diff options
authorMarius <>2013-01-17 19:40:22 +0200
committerMarius <>2013-01-17 19:40:22 +0200
commit3346c745a354c0726c1ec68fb1f2d04e5bc85a9b (patch)
parentfe55ae49d8deddeb8f02557e3902c847804b0086 (diff)
beta 2013.01.17 18:16
-rw-r--r--tex/context/base/context-version.pdfbin4126 -> 4125 bytes
-rw-r--r--tex/context/base/context-version.pngbin39975 -> 40102 bytes
-rw-r--r--tex/context/base/status-files.pdfbin24750 -> 24704 bytes
-rw-r--r--tex/context/base/status-lua.pdfbin208234 -> 208162 bytes
36 files changed, 4383 insertions, 1249 deletions
diff --git a/context/data/scite/ b/context/data/scite/
index 0c734e6e9..558fb8bbf 100644
--- a/context/data/scite/
+++ b/context/data/scite/
@@ -1,478 +1,160 @@\
-CAP Cap Caps Caractere \
-Caracteres Chiffresromains JOURSEMAINE MOIS MOT \
-MOTS Mot Mots Numeros a \
-adaptedisposition affectenumero affectevariabletexte ajustechamp alaligne \
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-valeurgris variabletexte version vide vl
-CAP Cap Caps Character \
-Characters MONTH Numbers Romannumerals WEEKDAY \
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-ارتفاع‌برگ ارتفاع‌ته‌برگ ارتفاع‌خط ارتفاع‌سربرگ ارتفاع‌متن \
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-افزودن اما امتحان‌نکن انتخاب‌برگ انتخاب‌بلوکها \
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-بارگذاری‌باریکتر بارگذاری‌بافر بارگذاری‌بالا بارگذاری‌بخش بارگذاری‌بردباری \
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-بارگذاری‌سیستم بارگذاری‌شرح بارگذاری‌شرحها بارگذاری‌شروع‌مجموعه‌ستون بارگذاری‌شروع‌پایان \
-بارگذاری‌شماره بارگذاری‌شماره‌زیرصفحه بارگذاری‌شماره‌سر بارگذاری‌شماره‌صفحه بارگذاری‌شماره‌گذاری \
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-بارگذاری‌شناورها بارگذاری‌شکافتن‌شناورها بارگذاری‌شکلهای‌خارجی بارگذاری‌طرح بارگذاری‌طرح‌بندی \
-بارگذاری‌عرض‌خط بارگذاری‌فاصله‌بین‌خط بارگذاری‌فرمولها بارگذاری‌فضای‌سفید بارگذاری‌فضا‌گذاری \
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-بارگذاری‌لیست‌مرجع بارگذاری‌مترادفها بارگذاری‌متغیر‌متن بارگذاری‌متن بارگذاری‌متنهای‌بالا \
-بارگذاری‌متن‌سر بارگذاری‌متن‌سربرگ بارگذاری‌متن‌قالبی بارگذاری‌متن‌متنها بارگذاری‌متن‌پانوشت \
-بارگذاری‌متن‌پایین بارگذاری‌مجموعه‌ستون بارگذاری‌مجموعه‌نماد بارگذاری‌محیط‌قلم‌متن بارگذاری‌منوی‌پانل \
-بارگذاری‌مکان‌متن بارگذاری‌مکان‌گذاری بارگذاری‌میدان بارگذاری‌میدانها بارگذاری‌میله‌تطابق \
-بارگذاری‌میله‌زیر بارگذاری‌میله‌پانل بارگذاری‌نسخه‌ها بارگذاری‌نشانه‌شکستن بارگذاری‌نشانه‌گذاری \
-بارگذاری‌نشرها بارگذاری‌نقل بارگذاری‌پاراگرافها بارگذاری‌پانل بارگذاری‌پانوشتها \
-بارگذاری‌پایین بارگذاری‌پرده‌ها بارگذاری‌پرده‌پانل بارگذاری‌پروفایلها بارگذاری‌پرکردن‌خطها \
-بارگذاری‌پس‌زمینه بارگذاری‌پس‌زمینه‌ها بارگذاری‌چیدن بارگذاری‌گذارصفحه بارگذاری‌گروههای‌آیتم \
-بارگذاری‌گروه‌آیتم بازنشانی بازنشانی‌شماره بازنشانی‌متن بازنشانی‌نشانه‌گذاری \
-باگذاری‌متن‌برچسب بدون‌بعد بدون‌بلوکهای‌بیشتر بدون‌تورفتگی بدون‌خط‌بالاوپایین \
-بدون‌خط‌سروته‌برگ بدون‌فایلهای‌بیشتر بدون‌فضا بدون‌فضای‌سفید بدون‌لیست \
-بدون‌نشانه‌گذاری برنامه بروبه بروبه‌جعبه بروبه‌صفحه \
-بروپایین برچسب برچسبها بعد بلند \
-بلوکهای‌پردازش بلوکها‌پنهان بنویس‌بین‌لیست بنویس‌درثبت بنویس‌درلیست‌مرجع \
-بنویس‌در‌لیست تاریخ تاریخ‌جاری تاریخ‌رجوع تایپ \
-تایپ‌بافر تایپ‌پرونده تب ترجمه تطابق \
-تعریف تعریف‌آرایش تعریف‌آرم تعریف‌الگوی‌جدول تعریف‌اندازه‌برگ \
-تعریف‌بافر تعریف‌بخش تعریف‌برنامه تعریف‌برچسب تعریف‌بلوک \
-تعریف‌بلوک‌بخش تعریف‌تایپ تعریف‌تایپ‌کردن تعریف‌تبدیل تعریف‌ترتیب \
-تعریف‌ترکیب تعریف‌تنظیم‌ریاضی تعریف‌توده‌میدان تعریف‌ثبت تعریف‌جانشانی \
-تعریف‌جدول‌بندی تعریف‌جعبه‌‌افقی تعریف‌حرف تعریف‌خالی تعریف‌خروجی \
-تعریف‌خط‌حائل تعریف‌درون‌حاشیه تعریف‌رنگ تعریف‌زیرمیدان تعریف‌سبک \
-تعریف‌سبک‌قلم تعریف‌سر تعریف‌شرح تعریف‌شروع‌پایان تعریف‌شماره‌بندی \
-تعریف‌شمایل‌مرجع تعریف‌شناور تعریف‌شکستن‌ستون تعریف‌شکست‌صفحه تعریف‌طرح‌بندی \
-تعریف‌فرمان تعریف‌قالبی تعریف‌قلم تعریف‌قلم‌خام تعریف‌قلم‌متن \
-تعریف‌لایه تعریف‌لهجه تعریف‌لوح تعریف‌لیست تعریف‌لیست‌ترکیبی \
-تعریف‌لیست‌مرجع تعریف‌مترادفها تعریف‌مترادف‌قلم تعریف‌متغیرمتن تعریف‌متن \
-تعریف‌متن‌قالبی تعریف‌مجموعه‌ستون تعریف‌محیط‌قلم‌بدنه تعریف‌مرجع تعریف‌منوی‌پانل \
-تعریف‌مکان‌متن تعریف‌میدان تعریف‌میدان‌اصلی تعریف‌نسخه تعریف‌نشانه‌گذاری \
-تعریف‌نماد تعریف‌نمادشکل تعریف‌پاراگرافها تعریف‌پروفایل تعریف‌پوشش \
-تعریف‌گروه‌آیتم تعریف‌گروه‌رنگ تعیین‌شماره تعیین‌شماره‌سر تعیین‌متغیر‌متن \
-تعیین‌محتوای‌متن تعیین‌مشخصات‌ثبت تعیین‌مشخصات‌لیست تغییربه‌قلم‌بدنه تغییربه‌قلم‌خام \
-تنظیم‌راست تنظیم‌طرح‌بندی تنظیم‌وسط توجه تورفتگی \
-توری تولید تک ثبت‌زوج ثبت‌کامل \
-جداسازی‌نشانه‌گذاری حاش حرف حرفها حفظ‌بلوکها \
-حقیقت خالی خطهای‌سیاه خطهای‌نازک خطها‌خالی \
-خط‌حاشیه خط‌سیاه خط‌متن خط‌مو خط‌نازک \
-خ‌ا خ‌ع در درج‌آرمها درج‌ثبت \
-درج‌خط درج‌درخط درج‌درخطها درج‌درمتن درج‌درمیدان \
-درج‌در‌بالای‌یکدیگر درج‌در‌توری درج‌راهنما درج‌زیرفرمول درج‌شماره‌سر \
-درج‌شماره‌صفحه درج‌شناور درج‌فرمول درج‌لیست درج‌لیست‌خام \
-درج‌لیست‌مختلط درج‌لیست‌مرجع درج‌متغیرمتن درج‌متن‌سر درج‌پانوشتها \
-درج‌پانوشتهای‌موضعی درج‌چوب‌خط درج‌کنار‌به‌کنار درحاشیه درحاشیه‌دیگر \
-درحاشیه‌راست درحاشیه‌چپ درخارجی درخط درداخلی \
-درراست درصفحه درقالبی درلبه‌راست درلبه‌چپ \
-درمورد درون درپر درچپ دریافت‌بافر \
-دریافت‌شماره دریافت‌نشانه دوران دکمه دکمه‌منو \
-دکمه‌پانل رج رجوع رنگ رنگ‌خاکستری \
-روزهفته ریاضی زبان زبان‌اصلی ستون \
-ستون‌امتحان سر سرپوش‌کوچک‌نه شروع‌آرایش شروع‌آرایش‌ستون \
-شروع‌باریکتر شروع‌بازبینی شروع‌بلوک‌حاشیه شروع‌ترکیب شروع‌تصحیح‌خط \
-شروع‌تطابق شروع‌تنظیم شروع‌تولید شروع‌جدول شروع‌جدولها \
-شروع‌خط شروع‌خطها شروع‌خط‌حاشیه شروع‌خط‌متن شروع‌رنگ \
-شروع‌ستونها شروع‌سراسری شروع‌شماره‌گذاری‌خط شروع‌شکل شروع‌غیر‌فشرده \
-شروع‌فشرده شروع‌متن شروع‌مجموعه‌ستون شروع‌مجموعه‌نماد شروع‌محیط \
-شروع‌مخالف شروع‌موضعی شروع‌مولفه شروع‌مکان‌گذاری شروع‌نسخه \
-شروع‌نقل‌قول شروع‌نوشتار شروع‌پانوشتهای‌موضعی شروع‌پروفایل شروع‌پروژه \
-شروع‌پس‌زمینه شروع‌پوشش شروع‌کد شماره‌افزایش شماره‌زیرصفحه \
-شماره‌زیرفرمول شماره‌سر شماره‌سرجاری شماره‌صفحه شماره‌صفحه‌کامل \
-شماره‌فرمول شماره‌مبدل شماره‌ها شماره‌کاهش شماره‌کل‌صفحه‌ها \
-شکافتن‌شناور شکل‌خارجی صفحه صفحه‌تست صفحه‌زوج \
-صفحه‌پردازش طول‌لیست عبوربلوکها عرض‌آرایش عرض‌برگ \
-عرض‌حاشیه عرض‌حاشیه‌خارجی عرض‌حاشیه‌داخلی عرض‌حاشیه‌راست عرض‌حاشیه‌چپ \
-عرض‌خط عرض‌لبه عرض‌لبه‌خارجی عرض‌لبه‌داخلی عرض‌لبه‌راست \
-عرض‌لبه‌چپ عرض‌لیست عرض‌متن عمق‌صفحه عنوان‌حاشیه \
-فاصله‌بالا فاصله‌ته‌برگ فاصله‌حاشیه فاصله‌حاشیه‌خارجی فاصله‌حاشیه‌داخلی \
-فاصله‌حاشیه‌راست فاصله‌حاشیه‌چپ فاصله‌سربرگ فاصله‌لبه فاصله‌لبه‌خارجی \
-فاصله‌لبه‌داخلی فاصله‌لبه‌راست فاصله‌لبه‌چپ فاصله‌پایین فاصله‌پشت \
-فشرده فضا فضاهای‌ثابت فضای‌بالا فضای‌برش \
-فضای‌ثابت فضای‌سفید فضای‌سفیدصحیح فضای‌پایین فوری‌به‌لیست \
-فوری‌بین‌لیست قالبی لوح‌مقایسه ماه متغیر متن \
-متن‌برچسب متن‌حاشیه متن‌سر متن‌پانوشت محیط \
-مراجعه مرجع مرجع‌صفحه مرجع‌متن مرحله‌سر \
-مسکن معنی‌واحد مقایسه‌گروه‌رنگ مقدارخاکستری مقداررنگ \
-مقیاس منفی منوی‌پانل مولفه مکان \
-مکان‌متن میدان میدانهای‌گزارش میدان‌شبیه‌سازی میدان‌پشته \
-میدان‌کپی میله‌تطابق میله‌رنگ میله‌پانل ناشناس \
-نام‌ماکرو نسخه نسخه‌نشانه نشانه‌گذاری نشانه‌گذاری‌زوج \
-نشر نصب‌زبان نقطه‌ها نقل نقل‌قول \
-نم نماد نمادسر نمادلیست نمایش‌آرایش \
-نمایش‌بارگذاریها نمایش‌بستها نمایش‌توری نمایش‌رنگ نمایش‌شکلهای‌خارجی \
-نمایش‌طرح‌بندی نمایش‌قالب نمایش‌قلم‌بدنه نمایش‌لوح نمایش‌مجموعه‌علامت \
-نمایش‌محیط‌قلم‌بدنه نمایش‌میدانها نمایش‌چاپ نمایش‌گروه‌رنگ نوشتارزوج \
-هدایت پا پابا پانوشت پایان‌آرایش \
-پایان‌آرایش‌ستون پایان‌بازبینی پایان‌بلوک‌حاشیه پایان‌ترکیب پایان‌تصحیح‌خط \
-پایان‌تطابق پایان‌تنظیم پایان‌تولید پایان‌جدول پایان‌جدولها \
-پایان‌خط پایان‌خطها پایان‌خط‌حاشیه پایان‌خط‌متن پایان‌رنگ \
-پایان‌ستونها پایان‌سراسری پایان‌شماره‌گذاری‌خط پایان‌غیرفشرده پایان‌فشرده \
-پایان‌متن پایان‌مجموعه‌ستون پایان‌محیط پایان‌مخالف پایان‌موضعی \
-پایان‌مولفه پایان‌مکان‌گذاری پایان‌نازکتر پایان‌نسخه پایان‌نقل‌قول \
-پایان‌نوشتار پایان‌پانوشتهای‌موضعی پایان‌پروفایل پایان‌پروژه پایان‌پس‌زمینه \
-پایان‌پوشش پایان‌کد پایین پرده پروژه \
-پرکردن‌میدان پس‌زمینه پیروی‌نسخه پیروی‌نسخه‌پروفایل پیروی‌پروفایل \
-چاپ‌ارتفاع‌برگ چاپ‌عرض‌برگ چوبخط چپ‌چین کاغذزوج \
-کسر کشیده کلمه‌حاشیه کلمه‌راست گیره \
-یادداشت یک‌جا یک‌خط
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+Caps Cuvant Cuvinte KAP Kap \
+Kaps LUNA Litera Litere Numere \
+Numereromane ZIDINSAPTAMANA adapteazaaspect adubuffer adumarcaje \
+afiseazaaspect afiseazacampuri afiseazaculoare afiseazafiguriexterne afiseazafonttext \
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+proiect publicatie puncte punedeasuprafiecareia punefatainfata \
+puneformula punelegenda punelista punelistacombinata punelogouri \
+punenotesubsol punenotesubsollocale punenumarpagina puneregistru punerigla \
+punesubformula punevariabilatext ran ref refa \
+referinta referintapagina referintatext referit referring \
+reflexie register remarca reservefloat reset \
+reseteazamarcaje resetnumber resettextcontent riglatext rigleumplere \
+roteste saripesteblocuri scala scriebuffer scrieinlista \
+scrieinlistareferinte scrieinregistru scrieintreliste section seeregister \
+selecteazablocuri selecteazahartie selecteazaversiune semncarte setarebarasincronizare \
+setareitemization setarelimba setareoutput setarepozitie setaresincronizare \
+setari seteazaaliniat seteazaalinierea seteazaantet seteazaaranjareapag \
+seteazaaspect seteazabarainteractiune seteazablanc seteazabloc seteazablocsectiune \
+seteazablocurimarginale seteazabuffer seteazabutoane seteazacamp seteazacampuri \
+seteazaclipping seteazacoloane seteazacombinari seteazacomentariu seteazacomentariupagina \
+seteazaculoare seteazaculori seteazadefinireanotasubsol seteazadescriere seteazadimensiunihartie \
+seteazaecrane seteazaecraninteractiune seteazaelemente seteazaenumerare seteazafiguriexterne \
+seteazafloat seteazafloats seteazafonttext seteazaformulare seteazaformule \
+seteazafundal seteazafundaluri seteazagrosimelinie seteazaimpartireafloat seteazainconjurat \
+seteazaingust seteazainteractiunea seteazajos seteazalegenda seteazalegendele \
+seteazaliniesilabe seteazaliniesubtire seteazalinii seteazaliniimargine seteazaliniinegre \
+seteazaliniiumplere seteazalista seteazalistacombinata seteazalistareferinte seteazamajuscule \
+seteazamakeup seteazamarcaje seteazamarginal seteazamediulfonttext seteazameniuinteractiune \
+seteazaminicitat seteazanotasubsol seteazanumarpagina seteazanumarsubpagina seteazanumartitlu \
+seteazanumerotare seteazanumerotarelinii seteazanumerotarepagina seteazanumerotareparagrafe seteazapaleta \
+seteazaparagrafe seteazaplasareaopozita seteazapozitietext seteazaprofile seteazaprograme \
+seteazapublicatii seteazareferinte seteazaregistru seteazarigla seteazarigletext \
+seteazarigleumplere seteazarotare seteazasectiune seteazasimbol seteazasinonime \
+seteazasistem seteazasortare seteazaspatiu seteazaspatiualb seteazaspatiuinterliniar \
+seteazastrut seteazasublinie seteazasubsol seteazasus seteazatab \
+seteazatabele seteazatabulatori seteazatext seteazatexteantet seteazatextejos \
+seteazatextesubsol seteazatextesus seteazatextetext seteazatexteticheta seteazatexttitlu \
+seteazatitlu seteazatitluri seteazatoleranta seteazatranzitiepagina seteazatype \
+seteazatyping seteazaurl seteazavariabilatext seteazaversiuni setnumber \
+settextcontent setupanswerarea setupcolumnset setupcolumnsetlines setupcolumnsetstart \
+setupfonthandling setupfontsynonym setupindentedtext setupinterlinespace2 setupitemgroup \
+setuplistalternative setupmathalignment setupnumber setuppaper setupplacement \
+setupstartstop setvariabilatext sim simbol sincronizeaza \
+sort spatiifixate spatiu spatiualb spatiufixat \
+spatiujos spatiuspate spatiusus startalignment startaliniere \
+startblocmarginal startbuffer startcitat startcodificare startcoloane \
+startcolumnmakeup startcolumns startcolumnset startcombinare startcombination \
+startcomment startcomponenta startcorectielinie startculoare startdescription \
+startdocument startenumeration startfact startfigura startfigure \
+startfloattext startformula startframedtext startfundal startglobal \
+starthiding startimpachetat startingust startitemgroup startlegend \
+startline startlinecorrection startlinenumbering startlines startlinie \
+startliniemargine startlinii startlocal startlocalenvironment startlocalfootnotes \
+startmakeup startmarginblock startmediu startmeniuinteractiune startnamemakeup \
+startnarrower startneimpachetat startnotesubsollocale startnumerotarelinii startopozit \
+startopposite startoverlay startoverview startparagraph startpositioning \
+startpostponing startpozitionare startprodus startprofil startprofile \
+startproiect startraster startregister startriglatext startsetsimboluri \
+startsincronizare startsymbolset startsynchronization starttabel starttabele \
+starttable starttables starttabulate starttext starttyping \
+startunpacked startversiune stivacampuri stopalignment stopaliniere \
+stopblobal stopblocmarginal stopbuffer stopcitat stopcodificare \
+stopcoloane stopcolumnmakeup stopcolumns stopcolumnset stopcombinare \
+stopcombination stopcomment stopcomponenta stopcorectielinie stopculoare \
+stopdescription stopdocument stopenumeration stopfact stopfigure \
+stopfloattext stopformula stopframedtext stopfundal stophiding \
+stopimpachetat stopingust stopitemgroup stoplegend stopline \
+stoplinecorrection stoplinenumbering stoplines stoplinie stopliniemargine \
+stoplinii stoplocal stoplocalenvironment stoplocalfootnotes stopmakeup \
+stopmarginblock stopmediu stopmeniuinteractiune stopnamemakeup stopnarrower \
+stopneimpachetat stopnotesubsollocale stopnumerotarelinii stopopozit stopopposite \
+stopoverlay stopoverview stopparagraph stoppositioning stoppostponing \
+stoppozitionare stopprodus stopprofil stopprofile stopproiect \
+stopraster stopriglatext stopsincronizare stopsymbolset stopsynchronization \
+stoptabel stoptabele stoptable stoptables stoptabulate \
+stoptext stoptyping stopunpacked stopversiune sub \
+subject subpagenumber subsection subsubject subsubsection \
+subsubsubject synonym tab testcolumn testpage \
+tex texteticheta textmarginal texttitlu textumplere \
+title titlu titlumarginal tooltip traduce \
+trecilafontraw trecilafonttext txt typ type \
+typefile underbar underbars undeva urmeazaprofil \
+urmeazaversiune urmeazaversiuneprofil useXMLfilter usedirectory usetypescript \
+usetypescriptfile valoareculoare valoaregri variabilatext versiune \
+vl zidinsaptamana\
Buchstabe Buchstaben CAP Cap \
@@ -633,165 +315,155 @@ zeigegitter zeigelayout zeigepalette zeigerahmen zeigestruts \
zeigeumbruch zentriert ziffern zitat zitieren \
zu zurbox zurseite zwischenraum\
-CAP Cap Caps Cijfers \
-KAP Kap Kaps Letter Letters \
-Woord Woorden aantalsubpaginas about achtergrond \
-appendix arg bepaalkopnummer bepaallijstkenmerken bepaalregisterkenmerken \
-betekenis binnenmargeafstand binnenmargebreedte binnenrandafstand binnenrandbreedte \
-blanko blokje blokjes blokkeerinteractiemenu bodemwit \
-bookmark bovenafstand bovenhoogte breuk buitenmargeafstand \
-buitenmargebreedte buitenrandafstand buitenrandbreedte but button \
-cap chapter chem cijfers citaat \
-citeer clip comment completecombinedlist completelistoffloats \
-completelistofsorts completelistofsynonyms converteernummer copieerveld corrigeerwitruimte \
-coupledregister crlf datum definebodyfontDEF definebodyfontREF \
-definedfont definefontfeature definefonthandling definerawfont definetypeface \
-definieer definieeraccent definieeralineas definieerbeeldmerk definieerblanko \
-definieerblok definieerbuffer definieercombinatie definieercommando definieerconversie \
-definieerfiguursymbool definieerfont definieerfontstijl definieerfontsynoniem definieerhbox \
-definieerhoofdveld definieeringesprongentext definieerinmarge definieerinteractiemenu definieeritemgroep \
-definieerkadertekst definieerkarakter definieerkleur definieerkleurgroep definieerkolomgroep \
-definieerkolomovergang definieerkop definieerkorps definieerkorpsomgeving definieerlayer \
-definieerlayout definieerletter definieerlijn definieerlijst definieermarkering \
-definieeromlijnd definieeropmaak definieeroverlay definieerpaginaovergang definieerpalet \
-definieerpapierformaat definieerplaats definieerplaatsblok definieerprofiel definieerprogramma \
-definieerreferentie definieerreferentieformaat definieerreferentielijst definieerregister definieersamengesteldelijst \
-definieersectie definieersectieblok definieersorteren definieerstartstop definieersubveld \
-definieersymbool definieersynoniemen definieertabelvorm definieertabulatie definieertekst \
-definieertekstpositie definieertekstvariabele definieertype definieertypen definieeruitvoer \
-definieerveld definieerveldstapel definieerversie definieerwiskundeuitlijnen description \
-dimensie directnaarlijst directtussenlijst doordefinieren doorlabelen \
-doornummeren dunnelijn dunnelijnen eenregel enumeration \
-ergens externfiguur forceerblokken formulenummer framedtext \
-gebruikJSscripts gebruikURL gebruikXMLfilter gebruikblokken gebruikcommandos \
-gebruikexterndocument gebruikexternefile gebruikexternefiles gebruikexternfiguur gebruikexterngeluidsfragment \
-gebruikgebied gebruikmodule gebruikmodules gebruikreferenties gebruikspecials \
-gebruiksymbolen gebruiktypescript gebruiktypescriptfile gebruikurl geenblokkenmeer \
-geenbovenenonderregels geendimensie geenfilesmeer geenhoofdenvoetregels geenlijst \
-geenmarkering geenspatie geentest geenwitruimte geg \
-grijskleur grijswaarde haalbuffer haalmarkering haalnummer \
-haarlijn handhaafblokken herhaal hl hoofdafstand \
-hoofdhoogte hoofdtaal hoog huidigedatum huidigekopnummer \
-in inanderemarge inbinnen inbuiten indentation \
-inlijnd inlinker inlinkermarge inlinkerrand inmarge \
-inrechter inrechtermarge inrechterrand inregel inspringen \
-installeertaal instellingen interactiebalk interactiebuttons interactiemenu \
-invullijnen invulregel invultekst invulveld inwilijnd \
-items its kantlijn kap kenmerk \
-kenmerkdatum kentekstvariabeletoe kleur kleurenbalk kleurwaarde \
-kloonveld kolom kop kopniveau kopnummer \
-koppeldocument koppelmarkering koppelpagina koppelpapier koppelregister \
-kopsym koptekst kopwit laag label \
-labeling labels labeltekst laho leg \
-legeregels letter letters lijndikte lijstbreedte \
-lijsthoogte lijstlengte lijstsymbool linkermargeafstand linkermargebreedte \
-linkerrandafstand linkerrandbreedte loadsorts loadsynonyms maand \
-mapfontsize mar margeafstand margebreedte margetekst \
-margetitel margewoord markeer markeerversie mediaeval \
-menubutton naam naar naarbox naarpagina \
-name navigerend nextsection nietinspringen nocap \
-nokap noot nop omgeving omlaag \
-omlijnd onbekend onderafstand onderdeel onderhoogte \
-ontkoppelmarkering op opelkaar oplinkermarge oppagina \
-oprechtermarge overbar overbars overstrike overstrikes \
-pagina paginadiepte paginanummer paginaoffset paginareferentie \
-papierbreedte papierhoogte paragraph part paslayoutaan \
-passeerblokken passendveld plaatsbeeldmerken plaatsbookmarks plaatsformule \
-plaatskopnummer plaatskoptekst plaatslegenda plaatslijn plaatslijst \
-plaatslokalevoetnoten plaatsnaastelkaar plaatsonderelkaar plaatsopgrid plaatspaginanummer \
-plaatsplaatsblok plaatsreferentielijst plaatsregister plaatsruwelijst plaatssamengesteldelijst \
-plaatssubformule plaatstekstvariabele plaatsvoetnoten placelistoffloats placelistofsorts \
-placelistofsynonyms positioneer positioneertekst printpapierbreedte printpapierhoogte \
-produkt programma projekt publicatie punten \
-ran randafstand randbreedte rechtermargeafstand rechtermargebreedte \
-rechterrandafstand rechterrandbreedte ref refereer referentie \
-regellinks regelmidden regelrechts register registreervelden \
-reservefloat reset resetmarkering resetnummer resettekstinhoud \
-resettextcontent romeins rooster roteer rugwit \
-schaal scherm schrijfnaarlijst schrijfnaarreferentielijst schrijfnaarregister \
-schrijftussenlijst section seeregister selecteerblokken selecteerpapier \
-selecteerversie setnummer setupfonthandling setupfontsynonym setupinterlinespace2 \
-setuplistalternative snijwit som sort spatie \
-spiegel splitsplaatsblok startachtergrond startalignment startbuffer \
-startcitaat startcodering startcolumns startcombinatie startcombination \
-startcomment startdescription startdocument startenumeration startfigure \
-startfiguur startfloattext startformula startframedtext startgeg \
-startglobaal starthiding startinteractiemenu startitemgroup startkantlijn \
-startkleur startkolomgroep startkolommen startkolomopmaak startlegend \
-startline startlinecorrection startlinenumbering startlines startlocal \
-startlocalenvironment startlocalfootnotes startlokaal startlokalevoetnoten startmakeup \
-startmargeblok startmarginblock startnaast startnamemakeup startnarrower \
-startomgeving startonderdeel startopelkaar startopmaak startopposite \
-startoverlay startoverview startoverzicht startparagraph startpositioneren \
-startpositioning startpostponing startprodukt startprofiel startprofile \
-startprojekt startraster startregel startregelcorrectie startregelnummeren \
-startregels startregister startsmaller startsymbolset startsymboolset \
-startsynchronisatie startsynchronization starttabel starttabellen starttable \
-starttables starttabulate starttekst starttekstlijn starttyping \
-startuitlijnen startunpacked startvanelkaar startversie stelachtergrondenin \
-stelachtergrondin stelalineasin stelantwoordgebiedin stelarrangerenin stelblankoin \
-stelblokin stelblokjesin stelblokkopjein stelblokkopjesin stelbovenin \
-stelboventekstenin stelbufferin stelbuttonsin stelciterenin stelclipin \
-stelcombinatiesin stelcommentaarin steldoordefinierenin steldoornummerenin steldunnelijnenin \
-stelexternefigurenin stelformulesin stelformulierenin stelhoofdin stelhoofdtekstenin \
-stelingesprongentextin stelinmargein stelinspringenin stelinteractiebalkin stelinteractiein \
-stelinteractiemenuin stelinteractieschermin stelinterliniein stelinvullijnenin stelinvulregelsin \
-stelitemgroepin stelitemsin stelkadertekstenin stelkantlijnin stelkapitalenin \
-stelkleurenin stelkleurin stelkolomgroepin stelkolomgroepregelsin stelkolomgroepstartin \
-stelkolommenin stelkopin stelkopnummerin stelkoppeltekenin stelkoppenin \
-stelkoptekstin stelkorpsin stelkorpsomgevingin stellabeltekstin stellayoutin \
-stellegendain stellijndiktein stellijnin stellijstin stelmargeblokkenin \
-stelmarkeringin stelnaastplaatsenin stelnummerenin stelnummerin stelomlijndin \
-stelonderin stelonderstrepenin stelondertekstenin stelopmaakin stelopsommingenin \
-stelpaginacommentaarin stelpaginanummerin stelpaginanummeringin stelpaginaovergangenin stelpaletin \
-stelpapierformaatin stelpapierin stelparagraafnummerenin stelplaatsblokin stelplaatsblokkenin \
-stelplaatsbloksplitsenin stelplaatsin stelpositionerenin stelprofielenin stelprogrammasin \
-stelpublicatiesin stelrastersin stelreferentielijstin stelrefererenin stelregelnummerenin \
-stelregelsin stelregisterin stelroterenin stelsamengesteldelijstin stelsectieblokin \
-stelsectiein stelsmallerin stelsorterenin stelspatieringin stelstartstopin \
-stelstrutin stelsubpaginanummerin stelsymboolsetin stelsynchronisatiebalkin stelsynchronisatiein \
-stelsynoniemenin stelsysteemin steltaalin steltabellenin steltabin \
-steltabulatiein steltekstin steltekstinhoudin steltekstlijnenin steltekstpositiein \
-stelteksttekstenin steltekstvariabelein steltolerantiein steltypein steltypenin \
-steluitlijnenin steluitvoerin stelurlin stelveldenin stelveldin \
-stelversiesin stelvoetin stelvoetnootdefinitiein stelvoetnotenin stelvoettekstenin \
-stelwiskundeuitlijnenin stelwitruimtein stopachtergrond stopalignment stopbuffer \
-stopcitaat stopcodering stopcolumns stopcombinatie stopcombination \
-stopcomment stopdescription stopdocument stopenumeration stopfigure \
-stopfloattext stopformula stopframedtext stopgeg stopglobaal \
-stophiding stopinteractiemenu stopitemgroup stopkantlijn stopkleur \
-stopkolomgroep stopkolommen stopkolomopmaak stoplegend stopline \
-stoplinecorrection stoplinenumbering stoplines stoplocal stoplocalenvironment \
-stoplocalfootnotes stoplokaal stoplokalevoetnoten stopmakeup stopmargeblok \
-stopmarginblock stopnaast stopnamemakeup stopnarrower stopomgeving \
-stoponderdeel stopopelkaar stopopmaak stopopposite stopoverlay \
-stopoverview stopoverzicht stopparagraph stoppositioneren stoppositioning \
-stoppostponing stopprodukt stopprofiel stopprofile stopprojekt \
-stopraster stopregel stopregelcorrectie stopregelnummeren stopregels \
-stopsmaller stopsymbolset stopsynchronisatie stopsynchronization stoptabel \
-stoptabellen stoptable stoptables stoptabulate stoptekst \
-stoptekstlijn stoptyping stopuitlijnen stopunpacked stopvanelkaar \
-stopversie sub subformulenummer subject subpaginanummer \
-subsection subsubject subsubsection subsubsubject suggestie \
-switchnaarkorps switchtorawfont sym symbool symoffset \
-synchronisatiebalk synchroniseer synonym taal tab \
-tekstbreedte teksthoogte tekstlijn tekstreferentie tekstvariabele \
-testkolom testpagina tex title toelichting \
-toonexternefiguren toongrid tooninstellingen toonkader toonkleur \
-toonkleurgroep toonkorps toonkorpsomgeving toonlayout toonopmaak \
-toonpalet toonprint toonstruts toonsymboolset toonvelden \
-totaalaantalpaginas txt typ type typebuffer \
-typefile uit uitgerekt underbar underbars \
-usecodering usedirectory vastespatie vastespaties veld \
-veldstapel verbergblokken vergelijkkleurgroep vergelijkpalet verhoognummer \
-verlaagnummer verplaatsformule verplaatsopgrid verplaatszijblok versie \
-vertaal verwerkblokken verwerkpagina vl voetafstand \
-voethoogte voetnoot voetnoottekst volgprofiel volgprofielversie \
-volgversie volledigepaginanummer volledigregister voluit weekdag \
-wilijnd wiskunde witruimte woonplaats woordrechts \
-zetbreedte zethoogte
+CAP Cap Caps Character \
+Characters MONTH Numbers Romannumerals WEEKDAY \
+WORD WORDS Word Words about \
+adaptlayout adding appendix arg at \
+atleftmargin atpage atrightmargin background backspace \
+blackrule blackrules blank bookmark bottomdistance \
+bottomheight bottomspace but button bypassblocks \
+cap chapter character characters chem \
+clip clonefield color colorbar colorvalue \
+column comment comparecolorgroup comparepalet completecombinedlist \
+completelistoffloats completelistofsorts completelistofsynonyms completepagenumber completeregister \
+component convertnumber copyfield correctwhitespace coupledocument \
+coupledregister couplemarking couplepage couplepaper coupleregister \
+crlf currentdate currentheadnumber cutspace date \
+decouplemarking decrementnumber define defineaccent defineblank \
+defineblock definebodyfont definebodyfontDEF definebodyfontREF definebodyfontenvironment \
+definebuffer definecharacter definecolor definecolorgroup definecolumnbreak \
+definecolumnset definecombination definecombinedlist definecommand defineconversion \
+definedescription definedfont defineenumeration definefield definefieldstack \
+definefiguresymbol definefloat definefont definefontfeature definefonthandling \
+definefontstyle definefontsynonym defineframed defineframedtext definehbox \
+definehead defineindentedtext defineinmargin defineinteractionmenu defineitemgroup \
+definelabel definelayer definelayout definelist definelogo \
+definemainfield definemakeup definemarking definemathalignment defineoutput \
+defineoverlay definepagebreak definepalet definepapersize defineparagraphs \
+defineplacement defineprofile defineprogram definerawfont definereference \
+definereferenceformat definereferencelist defineregister definerule definesection \
+definesectionblock definesorting definestartstop definestyle definesubfield \
+definesymbol definesynonyms definetabletemplate definetabulate definetext \
+definetextposition definetextvariable definetype definetypeface definetyping \
+defineversion description determineheadnumber determinelistcharacteristics determineregistercharacteristics \
+dimension disableinteractionmenu domicile donttest edgedistance \
+edgewidth emptylines enumeration environment externalfigure \
+fact field fieldstack fillinfield fillinline \
+fillinrules fillintext fitfield fixedspace fixedspaces \
+followprofile followprofileversion followversion footerdistance footerheight \
+footnote footnotetext forceblocks formulanumber fraction \
+framed framedtext from getbuffer getmarking \
+getnumber godown goto gotobox gotopage \
+graycolor greyvalue grid hairline head \
+headerdistance headerheight headlevel headnumber headsym \
+headtext hideblocks high hl immediatebetweenlist \
+immediatetolist in incrementnumber indentation indenting \
+inframed infull ininner inleft inleftedge \
+inleftmargin inline inmaframed inmargin inneredgedistance \
+inneredgewidth innermargindistance innermarginwidth inothermargin inouter \
+inright inrightedge inrightmargin installlanguage interactionbar \
+interactionbuttons interactionmenu item items its \
+keepblocks label labeling labels labeltext \
+language leftaligned leftedgedistance leftedgewidth leftmargindistance \
+leftmarginwidth leg linethickness listheight listlength \
+listsymbol listwidth loadsorts loadsynonyms logfields \
+lohi low maframed mainlanguage makeupheight \
+makeupwidth mapfontsize mar margindistance marginrule \
+margintext margintitle marginwidth marginword marking \
+markversion mathematics mediaeval menubutton midaligned \
+mirror month moveformula moveongrid movesidefloat \
+name navigating nextsection nocap nodimension \
+noheaderandfooterlines noindenting nolist nomarking nomoreblocks \
+nomorefiles nop nospace note notopandbottomlines \
+nowhitespace numberofsubpages numbers outeredgedistance outeredgewidth \
+outermargindistance outermarginwidth overbar overbars overstrike \
+overstrikes packed page pagedepth pagenumber \
+pageoffset pagereference paperheight paperwidth paragraph \
+part periods placebookmarks placecombinedlist placefloat \
+placefootnotes placeformula placeheadnumber placeheadtext placelegend \
+placelist placelistoffloats placelistofsorts placelistofsynonyms placelocalfootnotes \
+placelogos placeongrid placeontopofeachother placepagenumber placerawlist \
+placereferencelist placeregister placerule placesidebyside placesubformula \
+placetextvariable position positiontext printpaperheight printpaperwidth \
+processblocks processpage product program project \
+publication quotation quote ran redo \
+ref reference referral referraldate referring \
+register remark reservefloat reset resetmarking \
+resetnumber resettextcontent rightaligned rightedgedistance rightedgewidth \
+rightmargindistance rightmarginwidth romannumerals rotate scale \
+screen section seeregister selectblocks selectpaper \
+selectversion setnumber settextcontent settextvariable setupalign \
+setupanswerarea setuparranging setupbackground setupbackgrounds setupblackrules \
+setupblank setupblock setupbodyfont setupbodyfontenvironment setupbottom \
+setupbottomtexts setupbuffer setupbuttons setupcapitals setupcaption \
+setupcaptions setupclipping setupcolor setupcolors setupcolumns \
+setupcolumnset setupcolumnsetlines setupcolumnsetstart setupcombinations setupcombinedlist \
+setupcomment setupdescriptions setupenumerations setupexternalfigures setupfield \
+setupfields setupfillinlines setupfillinrules setupfloat setupfloats \
+setupfloatsplitting setupfonthandling setupfontsynonym setupfooter setupfootertexts \
+setupfootnotedefinition setupfootnotes setupforms setupformulae setupframed \
+setupframedtexts setuphead setupheader setupheadertexts setupheadnumber \
+setupheads setupheadtext setuphyphenmark setupindentedtext setupindenting \
+setupinmargin setupinteraction setupinteractionbar setupinteractionmenu setupinteractionscreen \
+setupinterlinespace setupinterlinespace2 setupitemgroup setupitemizations setupitems \
+setuplabeltext setuplanguage setuplayout setuplegend setuplinenumbering \
+setuplines setuplinewidth setuplist setuplistalternative setupmakeup \
+setupmarginblocks setupmarginrules setupmarking setupmathalignment setupnarrower \
+setupnumber setupnumbering setupoppositeplacing setupoutput setuppagecomment \
+setuppagenumber setuppagenumbering setuppagetransitions setuppalet setuppaper \
+setuppapersize setupparagraphnumbering setupparagraphs setupplacement setuppositioning \
+setupprofiles setupprograms setuppublications setupquote setupreferencelist \
+setupreferencing setupregister setuprotate setuprule setups \
+setupscreens setupsection setupsectionblock setupsorting setupspacing \
+setupstartstop setupstrut setupsubpagenumber setupsymbolset setupsynchronization \
+setupsynchronizationbar setupsynonyms setupsystem setuptab setuptables \
+setuptabulate setuptext setuptextposition setuptextrules setuptexttexts \
+setuptextvariable setupthinrules setuptolerance setuptop setuptoptexts \
+setuptype setuptyping setupunderbar setupurl setupversions \
+setupwhitespace showbodyfont showbodyfontenvironment showcolor showcolorgroup \
+showexternalfigures showfields showframe showgrid showlayout \
+showmakeup showpalet showprint showsetups showstruts \
+showsymbolset someline somewhere sort space \
+splitfloat startalignment startbackground startbuffer startcoding \
+startcolor startcolumnmakeup startcolumns startcolumnset startcombination \
+startcomment startcomponent startdescription startdocument startenumeration \
+startenvironment startfact startfigure startfloattext startformula \
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+stopoverview stoppacked stopparagraph stoppositioning stoppostponing \
+stopproduct stopprofile stopproject stopquotation stopraster \
+stopsymbolset stopsynchronization stoptable stoptables stoptabulate \
+stoptext stoptextrule stoptyping stopunpacked stopversion \
+stretched sub subformulanumber subject subpagenumber \
+subsection subsubject subsubsection subsubsubject switchtobodyfont \
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+tex textheight textreference textrule textvariable \
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+txt typ type typebuffer typefile \
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+usesymbols usetypescript usetypescriptfile useurl version \
+vl weekday whitespace wordright writebetweenlist \
+writetolist writetoreferencelist writetoregister\
@@ -956,164 +628,6 @@ usaspecialita usaurl useXMLfilter usedirectory usetypescript \
usetypescriptfile vaia vaiabox vaiapagina vaigiu \
valorecolore valoregrigio variabiletesto versione vl\
-Caps Cuvant Cuvinte KAP Kap \
-Kaps LUNA Litera Litere Numere \
-Numereromane ZIDINSAPTAMANA adapteazaaspect adubuffer adumarcaje \
-afiseazaaspect afiseazacampuri afiseazaculoare afiseazafiguriexterne afiseazafonttext \
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-subject subpagenumber subsection subsubject subsubsection \
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-urmeazaversiune urmeazaversiuneprofil useXMLfilter usedirectory usetypescript \
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-vl zidinsaptamana
CAP Cap Caps Cisla \
KAP Kap Kaps MESIC Rimskecislice \
@@ -1274,3 +788,489 @@ ziskejbuffer ziskejznaceni zlomek znaceni znak \
znaky zpracujbloky zpracujstranu zrcadlit zref \
+CAP Cap Caps Character \
+Characters MONTH Numbers Romannumerals WEEKDAY \
+WORD WORDS Word Words appendix \
+cap chapter chem comment completecombinedlist \
+completelistoffloats completelistofsorts completelistofsynonyms coupledregister crlf \
+definebodyfontDEF definebodyfontREF definedfont definefontfeature definefonthandling \
+defineindentedtext definetypeface description enumeration framedtext \
+indentation inmframed its labeling loadsorts \
+loadsynonyms mapfontsize mediaeval mframed name \
+nextsection nocap overbar overbars overstrike \
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+placelistofsynonyms ran register reservefloat resettextcontent \
+section seeregister setupanswerarea setupcapitals setupfonthandling \
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+sort startalignment startbuffer startcolumns startcombination \
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+startparagraph startpositioning startpostponing startprofile startraster \
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+starttabulate starttyping startunpacked startتولید startحقیقت \
+startخط‌حاشیه startخط‌متن startرنگ startفشرده startمحیط \
+startمنوی‌پانل startمولفه startنسخه startنقل‌قول startپروژه \
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+stoptyping stopunpacked stopتولید stopحقیقت stopخط‌حاشیه \
+stopخط‌متن stopرنگ stopفشرده stopمحیط stopمنوی‌پانل \
+stopمولفه stopنسخه stopنقل‌قول stopپروژه stopپس‌زمینه \
+sub subject subsection subsubject subsubsection \
+subsubsubject synonym title tooltip txt \
+typ underbar underbars useJSscripts useURL \
+useXMLfilter usedirectory useurl آفست‌صفحه آیتم \
+آیتمها آینه اجباربلوکها ارتفاع‌آرایش ارتفاع‌بالا \
+ارتفاع‌برگ ارتفاع‌ته‌برگ ارتفاع‌خط ارتفاع‌سربرگ ارتفاع‌متن \
+ارتفاع‌پایین از ازکارانداختن‌منوی‌پانل استفاده‌بلوکها استفاده‌دستخط‌تایپ \
+استفاده‌رمزینه استفاده‌شکل‌خارجی استفاده‌فرمانها استفاده‌قطعه‌موزیک‌خارجی استفاده‌مدول \
+استفاده‌مدولها استفاده‌مرجعها استفاده‌مسیر استفاده‌نمادها استفاده‌نوشتارخارجی \
+استفاده‌ویژگیها استفاده‌پرونده‌خارجی استفاده‌پرونده‌دستخط‌تایپ استفاده‌پرونده‌های‌خارجی اعدادلاتین \
+افزودن اما امتحان‌نکن انتخاب‌برگ انتخاب‌بلوکها \
+انتخاب‌نسخه انتقال‌به‌توری انتقال‌فرمول انتقال‌کنار‌شناور انجام‌دوباره \
+بارگذاریها بارگذاری‌آرایش بارگذاری‌آیتمها بارگذاری‌ارجاع بارگذاری‌اندازه‌برگ \
+بارگذاری‌باریکتر بارگذاری‌بافر بارگذاری‌بالا بارگذاری‌بخش بارگذاری‌بردباری \
+بارگذاری‌برنامه‌ها بارگذاری‌برگ بارگذاری‌بست بارگذاری‌بلوک بارگذاری‌بلوکهای‌حاشیه \
+بارگذاری‌بلوک‌بخش بارگذاری‌تایپ بارگذاری‌تایپ‌کردن بارگذاری‌تب بارگذاری‌ترتیب \
+بارگذاری‌ترکیب‌ها بارگذاری‌تطابق بارگذاری‌تعریف‌پانوشت بارگذاری‌تنظیم بارگذاری‌تنظیم‌ریاضی \
+بارگذاری‌ته‌برگ بارگذاری‌تورفتگی بارگذاری‌توضیح بارگذاری‌توضیح‌صفحه بارگذاری‌ثبت \
+بارگذاری‌جانشانی بارگذاری‌جدولها بارگذاری‌جدول‌بندی بارگذاری‌خالی بارگذاری‌خروجی \
+بارگذاری‌خط بارگذاری‌خطها بارگذاری‌خطهای‌حاشیه بارگذاری‌خطهای‌سیاه بارگذاری‌خطهای‌متن \
+بارگذاری‌خطهای‌مجموعه‌ستون بارگذاری‌خطها‌ی‌نازک بارگذاری‌درج‌درخطها بارگذاری‌درج‌مخالف بارگذاری‌درون‌حاشیه \
+بارگذاری‌دوران بارگذاری‌دکمه‌ها بارگذاری‌راهنما بارگذاری‌رنگ بارگذاری‌رنگها \
+بارگذاری‌زبان بارگذاری‌ستونها بارگذاری‌سر بارگذاری‌سربرگ بارگذاری‌سرها \
+بارگذاری‌سیستم بارگذاری‌شرح بارگذاری‌شرحها بارگذاری‌شروع‌مجموعه‌ستون بارگذاری‌شروع‌پایان \
+بارگذاری‌شماره بارگذاری‌شماره‌زیرصفحه بارگذاری‌شماره‌سر بارگذاری‌شماره‌صفحه بارگذاری‌شماره‌گذاری \
+بارگذاری‌شماره‌گذاریها بارگذاری‌شماره‌گذاری‌صفحه بارگذاری‌شماره‌گذاری‌پاراگراف بارگذاری‌شماره‌‌گذاری‌خط بارگذاری‌شناور \
+بارگذاری‌شناورها بارگذاری‌شکافتن‌شناورها بارگذاری‌شکلهای‌خارجی بارگذاری‌طرح بارگذاری‌طرح‌بندی \
+بارگذاری‌عرض‌خط بارگذاری‌فاصله‌بین‌خط بارگذاری‌فرمولها بارگذاری‌فضای‌سفید بارگذاری‌فضا‌گذاری \
+بارگذاری‌قالبی بارگذاری‌قلم‌متن بارگذاری‌لوح بارگذاری‌لیست بارگذاری‌لیست‌ترکیبی \
+بارگذاری‌لیست‌مرجع بارگذاری‌مترادفها بارگذاری‌متغیر‌متن بارگذاری‌متن بارگذاری‌متنهای‌بالا \
+بارگذاری‌متن‌سر بارگذاری‌متن‌سربرگ بارگذاری‌متن‌قالبی بارگذاری‌متن‌متنها بارگذاری‌متن‌پانوشت \
+بارگذاری‌متن‌پایین بارگذاری‌مجموعه‌ستون بارگذاری‌مجموعه‌نماد بارگذاری‌محیط‌قلم‌متن بارگذاری‌منوی‌پانل \
+بارگذاری‌مکان‌متن بارگذاری‌مکان‌گذاری بارگذاری‌میدان بارگذاری‌میدانها بارگذاری‌میله‌تطابق \
+بارگذاری‌میله‌زیر بارگذاری‌میله‌پانل بارگذاری‌نسخه‌ها بارگذاری‌نشانه‌شکستن بارگذاری‌نشانه‌گذاری \
+بارگذاری‌نشرها بارگذاری‌نقل بارگذاری‌پاراگرافها بارگذاری‌پانل بارگذاری‌پانوشتها \
+بارگذاری‌پایین بارگذاری‌پرده‌ها بارگذاری‌پرده‌پانل بارگذاری‌پروفایلها بارگذاری‌پرکردن‌خطها \
+بارگذاری‌پس‌زمینه بارگذاری‌پس‌زمینه‌ها بارگذاری‌چیدن بارگذاری‌گذارصفحه بارگذاری‌گروههای‌آیتم \
+بارگذاری‌گروه‌آیتم بازنشانی بازنشانی‌شماره بازنشانی‌متن بازنشانی‌نشانه‌گذاری \
+باگذاری‌متن‌برچسب بدون‌بعد بدون‌بلوکهای‌بیشتر بدون‌تورفتگی بدون‌خط‌بالاوپایین \
+بدون‌خط‌سروته‌برگ بدون‌فایلهای‌بیشتر بدون‌فضا بدون‌فضای‌سفید بدون‌لیست \
+بدون‌نشانه‌گذاری برنامه بروبه بروبه‌جعبه بروبه‌صفحه \
+بروپایین برچسب برچسبها بعد بلند \
+بلوکهای‌پردازش بلوکها‌پنهان بنویس‌بین‌لیست بنویس‌درثبت بنویس‌درلیست‌مرجع \
+بنویس‌در‌لیست تاریخ تاریخ‌جاری تاریخ‌رجوع تایپ \
+تایپ‌بافر تایپ‌پرونده تب ترجمه تطابق \
+تعریف تعریف‌آرایش تعریف‌آرم تعریف‌الگوی‌جدول تعریف‌اندازه‌برگ \
+تعریف‌بافر تعریف‌بخش تعریف‌برنامه تعریف‌برچسب تعریف‌بلوک \
+تعریف‌بلوک‌بخش تعریف‌تایپ تعریف‌تایپ‌کردن تعریف‌تبدیل تعریف‌ترتیب \
+تعریف‌ترکیب تعریف‌تنظیم‌ریاضی تعریف‌توده‌میدان تعریف‌ثبت تعریف‌جانشانی \
+تعریف‌جدول‌بندی تعریف‌جعبه‌‌افقی تعریف‌حرف تعریف‌خالی تعریف‌خروجی \
+تعریف‌خط‌حائل تعریف‌درون‌حاشیه تعریف‌رنگ تعریف‌زیرمیدان تعریف‌سبک \
+تعریف‌سبک‌قلم تعریف‌سر تعریف‌شرح تعریف‌شروع‌پایان تعریف‌شماره‌بندی \
+تعریف‌شمایل‌مرجع تعریف‌شناور تعریف‌شکستن‌ستون تعریف‌شکست‌صفحه تعریف‌طرح‌بندی \
+تعریف‌فرمان تعریف‌قالبی تعریف‌قلم تعریف‌قلم‌خام تعریف‌قلم‌متن \
+تعریف‌لایه تعریف‌لهجه تعریف‌لوح تعریف‌لیست تعریف‌لیست‌ترکیبی \
+تعریف‌لیست‌مرجع تعریف‌مترادفها تعریف‌مترادف‌قلم تعریف‌متغیرمتن تعریف‌متن \
+تعریف‌متن‌قالبی تعریف‌مجموعه‌ستون تعریف‌محیط‌قلم‌بدنه تعریف‌مرجع تعریف‌منوی‌پانل \
+تعریف‌مکان‌متن تعریف‌میدان تعریف‌میدان‌اصلی تعریف‌نسخه تعریف‌نشانه‌گذاری \
+تعریف‌نماد تعریف‌نمادشکل تعریف‌پاراگرافها تعریف‌پروفایل تعریف‌پوشش \
+تعریف‌گروه‌آیتم تعریف‌گروه‌رنگ تعیین‌شماره تعیین‌شماره‌سر تعیین‌متغیر‌متن \
+تعیین‌محتوای‌متن تعیین‌مشخصات‌ثبت تعیین‌مشخصات‌لیست تغییربه‌قلم‌بدنه تغییربه‌قلم‌خام \
+تنظیم‌راست تنظیم‌طرح‌بندی تنظیم‌وسط توجه تورفتگی \
+توری تولید تک ثبت‌زوج ثبت‌کامل \
+جداسازی‌نشانه‌گذاری حاش حرف حرفها حفظ‌بلوکها \
+حقیقت خالی خطهای‌سیاه خطهای‌نازک خطها‌خالی \
+خط‌حاشیه خط‌سیاه خط‌متن خط‌مو خط‌نازک \
+خ‌ا خ‌ع در درج‌آرمها درج‌ثبت \
+درج‌خط درج‌درخط درج‌درخطها درج‌درمتن درج‌درمیدان \
+درج‌در‌بالای‌یکدیگر درج‌در‌توری درج‌راهنما درج‌زیرفرمول درج‌شماره‌سر \
+درج‌شماره‌صفحه درج‌شناور درج‌فرمول درج‌لیست درج‌لیست‌خام \
+درج‌لیست‌مختلط درج‌لیست‌مرجع درج‌متغیرمتن درج‌متن‌سر درج‌پانوشتها \
+درج‌پانوشتهای‌موضعی درج‌چوب‌خط درج‌کنار‌به‌کنار درحاشیه درحاشیه‌دیگر \
+درحاشیه‌راست درحاشیه‌چپ درخارجی درخط درداخلی \
+درراست درصفحه درقالبی درلبه‌راست درلبه‌چپ \
+درمورد درون درپر درچپ دریافت‌بافر \
+دریافت‌شماره دریافت‌نشانه دوران دکمه دکمه‌منو \
+دکمه‌پانل رج رجوع رنگ رنگ‌خاکستری \
+روزهفته ریاضی زبان زبان‌اصلی ستون \
+ستون‌امتحان سر سرپوش‌کوچک‌نه شروع‌آرایش شروع‌آرایش‌ستون \
+شروع‌باریکتر شروع‌بازبینی شروع‌بلوک‌حاشیه شروع‌ترکیب شروع‌تصحیح‌خط \
+شروع‌تطابق شروع‌تنظیم شروع‌تولید شروع‌جدول شروع‌جدولها \
+شروع‌خط شروع‌خطها شروع‌خط‌حاشیه شروع‌خط‌متن شروع‌رنگ \
+شروع‌ستونها شروع‌سراسری شروع‌شماره‌گذاری‌خط شروع‌شکل شروع‌غیر‌فشرده \
+شروع‌فشرده شروع‌متن شروع‌مجموعه‌ستون شروع‌مجموعه‌نماد شروع‌محیط \
+شروع‌مخالف شروع‌موضعی شروع‌مولفه شروع‌مکان‌گذاری شروع‌نسخه \
+شروع‌نقل‌قول شروع‌نوشتار شروع‌پانوشتهای‌موضعی شروع‌پروفایل شروع‌پروژه \
+شروع‌پس‌زمینه شروع‌پوشش شروع‌کد شماره‌افزایش شماره‌زیرصفحه \
+شماره‌زیرفرمول شماره‌سر شماره‌سرجاری شماره‌صفحه شماره‌صفحه‌کامل \
+شماره‌فرمول شماره‌مبدل شماره‌ها شماره‌کاهش شماره‌کل‌صفحه‌ها \
+شکافتن‌شناور شکل‌خارجی صفحه صفحه‌تست صفحه‌زوج \
+صفحه‌پردازش طول‌لیست عبوربلوکها عرض‌آرایش عرض‌برگ \
+عرض‌حاشیه عرض‌حاشیه‌خارجی عرض‌حاشیه‌داخلی عرض‌حاشیه‌راست عرض‌حاشیه‌چپ \
+عرض‌خط عرض‌لبه عرض‌لبه‌خارجی عرض‌لبه‌داخلی عرض‌لبه‌راست \
+عرض‌لبه‌چپ عرض‌لیست عرض‌متن عمق‌صفحه عنوان‌حاشیه \
+فاصله‌بالا فاصله‌ته‌برگ فاصله‌حاشیه فاصله‌حاشیه‌خارجی فاصله‌حاشیه‌داخلی \
+فاصله‌حاشیه‌راست فاصله‌حاشیه‌چپ فاصله‌سربرگ فاصله‌لبه فاصله‌لبه‌خارجی \
+فاصله‌لبه‌داخلی فاصله‌لبه‌راست فاصله‌لبه‌چپ فاصله‌پایین فاصله‌پشت \
+فشرده فضا فضاهای‌ثابت فضای‌بالا فضای‌برش \
+فضای‌ثابت فضای‌سفید فضای‌سفیدصحیح فضای‌پایین فوری‌به‌لیست \
+فوری‌بین‌لیست قالبی لوح‌مقایسه ماه متغیر متن \
+متن‌برچسب متن‌حاشیه متن‌سر متن‌پانوشت محیط \
+مراجعه مرجع مرجع‌صفحه مرجع‌متن مرحله‌سر \
+مسکن معنی‌واحد مقایسه‌گروه‌رنگ مقدارخاکستری مقداررنگ \
+مقیاس منفی منوی‌پانل مولفه مکان \
+مکان‌متن میدان میدانهای‌گزارش میدان‌شبیه‌سازی میدان‌پشته \
+میدان‌کپی میله‌تطابق میله‌رنگ میله‌پانل ناشناس \
+نام‌ماکرو نسخه نسخه‌نشانه نشانه‌گذاری نشانه‌گذاری‌زوج \
+نشر نصب‌زبان نقطه‌ها نقل نقل‌قول \
+نم نماد نمادسر نمادلیست نمایش‌آرایش \
+نمایش‌بارگذاریها نمایش‌بستها نمایش‌توری نمایش‌رنگ نمایش‌شکلهای‌خارجی \
+نمایش‌طرح‌بندی نمایش‌قالب نمایش‌قلم‌بدنه نمایش‌لوح نمایش‌مجموعه‌علامت \
+نمایش‌محیط‌قلم‌بدنه نمایش‌میدانها نمایش‌چاپ نمایش‌گروه‌رنگ نوشتارزوج \
+هدایت پا پابا پانوشت پایان‌آرایش \
+پایان‌آرایش‌ستون پایان‌بازبینی پایان‌بلوک‌حاشیه پایان‌ترکیب پایان‌تصحیح‌خط \
+پایان‌تطابق پایان‌تنظیم پایان‌تولید پایان‌جدول پایان‌جدولها \
+پایان‌خط پایان‌خطها پایان‌خط‌حاشیه پایان‌خط‌متن پایان‌رنگ \
+پایان‌ستونها پایان‌سراسری پایان‌شماره‌گذاری‌خط پایان‌غیرفشرده پایان‌فشرده \
+پایان‌متن پایان‌مجموعه‌ستون پایان‌محیط پایان‌مخالف پایان‌موضعی \
+پایان‌مولفه پایان‌مکان‌گذاری پایان‌نازکتر پایان‌نسخه پایان‌نقل‌قول \
+پایان‌نوشتار پایان‌پانوشتهای‌موضعی پایان‌پروفایل پایان‌پروژه پایان‌پس‌زمینه \
+پایان‌پوشش پایان‌کد پایین پرده پروژه \
+پرکردن‌میدان پس‌زمینه پیروی‌نسخه پیروی‌نسخه‌پروفایل پیروی‌پروفایل \
+چاپ‌ارتفاع‌برگ چاپ‌عرض‌برگ چوبخط چپ‌چین کاغذزوج \
+کسر کشیده کلمه‌حاشیه کلمه‌راست گیره \
+یادداشت یک‌جا یک‌خط
+CAP Cap Caps Cijfers \
+KAP Kap Kaps Letter Letters \
+Woord Woorden aantalsubpaginas about achtergrond \
+appendix arg bepaalkopnummer bepaallijstkenmerken bepaalregisterkenmerken \
+betekenis binnenmargeafstand binnenmargebreedte binnenrandafstand binnenrandbreedte \
+blanko blokje blokjes blokkeerinteractiemenu bodemwit \
+bookmark bovenafstand bovenhoogte breuk buitenmargeafstand \
+buitenmargebreedte buitenrandafstand buitenrandbreedte but button \
+cap chapter chem cijfers citaat \
+citeer clip comment completecombinedlist completelistoffloats \
+completelistofsorts completelistofsynonyms converteernummer copieerveld corrigeerwitruimte \
+coupledregister crlf datum definebodyfontDEF definebodyfontREF \
+definedfont definefontfeature definefonthandling definerawfont definetypeface \
+definieer definieeraccent definieeralineas definieerbeeldmerk definieerblanko \
+definieerblok definieerbuffer definieercombinatie definieercommando definieerconversie \
+definieerfiguursymbool definieerfont definieerfontstijl definieerfontsynoniem definieerhbox \
+definieerhoofdveld definieeringesprongentext definieerinmarge definieerinteractiemenu definieeritemgroep \
+definieerkadertekst definieerkarakter definieerkleur definieerkleurgroep definieerkolomgroep \
+definieerkolomovergang definieerkop definieerkorps definieerkorpsomgeving definieerlayer \
+definieerlayout definieerletter definieerlijn definieerlijst definieermarkering \
+definieeromlijnd definieeropmaak definieeroverlay definieerpaginaovergang definieerpalet \
+definieerpapierformaat definieerplaats definieerplaatsblok definieerprofiel definieerprogramma \
+definieerreferentie definieerreferentieformaat definieerreferentielijst definieerregister definieersamengesteldelijst \
+definieersectie definieersectieblok definieersorteren definieerstartstop definieersubveld \
+definieersymbool definieersynoniemen definieertabelvorm definieertabulatie definieertekst \
+definieertekstpositie definieertekstvariabele definieertype definieertypen definieeruitvoer \
+definieerveld definieerveldstapel definieerversie definieerwiskundeuitlijnen description \
+dimensie directnaarlijst directtussenlijst doordefinieren doorlabelen \
+doornummeren dunnelijn dunnelijnen eenregel enumeration \
+ergens externfiguur forceerblokken formulenummer framedtext \
+gebruikJSscripts gebruikURL gebruikXMLfilter gebruikblokken gebruikcommandos \
+gebruikexterndocument gebruikexternefile gebruikexternefiles gebruikexternfiguur gebruikexterngeluidsfragment \
+gebruikgebied gebruikmodule gebruikmodules gebruikreferenties gebruikspecials \
+gebruiksymbolen gebruiktypescript gebruiktypescriptfile gebruikurl geenblokkenmeer \
+geenbovenenonderregels geendimensie geenfilesmeer geenhoofdenvoetregels geenlijst \
+geenmarkering geenspatie geentest geenwitruimte geg \
+grijskleur grijswaarde haalbuffer haalmarkering haalnummer \
+haarlijn handhaafblokken herhaal hl hoofdafstand \
+hoofdhoogte hoofdtaal hoog huidigedatum huidigekopnummer \
+in inanderemarge inbinnen inbuiten indentation \
+inlijnd inlinker inlinkermarge inlinkerrand inmarge \
+inrechter inrechtermarge inrechterrand inregel inspringen \
+installeertaal instellingen interactiebalk interactiebuttons interactiemenu \
+invullijnen invulregel invultekst invulveld inwilijnd \
+items its kantlijn kap kenmerk \
+kenmerkdatum kentekstvariabeletoe kleur kleurenbalk kleurwaarde \
+kloonveld kolom kop kopniveau kopnummer \
+koppeldocument koppelmarkering koppelpagina koppelpapier koppelregister \
+kopsym koptekst kopwit laag label \
+labeling labels labeltekst laho leg \
+legeregels letter letters lijndikte lijstbreedte \
+lijsthoogte lijstlengte lijstsymbool linkermargeafstand linkermargebreedte \
+linkerrandafstand linkerrandbreedte loadsorts loadsynonyms maand \
+mapfontsize mar margeafstand margebreedte margetekst \
+margetitel margewoord markeer markeerversie mediaeval \
+menubutton naam naar naarbox naarpagina \
+name navigerend nextsection nietinspringen nocap \
+nokap noot nop omgeving omlaag \
+omlijnd onbekend onderafstand onderdeel onderhoogte \
+ontkoppelmarkering op opelkaar oplinkermarge oppagina \
+oprechtermarge overbar overbars overstrike overstrikes \
+pagina paginadiepte paginanummer paginaoffset paginareferentie \
+papierbreedte papierhoogte paragraph part paslayoutaan \
+passeerblokken passendveld plaatsbeeldmerken plaatsbookmarks plaatsformule \
+plaatskopnummer plaatskoptekst plaatslegenda plaatslijn plaatslijst \
+plaatslokalevoetnoten plaatsnaastelkaar plaatsonderelkaar plaatsopgrid plaatspaginanummer \
+plaatsplaatsblok plaatsreferentielijst plaatsregister plaatsruwelijst plaatssamengesteldelijst \
+plaatssubformule plaatstekstvariabele plaatsvoetnoten placelistoffloats placelistofsorts \
+placelistofsynonyms positioneer positioneertekst printpapierbreedte printpapierhoogte \
+produkt programma projekt publicatie punten \
+ran randafstand randbreedte rechtermargeafstand rechtermargebreedte \
+rechterrandafstand rechterrandbreedte ref refereer referentie \
+regellinks regelmidden regelrechts register registreervelden \
+reservefloat reset resetmarkering resetnummer resettekstinhoud \
+resettextcontent romeins rooster roteer rugwit \
+schaal scherm schrijfnaarlijst schrijfnaarreferentielijst schrijfnaarregister \
+schrijftussenlijst section seeregister selecteerblokken selecteerpapier \
+selecteerversie setnummer setupfonthandling setupfontsynonym setupinterlinespace2 \
+setuplistalternative snijwit som sort spatie \
+spiegel splitsplaatsblok startachtergrond startalignment startbuffer \
+startcitaat startcodering startcolumns startcombinatie startcombination \
+startcomment startdescription startdocument startenumeration startfigure \
+startfiguur startfloattext startformula startframedtext startgeg \
+startglobaal starthiding startinteractiemenu startitemgroup startkantlijn \
+startkleur startkolomgroep startkolommen startkolomopmaak startlegend \
+startline startlinecorrection startlinenumbering startlines startlocal \
+startlocalenvironment startlocalfootnotes startlokaal startlokalevoetnoten startmakeup \
+startmargeblok startmarginblock startnaast startnamemakeup startnarrower \
+startomgeving startonderdeel startopelkaar startopmaak startopposite \
+startoverlay startoverview startoverzicht startparagraph startpositioneren \
+startpositioning startpostponing startprodukt startprofiel startprofile \
+startprojekt startraster startregel startregelcorrectie startregelnummeren \
+startregels startregister startsmaller startsymbolset startsymboolset \
+startsynchronisatie startsynchronization starttabel starttabellen starttable \
+starttables starttabulate starttekst starttekstlijn starttyping \
+startuitlijnen startunpacked startvanelkaar startversie stelachtergrondenin \
+stelachtergrondin stelalineasin stelantwoordgebiedin stelarrangerenin stelblankoin \
+stelblokin stelblokjesin stelblokkopjein stelblokkopjesin stelbovenin \
+stelboventekstenin stelbufferin stelbuttonsin stelciterenin stelclipin \
+stelcombinatiesin stelcommentaarin steldoordefinierenin steldoornummerenin steldunnelijnenin \
+stelexternefigurenin stelformulesin stelformulierenin stelhoofdin stelhoofdtekstenin \
+stelingesprongentextin stelinmargein stelinspringenin stelinteractiebalkin stelinteractiein \
+stelinteractiemenuin stelinteractieschermin stelinterliniein stelinvullijnenin stelinvulregelsin \
+stelitemgroepin stelitemsin stelkadertekstenin stelkantlijnin stelkapitalenin \
+stelkleurenin stelkleurin stelkolomgroepin stelkolomgroepregelsin stelkolomgroepstartin \
+stelkolommenin stelkopin stelkopnummerin stelkoppeltekenin stelkoppenin \
+stelkoptekstin stelkorpsin stelkorpsomgevingin stellabeltekstin stellayoutin \
+stellegendain stellijndiktein stellijnin stellijstin stelmargeblokkenin \
+stelmarkeringin stelnaastplaatsenin stelnummerenin stelnummerin stelomlijndin \
+stelonderin stelonderstrepenin stelondertekstenin stelopmaakin stelopsommingenin \
+stelpaginacommentaarin stelpaginanummerin stelpaginanummeringin stelpaginaovergangenin stelpaletin \
+stelpapierformaatin stelpapierin stelparagraafnummerenin stelplaatsblokin stelplaatsblokkenin \
+stelplaatsbloksplitsenin stelplaatsin stelpositionerenin stelprofielenin stelprogrammasin \
+stelpublicatiesin stelrastersin stelreferentielijstin stelrefererenin stelregelnummerenin \
+stelregelsin stelregisterin stelroterenin stelsamengesteldelijstin stelsectieblokin \
+stelsectiein stelsmallerin stelsorterenin stelspatieringin stelstartstopin \
+stelstrutin stelsubpaginanummerin stelsymboolsetin stelsynchronisatiebalkin stelsynchronisatiein \
+stelsynoniemenin stelsysteemin steltaalin steltabellenin steltabin \
+steltabulatiein steltekstin steltekstinhoudin steltekstlijnenin steltekstpositiein \
+stelteksttekstenin steltekstvariabelein steltolerantiein steltypein steltypenin \
+steluitlijnenin steluitvoerin stelurlin stelveldenin stelveldin \
+stelversiesin stelvoetin stelvoetnootdefinitiein stelvoetnotenin stelvoettekstenin \
+stelwiskundeuitlijnenin stelwitruimtein stopachtergrond stopalignment stopbuffer \
+stopcitaat stopcodering stopcolumns stopcombinatie stopcombination \
+stopcomment stopdescription stopdocument stopenumeration stopfigure \
+stopfloattext stopformula stopframedtext stopgeg stopglobaal \
+stophiding stopinteractiemenu stopitemgroup stopkantlijn stopkleur \
+stopkolomgroep stopkolommen stopkolomopmaak stoplegend stopline \
+stoplinecorrection stoplinenumbering stoplines stoplocal stoplocalenvironment \
+stoplocalfootnotes stoplokaal stoplokalevoetnoten stopmakeup stopmargeblok \
+stopmarginblock stopnaast stopnamemakeup stopnarrower stopomgeving \
+stoponderdeel stopopelkaar stopopmaak stopopposite stopoverlay \
+stopoverview stopoverzicht stopparagraph stoppositioneren stoppositioning \
+stoppostponing stopprodukt stopprofiel stopprofile stopprojekt \
+stopraster stopregel stopregelcorrectie stopregelnummeren stopregels \
+stopsmaller stopsymbolset stopsynchronisatie stopsynchronization stoptabel \
+stoptabellen stoptable stoptables stoptabulate stoptekst \
+stoptekstlijn stoptyping stopuitlijnen stopunpacked stopvanelkaar \
+stopversie sub subformulenummer subject subpaginanummer \
+subsection subsubject subsubsection subsubsubject suggestie \
+switchnaarkorps switchtorawfont sym symbool symoffset \
+synchronisatiebalk synchroniseer synonym taal tab \
+tekstbreedte teksthoogte tekstlijn tekstreferentie tekstvariabele \
+testkolom testpagina tex title toelichting \
+toonexternefiguren toongrid tooninstellingen toonkader toonkleur \
+toonkleurgroep toonkorps toonkorpsomgeving toonlayout toonopmaak \
+toonpalet toonprint toonstruts toonsymboolset toonvelden \
+totaalaantalpaginas txt typ type typebuffer \
+typefile uit uitgerekt underbar underbars \
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+CAP Cap Caps Caractere \
+Caracteres Chiffresromains JOURSEMAINE MOIS MOT \
+MOTS Mot Mots Numeros a \
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+chapter chem chiffresromains citation citer \
+clip clonechamp colonne comment commentaire \
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+refait reference referencepage referencetexte reflete \
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+regleprogrammes reglepublications reglereferencage regleregistre regleregle \
+regleremplitligne regleremplitlignesreglees reglesection regleseparationflottant reglesortie \
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+reglesynonymes reglesysteme regletab regletableaux regletabulation \
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+section seeregister selectionneblocs selectionnepapier selectionneversion \
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+stopopposite stopoverlay stopoverview stopparagraph stoppealignement \
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+stoppedocument stoppeenvironement stoppeglobal stoppegroupe stoppejeucolonne \
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+stoppemargereglee stoppenotespdplocales stoppenumerotationligne stoppeopposition stoppepositionnement \
+stoppeproduit stoppeprofil stoppeprojet stopperaster stopperevetement \
+stoppesynchronisation stoppetableau stoppetableaux stoppetexte stoppeversion \
+stoppevuedensemble stoppositioning stoppostponing stopproduit stopprofile \
+stopprojet stopsymbolset stopsynchronization stoptable stoptables \
+stoptabulate stoptyping stopunpacked stopversion sub \
+subject subsection subsubject subsubsection subsubsubject \
+suggestion suivantprofil suivantversion suivantversionprofil sym \
+symbole synchronise synonym tab tapebuffer \
+testcolumn testpage tete tex textemarge \
+textenotepdp textetete title titremarge traduire \
+traiteblocs traitepage traitfin traitsfins txt \
+typ underbar underbars uneligne useXMLfilter \
+usedirectory usetypescript usetypescriptfile utiliseJSscripts utiliseURL \
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+utilisepsiteaudioexterne utilisereferences utilisespecialites utilisesymboles utiliseurl \
+va vaalaboite vaalapage vaenbas valeurcouleur \
+valeurgris variabletexte version vide vl
diff --git a/context/data/scite/ b/context/data/scite/
index 1f2d0ca1b..cbbc7785d 100644
--- a/context/data/scite/
+++ b/context/data/scite/
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.. ... -- --- \
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diff --git a/context/data/scite/ b/context/data/scite/
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diff --git a/metapost/context/base/mp-mlib.mpiv b/metapost/context/base/mp-mlib.mpiv
index 6fc694cf4..9a2042924 100644
--- a/metapost/context/base/mp-mlib.mpiv
+++ b/metapost/context/base/mp-mlib.mpiv
@@ -107,6 +107,13 @@ else :
% already defined before the format is loaded
fi ;
+if unknown mfun_first_run :
+ boolean mfun_first_run ;
+ mfun_first_run := true ;
+else :
+ % already defined before the format is loaded
+fi ;
def mfun_reset_tex_texts =
mfun_tt_n := 0 ;
mfun_tt_p := nullpicture ;
diff --git a/metapost/context/base/mp-page.mpiv b/metapost/context/base/mp-page.mpiv
index c8e3c6237..d263c3617 100644
--- a/metapost/context/base/mp-page.mpiv
+++ b/metapost/context/base/mp-page.mpiv
@@ -106,20 +106,30 @@ OuterEdgeWidth := 0pt ;
InnerEdgeDistance := 0pt ;
OuterEdgeDistance := 0pt ;
-path Area [][] ; pair Location [][] ; path Field [][] ; path Page ;
-numeric HorPos ; numeric Hstep [] ; numeric Hsize [] ;
-numeric VerPos ; numeric Vstep [] ; numeric Vsize [] ;
-for VerPos=Top step 10 until Bottom:
- for HorPos=LeftEdge step 1 until RightEdge:
- Area[HorPos][VerPos] := origin--cycle ;
- Area[VerPos][HorPos] := Area[HorPos][VerPos] ;
- Location[HorPos][VerPos] := origin ;
- Location[VerPos][HorPos] := Location[HorPos][VerPos] ;
- Field[HorPos][VerPos] := origin--cycle ;
- Field[VerPos][HorPos] := Field[HorPos][VerPos] ;
- endfor ;
-endfor ;
+% path Area[][] ;
+% pair Location[][] ;
+% path Field[][] ;
+% numeric Hstep[] ;
+% numeric Hsize[] ;
+% numeric Vstep[] ;
+% numeric Vsize[] ;
+path Page ;
+numeric HorPos ;
+numeric VerPos ;
+% for VerPos=Top step 10 until Bottom:
+% for HorPos=LeftEdge step 1 until RightEdge:
+% Area[HorPos][VerPos] := origin--cycle ;
+% Area[VerPos][HorPos] := Area[HorPos][VerPos] ;
+% Location[HorPos][VerPos] := origin ;
+% Location[VerPos][HorPos] := Location[HorPos][VerPos] ;
+% Field[HorPos][VerPos] := origin--cycle ;
+% Field[VerPos][HorPos] := Field[HorPos][VerPos] ;
+% endfor ;
+% endfor ;
% def LoadPageState =
% scantokens "input mp-state.tmp" ;
@@ -160,10 +170,94 @@ def SwapPageState =
fi ;
enddef ;
-def SetPageAreas =
+% def SetPageAreas =
+% numeric Vsize[], Hsize[], Vstep[], Hstep[] ;
+% Vsize[Top] = TopHeight ;
+% Vsize[TopSeparator] = TopDistance ;
+% Vsize[Header] = HeaderHeight ;
+% Vsize[HeaderSeparator] = HeaderDistance ;
+% Vsize[Text] = TextHeight ;
+% Vsize[FooterSeparator] = FooterDistance ;
+% Vsize[Footer] = FooterHeight ;
+% Vsize[BottomSeparator] = BottomDistance ;
+% Vsize[Bottom] = BottomHeight ;
+% Vstep[Top] = Vstep[TopSeparator] +Vsize[TopSeparator] ;
+% Vstep[TopSeparator] = PaperHeight-TopSpace ;
+% Vstep[Header] = Vstep[TopSeparator] -Vsize[Header] ;
+% Vstep[HeaderSeparator] = Vstep[Header] -Vsize[HeaderSeparator] ;
+% Vstep[Text] = Vstep[HeaderSeparator]-Vsize[Text] ;
+% Vstep[FooterSeparator] = Vstep[Text] -Vsize[FooterSeparator] ;
+% Vstep[Footer] = Vstep[FooterSeparator]-Vsize[Footer] ;
+% Vstep[BottomSeparator] = Vstep[Footer] -Vsize[BottomSeparator] ;
+% Vstep[Bottom] = Vstep[BottomSeparator]-Vsize[Bottom] ;
+% Hsize[LeftEdge] = LeftEdgeWidth ;
+% Hsize[LeftEdgeSeparator] = LeftEdgeDistance ;
+% Hsize[LeftMargin] = LeftMarginWidth ;
+% Hsize[LeftMarginSeparator] = LeftMarginDistance ;
+% Hsize[Text] = MakeupWidth ;
+% Hsize[RightMarginSeparator] = RightMarginDistance ;
+% Hsize[RightMargin] = RightMarginWidth ;
+% Hsize[RightEdgeSeparator] = RightEdgeDistance ;
+% Hsize[RightEdge] = RightEdgeWidth ;
+% Hstep[LeftEdge] = Hstep[LeftEdgeSeparator] -Hsize[LeftEdge] ;
+% Hstep[LeftEdgeSeparator] = Hstep[LeftMargin] -Hsize[LeftEdgeSeparator] ;
+% Hstep[LeftMargin] = Hstep[LeftMarginSeparator] -Hsize[LeftMargin] ;
+% Hstep[LeftMarginSeparator] = Hstep[Text] -Hsize[LeftMarginSeparator] ;
+% Hstep[Text] = BackSpace ;
+% Hstep[RightMarginSeparator] = Hstep[Text] +Hsize[Text] ;
+% Hstep[RightMargin] = Hstep[RightMarginSeparator]+Hsize[RightMarginSeparator] ;
+% Hstep[RightEdgeSeparator] = Hstep[RightMargin] +Hsize[RightMargin] ;
+% Hstep[RightEdge] = Hstep[RightEdgeSeparator] +Hsize[RightEdgeSeparator] ;
+% for VerPos=Top step 10 until Bottom:
+% for HorPos=LeftEdge step 1 until RightEdge:
+% Area[HorPos][VerPos] := unitsquare xscaled Hsize[HorPos] yscaled Vsize[VerPos] ;
+% Area[VerPos][HorPos] := Area[HorPos][VerPos] ;
+% Location[HorPos][VerPos] := (Hstep[HorPos],Vstep[VerPos]) ;
+% Location[VerPos][HorPos] := Location[HorPos][VerPos] ;
+% Field[HorPos][VerPos] := Area[HorPos][VerPos] shifted Location[HorPos][VerPos] ;
+% Field[VerPos][HorPos] := Field[HorPos][VerPos] ;
+% endfor ;
+% endfor ;
+% Page := unitsquare xscaled PaperWidth yscaled PaperHeight ;
+% enddef ;
+% def BoundPageAreas =
+% % pickup pencircle scaled 0pt ;
+% bboxmargin := 0 ; setbounds currentpicture to Page ;
+% enddef ;
+% def StartPage =
+% begingroup ;
+% if PageStateAvailable :
+% LoadPageState ;
+% SwapPageState ;
+% fi ;
+% SetPageAreas ;
+% BoundPageAreas ;
+% enddef ;
+% def StopPage =
+% BoundPageAreas ;
+% endgroup ;
+% enddef ;
- numeric Vsize[], Hsize[], Vstep[], Hstep[] ;
+% Because metapost > 1.50 has dynamic memory management and is less
+% efficient than before we now delay calculations ... (on a document
+% with 150 pages the time spent in mp was close to 5 seconds which was
+% only due to initialising the page related areas, something that was
+% hardly noticeable before. At least now we're back to half a second
+% for such a case.
+def SetPageVsize =
+ numeric Vsize[] ;
Vsize[Top] = TopHeight ;
Vsize[TopSeparator] = TopDistance ;
Vsize[Header] = HeaderHeight ;
@@ -173,17 +267,10 @@ def SetPageAreas =
Vsize[Footer] = FooterHeight ;
Vsize[BottomSeparator] = BottomDistance ;
Vsize[Bottom] = BottomHeight ;
+enddef ;
- Vstep[Top] = Vstep[TopSeparator] +Vsize[TopSeparator] ;
- Vstep[TopSeparator] = PaperHeight-TopSpace ;
- Vstep[Header] = Vstep[TopSeparator] -Vsize[Header] ;
- Vstep[HeaderSeparator] = Vstep[Header] -Vsize[HeaderSeparator] ;
- Vstep[Text] = Vstep[HeaderSeparator]-Vsize[Text] ;
- Vstep[FooterSeparator] = Vstep[Text] -Vsize[FooterSeparator] ;
- Vstep[Footer] = Vstep[FooterSeparator]-Vsize[Footer] ;
- Vstep[BottomSeparator] = Vstep[Footer] -Vsize[BottomSeparator] ;
- Vstep[Bottom] = Vstep[BottomSeparator]-Vsize[Bottom] ;
+def SetPageHsize =
+ numeric Hsize[] ;
Hsize[LeftEdge] = LeftEdgeWidth ;
Hsize[LeftEdgeSeparator] = LeftEdgeDistance ;
Hsize[LeftMargin] = LeftMarginWidth ;
@@ -193,7 +280,23 @@ def SetPageAreas =
Hsize[RightMargin] = RightMarginWidth ;
Hsize[RightEdgeSeparator] = RightEdgeDistance ;
Hsize[RightEdge] = RightEdgeWidth ;
+enddef ;
+def SetPageVstep =
+ numeric Vstep[] ;
+ Vstep[Top] = Vstep[TopSeparator] +Vsize[TopSeparator] ;
+ Vstep[TopSeparator] = PaperHeight-TopSpace ;
+ Vstep[Header] = Vstep[TopSeparator] -Vsize[Header] ;
+ Vstep[HeaderSeparator] = Vstep[Header] -Vsize[HeaderSeparator] ;
+ Vstep[Text] = Vstep[HeaderSeparator]-Vsize[Text] ;
+ Vstep[FooterSeparator] = Vstep[Text] -Vsize[FooterSeparator] ;
+ Vstep[Footer] = Vstep[FooterSeparator]-Vsize[Footer] ;
+ Vstep[BottomSeparator] = Vstep[Footer] -Vsize[BottomSeparator] ;
+ Vstep[Bottom] = Vstep[BottomSeparator]-Vsize[Bottom] ;
+enddef ;
+def SetPageHstep =
+ numeric Hstep[] ;
Hstep[LeftEdge] = Hstep[LeftEdgeSeparator] -Hsize[LeftEdge] ;
Hstep[LeftEdgeSeparator] = Hstep[LeftMargin] -Hsize[LeftEdgeSeparator] ;
Hstep[LeftMargin] = Hstep[LeftMarginSeparator] -Hsize[LeftMargin] ;
@@ -203,22 +306,67 @@ def SetPageAreas =
Hstep[RightMargin] = Hstep[RightMarginSeparator]+Hsize[RightMarginSeparator] ;
Hstep[RightEdgeSeparator] = Hstep[RightMargin] +Hsize[RightMargin] ;
Hstep[RightEdge] = Hstep[RightEdgeSeparator] +Hsize[RightEdgeSeparator] ;
+enddef ;
+def SetPageArea =
+ path Area[][] ;
for VerPos=Top step 10 until Bottom:
for HorPos=LeftEdge step 1 until RightEdge:
- Area[HorPos][VerPos] := unitsquare xscaled Hsize[HorPos] yscaled Vsize[VerPos] ;
- Area[VerPos][HorPos] := Area[HorPos][VerPos] ;
- Location[HorPos][VerPos] := (Hstep[HorPos],Vstep[VerPos]) ;
- Location[VerPos][HorPos] := Location[HorPos][VerPos] ;
- Field[HorPos][VerPos] := Area[HorPos][VerPos] shifted Location[HorPos][VerPos] ;
- Field[VerPos][HorPos] := Field[HorPos][VerPos] ;
+ Area[HorPos][VerPos] := unitsquare xscaled Hsize[HorPos] yscaled Vsize[VerPos] ;
+ Area[VerPos][HorPos] := Area[HorPos][VerPos] ;
endfor ;
endfor ;
+enddef ;
+def SetPageLocation =
+ pair Location[] ;
+ for VerPos=Top step 10 until Bottom:
+ for HorPos=LeftEdge step 1 until RightEdge:
+ Location[HorPos][VerPos] := (Hstep[HorPos],Vstep[VerPos]) ;
+ Location[VerPos][HorPos] := Location[HorPos][VerPos] ;
+ endfor ;
+ endfor ;
+enddef ;
+def SetPageField =
+ path Field[][] ;
+ for VerPos=Top step 10 until Bottom:
+ for HorPos=LeftEdge step 1 until RightEdge:
+ Field[HorPos][VerPos] := unitsquare xscaled Hsize[HorPos] yscaled Vsize[VerPos] shifted (Hstep[HorPos],Vstep[VerPos]) ;
+ Field[VerPos][HorPos] := Field[HorPos][VerPos] ;
+ endfor ;
+ endfor ;
+enddef ;
+def SetPagePage =
+ path Page ;
Page := unitsquare xscaled PaperWidth yscaled PaperHeight ;
+enddef ;
+def mfun_page_Area = hide(SetPageArea ;) Area enddef ;
+def mfun_page_Location = hide(SetPageLocation ;) Location enddef ;
+def mfun_page_Field = hide(SetPageField ;) Field enddef ;
+def mfun_page_Vsize = hide(SetPageVsize ;) Vsize enddef ;
+def mfun_page_Hsize = hide(SetPageHsize ;) Hsize enddef ;
+def mfun_page_Vstep = hide(SetPageVstep ;) Vstep enddef ;
+def mfun_page_Hstep = hide(SetPageHstep ;) Hstep enddef ;
+def mfun_page_Page = hide(SetPagePage ;) Page enddef ;
+def SetPageVariables =
+ let Area = mfun_page_Area ;
+ let Location = mfun_page_Location ;
+ let Field = mfun_page_Field ;
+ let Vsize = mfun_page_Vsize ;
+ let Hsize = mfun_page_Hsize ;
+ let Vstep = mfun_page_Vstep ;
+ let Hstep = mfun_page_Hstep ;
+ let Page = mfun_page_Page ;
enddef ;
+SetPageVariables ;
+let SetPageAreas = SetPageVariables ; % compatiblity
def BoundPageAreas =
% pickup pencircle scaled 0pt ;
bboxmargin := 0 ; setbounds currentpicture to Page ;
@@ -226,11 +374,13 @@ enddef ;
def StartPage =
begingroup ;
- if PageStateAvailable :
- LoadPageState ;
- SwapPageState ;
+ if mfun_first_run :
+ if PageStateAvailable :
+ LoadPageState ;
+ SwapPageState ;
+ fi ;
+ SetPageVariables ;
fi ;
- SetPageAreas ;
BoundPageAreas ;
enddef ;
@@ -272,15 +422,27 @@ def SetCoverAreas =
enddef ;
+% def StartCover =
+% begingroup ;
+% if PageStateAvailable :
+% LoadPageState ;
+% % SwapPageState ;
+% fi ;
+% SetPageAreas ;
+% SetCoverAreas ;
+% BoundCoverAreas ;
+% enddef ;
def StartCover =
begingroup ;
- if PageStateAvailable :
- LoadPageState ;
- % SwapPageState ;
+ if mfun_first_run :
+ if PageStateAvailable :
+ LoadPageState ;
+ % SwapPageState ;
+ fi ;
+ SetPageVariables ; % was SetPageAreas ;
+ SetCoverAreas ;
fi ;
- SetPageAreas ;
- SetCoverAreas ;
BoundCoverAreas ;
enddef ;
diff --git a/scripts/context/lua/mtxrun.lua b/scripts/context/lua/mtxrun.lua
index 4d5fd447d..303f699e8 100644
--- a/scripts/context/lua/mtxrun.lua
+++ b/scripts/context/lua/mtxrun.lua
@@ -4878,7 +4878,7 @@ end -- of closure
do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
--- original size: 12211, stripped down to: 8441
+-- original size: 12411, stripped down to: 8581
if not modules then modules={} end modules ['util-lua']={
@@ -4945,7 +4945,7 @@ if jit or status.luatex_version>=74 then
function luautilities.loadedluacode(fullname,forcestrip,name)
name=name or fullname
- local code=loadfile(fullname)
+ local code=environment.loadpreprocessedfile and environment.loadpreprocessedfile(fullname) or loadfile(fullname)
if code then
@@ -5071,8 +5071,7 @@ else
function luautilities.loadedluacode(fullname,forcestrip,name)
- name=name or fullname
- local code=loadfile(fullname)
+ local code=environment.loadpreprocessedfile and environment.preprocessedloadfile(fullname) or loadfile(fullname)
if code then
@@ -5714,7 +5713,7 @@ end -- of closure
do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
--- original size: 6209, stripped down to: 4958
+-- original size: 6389, stripped down to: 5110
if not modules then modules={} end modules ['trac-inf']={
@@ -5723,6 +5722,7 @@ if not modules then modules={} end modules ['trac-inf']={
copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
license="see context related readme files"
+local type,tonumber=type,tonumber
local format,lower=string.format,string.lower
local concat=table.concat
local clock=os.gettimeofday or os.clock
@@ -5775,23 +5775,30 @@ local function stoptiming(instance,report)
return 0
+local function elapsed(instance)
+ if type(instance)=="table" then
+ local timer=timers[instance or "notimer"]
+ return timer and timer.loadtime or 0
+ else
+ return tonumber(instance) or 0
+ end
local function elapsedtime(instance)
- local timer=timers[instance or "notimer"]
- return format("%0.3f",timer and timer.loadtime or 0)
+ return format("%0.3f",elapsed(instance))
local function elapsedindeed(instance)
- local timer=timers[instance or "notimer"]
- return (timer and timer.loadtime or 0)>statistics.threshold
+ return elapsed(instance)>statistics.threshold
local function elapsedseconds(instance,rest)
if elapsedindeed(instance) then
- return format("%s seconds %s",elapsedtime(instance),rest or "")
+ return format("%0.3f seconds %s",elapsed(instance),rest or "")
@@ -6861,7 +6868,7 @@ end -- of closure
do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
--- original size: 12260, stripped down to: 8100
+-- original size: 12282, stripped down to: 8098
if not modules then modules={} end modules ['luat-env']={
@@ -6876,8 +6883,8 @@ local allocate,,
local format,sub,match,gsub,find=string.format,string.sub,string.match,string.gsub,string.find
local unquoted,quoted=string.unquoted,string.quoted
local concat,insert,remove=table.concat,table.insert,table.remove
-local loadedluacode=utilities.lua.loadedluacode
-local luasuffixes=utilities.lua.suffixes
+local luautilities=utilities.lua
+local luasuffixes=luautilities.suffixes
environment=environment or {}
local environment=environment
@@ -7084,7 +7091,7 @@ function environment.luafilechunk(filename,silent)
local fullname=environment.luafile(filename)
if fullname and fullname~="" then
- local data=loadedluacode(fullname,strippable,filename)
+ local data=luautilities.loadedluacode(fullname,strippable,filename)
if trace_locating then
report_lua("loading file %s%s",fullname,not data and " failed" or "")
elseif not silent then
@@ -14672,8 +14679,8 @@ end -- of closure
-- used libraries : l-lua.lua l-lpeg.lua l-function.lua l-string.lua l-table.lua l-io.lua l-number.lua l-set.lua l-os.lua l-file.lua l-md5.lua l-url.lua l-dir.lua l-boolean.lua l-unicode.lua l-math.lua util-tab.lua util-sto.lua util-str.lua util-mrg.lua util-lua.lua util-prs.lua util-fmt.lua util-deb.lua trac-inf.lua trac-set.lua trac-log.lua trac-pro.lua luat-env.lua lxml-tab.lua lxml-lpt.lua lxml-mis.lua lxml-aux.lua lxml-xml.lua data-ini.lua data-exp.lua data-env.lua data-tmp.lua data-met.lua data-res.lua data-pre.lua data-inp.lua data-out.lua data-fil.lua data-con.lua data-use.lua data-zip.lua data-tre.lua data-sch.lua data-lua.lua data-aux.lua data-tmf.lua data-lst.lua luat-sta.lua luat-fmt.lua util-tpl.lua
-- skipped libraries : -
--- original bytes : 589196
--- stripped bytes : 198197
+-- original bytes : 589598
+-- stripped bytes : 198309
-- end library merge
diff --git a/scripts/context/stubs/mswin/mtxrun.lua b/scripts/context/stubs/mswin/mtxrun.lua
index 4d5fd447d..303f699e8 100644
--- a/scripts/context/stubs/mswin/mtxrun.lua
+++ b/scripts/context/stubs/mswin/mtxrun.lua
@@ -4878,7 +4878,7 @@ end -- of closure
do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
--- original size: 12211, stripped down to: 8441
+-- original size: 12411, stripped down to: 8581
if not modules then modules={} end modules ['util-lua']={
@@ -4945,7 +4945,7 @@ if jit or status.luatex_version>=74 then
function luautilities.loadedluacode(fullname,forcestrip,name)
name=name or fullname
- local code=loadfile(fullname)
+ local code=environment.loadpreprocessedfile and environment.loadpreprocessedfile(fullname) or loadfile(fullname)
if code then
@@ -5071,8 +5071,7 @@ else
function luautilities.loadedluacode(fullname,forcestrip,name)
- name=name or fullname
- local code=loadfile(fullname)
+ local code=environment.loadpreprocessedfile and environment.preprocessedloadfile(fullname) or loadfile(fullname)
if code then
@@ -5714,7 +5713,7 @@ end -- of closure
do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
--- original size: 6209, stripped down to: 4958
+-- original size: 6389, stripped down to: 5110
if not modules then modules={} end modules ['trac-inf']={
@@ -5723,6 +5722,7 @@ if not modules then modules={} end modules ['trac-inf']={
copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
license="see context related readme files"
+local type,tonumber=type,tonumber
local format,lower=string.format,string.lower
local concat=table.concat
local clock=os.gettimeofday or os.clock
@@ -5775,23 +5775,30 @@ local function stoptiming(instance,report)
return 0
+local function elapsed(instance)
+ if type(instance)=="table" then
+ local timer=timers[instance or "notimer"]
+ return timer and timer.loadtime or 0
+ else
+ return tonumber(instance) or 0
+ end
local function elapsedtime(instance)
- local timer=timers[instance or "notimer"]
- return format("%0.3f",timer and timer.loadtime or 0)
+ return format("%0.3f",elapsed(instance))
local function elapsedindeed(instance)
- local timer=timers[instance or "notimer"]
- return (timer and timer.loadtime or 0)>statistics.threshold
+ return elapsed(instance)>statistics.threshold
local function elapsedseconds(instance,rest)
if elapsedindeed(instance) then
- return format("%s seconds %s",elapsedtime(instance),rest or "")
+ return format("%0.3f seconds %s",elapsed(instance),rest or "")
@@ -6861,7 +6868,7 @@ end -- of closure
do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
--- original size: 12260, stripped down to: 8100
+-- original size: 12282, stripped down to: 8098
if not modules then modules={} end modules ['luat-env']={
@@ -6876,8 +6883,8 @@ local allocate,,
local format,sub,match,gsub,find=string.format,string.sub,string.match,string.gsub,string.find
local unquoted,quoted=string.unquoted,string.quoted
local concat,insert,remove=table.concat,table.insert,table.remove
-local loadedluacode=utilities.lua.loadedluacode
-local luasuffixes=utilities.lua.suffixes
+local luautilities=utilities.lua
+local luasuffixes=luautilities.suffixes
environment=environment or {}
local environment=environment
@@ -7084,7 +7091,7 @@ function environment.luafilechunk(filename,silent)
local fullname=environment.luafile(filename)
if fullname and fullname~="" then
- local data=loadedluacode(fullname,strippable,filename)
+ local data=luautilities.loadedluacode(fullname,strippable,filename)
if trace_locating then
report_lua("loading file %s%s",fullname,not data and " failed" or "")
elseif not silent then
@@ -14672,8 +14679,8 @@ end -- of closure
-- used libraries : l-lua.lua l-lpeg.lua l-function.lua l-string.lua l-table.lua l-io.lua l-number.lua l-set.lua l-os.lua l-file.lua l-md5.lua l-url.lua l-dir.lua l-boolean.lua l-unicode.lua l-math.lua util-tab.lua util-sto.lua util-str.lua util-mrg.lua util-lua.lua util-prs.lua util-fmt.lua util-deb.lua trac-inf.lua trac-set.lua trac-log.lua trac-pro.lua luat-env.lua lxml-tab.lua lxml-lpt.lua lxml-mis.lua lxml-aux.lua lxml-xml.lua data-ini.lua data-exp.lua data-env.lua data-tmp.lua data-met.lua data-res.lua data-pre.lua data-inp.lua data-out.lua data-fil.lua data-con.lua data-use.lua data-zip.lua data-tre.lua data-sch.lua data-lua.lua data-aux.lua data-tmf.lua data-lst.lua luat-sta.lua luat-fmt.lua util-tpl.lua
-- skipped libraries : -
--- original bytes : 589196
--- stripped bytes : 198197
+-- original bytes : 589598
+-- stripped bytes : 198309
-- end library merge
diff --git a/scripts/context/stubs/unix/mtxrun b/scripts/context/stubs/unix/mtxrun
index 4d5fd447d..303f699e8 100644
--- a/scripts/context/stubs/unix/mtxrun
+++ b/scripts/context/stubs/unix/mtxrun
@@ -4878,7 +4878,7 @@ end -- of closure
do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
--- original size: 12211, stripped down to: 8441
+-- original size: 12411, stripped down to: 8581
if not modules then modules={} end modules ['util-lua']={
@@ -4945,7 +4945,7 @@ if jit or status.luatex_version>=74 then
function luautilities.loadedluacode(fullname,forcestrip,name)
name=name or fullname
- local code=loadfile(fullname)
+ local code=environment.loadpreprocessedfile and environment.loadpreprocessedfile(fullname) or loadfile(fullname)
if code then
@@ -5071,8 +5071,7 @@ else
function luautilities.loadedluacode(fullname,forcestrip,name)
- name=name or fullname
- local code=loadfile(fullname)
+ local code=environment.loadpreprocessedfile and environment.preprocessedloadfile(fullname) or loadfile(fullname)
if code then
@@ -5714,7 +5713,7 @@ end -- of closure
do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
--- original size: 6209, stripped down to: 4958
+-- original size: 6389, stripped down to: 5110
if not modules then modules={} end modules ['trac-inf']={
@@ -5723,6 +5722,7 @@ if not modules then modules={} end modules ['trac-inf']={
copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
license="see context related readme files"
+local type,tonumber=type,tonumber
local format,lower=string.format,string.lower
local concat=table.concat
local clock=os.gettimeofday or os.clock
@@ -5775,23 +5775,30 @@ local function stoptiming(instance,report)
return 0
+local function elapsed(instance)
+ if type(instance)=="table" then
+ local timer=timers[instance or "notimer"]
+ return timer and timer.loadtime or 0
+ else
+ return tonumber(instance) or 0
+ end
local function elapsedtime(instance)
- local timer=timers[instance or "notimer"]
- return format("%0.3f",timer and timer.loadtime or 0)
+ return format("%0.3f",elapsed(instance))
local function elapsedindeed(instance)
- local timer=timers[instance or "notimer"]
- return (timer and timer.loadtime or 0)>statistics.threshold
+ return elapsed(instance)>statistics.threshold
local function elapsedseconds(instance,rest)
if elapsedindeed(instance) then
- return format("%s seconds %s",elapsedtime(instance),rest or "")
+ return format("%0.3f seconds %s",elapsed(instance),rest or "")
@@ -6861,7 +6868,7 @@ end -- of closure
do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
--- original size: 12260, stripped down to: 8100
+-- original size: 12282, stripped down to: 8098
if not modules then modules={} end modules ['luat-env']={
@@ -6876,8 +6883,8 @@ local allocate,,
local format,sub,match,gsub,find=string.format,string.sub,string.match,string.gsub,string.find
local unquoted,quoted=string.unquoted,string.quoted
local concat,insert,remove=table.concat,table.insert,table.remove
-local loadedluacode=utilities.lua.loadedluacode
-local luasuffixes=utilities.lua.suffixes
+local luautilities=utilities.lua
+local luasuffixes=luautilities.suffixes
environment=environment or {}
local environment=environment
@@ -7084,7 +7091,7 @@ function environment.luafilechunk(filename,silent)
local fullname=environment.luafile(filename)
if fullname and fullname~="" then
- local data=loadedluacode(fullname,strippable,filename)
+ local data=luautilities.loadedluacode(fullname,strippable,filename)
if trace_locating then
report_lua("loading file %s%s",fullname,not data and " failed" or "")
elseif not silent then
@@ -14672,8 +14679,8 @@ end -- of closure
-- used libraries : l-lua.lua l-lpeg.lua l-function.lua l-string.lua l-table.lua l-io.lua l-number.lua l-set.lua l-os.lua l-file.lua l-md5.lua l-url.lua l-dir.lua l-boolean.lua l-unicode.lua l-math.lua util-tab.lua util-sto.lua util-str.lua util-mrg.lua util-lua.lua util-prs.lua util-fmt.lua util-deb.lua trac-inf.lua trac-set.lua trac-log.lua trac-pro.lua luat-env.lua lxml-tab.lua lxml-lpt.lua lxml-mis.lua lxml-aux.lua lxml-xml.lua data-ini.lua data-exp.lua data-env.lua data-tmp.lua data-met.lua data-res.lua data-pre.lua data-inp.lua data-out.lua data-fil.lua data-con.lua data-use.lua data-zip.lua data-tre.lua data-sch.lua data-lua.lua data-aux.lua data-tmf.lua data-lst.lua luat-sta.lua luat-fmt.lua util-tpl.lua
-- skipped libraries : -
--- original bytes : 589196
--- stripped bytes : 198197
+-- original bytes : 589598
+-- stripped bytes : 198309
-- end library merge
diff --git a/tex/context/base/bibl-tra.mkiv b/tex/context/base/bibl-tra.mkiv
index 914470fbe..3eb885eef 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/bibl-tra.mkiv
+++ b/tex/context/base/bibl-tra.mkiv
@@ -1475,14 +1475,24 @@
+% \def\dobibauthornumref#1%
+% {\bibinsertrefsep
+% \doifbibreferencefoundelse{#1}
+% {\begingroup
+% \bibgetvara{#1}%
+% \bibalternative\c!inbetween
+% \setuppublications[\c!refcommand=num]%
+% \cite[#1]%
+% \endgroup}
+% {}}
- \bibgetvara{#1}%
+ \cite[\c!left=,\c!right=,\c!alternative=\v!author][#1]%
- \setuppublications[\c!refcommand=num]%
- \cite[#1]%
+ \cite[num][#1]%
diff --git a/tex/context/base/cont-new.mkii b/tex/context/base/cont-new.mkii
index 3ce67992e..e1d8f6f91 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/cont-new.mkii
+++ b/tex/context/base/cont-new.mkii
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
%C details.
-\newcontextversion{2013.01.13 23:10}
+\newcontextversion{2013.01.17 18:16}
%D This file is loaded at runtime, thereby providing an
%D excellent place for hacks, patches, extensions and new
diff --git a/tex/context/base/cont-new.mkiv b/tex/context/base/cont-new.mkiv
index 18153995f..6339c3793 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/cont-new.mkiv
+++ b/tex/context/base/cont-new.mkiv
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
%C details.
-\newcontextversion{2013.01.13 23:10}
+\newcontextversion{2013.01.17 18:16}
%D This file is loaded at runtime, thereby providing an excellent place for
%D hacks, patches, extensions and new features.
diff --git a/tex/context/base/context-version.pdf b/tex/context/base/context-version.pdf
index 43f4790bd..66ce96cb4 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/context-version.pdf
+++ b/tex/context/base/context-version.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tex/context/base/context-version.png b/tex/context/base/context-version.png
index 3157fb849..4d1a73000 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/context-version.png
+++ b/tex/context/base/context-version.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tex/context/base/context.mkii b/tex/context/base/context.mkii
index 6abbe0653..e0c952341 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/context.mkii
+++ b/tex/context/base/context.mkii
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
%D your styles an modules.
\edef\contextformat {\jobname}
-\edef\contextversion{2013.01.13 23:10}
+\edef\contextversion{2013.01.17 18:16}
%D For those who want to use this:
diff --git a/tex/context/base/context.mkiv b/tex/context/base/context.mkiv
index ded53e1cf..ab199bceb 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/context.mkiv
+++ b/tex/context/base/context.mkiv
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
%D up and the dependencies are more consistent.
\edef\contextformat {\jobname}
-\edef\contextversion{2013.01.13 23:10}
+\edef\contextversion{2013.01.17 18:16}
%D For those who want to use this:
diff --git a/tex/context/base/font-odv.lua b/tex/context/base/font-odv.lua
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..eb8f7a9da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/font-odv.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,3074 @@
+if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['font-odv'] = {
+ version = 1.001,
+ comment = "companion to font-ini.mkiv",
+ author = "Kai Eigner, TAT Zetwerk / Hans Hagen, PRAGMA ADE",
+ copyright = "TAT Zetwerk / PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
+ license = "see context related readme files"
+-- Kai: we're leaking nodes (happens when assigning start nodes behind start, also
+-- in the original code) so this needs to be sorted out. As I touched nearly all code,
+-- reshuffled, etc. etc. (imagine how much can get messed up in nearly a week work) it
+-- could be that I introduced bugs. There is more to gain (esp in the functions applied
+-- to a range) but I'll do that when everything works as expected.
+-- A few remarks:
+-- This code is a partial rewrite of the code that deals with devanagari. The data and logic
+-- is by Kai Eigner and based based on Microsoft's OpenType specifications for specific
+-- scripts, but with a few improvements. More information can be found at:
+-- deva:
+-- dev2:
+-- Interesting is that Kai managed to write this on top of the existing otf handler. Only a
+-- few extensions were needed, like a few more analyzing states and dealing with changed
+-- head nodes in the core scanner as that only happens here. There's a lot going on here
+-- and it's only because I touched nearly all code that I got a bit of a picture of what
+-- happens. For in-depth knowledge one needs to consult Kai.
+-- The rewrite mostly deals with efficiency, both in terms of speed and code. We also made
+-- sure that it suits generic use as well as use in ConTeXt. I removed some buglets but can
+-- as well have messed up the logic by doing this. For this we keep the original around
+-- as that serves as reference. I kept the comments but added a few more. Due to the lots
+-- of reshuffling glyphs quite some leaks occur(red) but once I'm satisfied with the rewrite
+-- I'll weed them. I also integrated initialization etc into the regular mechanisms.
+-- In the meantime, we're down from 25.5-3.5=22 seconds to 17.7-3.5=14.2 seconds for a 100
+-- page sample with both variants so it's worth the effort. Due to the method chosen it will
+-- never be real fast. If I ever become a power user I'll have a go at some further speed
+-- up. I will rename some functions (and features) once we don't need to check the original
+-- code. We now use a special subset sequence for use inside the analyzer (after all we could
+-- can store this in the dataset and save redundant analysis).
+-- I might go for an array approach with respect to attributes (and reshuffling). Easier.
+-- Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL
+-- Matras: according to Microsoft typography specifications "up to one of each type:
+-- pre-, above-, below- or post- base", but that does not seem to be right. It could
+-- become an option.
+-- The next code looks weird anyway: the "and boolean" should move inside the if
+-- or we should check differently (case vs successive).
+-- local function ms_matra(c)
+-- local prebase, abovebase, belowbase, postbase = true, true, true, true
+-- local n =
+-- while n and == glyph_code and n.subtype<256 and n.font == font do
+-- local char = n.char
+-- if not dependent_vowel[char] then
+-- break
+-- elseif pre_mark[char] and prebase then
+-- prebase = false
+-- elseif above_mark[char] and abovebase then
+-- abovebase = false
+-- elseif below_mark[char] and belowbase then
+-- belowbase = false
+-- elseif post_mark[char] and postbase then
+-- postbase = false
+-- else
+-- return c
+-- end
+-- c =
+-- end
+-- return c
+-- end
+-- todo: first test for font then for subtype
+local insert, imerge = table.insert, table.imerge
+local next = next
+local trace_analyzing = false trackers.register("otf.analyzing", function(v) trace_analyzing = v end)
+local report_devanagari = logs.reporter("otf","devanagari")
+fonts = fonts or { }
+fonts.analyzers = fonts.analyzers or { }
+fonts.analyzers.methods = fonts.analyzers.methods or { node = { otf = { } } }
+local otf = fonts.handlers.otf
+local nodecodes = nodes.nodecodes
+local glyph_code = nodecodes.glyph
+local handlers = otf.handlers
+local methods = fonts.analyzers.methods
+local otffeatures = fonts.constructors.newfeatures("otf")
+local registerotffeature = otffeatures.register
+local processcharacters = nodes.handlers.characters
+local set_attribute = node.set_attribute
+local unset_attribute = node.unset_attribute
+local has_attribute = node.has_attribute
+local insert_node_after = node.insert_after
+local copy_node = node.copy
+local free_node =
+local remove_node = node.remove
+local flush_list = node.flush_list
+local fontdata = fonts.hashes.identifiers
+local a_state = attributes.private('state')
+local a_syllabe = attributes.private('syllabe')
+local dotted_circle = 0x25CC
+-- In due time there will be entries here for scripts like Bengali, Gujarati,
+-- Gurmukhi, Kannada, Malayalam, Oriya, Tamil, Telugu. Feel free to provide the
+-- code points.
+local consonant = {
+ [0x0915] = true, [0x0916] = true, [0x0917] = true, [0x0918] = true,
+ [0x0919] = true, [0x091A] = true, [0x091B] = true, [0x091C] = true,
+ [0x091D] = true, [0x091E] = true, [0x091F] = true, [0x0920] = true,
+ [0x0921] = true, [0x0922] = true, [0x0923] = true, [0x0924] = true,
+ [0x0925] = true, [0x0926] = true, [0x0927] = true, [0x0928] = true,
+ [0x0929] = true, [0x092A] = true, [0x092B] = true, [0x092C] = true,
+ [0x092D] = true, [0x092E] = true, [0x092F] = true, [0x0930] = true,
+ [0x0931] = true, [0x0932] = true, [0x0933] = true, [0x0934] = true,
+ [0x0935] = true, [0x0936] = true, [0x0937] = true, [0x0938] = true,
+ [0x0939] = true, [0x0958] = true, [0x0959] = true, [0x095A] = true,
+ [0x095B] = true, [0x095C] = true, [0x095D] = true, [0x095E] = true,
+ [0x095F] = true, [0x0979] = true, [0x097A] = true,
+local independent_vowel = {
+ [0x0904] = true, [0x0905] = true, [0x0906] = true, [0x0907] = true,
+ [0x0908] = true, [0x0909] = true, [0x090A] = true, [0x090B] = true,
+ [0x090C] = true, [0x090D] = true, [0x090E] = true, [0x090F] = true,
+ [0x0910] = true, [0x0911] = true, [0x0912] = true, [0x0913] = true,
+ [0x0914] = true, [0x0960] = true, [0x0961] = true, [0x0972] = true,
+ [0x0973] = true, [0x0974] = true, [0x0975] = true, [0x0976] = true,
+ [0x0977] = true,
+local dependent_vowel = { -- matra
+ [0x093A] = true, [0x093B] = true, [0x093E] = true, [0x093F] = true,
+ [0x0940] = true, [0x0941] = true, [0x0942] = true, [0x0943] = true,
+ [0x0944] = true, [0x0945] = true, [0x0946] = true, [0x0947] = true,
+ [0x0948] = true, [0x0949] = true, [0x094A] = true, [0x094B] = true,
+ [0x094C] = true, [0x094E] = true, [0x094F] = true, [0x0955] = true,
+ [0x0956] = true, [0x0957] = true, [0x0962] = true, [0x0963] = true,
+local vowel_modifier = {
+ [0x0900] = true, [0x0901] = true, [0x0902] = true, [0x0903] = true,
+ -- A8E0 - A8F1 are cantillation marks for the Samaveda and may not belong here.
+ [0xA8E0] = true, [0xA8E1] = true, [0xA8E2] = true, [0xA8E3] = true,
+ [0xA8E4] = true, [0xA8E5] = true, [0xA8E6] = true, [0xA8E7] = true,
+ [0xA8E8] = true, [0xA8E9] = true, [0xA8EA] = true, [0xA8EB] = true,
+ [0xA8EC] = true, [0xA8ED] = true, [0xA8EE] = true, [0xA8EF] = true,
+ [0xA8F0] = true, [0xA8F1] = true,
+local stress_tone_mark = {
+ [0x0951] = true, [0x0952] = true, [0x0953] = true, [0x0954] = true,
+local nukta = {
+ [0x093C] = true,
+local halant = {
+ [0x094D] = true,
+local ra = {
+ [0x0930] = true,
+local anudatta = {
+ [0x0952] = true,
+local nbsp = { -- might become a constant instead of table
+ [0x00A0] = true,
+local zwnj = { -- might become a constant instead of table
+ [0x200C] = true,
+local zwj = { -- might become a constant instead of table
+ [0x200D] = true,
+local zw_char = {
+ [0x200C] = true,
+ [0x200D] = true,
+local pre_mark = {
+ [0x093F] = true, [0x094E] = true,
+local above_mark = {
+ [0x0900] = true, [0x0901] = true, [0x0902] = true, [0x093A] = true,
+ [0x0945] = true, [0x0946] = true, [0x0947] = true, [0x0948] = true,
+ [0x0951] = true, [0x0953] = true, [0x0954] = true, [0x0955] = true,
+ [0xA8E0] = true, [0xA8E1] = true, [0xA8E2] = true, [0xA8E3] = true,
+ [0xA8E4] = true, [0xA8E5] = true, [0xA8E6] = true, [0xA8E7] = true,
+ [0xA8E8] = true, [0xA8E9] = true, [0xA8EA] = true, [0xA8EB] = true,
+ [0xA8EC] = true, [0xA8ED] = true, [0xA8EE] = true, [0xA8EF] = true,
+ [0xA8F0] = true, [0xA8F1] = true,
+local below_mark = {
+ [0x093C] = true, [0x0941] = true, [0x0942] = true, [0x0943] = true,
+ [0x0944] = true, [0x094D] = true, [0x0952] = true, [0x0956] = true,
+ [0x0957] = true, [0x0962] = true, [0x0963] = true,
+local post_mark = {
+ [0x0903] = true, [0x093B] = true, [0x093E] = true, [0x0940] = true,
+ [0x0949] = true, [0x094A] = true, [0x094B] = true, [0x094C] = true,
+ [0x094F] = true,
+local mark_four = { } -- As we access these frequently an extra hash is used.
+for k, v in next, pre_mark do mark_four[k] = pre_mark end
+for k, v in next, above_mark do mark_four[k] = above_mark end
+for k, v in next, below_mark do mark_four[k] = below_mark end
+for k, v in next, post_mark do mark_four[k] = post_mark end
+local mark_above_below_post = { }
+for k, v in next, above_mark do mark_above_below_post[k] = above_mark end
+for k, v in next, below_mark do mark_above_below_post[k] = below_mark end
+for k, v in next, post_mark do mark_above_below_post[k] = post_mark end
+-- Again, this table can be extended for other scripts than devanagari. Actually,
+-- for ConTeXt this kind of dat is kept elsewhere so eventually we might move
+-- tables to someplace else.
+local reorder_class = {
+ [0x0930] = "before postscript",
+ [0x093F] = "before half",
+ [0x0940] = "after subscript",
+ [0x0941] = "after subscript",
+ [0x0942] = "after subscript",
+ [0x0943] = "after subscript",
+ [0x0944] = "after subscript",
+ [0x0945] = "after subscript",
+ [0x0946] = "after subscript",
+ [0x0947] = "after subscript",
+ [0x0948] = "after subscript",
+ [0x0949] = "after subscript",
+ [0x094A] = "after subscript",
+ [0x094B] = "after subscript",
+ [0x094C] = "after subscript",
+ [0x0962] = "after subscript",
+ [0x0963] = "after subscript",
+ [0x093E] = "after subscript",
+-- We use some pseudo features as we need to manipulate the nodelist based
+-- on information in the font as well as already applied features.
+local dflt_true = {
+ dflt = true
+local dev2_defaults = {
+ dev2 = dflt_true,
+local deva_defaults = {
+ dev2 = dflt_true,
+ deva = dflt_true,
+local false_flags = { false, false, false, false }
+local both_joiners_true = { [0x200C] = true, [0x200D] = true }
+local sequence_reorder_matras = {
+ chain = 0,
+ features = { dv01 = dev2_defaults },
+ flags = false_flags,
+ name = "dv01_reorder_matras",
+ subtables = { "dv01_reorder_matras" },
+ type = "devanagari_reorder_matras",
+local sequence_reorder_reph = {
+ chain = 0,
+ features = { dv02 = dev2_defaults },
+ flags = false_flags,
+ name = "dv02_reorder_reph",
+ subtables = { "dv02_reorder_reph" },
+ type = "devanagari_reorder_reph",
+local sequence_reorder_pre_base_reordering_consonants = {
+ chain = 0,
+ features = { dv03 = dev2_defaults },
+ flags = false_flags,
+ name = "dv03_reorder_pre_base_reordering_consonants",
+ subtables = { "dv03_reorder_pre_base_reordering_consonants" },
+ type = "devanagari_reorder_pre_base_reordering_consonants",
+local sequence_remove_joiners = {
+ chain = 0,
+ features = { dv04 = deva_defaults },
+ flags = false_flags,
+ name = "dv04_remove_joiners",
+ subtables = { "dv04_remove_joiners" },
+ type = "devanagari_remove_joiners",
+-- Looping over feature twice as efficient as looping over basic forms (some
+-- 350 checks instead of 750 for one font). This is something to keep an eye on
+-- as it might depends on the font. Not that it's a bottleneck.
+local basic_shaping_forms = {
+ nukt = true,
+ akhn = true,
+ rphf = true,
+ pref = true,
+ rkrf = true,
+ blwf = true,
+ half = true,
+ pstf = true,
+ vatu = true,
+ cjct = true,
+local function initializedevanagi(tfmdata)
+ local script, language = otf.scriptandlanguage(tfmdata,attr) -- take fast variant
+ if script == "deva" or script == "dev2" then
+ local resources = tfmdata.resources
+ local lookuphash = resources.lookuphash
+ if not lookuphash["dv01"] then
+ report_devanagari("adding devanagari features to font")
+ --
+ local features = resources.features
+ local gsubfeatures = features.gsub
+ local sequences = resources.sequences
+ local sharedfeatures = tfmdata.shared.features
+ --
+ local lastmatch = 0
+ for s=1,#sequences do -- classify chars
+ local features = sequences[s].features
+ if features then
+ for k, v in next, features do
+ if basic_shaping_forms[k] then
+ lastmatch = s
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ local insertindex = lastmatch + 1
+ --
+ lookuphash["dv04_remove_joiners"] = both_joiners_true
+ --
+ gsubfeatures["dv01"] = dev2_defaults -- reorder matras
+ gsubfeatures["dv02"] = dev2_defaults -- reorder reph
+ gsubfeatures["dv03"] = dev2_defaults -- reorder pre base reordering consonants
+ gsubfeatures["dv04"] = deva_defaults -- remove joiners
+ --
+ insert(sequences,insertindex,sequence_reorder_pre_base_reordering_consonants)
+ insert(sequences,insertindex,sequence_reorder_reph)
+ insert(sequences,insertindex,sequence_reorder_matras)
+ insert(sequences,insertindex,sequence_remove_joiners)
+ --
+ if script == "deva" then
+ sharedfeatures["dv04"] = true -- dv04_remove_joiners
+ end
+ --
+ if script == "dev2" then
+ sharedfeatures["dv01"] = true -- dv01_reorder_matras
+ sharedfeatures["dv02"] = true -- dv02_reorder_reph
+ sharedfeatures["dv03"] = true -- dv03_reorder_pre_base_reordering_consonants
+ sharedfeatures["dv04"] = true -- dv04_remove_joiners
+ end
+ --
+ end
+ end
+registerotffeature {
+ name = "devanagari",
+ description = "inject additional features",
+ default = true,
+ initializers = {
+ node = initializedevanagi,
+ },
+-- hm, this is applied to one character:
+local function deva_initialize(font,attr)
+ local tfmdata = fontdata[font]
+ local resources = tfmdata.resources
+ local lookuphash = resources.lookuphash
+ local datasets = otf.dataset(tfmdata,font,attr)
+ local devanagaridata = datasets.devanagari
+ if devanagaridata then -- maybe also check for e.g. reph
+ return lookuphash, devanagaridata.reph, devanagaridata.vattu, devanagaridata.blwfcache
+ else
+ devanagaridata = { }
+ datasets.devanagari = devanagaridata
+ local reph = false
+ local vattu = false
+ local blwfcache = { }
+ local sequences = resources.sequences
+ for s=1,#sequences do -- triggers creation of dataset
+ -- local sequence = sequences[s]
+ local dataset = datasets[s]
+ if dataset and dataset[1] then -- value
+ local kind = dataset[4]
+ if kind == "rphf" then
+ -- deva
+ reph = true
+ elseif kind == "blwf" then
+ -- deva
+ vattu = true
+ -- dev2
+ -- local subtables = sequence.subtables -- dataset[5].subtables
+ local subtables = dataset[5].subtables
+ for i=1,#subtables do
+ local lookupname = subtables[i]
+ local lookupcache = lookuphash[lookupname]
+ if lookupcache then
+ for k, v in next, lookupcache do
+ blwfcache[k] = blwfcache[k] or v
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ devanagaridata.reph = reph
+ devanagaridata.vattu = vattu
+ devanagaridata.blwfcache = blwfcache
+ return lookuphash, reph, vattu, blwfcache
+ end
+local function deva_reorder(head,start,stop,font,attr)
+ local lookuphash, reph, vattu, blwfcache = deva_initialize(font,attr) -- could be inlines but ugly
+ local current = start
+ local n =
+ local base = nil
+ local firstcons = nil
+ local lastcons = nil
+ local basefound = false
+ if ra[start.char] and halant[n.char] and reph then
+ -- if syllable starts with Ra + H and script has 'Reph' then exclude Reph
+ -- from candidates for base consonants
+ if n == stop then
+ return head, stop
+ end
+ if zwj[] then
+ current = start
+ else
+ current =
+ set_attribute(start,a_state,5) -- rphf
+ end
+ end
+ if nbsp[current.char] then
+ -- Stand Alone cluster
+ if current == stop then
+ stop = stop.prev
+ head = remove_node(head, current)
+ free_node(current)
+ return head, stop
+ else
+ base, firstcons, lastcons = current, current, current
+ current =
+ if current ~= stop then
+ if nukta[current.char] then
+ current =
+ end
+ if zwj[current.char] then
+ if current ~= stop then
+ local next =
+ if next ~= stop and halant[next.char] then
+ current = next
+ next =
+ local tmp =
+ local changestop = next == stop
+ local tempcurrent = copy_node(next)
+ local nextcurrent = copy_node(current)
+ = nextcurrent
+ nextcurrent.prev = tempcurrent
+ set_attribute(tempcurrent,a_state,8) --blwf
+ tempcurrent = processcharacters(tempcurrent)
+ unset_attribute(tempcurrent,a_state)
+ if next.char == tempcurrent.char then
+ flush_list(tempcurrent)
+ local n = copy_node(current)
+ current.char = dotted_circle
+ head = insert_node_after(head, current, n)
+ else
+ current.char = tempcurrent.char -- (assumes that result of blwf consists of one node)
+ local freenode =
+ = tmp
+ tmp.prev = current
+ free_node(freenode)
+ flush_list(tempcurrent)
+ if changestop then
+ stop = current
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ while not basefound do
+ -- find base consonant
+ if consonant[current.char] then
+ set_attribute(current,a_state,6) -- half
+ if not firstcons then
+ firstcons = current
+ end
+ lastcons = current
+ if not base then
+ base = current
+ elseif blwfcache[current.char] then
+ -- consonant has below-base (or post-base) form
+ set_attribute(current,a_state,8) -- blwf
+ else
+ base = current
+ end
+ end
+ basefound = current == stop
+ current =
+ end
+ if base ~= lastcons then
+ -- if base consonant is not last one then move halant from base consonant to last one
+ local np = base
+ local n =
+ if nukta[n.char] then
+ np = n
+ n =
+ end
+ if halant[n.char] then
+ if lastcons ~= stop then
+ local ln =
+ if nukta[ln.char] then
+ lastcons = ln
+ end
+ end
+ -- local np = n.prev
+ local nn =
+ local ln = -- what if lastcons is nn ?
+ = nn
+ nn.prev = np
+ = n
+ if ln then
+ ln.prev = n
+ end
+ = ln
+ n.prev = lastcons
+ if lastcons == stop then
+ stop = n
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ n =
+ if ra[start.char] and halant[n.char] and not (n ~= stop and zw_char[]) then
+ -- if syllable starts with Ra + H then move this combination so that it follows either:
+ -- the post-base 'matra' (if any) or the base consonant
+ local matra = base
+ if base ~= stop then
+ local next =
+ if dependent_vowel[next.char] then
+ matra = next
+ end
+ end
+ -- [sp][start][n][nn] [matra|base][?]
+ -- [matra|base][start] [n][?] [sp][nn]
+ local sp = start.prev
+ local nn =
+ local mn =
+ if sp then
+ = nn
+ end
+ nn.prev = sp
+ = start
+ start.prev = matra
+ = mn
+ if mn then
+ mn.prev = n
+ end
+ if head == start then
+ head = nn
+ end
+ start = nn
+ if matra == stop then
+ stop = n
+ end
+ end
+ local current = start
+ while current ~= stop do
+ local next =
+ if next ~= stop and halant[next.char] and zwnj[] then
+ unset_attribute(current,a_state)
+ end
+ current = next
+ end
+ if base ~= stop and has_attribute(base,a_state) then
+ local next =
+ if halant[next.char] and not (next ~= stop and zwj[]) then
+ unset_attribute(base,a_state)
+ end
+ end
+ -- ToDo: split two- or three-part matras into their parts. Then, move the left 'matra' part to the beginning of the syllable.
+ -- Not necessary for Devanagari. However it is necessay for other scripts, such as Tamil (e.g. TAMIL VOWEL SIGN O - 0BCA)
+ -- classify consonants and 'matra' parts as pre-base, above-base (Reph), below-base or post-base, and group elements of the syllable (consonants and 'matras') according to this classification
+ local current, allreordered, moved = start, false, { [base] = true }
+ local a, b, p, bn = base, base, base,
+ if base ~= stop and nukta[bn.char] then
+ a, b, p = bn, bn, bn
+ end
+ while not allreordered do
+ -- current is always consonant
+ local c = current
+ local n =
+ local l = nil -- used ?
+ if c ~= stop then
+ if nukta[n.char] then
+ c = n
+ n =
+ end
+ if c ~= stop then
+ if halant[n.char] then
+ c = n
+ n =
+ end
+ while c ~= stop and dependent_vowel[n.char] do
+ c = n
+ n =
+ end
+ if c ~= stop then
+ if vowel_modifier[n.char] then
+ c = n
+ n =
+ end
+ if c ~= stop and stress_tone_mark[n.char] then
+ c = n
+ n =
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ local bp = firstcons.prev
+ local cn =
+ local last =
+ while cn ~= last do
+ -- move pre-base matras...
+ if pre_mark[cn.char] then
+ if bp then
+ = cn
+ end
+ local next =
+ local prev = cn.prev
+ if next then
+ next.prev = prev
+ end
+ = next
+ if cn == stop then
+ stop = prev
+ end
+ cn.prev = bp
+ = firstcons
+ firstcons.prev = cn
+ if firstcons == start then
+ if head == start then
+ head = cn
+ end
+ start = cn
+ end
+ break
+ end
+ cn =
+ end
+ allreordered = c == stop
+ current =
+ end
+ if reph or vattu then
+ local current, cns = start, nil
+ while current ~= stop do
+ local c = current
+ local n =
+ if ra[current.char] and halant[n.char] then
+ c = n
+ n =
+ local b, bn = base, base
+ while bn ~= stop do
+ local next =
+ if dependent_vowel[next.char] then
+ b = next
+ end
+ bn = next
+ end
+ if has_attribute(current,a_state) == 5 then
+ -- position Reph (Ra + H) after post-base 'matra' (if any) since these
+ -- become marks on the 'matra', not on the base glyph
+ if b ~= current then
+ if current == start then
+ if head == start then
+ head = n
+ end
+ start = n
+ end
+ if b == stop then
+ stop = c
+ end
+ local prev = current.prev
+ if prev then
+ = n
+ end
+ if n then
+ n.prev = prev
+ end
+ local next =
+ = next
+ if next then
+ next.prev = c
+ end
+ = next
+ = current
+ current.prev = b
+ end
+ elseif cns and ~= current then
+ -- position below-base Ra (vattu) following the consonants on which it is placed (either the base consonant or one of the pre-base consonants)
+ local cp, cnsn = current.prev,
+ if cp then
+ = n
+ end
+ if n then
+ n.prev = cp
+ end
+ = current
+ current.prev = cns
+ = cnsn
+ if cnsn then
+ cnsn.prev = c
+ end
+ if c == stop then
+ stop = cp
+ break
+ end
+ current = n.prev
+ end
+ else
+ local char = current.char
+ if consonant[char] or nbsp[char] then -- maybe combined hash
+ cns = current
+ local next =
+ if halant[next.char] then
+ cns = next
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ current =
+ end
+ end
+ if nbsp[base.char] then
+ head = remove_node(head,base)
+ free_node(base)
+ end
+ return head, stop
+-- If a pre-base matra character had been reordered before applying basic features,
+-- the glyph can be moved closer to the main consonant based on whether half-forms had been formed.
+-- Actual position for the matra is defined as “after last standalone halant glyph,
+-- after initial matra position and before the main consonant”.
+-- If ZWJ or ZWNJ follow this halant, position is moved after it.
+-- so we break out ... this is only done for the first 'word' (if we feed words we can as
+-- well test for non glyph.
+function handlers.devanagari_reorder_matras(start,kind,lookupname,replacement) -- no leak
+ local current = start -- we could cache attributes here
+ local startfont = start.font
+ local startattr = has_attribute(start,a_syllabe)
+ -- can be fast loop
+ while current and == glyph_code and current.subtype<256 and current.font == font and has_attribute(current,a_syllabe) == startattr do
+ local next =
+ if halant[current.char] and not has_attribute(current,a_state) then
+ if next and == glyph_code and next.subtype<256 and next.font == font and has_attribute(next,a_syllabe) == startattr and zw_char[next.char] then
+ current = next
+ end
+ local startnext =
+-- local startprev = start.prev
+-- startnext.prev = startprev
+-- if startprev then
+-- = startnext
+-- end
+ local next =
+ if next then
+ next.prev = start
+ end
+ = next
+ = start
+ start.prev = current
+ start = startnext
+ break
+ end
+ current = next
+ end
+ return start, true
+-- todo: way more caching of attributes and font
+-- Reph’s original position is always at the beginning of the syllable, (i.e. it is not reordered at the character reordering stage).
+-- However, it will be reordered according to the basic-forms shaping results.
+-- Possible positions for reph, depending on the script, are; after main, before post-base consonant forms,
+-- and after post-base consonant forms.
+-- 1 If reph should be positioned after post-base consonant forms, proceed to step 5.
+-- 2 If the reph repositioning class is not after post-base: target position is after the first explicit halant glyph between
+-- the first post-reph consonant and last main consonant. If ZWJ or ZWNJ are following this halant, position is moved after it.
+-- If such position is found, this is the target position. Otherwise, proceed to the next step.
+-- Note: in old-implementation fonts, where classifications were fixed in shaping engine,
+-- there was no case where reph position will be found on this step.
+-- 3 If reph should be repositioned after the main consonant: from the first consonant not ligated with main,
+-- or find the first consonant that is not a potential pre-base reordering Ra.
+-- 4 If reph should be positioned before post-base consonant, find first post-base classified consonant not ligated with main.
+-- If no consonant is found, the target position should be before the first matra, syllable modifier sign or vedic sign.
+-- 5 If no consonant is found in steps 3 or 4, move reph to a position immediately before the first post-base matra,
+-- syllable modifier sign or vedic sign that has a reordering class after the intended reph position.
+-- For example, if the reordering position for reph is post-main, it will skip above-base matras that also have a post-main position.
+-- 6 Otherwise, reorder reph to the end of the syllable.
+-- hm, this only looks at the start of a nodelist ... is this supposed to be line based?
+function handlers.devanagari_reorder_reph(start,kind,lookupname,replacement)
+ -- since in Devanagari reph has reordering position 'before postscript' dev2 only follows step 2, 4, and 6,
+ -- the other steps are still ToDo (required for scripts other than dev2)
+ local current =
+ local startnext = nil
+ local startprev = nil
+ local startfont = start.font
+ local startattr = has_attribute(start,a_syllabe)
+ while current and == glyph_code and current.subtype<256 and current.font == startfont and has_attribute(current,a_syllabe) == startattr do --step 2
+ if halant[current.char] and not has_attribute(current,a_state) then
+ local next =
+ if next and == glyph_code and next.subtype<256 and next.font == startfont and has_attribute(next,a_syllabe) == startattr and zw_char[next.char] then
+ current = next
+ end
+-- startnext =
+-- startprev = start.prev
+-- startnext.prev = startprev
+-- if startprev then
+-- = startnext
+-- end
+ local next =
+ if next then
+ next.prev = start
+ end
+ = next
+ = start
+ start.prev = current
+ start = startnext
+ startattr = has_attribute(start,a_syllabe)
+ break
+ end
+ current =
+ end
+ if not startnext then
+ current =
+ while current and == glyph_code and current.subtype<256 and current.font == startfont and has_attribute(current,a_syllabe) == startattr do --step 4
+ if has_attribute(current,a_state) == 9 then --post-base
+ startnext =
+-- startprev = start.prev
+-- startnext.prev = startprev
+-- if startprev then
+-- = startnext
+-- end
+ local prev = current.prev
+ start.prev = prev
+ = start
+ = current
+ current.prev = start
+ start = startnext
+ startattr = has_attribute(start,a_syllabe)
+ break
+ end
+ current =
+ end
+ end
+ -- ToDo: determine position for reph with reordering position other than 'before postscript'
+ -- (required for scripts other than dev2)
+ -- leaks
+ if not startnext then
+ current =
+ local c = nil
+ while current and == glyph_code and current.subtype<256 and current.font == startfont and has_attribute(current,a_syllabe) == startattr do --step 5
+ if not c then
+ local char = current.char
+ -- todo: combine in one
+ if mark_above_below_post[char] and reorder_class[char] ~= "after subscript" then
+ c = current
+ end
+ end
+ current =
+ end
+ -- here we can loose the old start node: maybe best split cases
+ if c then
+ startnext =
+ -- if c ~= startnext then -- needs testing
+-- startprev = start.prev
+-- startnext.prev = startprev
+-- if startprev then
+-- = startnext
+-- end
+ local prev = c.prev
+ start.prev = prev
+ = start
+ = c
+ c.prev = start
+ -- end
+ start = startnext
+ startattr = has_attribute(start,a_syllabe)
+ end
+ end
+ -- leaks
+ if not startnext then
+ current = start
+ local next =
+ while next and == glyph_code and next.subtype<256 and next.font == startfont and has_attribute(next,a_syllabe) == startattr do --step 6
+ current = next
+ next =
+ end
+ if start ~= current then
+ startnext =
+-- startprev = start.prev
+-- startnext.prev = startprev
+-- if startprev then
+-- = startnext
+-- end
+ local next =
+ if next then
+ next.prev = start
+ end
+ = next
+ = start
+ start.prev = current
+ start = startnext
+ end
+ end
+ --
+ return start, true
+-- we can cache some checking (v)
+-- If a pre-base reordering consonant is found, reorder it according to the following rules:
+-- 1 Only reorder a glyph produced by substitution during application of the feature.
+-- (Note that a font may shape a Ra consonant with the feature generally but block it in certain contexts.)
+-- 2 Try to find a target position the same way as for pre-base matra. If it is found, reorder pre-base consonant glyph.
+-- 3 If position is not found, reorder immediately before main consonant.
+function handlers.devanagari_reorder_pre_base_reordering_consonants(start,kind,lookupname,replacement)
+ local current = start
+ local startnext = nil
+ local startprev = nil
+ local startfont = start.font
+ local startattr = has_attribute(start,a_syllabe)
+ -- can be fast for loop + caching state
+ while current and == glyph_code and current.subtype<256 and current.font == startfont and has_attribute(current,a_syllabe) == startattr do
+ local next =
+ if halant[current.char] and not has_attribute(current,a_state) then
+ if next and == glyph_code and next.subtype<256 and next.font == font and has_attribute(next,a_syllabe) == startattr then
+ local char = next.char
+ if zw_char[char] then
+ current = next
+ end
+ end
+ startnext =
+-- startprev = start.prev
+-- startnext.prev = startprev
+-- if startprev then
+-- = startnext
+-- end
+ local next =
+ if next then
+ next.prev = start
+ end
+ = next
+ = start
+ start.prev = current
+ start = startnext
+ break
+ end
+ current = next
+ end
+ if not startnext then
+ current =
+ startattr = has_attribute(start,a_syllabe)
+ while current and == glyph_code and current.subtype<256 and current.font == startfont and has_attribute(current,a_syllabe) == startattr do
+ if not consonant[current.char] and has_attribute(current,a_state) then --main
+ startnext =
+-- startprev = start.prev
+-- startnext.prev = startprev
+-- if startprev then
+-- = startnext
+-- end
+ local prev = current.prev
+ start.prev = prev
+ = start
+ = current
+ current.prev = start
+ start = startnext
+ break
+ end
+ current =
+ end
+ end
+ return start, true
+function handlers.devanagari_remove_joiners(start,kind,lookupname,replacement)
+ local stop =
+ local startfont = start.font
+ while stop and == glyph_code and stop.subtype<256 and stop.font == startfont do
+ local char = stop.char
+ if zw_char[char] then
+ stop =
+ else
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ if stop then
+ = nil
+ stop.prev = start.prev
+ end
+ local prev = start.prev
+ if prev then
+ = stop
+ end
+ flush_list(start)
+ return stop, true
+local valid = {
+ rphf = true,
+ pref = true,
+ half = true,
+ blwf = true,
+ pstf = true,
+local function dev2_initialize(font,attr)
+ local tfmdata = fontdata[font]
+ local resources = tfmdata.resources
+ local lookuphash = resources.lookuphash
+ local datasets = otf.dataset(tfmdata,font,attr)
+ local devanagaridata = datasets.devanagari
+ if devanagaridata then -- maybe also check for e.g. seqsubset
+ return lookuphash, devanagaridata.seqsubset
+ else
+ devanagaridata = { }
+ datasets.devanagari = devanagaridata
+ local seqsubset = { }
+ devanagaridata.seqsubset = seqsubset
+ local sequences = resources.sequences
+ for s=1,#sequences do
+ -- local sequence = sequences[s]
+ local dataset = datasets[s]
+ if dataset and dataset[1] then -- featurevalue
+ local kind = dataset[4]
+ if kind and valid[kind] then
+ -- could become a function call
+ -- local subtables = sequence.subtables
+ local subtables = dataset[5].subtables
+ for i=1,#subtables do
+ local lookupname = subtables[i]
+ local lookupcache = lookuphash[lookupname]
+ if lookupcache then
+ local reph = false
+ local chain = dataset[3]
+ if chain ~= 0 then --rphf is result of of chain
+ --ToDo: rphf might be result of other handler/chainproc
+ else
+ reph = lookupcache[0x0930]
+ if reph then
+ reph = reph[0x094D]
+ if reph then
+ reph = reph["ligature"]
+ end
+ end
+ --ToDo: rphf actualy acts on consonant + halant. This consonant might not necesseraly be 0x0930 ... (but fot dev2 it is)
+ end
+ seqsubset[#seqsubset+1] = { kind, lookupcache, reph }
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ lookuphash["dv01_reorder_matras"] = pre_mark -- move to initializer ?
+ return lookuphash, seqsubset
+ end
+-- this one will be merged into the caller: it saves a call, but we will then make function
+-- of the actions
+local function dev2_reorder(head,start,stop,font,attr) -- maybe do a pass over (determine stop in sweep)
+ local lookuphash, seqsubset = dev2_initialize(font,attr)
+ local reph, pre_base_reordering_consonants = false, { } -- was nil ... probably went unnoticed because never assigned
+ local halfpos, basepos, subpos, postpos = nil, nil, nil, nil
+ local locl = { }
+ for i=1,#seqsubset do
+ -- maybe quit if start == stop
+ local subset = seqsubset[i]
+ local kind = subset[1]
+ local lookupcache = subset[2]
+ if kind == "rphf" then
+ if subset[3] then
+ reph = true
+ end
+ local current = start
+ local last =
+ while current ~= last do
+ if current ~= stop then
+ local c = locl[current] or current.char
+ local found = lookupcache[c]
+ if found then
+ local next =
+ local n = locl[next] or next.char
+ if found[n] then --above-base: rphf Consonant + Halant
+ local afternext = next ~= stop and
+ if afternext and zw_char[afternext.char] then -- ZWJ and ZWNJ prevent creation of reph
+ current = next
+ current =
+ elseif current == start then
+ set_attribute(current,a_state,5)
+ current = next
+ else
+ current = next
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ current =
+ end
+ elseif kind == "pref" then
+ -- why not global? pretty ineffient this way
+ -- this will move to the initializer and we will store the hash in dataset
+ for k, v in lookupcache[0x094D], next do
+ pre_base_reordering_consonants[k] = v and v["ligature"] --ToDo: reph might also be result of chain
+ end
+ --
+ local current = start
+ local last =
+ while current ~= last do
+ if current ~= stop then
+ local c = locl[current] or current.char
+ local found = lookupcache[c]
+ if found then
+ local next =
+ local n = locl[next] or next.char
+ if found[n] then
+ set_attribute(current,a_state,7)
+ set_attribute(next,a_state,7)
+ current = next
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ current =
+ end
+ elseif kind == "half" then -- half forms: half / Consonant + Halant
+ local current = start
+ local last =
+ while current ~= last do
+ if current ~= stop then
+ local c = locl[current] or current.char
+ local found = lookupcache[c]
+ if found then
+ local next =
+ local n = locl[next] or next.char
+ if found[n] then
+ if next ~= stop and zwnj[] then --ZWNJ prevent creation of half
+ current =
+ else
+ set_attribute(current,a_state,6)
+ if not halfpos then
+ halfpos = current
+ end
+ end
+ current = next
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ current =
+ end
+ elseif kind == "blwf" then -- below-base: blwf / Halant + Consonant
+ local current = start
+ local last =
+ while current ~= last do
+ if current ~= stop then
+ local c = locl[current] or current.char
+ local found = lookupcache[c]
+ if found then
+ local next =
+ local n = locl[next] or next.char
+ if found[n] then
+ set_attribute(current,a_state,8)
+ set_attribute(next,a_state,8)
+ current = next
+ subpos = current
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ current =
+ end
+ elseif kind == "pstf" then -- post-base: pstf / Halant + Consonant
+ local current = start
+ local last =
+ while current ~= last do
+ if current ~= stop then
+ local c = locl[current] or current.char
+ local found = lookupcache[c]
+ if found then
+ local next =
+ local n = locl[next] or next.char
+ if found[n] then
+ set_attribute(current,a_state,9)
+ set_attribute(next,a_state,9)
+ current = next
+ postpos = current
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ current =
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ -- this one changes per word
+ lookuphash["dv02_reorder_reph"] = { [reph] = true }
+ lookuphash["dv03_reorder_pre_base_reordering_consonants"] = pre_base_reordering_consonants
+ local current, base, firstcons = start, nil, nil
+ if has_attribute(start,a_state) == 5 then
+ -- if syllable starts with Ra + H and script has 'Reph' then exclude Reph from candidates for base consonants
+ current =
+ end
+ if current ~= and nbsp[current.char] then
+ -- Stand Alone cluster
+ if current == stop then
+ stop = stop.prev
+ head = remove_node(head,current)
+ free_node(current)
+ return head, stop
+ else
+ base = current
+ current =
+ if current ~= stop then
+ local char = current.char
+ if nukta[char] then
+ current =
+ char = current.char
+ end
+ if zwj[char] then
+ local next =
+ if current ~= stop and next ~= stop and halant[next.char] then
+ current = next
+ next =
+ local tmp =
+ local changestop = next == stop
+ = nil
+ set_attribute(current,a_state,7) --pref
+ current = processcharacters(current)
+ set_attribute(current,a_state,8) --blwf
+ current = processcharacters(current)
+ set_attribute(current,a_state,9) --pstf
+ current = processcharacters(current)
+ unset_attribute(current,a_state)
+ if halant[current.char] then
+ = tmp
+ local nc = copy_node(current)
+ current.char = dotted_circle
+ head = insert_node_after(head,current,nc)
+ else
+ = tmp -- assumes that result of pref, blwf, or pstf consists of one node
+ if changestop then
+ stop = current
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ else -- not Stand Alone cluster
+ local last =
+ while current ~= last do -- find base consonant
+ local next =
+ if consonant[current.char] then
+ if not (current ~= stop and next ~= stop and halant[next.char] and zwj[]) then
+ if not firstcons then
+ firstcons = current
+ end
+ -- check whether consonant has below-base or post-base form or is pre-base reordering Ra
+ local a = has_attribute(current,a_state)
+ if not (a == 7 or a == 8 or a == 9) then
+ base = current
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ current = next
+ end
+ if not base then
+ base = firstcons
+ end
+ end
+ if not base then
+ if has_attribute(start,a_state) == 5 then
+ unset_attribute(start,a_state)
+ end
+ return head, stop
+ else
+ if has_attribute(base,a_state) then
+ unset_attribute(base,a_state)
+ end
+ basepos = base
+ end
+ if not halfpos then
+ halfpos = base
+ end
+ if not subpos then
+ subpos = base
+ end
+ if not postpos then
+ postpos = subpos or base
+ end
+ -- Matra characters are classified and reordered by which consonant in a conjunct they have affinity for
+ local moved = { }
+ local current = start
+ local last =
+ while current ~= last do
+ local char, target, cn = locl[current] or current.char, nil,
+ if not moved[current] and dependent_vowel[char] then
+ if pre_mark[char] then -- Before first half form in the syllable
+ moved[current] = true
+ local prev = current.prev
+ local next =
+ if prev then
+ = next
+ end
+ if next then
+ next.prev = prev
+ end
+ if current == stop then
+ stop = current.prev
+ end
+ if halfpos == start then
+ if head == start then
+ head = current
+ end
+ start = current
+ end
+ local prev = halfpos.prev
+ if prev then
+ = current
+ end
+ current.prev = prev
+ halfpos.prev = current
+ = halfpos
+ halfpos = current
+ elseif above_mark[char] then -- After main consonant
+ target = basepos
+ if subpos == basepos then
+ subpos = current
+ end
+ if postpos == basepos then
+ postpos = current
+ end
+ basepos = current
+ elseif below_mark[char] then -- After subjoined consonants
+ target = subpos
+ if postpos == subpos then
+ postpos = current
+ end
+ subpos = current
+ elseif post_mark[char] then -- After post-form consonant
+ target = postpos
+ postpos = current
+ end
+ if mark_above_below_post[char] then
+ local prev = current.prev
+ if prev ~= target then
+ local next =
+ if prev then -- not needed, already tested with target
+ = next
+ end
+ if next then
+ next.prev = prev
+ end
+ if current == stop then
+ stop = prev
+ end
+ local next =
+ if next then
+ next.prev = current
+ end
+ = next
+ = current
+ current.prev = target
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ current = cn
+ end
+ -- Reorder marks to canonical order: Adjacent nukta and halant or nukta and vedic sign are always repositioned if necessary, so that the nukta is first.
+ local current, c = start, nil
+ while current ~= stop do
+ local char = current.char
+ if halant[char] or stress_tone_mark[char] then
+ if not c then
+ c = current
+ end
+ else
+ c = nil
+ end
+ local next =
+ if c and nukta[next.char] then
+ if head == c then
+ head = next
+ end
+ if stop == next then
+ stop = current
+ end
+ local prev = c.prev
+ if prev then
+ = next
+ end
+ next.prev = prev
+ local nextnext =
+ = nextnext
+ local nextnextnext =
+ if nextnextnext then
+ nextnextnext.prev = current
+ end
+ c.prev = nextnext
+ = c
+ end
+ if stop == current then break end
+ current =
+ end
+ if nbsp[base.char] then
+ head = remove_node(head, base)
+ free_node(base)
+ end
+ return head, stop
+-- cleaned up and optimized ... needs checking (local, check order, fixes, extra hash, etc)
+local separator = { }
+local function analyze_next_chars_one(c,font,variant) -- skip one dependent vowel
+ -- why two variants ... the comment suggests that it's the same ruleset
+ local n =
+ if not n then
+ return c
+ end
+ if variant == 1 then
+ local v = == glyph_code and n.subtype<256 and n.font == font
+ if v and nukta[n.char] then
+ n =
+ if n then
+ v = == glyph_code and n.subtype<256 and n.font == font
+ end
+ end
+ if n and v then
+ local nn =
+ if nn and == glyph_code and nn.subtype<256 and nn.font == font then
+ local nnn =
+ if nnn and == glyph_code and nnn.subtype<256 and nnn.font == font then
+ local nnc = nn.char
+ local nnnc = nnn.char
+ if zwj[nnc] and consonant[nnnc] then
+ c = nnn
+ elseif zw_char[nnc] and halant[nnnc] then
+ local nnnn =
+ if nnnn and == glyph_code and consonant[nnnn.char] and nnnn.subtype<256 and nnnn.font == font then
+ c = nnnn
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ elseif variant == 2 then
+ if == glyph_code and nukta[n.char] and n.subtype<256 and n.font == font then
+ c = n
+ end
+ n =
+ if n and == glyph_code and n.subtype<256 and n.font == font then
+ local nn =
+ if nn then
+ local nv = == glyph_code and nn.subtype<256 and nn.font == font
+ if nv and zw_char[n.char] then
+ n = nn
+ nn =
+ nv = == glyph_code and nn.subtype<256 and nn.font == font
+ end
+ if nn and nv and halant[n.char] and consonant[nn.char] then
+ c = nn
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ -- c = ms_matra(c)
+ local n =
+ if not n then
+ return c
+ end
+ local v = == glyph_code and n.subtype<256 and n.font == font
+ if not v then
+ return c
+ end
+ local char = n.char
+ if dependent_vowel[char] then
+ c =
+ n =
+ if not n then
+ return c
+ end
+ v = == glyph_code and n.subtype<256 and n.font == font
+ if not v then
+ return c
+ end
+ char = n.char
+ end
+ if nukta[char] then
+ c =
+ n =
+ if not n then
+ return c
+ end
+ v = == glyph_code and n.subtype<256 and n.font == font
+ if not v then
+ return c
+ end
+ char = n.char
+ end
+ if halant[char] then
+ c =
+ n =
+ if not n then
+ return c
+ end
+ v = == glyph_code and n.subtype<256 and n.font == font
+ if not v then
+ return c
+ end
+ char = n.char
+ end
+ if vowel_modifier[char] then
+ c =
+ n =
+ if not n then
+ return c
+ end
+ v = == glyph_code and n.subtype<256 and n.font == font
+ if not v then
+ return c
+ end
+ char = n.char
+ end
+ if stress_tone_mark[char] then
+ c =
+ n =
+ if not n then
+ return c
+ end
+ v = == glyph_code and n.subtype<256 and n.font == font
+ if not v then
+ return c
+ end
+ char = n.char
+ end
+ if stress_tone_mark[char] then
+ return n
+ else
+ return c
+ end
+local function analyze_next_chars_two(c,font)
+ local n =
+ if not n then
+ return c
+ end
+ if == glyph_code and nukta[n.char] and n.subtype<256 and n.font == font then
+ c = n
+ end
+ n = c
+ while true do
+ local nn =
+ if nn and == glyph_code and nn.subtype<256 and nn.font == font then
+ local char = nn.char
+ if halant[char] then
+ n = nn
+ local nnn =
+ if nnn and == glyph_code and zw_char[nnn.char] and nnn.subtype<256 and nnn.font == font then
+ n = nnn
+ end
+ elseif zw_char[char] then
+ -- n = nn -- not here (?)
+ local nnn =
+ if nnn and == glyph_code and halant[nnn.char] and nnn.subtype<256 and nnn.font == font then
+ n = nnn
+ end
+ else
+ break
+ end
+ local nn =
+ if nn and == glyph_code and consonant[nn.char] and nn.subtype<256 and nn.font == font then
+ n = nn
+ local nnn =
+ if nnn and == glyph_code and nukta[nnn.char] and nnn.subtype<256 and nnn.font == font then
+ n = nnn
+ end
+ c = n
+ else
+ break
+ end
+ else
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ --
+ if not c then
+ -- This shouldn't happen I guess.
+ return
+ end
+ local n =
+ if not n then
+ return c
+ end
+ local v = == glyph_code and n.subtype<256 and n.font == font
+ if not v then
+ return c
+ end
+ local char = n.char
+ if anudatta[char] then
+ c = n
+ n =
+ if not n then
+ return c
+ end
+ v = == glyph_code and n.subtype<256 and n.font == font
+ if not v then
+ return c
+ end
+ char = n.char
+ end
+ if halant[char] then
+ c =
+ n =
+ if not n then
+ return c
+ end
+ v = == glyph_code and n.subtype<256 and n.font == font
+ if not v then
+ return c
+ end
+ char = n.char
+ if zw_char[char] then
+ c =
+ n =
+ if not n then
+ return c
+ end
+ v = == glyph_code and n.subtype<256 and n.font == font
+ if not v then
+ return c
+ end
+ char = n.char
+ end
+ else
+ -- c = ms_matra(c)
+ -- same as one
+ if dependent_vowel[char] then
+ c =
+ n =
+ if not n then
+ return c
+ end
+ v = == glyph_code and n.subtype<256 and n.font == font
+ if not v then
+ return c
+ end
+ char = n.char
+ end
+ if nukta[char] then
+ c =
+ n =
+ if not n then
+ return c
+ end
+ v = == glyph_code and n.subtype<256 and n.font == font
+ if not v then
+ return c
+ end
+ char = n.char
+ end
+ if halant[char] then
+ c =
+ n =
+ if not n then
+ return c
+ end
+ v = == glyph_code and n.subtype<256 and n.font == font
+ if not v then
+ return c
+ end
+ char = n.char
+ end
+ end
+ -- same as one
+ if vowel_modifier[char] then
+ c =
+ n =
+ if not n then
+ return c
+ end
+ v = == glyph_code and n.subtype<256 and n.font == font
+ if not v then
+ return c
+ end
+ char = n.char
+ end
+ if stress_tone_mark[char] then
+ c =
+ n =
+ if not n then
+ return c
+ end
+ v = == glyph_code and n.subtype<256 and n.font == font
+ if not v then
+ return c
+ end
+ char = n.char
+ end
+ if stress_tone_mark[char] then
+ return n
+ else
+ return c
+ end
+local function inject_syntax_error(head,current,mark)
+ local signal = copy_node(current)
+ if mark == pre_mark then
+ signal.char = dotted_circle
+ else
+ current.char = dotted_circle
+ end
+ return insert_node_after(head,current,signal)
+-- It looks like these two analyzers were written independently but they share
+-- a lot. Common code has been synced.
+function methods.deva(head,font,attr)
+ local current, start, done = head, true, false
+ while current do
+ if == glyph_code and current.subtype<256 and current.font == font then
+ done = true
+ local syllablestart = current
+ local syllableend = nil
+ local c = current
+ local n =
+ if n and ra[c.char] and == glyph_code and halant[n.char] and n.subtype<256 and n.font == font then
+ local n =
+ if n and == glyph_code and n.subtype<256 and n.font == font then
+ c = n
+ end
+ end
+ local standalone = nbsp[c.char]
+ if standalone then
+ local prev = current.prev
+ if not prev then
+ -- begin of paragraph or box
+ elseif ~= glyph_code or prev.subtype>=256 or prev.font ~= font then
+ -- different font or language so quite certainly a different word
+ elseif not separator[prev.char] then
+ -- something that separates words
+ else
+ standalone = false
+ end
+ end
+ if standalone then
+ -- stand alone cluster (at the start of the word only): #[Ra+H]+NBSP+[N]+[<[<ZWJ|ZWNJ>]+H+C>]+[{M}+[N]+[H]]+[SM]+[(VD)]
+ local syllabeend, current = analyze_next_chars_one(c,font,2) -- watch out, here we set current to next
+ if syllablestart ~= syllableend then
+ head, current = deva_reorder(head,syllablestart,syllableend,font,attr)
+ current =
+ end
+ else
+ -- we can delay the n.subtype and n.font and test for say halant[c] first
+ -- as an table access is faster than two function calls (subtype and font are
+ -- pseudo fields) but the code becomes messy (unless we make it a function)
+ local char = current.char
+ if consonant[char] then
+ -- syllable containing consonant
+ local prevc = true
+ while prevc do
+ prevc = false
+ local n =
+ if not n then
+ break
+ end
+ local v = == glyph_code and n.subtype<256 and n.font == font
+ if not v then
+ break
+ end
+ local c = n.char
+ if nukta[c] then
+ n =
+ if not n then
+ break
+ end
+ v = == glyph_code and n.subtype<256 and n.font == font
+ if not v then
+ break
+ end
+ c = n.char
+ end
+ if halant[c] then
+ n =
+ if not n then
+ break
+ end
+ v = == glyph_code and n.subtype<256 and n.font == font
+ if not v then
+ break
+ end
+ c = n.char
+ if zw_char[c] then
+ n =
+ if not n then
+ break
+ end
+ v = == glyph_code and n.subtype<256 and n.font == font
+ if not v then
+ break
+ end
+ c = n.char
+ end
+ if consonant[c] then
+ prevc = true
+ current = n
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ local n =
+ if n and == glyph_code and nukta[n.char] and n.subtype<256 and n.font == font then
+ -- nukta (not specified in Microsft Devanagari OpenType specification)
+ current = n
+ n =
+ end
+ syllableend = current
+ current = n
+ if current then
+ local v = == glyph_code and current.subtype<256 and current.font == font
+ if v then
+ if halant[current.char] then
+ -- syllable containing consonant without vowels: {C + [Nukta] + H} + C + H
+ local n =
+ if n and == glyph_code and zw_char[n.char] and n.subtype<256 and n.font == font then
+ -- code collapsed, probably needs checking with intention
+ syllableend = n
+ current =
+ else
+ syllableend = current
+ current = n
+ end
+ else
+ -- syllable containing consonant with vowels: {C + [Nukta] + H} + C + [M] + [VM] + [SM]
+ local c = current.char
+ if dependent_vowel[c] then
+ syllableend = current
+ current =
+ v = current and == glyph_code and current.subtype<256 and current.font == font
+ if v then
+ c = current.char
+ end
+ end
+ if v and vowel_modifier[c] then
+ syllableend = current
+ current =
+ v = current and == glyph_code and current.subtype<256 and current.font == font
+ if v then
+ c = current.char
+ end
+ end
+ if v and stress_tone_mark[c] then
+ syllableend = current
+ current =
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if syllablestart ~= syllableend then
+ head, current = deva_reorder(head,syllablestart,syllableend,font,attr)
+ current =
+ end
+ elseif independent_vowel[char] then
+ -- syllable without consonants: VO + [VM] + [SM]
+ syllableend = current
+ current =
+ if current then
+ local v = == glyph_code and current.subtype<256 and current.font == font
+ if v then
+ local c = current.char
+ if vowel_modifier[c] then
+ syllableend = current
+ current =
+ v = current and == glyph_code and current.subtype<256 and current.font == font
+ if v then
+ c = current.char
+ end
+ end
+ if v and stress_tone_mark[c] then
+ syllableend = current
+ current =
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ local mark = mark_four[char]
+ if mark then
+ head, current = inject_syntax_error(head,current,mark)
+ end
+ current =
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ current =
+ end
+ start = false
+ end
+ return head, done
+-- there is a good change that when we run into one with subtype < 256 that the rest is also done
+-- so maybe we can omit this check (it's pretty hard to get glyphs in the stream out of the blue)
+-- handler(start,kind,lookupname,lookupmatch,sequence,lookuphash,1)
+function methods.dev2(head,font,attr)
+ local current = head
+ local start = true
+ local done = false
+ local syllabe = 0
+ while current do
+ local syllablestart, syllableend = nil, nil
+ if == glyph_code and current.subtype<256 and current.font == font then
+ done = true
+ syllablestart = current
+ local c = current
+ local n =
+ if n and ra[c.char] and == glyph_code and halant[n.char] and n.subtype<256 and n.font == font then
+ local n =
+ if n and == glyph_code and n.subtype<256 and n.font == font then
+ c = n
+ end
+ end
+ local char = c.char
+ if independent_vowel[char] then
+ -- vowel-based syllable: [Ra+H]+V+[N]+[<[<ZWJ|ZWNJ>]+H+C|ZWJ+C>]+[{M}+[N]+[H]]+[SM]+[(VD)]
+ current = analyze_next_chars_one(c,font,1)
+ syllableend = current
+ else
+ local standalone = nbsp[char]
+ if standalone then
+ local p = current.prev
+ if not p then
+ -- begin of paragraph or box
+ elseif ~= glyph_code or p.subtype>=256 or p.font ~= font then
+ -- different font or language so quite certainly a different word
+ elseif not separator[p.char] then
+ -- something that separates words
+ else
+ standalone = false
+ end
+ end
+ if standalone then
+ -- Stand Alone cluster (at the start of the word only): #[Ra+H]+NBSP+[N]+[<[<ZWJ|ZWNJ>]+H+C>]+[{M}+[N]+[H]]+[SM]+[(VD)]
+ current = analyze_next_chars_one(c,font,2)
+ syllableend = current
+ elseif consonant[current.char] then
+ -- WHY current INSTEAD OF c ?
+ -- Consonant syllable: {C+[N]+<H+[<ZWNJ|ZWJ>]|<ZWNJ|ZWJ>+H>} + C+[N]+[A] + [< H+[<ZWNJ|ZWJ>] | {M}+[N]+[H]>]+[SM]+[(VD)]
+ current = analyze_next_chars_two(current,font) -- not c !
+ syllableend = current
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if syllableend then
+ syllabe = syllabe + 1
+ local c = syllablestart
+ local n =
+ while c ~= n do
+ set_attribute(c,a_syllabe,syllabe)
+ c =
+ end
+ end
+ if syllableend and syllablestart ~= syllableend then
+ head, current = dev2_reorder(head,syllablestart,syllableend,font,attr)
+ end
+ if not syllableend and == glyph_code and current.subtype<256 and current.font == font and not has_attribute(current,a_state) then
+ local mark = mark_four[current.char]
+ if mark then
+ head, current = inject_syntax_error(head,current,mark)
+ end
+ end
+ start = false
+ current =
+ end
+ return head, done
+-- Temporary checker:
+if false then -- when true we can see how much nodes bleed
+ local function check(what,action,head,kind,lookupname,replacement)
+ local n_before = nodes.count(head)
+ local s_before = nodes.listtoutf(head)
+ local head, done = action(head,kind,lookupname,replacement)
+ local n_after = nodes.count(head)
+ local s_after = nodes.listtoutf(head)
+ if n_before ~= n_after then
+ print("leak",what)
+ print(n_before,s_before)
+ print(n_after,s_after)
+ end
+ return head, done
+ end
+ local devanagari_reorder_matras = handlers.devanagari_reorder_matras
+ local devanagari_reorder_reph = handlers.devanagari_reorder_reph
+ local devanagari_reorder_pre_base_reordering_consonants = handlers.devanagari_reorder_pre_base_reordering_consonants
+ local devanagari_remove_joiners = handlers.devanagari_remove_joiners
+ function handlers.devanagari_reorder_matras(start,kind,lookupname,replacement)
+ if trace then
+ return check("matras",devanagari_reorder_matras,start,kind,lookupname,replacement)
+ else
+ return devanagari_reorder_matras(start,kind,lookupname,replacement)
+ end
+ end
+ function handlers.devanagari_reorder_reph(start,kind,lookupname,replacement)
+ if trace then
+ return check("reph",devanagari_reorder_reph,start,kind,lookupname,replacement)
+ else
+ return devanagari_reorder_reph(start,kind,lookupname,replacement)
+ end
+ end
+ function handlers.devanagari_reorder_pre_base_reordering_consonants(start,kind,lookupname,replacement)
+ if trace then
+ return check("consonants",devanagari_reorder_pre_base_reordering_consonants,start,kind,lookupname,replacement)
+ else
+ return devanagari_reorder_pre_base_reordering_consonants(start,kind,lookupname,replacement)
+ end
+ end
+ function handlers.devanagari_remove_joiners(start,kind,lookupname,replacement)
+ if trace then
+ return check("joiners",devanagari_remove_joiners,start,kind,lookupname,replacement)
+ else
+ return devanagari_remove_joiners(start,kind,lookupname,replacement)
+ end
+ end
+-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
+-- We keep the original around for a while so that we can check it --
+-- when the above code does it wrong (data tables are not included). --
+-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
+-- local state = attributes.private('state')
+-- local sylnr = attributes.private('syllabe')
+-- local function install_dev(tfmdata)
+-- local features = tfmdata.resources.features
+-- local sequences = tfmdata.resources.sequences
+-- local insertpos = 1
+-- for s=1,#sequences do -- classify chars
+-- for k in pairs(basic_shaping_forms) do
+-- if sequences[s].features and ( sequences[s].features[k] or sequences[s].features.locl ) then insertpos = s + 1 end
+-- end
+-- end
+-- features.gsub["dev2_reorder_matras"] = { ["dev2"] = { ["dflt"] = true } }
+-- features.gsub["dev2_reorder_reph"] = { ["dev2"] = { ["dflt"] = true } }
+-- features.gsub["dev2_reorder_pre_base_reordering_consonants"] = { ["dev2"] = { ["dflt"] = true } }
+-- features.gsub["remove_joiners"] = { ["deva"] = { ["dflt"] = true }, ["dev2"] = { ["dflt"] = true } }
+-- local sequence_dev2_reorder_matras = {
+-- chain = 0,
+-- features = { dev2_reorder_matras = { dev2 = { dflt = true } } },
+-- flags = { false, false, false, false },
+-- name = "dev2_reorder_matras",
+-- subtables = { "dev2_reorder_matras" },
+-- type = "dev2_reorder_matras",
+-- }
+-- local sequence_dev2_reorder_reph = {
+-- chain = 0,
+-- features = { dev2_reorder_reph = { dev2 = { dflt = true } } },
+-- flags = { false, false, false, false },
+-- name = "dev2_reorder_reph",
+-- subtables = { "dev2_reorder_reph" },
+-- type = "dev2_reorder_reph",
+-- }
+-- local sequence_dev2_reorder_pre_base_reordering_consonants = {
+-- chain = 0,
+-- features = { dev2_reorder_pre_base_reordering_consonants = { dev2 = { dflt = true } } },
+-- flags = { false, false, false, false },
+-- name = "dev2_reorder_pre_base_reordering_consonants",
+-- subtables = { "dev2_reorder_pre_base_reordering_consonants" },
+-- type = "dev2_reorder_pre_base_reordering_consonants",
+-- }
+-- local sequence_remove_joiners = {
+-- chain = 0,
+-- features = { remove_joiners = { deva = { dflt = true }, dev2 = { dflt = true } } },
+-- flags = { false, false, false, false },
+-- name = "remove_joiners",
+-- subtables = { "remove_joiners" },
+-- type = "remove_joiners",
+-- }
+-- table.insert(sequences, insertpos, sequence_dev2_reorder_pre_base_reordering_consonants)
+-- table.insert(sequences, insertpos, sequence_dev2_reorder_reph)
+-- table.insert(sequences, insertpos, sequence_dev2_reorder_matras)
+-- table.insert(sequences, insertpos, sequence_remove_joiners)
+-- end
+-- local function deva_reorder(head,start,stop,font,attr)
+-- local tfmdata = fontdata[font]
+-- local lookuphash = tfmdata.resources.lookuphash
+-- local sequences = tfmdata.resources.sequences
+-- if not lookuphash["remove_joiners"] then install_dev(tfmdata) end --install Devanagari-features
+-- local sharedfeatures = tfmdata.shared.features
+-- sharedfeatures["remove_joiners"] = true
+-- local datasets = otf.dataset(tfmdata,font,attr)
+-- lookuphash["remove_joiners"] = { [0x200C] = true, [0x200D] = true }
+-- local current, n, base, firstcons, lastcons, basefound = start,, nil, nil, nil, false
+-- local reph, vattu = false, false
+-- for s=1,#sequences do
+-- local dataset = datasets[s]
+-- featurevalue = dataset and dataset[1]
+-- if featurevalue and dataset[4] == "rphf" then reph = true end
+-- if featurevalue and dataset[4] == "blwf" then vattu = true end
+-- end
+-- if ra[start.char] and halant[n.char] and reph then -- if syllable starts with Ra + H and script has 'Reph' then exclude Reph from candidates for base consonants
+-- if n == stop then return head, stop end
+-- if zwj[] then
+-- current = start
+-- else
+-- current =
+-- set_attribute(start,state,5) -- rphf
+-- end
+-- end
+-- if nbsp[current.char] then --Stand Alone cluster
+-- if current == stop then
+-- stop = stop.prev
+-- head = node.remove(head, current)
+-- return head, stop
+-- else
+-- base, firstcons, lastcons = current, current, current
+-- current =
+-- if current ~= stop then
+-- if nukta[current.char] then current = end
+-- if zwj[current.char] then
+-- if current ~= stop and ~= stop and halant[] then
+-- current =
+-- local tmp =
+-- local changestop = == stop
+-- local tempcurrent = node.copy(
+-- = node.copy(current)
+-- = tempcurrent
+-- set_attribute(tempcurrent,state,8) --blwf
+-- tempcurrent = nodes.handlers.characters(tempcurrent)
+-- unset_attribute(tempcurrent,state)
+-- if == tempcurrent.char then
+-- node.flush_list(tempcurrent)
+-- local n = node.copy(current)
+-- current.char = dotted_circle
+-- head = node.insert_after(head, current, n)
+-- else
+-- current.char = tempcurrent.char -- (assumes that result of blwf consists of one node)
+-- local freenode =
+-- = tmp
+-- tmp.prev = current
+-- node.flush_list(tempcurrent)
+-- if changestop then stop = current end
+-- end
+-- end
+-- end
+-- end
+-- end
+-- end
+-- while not basefound do -- find base consonant
+-- if consonant[current.char] then
+-- set_attribute(current, state, 6) -- half
+-- if not firstcons then firstcons = current end
+-- lastcons = current
+-- if not base then
+-- base = current
+-- else --check whether consonant has below-base (or post-base) form
+-- local baseform = true
+-- for s=1,#sequences do
+-- local sequence = sequences[s]
+-- local dataset = datasets[s]
+-- featurevalue = dataset and dataset[1]
+-- if featurevalue and dataset[4] == "blwf" then
+-- local subtables = sequence.subtables
+-- for i=1,#subtables do
+-- local lookupname = subtables[i]
+-- local lookupcache = lookuphash[lookupname]
+-- if lookupcache then
+-- local lookupmatch = lookupcache[current.char]
+-- if lookupmatch then
+-- set_attribute(current, state, 8) -- blwf
+-- baseform = false
+-- end
+-- end
+-- end
+-- end
+-- end
+-- if baseform then base = current end
+-- end
+-- end
+-- basefound = current == stop
+-- current =
+-- end
+-- if base ~= lastcons then -- if base consonant is not last one then move halant from base consonant to last one
+-- n =
+-- if nukta[n.char] then n = end
+-- if halant[n.char] then
+-- if lastcons ~= stop then
+-- local ln =
+-- if nukta[ln.char] then lastcons = ln end
+-- end
+-- local np, nn, ln = n.prev,,
+-- =
+-- nn.prev = n.prev
+-- = n
+-- if ln then ln.prev = n end
+-- = ln
+-- n.prev = lastcons
+-- if lastcons == stop then stop = n end
+-- end
+-- end
+-- n =
+-- if ra[start.char] and halant[n.char] and not ( n ~= stop and ( zwj[] or zwnj[] ) ) then -- if syllable starts with Ra + H then move this combination so that it follows either: the post-base 'matra' (if any) or the base consonant
+-- local matra = base
+-- if base ~= stop and dependent_vowel[] then matra = end
+-- local sp, nn, mn = start.prev,,
+-- if sp then = nn end
+-- nn.prev = sp
+-- = start
+-- start.prev = matra
+-- = mn
+-- if mn then mn.prev = n end
+-- if head == start then head = nn end
+-- start = nn
+-- if matra == stop then stop = n end
+-- end
+-- local current = start
+-- while current ~= stop do
+-- if halant[] and ~= stop and zwnj[] then unset_attribute(current, state) end
+-- current =
+-- end
+-- if has_attribute(base, state) and base ~= stop and halant[] and not ( ~= stop and zwj[] ) then unset_attribute(base, state) end
+-- local current, allreordered, moved = start, false, { [base] = true }
+-- local a, b, p, bn = base, base, base,
+-- if base ~= stop and nukta[bn.char] then a, b, p = bn, bn, bn end
+-- while not allreordered do
+-- local c, n, l = current,, nil --current is always consonant
+-- if c ~= stop and nukta[n.char] then c = n n = end
+-- if c ~= stop and halant[n.char] then c = n n = end
+-- while c ~= stop and dependent_vowel[n.char] do c = n n = end
+-- if c ~= stop and vowel_modifier[n.char] then c = n n = end
+-- if c ~= stop and stress_tone_mark[n.char] then c = n n = end
+-- local bp, cn = firstcons.prev,
+-- while cn ~= do -- move pre-base matras...
+-- if pre_mark[cn.char] then
+-- if bp then = cn end
+-- =
+-- if then = cn.prev end
+-- if cn == stop then stop = cn.prev end
+-- cn.prev = bp
+-- = firstcons
+-- firstcons.prev = cn
+-- if firstcons == start then
+-- if head == start then head = cn end
+-- start = cn
+-- end
+-- break
+-- end
+-- cn =
+-- end
+-- allreordered = c == stop
+-- current =
+-- end
+-- if reph or vattu then
+-- local current, cns = start, nil
+-- while current ~= stop do
+-- local c, n = current,
+-- if ra[current.char] and halant[n.char] then
+-- c, n = n,
+-- local b, bn = base, base
+-- while bn ~= stop do
+-- if dependent_vowel[] then b = end
+-- bn =
+-- end
+-- if has_attribute(current,state,attribute) == 5 then -- position Reph (Ra + H) after post-base 'matra' (if any) since these become marks on the 'matra', not on the base glyph
+-- if b ~= current then
+-- if current == start then
+-- if head == start then head = n end
+-- start = n
+-- end
+-- if b == stop then stop = c end
+-- if current.prev then = n end
+-- if n then n.prev = current.prev end
+-- =
+-- if then = c end
+-- = current
+-- current.prev = b
+-- end
+-- elseif cns and ~= current then -- position below-base Ra (vattu) following the consonants on which it is placed (either the base consonant or one of the pre-base consonants)
+-- local cp, cnsn = current.prev,
+-- if cp then = n end
+-- if n then n.prev = cp end
+-- = current
+-- current.prev = cns
+-- = cnsn
+-- if cnsn then cnsn.prev = c end
+-- if c == stop then stop = cp break end
+-- current = n.prev
+-- end
+-- elseif consonant[current.char] or nbsp[current.char] then
+-- cns = current
+-- if halant[] then cns = end
+-- end
+-- current =
+-- end
+-- end
+-- if nbsp[base.char] then
+-- head = node.remove(head, base)
+-- end
+-- return head, stop
+-- end
+-- function dev2_reorder_matras(start,kind,lookupname,replacement)
+-- local current = start
+-- while current and == glyph and current.subtype<256 and current.font == start.font and has_attribute(current, sylnr) == has_attribute(start, sylnr) do
+-- if halant[current.char] and not has_attribute(current, state) then
+-- if and == glyph and<256 and == start.font and has_attribute(, sylnr) == has_attribute(start, sylnr) and ( zwj[] or zwnj[] ) then current = end
+-- local sn =
+-- = start.prev
+-- if start.prev then = end
+-- if then = start end
+-- =
+-- = start
+-- start.prev = current
+-- start = sn
+-- break
+-- end
+-- current =
+-- end
+-- return start, true
+-- end
+-- function dev2_reorder_reph(start,kind,lookupname,replacement)
+-- local current, sn =, nil
+-- while current and == glyph and current.subtype<256 and current.font == start.font and has_attribute(current, sylnr) == has_attribute(start, sylnr) do --step 2
+-- if halant[current.char] and not has_attribute(current, state) then
+-- if and == glyph and<256 and == start.font and has_attribute(, sylnr) == has_attribute(start, sylnr) and ( zwj[] or zwnj[] ) then current = end
+-- sn =
+-- = start.prev
+-- if start.prev then = end
+-- if then = start end
+-- =
+-- = start
+-- start.prev = current
+-- start = sn
+-- break
+-- end
+-- current =
+-- end
+-- if not sn then
+-- current =
+-- while current and == glyph and current.subtype<256 and current.font == start.font and has_attribute(current, sylnr) == has_attribute(start, sylnr) do --step 4
+-- if has_attribute(current, state) == 9 then --post-base
+-- sn =
+-- = start.prev
+-- if start.prev then = end
+-- start.prev = current.prev
+-- = start
+-- = current
+-- current.prev = start
+-- start = sn
+-- break
+-- end
+-- current =
+-- end
+-- end
+-- if not sn then
+-- current =
+-- local c = nil
+-- while current and == glyph and current.subtype<256 and current.font == start.font and has_attribute(current, sylnr) == has_attribute(start, sylnr) do --step 5
+-- if not c and ( above_mark[current.char] or below_mark[current.char] or post_mark[current.char] ) and ReorderClass[current.char] ~= "after subscript" then c = current end
+-- current =
+-- end
+-- if c then
+-- sn =
+-- = start.prev
+-- if start.prev then = end
+-- start.prev = c.prev
+-- = start
+-- = c
+-- c.prev = start
+-- start = sn
+-- end
+-- end
+-- if not sn then
+-- current = start
+-- while and == glyph and<256 and == start.font and has_attribute(, sylnr) == has_attribute(start, sylnr) do --step 6
+-- current =
+-- end
+-- if start ~= current then
+-- sn =
+-- = start.prev
+-- if start.prev then = end
+-- if then = start end
+-- =
+-- = start
+-- start.prev = current
+-- start = sn
+-- end
+-- end
+-- return start, true
+-- end
+-- function dev2_reorder_pre_base_reordering_consonants(start,kind,lookupname,replacement)
+-- local current, sn = start, nil
+-- while current and == glyph and current.subtype<256 and current.font == start.font and has_attribute(current, sylnr) == has_attribute(start, sylnr) do
+-- if halant[current.char] and not has_attribute(current, state) then
+-- if and == glyph and<256 and == start.font and has_attribute(, sylnr) == has_attribute(start, sylnr) and ( zwj[] or zwnj[] ) then current = end
+-- sn =
+-- = start.prev
+-- if start.prev then = end
+-- if then = start end
+-- =
+-- = start
+-- start.prev = current
+-- start = sn
+-- break
+-- end
+-- current =
+-- end
+-- if not sn then
+-- current =
+-- while current and == glyph and current.subtype<256 and current.font == start.font and has_attribute(current, sylnr) == has_attribute(start, sylnr) do
+-- if not consonant[current.char] and has_attribute(current, state) then --main
+-- sn =
+-- = start.prev
+-- if start.prev then = end
+-- start.prev = current.prev
+-- = start
+-- = current
+-- current.prev = start
+-- start = sn
+-- break
+-- end
+-- current =
+-- end
+-- end
+-- return start, true
+-- end
+-- function remove_joiners(start,kind,lookupname,replacement)
+-- local stop =
+-- while stop and == glyph and stop.subtype<256 and stop.font == start.font and (zwj[stop.char] or zwnj[stop.char]) do stop = end
+-- if stop then = nil stop.prev = start.prev end
+-- if start.prev then = stop end
+-- node.flush_list(start)
+-- return stop, true
+-- end
+-- local function dev2_reorder(head,start,stop,font,attr)
+-- local tfmdata = fontdata[font]
+-- local lookuphash = tfmdata.resources.lookuphash
+-- local sequences = tfmdata.resources.sequences
+-- if not lookuphash["remove_joiners"] then install_dev(tfmdata) end --install Devanagari-features
+-- local sharedfeatures = tfmdata.shared.features
+-- sharedfeatures["dev2_reorder_matras"] = true
+-- sharedfeatures["dev2_reorder_reph"] = true
+-- sharedfeatures["dev2_reorder_pre_base_reordering_consonants"] = true
+-- sharedfeatures["remove_joiners"] = true
+-- local datasets = otf.dataset(tfmdata,font,attr)
+-- local reph, pre_base_reordering_consonants = false, nil
+-- local halfpos, basepos, subpos, postpos = nil, nil, nil, nil
+-- local locl = { }
+-- for s=1,#sequences do -- classify chars
+-- local sequence = sequences[s]
+-- local dataset = datasets[s]
+-- featurevalue = dataset and dataset[1]
+-- if featurevalue and dataset[4] then
+-- local subtables = sequence.subtables
+-- for i=1,#subtables do
+-- local lookupname = subtables[i]
+-- local lookupcache = lookuphash[lookupname]
+-- if lookupcache then
+-- if dataset[4] == "rphf" then
+-- if dataset[3] ~= 0 then --rphf is result of of chain
+-- else
+-- reph = lookupcache[0x0930] and lookupcache[0x0930][0x094D] and lookupcache[0x0930][0x094D]["ligature"]
+-- end
+-- end
+-- if dataset[4] == "pref" and not pre_base_reordering_consonants then
+-- for k, v in pairs(lookupcache[0x094D]) do
+-- pre_base_reordering_consonants[k] = v and v["ligature"] --ToDo: reph might also be result of chain
+-- end
+-- end
+-- local current = start
+-- while current ~= do
+-- if dataset[4] == "locl" then locl[current] = lookupcache[current.char] end --ToDo: locl might also be result of chain
+-- if current ~= stop then
+-- local c, n = locl[current] or current.char, locl[] or
+-- if dataset[4] == "rphf" and lookupcache[c] and lookupcache[c][n] then --above-base: rphf Consonant + Halant
+-- if ~= stop and ( zwj[] or zwnj[] ) then --ZWJ and ZWNJ prevent creation of reph
+-- current =
+-- elseif current == start then
+-- set_attribute(current,state,5)
+-- end
+-- current =
+-- end
+-- if dataset[4] == "half" and lookupcache[c] and lookupcache[c][n] then --half forms: half Consonant + Halant
+-- if ~= stop and zwnj[] then --ZWNJ prevent creation of half
+-- current =
+-- else
+-- set_attribute(current,state,6)
+-- if not halfpos then halfpos = current end
+-- end
+-- current =
+-- end
+-- if dataset[4] == "pref" and lookupcache[c] and lookupcache[c][n] then --pre-base: pref Halant + Consonant
+-- set_attribute(current,state,7)
+-- set_attribute(,state,7)
+-- current =
+-- end
+-- if dataset[4] == "blwf" and lookupcache[c] and lookupcache[c][n] then --below-base: blwf Halant + Consonant
+-- set_attribute(current,state,8)
+-- set_attribute(,state,8)
+-- current =
+-- subpos = current
+-- end
+-- if dataset[4] == "pstf" and lookupcache[c] and lookupcache[c][n] then --post-base: pstf Halant + Consonant
+-- set_attribute(current,state,9)
+-- set_attribute(,state,9)
+-- current =
+-- postpos = current
+-- end
+-- end
+-- current =
+-- end
+-- end
+-- end
+-- end
+-- end
+-- lookuphash["dev2_reorder_matras"] = pre_mark
+-- lookuphash["dev2_reorder_reph"] = { [reph] = true }
+-- lookuphash["dev2_reorder_pre_base_reordering_consonants"] = pre_base_reordering_consonants or { }
+-- lookuphash["remove_joiners"] = { [0x200C] = true, [0x200D] = true }
+-- local current, base, firstcons = start, nil, nil
+-- if has_attribute(start,state) == 5 then current = end -- if syllable starts with Ra + H and script has 'Reph' then exclude Reph from candidates for base consonants
+-- if current ~= and nbsp[current.char] then --Stand Alone cluster
+-- if current == stop then
+-- stop = stop.prev
+-- head = node.remove(head, current)
+-- return head, stop
+-- else
+-- base = current
+-- current =
+-- if current ~= stop then
+-- if nukta[current.char] then current = end
+-- if zwj[current.char] then
+-- if current ~= stop and ~= stop and halant[] then
+-- current =
+-- local tmp =
+-- local changestop = == stop
+-- = nil
+-- set_attribute(current,state,7) --pref
+-- current = nodes.handlers.characters(current)
+-- set_attribute(current,state,8) --blwf
+-- current = nodes.handlers.characters(current)
+-- set_attribute(current,state,9) --pstf
+-- current = nodes.handlers.characters(current)
+-- unset_attribute(current,state)
+-- if halant[current.char] then
+-- = tmp
+-- local nc = node.copy(current)
+-- current.char = dotted_circle
+-- head = node.insert_after(head, current, nc)
+-- else
+-- = tmp -- (assumes that result of pref, blwf, or pstf consists of one node)
+-- if changestop then stop = current end
+-- end
+-- end
+-- end
+-- end
+-- end
+-- else --not Stand Alone cluster
+-- while current ~= do -- find base consonant
+-- if consonant[current.char] and not ( current ~= stop and halant[] and ~= stop and zwj[] ) then
+-- if not firstcons then firstcons = current end
+-- if not ( has_attribute(current, state) == 7 or has_attribute(current, state) == 8 or has_attribute(current, state) == 9 ) then base = current end --check whether consonant has below-base or post-base form or is pre-base reordering Ra
+-- end
+-- current =
+-- end
+-- if not base then
+-- base = firstcons
+-- end
+-- end
+-- if not base then
+-- if has_attribute(start, state) == 5 then unset_attribute(start, state) end
+-- return head, stop
+-- else
+-- if has_attribute(base, state) then unset_attribute(base, state) end
+-- basepos = base
+-- end
+-- if not halfpos then halfpos = base end
+-- if not subpos then subpos = base end
+-- if not postpos then postpos = subpos or base end
+-- --Matra characters are classified and reordered by which consonant in a conjunct they have affinity for
+-- local moved = { }
+-- current = start
+-- while current ~= do
+-- local char, target, cn = locl[current] or current.char, nil,
+-- if not moved[current] and dependent_vowel[char] then
+-- if pre_mark[char] then -- Before first half form in the syllable
+-- moved[current] = true
+-- if current.prev then = end
+-- if then = current.prev end
+-- if current == stop then stop = current.prev end
+-- if halfpos == start then
+-- if head == start then head = current end
+-- start = current
+-- end
+-- if halfpos.prev then = current end
+-- current.prev = halfpos.prev
+-- halfpos.prev = current
+-- = halfpos
+-- halfpos = current
+-- elseif above_mark[char] then -- After main consonant
+-- target = basepos
+-- if subpos == basepos then subpos = current end
+-- if postpos == basepos then postpos = current end
+-- basepos = current
+-- elseif below_mark[char] then -- After subjoined consonants
+-- target = subpos
+-- if postpos == subpos then postpos = current end
+-- subpos = current
+-- elseif post_mark[char] then -- After post-form consonant
+-- target = postpos
+-- postpos = current
+-- end
+-- if ( above_mark[char] or below_mark[char] or post_mark[char] ) and current.prev ~= target then
+-- if current.prev then = end
+-- if then = current.prev end
+-- if current == stop then stop = current.prev end
+-- if then = current end
+-- =
+-- = current
+-- current.prev = target
+-- end
+-- end
+-- current = cn
+-- end
+-- --Reorder marks to canonical order: Adjacent nukta and halant or nukta and vedic sign are always repositioned if necessary, so that the nukta is first.
+-- local current, c = start, nil
+-- while current ~= stop do
+-- if halant[current.char] or stress_tone_mark[current.char] then
+-- if not c then c = current end
+-- else
+-- c = nil
+-- end
+-- if c and nukta[] then
+-- if head == c then head = end
+-- if stop == then stop = current end
+-- if c.prev then = end
+-- = c.prev
+-- =
+-- if then = current end
+-- c.prev =
+-- = c
+-- end
+-- if stop == current then break end
+-- current =
+-- end
+-- if nbsp[base.char] then
+-- head = node.remove(head, base)
+-- end
+-- return head, stop
+-- end
+-- function fonts.analyzers.methods.deva(head,font,attr)
+-- local orighead = head
+-- local current, start, done = head, true, false
+-- while current do
+-- if == glyph and current.subtype<256 and current.font == font then
+-- done = true
+-- local syllablestart, syllableend = current, nil
+-- local c = current --Checking Stand Alone cluster (this behavior is copied from dev2)
+-- if ra[c.char] and and == glyph and<256 and == font and halant[] and and == glyph and<256 and == font then c = end
+-- if nbsp[c.char] and ( not current.prev or ~= glyph or current.prev.subtype>=256 or current.prev.font ~= font or
+-- ( not consonant[current.prev.char] and not independent_vowel[current.prev.char] and not dependent_vowel[current.prev.char] and
+-- not vowel_modifier[current.prev.char] and not stress_tone_mark[current.prev.char] and not nukta[current.prev.char] and not halant[current.prev.char] )
+-- ) then --Stand Alone cluster (at the start of the word only): #[Ra+H]+NBSP+[N]+[<[<ZWJ|ZWNJ>]+H+C>]+[{M}+[N]+[H]]+[SM]+[(VD)]
+-- if and == glyph and<256 and == font and nukta[] then c = end
+-- local n =
+-- if n and == glyph and n.subtype<256 and n.font == font then
+-- local ni =
+-- if ( zwj[n.char] or zwnj[n.char] ) and ni and == glyph and ni.subtype<256 and ni.font == font then n = ni ni = end
+-- if halant[n.char] and ni and == glyph and ni.subtype<256 and ni.font == font and consonant[ni.char] then c = ni end
+-- end
+-- while and == glyph and<256 and == font and dependent_vowel[] do c = end
+-- if and == glyph and<256 and == font and nukta[] then c = end
+-- if and == glyph and<256 and == font and halant[] then c = end
+-- if and == glyph and<256 and == font and vowel_modifier[] then c = end
+-- if and == glyph and<256 and == font and stress_tone_mark[] then c = end
+-- if and == glyph and<256 and == font and stress_tone_mark[] then c = end
+-- current =
+-- syllableend = c
+-- if syllablestart ~= syllableend then
+-- head, current = deva_reorder(head, syllablestart,syllableend,font,attr)
+-- current =
+-- end
+-- elseif consonant[current.char] then -- syllable containing consonant
+-- prevc = true
+-- while prevc do
+-- prevc = false
+-- local n =
+-- if n and == glyph and n.subtype<256 and n.font == font and nukta[n.char] then n = end
+-- if n and == glyph and n.subtype<256 and n.font == font and halant[n.char] then
+-- local n =
+-- if n and == glyph and n.subtype<256 and n.font == font and ( zwj[n.char] or zwnj[n.char] ) then n = end
+-- if n and == glyph and n.subtype<256 and n.font == font and consonant[n.char] then
+-- prevc = true
+-- current = n
+-- end
+-- end
+-- end
+-- if and == glyph and<256 and == font and nukta[] then current = end -- nukta (not specified in Microsft Devanagari OpenType specification)
+-- syllableend = current
+-- current =
+-- if current and == glyph and current.subtype<256 and current.font == font and halant[current.char] then -- syllable containing consonant without vowels: {C + [Nukta] + H} + C + H
+-- if and == glyph and<256 and == font and ( zwj[] or zwnj[] ) then current = end
+-- syllableend = current
+-- current =
+-- else -- syllable containing consonant with vowels: {C + [Nukta] + H} + C + [M] + [VM] + [SM]
+-- if current and == glyph and current.subtype<256 and current.font == font and dependent_vowel[current.char] then
+-- syllableend = current
+-- current =
+-- end
+-- if current and == glyph and current.subtype<256 and current.font == font and vowel_modifier[current.char] then
+-- syllableend = current
+-- current =
+-- end
+-- if current and == glyph and current.subtype<256 and current.font == font and stress_tone_mark[current.char] then
+-- syllableend = current
+-- current =
+-- end
+-- end
+-- if syllablestart ~= syllableend then
+-- head, current = deva_reorder(head,syllablestart,syllableend,font,attr)
+-- current =
+-- end
+-- elseif == glyph and current.subtype<256 and current.font == font and independent_vowel[current.char] then -- syllable without consonants: VO + [VM] + [SM]
+-- syllableend = current
+-- current =
+-- if current and == glyph and current.subtype<256 and current.font == font and vowel_modifier[current.char] then
+-- syllableend = current
+-- current =
+-- end
+-- if current and == glyph and current.subtype<256 and current.font == font and stress_tone_mark[current.char] then
+-- syllableend = current
+-- current =
+-- end
+-- else -- Syntax error
+-- if pre_mark[current.char] or above_mark[current.char] or below_mark[current.char] or post_mark[current.char] then
+-- local n = node.copy(current)
+-- if pre_mark[current.char] then
+-- n.char = dotted_circle
+-- else
+-- current.char = dotted_circle
+-- end
+-- head, current = node.insert_after(head, current, n)
+-- end
+-- current =
+-- end
+-- else
+-- current =
+-- end
+-- start = false
+-- end
+-- return head, done
+-- end
+-- function fonts.analyzers.methods.dev2(head,font,attr)
+-- local current, start, done, syl_nr = head, true, false, 0
+-- while current do
+-- local syllablestart, syllableend = nil, nil
+-- if == glyph and current.subtype<256 and current.font == font then
+-- syllablestart = current
+-- done = true
+-- local c, n = current,
+-- if ra[current.char] and n and == glyph and n.subtype<256 and n.font == font and halant[n.char] and and == glyph and<256 and == font then c = end
+-- if independent_vowel[c.char] then --Vowel-based syllable: [Ra+H]+V+[N]+[<[<ZWJ|ZWNJ>]+H+C|ZWJ+C>]+[{M}+[N]+[H]]+[SM]+[(VD)]
+-- n =
+-- local ni, nii = nil, nil
+-- if n and == glyph and n.subtype<256 and n.font == font and nukta[n.char] then n = end
+-- if n and == glyph and n.subtype<256 and n.font == font then local ni = end
+-- if ni and == glyph and ni.subtype<256 and ni.font == font and and == glyph and<256 and == font then
+-- nii =
+-- if zwj[ni.char] and consonant[nii.char] then
+-- c = nii
+-- elseif (zwj[ni.char] or zwnj[ni.char]) and halant[nii.char] and and == glyph and<256 and == font and consonant[] then
+-- c =
+-- end
+-- end
+-- if and == glyph and<256 and == font and dependent_vowel[] then c = end
+-- if and == glyph and<256 and == font and nukta[] then c = end
+-- if and == glyph and<256 and == font and halant[] then c = end
+-- if and == glyph and<256 and == font and vowel_modifier[] then c = end
+-- if and == glyph and<256 and == font and stress_tone_mark[] then c = end
+-- if and == glyph and<256 and == font and stress_tone_mark[] then c = end
+-- current = c
+-- syllableend = c
+-- elseif nbsp[c.char] and ( not current.prev or ~= glyph or current.prev.subtype>=256 or current.prev.font ~= font or
+-- ( not consonant[current.prev.char] and not independent_vowel[current.prev.char] and not dependent_vowel[current.prev.char] and
+-- not vowel_modifier[current.prev.char] and not stress_tone_mark[current.prev.char] and not nukta[current.prev.char] and not halant[current.prev.char] )
+-- ) then --Stand Alone cluster (at the start of the word only): #[Ra+H]+NBSP+[N]+[<[<ZWJ|ZWNJ>]+H+C>]+[{M}+[N]+[H]]+[SM]+[(VD)]
+-- if and == glyph and<256 and == font and nukta[] then c = end
+-- n =
+-- if n and == glyph and n.subtype<256 and n.font == font then
+-- local ni =
+-- if ( zwj[n.char] or zwnj[n.char] ) and ni and == glyph and ni.subtype<256 and ni.font == font then n = ni ni = end
+-- if halant[n.char] and ni and == glyph and ni.subtype<256 and ni.font == font and consonant[ni.char] then c = ni end
+-- end
+-- if and == glyph and<256 and == font and dependent_vowel[] then c = end
+-- if and == glyph and<256 and == font and nukta[] then c = end
+-- if and == glyph and<256 and == font and halant[] then c = end
+-- if and == glyph and<256 and == font and vowel_modifier[] then c = end
+-- if and == glyph and<256 and == font and stress_tone_mark[] then c = end
+-- if and == glyph and<256 and == font and stress_tone_mark[] then c = end
+-- current = c
+-- syllableend = c
+-- elseif consonant[current.char] then --Consonant syllable: {C+[N]+<H+[<ZWNJ|ZWJ>]|<ZWNJ|ZWJ>+H>} + C+[N]+[A] + [< H+[<ZWNJ|ZWJ>] | {M}+[N]+[H]>]+[SM]+[(VD)]
+-- c = current
+-- if and == glyph and<256 and == font and nukta[] then c = end
+-- n = c
+-- while and == glyph and<256 and == font and ( halant[] or zwnj[] or zwj[] ) do
+-- if halant[] then
+-- n =
+-- if and == glyph and<256 and == font and ( zwnj[] or zwj[] ) then n = end
+-- else
+-- if and == glyph and<256 and == font and halant[] then n = end
+-- end
+-- if and == glyph and<256 and == font and consonant[] then
+-- n =
+-- if and == glyph and<256 and == font and nukta[] then n = end
+-- c = n
+-- else
+-- break
+-- end
+-- end
+-- if and == glyph and<256 and == font and anudatta[] then c = end
+-- if and == glyph and<256 and == font and halant[] then
+-- c =
+-- if and == glyph and<256 and == font and ( zwnj[] or zwj[] ) then c = end
+-- else
+-- if and == glyph and<256 and == font and dependent_vowel[] then c = end
+-- if and == glyph and<256 and == font and nukta[] then c = end
+-- if and == glyph and<256 and == font and halant[] then c = end
+-- end
+-- if and == glyph and<256 and == font and vowel_modifier[] then c = end
+-- if and == glyph and<256 and == font and stress_tone_mark[] then c = end
+-- if and == glyph and<256 and == font and stress_tone_mark[] then c = end
+-- current = c
+-- syllableend = c
+-- end
+-- end
+-- if syllableend then
+-- syl_nr = syl_nr + 1
+-- c = syllablestart
+-- while c ~= do
+-- set_attribute(c,sylnr,syl_nr)
+-- c =
+-- end
+-- end
+-- if syllableend and syllablestart ~= syllableend then
+-- head, current = dev2_reorder(head,syllablestart,syllableend,font,attr)
+-- end
+-- if not syllableend and not has_attribute(current, state) and == glyph and current.subtype<256 and current.font == font then -- Syntax error
+-- if pre_mark[current.char] or above_mark[current.char] or below_mark[current.char] or post_mark[current.char] then
+-- local n = node.copy(current)
+-- if pre_mark[current.char] then
+-- n.char = dotted_circle
+-- else
+-- current.char = dotted_circle
+-- end
+-- head, current = node.insert_after(head, current, n)
+-- end
+-- end
+-- start = false
+-- current =
+-- end
+-- return head, done
+-- end
+-- function otf.handlers.dev2_reorder_matras(start,kind,lookupname,replacement)
+-- return dev2_reorder_matras(start,kind,lookupname,replacement)
+-- end
+-- function otf.handlers.dev2_reorder_reph(start,kind,lookupname,replacement)
+-- return dev2_reorder_reph(start,kind,lookupname,replacement)
+-- end
+-- function otf.handlers.dev2_reorder_pre_base_reordering_consonants(start,kind,lookupname,replacement)
+-- return dev2_reorder_pre_base_reordering_consonants(start,kind,lookupname,replacement)
+-- end
+-- function otf.handlers.remove_joiners(start,kind,lookupname,replacement)
+-- return remove_joiners(start,kind,lookupname,replacement)
+-- end
diff --git a/tex/context/base/font-otn.lua b/tex/context/base/font-otn.lua
index 2c6016427..59d0cac9a 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/font-otn.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/font-otn.lua
@@ -3,9 +3,11 @@ if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['font-otn'] = {
comment = "companion to font-ini.mkiv",
author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license = "see context related readme files"
+ license = "see context related readme files",
+-- preprocessors = { "nodes" }
-- this is still somewhat preliminary and it will get better in due time;
-- much functionality could only be implemented thanks to the husayni font
-- of Idris Samawi Hamid to who we dedicate this module.
@@ -404,80 +406,6 @@ local function getcomponentindex(start)
--- local function toligature(kind,lookupname,start,stop,char,markflag,discfound) -- brr head
--- if start == stop and start.char == char then
--- start.char = char
--- return start
--- elseif discfound then
--- local prev = start.prev
--- local next =
--- start.prev = nil
--- = nil
--- local base = copy_glyph(start)
--- base.char = char
--- base.subtype = ligature_code
--- base.components = start -- start can have components
--- if prev then
--- = base
--- end
--- if next then
--- next.prev = base
--- end
--- = next
--- base.prev = prev
--- return base
--- else
--- -- start is the ligature
--- local deletemarks = markflag ~= "mark"
--- local prev = start.prev
--- local next =
--- local base = copy_glyph(start)
--- local current, start = insert_node_after(start,start,base)
--- -- [start->current][copyofstart->start]...[stop]
--- = next
--- if next then
--- next.prev = current
--- end
--- start.prev = nil
--- = nil
--- current.char = char
--- current.subtype = ligature_code
--- current.components = start
--- local head = current
--- -- this is messy ... we should get rid of the components eventually
--- local baseindex = 0
--- local componentindex = 0
--- while start do
--- local char = start.char
--- if not marks[char] then
--- baseindex = baseindex + componentindex
--- componentindex = getcomponentindex(start)
--- elseif not deletemarks then -- quite fishy
--- set_attribute(start,ligacomp,baseindex + (has_attribute(start,ligacomp) or componentindex))
--- if trace_marks then
--- logwarning("%s: keep mark %s, gets index %s",pref(kind,lookupname),gref(char),has_attribute(start,ligacomp))
--- end
--- head, current = insert_node_after(head,current,copy_glyph(start)) -- unlikely that mark has components
--- end
--- start =
--- end
--- start =
--- while start and == glyph_code do -- hm, is id test needed ?
--- local char = start.char
--- if marks[char] then
--- set_attribute(start,ligacomp,baseindex + (has_attribute(start,ligacomp) or componentindex))
--- if trace_marks then
--- logwarning("%s: keep mark %s, gets index %s",pref(kind,lookupname),gref(char),has_attribute(start,ligacomp))
--- end
--- else
--- break
--- end
--- start =
--- end
--- return head
--- end
--- end
local function toligature(kind,lookupname,start,stop,char,markflag,discfound) -- brr head
if start == stop and start.char == char then
start.char = char
@@ -848,9 +776,6 @@ function handlers.gpos_mark2mark(start,kind,lookupname,markanchors,sequence)
local markchar = start.char
if marks[markchar] then
local base = start.prev -- [glyph] [basemark] [start=mark]
- -- while base and has_attribute(base,ligacomp) and has_attribute(base,ligacomp) ~= has_attribute(start,ligacomp) do
- -- base = base.prev -- KE: prevents mkmk for marks on different components of a ligature
- -- end
local slc = has_attribute(start,ligacomp)
if slc then -- a rather messy loop ... needs checking with husayni
while base do
@@ -1505,9 +1430,6 @@ function chainprocs.gpos_mark2mark(start,stop,kind,chainname,currentcontext,look
if markanchors then
local base = start.prev -- [glyph] [basemark] [start=mark]
- -- while (base and has_attribute(base,ligacomp) and has_attribute(base,ligacomp) ~= has_attribute(start,ligacomp)) do
- -- base = base.prev -- KE: prevents mkmk for marks on different components of a ligature
- -- end
local slc = has_attribute(start,ligacomp)
if slc then -- a rather messy loop ... needs checking with husayni
while base do
diff --git a/tex/context/base/luat-env.lua b/tex/context/base/luat-env.lua
index a00acdc63..e483169fd 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/luat-env.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/luat-env.lua
@@ -21,11 +21,12 @@ local allocate, mark =,
local format, sub, match, gsub, find = string.format, string.sub, string.match, string.gsub, string.find
local unquoted, quoted = string.unquoted, string.quoted
local concat, insert, remove = table.concat, table.insert, table.remove
-local loadedluacode = utilities.lua.loadedluacode
-local luasuffixes = utilities.lua.suffixes
-environment = environment or { }
-local environment = environment
+local luautilities = utilities.lua
+local luasuffixes = luautilities.suffixes
+environment = environment or { }
+local environment = environment
-- precautions
@@ -314,7 +315,7 @@ function environment.luafilechunk(filename,silent) -- used for loading lua bytec
filename = file.replacesuffix(filename, "lua")
local fullname = environment.luafile(filename)
if fullname and fullname ~= "" then
- local data = loadedluacode(fullname,strippable,filename)
+ local data = luautilities.loadedluacode(fullname,strippable,filename) -- can be overloaded
if trace_locating then
report_lua("loading file %s%s", fullname, not data and " failed" or "")
elseif not silent then
diff --git a/tex/context/base/luat-lib.mkiv b/tex/context/base/luat-lib.mkiv
index 283ed8998..521ecbf5e 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/luat-lib.mkiv
+++ b/tex/context/base/luat-lib.mkiv
@@ -71,6 +71,7 @@
\registerctxluafile{trac-lmx}{1.001} % might become l-lmx or luat-lmx
+%registerctxluafile{luat-prp}{1.001} % for the moment of not much use
diff --git a/tex/context/base/math-tag.lua b/tex/context/base/math-tag.lua
index 0ac5b0897..c504b610a 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/math-tag.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/math-tag.lua
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ process = function(start) -- we cannot use the processor as we have no finalizer
-- check for code
local a = get_attribute(start,a_mathcategory)
if a then
- set_attribute(start,a_tagged,start_tagged("ms"),{ detail = a })
+ set_attribute(start,a_tagged,start_tagged("ms",{ detail = a }))
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mlib-ctx.lua b/tex/context/base/mlib-ctx.lua
index 5a3becd7a..5d976d161 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mlib-ctx.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mlib-ctx.lua
@@ -103,11 +103,15 @@ end
statistics.register("metapost processing time", function()
local n = metapost.n
if n and n > 0 then
- local e, t = metapost.makempy.nofconverted, statistics.elapsedtime
- local str = format("%s seconds, loading: %s seconds, execution: %s seconds, n: %s",
- t(metapost), t(mplib), t(metapost.exectime), n)
- if e > 0 then
- return format("%s, external: %s seconds (%s calls)", str, t(metapost.makempy), e)
+ local nofconverted = metapost.makempy.nofconverted
+ local elapsedtime = statistics.elapsedtime
+ local elapsed = statistics.elapsed
+ local str = format("%s seconds, loading: %s, execution: %s, n: %s, average: %s",
+ elapsedtime(metapost), elapsedtime(mplib), elapsedtime(metapost.exectime), n,
+ elapsedtime((elapsed(metapost) + elapsed(mplib) + elapsed(metapost.exectime)) / n))
+ if nofconverted > 0 then
+ return format("%s, external: %s (%s calls)",
+ str, elapsedtime(metapost.makempy), nofconverted)
return str
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mlib-pps.lua b/tex/context/base/mlib-pps.lua
index 43a548c65..8e69066d0 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mlib-pps.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mlib-pps.lua
@@ -479,6 +479,8 @@ local function sxsy(wd,ht,dp) -- helper for text
return (wd ~= 0 and factor/wd) or 0, (hd ~= 0 and factor/hd) or 0
+local no_first_run = "mfun_first_run := false ;"
+local do_first_run = "mfun_first_run := true ;"
local no_trial_run = "mfun_trial_run := false ;"
local do_trial_run = "mfun_trial_run := true ;"
local do_begin_fig = "; beginfig(1) ; "
@@ -588,6 +590,7 @@ function metapost.graphic_base_pass(specification)
wrappit and do_begin_fig or "",
+ do_first_run,
@@ -611,6 +614,7 @@ function metapost.graphic_base_pass(specification)
metapost.process(mpx, {
wrappit and do_begin_fig or "",
+ do_first_run,
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mlib-run.lua b/tex/context/base/mlib-run.lua
index 6a23fe316..16ab55c3b 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mlib-run.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mlib-run.lua
@@ -161,8 +161,11 @@ function metapost.reporterror(result)
if t and t ~= "" then
(metapost.texerrors and texerrormessage or report_metapost)("terminal: %s",t)
+ if e == "" or e == "no-error" then
+ e = nil
+ end
if e then
- (metapost.texerrors and texerrormessage or report_metapost)("error: %s",(e=="" and "?") or e)
+ (metapost.texerrors and texerrormessage or report_metapost)("error: %s",e)
if not t and not e and l then
metapost.lastlog = metapost.lastlog .. "\n" .. l
@@ -458,7 +461,7 @@ function metapost.process(mpx, data, trialrun, flusher, multipass, isextrapass,
if not metapost.reporterror(result) then
if metapost.showlog then
- local str = (result.term ~= "" and result.term) or "no terminal output"
+ local str = result.term ~= "" and result.term or "no terminal output"
if not emptystring(str) then
metapost.lastlog = metapost.lastlog .. "\n" .. str
report_metapost("log: %s",str)
diff --git a/tex/context/base/node-fin.lua b/tex/context/base/node-fin.lua
index 506fc724f..9bcfa0a7b 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/node-fin.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/node-fin.lua
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['node-fin'] = {
comment = "companion to node-fin.mkiv",
author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license = "see context related readme files"
+ license = "see context related readme files",
-- this module is being reconstructed
diff --git a/tex/context/base/node-fnt.lua b/tex/context/base/node-fnt.lua
index 49e1029e7..a97c98d83 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/node-fnt.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/node-fnt.lua
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['node-fnt'] = {
comment = "companion to font-ini.mkiv",
author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license = "see context related readme files"
+ license = "see context related readme files",
if not context then os.exit() end -- generic function in node-dum
@@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ function handlers.characters(head)
return head, true
--- function handlers.xcharacters(head)
+-- function handlers.characters(head)
-- -- either next or not, but definitely no already processed list
-- starttiming(nodes)
-- local usedfonts, attrfonts, done = { }, { }, false
diff --git a/tex/context/base/node-ini.lua b/tex/context/base/node-ini.lua
index a294643b2..7f33a0149 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/node-ini.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/node-ini.lua
@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ whatcodes = allocate(swapped(whatcodes, whatcodes ))
listcodes = allocate(swapped(listcodes, listcodes ))
glyphcodes = allocate(swapped(glyphcodes, glyphcodes))
kerncodes = allocate(swapped(kerncodes, kerncodes ))
-penaltycodes = allocate(swapped(penaltycodes, penaltycodes ))
+penaltycodes = allocate(swapped(penaltycodes, penaltycodes))
mathcodes = allocate(swapped(mathcodes, mathcodes ))
fillcodes = allocate(swapped(fillcodes, fillcodes ))
diff --git a/tex/context/base/node-ini.mkiv b/tex/context/base/node-ini.mkiv
index 79e02ff46..4eeafe442 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/node-ini.mkiv
+++ b/tex/context/base/node-ini.mkiv
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
%registerctxluafile{node-inj}{1.001} % we might split it off
\registerctxluafile{node-acc}{1.001} % experimental
+%registerctxluafile{node-prp}{1.001} % makes no sense (yet)
\newcount\c_node_tracers_show_box % box number
diff --git a/tex/context/base/node-inj.lua b/tex/context/base/node-inj.lua
index 33eaa6eb1..b03ded9f2 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/node-inj.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/node-inj.lua
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['node-inj'] = {
comment = "companion to node-ini.mkiv",
author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license = "see context related readme files"
+ license = "see context related readme files",
-- This is very experimental (this will change when we have luatex > .50 and
diff --git a/tex/context/base/spac-chr.lua b/tex/context/base/spac-chr.lua
index 00c3d6766..2db0b9a7b 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/spac-chr.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/spac-chr.lua
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ local function inject_char_space(unicode,head,current,parent)
local glue = new_glue(char and char.width or fontparameters[font].space)
-- glue.attr = copy_node_list(current.attr)
glue.attr = current.attr
-current.attr = nil
+ current.attr = nil
head, current = insert_node_after(head,current,glue)
return head, current
diff --git a/tex/context/base/spac-hor.mkiv b/tex/context/base/spac-hor.mkiv
index d40bcf3ee..42661010b 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/spac-hor.mkiv
+++ b/tex/context/base/spac-hor.mkiv
@@ -215,7 +215,7 @@
\let\dorechecknextindentation\relax % public (in macros)
\doifnextcharelse\par\donothing\spac_indentation_variant_no} % messy check as next is seldom \par
@@ -969,7 +969,7 @@
- {\ctxcommand{autonextspace("\meaning\nexttoken")}} % todo, just consult nexttoken at the lua end
+ {\ctxcommand{autonextspace(\!!bs\meaning\nexttoken\!!es)}} % todo, just consult nexttoken at the lua end
%D Moved from bib module:
diff --git a/tex/context/base/status-files.pdf b/tex/context/base/status-files.pdf
index 05e831c58..49660f7d2 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/status-files.pdf
+++ b/tex/context/base/status-files.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tex/context/base/status-lua.pdf b/tex/context/base/status-lua.pdf
index e045bc941..90da15dfd 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/status-lua.pdf
+++ b/tex/context/base/status-lua.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tex/context/base/trac-inf.lua b/tex/context/base/trac-inf.lua
index 5575639eb..826271169 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/trac-inf.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/trac-inf.lua
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['trac-inf'] = {
-- get warnings about assignments. This is more efficient than using rawset
-- and rawget.
+local type, tonumber = type, tonumber
local format, lower = string.format, string.lower
local concat = table.concat
local clock = os.gettimeofday or os.clock -- should go in environment
@@ -72,19 +73,26 @@ local function stoptiming(instance, report)
return 0
+local function elapsed(instance)
+ if type(instance) == "table" then
+ local timer = timers[instance or "notimer"]
+ return timer and timer.loadtime or 0
+ else
+ return tonumber(instance) or 0
+ end
local function elapsedtime(instance)
- local timer = timers[instance or "notimer"]
- return format("%0.3f",timer and timer.loadtime or 0)
+ return format("%0.3f",elapsed(instance))
local function elapsedindeed(instance)
- local timer = timers[instance or "notimer"]
- return (timer and timer.loadtime or 0) > statistics.threshold
+ return elapsed(instance) > statistics.threshold
local function elapsedseconds(instance,rest) -- returns nil if 0 seconds
if elapsedindeed(instance) then
- return format("%s seconds %s", elapsedtime(instance),rest or "")
+ return format("%0.3f seconds %s", elapsed(instance),rest or "")
@@ -92,6 +100,7 @@ statistics.hastiming = hastiming
statistics.resettiming = resettiming
statistics.starttiming = starttiming
statistics.stoptiming = stoptiming
+statistics.elapsed = elapsed
statistics.elapsedtime = elapsedtime
statistics.elapsedindeed = elapsedindeed
statistics.elapsedseconds = elapsedseconds
diff --git a/tex/context/base/typo-dir.lua b/tex/context/base/typo-dir.lua
index ee9407074..da324b7e2 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/typo-dir.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/typo-dir.lua
@@ -180,7 +180,6 @@ function directions.process(namespace,attribute,start) -- todo: make faster
local lro, rlo, prevattr, inmath = false, false, 0, false
while current do
local id =
---~ print(id,attribute,has_attribute(current,attribute))
if skipmath and id == math_code then
local subtype = current.subtype
if subtype == beginmath_code then
diff --git a/tex/context/base/util-lua.lua b/tex/context/base/util-lua.lua
index b496880b2..36daaff55 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/util-lua.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/util-lua.lua
@@ -41,6 +41,8 @@ local function fatalerror(name)"fatal error in %q",name or "unknown"))
+-- environment.loadpreprocessedfile can be set to a preprocessor
if jit or status.luatex_version >= 74 then
local function register(name)
@@ -76,7 +78,7 @@ if jit or status.luatex_version >= 74 then
function luautilities.loadedluacode(fullname,forcestrip,name)
-- quite subtle ... doing this wrong incidentally can give more bytes
name = name or fullname
- local code = loadfile(fullname)
+ local code = environment.loadpreprocessedfile and environment.loadpreprocessedfile(fullname) or loadfile(fullname)
if code then
@@ -229,8 +231,7 @@ else
function luautilities.loadedluacode(fullname,forcestrip,name)
-- quite subtle ... doing this wrong incidentally can give more bytes
- name = name or fullname
- local code = loadfile(fullname)
+ local code = environment.loadpreprocessedfile and environment.preprocessedloadfile(fullname) or loadfile(fullname)
if code then
diff --git a/tex/generic/context/luatex/luatex-fonts-merged.lua b/tex/generic/context/luatex/luatex-fonts-merged.lua
index 60e2a7942..5739422b5 100644
--- a/tex/generic/context/luatex/luatex-fonts-merged.lua
+++ b/tex/generic/context/luatex/luatex-fonts-merged.lua
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-- merged file : luatex-fonts-merged.lua
-- parent file : luatex-fonts.lua
--- merge date : 01/13/13 23:10:29
+-- merge date : 01/17/13 18:16:10
do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference
@@ -8480,7 +8480,7 @@ if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['node-inj'] = {
comment = "companion to node-ini.mkiv",
author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license = "see context related readme files"
+ license = "see context related readme files",
-- This is very experimental (this will change when we have luatex > .50 and
@@ -8508,9 +8508,6 @@ local nodepool = nodes.pool
local newkern = nodepool.kern
local traverse_id = node.traverse_id
-local unset_attribute = node.unset_attribute
-local has_attribute = node.has_attribute
-local set_attribute = node.set_attribute
local insert_node_before = node.insert_before
local insert_node_after = node.insert_after
@@ -8547,8 +8544,8 @@ function injections.setcursive(start,nxt,factor,rlmode,exit,entry,tfmstart,tfmne
local dx, dy = factor*(exit[1]-entry[1]), factor*(exit[2]-entry[2])
local ws, wn = tfmstart.width, tfmnext.width
local bound = #cursives + 1
- set_attribute(start,cursbase,bound)
- set_attribute(nxt,curscurs,bound)
+ start[cursbase] = bound
+ nxt[curscurs] = bound
cursives[bound] = { rlmode, dx, dy, ws, wn }
return dx, dy, bound
@@ -8557,14 +8554,14 @@ function injections.setpair(current,factor,rlmode,r2lflag,spec,tfmchr)
local x, y, w, h = factor*spec[1], factor*spec[2], factor*spec[3], factor*spec[4]
-- dy = y - h
if x ~= 0 or w ~= 0 or y ~= 0 or h ~= 0 then
- local bound = has_attribute(current,kernpair)
+ local bound = current[kernpair]
if bound then
local kb = kerns[bound]
-- inefficient but singles have less, but weird anyway, needs checking
kb[2], kb[3], kb[4], kb[5] = (kb[2] or 0) + x, (kb[3] or 0) + y, (kb[4] or 0)+ w, (kb[5] or 0) + h
bound = #kerns + 1
- set_attribute(current,kernpair,bound)
+ current[kernpair] = bound
kerns[bound] = { rlmode, x, y, w, h, r2lflag, tfmchr.width }
return x, y, w, h, bound
@@ -8576,7 +8573,7 @@ function injections.setkern(current,factor,rlmode,x,tfmchr)
local dx = factor*x
if dx ~= 0 then
local bound = #kerns + 1
- set_attribute(current,kernpair,bound)
+ current[kernpair] = bound
kerns[bound] = { rlmode, dx }
return dx, bound
@@ -8586,7 +8583,7 @@ end
function injections.setmark(start,base,factor,rlmode,ba,ma,index) -- ba=baseanchor, ma=markanchor
local dx, dy = factor*(ba[1]-ma[1]), factor*(ba[2]-ma[2]) -- the index argument is no longer used but when this
- local bound = has_attribute(base,markbase) -- fails again we should pass it
+ local bound = base[markbase] -- fails again we should pass it
local index = 1
if bound then
local mb = marks[bound]
@@ -8594,8 +8591,8 @@ local index = 1
-- if not index then index = #mb + 1 end
index = #mb + 1
mb[index] = { dx, dy, rlmode }
- set_attribute(start,markmark,bound)
- set_attribute(start,markdone,index)
+ start[markmark] = bound
+ start[markdone] = index
return dx, dy, bound
report_injections("possible problem, U+%05X is base mark without data (id: %s)",base.char,bound)
@@ -8604,9 +8601,9 @@ index = #mb + 1
-- index = index or 1
index = index or 1
bound = #marks + 1
- set_attribute(base,markbase,bound)
- set_attribute(start,markmark,bound)
- set_attribute(start,markdone,index)
+ base[markbase] = bound
+ start[markmark] = bound
+ start[markdone] = index
marks[bound] = { [index] = { dx, dy, rlmode } }
return dx, dy, bound
@@ -8619,12 +8616,12 @@ local function trace(head)
report_injections("begin run")
for n in traverse_id(glyph_code,head) do
if n.subtype < 256 then
- local kp = has_attribute(n,kernpair)
- local mb = has_attribute(n,markbase)
- local mm = has_attribute(n,markmark)
- local md = has_attribute(n,markdone)
- local cb = has_attribute(n,cursbase)
- local cc = has_attribute(n,curscurs)
+ local kp = n[kernpair]
+ local mb = n[markbase]
+ local mm = n[markmark]
+ local md = n[markdone]
+ local cb = n[cursbase]
+ local cc = n[curscurs]
report_injections("char U+%05X, font=%s",n.char,n.font)
if kp then
local k = kerns[kp]
@@ -8690,7 +8687,7 @@ function injections.handler(head,where,keep)
if tm then
mk[n] = tm[n.char]
- local k = has_attribute(n,kernpair)
+ local k = n[kernpair]
if k then
local kk = kerns[k]
if kk then
@@ -8739,9 +8736,9 @@ function injections.handler(head,where,keep)
for i=1,nofvalid do -- valid == glyphs
local n = valid[i]
if not mk[n] then
- local n_cursbase = has_attribute(n,cursbase)
+ local n_cursbase = n[cursbase]
if p_cursbase then
- local n_curscurs = has_attribute(n,curscurs)
+ local n_curscurs = n[curscurs]
if p_cursbase == n_curscurs then
local c = cursives[n_curscurs]
if c then
@@ -8802,14 +8799,14 @@ function injections.handler(head,where,keep)
if has_marks then
for i=1,nofvalid do
local p = valid[i]
- local p_markbase = has_attribute(p,markbase)
+ local p_markbase = p[markbase]
if p_markbase then
local mrks = marks[p_markbase]
local nofmarks = #mrks
for n in traverse_id(glyph_code, do
- local n_markmark = has_attribute(n,markmark)
+ local n_markmark = n[markmark]
if p_markbase == n_markmark then
- local index = has_attribute(n,markdone) or 1
+ local index = n[markdone] or 1
local d = mrks[index]
if d then
local rlmode = d[3]
@@ -8912,7 +8909,7 @@ function injections.handler(head,where,keep)
for n in traverse_id(glyph_code,head) do
if n.subtype < 256 then
- local k = has_attribute(n,kernpair)
+ local k = n[kernpair]
if k then
local kk = kerns[k]
if kk then
@@ -8996,8 +8993,6 @@ analyzers.useunicodemarks = false
local nodecodes = nodes.nodecodes
local glyph_code = nodecodes.glyph
-local set_attribute = node.set_attribute
-local has_attribute = node.has_attribute
local traverse_id = node.traverse_id
local traverse_node_list = node.traverse
@@ -9043,40 +9038,40 @@ function analyzers.setstate(head,font)
if d then
if d.class == "mark" or (useunicodemarks and categories[char] == "mn") then
done = true
- set_attribute(current,state,5) -- mark
+ current[state] = 5 -- mark
elseif n == 0 then
first, last, n = current, current, 1
- set_attribute(current,state,1) -- init
+ current[state] = 1 -- init
last, n = current, n+1
- set_attribute(current,state,2) -- medi
+ current[state] = 2 -- medi
else -- finish
if first and first == last then
- set_attribute(last,state,4) -- isol
+ last[state] = 4 -- isol
elseif last then
- set_attribute(last,state,3) -- fina
+ last[state] = 3 -- fina
first, last, n = nil, nil, 0
elseif id == disc_code then
-- always in the middle
- set_attribute(current,state,2) -- midi
+ current[state] = 2 -- midi
last = current
else -- finish
if first and first == last then
- set_attribute(last,state,4) -- isol
+ last[state] = 4 -- isol
elseif last then
- set_attribute(last,state,3) -- fina
+ last[state] = 3 -- fina
first, last, n = nil, nil, 0
current =
if first and first == last then
- set_attribute(last,state,4) -- isol
+ last[state] = 4 -- isol
elseif last then
- set_attribute(last,state,3) -- fina
+ last[state] = 3 -- fina
return head, done
@@ -9238,19 +9233,19 @@ local function finish(first,last)
if first == last then
local fc = first.char
if isol_fina_medi_init[fc] or isol_fina[fc] then
- set_attribute(first,state,4) -- isol
+ first[state] = 4 -- isol
- set_attribute(first,state,0) -- error
+ first[state] = 0 -- error
local lc = last.char
if isol_fina_medi_init[lc] or isol_fina[lc] then -- why isol here ?
-- if laststate == 1 or laststate == 2 or laststate == 4 then
- set_attribute(last,state,3) -- fina
+ last[state] = 3 -- fina
- set_attribute(last,state,0) -- error
+ last[state] = 0 -- error
first, last = nil, nil
@@ -9258,10 +9253,10 @@ local function finish(first,last)
-- first and last are either both set so we never com here
local fc = first.char
if isol_fina_medi_init[fc] or isol_fina[fc] then
- set_attribute(first,state,4) -- isol
+ first[state] = 4 -- isol
- set_attribute(first,state,0) -- error
+ first[state] = 0 -- error
first = nil
@@ -9274,37 +9269,37 @@ function,font,attr) -- maybe make a special version with no tr
local marks = tfmdata.resources.marks
local first, last, current, done = nil, nil, head, false
while current do
- if == glyph_code and current.font == font and current.subtype<256 and not has_attribute(current,state) then
+ if == glyph_code and current.font == font and current.subtype<256 and not current[state] then
done = true
local char = current.char
if marks[char] or (useunicodemarks and categories[char] == "mn") then
- set_attribute(current,state,5) -- mark
+ current[state] = 5 -- mark
elseif isol[char] then -- can be zwj or zwnj too
first, last = finish(first,last)
- set_attribute(current,state,4) -- isol
+ current[state] = 4 -- isol
first, last = nil, nil
elseif not first then
if isol_fina_medi_init[char] then
- set_attribute(current,state,1) -- init
+ current[state] = 1 -- init
first, last = first or current, current
elseif isol_fina[char] then
- set_attribute(current,state,4) -- isol
+ current[state] = 4 -- isol
first, last = nil, nil
else -- no arab
first, last = finish(first,last)
elseif isol_fina_medi_init[char] then
first, last = first or current, current
- set_attribute(current,state,2) -- medi
+ current[state] = 2 -- medi
elseif isol_fina[char] then
- if not has_attribute(last,state,1) then
+ if not last[state] == 1 then
-- tricky, we need to check what last may be !
- set_attribute(last,state,2) -- medi
+ last[state] = 2 -- medi
- set_attribute(current,state,3) -- fina
+ current[state] = 3 -- fina
first, last = nil, nil
elseif char >= 0x0600 and char <= 0x06FF then
- set_attribute(current,state,6) -- rest
+ current[state] = 6 -- rest
first, last = finish(first,last)
else --no
first, last = finish(first,last)
@@ -9333,9 +9328,11 @@ if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['font-otn'] = {
comment = "companion to font-ini.mkiv",
author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license = "see context related readme files"
+ license = "see context related readme files",
+-- preprocessors = { "nodes" }
-- this is still somewhat preliminary and it will get better in due time;
-- much functionality could only be implemented thanks to the husayni font
-- of Idris Samawi Hamid to who we dedicate this module.
@@ -9501,8 +9498,6 @@ local insert_node_after = node.insert_after
local delete_node = nodes.delete
local copy_node = node.copy
local find_node_tail = node.tail or node.slide
-local set_attribute = node.set_attribute
-local has_attribute = node.has_attribute
local flush_node_list = node.flush_list
local setmetatableindex = table.setmetatableindex
@@ -9734,80 +9729,6 @@ local function getcomponentindex(start)
--- local function toligature(kind,lookupname,start,stop,char,markflag,discfound) -- brr head
--- if start == stop and start.char == char then
--- start.char = char
--- return start
--- elseif discfound then
--- local prev = start.prev
--- local next =
--- start.prev = nil
--- = nil
--- local base = copy_glyph(start)
--- base.char = char
--- base.subtype = ligature_code
--- base.components = start -- start can have components
--- if prev then
--- = base
--- end
--- if next then
--- next.prev = base
--- end
--- = next
--- base.prev = prev
--- return base
--- else
--- -- start is the ligature
--- local deletemarks = markflag ~= "mark"
--- local prev = start.prev
--- local next =
--- local base = copy_glyph(start)
--- local current, start = insert_node_after(start,start,base)
--- -- [start->current][copyofstart->start]...[stop]
--- = next
--- if next then
--- next.prev = current
--- end
--- start.prev = nil
--- = nil
--- current.char = char
--- current.subtype = ligature_code
--- current.components = start
--- local head = current
--- -- this is messy ... we should get rid of the components eventually
--- local baseindex = 0
--- local componentindex = 0
--- while start do
--- local char = start.char
--- if not marks[char] then
--- baseindex = baseindex + componentindex
--- componentindex = getcomponentindex(start)
--- elseif not deletemarks then -- quite fishy
--- set_attribute(start,ligacomp,baseindex + (has_attribute(start,ligacomp) or componentindex))
--- if trace_marks then
--- logwarning("%s: keep mark %s, gets index %s",pref(kind,lookupname),gref(char),has_attribute(start,ligacomp))
--- end
--- head, current = insert_node_after(head,current,copy_glyph(start)) -- unlikely that mark has components
--- end
--- start =
--- end
--- start =
--- while start and == glyph_code do -- hm, is id test needed ?
--- local char = start.char
--- if marks[char] then
--- set_attribute(start,ligacomp,baseindex + (has_attribute(start,ligacomp) or componentindex))
--- if trace_marks then
--- logwarning("%s: keep mark %s, gets index %s",pref(kind,lookupname),gref(char),has_attribute(start,ligacomp))
--- end
--- else
--- break
--- end
--- start =
--- end
--- return head
--- end
--- end
local function toligature(kind,lookupname,start,stop,char,markflag,discfound) -- brr head
if start == stop and start.char == char then
start.char = char
@@ -9842,9 +9763,9 @@ local function toligature(kind,lookupname,start,stop,char,markflag,discfound) --
baseindex = baseindex + componentindex
componentindex = getcomponentindex(start)
elseif not deletemarks then -- quite fishy
- set_attribute(start,ligacomp,baseindex + (has_attribute(start,ligacomp) or componentindex))
+ start[ligacomp] = baseindex + (start[ligacomp] or componentindex)
if trace_marks then
- logwarning("%s: keep mark %s, gets index %s",pref(kind,lookupname),gref(char),has_attribute(start,ligacomp))
+ logwarning("%s: keep mark %s, gets index %s",pref(kind,lookupname),gref(char),start[ligacomp])
head, current = insert_node_after(head,current,copy_node(start)) -- unlikely that mark has components
@@ -9854,9 +9775,9 @@ local function toligature(kind,lookupname,start,stop,char,markflag,discfound) --
while start and == glyph_code do -- hm, is id test needed ?
local char = start.char
if marks[char] then
- set_attribute(start,ligacomp,baseindex + (has_attribute(start,ligacomp) or componentindex))
+ start[ligacomp] = baseindex + (start[ligacomp] or componentindex)
if trace_marks then
- logwarning("%s: keep mark %s, gets index %s",pref(kind,lookupname),gref(char),has_attribute(start,ligacomp))
+ logwarning("%s: keep mark %s, gets index %s",pref(kind,lookupname),gref(char),start[ligacomp])
@@ -10132,7 +10053,7 @@ function handlers.gpos_mark2ligature(start,kind,lookupname,markanchors,sequence)
- local index = has_attribute(start,ligacomp)
+ local index = start[ligacomp]
local baseanchors = descriptions[basechar]
if baseanchors then
baseanchors = baseanchors.anchors
@@ -10178,13 +10099,10 @@ function handlers.gpos_mark2mark(start,kind,lookupname,markanchors,sequence)
local markchar = start.char
if marks[markchar] then
local base = start.prev -- [glyph] [basemark] [start=mark]
- -- while base and has_attribute(base,ligacomp) and has_attribute(base,ligacomp) ~= has_attribute(start,ligacomp) do
- -- base = base.prev -- KE: prevents mkmk for marks on different components of a ligature
- -- end
- local slc = has_attribute(start,ligacomp)
+ local slc = start[ligacomp]
if slc then -- a rather messy loop ... needs checking with husayni
while base do
- local blc = has_attribute(base,ligacomp)
+ local blc = base[ligacomp]
if blc and blc ~= slc then
base = base.prev
@@ -10233,7 +10151,7 @@ function handlers.gpos_mark2mark(start,kind,lookupname,markanchors,sequence)
function handlers.gpos_cursive(start,kind,lookupname,exitanchors,sequence) -- to be checked
- local alreadydone = cursonce and has_attribute(start,cursbase)
+ local alreadydone = cursonce and start[cursbase]
if not alreadydone then
local done = false
local startchar = start.char
@@ -10782,7 +10700,7 @@ function chainprocs.gpos_mark2ligature(start,stop,kind,chainname,currentcontext,
-- todo: like marks a ligatures hash
- local index = has_attribute(start,ligacomp)
+ local index = start[ligacomp]
local baseanchors = descriptions[basechar].anchors
if baseanchors then
local baseanchors = baseanchors['baselig']
@@ -10824,7 +10742,7 @@ end
function chainprocs.gpos_mark2mark(start,stop,kind,chainname,currentcontext,lookuphash,currentlookup,chainlookupname)
local markchar = start.char
if marks[markchar] then
---~ local alreadydone = markonce and has_attribute(start,markmark)
+--~ local alreadydone = markonce and start[markmark]
--~ if not alreadydone then
-- local markanchors = descriptions[markchar].anchors markanchors = markanchors and markanchors.mark
local subtables = currentlookup.subtables
@@ -10835,13 +10753,10 @@ function chainprocs.gpos_mark2mark(start,stop,kind,chainname,currentcontext,look
if markanchors then
local base = start.prev -- [glyph] [basemark] [start=mark]
- -- while (base and has_attribute(base,ligacomp) and has_attribute(base,ligacomp) ~= has_attribute(start,ligacomp)) do
- -- base = base.prev -- KE: prevents mkmk for marks on different components of a ligature
- -- end
- local slc = has_attribute(start,ligacomp)
+ local slc = start[ligacomp]
if slc then -- a rather messy loop ... needs checking with husayni
while base do
- local blc = has_attribute(base,ligacomp)
+ local blc = base[ligacomp]
if blc and blc ~= slc then
base = base.prev
@@ -10892,7 +10807,7 @@ end
-- ! ! ! untested ! ! !
function chainprocs.gpos_cursive(start,stop,kind,chainname,currentcontext,lookuphash,currentlookup,chainlookupname)
- local alreadydone = cursonce and has_attribute(start,cursbase)
+ local alreadydone = cursonce and start[cursbase]
if not alreadydone then
local startchar = start.char
local subtables = currentlookup.subtables
@@ -11557,7 +11472,7 @@ local function featuresprocessor(head,font,attr)
local id =
if id == glyph_code then
if start.font == font and start.subtype<256 then
- local a = has_attribute(start,0)
+ local a = start[0]
if a then
a = a == attr
@@ -11609,11 +11524,11 @@ local function featuresprocessor(head,font,attr)
local id =
if id == glyph_code then
if start.font == font and start.subtype<256 then
- local a = has_attribute(start,0)
+ local a = start[0]
if a then
- a = (a == attr) and (not attribute or has_attribute(start,state,attribute))
+ a = (a == attr) and (not attribute or start[state] == attribute)
- a = not attribute or has_attribute(start,state,attribute)
+ a = not attribute or start[state] == attribute
if a then
local lookupmatch = lookupcache[start.char]
@@ -11682,11 +11597,11 @@ local function featuresprocessor(head,font,attr)
local id =
if id == glyph_code then
if start.font == font and start.subtype<256 then
- local a = has_attribute(start,0)
+ local a = start[0]
if a then
- a = (a == attr) and (not attribute or has_attribute(start,state,attribute))
+ a = (a == attr) and (not attribute or start[state] == attribute)
- a = not attribute or has_attribute(start,state,attribute)
+ a = not attribute or start[state] == attribute
if a then
for i=1,ns do