============== General Advice ============== Read the section *Features Not Implemented* in the manual first. *Note*: if you happen to read this on BitBucket, the error messages some lines below just mean that *their* implementation doesn’t understand TeX directives. Don’t worry, |rstcontext| does. ===== Usage ===== As rstConTeXt was developed on *texlua*, you may expect it to run best with this interpreter. For now the script accepts two command line arguments: the input file and the output file: :: $texlua rst_parser.lua doc/documentation.rst man.tex This should get you the manual converted to a file ``man.tex`` which you can through |CONTEXT| now. You will find extended instructions on how to build the manual with some cosmetic improvements in the section *Usage* of the manual itself. ======= License ======= |rstcontext| is free software and may be redistributed under the terms of the 2-clause BSD license. You should have recieved a copy of this license in a file named “COPYING” in the source tree. If there is no such file then please contact the maintainer_ (Contact_). ======= Contact ======= |rstcontext| was written by Philipp Gesang, ``megas.kapaneus`` at ``gmail`` dot ``com`` (find me on BitBucket_). .. |rstcontext| ctx:: {\em rst}\kern.5pt\CONTEXT .. |CONTEXT| ctx:: \CONTEXT .. _BitBucket: http://bitbucket.org/phg .. _maintainer: Contact_