%D \module [ %D file=t-rst, %D version=0.6c ‘It’s the Arts’, %D title=\CONTEXT\ User Module, %D subtitle=reStructuredText, %D author=Philipp Gesang, %D date=\currentdate, %D copyright=Philipp Gesang, %D license=2-clause BSD, %D ] %M \usemodule [rst] %M \usemodule [int-load] %M \loadsetups [t-letterspace.xml] %C Read the license conditions in the file \type{COPYING}. %M \definecolor [gutenred] [x=bf221f] % rubrication from digitized Göttingen Gutenberg bible %M \setupinteraction [contrastcolor=gutenred,color=gutenred] %M %M \define\beautifyshowsetups{% %M \unexpanded \def \setupnumfont {\rm}% %M \unexpanded \def \setuptxtfont {\rm}% %M \unexpanded \def \setupintfont {\rm\sc\Word}% %M \unexpanded \def \setupvarfont {\rm\it}% %M \unexpanded \def \setupoptfont {\rm\it}% %M \unexpanded \def \setupalwcolor {gutenred}% %M \unexpanded \def \setupoptcolor {gutenred}% %M \defineframedtext [setuptext] [ %M frame=off, %M background=color, %M backgroundcolor=gray:2, %M width=\hsize, %M height=fit, %M align=right, %M offset=0.75em, %M ]% %M } %M %M \let \Oldshowsetup \showsetup %M %M \define [1] \showsetup {% %M \bgroup \beautifyshowsetups% %M \Oldshowsetup{#1}% %M \egroup% %M } \writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt User Module / reStructuredText} \unprotect \startinterface all \setinterfacevariable {RST} {RST} \stopinterface \definenamespace [\v!RST] [ type=module, comment=reStructuredText module, version=0.6c, name=\v!RST, style=\v!no, command=\v!yes, setup=\v!list, parent=\v!RST, ] %D Loading the reStructuredText parser. \ctxloadluafile{rst_parser} %D Easy way to define a global test setting. Activated %D by \type{\usemodule[rst][test=yes]}. \startmoduletestsection \ctxlua{thirddata.rst_helpers.rst_debug = true} \stopmoduletestsection %D To process inline reST markup we’ll have to reset all catcodes %D except for grouping, escaping and cs arguments. \newcatcodetable \RST_catcodes \startcatcodetable \RST_catcodes \catcode`\^^I = 12 \catcode`\^^M = 12 \catcode`\^^L = 12 \catcode`\ = 12 \catcode`\^^Z = 12 \catcode`\\ = 0 \catcode`\% = 12 \catcode`\# = 6 \catcode`\_ = 12 \catcode`\^ = 12 \catcode`\& = 12 \catcode`\| = 12 \catcode`\{ = 1 \catcode`\} = 2 \catcode`\~ = 12 \catcode`\$ = 12 \stopcatcodetable %D \section {User-level Commands} %D %D \subsection{Typesetting reST-Files} %D %D \macros %D {typesetRSTfile} %D %D This command loads and processes an \type{*.rst} file. %D All necessary setups for the elements to be used (e.g. tables) %D have to be specified {\em before} this macro is called. %D As \type{\typesetRSTfile} is intended to process a single file %D only, it will handle \type{\start|stoptext} automatically. %D Thus, the user should never supply any of these manually, %D neither before nor after \type{\typesetRSTfile}. %D %D We now handle rogue utf-8 byte order marks on demand, just set %D the optional parameter \type{stripBOM} to {\em true}. %D %D There also is an option \type{expandtab} to convert tabs %D (ascii 0x09) to indents prior to converting reST input. The %D expansion width defaults to {\em 4} and can be configured %D through the parameter \type{shiftwidth} (takes an integer). %D %D \showsetup{typesetRSTfile} \def\do_typeset_RST_file[#1]#2{% \iffirstargument \getparameters[RST][#1]% \doifdefined{RSTstripBOM} {\ctxlua{thirddata.rst.strip_BOM = \RSTstripBOM}}% \doifdefined{RSTexpandtab} {\ctxlua{thirddata.rst.expandtab = \RSTexpandtab}}% \doifdefined{RSTshiftwidth}{\ctxlua{thirddata.rst.shiftwidth = \RSTshiftwidth}}% \fi \ctxlua{thirddata.rst.do_rst_file("#2")}% } \def\typesetRSTfile{% \dosingleempty\do_typeset_RST_file% } %D \subsection{Typesetting Inline Snippets} %D %D reST markup can be handy in situations where \CONTEXT\ markup %D would result in unappropriately verbose source code, e.g. when %D typesetting tables with simple layout. %D %D \macros %D {RST,startRST} %D %D The environment \type{\[start|stop]RST} and the macro %D \type{\RST} allow access to reST-parser from inside a %D \CONTEXT\ document when the module is loaded. %D %D \showsetup{RST} %D \showsetup{startRST} % Wolfgang’s code below. \unexpanded \def \startRST{% \begingroup \setcatcodetable \RST_catcodes \do_start_RST% } \let \stopRST \relax \def \do_start_RST#1\stopRST{% \endgroup% \ctxlua{thirddata.rst.do_rst_snippet(\!!bs#1\!!es)}% } \def \RST{% \begingroup \setcatcodetable \RST_catcodes \do_RST% } \def \do_RST#1{% \endgroup% \ctxlua{thirddata.rst.do_rst_snippet(\!!bs#1\!!es)}% } %D \subsection{Including multiple reST files} %D %D \macros %D {defineRSTinclusion,startRSTproject,RSTinclusion} %D %D When content is split among multiple files, these macros allow %D for including them in arbitrary order. Note that setups from %D previous includes, unless overwritten, will remain defined. %D \type{\defineRSTinclusion} takes three arguments: the first one %D will be the identifier that can be used to refer to the actual %D inclusion, which is specified via the second argument as a %D filename. The third optional argument receives the usual %D setups \type{stripBOM}, \type{expandtab} and %D \type{shiftwidth}. %D %D Defined inclusions can be typeset only within an the %D \type{\startRSTproject} environment using the macro %D \type{RSTinclusion}. Between those inclusion all kinds of %D \TEX\ code except for \type{\starttext} and \type{\stoptext} %D are permitted. \def\do_define_RST_inclusion[#1][#2][#3]{% \ifthirdargument \getparameters[RST][#3]% \doifdefined{RSTstripBOM} {\ctxlua{thirddata.rst.strip_BOM = \RSTstripBOM}}% \doifdefined{RSTexpandtab} {\ctxlua{thirddata.rst.expandtab = \RSTexpandtab}}% \doifdefined{RSTshiftwidth}{\ctxlua{thirddata.rst.shiftwidth = \RSTshiftwidth}}% \fi \ifsecondargument \ctxlua{thirddata.rst.do_rst_inclusion("#1", "#2")}% \fi% } \def\defineRSTinclusion{% \dotripleempty\do_define_RST_inclusion% } \def\do_RST_inclusion[#1]{% \iffirstargument \ctxlua{thirddata.rst.get_rst_inclusion("#1")}% \fi% } \def\do_RST_setups{% \ctxlua{thirddata.rst.do_rst_setups()}% } \def\startRSTproject{ \begingroup \def\RSTinclusion{\dosingleempty\do_RST_inclusion} \do_RST_setups \starttext% } \def\stopRSTproject{ \stoptext \endgroup \endinput } \protect \endinput % vim:ft=context:sw=2:ts=2