label labeling labels labeltext leg \
+liniendicke linkemarginalafstand linkemarginalbreite linksbuendig listenbreite \
+listenhoehe listenlaenge listsymbol loadsorts loadsynonyms \
+mapfontsize mar marginalafstand marginalbreite marginallinie \
+marginaltext marginaltitel marginalwort mathematik maumrise \
+mediaeval menueknopf monat moveformula movesidefloat \
+nachunten name navigating nextsection nichteinziehen \
+nocap nokap nop notiz numberofsubpages \
+nummererhoehen outeredgedistance outeredgewidth outermargindistance outermarginwidth \
+overbar overbars overstrike overstrikes pagedepth \
+pageoffset papierbreite papierhoehe paragraph part \
+passelayoutan passendfeld placefloat placeheadnumber placeheadtext \
+placelistoffloats placelistofsorts placelistofsynonyms placepagenumber placerawlist \
+placereferencelist placerule placetextvariable platzierebookmarks platziereformel \
+platzierefussnoten platzierelegende platziereliste platzierelogo platzierelokalefussnoten \
+platzierenebeneinander platziereregister platziereuntereinander platziereunterformel platzierezusammengestellteliste \
+pos position positiontext posten printpapierbreite \
+printpapierhoehe produkt programm projekt publikation \
+punkt ran randabstand randbreite rechteck \
+rechtecke rechtemarginalafstand rechtemarginalbreite rechtsbuendig ref \
+referenz referieren register registrierefelder reservefloat \
+resetnumber resettextcontent roemischezahlen ruecksetzten ruecksetztenbeschriftung \
+rumpfweite satzbreite satzhoehe schreibezumregister schreibezurliste \
+schreibezurreferenzliste schreibezwischenliste section seeregister seite \
+seitenreferenz seitenummer setnumber settext settextvariable \
+setupanswerarea setupcolumnset setupcolumnsetlines setupcolumnsetstart setupfonthandling \
+setupfontsynonym setupforms setupindentedtext setupinterlinespace2 setupitemgroup \
+setuplistalternative setupmathalignment setupnumber setuppaper setupplacement \
+setuprule setupstartstop setupstrut setuptextposition setuptextvariable \
+showsymbolset sort spalte spatium spiegeln \
+sprache startabbildung startalignment startausrichtung startbuffer \
+startcolumnmakeup startcolumns startcolumnset startcombination startcomment \
+startdescription startdocument startdokument startenger startenumeration \
+startfarbe startfigure startfloattext startformula startframedtext \
+startgeg startgegenueber startglobal startgrosserdurchschuss starthiding \
+starthintergrund startinteraktionsmenue startitemgroup startkleinerdurchschuss startkodierung \
+startkombination startkomponente startlegend startline startlinecorrection \
+startlinenumbering startlines startlocal startlocalenvironment startlocalfootnotes \
+startlokal startlokalefussnoten startmakeup startmarginalblock startmarginallinie \
+startmarginblock startnamemakeup startnarrower startopposite startoverlay \
+startoverview startparagraph startpositionieren startpositioning startpostponing \
+startprodukt startprofil startprofile startprojekt startraster \
+startregister startspalten startsymbolset startsynchronisation startsynchronization \
+starttabelle starttabellen starttable starttables starttabulate \
+starttext starttextlinie starttyping startueberblick startumbruch \
+startumgebung startunpacked startversion startzeile startzeilen \
+startzeilenkorrektur startzeilennumerierung startzitat stelleabsaetzeein stelleabsatznummerierungein \
+stelleabschnittein stelleabschnittsblockein stelleanordnenein stelleaufzaehlungenein stelleausgabeein \
+stelleausrichtungein stelleausschnittein stellebeschreibungein stellebeschriftungein stellebilderunterschriftein \
+stellebildunterschriftein stellebindestrichein stelleblankoein stelleblockein stelledrehenein \
+stelleduennerumrissein stelleeinziehenein stelleengerein stelleexterneabbildungenein stellefarbeein \
+stellefarbenein stellefeldein stellefelderin stellefliesstextein stellefliesstextumgebungein \
+stelleformelnein stellefussnotendefinitionein stellefussnotenein stellefusszeileein stellefusszeilentextein \
+stellegefuelltesrechteckein stellegefuelltezeileein stellegegenueberplatzierenein stellegleitobjekteein stellegleitobjektein \
+stellehintergruendeein stellehintergrundein stelleinmarginalieein stelleinteraktionein stelleinteraktionsbalkenein \
+stelleinteraktionsbildschirmein stelleinteraktionsmenueein stelleknopfein stellekombinationein stellekommentarein \
+stellekopfzahlein stellekopfzeileein stellekopfzeilentextein stellelabeltextein stellelayoutein \
+stellelegendeein stellelinienbreiteein stellelisteein stellemarginalblockein stellemarginallinieein \
+stellenobenein stellenummerierungein stellepaletteein stellepapierformatein stelleplatziegeteiltegleitobjekt \
+stellepositionierenein stellepostenein stelleprofilein stelleprogrammein stellepublikationein \
+stellepufferein stellerasterein stellerechteckein stellereferenzierenein stellereferenzlisteein \
+stelleregisterein stelleseitenkommentarein stelleseitennummerein stelleseitennummeriernungein stelleseitenuebergangein \
+stellesortierenein stellespaltenein stellespatiumein stellespracheein stellesymbolsetein \
+stellesynchronisationein stellesynchronisationsbalkenein stellesynonymein stellesystemein stelletabein \
+stelletabellenein stelletabulatorein stelletextein stelletextobenein stelletexttexteein \
+stelletextumrissein stelletextuntenein stelletipein stelletippenein stelletoleranzein \
+stelleueberschriftein stelleueberschriftenein stelleueberschrifttextein stelleumbruchein stelleumrahmtein \
+stelleumrahmtetexteein stelleuntenein stelleunterseitennummerein stelleunterstreichenein stelleurlein \
+stelleversalienein stelleversionein stellezeilenabstandein stellezeilenein stellezeilennumerierungein \
+stellezitierenein stellezusammengestelltelisteein stellezwischenraumein stopalignment stopausrichtung \
+stopbuffer stopcolumnmakeup stopcolumns stopcolumnset stopcombination \
+stopcomment stopdescription stopdocument stopdokument stopenger \
+stopenumeration stopfarbe stopfigure stopfloattext stopformula \
+stopframedtext stopgeg stopgegenueber stopglobal stopgrosserdurchschuss \
+stophiding stophintergrund stopinteraktionsmenue stopitemgroup stopkleinerdurchschuss \
+stopkodierung stopkombination stopkomponente stoplegend stopline \
+stoplinecorrection stoplinenumbering stoplines stoplocal stoplocalenvironment \
+stoplocalfootnotes stoplokal stoplokalefussnoten stopmakeup stopmarginalblock \
+stopmarginallinie stopmarginblock stopnamemakeup stopnarrower stopopposite \
+stopoverlay stopoverview stopparagraph stoppositionieren stoppositioning \
+stoppostponing stopprodukt stopprofil stopprofile stopprojekt \
+stopraster stopspalten stopsymbolset stopsynchronisation stopsynchronization \
+stoptabelle stoptabellen stoptable stoptables stoptabulate \
+stoptext stoptextlinie stoptyping stopueberblick stopumbruch \
+stopumgebung stopunpacked stopversion stopzeile stopzeilen \
+stopzeilenkorrektur stopzeilennumerierung stopzitat sub subject \
+subpagenumber subsection subsubject subsubsection subsubsubject \
+switchtorawfont sym symbol synchronisationsbalken synchronisieren \
+synonym tab teilegleitobjekt testcolumn testpage \
+tex textbreite texthoehe textlinie textreferenz \
+textvariable tief tiho tip tippedatei \
+tippen tippepuffer title tooltip txt \
+ueber ueberschrifttext uebersetzten umgebung umrahmt \
+unbekant underbar underbars unterformelnummer useXMLfilter \
+usedirectory usetypescript usetypescriptfile verbergebloecke vergleichefarbengruppe \
+vergleichepalette verknuepfebeschriftung verknuepfedokument verknuepfregister version \
+verweis verweisdatum verwendeJSscript verwendeURL verwendebefehl \
+verwendebloecke verwendeexteresdokument verwendeexterneabbildung verwendeexternedatei verwendeexternedateien \
+verwendeexternestonstueck verwendemodul verwendemodule verwendereferenzen verwendesymbole \
+verwendeurl vl volleswort von waehlebloeckeaus \
+waehlepapieraus waehleversionaus wechselezumfliesstext wiederholen wochentag \
+wohnort wortrechts zeigedruck zeigeeinstellungen zeigeexterneabbildungen \
+zeigefarbe zeigefarbengruppe zeigefelder zeigefliesstext zeigefliesstextumgebung \
+zeigegitter zeigelayout zeigepalette zeigerahmen zeigestruts \
+zeigeumbruch zentriert ziffern zitat zitieren \
+zu zurbox zurseite zwischenraum
CAP Cap Caps Caractere \
Caracteres Chiffresromains JOURSEMAINE MOIS MOT \
@@ -1274,3 +1114,163 @@ utilisepsiteaudioexterne utilisereferences utilisespecialites utilisesymboles ut
va vaalaboite vaalapage vaenbas valeurcouleur \
valeurgris variabletexte version vide vl
+CAP Cap Caps Cisla \
+KAP Kap Kaps MESIC Rimskecislice \
+Znak Znaky aktualnicislonadpisu aktualnidatum appendix \
+arg atleftmargin atrightmargin barevnalista barva \
+bilemisto bottomspace bublinkovanapoveda bydliste bypassblocks \
+cap celkovypocetstran cernalinka cernelinky chapter \
+chem cisla cislonadpisu cislopodrovnice cislorovnice \
+cislostrany citace citovat comment completecombinedlist \
+completelistoffloats completelistofsorts completelistofsynonyms completepagenumber completeregister \
+coupledregister crlf cutspace datum decrementnumber \
+definebodyfontDEF definebodyfontREF definecolumnbreak definecolumnset definecombination \
+definedfont definefontfeature definefonthandling defineindentedtext defineinmargin \
+defineitemgroup definelayer definelayout definemathalignment definepagebreak \
+defineplacement definerawfont definerule definetextposition definetextvariable \
+definetype definetypeface definuj definujakcent definujbarvu \
+definujblok definujbloksekce definujbuffer definujfont definujformatodkazu \
+definujhbox definujhlavnipole definujinterakcnimenu definujkombinovanyseznam definujkonverzi \
+definujlogo definujnadpis definujobrazeksymbol definujodkaz definujodstavce \
+definujopis definujoramovani definujoramovanytext definujpaletu definujplvouciobjekt \
+definujpodpole definujpole definujpopis definujpopisek definujprekryv \
+definujpreskok definujprikaz definujprofil definujprogram definujprostredizakladnihofontu \
+definujrejstrik definujsablonutabulky definujsekci definujseznam definujseznamodkazu \
+definujskupinubarev definujstartstop definujstyl definujstylfontu definujsymbol \
+definujsynonumumfontu definujsynonyma definujtabelaci definujtext definujtrideni \
+definujupravu definujvelikostpapiru definujverzi definujvycet definujvystup \
+definujzakladnifont definujzasobnikpoli definujznaceni definujznak delkaseznamu \
+description dodrzujprofil dodrzujverzi dodrzujverziprofilu dvoustrannypapir \
+emptylines enumeration externiobraz fakt footnotetext \
+forceblocks framedtext getnumber headsym hl \
+hlavnijazyk hlavniuroven hodnotabarvy hodnotasedi immediatebetweenlist \
+immediatetolist indentation ininner inneredgedistance inneredgewidth \
+innermargindistance innermarginwidth inouter instalacejazyka interakcnilista \
+interakcnitlacitka interaktivnimenu jazyk jdidolu jdina \
+jdinabox jdinastranu jmeno kap klonujpole \
+komponenta konvertujcislo kopirujpole korekcebilehomista labeling \
+leg listsymbol loadsorts loadsynonyms maoramovani \
+mapfontsize marginalnilinka marginalninadpis marginalnislovo marginalnitext \
+matematika mazaramovani mediaeval meritko mesic \
+mezera moveformula movesidefloat mrizka nadpis \
+nadruhyokraj nalevo nalevyokraj name naokraj \
+napravo napravyokraj nastavbarvu nastavbarvy nastavbilamista \
+nastavblok nastavbloksekce nastavbuffer nastavcernelinky nastavcislonadpisu \
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+zarovnanovlevo zarovnanovpravo zasobnikpoli zaznamovepole zhustene \
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+showtokens splitbotmarks splitdiscards splitfirstmarks topmarks \
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diff --git a/scripts/context/lua/mtxrun.lua b/scripts/context/lua/mtxrun.lua
index ee01afe35..8e1579225 100644
--- a/scripts/context/lua/mtxrun.lua
+++ b/scripts/context/lua/mtxrun.lua
@@ -4280,7 +4280,7 @@ do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
package.loaded["util-str"] = package.loaded["util-str"] or true
--- original size: 17245, stripped down to: 10055
+-- original size: 18791, stripped down to: 10874
if not modules then modules={} end modules ['util-str']={
@@ -4294,7 +4294,8 @@ utilities.strings=utilities.strings or {}
local strings=utilities.strings
local format,gsub,rep,sub=string.format,string.gsub,string.rep,string.sub
local load,dump=load,string.dump
-local concat=table.concat
+local tonumber,type,tostring=tonumber,type,tostring
+local unpack,concat=table.unpack,table.concat
local P,V,C,S,R,Ct,Cs,Cp,Carg,Cc=lpeg.P,lpeg.V,lpeg.C,lpeg.S,lpeg.R,lpeg.Ct,lpeg.Cs,lpeg.Cp,lpeg.Carg,lpeg.Cc
local patterns,lpegmatch=lpeg.patterns,lpeg.match
local utfchar,utfbyte=utf.char,utf.byte
@@ -4378,8 +4379,10 @@ function strings.nice(str)
return str
local n=0
-local template_shortcuts=[[
+local preamble=[[
+local type = type
local tostring = tostring
+local tonumber = tonumber
local format = string.format
local concat = table.concat
local signed = number.signed
@@ -4391,6 +4394,18 @@ local lpegmatch = lpeg.match
local xmlescape = lpeg.patterns.xmlescape
local spaces = string.nspaces
+local template=[[
+return function(%s) return %s end
+local arguments={ "a1" }
+setmetatable(arguments,{ __index=function(t,k)
+ local v=t[k-1]..",a"..k
+ t[k]=v
+ return v
+ end
local prefix_any=C((S("+- .")+R("09"))^0)
local prefix_tab=C((1-R("az","AZ","09","%%"))^0)
local format_s=function(f)
@@ -4485,36 +4500,36 @@ local format_h=function(f)
if f=="-" then
- return format("format('%%%sx',utfbyte(a%s))",f=="" and "05" or f,n)
+ return format("format('%%%sx',type(a%s) == 'number' and a%s or utfbyte(a%s))",f=="" and "05" or f,n,n,n)
- return format("format('0x%%%sx',utfbyte(a%s))",f=="" and "05" or f,n)
+ return format("format('0x%%%sx',type(a%s) == 'number' and a%s or utfbyte(a%s))",f=="" and "05" or f,n,n,n)
local format_H=function(f)
if f=="-" then
- return format("format('%%%sX',utfbyte(a%s))",f=="" and "05" or f,n)
+ return format("format('%%%sX',type(a%s) == 'number' and a%s or utfbyte(a%s))",f=="" and "05" or f,n,n,n)
- return format("format('0x%%%sX',utfbyte(a%s))",f=="" and "05" or f,n)
+ return format("format('0x%%%sX',type(a%s) == 'number' and a%s or utfbyte(a%s))",f=="" and "05" or f,n,n,n)
local format_u=function(f)
if f=="-" then
- return format("format('%%%sx',utfbyte(a%s))",f=="" and "05" or f,n)
+ return format("format('%%%sx',type(a%s) == 'number' and a%s or utfbyte(a%s))",f=="" and "05" or f,n,n,n)
- return format("format('u+%%%sx',utfbyte(a%s))",f=="" and "05" or f,n)
+ return format("format('u+%%%sx',type(a%s) == 'number' and a%s or utfbyte(a%s))",f=="" and "05" or f,n,n,n)
local format_U=function(f)
if f=="-" then
- return format("format('%%%sX',utfbyte(a%s))",f=="" and "05" or f,n)
+ return format("format('%%%sX',type(a%s) == 'number' and a%s or utfbyte(a%s))",f=="" and "05" or f,n,n,n)
- return format("format('U+%%%sX',utfbyte(a%s))",f=="" and "05" or f,n)
+ return format("format('U+%%%sX',type(a%s) == 'number' and a%s or utfbyte(a%s))",f=="" and "05" or f,n,n,n)
local format_p=function()
@@ -4560,22 +4575,25 @@ end
local format_W=function(f)
return format("spaces[%s]",tonumber(f) or 0)
-local extensions={}
-local format_extension=function(name)
- n=n+1
+local format_extension=function(extensions,f,name)
local extension=extensions[name] or "tostring(%s)"
- return format(extension,format("a%s",n))
-function addextension(name,template,shortcuts)
- extensions[name]=template
- if shortcuts then
- template_shortcuts=shortcuts.."\n"..template_shortcuts
+ local f=tonumber(f) or 1
+ if f==0 then
+ return extension
+ elseif f==1 then
+ n=n+1
+ return format(extension,"a"..n)
+ elseif f<0 then
+ return format(extension,"a"..n+f+1)
+ else
+ local t={}
+ for i=1,f do
+ n=n+1
+ t[#t+1]="a"..n
+ end
+ return format(extension,unpack(t))
-addextension("xml",[[lpegmatch(xmlescape,%s)]],[[local xmlescape = lpeg.patterns.xmlescape]])
-addextension("tex",[[lpegmatch(texescape,%s)]],[[local texescape = lpeg.patterns.texescape]])
local builder=Cs { "start",
@@ -4623,22 +4641,11 @@ local builder=Cs { "start",
- ["!"]=P("!")*C((1-P("!"))^1)*P("!")/format_extension,
+ ["!"]=Carg(2)*prefix_any*P("!")*C((1-P("!"))^1)*P("!")/format_extension,
local direct=Cs (
P("%")/""*Cc([[local format = string.format return function(str) return format("%]])*C(S("+- .")+R("09"))^0*S("sqidfgGeExXo")*Cc([[",str) end]])*P(-1)
-local template=[[
-return function(%s) return %s end
-local arguments={ "a1" }
-setmetatable(arguments,{ __index=function(t,k)
- local v=t[k-1]..",a"..k
- t[k]=v
- return v
- end
local function make(t,str)
local f
local p=lpegmatch(direct,str)
@@ -4646,9 +4653,9 @@ local function make(t,str)
- p=lpegmatch(builder,str,1,"..")
+ p=lpegmatch(builder,str,1,"..",t._extensions_)
if n>0 then
- p=format(template,template_shortcuts,arguments[n],p)
+ p=format(template,preamble,t._preamble_,arguments[n],p)
f=function() return str end
@@ -4660,16 +4667,28 @@ end
local function use(t,fmt,...)
return t[fmt](...)
-local formatters=string.formatters or {}
-setmetatable(formatters,{ __index=make,__call=use })
-function string.makeformatter(str)
- return formatters[str]
+ local t={ _extensions_={},_preamble_="",_type_="formatter" }
+ setmetatable(t,{ __index=make,__call=use })
+ return t
-function string.formatter(str,...)
- return formatters[str](...)
+string.formatter=function(str,...) return formatters[str](...) end
+local function add(t,name,template,preamble)
+ if type(t)=="table" and t._type_=="formatter" then
+ t._extensions_[name]=template or "%s"
+ if preamble then
+ t._preamble_=preamble.."\n"..t._preamble_
+ end
+ end
+add(formatters,"xml",[[lpegmatch(xmlescape,%s)]],[[local xmlescape = lpeg.patterns.xmlescape]])
+add(formatters,"tex",[[lpegmatch(texescape,%s)]],[[local texescape = lpeg.patterns.texescape]])
end -- of closure
@@ -15253,8 +15272,8 @@ end -- of closure
-- used libraries : l-lua.lua l-lpeg.lua l-function.lua l-string.lua l-table.lua l-io.lua l-number.lua l-set.lua l-os.lua l-file.lua l-md5.lua l-url.lua l-dir.lua l-boolean.lua l-unicode.lua l-math.lua util-str.lua util-tab.lua util-sto.lua util-mrg.lua util-lua.lua util-prs.lua util-fmt.lua util-deb.lua trac-inf.lua trac-set.lua trac-log.lua trac-pro.lua util-tpl.lua util-env.lua luat-env.lua lxml-tab.lua lxml-lpt.lua lxml-mis.lua lxml-aux.lua lxml-xml.lua data-ini.lua data-exp.lua data-env.lua data-tmp.lua data-met.lua data-res.lua data-pre.lua data-inp.lua data-out.lua data-fil.lua data-con.lua data-use.lua data-zip.lua data-tre.lua data-sch.lua data-lua.lua data-aux.lua data-tmf.lua data-lst.lua luat-sta.lua luat-fmt.lua
-- skipped libraries : -
--- original bytes : 628660
--- stripped bytes : 225768
+-- original bytes : 630206
+-- stripped bytes : 226495
-- end library merge
diff --git a/scripts/context/stubs/mswin/mtxrun.lua b/scripts/context/stubs/mswin/mtxrun.lua
index ee01afe35..8e1579225 100644
--- a/scripts/context/stubs/mswin/mtxrun.lua
+++ b/scripts/context/stubs/mswin/mtxrun.lua
@@ -4280,7 +4280,7 @@ do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
package.loaded["util-str"] = package.loaded["util-str"] or true
--- original size: 17245, stripped down to: 10055
+-- original size: 18791, stripped down to: 10874
if not modules then modules={} end modules ['util-str']={
@@ -4294,7 +4294,8 @@ utilities.strings=utilities.strings or {}
local strings=utilities.strings
local format,gsub,rep,sub=string.format,string.gsub,string.rep,string.sub
local load,dump=load,string.dump
-local concat=table.concat
+local tonumber,type,tostring=tonumber,type,tostring
+local unpack,concat=table.unpack,table.concat
local P,V,C,S,R,Ct,Cs,Cp,Carg,Cc=lpeg.P,lpeg.V,lpeg.C,lpeg.S,lpeg.R,lpeg.Ct,lpeg.Cs,lpeg.Cp,lpeg.Carg,lpeg.Cc
local patterns,lpegmatch=lpeg.patterns,lpeg.match
local utfchar,utfbyte=utf.char,utf.byte
@@ -4378,8 +4379,10 @@ function strings.nice(str)
return str
local n=0
-local template_shortcuts=[[
+local preamble=[[
+local type = type
local tostring = tostring
+local tonumber = tonumber
local format = string.format
local concat = table.concat
local signed = number.signed
@@ -4391,6 +4394,18 @@ local lpegmatch = lpeg.match
local xmlescape = lpeg.patterns.xmlescape
local spaces = string.nspaces
+local template=[[
+return function(%s) return %s end
+local arguments={ "a1" }
+setmetatable(arguments,{ __index=function(t,k)
+ local v=t[k-1]..",a"..k
+ t[k]=v
+ return v
+ end
local prefix_any=C((S("+- .")+R("09"))^0)
local prefix_tab=C((1-R("az","AZ","09","%%"))^0)
local format_s=function(f)
@@ -4485,36 +4500,36 @@ local format_h=function(f)
if f=="-" then
- return format("format('%%%sx',utfbyte(a%s))",f=="" and "05" or f,n)
+ return format("format('%%%sx',type(a%s) == 'number' and a%s or utfbyte(a%s))",f=="" and "05" or f,n,n,n)
- return format("format('0x%%%sx',utfbyte(a%s))",f=="" and "05" or f,n)
+ return format("format('0x%%%sx',type(a%s) == 'number' and a%s or utfbyte(a%s))",f=="" and "05" or f,n,n,n)
local format_H=function(f)
if f=="-" then
- return format("format('%%%sX',utfbyte(a%s))",f=="" and "05" or f,n)
+ return format("format('%%%sX',type(a%s) == 'number' and a%s or utfbyte(a%s))",f=="" and "05" or f,n,n,n)
- return format("format('0x%%%sX',utfbyte(a%s))",f=="" and "05" or f,n)
+ return format("format('0x%%%sX',type(a%s) == 'number' and a%s or utfbyte(a%s))",f=="" and "05" or f,n,n,n)
local format_u=function(f)
if f=="-" then
- return format("format('%%%sx',utfbyte(a%s))",f=="" and "05" or f,n)
+ return format("format('%%%sx',type(a%s) == 'number' and a%s or utfbyte(a%s))",f=="" and "05" or f,n,n,n)
- return format("format('u+%%%sx',utfbyte(a%s))",f=="" and "05" or f,n)
+ return format("format('u+%%%sx',type(a%s) == 'number' and a%s or utfbyte(a%s))",f=="" and "05" or f,n,n,n)
local format_U=function(f)
if f=="-" then
- return format("format('%%%sX',utfbyte(a%s))",f=="" and "05" or f,n)
+ return format("format('%%%sX',type(a%s) == 'number' and a%s or utfbyte(a%s))",f=="" and "05" or f,n,n,n)
- return format("format('U+%%%sX',utfbyte(a%s))",f=="" and "05" or f,n)
+ return format("format('U+%%%sX',type(a%s) == 'number' and a%s or utfbyte(a%s))",f=="" and "05" or f,n,n,n)
local format_p=function()
@@ -4560,22 +4575,25 @@ end
local format_W=function(f)
return format("spaces[%s]",tonumber(f) or 0)
-local extensions={}
-local format_extension=function(name)
- n=n+1
+local format_extension=function(extensions,f,name)
local extension=extensions[name] or "tostring(%s)"
- return format(extension,format("a%s",n))
-function addextension(name,template,shortcuts)
- extensions[name]=template
- if shortcuts then
- template_shortcuts=shortcuts.."\n"..template_shortcuts
+ local f=tonumber(f) or 1
+ if f==0 then
+ return extension
+ elseif f==1 then
+ n=n+1
+ return format(extension,"a"..n)
+ elseif f<0 then
+ return format(extension,"a"..n+f+1)
+ else
+ local t={}
+ for i=1,f do
+ n=n+1
+ t[#t+1]="a"..n
+ end
+ return format(extension,unpack(t))
-addextension("xml",[[lpegmatch(xmlescape,%s)]],[[local xmlescape = lpeg.patterns.xmlescape]])
-addextension("tex",[[lpegmatch(texescape,%s)]],[[local texescape = lpeg.patterns.texescape]])
local builder=Cs { "start",
@@ -4623,22 +4641,11 @@ local builder=Cs { "start",
- ["!"]=P("!")*C((1-P("!"))^1)*P("!")/format_extension,
+ ["!"]=Carg(2)*prefix_any*P("!")*C((1-P("!"))^1)*P("!")/format_extension,
local direct=Cs (
P("%")/""*Cc([[local format = string.format return function(str) return format("%]])*C(S("+- .")+R("09"))^0*S("sqidfgGeExXo")*Cc([[",str) end]])*P(-1)
-local template=[[
-return function(%s) return %s end
-local arguments={ "a1" }
-setmetatable(arguments,{ __index=function(t,k)
- local v=t[k-1]..",a"..k
- t[k]=v
- return v
- end
local function make(t,str)
local f
local p=lpegmatch(direct,str)
@@ -4646,9 +4653,9 @@ local function make(t,str)
- p=lpegmatch(builder,str,1,"..")
+ p=lpegmatch(builder,str,1,"..",t._extensions_)
if n>0 then
- p=format(template,template_shortcuts,arguments[n],p)
+ p=format(template,preamble,t._preamble_,arguments[n],p)
f=function() return str end
@@ -4660,16 +4667,28 @@ end
local function use(t,fmt,...)
return t[fmt](...)
-local formatters=string.formatters or {}
-setmetatable(formatters,{ __index=make,__call=use })
-function string.makeformatter(str)
- return formatters[str]
+ local t={ _extensions_={},_preamble_="",_type_="formatter" }
+ setmetatable(t,{ __index=make,__call=use })
+ return t
-function string.formatter(str,...)
- return formatters[str](...)
+string.formatter=function(str,...) return formatters[str](...) end
+local function add(t,name,template,preamble)
+ if type(t)=="table" and t._type_=="formatter" then
+ t._extensions_[name]=template or "%s"
+ if preamble then
+ t._preamble_=preamble.."\n"..t._preamble_
+ end
+ end
+add(formatters,"xml",[[lpegmatch(xmlescape,%s)]],[[local xmlescape = lpeg.patterns.xmlescape]])
+add(formatters,"tex",[[lpegmatch(texescape,%s)]],[[local texescape = lpeg.patterns.texescape]])
end -- of closure
@@ -15253,8 +15272,8 @@ end -- of closure
-- used libraries : l-lua.lua l-lpeg.lua l-function.lua l-string.lua l-table.lua l-io.lua l-number.lua l-set.lua l-os.lua l-file.lua l-md5.lua l-url.lua l-dir.lua l-boolean.lua l-unicode.lua l-math.lua util-str.lua util-tab.lua util-sto.lua util-mrg.lua util-lua.lua util-prs.lua util-fmt.lua util-deb.lua trac-inf.lua trac-set.lua trac-log.lua trac-pro.lua util-tpl.lua util-env.lua luat-env.lua lxml-tab.lua lxml-lpt.lua lxml-mis.lua lxml-aux.lua lxml-xml.lua data-ini.lua data-exp.lua data-env.lua data-tmp.lua data-met.lua data-res.lua data-pre.lua data-inp.lua data-out.lua data-fil.lua data-con.lua data-use.lua data-zip.lua data-tre.lua data-sch.lua data-lua.lua data-aux.lua data-tmf.lua data-lst.lua luat-sta.lua luat-fmt.lua
-- skipped libraries : -
--- original bytes : 628660
--- stripped bytes : 225768
+-- original bytes : 630206
+-- stripped bytes : 226495
-- end library merge
diff --git a/scripts/context/stubs/unix/mtxrun b/scripts/context/stubs/unix/mtxrun
index ee01afe35..8e1579225 100755
--- a/scripts/context/stubs/unix/mtxrun
+++ b/scripts/context/stubs/unix/mtxrun
@@ -4280,7 +4280,7 @@ do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
package.loaded["util-str"] = package.loaded["util-str"] or true
--- original size: 17245, stripped down to: 10055
+-- original size: 18791, stripped down to: 10874
if not modules then modules={} end modules ['util-str']={
@@ -4294,7 +4294,8 @@ utilities.strings=utilities.strings or {}
local strings=utilities.strings
local format,gsub,rep,sub=string.format,string.gsub,string.rep,string.sub
local load,dump=load,string.dump
-local concat=table.concat
+local tonumber,type,tostring=tonumber,type,tostring
+local unpack,concat=table.unpack,table.concat
local P,V,C,S,R,Ct,Cs,Cp,Carg,Cc=lpeg.P,lpeg.V,lpeg.C,lpeg.S,lpeg.R,lpeg.Ct,lpeg.Cs,lpeg.Cp,lpeg.Carg,lpeg.Cc
local patterns,lpegmatch=lpeg.patterns,lpeg.match
local utfchar,utfbyte=utf.char,utf.byte
@@ -4378,8 +4379,10 @@ function strings.nice(str)
return str
local n=0
-local template_shortcuts=[[
+local preamble=[[
+local type = type
local tostring = tostring
+local tonumber = tonumber
local format = string.format
local concat = table.concat
local signed = number.signed
@@ -4391,6 +4394,18 @@ local lpegmatch = lpeg.match
local xmlescape = lpeg.patterns.xmlescape
local spaces = string.nspaces
+local template=[[
+return function(%s) return %s end
+local arguments={ "a1" }
+setmetatable(arguments,{ __index=function(t,k)
+ local v=t[k-1]..",a"..k
+ t[k]=v
+ return v
+ end
local prefix_any=C((S("+- .")+R("09"))^0)
local prefix_tab=C((1-R("az","AZ","09","%%"))^0)
local format_s=function(f)
@@ -4485,36 +4500,36 @@ local format_h=function(f)
if f=="-" then
- return format("format('%%%sx',utfbyte(a%s))",f=="" and "05" or f,n)
+ return format("format('%%%sx',type(a%s) == 'number' and a%s or utfbyte(a%s))",f=="" and "05" or f,n,n,n)
- return format("format('0x%%%sx',utfbyte(a%s))",f=="" and "05" or f,n)
+ return format("format('0x%%%sx',type(a%s) == 'number' and a%s or utfbyte(a%s))",f=="" and "05" or f,n,n,n)
local format_H=function(f)
if f=="-" then
- return format("format('%%%sX',utfbyte(a%s))",f=="" and "05" or f,n)
+ return format("format('%%%sX',type(a%s) == 'number' and a%s or utfbyte(a%s))",f=="" and "05" or f,n,n,n)
- return format("format('0x%%%sX',utfbyte(a%s))",f=="" and "05" or f,n)
+ return format("format('0x%%%sX',type(a%s) == 'number' and a%s or utfbyte(a%s))",f=="" and "05" or f,n,n,n)
local format_u=function(f)
if f=="-" then
- return format("format('%%%sx',utfbyte(a%s))",f=="" and "05" or f,n)
+ return format("format('%%%sx',type(a%s) == 'number' and a%s or utfbyte(a%s))",f=="" and "05" or f,n,n,n)
- return format("format('u+%%%sx',utfbyte(a%s))",f=="" and "05" or f,n)
+ return format("format('u+%%%sx',type(a%s) == 'number' and a%s or utfbyte(a%s))",f=="" and "05" or f,n,n,n)
local format_U=function(f)
if f=="-" then
- return format("format('%%%sX',utfbyte(a%s))",f=="" and "05" or f,n)
+ return format("format('%%%sX',type(a%s) == 'number' and a%s or utfbyte(a%s))",f=="" and "05" or f,n,n,n)
- return format("format('U+%%%sX',utfbyte(a%s))",f=="" and "05" or f,n)
+ return format("format('U+%%%sX',type(a%s) == 'number' and a%s or utfbyte(a%s))",f=="" and "05" or f,n,n,n)
local format_p=function()
@@ -4560,22 +4575,25 @@ end
local format_W=function(f)
return format("spaces[%s]",tonumber(f) or 0)
-local extensions={}
-local format_extension=function(name)
- n=n+1
+local format_extension=function(extensions,f,name)
local extension=extensions[name] or "tostring(%s)"
- return format(extension,format("a%s",n))
-function addextension(name,template,shortcuts)
- extensions[name]=template
- if shortcuts then
- template_shortcuts=shortcuts.."\n"..template_shortcuts
+ local f=tonumber(f) or 1
+ if f==0 then
+ return extension
+ elseif f==1 then
+ n=n+1
+ return format(extension,"a"..n)
+ elseif f<0 then
+ return format(extension,"a"..n+f+1)
+ else
+ local t={}
+ for i=1,f do
+ n=n+1
+ t[#t+1]="a"..n
+ end
+ return format(extension,unpack(t))
-addextension("xml",[[lpegmatch(xmlescape,%s)]],[[local xmlescape = lpeg.patterns.xmlescape]])
-addextension("tex",[[lpegmatch(texescape,%s)]],[[local texescape = lpeg.patterns.texescape]])
local builder=Cs { "start",
@@ -4623,22 +4641,11 @@ local builder=Cs { "start",
- ["!"]=P("!")*C((1-P("!"))^1)*P("!")/format_extension,
+ ["!"]=Carg(2)*prefix_any*P("!")*C((1-P("!"))^1)*P("!")/format_extension,
local direct=Cs (
P("%")/""*Cc([[local format = string.format return function(str) return format("%]])*C(S("+- .")+R("09"))^0*S("sqidfgGeExXo")*Cc([[",str) end]])*P(-1)
-local template=[[
-return function(%s) return %s end
-local arguments={ "a1" }
-setmetatable(arguments,{ __index=function(t,k)
- local v=t[k-1]..",a"..k
- t[k]=v
- return v
- end
local function make(t,str)
local f
local p=lpegmatch(direct,str)
@@ -4646,9 +4653,9 @@ local function make(t,str)
- p=lpegmatch(builder,str,1,"..")
+ p=lpegmatch(builder,str,1,"..",t._extensions_)
if n>0 then
- p=format(template,template_shortcuts,arguments[n],p)
+ p=format(template,preamble,t._preamble_,arguments[n],p)
f=function() return str end
@@ -4660,16 +4667,28 @@ end
local function use(t,fmt,...)
return t[fmt](...)
-local formatters=string.formatters or {}
-setmetatable(formatters,{ __index=make,__call=use })
-function string.makeformatter(str)
- return formatters[str]
+ local t={ _extensions_={},_preamble_="",_type_="formatter" }
+ setmetatable(t,{ __index=make,__call=use })
+ return t
-function string.formatter(str,...)
- return formatters[str](...)
+string.formatter=function(str,...) return formatters[str](...) end
+local function add(t,name,template,preamble)
+ if type(t)=="table" and t._type_=="formatter" then
+ t._extensions_[name]=template or "%s"
+ if preamble then
+ t._preamble_=preamble.."\n"..t._preamble_
+ end
+ end
+add(formatters,"xml",[[lpegmatch(xmlescape,%s)]],[[local xmlescape = lpeg.patterns.xmlescape]])
+add(formatters,"tex",[[lpegmatch(texescape,%s)]],[[local texescape = lpeg.patterns.texescape]])
end -- of closure
@@ -15253,8 +15272,8 @@ end -- of closure
-- used libraries : l-lua.lua l-lpeg.lua l-function.lua l-string.lua l-table.lua l-io.lua l-number.lua l-set.lua l-os.lua l-file.lua l-md5.lua l-url.lua l-dir.lua l-boolean.lua l-unicode.lua l-math.lua util-str.lua util-tab.lua util-sto.lua util-mrg.lua util-lua.lua util-prs.lua util-fmt.lua util-deb.lua trac-inf.lua trac-set.lua trac-log.lua trac-pro.lua util-tpl.lua util-env.lua luat-env.lua lxml-tab.lua lxml-lpt.lua lxml-mis.lua lxml-aux.lua lxml-xml.lua data-ini.lua data-exp.lua data-env.lua data-tmp.lua data-met.lua data-res.lua data-pre.lua data-inp.lua data-out.lua data-fil.lua data-con.lua data-use.lua data-zip.lua data-tre.lua data-sch.lua data-lua.lua data-aux.lua data-tmf.lua data-lst.lua luat-sta.lua luat-fmt.lua
-- skipped libraries : -
--- original bytes : 628660
--- stripped bytes : 225768
+-- original bytes : 630206
+-- stripped bytes : 226495
-- end library merge
diff --git a/tex/context/base/buff-ini.lua b/tex/context/base/buff-ini.lua
index 3c26da28f..2519a1551 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/buff-ini.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/buff-ini.lua
@@ -89,6 +89,44 @@ local function collectcontent(names,separator) -- no print
+local function loadcontent(names) -- no print
+ if type(names) == "string" then
+ names = settings_to_array(names)
+ end
+ local nnames = #names
+ local ok = false
+ if nnames == 0 then
+ ok = load(getcontent("")) -- default buffer
+ elseif nnames == 1 then
+ ok = load(getcontent(names[1]))
+ else
+ -- lua 5.2 chunked load
+ local i = 0
+ ok = load(function()
+ while true do
+ i = i + 1
+ if i > nnames then
+ return nil
+ end
+ local c = getcontent(names[i])
+ if c == "" then
+ -- would trigger end of load
+ else
+ return c
+ end
+ end
+ end)
+ end
+ if ok then
+ return ok()
+ elseif nnames == 0 then
+ report_buffers("invalid lua code in default buffer")
+ else
+ report_buffers("invalid lua code in buffer '%s'",concat(names,","))
+ end
buffers.raw = getcontent
buffers.erase = erase
buffers.assign = assign
@@ -97,6 +135,7 @@ buffers.exists = exists
buffers.getcontent = getcontent
buffers.getlines = getlines
buffers.collectcontent = collectcontent
+buffers.loadcontent = loadcontent
-- the context interface
@@ -305,14 +344,7 @@ function commands.gettexbuffer(name)
-function commands.getbufferctxlua(name)
- local ok = load(getcontent(name))
- if ok then
- ok()
- else
- report_buffers("invalid lua code in buffer '%s'",name)
- end
+commands.getbufferctxlua = loadcontent
function commands.doifelsebuffer(name)
diff --git a/tex/context/base/char-ini.lua b/tex/context/base/char-ini.lua
index 277967ef3..9f8a0ce11 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/char-ini.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/char-ini.lua
@@ -10,8 +10,6 @@ if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['char-ini'] = {
-- we can remove the tag range starting at 0xE0000 (special applications)
-local tex = tex
local utfchar, utfbyte, utfvalues, ustring = utf.char, utf.byte, utf.values, utf.ustring
local concat, unpack, tohash = table.concat, table.unpack, table.tohash
local next, tonumber, type, rawget, rawset = next, tonumber, type, rawget, rawset
@@ -23,14 +21,6 @@ local utf8char = patterns.utf8char
local allocate =
local mark =
-local texsetlccode = tex.setlccode
-local texsetuccode = tex.setuccode
-local texsetsfcode = tex.setsfcode
-local texsetcatcode = tex.setcatcode
-local contextsprint = context.sprint
-local ctxcatcodes = catcodes.numbers.ctxcatcodes
-local texcatcodes = catcodes.numbers.texcatcodes
local setmetatableindex = table.setmetatableindex
@@ -318,7 +308,7 @@ end)
local otfscripts =
characters.otfscripts = otfscripts
for k, v in next, blocks do
local first, last = v.first, v.last
if unicode >= first and unicode <= last then
@@ -493,7 +483,9 @@ if not characters.fallbacks then
-storage.register("characters/fallbacks", characters.fallbacks, "characters.fallbacks") -- accents and such
+if storage then
+ storage.register("characters/fallbacks", characters.fallbacks, "characters.fallbacks") -- accents and such
characters.directions = { }
@@ -511,206 +503,10 @@ setmetatableindex(characters.directions,function(t,k)
-<p>The <type>context</type> namespace is used to store methods and data
-which is rather specific to <l n='context'/>.</p>
-<p>Instead of using a <l n='tex'/> file to define the named glyphs, we
-use the table. After all, we have this information available anyway.</p>
-function characters.makeactive(n,name) --
- contextsprint(ctxcatcodes,format("\\catcode%s=13\\unexpanded\\def %s{\\%s}",n,utfchar(n),name))
- -- context("\\catcode%s=13\\unexpanded\\def %s{\\%s}",n,utfchar(n),name)
-function tex.uprint(c,n)
- if n then
- -- contextsprint(c,charfromnumber(n))
- contextsprint(c,utfchar(n))
- else
- -- contextsprint(charfromnumber(c))
- contextsprint(utfchar(c))
- end
-local forbidden = tohash { -- at least now
- 0x00A0,
- 0x2000, 0x2001, 0x2002, 0x2003, 0x2004, 0x2005, 0x2006, 0x2007, 0x2008, 0x2009, 0x200A, 0x200B, 0x200C, 0x200D,
- 0x202F,
- 0x205F,
- -- 0xFEFF,
-function characters.define(tobelettered, tobeactivated) -- catcodetables
- if trace_defining then
- report_defining("defining active character commands")
- end
- local activated, a = { }, 0
- for u, chr in next, data do -- these will be commands
- local fallback = chr.fallback
- if fallback then
- contextsprint("{\\catcode",u,"=13\\unexpanded\\gdef ",utfchar(u),"{\\checkedchar{",u,"}{",fallback,"}}}")
- a = a + 1
- activated[a] = u
- else
- local contextname = chr.contextname
- if contextname then
- local category = chr.category
- if is_character[category] then
- if chr.unicodeslot < 128 then
- if is_letter[category] then
- contextsprint(ctxcatcodes,format("\\def\\%s{%s}",contextname,utfchar(u))) -- has no s
- else
- contextsprint(ctxcatcodes,format("\\chardef\\%s=%s",contextname,u)) -- has no s
- end
- else
- contextsprint(ctxcatcodes,format("\\def\\%s{%s}",contextname,utfchar(u))) -- has no s
- end
- elseif is_command[category] and not forbidden[u] then
- contextsprint("{\\catcode",u,"=13\\unexpanded\\gdef ",utfchar(u),"{\\"..contextname,"}}")
- a = a + 1
- activated[a] = u
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if tobelettered then -- shared
- local saved = tex.catcodetable
- for i=1,#tobelettered do
- tex.catcodetable = tobelettered[i]
- if trace_defining then
- report_defining("defining letters (global, shared)")
- end
- for u, chr in next, data do
- if not chr.fallback and is_letter[chr.category] and u >= 128 and u <= 65536 then
- texsetcatcode(u,11)
- end
- local range = chr.range
- if range then
- for i=1,range.first,range.last do
- texsetcatcode(i,11)
- end
- end
- end
- texsetcatcode(0x200C,11) -- non-joiner
- texsetcatcode(0x200D,11) -- joiner
- end
- tex.catcodetable = saved
- end
- local nofactivated = #tobeactivated
- if tobeactivated and nofactivated > 0 then
- for i=1,nofactivated do
- local u = activated[i]
- if u then
- report_defining("character 0x%05X is active in sets %s (%s)",u,concat(tobeactivated,","),data[u].description)
- end
- end
- local saved = tex.catcodetable
- for i=1,#tobeactivated do
- local vector = tobeactivated[i]
- if trace_defining then
- report_defining("defining %s active characters in vector %s",nofactivated,vector)
- end
- tex.catcodetable = vector
- for i=1,nofactivated do
- local u = activated[i]
- if u then
- texsetcatcode(u,13)
- end
- end
- end
- tex.catcodetable = saved
- end
-<p>Setting the lccodes is also done in a loop over the data table.</p>
-local sfmode = "unset" -- unset, traditional, normal
-function characters.setcodes()
- if trace_defining then
- report_defining("defining lc and uc codes")
- end
- local traditional = sfstate == "traditional" or sfstate == "unset"
- for code, chr in next, data do
- local cc = chr.category
- if is_letter[cc] then
- local range = chr.range
- if range then
- for i=range.first,range.last do
- texsetcatcode(i,11) -- letter
- texsetlccode(i,i,i) -- self self
- end
- else
- local lc, uc = chr.lccode, chr.uccode
- if not lc then
- chr.lccode, lc = code, code
- elseif type(lc) == "table" then
- lc = code
- end
- if not uc then
- chr.uccode, uc = code, code
- elseif type(uc) == "table" then
- uc = code
- end
- texsetcatcode(code,11) -- letter
- texsetlccode(code,lc,uc)
- if traditional and cc == "lu" then
- texsetsfcode(code,999)
- end
- end
- elseif is_mark[cc] then
- texsetlccode(code,code,code) -- for hyphenation
- end
- end
- if traditional then
- sfstate = "traditional"
- end
--- If this is something that is not documentwide and used a lot, then we
--- need a more clever approach (trivial but not now).
-local function setuppersfcodes(v,n)
- if sfstate ~= "unset" then
- report_defining("setting uppercase sf codes to %s",n)
- for code, chr in next, data do
- if chr.category == "lu" then
- texsetsfcode(code,n)
- end
- end
- end
- sfstate = v
- if v == "traditional" then
- setuppersfcodes(v,999)
- elseif v == "normal" then
- setuppersfcodes(v,1000)
- end
<p>Next comes a whole series of helper methods. These are (will be) part
of the official <l n='api'/>.</p>
-<p>A couple of convenience methods. Beware, these are slower than directly
-accessing the data table.</p>
-- we could make them virtual: characters.contextnames[n]
function characters.contextname(n) return data[n].contextname or "" end
@@ -729,32 +525,6 @@ function characters.category(n,verbose)
--- xml support (moved)
-function characters.remapentity(chr,slot)
- contextsprint(format("{\\catcode%s=13\\xdef%s{\\string%s}}",slot,utfchar(slot),chr))
-characters.activeoffset = 0x10000 -- there will be remapped in that byte range
--- xml.entities = xml.entities or { }
--- storage.register("xml/entities",xml.entities,"xml.entities") -- this will move to lxml
--- function characters.setmkiventities()
--- local entities = xml.entities
--- = "<"
--- entities.amp = "&"
--- = ">"
--- end
--- function characters.setmkiientities()
--- local entities = xml.entities
--- = utfchar(characters.activeoffset + utfbyte("<"))
--- entities.amp = utfchar(characters.activeoffset + utfbyte("&"))
--- = utfchar(characters.activeoffset + utfbyte(">"))
--- end
-- -- some day we will make a table .. not that many calls to utfchar
-- local utfchar = utf.char
@@ -947,6 +717,7 @@ function characters.lettered(str,spacing)
return concat(new)
<p>Requesting lower and uppercase codes:</p>
@@ -963,15 +734,6 @@ function characters.safechar(n)
-function commands.safechar(n)
- local c = data[n]
- if c and c.contextname then
- contextsprint("\\" .. c.contextname) -- context[c.contextname]()
- else
- contextsprint(utfchar(n))
- end
function characters.shape(n)
local shcode = shcodes[n]
if not shcode then
@@ -1087,11 +849,248 @@ if not characters.superscripts then
-- print(table.serialize(superscripts, "superscripts", { hexify = true }))
-- print(table.serialize(subscripts, "subscripts", { hexify = true }))
- storage.register("characters/superscripts", superscripts, "characters.superscripts")
- storage.register("characters/subscripts", subscripts, "characters.subscripts")
+ if storage then
+ storage.register("characters/superscripts", superscripts, "characters.superscripts")
+ storage.register("characters/subscripts", subscripts, "characters.subscripts")
+ end
--- interface
+-- the following code will move to char-tex.lua
+-- tex
+if not tex or not context or not commands then return characters end
+local tex = tex
+local texsetlccode = tex.setlccode
+local texsetuccode = tex.setuccode
+local texsetsfcode = tex.setsfcode
+local texsetcatcode = tex.setcatcode
+local contextsprint = context.sprint
+local ctxcatcodes = catcodes.numbers.ctxcatcodes
+<p>Instead of using a <l n='tex'/> file to define the named glyphs, we
+use the table. After all, we have this information available anyway.</p>
+function commands.makeactive(n,name) --
+ contextsprint(ctxcatcodes,format("\\catcode%s=13\\unexpanded\\def %s{\\%s}",n,utfchar(n),name))
+ -- context("\\catcode%s=13\\unexpanded\\def %s{\\%s}",n,utfchar(n),name)
+function commands.utfchar(c,n)
+ if n then
+ -- contextsprint(c,charfromnumber(n))
+ contextsprint(c,utfchar(n))
+ else
+ -- contextsprint(charfromnumber(c))
+ contextsprint(utfchar(c))
+ end
+function commands.safechar(n)
+ local c = data[n]
+ if c and c.contextname then
+ contextsprint("\\" .. c.contextname) -- context[c.contextname]()
+ else
+ contextsprint(utfchar(n))
+ end
+tex.uprint = commands.utfchar
+local forbidden = tohash { -- at least now
+ 0x00A0,
+ 0x2000, 0x2001, 0x2002, 0x2003, 0x2004, 0x2005, 0x2006, 0x2007, 0x2008, 0x2009, 0x200A, 0x200B, 0x200C, 0x200D,
+ 0x202F,
+ 0x205F,
+ -- 0xFEFF,
+function characters.define(tobelettered, tobeactivated) -- catcodetables
+ if trace_defining then
+ report_defining("defining active character commands")
+ end
+ local activated, a = { }, 0
+ for u, chr in next, data do -- these will be commands
+ local fallback = chr.fallback
+ if fallback then
+ contextsprint("{\\catcode",u,"=13\\unexpanded\\gdef ",utfchar(u),"{\\checkedchar{",u,"}{",fallback,"}}}")
+ a = a + 1
+ activated[a] = u
+ else
+ local contextname = chr.contextname
+ if contextname then
+ local category = chr.category
+ if is_character[category] then
+ if chr.unicodeslot < 128 then
+ if is_letter[category] then
+ contextsprint(ctxcatcodes,format("\\def\\%s{%s}",contextname,utfchar(u))) -- has no s
+ else
+ contextsprint(ctxcatcodes,format("\\chardef\\%s=%s",contextname,u)) -- has no s
+ end
+ else
+ contextsprint(ctxcatcodes,format("\\def\\%s{%s}",contextname,utfchar(u))) -- has no s
+ end
+ elseif is_command[category] and not forbidden[u] then
+ contextsprint("{\\catcode",u,"=13\\unexpanded\\gdef ",utfchar(u),"{\\"..contextname,"}}")
+ a = a + 1
+ activated[a] = u
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if tobelettered then -- shared
+ local saved = tex.catcodetable
+ for i=1,#tobelettered do
+ tex.catcodetable = tobelettered[i]
+ if trace_defining then
+ report_defining("defining letters (global, shared)")
+ end
+ for u, chr in next, data do
+ if not chr.fallback and is_letter[chr.category] and u >= 128 and u <= 65536 then
+ texsetcatcode(u,11)
+ end
+ local range = chr.range
+ if range then
+ for i=1,range.first,range.last do
+ texsetcatcode(i,11)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ texsetcatcode(0x200C,11) -- non-joiner
+ texsetcatcode(0x200D,11) -- joiner
+ end
+ tex.catcodetable = saved
+ end
+ local nofactivated = #tobeactivated
+ if tobeactivated and nofactivated > 0 then
+ for i=1,nofactivated do
+ local u = activated[i]
+ if u then
+ report_defining("character 0x%05X is active in sets %s (%s)",u,concat(tobeactivated,","),data[u].description)
+ end
+ end
+ local saved = tex.catcodetable
+ for i=1,#tobeactivated do
+ local vector = tobeactivated[i]
+ if trace_defining then
+ report_defining("defining %s active characters in vector %s",nofactivated,vector)
+ end
+ tex.catcodetable = vector
+ for i=1,nofactivated do
+ local u = activated[i]
+ if u then
+ texsetcatcode(u,13)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ tex.catcodetable = saved
+ end
+<p>Setting the lccodes is also done in a loop over the data table.</p>
+local sfmode = "unset" -- unset, traditional, normal
+function characters.setcodes()
+ if trace_defining then
+ report_defining("defining lc and uc codes")
+ end
+ local traditional = sfstate == "traditional" or sfstate == "unset"
+ for code, chr in next, data do
+ local cc = chr.category
+ if is_letter[cc] then
+ local range = chr.range
+ if range then
+ for i=range.first,range.last do
+ texsetcatcode(i,11) -- letter
+ texsetlccode(i,i,i) -- self self
+ end
+ else
+ local lc, uc = chr.lccode, chr.uccode
+ if not lc then
+ chr.lccode, lc = code, code
+ elseif type(lc) == "table" then
+ lc = code
+ end
+ if not uc then
+ chr.uccode, uc = code, code
+ elseif type(uc) == "table" then
+ uc = code
+ end
+ texsetcatcode(code,11) -- letter
+ texsetlccode(code,lc,uc)
+ if traditional and cc == "lu" then
+ texsetsfcode(code,999)
+ end
+ end
+ elseif is_mark[cc] then
+ texsetlccode(code,code,code) -- for hyphenation
+ end
+ end
+ if traditional then
+ sfstate = "traditional"
+ end
+-- If this is something that is not documentwide and used a lot, then we
+-- need a more clever approach (trivial but not now).
+local function setuppersfcodes(v,n)
+ if sfstate ~= "unset" then
+ report_defining("setting uppercase sf codes to %s",n)
+ for code, chr in next, data do
+ if chr.category == "lu" then
+ texsetsfcode(code,n)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ sfstate = v
+ if v == "traditional" then
+ setuppersfcodes(v,999)
+ elseif v == "normal" then
+ setuppersfcodes(v,1000)
+ end
+-- xml
+characters.activeoffset = 0x10000 -- there will be remapped in that byte range
+function commands.remapentity(chr,slot)
+ contextsprint(format("{\\catcode%s=13\\xdef%s{\\string%s}}",slot,utfchar(slot),chr))
+-- xml.entities = xml.entities or { }
+-- storage.register("xml/entities",xml.entities,"xml.entities") -- this will move to lxml
+-- function characters.setmkiventities()
+-- local entities = xml.entities
+-- = "<"
+-- entities.amp = "&"
+-- = ">"
+-- end
+-- function characters.setmkiientities()
+-- local entities = xml.entities
+-- = utfchar(characters.activeoffset + utfbyte("<"))
+-- entities.amp = utfchar(characters.activeoffset + utfbyte("&"))
+-- = utfchar(characters.activeoffset + utfbyte(">"))
+-- end
-commands.utfchar = tex.uprint
diff --git a/tex/context/base/cont-new.mkii b/tex/context/base/cont-new.mkii
index aa4e3223d..1434b8eee 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/cont-new.mkii
+++ b/tex/context/base/cont-new.mkii
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
%C details.
-\newcontextversion{2013.03.08 01:14}
+\newcontextversion{2013.03.11 00:17}
%D This file is loaded at runtime, thereby providing an
%D excellent place for hacks, patches, extensions and new
diff --git a/tex/context/base/cont-new.mkiv b/tex/context/base/cont-new.mkiv
index debad7bae..8340b5c60 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/cont-new.mkiv
+++ b/tex/context/base/cont-new.mkiv
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
%C details.
-\newcontextversion{2013.03.08 01:14}
+\newcontextversion{2013.03.11 00:17}
%D This file is loaded at runtime, thereby providing an excellent place for
%D hacks, patches, extensions and new features.
diff --git a/tex/context/base/context-version.pdf b/tex/context/base/context-version.pdf
index bbc4ff28d..a0d46f708 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/context-version.pdf
+++ b/tex/context/base/context-version.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tex/context/base/context-version.png b/tex/context/base/context-version.png
index 43823ceb6..2bdeb57b6 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/context-version.png
+++ b/tex/context/base/context-version.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tex/context/base/context.mkii b/tex/context/base/context.mkii
index 20aefca87..8bc5bdd52 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/context.mkii
+++ b/tex/context/base/context.mkii
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
%D your styles an modules.
\edef\contextformat {\jobname}
-\edef\contextversion{2013.03.08 01:14}
+\edef\contextversion{2013.03.11 00:17}
%D For those who want to use this:
diff --git a/tex/context/base/context.mkiv b/tex/context/base/context.mkiv
index 4fcd7ae07..6fa8db9ff 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/context.mkiv
+++ b/tex/context/base/context.mkiv
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
%D up and the dependencies are more consistent.
\edef\contextformat {\jobname}
-\edef\contextversion{2013.03.08 01:14}
+\edef\contextversion{2013.03.11 00:17}
%D For those who want to use this:
diff --git a/tex/context/base/lxml-ini.mkiv b/tex/context/base/lxml-ini.mkiv
index 042b22e64..8889d906b 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/lxml-ini.mkiv
+++ b/tex/context/base/lxml-ini.mkiv
@@ -418,7 +418,7 @@
% \stopextendcatcodetable
% \ctxlua { % entities are remembered in the format
-% characters.remapentity("<",characters.activeoffset + utf.byte("<"))
-% characters.remapentity("&",characters.activeoffset + utf.byte("&"))
-% characters.remapentity(">",characters.activeoffset + utf.byte(">"))
+% commands.remapentity("<",characters.activeoffset + utf.byte("<"))
+% commands.remapentity("&",characters.activeoffset + utf.byte("&"))
+% commands.remapentity(">",characters.activeoffset + utf.byte(">"))
% }
diff --git a/tex/context/base/status-files.pdf b/tex/context/base/status-files.pdf
index 4803e083f..1a6a03c89 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/status-files.pdf
+++ b/tex/context/base/status-files.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tex/context/base/status-lua.pdf b/tex/context/base/status-lua.pdf
index a0bbca101..27eff5b32 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/status-lua.pdf
+++ b/tex/context/base/status-lua.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tex/context/base/util-str.lua b/tex/context/base/util-str.lua
index 959955867..11ca90912 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/util-str.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/util-str.lua
@@ -12,7 +12,8 @@ local strings = utilities.strings
local format, gsub, rep, sub = string.format, string.gsub, string.rep, string.sub
local load, dump = load, string.dump
-local concat = table.concat
+local tonumber, type, tostring = tonumber, type, tostring
+local unpack, concat = table.unpack, table.concat
local P, V, C, S, R, Ct, Cs, Cp, Carg, Cc = lpeg.P, lpeg.V, lpeg.C, lpeg.S, lpeg.R, lpeg.Ct, lpeg.Cs, lpeg.Cp, lpeg.Carg, lpeg.Cc
local patterns, lpegmatch = lpeg.patterns, lpeg.match
local utfchar, utfbyte = utf.char, utf.byte
@@ -168,8 +169,10 @@ local n = 0
-- print(...,...,...) -- 1,1,1,2,3
-- end
-local template_shortcuts = [[
+local preamble = [[
+local type = type
local tostring = tostring
+local tonumber = tonumber
local format = string.format
local concat = table.concat
local signed = number.signed
@@ -182,6 +185,23 @@ local xmlescape = lpeg.patterns.xmlescape
local spaces = string.nspaces
+local template = [[
+return function(%s) return %s end
+local arguments = { "a1" } -- faster than previously used (select(n,...))
+setmetatable(arguments, { __index =
+ function(t,k)
+ local v = t[k-1] .. ",a" .. k
+ t[k] = v
+ return v
+ end
local prefix_any = C((S("+- .") + R("09"))^0)
local prefix_tab = C((1-R("az","AZ","09","%%"))^0)
@@ -297,9 +317,9 @@ local format_h = function(f)
n = n + 1
if f == "-" then
f = sub(f,2)
- return format("format('%%%sx',utfbyte(a%s))",f == "" and "05" or f,n)
+ return format("format('%%%sx',type(a%s) == 'number' and a%s or utfbyte(a%s))",f == "" and "05" or f,n,n,n)
- return format("format('0x%%%sx',utfbyte(a%s))",f == "" and "05" or f,n)
+ return format("format('0x%%%sx',type(a%s) == 'number' and a%s or utfbyte(a%s))",f == "" and "05" or f,n,n,n)
@@ -307,9 +327,9 @@ local format_H = function(f)
n = n + 1
if f == "-" then
f = sub(f,2)
- return format("format('%%%sX',utfbyte(a%s))",f == "" and "05" or f,n)
+ return format("format('%%%sX',type(a%s) == 'number' and a%s or utfbyte(a%s))",f == "" and "05" or f,n,n,n)
- return format("format('0x%%%sX',utfbyte(a%s))",f == "" and "05" or f,n)
+ return format("format('0x%%%sX',type(a%s) == 'number' and a%s or utfbyte(a%s))",f == "" and "05" or f,n,n,n)
@@ -317,9 +337,9 @@ local format_u = function(f)
n = n + 1
if f == "-" then
f = sub(f,2)
- return format("format('%%%sx',utfbyte(a%s))",f == "" and "05" or f,n)
+ return format("format('%%%sx',type(a%s) == 'number' and a%s or utfbyte(a%s))",f == "" and "05" or f,n,n,n)
- return format("format('u+%%%sx',utfbyte(a%s))",f == "" and "05" or f,n)
+ return format("format('u+%%%sx',type(a%s) == 'number' and a%s or utfbyte(a%s))",f == "" and "05" or f,n,n,n)
@@ -327,9 +347,9 @@ local format_U = function(f)
n = n + 1
if f == "-" then
f = sub(f,2)
- return format("format('%%%sX',utfbyte(a%s))",f == "" and "05" or f,n)
+ return format("format('%%%sX',type(a%s) == 'number' and a%s or utfbyte(a%s))",f == "" and "05" or f,n,n,n)
- return format("format('U+%%%sX',utfbyte(a%s))",f == "" and "05" or f,n)
+ return format("format('U+%%%sX',type(a%s) == 'number' and a%s or utfbyte(a%s))",f == "" and "05" or f,n,n,n)
@@ -385,27 +405,26 @@ local format_W = function(f) -- handy when doing depth related indent
return format("spaces[%s]",tonumber(f) or 0)
-local extensions = { }
-local format_extension = function(name)
- n = n + 1
+local format_extension = function(extensions,f,name)
local extension = extensions[name] or "tostring(%s)"
- return format(extension,format("a%s",n))
-function addextension(name,template,shortcuts)
- extensions[name] = template
- if shortcuts then
- template_shortcuts = shortcuts .. "\n" .. template_shortcuts -- so we can't overload
+ local f = tonumber(f) or 1
+ if f == 0 then
+ return extension
+ elseif f == 1 then
+ n = n + 1
+ return format(extension,"a"..n)
+ elseif f < 0 then
+ return format(extension,"a"..n+f+1)
+ else
+ local t = { }
+ for i=1,f do
+ n = n + 1
+ t[#t+1] = "a"..n
+ end
+ return format(extension,unpack(t))
-lpeg.patterns.xmlescape = Cs((P("<")/"&lt;" + P(">")/"&gt;" + P("&")/"&amp;" + P('"')/"&quot;" + P(1))^0)
-lpeg.patterns.texescape = Cs((C(S("#$%\\{}"))/"\\%1" + P(1))^0)
-addextension("xml",[[lpegmatch(xmlescape,%s)]],[[local xmlescape = lpeg.patterns.xmlescape]])
-addextension("tex",[[lpegmatch(texescape,%s)]],[[local texescape = lpeg.patterns.texescape]])
local builder = Cs { "start",
start = (
@@ -476,7 +495,7 @@ local builder = Cs { "start",
["a"] = Cs(((1-P("%"))^1 + P("%%")/"%%%%")^1) / format_a, -- rest (including %%)
-- ["!"] = P("!xml!") / format_xml, -- %!xml! => hypertext escaped " < > &
- ["!"] = P("!") * C((1-P("!"))^1) * P("!") / format_extension,
+ ["!"] = Carg(2) * prefix_any * P("!") * C((1-P("!"))^1) * P("!") / format_extension,
-- we can be clever and only alias what is needed
@@ -489,21 +508,6 @@ local direct = Cs (
* P(-1)
-local template = [[
-return function(%s) return %s end
-local arguments = { "a1" } -- faster than previously used (select(n,...))
-setmetatable(arguments, { __index =
- function(t,k)
- local v = t[k-1] .. ",a" .. k
- t[k] = v
- return v
- end
local function make(t,str)
local f
local p = lpegmatch(direct,str)
@@ -511,9 +515,9 @@ local function make(t,str)
f = loadstripped(p)()
n = 0
- p = lpegmatch(builder,str,1,"..") -- after this we know n
+ p = lpegmatch(builder,str,1,"..",t._extensions_) -- after this we know n
if n > 0 then
- p = format(template,template_shortcuts,arguments[n],p)
+ p = format(template,preamble,t._preamble_,arguments[n],p)
-- print("builder>",p)
f = loadstripped(p)()
@@ -528,10 +532,47 @@ local function use(t,fmt,...)
return t[fmt](...)
-local formatters = string.formatters or { }
-string.formatters = formatters
+strings.formatters = { }
+ local t = { _extensions_ = { }, _preamble_ = "", _type_ = "formatter" }
+ setmetatable(t, { __index = make, __call = use })
+ return t
+local formatters = -- the default instance
+string.formatters = formatters -- in the main string namespace
+string.formatter = function(str,...) return formatters[str](...) end -- sometimes nicer name
+local function add(t,name,template,preamble)
+ if type(t) == "table" and t._type_ == "formatter" then
+ t._extensions_[name] = template or "%s"
+ if preamble then
+ t._preamble_ = preamble .. "\n" .. t._preamble_ -- so no overload !
+ end
+ end
+strings.formatters.add = add
+-- registered in the default instance (should we fall back on this one?)
+lpeg.patterns.xmlescape = Cs((P("<")/"&lt;" + P(">")/"&gt;" + P("&")/"&amp;" + P('"')/"&quot;" + P(1))^0)
+lpeg.patterns.texescape = Cs((C(S("#$%\\{}"))/"\\%1" + P(1))^0)
+add(formatters,"xml",[[lpegmatch(xmlescape,%s)]],[[local xmlescape = lpeg.patterns.xmlescape]])
+add(formatters,"tex",[[lpegmatch(texescape,%s)]],[[local texescape = lpeg.patterns.texescape]])
-setmetatable(formatters, { __index = make, __call = use })
+-- add(formatters,"xy",[[ "(" .. %s .. "," .. %s .. ")" ]])
+-- print(formatters["coordinates %2!xy! or (%s,%s)"](1,2,3,4,5,6))
+-- local myformatter =
+-- utilities.strings.formatters.add(myformatter,"upper", [[string.upper(%s)]]) -- maybe handy
+-- utilities.strings.formatters.add(myformatter,"csname",[["\\"..%s]]) -- less usefull
+-- print("\n>>>",myformatter["Is this %!upper! handy %!csname! or %H not %!xml!?"]("really","weird",1234,"a&b"))
-- -- yes or no:
@@ -559,8 +600,6 @@ setmetatable(formatters, { __index = make, __call = use })
-- setmetatable(formatteds, { __index = make, __call = use })
-- print(formatters["hans %N and %N done"](123,"0123"))
-- local test = formatters["1%%23%4w56%s78 %p %!xml! test and %!tex! more %s"]
-- print(#string.dump(test))
@@ -569,16 +608,6 @@ setmetatable(formatters, { __index = make, __call = use })
-- print(#string.dump(test))
-- print(test("okay"))
-function string.makeformatter(str) -- redundant
- return formatters[str]
-function string.formatter(str,...) -- redundant
- return formatters[str](...)
-string.addformatter = addextension
-- local p1 = "%s test %f done %p and %c and %V or %+t or %%"
-- local p2 = "%s test %f done %s and %s and 0x%05X or %s or %%"
diff --git a/tex/context/base/x-mathml.lua b/tex/context/base/x-mathml.lua
index 9565057d0..988758b14 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/x-mathml.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/x-mathml.lua
@@ -465,10 +465,6 @@ function mathml.stripped(str)
-function characters.remapentity(chr,slot) -- Brrrrrr, this will be replaced!
- context("{\\catcode%s=13\\xdef%s{\\string%s}}",slot,utfchar(slot),chr)
-- maybe at some point we need to interpret the number, but
-- currently we assume an upright font
diff --git a/tex/generic/context/luatex/luatex-fonts-merged.lua b/tex/generic/context/luatex/luatex-fonts-merged.lua
index 1013f5467..b4cc4e1b4 100644
--- a/tex/generic/context/luatex/luatex-fonts-merged.lua
+++ b/tex/generic/context/luatex/luatex-fonts-merged.lua
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-- merged file : luatex-fonts-merged.lua
-- parent file : luatex-fonts.lua
--- merge date : 03/10/13 14:36:13
+-- merge date : 03/11/13 00:17:48
do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference