················································································ · Automata for ConTeXt · ················································································ ····· What? ···································································· This module provides a means of drawing cellular automata in your context documents, preferably as backgrounds for presentations. Currently, two kinds of automata are supported: Conway's Game of Life and Elementary Cellular Automata. In both cases custom initial states can be loaded as well as the rules governing the automaton's progress. Examples: https://gitlab.com/phgsng/context-automata-backgrounds/wikis/examples ····· How? ····································································· Install the Automata package by copying the content of the “module/” directory into the “texmf-local” of your context distribution; e.g. $ cp -r modules/tex/ ~/context/tex/texmf-local/ if you happen to have the context minimals installed in you $HOME dir. Have a look at the usage examples to get an overview. The usage does not significantly differ from the other styles the Simple Slides package provides. You might want to tweak the color definitions in “simpleslides-s-Automata.tex” and adapt them for your particular use case. Also, try the command line tool “run.lua” from the directory “misc/”. Put it to some safe directory together with the scripts from “module/tex/context/third/simpleslides/automata/automata-eca.lua” and invoke it on one of the examples: $ texlua run.lua --file=sships.gol --n=90 $ texlua run.lua --file=w50m.eca --n=20 --rule=182 ····· May I … ? ································································ This code is licensed under the GNU GPL v.2 (no later versions) as is the Simple Slides module. Have a look at the file “COPYING” to find out more. ····· Who? ····································································· Written by Philipp Gesang, blame all bugs on him. (Actually, I'd appreciate your reporting a bug to me.) https://www.phi-gamma.net string.format("%s@%s", "phg", "phi-gamma.net") ····· Why? ····································································· Why not? ················································································